PROGRAMME ^ for the '■ DEDICATION of the lEptarnpal 01l|urrl| FRANKFORT, ILLINOIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1909 "Blow the trumpet in Zion, gather the people, assemble the elders, gather the children, sanctify the congregation." • -y "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." i®pmbprBl)tp IJoll Paul Fremont Barker Cloe Beamer Flo Beamer May Bishop Emma Caldwell Nellie Caldwell William Cleveland Amelia Cleveland Mrs. L. Churchill Sarah J. Churchill Grace Churchill Martha Folkers John Fox Mary M. Green John B. Green Martha Hunt Mable Herschbach Asher Holmes Mrs. Asher Holmes Charles Karch Mrs. Mary Karch Eva M. Letts Libbie McDonald C. J. Meyers Mrs. C. J. Meyers Clifford Meyers McKinley Meyers Thomas McGlashan Eva McGlashan Alfred McGlashan James W. Owen Alice B. Owen Williard C. Owen Alice Owen Charles Rowe Charles Rahm Caroline Rahm Catherine Rahm Evelyn Richter Della M. Vandervoort William Wilson 0. C. Williard Mary Williard AT MOKENA J. Johnston Mrs. J. Johnston Mrs. Mercy Lynch Thomas McCarty Mrs. Thomas McCarty Arthur McGoveney Mrs. A. McGoveney •- •'T' ' 0 f- - t 1 J A R. J. VANDERVOORT, Pastor A BRIEF SKETCH In the summer of 1907, the people began to talk about their need of remodeling the old church. During the winter of the same year, at a funeral held in the church, the floor gave way; then it became evident that something must be done, but nothing was undertaken until the spring of 1 908, when the Pastor called the Official Board together to consider what could be done. No definite plans were formulated at this meeting, only that we should consider what would be the cost of re-modeling the old or of building a new church. So, after several weeks of careful planning and much praying, it was deemed advisable to build a new church. Accordingly, ground was broken July 29, 1908, for the new church on the same site upon which the old one had stood, and rendered service for fifty-three years. Now we have the pleasure of gathering to-day to worship in this beauti¬ ful new edifice. As we enter this house, may we not pray that “the glory of Jehovah shall fill Jehovah’s house,’’ as in days of old? Programme fur thr Sag MORNING SERVICE 9:30 Informal Greeting to Our Visitors / 0:00 Organ Prelude Hymn 1 80, Tune "Miles Lane" Prayer _ . . Anthem Scripture Lesson, Page 1 5 of the Psalter Duet Sermon _ . . Hymn 659 Address _ . . Doxology Benediction Rev. G. M. Ruff Rev. J. O. Lehman Rev. S. C. Bronson, D.D. Rev. R. H. Pooley, D.D. ALTERNOON SERVICE 2:30 Singing by Congregation, Hymn 66! Prayer Quartet Five Minute Talks by Visiting and Former Pastors Hymn 279 Address - - - Rev. R. H. Pooley, D.D. Duet 7:15 EVENING SERVICE Song Service Hymn I Prayer _ _ . . Rev. G. Lambrecht Anthem Scripture Reading - . _ Rev. D. Bent Music Sermon - - - Rev. R. H. Pooley, D.D. Hymn Benediction T>LAN FOR THE EARLY HOURS OF SERVICE ROBERT H. POOLEY, D.D. SUPT. JOLIET DISTRICT ROCK RIVER CONFERENCE SOLON C. BRONSON, D.D. PROFESSOR OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE (Enmmittppa ‘'Fo 7' the people had a mind to work'" Executive Committee—The Official Board '^We are laborers together with God’’ Rev. R. H. Pooley, District Superintendent Rev. R. J. Vandervoort, Pastor Charles Karch J. W. Owen William Cleveland C. J. Meyers William Wilson Charles Rahm W. C. Owen Levi Doty Building Committee ‘'And have built the house for the name of the Lord of Israel” R. J. Vandervoort, Chairman J. W. Owen, Treasurer Thomas McGlashan Sunday School Committee ‘‘Search the Scriptures” J. W. Owen, Superintendent Fred Woodman, Asst. Secretary Prof. H. Craig, Asst. Superintendent Roy Stephens, Treasurer Lyle Logan, Secretary Lee Folkers, Librarian Herbert Folkers, Assistant Librarian Teachers Charles Karch C. J. Myers Mrs. J. W. Owen Mrs. T. McGlashan Nellie Caldwell Ladies’ Aid Society ‘‘Help these women that labored with me in the gospel” Mrs. Frank Kohlhogen, President Mrs. Robert Hall, Vice-President Mrs. E. A. Caldwell Mrs. Wm. Logan Mrs. E. Stephens Mrs. W. J. Cleveland ' Mrs. Charles Karch Mrs. T. McGlashan Mrs. C. J. Meyers Mrs. Frank Folkers Mrs. G. D. Letts, Secretary Mrs. P. H. Folkers, Treasurer Miss Nellie Caldwell Mrs. H. Craig Miss Jennie Letts Mrs. Robt. Stephens Mrs. J. W. Owen Mrs. C. Rahm Miss Irene Twining Mrs. R. J. Vandervoort Invitation Committee '^Come thou with us and we will do thee good’' Nellie Caldwell, Chairman Mrs. L. Doty Mrs. J. W. Owen Mrs. Frank Folkers Mrs. Charles Karch Mrs. W. C. Owen Mrs. William Cleveland Mrs. R. Stephens Reception Committee ''Be kindly affectioned one to another” Mrs. Emma Caldwell Miss Addie Hunt Thomas McGlashan Charles Karch Usher Committee "I had rather he a door-keeper in the house of my God than to diuell in the tents of ivickedness” Roy Stephens Lyle Logan Fred Woodman Herbert Folkers Public Comfort Committee "Use hospitality one toward another ivithout grudging” Mrs. Frank Kohlhogen, Chairman Mrs. P. H. Folkers Mrs. G. D, Letts Mrs. L. Doty Mrs. William Logan Mrs. R. Stephens Mrs. E. Stephens Mrs. Frank Folkers Music Committee "Make a joyful noise unto the lord” Mrs. G. D. Letts, Chairman Mrs. James Owen Cradle Roll Committee "He took them in his arms and blessed them” Miss Nellie Caldwell, Chairman Miss Addie Hunt Decorations Committee "The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee to beautify the place of my sanctuary” Miss Jennie Letts Miss Hattie Logan You are cordially invited to attend each of these services DON’T FAIL TO COME, RAIN OR SHINE ■ 4 -'