ARTICLES - OF- ASSOCIATION AND B 3T-:L s OF -THE --— JEWISH FARMERS’ COOPERATIVE CREDIT UNIONS --- ORGANIZED-- UNDER THE AUSPICES O F fhe Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society. NEW YORK CITY. 26Apl3 Of the many problems confront¬ ing American farming, none is of greater moment than that of the want of agricultural credit whereby the farmer can obtain on easy terms and without red tape a moderate loan for productive pur¬ poses. While this form of credit has, during the last half century, met with most remarkable success in many foreign countries, as shown by the growth of their agricultural credit banks, the average American’ farmer must still depend for his annual working capital upon the generosity of his neighbor, the forbearance of the local storekeeper the cupidity of the usurer. This applies with special force to those farmers who have not yet had the time to entrench themselves * in their new vocation. The Jewish Agricultural and In¬ dustrial Aid Society, in order to solve this problem, has decided to assist the various Jewish farming communities in establishing local 3 Co-operative Agricultural Credit Unions modeled somewhat after the “Raiffeisen System” in Germany. The first Jewish Farmers’ Co-op¬ erative Credit Union, and for that matter the first credit union in the United States, was organized on May i, 1911. These By-Laws were adopted by the several Credit Unions that were organized under the auspices of the Society. The Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society, 174 Second Avenue, New York City. July 1, 1911. 4 Articles of Association. WHEREAS, a system of per- sonal credit, whereby short-term loans for productive purposes can be obtained for moderate amounts and on easy terms, is of prime im¬ portance to those engaged in agri¬ culture; and WHEREAS, our faith in the benefits of co-operation and mutual self-help leads us to believe that a loan association managed co-opera¬ tively will best satisfy the needs and conserve the interests of the Jewish farmers in the vicinity, be it RESOLVED, that we, the Jew¬ ish farmers of-, hereby associate ourselves into a voluntary or unincorporated asso¬ ciation to carry out the objects above set forth, and that we adopt the following By-Laws for the government of the said association: 5 f \ ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this organization shall be The Jewish Farmers' Co¬ operative Credit Union of- ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. The objects of the Credit Union shall be to enable the members thereof when in need to obtain, for productive purposes, moderate loans of money for short periods and at reasonable rates. ARTICLE III. CAPITAL. Section i. The working capital of the Credit Union shall consist of monies received from the sale of shares to members, from initia¬ tion fees, dues, premiums, fines, loans, and the surplus that is set aside as a reserve fund. The Credit Union shall accept no deposit ac¬ counts of any kind whatsoever. Section 2 . The number of shares which may be issued by the Credit Union shall be unlimited. No shares are to be issued until fully paid for. a. The par value of each share shall be Five Dollars ($5). b. Shares may be paid for in weekly or monthly installments over a period not exceeding ten months, the terms to be determined upon by the Board of Directors, provided, however, that no share¬ holder shall be entitled to any of the benefits of the Credit Union either in the shape of loans or divi¬ dends until his shares shall have been paid for in full. c. Each shareholder having his shares paid for in full shall receive a properly numbered certificate giv¬ ing the name of the shareholder and showing the date of its issue and the number of shares represented by it, the same to bear the signa¬ tures of the. President and the Treasurer of the Credit Union. d. Shares are non-transferable except to members, and then only with the approval of the Board of Directors. All transfers shall be subject to a tax of fifty cents (50c.) per share, and no transfer shall be permitted if the transferor is in¬ debted to the Union. 8 Section 3. The amount 6f initia¬ tion fees, dues, premiums on loans, and fines, unless otherwise pro¬ vided for in the By-Laws, shall be regulated by the General Assembly. Should the book value of the shares exceed par, the General Assembly may from time to time increase the initiation fees to the extent of such excess. Section 4. The Credit Union may borrow for the increase of its work¬ ing capital, provided the amount to be borrowed, the terms upon which the said money is to be obtained, and the name of the prospective lender is in each instance first sub¬ mitted to a meeting of the General Assembly and the loan duly author¬ ized by it; and provided , further, that the consent of any existing creditors of the Union shall have been first obtained in writing. Section 5. All initiation fees, dues, premiums and fines, also so much of the net profits as have not been distributed as dividends to the shareholders, shall constitute and be set aside as a permanent reserve ,fund of the Credit Union Section 6. No part of the funds of the Credit Union shall be used for any purposes except that of granting loans to members. 9 ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP. Section i. Membership in the Credit Union is open only to mem¬ bers of The Jewish Farmers’ Asso¬ ciation of-. Any member of the said association in good stand¬ ing may, upon the purchase of one or more shares, become a member of the Credit Union. Section 2. In the event of the withdrawal or expulsion of any member for any cause, the book value of his shares, not exceed¬ ing par, shall be refunded to him within twelve months from the date of such withdrawal, any debts due the Union by said member to be deducted therefrom. Any member leaving the neighborhood may re¬ tain his membership, but shall not be entitled to vote or to receive any loans. ARTICLE V. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Section 1. The entire member¬ ship of the Credit Union shall con¬ stitute a General Assembly, which' shall meet at least once a year, two- thirds of whom shall constitute a quorum. In the event a quorum is not had the first time, a second 10 meeting shall be called within ten days of the first meeting, at which such members as are present shall constitute a quorum for the trans¬ action of all business. Section 2. Each member shall have but one vote, and no voting shall be by proxy; the vote of two- thirds of all the members present shall be necessary to carry any act into effect. Section 3. The annual meeting of the members shall be held on any day during the month of Octo¬ ber of each year, at which the offi¬ cers, consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as a Supervisory Committee of three members, shall be elected for the ensuing fiscal year. Section 4. The fiscal year of the Credit Union shall end on the 30th day of September. Section 5. The General Assem¬ bly shall have the power to review the acts of the Board of Directors of the Credit Union and to adopt rules and regulations for the con¬ duct of the Union in conformity with these By-Laws. Section 6. The President may, at his discretion, call special meetings of the General Assembly and shall do so upon the order of the Super- 11 visory Committee, or upon request of any three (3) members of the Union in writing. Notice of such special meetings, wherein the pur¬ pose of the meeting shall be clearly stated, shall be sent by the Secre¬ tary to each member at least ten days before the day of the meeting. No other business than that speci¬ fied in the written notice shall be transacted at such meetings. ARTICLE VI. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. Section 1. The four officers, to¬ gether with the Supervisory Com¬ mittee, shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Credit Union. Section 2. The duties of the of¬ ficers shall be those usually per¬ formed by such officers. The offi¬ cers shall also constitute the Credit Committee of the Union. Section 3. No officer or other member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation, for his services, with the exception of the Secretary, whose remuneration, if any, shall be fixed by the General Assembly. Section 4. The Board of Direc¬ tors and officers shall serve until their successors have been elected and qualified. In case of a vacancy 12 in the Board of Directors a special meeting of the General Assembly shall be called within two weeks to fill such vacancy. Section 5. The General Assembly may, at a special meeting called for the purpose, declare, by a two- thirds vote, the office of any mem¬ ber of the Board of Directors va¬ cant, provided said meeting was called in accordance with the pro¬ visions of Article V, Section 6 of these By-Laws. ARTICLE VII. CREDIT COMMITTEE. The duties of the Credit Commit¬ tee as such shall be to pass upon all applications for loans and the affirmative vote of three members of the committee shall be necessary for the granting of any loan. It may meet at any time and as often as required. ARTICLE VIII. SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE. The Supervisory Committee shall meet at least once a month to super¬ vise the acts of the Credit Com¬ mittee, to inspect the securities, and to audit the books of the Union and make reports of the same to the General Assembly. The Committee shall keep a com¬ plete record of all its proceedings. 13 ARTICLE IX. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be the cus¬ todian of the funds of the Credit Union and shall keep a separate set of books of entry containing in de¬ tail the financial transactions of the Union. He shall furnish a bond for the faithful performance of his du¬ ties for an amount to be determined by the General Assembly. ARTICLE X. SECRETARY. The Secretary, in addition to whatever other duties he may have to perform, shall keep a complete record of the acts of the General Assembly and, as a member of the Credit Committee, he shall also keep a record of the proceedings of that committee in a special book provided for the purpose. All offi¬ cial records shall be in the English language. ARTICLE XI. DEPOSITORY. The funds of the Credit Union shall be deposited in a national bank, state bank or trust company, and all loans and other disburse¬ ments shall be made by check drawn by the Treasurer, or, in the event 14 of his disability, by the Secretary, and countersigned by the President or Vice-President. ARTICLE XII. LOANS. Section i. Any member of the Credit Union in good standing, with the exception of the members of the Board of Directors, shall be eligible to borrow from the credit fund. The General Assembly may, how¬ ever, by a two-thirds vote, grant a loan to a member of the Board on the same terms as to other mem¬ bers. Section 2. No loan shall be granted to any one who is not in good standing in the Union, or who has not fully paid for his shares as above provided, or is in any way indebted to the Union. Section 3. Loans shall be granted only for productive purposes or urgent needs. Section 4. No loan shall be granted for a period exceeding six months, nor shall any loan be re¬ newed for a sum as large as the original amount. The length of the period for which a loan is granted shall be determined by the Credit Committee at the time of granting. Section 5. Loans shall not exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100) in amount. 15 Section 6. Loans shall bear in¬ terest at the rate of'six per cent, per annum, payable in advance. Section 7. Any loan repaid be¬ fore maturity shall be entitled to a pro rata refund of premium and interest for each full month the loan still has to run. Section 8. All loans shall be se¬ cured by the promissory note of the borrower, and one or more respon¬ sible endorsers, whether members of the association or not. The Credit Committee may, however, demand such additional security as it deems proper. Section 9. Applications for loans shall be made in writing, stating specifically the purpose for which the money is borrowed, and that no consideration has passed or will pass from the borrower to the en¬ dorsers for their endorsement. In case the facts as stated in the ap¬ plication are not found to be as represented, or the money borrowed has been used for purposes other than those for which it was granted, or in the event that the borrower shall sell or otherwise dispose of his farm or personal property, or if he ceases to reside on his farm, or in the event that the Directors shall deem the loan not safe for any rea¬ son whatsoever, then the loan shall 16 immediately become due and pay¬ able. Section io. Appeals from the decisions of the Credit Committee may be taken to the Supervisory Committee, who may lay the matter before the General Assembly. ARTICLE XIII. DIVIDENDS. Section i. Dividends, if any, may be declared by a vote of the General Assembly at their annual meeting, out of the net profits of the Credit Union during the fiscal year next preceding. The gross profits shall consist of the monies received as interest on loans. Net profits are to be arrived at by de¬ ducting, from the gross profits, in¬ terest on money borrowed, ex¬ penses and losses for the year. Section 2. Until the reserve fund shall equal the total paid-in capital, not less than twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the net profits for each year shall be set aside and is to become a part of the reserve fund , the balance may be distributed as dividends among the sharehold¬ ers, but no dividends shall be de¬ clared until two complete fiscal years shall have elapsed since the organisation of this Union. Section 3. No shares shall be en- 17 titled to dividends during the fiscal year in which they were issued. ARTICLE XIV. DISSOLUTION. Section i. In case of the dissolu¬ tion of the Credit Union, whether voluntary or involuntary, a liquidat¬ ing committee of three (3) mem *- bers shall be appointed—one to be named by the General Assembly, one by the creditors, and a third chosen by the two selected . Section 2. In the event of liqui¬ dation, distribution of the assets of the Union shall be made in the fol¬ lowing order: a. Repayment of money borrow¬ ed, including accrued interest. b. Payment of other legal obli¬ gations. c. Pro rata apportionment of the balance among the shareholders. ARTICLE XV. AMENDMENTS. With the exception of Sections 4, 5 and 6 of Article III; Section 2 of Article V ; Article XI; Section 2 of Article XIII; Article XIV and this Article, which are to be a part of the fundamental laws of this Union and are not amendable, these By- Laws may be amended by a two- 18 thirds vote of the General Assem¬ bly at a meeting, notice of the pro¬ posed amendment having been given at a previous meeting of the Gen¬ eral Assembly, provided the consent of the creditors of the Union has first been obtained in writing. 19 ->k tayn osn ^sta'ssp -iyi .3 jyiyn ta^maix fy^myn -$cis Diyt? jvn«n dkh n jjwm ■'- ps ^>n«x lyi i«3 'jy^'siys .taxn lynyiy'* D$n onytr .15 ^yp’Dis .."Qyjjrtyijy) :ntuyDy“!jyD8 'pH 5 ,4 pmiPYltaSS H "lyCIK ""Vix ■>! ^yp'cns jyD'vr nyi px ->ta - i8 jytosrs ps tans yta yto2 n ; Pyp^sns nytaii nyi ; typ p8 typ'tnS IPD13 pej ^'iP'ritaiX -"i8i ystyn ,15 px 14 jy^ta-ix h y^xtaynx-ms h ps ^ta 8 pi jys pnyp p8 jx^v’ "lyiyn ps yxyryj y'px h jyayp ,jyiyn taiynyya w: -•oya (dxx 1 ? "s) yxyry: y^-iys^x —lys ly^nya^x |8 cpix jynyn jyta ps :uua , >tatjy'X nyi ta'ta aaitox? -ta’D ynytyrux h ps tytam "nx jyayri nxJ taxn fy» imk ,nyiy^: nyiy^CD h lyD^n tarx^yj ayr- ny^^y:^ “lyj'myma 8 tpx iyixtanynp h 3 , i8 px ,aj^D8nys ■ant? jynyaya pnxn f8 , JV' "iyr ps xus cpix iw'imv'K nyn -p^ta .aanyray 19 -sr Diytr yr>p — .3 ar^'ntans uyTirn ix tartasynya pn tan iv 1 ? Dnyts> ’f ]yn nns?' fyntyr dj?i ps .|yn«ny; tasnpnys fyrn .14 5j/p'ta“l8 .(}St^V' l 7«DH) JJir^S , '1K •h n ts ^ss ps — .1 mentals -yn tan^yasns tayn ismt* tanyip -iy-rs ^‘rwnB (jynyii fy’assix) jyn -yn ta'anyrny tin pn ,a^nnns tan ix lytsnyo ’> , m ps yta^tasp s ]yn nyr ps jytasytrya n fyn-mp*' 1 ? jytsnyta ■’m h ps aya^s .jsnn -ya'as -iyt ps jynyn ta'anymy “7«r s ,|snv> ps aai'ansnys nyr^ta •H ps ,|yi$tanyip h ps -lytamix .jyta*m s fyapypDns jy^st mix yr 'ass cyn ps — .2 aa^'niass l 7StD''SSp ny-T ‘aST ^S'XNTnp^ ps ta'asxyaDns p$nn iyn ps (DtayDS) : ainns -ly-raya'ass ps jynyn oays'a '1 jyPnsxas ‘asr fyta .1 n ix taayxsns tana (ttya yaym'aya) •P$nn nyn ps jy-ismiy-ip yPs ynyns jy'artsxns “ast jyta .2 ps tamp oyn ^yi'anr ym'axyrya •lyar* “iyi 18 --iny 1 ’ n cpis h pa jjid piyn jy^iPoNnys y:"nytix yD' 1 ? -yn yatyn .DjyinTH n tanny^piy t^asne oym oyi ps pn^a jy 1 ? ,-in«^ oyn ins ppjn tanyap pa nyn .QJHjyya tatny in taxn dnii lytauyssne h ]td anytatryn ta^aNna -^) m«^n "ikd toanyj fyo dsii lan'^n ta^aNia nym *iyn .(d:n n atcis taayay-i jyta dnii ,ayiDisj ta'bnKS j$prp n dnii ,fyta:ysNne jyta jyn p« ly-ixta'nyip ynrpx is cyDiysDpy *h e$~is* taayDyi c«n ,D3yn«tr ynynN p« (,ni«sin) •|yta^y: tasn iNnn n W'? nyn ro — .2 anymtanx tan in tayn “Tase vnytyn -iy5 dkh ; yt 2 ^nNsy:r , 'N nyn ta'ta fyD'^anya tan |yn ,D-iytr nya ^ta'ssp -sns anja«ns ps rp^a pa nyanyn ym ys'fnny n pa (25%) taays -yn nyn n«a jyDnyaiKns ta'a^ns |yp Dy DNii p« ,naKa nnyr Dxn yp’is h pwns jy'nvttais jyta nay-mm p'p nyns .Dnytr jya$n Dy ro ,pnyn ta‘7 ,|, 'tayaDnN tan ■cs) y'ne '"ns fya'-ay in jytyn ptm*' ta'nynp n ta^n ansi (Pyp •tannnsany in ta«n 17 ,DJKtP”p'5>B8 — .9 aai^moaB jj/^r ,t^yj jyrp^ Dya jyo yaPyii pn jyo ya^yvi pn ,yjyantyyj pn Dtfn ay^iv 5y’V d$p jya>nB> p^D’n -ptjnay m Dip pN ptfya m on”? jyo pa oon^ya yj”p do tynipya DpyD tayii }yo ion .p^yi n DirDi$n oyp lyDpsa yjytpiya^ n tn ^ypayaonB do fynya fyrn ikb^p’^bb pyp pn D anpapya pn p^yi m pyp!* p'Dao spin do lyDNt ypypJN spin lyn^nya ps pyp* ,jyrp?yj D*n jya otjivi h lyn^yj D*n D*n pyp tn ,5bb jyawyjpya'N ~iynt? 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TiNtp pyn pa Dnypoyo h ivd tyrr'S iv ppppypya pn ,DH$opjnH -"oya^s h .unb p'pypp Dyp ps n^yj 3 J'id’Dbp'’n pyn p’p aiifoNnya y: ■"^ iv jyD'^yp jy:yp ^ypm "iiv ps nyn ps pyiy'^p'o 'i iv i^yj fyn yp^yr h spin oi^Dpyi'i tin tinns . iy'?3D’D py*UN in iv pi tyuiunyp ■i#t yj"p — .2 jji?"nt328 ■pu D'j n iv jypyn jypyjy; B’rjy^ ntn iv pyiN pty^D’D lyuynypt? t5^n^vyjj"N jyvJNJ pN P’j dnp dnp ]'n t’N py 3 'in pyPN ,dw yi’n pnb pyn iv DJ'p^typya ayvi pn Dy jya^yu .IN’JP pnj ivo “tfyj — .3 3Ji?"n»3N pypN iy^rv jnpppnsjnB ny^iv ryn"^ .nta'u jyD’nj n pN iyn"^> D’j jyo — .4 ui^viDaN -No Dpyt py-p’N D”v ynyjjy^ n spin r nNVJ”N p'; ;yp pyp'N jyp pn ,tyoNJ 14 -aya ypy’ifaxa’a yPx pa fyD”n^yifa’’x h axa Demyan d^x .fyaatfaasn -a^ae yj’H pa aaian’BD’ix ya’^any Daaxa fyaya ayaitytyata aya no fyta tao’D^ya tayn oy mi yniD xtx n’ix .aaifostaya aya”tay:^x aya ”a fyayn .10 ^yp’taax •aytayapyo aya -as y5s h ayD’ix aytayapyD aya Dmx jyp Dy ya^yu ^yoa^as yaya fyn^xn ay no ,jy^aDMs fympD’ix fyaai^aaxn y^x pa aaxpya jyotjip^B x fix ,fyaai^axnya ya”taya?x ’a fia yo’DXP tanyap aya fia ayatayo d^x y5x fia aaxpya x fyta^sn a’ix ay nn yta’taxP tanyap aya fia jyaai^aaxnaya -’if fyiyn ay^iv aia fy^y’xyaD x px I”T fy^xt Daaxpya y^y’irax y5s .py .axaaty ayty’Paay aya px fyan^ya .11 Pyp’taax pnKtamKSP tanyap aya pa jyaays y?x h - ya x px iyta'Txsya jyta aya$ paxn ta^tao ,paxa ‘pxaxtr Days 1 ? y'ax px ,paxi taDgata -xt jynxaDMX yayaax p« (nixiPn) opytyta ta’a iyayn taaxDpa fy 1 ? 13 oya p;o ya^yn px (tyurnyvox) ojx*y txx^ x lyyoyotyya iv .-tfw jyn"? :mo , ’tttyj”x h iyaxn jyo no (nxtfn) onypp pyp pa pypy^ao’o "pp pa ypmx o^xn yo’oxp yiyp .yo’oxp ppi opypxa Dy ni oax ntx jyjj’tyo -yi jyrnjyoe^xs x |yaxn no n px •lyjjtfpjxmya ypmx y^x pa n~tt?p .8 ^yp’opx •yiD'Dsp 5>$*H2J$p yo’oxP (nxrvnyavD) 5 x“ioj$p h jj’O’d p’x tyoDJ’jyn ax tyaxn no h jyamvpyom dix ,oxj^o pypy' -’oxp onypp pyp pa jyjjtfpjxn y^x -pya) D’on'npyo n jypipivpya’x ,yo pya'a n tyamyonx px flyaanyan -yj ”T dxii Dy^x jyayn .ix’Jn pyp pa pyp iv lyopxayp ”t jyapxp onx jyre yo’oxp ytyn .ajtfoxnya pyyoyj^x ypmx y^x pa ppxpyp x jyo^xn no .lyjjtfpjxmya .9 ^yp’opx .(nytaD^DXtastr) pjmtyrjnta "Dxp pyp pn Px* pypitytypo pyp *’jn pyp pa ppyi h pa (poic?) jypxo px ,pya'a ypypjnya jyaxn no py .tx h fypyn jyantypya ty^x* cy ya^yn 12 ~Vi ppp lynipya-tvo iy 5 t#t Dp^topypn cyp pyont# ,to”aps py>n psb toPrt!#* ■ya lympya jyp pyaPyn piytoyppyD aoifosnya yrnoyttfs* h Py’a DPns#* .lyn'tocyya tsyn -H VIS#! 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X 3’1X ^>X2 px — .2 Jjtf"nt33K py pypx jyrpxpmx pn oyii py^tro -^yn pyn’x jypyn tyDi^tpyjD’ix oyp fyoipyp py ppxp .tyaxnix rx Dy ya oyp px^ Dpyy yyn pxb ttfnxxyjD’ix trj p^j ,pxJ n*opyn typjyp’ODytpy -yjjx rx d*?ii rna pyp pyp^x pnyo .D' , p , 2 , tDpyD ayp sr’ix lyypy pyp px pmx py acipyp p^>yj h -c’ipx pa^j lynxes 12 112 dvx . rypyn tyax^yyjDnx pypx, fyaypD -yn djvx 112 jyoip o$n iirtfic? y5x arx .Dpyy h jib myaypynxpx iyp DBxypxnaxJ h ms^pys py ?jtyo x ps?p ,ny^3B’D x tyy^rnyB py :yc jyp px Dpypo’DK' p’p d’j D$n py 7 "il/a “lyj^Dy^X [X iynyi* rnnx .('‘iimQK ^xnyjytyn) wi^esr -jm pyayn »jm D-iytr h pa pna nyn jjtfDxnpa yj”oy^K h iyp |*n ,ijd -* pa n5>yj tantar’K h [ynyDyunya jyoypDDnpy Din me 5>yj$'S"i$a .Diytp h pa pns ■jv 1 trnynp h — .4 j^'nisiix -pys is ms tty:! lyn^ jyp fx 1 yo'iD h .‘pxmsxp oyn jypyDyn: "Hjn h “pi« ^yi” 1 ? ‘rm jya oxn ,|yrp^ |yp jyo ystyn rpix ^Vl DXH Dyi pS P?DNJ iyi px -yn taasnnyji^s nc^ya n jysy; ,:m'7»xnyB ny^Dyj^x jx ixs jyn fyptaytatyyn i^syrya epsn ystyrt -Dyrpy n px ,(nxtfn) jxx 1 ? cyi "’rp iyn ps jyigtanynp yuypta ms jyrns nty: tamp Dy fyoyn ,|x ys^tae'nty pyn ]yny; jytamy jxx 1 ? □y , >: cyr epx :i:iD'tDm , ’ , ’x .(nxiPn) -Dtantor'x h — .5 wi^n-ibix -f|X“itaty px nyayns ,dvh rtyi jya oxn /Pvita nyi *y*ix ,i^y: jy^ytoty -r:ypriH ps synx tanny: ■axnxj) t:xs rnyryn cyi jynxns .|x , ’jr' tanyip pyi ps (uxs ’ta 6 un pa a’ayaya Dyi is aa’aayu/a -jyi j”p jyrp’P is D’j f j$’ai’ tanyip h px ?”naax p’p lyanya is a’a jin J’N i”N D’J a?H$S “iy P3 DUyi’IlH .dw yj”t nxa u/saxa pa nyo’najyp’x nyny’ — ,iysjNJ pN p’N aPn$s iy jyn ,dw (d’jtp’s n) n”p’S’DP!jD x iy apipya •yj t’N ,!ya$a p’t fi’iN jyanB'yj jyj”t Diyty h jyn ,a”S h tyanty ixa ,dw n jib Pnxs n jin ,D’nx -u$d ’i .a5n$syjj”x a$n ny ya^yn ”3 jya’uyyaiyajix pn enxn a”p’D’a nyi pa nyimy-ia jin eayruha ayn .J$’J 1 ’ any-ip jyaynya’X jya jyp dw — .n jin ,j$’Ji’ “iyn pa ny’^oa’a x is up iup h pa jaio’Dtyj”N un a’o up lyi’N an jya jyn .cuppyin nit? -i’ pN iy^n^sj”x jyo *nxrt dw h 2 ’iN .nyty *uny’ -ixa aayo 50' is j^n ,I^’Ji’ w is -tfya anPiy pn W’n pa ow yj”t jyaynya’x an iy jyp .am pn jy^nt^snt? an ayn v n”x jia yaiD h — .3 jutf’’naax -NiDty jin Dy’oyia ,dih ptfya ana -yn aawya an ayn dtp 3’in ,jya *ya ”t jypTp ,DX!p-”3 v i I'n jyn r .3 5yp’top.x .^NC’SBp n>'i p2 J’KD’SXP PyP — .1 tm^TItOaX h ii 2 jnyDtyyp j^nn tonypp pyp sh nx 2 tyoipj’nx toyn d$ii ,p^y; iv jyB’ippya toyn jyto ya^yn ,Dpycy !12 ptfyj DtO'PtOO”K 112 Pypy^OtO’D H IK Dy’Dyis p2 (iy-iy”tpty , >2 ) dih co$tj£ 112 ptfyrntjPt^ 112 ,DO$t0 iyc Dt$11 jyDID h 112 px ,( ni Ntfn) xh .pj$b myryp d^x tyoy^at* toyn -xsyp yo”p tynnyoo* ton }$nv» .Dtooit$py ton tin 112 ^nt$v h — .2 jotfuntoax -yp toyn j$nn tonypp n Dtjn opyt? .tovoypjyaoix pn ,iyrt^Dnpx tyo -yn lyayoytiDnpx on jy^t Dpyty px ”t pxa to$nt$vya jyo pyp^x jyp .lyvoxti pyty pypy' 112 ntopyn pyp — .x .($ 5 ) ps^p po's pn pox jyanp jyo jyp opyty — .2 ■toxosto pyPK T^oyayn jy^nxvDnx 10 pox pyp^K pytoy^ ton p$o pp? -yn lypyii tynitonya h .toxot*D .DPtjtopypn nx pptp ’p ”2 [yot^t? ton ox Dpyty ip pa pyDVHooyji’K pyp 4 (yxyrya) d^ 1 ? "a anjnp jnvBtoysssp ins ♦msw .1 Syp’BiK .jycssj "ijn i$’¥8PJKn$ "lyryn pa iyo^j aya -yap ymt3Kays$$p ytyTK h pn .pa .2 ^yp’tpnx .'j’jrx DSP t^’jp DHynp aya pa Djp •D’D Jjny tD^pySayo n jyaya- w pn jyaaxa tayri ay lyn ,ti*nr pa ay^j w ,}ypynx yipopnsjne ay^iv aaya -id yDTU p’p tD'3 jyn’^ jyayp ay n axa aymip n *pik a^ya jyo ,tMyx$as jyj’DyotyB’D B2JOT0SD '1 ♦D38WD8DR '1 .1911 JVDl ”5lt?n jya^jynys pa ayociD in pi ptx inyt rx (cyrrnoixo x ;nx) anyip otrt3aytyy:i jyj’n oxi> n ixa tnnopj •ya jyjyp jy^xt "t nix pnyonxa o’o •tfyti jyoiD ytrDyo^yo’o fyrp’5 jyoip •tip x spix jypyiw yivopinxis ay^u? px ^yninnyri ytona o’o o”¥ nyv tyvu h px jyapfti pynix pi ptx ytro^nyayti px fx^nyaxXP Iia tyap^a ayi iv nix anrra stf’n oaa^yt oyo^xinya ,ixy”' , x'DXDX tx^ x tx -ynaiv jyDDyn ax oyn ,p^x nix pa -yorx px tyana-inya n jy^yoty jyi px opyopxa yt?’Tx n pa lyayn Dy ^xt ,o3xohx33xj iyn ->tx ,t’d tx ,iyo#teya pn . pa Diyoixa yty on) 'lyj^ppna x px fyan^xiya ny^iv txB m x’DXDX (lyo^ixaixP^’x vo px ,pynv fyojnxoiynyapx ayn -yrya y'uytfxa ’t lynnyjjx tyaxn "Xdx iyi pa mo^xinya iyi ixa yx -INy'X'D \ -KH ] 1£5 - t 1 N S 1 ! (V x y r j? 2) I 1 B ysm n TOW&p d^shp DD'ta’ix n “ijjdjix ytaTPJSJiiji I 1 B -r^v tyntyta^ip'njs t^Kitm h .^■"d^d T^K ^ItDDSirS .’D'D p"l$' VJ ^5^35^277