THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. 615.5 W24 w 9 WJVT. R. WARNER & CO. ManufacturingPharmaceutists MAKERS OF Soluble Coated Pills, Granules and Parvules, Standard Fluid Extracts, Compressed Tablets, Tablet Triturates, Hypodermic Tablets, Gran. Eff. Salts, Medicinal Wines, Elixirs and Syrups. Medical Supplies for Physicians and Hospitals A LEADING SPECIALTY. 1228 Market Street, 52 Maiden Lane, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. 197 Randolph Street, CHICAGO. The Most Extensive Pill Manufactory in the World SIXTEEN WORLD'S FAIR MEDALS AWARDED WM. R. WARNER & CO. FOR SUPERIORITY OF THEIR SOUUBUE COATED PIUES OVER AEE COMPETITION Vermeil Medal, Paris Exposition, 1885 Awarded for superior solubil- ity, accuracy and general elegance of cur coated Pills and Gran- ules. Awarded the grand Prize, Antwerp, 1894 AND Gold Medal — New Orleans Exposition HIGHEST AWARD WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION VIEW OF STORE AND LABORATORY WM. R. WARNER & CO. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO LONDON TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. While presenting this Therapeutic Reference Book we take opportunity to extend our thanks to our many friends who have aided us by their patronage and influence in distributing Phar- maceutical preparations of the highest standard and to express the hope that our efforts, in this direction, may continue to gain for us a confidence and feeling that our experience covering as it has, a period of over forty years and comprising deep scientific research and skillful manipulations, in conjunction with a con- scientious desire to produce only the best, should at least war- rant us in claiming a perfection of manufacture unexcelled. Such facts are worthy the attention of Practitioners who are called upon to battle with disease, and who must in using ready prepared medicines, depend upon a correctness of manufacture to gain the looked for therapeutical effects, whereby their own reputations are sustained and the ills of their patients alleviated. It may be well, in this connection, to reiterate that our en- deavors have always been directed towards the production of first-class preparations, regardless of cost and passing the question of extreme cheapness which so often arises through competition and an anxiety to dispose of products ; all of which very naturally has a tendencv to depreciate quality correspond- ingly with the falling off in price. We maintain that quality is of primary importance and in this we flatter ourselves that we have received the undivided encouragement and support of an intelligent profession, through- out the course of our business career With these few preliminary words outlining our policy, we beg leave to suggest the importance of specifying Warner & Co. ’s make when ordering or prescribing effervescing salts or pills of any kind. We have special facilities for preparing in elegant form physician’s favorite prescriptions. Very Respectfully, W. R. WARNER & CO., 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. LONDON. WjVF. Wfl^EH’S THERAPEUTIC READY t^ef epenee 3ook PHYSICIANS. Philadelphia, Pa. William R. Warner & Co. „ 1897. Ninth Edition. Copyright, i388, by William R. Warner. TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. While presenting this Therapeutic Reference Book we take opportunity to extend our thanks to our many friends who have aided us by their patronage and influence in distributing Phar- maceutical preparations of the highest standard and to express the hope that our efforts, in this direction, may continue to gain for us a confidence and feeling that our experience covering as it has, a period of over forty years and comprising deep scientific research and skillful manipulations, in conjunction with a con- scientious desire to produce only the best, should at least war- rant us in claiming a perfection of manufacture unexcelled. Such facts are worthy the attention of Practitioners who are called upon to battle with disease, and who must in using ready prepared medicines, depend upon a correctness of manufacture to gain the looked for therapeutical effects, whereby their own reputations are sustained and the ills of their patients alleviated. It may be well, in this connection, to reiterate that our en- deavors have always been directed towards the production of first-class preparations, regardless of cost and passing the question of extreme cheapness which so often arises through competition and an anxiety to dispose of products ; all of which very naturally has a tendencv to depreciate quality correspond- ingly with the falling off in pnce. We maintain that quality is of primary importance and in this we flatter ourselves that we have received the undivided encouragement and support of an intelligent profession, through- out the course of our business career With these few preliminary words outlining our policy, we beg leave to suggest the importance of specifying Warner & Co. ’s make when ordering or prescribing effervescing salts or pills of any kind. We have special facilities for preparing in elegant form physician’s favorite prescriptions. Very Respectfully , W. R. WARNER & CO., 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. LONDON. Wm. Wa^eh’s THERAPEUTIC READY Reference Book PHYSICIANS. Philadelphia, Pa. William R. Warner & Co. v 1897. Ninth Edition. Copyright, i388, by William R. Warner. CONTENTS. Page Aid in Memorizing Doses, 33 Asphyxia, Treatment of, 40 Fevers, Eruptive, Time of Incubation, 46 Foods, The Digestibility of, 47 Formulae, Pharmaceutical, etc 61 Formulary, Medical, 64 Gestation, The period of, 44 Hypodermic Medication, 33 Incompatibles, 35 Parvules, 55 Pills, Soluble Coated, 57 Poisons and Antidotes, 30 Posological Table, 12 Prescription Writing, 10 Weights and Measures, 7 f &/S~. $- Wxy-w*} rv INTRODUCTION. ^THERAPEUTICS (which word is derived from the - * Greek therapeuo, I wait upon, I attend upon the cine is any substance which may be used in alleviating the sick; medicines are therefore therapeutic agents. But other agents, such as the forces of nature, (light, heat, eleCtricity, eCt. , ) actions of the physician or nurse (surgi- cal operations, massage, etc.) and efforts of the patient himself (dieting, exercise, etc.), are also used in alleviat- ing the sick, and must therefore be classed as therapeu- tic agents, but they are not medicines. This latter class of therapeutic agents need not be considered in this little volume but a short description of the many little details in connection with the first class, which so easily slip the memory and which no physician should be ashamed to look up in a convenient book, will be given in the fol- lowing pages. The author disclaims all intention of teaching the reader anything that he does not or should not already know, and begs simply to lay this book before the medical public as a convenient vade mecum or easy book of reference, wherewith to refresh the mem- ory and to which to turn in moments of doubt. Medicines are administered as therapeutic agents iv a variety of ways for the purpose of combating disease, and should be seledted for a given case, so that their physiological aCtion upon the system, or part of the same, shall counteract the abnormal condition present and bring about a return to the normal state. For instance, Pilocarpin has the physiological effeCt of ^ sick, I alleviate), means the explanation of the m modus operandi of medicines (Dunglison), and a medi- 701517 4 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. increasing the secretion of the sweat, and of stimulating the glands secreting watery fluids, such as the tears and salivary glands, it is therefore indicated in cases in which suppression of secretion exists, as for instance, in the febrile stages of many diseases, the immediate effedt Deing a profuse sweating and a consequent lowering of the temperature. Or again, if we use Atropia in the eye for the purpose of breaking up adhesion of the iris, we make use of the physiological adtion of the drug wdiich is to dilate the pupil. These examples will show the meaning of the above definition. But most medicines have more than one definite physiological adtion and it becomes necessary to enhance the one or counteract the other, which may be done by combining medicines. For instance, if we give small doses of Calomel for its adtion upon the liver and the alimentary canal, we can enhance its adtion by combining it with an alkali such as Bicar- bonate of Soda ; or if we give Aloes as a drastic purge we can mitigate the griping produced by the drug by com- bining with it some aromatic, as cardamom or some essen- tial oil, as oil ot cloves. Medicines are also combined in order to produce their physiological effedt upon different parts of the sys- tem at the same time, as for instance, when a mixture of Potassium Bromide, Potassium Cyanide, Extradt Flui- dum Prunus Virginiana, syrup and water is given as an expedlorant or cough mixture. In this instance the Potassium Bromide is intended as a nerve sedative, the Potassium Cyanide as a sedative to allay the irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tradt, the Prunus Virginiana as a tonic expedlorant and the syrup and water as a vehicle. And finally medicines are com- bined with a view to make them more agreeable to the senses of the patient, and in some degree rob them of their nauseous qualities. It should, however, always be borne in mind when combining medicines, that some drugs are antagonistic INTRODUCTION. 5 to each other in their physiological action, or that they may form new chemical compounds when brought together or when introduced into the system, or that they will make a nauseous mixture when combined. Medicines may be administered in a variety of ways, one or the other of which should be selected according to circumstances. Thus, the usual method of giving medicines is by the mouth, to be swallowed and absorbed into the system, but it may also be given by injection into the bowels, or under the skin by the hypodermatic method, or it may be given by inhalation to be absorbed by the lungs, or may be used as a topical application to the skin or mucous membranes of the body. Physicians in larger cities and towns do not usually dispense medicines to their patients dire<5t, but write an order for the drugs they wish to give, which is termed a prescription. This prescription is taken to a druggist or apothecary, whose duty it is to mix the drugs or medi- cines ordered by the physician for the patient, and who usually keeps the prescription on file, becoming thus the custodian of the same. In these prescriptions certain abbreviations and signs are used which are remnants of the old and now obsolete style of writing prescriptions in Latin, which was done in order to prevent the patient from knowing what was prescribed for him. But since these abbreviations and signs are still in use in prescrip- tion writing, a list of the more common ones is given. All those referring to the diredlions for the patient are left out because this part of the prescription is intended to be read by him and should therefore under all circum- stances be written in plain legible English. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS. aa,=Aua==Of each. Ad.=Adde=Add. Ad. lib .=Ad libitum ,** At M . =Misce= Mix. Mass.=Afa.s\5-£=Mass. Mist.=A/'/j/wra=Mixture. Pil.=/V/w/a=Pill. pleasure. 6 WARNER’ S REFERENCE BOOK. Aliquot=Several, some. Chart.=Cfca^w/a=Small paper, Collyr . = Colly ru w=Eye water . D . =£)osis= Dose . Div.=Divide=Divide. T?\.^Fluidum=V\xiid. Ft.=i*yR ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. fl. dr. 54 -i. 0.50 4 -oo Do. Do. Do. grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 dr %- 2. 2 OO 8.00 fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 8.00 fl. dr. 2-6. 8.00 24.00 grs. 2-10. 0.12 O.65 Do. Do. Do. 2-5 Pills.* grs. 5-10.* O.32 O.65 1-4 Pills* 3-6 Pills * fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 8.00 1-4 Pills. grs. 10-20. O.65 I.30 Do. Do. Do. fl. dr. 2-8. 8.00 32.00 fl. dr. 1-3. 4 .oo 12.oo grs. y 2 - 2. O.32 ,0.13 grs, 2-5. O.13 0-35 grs. 8-30. O.50 2.oo grs. 8-30. O.50 2.oo grs. 4-8. O.25 O.50 grs. 3-10. O.20 O.65 Externally. O.40 grs. 6-30. 2.oo Externally. Do. fl. dr. 2-8. 8.00 32.00 gtt. 5-30. O.32 2.oo Externally. Do. gtt. 10-40, dil. O.50 2.oo fl. dr. 54-1. 1.00 4 .oo fl. dr. y 2 - 4. &.00 I6.00 grs. 5-15. O.32 l.oo grs. 3-30. O.20 2.oo gtt. 10 in fl.dr.i O.65 4 .oo grs. 3-10. O.20 O.65 grs. 3-20. Do. I.30 grs. 3-15. Do. l.oo fl. dr. 2-6. 8.00 24.00 ' grs. 1-8. O.065 O.50 grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 fl. dr. 2.4. 8.00 I6.00 gtt. y-y 2 . O.025 O.032 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Spiritus Rectificatus . Fusel Oil. Poison . Spiritus Tenuior. Stronger Alcohol . Bitter Tonic. Garlic. Diuretic, Expectorant. Aloes. Cathartic, - Cholagogue, Em- menagogue. Astringent, Emetic. Alum,. Potassa Alum. Ammoniac. Antis- pasmodic, Stimulant, Expectorant. Water of Ammonia. Antacid, General Stimulant. Spirits of Mindererus Bitter Almonds. *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. POSOTOGICAE TABUS. 15 NAME. DOSE F< APOTHECARY WEIGHT. DR ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Amygdala. ^-Dulcis. ** Oleum Expres. fl. dr. 1-4. 4.00 I6.00 Sweet A Imonds. Emol- lient, SedativeVehicle “ Syrupus. fl. dr. 1-4. 4.00 I6.00 for Cough Medicines. Anemone es. Praten- gr s. 1-3. 0.065 O.20 Pulsatilla , Meadow sis. is. Ext. grs. %-i%. 0.032 A nemone. Emmena- “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 2-6. 0,065 O.20 gogue, Alterative. “ “ Tinct. gtt. 30-90. 1.00 3 .oo Anemonin. grs. l / 2 -i. 0.032 O.065 Angelica, <2?. “ Ext. Fluidum. dr. %-i%. 2.oo 6.00 Angelica. Tonic, Do. Do. Do. Stimulant- Angustura. cz. grs. 8-30. O.50 2.oo Angustura , Cusparicz “ Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 15-60. Do. Do. Cortex. Tonic, Stim- Tinctura. fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 ulant. Anisum. i. grs. 10-30. O.65 2.oo Anise. Carminative, . “ Aqa. fl. dr. 1-4. 4 .oo I6.00 Stimulant. Anthemis. dis. dr. y 2 - 2. 2.oo 8.00 Chamomile , Antis- “ Extractum. “ “ Fluidum. grs. 5-20. O.32 I.30 pasmodic. fl. dr. y~i. 2.oo 4 .oo “ Infusum. fl. oz. 1-2. 32.00 64 .oo Antimouial Powder. grs. 2-10. O.13 O.65 James' Powder , Pulv. Antimonium. ii. A ntimni-A ntimony. “ et Potass. Tart. grs. y 8 -s. O.008 O.20 Alterative, Antiphlo- gistic, Emetic, Ex- pectorant. Tartar Emetic •] “ Pilula Comp. 1-3 Pills.* “ Pulv. Co. “ Sulphuretum. grs. 1-4. O.065 O.25 “ Vinum. gtt. 10-fl. dr. 1. 0-35 4 .oo Apiol. gtt. 3-6. O.20 See Petroselinum. Apocynum. i. Andro. “ SaemifoliumExt “ “ Ext. FI. grs. 5-20. O.32 I.30 Dog's Bane , Bitter grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 Root. Alterative, Dia- gtt. 10-40. O.32 I.30 phoretic. “ Tinct. fir. dr. y 2 - 2. 2.oo 8.00 “ Cannabinum. grs. 3-15* O.20 l.oo Indian Hemp. Cath- Apocynin. grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 artic, Emetic, Expec- Apomorphia. cz. gr. one-thirti- O.002 O.016 torant. Expectorant, Hypo- Aqua. cz. (Dist.) eth to y. Ad. lib. dermically is a prompt Emetic. Water ( Distilled .) “ (Font.) (Fluv.) Do. “ {Spring.) {River.) Araroba. Externally. Goa Powder. Applied Aralia Spinosa. cz. grs. 8-30. © Cn O 2.oo to skin where Tinea and Itching. Aralia Bark. Slight “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 15-60. Do. Do. Diaphoretic. Arbor Vitae. grs. 6-12. O.40 O.80 Thuya Occidentals. “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 12-24. Do. Do. Areca Catechu. Areca or Betel Nut. “ “ Ext. FI. fl. dr. 1-4. 4 .oo I6.00 Anthelmintic. v In Argentum, i. Tape Worm. Silver. “ Nitras. gr. K-i- O.015 O.065 “ Fusa. Externally. Lunar Caustic. *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. i6 WARNER’S REFERENCE) BOOK. NAME. DOSE FO APOTHECARY WEIGHT. R ADULT. METRIC system. Armoracia. cz. dr. 1. 1.00 4 .oo “ Ext. Fluidum. Do. Do. Do. Arnica, cz. grs. 3-10. 0.20 O.65 “ Extractum. “ “ Fluidum- grs. 2-5. 0.13 O.32 gtt. 10-30. 0.32 1.00 “ Tinctura. gtt. 15-fl. dr. 1. O.50 4.00 Arrow Root. Arsenicum, i. “ Chloridum Diq. gtt. 2-10. 0.13 O.65 ‘ ‘ et Hydrargyri f “ Iodidi Diq. J gtt. 3-15. 0.20 l.oo | Arum. i. grs. 5-10. O.32 O.65 1 “ Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 8-30. . O.25 1.00 Asarum. i. grs. 8-30. 0.50 2.00 “ Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 15-60. Do. Do. Aspidosperma, Que- bracho. grs. 5-10. O.32 O.65 “ “ Ext. grs. 3-6. O.20 O.40 " “ Ext. Fl- gtt. 10-20. O.32 O.65 Assafoetida, cz. grs. 5-30. O.32 2.oo “ Mistura. fl oz. %- 1. I6.00 32 .oo “ Pilula. grs. 3 in Pill.* “ Tinctura. fl. dr. y~i. l.oo 4 .oo Atropia. cz. “ Sulphas. O.0007 cauti- gr. & tiously . Do. . . . “ Unguentum. Externally. ... 4 .oo Aurantii Cortex. dr. y-i. l.oo “ “ Syr. fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 “ Florum Syrup. Do. Do. Do. Aurum. i. “ Chloridum. grs. to T V O.002 O.004 et Sodii Chlor. grs. jk to jV O.003 O.006 Balsam of Fir. Baptisia. cz. Tinctoria. grs. 10-30. 0.66 2.oo cz. Ext. FI. gtt. 20-60. Do. Do. Basilicon Ointment. Bear’s Foot. Bebeeru Bark. Bebeeria. cz. grs. 5-60. O.32 4 .oo “ Murias. Do. Do. Do. “ Sulphas. Do. Do. Do. Belladonnae. Folia. gr. y-2. O.032 O.13 “ Extractum. gr. y-2. O.032 O.13 “ “ Alcoh. gr. y-i- O.015 O.065 “ Emplastrum. Externally. “ Rad. Ext. FI. gtt. 1-4. , 6.032 6.13 *W. R. & Co’s. Warner Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Horse Radish. Diuret- ic, Diaphoretic Stim. Leopard's Bane. Int. Stimulant. Ext. Stim- ulating and Absor- bent Application to Bruises, etc. See Maranta. Arsenic. Nerve Tonic, Donovan' s Solution. Dragoon Root , Indian Turnip. — Diuretic, Diaphoretic. Canada Snakeroot. WildGinger. Diapho- retic, Stimulant. Quebracho Bark. Re- spiratory Stimulant. Assafetida. Antispas- modic, Diffusible Stimulant, Expecto- rant. Atropin. Action like Belladonna. To di- late pupil of eye. (gr. i to Dard 31.) Orange Peel. Aromatic Carminative, Correc- tive, Vehicle for un- pleasant medicines. Gold. Antiscrofulitic. Antisyphilitic, Alter- ative. f See Terebinthina ( Canadensis. Wild Indigo. Anti- septic, Cathartic. See Ceratum Resinae. 5 ^Hellebor. Foetidus See Nectandra. Bebeerin. From Nec- tranda. In periodi- cal headaches and neuralgias. Antiperiodic, Tonic. Belladonna Leaves. Diaphoretic, Diuretic Deliriant, Cardiac Tonic. POSOI,OGICAE TABEE. t? NAME. DOSE FC APOTHECARY WEIGHT. >R ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. Belladonnae. Tinctura. gtt. 8-30. 0.25 1.00 “ Unguentum. Externally. Benne. Benzoin, is. Odorif- dr. 1. 1.00 4 .oo erum. i. Ext. FI. fl. dr. #-1. Do. Do. Benzoinum. i. grs. 10-20. O.65 I.30 “ Tinctura. fi. dr. y^-i. l.oo 4 .oo “ “ Comp. Do. Do. Do. Berberis Aquifolium. grs. 8-15. O.50 l.oo “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 15-30. Do. Do. Beth Root. Bismuthum. i. “ Citras. grs. 2-5. O.13 O.32 “ et Ammon. Cit. grs. 1-4. O.065 O.25 “ “ “ Diq- fi. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 “ Subcarbonas. Do. Do. Do. “ Subnitras. Do. Do. Do. Bitter Sweet. Blackberry. Black Ash. “ Alder. “ Cohosh. “ Haw. “ Hellebore. “ Oak. “ Wash. Bladder Wrack. Blood Root. Blue Cohosh. ! “ Flag. Pill.* Borax. Brandy. Bray era. R ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Chlorini Aqua. Chloroformum.z. Puri- fl. dr. 1-4. 4.00 I6.00 Chlorine Water. Al- terative Antispas- modic, Antiscro- fulitic. Chloroform. Anaes- ficatum. i. gtt. 6-30. 0.16 O.78 thetic, Antispasmod- “ Dinimentum. Externally. ic, Antiemetic. ‘ 4 Mistura. fl. dr. 2-8. 8.00 33.00 Chondrus. i. IrishMoss. Demulcent Cimicifuga. ce. ‘ • Extractum. dr. K-i. l.oo 4 .oo Actcea Racemosa. grs. 4-8. fl. dr. O.25 O.50 Black Cohosh , Black “ Fluidum. l.oo 3 .oo Snakeroot. Anodyne, '• Tinctura. fl. dr. y 2 - 2. 3.00 8.00 Diaphoretic, Diuretic Cinchona, ce- grs. 10-60. 0.65 4 .oo Peruvian Bark. Anti- “ Flaa. Do. Do. Do. periodic, Antispas- “ Pallida. Do. Do. Do. modic, Antineural- “ Rubra. Do. I Do. I Do. gic, Astringent, Feb- ‘ • Extractum. grs. 5-30. fl. dr. y~i. O.32 3 .oo rifuge, Tonic. “ “ Fluidum. l.oo 4 .oo “ “ “ Co. fl. dr. y 2 - 1. 3 .oo 4 .oo ' ‘ Flavse Decoc. fl. oz. 1-2. 33 .oo 64 .oo “ Infus. Do. Do. Do. “ Rubrae Decoc- 1 Do. Do. Do. “ “ Infus. ! Do. i Do. Do. “ Tinctura. (fl. dr. 1-3. j 4 .oo 13 .oo “ “ Comp. fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 ! g-oo Cinchonia- Igrs. 3-30. ! 0.20 ! 3.00 “ Sulphas. Do. Do. Do. Clnchonidia- ce- Do. 1 Do. Do. Sulphas. Do. Do. Do. “ Salicylas. Do. Do. Dc. I Cinnamon. Aromatic, Cinnamonum. *. grs. 10-20. O.65 I.30 ** Aqua- fl. oz. 1-2. 33 .oo 64 .oo Astringent. Cinnamomum Cassia. As a flavoring in- “ Oleum. gtt. 1-5. O.032 O.20 gredient. Cissampelos Par. ; See Pareira Brava. Citrine Ointment. See Hydrargyri Ni- tratis Ung. Clover Tops- See Trifolium Pra- j tense. Cloves- \See Caryophyllus. Coca Erythroxy on. “ “ Ext. FI. dr. 2-4. 8.00 : 16.00 Coca Leaves. Removes Do. Do. Do. or lessens fatigue, “ “ Ext. Igrs. 3-15. O.20 l.oo check tissue waste, nervine stimulant. Cocaine. 1 Cacaine. Docal Anae- “ Hydro Chlorate ° “ Brom. 4.90. pr. ct. Sol. .... sthetic, Sedative. Do. Cocoa Butter. See Oleum Theo- bromae. Cocculus Indicus- * i | I See Menispermum Cocculus. Coccus. ST- O.on O.032 Cochineal. Antispas- mat. In Hoop.Cough. POSODOGICAD TABDE. 2: NAME. DOSE FOR ADULT. APOTHECARY j METRIC WEIGHT. | SYSTEM. Coccus Tinctura- gtt. IO-30. O.32 l.oo Codia. £E. gr. K-i>2* O.015 Cod Diver Oil. Colchicum. i. “ Acetum. fl. dr. %-2. 3.00 8.00 “ Ext. Acetic. grs. 1-2. O.065 O.13 “ “ Alcohol. gr. x /i- 1. O.015 O.065 “ Radix. grs. 1-4. O.065 O.25 “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 2-8. Do. Do. “ “ Vinum. gtt. 15-60. O.50 3 .oo “ Semen. grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 5-20. 0:20 O.65 “ “ Vinum. fl. dr. }£-i. 1.00 4 .oo “ Tinctura. fl. dr. y 8 - 1. 0.50 4.00 Colchicin. gr. to dxs' O.001 O.003 Collodium. ii. Externally. “ Flexile. Do. Colocynthis. idis. grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 “ Extractum. Not alone. Colocynthidis Ext. Co. grs. 5-15. O.32 l.oo ‘ ' Fluid. gtt. 5-40. O.16 I.30 “ Pilula Comp. 1-3 Pills. Colt’s Foot. Columbo. Comfrey. Conaurango. Conium. ii. “ Folia. grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 “ Fructus. Do. Do. Do. “ “ Ext. FI. gtt. 3-30. O.20 l.oo “ Extractum. grs. 1-8. O.065 O.50 “ Alcohol. grs. %-2. O.032 O.13 “ Succus. fl. dr. 14-4. 3 .oo I6.00 “ Tinctura. fl. dr. J 4 -i. O.50 4 .oo Convallaria. Majalis. “ Ext. FI. fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 Convolvulus, i. Pandu- grs. 10-40. O.65 3 . 6 o ratus, Ext. FI. fl. dr. 1/-1. l.oo 4.00 Copaiba, ce, fl. dr. y 8 - 1. O.50 4 .oo “ Oleum. gtt. 8-15, O.25 O.50 “ Pilulse* 2-5 Pills- “ Resina. grs. 8-15. O.50 1.00 Copper. Coptis. idis. grs. 8-30. O.50 3 .oo “ Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 15-60. Do. Do. “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 1-3. 4 .oo 13.00 Corn Ergot. “ Silk. Cornus. us. Circin- dr. V-i. l.oo 4 . 00 / ata. ce. Ext. FI. fl. dr. y x - 1. Do. Do. *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. See Oleum Morrhuae. Meadow Saffron. An* tiarthritic, Diuretic, General Sedative, Narcotic. Collodion : Painted over Excoriations, Blisters, etc. Bitter Cucumber . Colo- cynth. — Cathartic of rapid action. See Tussilago. See Calumba. See Symphytum Offi- cinale. See Equatoria Gar- ciana. Hemlock. Antispas- modic, Gen. Sedative. Lily of tJie Valley. Caidiac Sedative. Wild Potato. Diu- retic. Copaiva. Cathartic, Stimulant, Diuretic. See Cuprum . Gold Thread. Bitter Tonic like Quassia. See Ustilago Maidis. See Stigmata Maidis. Round Leaved Dog- wood, Osier Green. Dike Dogwood. 22 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. NAME. DOSE FC APOTHECARY WEIGHT. >R ADULT, METRIC SYSTEM. Cornus. Florida, ce. dr. y~i. 1.00 4 .oo Cornus. Florida Decoc. fl. oz. 1-2. 33.00 64 .oo “ “ Ext. grs. 1-10. O.065 O.65 “ “ “ FI. fl. dr. y~i. 1.00 4 .oo “ Tinct. fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 “ Sericea. dr. Y-i. 1.00 4 .oo “ “ Ext. FI. Do. Do. Do. Corrosive Sublimate. Corydalis. is. For- grs. 10-20. 0.65 I.30 mosa. ce. Ext. gr- 1-5. 0.065 O.32 “ “ “ FI. grs. 20-40. 0.65 I.30 “ “ Tinct. fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 Cotton Root. Cream of Tartar. Creasotum. i. gtt. 1-3. O.065 O.20 “ Aqua. fl. dr. 1-4. 4 .oo I6.00 “ Mistura. fl. dr. 4-8. I6.00 33 .oo “ Unguotum. Externally. Creta. ce. grs. 8 — 20. O.50 I.30 “ Mistura. fl. dr. 4-8. I6.00 33.00 “ Prseparata. grs. 10-40. O.65 3 . 6 o “ Pulv. Arom. dr. y 2 -i. 3 .oo 4 .oo Croton Oil. “ “ Tinim. Externally. “ Chloral. Cubeba. oe. dr. y-2. l.oo 8.00 “ Extractum. grs. 5-20. O.32 I.30 “ “ Fluidum. fl. dr. y~2. l.oo 8.00 “ Oleoresina. gtt. 5-30. 0.35 3 .oo “ Oleum. gtt. 10 up. O.32 “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 1-8. 4 .oo 13.00 “ Trochisci.* i— 5 - Culver’s Root. Cuprum. I . . “ Sulphas. grs. Y-10. O.015 0 . 5 i Curare. Cydonium. ii. At discretion. Cypripedium. ii. grs. 5-10. O.32 O.61 “ Extractum. grs. 2-6. O.13 O.40 “ Fluidum. gtt. 15-30. O.50 l.oo “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 8.00 Damiana. oe. grs. 15-45. l.oo 1 3 .oo “ Ext. Fluidum. fl- dr. %- 1. 3.00 4.00 Dandelion Root.! Deadly Night Shade. Delphinium, ii. grs. y 2 - 2. O.032 O.13 “ Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 1-4. j Do. Do. “ Tinctura. gtt- 8-20. ! O.25 O.61 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Dogwood. Boxwood. Astringent, Antiperi- odic, Febrifuge Heart Stimulant, Tonic. Red Osier , Swamp Dogwood. See Hydrargyri Chlorid. Corros. Turkey Corn. Altera- tive, Diuretic, Tonic. See Gossypii Radix. See Potassii Bitartras. Creasote. Antiseptic, Astringent, Antie- metic. Chalk. The native friable Carb. of Cal- cium. Antacid. See Oleum Tiglii. Vesicant, 10-30 gtt. See Chloral Butyl. Cubeb. Cathartic, Diuretic, Stimulant. Its Stimulating ac- tion more particm larly felt on the Mu- cous Membrane of Bladder and Urethra. In early stages of Gonoirhoea and Bronchitis. See Ueptandra Vir- ginia. Cofer. Astringent. Blue Stone. Extern. See Woorara. Quince Seed. Demul. Ladies' \Slipper. Anti- periodic, Nervous Stimulant. Damiana. Tonic in Sexual Debility. .See Taraxacu -i. See Belladonna. Lark Spur , Stave- sacre. Diuretic, F r m- menagogue. W. R. Warner & Co’s. POSOtOGlCAI, TABLE. *3 DOSE FOR ADULT. NAME. APOTHECARY WEIGHT. METRIC SYSTEM. Digitalis, is. grs. y 2 - 2. O.032 O.13 Digitalis Extractum. grs. %-i. O.OI O.065 “ “ “ Fluidum. gtt. 2-8. O.065 O.26 “ Infusum. fi. dr. 2-4. 8.00. I6.00 “ Tinctura. gtt. 10-60. O.32 2.00 Digitalinum. i. gr. £0 to £q. O.001 O.002 Donovan’s Solution. Dover’s Powder. Duboisa Myoporoides. O.0003 O.007 Duboisin. gr. I | Ty to £jj. “ Sulphas. Do. Do. Do. Dulcamara, ce. dr. y 3 - 1. l.oo 4 .oo *• Extractum, “ “ Fluidum. grs. 2-20. O.13 I.30 fi. dr. y-i. l.oo 4 .oo Ecbalii Fractus. Elaterium. ii. grs. Ys-y. O.008 O.015 “ Ext. grs. %-y. O.008 0*015 Elaterinum. i. gr. £2 to xg. O.002 O.004 Ergoia. ce. grs. 5-30. dv.y~i in labor O.32 2.00 2.00 4.00 “ Extractum. grs. 3-10. O.20 O.65 EtgotaeKxt. Fluidum. “ “ Acet. gtt. 10-fi. dr. 1. O.32 4 .oo Do. Do. Do. “ Tinctun. fi. dr. 1-3. 4 .oo 13.00 “ Vinum. Do. Do. Do. ‘ ‘ Riq. Purif. gtt. 10.30. O.65 3 .oo Ergotina- ce , grs. 3-10. O.20 O.65 Eriodyct’n Glutinosum “ “ Ext. FI. 3 'A- 1 - l.oo 4.00 Do. Do. Do. *Erythroxylon Coca. Ext. FI. dr. 1-4. 4 .oo I6.00 Do. i Do. Do. Eserine. Ether. Eucalyptus, i. Glob- grs. 10-40. O.65 3 . 6 o ulus. i. Ext. “ “ “ FI. grs. 1-10. O.065 O.65 gtt- 20-80. O.65 3 . 6 o Eucalyptol. gtt. 5-30. O.20 1.00 Euonymus. i. “ Extractum. grs. 10-40. O.65 3.60 grs. 5-10. O.32 0.65 “ “ Fluidum. gtt. 20-80. O.05 3.60 Euonymin. grs. 1-3. O.065 0.20 Fel. lis. Bovinum. grs. 2-10. O.23 0.65 “ “ Pur, Do. Do. Do. Ferrum. i. “ Ammon. Chlor. grs. 3-10. O.20 O.65 “ Arsenias. gr- is to y. O.004 O.015 “ Carbonas. grs. 5-15. O.32 l.oo *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Fluid Extract of Coca. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Fox Glove. Diuretic Sedative, Heart Tonic. Digitalia . See Arsenici et. Hy- drargyrilodidiLiquor See Ipecac, Pul. Comp. Similar in action to Belladonna and Atro- phia, its effeets more pronounced and rapid and passing off more quickly. Bitter Sweet. Alter- ative, Diaphoretic, Diuretic. Squirting Cucumber Fruit , from which Elaterum is derived. Elaterium. Powerful Hydragogue Cathart. Elaterin. Ergot , Secale Cornu- tum. Oxytocic, Spec. Stimulant. Ergotin. Yerba Santa. In Dung affections. Coca Leaves. Res- piratory Stimulant, Tonic. See Physostigmin. See Aether. Fever Tree. Antipe- riodic, Febrifuge. JVahoo. Alterative, Antiperiodic, Diuret- ic, Hydragogue, Cath- artic. Ox Bile. Used where there is deficiency of bile. Iron. General Tonic. 24 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK, NAME. DOSE FOR ADULT. Ferrum. Car. Pilula. Ferrum. Chloridum. “ “ Eiquor. “ “ Tinct. “ Cilras. “ et. Amm. Sulph “ “ Pot. Tartras. «. << Ferrocyauid. “ Hypophosphas. “ “ Syrupus. Ferri Iodium. “ Syrupus. “ Sulphas.* “ Valerianas. Filix. ids. Mas. art’s. “ Ext, Fowler’s Solution. Galla. ce. Gallae Ungnentum. Gambogia. ce. “ Pilula Comp.* Gaultheria. ce. Gelsemium. ii. “ Tinctura, Gentiana. ce. “ Infus. Comp. “ Tinctura. “ “ Comp. Glauber’s Salts. Glycerina. ce. Glycyrrhiza. ce. “ Ext i actum. Goulard’s Extract. Grindelia. ce. Rob- usta<^. Ext. FI. Guaiacum. i. Guarana. ce. “ Fluidum. Gum Arabic. ' Hsematoxylon. i. “ Decoctum. APOTHECARY WEIGHT. METRIC SYSTEM. 1-5 Pills. grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 gtt. 2-IO. O.13 O.65 gtt. 10-60. 0-35 2.00 grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 grs. 2-5. O.13 O.32 grs. 4-20. O.25 I.30 fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 8.00 grs. 1-8. O.13 O.50 gtt. 15-45. 1.00 3 .oo grs. 1-3 in Pill. O.065 O.20 gr. ^-2. O.032 O.13 dr. 1-3. 4 .oo 12.oo grs. 10-20. O.65 1-30 3 grs. 10-20. O.65 i I.30 1 Externally. J grs. 2-6. O.13 O.40 grs. 3-15. O.20 l.oo dr. J6-I. 2. 00 4 .oo grs. 1-8. O.065 O.50 grs. 10-60. O.32 2.oo grs. 10-40. O.65 2.6o fl. oz. %-I. I6.00 32 .oo ] fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 Do. Do. Do. Ad lib. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 grs. 15-30. l.oo 2.oo 2 < grs. 10-40. O.65 I 2.6o ] fl. dr. #- 1 . I.30 4 .oo j 1 ] < dr. %-i. 1.00 4 .oo grs. 3-8. 0.20 O.50 i dr. %-i. 2 .oo 4 .oo fl. oz. 1-2. 32.00 64 .oo PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Per Chloride of Iron. Astryngent. Astryngent Stiptic. le Fern. Anthel- ltic in Tape Worm Potassii Ai seni- biq. t Gall , Powerful il Astringent. (3 in Ji-) Cambogia, Gamboge , Hydragogue 2 Cath- irtic, Diuretic. Winter green. Par- tridgeberry . Astrin- ygnt, Tonic. To fla- vor mixtures. Yellow Jasmine. Gentian. Non-astrin- , Bitter Tonic. Glycerin. Emollient. 'ice. Emolient, ulcent, Expecto- Vehicle. In Alterative, :tic, Gen. t. Asttin- *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. POSOEOGICAE TABEE- 25 NAME. DOSE FC APOTHECARY WEIGHT. >R ADULT. ^ METRIC SYSTEM. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Haematoxylon . i. “ Extractum. “ Fluidum. Used in Diarrhoea grs. 5-20. fl. dr. j£-i. O.32 I.30 and Mucous Dis- 2.00 4 .oo charges. Imparts a a pink color to faeces. Hamamel's. is. Vir- grs. 15-30. 1.00 2.oo Witch Hazel. Astrin- ginica. Ext. FI. fl. dr. 1/-2. 1.00 8.00 gent, Sedative. Hydrangea, ce. grs. 20-80. 1.30 5.30 Hydrangea. n Ext. Fluidum. nr. dr. ^-2. 2.00 8.00 Sedative. Hydrargyrum, i. “ Ammonia. Ung. Mercury. General Externally. Alterative, Tonic and “ Chlorid. Corros. gr. & to y 8 . 0.002 O.008 Anti-Syphilitic, Corrosive Sublimate. “ “ Mite. grs %-2 alter, grs. 3-6 purg. O.oi 0.20 O.13 O.40 Calomel. Purgative. “ Cum Creta. grs. 1 12. 0.065 O.80 “ Emplastrum. Externally. “ Iodidum Rub. gr. to y 8 . 0.002 O.008 “ “ Viride. grs.14-2. O.oi O.23 “ Nitras. Ung. Externally. Citrine Ointment. “ Pilulae. grs. 1-15 . O.065 l.oo Blue Pill. Purgative. “ Sulphas Flav. grs. 2-5 Emet. O.13 O.32 Tur peter. Mineral. Emetic. Hydrastis, is. “ Extractum, “ Fluidum. drs. Y-3. l.oo 12.oo Yellow Root , Golden grs. 2-5. O.13 O.32 Seal. Alterative, An- fl. dr. y-4. l.oo I6.00 tiperiodic, Aperient, “ Tinctura. fl. dr. y 2 - 4. 2.oo I6.00 Cholagogue, Bitter Tonic. Hyoscyami Folia. grs. 2-10. O.13 O.65 Henbane , Hyoscya- “ Extractum. grs. y 3 - O.065 O.20 mus, Antispasmodic, Hyoscyami a. ce . Aik. gr . to 2(J. O.007 O.003 Delirient, Hypnotic, “ Murias. Do. Do. Do. Sedative. “ Sulphas. Do. Do. Do. “ Citras. Do. Do. Do. Ingluvin.* grs. 5-15- O.32 1.00 Digestive. In Dys- pepsia, Vomiting of Pregnancy. Iodinium. it. gr. %-i. O.015 0.065 Iodine • Alterative, “ EiquorComp. grs. 6-20. O.40 1.30 Antisyphilitic, Antis- “ Einimentum. Externally. crofulitic, Sialago- gue. In Syph- ilitic Cimplaints, “ Tinctura. gtt. 2-10. 6.065 0.32 “ Comp. gtt. 4-20. O.13 0.65 Iodinii Unguentum. “ “ Comp. Externally. Skin Diseases, Do. Rheumatism, Glan- dular Enlargements, Chronic Abscesses, Ringworm, Fibroid and Tubercular Affec- tions of the Dungs, Ovarian Dropsy, Bronchocele, Scrof- ulous Ulcers, Uterine Cancer. *W. R. Warner & Co’s. 26 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. NAME. DOSE FC ^APOTHECARY WEIGHT. >R ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Iodoformum. i. grs. 1-3. O.065 1 0.20 Iodoform. In Scrofu- lous and Syphilitic Ulcers. Ipecacuanha. ce . gi. y x -\ Expec. O.OI5 0.065 Ipecac . Diaphoretic, gTs.5-20 Emet. O.32 1.30 Expectorant, Emetic “ Pulv. Comp. grs. 2-10. O.I 3 0.65 Dover's Powder. “ Vinum. gtt. 15-fl. dr. 1. O.50 4.00 Jaborandi. dr. y~i- 1.00 4 .oo Pilocarpus Pinnatus. “ Ext. Fluidum. fl. dr. y-i. 1.00 4 .oo Powerful Diaphoretic “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 8.00 and Sialogogue. Jalapa. ce. “ Extractum. grs. 8-30. O.50 2.oo Jalap- Cathartic or grs. 5-20. O.32 I.30 Eaxative, according “ Pulv. Comp. grs. 20-dr. 1, I.30 4 .oo to dose, Hydragogue Cathartic. Juniper. Diaphoretic, Juniperus. i. “ Infusum. grs. 15-60. l.oo 4.00 fl. oz. 1-3. 32.00 96 .oo Diuretic, Gen. Stim- “ Oleum. gtt. 3-20. O.65 ulant. “ Spiritus. fl. dr. y 2 -i. 2.00 4 .oo Kino. Astringent. Kino. grs. 10-30. O.65 2.oo “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 54-2. 2.oo 8.00 Kramaria. ce. grs. 15-30. l.oo I 2.00 Rhatany. Powerful “ Infusum. fl. oz. 1-2. 32.00 64 .oo Astringent. “ Syrupus. fl. dr. 1-4. 4.00 I6.00 “ Tinctura, fl. dr. 1-2. 4 .oo 8.00 Laudanum. See Opii Tinctura. Eaurocera Sifolia. grs. 3-15. fl. dr. 54 - 1 - O.20 l.oo Cherry Laurel. Simi- “ Aqua. 2.oo 4 .oo lar to Dil. Prussic Acid. Eept^ndra. ce- Vir- dr. y-i. l.oo 4 .oo Culver's Root. Alter- gin ica. ce. Ext. “ “ Tinct. grs. 2-4. O.13 O.25 ative, Cathartic, Cholagogue, Emetic, Tonic. fl. dr. 2-4. 8.00 I6.00 Eimones. is. Ad. lib. Lemon. Antispas- “ Oleum. gtt. 2-6. O.065 O.20 modic to a slight “ Syrupus. fl. oz. 54-1. I6.00 32.00 degree, Antiscorb- tic. Corrective. Einum. i. Ad. lib. Flax Seed. To make poultices. of, Demulcent. Eiquorice, See Glycyrrhiza. Eithium. ii. Lithium. Antacid, “ Bromidum. grs. 3-15. O.20 l.oo Diuretic. “ Carbonas. grs. 2-8. O.13 O.50 “ Citras. Do. Do. Do. “ Efferv. Eiq.* fl. oz. 5-10. 160 . 00 320 .oo “ Iodidum. grs. 1-8. O.065 O.50 “ Salicylas. Do. Do. Do. Lobelia , Indian To- Eobelia. ce. grs. 1-3. Expec O.065 O.20 grs. 10-20 Emet O.65 I.30 bacco. Antispasmod- “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 5^-2. loo. 8.00 ic, Diaphoretic, Em- etic, Expectorant, Inebriant. Eupulina. ce. grs. 2-10 0.13 j O.65 Lupulin. Mild sopo- '* Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 8-30. 0.25 1 l.oo rific action. Substi- “ Oleoresina. grs. 2-6. 0.13 j O.40 tute for Alcoholic *W. R. Warner & Co.’s. Effervescent Salts- POSOLOGICAL TABLE- 27 DOSE FOR ADULT. PHYSIOLOGICAL NAME. APOTHECARY METRIC ACTION. WEIGHT. SYSTEM. Lupulina. os. “ Tinctura. fl. dr. 1-2. 4.00 8.00 Stimulants, Stom- achic Tonic. Magnesia. <2?. Magnesium, it. “ Carbouas. dr. y±-i. 1.00 4 .oo Calcined Magnesia. drs. 2. 1.00 8.00 Antacid, Magnesium ] Antilithic, Cathartic. “ Citras. grs. 3-20. 0.20 I.30 “ “ Liq. fi. oz. 5-10. 160 . 00 320 - 00 Magnesii. “ Sulphas. grs. 10-20. dr. 1-4. O.65 4 .oo I.30 I6.00 Epsom Salts. Cathart. Malti Extrac um. dr. 2-8. 8.00 32 .oo Digestive Tonic. Mentha, as. Piperita. “ Aqua. dr. y~i. l.oo 4 .oo Peppermint. Aromat- fl. oz. 1-2. 32.00 64 00 ic, Carminative, Stomachic, Stimulant Vehicle Menthol. Monsel’s Solution. Externally. Japanese Peppermint. See Ferri Subsulpha- Morphia os. “ Acetas. tis Sol. Morphine • Alcaloid grs. y 8 -y. O.008 O.02 of Opium, possessing its Physiol. Action. Used Hypodemati- cally in many cases. Muf k. See Mosclius. Evlvrrha, os. “ Ext. Fluidum. grs 5-20. O.32 I.30 Myrrh. Astringent. gtt. 10-40. Do. Do. “ Tinctura. Nitro-Glycerine. * fl. dr. y 2 - 1. In Pills. 2.00 4 .oo Heart Strengthened 2^0 to X^tf ' and accelerated ; a u tO it to xV- causes slight head- ache and sense of fullness and heat. Nux. cis. Vomica, os. grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 Nux Vomica. Spec. “ “ Ext. grs. *4-i. O.008 O.065 Stimulant, Stom- “ “ “FI gtt. 2-6. O.065 O.20 achic, Tonic. “ “ Tinct. gtt. 5-20. O.16 O.65 Oleum. gtt. 5-10. O.32 O.65 “ Olivae. Ad. lib. Olive Oil. Emollient. “ Ricini. fl. oz. y-iy I6.00 48 .oo Castor Oil. Laxative. “ Theobromae. Cocao Butter. Emol- lient. “ Tiglii. gtt. y-2. O.015 O.13 Croton Oil. Hydra- gogue, Cathartic, Vesicant. Opium, ii. gr. y-i- O.015 O.065 Opium. Antiphlogis- “ Acetum. gtt. 3-10. O.20 O.65 tic, Antispasmodic, Antiemetic, Antineu “ Confectio. grs. 8-40. O.50 2.6o “ Extractum. “ “ Aqua. gr. y 8 -y. O.008 O.015 ralgic, Diaphoretic, gtt. 3.12. O.20 O.80 Diuretic, Soporific. Arrests all secretions “ “ Fluid. Do. Do. Do. “ “ “ Deod. Do. Do. Do. except that of the “ Pilulae.* 1 Pill. skin. “ Pulv, Comp. grs. 2-10. O.13 O.65 “ Tinctura. gtt. 6-25. O.25 O.92 Laudanum . “ “ Acet. gtt. 5-20. O.18 O.72 *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Soluble Sugar*Coated Pills. 28 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. NAME. DOSE FOR ADULT. APOTHECARY ( METRIC WEIGHT. | SYSTEM. Opium. Tinctura. “ Camph. fl. dr. 1-4. 4 .oo I6.00 “ Deodor. gtt. 8-25. O.25 O.80 “ Vinum, gtt. 10-30. O.32 l.oo Pelletierina. grs. 2-10. O.13 O.65 “ Tannas. grs. 5-20. O.32 I.30 “ Sulphas. Do. Do. Do. Pill. Cathart Co. * 1-3 Pills. Pix, cis. Burgundica. Externally. “ Liquida. “ “ Infus. Do. fl. dr. y 2 - 1. 3.00 4.00 Plumbum, i. “ Acetas. grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 “ Cum Opii Pil,* 1-3 Pills. “ Emplastrum. Externally. Plumbi. Oxidum. “ SubacetLiq. Externally. Podophyllum, i. “ Resina. grs. 10-20. O.65 1 .30 gr. H-i. O.015 O.065 Podophyllin. gr tf-i. O.015 O.065 Potassa. ce . Caustic. “ Alum. “ Liquor. gtt. 5-30. O.32 3 .oo Potassium, ii. “ Acetas. gtt. 5-30. O.32 3 00 “ Arsen. Liq. gtt. 2-10. O.12 O.60 “ BLarbonas. grs. 5-30. O.32 3 .oo Potassi. Bitart. dr. 1-8. 4.00 33.00 “ Bromidum. grs. 4-40. O.25 3 . 6 o “ “ Elixir. 10 grs. to 5 I “ Chloras. Do. Do. Do. . “ Citras. Do. Do. Do. “ Cyanidum. gr- Vs-y. O.008 O.015 “ et Sodii Tart. dr. 1-5. 4 .oo 30 . 00 “ Iodidum. grs. 3-30. O.20 3 .oo “ Nitras. grs. 3-20. O.20 I.30 “ Permanganas. grs. K- 3- O.032 O.20 “ “ Liquid. Externally. 1.00 4.00 Prunus. i. Virgin- dr. y-i. iana. ce. Ext. FI. fl. dr. y~i. Do. Do. “ “ Infus. fl. oz. y 2 . 1. I6.00 33 .oo “ “ Syrupus. fl. dr. 2-4. 8.00 I6.00 Pulsatilla. Pulvis Aromaticus. grs. 10-30. O.65 3 .oo Pulv. Effervescentes. ft “ Aper. 1-2 Powders. Do. PHYSIOLOGICAL, ACTION. Paregoric. An alkaloid obtained from the Root Bark of Pomgranate ; used as an anthelmintic. Cathartic, Laxative. Bu r gundy Pitch . Tar. Tar Water. Lead. Locally, is par- tially Sedative and Sugar of Lead.] As- tringent. Litharge.] Goulard's Extract.] Internally, the Ace- tate Astryngent. Mandrake , May Apple. Alterative, Cholagogue. Cathart. Caustic Potash. Locally. Alum. Potassium. Alcaliant. Acid. Fowler's Solution. Tonic, Alterative. Cream of Tartar. Laxative. | Sedative. Aperient. Rochelle Salts. Laxa- tive. Niter. Antiseptic Disin- fectant. Wild Cherry. Seda- tive, Tonic, Expec- torant. See Anemone Pra- tensis. Stimulant. Soda Powders. Seidlitz Powders. Laxative. *W. R. Warner & Co’s. Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. POSOIyOGICAIy TABUE. *9 NAME. DOSE FC APOTHECARY WEIGHT. >R ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Quassia, ce. dr. y x - 1. 1.00 4 .oo Quassia. Bitter 44 Extractum. grs. 5-10. O.32 0.65 Tonic. Stimulant to “ “ Fluidum. fl. dr. y-i. 1.00 4 .oo secretion of gastric 44 Infusum. fl. OZ. 1-2. 3 JJ.oo 64 .oo juices. Quebracho Bark. See Aspidosperma Queb. Quercus. us. Alba. “ “ Decoc. grs. 10-40. O.65 2.6o White Oak. Astring. fl. oz. 1-3. 32.00 96 -oo 41 44 Ext. “ “ “ FI. grs. 8-15. fl. dr. y-i. O.50 l.oo l.oo 4 .oo Quinia. ce. “ Arsenias. grs. 1.30. O.065 2.oo Quinine. Alcaloid, grs. Ys-y. O.008 O.015 of Cinchona, General “ Bisulphas. Do. O.065 Do. Tonic, Antipyretic, “ Hydrobrom. grs. 1-10. O.065 O.65 Antiperiodic, Anti- “ Salicylas. Do. Do. Do. septic. 44 Sulphas. “ “ Pil.* Do. Do. Do. gr. 1 in each. 44 Tannas. grs. 1-20. 0-065 I.30 44 Valerianas. grs. 1-8. O.062 O.50 Quinidia. ce. grs. 2-30. O.13 2.oo ‘ ‘ Sulphas. grs. 2-30. O.13 2.oo Resina, ce. Externally. Resin. “ Ceratum. Do. Basilicon Ointment. “ Emplastrum. Do. A dhesive Plaster. Rheum, i. grs. 5-30. O.32 2.oo Rhubarb. Astringent, “ Extractum. “ “ Fluidum. grs. 3-15- O.20 l-oo Cathartic, Cholago- gtt. 30-60. 1.00 2.oo gue, Stomachic, “ “ Arom. Do. Do. Do. Tonic. 44 etSennae Tinct. Do. Do. Do. ‘ ‘ Pulv. Comp dr. Y-i. l.oo 4 .oo “ Pilulse.* 3 grs. in each. 44 “ Comp. grs. 8-30, O.50 2.oo 44 Syrupus. 44 Arom. fl. dr. 2-4. 8.00 I6.00 Do. Do. Do. “ Tinctura. Do. Do. Do. 44 “ Comp. Do. Do. Do. 44 Vinum. Do. Dc. Do. Rhus, Rhow. Glab- dr. y 2 -i. 2.oo 4 .oo Sumach. Astringent. rum. i. Ext. FI. fl. dr. %-2. 2.oo 8.00 Rochelle Salts. See Potassii et Sodii Tart. Sabina, ce. gfs. 5-15. O.32 1.00 Savine. Stimulant to 44 Ceratum. Externally. mostiof the secretions 44 Extractum. grs. 1-3. O.065 O.20 especially of the skin, 44 Fluidum. gtt. 8-30. O.25 l.oo Uterine Stimulant. 44 Tinctura. n. dr. %-i. l.oo 4.00 Saccharum. i. Ad. lib. Sugar. “ Tactis. Do. Sugar of Milk. Sal. Ammoniac. See Ammon. Chlo- ridum. Sanguinaria. ce. “ Acetum. grs. 1-8. O.065 O.50 Blood Root. Altera- gtt. 20-40. 1 *00. 2.00 tive, Emmenagogue, Expectorant in small 44 FJxtractum. gr. y-iy. 00.15 44 Fluidum. gtt. 5-20. 0.20 O.65 doses. Violent Emetic “ Tinctura. gtt. 10-40. 0.32 I.30 *W. R. Warner & Co.’s. Soluble Sugar-Coated Pills. 30 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Santonica. R ADULT. METRIC SYSTEM. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Zincum. i. “ Carbonas. Externally. “ “ Cerat. Do. “ Chloridnm. Do. Caustic Astringent. “ “ Eiq- Do. “ Oleas. Externally. “ Oxidum. grs 1-5. O.065 O.32 Tonic. Internally. “ Unguent. Externally. “ Sulphas. grs. y-30. 0-032 2.00 A stringent. “ Valerianas. grs. y 2 - 2. O.032 O.13 Sedative. Zingiber, is. grs. 5-30. O.32 2o. Ginger. Aromatic, “ Ext. Fluidum. gtt. 10-60. Do. Do. Carminative, Gen. “ Oleoresina. gtt. y 2 -i. 0.032 O.065 Stimulant. “ Syrupus. n. dr. 1-2. 8.00 8.00 1856 I 1897 WM. R. WARNER & CO., ~~ CHEMISTS 1128 Market Street, - • PHILADELPHIA, PA. AID IN MEMORIZING DOSES. 33 AID IN MEMORIZING DOSES. To commit the pharmacopceal doses to memory without something like artificial means, is next to an impossibility. Here are laid down some general rules with their exceptions, which are thoroughly reliable, and, as far as they go, tend to render the memorizing of dosage a pleasure rather than a toil. They are as follows : 1. The dose of all infusions is i to 2 ozs., except infusion of digitalis, which is 2 to 4 drs. 2. Dose of all poisonous tinctures is 5 to 20 minims, except tincture of aconite, Dig. and Nux. which is 1 to 5. 3. Dose of all wines is from x / 2 to 1 fl. dr., except wine of opium, Colch. Radix, which is 5 to 15 minims. 4. Of all poisonous solid extracts you can give X gr.^ except extract of calabar bean and Cannab. Ind. which is i t 6 to X grains. Extr. Belladon., X g r * 5. Dose of all dilute acids is from 5 to 20 minims, except dilute hydrocyanic acid, which is 2 to 8 minims. 6. Dose of all aquae is from 1 to 2 ozs., except aqua lauro cerasus and aqua ammonia, which is 10 to 30 minims. 7. Of all syrups you can give 1 dr. 8. Dose of all mixtures is from X to 1 fl. oz. 9. Dose of all spirits is from X to 1 fl. dr. 10. Dose of all essential oils is from 1 to 5 minims. Doses for Hypodermatic Injections and Formulae for Solutions. The hypodermatic method of medication is used in all cases in which immediate and decided results are to be obtained. There are several details in this method which should be care- fully observed, and which are outlined in a few words. 1. The syringe and needles should be scrupulously clean and the piston of the syringe should be air tight, which may be WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. 34 tested in the following manner. Place the index finger of one hand over the top of the syringe and draw with the other hand the piston out to its full length, then let go the piston, and if it is air tight it will return to its former position. 2. The point of the needle should be as sharp as possible and the little wire or bristle should be inserted immediately after cleansing the needle to prevent rusting and clogging of the capillary tube. 3. In making an injection care should be taken to expel all air from the syringe and needle before the latter is inserted into the fold of the skin, held between the thumb and fore fin- ger of the left hand. 4. The needle should be thrust beneath the skin with a quick motion, and in a slanting direction until its point is freely movable in the subdermal cellular tissue. After the withdrawal of the needle, the finger should be pressed over the puncture for a few seconds to prevent the return of the fluid. 5. Veins, inflamed spots and bony prominences should be avoided, unless the injection is made for a special purpose. 6. The fleshy part of the arms and legs and the abdomen are the most convenient places for injections with the hypoder- matic syringe, except in the case of corrosive sublimate solution, which should always be injected under the skin of the back on either side of the spinal column. 7. The solutions should be freshly made and filtered, and should be neutral so as to prevent the formation of abscesses. FORMULA. Apomorphise gr. i, Aquae Font 3 iiss, one minim=ik gr. Dose, 5-20 m. (Prompt Kmetic.) Atropise Snlph., gr. i, Aquae Font ^xv, one minim=*fo gr. Dose, 5-20 m. Caffein grs. X, Alcohol, Aquae Font aa 3 iss, one minim=i 1 a gr. Dose, 4-18 m. Chloral Hydrate 3 b Aquae Font. gii. Dose, 4-16 m. Digitalin gr. ss. Alcohol, Aquae. Font aa 3 ii, one minin=¥5t> gr. Dose, 4-8 m. INCOMPATIBLES. 35 Ergotin grs. xv, Alcohol, Glycerine aa 3 iiss, one minim— 20 gr. Dose, 5-30 in. Hydrargyri Ohloridi Oorros. Sodii Chloridi aa grs. iii, dissolve in Aqua Font. 3 iss, filter and add Aquse Font. Q. S. 3 x, one minim=5& 0 Mar. Dec. Apr. Jan. May Feb. June Mar. 1 8 1 6 1 5 1 8 2 9 1 8 2 7 1 6 2 6 2 9 3 10 2 9 3 8 2 7 | 3 7 3 10 4 11 3 10 4 9 3 8 4 8 4 11 5 12 4 11 5 10 4 9 5 9 5 12 6 13 5 12 6 11 5 10 6 10 6 13 7 14 6 13 7 12 6 11 7 11 7 14 8 15 7 14 8 13 l 7 12 8 12 8 15 9 16 8 15 9 14 8 13 9 13 9 16 10 17 ! 9 16 10 15 9 14 10 14 10 17 11 18 10 17 11 16 10 15 11 15 11 18 12 19 11 18 12 17 11 16 12 16 12 19 13 20 12 19 13 18 | 12 17 13 17 13 20 14 21 13 20 14 J 9 ! 13 18 14 18 14 21 15 22 14 21 15 20 14 J 9 15 19 15 22 16 23 15 22 16 21 15 20 16 20 16 23 17 24 16 23 17 22 16 21 17 21 17 24 18 25 17 24 18 23 1 17 22 18 22 18 25 19 26 18 25 i *9 24 18 23 19 23 19 26 20 27 19 26 20 25 19 24 20 24 20 27 21 28 20 27 21 26 20 25 21 25 1 21 28 22 29 21 28 22 27 21 26 22 26 22 29 23 30 22 29 23 28 22 27 j 23 27 23 30 24 31 23 30 ! 24 29 23 28 24 28 i 24 3 i 25 1 24 1 25 3 o 24 29 25 1 25 1 26 2 25 2 26 3 i 25 30 26 2 26 2 27 3 26 3 27 1 26 3 i 27 3 2 l 3 28 4 27 4 1 28 2 27 1 28 4 28 4 29 5 28 5 29 3 28 2 29 5 29 5 30 6 30 4 29 3 30 6 3 ° 6 3 i 7 3 i 5 : 30 4 3 i 7 3 i 5 •r« Nov Dec. Jan. 1 Feb 1 Mar Th P- < *Adams. THE PERIODS OF GESTATION. 45 1 1 April 1 Aug. 1 Sept. June | Oct. r—H S3 Nov. Aug. Dec. Sept. 1 7 I 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 7 2 8 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 8 3 9 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 9 4 10 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 10 5 11 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 11 6 12 6 13 6 13 6 13 6 13 6 12 7 13 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 13 8 14 8 15 8 15 8 15 8 15 8 14 9 15 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 15 10 16 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 16 11 17 11 18 11 18 11 18 11 18 11 17 12 18 12 19 12 19 12 19 12 19 12 18 13 19 13 20 !3 20 13 20 13 20 13 19 14 20 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 20 15 21 15 22 15 22 15 22 15 22 15 21 16 22 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 22 17 23 17 24 17 24 17 24 17 24 17 23 18 24 18 25 18 25 18 25 18 25 18 24 19 25 19 26 19 26 19 26 19 26 19 25 20 26 20 27 20 27 20 27 20 27 20 26 21 27 21 28 21 28 21 28 21 28 21 27 22 28 22 29 22 29 22 29 22 29 22 28 23 29 23 30 23 30 23 30 23 30 23 29 24 30 24 3 i 24 1 24 3 i 24 3 i 24 30 25 1 25 1 25 2 25 1 25 1 25 1 26 2 26 2 26 3 26 2 26 2 26 2 27 3 27 3 27 4 27 3 27 3 27 3 28 4 28 4 28 5 28 4 28 4 28 4 29 5 29 5 29 6 29 5 29 5 29 5 30 6 30 6 30 7 30 6 30 6 30 6 3i 7 3i 7 3i 7 3i 7 May. June. July. Aug. Sept. 0 O THE PERIODS OF GESTATION. The periods of gestation are the same in the Horse and Ass, n months each ; Camel, 12 months ; Elephant, 2 years ; Dion, 5 months ; Buffalo, 12 months; Cow, 9 months; Sheep, 5 months ; Reindeer, 8 months; Monkey, 7 months; Bear, 6 months ; Sow, 4 months; Dog, 9 weeks; Cat, 8 weeks; Rabbit, 4 weeks; Guinea Pig, 4 weeks ; Wolf, 90 to 95 days , Goose sets 30 days ; Swans, 42 days ; Hens, 21 days ; Ducks, 28 days; Pea Hens and Tur- keys, 28 days; Canaries, 14 days; Pigeons, 14 days; Parrots, 40 days. The periods are subject to considerable variation, especially in domestic animals, and various conditions modify the period, of which the above are only the averages. TABLE SHOWING PERIOD OF INCUBATION AND THE APPEARANCE AND CHARACTER OF THE RASH IN ERUPTIVE FEVERS * 03 Ifl Vi (A 03 >> VI 03 rt d o3 d >> d d d 0 d M o3 d O ON w CO 03 a VO 0 00 0 rh M O 03 03 O +J 3 VO 03 . >> 03 !>> of 03 to 03 ^ Po 03 o3 o3 o3 d 03 H O 0 ! Pi 03 kO d »t O ^ 0 01 oS ft O 03^3 d ® S'? 3 8 d 0 +-» 03 Po c3 d o3 d 0 O M H O M O 0) H 0 n M O s H- +-» CO rt d £ « © a ►'■a ® Q PH’S ■S 3 £ K £ K t> ^ f?.A3 CD r >y r£^ Fh ^ CB.-gi £ *3 O k 'gP'a-s R H Eh ^ 3 .o 4 gr. Ext. Aconiti, % gr. Ext. Cannab. Ind. >4 gr. Ext. Stramon. 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladon. 1-6 gr. Podophylli. (Warner & Co.) Dose, 1 to 2. Res. Podophylli, X gr. Pv. Capsici, X gr. Ext. Belladon. Hs r ' Pv. Sacch. Lact. 1 gr. Acacia and Glycerin, aa. q. s. The composition of this pill is the^sanie as Dr. Squibb’ s recipefand for administration is preferable, being just as soluble and more elegant in appearance. Prandii. Med. prop. — Stimulating, Purgative. Dose, 1 to 2. Ext. Aloe Aq. 1 gr. Ext. Gentian. 2 grs. Ext. Anthemid. 1 gr. Pv. Capsici, X gr. Pil. Phosphori. Med. prop. — Nerve Stimu- ulant, gr. Dose, i. Scillae Comp., U. S. P. Med prop. — Expectorant, Diuretic. Dose, 1 to 3. Pulv. Scillae, X gr. Pulv. Zingiber Jam. 1 gr. Gum Ammoniac, 1 gr. Pulv. Saponis, iX grs. USEFUE FORMUI^, PHARMACEUTICAL AND OTHERWISE. 61 USEFUL FORMULA, PHARMACEUTICAL AND OTHERWISE * Antiseptic Fluid. (Seiler’s.) Thymol. Eucalyptol . aa gr. x. Menthol . . gr. v. Ol. Gaultheria. . . . . gtt. vj. Sodii Benzoate. Sodii Bi Bor. Sodii Salicylat. . . . , . aa 5 i* Glycerinae • fl - S'ss. Alcohol . fl. 1 i. Aquae. . . .q. s. ad. fl. g viii. Antiseptic Fluid Comp, (Seiler’s.) Antiseptic Fluid. . . . a. g 1. Sodae Bi-Carb. Sodae Bi-Bor • aa 5 1. Glycerinae Aquae, q, s . fl. g IV. Si g. — Add to one quart of water and use as disinfectant wash. Aromatic Powder, Powd. Cinnamon. . . . g vii. Powd. Ginger 5 vii. Po wd. Cardamom . . . . 5 iii. Powd* Nutmeg § iii. Boulton’s Solution of Icdoform, Tr. Iodinii Comp. . . . Ft xx. Acid Carbol (cryst.) . . TTt vj. Glycerinae fl. g vij. Aq. Dest fl. g v. Place in tightly corked bot- tle in a water bath at a temper- ature of ioo until solution be- comes colorless, then filter and use. Brown Mixture. Extract of Glycyrrhiza . y z oz. Sugar yi oz. Acacia ^ oz. Camphorated Tr. Opii . 2 fl. oz. Wine of Antimony . . 1 fl. oz. Spts. of Nitrous Ether y z fl. ozs. Water K fl. ozs. Basham’s Mixture. Tr. Chloride of Iron . . 3 iss- Dil. Acetic Acid 3 2. Sol. Acetate of Ammonia, 3 14. Elixir of Orange 3 14. Syrup 31. Water 3 42. Seidlitz Powder. Bicarbonate of Sodium, 480 grs. Tart, of Sodium and Potass. 1440 grs. Tartaric Acid, 480 grs. Spiritus Mindererus. Acid Aceticum, Os. Ammon. Carb, q. j. to neutralize the acid. Spts. Ammon. Aromatic. Ammon Carb. grs. 500. Ol. Pimenta, TTL x * Aquae Ammon, fl. 3 xxij. Alcohol, fl. § xxii. Ol. Lhnonis, fl. z iiss. Aquae Dest, O ij. Ol. Lavender Flor. Tit xij. ♦When prescribing any of these form ulse, their purity and chemical accu- racy will be insured by specifying “ Wm. R. Warner & Co.’s. M 62 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Comp, Chalk Powder, Prepared Chalk. . . . i ]4 ozs. Acacia i oz. Sugar 2)4 ozs* Comp, Jalap Powder, Powd. Jalap 168 grs. Bitartrate of Potassium 312 grs. Comp, Rhubarb Powder. Rhubarb 120 grs. Magnesia 312 grs. Ginger 48 grs. Cement. (Seiler’s.) Coxe’s Gelatine 32. Gum Ammoniac. . . * . 10 grs* Acetic Acid, No. 8 . . 1 fl. § . Dissolve the Gum in the acid and strain, then add the gela- tine and let it dissolve slowly in water bath. Dobell’s Solution, + Sodae bicarb. Sodae bibor aa 3 i. Acid Carbol gr. x. Glycerinae fl. ^ 1. Aquae O ii. Donovan’s Solution, Iodide of Arsenic ... 35 grs. Red Iodide of Mercury . 35 grs. Dist. Water 8 oz. Dover’s Powder, Powd. Ipecac 60 grs. Powd. Opium 60 grs. Sugar of Milk .... 480 grs. EEIXIRS — WARNER & CO.’S. Elixir Calisaya, Ferrated, Bach dessertspoonful contains 1 grain of the Iron Salt, and the equivalent of 2 grains Ex- tract of Bark. Elixir Gentian and Tinct. Chloride of Iron, This preparation possesses the tonic properties of Gentian combined with Iron and aro- matics. Valuable in cases ot Dyspepsia, Debility, Indiges- tion, etc. Bach teaspoonful contains 1 grain of the Iron Salt. Dose for an adult is a dessertspoonful three times a day, immediately before or after meals* Fowler’s Solution. Arsenious Acid 37 grs. Bicarbonate of Potassium 37 grs Comp. Tr. Lavender. . 2 fl. 3 . Dist. Water, q. s . . . fl. oz. 8. Gilbert’s Mixture of Syrup, Hydr. Iodide Rub . . . gr. Potass. Iodide gr. xvi. Aquae fl. 3 i. Solve et adde. Syr. Simpl fl. 3 ii. Dose — Tablespoonful. Glycerole of Iodine, Iodine Metallic . . . . gr. viii. Potass. Iodide.. . . . gr. xxiv. Glycerinae . fl. § ss. Goulard’s Extract. Acetate of Lead . . . . • § iv. Oxide of Lead . . . . . iii. Dist. Water, q. s. . . fl. 5 XX. Goulard’s Cerate, Sol. Subacetate of Lead parts 20 Camphor Cerate . . . parts 80 SOLUBLE COATED GRANULES. 5a GRANULES, Soluble Coated. [Warner & Co.’s.] Mercury Protiodide y x gr. Med. prop. — Alterative. Dose, i to 4. Prepared from the precipi- tated Iodide and free from all traces of the Bin-Iodid. Podopliyllin Comp. Med. Prop. — Cathartic and Tonic. Dose, 1 to 2. Podophyllin, y 2 gr. 1 Ex. Hyoscyami, gr. y Ext. Nuc. Vom. T i g gr. J Hoffman’s Anodyne. Aether Fort fl. % iv. Alcohol fl. ^ viii. Etheral Oil fl. 3 iiss. Labaraque’s Solution. Carbonate of Sodium . . oz. 20. Chlorinated Lime . . . . oz. 20. Water, q. s< ad pints 14. Lugal’s Solution of Iodine. Iodine. ^ ss. Potass Iodide § i. Aqu. Dest fl. 3 viij. Magendie Solution. Sulph. Morphine .... 16 grs. Aqua 3 1. Mettaur’s Aperient. Aloes 300 grs. Sodium Bicarbonate . . 600 grs. Fid. Ext. Valerian . . . . f % i. Tr. Lavender Comp . . . f g i. Water f § 16. Monsel’s Solution. Sulph. of Iron 13 ozs. Sulphuric Acid 1 oz, Nitric Acid. Distilled Water aa q. s, By evaporation of this the sail is formed. Mueller’s Fluid. For hardening tissues foi microscopic examination . Bichromate of Potash 2 parts Sulphate of Soda. . . . . 1 part Distilled water, 100 parts, by weight. Neutral Mixture, Fresh Lemon Juice . . . 4 fl. J Bicarb, of Potassium. . 170 grs 6 4 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. MEDICAL FORMULARY. (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED.) Abscesses. Calc.ii Sulphidi, gr. j. Sacchari Lactis, gr. x. Misce et fiat chartulae No. x. Si g. Take one powder every two hours. Ringer . Sodii Hypophosphitis, iv. Calcii Hypophosphitis, 9 viij. Syrupi simplicis, f % iss, Aquae Foeniculi, q. s. ad f § iv. — M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful four times a day. Churchill . Acidity (See also Pyrosis). Spiritus Ammoniae aromatici, f. g iss. Spiritus JFtheris compositi, f. g j . Syrupi Zingiberis, f. g iij. Aquae Anisi, f. 3 iiiss.- Sig. Dose, the one third part, frequently repeated. Druitt Hydrargyri cum Creta, gr. viij. Bismuthi Subnitratis, gr. xij. Pulveris Nucis Myristicae, gr. iij. Misce et divide in chartulas No. vi. Sig. Take one powder morning and night. (For children.) Gerhard . ACNE (See also SKIN DISEASES). Syrup Hypophosphitum compositi, f 5 iv. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. Da Costa. Syrupi Lacto — Phosphate of Time, f^viii. (W. R. Warner & Co.) Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day. Dussart. MEDICAL, FORMULARY. 05 Albuminuria (Brights Disease). Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3 iii. Acidi Acetici diluti, f 3 ij. Syrupi simplicis, f 3 iss. Tiquoris Ammonii Acetatis, q. s. ad f § iv. — M. Si g. Take a dessertspoonful every six hours. Basham. Auri et Sodii Chloridi, gr. j. Micae Panis, q. s. Fiat massa. in pilulas No. xv. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Da Costa. Alcoholism (Chronic). Zinci Oxidi, 3j. Piperinae, Qj. Misce et fiat pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three or four times a day. Chapman. Tincturae Capsici, Tincturae Zingiberis, aa f 3 j. Tincturae Valerianae ammo., Tincturae Gentianae comp. , aa f g ij . — M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful in a teacupful of hop tea three or four times a day. Gerhard. Bromo Soda, (Warnfr & Co.’s), Sig. Teaspoonful in water every three hours. Alopecia. Quininae Sulphatis, Tincturae Cantharadis, Spiritus Ammonii aromatici, Olei Ricini, Spiritus Myrciae, Olei Rosmarini, Fiat mistura. Sig. Shake well. Apply two or three times a day with a stiff brush. Gerhard . 66 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Amaurosis (Functional). Strychninae Sulphatis, gr. j. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Fiat massa. in pilulas No. xxx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill after each meal. Amenorrhcea. Myrrhae, Pulveris Jalapae, Ferri Sulphatis exsiccatae, Pulveris Aloes et Canellae, Syrupi simplicis, Fiat massa et divide in pilulas 1 . Sig. Take two or three pills at bedtime, for several nights successively. * ./V. Chapman. Pil. Ferri lodidi,* gr. i. Sig. Take one to two at meal times. R. Smith. Anaemia and Chlorosis. Tincture Ferri Chloridii. f giiss. Acidi Phosphorici diluti, f 3 iiiss. Syrupi Acidi citratis, q. s. ad. jffiv. — M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful in water three times a day. Goodell. Ferri Sulphatis,* Potass Carbonate, aagr. ij. Misce et fiat pilulae No. i. Sig. Take from one to four at meal times. Niemeyer. Mag en die, gr. viij. gr. xv. aa 3j. q. s. Stiy chinae Sulphatis, gr. j . Acidi arseniosi, gr. ij. Extracti Belladonnae, gr. v. Quininae Sulphatis, Pulveris Ferri aa Qij. Extracti Taraxaci, 3 ss. Misce et fiat piulae No. xl. Sig. Take one pill after each meal. Francis Gurney Smith. ♦In cases where Iodide of Iron is prescribed, it is absolutely neces sary, for the physician, who relies on the therapeutic action for beneficial results, that the compound should be perfectly protected and so prepared as to remain inalterable and stable. Secure this pill of full strength and efficiency by specifying W. R. Warner & Co.’s Soluble Coated Pills medical formulary. 67 Aneurism. Potassii Iodidi, Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, Si g. Dose, a teaspoonful three or four times a day, largely diluted. Balfour. Tincturae Veratii viridis, f 31. Tincturae Opii deoderatae, f 3 ss. Syrupi simplicis, f 3 ss. Aquae destillatae, f 3j. — M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours, cautiously. Da Costa. Angina Pectoris. Amyli Nitritis, f 3 j. Sig. From two to five drops to be inhaled from a clean / nan dker chief. Br unton. q. s. ad n, 1 f 3 iij. — M. Tincturae Digitalis, f 3 iiss. Spiritus Chloroformi, f 3yj. Bxtracti Buchu fluidi, q. s. ad f % iv. — M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. Fothergill. Aphth>e. Acidi Nitrohydrochlorici diluti, f gss. Syrupi Rubi Idiae, f 3 ss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. adf gij. — M. Sig. Dose, from one to two teaspoonfuls every two hours, according to age. Gerhard. Asthma. Potassii Iodidi, Bxtracti Belladonnae fluidi, Kxtracti Tobeliae fluidi, Bxtracti Grindeliae fluidi, Glycerinae, Aquae distillatae, Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two, three, or four hours, as necessary. 3*i; \3i- { f h- f 3 ss. aa f §iss. — M. Bartholow. 68 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Asthma. Chloral Hydratis, Syrupi Tolutani, Aquae Foeniculi, Hi.. q. s. ad f gij.- ■M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every half hour or hour, until relieved. Weir Mitchell . Biliousness. Extract coloc. Comp., Extract Jalap, Podophylin, Eeptandrin. Extract Gentian. Ol. Menth. Pip. Sig. Dose, two to four. Specify W. R. Warner & Co.’s SoeubeE Coated Piees. Fellis Bovini purificati, Manganesii Sulphatis exsicati, Resinae Podophilli, Misce et fiat pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. jaundice.) |ij- gr. v. {In catarrhal Da Costa. Extracti Hydrasti fluidi, f giss. Tincturae Rhei, f 3 viss. Tinctura Cinchonae compositae, f 3 iij . — M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful two or three times a day. Niemeyer . Bronchitis. Pulveris Opii, Pulveris Ipecacuanhae, Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, aa gr. iij Potassi Nitratis, gr. xxx. Misce et divide in chartulas vi. Sig. One every three hours, in syrup. Carson . MEDICAIy FORMULARY. 69 Bronchitis. Aquae Laurocerasi, f gij. Bxtracti Glycyrrhizae fluidi, f zj. Syrupi Althaeae, f 3 ij. Decoctiae Althae, (e. gij) q. s. ad f ^vj. — M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every two or three hours. Liebreich. Bubo. • Unguenti Hydrargyri, ^ij. Ammonii Chloridi, gj. Misce bene. Sig. Apply twice daily. Dupuytren . Iodi, Terebinthinae Canadensis, aa jj. Collodii, f 3 iv. Solve. Sig. Apply with camel’s-hair pencil once a day until rubefaction is produced. J. D. Shinn . Burns and Scalds. Plumbi Carbonatis, 3 i y * Olei Lini, q. s. Tere simul et fiat pinguentum. Sig. Apply liberally on linen or lint. Gross. Acidi Borici, gj. Aquae, q. s. ut fiat solutio ad saturandum. Sig. A piece of oiled silk dipped in the solution applied over the burn first, slightly overlapping the surrounding healthy skin ; over this a piece of lint slightly larger in size, steeped in the boracic solution, the whole retained in position by a bandage. Lister. 7 ° WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Calculi, Biliary. *Effervescent Salt of Sodii Phosphate, Sig. Teacupful in water, three times a day. S. Jones. Chloroformi purificati, Olei Cinnamomi, Spiritus C amphorae, Tincturae Opii deodoratae, aa f 3 iss. Spiritus Vini, f giij. — M. ’•Sig. Dose, from five to thirty drops in sweetened water, every hour or two. Hartshorne. 3ij- gtt. Vllj. Calculi, Renal and Vestal, with Acid Urine. Pulveris Uvae Ursi, Pulveris Cinchonae flavak, aa ^ij. Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Misce et divide in chartulas vi. Sig. Take one powder three or four times a day, Ferriar. Tithiae Carbonatis, gj. Aquae destillatae, Oj . Solve. Sig. To be injected into the bladder. Ure. Calculi, Renal and Vesical, with Alkaline Urine. Acidi Phosphorici diluti, f § ss. Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f 3 ss. Infusi Columbae, f £vij. Fiat mistura. Sig. A tablespoon ful in sweetened water every four hours. Neligan Morphinae Hydrochloratis, gr. ij. Acidi Nitrici diluti, f ^ ss. Extracti Buchu fluidi, f j % . Syrupi simplicis, f £ij. Aquae destillatae, f givss.— M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Greenhalgh. * W. R. Warner & Co.’s Effervescent Salts. MEDICAL, FORMULARY. 71 Cancer. Bismuthi subnitratis, zij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f 3 ss. Muciluginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, aa f £ij. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day in milk. (In cancer of stomach.) Bartholow. Tiquoris Potassi Arsenitis, f 3 ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f Jviiss. Aquae Cinnamomi, f 3j: — M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. ( In gastric and uterine cancer. ) Washington Atlee. Carbuncle. Pulveris Opii, Unguenti Hydrargyri Saponis durae, aa § ss. — M. Sig. Apply spread on thick leather. ( Will sometimes abort a carbuncle or boil if. applied early.) Buxton Shillitoe. Catarrh, Nasal and Faucial. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 3ij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3 vj. — M. Sig. Bight drops in water every hour or two. Bartholow. Antiseptic Pastilles (W. R. Warner & Co.’s). Sig. Dissolve one in four tablespoonfuls of warm water, and use as a nasal wash. Seiler. Catarrh, Broncho-pulmonary. Tincturae Eucalypti, Syrupi simplicis, aa f gj. — M Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours (In the mote chronic cases. ) Gubler. 72 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Catarrh, Broncho-Pulmonary. Camphorae, Athens, Misce et fiat magma attenuata Dein adde — Ammonii Carbonatis Pulveris Opii, Sig. Dose, from three to ten grains. cold. ) partes v. q. s. partes iv. partem j. — M. ( To break up a Beard, Catarrh, Gall Ducts. Ammonii Chloridk Kxtracti Hydrastis fluidi, Syrupi Sarsaparillae compositi, Aquae destillatae, \ Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every three hours. Nothnagel. Catarrh, Gastro-intestinal. Argenti Nitratis, gr. xv, Aquae destillatae, q. s. Kxtracti Belladonnae, - gr. x. Olei Carypophylli, gtt. x. Pulveris Gentianae Radicis, Kxtracti Gentianae, aa q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas No. lx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In chronic cases with jaundice . ) Frerichs. Catarrh, Genito-urinary. Olei Terebinthinae, Syrupi simplicis, Aquae Cinnamomi, Olei Timonis, Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. MaunselL Kxtracti Pareirae fluidi, Kxtracti Buchu fluidi, Decocti Scoparii, Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Carson. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 73 Cerebro-Spi nal Meningitis. See Meningitis. Chancre. Iodoformi, 3ij. Unguenti Petrolei, 3j* Olei Cinnamomi, gtt. v. Misce et fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply twice daily. Izard . Hydrargyri Biniodidi, 9 i. Adipis, 3 iss. — M. Sig. Apply on lint. [For inveterate chancers and in- dolent venereal ulcers.') Ratier . Cholera. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, Spiritus iEjtheris compositi, aa f § ss. Spiritus Camphorae, Tincturae Opii, * aaf 3ij. — M. Sig. Give twenty drops at short intervals. Jackson. Strychnine Sulphatis, Acidi Sulphurici diluti, Morphinae Sulphatis, Aquae Camphorae, gr. X- f iss. gr- ij- f giiiss. — M. Sig. A teaspoonful everv hour or two well diluted. In threatened collapse. Also as a prophylactic , given less frequently.') Bartholow. Chlorodyne. Morphinae Sulphatis, Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, Glycerinae, Caramellis, Bxtracti Cannabis Indicae, Olei Menthae piperitae, Oleo-resinae Capsici, Chloroformi puri, Spiritus Vini rectificati, gr. lxxx. aa f ^ ss. 9ij- f gss. gtt. XV. f |vj. f gj.. — M. Naphey's Medical Therapeutics , 1885. 74 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Cholera Infantum. Hydrargyri cum Creta, gr. iij. Bismuthi Subnitratis, gr. xxiv. Pulveris Nucis Myristicae, gr. ij. Misce et divide in chartulas xii. Sig. Take one powder every two hours. R. A. F. Penrose, Plumbi Acetatis, Acidi Acetici diluti, Tincturae Opii deodoratae, Syrupi simplicis, Aquae Menthae piperitae, Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two or three hours. ( For a child two years old.) Da Costa, gr. vnj. gtt. vj. gtt. iv. aa f § ss. — M. Chordee. Camphorae, Dactucarii, aa gj. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xxx. Sig. One, two, or three pills at bedtime. Ricord, Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f § ). Solve. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful or more, pro re nata. Trousseau Zinci Valerianatis, gr. viij. Tincturae Calumbae, aa f 3 ij. Aquae Aurantii Florum, f giij.— M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every six hours. Neligan . Colic. Asafcetidae, 2 grs. Ferri Sulph. Bxsic., 1 gr. Sig. One to five as required. Specify W. R. Warner & Co. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 75 Colic. Spiritus Athens compositi, f 5J. Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f gij. Aquae Camphorae, f £j. Misce et fiat haustus. Si g. Take at once, and repeat if necessary. Neligan COLICA PlCTONUM. Strychninae sulphatis, gr. j. Confectionis Rosae, 3 ss. Misce et fiant pilulae xx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In lead palsy.) Conjunctivitis. Morphinae, gr. iss. Hydrargyri Oleatis, gr. y. Acidi oleici, gr. xcv.- — M. Sig. Apply with camel’ s-hair pencil to outer surface of eyelids only, twice daily. Ringer. Acidi Borici, Pulveris Aluminis, Aquae destill atae, Sig. Drop in the eye two catarrhal conjunctivitis.) gr. x. ? ■. ss. j.— M. or three times daily. (For Keyser . Constipation. Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladon, gr. Strychninae, 1-60 gr. Sig. Take two to five at a dose, then follow with two each evening for a week, and then give one each evening for a week. Specify W. R. Warner & Co.’s., Parvules. Extracti Stillingiae fluidi, f jv. Tincturae Belladonnae, Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, Tincturae Physostigmatis, aa f gj. — M. Sig. Dose, twenty drops in water, three times a day before meals. (In habitual constipation.) Bartholow. 76 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Constipation. Antimonii Oxidi, s^ss. Fxtracti Colocynthidis compositi, giss. Misce et divide in pilulas xxx. Sig. One or two pills at bedtime. Fothergill. Convulsions. Ammonii Bromidi, Potassii Bromidi, Tincturae Calumbae, f %]. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f g iv.-M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every hour or two. Echeverr'ia. Qiv. & Moschi, Sacchari, Spiritus Ammoniae, Infusi Lini compositi, Fiat enema. Sig. An injection for infantile convulsions. Ellis . Croup. Acidi lactici, giiiss. Aquae destillatae, f § x. — M. Sig. Apply frequently by means of a spray-producer, or a simple mop. ( To dissolve false membrane . ) Morell Mackenzie. Hydrargyri Sulphatis flavae, gr. iij-v. Fiat pulvis. Sig. As an emetic. Fordyce Barker . Debility, General and Senile. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. Ferri Redact., 1 gr. Quininae Sul., gr. Strychnin, 1-60 gr. Sig. One three times a day. (Specify W. R. W. & Co.) MKDICAIy FORMULARY. 77 Debility, General and Senile. Spiritus Ferri Chlorati ^Ftherei, {Ph. Boruss.) f giij. Aquae Cinnamomi, Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, aa f gj. Infusi Valerianae, f §v — M. Sig. Shake well, and take a tablespoon ful every two, four, or six hours. {In nervous debility.') This is “BestuchefFs Nervine Tincture,” or “ La- motte’s Golden Drops,” a great favorite in Germany. Sobernheim . Delirium, Traumatic. Potassii Bromidi, J ss. Syrupi simplicis, f ^j. Aquae Foeniculi, q. s. ad f giij.-M Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful every two hours. {In cases resembling delirium tremens.) Ringer . Chloral Hydratis, Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, Aquae destillatae, Sig. One dose, to be repeated naniacal delirium.) 3ss. aa § f gss. — M. if necessary. {In Liebreich. Delirium Tremens. Chloral Hydratis, Aquae destillatae, Sig. One dose. {To enforce sleep.) 3 ss. f 3ij.— M. Liebreich. Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, Tincturae Opii, Aquae destillatae, gr. j. f 3ss, f 3 ij- q. s. ad f § iv.-M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful in porter every two or three hours. {In strong and robust patients with boister- ous delirium.) Ringer . 78 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Diabetes Mellitus. Extracti Jaborandi fluidi, Elixiris simplicis, aa f §j. — M. Si g. Take a teaspoon ful every four hours. Lay cock. Aloes Capensis, 3 v. Sodii Bicarbon atis, 3 iss. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f g ss. Aquae destillatae, Oj. — M. Macera per dies quatuor decim et cola- Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful after each meal. ( In obese persons , and when of hepatic origin.') Mettauer . 3ss. aa f ^ ss. Diarrhoea, Children. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Tincturae Catechu, Syrupi Rhei aromatici, Tincturae Cinchonas compositae, Tincturae Opii camphoratae, Sig. Dose, for a child two or three years old, a teaspoon- ful every two or three hours. Getchell . Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Pulveris Nucis Myristicae, Bismuthi Subcarbonatis, Sacchari Lactis, Misce et divide in chartulas No. x. Sig. One powder every two hours. green stools . gr- j. gr- iij- {For infants with R. A. F. Penrose . Diarrhoea, Adults. Aquae Camphorae, f 3 iij. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f ^j. Sacchari albi, 3J. Fiat mistura. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Joseph Parrish . Caffeinae Citratis,* 3 ss.. Aquae destillatae, f §ij. — M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours In atonic cases.) Bart ho low. ^Secure elegance by specifying W. R. Warner & Co.’s. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 79 ft jiss. (!) Diphtheria. Potassii Chloratis, Acidi Hydrochlorici, Misce, et adde — Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f gij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f § iv.-M. Si g. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. Waugh . Sodii Sulphitis, Aquae destillatae, Sig. Apply with a probang. ij.-M. Stille. Acidi lactici, f 3 iiiss. Aquae destillatae, f 3X. — M. Sig. Apply by means of a spray-producer or a mop. ( To dissolve the exudation.') Morell Mackenzie . Dropsy. Juniperi contusi, Sinapis, Zingiberis, Armoraciae contusae, Petroselini, Succi fermenti Pomorum, Macera per diem unam et cola. Sig. A wineglassful three or four times a day. In cases of general dropsy which admit of stimulation. (The cider should be old and sound. ) Joseph Parrish . aa §ss. aa |j. Oij. Potassii Bicarbonatis, Potassii Acetatis, Tincturae Scillae, Spiritus Juniperi compositi, Aquae destillatae, Fiat mistura. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. (In local and general dropsy .) Brown . 8o WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Dysentery. Sodii et Potassii Tartratis, 3 vj . Aquae destillatse, f gviij. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours until a nor- mal evacuation occurs, then treat with appropriate doses of Dover’s powder. Francis Gurney Smith, Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, >yrupi simplicis, t 31J. Aquae destillatae, f 3viij. — M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every hour or two. ( Where there is much mucus . ) Ringer Dysmenorrhcea. Extracti Gelsemii fluidi, f giiss. Elixiris simplicis, f z vss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f §j. — M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. Porcher. Extracti Cannabis Indicae, gr. iij . Sacchari Eactis, 3 ss. Misce et fiant chartulae No. vi. Take one powder every two or three hours. H. C. Wood. Phosphori,* gr. 1-50 Zinci Sul, gr* 1. Eupulin, gr. 1. Misce et fiant pilulae No. i. Sig. One to three times a day. Robinson . DYSPEPSIA. Eiquid Pancreopepsin. W. R. Warner & Co. Sig. Tablespoonful three times a day. Warner . * W. R. Warner & Co.’S Soluble Coated Pills. MEJDICAI, FORMULARY. 81 I|j- S1J- aa £ss. Oij. horas bis Dyspepsia. Pulveris Radicis Rhei, Pulveris Aloes, Sodii Bicarbonatis, Valerianae contusae, Serpentariae contusae, Gentinae contusae, Quassiae contusae, Spiritus Frumenti, Macera in vaso leviter clauso per horas bis quatuor viginta, et cola. Sig. Dose, a wineglassful three times a day. Leibreich . Pill Dig estiva. Pepsin Concentrat*, gr. i. Pv. Nuc. Vom., gr. %. Gingerine, gr. i-io. Sulphur, gr. y%. Misce et fiant pilulae No. i. Sig. One, two and three times a day. W. R . Warner & Co. EMPYEMA. Aquae Chlori, f 5 j* Aquae distillatae, f 3 . — M. Sig. To wash out cavity. Ringer. Enteritis Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. i . Tincturae Rhei, Tincturae Cinchonae, aaf3j.— M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful twice a day. {In chronic cases . ) Sir Astley Cooper . Epilepsy. Ammonii Bromidi, Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Bromidi, Sodii Bicarbonatis, Tincturae Calumbae, Aquae destillatae, Sig. Take a dessertspoonful after tablespoonful at bedtime. aa £)viij. 3vj- y* vj.— M. each meal, and a Brown-Sequard . S2 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. EPISTAXIS. Strychnae, Sulphatis, Tinturae Ferri Chloridi, Vini Krgotae, Blixiris simplicis, Aquae destillatae, q. Si g. Take a tablespoonful three anaemic cases.') Fd: f 3 ss. f giss. s. ad f gvj. — M. times a day. (In Lombe Athill. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, ✓iquoris Ammonii Actatis, Sig. Take a teaspoonfnl every half hour. cases. ) nt M. (In plethoric Thomas. Erysipelas. Potassii Permanganatis gr. vj . Aquae destillatae, f §yj. — M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day. (Keep in a glass-stoppered bottle.) Bart ho low Fetor of Axilue, Breath and Feet. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Aquae, Sig. Apply locally. §ss- Oj.— M. Goldberg. Fevers, Eruptive and Simple. Vini Antimonii, Potassii vel Sodii Nitratis, Spiritus ^Btheris nitrosi, Blquoris Morphinae Sulphatis, Syrupi Aoidi citrici, kiquoris Potassii Citratis, f 3 iv. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Carson . Fever, Hectic. Syrupi Phosphatum compositi, f § iij . Take a tCaspoonful every four hours. Parrish MFJDICAI, FORMULARY. Fever, Intermittent and Remittent. Cinchonise Sulphatis, Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, Syrupi Zingiberis, Aquae destillatae, Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful after meals. ( In chronic cases.) Pendleton Tutt. 3ss. f 3 iss. f 3 ss. f 3 iss. q. s. ad f ^ iv. — M. Kxtracti Nucis Vomicae,* gr. iv. Quininae Sulphatis, 3 ss. Glycerinae, q. s. ut fiat massa in pilulas xvi dividenda. Sig. One pill three times a day. ( With paralysis .) Da Costa. FEVER TYPHOID. Olei Terebinthinae, f 3 iss. Pulv. Acaciae, Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, aa q. s. Fiat emulsio, secundum artem, ad f ^ij. Sig. Dose, a teaspoon ful every two or three hours. ( With diarrhoea and tympanitis .) G. B. Wood.. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae compositi, gr. x. Divide in chartulas iv. Sig. One every hour or two. ( Used at night in wakeful delirium) Ringer . Fever, Typhus. Tincturae Aconitii Radicis, f 3 ss. Tincturae Belladonae, f 3 ss. — M. Sig. Dose, ten drops every two hours. (. Reduces fre- quency of pulse and cleans the tongue.) Harley . *To insure full strength and easy assimilation, specify W. R. Warner & Co.’s Soluble Coated Pills. “ W. R. Warner & Co.’s Sugar-Coated Pills are superior to any coated pills I have ever tried.” ROBT. HUBBARD, M. D., Bridgeport, Conn. WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. $4 Fever, Yellow. Phenic and Sulpho-phenic acids, and in grave cases, the phenate of ammonium , 4 ‘ have cured thirty- eight consecutive cases” in the hands of Dr. De Lacaille, of Rio de Janeiro. In early stages by the mouth, in the advanced, hypodermically. ( Naphey's Medical Therapeutics , 1885.) Fistuue. Potassi Bromidii, z j- Glycerini, f 3v. — M. Sig. Apply locally. [For anus ) Ringer , Argenti Oxidi. Unguenti Adipis, 3 j- Sig* Apply locally. (For nipples.) Ellis . Flatulence, see also Acidity, Colic, and Dyspepsia. Tincturae Assafcetidae, f g ss. Aquae destillatae, f 3 ij . — M . Sig. Take a teaspoonful every hour or two. ( For chil dren. ) Ringer . Pil. Antiseptic Comp. y (Warner & Co.’s) Sig. Dose, one to three pills. Pil. Antiseptic Comp, are prescribed with great advan- tage in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and mal- assimila- tion of food. Acidi sulphurosi, f giss. Syrupi Zingiberis, f Z viss. Aquae destillatae, f % j. — M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. (When due to fermentation.) Polli . Frostbite. Fellis Bovini recentis, f Z ijj * Balsami Peruviani, f Z J • — Sig. Apply two or three times a day. ( With broken or unbroken skin ) Hugh Smith. MEDICAL, FORM UL, ARY. 85 Frostbite. I°di, 9j. Potassii lodidi, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, TTtvi. Adipis, 5 J ' — Apply once daily. ( With unbroken skin.) Hebra. Gangrene. Acidi carbolici, 5ij. Glycerini, f 3 Yiij. — M. Sig. Apply on lint. Lister. Hydrargyri Biniodidi, Potassii lodidi, Adipis, Sig. Apply to enlargement. r* §j- -M. C. C. Hildreth. Iodi, gr. ij. Potassii lodidi, 3 iv. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f ^ vi. Fiat solutio. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful thrice daily. Magendie . Gonorrcea. Liquoris Potassae, fgj. Balsami Copaibae, f 3 ss, Tincturae Cubebae, fgvj. Fiquoris Morphinae Sulphatis, fgj. Aquae Camphorae, q. s. ad fgyj — M, Sig. Take a tablespoon ful four times a day. D, Hayes Agnew . Pil. Copaib f * Resin. Guaiac, Ferri Citras, Oleo-Resin. Cubebae, Sig. Two to four three times daily. *This is the formula of the “Pil. Copaibae Comp.” of W. R. War* NER & CO. 86 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Gout. Tincturae Colchici Seminis, Magnesii Carbonatis, Magnesii Sulphatis, Aquae Mentbae piperitae, Fiat haustus. ttlxv. gr. yj. gr. xxx. q. s, ad fgj. Sig, Repeat according to circumstances. University Hospital \ Pil. Arthrosia. (W. R. Warner Sl Co.) Acid Salicylic, Ext. Colchicum, Ext. Phytolacca, Res. Podoyhylli, Quinine, Pv. Capsicum. Sig. Three pills three times a day, one hour before meals. H/ematemesis. Aluminis, 5 iiss. Syrupi Krameriae, f 5ij. Aquae destillatae, f ^vj. Sig. Dose, the one-fourth part, to be given every half hour. Trousseau et Reveil . Hematuria. Olei Terebinthinae, f 3 x. Magnesii Sulphatis, §j. Pulveris Uvae Ursi, 3j. Aquae Camphorae, f gviij. — M. Sig. Shake well. Dose, two tablespoonfuls every two hours. Smith . Haemoptysis. Infusi Digitalis, f § iij. Sig. Dose, a tablespoon ful or more every hour until the pulse is reduced. Brinton. MEDieAI, FORMULARY. 87 Hay Fever. Tinctnrae Aconiti Radicis, f g iss. Glycerini, f g iiss. Sig. Apply to outside of nose. Ringer. Headache. AStheris, Spiritus Ammoniae aromatici, aa f gy Aquae Camphorae, f ^x. Tincturae Cardamomi coinpositae, f gj. Misce pro hausto. Sig. Take two to three times a day. (In nervous headache . Brande. Effervescent Granular Bromo Soda. (W. R. Warner & Co.) Sig. Teaspoonfull in 4 ounces of water, repeat every thirty minutes until relieved. F. S. Grant. Heart Disease. Extracti Aconiti Radicis fluidi, f g ss. Vini Antimonii, f g ss. — M. Sig. From ten to fifteen drops three times a day. ( In pericarditis with great pain.') Rust. Pulveris Digitalis, gr. v. Pulveris Scillae, gr. x. Pilulae Hydrargyri, g ss. Fiat massa et divide in pilulas x. Sig. Take one pill three times daily. (In palpitation with anasarca . Baillie . Hemorrhage. Ammonii Carbonatis, g ij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3 iss. (!) Extracti Glycyrrhizae fluidi, f jvj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f ^ vj .— M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. (After hemorrhage ad deliquium.) Carson . 88 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOR. HEMORRHAGE, POST-PARTUM AND UTERINE.- See MENORRHAGIA. HEMORRHOIDS. Extracti Ergotae fluidi, f !|j. Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, f gj. — M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. (In bleed- ing piles.} Bartholow. Olei Theobromae, ^ ss. Extracti Krameriae, J)ij. Pulveris Opii, gr. v. Misce secundum artem, et fiant suppositoria No. x. Sig. Use one morning and night. J. Pan coast. HICCOUGH. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Sacchari Lactis, Misce et fiant chartulae No. xij. Sig. Take one powder every hour. with extreme debility.) gr. J- 3ss. (In obstinate cases Gerhard. HOOPING COUGH. Potassii Carbonatis, Pulveris Cocci, Sacchari albi, Aquae destillatae, f Jiv. — M. Sig. Dose for children, a teaspoonful every two or three hours. N. Chapmann. & Hypochondria. Liquoris Potassi arsenitis, f^ ss. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f^j. Aquae Cinnamomi, fgxivss. — M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. (In old people with gloomy fancies.) L emare-Picquot . MEDIC U, FORMULARY. 89 Hypochondria. Phosphori,* 1-50 gr. Ext. Aloes Aq. , ]/ z gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom., X gr. Sig. Dose one. Hysteria. Zinci Valerianatis, gr. ix. Pulveris Tragacanthae, 3 ss. Misce et divide in pilulas No. xii, Sig. Take one pill night and morning, ( With head- ache. ) Devay. ICHTHYOSIS See SKIN DISEASES. IMPETIGO See SKIN DISEASES. IMPOTENCE. Extracti Cannabis Indicae, Extracti Nucis Vomicae, aa gr. xv. Extracti Ergotae aquosi, gj. Misce et divide in pilulas No. xxx. Sig. One pill morning and evening. Da Costa. INCONTINENCE OF URINE. Atropinae, gr. X* Sacchari albi, giiss. Misceantur optime. Sig. Give a grain and a half, two or three times a day, to a child of five years. [In robust children.') Bouchardat. Indigestion. See dyspepsia. I N FLA M M ATI O N . See the names as applied to the particular organs inflamed, HEART DISEASE, PLEURISY. Synovitis, etc. INFLUENZA. See CATARRH and HAY FEVER. Ingrowing Toenail. Iviquoris Potassae, T ^ ij- Aquae destillatae, fgj. — M. Sig. Apply with pledgets of cotton-wool. Norton . ♦Specify Parvules of W. R. Warner & Co. go WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK, INSOMNIA. Antimonii et Potassi Tartratis, gr. j-ij. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. iss. Aquae Laurocerasi, f^j. — M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours. (In the delirium and wakefulness of fever si) Bartholow . Intermittent Fever. See Fever. Intertrigo. See Skin Diseases. IntestinalCatarrh See Catarrh. Intestinal Parasites. See worms. Intussusception. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Qij-iij. Aquae, f §vj. Solvre et fiat enema. Sig. Inject, and follow immediately with — Acidi Tartarici pulverizati, gr. xxxv-xivij. Aquae, f § iv. Solve et fiat enema. Sig* Inject immediately after the foregoing. (The ejfervesence will cause the bowel suddenly to distend . Bartholow Iritis. Atropinae Sulphatis, _ gr, ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ss. — M, Drop into the eye twice daily, continuing for a week. Keyser . ITCH. See SKIN DISEASES and LICE. Jaundice. See billousness, Catarrh, calculi. JOINTS, DISEASES OF. See SYNOVITIS, Keratitis Phlyctenular. Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f % ss. — M. Sig, Drop in the eye. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 91 KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF. See ALBUMINURIA, NE» PH R IT! S, and UR/EMIA. Labor. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, Tincturae Lactucarii, Syrupi Papaveris, Aquae Anrantii Florum, Sig. Dose, the one-third part. due to irregular , tetanic pains .) gtt. xiv, aaf ^iij. f § iss. — M. (In protracted labor t Velpau . LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS. Chloral Hydratis, gr. v-xv. Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, aaf^ss. — M, Sig. One dose. (To arrest impending attack .) Bartholow \ LARYNGITIS. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, TT\xxx. Syrupi Timonis, f % ss, Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f 3 ij . — M, Sig, Give a dessertspoonful every three hours. (In acute form ,) R. P Thomas . LEAD POISONING. See COLIC. LEUCOCYTH EM I A. Pil. Chalybeate Comp, (W. R, Warner & Co.) Sig. Two pills three times a day, Pulveris Aloes socotrinae, aa 9 j. Ferri Sulphatis exsiccatae, gr. x. Pulveris Capsici, gj. Syrupi simplicisis, x. s. Fiat massa, in pilulas xx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill every four hours. Copland. 9 2 WARNER'S REFERENCE BOOK. Lice. Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. iv. Alcoholis, f gvj. Ammonii Chloridi, 3 ss. Aquae Rosae, q. s. adf gyj.-M Sig. Apply once dailv. (In scabies and head lice.) Tilbury Fox. Liver, diseases of. See biliousness, Colic, and CATARRH. Leucorrhcea. Pil. Phosphori cum Zinco Comp. (W. R. Warner & Co.’s.) Sig. Dose, one to two thrice daily. Liquoris Sodae chlorinatae, f 3 j. Aquae, f 3 x.— M. Sig. Inject once or twice daily. (In infection due to retained placenta.) Trousseau. Locomotor Ataxy. See also sclerosis. Bxtracti Physostigmatis, gr. x. Pulveris Zingiberis, 9 j. Misce et fiat pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Ringer. Lumbago. Potassii Iodidi, Tincturae Opii deodoratae, Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, Spiritus JEtheris nitrosi, Aquae destillatae, w Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls twice daily. Sir B. Brodie Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Carbonatis, aa ^j. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 3 ij. Aquae destillatae, f 3X. — M. Sig. — Apply locally every few hours. Erichsen . MEDICAL FORMULARY. ^3 Lupus. Arsenici Iodidi,* Hydrargyri Biniodidi, Confection is Rosae, Fiat pilula. Sig. Two pills daily after meals. Acidi arseniosi, Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Fiat pul vis. {As a Caustic.) gr- 'A gr. A- q. s. {In lupus exedens . ) A. T. Thomson. gr. j. ad ij. . gr. c. Burgess . MALARIA. See FEVER. Mammary inflammation. See also abscess. Bxtracti Belladonnae, Syrupi fusci, aa £ij. Pulveris Opii, gss. Misce accuratissime. Sig. Rub in three times a day. Debreyne . Mania, Acute. Chloral Hydratis, Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, Syrupi simplicis, Infusi Caryophylli, Misce et fiat haustus. gr. xxv. f gss. f 3ij- q. s. ad f g iss. Sig. To be repeated in an hour if necessary. Priestley c MANIA, CHRONIC. Bxtracti Brgotae fluidi, f 5 iss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f §j. Aquae destillatae, f 3 iiiss. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three or four times a day. Crichton Browne . Mania, Puerperal. Bxtracti Cimicifugae fluidi, f 5 iss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f gj. Aquae destillatae, f 3 iiiss. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every three hours. Ringer . *W. R. Warner & Co.’s., Soluble Coated Pills. 04 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. MARASMUS. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. ij.-vj. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, gtt. ij.-vj. Sprupi Aurantii Corticis, f 5j. Aquae destillatae, f ^ij. — M. Sig. Take a teaspoon ful three or four times a day. Coulson . Melancholia. See also Hypochondria. Moschi optimi,* Pulveris Camphorae, Olei Cajuputi, Misce et divide in pilulas xii. aa 3 ss. mv. Hooper. Meningitis. Potassii Bromidi, § ss. Syrupi simplicis, f 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f 3 j. — M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. (In after remaining convulsions .) Ringer . Menorrhagia. Acidi arseniosi, gr. j. Mastiches, gr. x. Ferri Sulphatis exsiccati,t Pulveris Capsici, Pulveris Aloes Socotrinae, aa 9j. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas xx. dividenda. Sig. One pill three or four times a day. and debilitated cases.) In relaxed Copland. Metritis. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, gtt. xvj. Fxtracti Gelsemii fluidi, f £j. Kxtracti Frgotse fluidi, f 3 vij. — M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two to six hours. (Also uterine tumor . ) Bartholow. in *W. R. Warner & Co.’s Soluble Coated Pills. fThis is according to the latest revision of the U. S. P. MEDICAL, FORMULARY. 95 MORNING SICKNESS. See also VOMITING. Cerii Oxalatis, gr. gv. Bxtracti Gentianae, gr. v. Biat massa in pilulas x. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill an hour after each meal. J. Y. Simpson. Hydrobromate of Caffein, i gr. Bromide of Potassium, 20 grs. Sig. Above is the composition of one teaspoonful of Warner & Co.’S., “ Bromo Potash.” Ingluvin. (Warner & Co.’s.) Sig. Ten to twenty grains, repeated till relieved. Robt. Elitheron , M. D. M. R. C. S. MUMPS. See also FEVER. Hydrargyri cum creta, gr. ij. Sacchari Lactis, gr. xx. Misce et fiant chartulae No. vi. Sig. Take one powder three to four times a day. Ringer. . ‘ Tincturae Belladonnae, Tincturae Opii, iBtheris, aa f ^j. Tinimenti Saponis Camphorati, f giij. — M. Sig. Rub frequently. Myalgia. Ammonii Chloridi, Bxtracti Cimicifugae, Syrupi Acaciae, Aquae Baurocerasi, Sig. Take a teaspoon ful three or four times a day. Anstie. Hazard. aa f §j . — M. Bff. Triple Bromides. (Warner & Co.’o.) Dose — A teaspoonful containing Sodium Brom. ;rs. 15. Potass. Brom. grs. 10. Ammonium Brom. grs. s. Tiree times daily. WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Nephritis. Seealso albuminuria. Potassi Tartratis, Potassii Nitratis, Mannse, zi- S ss * Decocti Taraxaci, Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, Acidi Acetici diluti, Syrupi simplicis, Liquor Ammonii Acetatis, f * . f g iij. q. s. ad f ^ iv.-M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful every three or four hours. Nipples, Sore. See Fissure. NECROSIS. See CARIES. Nervousness. See hysteria. NETTLERASH. See UTICARIA. NEURALGIA. Seealso SCIATICA. Pil. Salol, 2^gr. and 5 grs. each. Gelatin coated. (W. R. Warner & Co.’s) Sig. One three times a day. Extracti Stramonii, gr. iii-vi. Extracti Conii, Extracti Paperis, aa gr. xxiv. Misce et div. in pil. No. xii. Sig. One twice a day. NYMPHOMANIA. Pulveris Camphorae, Extracti Lactucarri, aa Qiis Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. From four to six pills to be taken daily. Basham . Romberg . Ricord. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 97 Nymphomania. Camphor Monobromated, 2 grs. (Warner & Co.’s). M. -Make pill I. S. — One to two, thrice daily. Jones . OBESITY. Ammonii Bromidi, £ij. Aquae destillatae, f 3 iij. Solv. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. ( Strict dietetic regimen . ) T. H. Tanner. CEDEMA. See DROPSY. ONYCHIA. Pulveris Plumbi Nitratis, 3 ss * Detur in scatula. Sig. Dust on diseased tisstie night and morning. Scott and MacCormack. OPHTHALMIA. Pulveris Aluminis, gr. x. Aquae Rosae, f ^ iij. Misce et fiat colly rium. Sig. Apply thrice dally. {After acute stage.) Brande. Argenti Nitratis, Potassii Nitratis, Funde. Sig. For cauterization. mia.) Jss. yin infantile purulent ophthal- Liebreich. Hydrargyri Oxidi fl£vi, gr. v. Zinci Sulphatis, gr. x. Adipis, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Introduce into the eye and rub on the edge of the eyelids. {In the obstinate chronic form , depending on a scrofulous diathesis. ) Dupuytren. WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Orchitis. Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr. j. Potassii Nitratis, zj. Magnesii Sulphatis, giss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f gvj. — Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four to six hours. [Acute.) Erichsen. Iodi, Potassii Iodidi, Aquae destillatae, Fiat lotio. Sig. Apply with camel’ s-h air symptoms have subsided.) g r - ij- 3h f 3iv. pencil. [After acute Niemeyer . OTITIS and OTORRHCEA. Acidi carbolici, Zinci Sulphatis, Plumbi Acetatis, aa gr. x. Aquae destillatae, f^ viji. — M. Sig. Inject twice a day. ( When discharge is offensive . ) Hazard. OX ALU R I A. Tincturae Aconiti Foliorum, Acidi nitrohydrochlorici diluti, Tincturae Gentianae, Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, Infusi Aurantii, Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Hazard. OZCENA. Antiseptic Passtilles. (W. R. Warner & Co.) See Catarrh. Pain.* See Neuralcia, Myalgia, Colic, Etc, Palpitation. See Heart Disease. *A dose or two of Warner & Co.’s “Antalgic Saline” (composed of Antipyrine and Salicylate of Soda) will quickly relieve the most severe headache; or, the pain of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, etc.. MKDICAIy FORMULARY. 99 Paralysis. Strychninae Sulphatis, gr. j. Acidi arseniosi, gr. ij. Fxtracti Belladonnae, gr. v. Quininae Sulphatis, Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis, aa^ij. Fxtracti Taraxaci, 9 j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xi. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. {In paralysis agitans of aged people.') S. IV. Gross. Coninae, f 3 iij -f ITLxij. Acidi acetici fortioris, f 3 iij TTL X U • Mice gradatim ad neutralizandum. Dein adde — Spiritus Vini rectificati, f^j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. adfgij. — M. Sig. For hypodermic use. Begin with one minim and gradually increase as necessary. (The formula proposed by Burman.) {In blepharospasm.) Eulenburg. Parturition. See Labor. Pediculi. See Lice. Pemphigus. See Skin Diseases. Pericarditis. See H eart Disease. Periostitis. (Nodes.) Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Chloratis, aagj. Potassii Bicarbonatis, giij. Misce et divide in chartulas xii. Sig. One night and morning in half a pint of milk. Erichsen. Peritonitis. Pulveris Piperis, Pulveris Zingiberis, aa %j. Sinapis Nigrae contusae, ibss. Aquae bullientis, q. s. Misce et fiat cataplasma. {As a rubefacient .) Ellis . IOO WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Pertussis. See Hooping Cough. Phagedena. Acidi Nitrici diluti, m*. Extracti Opu, gr. y. Aquae, f gj. Fiat lotio. (In sloughing incised wounds.) Erichsen. gr. xij. gr. xvj. f 3 j. f 3 viij. Pharyngitis. Quininae Sulphatis, Cupri Sulphatis, Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, Aquae, Fiat inistura. Sig. Use as a gargle three or four times a day. Hartshorne. Phlegmasia Dolens. Extracti Hamamelis fluidi, (Warner & Co.’s) Elixiris simplicis, Syrupi simplicis, aa §ss. — M. Sig. Dose, one to two teaspoonfuls three or four times a day. Preston . PHLEGMON. Carbuncle. phthisis.* See also Bronchitis, Diarrhcea, SWEATING, HAEMOPTYSIS. Ferri Sulphatis, 3j. Magnesiae, gr. x. Sacchari albi, §j. Aquae Cinnamomi, f 3 viij. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every three hours. {As an efficient tonic in phthisis.) Donovan. Pulveris Op'ii, Pulveris Digitalis, Quinae Sulphatis, Confectionis Rosae, Misce et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. One pill four times a day. {In pyrexia of phthisis.) Niemeyer. gr. iij. gr- xi- gr. xij. q. s. * For night sweats give one to two of Warner & Co ’s Granules of Atropina of grains each. MECDICAI, FORM Uly ARY. iol Piles. See Hemorrhoids. Pityriasis. See Skin Diseases. Pleurisy. Morphinae Acetatis, Potassii Acetatis, Tincturae Veratri viridis, Syrupi Tolutani, Iyiquoris Potassii Citratis, s. iss. — M. gr. ss. XXIV. Sig. Two fluidrachms every three hours. (In dry pleurisy . ) Pleurodynia. See Neuralgia. Pneumonia.* Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae, Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, aa gr. vj. Sacchari albi, gr. xxx. Misce et fiant chartulae No. vi. Sig. One powder every four hours ; at the end of twen- ty-four hours omit powders, and if typhoid symptoms persist, give the following instead : — Quininae Sulphatis, gr. ij. Ammonii Carbonatis, ' gr. iv. Misce et fiat chartula. Sig. One dose. If delirium or morbid vigilance is troublesome, add — Chloroformi, Tltx-xij. To each dose of the above. {In typhoid p?ieumonia . ) Sig. Take in divided doses daily, increasing the acid gradually to the daily amount of six fluidrachms. Henry Kennedy . *In c onvalescense after Pneumonia use W. R. Warner & Co.’s. Beef, Wine and Iron. N. S. Davis. Polyuria. Acidi nitric! Aquae, 102 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Prostatitis. Carbonis Animalis, Ammonii Chloridi, Bxtracti Conii, Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, Fiat bolus. Si g. Take one three times a day. scirrhous prostate . gr. ij. q. s. {In swelled and Magendie. PROSTATORRHCEA. Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, f gj. Tin cturae Ferri Chloridi, f giij. — M. Sig. Dose, twenty drops three times a day. ( In debili- tated cases.) Gross. Prurigo, Pruritus. Acidi carbolici, gr. x. Morphinae Acetatis, gr. viij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f gij. Glycerini, f giv. Aquae, q. s. ad f § iv. Fiat lotio, Sig. Twice daily. {In pruritus vulvae.) Lombe Atthill. Psoriasis. See Skin Diseases. Ptyalism. Potassii Iodidi,* gij. Aquae destillatae, f 3 ij. — M. Sig. a half fiuidrachm three times a day. Hammond. Sulphuris praecipitati, ^ij-iv. Potassii Chloratis, Qij-gj. Liquoris Morphinae Sulphatis, f gj-iss. Misturae Amygdalae, f ^vij. Misce bene. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls every three or four hours. ( ‘ ‘ A positive specific. ’ ’ ) Shake well. Jukes Styrap. *Dr. Wm. A. Hammond uses Warner & Co.’s., Effervescing Salts of the Bromides in his private Sanitarium at Washington, D.C. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 103 Puerperal Convulsions. See Convulsions. Puerperal Fever. See Fever. Puerperal Mania. See Mania. Puerperal Peritonitis. See Peritonitis. Purpura. Strychninae Sulphatis, Quininae Sulphatis, Ferri Sulphatis exsiccati, Fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. One thrice daily. Olei Terebinthinae, Fxtracti Digitalis fluidi, Mucilaginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, Misce et fiat emulsio. f giij. f si- f uoss. f Si- Nap keys. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. {In Hemor- rhagic form.) Bartholow. Py>emia. Acidi salicylici, g ss. Sodii Biboratis, 3 j . Glycerini, f gj. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f 3 v. — M. Sig. A tablespoon ful every two or three hours. Bartholow. Pyrosis. See also Acidity. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Olei Anisi, Syrupi Aurantii Florum, Aquae destillatae, Sig. One dose. Quinsy. 3iss. gtt- j- aa f gj.— : M. Piorry. Arg. Nit. 3 i. Aquae dest. fl. § i. Sig. Paint inflamed tonsils two or three times a day (to abort the formation of pus. ) Seiler. 104 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Rachitis, Rickets, Scrofula, Struma. Syrupi Ferri Iodidi, f gj-ij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. ad f §ij. — M. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. Niemeyer . Rattlesnake Bite. Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. ij- Potassii Iodidi, gr. iv. Aquae destillatse, mv. Solve et adde — Bromi, : Sig. Take ten drops in a tablespoonful of wine or brandy every fifteen or twenty minutes. (. Recommended by Bibron, Prince Paul of Wurtemberg , W. A. Hammond and others.') Bibron. Remittent Fever. See Fever. Renal Calculi. See Calculi. 'Renal Hemorrhage. See Hjematuria. Renal Dropsy. See Dropsy. Rheumatism, Acute. Salicinae, gr. xv. Fiat chartula. Sig. This amount every three hours. T. J. Mac Lag an. Salicylic Acid.* Cimicifuga. Potass. Iodidi. Gelsemium. So combined as to be more prompt and effective than either of the ingredients when administered alone. Sig. Teaspoonful to dessertspoonful three times a day, increase dose if necessary. *This is the “ Elixir Salicylic Acid Comp.” of Wm. R. Warner & Co., which has been so effectual in the cure of Rheumatism. MEDICAL, FORMULARY. 105 Rheumatism, Chronic. Tiquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f sjij. Potassii Iodidi, gij. Syrupi simplicis, f Jiij. — M. Si g. A teaspoon ful thrice daily, in water, between meals. (In rheumatic arthritis.) Da Costa. Rickets See Rachitis. Ringworm. See Skin Diseases. Rubeola. See Fever. Rupia. See Skin Diseases. Salivation. See Ptyalism. Sarcin>e et Toruue. Sodii Sulphitis, 9 3 ss. Aquae destillatae, f § iss. Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. Take three times a day. ( This dose may be in - creased .) Jenner. Satyriasis. See Nymphomania. SCABIES. See LICE. SCARLATINA. See also FEVER and DIPHTHERIA. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, TTM— iij- Syrupi simplicis, f §ss. Aquae destillatae, fgiss* — M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every hour or two, according to age. Bartholow. SCIATICA. See also NEURALGIA. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. Pulveris Marantae, gr. ij. Misce et fiat chartula. Sig. Sprinkle over blister. Ten grains Dover’s powder at night. Da Costa. io6 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. SCIATICA. Extracti Belladonnae, Extracti Stramonii, Extracti Cannabis Indicae, Extracti Aconiti, Extracti Opii, Extracti Hyoscyami, Extracti Conii, Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, gr- '/>■ gr- l /s- Misce et fiat pilula. Si g. Take three, four, and even five pills in a day, pro re nata. SCLEROSIS (POSTERIOR SPINAL.) See also LOCO- MOTOR Ataxy. Argenti Nitratis, Extracti Belladonnae, aa gr. vj-viij. Extracti Gentian ae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xxiv. Sig. One after each meal. Brown-Sequard. Allen M. Hamilton . Potassii Iodidi, Ferri et Ammonii Citratis, Tincturae Anrantii Corticis, Syrupi simplicis, 3 vj-f 3 viij- 3V- aa f ziij. SCIRRHUS. See CANCER. SCROFULA. See RACHITIS. SCURVY Potassi Nitratis, gr. xx. Acidi citrici, g ss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, Aquae destillatae, gr. xx. 3SS. Take the sixth part three or four times a day. M' Lachlan. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 107 Sea Sickness.* Cerii Oxalatis, gr. ij. Tincturae Valerianae ammoniatae, fgj. Aquae destillatae , f 3 j . Misce et fiat haustus. Take every half hour. Walsh Cocainae Hydrochloratis, Spiritus Vini rectificati, Dein adde — Aquae destillatae’ 0.15 q. s. ut fiat solutio. 150.00. — M. Manassein , St. Petersburg . SEPTICEMIA. See PYEMIA. SHINGLES. See also SKIN DISEASES, HERPES ZOSTER. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. v. Sacchari albi, £ss. Misce et fiant chartulae x. Sig. Take one powder every two hours, to be followed by a saline aperient. Gerhard. Sulphuris sublimati, J)j. Hydrargyri ammoniati, jss. Unguenti simplicis, 3j. Fiat unguentum. Apply two or three times a day. Corfe SICK HEADACHE. See HEADACHE. SKIN DISEASES. Magnesii Sulphatis, 3 ss. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, m*x. Ferri Sulphatis, gr. iij. Quininae, Sulphatis, gr- j- Vini Colchici Radicis, mx. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3 j- fgj- Aquae destillatae, Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. To be taken twice or thrice a day, with an aperient pill, if necessary. (In acne with plethora .) Tilbury Fox . ' *The “Bromo Soda” of Warner & Co., has been pronounced almost a specific. xo8 WARNER’S -REFERENCE) BOOK. SKIN DISEASES. Sodii Biboratis, Aquae Rosae, Fiat lotio. Si g. Apply two or three times daily. 0-vi (In Ecthyma'. y Copland. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, Olei Cadini, Saponis viridis, Olei, Rosmarini Aquae destillatae, Misce et fiat linimentum, (In Eczema . ) tilxi. Sv- f 3 iss. q. s. ad f v. Anderson. Pulveris Cocci, gr. j. Potassii Cyanidi, gr. vj. Unguenti Aquae Rosae, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Rub a little firmly over the itching parts ; let none of the ointment remain undissolved on the skin. (In Eczema.) Anderson. Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, Ttl x j- Vini Ferri amari Syrupi Tolutani, aa f § . — M. Aquae Anethi, f ^j. — M. Sig. A teaspoonful thrice daily after food. [Eczema— child two years old.~\ Erasmus Wilson. Collodii, f §j. Morphinae, gr. viij. Fiat lotio. Sig. Paint affected surfaces. (In herpes zoster . ) Bourdon. Pulveris Camphorae, gr. x. Unguenti Zinci Oxidi, § j. Misce et fiat unguentum. (In ichthyosis). * Erasmus Wilson. MEDICAL FORMULARY. 109 SKIN DISEASES. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, Magnesii Sulphatis, Tincturae Calumbae, Infusi Quassiae, Sig. A wineglassful every morning. the old and debilitated.') Creasoti, Aquae destillatae, Fiat lotio. (In impetigo sparsa.) Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Adipis, Fiat unguentum. (Intertrigo, pruritus vulvoe, et ani , eczema of scrotum, etc. ) Tournie. Acidi Nitrici, f 3 ss. Decocti Hordei, Oj. — M. Sig. A wineglassful three times a day. (In papulous eruptions . Burgess. Hydrargyri Protiodidi, gr. ij. Hydrargyri cum creta, gr. xij. Pulveris Cinnamomi compositi, gr. ix. Misce et divide in pul veres No. vj. (In cutaneous eruptions of infancy and childhood .) Neligan . Acidi arseniosi, gr. j. Piperis, gr. xij. Tere simul in pulverem subtilissimum, et adde — Pulveris Acaciae, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xvj. Sig. One morning and night. (In tuberculous lepra.) Paris Codex. Iviquoris Potassae, f 5 ij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, fgj. Misturae Amygdalae, Misce et fiat lotio. (In lichen .) Burgess . f x ss. Ss- f 31SS. f 3 viij. — M. (Iu impetigo of Neligan . f 3ss. Oj. Dunglison . J-ij- j- no WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. SKIN DISEASES. Potassi Iodidi, § j . Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f g iij — M. Solve. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. and scrofulous cases . with cod-liver oil.) {In syphilitic Waring . Pilulae Hydrargyri, Sodii Carbonatis, Extracti Taraxaci, Extracti Hyoscyami, Misce et fiant pilulae No. vi. gr. ix. gr. vj. gr. xij. gr. iij. Sig. Take one pill two or three times a day, half an hour before meals. {Pityriasis.) Neligan Unguenti Hydrargyri Iodidi rubri, Unguenti Picis liquidae, {In porrigo scutulata. ) 7>Y 3 vj. — M. Erichsen . Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, Glycerini, {In prickly heat.) x-xl. j.— M. Waring. Hydrargyri Biniodidi, Extracti Sarsaparillae, Extracti Gentian ae, Misce et divide in pilulas No. x. Sig. One pill three times a day. gr- j. aa 9j. {In psoriasis.) Burgess . Cupri, Oleatis, 3ss. Sig. Apply twice daily. {Ringworm.) F Le Sieure Weir. Unguenti Hydrargyri Oxidi rubri, ^ j. {In rupia, frambcesia, etc.) Waring. Olei J uniperi, f 5 iss. Olei Anisi, Mivj. Axungise, §ij. Misce bene ut fiat unguentum. {In tinea capitis.) Sully. M^DICAI, FORMULARY . 1 m SKIN DISEASES. Sulphuris Iodidi, 3j. Unguenti simplicis, 3 i$s. Fiat unguentum. ( Tinea favosa.') Donavan . Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri, Cupri Subacetatis, Cupri Sulpbatis, Adipis, Fiat unguentum. tions . ) si- aa3 ij. gv. (For fungous growths and granula- B. C Brodie. Acidi Nitrici diluti, vSpiritus Lavandulae compositi, Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, Aquae destillatae, Sig. A wineglassful three or four times a chronic , obstinate ulcers and skin diseases .) (In M. Ryan. Amygdalae dulcis excorticatae, Aquae Florum Aurantii, Aquae Rosae, Fiat emulsio et adde— - Ammonii Chloridi, Tincturae Benzoin i, t 3 ij. Fiat lotio cosmetica. (In pimples, freckles and dry- ness of the skin.) Hermann. 3i- f % Acidi Arseniosi, gr. j. Piperis nigri, gr. x. Tere simul per horam dimidiam ; dein adde — Mucilaginis Acaciae, q. s. Ut fiant pilulae xv. Sig. One pill once or twice daily. (Elephantiasis .) Asiatic Pills . Potassii Sulphureti, ^ ij - g iv. Aquae calidae, lb c-ft> cc. Solve et adde — Ichthyocollae, lb j-lb ij, in Aquae. bullientis solutae, lb x. Fiat balneum. (Bath for skin diseases.) Dupuytrcn, 1 12 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. SKIN DISEASES. Acidi carbolici, Gelatinae, Glycerini, Aquae, Si g. For local use. aa 3j. f 3 vj. f 3xxvj, — M. (Daily, after bathing, paint over body. After pustules in the face are filled, pick them, and apply the lotion frequently.) Prideaux . Acidi carbolici, Acidi acetici, aa f ^j-iss. Tincturae Opii, Spiritus Chloroformi, aa f £j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. adf gviij. — M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four hours until the fever subsides. Napheys. Spermatorrhoea. Quininae Sulphatis, Acidi Sulphurici diluti, Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, Aquae Cinnamomi, Sig. Two tablespoonfuls twice daily. gr- vj. | Sh. f znj. f 3 vss. — M. Milton . Pulveris Opii, gr. v. Camphorae, Biv. Pulveris Acaciae, Syrupi simplicis, aa q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas No. xl. dividenda. Sig. Take two pills three times a day. Waring . Spleen, Enlargement of, and LEUCOCYTHEMIA. Fever, Intermittent, Stomatitis. See Aphthae. Stranguary. Tincturae Cannabis Indicae, f §j. Sig. Dose, a half teaspoonful every few hours. ( Especial^ y&th bloody urine and when due to spinal disease* $ Ringer . MEDICAL FORMULARY. IT3 Stranguary. Balsami Co^aibae. £ ss. Acidi benzoici, £j. Vitelli Unius Ovi, Aquae, Camphorae, f §vi j. — M. Si g. Take two tablespoonfuls twice a day. (fn dysuria senilis. ) Soden . Struma. See Rachitis. Suppuration. See Abscess. Sweating. See Phthisis, Synovitis. Unguenti Hydrargyri, § j. Sig. As an inunction to the previously blistered sur- face. [Subacute form.') W. Adams. Unguenti Iodi compositi, Unguenti Belladonnae, aa § ss. — M. Sig. Apply twice daily until the skin becomes irritated ; after it is healed, begin anew. After rubbing in well apply dry heat for fifteen minutes. [In the more chronic forms.) Gerhard. Syphilis. Hydrargyri Biniodidi, Potassii Iodidi, Aquae destillatae, Syrupi simplicis, Sig. A tablespoonful thrice daily. Hopital Saint Louis Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f giij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. adf ^vj.-M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. -M. Ernest Goodman . 114 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. Tabes Mesenterica. See Marasmus. Tapeworm. See Worms. T ETANUS. Tincturae Cannabis Indicae, f £ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f gij. Aquae Cinnamomi, f 3 ss. Fiat haustus. Sig. Take at once, if permissible. and repeat in two hours, or sooner Neligan . Extracti Belladonnae, gr. ss-j. Fiat pilula. Sig. One every two hours ; to be increased pro re nata . (Atropia may be substituted either by the mouth or hypodermically. Apply also Belladonna locally. ) Hutchinson. Threadworms. See Worms. Thrush. See Aphthae. Tic Douloureux. See Neuralgia. Tinea. See Skin Diseases. Tinnitus Aurium. Arnicae, 3 ij. Aquae bullientis, Oss. Macera per horas duas et cola. Dein adde — Tincturae Arnicae, f £ij. Tincturae Cardamomi, f £vj. — M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day. Wilde. Tonsillitis. See Quinsy. Toothache. Acidi arseniosi, gr. ij. Morphinae Sulphatis. gr. i. Creasoti, q. s. Fiat pasta. Sig. Apply by a bit of cotton-wool to carious portion. Bartholow . MEDICAL FORMULARY. 115 Olei Caryophylli, Olei Cajuputi, Pulveris Opii, Camphorae, Spiritus rectificati, Ut fiat solutio. T RICHINOSIS. In the very early stage, on the plan recommended for seatworms, to cleanse the intestine of the parasite by a purgative dose of calomel Oj-ij) is perhaps the best treatment. E . F. Walker . “Dr. Ferrer (Gaz. de les Hopital Valencia ) has cured a case of trichinosis with alcohol. He commenced with six and increased to nine ounces daily, in sugared water, in the intervals of feeding. The cure was affected in eighteen days.” (. Napheys ’ Medical Therapeutics , 8th ed., 1885.) Trismus Neonatorum. See also Tetanus. Extracti Gelsemii fluide, TTtviij-xvj. Syrupi simplicis, f g j . Aquae distillatae, q. s. ad f ^ ss. — M. Sig. A half teaspoonful every two to four hours. Bartholow. Tuberculosis See Rachitis and phthisis. Tympanitis. See also fever. Olei Ricini, Olei Terebinthinae, Mucilaginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, aa f §ss. Misce et fiat haustus. (Also in tapeworm') aa f 3j. aa 9ss. q. s. Copland ’ Hooper , Typhoid and Typhus Fever. See Fever. Ii6 WARNER’S REFERENCE BOOK. ULCER. Balsami Copaibae, Mucilaginis Acaciae, Misce et adde — Aquae Calcis, f^vj. Fiat injectio. (In ulceration of the urethra , rectum , or vagina. Ahernethy. miv. fgvj.— M. (In chro?iic gastric Niemeyer. Creasoti, Aquae destillatae, Sig. In tablespoonful doses. ulcer. 1 URVEMIA. Tincturae Hyoscyami, Spiritus Athens nitrosi, Fiquoris Ammonii Acetatis, Aquae Camphorae, Sig. A tablespoonful every three honrs. (Inhalation of chloroform during convulsions, or chloral hydrate by the mouth or hypodermically. In sudden attacks in plethoric persons, as sometimes in pregnancy, free venesection.) Charteris. uric Acid Diathesis. Sodii Bicarbonatis, gj. Tincturae Calumbae, f Infusi Quassiae, f §iij. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful four times a day. Hazard. Sodii Carbonatis, g ii- § ss. Aquae Calidae, Oij. Misce et fiat potus. Sig. To be taken ad libitum. Proutt. Urticaria. See also pruritus. Acidi Benzoici, gr. x-xx. Aquae destillatae, f ^ viij Misce et fiat lotio. (To allay itching in chronic cases.) Ringer . MEjDICAIy FORMULARY. II? Uvula, Relaxation of. Aluminis, Infusi gailae, t 3 vj . Fiat gargarysma. ( Along with hypertrophied tonsils .) Waring. VAGINITIS. Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, f 3 j. Tincturae Hyoscyami, f 3 ij. Aquae Catnphorae, f gviij. Misce et fiat lotio. Sig. Apply constantly, tepid, with saturated cloths. (In vulvitis of adults aud children .) Waring. Valvular Disease. See Heart Disease. Variola. See smallpox. venereal Disease. See syphilis. VERTIGO. Potassii Bicarbonatis, 3ij. Tincturae Nucis vomicae, f 3 ss. Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f 3 iij. Tiquoris Tacto-peptini, f %]. Syrupi simplicis, f 3 ij. Aquae Menthae piperitae, q. s. adf ^iv. — M. Sig. A tablespoonful in water every three or four hours. [In gastric vertigo.) H. V. Sweringen. VOMITING.* See also MORNING SICKNESS and SEA Sickness. Bismuthi Subnitratis, Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, Mucilaginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, Sig. A tablespoonful thrice daily. ulcer.) SiJ- f gss. aa f ^ij. — M. ( With gastric Da Costa. Dr. F. S. Grant pronounces the “ Ingluvin” of Warner & Co., a specific in the vomiting of Pregnancy. Ii8 WARNKR’S REFERENCE) BOOK. VOMITING. Tincturae Benzoini compositae, Acidi Sulphurici diluti, aa f g ss. — M. Si g. Dose, thirty drops, with sugar. E. G. Clark . Vulvitis. See vaginitis. Wakefulness. See insomnia. Warts. See Condylomata. Whitlow. See Onychia. Whooping Cough. See hooping cough. Worms. Granati Corticis Radicis, Seminum Peponis, Bxtracti Filicis maris aetherei, Pulveris Frgotae, Pulveris Acaciae, Olei Tiglii, Thoroughly bruise the granate bark and pumpkin-seed, and with the ergot boil in eight ounces of water for fifteen minutes, and strain through a coarse cloth. Rub up well the croton-oil and extract of male fern with the acacia, and form into an emulsion with the decoction. Take at one dose at ten o’clock in the morning, having eaten no breakfast, and having taken a full dose of Rochelle salts the previous night. This expels the worm alive and entire within two hours, the head firmly fastened to the side of its own body. Schafhirt. Olei Chenopodii, gtt. lx-f ^j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f £ij. Syrupi simplicis, * f 3J*. Aquae Cinnamomi, f § ij . . — M. Sig. A dessertspoonful three times a day for three days, and repeat after three days. ( Lumbrici , child of two years. ) Meigs and Pepper. MEDICAL FORMULARY. Xeroderma. Olei Morrhuae, f ^ vj. Si g. Anoint daily after a warm bath. 119 Ringer. Glycerini, Aquae Coloniensis, aa f g ij . Sig. Apply daily to the thoroughly dried skin after a warm bath. Ringer , Yellow Fever. See Fever. EFFERVESCENT LITHIA TABLETS diuretitc and antacid. TO BE USED FOR MAKING LITHIA WATER. An elegant, portable and effectual remedy in GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GRAVEL, STONE IN THE BLADDER, ECZEMA, BRIGHT’S DISEASE, ETC., ETC. Each tablet contains 3 grains Ci- trate of Lithia and affords a con- venient method for administering definite quantity of soluble Lithia in a pleasant form, besides the advan- tage of having fresh water with each dose ; presenting a therapeutic value of a higher standard than the various spring waters which oftentimes con- tain but an indefinite quantity of the needed salt. Our compressed Lithia tablets are convenient for the preparation of artificial Lithia water, useful in the treatment of sub-acute and chronic cases of Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Uric Acid, Diathesis, Renal Calculi composed of Uric Acid, Irrit- able Bladder, from excess of acid in the urine. The dose is usually one tablet in a glass of fresh water three times daily, except otherwise directed by the physician in charge. A tablet dropped in a tumbler of fresh water, will, in a few moments, entirely dissolve with effervescence, producing a pleasant, sparkling draught. The dose of artificial Lithia water, as prepared from Warner & Co.’s Compressed Tablets, can be regulated very readily by dissolving one or more in any desired quantity of water, from a tumblerful to a pint, quart or gallon, and taken as may be indicated. SPECIALLY PREPARED BY WI. R. WARNER [& CO. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. LONDON. EFFERVESCENT Lithia Tablets Each tablet contains 3 grains Citrate Lithia. £ A tablet dissolved in a glass of pure water, makes a Lithia water which is stronger and more reliable than the natural spring water. WM.R.WARNER &C0. Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA HEW YORK CHICAGO. FOR CURE OF RHEUMATISM. ARTHROSIA. w The attention of the Medical Profession is respectfully directed to this non-secret and valuable remedy in acute and chronic Gout, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Headache, Sciatica, Neuralgia, and disorders of the Liver and Kidneys. The ingredients entering into its composition are each a well-known remedy in the cure of these painful and dangerous conditions, and this preparation is regarded as a specific. ARTHROSIA CONSISTS OF Acidum Salicylicum. (Salicylic Acid.) Ext. Colchicum. (Meadow Saffron.) Resina Podophyllum. (May Apple.) Ext. Phytolacca. (Poke Root.) Quinina. (Quinine.) Capsicum. (Red Pepper.) Arthrosia is permanently anti-lithic, a perfect antidote in Rheumatism and Gout, powerfully tonic, alterative, and blood restorative. Arthrosia is prepared in pilular form fcr the convenience of physicians prescribing, and coated with the superior non-oxidizable and readily soluble coating of sugar. Arthrosia is put up in bottles, simply labeled with direc- tions for use. There are ioo pills in each, and the physician’s directions are written by the pharmacist. DIRECTIONS FOR USE OF ARTHROSIA. Two to four pills at one dose, morning- noon, and night, one hour be- fore meals * and when the pain or suffering is very severe take two pills during the night. Its use should be persisted in until all inflammation and stiffness in the affected parts totally cease. The dose should be modi- fied according to the purgative effect produced. PRICE, 60 Cts. SENT BY MAIE. WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK «A> CHICAGO „_^_^JLIQUID PANCREOPEPSINE. (DIGESTIVE FLUID.) This Preparation contains in an agreeable form the natural and assimilative principles of the digestive fluids, comprising Pancreatine, Pepsin, Lactic and Muriatic Acids. The best means of re-establishing a healthy con- dition, where the power to digest and assimilate food is impaired, is to administer principles capable of commu- nicating the elements necessary to convert the food into nutriment. The value of Liquid Pancreopepsine in this connec- tion has been fully established, and we can recommend it with confidence to the Medical Profession as superior to Pepsin alone. It aids in digesting animal and vege- table cooked food, fatty and amylaceous substances, and may be employed in all cases where, from prolonged sick- ness or other causes, the alimentary processes are not in their normal condition. Put up in Sixteen-ounce French Square Bottles, Retail price, $1.00. DoSK. — Tablespoonful after each meal. Take an Aperient Pill occasionally. 3?repstred. lo-y WM. R. WARNER & CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE MOST PERFECT FORM OF DOSIMETRY IS AFFORDED BY j PARVULES. f O — O The term Parvule, from Parvum (small), is applied to a new class of remedies (Warner & Co.’s) in the form of minute pills, containing minimum doses for frequent repetition in cases of children and adults. It is claimed by some practitioners that small doses, given at short intervals, exert a more salutary effect. Sydney Ringer, M. I)., in his recent works on Thera- peutics, sustains this theory in a great variety of cases. Parvules of Calomel, i. (Warner & Co.) Parvules of Calomel and Ipecac. (Warner & Co.) R Calomel, ^ gr. Ipecac, gr. Med. Prop. — Alterative, Purgative. DOSE. — One to two every hour. Two of above Parvules, taken every hour, until five or six doses are administered (which will comprise but half a grain), produce an activity of the liver which will be followed by bilious dejections and beneficial effects, that twenty grains of Blue Mass or ten grains of Calo- mel rarely cause, and sickness of the stomach does not usually follow. Parvules of .Aconiti Rad, jl. (Warner & Co.) 20 Med. Prop. — Narcotic, Sudorific. Parvules of Arsenic! Iodidi, J_. (Warner & Co.) 100 Med. Prop. — Alterative. Parvules Cathartic Comp. Officinal, 1 • (Warner & Co.) 3 Med. Prop. — Cathartic. ^PARVULES,^ Small doses for frequent administration* Acidi Arseniosi 1-100 gr. Medical properties— Altera- tive, Anti periodic. Acidi Salicvlici 1-10 gr. Med. prop.— Antirheumatic. Acidi Tannici 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Astringent. Aconiti Rad 1-20 gr.^ Med. prop.— Narcotic, Su- dorific. Aloin 1-10 gr. Med. prop —A most desira- ble cathartic. Ammonii Chlortdi 1-10 gr. Med. prop.— Diuretic, Stim- ulant. Antimonii et Potass. Tart 1-100 gr. Med. prop. — Expectorant, Alterative. A rnica Flor 1-5 gr. Med. prop.— Narcotic, Stim- ulant, Diaphoretic. AR8ENICI IODIDI 1-100 gr. Med. prop.— Alterative. Belladonna Fol 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Narcotic, Dia- phoretic, Diuretic. Calomel 1-20 gr. Med. prop.-Alterative, Pur- gative. Calomel et Ipecac, aa 1-10 gr. Med. prop.-Alterative, Pur- gative. Camphora 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Diaphoretic, Carminative. Cantharidis 1-50 gr. Med. prop.— Diuretic, Stim- ulant. Capstci 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Stimulant, Car- minative. Cathart. Co. Officin.. 1-3 gr. Med. prop.— Cathartic. Cathart. Comp. lMP...l-3gr. Med. prop.— Cathartic. Digitalis Fol 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Sedative, Nar- A cotic, Diuretic. Dover’s Powder 1-3 gr. Med. prop.— Anodyne, Sopo- rific. ^ f Ergotina 1-10 gr. $ £ Med. prop.— Emmenagogue, > Parturient. Ferri Redacti 1-W gr. , v Med. prop.— Tonic. ^ 5 Gelsemini Rad ....1-50 gr. ' ^ Med. prop.— Nervous and Arterial sedative. IlYDRARG. Bl-CHLOR.l-100gr. Med. prop.— Mercurial al- terative. Hydrarg.Cum CRETAl-10gr. Med. prop.-Alterative. Hydrarg. Iodid 1-20 gr. Med. prop.-Alterative. Hydrastin 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Tonic, Astrin- gent. IODOFORMI 1-10 gr. Med. prop.-Alterative. Ipecac 1-50 gr. Med. prop.— Emetic, Expec- torant. Morphina Sulph 1-50 gr. Med. prop.— Narcotic, Seda- tive. Nucis Yomica 1-50 gr. Med. prop.— Tonic, Stimu- lant. Opii 1-40 gr. Med. prop.— Narcotic, Seda- tive, Anodyne. Phosphorus 1-200 Med. prop.— Nerve stimu- lant. Piperina 1-20 gr. Med. prop.— Tonic, Anti- periodic, Carminative. PODOPHYLLINI 1-40 gr. Med. prop. — Cathartic, Cholagogue. Potass. Bromidi 1-5 gr. Med. prop.-Alterative, Re- solvent. Potass. Arsenitis 1-100 gr. Med. prop.-Alterative. Potass. Nitratis 1-10 gr. Med. prop.— Diuretic, and Refrigerant. QUININA SULPHATIS...1-10 gr. Med. prop.— Tonic, Antipe- riodic. Santonini 1-10 gr. Med. prop.— Anthelmintic. Strychnina 1-100 gr. Med. prop.— Nerve stimu- lant, Tonic. WM. R. WARNER & CO., Chemists, Parvules of Corrosive Sublimate, (Warner & Co.) Dr. Ringer, in his treatise, lays great stress upon the efficacy of minimum doses of Corrosive Sublimate in the treatment of Diarrhoea, whether the stools contain blood or not. Parvules of Aloin, (Warner & Co.) Med. Prop. — A most desirable Cathartic. The most useful application of this Parvule is in periodic irregularities — Dysmenorrhcea and Amenorrhoea. They should be given in doses of one or two every evening at and about the expected time. Dos^. — Four to six at once. This number of Parvules, taken at any time, will be found to exert an easy, prompt and ample cathartic effect, unattended with nausea, and in all respects fur- nishing the best aperient and cathartic preparation in use. For habitual constipation, they replace when taken in single par- vules the various medicated waters, avoiding the quantity required by the latter at a dose, which nils the stomach and deranges the digestive organs. Parvules of Podophyllin, (Warner & Co.) Med. Prop. — Cathartic, Cholagogue. Two Parvules of Podophyllin, administered three times a day, will re-establish and regulate the peristaltic action and re- lieve habitual constipation, add tone to the liver, and invigorate the digestive functions. Parvules of Arsenit: Potash, (Warner & Co.) This Parvule will be of great use to physicians, as two Par- vules represent the equivalent of one drop of Fowler’s Solution, so that physicians can regulate the dose by giving one or more Parvules every hour. Parvules of Nux Vomica, ~. (Warner & Co.) Nux Vomica, according to Ringer, is possessed of real cura- tive powers for sick headache, accompanied with acute gastric catarrh, whether due to error in diet, constipation, or no appar- ent cause. He regards it, administered in small and frequently repeated doses, as useful in many disturbances of the gastric functions. PARVULE CASES FOR PHYSICIANS’ USE. Delivered by Post on Receipt of Price. PARVULE - GASES - FOR - PHYSICIANS’ - USE. WM. R. WARNER & CO.’S QUICKLY SOLUBLE TABLETS — FOR — HYPODERMIC MEDICATION In compliance with repeated requests from the Medical profes- sion to manufacture quickly soluble Tablets for subcutaneous medication, we respectfully' call attention to the following list. We desire to emphasize the statement, that in undertaking the manufacture of these delicate agents, we have devoted much time and labor in bring them to a state of perfection ; in this we have buen assisted by the co-operation of our medical friends. We claim (and a candid comparison will convince any one) for our soluble tablets, the following points of superiority, viz. : — 1. They are quickly and entirely soluble. 2. They are permanent in form and accurate in dose. 3. They are safe, and rapid in action. Note. — Our tablets are put up in tubes containing twenty and packed in boxes of five tubes and one dozen tubes ; also in vials containing one hundred tablets. When ordering please specify Wm R. Warner & Co's Hypodermic Tablets, and describe style of packing. Per Bottle Per Tube SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. 100 20 Tablets. Tablets. Aconitine, Pure Cryst . . $ 70 $ 18 Apomorphine Muriate . 60 16 Apomorphine Muriate . . 1-8 gr. i 00 24 Apomorphine Muriate . . . . . . . x-12 gr. 75 19 Atropine Sulphate . . . 8 ° IO Atropine Sulphate . . . 30 IO Atropine Sulphate . . . 30 IO Atropine Sulphate . . . 30 IO Atropine Sulphate . . . 30 IO SOLUBLE HYPODEBMIC TABLETS. Cocaine Hydrochlorate Cocaine Hydrochlorate Cocaine Hydrochlorate Cocaine Hydrochlorate Codeine Sulphate Codeine Sulphate .... Coniine Hydrobromate Coniine Hydrobromate . . Coniine Hydrobromate Digitaline, Pure Digiialine, Pure Duboisine Sulphate . Duboisine Sulphate Ergotin Eserine Sulphate Eserine Sulphate Hyoscine Hydrobromate Hyoscyamine Sulphate Hyoscyamine Sulphate Mercury Corrosive Chloridn Mercury Corros. Chloride Mercury Corros. Chloride Morphine Bimeconate ......... Morphine Bimeconate Morphine Bimeconate ..... Morphine Bimeconate Morphine Muriate Morphine Muriate Morphine Muriate Morphine Nitrate Morphine Nitrate Morphine Nitrate . . . Morphine Nitrate . . Morphine Sulphate Morphine Sulphate Morphine Sulphate . Morphine Sulphate . . Morphine Sulphate Morphine and Atropine, No. i, | Morphine Sulph. 1-8 gr. ) . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 2, f Morphine Sulph. 1-6 gr. ) . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-180 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 3, ( Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr. j . . . 1 Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. J Per Bottle Per Tub 100 20 Tablets. Tablets. 1-8 gr. $50 t 14 1-4 gr. 70 18 i-iogr. 45 13 1-2 gr. 1 30 30 1-8 gr. 60 16 i-4 gr. 1 00 24 1 -100 gr. 30 10 1-50 gr. 60 18 1-60 gr. 50 14 1-100 gr. 30 10 1-60 gr. 50 14 1-100 gr. 50 14 1-60 gr. 80 20 1-6 gr. 60 18 1-60 gr. 80 20 1- 100 gr. 45 13 1-100 gr. 65 17 1-50 gr. 50 H 1 -100 gr. 40 12 1-40 gr. 30 10 1-60 gr. 30 10 1-150 gr. 30 10 i-3 gr. 85 21 i *4 gr. 70 18 1-6 gr. 45 l 3 1-8 gr. 35 11 1-8 gr. 35 11 1-6 gr. 40 12 1-4 gr. 45 13 i-4 gr. 90 22 1-6 gr. 70 18 1-8 gr. 55 15 1-12 gr. 50 H 1-8 gr. 30 10 1-6 gr. 35 11 i-4 gr. 40 12 i-3 gr. 45 13 1-2 gr. 65 i/ 40 12 • • • • 45 13 t T 50 \ Per Bottle Per Tube SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. 100 20 Tablets. Tablets. Morphine and Atropine, No. 4. ( Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr. ) . . . . ( Atropine Sulph. 1-100 gr. j Morphine and Atropine, No. 5, f Morphine Sulph. 1-8 gr. j . . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. j Morphine and Atropine, No. 6, f Morphine Sulph. 1-8 gr. ) . . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-100 gr. j Morphine and Atropine, No. 7, j Morphine Sulph. 1-6 gr. j . . . , ( Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. j Morphine and Atropine, No. 8, f Morphine Sulph. 1-6 gr. j . . . . ( Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 9, ( Morphine Sulph. 1-5 gr. j . . . . ( Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 10, f Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr.) . . , . ( Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. j Morphine and Atropine, No. 11, f Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr. j . . . . ( Atropine Sulph. 1-60 gr. j Morphine and Atropine, No. 12, f Morphine Sulph. 1-3 gr. ) . . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 13, | Morphine Sulph. 1-2 gr. j .... ( Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 14, f Morphine Sulph. 1-2 gr. j .... ( Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 15, f Morphine Sulph. 1-2 gr. ) . . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-100 gr. J Morphine and Atropine, No. 16, | Morphine Sulph. 1-2 gr. ) . . . . { Atropine Sulph. 1-240 gr. j $ 50 $ 14 40 12 45 13 45 13 50 H 50 H 50 14 55 15. 60 1 6 75 19 75 19 75 19 75 19 Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin, 1-100 gr. and Strychnine . . Physostigmine Sulph. (See Eserine Sulph.) ^Pilocarpine Muriate ^Pilocarpine Muriate 1-50 gr. 1-150 gr. 1- 100 gr. 1-200 gr. 1-50 gr. 1-60 gr. i-5 gr- 1-8 gr. 30 30 30 30 30 80 10 10 10 10 10 20 * Prices on application. SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. Per Bottle Per Tube IOO 20 ^Pilocarpine Muriate ^Pilocarpine Nitrate *Pilocarpine Nitrate ^Pilocarpine Nitrate Sodium Arseniate Strychnine Nitrate Strychnine Nitrate ........ Strychnine Nitrate Strychnine Sulphate Strychnine Sulphate .... . . Strychnine Sulphate Strychnine Sulphate Strychnine Sulphate Strychnine Sulphate Strychnine Sulphate Strychnine and Atropine, No. i, | Strychnine Sulph. 1-50 gr. | ( Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. J Strychnine and Atropine, No. 2, f Strychnine Sulph. 1-30 gr. ) ( Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. j Strychnine and Atropine, No. 3, f Strychnine Sulph. 1-60 gr. ) \ Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. j Tablets. Tablets. 1-20 gr. 1-20 gr. 1-8 gr. i-4 gr. $ 30 $ 10 1-30 gr. 1- 150 gr. 30 10 1-100 gr. 35 11 i -60 gr. 35 1 1 1-150 gr. 30 10 1-120 gr. 30 10 1-100 gr. 30 10 1-60 gr. 30 10 1-20 gr. 40 1 2 1-30 gr. 30 10 1-50 gr. 30 10 50 5? H • • • • 50 H Special and favorite recipes made to order in lots of 1,000 and upwards. See advertisement of Special Hypodermic Syringe on opposite page. * Prices on application. A NEW HYPODERMIC SYRINGE. ASEPTIC, UNBREAKABLE, ACCURATE. Always ready for use. No leather or rubber washer on piston. No glass to break at a critical moment. Piston one solid piece of metal. Gradua- tions marked, in minums and cubic centimeters, on piston. Invented by Dr. C. W. Dennis. The entire instrument can be boiled to produce steri- lization; this in itself is a most important feature of the new instrument possessed by none of the old-fashioned syringes. Each syringe is packed in a handsome alumi- num case, containing two needles and four tablet tubes. The construction of the needle for this instrument presents another valuable ad- dition, in that having a screw which forces the cone-shaped head against corresponding shoulder, making a perfectly air-tight and solid joint, doing away with the necessity of a leather or other washer. The construction of the entire instrument is of metal, heavily nickel-plated, with the exception of a small cork ring in the cap on barrel of syringe, which upon being screwed down, tightens the ring around piston and serves to take up any possible wear. Syringe complete, $3 each. WM. R. WARNER & CO. 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AN IMPORTANT NEW REMEDY. Superior to Pepsin of the Hog. A Powder Prescribed in the same manner, closes, and combinations as Pepsin. INGLUVIN Ventriculus Caliosus Gallinaceus From the Gizzard of the Domestic Fowl (Pullus Gallinaceus). A - SPECIFIC - FOR - VOMITING - IN - PREGNANCY. AND A Potent and reliable remedy for the cure of INDIGES- TION, DYSPEPSIA, and SICK STOMACH, caused from debility of that organ. It is superior to the Pepsin Preparations, since it acts with more certainty, and effects cures where they fail. Prepared only by WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO.’ Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK. From PROF. ROBERTS BARTHOLOW’S, M. A., M. D., LL. D., work on MATERIA MEDICA AND THERA PEUTICS EDITION 1879. I NGLUVIN.— This is a preparation from the gizzard of the domestic chicken — ventriculus callosus gallinaceus. Dose, gr. v. — j. Ingluvin has the remarkable property of arresting certain kinds of vomiting — notably the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a stomachic tonic, and relieves indigestion, flatulence and dyspepsia. The author’s experience is confirmatory of the statements which have been put forth regarding the exceptional power of this agent to arrest the vomiting of pregnancy. It can be administered in inflamma- tory conditions of the mucous membrane, as it has no irritant effect. Under ordinary circumstances, and when the object of its administra- tion is to promote the digestive functions, it should be administered after meals. When the object is to arrest the vomiting of pregnancy, it should be given before meals. EDITION 1889. I NGLUVIN is a * * preparation said to be made of the gizzard of the domestic chicken ( ventriculus callosus gallinaceus). Dose, gr. v. — J}j. Ingluvin has. the remarkable property of arresting certain kinds of vomiting — notably the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a stomachic tonic, and relieves indigestion, flatulence and dyspepsia. Recent investigations have shown that Ingluvin owes its curative effects, not to any ferment corresponding to pepsin, but to a peculiar bitter principle. This result is the more satisfactory, since such an organ as the gizzard could hardly furnish the necessary quantity of a digestive ferment to effect the results now known to be produced by Ingluvin. Under ordinary circumstances, and when the object of its administra- tion is to promote the digestive function, it should be taken after meals. When the object is to arrest the vomiting of pregnancy, it should be given before meals. But only the successful use of this agent and the apparent sincerity of the composition as given to the public would seem to justify its mention here. Wm. R.Wamer&Co.’s STANDARD RECIPES FOR Physicians Prescribing. Pil. Peristaltic (WARNER & co - ) Each containing — Aloin, X g r - Ext. Belladon., % gr. Strychnin., i-6ogr. Ipecac, 1-16 gr Specially adapted for cases of habitual constipation, biliary and gastric troubles, administered in doses of one to two pills at a time. Per bottle of ioo pills, - - 40 cts. Pil. Peristaltic Aperient < WARNER & co -> Each containing — Aloin, 1-10 grain. Strych. Sul., 1 100 gr. Succus Bellad., 1-20 gr. Ipecac, 1-30 gr. A reliable aperient and laxative. Dose, usually one to two pills in the evening or before retiring. Per bottle of 100 pills, - - 40 cts. Pil. Peristaltic Comp. < WARNER & co > Each containing — Salol, 2 grs. Ingluvin, j4 gr. Aloin, 1-10 gr. Strych. Sul , i-ioogr. Ext. Belladon., i-iogr. A reliable antiseptic tonic and aperient. Do$e, one to two pills. Per bottle of 100 pills, - - 80 cts. Special or private formulae made to order. Enquiries solicited. Our many years of experience, added to the most complete facilities, enable us to supply the wants of Physicians and Druggists promptly and to their satisfaction. WM. R. WARNER & CO. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. WARNER & CO.’S 9 PIL: CHALYBEATE. 3 Grains* Dose — i to 4 Pills. COMPOSITION : Ferri Sulph. Fe S0 4 \ _ f Ferri Carb. Fe CO a Potass. Carb. K 2 C0 3 / \ Potass. Sulph. K a S0 4 As prepared by WM. R. WARNER & CO., Philadelphia. The above combination, which we have successfully and scientifically put in pill form, produces, when taken into the stomach, Carbonate of the Protoxide of Iron (Ferrous Carbonate) in a quickly assimilable condition. This Pill contributed to make the reputation of Niemeyer, and the following language, which speaks without comment, is taken from his Text Book on the Practice of Medicine. Prof. NIFMKYKR says: “For more than twenty years I have used these pills almost exclusively in Chlorosis, and have witnessed such bril- liant results from them in a large number of cases that I have never needed any opportunity to experiment with other articles. At Madgeburg and Greifswald I often had to send my recipe for the pills to a great distance, my good fortune in the treatment of Chlorosis — to which, by-the-bv, I owe the rapid growth of m y practice — having given me great repute as the pos- sessor of a sovereign remedy against that disease.” The dose of Pu : Chalybeate is from i to 4 at meal times and is recom- mended and successfully used in the treatment of Pulmonary Phthisis or Consumption, Anaemia and Chlorosis, Caries and Scrofulous Abscesses, Chronic Discharges, Dyspepsia, Toss of Appetite, etc. MGtfThe physician may see that he is obtaining exactly what he prescribes by ordering in bottles of 100 each. CAUTION. — Specify Warner & Co., and see to the special marks and Autograph on wrapper. The coating is very soluble, and is colored a deli- cate pink. Pills can be safely sent by mail — discount for quantities. WM. R. WARNER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SOLUBLE - COATED - PILLS - AS - A - SPECIALTY, Philadelphia and New York WARNER’S Pil: (Zlialybcate (Zorrip : Composition of Each Pill. R (Chalybeate Mass.) Carb. Protoxide of Iron, gr. iiss Extract Nux Vomica, gr. Dose. — O ne or two pills may be prescribed three times a day. They should be taken immediately after eating. It is truly stated by eminent practitioners that these pills will cause the pale lips to become red and the rosy flush of health to creep into the face in about two weeks’ time. Le Progress Medicale : — “Iron is one of the most important principles of the organism and the only metal the presence of which is indispensable to the maintenance of life. It exists in all parts of the system, but nowhere does it acquire such importance as in the blood. The blood of a person in good condition contains about forty-five grains of Iron ; when this amount is diminished a decline takes place, the appetite fails, the strength is enfeebled, and the blood loses its fine natural color and qualities. In a great number of diseases such as anaemia, chlorosis, hemorrhages, debility, etc., it sometimes happens that the blood has lost half its iron, and, to cure these diseases, it is absolutely necessary to restore to the blood the iron which it lacks, and great care should be exercised that the most assimilable form of iron should be used, one that penetrates into the organism without unduly taxing the digestive tract or interfering with the essential qualities of the gastric j uice. ’ ’ In chloro-ansemia, Warner’s Pil. Chalybeate Comp, regenerates the diseased red globules of the blood with a rapidity not before observed under the use of other ferruginous preparations ; it adds to their physiolog- ical power, and makes them richer in coloring matter. Moreover, being neither stypic nor caustic and having no coagulating or astringent action on the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, this preparation of iron causes neither constipation or diarrhoea as it does not need to be digested in order to be absorbed, it does not give rise to the sensation of weight in the stomach, or the gastric pain and indigestion occasioned by other prepara- tions. In women who have not menstruated for many months, the amenorrhoea disappears; in others suffering from an anaemic state of long duration, give in proportion as the ordinary preparations of iron have not been well borne, Warner’s Pil. Chalybeate Comp, one or two after each meal, soon restore the digestive functions to their normal state. The small quantity of Nux Vomica is added to increase the tonic effect, to give tone to the stomach and nerves and increase the appetite. PREPARED BY WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. i'HLLADELrHIA and NEW YORK, A Valuable Aid to Digestion. Pil: D'g estiva. (WARNER & CO.) R Pepsin Conc’t . . i gr. Gingerine . . . . is gr Pv. Nuc. Vom. . X gr. Sulphur . . . , yi gr. IN KACH PII.Iv. This combination is very useful in relieving various forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and will afford permanent benefit in cases of enfeebled digestion, where the gastric juices are not properly secreted. As a corrective of nausea or lack of appetite in the morning, induced by over indulgence in food or stimulants during the night, these pills are unsurpassed ; they should be taken in doses of two pills before retiring, or in the morning at least one hour before eating ; the first mentioned time is the most desir- able as the effects are more decided, owing to the longer period for action and the natural rest is more fully experienced through their mild but effective influence. As a dinner pill, Pil: Digestiva is unequalled and may be taken in doses of a single pill either before or after eating. WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO., Manufacturers of Soluble- Coated Pills, In all their variety. PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK. Sent by mail on receipt of price, and supplied by all the leading Druggists. WM. R. WARNER & CO.’S Pills of Iodoform and Combination; AN IMPORTANT THERAPEUTIC AGENT, A POWERFUL ALTERATIVE AND GENERAL TONIC. VALUABLE AS A REMEDY IN Scrofula, Anaemia, Neuralgia, Chlorosis and RhenmatisE Iodoform therapeutically is alterative, nervine, sorbefacient, anti periodic a. anaesthetic. As an alterative it acts with more rapidity than other medicines of tlj class, in doses of one, two or three grains, repeated thrice daily. As a nervine it prompt and efficient; while it gives nervous strength, it calms speedily the rm severe pains. Its sorbefacient properties are manifested with some degree of slo ness. Five to seven grains, given in broken doses in rapid succession, product- powerful antiperiodic effect. We take pleasure in presenting to the Profession the following Pills of Iodofor and its combinations. Since its introduction by us in 1871, it has grown in perm nent favor as an indispensable remedy, possessing the properties of a powerful altt ative, nervine, antiperiodic and tonic. Pil. Iodoform etFerri. (WARNER & CO.) Med. prop. — A powerful, general tonic and alterative ; valuable as a remedy in Anaemia, Scrofula, Neuralgia, Chlorosis, Rheumatism, etc. Iodoform, 1 gr. Ferrum per Hydg., iy gr. Iodoform etFerri et Nuc. Yom. (WARNER & CO.) Med. prop. — Tonic, Alterative, Iodoform, 1 gr. Ferri Red., 1 gr. Ext. Nuc. Yom , y gr. Iodoform, 1 gr. Med. prop. — Tonic, Alterative. Iodoform et Hydrarg. Med. prop.— Alterative. Iodoform, y 2 gr. Mercury Protiodid., % gr. Iodoform et Nuc. Yom. Comp (WARNER & CO ) Med. prop.— Alterative, Tonic, Lax tive, Repellant. Iodoform, y gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom., Vs gr. Podophyllin, 1-16 gr. Ext. Belladon., *4 gr. Iodoform et Quinine. (WARNER & CO ) Med. prop. — Alterative, Tonic. Iodoform, y gr. Quininae Bisulph., y gr. Iodoform et Quinina et Ferrij (WARNER & CO.) Med. prop. — Tonic, Alterative. Iodoform, 1 gr. Quinin. Sul., y gr. Ferri Garb. (Vallett's), 2 grs. ELIXIR SALICYLIC COJVIP. A POTENT AND RELIABLE REMEDY IN RHEUMATISM, GOUT, LUMBAGO iP KINDRED DISEASES. This preparation combines, in a pleasant and agreeable form, Salicylic Acid, Cimicifuge, Gelseminum, Sodii Bi-Carb. and Potass. Iodid., so combined as to be more prompt and effective in the treatment of this class of diseases than either of the ingredients when administered alone. This remedy can be given without producing any of the unpleasant results which so often follow the giving of Salicylic Acid and Salicylate of Sodium, viz.: gastric and intestinal irritation, nausea, delirium, deaf- ness, nervous irritability, restlessness and rapid respiration ; on the con- trary, it gives prompt relief from pain and quiets the nerves without the aid of opiates. Elixir Salicylic Comp, has been extensively used in private practice for several years with almost unvarying success, and with better results than any other mode of treatment yet suggested. It is a matter of great satisfaction to us to be able to place before the medical profession a remedy so effectual in the cure of one of the most stubborn classes of disease. The dose is from a teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful, and incrensed as necessary to meet the requirements of the case. Each teaspoonful contains five grains of Salicylic Acid. Elixir Salicylic Comp, is put up in 12-oz. square bottles, and may be obtained from Druggists everywhere. PRICE, - - $1.00 PER BOTTEE. WM. R. WARNER & CO. Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. WARNER & CO.’S SPECIAL PREPARATION OF THE FLDID EXTRACT OF ERGOT. (Ext. Secale Cornutum, Warner & Co.,) FROM CAREFULLY SELECTED SPANISH GRAIN. This preparation has been before the profession for such a length of time and its use attended with such unvaried success, that we deem further than passing comment upon its merits unnecessary. Positive action and uniformity is ensured by our method of preparation — one minim can always be prescribed as fully repre- senting one grain of Brgot. The following letter from an active practitioner will fully hear out what we claim : Messrs. W. R. Warner & Co., 1228 Market St., Phila. Dear Sirs : — I have been engaged in the active practice of medicine in this part of the State forty years, and have had oc- casion to use Ergot in every form that it can be used, but I am free to confess that the Fluid Extract of that drug I got from you in February is the most active paturient I have ever found, and nauseates less than I have ever seen Ergot in substance, tincture, infusion or extract, fluid or solid (Bodjean’s Ergotine). Yours, most respectfully, Vieea PeaTTE* La. C. D. T ATM AN, M. D. Report of Franklin Institute , Exhibition of American Manufactures. “Fluid Extracts manufactured by Wm. R. Warner & Co., are well made and above the standard of commercial articles of the kind,” EDWARD PARRISH and others, Committee. Our stock embraces a full line of Medicinal Fluid Extracts, including all New Remedies of merit, prepared from selected materials with the utmost care, by a process gained by an active working experience covering a period of more than twenty-eight years, and by which we are enabled to offer, a discriminating profession and trade, products unexcelled in this particular class of medicines. WM. R. WARNER & CO. Manufacturing Chemists, . PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. LONDON. WARNER & CO’S, SOLUBLE GOITED PILLS. These Pills are unsurpassed in their medicinal qualities, as only the best materials enter into their composition, while the most scrupulous care is exercised in their manufacture. An extended laboratory experience comprising un- ceasing attention to details, during a period of more than a quarter of a century, enables us to arrive at . results otherwise unattainable. We claim a method of coating which remains per- manent, and avoids the necessity for drying the mass so hard as to render it insoluble or inert. This scienti- fic method, which we do not hesitate to call our own, is fully recognized and appreciated, as is demonstrated by the confidence reposed and the success attained. It is our wish to emphatically impress upon the minds of our patrons, that our make of Pills will pro- duce the effects that should be expected in connection with the drug employed, and that every other desire is subordinate to this end. We thank the Profession for the very liberal endorsement and patronage that has been accorded us and offer our assurance that our efforts shall, as heretofore, be directed towards the production of the highest class of Pharmaceutical preparations. Respectfully , WM. R. WARNER & CO. Warner <& Co.’s PIL: CASCARA CATHARTIC. (DR. HINKLE ) EACH CONTAINING Cascarin. Ext. Belladon Aloin Strychnin Podophyllin, Gingerine. DOSE; 1 to 3 Pills. This pill affords a brisk and easy cathartic, efficient in action and usually not attended with unpleasant pains in the bowels. It acts mildly upon the liver (Podophyllin), increases Peristalsis (Belladonna), while the carminative effect of the Gingerine aids in producing the desired result, thus securing the most efficient and pleasant cathartic in use PIL: CASCARA ALTERATIVE. (DR. LEUTAUD.) —EACH CONTAINING Cascarin, V* gr. Stillingia, V\ gr, Enonymin, l A gr, Piperine, ibn gr. DOSE: 1 Pill Night and Morning. The alterative action of this pill is very effective. It affords a gentle aperient, which is very essential. The quality of the ingredients used leads to the happy results anticipated. Mineral drugs not necessarily a part of the human economy are omitted. The action of the pill is mild and gentle and also has tonic properties. The usual dose as an aperient and alterative is one pill night and morning, perhaps commencing with two for a dose. PREPARED BY William R. Warner & Co. CHEMISTS, 1228 Market Street, 18 Liberty Street, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. FOR PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBING. WARNER & CO.’S PIL: ANTISEPTIC. Each Pill contains : Sulphite Soda, I gr. Salicylic Acid, I gr. Ext. Nux Vom., y gr. DOSE: 1 to 3 Pills. Pil : Antiseptic is prescribed with great advantage in cases of Dys- pepsia attended with acid stomach and enfeebled digestion following excessive indulgence in eating or drinking. It is used with advantage in Rheumatism. Per 100, 55 cts. WARNER & CO.’S PIL: ANTISEPTIC COMP. Each Pill contains : Sulphite Soda, I gr. Salicylic Acid, i gr. Ext. Nux Vom., gr. Powdered Capsicum, gr. Concentrated Pepsin, I gr. DOSE: 1 to 3 Pills. Pil : Antiseptic Comp, are prescribed with great advantage in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and malassimilation of food. Per ioo, 55 cts. Pills sent by Mail on receipt of Price. PREPARED BY Wm. R. Warner & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Soluble Coated Pills, Parvules and Granules, 1228 Market Street, 22 Liberty Street, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Sumbul Root (The Root of Ferula Sumbul) Nat. Ord. Umbelliferse. Common names— Sumbul, Musk Root, Jatamansi. Description. — The plant that produces the sumbul root is an herbaceous peren- nial, with an erect milk-bearing stem, and is a native of Central Asia. The leaves are mostly radical, large, and alternately decompound, with the ultimate segments narrow and toothed. The upper stem leaves are reduced merely to the sheathing bases of the petioles. The flowers are small , yellow and disposed in compound umbels. Properties and Uses. — Sumbul is a stimulant and tonic to the nervous system; it has been recommended in gastric spasms, hysteria, delirium, diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, chlorosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other maladies, accompanied with an asthenic condition. In nervous diseases of a low, depressing character, it has been found very useful, especially in the following combination which we prepare in pill form. These pills are prescribed by leading physicians. Don't fail to specify Warner & Co., to avoid substitutes and disappointment. Pil. Sumbul Comp. (Dr. Goodeii) As specially prepared Dy WM, R. warm & co. Ext. Sumbul, i gr. Ferri Sulph. Exs., i gr. Asafoetida, 2 grs. Ac. Arsenious, 1-40 gr. ** I use this pill for nervous and hysterical women who need building up." One or two pills three times a day. This pill is used with advantage in neurasthenic con- ditions in conjunction with occasional doses of Warner & Co.'s Bromo Soda, in cases of fatigue, loss of sleep, headache or indigestion. Pil. Sumbul Aperient ( Dr - shoemaker) Ext. Sumbul, 1 gr. Ext. Cascara Sag., 54 gr. Ext- Nuc. Vom., J 4 gr. Asafoetida, 1 gr. Aloin, % gr. Gingerine, % gr. This pill is a gentle stimulant, tonic and aperient, in doses of one or two pills three times a day. Occasional doses of Bromo Soda will greatly facilitate and bring cpiick relief. WM. R. WARNER & CO. CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A WARNER & CO’S TONO SUMBUL CORDIAL An elegant and efficient cordial prepared especially for physicians* prescribing. This valuable therapeutic agent combines the well-known and positive Nerve Tonic and Stimulant properties of Sumbul Root, the Blood-Making properties of Iron, and the general system tonic and antiperiodic qualities of Cinchona Bark, together with acid phosphates, so blended with delightful aromatics as to present a cordial which is both palatable and wonderfully efficient in allaying the troubles for which it is intended. An examination of the ingredients used in this combination and due consideration as to their physiological effects will satisfy the physician of the wide scope covered by this tonic. The delicate stomach of the inva’id rebels against the distasteful and nauseating bitter tonics. Tono Sumbul Cordial is free from this objection, having a delightful and pleasing taste in its combination with glycerine, therefore it replaces all such compounds. Its potency is highly increased by the addition of the Iron and Cin* chona Bark, the respective medicinal virtues of which, when properly presented, would admit of more than passing comment. WARNER’S TONO SUMBUL CORDIAL Is put up in 12-oz. flint glass bottles, and should be prescribed in original bottles to prevent substitution and the attending disappoint- ments. Entirely Original with and made only by WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS 1228 Market Street 52 Maiden Lane 197 Randolph Street Philadelphia New York Chicago PERFECTION, ELEGANCE AND PURITY IN WM. R. WARNER & CO.’S Granulated:- Effervescent Salts. • H-M- Gran. Eff. Salicylate of Soda with Bromide of Potash. {Anti- Rheumatic, Sedative.) Each laige teaspoon ful contains 10 grains of Salicylate of Soda with 10 grains of Bromide of Potash. The dose is usually one large teaspoonful in half ot a glass of water, three times a day, before eating. Gran. Eff. Bromide of Potassium. Each dose contains io grains of Bromide of Potassium. Gran. Eff. Seidlitz Mixture. {Seidlitz Powder, U. S. P.) An excellent aperient and refrigerant, very acceptablo to the stomach. Gran. Eff. Oxalate of Cerium. Each dose contains two grains of Oxalate of Cerium. Gran. Eff. Citrate of Potassium. An excellent neutral mixture and effervescing diaphoretic and refrige- rant draught. Gran. Eff. Salicylate of Lithia. (A Remedy in Gout and Rheumatism.) This preparation is intended for physicians’ use, and will be found to possess advantages over Salicylic Acid, being less irritating to the stomach and combining the efficacy of Eithia and Salicylic Acid. Each teaspoonful contains io grains of Eithia Salt. Gran. Eff. Chalybeate Saline. {Ferric Saline Effervescens , Dr. Means.) Each dose contains i grain Citrotartrate of Iron and 20 grains of soda. Restorative tonic, etc. Gran. Eff. Citrate of Magnesia. {Pleasant and Efficient.) For a purgative effect, take two or more teaspoonfuls in a small glass of water, and drink while effervescing. As a laxative, one or more table- spoonfuls taken in the same manner. Gran. Eff. Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine. Each dose contains the dose of Saccharated Pepsin, soluble Citrate of Bismuth, and the sixtieth of a grain of Citrate of Strychnine. WM. R. WARNER & CO., Chemists, Originators and Manufacturers of BROMO SODA AND BROMO POTASH, TRIPLE BROMIDES AND CHALYBEATE SALINE. FOR THE SPEEDY RELIEF OF NERVOUS HEADACHE and BRAIN FATIGUE. WARNER & CO.’S EFFERVESCING , USEFUL IN s NERVOUS HEADACHE, OVER BRAINWORK, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, EXCESSIVE STUDY, MANIA, ETC., ETC. Dose. — A heaping teaspoonful in half a glass of water, to be repeated once after an interval of thirty minutes, if necessary. Each teaspoonful contains Bromide Sodium, 30 grains. Caffein, 1“ It is claimed by some prominent specialists in nervous dis- eases that the Sodium Salt is more acceptable to the Stomach than the Bromide Potassium. An almost certain relief is given by the administration of this Effervescing Salt. It is also used with advantage in Indigestion, Depression following alcoholic and other excesses, as well as Nervous Headache. It affords speedy relief for Mental and Physical Exhaustion. PREPARED ONLY BY WM. R. WARNER & GO-, Manufacturer of Soluble Coated Pills, PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK. -:Wm. R. Warner & Co.’s:- (EFFERVESCING) TRIPLE BROMIDES. Useful in Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Migrane, Diurnal Epilepsy, Etc., Etc. DOSE — A teaspoonful, containing Sodium Brom. grs. 15, Potassium Brom, grs. 10, Ammonium Brom. grs. 5, three times a day. — ++ — Administer one teaspoonful in half a glass of water. Drink while effervescing. In Diurnal Epilepsy take a dessertspoonful three times daily until sense of taste is partly destroyed. After this reduce the frequency of dose, but keep the fauces in a benumbed condition. PREPARED ONLY BY WILLIAM R. WARNER &CO.* Manufacturers of Effervescing Salts, etc., and "5T ork. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT f. -' ; 4 LI A close or two will quickly relieve the most severe Meadaclie ; or, pain of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, etc. ++ Each dessertspoonful contains ANTIPYRINE, - - 4 grs. SALICYLATE OF SODA, - - - - 4 grs. PREPARED BY WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SOLUBLE COATED PILLS, PHILADELPHIA. GRANULATED EFFERVESCENT SALICYLATE o SODA , — WITH— x BROMIDE OF POTASH. Anti-Rheumatic, Sedative. Each heaping teaspoo7iful contains logrs. of Salicylate of Soda and io grs. Bromide of Potash. The dose is usually one large teaspoonful in half a glass of water, three times a day before eating. This is the minimum dose for adults, and may be increased with advantage in many cases of Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout. This preparation is particularly valuable in cases of Lithiasis, in which the more prominent symptoms are * inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respira- tory and digestive tracts and ill-defined muscular soreness. WM. R. WARNER SCO., new york. o<\ PHILADELPHIA, PA.[> London. Granulated Effervescent BENZOATE °E LITHIA. Each teaspoonful contains two grains of the chemically pure salt. This preparation has been strongly recommended as a remedy for Gout. It may be used with good effect in all cases of Tithsemia, Gout and Rheumatic Gout. Granulated Effervescent SALICYLATE of LITHIA. Dose. — A teaspoonful, containing io grains of the Salt. A convenient and pleasant remedy in Gout and Rheumatism. This preparation is intended for physicians’ use, and will be found to possess advantages over Salicylic Acid, being less irritating to the stomach, and combining the efficacy of Rithia and Salicylic Acid. WM. R. WARNER & CO. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. LONDON. Granular Effervescent BROMO (WARNER & CO.) Each dessertspoonful contains Salicylate I*ithia, ...... io grs. Bromide Soda, io grs. Bromo Lithia is an extremely potent remedy, in the treat- ment of Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Gouty Diathesis, originated by W. R. Warner & Co. It consists of Salicylate Lithium, io grains, and Bromide Sodium, io grains, in each dessertspoonful. It will be found to possess advantages over Salicylic Acid, combining, as it does, the efficacy of Lithium in combination with Salicylic Acid as well as the sedative properties of BrO' mide of Soda. Dr. A. Garod, the well-known English authority on Gout, who was the first physician to use the Salicylate of Lithia in the treatment of the Gouty Diathesis, believes that its action is materially increased by being administered in a freely diluted form. Bromo Lithia (Warner & Co.) being an effervescing salt, furnishes an elegant and convenient form for applying Dr. Garod’s methods, and we have pleasure in offering it to the profession. We have attained skill in the manufacture of these elegant effervescent salts, and physicians will receive the benefits of our efforts if they will specify “ W. R. W. & Co.’s.” WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY COMPRISING 10,000 Definitions, Covering 300 Pages It contains all the latest terms, such as “ X Rays,” “ Shadowgraph,” “ Skiagraph,” etc., etc. The book is specially adapted to Students and busy Practitioners. All definitions free of ambiguity, everything clear, concise and comprehensive. PRICE, CENTS “ Well worth many times the amount charged.” — Southern Medical Practitioner . “ Any Medical or Pharmaceutical Library will be incomplete without it. With the rapid advance science has made in the past decade, many new terms have been coined. They are all dealt with in this work .” — Canada Phar. Journal. Sent by mail on receipt of price. WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. 1228 Market St., Philadelphia 100 Articles Contained in Physician’s Cabinet. WARNER & CO.’S Medical Cabinet for Physicians. Supplied with Warner & Co.’s Beautiful Bottles labeled with Glass. Lists Sent. PRICE COMPLETE, $100.00. * 8 X 61 •p®B« 02*80 mo *aoua©oa Bnnnr jo uo!q. 09 Hoo ©tJX raoja Aavaan siomitii ao AXISH3AIMI1 3HX