1 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 61 ! 122.2w ; . - , - ■ . * , . % . : ■ LIBRARY • OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS t —“the autumn fire Was feasting at the well-built pyre. THE WAGONER OF THE ALLEGHANIES, n om of the ijags of ^eoentg-^k. BY T- BUCHANAN IN UC Ay D. f. Look on your country, God’s appointed stage, Where man’s vast mind its boundless course shall run. For that it was your stormy coast He spread,— A fear in winter ; girdled you about With granite hills, and made you firm and dread. Let him who fears before the foeman shout, Or gives one inch before a vein has bled, Turn on himself and let the traitor out. Bokbk. ILLUSTRATED FROM DRAWINGS BY HOYENDEN, FEN N, GAUL, AND LOW, PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. LONDON: 10 HENRIETTA STREET, COYENT GARDEN. 1892 . Copyright, 1868, and 1884, by J. B. Lippincott & Co, Copyright, 1890, by Harriet Dennison Read. v/> J 5 60 CO 6 r— i: a d S3 © P3 O ?-» * Qj} Rz-Zw ) ?-S> 2 - P R R FACE. TTH the exception of some of his lyrics, none of Buchanan Read’s poems has been so popular as “The Wagoner of the Alleghanies.” It was written under the inspira- t tion of feelings which were the strongest in his own nature an