653. SL MJ. G. NsrwDod, M.D., State Geologist] ""Abstract of a R^ort en Illirois Cfcals; with cfescxipticns and analyses . . . (1357) LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 5 S3. 2 X HlSftRTCU SUKVEY IMS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. REPORT ON ILLINOIS COALS; DESCRIPTIONS AND AX.M.YSKS. GEXEIIAL NOTICE OF THE COAL FIELDS. [PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR.] BY .1. G-. NORWOOD, M. D. STATE GEOLOGIST. CHICAGO: CHICAGO DAILY PRESS STEAM PIIIXTIXG HOUSE, 45 CLARK STREET. 1S58. J? V / 1 Illinois Geological Survey TnlU 11 TaM I i Taint, /;, i-et/r Co (trigvrold i--fjfa/tu.1tfftt Co. /' dnlfltia,', Ifft / Sitnt/i ' led Williomtait Co. Rack Crtik SuiWrt'f leti.im 7T. of Tfarieit, Wittifunton Q>. b OrcKnrS Creik flinmmin Co. 7'ftutr ira** i JSKon Co. JJfrifi of Me "tacit Ktfti-vc " on SalineJicvei- GattaiiiiCv Illinois Geological Survey Taile fV TaMe TIL ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. .ABSTRACT REPORT ON ILLINOIS COALS; DESCRIPTIONS AND ANALYSES, GENERAL NOTICE OF THE COAL FIELDS. [PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR.] BY J. G^. NORWOOD, M. D., STATE GEOLOGIST. CHICAGO: CHICAGO DAILY PRKSS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 45 CLARK STREET. 1857. t SPRINGFIELD, ILLIXOIS, ) August 7th, 1857. ) His EXCELLENCY, W. H. BISSELL, GOVERNOR OF ILLIXOIS : SIR: In compliance with your order to prepare and submit to you, for publication, an abstract of the observations made in the Illinois Coal fields during the progress of the State Geological Survey, I respectfully beg leave to report, that I have attended to that duty. In the following pages you will find a succinct, but complete, description of every Coal that lias been analyzed in the State Laboratory up to this date ; together with numerous sections of the rocks with which the beds are associated in different parts of the State. , : , Hoping that it may prove satisfactory to you, I am, Sir, With the highest respect, Your Obedient Servant, 3. G. NORWOOD. ABSTRACT. GALLATIN COUNTY. SALINE MINES. UPPER BED. "LOCK RESERVE." Bed four feet thick. Overlaid with six inches of black slate, which is capped with a bed of hard bluish-colored limestone, forming a good roof Coal dull to bright ; hard; fracture hackly ; layers thin; much sulphuret. of iron disseminated through it. Cleaves at angles of 50 and 130. Specific Gravity, 1 '30 Loss in coking, 39.2 Total weight of coke, 60.8 = 100.0 Analysis: Moisture, ....... '5 Volatile matters, 30-7 Carbon in coke, 57 - 8 Ashes, 8-0 Carbon in the coal, 66'30 SALINE MINES UPPER BED. Thickness, four feet. Loss in coking, 42 '4 Total weight of coke, 57 '6 = 100-0 Analysis. Moisture, Volatile matters, ' - Carbon in coke, Ashes, ...... Carbon in the coal, 58-85 100-0 2-6 39-8 56-1 1-6 100-0 SALINE MINES, FIVE FEET SEAM. Bed five feet thick. Coal hard; compact; bright; occasionally slightly iridescent ; fracture hackly ; layers thin. Contains thin vertical seam? 6 of sulphuret of iron. Covered with a roof of dark-colored shale. The floor was not exposed when tke examinations were made. Specific gravity, 1-2925 Loss in coking, - 40 '8 Total weight of coke,- - - - 59.2 = 100-0 Analysis. Moisture., - 8 - Volatile matters, 32.8 Carbon in coka, 55-5 Ashes, 3-7 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 63-10 SALINE MINES, SECOND BED. Bed three feet six inches thick. Coal bright ; hard ; rather brittle ; layers thin, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Cleavage cubical. Specific gravity, 1-2892 Loss in coking, 36 '8 Total weight of coke, 63-2 = 100-0 Analysis. Moisture, 6-5 Volatile matters, .... 30-3 Carbon in coke, 55'2 Ashes, 8-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 60'7 ' BOWLES' MINE. " MASON ENTRY." Bed three feet six inches to four feet in thickness. Overlaid with a few inches of shale, which is covered with two feet six inches of limestone, forming a good roof. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal hard and compact ; bright ; in thin layers, with a very small amount of sulphuret of iron disseminated through the joints. Swells up and spatters in coking. Specific gravity, 1-303 Loss in coking, 39'8 Total weight of coke, 60-2 = lOO'O Analysis. Moisture, 2.0 Volatile matters, 37.8 Carbon in coke, 53-2 Ashes (white), 7'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal I EQUALITY. (LOWER BED.) This bed is worked in the river bottom, at the old " Hicks Mill." The shaft is about fifty feet in depth. Thickness of the bed five feet. Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; with numerous carbonized coal plants between the layers. Overlaid with black slate. Floor not ascertained, because of water in the shafts. Specific gravity, 1-2953 Loss in coking, 35'8 Total weight of coke, 64'2 = lOO'O Analysis. Moisture, 1'2 Volatile matters, ... . ' *Mk- 34'6 Carbon in coke, - - ~ t ' - 52 -2 Ashes, 12-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 58'2 EQUALITY. (TOP SEAM. " MARTIN'S.") Bed three feet six inches thick. Coal very bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture even : layers thick, with partings of carbonaceous clod, and occasional vertical streaks of carbonate of lime. Cleavage rhomboidal. Overlaid with black slate, containing nodules and large masses of " bas- tard " limestone. Underlaid with clay and shales. Specific gravity, 1-2758 Loss in coking, 41-38 Total weight of coke, 58-62 100-0 Analysis. Moisture, 2'SO Volatile matters, 38-58 Carbon in coke, 51-92' Ashes (drab), 6-70 100-00 Carbon in the coal, C2'5 EQUALITY (SAME BED.) Specific gravity, 1.3054 Loss in coking, 37 '7 Total weight of coke, 62-3 = 100 Analysis. Moisture, 5-7 Volatile matters, 32'0 Carbon in coke, 59-8 Ashes, 2-3 100-0 Carbon in the coal, G2'5 EAGLE CREEK MINE. Thickness of the bed four feet six inches. Overlaid with ten inches of black slate, which is capped with clay shale, overlaid with eight feet of thin-bedded sandstone. Coal, in general appearance, bright ; hard ; com- pact ; fracture even ; layers thick, alternately bright and dull, and occa- sionally separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains short thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-2364 Loss in coking, 37 -0 Total weight of coke, 63'0 100 '0 Analysis : Moisture, 1-0 Volatile matters, 36-0 Carbon in coke, 57 -2 Ashes (gray), 5 '8 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 67 '01 SALINE COUNTY. COAL BRANCH OF BANKSTON CREEK. Bed seven feet thick. Overlaid with one foot of black slate, and that with seven feet of bluish limestone, forming a good roof. Floor not ascertained. Coal variable, from dull to bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture uneven ; layers thick, with thin seams of sulphuret of iron between them. The joints contain, occasionally, vertical streaks of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-2873 Loss in coking, 39 -8 Total weight of coke, 60'2 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 5 - 3 Volatile matters, - **- - - 34-5 Carbon in coke, - - - - - 50'6 Ashes, - 9-6 - 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 59D ." HAYS' MILL." " LITTLE SALINE." ' At Hays' Mill, on the Little Saline," there is a coal seam in the bed of the creek, thickness unknown, as it has not been cut through. Its roof is a bed of fire clay, twenty-two inches thick. The roof of this bed is sandstone. Dip. 5. N. W." Henry PratterHs Notes, 1853. 9 Specific gravity, 1'4955 Loss in coking, 82-40 Total weight of coke, 67 '60 = lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, 4-1 Volatile matters, 28-3 Carbon in coke, 57 - 6 Ashes (dark red), 10-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57 - t> WILLIAMSON COUNTY. DR. SMITH'S MINE. Thickness of bed one foot six inches. Coal dull ; fracture hackly ; layers thin, and separated with carbonaceous clod. The vertical joints contain plates of carbonate of lime. There is in this bed a seam of light- colored iron pyrites, which was mistaken for silver by those interested in the land. " Cokes badly." H. P. Specific gravity, 1-3197 Loss in coking, 39 -38 Total weight of coke, 60-62 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 3-30 Volatile matters, 36-08 Carbon in coke, 5T92 Ashes (reddish brown), .... 8 '70 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 56-27 SPILLERS MINE. TWO MILES NORTH OF MARION. Bed nine feet thick, with a band of iron pyrites three inches in thick- ness near the bottom of the seam. Overlaid with four feet of slate, which is capped with a bed of limestone. This magnificent coal seam has only been worked by stripping. Coal bright ; iridescent ; brittle to hard ; layers thick, arid separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains a few vertical seams of carbonate of lime, and a few vertical plates of sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-2825 Loss in coking, 43*1 Total weight of coke, 56'fi lOO'O 2 10 Analysis: Moisture,- 6-2 Volatile matters, 36 '9 Carbon in coke, 54'9 Ashes, 2-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57 '5 JOHNSON COUNTY.' --4 JOEL JOHNSON'S COAL BED. Coal dull ; soft ; fracture uneven ; layers thin and easily separable. with carbonaceous clod between them. Joints stained with oxide of iron. This bed of coal is exposed in the bottom of a creek in the N W, ^ of Sec 13, T 12 S, R 3 E. Thickness not known. Where it outcrops, it could only be worked by " stripping " for an area of many acres. The coke is good. Specific gravity, 1-4446 Loss in coking, 25-06 Total weight of coke, 74-94 = lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, 1-60 Volatile matters, 23 '46 Carbon in coke, 47-84 Ashes (white,) 27-10 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 61-2 JACKSON COUNTY. MURPHRYSBOROUGH BED. "BIG MUDDY." This bed varies in thickness from seven feet six inches to nine feet. It is divided by a seam of black shale, from one foot eight inches to two feet in thickness. The average depth of the coal is six feet. Coal bright ; Lard ; fracture hackly ; layers separated with carbonaceous clod. Con- tains a few short vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Cleavage rhom- boidal. Overlaid with twenty -two feet six inches of shales, and underlaid with clay. Specific gravity, 1-2933 Loss in coking, 37 '7 Total weight of coke, 62-3 == lOO'O 11 Analysis : Moisture, 6-5 Volatile matters, - - - - 31 '2 Carbon in coke, 60'8 Ashes, - 1-5 lOO'O Carbon in the coal, HAMILTON COUNTY. SHASTEEN'S MINE. Thickness one foot six inches. Overlaid with black slate. Floor not ascertained. Coal rather dull, with a few bright spots ; hard ; compact ; fracture even ; layers alternately thick and thin. Contains a few vertical seams of carbonate of lime, and a very small amount of sulphuret of iron in the horizontal partings. Specific gravity, 1 -3233 Loss in coking, 3S - 94 Total weight of coke, 61 '06 = lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, 5-30 Volatile matters, - - - - - 3 3 -64 Carbon in coke, 53 - 56 Ashes (pale brown), 7 '50 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 54-85 PERRY COUNTY. COL. ASHLEY'S DU QUOIN BED. Thickness of coal six feet six inches. Overlaid with bituminous shale. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal, very bright; hard; compact; fracture even ; layers thick, and separated with very thin streaks of carbonaceous clod. Contains a few vertical plates of carbonate of lime, which are, however, very short. Swells up and spatters in coking. Specific gravity, 1-246 Loss in coking, 48 '9 Total weight of coke, 51 -1 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture 8 '5 ' Volatile matters, 40 -4 Carbon in coke, 48'1 Ashes (light gray), 3'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 59 -G 12 MONROE COUNTY. SXYDER'S MINES. UPPER BED. Thickness of coal three feet six inches. Overlaid with a bluish-colored micaceous sandstone. Rests on a bed of white clay. This bed underlies the beds worked at Belleville, St. Clair county. Coal bright and dull in alternating layers ; hard and brittle ; fracture even ; layers alternately thick and thin, with carbonaceous clod between them. The vertical joints ^contain carbonate of lime, stained with oxide of iron. Cleavage vertical. Specific gravity, 1'246 Loss in coking, 42 -9 Total weight of coke, 51 -1 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, "j 6-7 Volatile matters, 36-2 Carbon in coke, 52'6 Ashes (white), 4-5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 58'7 . SNYDER S MINES. LOWER BED. Thickness one foot six inches. Overlaid with seventeen feet of blue shale, which is capped with five feet of blue micaceous sandstone. This is the lowest bed in Monroe county, and underlies the beds worked in St. Clair county. Specific gravity, 1-2825 Loss in coking, 41-0 Total weight of coke, 59'0 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 9-0 Volatile matters, - 32-0 Carbon in coke, 32-2 Ashes, 6-8 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 52-2 13 ST. GLAIR COUNTY. CASEYVILLE MINES. " ILLINOIS COAL COMPANY." Thickness of coal, six feet. Overlaid with ten inches of slate, which is capped with over five feet of limestone. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal bright ; hard ; fracture even ; layers alternately thick and thin, and separated with very thin seams of carbonaceous clod. The joints contain thick vertical seams of carbonate of lime. This bed is troubled with " horse-backs," and is occasionally interrupted with " clay slips." In some of the entries " creeps" occur. It is one of the best mines in the State, so far as locality and facility for working are concerned. Specific gravity, 1-304 Loss in coking. 39 '8 Total weight of coke, 60'2 100-0 Analysis : Moisture, 6-0 Volatile matters, 33-8 Carbon in coke, 55 '2 Ashes (pale red), - - - - ' - 5-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 55 - 3 ANDREAS PFEIFFERS PLACE. Thiekness of coal, eight feet. Overlaid with one foot of bituminous slate, which is capped with six feet of limestone. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal dull on its vertical face ; bright and iridescent in the horizontal seams; brittle; fracture uneven; layers thick. It contains a few short vertical plates of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1'293 Loss in coking, 44'3 Total weight of coke, 557 = 100-0 Analysis : Moisture, 8 '5 Volatile matters, 35'8 Carbon in coke, 51 '2 Ashes (red), -;-... 4-5 lOO'O Carbon in the coal, 5*1-5 ' 14 BELLEVILLE BED. VARIOUS OPENINGS. Thickness of coal varies from six to eight feet. Overlaid with a thin seam of shale, which is capped with four feet of limestone. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal very bright ; hard ; compact ; layers thin, and not easily separable, with a small amount of carbonaceous clod between them. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime, which are very irregular in their distribution. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-268 Loss in coking, 45 - Total weight of coke, 55.0 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 5-5 Volatile matters, 39-5 Carbon in coke, 49-6 Ashes (gray), 5 -4 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54'6 BELSHAS MIDDLE DRIFT. Thickness of the coal, six feet nine inches. Overlaid with one foot nine inches of shales, which are capped with a bed of limestone. Underlaid with a few inches of. fire clay, which rests on a bed of gray marl. Coal bright, with thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-2966 Loss in coking, 43'66 Total weight of coke, 56-34 = 100 -00 Analysis: Moisture, - ... 8'10 Volatile matters, - - - 35 -56 Carbon in coke, ... ^ - 47 -74 Ashes (gray), - - - - " 8-60 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 54-50 DILG & KEMPFF S MINE. Thickness of the bed, seven feet. Overlaid with three inches of coal ihale, which is capped with fifteen feet of limestone. Underlaid with fireclay. Coal (top bed) bright; hard; compact; fracture conchoidal ; layers thick. Contains thin seams of carbonate of lime in both the ver- tical joints and horizontal partings. 15 '(Top Coal.) Specific gravity, 1-2843 Loss in coking, 45 -54 Total weight of coke, 54-46 100 '00 Analysis: Moisture, - Volatile matters, . - - - Carbon in coke, Ashes (white), - Carbon in the coal, 59 '09 DILG A KEMPFF'S MINE. (Middle Coal.) Specific gravity, 1-3847 Loss in coking, 42 - 38 Total weight of coke, 57-62 = lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, Volatile matters, - Carbon hi coke, Ashes (white), Carbon in the coal, 54 - 39 5-10 40-44 47-66 6-80 100-00 4-20 38-18 49-02 8-60 100-00 DILG & KEMPFF S MINE. (Bottom Coal) Coal rather dull ; hard ; compact ; fracture even ; layers thin and not easily separable, with occasional thin seams of carbonaceous clod between them. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-3531 Loss in coking, 39 '63 Total weight of coke, 60'37 = 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, ------- 4'00 Volatile matters, , S5-63 Carbon in coke, 36 '77 Ashes (gray), 23-60 Carbon in the coal, 49-38 100-00 16 w. B. CHURCHILL'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, six feet. Coal bright ; hard ; fracture even ; layers thick, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains a few thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime, and thick horizontal ones of sulphuret of iron. Cleavage vertical. The undulation in this bed will not interfere, materially, with its being worked profitably. Overlaid with two inches of clay, capped with three feet of limestone. Underlaid with fire clay. Specific gravity, 1-315 Loss in coking, 45-40 Total weight of coke, 54-60 = 100-00 Analysis : Moisture, Volatile matters, Carbon in coke, ..... Ashes (white), Carbon in the coal, 5 2 '6 3 MADISON COUNTY. JEFFREY'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, two feet six inches. Coal bright ; hard ; com- pact ; fracture tolerably even ; layers thin, regular, and separated, occa- sionally, with very thin seams of carbonaceous clod, There is but little carbonate of lime in the joints. Overlaid with eleven inches of black slate, which, is capped with shales. Underlaid with fire clay. Specific gravity, 1-2859 Loss in coking, 48'75 Total weight of coke, 51-25 = lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, - - - - - - 11 '00 Volatile matters, 37 -75 Carbon in coke, 47 '35 Ashes (gray), 3'90 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 51-48 RICHARD CARTLIDGE'S MINE. Thickness of the coal varies from four feet to six feet. Coal bright; brittle ; layers thin, and alternately dull and bright, with occasional sepa- IT O rations of carbonaceous clod ; easily separable in the horizontal partings. Fracture even to hackly. Contains thin vertical seams of sulphuret of iron. Overlaid with six inches of marly clay, which is capped with ten feet of limestone. Underlaid with fire clay. Specific gravity, 1-3137 Loss in coking, 44 '39 Total weight of coke, 55'61 == lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, 8*30 Volatile matters, 36-09 . Carbon in coke, 45.01 Ashes (gray), 10'60 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 50'3S CHARLES GROSHANG'3 MINE. Thickness of the bed, from two feet six inches, to three feet. Coal alternately bright and dull ; hard ; fracture hackly ; layers thick, wavy, and separated with thin layers of carbonaceous clod. Specific gravity, 1-3221 Loss in coking, 37 -55 Total weight of coke, 62'45 = 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, - - 7.50 Volatile matters, . 30-05 Carbon in coke, - - - - - - 54 - 85 Ashes (brown), 7.60 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 56-27 DUNFORD'S MINE (NEAR ALTON.) Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture uneven ; layers thick, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-2587 Loss in coking, 47'26 Total weight of coke, 52'74 = 100-00 ' 18 Analysis: Moisture, 5-80 Volatile matters, 41-46 Carbon in coke, - - - 47 -44 Ashes (gray), 5 -30 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 54-62 EMERSON 10-00 Volatile matters, 36-85 Carbon in coke, 49 -7 5 Ashes (purplish), - - - - - 3-40 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 58-07 RANDOLPH COUNTY. RITCHIE'S COAL BED. Thickness four feet six inches. Overlaid with limestone. Underlaid with clay. Coal hard and compact ; fracture slightly conchoidal. Con- tains very minute seams of carbonate of lime in the joints, and thin seam? of sulphuret of iron, disposed both vertically and horizontally. Specific gravity, 1-3021 Loss in coking, 46-1 Total weight of coke, 63-9 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 8'0 Volatile matters, - - - ... 38-1 Carbon in coke, 50'9 Ashes (very dark gray), - - - - 3-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54-17 CALHOUN COUNTY. .JOHNSON'S PLACE. Thickness of the bed, two feet four inches. Overlaid with six inches of black slate, passing into gray shale. Floor not ascertained. COH! dull ; brittle ; fracture tolerably even ; layers indistinct ; slightly irides- cent ; joints much siained with oxide of iron, derived, probably, from the decomposition of a sulphuret of that metal. Coke tolerably good. Specific gravity, 1-2681 Loss in coking, 45*7 Total weight of coke, 54-3 = 100-0 / Analysis: Moisture, ... 4-8 Volatile matters, --..-- 40'9 Carbon in coke, 49-1 Ashes (brown), 5-2 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53-06 21 MACOUPIN COUNTY. HODGES' CREEK BED. Thickness of the bed, five feet six inches. Overlaid with one foot of black slate, which is capped with two feet of bluish-colored limestone. Underlaid with shale. Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture uneven ; layers thick, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-2797 Loss in coking, 43 '48 Total weight of coke, 56-52 = 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, ------- 6-50 Volatile matters, - 36 - 98 Carbon in coke, 48-72 Ashes (brown), - 7 '80 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 53-8 PIKE COUNTY. HOUSEWORTH'S COAL BED. Thickness one foot six inches. Overlaid with clay, containing masses of rounded limestone. Underlaid with a bed of bluish-colored clay. Coal rather dull ; brittle ; layers alternately thick and thin ; fracture uneven. Contains a great quantity of sulphuret of iron mixed with coal dust, disposed horizontally. Specific gravity, 1-2203 Loss in coking, 49 -5 Total weight of coke, 50 - 3 Analysis: Moisture, - - .... 5-9 Volatile matters, ... 44-5 Carbon in coke, 45-5 Ashes (white), .--.. 5-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53-2 JACKSON S MINE. Thickness of bed one foot six inches, to one foot eight inches. Coal dull; brittle; fracture exceedingly irregular ; layers thin, and separated with carbonized coal plants. This bed is eight miles north of Pittafield. The analysis was made of a portion of the bed that resembles, in appear- ance, carbonized wood. The bituminous portion is like Houseworth's coal. Specific gravity, 1-7784 Loss in coking, 14'1 Total weight of coke, 85'9 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - - - - - - - 2-0 Volatile matters, - - . - - 12-1 Carbon in coke, 56'9 Ashes (gray), 29-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57*5 GREEN COUNTY. DRAKE'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, from two feet four inches, to two feet eight inches. Coal rather dull ; brittle ; fracture hackly ; layers thin, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains vertical plates of carbonate of lime, which are confined principally to a thin bright band of the bed. There is a little sulphuret of iron disseminated through the mass of coal. Coal good, but dirty. Specific gravity, 1-3083 Loss in coking, 40-47 Total weight of coke, 59'53 = 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, Volatile matters, - Carbon in coke, - Ashes (gray), ... Carbon in the coal, 59-79 SANGAMON COUNTY. The beds of coal at present opened in this county vary from one foot eight inches, to two feet in thickness. All the coal is obtained by " strip- ping," or, to use another term, by quarrying. Fourteen or fifteen openings, have been made. The coal taken from most of them is of the same quality. 23 SANDERS' COAL. Coal rather dull; hard; somewhat brittle; fracture hackly; layers thick, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains vertical seams of both carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron ; also, a few thin horizontal layers of iron pyrites. Specific gravity, 1-2463 Loss in coking, 48 '14 Total weight of coke, 51-86 = lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, 5-60 Volatile matters, 42-54 Carbon in coke, 42'86 Ashes, 9-00 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 50-11 MINE NEAR SPRINGFIELD (Owner not known). Specific gravity, 1-2839 Loss in coking, 53-9 Total weight of coke, 46-1 = 100-0 Analysis: Moisture, ... - - 12-0 Volatile matters, 41 -9 Carbon in coke, - - - . - - 42-8 Ashes (dark gray), 8-3 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 45 -7 PUFFEXBERGER'S MINE (NEAR SPRINGFIELD.)* Specific gravity, 1-26 Loss in coking, 50-68 Total weight of coke, 49-32100-0 Analysis: Moisture, 11-50 Volatile matters, ..... 39-18 Carbon in coke, - - - - - - 43 -62 Ashes (dark brown), .... 5-79 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 49-8 *NOTE. This coal contains a greal deal of sulphuret of iron. 24 SCHUYLER COUNTY. PLEASANT VIEW. Thickness of the coal 4 feet. Overlaid with sixteen feet of shale. Underlaid with fire elay. Coal bright ; hard ; fracture conchoidal ; layers thin, some of them separated with extremely thin seams of carbonaceous clod. Contains a few vertical seams of carbonate of lime, which are slightly stained with oxide of iron. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-286 Loss in coking, 40'60 Total weight of coke, 59'40 = 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, - 6-0 Volatile matters, - 34-6 Carbon in coke, ------ 52'9 Ashes (deep red), 6-5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57 '8 MINE NEAR RUSHVILLE. Thickness of coal, four feet. Overlaid with three feet of black slate, .which is capped with one foot of limestone. Coal rather dull ; hard ; somewhat brittle ; fracture hackly ; layers thin, with partings of carbon- aceous clod. Contains irregular seams of carbonate of lime, stained with oxide of iron. Specific gravity, 1-303 Loss in coking, 41 '6 Total weight of coke, 58'4 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - .- - 4'5 Volatile matters, - ' 37 ! Carbon in coke, - - . - - - - 46 '1 Ashes (white), 12'3 100-0 , Carbon in the coal, 51-79 SCOTT COUNTY. EXETER MINES. Thickness of beds, two feet eight inches. Overlaid with slate. Un- derlaid with eight inches of clay, and that with thick beds of limestone. 25 Coal bright ; brittle , fracture uneven ; layers alternately thick and thin, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains thin vertical seams both of carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron. Coke very good. Specific gravity, 1-288 Loss in coking, 42 -37 Total weight of coke, 57 -63 100-00 Analysis : Moisture, ....... 12-10 Volatile matters, - - - - - 30'27 Carbon in coke, -.---- 50-13 Ashes (red), 7.50 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 52'42 SCOTT COUNTY. BARKER'S COAL. Coal bright; hard ; fracture uneven; layers thin, and separated with carbonized fossil ferns. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-2396 Loss in coking, 42 '8 Total weight of coke, 57 -2 = 100-0 Analysis: Moisture, 5-5 Volatile matters,- 37*3 Carbon in coke, ---.-- 52'2 Ashes (light brown), 5-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54'8 FROST'S COAL. Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; layers thin, and separated with a little carbonaceous clod. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-2883 Loss in coking, 46-37 Total weight of coke, 53-63 = lOO'OO Analysis: Moisture, 8 -50 Volatile matters, - - - - . 37 -87 Carbon in coke, 46 -53 Ashes (red), 7 -10 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 51 83 4 26 ADAMS COUNTY. HIGBY'S COAL. Thickness of the bed, two feet six inches. Overlaid with fifteen feet of gray shale. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal dull ; hard , fracture even ; layers thin, with very thin seams of carbonaceous clod between them. This bed is occasionally three feet in thickness, and has a capping of six inches of blue clay, with a bed of black slate overlaying it. (Further investigation is needed to ascertain whether there are not two beds of coal in the localities where the investigations were made by Mr. Worthen.) Specific gravity, 1-3354 Loss in coking, 48 '4 Total weight of coke, 51-6 = 100-0 Analysis : Moisture, - lO'O Volatile matters, 38 -4 Carbon in coke, ... 41-2 Ashes (yellow), - - 10'4 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 48. BASSETT'S COAL. Thickness of the bed, from one foot four inches, to one foot six inches. Overlaid with one foot six inches of black slate. Floor not ascertained. Coal bright; brittle ; fracture uneven ; layers thick, and separated with a little carbonaceous clod. Contains a few very thin layers of sulphuret of iron, and some thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-2684 Loss in coking, 42-52 Total weight of coke, 57 '48 = 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, 9-20 Volatile matters, 33-32 Carbon in coke, - 51 '4 8 Ashes (pale red), - - 6-00 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 55-91 27 JERSEY COUNTY. LANGLEY'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, five feet. Overlaid with two feet of black slate, which is capped with three feet of limestone. Underlaid with fire clay. (The death of the Geological Assistant in the Illinois State Survey, Mr. Henry Pratten, prevents me from giving at present more than this para- graph contains. Mr. Pratten analyzed the coal, but I have been unable to find the analysis in the notes returned to my office.) In quality it very nearly resembles the Madison county coal. VERMILION COUNTY. PAYNE'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, six feet six inches. Overlaid with clay and drift. Underlaid with one foot four inches of clay. Below this there is another bed of coal one foot six inches thick, underlaid with four feet of fire-clay. Coal dull; brittle; fracture hackly; layers thick, and separated with a small amount of carbonaceous clod. Contains numerous thick vertical plates of carbonate of lime ; also, thin seams of sulphuret of iron, disposed both horizontally and vertically. The following analysis is of coal taken from the main entry, sixty feet from the outcrop. Specific gravity, 1'26 Loss in coking, 46*1 Total weight of coke, 53-9 =100-0 Analysis : Moisture, - 8 '7 Volatile matters, 3*7 '4 Carbon in coke, - - 43 - 9 Ashes (gray), - lO'O 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 50 38 * PAYNE'S COAL (OUT CROP.) Specific gravity, 1-2833 Loss in coking, 47 '0 Total weight of coke, 58-0 = lOO'O 28 Analysis : Moisture, - 5-1 Volatile matters, ... 41-9 Carbon in coke, 47.5 Ashes (gray), 5 '5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 55-5 HENSON S MINE. Thickness of the bed, seven feet. Overlaid with a soft fossiliferous sandstone. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal bright and dull, in the alter- nate layers ; layers thick, arjd separated with carbonaceous clod ; hard ; fracture hackly. Contains vertical seams of carbonate of lime, very numerous and irregularly distributed. Specific gravity, 1-811 Loss in coking, 43 '5 Total weight of coke, 56'5 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 9-0 Volatile matters, - 34'5 Carbon in coke, - - 50'0 Ashes, ... 6-5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 58-8 LAFFERTY S MINE. Thickness of bed, six feet. Overlaid with blue calcareous clay shale. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal bright on a fresh ' fracture, but weathers with a dull surface ; fracture hackly ; hard and compact ; layers separated with carbonized coal plants. Contains a few vertical plates of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, T2S Loss in coking, 44-3 Total weight of coke, 55-7 = 100.0 Analysis: Moisture, - 8'5 Volatile matters - - 35'8 Carbon in coke, - - 48'7 Ashes (gray), - - 7'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 51^7 29 CAROTHERS' MINE. Thickness of the bed, six feet six inches. Overlaid with a hard, dark- colored fossiliferous clay shale, and underlaid with one foot three inches of blue clay. Below this there is one foot four inches of coal, which is underlaid with fire-clay. Coal rather hard and compact ; lustre bright ; fracture somewhat conchoidal ; layers thin, but do not separate easily, with carbonized coal plants between them. Contains thick vertical plates of carbonate of lime ; and, also, an abundance of bright yellow sulphuret of iron, disposed both horizontally and vertically. Specific gravity, 1-213 Loss in coking, 50'8 Total weight of coke, 49 '2 = lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, - 8-5 Volatile matters, - 42-3 Carbon in coke, - - 46-2 Ashes (grayish white), - 3-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 51'1 GILBERTS MINE. Thickness of the bed, six feet six inches. Overlaid with clay shale ; underlaid with fire-clay. Coal rather dull ; brittle ; fracture tolerably even ; layers alternately thick and thin. Contains thick vertical seams of carbonate of lime, with occasional lumps of sulphuret of iron in them ; also, a great number of thin seams of the last named mineral, causing a reticulated appearance on one of the horizontal faces of the coal. Specific gravity, 1-213 Loss in coking, 51'4 Total weight of coke, 48-6 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 8*0 Volatile matters, - 43.4 Carbon in coke, - - - 45-6 Ashes, - - - 3-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, - BUTLER'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, one foot two inches. Overlaid with one foot ten inches of black slate, which is capped with limestone, (one loot of clay 30 shale intervening). Underlaid with six feet of fire clay. Coal rather dull ; hard ; brittle ; fracture hackly ; layers thin, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains a few thin vertical streaks of carbonate of lime. Cleavage O cubical. Coke good. The bed is too thin to be mined profitably. Specific gravity, 1-3943 Loss in coking, 40'1 Total weight of coke, 59-9 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 6'0 Volatile matters, - 34' 1 Carbon in coke, - 47 '9 Ashes (white), - 12-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 65-7 LEONARD'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, six feet. Overlaid with three feet of very corn- pact calcareous shale. Underlaid with five feet of fire clay. Coal bright ; rather hard ; the horizontal arrangement of the layers hardly perceptible ; intersected in all directions by thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime and streaks of sulphuret of iron ; breaks in any direction rather than horizontally. Contains thick irregular seams of sulphuret of iron, and also of carbonized coal plants. Specific gravity, 1-3127 Loss in coking, 45 -57 Total weight of coke, 54-43 =- 100-00 Analysis: Moisture, 6 '40 Volatile matters, 39-17 Carbon in coke, - 48 '93 Ashes (white), - 5'50 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 53-0 WILLIAMS MINE. Thickness of the bed, six feet six inches. Overlaid with a heavy bed of hard clay shale. Underlaid with fire clay. Two parcels of coal were examined from this mine. Of the first, coal bright; hard; compact; fracture tolerably even ; layers quite thin, but not easily separated, with a 31 little carbonaceous clod between them. Contains thin vertical seams of both carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron. Cleavage rhomboidal. This coal has a brilliant horizontal fracture. Of the second, coal bright ; hard ; fracture somewhat conchoidal ; layers thick, and not easily sepa- rated, with a small amount of carbonaceous clod between them. Contains thick vertical plates of carbonate of lime, and also many thin ones of iridescent sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-2247 Loss in coking, 49 '15 Total weight of coke, 50-85 : Analysis : Moisture, Volatile matters, Carbon in coke, Ashes, Carbon in the coal, 50-58 100-00 2-80 46-35 45-85 5-00 100-00 ALEXANDER'S MINE. Thicknes of the coal, between six and seven feet. Overlaid with yellow clay and gravel. Underlaid with fire-clay. Coal hard ; dull ; compact ; fracture even ; layers alternately thick and thin. Contains carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron in thin vertical seams. Specific gravity, 1-2636 Loss in coking, 43 '5 Total weight of coke, 56-5 =100*00 Analysis : Moisture, 3'4 Volatile matters, - . - - 40 -1 Carbon in coke, - - 40-5 Aahes, - * - 16-0 Carbon in the coal, 50'98 100-0 RUSSELL 8 MINE. Thickness of the coal, six feet six inches. Overlaid with clay shale ; underlaid with fire clay. Coal dull to bright ; moderately hard ; layers alternately thick and thin, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Con- tains many thin plates of carbonate of lime, and a few seams of sulphuret of iron, both disposed vertically. Spatters in coking. 32 Specific gravity, 1-2148 Loss in coking, 49 '0 Total weight of coke, 51-0 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 5 - 6 Volatile matters, - - 43-4 Carbon in coke, ... 39-0 Ashes (gray), - 12-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 52.0 " CHICAGO AND DANVILLE COAL COMPANY. This is the same as " Payne's mine," of which two analyses have already been given one from the outcrop, and one from coal taken from the mines at a point sixty feet within the main entry. The following anal- ysis is of coal taken from the mine 400 feet from the outcrop. Thickness of the bed between six and seven feet. Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture uneven ; layers thin and separated with carbonaceous clod. Con- tains vertical seams of carbonate of lime, and both vertical and hor- izontal streaks of sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-2377 Loss in coking, 49 '04 Total weight of coke, 50-96 = 100-00 Analysis : Moisture, 8-60 Volatile matters, . - 40-44 Carbon in coke, - . - 48 '96 Ashes (gray), - - 2 '00 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 49.8 INNIS COOKS MINE. Thickness of the bed, three feet six inches. Overlaid with twelve feet of dark clay shale. Underlaid with clay. Coal dull ; hard ; fracture uneven ; layers thick, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains thick vertical plates of carbonate of lime, and horizontal ones of sulphuret of iron. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-3376 Loss in coking, 47 -3 Total weight of coke, 52'7 lOO'O 33 Analysis: Moisture, - 9-8 Volatile matters, - 37 '5 Carbon in coke, - 47 '7 Ashes (reddish gray), - 5'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 51 '44 ELI THORNTON 8 MINE. The thickness of this bed varies from three to four feet. Overlaid with clay shale. Underlaid with fire clay. Coal rather slaty ; not very hard ; lustre dull ; fracture uneven. Contains vertical plates of carbonate of lime, and horizontal layers of sulphuret of iron. The coal agglutinates in coking. Specific gravity, 1 '4027 Loss in coking, 42 '27 Total weight of coke, 57 '73 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - - 15'00 Volatile matters, - 27 -27 Carbon in coke, - 55'73 Ashes (red), - - - 2'00 100-00 Carbon in the coke, 56-52 T. H. BLACKMORE S MINE. Thickness of the bed, four feet. Overlaid with clay shale. Underlaid with fire-clay. Coal bright and dull in the alternate layers ; brittle ; fracture uneven ; layers alternately thick and thin, with thin separations of carbonaceous clod. Contains carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron in thin vertical plates. Specific gravity, 1-2901 Loss in coking, 44-5 Total weight of coke, 55-5 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 6'5 Volatile matters, - 38 '0 Carbon in coke, - 47 '1 Ashes (redish gray), - 8'4 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53-6 34 MACDONOUGH COUNTY. COLCHESTER MINE. Thickness of the bed, two feet. Overlaid with shale. Underlaid with shale and sandstone. Coal hard ; compact ; bright ; layers tolerably even and wavy. A first rate coal. Specific gravity, 1-290 Loss in coking, 41 '2 Total weight of coke, 58'8 lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 5 '4 Volatile matters, 35 '8 Carbon in coke, - 56 - 8 Ashes (light gray), - 2'0 100.0 Carbon in the coal, 60'10 TAZEWELL COUNTY. NEARLY OPPOSITE PEORIA. Thickness of the bed from three feet six inches to four feet. Overlaid with shale. Underlaid with clay. Coal rather bright; hard; compact; fracture even ; layers thick and separated with carbonaceous clod. Con- tains a very few thick seams of carbonate of lime, and a little sulphuret of iron disposed horizontally. Specific gravity, 1-263 Loss in coking, 43'4 Total weight of coke, 56'6 = 100-0 Analysis : Moisture, ... 5-4 Volatile matters, - ,38'0 Carbon in coke, - 48'6 Ashes (gray), 8 - 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 52'0 MENARD COUNTY. SALEM HILL MINE. Thickness of the bed, two feet. Coal bright ; brittle ; separated with thin layers of carbonaceous clod ; fracture somewhat couchoidal. Con- tains a few thin vertical plates of carbonate of lime. 35 Specific gravity, T26 Loss in coking, 46 '0 Total weight of coke, 54-0 100.0 Analysis: Moisture, 9-5 Volatile matters, - - 36'5 Carbon in coke, - 51 '2 Ashes (dark red), - 2'8 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 55 '55 PEORIA COUNTY. KICKAPOO MINES. (MOFFATT's.) Thickness of the bed, four feet to four feet six inches. Overlaid with shale. Underlaid with clay. Coal moderately bright ; hard; compact; fracture uneven ; layers tolerably thick, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains many thick seams of sulphuret of iron and of carbonate of lime. Coke very poor. Specific gravity, 1-282 Loss in coking, 47 '7 Total weight of coke, 52-3 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 11 '5 Volatile matters, 36'2 Carbon in coke, - 46-3 Ashes (gray), 6-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53-2 No special examination has been made of the Kingston mines by any one connected with the State Survey. The specific gravity of the coal is 1-216. The thickness of the bed is from four feet to four feet ten inches, No analysis of that coal has been made in the State Laboratory. Before the next report is made, the beds at Kingston, as well as two other beds in Peoria county will be examined, and the analyses of the coals furnished to the proper department. KNOX COUNTY. MCMURTRY'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, five feet. " Alluvial covering where it is worked. True roof not ascertained." Coal very brittle ; bright on a fresh fracture. 36 but soon becoming dull when exposed to the weather, especially on its vertical face. Contains thick vertical seams of carbonate of lime, with sulphuret of iron disposed both horizontally and vertically. " EIGHT INCH PART OF THE SEAM." Coal tolerably hard ; fracture uneven ; splits easily into thin layers, in consequence of very minute seams of carbonized coal plants being inter- posed between them ; lustre rather dull. Contains carbonate of lime in vertical plates, and sulphuret of iron in horizontal layers. " MIDDLE PART OF THE BED." Coal of a bright metallic lustre, somewhat resembling graphite ; hori- zontal arrangement very irregular ; presents nowhere a regular surface or face ; brittle ; layers rather thick. Hardly any foreign matters visible, except a few thin seams of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-216 Loss in coking, 50'5 Total weight of coke, 49-5 = TOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - - 11-0 Volatile gases, - - 39 '5 Carbon in coke, - - - 45 '5 Ashes (nearly black), - -4-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 55'5 LOOMIS' MINE. (TTATAGA.) Thickness of the bed, from four feet to four feet six inches. This coal is overlaid with from three to eight inches of cannel coal, separated with an inch of pyritous shale. Roof of the mine, black slate ; floor, fire-clay. BITUMINOUS COAL. Coal hard ; bright ; fracture hackly ; layers thin, and separated with carbonized coal plants. Contains thin vertical plates of carbonate of lime, and a small amount of sulphuret of iron in the horizontal partings. Specific gravity, 1-286 Loss in coking, 44'4 Total weight of coke, 55-6 = lOO'O 37 Analysis: Moisture, 11*0 Volatile matters, - - 33'4 Carbon in coke, - 51.1 Ashes (pink), 4'5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54' 1 LOOMIS CANNEL COAL. Coal dull ; hard ; compact ; fracture tolerably even. Contains a few thick vertical plates of carbonate of lime. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-33 Loss in coking, 42 - 4 Total weight of coke, 57 '6 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - - 6-5 Volatile matters, - 35'9 Carbon in coke, - 33 '6 Ashes (gray), - 24 g O 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 42'6 WARREN COUNTY. SMITH'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, three feet. Overlaid with two feet six inches of black slate. Underlaid with one foot of black slate, resting on sandstone. Coal rather bright ; hard ; fracture tolerably even ; layers thin, slightly undulating, and separated with many carbonized coal plants. Contains vertical and horizontal seams of sulphuret of iron. Near the outcrop the sulphuret has been converted into oxide of iron. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1'24 Loss in coking, 43 "1 Total weight of coke, 56-9 = 100-0 Analysis: Moisture, . . 6'1 Volatile matters, - 37 '0 Carbon in coke, ... 51-7 Ashes (red), - - - - 5'2 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54'55 38 TUCKER'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, two feet two inches. Overlaid with five feet six inches of shale, which is capped witht three feet of black slate. Underlaid with clay. Coal dull, with a few bright layers ; hard ; fracture hackly ; layers thick and separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains a few thick vertical seams of carbonate of lirne. Also, vertical and horizontal seams of sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-227 Loss in coking, 44 '8 Total weight of coke, 65-2 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 8'0 Volatile matters, - 36-8 Carbon in coke, ... 51-0 Ashes (red), - - 4-2 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57 '0 BUREAU COUNTY. SHEFFIELD COMPANtf's MINE. This bed varies from four to five feet in thickness. Underlaid with indurated clay containing nodules of limestone. Overlaid with a few inches of black slate, which is capped with indurated clay. Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture inclining to conchoidal ; layers thin and sepa- rated with very minute seams of carbonaceous clod. Contains a few thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Slacks on exposure to the weather. Specific gravity, 1-1986 Loss hi coking, 47 '5 Total weight of coke, 52-5 100-0 Analysis: Moisture, - 7 - Volatile matters, - 40-5 Carbon in coke, - 47 '5 Ashes (white), - 5-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53-4 TISKILWA MINES. " Coal Valley^ This bed is of the same age as the middle workable seam of La Salle county ; and like that bed is frequently interrupted with clay " slips." 39 The portion of the bed examined is on L. D. Whiting's place. Coal very bright ; hard ; compact ; layers generally thick, and separated with carbonaceous clod, sometimes nearly indistinct ; fracture conchoidal. Con- tains a very few thin seams of carbonate of lime, with occasional thin scales of sulphuret of iron. Swells but little in coking. Specific gravity, 1-363 Loss in coking, 43 '0 Total weight of coke, 57 '0 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, 7.5 Volatile matters, - 35 '5 Carbon in coke, - 48 - 9 Ashes (white), - - 81 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57 '0 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. CUTLER, EDWARDS & COMPANY'S " CANNEL COAL." Thickness of the bed, six feet six inches, with six inches of black slate in the seam. Overlaid with indurated clay and drift. Underlaid with fire clay. This is rather a highly bituminous shale than a coal. It burns with a free, bright flame, and is so highly inflammable that, at the outcrop, which is covered with grass, it has, at some previous period, become ignited from the annual prairie burnings, the effects of which are to be seen for a distance of more than a rod from the opening. Shale dull ; grayish ; hard and tough ; splits into thin laminre, in consequence of thin layers of coal plants intervening. In the tracing of this bed it is highly probable that it may be found to graduate into a bed of bituminous coal. This shale is suitable for the manufacture of all the oils and solid matters at present derived from real cannel coal. For other purposes it is, in my opinion, entirely useless. Specific gravity, 1-441 Loss in coking, 31 '3 Total weight of coke, C8'7 =( 100-0 Analysis : Moisture, Volatile matters, Carbon in coke, Ashes (light red), Carbon in the shale, 48-9 40 CARBON CLIFF MINE. (LOWRr, THOMAS & CO.) Thickness of the bed, three feet eight inches, to five feet three inches. Overlaid with black shale, which is capped with sandstone. Underlaid with fire clay. Troubled occasionally with " horse-backs." Coal bright ; hard ; compact ; fracture uneven ; layers rather thick, with a little car- bonaceous clod between them. Contains irregular vertical seams of carbonate of lime, and a few vertical streaks of sulphuret of iron. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1 -2,4:1 Loss in coking, 43 '7 Total weight of coke, 56'3 lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, 7 -Q Volatile matters, - 36 '7 Carbon in coke, - - 52-8 Ashes (white], - 3-5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 55 '3 CORCORAN'S MINE. At John H. Ely's opening, the bed of coal is from three feet six inches to four feet in thickness. Overlaid with black slate. Underlaid with fire- clay. Coal bright ; brittle ; fracture, uneven ; layers thick, with partings of carbonaceous clod. Contains vertical seams of sulphuret of iron, with a little carbonate of lime in the same seams. Specific gravity, T2656 Loss in coking, 47 '2 Total weight of coke, 52-8 = lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, S'O Volatile matters, - 39 '2 Carbon in coke, - 50'3 Ashes (black), - - 2-5 100-0 iCarbon in the coal, 57 "7 HENRY COUNTY. BOBBINS, LAWSON & COMPANY'S MINE. Bituminous Coal. Thickness of the bed, four feet. Overlaid with black slate. Underlaid with fire-clay. Of two specimens examined, the coal of the first is brittle; 41 dull ; layers tolerably thick ; fracture very uneven. Contains vertical plates of carbonate of lime, accompanied with a small quantity of sul- phuret of iron. Of the second, the coal is bright ; hard ; compact ; layers thick, and separated with carbonized coal plants. Contains thick plates of carbonate of lime, some of which are vertical, and others inclined at an angle of about 50. This is the same as Serrell's bed. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1-224 Loss in coking, 49*7 Total weight of coke, 50'3 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 12 '5 Volatile matters, - 37 '2 Carbon in coke, - - - 47'1 Ashes (blackish gray), - 3.2 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53'0 ALDRICH S MINE. Thickness of the bed, from three feet six inches, to four feet eight inches. Overlaid with a few inches of shale, which is capped with a hard, blue, shelly limestone. Underlaid with fire-clay. Coal bright ; hard ; fracture even ; layers thin, with much carbonaceous clod between them. Contains vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Specific gravity, 1-261 Loss in coking, 43.1 Total weight of coke, 56'9 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 6'0 Volatile matters, - 37 -1 Carbon in coke, ... 4.9-9 Ashes (brown), - 7'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 64'1 SERKELL'S MINE. (KEWANEE.) Thickness of the bituminous portion of the bed, four feet. Overlaid with cannel coal. Underlaid with fire-clay. Coal bright and dull in alternating layers ; hard ; compact ; fracture tolerably even. Contains thick seams of carbonate of lime, which cross each other at nearly right angles, causing the coal to break into slightly irregular cubes. Has sul- phuret of iron disposed both horizontieally and vertically. The layers of coal are thick, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Coke very bright and good, but swells in coking. 42 Specific gravity, 1 -232 Loss in coking, 42-2 Total weight of coke, 57 "8 = 100-0 Analysis: Moisture, - 9'0 Volatile matters, - 33 '2 Carbon in coke, - 52-8 Ashes (gray), - 5'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 58 '2 SERRELL'S CANNEL COAL. Thickness of the bed, from eight inches to one foot. Overlaid with black slate. Underlaid with four feet of bituminous coal. No analysis of this coal has yet been made ; but, judging from its texture and general appearance, it does not differ much from Ihe Wataga cannel coal. The coal is dull ; hard ; compact ; fracture slightly conchoidal ; layers thick. Contains bright yellow vertical plates of sulphuret of iron. ALLEN'S MINE. (GENESEO.) Thickness of the bed at the outcrop, one foot six inches. Underlaid with fire-clay. The roof could not be ascertained. Coal bright ; iridescent on its horizontal faces ; hard ; fracture even. Contains a few thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime. Cleavage rhombohedral. Specific gravity, 1-321 Loss in coking, 41-24 Total weight of coke, 58'76 = lOO'OO Analysis : Moisture, - - 6'50 Volatile matters, - 34-74 Carbon in coke, - 52 -7 6 Ashes (brown), - - - 6-00 100-00 Carbon in the coal, 55*3 MERCER COUNTY. THORNTON & PARK'S MINE. Thickness of the bed, four feet. Overlaid with "blue limestone." Floor not ascertained. Coal tolerably hard ; bright ; brittle ; fracture nearly 43 even ; layers thin, and separated with carbonized coal plants. Contains vertical plates of both carbonate of lime and sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-244 Loss in coking, 45'8 Total weight of coke, 54-2 100.0 Analysis: Moisture, - 7 '7 Volatile matters, - 38'1 Carbon in coke, - 49-7 Ashes (white), 4'5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53 -2 LA SALLE COUNTY. OTTAWA BED. Mr. N. Perley "strips" this bed of coal on Cushman's place, one mile above Ottawa. It is the same as the "lower bed" worked east of La Salle ; and is, really, the lowest bed in the State of Illinois, or in any of the Western States in the same latitude. Overlaid with clay. Underlaid with clay resting on the older sandstone (Lower Silurian). Coal bright ; brittle ; fracture hackly ; layers thick, and separated with carbonaceous clod ; intersected with numerous vertical seams of carbonate of lime, with thin streaks of sulphuret of iron running in all directions. Coke good, but agglutinates in coking. Specific gravity, 1-2672 Loss in coking, 43-7 Total weight of coke, 56'3 100-0 Analysis : Moisture, 7 -8 Volatile matters, - . - - 35-9 Carbon in coke, - 52*3 Ashes (white), . - 4-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54 - 6 WARD'S MINE. (MARSEILLES.) Thickness of the bed, from three feet six inches, to four feet. This seam is very unequal in quality. A portion of the bed will rank with the best coals in the State, while other benches will be among the lowest. 44 Coal dull; friable; fracture uneven ; layers thick, with much cardonaceous clod between them. Contains thick vertical plates of carbonate of lime, as well as thick horizontal seams of sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-3144 Loss in coking, 45' 6 Total weight of coke, 54'4 100 Analysis: Moisture, 5 - Volatile matters, - 40'6 Carbon in coke, ... 33-4 Ashes (white), - - 21 - 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 47-0 I. R. HITT 8 VERMILION MIKE. Thickness of the bed, three feet six inches. Overlaid with shales. Underlaid with clay resting on shaly sandstone. Coal dull ; rather hard ; compact; layers thick, and separated with carbonaceous clod. Contains a great many thin seams of carbonate of lime, with sulphuret of iron very sparingly disseminated. Specific gravity, T2989 Loss in coking, 4t>-9 Total weight of coke, 531 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 4 - 5 Volatile matters, - - 42 -4 Carbon in coke, - - 40'3 Ashes (white), ... 12-8 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 47 '5 KIRKPATRICKS MINE. Thickness of the bed, eight feet. Coal bright; compact; hard ; layers rather thin; fracture nearly even; a small quantity of carbonaceous clod between the layers. Contains a few vertical plates of carbonate of lime> and some sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-202 Loss in coking, 48-2 Total weight of coke, 51'8 = lOO'O 45 Analysis: Moisture, . 7'0 Volatile matters, - 41-2 Carbon in coke, - 49 '3 Ashes (gray), - 2.5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54'6 IRELAND S MINE. Thickness of the bed, from two feet eight inches, to three feet six inches. Overlaid with twelve feet of blue shale. Underlaid with clay resting on the lower sandstone. This was the first coal mined in La Salle county. Coal dull on the face; bright and iridescent in the horizontal layers, which are thin ; fracture irregular. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of ' O lime running in every direction, with a few very thin seams of sulphuret of iron. Specific gravity, 1-237 Loss in coking, 46'7 Total weight of coke, 53-3 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 6 -8 Volatile matters, 39-9 Carbon in coke, 50'3 Ashes (gray), . 3'0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 55 -1 SEELY'S MINE. (NEAR LOWELL.) Average thickness of the bed, three feet six inches. It is undulating. Coal rather dull ; hard ; compact ; fracture even ; layers thin, and slightly waving. Contains thin vertical seams of carbonate of lime, and some of sulphuret of iron, with thick horizontal deposits of the last named mineral. The coke is good. Specific gravity, 1-2234 Loss in coking, 42'6 Total weight of coke, 5Y-4 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, - 8'0 Volatile matters, - 34-6 Carbon in coke, - 41-4 Ashes (brick red), - ifi-Q 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 53-0 4(3 KIRKPARICK'S CANNEL COAL. (Lower Bed?) Thickness of the bed, from six to nine inches. This coal is exposed in the bfd of the " Big Vermilion of the Illinois river," for the distance of two miles. Overlaid with five feet of sandy shale. Underlaid with argillaceous sandy shale. Coal dull ; hard ; compact ; fracture even, inclining to conchoidal ; layers rather thin for a cannel coal. This is the best cannel coal I have met with in Illinois. The bed is too thin to work profitably. It is the only cannel coal we have, that approaches, in exter- nal appearance, to the celebrated "Breckinridge coal" of Kentucky. In hand specimens no one could tell the difference. Coke good. Specific gravity, 1'434 Loss in coking, 39 '6 Total weight of coke, 60'4 lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, . 3'0 Volatile matters, - - 36.6 Carbon in coke, - 30'4 Ashes (gray), - 30 -0 100-0 . In order that the difference between this coal and the Kentucky cannel coal may be seen at a glance, I subjoin an analysis of the " Breckenridge coal," made in the State Laboratory. Specific gravity, T1766 Loss in coking, 64'6 Total weight of coke, 35'4 = lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, 1 ? Volatile matters, - 62'9 Carbon in coke, - 27 - 9 Ashes (gray), - 7 "5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 35'0 As the use of cannel coal is attracting much attention at present, I give, below, an analysis of the Virginia cannel coal from the Kanawha, made, also, in the Illinois State Laboratory. Coke good. 47 Specific gravity, 1-2592 Loss in coking, 45 '7 8 Total weight of coke, 64-22 = 100-00 Analysis : Moisture, '70 Volatile matters, : - 45 '08 Carbon in coke, - 47 -92 Ashes (white), - - 6 '30 100-00 Carbon in the coal. 59'09 EAGLE CREEK MINE. Thickness of the bed, five feet. This is one of the best coals for black- smith purposes that I have met with in the State. All the coal taken from the bed at that locality, so far as I know, has been quarried from the bed of the creek. Coal hard ; brittle ; lustre from dull to bright ; fracture hackly ; layers rather thick, and separated with carbonized coal plants, among which is disseminated a few patches of sulphuret of iron. Contains a few short vertical plates of carbonate of lime, none of them exceeding an inch in length. Specific gravity, T2265 Loss in coking 46'7 Total weight of coke, 53'3 = lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, 7 '5 Volatile matters, - 39-2 Carbon in coke, - 45-8 Ashes (dark red), 7'5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 57 '7 "BUFFALO ROCK MINE. This bed of coal is worked by the three brothers Mitchell. It is " stripped," not mined. The coal rests directly on the lower sandstone. The bed varies in thickness from one foot six inches, to two feet ten inches. Overlaid with indurated clay. Underlaid with sandstone, with a very thin clay parting. 48 Specific gravity, 1-289 Loss in coking, 45 - Total weight of coke, 55-0 = lOO'O Analysis : Moisture, - 6-2 Volatile matters, ... 33-8 Carbon in coke, ' - < - 50 '5 Ashes (pale red), - 4-5 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 54'8 BIG VERMILION. (REYNOLDS' MINE.)* Thickness of the bed, four feet. This is the same bed as the one worked at " Hitt's Vermilion mine ;" and the external characters of the coal about the same. Swells much in coking. Specific gravity, 1.242 Loss in coking, 51 '4 Total weight of coke, 48.6 = lOO'O Analysis: Moisture, . - - 12'0 Volatile matters, - - - 39-4 Carbon in coke, - - 47 ! Ashes, - - - 1-5 100-0 ' Carbon in the coal, 54r8 EGLESTON S CANNEL COAL. Thickness of the bed, from one foot to one foot three inches. Overlies the middle workable seam of La Salle county. Below the cannel coal, and separated with a very thin seam of shale and sulphuret of iron, is from five feet to five feet six inches of bituminous coal. Coal dull ; hard ; compact ; fracture conchoidal ; no lines of deposit visible. Contains a few vertical plates of sulphuret of iron. The coke is excellent ; its shape is not at all altered in coking. Specific gravity, 1-41 Loss in coking, 44'5 Total weight of coke, 55-5 = lOO'O *NoiE. This is one of the best coals in La Salle county, so far as the lower bed is concerned. 49 Analysis : Moisture, 6-0 Volatile matters, - 38-5 Carbon in coke, - N 41 '5 Ashes, '- - - - 14-0 100-0 Carbon in the coal, 44'4 FIELD 0 00 i I t- IO OSOOOO5OOOO-(NO50O1OO -i ICCO !MOlOOO lOcOTj<-iO.t-CO K} CO CO CO CO lOOOiOlOOOOOlOOlOOlOOOOlOO^iaOOOOO-^-^f-^iO 4 < 10 i-0000 500 rtlOVO 1000 10rtIOCCilOO-* t-H i-l O^-lOTj< )O>O r-HOi-icoe^iM(MOi-oot--ccoooTjtCT>i-iMaot- oo>d^t-ioot-^iO'i5i^ci5(Nt-o6oi OlOO>OU5"5>O>OlOOa>O'OTJOTJilO^COOT-^< Volatile Gases. oowoot-oooooSo'-ooa>^000o"c iOt-00ovQ^*^OOOW>OOOCOOOOO I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 Specific Gravity. Illlllilllllllllllillllllslllllllll COUNTY. Gallatil :::::::: g : : 2 >; o : -s ::::::: o ::::;; OOOOOOOO.SOSog^.'sHgOQOOOOOOp.SSooOOOOOO MINE. u z. s i '. > '. ' ' . . i \ i . '. '. '. '. ! i : '. ', '. I I '. ' '. i '. '. '. ' "o t2 "S " ^ * " fcj j|| JlJ j : " S 5_>Ss T3O ^Js5_^ C^r; 3-u -n-aS!'^^ O>Q ^^8*0 o*^ s ^^^Scc -^^ 5-2^ - -? ^ S g g S - -a -o'W o ^g ? . -? <5S-a SSc, fc, p, t- T3 *- 2* - 00 tH-TS'SC, *^s SSX!^- ,. & "5. ji .tJ gpp^-os-a i-l OO CO 00 eu c. d o *" '. * s *' '."A . 6 * O *5 13 * o O O to 02 < s k >~-( o ^_, '~ 5H ^^ ^ 2 J I c i c "3 c 3 * 3 - * "= = or * * I 1 C ,- 1 tc I 5 - Lowell * ck's Can eek . . s c s c T3 ii 1 r? O 31 * "- >> 2 CO *^i o a " .- r- 5 S '" t3 - - - t -"F-'^fl~ _" tn _!sl "it8 a oS5-SoO^^- r^a.i)~t'to'-^ D.OO j3 S^> Tn 1 ^ ^ -^ ""Sa-?^ " .= B "a .Sftb.2 .= "to 3 S a 3 ccMwc;wfe^wSMO^^^i ANALYSES OP AMEBICAN COALS, SOME OF WHICH ARE USED IN THE WEST. STATE. LOCALITY. NAME OF BED. Specific Gravity. Volatile Matter. Carbon. Ashes. Pennsylvania do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Ohio, do. do. do. do. Indiana, do. do. do. do. Iowa, Missouri. do. Venango County. . . . Beaver County Sandy Rid^e 1.275 1.371 1.264 1.283 1.560 1.320 1.219 1.270 1.240 1.240 1.240 1.270 1.250 1.252 43.20 52.78 36.00 38.75 40.50 43.75 16.40 32.80 44.298 47.327 44.800 18.70 38.13 21.00 39.00 27.50 28.00 44.00 34.20 34.06 49.80 29.54 30.12 59.45 57.80 53.45 75.40 62.80 53.404 49.882 39.950 76.70 58.41 75.00 52.00 70.00 70.00 50.80 48.50 50.78 50.81 7.00 17.68 33.88 1.80 1.70 2.80 8.20 5.20 2.288 2.221 14.620 4.60 3.46 4.00 9.00 2.50 2.00 7.50 15.02 15.13 Coal Run Crawford Connty. . . . Mercer County Orano'eville Blossburg Blossburg Bloss' Coal. Portland County. . . . Jackson County Jackson County Upson's Foundry Pomeroy Briar Hill Parke County Vermilion County . . . Vigo County Lick Fork Sullivan County Terre Haute Mammoth Vein. . . . Mastodon Vein . . . Duck Creek Galloway County. . . . Cote-sans-dessein .... ANALYSES OF POEEIGN COALS, USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON. COUNTRY. LOCALITY. XJME OF BED. Volatile in Coking. Carbon. Ashes. Color of Ash. England, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. North Wales England. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Forest of Dean Cinderford 36.00 39.00 32.03 36.72 45.100 46.35 34.18 38.70 32.30 39.58 34.53 32.81 41.38 - 35.70 34.100 35.67 34.740 40.6 43.33 32.00 45.83 39.11 37.70 62.0 58.5 63.72 61.53 52.775 51.40 63.57 58.30 65.20 58.67 62.47 64.19 57.87 62.70 64.582 60.33 64.135 51.9 54.17 62.870 49.42 58.89 60.80 2.0 2.5 4.25 1.75 2.125 2.25 2.25 3.00 2.50 1.75 3.00 3.00 0.75 1.6 1.318 4.0 1.125 7.5 2.50 h 5.125 4.75 2.0 1.75 Red. Ochre. Red. Red. Pink. Buff. White. Pink. White. Gray. White. Fawn. Light Gray. Brown. Fawn. Gray. Buff. Pink. Red. Gray. Gray. Parkend. Cinderford .... . Coleford High Delf Starkev New Mine Top .... Fire Clay S. Staffordshire S. Staffordshire Bentley Ten Yard Lane End Bassey Mine (N. Staffordshire) Lane End (best fur- nace), N. Stafford- shire j j Spendcroft Golden Hill Golden Hill Little Row Bed Randle Coal Shroph shire Shrophshire Double Coal ) Brynibo Three Yard j Brynibo Brassey Vein. Church way Corbvn's Hall (Tow Coal) Churchway S. Staffordshire .... S. Staffordshire Do. do. (Heath- ing Coal) do. Bentley N. Staffordshire Do. (Bottom Vein) (Five ft. Splint Coal) Ten Feet Coal. . .. Golden Hill Great Row Coal 59 SECTIONS. The following tabular view of sections of Rocks in various parts of the State, is designed, more especially, to show their relative position with regard to the coal beds. They are details of the illustrations prepared for and intended to elucidate the Geological Report. As no appropriation has yet been made for engraving or lithographing maps or sections, it has been deemed best to furnish such information, in the present form, as may probably aid those interested in the economical matters now being published. ALEXANDER COUNTY. SEC. 2, T. 14 a., R. 11 w. White quartzose limestone,. . . Buff colored shale, FEET 30 10 IN. 5| MILES NORTH OF THEBES, NORTH SIDE OF SEXTON'S CREEK. FEET IN. Cherty beds 150 40 Red shelly limestone, 10 2 MILES BELOW THEBES Limestone, 30 Mottled limestone . 80 Blue limestone, 25 190 Slate, 45 GRAND CHAIN. Drift clay 30 100 Sandstone, 35 Shale, 10 Massive grey limestone, 70 145 PULASKI COUNTY. BIG CHAIN, 3 MILES ABOVE CAL- EDONIA. Hidden, FEET 20 3 20 4 30 10 IN. Yellow clay, Sandstone, White clav, Shale, with fossils, Hidden, 87 POPE COUNTY. SLOAN'S HILL. FEET 20 90 20 38 IN. CARROLL'S PLACE. Archimedes limestone, FEET 16 6 14 Limestone . Hidden, Hidden . . .'. Shale and clav, Slaty limestones and marlites, 36 168 60 HARDIN COUNTY. BLUFF AT ROSICLARE. Sandstone, Limestone, Sandstone, Limestone, FEET 35 100 6 60 201 GALLATIN COUNTY. 4 MILES WEST OF SHAWNEETOWN. Mowitain limestone and millstone FEET IN. NEW HAVES. Limestone FEET 4 IN. Black slate with nodules of 48 9 black limestone, 1 Sandstone, 9,1 8 Gray clay shale, 2 f, 87 5 Alternation of sandy and clay Limestone, 3 shales 12 Covered . 35 Slack limestone 6 9 3 MILES N. E. OFSHAWNEETOWN. Dip 7 N. 15 W. 201 8 3 Limestone, 9 Black shale and black limestone Slope, 9 23 Sandstone, 30 4 35 Black slate, 1 6 Iron with fossils (Grayville bed) Coal,. . 4 34 Fire clay, 6 Clay shale, 10 10 Covered, 15 SALINE COUNTY. HEEK'S FARM. Millstone grit FEET IN. SOUTH PART OF SALINE COUNTY. Section showing the denuda- FEET IN. Hard Quartzite, 45 q tion the mountian limestone Altered shale cont'g coal plants Hard quartzite, 19 8 3 and the millstone grit have Coarse sandstone, 13 position of the coal measures Shale, 13 8 Thin-bedded sandstone, 10 6 Coarse sandstone, 13 Covered, 28 Shale 13 Shalv limestone with Archim- Thin-bedded sandstone, ... . 10 6 edes 6 Covered 28 Light blue limestone, 4 4 Limestone with Archimedes, . . 10 10 Brown marl, 1 4 1 4 Yellow veined limestone, 1 6 1 o Covered, 15 Covered 15 Sandstone, 10 Sandstone, 10 174 8 111 2 61 WILLIAMSON COUNTY. CRAB ORCHARD CREEK, BETWEEN MARION AND MURPHYSBORO. FEET 27 2 11 15 12 IN. 6 6 SALINE CREEK, ON MARION AND GOLCONDA ROAD. Drift, FEET 60 16 10 15 101 IN. Shale Shale, Shale (57 WHITE COUNTY. GRAYVILLE. FEET 4 3 10 IN. Shale, Clay slate, with iron ore, Shaly sandstone, 17 JACKSON COUNTY. DEVIL'S BAKE-OTEN. FEET 64 IN. HOLMAN & SMITH'S COAL BANK, MURPHYSBORO'. Hidden FEET 50 10 3 1 2 IN. 6 BALD ROCK. Limestone, 64 107 100 Shale, Coal, Shale, Chert, Coal, 200 66 6 FRANKLIN COUNTY. , SEC. 5, T. 6, S. R., 2 E. Sandstone, FEET 4 1 1 IN. MILE SOUTH OF BENTON. Shaly sandstone, FEET 3 1 IN. 8 Shale, Coal, . , Coal, 6 to 6 4 8 RANDOLPH COUNTY. 3 MILES BELOW PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. Hidden, FEET 80 10 IN. 1 MILE BELOW CHESTER. Hidden, FEET 110 35 22 35 IS, Limestone, Sandstone, Limestone, Limestone, CHESTER. Drift clay, PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. Hidden, 90 70 70 48 54 202 120 90 Ljmestone, Shale s. w. J SEC. 2, T. 8, S. R. 6 w. Massive sandstone, Limestone, 210 54 27 54 52 242 Limestone, Shale, Limestone, 187 62 ST. CLAIR COUNTY. BELSHA'S COAL BANK. Limestone, FEET 4 IN. BIG CANTEEN CREEK. Soil, FEET 4 IN. Marly slate, 1 Alluvial clav, 9 Coal slate, q Arenaceous marly slate . 3 Q Coal, 6 q Sandstone, 12 Q Fire clay, 6 Slaty ferruginous clay, 1 fi Arenaceous shaly limestone, . . 3 5 Q 18 fi Fire-clay, 15 Soil 5 54 Alluvial clay, 21 fi QUARRY NEAR CASEYVILLE. 1 9 Soil, 3 1 fi Alluvial clay 3 Blue limestone with seams of 9 fi ferruginous clay, 8 6 Silicious sandstone, 2 6 9 38 3 HARRISON'S QUARRY. Soil, 6 CHURCHILL'S COAL BANK. 18 32 fi Soil, 9 Yellow clay, 8 Limestone, 3 Marly clay, 2 9 Soapy Clay, 2 Blue limestone, 4 Coal, 6 Fire-Clay, 9 4. re 11 HAZEL CREEK QUARRY. Micaceous sandstone, 1 8 ANDERSON'S SHAFT. 9 2 Ferruginous shale, 10 Soil and alluvial clay 38 Seam of iron ore, H Yellow clay, 15 Micaceous sandstone, 5 White limestone, 6 Gray sandstone, 4 2 Blue limestone 5 11 8 Dark calcareous rock, 7 Coal, 7 fi Soil 9 Fire-clay 9 g Slaty fire clay, 9 80 6 Limestone, '. 4 FeiTu'inou8 marly slate . . . . 3 Soil, 3 6 Coal slate 7 Alluvial clav, 3 Coal, 9 Limestone, 13 Fire-clay ... 6 c 7 WILSON'S SHAFT. Soil and alluvial clay, 30 COAL BANK OF ILLINOIS COAL CO. 25 a Variegated clay, 10 Soil, 15 Arenaceous clay, 15 3 Shaly limestone, 6 1 Blue limestone, 6 Coal, 6 38 9 Coal 6 Fire clay, fi 25 Gray limestone, 9 111 6 63 ST. CLAIR COUNTY (Continued). COAL BASK. OP ILLINOIS COAL CO. Soil FEET 3 1 1 5 6 ( IN. 4 8 1 3 7 ( 11 6 5 11 6 ~6~ 6 6 6 8 6 3 5 STONE CREEK. Arenaceous limestone, FEET 7 4 4 2 17 17 6 1 8 9 32 20 8 7 16 1 6 3 7 ~68 10 5 2 5 9 IN. 6 4 10 6 6 3 6 6 3 6 Alluvial clay, Limestone, Shitv marly limestone . . Marly slate, Limestone, . ... . Limestone, Blue marly slate, TFEIFFER'S PLACE. Soil and clav, Coal slate, Coal, Soil Limestone, 17 f 4 5 Coal slate, Coal, Fire-clay, Limestone, BELLEVILLE. Coal Slate, Coal, Soil, Coal Slate, 9 9 1 6 9 Limestone, Sandstone, , Limestone, Coal, Fire-clay, Soil, Limestone, Coal, 7 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 BECHHOLZ'S COAL BANK. Gray limestone, Marly slate with limestone, . . . Gray limestone, Blue limestone, Limstone with marly slate, . . . Gray limestone, Coal, Coal slate, ROCK CREEK, SEC.9, T.'9, S. R. 4E. Shale, '. Coal, . , 24 10 1 2 A WELL 208 FEET N. E. OF THE NORTH ENTRY NEAR CASEYVILLE Drift clay, 15 26 1 1 4 8 1 6 10 Black slate and coal, Fire-clay, WILSON'S COAL BANK. i Soil, Limestone, 13 9 42 1 7 2 6 6 9 Blue marly clav, 1 MILE S. OF BOLL'S PLACE. Soil and clav . 30 ? 2 10 1 3 6 10 6 i Alluvial clay, Marly slate, Marly slate, Shalv sandstone Black slate, Marly slate, Blue limestone, Coal slate, Coal, . . Coal, Fire-clay, . . . Fire-clay, MILE S. E. OF BOLLES PLACE. Soil, DILG A KF.MPFF'S SHAFT. Soil and alluvial clay, 23 1 2 6 4 1 2 2 64 29 15 3 7 9 6 Clay, sand and gravel .... Sandstone, Coal slate, Coal, . 9 5 54 64 MADISON COUNTY. SHOAL CREEK. Clay shale and impure iron stone FEET 15 4 4 IN. 3 SILVER CREEK, EAST OF MARIXE. Limestone, FEET 3 6 IS. 8 Black slate, containing black limestone,, Limestone, Clay shale and iron stone, .... Sandy clay shale 9 8 23 3 CALHOUN COUNTY. CAP All GRES. Hidden FEET 50 70 10 4 54 26 IN. HAMBURG. Loess and drift FEET 80 60 125 6 10 6 4 IN. Fine-rained sandstone, Crinoidal limestone, Hidden Hidden, Sandstone, Compact bluish limestone, .... Shelly limestone, Sandstone 1 MILE BELOW GILEAD. Sandstone 214 2 12 10 9 MISSISSIPPI BLUFF, NORTH LINE OF THE COUNTY. 291 14 3 12 Gray limestone, Magnesian limestone, Blue clay, mostly hidden, HART'S PLACE, N. E. J SEC. 20, T. 8, S. R., 3 W. Fine grained, compact, fossil- iferous limestone, Arenaceous bed, Hidden ... ... 24 20 8 11 14 N. E. J SEC. 35, T. 12, S. R. 2 W. J>ip 24 S. 20 E. Hidden, 29 60 25 30 Slate Crinoidal limestone Gray shale, J MILE ABOVE CAP ATI GRES. Hidden, 115 53 54 24 6 65 6 12 Gray limestone with fossils, . . . Slaty limestone, Fine grained sandstone, Fawn colored sandstone, Ash colored sandstone, 167 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. EMBARRAS RIVER. Sandstone and soil, FEET 33 2 2 13 1 IN. 8 8 6 Bro't forward, Hard sandstone FEET 52 3 6 2 4 13 IN. 10 10 4 Sandv shale Nodular sandy shale Greenish clay shale and thin lay- ers of black coaly matter,. . . Ferruginous limestone, Thin sandy shale Coarse sandstone Sandy shale. Clay with iron stone, Covered, 52 10 82 65 VERMILION COUNTY. PARIS'S MILL. Yellow Sandstone, FEET 15 2 3 2 IN. COOK'S MINE. Soil and drift, FEET 20 18 12 3 5 58 65 11 16 11 6 2 1 IX 6 (j 8 6 6 3 2 1 1 2 1 4 8 10 Sandy shale, Yellow sandstone, Dark clay shale, Sandy shale Coal DR. FITHIAN'S QUARRY. Soil and drift Hidden 22 11 15 10 4 1 9 JOSIAH SAXDUSKY'S. Sandy Shale with thin seams of Sandv shale, Coal (Seam No. 6), Silicious clay shale with nodu- THORNTON'S MILL. 41 44 16 3 7 1 5 11 6 8 Clay shale with nodular iron Fossil bed, Coal, Coal Fire-clay, Coal, Indurated shale, ALEXANDER'S COAL MINE. 113 9 1 6 1 1 6 8 2 4 1 6 25 Sandv shale, Sandstone, NORTH FORK, W. OF DANVILLE. Soil and drift clay, Blmish gray limestone, Clav shale, Pnal C-iofim \V> 9^ 87 9 2 4 2 9 8 g Fossiliferous clay shale, Fossil bed, Coal (No. seam 4), Fire-clay, Coal (seam No. 3), Fire-clay, Fire-clay, Sandy shale, N. W. FRAC. } SEC. 1, T. 18, R. 11. Soil and ck-ift clay, 5 23 36 34 3 3 1 1 2 7 11 Silicious clay, Limestone, Clay shale, Coal (seam No. 2), Fire-clay, Sandy shale and shaly sandstone SEC. 26, T. 19, R. 13. Dark calcareous slate, 70 12 12 Clay shale, Calcareous sandstone, Sandy shale HANGING ROCK. Soil and drift clay Sandstone, 24 9 32 12 3 1 1 3 8 Hidden, CHICAGO & DANVILLE COAL. CO. Clay shale, 62 48 3 7 1 1 4 6 3 4 2 4 16 11 3 5 2 3 1 6 6 6 8 Heavy bedded sandstone, Dark clay shale with nodular iron ore, Dark clay shale, Black slate, Coal, Black bituminous shale Coal, Coal, Fire-clay, . Fire-clav, Coal, Silicious clay, Fire-clay, Limestone, Hidden, Calcareous slate SEC. 25, T. 19, R. 13. Brecciated limestone, Coal, 70 12 10 Fire-clav, Sandstone, 101 13 66 VERMILION COUNTY (Continued). MOUTH OF STONY CREEK. Sandstone with sandy shale, . . Sandv shale, FEET 16 4 2 2 IX. 6 MAKERSO.N'S BRANCH. Drift, FEET ? 32 IN. Thick bedded yellow sandstone HENSON'S COAL MINE, GRAPE CR. Clav shale, Bituminous slate, 32 3 11 16 5 7 3 Coal (seam No. 5), SNAKE DEN. Drift clay 24 80 10 12 6 Thick bedded sandstone, Sandy shale, Soft white sandstone Yellow sandstone, Coal (Seam No 1) Micaceous sandy shale, Hidden, ELLIS'S BRANCH, NEAR GEORGE- TOWN. Drift, GRIFFITH'S COAL MINE. I Soil and drift, 52 ? 18 3 V 3 12 15 6 45 20 8 39 28 6 2 6 8 10 10 6 4 Thin bedded sandstone, Clay shale. Silicious clay shale . Coal Clay shale, Fossil bed, Brown sandstone, Coal (Seam No. 4) Calcareous sandstone LEONARD'S COAL MINE. Soil and drift clay, Shal v sandstone, 101 28 1 I 6 5 6 12 ' 3 LAFFERTY'S COAL MINE. Stil and drift, 40 6 5 5 6 6 Blue limestone, fossiliferous, . . Black slate, containing nodules of blue fossih'ferous limestone, Coal (seam No 2 ) ... Black clay shale, Coal (Seam No. 2) Fire clay, MAJOR VANCE'S MINE. Drift, Hard calcareous sandstone, . . . Sandy shale, 62 20 40 22 28 6 6 2 6 8 1 MILE ABOTE STATE-LINE. Soil and drift clay . .... 64 65 4 1 1 8 Sandy shale and thin bedded sandstone, Silicious clay with nodular iron ore Black slate Bluish white clay shale, Clay shale with nodular iron ore Coal 1 MILE ABOVE MOUTH OF STOXY CREEK. Soil and drift clay S. E. i S. E. J SEC. 19, T. 19 R. 12 w. Soil and drift, 79 2 14 66 10 116 28 22 60 Thin bedded sandstone, Sandy shale, with brown calca- reous sandstone, Light gray sandy shale with Silicious clay shale, with nod- BLACKAMORE'S MINE. 82 44 4 4 100 Black clay shale Coal, i 52 67 , VERMILION COUNTY (Continued). 2 MILES ABOVE STATE LINE. Soil and drift clay . . . . FEET ? IN. H. BECKWITH'S COAL MINE. Sandy slope, FEET 23 IN. Black slate 4 34 1 8 Coal (seam No. 4),. . 6 8 Micaceous sandstone . . . 1 4 n- i I 1 ire-clay, 1 9 Sandy shale 1 8 Coal (seam No. 3), 10 Sandstone, 10 4 Hidden, IS ]2 Blue limestone, 2 o 40 8 Dark clay shale, 4 SEC. 22, T. 19, E. 13. Coal (seam No. 2), 3 28 Hard micaceous sandstone, . . . Sandy shale, 3 15 CAROTHERS & BALL'S COAL MINE. 91 2 Thin-bedded micaceous sand- Soil and drift, 25 stone 15 Clay shale, fossiliferous 8 9 Sandy shale, 7 Fossil bed, A Coal (seam No 4) . 6 g 68 Fire-clay, 1 4 BUTLER'S MILL. Coal (seam No. 3), 1 Drift clay, 9 Fire-clay, 5 Thick-bedded sandstone, 13 Silicious clay, 9 Clay shale with nodular iron ore 4 ft Blue limestone, fossiliferous, . . Black slate with nodules of blue 2 Arenaceous limestone, 2 fossiliferous limestone,. . . . 4 1 Coal (seam No. 2), 4 1 10 Fire-clay, 5 Coal 1 9 Sandy shale, 6 6 Sandstone, irregularlv bedded 14 9 Sandy shale with nodular iron ore, 11 28 ft SALT FOBK, | MILE ABOVE NORTH FORK. 20 LEONARD'S QUARRY. Soil and drift clay, 102 25 3 20 Thin-bedded sandstone, 3 Fossiliferous clay shale. 20 ^Vhite sandstone, thick-bedded 14 6 Sandy shale, 24 Fire-clay 1 4 Coal (seam No. 3), 1 9 66 Fire-clay, 4 Silicious clay shale, 10 Blue limestone, 2 A Black slate jTossiliferous), coal (seam No. 2), 4 4 % Fire-clay, 4 11 108 3 68 SCHTJYLER COUNTY. s. w. -J- SEC. 36, T. 2 N , R. 1 w. FET 9 1 3 4 5 1 40 IN. 6 MILE E. OF CAMDEX. Drift clay, FEET 9 3 5 40 IN. 6 Shale, Black sla,te, Black slate, Coal Shale, MCKEE'S MILL, SUGAR CREEK. S. TV. J SEC. 17, T. 2 N., R. 1 E. Drift clay Shaly sandstone 48 9 33 25 7 8 73 6 6 6 N. W. JSEC. 12, T. 3 N., E. 1 VT. 54 9 15 2 8 12 6 6 Sandstone, Coal . Shale, Sandstone, Shale, with iron ore, Limestone,. . 37 6 CALHOUN COUNTY. N. E. J SEC. 23, T. 12 N., K. 2 W. Z>ip 4 N, 10 W. (Zower 6eds.) FEET 60 10 65 60 41 20 IN. BAIT'S PLACE, SEC. 14, T. 11 S., R. 2 W. Drif t clay, FEET 9 ? 94 18 12 6 44 IN. Chert, Crinoidal limestone, Limestone, the lower part slaty Ash colored, slaty limestone, . . Blue clay, Hidden Gray fossilsiferous limestone, . . Magnesian h'mestone Magnesian limestone, Hidden, - MILK ABOVE HARDIN. Upper beds mostly hidden, . . . Gray limestone, 256 174 9 6 21 8 5 ? 27 Shale, Crystalline limestone, Blue clay, Gray 'limestone with fossils,. . . 69 JERSEY COUNTY. 8 MILES BELOW GRAFTON, BATES' WOOD YARD. Loess and drift, FEET 9 IN. LANGLEY'S COAL BANK, s. w. J SEC. 10, T. 7 N., R. 10 W. Drift, FEET ? IN. Crinoidal limestone, 44 Limestone in fragments, 3 Ash-colored shaly and cherty Black slate, 2 beds ... 75 Coal, '. 5 Limestone, 20 9 EITER BLUFF, 3 MILES BELOW MACOUPIN CREEK. 139 1 ON PIASA, 1 MILE S. OF DELHI. Drift, : 10 9 9 Coarse-grained sandstone, .... 8 Crinoidal limestone 30 Chert, 5 Ash-colored shaly bed 15 Fine grained sandstone, 20 Hidden, 78 33 SAVAGE'S COAL BANK SEC 17 123 SEC. 9, T. 6 N., R. 13 W. Drift clay, . . .' ? T. 7 N R 10 W Ma^nesian limestone, 40 Drift, 9 Gray limestone, with fossils, . . ?,0 Black slate, . . . ... 9 Coal, 2 fi 60 Fire-clay, . . ? HAMILTON COUNTY. N. W. J SEC. 28 T. 4 S., R. 5 W. Shale, FEET 12 IN. Bro't up. FEET 13 IN. Slate, 1 Coal, . . 1 fi Slate 1 1 15 6 BOND COUNTY. 4 MILES SOUTH OF POCAHONTAS. Limestone FEET 3 1 IN.j 6 Bro't up. Clay shale, FEET 4 9 1 IN. 6 6 Black slate Coal, 4 6 15 FAYETTE COUNTY. 12 MILKS NORTH OF TANDALIA. Clay FEET 10 3 IN. 6 Bro't up. Clay, . . FEET 13 1 3 IN. 6 6 Limstone (with spirifer La- Limestone, 13 6 17 70 CLARK COUNTY. CROOKED CREEK 1 MILES W. OF TERRE HAUTE. Rocks covered with sand, etc. Alternations of clay and sandy FEET 30 15 3 1 10 IN. 7 1% MILES EAST OF AUBURN. Soil, FEET 4 20 8 1 2 4 IN. 8 6 6 Sandstone Black slate and coal, Sandy clay shale, Black clay and pyrites Dark clay shale, Black slate Sandv shale, Coal Clay shale, .... Clay . Sandstone, 1 LIVINGSTON. Slope . ....... 1 MILE SOUTH OF AUBCKN. Covered, 59 30 9 10 . 5 1 9 '7 2 8 3 60 7 6 1 8 40 20 25 4 8 8 8 Thin broken limestone, Thin bedded limestone, Black limestone, Blue clay, Clay shale, Coal Clay 49 Sandy shale, Ripple-marked sandstone, .... Clay shale, Iron ore, Clay shale, Ferruginous limestone, Alternations of clay shale, with a layer of large blocks of nodular limestone, GREENE COUNTY. RANDALL'S MILL, SEC/ 2, T. 9 N., R. 10 W. FEET 9 4 9 12 IN. 6 4 BLANCHARD'S COAL BANK. Drift, FEET V 8 2 ? IN. 2 8 Shale, Slate, Coal, Shale, 2J MILES N. E. OF WHITEHALL. Drift, RIVER BLUFF, N. SIDE OF MA- COUPIN CREEK. Drift, 25 V 10 1 2 6 4 10 9 68 10 45 10 Shale, Black slate, ' Crinoidal limestone, Coal Ash-colored shale Hidden, Hidden, Limestone , 123 23 10 ADAMS COUNTY. NEAR MENDON. Drift clay, FEET 9 10 12 16 6 6 IN. S. E. J SEC. 36, T. 3 S., R. 8 W. Loess and drift, FEET 40 18 31 6 41 IN. 6 Chert in fragments, Concretionary limestone . . . . Crinoidal limestone, Arenaceous bed, Ma"nesian bed . . .... Hidden, S. E. J SEC. 12, T. 2 N., R. 8 W. Drift, QUINCY CITY (LOWER PART). Loess and drift 136 9 15 2 9 50 62 33 28 Gray shale, Limestone Coal... Hidden 123 17 6 SCOTT COUNTY. EXETER. Slate FEET 3 2 6 22 12 IN. 8 SEC. 31, T. 15, N. R. 16 W. FEET 30 IX. Coal, Clay WINCHESTER. 30 14 16 26 N. E. J SEC. 14, T. 13 N., R. 12 W. 45 6 3 2 4 6 8 6 8 Conglomerate Magnesian bed, Slate, 56 Coal, Fire-clay, Limestone, 22 2 BROWN COUNTY. MT. STERLING ROAD, 2 MILES S. OF CAMPBELL'S COAL. Drift clay, FEET 20 2 3 56 IN. 6 2 MILES N. OF MT. STERLING. Drift clay, FEET 40 10 IN. Limestone, Limestone . . . 3 MILES N. OF MT. STERLING. Drift clay, 50 9 2 5 26 CAMPBELL'S COAL BANK, SEC. 5, T. 1 N., R. 3 W. 81 9 10 2 2 Limestone, Clay,. . BLUFFS AT LAGRANGE. Drift clay, Shale, 32 .105 15 1 3 2 7 6 8 6 25 22 20 6 6 Slate, Coal Shale, LITTLE MISSOURI CREEK. Drift clay Limestone, 14 9 12 5 9 6 Shale, Coal, Fire-clay, Shale, Limestone .... Limestone, Shale, Blue clay, Shale 17 Sandstone, Hidden (lower coal seam), .... 220 T2 PIKE COUNTY. 1 MILES FROM THE MOUTH OF FISH-HOOK CREEK. FEET IN. SEC. 9, T. 4 S., R. 7 W. Crinoidal limestone, FEET 16 IX. Drift clay, 4 23 Blue marlites 14 Hidden, 79 6 Hidden, 24 111 48 Drift, 9 ROCKPORT Shale 6 Drift clay, 9 3 Crinoidal limestone 15 Coal, 1 6 Hidden, -. 30 Shale, 3 10 fi Oolitic conglomerate,. 4 J- MILE WEST OF BARRY. Slooe, . . 80 Crinoidal limestone, 15 Ash colored shale ... . . 3 132 Hidden, 24 ' Loess and drift clay, 9 49 Crinoidal limestone, 13 MONTEZCMA. Buff-colored arenaceous bed Drift clay, 9 with fossils, 23 Crinoidal limestone, 30 / to. . . 50 Concealed, 56 50 WELLS' PLACE, SEC. 17, T. 7 s 92 N. W. J SEC. 18, T. 3 S., R. 4 W. Gray shale, 12 R. 4 W. Fossiliferous slate, 3 ft Magnesian limestone, 10 Black slate, 4 9, Gray limestone, 12 Coal, . . 1 6 Hidden 30 21 2 1-J- MILES BELOW ATLAS. 52 1| MILES X. W. OF PERRY. Magnesian bed, 18 Drift, 9 45 Crinoidal limestone, 12 Limestone, 4 Arenaceous bed .... . . 3 Hidden, 18 67 Shale, 36 Slaty limestone with fossils, . . Blue clay, 2 44 27 147 McDONOUGH COUNTY. 2 MILES N. W. OF MACOMB. FEET 5 10 1 IN. 1 1 6 6 N. W. J SEC. 33, T. 4 N., R. 3 W. Drift clay . . .'..;... .30' to FEET 40 2 2 IN. Sandstone, Shale Coal, Coal, Clay . CROOKED CREEK, CARTHAGE AND MACOMB ROAD. Drift clay 40' to N. W. J SEC. 13, T. 5 N., R. 4 W. STARKEY & DAVIS' COAL BANK. Drift clay, 40' to 44 60 6 5 8 53 16 60 20 1 3 Sandstone, Shale, Shale Clay slate, Concretionary limestone, Hidden, Coal, 2' 6" to 74 132 73 McDONOUGH COUNTY (CONTINUED). LOWRY'S COAL BANK. Shaly sandstone, FEET 4 IN. 8. W. i SEC. 11, T. 5 N., R. 4 W. Drift, FEET ix. Coal, 2 Shale, 3 Shaly sandstone . .... 16 Coal, . 2 Concretionary limestone, 12' to 15 44 Black slate ... 1 37 Fire-clay 9 Shale with iron ore 6 Concretionary limestone, .... 15 80 WARREN COUNTY. N. W. J SEC. 1 6, T. 1 1 N.,R. 1 1 W. Drift clay, 10' to FEET 20 6 3 2 IN. 6 N. E. SEC. 26, T. 9, N. R. 1 W. FEET 3 8 2 8 1 2 IN. 6 6 Shale, Blue slaty limestone, Black slate, Black slate, Coal,. . Coal, N. E. JSEC. 14, T. 14N.,R.'ll W. Drift, Slate, 31 10 3 6 4 Sandstone, CEDAR CREEK, 3 MILES N. OF MONMOUTH. 19 15 2 8 36 Coal, TUCKER'S COAL BANK, N. w. J SEC. 9, T. 8 N., R. 1 W. Slate, 30' to 23 40 1 3 3 6 2 6 6 2 Shale, Crinoidal limestone, SEC. 19, T. 9 N., R. 3 W. Shaly sandstone, 61 12 14 8 Septaria, Shale with iron ore, Black slate, Shale 5' to Massive sandstone, Coal, Dark blue slate with iron ore, . 55 8 34 HENDERSON COUNTY. ON HENDERSON RIVER, 2-J- MILES S. E. OF OQUAWKA. Drift clay, FEET 9 IN. Crinoidal limestone, RO Ash-colored grit-stones, ?,0 50 4 10 74 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. BLUFFS OF ROCK RIVER, OPPOSITE FEET CAMDEN. Drift clay, 50' to Shaly sandstone, Black slate, Coal, Shaly limestone, Massive sandstone, Devonian limestone, 124 4 HANCOCK COUNTY. 1 MILE ABOVE 'THE STEAMBOAT LANDING, NAUVOO. Drift clay, , FEET 20 12 5 25 38 16 IN. BLUFFS BACK OF APPANOOSE. Drift FEET 9 42 28 30 IN. Concretionary limestone, Concretionary limestone, Geode bed, S. TV. J SEC. 24, T. 4 N., R. 6 W. Drift . . Geode bed 100 18 24 20 CARTHAGE 'ROAD, 2 MILES S. E OF NAUVOO. Concretionary limestone, Magnesian limestone, 116 10 9 10 Sandstone, Concretionary limestone, Arenaceous limestone and mar- lites, Geode bed . 62 29 SCHUYLER COUNTY. KING'S MILL, N. w. J SEC. 15, T. 3 N., R. 4 W. Sandstone, FEET 12 3 34 10 24 IN. 6 BIRMINGHAM. Drift, FEET 20 14 18 16 10 40 16 IN- Concretionary limestone, Hidden Magnesian bed, Geode bed, S. E. J SEC. 17, T. 3, N. R. 4 W. Limestone, 83 j 2 1 6 10 N. E. J SEC. 18, T. 2 N., R. 1 VC. Shale, 134 6 1 3 4 Limestone, Sandstone, Concretionary limestone, Coal 19 6 14 75 HANCOCK COUNTY. MONTEBELLO COAL SEAM, 8. W. J SEC. 5, T. 5 N., R. 8 W. Drift clay, FEET ?p 25 5 1 25 IN. OLD MILL, MONTEBELLO. Drift clay FEET 9 '2 20 40 IN. 9 6 6 1 6 6 Shale, Slate . . Limestone Coal LITTLE'S COAL DANK, s. w. J SEC. 7, T. 5 N., R. 3 W. Drift clay, Sandstone, 62 9 6 38 1 3 BLUFFS, OLD FORT EDWARDS, WARSAW. 56 20 10 45 16 Iron ore Hafnesian beds, Septaria Geode beds, Black slate, GRAVEYARD CREEK, WARSAW. Concretionary limestone, Clay slate, 91 5 25 10 45 10 Coal, 2' 6" to WILLIAMS' CREEK, 1 MILE OF PULASKI. Drift 50 y 14 16 2 8 3 Arenaceous beds, with marlites, Geode bed Sandstone, 3 MILES N. E. OP WARSAW. Drift clay, Shale 95 20 25 56 12 Coal, Hidden, . . . . Fire-clay MILE BELOW HIBBARD'S, NAU- voo. Geode bed Cherty beds, 43 10 30 20 Liht gray limestone 113 Limestone and marlites, Cherty beds, 60 LA SALLE COUNTY. ONE MILE EAST OF OTTAWA, PERLEY'S. Soil and alluvium FEET 4 6 1 6 2 IN. 6 V 9 6 ? LA SALLE, CORNER OF BEELEN AND LA SALLE STREETS. Gray crystalline limestone. . . . Blue shale . . . FEET 7 5 7 10 6 IN. 8 9 Coal Limestone, with earthy part- in < r S . . Clay . . Black slate Limestone Coal Shale VERMILION" COUNTY. PAINE'S COAL MINE. DANVILLE. Soil and drift clay . . FEET 15 6 1 1 5 9 2 4 4 5 9 14 12 10 IN. 6 4 6 PERRYSVILLE. FEET 9 3 1 2 3 16 17 IN. 3 6 6 Coal (Seam No 4 ) Clay shale Fire clay Coal Coal (Seam No. 3.) Fire clay . . . . Blue limestone Silicious clay Dark clay shale Blue limestone Light silicious clay shale HORSE-SHOE BEND. Soil and drift clay Black slate, with nodules of blue fossiliferous limestone Coal (Seam No. 2) 43 9 5 4 4 19 5 9 3 8 6 2 3 Fire clay Sandy ^ 1 iale Clay shale Hard calcareous sandstone . . . Sandy shale with nodular iron ore Black bituminous shale Coal Hidden' Sandy shale BELOW MOUTH OF GRAPE CREEK. Soil and drift clay 98 6 22 23 3 3 4 Coal EUGENE. 38 11 1 1 1 8 Light sandy shale with nodular iron ore Clay shale Black slate Blue calcareous slate ... Coal Clay shale . '. VERMILION COUNTY, IND. The following sections in Indiana are given, because the coal beds which crop out at the places named extend into some of the counties of Illinois. \ ONE MILE ABOVE EUGENE. Soil and drift clay Blue sandy shale 62 11 12 3 2 12 WILLAMSPORT. Heavy bedded sandstone 22 20 6 1 5 3 Yellow shaly sandstone Blue and red limestone Sandy shale 32 Black bituminous shale with nodular iron ore Black slate Coal Hidden 43 LA SALLE COUNTY. PKRU COAL MINING COMPANY. Common clay FEET 2 IN. g Brought forward FEET 104 IN. 4 Blue sandstone 7 20 Blue shale 39 1 Blue shale 2 Red shale 3 92 Brown shale 10 a 8 Black slate 11 16 Coal 4 6 8 Fire-clay 6 i 5 Carried forward . . 104 4! Carried forward 248 LA SALLE COUNTY (Continued). Brought forward EET 248 N. EET 7? IN. fi 3 Coal 3 Indurated clay 19 6 6 18 4 Shale 19 1 6 Black slate 6 Hard blue shale 1 fi Coal 5 2 Fire-clay 6 3 in 20 Coal Limestone 1 1 9 Shale 16 1 Black slate 10 8 Coal 6 Bluish slaty shale 8 3 Fire-clay 2 6 1 10 Limestone 6 8 Clay shale 2 Brown shale 3 8 Limestone '. . , . . . 3 7 Shale 50 6 11 Dark brown shale 1 263 B^ack slate 8 4 BORING IN SEC. 11, T. 81 N R. Coal 3 6 3 E., FOR A. CAMPBELL. Soil and drift 70 329 4 Indurated clay 20 ADAMS AND PULSIFER'S BORING, 6 NORTH OF LA SALLE. Indurated clay 9 59 Black slate .... . 3 17 Coal 4 2 f> Clay 9 8 Sandstone 12 10 Indurated clay 11 Coal 4 Black slate 1 6 6 Limestone 2 6 fi Shale 2 g Blue shale 24 Black slate 8 Q Coal 7 J J 6 161 10 12 BORING AT ME\DOTA b Clay . . K Shale 6 Quicksand . ....'. t Black shale g Clay 23 Gravel Clay 48 Shale 65 Sand Slate Indurated clay . 32 Shale 6 Limestone ... 10 Coal Indurated clay Sandstone 28 < Clay j. A. ROCKWELL'S BORING, NBA Sand THE CANAL BASIN, LA SALLE. Limestone 3 Alluvium . ... 5 Limestone , r 18 1 Carried forward . . 7 i T8 LA SALLE COUNTY (Continued). PERU, HILL EAST OF "CHAMBER'S HOUSE." FEET IN. MITCHELL'S PLACE, BUFFALO ROCK. Soil and sand FEET 2 IX. fi Yellowish limestone 6 Clay and sand 5 Reddish shale 5 Yellow indurated clay 3 ,5 Blue indurated clay 4 to 6 Limestone 4 Coal 1 6to 2 10 1 R Clay ,. Ito 6 Shales, with carbonaceous mat- Sandstone, Silurian 133 fi ter fi fi Coal 153 4 Blue shale 11 Fragmentary limestone 10 48 1 WHITE COUNTY. NEAR GRAYTILLE. Soil FEET 3 14 6 1 4 IN. 3 8 Brought forward, FEET 16 2 1 2 1 6 2 2 6 1 1 10 8 5 8 IN. 8 6 6 9 6 1.1 3 6 6 3 ghale Sandstone, Slate, Slaty clay, Reddish gray shale, ghale RIVER BANK, NEAR GUAYVILLE. Rftfl 2* 2 14 1 3 3 11 8 8 Sandstone, Sandy slate, Coal, ghale Clay,. . Gray shale, Sandstone, flml Shalp Clav, ARTESIAN WELL, GRATVILLE. BIGHT'S SHOALS. Gray sandstone, 24 18 4 18- 2 3 4 26 12 1 7 4 10 4 72 30 20 15 30 4 1 20 Sand and gravel Brown sandstone Blue shale Shaly sandstone Sandstone Sandstone, Slate, Coal ghale Black slate . . . . CHERRY'S FARM. Clay, with iron ore, Shale 120 7 3 3 8 2 2 6 Flinty bed, Sandstone CARMI. ghale Coal 96 8 5 1 2 2 8 Shale Black slate Sandy clay, Coal Clay. Carried forward, 16 8 32 6 T9 GALLATIN COUNTY. N. W. J SEC. 15, T. 10 S., R. 8E. FEKT 14 IN, EQUALITY. i Soil EET G a;. 8 Clay,.. 15 3 8 4 Black slate 10 Clay, 9 6 Coal 4 fi Shale (covered), 9 Covered with sandstone debris 77 Coal, R 6 Sandstone 44 108 Coal, 1 10 Covered slope 17 Shaly sandstone, 3 Sandstone 3 g Clay shale, 7 5 g Gray shaly sandstone, 9, 3 1 4 Coal 3 9 Grav shaly sandstone, 4 Covered slope (includes black N E i S "W J SEC 33 T 10 S 15 9 shale and beds of limestone, Coal, 56 4 8 V 8 NORTH FORK OF SALINE RIVER, Arenaceous slate, 11 SEC. 18, T. 7 S., R. 8 E. 12 Covered slope, 34 Blue clay, 4 r> Q1 Argillaceous iron ore 1 i i Clay shale, 5 f, Coal 3 18 Shale, < 33 Sandy limestone, o fi Clay shale 7 4 Shaly sandstone, 3 10 Coal,. . 8 53 9 Fire-clav, Clay shale, g 6 Sandstone, EDWARDS COUNTY. BRISSENDEN'S FARM, SECTION OF WELL. FEET 16 IN. BRANCH, EAST OF AND NEAR TO ALBION. Thick bedded sandstone FEET 4 IN. Yellow limestone 8 Sandy shale 8 Blue limestone 6 Hard sandstone, blue, 7 Coal 1 Blue limestone 2 R Clay shale ,. ... 2 17 3 Sandy shale 5 RAILROAD CUT NEAR ALBION. 1 ft Soil 3 4 fi 29 8 1 fi The two last beds are the ) Sandy shale 3 ?, upper ones at the R.K. cut. J Sandstone thin plates q Sandstone 5 10 6 28 ! 4 .80 EDWARDS COUNTY (Continued). NORTHERN LIMIT OF ALBION. FEET - 5 IN. BENNINOTON MILLS, X. W. SEC. 17, T. 1 N., R. 10 E. FEET IN. 7 Soil and clay 20 Sandstone, blue 4* Sandstone 11 o Sandstone fla^s 2 Coal o s fi 4 o /I 9, Brown shale, with coal 1 7 Coal 2 3 Blue clay shale 1 4 V Sandstone, ferruginous, 1 4 Coal o 5 9,6 9 : Blue clay shale 3 fi ORANGE'S FARM, N. w. -J- s.w. o 3 J SEC. 24, T. 2 S., R. 10 E. Blue clav shale 6 fi 5 5 Sandstone 9 46 fi 6 fi P Clay shale 5 31 51 WABASH COUNTY. EASTMAN'S PLACE, s. i s. w. J SEC. 5, T. 1 S., R. 12 E. FEET 9 IN. in 1 D. BIEHL'S MILL. Brown sandstone FEET 1 IN. q Indurated brown clay o 8 Black slate . 2 Black slate 4 R Coal o 10 1 fi ! Clay shale 1 R Coal 1 fi 9 17 li 6 3 HIGHLAND COUNTY. CLAREMONT. FEET 22 IN. BRICKLET'S FARM, s. E. N. E. J SEC. 32, T . 4 N., R. 14 W. FEET IN. 10 Sandy shales 3 o Sandstone 5 Thick bedded sandstone 2 g Bastard limestone 4 Sandy shales 2 g 6 Soft yellow sandstone . 3 o Pebbly limestone 5 4 fi Gray fragmentary limestone . . 13 6 11 JOHN COLLINS' PLACE, N.W. J N. 70 SEC. 9, T. 4 N., R. 14 W. Soil and clay g o E. J SEC. 30, T. 4 N., R. 14 W. Sandy limestone, shaly ? Sandstone ? Pebbly limestone .... 3 g 3 oj Blue clay 9 Coal o 8 Fire-olay .9 9 81 LAWRENCE COUNTY. EMBARRAS RIVER, LAWRENCE- VILLE. Sandy shales, with iron ore . . . FEET 5 4 1 IN. 6 6 SEEDS' QUARRY, N. E. J s. w. J SEC. 13, T. 3JJ., R. 12 W. Argillaceous shale FEET 6 3 2 IN. Yellow sandstone Impure limestone Blue micaceous sandstone. . . . s. H. CLUBB'S QUARRY, SEC. 5, T. 3 N., R. 11 W. Covered slope, Black slate, with thin coal. . . . SEC. 9, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. Exact thickness of the beds not ascertained. Clay shales 11 15 1 6 6 ? 6 10 8 4 6 6 6 11 Sandy shale Shaly sandstone . Yellow sandstone . Compact sandstone, Blue sandstone Clay shales . . . . . . . EMBARRAS-RIVER, PLANK ROAD BRIDGE. Sandstone, 11 4 6 5 19 1 3 3 1 29 Clav shale, Impure limestone, Black slate, Total thickness, Shaly sandstone . 182 40 6 55 Clay shales, 8 bands of iron ore Fossil bed, pyritous, BANK OF WABASH RIVER, SEC. 33, T. 4 ., R. 10 W. Indiana shore. Soil, Shales with iron ore, Black slate, Impure limestone, Marly clays Black slate .... Shaly sandstone, Clay shales, Thick bedded sandstone . N. E. J S. W. J SEC. 13, T. 3 N., R. 11 W. Yellow clay shale, 74 10 5 2 6 6 8 V Blue clav shale, Coal, 8 TOPE COUNTY. ONE MILE AND A HALF BELOW JAMES CARROLL'S FLACK. FEET 10 8 4 6 5 11 10 IN. 6 LUSK'S CREEK, NEAR GOLCONDA. Sandstone FEET 8 24 42 8 11 11 Limestone Limestone Shale Marlv slate .... Limestone Limestone . . Marlite Shale Limestone Limestone Sandstone 104 64 6 11 82 POPE COUNTY. Continued). CAMPBELL'S FARM. FEET 45 22 5 IN. 6 9 3 10 MORGANTOWN. FEET 6 10 IN. 10 D. FLANNERY'S PLACE. Ssndstone ... 16 5 7 2 3 10 5 5 JOIHER'S FARM. 73 80 1 8 Shale Clay slate WILLIAM ALLISTON'S, NEAR GOL- CONDA. Sandstone 17 55 43 80 5 MICHAEL n. KAYLOR'S PLACE. 89 30 32 6 13 10 6 6 Limestone Covered Covered slope RIVER BANK, NEAR GOLCONDA. Sandstone 133 81 25 21 1 Covered slope 47 WILLIAMSON COUNTY. DR. SMITH'S PLACE. FEET 20 28 8 1 22 12 3 IN. 6 6 10 6 6 10 FOZARD'S PLACE, SEC. 20, T. 9 s., R. 1 E. Shales FEET 8 3 IN. Clay shale Coal Coal E. N. SPILLER'S PLACE, s. E. J, S. W. J, SEC. 6, T. 9 S., R. 3. E. Soil and clay Alternations of clay shales, fire clay, sandstone and sandy shales 11 9 9 4 9 ROCK CREEK, SEC. 9, T. 9 S., R. 4E. Clay slate Bituminous slate 94 8 1 2 Coal 13 Bituminous slate Coal 4 to 12 83 MARION COUNTY. BORING AT CENTRALIA. Soil FEET 3 IN. FEET 237 IN. Blue clay and sandstone 20 Q 6 Sandstone ... . 1 10 83 ft Blue clay (light colored). 10 2 Blue clay (dark) 55 8 Coal 3 Bituminous slate 8 ?,0 Blue clav, with gravel . . . 3 ft 151 Blue slate 25 ft 25 Indurated clays ........ 91 4 6 | Limestone 7 fi5 Coal 6 Iron stone, with ohert 3 ft Indurated clay 1? V Carried forward 237 602 6 PERRY COUNTY. MADISON COUNTY. ASHLEY'S MINE, DU QUOIN. EEET 18 IN. FFET 47 IN. ft Sand 2 Bluish impure limestone 2 Blue clay 6 Bituminous shale 6 10 Shale 10 10 3 q Coal 6 Fire clay 6 Fire clay 9 ft Light colored shale 1 Carried forward 47 6 72 10 LONG'S PLACE, CLfFTON QUARRY. Covered slope FEET 170 IN. FEET 261 IN. Limestone 2 Shale , 40 Shale 3 6 Sandstone g Limestone 40 ft Limestone 20 Sandstone 45 Shaly limestone 9 261 339 ALEXANDER COUNTY. THEBES. Clays FEET 42 24 30 IN. SILURIAN ROCKS OF ALEXANDER COUNTY. Sandstone . . . FEET 22 8 10 248 20 25 70 35 10 70 18 IN. Sandstone Covered slope GILF.S WHITTAKER'S PLACE. Clay and shale Buff colored shale 96 10 170 Cherty beds Mottled limestone Blue limestone Cberty beds Shales and slate ORCHARD CREEK. Ferruginous conglomerate .... Sandstone . . Sandstone . 180 37 42 ? Shale Limestone Sandstone Blue clay 535 84 HARDIN COUNTY. LEAD HILL. FEET 9,0 IN. PARKINSON'S PLACE. Sandstone FEET 23 IX 59 fi Limestone 60 30 Sandstone 4 f ?, 22 Bluish limestone 57 ONE MILE BELOW "CAVE IN ROCK." Cavernous limestone 168 20 6 Covered 10 Shelly limestone 4 Limestone with corals 20 54 PULASKI COUNTY. CALEDONIA. FEET 20 3 18 4 30 9 IN. 6 6 6 ONE MILE NORTH-EAST OF CAL- EDONIA. Ferruginous conglomerate. . . . Black clay shale, with carbon- aceous matter. . . . FEET 9 33 21 16 IN. 6 6 Micaceous sandstone White sandy clay Sandstone Gray indurated clay. .... Conglomerate Sandy shales CEDAR POINT. Yellow clay Soft sandstone 16 10 12 2 27 23 * 71 Red clay Ferruginous sandy shale Ferruginous sandstone White sandy clay Bluish clay shale 91 6 MASSAC COUNTY. FLETCHER'S PLACE. Alluvium FEET 12 5 4 17 IN.I JAMES COPPER'S PLACE. Conglomerate FEET 5 35 8 IN. Clay.. Covered slope Sandstone conglomerate Conglomerate 48 38 6 RANDOLPH COUNTY. HALF A MILE ABOVE CHESTER. FEET 35 1 2 1 6 5 2 1 3 IN. 6 6 6 MANSKER'S PLACE. Covered slope FEET 31 108 27 54 62 272 IN Marlite Sandstone Shale Cherty beds Limestone Limestone Marlite 57 85 RANDOLPH COUNTY (Continued). DETAILS OF THE CHESTER BEDS. Clay beds stratified FEET 12 IN. 6 Brought forward FEET 142 IN. 5 Limestone 7 ?, Sandy shales 9 n Alternations of limestone and 10 o marlite 9 8 12 9, fi 3 fi Limestone 4 ' Blue clay shale ' 3 o Covered 38" Shaly limestone ' 9 8 Blue shale, with thin bands of 4 limestone 48 " Shaly limestone 21 1 Limestone, with cherty bands . 18 Limestone, in thick beds 17 fi 3 o OOQ Carried forward 142 5 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. ALONZO BLOSSOM'S PLACE. Soil and drift FEET IN. HALF A MILE EAST OF A. BLOS- SOM'S PLACE. FEET IN. Shaly sandstone Soil and drift Bluish sandstone 2 ft Cherty limestone '. 5 Blue shale 7 Shaly sandstone (calcareous),. 2 6 Coal. 4 6 Bituminous slate, with bastard Black shale 4 limestone 1 Fire clay Blue shale 1 Coal 4 Clay HENRY COUNTY. ALLEN'S PLACE, NEAR GENSSEO. Soil and drift FEET IN. Brought forward FEET 1 IN. 6 Limestone, with arragonite. . . Indurated clay Clay . . Coal Carried forward FRANKLIN COUNTY. s. w. i s. w. i SEC. 20, T. 7 s. R. 2E. Shale FEET 4 1 1 1 4 1 IN. 9 6 I 3 Brought forward FEET 13 4 1 6 IN. 3 8 2 Cod Sandstone Clay slate Micaceous shale Sandstone Clay iron ore Gray shale Shale Bituminous slate . Carried forward 13 86 MADISON COUNTY. W. S.E. i SEC. 6, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. MUHLMANN'S PLACE. Soil and drift FEET IN. S. W. J SEC. 8, T. 4 N., R. 5 W. FERGUSON'S PLACE. Bluish limestone FEET 2 ft Shale 5 8 White clay s Bituminous slate 6 Bituminous slate 3 4 Coal 2 6 Shale 10 9, 5 Coal 2 10 Cherty beds 3 5 1 Q 14 6 SANGAMON COUNTY. ILES' COAL BANK, SUGAR CREEK. Soil and drift FEET IN. Brought forward FEET 6 IN. 7 Blue calcareous clay 2 Hard blue limestone 8 Hard blue limestone 9, 3 6 Clay shale 1 fi 1 Black slate 1 Coal 2 Clay slate 8 Coal 14 ?, Fire-clay V Soil and drift 13 I Limestone 2 MENARDS MILL SAXGAVON Marly clay shale l ? RIVER Sandy and black clay shale . . . 8 4 Soil and drift clay 1 6 Shaly sandstone with calca- 10 reous nodules 14 2 Blue sandy shale 6 Yellow sandstone 2 8 Sandstone . . 2 Sandy shale 4 fi 2 9 MAGRADY'S OLD MILL. Soil and drift 23 YOCUM'S MILL, SANGAMOX RIVER. Soil and drift clay Limestone 4 Argillaceous limestone 1 o 16 6 Sandy shale . '20 Sandstone 4 Sandy shale 1 6 21 6 26 BELL'S MILL, SUGAR CREEK. Sandy shale 4 8 Soil and drift Thin bedded sandstone ... . 3 Sandy shale 11 Sandstone 10 Thin-bedded sandstone. ...... 4 Shalv sandstone 5 1 15 Coal 1 10 LANGFIELD'S COAL BANK. Covered to lake level 15 Soil and drift Limestone 1 40 6 Blue shale 7 9 CARPENTER'S BRIDGE SAVG VMO\ Coal 1 10 Covered to river level 11 8 Soil and drift Blue sandy shale 16 8 BRANXER'S MILL SAXGAMOX RIYER. 22 3 Sandstone, irregularly bedded, Sandstone in regular layers. . . Sandstone, thin-bedded 11 14 3 Soil and drift Sandstone 2 H Limestone 6 Sandstone fla^s 8 4 Carried forward. . ft fiffi 87 i SANGAMON COUNTY (Continued). NEW BRIDGE, SANGAMON RIVER. Soil and drift FEET IN. MILLER'S PLACE, HORSE CREEK. Soil and drift FEET IN. Sandy shale 1 . 4 Sandy shale 2 1 Arenaceous limestone 1 | Sandy shale _ 16 fi Shaly sandstone .... . . . . 18 5 Covered to river level ?,7 ' 6 Clay shale . 6 Coal 4 55 RAUCH'S QUARRY, SUGAR CREEK. Soil and drift STOVER'S COAL BANK, LICK 22 10 9 CREEK. Limestone 9 fl . Soil and drift Black slate 2 Black slate, with black lime- Limestone 17 stone 3 Coal'. 1 | W fl 4 HILL'S QUARRY, SUGAR CREEK. Blue shale 12 Soil and drift Micaceous sandstone 3 20 | Sandstone 3 6 GREENWOLD'S PLACE, BRUSH Sandy shale 1 6 CREEK. Limestone 4 Soil and drift Dark clay shale 1 Limestone, 6 Limestone 4 Marly shale 6 Black slate . 1 17 Clay shale 1 6 NEW BRIDGE, SUGAR CREEK. Limestone 6 Soil and drift Limestone 2 g 1(T 4 K PEACOCK & CUMMINGS' SHAFT, Limestone, 1 SPRING CREEK. Sandy shale 3 Soil 5 Sandstone 1 Blue sandy shale 45 Micaceous sandstone % Dark clay shale 5 Coal 2 12 A Fire-clay 3 LLOYD A EVAN'S COAL BANK. Soil and drift Argillaceous limestone and clay 4 Black slate 2 10 Red and green clay shale. . . . 8 Coal 1 10 Black shaly slate 2 6 Sandy shale 11 Purple clay shale, 5 Sandstone, hard 3 fl Shaly sandstone 4 4 77 8 Soft sandstone 2 g JONES 1 WELL, HORSE CREEK. Sandy shale 6 ft 19 12 32 /( Clay shale 12 43 MACOUPIN COUNTY. N. E. i SEC. 29, T. 10 N., R. 9 W. Impure limestone , . FEET IN. Brought forward FEET 5 IN. g Black shale 1 3 Blue limestone a Coal 1 i Light colored shale 3 Coal 5 fi Carried forward 5 3 13 9 ' 88 IRELAND'S RAVINE, SOUTH OF ILLINOIS RIVER, NEAR " LIT- TLE ROCK,"LASALLE co. FEET IN. SHAFT OF THE NORTHERN ILLI- NOIS COAL AND IRON CO. FEET 6 IN. Soil 6 Coal 5 15 Brown shale 8 Indurated clays and shales. . . 49 Lime rock 1 ft 2 Blue shale 12 5 Blue limestone 3 ? ] Black shale ft 6 Fire-clay 1 <>, Sandstone, upper part calca- Black shale 5 reous, lower part micaceous, 8 Brown shale 3 a 12 Limestone 3 10 Black shale, with fossils 6 Brown shale 4 Coal ft Blue shale 9 4 Sandstone, with coal plants,. . 2 Grey limestone 2 4 Grayish-blue shale, with septa- Black Shale 1 5 ria 7 Blue " 10 Blue shale 2 Limerock 3 3 Black slate * 3 Blue shale 10 s Blue shale 12 Black limestone .... 2 10 Coal 3 Blue shale 6 Shale with nodules 4 ft 14C Blue shale 10 ft The lower seventy-five or Red shale 6 eighty feet of the above sec- Blue shale 1 ft tion represents, very nearly, Red shale 14 4 the shaft of the " Little Rock Blue shale 11 Coal Mining Companv," which Sandstone 6 is situated a short distance west Blue shale 12 of Ireland's ravine. Blue shale 15 Black slate 4 ft BORING AT DE SOTO, JACKSON Coal 5 COUNTY. Fire-clay 6 In the Artesian well sunk Limestone 4 ft at this point, several beds of Blue shale 10 coal were penetrated at vari- Sandstone 10 ous depths, as follows : Blue shale 14 Black slate 8 1st coal at the depth of 68 ft. 3 Coal , 6 2d " " " 93 " 2 Fire-clay 1 g 3d " " " 135 " 9 Limestone 4 | 4th " " " 165 " 2 Shale, brown 64 5th " and shale " 216 " 9 Black slate, mixed with coal. . Limestone . . ... 3 1 6 25 Blue shale 6 Making a total thicknes of Limestone 3 ft coal of between 1 6 and 25 feet, Shale 2 ft the thickness of the shale asso- 3 4 ciated with the lower bed not Blue shale 14 having been ascertained. 8 ft Blue shale 18 Black slate 8 14 Coal 4 389 11 GENERAL REMARKS. THE preceding pages contain only a portion of the sections made during the progress of the Geological survey. Many sections made in the counties named are not given ; while a number of counties in which work has been done, are omitted entirely, in consequence of the imprac- ticability of connecting their geology with the coal deposits, without the aid of horizontal sections, and these can only be represented by engravings. They will all be embodied in the final report, together with minute descrip- tions of the vertical sections now given. Since the organization of the survey, I have been assisted in the field work by Messrs. A. Varner (deceased), A. H. Worthen, Henry Pratten (deceased), A. H. Ulffers, and J. H. McChesney ; and from their notes and reports, most of the sections given were compiled. In the laboratory, Mr- H. Pratten has been the only assistant. The analyses of the Illinois coals were made by him, as well as those of our iron ores. The colored diagram of the state is intended to represent, as nearly as so small a scale will allow, the different geological formations found in its borders, and will assist those who may desire to know the geological posi- tion of the rocks given in the printed vertical sections. The portions colored yellow, on the Wabash, Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois rivers, represent the rich alluvial bottoms which border those streams. The pink color, found in Alexander, Union, Jersey, Calhoun, Pike, Bureau, La Saile, Grundy, Will, Cook, Kankakee and Iroquois, represents rocks of the Silurian age. The portions colored with Indian red, represent rocks of the Devonian epoch, and are to be found in Pulaski, Union, Jersey, Calhoun, Pike, Rock Island and La Salle. The blue color, found in our southern and western borders, in the coun- ties of Gallatin, Saline, Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Massac, Pulaski, Union, Jackson, Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair, Madison, Jersey, Greene, Scott, Cal- houn, Pike, Brown, Schuyler, Adams, Hancock, McDonough, Henderson, Warren and Mercer, represents the great Carboniferous limestone series, or 12 "Mountain Limestone" as it is termed by many geologists. In England beds of oal are found in this series of rocks. In this country no coal has yet been discovered in them. In portions of Gallatin, Hardin, Pope, Saline, Johnson, Massac, William- son, Union, Jackson, Randolph and Monroe, the " Mountain limestone " series is overlaid with heavy beds of sandstone and sandstone-conglom- erate, answering to the "Millstone grit' 1 '' of some geologists. It is repre- sented by a light shade of sepia skirting the Mountain limestone. This is the base of the coal measures in southern Illinois, no coals existing either in it or below it. The dark tint of sepia, covering about two-thirds of the area of the state, and including either in whole or in part eighty-one counties, repre- sents the true coal measures of Illinois. The coal measures consist of beds of sandstones, limestones, shales, slates, clays and bands of iron ore, intercalated with beds of coal, from one inch to nine feet in thickness. In the counties of Massac, Pulaski and Alexander, beginning on the Ohio river south of New Liberty, and following that stream to a point below Caledonia, and then crossing Alexander county in a westerly direc- tion to the Mississippi, near the village of Santa Fe, is a portion of the map colored green. It represents a deposit belonging to the Tertiary period. At one place it contains a thin seam of carbonaceous matter, which was mistaken, by those residing in the vicinity, for coal of the carboniferous era. This, however, is a mistake. It is of no value. The margin of the coal measures can be easily traced on the diagram in the northern and western counties. On our eastern border, from Iroquois to Gallatin county, they pass over into Indiana, and on the south into Kentucky. In the west, between Keithsburg in Mercer county, and Drury's Landing in Rock Island county, they cross the Mississippi into Iowa. Coal is also found cropping out on the banks of the Mississippi above Rock Island city. A thin seam of coal, associated with clays and shales, was observed at Sterling, in Whiteside county, on the banks of Rock river. What connection it has with the coals ofrRock Island and Henry counties, has not been ascertained. Beginning in Rock Island county and proceeding eastward, the northern limit of the coal (leaving out Whiteside, as just referred to) is found in the counties of Henry, Bureau, La Salle, Grundy and Will, and its north- eastern boundary in Kankakee and Iroquois. In proceeding northerly, in the Mississippi river counties, the " millstone grit," disappears in Munroe county, and the coal measures are separated from the " mountain limestone " by only a few feet (comparatively) of sandstones, shales and clays. Before reaching Rock Island county, the 91 \ " mountain limestone " disappears, and on Rock river the coal measures rest on rocks of the Devonian and Silurian epochs ; while still further east, in the counties of La Salle, Grundy and Will, the coal beds rest directly on lower Silurian rocks, being separated from them, at some points, by only a few inches of clay. Workable beds of coal, however, do not underlay the whole area marked as " coal measures." Illinois is not one " great coal field," as has been represented in maps and geological reports made previous to the commencement of the State Geological Survey. While it contains within its borders more coal than any other state in the union, with, perhaps, the exception of Pennsylvania, the coal does not rest in one great basin* So far as the state survey has thrown any light on the subject, it has been found that the rocks beneath the coal measures, instead of showing a nearly horizontal section from east to west, as was formerly believed by some of our geologists, have been in reality as much disturbed by internal convulsions as those of any volcanic district in the United States. The beds of the lower formations, including the mountain limestone and mill- stone grit, are found, at various localities, displaced and tiked up at every angle from a few degrees to the vertical. These displacements are not confined to any one section. They. occur in every district, from the northern limits of the coal beds, to the southern border of the state. In the irregular valleys and basins formed by these disturbances, our lower coal measures were formed. Subsequent to that period, the then existing coal beds were displaced, and eroded, forming new valleys and new basins? which have been filled with new deposits of coal, and so on up to the termination of the carboniferous epoch. An outline of these basins and valleys, so far as ascertained, will be given in the geological report. It must, however, remain imperfect for years to come, as every reexamina- tion of a coal field develops new facts, which no reasoning from previous data could have brought to light. The tables of coal beds, from I to IV, were prepared in 1854, and were designed to show the number and thickness of different coal beds found in southern Illinois, along certain lines south of a line drawn from Illinois Town, St. Glair county, to the state boundary in Clark county, west of Terre Haute. Table I shows the existence of twenty-five beds of coal, varying in thickness from three inches to seven feet, on a direct line drawn from the Ohio river, in the counties named, to "Howard's Point" in Fayette county. Of these beds, nine may be considered as workable by mining, in the proper sense of the term. Of the remaining sixteen, ten are, or may be, worked by " stripping " near their outcrop, where they are cov- 92 ered by a few feet only of soil and other deposits. The beds capable of being mined, contain forty feet and nine inches of coal. If to this be added the beds capable of furnishing coal by "stripping," this section will show a thickness of available coal of over fifty-five feet. Table II shows the number of beds found on a line drawn from a point on Big Muddy river, near Murphrysborough, Jackson county, to Gris- wold's, in Hamilton county. These beds vary from four inches to nine feet in thickness. Two of these beds, amounting to fifteen feet, can be mined profitably, while five of them, from one foot six inches to one foot eight inches in thickness, may be made available, at various places, by either mining or " stripping." The total thickness of coal in this sect-ion is twenty-three feet six inches. Talk III exhibits the coal beds found on a line from the " Old Salt Spring," south-east of Equality, Gallatin county, to Parker's Prairie, in Cumberland county. Of these beds, four are workable by mining, vary- ing in thickness from three feet to five feet, and amounting in all to sixteen feet six inches. Four of the others, with a total thickness of seven feet, may be "stripped" in favorable situations. All the beds in this section, sum up a total of twenty-three feet nine inches. Table IV contains some of the beds found in a section from a point north of Waterloo, Monroe county, to Howard's Point, in Fayette county. Of these, three are from three feet six inches, to six feet nine inches thick, and are mined profitably, the united thickness being sixteen feet nine inches. The other beds vary from one foot three inches to two feet in thickness. The total amount of coal in this section is twenty-three feet two inches. Since these tables were prepared, other discoveries of coal have been made in several of the counties embraced in them. These cannot now be added, but will be noticed in the detailed geological report. As the tables now stand, however, they are sufficient to show the great number and importance of the coal beds of the district to which they relate. No tabular view of the coals of middle and northern Illinois has yet been prepared, nor, in fact, has it been desirable to do so up to this time, as new discoveries are constantly being made in those districts, which are calculated to modify, somewhat, the opinions first formed in relation to them. By reference to the pages of analyses, and the tables on pages 55, 56 and 57, as well as to the vertical sections of the counties in the districts referred to, it will be seen that their coal beds have not been neglected, but have, on the contrary, received their full share of attention in all respects. In order to embrace as much matter in relation to more recent discov- 93 eries as possible, some of the oldest, best and most profitable mines in the state have been passed without notice in this abstract. In the final report they will receive their due share of attention. In the printed sections, many localities of coal are given in addition to those noticed in the first half of this abstract, together with the thick- ness of the beds and the character of the rocks associated with them- These coals have not yet been analyzed. v The relative value of Illinois coals can be ascertained by comparing the analytical results given on the pages referred to ; and their position with regard to some other American coals, as well as to a few British coals used in the manufacture of iron, can be seen at a glance by consulting the tables on page 58. These analyses show that we have a number of beds of coal in this state, which equal, in every respect, the very best coals of the Mississippi and Ohio valleys. In thickness and other requisites for cheap and profitable mining, they are not surpassed by those of any other portion of the west, and there is only needed enterprise, capital and energy, to develop a source of wealth in our state, at present scarcely thought of, and which is incalculable. The markets are already here, and the supply is so inadequate to the demand, that one Illinois city alone imports annually from other states coal to the amount of over 134,000 tons. In Knox, Henry and La Salle counties, cannel coal occurs in connection with bituminous beds. Its value may be estimated by comparing the analyses of the different seams, with those given of the same variety of coal from Virginia and Kentucky. So far as means for the transportation of coal to both home and distant markets are concerned, no state in the union is superior to Illinois. The Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois rivers, Lake Michigan, and all our railroads can be made tributary to this great interest. J. G. NORWOOD. INDEX. PAGE. Ashley's Mine, coal, 11 Adams County, coal, 26 Alexander's Mine, 31 Aldrich's Mine, 41 Allen's Mine, 42 Analyses of American coals, some of which are used in Illinois, 58 Analysis of foreign coals used in the manufacture of Iron, 58 Alexander County, section, 59, 83 Anderson's, section, 62 Alexander's place, section, 65 Auburn, section one and a half miles east of, 70 Adams County, sections, 71 Atlas, section one and a half miles below, 72 Appanoose, section near, 74 Adam's & Pulsifer's boring, 77 Albion, sections near, 79, 80 Allison's, near Golconda, 82 Ashley's Mine, section, 83 Allen's place, section, 85 [B] Bowies' Mine, " Big Muddy " Mines, Belleville Mines, Belsha's l{jne, Barker's Mine, Bassett's Mine, Butler's Mine, Blackmore's Mine, Bureau County, coal, Breckiriridge cannel coal, "Buffalo Rock" mine, " Big Chain " of the Ohio, " Bald Rock," section, Benton, section near, Belsha's Mine, section, Boll's Farm, section near, Belleville, section, Bechholz's place, section, Blackmore's place, section, Butler's Hill, section, Beckwith's place, section, Batt's place, section, PAGE. Bates' wood yard, section, 69 Bond County, section. 69 Blanchard's place, section, 70 Brown County, sections, 71 Barry, section near, 72 Birmingham, section, 74 Byrne's place, in La Salle, 75 Blackstone's boring, 77 "Buffalo Rock," section, 78 Brissenden's place, section, 79 Bennington Mills section. 80 Biehl's Mill, section, 80 Brickley's place, section, 80 Baker's place, section, 80 Blossom's place, section, 85 Ball's Mill, section, 86 Bell's Mill, section, 86 Branner's Mill, section, 86 6 10 14 14 25 26 29 33 38 46 47 59 61 61 02 63 63 63 66 67 67 68 i Coal branch of Bankston, Caseyville Mines, Churchill's Mine, Cartlidge's Mine, Cook's Mine, Calhoun County, coal, Carother's Mine, 13 16 16 19 20 29 ' Chicago and Danville Coal Co.," coal, 32 Cook's, Innis, mine, 32 Colchester Mines, 34 Cannel Coal, 37, 39, 42, 46, 48, 49 ' Cutler, Edwards & Co.," 39 " Carbon Cliff Mine," 40 Oorcoran's Mines, 40 Crab Orchard Cr., section, 61 Chester, sections, 61, 84, 85 Canteen Creek, section, 62 Caseyville, quarry near, 62 Churchill's section, 62 Calhoun County, sections, 64 Cap au Ores, section, 64 near, 64 Cumberland County, section, 64 Chicago and Danville Coal Co.," section, 65 Cook's place, section, 65 Carothers & Ball's place, section, 67 Camden, section near, 68 Calhoun County, sections, 68 II PAGE. Clark County, sections, 10 Crooked Creek, section, 70 Campbell's place, section, 71 " two miles south of, 71 Crooked Creek, section, 72 Cedar Creek, section, 73 Camden, section opposite, 74 Carmi, section, 78 Cherry's place, section, 78 Campbell's A., boring, 77 Claremont, section, 80 Collins' place, section, 80 Clubb's, S. H., quarry, section, 81 Carroll's place, section one mile and a half below, 81 Campbell's place, section, 82 Centralia, boring at, 88 Clifton quarry, 83 " Cave in Rock," section one mile below, 84 Caledonia, section, 84 Cedar Point, section, 84 Copper's James, place, section, 84 Carpenter's Bridge, section, 86 P>3 DuQuoin Mine, 1 1 Dilg & KempPs Mine, 14 Dunford's Mine, 17 Drake's Mine, 22 Danville Mines, 32 Davidson's Mine, 64 " Devil's bake oven," section, 61 Dilg & Kempff's shaft, 63 Delhi, section one mile south of, 69 DuQuoin, section, 83 Diagram, explanation of, 91 DeSoto, coal beds, Equality, coal, 7 Eagle Creek Mine, 8 Emmerson & Ryder's Mine, 18 Edwardsville Mine, " 19 Exeter Mines, 24 Eagle Creek Mine, La Salle County, 47 Egleston's Mine, 50 " Cannel coal, 48 Embarras River, section, 64 Ellis's branch, near Georgetown, section, 66 Exeter, section, 71 Equality, section, 79 Edward's County, sections, 7 Embarras River, section, 81 PAGE. Field & Rounds' Mine, 49 foreign Coals, analyses of, 58 Franklin County, sections, 61, 85 Fischer's quarry, 62 Fithian's quarry, section, 65 Fayette County, sections, 69 Fish Hook Creek, section, 72 Flannery's place, section, 82 Fozard's place, section, 82 Fletcher's place, section, 84 Ferguson's place, section, 86 Frosts' Mine, [F] allatin County, coal, roshang's Mine, reene County, coal, ilbert's Mine, eneseo Coal, orbet's Mine, rundy County, Goose Lake," coal, Grand Chain of the Mississippi," section, 69 Gallatin County, sections, 60, 79 Grayville, sections, 61, 78 Gilead, sections near, 64 Griffith's place, section, 66 Greene County, sections, * 70 Grape Creek, section below the mouth of, 76 Golconda, river bank near, 82 Greenwold's place, section, 88 General Remarks, ' 89 Hays' Mill, mine, 8 Holman & Smith's Mine, 10 Hamilton County, coal, 1 1 Hodges' Creek Mine, 21 House worth's Mine, 21 Higbec's Mine, 26 Henson's Mine, 28 Henry County, coal, 40 Hitt's Vermilion Mine, ' 44 Hartshorne's Mine, 50 Hardin County, sections, 60, 84 Holman & Smith's, section, 61 Harrison's quarry, 62 Hazel Creek quarry, 62 Hart's place, section, 64 Hamburg, section, 64 Hanging Rock, section, 65 Henson's place, section, 66 Hardin, section near, 68 Hamilton County, sections, 69 Henderson County, section, 73 Hancock County, sections, 74, 75 Bight's Shoals, section, 78 Ill PAGE. Hartman's place, section, 80 Henry County, section, Hill's quarry, 88 [I] "Illinois Coal Co.," 13 Ireland's Mine, 45, 88 u Illinois Coal Co.," sections, 62, 63 Indiana sections, " above Eugene, 76 Perryville, 76 Horse Shoe Bend, 76 Eugene, 76 Williamsport, 76 lies s place, section, 86 Johnson County, coal, 10 Johnson's Joel, Mine, 10 Jackson County, coal, 10 Jeffrey's Mine, 16 Johnson's Mine, 20 Jackson's Mine, 21 Jersey County, coal, 27 Jackson County, sections, 61 Jersey County, sections, 69 Joiner's place, section, 82 Jones' Well, Horse Creek, 88 Kickapoo Mines, 35 Kingston Mines, 35 Knox County, 35 Kewanee mine, 41 Kirkpatrick's Mine, 44 Kirkpatrick's Cannel Coal, 46 Kanawha Cannel Coal, 4fi| Kirkpatrick's Cannel Coal, 49 Kinderhook, section, 72 King's Mill, section, 74 Kaylor's place, section, PAGE. 71 73 75 75,76 81 81 81 83 84 88 ' Little Eock Coal Mining Company," 88 Lagrange, section, Lowrv's place, section, Little's place, section, La Salle County, section?, Lawrence County, sections, Lawrcnceville, section near Fagin's Mill Lusk's Creek, near Golconda, Long's place, section, Lead Hill, section, Lloyd & Evan's Coal bank, section, Martin's Mine, [M] Murphysborough Mines, Monroe County, coal, Madison County, coal, Macoupin County, coal, McDonough County, coal, Menard County, coal, Moffatt's Mine, McMurtry's Mine, Mercer County, coal, Marseilles, coal, Mitchell's Mine, Morris Mines, Middle Illinois Coals, table, Meek's Farm, section, Madison County, sections. Makerson's Branch, section, McKee's Mill, section, tfendon, section near, tft. Sterling, sections north of, tfontezuma, section, McDonough County, sections, 10 12 16 21 34 34 35 35 42 43 47 52, 54 56 60 64 83, 86 66 68 71 71 72 72 72 75 77 78 82 Lock Reserve, 5 Langley's Mine, 57 Lafferty's Mine, 28 Leonard's Mine, 30 Loomis's Mine, 36 " Cannel Coal, 37 Lowry Thomas & Go's Mine, 40 La Salle County, coal, 43 Lowell Mines, 45 " La Salle Coal Mining Co.," Lafferty's place, section, 66 Leonard's place, section, 66 " quarry, 67 Langley's place, section, 68 Livingston, section, 70 Little Missouri Creek, section, 71 Macomb, sections two miles north of, Montebello, section, Mendota, boring at, Mitchell's place, section, Morgantown, section, Marion County, section, 83 Massac County, sections, 84 Mansker's place, section, 84 Muhlmann's place, section, 86 Magrady's Mill, section, 86 Menard's Mill, section, 86 Mud Lake, section, 86 Miller's place, section, 88 Macoupin County, section, 88 [N] Northern Illinois Coals, table, 57 50 j New Haven, section, 60 North fork of Vermilion river, section, 65 Nauvoo, section one mile above, 74 " " two miles south- east of, 74 " section at Hibbard's, 75 North Fork of Saline river, New bridge, Sugar creek, section at, " Northern Coal and Iron Co.," [0] Ottawa coal, Orange's place, section, Orchard Creek/section, m Perry County, coal, Pfeiffer's Mine, Pike County coal, Puffenberger's Mine, Pleasant View Mine, Payne's Mine, Peoria County, coal, Peru, coal, thin seam, Pulaski County, sections, Pope County, sections, Prairie du Rocher, section, Pfeiffer's place, section, Paris' Mill, section, Pocahontas, section four miles south of, Pike County, sections, Perry, section one and a half miles north-west of, Perley's, on Cushman's place, near Ottawa, Payne's place, Danville, section, Peru Shaft, " section, near the " Chamber's House," Perry County, section, Parkinson's place, section , Peacock & Cummings' shaft, PAGE, j 79 Rock Island County, sections, 88 Rockwell's boring, 88JRichland County, sections, Rock Creek, section, Ranch's quarry, 59, 59, 81, [S] Saline Mines, Saline County, coal, Smith's Mine, Spiller's Mine, Shasteen's Mine, Snyder's Mines, St. Clair County, coal, Sangamon County, coal, Sunders' Mine, Springfield, coal, Schuyler County, coal, Scott County, coal, Salem Hill Mine, Smith's Mine, " Sheffield Company," codl, Serrell's Mine, Seeley's Mine, Southern Illinois Coals, table. Sections of rocks, Sloan's Hill, 69 72 Shawneetown, sections, Saline County, sections, Creek, section, [Q] Quincy, section, Randolph County, coal, Ritchie's Mine, Rushville, mine near, Russel's Mine, Rock Island County, coal, Robbins, Lawson & Co., Reynold's Mine, Rosiclare, section, Randolph County, sections, Rock Creek, section, Randall's Mill, section, Rockport, section, 13 20 20 24 31 39 40 48 60 61, 84 63 70 72 St. Clair County, sections, Stone Creek, sections, Shoal Creek, section, Silver Creek, " Sandusky's place, section, Stony Creek, sections, Snake Den, " Salt Fork, section, Schuyler County, sections, Savage's place, section, Scott County, sections, Starkey & Davis' place, section, Seeds' quarry, section, Smith's Dr., place, section, Spiller's place, section, Sangamon County, sections, Sangamon river, section at the new bridge, Stover's Coal Bank, section, [T] Thornton's Eli, Mine, Ta/ewell County, coal, Tucker's Mine, Tiskilwa Mines, Thornton & Park's Mine, Turner's Mine, Telfirs Mine, PAGE. 73, 85 77 80 82 88 5 8 9 9 11 12 13 22 23 23 24 24 34 37 38 41 45 55 59 59 60 60 61 62 63 64 64 65 66 66 67 68,74 69 71 72 81 82 82 86 88 88 83 34 38 38 42 53 54 Table of Southern' Illinois Coals, " Middle " " " Northern " " American coals, some of which are used in Illinois, Table of foreign coals, Thornton's Mill, section, Tucker's place, section, Talbot entry, section, Thebes, section, Tables, explanation of, IT] Vermilion County, coal, " " sections, Vance's place, section, [W] Williamson County, coal, " Wood River Coal Mining Com- pany," PAGE. 55 Williams' Mine, 56 j Wataga Mines, 57 Warren County, Wards Mine, 58 1 Watson's Mine, 58 Williamson County, occtions, 27 65,76 66 18 White County, sections, Wilson's Shaft, section, place, " Whitehall, section 2| miles north- east of, Winchester, section, Wells' place, section, Warren County, sections, Warsaw, sections, Williams' Creek, section one mile from Pulaski, Wabash County, sections, Whittaker's place, section, Yocum's Mill, section, PAGE. 30 36 37 43 52 61, 82 61, 78 62 63 70 71 72 73 75 75 80 83 86 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA CCO Oil COA C001 ABSTRACT OF A REPORT ON ILLINOIS COALS 30112025311728