STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON OPEN FILE III. GROUNDWATER GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS by G.B. Maxey J.W. Foster DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 210 1956 ILLINOIS GEOLOGIC*! SURVEY i .in-""' MAY 14 1P<^ FOREWORD The Illinois State Geological Survey has accumulated through the years many unpublished technical reports and maps. Although most major research projects are designed for eventual publication of results, some brief reports on specialized subjects, local areas, or problems of limited interest have been prepared for specific purposes and were not intended for publication. Other more extensive reports were not published when they were timely because of insuf- ficient printing funds. These various unpublished reports and maps contain a wealth of information on the geology and mineral resources of Illinois, and it has been the policy of the Geological Survey to make them available to persons who visit the Survey. As the number of such items in the files has increased, it has become difficult for representatives of industry and other interested persons to learn what reports are available. This circular listing unpublished groundwater geology and geophysics reports is the third of a series. The first, Circular 201, dealt with mineral fuels papers, the sec- ond, Circular 209, with industrial minerals reports. Subse- quent lists will cover stratigraphy and areal geology and en- gineering geology. Because there is only one copy of most of the listed items, they cannot be lent, but must be consulted in the Sur- vey's Mineral Resource Records Division. The reports are open for public inspection, and the information is available for use by anyone; if data from them are included in written documents, the source must be cited. John C. Frye Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON OPEN FILE III. GROUNDWATER GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS by G. B. Maxey and J. W. Foster ABSTRACT Eight unpublished geologic manuscripts and eleven unpublished geophysical manuscripts, dealing with the source and occurrence of groundwater in Illinois, are listed with brief annotations. They are on open file in the Mineral Resource Records Division of the Illinois Geological Survey and are available for examination but not for loan. Groundwater availability and electrical earth resistivity reports, most of them prepared jointly with the Illinois State Water Survey, are listed by county and location. These reports may be examined at the Survey upon application to the Division of Groundwater Geology and Geophysical Exploration. The following list includes only those manuscripts on open file that are of greatest interest to the public. They are listed chronologically and are avail- able in the Mineral Resource Records Division. Manuscripts with a limited area of interest are not listed, although they, too, are available for reference. Approximately 140,000 well logs also are open to the public in the Mineral Re- source Records Division. GEOLOGICAL REPORTS LEW- 17 Geology of the underground water resources of Illinois, by L. E. Workman, 1930. (9 p.) Description of the four major types of deposits and areas in which groundwater is found in Illinois: northern deep sandstone; northern, western, and southern limestones; thick glacial depos- its of the northeast; and thin glacial deposits of the southwest. SEE-2 Use and importance of geological investigations in water supply proj- ects, by S. E. Ekblaw, 1932. (11 p.) Case histories in which geological recommendations assisted in obtaining satisfactory water supplies for municipalities and industries. Description of electrical earth resistivity method of prospecting for groundwater. Talk given before Illinois Society of Engineers. WCI-2 Flowing wells, by W. C. Imbt, 1933. (7 p.) Theory of artesian pressure and examples of artesian systems in the United States. Talk given before the Illinois Water Well Drillers Association. LEW-26 Subsurface reservoirs in the glacial drift awaiting exploitation, by L. E. Workman and M. M. Leighton, 1933. (11 p.) [1] 2 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Types of water -yielding glacial deposits. Methods of prospec- ting. Characteristics of water supplies from glacial aquifers. Prospects for further development of glacial subsurface reser- voirs. MBB-1 Groundwater supplies in the vicinity of the Tri-Cities: Davenport, Iowa, Rock Island and Moline, Illinois, by M. B. Buhle, 1935. (44 p., 19 pis., 36 p. appendix of logs.) Many geologic sections and well logs and a graphic analysis of the chemistry of well waters of the area. Isopachs and sur- faces of major formations. Master's thesis. RRS-1 Report on groundwater resources along the Pennsylvania Railroad in Illinois, by R. R. Storm, 1944. (28 p., 2 pis.) Groundwater geology and tabulated water-supply data along the Pennsylvania Railroad in Madison, St. Clair, Bond, Clinton, Fayette, Effingham, Cumberland, Jasper, Coles, Clark, Edgar, Douglas, Moultrie, Macon, DeWitt, Logan, McLean, Tazewell, and Cook counties. Prepared jointly with the Illinois State Water Survey. WHB-1 Groundwater resources of southern Crawford County, Illinois, by W. H. Bierschenk, 1953. (55 p., 7 pis.) Description of and groundwater conditions in bedrock forma- tions and glacial deposits. Sources of municipal water supply at Oblong, Palestine, and Robinson. Water levels. Analysis of groundwater potentialities, particularly with reference to sources of supply for oil -field water flooding. Master's thesis. ADR-1 Glacial geology and groundwater possibilities in southern LaSalle and eastern Putnam counties, Illinois, by A. D. Randall, 1955. (158 p., 4 pis.) Detailed study of the bedrock topography and glacial geology south and east of the Illinois River; evaluation of groundwater possibilities in the glacial deposits and bedrock formations. In- cludes detailed sample study logs of 14 wells and descriptions of 10 outcrops. Master's thesis. GEOPHYSICAL REPORTS MKH-1 Geophysical investigations in Illinois, by M. K. Hubbert, 1931. (21 } 11 pis.) Resistivity stations run at numerous Illinois locations to indi- cate value of resistivity to the Illinois State Geological Survey. MKH-2 Magnetic theory, by M. K. Hubbert, 1932. (34 p.) A discussion of fundamentals of magnetic theory. CAB -3 Illinois Geological Survey field laboratory truck, by C. A. Bays, 19' (6 p., 6 pis.) Description of equipment and possible uses for laboratory fie, truck. Sketch showing location of equipment in the truck. UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON GROUNDWATER 3 JSD-1 Lead district of northwestern Illinois, by J. S. Dobrovolny, 1947. (19 p., 51 pis.) Spontaneous polarization study of top- and bottom-run deposits of lead and zinc ore in Jo Daviess County. The author believes that energizing on one body enables delineation by self-potential methods. WNG- 1 The depth of the bedrock surface in the Lower Embarrass Valley, Illinois, indicated by earth resistivity, by W. N. Gregg, 1949. (36 p., 15 pis.) Correlating resistivity profile with known and unknown geo- logic conditions. Master's thesis. CAB -5 Summary of geophysical exploration in the northwestern Illinois lead and zinc districts, by C. A. Bays, 1950. (7 p., 31 pis.) Brief discussion and electric logs from geophysical explora- tion in northwestern Illinois by the Illinois State Geological Sur- vey. Mostly electric logs of drill holes. JSD-2 Progress report on compilation and analysis of geophysical inves- tigation in the zinc-lead district of northwestern Illinois, by J. S. Dobrovolny, 1950. (5 p., 22 pis.) Analyzes previously obtained data by methods other than that used in 1949. Results indicate that none of the methods used were advantageous . JFM-1 Earth resistivity studies, by J. F. Mann, 1950. (63 p.) General report on theory, equipment, and methods, with dis- cussion of interpretation and results. Bibliography. JSD-3 Depth determination studies and Wetzel-McMurray three-layer curves, by J. S. Dobrovolny, 1951. (31 p., 84 pis.) A study of various methods of depth determination from elec- trical earth resistivity data. Covers methods by Tagg, Moore, Wetzel-McMurray, Roman, and others. RBJ-1 Refraction seismic method for differentiating Pleistocene deposits in the Areola and Tuscola quadrangles, Illinois, by R. B. Johnson, 1954. (153 p., 18 pis.) Geologic studies of the quadrangles and correlation with seis- mic data in the area. Description of seismic equipment used in 1954. Ph.D. thesis. Partly published as Report of Investigations 176. RHP-1 Gravity survey of DesPlaines complex, Cook County, Illinois, by R. H. Pemberton, 1954. (60 p., 1 pi.) Summary of stratigraphy and structure of northeastern Illi- nois. Description of Des Plaines complex. Discussion of gravity survey apparatus and procedure; calculations and interpretation of anomolies. Geologic interpretation of DesPlaines gravity anomoly. Master's thesis. 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The following list includes short reports not on open file but available in the Division of Groundwater Geology and Geophysical Exploration. Included are reports on the groundwater potential of restricted areas, electrical earth resistivity surveys, and miscellaneous general discussions. They are listed geographically by location within county. Most of these reports have-been prepared upon request and demonstration of need for private individuals and organizations, public institutions (such as schools), and municipalities. Both geological and electrical earth resistivity reports are available for those localities designated by (R). Except for the electrical earth resistivity surveys, most of the reports were transmitted with companion studies describing the engineering and chemical aspects of water supplies in each area prepared by the Illinois State Water Survey. Only those reports thought to be of special public interest are listed. Man' unlisted reports of possible local interest also are available for reference upo: application to the Division of Groundwater Geology and Geophysical Exploratio: Adams: Camp Point (R) Clayton Coatsburg Golden Liberty Loraine Mendon (R) Payson Quincy Quincy, Mississippi River bottoms south of Quincy Municipal Airport Alexander: Cairo Cairo and Horseshoe Lake, Area between Gale Missouri Pacific Railroad, Along Tamms Bond: Greenville (R) Mulberry Grove (R) Panama Pocahontas (R) Sorento (R) Boone: Belvidere Capron Herbert Brown: Illinois River bottoms, southeast Mt. Sterling (R) Siloam State Park Versailles (R) Bureau: Arlington Buda (R) Bureau Cherry (R) Dalzell (R) Ladd La Moille Mineral Neponset (R) Princeton Sheffield Spring Valley Tiskilwa Calhoun: Kampsville (R) Carroll: Chadwick Milledgeville Mt. Carroll (R) Savanna (R) Shannon Cass: Arenzville (R) Ashland (R) UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON GROUNDWATER Beards town Virginia Champaign: Allerton (R) Broadlands (R) Champaign, Industrial supply- north and west of Champaign- Urbana (R) Chanute Air Force Base (R) Fisher Homer (R) Longview (R) Mahomet (R) Ogden Pesotum, Along Illinois Central Railroad at Philo (R) Staley Thomasboro Tolono (R) University of Illinois (R) University of Illinois and University Airport Christian: Assumption (R) Edinburg (R) Morrisonville (R) Mt. Auburn (R) Owaneco Pana Stonington (R) Taylor ville (R) Clark: Marshall (R) Martinsville Westfield (R) Clay: Clay City Clay City, 50-mile radius of Flora Little Wabash River, West of Clinton: Albers Aviston (R) Bartelso Carlyle, Kaskaskia River bottoms near Centralia field, Water flooding in the Germantown Kaskaskia River bottoms Louisville and Nashville Railroad Louisville and Nashville Railroad southeast of Queen Lake, Along New Baden New Memphis St. Rose St. Rose Township Trenton Coles: Charleston Coles County Airport Fox Ridge and Lincoln Log Cabin State Park Loxa area Mattoon (R) Oakland to Brushton, Region from Trilla Cook: Arlington Heights Barrington Township Blue Island Calumet district Calumet Lake, South of Camp Palos Hills (R) Chicago (Loop area) Chicago, Region within 50 miles of Chicago area, Geology of ground- water in Chicago Heights Crestwood Des Plaines DesPlaines River Valley, West of Dolton Evanston Evergreen Park Flossmoor Glenview La Grange Park Lansing Lemont Matte son Morton Grove ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Mt. Prospect Niles Northfield Oak Forest Oak Lawn Or land Park Palos Park Park Forest Park Forest, Industrial supplies at Riverside Shauberg Township Summit Thornton Tinley Park Westchester Western Springs Willow Springs (R) Winnetka Cumberland: Greenup (R) Hazel Dell School area (R) Hurricane Creek area (R) Jewett (R) Neoga (R) Toledo (R) Crawford: Bellair pool (R) Flat Rock (R) Oblong (R) Palestine Wabash River area near Palestine Wabash Valley near Palestine DeKalb: Cortland De Kalb Genoa Hinckley Kirkland Sandwich Shabbona De Witt: Clinton Clinton, Gravels of the Mahomet Valley at De Witt Farmer City (R) Kenney Wapella Douglas: Areola (R) Arthur (R) Garrett Kaskaskia River area, Industrial supplies in the upper Newman (R) i Tuscola DuPage: Belmont Downers Grove Downers Grove and Aurora Elmhurst Lisle Lombard Roselle Tristate Village Villa Park Warrenville West Chicago Wheaton Winfield Winfield, Milton, and Naperville townships Wood Dale Edgar: Chrisman Hume (R) Metcalf (R) Paris (R) Scottland (R) Edwards: Albion West Salem Effingham: Altamont Beecher City (R) Dieterich (R) Teutopolis (R) Fayette: Brownstown (R) Farina Lake Ramser State Park (R) UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON GROUNDWATER Ramsey (R) St. Elmo Vandalia (R) Ford: Gibson City (R) Kempton (R) Melvin Paxton (R) Franklin: Benton Benton pool, Supplies for water flooding in Buckner Sesser Thompsonville (R) Valier Zeigler Fulton: Avon (R) Camp Ellis and Spoon River Valley (R) Canton and Cuba, Along road between Civer Cuba (R) Dickson Mounds State Park Fairview (R) Farmington (R) Fiatt Lewistown Rice Lake Wildlife Area St. David (R) T. 8 N., R. 3 E., Deep possibilities in Table Grove (R) Vermont (R) Gallatin: Equality (R) Junction oil field area New Shawnee town (R) Omaha (R) Greene: Carrollton, Near Drake Greenfield (R) Hill view Rockbridge (R) Roodhouse White Hall (R) Grundy: Aux Sable Lock Gardner (R) Kankakee and Illinois rivers, Junction of Kinsman (R) Mazon (R) Minooka Morris Hamilton: Broughton Dahlgren McLeansboro (R) Hancock: Augusta Bowen (R) Carthage (R) Dallas City Elvaston LaHarpe (R) LaHarpe and the Illinois River, Along the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad between Nauvoo Plymouth Warsaw, Carthage, and Hamilton West Point Hardin: Cave in Rock Rosiclare (R) Henderson: Biggsville Dallas City Lockland Dam 18 Milroy Mississippi River bottoms Stronghurst Henry: Alpha And over Annawan Bishop Hill Colona Galva Geneseo ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Green River Galena Henry County report Hanover (R) Kewanee (R) Sawanna Ordnance Depot Woodhull Scales Mound Stockton Iroquois: Warren Ashkum Danforth (R) Johnson: Gilman (R) Cypress (R) Loda (R) Fern Clyffe State Park Milford Goreville Milford, Industrial supplies at Vienna (R) Stockland Thawville Kane: Watseka Aurora Batavia Jackson: Batavia, Colonial Village Ava Burlington Campbell Hill Dundee Carbondale Elgin De Soto Elgin to Dundee Giant City State Park Geneva Gorham Hampshire Murphysboro Lily Lake Murphysboro, West of Maple Park Jasper: Mary Woods Gila Montgomery Hunt City North Aurora St. Charles Jefferson: Sugar Grove Jefferson, Franklin, and Hamilton Virgil counties Mt. Vernon Kankake e : Mt. Vernon, Along Louisville and Aroma Park Nashville Railroad at Bourbonnais Waltonville Bradley Woodlawn Buckingham Jersey: Cabery Chebanse Brighton (R) Kankake e Camp Potawatomi Kankakee State Park Chautauqua Manteno Elsah Fieldon Momence Jerseyville (R) Reddick (R) Pere Marquette State Park (R) Union Hill Jo Daviess: Kendall: Apple River Newark East Dubuque Yorkville (R) UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON GROUNDWATER Knox: Abingdon Altona Camp Gales burg Galesburg Maquon (R) Oneida (R) Victoria (R) Wataga (R) Williamsfield (R) Yates City (R) Lake: Antioch (R) Bannockburn Barrington (R) Camp Duncan DesPlaines Valley, Upper Fox Lake Grays Lake Gurnee (R) Highwood Illinois Beach State Park Lake Villa Lake Zurich Libertyville Long Lake Millburn and Wadsworth, Vicinity of Mundelein (R) Round Lake Beach Wauconda Waukegan Winthrop Harbor Zion LaSalle: Earlville Grand Ridge Jones ville LaSalle Lostant (R) Marseilles Marseilles Lock Mendota Ottawa Ottawa, LaSalle, Peru, Streator, and Mendota Peru Ransom (R) Rutland (R) Seneca Starved Rock State Park Streator, North of Ticona Valley, Buried Tonica (R) Troy Grove Wedron Lawrence: Bridgeport Lawrenceville (R) Red Hill State Park St. Francisville Sumner Lee: Amboy Ashton Compton Dixon Franklin Grove Green River Ordnance Plant Prairieville Sublette West Brooklyn Livingston: Chatsworth (R) Cornell Cullom (R) Flanagan Livingston County report Odell (R) Pontiac Pontiac, Industrial supplies at Saunemin (R) Logan: Broadwell (R) Elkhart (R) Emden (R) Latham (R) Lincoln (R) Middletown (R) McDonough: Argyle Lake area Blandinsville (R) Bushnell Colchester (R) 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Good Hope Industry Macomb (R) New Salem Township (R) Prairie City Sciota McHenry: Big Foot Prairie Cary Chemung Crystal Lake (R) Fox River Grove Harvard Huntley Marengo Richmond Ringwood Union Woodstock (R) McLean: Anchor Arrowsmith Bellflower Bloomington Carlock Chenoa (R) Colfax Cooks ville Danvers (R) Downs (R) East Bay Camp Ellsworth Gridley Hey worth (R) Hudson Lexington (R) Normal (R) Towanda (R) Yuton Macon: Argenta Blue Mound Decatur Harristown Lake Decatur, Major sources near Sangamon River upstream from Macon (R) Mt. Zion (R) Niantic (R) Oreana (R) Warrensburg (R) Macoupin: Benld (R) Brighton (R) Bunker Hill (R) Carlinville Gillespie Girard (R) Litchfield -Mt. Olive (R) Medora (R) Modesto (R) Mt. Olive (R) Palmyra (R) Plainview Shipman Wilsonville Madison: Alhambra (R) Alton Alton to Dupo, Mississippi River bottoms from Bethalto Collins ville Edwardsville Glen Carbon (R) Granite City Hamel Highland Livingston (R) Marine (R) Williamson (R) Wood River (R) Wood River and Granite City, American Bottoms at Worden (R) Marion: Centralia Kinmundy Odin Patoka (R) Salem Vernon (R) UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON GROUNDWATER 1 1 Marshall: Camp Grove (R) Henry LaRose Spar land (R) Toluca Varna (R) Wenona (R) Mason: Easton Havanna Mason City Mason and Tazewell counties San Jose Massac: Joppa Metropolis Menard: Athens (R) Greenview (R) Petersburg (R) Tallula (R) Mercer: Aledo (R) Joy (R) Keithsburg New Windsor Seaton (R) Monroe: Hecker Montgomery: Barnett (R) Coffeen Farmersville (R) Harvel (R) Litchfield (R) Nokomis (R) Raymond (R) Raymond, Sites worth testing for water east of Morgan: Chapin (R) Jacksonville (R) Jacksonville, Air conditioning at Murrayville (R) Nickols Park (R) Woodson (R) Moultrie: Arthur (R) Bethany (R) Gays (R) Lovington (R) Ogle: Creston Forreston Leaf River Lowden Memorial State Park Mt. Morris Oregon Polo Rochelle Stillman Valley Peoria: Brimfield (R) Chillicothe (R) Elmwood (R) Hanna City Peoria (R) Peoria County report Peoria Heights Peoria-Pekin area Princeville Perry: Cutler Four Mile Prairie (near Pinckney ville) Pinckneyville Tamoroa Willisville Piatt: Allerton Estate and vicinity (R) Cisco Deland (R) Mansfield Monticello White Heath Pike: Barry (R) Griggsville (R) 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Kinderhook (R) Milton Nebo (R) New Canton (R) Pittsfield (R) Valley City (R) Pope: Dixon Springs State Park Eddyville Pulaski: Grand Chain Karnak (R) Mounds Olmsted Perks Pulaski, New Grand Chain, Karnak, and Ullin Putnam: Granville Magnolia Mark (R) Randolph: Baldwin Baldwin, Kaskaskia River bottoms west of Ellis Grove Evansville (R) Ford Percy Red Bud Sparta (R) Steeleville Tilden Richland: Calhoun Claremont Dundas Noble Olney Parkersburg Rock Island: Andalusia Barstow Carbon Cliff Coal Valley (R) Cordova Township East Moline Edgington Loud Thunder Forest Preserve Milan Port Byron Rapids City Reynolds Rock Island Silvis Silvis Heights St. Clair: Alorton Belleville Bond, Madison, and Clinton counties Dupo East St. Louis Fayetteville and Johannisburg Township Freeburg Lebanon (R) Lenzburg Marissa (R) Mascoutah (R) Millstadt New Athens St. Clair County report St. Louis to Cairo, Mississippi River Valley from Shiloh (R) Smithton Summer field Washington Park Saline: Carriers Mills Eldorado, Industrial supply through Galatia Harrisburg Muddy Shawnee National Forest Sangamon: Buffalo (R) Cant rail (R) Illiopolis (R) Mechanicsburg (R) New Berlin (R) New Berlin-Loami (R) UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON GROUNDWATER 13 Pleasant Plains (R) Rochester Sherman Springfield Springfield to Chatham, Along Highway 4 from Williamsville (R) Schuyler: Rushville Scott: Bluffs (R) Bluffs, Illinois Valley bottoms near Winchester Shelby: Findlay Herrick (R) Moweaqua (R) Oconee Shelbyville (R) Stewardson Strasburg Tower Hill (R) Westervelt (R) Windsor (R) Stark: Lafayette Stark County report Wyoming (R) Stephenson: Cedarville Dakota Freeport (R) Kent Pearl City Tazewell: Armington Creve Coeur East Peoria (R) Mackinaw (R) Morton Pekin South Pekin Tremont Washington Union: Alto Pass Anna Dongola Jonesboro Vermilion: Allerton (R) Catlin (R) Danville Fithian Hoopeston Indianola Muncie Oakwood (R) Olivet Potomac Ridge Farm (R) Rossville Junction Sidell (R) Westville Wabash: Allendale (R) Bellmont Keensburg Mt. Carmel Warren: Monmouth Roseville (R) Warren County report Washington: Ashley Hoyleton (R) Johannisburg Township Nashville Nashville, Industrial supplies at Okawville Wayne: Cisne Fairfield Rinard Wayne City (R) White: Carmi Carmi, Along Louisville and Nash- ville Railroad southeast of 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Crossville (R) Enfield (R) Grayville Mill Shoals (R) Mill Shoals - Burnt Prairie (R) Storms field (R) Whiteside: Albany- Erie Morrison (R) Prophetstown Rock Falls Sterling Will: Braidwood (R) Channahon Chicago Heights, East and south of Crete Elwood Green Garden Township Joliet (R) Lockport Mokena New Lenox Park Forest Hills subdivision Peotone Plainfield Wilmington (R) Williamson: Creal Springs Marion Pittsburg (R) Winnebago: Durand Loves Park Pecatonica Rockford Rockton Winnebago Woodford: Cruger (R) Deer Creek Eureka (R) Metamora (R) Minonk (R) Panola nnnnzif CIRCULAR 210 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA