MeM -Tvk\o\^ \i\a Medford Public Library. FINDING LIST BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. OCTOBER, 1903. PRESS OF J. C. MILLER, JR. 3 LAURIAT PLACE, MEDFORD. v\1 IA\9 k BIOGRAPHY. Individual Biography. Abbot. Ezra Abbot. 1884. E Ab2 Abelard. Richardson, Abby Sage, ed. Abe¬ lard and Heloise. 1892. E Ab3R Adams, Abigail. Letters of Mrs. Adams, the wife of John Adams. 1840. E Adi Adams. Adams, Charles Francis. Charles Francis Adams. 1900. E Adll Adams, Hannah. Memoir. 1832. E Adll2 Adams, Herbert Baxter. Tributes of friends. 1902. E Adi 121 Adams, B., M. E. and H. G. B. Story of John Adams, a New England schoolmaster. 1900. E Adll3B Adams. Adams, John Quincy. Life of John Adams. 2 v. 1871. E AdlloA Selection of eulogies; John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 1826. E Adll5E Adams, John Quincy. Memoirs; comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. 12 v. 1874-77. E Adl2 Morse, John Torrey, jr. John Quincy Adams. 1882. E Adl2M Quincy, Josiah. Memoir of the life of John Quincy Adams. 1858. E Adl2Q Adams. Hosmer, James Kendall. Samuel Adams. E Adl23H Wells, William V. Life and public services of Samuel Adams. 3 v. 1865. E Adl23W Addison. Courtbope, William John. Addi¬ son. E Ad2C Agassiz. Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, ed. Louis Agassiz; his life and correspondence. 2 v. 1885. E Agl4 Holder, Charles Frederick. Louis Agassiz; his life and work. 1893. E Agl41I Mareou, Jules. Life, letters and works of Louis Agassiz. 2 v. 1896. E Agl4M Agrippina. Scheie de Yere, Maximilian. The great empress. 1870. E Ag8 Albany. Paget, Violet. [Vernon Lee.] The countess of Albany. 1884. E A113P Albert. Grey, Hon. Charles. Early years of his royal highness, the prince consort. 1867. E A114G Albert. Martin, Theodore. Life of his royal highness, the prince consort. 1875. E A114M Aleksandr. Clioiseul-Gouffier, comtesse de. Historical memoirs of the emperor Alexan¬ der I and the court of Russia. E A1231C Alexander. Wheeler, Benjamin Ide. Alex¬ ander the Great. 1900. E A123Wh Williams, John. Life and actions of Alexan¬ der the Great. 1839. E A123W Alfieri, Vittorio. Life of Vittorio Alfieri. 1877. E A124 Alfred. Besant, Sir Walter. Story of king Alfred. 1901. E A125B Bowker, Alfred,ed. Alfred the Great. E A.125BO Hughes, Thomas, Alfred the Great. E A125H Macfadyen, Dugald. Alfred the west Saxon king of the English. 1901. E A125M Pauli, Reinhold. Life of Alfred the Great. 1853. E A125P Amiel, Henri Fr4d6ric. Journal intime. 1892. E Ain52 Andersen, Hans Christian. Story of my life. 1871. E An22 Andr6. Sargent, Winthrop. Life and career of major John Andre. 1861. E An24S Andrew. Browne, Albert G. Sketch of the official life of John A. Andrew. E An25B Chandler, Peleg Whitmore. Memoir of Gov¬ ernor Andrew. E An25C Angouleme. Imbertde Saint-Amand, Arthur Liion, baron. The duchess of Angouleme and the two restorations. 1892. E An4I v.2 Youth of the duchess of Angouleme. 1892. E An4I v.l Anne. Friedman, Paul. Anne Boleyn. 2 v. 1884. E Au7F Anthony. Harper, Ida Husted. Life and work of Susan B. Anthony. 2 v. E An9II Arblay, Frances (Burney), Mme d'. Early diary. 1768-1778. 2 v. E Arl5 Fanny Burney and her friends. 1895. E ArlSS Arndt. Seeley, John Robert, comp. Life and adventures of Ernst Moritz Arndt. E Ar56S Arnold. Arnold, Isaac Newton. Life of Ben¬ edict Ai’nold. 1880. E Ar57 4 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Arnold, Matthew. Letters, 1848-1888. 2 v. 1895. E Ar59 Paul, Herbert Woodfield. Matthew Arnold. 1902. E Ar59P Saintsbury, George. Matthew Arnold. 1899. E Ar59S Arnold. Selfe, RoseE. Dr. Arnold of Rugby. 1889. E Ar63Se Stanley, Arthur Penrliyn. Life and corres¬ pondence of Thomas Arnold. 1860. E Ar63S Worboise, Emma Jane. Life of Thomas Ar¬ nold. 1865. E Ar63W Audubon. Audubon, Lucy, ed. Life of John James Audubon. 1869. E Au22 Audubon, Maria R. Audubon and his jour¬ nals. 2 v. 1897. E Au22A St. John, Mrs. Horace Roscoe. Audubon, the naturalist of the new world. 1856. E Au22S Austen. Adams, Oscar Fay. Story of Jane Austen’s life. 1891. E Au7A Keddie, Henrietta [Sarah Tytler']. Jane Aus¬ ten and her works. E Au7K Leigh, James Edward Austen. Memoir of Jane Austen. 1870. E Au7L Malden, Mrs. Charles. Jane Austen. E Au7M Bach. Forkel, Johann Nicolaus. Vie, talents et travaux de Jean Sebastian Bach. E39 B123F Bacon. Church, Richard William. Bacon. E B134C Dixon, William Hepworth. Personal history of lord Bacon. 1861. E B134D Baird. Baird, Henry Martyn. Life of the rev. Robert Baird. 1866. E B165B Ballantine, William. Some experiences of a barrister’s life. 1882. E B199 Balzac. Saltus, Edgar Evertson. Balzac. 1884. E B21S Wormeley, Katharine Prescott. Memoir of Honord de Balzac. 1892. E B21W Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Literary industries. 1891. E B218 Banim. Murray, Patrick Joseph. Life of John Banim. 1884. E B22M Barbauld. Ellis, Grace Atkinson. Memoir of Mrs. Anna Lfetitia Barbauld. E B23E Barnard. Tiffany, Francis. Charles Francis Barnard. 1895. E B257T Barneveldt. Motley, John Lothrop. Life and death of John of Barneveld. 2 v. 1874. E B26M Barras, Paul Jean Francis Nicholas, comte de. Memoirs. 4 v. 1895. E B265 Barrie. Barrie, Jame's M. Margaret Ogilvy. E B268 Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal sketches of his own times. 2 v. 1871. E B27 Bartlett. Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Me¬ moir of William Francis Bartlett. E B285P Bashkirtseff, Marie. Journal. 2 v. E 39 B29 Journal. 2 v. 1890. E B29 Beaumarchais. Lombnie, Louis Leonard de. Beaumarchais and his times. 1857. E B385L Beckwourth. Bonner, T. D., ed. Life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth. E B387 Bedford. Tallack, William. Peter Bedford, the Spitalsfield philanthropist. E B39T Beecher. Beecher, William Constantine, et al. Biography of Henry Ward Beecher. E B392 Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography, v. 1. 1865. E B393 Beekman. Westbrook, Mary. Rachel Du Mont; a brave little maid of the Revolution. 1S90. E B394W Bentley. Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. Bent¬ ley. E B444J Benton. Roosevelt, Theodore. Thomas Hart Benton. 1886. E B445R Berry. Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Lbon, baron. The duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X. 1900. E B45I v. 2 The duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII. 1892. E B45I v. 1 The duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830. 1893. E B45I v. 3 Berry, Mary. Extracts from the journals and correspondence of Miss Berry. 1866. E B451 Besant, Sir Walter. Autobiography. E B46 Besenval. Barribre, Jean Francois. Mbmoires du baron de Besenval. E39 B462 Bethune. Van Nest, Abraham R. Memoir of rev. George W. Bethune. 1867. E B467V Beyle. Rod, Edouard. Stendhal. E39 B465R Birney. Birney, William. James G. Birney and his times. 1890. E B53B Bismarck=Schonhausen, Karl Otto, furst von. Bismarck, the man and the statesman. 2 v. 1899. E B54 Prince Bismarck’s letters to his wife, his sis¬ ter, and others. 1878. E B54B Hesekiel, John George Louis. Life of Bis¬ marck, private and political. 1870. E B54H Lowe, Charles. Prince Bismarck. E B54Ls Prince Bismarck; an historical biography. 2 v. 1886. E B54L INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 5 Bismarck. Stearns, Frank Preston. Life of prince Otto von Bismarck. 1889. Ref. Black. Reid, Sir Wemyss. William Black, novelist. 1902. E B56 Blackstone. William Blackstone, Boston’s first inhabitant. 1877. Ref. Blackwood. Olipliant, Margaret Olipliant (Wilson). Annals of a publishing house: William Blackwood and his sons. 2 v. 1897. E B5650 Blake. Iiannay. David. Admiral Blake. 1886. E B579H Bonaparte. Didier, Eugene Lemoine. Life and letters of Mine. Bonaparte. E B64D Bonaparte. lung, Henri F41ix Theodore. Lucien Bonaparte et ses mfimoires, 1775- 1840. 2 v. 1882. E39 B64I Boone. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Daniel Boone. 1902. E B642T Booth. Grossman, Edwina (Booth). Edwin Booth. 1894. E B643G Winter, William. Life and art of Edwin Booth. 1894. E B643W Booth. Clarke, Asia Booth. The elder and the younger Booth. 1882. E B644C Borrow. Knapp, William Ireland. Life, ■ writings and correspondence of George Bor¬ row. 2 v. 1899. E B65K Boulton. Smiles, Samuel. Lives of Boulton and Watt. 1865. E B66S Boutwell, George Sewall. Reminiscences of sixty years. 2 v. 1902. E B663 Bradford. Shepard, James. Governor Wil¬ liam Bradford and his son, major William Bradford. 1900. E B718S Bradlee. Manchester, Alfred. In memoriam : Caleb Davis Bradlee. 1897. E B72M Bradstreet. Campbell, Helen. Anne Brad- street and her time. 1891. E B73C Brassey. Helps, Sir Arthur. Life and la¬ bours of Mr. Brassey. 1874. E B735H Bremer. Bremer, Charlotte, ed. Life, letters and posthumous works of Fredrika Bremer. 1868. E B75B Brewster. Steele, Aslibel. Chief of the Pil¬ grims; or, The life and times of William Brewster. 1857. E B755S Briggs. Richards, William Carey. Great in goodness; a memoir of George N. Briggs. 1866. E B76 Bright. Robertson, William. Life and times of the right lion. John Bright. E B763R Bright. Smith, George Barnett. Life and speeches of the right honorable John Bright. E B763S Brodribb. Henry Irving. 1883. E B78 Bronte. Darmesteter, Agnes Mary Frances (Robinson). Emily Bronte. 1883. E B782 Wright, William. The Brontes in Ireland. 1894. E B783W Brooks. Middlesex Bar Association. Com¬ memorative exercises in memory of George M. Brooks. 1895. E B79 Brooks. Allen, AlexanderViets Griswold. Life and letters of Phillips Brooks. 2v. E B793A Brooks, Arthur. Phillips Brooks. E B793B Howe, Mark Anthony De Wolfe. Phillips Brooks. 1899. E B793H Brougham, Henry, lord. Life and times. 3 v. 1871. E B795 Brougham. Winter, William, ed. Life, stories and poems of John Brougham. E B796 Brown. Hillard, George Stillman. Memoir of James Brown. 1856. E B798II Brown. Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. John Brown. 1899. E B81C Holst, Herman von. John Brown. E B81H Redpath, James. Public life of captain John Brown. 1860. E B81R Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, ed. Life and letters of John Brown. 1885. E B81S Brown. Peddie, Alexander. Recollections of Dr. John Brown. 1893. E B818P Browning. Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. Life and letters of Robert Browning. 2 v. E B820 Sharp, William. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. E B82S Browning, Robert and Elizabeth (Barrett). Letters, 1845-1846. 2 v. 1899. E B821 Bryant. Bigelow, John. William Cullen Bryant. 1890. E B84B Godwin, Parke. Biography of William Cullen Bryant. 2 v. 1883. E B84G Buchanan. Pearson, Hugh. Memoirs of the life and writings of the rev. Claudius Buchanan. 1818. E B851P Buchanan. Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of James Buchanan. 2 v. 1883. E B852C Buckingham. Buckingham, Samuel G. Life of William A. Buckingham. 1894. E B853 Buckle. Hutli, Alfred Henry. Life and writ¬ ings of Henry Thomas Buckle. E B854H Buckminster. Lee, Eliza Buckminster. Me¬ moirs of rev. Joseph and of his son, rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. 1851. E B855 6 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Bulfinch. Bulfinch, Ellen Susan, ed. Life and letters of Charles Bulfinch, architect. 1896. E B864 Bulwer-Lytton. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert Earle Lytton, lord Lytton. Life and letters and literary remains of Edward Bul- wer, lord Lytton. v. 1, 1884. E B87 Bunsen. Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Life and letters of Frances, baroness Bunsen. 1879. E B884II Bunyan. Brown, John. John Bunyan. 1885. E B886B Burke. Morley, John. Burke. E B915M Prior, James. Memoir of the life and char¬ acter of the right hon. Edmund Burke. 1825. E B915P Burnes. Memorial addresses on the life and character of James N. Burnes. E B932 Burns. Carlyle, Thomas. Life of Robert Burns. 1870. E B936C Shairp, John Campbell. Robert Burns. 1879. E B936S Burr. Merwin, Henry Childs. Aaron Burr. 1899. E B94M Parton, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 1857. E B94P Burt. Burt, Henry M. and Silas W. Early days in New England; life and times of Henry Burt of Springfield. 1893. E B95B Butler. Parton, James. General Butler in New Orleans. 1864. E B967P Butler, Charles. Reminiscences. 2 v. E B969 Butler. Collins, William Lucas. Butler. 1881. E B97C Buxton. Buxton, Charles, ed. Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, hart. 1866. E B987B Byron. Boissy, Tessa Gamba, marquise de. My recollections of lord Byron. E B993B Gardiner, Marguerite, countess of Blessinrjton. Journal of conversations with lord Byron. 1859. E B993G Medwin, Thomas. Journal of the conversa¬ tions of lord Byron. 1824. E B993Me Moore, Thomas. Life of lord Byron, 2 v. 1840. E B993M Nicliol, John. Byron. 1880. E B993Ni Noel, Roden. Life of lord Byron. E B993N Parry, William. Last days of lord Byron. 1825. E B993P Cabot. Beazley, C. Raymond. John and Sebastian Cabot. 1898. E C11B Caesar. Fowler, William Warde. . Julius Caesar. 1892. E C114F Fronde, James Anthony. Cassar; a sketch. 1879. E C114 Fr Suetonius Trauquillus, Caius. Lives of the twelve Caesars. 1855. E C115S Williams, John. Life of Julius Caesar. 1854. E C114W Calderon. Hasell, Elizabeth Julia. Cal¬ deron. 1879. E C125H Calhoun. Holst, Hermann von. John C. Cal¬ houn. 1882. E C13H Calvert. Browne, William Hand. George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert. 1890. E C134B Camp, Trumbull, Henry Clay. A record of college, field and prison; the knightly sol¬ dier: a biography of major Henry Ward Camp. 1865. E C147T Campbell. Beattie, James. Life and letters of Thomas Campbell. 2 v. 1850. E C15B Canning. Hill, Frank Harrison. George Canning. 1887. E C165H Canning. Poole, Stanley Lane- Life of lord Stratford de Redcliffe. 1890. E C167P Caperton. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Alien T. Caperton. E C17 Carlyle, Alexander. Autobiography. E C194 Carlyle, Jane Baillie (Welsh). Letters and memorials. 2 v. 1883. E C1945 New letters and memorials. 2 v. E C1945n Carlyle, Thomas. Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 3 v. 1883. E C195E Early letters; ed. by Charles Eliot Norton. 2 v. E C195N Reminiscences; ed. by James Anthony Fronde. 1881. E C195F Chesterton, G. K., and Williams, J. E. Hod- der. Thomas Carlyle. E C195Cb Conway, Moncure Daniel. Thomas Carlyle. 1881. E C195C Froude, James Anthony. Thomas Carlyle. 4 v. 1882-84. E C195F2 Carpenter. Carpenter, Joseph Estlin. Life and work of Mary Carpenter. 1879. E C225 Carroll. Rowland, Kate Mason. Life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, 1737-1832. 2 v. 1898. E C23R Carson. Burdett, Charles. Life of Kit Car- son. 1862. E C235B Cary. Hudson, Mary Clemmer Ames. Memo¬ rial of Alice and Phoebe Cary. E C258H INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 7 Catharine. Butler, Josephine E. Catherine of Siena. 1881. E C279B Catherine. Froude, James Anthony. Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. 1891. E C28F Catherine. Waleszewski, K. Romance of an empress: Catherine II of Russia. E C283W Cavoun Mazade, Charles de. Life of count Cavour. 1877. E C315M Caxton. Blades, William. Biography and typography of William Caxton. E C317B Cervantes. Oliphant, Margaret Olipliant (AVilson). Cervantes. 1880. E C3350 Watts, Henry Edward. Life of Miguel de Cervantes. 1891. E C335AV Chalmers. Fraser, Donald. Thomas Chalm¬ ers. 1882. E C35 Chambers. Robert. Memoir, with autobio¬ graphic reminiscences of William Chambers. E C355 Channing, William Ellery. Correspondence of William Ellery Channing and Lucy Aikin, 1826-1842. 1874. E C359A Memoir. 3 v. 1848. E C359 Brooks, Charles Timothy. William Ellery Channing. 1880. E C359B Chadwick, John White. William Ellery Chan¬ ning. 1903. E C359C Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Memoir of AVilliam Henry Channing. 1886. E C36F Chapin. Ellis, Sumner. Life of Edwin H. Chapin. 1882. E C365E Charlemagne. Davis, H. W. Carless. Charle¬ magne. 1900. E C37D Hodgkin, Thomas. Charles the Great. EC37H James, George Payne Rainsford. History of Charlemagne. 1839. E C37J Mombert, Jacob Isidor. History of Charles the Great. 1888. E C37M Charles. Ewald, Alexander Charles. Life and times of prince Charles Stuart. E C383E Charles. Kirk, John Foster. History of Charles the Bold. 2 v. 1864. E C382K Chase. Warden, Robert Bruce. Account of the private life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase. 1874. E C384W Chateaubriand. Cliddieu de Robethon, 111. Chateaubriand et Madame de Custine. 1893. E39 C39C Chaucer. Ward, Adolphus William. Chau¬ cer. E C394W Chittenden, Lucius E. Personal reminiscen¬ ces, 1840-1890. 1893. E C44 Choate. Neilson, Joseph. Memories of Rufus Choate. 1884. E C45N Parker, Edward G. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. 1860. E C45P Church. Church, Mary C., ed. Life and let¬ ters of dean Church. 1894. E C47 Churchill. Creighton, Louise. Life of John • Churchill, duke of Marlborough. E C475C Saintsbury, George. Marlborough. E C475S Cicero. Davidson, James Leigh Straclian- Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic. 1894. E C48D Forsyth. William. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1878. E C48F Trollope, Anthony. Life of Cicero. 2v. E C48T Clapp, Theodore. Autobiographical sketches and recollections. 1857. E C53 Clarke, James Freeman. Hale, Edward Ever¬ ett, ed. Janies Freeman Clarke: autobiog¬ raphy, diary, and correspondence. E C551I Clarke, Mary Victoria (Novello). My long life. 1896. E C554 Clay. Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2 v. 1887. E C575S Clive. Wilson, Sir Charles. Lord Clive. 1890. E C613W Cobbe, Frances Power. Life. 2 v. E C632C Cobbett. Waters, Robert. IIow to get on in the world, as displayed in the life and writ¬ ings of William Cobbett. 1883. E C63W Cobden. McGilchrist, John. Richard Cob- den. 1865. E C635M Morley, .John. Life of Richard Cobden. 1881. E C635Mo Cody. Wetmore, Helen (Cody). Last of the great scouts, the life story of col. William F. Cody, “ Buffalo Bill.” 1899. E C64W Coffin. Amory, Thomas C. Life of ad¬ miral Sir Isaac Coffin, baronet. E C65A Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia liter- aria, or, Biographical sketches of my liter¬ ary life. 1834. E C67 Traill, Henry Duff. Coleridge. 1884. E C67T Coleridge, Sara. Memoir and letters. E C671 Coligny. Blackburn, William Maxwell. Ad¬ miral Coligny. 2 v. 1869. E C685 Columbus. Irving, Washington. History of the life and voyages of Christopher Colum¬ bus. 3 v. E C72I Saunders, Frederick, comp. Story of the dis¬ covery of the new world by Columbus. 1892. E C72S 8 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Columbus. Winsor, Justin. Christopher Co¬ lumbus, and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. 1892. E C72W Comenius. Laurie, Simon Somerville. John Amos Comenius. 1885. E C73 Congdon, Charles Taber. Reminiscences of a journalist. 1880. E C761 Conkling. Conkling, Alfred Ronald. Life and letters of Roscoe Conkling. E C762C Cook. Besant, Sir Walter. Captain Cook. 1890. E C773B Cooper. Traill, Henry Duff. Shaftesbury, (the first earl). 1886. E C782T Cooper. Hodder, Edwin. Life and work of the 7tli earl of Shaftesbury. 3 v. E C784II Cooper. Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. James Fenimore Cooper. 1883. E C785L Corey, Deloraine Pendre. Arthur Deloraine Corey. 1893. E C812 Corneille. Trollope, Henry Merivale. Cor¬ neille and Racine. 1881. E C81T Cousin. Simon, J ules Fran§ois Suisse. Vic¬ tor Cousin. 1888, E C825S Cowper. Hayley, William. Life and posthu¬ mous writings of William Cowper. E C83H Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. 1880. E C83S Southey, Robert. Life of William Cowper. 2 v. 1858. E C83So Crabbe, George. Life of the rev. George Crabbe. 1835. E C84 Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches. 4 v. 1897. E C 88 Memoirs of the protector, Oliver Cromwell, and of his sons, Richard and Henry. E C 88 C Firth, Charles Harding. Oliver Cromwell. 1900. E C 88 F Harrison, Frederic. Oliver Cromwell. E C 88 H Morley, John. Oliver Cromwell. E C 88 M Roosevelt, Theodore. Oliver Cromwell. 1900. E C 88 R 0 Russell, Michael. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 2 v. 1840. E C 88 R Cross. Blind, Matliilde. George Eliot. 1883. E C 886 B Cooke, George Willis. George Eliot. E C 886 C 0 Cross, John Walter. George Eliot’s life as related in her letters and journals. 3v. 1885. E C 886 C Stephen, Sir Leslie. George Eliot. EC 886 S Thomson, Clara. George Eliot. E C880T Woolson, Abba Gould. George Eliot and her heroines. 1886. E C 886 W Cumberland, Richard. Memoirs. E C91 Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, ed. Memoir. 2v. 1879. E C94 Curtis. Cary, Edward. George William Cur¬ tis. 1894. E C942Cy Chadwick, John White. George William Curtis. 1893. E C942C Curtis. Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. Memoir of Joseph Curtis, a model man. E C945S Cushman. Price, William T. Life of Char¬ lotte Cushman. 1894. . E C953P Stebbius, Emma. Charlotte Cushman, her letters and memories. 1878. E C953 Custer. Whittaker, Frederick. Popular life of gen: George A. Custer. E C965W Cutler. Cutler, William Parker and Julia Perkins. Life, journals and correspond¬ ence of Manasseh Cutler. 2 v. 1888. E C97 Dabney. Smedes, Susan Dabney. Memori¬ als of a Southern planter. 1888. E D11S Damien. Clifford, Edward. Father Damien. 1889. E D179C Dampier. Russell, William Clark. William Dampier. 1889. E D18R Dana. Gilman, Daniel C. Life of James Dwight Dana. 1899. E D187G Dana. Adams, Charles Francis. Richard Henry Dana. 2 v. 1891. E D19A Dante. Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wil¬ son). Dante. 1881. E D2350 Ward, May Alden. Dante. E D235W Dare. Gower, lord Ronald. Joan of Arc. 1893. E D24G Michelet, Jules. Jeanne D’Arc. E39 D24M Murray, T. Douglas, ed. Jeanne d’Arc, maid of Orleans. 1902. E D24M Tuckey, Janet. Joan of Arc. E D24T Darwin. Allen, Grant. Charles Darwin. 1885. E D257A Darwin, Francis, ed. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. 2 v. 1887. E D257D Holder, Charles Frederic. Charles Darwin. 1891. E D257H Daudet, Alphonse. Thirty years of Paris and of my literary life. 1888. E D265 Davidson. Irving, Washington. Biography and poetical remains of Margaret Miller Davidson. 1841. E D28I Davis. Markham, Clements Robert. Life of John Davis, the navigator. E D29M De Costa. In memoriam: William Hickling De Costa. 1878. E D355 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 9 Defoe. Minto, William. Daniel Defoe. 1879. E D365Mi Moriey, Henry, ed. Earlier life and tlie chief earlier works of Daniel Defoe. 1889. E D365M Delany, Mary (Granville). Autobiography and correspondence. 2 v. 1882. E D37 DeQuincey, Thomas. Autobiographic sketches. 1859. E D445D Japp, Alexander Henry. [H. A. Page .] DeQuincey memorials. 2 v. 1891. E D445.I Thomas DeQuincey; his life and writings. 2 v. 1877. E D445Ja Masson, David. DeQuincey. E D445M Dewey. Halstead, Murat. Life and achieve¬ ments of admiral Dewey. 1899. E D51I1 Dickens, Charles. Letters. 2 v. 1879. E D55 Dickens, Mary. My father as I recall him. E D55D Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. 3 v. 1872-74. E D55F Jones, Charles Henry. Short life of Charles Dickens. 1880. E D55J Ward, Adolphus William. Dickens. E D55W Diderot. Morley, John. Diderot and the encyclopaedists. 1879. E D56M Disraeli. Froude, James Anthony. Lord Beaconsfield. 1890. E DG37F Dix. Tiffany, Francis. Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix. 1891. E D645T Dix, John Adams. Memoirs. 1883. E I)G46 Doddridge. Stanford, Charles. Philip Dod¬ dridge. 1881. E DGG Dodge. Dodge, II. Augusta, ed. Gail Ham¬ ilton’s life in letters. 2 v. 1901. E DGG2 Dodgson. Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson. Life and letters of Lewis Carroll. E I1GG3 Dostoieffsky, Fedor. Prison life in Siberia. E D74 Douglass. Chestnutt, Charles W. Frederick Douglass. 1899. E D745C In memoriam. Frederick Douglass. E D745M Life and times of Frederick Douglass. E D745 Drew, Louisa (Lane). Autobiographical sketch of Mrs. John Drew. 1899. E D81G Dreyfus, Alfred. Five years of my life, 1894- 1899. 1901. E D82f Lettres d’un innocent. 1899. E 1)82 Drummond. Smith, George Adam. Life of Henry Drummond. 1898. E 1)84 Dryden. Saintsbury, George. Dryden. E D844S Dudevant, A. L. A. [George Sand~\. Historic de ma vie. 4 v. 1879. E39 D86 Impressions and reminiscences. 1877. E D859 Caro, Elme Marie. George Sand. E D859C Thomas, Bertha. George Sand. E D859T Dudley. Bartlett, David W. Life of Lady Jane Grey. 1860. E D86B Dumourier, Charles Framjois. Memoirs.ED895 Dyer. Rogers, Horatio. Mary Dyer, the Quaker martyr. E D98R Ebers, Georg. Story of my life. E Eb35 Edgeworth. Hare, Augustus John Cutlibert. Life and letters of Maria Edgeworth. E Ed32 Oliver, Grace Atkinson. Study of Maria Edge- worth. 1882. E Ed320 Edgeworth. Edgeworth, Maria. Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth. 1821. E Ed34 Edward. Creighton, Louise. Life of Edward the black prince. 1877. E Ed89C Edward. Smiles, Samuel. Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward. 1877. E Ed9S Edwards. Greenwood, Thomas. Edward Edwards. 1902. E Ed93G Edwards. Allen, Alexander Viets Griswold. Jonathan Edwards. 1889. E Ed95A Eliot. Eliot, Charles William. Charles Eliot, landscape architect. 1902. E E139 Eliot. Moore, Martin. Memoirs of the life and character of John Eliot. 1822. E E14M Elizabeth. Burgh, A. de. Martyrdom of an empress. 1900. E E147B Emerson. Albee, John. Remembrances of Emerson. 1901. E Em34A Cabot, James Elliot. Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2 v. 1887. E Em34Ca Conway, Moncure Daniel. Emerson at home and abroad. 1882. E Em34Co Cooke, George Willis. Ralph Waldo Emer¬ son. 1881. E Em34C Emerson, Edward Waldo. Emerson in Con¬ cord. 1889. E Em34E Garnett, Richard. Life of Ralph Waldo Em¬ erson. 1888. E Em34G Haskins, David Greene. Ralph Waldo Emer¬ son. 1887. E Em34Ha Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ralph Waldo Emer¬ son. 1895. E Em34H Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1901. E Em34Sa ed. Genius and character of Emerson. 1885. E Em34S 10 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Emerson. Thayer, James Bradley. Western journey with Emerson. 1884. E Em34T Woodbury, Charles J. Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1S90. E Em34W Erasmus. Drummond, Robert Blackley. Erasmus; his life and character. 2 v. 1873. E ErlD Froude, James Anthony. Life and letters of Erasmus. 1894. E ErlF Erbach. Kraus, Emil. Adventures of count George Albert of Erbach. 1890. E Erl3K Ericsson. Church, William Conant. Life of John Ericsson. 2 v. 1890. E Er42C Evans, Robley Dunglison. Sailor’s log. E Evl Evelyn, John. Memoirs. 1870. E Ev4 Ewing. Gatty, Horatio K. F. Juliana Ho- ratia Ewing and her books. 1885. E Ew5G Tucker, Elizabeth S. Leaves from Juliana Iloratia Ewings’s “Canada home.” E Ew5T Faraday. Gladstone, John Hall. Michael Faraday. 1872. E F22G Jones, Henry Bence. Life and letters of Far¬ aday. 2 v. 1870. E F22J Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. Michael Fara¬ day; his life and work. 1898. E F22T Tyndall, John. Faraday as a discoverer. 1873. E F22Ty Farragut. Barnes, James. David Farragut. 1899. E F237B Farragut, Loyall. Life of David Glasgow Farragut. 1879. E F237F Mahau, Alfred Thayer. Admiral Farragut. 1892. E F237M Farrar, Eliza. Recollections of seventy years. 1866. E F24 Fenelon. Butler, Charles. Life of Fenelon. 1811. E F35B Ferry. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Orris S. Ferry. 1876. E F41 Field. Judson, Isabella Field, ed. Cyrus W. Field ; his life and work. 1896. E F45 Field. Below, Ida Comstock. Eugene Field in his home. 1898. E F452B Wilson, Francis. The Eugene Field I knew. 1898. E F452W Fielding. Dobson, Austin. Fielding. E F46D Fields. James T. Fields: Biographical notes and persona] sketches. 1881. E F465 Finney, Charles Grandison. Memoirs. 1876. E F49 Wright, George Frederick. Charles Grandi¬ son Finney. 1891. E F49W Fisk. Prentice, George. Wilbur Fisk. 1890. E F54P Fitzgerald. Glyde, John. Life of Edward Fitzgerald. 1900. E F57G Fletcher, Eliza (Dawson). Autobiography. 1876. E F635 Follen. Follen, Eliza Lee. Life of Charles Follen. 1844. E F72 Forbes, John Murray. Letters and recollec¬ tions. 2 v. 1899. E F74 Forrest. Barrett, Lawrence. Edwin For¬ rest. 1881. E F77B Rees, James. Life of Edwin Forrest. E F77R Foster. Ryland, Jonathan Edwards, ed. Life and correspondence of John Foster. E F81R Fouche, Joseph. Memoirs. 1825. E F825 Fox, Caroline. Memories of old friends. 1882. E F829 Fox. Trevelyan, George Otto. Early history of Charles James Fox. 1880. E F83T Francis. Little flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. 1888. E F842 Sabatier, Paul. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. 1894. E F842S Francis, Sir Philip. Francis letters. 2 v. E F846 Frankland. Nason Elias. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, baronet. 1865. E F848 Franklin, Benjamin. Life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself; ed. by John Bigelow. 2 v. 1879. E F85B Ceremonies attending the unveiling of the statue of Benjamin Franklin. 1899. E F85St Ford, Paul Leicester. Many-sided Franklin. 1899. E F85F Life and miscellaneous writings of Benjamin Franklin. E F85 McMaster, John Bach. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 1887. E F85M Morse, John Torrey, jr. Benjamin Franklin. 1889. E F85Mo Parton, James. Life and times of Benjamin Franklin. 2 v. 1864. E F85P Franklin. Beesly, Augustus Henry. Sir John Franklin. 1881. E F852B Markham, Albert Hastings. Life of Sir John Franklin. E F852M Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, markgrdfin von Baireuth. Memoirs. 2 v. 1877. E F87 Horn, George. The margravine of Baireuth and Voltaire. 1888. E F87II INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 11 Freeman. Stephens, William Richard Wood. Life and letters of Edward A. Freeman. 2 v. 1895. E F88S Fremont, Jessie Benton. Souvenirs of my time. 1887. E F89 Fremont. Upham, Charles Wentworth. Life, explorations and public services of John Charles Fremont. 1856. E F891U Freneau, Austin, Mary. Philip Freneau, the poet of the Revolution. 1901. E F895A Friedrich. Brackenbury, Charles Booth. Frederick the Great. E F915B Carlyle, Thomas. History of Friedrich the second. 6 v. E F915C Ellis, George James Welbore Agar, 1st baron Dover. Life of Frederic the Great. 2 v: 1839. E F915E Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Life of Fred¬ erick the Great. 1870. E F915M Friedrich. Poschinger, Margaretha von. Life of the emperor Frederick. 1901. E F917P Frobel. Marenlioltz-Biilow, Bertha, baroness. Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel. E F92M Froissart. Darmesteter, Agnes Mary Frances (Robinson). Froissart. 1895. E F925D Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Recollec¬ tions and impressions, 1822-1890. E F93F Fry. Pitman, Emma Raymond. Elizabeth Fry. 1884. E F94P Fuller. Fuller, Richard Frederick. Chap¬ lain Fuller. 1863. E F96 Fulton. Reigart .J. Franklin. Life of Rob¬ ert Fulton. 1856. E F965R Gallatin. Stevens, John Austin. Albert Gallatin. 1884. E G13S Gallenga, Antonio Carlo Napoleone. ( L. Mariotti.) Episodes of my second life. 1885. E G135 Gannett. Gannett, William Clianning. Ezra Stiles Gannett. 1875. E G155 Gardiner. Doddridge Philip. Some re¬ markable passages in the life of col. James Gardiner. 1811. E G16D Garfield. Coffin, Charles Carleton. Life of James A. Garfield. 1880. E G18 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Life of Giuseppe Gari¬ baldi. 1859. E G185 Garrison. Garrison, Wendell Phillips and Francis Jackson. William Lloyd Garrison. 4 v. 1889. E G19G Johnson, Oliver. William Lloyd Garrison and his times. 1880. E G19J Garrison. Smith, Goldwin. The moral cru¬ sader, William Lloyd Garrison. E G19S Genghis. Abbott, Jacob. History of Gen- ghis-Klian. 1860. E G283A George. Belsliam, William. Memoirs of the kings of Great Britain of the house of Brunswick-Lunenburg. 1796. E G29B McCarthy, Justin. History of the four Georges. 4 v. 1885. E G29M Smucker, Samuel Mosheim. History of the four Georges. 1860. E G29S Thackeray, William Makepeace. Four Georges. E G29T Wright, Thomas. Caricature history of the Georges. E G29W George. Croly, George. George IV. E G294C Fitzgerald, Percy. Life of George IV. 1881. E G294F George. George, Henry, jr. Life of Henry George. 1900. E G296 Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography and corre¬ spondence. 1869. E G35G Morison, James Cotter. Gibbon. E G35M Gibson. Adams, John Coleman. William Hamilton Gibson. 1901. E G356A Gifford. Memorial of Stephen Nye Gifford. 1886. E G362 Gillespie, Elizabeth (Duane). Book of re¬ membrance. 1901. E G41 Gladstone. Hamilton, Sir Edward W. Mr. Gladstone. 1898. E G452H Jones, Charles Henry. Short life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1880. E G452J Lucy, Henry W. The right honorable W. E. Gladstone. 1895. E G452L McCarthy, Justin. Story of Gladstone’s life. 1897. * E G452M Goldoni, Carlo. Memoirs. 1877. E G57 Goldsmith. Black, William. Goldsmith. E G576B Irving, Washington. Oliver Goldsmith. 1864. E G576I Gontaut. Mdmoires de Madame la duchesse de Gontaut. 1892. E39 G58 Goodell. Prime, Edward Dorr Griffin. Forty years in the Turkish empire; or, memoirs of rev. William Goodell. 1876. E G615P Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Peter Parley’s own story. E G625 Recollections of a lifetime. 1857. E G625r Gordon. Butler, Sir William Francis. Charles George Gordon. 1889. E G65B 12 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Gordon. Hake, Alfred Egmont. Story of Chinese Gordon. 1884. E G65H Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von. Autobiogra¬ phy. 2 v. 1881. E G71 Goethe’s correspondence with a child. 1861. E G71A Boyesen, Hjalraar Hjorth. Goethe and Schil¬ ler. 1889. E G711B Diintzer, Heinrich. Life of Goethe. E G71D Grimm, Hermann. Life and times of Goethe. 1880. E G71G Hayward, Abraham. Goethe. 1884. E G71H Lewes, George Henry. Life and works of Goethe. 2 v. 1856. E G71L Story of Goethe’s life. 1873. E G71Li Gough, John Ballantine. Platform echoes. 1884. E G72 Gould. Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. A life worth living; memorials of Emily Bliss Gould. 1879. E G73B Gower, lord Ronald Sutherland. My reminis¬ cences. E G745 Graham. Morris, Mowbray. Claverliouse. 1887. E G76M Grant. Laurie, Thomas. Dr. Grant and the mountain Nestorians. 1853. E G761L Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Personal memoirs. 2 v. 1886. E G763 Abbott, John Steven Cabot. Life of general Ulysses S. Grant. 1868. E G763Ab Allen, William H., comp. American Civil War Book and Grant album. 1894. Ref. Badeau, Adam. Military history of Ulysses S. Grant. 3 v. E G763B Deming, Henry C. Life of Ulysses S. Grant. 1868. E G763D Garland, Hamlin. Ulysses S. Graht. E G763G Headley, Joel Tyler. Grant and Sherman. 1865. E G763He Headley, Pliineas Camp and Austin, George Lowell. Life and deeds of gen. U. S. Grant. 1885. E G763II Phelps, Charles A. Life and public services of general Ulysses S. Grant. 1868. E G763P Granville, Harriet (Cavendish), countess. Letters, 1810-1845. 1894. E G765G Gray, Asa. Letters. 2 v. 1893. E G793 Gray. Gosse, Edmund William. [Thomas] Gray. E G795G Greeley. Parton, James. Life of Horace Greeley. 1869. E G81P Green, John Richard. Letters. 1901. E G82 Greene. Simms, William Gilmore. Life of Nathaniel Greene. 1861. E G83S Greenhalge. In commemoration of the life and public services of Frederic T. Green¬ halge. 1896. ' E G84 Nesmith, James Edward. Life and work of Frederic Thomas Greenhalge. 1897. E G84N Gregory. Stephen, W. R. W. Hildebrand and 1 his times. 1888. E G85S Griffin. Griffin, Daniel. Life of Gerald Grif¬ fin. 1885. E G87 Gronow, Rees Howell. Captain Gronow’s last recollections. 1866. E G89 Guerin, Maurice de. Journal. E G932T Guizot. Witt, Henriette (Guizot) de. Mon¬ sieur Guizot in private life. 1884. E G94W Gustaf. Stevens, John L. History of Gus- tavus Adolphus. 1884. E G97S Gutenberg. Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg and the art of printing. 1871. E G91P Haile. In memoriam: William Henry Haile. 1901. E H25 Hale. Partridge, William Ordway. Nathan Hale, the ideal patriot. 1902. E H13P Stuart, Isaac William. Life of captain Nathan Hale. 1856. E H13S Hall. Hood, Edwin Paxton. Robert Hall. 1881. E H14 Hall, Samuel C. Retrospect of a long life. 1883. E H142 Hallock. Ilallock, William H. Life of Gerard Hallock. 1869. E II155 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Autobiography. 1896. E H17 Hamilton. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Alexander Hamilton. 1886. E H18L Morse, John Toney, jr. Life of Alexander Hamilton. 1876. E H18M Smucker, Samuel Mosheim. Life and times of Alexander Hamilton. 1860. E H18Sm Sumner, William Graham. Alexander Ham¬ ilton. 1890. E H18S Hamilton, James Alexander. Reminiscences. 1869. E II184 Hamlin, Cyrus. My life and times. E II185 Hancock. Brown, Abram English. John Hancock; his book. 1898. E H189B Hannibal. Arnold, Thomas. Life of Hanni¬ bal. 1870. E HI95A Hardy. Macdonnell, Annie. Thomas Hardy. 1894. E H22M INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 13 Hare. Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Me¬ morials of a quiet life. 2 v. 1873. E H221 Records of a quiet life. 1873. E H221r Harris, James Howard, 3d earl of Malmesbury. Memoirs of an ex-minister. 1885. E H24 Hastings. Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyns. War¬ ren Hastings. 1889. E H27L Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Warren Has¬ tings. 1886. E H27M Havelock. Headley, Joel Tyler. Life of general H. Havelock. 1859. E H295H Haven, Alice (Bradley). Cousin Alice. E H292 Havergal. Havergal, Mary Vernon Graham. Memorials of Frances Ridley Havergal. E H293 Hawthorne. Bridge, Horatio. Personal rec¬ ollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne. E H312B Conway, Moncure Daniel. Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. E H312C Fields, Annie (Adams). Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1899. E H312F Hawthorne, Julian. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. 2 v. 1885. E II312H James, Henry, jr. Hawthorne. 1880. E H312J Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne. Memories of Haw¬ thorne. 1897. E H312L Woodberry, George Edward. Nathaniel Haw¬ thorne. 1902. E H312W Haydon, Benjamin Robert. Life, letters and table talk. 1876. E H331 Hayes. Howells, William Dean. Sketch of the life and character of Rutherford B. Hayes. 1876. E H333H Hazard. Hazard, Caroline. Thomas Hazard. 1893. E H34II Healy, George Peter Alexander. Reminis¬ cences of a portrait painter. 1894. E H345A Heber. Heber, Amelia (Shipley). Memoir of Reginald Heber. 1856. E H355 Heine, Heinrich. Life, ed. by Gustav Kar- peles. 1893. E H367 Stigand, William. Life, works and opinions of Heinrich Heine. 2 v. 1875. E II367S Hemenway. Dunton, Larkin, ed. Memorial services in honor of Mrs. Mary Hemenway. 1894. E H37 Henri. Blair, Edward T. Henry of Navarre. 1895. E H382B Capefigue, Jean Baptiste Honor*; Raymond. La belle Corisande et les galanteries du Bdarnais. E39 H39C Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre. E H382W Henry. Green, Mrs. John Richard. Henry the second. 1888. E H385G Henry. Church, Alfred John. Henry the fifth. 1889. E H387C Towle, George Makepeace. History of Henry the fifth, king of England. 1866. E H387T Henry. Beazley, C. Raymond. Prince Henry the navigator. 1895. E H393B Henry. Tyler, Moses Coit. Patrick Henry. 1887. E H395T Wirt, William. Sketches of the life and char¬ acter of Patrick Henry. 1818. E H395W Henson, Josiah. Father Henson’s story of his own life. 1858. E H397 Herbert, Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbury. Autobiography. 1870. E H42 Lives of lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thomas Elwood. 1877! E H42H Herschel. Clerke, Agnes M. The Herschels and modern astronomy. 1895. E H441C Herschel, Mary Cornwallis. Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel. E H44 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Cheerful yesterdays. 1898. E H532 Hodgson. Hodgson, James Thomas. Memoir of the rev. Francis Hodgson. 2 v. E H66 Holland, Sir II. Recollections of past life. 1872. E H714 Holland. Plunkett, Harriette M. Josiah Gilbert Holland. 1894. E H715P Holley. Wright, Elizur. Myron Holley. 1882. E H72W Holley. Chadwick, John White, ed. A life for liberty [Sallie Holley]. 1899. E H722 Holmes. Brown, Emma E. Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1884. E H73B Jerrold, Walter. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1893. E H73J Morse, John Torrey, jr. Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. 2 v. 1896. E H73M Hone, Philip. Diary. 2 v. 1889. E H755 Hood. Broderip, Frances Freeliug, and Hood, Thomas. Memorials of Thomas Hood. 2 v. 1860. E H76B Hopkins. Carter, Franklin. Mark Hopkins. 1892. E H773C Houston. Williams, Alfred M. Sam Hous¬ ton, and the war of independence in Texas. 1893. E H813W Howe, Julia Ward. Reminiscences, 1819-1889. 1900. E 1183 14 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Hubbell. Hubbell, Martha Stone. Memorial; or, Life and writings of an only daughter. E H86 Hudson. Hudson, Edmund. An American woman’s life and work ; a memorial of Mary Clemmer. 1886. E II862 Hughes. Hughes, Thomas. Memoir of a brother [George E. Hughes]. 1873. E II867 Hugo, Victor. Letters from exile. E H87 Lettresh la fiancee, 1820-1822. 1901. E39 H38 Barbou, Alfred. Victor Hugo. 1881. E H87B Victor Hugo and his time. 1882. E H87B1 Bird, Edmund. Victor Hugo aprfes 1852. 1894. E39 H875B Bldmont, Ldon l5mile Petitdidier, ed. Memo¬ rial life of Victor Hugo. E H87B1 Cappon, James. Victor Hugo. 1895. E H87C Hugo, J. Addle. Victor Hugo. 1863. E H87II Marzials, Frank T. Life of Victor Hugo.E H87M Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Life, travels and books of Alexander von Humboldt. 1859. E H88 Klencke, Philipp Friedrich Hermann. Alex¬ ander von Humboldt. 1852. E II88K Hume. Huxley, Thomas Henry [David]. Hume. 1894. E H882H Hunt, Harriott Kezia. Glances and glimpses. 1856. E H92 Huntington, Arria S. Under a colonial roof- tree. 1891. E H925H Hutchinson, Thomas. Diary. 2 v. E H97 Hosmer, James Kendall. Life of Thomas Hutchinson. 1896. E H97H Huxley. Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. 2 v. 1900. E 1199 Mitchell, Peter Chalmers. Thomas Henry Huxley. 1900. E H99M Hyde. Henry Baldwin Hyde. 1901. E H995 Ibsen. Jaeger, Henrik. Henrik Ibsen. E Ibl7J Irving. Oliphant, Margaret Olipliant (Wil¬ son). Life of Edward Irving. E Ir770 Irving. Irving, Pierre M. Life and letters of Washington Irving. 2 v. 1868. E Ir8I Warner, Charles Dudley. Washington Irving. 1882. E Ir8W Jackson. Parton, James. General Jackson. 1893. E J13P Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 v. 1860. E J13P Sumner, William Graham. Andrew Jackson as a public man. 1889. E J13S Walker, Alexander. Jackson and New Orleans. 1856. E J13W Jameson. McPherson, Gerardine. Memoirs of the life of Anna Jameson. 1878. E J23M Jasmin. Smiles, Samuel. Jasmin, barber, poet, philanthropist. 1892. E J31S Jay. Jay, William. Life of John Jay. 2 v. 1833. E J33J Pellew, George. John Jay. 1890. E J33P Renwick, Henry B. and James. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. E J33R Jebb. Jebb, Mrs. John G. A strange career; life and adventures of John Gladwyn Jebb. 1895. E J34J Jefferies. Besant, Sir Walter. Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. 1889. E J35B Salt, H. S. Richard Jefferies. 1894. E J35S Jefferson. Winter, William. Life and art of Joseph Jefferson. 1894. E J352W Winter, William. The Jeffersons. E J353W Jefferson. Morse, John Torrey, jr. Thomas Jefferson. 1888. E J354M Randolph, Sarah N., comp. Domestic life of Thomas Jefferson. 1871. E J354R Smucker, Samuel Moslieim. Life and times of Thomas Jefferson. 1860. E J354S Johnson. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Andrew Johnson. E .162 Johnson. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. 6 v. 1891. E J63B Stephen, Leslie. Samuel Johnson. E J63S Joinville, prince de. Memoirs. E J667L Jones. Iliginbotham, Josephine M. “Una and her paupers.” [Agnes E. Jones.] E J71H Jones. Jones, Rufus M. Eli and Sibyl Jones. 1889. E J715 Jones. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Commo¬ dore Paul Jones. 1900. E J72B Buell, Augustus C. Paul Jones. E J72Bu Sherburne, John Henry. Life and character of the chevalier John Paul Jones. E J72S Jones. Shore, Sir John, lord Teignmouth. Memoirs of the life, writings and correspon¬ dence of Sir William Jones. 1805. E J725S Jonson. Swinburne. Algernon Charles. Study of Ben Jonson. 1889. E J74S Symonds, John Addington. Ben Jonson. 1886. E J74Sy Josephine. Headley, Phineas Camp. Life of the empress Josephine. 1854. E J77H Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Ldon, baron. Citizeness Bonaparte. 1890. E J77I v.l Court of the empress Josephine. E J77I v.3 Wife of the first consul. 1890. E J77I v.2 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 15 Josephine. LeNormand, Marie Anne Ade¬ laide. Historical and secret memoires of the empress Josephine. E J77L Masson, Frederic. Josephine de Beauharnais. 1899. E39 J78M Judson. Wayland, Francis. Memoir of the life and labors of the rev. Adoniram Judson. 2 v. 1854. E J917W Judson. Knowles, James Davis. Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. 1837. E J918K Judson. Kendrick. Asahel Clark. Life and letters of Mrs. Emily C. Judson. E J919K Judson. Judson, Emily (Cliubbuck). Me¬ moir of Sarah B. Judson. 1860. E J92J Julian. Gardner, Alice. Julian, philoso¬ pher and emperor. 1895. E J94G Kane. Elder, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. 1858. E K13E Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes. 1868. E K232 Keith. Tenney, William C., ed. Conflict and the victory of life; memoir of Mrs. Caroline P. Keith. 1864. E K265 Keller, Helen Adams. Story of my life. 1903. E K28 Kemble, Frances Anne. Further records. 1848-1883. 1891. E K31f Records of a girlhood. 1879. E K31 Records of later life. 1882. E K31r Kemble. Boaden, James. Memoirs of the life of John Philip Kemble. 1825. E K312B Kennedy. Kennedy, Marjory. David Ken¬ nedy, the Scottish singer. E K38 Keppel, George Thomas, 6th earl of Alber- marle. Fifty years of my life. 1876. E K44 King. Frothingham, Richard. Tribute to Thomas Starr King. 1865. E K58F Kinglake. Tuckwell, William. A. W. King- lake. 1902. E K59T Kingsley. Kingsley, Frances E., ed. Charles Kingsley; his letters and memories of his life. 1877. E K61 Knight. Passages from the life of Charles Knight. 1874. E K74 Knox. M’Crie, Thomas. Life of John Knox. 1&50. E K77M Taylor, William Mackergo. John Knox. 1885. E K77T Terhune, Mary Virginia [Marian Ilarland .] John Knox. E K77Te Konigsmark. Vitzetelly, Henry. Count Konigsmark. 1890. E K834V Kovalevsky, Sonya. Recollections of child¬ hood. 1895. E K845 Krasinska, Fran 9 oise, countess. Journal. 1896. E K865 Kropotkin, Petr Alexeievitch. Memoirs of a revolutionist. 1899. E K92 Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus. Me¬ moirs. 1902. E K93 Statham, Francis Reginald. Paul Kruger and his times. 1898. E K93S Lafayette. Tuckerman, Bayard. Life of general Lafayette. 2 v. 1889. E L127T La Fontaine. Collins, William Lucas. La- Fontaine and other fabulists. 1883. E L13C Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. La Fontaine et ses fables. 1898. E39 L13T Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Les confidences. 1859. E L159 Lacretelle, Henri de. Lamartine and his friends. 1880. E L159L Lamb. Ainger, Alfred. Charles Lamb. 1882. E L16A Martin, Benjamin Ellis. In the footprints of Charles Lamb. 1890. E L16M Procter, Bryan Waller. Charles Lamb. E L16P Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Life and letters of Charles Lamb. E L16T Landor. Colvin, Sidney. Landor. E L234C Forster, John. Walter Savage Landor. 1869. E L234F Lane. Hawkins, William G. Lunsford Lane. 1863. E L238H Lanier, Sidney. Letters. 1899. E L27 Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood. 1889. E L319 Addison, Daniel Dulany. Lucy Larcom; life, letters and diary. 1894. E L319A Larned. Gurley, R. R. Life and eloquence of the rev. Sylvester Larned. E L3191G La Rochefoucauld, Mine. de. Life. E L3192 La Rochejaquelin. Guiney, Louise Imogen. “Monsieur Henri.” E L32 Lawrence. Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Me¬ moirs of Abbott Lawrence. 1883. E L43H Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from the diary and correspondence of the late Amos Law¬ rence. 1856. E L431 Lawrence. Lawrence, William. Life of Amos A. Lawrence. 1888. E L432 Lawrence. Edwards, Sir Herbert Benjamin, and Merivale, Herman. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. 1873. E L435E 16 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Lawrence. Temple, Sir Richard. Lord Lawrence. 1889. E L436T Lay. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Alfred Morrison Lay. E L455 Ledyard. Sparks, Jared. Life of John Led- yard. 1828. E L495S Lee. Hartley, Cecil B. Life of major-gen¬ eral Henry Lee. 1859. E L498H Lee, Richard H. Memoir of the life of Rich¬ ard Henry Lee and his correspondence. 2 v. 1825. E L499 Lee. Cooke, John Esten. Life of gen. Robert E. Lee. 1873. E L51C Lee, Fitzhugh. General Robert Edward Lee. 1894. E L51Le Long, Armistead Lindsay. Memoirs of Rob¬ ert E. Lee. 1886. E L51L Trent, William Peterfield. Robert E. Lee. 1899. E L51T Le Panu, W. R. Seventy years of Irish life. 1894. E L52 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Memoirs. E L532 Leo. Roscoe, William. Life and pontificate of Leo the tenth. 2 v. 1846. E L55R Leslie, Charles Robert. Autobiographical recollections. 1860. E L563 Lessing. Sime, James. Lessing. 2 v. 1877. E L565S Stahr, Adolph. Life and works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. 2 v. 1866. E L565St Lincoln. Arnold, Isaac Newton. Abraham Lincoln. 1885. E L63A Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln. E L63B Carpenter, Francis Bicknell. Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. 1866. E L63C Chittenden, Lucius E. Recollections of presi¬ dent Lincoln. 1891. E L63Ch Hapgood, Norman. Abraham Lincoln, the man of the people. 1900. E L63IIa Herndon, William H. and Weik, Jesse William. Lincoln ; the true story of a great life. 2 v. 1889. E L63IIW Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1866. E L63H Jones, Evan Rowland. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. E L63J Lamon, Ward H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1872. E L63I, Leland, Charles Godfrey. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery. 1879. E L63Le Lincoln. Morse, John Torrey, jr. Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. 1893. E L63M Nicolay, John George and Hay, John. Abra¬ ham Lincoln. 10 v. 1890. E L63N Rice, Allen Thorndike, comp. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. 1886. E L63R Lincoln. Hitchcock, Caroline Hanks. Nancy Hanks. 1899. E L635H Linnaeus. Caddy, Florence. Through the fields with Linnaeus. 2 v. 1887. E L644C Linton, William James. Threescore and ten years. 1894. E L653 Livermore, Mary Ashton (Rice). Story of my life. 1899. E L75 Livingstone. Hughes, Thomas. David Livingstone. 1889. E L76H Locke. Fowler, Thomas. [John] Locke. E L97F Longfellow. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. E L859H Longfellow, Samuel, ed. Life of Henry Wads¬ worth Longfellow. 2 v. 1886. E L859 Underwood, Francis Henry. Henry Wads¬ worth Longfellow. 1882. E L859U Longfellow, Samuel. Memoir and letters. 1894. E L86M Louis. Guizot, Francis Pierre Guillaume. Saint Louis and Calvin. E L915G Perry, Frederick. Saint Louis. E L915P Louis. Pardoe, Julia. Louis the fourteenth. 2 v. 1848. E L92P Voltaire, Framjois Marie Arouet de. Le sifecle de Louis XIV. * E39 L92V Lovejoy. Lovejoy, Joseph C. and Owen. Memoir of the rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. E L94 Lover. Symington, Andrew James. Samuel Lover. 1880. E L945S Lowell, James Russell. Letters. 2 v. E L95N Hale, Edward Everett. James Russell Lowell and his friends. 1899. E L95H Hale, Edward Everett, jr. James Russell Lowell. 1899. E L95Ha Scudder, Horace Elisha. James Russell Lowell. 2 v. 1901. E L95S Underwood, Francis Henry. James Russell Lowell. 1882. E L95U Loyola. Bartoli, Daniel. History of the life and institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola. 2 v. 1855. E L955B Luther. Froude, James Anthony. Luther. 1884. E L975F Kostlin, Julius. Life of Luther. E L975K INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 17 Luther. Lee, Hannah F. Life and times of Martin Luther. 1889. E L975L Mead, Edwin Doak. Martin Luther. E L975M Lyman. Lesley, Susan I. Recollections of my mother. [Anne Jean Lyman.] E L99 McAllister, Ward. Society as I have found it. 1890. E Mil Macaulay. Morison, James Augustus Cotter. Macaulay. E M113M Trevelyan, George Otto. Life and letters of lord Macaulay. 2 v. 1876. E MUST McCarthy, Justin. Reminiscences. 2v. E M127 McCormick. Memorial of Robert McCormick. 1885. E M13 Macdonald, Stephen James Joseph Alexander, duke of Tarentum. Recollections of Marshall Macdonald. 2 v. 1892. E M14 McKinley. Halstead, Murat. Life and dis¬ tinguished services of hon. William McKin¬ ley. 1896. E M19H Russell, Henry B. Lives of William McKinley and Garret A. Hobart. 1896. E M19R Macleod. Macleod, Donald. Memoir of Nor¬ man Macleod. 1877. E M22 Macready, William Charles. Reminiscences. 1875. E M245 Madison. Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Dolly Madison. 1895. E M259G Madison. Gay, Sidney Howard. James Madi¬ son. 1884. E M26G Hunt, Gaillard. Life of James Madison. E M26H Maimon, Solomon. Solomon Maimon; an autobiography. 1888. E M28 Maintenon. Moret, Eughne. La grande ddvote. 1879. E39 M28M Mann. Harris, William Torrey. Horace Mann. 1896. E M299H Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Horace Mann and the common school revival. 1898. E M299Hi Mann, Mary. Life of Horace Mann. E M299 Manning. Hutton, Arthur Wollaston. Car¬ dinal Manning. 1892. E M31H Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. Life of cardinal Manning. 2 v. 1898. E M31P Marbot, Jean Baptiste Marcellin, baron de. Mdmoires. 3 v. E39 M33 Memoirs. 2 v. 1892. E M329 March. Life on the deep; memorials of Charles March. E M33 Marenholtz - Biilow. Biilow-Wendhausen, Bertha, freifrau von. Life of the baroness von Marenlioltz-Biilow. 2 v. 1901. E M332B Marie Amdlie. Imbert de-Saint Amand, Ar¬ thur Ldon, baron. Marie Amdlie et lacour des Tuileries. 1893. E39 M337I Marie Antoinette. Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette, Mme. Memoirs of the private life of Marie Antoinette. 1823. E M338C Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Ldon, baron. Marie Antoinette and the downfall of roy¬ alty. 1890. E M338I v.3 Marie Antoinette and the end of the old rdgime. 1890. E M338I v.l Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries, 1789-1791. 1891. E M338I v.2 Keddie, Henrietta. Marie Antoinette. E M338K La Rocheterie, Maxime de. Life of Marie Antoinette. 2 v. 1893. E M338L Yonge, Charles Duke. Life of Marie Antoin¬ ette. 1876. E M338Y Marie Louise. Imbert de Saint-Amand, Ar¬ thur Ldon, baron. Happy days of the em¬ press Marie Louise. 1890. E M339I v.l Marie Louise and the decadence of the em¬ pire. 1891. E M339I v.2 Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814. 1891. E M339I v.3 Marion. Weems, Mason Locke, and Horry, Peter. Life of Francis Marion. E M34W Marquette. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Father Marquette. 1902. E M342T Marryat. Hannay, David. Life of Frederick Marryat. 1889. E M345H Marsh. Marsh, Catherine M. Life of the rev. William Marsh. 2 v. 1867. E M349 Marshall. Marshall, Beatrice. Emma Mar¬ shall. 1901. E M3491 Marshall. Dickinson, Marquis F., ed. John Marshall. 1901. E M35D Exercises at the ceremony of unveiling the statue of John Marshall. 1884. E M35 Martin. Craik, Dinah Maria (Mulock), ed. A legacy; being the life and remains of John Martin. 1878. E M353 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. 2 v. 1877. E M355C Martineau. Drummond, James. Life and letters of James Martineau. 2 v. E M356D Jackson, Abraham Willard. James Martineau. 1900. E M356J Marty n. Bell, Charles Dent. Henry Martyn. 1881. E M359 Mary. Bell, Henry Glassford. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. 2 v. E M36B 18 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Mary. Dumas, Alexandre. Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. 1896. E M36D Kaufmann, Rosalie. Life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland. E M36K Strickland, Agnes. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. 2 v. 1873. E M36S Marysienka. Waliszewski, Kazimierz. Mary- sienka, queen of Poland. 1899. E M367W Mason, Francis. Story of a workingman’s life. 1870. E M38 Mather. Wendell, Barrett. Cotton Mather. 1891. E M42W Mather. Frink, Henry Allyn. Address com¬ memorative of Richard Henry Mather. 1890. E M422 Maurice. Maurice, Frederick, ed. Life of Frederick Denison Maurice. 2 v. E M438 Maury, Dabney Herndon. Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian and civil wars. 1894. E M44 Maximilian. Stevenson, Sara Yorke. Maxi¬ milian in Mexico: a woman’s reminiscences of the French intervention, 1862-1867. 1897. E M448S Maxwell. Glazebrook, Richard Tetley. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics. E M45G May. Mumford, Thomas. Memoir of Samuel Joseph May. 1873. E M455M Mazzini, Giuseppe. Life and writings. 6 v. 1890. E M457 Meade. Baclie, Ricliai'd Meade. Life of gen¬ eral George Gordon Meade. 1897. E M46B Medici. Armstrong, Edward. Lorenzo de’ Medici and Florence in the 15th century. 1896. E M465A Reumont, Alfred von. Lorenzo de’ Medici, the magnificent. 2 v. 1876. E M465R Roscoe, William. Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici, called the “ magnificent.” 1851. E M465 Mencius. See Meng-Tse. Meng=Tse. Legge, James. Life and works of Mencius. 1875. E M522L M6rim6e, Prosper. Letters to an incognita. 1874. E M54 Metternich = Winneburg, Clemens Wensel Nepomuk Lothar, reichxfiirst von. Memoirs. 4 v. 1880. E M565 Miles, Nelson Appleton. Personal recollec¬ tions and observations. 1897. E M59 Mill, John Stuart. Autobiography. E M598 Miller, Hugh. Autobiography; my schools and schoolmaster. 1854. E M599 Miller. Bayne, Peter. Life and letters of Hugh Miller. 2 v. 1871. E M599B Miller, Joaquin. My own story. 1890. E M61 Milnes. Reed, Thomas Wemyss. Life, letters and friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes, first lord Houghton. 2 v. 1891. E M63 Milton. Garnett, Richard. Life of John Milton. 1890. E M642G Masson, David. Life of John Milton. 6 v. 1881. E M642Ma Pattison, Mark. Milton. 1880. E M642P Mistral. Downer, Charles Alfred. Frfsd^ric Mistral. 1901. E M69D Mitford, Mary Russell. Life told by herself in letters to her friends. 2 v. 1870. E M695L Mohammed. Bush, George. Life of Mo¬ hammed. 1832. E M722B Irving, Washington. Mahomet and his suc¬ cessors. 2 v. 1850. E M722I Mohl. O’Meara, Kathleen. Madame Molil, her salon and her friends. 1886. E M7230 Moltke, Ilelmuth Carl Bernhard, count von. Moltke; his life and character. E M737 Monk. Corbett, Julian. Monk. 1889. E M74C Monroe. Gilman, Daniel Coit. James Mon¬ roe. 1883. E M755G Montague, Edward Wortley. Autobiography. 1870. E M757 Montague, lady Mary Wortley. Letters. E M758 Montaigne. Collins, William Lucas. Mon¬ taigne. 1879. E M759C Montefiore. Wolf, Lucien. Sir Moses Mon- tefiore. 1855. E M76W Montfort. Creighton, Mandell. Life of Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester. E M761C Montgomery. Knight, Helen C. Life of James Montgomery. 1857. E M763K Moody, Dwight Lyman. Echoes from the pulpit and platform; or, Living truths for head and heart; including the story of Moody’s life and work by rev. Charles F. Goss. 1900. E M77 Moody, William R. Life of Dwight L. Moody. 1900. E M77M Moore. Smiles, Samuel. The successful mer¬ chant ; the story of the life of George Moore. E M78 Moore. Symington, Andrew James. Thomas Moore the poet. 1880. E M785S More. Roberts, William. Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. 2 v. 1835. E M81R INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 19 Morgan. Graham, James, comp. Life of general Daniel Morgan. 1859. E M82G Morris, Clara. Life on the stage. E M825 Morris. Mackail, J. W. Life of William Morris. 2 v. 1899. E M83M Motley, John Lothrop. Correspondence. 2 v. 1889. E M85C Holmes, Oliver Wendell. John Lothrop Mot¬ ley. 1891. E M85H Mozley, Thomas. Reminiscences. 2v. E M877 Muhlenberg. Newton, William Wilberforce. Dr. Muhlenberg. 1890. E M892N Muller, Max. Auld lang syne. 1898. E M91 Murray. Tiffany, Nina Moore, and Lesley, Susan I., ed. Letters of James Murray, loy¬ alist. 1901. E M96 Musset. Barine, Mme. Charles Vincens. Al¬ fred de Musset. 1893. E39 M97B Musset, Paul Edme de. Biography of Alfred de Musset. 1877. E M97M Nansen. Brogger, W. C., and Rolfsen, Nor- dahl. Fridiof Nansen, 1861-1893. E N155B Napolbon I. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. His¬ tory of Napoleon Bonaparte, v. 2. E N16Ab Abrantbs, Laure Junot (Permon), duchesse d\ Memoirs of Napoleon. 2v. 1855. E Ab8 Bausset, L. F. J. de. Private memoirs of the court of Napoleon. 1828. E N16B IIowell-ap-Howell. Birthplace and childhood of Napoleon. 1896. E N16Ho Lanfrey, Pierre. History of Napoleon the first. 4 v. 1871. EN16L Las Cases, Emmanuel A. D. M. J., marquis de. Memorial de Sainte Helbne. 2 v. E N16L3 Lbvy, Arthur. Napolbon intime. E39 N16L Private life of Napoleon. 1894. E N16L5 Maitland, Sir Frederick Lewis. Narrative of the surrender of Buonaparte. 1826. E N16M Morris, William O’Connor. Napoleon, warrior and ruler. 1897. E N16Mo O’Meara, Barry Edward. Napoleon in exile. 2 v. 1823. E N160 Parquin, Charles. Napolbon’s victories. Ref. Ropes, John Codman. The lirst Napoleon. 1886. E N16R Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th earl of Rosebery. Napoleon, the last phase. 1900. E NlOIio Scott, Sir Walter. Life of Napoleon Bona¬ parte. 1871. EN16S Seeley, John Robert. Short history of Napo¬ leon the first. 1886. E NIOSe Napoleon I. Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, vis¬ count. Decline and fall of Napoleon. E N16W Napoleon III. Imbert de Saint-Amand, Ar¬ thur Lbon, baron. Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Montijo. 1897. E N161I Napoleon III at the height of his power. 1900. E N1611 v.2 Lano, Pierre de. The secret of an empire: the emperor Napoleon III. 1895. E N161L Roth, Edward. Life of Napoleon III. E N161R Smucker, Samuel Mosheim. Public and private history of Napoleon the third. 1859. E N161S Nasmyth, James. Autobiography. E N175 Neesima. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. 1891. E N29II Nelson. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Life of Nel¬ son. 2 v. 1897. E N33M Russell, William Clark. Horatio Nelson. 1900. E N33R Southey, Robert. Life of Nelson. E N33S Newman, John Henry. Apologia pro vita sua. 1887. E N46N Hutton, Richard Holt. Cardinal Newman. 1890. E N46H Newton. Brewster, David. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 1840. E N48B Nicholls. Gaskell, Elizabeth Clegliorn. Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1885. E N51 Shorter, Clement K. Charlotte Bronte and her circle. 1896. E N51S Nightingale. Pollard, Eliza F. Florence Nightingale. E N56P North, Marianne. Recollections of a happy life. 3 v. 1892. E N81S O’Brien. Sherman, Andrew Magoun. Life of captain Jeremiah O’Brien. 1902. E Ob6S O’Connell. Cusack, Mary Frances. The lib¬ erator. 2 v. E Oc5C Hamilton, J. A. Life of Daniel O’Connell. 1888. E Oc5H Oglethorpe. Bruce, Henry. Life of general Oglethorpe. 1890. E Og5B Oldfield. Robins, Edward. Palmy days of Nance Oldfield. 1898. E 012R Oliphant. Oliphant, Margaret Olipliant (Wil¬ son). Memoir of the life of Laurence Oli¬ phant and of Alice Oliphant. 2 v. E 0130 Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Au¬ tobiography and letters. 1899. E 013 O’Reilly. Roche, James Jeffrey. Life of John Boyle O’Reilly. 1891. E Or31l 20 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Orleans. Madame la duchesse d’ Orleans, H (Slime de Mecklembourg-Schwerin. E39 Or5 Ossoli. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1891. E Os7H Howe, Julia (Ward). Margaret Fuller. 1883. E Os7Ho Otis. Tudor, William. Life of James Otis. 1823. E Ot4T Paine. Conway, Moncure Daniel. Life of Thomas Paine. 2 v. 1892. E P1GC Palissey. Morley, Henry. Palissey the pot¬ ter. 2 v. 1853. E P174M Park. Thomson, Joseph. Mungo Park and the Niger. E P214T Parker. Chadwick, John White. Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer. E P224Cli Cooke, Frances E. Story of Theodore Parker. 1883. E P224C Frotliingham, Octavius Brooks. Theodore Parker. 1874. E P224F Weiss, John. Life and correspondence of Theodore Parker. 2 v. 1864. E P224W Parkes. Poole, Stanley Lane- Life of Sir Harry Parkes. 2 v. 1894. E P225P Parkman. Farnham, Charles Haight. Life of Francis Parkman. 1900. E P23F Parnell. O’Brien, Richard Barry. Life of Charles Stewart Parnell. 1898. E P24 Parsons. Parsons, Tlieophilus, jr. Memoir of Theopliilus Parsons. 1859. E P25 Parton. Parton, James. Fanny Fern. E P255 Pascal. Tulloeli, John. [Blaise] Pascal. EP26 Pascal. Cousin, Victor. Jacqueline Pascal. 1845. E39 P26C Pasquier, Etienne Denis, due. History of my time; memoirs. 2 v. 1894. E P264P Pasteur. Frankland, Percy and Mrs. Percy. Pasteur. 1898. E P267F Vallery-Radot, Marie Rend. Life of Pasteur. 2 v. 1902. E P267V Paton, John G. Autobiography. 2 v. E P27 Patteson. Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Life of John Coleridge Patteson. 2 v. E P274Y Pattison. Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora. [Dorothy Wyndlow Pattison.] E P275L Paul. Conyheare, William John and Howson, John Saul. Life and epistles of the apostle Paul. E P28C Farrar, Frederic William. Life and work of St. Paul. 1880. E P28F Howson, John Saul. Character of St. Paul. E P28H Payne. Brainard, Charles Henry. John Howard Payne. 1885. E P29B Penn. Burdette, Robert Jones. William Penn. 1882. E P385B Clarkson, Thomas. Memoirs of the private and public life of William Penn. E P385C Weems, Mason Locke. Life of William Penn. 1822. E P385W Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence. 10 v. in 5. 1887. E P39 Percival. Ward, Julius H. Life and letters of James Gates Percival. 1866. E P41W Perthes. Perthes, C. T. Life and times of Frederic Perthes. 1857. E P43 Pestalozzi. Kriisi, Hermann. Pestalozzi; his life, work and influence. 1875. E P434K Peter. Barrow, John. Memoir of the life of Peter the Great. 1840. E P437B Waliszewski, Kasimierz. Peter the Great. 1897. E P437W Petrarca. Reeve, Henry. Petrarch. E P44R Petroff, Peter. Ante-mortem depositions. 1895. E P447 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters from a life. 1896. . E P51 Phillipps. Waterston, Anna C. Adelaide Pliillipps. 1883. E P539W Phillips. Austin, George Lowell. Life and times of Wendell Phillips. 1884. E P54A Martyn, Carlos. Wendell Phillips, the agi¬ tator. 1890. E P54M Pinckney. Wheaton, Henry. Some account of the life and speeches of William Pinck¬ ney. 1826. E P65W Piozzi. Seeley, L. B., ed. Mrs. Tlirale, afterward Mrs. Piozzi. 1891. E P653S Pitt. Rosebery, Archibald Primrose, 5tli earl of Rosebery. Pitt. 1901. E P68R Plant. Smyth, G. Hutchinson. Life of Henry Bradley Plant. 1898. E P69S Poe. Gill, William Fearing. Life of Edgar Allan Poe. 1877. E P75G Woodberry, George Edward. Edgar Allan Poe. 1897. E P75W Poore, Benjamin Perley. Perley’s reminis¬ cences of sixty years. 2 v. 1886. E P795 Pope. Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope. E P812S Porter. Porter, David Dixon. Memoir of commodore David Porter. 1875. E P82 Porter. Merriam, George S., ed. Noah Por¬ ter. 1893. E P83M INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 21 Potocka. Herpin, B. A. Histoire d’une grande dame au XVIlIe sibcle: la comtesse Hdlbne Potocka. 1888. E39 P84H Prentiss. Life and letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss. 1882. E P91 Prescott. Everett, William. Oration in honor of colonel William Prescott. 1896. E P319E Prescott. Ticknor, George. Life of William Hickling Prescott. 1864. E P92T Procter, Bryan Waller. (Barry Cornwall). Bryan Waller Procter; an autobiographical fragment. 1877. E P94 Pynchon, William. Diary. 1890. E P995 Quincy. Quincy, Josiah. Memoir of the life of Josiah Quincy, jun. \_1744-1775 E Q39 Quincy. Quincy, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy. \1772-1864.] 1867. E Q4 Quincy, Josiah. [ 1802-1882 .] Figures of the past. 1883. E Q42 Rabelais. Besant, SirW alter. Rabelais. E R11B Raleigh. Creighton, Louise. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 1877. E R13C Gosse, Edmund. Raleigh. 1886. E R13G Kingsley, Charles. Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. 1870. E R13K Rameses. Tugnot de Lanoye, Augustin Fer¬ dinand. Raineses the Great. 1870. E R14T Randolph. Adams, Henry. John Randolph. 1882. E R15A Garland, Hugh A. Life of John Randolph. 1857. E R15G Reade. Reade, Charles L. and Compton. Charles Reade. 1887. E R22 Recamier. Lenormant, Amelie Cyvoct. Me¬ moirs and correspondence of Madame Recamier. 1867. E R243L Red=Jacket. Hubbard, J. Niles. An ac¬ count of So-go-ye-wat-ha; or, Red Jacket and his jjeople. 1886. E R25H Remusat. Memoirs of Madame de Rdmusat. 1880. • E R287 Renan, Ernest. Recollections and letters. 1892. E R29 and Henriette. Memoir and letters. E R291 Retz. Wilson, Thomas. Blue-beard; a con¬ tribution to history and folk-lore; being the history of Gilles de Retz of Brittany. 1899. E R296W Reynolds. Life and times of Frederick Rey¬ nolds. 1896. E R289 Rembrandt. Bolton, Charles Knowles. Saskia, the wife of Rembrandt. E R281B Richard. James, George Payne Rainsford. History of the life of Richard coeur-de-lion. 2 v. E R38 Richardson. Hackett, Frank Warren. A sketch of the life and public services of William Adams Richardson. 1898. E R387H Richelieu. Capetigue, Jean Baptiste Honord Raymond. Le marshal de Richelieu. 1857. E39 R39 Lodge, Richard. Richelieu. 1896. E R39L Richter. Lee, Eliza Buckminster. Life of Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. E R41L Ri is, Jacob August. Making of an American. 1901. E R45 Ripley. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. George Ripley. 1882. E R48F Ritch ie, Anne Isabella (Thackeray). Chap¬ ters from some unwritten memoirs. E R512 Ritter. Gage, William Leonard. Life of Carl Ritter. 1867. E R515G Robert. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace, 7 tli bt. of Monreith. Robert tlie Bruce. E R54M Robertson. Brooke, Stopford Augustus, ed. Life and letters of Frederick W. Robertson. 2 v. 1866. E R542 Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, reminiscen¬ ces and correspondence. 2 v. 1869. E R56 Robinson, William Stevens. [ Warrington .] Warrington pen-portraits. 1877. E R562 Rogers. Claydeu, Peter William. Rogers [Samuel] and his contemporaries. 2 v. 1869. E R63C Rogers. Rogers, Emma, and Sedgwick, Wil¬ liam T., ed. Life and letters of William Barton Rogers. 2 v. 1896. E R629 Romilly, Sir Samuel. Life: with a selection from his correspondence. 2 v. 1842. E R66 Ross, Janet Ann. Early days recalled. E R737 Rossetti. Bell, Mackenzie. Christina Ros¬ setti. 189a E R738B Rossetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti; his family letters. 2 v. 1895. E R739 Caine, Hall. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 1898. E R739C Cary, Elizabeth Luther. The Rossettis: Dante Gabriel and Christina. 1900. E R7391 Rothschild. Reeves, John. The Roths¬ childs. 1887. E R74R Rougeville. Lenotre, G. Le vrai chevalier de maison Rouge: A. I). J. Gonzze de Rougeville, 1761-1814. E39 R75L 22 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Rou sseau. Graham, Henry Gray. Rousseau. 1882. E R76G Morley, John. Rousseau. 2 v. E R76M Rowlandson, Mary. Narrative of the cap¬ tivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Row¬ landson. 1903. Ref. Ruskin, John. Praeterita; outlines of scenes and thoughts perhaps worthy of memory in my past life. 3 v. 1890. E R89 Collingwood, William Gersliom. Life and work of John Ruskin. 2 v. 1894. E R89C Mather, J. Marshall. John Ruskin; his life and teaching. 1890. E R89M Russell, George William Erskine. Collections and recollections. 1899. E R91 Safford. Safford, A. E. Memoir of Daniel Safford. 1861. E Sal5 Sage. Cornell University. Memorial exer¬ cises in honor of Henry Williams Sage. ESa2 Saint Pierre. Barine, Mine. Charles Vincens. Bernardin de St. Pierre. 1893. E Sa22B Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroi, due de. Me¬ moirs on the reign of Louis XV and the . regency. 3 v. E Sa25 Collins, Clifton Abraham. Saint-Simon. 1880. E Sa25C Lanneau, Eugfene de. Scenes et portraits choisis dans les m^moires authentique du due de Saint-Simon. 1878. E39 Sa2L Sala, George Augustus. Things I have seen, and people I have known. 2 v. 1894. E Sa34 Saladin. Poole, Stanley Lane. Saladin and the fall of Jerusalem. 1898. E Sa291 Salvini. Leaves from the autobiography of Tommaso Salvini. 1893. E Sa3 Sandwith. Ward, Thomas Humphrey, comp. Humphrey Sandwith. 1884. E Sa5 Sarcey, Francisque. Recollections of middle life. 1893. E Sa7 Souvenirs d’age mur. 1892. , E39 Sa72 Savonarola. Clark, William. Savonarola; his life and times. 1890. E Sa92C M’Hardy, George. Savonarola. 1901. E Sa92M Villari, Pasquale. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola. 2 v. E Sa92. Schamyl. Mackie, John Milton. Life of Schamyl. 1856. E SchlM Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Cor¬ respondence between Schiller and Goethe. 2 v. 1877. E Sch3G Carlyle, Thomas. Life of Friedrich Schiller. 1859. E Sch3C Schiller. Diintzer, Heinrich. Life of Schiller. E Sch3D Sime, James. Schiller. 1882. E Sch3S Schlegel. Sidgwick, Mrs. Alfred. Caroline Schlegel and her friends. 1882. E Sch35S Schuyler. Schuyler, George Washington. Colonial New York: Philip Schuyler and his family. 2 v. 1885. E Sch9 Scott. Twiss, Horace. Public and private life of lord chancellor Eldon. 2 v. E Sco79 Scott, Sir Walter. Journal. 2 v. 1890. E Sco8 Gilfillan, George. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 1870. E Sco8G Hay, James. Sir Walter Scott. E Sco8IIa Hutton, Richard Holt. Sir Walter Scott. 1878. E Sco8H Lockhart, John Gibson. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 7 v. 1837. E Sco8L Scott, Winfield. Memoirs. 2 v. 1864. E Sco82 Headley, Joel Tyler. Life of Winfield Scott. 1861. E Sco82H Wright, Marcus Joseph. General Scott. 1894. E Sco82W Seaton. William Winston Seaton of the “Na¬ tional intelligencer.” 1871. E Sel Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. Life and letters. 1871. E Se25 Segur, Louis Philippe, comte de. Memoirs and recollections. 1825. E Se35 Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de. Lettres choisies de Madame de S4vign4; accompagn^es de notes explicatives par Saint-Beuve. E39 Se8S Lettres de Madame de S6vign£, de sa famille et de ses amis, recueillies par Monmerque. E39 SeSM Boissier, Marie Louis Gaston de. Madame de S^vignfi. 1888. E Se83B Ritchie, Anne (Thackeray). Madame de S<$vign(j. 1882. E Se83R Sewall. Chamberlain, N. H. Samuel Sewall and the world he lived in. 1897. E Se85C Sewall. Tiffany, Nina Moore. Samuel E. Sewall. 1898. E Se851T Seward. Bancroft, Frederic. Life of William H. Seward. 2 v. 1900. E SeOB Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. William Henry Seward. 1896. E Se9L Shakespeare. Dali, Caroline Healey. What we really know about Shakespeare. E Shl3D Hugo, Victor. William Shakespeare. E SlilSII Knight, Charles. William Sliakespere. EShl3K INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 23 Shakespeare. Lee, Sidney. Life of William Shakespeare. 1899. E Shl3L Mabie, Hamilton Wright. William Shakes¬ peare. 1900. EShlSM Smith, Goldwin. Shakespeare the man. 1900. E Shl3S Ward, H. Snowden and Catharine Weed. Shakespeare’s town and times. E Shl3Wa White, Richard Grant. Memoirs of the life of William Shakespeare. 1805. E Shl3W Sharp. Stuart, Charles. Memoir of Gran¬ ville Sharp. 1836. E Sh25S Sharpe. Clayden, Peter William. Samuel Sharpe, egyptologist. 1883. E Sh251C Shelley. Moore, Helen. Mary Wollstone- craft Shelley. 1886. E Sh45M Shelley. Dowden, Edward. Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 v. 1886. E Sli46D Rabbe, Felix. Shelley the man and the poet. 2 v. 1886. E Sh46R Stoddard, Richard Henry, ed. Anecdote biography of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1877. E Sh46S Symonds, John Addington. Shelley. E Sli46Sy Trelawney, Edward John. Recollections of the last days of Shelley. 1858. E Sh46T Sheridan, Philip Henry. Personal memoirs. 2 v. 1888. E Sh51 Davies, Henry Eugene. General Sheridan. 1895. E Sh51D Memorial of Philip Henry Sheridan from the city of Boston. 1889. E Sh51B Sheridan. Moore, Thomas. Memoirs of the life of right honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 1825. E Sh511M Oliphant, Margaret Olipbant (Wilson). Sheridan. 1883. E Sh5110 Sanders, Lloyd Charles. Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. E Sli511S Sherman, John. Recollections of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 2 v. 1895. E Sh517 and William Tecumseli. Sherman letters. 1894. E Sh52T Sherman, William Tecumseli. Memoirs. 2 v. 1875. E Sli52 Bowman, Samuel M., and Irwin, It. B. Sher¬ man and his campaigns. 1805. E Sh52B Force, Manning Ferguson. General Sherman. 1899. E Sli52F Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson). Here and there and everywhere. 1898. E Sh55 Sherwood, Mary Martha. Life of Mrs. Sher¬ wood. 1857. E Sh56 Shillitoe. Tallack, William. Thomas Shil- litoe. 1867. E Sh 6 T Shipp, John. Memoirs of the extraordinary military career of John Shipp. 1890. E SI 168 Siddons. Boaden, James. Memoir of Mrs. Siddons. 1893. Ref. Sidney. Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. Sir Philip Sidney. 1891. E Sil3B Davis, Sarah Matilda. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. 1874. E Sil3D Siemens, Werner von. Personal recollections. 1893. E Sil4 Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. Letters of life. 1866. E Si22 Silliman. Fisher, George Park. Life of Ben¬ jamin Silliman. 2 v. 1866. E Si34F Simms. Trent, William P. William Gilmore Simms. 1892. E Si4 Sims, James Marion. Story of my life. E Si5 Smith, Charles Manley. The working-man’s way in the world. 1854. E Sm51 Smith. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Ger- rit Smith. 1878. E Sm53F Smith. Morison, John H. Life of the lion. Jeremiah Smith. 1845. E Sm54M Smith. Warner, Charles Dudley. Captain John Smith. 1881. E Sm55W Smith. Holland, Saba (Smith), lady. Memoir of the reverend Sydney Smith. 2 v. E Sm 6 Reid, Stuart J. Sketch of the life and times of the rev. Sydney Smith. 1885. E Sm 6 R Smith. Journals of the rev. Thomas Smith and the rev. Samuel Deane. 1849. E Sm61 Smith. Merriam, George Spring, ed. Story of William and Lucy Smith. 1889. E Sm65M Somerville, Mary (Fairfax). Personal recol¬ lections. 1874. E So5 Sophie Dorothea. Wilkins, William Henry. Love of an uncrowned queen. 1901. E So 6 W Sothern. Pemberton, T. Edgar. Memoir of Edward Askew Sothern. 1889. E So73P Soto. Wilmer, Lambert A. Life, travels and adventures of Ferdinand de Soto. E So75W Southey. Dowden, Edward. [Robert] Southey. 1880. E So 8 D Spencer. Macpherson, Hector. [Herbert] Spencer and Spencerism. 1900. E Sp32M Spencer. Rallies, Thomas. Memoir of the life and ministry of the late rev. Thomas Spencer. 1813. E Sp34R 24 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Spenser. Church, Richard William. [Ed¬ mund] Spenser. 1879. E Sp36C Spinoza. Martineau, James. Study of Spi¬ noza. 1882. E Sp4M Stael. Sorel, Albert. Mme. de Stael. 1890. E39 StlS Stevens, Abel. Madame de Stael. 2 v. E Stl4S Stanley. Bradley, George Granville. Recol¬ lections of Arthur Penrliyn Stanley. ESt23B Prothero, Rowland Edmund, and Bradley, George Granville. Life and correspondence of Arthur Penrliyn Stanley. 2 v. E St23P Stanley. Little, Henry William. Henry M. Stanley. 1890. E St24L Stanton. Gorham, George C. Life and pub¬ lic services of Edwin M. Stanton. E St27G Stearns. Stearns, William Augustus. Adju¬ tant Stearns. 1862. E St3 Stearns. Life and character of rev. Samuel H. Stearns. 1839. E St31 Steele. Aitkeu, George A. Life of Richard Steele. 2 v. 1889. E St32A Dobson, Austin. Richard Steele. E St32D Stein. Calvert, George Henry. Charlotte von Stein. 1877. E St325C Stein. Seeley, John Robert. Life and times of [baron von] Stein. 2 v. 1879. E St33S Stephenson. Smiles, Samuel. Life of George Stephenson. 1858. E St42S Stephenson. Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Life of Robert Stephenson. 2 v. 1866. E St43J Sterling. Carlyle, Thomas. Life of John Sterling. 1871. E St44C Sterne. Traill, Henry Duff. [Laurence] Sterne. 1882. E St45T Steuben. Kapp, Friedrich. Life of Frederick William von Steuben. 1859. E St46K Stevens. McCall, Samuel W. Tliaddeus Stevens. 1899. E St465M Stevenson, Robert Louis. Letters. 2v. E St471 Vailima letters. 2 v. E St47 Balfour, Graham. Life of Robert Louis Stev¬ enson. 2 v. 1901. E St47B Nicoll, William Robertson, and Chesterton, G. K. Robert Louis Stevenson. E St47N Stiles. Holmes, Abiel. Life of Ezra Stiles. 1798. E St5 Stillman, William James. Autobiography of a journalist. 1901. E St55 Stow. Stockbridge, John C. Memoir of the life and correspondence of the rev. Baron Stow. 1894. E St75S Stowe. Fields, Annie, ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1898. E St76F Stowe, Charles Edward, comp. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1889. E St76 Sullivan. Amory, Thomas C. Life of James Sullivan. 2 v. 1859. E Su5A Sumner. Memorial of Charles Sumner. ESu62 Pierce, Edward Lillie. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. 4 v. 1877. E Su62P Storey, Moorfield. Charles Sumner. E Su62S Sumner. Murray, William, et al. Memorial addresses on the life and character of James Sumner. 1895. E Su63 Swedenborg. Wilkinson, James John Garth. Emanuel Swedenborg. 1849. E Sw3W Swift. Craik, Henry. Life of Jonathan Swift. 1882. E Sw54C Forster, John. Life of Jonathan Swift, v. 1. 1876. E Sw54F Stephen, Leslie. Swift. 1882. E Sw54S Symonds. John Addington Symonds. 2 v. 1895. E Sy6 Tait. Benham, William, ed. Catherine and Crauford Tait. 1880. E T13B Tappan. Tappan, Lewis. Life of Arthur Tappan. 1870. E T16 Tasso. Hasell, Elizabeth Julia. [Torquato] Tasso. 1882. E T18H Taylor. Taylor, Marie, and Scudder, Horace E., ed. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor. 2 v. E T21 Taylor. Haven, Gilbert, and Russell, Thomas. Incidents and anecdotes of rev. Edward T. Taylor. 1872. E T211H Taylor. Howard, Oliver Otis. General Tay¬ lor. 1892. ET213H Montgomery, H. Life of major-general Zach¬ ary Taylor. 1860. E T213M Temple, Dorothy (Osborne) lady. Love letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple. 1901. E T24 Tennyson. Tennyson, Hallam. Alfred, lord Tennyson. 2 v. 1897. E T25 Teresa. Gilman, M. R. F. Saint Theresa of Avilon. 1889. E T269G Terry. Scott, Clement. Ellen Terry. E T27S Thackeray, William Makepeace. Collection of letters, 1847-1855. 1888. E T32 Crowe, Eyre. With Thackeray in America. 1893. E T32C Merivale, Herman, and Marzials, Frank T. Life of W. M. Thackeray. 1891. E T32M INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 25 Thackeray. Rideing, William Henry. Stray moments with Thackeray. 1880. E T32R Taylor, Theodore. Thackeray the humorist and the man of letters. 1864. E T32T Trollope, Anthony. Thackeray. E T32Tr Thackeray. Hunter, Sir William W. The Thackerays in India. 1897. E T325H Thaxter, Celia. Letters. 1895. E T335F Theodore. Fitzgerald, Percy. KingTheodore of Corsica. 1890. E T344F Theodoric. Hodgkin, Thomas. Theodoric the Goth. 1894. E T347 Thirl wall, Connop. Letters to a friend. E T349 Thomas. Froude, James Anthony. Life and times of Thomas Becket. 1878. E T35F Thomas. Johnson, Richard W. Memoir of maj.-gen. George H. Thomas. 1881. E T36J Thompson. Ellis, George Edward. Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, count Rumford. 1871. E T369E Thompson. Reception of George Thompson in Great Britain. 1836. E T37 Thompson, Samuel. Diary. 1896. E T375 Thoreau, Henry David. Familiar letters. 1894. v E T392f Letters to various persons. 1865. E T392 Clianuing, William Ellery. Thoreau, the poet naturalist. 1873. E T392C Salt, H. S. Life of Henry David Thoreau. 1890. E T392S Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. Henry D. Thoreau. 1883. E T392Sa Thring. Skrine, J. H. EdwardThring.ET413S Ticknor, George. Life, letters and journals. 2 v. 1876. E T43 Tilden. Cornell, William Mason. Life of lion. Samuel Jones Tilden. 1876. E T45C Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. Memoir, letters and remains. 2 v. E T56 Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaievitch, yraf. Childhood, boyhood, youth. 1886. E T585 Sergyeenko, P. A. How count L. N. Tolstoy lives and works. 1899. E T585S Toussaint. Lee, Hannah F. Memoir of Pierre Toussaint. 1854. E T645 Trelawney, Edward John. Adventures of a younger son. 1890. E T72 Trench. Trench, Maria, ed. Richard Chenevix Trench. 2 v. 1888. E T725 Trollope, Anthony. Autobiography. E T741 Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. What I remem¬ ber. 1888. E T742 Trumbull. Stuart, Isaac William. Life of Jonathan Trumbull, sr. E T77S Turgot. Say, Jean Baptiste Ltion. [Baron] Turgot. 1888. E T84S Valmore. Sainte-Beuve,Charles Augustin. Me¬ moirs of madame Desbordes-Valmore.E V24S Van Buren. Bancroft, George. Martin Van Buren. 1889. E V27B Shepard, Edwin M. Martin Van Buren. E V27S Vane. Hosmer, James Kendall. Life of young Sir Henry Vane. 1888. E V285H Vassa. Life of Olaudah Equiano, or, Gustavus Vassa. 1837. E V44 Vespucci. Johnson, Virginia W. America’s godfather, the Florentine gentleman. Ref. Victoria. Besant, Sir Walter. The queen’s reign and its commemoration. 1897. Ret. Lee, Sidney. Queen Victoria. 1903. E V66L Tooley, Sarah A. Personal life of queen Vic¬ toria. 1897. E V66T Voltaire. Espinasse, Francis. Life of Vol¬ taire. 1892. E V88E Hamley, Sir Edward Bruce. Voltaire. E V88H Morley, John. Voltaire. 1876. E V88M Parton, James. Life of Voltaire. 2 v. E V88P Waddington, Mary (King). Letters of a diplomat’s wife. 1903. E W12 Wallack, John Lester. Memories of fifty years. 1889. E W152 Walker. Kittredge, Frank Edward. The man with the branded hand. [Jonathan Walker.] 1899. E W151K Walpole, Horace. Letters. 2 v. E W165 Seeley, Leonard Benton, ed. Horace Walpole and his world. 1895. E W165S Walpole. Morley, John. [Sir Robert] Wal¬ pole. 1889. E W166M Ware. Ware, John. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, jr. 2 v. 1863. E W221 Ware. Hall, Edward B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. 1854. E W223H Warner. Memorial of professor Aaron War¬ ner. 1884. E W24 Warren. Life and times of Joseph Warren. 1865. E W25F Warren. Brown, Alice. Mercy Warren. 1896. E W254B Washington, Booker T. Up from slavery. 1901. E W269 Washington. Custis, George Washington Parke. Recollections and private memoirs of Washington. 1860. E W27C 26 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Washington. Everett, Edward. Life of George Washington. 1860. E W27E Fiske, John. Washington and his country. 1887. E W27F Ford, Paul Leicester. True George Washing¬ ton. 1897. E W27Fo Headley, Joel Tyler. Washington and his generals. 2 v. 1857. E W271H Irving, Washington. Life of Washington. 3v. E W27I Lodge, Henry Cahot. George Washington. 2 v. 1889. E W27Lo Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. 5 v. 1804. E W27M Ramsay, David. Life of George Washington. 1811. E VV27R Sparks, Jared. Life of George Washington. 1853. E W27Sp Weetns, Mason Locke. Life of George Wash¬ ington. 1825. E W27We Wilson, Woodrow. George Washington. 1903. E W27Wi Winthrop, Robert C. Washington, Bowdoin and Franklin. 1876. E W27W Washington. Wharton, Anne Hollings¬ worth. Martha Washington. 1897. E W274 Washington. Terhune, Mary Virginia. [Marion Ilarland.'] Story of Mary Washing¬ ton. 1893. E W275T Watson, Elkanah. Men and times of the Revolution. 1861. E W33 Watt. Muirhead, Janies Patrick. Life of James Watt. 1859. E W34M Wayland. Wayland, Francis, and Lincoln, Heman. Memoir of the life and labors of Francis Wayland. 2 v. 1867. E W36 Wayne. Stilld, Charles J. Major-general Anthony Wayne. 1893. E W367S Webster, Daniel. Private correspondence. 2 v. 1857. E W392 Curtis, George Tickuor. Life of Daniel Web¬ ster. 2 v. 1870. E W392C Hapgood, Norman. Dauiel Webster. E H392Ila Harvey, Peter. Reminiscences and anecdotes of Daniel Webster. 1877. E W392I4 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Daniel Webster. E W392L McCall, Samuel Walker. Daniel Webster. 1902. E W392M Pillsbury, Albert E. Daniel Webster, the ora¬ tor. E W392P Webster. Scudder, Horace Elisha. Noah Webster. 1882. ' E W394S Wedgwood. Smiles, Samuel. Josiah Wedg¬ wood. 1895. E W415S Wellesley, Arthur, duke of Wellington. Let¬ ters to Miss J. 1889. E W457 Gleig, George Robert. Life of Arthur, duke of Wellington. 1865. E W457G Hooper, George. Wellington. 1889. E W457H Wells. Narrative of the life and adventure of capt. Theodore Wells. 1874. E W47 Wentworth. Traill, Henry Duff. Lord Straf¬ ford. 1889. E W485T Wesley. Southey, Robert. Life of Wesley. 1820. E W51S Tyerman, L. Life and times of the rev. John Wesley. 3 v. 1872. E W51 Wesley. Clarke, Eliza. Susanna Wesley. 1886. E W513C West, Sir Algernon. Recollections. E W52 Whitman. Mowry, William A. Marcus Whit¬ man and the early days of Oregon. E W586 Whitman. Burroughs, John. Whitman. 1896. E W59B Clarke, William. Walt Whitman. E W59C Symonds, John Addington. Walt Whitman. 1893. E W59S Whittemore. Adams, John G. Memoir of Thomas Whittemore. 1878. E W61A Whittier. Hi gginson, Thomas Wentworth. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1902. E W614H Kennedy, William Sloane. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1892. E W614K Linton, William James. Life of John Green¬ leaf Whittier. 1893. E W614L Pickard, Samuel T. Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. 1894. E W614P Underwood, Francis Henry. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1893. E W614U Whittington. Besant, Sir Walter, and Rice, James. Sir Richard Whittington. E W616 Wilberforce. Price, Thomas. Memoir of William Wilberforce. 1836. E W645P Stoughton, John. William Wilberforce. E W645 Wilder, Marshall P. People I’ve smiled with. 1889. E W647 Wilhelm. Frederic, Harold. The young em¬ peror William II of Germany. 1891. E W65F Willard, Frances Elizabeth. Glimpses of fifty years. 1889. Gordon, Anna C. Willard. 1898. Willard, Sidney, manhood. 2 v. E W66 Beautiful life of Frances £. E W66G Memories of youth and 1855. E W663 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 27 Willard. Wheildon, William W. Memoir of Solomon Willard. 1865. E WG64W William. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Wil¬ liam the conqueror. 1888. E W668F William. Traill, Henry Duff. William the third. 1888. E W609T William. Putnam, Ruth. William the silent, prince of Orange. 2 v. 1895. E W672P Wilmot. Burnet, Gilbert. Life and death of John Wilmot, earl of Rochester. E W685B Wilson. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Henry Wilson. 1876. E W692 Wilson. Gordon, Mary (Wilson), comp. “Christopher North”; a memoir of John Wilson. 1863. E W693G Winslow, Anna Green. Diary, 1771. E W699 Winthrop. Twichell, Joseph Hopkins. John Wiuthrop. 1891. E W73T Winthrop, Robert Charles. Life and letters of John Winthrop. 2 v. 1864. E W73W Winthrop. Waters, Thomas Franklin. Sketch of the life of John Wiuthrop, the younger. 1899. E W731W Winthrop. Earle, Alice Morse. Margaret Wiuthrop. 1895. E W737E Winthrop. Winthrop, Robert Charles, jr. Memoir of Robert C. Winthrop. E W738 Winthrop, Theodore. Life and poems. EW739 Wirt. Kennedy, John Pendleton. Memoirs of the'life of William Wirt. 1866. E W745K Witt. Pontalis, Antonin Lefbvre. John de Witt, grand pensionary of Holland. 2 v. 1885. E W785P Woftington. Molloy, J. Fitzgerald. Life and adventures of Peg Woffington. E W82M Wolcott. Lawrence, William. Roger Wol¬ cott. 1902. E W829L Public services in memory of Roger Wolcott. 1901. E W829 Wolf, Joseph. Missionary journal and me¬ moir. 1824. E W83 Wolsey. Creighton, Mandell. Cardinal Wol- sey. 1888. E W836C Wood. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Fernando Wood. 1882. E WHS Woolman, John. Journal. 1871. E W88 Wordsworth. Knight, William. Life of William Wordsworth. 3 v. 1889. E W89K * Myers, Frederick William Henry. Words¬ worth. E W89M Wordsworth, Christopher. Memoirs of Wil¬ liam Wordsworth. 2 v. 1851. E W89W Wycliffe. Le Bas, Charles Webb. Life of Wiclif. 1832. E W97L Sergeant, Lewis. John Wyclif. 1893. E W97 Yates, Edmund. Fifty years of London life. 1885. E Y23 Youmans. Fiske, John. Edward Livingston Youmans. 1894. E Y82 Collective Biography. Cassell’s new biographical dictionary. Ref. Chorley, Henry Fothergill. Personal remin¬ iscences. 1874. E.9 C45 Clarke, Charles and Mary Cowden. Recollec¬ tions of writers. E.9 C548 Clarke, James Freeman. Memorial and bio¬ graphical sketches. 1878. E.9 C55 Cooke, Joliu Esten. Wearing of the gray. 1867. E.9 C77 Craik, George Lillie. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. 2 v. E.9 C84 Dale, Thomas Pelham. A life’s motto. E.9 D15 Dawson, George. Biographical lectures. 1886. E.9 D32 DeQuincey, Thomas. Biographical essays. 1860. E.9 D44 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Representative men. 1859. E.9 Em3 Farrar, Frederic William. Men I have known. 1897. E.9 F24m Seekers after God. E.9 F24 Fields, Annie (Adams). Authors and friends. 1897. E.9 F465a Shelf of old books. 1894. E.9 F465 Fields, James Thomas. Yesterdays with authors. 1872. E.9 F466 Forney, John Weiss. Anecdotes of public men. 2 v. 1873-81. E.9 F765 Forum library; autobiographies of Timothy Dwight, W. E. II. Lecky, B. L. Gilder- sleeve, Frederic Harrison, Edward Eggle¬ ston, F. W. Farrar, E. E. Hale, John Tyn¬ dall, A. P. Peabody, E. A. Freeman, Simon Newcomb, Georg Ebers. 1894. E.9 F775 Gilder, Jeannette Leonard and Joseph B., ed. Authors at home. 1889. E.9 G39 Goodwin, Parke. Commemorative addresses. 1894. E.9 G54 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. (Peter Parley.) Famous men of ancient times. E.9 G625fa Famous men of modern times. E.9 G625f 28 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. Griswold, Hattie Tyng. Home life of great authors. 1887. E.9 G882 Personal sketches of recent authors. 1899. E.9 G882p Hale, Edward Everett, ed. Lights of two centuries. 1887. E.9 H13 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Story of two noble lives. 3 v. 1893. E.9 II225 Harrison, Frederic, ed. New calendar of great men. 1892. E.9 H24 Harvard memorial biographies. 2 v. E.9 H26 Herbert, Henry William. (Frank Forester.) Persons and pictures from the histories of France and England. 1854. E.9 H42 Herrick, Samuel Edward. Some heretics of yesterday. 1885. E.9 II435 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Contempo¬ raries. 1899. E.9 H535c Horne, Richard Henry. New spirit of the age. 1844. E.9 H44 Howells, William Dean. Literary friends and acquaintances. 1900. E.9 H83 Hubert, Philip G., jr. Inventors. E.9 1186 Hundred greatest men. 1885. E.9 H89 Irving, Washington. Biographies and mis¬ cellanies. 1866. E.9 Ir8 Japp, Alexander Hay. (II. A. Page.) Golden lives. 1873. F.9 J275 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 1884. E.9 J34 Jerden, William. Men I have known. E.9 J47 Knight, Charles, ed. English cyclopajdia. 1856. Ref. Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Personal reminis¬ cences. 1875. E.9 K74 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Me¬ moirs of celebrated characters. 2 v. E.9 L16 Lempriere, John. Universal biography. 2 v. 1825. Ref. Lippincott’s universal pronouncing diction¬ ary of biography and mythology. 2 v. Ref. Little classics: Authors. 1875. E.9 L72 Lives of eminent persons. 1833. E.9 L75 McCarthy, Justin. Modern leaders. E.9 M13 Marden, Orison Swett. How they succeeded. 1901. E.9 M33 Martineau, Harriet. Biographical sketches. 1869. E.9 M36 Men of the time. 1868. E.9 M51 Men who were earnest. E.9 M52 Milnes, Richard Monckton, 1st lord Hough¬ ton. Monographs. 1873. E.9 M632 Moon, George Washington. Men and women of the time. Ref. Moore, Thomas. Personal reminiscences. 1875. E.9 M785 Muller, Max. Biographical essays. E.9 M91 New biographies of illustrious men. E.9 N42 Parton, James. Captains of industry. 1884. E.9 P255c Pressens6, Edmond Dehault de. Contempo¬ rary portraits. 1880. E.9 P92 Reddington, Cyrus. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. 1867- E.9 R245 Reed, Fanny. Reminiscences, musical and other. 1903. E.9 R25 Remarkable adventures of celebrated per¬ sons. 1860. E.9 R28 Ritchie, Anne Isabella (Thackeray). Book of sybils. 1883. E.9 R51 Rose, Hugh James. New general biographi¬ cal dictionary. 12 v. 1853. Ref. Rosetti, William Michael. Lives of famous poets. 1878. E.9 R735 Russell, William. Extraordinary men. E.9 R91 Sainte=Beuve, Charles Augustin. Portraits of men. 1891. E.9 Sa2 Seymour, Charles C. B. Self-made men. 1858. E.9 Se95 Shairp, John Campbell. Portraits of friends. 1889. , E.9 Shi Smalley, George Washburn. Studies of men. 1895. E.9 Sml4 Smiles, Samuel. Brief biographies. E.9 Sm4 Industrial biography. 1864. E.9 Sm4i Stephen, Leslie. Studies of a biographer. 2 v. 1898. E.9 St4 Stoddard, Richard Henry, ed. Under the evening lamp. 1892. E.9 St63 Thayer, William Makepeace. Men who win. 1896. E.9T33 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. Biographical essays. 1857. E.9 T79 Tyler, Moses Coit. Three men of letters. 1895. E.9 T97 Whipple, Edwin Percy. Recollections of emi¬ nent men. 1887. E.9 W58 Wilson, Henry. Wonderful characters. 1854. E.9 W69 Wolfe, Theodore F. Literary rambles. E.9 W83 EUROPE. Cox, Sir George William. Lives of Greek statesmen. 2 v. 1885. E32.9 C83 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 29 Hewlett, Henry Gay. Heroes of Europe. 1861. E30.9 1149 Magnus, Katie (Emanuel) lady. Jewish por¬ traits. 1889. E61.9 M27 Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Mak¬ ers of Florence. 1881. E35.9 013f Makers of Venice. 1888. E35.9 013v Makers of Modern Rome. 1888. E36.9 013 Plutarch’s lives. 5 v. 1863. E31.9 P74c Sprague, William Buel. Visits to European celebrities. 1855. E30.9 Sp7 Tuttle, Herbert. German political leaders. 1876. E47.9 T88 FRANCE. Bonnefon, D. Ecrivains modernes de la France. E39.9 B64 Cormenin, Louis Marie La Hayl, vicomte de. Eminent orators of France. 1876. E39.9 C81 Dubarry, Armand. Quatre c616brit6s. E39.9 1)85 Guerber, Helbne Adeline. Empresses of France. 1901. E39.9 G93 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Modern French¬ men. 1878. E39.9 1117 Houssaye, Arsfene. Men and women of the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1886. E39.9 H81 King, Edward. French political leaders. 1876. E39.9 K58 Richards, Laura E. (Howe). Glimpses of the French court. 1893. E39.9 R39 Vapereau, Louis Gustave, comp. Dictiounaire universal des contemporains. 1893. Ref. GREAT BRITAIN. Chambers, Robert. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. 4 v. 1835. Ref. Forster, John. Statesmen of the common¬ wealth of England. 1846. E45.9 F77 Guiney, Louise Imogen. Little English gal¬ lery. 1894. E45.9 G94 Hall, Mrs. Matthew. Lives of the queens of England before the Norman conquest. 1859. E45.9 1114 Hinton. Richard Josiah. English radical leaders. 1875. E45.9 H595 Hutton, Lawrence. Literary landmarks of London. 1893. E45.9 1197 Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the British poets. 4 v. in 2. 1854. E45.9 J62 Keddie, Henrietta. Tudor queens and prin¬ cesses. E45.9 K24 Lee, Sidney, ed. Dictionary of national biog¬ raphy. 63 v. 1885-1900. Ref. Supplement. 3 v. Ref. Lodge, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious per¬ sonages of Great Britain. 8 v. E45.9 L82 Mason, Edward T., ed. Personal traits of British authors. 4 v. E45.9 M38 Sainte=Beuve, Charles Augustin. English portraits. 1875. E45.9 Sa2 Sanborn, Katherine Abbott. Home pictures of English poets. 1869. E45.9 Sa5 Sheil, Richard Lalor. Sketches of the Irish bar. 2 v. 1858. E42.9 Sh21 Smith, Goldwin. Three English statesmen. 1879. E45.9 Sm55 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England. 12 v. 1859. E45.9 St8 Li ves of the queens of Scotland. 8 v. E43.9SI8 Tayler, Charles B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1867. E45.9 T21 Thackeray, William Makepeace. English humorists of the eighteenth century. E45.9 T32 Walton, Izaak. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sandersen. 2 v. 1832. E45.9 W17 Who’s who? 6 v. 1897-1899,1901-1903. Ref. UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Adams, Oscar Fay. Dictionary of American biography. 1901. Ref. Allen, William, comp. American biographi¬ cal dictionary. 1857. Ref. Appleton’s cyclopaedia of American biog¬ raphy. 7 v. 1887-1901. Ref. Drake, Francis Samuel, comp. Dictionary of American biography. 1872. Ref. Dyer, Oliver. Great senators of the United States. 1889. E83.9 D98 Flanders, Henry. Lives and times of the chief justices of the supreme court of the United States. 2 v. 1858. E83.9 F612 Foote, Henry Stuart. Bench and bar of the South and Southwest. 1876. E83.9 F73 Frost, John. Lives of the heroes of the American Revolution. 1857. E832.9 F92 Presidents of the United States. E83.9 F93 Halsey, Francis Whiting, ed. American authors and their homes. 1901. E83.9 H16 Hamm, Marglierita Arliua. Builders of the republic. 1902. E83.9 1118 Homes of American authors. E83.9 1175 30 GENEALOGY. Hunt, Freeman. Lives of American mer¬ chants. 2 v. 1856. E83.9 H91 Jones, A. D. American portrait gallery. 1855. E83.9 J71 Lamb’s biographical dictionary of the United States, v. 1-6. 1900-1903. Ref. Little journeys to the homes of American authors. E83.9 L72 Lossing, Benson John. Lives of celebrated Americans. 1869. E83.9 L89 Lives of the signers of the Declaration of American independence. 1870. E832.9 L895 Morgan, Henry James, ed. Canadian men and women of the time. 1898. Ref. Muzzey, Artemas Bowers. Reminiscences and memorials of men of the Revolution. 1883. E832.9 M985 Parker, Theodore. Historic Americans. 1870. E83.9 P22 Parton, James. Famous Americans of re¬ cent times. 1871. E83.9 P25 Peabody, Andrew Preston. Harvard gradu¬ ates whom I have known. 1890. E83.9 P31 Harvard reminiscences. 1888. E83.9 P31h Rose, George Maclean, ed. Cyclopaedia of Canadian biography. 1888. Ref. Sabine, Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of the loyalists of the American Revolution. 2 v. E832.9 Sal4 Seidle, Thomas C., comp. Photographs of the most eminent modern statesmen and politicians of the United States. 1894. Ref. Sparks, Edwin Erie. Men who made the nation. 1901. E83.9 Sp2 Library of American 1834-49. E83.9 Sp25 Henry, et al. Poets’ 1879. E83.9 St59 Sparks, Jared, ed. biography. 25 v. Stoddard, Richard homes. 2 v in 1. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Lives and deeds of our self-made men. 1889. E83.9 St6 Men of our times. 1868. E83.9 St6m Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey. Indian biog¬ raphy. 2 v. 1832. E80.9 T33 White, James T. National cyclopaedia of American biography. 9 v. 1893-99. Ref. Who’s who in America. 1899-1902. Ref. NEW ENGLAND. Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of eminent lawyers, statesmen and men of letters. 1821. E84.9 K72 New England historic genealogical society. Memoirs of several deceased members. 1878. E84.9 N44 Rand, John C., comp. One of a thousand. 1899. Ref. Spalding, J. A., comp. Illustrated popular biography of Connecticut. 1891. Ref. Spofford, Harriet Prescott, et al. Three hero¬ ines of New England romance. E84.9 Sp62 Winslow, Helen Maria. Literary Boston of to-day. 1903. E844.9 W74 Genealogy. Adams. Adams, Smith. Genealogy and his¬ tory of a part of the Newbury Adams family. 1895. EF Adi American ancestry. 12 v. 1887-1899. Ref. American genealogist. 1897, 1900. Ref. Barker. Parshall, James Clark, comp. Barker genealogy. 1898. EF B24P Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts. 1860. Ref. Boynton. Boynton, John H. and Caroline H., comp. Boynton family. 1897. EF B71 Dodge. Dodge, Joseph T. Genealogy of the Dodge family of Essex county, Mass. EF D66 Dudley. Official report of the reunion of the descendants of governor Thomas Dudley. 1893. EF D86 Farnsworth. Farnsworth, Moses Franklin, comp. Farnsworth memorial. 1897. EF F24 Field. Pierce, Frederick Clifton, comp. Field genealogy. 1901. Ref. Genealogical advertiser, v. 1-3. 1898-1900. Ref. Giles. Vinton, John Adams. Giles me¬ morial. 1864. EF G39V Greenleaf. Greeuleaf, James Edward, comp. Genealogy of the Greenleaf family. EF G84 Hall. Hall, David B. The Halls of New England. 1883. Ref. Harris. Harris, William Samuel. Harris family. 1883. EF H24 Hunton. Huntoon, Daniel T. V. Philip Hunton and his descendants. 1881. EF H92 Index to American genealogies. 1895, 1900. Ref, Kimball. Morrison, Leonard A., and Sharpies, Stephen P. History of the Kim¬ ball family in America. 1897. EF K56 HISTORY. 31 Lawrence. Lawrence, Robert M. Historical sketches of some members of the Lawrence family. 1888. EF L43 Leach. Chessman, Samuel, comp. Leach family record. 1898. „ EF M92 Mowry. Mowry, William Augustus. Mowry family monument. 1898. Ref. Munro. Munroe, James Phinney. Sketch of the Munro clan. EF M92 Navarre. Uenissen, Christian, comp. Na¬ varre ; or, Researches after the descendants of Robert Navarre. 1897. EF N22D New England historical and genealogical register, v. 55-56. 1901-1902. Ref. Parshall. Parshall, James Clark, comp. James Parshall and his descendants. 1900. EF P25 Prince. Prince, Frank A., ed. Genealogy of the Prince family. 1899. EF P93 Pope, Charles Henry. Pioneers of Massachu¬ setts. 1900. Ref. Rollins. Rollins, John R., comp. Records of families of the name Rawlins or Rollins in the United States. 1874. EF R65 Stiles, Henry Reed. Handbook of practical suggestions for the use of students in gene¬ alogy. 1899. EF St5 Smith, Sarah Saunders. Founders of the Massachusetts Bay colony. 1897. Ref. Wade. Wade, Stuart Charles, comp. Wade genealogy. 1900. Ref. Waters, Henry Fitzgilbert, comp. Genea¬ logical gleanings in England. 2 v. Ref. Wight. Wight, William Ward. The Wights; a record of Thomas Wight of Dedham, and of his descendants. 1890. EF W63 Wilbur. Wilbur, Asa, comp. Genealogical record of the Wilbur family. EF W05 History. GENERAL HISTORY. Allen, William Francis. History topics. Ref. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobliam, comp. Historic note-book. 1891. Ref. Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd. Fifteen de¬ cisive battles of the world. I860. F C86 Doran, John. Monarchs retired from busi¬ ness. 2 v. 1857. F.3 D728 Fisher, George Park. Outlines of universal history. 1885. F F53 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Outlines of history. 1873. F F89 Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates. Ref. Heilprin, Louis, comp. Historical reference book. 1898. Ref. Helmolt, Hans Ferdinand, ed. History of the world, v. 1,3, 4,7. 1902-3. Ref. Jamieson, Alexander. Conversations on general history. 1823. F J24 Larned, Josephus Nelson. History for ready reference. 6 v. 1894-1902. Ref. Lawrence, Eugene. Lives of British his¬ torians. 2 v. 1855. F.3 L44 Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783. F M274 Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern history. 1884. F P72 Powers, George W., comp. Important events. 1899. Ref. Ranke, Leopold von. Universal history. 1885. F R16 Reade, Winwood. Martyrdom of man. F R22 Ridpath, John Clark. Cyclopaedia of univer¬ sal history. 4 v. 1885. F R434 Smith, Philip. History of the world. 3 v. 1866. F Sm6 Stubbs, William. Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history. F St9 Tytler, Alexander Fraser. Elements of gen¬ eral history. 1825. F T99 Weber, George. Outlines of universal his¬ tory. 1854. F W38 Woodward, Bernard B. and Cates, William L. R. Encyclopaedia of chronology. Ref. Worcester, Joseph Emerson. Elements of history. 1866. F W89 ANCIENT HISTORY. Anderson, Robert E. Story of extinct civili¬ zations of the East. 1897. F02 An25 Boughton, Willis. History of ancient peo¬ ples. 1897. F02 B66 Herodotus. History of Herodotus. (Rawlin- son). 4 v. 1870. F02 1143 History. (Swayne.) F02 II43S Keary, Annie. Nations around Israel. F02 K21 Lenormant, Francois. Beginnings of his¬ tory. 1882. F02 L54 Lord, John. Ancient states and empires. 1869. F02 L89 Myers, Philip Van Ness. Outlines of ancient history. 1882. P'02 M99 Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. Lectures on an¬ cient history. 3 v. 1852. F02 N55 32 HISTORY. Rawlinson, George. Manual of ancient his¬ tory. 1869. F02 R195 Rollin, Charles. Ancient history. 4v. F02 R65 Schmitz, Leonhard. Manual of ancient his¬ tory. 1879. F02 Sch5 CRUSADES. Archer, Thomas A. and Kingsford Charles L. Crusades. 1900. F05 Ar2 Chronicles of the Crusades. 1870. F05 C46 Gibbon, Edward. Crusades. 1869. F05 G35 Gray, George Zabriskie. The children’s cru¬ sade. 1870. F05 G79 Michaud, Joseph Francois. History of the Crusades. 3 v. 1881. F05 M58 Mills, Charles. History of the Crusades. 1844. F05 M627 Mombert, Jacob Isidor. Short history of the Crusades. 1894. F05 M74 Proctor, George. History of the Crusades. 1860. F05 F94 PACIFIC OCEAN AND ISLANDS. Belcher, Diana, lady. Mutineers of the Bounty. 1871. F16 B41 Hopkins, Manley. Hawaii. 1869. F1611 H773 Jarves, James Jackson. History of the Ha¬ waiian or Sandwich islands. 1843. F1611 J295 Stevenson, Robert Louis. A foot-note to history: Eight years of trouble in Samoa. 1892. FI77 St4 Tregarthen, Greville. Australian common¬ wealth. 1897. F21 T71 EUROPE. Andrews, Charles McLean. Historical de¬ velopment of modern Europe. F307 An3 Bemont, Charles and Monod, G. Mediaeval Europe. 1902. F30 B42 Cambridge modern history, v. 1. 1902. Ref. Church, Richard William. Beginnings of the middle ages. 1893. F04 C47 Coan, Titus Munson, ed. Historical studies. 1883. F30 G63 Dyer, Thomas Henry. Modern Europe. 5 v. 1877. F30 D98 Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the Middle Ages. 1896. F04 Em3 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Chief periods of European history. 1886. F30 F89 Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries. 1874. F30 F92 Fyffe, Charles Alan. History of modern Europe. 3 v. 1890-91. F30 F99 Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. F07 H15 James, George Payne Rainsford. Dark scenes of history. 1850. F30 J23 Mackenzie, Robert. The 19th century—a history. 1880. F30 M19 Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Chronicles. 2 v. 1877. F30 M76 Murdock, Harold. Reconstruction of Europe. 1889. F30 M94 Muller, Wilhelm. Political history of recent times. 1882. F303 M91 Nichol, John. Tables of European history. 1888. Ref. Russell, William. History of modern Europe. 6 v. 1822. F30 R91 Schlegel, Friedrich von. Course of lectures on modern history. 1862. F30 Sch3 Seebohm, Frederic. Era of the Protestant Revolution. 1874. F30 Se3 Smyth, William. Lectures on modern his¬ tory. 1856. F30 Sm9 White, James. Eighteen Christian centuries. 1860. F30 W58 Yonge, Charles Duke. Three centuries of modern history. 1872. F30 Y8 GREECE. Bulwer, Lytton, E: G: E. L., lord Lytton. Athens: its rise and fall. F32 B87 Bury, John B. History of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great. F32 B95 Cox, Sir George William. Athenian empire. 1876. F32 C832 Curteis, Arthur Mapletoft. Rise of the Macedonian empire. 1890. F32 C94 Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece. 5 v. 1883. F32 C942 Gillies, John. History of ancient Greece. 4 v. 1822. F32 G41 Goldsmith, Oliver. Grecian history. F32 G57 Grant, Arthur J. Greece in the age of Pericles. 1893. F32 G763 Grote, George. History of Greece. 12 v. 1865. F32 G913 Harrison, James Albert. Story of Greece. 1885. F32 H24 History of Greece. 1829. F32 H62 Holm, Adolph. History of Greece. 4 v. 1899. F32 H72 HISTORY. 33 Howe, Samuel Gridley. Historica sketch of the Greek revolution. 1828. F327 H83 Joy, James Richard. Grecian history. F32 J84 Mahaffy, John Pentland. Alexander’s em¬ pire. 1898. F32 M27a Greek world under Roman sway. F32 M27g Problems in Greek history. 1892. F32 M27 Mitford, William. History of Greece. 8 v. 1823. F32 M67 Oman, Charles William Chadwick. History of Greece. 1895. F32 Oral Story of the Byzantine empire. F33 Oml Sankey, Charles. Spartan and Tliehan su¬ premacies. 1884. F32 Sa4 Smith, William. Smaller history of Greece. 1890. F32 Sm6s Stackhouse, Thomas. Epitome of the his¬ tory, laws and religion of Greece. F32 Stl Stanhope, Leicester. Greece in 1823 and 1824. 1825. F327 St25 Thucydides. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. 2 v. 1881. F32 T32J History of the Peloponnesian war. 2 v. 1836. F32 T42s Xenophon. Works; translated by H. G. Dakyns. 4 v. 1890. F32 X2 ITALY. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. Italy from the earliest period to the present day. F35 Ab2 Crawford, Francis Marion. Rulers of the South: Sicily, Calabria, Malta. 2 v. 1900. F35S C85 Duffy, Bella. Tuscan republics. F35 D87t Freeman, Edward Augustus. History of Sicily. 4 v. 1891-94. F35S F89 Gardner, Edmund G. Story of Florence. 1902. F35F G17 Gordon, Lina Duff. Story of Assisi. 1900. F35A GOO Hodgkin, Thomas. Italy and her invaders. 6 v. 1880. F35 H66 Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. Italy in the XIXth century. 1897. F35 L34 Lyman, Theodore. Political state of Italy. 1820. F35 L98 Machiavelli, Niccolo. History of Florence. 1847. F35F M18 Marguerittes, Julie de. Italy and the war of 1859. 1859. F35 M34 Marsh, John B. Stories of Venice and the Venetians. 1873. F35V M35 Orsi, Pietro. Modern Italy, 1748-1898. F35 Or8 Reumont, Alfred von. Carafas of Maddaloni. Naples under Spanish dominion. F35N R32 Sforzosi, Luigi. Compendious history of Italy. 1836. F35 Sf5 Sismondi, Jean Charles Leonard Simonde de. History of the Italian republics. F35 Si5 Sketches from Venetian history. 2 v. 1836. F35V V55 Stillman, William James. Union of Italy, 1815-1895. 1898. F35 St5 Symonds, John Addington. Renaissance in Italy. Age of the despots. 1898. F35 SyOa Catholic reaction. 2 v. 1898. F35 Sy6c Revival of learning. 1900. F35 SyOr Symonds, Margaret, and Gordon, Lina Duff. Story of Perugia. 1898. F35P Sy6 Thayer, William Roscoe. Dawn of Italian independence, 1814-1849. 2 v. F35 T334 Wiel, Aletliea. Venice. 1894. F35V W04 ROME. Allen, William F. Short history of the Roman people. 1890. F36 A152 Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome. F36 Ar6 Second Punic war. 1886. F36 Ar6a Beesly, Augustus Henry. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. 1896. F362 B392 Caesar, Caius Julius. Csesar; trans. by Wil¬ liam Duncan. 2 v. 1837. F362 C11D Commentaries; trans. by Anthony Trollope. 1875. F362 CUT Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars. 1864. F362 Cll Capes, William Wolfe. Roman history: the early empire. 1889. F363 C17 Creighton, Mandell. History of Rome. 1875. F36 C86 Curteis, Arthur Mapletoft. History of the Roman empire. 1875. F363 C94 DeQuincey, Thomas. The Cmsars. 1860. 1839. F363 D442 Duruy, Victor. History of Rome and of the Roman people. 16 v. 1883. Ref. Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 4 v. F363 G35 Gilman, Arthur. Story of Rome. F36 G42 Goldsmith, Oliver. Roman history. 2 v. 1786. F36 G57 Hodgkin, Thomas. Dynasty of Theodosius. 1889. F363 1166 Ihne, Wilhelm. Early Rome. F36 Ili5 34 HISTORY. Keightley, Thomas. History of Rome. 2 v. 1839. F36 K26 History of the Roman empire. F363 K26 Kingsley, Charles. The Roman and the Teuton. 1891. F36 K615 Leighton, R. F. History of Rome. F36 L53 Liddell, Henry George. History of Rome. 1870. F36 L015 Livius, Titus. History of Rome. 2 v. 1871. F36 L75S History of Rome. 5 v. F36 L75B Legendary history of Rome. 1883. Ref. Lord, John. Old Roman world. F363 L89 Merivale, Charles. General history of Rome. 1875. F36 M55g History of the Romans under the empire. 4 v. 1889. F363 M55 Roman triumvirates. 1876. F362 M55r Miles, Eustace II. History of Rome up to 500 A.D. 1900. F36 M59 Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome. 4 v. 1870. F362 M73 Niebuhr, Barthold George. History of Rome. 2 v. 1835. F362 N55 Pelham, H. F. Outlines of Roman history. 1893. F36 P367 Potter, George S. Founders of Rome. F36 P85 Sallust; trails, by William Rose. F362 Sa3R Seeley, John Robert. Roman imperialism. 1871. F363 Se3 Seignobos, Charles. History of the Roman people. 1902. F36 Se4 Smith, Reginald Bosworth. Rome and Car¬ thage; the Punic wars. 1887. F362 Sm6 Tacitus, Cains Cornelius. Historical annals. 3 v. 1832. F363 Til SWITZERLAND. Hug, Lina, and Stead, Richard. Switzerland. 1890. F38 H87 McCrackan, William U. Rise of the Swiss republic. 1892. F38 M13 Mackenzie, Harriet D. S. Switzerland. 1881. F38 M19 Mallet du Pan, Jacques. History of the de¬ struction of the Helvetic union and liberty. 1799. F38 M29 Wilson, John. History of Switzerland. 1832. F38 W69 FRANCE. Bicknell, Anna L. Life in the Tuileries under the 2d empire. 1895. F395 B47 Carlyle, Thomas. French revolution. 3 v. 1832. F393 C21 Commines, Philip de. Memoirs. 2 v. F39 C735 Crowe, Eyre Evans. History of France. 3v. 1831. F36 C385 Depping, George Bernard. Histoire des ex¬ peditions inaritimes des Normands. 1844. F39 D446 Faber, M. Sketches of the internal state of France. 1812. F394 Fll Fauriel, Claude Charles. Last days of the Consulate. 1886. F394 F27 Fetridge, W. Pembroke. Rise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871. 1871. F3952 F43 Forbes, Archibald, ed. War correspondence of the Daily News. 2 v. F3952 F74 Funck=Brentano, Frantz. Diamond neck¬ lace. 1901. F393 F96 Gardiner, Bertha Meriton. French revolu¬ tion. 1883. F393 G16 Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. Popular history of France. 6 v. F39 G94 Hazen, William Babcock. School and the army in Germany and France. F3952 1133 Headlam, Cecil. Story of Chartres. F39C 1134 Headley, Joel Tyler. Imperial guard of Na¬ poleon. 1856. F394 H34 Holst, Hermann von. French revolution. 2 v. 1894. F393 II745 Hooper, George. Waterloo. 1862. F394 1176 Houssaye, Henry. 1815. 1894. F394 H81 Hugo, Victor. History of a crime. F395 1187 Imbert de Saint Amaud, Arthur Leon, baron. France and Italy. 1899. F393 Im2 Revolution of 1848. 1895. F3949 Im2 Kitchin, George William. History of France. 3 v. 1885. F39 K645 Latimer, Elizabeth W. France in the nine¬ teenth century. 1893. F394 L34 Lebon, AndrA Modern France. F394 L49 Lowell, Edward J. On the eve of the French revolution. 1893. F393 L95 McCarthy, Justin Huntley. French revolu¬ tion. 2 v. 1890-98. F393 M128 Martin, Henri. Age of Louis XIV. 2 v. 1865. F392 M36 Decline of the French monarchy. 2 v. 1866. F392 M36m Popular history of France from the first revolution to the present time. 3 v. 1878. F393 M36 Masson, Gustave. Medifeval France. F30 M38 HISTORY. 35 Michaud, Joseph Framjois, and Poujoulat, Jean J. Nouvelles collection des mbmoires pour servir h 1’ histoire de France. 32 v. 1836-40. F39 M58 Michelet, Jules. History of France. 2 v. 1847. F39 M581 Mitchell, Donald Grant. Battle summer. 1853. F3949 M69 Morris, William O'Connor. French revolu¬ tion and first empire. 1896. F393 M83 Pardoe, Julia. Court and reign of Francis the first. 2 v. 1849. F39 P21 Episodes of French history. 1859. F394 P21 Perkins, James Breck. France under Mazarin. 2 v. 1886. F392 P4l Pullen, Henry William. The fight at Dame Europa’s school. F3952 P96 Ropes, John Codman. Campaign of Water¬ loo. 1893. F394 R68 Scott, Sir Walter. Tales of a grandfather— France. 1845. F39 Sco8 Sergeant, Lewis. The Franks. F3912 Se7 Siborne, William. Waterloo campaign, 1815. 1894. F394 Sil2 Smyth, William. Lectures on the history of the French revolution. 2 v. F393 Sm9 Sorel, Albert. L’Europe et la revolution fran 9 aise. 1885. F393 So6 Stephen, Sir James. Lectures on the history of France. 2 v. 1857. 1886. F39 St42 Stephens, Henry Morse. History of the French revolution. 3 v. 1886. F.393 St425 Student’s history of France. 1869. F39 St9 Sully, Maximilien de Bdtliune, due de. Me¬ moirs. 4 v. 1856. F392 Su5 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Ancient regime. 1876. F392 T13 Modern regime. 2 v. 1890. F394 T13 Tenot, Eugene. Paris in December, 1851. 1870. F3949 T25 Thiers, Louis Adolphe. Historical works. 4 v. 1845. F393 T341i v. 1, French revolution, v. 2-4, French consulate and empire. History of the French revolution. 3 v. 1840. F393 T34 Voltaire, Francis Marie Arouet de. Precis du sibcle de Louis XV. 1888. F392 V88 Watson, Thomas E. Story of France. 2 v. 1900. F39 W33 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Coppee, Henry. History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. 2 v. F40 C79 Dunham, Samuel Astley. History of Spain and Portugal. 1883. F40 D92 Froude, James Anthony. Spanish story of the armada. 1892. F40 F93 Hale, Edward Everett and Susan. Story of Spain. 1888. F40 H13 Hereford, Charles. History of Spain. 3 v. 1793. F40 H42 Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Modern Spain, 1788-1898. 1900. F40 H88 Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. Spain in the nineteenth century. 1898. F40 L34 Lynch, Hannah. Toledo. 1899. F40T L99 Morris, Charles. Historical tales; the ro¬ mance of reality—Spanish. 1899. F40 M83 Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick. His¬ tory of the war in the peninsula. 5 v. 1863. F40 N16 Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of the Moors in Spain. 1886. F40 P78 Prescott, William Hickling. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 v. 1838. F40 P92f History of the reign of Philip the second. 3 v. 1858. F40 P92p Stephens, Henry Morse. Portugal. F41 St4 Strobel, Edward Henry. Spanish revolution, 1868-1875. 1898. F40 St8 Watts, Henry Edward. Christian recovery of Spain. 1894. F40 W34 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Story of the Chris¬ tians and Moors of Spain. 1878. F40 Yo8 IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. Adams, William Henry Davenport. Under many flags. F43 Adi Burke, Thomas Nicholas. Ireland’s case stated in reply to Mr. Froude. F42 B92 Burton, John Hill. History of Scotland. 8 v. 1875. F43 B95 Dixon, B. Homer. Border or riding clans. 1889. F43 D64 Froude, James Anthony. English in Ireland in the eighteenth century. 3 v. F42 F93 Gribayedoff, Valerian. French invasion of Ireland in ’98. 1890. F42 G872 Lawless, Hon. Emily. Story of Ireland. 1888. F42 L42 Lawson, John Parker. Historical tales of the wars of Scotland. 3 v. F43 L44 Mackintosh, John. Scotland from the earli¬ est times to the present century. F43 M19 36 HISTORY. Mitchel, John. History of Ireland. 2 v. 1869. F42 M695 O’Connor, Thomas Power. The Parnell movement. 1891. F42 Oc5 Richey, Alexander George. Short history of the Irish people. 1887. F42 R39 Robertson, William. History of Scotland during the reigns of queen Mary and of king James VI. 2 v. 1761. F43 R54 Scottish clans and their tartans. Ref. Taylor, William Cooke. History of Ireland. 2 v. 1836. F42 T21 Tytler, Patrick Fraser. History of Scotland. 4 v. 1864. F43 T99 Wright, Thomas. History of Scotland. 3 v. F43 W93 ENGLAND. Adams, William Henry Davenport. The merry monarch ; or, England under Charles II. ' F4599 Adi Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of Eliza¬ beth. 1870. F4544 Ai4 Memoirs of the court of king James the first. 2 v. 1822. F455 Ai4 Armitage, Ella S. Childhood of the English nation. 1874. F451 Ar55 Ashton, John. Social life in the reign of queen Anne. 2 v. 1882. F4599 As3 Avaux, Claude de Mesmes, count de. Nego¬ tiations. 1755. F4553 Avl Bayne, Peter. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution. 1878. F455 B34 Besant, Sir Walter. Fifty years ago. 1888. F4599 B46 Bright, James Franck. History of England. 4 v. F45 B76 Burton, John Hill. History of the reign of queen Anne. 3 v. 1880. F4553 B95 Carrel, Nicolas Armand. History of the counter-revolution in England. F4553 C23 Church, Alfred John. Story of early Britain. 1890. F451 C474 Colby, Charles William. Selections from the sources of English history. 1899. F45 C67 Cordery, Bertha Meriton, and Philpotts, J. Surtees. King and commonwealth. F455 C81 Cory, William. Guide to modern English history. Part 1. 1880. F456 C81 Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth. 1876. F4544 C86 Dickens, Charles. Child’s history of Eng¬ land. 1899. F45 D55 Freeman, Edward Augustus. History of the Norman conquest. 5 v. 1876. F452 F89 Reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the first. 2 v. 1882. F452 F89w Froude, James Anthony. History of Eng¬ land. 12 v. 1870. F4544 F93 Gairdner, Janies. Houses of Lancaster and York. 1875. F4534 G12 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution. 1876. F455 G16 Green, John Richard. Conquest of England. 1884. F451 G82 History of the English people. 4 v. F45 G82 Making of England. 1882. F451 G82m Short history of the English people. F45 G82s Same. 4 v. 1893-95. Ref. Greville, Charles Conrad Fulke. Journal of the reign of queen Victoria. 2 v. F456 G86v Journal of the reigns of king George IV. and king William IV. 2 v. 1875. F456 G86 Guest, M. J. Handbook of English history. 1896. F45 G93 Hale, Edward. The fall of the Stuarts. 1876. F455 H13 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, and Clian- ning, Edward. English history for Ameri¬ can readers. 1893. F45 H535 Hume, David. History of England. 6 v. 1858. F45 1188 Student’s Hume. 1896. F45 H88s Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon. History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. 3 v. 1819. F455 H99 Jewett, Sarah Orne. Story of the Normans. 1879. F452 J55 Keightley, Thomas. History of England. 4 v. 1841. F45 K26 Knight, Charles. History of England. 8 v. F45 K74 Launcelott, Francis. Queens of England and their times. 2 v. 1894. F45 L22 Larned, Josephus Nelson. History of Eng¬ land. 1900. F45 L32 Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. England in the 19th century. 1894. F456 L34 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of England in the eighteenth century. 8 v. 1890. F45 L49 Lingard, John. History of England. 10 v. 1874. F45 L64 Loftie, William John. Coronation book of Edward VII. Ref. HISTORY. 37 Low, Sidney J., and Pulling, F. S., ed. Dic¬ tionary of English history. 1884. Ref. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. History of England. 5 v. 1861. F45 Mil McCarthy, Justin. History of our own times. 3 v. 1880-97. F456 M13 Story of the people of England in the nine¬ teenth century. 2 v. 1899. F456 M13p Mackintosh, Sir James. History of England. 2 v. 1831. F45 M21 History of the revolution in England in 1688. 1835. F455 M19 Miller, Thomas. History of the Anglo- Saxons. 1852. F451 M61 Milton, John. Britain under Trojan, Roman, Saxon rule. 1870. F451 M64 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of Eng¬ lish history. 1887. F45 M76 Morris, Edward Ellis. The age of Anne. 1877. F4553 M83 Oman, Charles William Chadwick. England in the nineteenth century. 1899. F456 Oml History of England. 1900. F45 Oml Palgrave, Francis. History of the Anglo- Saxons. 1867. F451 P178 Ranke, F. Leopold von. History of England. 6 v. 1875. F455 R17 Rhys, John. Early Britain: Celtic Britain. 1884. F451 R34 Robinson, John. History of England. 1827. 45 R56 Roger de Hoveden. Annals. 2 v. F451 R63 Scarth, Harry Mengden. Roman Britain. F451 Sca7 Stanhope, Philip Henry, lord Mahon. His¬ tory of England from the peace of Utrecht. 7 v. 1858. F456 St2 Stone, A. P. History of England. F45 St7 Story, Alfred Thomas. Building of the British empire. 2 V. 1898. F45 St75 Thierry, Augustin. History of the conquest of England by tbe Normans. 2 v. F452 T34 Traill, Henry Duff, ed. Social England. 6 v. 1897. F4599 T68 Trevelyan, George Macaulay. England in the age of Wycliffe. 1899. F4525 T72 Turner, Sharon. History of the Anglo- Saxons. 3 v. 1852. F451 T852 Wallington, Nehemiah. Historical notices of events occurring chiefly in the reign of Charles I. 2 v. 1869. F455 W155 Warburton, William Parsons. Edward III. 1875. F4525 W21 Whitelock, Sir Bulstrode. Memorials of English affairs. 4 v. 1853. F455 W58 Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William. Historical memoirs of my own times. 1784. F456 W92 Posthumous memoirs. 1836. F456 W92p Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Cameos from Eng¬ lish history. 5 v. 1880. F45 Y8 ENGLISH LOCAL HISTORY. Bristol. Hunt, William. Bristol. F45B 1192 Cambridge. Atkinson, Thomas Dinham. Cambridge described and illustrated. 1897. F45C At5 Carlisle. Creighton, Mandell. Carlisle. 1889. F45Ca C86 Cinque=ports. Burrows, Montague. Cinque- ports. 1888. F45Ci B94 Exeter. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Exe¬ ter. 1890. F45E F88 London. Dixon, William Hepworth. Her majesty’s tower. 1869. F45L D64 Loftie, William John. History of London. 2 v. 1884. . F45L L82 History of London : Supplement. F45LL82s London. 1889. F45L L821i Man, Isle of. Caine, Hall. Little Manx na¬ tion. F45M C12 Oxford. Boase, Charles William. Oxford. 1890. F450 B63 Winchester. Kitchin, George William. Win¬ chester. 1890. F45W K65 NETHERLANDS. Blok, Petrus Johannes. History of the peo¬ ple of the Netherlands. 2 v. 1898. F46 B62 Grattan, Thomas Colley. History of the Netherlands. 1831. F46 G77 Griffis, William Elliot. Brave little Holland. 1894. F467 G87 Motley, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands. 4 v. 1868. F46 M85n Rise of the Dutch republic. 3 v. F46 M85d Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. Story of Holland. 1889. F467 R632 Smith, Ernest Gilliat. Story of Bruges. 1901. F468B Sm5 Young, Alexander. History of the Nether¬ lands. 1884. F46 Y 85 GERMANY. Bryce, James. Holy Roman empire. F47 B84 38 HISTORY. Freytag, Gustav, ed. Bilder aus der deut- sclien Yergangenheit. 2 v. 1860. F47 F89 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. Thirty years’ war. 1874. F475 G16 Gould, Sabine Baring- Story of Germany. 1886. F47 G73 Headlam, Cecil. Story of Nuremberg. 1899. F47N 1134 Longman, Frederick William. Frederick the Great and the seven years’ war. F47 L86 Peake, Elizabeth, comp. History of the Ger¬ man emperors. 1874. F47 P31 Robertson, William. History of the reign of the emperor Charles the fifth. 3 v. F47 R54 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. History of the thirty years’ war. F475 Sch3 Sergeant, Lewis. The Franks. F3912 Se7 Sybel, Heinrich Karl L. von. Founding of the German empire. 7 v. 1890-98. F47 Syl Taylor, Bayard. History of Germany. F47T21 Trench, Richard Chenevix. Gustavus Adol¬ phus in Germany. 1872. F475 T72 Tuttle, Herbert. History of Prussia. 4 v. 1892-6. F47rr T88 Zimmern, Helen. Hansa towns. F47I1 Z65 SCANDINAVIA. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Story of Norway. 1886. F51 B69 Bradley, Henry. Story of the Goths. 1888. F533 B72 Carlyle, Thomas. Early kings of Norway. 1875. F51 C195 Crichton, Andrew, and Wheaton, Henry. Scandinavia, ancient and modern. 2 v. 1843. F48 C86 Otte, Elise C. Scandinavian history. F48 Ot8 Sheridan, Charles Francis. History of the late revolution in Sweden, 1772. F52 Sli5 Sinding, Paul C. History of Scandinavia. 1859. F48 Si6 Snorre, Sturlason. The Heimskringla. 4 v. 1889. F51 Su5 Watson, Paul Barron. Swedish revolution under Gustavus Yasa. 1889. F52 W33 RUSSIA.—POLAND.— AUSTRIA. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. Empire of Austria. 1859. F56 Ab2 Empire of Russia. 1860. F54 Ab2 Codman, John. American transport in the Crimean war. 1896. F54C C65 Fletcher, James. History of Poland. F55 F63 Frederic, Harold. New exodus. F54 F873 Ham ley, Sir Edward Bruce. War in the Crimea. 1890. F54C H187 Hordynski, Joseph. History of the late Polish revolution. [1830.] 1832. F55 H78 Kinglake, Alexander William. Invasion of the Crimea. 6 v. 1874-88. F54C K59 Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century. F546 L34 Maurice, Charles Edmund. Story of Bohemia. 1896. ' F58 M44 Morfill, William Richard. Poland. F55 M82 Russia. 1901. F54 M82 Noble, Edmund. Russia and the Russians. 1901. F54 N67 Porter, Sir Robert Ker. Narrative of the campaign in Russia, 1812. 1814. F54 P83 Rambaud, Alfred. History of Russia. 3 v. 1886. F54 R14 Segur, Phillippe, comte de. History of the expedition to Russia. 2 v. F54 Se3 Vambery, Arminius. Story of Hungary. 1886. F57 Y25 Whitman, Sidney. Austria. 1899. F56 W61 TURKISH EMPIRE. Brockett, Linus Pierpont, and Bliss, Porter C. Conquest of Turkey. 1878. F29 B78 Daily News. War correspondence of the Daily News, 1877. 2 v. 1878. F59 D14 Dwight, Henry O. Turkish life in war time. 1881. F59 D96 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Ottoman power in Europe. 1877. F29 F87 Hutton, William Holden. Constantinople. 1900. F59C H97 Miller, William. The Balkans. Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro. F59 M61 Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of Turkey. 1888. F29 P79 ASIA, WESTERN AND SOUTHWESTERN. Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler. Persia. 1901. F635 B43 Clark, Edson Lyman. The Arabs and the Turks. 1876. F62 C55 Crichton, Andrew. History of Arabia. 2 v. 1840. F62 C86 Fraser, James Bailie. Historical and de¬ scriptive account of Persia. 1834. F635 F86 Freeman, Edward Augustus. History and conquests of the Saracens. 1876. F02 F87 HISTORY. 39 Gibbon, Edward. Rise and fall of the Saracen empire. 1870. F62 G35 Gilman, Arthur. Story of the Saracens. 1889. F62 G42 Greene, Frederick Davis. Armenian crisis in Turkey. 1895. F604 G83 Ockley, Simon. History of the Saracens. 1848. F62 Oc4 Ragozin, Z^naide A. Assyria. F634 R13 Story of Chaldea. 1886. F632 R12 Media, Babylon and Persia. 1888. F635 R13 Rawlinson, George. Five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world. 3 v. F63 R195 Parthia. 1901. F637 R19s Seventh great Oriental monarchy. [Persia.] 2 v. 1882. F635 R19 Sixth great Oriental monarchy. [Parthia.] 1873. F637 R19 Story of Phoenicia. 1889. F608 R19 JEWS.—PALESTINE. Adams, Hannah. History of the Jews. 2 v. 1812. F61 Adi Edrehi, Moses. Historical account of the ten tribes settled beyond the river Sambatyan. 1855. F61 Ed7 Ewald, Heinrich. History of Israel. 5 v. 1869. F61 Ewl Hosmer, James Kendall. Story of the Jews. 1886. F61 1179 liuie, James A. History of the Jews. F61 H87 Hunter, P. H. After the exile. 2 v. F61 II915 Jewish question and the mission of the Jews. 1894. F61 J55 Josephus, Flavius. Jewish war. F61 J772 Kitto, John. History of Palestine. F61 K65 Milman, Henry Hart. History of the Jews. 3 v. 1870. F61 M63 Morrison, W. Douglas. Jews under Roman rule. 1890. F61 M832 Palmer, Edward Henry. History of the Jew¬ ish nation. 1875. F61 P18 Renan, Ernest. History of the people of Israel. 5 v. 1895. F61 R29 Tillotson, John. History of Palestine and the Holy Land. 1875. F61 T46 CHINA.-JAPAN.-INDIA. Douglas, Robert Kennaway. China. F66 D75 Frazer, R. W. British India. 1897. F69 F86 Landor, A. Henry Savage. China and the allies. 2 v. 1901. F66 1,24 Malleson, George Bruce. Indian mutiny of 1857. F69 M293 Mitchell, William Forbes. Reminiscences of the great mutiny, 1857-59. 1894. F69 M693 Murray, David. Story of Japan. F67 M96 Murray, Hugh. Historical and desci-iptive account of British India. 3 v. F69 M96 Ragozin, Z4naYde A. Story of Vedic India. 1895. F69 R125 Williams, Samuel Wells and Frederick Wells. History of China. 1897. F66 W67 Younghusband, George ,1. and Frank E. Re¬ lief of Chitral. 1895. F69 Y85 AFRICA: EGYPT —NILE VALLEY. Birch, Samuel. Egypt from the earliest times to B.C. 300. 1875. F71 B53 Brugsch, bey, Heinrich Karl. True story of the exodus of Israel. 1880. F71 B83 Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer. River war. [Egyptian Soudan.] 2 v. F725 C47 Davis, Charles H. S., and Cobern, Camden M. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern dis¬ coveries. Ref. Edwards. Amelia Blandford. Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers. 1891. F71 Ed9 Kenrick, John. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 v. 1852. F71 K41 Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles. Dawn of civilization: Egypt and Chaldea. 1894. Ref. Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of Cairo. 1902. F71C P78 Rawlinson, George. History of ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1882. F71R194 Story of ancient Egypt. 1890. F71 R194s Russell, Michael. Nubia and Abyssinia. 1840. F724 R91 Steevens, George Warrington. With Kitch¬ ener to Khartum. 1900. F7134 St3 Waters, Clara Erskine (Clement). Egypt. 1880. F71 W31 SOUTH AFRICA. Bagot, Dosia. Shadows of the war. F743 B15 Barnes, James. Great war trek. F743 B26 Bryce, James, et al. Briton and Boer. 1900. F743 B84 Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer. Lon¬ don to Ladysmith, via Pretoria. F74 C47 Davis, Richard Harding. Dr. Jameson’s raiders vs. the Johannesburg reformers. 1897. F743 D29 With both armies in South Africa. F743 D29w 40 HISTORY. Doyle, A. Conan. Great Boer war. F743 D77 War in South Africa. 1002. F743 D77w Hammond, Natalie, Mrs. John. Woman’s part in a revolution. 1897. F743 H17 Hillegas, Howard C. Oom Paul’s people. 1899. F743 H55 Menpes, Mortimer. War impressions. Ref. Steevens, George Warrington. From Cape Town to Ladysmith. 1000. F743 St3 Theal, George M’Call. South Africa. F74 T34 NORTH AFRICA. Church, Alfred John, and Gilman, Arthur. Story of Carthage. 1886. F794 C47 Poole, Stanley Lane- and Kelley, James D. Jerrold. Story of the Barbary corsairs. 1890. F79 P784 Russell, Michael. History and present con¬ dition of the Barbary States. 1835. F79 R91 Smith, Reginald Bosworth. Carthage and the Carthaginians. 1894. F794 Sm6 AMERICA.—INDIANS. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Native races of the Pacific states. 5 v. 1875. F801 B22 Beach, WAV'., ed. Indian miscellany. F801 B35 Catlin, George. Letters and notes on the manners, customs and traditions of the North American Indians. 2 v. F804 C28 Child, Lydia Maria. First settlers of New England. 1829. Ref. Drake, Samuel Gardner. Biography and his¬ tory of the Indians of North America. 1857. F804 D78 Eickemeyer, Carl, and Lilian Wescott. Among the Pueblo Indians. 1895. F80P Ei2 Hoyt, E. Antiquarian researches. Ref. Humfreville, J. Lee. Twenty years among our savage Indians. 1897. F804 1188 Indian ; the Northwest, 1600-1900. F804 Iu3 Jackson, Helen M. [1/. //.] Century of dis¬ honor. 1881. F809 J13 Johnson, Anna C. [Minnie Myrtle .] The Iroquois. 1855. F804 J62 Kidder, Frederic. Expeditions of capt. John Lovewell and his encounters with the Indians. 1865. F807 K53 Markham, Richard. Narrative history of king Philip’s war. 1883. F807 M34 Miller, Joaquin. Life amongst the Modocs. 1873. F80M M61 Moncrieff, Ascott Robert Hope. Men of the backwoods. 1880. F804 M74 Parkman, Francis. History of the con¬ spiracy of Pontiac. 1851. F807 P23 Payne, Edward John. History of the new world called America. 2 v. F801 P29 Pidgeon, William. Traditions of De-coo-dah and antiquarian researches. 1858. F805 F59 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers. F804 Sch6 Wallace, Susan Arnold. Land of the Pueb¬ los. 1889. F80P W15 Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical his¬ tory of America. 8 v. 1889. Ref. BRITISH AMERICA, CANADA, AND THE PROVINCES. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887. F821 B22 Bourinot, Sir John George. Story of Canada- 1896. F82 B66 Drake, Samuel Adams. Taking of Louis- burg, 1745. 1891. F8297 D78 Fiske, John. New France and New England. 1902. F816 F54 Gow, John Milne. Cape Breton. F8297 G74 Hatton, Joseph, and Harvey, Moses. New¬ foundland. 1883. F819 1128 Huyshe, George Lightfoot. Red River expe¬ dition. 1871. F817 1198 Parkman, Francis. France and England in North America. 7 v. 1865-84. F816 P23 v. 1, Pioneers of France in the new world, v. 2, Jesuits in North America, v. 3, Discovery of the great West. v. 4, Old regime in Canada, v. 5, Count Frontenae and New France, v. 6, Half century of conflict, v. 7, Montcalm and Wolfe. Roberts, Charles George Douglas. History of Canada. 1897. F82 R53 Sandham, Alfred. Ville-Marie. F82M Sa5 Smith, Goldwiu. Canada and the Canadian question. 1891. F82 Sm54 UNITED STATES. American historical association. Annual re¬ ports: 1892, 1894-1898. F83 Am29 American historical review, v. 1, 3-7. 1896, 1898-1902. F83 Am3 American history leaflets, 1-6. 1892. Ref. American monthly magazine, v. 14-19. 1899- 1901. F83 A m 32 Andrews, E. Benjamin. History of the United States. 2 v. 1894. F83 An26 HISTORY. 41 Bancroft, George. History of the United States. 10 v. 1854-1874. F83 B22 v. 6-10. Revolution. Barnes. Popular history of the United States of America. 1875. F83 B267 Brady, Cyrus Townsend. American fights and fighters. 1900. F83 B72 Brayman, James O., ed. Daring deeds of American heroes. 1859. F83 B735 Bryant, William Cullen, and Gay, Sydney Howard. Popular history of the United States. 4 v. 1876. F83 B84 Channing, Edward, and Hart, Alberts. Guide to the study of American history. 1896. Ref. Childs, Emery E. History of the United States. 1886. F83 C43 Cornman, Oliver P., and Gerson, Oscar. Brief topical survey of United States history. 1901. F83C81 Fiske, John. History of the United States for schools. 1894. F83 F54 Gilman, Arthur. History of the American people. 1883. F83 G42 Griffin, A. P. C. Index of the literature of American local history. 1896. Ref. Griffis, William Elliot. Romance of conquest. 1899. F83 G87 Harper’s encyclopaedia of United States his¬ tory. 5 v. 1902. Ref. Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. American history told by contemporaries. 4 v. 1897-1901. F83 H26 v. 1, Era of colonization, 1492-1689. v. 2, Building the republic, 1689-1783. v. 3, National expansion, 1783- 1845. Welding of the nation, 1845-1900. Source-book of American history. 1899. Ref. Hildreth, Richard. History of the United States of America. 6 v. 1852. F83 H54 Historical magazine and notes and queries. v. 1-5, 10-21. 1857-1861, 1867-73. Ref. Holmes, Abiel. American annals. 2 v. 1805. F83 H73 Jameson, John Franklin, comp. Dictionary of United States history, 1492-1894. Ref. Johnston, Alexander. United States; its history and constitution. 1889. F83 J64 Larned, J. N., ed. Literature of American history. 1902. Ref. Library of American history. 6 v. 1900. Ref. Magazine of American history, v. 8, 11, 14- 21,25. 1882-1891. Ref. Montgomery, David Henry. Leading facts of American history. 1902. F83 M76 Old South leaflets. 5 v. 1896-1902. Ref. Patton, Jacob Harris. Concise history of the American people. 2 v. 1882. F83 P27 Perkins, Frederic Beecher. Check list of American local history. 1876. Ref. Richardson, Abby Sage. History of our country. 1876. F83 R39 Sherwood, John D. Comic history of the United States. 1881. F83 Sh5 Sparks, Edwin Erie. Expansion of the Amer¬ ican people, social and territorial. F83 Sp2 Tileston, Edward G. Handbook of the ad¬ ministrations of the United States. 1871. Ref. Townsend, Malcolm, comp. U. S. 1890. Ref. Willard, Emma. History of the United States. 1848. F83 W66 Williams, George A. Topics and references in American history. 1897. Ref. Wilson, Annie. Compendium of United States history and literature, with contem¬ porary events. 1896. Ref. Wilson, Joseph T. The black phalanx; a history of the negro soldiers of the United States in the wars of 1775-1812, 1861-65. 1888. F83 W69 Wilson, Woodrow. History of the American people. 5 v. 1902. F83 W694 COLONIAL PERIOD. Bradley, A. G. Fight with France for North America. F831 B72 Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Colonial fights and fighters. 1901. F831 B724 Brown, Alexander, ed. Genesis of the United States. 2 v. 1890. F831 B81 Doyle, John A. English colonies in America. 3 v. 1899. F831 D77 Eggleston, Edward. Beginners of a nation. 1896. F831 Eg3 Elliott, Helen Ainslie (Smith). The thirteen colonies. 2 v. 1901. F831 E16 Fisher, George Park. The colonial era. 1892. F831 F53 Fiske, John. Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2 v. 1899. F831 F54 Grahame, James. History of the United States. 4 v. 1845. F831 G76 Griffis, William Elliot. Romance of Ameri¬ can colonization. 1898. F831 G87 Grimshaw, William. History of the United States. 1820. F831 G88 Johnson, Rossiter. History of the French' war. 1882. F831 .163 42 HISTORY. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Short history of the English colonies in America. 1881. F831 L82 Lossing, Benson John. History of the United States. 1860. F831 L893 Lowery, Woodbery. Spanish settlements within the present limits of the United States, 1513-1561. 1901. F831 L95 Robertson, William. History of America. 2 v. 1821. F831 R54 Sill, Frederick S., comp. Year book of colo¬ nial times. 1899. Ref. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. The colonies, 1492- 1750. 1891. F831 T42 Washington, George. Journal in 1754. 1893. F831 W27 Winsor, Justin. Westward movement. 1897. F831 W73w REVOLUTION. Abbott, Edward. Revolutionary times. 1876. F832 Abl Adams, John, and Sewall, Jonathan. Nov- anglus and Massachusettensis. F832 Adi Balch, Thomas. French in America. 2 v. 1895. F832 B18 Botta, Charles. History of the war of inde¬ pendence. 3 v. 1820. F832 B65 Centennial orations commemorative of the opening events of the American revolution. 1875. F832 C33 Codman, John, 2d. Arnold’s expedition to Quebec. 1901. F832Q C65 Deux-Ponts, William, comte de. My cam¬ paigns in America. 1868. F832 D49 Drake, Samuel Adams. Burgoyne’s invasion of 1777. 1889. F832 D78 Tea leaves. 1884. Ref. Eelking, Max von. German allied troops in the North American war of independence. 1893. F832 Ee5 Ellet, Elizabeth Fries. Domestic history of the American revolution. 1876. F832 E15 Fiske, John. American revolution. 2 v. 1891. F832 F54 Frothingham, Richard, jr. History of the siege of Boston and of the battles of Lexing¬ ton, Concord and Bunker Hill. F832B F93 Gilmore, James Roberts. [Edmund Kirke.\ Rear-guard of the revolution. 1886. F832 G42 Greene, George Washington. Historical view of the American revolution. 1865. F823 G83 Hamilton, John Church. History of the re¬ public of the United States, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and of his cotemporaries. 3 v. 1857. F832 H18 Johnston, Henry Phelps. Storming of Stony Point. 1900. F832S J64 Kidder, Frederic. History of the Boston massacre. 1870. F832B K54 Lossing, Benson John. Pictorial field-book of the revolution. 2 v. 1860. F832 L89 Lowell, Edward Jackson. Hessians and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war. 1884. F832 L95 Massachusetts society of the sons of the American revolution, with the national and state constitutions. 1893. F8325 M844 Historical memoranda. 1899. F8325 M844h Moore, Frank. Diary of the American revo¬ lution. 2 v. 1863. F832 M78 New York society of sons of the revolution. Year book. 1893. F8325 N49 Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2d duke of- Letters from Boston and New York, 1774- 1776; ed. by C: K. Bolton. 1902. F8321 P41 Pausch, Georg. Journal during the Burgoyne campaign. 1886. F832 P28 Pitkin, Timothy. Political and civil history of the United States. 2 v. 1828. F832 P68 Riker, James. “ Evacuation day,” 1783. 1883. F832 R45 Sparks, Jared, ed. Correspondence of the American revolution. 4 v. 1853. F832 Sp25 Thacher, James. Military journal during the American revolutionary war. F832 T32 Tomlinson, Everett. Short history of the American revolution. 1901. F832 T59 Tower, Charlemagne. Marquis de la Fayette in the American revolution. 2 v. F832 T65 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto. American revo¬ lution, 1766-1777. 2 v. 1899. F832 T72 Van Tyne, Claude Halstead. Loyalists in the American revolution. 1902. F832 V37 Winsor, Justin. Reader’s handbook of the American revolution, 1761-1783. 1890. Ref. PROM THE REVOLUTION TO THE CIVIL WAR. Adams, Henry. History of the United States of America. 9 v. 1889-91. F8331 Adi4 Fiske, John. Critical period of American history, 1783-1789. 1888. F8331 F54 Headley, Joel Tyler. Second war with Eng¬ land. 2 v. 1853. F8336 H34 HISTORY. 43 Hosmer, James Kendall. History of the Louisiana purchase. 1902. F8334 H79 Johnson, Rossiter. History of the war of 1812-15. 1882. F8336 J63 Kenly, John Reese. Memoirs of a Maryland volunteer; war with Mexico. F8337 K35 Ladd, Horatio O. History of the war with Mexico. 1883. F8337 L12 Livermore, Abiel Abbot. War with Mexico reviewed. 1850. F8337 L75 Lossing, Benson John. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. 1869. F8336 L894 McMaster, John Bach. History of the peo¬ ple of the United States, from the revolu¬ tion to the civil war. 5 v. 1890. F833 M223 Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. 4 v. 1893. F833 R34 Paulding, James Kirke. The Bulls and the Jonathans. 1867. F8336 P28 Richardson, John. War of 1812. F8336 R39 Schouler, James. History of the United States under the constitution. F833 Sch6 Walker, Francis Amasa. Making of the nation, 1783-1817. F833 W15 CIVIL WAR. Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the south. 1866. F8342 Ab2 Baker, LaFayette C. United States secret service. 1889. F834 B17 Bennett, Edwin C. Musket and sword. 1900. F834 B44 Blake, Henry Nichols. Three years in the army of the Potomac. 1865. F834 B58 Boutwell, George Sewall, comp. Speeches and papers relating to the rebellion. 1867. F834 B66 Brown, Francis Henry. Harvard University in the war of 1861-1865. 1886. Ref. Brown, William Wells. Negro in the Amer¬ ican rebellion. 1880. F834 B81 Browne, Julius Henri. Four years in Seces- sia. 1865. F834 B82 Bulloch, James I). Secret service of the con¬ federate states in Europe. 2 v. F834 B87 Cist, Henry Martyn. Army of the Cumber¬ land. 1882. F834 C495 Cox, Jacob Dalson. Atlanta. F834At C835 March to the sea. 1882. F834 C835m Crawford, Samuel Wylie. Genesis of the civil war; story of Sumter. F834S C854 Dana, Charles Anderson. Recollections of the civil war. 1898. F834 D19 Davis, Charles E., jr. Three yeax - s in the army; story of the thirteenth Massachusetts volunteers. 1894. F8349 D29t Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Get¬ tysburg. 1882. F834C D75 Draper, John William. History of the Amer¬ ican civil war. 3 v. 1868. F834 D79 Eggleston, George Cary. Rebel’s recollec¬ tions. 1875. F8341 Eg3 Emilio, Luis F. History of the fifty-fourth regiment of Massachusetts volunteer in¬ fantry. 1894. F8349 Em42 Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war. 1893. F834 F21 Fiske, John. Mississippi valley in the civil war. 1900. F834 F54 Force, Manning Ferguson. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1881. F834 F745 Ford, Andrew E. Story of the fifteenth regiment Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1898. F8349 F75 Fowler, William Cliauncey. Sectional con¬ troversy. 1863. F834 F83 Fremont, Jessie Benton. Stoi'yof the guard. 1863. F834 F88 Gasparin, Ag^nor, comte de. America before Europe. 1862. F834 G21a Les Etats-Unis in 1861, un grand peuple qui se relhve. 1861. F834G211 Uprising of a great people. 1861. F834 G21 Giddings, Joshua Reed. History of the re¬ bellion. 1864. F834 G36 Goddard, Samuel A. Letters on the American rebellion. 1870. F834 G54 History of the campaign of the army of Vir¬ ginia under John Pope. 1880. F834 G65a Gordon, George Henry. Bi’ook farm to Cedar mountain. 1883. F834 G65b War diary. 1882. F834 G65w Goss, Warren Lee. Soldier’s story of his captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle and other rebel prisons. 1866. F8342 G69 Greeley, Horace. American conflict. 2 v. 1866. F834 G81 Greene, Francis Vinton. The Mississippi. 1882. F834M G83 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Army life in a black regiment. 1870. F834 H535 Hood, John Bell. Advance and retreat. 1880. F&34 1176 44 HISTORY. hosmer, .Tames Kendall. The color-guard. 1864. F834 H79 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson. Virginia campaign of ’64 and ’65. 1883. F834 H88 Johnson, Robert U., and Buel, C. C. Battles and leaders of the civil war. 4 v. 1884-87. F834 J63 Johnson, Rossiter. Short history of the war of secession. 1885. F834 J629 Jones, John B. Rebel war clerk’s diary. 2 v. 1866. F8341 J72 Leslie, Frank. Illustrated history of the civil war. 1895. Ref. Livermore, Mary Ashton. My story of the war. 1888. F834 L75 Lossing, Benson John. Pictorial history of the civil war. 2 v. 1866. F834 L895 McClellan, George Brinton. McClellan’s own story. 1887. F834 M137 Marks, James J. Peninsula campaign in Virginia. 1864. F834 M34 Massachusetts. Report of the commission on the Andersonville monument. 1902. F8346 M39 Moors, J. F. History of the fifty-second regi¬ ment Massachusetts volunteers. F8349 M78 Nichols, George Ward. Story of the great march. 1866. F834 N527 Nicolay, John George. Outbreak of rebellion. 1881. F834 N54 Page, Charles A. Letters of a war correspond¬ ent. 1899. F8341 P15 Palfrey, Francis Wintlirop. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882. F834A P175 Paris, Louis Philippe Albert d’Orleans, comte de. History of the civil war in America. 4 v. 1875-88. F834 P21 Pollard, Edward Albert. Lost cause. F834 P76 Quint, Alonzo Hall. The Potomac and the Rapidan. 1864. F834 Q4 Richardson, Albert D. Secret service. 1866. F834 R39s Ropes, John Codman. Army under Pope. 1881. F834 R68c Story of the civil war. 2 v. F834 R68 Rouse, E. S. S. The bugle blast. F834 R765 Seward, William Henry. Diplomatic history of the war for the union. 1884. F834 Se8 Smith, Joshua. Map and description of the main battlefields, routes, camps, and head¬ quarters in the Gettysburg, Wilderness and Appomattox campaigns. 1900. Ref. Smith, William Farrar. From Chattanooga to Petersburg. 1893. F834 Sm62 Swinton, William. Campaign of the army of the Potomac. 1871. F834 Sw63p Twelve decisive battles of the war. 1867. F834 Sw63 Townsend, Edward Davis. Anecdotes of the civil war. 1884. F834 T668 Vanderslice, John M. Gettysburg then and now. 1899. F834G V28 Van Horne, Thomas B. History of the army of the Cumberland. 2 v. 1875. F834 V31 Webb, Alexander Stewart. The peninsular: McClellan’s campaign of 1862. F834 W38 Wilkinson, John. Narrative of a blockade runner. 1877. F834 W65 CLOSE OF CIVIL WAR TO SPANISH AMERICAN WAR. Alger, Russell Alexander. Spanish-American war. 1901. F836 A13 Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. Last quarter century in the United States. 1870-1895. 2 v. 1896. F835 An3 Blaine, James Gillespie. Twenty years of congress. 2 v. 1886. F835 B57 Buel, James W., and Wright, Marcus J. Our late war; Spain and our new possessions. Ref. Davis, Richard Harding. Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns. 1898. F836 D29 Edwards, Frank E. The ’98 campaign of the sixth Massachusetts U. S. V. 1899. F836 Ed9 Goode, William A. M. With Sampson through the war. 1899. F836 G61 Leslie’s official history of the Spanish Ameri¬ can war. 1899. Ref. McCook, Henry Christopher. Martial graves of our fallen heroes in Santiago de Cuba. 1899. F8366 M13 Morris, Charles. War with Spain. F836 M83 Photographic history of the Spanish-Ameri¬ can war. 1898. Ref. Roosevelt, Theodore. Rough riders. F836 R67 Russell, Henry Benajah. Our war with Spain. 1899. F836 R91 Sonnichsen, Albert. Ten months a captive among the Filipinos. 1901. F836 So6 Stickney, Joseph L. War in the Philippines. 1899. F836 St5 NEW ENGLAND. Baxter, James Pliinney. Pioneers of France in New England. 1894. F84 B33 HISTORY. 45 Bliss, William Root. Side glimpses from the colonial meeting house. 1894. F84 B61 Brown, John. Pilgrim fathers of New Eng¬ land. 1896. F84B81 Davis, William T., ed. The. New England States. 4 v. 1897. Ref. Drake, Samuel Adams. Making of New Eng¬ land, 1580-1643. F84 D78 Elliott, Charles W. New England history. 2 v. 1857. F84 E152 Fiske, John. Beginnings of New England. 1898. F84 F54 Morton, Nathaniel. New England’s memorial. 1826. F84 M84 Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New Eng¬ land. 5 v. 1890. F84 P175 Powell, Lyman P., ed. Historic towns of New England. 1898. F84 P87 Prince, Thomas. Chronological history of New England. 1826. F84 P93 Weeden, William Babcock. Economic and social history of New England, 1620-1789. 2 v. 1890. F84 W41 Winthrop, John. History of New England. 2 v. 1826. F84 W735 HASSACHUSETTS. Adams, Brooks. Emancipation of Massachu¬ setts. F844 Adll Adams, Charles Francis. Massachusetts: its historians and its history. 1893. F844Adl2m Three episodes of Massachusetts history. 2 v. F844 Adl2 Ammidown, Holmes, comp. Historical col¬ lections. 2 v. Ref. Barber, John Warner, comp. Historical col¬ lections. 1839. F844 B23 Barry, John Stetson. History of Massachu¬ setts. 3 v. 1856. F844 B27 Bradford, Alden. History of Massachusetts. 2 v. 1822-25. F844 B72 Bradford, William. History “of Plimoutli plantation.” 1898. Ref. Carpenter, William Henry. History of Mas¬ sachusetts. 1853. F844 C22 Ellis, George Edward. Puritan age and rule in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1629- 1685. 1888. F844 E155 Essex Institute. Historical collections, v. 29, 31-34, 37-38. 1892-1902. Ref. liallowell, Richard Price. Pioneer Quakers. 1887. F844 II156p Hallowell, Richard Price. Quaker invasion of Massachusetts. 1883. F844 H156q Haxtun, Annie Arnoux. Signers of the May¬ flower compact. 1897. Ref. Headley, Phineas Camp. Massachusetts in the rebellion. 1866. F844 H345 Massachusetts historical society collections. 5th series, v. 1-7. 1871-2. Ref. 6th series, v. 1-2. 1886-88. Ref. Lectures delivered in a course before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, on subjects re¬ lating to the early history of Massachusetts. 1869. F844 M39 Schouler, William. History of Massachusetts in the civil war. 1868. F844 Scli6 Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., ed. Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England. 10 v. 1855-61. Ref. Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. 5 v. Ref. Ward, May Alden. Old colony days. 1896. F844 W21 Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers. 1841. F844 Y8 MASSACHUSETTS.—LOCAL HISTORY Acton. Fletcher, James. Acton in history. 1890. F844Ac F63 Amesbury. Merrill, Joseph. History of Amesbury. 1880. Ref. Andover. Bailey, Sarah Loring. Historical sketches of Andover. 1880. F844An B15 Ashburnham. Stearns, Ezra S. History of Ashburnham. 1887. F844As St3 Athol. Caswell, Lilley B. Athol, Massachu¬ setts, past and present. 1899. F844At C26 Record of Athol, Massachusetts, in suppress¬ ing the great rebellion. 1866. F844At R25 Bedford. Brown, Abram English. History of the town of Bedford, Mass. F844Be B81 Beverly. Stone, Edwin M. History of Bev¬ erly, Mass., 1630-1842. F844By St7 Boston. Cullen, James Bernard, ed. Story of the Irish in Boston. 1889. F844B C893 Drake, Samuel Adams. Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston. F844B D78 Drake, Samuel Gardner. History and an¬ tiquities of Boston. 1856. Ref. Frothingham, Richard, jr. History of the siege of Boston. 1849. F844B F93 Gilman, Arthur. Story of Boston. F844B G42 HISTORY. 46 Boston. Kidder, Frederic, Histoi-y of the Boston massacre. 1870. F844B K54 Kimball, James. One hundredth anniver¬ sary of the destruction of tea in Boston harbor. 1874. F844B K56 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Boston. F844B L82 Summer, William Hyslop. History of East Boston. 1858. F844B Su6 Winsor, Justin, ed. Memorial history of Boston. 4 v. 1880-86. Ref. Bradford. Kingsbury, J. D. Memorial his¬ tory of Bradford, Mass. 1883. F844Bd K61 Perry, Gardner P. History of Bradford, Mass. 1872. F844Bd P43 Woodbury, Louis. Historical sketch of Brad¬ ford, Mass., in the revolution. F844Bd W85 Braintree. Pattee, William S. History of old Braintree and Quincy. F844Br P27 Bridgewater. Mitchell, Nahum. History of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. F844Bw M69 Brookfield. Temple, Josiali Howard. His¬ tory of North Brookfield, Massachusetts. 1887. F844Bk T24 Brookline. Bolton, Charles Knowles. Brook¬ line: the history of a favored town. 1897. F844B1 B63 Cambridge. Brown, Francis Henry. Harvard university in the war of 1861-’65. Ref. Davis, Walter G., ed. Cambridge fifty years a city: 1846-1896. 1897. Ref. Paige, Lucius Robinson. History of Cam¬ bridge, Massachusetts,1630-1877. F844Cb P15 Canton. Huntoon, Daniel T. V. History of the town of Canton, Norfolk county, Mas¬ sachusetts. 1893. F844Ca 1192 Charlestown. Bunker Hill monument asso¬ ciation. Proceedings 1861,1863,1866, 1868-9, 1871-3, 1876, 1878, 1883-97. Drake, Samuel Adams. Bunker Hill. 1875. F844Cli D78 Ilunnewell, James F. Bibliography of Charles¬ town, Massachusetts, and Bunker Hill. 1880. F844Ch H89b Century of town life. 1888. F844Ch H89 Sawyer, Timothy T. Old Charlestown. 1002. F844Ch Sa9 Warren, George W. History of the Bunker Hill monument association. F844Ch W25 Webster, Daniel. Address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill monument. 1825. F844Cli W39 Clinton. Ford, Andrew' E. History of the origin of the town of Clinton, Massachusetts. 1896. F844C1F75 Cohasset. Bigelow, E Victor. Narrative history of the town of Cohasset, Massachu¬ setts. 1898. F844Co B48 Dedham. Dedham historical society. Ded¬ ham historical register, v. 1, 5-7. Ref. Hill, Don Gleason, ed. Early records of the town of Dedham. 3 v. 1886-92. F844D H55 Proceedings at the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the in¬ corporation of the town of Dedham, Massa¬ chusetts. 1887. F844D Douglas. Emerson, William A. History of the town of Douglas, Massachusetts. 1879. F844Dg Em3 Dunstable. Nason, Elias. History of the town of Dunstable, Massachusetts. F844Du N17 Framingham. Temple, Josiah Howard. His¬ tory of Framingham, Massachusetts. 1887. F844F T24 Gardner. Herrick, William D. History of the town of Gardner, Worcester county, Mass. 1878. F844Ga H43 Gloucester. Memorial of the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Gloucester, Mass. 1902. F844G1 M51 Groton. Butler, Caleb. History of the town of Groton. 1848. F844Gr B97 Green, Samuel A., ed. Early records of Groton, Massachusetts, 1662-1707. F844Gr G82e Epitaphs from the old burying ground in Groton, Massachusetts. F844Gr G82ep Groton during the Indian wars. F844Gr G82i Groton historical series, v. 1. F844Gr G82g Harvard. Nourse, Henry S. History of the town of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1732-1893. 1894. F844H N85 Haverhill. Chase, George Wingate. History of Haverhill, Massachusetts. F844Ha C39 Ipswich. Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Ipswich, Massachusetts. 1884. F844I C33 Ilammatt, Abraham. Early inhabitants of Ipswich, Mass., 1633-1700. 1880. F844I HI8 Lawrence. Wadsworth, Horace A., comp. History of Lawrence, Massachusetts. 1880. F844L Wll HISTORY. 47 Lowell. Cowley, Charles. Handbook of business in Lowell. 1856. F844Lo C83 Lunenberg. Davis, Walter A., comp. Pro¬ prietor’s rec.ords of Lunenberg, Massachu¬ setts. 1897. F844Lu D29 Lynn. Johnson, David N. Sketches of Lynn. 1880. F844Ly J62 Lewis, Alonzo, and Newliall, James R. His¬ tory of Lynn, Essex county, Massachusetts. 1865. F844Ly L58 Malden. Corey, Deloraine P. History of Malden, Massachusetts. 1899. F844Ma C81 Memorial of the celebration of the two hun¬ dred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorpo¬ ration of the town of Malden, Massachusetts. 1900. F844Ma Manchester. Lamson, D. F. History of the town of Manchester, Essex county, Massa¬ chusetts. 1895. F844Mn L21 Marblehead. Roads, Samuel, jr. History and traditions of Marblehead. F844Mr R53 Medfield. Tilden, William S., ed. History of the town of Medfield, Massachusetts. 1887. F844Me T45 Medford. Brooks, Charles. History of the town of Medford, Middlesex county, Massa¬ chusetts. 1855. F844M B79 Medford historical register, v. 1-5. 1898- 1902. Ref. Usher, James M. History of the town of Medford, Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 1886. F844M Us3 Wild, Helen T. Medford in the Revolution. 1903. F844M W65 Melrose. Goss, Elbridge Henry. History of Melrose, county of Middlesex, Massachu¬ setts. 1902. F844M1G69 Melrose memorial. 1868. F844M1 G69m Methuen. Howe, Joseph S. Historical sketch of the town of Methuen. 1876. F844Mt 1183 Middlesex. Drake, Samuel Adams. History of Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 2 v. 1880. Ref. Hurd, Duane H., comp. History of Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 3 v. Ref. Milford. Ballou, Adin. History of the town of Milford, Worcester county, Massachu¬ setts. 2 v. 1882. F844Mi B21 Murrayfield. Copeland, Alfred M. History of the town of Murrayfield. F844Mu CTO Newburyport. Pillsbury, Albert E. New- buryport and city government. F844Ne P64 Newton. Jacobs, Sarah S. Nonantum and Natick. F844N J15 Oxford. Freeland, Mary de Witt. Records of Oxford, Mass. 1894. F8440 F87 Plainfield. Dyer, Charles N. History of the town of Plainfield, Hampshire county, Mass. 1891. F844PD98 Plymouth. Banvard, Joseph. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 1886. F844P1 B22 Bliss, William Root. Colonial times on Buz¬ zard’s Bay. 1888. F844P1 B61 Davis, William T. Ancient landmarks of Ply¬ mouth. 1883. F844P1 D29 Tliaclier, James. History of the town of Plymouth. 1832. F844P1T32 Quincy. Wilson, Daniel Munro. Where American independence began. F844Q W69 Reading. Eaton, Lilley. Genealogical history of the town of Reading, Mass. F844Re Ea8 Roxbury. Drake, Francis Samuel. Town of Roxbury. 1878. F844Ro D78 Shirley. Chandler, Seth. History of the town of Shirley, Massachusetts. F844Sh C36 Somerville. Hill, HerbertE. Historic heights and points of interest in Somerville. Ref. Samuels, Edward A., and Kimball, Henry H. Somerville past and present. F844So Sa3 Somerville historical society. Historic leaves. v. 1. 1903. F844So H62 Springfield. Green, Mason A., comp. Spring- field memories. 1876. F844Sp G82 Stoneham. Dean, Silas. History of Stone- ham. F844St D34 Sudbury. Hudson, Alfred Sereno. Annals of Sudbury, Wayland and Maynard. 1891. F844Su H86a History of Sudbury, Massachusetts. 1889. F844Su H86h Townsend. Sawtelle, Itliamar B. History of the town of Townsend, Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 1878. F844T Sa95 Tyringham. Brewer, Edwin. History of the town of Tyringham, Mass. Ref. Watertown historical society. Watertown records. 1894. F844W H62 Wayland. Proceedings at the dedication of the town hall, Wayland. F844Wa W365 The town of Wayland in the civil war. 1871. F844Wa W36 Westborough. DeForest, H. I\, and Bates, E. C. History of Westborough, Mass. 1891. F844Wc D36 48 HISTORY. Westborough. Forbes, Ilarriette M. The hundredth town. 1889. F844We F74 Weymouth historical society. Historical sketch of the town of Weymouth, Massa¬ chusetts. F844Wy W54 Woburn. Converse, Parker Lindall. Legends of Woburn. 1892. F844Wb C76 Sewall, Samuel. History of Woburn, Middle¬ sex county, Mass. 1868. F844Wb Se8 Worcester. Lincoln, William. History of Worcester, Massachusetts. F844Wo L63 Wall, Caleb A. Reminiscences of Worcester. 1877. F844Wo W15 OTHER NEW ENGLAND STATES. Bartlett, Ellen Strong. Historical sketches of New Haven. 1897. Ref. Bell, Charles Henry. History of the town of Exeter, New Hampshire. 1888. F842E B41 Burnham, Henry. Brattleboro, Windham county, Vermont. 1880. F843B B93 Caulkins, Frances M. History of New Lon¬ don, Connecticut. 1895. F840Ne C31 Child, Frank Samuel. An old New England town. [Fairfield, Conn.] 1895. F846F C43 Clark, Frank (4. Historical address given at the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the town of Lyndeborougli, N. H. 1891. F842L C55 Curtis, Jonathan. Topographical and his¬ torical sketch of Epsom, New Hampshire. 1885. F842Ep C94 Fullonton, Joseph. History of Raymond, N. H. 1875. F842R F95 Gilman, George H. History of the town of Houlton, Maine. 1884. F841II G49 Greene, George Washington. Short history of Rhode Island. 1877. F845 G83 Lapham, William B. History of Rumford, Oxford county, Maine. 1890. F841R L31 Levermore, Charles Herbert. Republic of New Haven. 1886. F846N L57 Norton, John F. History of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. 1888. F842F N82 Robinson, Rowland E. Vermont: a study of independence. 1892. F843 R56 Sanborn, Edwin David. History of New Hampshire. 1875. F842 Sa5 Sewall, Rufus King. Ancient dominions of Maine. 1859. F841 Se8 Smith, Isaac W. History of the town of Hampstead, New Hampshire. F842H Sm5 Thompson, Zadock. History of Vermont. 1842. F843 T37 Wheeler, George A., and Warren, H: History of Brunswick, Topsliam and Harpswell, Maine. 1878. F841B W56 MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES. Abbott, William. Battle of Pell’s Point (or Pelham). 1901. F851P Ab2 Booth, Mary Louise. History of the city of New York. 1880. F851N B64 Brodhead, John Romeyn. History of the state of New York. 2 v. 1871. F851 B78 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Story of New York. 1888. F851 B79 Browne, William Hand. Maryland; the his¬ tory of a palatinate. 1884. F857 B81 Goodwin, Maud Wilder, and others. Historic New York. 1897. F851 G63 Halsey, Francis Whiting. Old New York frontier. 1901. F851 H16 Janvier, Thomas. In old New York. 1894. F851N J263 McManus, Blanche. Quaker colony. F854M23 McMaster, Guy II. History of the settle¬ ment of Steuben county, N. Y. F851S M23 Mailman, Jacob E. Historical papers on Shelter Island and its Presbyterian church. 1899. F851Sh M29 Parkman, Francis. Historic handbook of the northern tour. 1885. F851 P23 Porter, Peter A. Brief history of old Fort Niagara'. 1896. F851Ni P83 Repplier, Agnes. Philadelphia; the place and the people. 1899. F854P R29 Roe, Alfred S. Rose neighborhood sketches, Wayne county, New York. 1893. F851R R62 Roosevelt, Theodore. New York. F851N R67 Stiles, Henry'R. History of the city of Brooklyn. 3 v. 1867. F851B St5 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. Washington the capital city. 2 v. F859 W69 THE SOUTH. Allen, Walter. Governor Chamberlain’s ad¬ ministration in South Carolina. F866 A15 Cable, George Washington. Creoles of Louis¬ iana. 1884. F876 Cll Cooke, John Esten. Virginia. F863 C77 Fairbanks, George R. History of Florida. 1871. F872 F15 Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2 v. 1897. F863 F54 HISTORY. 49 Garrison, George Pierce. Texas. F877 G19 Gayarre, Charles Etienne Arthur. Louisiana; its colonial history and romance. F876 G25 Giddings, Joshua Reed. Exiles of Florida. 1858. F872 G36 Gilmore, James R. [Edmund Eirke.^ Advance guard of western civilization. 1882. F882 G42 Harris, Joel Chandler. Georgia from the in¬ vasion of De Soto to recent times. F867 H24 Hewatt, Alexander. Historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 v. F866 H49 Hosmer, James Kendall. Short history of the Mississippi valley. 1901. F875 H79 Irving, Theodore. Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto. 1857. F872 Ir8 King, Grace. New Orleans, the place and the people. 1895. F876N K58 Milburn, William Henry. Pioneers, preach¬ ers and people of the Mississippi valley. 1860. F875 M59 Morphis, J. M. History of Texas. F877 M83 Noyes, George F. Bivouac and battle-field. 1864. F86 N87 Neill, Edward Duffield. Virginia Carolorum. 1886. F863 N315 Phelan, James. History of Tennessee. F882P51 Powell, Lyman Pierson, ed. Historic towns of the southern states. 1900. F86 P87 Richmond during the war. 1867. F863R R41 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Kentucky. 1885. F883 Shi Snead, Thomas L. Fight for Missouri. F884Sn2 Thompson, Maurice. Story of Louisiana. F876 T37 WEST AND NORTHWEST. Black, Alexander. Story of Ohio. F892 B56 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Old Northwest. 1899. F91 H58 Moore, Charles. Northwest under three flags, 1635-1796. 1900. F91 M78 Powell, Lyman P., ed. Historic towns of the western states. 1901. F89 P87 Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the West. 4 v. 1889-1900. F89 R67 Spring, Leverett Wilson. Kansas; the pre¬ lude to the war for the union. F925 Sp8 Thayer, Eli. History of the Kansas crusade. 1889. F925 T335 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Story of Wisconsin. 1890. F902 T42 Williams, ,J. Fletcher. History of the city of Saint Paul. 1876. F911 W67 Spring, L. W. Kansas. F925 Sp8 Wisconsin state historical society. Proceed¬ ings. 1894. F902 W75 ROCKY MOUNTAIN AND PACIFIC STATES. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. California inter pocula, 1848-1856. 1888. F941 B22i California pastoral, 1769-1848. F941 B22p History of California. 6 v. 1884. F941 B22 History of the Northwest coast. 2 v. F942 B22 History of Utah, 1540-1887. 1890. F935 B22 Capron, Elisha S. History of California. 1854. F941 C17 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California. 1845. F94 G83 Royce, Josiali. California from the conquest in 1846 to the second vigilance committee in San Francisco. 1886. F941 R81 MEXICO AND SPANISH AMERICA. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Central America. 3 v. 1882. F961 B22 Biart, Lucien. The Aztecs. 1887. F95 B47 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. True history of the conquest of Mexico. 2 v. 1803. F95 D54 Hale, Susan. Mexico. 1901. F95 H13 Lummis, Charles F. Spanish pioneers. F96 L97 Noll, Arthur Howard. Short history of Mex¬ ico. 1890. F95 N72 Prescott, William Hickling. History of the conquest of Mexico. 3 v. 1843. F95 P92 Wilson, Robert Anderson. New history of the conquest of Mexico. 1859. F95 W69 WEST INDIES.—CUBA. PORTO RICO. Ballou, Maturin Murray. History of Cuba. 1873. F973 B213 Bangs, John Kendrick. Uncle Sam, trustee. 1902. F973 B22 Edwards, Bryan. History, civil and commer¬ cial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. 2 v. 1793. F97 Ed9 Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez. F973F64 Halstead, Murat. Story of Cuba. F973 H16 Hazard, Samuel. Santo Domingo past and present. 1873. F97 H335 Quesada, Gonzalo de, and Northrup, Henry D. War in Cuba. 1896. F973 Qu2 Van Middeldyk, Rudolph Adams. History of Puerto Rico. 1903. F975 V33 50 HISTORY. SOUTH AMERICA. Prescott, William Hickling. History of tlie conquest of Peru. 2 v. 1847. F998 P92 Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino. Life in the Argentine Republic in the days of the tyrants. 1868. F993 Sa7 Washburn, Charles Ames. History of Para¬ guay. 2 v. 1871. F991 W27 HISTORY.-ALLIED STUDIES. Andrews, Rlislia Benjamin. Brief institutes of general history. 1894. FA An26 Arnold, Thomas. Introductory lectures on modern history. 1864. FA Ar6 Barnes, Mary Sheldon. Studies in historical method. 1896. FA B26 Bell, Charles Henry. Future of American history. 1871. FA83 B41 Bigland, John. Letters on the study and use of ancient and modern history. FA B483 Blackie, John Stuart. What does history teach? 1886. FA B56 Bunsen, Christian Charles Josias. Outlines of the philosophy of universal history. 2 v. 1854. FD B88 Flint, Robert. Historical philosophy in France and French Belgium and Switzer¬ land. 1894. FD F64 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Office of the historical professor. 1884. FA F89 Hawes, Stephen, comp. Synclironology of the principal events in sacred and profane history. 1871. FC H31 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the philosophy of history. 1878. FD H362 Heilprin, Louis, comp. Chronological table of universal history. 1892. FC H365 Methods of teaching history. 1886. FA M56 Priestley, Joseph. Lectures on history and general policy. 1791. FA P9.3 St. John, Henry, lord viscount Bolingbroke. Letters on the study and use of history. 1870. FA Sa2 Schlegel, Friedrich von. Philosophy of his¬ tory. 1859. FD Scli4 Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the study of history. 1866. FA Sm5 Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaievitch, graf. Power and liberty. 1888. FD T58 Turner, Sharon. Sacred history of the world. 3 v. 1838. FD T85 Willson, Marcius. Outlines of the philosophy of history. 1856. FD W68 HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES. Adams, Henry. Historical essays. FB Adi Fiske, John. Essays, historical and literary. 2 v. 1902. FB F54 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Historical essays. 4 v. 1871-92. FB F89 Frost, John. Historical collections. FB F923 Hale, Edward Everett. Memories of a hun¬ dred years. 2 v. 1902. FB83 H13 James, George Payne Rainsford. Dark scenes of history. 1850. FB J23 Kingsley, Charles. Plays and Puritans. FBK61 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Historical and politi¬ cal essays. 1892. FB L82 Studies in history. 1885. FB L82s Lord, John. Beacon lights of history. 5 v. 1883-85. FB L88 Machiavelli, Niccolo. Historical, political and diplomatic writings. 4 v. 1882. FB M18 Newman, John Henry. Historical sketches. 3 v. 1888. FB N465 Noble traits of kingly men. FB N66 Schouler, James. Historical briefs. FB Sch6 Tuttle, Charles Wesley. Capt. Francis Cham- pernowne, the Dutch conquest of Acadie and other historical papers. 1889. FB T88 CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE. Adams, Brooks. New empire. 1902. FE Adll Adams, George Burton. Civilization during the middle ages. 1894. FE Adl2 Ah=Chin=Le. Some observations upon the civilization of the western barbarians. 1876. FE45 Ahl Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civiliza¬ tion in England. 2 v. 1861. FE B85 Devens, R. M. Our first century. FE83 D49 Draper, John William. History of the intel¬ lectual development of Europe. 2 v. FE D79 Eggleston, Edward. Transit of civilization from England to America in the seventeenth century. 1901. FE83 Eg3 First century of the republic. 1876. FE83 F51 Guizot, Francis Pierre Guillaume. History of civilization. 4 v. 1846. FE G94 Kidd, Benjamin. Principles of western civil¬ ization. 1902. FE K53 Lord, .John. Old pagan civilizations. FE L89 McCulloch, Hugh. Men and measures of half a century. 1888. FE83 M135 Morris, Charles. Civilization. 2 v. FE M832 HISTORY. 51 Nineteenth century. 1001. FE N51 Ozanam, A. Frdd^ric. History of civilization in the fifth century. 2 v. 1868. FE Ozl Rawlinson, George. Origin of nations. 1878. FE R103 Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph. History of the eighteenth century. 8 v. 1843. FESch35 Stebbins, L. First century of national exist¬ ence. 1873. FE83 St3 Tocqueville, Alexis C. H. C. de. On the state of society in France before the revolution of 1789. 1856. FE39 T56 ANTIQUITIES, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. American journal of archaeology, v. 1-2, 4-5. 1897-1901. FF.7 Am3 Wood, Edward J. Wedding day in all ages and countries. 1869. FFM W85 Real, Antony. Story of the stick in all ages and lands. 1875. FF R23 Yaggy, L. W., and Haines, T. L. Museum of antiquity. 1882. FF Yal3 EUROPE. Champney, Elizabeth W. Romance of the feudal chateaux. 1900. FF39 C36 Du Chailiu, Paul Belloni. Viking age. 2 v. 1889. FF48 D85 Dyer, Thomas H., ed. Pompeii. FF35 D98 Gould, Sabine Baring- Deserts of southern France. 2 v. 1884. FF39 G73 Gusman, Pierre. Pompeii. 1900. Ref. Lacroix, Paul. The eighteenth century. Ref. Military and religious life in the middle ages. Ref. Mallet, Paul Henri. Northern antiquities. 1878. FF48 M29 GREECE AND ROME. Adam, Alexander. Roman antiquities. 1872. FF36 Adi Burn, Robert. Rome and the campagna. Ref. Cesnola, Louis Palmer di. Cyprus. FF279 C33 * Coulanges, Fustel de. The ancient city. 1874. FF31 C83 Falke, Jakob von. Greece and Rome. Ref. Gardner, Ernest Arthur. Ancient Athens. ' 1902. Ref. Guhl, Ernst, and Koner, Wilhelm. Life of the Greeks and Romans. 1875. Ref. Harper’s dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. 1898. Ref. Lanciani, Rodolfo. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1888. Ref. Destruction of ancient Rome. 1899. Ref. New tales of old Rome. 1901. Ref. Pagan and Christian Rome. 1893. Ref. Ruins and excavations of ancient Rome. 1897. Ref. Mahaffy, John Pentland. Old Greek life. 1876. FF32 M27 Montfaucon, Bernard de. Antiquity ex¬ plained and represented in sculptures. 6 v. Ref. Potter, John. Arcbaeologia Graeca. 2 v. 1764. FF32 P85 Rich, Anthony. Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities. 1890. Ref. Rodd, Pennell. Customs and lore of modern Greece. 1892. FF34 R61 Schliemann, H. Mycenae. 1878. FF32 Sch35m Tiryns. 1885. Ref. Schuchhardt, C. Schliemann’s excavations. 1891. FF32 Sch8 Seyffert, Oskar. Dictionary of classical an¬ tiquities. 1895. Ref. Shumway, Edgar S. A day in ancient Rome. 1887. FF36 Sli9 Sketches of the domestic manners and insti¬ tutions of the Romans. 1822. FF36 D71 Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 2 v. 1890. Ref. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 v. 1873. Ref. Thomas, Emile. Roman life under the Caesars. 1899. FF36 T35 Timayenis, Telemaclius T. Greece in the times of Homer. 1885. FF32 T48 Tsountas, Chrestos, and Mauatt, J. Irving. Mycenaean age. 1897. FF32 T78 OREAT BRITAIN. Ashton,.!. A riglite merrie Cliristmasse! Ref. Besant, Sir Walter. London. 1892. FF45 B46 Brand, John. Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain. 3 v. 1893. Ref. Dyer, Thomas F. T. British popular customs. 1891. Ref. Harrison, William. Elizabethan England. FF45 1124 Henderson, T. F. Old-world Scotland. FF43 1138 Hervey, Thomas K. Book of Christmas. 1888. FF45 1144 52 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Hodgetts, J. Frederick. English in the mid¬ dle ages. 1885. FF45 H66 Jusserand, Jean J. A. A. English wayfaring life in the middle ages. 1889. FF45 J98 Mead, Lucia T. (Ames). Milton’s England. 1903. FF45 M46 Walsh, William Shepard. Curiosities of pop¬ ular customs. 1898. Ref. Windle, Bertram C. A. Life in early Britain. 1897. FF45 W72 Wright, Thomas. Homes of other days. 1871. Ref. ASIA AND AFRICA. Erman, Adolf. Life in Ancient Egypt. 1894. FF71 Er52 Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. Explorations in Bible lands. 1903. FF01 H56 Layard, Austin Henry. Nineveh and its re¬ mains. 2 v. 1849. FF634 L45 Petrie, William M. F., and Griffith, F. LI. Tauis: part II. 1886. Ref. Schliemann, Heinrich. Troja. FF606Sch35t Troy and its remains. 1876. FF606 Scli35 Smyth, Piazzi. Our inheritance in the great pyramid. 1880. FF71 Sm9 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. Manners and customsx>f the ancient Egyptians. 2 v. Ref. Wilson, Charles William, and others. Recov¬ ery of Jerusalem. 1871. FF61 W69 AMERICA. Baldwin, John Dennison. Ancient America. 1872. FF80 B19 Brown, Ahram English. Beneath old roof trees. 1896. FF832 B81 Earle, Alice Morse. Child life in colonial days. 1899. FF83 Ea7 Customs and fashions in old New England. 1893. FF84 Ea7 Home life in colonial days. 1899. FF83 Ea7h Stage coach and tavern days. FF83 Ea7s Fisher, Sydney G. Men and manners in colonial times. 2 v. 1898. FF83 F53 Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Republican court. 1856. Ref. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Travellers and outlaws. 1889. FF83 H53 Love, William De Loss. Fast and Thanks¬ giving days of New England. 1895. FF84 L94 Smith, Helen Evertson. Colonial days and ways. 1900. FF83 Sm5 Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth. Through colonial doorways. 1893. FF83 W55 INSCRIPTIONS.-COINS. Facsimiles of the memorial stones of the last English ancestors of George Washington. 1862. Ref. Rare coins of America. 1889. Ref. Whitmore, William H. Copp’s Hill epitaphs. 1878. Ref. Woodbury, Louis A., comp. Inscriptions from the old cemetery in Groveland, Mass. Ref. CHIVALRY AND HERALDRY. Burke, Sir Bernard. Book of orders of knight¬ hood. 1858. Ref. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage. 1888. Ref. Genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 1879. Ref. Doran, John. Knights and their days. FS D73 Fairbairn, James. Crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. Ref. George, Hereford Brooks. Genealogical ta¬ bles. 1886. Ref. Holden, Edward Singleton. Primer of her¬ aldry for Americans. 1898. FV H71 Hunt, Gaillard. Seal of the United States. Ref. James, George Payne Rainsford. History of chivalry. 1836. FS J23 Lodge, Edmund. Peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 1901. Ref. Preble, George Henry. Our Hag. 1872. Ref. Whitmore, William Henry. Elements of heraldry. 1866. Ref. Geography and Travels. Appalachia, vols. 2-9. 1881-1901. G.7 Ap5 Ballou, Maturin Murray. Due West. G B21 Barker, Mary Ann, lady. Travelling about over new and old ground. 1872. G B24 Beehler, W. H. Cruise of the Brooklyn. GB396 Blackwood’s magazine. Traveller’s notes for general currency; or, Maga excursion pa¬ pers. 1867. G B56 Brooks, James. A seven months’run. G B79 Buel, James W., ed. World’s wonders. G B86 Campbell, Archibald. Voyage round the world. 1825. G C15 Capitals of the world. 1894. Ref. Clemens, Samuel L. [Mark Twain.] Fol¬ lowing the equator. 1897. G C59f Innocents abroad. 1869. G C59 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 53 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Our new way round the world. 1869. G C654 Crawford, Robert. Reminiscences of foreign travel. 1888. G C85 Davis, Richard Harding, et al. Great streets of the world. 1892. G D293 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth. Greater Brit¬ ain. 1869. G D57 Duncan, Sara Jeannette. A social departure. 1890. GD91 Gerstacker, Friedrich. Narrative of a journey round the world. 1855. G G32 Goldsmith, J. Geographical view of the world. 1827. G G57 Headley, Joel Tyler, comp. Mountain adven¬ tures. 1869. G H34 Hilliard, Katharine, ed. My mother’s journal. 1900. G28 H55 Hiibner, Joseph Alexander, freiherr von. Ramble round the world. 1875. G H86 lies, George, ed. Explorers. [Little master¬ pieces of science.] 1902. G 113 Jackson, Helen M. [H.H.] Glimpses of three coasts. 1886. G J13 Jacobs, Joseph. Story of geographical dis¬ covery. 1903. G.4 J15 James, Henry. Portraits of places. G J23 King, Stanton H. Dog-watches at sea. 1900. G15 K58 Kipli ng, Rudyard. From sea to sea. 2 v. 1899. G K62 Knelb, P. H. Narrative of an old traveller. 1856. G K73 Lippincott’s gazetteer of the world. 2 v. Ref. Low, Charles Rathbone. Tales of old ocean. 1869. G L95 M’Culloch, J. R. Dictionary, geographical, statistical and historical. 2 v. 1866. Ref. Malte°Brun, Conrad. Universal geography. 5 v. 1824. G M29 Merewether, Henry Alworth. By sea and by land. 1874. G M54 Mill, Hugh Robert, ed. International geog¬ raphy. 1900. Ref. Minturn, Robert Bowne, jr. From New York to Delhi. 1858. G M66 Orpen, Adela E. Chronicles of the Sid. [Adelia Gates.] G Or7 Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller). At home and abroad. 1856. G Os7 Palgrave, W. Gifford. Ulysses; or, Scenes in many lands. 1887. G P18 Parker, Helen Fitch. Moraing stars of the new world. 1854. G.3 P22 Pfeiffer, Ida Laura. Lady’s second journey round the world. 1856. G P475 Last travels. 1861. G P4751 Pumpelly, Raphael. Across America and Asia. 1870. G P965 Rae, William Fraser. Business of travel. 1891. G R12 Raum, George E. Tour around the world. 1895. G R195 Reclus, Elis^e. The earth and its inhabi¬ tants. 19 v. 1886. Ref. Reclus, On^sime. Bird’s-eye view of the world. 1887. G R245 Romance of travel. 1858. G R66 Seward, William Henry. Travels around the world. 1874. G Se85 Singleton, Esther, ed. Turrets, towers and temples. 1899. Ref. Wonders of nature. 1900. Ref. Smith, Thomas. Wonders of nature and art. 11 v. 1806. G Sm6 Stoddard, John L. Glimpses of the world. 1892. Ref. Lectures. 10 v. 1897-98. Ref. Taylor, Bayard. At home and abroad. 2 v. 1860. G T21 Temple, Ralph and Chandos. Enterprise and adventure. G T24 Tiffany, Francis. This goodly frame, the earth. 1896. G T44 Travel, v. 1-2. 1890. G.7 T69 Vassar, John Guy. Twenty years around the world. 1891. G V44 Wonders of the world. G W85 Worcester, Joseph Emerson. Sketches of the earth and its inhabitants. 2 v. G W89 VOYAGES. Brassey, Annie (Allnut), lady. Around the world in the yacht “Sunbeam.” G13 B73 Last voyage. 1889. G13 B731 Cleveland, Richard Jeffrey. Voyages and commercial enterprises of the sons of New England. G13 C595 Colton, Warren. Deck and port. G13 C72 Dixon, Robert B. Fore and aft. G13 D64 Goodrich, Frank Boott. Man upon the sea. 1858. G13 G63 Hill, Frederic Stanhope. Twenty years at sea. 1893. G13 H55 54 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoc¬ tial regions. 3 v. 1852. G133 1188 Johnson, William Henry. World’s discover¬ ers. 1900. G12 J63 La Peyrouse, Jean Francois Galaup de. Voyage round the world. 1801. G13 L31 Slocum, Joshua. Sailing alone around the world. 1900. G13 S15 Spry, William J. J. Cruise of her majesty’s ship, “Challenger.” 1877. G13 Sp85 Warren, T. Robinson. Dust and foam. G13 W25 Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States exploring expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. 5 v. G13 W66 Voyage round the world. G13 W65 ARCTIC REGIONS. Adams, William Henry Davenport. Recent polar voyages. G14 Adi Aldrich, Herbert L. Arctic Alaska and Si¬ beria. 1889. G14 A12 Barrow, Sir John, comp. Voyages of discov¬ ery and research within the Arctic regions. 1846. G14 B27 Blackwood, Sir Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple, earl of Bufferin. A yacht voyage; letters from high latitudes. 1859. G144 B56 Conway, Sir William Martin. First crossing of Spitzbergen. 1897. G146 C77 With ski and sledge over Arctic glaciers. 1898. G14C76 Davis, Charles Henry, ed. Narrative of the north polar expedition, U. S. ship Polaris. 1876. G14 D29 DeLong, George Washington. Voyage of the Jeannette. 2 v. 1883. G14 D372 Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea. G14 F856 Gilder, William Henry. Icepack and tundra. 1883. G14 G386 Greely, Adolphus Washington. Three years of Arctic service. 1894. G14 G814 Hall, Charles Francis. Arctic researches. 1865. G14 H14 Hartwig, Georg. Polar world. 1869. G14 H25 Hayes, Isaac Israel. Arctic boat journey. 1860. G14 H325a Land of desolation. 1872. G143 H33 Open polar sea. 1867. G14 H325 Hughes, Thomas. Vacation rambles. G26 II875 Ireland, John B. Wall street to Cashmere. 1859. G24 Ir2 Jackson, Frederic George. Thousand days in the Arctic. 1899. G14 J13 Kane, Elisha Kent. Arctic explorations. 2 v. 1857. G14 K13 Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. 1854. G14 K13g Keely, R. N., and Davis, G. G. Voyage of the “ Kite.” 1892. G14 K243 Leslie, Sir John, et al. Narrative of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. 1840. G14 L56 Markham, Albert Hastings. Great frozen sea. 1880. G14 M34g Northward ho! 1879. G14 M34n Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest north. 2 v. 1897. G14 N155 First crossing of Greenland. 1892. G143N15 Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik, baron. Voy age of the Vega around Asia and Europe. 1882. G14 N175 Nourse, Joseph Everett, ed. American ex¬ plorations in the ice zones. 1884. G14 N85 Narrative of the second Arctic expedition made by Charles F. Hall. 1879. G14 N851i Osborn, Sherard. Stray leaves from an Arctic journal. 1852. G14 Osl5 Parry, William Edward. Journal of second voyage for the discovery of a northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 1824. G14 P25 Peary, Josephine Diebitsch. My Arctic jour¬ nal. 1893. G14 P314 Peary, Robert E. Northward over the “ great ice.” 2 v. 1898. G143 P32 Richardson, Sir John. Arctic searching ex¬ pedition. 1852. G14 R39 Sargent, Epes, ed. Arctic adventures by sea and by land. 1857. G14 Sa7 ANTARCTIC REGIONS. Cook, Frederick A. Through the first Antarc¬ tic night, 1898-1899. 1900. G149 C77 Fricker, Karl. Antarctic regions. G149 F91 Murdoch, W. G. Burn. From Edinburgh to the Antarctic. 1894. G149 M94 PACIFIC OCEAN AND ISLANDS. Chaney, George Leonard. Aloha! G1611 C36 Cheever, Henry Theodore. Island world of the Pacific. 1856. G16 C41 Cooke, James. Voyage to the Pacific ocean. 2 v. 1818. G16 C77 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 55 Cooper, H. Stonehewer. Coral islands of the Pacific. 1882. G16 C78 Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon. At home in Fiji. 1882. G191 C91 Ellis, William. Missionary narrative of a tour through Hawaii. G1611 E155 Polynesian researches. 4 v. 1859. G17 E155 Fraser, Marie. In Stevenson’s Samoa. G177F85 Herbert, George Robert Charles, 1st earl of Pembroke , and Kingsley, G. H. South Sea bubbles. 1872. G17 H42 Jarves, James Jackson. Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands. 1843. G16 J29 Jones, -. Life and adventure in the South Pacific. 1860. G16 J71 Keate, George. Account of the Pelew Islands. G184 K22 Markham, Albert Hastings. Cruise of the “Rosario.” 1873. G19 M34 Mather, Helen. One summer in Hawaii. 1891. G1611 M42 Musick, John R. Hawaii. 1898. G1611 M97 Palmer, Julius Auboineau, jr. Again in Hawaii. 1895. G1611 P18a Reclus, Elis^e. Oceanica. 1890. Ref. St. Johnston, Alfred. Camping among can¬ nibals. 1883. G177 Sa2 Sauvin, G. Un royaume polynesien: lies Hawai. 1893. G1611 Sa83 Stevenson, Robert Louis. In the South Seas. 1896. G17 St45 Stoddard, Charles Warren. South-Sea idylls. 1873. G16 St6 Strong, Isobel, and Osbourne, Lloyd. Mem¬ ories of Vailima. 1902. , G177 St8 Thomas, Julian. Cannibals and convicts. 1886. G16 T36 Turner, George. Samoa, a hundred years ago. 1884. G177 T85 Whitney, Caspar. Hawaiian America. 1899. G1611 W61 Williams, John. Narrative of missionary en¬ terprises in the South Sea islands. G16 W67 Williams, Thomas, and Calvert, James. Fiji and the Fijians. 1859. G191 W67 Young, Rosalind A. Mutiny of the Bounty and story of Pitcairn island. G16 Y8m AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. New Pacific. G21 B22 Barker, Mary Ann, lady. Letters to Guy. 1885. G21 B24 Carnegie, David Wynford. Spinifex and sand. 1898. G211 C22 Fitzgerald, E. A., et al. Climbs in the New Zealand Alps. 1896. G23 F57 Howe, Edward. Roughing it in Van Dieman’s Land. G22 H83 Howitt, William. Land, labor and gold. 2 v. 1855. G21 II84 Lumholtz, Carl. Among cannibals. G21 L973 Old New Zealand. 1876. G23 012 Wakefield, Edward. New Zealand after fifty years. 1889. G23 W135 Whitmarsh,H. Phelps. World’s rough hand. 1899. G21 W61 ATLANTIC OCEAN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN. Amicis,Edmondo de. On blue waters. G26Am5 Ballou, Maturin Murray. Story of Malta. 1893. G275 B21 Bergerat, limile. A wild sheep chase. 1894. G273 B453 Bigelow, Andrew. Travels in Malta and Sicily. 1831. G27 B48 Field, Henry Martyn. Greek islands and Tur¬ key after the war. 1885. G276 F45 Little, W. J. Knox. Sketches in sunshine and storm. 1892. ' G27 L72 Meriwether, Lee. Afloat and ashore on the Mediterranean. 1892. G27 M543 Noah, Mordecai M. Travels in England,France, Spain, and the Barbary States. 1819. G27 N06 Parry, Ernest Gambier. Sketches of a yacht¬ ing cruise. 1889. G27 P21 Stark, James H. Illustrated Bermuda guide. 1884. G269 St25 Verrill, Addison Emory. Bermuda islands. 1902. G269 V61 Wallace, Susan Arnold. The storied sea. 1883. G27 W15 Weeks, Lyman II. Among the Azores. 1882. G262 W417 Wise, Henry Alexander. [Uarry Grinyo .] Scampavias from Gibel Tarik to Stamboul. 1857. G27 W75 Woolson, Constance Fenimore. Mentone, Cairo and Corfu. 1896. G27 W88 LEVANT. Beaman, Ardern G. Hulme- Twenty years in the near East. 1898. G29 B37 Belgiojoso, Christine. Oriental harems and scenery. 1862. G29 B41 56 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Bennet, James Henry. Winter and spring on the Mediterranean. 1870. G29 B437 Brassey, Anne (Allnut), lady. Sunshine and storm in the East. 1880. G29 B735 Browne, John Ross. Yusef. 1858. G29 B81 Bryant, William Cullen. Letters from the East. 1869. G29 B84 Cox, Samuel Sullivan. Search for winter sun¬ beams. 1870. G29 C83 Curzon, Robert, jr. Monasteries of the East. 1856. G29 C94 Davis, Richard Harding. Rulers of the Med¬ iterranean. 1894. G29 D29r Fogg, William Perry. Land of the “Arabian nights.” 1882. G29 F69 Howard, George William Frederick, 7th earl of Carlisle. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. 1855. G29 H83 Leech, Harry Harewood. Letters of a senti¬ mental idler. 1869. G29 L51 Oscanyan, Christopher. Sultan and his peo¬ ple. 1857. G29 Os2 Russell, Robert Howard. Edge of the Orient. 1896. G29 R91 Taylor, Bayard. Lands of the Saracen. G29T21 Warner, Charles Dudley. In the Levant. 1877. ♦ G29 W24 EUROPE. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1883. G30 A12 Allen, Grant. European tour. 1899. G30 A15 Arnold, Howard l’ayson. European mosaic. 1864. G30 Ar6 Bartol, Cyrus Augustus. Pictures of Europe framed in ideas. 1856. G30 B285 Bell, Lilian. As seen by me. 1900. G30 B398 Bellows, Henry Whitney. Old world in its new face. 2 v. 1869. G30 B41 Benedict, Erastus C. Run through Europe. 1860. G30 B43 Bishop, William Henry. House-hunter in Europe. 1893. G30 B543 Blouet, Paul. [Max O'Rell .] English phari¬ sees, French crocodiles, and other Anglo- French typical characters. 1892. G30 B62 Brooks, Phillips. Letters of travel. G30 B79 Brown, William Wells. American fugitive in Europe. 1855. G30 B81 Bryant, William Cullen. Letters of a trav¬ eller. 2 v. 1859. G30 B84 Buffum, Edward Gould. Sights and sensa¬ tions in France, Germany and Switzerland. 1869. G30 B862 Burnham, Sarah M. Pleasant memories of foreign travel. 1896. G30 B93 Calvert, George Henry. Travels in Europe. 1860. G30 C135 Carter, Nathaniel Hazletine. Letters from Europe. 2 v. 1829. G30 C24 Channing, Walter. A physician’s vacation. 1856. G30 C36 Choules, John Overton. Cruise of the steam yacht “ North Star.” 1854. G30 C45 Clemens, Samuel L. [Mark Twain.'] Tramp abroad. 1880. G30 C59t Colman, Henry. European life and manners. 2 v. 1849. G30 C71 Cox,S. S. Arctic sunbeams. 1882. G30 C835a Orient sunbeams. 1882. G30 C835o DeForest, John William. European acquaint¬ ance. 1858. G30 D365 Dewey, Orville. Old world and the new. 2 v. 1836. G30 D51 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Europa. 1856. G30 Ed2 Felton, Cornelius Conway. Familiar letters from Europe. 1865. G30 F34 Fisk, Samuel. Mr. Dunn Browne’s experi¬ ences in foreign parts. 1857. G30 F54 Forney, John Weiss. Centennial commis¬ sioner in Europe, 1874-76. 1876. G30 F765c Letters from Europe. 1867. G39 F765 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Historical geography of Europe. 2 v. 1881. Ref. v. 1, Text. v. 2, Maps. Fuller, Hiram. Sparks from a locomotive. 1859. G30 F95 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von. Miscellaneous travels. 1882. G30 G71 Guild, Curtis. Abroad again. 1877. G30 G94 Over the ocean, 1871. G30 G94o Hale, Edward Everett. Ninety days’ worth of Europe. 1861. G30 H13 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Painter’s camp. 1867. G30 H17 Haven, Gilbert. Pilgrim’s wallet. G30 H293 Heine, Heinrich. Pictures of travel. G30H365 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Our hundred days in Europe. 1887. G30 H73 Howe, Julia Ward. From the oak to the olive. 1868. 630 H83 Hunnewell, James Frothingham. Lands of Scott. 1871. G30 H89 Jackson, Helen M. [II. II.] Bits of travel. 1873. G30 J12b James, Henry, jr. Transatlantic sketches. 1875. ‘ G30 J32 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 57 King, Edward. Descriptive portraiture of Europe. 1887. G30 K58 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda. Holidays abroad. 1873. G30 K63 Latrobe, John H. B. Hints for six months in Europe. 1869. G30 L355 Letters from Geneva and France. 2 v. G30 L57 LeVert, Octavia (Walton). Souvenirs of travel. 2 v. 1857. G30 L575 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Outre-mer. 1856. G30 L86 Maney, Henry. Memories over the water. 1854. G30 M315 Michelet, Jules. On the highways of Europe. 1893. G30 M582 Sur les chemins de l’Europe. G30 M582s Mitchell, Donald Grant. Fresh gleanings. 1856. G30 M695 Montgomery, James Eglinton. Our admir¬ al’s flag abroad. 1869. G30 M76 Moore, John. View of society in France, Switzerland and Germany. 1792. G30 M78 Morris, Charles, comp. Half hours of travel at home and abroad — Europe. G30 M83 Ninde, Mary L. We two alone in Europe. 1886. G30 N62 Peabody, Andrew Preston. Reminiscences of European travel. 1868. G30 P31 Pitman, Marie J. [Margery Deane.] Euro¬ pean breezes. 1882. G30 P68 Prime, Samuel Ireuajus. Alhambra and the Kremlin. 1873. G30 P93 Travels in Europe and the East. 2 v. G30 P93t Reclus, Elis^e. The earth and its inhabitants: Europe. 5 v. 1883. Ref. Rolfe, William James. Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe. 1900. G30 R64 Sessions, Francis C. On the wing through Europe. 1889. G30 Se72 Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. Pleasant mem¬ ories of pleasant lands. 1856. G30 Si25 Silliman, Benjamin. Visit to Europe in 1851. 2 v. 1853. G30 Si3 Steevens, George Warrington. Glimpses of three nations. 1900. G30 St3 Stoddard, John L. Red-letter days abroad. 1884. G30 StO Stokes, Frederick A. College tramps. G30St64 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Sunny memories of foreign lands. 2 v. 1854. (130 St75 Taylor, Bayard. By-ways of Europe. G30T21 Views afoot. 1884. G30T21v Terhune, Mary Virginia. [jV/«rio?i Harland .] Loiterings in pleasant paths. 1880. G30 T27 Tour in England, Ireland and France. G30 T65 Trafton, Adeline. American girl abroad. 1872. G30 T67 Tripp, Alonzo. Crests from the ocean world. 1853. G30 T73 Urbino, Lavinia Buoncore. American woman in Europe. 1869. G30 Url5 Walsh, Robert. Narrative of & journey from Constantinople to England. 1828. G30 W17 Ware, William. Sketches of European capi¬ tals. 1851. G30 W22 Warner, Charles Dudley. Roundabout jour¬ ney. 1899. G30 W24r Saunterings. 1872. G30 W24 Wright, W. W. Dore; by a stroller in Europe. 1857. G30 W93 GREECE. About, Edmond Francois Valentin. Greece and the Greeks of the present day. G32 Ab75 Barrows, Samuel June, lies and shrines of Greece. 1898. G32 B27 Deschamps, Gaston. La Grbce d’aujourd 'hui. 1898. G32 D45 De Vere, Aubrey. Picturesque sketches of Greece and Turkey. 2 v. 1850. G32 D49 Emerson, James, et al. Picture of Greece in 1825. 1826. G32 Em3 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Studies of travel; Greece. 1893. G32 F87 Harrison, James Albert. Greek vignettes. 1878. G32 H24 Mahaffy, John Pentland. Rambles and studies in Greece. 1876. G32 M275 Pausanias. Description of Greece. 2 v. G32 P28 Snider, Denton Jacques. A walk in Hellas. 1883. G32 Su3 Taylor, Bayard. Travels in Greece and Rus¬ sia. 1859. G34 T21 Tuckerman, Charles Keating. Greeks of to¬ day. 1872. G32 T79 ITALY. About, Edmond Francois Valentin. Roman question. 1859. G36 Ab75 Ansted, A. The Rivera. 1894. Ref. Arthur, William. Italy in transition. G35 Ar75 Blashfield, Edwin Howland and Evangeline Wilbour. Italian cities. 2 v. 11 >00. G35 B01 Bourget, Paul. Impressions of Italy. G35 B66 Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes. Life on the lagoons. 1894. G35V B81 58 GEOGRAPHY ANT) TRAVELS. Burn, Robert. Old Rome. 1880. Ref. Castelar, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy. G35 C275 Costello, Louisa Stuart. Tour to and from Venice. 1846. G35V C82 Crawford, Francis Marion. Ave Roma im- mortalis. 2 v. 1899. G36 C85 Dennie, John. Rome of today and yesterday. 1894. Ref. Dickens, Charles. Pictures from Italy. G35D55 Eaton, Charlotte Ann. Rome in the nine¬ teenth century. 2 v. 1860. G36 Ea8 Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on antiquities, arts and letters in Italy. 1818. G35 F77 Freeman, Ed ward Augustus. Studies of travel: Italy. 1893. G35 F87 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von. Travels in Italy. 1883. G35 G71 Guide to Pompeii. G35P G94 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Cities of central Italy. 2 v. G35 H224c Cities of northern and central Italy. 3 v. 1876. G35 H224n Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. G35 H224s Days near Rome. 1875. G35 H224d Florence. G35F H23 Walks in Rome. 2 v. 1871. G36 H225 Hewlett, Maurice. Earthwork out of Tus¬ cany. 1900. G35 H49 Hilliard, George Stillman. Six months in Italy. 2 v. 1854. G35 H55 Horner, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Flor¬ ence. 2 v. 1873. G35F H78 Howells, William Dean. Tuscan cities. G35 H83 Venetian life. 1867. G35V H83 Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Rome. 1897. G36 H97 Literary landmarks of Venice. G35V H97 Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy). Diary of an ennuy5e. 1857. G35 J23 Jarves, James Jackson. Italian sights and papal principles. 1856. G35 J295 Johnson, Virginia W. Lily of the Arno. Ref. Kemble, Frances Anne. Year of consolation. 1847. G35 K31 Leland, Henry Perry. Americans in Rome. 1863. G36 L535 Moens, William John Charles. English trav¬ ellers and Italian brigands. 1866. G35 M725 Monnier, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii. 1870. G35P M75 Moore, John. View of society and manners in Italy. 1792. G35 M78 Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth Robins. Two pilgrims’ progress. 1887. G35 P38 Piozzi, Hester Lynch. Glimpses of Italian society in the eighteenth century. G35 P65 St. John, Bayle. Suh-Alpine kingdom. 2 v. 1856. G35 Sa2 Smith, Francis Hopkiuson. Gondola days. 1897. G35V Sm6g Venice of to-day. 1896. Ref. Story, William Wetmore. Roba di Roma. 2 v. 1864. G36 St75 Symonds, Margaret. Days spent on a doge’s farm. 1893. G35 Sy6 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Italy: Florence and Venice. 1869. G35F T132 Italy: Rome and Naples. 1869. G36 T132 Villari, Linda (White). On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. 1887. G35 V71 Villari, Luigi. Italian life in town and coun¬ try. 1902. G35 V712 Waters, Clara Erskine. The eternal city: Rome; its religions, monuments, literature and art. 2 v. Ref. Queen of the Adriatic. 1893. Ref. Yriarte, Charles. Venice; its history, art, industries and modern life. 1896. Ref. SWITZERLAND.—THE ALPS. —TYROL. Bremer, Fredrika. Life in the old world. 2 v. 1860. G38 B75 Burnaby, Elizabeth, Mrs. F. G. High Alps in winter. 1883. G37 B93 Busk, Rachel Harriette. Valleys of Tirol. 1874. G37 B96 Conway, Sir William Martin. The Alps from end to end. 1895. G37 C76 Edwards, Amelia Blandford. Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys. G37 Ed9 Grohman, William A. Baillie- Gaddingswitli a primitive people. 1878. G37 G89 Howells, William Dean. A little Swiss so¬ journ. 1892. G38 H83 Hugo, Victor. Alps and Pyrenees. G37 H87 Illustrated guide of Geneva. G38G 116 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Hans Breitmann in Germany.—Tyrol. G37 L54 McCracken, William D. Romance Switzer¬ land. 1894. G38 M135r Teutonic Switzerland. 1894. G38 M135 Miller, Anna C. Cottages of the Alps. G38M613 Prime, Samuel Irenajus. Letters from Switz¬ erland. 1860. G38 P93 Rideing, William H., ed. The Alpenstock. 1880. G37 R43 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 59 Strickland, F. de Beauchamp. The Engadine. 1890. G38E St8 Symonds, John Addington and Margaret. Our life in the Swiss highlands. G38 Sy6 Tissot, Victor. Unknown Switzerland. G38T52 Whymper, Edward. Chamounix and the range of Mont Blanc. 1896. G37 W625 FRANCE. Across France in a caravan. 1893. G39 Ac72 Badeker, Karl. Northern France. G39 B14n Southeastern France. 1898. G39 B14s Southwestern France. 1895. G39 B14sw Blackburn, Henry. Artistic travel in Nor¬ mandy, Brittany, the Pyrenees, Spain and Algeria. 1892. G39 B56 Breton folk. 1881. G39B B56 Normandy picturesque. 1873. G39N B56 Cook, Theodore Andrea. Old Touraine. 2 v. 1892. G39T C77 Craik, Dinah Maria (Mulock). Fair France. 1871. G39 C845 Description et histoire du chateau du Pau et du pays de Bearn. Ref. Dixon, Edwin Asa. Midsummer drive through the Pyrenees. 1890. G39Py D64 Dodd, Anna Bowman. Falaise, the town of the conqueror. 1900. G39F D66 In and out of three Normandy inns. G39N D66 Dumas, Alexandre. Pictures of travel in the south of France. G39 D89 Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham- France of today. 1892. G39 Ed9 Gould, Sabine Baring- In troubadour land. 1891. G39Pr G73 Gourdault, Jules. La France pittoresque. 1893. G39 G742 Greene, Henry Copley. Plains and uplands of old France. 1898. G39 G83 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Round my house. 1876. G39 HI 8 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Days near Paris. 1881. Northeastern France. 1896. G39 H23p G39 H23n Northwestern France. 1896. G39 H23uw Southeastern France. 1896. G39 H23s Southwestern France. 1896. G39 II23sw Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the French and Italian note books. 2 v. G39H31 James, Henry, jr. Little tour in France. 1885. G39 J23 Janvier, Thomas Allibone. Embassy to Prov¬ ence. 1893. G39Pr .1262 Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry. Life in a French chateau. 1867. G39 J48 Jerrold, William Blanchard. On the boule¬ vards. 2 v. 1867. G39 J484 Johnson, Clifton. Along French byways. 1900. G39 J62 Larned, Walter Cranston. Churches and cas¬ tles of mediaeval France. 1895. G39 L32 Lynch, Hannah. French life in town and country. 1901. G39 L99 Macquoid, Katherine Sarah. Through Nor¬ mandy. 1874. G39N M24 Marshall, Frederic. French home life. G39 M35 Molesworth, Mary Louise. French life in letters. 1889. G39 M73 Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville. Round about France. 1878. G39 M96 Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth Robins. Play in Provence. 1892. G39Pr P388 Sartoris, Adelaide (Kemble). Week in a French country house. 1902. G39 Sa7 Smollett, Tobias George. Travels through France and Italy. 2 v. 1766. G39 Sm7 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Inland voyage. 1883. G39 St45i Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1886. G39C St4 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Tour through the Pyrenees. 1874. G39Py T13 Tomes, Robert. The champagne country. 1867. G39R T59 Washburne, Elihu Benjamin. Recollections of a minister to France, 1869-1877. 2 v. 1889. G39 W272 Young, Arthur. Travels in France. G39 Y83 PARIS. Amicis, Edmondo de. Studies of Paris. 1892. G39P Am5 Badeker, Karl. Paris and environs. G39P B14 Child, Theodore. Praise of Paris. G39P C435 Coffignon, A. Paris vivant. G39P C657 Davis, Richard Harding. About Paris. 1895. G39P D29 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Paris in old and present times. 1885. G39P H17 Hare, Augustus J. C. Paris. 1896. G38P 1122 Head, Sir Francis. Paris. 1859. G39P 1134 Henry, Stuart. Paris days and evenings. 1896. G39I’ II395 Jackson, Catherine Charlotte, lady. Old Paris. 1880. G39P J13 60 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Jarves, James Jackson. Parisian sights and French principles. 2 v. 1856. G39P J295 Kaufmann, Richard. Paris of today. G39P K16 King, Edward. My Paris. 1868. G39P K58 Lansdale, Marie Hornor, comp. Paris; its sites, monuments and history. 1899. Ref. Marguerittes, Julie de. Ins and outs of Paris. 1855. G39P M335 # Martin, Benjamin Ellis and Charlotte M. Stones of Paris in history and letters. 2 v. 1899. G39P M36 Morrow, W. C. Bohemian Paris of today. 1900. G39P M83 Piatt, Louisa Kirby. Bell Smith abroad. 1859. G39P P57 Shepherd, William. Paris in 1802. G39P Sh45 Singleton, Esther, ed. Paris as seen and de¬ scribed by famous writers. 1900. G39P Si6 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Notes on Paris. 1876. ' G39P T131 Thackeray, William Makepeace. Paris sketch book. 1883. G39P T32 Students’ quarter. G39P T32s Ticknor, Anna Eliot. American family in Paris. 1869. G39P T43 Vandam, Albert Dresden. Englishman in Paris. My Paris notebook. 1894. Woman’s Paris. 1900. G39P V28e G39P V28 G39P W84 SPAIN. — PORTUGAL. Amicis, Edmondo de. Spagna. 1890. G40 Am5 Spain. 1890. G40 Am5c Bates, Katherine Lee. Spanish highways and byways. 1900. G40 B31 Bodfish, W. Parker. Through Spain on don¬ key back. 1883. G40 B63 Borrow, George. Bible in Spain. G40 B64b Zincali; an account of the gypsies of Spain. 1872. G40 B64z Finek, Henry Tlieophilus. Spain and Morocco. 1891. G40 F49 Hare, Augustus John Cutlibert. Wanderings in Spain. 1873. G40 H22 Harrison, James Albert. Spain in profile. 1879. G40 H24 Hay, John. Castilian days. 1899. G40 H33 Huntington, Archer M. Note book in north¬ ern Spain. 1898. G40 H92 Irving, Washington. Alhambra. 1884. G40 lr8 Jaccaci, August F. On the trail of Don Quixote. 1896. G40J11 Lathrop, George Parsons. Spanish vistas. 1883. G40 L34 Latouche, John. Travels in Portugal. G41 L35 Lent, William Bement. Across the country of the little king. 1897. G40 L55 Lowell, James Russell. Impressions of Spain. 1899. G40 L95 Mackie, John M. Cosas de Espafia. G40 M19 Patch, Olive. Sunny Spain. 1884. G40 P27 Plummer, Mary Wright, comp. Contempo¬ rary Spain as shown by her novelists. G40 P73 Poitou, Eugene. Spain and its people. G40P75 Scott, S. P. Through Spain. 1886. G40 Sco8 Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Spanish cities. 1892. G40 St62 Taylor, Hobart C. Chatfield. Land of the castanet. 1896. G40 T21 Thieblin, Nicolas L4on. Spain and the Span¬ iards. 1875. G40 T34 Thornbury, Walter. Life in Spain, past and present. 1860. G40 T39 Wylie, James Aitken. Daybreak in Spain. G40 W97 IRELAND.—SCOTLAND.—WALES. Abbott, .Jacob. Summer in Scotland. G43 Ab2 Crockett, William Shillinglaw. Scott coun¬ try. 1902. G43 C87 Bigelow, Andrew. Leaves from a journal. 1821. G449 B48 Borrow, George. Wild Wales. 1888. G44 B645 Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon. In the Hebrides. 1886. G43H C91 Gowans, James. Edinburgh and its neigh¬ borhood. 1886. G43E G745 Gwynn, Stephen. Highways and byways in Donegal and Antrim. 1899. G42 G99 Hurlbert, William Henry. Ireland under co¬ ercion. 1888. G42 H94 Johnson, Clifton. Isle of the shamrock. G42 J62 Lovett, Richard. Ireland illustrated. Ref. Oliphant, Margaret Olipliant (Wilson). Royal Edinburgh. G43E 013 Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth Robins. Our journey to the Hebrides. 1889. G43H P385 Ramsay, Edward Bannermann. Reminis¬ cences of Scottish life and character. G43 R14 Scotland illustrated. 1845. Ref. Sinclair, Catherine. Scotland and the Scotch. 1840. G43 Si6 Shetland and the Shetlanders. 1840. G43S Si6 Smith, A. Summer in Skye. G43H Sm52 Smith, William A. Lewsiana. 1875. G43H Sm6 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 61 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Edinburgh. G43E St4 Victoria, queen. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands. 1868. G43 V66 More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands. 1884. G43 V66m ENGLAND. Allbut, Robert. Rambles in Dickens land- 1899. Ref. Badeker, Karl, ed. Great Britain. G449 B14 Bailey, James M. England from a back win¬ dow. 1878. G45 B15 Batch, Elizabeth. Glimpses of old English homes. 1890. G45 B18 Barber, T- Picturesque illustrations of the Isle of Wight. G45W B23 Jlack. Road and railway guide to England and Wales. 1887. G449 B56 Blouet, Paul. [ Max O'Rell.] John Bull and Co. 1894. G449 B62 John Bull and his island. 1884. G45 B62 Bradley, Arthur G. Highways and byways in the Lake district. 1901. G45 B73 Brown, Alice. By oak and thorn. G45 B81 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L., 1st baron Lytton, England and the English. 1876. G45 B87 Carnegie, Andrew. American four-in-hand in Great Britain. 1885. G449 G214 Champlin, John Denison, jr. Chronicle of the coach,: Charing Cross to Ilfracombe. 1886. G45 C36 Cooper, James Fenimore. Gleanings in Europe: England. 2 v. 1837. G45 C783 Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. Warwick¬ shire Avon. 1892. G45 C83 Davies, George Christopher. Norfolk broads and rivers. 1883. G45N D28 Davis, Richard Harding. Our English cous¬ ins. 1894. G45 D29 Dodd, Anna B. Cathedral days. G45 D662 On the broads. 1896. G45 D662o Dutt, William A. Norfolk. 1901. G45N D95 Emerson, R. W. English traits. 1856. G45 Em3e English and .Scottish sketches by an Ameri¬ can. 1857. G449 En3 Goadby, Edwin. The England of Shakes¬ peare. G45 G54 Grindon, Leo H. Lancashire. G45La G88 Guild, Curtis. Britons and Muscovites. G45G94 Harper, Charles G. From Paddington to Pen¬ zance. 1893. G45 H23 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Ouroldhome. 1863. G45 H299o Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the English note books. 2 v. 1871. G45 H299 Hawthorne, Sophia (Peabody). Notes in England and Italy. 1869. G45 H31 Hole, Samuel R. More memories. G45 H71m Hoppin, James Mason. Old England G45 H77 Howitt, William. Rural life of England. 1854. G45 H84 Visits to remarkable places. 2 v. G45 H84v Hughes, William R. A week’s tramp in Dicken’s land. 1891. G45 H87 Johnson, Clifton. Among English hedge¬ rows. 1899. G45 J62 Lang, Andrew. Oxford. 1893. G450 L25 Le Gallienne, Richard. Travels in England. 1900. G45 L52 Leyland, John. The Thames illustrated. Ref. Loftie, William John. Windsor castle. 1891. G45W L823 Miller, Hugh. First impressions of England. 1856. G45 M62 Norway, Arthur H. Highways and byways in Yorkshire. 1899. G45Y N83 Olmsted, Frederick Law. Walks and talks of an American farmer in England. G45 015 Patten, Claudius B. England as seen by an American banker. G45 P27 Pauli, Reinhold. Pictures of old England. 1861. G45 P28 Rideing, William Henry. In the land of Lorua Doone. 1895. G45 R43 Silloway, Thomas William, and Powers, Lee L. Cathedral towns and intervening places of England, Ireland and Scotland. G449 Si3 Smith, Goldwin. Trip to England. G45 Sm5 Taine, Ilippolyte Adolphe. Notes on Eng¬ land. 1872. G45 T13 Taylor, Charles M., jr. British Isles through an opera glass. 1899. G449 T21 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Our cycling tour in England. 1892. G45 T423 Timbs, John. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of England and Wales. G45 T48 Walford, Edward. Holidays in home coun¬ ties. 1880. G45 W14 White, Richard Grant. England without and within. 1881. G45 W58 Whitefield, Edwin. Homes of our forefathers in Boston, England. 1889. Ref. Winter, William. Gray days and gold in England and Scotland. 1892. G45 W732 Shakespeare’s England. 1892. G45 W732s 62 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Wolfe, Theodore F. Literary pilgrimage among the haunts of famous British authors. 1895. G45 W83 Wright, Margaret. Hired furnished. G45 W93 LONDON. Bartlett, David W. What I saw in London. 1860. G45L B281 Besant, Sir Walter. East London. G45L B40e Westminster. 1895. G45L B46w City of London directory for 1879. Ref. Cook, Mrs. E. T. Highways and byways in London. 1902. G45L C77 Daniell, Alfred Ernest. London city churches. 1896. G45L D22 Duncan, Sara Jeannette. American girl in London. 1891. G45L D91 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Walks in London. 1878. G45L H22 Heckethorn, Charles William. London mem¬ ories. 1900. G45L 1136 London souvenirs. 1899. G45L H36s Knight, Charles, ed. London. 3 v. 1851. Ref. L’Estrange, C. J. Familiar London. Ref. Loftie, William John. Authorized guide to the tower of London. 1888. G45L L82 London and Londoners. 1900. G45L L841 London characters. G45L L84 McCarthy, Justin. Charing Cross to St. Paul’s. 1893. G45L M125 Mitton, G. E. Fascination of London: Chel¬ sea. 1902. G45L M69c Fascination of London: Hampstead and Marylebone. 1902. G45L M69h New palace of Westminster. 1889. G45L W52 Smalley, George W. London letters. 2 v. 1891. G45L Sml Thornbury, Walter. Haunted London. 1880. G45L T39 Timbs, John. Curiosities of London. Ref. London and Westminster. 2 v. G45L T481 Romance of London. 2 v. G45L T48r Wilmot, E. P. Eardley, and Streatfield, E. C. Charterhouse, old and new. 1895. G45L W68 HOLLAND.-BELGIUM. Amicis, Edmondo de. Holland. G467 Am5h La Hollande. 1885. G467 Am5 Boughton, George Henry. Sketching ram¬ bles in Holland. 1885. Ref. Costello, Dudley. Tour through the valley of the Meuse. 1846. G468 C82 Griffis, William Elliot. American in Holland. 1900. G467 G87 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 1884: G467 H22 Havard, Henry. Heart of Holland. G467 H295 Hough, P. M., pseud. Dutch life in town and country. 1901. G467 H81 Mont6gut, Emile. Les pays-bas. G468 M76 GERMANY. Bothmer, Minny von, gr'dfin. German home life. 1876. G47 B66 Brace, Charles Loring. Home life in Ger¬ many. 1856. G47 B72 Browne, John Ross. American family in Germany. 1866. G47 B814 Dawson, William Harbutt. German life in town and country. 1901. G47 D32 Hawthorne, Julian. Saxon studies. G47 H31 Head, Sir Francis Bond. Bubbles from Brun- nen. 1848. G47N H34 Hood, Thomas. Up the Rhine. G47R H76 Howard, Blanche Willis. One year abroad. 1877. G47 H82 Howitt, William. German experiences. 1844. G47 H84 Jackson, John P. The Bayreuth of Wagner. 1891. G47B J13 Johnson, Anna C. Peasant life in Germany. 1858. G47 J62 Macquoid, Katharine Sarah, and Gilbert Samuel. In the volcanic Eifel. G47 M24 Mayhew, Henry. German life and manners. 1865. G47S M45 Parry, Emma Louise. Life among the Ger¬ mans. 1887. G47 P245 Russell, John. Tour in Germany. G47 R91 Shinn, Earl. [Edward Stralian. 1 New hy- perion. 1875. G47 Sh6 StaeLHoIstein, Anne Louise Germaine Neck- er, baronne. Germany. 2 v. 1861. G47 Stl SCANDINAVIA: ICELAND. NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND. Ballou, Maturin Murray. Due north. G53 B21 Brace, Charles Loring. Norse-folk. G51 B72 Browne, John Ross. Land of Thor. G48 B814 Davis, Sarah Matilda Henry. Norway nights and Russian days. 1887. G48 D29 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Land of the mid¬ night sun. 2 v. 1882. G53 D85 Headley, Phineas C. Island of fire. G49 H34 Keary, Charles Francis. Norway and the Norwegians. 1892. G51 K21 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 63 Kimball, Edwin Coolidge. Midnight sun¬ beams. •1888. G48 K56 Knight, Edward Frederick. The “Falcon” on the Baltic. 1889. G532 K74 Lloyd, Llewellyn. Scandinavian adventures. 2v. 1854. G52 L77 Lowe, Helen. Unprotected females in Nor¬ way. G51 L95 Miles, Pliny. Nordurfari. 1854. G49 M59 Pfeiffer, Ida Laura. Journey to Iceland. 1852. G49 P472 Steele, Thomas Sedgwick. Voyage to viking land. 1896. G51 St3 Taylor, Bayard. Northern travel. G53 T21 Tromholt, Sophus. Under the rays of the aurora borealis. 2 v. 1885. G536 T75 Tweedie, Mrs. Alec. Through Finland in carts. 1898. G537 T92 Vicary, John Fulford. American in Norway. 1885. G51 V66 Waller, S. E. Six weeks in the saddle. 1874. G49 W15 RUSSIA, AUSTRIA, HUNGARY. Brandes, Georg. Impressions of Russia. 1889. G54 B732 Dixon, William Hepworth. Free Russia. 1870. G54 D64 Emery, Mabel S. Russia through the stereo¬ scope. 1901. G54 Em3 Englishwoman in Russia. 1855. G54 En3 Gautier, Th^ophile. Winter in Russia. G54 G23 Hapgood, Isabel Florence. Russian rambles. 1895. G54 H21 Hutchinson, Alexander Hadden. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. G56 H97 Lagny, Germain de. The knout and the Russians. 1854. G54 L135 Laszowski, Emily (Gerard) von. Land be¬ yond the forest. 2 v. 1888. G57 L33 Logan, John A .,jr. In joyful Russia. G54 L83 McCormick, Richard C. Visit to the camp before Sevastopol. . 1855. G54 M135 Millet, Francis Davis. Danube. G56 M62 Morley, Henry, ed. Sketches of Russian life. 1866. G54 M825 Norman, Henry. All the Russian. G54 N78 Norman, Mdnie Muriel (Dowie). A girl in the Karpathians. 1891. G56 N75 Oliphant, Laurence. Russian shores of the Black Sea. 1854. G54 0135 Paget, John. Hungary and Transylvania. 2 v. 1850. G56 PI45 Palmer, Francis H. E. Russian life in town and country. 1901. G54 P18 Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. To gypsyland. 1893. G57 P382 Sala, George Augustus. Journey due north. 1858. G54 Sa3 Stadling, Jonas, and Reason,Will. In the land of Tolstoi. 1897. G54 Stl Stepniak (pseud). Russian peasantry. 1888. G54 St4.3 Stevens, Thomas. Through Russia on a mustang. 1891. G54 St47 Wallace, Donald Mackenzie. Russia. 1877. G54 W16 TURKEY. Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople. 1878. G59C Am5 Baker, James. Turkey. 1877. G59 B17 Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler. The Turk and the Greek. 1867. G59 B43 Campbell, Dudley. Turks and Greeks. G59 C15 Crawford, Francis Marion. Constantinople. 1895. G59C C85 Gautier, Tli^ophile. Constantinople. G59CG23 Hamlin, Cyrus. Among the Turks. G59 1118 Hornby, Mrs. Edmund. In and around Stamboul. G59C H78 Minchin, James George. Bulgaria since the war. 1880. G596 M66 Noyes, James O. Roumania. 1858. G595 N87 Pardoe, Julia. City of the sultan. 2 v. 1837. G59C P21 Slade, Adolphus. Turkey and the Turks. 1854. G59 SU ASIA. Colquhoun, Ethel, Mrs. A. R. Two on their travels. 1902. GOO C71 Curzon, George N. Problems of the far East. 1894. GOO C94 DeForest, John William. Oriental acquain¬ tance. 1856. G607 D365 Habersham, A. W. My last cruise. GOO Hll Hawks, Francis Lester, and Jones, George. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, per¬ formed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854. 3 v. 1856. Ref. Hedin, Sven. Through Asia. 2 v. G60 H30 Kinglake, Alexander W. Eothen. G601 K59 Knox, Thomas W. Backsheesh ! GOO K77b Malcolm, Howard. Travels in southeastern Asia. 2 v. 1839. GOO M29 64 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. March, Daniel. Morning light in many lands. 1891. G60 M33 Morris, Charles, comp. Half-hours of travel at home and abroad — Asia. 1896. G60 M83 Newman, John Philip. “From Dan to Beer- sheba.” 1864. G607 N462 Oliphant, Laurence. Land of Gilead. G601 013 Polo, Marco. Travels. 1845. G60 P76 Porter, John L. Giant cities of Baslian. 1865. G607 P83 Ramsay, William Mitchell. Impressions of Turkey. 1897. G601 R14 Reclus, Elis6e. The earth and its inhabi¬ tants: Asia. 4 v. Ref. Rockhill, William Woodville. Land of the lamas. 1891. G60 R59 Smith, Agnes. Through Cyprus. G606 Sm5 Taylor, Bayard. Visit to India, China and Japan. 1855. G60 T21 Thomson, John. Straits of Malacca, Indo- China and China. 1875. G60 T38 PALESTINE. -SYRIA. Appleton, Thomas Gold. Syrian sunshine. 1877. G607 Ap5 Badeker, Karl. Palestine and Syria. G61 B14 Bovet, Felix. Egypt, Palestine and Phoe¬ nicia. 1883. G61 B66 Burt, Nathaniel Clarke. The land and its story. 1869. G61 B95 Charles, Elizabeth (Rundell). Wanderings over Bible lands. 1866. G61 C38 Conder, Claude Reignier. Tent-work in Pal¬ estine. 2 v. 1878. G61 C75 Curtis, George William. Howadji in Syria. 1856. G607 C94 Fulton, John. Palestine. 1900. G61 F95 Gage, William Leonard. Land of sacred mys¬ tery. 1871. G61 G123 Headley, J. H. Sacred plains. G61 H34p Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Jerusalem. 1895. G61J H97 Headley, Joel T. Sacred mountains. G61 H34 Johnson, Sarah Barclay. Hadji in Syria. 1858. G607 J63 Jowett, William. Christian researches in Syria and the Holy Land. 1826. G61 J83 Le Strange, Alfred Guy Kingau. Palestine under the Moslems. 1890. G61 L562 Lynch, W. F. Narrative of the United States expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. 1849. G61 L99 Macgregor, John. The Rob Roy on the Jor¬ dan. 1870. # G61 Ml 7 Martineau, Harriet. Eastern life, present and past. 1876. G61 M36 Maundrell, Henry. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, 1697. 1836. G61 M44 Palmer, Edward Henry. Desert of the exo¬ dus. 1872. G61 P18 Prime, William Cowper. Tent-life in the Holy Land. 1857. G61 P93 Riley, Isaac, comp. Syrian home life. G607 R45 Robinson, Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petrsea. 3 v. 1841. G61 R56 Russell, Michael. Palestine; or, the Holy Land. 1836. G61 R91 St. Clair, George. Buried cities and Bible countries. 1892. G61 Sa2 Sauley, Louis F^licien Caignart de. Narra¬ tive of a journey round the Dead Sea and in Bible lands. 2 v. 1854. G61 Sa85 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Sinai and Pales¬ tine. 1870. G61 St25 Swift, John Franklin. Going to Jericho. 1868. G61 Sw5 Thomson, William M. Land and the book. 1886. G61 T38 Tompkins, Edward Staats De Grote. Through David’s realm. 1889. G61 T59 Tristram, Henry B. Land of Moab. G61 T73 Van Lennep, Henry J. Bible lands. G61 V32 Wells, Thomas. Letters on Palestine. 1846. G61 W452 Wilson, Sir Charles William. Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. 4 v. Ref. ARABIA, ASSYRIA, PERSIA. Among the Arabs. G62 Arl4 Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by caravan. 1877. G635 Ar6 Bassett, James. Persia, the land of the Imams. 1886. G635 B29 Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler. Persia and the Persians. 1887. G635 B43 Bishop, Isabella L. (Bird). Journeys to Per¬ sia and Kurdistan. 2 v. 1891. G635 B543 Burton, Sir Richard Francis. Personal nar¬ rative of a pilgrimage to El Mediuali and Mecca. 1856. G62M B95 Du Couret, Louis. Life in the desert. G62 D85 Layard, Austin Henry. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. G63 L452 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 65 Newman, John Philip. Thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nineveh. 1876. G634 N47 Palgrave, William Gifford. Personal narra¬ tive of a year’s journey through central and eastern Arabia. 1883. G62 P175 Sketches of Persia. 1828. G635 Sk2 Smith, George. Assyrian discoveries. 1875. G634 Sm56 Taylor, Bayard, comp. Travels in Arabia. 1872. G62 T21 Zwemer, S. M. Arabia, the cradle of Islam. 1900. G62 Z9 CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ASIA. Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and western Siberia. 1858. G65 At5 Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor. I860. G65 At5a Burnaby, Frederick Gustavus. A ride to Khiva. 1877. G64 B93 Bush, Richard J. Reindeer, dogs and snow- shoes. 1871. G65 B96 Collins, Perry McDonough. Voyage down the Amoor. 1860. G65 C69 Qowing, Lionel Francis. Five thousand miles in a sledge. 1890. G65 G74 Kennan, George. Siberia and the exile sys¬ tem. 2 v. 1891. G65 K36 Tent life in Siberia. 1870. G65 K36t Lansdell, Henry. Russian central Asia. 2 v. 1885. G64 L29 Marvin, Charles. Reconnoitring central Asia. 1886. G64 M364 O’Donovan, Edmond. The Merv oasis. 2 v. 1883. G64 Od5 Taylor, Bayard, comp. Central Asia. G64 T21 Wolff, Joseph. Narrative of a mission to Bokhara. 1845. G64 W83 CHINESE EMPIRE. Abbott, .Jacob. China and the English. 1843. G66 Ab2 Ball, B. L. Rambles in eastern Asia. G66 B21 Beresford, Lord Charles. Break up of China. 1899. G66 B46 Bishop, Isabella L. (Bird). Korea and her neighbors. 1898. G668 B54 Yangtze valley and beyond. 2 v. G66 B54 Chang Chili Tung. China’s only hope. G66 C36 Clarke, Benjamin. Land of the pigtail. G66 C55 Colquhoun, Archibald Ii. China in transfor¬ mation. 1898. G66 C71 Complete view of the Chinese empire. G66C73 Cooke, George Wingrove. China. G66 C77 Davis, John F. The Chinese. 2 v. G66 D29 Doolittle, Justus. Social life of the Chinese. 2 v. 1865. G66 D724 Fielde, Adele M. A corner in Cathay. G66 F45 Hue, Evariste R6gis. Journey through the Chinese empire. G66 H86 Landor, A. Henry Savage. In the forbidden laud [Tibet.] 2 v. 1899. G664 L24 Lansdell, Henry. Chinese central Asia. 2 v. 1894. G66 L29 Letters from John Chinaman. 1901. G66 L57 Lowell, Percival. Choson. 1886. G668 L952 Martin, William Alexander Parsons. Siege in Peking. 1900. G66P M36 Medhurst, Walter Henry. Foreigner in far Cathay. 1873. G66 M463 Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freeman. At¬ tach*; at Peking. 1900. G66 M69 Morse, Edward Sylvester. Glimpses of China and Chinese homes. 1902. G66 M84 Nevius, Helen S. (Coan). Our life in China. 1869. G66 N41 Nevius, John L. China and the Chinese. 1869. G66 N411 Nichols, Francis Henry. Through hidden Shensi. 1902. G66 N51 Oliphant, Laurence. Narrative of the earl of Elgin’s mission to China and Japan. G66 013 Oppert, Ernest. Forbidden land [Korea]. 1880. G668 Op6 Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamali. China, the long- lived empire. 1900. G66 Sci2 Smith, Arthur H. Chinese characteristics. 1894. G66 Sm5 Smith, William L. G. Observations on China and the Chinese. 1863. G66 Sm6 Viaud, Julien. [Pierre Loti.] Last days of Pekin. 1902. G66P V65 White, James. History of a voyage to the China sea. 1823. G66 W58 Williams, Samuel Wells. The middle king¬ dom. 2 v. 1848. G66 W67 JAPAN. Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Capital of the tycoon. 2 v. 1863. G67 A115 Arnold, Sir Edwin. Japonica. 1891. G67 Ar6 Bacon, Alice Mabel. Japanese interior. G67 B13 Baxter, Katherine Schuyler. In beautiful Japan. 1895. G67 B33 Bishop, Isabella L. (Bird). Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 2 v. 1881. G67 B54 (>(i GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Chamberlain, Basil Hall. Tilings Japanese. 1890. G67 C35 Curtis, William Eleroy. Yankees of the East. 2 v. 1896. G67 C94 Fraser, Mary Crawford, Mrs. Hugh. Letters from Japan. 2 v. 1899. G67 F86 Griffis, William Elliot. The mikado’s em¬ pire. 1890. G67 G87 Hearn, Lafcadio. Gleanings in Buddha fields. 1897: ’ G67 H357g Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. G67 H357 Kokoro. 1896. G67 H357k “ Out of the East.” 1895. G67 H357o Humbert, Aim6. Le Japon illustrfh 2 v. Ref. Knapp, Arthur May. Feudal and modern Japan. 2 v. 1900. G67 K72 LaFarge, John. Artists’ letters from Japan. 1897. G67 L13 Lowell, Percival. Noto. 1891. G67 L95 Soul of the far East. 1898. G67 L95s Martin, F£lix. Le Japon vrai. G67 M36 Morris, Mrs. Robert C. Dragons and cherry blossoms. 1896. G67 M83 Norman, Henry. Real Japan. 1892. G67 N78 Rein, Johann Justin. Japan. 1884. G67 R27 Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. Jinrikislia days in Japan. 1891. G67 Sci2 Taylor, Bayard, comp. Japan in our day. 1872. G67 T21 Tomes, Robert. Americans in Japan. G67 T59 Weston, Walter. Mountaineering and ex¬ ploring in the Japanese Alps. 1896. G67 W52 FURTHER INDIA.—PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.-SIAM. BURMA. Bickmore, Albert Smith. Travels in the East Indian archipelago. 1869. G681 B473 Bishop, Isabella L. (Bird). Golden Cherson¬ ese. 1883. G684 B54 Gibson, Walter M. Prison of Weltevreden. 1855. G681 G35 Keppel, Henry. Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido for the suppression of piracy. 1846. G683 K44 La Gironiere, Paul P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines. G6811 L13 Lenowens, Anna Harriette. English govern¬ ess at the Siamese court. 1871. G688 L55 Romance of the harem. 1873. G688 L55r Palmer, John William. The golden dagon. 1859. G689 P18 Philippines. 1902. G6811 Ph54 Wallace, Alfred Russel. Malay archipelago. 1869. G681 W156 Worcester, Dean C. Philippine islands and their people. 1899. G6811 W89 INDIA. Ballou, Maturin Murray. Pearl of India [Cey¬ lon], 1894. G699 B21p Butler, William. From Boston to Bareilly and back. 1886. G69 B97b Land of the Veda. 1895. G69 B97 Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon- Two happy years in Ceylon. 2 v. 1892. G699 C91 Doughty, Marion. [Helton Mervyn .] Afoot through the Kashmir valleys. G6915 D75 Dufferin and Ava, Harriot G., marchioness of. Our viceregal life in India. 1891. G69 D87 Furneaux, J. H., ed. Glimpses of India. Ref. Hackel, Ernst. Visit to Ceylon. G699 Hll Heber, Reginald. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India. 2 v. 1828. G69 H35 Hodson, William Stephen Raikes. Twelve years of a soldier’s life in India. G69 H66 Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Himalayan journals. 2 v. 1855. G691 H76 Hornaday, William T. Two years in the jun¬ gle. 1885. G69 H78 Kipling, Rudyard. Out of India. G69 K625 Leonowens, Anna Harriette. Life and trav¬ els in India. 1884. G69 L55 Mael, Pierre. Land of tawny beasts. G691 M265 Oman, John Campbell. Indian life. G69 Oml Robinson, Philip Stewart. Under the sun. 1882. G69 R56 Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. Winter India. 1903. G69 Sci2 Stone, Samuel John. In and beyond the Himalayas. 1896. G691 St7 Workman, Fanny Bullock and William Hunter. In the ice world of Himalaya. G691 W89 AFRICA. Barth, Henry. Travels and discoveries in north and central Africa. 1859. G70 B28 Denham, Dixon, and Clapperton, Hugh. Nar¬ rative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa. 1826. G70 D41 Foote, Andrew H. Africa and the American flag. 1854. G70 F72 Kerr, Walter Montague. The far interior. 2 v. 1886. G70 K46 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 67 Loomis, Eben J. Au eclipse party in Africa. 1806. G70 L87 Morris, Charles, comp. Half hours of travel at home and abroad.—Africa. 1896. G70M83 Park, Mungo. Life and travels. G70 P21 Reade, William Winwood. Savage Africa. 1864. G70 R224 Reclus, Elis^e. Earth and its inhabitants: Africa. 4 v. 1886. Ref. EGYPT AND THE NILE VALLEY. Adams, William Henry Davenport. Egypt past and present. 1885. G71 Adl3 Appleton, Thomas Gold. A Nile journal. 1876. G72 Ap5 Bartlett, William Henry. The Nile boat. 1851. G71 B28 Clark, Edward L. Daletli. 1864. G71 C55 Curtis, George William. Nile notes of a howadji. 1857. G72 C94 Edwards, Amelia Blandfurd. Thousand miles up the Nile. 1889. G72 Ed9 Grey, Theresa, lion. Mrs. William. Journal of a visit to Egypt. 1870. G71 G865 Hawks, Francis Lester. Monuments of Egypt. 1850. G71 H31 Hotten, .John Camden. ' Abyssinia and its people. 1868. G726 H79 Klunzinger, Carl Benjamin. Upper Egypt. 1878. G71 K71 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Egyptian sketch book. 1874. G71 L535 Lott, Emmeline. “ English governess ” in Egypt; harem life in Egypt and Constanti¬ nople. G71 L91 McCoan, James C. Egypt as it is. G71 M13 Minutoli, Wolfardine A. L. M .freiherrin von. Recollections of Egypt. 1827. G71 M66 Prime, William Cowper. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 1857. G71 P93 St. John, Bayle. Two years’ residence in a Levantine family. 1850. G71 Sa22 St. John,.!. A. Egypt and Nubia. G71 Sa23 Seiss, Joseph Augustus. A miracle in stone. 1877. G71 Se4 Southworth, Alvan S. Four thousand miles of African travel. 1875. G72 So8 Speke, John Hanning. Journal of the dis¬ covery of the source of the Nile. G72 Sp34 Taylor, Bayard. Journey to central Africa. 1854. G72 T21 Warburton, Eliot. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. 1859. G71 W21 Warner, Charles Dudley. Mummies and Moslems. 1876. G71 W24 Warren, William Wilkins. Life on the Nile. 1873. G72 W25 EQUATORIAL AFRICA. — MADAGASCAR. Baker, Sir Samuel White. Ismaili'a. G73 B17 Burton, Sir Richard Francis. Lake regions of central Africa. 1860. G732 B95 Cameron, Verney Lovett. Across Africa. 1877. G742 C14 Drummond, Henry. Tropical Africa. G742 D84 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa. G73 D85 Ellis, William. Three visits to Madagascar. 1859. G738 E16 Jameson, James S. Story of the rear column of the Emin Pasha relief expedition. G742 J23 Livingstone, David. Last journals. G73 L765 Livingstone and his African explorations. 1872. G73 L76 Long, Charles C. Central Africa. G742 L85 Mullens, Joseph. Twelve months in Mada¬ gascar. 1875. G738 M91 Sibree, James, jr. Madagascar and its peo¬ ple. G738 Sil5 Stanley, Henry Morton. Howl found Living¬ stone. 1872. G73 St241 In darkest Africa. 2 v. 1890. G73 St24d Story of Emin’s rescue. 1890. G742 St22e Through the dark continent. 2 v. G73 8t24t Thomson, Joseph. Through Masai land. 1885. G731 T38 Troup, J. Rose. With Stanley’s rear column. 1890. G73 T754 SOUTH AFRICA. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Six months at the Cape. 1880. G748 B21 Barker, Mary Ann, lady. Year’s housekeep¬ ing in South Africa. 1877. G747 B24 Bent, James Theodore. Ruined cities of Mashonaland. 1892. G742 B445 Bigelow, Poultney. White man’s Africa. 1899. G74 B48 Blelock, W. New South Africa. G74 B615 Blennerhasset, Rose, and Sleeman, Lucy. Adventures in Mashonaland. G742 B614 Bryce, James. Impressions of South Africa. 1898. G74 B84 68 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Chapman, James. Travels in the interiorof South Africa. 2 v. 1878. G74'C364 Grout, Lewis. Zulu-land. 1864. G746 G914 Kay, S. Travels and researches in Caffraria. 1834. G748 K18 Livingstone, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 1858. G74 L76 Martin, Annie. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1892. G748 M36 Stanley, Henry Morton. Through South Africa. 1898. G74 St2 WEST AND SOUTHWEST AFRICA.—THE CONOO. Andersson, Charles John. Lake N’Gami. 1856. G742 An251 Okavango river. 1861. G749 An25o Notes of travel in southwestern Africa. 1875. G749 An25 Burton, Sir Richard Francis and Cameron, Verney Lovett. To the gold coast for gold. 1883. G766 B95 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. My Apingi king¬ dom. 1871. G749 D85 Kingsley, Mary H. Travels in West Africa. 1897. G75 K61 Lander, Richard and John. Journal of an expedition to the Niger. 1889. G749 L23 Monteiro, Joachim John. Angola and the river Congo. 1876. G75 M76 Packard, J.F. Stanley and the Congo. G76 P12 Ramseyer, Frederick Augustus, and Kiihne, Johannes. Four years in Asliantee. G766R14 Smith, C. S. Glimpses of Africa; west and southwest coast. 1895. G749 Sm5 Stanley, Henry Morton. The Congo and the founding of its free state. 2 v. G76 St25 Thomas, C. W. Adventures and observations on the west coast of Africa. G749 T36 Ward, Herbert. Five years with Congo can¬ nibals. 1890. G76 W21 Wilson, J. Leighton. Western Africa. G75 W69 SUDAN. Jephson, Arthur Jermy Mounteney. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890. G77 J463 Naphegyi, G. Ghardaia. 1871. G78 N16 Ohrwalder, Joseph. Ten years’ captivity in the Mahdi’s camp. 1895. G77 01i6 St. John, Bayle. Adventures in the Libyan desert. 1849. G78 Sa2 Slatin, Rudolf C. Fire and sword in the Sudan. 1897. G77 Sll NORTH AFRICA: ALGERIA.—MOROCCO. Amicis, Edmondo de. Morocco. G796 Am5 Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs. G795 B57 Bridgman, Frederick Arthur. Winters in Algeria. 1890. G795 B76 Ditson, George Leighton. The crescent and French crusaders. 1859. G795 D635 Jardine, Alexander. Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, Portugal, etc. 1789. G79 J28 Shaler, William. Sketches of Algiers. G795 Sh2 Thomson, Joseph. Travels in the Atlas and southern Morocco. 1889. G796 T38 Viaud, Julien. [Pierre Loti.] Into Morocco. 1889. G796 V65 Wilkin, Anthony. Among the Berbers of Algeria. G795 W65 AMERICA.—EXPLORATION. Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn. America not dis¬ covered by Columbus. 1891. G802 An2 Banvard, Joseph. First explorers of North America. 1886. G81 B22 Baxley, H. Willis.- What I saw on the west coast of South and North America. G80 B33 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. Columbus and the geographers of the North. G801 D35c Pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen. 1890. G802 D35 Discovery and conquest of the new world. 1892. G80 D64 Fiske, John. Discovery of America. 2 v. 1892. G801 F54 Griffis, William Elliot. Romance of discov¬ ery. 1897. G80 G87 Grinnell, George Bird. Indians of today. Ref. Helps, Sir Arthur. Spanish conquest of America. 2 v. 1856. G801 H37 Horsford, Eben Norton. Discovery of the ancient city of Norumbega. 1890. Ref. Irving, Washington. Voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus. G803 Ir8 Johnston, James F. W. Notes on North America. 2 v. 1851. G81 J64 Morris, Charles, comp. Half hours of travel at home and abroad; America. G80 M83 Noble, Louis Legrand. After icebergs with a painter. 1861. G818 N665 Parkman, Francis. Struggle for a continent. 1902. G80 P23 Reclus, Elis6e. Earth and its inhabitants: North America. 3 v. 1894. Ref. Weise, Arthur James. Discoveries of America to the year 1525. 1884. G801 W43 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 09 Winsor, Justin. Cartier to Frontenac. 1894. G804 W73 Mississippi basin. 1895. G804 W73m DOMINION OR CANADA. Appleton’s Canadian guide book. 2 v. 1891. G82 Ap5 Badeker, Karl. Dominion of Canada. G82 B14 Butler, William Francis. Wild north land. 1874. G821 B97 Carnegie, Sir James. Saskatchewan and the Rocky mountains. 1875. G82 C215 Carrell, Frank, comp. Guide to the city of Quebec. 1899. G82Q C23 Cozzens, Frederic S. Acadia. 1859. G829 C83 Dawson, Samuel Edward. Handbook for the city of Montreal. 1888. G82M D32 Fitzgibbon, Mary. A trip to Manitoba. 1880. G8255 F57 Grant, Jeannette A. Through Evangeline’s country. 1894. G829 G7G Guide to historic Quebec. 1892. G82Q G94 Haddock, John A. Souvenir of the Thousand Islands. 1896. G8298 Hll Hepworth, George Hughes. Starboard and port. 1876. G829 H41 Karr, H. W. Seton. Bear-hunting in the White mountains. 1891. G821 K15 International Railway Publishing Co. All¬ round route and panoramic guide of the St. Lawrence. 1899. G8298 In8 Le Moine, Sir James McPliei’Son. Pictur¬ esque Quebec. 1882. G82Q L54 Moodie, S. Life in the clearings. G82 M77 Morley, Margaret Warner. Down north and up along. 1900. G829 M82 Norton, Charles Ledyard, and Habberton, John. Canoeing in Kanuckia. G82 N82 Pike, Warburton. Barren ground of northern Canada. 1892. G82 P63 Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co. Beauty spots of Canada. 1895. G82 R37 Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Around the campfire. 1896. G82 R54 Robinson, Henry M. Great fur land. G825 R56 Routhier, Adolphe Basile. Quebec et L^vis l’aurore du XXe sibcle. 1900. Ref. Thoreau, Henry David. Yankee in Canada. 1866. G82 T39 Warner, Charles Dudley. Baddeck. G8297 W24 Whitney, Caspar. On snowslioes to the Barren Grounds. 1896. G82 W01 UNITED STATES. Arnold, Matthew. Civilization in the United States. 1889. G83 Ar6 Badeker, Karl, ed. United States. G83 B142 Bartlett, John Russell. Personal narrative of explorations in Texas, New Mexico, Califor¬ nia, Sonora and Chihuahua. 2 v. G83 B285 Bernard, John. Retrospections of America, 1797-1811. 1887. G83 B46 Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. Voyage of the paper canoe. 1878. G83 B54 Blouet, Paul. [J/ax 0'Bell.~\ Frenchman in America. 1891. G83 B62 Jonathan and his continent. G83 B62j Bourget, Paul. Outre mer. 1895. G83 B66 Bremer, Fredrika. Homes of the new world. 2 v. 1854. G83 B75 Campbell, Sir G. White and black. G83 C15 Carnegie, Andrew. Triumphant democracy. 1893. G83 C215 Cleaveland, George A., and Campbell. Robert E. American landmarks. 1893. Ref. Cooper, James Fenimore. Travelling bachelor. 1869. G83 C77 Curtis, George William. Lotus-eating. G83 C94 Dodge, Mary Abigail. [Gail Hamilton .] Wool gathering. 1867. G83 D66 Hardy, Mary (Macdowell) lady Duffus- Through cities and prairie lands. G83 H22 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. American note books. 2 v. 1868. G83 H31 Howells, William Dean. Three villages. 1884. * G83 H83 King, Moses, ed. Handbook of the United States. 1891. Ref. Kipling, Rudyard. American notes. G83 K62 Laboulaye, Edouard Ren£ Lefebvre. Paris in America. 1863. G83 Lll Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces. 2 v. 1856. G83 L278 Lossing, Benson John, et at. Our great con¬ tinent. 1889. G83 L893 Mackay, Charles. Life and liberty in America. 1859. G83 Ml9 Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of western travel. 2 v. 1838. G83 M36 Morse, Jedidiali. American gazetteer. G83 M835 Muirhead, James Fullarton. America, the land of contrasts. 1902. G83 M89 Murray, Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. 1856. G83 M96 70 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Murray, Henry A. Lands of the slave and the free. 1857. G83 M961 Pulszky, Francis and Theresa. White, red, black. 2 v. 1853. G83 P96 Russell, William Howard. My diary North and South. 1863. G83 R91 Scudder, Horace Elisha, ed. Men and man¬ ners in America one hundred years ago. 1876. G83 Scu2 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, ed. United States of America. 2 v. 1894. Ref. Silliman, Benjamin. Remarks made on a short tour between Hartford and Quebec. 1820. G83 Si3 Steinwehr, Adolf W. F., baron von. Centen¬ nial gazetteer of the United States. Ref. Trollope, Anthony. North America. G83 T74 Trollope, Frances (Milton). Domestic man¬ ners of the Americans. 2 v. G83 T742 Tudor, William. Letters on the eastern states. 1821. G83 T81 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. Rambles in colo¬ nial byways. 2 v. 1901. G83 W69 NEW ENGLAND. Abbott, Katherine M. Trolley trips: the his¬ toric New England coast. 1899. Ref. Twentieth century trolley trips. 1901. Ref. Bacon, Edwin Munroe. Historic pilgrimages in New England. 1898. G84 B13 Carter, Robex-t. Summer cruise on the coast of New England. 1864. G84 C24 Drake, Samuel Adams. Nooks anil coniers of the New England coast. 1876. G84 D78 Dwight, Timothy. Travels in New England and New York. 4 v. 1821. G84 D96 Fellows, Henry Parker. Boating trips on New England rivers. 1884. G84 F33 Hayward, John. New England gazetteer. 1839. G84 H33 New England business directox-y. 1902. Ref. Prime, William Cowper. Along New England roads. 1892. G84 P934 Rollins, Ellen Chapman (Hobbs). New Eng¬ land bygones. 1880. G84 R65 Sweetser, Moses Forster. Here and there in New England and Canada. 1899. G84 Sw3 Whitefield, Edwin. Homes of our fore¬ fathers. 1886. Ref. MAINE. — NEW HAMPSHIRE. —RHODE ISLAND. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. An old town by the sea. 1893. G842 A12 Breeze Publishing Co. Casco Bay directory. 1902. Ref. Brownell, W. C. Newport. 1896. G845Ne B81 Channing, George G. Early recollections of Newport. 1868. G845Ne C36 Drake, Samuel Adams. Heart of the White Mountains. 1882. G842 D78 Pine-tree coast. 1891. G841 D78 Farrar, Charles A. J. Illustrated guide-book to Moosehead Lake. 1889. G841M F24 Foster, Sarah H. Portsmouth guide book. 1896. G842P F81 King, Thomas Starr. White hills. G842 K58 Mason, G. C. Newport illustrated. G845Ne M38 Steele, Thomas Sedgwick. Canoe and camera. 1880. G841 St32c Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. 1878. G842 T334 Thoreau, Henry David. Maine woods. G841 T39 Torrey, Bradford. Footing it in Franconia. 1901. G842 T63 MASSACHUSETTS. Abbott, Katherine M. South shore trolley trips. 1898. Ref. Trolley trips on a bay state triangle. Ref. Bacon, Edwin Munroe. Walks and rides in the country round about Boston. 1897. Ref. Drake, Samuel Adams. Historic mansions and highways around Boston. G844Md D781i Old landmarks and historic fields of Middle¬ sex. 1876. G844Md D78 Freese, John W. Historic houses and spots in Cambridge, Massachusetts and near by towns. 1897. Ref. Garrett, E. H. Pilgrim shore. G844 G195p Romance and reality of the puritan coast. 1897. G844 G195 Inland Massachusetts illustrated. G844 Iu55 Massachusetts of today. 1892. Ref. Nason, Elias. Gazetteer of the state of Mas¬ sachusetts. 1874. Ref. Tourist’s guide to down the harbor. G844 T66 Whitefield, Edwin. Homes of our forefath¬ ers. 1880. • Ref. Wolfe,Theodore F. Literary shrines. G844W83 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.- MASSACHUSETTS. Berkshire. Picturesque Berkshire. 2 v. Ref. Boston. Bacon, Edwin Munroe. Boston: a guide book. 1903. Ref. Boston illustrated. 1886. G844B B13 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 71 Boston. Baxter,Sylvester. Greater Boston. Ref. Boston register and business directory. Ref. Drake, Samuel Adams. Old Boston taverns and tavern clubs. 1885. Ref. Guide to metropolitan Boston. G844B M57 Historic Boston. 1901. G844B B862 King, Moses, ed. Handbook of Boston. 1883. G844B K581i How to see Boston. 1895. G844B K58 Macdonald, Edward. Old Copps Hill and burial ground. 1891. Ref. Porter. E. G. Rambles in old Boston. Ref. Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bowditch. Topographi¬ cal and historical description of Boston. Ref. Stark, James Henry. Antique views of ye towne of Boston. 1882. Ref. Swift, Lindsay. Literary landmarks of Bos¬ ton. 1903. Ref. Brockton. Brockton. Ref. Cape Cod. Thoreau, Henry David. Cape Cod. 1881. G844Ca T39 Chelsea. Gillespie, Charles Bancroft. City of Chelsea. 1898. G844Ch G41 Concord. Bartlett, George B. Concord, his¬ toric, literary and picturesque. G844Co B28 Lothrop, Harriet M. [Margaret Sidney .] Old Concord. 1898. G844Co L925 Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. 2 v. Ref. Franklin. Picturesque Franklin. 1891. Ref. Hampden. Picturesque Hampden. 2 v. Ref. Hampshire. Picturesqe Hampshire. Ref. Ipswich. Baxter, Sylvester. Hotel Cluny of a New England village [Whipple House]. 1900. G844I B33 Leominster. Emerson, William A. Leomins¬ ter book. 1901. Ref. Lenox. Hibbard, G. A. Lenox. G844L H52 Lynn. Hobbs, Clarence W. Lynn and sur¬ roundings. 1886. G844Ly H65 Marblehead. Roads, Samuel, jr. Guide to Marblehead. 1881. G844Ma R53 Nantucket. Austin, Jane Goodwin. Nan¬ tucket scraps. 1891. G844Na Au7 Bliss. W. R. Quaint Nantucket. G844Na B61 September days on Nantucket. G844Na BOls Godfrey, Edward K. Island of Nantucket. 1882. G844Na G54 Northampton. Northampton the meadow city. 1894. Ref. Plymouth. Guide to historic Plymouth. 1896. G844P G94 Salem. Bates, Harriet L. [Eleanor Putnam.] Old Salem. 1893. G844S B32 Davenport, George F. Homes and hearths of Salem. 1891. G844S D27 Silsbee, Marianne C. D. Half century in Salem. 1887. G844S Si3 Worcester. Tribute to the Columbian year. 1893. Ref. MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES. Street, Alfred B. Indian pass. G851 St8 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. Historical sketch of northern New York and the Adi¬ rondack wilderness. 1877. G851 Sy5 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.—MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES. Adirondacks. Wallace, Edwin R. Descriptive guide to the Adirondacks. 1877. G851A W157 Buffalo. Floyd, A. B. Insand outs of Buffalo. 1901. G851B F65 Catskills. Picturesque Catskills. 1894. Ref. Van Loan, Walton, ed. Catskill Mt. guide. 1888. G851C V325 Hudson river. Bacon, Edgar Mayhew. Hud¬ son river from ocean to source. 1902. Ref. Johnstown, [Pa.] Johnson, Willis Fletcher. History of the Johnstown flood. G854J J63 New York city. Appleton’s dictionary of New York and its vicinity. G851N Ap5 King, Moses, ed. Handbook of New York city. 1893. Ref. New York, the metropolis of the American continent. 1892. G851N K58 Maurice, Arthur Bartlett. New York in fic¬ tion. 1901. G851N M44 Walker, George H. Guide to greater New York. 1900. G851N W15 Niagara. Bigelow, Timothy. Journal of a tour to Niagara Falls. 1876. G851Ni B48 Howells, William Dean, et al. Niagara book. 1893. G851Ni H83 Philadelphia, [Pa.] Rand, McNally and Co. Handy guide to Philadelphia and environs. 1900. G854P R16 Trenton, [N. J.] Willis, Nathaniel Parker, ed. Trenton Falls. 1851. G85.3T W68 Washington, [D. C.] Abbott, Katherine M. Trolley trips in and about Washington. Ref. Ellet, Elizabeth Fries. Court circles of the republic. 1870. G859 E152 Hudson, Mary Clemmer. Ten years in Wash¬ ington. 1874. G859 H87 72 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Washington, [D. C.] Moore, Joseph West. Picturesque Washington. 1884. G859 M78 Reynolds, Charles B. Standard guide to Washington. 1900. 0859 R33 THE SOUTH. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. South and North. 1860. G86 Ab2 Banvard, Joseph. Southern explorers and colonists. 1886. G86 B22 Brown, William Wells. My southern home. 1880. G86 B81 Field, Henry Martyn. Bright skies and dark shadows. 1890. G86 F456 Keim, De Benneville Randolph. Sheridan’s troopers on the borders. 1885. G88 K265 McCall, George Archibald. Letters from the frontiers. 1868. G86 Ml3 Mackie, John Milton. From Cape Cod to Dixie. 1864. G86 M21 Olmstead, Frederick Law. Our slave states. v. 1. 3. . G86 015 Page, Thomas Nelson. The old South. G86 P14 Presbrey, Frank. Southland. 1898. G86 P92 Ralph, Julian. Dixie. 1896. G86 R135 Warner, Charles Dudley. On horseback. 1888. G86 W24o Studies in the South and West. G86 W24 Wise, John Sergeant. End of an era. G86 W75 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.—THE SOUTH. Florida. Bill, Ledyard. Winter in Florida. 1869. G872 B49 Deland, Margaret. Florida days. G872 D37 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Palmetto leaves. 1873. G872 St7 Torrey, B. Florida sketch book. G872 T63f Georgia. Kemble, Frances Anne. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation. 1863. G867 K31 Kentucky. Allen, James Lane. Blue-grass region of Kentucky. 1892. G883 A154 Rambles in the Mammoth cave. 1845. G883 M31 Mississippi. Clemens, S. L. [Mark Twain.] Life on the Mississippi. 1883. G875 C59 Davis, Reuben. Recollections of Mississippi and the Mississippians. G874 D29 Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the last ten years in the valley of the Mississippi. 1826. G875 F64 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Travels in the Mis¬ sissippi valley. 1825. G875 Sch6 North Carolina. Harris, Wade H. Sketches of Charlotte, N. C. 1899. G865C H24 Tennessee. Gilmore, James Robert. [Edmund Kirke.] Down in Tennessee. 1864. G882 G42 Torrey, Bradford. Spring notes from Ten¬ nessee. 1896. G882 T63 Texas. Dewees, W. B. Letters from an early settler of Texas. 1852. G877 D51 Kendall, George Wilkins. Narrative of the Texan Santa F^ expedition. 2 v. G877 K33 Viel6, T. “ Following the drum.” G877 V67 Virginia. Burwell, Letitia M. Girl’s life in Virginia before the war. 1895. G863 B955 Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Colonial cavalier. 1894. G862 G63c Page, Thomas Nelson. Social life in old Vir¬ ginia. 1897. G863 P145 THE WEST. Bourke, John Gregory. On the border with Crook. 1892. G89 B66 Bowles, S. Across the continent. G89 B68 Clemens, Samuel L. [Mark Twain.] Rough¬ ing it. 1872. G89 C59 Coues, Elliott, ed. History of the expedition under the command of Lewis and Clarke. 4 v. 1893. Ref. Dali, Caroline Healey. My first holidays. 1881. G89 D16 Davis, Richard Harding. The West from a car window. 1892. G89 D295 Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth. Ragged regis¬ ter. 1879. G89 D56 Dixon, William Hepworth. New America. 1867. G89 D643 Dodge, Richard Irving. Our wild Indians. 1890. G89 D663 Ellet, Elizabeth Fries. Summer rambles in the West. 1853. G89 E15 Emory, W. H. Notes of a military reconnois- sance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California. 1848. G89 Em65 Gunnison, Alinon. Rambles overland. G89G955 Johnson, Laura Winthrop. Eight hundred miles in an ambulance. 1889. G89 J62 Lippincott, Sara Jane. [Grace Greenwood.] New life in new lauds. 1878. G89 L665 Ludlow, Fitz Hugh. Heart of the continent. 1870. G89 L96 Lummis, Charles F. Some strange corners of our country. 1892. G89 L97 Marcy, Randolph Barnes. Border reminis¬ cences. 1872. G89 M3341* GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 73 Marcy, Randolph Barnes. Thirty years of army life on the border. 1866. G89 M334 Melirie, Janies Florant. Two thousand miles on horseback. 1867. G89 M485 Peyton, John Lewis. Over the Alleghanies. 1870. G89 P46 Remington, Frederic. Crooked trails. G89 R28c Pony tracks. 1895. G89 R28p Richardson, Albert Deane. Beyond the Miss¬ issippi. 1867. G89 R39 Roberts, Morley. Western Avernus. G89 R54 Root, Frank A. Overland stage to California. 1901. G89 R67 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Afloat on the Ohio. 1897. G894 T42 NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Custer, Elizabeth Bacon. Tenting on the plains. 1887. G92 C96 Henry, Alexander, and Thompson, David. Manuscript journals, 1799-1814. 3 v. Ref. Inman, Henry. Old Santa F4 trail. G92 I 116 King, Charles. Campaigning with Crook. 1890. G92 K58 Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller). Summer on the lakes in 1843. 1844. G90 Os7 Stevenson, R. L. Across the plains. G92 St43 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Down historic waterways. 1902. G902 T42 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.—NORTH AND NORTHWEST. Dakota. Custer, Elizabeth B. Boots and saddles. 1899. G921 C96 Dodge, Richard Irving. Black Hills. G923 D 66 Kansas. Custer, Elizabeth Bacon. Follow¬ ing the guidon. 1890. G925 C963 Ebbutt, Percy G. Emigrant life in Kansas. 1886. G925 Ebl5 Robinson, Sara T. L. Kansas. 1857. G925 R56 Minnesota. Bishop, Harriet E. Floral home. 1857. G911 B54 Featlierstonhaugh, George W. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. 1847. G911 F31 Keating, William H. Narrative of an expedi¬ tion to the source of St. Peter’s river. 2 v. 1824. G911 K22 ROCKY MOUNTAINS TO THE PACIFIC. Bishop, Isabella L. (Bird). Lady’s life in the Rocky mountains. 1879. G93 B54 Fremont, John Charles. Report of the ex¬ ploring expedition to the Rocky mountains 1845. ' G93 F87 Grohman, William A. Baillie- Camps in the Rockies. 1882. G93 G89 Inman, Henry, and Cody, William Frederick. [Buffalo Bill.] Great Salt Lake trail. G93 In 6 Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. 1868. G93 Ir 8 Leighton, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound. 1884. GP4 L53 McClure, Alexander K. Three thousand miles through the Rocky mountains. G93 M135 Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. G93 P23 Robinson, Philip Stewart. Sinners and saints. 1883. G93 R56 Seton=Thompson, Grace Gallatin. Woman tenderfoot. 1900. G93 Se7 Van Dyke, John Charles. The desert. G93 V28 Winthrop, Theodore. Canoe and the saddle. 1876. G94 W73 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.—ROCKY MOUNTAINS TO THE PACIFIC. Alaska. Abercrombie, W. R. Alaska. 1899 Copper river exploring expedition. G945 Ab3 Ballou, Maturin M. Neweldorado. G945 B21 Dali, William Healey. Alaska and its re¬ sources. 1870. G945 D16 Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic province. G945 E155 Filippi, Filippo de. Ascent of Mount St. Elias. Ref. Garland, Hamlin. Trail of the gold seekers. 1899. G945K G19 Haskell, William B. Two years in the Klon¬ dike and Alaskan gold-fields. G945K H27 Heilprin, Angelo. Alaska and the Klondike. 1899. G945 H36 Schwatka, Frederick. Along Alaska’s great river. 1885. G945 Sch9 Taylor, Charles M., jr. Touring Alaska and the Yellowstone. 1901. G945 T21 Wardman, George. Trip to Alaska. G945 W21 Whymper. F. Travel in Alaska. G945 W624 Arizona. Hodge, Hiram C. Arizona as it is. 1877. G938 H 66 James, George Wharton. In and around the grand canyon. 1900. G938 .123 Mo wry, Sylvester. Arizona and Sonora. G938 M87 California. Brace, Charles Loring. The new West. 1869. G941 B72 Colton, Walter. Three years in California. 1856. G941 C72 Cronise, Titus Fey. Natural wealth of Cali¬ fornia. 1868. G941 C881 Fisher, Walter M. The Californians. G941 F53 74 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. California. Greeley, Horace. Overland journey from New York to San Francisco. G941 G81 Hittell, John S. Resources of California. 1869. G941 H634 Jackson, Helen M. [iJ. i/.] Glimpses of Cali¬ fornia and the missions. 1902. G941 J13 King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 1872. G941 K58 Land of sunshine. 1894—1902. G941 L22 Yols. 16-18 called Out West. Lloyd, B- E. Lights and shades of Sau Fran¬ cisco. 1876. G941S L77 Muir, John. Mountains of California. 1894. G941 M894 Nordhoff, Charles. Peninsular California. 1888. G941 N76 Palmer, John William. The new and the old: or California and India in romantic aspects. 1859. G941 P18 Sanborn, Kate. Truthful woman in southern California. 1893. G941 Sa5 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Silverado squatters. 1886. G941 St 4 Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Beyond the Rockies. 1894. G941 St6 Stoddard, Charles Warren. In the footprints of the padres. 1902. G941 St61 Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado. 1856. G941 T21 Taylor, Benjamin Franklin. Between the gates. 1886. G941 T211 Todd, John. Sunset land. 1870. G941 T565 Van Dyke, Theodore Strong. Southern Cali¬ fornia. 1886. G941 V28 Warner, Charles Dudley. Our Italy. G941 W243 Colorado. Bowles, Samuel. Switzerland of America. 1869. G934 B68 New Mexico. Gregg, Josiah. Scenes and incidents in the western prairies. G937 G865 Lummis, Charles F,. Land of poco tiempo. 1893. G937 L97 Oregon. Bullfinch, Thomas. Oregon and Eldorado. 1866. G943 B87 Dye, Eva Emery. McLoughlin and old Oregon. 1900. G943 D98 Irving, Washington. Astoria. 1868. G943 lr8 Nash, Wallis. Oregon. 1878. G943 N17 Utah. Bailey, Florence Augusta (Merriam). My summer in a Mormon village. G935 M55 Chandless, William.Visit to Salt Lake.G935 C36 Douan, P. Utah. G935 D713 Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, v.l. G935 St22 Washington. Swan, James G. The north¬ west coast. 1857. Ref. Yellowstone park. Stanley, Edwin J. Ram¬ bles in wonderland. 1878. G933Y St2 Wingate, George Wood. Through the Yellow¬ stone park on horseback. 1886. G933Y W72 MEXICO. Ballou, Maturin Murray. Aztec land. G95 B21 Bellemarre, Eugfene Louis Gabriel de Ferry de. Vagabond life in Mexico. 1856. G95 B41 Bishop, William Henry. Mexico, California and Arizona. 1900. G95 B54 Box, Michael James. Adventures and explo¬ rations in new and old Mexico. G95 B69 Garcia, Cubas Antonio. Republic of Mexico in 1876. 1876. G95 G16 Gilliam, Albert M. Travels over the table lands and cordilleras of Mexico. G95 G41 Griffin, Solomon Bulkley. Mexico of today. 1886. G95 G87 Humboldt, Alexander von. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain. 2 v. G95 H88 Lumholtz, Karl Sofus. Unknown Mexico- 2 v. 1902. Ref. Lummis, Charles F. Awakening of a nation. 1898. G95 L97 Ober, Frederick Albion. Travels in Mexico. 1884. G95 Ob2 Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches. G95 Os9 Rogers, Thomas L. Mexico ? Si senor. G95 R632 Romero, Matias. Geographical and statisti¬ cal notes on Mexico. 1898. G95 R66 Smith, Francis Hopkinson. White umbrella in Mexico. 1889. G95 Sm5 Tweedie, Mrs. Alec. Mexico as I saw it. 1901. G95T91 Wells, David Ames. Study of Mexico. G95 W46 Wilson, Robert Anderson. Mexico and its religion. 1855. G95 W69 SPANISH AMERICA. Brassey, Annie (Allnut), lady. In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties. G96 B72 Curtis, William Eleroy. Capitals of Spanish America. 1900. G96 C94 Davis, Richard Harding. Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America. G96 1)29 McQuade, James. Cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida. 1885. G96 M222 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 75 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.—SPANISH AMERICA. Central America. Sanborn, Helen J. Winter in Central America and Mexico. G961 Sa5 Squier, Ephraim George. States of Central America. 1858. G961 Sq42s Stephens, John L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 2 v. 1841. G961 St45 Trollope. Anthony. West Indies and the Spanish main. 1860. G96 T74 Vincent, Frank. In and out of Central Arherica. 1890. G961 V742 Guatemala. Brigham, William T. Guate¬ mala. 1887. G963 B76 Nicaragua. Squier, Ephraim George. Nica¬ ragua. 2 v. 1853. G966 Sq4 Waikua. 1855. G967 Sq42 Walker, J. W. G. Ocean to ocean. G966 W15 WEST INDIES AND CARIBBEAN SEA. Froude, James Anthony. English in the West Indies. 1888. G97 F93 Gurney, Joseph John. Familiar letters to Henry Clay. 1840. G97 GOO Hearn, Lafcadio. Two years in the French West Indies. 1890. G97 H356 Hill, Robert T. Cuba and Porto Rico: with the other islands of the West Indies. G97 H55 Kingsley, Charles. At last; a Christmas in the West Indies. 1871. G97 K614 Ober, Frederick Albion. Camps in the Carib- bees. 1880. G976 Ob2 In the wake of Columbus. 1893. G97 Ob2 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Health trip to the tropics. 1854. ' G97 W675 LOCAL DESCRIPTION —WEST INDIES. Cuba. Clark, William J. Commercial Cuba. 1808. G973 C55 Dana, Richard Henry, jr. To Cuba and back. 1859. G973 D19 Davis, Richard Harding. Cuba in war time. 1897. G973 D29 Gibbes, R. W. Cuba for invalids. G973 G35 Munroe, James. Notes on Cuba. G973 M92 Norton, Albert J. Complete handbook of Ha¬ vana and Cuba. 1902. G973 N82 Pepper, Clias. M. To-morrow in Cuba. G973P39 Rowan, Andrew .Summers, and Ramsey, Mara¬ thon Montrose. Island of Cuba. G973 R7S Hayti. St. John, Sir Spenser. Ilayti; or, the black republic. 1889. G972 Sa2 Porto Rico. Dinwiddie, William. Puerto Rico. 1899. G975 1)61 SOUTH AMERICA. Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. Thousand miles walk across South America. 1869. G98 B54 Browne, J. R. Crusoe’s island. G996J B813 Curtis, William Eleroy. Between the Andes and the ocean. 1900. G98 C94 Hassaurek, Frederick. Four years among Spanish Americans. 1868. G98 H29 Head, Sir Francis Bond. Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the pam¬ pas and among the Andes. 1827. G98 H34 Herndon, William Lucas, and Gibbon, Lard- ner. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. 2 v. 1854. G98 H433 Orton, J. Andes and the Amazon. G98 Or85 Page, Thomas J. La Plata, the Argentine confederation and Paraguay. 1859. G98P143 Reclus, l£lis4e. Earth and its inhabitants: South America. 2 v. Ref. Scruggs, William L. Colombian and Venez¬ uelan republics. 1900. G98 Scr7 Vincent, Frank. Around and about South America. 1890. G98 V74 Waterton, Charles. Wanderings in South America. 1879. G98 W31 LOCAL DESCRIPTION.—SOUTH AMERICA. Andes. Conway, Sir William Martin. Bolivian Andes. 1901. G983 C76 Holton, Isaac F. New Granada ; twenty months in the Andes. 1857. G983 H74 Wliymper, Edward. Travels amongst the great Andes of the equator. 1892. G983 W62 Argentine Republic. Republica Argentina. 1893. G993 R31 Brazil. Agassiz, Louis, and Elizabeth Carey. Journey in Brazil. 1868. G99 Agl Codraau, J. Ten months in Brazil. G99 C642 Kidder, Daniel F., and Fletcher, James C. Brazil and the Brazilians. 1857. G99 K53 Stewart, Charles Samuel. Brazil and La Plata. 1856. G99 St45 Warren, John Esaias. Para. 1851. G99P W25 Wells, James W. Exploring and travelling three thousand miles through Brazil. 2 v. 1886. G99 W46 Chili. Merwih, Mrs. Charles B. Three years in Chili. 1863. G996 M55 Short description of the Republic of Chili. 1901. G996 R29 Smith,Edmond Reuel. Araucanians. G996Sm5 (iuiana. Palgrave, William Gifford. Dutch Guiana. 1876. G987 P18 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 76 Paraguay. Bourgade la Hardye, E. de. Para¬ guay. 1892. G991 B667 Patagonia. Dixie, Florence, lady. Across Patagonia. 1881. G995 D645 Peru. Cole, George R. Fitz-Roy. Peruvians at home. 1884. G998 C67 Tscliudi, Joliann Jakob von. Travels in Peru. 1847. G998 T784 Venezuela. Curtis,William Eleroy.Venezuela. 1896. G984 C94 Eastwick, Edward B. Venezuela. G984 Ea8 Paez, Ramon. Wild scenes in South America. 1862. G984 P13 SURVEYING. — HYDROGRAPHY. Johnson, John Butler. Theory and practice of surveying. 1900. GE J63 Prentiss, Henry Mellen. Great polar current. 1897. GE P92 ATLASES. Bradley. Atlas of the world. 1886. Ref. Century atlas of the world. Ref. Cosmopolitan atlas of the world. 1900. Ref. Cram’s atlas of the world, ancient and mod¬ ern. 1902. Ref. Handtke, F. Reise-Karte von Deutschland, der Schweiz,den Niederlanden und Belgien. 1891. Ref. Labberton, Robert H. New historical atlas and general history. 1890. Ref. New census edition international atlas. Ref. Rand, McNally and Co. Atlas of the world. 2 v. 1898. Ref. Foreign countries.— United States. Routledge’s select atlas. 1872. Ref. Smith, William, and Grove, George. Atlas of ancient geography. 1874. Ref. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Atlas of the Philippine islands. 1900. Ref. UNITED STATES. Bradford, T. G. Illustrated atlas; geographi¬ cal, statistical and historical. 1838. Ref. King. Historical portfolio of the United States. Ref. Scribner. Statistical atlas of the United States. 1883. Ref. U. S. Census Bureau. Statistical atlas of the United States. 1898. Ref. MASSACHUSETTS. Hopkins, G. M. Atlas of the. county of Suf¬ folk, Massachusetts. 1874. Ref. Massachusetts topographical survey commis¬ sion. Atlas of Massachusetts. 1890. Ref. Atlas of the boundaries of the city of Med¬ ford, Middlesex county. 1898. Ref. Stadley, George W. Atlas of the city of Med¬ ford, Middlesex county, Mass. 1898. Ref. Walker, George H. Atlas of Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 1889. Ref. Walker, O. W. Atlas of Massachusetts. Ref. Index of Subjects PAGE Abyssinia.67 History.39 Acton, Mass.45 Adirondaeks.71 Africa.66 History.39 Africa, Equatorial.67 Africa, North.68 History.40 Africa, South.67 History.39 Alaska.73 Algeria.68 Alps.58 America.—Antiquities.52 Exploration.68 History.40 Amesbury, Mass.45 Andes.75 Andover, Mass.45 Antarctic regions.64 Antiquities.51 Arabia.64 Arctic regions.64 Argentine Republic.75 History.50 Arizona.73 Ashburnham, Mass.45 Asia.63 Antiquities.52 History.38 Assisi.33 Assyria.64 History.39 Athol, Mass.45 Atlantic ocean.55 Atlases.76 Australia.55 Austria.63 History.38 Azores.55 Aztecs.49 Babylon.39 Barbary states.40 Bedford, Mass.45 Belgium.62 Bermuda.55 Beverly, Mass. ..45 Biography, Collective.27 Europe.28 France.29 Great Britain.29 New England.30 U. S. and Canada.29 Biography, individual.3 PAGE Borneo.66 Boston, Mass.70 History.45 Bradford, Mass.46 Braintree, Mass.46 Brattleboro, Vt.48 Brazil .75 Bridgewater, Mass.46 Bristol, England.37 British America.40 British Columbia.40 Brittany.59 Brockton, Mass.71 Brookfield, Mass.46 Brookline, Mass .46 Brooklyn, N. Y.48 Bruges.37 Buffalo, N. Y.71 Cairo.39 California.73 History.49 Cambridge, England.37 Cambridge, Mass.46 Canada.69 History.40 Canton, Mass.46 Cape Breton.40 Cape Cod.71 Carlisle.37 Carthage.40 Catskills.71 Central America.75 History .49 Cevennes.59 Ceylon.66 Chaldea.39 Charlestown, Mass.46 Chartres. 34 Chelsea, Mass.71 Chili.75 China.65 History.39 Chivalry.52 Cinque-Forts.37 Civilization.50 Clinton, Mass.46 Cohasset, Mass.46 Coins.52 Colorado.74 Concord, Mass.71 Congo.68 Connecticut.48 Constantinople.63 History.38 Crimea.38 PAGE Crusades.32 Cuba.75 History.49 Culture, History.60 Dedham, Mass.46 Douglas, Mass.46 Dunstable, Mass.46 Egypt.67 Antiquities.52 History.39 England.61 History.36 Epsom, N. H. ^ .48 Europe.56 Antiquities.51 History.32 Exeter, England.37 Exeter, N. H.48 Fairfield, Conn.48 Fitzwilliam, N. H.48 Florence.58 History.33 Florida.72 History.48 Framingham, Mass.46 France.59 History.34 Franklin, Mass.71 Gardner, Mass.46 Genealogy.30 Geneva.58 Georgia.• • •.72 History.49 Geography.52 Germany.62 History.37 Gloucester, Mass.46 Great Britain.51 See also England, Ireland, Scot land, Wales. Greece.57 Antiquities.51 History.32 Groton, Mass.46 Guatemala.75 Guiana.75 Hampden. Mass.71 Hampshire, Mass.71 Hampstead, N. H.48 Hansa towns.38 Harvard, Mass.46 Haverhill, Mass.46 Hawaii.55 Hayti.75 Heraldry.62 77 78 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Himalayan mountains. History. Ancient. Miscellanies. Philosophy. Teaching and study Holland. History. Houlton, Maine .... Hudson river. Hungary. Hydrography. Iceland. India.' . . . . History. Indians. Inscriptions. Ipswich, Mass. History. Ireland . . .. History Isles of Shoals. Italy . . . . History. Japan . History. Jerusalem. Jews. Johnstown, Penn. . . . Kansas. History. Kashmir. Kentucky. History. Korea. Lawrence, Mass. . . . Lenox, Mass.. Leominster, Mass. . . Levant. London . History. Louishurg ....... Louisiana. Lowell, Mass. I.unenberg, Mass. . . . Lyndeborough, N. H. . Lynn, Mass. History. Madagascar. Maine. History.. Malden, Mass. Malta. History. Man, Isle of. Manchester, Mass. . . . Manitoba. Marblehead, Mass. . . History. Maryland. Massachusetts. History. Medfield, Mass. Medford, Mass. Media. PAGF. . 66 . 31 . 31 . 50 . 50 . 50 . 62 . 37 . 4K . 71 . 63 . 76 . 62 . 66 . 39 . 40 . 52 , 71 . 46 . 60 . 35 . 70 . 57 . 33 . 65 . 39 . 52 . 39 . 71 . 73 . 49 . 66 . 72 . 49 . 65 . 46, . 71 . 71 . 55 . 62 -37 . 40 . 48 . 47 .. 47 . 48 . 71 . 47 . 67 . 70 . 48 . 47 . 55 . 33 . 37 . 47 . 69 . 71 . 47 . 48 . 70 . 45 . 47 . 47 . 39 Mediterranean Sea. . . . Melrose, Mass. Methuen, Mass. Mexico. History ......... Middle ages. Middlesex county, Mass Milford, Mass. Minnesota. History. Mississippi. Mississippi valley .... Missouri. Montreal. Moosehead lake. Morocco. Murrayfield, Mass. . . . Nantucket. Naples. Netherlands. New England. Customs. History. New France ....... New Hampshire. History. New Haven, Conn. . . . New London, Conn. . . . New Orleans. New York. History. New York City. History. New Zealand. Newburyport, Mass. . . . Newfoundland. Newport, R. I. Newton, Mass. Niagara. History. Nicaragua. Nile. Normandy . North Carolina. Northampton, Mass. . . Norway. History. Nova Scotia. Nubia. Nuremberg. Oregon.. History. Ohio. Oxford, England .... Oxford, Mass. Pacific ocean and islands History. Palestine. History. Paraguay. History. Paris. Parthia. Patagonia. Peking. PAGE 65 47 47 74 49 32 47 47 49 72 49 49 69 70 68 47 71 58 37 70 52 44 40 70 48 48 48 49 71 48 71 48 55 47 40 70 47 71 48 75 67 59 72 71 62 38 69 39 38 74 49 49 37 47 54 . 32 64 39 76 50 59 39 76 65 Pelham, N. Y. . . . Pennsylvania . . . Persia. History. Peru. History. Perugia. Philadelphia .... History. Philippine islands . Phoenicia. Pitcairn island. . . Plainfield, Mass. . . Plymouth, Mass. . . History. Poland. Pompeii ...... Porto Rico. History. Portsmouth, N. II. Portugal. History. Provence. Prussia ....... Pyrenees. Quebec . Quincy, Mass. . . . Raymond, N. H. . . Reading, Mass. . . Rhode Island . . . History. Riviera. Rocky mountains . Rome. Antiquities. . . History. Roxbury, Mass. . . Rumford, Maine . . Russia. History. St. Lawrence river Salem, Mass. Samoa. Santo Domingo . . Saracens . Scandinavia . . . . History. Scotland. History. Shelter island . . . Shirley, Mass. . . . Siberia. Sicily . History. Somerville, Mass. . South America . . History. South Carolina . . South Seas . Spain. History. Spanish America . Springfield, Mass. . Steuben county, N. Stoneham, Mass. . Y. 48 48 64 39 76 5A 33 71 48 66 39 55 47 71 47 38 58 75 49 70 60 35 59 38 59 69 47 48 47 70 48 57 73 58 51 33 47 48 63 38 69 71 55 49 38 62 38 60 35 48 47 65 58 33 47 75 50 48 55 60 35 74 47 48 47 > 9- INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 79 PAGE Sudan.68 Sudbury, Mass.47 Surveying.76 Sweden.62 History.38 Switzerland.58 History.34 Syria.64 Tennessee.72 History.49 Texas. 73 History.49 Thousand islands.69 Tibet.65 Toledo ..35 Touraine.59 Townsend, Mass. 47 Travels.52 Trenton, N, J.71 PAGE Troy. 52 Turkey . . ,.63 History.38 See also Levant.55 Tyringham, Mass. 4 .47 Tyrol . . . .. 58 United States.69 History.40 United States: The South.72 The West.72 Utah. 74 History. 49 Venezuela. 76 Venice.58 History.33 Vermont.48 Virginia.72 History.48 Voyages.53 PAGE Wales.60 Washington.74 Washington, D. C.71 History.48 Waterloo..34 Watertown, Mass.47 Wayland, Mass.47 West Indies '.75 History.49 Westborough, Mass.47 Weymouth, Mass.48 White mountains.70 Winchester, England.37 Wisconsin.49 Woburn, Mass.48 Worcester, Mass.71 History.48 Yellowstone park.74