US \^25e y ' ■/•i/rt/. c^js'/izr^ r. BJJTTEBFmL^ a I B R.ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY or ILLINOIS 113 VJ25& EVOLUTION THEORY ORIGIN OF WORLDS, The causes which produced the peculiarities AND MOTIONS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, IN- CLUDING THE Asteroids, rings of Saturn, moons of Uranus, METEORS, AND COMETS, CAUSE OF THE SUN’S LIGHT, HEAT AND SPOTS, ^LSO THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF HEAT AND LIGHT- BY SETH K. WARREN. Lake Geneva, Wis., 1888. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1888, by SETH K. WARREN, In ilie office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. LAKE GENEVA NEWS JOB PRINT. -j C O S» l\3 EVOLUTION THEORY. This theory accMoints for the foriiiatioii of the sun, for the fonuation of all the [ilaiiets, and for their positions, tt accounts for tlieir revolving around the sun, for their rotating on their axes, and for their orbits being elliptical. It accounts for their motion in their orbits decreasing as they increase their distance from the sun, for their or- bits being nearly on a plane, perpendicular to the axis, and over the sun’s ecjnatoi*, and for their rotat- ing on tlieir axes from west to east. It explains the cause of the sun’s being a cool planet and ac- counts for the sun’s emitting light, and the plan- ets not doing so. It explains the cause of the planets having once been ineited by fervent heat. It explains the cause of the moon having no water, or atmosphere, the cause of the moon not rotating on an axis, and accounts for the incli- nation of the earth’s axis to the plane of its orbit, and for circling of the earth’s poles. It accounts ^ for the moons of rranus revolving from east to ^ west contrary to those of all other planets; ac- counts for the asteroids; accounts for Sati^im’s rings; accounts for the formation of moons. It explains the cause of the superior planets having less specific gravity than others, and of moons having less specific gravity than their superiors. i 800941 and accounts for the light of the sun, and tlie spots on tlie sun, and for the sun’s rotation. It explains the cause of the oblateness of the pri- mary planets, and of moons being perfect spheres without oblateness. It also accounts for the sun’s corona as seen in total eclipses. It explains the cause of meteors and aerolites, and accounts for the comets and their parabolic and hyperbolic or- bits. It accounts for the zodiacal light. It ac- counts for the creation of all worlds, and ac- counts for nebulae. It explains the cause of heat and light; a cause that will in the course of time bring all created worlds into chaotic nebulae, and in the course of time will reform them into new worlds of light and motion. 1 CHAPTER L The present theory of the formation of worlds from nehnions matter, was first proposed by Sir W illiam Herseliel; but he only applied it to the stellar systems and suns. He did not speculate on the formation of solar systems by the separa- tion of nebulous globes into rings, which coalesced into planets. Nebulse are planetary matter, so expanded by intense heat that the minute particles are dis- solved into atoms, and diffused through space; the ultimate particles being held asunder by the expansion of heat. This theory is, that in the beginning, all mat- ter was in nebulae, and was diffused throughout infinite space; and that by cooling and condens- ing, it finally broke up into immense masses; and that each of these masses resulted in a stellar system, and that our stellar system at first was a very irregular nebulous mass, that it subsided into a globe, rotated abandoned rings one hijer another, and that these rings broke up into smaller masses one of which became our solar system. Such a formation of stars as this theory claims, would be an impossible resultant from the laws and forces of nature, which it is here claimed would produce such an elfect. All the stars which we behold in a clear night, belong to our system of stars, which is called a stellar system, or a system of stars. This system of stars is surrounded by immense space; and far away in the immensity of space are other systems of stars, which can only be seen through powerful telescopes. The powers and principal forces of nature, which formed and govern the planets, and sys- tems of worlds, are. Gravity, Inertia, Electricity, Heat, Light, Ether and Resistance. Gravitation is strictly a conservative power, though many physicists claim that it is also a conversional power. Sir Isaac Newton claimed that gravity was not a property of matter, but a force acting mechan- ically on matter from without. This reasoning must have arisen from his supposing that gravity lost its power of attraction when the matter was in nebulse, which state was caused by heat. We know that gravity does not lose any of its at- tractive power by reason of heat. A bar of iron heated to the state of fusion weighs the same as before. Gravitation must have been coexistent with and as indestructible as matter. And ii would be an unwarrantable hypothesis to suppose that one was conserved, while the other was converted, or annihilated. Gravity is contained in every atom of matter, and heat only separates the atoms by expansion; it has no other effect. Heat does not repel, it sim- ply expands matter. The attractive power of gravity was the same, while the particles of mat- ter were held asunder by intense heat, as it is to- day, in particles of matter in a condensed form. Gravity is a creative power, which underlies all tlie atomic forces of matter, and is the principle of matter. Its power radiates through the realms of space, and its connections extend through the universe of matter, and is a continuous, and never ceasing momentum force to all matter, and is only held in check by the force of resistance. Inertia is an essential property of matter, but its only power consists in its resistance to force, and its conservation of force. If matter is at rest, it resists the power to move it, but if the matter is forced into motion, it resists the power to stop it. This negative power is the great regulator which balances and sustains the universe. The universal diffusion of matter throughout all space, caused by intense heat, at the beginning of the creation. 4 is now lielil to i)e the most reasonabJe theory of creation. Let us trace tlie effect that would be produced by the physical powers from matter in this nebu- lous state. All tlie matter contained in all the systems was in an inert state; but, as soon as the heat radiated away, the expanded mass would commence contracting through the force of grav- ity, and this would produce motion throughout the entire mass. And, through a course of time, it would be attracted to the most dense centers, and the masses created by this contracting would separate from each other a long way, probably as far as we are from the nearest fixed star. These masses would, in the course of time, contract down to globes, if their mutual attraction did not bring them to a common center before; and here they must remain until they are finally all drawn together by their own attraction. The advocates of this theory claim, that their mutual attraction would sustain them in their positions, the same as it does the sun, planets and stars. But the sun, stars and planets are not held in their positions by universal gravitation alone; they have an equalizing power, which just bal- ances the power of mutual attraction, and which sustains them in their positions. This power is inertia, and is called the centrifugal force; but t!ie centrifugal force is only inertia, resisting the power of gravity; in mechanics it is its resist- ance to the motive power. If all matter was inert at the beginning, the physical forces of nature could never have pro- can give a clear cause fi)r all the various motions of the solar system; tenth, the moon has no water or atmosphere; eleventh, centrifugal force, grav- ity, ami heat have power to have caused all these formations; twelfth, no other theory can give a reasonable account for meteors and aerolites. The oblateiiess, or flattening of the poles of planets, was caused by the centrifugal force being greatest at the equator, and the matter being in a fluid state, was driven to the equator and the amount of depression would depend upon the density of tlie planet and the equatorial velocity. This oblateness of lire planets, sustains the moons in their orbits, from perturbations from the sun and other planets. It will be readily seen that the moon in passing around the earth is one half the time above, and one-half the time below, the earth’s orbit; and in passing around it, makes an angle of over 5^. This moving attraction from above and below the earth’s poles, together with other forces, sustains the poles of the earth in their positions. Matter on the earth’s surface is continually changing places. Large rivers are running through the ocean, thousands of miles long, with currents swifter than the Mississippi, and three thousand times as large. Tides are raised in some places to the height of over seven- ty feet. And the effect of the earth.’s revolving velocity causes tidal waves which are continually dashing against the eastern shores of continents; and the attractive powers of the sun and moon are continually lifting up and displacing these waters, which counteracts the angular power of attraction caused through the earth’s ohiateness. 87 ( liAFTP^R VII. Il is not snpposable that the material which foil back upon the sun was sufficient to entirely melt so large a globe, as the material must have come back by degrees and most of it in a scatter- ing form, which would be a natural consequence of all material which was not thrown in line of the equator. All water, atmosphere and gases were vaporized into atoms through excessive heat, and radiated into space. If the sun had been in a melted state at the time of the formation of the planets, they could not have received any water, atmosphere or gas, for everything of like nature would have been held in ethereal space through the radiation of heat. Then the sun must have contained all of these fluids at the time of their formations, as well as other materials which compose the planets. But we find no evidence in any of the planets to sustain even a reasonable theory of the sun’s brightness. We have proof that the sun contains earth, rocks, minerals, water, atmosphere and gases. It is not supposable that the planets re- ceived a proportional share of the sun’s atmos- phere, or water; and as diminution of pressure facil- 38 itates evaporation, in like proportion must more pressure sustain it in the form of vapor; and as the pressure at the sun’s surface, is thousands to one at the earth’s surface, its atmosphere must be filled with dense vapor tens of thousands of miles above its surface. Consequently the sun must have another sphere of less density, which causes the brightness. It is well known that there is a substance, which surrounds the sun’s brightness, the nature of which we have no knowl- edge; but it is different from any known substance. It is a material substance, for it reflects light. It could not partake of the revolving motion of the sun’s atmosphere, which it envelopes and it must be an electric substance, which we may call the electrosphere. These two fluids, whose surfaces are united, one of which is under great velocity, and being resisted by the other, which is at com- parative rest, cause great friction producing elec- tricity, which ignites the oxygen of the atmos- phere and bursts into flames of electrical light, which can only be sustained by continual friction. The atmosphere having different heights and cur- rents, caused by local heat and winds, would not cause friction in like amount in all places. The flames depending upon the amount of electricity w^ould be far less in some places than others. 311 These flames would be in patches of irregular form, and the large ones would create intense liglit and heat, and would pour down upon the clouds be- low, dispelling them and on reaching the sun’s surface would cause great heat on the surface; and winds would ascend with a power that could hurl rocks as easily as the earth’s cyclone could feathers. This would enlarge the opening and the winds would feed the flames, and rushing into this electrosphere would carry up flames to great heights. As there would be more or less friction, extending over the upper surface of the sun’s at- mosphere, it would be covered by patches of elec- tric light, the smallest that could be seen, at the earth’s distance would be over one hundred miles in diameter; and from this size down to sparks, giving a sheen of electric light extending from pole to pole. Such is the photosphere lying between these two fluid spheres, tens of thousands of miles above the sun, and millions of miles below the upper surface of the electrosphere. This electro- sphere is the corona, which is seen surrounding the sun during total eclipses, and has been esti- mated to extend 9,000,000 of miles above the pho- tosphere. These openings through the clouds, to the surface of the sun, when seen from our stand- point, would appear as dark spots upon the surface 40 of the sun. Sim spots have been estimated to be from 500 to 45,000 miles in diameter. In viewing the sun from the earth, it is not siipposable that spots less than 500 miles in diameter, could be seen, as they are depressions through clouds thou- sands of miles deep. These openings revolve with the sun, but they can not revolve with the same velocity, for the air in the column is constantly acted upon by intense heat. As heat passes to a cooler substance, it is constantly rarefying the at- mosphere and absorbing the clouds, which are driven against the opening by the centrifugal force of the atmosphere. Conseciuently the sun must have far greater velocity than these openings; and from facts which have been stated I believe that the sun revolves in less than throe days, pos- sibly in less than one day. This would cause the light and heat of the photosphere to pass over the surface of the sun with great velocity from east to west, relieving the surface from excessive heat If it should remain stationary a few moments it would melt any known substance. This heat, caused by these openings evaporates the water ami fills the atmosphere with dense clouds of moisture. This will account for the periodicity of solar spots, as no evaporation can take place on the sun. except through extreme heat on account of the great pressure ot the atmosphere. The eeutrifiigal force of the atmosphere gradually grows less from the equator to the poles, where it is at zero, consequently these openings tlirough the suiTs clouds must move toward the poles, and a body of this electric light, starting at the equa- tor would naturally be carried eight or ten de- grees from the equator before it could dispel the clouds through to the suiTs surface. The circumference of the sun at the parallel of is only one-half of the circumference at the equator. This would make a great difference in the amount of friction, and the openings would not be apt to be sustained beyond 40*^ from the equator. Professor Faye, in a communication to the French Academy of Science, stated that as the re- sult of his measurements, the sun spots are de pressions beneath the sun’s photosphere, varying from 20,000 to 40,000 miles. This would be a natural result of atnjospheric clouds, which are continually changing in altitude, from local causes. From the evidence of all these facts it is evident that the sun is a far smaller and denser planet than has ever been calculated, and that, at least, it turns on its axis five times faster than all former calculations. 42 CHAPTER VIII. In viewing the sun fruiii tlie earth our atten- tion is first directed to dark spots on its surface. We see a dark nucleus or umbra surrounded by a penumbra of ligliter color, and surrounding this penumbra is seen a lighter rim of light, called faculse, also faculse mottlings are seen in different forms at various places and here and there are darkish spots which are surrounded by faculse mottlings and scattering over the surface aie grayish spots and patches. What was supposed to be nucleus is the sur- face of the sun seen through the openings, and the penumbra was the clouds surrounding the openings. The darkish spots were caused by the heat dissolving the clouds below sending up cur- rents of rarefied air, and if the heat be suflicient it would penetrate through their mass and reach the sun. These darkish spots will be seen after the opening is closed, caused by the lower clouds closing up first. The grayish spots are realiy light; but the contrast between the excessive bright light and the weaker lights gives the appearance of grayish light. This appearance will be seen in two jets of light, one electric, the other gas; the 4 :^ fiiculae are the flames. The openings to the sun are at first small, but the winds feeding the flames increase the heat and the openings enlarge rap- idly, but when the friction begins to slacken, the aperture closes very suddenly. The heavy, whirling atmosphere is continually driving dense clouds into these openings, which rarefy the cool air, and absorb the dense clouds, through intense heat, caused by electric currents from the photosphere, acting upon the dense at- mosphere and clouds. Hence these openings must be very irregular in form and often crossed l)y clouds and would be subjected to rapid and instant changes. If the sun was continually radiating away such an amount of heat as is now claimed by some physicists and scientists, it would have con- sumed all of its material (which would be neces- sary to supply this amount of heat) thousands of years ago, even if it had been composed of solid carbon, or any chemical combination known at the present day. Then why suppose that it is a burning mass of fire and flame, or a melted mass of lava, which radiates such an amount of heat, or that this ra- diation of heat could furnish the earth with nec- essary warmth and heat, without first warming n \\\) Hit" space lietween Hie eai Hi and Hie siiii. Then we must seek other causes that could produce this effect of lij^ht and heat, without the radiation of light and heat. Infinite space is ungravitattd matter, called ether, and this ether fluid underlies all the atomic fiu’ces and powers of ethereal and material nat- ure. In it floats all the starry hosts of heaven; and through the course of time, it will Hirow% one hy one, all the vast creations into chaos. The creation of worlds was the work of de- sign, by infinite intelligence, and all the powers and forces that produced them are now govern- ing them. All creations were for a special pur- pose, and all creations were provided for. Ethe- real nature is far below the temperature of ma- terial life. And, in older to produce warmth nec- cessary for the sustenance of life special forces and powers are at work for the building and sus- taining of organic creations. Countless worlds are filled with material life, and all life depends upon light and heat. Innumerable suns are con- tinually at work giving light and heat to all of these worlds to sustain the life principle given to matter. Suns are cool planets, and receive their heat and light, the same as all other planets, through electric emrcMits from llioir plioti^splioros. The pIi(>tos|)Ii(*r(‘ does not contain heat snfhcient to give the ii(‘eessary warmth to sustain life on tli(‘ sun by radiation of Innit, through its dense at- mosphere and elonds. All the heat that the pho- tosphere contains is from the electric light, which is ])rodnced, and sustained by chemical combina- tion, through the energy of physical forces. 40 CHAPTER IX. Two physical powers are coiitaine:! in every particle of matter. One has power of uniting all atoms and particles of matter to a common cen- ter, and the other contains the power of dissolv- ing all matter into atoms. These powers are gravitation and ether. They are governed by special laws, which restrict their powers. The fluid ether is the principle of electricity, light and heat. Gravity is a property of matter and is contained in every atom of matter in every possi- ble form, both in nebula and solids; while in the nebulous state it is confined to atoms, each atom being surrounded by this ethereal fluid. Although gravity was overpowered by heat while in nebulse, it still had the same attractive power. We find matter in different combinations and forms, which we will designate as solids, liquids and gases which compose ponderable matter and light, heat and electricity as forming imponder- able or ethereal matter. It has been stated that God created space; if matter was created, then space also innst have been created, for space is a substance. There is no such thing in the uni- verse as nothing. Uiiiverse means everything 47 (*reat(‘(l, evoii iiiind is soniothing and evi^rytliiag has a substance. In si)eaking of matter it is to be considered as ponderable unless otherwise des- ignated. We find in all forms of matter from the diamond to the thinnest gas, infinitesimal inter- stices, wliich are filled with this subtle fluid, which surrounds the most minute atom of the finest particle of all matter, and while in a passive state is the opposite or negative of light and heat. We know of no heat so great, but that it might be increased, and no cold so low, but that it might be reduced still lower. This does not prove that ice contains caloric, or that matter can contain latent heat. It simply shows that all matter is acted upon through the energy of physical forces and that matter is held in temperature according to the degree of the energy of these forces. There is no heat in a natural state; then there can be no heat without a cause. It must be con- tinually produced through the physical forces to keep matter in a state of temperature, to sustain the present forms of life. The sun furnishes us with a never ceasing supply of light and heat, through physical and chemical action. Heat and* light may be produced by mechanical means. The simplest form to produce fire is to take two pieces of dry wood, and by rubbing their 4S surfaces together, for a short time, they will s(M)n ignite and l)iirii . Tiiis friction i)ro(lnces a chem- ical action, it (‘xcites the electric properties of the ether, which cojnhines with the molecules of oxygen of the atmosi)h('re and produces com- bustion. The convex lens and concave mirror produce fire, by friction, the same as the rnld)iiig of wood, only in a different form; they C(dlect the electric rays from the snn, and i)ring them to a focal point, which causes friction l»y displacing the atoms of ethereal and material matter, which aie contained in the atmosphere and electric ravs of light, 'the atmosphere will produce fire, ligiit and flames in the same w^ay, through pressnre di- rected to a focal point, and if the iiressnre be great enough it will melt iron, without the assist- ance of any other agent or material. The atmos- phere feeds both the flames of life and fire, and being part consumed, becomes combined with charcoal which is alisorbed by it in the form of carbonic acid. It envelopes the earth for the dis- persion of liglit, heat and sound. Fire and sound cannot be produced without an atmosphere. Con- sequently no fire can exist, or sound be [iroduced or heard on the moon. This atmosphere, wliich we breathe, is com- P(>s(m 1 of oxygiMi, nitrog(‘ii, (‘arboiiic* acid and vap(ns. Oxygon coniposos abont one-(iflb of the atin(»sjdn*ro and is inagnolic*. If it was not for nitrogon vvhitdi dilutes it, it would eonsnine all conibnstible material. The (‘ntire almospliere contains abont one one-tbonsandtli i)art of car- bonic acid. The present theory in regard to the sun’s light and heat is, that the smi emits and radiates rays of light and heat to the earth and all the other planets, 'fhis theory, like many others of the l)resent time, is founded upon very insnfhcient reasons, in fact without reason. It is a well known fact that a few miles above onr atmos- phere the temperature is two hundred and forty degrees below zero, and that heat being electric has iiudion and a tendency to diffuse itself equally through all substances, until an equilibrium of temperature is formed. Then how could heat ra diate through millions of miles without diffusing itself through space. Again, physicists say that the atmosphere absorbs a large amount of heat from the sun’s rays in passing through it, or life would not be endurable. If this was a fact then the heat would be greater above than below, whicli is known to be the reverse. 50 CHAPTER X. We have seen that the earth was once in a state of fusion; and we have proof that it has not yet cooled off; then we must receive some heat from conduction and radiation, and we receive a daily heat through the action of the sun; so all matter must be at difierent degrees of temperature above the natural state of nature, caused through the action of physical forces. It is supposable that the sun is still condensing, and as the sun becomes less in magnitude its brightness will be increased as its atmosphere and electrosphere become more concentrated. The sun has been estimated to be less bright than the average of the nearer fixed stars. So as we lose the interior heat of the earth we shall receive more from the increased amount of electricity which would be produced by greater friction of the concentration of its outer spheres and the collection of cometic matter, which will fall to its electrosphere. Heretofore it was stated that the sun’s brightness was an electric light, caused by friction between the swift whirling at- mosphere, which was enveloped by a stationary fluid, the nature of which we have no knowledge. This friction produces electricity, which ignites the oxygen of the atmosphere (which is magnetic) and this llnid being eleetric* kcM'ps np a c*()ntinnon« conilmstinn; producing electric liglit and currents. Heat is electric and is always prodnced by fric- tion, whether by chemical action or any other means; it displaces the molecnles of matter, and decomposes and separates the ethereal fluid which snrronnds every atom of matter, causing an evo- lution into electricity, which is the principle and cause of heat. Heat batteries have been made for i^rodncing electricity. They are called thermo- eiectric batteries. If two metals are heated, one (►f which is at a lower temperature, and placed near together an electric current will be formed between them, Imt if both are of the same metal and temperature there will be no current for l>oth metals will be positive. This is proof that elec- tricity has but one fluid, which is positive, and that heat is electric. The principle of light, heat and electricity pervades all space and permeates every particle of matter, and through physical forces they are produced, but there is no such thing as latent heat, ddie action of the sun in producing electricity, light and heat, is thnmgh friction, and is governed by the same physical laws, which govern all modes of producing them. There is free electricity contained in a more or less degree in ali material substances; caused by the inevitable moving of matter, ami when a body re- ceives more than a natural share it becomes charged, and like light and heat it works through media, and is disposed to form an eqnilibrinm witli all matter containing less. When a cloiid becomes electrified the elec- tricity will force a passage through the air to a cloud or substance containing less, or diffuse itself tlirongh the atmosphere igniting the oxygen as it passes, producing a coiitinuons chain of electric light. Electricity always passes through media of least resistance, and as the atmosphere contains currents of moist and dry air; the dry being a bad medium or conductor, and the moist good, its course will be in a zig-zag path. Heat in all modes and forms is nothing but electricity under certain conditions of excitation; and same as electricity produces an evolution among ethereal atoms which evolve into light and electric currents, which acting upon the retina of the eye pro- duce the sensation of sight. All lights are pro- duced and goverped by the same laws; phos- phorescent light and all other lights, of every description, are caused by more or less heat and electric excitement. All lights have prismatic colors. Tills theory does not conflict with the laws which govern the spectroscope. The sun is ail electric iriacliine, and disperses electric cur- rents which radiate through space, its natural niediuin, and when ihese currents come in con- tact with gravitated matter, it causes friction by exciting an evolution among the atoms of ma- terial and ethereal matter, and evolves into light heat, which creates electric currents; and light is the sensation of these currents. Thus do we re- ceive our heat and light through electric currents, which after passing through a space of ninety-two million miles in perfect darkness and at a tem- perature of 240*^ below zero, produce friction by causing excitation among atoms of etherial and material matter, and not through rays of light and heat from the sun. These currents of elec- tricity are continually coming to the earth from the sun, planets, stars and remote nebulae; and produce electric light heat upon the earth’s sur- face and through its atmosphere, in proportion to their energy. This light heat is at every possible point through the atmosphere and earth’s surface, which is in communication through these cur- rents from the sun, planets, stars and nebulae. Heat being electric radiates electric currents from every point and in all directions from the earth’s surface and throughout the atmosphere; this to- gether with the reflection and refraction forms a 54 solid mass of electric currents through the atmos- phere, which to our visual sensation is sight and illumination. Without an atmosphere we would have no sensation of sight, only in the direction of these worlds of electric light, or directly to an ar- tificial light which is electric. All else would be a night of perfect darkness, and all lights would appear as bright spots on a black background. It is supposable that all planetary worlds are similar to our own system. We know that the stars cause light and heat same as the sun, and •we have reason to believe that each one of them is the center of a solar system, similar to our own. Here then are millions of electric powers, contin- ually at work, furnishing electricity to supply heat and light for the sustenance of life. All of the heavenly bodies become magnetic depositories, and receive the electric currents from suns, by which heat, light and sight are produced, and these currents of electricity are continually pass- ing between all worlds same as the attraction of gravity CHAPTER Xr. Fixed stars. They are called tixed stars be- cause their distance from tlie earth is so gjreat that they always occupy the same position in the firmament. Although the earth makes an angle of one hundred and eighty-fonr millions of miles in each revolution around the sun, it does not change their relative positions. Some of these stars have a parallax and their distarrces have been calculated. They are classed according to their brightness, the brightest are called stars of the first magni- tude, the next stars in brightness are called stars of the second magnitude and so on up to the sixth nragnitude. These six magnitudes are seen with- out the assistance of the telescope. By the varia- tions in their brightness the telescope finds them so far distant that they are classed as high as the eighteenth magnitude. Other stars that we see are planets of the solar system and revolve around the sun. The apparent size and brightness of the fixed stars is owing to the difference in their distances. Sir John Herschel computed the distance of stars at not less than nineteen trillion two him- (lied billion of miles. The nearest fixed star to us is Alidia Centanri, which is fourteen billion of miles distant. Light from this star would require nearly three and one-half years in reaching us, and Draconis a star that lias a paral- lax would require one linndred and twenty-nine years. Such immense distances are beyond our comprehension, still they are our near neighbors; some of these stars are so far aw^ay that it takes their light five thousand years to reach us. 0, Earth, thou insignificant part of creation, you could not be seen by such eyes as ours from your own brother planet, Jupiter. We have evidence sufficient to form a belief that these stars are as far apart, from each other, as the nearest one is from us. This only comprises our own stellar sys- tem, and thousands of stellar systems have been discovered similar to our own. Sir John Herschel published a catalogue of over five thousand different patches of nebulae. Some of these patches of nebulae are so distant that light traveling at nearly 200,000 miles a sec- ond, would be thirty million years in reaching us. Let us stop and consider about this long distance, and see if we can reconcile it with the present theories of the transmission of light and heat. There are two theories of the transmission of light and heat at the present time. One is the emission theory advocated by Newton and La Place; wliich is, that light consists of intinitesimal particles of matter shot forth from Inrninons bodies. This theory does not accord with onr pres- ent views of force and motion. The undnlatory theory is, that light consists of waves, or vibrations, transmitted through the me- dium ether, and that luminons bodies impart a motion of vibration to this ether, which it trans- mits. This is the theory of Hnyghenes, Fresnel, Young, Mains and many others. This theory is now adopted by most ali physicists. Neither of these theories appears very reasonable and, in fact, they look very unreasonable. We have no reason to suppose that matter conld be shot or re- pelled throngh space in every direction with such a velocity; or that waves or vibrations could be so produced as to last even five thousand years, w^hich time is required for light to reach us from some of our own galaxy of stars. Again, it is against all knovvn laws, that this light and heat could remain five thousand years instead of 30 , 000 , 000 , in a medium 240 *^ below zero, Fahrenheit. We know of but one agent, or substance that could pass from one planet to an- other with such astonishing rapidity, and that is 58 electricity. We have proof that electric currents pass between the earth and snn. The periodicity of the large amount of solar spots, causes mag- netic phenomena upon the earth’s surface. They correspond with the variations of the magnetic needle and number of auroras, and it is supposed that they are connected with meteorological phe- nomena. What we have been calling nebulae are, in fact, most all of them star systems, similar to our gal- axy of stars. They were once supposed to be neb- ulous matter; but after getting stronger tele- scopes, they were resolved into stars, when more nebulae was found which could not be resolved into stars; but by getting more powerful tele- scopes, they too were all resolved and others found. There seems to be no end to worlds. All the so called nebulae found outside of our system of stars only depends upon our ability to resolve them into stars. If one of these stars of the far distant nebulae should be thrown into nebulous matter, we could not perceive it at such a dis- tance. Nebulae is the matter of a dead star system, and not a system of stars, and of course can only be seen in our own system of stars. There are found in our system, stars called nebulous stars. This nebulosity seen, is either the electrosphere, snrronnding the photosphere, as seen snrroniidiiig onr snn in total eclipses, or more probable me- teorides, same as snrronnd onr snn. Onr galaxy of stars is in the form of a broad ring, something of the form of a double convex lens, and is filled from center to rim with stars at equal distances apart, onr snn being near the center. When we view them from onr standpoint we are looking through trillions of miles of space, filled with stars having the appearance of being close together and of different size and bright- ness. This does not agree with the theory of a central snn, but we are not following old theories; we are taking everything as we find it, then rea- soning from analogy and natural laws the most probable effect that would be produced from a natural cause. We cannot suppose that there are any central suns. We know that there is no central sun to our galaxy of stars for onr snn is near the center and we know that it is far smaller than many stars that we are acquainted with; then why suppose that other sidereal systems have a central sun, or that there is a grand central sun around which all of these stellar systems revolve. But all sys- tems have common centers, around which they revolve, and there is a grand central power of at- traction, blit this point is not defined to a material center like a hub to a wheel, but is the unity of power in their central point of gravity which is the most binding form of strength and unity. There are among the fixed stars groups of double, triple and quadruple stars which revolve around a common center of attraction; that is, they revolve around each other. These stars were originally a solar system, similar to our own, but far larger, with a sun and planets, and when the system was thrown into nebulous vapors, the ma- terial was diffused to a very great extent before cooling sufficient to re-form, and when partially cooled the particles commenced collecting around dense centers and by their mutual attraction were drawn towards each other and through the laws of gravity, inertia and motion they revolve around their centers of united gravity and as they were the same material they became self lu- minous, or suns. 01 CHAPTER XII. The powers of gravity acting upon the uni- verse of worlds which holds them in their position cannot be equal; consequently all stellar systems must revolve around centers of motion, as motion is a property of matter, and there can be no grav- itated matter without motion. There are stars that show variable lights; this is the case with our sun. This variation of light is caused by sun spots and is periodical. The star Algol is a variable star, but the variations being so regular and often, the variation must be caused by a dark planet revolving between us and the star, partially eclipsing it from our view. In this star, which is a sun, we have proof of the exist- ence of other solar systems. All worlds had a be- ginning and in that beginning was placed ma- terial for their ending. In the course of time they will all die, as ever was and ever will be the case with all material beings and things. Only the principle of life can never die. Bright stars have faded from our view while new ones have come. We have watched their bright lights die out from the family of stars, and seen new born worlds. Like trees in the forest 62 they die out one by one while others are forming to take their place. Thus has it been, and ever will be, from the first creation, a continuous change of matter. The ether fiuid which fills ail space has a con- sistency which causes a slight resistance to the moving of planets; this resistance will cause them to move slower in their orbits, but millions of years must come and go before the first frac- tional part of a second could be discovered in their motions. For the last two thousand years the earth has not varied a perceivable fraction of a second in its yearly course around the sun. But this slight resistance, like light drops of water falling upon the hardest rocks, will, in time, cause them to pass away. The effect which would be produced by a planet moving slower in its orbit would be a contraction of the orbit and a nearer approach to a circle. This continuous resistance to the moving of the planets will, through the course of time, bring all their orbits to a circle, which will cause them to fall directly to the sun. It has been stated that Neptune was the first planet thrown from the sun’s equator, and received the greatest momentum; consequently it was the farthest planet from the sun, and now having less momentum moves slower in its orbit. 08 and as it is of light material it will be the first planet to shovv the effects of decay. A heavenly body cannot continue to pass through space only in gn eccentric form, which gives it a fall, causing accelerated momentum, and its inertia sustains it. It will be seen that in the course of time Neptune will be moving with less momentum in its orbit, and it will be continually contracting its orbit and approaching nearer to a circle, and will continue to do so as long as it has a momentum force, which will be expended at the moment it contracts to a circle. This will occur at a point opposite, but nearer to the sun, where it first made a revolution, and then it will fall directly to the sun; like a ball thrown perpendicular into the air, when its momentum is spent, it hesitates a moment, then falls to the power of attraction. When this time occurs all of the planets will be moving with decreasing momentum in their orbits. Uranus and Saturn will have contracted their orbits nearly to a circle, and as Neptune falls through the plane of orbits it will carry all of the planets with it to the sun. This will vaporize the whole solar system to atoms, and another star will be stricken from the galaxy of heaven. But this excessive heat cannot 64 long remain in nebulse, in space 240*^ below zero, Fahrenheit. In the course of a few thousand years a new star will appear. But it will soon form attendant planets, which will cause its bright light to go out, for a time as was the case with our sun. Thus one by one will all of the si- dereal suns pass through this ordeal of excessive heat, and will again be reformed. This great power of nature, continually exerted in expanding solar systems, and then re-forming them, must give force to motion, or an energy to the force of grav- ity, sufficient to balance this slight resistance, or else through great cycles of time all stellar sys- tems will result in nebulae. (>5 ( li APTER XIIL i^:ROLITP]S, METKiHiS AND SHOOTING STARS. Tlie investigations within the last fifty years prove that planetary matter, in the form of im- mense masses of innumerable small bodies, far too small to be observed by the telescope are re- volving around the sun, near or within the earth’s orbit. The main proof of this is in the fall- ing of meteors, geroiites and shooting stars into the earth’s atmosphere. It is also proved that all of them have a comimm origin, and that their difference is only one of magnitude. Only the larger ones reach the earth’s surface, the smaller ones being consumed through excessive heat in passing through the atmosphere. It has been shown that the atmosphere under pressure would melt iron. The pressure of a force of 97 feet per second raises the temperature one degree Fahrenheit, and the increase of tem- perature is always in proportion to the energy of the force, and the force is in proportion to the square of the velocity. Now if these bodies are of the same material, the law of gravity would cause the small bodies to fall through the atmos- phere with the same speed as the larger ones. They probably fell many ihousands of miles, which would cause great velocities, and the en- ergy of the force would be the same as though they were stationary and the atmosphere was di- rected upon them with the same force. If the at- mosphere was of the same density throughout the upper regions that it has at the earth’s surface it would consume any known substance in passing through it with such great velocity. The smallest of these bodies are the shooting stars, which are continually falling nieht and day. They can be seen on any clear night. The next in size are called meteors, and those that are large enough to reach the surface of the earth without being all consumed are called serolites All of these unseen bodies revolving through space are called meteorides. Sometimes these large ones burst with a loud report. In 1860 one of these aerolites burst and fell in Ohio. The explosion was heard seventy-five miles, and at places fifty to sixty miles from the explosion it shook the earth like an earthquake. Several fragments of this aerolite were found, one of which weighed one hundred and three pounds, and struck the earth with suffi- cient force to sink it three feet below the surface. This piece is now in the cabinet of Marietta college. The cause of these explosions is the sud- (len change from extreme cold to intense heat. It has been estimated through different sources and processes of calculation that the ethereal space above oiir atmosphere is at least 240^ below zero, Fahrenheit. Many kinds of rocks at a low temperature tlirown into a hot fire will explode with a loud report. This then accounts for the explosion of aerolites. The earth in its yearly course around the sun, in certain parts of its orbit approaches nearer to the orbits of these masses of meteorides and at- tracts them in larger numbers than it does when in other parts of its orbit. About November 14th, there is always a more briliant display of meteors, also August 10 there are more shooting stars than usual. These small bodies must be continually perturbed by the attraction of the planets as they pass around the sun, and comets must effect them materially, especially if they pass near their line of orbits, and they must be continually changing their orbits. It has been observed for some time that in about every thirty-four years there is a far greater display of meteors in November. This fact shows that these small bodies are in a continuous ring revolving around the sun, and at some parts of this ring they are in a greater mass, and that the earth meets this mass at the same point, once in about thirty-four years. In times of great showers of these meteors they radiatt^ from one point in the sky, and keep their relative position to the fixed stars. This proves that these meteors radi- ate from one mass and move in orbits from west to east. It has always been stated that the atmosphere only extended about forty-five miles above the earth’s surface. This calculation was made from the fact that the visible reflection of the sun’s light is only seen at about this distance, but we have evidence that the atmosphere extends six hundred miles at least, and probably far more. During meteoric showers they have been known to ignite at different altitudes from one to over five hundred miles above the earth. Professor Olmstead says of the shower of 1833, they were not less than 2,238 miles above the earth. Most all of them are consumed before they reach the point of reflected light. It has never been satisfactorily shown how iron, stone and other subsatnces came into space. It was at first supposed that these bodies were thrown from volcanoes in the moon. It was ad- vocated that a force sufficient to throw them seventy miles would carry them out of the attrac- tioii of the moon, and they would fall to the (‘arth; that some of the earth’s volcanoes had thrown bodies with sufficient velocity to accomplish this on the moon. But it was afterward found that the moon had no existing volcanoes. The next theory was that they were formed in the atmos- phere from material existing in a sublimated state. This was found objectionable for the reason that gases, when in contact must mix, and gases neces- sary to form these substances, could not remain in the air unmixed. Another theory was that they were fragments of an exploded planet. This theory was .untenable for various reasons, which were soon brought out. They could not possibly have their origin from nebulous matter, for they could not have coalesced in masses of such fine division; then where did they come from? This question has never been answered. From all of these facts it is apparent that these November showers of meteors are moving between the earth’s orbit, and that of Venus, and that they are moving in orbits less eccentric than the earth’s, which would cause their velocity to be more uniform through their orbits. As they hold their relative positions, for hours, to the fixed stars, and radiate from one point, it is evident that they are moving in the same direction, that TO the earth moves, and with nearly the same ve- locity at this point of the earth’s orbit. If this radiating point moved in any other direction, or moved slower, it would appear to move west faster than the fixed stars, as the earth at this point of its orbit is moving considerable over 68,000 miles per hour. These bodies moving inside of the circle would not have to move as fast as the earth to hold their positions. The earth in going from its aphelion to perihelion is continually gaining accelerated velocity through its elliptical form of orbit, and as these meteors are moving in orbits less eccentric, they could not gain the accelera- tion that the earth was receiving; consequently in a few hours the earth would leave them behind. It has been shown that planetary matter was thrown from the sun’s equator into planetary spaces before the planets were formed. All the material that did not collect with the large bodies before making a revolution around the sun, became self sustaining bodies. It is not supposable, or even probable, that this planetary matter, in any great extent, extends as far as the orbit of Mars. Within the orbit of Venus these meteorides are in very large numbers, and form a continuous ring around the sun. Their reflection is called the zodiacal light. 71 CHAPTER XIV. Comets are of a different material from any material substance witli which we are acquainted. It is not an unwarrantable hypothesis to suppose that cometary matter is of tlie same material as the sun’s electrospliere, which surrounds the sun’s brightness. When the solar system was in neb- ulae this matter, being of a different material, must have expanded far away and beyond the more dense matter of planetary material, and floated in light, fleecy and feathery clouds, in patches of exceedingly wide spaces. As soon as the heat radiated away, all planetary matter col- lected in one body through the force of attraction, and by condensing soon formed into a solid mass, and by farther cooling and condensing formed the planet sun. These light patches of cometary matter, which did not approach the sun before the planets were formed, became wandering bodies without a fixed and secure path. All of these are under the power of solar attraction, and cannot leave the solar system any more than one of the planets. Through a course of time all of these light bodies had contracted to their present density and form, and commenced falling to the snn. But thousands of these small patches of gas did not reach the sun before the planets were formed. And now all of these bodies in approaching the sun were drawn to one side and prevented from falling to the sun. The law of falling bodies gave these light masses the same velocity that a planet would acquire in falling through the same space. This gave these light bodies of gas, which we know as comets, a momentum force sufficient to carry them back to the point of starting but no farther. Comets commenced their , fall to the central power of attraction of the solar system, from an immense distance and their orbits are in propor- tion to their fall, and their angular momentum, which they receive from the planets in passing through the solar system, which draws them to one side and prevents them from falling to the sun; consequently their orbits are very elongated, and are either in the form of the parabola or hyperbola conic sections. This form of orbit is not durable, and cannot always remain in this form. The planets which cause their angular motion from the sun are moving in their orbits, and attract them differently in their approaching and reced- ing to and from the sun, and it is an impossibility for any comet to pass twice in one [aitli. Comets approach tiie solar system from all conceivable directions, from the east, west, north and south, and from above and below'. They are forever receiving great perturbations from th(‘ planets in their course around the sun, both in com- ing and going, which is continually changing their line of direction. This resistance to their fall and the resistance which they receive in passing through the sun’s electrosphere, cause them to shorten their hyperbola orbits, to that of a par- abola, and from the parabola, to that of nearer the form of the ellipse. But they will cease tu exist long before they could revolve in the form of the ellipse, for in every revolution they will move with less momentum, and approach nearer and nearer to the sun, until their inertia is not sufficient to resist the power of attraction and they will fall to the sun. Possibly some may fall to the planets without any apparent or injurious effect. There is no doubt but that comets have fallen to the earth without any injurious effect. 1{.\S THE EARTH PASSED THROUGH THE TAILS OF COMETS? ‘‘It has been asserted by some astronomers that tlie earth has on several occasions passed through tlie tail of a comet, and in proof of this fact sev- eral cases of a singular or peculiar kind of fog have been noticed at several periods. The first of which any record is made was that of 1783. It be- gan on the 18th of June and at places very re- mote from each other. It extended from Africa to Sweden and throughout North and South Amer- ica. This fog continued more than a month. It did not appear to be carried to different places by the atmosphere; because in some places it came on with a north wind and at others with a south or east wind. It prevailed in the highest Alps as well as in the lowest valleys. The rains which were very abundant in June and July did not ap- pear to disperse it in the least. In Languedoc its density was so great that the sun did not become visible in the morning till it was twelve degrees above the horizon; it appeared very red during the rest of the day and might be looked at with the naked eye. This fog or smoke had a disagree- able smell and was entirely destitute of any moisture, whereas most fogs are moist; besides all this there was one remarkable quality in the fog or smoke of 1783, it appeared to possess a phos- phoric property or a light of its own. We find by the accounts of some observers, that it afforded, even at midnight, a light equal to that of the full moon, iind wliicli was suffieiont to enablo a [)(*rson to see objects distinctly at a distance of two bun- died yards; and to remove all doubts as to the source of this light, it is recorded tiiat at the time there was a new moon. “Another remarkable fog in 1881, which ex- cited the public mind in all quarters of the globe, resembled so much that of 1783, that the descrip- tion given of it, applies to that of 1881. “Now let us look at the facts. It must be ac- knowledged by all that these fogs originated from some uncommon cause. Now the next question is to what causes shall we attribute the fogs of 1788 and 1881. Some have supposed that they were caused by irruptions of Mount Hecla in Iceland; others have advanced the idea that an immense fire ball in penetrating our atmosphere was there but partially ignited, and that torrents of smoke were deposited in the higher regions of our at- mosphere and finally diffused through it. “These explanations are very unsatisfactory. If the fogs were actually produced by the earth’s passing through any portion of a comet, we have no cause of fear from these bodies which have been for centuries a terror and dread to mankind generally. We will concede that these fogs were produced by comets, until we have a better explanation of their origin/' Comets are numbered by hundreds of thou- sands, but the most of them are so small that they can only be seen through the aid of the telescope, and tliousands of them pass above the horizon in the day time, and cannot be seen on account of the briglit retlection of light througli our atmos- phere. Scarcely a mouth iu the year but they are seen. It was claimed by Sir Isaac Newton, Sir John Herschel, Professor Nichol and, as far as I know, by all scientists and astronomers that comets of hyperbola orbits never visit our system but once, and then fly off iu straight lines, until they pass out of the attraction of the solar system and go to revolve around suns in the far distant heavens. It is a well known fact that gravitation causes all the motions of the heavenly bodies, and it would be as impossible for a body of the solar system to pass beyond its attraction, as it would be for a body not to obey the law of attraction. This the- ory would recognize that a power would contain a reserved force, which would be greater than itself. These comets receive their motions through the power of ^attraction, which causes them to fall to this power, and through accelerated velocity, and the angular attraction which they receive in pass- iiig through the system of i)lariets, gives their in- ertia a conservation of force, sufficient to resist the power of gravity, and without further resist- ance to carry them back to nearly the point from which they started. Most of the comets are small, some of them are only twenty or thirty miles in diameter, and but a few that have a nucleus over two thousand miles in diameter. Some of these comets have appendages or tails which stream out behind them in their approach, and keep in an opposite direction from the sun while turning in perihelion and going before it, as it recedes from the sun. It has alvvays been claimed by all astronomers and physicists, that this light is produced by re- pulsion or expansion of cometary matter in the form of vapor, caused through excessive heat, or repulsion of the sun. I will here quote from the American Science Series on Astronomy, which is now taught in all our schools. “The tail of the comet is not a permanent ap- pendage, but is composed of the masses of vapor which we have already described as ascending from the nucleus, and afterward moving away from the sun. The tail which we see on one even- ing is not absolutely the same we saw the evening before, a portion of the latter having been dissi- pated, wliile new niatt(‘r has taken its place, as with the stream of smoke from a steamship. Tlie motion of the vaporous matter wliich forms tlie tail being always away from the snn, there seems to be a repulsive force exerted by the snn upon it. The form of the comet’s tail, on the supposi- tion that it is composed of matter driven away from the sun with a uniformly accelerated veloc- ity, has been several times investigated, and found to represent the observed form of the tail so near- ly as to leave little doubt of its correctness. We may, therefore, regard it as an observed fact that the vapor which rises from the nucleus of the comet is repelled by the sun instead of being at- tracted toward it, as larger masses are. No ade- quate explanation of this repulsive force has ever been given.” This is acknowledging a physical power of which we have no knowledge, which is not admis- sible. It was not my intention, in writing this small effort, to go into details or calculations which would draw the reader’s mind from the main points of facts, and I will only say in regard to the peculiarities of comets, that they are small bodies of very light gas, condensed through ex- treme cold; and are continually changing in dens- ity, motions and appearance, through well known 71) l)hysit*ai forcM^s, and ev(*iitiial!y they will, all of them, fall to the sun, without any perceivable effect. If the moon were vaporized and thrown into space with a density sufficient to produce a re- flected light e(|ual to the light i)roduced by these comets, it would not cover the space that is occu- l)ied f)y some of these comets’ tails, ddie comet of 1S48 appnaiched the sun with a tail 200,000,0()() miles long, and came within one-fourteenth part of the sun’s diameter to its surface and passed its perihelion at the rate of 8d() miles per second. Now if this tail was matter and connected to the comet, the outer portion of this tail would have to swing around with the velocity of light. This could not be done by any known power of nature. Then this matter must have been left behind and forever lost to the comet. Then again, it would take light over sixteen minutes to pass from the comet to the end of the tail. It is not possible tliat the sun could repel such a body of matter, with the velocity of light without diminution of the volume of matter, which it was re- pelling. This comet passed its perihelion around the sun’s semi-diameter in about seventy minutes, and flew into unknown space with its tail of 200,000,000 miles long streaming out ahead, as it 80 receded from the sun without the least apparent diminution of nucleus, coma, or tail. The theory of comets’ tails being composed of matter which reflected light, was the only theory that could be advanced under the present theory of the sun’s emitting light and heat, and the laws that govern light and heat. It was known that the sun’s light did not shine in space, and that there was no reflected light without matter. Then how could tliis light shine in space without its being matter. Here is all the evidence necessary to prove my theory of the cause of the sun’s light and heat, and the laws and forces which produce and govern all light and heat. This theory is, that the sun is an electric machine, which radiates electric cur- rents that excite and cause an evolution among ethereal and material atoms, which evolve into heat and light. Electric currents pass from the sun through all cometary matter, and in passing through it cause a certain amount of heat and light, the same as it does in passing through our atmosphere. Some of these com- ets have a nucleus of such transparency and density as to reinforce the energy of these electric currents, sufficient to disturb the latent principle of electricity, which lies dormant in the state of ualiire. These currents now being doubly charged, cause an excitation among the etliereal atoms, wliich evolve light heat similar to phosphores- cent liglit. Comets are continually changing in form and density, and may form a nucleus that would produce two, three, or more streams of light, or they might be so constituted, as to throw the light to one side of their line direction, and as they are changeable bodies, so must be their light. A straight line of light projected in space, and brought to a focal point of vision, forms a curva- ture in proportion to the convexity of the eye of the beholder. The sky that is brought within the line of vision, converges to the eye, which gives the appearance of the sky as being concave to this point of vision. The rainbow is a straight hori- zontal line of light, caused by the sun’s rays pass- ing through falling rain, and is projected against the background of the sky, which gives it the ap- pearance of an arch. Comets whose orbits are near, or within the orbital plane, will not be so much drawn out of their paths, in each revolution around the sun, but that their course, and time of their perihelion may be very nearly calculated. 82 CHAPTER XV. THE OPINIONS OF SCIENTIFIC MEN HITHERTO ON THE CAUSE OF THE MOTIONS OF THE STARS. Newton.- “But yet T must profess I know no sufficient natural cause (»f the earth’s diurnal ro- tation. The planets and comets will constantly pursue their revolutions in orbits given in kind and position, according to laws above explained. But though these bodies may indeed persevere in their orbits by the mere laws of gravity, yet they could by no means have at first derived the regu- lar position of the orbits themselves from these laws.” Mary Sommerville.— “This highly intellect- ual lady, writing of ‘the primitive cause which determined the planetary motions,’ says, that ‘La- place has computed the probability to be as 4,000,- 000 to 1, that all the motions of the planets, both of rotation and revolution, were at once imparted by an original common cause, of which we know neither the nature nor the epoch.’” Lardner.— “This author, in speaking of the planets and satellites, says: ‘They obey the laws of gravitation, but they do much more. They all move in ellipses; those ellipses differ but very little from being circles; their orbits increase in distance from the sun nearly in regular progres- sion; those orbits are nearly in the same plane, and their movements are in the same direction. Accordance so wondrous, and order so adniirahl(‘, could not be fortuitous, and, not being enjoined by the conditions of the law of gravitation, must either be ascribed to tlie immediate dictates of the Omnipotent Architect of the universe above all laws, or to some general laws superinduced upon gravitation, which escaped the sagacity of the discoverer of that principle/” Nichol.— “He declares that not one of these remarkable arrangements in the solar system owes its origin to gravity. For instance, gravity cannot account for the fact that all the various orbs, primary and secondary, move in ellipses ap- proaching very nearly to the circular form; nor the fact that all these orbs revolve in the same di- rection around the sun; nor the fact that they all rotate on their axes in the same direction ; nor that equally singular ordinance which has con- fined so many bodies within a brief distance of the plane of the sun’s equator. It appears a neces- sary conclusion, that the cause of the foregoing arrangements is something profounder even than Newton’s principle; perhaps some remotest fact in the history of the universe.” Kirkwood.— “In taking the most cursory view of the solar system, we cannot fail to notice the following interesting facts: 1. The sun rotates from west to east. 2. The planets move nearly in the plane of the sun’s equator. 3. The orbital motions of planets and satel- lites are from west to east. 4. The rotary motions are in the same direction 84 5. The rings of Saturn move in the same di- rection. 6. The planetary oi l)its are nearly circular. 7. Idle cometary orbits have different pecu- liarities, etc. None of these facts are accounted for by tlie law of gravitation. The suiTs attiaction can have no influence whatever in determining either the direction of the planet’s motion or the eccen- tricity of its orbit.” Mitchell. — “In the outset of this description of the nebular theory, we must clearly distinguish between those phenomena for which the law of universal gravitation is responsible and those other phenomena of the constitution of the solar system in the explication of which this law has never been employed. The solar system once be- ing organized as it now is, all its existent and daily phenomena are susceptible of explanation from the theory of gravity. Here, however, the domain of this law is bounded; or, at least, has hitherto been bounded. There remains a multi- tude of inquiries demanding answers, for which, however, gravitation has not been deemed ac- countable. For example, why do all the planets and satellites revolve in orbits so nearly circular? So far as gravitation is concerned, they might as well have revolved in paraboles or hyperboles. Why do all the planets circulate about the sun in the same direction? How comes it that the planes of the planetary orbits are nearly coincident? Gravitation renders no reply. Again the planets all rotate in the same direction in which they re- volve. The satellites follow the same analogies, and even the sun itself is in like manner found to rotate on his axis in the same general direction.” t' sii , i , f: '■ 4