L I B R.AFLY OF THE U N IVERSITY Of ILLI NOIS 621.365 Ii€55-te no. 40-49 cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/finiterangewiene42mitt ANTENNA LABORATORY Technical Report No. 42 THE FINITE RANGE WIENER-HOPF INTEGRAL EQUATION AND A BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM IN A WAVEGUIDE by Raj Mittra 1 October 1959 Contract No. AF33 (616)-6079 Project No. 9- (13-6278) Task 40572 Sponsored by: WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois - i z Page 1. Introduction 2_ Formulation of the Problem 2 3. Solution for the Infinite L Case 7 -. Calculation of the Unknown Coefficients for L = 10 5. Solution for Finite L 15 6. The Complementary Integral Equation 23 7. The Edge Condition 30 8. Numerical Calculation 31 Conclusion ^2 Acknowledgments ^2 Appendix y^ References ^Q 1. Introduction In this report we shall formulate the problem of a finite bifurcatien in a rectangular waveguide the geometry of which is shown in Figure 1. The formu- lation will he in terms of a finite range Wiener-Hopf integral equation. x=^ a x= o / 1 i*o *1 ?=L FIGUEE 1 THE FINITE BIFURCATION PROBLEM IN A WAVEGUIDE We shall subsequently present the solution of this integral equation using an analytic, rather than iterative or approximate means. The solution for the case when L is infinitely large will be a starting point for developing the solution for finite L. The mathematical problem of solving a finite range integral equation of the type -p 9A k a* which are easily verified. The problem can be stated as follows is to be found, satisfying the equation The function A (V^) = (2.1) and the following conditions, 1. A=0 at X- } a for all 2 . 2. A-0 at *-*/2 ; 0M* C- fw-^ )d , = f$-*fyi ^ e '.Sinn* + J jG.B(X;Z)j -d (2.5) 2 where ax 2 }x 2 - di'Sonkinuily of bA ' ' dx at y=a/ 2 The contribution of the line integral comes, only from the plate at X =. Q~/2 and from the part of the contour at large negative % - 1% 2 The latter gives rise to the term Q -SinrTX i n (2.5)' From a. (2.4) and (2.5) we obtain, -17,2 f L (2.6) 6m - Bfx,2)| y = ^7 6 Now applying the boundary condition A = for X - ^/z 0^2 £L , we get the desired integral equation for the current density distribution on the septum which is simply related to BC2). The equation is -tf, Z ° e (2.7) y = 4/ z P L -[y 2 . H i-*- z, k ^ 1- .e .B^)dz a 4 ,=o -/ '2/?+l or e "^ ; f L - , ^-i^/s-zoi - i We note that the kernel KlZ-iJof this integral equation is a series of exponentials and our object is to solve for the function £>(£), Before we go on to discuss the case of finite L we shall solve the equation for L =0 ° • The reason for doing this is twofold. First of all, in so doing, we shall be able to point out the modification necessary to go from the infinite to the finite L case. Furthermore, we shall see that the infinite L solutions are useful in developing the expressions for &(2) for a finite |_ * The next section will therefore be devoted to the case when the length |_ is infinite in the positive 2 -direction. 3- Solution for the Infinite L Case X = ^L x = VoO iU x«« '2 FIGURE 3 THE SEMI-INFINITE BIFURCATION In this section we discuss the special case of L = 0° . It can be shown without any difficulty that the integral equation in the present case is obtained by putting L = oo in the Equation (2.7) and although conditions are now different for J£ — >? cO j this does not modify the Equation (2.7) in any way. Hence, we consider the equation e - ly >*° i , e -i? w |2-2 | (3-1) "" t ' in the right hand side must be equal to 1. « -Winn z o 2. The coefficients of c must equal zero for all 3- The coefficients of 6 must equal zero for all Y) • The first two conditions yield a set of equations for Cy^. The equations are, £ G, — „ a%s* n =o,u-- (3.5) 7)- 1 rj rJ > Condition 3 however yields a set of identities as follows, ^7o 7 z -7 2 '2/Z+l '2H (3.6) Clearly, the Equations (3.6) do not impose any condition on C^ S Implicitly, however, the equations put a condition on the exponentials which were used to express 3(2) in (3-2). It can be verified that the partic- ular choice of the mode functions / zy) S in the series of exponentials for B(2) instead of any other arbitrary set of constants, indeed does make the Equations (3. 6) to be identically true. Another way of looking at it is the following. / 5 are the zeros of the Fourier Transform °f Kl2l and hence the Equations (3-l) a *"e identically true. 10 We therefore should concentrate on solving the set of Equations (3-5) for Cn • It i s seen that we shall accomplish this by calculating Z^jbA^ where ^ is the determinant of (3-5) and ^ |p is its cofactor. In the following section we present a method for calculating the Cy» S> • k. Calculation of the Unknown Coefficients for L = «o To calculate the coefficients Cr\ S it is useful to consider a finite size matrix, i.e., one with finite p 1 and then go to the limit of V) 1 — ^oo The determinant of the system, if a ( btfj? ) one is considered, is, A v*» y 4 -7, 7.-7, '2. '5 I 7-7 * '2|H '4- '3 ^W ' 7. %-% 7 -7 (*.l) The determinant A due to the form of its elements is called a "double alternant" in the language of the theory of determinants. This is because each element of the determinant is a reciprocal of the difference [^iy\ ~ y o \) and onl y one index viz., 'n' varies as we go along a row and the other index tl' changes (keeping 10 constant) 11 when we go along the columns. Because of its form, the determinant can be simply expressed in terms of difference products as shown below. A = l 'l*l ^" (k.2) KM Notice first of all that the expression for A in (4.2) contains all the factors (ill ~ Aq-fi) i n "the denominator which it must, in view of the nature of the elements of the determinant given by the Equation (4.1). Moreover, if one lets, say, ^ = °/ 4 in (4.1), it is seen that A = 0. Hence A must have combinations of factors of the type i.'lra - 7lt) For similar reasons it also has factors of the type ( ll 2P*i ~ °/ a+i) A little algebra of repeated subtraction of rows from rows and columns from columns would show that (4.2) is indeed true. The calculation of the cofactors follows along the same lines. We note for instance that ^it is just a (|^'0 * ('F"' 1 ) determinant of the same type as A, so we have, „ui«ca 2 -^J 12 (M) Essentially then, we get ^||- from A by cancelling out the factors containing 7\ and Tzt- an d using a positive or negative sign depend- ing on whether t is odd or even respectively. Since our primary in- terest is to form ^Ifc/^ we calculate that using (^-.2) and (^-3) obtaining, Ht •±* = (-) <$=0 1- £#fc (*.*) I 5 "" f- t-l /} U (tl -*) il (V^D^J Noting that the last two factors in the denominator can be combined and rewritten as 13 fct«. ^ f (4.5) (4.6) the ratio ^ /& is simply expressed as . ZAib _ |=6 m Equation (4.6) gives an expression for ^ l& i- n terms of the mode constants of the guide. Once ^^/^ is known in the explicit fc of (4.6), the set of Equations (3-5) can he considered as formally solved. We have, of course, yet to let the index f go to infinity. Before we do that, however, let us modify slightly the expression in the right hand side of (4.6). Rewrite (4.6) as, orm Ik Ait I- 1 ' 1*1 (VX) R (1*,-*) h <- ft ( '2(- 4tj (*.7) and again as, At TT a ■ n iy J ^ & (iz V> ~ i>] (^ (4.8) and CK ~ The reason for introducing the multiplying factors of the type v^fT ( 2fy\) TT is the following. When b— ^o* the ratio of products inside the curly "brackets can be asymptotically expressed as a ratio of Gamma Functions multiplied by a finite number of terms. This makes the numerical calculation easier , and moreover, assures the convergence of 15 the expression in (4.8). This point is discussed in more detail in the appendix (Appendix i). Using (4.8) in (3-5) we obtain the expressions for Cvj as, C y\ = h f /JV-HV \ \ fJs-% ^ n H (^•9) ^^T"'^ c t We have' in the Equation (4.9), in effect the solution of the integral equation for the case of L = 00 . In the following we proceed to show that the idea developed in this section can he extended to the finite L case. 5« Solution for Finite L Let us go hack to Section 2 and to the Equation (2.7) where we have the integral equation, -tr,* I fc fit aQ -Um\ \?'2o\ n^O 0/ 11 .%(z)di , 0^,1 ( io ~ 1 ^ ~Llzmi &o 1/2/1+1 ^o Following the same argument as was used for the case of infinite L one sets the following conditions, 1. The coefficients .of 6 and £ should equal zero for all 'n l . n ^'211+1 io 2. The coefficients of 6 should equal zero for all 'r' and of e ~^f^*\ Ho fQr all , r , except r = . Since the left hand side of the integral equation contains only C it is seen with little difficulty that the above conditions must be satisfied in order for the two sides to agree, for all ~£ in the range concerned. IT As in the infinite L case, it is found that the coefficient of Q when equated to zero yields an identity. This identity turns out to be the same as in the ]_, = oo case. Furthermore, L%vi (Zo-L) the coefficient of Q ' equated to zero yeilds the same identity. Hence condition one is automatically satisfied. Equating the coefficients of I ^0 (5-2) e*9 11=1 -inr\i- Dn e Tavi -t 7 2/l+ n /-2V1 '3 20 + = (5.5) There doesn't seem to he a way of expressing the determinant of the set (5.2) and (5-5) in a simple form. However, a couple of steps modify things to a more suitable form. Adding and subtracting (5-2) and (5-5) we get, oo fDn-F^ »rl 7^-7^+1 -L72nL '2W 4'?+ I - = 0-71S2 (5-M 18 -i7zni 2(141 M S Q * (5-5) It is seen that (5.4) are independent sets of equations and the determi- ats associated with them are quite similar. We also notice that L = 0° )uld make the determinants of the sets the same and hence would imply that Dn" ^y\ = Dn^ P>, or simply F n - > a result which 1 should of course expect. We now proceed to develop the expressions for ^determinants of (5. 4) and (5-5), and their cofactors. Written explicitly the determinant of (5.4), say A L is, A L = >-lV,L V>5 -Tz-% ■kA -\--hl \%-\ -%-% -l7 4 L j e -UhL > - (5.6) It is seen that (5-6) is a determinant each column of which is a sum J terms. One can therefore use the well-known rule for expanding such ■eterminant. Consider for instance the matrix [M] which can be written a s a sum of two matrices [M-J and [M ]. Let 19 [M] a„ +b l| T U„ 4,2. t bn CU -4- t> 2| "+ u 2.l a n + (> 2.1 (5-7) - M + M where [H,] = a». a 12 a ; a 22. [M 2 ] -. L >!2 >22 Then the determinant A of M can "be expressed as A = a,, $21 + a l2 . -r Q.i biz a i2 a 2 , kv b.l a, z bzi a 22 fc>n bii (5.8) 20 It is seen that the determinant A can be expressed as a sum of, say., sub- determinants which are formed by picking all possible combinations of the columns of the matrices [mJ] and [m "] but never changing the respective positions of the columns. The rule is easily extended to an arbitrary size determinant. Going- tack to (5-6), it is noticed that the matrix associated with it say [N] can also be expressed as a sum of two matrices [N, ] and [N Q ] as follows, [u]=M +K) (5.9) + \%\- e ^3 Notice now that the first matrix N is the same as the one for L = cO , and we have already calculated its determinant A. Notice also that if the first column [N,] is replaced by the first column of [Ng], the new determi- nant can be expressed as - e" * Af-V) > where ^ (" 7J 1S the original determinant A of [N ] with 9^ replaced by - % Thus we have the following possible expansion for the determinant ^ 21 A L = A 00 -L7 2 aL 1- * ^ -UTk + TUjL (510) 8" , <*> , °° - 2 _ C(1z.% + % n -*1is)L ^il } n=^toS=n + i /^-fy-w&K 4- - Since the higher order mode coefficients '/-» S etc are negative imaginary numhers and _ 2^/71 as q becomes large, it is seen that d a the higher order terms tend to zero in an exponential manner. It can be verified from the expression of the ratios of the determinants in (5-6) that they only have an algebraic rather than exponential behavior. The cofactors of the determinant J Say, A^ L can be expressed in a simi- lar manner. Take for instance A IbL It has the expansion A ItL = (5.11) *," , 4 - 1 **/ UM+fzn)*- **»'"•»" . 1 (5.1^) 4 -t -- and. Y = / .-LTWl + ^- e -L (^7 2 a)L ■+ - - - + -"- Hence from (5-12) and (5.13) 23 A (-7 ZV ^)A (5.15) D t 07 ^ib 2 ' Z • F < _ a'Vi At 2 A ~* -U - Y v. (5.16) The formal solution of the finite range integral equation is thus complete . 6. The Complementary Integral Equation In this section we shall formulate the complementary integral equation in terms of the fields outside of the bifurcation region. The advantage of using this equation for the determination of the expressions of the fields outside the bifurcation region will he pointed out. In addition to that the method developed in Section 5 will he shown to he applicable for solving this equation also. It will therefore be of interest to discuss the complementary integral equation. X- 4. ^ i 1 1 z--<- -< 1 J C y=o ^ x = a/ 2 FIGURE k 2k Consider the geometry of the problem again. From the symmetry of the struc- ture and for the dominant mode incidence it is seen that the potential A satisfies the boundary condition, M =0 H L in addition to the ones mentioned previously, viz., A = o, x = OA h y *" ' z ' aYU * A = °' X °i ' ° a ^ Now suppose we consider the region bounded by the contour C shown in Figure ^-. Choosing a Green's function G which satisfies, G =0 , x = a , O for o\\ Z z G — *0 oo ? — * =*> the following equation is easily derived (6.1) Afo, z ) = •at? I dz X=G tx (6.2) /V*,?) di X-A/a The Green's Function G satisfying (6.1) is ^--""rv,^, Xv) fl- CC a (6.3) er y ^ j ) ^ ^ has the fQrm Pr z) . e + Z_^„e ,-<«. (66) which is obtained by assuming that J\(x,2) is expanded in terms of the appropriate mode functions in the guide for the ranges of 2 concerned. When (6.6) is substituted in (6.5) we get integrals I of the type, ii r / e . e cig which are similar to the integrals I appearing in (3.3) but with the roles of r f zn and 7i>, interchanged. We also get integrals I , where, J-z = J e > e «i L. When these integrals are evaluated we get the exponentials £ -L7j» £0 ^ Using the ideas developed before, we obtain the Equation by equating the coefficient of 6 to zero, which condition is required for the satisfaction of (6.5). Furthermore, the coefficient of =o v 7™-'i|»ti -7^,-7^/ 7»-f7»v, 7,-7 ? n (6.9) - L 72./) L \ - t ?2» L J___ _ £ ) m j 1_. h° \ Xn "A^fi ~ /zbti ~7**i ' 7i+%v? 7,- 7 2K1 A^+fy) (6.10) fl = 1,2; - OO Notice first of all that the matrix of (6.9) is the transpose of (5-5) and the matrix of (6.10) is the transpose of (^.k). Hence, the method of dealing with them will be expected to be similar to the one developed earlier. However, the right hand side of the equations here is different from that obtained in the corresponding case in Chapter 5- Here, the right hand side, treated as a column vector is obtained by replacing 7/ by -Y in the first column of the matrix associated with (6.9) , (6.10) . 28 Hence , we readily obtain the form of the solution (6.11) where A is the determinant of (6.9) and Z\ I H ry ) implies 1 '2/J + l ''/ the determinant obtained by replacing n l )V r/ /Z^-+! / ~ 'I » Similarly, (2-) (6.12) (2) where A is associated with (6. 10). If our primary interest lies in obtaining the Reflection and the Transmission Coefficients- A^ and &., it is seen that we have to evalute J) (6.11) and (6.12) for n = O only. That A and ft are indeed the Reflec- tion and Transmission Coefficients is seen from (^6.6). To complete the solution we should present the expression for the ratios of A's. The expressions are developed in the manner developed earlier. Consider for instance A , which written explicitly, is, A (0 ,-O^L -%-Vi ) —j—>\ l*-* (6.13) 29 The expansion of Z^ a difference of two, is, obtained by treating each of its rows as A iu _ ^ (6.1*0 where, Z^ - (I) (6.15) The expression for A is the same as given in (k.2) , since it is essen- tially the same determinant as appears in (4.1). It is seen that the leading term of the expansion of A is A. It will be of interest to derive the expression for the leading term of the Reflection Coefficient A . Since ' 1 L-9o0 l_-* eO Hence, From (h.2), tivy, A -" A (* ~* ■ rV ' ) A o = \\*v\ nj ■ r M (6.16) 30 The higher order terms are developed without much difficulty. 7. The Edge Condition As was pointed out in Section 2, the field potential has to satisfy the edge condition, which is in fact a condition on | Sjh\ in the vicinity of the edge. In this section we shall indicate a way of verifying that the edge condition is indeed satisfied by the solution obtained. An alternative way of stating the edge condition is that the current density distribution on the septum tends to infinity as Vj^" 1 as Z—*Ot an( 3- as /ft- 7 ft as 7 — * L_. We will accomplish this if we show that Bfc) defined in connection with the Equation (2.5), has the above behavior. Following Hurd we know that this will follow if in the expansion of B(2) , which is Bfz)* 1. ^e ■+ 2_ R, e we show that, F* l is primarily determined by ^iv> . As shown in Appendix I, ^JJ? indeed A ^ tends to j£i as /) becomes indefinitely large 31 Considering F now, we see from (5.l6) that the leading term in F n n is P e /£±\*\ where R is a constant. Hence, as ?^L. 2T at fa* edtyz &L- 6(2) again goes to infinity as /(i_-2)^ • The integrated current of course is much smaller compared to the current density at the edge 2=- o r A because of the multiplying factor Q~ z (note that Ok is a negative imaginary number). 8. Numerical Calculation Only a brief discussion will be given here on the aspect of numerical calculation. We observe first of all that the computation of the mode co- efficients in the various regions involves the calculation of infinite series of terms which contain ratios of infinite products. It was pointed out in earlier sections that only a finite numbers in the infinite series need be taken because of the exponentially decaying nature of the higher order terms in the series. As far as the ratios of infinite products are concerned, they can be expressed asymptotically to ratios of finite products and appropriate Gamma functions as shown in the Appendix. Sample numerical computations have been carried out and they have not been found either difficult or large time consuming. Although the digital computers are helpful, a hand computer is also quite efficient for obtaining answers even when L is of the order of ^9/2 for the dominant mode., or even smaller. 32 Conclusion The finite bifurcation problem in a rectangular waveguide has been formulated in terms of a finite range Wiener-Hopf integral equation. The solution of this equation has been obtained by analytic means. The case when the septum is semi-infinite has also been included and a connection between the methods of solution for the finite and the infinite case has "been provided, the finite case being an extension of the infinite one. The problem of numerically calculating the quantities of interest, viz., the mode coefficients has been discussed briefly. The technique presented here is general and is applicable to other finite range Wiener-Hopf integral equations for which the kernel can be expanded as a series of exponentials - % \2-2o\ of the type (=> where 2 and 2.0 are the variable coordinates. Acknowledgments The author wishes to acknowledge the support provided by Wright Field Air Development Center through the Research Grant AF33(6l6)=-6079. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge the facilities of the Antenna Laboratory of the University of Illinois who provided for the preparation of the paper. 33 APPENDIX The purpose of this appendix is to recast the form of ^»fc given in the equation (^-.8) into one involving Gamma functions which enables one to show the convergence of the products and also helps study the asymptotic behavior of ^Jt as t becomes large. The technique illustrated here for An- & — c can also be applied to the ratios of other determinants that appear in the text. Let us rewrite (^.8) as - i v*)f ¥ 1 *l" XJ l H- l% )\ >(A-1) I (i1 V lf& -2 J = !I.P,.R I • ' 2 4, where P and P are the ratios of the products in the first and second curly brackets respectively. Now P, can be modified and put in the form P HOV* J fz (A-2) =. R,. R 2 - ^3 3h where R, , Rg, R, are the three ratios of products enclosed by the big brackets in that order. The reason for putting P in the above form will now be explained. Re- membering that l?^ — => 1>il , for q large compared to k, it is observed that the ratio , (U\-^)% for large values ' q'. (A-3) Hence, instead of going to indefinitely large values of p when comput- ing the first curly bracket R in (A-2), we can only take a finite number as the upper limit. For a given accuracy requirement this upper limit, say P, is easily determined. The same is clearly true for the ratio of the prod- ucts R x . What we must do now is evaluate the ratio of the products appear- ing at the center, or R_. To this end consider the following well known expansion of the inverse of the Gamma function V(oc) _ at o 1 n — \ - fri-W |( Wl V 1 !- a r' l (a-5) J*) See for instance Magnus and Oberhetinger "Functions of Mathematical Physics", Chelsea Publishing Company or 35 Q, = 2.. (a-6) Similarly the second curly bracket P p in (A-l) may "be written as S.,( ( V*)^J (I ->o0 ^k ^2t . ill* f 1 ■ — / * Y 1 J v ^2 ' ^ w 1 IT / v 2 It ^) r7°£) s> ""•* f'-'fj z f'-^) '7^) (A-7) Combining all this it is possible to express ^/t with a high degree of accuracy as ; <4 CL At IT A i irtr*) T,^i) r(^) ry^] coht,^ — * 0*^) (1-1%) ^,-rt.j J (A-8) 36 where W) ^ { V (A-9) and J = J with the factors q = 1 omitted [\U T (A-10) Since the products J and H have a finite upper limit P, it is much more convenient to use (A-8) for calculating the ratio Ait > rather than the expression in (A-l), which involves the upper limit p tending to infinity. Next we go on to consider the asymptotic behavior of 4i£ as t — ^u> . Going hack to the equation (A-8) we see that this amounts to studying the behavior of the function say T, where r = r i <***) Co trM z l"Vtf* irrtr, 2 1 2.|T i|Ti (A-ll) o as 7*fc — * "" l ")£ It is noted that the only other factors that involve 't' are 7 (YU ) and hf(Yu) and the y consist of finite products and their limit for large t are constants which are easily obtained. ar 37 Inserting the asymptotic behavior of the Gamma functions for large guments we get using jcob (lY*t^\ ft IT - ^'Y*t-£ )| ~ * ' ^ ^2t^ -* ^ > U IT I — * S J- where S is a constant. Hence there follows that, (iv^ Z\it __^ — where S Q is another constant (A-12) 2 Equation (A-12) gives the asymptotic behavior of ^i£ as t -=? ^ . It also tr demonstrates the validity of the statement made in Section 7 of the text that ^Mt has the rVu behavior as t ' — *? <*) We shall close the appendix with one further remark. For numerical calculation, the most convenient expression for the ratio of the products <4j£ is the one appearing in (A-8). This Is because the products J and H appearing in that expression have a finite upper limit. As pointed out in the beginning of this section, other ratios of products appearing in the text can also be recast into a similar form. REFERENCES 38 1. Mittra, R., "On the Solution of a Class of Wiener-Hopf Integral Equation in Finite and Infinite Ranges," Technical Report No,. 37 y Antenna Laboratory , University of Illinois. 2. Marcuvitz, Waveguide Handbook , R. Lab. Series, Vol. 10, McGraw-Hill Co. 3- Hurd and Gruenberg, "H-Plane Bifurcation of Rectangular Waveguides," Canadian Jour , of Phys . , Vol. 32, No. 11, November, 195^.