333 W 775 ILUCR. n t ■ 2000 -02. t Report 2000-02 ILLlNOtS STATE WATEH SURVEY LIBRARY COPY My 2 1 '01 Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration (SEPA) Stations: Effects on In-Stream Dissolved Oxygen by Thomas A. Butts, Dana B. Shackleford, and Thomas R. Bergerhouse Prepared for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago February 2000 Illinois State Water Survey Watershed Science Section Champaign, lllinofs A Division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources DATE DU ATE WATER SflflVEYLIBlMRYCBPY ISWS Butts, Thomas A. CR SIDESTREAM ELEVATED 2000-02 POOL AERATION (SEPA) Loan C.2 STATIONS: EFFECTS ON 00032806 IN-STREAM DISSOLVED OXYGEN. mOfSSTATf WATER STOimiir COPT ny 2 1 'ot SIDESTREAM ELEVATED POOL AERATION (SEPA) STATIONS: EFFECTS ON EV-STREAM DISSOLVED OXYGEN by Thomas A. Butts, Dana B. Shackleford, and Thomas R. Bergerhouse Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois State Water Survey 2204 Griffith Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-7495 This report was printed on recycled and recyclable papers. ABSTRACT As a result of increased pollutant loading and low in-stream velocities, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the Chicago waterways historically have been low. In 1984 the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) issued a feasibility report on a new concept of artificial aeration referred to as sidestream elevated pool aeration (SEP A). The SEPA station concept involves pumping a portion of water from a stream into an elevated pool. The water is then aerated by flowing over a series of cascades or waterfalls, returning to the stream. The MWRDGC proceeded with design criteria for SEPA stations as a result of experimental work performed by the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS). Five SEPA stations were constructed and placed in operation along the Calumet River, Little Calumet River, and the Cal-Sag Channel waterway. In 1995 the ISWS returned to conduct research to evaluate the reaeration efficiencies and their effects on in-stream DO. Continuous monitoring of DO, temperature, pH, and conductivity was performed at 14 locations along the Calumet and Little Calumet Rivers, Cal-Sag Channel, and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to evaluate the effectiveness of the SEPA stations on maintaining in-stream DO concentrations. Also, supplemental cross-sectional measurements were made at the 14 locations and at an additional seven locations. Comparisons of mass balance, completely mixed, in-stream mean DO concentrations at the SEPA station outfalls and those measured at cross-sectional stations immediately downstream of each SEPA station were made. Resuhs showed that each SEPA station has an immediate positive impact on in-stream DO concentrations. At SEPA stations 1 and 2, where the impacts are small, the positive effects can best be demonstrated using completely mixed values. Two important conclusions can be made. One is that the SEPA stations, particularly stations 3, 4, and 5, are fulfilling the intended function of maintaining stream DO standards in the Calumet and Little Calumet Rivers and the Cal-Sag Channel. The second is that DO concentrations less than the DO standard are still observed in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in the reach beginning above its juncture with the Cal- Sag Channel to the Lockport Lock and Dam. Over the entire study period, DO concentrations were maintained above the standard 98.6 percent of the time from the SEPA station 3 outfall to the intake of SEPA station 4 and 97.5 percent of the time from the outfall of SEPA station 4 to the intake of EPA station 5. Significant improvements in DO concentrations were also achieved for at least 4 miles downstream of SEPA station 5 in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Ill Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/sidestreanielevatOObutt CONTENTS MY 2 1 tH Page INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 Study Objectives 2 Acknowledgments 3 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 4 Study Area 4 Station Locations 4 Monitor Installation Designs 5 Study Period 7 Field Operations 9 Monitor Exchanges 9 Cross-sectional DO/Temperature Measurements 10 Nitrogen Sampling 12 Laboratory Operations and QA/QC Procedures 12 Monitor Preparation and Use 12 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 14 Data Reduction and Analyses 15 Probability Analyses 15 Comparative Analyses 18 RESULTS 20 Continuous Monitoring DO 20 Temporal (Station) Profiles 21 Longitudinal Profiles 21 Other Parameters 22 Cross-sectional DO/Temperature 22 DO Probability Distributions 25 DISCUSSION 27 CONCLUSIONS 39 REFERENCES 44 TABLES 45 FIGURES 77 Appendix A. YSI Model 6000upg 121 Appendix B. Continuous, Hourly DO Measurements 129 Appendix C. Summary of Continuous Monitoring for pH and Specific Conductance and Manually Collected Nitrogen Data 147 Appendix D. Ten Most Variable Cross-sectional DO Patterns Shown with Delimiting Isopleths 153 Appendix E. Hourly DO Probability Curves for Each Monitoring Station by Period 165 Appendix F. Daily Mean Probability Curves for Each Monitoring Station by Period 199 SroESTREAM ELEVATED POOL AERATION (SEPA) STATIONS: EFFECTS ON EV-STREAM DISSOLVED OXYGEN by Thomas A. Butts, DanaB. Shackleford, and Thomas R. Bergerhouse INTRODUCTION As a result of increased pollutant loading and low in-stream velocities, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the Chicago waterway historically have been low. During the 1970s, water quality modeling was performed by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (District) to evaluate the effectiveness of tertiary treatment on reducing the occurrence of low DO levels. The results were not encouraging. The construction of advanced waste treatment facilities at each of the three major District plants would result in the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars while producing questionable results. Consequently, the District began investigating in-stream aeration as an alternative for increasing waterway DO concentrations. Background During the late 1960s the District considered four in-stream aeration approaches: barge-mounted aeration devices, in-stream mounted mechanical aerators, U-tubes at head-loss structures, and dififijsed air systems using ambient air blowers or molecular oxygen. The in-stream mechanical system, although the most cost-effective, could not be used because of navigational considerations. The District evaluated the barge-mounted system in Chicago area waterways, but it did not prove to be practical. The U-tubes are not applicable at most locations at which chronic low DO concentrations occur in the Chicago area waterways because such installations require large instantaneous head losses to operate. By default, diffused aeration was selected by the District for supplementing waterway DO at ten locations, and two diffused aeration stations were built. In 1979, the Devon Avenue station was completed on the North Shore Channel. A second aeration station was constructed at Webster Street on the North Branch of the Chicago River and became operational in 1980. These diffused aeration stations experienced operational and maintenance problems. Prior to building eight additional aeration stations, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) deferred on its demands for the District to build advanced wastewater treatment plants while, in turn, endorsing the use of in-stream aeration. This reversal in opinion prompted an immediate search for an improved technological approach to aerating the waterways. In 1984, the District (Macaitis et al., 1984) issued a feasibility report on a new concept of artificial aeration referred to as sidestream elevated pool aeration (SEP A). The SEPA station concept involves pumping a portion of the water from the stream into an elevated pool. The water is then aerated by flowing over a cascade or waterfall that returns the aerated water to the stream. Over the next several years, modifications were made to the SEPA station design originally proposed by Macaitis et al. (1984). In particular, Tom Butts, with the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS), suggested using a stepped-weir system in place of a continuous cascade or one large waterfall. As a result, research scientists from the ISWS and the District's Research and Development Department cooperated in conducting full- scale testing of a sharp-crested weir system during 1987 and 1988. A prototype SEPA station was built along the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at the District's Stickney Water Reclamation Plant. This experimental work led to the development of SEPA station design criteria by Butts (1988). Information and recommendations in this report (Butts, 1988) were used by District consultants to design five SEPA stations along the Calumet waterway system (figure 1). Figures 2-6 are photographs of all five SEPA stations. Table 1 presents waterway mile locations and basic design features of all five SEPA stations. Study Objectives Additional artificial aeration stations are being planned for future locations along the Chicago waterway system. But, information is needed on the operating characteristics of the SEPA stations and their effects on DO concentrations in the waterways below their discharge. In a November 25, 1994, letter to James Park of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (lEPA), the District proposed a two-year study to accomplish five objectives. Three of these objectives were addressed through a two-phase study, conducted between 1995 and 1997, which was designed to: • Determine the actual oxygen transfer rate due to the waterfalls at the SEPA stations. • Determine the actual oxygen transfer rate due to the spiral-lift screw pumps at the SEPA stations. • Determine the effect of the operation of the SEPA stations on the DO levels in the Calumet waterway system. This report presents the results and conclusions relative to the third objective. The first two objectives are addressed in a separate report (Butts et al., 1999). The work tasks to address the third objective were deemed the highest priority by ISWS researchers and were performed first. Therefore, this part of the overall study is designated Phase I. Consequently, the studies associated with the first two objectives were designated Phase II. Acknowledgments This study was funded by the Research and Development (R & D) and Engineering Departments of the District. Irwin Polls R&D project leader and liaison to the ISWS provided scheduling and sampling input. David Tang of the District's Maintenance and Operations Department provided SEPA station operational data used in this report. Thanks are extended to ISWS personnel Bob Larson and Bill Meyer for their intensive efforts in the field and in the laboratory, which helped make this study successful. Bill Meyer's role was especially significant in that he was responsible for preparing the monitors/dataloggers for field use, downloading and filing data, and performing quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures. This report was prepared under the general administration of Derek Winstanley, Chief of the ISWS. The original manuscript was typed by Linda Dexter and edited by Eva Kingston and Agnes Dillon. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor or the Illinois State Water Survey. METHODS AND PROCEDURES The approach used for determining the effects that SEPA stations have on in- stream water quality was to install continuous water quality monitors at critical points along portions of the Calumet and Little Calumet Rivers, the entire Cal-Sag Channel, and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal below its junction with the Cal-Sag Channel. All continuous monitoring data were recorded hourly. Monitors were installed in early spring 1996 and were left in place until late fall 1996. Also, cross-sectional DO readings were made periodically at each monitoring station to generate data for relating mean cross- sectional DO values to the point values generated by the continuous monitors. An ancillary study was performed to determine the extent of in-stream nitrification in the study area waterways. Study Area Figure 1 shows the study area. Monitors were installed in the following waterways; Waterways Evaluated in Study Area Inclusive river Waterway mile designation Calumet River 328. 1-326.6 Little Calumet River 326.6-319.8 Cal-Sag Channel 319.8-303.3 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 303.3-291.2 Monitoring was extended to the Lockport Lock and Dam (river mile or RM 291.2) along the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to provide background data for evaluating possible needs for additional aeration below the junction of the Cal-Sag Channel and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Station Locations The DO data were generated by using remote continuous water quality monitors/dataloggers and periodically measuring and recording DO and water temperatures manually at selected cross-sectional locations. Cross-sectional measurements were made at all continuous monitoring waterway river mile point locations and at supplemental locations considered essential to the development of well defined longitudinal DO profiles. Temperature measurements were made in concert with all DO measurements. Additionally, pH and conductivity were continuously monitored. Fourteen continuous monitoring sites were established, and seven supplemental manual sampling locations were selected. Manually recorded point (vertical) measurements were made in the outfalls at all five SEPA stations. Table 2 presents the monitoring and/or sampling station locations and descriptions, including river mile points and type of station. Cross-sectional measurements consisted of selecting a number of horizontal locations on transects and measuring DO/temperature at selected depths on verticals at these horizontal locations. Reference to vertical measurement stations indicates DO/temperature readings were taken at selected depths on only one vertical at a location. Monitor Installation Designs Various monitor housing and restraining riggings were used at the sampling stations. Variables considered in the designs were benthic condhions, commercial navigation, vandalism, accessibility, and representativeness (with respect to cross-sectional water quality). Three basic designs were developed and used; descriptions and figure numbers are: Monitor Rigging Designs Type Description Figure number I Horizontal bottom line, single shroud 7a lA Horizontal bottom line, double shroud 7b n Vertical line off wall, attached shroud 8 HA. Vertical line off wall, 2 attached shrouds 9 nB Vertical line off wall, fixed shroud 9 ni Floating shroud 10 Figures 11-15 are photographs of the three basic systems. Table 2 gives the type of installation used at each of the 14 monitoring stations. Schematic diagrams showing the areal locations and rigging layouts for each station are shown (figures 16a-16n). These rigging designs and transect placements were derived through trial runs conducted during the summer and fall of 1995 and by modifying "permanent" installations used during the 1996 monitoring time period. During 1995, type II installations with monitors were placed at the intakes of SEPA stations 3 (RM 318.08) and 4 (RM 31 1.55), and type IIA and IIB installations were placed at the Lockport Lock and Dam. Also during 1995, type I or lA riggings were placed at monitoring station 13 (RM 310.70) on the Cal-Sag Channel, the intake of SEPA station 5 (RM 303.63), and monitoring station 17 (RM 302.56) on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Monitoring was done at stations 15 and 17 but not at station 13 during this period. Monitoring station 13 is less than 12 feet deep; consequently, the decision not to install a monitor in the rigging for a lengthy trial period was made. This shallow location experiences heavy barge traffic, and a centerline submerged rigging appeared to be vulnerable to entanglement by passing barge tows. This concern, here and at two similar sites, proved to be justified and expensive. All monitoring installations were placed into operation between March 13 and 15, 1996. The shallow, type lA installation at monitoring station 13 had remained in place, unscathed, during fall 1995 and winter 1995-1996. Consequently, such a setup seemed safe and was "permanently" installed at this site and at monitoring stations 7 (RM 320.71) and 10 (RM 317.62), among others. However, the rigs at these three sites, including encased DataSonde I monitors, were quickly lost; lost dates for monitoring stations 7, 10, and 13 were April 17, May 2, and April 18, 1996, respectively. DataSonde I monitors were initially installed at all locations instead of the new YSI 6000 units to minimize the trauma of losing a unit from a barge accident. This obviously proved to be a wise decision. To adjust for these losses, a type I rigging was placed along the left bridge headwall at monitoring station 10 (figure 16f), and type II riggings were placed at monitoring stations 7 and 13 as shown on figures 16d and 16h. These placements remained intact during the remainder of the study. During the 1995 trial run, the type I A rigging placed at the intake of SEP A station 5 was secured with a heavy log chain that eventually was crushed and broken by barges that fi^equently glide along the wall. Fortunately, the rigging was retrieved undamaged. Consequently, the 1996 permanent installation was provided with a retrieval line secured in the Illinois and Michigan Canal (figure 16j) instead of the chain. Most type I and lA riggings were retrieved using a side-line attached to a downstream light weight that was attached to the bank as shown by figure 17. The use of a sideline at monitoring station 17 (RM 302.56) was eventually abandoned because it was routinely cut during barge fleeting, a frequent occurrence in this area of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. During the remainder of the study, this rigging was routinely recovered with a grappling hook. The type I rigging at the intake of SEPA station 1 (RM 328. 10) also routinely was recovered with a hook in lieu of a sideline. Problems were encountered with the original type lA rigging installed at the inlet area of SEPA station 2 (RM 321.32) because of deep flocculent sediment deposits. The sediment problem was not entirely unforeseen. A type lA system was used to raise the monitor off the bottom and keep the shroud from sinking into the muck. However, the extremely flocculent nature of the sediments had not been recognized fully, and this provision failed. Consequently, the type lA rigging was replaced with a type III floating box, which kept the monitors from contacting the bottom. The installations at the Lockport Lock and Dam are modified versions of the standard type II rigging. The modifications had to be made to accommodate three problems: deep water, extremely variable water levels, and DO stratification. The water depth is normally about 28 feet at monitoring station 21 (figure 16n), but it may drop as low as 1 5 feet in a few hours when the Lockport Powerhouse releases large amounts of water in anticipation of impending storms. Because of the deep water and high sediment oxygen demand (SOD) rates, the DO concentrations may vary by as much as 3-4 mg/L from top to bottom. Table 3 presents the field coordinates of the continuous monitors. The horizontal or transverse distances referenced to either the right or left bank looking downstream, the total water depth at the monitor location, and the probe location referenced to either the water surface or the bottom are presented. Bottom references were used for type I and lA installations; 3 inches from the bottom represents type I riggings, and 6 inches from the bottom represents type lA riggings. The single 6-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) shroud raises the monitor 3 inches off the bottom (figure 7a), and the double 12-inch polyethylene shroud raises a unit 6 inches off the bottom (figure 7b). Zero bank distances represent type II installations. Stations marked both right and left are centerline distances. The riggings at the Lockport Lock and Dam were designed to monitor DO/temperature near the surface, at mid-depth during normal pool levels, and near the bottom. The surface monitor was attached to a float, which permitted the unit to rise and fall with the fluctuating water levels (figure 9). The bottom and the "mid-depth" monitors were permanently attached at fixed position as shown by figure 9. The "mid-depth" reference is somewhat a misnomer because it did not represent this level during fluctuations in pool levels, particularly during severe drawdowns effected in anticipation of storms. One time the float lodged above the water surface in the shroud when the drawdown was rapid and severe, which resulted in a loss of data. Precautions were taken to minimize damage at locations at which type II installations appeared to be vulnerable to vandalism. The retrieval lines at these locations were locked to heavily weighted, nearly unmovable security lines as shown by figure 8. Vandalism did occur at SEPA station 4 (monitoring station 12). Early in the study an attempt to break the retrieval line by chiseling failed. Welding a steel shroud around the line attachment at the guardrail prevented additional tampering. For type I installations, the side lines, which were used for retrieval, had to be weighted (figure 17) to prevent movement and/or entanglement with barges and to reduce shoreline visibility. Study Period The monitoring period was from 0000 on March 16, 1996, to 2300 on November 19, 1996. During this period, in-stream water quality was influenced by SEPA station pumping rates and Lake Michigan diversion water, both controllable, and uncontrollable weather. Within the overall time frame, SEPA station pumping rates and Lake Michigan discretionary diversion were to be held constant for weekly periods during which manual cross-sectional DO/temperature runs were to be made under steady-state conditions. Fifteen manual cross-sectional runs were planned under controlled conditions as outlined in table 4. However, the goal of controlling discretionary diversion was not met. even to a limited degree. Periodic drawdowns in anticipation of heavy rainfall, heavy runoff from actual storms, and other operational considerations precluded adherence to the proposed diversion schedule. On three occasions, as noted in table 4, mechanical problems in the SEPA stations disrupted pumping schedules. Consequently, the information collected during the runs was mostly randomized and could not be used to statistically evaluate selective stable conditions. Table 5 presents the diversion and SEPA station pumping rates inclusive of the 1996 in-stream study period. The dates in bold face type represent the implementation periods for events 1 and 2 of the Phase II part of this study. During these periods, SEPA station pumping rates were set by the SEPA station aeration efficiency study plan. The remaining pumping rates were set as needed by the District to meet minimum in-stream DO standards. The monitors were exchanged biweekly during spring and fall because biological buildup on the probes was minimal then. Biweekly exchanges were made March 15-June 12, 1996, and August 30-November 20, 1996. Weekly exchanges to minimize biofouling were done during the summer, except during the summer event of Phase II of the SEPA study. Two weeks elapsed before an exchange could be made because the monitors normally reserved for exchanges were in place within SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 during the Phase II portion of this study. The SEPA station pumping rates were reduced below desirable levels on several occasions due to either mechanical problems or voluntary shutdowns for the application of herbicides to control aquatic weeds within SEPA station pools. In particular, SEPA station 3 experienced mechanical problems that required pump shutdowns. Factors that disrupted scheduled pumping plans or in-stream DO needs are: Disruptions to Scheduled Pump Operations for SEPA Stations, 1996 SEPA station Period Condition Pumps available 4 3 3 3,5 4 3 06/11-06/13 06/21-06/26 06/27-07/18 08/02-08/06 08/06-08/09 10/07-10/11 Weed control Mechanical problems Mechanical problems Weed control Weed control Mechanical problems 1 2 2 As shown on table 5, only one pump was operated throughout the study period for SEPA stations 1 and 2. Additional pumping rates at these two locations were not warranted during the study. Field Operations The field riggings were used by two, three-person boat crews during early March 1996. Thereafter, routine weekly or biweekly monitor exchanges were made at the 14 sites using two, two-person boat crews. Periodically, three, two-person boat crews would take cross-sectional or vertical DO/temperature measurements at the 21 stations (table 2). Fifteen cross-sectional runs were made; and samples were collected during ten of the cross-sectional runs for nitrogen analysis in the laboratory. Monitor Exchanges The monitors were transported in 6-inch, PVC shrouds (shown schematically in figure 7) and in a field boat (figure 18). The shroud and monitor encasement system was designed to provide an expeditious and safe means of transferring, transporting, and exchanging the monitors. Most of the exchanges were done via boat, with the exception of monitoring station 21 at Lockport (RM 291.20), which was always done by land. Occasionally monitors at the intakes of SEPA stations 3 (RM 318.08) and 4 (RM 31 1.55) were exchanged by land. All field activity associated with boat-related exchanges and cross-sectional runs originated at the Alsip boat-launching ramp (RM 314.00) between SEPA stations 3 and 4. One boat crew would exchange units at the six stations above this location; a second boat crew would exchange the seven water-accessible units below this location. All exchanges were usually completed within five to six hours. The three units at monitoring station 21 (Lockport) were usually exchanged the afternoon or evening prior to the day of the boat exchanges. Also, the occasional land exchanges at monitoring stations 9 and 12 usually were done the afternoon prior to the boat exchanges. Type I and lA riggings were retrieved by side lines (or modified versions thereof) at monitoring stations 2 (figures 16b), 10 (figure 16f), 14 (figure 16i), 15 (figure 16j), 16 (figure 16k), and 18 (figure 16m), and by using a grappling hook at monitoring stations 1 (figure 16a) and 17 (figure 161). The side line at monitoring station 14 often had to be lifted with a hook. Figure 1 1 shows the retrieval/exchange of a type I rigging, and figure 19 shows the retrieval of a type I A rigging; figures 20 and 21 show the exchange of DataSonde I and YSI 6000 units, respectively, at a type lA station. Monitor/shroud combinations were retrieved at type II sites by unlocking a padlock, thereby releasing the retrieval line from the security line (figure 8) and pulling the unit into the boat (figure 13). At the type III installation at monitoring stafion 6 (SEPA station 2 intake), the monitor was removed from the transporting shroud and placed into the box shroud or float (figure 15) and restrained as shown schematically by figure 10. For type I and II installations, the combination shroud and monitor was replaced during each exchange. For type lA installations, the shroud was replaced with the monitor only when sedimentation and biofouling dictated a need to do so. All monitors and exchanged shrouds were scrubbed with water and a stiff-bristled brush immediately upon removal from the water. Care was taken not to disturb the probes when washing and cleaning the units. The monitors were protected from jarring and shock inside the PVC shrouds by two thick rubber bushings shown on the YSI 6000 monitor in figure 21 and schematically illustrated on figure 7. The units were secured in the shrouds with '/2-inch bolt-pins inserted through the monitor hangers as shown schematically by figure 7 and in reality by figure 12. The pins were restrained with washers and hitch-pin clips (figure 7). The standard operation procedures (SOPs) and QA/QC methods used relative to the use of the monitors will be outlined and described later. Cross-sectional DO/Temperature Measurements Cross-sectional measurements were made at 19 of the 21 stations listed in table 2. Measurements were made on single verticals at 2-foot depth intervals at station 3, the lakeside entrance to the O'Brien Lock and Dam, and monitoring station 21, the entrance to the Lockport Powerhouse forebay,. The cross-sectional measurements were made at 13 of the monitoring sites and on the vertical at Lockport Lock and Dam to generate data for developing statistical relationships between the DO levels at the fixed monitoring points and cross-sectional (and the Lockport vertical) means. The intent was to determine if these point measurements represent cross-sectional means and, if not, to develop statistical regression equations that could be used to estimate cross-sectional means. Measurements at sites intermediate to the monitoring locations were selected to generate data to better define the DO sag curves in reaches of the waterway influenced by SEPA station operation. Also, DO/temperature readings were taken in the outfalls of each SEPA station during their operation. The outfall locations are indicated by "Out" in table 2. A minimum often cross-sectional runs was originally planned. However, 15 runs were completed from March 28-November 13, 1996. The intent during the ten originally scheduled runs was to establish steady-state lake diversion and steady-state pumping rates at SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 for five days prior to performing the in- stream measurements. These conditions were to be extended to seven days to allow ample time for completing the in-stream work. However, as noted earlier, weather and mechanical problems prevented the District from adhering to any planned schedule as demonstrated by the data in table 4. Three, two-person boat crews conducted the cross-sectional DO/temperature measurements. The procedure that was developed minimized the sampling time length. One crew started at monitoring station 1, and another crew started at monitoring station 21. Each crew worked toward the middle and the third crew. Whenever two crews met and finished, they would help the third crew finish. Often the crew working at the upper stations would be delayed during passage through the O'Brien locks, and the two crews 10 working at the lower stations would complete the sampling. Except on a few occasions, all cross-sectional data were collected on the same day. At stations along the Cal-Sag Channel, cross-sectional point-measurements were recorded on a minimum of five verticals. Only points on three verticals were sampled along the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal because of its relatively narrow width and rectangular cross-sectional shape. At all transects, except those at the SEPA station intakes and those located immediately below the SEPA station outfalls, initial DO/temperature readings were taken at the surface, 3 -foot, mid-, and bottom-depths. If significant differences were observed between any of the values, additional readings were taken to establish a representative profile. At intake and below-outfall transects, vertical readings were made at 2-foot increments, unless greater distances were warranted because of uniformity in the measurements. Also, at each transect with continuous monitors, readings were taken as close as possible to the monitor to generate comparative data. During the late fall, the cross-sectional DO levels varied little-either transversely or vertically-at given locations. Consequently during this period, DO/temperature readings were generally restricted to a centerline vertical. The water edges were marked with fluorescent-orange traffic pylons. Horizontal locations were measured with a Lietz Model 6090 rangefinder by focusing on the pylons. Vertical depths were determined with fishing downriggers equipped with depth counters (figure 22). The DO/temperature measurements were made using a YSI Model 59 DO/temperature meter fitted with a YSI Model 5795A stirrer and a Model 5739 DO/temperature probe. The DO meters were constantly checked for drift and errors during the field runs. Initially, saturated water was used to calibrate the meters and for checking meter accuracy. A five-gallon bucket of clean tap water was aerated to saturation, and the three boat crew meters were checked for uniformity at the dock before departing. Meters deviating by 0.2 mg/L DO or greater from the other meter readings were recalibrated or replaced if necessary. All boats carried backup meters, probes, stirrers, and extra replacement D-cell batteries. The saturated water calibration technique was convenient, but it was found inadequate during warm weather. The DO-saturated water was cool in the morning. But as the day progressed it warmed, and the DO concentrations became supersaturated and unstable. Consequently, air calibration was used during the summer. Air calibration was done in a specially designed air-calibration chamber, which could accommodate the stirrer/probe combination. For temperature stability, the chamber contained an outer cooling jacket filled with water (figure 22). The DO meter was calibrated to 100 percent air saturation before beginning cross- sectional measurements. After the last measurement, the stirrer/probe was immersed in the 100 percent DO-saturated water or sealed in the air calibration chamber and left to equilibrate while in transit to the next station. Upon arrival at the next station, the 11 temperature in degrees Centigrade (*'C), DO in milligrams/liter (mg/L), and percent saturation were recorded. The meter was then adjusted to 100 percent saturation, and the cycle was repeated. The end readings were used to make incremental temporal adjustments in DO readings due to meter drift over the time period required to complete a transect and the start of the next. Proportionate, linear extrapolation was used to make the temporal adjustments in DO. Nitrogen Sampling Water samples were collected at the depth of the monitors at all 14 sites for laboratory analyses of ammonia-nitrogen (N), nitrite-N, nitrate-N, and Kjeldahl-N using a 1 L Kemmerer sampler. From this, 250 mL of unfiltered water was retained for Kjeldahl-N analysis and another 250 mL was filtered for ammonia-N, nitrite-N, and nitrate-N analyses. Filtering was done with a Katadyn Model 2050 field pressure filter equipped with a 0.2 |j.m diatomaceous earth filter element. All samples were iced. Upon completion of a run, samples were immediately transferred to the District's Stickney laboratory for chemical analyses. Collections were made on ten dates. Laboratory Operations and QA/QC Procedures Monitors were prepared in the laboratory for field use, data were downloaded, QA/QC measures were applied, and data were reduced and computer filed. Regimented procedures were developed for performing each of these work tasks and were adhered to throughout the study. Many of the SOP and QA/QC methodologies used in this study were developed over the past 1 5 years and applied to numerous studies. These procedures are more stringent and more detailed than the manufacturer's recommended SOP and QA/QC methodologies. Monitor Preparation and Use Principally, two types of continuous monitors were used during the study: HydroLab DataSonde I units and YSI 6000 units. Also, on a few occasions a DataSonde 3 unit and a YSI 6920 unit were used. Between March 15 and May 21, 1996, only DataSonde I units were used. The reasons were twofold: the chance of losing a new YSI unit was too great until the "bugs" were eliminated from the installation rigging designs and site locations, and each YSI had to be tested and put through vigorous QA/QC procedures before it reliably could be placed in the field. Also, DataSonde I units were used almost exclusively during the Phase II study dates, which are highlighted with bold face type in table 5. Appendix A presents the manufacturer's YSI Model 6000 performance specifications and SOP for the Model 6000 units that were developed by the ISWS for use of the instruments. The SOP for use of the DataSonde I units are basically the same as those for the 6000 units, with a few minor exceptions. Identical QA/QC methodologies were applied to both types of monitors. 12 The YSI 6000 monitors were calibrated for DO, pH, and specific conductance in the laboratory. All calibrations and downloading were performed using the PC6000 software provided with the monitors. Data files were downloaded in the proprietary PC6000 format and converted within PC6000 to comma-delimited values for importing into Microsoft Excel Version 7.0. Hydrolab DataSonde I units were calibrated using the standard Windows 95 terminal program. Data files for the DataSondes were downloaded as ASCII capture files and imported into Excel. After formatting in Excel, the data were moved into a Microsoft Access 97 database in which all calculations and statistical reductions were performed. Calibration of pH was performed using Fisher Scientific buffers of pH 7.0 and 10.0. Before calibration, the probes were cleaned and rinsed with de-ionized water and pH 7.0 buffer to remove any contamination. Probes then were placed in 500 mL of the pH 7.0 calibration buffer and allowed to stabilize for ten minutes, or until the electrode readings were stable. The probes then were removed from the solution and rinsed in a beaker of de- ionized water. Prior to placement in the pH 10.0 calibration buffer, the probe assembly was rinsed with pH 10.0 calibration buffer to remove any residual pH 7.0 buffer or de- ionized water droplets that might contaminate the pH 10.0 calibration buffer. The probes then were immersed in a beaker containing 500 mL of pH 10.0 calibration buffer and allowed to stabilize for ten minutes, or until stable readings were obtained. Upon acceptance of the pH 10.0 calibration, the probes were rinsed again and returned to the pH 7.0 calibration buffer to verify calibration. Calibration buffers were checked periodically with an Orion model 920 A bench-top pH meter equipped with a model 91-56 pH electrode. Hydrolab instruments were calibrated similarly, except that the amount of buffer used was reduced because the calibration cups were smaller. Specific conductance was calibrated using a conductivity standard of 1.413 millisiemens/centimeter (mS/cm) at 25°C. The standard was made by diluting a stock solution of 12.880 mS/cm at 25°C. The standard was checked using a Labcraft model 264-774 conductivity meter calibrated to commercially prepared standards. Probes were cleaned and prerinsed with the conductivity standard before immersion in 500 mL of the calibration standard. Calibration was accepted after a ten-minute interval if all readings were stable. Cell-constant values were confirmed to be within the correct operating range. Units with "out of range" cell constant values were cleaned and recalibrated. Cell constants could not be checked on the DataSonde I units because of limitations of the internal software. Because conductivity is used by the internal software of the units to calculate DO, DO had to be calibrated after specific conductance. Dissolved oxygen probe membranes were changed at least 24 hours before calibration prior to each use to allow for relaxation of the membrane. The probe assembly was rinsed with de-ionized water prior to calibration. Care was taken to ensure that no water droplets were present on the membrane. 13 For the YSI units, calibration cups containing moist sponges were installed. The instruments were laid longitudinally with the DO probes on top to reduce the chance of water dripping onto the DO membranes. The monitors were run for at least ten minutes in the discrete sampling mode to warm the electrodes and confirm the environmental stability within the calibration cups. Calibration for DO began with compensation for barometric pressure that was obtained from the National Weather Service and adjusted to the elevation of the laboratory. Hydrolab instruments were calibrated in an inverted position in a specially designed, open-bottom calibration cup. Calibration cups were filled with tap water to levels below an o-ring holding the DO membrane on the electrode. Care was taken to ensure that the membranes were free of water droplets. Rubber caps were lightly placed over the open cup bottom to isolate the probe from ambient air currents. The instruments do not require a warmup, and they automatically compensate for atmospheric pressure. The instruments are run in a calibration mode until acceptable, stable calibrations are obtained. Quality Assurance/Quality Control The data generated by the continuous monitors are subject to a certain amount of drift. This drift is a combination of two factors: calibration drift inherent to sensor design and operation, and drift caused by environmental conditions such as the buildup of foreign material on the sensors. Therefore, corrections were applied to the DO measurements obtained by the monitors to compensate for such drift. Drift compensation was performed in Access 97 through a Visual Basic software program developed by ISWS personnel. The program consited of a combination of pre- and postuse Winkler DO-values, and field values obtained using the YSI Model 59 DO/temperature meters as outlined in the In- stream Placement/Retrieval section of appendix A. The drift adjustments can be expressed mathematically in equation form as: coti =moti-j(moi-coi) + [-'^ — ^^ — ^Kti-tj) (1) where: coti = corrected DO, mg/L at time ti, days moti = monitor DO, mg/L, to be corrected at time ti moi = monitor DO, mg/L recorded at time ti, days coi = correct YSI 59/Winkler DO, mg/L at time ti mo2 = monitor DO, mg/L, recorded at time t2, days C02 = correct YSI 59/Winkler DO, mg/L at time t2 The equation adjusts for drift between two known points of time. The number of sequential linear adjustments to be made depends on the numbr of intermediate QA/QC DO measruements made during a run. For in-stream use, only beginning and ending 14 measurements were made. These include beginning and ending Winkler DO values in the laboratory water tank and beginning and ending YSI Model 59 meter DO values in the field. During Phase II, a number of intermediary measurements also were included. The cross-sectional DO readings were corrected for meter drift using linear extrapolation. However, these adjustments were proportioned in terms of percent saturation because the meters were calibrated to 100 percent of saturation (using either water or air) at the initiation of cross-sectional measurements. Mathematically this can be expressed as: f Pi +[(ti -tpi)/(t2 -tpi)lp2 -Pi)l ,^. ^"^ = -Wo n ^^^ where: cmti = corrected YSI meter DO, mg/L at time ti, minutes pi = DO percent saturation at time ti, minutes P2 = DO percent saturation at time t2, minutes mti = YSI meter DO, mg/L at time ti, minutes Generally, pi equals 100 percent in equation 2. The YSI Model 59 meter readings, which are substituted for CO2 in equation 1, were not corrected using equation 2. The meters always were calibrated to 100 percent of saturation at the monitoring sites when deploying or retrieving each unit. The time lapse between the initial calibration and the in-stream reading usually was less than 20 minutes. A drift up to 0.2 percent DO saturation in the meter reading was acceptable. If the drift was greater than 0.2 percent DO saturation, the meter was recalibrated and the in-stream reading was remeasured. The meter was replaced if it continued to drift. Data Reduction and Analyses The enormous amount of field data recorded at the in-stream monitoring sites had to be reduced and grouped so that meaningfijl mathematical and statistical analyses could be performed to determine the effects of SEPA station operations on in-stream water quality. The variability in DO concentrations was of primary interest and, therefore, subjected to in-depth analyses and statistical testing. The other monitor parameters-pH, specific conductance, temperature, and the nitrogen data-were reduced and broadly summarized using basic statistical parameters. Probability Analyses The DO data were statistically compared to various EEPA (1993) stream DO water quality standards. These standards are summarized below: 15 Stream Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Water Quality Standards for Study Area Reach DO (m^/L) Name Inclusive RM Type of standard Calumet River 333.2-326.6 Little Calumet River 326.6-3 19.7 Cal-Sag Channel 319.7-303.3 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 303.3-291.2 General use Secondary contact Secondary contact Secondary contact 16-hr average minimum 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 An overall analysis of the data was made for the 249-day study period. However, because of the extreme variations in flow, weather, and SEPA operation, six additional analyses were made to account for these variables as presented in table 6. Descriptions of the scenarios in table 6 are: Study Period Scenarios, March 16-November 19, 1996 Period Dates Description 1 03/16-04/18 No diversion without SEPA operation during cool weather 2 04/19-05/30 Low diversion with SEPA operation during cool weather 3 05/3 1-07/03 Low diversion with SEPA operation during mild weather 4 07/04-09/25 High diversion with SEPA operation during hot weather 5 09/26-10/3 1 High diversion with SEPA operation during cool weather 6 11/01-11/19 No diversion without SEPA operation during cold weather 1-6 03/16-11/19 Total study period Probability statistics were used to estimate the frequency at which the DO standards were not met during the study periods. Frequency distribution curves (FDCs) were used to estimate when DO standards were not met for hourly and mean daily values. The ordinates (percent exceedance values) on the probability graphs were computed by the formula: P = 100(n-0.5) N (3) where: P = ordinal percentage n = ordinal number N = sample size This formula was used to negate the computation of a 1 00 percent plotting ordinate. All future text, table, and graphic reference to the results derived by equation 3 will be referred to as FDC results. 16 A second, more limited approach was taken for ascertaining the probability of DO standards not being met. The hourly DO concentrations at each monitoring station were assumed to be normally distributed. This assumption permitted probabilities to be determined by computing the standard deviations and comparing them to the normal cumulative distribution curve or a statistical-reference z-table. The FDC development is independent of the normality assumption. The mean and standard deviation of the daily mean monitor outputs were computed for each station, and the percentage of times in which DO concentrations were less than the DO standard were calculated. The procedure is as follows: • Compute the standard deviation of the sample, (4) I IN -1 where: s = standard deviation of the sample X = discrete sample value X = mean (arithmetic average) of sample N = sample size • Compute the z-statistic, z = ^ (5) where: Xi = any discrete or specified value • Look up percentage value in a statistical reference z-table. Computed percentages should be very accurate, even if the sampling distribution is only approximately normal because extremely large sample sizes are involved in the calculations. Large sampling theory applies to sample sizes of 30 or greater. Generally in this study, samples sizes were much greater than 30. For hourly analyses, N is in the hundreds; for daily means, N exceeds 30 except for period 6 (table 6). All future text, table, and graphic results derived by equation 5 will be referred to as z-T results. The basic statistical parameter computations, the FDC developments, and the z-T data generation were done using Microsoft Excel. 17 Comparative Analyses Statistical analyses were performed to determine if significant differences existed between data groupings generated during this study. Statistical analyses were performed using standard computer programs capable of handling the large number of data generated. Tests were performed using various analyses of variance (ANOVA) procedures, /-tests, and multiple range analyses. Either "normal" or rank-order techniques were applied, depending on the condition of the data. Data were first tested for normality. If the data appeared to fit a normal distribution curve with a 95 percent degree of confidence, statistical tests applicable to "normal" data were used. When the data were not normally distributed, nonparametric, rank-order testing was performed. These tests provided a robust means of testing for differences in data sets that do not fit normality testing criteria. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test was used to determine if differences existed between average cross-sectional DO concentrations and point values measured at the monitor locations in the cross sections. The cross-sectional averages were computed either by straight averaging or by weighted averaging. All cross-sectional data were thoroughly examined and evaluated, and only those sections that exhibited significant variability in DO throughout were weight-averaged. Only 10 of the 195 cross-sectional DO profiles generated required weighted averaging. Of interest is the fact that seven of the ten situations occurred either at the SEPA station 2 intake transect or at transects located immediately below the SEPA station outfalls. Weighted averages were computed using isoplethic diagrams. Isopleths are lines on a cross section connecting points at which a given variable has a specified constant value. The DO isopleths were drawn on the cross sections at either 0.25 or 0.50 mg/L intervals. A computer program was developed for placing the lines between two DO observations proportionate to the distance between the points based on the difference between the isoplethic value and the two observed values. The areas encompassed between the isopleths were computer generated. Each areal DO concentration was weighted in proportion to its area relative to the total cross-sectional area. The areal DO concentration was taken as the average of the two encompassing isopleths, i.e., if the area was demarked by 3.5 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L lines, the areal representation would be 3.75 mg/L. A parametric Mest was used to determine if the differences between the cross- sectional DO weighted and unweighted averages were statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. The outcome of this test was used to decide if point source continuous monitoring data could be used to estimate or represent mean or arithmetically averaged cross-sectional DO concentrations. A parametric one-way ANOVA test was used to determine if statistically significant differences existed between the mean near surface, "mid-depth", and bottom DO values at the Lockport Lock and Dam vertical (monitoring station 21) for dates during which measurements were made at 2-foot depth intervals. Additionally, the 18 nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis one-way ANOVA test for ranks was used to determine if statistically significant differences existed at the 95 percent confidence level for the medians of the hourly DO values recorded at the three depths over the course of the study. The rank-order ANOVA test was used for the hourly values to accommodate the variability of the sample sizes between the three depths. Also, the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test was used to determine if any of the three point values at monitoring station 21 are representative of the vertically averaged DO concentration. The statistical testing calculations were performed using SigmaStat Version 2.0 for Windows 95, NT, and 3.1. Details of the testing procedures and the output formats are presented in detail in the report of the Phase II portion of this study (Butts et al., 1999). 19 RESULTS All the DO data were subjected to QA/QC adjustments. The adjusted DO data for all the monitor outputs is available on disk in a Microsoft Access 97 database format. The discrete hourly DO, temperature, pH, and specific conductance values also are available on disk upon request. Temperature, pH, specific conductance, and nitrogen data are presented as generalized summaries in this report. Continuous Monitoring DO Table 7 presents a chronological review of the installation and exchange schedule. During 1996, as noted previously, all units were initially installed on March 13, 14, or 15, and all units were removed on November 20. On five occasions, data were lost because the monitors were damaged by either barges or vandalism; for four of those situations, all or part of the previous period's data were lost. At monitoring station 12 on April 17, 1996, vandalism prevented an exchange, although the existing unit was recovered with good data. Repair and security improvements could not be made until April 23, 1996, which resuhed in about a six-day loss of data. The start ups of the two SEP A station evaluation events conducted during 1996, as part of the Phase II study, are clearly delineated by the removal of monitors without exchanges at several locations between July 30 and September 26. A shortage of monitors occurred during this period because two units instead of only one were installed in the intakes of SEP A stations 3, 4, and 5. This was done on the theory that the total loss of data at sites, such as monitoring stations 1, 2, 21 mid-depth (m), and 21 bottom (b), was minor relative to the potential total loss of data at the intakes of SEP A stations 3, 4, and 5 during Phase II operations. The duplicate installations are denoted as X in table 7. Table 8 presents periods in which useable data were collected by station, including the dates the first monitor was installed (03/13/1996, 1200) and the last monitor was retrieved (1 1/20/1996, 1400). Percentages of the completeness of the data coverage varies from a low 65 percent at monitoring station 2 to a high of 100 percent at monitoring station 9. The relatively low percentages at stations 1, 2, 21m, and 21b are due primarily to the removal of units at these stations for use during the Phase II portion of this study. Without this removal, and assuming fijll data recovery, the completeness percentages would have been increased from 70 to 80 percent at monitoring station 1, from 65 to 85 percent at monitoring station 2, from 77 to 86 percent at monitoring station 21m, and from 73 to 82 percent at monitoring station 21b. Similarly, assuming the units had not been destroyed by barges and fiill data recovery, the completeness percentages would have increased from 81 to 95 percent at monitoring station 7, from 85 to 99 percent at monitoring station 10, and from 84 to 92 percent at monitoring station 13. Overall during the study, the total useable data recovery from all continuous monitoring sites equaled 96,468 unit-hours. This represents approximately 78 percent of 20 the projected total. Eliminating the advertent removal of the units for use in the Phase II study and the inadvertent destruction to units by barges, this percentage would have increased to 82 percent. In other words, the reliability of the monitors used throughout Phase I applications appears to be about 82 percent. This reliability percentage includes the exclusive use of the older DataSonde I units during the initial stages of this Phase I study and during the Phase II study. The exclusive use of the YSI 6000s probably would have raised the reliability factor above 90 percent, a value that was achieved during Phase U. Temporal (Station) Profiles Table 9 presents the total number of usable hourly DO measurements recorded at each station during the study. Many more readings were recorded but were clearly erroneous and were not included. This is the context in which the term "usable" is used in table 9. It includes those data points inclusive within the periodic intervals in table 6. Temporal plots of the DO values for each station are given in appendix B; missing data is indicated by "MD". The DO and temperature results from continuous monitoring at all stations are summarized, numerically, with basic descriptive statistics in table 10. The results are provided for the overall study period and the six subperiods. For the entire study period, March 3 -November 20, 1996, the mean DO concentrations were greater than the lEPA stream standards. The periodic data presented in table 10 has been rearranged and presented by station as shown in table 11. With the exception of monitoring station 1, at times hourly DO values were less than the stream standards. During warm-weather, low- flow conditions for July 7-September 25, 1996 (period 4), the mean DO values remained greater than the stream standards while the hourly values were less than the stream standards, except for monitoring stations 1 (RM 328.10) and 9 (RM 318.08). Longitudinal Profiles Longitudinal profiles were developed for the mean DO concentrations and the mean DO concentrations minus two standard deviations (X-2 S.D.) for the periods in table 6. Additionally, similar profiles were developed for April 19-October 31, 1996, the time during which all the SEPA stations were in operation. Plots of those profiles are shown on figures 23-30. For normally distributed data, 95 percent of all values fall between X±2 S.D. Consequently, the X-2 S.D. line represents concentrations that probably occur less than 2.5 percent of the time on an hourly basis. The X-2 S.D. profile was greater than the DO standard for March 16-April 18, 1996 (figure 23), and November 1-19, 1996 (figure 28). However, during the remaining periods, including the one encompassing the full extent of the SEPA station operation (04/19-10/31/1996, figure 30), the X-2 S.D. profile was less than the DO standard at various intervals. Along the Cal-Sag Channel and its associated waterways, the DO values 21 were less than X-2 S.D. for intermittently short reaches, whereas, X-2 S.D. was less than the standard along the entire study reach of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (figures 24-27). As shown on figures 25 and 26, the mean DO profile was less than the 4.0 mg/L DO standard along the extreme lower end of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. This means that, in a short reach along the lower segment of the canal, hourly DO levels were less than the standard at least 50 percent of the time. Other Parameters The continuous monitors were equipped with probes to measure specific conductance and pH in concert with DO and temperature. Although the measurements of these two parameters were not mandated as part of this study, they were included. Only a moderate amount of additional effort was expended to include specific conductance and pH, and potentially useful information was produced. The raw data are available on computer disks and are summarized in appendix C in a reduced form using descriptive statistics. The raw nitrogen data also are available on computer disk and are summarized in appendix C using descriptive statistics. The most significant aspect of this data is the wide variation shown in specific conductance. Lake Michigan water and discretionary diversion have a major affect on specific conductance levels over a year. Note from appendix C that, during period 1, monitoring stations 1 and 2 had low specific conductance values compared to all the stations below the O'Brien Lock and Dam. Apparently, the specific conductance of Lake Michigan water normally ranges between 0.30 and 0.50 mS/cm; whereas, the specific conductance of Cal-Sag Channel water runs as high as L50 mS/cm. During periods 4 and 5, when discretionary diversion was highest, Cal-Sag Channel and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal water specific conductance levels are reduced to values ranging from 0.23 to LlOmS/cm. Lake Michigan water, used for discretionary diversion, appears to have a less pronounced affect on pH downstream of the O'Brien Lock and Dam than it does on specific conductance. However, this affect is discernible. Before diversion, pH values ranged between 7.64 and 7.86 at monitoring station 1 (RM 328.10) above the dam and between 6.92 and 7.62 at the intake of SEPA station 5 (RM 303.63). During peak diversion, from July 4-October 31, 1996, the pH range for monitoring stations 1 and 15 were 7.42-8.33 and 6.1 1 and 7.62, respectively. Cross-sectional DO/Temperature Table 12 summarizes the cross-sectional DO and temperature measurements for all 21 stream locations. The point data are available on computer disk for reference. Fifteen runs were made at all stations except for monitoring stations 7 (RM 320.71), 15 (RM 303.63), 17 (RM 320.56), and 20 (RM 295.34) at which 14 runs were made and stations 8 (RM 318.51) and 16 (RM 304.69) at which 13 runs were made. 22 At monitoring station 10 (RM 317.62), two complete cross-sectional measurements were made on July 24-one during the morning and the other during mid- afternoon. The objective was to determine if primary productivity changes the cross- sectional DO profile significantly fi^om morning to afternoon during warm sunny conditions. During this particular situation, the effect appeared minimal because the morning mean DO value was 3.90 mg/L, compared to an afternoon mean of 4.25 mg/L (table 12), a difference of only 0.35 mg/L. Table 12 presents the cross-sectional data summarized by station. The mean DO and temperature values in table 12 were rearranged in terms of longitudinal profiling by date and are presented in table 13. Table 13 shows how the mean cross-sectional DO sag curves varied in magnitude on various dates throughout the study period. The lowest DO sag curve extending from RM 328.10 to RM 291.20 occurred on June 19, 1996. On this date, the DO levels dropped below 3.0 mg/L for all stations downstream of station 11 (RM 316.00) except at monitoring station 16 (RM 304.69), at which the transect average was 3.53 mg/L. No other daily cross-sectional average DO profile came close to the June 19, 1996, low DO conditions. The next lowest overall DO profile occurred on July 24, 1996, when the cross-sectional average DO values below station 11 (RM 316.00) ranged from 3.12 to 3.97 mg/L. The major purpose for taking cross-sectional measurements was to provide information for statistically relating monitor point values to cross-sectional means. The monitor point values are listed in table 12 for the continuous monitoring sites. Overall, 317 cross-sectional measurements were made. The correlations between cross-sectional means and the continuous monitor point values could be more expeditiously derived for such a large number of data sets if the simple means could be used in lieu of weighted means in the statistical computations. Consequently, the possibility of using simple means was explored by selecting ten transects, displaying the most DO variability, for constructing isopleths for use in computing weighted means. Appendix D presents these cross sections, with resultant DO isoplethic construction. Table 14 presents the locations, dates, and unweighted and areal-weighted means. Note, that monitoring stations 6, at the intake of SEPA station 2 (RM 321.32), and 10, immediately below the SEPA station 3 outfall (RM 317.62), accounted for half of the values-two at monitoring station 6 and three at monitoring station 10. Table 14b presents the results of a paired /-test used to determine if the mean differences between the paired DO values are statistically significant. The test indicated they are equal at a 95 percent confidence level because the computed /-value is significantly less than the theoretical value. Consequently, the unweighted mean cross- sectional profiles were used to determine the relationships between the monitor readings recorded during the time interval of the transect measurements. The paired /-test was used to determine if the assumption can be made that the monitor readings represent cross-sectional means for each station. Table 15 summarizes the results. At the 95 percent confidence interval, the monitor point readings appear to 23 represent the cross-sectional means at 12 of the 14 sites. The two sites at which this assumption appears invalid are at monitoring stations 10 and 13. This is not surprising in that both stations are located immediately below SEPA station discharges. Monitoring station 10 is approximately 2,000 feet below the SEPA station 3 outfall (table 2), and monitoring station 13 is approximately 4,000 feet below the SEPA station 4 outfall (table 2). More than 4,000 feet of channel length appears to be needed to effect complete mixing of SEPA stations 3 and 4 discharges. Monitoring station 10 is on the opposite side of SEPA station 3 (figure 16f), and monitoring station 13 and SEPA station 4 are on the same side (figure 16h). A special explanation is needed for the comparison between the monitor "point" value and the "cross-sectional" value presented for the Lockport Lock and Dam (monitoring station 21) in table 12. The monitor value is not a "point" value, and the cross-sectional value is not a cross-sectional value. The Lockport monitor value in table 15 (monitoring station 21) is the mean of the near surface, "mid-depth", and bottom monitor values, and the cross-sectional value is the mean of readings taken at 2-foot intervals on the vertical. A Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA test was performed on the data generated by the three monitors at Lockport (monitoring station 21) to determine if the assumption could be made that the mean DO values produced by all three monitors over common time intervals are equal. The resuhs of this test are presented in table 16. The nonparametric ANOVA test was performed because the data failed the normality test. The results of the test indicate that the three monitor locations produced different results during the study period (table 16). Consequently, a single location may not be representative of the vertical mean, although the mean of the three monitor locations proved to be representative. Correlation and linear regression statistics were used to ascertain which singular location best represents the vertical mean. Fourteen sets of data common to all three continuous monitoring points were available. The vertical means are given for monitoring station 21 in table 12. The results of the statistical testing are as follows: Statistical Analysis of Vertically Placed Monitors at Lockport, Monitoring Station 21 Correlation Standard Independent coefficient error of Y-axis variable Location (r) /^ estimate intercept coefficient near surface 0.966 0.933 0.370 0.198 0.950 mid-depth 0.947 0.897 0.463 0.600 0.818 bottom 0.938 0.880 0.500 0.692 0.834 All three locations in the vertical would suffice for estimating the vertical mean as evidenced by the high coefficient of variance (/^) values. The r^ values represent the percentage of variability in the dependent variable, which can be explained by the independent variable. The variability in near surface, mid-depth, and bottom DO explain 24 93.3, 89.7, and 88.0 percent of the variability in the mean vertical DO, respectively. Fortunately, the near surface position provides the best estimate. Actually, the correlation is so good that it could be assumed to represent the vertical mean DO without introducing a great deal of error in the estimate. However, for more accurate estimates, the statistically derived surface regression equation should be used. Mathematically it can be written as: V = 0.950S + 0.198 (6) where: V = mean vertical DO (mg/L) S = surface DO (mg/L) 0.198 = y-axis intercept A Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA test was performed on 46,226 water temperature measurements that were temporally common for the three Lockport monitors. The median values for the near surface, "mid depth", and bottom were 18.45, 18.51, 18.52°C, respectively. Statistically, no differences appeared to exist at the 5 percent level of significance between these averages. This tends to eliminate the possibility that density currents could affect the DO and other water quality parameters at the Lockport vertically measured station. DO Probability Distributions Appendices E and F, respectively, give the hourly and daily mean FDC developed for the seasonal study periods. Percentage-DO relationships relative to specific DO concentrations derived using FDC and z-T statistical procedures are presented in tables 1 7 and 18, respectively. The DO standard applicable to each monitoring site also is listed. Generally, only slight differences exist between the FDC and z-T results. Readily evident is the fact that monitoring station 16, in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, which is 1 . 1 miles above the mouth of the Cal-Sag Channel and fi"ee of influence from all SEPA stations, had far higher percentages of DO values below a specified concentration than any other station. This is best demonstrated by the rearrangement of some of the 3.0 mg/L DO data in table 17 as shown in table 19. During period 3, 4.9 percent of the DO values were below 3.0 mg/L at monitoring station 15, the intake of SEPA station 5, on the Cal-Sag Channel; but at monitoring station 16, the comparable station on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, the percentage was 13.3, almost three times greater. This example illustrates relative conditions between the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near its juncture with the Cal-Sag Channel and DO conditions at critical locations in the vicinity of SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 along the lower Cal-Sag Channel. This information is not presented in reference to stream DO standards. Irrespective of whether or not DO values are less than a given standard is not relevant to these results. It merely shows that SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 are significantly improving DO conditions below 25 their respective outfalls, including those at monitoring station 17 (RM 302.56) on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 1.03 miles below SEPA station 5. Monitoring stations 12 (RM 311.55), 13 (RM 310.70), 9 (RM 318.08), and 10 (RM 317.62) represent DO values for monitoring stations above and below SEPA stations 4 and 3. The results above and below SEPA station 3 for period 4 (07/04-09/25/1996) are somewhat misleading. The downstream increase in the percentage at monitoring station 1 is due principally to a lack of mixing combined with the fact that this station is located along the shoreline opposite the SEPA station outfall (figure 16f). Complete mixing does not occur at any of the three monitoring stations located immediately below SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5. This fact is central to the discussion that follows. 26 SEPA station 1 328.1 Calumet River 333.2-326.6 SEPA station 2 321.3 Little Calumet River 326.6-319.7 SEPA station 3 318.1 Cal-Sag Channel 319.7-303.3 SEPA station 4 311.6 SEPA station 5 303.6 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 303.3-291.2 DISCUSSION To facilitate the following discussion, the EEPA stream-segment DO standards in the Probability Analyses section of this report and those standards specific to each SEPA station intake are: Stream Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Water Quality Standards for Study Area Location River mile Minimum DO standard (mg/L) 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 Table 20 summarizes the results of this study in terms of DO concentration, and table 2 1 summarizes the results in terms of the percent of time the DO concentration was less than the standard at each SEPA station intake. Only SEPA station intake monitoring station data is presented because these values best reflect the in-stream effects of SEPA station operation. The results for monitoring stations immediately downstream of each SEPA station are not presented for reasons outlined in the Results section of this report (i.e., incomplete mixing at these stations). The significance of this factor will be further expanded upon in this discussion. The percentages in table 2 1 are averages of the FDC values in table 17 and the z-T values in table 18. Table 20 shows that on an actual basis the SEPA station 1 intake DO values were never observed to be less than the minimum standard of 5.0 mg/L. Statistically, however, table 21 indicates that a slight probability exists in which the DO at SEPA station 1 could fall below the standard approximately 0.47 percent of the time (28 hours) for conditions similar to those experienced during the entire study period (03/16-1 1/19/1996). Conditions at the intake of SEPA station 2 appeared to be less favorable than those at the other SEPA stations. This should not be interpreted as a failure of SEPA station 1 to function properiy. It is not, and the details concerning these resuhs will be discussed later. The intake DO values at SEPA station 3 essentially remained above the DO standard during the entire study period, except for a brief time during period 3 (05/31- 27 07/03/1996). During this time a minimum DO of 2.48 mg/L occurred (table 20), and the DO values were less than the standard only 1.53 percent of the time (12 hours). These good results, however, should not be attributed in any way to any upstream DO input from SEPA station 2. Reasons for this will be presented and discussed later. Essentially intake DO at SEPA station 4 was less than the standard of 3.0 mg/L during periods 2 (04/19-05/30/1996), 3 (05/31-07/03/1996), and 4 (07/04-09/25/1996). During period 3, an extremely low DO of 0.92 mg/L was recorded (table 20). However, such low values at this location rarely occurred. The probability of such low values occurring during conditions exemplified by period 3 at SEPA station 4 is less than 0.07 percent (tables 1 7 and 1 8), or less than one hour. The possibility of the DO falling below 3.0 mg/L at this location during period 3 is only 4.14 percent (table 21), or approximately 34 hours. During the entire study period, the probability of the DO falling below 3.0 mg/L is only 1.45 percent (table 21), or approximately 87 hours. These good results can be directly attributed to the operation of SEPA station 3, as will be shown and discussed later. At the intake of SEPA station 5, the DO values were essentially less than the standard of 3.0 mg/L only during periods 3 and 4 (table 21). For periods 3 and 4 the DO values were less than the standard 4.59 and 3.21 percent of the time, respectively. The combined number of hours during which such conditions persisted was 102. These are respectable figures, and the success at this location can be attributed to the upstream DO inputs from SEPA stations 3 and 4. This will be documented and discussed later. The in-stream DO study produced two important results. One is that the SEPA stations, particularly stations 3, 4, and 5, are fiilfiUing the intended flinction of maintaining stream DO standards in the Calumet and Little Calumet Rivers and in the Cal-Sag Channel. The second is that DO levels less than the DO standard frequently are observed in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in a reach beginning above its juncture with the Cal-Sag Channel to the Lockport Lock and Dam. Continuous hourly monitoring was conducted at four sites within this reach. A summary of the percent of times and number of hours during which the DO concentrations were less than 4.0 mg/L, the DO standard, is as follows: 28 Period of Time that Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Concentrations Were Below the Standard at Monitoring Stations on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal during the Entire Study Monitoring River mile Concentrations le. ss than DO standard station Percent of time Number of hours 16 304.69 23.32 1394 17 302.56 12.52 748 18 299.55 ■ 13.27 793 21 near surface 231.20 32.76 1958 21 mid-depth 32.52 1943 21 bottom 28.50 1703 Note: These results were derived using the FDC statistical method. The results in this tabulation indicate that SEP A station 5 does a good job of reducing the frequency at which the DO values in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal are less than the DO standard for at least 4 miles downstream of SEPA station 5 (RM 303.57). This observation is clearly supported by data generated during study periods 3 and 4, as illustrated by figures 25 and 26. These two figures represent critical warm- weather, low-flow conditions. Note from figure 25 that the mean DO concentration at monitoring station 17 (RM 302.56) is significantly higher than the mean DO at monitoring station 16 (RM 304.69). During period 4, the difference in mean DO values between monitoring stations 16 and 17 is less than that for period 3, but the DO at monitoring station 17 is increased to values above the DO values at monitoring station 16 on the average, and the supplement of DO from SEPA station 5 appears to prevent a rapid deterioration in DO below the junction of the two waterways. The SEPA stations 1 and 2 appear to have minimal effects on improving in-stream DO levels. The SEPA station 1 is poorly located longitudinally along the waterway. Its intake is in an area of high ambient in-stream DO concentrations (table 20). At monitoring station 1, during critical periods 3 and 4, a 6.0 mg/L DO level was exceeded 100 percent of the time during period 3 and 95 percent of the time during period 4 (table 18). The 5.0 mg/L DO level was exceeded virtually 100 percent of the time for both periods 3 and 4 (table 18). The mean water temperature during period 4 was approximately 23°C (table 10). The DO saturation at 23°C is approximately 8.2 mg/L at the elevation of SEPA station 1. Consequently, a 6.0 mg/L DO represents a saturation of 73 percent, and 5.0 mg/L DO represents 69 percent saturation. These are relatively high values for that time of year. A slight chance exists (2.5 percent, figure 26) that the mean DO concentration for period 4 could be less than the 5.0 mg/L standard applicable between SEPA station 1 and the O'Brien Lock and Dam. Butts et al. (1999) show that SEPA station 1 produces DO outputs of 100 percent saturation when operating normally with one pump. The 29 effectiveness of a one-pump operation is not flilly known and could be questioned. The question could be asked, "Would completely shutting down the station increase the frequency at which the in-stream DO would fall below the DO standard?" In contrast, another question could be asked, "Would using more than one pump at certain times prevent the DO from falling to values less than the standard some or all the time?" These questions cannot be answered by this study. The DO levels were less than the 5.0 mg/L DO standard approximately 7.48 percent of the time in reference to the FDC data (table 17) or 2.62 percent of the time in reference to the z-T data (table 18) for the 2016 hours of period 4. The SEPA station 2 appears to be no more effective than SEPA station 1 in increasing waterway DO levels. The DO profiles presented in figures 25 and 26 demonstrate this. Note that the DO profiles between SEPA station 1 and continuous monitoring station 7, immediately below SEPA station 2, show a continuous drop or sag without any evidence of immediate increases in DO levels at the stations or significant reductions in the slope of the DO profiles below the stations. This can be attributed to natural processes in DO consumption during warm weather associated with long travel times in this reach of 7.39 river miles. Possible contributions could come from periodic and/or fluctuating flows from Lake Calumet and the Grand Calumet River and operations at the O'Brien Lock and Dam. Also, the natural characteristics of the large, shallow, bay- like area in which SEPA station 2 is located and at which the Calumet Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent discharges readily affect DO concentrations. The aeration potential at SEPA station 2 is limited because of low pumping capacity (table 1 ), and its location on a baylike area immediately below the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant outfall (figure 16c). The reaeration efficiency of the SEPA station is high, but its DO output load in terms of pounds per day of oxygen is low due to its limited pumping capacity. The baylike area receives a significant portion of the treatment plant effluent that contains DO concentrations of 5 mg/L or greater (documented by field measurements during this study), it is shallow (less than 3 feet in most areas), the bottom supports prolific growth of submerged and emergent aquatic vegetation, and stream flow is not always in a downstream direction due to unusual circulatory patterns caused by wind, natural eddy currents, wastewater treatment flow, and turning of barges around the "dogleg" bend (figure 16c). Furthermore, benthic sediments are loose and flocculent and are easily suspended by wind and barge-induced wave action. This causes sudden and often dramatic drops in DO in the baylike area. Such occurrences were documented several times during this study while conducting field measurements. All these factors contribute to some degree to the sharp peaks and valleys exhibited in the temporal DO curves recorded at the SEPA station 2 intake (monitoring station 6) as depicted in appendix B. During the cross-sectional measurements, the outfall of SEPA station 2 was observed being pushed upstream, resulting in recycling through the SEPA station. Slight wind shifts were observed to change point readings near the intake by as much as 4 or 5 mg/L DO in less than five minutes. 30 In contrast to the lack of discernible improvements in in-stream DO values in the reaches below SEPA stations 1 and 2, improvements in in-stream DO values below SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 were evident, as indicated by the positive changes in the mean DO profiles below each of these stations, especially during the critical warm-weather, low- flow periods 3 and 4. As shown on figures 25 and 26, these improvements are evidenced somewhat by increases in the DO concentrations at the continuous monitoring stations immediately below SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5, and/or by flatter DO profiles or DO-sag curves for the reaches between these aeration stations. If mixing of the SEPA aerated water with ambient in-stream water had been more complete at the continuous monitoring stations immediately below each SEPA station, the increases in DO at monitoring stations 10, 13, and 17, below SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5, respectively, would have been more pronounced when plotted. For example, at monitoring station 10 on July 24, 1996, the mean DO was 4.58 mg/L within that portion of the cross section 40 feet from the right bank looking downstream (appendix D). The mean DO levels for the remaining cross-sectional area and the total cross-sectional area were 3.35 mg/L (appendix D) and 3.90 mg/L (table 12), respectively. The theoretical, completely mixed mean for a transect located at the outfall is 4.47 mg/L as compared to the cross- sectional mean of 3.35 mg/L for the transect at the intake of SEPA station 3 (station 9, table 12). The 4.47 mg/L value was derived via a mass balance computation. The outfall DO concentration was 8.48 mg/L with two pumps operating, which resuhed in a SEPA station flow equal to 240 cubic feet per second (cfs). The in-stream flow above the SEPA station was 1 102 cfs. This example illustrates an important point and an important concept. The point is that the immediate effects of SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 on in-stream DO at or immediately below each outfall is much more dramatic than can be measured by continuous or manual monitoring and illustrated using DO profiles. The concept is that simple subtraction can be used to estimate what the theoretical DO-sag curve value would be at the intake of the next downstream SEPA station in the absence of SEPA station operation. For example, neglecting natural in-stream reaeration, the estimated mean cross-sectional DO at monitoring station 12 (SEPA station 4 intake) would be [3.35 - (4.47-3.46)] or 2.34 mg/L, in the absence of SEPA station 3, compared to the observed July 24, 1996, value of 3.46 mg/L (table 12). In other words, even with SEPA station operation, the DO profile continues to sag at approximately its normal rate. The sag starts at 4.47 mg/L, with two pumps operating at SEPA station 3, instead of 3.35 mg/L; this prevents the DO fi^om being less than the DO standard of 3.0 mg/L. The actual in-stream DO usage due to ambient biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and SOD is a little greater than 4.47 - 3.46 or 1.01 mg/L, as some natural reaeration has to be factored into the total usage computation to obtain a precise value. The BOD load is not reduced in the channel water routed through SEPA stations (Butts et al., 1999) and ambient in-stream SOD continues to deplete in-stream DO irrespective of SEPA station operation. 31 Similarly, a good estimate of what the DO concentration would have been near the mouth of the Cal-Sag Channel, in the absence of SEP A stations 3 and 4 on July 24, 1996, can be made by subtracting the combined DO drops between SEPA stations 3 and 4 and SEP A stations 4 and 5 from the 3.35 mg/L mean cross-sectional DO recorded at the SEPA station 3 intake. On July 24, 1996, the SEPA station 4 outfall DO was 8.42 mg/L with two pumps operating (240 cfs). The mean cross-sectional values at the intakes of SEPA stations 4 and 5 were 3.46 and 3.78 mg/L (table 12), respectively. The computed, mass balance, completely mixed DO value of the SEPA station 4 transect is 4.54 mg/L. Consequently, the DO drop between SEPA stations 4 and 5 is 4.54 - 3.78 or 0.76 mg/L. The total drop in DO between SEPA stations 3 and 5 would be 1.01 + 0.76 or 1.77 mg/L. Therefore, in the absence of SEPA stations 3 and 4, the DO at the mouth of the Cal-Sag Channel would have been approximately 3.35 - 1.77 or 1.58 mg/L. The actual value would be somewhat, but not significantly, greater than 1.58 mg/L due to DO input from natural in-stream aeration. The operation of SEPA stations 3 and 4 appear to be doing a good job of preventing the DO levels fi^om becoming less than the DO standard during critical warm- weather, low-flow conditions as the following shows: Percent of Time Mean Cross-sectional DO Exceeds DO Standard of 3.0 mg/L SEPA station Period 3 Period 4 intake FDC z-T FDC z-T 4 96 96 92 99 5 95 96 96 98 These results are very positive and show SEPA stations 3 and 4 successfully prevent DO levels fi^om becoming less than the DO standard for the Cal-Sag Channel. This is a testament to: (1) excellent SEPA station designs that produce 90 to 100 percent DO saturation output, (2) proper engineering design relative to longitudinal placement of each SEPA station along the waterway, and (3) excellent operation and management of each SEPA station. The DO values below SEPA station 3 were less than the DO standard of 3.0 mg/L on one date (6/19/1996), during which manual cross-sectional DO/temperature measurements were made (table 13). These low DO values, plus the fact that only two pumps were in operation at the time at SEPA stations 3 and 4, permitted making evaluations relative to increasing DO concentrations above the stream standard by increasing pumping rates at SEPA stations 3 and 4. The results of these evaluations are summarized as: 32 Evaluation of Mean Cross-sectional DO Values at SEPA Station Intakes under Various Pump Operations and Scenarios Number of pumps operating Mean cross-sectional DO (mg/L) at SEPA station at intake of SEPA station Scenario 3 4 3 4 5 1 2 2 3.83 2.47 1.97 2 3 2 3.83 3.18 2.48 3 3 3 3.83 3.18 3.28 Scenario 1 represents observed ambient conditions; the experimental design for this period specified that only two pumps were to be operated at SEPA stations 3 and 4. A three-pump operation at SEPA station 3 probably would have increased the mean cross- sectional DO significantly above 3.18 mg/L at SEPA station 4, but to maintain such a level at SEPA station 5, three pumps would have had to be used at SEPA station 4. The tabular FDC and z-T percentages presented here may have been greater if pumping rates had not been controlled as per experimental design specifications (table 4). The pumping rate flexibility of the SEPA stations appear to be more than adequate to prevent DO levels from being less than the standard within the Cal-Sag Channel under a wide range of conditions. However, consideration should be given to operating SEPA stations 3 and 4 at pumping rates in excess of those needed to solely maintain the DO standards of the Cal- Sag Channel. Pumping rates beyond this minimal requirement appear to significantly improve in-stream DO values as far downstream as Lockport. Information in support of this will be presented and discussed in detail later. Analyzing the effects of SEPA station 5 on in-stream DO is more complicated, and the results are less determinant, than those just presented for SEPA stations 3 and 4. Complicating factors involve having to: (1) split SEPA station 5 outfall flows, (2) combine two waterway flows, and (3) analyze downstream conditions without the reach terminating at a SEPA station. Illustrative analyses will be presented for various scenarios for the two dates, July 24 and June 19, 1996, used to examine the influences of SEPA stations 3 and 4 on in-stream DO along the lower reaches of the Cal-Sag Channel. The computed, completely mixed DO in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal immediately below SEPA station 5 was 3.98 mg/L for the July 24, 1996, conditions. It was derived using the following criteria: ambient DO values at monitoring stations 15 and 16 are 3.78 and 3.82 mg/L, respectively; ambient outfall DO values are 8.30 mg/L; and outfall, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, and Cal-Sag Channel flows are 116, 1890, and 1 102 cfs, respectively. The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal DO is raised 0.16 mg/L (3.98 - 3.82) with only one pump operating as was specified by the experimental design criteria (table 4). Completely mixed DO concentrations in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal immediately downstream of SEPA station 5 for July 24, 1996, conditions are presented below for various pumping rates: 33 Completely Mixed DO Concentrations on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Immediately below SEPA Station 5 and at Lockport, July 24, 1996 Operating pumps DO (mg/L) at SEPA station 5 Completely mixed Lockport 3.81 2.95 1 (ambient) 3.98 3.12 2 4.15 3.29 3 4.33 3.47 4 4.50 3.64 5 4.68 3.82 These results indicate that, for hydraulic/hydrologic, biological/biochemical, and weather- related water conditions which existed on July 24, 1996, the DO concentration at Lockport would persistently be less than the DO standard of 4.0 mg/L, although it could be raised significantly by maximizing SEPA station pumping rates. The question that arises from these results is whether the SEPA system, as a "whole", could have been operated to raise the DO levels at Lockport to values that would not be less than the DO standard during various time periods when they were below the standard. An evaluation was made for July 24, 1996, conditions assuming three- pump operations at SEPA stations 3 and 4 and a four-pump operation at SEPA station 5. Using three pumps at SEPA stations 3 and 4 in combination with three or four pumps at SEPA station 5 appears to benefit in-stream DO conditions throughout the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal below SEPA station 5. Mass balance computations indicate that, if three pumps were used at SEPA stations 3 and 4 in concert with four at SEPA station 5, for July 24, 1996, conditions, the DO at Lockport probably would have improved to approximately 3.85 mg/L from 3.12 mg/L recorded on July 24, 1996 (table 13). Although 3.85 mg/L is less than the DO standard of 4.0 mg/L, it is significantly better than that observed. The mean cross-sectional DO in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal above SEPA station 5 would have had to be at least 4.05 mg/L with the institution of maximum pumping at the SEPA stations to prevent DO levels from becoming less than the standard at Lockport. The 4.05 mg/L value is 0.23 mg/L greater than that recorded on July 24, 1996. Improvements or increases in DO levels in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal immediately above SEPA station 5 that needed to maintain DO levels at Lockport (which are not less than the standard) are often much greater than 0.23 mg/L computed for July 24, 1996, conditions. An extreme case for conditions observed on June 19, 1996, is presented to illustrate this fact. On June 19, 1996, the mean vertical DO at Lockport (monitoring station 21) was 1 .00 mg/L. Two pumps were being operated at SEPA stations 3 and 4 and three pumps were being operated at SEPA station 5 (table 4). The completely mixed DO values in the 34 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal below SEPA station 5 and at Lockport for ambient conditions, as well as other pumping rates, are presented: Completely Mixed DO Concentrations on Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Immediately below SEPA Station 5 and at Lockport, June 19, 1996 Mean cross-sectional DO (mg/L) Operating pumps at SEPA station Immediately below Lockport Scenario 3 4 5 SEPA station 5 12 2 1 3.34 0.53 2 (ambient) 2 2 2 3.59 0.77 3 2 2 3 3.81 1.00 4 2 2 4 4.04 1.23 5 3 3 1 3.64 0.83 6 3 3 2 3.83 1.02 7 3 3 3 4.02 1.21 8 3 3 4 4.20 1.39 Note that, under the June 1 9 extreme conditions, three-pump operations at SEPA stations 3 and 4 and a four-pump operation at SEPA station 5 produced a mean DO at Lockport that is considerably less than the 4.0 mg/L DO standard. The June 19, 1996, conditions may appear to be extreme, but similar "extremes" often were recorded via continuous monitoring as illustrated by the DO plots for monitoring stations 21 1 (near surface), 21m (mid-depth), and 21b (bottom) at Lockport (appendix B). The DO values at Lockport for the warm-weather, low-flow conditions, similar to those encountered during periods 3 and 4 of this study, can be expected to be less than 4.0 mg/L at the frequencies presented: Expected Frequency of Hours when DO Would be Less than 4.0 mg/L Standard DO at Lockport, 1996 Location on Period 5 (5/31-7/03) Period 4 (7/04-9/25) Lockport vertical Near surface Mid-depth Bottom FDC 50.1 55.7 51.0 z-T 57.5 61.4 51.2 FDC z-T l\.l 74.2 69.0 68.1 51.7 54.4 Note: Percentage values from tables 17 and 18. The following tabulation presents the mean cross-sectional DO concentrations that would have been needed for various pumping rates at SEPA station 5, with three-pump 35 operations at SEPA stations 3 and 4, to maintain DO values of 4.0 mg/L at Lockport on June 19 and July 24, 1996. These dates are the only two for which the mean DO at Lockport was less than the DO standard of 4.0 mg/L for the dates when cross-sectional DO measurements were taken. DO Required in Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal above SEPA Station 5 to Maintain 4.0 mg/L Standard DO at Lockport, 1996 Operating pumps DO (mg/L) required at SEPA station 5 6/19 7/24 1 7.51 4.70 2 7.26 4.49 3 7.02 4.27 4 6.78 4.05 The ambient mean cross-sectional DO values recorded at monitoring station 16, on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal above SEPA station 5 on June 19 and July 24, 1996, were 3.53 mg/L and 3.82 mg/L, respectively. Both values are well below those needed to achieve a DO level of 4.00 mg/L at Lockport using the full practical pumping capacities of all three SEPA stations. Similar computations could not be performed using the continuous monitoring data as continuous monitoring of SEPA station outfall DO levels was not routinely done in conjunction with in-stream monitoring. The DO data for the in-stream stations immediately below the SEPA stations cannot be used because they do not include the total DO loads being discharged from the SEPA stations, as discussed earlier, for conditions observed below SEPA station 3 on July 24, 1996. However, the computations presented here clearly indicate that, for conditions similar to those that occurred during this study, supplemental oxygen would be needed in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal above SEPA station 5 (appendix B, monitoring station 16) to maintain DO levels of 4.0 mg/L or greater at Lockport. Table 22 presents summaries of computed, completely mixed, in-stream mean DO concentrations at the SEPA station outfalls and those measured at cross-sectional stations immediately downstream of each SEPA station. Also, summarized are in-stream cross- sectional means at the SEPA station intakes. This summary highlights several important points germane to this study. First, it shows that each SEPA station has an immediate positive impact on in-stream DO values irrespective of what the mean DO profiles depicted in figures 23-30 show. When the impacts are small, such as at SEPA stations 1 and 2, the positive effects can best be demonstrated using completely mixed values. This is clearly evident for SEPA station 2. The mean downstream value recorded at monitoring station 7 for nine dates was 5.50 mg/L versus a completely mixed value of 6.22 mg/L. The downstream 5.50 mg/L value was significantly less than the SEPA station mean intake value of 6.08 mg/L, whereas the "mixed value" of 6.22 mg/L was significantly greater. 36 The positive impacts of SEP A stations 3, 4, and 5 are much more evident than those for SEPA stations 1 and 2, in reference to both the immediate downstream monitoring station results and the computed, completely mixed results. For example, for SEPA station 3, the means for the monitoring station below SEPA station 3 (monitoring station 10) and the computed, "mixed value" are, in order, 0.56 mg/L and 0.86 mg/L greater than the 4.84 mg/L mean intake value. The drop in the DO values between the SEPA stations and the immediate downstream monitoring stations (2, 7, 10, 13, and 17), as depicted on figures 24-27, are an artifact of location. These drops are not caused by a lack of DO input fi^om the SEPA stations. Of the 20 SEPA station area subprofiles (shown on figures 24-27), 12 exhibit oxygen depletion immediately downstream. This is illusionary and would not appear as such if "completely mixed" values could have been computed and plotted for each period. The fact that an immediate DO sag did not occur during the four scenarios for SEPA station 4 (shown on figures 24-27) should not be interpreted as SEPA station 4 doing a better job or being a more efficient aerator than the other four SEPA stations. It only appears that SEPA station 4 is more efficient because monitoring station 13, located immediately downstream, more closely approximates completely mixed conditions than the other downstream monitoring stations 2, 7, 10, and 17. Data presented in table 22 reveal many daily situations for which the recorded mean cross-sectional DO values immediately below the SEPA stations are actually lower than the intake values when, in reality, they are not as evidenced by the computed "mixed" values. This is best exemplified by conditions for the intake at SEPA station 2 (monitoring station 6) and downstream monitoring station 7. Of the 1 1 dates for which all three values are available in table 22, for SEPA station 2, only one exhibited a cross-sectional mean DO at monitoring station 7 which was equal to or greater than that at monitoring station 6. However, the computed, completely mixed values were greater for all 1 1 dates (table 22) in spite of the fact that the DO load discharged by SEPA station 2 was relatively small. Although the cross-sectional means below SEPA stations 3 and 4 (monitoring stations 10 and 13, respectively) are generally higher than the intake values, the computed "mixed" values are all greater than those recorded for each date. On a number of dates, the "mixed" values were much greater than the recorded values. For example, below SEPA station 4 on June 19, 1996, the recorded mean cross-sectional DO value was only 2.66 mg/L versus a computed, completely mixed value of 4.27 mg/L. And on September 18, 1996, the mean cross-sectional value recorded at monitoring station 13, below SEPA station 4, was 0.10 mg/L less than the cross-sectional mean recorded at monitoring station 12 (SEPA station 4 intake). The absolute effects of each station and the relative effects between stations on in- stream DO is demonstrated by the data in table 23. For SEPA stations 2-5, intake DO values were computed for situations in which the upstream SEPA stations were assumed not operating and compared to ambient conditions. Note that the mean daily intake DO value at SEPA station 3 would have been reduced by only 0.13 mg/L if SEPA station 2 37 had not been operating; but without SEPA station 3 operating, the mean daily intake DO at SEPA station 4 would have been reduced by 0.86 mg/L. With SEPA stations 1-3 operating, but not SEPA station 4, the mean daily intake DO at SEPA station 5 would have been reduced by 1.08 mg/L. A summary of what the approximate mean DO values of table 23 would have been and their deviations from ambient for conditions without any SEPA station operation is as follows: Summary of Projected Mean DO Values at SEPA Station Intakes with and without SEPA Operation Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) :ep. 4 station With (ambient) Without Difference 2 6.12 5.63 0.49 3 4.86 4.24 0.62 4 4.42 2.94 1.48 5 4.70 2.14 2.56 Although these results are based on only nine dates when manual cross-sectional measurements were taken, they are good indicators of the importance of each station. This summary and the daily results in tables 22 and 23 indicate that, if SEPA stations 1 and 2 were not operated, DO values at the intakes of SEPA stations 2 and 3 probably would not be less than the DO standard of 4.0 mg/L at SEPA station 2 and 3.0 mg/L at SEPA station 3. However, SEPA stations 3 and 4 are needed so that the DO values at the intake of SEPA station 5 are never less than the DO standard of 3.0 mg/L. 38 CONCLUSIONS A field study was conducted between March 16 and November 19, 1996, to collect in-stream DO/temperature data to evaluate effects of SEPA station operations on in- stream water quality from waterway RM 328.10 on the Calumet River to KM 291.20 on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at Lockport. Continuous monitoring stations were established at 14 locations to collect hourly DO/temperature data. Location of Continuous Monitoring Stations Description SEPA station 1 , intake NorfolkAVestem RR SEPA station 2, intake Penn Central RR SEPA station 3, intake Baltimore/Ohio RR SEPA station 4, intake SW EQghway 1 04th Avenue SEPA station 5, intake Canal at Highway 83 Canal at power lines Canal at slip No. 2 Lockport Lock and Dam Waterway RM Calumet River 328.10 Calumet River 327.69 Little Calumet River 321.32 Little Calumet River 320.71 Cal-Sag Channel 318.08 Cal-Sag Channel 317.62 Cal-Sag Channel 311.55 Cal-Sag Channel 310.70 Cal-Sag Channel 307.15 Cal-Sag Channel 303.63 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 304.69 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 302.56 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 299.55 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 29 1 .20 The longitudinal locations appeared to be good as large quantities of productive data were generated at each location. However, some initial problems were encountered at a few locations due to barge traffic. Special monitor riggings had to be fabricated and installed, and sampling procedures were instituted to overcome the hazards of barge traffic. Manual DO/temperature measurements were made on 13 dates either on a cross- sectional or vertical basis at 14 continuous monitoring sites and seven additional locations. Cross-sectional measurements consisted of selecting a number of transverse locations on transects and measuring DO/temperature at selected depths on verticals at these locations. Vertical stations designate locations at which DO/temperature readings were taken at selected depths on only one vertical. The objectives were to: (1) determine relationships between continuous monitoring point and mean cross-sectional DO values, (2) provide supplemental DO/temperature data in long waterway reaches without continuous monitoring stations, and (3) provide data for computing completely mixed in-stream DO concentrations at each SEPA station outfall. For objective 1, the continuous monitoring point DO readings appeared, overall, to approximate the cross-sectional means. At 12 of 39 14 continuous monitoring stations, the hypothesis that the continuous monitoring point values and the cross-sectional means are equal proved to be true (95 percent confidence level). The two stations for which this hypothesis was rejected are below SEPA stations 3 (RM 317.62) and 4 (RM 310.70) on transects that are not completely mixed with SEPA station aerated water. These results indicate that continuous monitoring point data can be used to approximate cross- sectional means in the study area. For objective 2, the supplemental data generated between continuous monitoring stations indicated that the DO drops in long reaches are gradual and relatively smooth. This, in turn, indicated that the selection of the continuous monitoring sites was good, i.e., no unusual or critical locations were left unmonitored. For objective 3, the completely mixed, in-stream DO values computed for transects at each SEPA station outfall differed significantly fi^om those measured at cross sections immediately downstream of the outfalls. With few exceptions, the downstream cross-sectional mean DO was significantly less than the computed "completely mixed" value. A good example is the June 19, 1996, results: Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at SEPA Station Outfall Transects and Below, June 19, 1996 SEPA Station Location J 2 3 4 5 DO (mg/L) mixed 8.79 5.54 5.25 4.28 3.58 DO (mg/L) below 7.19 4.74 4.24 2.71 2.88 A monitoring site that can, in itself, provide good estimates of the immediate impact that SEPA stations have on supplementing the DO resources of the waterway cannot be selected. The effects can be gauged only by the DO concentrations at the intakes of downstream SEPA stations and at Lockport. At least 4,000 feet apparently are needed to affect complete mixing below a SEPA station. Evaluations were made of the effectiveness of each SEPA station on raising in- stream DO concentrations. These evaluations were made using the manually recorded cross-sectional measurements and the completely mixed cross-sectional means computed for transects at the outfalls of each SEPA station. In general, the results indicate SEPA stations 1 and 2 raise in-stream DO values very little, and SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 measurably improve in-stream DO levels. The effectiveness of a SEPA station has to be viewed from two perspectives: in terms of the absolute amount of DO added to the waterway, and in terms of ambient in-stream DO concentrations, i.e., does the in-stream DO need to be supplemented to prevent DO values from becoming less than the standard. The results of analyses addressing these two points for July 2, 1996, data are: 40 2 3 4 5 6.37 4.28 3.98 5.14 6.36 4.13 2.83 2.16 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 EITectiveness of SEPA Station Operations, July 2, 1996 DO (mg/L) at SEP A station Condition With upstream SEPA operation Without upstream SEPA operation DO standard On July 2, 1996, SEPA station 1 contributed only 0.1 mg/L of DO to the mean cross-sectional DO at the intake of SEPA station 2, and SEPA stations 1 and 2 combined contributed only 0.15 mg/L of DO to the mean cross-sectional DO at the intake of SEPA station 3. Furthermore, in both instances the DO values at these locations would have remained well above the standard if one or both stations had not been operating. The situation below SEPA station 3 is entirely different. Both SEPA stations 3 and 4 generated DO loads that were needed to maintain DO standards. Without SEPA stations 3 and 4 operating, the mean cross-sectional DO at the intake of SEPA station 5 would have been almost 1.0 mg/L less than the standard. This example is typical of daily events as they occurred during this study period. The DO data generated by the continuous monitors support this contention. During the overall study period, the DO standard at the intake of SEPA station 3 was exceeded 99.33 percent of the time. The supplemental oxygen injected at SEPA stations 1 and 2 played an insignificant role in producing this high percentage. During the study period, SEPA stations 3 and 4 were well managed relative to maintaining at least a 3.0 mg/L DO concentration in the Cal-Sag Channel. During warm- weather, low-flow periods 3 and 4, the DO standard was exceeded approximately 98.1 percent of the time at the intake of SEPA station 4 and 96.5 percent of the time at the intake of SEPA station 5. For the entire study period, the DO standard was exceeded 98.6 percent of the time at the intake of SEPA station 4 and 97.5 percent of the time at the intake of SEPA station 5. These high percentages were achieved without having to routinely operate either SEPA station at full capacity. Three pumps were operated only 1.6 percent of the time at SEPA station 3 and 2.4 percent of the time at SEPA station 4 during the study. The results of the Phase II part of this study (Butts et al., 1999) showed that SEPA station 5 was a highly efficient aerator. This finding is supported by data derived from this in-stream (Phase I) study. Although SEPA station 5 was operated at less than 50 percent of its maximum pumping capacity of 461.6 cfs 50 percent of the time for critical warm- weather, low-flow conditions from May 31 through September 25, 1996, significant improvements in DO were achieved at least 4 miles downstream on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, This is illustrated by the following tabulation showing the percent of the time the DO was less than the standard of 4.0 mg/L at three locations below SEPA station 5 compared to the percentage in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal above SEPA station 5. 41 Percent of Time DO Value Was Less than the 4.0 mg/L Standard DO Continuous Chicago Sanitary monitoring station and Ship Canal Miles above/below description (RM) SEPA station 5 Highway 83 304.69 1.10 above SEPA station 5 303.59 - Power lines 302.56 1.03 below Slip No. 2 299.55 4.04 below Lockport 291.20 12.39 below Percent 59,4 22.5 25.1 63.0 The combined DO inputs from SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 did not prevent the DO from being less than 4.0 mg/L in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. But it significantly reduced the frequency of occurrence at sites at least 4 miles downstream of SEPA station 5 relative to what occurred at the Highway 83 continuous monitoring station 16, above SEPA station 5. The theoretical effects of operating SEPA stations 3, 4, and 5 at maximum pumping capacities during warm- weather, low-flow conditions was investigated. The results indicated that significant increases in DO levels in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal below SEPA station 5 could be achieved by operating all three SEPA stations at maximum practical pumping rates. This was exemplified by conditions during June 19, 1996. Two pumps were operating at SEPA stations 3 and 4 and three pumps were operating at SEPA station 5. The completely mixed DO at a cross section immediately below SEPA station 5 was computed as 3.81 mg/L, and the observed DO at Lockport was 1.0 mg/L. For three-pump operations at SEPA stations 3 and 4 and a four-pump operation at SEPA station 5, the computed, completely mixed and Lockport DO values were 4.20 mg/L and 1.39 mg/L, respectively. This suggests that, when DO values at Lockport are less than 4.0 mg/L during periods of less than maximum SEPA station pumping rates, significant improvements in DO levels can be achieved below SEPA station 5 by increasing pumping rates at all three SEPA stations. For DO values at Lockport, which are marginally lower than the DO standard (e.g., 3.70 mg/L for two-pump operations at all three stations), maximum pumping rates probably would raise DO levels above 4.0 mg/L. However, for extremely low DO levels at Lockport (as was exemplified for June 19, 1996, conditions) maximum pumping rates alone will not prevent DO levels from falling below 4.0 mg/L and supplemental oxygen would be needed. For example, the in-stream DO in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal above SEPA station 5 would have had to be increased from 3.53 mg/L to 6.78 mg/L to achieve 4.0 mg/L of DO at Lockport if maximum SEPA station pumping had been in effect on June 19, 1996. Similarly, but for less severe conditions on July 24, 1996, the measured DO above SEPA station 5 would have had to be increased from 3.82 mg/L to 4.05 mg/L to maintain a 4.0 mg/L level at Lockport. 42 The use of continuous monitors can be a highly effective and efficient method of generating data for short-term, intensive studies or for conducting long-term monitoring when used judiciously with a fine-tuned QA/QC program. Approximately an 88 percent data recovery rate was experienced during this study, which is good to excellent considering the magnitude of the study and the obstacles that had to be overcome to make the study successflil. 43 REFERENCES Butts, T.A. 1988. Development of Design Criteria for Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration Stations. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 452. Butts, T.A., D.B. Shackleford, and T.R. Bergerhouse. 1999. Evaluation of Reaeration Efficiencies of Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration (SEPA) Stations. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 653. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1993. Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle C: Water Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board. State of Illinois Rules and Regulations, Springfield, IL. Macaitis, B., J. Variakojis, and B. Kuhl. 1984. A Planning Feasibility Report on Elevated Pool Aeration Stations. The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, Chicago, IL. 44 TABLES Table 1. Engineering Design Features of SEPA Stations Station Pumps No. Weirs Height (ft) Design maximum No. Location River mile Type No. Size Per weir Total flow (cfs) 1 2 3 4 5 Torrence Ave. 127th St. Blue Island Worth Cal-Sag Jet. 328.09 321.40 318.00 311.51 303.57 Propeller Screw Screw Screw Screw 4 2 4 4 5 100 cfs 84-in. 120-in. 120-in. 120-in. 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 3 12 12 15 15 12 400 87 479 479 577 Table 2. Waterway DO Sampling Stations Station number Waterwav Location description River mile Sampling type Continuous Cross section Vertical Rigging design 1 CR SEPA station 1 Intake 1 Out CR SEPA station 1 Outfall 2 CR NorfoIkAVestem RR 3 CR O'Brien Lock/Dam 4 LCR Michigan Central RR 5 LCR Chicago Western RR 6 LCR SEPA station 2 Intake 6 Out LCR SEPA station 2 Outfall 7 LCR Penn Central RR 8 CSC Division St. 9 CSC SEPA station 3 Intake 9 Out CSC SEPA station 3 Outfall 10 CSC Baltimore/Ohio RR 11 CSC Crawford St. 12 CSC SEPA station 4 Intake 12 Out CSC SEPA station 4 Outfall 13 CSC SW Highway 14 CSC 104'*' Ave. 15 CSC SEPA station 5 Intake 15 OutC CSC SEPA station 5 Outfall CSC 15 OutS esse SEPA sta. 5 Outfall CSSC 16 CSSC CSSC at Highway 83 17 CSSC CSSC at Power Lines 18 CSSC CSSC Slip No. 2 19 CSSC Romeoville 20 CSSC CECO - Will CO. Gen. Sta. 21 CSSC Lockport Lock/Dam 328.10 X 328.00 327.69 X 326.62 325.31 322.66 321.32 X 321.27 320.71 X 318.51 318.08 X 318.00 317.62 X 316.00 311.55 X 311.49 310.70 X 307.15 X 303.63 X 303.57 303.59 304.69 X 302.56 X 299.55 X 296.19 295.34 291.20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ni 11 II I n n lA lA IIA, IB Notes: CR = Calumet River; LCR = Little Calumet River; CSC = Cal-Sag Channel; CSSC = Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Rigging design: I = horizontal bottom line, single shroud; lA = horizontal bottom line, double shroud; II = vertical line off wall, attached shroud; IIA vertical line off wall, 2 attached shrouds; lEB = vertical line off wall, fixed shroud; III = floating shroud. 47 Table 3. Transect Horizontal- Vertical Location of Monitor Sensors at Monitoring Stations Horizontal location (ft) referenced to bank looking downstream Total water depth (ft) Probe distance Surface (in) from Station Distance (ft) Left Right Bottom 1 15 X 14 3 2 200 X 30 3 6 50 X 3 20 7 X 7 60 9 X 3 30 10 X 8 3 12 X 4 40 13 X 8 48 14 144 X X 15 6 15 X 12 6 16 89 X X 24 3 17 88 X X 25 3 18 84 X X 26 3 21 ot Om Ob X 26 24 84 24 Notes: t = near surface m = mid-depth (variable) b = bottom Table 4. Dates and Conditions under which Weekly Manual Cross Section DO/Temperature Runs Were Conducted, 1996 Discretionary diversion (cfs) Period Start Stop at O 'Brien Lock and Dam Operating pump at SEPA station s Planned mean Actual * Run Mean Min. Max. 3 4 5 1 03/15 04/18 2 04/19 04/25 1 1 1 3 05/17 05/23 1 1 2 4 05/31 06/06 192 137 27 218 1 2 2(3) 5 06/14 06/20 M 131 220 2 2 3 6 06/27 07/03 11 214 157 235 2 2 4 7 07/05 07/11 384 434 336 465 2(3) 3 1 8 07/12 07/18 II 338 460 2(3) 3 4 9 07/19 07/25 II 111 532 2 2 1 10 07/26 08/01 II 282 19 465 2 2 4 11 08/30 09/05 II 454 446 463 1 2 3 12 09/13 09/19 II 430 393 471 1 1 1 13 10/17 10/23 293 310 114 399 1 2 1 14 10/25 10/31 It 332 111 390 1 1 1 15 11/01 11/19 Note: * Actual and (planned) number of pumps operated. 48 Table 5. SEPA Station Pumping Rates and Waterway Hydraulic/Hydrologic Conditions, 1996 Operating pumps Mean discretionary Mean total Mean discharge Period at SEPA station diversion (cfs) diversion (cfs) (cfs) at Start Stop 1 2 3 4 5 WPS cav OLD WPS CCW OLD Romeoville 03/15 04/18 C ) 3 31 51 2128 04/19 04/25 1 1 1 3 46 56 3543 04/26 05/17 1 1 1 3 11 78 3523 05/18 05/23 1 1 2 2 118 162 4322 05/24 05/30 1 1 2 2 70 107 7063 05/31 06/06 1 2 2 13 115 137 16 235 288 5776 06/07 06/10 1 2 2 96 126 3 219 309 4469 06/11 06/13 1 2 76 71 178 79 158 280 3988 06/14 06/20 ] 2 3 42 59 131 45 197 253 5535 06/21 06/26 ] 2 2 49 65 185 53 172 310 3773 06/27 07/04 ] 2 4 86 145 245 90 307 385 3068 07/05 07/11 ] 1 2 3 1 85 162 434 89 264 551 3346 07/12 07/18 ] 1 2 3 4 45 126 337 48 210 442 5684 07/19 07/25 ] 1 2 2 1 42 79 222 46 279 318 6766 07/26 08/01 ] 1 2 2 4 56 168 282 60 283 419 4517 08/02 08/05 ] 1 2 100 169 452 104 278 594 3478 08/06 08/06 ] [ 1 75 123 337 79 401 703 3559 0807 08/09 ] 1 1 2 1 83 151 264 87 246 348 3586 08/10 08/11 ] 1 1 2 1 1 81 145 463 85 459 624 3666 08/12 08/14 ] I 1 1 1 1 91 340 457 95 438 589 3103 08/15 08/18 ] I 1 2 2 2 85 305 417 89 414 565 3227 08/19 08/21 1 I 1 3 3 3 60 265 356 64 366 485 2975 08/22 08/23 ] [ 1 3 3 4 36 196 265 40 336 750 4462 08/24 09/12 ] I 1 1 2 3 94 398 421 98 498 545 3514 09/13 09/29 1 1 1 1 1 77 286 379 82 374 505 3622 09/30 10/02 ] I 1 1 1 1 30 136 369 34 211 479 2824 10/03 10/06 ] 1 1 2 2 2 71 443 5 154 554 2567 10/07 10/09 ] I 1 2 3 3 404 5 69 508 2346 10/10 10/11 ] I 1 2 3 4 311 5 65 402 2598 10/12 10/17 [ 1 1 1 1 345 5 113 499 2700 10/18 10/23 1 1 1 2 1 315 5 93 418 2818 10/24 10/31 I 1 1 1 337 4 61 436 2824 11/01 11/19 ( ) 4 58 74 2302 Notes: WPS - Wilmette Pumping Station, CCW = Chicago Controlling Works, OLD = O'Brien Lock and Dam. Bold face type denotes in-stream use of Datasonde I monitors during Phase II study dates. Romeoville is an USGS discharge measurement station at river mile 296.19 on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. 49 Table 6. Data Analysis Periods, 1996 Discretionary No. DO Inclusive No. SEPA stations diversion (cfs)* cross section Period dates days operating Planned Actual profiles 1 03/16-04/18 34 1 2 04/19 - 05/30 42 5 199 2 3 05/31 -07/03 34 5 192 162 3 4 07/04 - 09/25 84 5 384 380 6 5 09/26-10/31 36 5 192 336 2 6 11/01-11/19 19 1 1-6 03/16-11/19 249 0-5 0-384 0-380 15 Note: * Daily mean diversion Table 7. Chronological Review of Monitor Installation and Exchange Schedule, 1996 Station 1 Date 7 2 6 7 9 JO 12 ]3 14 75 16 17 18 21t 21m 21b 03/13 I 1 I I I I I I 03/14 I 1 1 1 I I 03/15 1 1 03/27 X X X X X X X X X 03/28 X X X 04/16 X X X 04/17 X X X 1 X X X X X X 04/18 1 X 04/23 1 05/01 X X X X X X X X X X 05/02 X X X X X 05/02 I 05/21 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 05/30 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 06/12 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 06/18 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 06/26 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 07/09 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 07/16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 07/23 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 07/30 o o X X X X X X X X X 08/08 X X X X X X X X X X X X 08/22 X X X X X X X X X 1 I 08/23 X X X X 08/29 X X X X X X X X X X X X 08/30 1 I X X 09/12 X X X X X X X X X X 09/13 X X X X X X 09/26 o X X X X X X X X X X 10/10 X X X X X X X X 10/11 I 1 I I X X 10/21 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 I 11/06 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11/20 o o o o o o o Notes: I = installed, X = exchanged, x = duplicate, O = removed but not exchanged, and = destroyed or vandalized. 50 10 Table 8. Continuous Monitoring Data Available at Monitoring Stations, March 13-November 20, 1996 Period Periodic data Date Time Complete Missing 03/15 1100 05/20 1100 X 06/12 1500 X 07/30 1300 X 08/30 0900 X 09/26 1400 X 10/11 1100 X 10/21 1500 X 11/06 1400 X 11/20 1200 X Complete: 4206 hr = 70% 03/15 1000 04/17 1100 X 05/02 1200 X 07/30 1300 X 08/30 1000 X 09/13 1000 X 09/26 1400 X 10/11 1000 X 10/24 1300 X 11/05 1100 X 11/20 1200 X Complete: 3927 hr = 65% 03/13 1800 05/19 1600 X 06/12 1400 X 09/26 1200 X 10/11 0900 X 11/20 1300 X Complete: 5111 hr = 85% 03/13 1800 04/17 1000 X 09/26 1200 X 10/11 0900 X 11/20 1300 X Complete: 4902 hr = 81% 03/13 1500 11/20 1400 X Complete: 6048 hr = 100% 03/13 1600 04/17 0700 X 05/02 1000 X 07/09 1600 X 07/16 1900 X 07/30 1000 X 08/08 1400 X 08/22 1600 X 08/29 1600 X 11/20 1400 X 12 13 14 15 16 Period Periodic data Station Date Time Complete Missing 03/13 1300 05/15 0800 X 05/21 0800 11/20 1200 X Complete: 5754hr=95% X 03/14 03/27 04/18 05/17 05/21 08/08 08/22 11/20 1000 1600 1000 0800 1300 1300 1700 1600 X X X Complete: 5064hr = 84% 03/14 1100 05/17 0700 05/21 09/26 10/10 1300 1500 1600 X X 11/12 0500 X 1 1/20 1600 Complete: 5399hr=90% 03/14 1200 05/19 2300 05/21 06/07 06/12 10/31 11/01 11/20 1400 2200 1000 1600 0000 1400 X X X X X X X X X Complete: 5842 hr = 97% 03/14 04/21 05/01 05/10 05/21 05/25 05/30 07/21 07/23 09/03 09/12 09/27 10/01 10/27 11/20 1300 1100 1600 0000 1400 2000 1400 0300 1500 1400 1500 1700 0300 1900 1400 X X X X X X X Complete: 4476hr=74% Complete: 5126hr = 85% 51 Tables. Concluded Period Periodic data Station Period Periodi c data Station Date Time Complete Missing Date Time Complete Missing 17 03/14 1600 21m 03/13 1200 05/10 0000 X (mid-depth) 05/09 2200 X 05/21 1500 X 05/10 0400 X 08/23 0300 X 05/28 1600 X 08/29 1300 X 05/28 2200 X 09/03 2100 X 06/17 1700 X 09/12 1500 X 06/18 1600 X 09/29 0500 X 07/30 0900 X 10/10 1400 X 08/22 1100 X 10/22 1600 X 09/26 0900 X 11/01 1900 X 10/21 1100 X 11/18 0900 X 11/06 1100 X 11/20 1500 X 11/08 0800 X Complete: 4826 hr = 80% 11/09 1500 X 11/09 2000 X 18 03/14 1500 11/13 1700 X 05/01 1600 X 11/20 1000 X 05/02 0000 X Complete: 4668 hr = 77% 06/12 1100 X 06/26 1600 X 21b 03/13 1200 11/20 1300 X (bottom) 03/27 1100 X Complete: 5670 hr = 94% 05/12 0300 X 05/21 0900 X 21t 03/13 1200 07/30 0900 X (near surface) 07/09 0900 X 08/22 1100 X 07/16 1100 X 09/26 0900 X 08/15 1100 X 10/21 1100 X 08/22 1100 X 11/20 1000 X 11/20 1000 X Compli ste: 4394 hr = 73% Complete: 5709hr = 94% 52 Table 9. Number of Usable Hourly DO Values for Recorded Continuous Monitoring Stations, March 16-November 19, 1996 Monitoring periods Station 7 2 3 4 5 6 1-6 1 815 996 512 1275 260 322 4180 2 780 684 816 940 331 349 3900 6 814 736 514 2015 508 456 5043 7 36 1005 814 2015 508 456 4834 9 815 1007 815 2012 864 456 5969 10 776 685 815 1461 862 456 5055 12 779 752 816 2015 862 456 5680 13 295 907 816 1672 863 456 5009 14 815 905 815 2013 528 269 5345 15 815 969 709 2014 828 456 5791 16 816 374 812 1742 682 4426 17 814 729 815 1652 369 399 4778 18 816 1000 476 2013 862 456 5623 211 815 1008 816 1680 863 456 5638 21m 814 1006 794 1463 263 257 4597 21b 540 786 816 1463 263 455 4323 Notes: 21t = 21m 21b = near surface = mid-depth = bottom 53 Table 10. Summary by Period of DO and Temperature Measurements, March 16-November 19, 1996 DO std. Temperature (°C) Min Mean Max DO (mg/L) Temperature Min Mean Max DO (mg/L) Station Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 5.0 Period 1 (03/16-04/18) Period 3 (05/31 -07/03) 1 4.52 6.64 10.94 1.1\ 10.46 12.66 17.66 20.82 23.53 6.55 7.54 8.29 2 tl 3.29 5.44 8.57 9.37 12.02 13.45 15.29 19.43 23.44 5.38 7.49 9.27 6 4.0 6.67 10.35 15.71 5.76 8.29 10.38 18.29 21.38 26.06 1.56 5.80 9.32 7 II 11.87 12.84 13.90 6.24 6.59 7.01 15.08 19.75 25.13 1.11 5.21 7.19 9 3.0 6.21 9.48 14.45 5.94 8.28 10.78 14.45 20.13 25.17 2.48 4.91 6.59 10 tl 6.25 9.22 12.84 5.35 7.92 10.41 14.45 19.98 25.26 2.86 5.01 6.62 12 If 6.42 8.91 12.25 4.65 7.62 9.46 14.74 20.40 26.44 0.92 4.81 8.73 13 H 6.25 7.73 12.42 7.14 8.79 10.50 14.53 20.33 26.19 2.57 5.56 7.74 14 II 5.62 8.65 12.08 5.78 8.10 10.31 14.61 20.53 26.02 1.46 5.01 7.33 15 II 5.20 8.61 11.83 5.97 7.74 10.03 14.07 21.01 25.89 1.39 4.81 7.01 16 4.0 8.83 11.52 14.78 3.89 7.34 9.46 15.63 20.49 25.93 1.17 3.97 6.37 17 II 7.01 10.27 13.64 4.49 6.55 8.52 15.21 20.69 26.27 2.75 5.20 6.86 18 II 1.11 10.54 13.35 6.15 7.48 9.08 15.04 20.07 25.64 3.61 4.75 6.51 211 11 10.48 13.38 16.56 5.43 7.52 9.11 15.23 22.53 29.84 0.78 3.83 5.71 21m tl 10.18 13.37 16.90 5.44 7.21 8.63 15.24 22.50 29.80 1.07 3.78 5.52 21b If 10.52 13.63 17.06 5.66 7.12 8.76 15.26 22.51 29.82 0.69 3. .97 5.91 5.0 Period 2 (04/19 -05/30) Period 4 (07/04 - 09/25) 1 10.10 13.80 18.88 7.47 8.46 9.95 20.36 22.91 25.69 5.10 6.96 8.39 2 II 10.77 14.06 17.99 7.18 8.33 9.92 20.40 22.75 25.19 3.42 6.66 8.03 6 4.0 10.91 13.93 19.73 1.15 5.87 8.62 20.06 23.22 27.88 0.88 6.23 8.93 7 II 11.62 14.22 19.30 2.34 5.82 9.83 19.85 23.11 26.02 0.28 5.91 8.49 9 3.0 10.14 13.96 20.32 3.59 6.34 9.18 20.15 23.30 26.74 3.15 5.28 7.62 10 II 11.70 14.64 19.73 3.78 5.62 8.41 19.98 23.01 25.26 2.57 4.97 7.31 12 II 10.05 14.05 20.19 2.87 5.53 8.47 20.23 23.40 26.40 2.36 5.05 7.65 13 II 9.97 13.84 19.89 3.44 6.29 8.90 19.85 23.09 26.57 1.88 5.42 8.49 14 II 10.10 13.98 19.77 3.70 6.51 8.34 19.89 23.38 26.82 1.95 5.09 7.29 15 II 9.88 13.82 19.98 3.04 5.61 8.11 20.11 23.53 26.70 2.30 4.60 7.61 16 4.0 12.46 15.18 19.60 2.42 4.85 7.05 21.71 24.67 28.47 0.34 4.20 6.60 17 II 11.83 14.72 19.98 3.05 5.83 8.22 21.08 24.26 28.30 1.73 4.35 7.17 18 II 11.57 14.79 19.47 2.18 5.54 9.38 21.12 24.32 27.58 1.78 4.29 5.84 21t II 13.01 16.22 21.16 2.37 5.20 7.03 22.13 26.25 30.27 1.43 3.59 5.33 21m II 11.83 16.42 21.03 2.73 5.71 11.45 21.50 26.07 30.21 1.23 3.66 5.62 21b II 13.31 16.56 21.12 2.77 5.58 6.93 22.26 26.19 30.33 1.12 3.91 6.39 54 Table 10. Concluded DO std. Temperature Mtn Mean (T) Max DO (mg/L) Temperature CC) Min Mean Max DO (mg/L) Station Mm Mean Max Min Mean Max 5.0 Period 5 (09/26 -10/31) Period 7 (03/16 - 11/19) 1 13.10 15.82 20.36 7.05 8.01 8.47 4.52 15.71 25.69 5.10 8.33 12.66 2 H 13.28 15.62 20.44 7.33 9.38 10.64 3.29 15.73 25.15 3.42 8.72 13.45 6 4.0 12.57 16.50 20.15 5.64 7.25 8.76 6.67 17.99 27.88 0.88 6.67 10.38 7 " 13.27 16.74 20.44 5.26 6.86 8.04 11.62 19.02 26.02 0.28 5.98 9.83 9 3.0 12.22 16.83 20.15 4.68 6.48 8.13 6.21 17.54 26.74 2.48 6.10 10.78 10 tl 11.99 16.82 19.98 4.72 6.43 8.12 6.25 17.13 25.26 2.57 5.91 10.41 12 It 11,88 16.50 20.23 4.31 6.37 8.40 6.42 17.51 26.44 0.92 5.77 9.46 13 II 11.60 16.46 20.02 4.51 6.69 8.45 6.25 17.62 26.57 1.88 6.11 10.50 14 M 11.71 15.56 19.98 5.06 6.46 7.96 5.62 17.27 26.82 1.46 5.96 10.31 15 M 11.66 16.27 19.89 3.93 6.02 8.27 5.20 17.28 26.70 1.39 5.63 10.03 16 4.0 16.04 19.84 23.10 0.35 5.40 7.14 8.83 19.27 28.47 0.34 4.98 9.46 17 " 14.29 18.27 21.75 1.30 5.72 6.82 7.01 18.51 28.30 1.30 5.36 8.52 18 If 14.84 18.45 21.33 1.78 5.24 6.43 1.11 18.46 27.58 1.78 5.29 9.38 21t " 17.28 19.95 23.99 1.30 4.67 6.16 10.48 20.19 30.27 0.78 4.81 9.11 21m ft 17.25 19.21 23.19 3.49 5.46 6.93 10.18 19.88 30.21 1.07 5.00 11.45 21b II 17.26 19.23 24.29 3.71 5.30 6.53 10.52 20.01 30.33 0.69 4.92 8.76 5.0 Period 6 (11/01 -11/19) 1 7.60 10.10 13.10 8.79 9.45 10.30 2 n 6.84 9.76 13.28 8.77 9.86 11.17 6 4.0 10.98 13.27 15.84 6.25 7.35 8.21 7 H 11.87 13.22 15.42 4.92 6.95 8.12 9 3.0 9.02 11.13 14.94 4.79 6.71 8.08 10 II 9.06 11.01 14.77 5.08 6.58 8.16 12 II 7.62 9.72 13.32 5.39 6.84 8.15 13 II 7.14 9.59 13.35 4.32 6.39 7.87 14 H 6.69 9.13 12.28 4.88 6.10 7.29 15 n 6.27 8.98 12.42 5.60 6.96 8.48 16 4.0 11.25 15.13 17.30 - - - 17 " 9.22 12.77 15.43 4.19 6.20 7.39 18 M 10.79 13.20 15.41 3.95 5.95 7.13 21t M 12.62 15.06 17.37 4.57 5.62 6.74 21m " 12.46 15.14 17.36 5.11 6.15 7.54 21b " 12.88 15.14 17.34 4.60 5.87 7.16 Notes: DO sid. = dissolved oxygen standard, in mg/L, at designated station 21t = near surface 2 1 m = mid-depth 21b = bottom 55 Table 11. Summary by Station of DO and Temperature Measurements, March 16 - November 19, 1996 Date Temperature ( Min Mean Max DO (mg/L) Temperature (°C) Min Mean Max DO (mg/L) Period Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 03/16-04/18 ~ Station 1 (RM 328. 10) Station 10 (RM 317.62) 1 4.52 6.64 10.94 7.71 10.46 12.66 6.25 9.22 12.84 5.35 7.92 10.41 2 04/19-05/30 10.10 13.80 18.88 7.47 8.46 9.95 11.70 14.54 19.73 3.78 5.62 8.41 3 05/31-07/03 17.66 20.82 23.53 6.55 7.54 8.29 14.75 19.98 25.26 2.86 5.01 6.62 4 07/04-09/25 20.36 22.91 25.69 5.10 6.96 8.39 19.98 23.01 25.26 2.57 4.97 7.31 5 09/26-10/31 13.10 15.82 20.36 7.05 8.01 8.47 11.99 16.82 19.98 4.72 6.43 8.12 6 11/01-11-19 7.60 10.10 13.10 8.79 9.45 10.30 9.06 11.01 14.77 5.08 6.58 8.16 1-6 03/16-11/19 4.52 15.71 25.69 5.10 8.33 12.66 6.25 17.13 25.26 2.57 5.91 10.41 03/16-04/18 ~ Station 2 (RM 327.69) Station 12 (RM 311.55) 1 3.29 5.44 8.57 9.37 12.02 13.45 6.42 8.91 12.25 4.65 7.62 9.46 2 04/19-05/30 10.77 14.06 17.99 7.18 8.33 9.92 10.05 14.05 20.19 2.87 5.53 8.47 3 05/31-07/03 15.29 19.43 23.44 5.38 7.49 9.27 14.74 20.40 26.44 0.92 4.81 8.73 4 07/04-09/25 20.40 22.75 25.19 3.42 6.66 8.03 20.23 23.40 26.40 2.36 5.05 7.65 5 09/26-10/31 13.28 15.62 20.44 7.33 9.38 10.64 11.88 16.50 20.23 4.31 6.37 8.40 6 11/01-11-19 6.84 9.76 13.28 8.77 9.86 11.17 7.62 9.72 13.32 5.39 6.84 8.15 1-6 03/16-11/19 3.29 15.73 25.15 3.42 8.72 13.45 6.42 17.51 26.44 0.92 5.77 9.46 03/16-04/18 ~ StaUon 6 (RM 321.32) StaUon 13 (RM31 0.70) 1 6.67 10.35 15.71 5.76 8.29 10.38 6.25 7.73 12.42 7.14 8.79 10.50 2 04/19-05/30 10.91 13.93 19.73 1.15 5.87 8.62 9.97 13.84 19.89 3.44 6.29 8.90 3 05/31-07/03 18.29 21.38 26.06 1.56 5.80 9.32 14.53 20.33 26.19 2.57 5.56 7.74 4 07/04-09/25 20.06 23.22 27.88 0.88 6.23 8.63 19.85 23.09 26.57 1.88 5.42 8.49 5 09/26-10/31 12.57 16.50 20.15 5.64 7.25 8.76 11.60 16.46 20.02 4.51 6.69 8.45 6 11/01-11-19 10.98 13.27 15.81 6.25 7.35 8.21 7.14 9.59 13.35 4.32 6.39 7.87 1-6 03/16-11/19 6.67 17.99 27.88 0.88 6.67 10.38 6.25 17.62 26.57 1.88 6.11 10.50 03/16-04/18 " Station 7 (RM 320.71) Station 14 (RM 307.15) 1 11.87 12.84 13.90 6.24 6.59 7.01 5.62 8.65 12.08 5.78 8.10 10.31 2 04/19-05/30 11.62 14.22 19.30 2.34 5.82 9.83 10.10 13.98 19.77 3.70 6.51 8.34 3 05/31-07/03 15.08 19.75 25.13 1.11 5.21 7.19 14.61 20.53 26.02 1.46 5.01 7.33 4 07/04-09/25 19.85 23.11 26.02 0.28 5.91 8.49 19.89 23.38 26.82 1.95 5.09 7.29 5 09/26-10/31 13.27 16.74 20.44 5.26 6.86 8.04 11.71 15.56 19.98 5.06 6.46 7.96 6 11/01-11-19 11.87 13.22 15.42 4.92 6.95 8.12 6.69 9.13 12.28 4.88 6.10 7.29 1-6 03/16-11/19 11.62 19.02 26.02 0.28 5.98 9.83 5.62 17.27 26.82 1.46 5.96 10.31 03/16-04/18 ' Station 9 (RM 318.08) Station 15 (RM303.63) 1 6.21 9.48 14.45 5.94 8.28 10.78 5.20 8.61 11.83 5.97 7.74 10.03 2 04/19-05/30 10.14 13.96 20.32 3.59 6.34 9.18 9.88 13.82 19.98 3.04 5.61 8.11 3 05/31-07/03 14.45 20.13 25.17 2.48 4.91 6.59 14.07 21.01 25.89 1.39 4.81 7.01 4 07/04-09/25 20.15 23.30 26.74 3.15 5.28 7.62 20.11 23.53 26.70 2.30 4.60 7.61 5 09/26-10/31 12.22 16.83 20.15 4.68 6.48 8.13 11.66 16.27 19.89 3.93 6.02 8.27 6 11/01-11-19 9.02 11.13 14.94 4.79 6.71 8.08 6.27 8.98 12.42 5.60 6.96 8.48 1-6 03/16-11/19 6.21 17.54 26.74 2.48 6.10 10.78 5.20 17.28 26.70 1.39 5.63 10.03 36 Table 11. Concluded Date Temperature (°C) A fin Mean Max DO (mg/L) Temperature (°C) Min Mean Max DO (ntg/L) Period Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 03/16-04/18 ' Station 16 (RM 304.69) Station 21t(RM 291.20) 1 8.83 11.52 14.78 3.89 7.34 9.46 10.48 13.38 16.56 5.43 7.52 9.11 2 04/19-05/30 12.46 15.18 19.60 2.42 4.85 7.05 13.01 16.22 21.16 2.37 5.20 7.03 3 05/31-07/03 15.63 20.49 25.93 1.17 3.97 6.37 15.23 22.53 29.84 0.78 3.83 5.71 4 07/04-09/25 21.71 24.67 28.47 0.34 4.20 6.60 22.13 26.25 30.27 1.43 3.59 5.33 5 09/26-10/31 16.04 19.84 23.10 0.35 5.40 7.14 17.28 19.95 23.99 1.30 4.67 6.16 6 11/01-11-19 11.25 15.13 17.30 - - - 12.62 15.06 17.37 4.57 5.62 6.74 1-6 03/16-11/19 8.83 19.27 28.47 0.34 4.98 9.46 10.48 20.19 30.27 0.78 4.81 9.11 03/16-04/18 ' Station 17 (RM 302.56) Station 21m (RM 291.20) 1 7.01 10.27 13.64 4.49 6.55 8.52 10.18 13.37 16.90 5.44 7.21 8.63 2 04/19-05/30 11.83 14.72 19.98 3.05 5.83 8.22 11.83 16.42 21.03 2.73 5.71 11.45 3 05/31-07/03 15.21 20.69 26.27 2.75 5.20 6.86 15.24 22.50 29.80 1.07 3.78 5.52 4 07/04-09/25 21.08 24.26 28.30 1.73 4.35 7.17 21.50 26.07 30.21 1.23 3.66 5.62 5 09/26-10/31 14.29 18.27 21.75 1.30 5.72 6.82 17.25 19.21 23.19 3.49 5.46 6.93 6 11/01-11-19 9.22 12.77 15.43 4.19 6.20 7.39 12.46 15.14 17.36 5.11 6.15 7.54 1-6 03/16-11/19 7.01 18.51 28.30 1.30 5.36 8.52 10.18 19.88 30.21 1.07 5.00 11.45 03/16-04/18 ' Station 18 (RM 299.55) Station 21b (RM 291.20] 1 1.11 10.54 13.50 6.15 7.48 9.08 10.52 13.63 17.06 5.66 7.12 8.76 2 04/19-05/30 11.57 14.79 19.47 2.18 5.54 9.38 13.31 16.56 21.12 2.77 5.58 6.93 3 05/31-07/03 15.04 20.07 25.64 3.61 4.75 6.51 15.26 22.51 29.82 0.69 3.97 5.91 4 07/04-09/25 21.12 24.32 27.58 1.78 4.29 5.84 22.26 26.19 30.33 1.12 3.91 6.39 5 09/26-10/31 14.84 18.45 21.33 1.78 5.24 6.43 17.26 19.23 24.29 3.71 5.30 6.53 6 11/01-11-19 10.79 13.20 15.41 3.95 5.95 7.13 12.88 15.14 17.34 4.60 5.87 7.16 1-6 03/16-11/19 1.11 18.46 27.58 1.78 5.29 9.38 10.52 20.01 30.33 0.69 4.92 8.76 Notes: 2 It = near surface 21m = mid-depth 21b = bottom 57 Table 12. Summary of Cross-Sectional DO and Temperature Data by Station, Including Monitor Readings at Continuous Monitoring Stations, 1996 Monitor readins DO (me/L) Temp (V) Cross-sectional data _ Begin time N DO (mg/L) Temperature (Ti Date Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 1, RM 328,10, DO std = 5.0 1 tng/L 03/28 11.53 5.30 1525 12 11.30 11,40 11,63 5,1 5.3 5.4 04/23 8.71 11.01 1505 19 9.05 10,84 12,27 11.3 11,5 11.8 05/22 7.72 18.76 1820 15 8.74 9,58 10,20 18.2 19,2 19.9 06/05 - - 1528 32 7.44 8,04 9,09 17,8 18,6 19.8 06/19 7.42 20.06 0946 46 7.41 7,48 7.54 19.5 19,9 20,1 07/02 7.80 22,22 1004 46 7.34 7,48 7.61 22.1 22.4 22,8 07/10 7.45 21.84 1118 43 7.13 7.32 7.73 21.6 21.9 22.3 07/17 7.23 22.90 0932 35 7.01 7.24 7.46 21.6 22.8 23.0 07/24 5,65 23,15 1009 30 6.13 6.31 6.61 23.4 23.5 23.9 07/31 - - 1005 32 6.77 7.05 7.31 22.4 22.6 22.8 09/04 7.08 24.23 0945 29 6.92 7.23 7.63 24.0 24.2 24.7 09/18 6.96 22.05 0829 35 5.77 6.70 1.11 21.8 21.9 22.0 10/22 - 15.33 0922 21 8.76 9.26 9.55 14.9 14.9 14.9 10/30 - 14.59 0931 15 8.87 8.96 9.07 14.4 14.5 14.5 11/13 9.43 9.23 1005 14 8.18 8.91 9.46 9.0 9.2 9.3 Station 2, RM 327.69, DO std = 5.0 ; mg/L 03/28 12.76 4.14 1451 14 12.49 12,69 12.78 4.2 4.4 4.5 04/23 - - 1435 15 11.90 13,04 13.96 10.9 11.1 11.4 05/22 7.44 17.00 1734 18 8.96 9.54 9.93 17.5 18.8 19.3 06/05 7.72 17.34 1432 30 6.97 8.39 9.59 17.3 18.4 19.4 06/19 6.85 19.47 1038 53 5.98 7.17 7.50 19.3 19.9 20.5 07/02 7.20 22.79 1058 38 7.00 7.15 8.44 22.7 22.9 23.6 07/10 6.58 21.75 1006 53 7.02 7.72 8.07 21.6 21.9 22.5 07/17 7.26 22.98 1024 29 6.84 7.12 7.30 22.7 22.9 23.8 07/24 5.35 22.94 1045 30 5.35 6.13 6.50 23.1 23.5 24.2 07/31 - - 1102 30 7.09 7.70 8.35 22.5 22.8 23.2 09/04 - 23.87 1040 25 6.99 7.59 8.03 23.8 24.2 24.7 09/18 7.46 21.94 0928 37 7.34 7.69 8.01 21.6 21.9 22.1 10/22 8.64 15.27 1016 26 8.21 9.24 9.91 14.8 14.9 15.0 10/30 - 14,49 0954 8 9.28 9.37 9.42 14.2 14.2 14.2 11/13 9.99 8,66 1033 7 8.99 9.27 9.84 8.5 8.6 8.6 Station 3, , RM 326.02, DO std =5,0 mg/L 03/28 1544 3 13.77 13.89 13.97 4.0 4.0 4.0 04/23 1422 8 9.08 10.70 13.33 10.9 11.3 11.6 05/22 1722 5 9.22 10.64 11.77 17.8 18.7 19.4 06/05 1625 5 7.80 8.20 8.58 18.0 18.2 18.4 06/19 1119 7 6.49 6.69 6.85 20.3 20.5 20.7 07/02 1148 8 6.04 6.27 6.50 23.1 23.4 23.7 07/10 0952 7 6.80 7.00 7.45 22.0 22.2 22.6 07/17 1051 4 6.43 6.60 6.70 22.8 22.9 23.0 07/24 1123 4 4.93 5.20 5.53 23.0 23,2 23.5 07/31 1140 6 7.02 7.06 7.17 22.9 23.0 23.1 09/04 1122 5 6.91 7.14 7.27 23.9 24.0 24.3 09/18 1000 8 7.41 7.59 7.72 21.5 21.7 21.8 10/22 1057 5 8.55 8.98 9.25 14.7 14.7 14.7 10/30 1008 7 9.11 9.21 9.35 13.7 13.8 13.8 11/13 1036 7 9.38 9.60 9.99 7.2 7.3 7.4 58 Table 12. Continued Monitor reading DOfmsL) TenwrT) Cross-sectional data _ Begin time A' DO (me/L) Temperature (V) Date Kiin Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 4, RM 325.31, DO std - 4.0 mg/L 03/28 1322 11 12.50 12.61 12.76 4.0 4.8 5.0 04/23 1332 21 3.71 4.32 5.86 12.0 12.5 12.8 05/22 1618 15 3.45 4.80 5.84 18.4 19.5 20.6 06/05 1250 17 4.83 6.12 7.59 16.9 18.2 19.8 06/19 1214 33 0.44 0.52 1.04 20.9 21.1 21.8 07/02 1251 29 5.65 5.89 6.26 23.9 24.1 24.9 07/10 1243 28 6.63 6.88 7.52 22.3 22.7 23.5 07/17 1127 26 5.79 6.02 6.15 23.4 23.5 23.6 07/24 1323 18 4.99 5.28 5.49 23.4 23.6 23.7 07/31 1219 27 3.88 4.53 5.04 22.4 22.9 23.3 09/04 1238 20 6.53 6.88 7.50 23.9 24.2 25.6 09/18 1055 25 7.13 7.54 7.75 21.0 21.3 21.6 10/22 1137 14 7.88 8.22 8.53 15.0 15.0 15.0 10/30 1045 7 8.53 8.65 8.84 13.3 13.4 13.4 11/13 1140 6 8.34 8.44 8.59 6.6 6.6 6.6 Station 5, RM 322.66, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 1300 11 15.00 15.33 15.70 4.3 4.5 4.7 04/23 1306 18 7.77 8.27 9.13 12.8 13.2 14.1 05/22 1533 22 5.90 6.80 7.51 19.3 20.6 21.8 06/05 1154 23 5.73 6.30 7.14 17.8 18.4 19.7 06/19 1311 31 5.41 6.03 7.42 21.7 22.0 23.0 07/02 1324 28 5.50 6.07 6.63 25.2 25.5 25.9 07/10 1327 29 6.83 7.58 8.54 22.7 23.2 24.3 07/17 1212 28 6.68 7.03 7.61 23.8 23.9 24.0 07/24 1352 23 4.27 4.61 5.23 23.6 23.8 24.3 07/31 1259 25 4.35 4.78 5.14 23.0 23.4 23.9 09/04 1308 18 7.14 7.41 7.90 24.1 24.4 25.1 09/18 1132 26 7.43 7.70 7.99 20.6 21.2 22.0 10/22 1210 19 7.82 8.23 8.49 14.6 14.6 14.7 10/30 1115 8 8.84 8.93 9.01 13.1 13.1 13.1 11/13 1207 6 9.19 9.31 9.66 5.3 5.4 5.4 Station 6, RM 321.32, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 7.80 10.67 1222 17 7.02 7.81 8.24 9.9 10.1 10.5 04/23 7.00 13.23 1223 24 5.69 6.58 7.71 13.1 13.4 13.9 05/22 - - 1439 26 5.95 6.74 8.20 17.9 19.4 20.3 06/05 - - 0904 48 4.87 5.76 7.43 16.4 16.7 17.1 06/19 5.17 19.45 1353 49 4.51 5.32 6.52 19.3 19.4 19.7 07/02 5.83 23.82 1343 27 4.23 6.32 6.97 22.6 23.4 24.3 07/10 8.23 23.62 1408 40 6.08 6.85 8.22 21.8 22.7 24.1 07/17 6.84 23.18 1315 17 5.61 6.11 6.64 22.6 22.9 23.2 07/24 5.35 23.06 1428 33 3.99 4.84 6.99 22.4 22.6 23.0 07/31 6.97 22.56 1342 23 5.32 5.77 6.57 22.0 22.3 22.4 09/04 7.53 25.59 1347 20 4.29 6.41 7.44 22.2 24.0 25.6 09/18 6.26 22.18 1203 25 5.56 6.74 7.22 21.2 21.6 22.6 10/22 6.91 17.10 1300 22 7.04 8.23 8.65 16.3 16.8 17.1 10/30 7.49 15.18 1130 20 7.11 7.47 7.77 15.1 15.2 15.3 11/13 7.08 12.65 1219 18 6.52 6.92 8.85 11.7 12.2 12.4 59 Table 12. Continued Monitor reading DO rme/L) Temp r'C) ( Cross-sectional data _ Begin time N DO fme/L) Temperature (TJ Date Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 7, RM 320.71, DO std = 4.0 1 mg/L 03/28 - - 1052 19 7.26 7.49 7.86 9.6 9.9 12.2 04/23 6.48 12.80 1152 25 5.23 5.51 6.08 13.1 13.4 14.2 05/22 5.58 17.85 1327 37 2.99 5.09 6.45 17.5 18.6 20.0 06/05 5.69 17.07 1044 34 5.00 5.51 6.02 16.5 17.0 18.5 06/19 4.45 19.81 1454 23 4.38 4.70 4.87 19.4 19.6 19.8 07/02 4.97 23.57 1253 22 4.99 5.41 5.89 22.9 23.4 24.2 07/10 6.19 23.28 1505 27 6.22 6.85 7.78 22.4 22.9 23.6 07/17 4.85 22.98 07/24 3.74 22.96 1514 25 3.53 4.35 5.34 22.7 23.1 23.9 07/31 4.77 22.49 1417 22 4.96 5.35 5.87 22.0 22.4 23.0 09/04 7.76 24.62 1428 17 4.96 5.60 6.80 24.3 24.4 24.7 09/18 6.91 21.95 1259 24 6,08 6.68 7.11 21.4 21.8 22.3 10/22 6.32 16.85 1243 10 7.66 7.87 8.04 16.7 16.8 16.8 10/30 6.70 15.65 1150 7 6.81 6.91 7.03 15.3 15.3 15.3 11/13 6.30 13.24 1240 10 6.44 6.59 6.80 12.7 12.9 13.1 Station 8, RM318.51, DO std = 3.0 ; mg/L 03/28 1032 9 8.53 8.54 8.59 8.0 8.1 8.1 04/23 1114 14 5.72 6.24 6.67 11.9 12.4 12.8 05/22 1250 24 4.43 4.79 5.51 18.3 18.8 20.0 06/05 0901 23 4.86 5.10 5.49 16.3 16.4 16.6 06/19 1540 14 3.77 3.89 4.10 20.5 20.6 21.0 07/02 1151 23 4.10 4.72 5.18 23.5 23.9 24.3 07/10 1519 32 6.39 6.76 7.39 22.8 22.9 23.2 07/31 1456 12 4.42 4.64 4.95 21.6 21.6 21.7 09/04 1446 25 5.41 5.60 5.92 24.1 24.1 24.2 09/18 1432 25 5.72 6.00 6.26 21.0 21.3 21.6 10/22 1218 11 7.24 7.47 7.79 16.1 16.1 16.2 10/30 1209 7 6.52 6.55 6.57 14.2 14.2 14.3 11/13 1305 6 6.76 6.92 7.15 10.5 10.8 10.9 Station 9. ,RM 318.08. , DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 8.93 7.33 1014 11 8.96 9.00 9.04 7.6 7.7 7.8 04/23 5.89 11.74 1045 15 5.88 6.14 6.28 11.7 12.0 12.4 05/22 4.49 19.98 1157 30 4.09 5.55 6.70 18.2 18.7 20.1 06/05 5.43 17.87 0945 25 4.48 5.05 5.28 16.3 16.5 17.0 06/19 4.26 21.01 1413 20 3.55 3.83 4.01 20.5 20.6 20.6 07/02 3.45 24.21 1100 24 3.98 4.27 4.76 23.5 23.8 24.4 07/10 6.12 22.34 0848 26 5.62 5.82 6.06 22.1 22.2 22.3 07/17 6.06 23.85 0833 34 4.68 4.94 5.24 23.5 23.5 23.7 07/24 4.01 22.02 0841 29 3.07 3.35 3.65 21.5 21.6 21.9 07/31 4.50 21.38 0904 32 4.03 4.22 4.40 20.9 21.0 21.2 09/04 6.11 24.33 1418 21 5.47 5.80 5.97 24.1 24.1 24.2 09/18 6.03 21.67 1356 22 5.48 5.70 5.99 20.9 21.1 21.6 10/22 6.56 16.22 1157 20 7.27 7.45 7.61 16.0 16.1 16.1 10/30 7.17 14.42 1223 12 6.13 6.22 6.42 14.2 14.2 14.3 11/13 6.91 10.62 1313 9 6.78 7.05 7.24 10.4 10.7 10.8 60 Table 12. Continued Monitor readme Cross-sectional data _ Begin DO rmg/L) Temnerature CV,) Date DO (mgJA Temp (V) time N Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 10 RM 317.62, DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 8.55 7.35 0956 11 8.49 8.59 8.66 7.5 7.5 7.6 04/23 - - 0951 42 6.24 7.16 8.38 11.7 12.1 12.6 05/22 4.34 17.85 1057 39 4.77 6.95 9.54 17.9 18.2 19.5 06/05 5.11 16.75 1052 26 4.90 5.44 6.74 16.4 16.8 17.8 06/19 4.16 20.91 1454 20 3.54 4.21 4.82 20.7 20.7 20.9 07/02 4.58 23.95 0956 24 4.87 5.37 5.75 23.6 23.8 24.3 07/10 - - 0943 31 5.87 6.17 6.62 22.2 22.3 22.6 07/17 6.15 23.74 1015 33 5.59 5.82 6.07 23.6 23.7 23.8 07/24 3.50 21.88 0946 33 3.21 3.90 5.07 21.6 21.7 21.9 07/24 3.85 22.77 1550 24 3.56 4.25 5.12 22.5 22.6 22.8 07/31 - - 1022 25 3.93 4.67 5.93 21.0 21.2 21.5 09/04 5.85 24.26 1330 25 5.50 5.79 6.13 24.1 24.2 24.6 09/18 5.62 21.00 1312 25 5.62 6.10 6.52 20.7 21.1 21.8 10/22 6.23 16.18 1132 10 7.78 7.96 8.06 16.0 16.1 16.1 10/30 6.23 14.35 1250 18 6.28 6.72 7.20 14.1 14.3 14.4 11/13 6.99 10.05 1323 11 6.80 7.12 7.32 9.9 10.0 10.0 Station 1 1 RM 316.00, DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 0930 14 7.98 8.07 8.21 7.2 7.2 7.2 04/23 0858 41 6.24 8.12 9.26 11.7 12.1 12.3 05/22 0953 39 4.93 7.70 8.91 17.4 17.7 18.2 06/05 1148 24 5.12 5.25 5.57 16.5 16.9 17.9 06/19 1329 23 3.77 4.20 4.63 21.1 21.2 21.3 07/02 0905 26 4.35 4.89 5.19 24.1 24.2 24.3 07/10 1036 29 5.91 6.30 7.00 22.5 22.8 23.6 07/17 1048 33 4.99 5.33 5.54 23.6 23.7 23.7 07/24 1025 33 3.62 3.85 4.27 21.7 21.9 22.4 07/31 1112 26 4.00 4.37 4.75 20.9 21.1 21.7 09/04 1545 27 5.68 5.87 6.16 24.2 24.4 24.5 09/18 1238 27 5.25 5.60 5.85 20.7 21.0 21.4 10/22 1112 9 7.15 7.21 7.38 15.6 15.7 15.7 10/30 1314 20 6.07 6.29 6.48 14.3 14.4 14.4 11/13 1342 5 6.93 6.99 7.12 9.3 9.4 9.4 Station 12 ,RM311.55 DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 8.23 7.05 1646 8 8.78 8.88 9.10 6.8 6.9 7.1 04/23 6.47 12.21 0929 21 6.18 6.29 6.43 11.9 12.0 12.0 05/22 4.22 18.27 1003 23 3.56 3.62 3.70 17.8 17.9 18.1 06/05 4.80 17.55 1300 24 4.85 5.00 5.18 17.1 17.4 18.1 06/19 2.40 21.61 1241 20 2.04 2.47 2.67 21.1 21.2 21.5 07/02 3.88 24.79 0844 17 3.78 3.94 4.17 24.5 24.6 24.9 07/10 5.60 23.57 1133 37 5.36 6.13 7.06 22.8 23.3 24.0 07/17 4.48 24.06 1207 29 4.34 4.78 5.09 23.6 23.8 23.8 07/24 3.47 22.77 1102 23 3.41 3.46 3.51 22.2 22.3 22.4 07/31 3.57 22.13 1201 23 3.57 3.76 3.96 21.4 21.5 21.8 09/04 5.74 24.29 1120 23 5.29 5.36 5.55 24.0 24.2 24.5 09/18 6.79 21.31 1152 23 5.68 5.90 6.66 20.4 20.6 21.3 10/22 6.47 15.53 1038 17 7.06 7.38 7.56 15.4 15.4 15.4 10/30 8.32 14.22 1358 14 7.21 7.31 7.53 14.0 14.1 14.2 11/13 6.90 8.29 1303 13 6.41 6.60 6.78 8.1 8.2 8.2 61 Table 12. Continued Monitor reading DO fme/L) Temo fC) ( Cross-sectional data Begin time N DO (mWL) Temperature ("<:> Date Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 13, RM 310.70, DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 - - 1622 10 8.74 8.86 9.01 6.9 6.9 7.1 04/23 6.54 12.25 1014 21 6.27 6.62 7.01 12.0 12.1 12.2 05/22 4.60 18.25 1049 23 4.03 4.19 4.36 17.9 18.2 19.1 06/05 6.44 17.87 1437 24 4.89 5.46 5.92 17.4 17.6 18.3 06/19 2.68 21.46 1135 30 1.76 2.66 3.43 21.1 21.2 21.8 07/02 4.91 24.90 0936 24 4.56 4,97 5.41 24.6 24.8 25.7 07/10 6.73 23.45 1241 35 6.60 7.25 8.16 23.0 23.6 24.6 07/17 6.30 24.04 1252 32 5.50 5.83 6.01 23.8 23.8 23.8 07/24 4.42 22.66 1207 43 3.40 3.96 4.67 22.3 22.3 22.5 07/31 4.48 21.80 1305 26 3.34 3.91 4.68 21.5 21.6 21.7 09/04 6.20 24.62 1216 26 5.89 5.98 6.16 24.3 24.5 24.9 09/18 6.38 20.43 1057 26 5.50 5.80 6.16 20.0 20.2 20.6 10/22 7.37 15.50 1010 13 6.84 7.69 7.87 15.3 15.4 15.4 10/30 8.33 14.07 1348 17 7.10 7.51 7.93 13.9 14.0 14.0 11/13 6.46 7.98 1246 14 6.35 6.48 6.65 8.1 8.1 8.2 Station 14, ,RM 307.15, DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 9.38 7.18 1554 11 9.38 9.47 9.69 7.1 7.2 7.2 04/23 6.49 12.54 1053 20 6.38 6.43 6.51 12.2 12.3 12.9 05/22 3.98 19.31 1128 20 3.83 3.97 4.17 19.0 19.2 19.7 06/05 5.57 17.85 1521 23 5.08 5.27 5.62 17.4 17.7 18.4 06/19 1.61 21.19 1035 30 1.23 2.03 4.27 20.9 21.3 22.6 07/02 4.72 25.13 1026 20 4.12 4.56 4.99 25.0 25.3 26.2 07/10 5.97 23.36 1334 29 6.22 7.04 8.19 23.2 23.8 24.8 07/17 5.62 24.12 1410 18 5.36 5.47 5.72 23.6 23.6 23.6 07/24 3.61 22.50 1257 29 3.76 3.97 4.08 22.1 22.3 22.6 07/31 3.04 21.90 1352 24 2.96 3.15 3.53 21.5 21.6 21.9 09/04 5.70 24.15 1041 31 5.21 5.37 5.46 24.1 24.1 24.2 09/18 6.21 20.02 1008 26 5.01 5.20 5.49 19.8 20.0 21.0 10/22 6.76 15.42 0942 13 7.42 7.55 7.73 15.2 15.3 15.3 10/30 7.48 13.95 1313 14 7.08 7.36 7.47 13.7 13.8 13.9 11/13 7.81 1227 7 6.08 6.24 6.44 7.6 7.6 7.6 Station 15 , RM 303.63, , DO std = 3.0 mg/L 03/28 8.31 6.93 1517 11 8.35 8.42 8.67 6.9 7.0 7.1 04/23 5.94 12.78 1128 20 5.78 5.86 5.95 12.5 12.7 13.4 05/22 4.03 18.74 1213 32 4.01 4.25 4.40 18.7 18.9 19.4 06/05 5.73 17.83 1521 30 4.74 4.84 4.95 17.7 17.8 18.3 06/19 2.03 21.06 0933 25 1.81 1.97 2.55 21.0 21.1 21.5 07/02 4.23 25.28 1110 25 4.19 5.09 5.73 25.3 25.9 26.6 07/10 6.12 23.80 1418 39 6.31 7.65 9.22 23.5 24.0 24.7 07/24 3.31 22.24 1343 34 3.59 3.78 3.98 22.0 22.1 23.2 07/31 3.47 21.90 1438 33 3.77 3.85 4.28 21.7 21.8 21.8 09/04 5.19 24.34 0923 29 5.19 5.59 5.99 24.2 24.3 24.8 09/05 5.31 24.58 1256 29 5.20 5.30 5.46 24.4 24.6 24.9 09/18 5.31 20.51 0918 33 4.75 5.12 5.38 19.9 21.0 21.8 09/19 5.61 21.38 1214 26 5.29 5.62 5.78 20.8 21.5 22.1 10/22 5.98 15.07 0913 21 5.97 6.71 6.97 14.9 15.0 15.0 10.23 6.47 15.22 0923 7 7.03 7.17 7.24 14.8 14.9 14.9 10/30 13.82 1232 21 6.24 7.10 7.36 13.7 14.5 15.0 11/13 6.42 7.66 1203 15 5.77 6.02 6.59 7.4 8.5 11.3 62 Table 12. Continued Monitor reading DO (mel) Temp fV) Cross-sectional data _ Begin time N DO rmz/L) Temperature rv) Date Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 16 RM 304.69, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 8.06 10.01 1450 12 7.66 7.70 7.75 10.0 10.0 10.1 04/23 - 13.52 1227 14 6.64 6.68 6.75 13.3 13.4 13.6 05/22 3.54 18.90 1313 18 4.68 4.80 4.97 18.7 18.8 19.1 06/05 2.77 17.87 1408 12 4.72 4.83 4.89 17.9 18.0 18.1 06/19 3.43 20.59 1329 5 3.35 3.53 3.62 20.6 20.7 20.8 07/02 4.82 25.11 1205 21 5.22 5.59 6.21 25.5 25.6 25.9 07/10 4.13 23.59 1300 27 4.15 4.35 4.73 23.5 23.6 24.0 07/24 4.25 23.91 1513 23 3.66 3.82 3.98 23.7 23.8 24.0 07/31 3.06 23.70 1351 27 3.89 4.04 4.19 23.6 23.7 23.8 09/05 - 26.67 1351 27 4.36 4.55 4.85 26.6 26.7 27.0 09/19 5.69 22.22 1119 27 5.10 5.17 5.23 21.9 21.9 22.1 10/22 5.63 20.13 0828 12 6.06 6.20 6.36 19.7 19.9 19.9 10/23 5.57 20.18 0929 7 5.09 5.63 5.87 19.8 19.9 20.0 10/30 - 19.14 1218 9 6.11 6.17 6.22 18.9 19.0 19.0 11/13 - 14.38 1145 8 5.81 6.03 6.45 13.9 14.0 14.0 Station 17 RM 302.56, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 7.81 8.39 1410 12 8.08 8.19 8.27 8.0 8.6 9.0 04/23 6.38 13.18 1249 14 6.25 6.29 6.37 13.1 13.2 13.4 05/22 5.24 19.24 1335 18 4.58 4.64 4.75 18.9 18.9 19.0 06/05 5.80 18.12 1502 12 5.04 5.23 5.40 17.8 17.9 18.0 06/19 3.62 21.20 1253 6 2,83 2.88 2.92 21.0 21.0 21.1 07/02 4.02 25.62 1232 22 5.18 5.45 6.00 25.4 25.4 25.4 07/10 4.79 23.53 1228 27 4.71 5.07 6.35 23.5 23.7 24.8 07/24 3.54 22.72 1248 24 3.88 3.96 4.11 22.5 22.6 23.0 07/31 4.25 22.62 1316 28 4.34 4.39 4.48 22.5 22.5 22.6 09/04 - 25.56 0958 10 5.91 5.96 5.99 25.4 22.5 25.6 09/05 - 25.87 1202 9 5.06 5.11 5.15 25.7 25.8 25.9 09/18 6.01 21.42 0856 10 4.99 5.11 5.17 21.2 21.2 21.3 09/19 5.73 21.37 1149 26 4.80 5.11 5.36 21.2 21.2 21.3 10/22 5.74 17.78 0849 14 5.95 6.46 6.77 17.4 17.7 18.0 10/23 - 18.51 0942 6 6.21 6.33 6.40 18.3 18.4 18.5 10/30 - 16.83 1156 9 6.35 6.38 6.40 16.0 16.7 17.0 11/13 6.35 11.32 1130 10 6.31 6.42 6.66 11.3 12.0 13.3 Station 18, RM 299.55, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 8.36 8.53 1325 12 8.32 8.40 8.48 8.5 8.5 8.5 04/23 6.29 13.05 1318 18 6.14 6.25 6.34 13.0 13.1 13.2 05/22 4.47 18.65 1406 18 4.43 4.49 4.53 18.9 18.9 19.0 06/05 5.14 17.91 1439 4 5.10 5.12 5.14 17.8 17.8 17.8 06/19 - - 1233 4 2.19 2.22 2.26 21.3 21.3 21.3 07/02 4.16 25.35 1125 18 4.46 4.86 5.49 25.3 25.3 25.5 07/10 4.70 24.03 1152 27 4.75 4.84 4.90 23.8 23.8 23.9 07/17 4.67 23.57 1207 22 4.68 4.83 4.95 23.4 23.4 23.4 07/24 3.45 22.64 1346 26 3.66 3.77 3.86 22.5 22.5 22.6 07/31 4.5 22.72 1241 27 4.41 4.49 4.59 22.4 22.5 22.6 09/05 5.68 25.92 1122 30 4.53 4.84 5.07 25.7 25.8 25.9 09/19 4.52 21.42 1122 30 4.69 4.94 5.13 21.3 21.4 21.6 10/23 5.64 18.51 0956 6 5.88 5.93 6.01 18.1 18.4 18.5 10/30 5.42 17.74 1138 9 5,77 5.87 5.94 17.5 17.6 17.6 11/13 6.31 11.76 1110 8 6.20 6.30 6.40 11.5 11.6 11.7 63 Table 12. Concluded Monitor reading DO rme/L) Temp CC) ( Cross-sectional data Begin time A' DO (me/L) Temperature (TJ Date Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Station 19, RM 296.19, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 1220 12 7.95 8.09 8.18 8.1 8.2 8.2 04/23 1456 19 6.00 6,05 6.12 13.1 13.1 13.2 05/22 1436 19 4.27 4.36 4.53 19.1 19.1 19.2 06/05 1230 8 4.73 4.79 4.81 17.4 17.4 17.5 06/19 1144 12 1.43 1.50 1.60 21.4 21.4 21.5 07/02 1044 18 4.55 4.65 4.94 25.7 25.8 25.9 07/10 1102 28 4.45 4.58 4.71 23.9 24.0 24.1 07/17 1054 25 4.34 4.45 4.53 23.4 23.5 23.5 07/24 1059 23 3.47 3.58 3.72 22.3 22.4 22.4 07/31 1156 30 4.52 4.65 4.76 22.6 22.6 22.9 09/05 1044 30 4.58 4.81 4.95 23.3 26.2 26.4 09/19 0943 30 4.81 4.97 5.11 21.2 22.0 25.2 10/23 1025 7 5.88 5.95 6.02 18.1 18.2 18.3 10/30 1119 9 5.96 5.98 5.99 17.3 17.3 17.3 11/13 1049 8 5.96 5.98 6.00 12.2 12.3 12.3 Station 20, ,RM 295.34, DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 1155 14 7.89 8.03 8.18 8.3 8.3 8.4 04/23 1401 18 6.06 6.11 6.18 13.3 14.0 14.6 05/22 1455 17 4.20 4.28 4.40 19.3 20.3 24.3 06/05 1159 22 4.49 4.59 4.68 17.3 18.4 20.3 06/19 1121 10 1.25 1.36 1.53 21.9 23.2 25.4 07/02 1000 34 4.16 4.36 4.53 27.7 29.1 30.1 07/10 1032 31 4.34 4.55 4.65 24.7 27.2 28.4 07/17 1007 26 4.38 4.48 4.87 23.9 26.8 29.0 07/24 1030 26 3.49 3.57 3.62 22.4 23.7 27.1 07/31 1115 27 4.67 4.76 4.82 22.7 24.1 25.4 09/05 1012 30 4.33 4.59 4.78 26.3 29.6 31.2 09/19 1012 28 4.91 5.00 5.10 21.5 24.7 27.5 10/30 1104 9 5.80 5.84 5.87 17.3 19.3 21.9 11/13 1037 9 5.51 5.60 5.73 12.7 15.5 17.1 Station 21 ,RM 291.20. , DO std = 4.0 mg/L 03/28 7.30 12.80 1048 3 6.84 6.93 7.05 12.5 12.5 12.6 04/23 6.15 15.16 1431 6 5.90 5.92 5.94 15.1 15.3 15.4 05/22 4.20 20.78 1521 6 3.91 4.06 4.10 20.6 20.6 20.7 06/05 4.73 18.05 0953 7 4.79 4.81 4.84 17.9 17.9 18.0 06/19 1.03 22.55 1041 4 0.96 1.00 1.04 17.9 21.2 22.3 07/02 3.96 27.19 0930 10 4.00 4.13 4.34 26.9 26.9 27.1 07/10 4.03 27.19 0947 10 3.99 4.04 4.17 27.0 27.1 27.2 07/17 3.93 25.80 0922 10 4.03 4.20 4.23 25.6 25.7 25.7 07/24 3.10 23.39 0956 9 3.06 3.12 3.17 23.2 23.3 23.3 07/31 4.46 23.32 1041 12 4.43 4.47 4.51 23.2 23.3 23.3 09/05 5.23 28.07 0952 7 4.44 4.45 4.49 27.8 28.0 28.1 09/19 3.96 22.27 0838 10 4.56 4.63 4.75 22.0 22.0 22.1 10/23 5.34 18.44 1144 4 2.44 4.28 6.54 24.8 28.1 28.8 10/30 5.51 18.50 1034 13 5.53 5.57 5.74 18.2 18.2 18.3 11/13 5.75 15.22 1015 13 5.44 5.47 5.49 15.0 15.0 15.0 Note: N = number of values 64 Table 13. Summary of Mean Cross-sectional DO and Temperature Values by Date River Mean Mean Mean Mean DO Temp DO Temp DO Temp DO Temp Station mile (mg/L) r'O (mg/L) (°C) (mg/L) ("C) (mg/L) (°C) 328.10 03/28/96 05/22/96 06/19/96 Ql 110196 1 11.40 5.3 9.58 19.2 7.48 19.9 7.32 21.9 2 327.69 12.69 4.4 9.54 18.8 7.17 19.9 7.72 21.9 3 326.62 13.89 4.0 10.64 18.7 6.69 20.5 7.00 22.2 4 325.31 12.61 4.8 4.80 19.5 0.52 21.1 6.88 22.7 5 322.66 15.33 4.5 6.80 20.6 6.03 22.0 7.58 23.2 6 321.32 7.81 10.1 6.74 19.4 5.32 19.4 6.85 22.7 7 320.71 7.49 9.9 5.09 18.6 4.70 19.6 6.85 22.9 8 318.51 8.54 8.1 4.79 18.8 3.89 20.6 6.76 22.9 9 318.08 9.00 1.1 5.55 18.7 3.83 20.6 5.82 22.2 10 317.62 8.59 7.5 6.95 18.2 4.21 20.7 6.17 22.3 11 316.00 8.07 7.2 7.70 17.7 4.20 21.2 6.30 22.8 12 311.55 8.88 6.9 3.62 17.9 2.47 21.2 6.13 23.3 13 310.70 8.86 6.9 4.19 18.2 2.66 21.2 7.25 23.6 14 307.13 9.47 7.2 3.97 19.2 2.03 21.3 7.04 23.8 15 303.63 8.42 7.0 4.25 18.9 1.97 21.1 7.65 24.0 16 304.69 7.70 10.0 4.80 18.8 3.53 20.7 4.35 23.6 17 302.56 8.19 8.6 4.64 18.9 2.88 21.0 5.07 23.7 18 299.55 8.40 8.5 4.49 18.9 2.22 21.3 4.84 23.8 19 296.19 8.09 8.2 4.36 19.1 1.50 21.4 4.58 24.0 20 295.34 8.03 8.3 4.28 20.3 1.36 23.2 4.55 27.2 21 291.20 6.93 12.5 4.06 20.6 1.00 21.2 4.04 27.1 328.10 ' 04/23/96 06/05/96 07/02/96 07/17/96 1 10.84 11.5 8.04 18.6 7.48 22.4 7.24 22.8 2 327.69 13.04 11.1 8.39 18.4 7.15 22.9 7.12 22.9 3 326.62 10.70 11.3 8.20 18.2 6.27 23.4 6.60 22.9 4 325.31 4.32 12.5 6.12 18.2 5.89 24.1 6.02 23.5 5 322.66 8.27 13.2 6.30 18.4 6.07 25.5 7.03 23.9 6 321.32 6.58 13.4 5.76 16.7 6.32 23.4 6.11 22.9 7 320.71 5.51 13.4 5.51 17.0 5.41 23.4 - - 8 318.51 6.24 12.4 5.10 16.4 4.72 23.9 . - 9 318.08 6.14 12.0 5.05 16.5 4.27 23.8 4.94 23.5 10 317.62 7.16 12.1 5.44 16.8 5.37 23.8 5.82 23.7 11 316.00 8.12 12.1 5.25 16.9 4.89 24.2 5.33 23.7 12 311.55 6.29 12.0 5.00 17.4 3.94 24.6 4.78 23.8 13 310.70 6.62 12.1 5.46 17.6 4.97 24.8 5.83 23.8 14 307.13 6.43 12.3 5.27 17.7 4.56 25.3 5.47 23.6 15 303.63 5.86 12.7 4.84 17.8 5.09 25.9 - _ 16 304.69 6.68 13.4 4.83 18.0 5.59 25.6 . . 17 302.56 6.29 13.2 5.23 17.9 5.45 25.4 . . 18 299.55 6.25 13.1 5.12 17.8 4.86 25.3 4.83 23.4 19 296.19 6.05 13.1 4.79 17.4 4.65 25.8 4.45 23.5 20 295.34 6.11 14.0 4.59 18.4 4.36 29.1 4.48 26.8 21 291.20 5.92 15.3 4.81 17.9 4.13 26.9 4.20 25.7 65 Table 13. Concluded River Mean Mean Mean Mean DO Temp DO Temp DO Temp DO Temp Station mile (mg/L) (°C) (m^/L) (°C) (mg/L) (°C) (mg/L) (°C) 328.10 " 01I2AI96 09/04-05/96 10/22-23/96 11/13/96 1 6.31 23.5 7.23 IM 9.27 14.9 8.91 9.2 2 327.69 6.13 23.5 7.59 24.2 9.26 14.9 9.27 8.6 3 326.62 5.20 23.2 7.14 24.0 8.99 14.7 9.60 7.3 4 325.31 5.28 23.6 6.88 24.2 8.22 15.0 8.44 6.6 5 322.66 4.61 23.8 7.41 24.4 8.24 14.6 9.31 5.4 6 321.32 4.84 22.6 6.41 24.0 8.25 16.8 6.92 12.2 7 320.71 4.35 23.1 5.60 24.4 7.87 16.8 6.59 12.9 8 318.51 - - 5.60 24.1 7.47 16.1 6.92 10.8 9 318.08 3.35 21.6 5.80 24.1 7.45 16.1 7.05 10.7 10 317.62 3.90 21.7 5.79 24.2 7.96 16.1 7.12 10.0 11 316.00 3.85 21.9 5.87 24.4 7.21 15.7 6.99 9.4 12 311.55 3.46 22.3 5.36 24.2 7.38 15.4 6.60 8.2 13 310.70 3.96 22.3 5.98 24.5 7.69 15.4 6.48 8.1 14 307.13 3.97 22.3 5.37 24.1 7.55 15.3 6.24 7.6 15 303.63 3.78 22.1 5.59 24.3 7.17 14.9 6.02 8.5 16 304.69 3.82 23.8 - - 5.64 19.9 6.03 14.0 17 302.56 3.96 22.6 5.96 25.5 6.33 18.4 6.42 12.0 18 299.55 3.77 22.5 4.84 25.8 5.93 18.4 6.30 11.6 19 296.19 3.58 22.4 4.81 26.2 5.95 18.2 5.98 12.3 20 295.34 3.57 23.7 4.59 29.6 - - 5.60 15.5 21 291.20 3.12 23.3 4.49 28.0 4.47 28.1 5.47 15.0 328.10 ' 07/31/96 09/18-19/96 10/30/96 1 7.05 22.6 6.70 21.9 8.96 14.5 2 327.69 7.70 22.8 7.69 21.9 9.37 14.2 3 326.62 7.06 23.0 7.59 21.7 9.21 13.8 4 325.31 4.53 22.9 7.54 21.3 8.65 13.4 5 322.66 4.78 23.4 7.70 21.2 8.93 13.1 6 321.32 5.77 22.3 6.74 21.6 7.47 15.2 7 320.71 5.35 22.4 6.68 21.8 6.91 15.3 8 318.51 4.64 21.6 6.00 21.3 6.55 14.2 9 318.08 4.22 21.0 5.70 21.1 6.22 14.2 10 317.62 4.67 21.2 6.10 21.1 6.72 14.3 11 316.00 4.37 21.1 5.60 21.0 6.29 14.4 12 311.55 3.76 21.5 5.90 20.6 7.31 14.1 13 310.70 3.91 21.6 5.80 20.2 7.51 14.0 14 307.13 3.15 21.6 5.20 20.0 7.36 13.8 15 303.63 3.85 21.8 5.62 21.5 7.10 14.5 16 304.69 4.04 23.7 5.17 21.9 6.17 19.0 17 302.56 4.39 22.5 5.11 21.2 6.38 16.7 18 299.55 4.49 22.5 4.94 21.4 5.87 17.6 19 296.19 4,65 22.6 4.97 22.0 5.98 17.3 20 295.34 4.76 24.1 5.00 24.7 5.84 19.3 21 291.20 4.47 23.3 4.63 22.0 5.57 18.2 66 Table 14. Unweighted and Weighted DO Means for Cross-sectional Measurements with Worst-Case Conditions, 1996 a. Data Date Mean DO (mg/L) Station Unweighted Weighted 2 6/05 8.39 8.28 6 4/23 6.58 6.65 6 5/22 6.74 6.75 7 5/22 5.09 4.92 10 5/22 6.95 7.15 10 7/24 3.90 3.79 10 7/31 4.67 4.68 13 7/10 7.25 7.06 14 6/19 2.03 1.76 15 7/10 7.65 7.39 b. Paired Mest analysis Group Mean Standard deviation Difference in means Unweighted Weighted 5.925 5.847 1.958 2.004 0.078 ResuU from paired t-test analysis: Computed / value = 1.591 t@9 degrees freedom; 95% confidence level - 2.262 Note: Accept the hypothesis that the unweighted and weighted means are equal at the 95% confidence level. 67 Table IS. Statistical Summary Comparing 1996 Continuous Monitoring DO Values with Mean Cross-sectional DO Values Using Paired Mest Standard error of Mean X-section (mg/L) Monitor J Differences "means of paired t-value Hypi x,-x. ythesis Means of Calcu- @P = (^P = 0.05 Station pairs (X,) ^p) x,-x, paired differences differences" lated 0.05 Accept Reject 1 11 8.226 7.907 0.319 0.884 0.267 1.197 2.228 y 2 11 8.364 7.932 0.432 0.751 0.226 1.907 2.228 y 6 13 6.572 6.805 -0.232 0.768 0.213 1.091 2.179 V 7 13 5.865 5.835 0.030 0.915 0.254 0.118 2.179 V 9 13 5.626 5.728 -0.102 0.644 0.166 0.613 2.179 y 10 13 6.024 5.474 0.550 0.843 0.234 2.351 2.179 V 12 15 5.392 5.423 -0.031 0.543 0.140 0.219 2.145 • 13 14 5.580 5.846 -0.266 0.409 0.109 2.430 2.160 • 14 14 5.469 5.439 0.031 0.497 0.133 0.231 2.160 • 15 16 5.436 5.216 0.220 0.528 0.132 1.666 2.131 v 16 11 5.060 4.632 0.428 0.796 0.240 1.784 2.228 V 17 13 5.323 5.329 -0.006 0.672 0.186 0.033 2.179 V 18 14 5.352 5.238 0.114 0.354 0.095 1.208 2.160 • 21 15 4.472 4.579 -0.107 0.415 0.107 0.995 2.145 V Note: The X-section at station 21 is the average of 2-foot measurement intervals on the vertical; monitor is mean of the near surface, mid-depth, and bottom monitors. Table 16. Summary of Kruskal-Wallis, Rank-Order One-Way ANOVA Comparing Monitor DO Concentrations Recorded at Lockport Lock and Dam, 1996 ANOVA statistics Events compared Multiple comparison (Dunn method) Rank differ- ences Calcu- lated ■value Hypothesis No. of values 4102 4102 4102 Percentile 25 50 (X) 75 3.48 4.11 5.24 3.65 4.40 6.01 3.84 4.75 5.89 @P = 0.05 Xi = Xi Location & 2df Accept Reject 21t 21m 21b 21t/21m 21t/21b 21m/21b 847 1159 312 10.08 3.98 14.78 1.95 ^ 1.95 ^ 1.95 ^ Result of Kruskal-Wallis, Rank-Order One- Way ANOVA Computed //-value: 234 //-value @P = 0.05: 4.75 Reject hypothesis: Xi = X^ = Xb Notes: t = near the surface, m = mid-depth, and b = bottom. 68 e •c 3 *! 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Percentage of Occurrence When DO Values Were Less than 3.0 mg/L at Selected Stations, 1996 Percent of time DO values are less than 3. mg/L River mile on an hourly basis for period Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 1-6 15 303.63 0.00 0.00 4.90 4.02 0.00 0.00 2.00 16 5 17 304.69 0.00 4.11 13.30 12.23 1.82 0.00 7.86 302.56 0.00 0.00 0.66 5.27 1.59 0.00 2.05 12 4 13 311.55 0.00 0.53 4.26 1.10 0.00 0.00 1.07 310.70 0.00 0.00 1.36 1.66 0.00 0.00 0.78 9 3 10 318.08 0.00 0.00 1.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 317.62 0.00 0.00 0.37 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.66 Note: Stations 3-5 are SEPA stations. Table 20. Seasonal DO Summaries at SEPA Station Intakes for Houriy Readings, 1996 1 Hourly DO Hourly DO (mg/L) for seasonal periods Location 1 03/16- 2 04/19- 3 05/31- 4 07/04- 5 09/26- 6 11/01- 1-6 SEPA station River 03/16- intake mile statistic 04/18 05/30 07/03 09/25 10/31 11/19 11/19 1 328.10 minimum 1.1\ lAl 6.55 5.10 7.05 8.79 5.10 mean 10.46 8.46 7.54 6.96 8.01 9.45 8.33 maximum 12.66 9.95 8.29 8.39 8.47 10.30 12.66 2 321.32 minimum 5.76 1.15 1.56 0.88 5.64 6.25 0.88 mean 8.29 5.87 5.80 6.23 7.25 7.35 6.67 maximum 10.38 8.62 9.32 8.93 8.76 8.21 10.38 3 318.08 minimum 5.94 3.59 2.48 3.15 4.68 4.79 2.48 mean 8.28 6.34 4.91 5.28 6.48 6.71 6.10 maximum 10.78 9.18 6.59 1.62 8.13 8.08 10.78 4 311.55 minimum 4.65 2.87 0.92 2.36 4.31 5.39 0.92 mean 7.62 5.53 4.81 5.05 6.37 6.84 5.77 maximum 9.46 8.47 8.73 7.65 8.40 8.15 9.46 5 303.63 minimum 5.97 3.04 1.39 2.30 3.93 5.60 1.39 mean 7.74 5.61 4.81 4.60 6.02 6.96 5.63 maximum 10.03 8.11 7.01 7.61 8.27 8.48 10.03 73 Table 21. Percent of Time DO Concentrations Are Less than Stream Standard at SEPA Station Intakes on Hourly Readings, 1996 n DO std. Percent of time hourly DO Values are less than the DO standard for seasonal periods LocatiOi 1 03/16- 2 04/19- 3 05/31- 4 07/04- 5 09/26- 6 11/01- 1-6 SEPA station River 03/16- intake mile (mg/L) 04/18 05/30 07/03 09/25 10/31 11/19 11/19 I 328.10 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.41 2 321.32 4.00 0.00 11.18 5.92 3.08 0.00 0.00 3.21 3 318.08 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 4 311.50 3.00 0.00 0.79 4.14 1.02 0.01 0.00 1.45 5 303.63 3.00 0.00 0.00 4.59 3.21 0.01 0.00 2.54 Table 22. In-Stream DO Concentrations, at Intake and Below SEPA Stations, Including Computed Completely Mixed Values for Cross-sectional DO Measurements Made, 1996 DO concentration ! (mg/L) at SEPA station 1 2 3 4 5 Jn Below In Below In Below In Below In Below Period Date (1) (2) Mixed (6) (7) Mixed (9) (10) Mixed (12) (IS) Mixed (15) (17) Mixed 2 04/23 10.84 13.04 - 6.58 5.51 6.82 6.14 7.16 6.89 6.29 6.62 7.09 5.86 6.29 6.67 05/22 9.58 9.54 9.30 6.74 5.09 6.96 5.55 6.95 6.46 3.62 4.19 5.08 4.25 4.64 5.12 3 06/05 8.04 8.39 8.57 5.76 5.51 5.92 5.05 5.44 5.57 5.00 5.46 6.05 4.84 5.23 5.11 06/19 7.48 7.17 8.79 5.32 4.70 5.51 3.83 4.21 5.26 2.47 2.66 4.27 1.97 2.88 3.59 07/02 7.48 7.15 7.44 6.32 5.41 6.47 4.27 5.37 5.74 3.94 4.97 5.31 5.09 5.45 5.92 4 07/10 7.32 7.72 7.57 6.85 6.85 6.92 5.82 6.17 6.60 6.13 7.25 7.06 7.65 5.07 5.52 07/17 7.24 7.12 7.75 6.11 - - 4.94 5.82 5.83 4.78 5.83 6.65 - - - 07/24 6.31 6.13 6.77 4.84 4.35 4.98 3.35 3.90 4.47 3.46 3.96 4.54 3.78 3.96 3.98 07/31 7.05 7.70 7.27 5.77 5.35 5.85 4.22 4.67 5.01 3.76 3.91 4.60 3.85 4.39 4.49 09/04 7.23 7.59 7.46 6.41 5.60 6.50 5.80 5.79 6.13 5.36 5.98 6.19 5.59 5.96 5.17 09/05 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.30 5.11 5.14 09/18 6.70 7.69 7.15 6.74 6.68 6.83 5.70 6.10 6.10 5.90 5.80 6.27 5.12 5.11 4.92 09/19 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.62 5.11 5.44 5 10/22 9.26 9.24 9.62 8.23 7.87 8.26 7.45 7.96 - 7.38 7.69 8.23 6.71 6.46 6.49 10/23 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.17 6.33 6.21 10/30 8.96 9.37 - 7.47 6.91 - 6.22 6.72 6.66 7.31 7.51 7.73 7.10 6.38 - Mean 7.47 7.68 7.81 6.08 5.50 6.22 4.84 5.40 5.70 4.40 4.91 5.49 4.68 4.74 4.87 Notes: Numbers in parentheses indicate monitoring stations; In = intake; Mixed * For nine dates having three values common for all stations. computed completely mixed. 74 Table 23. Comparison of DO Concentrations at SEPA Station Intakes with and without Upstream SEPA Station Operations for Cross-sectional DO Measurements Made, 1996 Mean cross-sectional DO concentrations (mg/L) at intakes of SEPA stations SEPA station 2 SEPA station 3 SEPA station 4 SEPA station 5 Period Date w-1 wo-l w-1,2 w/o-2 w-],2,3 w/o-3 w- 1,2, 3, 4 w/o-4 2 04/23 6^63 '- 6J4 5^90 6^29 l53 5^86 5.05 05/22 6.78 5.80 5.63 5.42 3.63 2.74 4.25 2.80 3 06/05 5.80 5.28 5.06 4.90 5.01 4.49 4.84 3.79 06/19 5.35 4.04 3.83 3.64 2.48 1.06 1.99 0.19 07/02 6.37 6.36 4.28 4.14 3.94 2.48 5.14 3.77 4 07/10 6.89 6.64 5.83 5.77 6.18 5.40 7.73 6.82 07/17 6.12 5.61 4.94 - 4.78 3.89 07/24 4.93 4.47 3.35 3.21 3.46 2.34 3.78 2.70 07/31 5.78 5.56 4.22 4.14 3.76 2.97 3.86 3.02 09/04 6.46 6.24 5.80 5.71 5.37 5.04 5.59 4.76 09/05 --.-.. 5.30 09/18 6.76 6.32 5.70 5.61 5.91 5.51 5.12 4.76 09/19 ...... 5.62 5 10/22 8.25 7.89 7.45 7.42 7.38 - 6.72 5.83 10/23 ...... 7.17 10/30 7.47 - 6.23 - 7.31 6.88 7.11 6.69 Mean* 6.12 5.63 4.86 4.73 4.42 3.56 4.70 3.62 Notes: All numbers in column headings indicate SEPA stations; w - with, w/o - without * For the nine dates having two values common for all locations 75 FIGURES Lockport Lock and Dam ▼ Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration Station • Continuous Monitoring Station Continuous Monitoring Stations 01 SEP A Station 1 intake, RM 328.10 02 NorfolkAVestem RR, RM 327.69 06 SEPA Station 2 intake, RM 321.32 07 Penn Central RR, RM 320,71 09 SEPA Station 3 intake, RM 318.08 10 Baltimore/Ohio RR, RM 317.62 12 SEPA Station 4 intake, RM311.55 13 14 15 16 17 21 Southwest Hwy, RM 310.70 104* Avenue, RM 307.15 SEPA 5 intake, RM 303.63 Hwy 83, RM 304.69 Power Lines, RM 302.36 Slip No. 2, RM 299.55 Lockport Lock and Dam, 291.20 Figure 1 SEPA station and continuous monitoring locations in the Chicago, Illinois area along the Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Cal-Sag Channel, and the lower Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 79 Figure 2. SEPA Station 1 outfall Figure 3. SEPA Station 2 outfall Figure 4. SEPA Station 3 outfall Figure 5. SEPA Station 4 outfall Figure 6. SEPA Station 5 outfalls: Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (left) and Cal-Sag Channel (right) 83 6" X 36" ID Schedule 40 PVC Pipe Shroud 31 1/4" (DSI) l/T'.xS" Hex-Head Boll wilh Washer and 1'8" iv2 9/16" Hilch Pin Clip - 201b 5/16" Wire Rope 5/16" Wire Rope — - 25 1/4" (YSl 6000) Rubber Collar ' Attached with Hose Clamps r%^ Aiiachmem 801b 3/16" Wire Rope \ .Safely Line Hose Clamps \_ 7a Type I 48" 1/2" Smooth Rods through 12" Shroud Secured with Locking Nuis and Hiich Pin Clips 5/16" Wire Rope Harness Line ~_ 6" X 36" PVC 31 1/4" (DSl) ,- 12" 1.0712.78" O.D. Polyethylene Pipe Outside Shroud 6" l.D. Schedule 40 PVC Pipe inside Shroud 3/16" Wire Rope Safety Line 7b Type I A Figure 7. Schematics of type I and LA monitor riggings 85 1 Li J — 1 — ^ — 1 — I — 1_ 5/16" Wire Rope Security Line 5/16" Wire Rope Retrieval Line """ — Padlock 3/16" Wire Rope Safely Line 5/16" Wire Rope Attachment Line 6" Schedule 40 PVC Pipe Shroud 20-pound Weight on Retrieval Line 1 00-pound Weight on Security Line Elli; El 1 13 11=111=11 1=1 11=1 1 HIIEII 1311=1113 1 1=1 1 F II FIIRIFIIFI IR IFI I F I IFI IFI IFI I F Figure 8 Schematic of type II monitor rigging X6 Sleel Handrail Padlocks Wood Retainer Shroud 1/2" Sleel Rod Figure 9 Schematics of type IIA (left) and IIB (right) riggings used at Lockport 87 Safely Line 2" X 17" X 24", 3/4"-plywood Box Filled with Sly ro foam Figure 10 Schematic of type III rigging 88 Figure 1 1 . Type I rigging Figure 12. Type lA rigging Figure 13. Type II rigging 89 Figure 14. Type III rigging Figure 15. Inserting Data Sonde I into type HI rigging 91 a. Station 01 : SEPA Station 1 intake, Calumet River at RM 328. 10 b. Station 02 NorfolkAVestem RR, Calumet River at RM 327.69 Figure 16. Plan view schematics of riggings at each continuous monitoring station 93 c. Station 06 SEPA Station 2 intake. Little Calumet River at RM 321 .32 d. Station 07: Penn Central RR, Little Calumet River at RM 320.71 Figure 16 (continued) 94 e. Station 09: SEPA Station 3 intake, Cal-Sag Channel at RM 318 08 f Station 10: Baltimore/Ohio RR, Cal-Sag Channel at RM 3 1 7.62 Figure 16. (continued) 95 g. Station 12: SEPA Station 4 intake, Cal-Sag Channel at RM 317.62 h. Station 13: Southwest Hwy, Cal-Sag Channel at RM 3 10.70 Figure 16 (continued) 96 i. Station 14; 104**' Avenue, Cal-Sag Channel at RM 307. 15 j Station 15 SEPA Station 5 intake, Cal-Sag Channel at RM 307.15 Figure 16 (continued) 97 Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal "^''^^ -o k. Station 16: Hwy83, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at RM 303.63 Station 17: Power Lines, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at RM 302.36 Figure 16. (continued) 98 o C=J Q m. Station 18: Slip No. 2, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at RM 299.55 n Station 21 (t, m, b); Lockport Lock and Dam, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal at RM 291.20 Figure 16. (concluded) 99 Side Line Shroud and Monilor ■Light WeigMs Lefl Bank Right Bank a. Transverse view looking downstream Right Bank Bank Tie OIT- 20-pound Naval Anchor or Olher Light Weights ~, Side Ret rieval Lin e Intermediate Anchors, Number Varies with Station —3/16" Wire Rope Hose Clamps IJset to Secure Cable Loops 1 Loops- Quick Link See Typical Single and Double Shroud Field Installation 25' (typical) (150" at Station 17) Hose Clamps Used to- Secure Cable Loops 5/16" Wire Rope Large Steel Weight SO' (typical) 300' @ SEPA 5 Intake b. Longitudinal view Figure 1 7 Typical type I and I A side-line retrieval setups 100 Figure 18. Boat with monitors in protective shrouds Figure 19. Retrieval of type lA rigging 101 Figure 20. Exchanging a DataSonde I monitor at a type lA site Figiire 21. Exchanging a YSI 6000 monitor at a type lA site Figure 22. Downrigger fitted with YSI DO/temperature meter, stirrer, and probes 103 o CM m CO CM o o CO o CO CO o CM CO Q. O < w en o a a o Vi O > « O Q ON ON o NO o O •c PL, cn in CM CO -J 1 ,_J I I L_ o CO CO ("I/6LU) oa 105 c c ca _ U 4> 00 C CO C t/3 e8 ' J= ■« uo I u « ^ s K (J -5 J 3i OS (J ■4-* U . Bj c C8 CJ Q. C «J Ti U c o. cU S ^ on « T3 c c m cd tZ) f^ o to 00 e<3 C .'i on Qj o OOQ T3 CO . u. ^ ^ c c o 4-* 00 c c o C C C C CO ^ ^ ^ a W 4> 0) D O 3 O 3 a o oo CM o c a> o CM 4^ ex o < Ph M CO u> o Xi CM •1 (^ r~4 ■* IT) II g o g o ^ « 0^ OS m o CO o CO m CO o CNJ CO (i/Blu) oa Ul ■^^ (N s CO o cs •o o •c V Oc o CO CO t §) Pi 107 c c _ O « 00 5 « 00 o rt -o VD S CO 1 «a s ■^ « Q. ?- «J -o EC O I C c5 si « en « op C8 ^ V2 (J) O CO T3 3 IZ! O c/5 C O S2S2Q on < w en in CM o o CO ■A o CO o CO a: CO o CM to in CM CO —r- CO CM C3 CO CO O. O < Oh W (1/6LU) oa 109 u a c CO _ U "« 00 C «J C C/3 ea _^ uu 00 T3 I ^ c - c c to _3 06 (J CO C u a. c^ cJ -a O c eO c .ii to x: C/5 Qj c to C/D 00 E Q 00 to Q -0 3 r/i r/^ to ■n CO fN x: (N r^ U 1 U to c C c C r/^ CO to CO to 4) a. o < Oh m on CN to E o" 00 t+H t> (1) a s U- > CO T1 CC CO c tf) fO -0 ex Q CM CO ON a\ 1 rr 10 r- CM CO 1 CN CO (U 00 (i/Slu) oa 111 - o CO o CM 13 V-i (U a, o < CL, w en m o> _c CM .■t::i ^ „ ^^ '^ IT) II X ca o S o „ CO >o m m II § « s ^ ON m ON « 0) o o i C O k. CO CO 0) > a: c lO « CO t3 a o O Q o CO On in CO o CO CO d/Biii) oa I ON o T3 O ■c Oh « 00 113 a o I a, o < c/i o a c o 'B I I o o w O Q SO a\ ON l-H OS > ir 2 o •c V 00 (i/6ui) oa 115 CO o (M to o o CO o fO > be VO to <0 lO a, o < Hi O •I C O (50 ■a o •C (i> Ph Os o CN CO CO t^ D 00 ("i/Biii) oa fe 17 u so c on as • 00 -a I c E 05 (J "^ 0) O CM c U =0 -o U c ex"* IS ^ on 2 c ce ^ a: in CO o CM CO in CM CO 73 4> (X o 03 C o ^. -♦-* -C o •c -a -o o •C o '£ •*•* (0 ^.rf *•» 0) tf) E < 3 Q- (0 \n O (/) o c o •^^ (0 4^^ (O - o CO o -1 — I — 1 — I- o OT >» CD ro O u "*— ^ 0) ro Q CD 05 O Gi r^ o o o o CO CO (-1/6LU) oa 131 (1/6LU) oa 132 ("i/6uj) oa 133 - p V) CD ro Q CO o (l/Buj) oa 134 (i/6iu) oa 135 re re Q o o CM (O T- co of J! .2 i o I- o 00 ^ o o (0 CD 0) TO Q - o o o re E (0 1 *- "re (0 00 O o V" c o . «rf . ra . ♦- (0 ■ ■ ' 1 ' ' I 1 T- 1 1 1 - 5 m o o rg (n/6Lu) oa 136 .,_ to - o >. • 00 05 - o u . 0) •4-' ■ (0 lO ■ Q to . CD ^ ■- o 05 CO ■ r^ ■^ S ■ o oTo: ■ JC «^ " (0 (0 ■ «rf . = » ■ -»! - o c w " ^ O £ ■ o *=o ' 5 o) . (/) (0 ■ ■ D- "(5 . iyo - o (0 . lO ■ ■ o CM ^ C . o . ^^ - (0 . «« ^^ (0 - o o (i/Blu) oa 137 (1/6LU) oa I3S .^. (fi - o >, ■ CO . o ca . 0) - ro tr> • Q o CO - 5 - o CD (i/6uj) oa 139 (n/6uj) oa 140 o Q CD Gi G) (i/Biu) oa 141 rt ■ .,— CO :^ O D 00 T— B - w> "- C/] 2 - II ■ n L 2 '- o . o - o ! o5 o CO CM o CO (0 "(5 c (0 O Q. !E (O ■o c (0 = o -I O) I. (0 c o (0 - o oo o - o o in 03 0) Q CD o - o CO o o - o . ^ o (i/Blu) oa 142 (n/6Lu) oa 143 CD ■^ 0) "(5 Q CD CJ^ CJ> d/Buj) oa 144 (1/6LU) 00 145 — I 1 r- D II - o h- o o CM I- o o5 o 75 c (0 O IE CO I- o oo o to X 10 2" o ?^ o CD TO Q CD o t a. ° O TO o o CM C O (0 4-1 - o in o o o (1/6LU) oa 146 Appendix C Summary of Continuous Monitoring for pH and Specific Conductance and Manually Collected Nitrogen Data Appendix C. pH Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 4/19 - 5/30/1996 5/31 - 7/03/1996 7/04 - 9/25/1996 Station Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 1 7.64 111 7.86 7.58 7.75 7.93 7.42 7.84 8.26 2 7.54 7.60 7.70 7.40 7.59 7.83 7.16 7.95 8.40 6 - - - 6.67 7.06 7.61 6.71 7.20 7.90 7 6.64 6.93 7.14 6.62 7.00 7.20 6.59 7.04 8.53 9 7.01 7.20 7.33 6.89 7.12 7.31 6.85 7.18 7.56 10 6.96 7.13 7.37 6.72 7.02 7.21 6.84 7.14 7.53 12 6.83 7.09 7.29 6.64 7.03 7.47 6.46 7.14 7.51 13 6.97 7.20 7.34 6.83 7.14 7.31 6.76 7.16 7.58 14 6.96 7.19 7.38 6.86 7.06 7.25 6.57 7.11 7.47 15 6.73 6.96 7.21 6.73 7.12 7.41 6.11 7.14 7.50 16 5.76 6.76 6.98 6.45 6.90 7.64 6.52 6.82 7.11 17 6.78 6.90 7.03 6.75 6.92 7.06 6.65 6.99 7.35 18 6.89 6.99 7.15 6.86 6.97 7.10 6.58 6.94 7.22 21t 6.82 6.98 7.19 6.80 7.09 7.20 6.66 6.94 7.25 21m 6.60 7.09 7.76 6.47 7.09 7.24 6.64 7.01 7.22 21b 7.10 7.11 7.13 6.92 7.09 7.20 6.48 6.95 7.22 Period 5 Period 6 Period 2-6 9/26 - 10/31/1996 11/01 - 11/19/1996 4/19-11/19/1996 Station Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 1 2 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21t 21m 21b 7.79 7.81 6.48 6.73 6.80 6.75 6.69 6.89 6.93 6.92 6.58 6.88 6.69 6.71 6.73 6.46 8.17 7.98 6.79 7.09 7.21 7.09 7.06 7.25 7.23 7.25 6.87 7.09 6.97 6.99 7.07 7.16 8.33 8.34 7.20 7.41 7.47 7.50 7.50 7.57 7.56 7.62 7.12 7.57 7.20 7.25 7.16 7.27 7.37 7.77 6.54 6.70 7.06 7.11 7.02 6.86 7.26 7.15 6.54 6.97 6.86 6.58 6.77 6.71 7.92 7.95 6.77 6.94 7.21 7.28 7.19 7.11 7.40 7.38 6.89 7.17 7.10 7.01 6.92 6.99 8.20 8.08 6.94 7.25 7.40 7.47 7.30 7.39 7.56 7.58 7.11 8.07 7.26 7.22 7.13 7.19 7.37 7.16 6.48 6.59 6.80 6.72 6.46 6.76 6.57 6.11 5.76 6.65 6.58 6.58 6.47 6.46 7.91 7.88 7.05 7.02 7.18 7.12 7.10 7.17 7.15 7.17 6.85 7.01 6.97 6.99 7.03 7.01 8.33 8.40 7.90 8.53 7.56 7.53 7.51 7.58 7.56 7.62 7.64 8.07 7.26 7.25 7.76 7.27 Notes: The pH was not monitored during Period 1 . 21t = near surface, 21m = mid-depth, 21b = bottom 149 Appendix C. (continued) Speciflc Conductance (mS/cm) at 25°C Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 3/16 - 4/18/1996 4/19 - 5/30/1996 5/31 - 7/03/1996 Station Min Mean Mctx Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 1 0.427 0.480 0.547 0.493 0.549 0.587 0.372 0.415 0.484 2 0.450 0.512 0.575 0.528 0.575 0.659 0.392 0.505 0.704 6 0.859 1.117 1.422 0.700 0.920 1.039 0.611 0.957 1.235 7 1.183 1.221 1.243 0.435 1.100 1.258 0.511 1.017 1.289 9 0.915 1.206 1.394 0.457 0.935 1.175 0.521 0.924 1.141 10 1.121 1.316 1.464 0.344 0.808 1.058 0.568 0.913 1.028 12 1.205 1.333 1.496 0.521 0.957 1.170 0.544 0.926 1.057 13 1.167 1.381 1.499 0.398 0.937 1.177 0.558 0.924 1.068 14 1.154 1.298 1.490 0.390 0.926 1.250 0.543 0.908 1.088 15 1.100 1.259 1.499 0.486 0.864 1.163 0.485 0.850 1.089 16 0.794 0.983 1.295 0.616 0.827 0.982 0.433 0.777 0.905 17 0.849 1.105 1.497 0.504 0.877 1.034 0.498 0.811 0.937 18 0.861 1.048 1.367 0.464 0.847 1.038 0.641 0.796 0.912 211 0.873 1.116 1.490 0.538 0.916 1.092 0.510 0.795 0.930 21m 0.868 1.132 1.499 0.000 0.883 1.100 0.510 0.770 0.880 21b 0.886 1.172 1.500 0.508 0.882 1.061 0.510 0.778 0.910 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 1-6 \ 7/0^ t - 9/25/1996 9/26 - 10/31/1996 11/01 ' - 11/19/1996 3/16 - 11/19/1996 Station Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max 1 0.27 0.33 0.44 0.26 0.29 0.34 0.288 0.317 0.358 0.262 0.408 0.587 2 0.28 0.36 0.51 0.24 0.35 0.38 0.346 0.381 0.410 0.235 0.446 0.704 6 0.39 0.66 1.01 0.55 0.70 0.84 0.609 0.846 0.979 0.390 0.824 1.422 7 0.28 0.75 1.10 0.62 0.71 0.92 0.601 0.880 0.995 0.284 0.879 1.289 9 0.36 0.68 0.1 0.46 0.68 0.96 0.700 0.905 1.020 0.360 0.846 1.394 10 0.23 0.69 0.93 0.45 0.64 0.86 0.670 0.828 0.930 0.234 0.842 1.464 12 0.30 0.72 0.97 0.49 0.70 0.92 0.690 0.850 0.980 0.302 0.872 1.496 13 0.31 0.74 0.96 0.53 0.71 0.92 0.680 0.837 0.994 0.309 0.844 1.499 14 0.36 0.68 0.95 0.55 0.69 0.90 0.670 0.816 0.990 0.363 0.855 1.490 15 0.34 0.65 0.91 0.49 0.66 0.86 0.650 0.811 0.970 0.344 0.803 1.499 16 0.32 0.61 0.80 0.46 0.64 0.73 0.733 0.885 1.010 0.322 0.740 1.295 17 0.36 0.63 0.83 0.38 0.62 0.80 0.540 0.671 0.780 0.363 0.757 1.497 18 0.46 0.64 0.92 0.48 0.67 0.82 0.550 0.659 0.720 0.460 0.755 1.367 21t 0.42 0.65 0.90 0.43 0.64 0.76 0.580 0.710 0.810 0.420 0.788 1.490 21m 0.32 0.61 0.80 0.56 0.68 0.76 .0580 0.682 0.740 0.000 0.792 1.499 21b 0.40 0.70 0.81 0.64 0.70 0.78 0.590 0.731 0.820 0.400 0.831 1.500 Note: 21t = near surface, 21m = mid-depth, 21b = bottom 150 Appendix C. (continued) Nitrogen Data (mg/L) Collected March 28-November 13, 1996 Station Count Min Mean Max S.D. Count Min Mean Max S.D. 10 NH3-N 10 NO2-N 1 0.00 0.206 0.51 0.192 0.00 0.030 0.05 0.017 2 10 0.03 0.237 0.73 0.236 10 0.01 0.032 0.05 0.015 6 10 0.21 1.054 3.66 1.130 10 0.03 0.123 0.22 0.060 7 10 0.24 1.091 3.56 1.070 10 0.05 0.141 0.22 0.065 9 10 0.32 0.699 2.15 0.552 10 0.08 0.125 0.19 0.035 10 10 0.35 0.590 1.11 0.298 10 0.08 0.108 0.14 0.022 12 10 0.24 0.506 1.23 0.297 10 0.04 0.118 0.26 0.057 13 10 0.22 0.534 1.20 0.285 10 0.04 0.124 0.26 0.057 14 10 0.24 0.555 1.33 0.325 10 0.05 0.129 0.21 0.051 15 10 0.20 0.557 1.68 0.420 10 0.07 0.119 0.19 0.036 16 10 0.18 0.650 2.01 0.522 10 0.09 0.182 0.35 0.100 17 10 0.23 0.639 1.97 0.487 10 0.09 0.171 0.30 0.068 18 10 0.32 0.579 1.43 0.325 10 0.08 0.151 0.21 0.037 21 10 0.10 0.652 2.07 0.540 10 0.10 0.178 0.36 0.083 10 NO3-N 10 TKN 1 0.26 0.538 0.99 0.231 0.31 0.605 1.12 0.230 2 10 0.23 0.535 1.12 0.324 10 0.32 0.681 1.18 0.263 6 10 0.50 3.333 5.76 1.887 10 1.22 2.972 6.62 1.939 7 10 0.67 3.459 5.83 1.838 10 1.08 2.405 6.19 1.576 9 10 1.86 3.161 5.50 1.140 10 1.33 2.030 4.15 0.847 10 10 1.68 2.917 4.32 0.928 10 0.89 1.879 4.09 0.931 12 10 1.67 2.512 3.68 0.594 10 0.97 1.830 3.20 0.639 13 10 1.68 2.609 3.79 0.698 10 0.93 1.727 2.49 0.494 14 10 1.66 2.802 4.54 0.971 10 1.26 1.763 2.73 0.445 15 10 1.48 3.051 6.70 1.571 10 0.92 1.708 3.58 0.712 16 10 3.24 5.202 7.83 1.665 10 0.57 1.763 3.97 0.947 17 10 2.44 4.935 7.25 1.790 10 0.98 1.765 3.86 0.804 18 10 2.59 4.530 6.35 1.457 10 0.75 1.785 2.89 0.583 21 10 2.20 4.129 6.62 1.452 10 1.00 1.907 4.42 0.968 151 Appendix C. (concluded) Nitrogen Data from Sample Collection Nitrogen Date species 3/28 4/23 5/22 6/19 7/2 7/24 7/31 9/4 10/22 11/13 NH3-N Count 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Min 0.47 0.38 0.27 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.19 0.09 0.14 0.00 Mean 1.757 0.609 0.489 0.393 0.287 0.588 0.433 0.499 0.429 0.622 Max 3.66 1.08 0.89 0.59 0.49 0.88 0.75 1.33 0.65 2.46 S.D. 0.930 0.196 0.161 0.178 0.124 0.273 0.148 0.374 0.178 0.787 NO2-N Count 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Min 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.01 Mean 0.166 0.124 0.116 0.111 0.126 0.164 0.158 0.059 0.094 0.119 Max 0.36 0.20 0.20 0.16 0.21 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.16 0.28 S.D. 0.107 0.046 0.047 0.034 0.055 0.068 0.083 0.033 0.042 0.076 NO3-N Count 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Min 0.55 0.64 0.83 0.52 0.34 0.40 0.31 0.23 0.28 0.33 Mean 4.624 3.975 3.100 2.727 2.549 2.004 2.414 2.163 3.380 4.289 Max 7.83 6.42 5.41 4.81 5.75 4.41 3.53 4.45 6.52 7.33 S.D. 2.209 1.853 1.317 1.221 1.703 1.106 1.006 1.483 2.008 2.129 TKN Count 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Min 1.12 0.41 0.55 0.67 0.80 0.67 0.51 0.31 0.41 0.51 Mean 3.569 1.015 1.596 1.841 1.387 2.004 1.370 1.545 1.576 1.824 Max 6.19 1.79 2.32 6.62 1.88 2.71 1.95 3.02 2.51 4.03 S.D. 1.494 0.391 0.477 1.423 0.287 0.607 0.426 0.793 0.603 0.984 Note: Min = minimum; Max = maximum; S.D. = standard deviation 152 Appendix D Ten Most Variable Cross-sectional DO Patterns Shown with Delimiting Isopleths o o CO o o o o CO o o CM o o - o (y) Midaa 155 IIP. ■4— > -*— < 156 a CO fs ,_i c a f^. ■4— > ^^J C/5 P-t < Oh Wm > ^;_;^ Cci ^ *-» On 4> r^j 3 C/0 o o O O 00 in 05) CD -<( si 05 O) in - O I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r lO O (y) qidaa lO o 159 o o CO o o CM O O 00 -- CM (N S IT) CO CO CO 0- > CO CO CO CO in CO - O — I 1 1 1 1 r o in -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r O (y) qidsQ in o 160 C3 161 — 1 — I — I — 1 — I — [— lO o T 1 1 1 1 r in o CNJ (^) ^}d^a 162 (U D «o a 1—1 0) o CO V *5 o ^ ^^^ ""^ 1-M J G" KJ o a> OS c o v?5 J3 Q o "^ 03 c: C/3 o 1 •4-^ CO R3 u C/5 163 o o CO o o o o - o I 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r -i 1 r LO o (y) MJdsQ lO o CN 164 Appendix E Hourly DO Probability Curves for Each Monitoring Station by Period 0) ^ CD -♦-' C ^^ o ^~ c 00 u CN CO 2 fr < •4— > Q_ 03 LU L. CO > S^ a: k_ ■*-• D 0) O E JZ D ,^_ OJ c O o •*-> (D ■4-' CO CO ^ ^ ^ o (D Oi o> o> ^— O) CO o CO lO T— Oi ^,^ T— CO o CN CO ^— ^— ■^ i?5 F^ o5 o ■^ o o 1 o r o 1 1 "^ CD _ o 00 CD a> r— •^ CD ^- I!^ ^— CO o CN o CO O CO ■^ IB r^ o5 ^ — o o o^ o o ^ CD T- CN CO ■^ lO CD 1 TJ -a •a -o "D •o •o o O o o o O O o r^ 'l. 'i— i— 'l— '^— 'k— 'l- (0 r^ 0) CN ^ CO o QC 1- •*-• o CD z 0) >^ > ^ ^ q: -J •*-> o (U x: h ■ ■ D CN CD C o o ■^-l CD 4-^ CO o o o o 00 o o CD o in o o CO o c o Q. (1/6LU) oa 169 (D ^ B CM c CO CNJ CN c CO q ^ q:: C/) .1^ m < i_ CL LU > c/D a: 1 • >s L- b D 73 O r OJ U CD 0) o 1 '4-' (D 4-^ CO CD a> a> T~ CD CO O CO lO T — O) •^ ^— ro o fNI CO ^— T~ ■^ U) r^ o> o ^— o 1 o 1 o 1 O 1 1 1 CD CO o ,- ^ CO .,— 1^ ^~ oo o (N o CO o C) ■"^r IT) h- O^ ^— o o O o O ^ ^ T— CM CO ■^ lO CD TJ 73 T3 ■o ■o ■o ■D O o O o o O O I— h— I— l_ !_ t_ L- 0) (U 0) a> c nj S^ q: L_ •4— > D O F ^ -1 '''"*-*^ h^ OJ c U o Q) •4-> ■4— > (Q ■^ +j 1 CO O ,_^ CJ) r— Oi 00 O CO in T— a> ^^ ^— CO O CM CO T— T— O (XJ ^ iB r^ c5 o T— o o o o T~" T— 1 1 1 1 1 t CD CD O) ^- 'd- CD T- ^ ^- co o CM o CO o CO ■^ LO f^ O? V— O^ o o o O ^ ^ T- CN CO '^ in CD 1 O ■a -a T3 ■o ■o T3 ■o .2 o g o o g o I— i— 1— '\— 'i— 'u. v— Oi 0) o o o CD O in o o CO o eg c (D U a. (1/6UJ) 00 173 -t— ' OJ OJ en (D . . r >s 1- k. (0 D ^ o O r U) o (0 CO 1 c ro o O •^-J OJ •*-> CO o o o CO o 00 o o CD O O O CO o CN J) c 0} Q_ (i/6uj) oa 177 0) ^ CD -i-< c in -^ IT) c ▼- g CO ■4-^ ^ CO 01 < ■4-» CD LJJ (f) c c ^—^ m >% ^ D O O D) JC m ' ' CO CNJ ■^ OJ c o o ■*-< ro ■♦-' CO o o CD Oi (D T— Oi oo o CO lO T— CJ) -^ ^— CO o fNJ CO ■^ ^— -^ IT) t^ O) o T~- o 1 O 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 CD CD CD T— '■a- CD •^— i^ ^— CO o (N o C) o CO ■«1- ID I^ CD T — o O O o O ^ CD ^ CN CO '^ in CD ■n T5 TJ TJ T7 TJ TJ o O O O o O O iZ L. k— 1— t- 1— i~ 0) O U) (1) CO •*-> 3 (T o ■4— • (D ro j^ (1) >s c k_ c D CD O JZ ^ O CO O) CD c CO g "to *-• o CO O CD CJ) o> a> T— 0> 00 O CO in T— O) ^^ y— CO O og CO T~ T — ^_. ■^ ID r^ o5 o T— o O 1 O o o 1 1 1 «3 " 00 CD CD ■^ -^ CD X- i;; ^ — CO o CNI o CO Q CO ■^ in r^ oS T — O O o o o ^ ^ T- CM CO -^ in CD 1 T- ■o ■a ■o X3 ■o ■a T3 o o o o g g g g 1^ 'u- 'i.. 'i— I— I— 1— 1— o < CO c ^ O a: '^ ^0^m^ ^..a >N (D L_ C D C O (D JZ ^ ^ — ■ C) Tt O) OJ O op o CO o o o o 00 o o o o o CO o CN '■^ C 0) o Q- (i/6iij) oa 183 ^ OJ •*-' _c oo in CD c CO O o CO •*-^ ^ 0) a: < Q_ OJ LU Q) (/) c c y—^ m >N ^ 3 O o D) ^ m ^ — ■ (/) U) '^~ 03 c O o ■♦-' cc •4—' CO , , o CO a> Oi (35 T cn CO o oo to T— a> ■ — ^ ^— ro o CNI CO ^— ^~ -^ ID h~ CD o ^ — o o o 1 O ■^ ■^ CD _ o 00 CD o> ^- -^ CD ^ 3^ ^— co O (N o CO o - CO ■^ ID 1^ CD T~ o o O O O ^ CD T- CN CO -^ to CD T3 ■a T3 T3 T3 T3 -o o g .9 g O g O o (O (]) Q) Q} 0) Q) a. Q. OL Q. Q- Q. O O o CD o LO o o CO o CN 0) o Q- |s. (O lO ^ ("1/6UJ) oa CM 185 05 CD '^ O CO ^ co" 01 00 OJ >^ .^_ ^ OJ I L. CO J-i^ O ">> L_ Q. 13 ^ o C/) ^-^ ■D CD C CO c ^ o '■*-> CD -4-' OJ r C/) CO CO o D) CO O o o o o o 00 o o o in o o CO o c O Q. 187 CD CO CNJ o CO (0 ^ 0) c q: •4-' _l (D l- ^^ nj c OJ CL U . . o 5^^ 3 (n o ■o ^ c — ■ (D f^ ^ 03 c_ ■*-> o C •+-< 05 CO CO O D) OJ O o o o o o CO o o CD o o o CO o CN 0) o Q. (i/6uj) oa 189 in in O) O) CNJ ^ CNJ cr 6 •^^ m ^ Q. OJ c if) OJ O S; Q. ^ in 3 o CO ^ -D ■ — ' C CO OJ "^ cr £_ m u •^ •*-J c~ CO CD CO o O) CD O o o o T — o5 If) CNJ CO o T- O) CD oo o o o 1^ o CJ) o ^ CD -,- CM CO •^ ID CD ■D g ■D g O •o g ■o g g ■a g (U (D CD CD CL CL CL Q. O C35 O CO O o CD O ID O O CO o CN c (1) o 191 E Q o CN CN O ^ ^ 9- _3 CO . . -o T— nj CN CO c o O D) '->-• CtJ OJ o ^5 o o o o oo o o CO o o o CO o c o a. (i/6ui) oa 193 o E C\J 05 T— n CT> (N ■D ^ 03 q: J^ ■*-> O OJ o -c o Q. O ^ n U o ^ -J CO J^ T3 >N C L_ OJ o ^ ^ OJ ^— ' ■*-» E c OJ CM CO C o o OJ OJ o •4— ' r C/J f ^ _1 I I ' . ' L O) o o o o 00 o o CD O lO O o CO o CM c o 0) CL J 1 I L_ (i/6uj) oa 195 E Q o CNJ ?2 O CO ^ Q. o ;f °^ ^ CD ^S J^ CO O O) •^ CD CD O o o o o CO o o CD o in o o CO o CM c O 0) CL (1/6LU) oa 197 Appendix F Daily Mean Probability Curves for Each Monitoring Station by Period o o CD Oi CJ) T— o> CO o CO lO T"~ a> -^^ T— CO o r\) CO v~ ■^ IT) r^ O) o T — o I O o 1 o 1 1 ■^ CD CD O) .,— ■^ CD .,— 1^ "t— T— CO o CM o CO o CO tT LO r-- CD ■^ — o o o o O ^ CD T- CM CO •^ LO CD ■o ■o ■o T3 T3 ■D T3 o O o O O O O l_ i_ 1— L. k— 1— i_ 0) 0) Q) 0) (U 0) 0) a. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q- Q. o C3) O CO o o CD o ID o o CO o CM Q c 0) o Q) Q. O) CO t^ CD lO CO (i/6uj) oa 201 o o 0) CO ^ Q^ o ■^ o L- Z 0) > Si q: .— 4-^ (Vi 2, E CN 3 c o (0 O ■♦-' (D ^^ C/5 O CO lO ■«- CO O CM CO IT) O O CD O o 1 1 CO T— CO i?5 o CO oS o CO CD CM CO '^ LO CD ■o O T3 O ■o o ■o o ■o o T3 g (1) Q) Q) 0) LJJ CO a: •*-> X Q) _>» E OJ D ■o m CD O c o 4=: '•^-' _j (0 ^-f (0 o o (O o5 00 o ^ £2 o o CO O) IT) T- CNj CO OT O O ■«- a> ro o CD CO o o in o o en o ^ CD X- CN CO '^ in CD ■o g ■o O ■o g ■o g ■a g -a o -a g (D a) 0) 0) 0) Q. Q. a. Q. Q. Q. CL O CJ) o 00 o o CO o o o CO o CM c o 0) CL CD lO (n/6uj) oa CN 205 h-; cj m CN L_ CO •4-J c a) ^ O a: ^-i c (Q c ^ 0) Q_ > >^ a: ■o 4-< £ 3 t^ (0 c O o (1) -*— ' (C ti -4-J CO _l § C3> ^^ o> CO o CO lO T— CJ) ^^ T— CO O CM CO ^— T — ■^ iB i^ o5 o T — o 1 O 1 o o 1 1 1 CO o 00 CD O) .,— ■^ CD .,— ^ CO o CM O CO o CO ■"^ Lr5 f^ o5 T — O^ o o o O ZZ- CD t- CN CO •^ lO CD T^ ■D ■o ■o ■o T3 XJ ■D O O g o O o O _ o f*** ■|— 'i— 'k— 'l— 'i» 'l_ 'l » O CD O) U m O) ^ c CD o o ■«-• ro •^-> c/) o o CO at O) ^— O) CO o CO lO T— CJ) ^ ^— CO o rg CO T— ^— ■^ IT) h- o o ^ — o o 1 o 1 o i 1 1 CD CO C) .,— ■^ CD .^ J^ T— T— CO o ^ c >» CD -go O OJ O CD cu CO ^_^ o (O a> <3> (3> ^— O) CO o CO LO T— cn ■^ . ^— CO o CM CO T~ T~ T^ ■^ in i^ OT o ■^— o 00 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 1 CD CD O) ^— ■^ CO T~ --^ T— ^— CO o CNj O CO Q CO •^ in ?: 35 ^— o o o o o^ ^^ CD T- CM CO ■"^ IT) CD T— T3 ■D •o ■o T3 ■a •o o O O o o O o o h- 'i— 'i_ 'l 'l 'i_ (_ 'l— (U N ^ C) (VJ ■D O) OJ CN CO ^— o CD o •«— • CD ♦-' CO o CD CD CD ^— en 00 o CO lO T— a> ^ T— CO O CM CO ^— ■^ ■^ in h- a> o V— o o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 CD 00 (O CD T- •^ CD T— ^ ^ — CO o CN o CO o CO ■>3- in t^ CD T~~ o O o o O ^ «? T- CN CO ■^ in CD ■o ■D ■o ■D ■o ■D ■o o o O o O o O o r^ 1_ i_ t_ k— l» w. L- % o ^ o •4— » (/) ^ CO ^ 4-) rr -5 O CO •4—' wy ■q) _>^ C c (T5 OJ ■a ^ u CO m ^ ■ OJ c CO o 1 -♦-J m (0 O CO o O CO to T- CO O CN CO in f^ o) o CD C3^ o o CD (Si O) ai C35 o o CD CO o CO ■^ LO CD ■O "O T? o o o (U 0) (D (U Q. Q. Q. CL o C3) O 00 O O CD O lO O O CO o CM c: o 0) CL CM (i/6uj) oa 215 0) in D T— C r^ o > < CO ^ ^ '^ Ql o ■4-" OJ >-:^ 0) >^ c ■D c OJ ^ o t— D) r (0 o CO -4—' OJ CD -1—' 05 o , , _ o CD en CD O) r— O) 00 o CO in ■^— CJ> ZI^ CO o CN CO r— ■^ i?5 ^ O) o T— o 1 o I o 1 o 1 1 1 1 CD in CO .,_ _i_ (0 •♦^ CO ^,^^ o CO a> a> (35 ■^ — CJ> CO o C) U) ^— Oi -^^ ^— CO o fNI CO T— ■^ tf5 t^ O^ o ^ — _ o 00 o O 1 o 1 O t 1 T— 1 CO CD O) .^ ■^ CD ^ ^ ■^ CO o OJ o CO Q CO ■^ in t^ O^ v~ o o o o o ^ CO T- CM CO ■"^ LO CD ■D T3 •o ■D ■D T3 T3 o O O o O O O O r^ 1— 1_ >— L— L 1_ i_ Qi 0) Oi CO ^r o CO S (T CO •*-> CO OJ >» "m j$ c I CO O „i^^*S >^ Q. OJ ^ ■D CO ^^««^ CD ■D c: '^~ CD C o ^T '.*— ' CD 03 ±i ■♦-' r C/) CD CO o O) as u o o o o en o oo o 1^ o CD O in o o CO o CM c O Lj CTJ i— m 0) r ^ CD o C) CL CL S^ CO CD T3 c 1^ CD ^ r CD o •*-> '•4-> C_ OJ CD CO CO O D) CD O o ^ ^ o CO O) o> 05 ^.— CO o CO in ^ a> ro o CM CO ^— ^— •^ to r^ O) o T — o 00 o 1 o o 1 o 1 1 CD CD O) .,— ■^ CD .,— ^ CO o CN o CO o CO -^ lO N- cyt •^ O o o o o ^ CD T- CN CO ■^ ID CD ■o ■o TJ -a ■o ■o ■o o o O O o o o o r~- i- l- ^- i_ I— L 1— o o 0) (D a> CM q: CM . -I— • O ^ ^- en Q. c (D C/) O X Q. _>^ !c OJ CO T3 ■o 00 c rn T— c ^ o OJ ■*j ■4—' 05 £_ -«-< m c/; CO o O) (Q O £ O 05 ^^ O CO ~ O) CD C35 ■^~ a> oo O CO lO X— a> -^ ^^ CO o CN CO X— ■"^" •"^ LO t^ a5 o ^- o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 CD o 00 (O o> .,— ■^ CD X— I^ ^- CO o CN o CO o CO ■^ LO f^ a5 y— o o o o o T— CD T- CM CO ■^ in CD ( -o ■D TJ TD ■Q T3 ■D o g g g g g g O 'k. k- 'i_ i— "i— 'i— 'i— (U (D 0) 0) 0) 0) a. Q. Q. CL CL CL CL o o o CD O to O O CO o CN '■♦3 C o ^ c >^ OJ (D ^ ■D OJ ' — ' •*-> -*— • c CNJ CO CO C o o O) CD •^j u CO x: o , ^ O CD ~ C3> Oi CD ■^— o> CO O CO in T— Oi -^^ ■^ — CO o CN CO ^— T — ■^ lO f^ 35 o T~ o 1 O o o 1 1 1 1 CD O CO .,— ■^ CD .,— ^ X— CO o CNj o CO o CO ■^ ir5 i^ o5 ^— o^ o o^ o o J3, CD - T- CN CO "^ in CD 1 T— ■Q ■D ■D T3 ■D ■o T3 _ O O O o O g g g 'l_ 'k- 'l— 'i_ L. 'i— 'k_ 0) 0) u CN ■D C ^ Q^ o OJ o _J OJ c ■e (D o O Q. Q. o x: o _l CO T3 >*~»s C _>. (TJ 03 CD ■4— • E c CO CNJ CO c o o D) •*-> 03 nj () ■*-• CO ^ O (1) (U (U (1> Q) O l; ^— CO o CM CO T— ^— "^ ID h- Oi o T^ o o 1 O 1 o o 1 ■^ ■^ CD CO CD <3> T— •^ CD ^ i;; ^r*" CO o CM o CO o CO ^ in t^ CJ) ^— o o o o O ^ ^ T- CM n -^ in CD T3 T3 ■D T3 TJ -o ■D o g g o g o o O h- o o o CD O CO O in o o CO o CN c O i_ ^ CTJ OJ ^ ^ CTJ -4—' J3 c T— CD CN CO C o u O) ■4-< 03 4— ' CD O CO x: u OD O T- CO ^ in o o CD 0> to T- CN) CO o CO -^ o o o o T- CM CO ■D 73 TJ O O O CD CNj a5 o lO CD ■a T3 73 o o o (U 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) CD CL Q. Dl Q- Q- Q. CL — r" CT) o o CD 35 CD CD CO o CD o <3i o oo o o CD o o o CO o CM c 0) o (D CL (i/BiiJ) oa 231 UNIVERStTY OF lUJNOtS-URBANA 3 0112 104641185 LLI NO I S DEPAHTMLNT OF NATURAL RESOURCES