UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY HT UFBANA-CHAMPAIGN geology * OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ENGLAND AND WALES. THE GEOLOGY OP THE COUNTRY NEAR CHICHESTER (Explanation op Sheet 317.) BY CLEMENT REID, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. With Contributions by G. W. LAMPLUGH, F.G.S., and A. J. JUKES-BROWNE, F.G.S. PUBLISHED BY ORDER-OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HIS MAJESTY'S TREASURY. LONDON: ***■ V/ Al -»_/ V/ 1.1 • PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE By WYMAN & SONS, Limited, Fetter Lane, E.C. And to be purchased from E. STANFORD, 12, 13, and 14, Long Acre, London; JOHN MENZIES <& Co., Rose Street, Edinburgh; HODGES, FIGGIS & Co., Grafton Street, Dublin ; From any Agent for the sale of Ordnance Survey Maps ; or through any Bookseller from the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. Price One Shilling. (Price of Sheet 317, colour-printed, Is. Gd.) 1903. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHANIPAIGN * LIST OF MAPS, SECTIONS, AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF Thf GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Thh Maps are those of the Ordnance Survey, geologically coloured by the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, J tli o /vf T T TT ATT P Q T\iront ap the Superintendence of J. J. H. Teall, F.R.S., Director. For Maps, details of Sections, and Memoirs issued by the Geological Survey, see “ Catalogue.” ENGLAND AND WALES.-(Scale 1 inch to a mile.) under Maps marked * are also published as Drift Maps. Those marked f are published only as Drift Maps. Sheets 3*, 5, 6*, 7*, 8*. 9, 11 to 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33 to 37, 40, 41, 44, 47*, 64*, 65t, 694, 70*, 83*, 86*, price 8s. 6 d. each, j Sheets 4, 5s. Sheets 2*, 23, 24, 27 to 29, 32, 38, 39, 58, 84f, 85f, 4s. each. Sheets divided into quarters : all at 3s. each quarter-sheet, excepting those in brackets, which are Is. 6 d. each. 1*, 42, 43, 45, 46, NW, SW, NE*, SE* 48, NWf, SW* NEt, (SE*), (49f), 50f, 51*, 52 to 57, (57 NW). 59 to 63, 66 SV NW*, SEt, 67 Nt, (St), 68 Ef, (NWf), SWt, 71 to 75, 76 (N), S, (77 N), 78, 79, NW* SW, NE*, SE* SO NW*, SWrf, NEf SE*, 81 NW*, SW, NE, SE, 82, 83*, 87, 88, NW. SW*, NE, SE, 89 NW*, SW*. NE, SE*, 90 (NE*), (SE*), 91, (NW*),*,’ NE*', NE*, SE*, 92 NW*, SW*, NE, SE, 93 NW, SW, NE*, SE*, 94 NWf, SWf, (NEf), SEt, 95 NW*, NE*, (SE*), 96 NW ’(SW*)' NE*, SE*, 97 NW*, SW*, NE*, SE, 98 NW, SW, NE*, SE, 99 (NE*), (SE*), 100*, 101, SE, NE*, NW* SW*, 102 NW* gw*’ SW*, SE*, 103*, 104*, 105 NW*, SW*, (NE*), SE*, 106 NW*, SW*, NE*, SE*, 107 SWt, NE*, SE*, 108 SW*, NE* SE*, 1(W NE* SW*, SE*, 110 (NW*), (NE*), SE*, SW*. |9NW*, New Series. —I. of Man*, 36, 45, 46, 56, 57, 8s. 6d. I. of Wight, with Mainland*, 380, 331, 344, 345, 85. 6d. (123 187t, 203t, 231*, (232*), (248*) 249*, 261 and 262*, 263*, 267t, 268*, 282t, 283t, 2S4t, 299t, 300t, (314t), 315t, 31<*x 328t, 329*, 330*, 331*, (332*), (333*), 334*, 339t, (340t), (3411), 342t, 343t, 349t, 350t, 355t, (356t). Price 35. each, exceptiL/’ S’ in brackets which are Is. 6 d. each. , n T ’ J’ GENERAL 3VXAF (Scale 4 miles to 1 inch.) ' Ilfe ulOBe ENGLAND AND WALES.—Sheet 1 (Title); 2 (Northumberland, &c.); 3 (Index of Colours); 4 (I. of Man) ; 5 (Lake L 6. (E. Yorkshire); 7 (N. Wales); 8 (Central England); 9 (Eastern Counties); 10 (S. Wales and N. Devon); l. N . t , . v . England and S.E. Wales); 12 (London Basin and Weald); 13 (Cornwall, &c.); 14 (S. Coast, Torquay to I. of v 15 (S. Coast, Havant to Hastings). New Series , printed in colours, sheet 1, 2s .; sheets 2 to 15, 25. 6