- ^ 1627 129b r yft " V*. I J no.18 v '? ; ^ r • c.3 131 51OU STATE OF ILLINOIS v ;*.i isa , ■ #. PECATONICA RI FOR FLOOD CONTROL Arthur W. Charles, Chairman LeRoy K. Sherman, Commissioner Thomas J. Healy, Commissioner Charles Christmann, Secretary Survey and Investigation by Rivers and Lakes Commission and State Geological Survey. Schnepp & Barnes, State Printers Springfield, III. 1917. [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois.] ILLINOIS ST ATE LIBRARY 3 112A 0123Q7A2 2 General Views Along Pecatonica River. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction. 5 Summary of conclusions. 5 The river and its industrial development. 6 Description. 6- Navigation. 7 Pishing. 7 Pollution. 7 Industries. 7 Data on bridges crossing river. 8 Railroads. 9 Dams and water power. 9 List of dams on Pecatonica River and its tributaries in Illinois. 11 Stream flow. 11 General conditions of flow. 11 Stream gaging data. 12 Study of duration curves and discussion of flow. 14 Past and probable future floods. 18 Flood relief. 24 General application. 24 The problem at Freeport. 26 Plan recommended for Freeport.;.. 26 Estimated cost of project. 31 Conclusions..,.... 32 Bench marks on Pecatonica River. 33 Publications by the Rivers and Lakes Commission. 34 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. Frontispiece, General \ x iews along Pecatonica River.*. 2 PLATE. I. A. Nucleus of natural dam. 10 B. Illustration of bank erosion. 10 II. Map of Pecatonica River showing natural channel changes. 12 III. Drainage area showing rainfall contours for storm of March 24-27, 1916. 18 IV. Curves of daily flow of Pecatonica River at Freeport, flood of March, 1916. 20 V. Drainage area showing rainfall contours for storm of September 12-16, 1915. 22 VI. C. & N. W. Railway bridge and approach: A. Bridge looking dowmstream. 25 B. Bridge looking up stream. 25 C. East approach. 25 VII. A. Railroad transfer bridge at Freeport, looking downstream.... 28 B. West end of same. 28 C. Cinder pile, Moline Plow Works. 28 VIII. Rating curve, Pecatonica River at Freeport. 29 IX. Profile of Pecatonica River in Illinois. 33 X. Map of East Freeport showing proposed method of flood pro¬ tection . 33 FIGURE. 1. Duration curve for 1915, at Freeport. 15 2. Duration curve for 1916, at Freeport. 17 3. Sketch showing flooded area near East Freeport. 21 4. Flood profile of Pecatonica River in Freeport. 27 5. Cross section of proposed new channel through high ground. 30 6. Cross section of proposed new channel through low ground. 30 / LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Hon. Edward F. Dunne, Governor of the State of Illinois, Springfield, Illinois. s Dear Sir: At the request of the Pecatonica River Relief Asso¬ ciation of Stephenson County, and in view of the serious damage caused every year by the overflow of Pecatonica River in the vicinity of Freeport, The Rivers and Lakes Commission has made a careful survey and study of the river and has issued this bulletin No. 18 on “Flood Control for Pecatonica River,” presenting briefly the results of this study with an outline and estimate of a definite plan for con¬ trolling the flood waters through the city of Freeport. Respectfully submitted: Rivers and Lakes Commission of Illinois. Arthur W. Charles, Chairman. LeRoy K. Sherman. Thomas J. Healy. Charles Christmann. Secretary, 905, 130 North Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. December i, igi6. INTRODUCTION. The frequent recurrence of more or less damaging floods along the bottom lands of the Pecatonica valley has been a source of great annoyance and financial loss to the residents and property owners for a number of years. In 1914, the Rivers and Lakes Commission made a survey of the river from a point 14.5 miles above Freeport to Brown’s Dam, 11.6 miles below the city, to determine the effects of Goddard’s Dam and Brown’s Dam in causing overflow damage, and also to study the general flood conditions of the valley. At the request of the Pecatonica River Relief Association of Stephenson County a further reconnaissance of the valley was made by this commission under the direction of J. P. Ball, assistant engineer, for the purpose of developing a definite plan of flood relief. Before the completion of this work a flood of unprecedented height occurred in March, 1916, causing damage that, in the city of Freeport alone, was estimated at over $100,000. Careful observations and measurements were taken during this flood by H. C. Beckman, junior engineer, U. S. Geological Survey, working in cooperation with this commission, and further investigations as to its effects were made by Mr. Ball. This bulletin is compiled from the results of these investigations and presents a definite plan for the prevention of further flood damage at Freeport with an estimate of the outlay required for its execution. In the preparation of this work maps and profiles of the river below Freeport, 1 made by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the State Geological Survey, have been of great value. Acknowledge¬ ment is made to Mr. Chas. S. Hepner, city engineer of Freeport, and a number of the residents of the valley for valuable infomation rela¬ tive to damages sustained, high water marks, etc., and-to the engineer¬ ing department of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, the Chicago & North Western Railway Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee & , St. Paul Railway Company for railroad maps furnished by them. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. The general conclusions regarding the flood situation in the Peca¬ tonica valley, as more fully developed in the body of this report, may be briefly stated as follows: 1. That the greatest known flood in the history of the Pecatonica valley occurred on March 28, 1916, the water reaching a height of 19.4 feet on the Freeport gage, with a corresponding discharge of about 17,000 cubic feet per second. 2. That this discharge was produced by a comparatively small rainfall amounting to less than two inches in three days over the upper drainage area, accompanied by a marked rise in temperature, at a time 1 Copies may be obtained from State Geological Survey, Urbana, Ill. 6 when the ground was sealed with ice and frost and covered with about five inches of snow. 3. That the probability of the occurrence of a much greater rain¬ fall under similar run-off conditions is comparatively remote, and the construction of controlling works to protect the valley from inundation in such a contingency is financially impracticable. 4. That the river, in its natural state, spreads out over the whole valley during flood periods and the tendency is toward a general increase of flood height and property damage due to the silting up of the channel and the encroachments of civilization. 5. That the benefits to be derived from a general project de¬ signed to prevent the inundation of the bottom lands of the valley as a whole would not, at the present time, be commensurate with the cost of such work, but the annual damage sustained at Freeport and vicinity is sufficient to warrant the outlay necessary to protect that city against a flood flow of 21,000 cubic feet per second, or nearly 25 per cent greater than that of March 28, 1916. 6. That this protection can best be accomplished by providing channel area sufficient to carry a flood of 21,000 cubic feet per second with a slope of approximately 0.5 foot per mile through Freeport and, where necessary, constructing levees to protect the low sections of the city against overflow. 7. That the required cross section can be most economically obtained by constructing an auxiliary channel through East Freeport as the enlarging of the old channel, on account of the limited width available and the many obstacles to be overcome, would involve an expenditure much greater than that required for an auxiliary channel. 8. That this project, more fully detailed in the body of this report, will protect the city of Freeport against the greatest flood that can be reasonably expected at a cost of not more than $500,000, and the expenditure of this amount is warranted by the value of the pro¬ tection secured. 9. That the carrying out of this project would not aggravate the flood conditions in the valley below nor interfere with possible future activities for flood control at other points. THE RIVER AND ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. DESCRIPTION. The Pecatonica, or, as the Indians originally named it, “Peekee- onikee,” meaning “a stream of curious moods and antics,” rises among the highlands in the southwestern part of Wisconsin, flowing in a general southerly direction as far as Freeport, thence northeasterly to the point where it empties into, the Rock River just above Rockton. Its total length is about 158 miles, 66 miles in Wisconsin and 92 miles in Illinois. With its tributary streams it drains 2,610 square miles of which 816 are in Illinois. Its principal tributary streams in Illinois are: Richland Creek, entering north of Freeport and draining 137 square miles of which 79 are in Illinois. 7 Yellow Creek, entering south of Freeport, about 32 miles in length and draining 190 square miles. Rock Run, entering near the village of Pecatonica, 13^ miles long and draining 89 square miles. Sugar River, entering about six miles west of Rockton with its drainage area largely in Wisconsin. The drainage basin of the Pecatonica in the State of Illinois covers practically the whole of Stephenson County and nearly half of Winnebago County, but inasmuch as the headwaters and by far the greater portion of the total drainage area of the stream lie in Wis¬ consin, the variations in the flow are governed largely by the physical and climatic conditions of that state. The total fall of the river from the extreme headwaters in Wis¬ consin to its junction with the Rock River is about 500 feet, although within the State of Illinois the fall is only about 55 feet. NAVIGATION. In the original government survey the Pecatonica was meandered and classed as a navigable stream, and, in the deeper portions, small motor craft are in use for pleasure purposes at the present time, but in 1884 reports from the U. S. engineers showed that the river was not worthy of improvement in that respect and navigation of the stream not a public necessity. FISHING. Little or no commercial fishing is carried on in the waters of this stream, and though most of the various kinds of fish common to Illinois may be found at many points in its course, the Pecatonica, as compared with other streams of the State, is of little value to the fishing industry. POLLUTION. The question of stream pollution has not yet reached a critical stage as there are but few large towns in the drainage basin. At Freeport the sewage, both domestic and industrial, discharges through various outlets directly into the river. In February, 1914, the Rivers and Lakes Commission approved plans allowing the discharge of an untreated 24-inch sewer into the river at that city, subject to the stipulation that, if at any time the pollution becomes objectionable the city shall install a suitable disposal plant. INDUSTRIES. The rich alluvial soil of the bottom lands and the good railroad facilities encourage extensive farming and grazing, and with the ex¬ ception of the city of Freeport the whole valley is devoted largely to the raising and manufacture of dairy products. The U. S. Census Report for 1910 shows the proportion of farm land in Stephenson County to be between 95 and 100 per cent, and in Winnebago County, between 80 and 90 per cent, and the average value of land for both counties between $75 and $100 per acre. Both Stephenson County and the city of Freeport have shown a steady growth in population, DATA ON BRIDGES CROSSING THE PECATONICA IN ILLINOIS, 8 73 X u ri S B 4-* CO ho B ho ri 0 a> B y 0) B B __ w a ijj y.B >&4 ri — a . ! 2 co C 0) a • oc/3 B I P B O <-E CO a; a B Eh a o (4 O a a -< 4) . •—< £2 1 - i- j- t- 1 - i> r- t- ^ > B « £ § a °i ip ip ip — — 00 co co i- i- IP r- O CM CM X 1 - 0 0 05 '-t* 0 0 0 X 0 to 0 05 IP 1- CM 0 co co *- co co ip CO d d CO '-r d 00 d 06 d — co to d O CM IP 03 ■*T -r IP I-P ip IP IP ip ip ip to to i- r- i'- «» O O 0 IP 0 0 0 CM O 0 CM 0 0000000 O x d 06 d CO 3 00 1 - 00 co d to 0 to to CO t- — CM iP ip CM X — y 0 O 05 CM — ^0 co ip X T-H ' CM CM CO CM CM r-H 1 1 1 - ■ ' • rH « bo & ti >-* p a; £ ^ D Bg*s y *j 4-> ?ai;s o a 42 ri B y E 4-1 B a y g « -*-> •—I c/3 D-t 0) 4-1 y U O B O o C/3 y 4-1 y >i y C o O CO y a B Eh o •rH •*-> ri E B y y B O y B o c/3 c/3 y 4—1 y y y B o O y y 4-1 4-4 y y 0) 0 >-» y B B B “i B % a, o O O O C —1 -*-> 4-J 4-> O H-J O -p C/3 C/3 C/3 O C/3 O a B o 4-1 C/3 y a >i Eh ho B y (-4 y a y 3 y 73 y C 73 73 03 73 73 73 73 3 £ 73 73 B y B 73 B B B y 1 y 3 y y a y Eh-2 p*H -*—> y y Eh — Eh Eh Eh he B Eh y b y rH y G y y O i. y y 0 c y c y y ^H r-H y 4-1 j. 0 4-1 4-4 4-1 4-1 ceil 0 C/3 hH c/3 C/3 C/3 • y • 4-1 : y . y • y • B : o con CO g 5 Eh El j= * “Sg O o B aik tnb C0 CO B Sh Eh a ho B o S-4 a CO 52 S CO CO CO CO co ^2 S2 co co co n 3 B 3 3-3 B 3 J_I P B B Jh in !-< yyyy o y y y y y y 1 . 4 -> 4 -> 4 -J 4-1 4 -> 4-1 i C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 co CO B y Eh y y 4-1 C/3 co B (Tj a C/3 co 4 >B y > 4-1 ■3 C B Sac 2 3 B B o H-» ri o o I 1 < a B B y E rt £ e* -4 T»< -4 —4 —4 CM (M CO CO O IP 0 0 IP 0 r—< ip 0 O O O Q O O O O iO tfS ip r- i- X Cl IP IP CM IP X 0 GM aOnf’CNO x d CM d to d d — CM CM ci co O co **r cm ip CO co to to to to to to t- l- t- X X ci >i ri p: a ho >> ci & a HJ E w- e 0.5? o-2W £ b * b££ >> ri a • 3 .5fo * K’?a - B ho o ri O---- 3 y—• c y y ci y B >. pi a ho y B y y y y bi a y ri 3 a y y > ri £ 41 =3 a y y o £ = y ?. y < •J CX *J 73 73 n3 V V V c ^a ^ b o O : y ^ y y 44 o 3 a 3 y > y ? y a • y • y ; y , 4-4 C/3 -BE §30 4-1 -ou 2 3 O B hoa o b a O a rf r-4 ca y 3 a o « y y a PI '-4 ^ > co y B 3 ci a y y Eh O pi >. _ a-S3 bo o a a s 3 c >, 3 ci : b b ^ ^ * > i^aa- .. 5 a tio ho f 3 S-g^KSs Srga®§5S E >1 w E 2 22go'o B £ E o S b .2? 3 y a pi ? a ho 5 ■s o 73 E •»“H 9 valuation and revenues. At the present time Freeport has a popula¬ tion of about 22,000 with 61 industrial plants employing more than 3,200 people. The following other communities are located on the river and its tributaries: Pecatonica River. Richland Creek. Yellow Creek. Name. Pop. Name. Pop. Name. Pop. Pecatonica ... _1,200 Orangeville ... . . . 400 Pearl City . .. .. .. 500 Winslow . ... . 500 Buena Vista .. ... 150 Kent . .... 170 McConnell ... . .. . 350 Red Oak . ... 150 Ridott . .... 180 Sciota Mills . .. ... 150 Shirland . .... 110 RAILROADS. The Illinois Central Railroad is the chief transportation factor in the valley. The headquarters of the first division of the line from Chicago to Omaha with terminal and roundhouse facilities are loca¬ ted at Freeport. From this point branch lines run to Dodgeville, Wisconsin, and Madison, Wisconsin, and the old charter line south to Cairo. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad enters the valley near Rockton, following the bottom lands up to Freeport where it crosses the river and continues to Savanna, Illinois. A branch of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, running from Chicago to Freeport, enters the valley at Pecatonica. The Chicago & Great Western Rail¬ road passes about four miles south of Freeport. The Freeport & Rockford Interurban Railroad parallels the Chicago & Northwestern from Pecatonica to Freeport. DAMS AND WATER POWER. There are many small dams on the various streams of the Peca¬ tonica basin in Illinois, but at only three of these is the water power, at present, being used. Goddard’s Dam, at Freeport, has a crest length of 119 feet and develops a head of about 4.2 feet at medium low water stage. It is owned and operated by the Freeport Railway and Light Company in producing electric power for traction and lighting purposes. Brown’s Dam, about 10 miles below Freeport, has a crest length of 175 feet with available head of about 4.2 feet at medium low water and is operated by the Pecatonica River Power Company for electric traction and lighting purposes. Orangeville Dam, at Orangeville on Richland Creek, Charles W. Bennett, owner, furnishes power for a feed mill and an electric light¬ ing system. The Rivers and Lakes Commission has held public hearings and passed on matters relative to back water effects of Goddard’s Dam and Brown’s Dam in the cases of Robert Ilgen et al. v. Freeport Railway and Light Company et al., (Docket No. 12). Case of C. C. Nolb v. Chas. W. Bennett, account of back water. Dam at Orangeville (Docket No. 75). PLATE I A. Nucleus of a Natural Dam. B. Illustration of Bank Erosion 11 The following is a list of dams in the Illinois portion of the drain¬ age area showing the owners, location, and uses. In addition to this list permits have been granted by the state of Wisconsin for twenty dams in that state. LIST OF EXISTING DAMS ON PECATONICA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES IN ILLINOIS. Local name. Owner. Location. Uses. Stream. Pecatonica Dam Sec. 20, T. 27N..R. 10 E. Brown's Dam Freeport Light & Power Co.. Sec. 1, T. 26N..R.8W. Goddard’s Dam... Freeport Light & Power Co.. Sec.30,T.27 N..R. 8W. Fisher’s Dam.S. K. Fisher_ Orangeville Dam.. C. F. Bennett... Yellow Creek Dam. Buena Vista Dam. Scioto Mills Dam. Reader’s Dam. Polsbury Mill Dam. Davis Mills Dam. Mill Pond Dam. Sec. 12, T. 28 N..R.6E. Sec.36, T.26N..R. 7E. Sec. 14,T. 26 N..R.6E. Sec. 15, T. 23N..R. 7E. Sec. 10, T. 27N..R. 7E. Sec. 23, T. 27 N..R.9E. Sec. 35, T. 28N..R.9E. Sec. 27, T. 28 N..R.9E. Sec. 15, T. 28N..R.9E. Grist mill not in use. Electric light and power.... Electric light and power.... Not in use. Electric light and feed mill. Not in use. Not in use. Not in use. Not in use. Not in use. Not in use. Not in use. Pecatonica. Pecatonica. Pecatonica. Pecatonica. Richland Creek. Yellow Creek. Richland Creek. Richland Creek. Rock Run. Rock Run. Rock Run. Rock Run. STREAM FLOW. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF FLOW. The surface of the Pecatonica drainage basin at the headwaters in Wisconsin is steep and hilly, and the slope of the channel relatively great. In Illinois, however, the valley flattens out the slope of the channel gradually lessens, and the river winds back and forth across the valley, often doubling back on itself so as to form sharp oxbows. The average fall of the river in Wisconsin is more than 6 feet per mile, whereas in Illinois it is only a little over half a foot per mile. The width of the channel ranges from 100 to 200 feet. The banks are low or of medium height, and are, in most places, fringed with a heavy growth of timber. The valley contains no large lakes or swamps which might serve as natural reservoirs for storing and retarding the flood waters. The form of the channel in the bottom lands is subject to con¬ tinuous change due largely to erosion of the banks. This change is generally slow but in some seasons it amounts to several feet. Occa¬ sionally a tree, whose roots have been undermined by the water, falls into the river and forms the nucleus of a natural dam that causes the river during high stages to cut an entirely new channel for some dis¬ tance. Plate I shows something of the cause and effect of such action, and Plate II shows two distinct natural channel diversions that were doubtless the result of similar action. The average annual precipitation in the valley is about 33 inches, the larger part usually falling in the spring and summer months. The water of a heavy rainfall in the steep upper regions of the drainage basin reaches the flat bottom lands so quickly that it overfills the 12 crooked and somewhat snag-obstructed channel and spreads out over the adjacent low lands, often covering the entire valley. STREAM GAGING DATA. Gaging stations have been maintained on the river and records of flow collected since 1914 by the Railroad Commission of Wisconsin W 3 v> i) O c to t • €> .E X ~ I ® I CO > -c -A o tl v> .y £ .£ o 2 cooperating with the U. S. Geological Survey at Dill, Wisconsin, and by the Rivers and Lakes Commission of Illinois cooperating with the U. S. Geological Survey at Freeport, Illinois. The mean discharge 13 at these stations is determined for each day by applying the mean of two observed gage heights to a rating curve which shows the relation between gage height and discharge and which is based on discharge measurements made with a current meter. The records of mean daily gage height and discharge are given in the water supply papers of the U. S. Geological Survey, and will also be published at an early date in a report on the water resources of Illinois by the Rivers and Lakes Com¬ mission. Summaries of these data follow. In the data presented the following definition of terms is used: “Second-feet” is an abbreviation for “cubic feet per second.” A second-foot is the rate of discharge of water flowing in a channel of rectangular cross-section 1 foot wide and 1 foot deep at an average velocity of 1 foot per second. MONTHLY DISCHARGE OF PECATONICA RIVER AT DILL, WIS., FOR THE YEARS ENDING SEPTEMBER. 30. 1914-1916. (Drainage area, 959 square miles.) Month. Dischargre in second-feet. Run-off. • Accuracy. Maxi¬ mum. Mini¬ mum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inch¬ es on drain¬ age area. 1914 October. November. - December. January. February. 308 0.321 0.24 c March. 681 .710 .82 c April. 803 411 515 .537 .60 A May. 1.290 355 575 .600 .69 B June. 1,340 399 613 .639 .72 A July. 879 336 430 .449 .52 A Augrust. 651 300 352 .367 .42 A September. 4,110 327 839 .875 .98 B 1914-15 October. 735 376 461 .481 .55 A November. 425 380 .396 .44 c December. 315 .328 .38 D January. 266 .277 .32 D February. 5,460 1,630 1.70 1.77 D March. 1.360 556 840 .876 1.01 B April. 556 400 493 .514 .57 A May. 1.240 400 576 .601 .69 A June. 2,060 476 777 .810 .90 A July. 1,320 450 585 .610 .70 A Augrust. 1,680 400 631 .658 .76 A September. 6,590 400 2,050 2.14 , 2.39 B The year. 6.590 741 .773 10.48 1915-16 October. 1.480 625 877 .915 1.05 A November. 1,320 556 679 .708 .79 A December. 661 476 538 .561 .65 C January. 5,180 489 1,780 1.86 2.14 D February. 2,510 528 1,040 1.08 1.16 D March. 013,100 400 1,960 2.04 2.35 C April. 1,160 537 692 .722 .81 A May. 1.200 511 651 .679 .78 A June. 1,880 498 922 .961 1.07 B July. 1,320 414 521 .543 .63 B Augrust. 462 314 375 .391 .45 B September. 1,970 356 552 .576 .64 B The year. 13,100 314 883 .921 12.52 a Crest stagre. 14 MONTHLY DISCHARGE OF PECATONICA RIVER AT FREEPORT, ILL., FOR THE YEARS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1915-1916. (Drainage area, 1,330 square miles.) Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Accuracy. Maxi¬ mum. Mini¬ mum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inch¬ es on drain¬ age area. 1914-15 October. 942 469 590 0.444 0.51 A November. ODD 341 477 .359 .40 A Dpr.ember. 322 443 .333 .38 B January. 450 .338 .39 D Pphrnarv. 8.520 3.320 2.50 2.60 D March. 6,310 824 1.410 1.06 1.22 B April. 801 519 667 .502 .56 A May. 2.100 502 801 .602 .69 A June. 2.670 672 1.140 .857 .96 A July. 1; 710 632 963 .724 .83 A August. 2,880 612 996 .749 .86 A September. 6.310 555 2.630 1.98 2.21 B The year. 8,520 322 1.140 .857 11.61 1915-16 October. 4.270 894 1,300 .977 1.13 A November. 2,020 757 981 .738 .82 A December. 1,020 714 813 .611 .70 B January. 6.310 593 2.480 1.86 2.14 D February. 3.830 714 1.500 1.13 1.22 D March. 17.000 593 2,910 2.19 2.52 B April. 7,770 779 1.270 .955 1.07 A May. 1,530 757 1.050v .789 .91 A June. 3.120 894 1.600 1.20 1.34 A July. 1,710 537 874 .657 .76 A August. 1.090 423 530 .398 .46 A September. 2,520 453 844 .635 .71 . A The year. 17.000 423 1.350 1.02 13.78 “Second-feet per square mile” is the average number of cubic feet of water flowing per second from each square mile of area drained on the assumption that the run-off is distributed uniformly both as regards time and area. “Run-off, depth in inches” is the depth to which the drainage area would be covered if all the water flowing from it in a given period were conserved and uniformly distributed on the surface. It is used for comparing run-off with rainfall, which is usually expressed in inches of depth. The information given in the column headed “Accuracy” in the monthly discharge table is applicable to the monthly mean only and not to the estimate of maximum and minimum discharge nor to that for any one day. It is based on the accuracy of the rating curve, the probable reliability of the gage reader, the number of gage readings per day, the range of the fluctuations in stage, and knowledge of local conditions. In this column A indicates that the mean monthly flow is probably accurate within 5 per cent; B, within 10 per cent; C, within 15 per cent; D, within 25 per cent. Special conditions are covered by foot notes. STUDY OF DURATION CURVES AND DISCUSSION OF FLOW. The duration curves, Figures 1 and 2 for the flow at Freeport show the number of days and percentage of time in each year that the 15 flow equalled or exceeded any given amount. For example, to find the number of days in 1916 that the flow was equal to 4,000 cubic feet per second, follow the horizontal line representing that quantity to the point where it intersects the curve and then drop vertically down¬ ward to the scale of days, which shows 17 days. Subtracting 17 from 366 gives 349 as the number of days for which the flow was less than 4,000 cubic feet per second. The terms ‘‘ordinary flow” and “normal flow” are usually taken to mean the flow which is equalled 50 per cent of the time, or, in other words, the flow that is exceeded as many days in the period under consideration as it is not equalled. The duration curves show 16 that the ordinary flow for 1915 was 660 cubic feet per second, or 0.496 cubic feet per second per square mile of drainage area; and that for 1916 was 930 cubic feet per second, or 0.699 cubic feet per second per square mile. The “average flow” or “mean flow” of a stream is the average for all the days during the period under consideration. It is not the same as the “ordinary flow.” The tables of monthly discharge show that the average flow at Freeport for 1915 was 1,140 cubic feet per second, or 0.857 cubic feet per second per square mile, and that for 1916 was 1,350 cubic feet per second, or 1.02 cubic feet per second per square mile. It will be observed that these are larger than the ordin¬ ary flow for the same periods. PRECIPITATION. IN INCHES. AT STATIONS IN DRAINAGE BASIN OF PECATONICA RIVER DURING THE YEARS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1915-1916. Station. October. November. | December. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. Annual. 1914-1915 Dodgeville, Wis. 3.20 0.48 1.15 1.31 1.92 0.20 0.00 7.78 2.90 5.43 2.12 11.88 38.37 Darling-ton, Wis. 3.21 0.45 2.05 0.75 2.53 0.75 0.30 6.30 4.15 4.35 4.00 10.85 39.69 Dakota, Ill. 2.00 0.24 1.99 1.39 1.04 0.11 0.20 a 4.63 7.21 2.66 6.77 628.24 1915-1916 Dodgeville, Wis. 0.34 3.52 0.50 4.30 1.20 3.82 2.30 4.35 7.50 0.46 2.27 7.20 37.76 Darling-ton, Wis. 0.70 2.45 0.14 2.15 1.02 3.06 3.00 2.40 4.85 2.64 1.17 8.05 31.63 Dakota. Ill. 0.64 2.95 0.18 3.89 0.81 2.44 Freeport, Ill..’. 5.30 7.88 1.60 4.60 9.05 C39.34 a No record. b li Months. c 11 months at Dakota and Freeport. Although the total precipitation during each year was about the same it will be noted that both the ordinary and average flow were considerably less in 1915 than in 1916. This 'was due probably to the difference in the distribution of the precipitation throughout the years. The precipitation from July to September, inclusive, when the quan¬ tity evaporated and used by plants would be the greatest, was a larger percentage of the total precipitation for the year in 1915 than in 1916. Also, the heavier rainfall during the summer of 1915 increased the amount of water held as ground storage and afterward gradually re¬ leased to augment the flow during the following autumn, thereby in¬ creasing the flow for 1916. Further, in 1916, the precipitation from January to April inclusive, when the percentage of run-off would be relatively large, was greater than for the same period in 1915. It is difficult to estimate from the records of only two years how these ordinary and average flows would compare with those determined from records of a much longer period. The average precipitation in the drainage basin for each year was about 37 inches, whereas the normal annual precipitation for this region is only about 33 inches. Owing, however, to the conditions favorable to relatively small run-off that existed during 1915, as described above, the results for that year 17 are probably nearer the average that might be expected from a long period. It is interesting to note that the average flow per square mile of drainage area was greater at Dill than at Freeport during both years, the average flow at Dill having been 0.773 and 0.991 cubic feet per o — D IS( ;hc U 3 e- UP 71 'ee P er oeco id o ro L— .< O { o » J > > o o c C C < p > c l c £ c 1 P > 7 r i o Oo rs> o .< o © 1 O 3 0> 03 0) S o 3* -h d 3 (0 8 .« s« 8 s* 8 O O 8 • O & “ 2 e 3 ^ • O- O ’ 0) •n ^ o < S’ 2f T - i 8 1 fb 3 CL ^ 5 o <£> CO OJ r-o “5- "O ST oj pi ~ o » S H O' z £ , / o _ Ln c o ^ h £ H S _ d 23 r* m <£ 5 “ o a> z rn -n 30 ^ _ 8 H c > £> P 5 H 3 i o,I rn ^ ^ o x> 3 cn m oi m c/i c>i ~ o § * f H sill — 1 1 ( ■J tn ! c -o ) 09 1 < 7 O 1 7 r- S E>j £ 1 f .,.$500,000 In the above estimate the price for excavation is intended to cover the cost of placing the excavated material in levees both along the new channel and the east bank of the river, and in highway embankments and other places where filling may be required. The items for bridges are for the three railroad and three high¬ way bridges that will have to be built across the new channel. The cost of the right-of-way is for a strip of land 300 feet wide throughout the length of the new channel, and a strip with an average width of 32 65 feet along the greater part of the east bank of the river through the city. This is only an approximate estimate but is considered adequate to cover the actual cost of the undertaking. In view of an average annual flood loss of $50,000, a total expendi¬ ture of $500,000 for protection is amply justified. The total cost is only five times the estimated direct loss sustained in the single flood of March, 1916. ' CONCLUSIONS. The following points with reference to the proposed improvement stand out for special consideration: 1. The improvement will protect the city of Freeport against a flood of 21,000 cubic feet per second, or 25 per cent greater than that of March, 1916. This is the largest flood, in view of the probability of its occurrence, against which it would be economically advisable to provide protection. Even in the event of a heavier flood the loss therefrom would be considerably reduced by the project. 2. The expenditure required for the improvement—estimated at $500,000—is justified by the benefits it will provide. 3. The lands along the river above the limits of the improvement will be benefited during floods by a slight reduction in stage, and inas¬ much as the rate of flow will not be increased by it the lands below its limits will not be damaged through an increase in flood heights. 4. It will not appreciably reduce the stages obtaining in the river during periods of low and ordinary flow, but will produce a material reduction in stage during floods. 5. Owing to the fact that during periods of small flow most of the water will be required for the operation of the Goddard power plant, only a relatively small amount, during such periods, can be diverted through the new channel. The amount, however, will probably be sufficient to prevent stagnation and its unsanitary effects. 6. As the improvement is of only local interest it should be ad¬ ministered by local authority. It can probably be handled best through the formation of an improvement district. I V PLATE IX. e&- PLATE X. 33 LIST OF BENCH MARKS ON PECATONICA RIVER. Elevation. 1. Rockton, Ill.— In yard of Town Hall, northeast corner, iron post Stamped Ill. 1915, 741. 741.100 2. Rockton—1 mile south by 1.5 miles west of, at T-Road south at north¬ west corner Sec. 2 6, T. 46 N., R. 1 E. by S. E., fence corner, iron post Stamped Ill. 1915, 743. 742.616 3. Harrison—2.5 miles east by 0.5 miles south of, at T-Road south, oppo¬ site Bate’s School north of center of Sec. 32, T. 46 N., R. 1 E. by S. W., fence corner, iron post Stamped Ill. 1915, 741. 740.942 4. Harrison—550 feet east of bridge over Pecatonica River on north side • of east and west road in line with center of road south, iron post Stamped 1915, 734. 733.829 5. Trask Highway Bridge—T. 27 N., R. 11 E., near northeast corner of Sec. 6, north end bridge, copper nail in elm tree. 738.51 6. Pecatonica—0.3 mile of, northeast end of concrete bridge over Peca¬ tonica River, on top of concrete guard rail chiseled square. 751.24 7. T. 27 N., R. 9 E., center of S. E. % Sec. 23, at road forks, 75 feet south of center line of road west at southwest corner of yard belonging to J. P. Reider—iron post stamped 747. 746.883 8. 1.0 miles north of Ridott—At steel bridge over Pecatonica River, top of northeast wing wall of north abutment, chiseled square. 752.35 9. Ridott—1.5 miles south by 2.5 miles west of, at T-Road north in yard of State Road Reform Church, nail in cherry tree. 775.36 10. Freeport—Postoffice Building, south entrance, west end of top step, bronze tablets stamped 781. 780.871 11. Freeport—Chiseled square in top of stone wall on north line of C. & N. W. R. R. right of way 5 feet east of east line of Stephenson St. bridge. 762.201 12. Cross on downstream wing wall of left abutment of Harlam Bridge over Pecatonica River in Sec. 15, T. 27 N., R. 7 E. of 4 P. M. . . . 765.899 13. Cross upstream wing wall of left abutment of Rigney’s Bridge over Pecatonica River on north line of Sec. 9, T. 27 N., R. 7 E. of 4th P. M. 768.208 14. Cross on downstream side of right abutment of Damascus Highway Bridge over Pecatonica River in Sec. 4, T. 27 N., R. 7 E. of 4th P. M. 770.776 15. Cross on upstream wing wall of left abutment of McConnell Highway Bridge near McConnell. 774.44 16. Cross on upstream wing wall of Winslow Highway Bridge over Peca¬ tonica River at Winslow. 782.10 15a. Bolt on guard rail on upstream side, right bank on I. C. R. R. Bridge below Winslow. 778.55 11a. Freeport—Cross on upstream wing wall of left abutment of Cedar- ville Road Bridge over Pecatonica River. 771.093 34 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE RIVERS AND LAKES COMMISSION OF ILLINOIS. i Bulletin No. 1— The Conservation of Water Power in the Desplaines and Illinois Rivers and the improvement of these Rivers for Navigation—1911. Bulletin No. 2— Prospectus of a project for a Deep Waterway and conservation of a natural resource of the State of Illinois, prepared by Lyman E. Cooley —1911. Bulletin No. 3— Uses of the Great Lakes—1912. Bulletin No. 4— Land Drainage in Illinois, by Robert Isham Randolph—1913. Bulletin No. 5— A Compilation of money spent by the Government on various Harbors, Rivers and Canals, and the riparian property holders benefited—1912. Bulletin No. 6— Argument on behalf of the State of Illinois supporting the prayer of the Sanitary District of Chicago for a permit to take 10,000 cubic feet of water per second from Lake Michigan, by Isham Randolph—1912. Bulletin No. 7*— The 1912 Flood on the Lower Mississippi, by A. L. Dabney, Consulting Engineer and “The 1912 Flood in the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers,” by H. C. Frankenfeld.—1912. Bulletin No. 8— Proceedings of the organization meeting of the Association of the Mis¬ sissippi Valley States for river control—1912. Bulletin No. 9— The Illinois Water Power Waterway—1912. Bulletin No. 10— Illinois Waterways. A guide for navigators from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River via the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, the Illinois and Michigan Canal and the Illinois River. Also an Alternate Route via the Illinois and Mississippi Canal—1916—Second edition. Bulletin No. 11*— European Harbor Development, by Robert R. McCormick—1912. Bulletin No. 12 *— Common Sense Applied to the Inland Waterway Problem, by Robert R. McCormick—19 i 2. Bulletin No. 13— The Illinois Waterway, A Review by Isham Randolph—1912. 35 Bulletin No. 14— Water Resources of Illinois—A cooperative report prepared by Rivers and Lakes Commission and A. H. Horton, District Engineer of the United States Geological Survey—1914. Bulletin No. 15— The Illinois Waterway—A Project for a waterway of eight feet minimum depth between Lockport and Utica and available for immediate con¬ struction—1914. Bulletin No. 16— Stream Pollution and Sewage Disposal in Illinois with reference to Public Policy and Legislation, by LeRoy K. Sherman—1915. Bulletin No. 17 *— Survey and investigation, La Moine River—1916. Bulletin No. 18— Study of Pecatonica River, with special reference to flood control. Report No. A— The Illinois Waterway Report with plans and estimates of cost for a deep waterway from Lockport to Utica by way of the Desplaines and Illinois Rivers, Internal Improvement Commission—1909. Report No. B— Surface Water Supply of Illinois, Internal Improvement Commission— 1908-1910. Report No. C— Annual report of Rivers and Lakes Commission—1912. Report No. D— Report and Plans for reclamation of lands subject to overflow in the Kaskaskia River Valley, Illinois—1910-1911. Report No. E— Report upon the prevention of overflow of the Little Wabash and Skillet Fork Rivers—1911. Report No. F— Annual Report of Rivers and Lakes Commission—1913-1914. Report No. G— The Illinois River and its Bottom Lands, by Alvord and Burdick—1915.* Report No. H— Map and Profile of Fox River—1915. * On file in office of Rivers and Lakes Commission—supply for distribution exhausted. For any of the foregoing Publications, address Rivers and Lakes Commission of Illinois, 130 North Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 121965211