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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN iyi 1 5 M78 L161 — 0-1096 High School Course of Study Adopted July 2, 1920 COURSES OF STUDY — FOUR-YEAR COURSES Studies are grouped in courses for two purposes — indicat- ing to parents and pupils the studies which best prepare students for any particular vocation or profession ; and giving opportunities for doing more extensive work in certain definite lines of effort. Studies are separated into required and elective studies. In order to graduate from a Chicago High School, students must meet the following requirements : (a) All full studies required in the particular course which the student has chosen; (b) the partial studies required in the particular course which the student has chosen; .(c) sufficient elective studies (full studies) to make to- gether with (a) 30 full semester studies; and (d) two other full semester studies or their equivalent in partial studies. Students preparing for college should select in addition to the required studies in a particular course such other studies as are required for entrance to the college of their choice. Students desiring to enter the Chicago Normal College should consider especially the requirements for entrance to such col- lege (printed elsewhere) and select such studies other than those required in the course of their choice as may be needed to complete the Normal Entrance requirements. NOTE — Electives may be chosen from list of electives on page or from studies specified in any course. See A and B on page. In order to fulfill the above requirements for graduation, the student may offer no more than five full studies scheduled as first-year studies, and five full studies scheduled as second-year studies, a total of 20 full semester studies. The remainder of the 32 semester studies must be taken from studies scheduled as third and fourth year studies. 1. GENERAL COURSE The General Course is designed for those who wish a gen- 3 eral education rather than a high degree of specialization. It prepares for college, for normal, engineering and scientific schools, and for business. At the beginning of the third year the student may select one of the two courses given or he may arrange his program according to the requirements for the third and fourth years of any other course. If he does the latter, he may and in many cases must, substitute elemen- tary work for advanced work. 2. SCIENCE COURSE This course fits for the science course in any college or normal school, and gives an excellent opportunity to students especially interested in scientific subjects to pursue them in the high school. In this course one and a half years’ work is offered in each of the following sciences: Physiography, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry and Physics. In addition to these, one-half year each of Physiology, Geology and As- tronomy are offered. To graduate from this course a pupil must carry six years of science, of which one-half year must be Physiology. By the time a pupil reaches the third year of his course he will be expected to decide whether his major work is to be in the biological sciences or in the physical sciences. A pupil must take not less than one and one-half years of biological science and not less than two years of physical science. 3. COMMERCIAL COURSE This course aims to give students an education which will prepare them to fill satisfactorily responsible positions as clerks, bookkeepers or stenographers, or to give a good educa- tion on general business lines. 4. TECHNICAL COURSE The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the technical industries and for normal schools, technical schools, and colleges. 5. ARTS COURSE This course aims to prepare students to become efficient home makers and also to prepare for lines of work pertaining to household economics or the textile trades, or to help students interested in freehand drawing, design, arts and crafts. 6. ARCHITECTURAL COURSE This course is planned for those who desire to become architects, or to do work in drafting rooms, and for those desiring a general course in mechanical drawing. 4 7. COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSE IN PHARMACY This course is planned for those- who desire to take a four years’ high school course preparatory to a college course in pharmacy and at the same time to continue their apprentice work with druggists. TWO-YEAR COURSES IN VOCATIONAL SUBJECTS Two-year courses in vocational subjects are offered in the high schools for those who do not expect or are not able to take a full four years’ course in the school. Each two-year course has a major subject, which receives a specially large proportion of time and credit. A student pursuing such a course will be required to follow it as outlined, in order to be well fitted for the occupation into which the major subject leads. Studies taken successfully in the two-year courses will receive credit towards graduation from the four-year course. To receive a certificate from any two-year vocational course, a student must complete satisfactorily all of the studies specified as required and elective in such course. 1. COURSE IN ACCOUNTING This course aims to give the best possible preparation which can be made in two years by students who desire to do office work in the line of accounting; that is to keep any ordinary set of books or do general office work, not including short- hand. 2. COURSE IN PHONOGRAPHY (SHORTHAND) It is believed that students who complete this course satis- factorily will be able to fill pbsitions as stenographers in an acceptable manner. 3. COURSE IN MECHANICAL DRAWING The aim of this course is to give a thorough foundation in the principles of instrumental drawing. It is believed that students completing this course satisfactorily will be well fitted to fill positions as draftsmen in machine shops or architects’ offices. 4. COURSE IN MACHINE SHOP WORK The purpose of this course is to give students a knowledge of the elementary principles of machine shop practice. 5 5 . COURSE IN ELECTRICITY OR AUTOMOBILE SHOP This course aims to acquaint students with the elementary principles of Electricity and their application, such as electric wiring and testing, the manufacture of electrical appliances, also finding the cost and the efficiency of the same. 6. COURSE IN HOUSEHOLD ARTS This course aims to fit girls directly to become housekeepers or to earn a living as seamstresses, dressmakers, milliners or in some other occupation suitable for women. The course requires one year of cooking and one year of sewing. 7 . COURSE IN PRINTING The purpose of this course is to give students an elemen- tary training in practical printing. 8. COURSE IN AGRICULTURE The purpose of this course is to give students an elementary knowledge of care and culture of plants as applied to garden- ing and farming. * * * * A. Students planning to enter Normal College with the intention of preparing to become teachers of Manual Train- ing, Household Arts, or Drawing, are required to take the full high school course in Manual Training, Household Arts, or Drawing, respectively; and other students are advised to take the General Course. B. The following lists (pages to ) show the required subjects in each course, the column of figures giving the number of periods per week. C. In Music the equivalent of four full semester studies will be allowed to count toward graduation from any four- year course part or all of which may be received for work done in the regular classes in the school or for work done outside of the school, providing the work done outside of the school shall have been done in a school accredited by the Board of Education. 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION COURSES OF STUDY The requirements for graduation from a four years’ course in a Chicago High School shall be : I. GENERAL— English — Three and one-half years. Mathematics — One year. Science — One year. United States History — One year. Civics — One-half year. Physical Education — Four years. Music — Two years. Drawing — Two years. II. SPECIAL— (a) Three years of one line of work classed as a major, for which full credit is given for each of the respective years, to be selected from one of the groups listed below ; and (b) Two years of a second line of work classed as a Minor, for which full credit is given for each of the 1*espec- tive years, to be selected from another of the groups listed below ; and (c) Two years of another line of work classed as a Sec- ond Minor, for which full credit is given for each of the respective years, to be selected from a third one of the groups listed below. NOTE — A full study is defined as a subject for which a full credit is given for each of the respective years. A partial study is defined as a study for which less than a full credit is given for each of the respective years. GROUPS FROM WHICH MAJORS AND MINORS MAY BE SELECTED Group 1 Foreign Language — One and the same foreign language. A second foreign language may be taken as a Minor Group 2 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. Group 3 Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Geography. Group 4 History, Civic, Political Economy, Social Science. Group 5 Shop Work. Group 6 Household Studies. Group 7 Art, Drawing, Crafts. Group 8 Accounting, Commercial Geography, Commercial 7 Law, Political Economy, and any distinctive commercial subject. Group 9 Stenography, and the subjects in Group 8 with the exception of Accounting. GENERAL COURSE — ( SCIENCE ) FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language S Science 5 Elective 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language 5 Science or Household Arts 5 Elective 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education < 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language 5 Civics and Social Studies or History or Biology.5or7 Mathematics or Elective 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT ' HOURS English 5 Language 5 Civics and Social Studies or History or Biology. 5 or 7 8 Mathematics or Elective 5 Drawing 2 Music • 2 Physical Education 3 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 7 Science, Mathematics or Technical 7, 5 or 10 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 7 Science, Mathematics or Technical 7, 5 or 10 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 History U. S 5 Science 7 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS History U. S 5 Science 7 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 Civics is a required subject for graduation. One year of Mathematics is required for graduation. Pupils who are going to College should choose their elect- ives with that in view. 9 GENERAL COURSE (FOREIGN LANGUAGE) FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language (a) 5 Science ? 5 Elective 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language (a) 5 Science or Household Arts 5 Elective 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language (a) 5 Civics and Soc ial Studies or History or Biology.5or7 Mathematics or Elective 5 Music 2 Drawing 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language (a) 5 Civics and Social Studies or History or Biology.5or7 Mathematics or Elective 5 Music 2 Drawing 2 Physical Education 3 10 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language (a) 5 European H istory 5 'Elective . 7 5 Physical Education 3 • SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Language (a) 5 Europe an Histo ry 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Histor y U S 5 Language (a) or (b) 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS History L L, S 5 Language (a) or (b) 5 j Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 One year of Mathematics is required for graduation. Civics is a required subject for graduation. Pupils who are going to College should choose their elect- ives with that in view. 11 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCIENCE COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Mathematics 5 Elective 0 5 Drawing 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science or xx'ousehold Arts 5 Mathematics 5 Elective 5 Drawing 2 Phvsical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Social Studies or History or Biology.5or7 Science 7 Drawing 2 Phvsical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Social Studies or History or Biology.5or7 Science .» 7 Drawing 2 Physical Education 3 12 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 7 Science or Mathematics or Technical 7, 5 or 10 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 7 . Science or Mathematics or Technical 7, 5 or 10 Elective 5 Physical Education * 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 History U. S '. . 5 Science 7 Elective 5 Physical Education . . 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS History U. S. 5 Science 7 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 Civics is a required subject for graduation. Pupils who are going to College should choose their elec- tives with that in view. 13 ARTS COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Art or Household Arts 10 or 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Art or Household Arts 10 or 5 Elective . . * 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Social Studies or History or Biology.5or7 Art or Household Arts 10 or 7 Physical Education 3 t SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics & Social Studies or History or Biology . .5 or 7 Art or Household Arts 10 or 7 Physical Education 3 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Household Arts (Chemistry or Art) 14 History of Art 15 Elective .' 5 Physical Education 3 14 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Household Arts (Chemistry or Art) 14 History of Art 15 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 ' History U. S 5 Art or Household Arts 10 or 7 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS History U. S 5 Art or Household Arts 10 or 7 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 Civics is a required subject for graduation. Four years of Major subject required for graduation from this course. If Household Arts is elected Drawing must be taken first and second years 2 periods, and third and fourth years five periods a week. \ 15 SOCIAL SCIENCE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT English Science Language or Mathematics Elective Drawing Music Physical Education SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT English Science or Household Arts Language Or Mathematics Elective Drawing Music Physical Education HOURS . 5 5 5 2 O 3 HOURS . 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 2 . 2 . 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Civics & Social Studies or History or Biology. .5 or 7 Language or Biology 5 or 7 *Mathematics 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Civics & Social Studies or History or Biology. .5 or 7 Language or Biology 5 or 7 ^Mathematics 5 Drawing 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 16 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 History, European 5 History or Social Studies 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 History, European 5 History or Social Studies 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 • FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 History U. S 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Economics 5 History U. S 3 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 ♦Mathematics must be taken in this year if not taken in the first year. One year of Biology required for graduation. Civics is a required subject for graduation. 17 FOUR-YEAR TECHNICAL COURSE FOR BOYS FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Shop Work 10 Mechanical Drawing 5 English 5 Mathematics 5 Science 5 Physical Education : . . 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Shop Work 10 Mechanical Drawing 5 English 5 Mathematics * 5 Social Studies 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Founding or Forging 10 Mechanical Drawing 5 English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics or Biology 5 or 7 Physical Education 3 , SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Founding or Forging 10 Mechanical Drawing 5 English 5 Mathematics 5 Biology or Civics 7 or 5 Physical Education 3 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Machine Shop 10 Freehand Drawing 5 18 / Physics 7 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Machine Shop 10 mechanical Drawing 5 Physics 7 Physical Education . . .. 3 Choose two electives each semester from list below. FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Shop or Language 10 or 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 History U. S 5 Chemistry 7 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Shop or Language 10 or 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 History U. S 5 Chemistry 7 Physical Education 3 Choose one elective each semester from list below. ELECTIVES English 5 Mathematics 5 Music 2 Foreign Language 5 History, European 5 Zoology 7 Botany 7 Civics is a required subject for graduation. If student expects to enter an engineering College he should take three years of Mathematics. If language is elected he must take it two years. At least three years of English are required for graduation. 19 FOUR- YEAR ARCHITECTURAL COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Mechanical Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Science 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT . HOURS Mechanical Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Shop Work 10 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Architectural Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Social Studies 5 "Freehand Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Architectural Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Social Studies 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Architectural Drawing 10 Physics 7 History of Architecture 5 20 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Architectural Drawing 10 Physics 7 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Architectural Drawing 10 History U. S 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Architectural Drawing 10 History U. S 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 Electives should be chosen from the following list : ELECTIVES English . 5 Mathematics 5 History 5 Foreign Language 5 Shades and Shadows and Perspective 5 Strength of Materials 5 Economics 5 Science 7 Social Studies 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Civics is a required subject for graduation. Three and one-half years of English required for gradua- tion. Pupils who are going to College should choose their electives with that in view. 21 FOUR- YEAR COMMERCIAL COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Mathematics . 5 Science 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English S Mathematics 5 Science or Household Arts 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 Pupils who are going to College should choose their elec- tives with that in view. SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS jcmglish . i 5 Commercial Geography 5 Civics and Social Studies 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English * 5 Commercial Geography 5 Civics and Social Studies 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 Pupils who are going to College should choose their elec- tives with that in view. THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Industrial or European History 5 22 I Stenography and Typewriting or Bookkeeping. ... 10 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Industrial or European History 5 Stenography and Typewriting or Bookkeeping.... 10 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 History U. S 5 Stenography and Typewriting or Bookkeeping or Salesmanship 15, 10 or 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER ' SUBJECT , HOURS History U. S 5 Stenography and Typewriting or Bookkeeping or Office Machine 15, 10 or 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 In the third or fourth years the pupil must take either: (a) two years of stenography and typewriting or (b) two years of bookkeeping or (c) one year of bookkeeping, one semester in salesmanship and one semester in office machine practice. 23 FLOWER TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL FOUR-YEAR COURSE IN HOME ECONOMICS FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER REQUIRED STUDIES HOURS Household Hygiene and Household Accounts 5 Garment Construction 5 English 5 Science 5 Art 5 Music . 2 Physical Education 3 30 SECOND SEMESTER REQUIRED STUDIES HOURS Principles of Food Preparation 5 Garment Construction 5 English 5 Science 5 Art 5 Music 2 Physical Education 3 30 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER REQUIRED STUDIES HOURS Care of Textile Fabrics 5 Needle Arts and Design 5 English 5 Mathematics 5 Biology 7 Art 5 Physical Education 3 35 SECOND SEMESTER REQUIRED STUDIES HOURS Home Nursing and First Aid 5 Millinery and Weaving 5 24 English 5 Mathematics 5 Biology or Civics & Vocational Studies 7 or 5 Art 5 Physical Education 3 33 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Lunch Room Management 10 English 5 Chemistry 7 Art 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Dietetics 5 Pattern Study and Drafting or Millinery 5 English 5 Chemistry 7 Art 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Meal Serving and Entertaining 5 Textile and Needle Arts or Millinery 5 Art 5 U. S. History 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER Home Management and Child Care 5 Advanced Garment Construction or Millinery.... 5 Art 5 U. S. History 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 If Civics is not taken in the second year it must be taken in the fourth year. 25 FOUR- YEAR ARTS COURSE First two years as in the course in Home Economics. THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Composition and Design 15 English 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Composition and Design 10 Food Studies and Dietetics or Textiles and Needle Arts or Millinery 5 English 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Composition and Design 10 Food Studies and Dietetics or Textiles and Needle Arts or Millinery 5 English 5 U. S. History \ 5 Elective *. 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Composition and Design 10 Food Studies and Dietetics or Textiles and Needle Arts or Millinery 5 U. S. History 5 Elective 5 Elective 5 Physical Education 3 If Civics is not taken in the second year it must be taken in the fourth year. 26 COEEEGE PREPARATORY COURSE IN PHARMACY FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Algebra 5 Latin 5 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Algebra 5 Latin 5 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Latin : 5 Botany 7 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Latin 5 Botany 7 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Chemistry or Physics 7 History 5 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Chemistry or Physics 7 History 5 27 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Physics or Chemistry 7 History U. S 5 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT Civics and Social Studies Physics or Chemistry History U. S HOURS . 5 .. 7 . 5 Credit for four technical studies shall be secured by four full years’ work in drug store, these credits to be so dis- tributed that one is made each year. Pupils who are going to College should choose their elect- ives with that in view. ELECTIVE STUDIES FIRST YEAR SUBJECT WKS. HRS. Foreign Language (Latin, Greek, French, Ger- man, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Bohemian, Italian, Hebrew) 40 5 Shop 40 10 Household Studies 40 5 Oral Expression 40 2 Agronomy 20 5 Horticulture 20 10 Bookkeeping 40 10 (General Mathematics or Algebra) 40 5 Vocations 40 5 Penmanship 20 5 Drawing 40 5 Drawing 40 2 Music 40 2 28 SECOND YEAR Foreign Language 40 5 Shop 40 10 Household Studies 40 7 Ancient History 40 5 Mathematics 40 5 Biology 40 7 Botany 40 7 Zoology 40 7 Animal Husbandry 40 7 Geometry 40 5 Oral Expression 40 2 Music II 40 2 S. American History 20 5 Geography 20 5 or 40 5 Commercial Geography 40 5 Or *....20 5 Accounting 40 5 Founding and Forging 40 10 Penmanship 20 5 Drawing 40 5 Drawing 40 2 Typewriting 40 5 Military Drill 40 3 THIRD YEAR SUBJECT WKS. HRS. Foreign Language 40 5 Chemistry 40 7 Physics 40 7 English History 40 5 European History 40 5 Solid Geometry 20 5 Advanced Algebra 20 5 Advanced Botany 20 7 Advanced Zoology 20 7 Library Economics 40 5 Household Studies 40 7 Soils and Soil Fertility 40 7 Accounting 40 10 Vocations and Industries 40 5 Stenography 40 5 Typewriting 40 5 29 Crafts 40 5 Industrial History 40 5 Shop 40 10 History of Architecture 20 5 Drawing 111 40 5 Drawing 111 40 2 Music 111 40 5 Music 111 40 2 Military Drill 40 3 FOURTH YEAR SUBJECT WKS. HRS. English IVB or English IVA 20 5 Physics 40 7 Chemistry 40 7 Advanced Physics 20 7 Advanced Chemistry 20 7 Geology 20 7 Astronomy 20 7 T rigonometry 20 5 Economics 20 5 Stenography 40 5 Typewriting and Transcription . 40 10 Library Economics 40 5 Civics 20 5 Shop 40 10 Farm Mechanics 20 7 Farm Management 20 7 Electrical or Gas Engine Construction 40 10 Electrical or Gas Engine Construction 20 10 Commercial Law 20 5 History of Art 40 5 College Algebra 20 5 Plousehold Studies 40 7 Crafts 40 5 Office Practice . 20 5 Social Science 20 5 Drawing IV 40 5 Drawing IV 40 2 Music IV 40 5 Music IV 40 2 Other elective studies may be found in courses, specified. Pupils electing Accounting in the fourth year should take 30 in the place of Typewriting a course in Office Appliances, either a, b, oc c, grouped as follows : (a) Calculating Machine and Bookkeeping Machine. (b) Shortwriter, Dictaphone, Mimeograph. (c) Bookkeeping Machine, Filing, Mimeograph, Multi- graph. TWO-YEAR COURSE IN ACCOUNTING FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Bookkeeping and Penmanship 10 Business English 5 Arithmetic 5 Science 5 Physical Education , 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Bookkeeping and Penmanship 10 Business English 5 Arithmetic 5 Science or Household Arts 5 Typewriting 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Bookkeeping 10 Business English 5 Commercial Geography or Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Typewriting 5 Calculating Machine 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Bookkeeping 10 Business English 5 Civics and Vocational Studies or Commercial Geography 5 Typewriting 5 Calculating Machine 5 Physical Education 3 31 TWO-YEAR COURSE IN STENOGRAPHY FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Stenography 5 Typewriting 5 Business English 5 Arithmetic 5 Science 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Stenography 5 Typewriting 5 Business English 5 Arithmetic . 5 Science or Household Arts 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Stenography 5 Typewriting, including Revision of Stenographic Transcripts 10 Business English 5 Bookkeeping and Penmanship 10 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Stenography 5 Typewriting, including Revision of Stenographic Transcripts 10 Business English 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Physical Education 3 TWO-YEAR ELECTRICAL OR AUTOMOBILE COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Shop 10 Elementary Physics 5 32 Mechanical Drawing 5 English 5 Mathematics 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Electric Shop or Auto Mechanics 10 Mechanical Drawing 5 English 5 Mathematics 5 Social Studies 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Electric Shop or Auto Mechanics 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT , HOURS Electric Shop or Auto Mechanics 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 TWO-YEAR MACHINE SHOP COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Machine Shop 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Science 5 Physical Education 3 33 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Machine Shop 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Science 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Machine Shop 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Machine Shop 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Physical. Education 3 TWO-YEAR MECHANICAL DRAWING COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Mechanical Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Science ....... * - 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Mechanical Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Shop 10 Physical Education 3 34 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Mechanical Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Mechanical Drawing 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Physical Education 3 TWO-YEAR COURSE IN HOUSEHOLD STUDIES FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Household Studies 5 Science 5 Elective 5 Art 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Household Studies 5 Science 5 Elective . 5 Art 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 , SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Household Studies 7 35 Biology 7 Commercial Geography 5 Art 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Household Studies 7 Botany 7 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Art 2 Music 2 Physical Education 3 FEOWER TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL TWO-YEAR VOCATIONAL COURSE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Garment Construction 5 Household Hygiene and Household Accounts 5 English 5 Science 5 Art 5 Music 2 Physical Education 3 30 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Garment Construction 5 Principles of Food Preparation 5 English 5 Science 5 Art 5 Music 2 Physical Education 3 30 For the Second Year choose one of the following Courses 36 1. HOUSEHOLD STUDIES FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Household Studies 10 English 5 Mathematics 5 Biology 7 Physical Education 3 30 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Household Studies 10 English 5 Commercial Geography 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Physical Education 3 28 II . — DRESSMAKING FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Modeling and Advanced Garment Construction... 15 English 5 Mathematics 5 Art 5 Physical Education 3 33 . SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Modeling and Advanced Garment Construction... 15 English 5 Commercial Geography or Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Art ? 5 Physical Education 3 33 37 III. MILLINERY FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Millinery 15 English 5 Mathematics 5 Art 5 Physical Education 3 33 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Millinery 1$ English 5 Commercial Geography or Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Art 5 Physical Education 3 33 TWO-YEAR COURSE IN PRINTING FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Printing 10 Business English 5 Mathematics 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Science 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Printing 10 Business English 5 Mathematics 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Proof Reading and Punctuation 5 Physical Education 3 38 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Printing 10 Business English 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Freehand Drawing . . . 5 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS Printing 10 Business English 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Mechanical Drawing 5 Freehand Drawing 5 Physical Education 3 TWO-YEAR COURSE IN AGRICULTURE FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Shop 10 Agronomy 10 Freehand Drawing 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Science 5 Shop 10 Agronomy 10 Freehand Drawing 2 Physical Education 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Botany 7 Elementary Physics or Elementary Chemistry 10 Horticulture . i 7 Physical Education 3 SECOND SEMESTER SUBJECT HOURS English 5 Civics and Vocational Studies 5 Elementary Physics or Elementary Chemistry 10 Horticulture 7 Physical Education 3