FORAMINIFERA COLLECTED NEAR THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS BY THE STEAxMER ALBATROSS IN 1902 BY RUFUS MATHER BAGG, Jr. Of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois No. 1603. — From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXXIV, pages 113-172, with Plate V Published April 28, 1908 Washington Government Printing Office 1-908 6 3.3. 1 Zw B \ B ^r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates FORAMINIFERA COLLECTED NEAR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS BY THE STEAMER ALBATROSS IN 1902. By Rufus Mather Bagg, Jr., Of the University of Illinois , Urhana, Illinois. While the examination of this material was in progress, after about 100 species of Foraminifera had been identified and described, almost the entire collection was destroyed by fire and the original scale of the report thus had to be abandoned. It is possible to give only a summary of the results derived from a study of the material saved from the fire, which consists of 19 bottles containing chiefly typical Globigerina and Pulvinulina ooze. The species, over 200 in number, represent 54 genera and are mostly characteristic of warm waters in tropical oceans. The following method was used in the examination of the ma- terial: On a fine-grained cloth of double thickness in a long porce- lain tray were poured the contents of each vial. Additional alcohol was used to thoroughly wash this ooze, and the Foraminifera were spread out on the cloth, which was then lifted out and dried over a lamp. The shells were easily shaken from the dried cloth, not dried together in lumps, and a soft brush removed from the cloth the very finest portion of the ooze that might be left after shaking. The forms thus selected were clean and white and could be spread out on black cardboard for microscopic examination. The remainder of the alcoholic solution, with the finest mud and ooze, was allowed to settle in the tray, and, with the label, was returned to the bottle from which it had been taken. With this method any radiolaria or diatoms that may have been present were left in the solution and can be further studied. The mechanical sediment likewise was saved, and the frag- ments of any other organisms that might be present. It was found best to examine most of the material in reflected light, and the tests were most readily studied upon a black background, for which pur- pose I used thick glossy cardboard which had been glued to a glass slide. Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Vol. XXXI V-No. 1603. Proc. N. M. vol. xxxiv — 08 8 j, l 9 3 6 3 113 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM . VOL. XXXIV. The mounting and extraction of Foraminifera can be accomplished in many ways. An excellent description of such work is to be found in Chapman’s The Foraminifera (chap, xix, pp. 291-326). It is, however, rather expensive and tedious to mount on separate cover under glass every species recognized, and I therefore used the follow- ing method : The specimen to be preserved was fastened with strong glue upon a slip of heavy white paper which had been blackened with india ink where the specimen was to be mounted. On this slip of paper was put also the number and description of the dredging sta- tion and the name of the species mounted. Two specimens upon dif- ferent surfaces are generally all that is required for future use, although it is desirable to have a side aspect of the test, and this re- quires some skill to keep the form in place until it is permanently fixed. If in future these forms are wanted for other purposes they can readily be detached by strong vinegar and washed quickly in alcohol and water. A wet brush enables one to pick up the tiny shells with considerable rapidity and to hold them in any desired position while studying them. Only brief descriptions of species have been given in most instances in this report, but new forms and also some of the more important known types have been discussed quite fully. The new forms are bottled separately and marked “ Type,” and have been deposited in the U. S. National Museum. While I have not separately mounted from every bottle of dredgings each species as it repeatedly occurred, every form identified has been selected and mounted by the method described, and in many instances a single form has been prepared again and again as particularly instructive and characteristic. In the arrangement of the classification of species given in this paper we have followed the order adopted by the British authorities on the Rhizopoda, W. K. Parker, T. R. Jones, W. B. Carpenter, and amended by H. B. Brady and the later writers, C. D. Sherborn and Frederick Chapman. The first reference of each form listed is that of the original descrip- tion of the species. Much valuable information has been obtained from the exhaustive monographs by Prof. H. B. Brady in the Chal- lenger Report, and by Dr. Alexander Goes on Arctic and Scandi- navian recent marine Foraminifera®, and the excellent report on recent Foraminifera by Dr. James M. Flint 6 . Mention should be made also of such invaluable works as Williamson’s Recent Foramini- fera of Great Britain (Ray Society, 1858) ; Brady, Parker, and Jones on some Foraminifera from Abrohlos Bank (1888) Chapman’s The a Kongl. Svensk. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, XXV, No. 9, Stockholm, 1894. b Report of the U. S. National Museum for 1897. NO. 1603. FORA MINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 115 Foraminifera (1902) ; and d’Orbigny’s Foraminifera of the Vienna Basin (1846), which have been found indispensable. There are some anomalies concerning the bathymetric range of a number of species mentioned in this report. The occurrence of few deep-water types in those stations beyond 1,000 fathoms is not easily accounted for, but it must be remembered that many of these Fora- minifera are of almost universal distribution, and some that are rec- ognized and described are not at all common or abundant and would not be considered as determining the probable depth of the ocean from whence they came. Systematists on the Foraminifera can not be too careful on this point. It is well known that the temperature of the great oceans is fairly constant below a few hundred fathoms, and the distribution of life is on the whole quite largely dependent upon the distribution of the food supply as well as upon temperature of the water in which these organisms live. Then again some forms are pelagic in habit and can easily be found after death in bottom material in an occasional specimen. It is but proper to state that we have considerable evidence of rather shallow water, say not over 500 fathoms, in the material studied, while the facts show that a number of the stations are considerably over 1,000 fathoms in depth. Those species which reach their maximum development and are most abundant in each station determine more safely the relative depth than do any occasional specimens obtained from the same locality. Bryozoa, Mollusca, both lamellibranchs and gastropods, are found in a number of bottles, also fragments of shells from stations below 200 fathoms, and this is rather hard to explain unless they have been carried outward by tidal or other ocean currents in rapid motion. The greatest variety of forms was obtained at Station 4694, from which 62 species were determined. The smallest number (4) came from Station 4579, where the material was chiefly mechanical sedi- ment. Mollusca were present in some of the . dredgings, particularly tiny gastropods, with an occasional lamellibranch, often very beauti- fully colored. Ostracoda of several genera were quite prominent. Diatoms and radiolarians in a few instances were met with, also fragments of corals and bryozoans. In a few bottles small mouth plates of fishes were present. There were a large number of sponge spicules (siliceous), and in some bottles fragments of volcanic glass and land-derived sand grains with opalescent quartz. Phosphatic nodules which dissolve very readily in acids appear in some localities. Most of the Foraminifera in this collection belong to calcareous types with perforate tests, but the Miliolidse are well represented in some stations. The species Candeina nitida , Globigerina cequilater- alis , Globigerina bulloides , Orbulina universa , Pulvinulina menardii , and Pulvinulina micheliniana are present in nearly every station’s 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. dredgings. The genus Bolivina: is represented by many species and they are abundant in nearly all instances. The genera Bigenemna , Bolivina , Pulvinulina , Sagraina , Uvigerina , and Virgulina have each a new species. Stations represented, in Foraminifera collections. [D. = Dredging station; H. = Hydrographic station.] Albatross station number. Depth in fathoms. No. of species. Remarks. D. 4000... 104-213 55 Coarse concretionary shell material. D. 4017. . . 305 47 Fine foraminiferal ooze. D. 4025... 275-368 44 Fine Globigerina ooze, Pulvinulinse of menardii type, not abundant. D. 4174... 735-865 45 Typical Globigerina ooze. H.4430... 1,544 47 P. menardii abundant and typical. H.4440... 1,259 34 Diatoms present, fine silt and ooze. H.4476... 438 25 Very coarse shell material, Globigerinse few, Amphistegina abundant. H. 4502... 1,342 36 Gray Globigerina ooze, G. rubra very abundant. H.4508... 495 52 Phosphatic nodules, Uvigerinse common. H.4555... 1,398 41 Brown fine silt. P. menardii abundant. H. 4566... 572 58 Typical Globigerina ooze. Pulvinulina abundant and beautiful. H. 4567 1,307 51 Pulvinulinse abundant. H.4568... 1,274 41 Diatoms; Pulvinulinse not abundant. H.4571. . . 384 41 Gray Globigerina ooze. G. sacculifera very abundant. H.4579... 387 4 A few gastropods and small shells. H.4585... 689 40 G. conglobata abundant. Considerable black sand present. H.4590... 978 28 Fine silty ooze. H.4694... 865 62 Typical Globigerina ooze. H. 4696. . . 367 47 Cristellarise abundant. Illustrations of the new species described are shown on Plate V, which will be found at the end of the paper. DESCRIPTIVE LIST. Family MILIOLID^E. Subfamily NUBBCULARIIN^. Genus NUBECULARIA. NUB ECU LARI A INFLATA Brady. Nubecularia inflata Brady, Chal. Kept., IX, 1884, p. 185, pi. i, figs. 5-8. “ Test consisting of a few misshapen, inflated segments, irregularly combined; aperture either single and simple, or more usually con- sisting of a number of rounded orifices variously placed.”® What appears to be identical with the form above described was found at Station D. 1000. & The Challenger specimens were from the Honolulu coral reefs, 40 fathoms, and various islands to the south and west. “Brady, Chal. Report, IX, p. 135. b All stations cited in this paper are those of the Bureau of Fisheries steamer Albatross unless otherwise mentioned. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA W A IIA N ISLANDS— BA G G. 117 Subfamily MILIOLININ^]. Genus BILOCULINA. BILOCULINA BULLOIDES d’Orbigny. Biloculina bulloides d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 1, 1820, p. 297, pi. xvi, figs. 1-4. Thick-shelled globose test with highly inflated segments and cir- cular aperture. The species belong to moderate depths and has been obtained in all the great oceans rather sparingly, but is more common in the North Atlantic. Occurs as stated above, and is best developed at depths ranging from 300 to about 1,000 fathoms. In the neighborhood of the New Guinea Islands this foraminifer has been obtained in very shoal waters. It is present at Albatross Stations D. 4000, D. 4025, H. 4555, and H. 4696. BILOCULINA COMATA Brady. Biloculina comata Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 45. Similar to Biloculina bulloides , but with the surface covered by longitudinal striations, and the shell of large dimensions. Found with other biloculine forms in the North Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Pare in the dredgings we have studied. Present only at Station D. 4000. BILOCULINA DEPRESSA d’Orbigny. Biloculina depressa d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 7, 1826, p. 298, modele No. 91. Margin thin and angular, shell depressed as the name implies. The form is closely related to Biloculina ringens , but the latter has less sharply defined margin and a different aperture. If the foraminifers described and figured by Terquem and Berthe- lin from the Lias of Essey-les-Nancy under the name Biloculina lias- sica are identical with the present form the species occurs much earlier geologically than any of its congenitors. Its recent distribu- tion is similar to that of Biloculina bulloides given above. It was found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4502, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4568, H. 4585, and H. 4590. BILOCULINA DEPRESSA var. MURRHYNA Schwager. Biloculina murrliyna Schwager, Novara-Exped., Geol. Theil, II, 1866, p. 203, pi. vi, figs. 15 a-c. A variety of Biloculina depressa characterized by two angular spinous projections near the base of the test and placed symmetri- .cally apart from the median line. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. This variety would appear to be rare, judging from the Challenger investigations, as Professor Brady mentions but four localities, two each from the North and South Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Dr. C. Schwager’s specimens came from the Pliocene of Nicobar Islands. This form was found at Station H. 4502, and was abundant at Sta- tion H. 4555. BILOCULINA IRREGULARIS d’Orbigny. Biloculina irregularis d’Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., 1839, p. 67, pi. viii, figs. 22-24. This species does not reveal the characteristic biloculine habit of growth in its adult stage, but the test is globose and there are two major segments in the final development which are similar to Bilo- culina bulloides in their shape and position. The asymmetry ap- pears from the third segment, cutting one side obliquely like Poly- morphina types and appearing as a faint line on the outer surface of the shell neither depressed nor elevated. Biloculina ventricosa Reuss, is the same as this species, which can be distinguished from Biloculina sphaera by its milioline aperture and the extension of the ultimate chamber. The Challenger dredged this foraminifer from the neighborhood of the Canaries in 1,125 fathoms; off Sombrero Island, 450 fathoms; south of Pernambuco, 350 fathoms, and in mid-ocean in the South Atlantic from 1,415 fathoms. It was also obtained near the Fiji, Tahiti, and Papua islands at depths of 610, 620, and 1,070 fathoms, respectively. The Albatross found it only at Station 4696, where it was rare. The Septaria clays of Hermsdorf near Berlin and the salt beds of Wieliczka have furnished the species among other fossil Forami- nifera. BILOCULINA ELONGATA d’Orbigny. Biloculina elongate d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 4, 1826, p. 298. Test resembling Biloculina ringens in outline and aperture but longer and much narrower, as the name implies. The species appears to be the equivalent of Bioculina bougainvillei and B. patagonica of d’Orbigny. The shell shows considerable variation, chiefly in amount of elongation and globosity. Unlimited in distribution and depth, but most abundant in the South Pacific. Specimens were obtained at Stations D. 4017, D. 4025, and H. 4567. no. 1603. FORA MINIFERA FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS— B AGO. 119 Genus SPIROLOCULINA. SPIROLOCULINA ACUTIMARGO Brady. Spiroloculina acutimargo Brady, Chal. Rept., IX, 1884, p. 154, pi. x, fig. 12-15. The carinate peripheral margin of this thin complanate foraminifer is its chief characteristic. It has been obtained at Bermuda, 435 fathoms, four stations in the South Atlantic, 350 to 1,425 fathoms, and three localities in the South Pacific, 15 to 255 fathoms, and also in shore sands of Madagascar. Present rarely at Stations D. 4174, D. 4025, and H. 4694. SPIROLOCULINA GRATA Terquem. Spiroloculina grata Terquem, Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, I, 1878, p. 55, pi. x, figs. 14, 15. A thin complanate Spiroloculina with striate surface and common in coral reef material down to 400 or 500 fathoms. First described in the Tertiary of the island of Rhodes. Occurs at Stations D. 4017, H. 4567, and H. 4694. SPIROLOCULINA LIMBATA d’Orbigny. Spiroloculina limbata d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 12, 1826, p. 299. Common in shallow water and found down to 400 fathoms in tropical and subtropical oceans. Known also from the Septaria Clay of Germany and in the later formations of Italy and Sicily. Found at Station D. 4017 only ; depth, 305 fathoms. SPIROLOCULINA NITIDA d’Orbigny. Spiroloculina nitida d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 4, 1826, p. 298. Common in coral tropical sands and in the inland Japan and Mediterranean seas. Found at Station D. 4017 only; depth, 305 fathoms. SPIROLOCULINA PLANULATA (Lamarck). Miliolites planulata Lamarck, Ann. du Museum, V, No. 4, 1805, p. 352; Anim. Sans Vert., VII, No. 4, 1822, p. 613. With the exception of two soundings mentioned by Parker and Jones, this species is limited to shoal waters in temperate and sub- tropical oceans. It is rather common also in coral shoal water sands in the Pacific and Indian oceans and Red Sea. Found at Stations D. 4025, H. 4508, and H. 4694. 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. SPIROLOCULINA TENUIS (Czjzek). Quinqueloculina tenuis Czjzek, Haidinger’s Nat. Abhandl., II, 1847, p. 149, pi. xiii, figs. 31-34. Inhabiting all great oceans. Abundant in the -South Pacific but less common in the North Pacific, and known from depths of a few fathoms down to 2,750. Professor Brady writes that the finest speci- mens come from moderate depths. Fossil in the Austrian Tertiary. Occurs at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, H. 4440, H. 4571, H. 4590, and H. 4696. Genus MILIOLINA. MILIOLINA BICORNIS var. ELEGANS Williamson. Miliolina Mcornis var. elegans Williamson, Recent Foram. Gt. Britain, 1858, p. 88, pi. vii, fig. 195. Differs from the type M. bicornis in the regular symmetry of its chambers and in the uniform size and regular parallelism of the sur- face grooves. This striate form is rarely found at depths greater than 50 fath- oms. The method of growth as shown by Schlumberger is in. accord with that of d’Orbigny’s genus Adelosina , in which the megasphere j.s completely enveloped by the first chamber, which becomes lenticular. It then passes through the biloculine, milioline, triloculine, quadriloc- uline, and quinqueloculine stages. Our form very closely represents this quinqueloculine form and the aperture is in the end on a con- siderably lengthened tube. Unfortunately we have but one broken specimen of this interesting species. Miliolina bicornis is fossil in the London clay and the Paris Basin Eocene. MILIOLINA CUVIERIANA (d’Orbigny). Quinqueloculina cuvieriana d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 164, pi. xi, figs. 19-21. Test consisting of five segments with sharp or subcarinate margins and smooth unornamented surface. It is the same as Q. lamarckiana figured on the same plate (figs. 14, 15). A shallow tropical water species particularly known around the region of Japan, the Phil- ippines, and the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. While it is one of the most common Miliolinse in the Albatross material, the number of specimens in each locality is small. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4555, II. 4590, and H. 4694. NO. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BA GG. 121 MILIOLINA LINNiEANA (d’Orbigny). Triloculina linnceana d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 153, pi. ix, figs. 11-13. “ Under the name Triloculina linnceana , d’Orbigny depicts ° a modification or variety of Miliolina pulchella , which takes the place to a great extent of the typical form in tropical seas. It differs from Miliolina pulchella in its comparatively thin and outspread contour, which sometimes approaches that of S 'piroloculina, the costae being few, thick, and well marked. A nearly identical form is described in the Vienna Basin memoir with the name Quinqueloculina josephina.” h Limited to shallow tropical waters. Occurs at Stations D. 4174 and H. 4568. MILIOLINA OBLONGA (Montagu). Vermiculum oblonga Montagu, Test. Britain, 1803, p. 522, pi. xiv, fig. 9. A cosmopolitan species known from all areas and depths, but best developed in shallow temperate seas. Found at Station D. 4000 only. MILIOLINA PARKERI Brady. Miliolina parkeri Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 46. Surface of the segments crenulated and sharply angled at their margins. With the exception of forms from the Red Sea this species is a coral reef form in the tropical region of the Pacific Ocean. Occurs at Stations D. 4000, FL 4566, and H. 4694. MILIOLINA SEPARANS Brady. Miliolina separans Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 45. An anomalous wild-growing form like Quinqueloculina linnceana partly unrolled. Limited to very shallow water of the tropical Pa- cific. Found at Station D. 4174 only. MILIOLINA SEMINULUM (Linnaeus). Serpula seminulum Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1767, p. 1264 ; 13th (Gmelin’s) ed., 1788, p. 3739. ° Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 153. 6 Brady, Chal. Kept., IX, p. 174. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. MILIOLINA SEMINULUM var. DISCIFORMIS Williamson. Miliolina seminulum var. disciformis Williamson, Recent Foram. Gt. Britain, 1858, p. 86, pi. vn, figs. 188, 189'. Resembling the typical form but more complanate and with broader, shorter segments, frequently emarginate at their umbilical borders and possessing transverse ridges of growth which are lacking in the typical species. Common along the English coast in shell sand. Occurs in every latitude and is known from all depths. Geo- logically its history dates from the early Eocene. Not very common, but present at Stations D. 4017 and H. 4694. MILIOLINA TRICARINATA (d’Orbigny). Triloculina tricarinata b’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 290, No. 7, modele, No. 94. Tricarinate miliolince are not at all rare, but this species is more widely distributed than its related form M. trigonula. The carinate feature is in M. tricarinata limited to the peripheral portion, the intervening portion being more or less gibbous, but the species is sub- ject to great variation and is perhaps easily confused with Miliolina trigonula. While having an almost unlimited geographical distribu- tion the species is also of great bathymetric range and is known from a few fathoms down to 2,350 fathoms. As a fossil, it is recorded from the early Tertiary. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4025, D. 4174, and H. 4694. MILIOLINA TRIGONULA (Lamarck). Miliolites trigonula Lamarck, Ann. du Museum, V, No. 3, 1804, p. 351 ; Anim. sans Vert., VII, No. 2, 1822, p. 612. Test regular triloculine, with smooth subspherical or elongate chambers and nearly circular end view. Distinguished from M. tricarinata by a difference in the roundness or angularity of the chambers. Of wide distribution in shoal waters, and more frequent in the temperate than in tropical regions. Absent in cold northern waters; found chiefly in temperate in-shore sands. Beyond 100 fathoms the form is said to be replaced by Miliolina tricarinata. Geological history, Tertiary to recent. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4568, and H. 4696. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIT AN ISLANDS— BA GG. 123 Subfamily HATJilRIIN'IlN'vlfi. Genus VERTEBRALINA. VERTEBRALINA INSIGNIS Brady. Vertebralina insignis Brady, dial. Kept., IX, 1884, p. 187, pi. xii, figs. 9-11. This rare species is known from off the Friendly Islands, 18 fathoms, in Torres Strait, 155 fathoms, and off the West Indies, 390 fathoms. Occurs at Station H. 4694 at a depth of 865 fathoms, which is its deepest recorded occurrence. Subfamily PENEROPLIDIN^S. Genus CORNUSPIRA. CORNUSPIRA FOLIACEA (Philippi). Orbis foliaceus Philippi, Enum. Moll. Sicil., II, 1844, p. 147, pi. xxiv, fig. 26. Test planospiral, with thin, flat, rapidly widening whorls, and while the surface has no decoration there are frequently curved transverse lines of growth as in many of the Gasteropoda. An allied form with carinate margin is Cornuspira carinata (Costa). Rare in Scandinavian waters and Greenland (Goes), not uncom- mon in the Pacific, and ranging from shallow depths down to about 1,500 fathoms. Professor Brady states that the best specimens come from depths between 300 and 600 fathoms. Present in the Eocene and later Tertiary. Recognized at Station D. 4017 only, but is not common. CORNUSPIRA INVOLVENS Reuss. Cornuspira involvens Reuss, Sitzungb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XLVIII, 1863 (1864), Pt. 1, p. 39, pi. i, fig. 2. Recognized by its rounded tubular whorls, which closely embrace each other and yet allow each whorl to be seen on either surface. Geological history from Tertiary to recent. Has probably been confused with Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammodisci, which it resem- bles. Dr. A. Goes records the form in the Arctic and Norwegian waters at depths ranging from 30 to 180 meters. A shallow water cosmopolitan species. Observed at Stations D. 4017 and D. 4174. Genus PENEROPLIS. PENEROPLIS PERTUSUS (Forskal). 'Nautilus pertusus Forskal, Descr. Anim., 1775, No. 65, p. 125. The genus Peneroplis , like Orbiculina , represents great variety of form and degree of compression and elongation of chambers without altering the segment arrangement or method of growth. For this reason and because of the transitional forms, it becomes necessary to separate the genus into several distinct types around which must 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. cluster the larger varieties of the type. The test of the genus Pene- roplis is a planospiral, crozier-shaped, imperforate calcareous (por- cellaneous) shell, and bilaterally symmetrical. An elaborate treatment of the genus is given by Dr. W. B. Carpenter in the Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera (pp. 84-92, pi. vii) . The surface of the shell is beautifully marked by transverse striae closely set and covering the entire surface, as a rule, but there are also occasional pits in the shell substance which resemble pores, though the shell is nevertheless imperforate. The genus can be well subdivided into the following types : A. Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal). Nautiloid moderately com- pressed, involute shell with dendritic aperture. B. Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll). Broad complanate forms, striated surface and with a single row of pores on the septal face. C. Peneroplis arietinus (Batsch). Chambers at first involute, later nodosarian and numerous. Aperture a series of pores on the compressed anterior margin. D. Peneroplis cylindraceus (Lamarck). Test less compressed than in P. arietinus and more nearly nodosarian. *E. Peneroplis lituus (Gmelin). Chambers few, cylindrical, no- dosarian, but slightly irregular and of uneven size. F. Peneroplis carinatus d’Orbigny. Near variety P. pertusus but more involute and with sharp periphery and less decorated surface. G. Peneroplis loevigatus. Karrer. This is the most compressed type, somewhat resembling Operculina adunca , and the latter whorls embrace nearly two-thirds of the shell. I find two types of the above genus, P. pertusus and P. planatus , the former occurring at Station 4017, the latter at Station 4694. PENEROPLIS PERTUSUS var. PLANATUS (Fichtel and Moll). Rautilus planatus Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 91, pi. xvi, figs. 1 d, c, /. Found only at Station H. 4694 and is rare. The genus is usually found at less than 30 fathoms. Tropical and subtropical waters at many localities. Its geological history dates from the lower Tertiary (Eocene of Paris Basin, etc.). Genus ORBICULINA. ORBICULINA ADUNCA (Fichtel and Moll). nautilus orMculus Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 112, pi. xxi. A tropical species usually in shoal waters. Its earliest appearance is in the early Tertiary. Found at Stations D. 4000 and H. 4694. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 125 Genus ORBITOLITES. ORBITOLITES COMPLANATA Lamarck. Orbitolites complanata Lamarck, Syst. Aiiirn. sans Vert., 1801, p. 376. An inhabitant of shallow tropical waters, occasionally so abun- dant that it becomes an important factor in the building of tropical coral islands. Occurs rather sparingly at Stations D. 4000, II. 4476, and H. 4566. ORBITOLITES MARGINALIS (Lamarck). Orbulites marginalis Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., II, No. 1, 1816, p. 196. Not quite so widely diffused as the species Orbitolites complanata . :, it is extensively found in warmer seas, and it is said by Doctor Car- penter to be more abundant where Orbiculina is rare, and the oppo- site. It obtained its maximum development in the early Tertiary, where specimens of enormous size and abundance are found. Not very common, but present at Stations D, 4000, II. 4476, and H. 4694. Family ASTRORHIZIDyE. SWbfamily RHABD AMMININ^J. Genus RHABDAMNINA. RHABD AM MINA DISCRETA Brady. Rhabdammina discreta Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 48. Occurs only at Station H. 4502. Family LITUOLIDiE. Subfamily LITTJOLIlSr^l. Genus REOPHAX. REOPHAX FUSIFORMIS (Williamson). Proteonina fusifor'mis Williamson, Recent Foram. Gt. Britain, 1858, p. 1, pi. i, fig. 1. Considered by Professor Brady to be a starved shallow- water variety of Reophax scorpiurius. Found in arctic and cold temperate zones and with sporadic occurrence in the Tropics at moderate depths down to 1,443 fathoms. Found at Station H. 4585. REOPHAX NODULOSA Brady. Reophax nodulosa Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1879, p. 52, pi. iv, figs. 7, 8. Cosmopolitan in area and bathymetric range. Found at Station H. 4585. 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. REOPHAX SCORPIURIUS Montfort. Reophax scorpiurius Montfort, Conchyl. Syst., I, 1808, p. 330, 83d genre. This species has a universal distribution and bathymetric range. Its geological history goes back to the Oolite. Found at Stations H. 4508, H. 4567, and H. 4694, but not very common at any oi the three. Genus HAPLOPHRAGMIUM. HAPLOPHRAGMIUM AGGLUTINANS (d’Orbigny). Spirolina agglutinans d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1840, p. 137, pi. vii, figs. 10-12. A cosmopolitan species and with correspondingly wide distribution in depth. Obtained only from Station D. 4174. HAPLOPHRAGMIUM CANARIENSE (d’Orbigny). Nonionina canariensis d’Orbigny, Foram. Canaries, 1839, p. 128, pi. ii, figs. 33, 34, Known from all oceans and at all depths. Found as a fossil but not earlier than the Pleistocene. Specimens obtained at Stations H. 4566 and H. 4696 are rather more symmetrical and possess more chambers than some of the figured types of the species. The arena- ceous test, rounded periphery, depressed umbilici, and complanate character of the chambers are sufficient to distinguish this from allied forms. HAPLOPHRAGMIUM GLOBIGERINIFORME (Parker and Jones). Lituola nautiloidea globigeriniformis Parker and Jones, Phil. Trans., CLV, 1865, p. 407, pi. xv, figs 46, 47. This species is described with some doubt. There are only a few specimens, from Station 4585, which appear to belong here. They do not possess so many Globigerina-like segments and these are not so distinct, but the growth appears trochoid and the forms are con- ditionally placed here. Essentially a deep-water foraminifer of universal distribution. HAPLOPHRAGMIUM LATIDORSATUM (Bornemann). Nonionina latidorsata Bornemann, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesell., VII, 1855, p. 339, pi. xvi, figs. 4, a, &. So abundant in the north deep sea explored by G. O. Sars that it is said to constitute one-fifth of the entire weight of the dredged ma- terial. While of universal distribution and more abundant in deep water, the form is also present in depths of 800 fathoms or less. NO. 1603. FORA MINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIANISLA NDS—DAGG. 127 Known in the European Tertiary. In our dredgings this form, with Haplophragmium scitulum , is the most common species of the genus and was found at Stations H. 4502, H. 4566, H. 4567, and H. 4696. HAPLOPHRAGMIUM NANUM Brady. Haplophragmium nanum Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 50. Somewhat similar to II. canariense , but with the segments more distinct and lobulated, and in its inequilateral development only upon the upper surface are all the segments visible. Recorded in the Chal- lenger report as characteristic of cold northern and southern latitudes and at depths of from about 50 to near 2,000 fathoms. Found only at Station H. 4694. HAPLOPHRAGMIUM SCITULUM Brady. Haplophragmium scitulum Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 50. Test closely involute, nautiloid with depressed umbilici, arenaceous dark-brown test and rough exterior. Segments numerous, narrow, straight, but slightly depressed septa. Forms somewhat resembling Cyclammina cancellata occur at Station 4508 and the septal lines are not quite so regular as in the type-specimens. This species is closely related to II. latidorsatum , which is, however, less symmetrical, and has a thicker, coarser test and a more lobulated margin. Eleven localities for this species are reported in the Challenger records, eight of which were in the North Atlantic, 530 to 1,445 fathoms, one in the South Atlantic, one in the South Pacific, and one from very deep water in the North Pacific. Present at Stations H. 4430, H. 4508, H. 4585, and H. 4696. Doctor Flint mentions it from the west coast of Cuba and the west coast of Patagonia, 93 to 541 fathoms. Genus CRITHIONINA. CRITHIONINA PISUM var. HISPIDA Flint. Crithionina pisum var. hispida Flint, Recent Foraminifera, 1899, p. 267, pi. vi, fig. 2. The genus Crithionina was established recently by A. Goes and made to include minute Foraminifera, which are largely constructed of sponge spicules and exceedingly fine gray arenaeeous matter, and with a labyrinthic or cavernous, more or less spherical, chamber. This is undivided and the aperture is indistinct and divided. The hispid variety is even smaller than Crithionina pisum and is easily distinguished by its spinous sponge-spicule surface. There is appar- ently no visible aperture. 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Kecorded by Dr. J. M. Flint from Georges Bank, Gulf of Mexico, and coast of Oregon, at depths of from 93 to 1,813 fathoms. Found at Stations H. 4440 and H. 4502. Genus HAPLOSTICHE. HAPLOSTICHE SOLDANII (Jones and Parker). Lituola soldanii Jones and Parker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., XVI, No. 184, 1860, p. 307. Test stoutly built, nodosarian-like and of arenaceous coarse ma- terial. The internal subdivisions of the chambers do not appear on the surface. Without sectioning the aperture is the only means of distinguishing this species from Clavulina cylindrical as stated under the description of that species. This is the only living representative of the genus and is best de- veloped in the warm waters of the West Indies at shoal depths. It is also found in the Gulf of Mexico, 196 and 210 fathoms (Flint), and around many islands of the Pacific. It is variously recorded in the European Tertiary. We find it only at Stations D. 4000 and H. 4590. * * Subfamily T J Z O O IT A. VI M UVUNTTEC. Genus TROCHAMMINA. TROCHAMMINA LITUIFORMIS Brady. Trochammina Utuiformis Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1879, p. 59, pi. v, fig. 16. Previously recorded at only three stations in the Atlantic Ocean. An example of this species present at Station D. 4000. TROCHAMMINA PAUCILOCULATA Brady. Trochammina pauciloculata Brady, Quart. Jouru. Microsc. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1879, p. 58, pi. v, figs. 13, 14. Of wide areal distribution, this species is more typically developed in deep water, often below 1,000 fathoms. Found at Station H. 4502, 1,302 fathoms; Station H. 4555, 1,398 fathoms; Station H. 4585, 689 fathoms, and Station H. 4590, 978 fathoms. TROCHAMMINA PROTEUS Karrer. Trochammina proteus (part) Karrer, Sitzungsber. Akacl. Wiss. Wien, 1866, p. 494, pi. i, fig. 8. Four localities furnished specimens of this species in the Chal- lenger expedition, at depths varying from 390 to 2,350 fathoms. Fossil in the middle Tertiary. Found at Station H. 4566, rare; depth 572 fathoms. no. 1603 . FORA MINIFERA FROM THE IT . 1 WA ITA N ISLA NDS—BA GO. 129 TROCHAMMINA RINGENS Brady. Trochammina ringens Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1879, ]). 57, pi. v, figs. 12, a, 1). Test nautiloid, biconvex, depressed, and composed of but fetv cham- bers, usually about one-half the number of those present in Trocham- mina trusillata. It is much more rare than the latter species, is of a dark gray or brown color, and there is no punctation of the inner surface of the shell. Not before recorded beyond the Atlantic Ocean, and said to occur at depths of from 1,675 to 2,750 fathoms. Found at Station H. 4590, 978 fathoms, rare. Genus WEBBINA. WEBBINA CLAVATA Jones and Parker. Trochammina irregularis clavata Jones and Parker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., XVI, 1860, i). 304. This adherent species was later described under the genus Web- bina. a The latter is always adherent on its lower surface without a definite body wall inclosing the surface of attachment, while in Trochammina the tube is complete and walled on all sides. The spe- cies is of wide areal distribution and of almost unlimited bathymetric range. Several examples were found at Stations I). 4000, D. 4174, H. 4476, H. 4566, H. 4590, and H. 4696. Subfamily LOFTUSIIX^]. Genus CYC LAMM IN A. CY CLAM MINA CANCELLATA Brady. Cyclammina cancellata Brady, in Norman, Proc. Roy. Soc., XXV, 1876, I). 214. The genus Cyclammina , established by Brady in 1876, includes the entirely arenaceous, large, compressed, convoluted Foraminifera whose walls are finely cancellated. These are often so highly devel- oped that the inner portion of the chambers is greatly reduced. Ex- ternally the surface is smooth and the aperture either a series of pores on the septal face or an arched fissure at the inner margin of the final segment. The periphery jn C. cancellata is rounded. I have identi- fied this species in the New Jersey Miocene but am not aware of its further occurrence in the fossil state. In existing oceans it is of very great bathymetric range (75 to 2,900 fathoms) and has a wide geo- graphical distribution. It is present at Stations D. 4174 and H. 4508, at the latter with JIaplophragmium scitulum , which the above some- what resembles. a Jones, Parker, and Brady, Monograph, Foram. Crag, 1866, p. 26. Proc. N. M. vol. xxxiv — 08 9 180 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Family TEXTULARIID1E. Subfamily TEXTULARIIN^l. Genus TEXTU LARI A. TEXTULARIA AGGLUTINANS d’Orbigny. Textularia agglutinans d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 136, pi. i, figs. 17, 18, 32 to 34. A cosmopolitan foraminifer known at all depths and in every ocean. An arenaceous type becoming much elongated in the coral reefs of the tropics and' treated as a variety, T. agglutinans porrecta , in the Challenger report. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, D. 4025, and H. 4502. Not abundant. TEXTULARIA ASPERA Brady. Textularia aspera Brady, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., XI, 1882, p. 715. This species was established by Prady to include very coarsely arenaceous dark colored Textularia? characterized by oblong, com- pressed form composed of few segments. Obtained by the Challenger from five stations in the North Atlantic, 390 to 530 fathoms.; three in the South Atlantic, 350 to 1,435 fathoms; and two in the South Pacific, 175 and 210 fathoms. Found at Station I). 4000, depth 104 to 213 fathoms. TEXTULARIA FOLIUM Parker and Jones. Textularia folium Parker and Jones, Phil. Trans., CLY, 1865, pp. 370, 420, pi. xviii, fig. 19. The depths recorded in the Challenger report for this species vary from shore sand at Melbourne to 255 fathoms off the Fiji Islands. Our specimen comes from Station D. 4017, at a depth of 305 fathoms. The species is not known in the fossil state, and its present distribu- tion is apparently quite restricted. TEXTULARIA GRAMEN d’Orbigny. Textularia gramen d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Yien., 1846, p. 248, pi. xv, figs. 4 to 6. Distribution cosmopolitan, but occurrence more frequent in shallow waters. Fossil in the Cretaceous and later horizons. Not abundant at Stations D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4508, H. 4566, H. 4571, II. 4694, and II. 4696. NO. 1603. FO RA MINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BA GG. 131 TEXTULARIA QUADRILATERA Schwager. Textularia quadrilatera Schwager, Novara-Exped?, Geol. Theil, II, 188G, p. 253, pi. vii, fig. 103. Test, long, slender, compressed, tapering, generally acuminate and quadrilateral. Typical specimens come from Tahiti at 420 fathoms, but the form is known also from a small number of localities in the South Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This form is rare at Stations H. 4430 and H. 4568; depths 1,544 and 1,274 fathoms, respectively. TEXTULARIA RUGOSA (Reuss). Plecanium rugosum Reuss, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LIX, 1869, p. 453, pi. i, figs. 3, a, b. This coral-reef species makes its first appearance in the Oligocene. Occurs at Station H. 4568 only. TEXTULARIA SAGITTULA Defrance. Textularia sagittula Defrance, Diet. Sci. Nat., XXXII, 1824, p. 177, LIII, p. 344 ; Atlas Conch., pi. xiii, fig. 5. One of the most abundant of all the Texularice whether recent or fossil, and while chiefly affecting shallow waters of temperate seas is known at depths of near 2,700 fahtoms. Not rare at Stations I). 4025, H. 4430, H. 4694. and H. 4696. TEXTULARIA SIPHONIFERA Brady. Textularia siphonifera Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 53. Previously recorded from the Honolulu coral reefs, 40 fathoms, and at a few other stations of the Pacific at depths of less than 50 fathoms. Station H. 4567, at 1,307 fathoms. TEXTULARIA TROCHUS d’Orbigny. Textularia trochus d’Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, IV, 1S40, p. 45, pi. iv, figs. 25, 28. Distribution, universal. Fossil from the Cretaceous. Occurs only at Station D. 4000. Genus VERNEUILINA. VERNEUILINA PROPINQUA Brady. Verneuilina propinqua Brady, dial. Rept., IX, 1884, p. 387, pi. xlvii, figs. 8-14. At five stations where this species was dredged by the Challenger in the North Atlantic the depths with but one exception were be- tween 1,000 and 2,435 fathoms. Similarly three stations in the 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Pacific were in depths of 95, 2,050, and 2,900 fathoms respectively. The species is therefore a deep-water form. It is not known as a fossil. Pare at Station H. 4567, depth 1,307 fathoms. VERNEUILINA SPINULOSA Reuss. Verneuilina spinulosa Reuss, Denkschr. Akad. AViss. Wien, I, 1849, p. 347 pi. xl vn, figs. 12 a-c. This species, known first from the Cretaceous chalk, is best de- veloped in tropical and subtropical shallow waters. Its bathymetric range, however, is from a few fathoms down to 2,300. Examples of this interesting foraminifer were at Stations D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4508, H. 4694, and H. 4696. Genus BIGENERINA. BIGENERINA ARENACEA Bagg, new species. Test very large, sometimes measuring nearly an eighth of an inch in length, strongly compressed and complanate, built of coarse arena- ceous and glauconitic material of a preA^ailing gray color. The segments are at first biserial, later nodosarian. There are four or five of these uniserial segments and they comprise about one-half the shell in length. The test is symmetrically developed Avith nearly straight even sides obtusely rounded and Avith the aboral end broadly rounded, the entire form resembling in a general way Bigenerina pennatula (Batsch), but lacking the angular keeled margin and also being somewhat more compressed. The segmentation is regular, much more regular than in Bigeneria capreolus (d’Orbigny), and in the uniserial portion is as symmetrical as in typical Frondicularia types. The chambers are narrow and even, separated by broad thick slightly raised septa which are curved or arched upward at the center and at the oral end form a wedge-shaped extremity. The aperture is a median, oval, and narrow slit. The best specimens of this large arenaceous species were from stations betAveen D. 3900 and I). 4000. (See Plate V, figs. 4-6.) The type is Cat. No. 8196, U.S.N.M., from hydrographic Sta- tion 4508, Albatross. I also recognize the species at Stations D. 4174 and H. 4566. Genus PAVONINA. PAVONINA FLAB ELLI FORM IS d’Orbigny. Pavonina flabelliformis d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 1, 1826, p. 260, pi. x, figs. 10, 11, modele No. 56. Pavonina is an interesting unusual genus represented by a single species. The early chambers are small and textularian and later be- come uniserial and unfolded, forming a fan-like test. The aperture no, 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— B AGO. 133 is porous. This beautiful form is an inhabitant of rather shallow water and has been obtained in the West Indies, Torres Strait, Malay Archipelago, Mauritius, Ceylon, Admiralty Islands, Cocos Island, coast of Korea, and the Honolulu coral reefs. Found only at Sta- tion D. 4174. Not known in the fossil condition. Genus GAUDRYINA. GAUDRYINA FILIFORMIS Berthelin. Gaudryina filiformis Berthelin, Mem. See. Geol. France, ser. 3, I, No. 5, 1880, p. 25, pi. i, fig. 8. With its limited number of triserial segments and its long textu- larian development, the above species might easily be mistaken for one of the Textularia. It was dredged by the Challenger at four stations at moderate depths and from both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The fossil forms described by Berthelin were from the Gault of northern France. Not common at Station H. 4568. GAUDRYINA PUPOIDES d’Orbigny. Gaudryina pupoides d’Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, IV, 1840, p. 44, pi. iv, figs. 22-24. This common deep-water variety is a frequent Cretaceous fossil and is not rare in some Eocene and later Tertiary deposits. Found at Stations H. 4430, H. 4555, H. 4568, and H. 4571. GAUDRYINA QUADRANGULARIS Bagg, new species. The test is very large, measuring about one-eighth inch in length, sharply tapering to a trihedral distal end. The oral extremity is quadrangular in outline, resulting from compression upon two sides, and this compression does not correspond with any of the triangular portion below. The shell substance is unusually coarse and the sur- face very rough. The oral end is abruptly truncated and is sunken in the center to the straight slit-like aperture somewhat protected by a marginal thickening and slightly notched. (See Plate V, fig. 1.) The type is Cat. No. 8198, U.S.N.M., Station D. 4000. It is rare. Genus CLAVULI NA. CLAVULINA ANGULARIS d’Orbigny. Glavulina dngularis d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 2, 1826, p. 268, pi. xii, fig. 7. Test long, nodosarian, triangular with arched septal depressions. The triserial portion of the test is confined to the lowest portion of the shell and does not much enlarge the distal end as in Clavulina 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. parisiensis. Limited to shore sands and off-shore deposits in both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Known from the lower Tertiary de- posits of Europe. Identified in material obtained at Station D. 4017. CLAVULINA CYLINDRICA Hantken. Clavulina cylindrica Hantken, Mittheil. Jahrb. ung. geol. Anstalt, IV, 1875, p. 18, pi. i, fig. 8. With Haplostiche soldanii , which it resembles, this species is found in the coral sands of tropical waters. The two are separable by their difference in aperture, Clavulina cylindrica always having a valvular opening, while the other is always simple or perforate. Abundant in the Clavulina-szaboi strata of Hungary and also from the Tertiary of Italy. Rather rare in the South Atlantic, less so in the North Atlantic, and variously recorded in shoal waters of the South Pacific. Rare in the Globigerina ooze of Station D. 4000. Subfamily BULIMINmAl. Genus BULIMINA. BULIMINA AFFINIS d’Orbigny. Bulimina affinis d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 109, pi. ii, figs. 25, 26. Equivalent probably to Reuss’s Bulimina ovulum , described in Cretaceous deposits and present in the North and South Pacific oceans of to-day. It is separated from B. ovata , which it closely re- sembles, only by its acute apical aboral extremity. Some specimens obtained from Stations D. 4017, D. 4025, and D. 4174. D'Orbigny obtained his types from the shore sands of Cuba. Dis- tribution much more limited, however, than that of the types of B. ovata and B. pupoides , which it resembles. BULIMINA ACULEATA d’Orbigny. Bulimina aculeata d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 7, 1826, p. 269. With the smooth upper portion of the test and the lower rough spinous portion, the above is one of the peculiar surface ornamenta- tion forms found among the Buliminse. The spines often project from the edges of the chambers as in B. marginata , but in the former they are never lengthened into spines. Abundant in the North Atlantic and South Pacific and its bathymetric range extends from shallow depths down to 2,740 fathoms. It has been recognized in the glacial clays of Norway. Present at Station H. 4567 only. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WA IIAN IR LA NDS—BAGG. 135 BULIMINA BUCHIANA d’Orbigny. BuUmina buchiana" d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien. Basin, 1846, p. 186, pi. xi, figs. 15-18. . Test triserial, short, strongly built, with well-defined ribs which extend to the lower margin of the ultimate chamber. Said to affect moderately deep water; Professor Brady reports it as abundant in the North Atlantic, rare in the South Atlantic, and common in the South Pacific. Not recorded from the North Pacific. Ranges from less than 100 down to over 2,000 fathoms. Occurs at Station H. 4568, where it is not rare, and at Station H. 4585. BULIMINA CONTRARIA (Reuss). Rotalina contraria Reuss, Zeitschr. dentsch. geol. Gesell., Ill, 1851, p. 76, pi. v, fig. 37. It is no wonder that this little form has been described under va- rious genera — such as Ataxophragmium , Pulvinulina , and Cassidu- lina — for it possesses marked similarity of growth to all the above. It has, however, been rightly placed among the Bulimince , and its aperture alone justifies this as well as its buliminine method of growth. Most common in shoal waters of the South Pacific, but also known in the North Pacific and the North Atlantic. Present at Stations D. 4000, H. 4430, and H. 4555. Described among the fossil Foram- inifera of the Oligocene (Septaria clay) of Hermsdorf and the Miocene of Kostej, in the Banat. BULIMINA INFLATA Seguenza. Bulimina ovata d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 185, pi. xi, figs, p. 107, pi. i, fig. 10. An intermediate type between the costate Bulimina buchiana and the spinous B. aculeata and having a distribution similar to the former, but less common. It is widely distributed in the South Pacific and is present in waters of from less than 100 to over 2,400 fathoms. We note this form from four stations, namely, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4568, and H. 4571. Reported in the Septaria clays of Germany and the later Tertiary of Italy. BULIMINA OVATA d’Orbigny. Bulimina ovata d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 185, pi. xi, figs. 13, 14. Bulimina ovata , B. affinis, and B. pupoides belong to one closely related group distinguishable by such minor features as length and outline of the test, and in the relief of the chambers forming the PROCEEDINGS OF TEE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. 136 spire. These forms are widely distributed in existing oceans and B. ovata is common in shallow waters of the British coast. It is present in waters of the Pacific at depths ranging from a few up to 580 fathoms. Its geological history begins with the Eocene. Ob- tained at Stations D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4508, and H. 4568. BULIMINA PUPOIDES d’Orbigny. Bulimina pupoides d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 185, pi. xi, figs. 11 , 12 . Similar to above, but with more inflation and separation of seg- ments. With its congeners it is frequently described from the Tertiary beds of Europe and its present distribution is cosmopolitan. Found at Stations D. 4025 and H. 4174. BULIMINA WILLI AMSONI ANA Brady. Bulimina william soniana Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, ii. 56. The tests of Bulimina williams oniana is a cylindrical twisted spire with strong costep running the entire length of the shell. The anterior end is obliquely truncated and the aperture central. Limited to shoal South Pacific waters. Found at Station H. 4694 only. Genus VIRGULINA. VIRGULINA SQUAMOSA d’Orbigny. Virgulina squamosa d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 1, 1826, p. 267, modele No. 64. Not rare in the North Atlantic; found in the South Atlantic more rarely; also in the North and South Pacific and in the Red Sea and Mediterranean. It is frequently with the related species Virgulina subsquamosa. Ranges in depth from 30 to 3,000 fathoms. Found at Stations D. 4025, H. 4430, H. 4555, II. 4566, H. 4568, H. 4571, H. 4585, and H. 4696, and in the Albatross dredging much more abun- dantly than Virgulina subsquamosa. VIRGULINA SUBSQUAMOSA Egger. Virgulina subsquamosa Egger, Neues Jahrb. fur Miner, 1857. p. 205, pi. xii, figs. 19-21. While frequently occurring with the preceding, this species is best known at depths ranging from 345 to 620 fathoms. Found less com- monly than the preceding at Stations D. 4025, H. 4430, H. 4440, H. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4568, and H. 4590. NO. 1603 FORA MINI FE II A FROM THE II l )VA II A X ISLA NDS—BA GO. 187 VIRGULINA SQUAMOSA STRIATA Bagg, new subspecies. Similar to the well-known species Virgulina squamosa , but dis- tinctly striated. (See Plate V, fig. 7.) Type. — Cat. No. 8202, U.S.N.M., Station D. 4025, depth 275 to 868 fathoms. Genus BOLIVINA. BOLIVINA ^NARIENSIS (Costa). Brizalina wnariensis Costa, Atti dell’ Accad. Pontin., VII, 185G, p. 207, pi. xv, figs. 1, a, 1). This neatly tapering, striate Bolivina , with or without its spinous aboral end, is cosmopolitan, and we found it at Stations D. 4174, H. 4440, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4567, H. 4571, H. 4585, and H. 4696. Best developed types come from the North Atlantic Ocean at depths of a few fathoms down to 1,630 fathoms. Professor Brady records the species from off the Philippines at 95 fathoms, off the south coast of Japan at 15 fathoms, and the La Plata River, South America, at 18 fathoms. It occurs as a fossil in the Tertiary beds of the island of Ischia. BOLIVINA DILATATA Reuss. Bolivina dilatata Reuss, Denksclir. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I, 1849, p. 381, pi. xlviii, fig. 15. The test of Bolivina dilatata is broad, depressed, composed of numerous long narrow chambers and possessing an acute periphery. Prof. H. B. Brady states that the species is confined to the North Atlantic, but we find it present, and in some cases abundant, at nearly every station studied. These are : D. 4017, D. 4025, D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4568, H. 4571, H. 4694, and H. 4696. The average depth is below 400 fathoms. The geological occurrence dates from the Cretaceous. BOLIVINA HANTKENIANA Brady. Bolivina hantkeniana Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 58. Test depressed and nearly equally convex on each surface, con- sisting of numerous broad inflated segments arranged alternately and provided at their margin with a delicate keel. The surface is usually faintly striate. Probably limited in distribution to islands of the Pacific. Present at Station D. 4017, fine specimens at H. 4440, also found at H. 4555 and H. 4585. The depths at which the form is recorded vary from 130 to 800 fathoms. Not recorded as a fossil. 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. BOLIVINA KARRERIANA Brady. Bolivina karreriana Brady, Quart. Journ. Mjcrosc. Sc*i., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 58. This interesting little species is said to be abundant in the waters south of Japan, and it is not uncommon in the South Pacific. Found only at Station H. 4567, where it was quite rare. BOLIVINA LIMBATA Brady. Bolivina limbata Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 57. “ The twisted varieties of Bolivina with nearly even margins and limbate sutures, on which this species has been founded, affect the comparatively shallow water of tropical seas. They are abundant south of the island of Papua, occurring at almost every station in its immediate vicinity at which the depth does not exceed 200 fathoms. The same forms occur off the Sandwich Islands, 40 fathoms; in Hongkong Harbor, 7 fathoms; on the south shores of Japan, 15 fathoms; off the Fiji Islands, 12 fathoms; on the Australian coral reefs, 14 to 17 fathoms; in the shore sands of Madagascar; off Ascension Island, 7 fathoms; and off the Cape de Yerde Islands, 11 fathoms.”® The Albatross obtained this foraminifer at Station H. 4694 only. BOLIVINA NOBILIS Hantken. Bolivina nobilis Hantken, Mittheil. Jahr. ung. geol. Anstalt., IV, 1875, p. 65, pi. xv, figs. 4 a, b. Perhaps confined to the South Pacific and to depths of less than 40 fathoms. Occurs at Stations H. 4567, H. 4696. BOLIVINA PLICATA d’Orbigny. Bolivina plicata d’Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., 1839, p. 62, pi. vm, figs. 4-7. Test moderately compressed, with sinuous or, as it were, plicate septal lines, rough surface, as if arenaceous, pores not very distinct, and shell opaque in transmitted light. Well figured by Goes. & Found only at Station H. 4567. BOLIVINA PUNCTATA d’Orbigny. Bolivina punctata d’Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., 1889, p. 61, pi. vm, figs. 10-12. This well-known cosmopolitan form is present at every station except H. 4000, H. 4430, H. 4776, H. 4555, H. 4571, H. 4579, and H. 4590. In some instances, as at Station D. 4025, it is abundant. a Brady, Chal. Rept., IX, p. 419. b Arctic and Scand. Foram., 1894, p. 51, pi. ix, figs. 4S7, 488. NO. 1803. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BA GG. 139 BOLIVINA ROBUSTA Brady. Bolivina robusta BHady, Quart. Jouru. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 57. Thirteen of the twenty- two localities given in the Challenger re- port, where the above species is found, were in the South Pacific. Abundant at some stations and present at D. 4025, II. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4568, H. 4571, and H. 4585. The species is generally confined to shallow waters, but in one instance it was obtained at 1,900 fathoms in the South Atlantic. A. Goes considers this form only a variety of B. dilatata , but I believe it should be regarded as a distinct species. BOLIVINA SEMI-ALATA Bagg, new species. The nearest approach to this Foraminifer of which the writer has knowledge is Bolivina hantkeniana. The forms we have, however, are extremely narrow and stoutly built, with numerous chambers extending to nearly one-half the length of the shell. The ultimate chambers are exceedingly broadly expanded and widely keeled, the flange extending even over and around the aperture. The lower end is acuminate. Two of these types were observed at Station IT. 4555. The shell is large for the genus Bolivina. (See Plate V, fig. 3.) Type. — Cat. No. 8197, U.S.N.M., Station H. 4555. BOLIVINA TEXTILARIOIDES Reuss. Bolivina textilarioides Reuss, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XLVI, 1862, p. 81, pi. x, fig. 1. More important from the fossil standpoint than any Bolivina unless perhaps B. punctata , and widely represented in existing seas. Its bathymetric range is also very extensive, but it is best developed on shallow bottoms. It is one of the best known Cretaceous Boli- vinas. Found at Stations H. 4017, fine examples at H. 4025, also present at H. 4430, H. 4440, H. 4508, H. 4566, H. 4568, H. 4585, H. 4694, and H. 4696. Subfamily CA.SSI!DTT:LIlNri]NrJE:. Genus CASSIDULINA. CASSIDULINA CRASSA d’Orbigny. Cassidulina crassa d’Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., 1839, p. 56, pi. vii, figs. 18-20. Synonymous with Cassidulina oblong a Reuss. Characterized by its obtuse periphery, oval outline, and small number of short inflated segments, which distinguishes the species from C. laevigata. Common over wide areas in the North Atlantic and at depths as great as 2,760 fathoms. A long list of localities given by Professor PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. 140 Brady in the Challenger report includes numerous localities in the North and South Pacific and the South Atlantic, and the form is present in the Mediterranean. Its geological history dates from the Miocene. Found by the Albatross at Stations H. 4440 and H. 4694. CASSIDULINA SUBGLOBOSA Brady. Cassidulina subglobosa Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, 1). 60. “ Test subglobular, somewhat compressed on the two lateral faces, inequilateral; segments few, slightly inflated; alternation irregular. Aperture an oblique or nearly erect loop-like slit on the face of the projecting terminal segment.” 0 Essentially a deep-water species, the above is known from all the large oceans, but the localities are not very numerous. Found at three Albatross stations, namely, H. 4430, H. 4571, and H. 4585. Genus EHRENBERGINA. EHRENBERGINA SERRATA Reuss. Ehrenbergina serrata Reuss, Denkschrift, Akad. Wiss. Wien, I, 1849, p. 377, pi. xlviii, figs. 7 a-c. The genus Ehrenbergina is closely related to C assidulina, but dif- fers in the arrangement of the biserial chambers and less inrolled growth. Cassidulina has the segments both biserial and convolute, and resembles a bolivine shell longitudinally folded and then rolled in this suture from end to end and possessing a bulimine aperture. The typical species of Ehrenbergina are longer than Cassidulina and the margins are frequently serrate or spinous. Living representatives of the genus belong to southern oceans, and the bathymetric range is from several to over 2,000 fathoms. This species is well known from the Miocene. We find it rather abundant at several stations — H. 4430, H. 4476 (common), H. 4567, H. 4694, and H. 4696. Family LAGENIDiE. Subfamily LAGENIN^l. Genus LAGENA. LAGENA FAVOSO-PUNCTATA Brady. Lngena favoso-punctata Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 62. Previously reported from the shores of New Guinea. Rare at Sta- tions H. 4590 and H. 4694. Brady, Chal. Rept., IX, p. 430. no. 1603. FORAM1NIFERA FROM THE HA WA II A N ISLANDS— BAGG. 141 LAGENA GLOBOSA (Montagu). Vermiculum, globosum Montagu, Test. Britain, 1803, p. 523. This cosmopolitan species of to-day has a long geological record, dating possibly from the Carboniferous, but certainly from the Oolite. Found only at Station H. 4567. LAGENA HISPIDA Reuss. Lagena hispida Reuss, Zeitschr. deutscli. Geol. Gesell., X, 1858, p. 434. The test of Lagena hispida varies in shape, but always shows a his- pid surface, which is its distinguishing characteristic. Like the preceding, this species has a long geological history, dating from the Lias. In recent waters it is not limited in distribution or depth, but it is not abundant wherever found. Present at Station H. 4585. LAGENA LiEVIS (Montagu). Vermiculum Iceve Montagu, Test. Britain, 1803, p. 524. One of the simplest unornamented unicellular hyaline Foraminif- era. On account of its variability in form it has been described under many names, a long list of which is given in any complete synonymy of the species. It is unquestionably one of the earliest Foraminifera known, occurring in Upper Silurian deposits. Its distribution and bathymetric range are unlimited at the present time. Obtained only at Station H. 4585. LAGENA LAGENOIDES (Williamson). Entosolenia marginata lagenoides Williamson, Recent Forarn. Gt. Brit- ain, 1858, p. 11, pi. i, figs. 25, 26. Test oval elongate, compressed and bordered by a decorated keel which surrounds the entire shell. Lagena formosa Schwager has a wider similarly striated margin but the distal portion is notched and wing-like. Found in comparatively shoal waters in the South Pa- cific (88 to 410 fathoms), and of rather wide geographical distribu- tion elsewhere and at greater depths. Most frequent in the Atlantic. Known in the Miocene of Sicily (Seguenza). Obtained from Al- batross Station H. 4566 only. LAGENA MARGINATA (Walker and Boys). Serpula marginata Walker and Boys, Test. Min., 1784, p. 2, pi. i. fig. 7. The above broadly oval, smooth-shelled Lagena is distinguished from other forms by its peripheral margin which is extended into a wide keel. Universally known in every ocean and at every depth, 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. its geological history dating from the chalk beds of the Cretaceous. Present most commonly of all the Lagena noted at Stations D. 4017, D. 4174, H. 4430, and H. 4696. LAGENA QUADRATA (Williamson). Entosolenia marginata quadrata Williamson, Recent Foram. Gt. Brit- ain, 1858, p. 11, pi. i, figs. 27, 28. Present in various localities in both Atlantic and Pacific, but al- ways at depths of less than 150 fathoms. Known in the Miocene of Italy and the Post-Tertiary of Ireland. Occurs at Albatross Sta- tions H. 4440 and II. 4694. LAGENA STRIATA (d’Orbigny). Oolina striata d’Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., 1839, p. 21, pi. v, fig. 12. An oval, frequently bottle-shaped Lagena with elongated tubular neck and striate surface. Of world-wide distribution the form is found equally with Lagena sulcata , which it resembles, but the species belongs to shallow waters. It is present in the Septaria clays of Germany and in the Miocene elsewhere. Noted at three stations, H. 4566, H. 4567, and H. 4694. Subfamily NODOSARIIN^l. Genus NODOSARI A. NODOSARIA CALOMORPHA Reuss. Nodosaria calomorpha Reuss, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XXV, 1865, p. 129, pi. i, figs. 15-19. One of the simplest smooth Nodosaria ? and of only two or three seg- ments. North and South Atlantic, South Pacific, and elsewhere in off-shore deposits at less than 100 fathoms. Reported, however, at depths of over 2,000 fathoms. Fossil in the Septaria clay of North Germany. Station H. 4508, rare. NODOSARIA COMMUNIS (d’Orbigny). Dentalina communis d'Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, IV, 1840, p. 13, pi. i, fig. 4. Smooth surface, oblique septa, and slender build are the three leading characteristics of the species. The synonomy as at present understood and published in monographs on Foraminifera is very extensive. As a recent Foraminifer it has a universal distribution. Its geological history dates from the beginning of the Mesozoic. The most common nodosarian in the material examined, and present at Stations D. 4000, D. 4025, II. 4430, and H. 4566. The specimens obtained are most excellent representatives. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THEIIA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 143 NODOSARIA CONSOBRINA var. EMACIATA Reuss. Denialina emaciata Reuss, Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Gesell., Ill, 1851, p. 63, pi. hi, fig. 9. Professor Brady records the above variety of the typical A", con - sobrina at depths of from 290 to 725 fathoms in the North Atlantic and 350 fathoms in the South Atlantic; in the South Pacific from 129 to 1,375 fathoms. Found in the Cretaceous chalk and subsequent formations. Occurs at Station D. 4000 only. NODOSARIA GUTTIFERA (d’Orbigny). Dentalina guttifera d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Men., 1846, p. 49, pi. ii, figs. 11-14. This species must not be confounded with Nodosaria guttifera (Parker and Jones), which is unquestionably to be regarded as Nodosaria soluta. In the form figured by d’Orbigny in the Vienna Basin memoir the segments of Nodosaria guttifera are gracefully oval, bulbous at base and connected to the next succeeding chamber by a very slender neck. In Nodosaria soluta the segments are smooth and the distal chamber usually mucronate, but the segments are more closely joined and the sutures are not as deeply depressed or constricted as in Nodosaria guttifera. Fragments only at Station H. 4566. NODOSARIA LiEVIGATA (d’Orbigny). Glandulina Icevigata d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 252, pi. x, figs. 1-3. There appear to be three well-defined types of N odosarice belong- - ing to the Glandulina type, best represented by Nodosaria laevigata with its sharp distal and generally mucronate and its relatively large development of the ultimate chamber; second, the form Nodosaria votundata , with its more bluntly rounded nonspinous primordial margin and slightly greater elongation of the chambers; and third, Nodosaria aequalis , with its still greater elongation and wider seg- ments. Some of the specimens we find in the three stations, D. 4025, H. 4555, and H. 4696, are not distinctly mucronate but they are decid- edly pointed at the distal end and may better be considered as varieties of this exceedingly varied species. The relationship of the various types belonging to this group are well described by Professor Reuss in his paper on Von Schlicht’s drawings of Tertiary Foraminifera.® The distribution of the species is world-wide. Its bathymetric range is generally less than 1,000 fathoms. ° Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LXII, p. 478. 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NA TIONAL MUSEUM VOL. XXXIV. NODOSARIA PAUPERATA (d’Orbigny). Dentalina pauperata d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 46, pi. i, figs. 57, 58. Geographic and bathymetric range unlimited. Fossil from Lias to Recent. Stations D. 4000 and D. 4025. NODOSARIA ROEMERI (Neugeboren). Dentalina roemeri Neugeboren, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XII, 1856, p. 82, pi. n, figs. 13-17. Occurs at Station H. 4566 only. More common in the North At- lantic at depths of less than 400 fathoms. Fossil from Cretaceous (lower) to Recent. NODOSARIA SCALARIS (Batsch). Nautilus scalaris Batsch, Concliyl. des Seesandes, No. 4, 1791, pi. ii, figs. 4, a, b. Distribution and range in depth not limited, but the form is more frequent in shoal water. A well-knowm Tertiary fossil. Occurs only at Station H. 4566. NODOSARIA SOLUTA Reuss. Dentalina ( Nodosaria ) soluta Reuss, Zeitsclir. deutscli. Geol. Gesell., Ill, 1851, p. 60, pi. hi, figs. 4, a, l). Occurs at moderate depths but preferably in shallow waters in many localities. It is recorded as a fossil in the Cretaceous. Present at Station H. 4964, but not common. NODOSARIA VERTEBRALIS (Batsch). Nautilus vertebralis Batsch, Concliyl. des Seesandes, No. 6, 1791, p. 3, pi. ii, figs. 6, a, b. Distribution mostly confined to the North Atlantic and South Pacific at depths of less than 500 fathoms. We have recorded the species from the New Jersey Cretaceous. It is, however, more com- mon in the Tertiary. F ound at Station D. 4000 only. Genus LINGULINA. LINGULINA CARINATA d’Orbigny. Lingulina carinata d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 1, 1826, p. 257, modele No. 26. The noncostate variety of this species appears to be rare and was obtained by the Challenger expedition at only three stations, off Ivi Islands, 580 fathoms, off the Honolulu coral reefs, 40 fathoms, and off Nightingale Island, 100 to 150 fathoms. Reported as a fossil from the English Lias. Rare at Station H. 4508. no. 1603. FORA MINI FERA FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 145 Genus FRONDICULARIA. FRONDICULARIA ROBUSTA Brady. Frondicularia robusta Brady, Chal. Kept., IX, p, 523, pi. lxvi, figs. 1, 2. This is the only species of the genus Frondicularia noted in the stations dredged and it is rare at Station 4508. Professor Brady ob- served it at only two localities, one near Ki Islands, 129 fathoms, the other on the coral reefs of the Hawaiian Islands, 40 fathoms. The form is characterized by its robust test, with surface strongly costate, but less regularly so than in Nodosarice. Genus RHABDOGONIUM. RHABDOGONIUM MINUTUM Reuss. Rhabdogonium minutum Reuss, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LV, 1867, p. 84, pi. v, figs. 4. 5. The only specimens of this species dredged by the Challenger came from off Ki Islands at a depth of 129 fathoms. The form was noted rather frequently at Stations I). 4000, IT. 4430, TI. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4695, and H. 4696. RHABDOGONIUM TRICARINATUM (d’Orbigny). Vaginulina tricarinatum d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 4, 1826, p. 258, modele, No. 4. Rhabdogonium tricarinatum has a wide distribution in the fossil world and is frequently recorded in Tertiary strata. A variety of this form ( acutangulum ) is known in the Lower Cretaceous. In liv- ing condition the form is met with in the North Atlantic from shoal water down to over 1,300 fathoms. It comes also from the Mediter- ranean and the Pacific, and is very abundant in the Albatross dredg- ings, being found in all stations except H. 4476, H. 4502, H. 4567, H. 4579, and IT. 4590. Genus VAGINULINA. VAGINULINA LEGUMEN (Linnaeus). Fautilus legumen Linn^us, Syst. Nat., lOtli ed., 1758, p. 711 ; 12tli ed.. 1767, p. 1164. A cosmopolitan form with universal distribution and at all depths found sparingly. Has a long geological history and is known at least as early as the Trias. In later formations it becomes more fre- quent and I have recorded it from the New Jersey Cretaceous, where it is by no means rare. Found at Stations D. 4174 and 4567. Proc. N. M. vol. xxxiv — 08 10 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Genus CRISTELLARIA. CRISTELLARIA ARTICULATA Reuss. Cristellaria articulata Reuss, Sitzimgsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XLVIII, 1863, p. 53, pi. v, fig. 62. This species was described by Reuss in 1870 under the genus Cris- tellaria, although he had previously placed it under the genus Robu- lina , a name now in disuse. The shell is stoutly built, thicker and with more angular margin than Cristellaria rotulata. There is also a smaller number of segments in typical specimens. “ Fine examples of Cristellaria articvlata occur in the dredged sands from off Culebra Island, 390 fathoms, and off Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha, 100 to 150 fathoms. In the latter locality the species is very abundant, and what is more remarkable the species assume wild-growing forms, such as are represented by figs. 1-4, pi. lxixT® Found by the writer in the New Jersey Cretaceous and vari- ously recorded in Tertiary deposits. Cristellaria are not abundant in any of the material we have here studied, but there are as many spe- cies represented as there are occurrences. We find this species typi- cally developed at Station IT. 4696. CRISTELLARIA CALCAR (Linnaeus). Nautilus calcar Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., No. 272, p. 1162; 1788, Syst. Nat., 13th (Gmelin’s) ed., No. 2, p. 3370. As now used the species designated as Cristellaria calcar comprises those smooth-shelled involute nautiloid types with a spinous periph- ery. The spinous and flange-like border is exceedingly variable. Of cosmopolitan distribution at moderate depths. Geologically re- corded in the Tertiary. Present at Station D. 4000. CRISTELLARIA CREPIDULA (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus crepidula Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 107, pi. xix, figs. g-i. The above may well serve as the type of complanate elongate-oval Cristellarice with segments at first involute and later drawn out and separated by straight septa. The periphery is not carinate, although thin and round. A shallow water form and more frequent in temper- ate than in tropical seas. It has a long geological history and has been described by the author from the Cretaceous marl of Vincen- town, New Jersey. It is the most common species of the genus in the 19 bottles of Albatross dredgings. Occurs at Stations D. 4000, H. 4430, H. 4508, and H. 4694. ° Brady, dial. Rept., IX, p. 547. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROMTTTETIA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 147 CRISTELLARIA CULTRATA (Montfort). Robulus cultratus Montfort, Conchyl. Syst., I, 1808, p. 214, 54 genre. Distinguished from Cristellaria rotulata by its carinate border. Occurs with the latter less frequently but is usually in somewhat deeper water. Cretaceous to Recent. Present at Stations D. 4000, H. 4566, and H. 4696. CRISTELLARIA ELEGANTISSIMA (Costa). Robulina elegantissima Costa, Pal. Napoli, 2, 1854, p. 198, pi. xix, fig. 4. Compare ref. in Goes, Kongl., Svenska, Vtenskaps Akad. Handl. XXV, No. 9, p. 64. I think I am right in ascribing to the above species the form de- scribed below. The test is much compressed and rather strongly striate with smooth ultimate chamber slightly prolonged. The out- line is quadrangular and the periphery bluntly rounded without keel. There are about seven chambers visible in the last convolution, the inner ones but faintly visible, the latter clearly marked by the slightly depressed septa. The aperture is fissurine, somewhat prolonged but not tubular. The shell we find of a grayish-white color and large for the genus. In general growth the test strongly resembles Cristellaria crepidula , but it is more stoutly built, and there is a difference in the method of extension of the chambers forming the last convolution. There is a figured form of Cristellaria in Professor Williamson’s Monograph on the Recent Forminifera of Great Britain which roughly resembles the present form (fig. 55, pi. n), but the latter is provided with a well-defined flange. Present at Station II. 4508 of the Albatross. Our one specimen is comparable to the figured specimen of A. Goes.® CRISTELLARIA GIBBA d’Orbigny. Cristellaria gibba d'Orbigny, Foram. Cuba,- 1839, p. 63, pi. vn, figs. 20, 21. “ Sublenticular, equally biconvex, smooth, characterized by the somewhat inflated and protuberant final segment, and its contracted septal face.” * 6 Cosmopolitan, but usually at depths of less than 500 fathoms. Cretaceous to Recent. Found at Stations D. 4000 and H. 4694, but not common. ° Arctic and Scand. Recent Foram., p. 64, pi. xi, fig. 642 b. 6 Flint, Recent Foram., p. 317. 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MXJSEVM. VOL. XXXIV. CRISTELLARIA ORBICULARIS (d’Orbigny). Robulina orbicularis d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 288, pi. xv, figs. 8, 9. Differs from Cristellaria vortex in its flange, or keeled border. West Indies, 450 fathoms, numerous localities in the South Pacific, and fossils in the Sub-Apennine of Italy and the Vienna Basin Miocene. Rare at Station H. 4508. CRISTELLARIA ROTULATA (Lamarck). Lenticulites rotulata Lamarck, Annales dn Mus., V, 1804, no. 3, p. 188; Tab. Encycl. et Method, pi. cccclxvi, fig. 5. This species is the type of the group and is probably the most generally distributed and at greater variety of depths than any form of the genus. Its geological history is also long and dates from the Upper Trias of Derbyshire, England. Not uncommon at Station D. 4000 and present at H. 4430. CRISTELLARIA VORTEX (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus vortex Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 33, pi. ii, figs. d-i. Chambers very long and narrow and separated by exceedingly curved septa, which sweep backwards a long portion of the shell. Test moderately vaulted and umbonate. Mentioned by Brady from four stations in the South Pacific, 125 to 420 fathoms, and off Ber- muda, in North Atlantic, 435 fathoms. Parker and Jones record the species in the Mediterranean, 90 to 360 fathoms. Flint mentions it from the Caribbean. Observed only at Station II. 4508. It is known as a Tertiary fossil. SiVbfamiljr POLYMORPHININAS. Genus POLYMORPH IN A. POLYMORPHINA AMYGDALOIDES Reuss. Polymorphina amygdaloides Reuss, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XVIII, 1855, p. 250, pi. viii, fig. 84. A depressed variety of the more common species Polymorphina lactea. Occurs rarely at Stations D. 4017, D. 4174, and H. 4567. POLYMORPHINA ANGUSTA (Egger). Globulina angusta Egger, Neues Jahrb. fur Miner., 1857, p. 290, pi. xiii, figs. 13-15. We find what appears to be a variety of the above species at Station 4017. The form is of wide distribution, and while known in shallow dredgings is usually found at considerable depths. Fossil in the Bavarian Miocene. no. 1603. FO RA MINIFERA FROM THE IT A WA HAN ISLANDS— BA GO. 149 POLYMORPHINA COMMUNIS (d’Orbigny). Guttulina communis d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 266, pi. xii, figs. 1-4, modele No. 62. Occurs at Station 4585 only of the Albatross cruise, but is of uni- versal distribution, with almost unlimited bathymetrical range, and is fossil in the early Mesozoic (Lower Lias), becoming more com- mon in Cretaceous strata and succeeding formations. POLYMORPHINA COMPRESSA d’Orbigny. Polymorphina compressa d’Orbigny, Forain. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 233, pi. xii, figs. 32-34. Cosmopolitan. Fossil in the English Lias. Stations 1). 4017, H. 4430, and H. 4694 but not common. POLYMORPHINA GIBBA (d’Orbigny). Globulina gibba d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 20, 1826, p. 266, inodele No. 63. Test almost globular with three chambers visible on one of the surfaces and flush suture lines. Occurring first in the Oolite, this form is known in many succeeding formations and has a wide dis- tribution in existing oceans. Found at Station H. 4430 only, and rare. POLYMORPHINA LACTEA (Walker and Jacob). Serpula lactea Walker and Jacob (according to Kanmacher), Adam’s Essays, 1798, 2d ed., p. 634, pi. xxiv, fig. 4. One of the most widely known forms of the genus in both fossil and living condition and occurring as early as the Jurassic. Found at Station H. 4579. POLYMORPHINA OBLONGA d’Orbigny. Polymorphina oblonga d’Orbigny, Fora nr. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 232, pi. xii, figs. 29-31. More restricted in its distribution than Polymorphina lactea and generally at depths of less than 500 fathoms. Found at Station H. 4694 only. POLYMORPHINA REGINA Brady, Parker, and Jones. Polymorphina regina Brady, Parker, and Jones, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lon- don, XXVII, 1870, p. 241, pi. xli, figs. 32, a , b. This is one of the few P olymorphinoc with surface ornamentation. The costae are regular and equidistant. The original specimens were from Storm Bay, Tasmania. The other localities are in shallow water in the tropics. A less regular costate form occurs in the Cre- 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOI-. XXXIV. taceous, and has been described under the name P olymorpliina semi- costata Marsson. P. regina was found at Station H. 4694, but was rare. Genus UVIGERIN A. UVIGERINA ANGULOSA Williamson. Uvigerina angulosa Williamson, Recent Foram. Gt. Britain, 1858, p. 67, pi. v, fig. 140. This small foraminifer we find quite abundantly at many stations. It is reported to be very widely distributed and' at depths from 50 to 1,630 fathoms. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, D. 4174, H. 4440, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4567, H. 4568, H. 4571, and H. 4694. UVIGERINA ASPERULA Czjzek. Uvigerina asperula Czjzek, Haidinger’s Nat. Abhandl., II, 1847, p. 146, pi. xiii, figs. 14, 15. Rather widely distributed in nearly all oceans and at depths vary- ing from a few fathoms down to over 2,000. Known as a fossil in the Baden Miocene. A very abundant form in nearly every Alba- tross station, and absent at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, D. 4174, H. 4476, It. 4579, and H. 4696 only. UVIGERINA ASPERULA var. AMPULLACEA Brady. Uvigerina asperula var. ampullacea Brady, Clial. Kept., IX, 1884, p. 579, pi. lxxv, figs. 10, 11. The average depth for this species is not far from 500 fathoms. Not so common as the preceding, but rather abundant in many localities. Found at Stations D. 4174, H. 4440, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4568, H. 4571, and H. 4694. UVIGERINA ASPERULA var. AUBERIANA d’Orbigny. Uvigerina auberiana d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 110, pi. ii, figs. 23, 24. Less abundant than the typical species, the Challenger specimens were obtained at depths of 580 fathoms, Ki Islands ; 610 fathoms, off Kandava; and 630 fathoms, Rockhall Bank, and from shore sands of the West Indies. The variety is not rare at several stations of the Albatross , but is not quite so well represented as the variety am- pullacea and still less than Uvigerina asperula. It occurs at Stations D. 4174, H. 4508, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4568, and H. 4571. UVIGERINA CANARIENSIS d’Orbigny. Uvigerina canariensis d’Orbigny, Foram. Canaries, 1839, p. 138, pi. i, figs, 25-27. The distribution of this species is somewhat peculiar. It is known from very shoal waters as well as from depths of nearly 2,000 fathoms. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4025, and H. 4571. no. 1603. TORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA W A II A N ISLANDS— BA G G. 151 UVIGERINA CANARIENSIS var.. STRIATA Bagg, new subspecies. Notwithstanding that Professor Brady has mentioned the fact that some forms of Uvigerina canariensis are very weakly striated in their lower portion and that such forms are synonymous with d’Orbigny ’s Uvigerina urnula , I find at Station 4566 a form which has definite striations extending in groups clear and well-defined, though not closely set down, and over the last chamber as well as over the earlier segments as in Uvigerina pygmcea. The inflation of the segments is marked and the septa are depressed. This form seems to be suf- ficiently marked to be considered distinct, although Professor Brady has treated such specimens as varieties only of the more widespread type, Uvigerina canariensis . (See Plate V, fig. 2.) Type. — Cat. No. 8201, U.S.N.M. UVIGERINA INTERRUPTA Brady. Uvigerina interruptci Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1879, p. 60, pi. vin, figs. 17-18. The original specimens of this species came from a few localities in the South Pacific, at depths varying from 37 down to 1,375 fathoms. Present but not very common at Stations H. 4430, H. 4440, and H. 4508. UVIGERINA PYGMiEA d’Orbigny. Uvigerina pygmcea d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 269, pi. xn, figs. 8, 9, modele No. 67. This is a widely distributed form both recent and in the Tertiary fossil beds, and its bathymetric range in existing oceans appears to be practically unlimited. It is not at all common in the Albatross material, but we find examples at Stations TI. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4571, H. 4694, and H. 4696. UVIGERINA TENUISTRIATA Reuss. Uvigerina tennistriata Reuss, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LXII, 1870, p. 485. — Von Schlicht, Foram. Pietzpuhl, 1870, pi. xxn, figs. 34-36. Reported from off the Philippines in 95 fathoms, off Heard Island, 75 fathoms, and off Raine Island, 155 fathoms; also off coast of Patagonia^ 140 fathoms. Not common at Stations D. 4017, H. 4476, H. 4585, and H. 4696. Genus SAGRAINA (SAGRINA). SAGRAINA COLUMELLARIS Brady. Sagraina columellaris Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 64. The name of this genus is by some authors spelled Sagraina after Reuss, although Sagrina appears to be also in use. This handsome 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. species is larger than Sagraina dimorpha , the segments are smooth with the sutures flush, and the walls are not prominently perforated. It has been recorded at a limited number of localities in the Atlantic and Pacific in both shallow and deep waters. Rather common at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4430, H. 4508, H. 4585, and H. 4694. SAGRAINA DIMORPHA Parker and Jones. Uvigerina ( Sagraina ) dimorpha Parker and Jones, Phil. Trans., OLV, 1865, p. 420, pi. xviii, fig. IS. A cosmopolitan species at moderate depths and more abundant than other species of the genus. Occurs at stations H. 4440, H. 4566, and H. 4694. SAGRAINA IRREGULARIS Bagg, new species. Test elongate with irregularly set stout segments separated by septa which are but little depressed, giving a nodosarian aspect to the shell. The distal end is narrowly rounded without being acuminate, the anterior abruptly truncated with an invaginated siphonal tube at the end of which is the circular flaring aperture. This peculiar inset effect of the apertural tube, together with the irregularly set cham- bers, affords a ready means of separation of the form from Sagraina striata Schwager, which the species somewhat resembles. The stria- tions of the surface are sinuous, delicate and fairly persistent, but they branch in some places. The texture of the shell is fine semitrans- lucent hyaline calcareous matter and the tests are rather large and well built for the genus. Found in material from Stations D. 4025 and H. 4571 and common at the former station. (See Plate V, figs. 8 - 10 .) Type. — Cat. No. 8200, U.S.N.M., Station 4025. Family GLOBIGERINI DM. * Genus GLOBIGERINA. GLOBIGERINA ^QUILATERALIS Brady. Globigerina cequilateralis Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XIX, n. s., 3 S79, p. 71. This symmetrically but loosely built Globigerina is one of the most abundant forms in all the material dredged in the 19 stations we examined. The forms are large and beautiful and in various stages of growth. This is less common perhaps than Globigerina bulloides , but is of larger size. Not likely to be confused with G. cretacea. which is more involute, trochoid in its growth, and less common. Present in surface waters only of both the North and South Pacific; in bottom material also in the South Atlantic. Geological range, Cretaceous (?) to Recent. Abundant at every station except H. 4579, where it is apparently absent. no. 1603 . FORA M1NIFERA FROM THE ILL WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 153 GLOBIGERINA BULLOIDES d’Orbigny. Globigerina bulloides d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, No. 1, p. 277, model e No. 17 and (young) No. 76. The most abundant form in Recent oceans at all latitudes and at all depths, constituting the bulk of Globigerina oozes. A very com- mon fossil from the Cretaceous through the Tertiary. Abundant at every locality of the 19 stations here described. GLOBIGERINA BULLOIDES var. TRILOBA Reuss. Globigerina triloba Reuss, Denkschrift. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I, 1849, p. 374, pi. xlvii, figs. 11 a-e. Regarded as only an unimportant variety of G. bulloides , always associated with the latter, but less common. This form was found at six stations only — D. 4174, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4566, II. 4567, and H. 4568 — although it is probably present in others where Globige- rinae are abundant. GLOBIGERINA CONGLOBATA Brady. Globigerina conglobata Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1S79, p. 72. Equally abundant, with other Globigerina types, in every dredg- ing except I). 4000, H. 4440, H. 4508, and H. 4579. Common in surface collections in the great oceans, but most fre- quent in warmer latitudes and in the Tropics. Professor Brady in the Challenger report limits it to latitude 40° north and 35° south in the Atlantic, and a still more restricted area in the Pacific. Not recorded in the fossil world. GLOBIGERINA CRETACEA d’Orbigny. Globigerina cretacea d’Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, IV, 1840, p. 34, pi. hi, figs. 12-14. There can be no doubt but that this widely distributed Cretaceous foraminifer is still living in existing seas. The test closely resembles G. dubia Egger, but is more complanate. Abundant in Cretaceous chalk beds of both Europe and America. Present in the Carribean Sea at 500 meters (Goes).® Observed at Stations H. 4502, H. 4566, and H. 4567, but not very abundant. GLOBIGERINA DIGITATA Brady. Globigerina digitata Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., XIX, n. s., 1879, p. 72. The great elongation of one, two, or even three final chambers into digit-like tubes from a small closely set body whorl are the remark- 0 Alex. Goes. Ret. Rliizop. carib. sea, Kongl. Svenska Yetenskaps — Akad. Ilandlinger, XIX, p. 4, pi. vi, figs. 204-206. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. able characteristics of this Globigerina. Professor Brady does not mention it as a pelagic organism and believes its distribution to be very limited. Found rather frequently at some stations and present at H. 4174, H. 4440, 4585, H. 4566, H. 4571, H. 4585, H. 4590, and H. 4694. GLOBIGERINA DUBIA Egger. Globigerina dubia Egger, Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., 1857, p. 281, pi. ix, figs. 7-9. “ The Globigerina dubia of Egger can only be accepted as a va- rietal modification of Globigerina bulloides , representing perhaps the best development of the typical characters. The test attains somewhat larger dimensions, is stout and compactly built, distinctly rotaline in general conformation, and with a well-marked umbilical cavity. It lias frequently as many as fourteen or fifteen segments. Pelagic specimens of this variety have been taken in the South Atlantic and in the North and South Pacific; and in bottom ooze it has been found also in the North Atlantic. Its northern limit appears to be about latitude 56" north, a little to the south of the Bockhall Bank; whilst in the opposite hemisphere it reaches as far as about latitude 46° south in the Southern Ocean.” a Doctor Egger’s fossils were from the Miocene of Bavaria. Obtained at Stations D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4502, II. 4508, IT. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4568, and H. -4571. GLOBIGERINA HELICINA d’Orbigny. Globigerina helicina d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, No. 5, p. 277. Reported to be rare in both the North and South Atlantic and the South Pacific. Known as a fossil in the Italian Tertiary. Rare and found only at Station H. 4696. GLOBIGERINA RUBRA d’Orbigny. Globigerina rubra d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 94, pi. iv, figs. 12-14. Most abundant in Tropical oceans. Rather less common in our ma- terial than other Globigerina ?. and found at all stations save D. 4000, H. 4440, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4571, and H. 4590. GLOBIGERINA SACCULIFERA Brady. Globigerina sacculifera Brady, Geol. Mag., Dec. 11, IV, 1877, p. 535. Next to Globigerina bulloides this is the most abundant species of the genus Globigerina in our material, and we find it very plentiful and present in every station except H. 4585. Its range is similar to that of G. conglobata. Brady, Clial. Kept., IX, pp. 595-596. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WA II AX ISLANDS— BA GG. 155 Genus ORBULINA. ORBULINA UNIVERSA d’Orbigny. Orbulina universa d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 1. One of the most wide-spread Foraminifera in existing oceans and of unlimited bathymetric range. Fossil in the Lias and later forma- tions. Abundant in every Albatross station examined. Genus PULLENI A. PULLENIA OBLIQUILOCULATA Parker and Jones. Pullenia obUquiloculata Parker and Jones (Introd. Foram. 1862, p. 183) ; Phil. Trans., CLV, 1865, pp. 368, 421, pi. xix, fig. 4. Unknown in the fossil state, and the only representative of the genus living at the surface in mid-ocean. Occurs rather abundantly at Stations D. 4000, H. 4430, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4585, H. 4694, and H. 4696. PULLENIA SPHiEROIDES (d’Orbigny). Xonionina sphceroides d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 1, 1826, p. 293, modele No. 43. Quite common at Stations H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4566, II. 4567, H. 4568, and H. 4585. A cosmopolitan species dating back to the Cretaceous. Genus SPHAEROIDINA. SPHiEROIDINA BULLOIDES d’Orbigny. Sphwroidina bulloides d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 1, 1826, p. 267, modele No. 65. Of very wide geographical and bathymetrical distribution. Fossil in the European chalk. Occurs at Stations D. 4174, H. 4555, H. 4566, and H. 4567. SPHiEROIDINA DEHISCENS Parker and Jones. Sphceroidina dehiscens Parker and Jones, Phil. Trans., CLV, 1865, p. 369, pi. xix, figs. 5, a , b. Common in tropical waters and recorded in the Pliocene deposits of Kar Nicobar. Much more abundant in our dredgings than S. bulloides. Not rare and found at Stations D. 4017, H. 4430, H. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4571, H. 4585, and H. 4590. 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Genus CANDEINA. CANDEINA NITIDA d’Orbigny. Candeina nitida d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. Ill, pi. n, figs. 27, 28. Test trochoid with globose segments, along the junction of which are a series of pores which cover in a regular manner the entire sutural depressions. Shell white and shining and resembling Glo- bigerina , but the pores so minute that they can not be seen except under very high power ; the shell in this respect resembling Spliceroi- dina. The genus is represented by only this one species, and it is present both in surface and bottom material, with the thinner shell cover in the surface specimens. Reported not rare in dredgings from Funafuti, in the South Pacific, at depths of 50 to 200 fathoms. Abundant along with Glo- bigerince in every ooze we have studied, except at Stations D. 4017 and H. 4579. Rot known in the fossil condition. Family ROTALIIME. Subfainily ROTALIIN^]. Genus CYMBALOPORA. CYMBALOPORA POEYI (d’Orbigny). Rosalina poeyi d’Orbigny, Foram. Cuba, 1839, p. 100, pi. in, figs. 18-20. This peculiar rotaliform genus has its most typical representation in the above species. It is known in two distinct types, one high and vaulted form the other strongly depressed. The first we observe fre- quently in several of our dredgings, particularly at Station 4025. The species is common in tropical coral sands. Found at Stations D. 4000, D. 4017> D. 4025. H. 4476, and H. 4696. Not known in the fossil state. DISCORBINA OBTUSA (d’Orbigny). Rosalina obtusa d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 179, pi. xi, figs. 4-6. Test plano-convex, with superior surface, but little elevated. Su- tures depressed, slightly curved on the superior surface and the mar- gin somewhat lobulated. The inferior surface shows but few cham- bers, with straight depressed septa reaching to the umbilicus. The striate aspect of this lower surface is not constant. Recorded and figured by Goes from material collected near Spitz- bergen at a depth of 40 meters. Parker and Jones record it as plenti- ful off the Hunde Islands, Davis Straits, 28 to 70 fathoms. Pro- fessor Brady reports it from off Ascension Islands, 420 fathoms. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 157 D’Orbigny described it from the Vienna Basin Miocene at Nuss- dorf. Discorbince are uncommon in the material we examined, and this species was present only at Station H. 4568. DISCORBINA TURBO (d’Orbigny). Rotalia ( Trochulina ) turbo d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 29, 182G, p. 274, modele No. 73. Cretaceous to Recent. Shoal waters, tropical oceans. Rare at Sta- tion H. 4694. DISCORBINA VILARDEBOANA (d’Orbigny). Rosalind vilardeboana d’Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., 1839, p. 44, pi. vi, figs. 13-15. Recent only. Universal distribution in existing oceans. Limited to shallow waters. Not uncommon at Stations H. 4440 and II. 4568. Genus TRUNCATULINA. TRUNCATULINA AKNERIANA (d’Orbigny). Rotalina akneriana d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 156, pi. vm, figs. 13-15. Present at Station H. 4590 only. TRUNCATULINA CULTER (Parker and Jones). Planorbulina cultcr Parker and Jones, Pliil. Trans., CLV, 1865, p. 421, pi. xix, figs. 1 , a, b. The original specimens of this species were from a depth of 1,080 fathoms in the tropical Atlantic. Found at Stations H. 4502 and H. 4567 of the Albatross. TRUNCATULINA DUTEMPLEI (d’Orbigny). Rotalina dutemplei d’Orbigny, Foram. P^oss. Vien., 1846, p. 157, pi. viii, figs. 19-21. This foraminifer is apparently not uncommon in the middle Euro- pean Tertiary, but is rare and at depths of over 1,000 fathoms in ex- isting oceans. Station H. 4571, 884 fathoms, not common. TRUNCATULINA HAIDINGERII (d’Orbigny). Rotalina haidingerii d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 154, pi. vii, figs. 7-9. Not common in existing oceans, but known in non typical specimens at depths of from 90 to 1,776 fathoms chiefly in the South Pacific. Found in the Upper Cretaceous and best developed in the Tertiary formation. Occurs sparingly at Station H. 4508. 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. TRUNCATULINA LOBATULA (Walker and Jacob). Nautilus lobatulus Walker and Jacob, Adam’s Essays, Kanmacher’s ed., 1798, p. 642, pi. xiv, fig. 36. One of the most widely diffused Rotaline types known and occur- ring frequently in all formations where Foraminifera are present from the Carboniferous to Recent. Found at all stations except H. 4430, H. 4502, H. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4579, H. 4585, and H. 4590. TRUNCATULINA MUNDULA Brady, Parker, and Jones. Truncatulina mundula Brady, Parker, and Jones, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, XII, Pt. 7, 1888, p. 228, pi. xlv, fig. 25. The authors state that this form, common at 2o0 fathoms off the Abrolilos Bank, South America, is intermediate between Truncatu- lina haidingerii and Truncatulina ungeriana. It is more compressed than the former, with about double as many chambers in each con- volution, and they consider Pulvinulina harsteni its nearest isomorph. Specimens agreeing closely with the description and figure of this species we find at Station D. 4000, depth 104 to 213 fathoms. TRUNCATULINA PR^CINCTA (Karrer). Rotalia prwcincta Karrer, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LVI I, 1868, p. 189, pi. v, fig. 7. Of this coral reef species no typical representatives occur in the Albatross collections, but what perhaps is a variety of the form occurs rarely at Station H. 4476. TRUNCATULINA PYGM^A Hantken. Truncatulina pygmcea Hantken, Mittheil. Jahrb. ung. Geol. Anstalt, IV, 1S75, p. 78, pi. x, fig. 8. This is a very deep-water species, being found at depths of 1,570 to 3,125 fathoms. Represented at Station H. 4502, 1,342 fathoms. TRUNCATULINA REFULGENS (Montfort). Cibicides refill gens Montfort, Concbl. System., I, 1808, p. 122, 31 genre. Truncatulina refulgens occurs at depths ranging from about 50 to 2,500 fathoms and is typically represented in the temperate-zonal waters outside the Tropics. Found rather unfrequently at Stations D. 4000, D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4476, H. 4566, and H. 4696. It is a well- known fossil from the Cretaceous and later formations. - no. 1603. FORA MINIFE RA FROM IIIE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- BAGG. 159 TRUNCATULINA WUELLERSTORFI (Schwager). Anomalina wuellerstorfi Schwager, Novara Exped., Geol. Theil, II, 1866, p. 258, pi. vii, figs. 105, 107. This species is very abundant in nearly all of the Albatross mate- rial examined and is wanting only at Stations D. 4000, I). 4476, H. 4555, H. 4566, and H. 4579. Its earliest appearance dates back to the Cretaceous. Genus ANOMALINA. ANOMALINA AMMONOIDES (Reuss). Rosalina ammonoides Reuss, Verstein. bolim. Kreid., Pt. 1, 1845, p. 36, pi. xiii, fig. 60 ; pi. viii, fig. 53. Easily recognized by its depressed involute nautiloid form with rounded margin and median aperture. The species is, however, liable to considerable minor varieties. It is chiefly found in the South Pacific, and in waters of moderate depths. As a fossil it is well known in the Cretaceous of both this country and Europe. It is not abundant in the material studied but occurs at Stations D. 4000, D. 4025, D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4440, H. 4476, H. 4508, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4579, and H. 4694, and is rather common at D. 4025. ANOMALINA ARIMINENSIS (d’Orbigny). Planulina ariminensis d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 280, pi. v, figs. 1-3 bis, modele No. 49. Differs from A. ammonoides in the greater compression of the test and the more squarely built periphery, together with a stronger limbation of the sutures. Widely found in the North Atlantic, at moderate depths; rare in the South Atlantic, and also the South Pacific ; abundant in the Med- iterranean. Found also at the Abrohlos Bank from 47 to 940 fathoms, and in Hongkong Harbor. In the fossil state it is known from the Cretaceous, and has been found in the Tertiary and later deposits in many localities. Bather rare at Stations H. 4430 and H. 4567. ANOMALINA CORONATA Parker and Jones. Anomalina coronata Parker and Jones, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XIX, 1857, p. 294, pi. x, figs. 15, 16. The above species is coarsely constructed, like Anomalina grosseru- gosa , but the segments are more or less angular along each side of the peripheral border and sharply marked off from the depressed umbilici. The perforation of the shell is coarse and the test large. Rare within the Tropics but abundant in many temperate zone dredg- ings from the North and South Atlantic oceans. Geologically known from the Eocene through the later Tertiaries. It is usually found 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. at shoal water depths, although 1,630 fathoms have yielded speci- mens. We recognize the species at Stations D. 4000, H. 4566, H. 4571, and 44. 4696. Perhaps the largest and most typical are from Station H. 4566. ANOMALINA GROSSERUGOSA (Gumbel). Truncatulina grosserugosa Gumbel, Abhandl. d. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss., II, Cl. X, 1868, p. 660, pi. n, figs. 104, a, 1). Resembles Anomalina ammonoides , but is larger, more stoutly built and has only a few chambers in the last convolution. The perfora- tion is coarse but there are fewer pores upon the superior surface. The Challenger expedition obtained this form from only a few lo- calities in the North and South Atlantic and in the North and South Pacific. The depths were from 345 to over 2,000 fathoms. I am inclined to think, however, that it is much more common than these results would indicate. I find excellent specimens at Station D. 4502 and it is present at the following localities: Stations D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4440, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4571, and H. 4696. I have recorded the form in the New Jersey Cretaceous and it has been variously recorded in the European Tertiary. A very similar form is found in the Vienna basin Miocene near Baden, and de- scribed by d’Orbigny under the name Anomalina badenensis ANOMALINA POLYMORPHA Costa. Anomalina polymorpha Costa, Atti dell’ Accad. Pontan., VII, 1856. p. 252, pi. xxi, figs. 7-9. A large coarsely built form with extensions of the chambers at the periphery irregularly into stout spines. The perforation is very large and the pores few, and the species is somewhat like Anomalina grosserugosa , but is less thick. It is considered isomorphous with Rot alia calcar and Pulvinulina spinimargo. Present at shallow depths in both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Recorded by Costa from the Miocene of Italy. Occurs at Stations I). 4017, II. 4476, H. 4508, II. 4568, H. 4579, H. 4590, and II. 4696. Genus PULVINULINA. PULVINULINA CANARIENSIS (d’Orbigny). Rotalina canariensis d’Orbigny, Foram. Canaries, 1839, p. 130, pi. i, figs. 34-36. Not confined to the Tropics but more abundant there. In our dredgings, common but less abundant than P. menardii . Stations D. 4000, D. 4174, H. 4430, II. 4440, H. 4476, H. 4502, II. 4508, H, 4555, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4568, 41. 4585, 41. 4590, 44. 4694, and 41. 4696. For. Foss. Vienna, p. 171, pi. x, figs. 1-3, no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE IIA WA II AN ISLANDS— BAGG. 161 PULVINULINA CRASSA (d’Orbigny). Rotalina crassa d'Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, IV, 1840, p. 32, pi. in, figs. 6, 7.- Described in the Cretaceous but not in succeeding formations. Occurs in bottom dredgings at great depths as well as in shallower waters and over a wide area of distribution. Stations H. 4430, H. 4555, H. 4566, H. 4571, H. 4585, and H. 4590 of the Albatross cruise. PULVINULINA ELEGANS (d’Orbigny). Rotalia elegans d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 54, 1826, p. 276. One of the most beautiful of all Pulvinulina^ and of very large size. It is a comparatively shallow-water type, while its related form, Pulvinulina partschiana , is a deep-water species. Found rather abundant at Stations D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4502, H. 4508, H. 4555, H. 4567, H. 4571, H. 4585, and H. 4696. PULVINULINA GILBERTI Bagg, new species. From the dredging of Station 4567 I find two specimens of Pulvi- nulina which appear to be new. The test is highly vaulted upon the inferior side, with deeply sunken septa which extend from the mar- gin to the umbilicus in an almost straight line, as in Pulvinulina canariensis d’Orbigny, which this species somewhat resembles. The segments are, however, more compactly built and the aperture, a neatly shaped arch, lies midway between the periphery and the umbilicus upon the inferior surface. The superior surface, instead of being vaulted as in P. canariensis , is almost complanate and the periphery is almost keeled, being quite sharp and distinct, although somewhat lobulated on the last two chambers of the ultimate whorl. There are five segments visible in the last convolution and they are equally dis- tinct upon both surfaces. (See Plate V, figs. 11-15.) The shell is very minute and firmly built. It has a slight resem- blance to Truncatulina dutemplei (d’Orbigny), but the margin is sharp and more angular in the present form, and the septal lines upon the inferior surface are much more depressed and the chambers more inflated. It is somewhat doubtful whether the present form should be considered a distinct species or only a variety of Pulvi- nulina menardii , which it resembles. It is much smaller than P. me- nardii , much more vaulted upon the inferior surface, and a little more closely involute. The septal depressions also are strong, deeply sunken on the lower side, and extend straight to the center. Upon the superior side they are strongly curved as in P. menardii. There are five of these chambers in the final convolution. The ultimate chamber is largest and in its outline reminds one of the auriculate Proc. N. M. vol, xxxiv — 08 11 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NA TIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. type of Pulvinulina} , but it is not so extended from the whorl. It is not a young form of P. menardii. Present and rather common at Station H. 4555. Named for Professor Charles H. Gilbert, of Stanford University, California. Type. — Cat. No. 8199. U.S.N.M., Station H. 4555. PULVINULINA MENARDII (d’Orbigny). Rotalia menardii d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 20, 1826, p. 273, modele No. 10. This is the most abundant Pulvinulina found in the Albatross ma- terial, and it is typically developed and present at every station but one, H. 4579. Its geological history dates from the Cretaceous. In existing oceans the distribution is world- wide and ranging down to 2,750 fathoms or more. PULVINULINA MENARDII var. FIMBRIATA Brady. Pulvinulina menardii var. fimbriata Brady, dial, llept., IX, 1884, pp. 091, 092, pi. cm, figs. 3, a, b. Stations II. 4567, H. 4571, and H. 4694, but not common at any of them. PULVINULINA MICHELINIANA (d’Orbigny). Rotalina micheliniana d’Orbigny, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, IV, 1840, p. 31, pi. in, figs. 1-3. This species, while never abundant in our material, is not at all rare and in some localities it is rather plentiful. The forms are typ- ical specimens and rather large. Obtained at all Stations except at D. 4025, where Pulvinulina} are not abundant, and at H. 4579. PULVINULINA PARTSCHIANA (d’Orbigny). Rotalina partschiana d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss, Vien., 1846, p. 153, pi. vii, figs. 28--30; pi. vin, figs. 1-3. A deep-water variety of Pulvinulina elegans , as stated above. Oc- curs only at Station H. 4568. PULVINULINA PATAGONICA (d’Orbigny). Rotalina patagoniea d’Orbigny, Foram. A-mer. Merid., 1839, p. 36, pi. ii, figs. 6-8. A common constituent of bottom dredgings, but rare in surface material. Present at Stations II. 4502 and H. 4566. no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HA W All AN ISLANDS— BAGG. 163 PULVINULINA PROCERA Brady. Pulvinulina procera Brady, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., XXI, n. s., 1881, p. 66. This species closely resembles Pulvinulina schreibersii , but the test is higher and more conical. Found only at Station II. 4508. PULVINULINA PUNCTULATA (d’Orbigny). Rotalia punctulata d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 25, 1826, p. 273, modele No. 12. Station D. 4017, but rare. Prof. H. B. Brady in the Challenger Report (p. 686) writes that with the exception of one occurrence near the west coast of Patagonia the species is limited to the North Atlantic, and we may be wrong in placing the few specimens we have under this species. The characters agree tolerably well, however, and the identification may be conditionally made as above. PULVINULINA REPANDA (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus repandus Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 35, pi. iii, figs. a-d. We do not find good representatives of the above species in our dredgings, but the form occurs at Stations D. 4017 and H. 4694. PULVINULINA SCHREIBERSII (d’Orbigny). Rotalina schreibersii d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 154, pi. vm, figs. 4-6. Occurs in the Middle Tertiary. Reported from seven stations in the South Pacific. Found sparingly at Stations H. 4476 and H. 4566. PULVINULINA MENARDII var. TUMIDA Brady. Pulvinulina menardii var. tumida Brady, Geol. Mag., IV, 1877, Dec. 11, p. 294. Chiefly tropical and generally from bottom dredgings. Frequent at all stations, in common with P. menardii , except D. 4017, D. 4025, H. 4440, H. 4579, and H. 4696. Genus ROTALIA. ROTALIA SOLDANII (d’Orbigny). Rotalina soldanii d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 5, 1826, p. 278, modele No. 36, A common species of wide distribution and most frequent at depths below 1,000 fathoms. Eocene to Recent. Rare at Stations H. 4508, H. 4555, and H. 4585. 164 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Family NUMMULIN ID2E. Subfamily POLY STOMELLINJE. Genus NONIONINA. NONIONINA DEPRESSULA (Walker and Jacob). Nautilus depressulus Walker and Jacob, Adam’s Essays, Kanmacher's ed., 1798, l). 641, pi. xiv, fig. 33. Widely distributed at the present time and common in the Euro- pean Tertiaries. Found at Stations D. 4025, H. 4430, H. 4440, and H. 4466. NONIONINA ORBICULARIS Brady. Noninina orbicularis Brady, Denksclir. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XL11I, 1881, p. 105, pi. n, figs. 5, a, b; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, VIII, p. 415, pi. xxi, figs. 5, a, b. I think I am right in placing the small Nonionina found at Station H. 4566 in this species. The form resembles Nonionina pompilioides in outline, but the former has more segments, thicker umbilici, and less regular arrangement of the segments. This species has been dredged off the cold waters of Spitzbergen, off the Canaries, off Pata- gonia, and elsewhere, but at very shallow depths. It is obtained in the Eocene and later Tertiary of Europe. Station H. 4566. NONIONINA POMPILIOIDES (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus pompilioides Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 31, pi. ii, figs. a-e. Test thicker and more involute than Nonionina umbilicatula , which this species resembles, and the septa less distinct. Reported to be less common than similar species. Chiefly confined to deep water and gen- erally below 1,000 fathoms. Fossil in the Miocene and later forma- tions. Station H. 4567 only, and not common. NONIONINA. .SCAPHA (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus scapha Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 105, pi. xix, figs, d-f . The elongate oval segements and depressed chambers which rapidly eidarge from the umbilicus make the form easily recognizable. Fre- quent in dredgings from many regions and common as a fossil in the Tertiary. It does not appear to be limited in depth. Stations D. 4000, D. 4025, H. 4440, II. 4567, and H. 4696 afford specimens of this species. It appears to be the most common Nonionina in our dredgings. no. 1603. FORAMIN1FERA FROM THE HA W All AN ISLANDS— BAG G. 165 NONIONINA UMBILICATULA (Montagu). Nautilus umbilicus Montagu, Test. Britain, 1803, p. 191 ; Suppl., p. 78, pi. xviii, fig. 1. Nonionina umbilicatula may be regarded as occupying an inter- mediate position between N. depressula and N. pompilioides. It is found at all depths from a few to over 3,000 fathoms. Its geograph- ical distribution is equally extensive. Its geological history com- mences with the Eocene. Occurs at Stations H. 4508 and II. 4555. Genus POLYSTOMELLA. POLYSTOMELLA MACELLA (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus macellus Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1803, p. 66, pi. x, figs. e-g. A compressed variety of the more abundant type Polystomella crispa. Chiefly in shallow, tropical waters, but it is the earliest known fossil belonging to the genus and occurs in the Middle Jura. Found at Stations D. 4000 and II. 4430. POLYSTOMELLA SUBNODOSA (Munster). Robulina subnodosa Munster (according to Roemer), Neues Jahrb., fur Miner., 1838, p. 391, pi. in, fig. 61. This occurs but twice in the Challenger dredgings, off Booby Island, and southwest of Papua at from 6 to 28 fathoms. Rare at Station H. 4508. POLYSTOMELLA STRIATO PUNCTATA (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus striatopunctata Fichtel and Moll, Test. Microsc., 1S03, p. 61, pi. ix, figs. a-c. One of the most abundant species of Polystomellce whether recent or fossil. Depth and range unlimited. Fossil in the early Eocene. Found at Station D. 4174. Subfamily IN T 7 M M T7 X, I T I IN' . Genus AMPHESTEGINA. AMPHISTEGINA LESSONII d’Orbigny. Amphistegina lessonii (part) d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, No. 3, 1826, p. 304, pi. xvii, figs. 1-4. The recent types of Amphistegina are very difficult to separate even in varieties on account of the great variation of form they exhibit. Professor Brady a separates the species Amphistegina lessonii into three divisions, namely: (1) compressed lenticular form A. vul- garis Parker, Jones, and Brady), (2) thick variety, more often in- Challenger Report, IX, p. 740. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. 166 equilateral ( —A. gibbosa Williamson), and (3) thick forms, still more inequilateral ( =A. rugosa d’Orbigny). In the material studied there are two well-developed types; one rather small, shin- ing, white, nearly equilateral, moderately vaulted, with all the seg- ments visible in the final volution, the other very gibbous, opaque, larger than the first, with some granulations around the aperture near the margin, with the chambers uniformly curved, and without the sinuosity of the smaller types. It is possible that this second form represents a new type, but since so much latitude has been granted the original A. lessonii I prefer to consider these two types as one and refer to the average symmetrical form as A. lessonii and the other as the globose variety. The species is unusually abundant in the Hawaiian dredgings. It was recognized in the following stations of the 19 examined: D. 4000, D. 4025, D. 4174, H. 4430, H. 4440, H. 4476, H. 4508, H. 4566, H. 4567, H. 4579, and H. 4694. The typical globose type is abundant at Station 4476. Abundant in the tropical waters of the great oceans. It is best de- veloped on bottoms of less than 30 fathoms, and is rare below 400 fathoms. Genus HETEROSTEGINA. HETEROSTEGINA DEPRESSA d’Orbigny. Heterostegina depressa d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., VII, 1826, p. 305, pi. xvii, tigs. 5-7, modele No. 99. Like Haplostiche , this genus has but a single living representative. It is a shallow-water tropical form found around many coral islands.- But two specimens of this well-known species were obtained at Station H. 4566. Genus NUMMULITES. NUMMULITES CUMINGII Carpenter. Amphistegina cumingii Carpenter, Pliil. Trans., 1859, p. 32, pi. v, figs. 13-17. The classification of recent Nummulites is to the mind of the writer in an entirely unsatisfactory condition. The difficulty has come from considering under one species many marked varieties with not only more chambering in each volution but also from a difference in vault- ing or thickness of contour, which results in altering the entire figure of the shell. Under Amphistegina were mentioned several varieties, and the same might be done with the Nummulites series. The mul- tiplication of chambers, however, is, I think, important and a form with twice the segmentation in a given whorl ought not to be re- garded as belonging to a species with only one-half as many. Again the asymmetry of the test is one of the chief features which serve to distinguish the genus Nummulites from Amphistegina , and even Carpenter later referred the present form to Nummulites after NO. 1G03. FORA M INIFERA FROM THE HA WAIIAN ISLANDS— BAGG. 167 previously classifying it with Amphistegina. However that may be, there is a considerable amount of variation among these forms which in the fossil state would be sufficient to cause their separation into several species or at least important varieties of the typical form. This matter can not be properly entered into here, but we have pur- posely kept Nummulites radiata separate from Nummulites cumingii , notwithstanding that it is considered synonymous by Prof. H. B. Brady. The species Nummulites cumingii is confined to tropical and sub- tropical latitudes and is found only in very shallow Avaters. In speci- mens from Station D. 4000 there are fourteen chambers in the final convolution. In Nummulites radiata the number is much greater (nearly double), and they are more sinuous. Also the shell is of a dark brown color in Nummulites radiata and somewhat smaller. Stations D. 4000, H. 4476, H. 4566 (?), and H. 4590. Not as abun- dant as Amphistegina at any of the above stations. NUMMULITES RADIATA d’Orbigny. Nummulina radiata d’Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vien., 1846, p. 115, pi. v, figs. 23, 24. Test compressed, discoidal, smooth, and composed of over twenty segments in the final convolution, separated by flexed septa, some- what irregular. Considered by d’Orbigny as related to Nummulina lenticularis , but with its chambers more inflected. D’Orbigny ’s speci- mens were from the Nussdorf Miocene. Two examples of this type were taken at Station H. 4476. 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol. xxxiv. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Page. Fig. 1. Gaudryina quadrangularis 133 2. Uvigerina canariensis var. striata. 151 3. Bolivina semi-alata 139 4. Bigenerina arenacea. •_ 132 5. Bigenerina arenacea (typical form) 132 6. Bigenerina arenacea (showing irregular growth) 132 7. Virgulina squamosa var. striata 137 8. Sagraina irregularis 152 9. Sagraina irregularis (perfect specimen) 152 10. Sagraina irregularis (siphonal aperture lacking) *152 11. Pulvinulina gilberti (inferior aspect) 161 12. Pulvinulina gilberti (superior aspect) . 161 13. Pulvinulina gilberti (inferior aspect) 161 14. Pulvinulina gilberti (superior aspect) 161 15. Pulvinulina gilberti (inferior aspect) 161 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XXXIV PL. V II 12 13 14 Some New Species of Hawaiian Foraminifera. For explanation of plate see page 168 . INDEX TO SPECIES. Page. Amphistegina lessonii (d’Orbigny) 165 Anomalina ammonoides (Reuss) 159 ariminensis (d’Orbigny) 159 coronata Parker and Jones 159 grosserugosa (Gumbel) - 160 polymorpha Costa 160 Bigenerina arenacea Bagg, new species . . . 132 Biloculina bulloides d’Orbigny 117 comata Brad y 117 depressa d’ Orbigny 117 depressa var. murrhyna Sch wager 117 elongata d’Orbigny 118 irregularis d’ Orbigny 118 Bolivina aenariensis (Costa) 137 dilatata Reuss 137 hantkeniana Brady 137 karreriana Brady 138 limbata Brady 138 nobilis Hantken 138 plicata d’Orbigny 138 punctata d’Orbigny 138 robusta Brady 139 semi-alata Bagg, new species 139 textilarioides Reuss 139 Bulimina aculeata d’Orbigny 134 affinis d’Orbigny 134 buchiana d’Orbigny 135 contraria ( Reuss ). • T 135 inflata Seguenza 135 ovata d’Orbigny 135 pupoides d’Orbigny 136 • williamsoniana Brady 136 Candeina nitida d’Orbigny _ 156 Cassidulina crassa d’Orbigny 139 subglobosa Brady 140 Clavulina angularis d’Orbigny 133 cyllndrica Hantken 134 Cornuspira foliacea (Philippi) 123 involvens Reuss 123 Cristellaria articulata Reuss 146 calcar (Linnaeus) 146 crepidula (Fichtel and Moll) 146 cultrata (Montfort) 147 elegantissima (Costa) 147 gibba d’Orbigny 147 orbicularis (d’Orbigny) . 148 rotulata (Lamarck) 148 vortex (Fichtel and Moll) 148 169 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. XXXIV. Crithionina pisum var. hispida Flint Cyclammina cancellata Brady Cymbalopora poeyi (d’Orbigny) Discorbina obtusa (d’Orbigny) turbo (d’Orbigny) villardeboana (d’Orbigny) Ehrenbergina serratci Reuss Frondicularia robusta Brady Gaudryina filiformis Berthelin pupoides d’Orbigny quadrangular is Bagg, new species Globigerina aequilateralis Brady bulloides d’Orbigny bulloides var. triloba Reuss cretacea d’Orbigny conglobata Brady digitata Brady t dubia Egger helicina d’Orbigny rubra d’Orbigny ' sacculifera Brady Haplophragmium agglutinaus (d’Orbigny) canariense "( d’Orbigny) globigeriniforme (Parker and Jones) latidorsatum ( Bornemann ) nanum Brady scitulum Brady Haplostiche soldanii (Jones and Parker) Heterostegina depressa d’Orbigny Lagena favoso-punctata Brady globosa (Montagu) hispida Reuss Isevis (Montagu) lagenoides (Williamson) marginata (Walker and Boys) quadrata (Williamson) striata (d’Orbigny) Lingulina carinata d’Orbigny Miliolina bicornis var. elegans Williamson cuvieriana (d’Orbigny). linnseana (d’Orbigny) oblong a (Montagu) parkeri Brady separans Brady seminulum (Linnaeus) seminulum var. disciformis Williamson tricarinata ( d’ Orbigny ) trigonula (Lamarck) Nodosaria calomorpha Reuss communis (d’Orbigny) consobrina var. emaciata Reuss guttifera (d’Orbigny) Ixvigata d’ Orbigny pauperata (d’Orbigny) Page 127 129 156 156 157 157 140 145 133 133 133 152 153 153 153 153 153 154 154 154 154 126 126 126 126 127 127 128 166 140 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 144 120 120 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 142 142 143 143 143 144 no. 1603. FORAMINIFERA FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS— B AGO. 171 Page. Nodosaria roemeri (Neugeboren) 144 scalaris (Batsch) 144 soluta Reuss 144 vertebralis ( Batsch ) 144 Nonionina depressula (Walker and Jacob) 164 orbicularis Brady 164 pompilioides ( Fichtel and Moll) 164 scapha (Fichtel and Moll) 164 umbilicatula (Montagu) 165 Nubecularia inflata Brady 116 Nummulites cumingii Carpenter 166 radiata d’Orbigny 167 Orbiculina adunca (Fichtel and Moll) : 124 Orbit olites complanata Lamarck 125 marginalis ( Lamarck ) 125 Orbulina universa d’Orbigny 155 Pavonia flabelliformis d’ Orbigny 132 Peneroplis arietinus (Batsch) 124 carinatus d’Orbigny 124 cylindraceus (Lamarck) 124 Ixvigatus Karrer 124 lituus ( Gmelin) 124 pertusus (Forskal) 123 pertusus var . planatus (Fichtel and Moll) 124 Polymorphina amygdaloides Reuss 148 angusta (Egger) : 148 communis (d’Orbigny) 149 compressa d’ Orbigny 149 gibba (d’Orbigny) 149 lactea (Walker and Jacob) 149 oblonga d’Orbigny 149 regina Brady, Parker, and Jones 149 Polystomella macella (Fichtel and Moll) 165 subnodosa (Munster) 165 striato-punctata (Fichtel and Moll) 165 Pullenia obliquiloculata Parker and Jones 155 sphxroides (d’Orbigny) 155 Pulvinulina canariensis (d’Orbigny) 160 crassa (d’ Orbigny) 161 elegans (d’Orbigny) 161 gilberti Bagg, new species 161 menardii (d’Orbigny) 162 menardii var. fimbriata Brady 162 micheliniana (d’Orbigny) 162 partschiana (d’Orbigny) 162 patagonica (d’Orbigny) 162 procera Brady 163 punctulata (d’Orbigny) 163 repanda (Fichtel and Moll) 163 schreibersii (d’Orbigny) 163 tumida Brady 163 Reophax fusiformis (Williamson) 125 nodulosa Brady 125 scorpiurius Montfort 126 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol. xxxiv. Rhabdammina discreta Brady Rhabdagonium minutum Reuss tricarinatuvi (d’Orbigny) Rotalia soldanii (d’Orbigny) Sagraina columellaris Brady dimorphci Parker and Jones irregularis Bagg, new species Sphseroidina bulloides d’Orbigny dehiscens Parker and Jones Spiroloculina acutimargo Brady grata Terquem „ limbata d’Orbigny nitida d’Orbigny planulata (Lamarck) tenuis (Czjzek) Textularia agglutinans d’Orbigny aspera Brady folium Parker and Jones - gramen d’Orbigny quadrilatera Sch wager rugosa (Reuss) sagittula Def ranee siphonifera Brady trochus d’Orbigny Trochammina lituiformis Brady pauciloculata Brady : proteus Karrer ringens Brady Truncatulina akneriana (d’Orbigny) culter (Parker and Jones) dutemplei (d’Orbigny) haidingerii (d’Orbigny) lobatula (Walker and Jacob) mundula Brady, Parker, and Jones prsecincta (Karrer) pygmaea Hantken refulgens (Montfort) wuellerstorfi ( Schwager ) Uvigerina angulosa Williamson asperula Czjzek asperula var. ampullacea Brady asperula var. auberiana d’Orbigny canariensis d’Orbigny canariensis var. striata Bagg, new subspecies interrupta Brady pygmsea d’Orbigny tenuistriata Reuss Vaginulina legumen (Linnaeus) Virgulina squamosa d’Orbigny squamosa var. striata Bagg, new subspecies . subsquamosa Egger Verneuilina propinqua Brady spinulosa Reuss Vertebralina insignis Brady Webbina clavata Jones and Parker Page. 125 145 145 163 151 152 152 155 155 119 119 119 119 119 120 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 128 128 128 129 157 157 157 157 158 158 158 158 158 159 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 145 136 137 136 131 132 123 129