557 IL6gu no. 25 Survey Waulsortian Mounds and Reservoir Potential of the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") in Southern Illinois and Adjacent Areas in Kentucky Zakaria Lasemi, Janis D. Treworgy, Rodney D. Norby, John P. Grube, and Bryan G. Huff Geologic Field Trip, April 19, 1994 Sponsored by the Illinois Geological Society and the Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/waulsortianmound25lase Waulsortian Mounds and Reservoir Potential of the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") in Southern Illinois and Adjacent Areas in Kentucky Zakaria Lasemi, Janis D. Treworgy, Rodney D. Norby, John P. Grube, and Bryan G. Huff Contributors Garland R. Dever, Jr. Kentucky Geological Survey Terry Teitloff Vulcan Materials Company, Kentucky Richard D. Harvey Illinois State Geological Survey Guidebook 25 Geologic Field Trip, April 19, 1994 Sponsored by the Illinois Geological Society and the Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Morris W. Leighton, Chief Natural Resources Building 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 Phone 217/333-4747 Fax 217/333-2830 Printed by authority of the State of Illinois / 1994 / 1000 printed on recycled paper using soybean ink CONTENTS ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") AND FORT PAYNE FORMATION: OVERVIEW AND STOP DESCRIPTIONS Zakaria Lasemi, Janis D. Treworgy, Rodney D. Norby, John P. Grube, and Bryan G. Huff 1 OVERVIEW 1 Carbonate Rock Classification 5 Depositional Model 5 Hydrocarbon Potential 6 Overview of Stops 8 1 . Reed quarry 8 2. Ullin quarry 8 3. Jonesboro quarry 8 STOP DESCRIPTIONS 10 1. Reed quarry 10 Submound facies (Fort Payne) 10 Mound core facies (lower Ullin) 10 Mound flank and intermound facies (lower Ullin) 1 5 Sandwave facies (upper Ullin) 16 2. Ullin quarry 17 Lower Ullin 17 Upper Ullin 21 3. Jonesboro quarry 23 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 25 REFERENCES 25 STRATIGRAPHIC AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK OF THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") AND FORT PAYNE FORMATION Rodney D. Norby 26 STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE 26 Ullin Limestone 26 "Warsaw," Warsaw Shale, and Warsaw Limestone 28 Fort Payne Formation 28 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY 29 Age of Springville Shale (Illinois), Basal Borden Group (Indiana), and New Providence Shale (Kentucky) 29 Age of the Borden Siltstone (Illinois) and Main Part of the Borden Group/ Formation (Indiana/Kentucky) 29 Age of the Fort Payne Formation 30 Age of the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") 30 REFERENCES 31 WAULSORTIAN MOUND, BRYOZOAN BUILDUP, AND STORM-GENERATED SANDWAVE FACIES IN THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") Zakaria Lasemi 33 OVERVIEW OF WAULSORTIAN MOUNDS 33 Facies 33 Source of Micrite 34 Distribution of Mounds 34 Hydrocarbon Production from Waulsortian Mounds 36 ULLIN ("WARSAW") AND FORT PAYNE FORMATIONS 36 Previous Studies 36 Depositional Environment 39 Waulsortian-type mounds of the lower Ullin 44 Lenticular grainstone piles of the lower Ullin 46 Sandwave facies of the upper Ullin 46 RESERVOIR POTENTIAL OF THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") 46 REFERENCES AND SELECTED READINGS 48 PETROLEUM OCCURRENCE IN THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") John P. Grube 52 REFERENCES 55 VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY REED QUARRY, LIVINGSTON COUNTY, KENTUCKY Garland R. Dever, Jr. and Terry Teitloff 56 REFERENCE 57 INDUSTRIAL USES OF THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") Richard D. Harvey 58 REFERENCES 59 APPENDIX Production history to January 1 994 for Ullin ("Warsaw") fields 60 FIGURES 1 Generalized stratigraphic column (St. Peter and younger) for southern Illinois 2 2 Regional map showing location of quarries, cores, other wells, and cross sections 3 3 Wireline log showing various facies of the Ullin ("Warsaw") 4 4 Ullin ("Warsaw") and Fort Payne depositional model based mainly on quarry exposures 7 5 Location of the Vulcan Materials Company Reed quarry 9 6 Diagram of the west wall in Reed quarry showing the bedded submound facies (Fort Payne), mounds with flanking and inter- mound facies (Ullin ["Warsaw"]), and the overlying sandwave facies (upper Ullin) 11 7 Mound complex on the west wall of Reed quarry 1 1 8 Well bedded carbonates of the Fort Payne Formation (submound facies) in Reed quarry 1 2 9 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the Fort Payne lime mudstone (submound facies) containing some comminuted crinoids and scattered calcified sponge spicules (needle-shaped grains) 12 1 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the Fort Payne Formation from a core, White County, Illinois 13 1 1 Close view of part of the mound core facies with well bedded, dipping flank beds on the west wall of Reed quarry 13 1 2 Polished slab of the lime mudstone to wackestone facies of the mound core in Reed quarry 14 13 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the mound core facies (Reed quarry) showing fenestrate bryozoan fronds, scattered crinoid fragments, and rare ostracods 14 1 4 Chert bands and nodules in the mound core facies of the Ullin ("Warsaw") in Reed quarry 1 5 15 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of crinoid-bryozoan wackestone to packstone facies of the flanking beds of the Ullin ("Warsaw") mound in Reed quarry 15 1 6 Polished slab of crinoid-bryozoan packstone from the flanking bed of a mound in Reed quarry 16 1 7 Sandwave and intersandwave facies of the upper Ullin ("Warsaw") in Reed quarry 16 1 8 Location of the Columbia Quarry Company's Ullin quarry 1 8 1 9 Interpretive sketch of a transported mound-like skeletal sand pile with flanking bryozoan bafflestone buildup and overlying sandwave facies 1 9 20 Photograph mosaic of a mound-like skeletal sand pile complex with flanking bryozoan bafflestone beds exposed on the southeast wall of Ullin quarry 19 21 Thin section photomicrograph of bryozoan-crinoid grainstone of a mound-like skeletal sand pile 20 22a Flanking fenestrate bryozoan buildup from Ullin quarry 20 22b Reflected light photomicrographs of porous bryozoan bafflestone buildup with coarse, relatively well preserved fenestrate bryozoans characteristic of the reservoir facies of the Ullin ("Warsaw") 21 23 Thin section photomicrograph of the porous bryozoan bafflestone facies with rare crinoids 21 24 Location of the Columbia Quarry Company's Jonesboro quarry, Union County, Illinois 22 25 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of fenestrate bryozoan -rich, fine grained grainstone facies of the graded storm bed in the upper Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") in Jonesboro quarry 23 26 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of crinoid-rich, coarse grained facies of the graded storm bed in the upper Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") in Jonesboro quarry 23 27 Hummocky cross stratification, common in the upper Ullin ("Warsaw") in Jonesboro quarry 24 28 Laminated and graded-bedded bryozoan-crinoid grainstone with escape burrow structure from the upper Ullin ("Warsaw") in Jonesboro quarry 24 29 Stratigraphic terminology used in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky for units in field trip region 26 30 Stratigraphic nomenclature and time correlation of units in the field trip region 27 31 Facies distribution and depth zonation of Waulsortian mounds 35 32 South-north cross section (B-B') from Moultrie Country to De Witt County, Illinois 37 33 Thickness of early Valmeyeran deltaic sediment 38 34 South-north cross section (A-A') from Wayne County to Effingham County, Illinois 40 35 Thickness of the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") 42 36 Thickness of the Fort Payne Formation 43 37 Thin section photomicrograph of the lime mudstone core facies of a Waulsortian-type mound in the Ullin ("Warsaw") from a core taken about 12 miles east of Ullin quarry, Illinois 45 38 Thin section photomicrograph of the wackestone core facies of a Waulsortian-type mound 45 39 Thin section photomicrograph of a core sample from White County, Illinois 47 40 Distribution of Ullin/Harrodsburg/"Warsaw" hydrocarbon production in the Illinois Basin 53 41 Porosity log of the Porter-Weaver Community no. 1 , one of the better Ullin ("Warsaw") producers in Johnsonville Consolidated 54 TABLE 1 Classification of limestones according to depositional texture 5 APPENDIX Production history to January 1994 for Ullin ("Warsaw") fields 60 ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") AND FORT PAYNE FORMATION: OVERVIEW AND STOP DESCRIPTIONS Zakaria Lasemi, Janis D. Treworgy, Rodney D. Norby, John P. Grube, and Bryan G. Huff OVERVIEW The Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") and Fort Payne Formation (fig. 1) will be examined in three quarries in southernmost Illinois and western Kentucky (fig. 2). The petroleum industry in southern Illinois has referred to the lime- stone unit that underlies the Salem Limestone as the "Warsaw"; however, it differs lithologically from the type Warsaw Shale of western Illinois. Lineback (1966) renamed the "Warsaw" of southern Illinois the Ullin Limestone and restricted the term Warsaw \o the calcareous shale of western Illinois. We follow Lineback's terminology in this guidebook (see Norby, this guidebook). A wireline log from Wayne County, Illinois (fig. 3), shows one type of log response for the Ullin and Fort Payne in the subsurface; the porous and nonporous zones are clearly differentiated. Distinguishing individual fades, however, requires a study of samples or cores. The number and thickness of porous and nonporous zones vary significantly from one area to another. This field trip provides an opportunity to examine lithologic and sedimen- tologic relationships that exist between various facies within the Ullin and Fort Payne and are not easily recognizable on the basis of logs, cuttings, and cores. One of the main hypotheses of our ongoing research has been the possible presence of Waulsortian-type carbonate mounds within the Ullin Limestone. Recognition of mounds in the Ullin in outcrop supports this hypothesis. Waul- sortian mounds (named after the town of Waulsort in Belgium) are early to mid-Mississippian (late Tournaisian through early Visean) carbonate bodies with a lime mudstone-wackestone core facies flanked by dipping crinoid- bryozoan packstone-grainstone beds. These mounds are morphologically similar to reef mounds such as those in the Silurian carbonates of the Illi- nois Basin, except for the lack of fossil remains from frame-building organisms such as corals and stromatoporoids. Waulsortian mound facies are prolific hydrocarbon producers in several regions of North America (MacQuown and Perkins 1982, Ahr and Ross 1982, Davies, et al. 1989, Burke and Diehl 1993). Recent discoveries of hydrocarbons in the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw"), in part associated with the Waulsortian mound facies, indicate that the Ullin has a greater reservoir potential than previously recognized. During this field trip, we will observe some reservoir as well as nonreservoir facies of the Ullin Limestone. Figure 1 Generalized stratigraphic column (St. Peter and younger) for southern Illinois. Study inter- val is highlighted. Formations or members that contain hydrocarbon pay zones are shown in bold type. Abbreviations: Alexandrian (Alex.), Cayugan (Cayu.), Upper Devonian (Up.), Kinderhookian (K.), Valmeyeran (Val.), and Virgilian (Virg.). Variable vertical scale. (Modified from Howard 1991.) 30 60 mi Figure 2 Regional map showing location of quarries, cores, other wells, and cross sections. DAVIS Dulaney no. 1 T3S-R5E-Sec 6 NE/C SW 1/4 Wayne Co., IL Salem Ullin ("Warsaw") Fort Payne Springville Chouteau New Albany 7 1 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 feet brown to brownish gray, argillaceous, slightly cherty lime mudstone to wackestone very light gray crinoid-bryozoan packstone to grainstone, in part oolitic BRYOZOAN PATCH REEF very light gray vuggy bryozoan baff lestone buildup SANDWAVE FACIES light gray interbedded lime mudstone and crinoid- bryozoan grainstone FLANKING BRYOZOAN BUILDUP light gray to white, vuggy bryozoan bafflestone overlain by crinoidal wackestone to packstone (intermound) MOUND CORE FACIES slightly cherty, light gray lime mudstone to wackestone FLANKING TO INTERMOUND FACIES light gray crinoidal grainstone MOUND CORE FACIES slightly cherty, brownish gray lime mudstone to wackestone SUBMOUND FACIES dark brown, very argillaceous, in part cherty lime mudstone shale lime mudstone black shale Gamma Resistivity Figure 3 Wireline log (Davis Dulaney no. 1, Wayne County, Illinois) showing various fades of the Ullin ("Warsaw") including the inferred mound facies and in situ bryozoan bafflestone buildup as seen in drill cuttings. The term bryozoan patch reef is used for the more isolated and smaller bryozoan bafflestone buildups in the upper Ullin. Petrographi- cally, these bryozoan patch reefs are similar to bryozoan bafflestone buildups associated with Waulsor- tian mounds in the lower part of the Ullin. Table 1 Classification of limestones according to depositional texture (modified from Embry and Klovan 1971, and Dunham 1962). allochthonous limestones (original components not organically bound during deposition) autochthonous limestones (original components organically bound during deposition) <10% components (>2 mm) >10% components (>2 mm) (0 I » (A (|) II O (ft >. « $ * a 3 3 (0 it .2 2 Si i_ TO O *- >> 3 = 1 supported by organisms which build a rigid framework contains lime mud (<.03 mm) no lime mud •o 9 C o a. a. 3 (0 i X k. •a (0 E ■o o t: o a a. 3 (A i C C o Q. E o u mud-supported grain-supported <10% grains (>.03 mm, <2mm) >10% grains mudstone wackestone packstone grainstone floatstone rudstone bafflestone bindstone framestone Carbonate Rock Classification Terminology for carbonate rocks used in this guidebook (table 1 ) follows that proposed by Embry and Klovan (1971), who expanded on Dunham's (1962) carbonate classification. This classification is based on matrix-particle relation- ships, particle size, and the distinction between particles that are organically bound (autochthonous) or not organically bound (allochthonous). Bafflestone is generally defined as a limestone containing in situ stalked-shaped fossils, which may trap sediments by acting as baffles (Embry and Klovan 1 971 ). In this guidebook, the term bafflestone refers to in situ bryozoan-dominated buildups that developed on the flank and crest of Waulsortian-type mounds or on transported skeletal sand piles. The term bryozoan patch reef is used for the smaller and more isolated bryozoan-dominated bafflestone buildups in the upper Ullin. The term coated grains refers to allochems with dark micritic coats possibly of algal origin; micritized grains result from microboring of allochems and later infilling of those microborings by micritic sediments or cements. Depositional Model The Ullin Limestone of the Illinois Basin contains (1 ) Waulsortian-type carbonate mound complexes, (2) transported mound-like to lenticular bryozoan-crinoid sand piles (packstones to grainstones), and (3) storm -gene rated sandwaves. Waulsortian-type mounds developed below storm-wave base in a deeper water, outer ramp setting and, rarely, in shallower, mid-ramp environments (for ramp terminology, see Burchette and Wright 1992). Mound develop- ment was terminated as gradual shallowing up to storm-wave base occurred through time. Subsequently, storm-generated sandwaves, lenticular to mound- like skeletal sand piles, and bryozoan patch reefs became widespread in a mid-ramp setting during this later stage of the Ullin deposition. Lenticular sand piles are moderately sorted and partially laminated, suggesting deposi- tion by currents rather than in situ development. The fine grained size and mound-like geometry suggest that the lenticular sand piles were deposited in more distal parts of the mid-ramp setting than were the overlying storm- generated sandwaves. Facies of Waulsortian-type mounds and lenticular skeletal sand piles generally coalesce laterally and vertically into com- plex carbonate bodies that range from 50 to 500 feet long and 20 to 70 feet thick in outcrop, and thicken basinward in the subsurface of Illinois. A schematic diagram (fig. 4), based mainly on quarry exposures, illustrates our model for development of mounds and related facies within the Ullin (see Lasemi, this guidebook). The typical log character for some of these facies in the subsurface is illustrated in a sample wireline log from Wayne County (fig. 3). In the early stage of Ullin deposition (fig. 4a), Waulsortian- type mounds (mudstone to wackestone) were developed in the outer ramp setting. In the deeper part of the outer ramp (Reed quarry), mounds grade into the dark-colored, argillaceous, spiculitic lime mudstone of the Fort Payne Formation. These mounds are flanked by dipping, well bedded, transported, low-porosity wackestone to packstone. In the shallower part of the outer ramp setting (ISGS Miller nos. 1 and 2 cores), an in situ bryozoan-crinoid bafflestone buildup developed on the crest and flank of the mound core. This bafflestone buildup is generally porous and could be a potential hydrocarbon reservoir where permeable. Bryozoan-crinoid sand accumulated as storm-generated sandwaves and lenticular sand piles in the mid-ramp setting (Ullin and Jonesboro quarries) and as a debris apron in intermound areas of the outer ramp setting. This facies becomes muddier basinward. By the late stage of Ullin deposition (fig. 4b), the lower part of the Ullin had built up to a shallower environment above storm wave base. This late stage represents a progradational phase of Ullin deposition. Storm-generated sandwaves (grainstone) are widespread in the upper part of the Ullin. Log character and sample studies indicate that this is generally a porous facies. The sandwaves grade from thicker and coalesced units (up to 1 50 feet thick) in shallower, mid-ramp settings (Jonesboro quarry) to more isolated units basinward (Reed quarry). The isolated sandwaves interfinger with the denser intersandwave facies, which becomes muddier basinward. Porous bryozoan- dominated bafflestone buildups are also present in the upper Ullin. These buildups developed as patch reefs on isolated mud mounds and mound-like skeletal sand piles. Examination of drill cuttings and core from some producing wells indicates that the hydrocarbon reservoir is mainly in these bryozoan patch reefs in the upper Ullin. Both sandwaves and isolated mounds probably formed depositional highs in the upper part of the Ullin (fig. 4b). Cluff (1984) also identified the Ullin-Salem contact as irregular. The highs may have been sites for development of oolitic shoals during deposition of the upper Ullin and/or lower Salem Limestones. Thus, the oolite shoals in the Salem may provide a means of locating isolated mounds and sandwaves in the Ullin, all potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. Hydrocarbon Potential Waulsortian-type mound facies similar to those in the Ullin Limestone are prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs in several regions in North America. In the Illinois Basin the Ullin is an oil-producer (see appendix), but its potential as a reservoir has been largely overlooked. Recent drilling in southern Illinois has encountered prolific petroleum-producing zones within the Ullin Limestone. This information along with large cumulative production rates from several older Jonesboro quarry EARLY STAGE OF ULLIN ("WARSAW ') DEPOSITION No. 1 and No. 2 Ullin quarry , , Miller cores Reed quarry mid-ramp outer ramp. basin LATE STAGE OF ULLIN ('WARSAW") DEPOSITION A*A cherty storm-generated skeletal (crinoid-bryozoan) sandwave (G) intersandwave facies transported skeletal sand facies in intermound areas and on mound flanks mm WZA ET 1=1 outer ramp ■ bryozoan-crinoid baff lestone buildup facies (potential hydrocarbon reservoir) transported skeletal sand facies forming dense leticular mound-like deposits in shallower areas mudstone-wackestone core facies of Waulsortian- type mounds Fort Payne basin Figure 4 Ullin ("Warsaw") and Fort Payne depositional model, based mainly on quarry exposures: (A) early stage of the Ullin mound development on a ramp after the transgression of the Fort Payne sea (see fig. 31 for description of Waulsor- tian facies B and C); (B) late stage of the Ullin deposition representing a shallow ramp with widespread sandwave and bryozoan patch reef facies developed on a skeletal grainstone or lime mudstone high. Horizontal distance is approximately 70 miles; vertical scale is approximately 300 feet (outcrop) to 700 feet (subsurface). Slope of ramp is exaggerated. Ramp subdi- visions based on Burchette and Wright 1992. Symbols used on diagram: M = mudstone, W = wackestone, P = packstone, G = grainstone. wellsinthe Illinois Basin indicates that the Ullin has a greater reservoir potential than previously recognized. Because of excellent preservation of intra- and interparticle porosity, the bryozoan bafflestone buildup has a high potential for reservoir development where permeable. High porosity is also characteristic of debris aprons (depos- ited downslope from the mound in intermound areas) and storm-generated sandwaves in the Ullin. Porosity, permeability, and reservoir quality may be variable, however, and depend on the relative abundance of crinoid fragments. This is partly because crinoids are susceptible to overgrowth cementation, which can occlude porosity. Furthermore, permeability could be reduced by the presence of micrite, especially in bryozoan bafflestone buildups. In such cases, the reservoir permeability may be enhanced by fracturing (Tom Partin, consultant, personal communication 1994). Overview of Stops Facies observed in the quarries represent a transition from what has been interpreted by the authors as a relatively deep-water setting (Reed quarry in Kentucky) to a relatively shallower water setting (Ullin and Jonesboro quar- ries in Illinois). Detailed descriptions of quarry exposures begin on page 10. The various facies will be discussed at each of the stops. Between stops 1 and 2, we will stop at the Kentucky Dam visitors area to have lunch while watch- ing the river traffic. 1. Reed quarry, about 30 miles east of Metropolis, Illinois, in Kentucky The Fort Payne, the various facies of the overlying Waulsortian mound complexes of the lower part of the Ullin, and the sandwave and intersandwave facies of the upper part of the Ullin are well exposed here. The morphology of the mounds is clearly observable. The only exposed facies in this quarry that is a potential hydrocarbon reservoir is the transported facies in the upper part of the Ullin. 2. Ullin quarry about 1 mile north of Ullin, Illinois Numerous small lenticular mounds can be seen in the lower 45 to 50 feet of the quarry. In one area, a mound complex of the lower part of the Ullin is flanked by a thin reservoir-quality, bryozoan bafflestone facies. 3. Jonesboro quarry, about 6 miles south of Jonesboro, Illinois The crossbedded packstone-grainstone of the upper part of the Ullin is well exposed in this quarry. There is evidence for storm deposition of this interval. The relatively high porosity of this facies (see Harvey, this guidebook) makes it promising as a potential hydro- carbon reservoir where permeable. 8 Figure 5 Location of the Vulcan Materials Company Reed quarry, 20-G-15, 16-G-16; Calvert City and Grand Rivers 7.5-minute quadrangles. STOP DESCRIPTIONS Stopl. Reed quarry B20-G-15, 16-G-16; Calvert City and Grand Rivers 7.5-minute quadrangles, Livingston County, Kentucky (fig. 5; see Dever and Teitloff, this guidebook) The bedded submound facies (Fort Payne), the mound core facies (lower Ullin), the mound flank and intermound facies (lower Ullin), and the overlying sandwave and intersandwave facies (upper Ullin) will be examined in this quarry (figs. 4, 6, 7). The Ullin of Illinois is roughly equivalent to the Warsaw and upper Fort Payne of Kentucky (see Norby, this guidebook). Although the Salem Limestone is partly exposed in this quarry, it will not be covered in this guidebook. The carbonate rocks exposed in this quarry include approximately the upper 1 50 feet of the Fort Payne Formation, approximately 240 feet of the Ullin Lime- stone, and the lower part of the Salem Limestone. Total thickness of the Fort Payne is approximately 500 to 600 feet in this area (Dever and McGrain 1 969). Submound facies (Fort Payne) This facies (fig. 8) is a well bedded, gener- ally 0.5 to 2 feet thick, argillaceous, in part pyritic, spiculitic, and siliceous limestone (fig. 9) with scattered chert bands. It is typically dark brown to dark gray brown and contains some transported crinoid and rare bryozoan fragments. A similar lithology also characterizes the Fort Payne in the subsurface of Illinois (see also Lineback and Guff 1985). The dark coloration is probably due to the presence of organic matter in the rock, which emits a strong fetid odor when it is broken or sawed. Further work is needed to assess the potential of the Fort Payne as a hydrocarbon source rock. Dark gray shale partings are common on bedding planes. Laminations are commonly preserved within the Fort Payne because of the lack of biotur- bation (fig. 10). Preliminary petrographic data reveal the presence of rare pelagic radiolarians. These features and the presence of Chondrites and Zoophycus trace fossils (fig. 10) indicate that the Fort Payne was deposited under disaerobic conditions in a relatively deep-water setting, as suggested by Lineback and Cluff (1985). The Fort Payne Formation in part of this quarry contains large wedges of well bedded lime mudstone. The wedge bases are in sharp contact with the underlying unit. The origin of these features may be related to slumping during or after deposition. Mound core facies (lower Ullin) Overlying the bedded submound facies of the Fort Payne is a series of carbonate mud mounds. A mound complex is well exposed on the west wall of the quarry (figs. 6, 7, 11). This appears to be a composite mound consisting of laterally overlapping individual mounds and onlapping flanking beds that dip about 20°. The mound complex is about 60 to 70 feet thick and 500 feet wide. The core of the mound is dark gray, mas- sive lime mudstone to wackestone (fig. 12) with common bryozoan fronds, crinoids, and scattered calcified sponge spicules (fig. 13). The mound, in part, appears to be composed of thick multiple layers, which may represent various stages of mound growth during vertical accretion. The massive nature of the mound core is in sharp contrast with the well bedded submound facies. 10 REED QUARRY-WEST WALL N sandwave facies mound- intermound facies submound facies (Ft. Payne) chert bands storm-generated skeletal sandwave (G) (G = potential hydrocarbon reservoir) intersandwave (M-W) facies \\ flanking and intermound areas mudstone-wackestone core facies of Waulsortian-type mounds Fort Payne Figure 6 Diagram of the west wall in Reed quarry showing the bedded submound facies (Fort Payne), mounds with flanking and intermound facies (Ullin ["Warsaw"]), and the overlying sandwave facies (upper Ullin). Symbols used on diagram: M = mudstone, W = wackestone, P = packstone, G = grainstone. Figure 7 Mound complex on the west wall of Reed quarry (see figs. 6 and 11). C = mound-core facies, F = flanking facies, I = intermound facies. Mound core (C) is approximately 70 feet high, top indicated by white dashed line. 11 idfw Figure 8 Well bedded carbonates of the Fort Payne Formation (submound fades) in Reed quarry. Quarry wall is approximately 60 feet high. Figure 9 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the Fort Payne lime mudstone (submound facies) containing some comminuted crinoids and scattered calcified sponge spicules (needle-shaped grains). Reed quarry, western Kentucky. Bar scale = 1 mm. 12 Figure 10 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the Fort Payne Formation from a core. Note well preserved lamina- tion, suggesting the lack of bioturbation. Light colored, churned area on the left in the central part of the photomicrograph might be Zoophycus, a trace fossil. Core sample from 4,182 foot depth, Superior Oil no. C-17 Ford, NW SW SE Sec. 27, T4S, R14W, White County, Illinois. Bar scale = 0.5 cm. Figure 11 Close view of part of the mound core facies (see figs. 6, 7) with well bedded, dipping flank beds on the west wall of Reed quarry. Flanking beds become horizontally bedded in intermound area to the right. C = core facies, F = flanking facies, I = intermound facies. Quarry wall is approximately 70 feet high in center of photograph. 13 Figure 12 Polished slab of the lime mudstone to wackestone facies of the mound core in Reed quarry (see fig. 1 1 ). Note fenestrate bryozoan fronds and scattered crinoid fragments (light colored). Bar scale = 2 5 cm Figure 13 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the mound core facies (Reed quarry) showing fenestrate bryozoan fronds, scattered crinoid frag- ments, and rare ostracods (e.g., fingernail-shaped grain at top left). Some of the small needle-shaped grains may be sponge spicules. Bar scale = 0.5 cm. The mound contains abundant narrow and elongate chert bands (fig. 14) that range from less than 1 inch to a few inches thick and from a few inches to several feet long. Crinoid and rare bryozoan debris form a geopetal fabric at the base of some chert bands. This feature suggests to us that chert may have formed as silica precipitated in preexisting cavities. Most cherts are very dark gray to black and commonly pyritic, suggesting the presence of decom- posing organic matter prior to or during chert formation. Closer examination shows that the chert bands follow the orientation of the mound. Chert bands rarely crosscut the mound flank into the bedded flanking facies. The chert, whatever its origin, probably formed simultaneously with mound development. Numerous other mounds are present throughout the quarry at about the same level. Exposure of these mounds is poor, but their presence can be inferred from the dipping flank beds. Some mounds (for example, on the north wall) are bedded (2-3 feet thick), lenticular bodies up to 20 feet thick. Chert bands are rare, but shale partings are relatively common on bedding planes. Flanking beds are partially crinoid-rich and vary from wackestone to rare occurrences of crinoidal packstone with fragmented bryozoan matrix. 14 Figure 14 Chert bands and nodules in the mound core facies of the Ullin ("Warsaw") in Reed quarry. Hammer (lower left) for scale. Figure 15 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of crinoid-bryozoan wackestone to packstone facies of the flanking beds of the Ullin ("Warsaw") mound in Reed quarry. Note the calcite-filled microfracture. Bar scale = 1 mm. Mound flank and intermound facies (lower Ullin) Flanking beds onlap the mound core with a dip of about 20° (figs. 6, 7, 11). They are well bedded lime mudstone and wackestone (fig. 15) with scattered crinoid and bryozoan fragments. Crinoid concentrations can be quite high locally, resulting in thin crinoidal packstone beds (fig. 16). Some chert bands are also present in the flanking beds, which grade into horizontally bedded, cherty lime mudstone facies in intermound areas (figs. 6, 7, 11). Graded bedding may be present 15 *, '' .*r*''',H* '**' vfc,V- ' * 'Figure 16 Polished slab of crinoid (light colored) and bryozoan (dark) pack- stone from the flanking bed of a mound in Reed quarry. Note inclined lamination. Bar scale = 2.5 cm. Figure 17 Sandwave (light-colored, crinoid-bryozoan grainstone) and inter- sandwave (dark, dense cherty lime mudstone) facies of the upper Ullin ("Warsaw") in Reed quarry, Kentucky. Quarry wall in center is approximately 70 feet high. Note person at lower right for scale. in the intermound area, indicating redeposition by downslope off-mound transport. Because of their mud-dominated nature, the flanking beds in this quarry are poor candidates for reservoir development. Sandwave facies (upper Ullin) Overlying the mound and flanking facies are a series of wedge-shaped, skeletal sand bodies (figs. 6, 17) composed mainly of crinoid-bryozoan packstone and grainstone. These skeletal sand bodies appear to be mostly massive due to partially obscured surface expo- sure or bioturbation, but some show large-scale, inclined laminations. The 16 geometry of these sand bodies indicates that they probably were deposited as asymmetrical sandwaves. Large-scale inclined bedding may represent slipface migration of the sandwaves. The sandwave facies grades laterally into a dense, cherty lime mudstone of the intersandwave facies. Thin shale partings occur in places, suggesting deposition from waning currents. The sandwaves are interpreted to be storm deposits in relatively deep water, below normal wave base. We will see clearer evidence for storm deposi- tion at Stop 3 in the Jonesboro quarry. Although the sandwave facies is well cemented at this outcrop, it is generally porous in the subsurface. The dense intersandwave lime mudstone facies pro- vides an excellent barrier for entrapment of hydrocarbons. The low porosity of the sandwave facies in outcrop may be due to a higher susceptibility to subaerial diagenesis and fresh-water cementation (work in progress). Preser- vation of porosity in the sandwave facies in deeper parts of the basin may be related to rapid burial that preceded subaerial exposure and thus prevented fresh-water cementation. Furthermore, the presence of minor amounts of marine cements in some areas may have been instrumental in preventing the occlusion of pores during diagenesis that occurred after burial of the deposits. Marine cement was apparently sufficient to stabilize the rock fabric without totally occluding all primary pore spaces, which resisted compaction and pressure solution during burial. Stop 2. Ullin quarry ■ S1/2 SW NE and N1/2 NW SE Section 14, T14S, R1W; Dongola 7.5-minute quadrangle, Pulaski County, Illinois (fig. 18) An exposure of about 180 feet of the Ullin Limestone appears, upon first inspection, to consist of two facies. One facies, which forms the basal 45 to 50 feet of the quarry, includes a medium gray, in part slightly cherty packstone to grainstone typical of the lower Ullin (fig. 4b). The upper facies is mainly a light gray, fine grained, crinoid-bryozoan packstone to grainstone, typical of the upper Ullin. Lower Ullin Close examination of carbonates in this quarry reveals a complex facies relationship. The lower Ullin appears to be composed of a series of len- ticular carbonate bodies, which may coalesce laterally and vertically into more complex carbonate mounds (fig. 4b). Topographic irregularities in the quarry floor also imply the presence of mounds in the lower, unexposed Ullin. These lenticular mounds, as exposed in the lowest level of the quarry, are about 20 to 30 feet thick and 50 to 200 feet long, and have a lower (<5°) flanking slope angle than that observed in Reed quarry. As a result of blast fracturing, the form of the mounds is not as apparent here as in Reed quarry. The core of these lenticular mounds is characterized by a generally mas- sive to thick bedded limestone; fine lamination may be present in places. Thin section petrography reveals that the core facies is a moderately sorted, fine grained, bryozoan-crinoid grainstone. Unlike that of the mound core facies in Reed quarry, the micrite content is negligible, mainly limited to infilling of bryozoan zooecia. The lamination, moderate sorting, and lack of micrite matrix are evidence for deposition of these lenticular carbonate bodies by currents. 17 Figure 18 Location of the Columbia Quarry Company's Ullin quarry, S1/2 SW NE and N1/2 NW SE Sec. 14, T14S, R1W; Dongola 7.5-minute quadrangle, Pulaski County, Illinois. The core fades is slightly cherty with white-weathering, elongate chert nodules (0.5-2 inches thick and a few inches to several feet long) that generally occur parallel to bedding. Many of these cherts have dark gray mottlings and speckles and may contain some disseminated pyrite and pyritic nodules. Dark gray mottling and pyrite imply a possible relationship between decom- position of former organic matter and genesis of the cherts. The massive core facies grades laterally and vertically into slightly coarser, lighter gray, well bedded and laminated to hummocky cross-laminated, crinoid-bryo- zoan grainstone facies. 18 NE ULLIN QUARRY-SOUTHEAST WALL sw storm-generated skeletal sandwave (G) intersandwave (P-G) facies mm bryozoan-crinoid bafflestone buildup facies (potential hydrocarbon reservoir) transported lenticular (mound-like) skeletal sand pile (storm-generated?) Figure 19 Interpretive sketch (see fig. 20) of a transported mound-like skeletal sand pile (bryozoan- crinoid grainstone) with flanking bryozoan bafflestone buildup (potential reservoir facies) and overly- ing sandwave facies (Ullin quarry, Illinois). Vertical scale approximately 50 feet; horizontal scale approximately 150 feet. Symbols used on diagram: P = packstone, G = grainstone. Figure 20 Photograph mosaic of a mound-like skeletal sand pile complex with flanking bryozoan bafflestone beds (area between dashed lines) in the lower Ullin ("Warsaw") exposed on the southeast wall of Ullin quarry (see fig. 19). Slightly higher in the quarry on the southeast wall along the main ramp, several lenticular mounds and mound complexes may be observed (figs. 19, 20). These mounds coalesce laterally and vertically, resulting in a complex mound system overlain by coarser packstone to grainstone facies of the upper Ullin. Similar to individual mounds, the core facies in these mounds is slightly cherty, massive grainstone (fig. 21). The apparent width of the mound complex is about 1 50 to 200 feet. 19 Figure 21 Thin section photo- micrograph (plane light) of bryozoan-crinoid grainstone | of a mound-like skeletal sand pile in Ullin quarry. White areas are syntaxial calcite cement overgrowths on crinoid I fragments (gray). w& Bar scale = 1 mm. ^Jj; '*;V 4& * x 4P l^jt' m. * y » * ■■* «4i *•» ** '** '4*n f-%,^1 I Figure 22a Flanking fenes- I trate bryozoan buildup from * i v i"^* « Ullin °i uarr y ( see fi 9 s - 19 - 2 °)- ^ r« ♦>- Bar scale = 0.5 cm. The flanking facies consists of a highly porous and permeable bryozoan (90%) bafflestone buildup. Although it is about 1 to 5 feet thick at the top of the mound, it thins laterally and pinches out down the flank of the mound (figs. 1 9, 20). This well bedded bafflestone facies has beds 1 to 2 inches thick and an apparent dip of about 3° to 5° in the same direction as the mound flanks. It consists of generally well preserved fenestrate bryozoans (fig. 22a). This facies occurs in at least three horizons in this mound complex, separated by the dense core facies (figs. 19, 20), forming vertically stacked mounds. Similar facies are also present at various horizons within the Ullin in the sub- surface (figs. 3, 22b). The high porosity and permeability of this bafflestone facies (fig. 23) makes it an excellent candidate for reservoir development. 20 Figure 22b Reflected light photomicrographs of porous bryozoan bafflestone buildup with coarse, relatively well preserved fenestrate bryo- zoans characteristic of the reservoir facies of the Ullin ("Warsaw"). Core sample (Milestone Petroleum, Burlington-Northern no.1, SE SENWSec. 14,T6S,R2E, Franklin County, Illinois). Bar scale = 0.5 cm. Figure 23 Thin section photo- micrograph (cross-polarized light) of the porous bryozoan bafflestone facies (figs. 19, 20) with rare crinoids (Ullin quarry). Note high porosity (black). Bar scale = 1 mm. This facies appears to be thicker and more laterally extensive northward in the subsurface. This facies of the Ullin produces hydrocarbons in Illinois. Upper Ullin Very light gray, laminated to hummocky cross-laminated, medium to coarse grained, bryozoan-crinoid packstone-grainstone is inter- bedded with medium light gray, massive to slightly laminated, fine grained packstone-grainstone. This facies (figs. 4b, 19) is interpreted to represent interfingering sandwave and intersandwave facies (5-10 feet thick) similar to those in Reed quarry. Instead of the lime mudstone intersandwave facies that occurs in Reed quarry, a fine grained packstone-grainstone occurs here in the Ullin quarry. The low carbonate mud content of this facies, compared with that in the Reed quarry is most likely due to deposition in a somewhat 21 I ..'ijp^Springville 19 sr Burlington- 1 Keokuk Ls. 1 [ Springville Sh.-^. Chouteau Ls. New Albany Gp. w INDIANA S-C W KENTUCKY W-C Salem Ls. Harrodsburg Ls. Borden Gp. (fms. undiff.) New Providence Sh. Q) i * au. a :£ Rockford Ls. New Albany Sh. Salem Ls. Warsaw Ls. Fort Payne Fm. Harrodsburg Ls. Borden Fm. New Providence Sh. Rockford Ls. Hannibal Sh. Chattanooga Sh. ^^ Maury Fm. equiv. New Albany Sh. Figure 29 Stratigraphic terminology used in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky for units in field trip region. Physical relationships are based on interpretation (this study) of the lithostratigraphy of these units as studied primarily in Illinois. 26 rather than the Ullin. Thus, at least locally, the thickness of the Ullin Limestone and the relationships of the Ullin and Fort Payne need to be reassessed. The Ullin reaches thicknesses of more than 800 feet in a small area in Hamilton County, southern Illinois. Although the Ullin generally overlies the Fort Payne, in some areas, it overlies the Borden, Springville, Warsaw, or Chouteau Formations. It underlies and pinches out beneath the Salem to the west and north in Illinois (Lineback 1 966) (figs. 32, 34). Lineback (1966) divided the Ullin into two members, the Ramp Creek (lower) and the Harrodsburg (upper). The boundary between the two members is gradational and the members appear to intertongue. The names of both members are derived from approximately equivalent formations that are rec- ognized in western Indiana. In this guidebook, we have not formally used these member designations because this was not our primary purpose. Our in- formal usage of lower Ullin and upper Ullin, in general, conforms to the named members. Until we can examine sufficient data to accurately identify the members with confidence, we have employed this informal usage. < a. y Hi cc 2 "J < » < a z UJ <«£ O w UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STANDARD FORMATIONS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS (Collinson and Scott 1958; Lineback 1966; this study) WESTERN KENTUCKY (Sable and Dever1990; *this study) SOUTHWESTERN INDIANA (Nicoll and Rexroad 1975, Shaver et al. 1986) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CONODONT ZONES (unrevised taxonomic and zonal nomenclature after Collinson, Scott and Rexroad 1962; emended by Baxter 1984) 2 < < Z cr o i Salem Limestone Warsaw Shale Keokuk Limestone Burlington Limestone Fern Glen Fm Meppen Ls Salem Limestone Jones- i?r Ulhn boro Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") \, Borden Siltstone IS \ Fort Payne Formation \ Springville Shale mulmm c 5 Salem Limestone ^Reed Warsaw Limestone Fort Payne Formation vew rovidence Shale Salem Limestone Harrodsburg Limestone Ramp Creek Formation Muldraugh Formation Edwardsville Fm Spickert Knob Fm New Providence Shale n\ i o c CD ■p b m Rockford Ls (part) Taphrognathus varians- Apatognathus Biozone Gnathodus texanus- Taphrognathus Biozone Eotaphrus- Bactrognathus Biozone Bactrognathus- Polygnathus communis Biozone / Gnathodus semiglaber- 'Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Biozone Figure 30 Stratigraphic nomenclature and time correlation of units in the field trip region. Size of unit on diagram does not imply thickness except in a very general way. The dashed lines (primarily southern Illinois column) indicate interpreted time relation- ships from fossil evidence in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky and on sedimentation patterns and physical relationships. Question marks are added where no fossil evidence is available. Vertical lines indicate documented or inferred hiatuses. The vertical bars indicate the inferred age range for rock units exposed at the Jonesboro, Ullin and Reed quarries. 27 "Warsaw," Warsaw Shale, and Warsaw Limestone Before the Ullin Limestone was named, the term "Warsaw" was employed (and still is for the most part) by the oil industry in Illinois for the limestone package between the Salem Limestone and, in most cases, the Fort Payne Formation. The Warsaw Shale was named by James Hall (1857) for gray shales and argillaceous limestones at Geode Glen near Warsaw in Hancock County, Illinois. The Warsaw is less than 100 feet thick in the type area, but it is as much as 300 feet thick in west-central Illinois where it consists primarily of siltstones (a facies of the uppermost Borden). Although the Ullin Limestone can be consid- ered a facies equivalent of part of the Warsaw Shale, Ullin is a more appropriate name for this limestone unit in most of the subsurface of southern Illinois. In Kentucky and Tennessee, the name Warsaw has also been used for lime- stones with approximately the same lithologies, contacts and age as the Ullin of Illinois. In western Kentucky, the Warsaw or "Big Light" (drillers' terminology) is a 250 to 500 feet thick, light to medium gray biocalcirudite, biocalcarenite, or dolomitic limestone (Sable and Dever 1990). The Warsaw thins to the east and is about 30 feet thick in central Kentucky (Sable and Dever 1990). The type Warsaw of Illinois is neither traceable nor lithologically similar to the Warsaw of Kentucky and Tennessee; and although Sable and Dever (1990) suggested the name should be abandoned for usage in Kentucky and Tennessee, they did not indicate what name should be used in its place. They equated the Warsaw of western Kentucky with the Ullin of Illinois and the Ramp Creek, Harrodsburg, and Muldraugh Formations of Indiana. For our descriptions of Reed quarry (Stop 1), we have employed Ullin terminol- ogy, which does not equate exactly with Kentucky's usage of Warsaw Limestone (Dever and McGrain 1969, Sable and Dever 1990). In our preliminary work, we have drawn the Fort Payne-Ullin contact approximately 70 feet lower in the quarry section and included the mound facies in the lower part of the Ullin. This 70-foot transitional interval shows some of the very dark gray mudstone- wackestone that is more typical of the Fort Payne. However, bedding char- acteristics, fossil content and the mound facies suggest to us that it should be allied with the Ullin. Fort Payne Formation The Fort Payne Formation was named by Smith (1890) for dark, very fine grained siliceous, cherty limestones exposed near Fort Payne, northwestern Alabama. The Fort Payne is widespread over the south-central United States and has its northwestemmost occurrence in southeastern Illinois, where it is more than 600 feet thick in Pope County. The formation thins to the west and north. In western Kentucky, the Fort Payne is also a dark gray, fine grained, siliceous and cherty limestone with planar beds. It reaches thicknesses of more than 600 feet (e.g. core from Reed quarry; see Dever and McGrain, 1969). As noted above, approximately the upper 70 feet of the Fort Payne (as referred to by Dever and McGrain 1969, Sable and Dever 1990) at the Reed quarry have been included in the Ullin (this guidebook). 28 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY The general age of the Ullin Limestone and Fort Payne Formation in the Illinois Basin is moderately well established, partly on the basis of stratigraphic position and partly on paleontologic evidence (Shaver 1985). These two units occupy a position (fig. 30) in the middle of the Valmeyeran Series (late Osagean through early Meramecian). Preliminary conodont microfossil information collected during this study confirms these findings. Age of Springville Shale (Illinois), Basal Borden Group (Indiana), and New Providence Shale (Kentucky) Biostratigraphic data from these underlying units are important in establishing the age of the Fort Payne and Ullin. Data on conodonts obtained from a site near Jonesboro, Illinois, indicate that the age of the lowest few feet of the Springville Shale (an equivalent of at least the lowest part of the New Provi- dence Shale of Indiana; fig. 30) is equivalent to the Fern Glen or earliest Burlington (Collinson and Scott 1958) and within the Bactrognathus- Polygnathus communis Biozone (Collinson et al. 1962). Collinson and Scott (1 958) thought that the Springville in this area was overlain by the Burlington Limestone; but later work by Lineback (1 966) indicates that the unit should be the cherty Fort Payne. No information is available for the thicker (about 50 ft) upper part of the Springville; it may be equivalent in age to the Burlington (fig. 30, southern Illinois column). In southern Indiana and north-central Kentucky, the basal part of the New Providence Shale (the lowest unit of the Borden Group) was found to be no older than late Burlington or even early Keokuk equivalent (fig. 30, south- western Indiana column); Rexroad and Scott (1964) based their conclusion on the presence of the conodonts Bactrognathus distortus and Gnathodus texanus. Crinoids recovered from the Button Mold Knob fauna of the New Providence Shale Member of the Borden Formation in south-central Indiana and north-central Kentucky also indicate an age-equivalency to the Keokuk Limestone (Kammer 1984). Age of the Borden Siltstone (Illinois) and Main Part of the Borden Group/Formation (Indiana/Kentucky) Age data are not available for the Borden Siltstone in Illinois. It appears to be slightly older than the Fort Payne and Ullin, according to its stratigraphic position and limited fossil data from Indiana and Kentucky. The upper part of the Borden may be the same age as the Fort Payne. In Indiana, the conodonts Gnathodus texanus and Taphrognathus varians were recovered from the Edwardsville Formation (Nicoll and Rexroad 1 975) and from all three members of the Muldraugh Formation (Whitehead 1978), com- ponents of a Borden facies that developed in an outer platform to upper slope setting (Whitehead 1978). These conodonts represent the Gnathodus texanus- Taphrognathus Biozone (Collinson et al. 1962), or basically an age-equivalent of the Keokuk (fig. 30). I suggest, on the basis of conodont ranges, that it could also be equivalent in age to the lower part of the type Warsaw Shale. This age would apply to the latest part of the Borden complex in Indiana, but ages could be slightly younger for the last deltaic phase in Illinois. 29 Several paleoenvironmental studies in west-central Indiana (Ausich et al. 1 979, Kammer et al. 1983) involved determining the ages of the Edwardsville Formation and several related units (delta-platform facies of the upper part of the Borden. These upper Borden units were correlated with the Keokuk on the basis of several crinoid and brachiopod species. Age of the Fort Payne Formation A Keokuk-age assignment for the Fort Payne Formation (fig. 30) is indicated by conodont information from (1) the upper part of the Fort Payne at Reed quarry, (2) a core (Superior Oil, Greathouse no. 30) in White County, Illinois (fig. 2), and (3) an isolated outcrop just west of Jonesboro. The Fort Payne in southern Illinois was previously equated, based on limited information, with the type Warsaw (Shaver 1985, Norby 1991). No biostratigraphic information is yet available from the lower Fort Payne of Illinois. It should be no older than Keokuk, if the ages of the underlying units have been correctly interpreted. Conodont data on the type Fort Payne Formation in northwestern Alabama (Ruppel 1971) and the strata bounding the Fort Payne in nearby areas (Drahovzal 1 967) all indicate latest Osagean age (equivalent to the Keokuk). A middle Osagean age is suggested for the Fort Payne in northwestern Georgia (Ausich and Meyer 1990). In south-central Kentucky and north- central Tennessee, Ausich and Meyer (1988) recovered a blastoid fauna from several facies of the Fort Payne, which they equated to the Keokuk. The occur- rence of the conodont Gnathodus texanus with the blastoids confirms this age (Ausich and Meyer 1 988). Additional collections of crinoids from this same area also indicate an age equivalent to the Keokuk (Ausich and Meyer 1 990). Age of the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") The Ullin Limestone has been considered to be the same age (earliest Meramecian) as the Warsaw in its type area of western Illinois (Lineback 1966). This age is approximately correct, but the Ullin was more recently considered to range in age from early Osagean to early Meramecian (Shaver 1985). In a general review paper, Norby (1991) correlated the Ullin with the lower part of the Salem. A conodont fauna dominated by the conodont Taphrognathus varians was reported from the Ullin (Collinson in Lineback 1966). Nicoll and Rexroad (1 975) reported this same fauna from the upper part of the Ramp Creek and Muldraugh and also in the Harrodsburg and Salem Limestones in Indiana. Both reports suggested an age equivalent to the Warsaw. Samples from this study corroborate these reports and indicate an early Meramecian age for the upper part (Harrodsburg Member) of the Ullin in Illinois (equivalent to either the upper part of the type Warsaw or, more likely, the lower part of the Salem). The lower part of the Ullin in Illinois appears to be no older than the type Warsaw equivalent, although no fossil information is specifically available for the lower part of the Ullin. The age of the Ullin ("Warsaw") in the subsurface of Illinois is probably equivalent to the type Warsaw, although parts could be slightly younger. In areas of thick Ullin (600 ft or more), the lower part of the Ullin could be older than the type Warsaw (fig. 30), although this has not been verified biostratigraphically. 30 The Warsaw Limestone as used in western Kentucky appears to be the same age as the type Warsaw (western Illinois) from preliminary microfossil data recovered in this study. Sedimentological models suggest a lateral intertonguing of at least part of the Ullin with the Fort Payne (Lasemi, this guidebook). Fossil data from thicker subsurface sections might corroborate this model. No conodont data are presently available, however, for the deeper parts of the Illinois Basin where a thicker Fort Payne-Ullin interval occurs. REFERENCES Ausich, W.I., T.W. Kammer, and N. G. Lane, 1979, Fossil communities of the Borden (Mississippian) delta in Indiana and northern Kentucky: Journal of Paleontology, v. 53, no. 5, p. 1182-1196. Ausich, W.I., and D.L. Meyer, 1988, Blastoids from the late Osagean Fort Payne Formation (Kentucky and Tennessee): Journal of Paleontology, v. 62, p. 269-283. Ausich, W.I., and D.L. Meyer, 1990, Origin and composition of carbonate buildups and associated facies in the Fort Payne Formation (Lower Mississippian, south-central Kentucky): An integrated sedimentologic and paleoecologic analysis: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 129-146. Baxter, S., 1984, The Eotaphrus-Bactrognathus Zone, a new name for a cono- dont zone from the type Burlington Formation: Neuvieme Congres Interna- tional de Stratigraphie et de Geologie du Carbonifere (Washington and Champaign-Urbana 1979), Compte Rendu, v. 2, p. 247-252. Collinson, C, and A.J. Scott, 1958, Age of the Springville Shale (Mississippian) of Southern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 247, 12 p. Collinson, C, A.J. Scott, and C.B. Rexroad, 1962, Six Charts Showing Biostratigraphic Zones and Correlations Based on Conodonts from the Devonian and Mississippian Rocks of the Upper Mississippi Valley: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 328, 32 p. Dever, G.R., Jr.,and P. McGrain, 1969, High-Calcium and Low-Magnesium Limestone Resources in the Region of the Lower Cumberland, Tennessee, and Ohio Valleys, Western Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, Series 10, Bulletin 5, 192 p. Drahovzal, J. A., 1967, The biostratigraphy of Mississippian rocks in the Tennessee Valley, in A Field Guide to Mississippian Sediments in Northern Alabama and South-Central Tennessee: Alabama Geological Society, 5th Annual Field Trip Guidebook, p. 10-24. Dunham, R.J., 1962, Classification of carbonate rocks according to deposi- tional texture, in W.E. Ham (ed.), Classification of Carbonate Rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 1, p. 108-121. Hall, J., 1857, Observations upon the Carboniferous limestones of the Mississippi Valley (abs.): American Journal of Science, v. 23, p. 187-203. Kammer, T.W., 1984, Crinoids from the New Providence Shale Member of the Borden Formation (Mississippian) in Kentucky and Indiana: Journal of Paleontology, v. 58, no. 1 , p. 1 1 5-1 30. 31 Kammer, T.W., W.I. Ausich, and N.G. Lane, 1983, Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Borden delta of southern Indiana and northern Kentucky, in R.H. Shaver and J. A. Sunderman (eds.), Field Trips in Mid- western Geology: Bloomington, Indiana, Geological Society of America, Indiana Geological Survey and Indiana University Department of Geology, v. 1, field trip 2, p. 37-71. Lineback, J.A., 1966, Deep-Water Sediments Adjacent to the Borden Siltstone (Mississippian) Delta in Southern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 401 , 48 p. Nicoll, R.S., and C.B. Rexroad, 1975, Stratigraphy and Conodont Paleontology of the Sanders Group (Mississippian) in Indiana and Adjacent Kentucky: Indiana Geological Survey, Bulletin 51 , 45 p. Norby, R.D., 1991, Biostratigraphic zones in the Illinois Basin, in M.W. Leighton, D.R. Kolata, D.F. Oltz, and J.J. Eidel (eds.), Interior Cratonic Basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 51, p. 179-194. Rexroad, C.B., and A.J. Scott, 1964, Conodont Zones in the Rockford Lime- stone and the Lower Part of the New Providence Shale (Mississip- pian) in Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey, Bulletin 30, 59 p. Ruppel, S.C., 1 971 , Conodont biostratigraphy and correlation of the Fort Payne Chert and Tuscumbia Limestone (Mississippian) at selected sites in northwestern Alabama: Masters thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, 74 p. Sable, E.G., and G.R. Dever, Jr., 1990, Mississippian Rocks in Kentucky: U. S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1503, 125 p. Shaver, R.H. (coordinator), 1985, Midwestern basin and arches region (chart), in F.A. Lindberg (ed.), Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North Amer- ica: American Association of Petroleum Geologists COSUNA Chart Series, columns 8-10. Shaver, R.H., C.H. Ault, A.M. Burger, D.D. Carr, J.B. Droste, D.L. Eggert, H.H. Gray, D. Harper, N.R. Hasenmueller, W.A. Hasenmueller, A.S. Horowitz, H.C. Hutchison, B.D. Keith, S.J. Keller, J.B. Patton, C.B. Rexroad, and C.E. Wier, 1986, Compendium of Paleozoic Rock Unit Stratigraphy in Indiana - A Revision: Indiana Geological Survey, Bulletin 59, 203 p. Smith, E.A., 1890, Geological structure and description of the valley regions adjacent to the Cahaba coal field, in Report on the Cahaba Coal Field: Alabama Geological Survey, part 2, p. 137-180. Whitehead, N.H., III, 1978, Lithostratigraphy, depositional environments, and conodont biostratigraphy of the Muldraugh Formation (Mississippian) in southern Indiana and north-central Kentucky: Southeastern Geology, v. 19, p. 83-109. 32 WAULSORTIAN MOUND, BRYOZOAN BUILDUP, AND STORM-GENERATED SANDWAVE FACIES IN THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") Zakaria Lasemi OVERVIEW OF WAULSORTIAN MOUNDS The early to early mid-Mississippian (late Tournaisian to early Visean) is char- acterized by widespread distribution of carbonate mud mounds in various regions in North Africa, Europe, and North America (Wilson 1975, Bolton et al. 1982, West 1988, Lees 1988). These mounds are generally known as Waulsortian mud or reef mounds after the village of Waulsort in the Dinant Basin of Belgium. They are quite variable in thickness and distribution. In Ireland, for example, the mounds are more than 3,000 feet thick and coalesced into large banks covering tens of thousands of square miles (Lees 1 961 , Sevastopulo 1982). Facies Waulsortian mounds vary in shape from lenticular bodies in shallower areas to steep mounds, commonly with slopes of 10° to 50°, in outer ramp to basin environments. Lime mudstone to wackestone with scattered fenestrate bryozoans and crinoids characterizes the core facies of these mounds. The mound core is generally massive to crudely bedded (possibly because of vertical accretion) and may contain sparry calcite-filled cavities generally known as stromatactis (Bathurst 1982). In general, flanking facies of Waulsortian mounds are well bedded crinoidal to crinoidal-bryozoan wackestone to grainstone. The intermound facies, typically well bedded, includes siliceous and cherty carbonates that are generally dark and argillaceous. In some areas, crinoid-bryozoan packstone to grainstone may be an important component of the intermound facies. These coarser intermound facies represent debris apron deposits formed by off-mound transport of skeletal debris. A Waulsortian mound complex is generally overlain by a packstone to grain- stone facies, which may be storm -gene rated skeletal sandwaves (Lasemi et al. 1994a, b) or oolitic limestone of the overlying units. Some mounds are capped by deeper water limestone and shale, indicating a drowning event (Precht and Shepard 1989) that terminated mound development. North American Waulsortian-type mounds are generally similar to those in Europe except that, in many areas, the core facies appears to be generally thinner and the flanking facies is thicker bryozoan and crinoid grainstone. Also, in situ bryozoan-dominated bafflestone buildups, which are developed on the crest and flanks of mounds, appear to be a characteristic feature of some mounds, such as those in the Illinois Basin (Lasemi et al. 1994a, b and this study). Similar buildups may be present in other North American mounds (Ahr and Ross 1982, Davies et al. 1989) but have been interpreted, perhaps erro- neously, by those authors to represent the core facies of Waulsortian-type 33 mounds. The Ullin mounds in the Illinois Basin are also distinguished from those reported in Europe and other regions in North America by an abun- dance of chert bands and nodules (fig. 14), possibly representing former cavities similar to stromatactis. Source of Micrite The source of the micrite that constitutes the core facies of Waulsortian mounds is controversial. Baffling and trapping of transported carbonate mud by bryozoans and crinoids (Pray 1958, Wilson 1975, Philcox 1967) and trapping and binding by organic mats, probably blue green algae (Pratt 1982), have been suggested as possible mechanisms for mound development. Lees and Miller (1985) questioned these interpretations based on the rare occurrences of baffling organisms in some mounds, the large size of many mounds, and textural and compositional differences in the mound core and intermound and flanking facies. They suggested that the carbonate mud for mound growth may have been formed in situ by microbially induced (i.e. by bacteria and cyanobacteria) precipitation. A similar origin was also suggested by Monty et al. (1982) and Tsien (1985) for the lime mudstone in some Devonian mud mounds. Distribution of Mounds In some areas, structure is a possible control on the development of Waul- sortian mounds. There is evidence for block faulting and subsidence in several areas where Waulsortian mounds have developed (Wilson 1975, Miller and Grayson 1982). Miller and Grayson (1982) suggested a tilted block fault model for the development of a ramp-like depositional setting in the Lower Carboniferous units of England. In this model, Waulsortian mounds developed on the deeper, downthrown side of the fault. Some mounds show a linear arrangement, either parallel to but some distance from an anticlinal axis, or on the downthrown side of a block fault (Wilson 1975). However, some mounds regarded by Wilson (1975) as Waulsortian are younger, perhaps shelf margin-type reefs (Lees 1988). Waulsortian mounds are, for the most part, randomly distributed on ramps and do not form a shelf slope break (Ahr 1989). They are generally initiated downslope on ramps and in basinal settings below storm wave base in deeper water environments. Mounds in basinal settings developed into vertically stacked buildups similar to pinnacle reefs. Others, such as those in Ireland (Sevastopulo 1982, Lees 1961), accreted laterally into complex banks thousands of square miles across. A deeper water origin of the mounds is indicated by the lack of shallow water indicators such as calcareous green algae, coated grains, and subaerial exposure features. Additional evidence for a deeper water origin includes the (1 ) smooth geometry of the mounds with no channel or spur and grooves, (2) deeper water origin of the equivalent and enclosing carbonate and shale (some with pelagic fauna), and (3) overall paleogeographic position (Wilson 1975). During the later stages of their development, some mounds may have built up into the photic zone, as indi- cated by the appearance of coated grains, green algae, and micritization (Lees and Miller 1985). 34 A depth-related facies distribution for Waulsortian mounds (fig. 31) has been developed by Lees and Miller (1985), who based their interpretaton on the relative abundance of readily recognizable skeletal allochems and the presence or absence of green algae and coated grains: A. fenestellid-bryozoan facies with abundant fenestellid sheets and calcite-filled cavities or stromatactis, B. siliceous sponge facies, C. sponge/cyan op hytes (calcimicrobes) facies, D. skeletal algae and coated grain facies. Facies A-C are characteristic of subphotic zones, whereas facies D only developed in the photic zone. Because of their depth-dependence, not all facies may be present in any one place. After examining the paleontological data, Lees and Miller (1985) suggested various water depths for different facies of the Belgian mounds (type area): greater than 500 feet (facies A), 400 to 500 feet (facies B), 300 to 400 feet (facies C), and less than 300 feet within the photic zone (facies D). The development and disappearance of Waulsortian mounds during the early to mid-Mississippian Period is neither well understood nor within the scope of this study. A combination of factors such as tectonism, sea-level rise, and changes in ocean circulation patterns may have been involved. Late Waulsortian mound (Mississippian) El S i 400 m approximate scale facies D facies C facies B facies A photic subphotic sea level photic subphotic Figure 31 Facies distribution and depth zonation of Waulsortian mounds: Vertical succession (top left) in a Belgian Waulsortian mound (type area); ecological assem- blages and depth zonation (top right): distribution of Waulsortian facies on a carbonate ramp (inset). (Modified from James and Bourque [1992] and Lees and Miller [1985].) 35 Devonian to early Visean (mid-Mississippian) was a unique time, characterized by several tectonic, oceanographic, and biological events on a worldwide scale. There were nearly synchronous, relatively rapid increases in the rates of subsidence of most preexisting margins and basins of North America (Kominz and Bond 1991). Tectonic subsidence modeling for the Illinois Basin (Treworgy et al. 1991) indicates a subsidence rate increase around mid-Mississippian time. Major expansion of the oxygen-minimum zone in the ocean during the late Devonian to early Mississippian resulted in widespread development of anoxic conditions (Jenkyns 1986), which may have contributed to deposition of organic-rich black shales (e.g. the New Albany). A major faunal extinction at the end of the Devonian effectively eliminated the frame-building organisms responsible for reef construction. Early to early mid-Mississippian was also a time for the development of widespread carbonate ramp settings (Ahr 1989). Mud mounds became widespread and developed in deeper water settings downslope on such ramps or within basins (Wilson 1975). The distribution of ramps and mud mounds at this time may be related to continuous subsidence and slow recovery of frame builders after the end of the Devonian (West 1 988), and shifting of the carbonate factory into a deeper offshore setting (Wright and Faulkner 1990). Hydrocarbon Production from Waulsortian Mounds Waulsortian mounds are prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs in several regions of North America. Hydrocarbon production is mainly from porous flanking packstone and grainstone and, less commonly, from fractured and dolomitized core fades of the mounds. The mounds are generally surrounded by or grade into a deeper water facies that is usually dark and, in places, organic-rich. Because of high porosity in flanking beds and proximity to relatively organic-rich rocks, Waulsortian mounds have excellent potential for reservoir development where permeable. Vertically stacked facies in some mounds are sites for development of multistory reservoirs. The dense core facies is an effective barrier for hydrocarbon entrapment in vertically stacked mounds. Waulsortian mounds are productive in Illinois (Lasemi et al. 1994a, b), Kentucky and Tennessee (MacQuown and Perkins 1982), north-central Texas (Ahr and Ross, 1982), and north-central Alberta (Morgan and Jackson 1970, Davies et al. 1989). Drilling by Conoco in the Mississippian Lodgepole Formation in North Dakota encountered a prolific reservoir in a Waulsortian-type mound. Initial production was greater than 2,000 barrels of oil per day and 1 .2 million cubic feet of natural gas per day (Burke and Diehl 1993). ULLIN ("WARSAW") AND FORT PAYNE FORMATIONS Previous Studies According to Lineback (1966, 1969), the lower Valmeyeran carbonate and clastic units in the Illinois Basin may have formed during four separate deposi- tional events: 1 . Deposition of the Burlington-Keokuk Limestones and the underlying Fern Glen apparently occurred on a carbonate shelf adjacent to a relatively deep, starved basin (Lineback 1981) (figs. 32, 33). A similar 36 B HAROLD C.SANDERS Harrison no. 1 T15N-R5E-Sec 22 SW NW SE Moultrie Co., IL B' LLOYD A. HARRIS Ryan no. 4 T21N-R3E-Sec 21 C S1/2 SW SW De Witt Co., IL Figure 32 South-north cross section (B-B') from Moultrie County to De Witt County, Illinois (see fig. 2 for location). Note rela- tionship of Borden, Fern Glen, Burlington and Keokuk Formations (from Treworgy et al., in review). 37 depositional setting was apparently present at the same time in other regions of North America and western Europe (Lane 1978). 2. According to Lineback (1981), deposition of the Burlington-Keokuk Limestone in the Illinois Basin was terminated by a tongue of the Borden delta, which extended westward into Illinois and then was deflected southward by the bank margin topography (fig. 33). 3-4. Later, the Fort Payne (3) and then the Ullin (4) filled the deeper water areas remaining after cessation of Borden sedimentation (fig. 34). absent Figure 33 Thickness of early Valmeyeran deltaic sediments (after Lineback, 1966). Note east edge of Burlington-Keokuk bank. 38 In a more recent study, Lineback and Guff (1985) suggested that the Ullin and Fort Payne Formations were laterally gradational. They suggested that the Ullin was deposited on a ramp in "structurally higher" parts of the La Salle Anticlinorium and graded downslope into deeper water carbonates of the Fort Payne. They further suggested that the thick areas of the Ullin in the central part of the basin represent carbonates transported from these structurally higher, shallower areas. We agree with the gradational nature of the Ullin and Fort Payne (fig. 34) and an overall ramp depositional setting; however, we do not believe that the source of Ullin carbonates is limited to structurally higher, shallower areas. Presence of relatively well-preserved, delicate bryozoans that constitute the bulk of the bafflestone facies commonly found within the Ullin in these areas indicates in situ development. Depositional Environment Various facies of the Ullin and Fort Payne observed in quarry exposures inter- grade laterally, forming a facies belt characteristic of a carbonate ramp setting (fig. 4). (For a review of the ramp settings, see Burchette and Wright 1992.) Development of Waulsortian-type mounds represents the early stages of car- bonate deposition on this ramp after transgression of the Fort Payne sea. The lithologic character of the Fort Payne represents a deeper water basinal facies, as suggested by Lineback and Guff (1985), and is similar to deep water carbonates reported from other regions (Wilson 1969, Smith 1977). Deposi- tion below the photic zone is indicated by the absence of calcareous green algae and micritized grains both in the Ullin (except in the uppermost part) and in the Fort Payne carbonates. Lack of storm-generated sedimentary structures within the mound facies indicates that the mounds in the Ullin developed below storm wave base. The interpretation of a ramp depositional setting for the Ullin— Fort Payne is supported by (1) an apparent lack of evidence for shelf edge reef or shoal (Lineback and Guff 1985), and (2) the absence of soft sediment deformation features and carbonate breccia, both indicative of a shelf-slope break. A ramp depositional model for the Ullin— Fort Payne is also consistent with widespread ramp development during early to early mid-Mississippian time (Ahr 1989). Lineback and Guff (1985) suggested that local thick areas of the Ullin Lime- stone may represent only local development of Waulsortian mounds. We conclude that these mounds, along with in situ bryozoan buildups, were prevalent and coalesced laterally and vertically, forming several large carbon- ate banks (20 miles wide by up to 70 miles long; fig. 35) surrounded by the deep-water Fort Payne (Lasemi et al. 1994b and work in progress; fig. 36). This conclusion is supported by the reciprocal thickness relationship of the Fort Payne and Ullin (figs. 35, 36) and by the presence of Waulsortian-type mounds and bryozoan-dominated buildups in the quarry exposures of the Ullin. The Ullin mounds, which died out in the early Meramec (early Visean), represent the latest stage in the worldwide development of the Waulsortian mounds. Their disappearance in Illinois may relate to a gradual shallowing of the marine environment caused by vertical aggradation of carbonates and a decrease in the rate of subsidence. There appears to be two general types of mound-like carbonate deposits in the Ulllin Limestone in Illinois. One type (figs. 4a, 6, 7, 1 1 ) is similar in part to 39 UNOCAL Cisne Comm. no. 1 T1S-R7E-Sec3SWNENE Wayne Co., IL ishsls- ishsls - TAMMARACK Brach no. 1 T1S-R7E-Sec3 NW NE NW H-A-V-E OIL CO. Sutton no. 1 T3N-R5E-Sec 1 C NW NE Clay Co., IL Figure 34 South-north cross section (A-A') from Wayne County to Effingham County, Illinois (see fig. 2 for location). Note relationship of Borden, Fort Payne, and Ullin ("Warsaw") Formations (from Treworgy et al., in review). 40 A' ATLAS ENERGY CORP. Thompson-Wetherell Comm. no. 1 T9N-R5E-Sec 20 NE NW NW Effingham Co., IL 41 many Waulsortian mounds recognized in Europe, south-central Kentucky, Tennessee, and other regions in North America (Lees 1988, Precht and Shepard 1989, Ausich and Meyer 1990, MacQuown and Perkins 1982; see also reviews in Wilson 1975 and Bolton et al. 1982). The other type of mound- like deposit observed in the Ullin appears to be a lenticular, skeletal sand (grainstone) pile (figs. 19-21). Both the Waulsortian -type mound and lenticular skeletal sand piles in the Ullin were the preferred sites for the development of in situ bryozoan and Figure 35 Thickness of the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") (after Lineback, 1966). Note highlighted areas of thick Ullin. 42 crinoid bafflestone buildups (figs. 4a, 22a-b, 23). Data from cores and drill cuttings indicate that such buildups, especially those bryozoan-dominated, constitute a major portion of the Ullin Limestone in Illinois (figs. 4, 22b). They developed on the crest and the flank of carbonate mounds and provided a source for skeletal sands that were deposited as debris aprons in intermound areas and as storm -gene rated sandwaves in mid-ramp settings. Vertical ac- cretion and lateral progradation of various facies of the Ullin, along with a de- crease in the rate of subsidence, resulted in a shallowing-upward ramp setting, ! ; i ■ ■ LI IN .. \ 1 Valmeyeran absent > Wr r* L n J L 1 / . X X ' ._ J , V^ ../' . Figure 36 Thickness of the Fort Payne Formation (after Lineback, 1966). Note highlighted areas with no Fort Payne. 43 which eventually ended extensive mound development during deposition of the upper Ullin (fig. 4b). A gradual shallowing is supported by the appearance of ooids, calcareous green algae (dasyclads), and micritized grains in the up- permost part of the Ullin. Frequent storm events resulted in widespread sandwave development. Shallow water settings were unfavorable sites for fur- ther development of thick Waulsortian mud mounds; however, thinner, more isolated mud mounds and mound-like grainstone piles provided the neces- sary high that supported the development of in situ bryozoan-dominated patch reefs in the upper part of the Ullin. These mounds, together with the sandwaves, formed an irregular topography (fig. 4b) that led to the develop- ment of oolitic grainstone shoals during deposition of the overlying Salem Limestone. Waulsortian-type mounds of the lower Ullin The carbonate mud mound in Reed quarry contains fenestrate bryozoan sheets, scattered crinoidal debris, fenestrate bryozoan hash, calcified sponge spicules, and rare ostracods (fig. 13). The presence of sponge spicules is the basis for interpreting the mound in Reed quarry to be comparable to facies B of the Waulsortian mounds (fig. 4a) recognized by Lees and Miller (1985) (fig. 31). Paleontological data suggest that the water depth in which the facies B of Waulsortian mounds developed was about 400 to 500 feet deep (Lees and Miller 1 985). Various facies of these mounds grade laterally into the basinal submound facies of the Fort Payne — evidence for a deeper water, outer-ramp setting for the development of the Ullin mound in Reed quarry (fig. 4a). The deeper-water setting of these mounds was not favorable for the development of the flanking bryozoan bafflestone reservoir facies, as observed in the Ullin quarry. Examination of samples from two cores (ISGS Miller nos.1 and 2) from a location about 12 miles east of the Ullin quarry (fig. 2) revealed lithologic characteristics suggestive of a Waulsortian-type mound. The core facies of the mound is a lime mudstone to wackestone with scattered bryozoans and crinoids (figs. 37, 38). The mound facies is flanked by a porous bryozoan bafflestone facies similar to that in the Ullin quarry (see section under "Stop Descriptions"). Thin section petrography of the core facies shows the presence of scattered fenestrate bryozoan hash and crinoids (figs. 37, 38). Part of this facies also has a peloidal (clotted) texture and contains rare gastropods, forams, and ostracods (fig. 38). The skeletal allochems in this facies resemble those in facies C (fig. 31) of Waulsortian mounds recognized by Lees and Miller (1 985). This facies developed upramp from facies B, as it appears in Reed quarry (fig. 4a), in a relatively shallower water setting. Lees and Miller (1 985) suggested a depth range of about 300 to 400 feet for this facies. The water depth here was apparently shallow enough for the development of a bryozoan bafflestone reservoir facies on this mound (figs. 4a, 19, 22a). Facies D (fig. 31 ) of Lees and Miller (1 985) is characterized by the presence of calcareous green algae and micritized and coated grains. Thus far, it has not been found in the three Illinois and Kentucky quarries; however, it may be present in the upper Ullin in the subsurface. Brown and Dodd (1990) reported a similar facies in the Harrodsburg Limestone and Ramp Creek Formation in southern Indiana and northern Kentucky; however, the mounds that they described are much smaller (4 inches to 7 feet thick) than those we have found within the upper Ullin in the subsurface of Illinois. 44 Figure 37 Thin section photomicrograph (cross-polarized light) of the lime mudstone core facies of a Waulsortian-type mound in the Ullin ("Warsaw") from a core (ISGS Miller no. 1) taken about 12 miles east of Ullin quarry, Illinois. Note fenestrate bryozoan frond and scattered crinoid fragments. Black particles are pyrite. Bar scale = 1 mm. Figure 38 Thin section photomicrograph (plane light) of the wackestone core facies of a Waulsortian-type mound (from the same location as in fig. 36). Note fenestrate bryozoan hash, scattered crinoids, a echinoderm spine (e), a gastropod (g), a foram (f) and ostracods (o). Note clotted texture of the matrix, especially in bottom left of the photomicrograph. Note also a cal- cite-filled microfracture. Bar scale = 1 mm. 45 Lenticular grainstone piles of the lower Ullin The lenticular mounds in Ullin quarry have a fine grained, grainstone core facies (fig. 21), indicating that they are not Waulsortian-type mounds. Rather, they appear to be current- deposited bryozoan-crinoid sand piles. This interpretation is supported by the lack of lime mudstone matrix, moderate grain sorting, and in some cases, the presence of current lamination. Mound-like geometry and fine grain size sug- gest that the environment of deposition for this facies was in deeper water than the depositional environment for the overlying sandwave facies. The presence of relatively well preserved, flanking bryozoan bafflestone buildups (figs. 4a, 19, 22a) indicates that these mound-like grainstones were favorable areas for the establishment of bryozoan communities. Sandwave facies of the upper Ullin The late stage in the evolution of the Ullin depositional environment (fig. 4b) is represented by this facies, which grades laterally in an upramp direction from (1) a distal facies consisting of isolated sandwaves interfingering with lime mudstone intersandwaves in Reed quarry, (2) an intermediate facies consisting of isolated sandwaves and finer grained packstone to grainstone intersandwaves in Ullin quarry, to (3) a proximal facies consisting of coalesced sandwaves of coarse grained, bryozoan- crinoid grainstone in Jonesboro quarry (fig. 4b). This facies relationship indicates a progressive decrease in water depth and an increase in current energy shoreward, as suggested by a relative decrease in mud content and an increase in grain size. Hummocky cross stratification (fig. 27) and the lack of evidence for persistent current reworking (e.g. the lack of ooids and poor rounding) suggest that the sandwaves were deposited by storm currents in a mid-ramp setting below normal wave base. Repeated graded bedding, a com- mon feature within the coalesced sandwaves in the upper Ullin in Jonesboro quarry, probably represents multiple storm events. Storm-generated sandwaves, which are common in modern carbonate environments such as the Bahamas (Hine 1977), have also been documented from various ramp settings in the Phanerozoic system (Aigner 1985, various articles in Einsele and Seilacher 1982). RESERVOIR POTENTIAL OF THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") The Ullin ("Warsaw") reservoir facies is mainly a bryozoan-dominated baffle- stone (figs. 19, 20, 22a, 23) developed on the flanks and crests of Waulsortian- type mud mounds or on transported skeletal sand piles (fig. 4a). Subsurface geology and petrography reveal this porous bryozoan bafflestone facies at various horizons (some with oil shows) within the Ullin (figs. 4, 22b). Hydro- carbon production thus far has been limited to bryozoan bafflestone buildups (bryozoan patch reefs) and possibly storm-generated sandwaves in the up- per Ullin. The Waulsortian mound facies in the lower Ullin has not, to our knowledge, been tested. The production of hydrocarbons from similar mounds in other regions of North America has been prolific, therefore the Ullin mound facies may also be potential reservoirs. Oil shows in cuttings from the porous facies of Ullin mounds support this hypothesis. Petrographic examination shows excellent preservation of primary intra- and interparticle porosity within the bryozoan bafflestone buildups (figs. 22, 23). 46 The generally stable original mineralogy (low-magnesium calcite) prevented extensive dissolution-reprecipitation and occlusion of pores. Furthermore, the stable mineralogy and minor early marine cementation prevented later compaction and burial diagenesis. There appears to be a general relationship between the abundance of crinoidal fragments and porosity: a decrease in porosity corresponds to an increase in crinoidal material because of preferen- tial cementation by syntaxial calcite (figs. 23, 39). The porous facies of the Ullin is generally mud-free, thus contributing to a higher reservoir permeability. Acid stimulation is probably an effective method of increasing permeability in the bryozoan-rich facies because the microporous nature of bryozoans generates abundant surface area for acid reaction. This property makes the Ullin an excellent source of the carbonate used in "scrub- ber" systems for desulfurization of coal (see Harvey, this guidebook). Some Ullin reservoir facies, although porous, may have little permeability. This condition is common when some micrite is present or cementation has occurred. Under such conditions, the presence of microfractures can enhance permeability (Tom Partin, consultant, personal communication 1994). Exami- nation of drill cuttings and cores indicates that calcite-filled microfractures are common in various facies of the Ullin (figs. 15, 38). Some microfractures are oil-stained. Microfractures were apparently open during migration of petroleum, but were filled later by calcite precipitation and cementation. Where saturated with oil, however, microfractures remained open, thus increasing reservoir permeability in some Ullin plays. Figure 39 Thin section photomicrograph (cross-polarized light) of a core sample from White County (Superior Oil , Greathouse no. 30, NE SW NE Sec. 4-T5S-R14W), Illinois. This is a bryozoan-crinoid grainstone from the inferred sandwave facies of the upper Ullin ("Warsaw"). Note occlusion of pores in the more crinoid-dominated areas because of preferential overgrowth cementation by calcite. Inter- and intraparticle porosity (black) is preserved in bryozoan-dominated areas. Bar scale = 1 mm. 47 The distribution of the porous bryozoan facies may be local in some areas, as observed in the Ullin quarry. This may be part of the reason for high initial production occurring with very short flow time in some Ullin plays. However, laterally and vertically extensive mounds and sandwaves with reservoir quality facies occur in many areas of the basin (Lasemi, work in progress) and provide excellent potential for hydrocarbon production. Preliminary data from core samples and cuttings indicate the presence of an argillaceous lime mudstone to wackestone at the base of the Salem Limestone in many areas (fig. 3). Dense lime mudstone and wackestone facies (usually the mound core facies) are also common in the upper Ullin (fig. 3) and gener- ally cap the porous bryozoan-dominated facies of an underlying mound. The low permeability mudstones and wackestones can effectively seal hydrocarbons within the Ullin Limestone. The presence of these seals, high porosity, and proximity to potential source rocks (New Albany and possibly Fort Payne) indicate that the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") has great reservoir potential throughout the basin. This is confirmed by recent discoveries of prolific petroleum- producing zones within the Ullin Limestone in Wayne and White Counties in Illinois. REFERENCES AND SELECTED READINGS Ahr, W.M., 1989, Sedimentary and tectonic controls on the development of an early Mississippian carbonate ramp, Sacramento Mountains area, New Mexico, in P.D. Crevello, J.L. Wilson, J.F. Sarg, and J.F. Read (eds.), Controls on Carbonate Platform and Basin Development: Society of Eco- nomic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 44, p. 203-212. Ahr, W.M., and S.L. Ross, 1982, Chappel (Mississippian) biohermal reservoirs in the Hardeman Basin, Texas: Transactions, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Baton Rouge, LA, v. 32, p. 187-193. Aiger, T., 1985, Storm depositional systems, dynamic stratigraphy in modern and ancient shallow-marine sequences, /nG.M. Friedman, H.J. Neugebauer, and A. Seilacher (eds.), Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, number 3: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 174 p. Ausich, W.I., and D.L. Meyer, 1990, Origin and composition of carbonate buildups and associated facies in the Fort Payne Formation (Lower Missis- sippian, south-central Kentucky): An integrated sedimentologic and paleo- ecologic analysis: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 129-146. Bathurst, R.G.C., 1982, Genesis of stromatactis cavities between submarine crusts in Palaeozoic carbonate mud buildups: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 1 39, p. 1 65-1 81 . Bolton, K., H.R. Lane, and D.V. LeMone (eds.), 1982, Symposium on the Paleoenvironmental Setting and Distribution of the Waulsortian Facies: El Paso Geological Society and the University of Texas at El Paso, 202 p. Brown, M.A., and J.R. Dodd, 1990, Carbonate mud bodies in Middle Missis- sippian strata of southern Indiana and northern Kentucky: End members of a Middle Mississippian mud mound spectrum?: Palaios, v. 5, p. 236-243. Burchette, T.P., and V.P. Wright, 1992, Carbonate ramp depositional systems: Sedimentary Geology, v. 79, p. 3-57. 48 Burke, R., and P. Diehl, 1993, Waulsortian mounds and Conoco's new Lodgepole well: North Dakota Geological Survey Newsletter, v. 20, no. 2, p. 6-17. Davies, G.R., D.E. Edwards, and P. Flach, 1989, Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) Waulsortian reefs in the Seal area of north-central Alberta, in H.H.J. Geldsetzer, N.P. James, and G.E. Tebbutt (eds.), Reefs, Canada and Adjacent Areas: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 13, p. 643-648. Einsele, G., and A. 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Lasemi, Z., J.D. Treworgy, and R.D. Norby, 1994a, Development of Waulsor- tian mounds and hydrocarbon-bearing flanking fades in the Middle Missis- sippian of the Illinois Basin: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1994 Abstract Volume. Lasemi, Z., J.D. Treworgy, and R.D. Norby, 1994b, Depositional history of the Mississippian Ullin and Fort Payne Formations in the Illinois Basin: Geological Society of America, 1994 Abstract Volume. Lees, A., 1961 , The Waulsortian "reefs" of Eire: A carbonate mudbank complex of Lower Carboniferous age: Journal of Geology, v. 69, p. 101-109. Lees, A., 1988, Waulsortian "reefs": The history of a concept: Mem. Inst, geol. Univ. Louvain, 34, p. 43-55. Lees, A., and J. Miller, 1985, Fades variation in Waulsortian buildups, Part 2: Mid-Dinantian buildups from Europe and North America: Geological Journal, v. 20, p. 159-180. Lineback, J.A., 1966, Deep-Water Sediments Adjacent to the Borden Siltstone (Mississippian) Delta in Southern Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular401,48p. Lineback, J.A., 1969, Illinois Basin — sediment-starved during the Mississippian: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 53, no. 1 , p. 112-126. Lineback, J.A., 1981, The Eastern Margin of the Burlington-Keokuk (Valmey- eran) Carbonate Bank in Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 520, 24 p. Lineback, J.A., and R.M. Cluff, 1985, Ullin-Fort Payne, A Mississippian shallow to deep water carbonate transition in a cratonic basin, in P.D. Crevello, and P.M. Harris (eds.), Deep-Water Carbonates: Buildups, Turbidites, Debris 49 Flows and Chalks: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Core Workshop 6, p. 1-26. MacQuown, W.C., and J.H. 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Philcox, M.E., 1967, A Waulsortian bryozoan reef ("cumulative biostrome") and its off-reef equivalents, Ballybeg, Ireland: Compte Rendu, Sixth International Congress of Stratigraphy and Geology of the Carboniferous, Sheffield, England, v. 4, p. 1359-1372. Pratt, B.R., 1982, Stromatolitic framework of carbonate mud-mounds: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, p. 1203-1227. Pray, L.C., 1958, Fenestrate bryozoan core facies, Mississippian bioherms, southwestern United States: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 28, p. 261-273. Precht, W.F., and W. Shepard, 1989, The structure, sedimentology and diagenesis of some Waulsortian carbonate buildups of Mississippian age from Montana, in H.H.J. Geldsetzer, N.P. James, and G.E. Tebbutt (eds.), Reefs, Canada and Adjacent Areas: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 13, p. 682-687. Sevastopulo, G.D., 1982, The age and depositional setting of Waulsortian limestones in Ireland, in K. Bolton, H.R. Lane, and D.V. LeMone (eds.), Symposium on the Paleoenvironmental Setting and Distribution of the Waulsortian Facies: El Paso Geological Society and the University of Texas at El Paso, p. 65-79. Smith, D.L., 1977, Transition from deep- to shallow-water carbonates, Paine Member, Lodgepole Formation, central Montana, in H.E. Cook, and P. Enos (eds.), Deep-Water Carbonate Environments: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 25, p. 187-201. Treworgy, J.D., ST. Whitaker, and Z. Lasemi, in review, 1 1 :30 O'Clock Cross Section in the Illinois Basin, Wayne County to Stephenson County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series. Treworgy, J.D., M.L. Sargent, and D.R. Kolata, 1991, Tectonic subsidence history of the Illinois Basin (extended abstract), in Program with Abstracts for the Louis Unfer, Jr., Conference on the Geology of the Mid-Mississippi Valley, Cape Girardeau, MO, 6 p. Tsien, H.H., 1985, Algal-bacterial origin of micrites in mud mounds, in D.F. Toomey, and M.H. Nitecki (eds.), Paleoalgology: Contemporary Research and Applications: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 290-296. 50 West, R.R., 1988, Temporal changes in Carboniferous reef mound communi- ties: Palaios, v. 3, p. 152-169. Wilson, J.L., 1969, Microfacies and sedimentary structures in "deeper water" lime mudstones, in G.R. Friedman (ed.), Depositional Environments in Carbonate Rocks (symposium): Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 14, p. 4-19. Wilson, J.L, 1975, Carbonate Fades in Geologic History: Springer-Verlag, New York, 471 p., esp. p. 165-167 and chapter V. Wright, V.P., and T.J. Faulkner, 1990, Sediment dynamics of Early Carbonif- erous ramps: A proposal: Geological Journal, v. 25, p. 139-144. 51 PETROLEUM OCCURRENCE IN THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") John P. Grube The thinly scattered petroleum reservoirs in the Ullin Limestone ("Warsaw") in the Illinois Basin (fig. 40) were rarely prolific prior to the 1990s. There are 69 fields with reported "Warsaw" production in Illinois, but only 13 fields list ten or more wells that have produced from the "Warsaw," and 37 fields have three or fewer wells that have produced "Warsaw" oil (appendix). "Warsaw" production accounts for approximately 1% of the more than 4 billion barrels of oil recovered from Illinois Basin reservoirs. The basin is undergoing a third round of Ullin ("Warsaw") development. There have been two previous periods of development of "Warsaw" fields: one during the late 1 950s and early 1960s when the pay was initially discovered, and the second during the drilling boom of the late 1970s and early 1980s. In the early 1 990s, the completion of prolific wells in two fields, Johnsonville Consolidated in Wayne County and Enfield South in White County, once again heightened interest and promoted drilling in the "Warsaw" pay. Completions of flowing wells of 200 to 400 barrels of oil per day are not uncommon. These wells continue to have high rates of production. Records indicate that some wells have produced in excess of 100,000 barrels of oil in less than 2 years. Two of the better fields discovered during the earlier exploratory phases are Bessie and Ewing East, both located in Franklin County, Illinois. Each field has produced approximately 1 .5 million barrels of oil. Wells in Bessie Field, dis- covered in 1979, have average estimated reserves of 90,000 barrels of oil per well (Strothmann 1988). Several wells in this field have cumulative production exceeding 250,000 barrels of oil and are presently pumping about 20 barrels per day (appendix). Ewing East wells have lower reserves; however, at least 12 wells have cumulative production greater than 50,000 barrels of oil per well. Depth to the producing intervals in these two fields is approximately 3,800 to 4,000 feet. Depth to the "Warsaw" pay throughout Illinois ranges from 2,400 feet on the La Salle Anticlinorium to 4,400 feet in the heart of the Fair- field Basin (Wayne, White, and Hamilton Counties). Hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Ullin ("Warsaw") are found in thin, discontinuous, porous lenses that commonly develop in the upper 100 feet of Ullin-type rock. A porosity log (fig. 41) from the Porter-Weaver Community no. 1 , Section 8, T1S, R6E, one of the better "Warsaw" producers in Johnsonville Consolidated, shows the development of excellent porosity in the uppermost part of the Ullin ("Warsaw"). The hydrocarbon charge exists only in the intervals from 3,974 to 3,980 feet and 3,983 to 3,986 feet. The lower porosity zones are wet, typical of "Warsaw" production. Locally in Johnsonville, Enfield South and the Franklin County fields, the porosity equivalent to that below 3,998 feet in the Porter-Weaver Community no. 1 is commonly wet, even where the upper porosity is absent. The Porter-Weaver Community no. 1 has produced more than 240,000 barrels of oil in 22 months. 52 Core from the Ullin ("Warsaw") is scarce, and therefore measured values for porosity and permeability are hard to obtain. Porosity logs indicate that aver- age porosity for reservoir rock ranges from 8% to 10%. As the experiences of oil field operators and porosity log examination show, wells with less than 6% porosity are nonproductive, probably because of low permeability. Hydrocarbon reservoirs are generally found in porous zones commonly less than 10 feet thick in the upper 100 feet of the "Warsaw." The most productive Figure 40 Distribution of Ullin/Harrodsburg/"Warsaw" hydrocarbon production in the Illinois Basin (from Howard 1991). 53 BOOTH OIL CO., INC. Porter-Weaver Comm. no. 1 T1S-R6E-Sec8NESESE Wayne Co., IL Gamma Micro- Resistivity 10% Figure 41 Porosity log of the Porter-Weaver Community no. 1 , Sec. 8-T1 S- R6E, one of the better Ullin ("Warsaw") producers in Johnsonville Consolidated. Note development of excellent porosity in the uppermost part of the unit. The hydrocarbon charge exists only from 3974-80 feet and from 3983-86 feet. The lower porosity zones are wet. wells are associated with the development of multiple, porous zones, particu- larly in the uppermost part of the "Warsaw" (fig. 41). In these wells, only the top one or two porous zones produce hydrocarbons; the underlying porous zones produce only water. 54 A review of the Ullin ("Warsaw") fields in Illinois shows that a combination of structure and stratigraphy define the play. The critical components for the trapping of hydrocarbons are development of effective porosity and draping of the porous interval across a structure. Structural closure on the reservoir is not critical. Isopach mapping and trend projections based on geometric analy- sis of specific porosity development are fundamental to the discovery and de- velopment of "Warsaw" fields. Thickness of the total Ullin ("Warsaw") (fig. 35) defines the boundary of the play within the basin. At present, most production is confined to that part of the basin where the thickness of the "Warsaw" exceeds 200 feet. The only production found where the Ullin ("Warsaw") is less than 200 feet thick is in the area that borders the west side of the Wabash River (figs. 35, 40). Fur- ther evaluation of porosity development and hydrocarbon migration may ex- pand the boundary of the Ullin ("Warsaw") play. REFERENCES Howard, R.H., 1991, Hydrocarbon reservoir distribution in the Illinois Ba- sin, in M.W. Leighton, D.R. Kolata, D.F. Oltz, and J.J. Eidel (eds.), Interior Cratonic Basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 51 , p. 299-327. Strothmann, K., 1988, Bessie Field, in C.W. Zuppann, and B.D. Keith (eds.), Geology and Petroleum Production of the Illinois Basin: Illinois and Indiana- Kentucky Geological Societies, v. 2, p. 103-104. 55 VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY REED QUARRY, LIVINGSTON COUNTY, KENTUCKY Garland R. Dever, Jr. Kentucky Geological Survey Terry Teitloff Vulcan Materials Company Reed Quarry The top producer of crushed stone in the United States during recent years has been the Reed quarry in Livingston County, Kentucky. In 1992, its produc- tion was 10.27 million tons (Prokopy 1993). Opened in 1950 by the Clyde Reed Trucking Company, the quarry was oper- ated for many years by the Reed Crushed Stone Company. Vulcan Materials Company purchased the operation in 1990. Crushed stone has been produced from three Mississippian formations (in descending order), the Salem Limestone, Warsaw Limestone (Kentucky terminology), and Fort Payne Formation. The Salem is composed of (1) olive to medium gray, fine to very coarse grained, bioclastic limestone that is locally cherty, and (2) olive gray to olive black, very finely crystalline limestone that is partly argillaceous to shaly and locally cherty. The principal lithology of the Warsaw is very light to medium gray, fine to very coarse grained, bryozoan and crinoidal limestone. The Warsaw, particularly in the lower part, contains lenses and beds of olive gray to grayish black, micrograined to fine grained limestone and fine to coarse grained bioclastic limestone, both of which are commonly argillaceous and cherty. The Fort Payne mainly is composed of medium dark to dark gray, very fine to fine grained, siliceous limestone. The silica content of the Fort Payne varies, but averages about 20%. The quarry face is divided into eight ledges, which furnish a frame of reference for describing the quarry. Ledge 1 at the top of the pit and part of underlying ledge 2 are in the Salem. The Warsaw encompasses part of ledge 2, ledges 3 and 4, and the uppermost part of ledge 5. Most of ledge 5 and ledges 6, 7, and 8 are in the Fort Payne. The average height of ledges 2, 3, and 4 is about 60 feet. Each Fort Payne ledge, 5 through 8, is about 70 feet high. Ledge 1 , along the lip of the quarry, varies in height. In recent years, there has been no production from ledge 1 and very little from ledge 2, mainly riprap. Bryozoan-crinoidal limestone of the Warsaw in ledges 3 and 4 was the quarry's principal source of construction and agricultural stone for a number of years. Because they have the highest calcium carbonate content of all ledges in the present quarry, ledges 3 and 4 are now reserved for markets requiring chemically pure stone. From 1984 to 1989, limestone of ledge 3 was used in a flue-gas desulfurization, wet-scrubbing system at the 56 Big Rivers Electric Corporation, Wilson power plant in Ohio County, Kentucky. It was also used as sorbent stone in a 20-megawatt atmospheric fluidized-bed combustion pilot plant located near Paducah, Kentucky, and operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Ledge 4 currently is the quarry's main source for agricultural limestone. In the early 1980s, the quarry was deepened to open up the Fort Payne for production. Siliceous limestone of the Fort Payne is being used for railroad ballast, bituminous and concrete aggregate, skid-resistant aggregate (Louisiana and Kentucky only), bank-paving material (riprap), and filter beds (both for sewage treatment and scrubber-sludge dewatering). The Reed quarry ships about 75% of its production by barge, 15% by rail, and 10% by truck. The Gulf Coast region is the destination for most of the stone, mainly riprap and aggregate, that is transported by barge. REFERENCE Prokopy, S., 1993, Top 20 crushed stone plants: Rock Products, v. 96, no. 10, p. 55-58. 57 INDUSTRIAL USES OF THE ULLIN LIMESTONE ("WARSAW") Richard D. Harvey The Harrodsburg Member (upper part of the Ullin Limestone) has distinctive qualities that make it valuable for the two main uses of crushed stone, agricul- tural limestone (to neutralize the acidity and improve the texture of soils) and construction aggregates. At the Jonesboro quarry (Stop 3), the limestone generally tests greater than 96% CaC03, approximately 3% to 4.5% water absorption, and almost 2.4 g/cc bulk density. These data indicate an average porosity of about 11%. Such qualities of purity and implied softness make this stone exceptionally valuable as an agricultural limestone, which represents about 40% of the production at this quarry. Although tests by the Illinois Department of Highways of various gradations of the crushed stone confirm the quarry products to be too soft (average abrasion loss is 43%) and skid resistance too low for use as aggregates in Portland cement concrete pavements, the tests do qualify this stone to be used for other road and construction materials where specifications of abrasion are less stringent. About 10% of the production from this quarry is sold for road- base materials and the coarse aggregates used on county roads. From a nearby quarry, the Harrodsburg was used during the 1960s and early 1970s as dimension stone. At that quarry, the limestone is uniformly thick bedded, which allowed it to be quarried into big blocks and slabbed. The slabs were easily fabricated into a variety of building uses. The stone takes an excellent polish for special decorative veneers. Several buildings in nearby towns, especially Anna and Jonesboro, are veneered with this stone. Since about 1970, a new market for limestones and dolomites developed, using their calcined product (lime or magnesia derived from a heating process) as an absorbent of sulfur oxides from flue gases that are generated by com- bustion of coal. Studies have shown that the Harrodsburg is uniquely suited for certain desulfurization processes, mainly those classified as wet-limestone "scrubbing" (Harvey et al. 1 974) and, to a lesser extent, fluidized-bed combustion (Rostam-Abadi et al. 1989). The Harrodsburg, as quarried at Jonesboro, provided the highest SO2 reactivity of the 1 1 rather typical carbonate rocks that were laboratory tested. Microscopic analyses suggest that the high reactivity of this stone is due to the high porosity that exists between the 5 to 20 |im calcite crystallites that constitute the abundant bryozoan fragments. Another con- tributing factor may be traces of highly reactive soluble salts (mainly NaCI) that occur as fluid inclusions within the large crystals that constitute the crinoid frag- ments. The light gray chert that occurs as a minor constituent in several beds of the Harrodsburg has the negative effect of diluting the abundance of the reactive calcite and causes extra wear on crushing and grinding equipment. Currently about 50% of the production from the Jonesboro quarry is used for desulfuri- zation purposes in scrubbers at two power plants, one in Sikeston, Missouri, and the other (Southern Illinois Power Cooperative) in Marion, Illinois. 58 In the study by Rostam-Abadi et al. (1989), thermal gravimetric analyses of the 300 to 425 \im particles from this quarry absorbed more SO2 than all other limestones tested. However, for the same study, in tests designed to simulate desulfurization under pressurized fluidized-bed combustion, this stone did not perform as well as many dolomites. The high reactivity of dolomites in the fluidized-bed environment is thought to be aided by the high porosity that is developed within the calcined products from dolomites. A considerable pro- portion of the calcium oxide that is produced during heating of dolomites is thought to form as ultrafine grains on the surfaces of the calcine, thus making the calcium readily available and exceptionally reactive with SO2. To date, the market for other midwestern limestones for desulfurization have not signifi- cantly increased. The importation of low-sulfur coal (subbituminous) into midwestern power-generating plants has steadily increased during the past few years, and this trend is not expected to change in the near future. Substi- tution of fuels other than coal has limited the market for desulfurization with carbonate rocks. REFERENCES Harvey, R.D., R.R. Frost, and J. Thomas, Jr., 1974, Lake marls, chalks, and other carbonate rocks with high dissolution rates in SO2 - scrubbing liquors, in Tenth Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals: Ohio Geological Division Miscellaneous Report 1, p. 67-80; also Illinois State Geological Survey, Environmental Geology Notes 68. Rostam-Abadi, M., W.-T. Chen, R.D. Harvey, and MP. Cal, 1989, Sorbent evaluation for pressurized fluidized-bed combustors: Illinois State Geological Survey, Final Technical Report, 56 p. 59 Appendix Production history to January 1994 for Ullin ("Warsaw") fields (Source: B.G. Huff) Field Discovery well Company Farm name and number Total depth Completion (ft) date Aden Consolidated H.H. Weinert Morlan "B" No. 5 Akin West Texaco U.S. Steel No. 1 Albion Consolidated Superior Oil Company J.C. Blood No. A-10 Allendale Bridgeport Drilling M. Pace No. 1 Bamhill Ivan R. Jones Zurliene No. 1 Belle Prarie West Calvert Drilling Rawls No. 1 Belle Rive C. E. Brehm Foster Community N Benton Shell Oil Co. C W & F Coal No. 1 Benton North Great Plains Resources Old Ben No. 2-H Berryville Consolidated Southern Triangle H. Pixley No. 1 Bessie Blairsville West Consolidated Broughton Browns C. E. Brehm Drilling & Producing J.D. Turner Duke Resources Tartan Oil Summers-U.S. Steel No. 1 F.C. Morris & Sons No. B-1 Bonan No. 1 A.J. Messman No. 2-A 4148 3900 6/9/59 5185 4/19/62 4511 9/19/80 2864 10/21/66 4378 9/20/81 4389 5/5/59 4100 2/10/79 6250 3/16/60 3656 11/10/83 3688 1/21/75 11/27/79 4565 2/17/81 4269 11/11/77 3825 2/14/84 Bungay Consolidated E.D. Dupont, Jr. S.L. Moore No. 1-B Calhoun East Bunn & Bunn Oil Co., Inc. B. Williams No. 1 Centerville Jim Haley Oil Production Martin R. Barbre No. 2 Clay City Consolidated Pure Oil Company E. Walters No. 2 4290 12/22/59 4166 7/9/85 4140 10/15/82 3646 12/23/52 Concord Consoldiated Jim Haley Oil Production W.R. Tuley No. 6 3965 3/1/75 Covington South Peake Petroleum Company Feathers et al. No. 1 4148 9/7/60 Crossville West The French Creek Co. George Spencer No. 2 4207 2/25/83 Dahlgren Athene Development C.L Serivener No. 1 5299 11/27/56 Dahlgren South Homco Ltd. Koberlein No. 1 4366 9/24/82 Dahlgren Southwest Ashland Exploration Lena Cross No. 1 4585 8/2/83 Dahlgren West Sun Oil Company R.W. Aydt No. 1 5245 11/16/60 60 Discovery well (Sec-T-R) County Initial production BO/BW/DAY* Depth to "Warsaw" zone (ft) Thickness of zone (apprx ft) No. of "Warsaw" wells Comments 33-2S-7E Wayne 138 BO 4132 16 7 First reported Warsaw production in state, also deepest pay at time 20-6S-4E Franklin 82 BO 3994 10 2 1-3S-10E Edwards 40 BO/130 BW 3978 10 7 I. P. includes production from Salem 33-2N-12W Wabash 50 BO/50 BW 2806 12 3 9-3S-8E Wayne 30 BO/20 BW 4214 11 3 Dry hole drilled deeper, OTD 3602; LP. includes Salem and Rosiclare 1-4S-5E Hamilton 24 BO/70 BW 4206 6 5 22-3S-4E Jefferson 9 BO/75 BW 3985 4 3 Old well drilled deeper 36-6S-2E Franklin 261 BO/160 BW 3705 5 8 I. P. from 5 zones including McClosky and St. Louis discoveries 12-6S-2E Franklin 60 BO/15 BW 3656 14 3 31-2N-13W Wabash 7 BO/10 BW 3605 10 2 LP. includes production from Salem discovery 13-6S-3E Franklin 150 BO 3825 6 22 13-4S-6E Hamilton 20 BO 4336 10 4 LP. includes production from Salem discovery 27-6S-7E Hamilton 580 BO 4191 10 9 33-1S-14W Wabash 33 BO/70 BW 3810 10 1 Old well drilled deeper; was Cypress and McClosky producer 10-4S-7E Hamilton 14 BO/100 BW 4190 10 1 LP. includes production from McClosky 6-2N-11E Richland 18 BO/8 BW 4099 5 3 12-4S-9E White 91 BO/80 BW 4120 20 1 Extension to field 5-3N-9E Richland 54 BO/96 BW 3600 17 67 LP. includes production from McClosky, St. Louis and Salem 21-6S-10E White 20 BO 3868 6 30 14-2S-6E Wayne 175 BO 4136 12 6 22-4S-10E White 20 BO/10 BW 4128 10 17 LP. includes production from Aux Vases 27-3S-5E Hamilton 1 1 BO/90 BW 4110 15 1 30-4S-5E Hamilton 75 BO/20 BW 4275 13 1 15-4S-4E Jefferson 3 BO/14 BW 4216 16 1 1-4S-4E Jefferson 150 BO/100 BW 4019 6 3 Old well worked over; abandoned 1966 61 Appendix continued Field Discovery well Company Farm name and number Total depth (ft) Completion date Dale Consolidated Ernest Sherman W.E. Hunt et al. Unit No. 1 4180 4/25/78 Deering City The Wiser Oil Company Peabody Coal Co. No. 1 3748 12/10/85 Divide Consolidated William & Phyllis Becker Mammie Floweree No. 2 3601 8/4/81 Ellery East Sandy Ridge Oil Co., Inc. Harold Perkins No. 1 4227 1 1/25/78 Ellery South Modern Exploration Glover No. 1 4159 12/4/78 Enfield Pricefields Oil, Inc. Fields-West No. 1 4358 8/1/77 Enfield North R.K. Petroleum Triple AAA Ranch No. 4 4392 5/17/77 Enfield South Wilbanks Exploration Warren No. 1-6 4294 11/1/90 Ewing Geo. Mitchell Drilling Dalby No. 1 3821 4/25/81 Ewing East C.E. Brehm Clayton Heirs Comm. No. 1 9511 10/12/76 Flora South Dart Oil & Gas Levitt-McHenry Comm. No. 5-1 4900 4/22/82 Gards Point Consolidated Louis A. Pessina J.A. Fishel No. 1 3705 8/19/75 Goldengate Consolidated T.G. Jenkins T.G. Jenkins No. 1 4135 1 1/8/61 Goldengate North Consolidated Humboldt Oil Company E. Webb No. 1 4750 4/17/84 Herald Consolidated C.E. Brehm Drilling & Production Rupp No. 1 5285 5/29/76 Johnsonville Consolidated Mid-American Petroleum Dickey No. 2 3938 10/31/80 Johnsonville West Joe A. Dull Cravens No. 1 3824 8/30/78 Lawrence Hubert Rose Ackman No. 1 3387 5/10/83 Louisville Texaco John Paul Kincaid No. 1 4865 11/2/74 Macedonia C.E. Brehm Drilling & Production Hutchcraft Unit No. 1 5249 2/15/61 Maple Grove Consolidated Energy Resources P.M. Weber No. 5 4057 8/10/76 Maple Grove South Consolidated Maunie North Consolidated Collin Bros. Grover Hines No. 1 6119 4/15/80 Maunie South Consolidated Rhea Fletcher Flora Karch No. 3 4256 7/29/74 Mayberry Commanche Oil Corp. Parker Comm. No. 1 5373 1/14/77 Mayberry North E.S. Guilliams Legg & Bryant 4311 10/2/81 Mayberry South V.R. Gallagher Trotter No. 1 4350 8/19/81 62 Discovery Initial Depth to Thickness No. of well production "Warsaw" of zone "Warsaw" (Sec-T-R) County BO/BW/DAY* zone (ft) (apprx ft) wells Comments 21-6S-7E Hamilton 20 BO 4124 16-7S-3E Franklin 20 BO 3748 21-1 S-4E Jefferson 7 BO/10 BW 3502 3-3S-10E Edwards 16 BO/18 BW 4218 4-3S-10E Edwards 125 BO 4156 17-5S-8E White 10 BO 4318 9-5S-8E White 50 BO 4385 6-6S-8E White 40 BO/100 BW 4294 3-5S-3E Franklin 4 BO/75 BW 3790 2-5S-3E Franklin 104 BO/70 BW 3880 5-2N^6E Clay 125 BO 3707 14-1N-14W Wabash 14 BO 3698 29-2S-9E Wayne 40 BO 4125 5-2S-9E 2-7S-9E 20-1 S-6E 35-1 N-5E 6-2N-11W 28-4N-6E 24-5S-4E Wayne 45 BO White Wayne Wayne Lawrence Clay Franklin 75 BO 4323 25 BO/30 BW 3961 15 BO/30 BW 3823 14 BO/12 BW 3823 45 BO/100 BW 2420 107 BO/60 BW 3534 22-1 N-9E Wayne 25 BO/30 BW 4097 4050 10 13 10 9 10 19 6 6 6 6 9 8 9 7 12 10 10 10 4 12 7 23 1 2 1 1 5 1 6 1 40 1 1 33 5 35 17 1 1 2 Extension to field I. P. includes production from Ohara Also field extension Extension to field IP. includes production from St. Louis Old well drilled deeper; was D&A, old TD 3102 Old well worked over Discovery well of field; LP. includes Aux Vases, McClosky & Salem Dry and abandoned well worked over 2-6S-10E White oil well 3 24-6S-10E White 51 BO/240 BW 3964 6 1 8-3S-6E Wayne 200 BO/20 BW 4297 25 9 27-2S-6E Wayne 40 BO/70 BW 4194 4 1 16-3S-6E Wayne 47 BO/28 BW 4282 5 1 See Samsville West for Warsaw Discovery LP. not reported. Produces from Salem also LP. includes production from St. Louis 63 Appendix continued Field Discovery well Company Farm name and number Total depth Completion (ft) date Mill Shoals Mt. Carmel Nation Oil W. P. Mcintosh No. 2 4191 11/4/59 Farmers Petroleum Co-op Wabash-Newton No. 3 3117 11/1/77 New Harmony Consolidated Noble West Hubert Rose Vida King No. 1 3712 10/29/79 Norris City West Olney South Parkersburg Consolidated Phillipstown Consolidated Reynolds & Vincent Mary Britton Comm. No. 1 Frank Yockey and Yockey Walter Schonert No. 2 Oil, Inc. Viking Oil Co. Louis Pessina Roland Consolidated Southern Triangle Rural Hill North Juniper Petroleum Inc. Imogene Fishel No. 1 E.H. Morris "A" No. 1 H. Ward No. 1 Clark-Meneghin 47-34 4460 4/18/78 3935 9/12/90 4118 6/28/78 4100 2/12/80 4123 1/11/66 4275 3/15/77 Samsville West Spartan Petroleum Leonard Garman No. 2 4175 5/31/77 Springerton South Storms Consolidated Sumpter North Taylor Hill Walpole Whittington Perry Fulk Hazelip No. 1 Atek Drilling & Production L. Cutchin No. 1 Absher Oil C. Bohleber No. 1 Leo Horton Webb Heirs No. 1 Henry Energy Corporation Johnson Heirs No. 1 H & W Oil Company Adams No. 1 4385 6/18/77 4038 12/16/84 4335 8/3/74 3970 1/18/61 5950 6/20/85 3719 2/21/77 'Barrels of oil, barrels of water per day 64 Discovery well (Sec-T-R) County Initial production BO/BW/DAY* Depth to "Warsaw" zone (ft) Thickness of zone (apprx ft) No. of "Warsaw" wells Comments 31-3S-8E 8-1S-12W White Wabash 57 BO/110 BW 20 BO/30 BW 4110 3097 10 10 7 5 Old well drilled deeper, formerly D & A 3755 70 Discovery well unknown 3-3N-8E 30-6S-8E 17-3N-10E Clay 21 BO/210 BW 3695 White 38 BO 4204 Richland 10 BO/30 BW 3894 14 1 IP. includes production from Salem and McClosky; also field extension Dry hole drilled deeper; also discovery of Norris City West field 17-2N-14W Richland 20 BO/30 BW 30-3S-11E White 36-5S-8E White 8 BO 25 BO 34-5S-5E Hamilton 89 BO/64 BW 3966 3990 4050 4220 3 23 19 6 IP. includes production from Salem IP. includes production from Salem IP. includes production from Ohara and St. Louis discoveries 22-1N-10E Edwards 20 BO/40 BW 4170 5 1 Incorporated into Maple Grove South Consolidated 1977 28-4S-8E White 15 BO/100 BW 4379 6 2 11-6S-9E White 49 BO 4030 8 1 IP. includes production from Spar Mountain and St. Louis 21-4S-9E White 10 BO/30 BW 4230 30 4 16-5S-4E Franklin 8 BO 3940 15 14 Old well worked over 27-6S-6E Hamilton 60 BO 4194 4 9 30-5S-3E Franklin 20 BO 3562 7 5 D & A well drilled deeper, IP. includes production from Salem discovery 65