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Day Dean of the School of Pharmacy THE ALUMNI RECORD OF THE University of Illinois CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry School of Phar^iacy EDITED BY CARL STEPHENS Secretary of The General Alumni Association 1921 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ROGERS PRINTING COMPANY Dixon and Chicago, Illinois c i X-tOiVj^GrZ-rn CONTENTS Preface : Greetings from the President of the Universitt v Historical Sketches vii Explanatory Note xxxii College of Medicine Alumni M.D. Degrees 1 Ad Ecndem Degrees 63, 71, 94,fl06, 118 Honorary Degrees (All in 1900) 235 B.S. Degrees ('17-'21) 236 College of Medicine Faculty 242 College of Dentistry Alumni 287 College of Dentistry Faculty 325 School of Pharmacy Alumni 333 School of Pharmacy Faculty 429 Geographical and Alphabetical Indexes 433 8339 PREFACE Several years ago the University undertook the pubhcation of a record of its alumni of the departments at Urbana-Champaign. Since the College of Medicine, the College of Dentistrj", and the School of Pharmacy became integral parts of the University a few years ago, it seemed desirabFe to pubhsh a similar record of the graduates of these divisions of the University. It seemed further advisable to include their graduates of the periods prior to the times of affiliation with the University of Illinois. We regard them all as alumni of the University. The reasons for pubUshing such a record are several. In the first place, it is a convenient presentation of the names, work, and addresses of the men and women who through the years have received their education at the University. Every one of these graduates is interested not only in the University but in other graduates and welcomes such a source of information about them. In the second place, such a book enables the officers of the University to keep informed as to the careers of its graduates and to keep in touch with them, both in their own interest and in the interest of the University. I take great pleasure, therefore, as this book is issued; in calhng it to the attention of the ^ledical, Dental, and Pharmacal alumni and urging each of them to secure a copy. It will stimulate his interest in the University; it will recall old associations; it will inspire him to do something more for the cause of medical education. The University has expanded greatly in the past few years. The Chicago de- partments have shared in the general prosperity and in the difficulties which that prosperity has brought. You have all heard, doubtless, of the arrangement with the State Department of PubUc Welfare whereby hospitals erected by the latter will be at the service of the University and whereby some of the buildings of the University for its College of Medicine will in the futiu-e be on State ground under the control of that department. The project is well advanced, and it is my hope that by the open- ing of the Universit}^ year, October 1922, we shall be able to occupy some of these new quarters. In addition to the building space for which a University appropriation was made in the main building now being erected, a further sum of $500,000 is avail- able for a new research laboratory and library. It is my intention to do everything I can to put these departments in the front rank. We want to do our share in advancing standards of education in these caUings. We must train, and train better, more men who are to practice in them. At the same time we must constantly aim to make contributions to science in these fields. In all these things and for all these purposes I bespeak the co-operation of the alumni. Very truly yours, David Kinley President HISTORICAL SKETCHES I-THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE By Dr. D. A. K. Steele, Dr. Charles Davison and Dr. A. C. Eycleshymer THE GENESIS OF A GREAT MEDICAL COLLEGE By D. a. K. Steele, M.D., L.L.D. The names of the founders of this institution are chiseled upon the cornerstone of the old College of Physicians and Surgeons, at the northwest corner of Honore and Harrison Streets, now known as the College of Dentistry of the University of Illinois. A. Reeves Jackson, Charles Warrington Earle, Leonard St. John, Samuel A. McWilliams, and the writer's are the names chiseled on the face of this cornerstone, commemorat- ing the memories of five men to whom the College owes its inception, name, ideals, and development. For ten years they were in supreme command of its policy, faculty, and curriculum, and directed its course with abihty, sagacity, and success. They were men in the prime of life, honored in this profession, and all had e.xperience in medical teaching in other colleges. They possessed the individual requirements of a medical teacher: knowledge, experience, aspiration, enthusiasm, honesty, and con- science — the foundation stones of character. Jackson, Earle, McWilhams and St. John have passed on. This Medical College is a monument to their hves, to the Uves of others who labored with them and who also have gone before their Maker, to still others who are laboring and struggling on and on to build up this great Medical Department of the State University; to up- hold the honor and dignity of the medical profession, and to carry out the ideals of its founders and supporters. Jackson was born in Philadelphia June 17, 1827, and died in Chicago, November 12, 1892, at the age of 65. Earle was born April 2, 1845, in Westport, Vermont, a small village in Christenden County, near Burlington. He died November 19, 1893, at the age of 48. McWilliams was born February 7, 1836, in a little village of north Ireland by the name of Newtonards, County Down, near Belfast. He died February 15, 1917, aged 81 years. St. John was born in a Canadian hamlet in 1853, and died April 2, 1920, at the age of 67. It is the young doctor with push, energy and enthusiasm who makes medical his- tory. He compels the world to honor him for his real worth, and to accept him for what he really is — of times a real hero. There are certain elements of character essential to professional success. The well educated mind looks beyond the mere semblance of things into the higher realm of nature's laws and forces, and I cannot help but think that our early environments have much to do with our future success. A study in early life of nature and nature's laws purifies and ennobles our whole subsequent career. To him who has been fortunate enough to open his eyes for the first time on the light breaking over the Green Mountains of Vermont or the rugged grandeur of the Colorado Peaks, or near the roaring of a mighty ocean or the rushing, whirling waters of a turbid river, there must remain ever an ineffaceable memory picture of nature's wonders; and as his budding brain realizes and appreciates the beauties of the land- scape, the ever changing and yet harmonious colors of Natufe's painting — whether in field or forest, in garden or on hillside, in the morning dawn or when lit by the glows of an autumn sunset — his mind cannot fail to be impressed with the grandeur and eloquence of nature's sermons, nor can he help realizing that a higher and mightier power than man rules the universe and directs by an all-wise method the mysteries of hfe. It is always interesting to trace the origin of institutions of learning, and to in- vestigate the underljring causes that brought them into existence; to study the char- acteristics of the men whose foresight and vision moved them to foimd a new medical viii College of Medicine college in Chicago; to look behind the men themselves to their teachers, who by their precept and example had inculcated ideas and ideals into the minds of these men that would mould their characters and dominate their lives with aspirations for the attain- ment of the highest and best attainable in medical science and medical education. It is interesting to note that three of the founders of this College were graduates of the old Chicago Medical College, now the Medical School of Northwestern University; and that Charles Warrington Earle, Samuel A. McWilliams, and the writer had listened to the matchless medical oratory of Nathan Smith Davis, the nestor of the medical profession, to Hosmer A. Johnson, with his polished address and graceful personality, as well as to the practical, forceful diction of the great surgeon, Edmund Andrews, and that each had been impressed by their ideas and idealism, and filled with aspira- tions to emulate their characters and reputation and to become surcharged with their professional spirit and enthusiasm for the profession of medicine. Even as we strove to forget some of their prescriptions and lectures a few years later — we could forget the lectures, but never the men who had left the impress of their personality on our formative minds. To Earle must be given the credit of first broaching the question of establishing a new medical college in Chicago on the west side of the City, near the Cook County Hospital. In 1876 he began to agitate the project of establishing a new medical college adjacent to the County Hospital, but notwithstanding his energy, enthusiasm, and courage, he did not succeed in interesting a sufficient number of suitable people in the enterprise to make a successful start, so the project was dropped for five years. Early in 1881 he spoke to A. Reeves Jackson about the advisability of starting a new medical school adjacent to the County Hospital, and Jackson, who was a lecturer in Rush Medical College, readily assented to Earle's proposition. After several con- ferences and prolonged discussions, a preliminary meeting was held May 4, 1881, in the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, to consider establishing a new medical school in Chicago. The time was propitious. The growth of the city had been phenomenal and many of the leading medical men of the city, not then connected with existing medical col- leges, foresaw that Chicago was bound to become a great medical center. At this preliminary meeting four of the founders and three men not subsequently connected with the enterprise were present. Dr. Jackson was chosen president and Dr. Steele secretary of the meeting. After a full discussion of the question it was considered advisable to organize a new medical school in Chicago, having for its aim the elevation of medical scholarship. On motion of Dr. McWilliams the embryonic medical venture was christened "The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago," and this name was retained until 1913, when the College was affiliated with the University of Illinois, when it became known as the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois. Drs. Jackson, Earle, and the writer were appointed a committee to procure a license and to incorporate under the general State law. Dr. McWilliams was made chairman of a committee to look up a suitable location and ascertain the price of ground for the college site; and still another committee, of which the writer was chairman, was appointed to report on chairs, lectureships, etc., and to suggest the names of suitable persons to fill them. The license to incorporate was issued by the Secretary of State July 2, 1881, to Drs. Jackson, Earle, and the writer and on October 14, 1881, a final certificate of in- corporation was issued to Drs. Jackson, McWilliams, the writer, St. John, and Earle, the founders and incorporators. On June 23, 1881, Dr. Jackson, on behalf of the Committee on grounds and location, reported that the lot on the northwest corner of Harrison and Honore Streets, 95 x 100 feet, could be secured for college purposes. Drs. Jackson and McWilliams were appointed a purchasing committee and author- ized to secure the lot for the lowest cash price. On July 14, Dr. McWilliams of this committee reported that a contract had been made for the purchase of the lot for $5,000, all cash, and the purchase was immediately made. Drs. Jackson, McWilliams, Steele, and St. John advanced the amount in equal shares. The capital stock of the new corporation was fixed at .$30,000, and the entire stock was subscribed by the five in- corporators. Bylaws were adopted, and Drs. Jackson, McWUhams, Steele, St. John, and Earle, were elected the first board of directors. In the preliminary announcement the following notice appeared: "The Faculty beg to state that this college has been organized in the interest of a more thorough and practical education than is usually furnished by the medical schools of this country. The Faculty believe that the medical practitioners who have been long engaged in their calling, and who realize the difficulties under which many of them have labored, desire that those who succeed them may receive more and better Historical Sketch ix facilities during their pupilage than were obtained by them for becoming qualified for their work. In all other departments of learning it is deemed necessary to so clas- sify and grade different studies that tlie pupil is systematically led from those of an elementary and fundamental character to the more advanced branches. In medicine, however, a science in which accuracy and completeness of attainment by its votaries involves more important interests than any other, this reasonable and philosophical system is. for the most part, wholly ignored. The Faculty believe the time has come when medicine should no longer occupy this exceptional position, and in deference to the demand of the profession generally for a more systematic plan of college instruc- tion than is usually offered, have adopted a system of instruction extending over three years and including two or more graded winter sessions of six months each." On July 18, 1S82, at a stockholders meeting called for the purpose, the capital stock of the corporation was increased to $60,000, each member of the Faculty sub- scribing for ?2,000 worth of the capital stock. The first regular session of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago commenced Tuesday evening, September 26, 1882. The introductory address was delivered by Professor A. Reeves Jackson. At this time the new college building, located on the northwest corner of Harrison and Honore Streets, opposite the Cook County Hospital, had been completed under the direction of George H. Edbrooke, the architect, and as a result of his labors and the indefatigable work of Dr. McWUliams, Chairman of the Building Committee, the college edifice was scarcely surpassed by any in this country in beauty of design, excellence of construction, or adaptation to its purposes. Dr. rvIcWilliams organized the West Side Free Dispensary, which occupied the first floor of the buUding, and which was under the exclusive control of the College Faculty; patients being classified according to diseases and different rooms assigned to each class, students thus having an opportunity to learn the details of actual prac- tice in the various specialties. When the session opened September 26, 1882, there was present a class of 100 students, which gradually increased to 165. At the close of the session, 52 of these graduated. During the year 7,504 patients were examined and prescribed for in the college, most of them before small sections of the class in the different clinic rooms on the dispensary' floor. On March 17, 1883, the Board of Directors met to elect a permanent Faculty according to a resolution adopted, the basis of the election requiring that the follow- ing four questions should be answered in the affirmative about every candidate before he was eligible for election. (Each member of the Faculty had been elected the first year on probation.) 1. Is he a systematic and capable teacher? 2. Has he a moral character and habits such as will reflect credit upon an educa- tional institution? 3. Is he honorable and trustworthy m his treatment of and dealings with his colleagues? 4. Is he in accord with the general policy of the school, especially in its require- ments for admission and graduation of students and its graded system of in- struction? The requirements for graduation at this time were announced as (1) A good moral character; (2) attainment of 21 years of age; (3) three years of study under the direction of a physician in regular standing; (4) attendance on two or more winter lecture courses, the last of which must have been at this college; (5) dissection of each part of the cadaver; (6) attendance on two terms of clinical and hospital instruction; (7) satis- factory examinations; (8) deposit of final examination fee with the treasurer on or before February 1. No honorary degrees to be conferred. It was at this time that the illustrious name of Quine was added to the faculty list. He was apix)inted Professor of Medicine, and from that date his dominant personaUty, wisdom, eloquence, and professional spirit was a source of strength to the College as side by side we labored on together for its best interests. During the spring of 1890, the writer became satisfied that the future welfare and prosperity of the college depended upon a thorough reorganization of the teaching faculty and pohcy of the college so as to secure for it a greater share of the confidence and patronage of the medical pubhc. He laid his plans before Profs. Quine and Earle, and secured their ready co-operation and support for a reorgani- zation which with the sanction of President Jackson was immediately carried into effect. At a stockholders' meeting April 19, 1893, the capital stock of the college X College of Medicine was increased from $60,000 to $100,000. A total of $50,000 was expended this year for the erection of six new laboratories adjoining and connected with the college build- ing. Attendance upon three full winter courses was made obligatory. The curric- ulum was extended. Much more attention was given to demonstrative and laboratory teaching than formerly. From this time on the progress of the school was rapid — indeed almost phenomenal, as it was the first among the western medical colleges to inaugurate laboratory teaching. The total number of matriculants was 248, 42 of whom were graduates, making a 19 percent ratio of graduates to resident matric- ulants. Professor Bayard Holmes had been elected corresponding secretary, and conducted an energetic correspondence with prospective medical students. The requirements for admission were increased, so that every candidate for admission to the College of Physicians and Surgeons was required to present a certificate of good moral character from a reputable physician, and (2) a diploma or certificate from a recognized college, school of science, academy, normal school, or high school, or other evidence of satis- factory preliminary education. Students unable to meet these requirements were admitted on passing a satisfactory examination in the following subjects: (a) English, including the writing of an essay of at least 200 words on some well-known person or important recent event, the subject to be announced at the time of the examination; (b) mathematics, the examination to cover compound principles and percentage in arithmetic, and fractions and equations of the first degree in algebra; (c) physics, the examination to cover elements of physics as presented in Balfour Stewart's work; (d) Latin, including the rudiments of grammar, translation of easy Latin prose into English, and of English into Latin, the commentaries of Caesar to furnish the basis of both. The plan of instruction was arranged in four separate annual courses. Each year consisted of a winter term of seven months, and a spring term of two. A year after the World's Fair, 1893, we erected the first medical laboratory building equipped for the use of students in Chicago — in anatomy, bacteriology, chemistry, pathology, physiology — six stories in height, 30 x 100 feet in size. A large supply of equipment and material had been purchased in Europe. The basement of the laboratory wings contained living rooms for the curator; storerooms, laundry and boiler room. On the first floor were a reading room, quiz room, coat room, and hall. The second floor contained the histological laboratory, with desks and lockers, which was connected and continuous with the microscopical laboratory of the main building, and constituted a single room of 25 x 156 feet, com- municating with storerooms and special preparation rooms. The third floor was divided into a pathological laboratory and four connecting preparation rooms, and was complete in its appointments. The fourth floor had a chemical laboratory, pro- vided with desks of special design. On the fifth floor was the biological laboratory, 25 X 156 feet, the general arrangements of which were like those of the microscopical laboratory. It contained aquaria, cages for small animals, and other necessities for biological study. Here, studies were carried on in experimental surgery. On the sixth floor was the anatomical department. Each laboratory was thoroughly equipped and perfectly lighted, heated and ventilated. It was confidently asserted that in no other medical college on the continent did students receive as much laboratory in- struction. In October, 1893, the college met with a very great loss in the death of its presi- dent, A. Reeves Jackson, Professor of Gynecology, the guiding spirit of the institution up to that time. Professor Charles Warrington Earle was elected President in his stead, and guided the affairs of the college during the following year, when his un- timely death occurred. In February, 1896, members of the Faculty and other friends of the college pur- chased the Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital for $50,000 in order to secure additional clinical advantages for the college. It was converted into the West Side Hospital, and was connected to the old college clinical amphitheatre by a covered bridge. During 1896 negotiations were opened by Governor Altgeld with Professor Quine, President of the Faculty, looking toward the affiliation of the College of Physicians and Surgeons with the University of Illinois as its medical department. At the sug- gestion of the Governor the trustees of the University appointed a committee to confer with a similar committee from the coUege to formulate a plan of union. Professors, Quine, Steele, and King represented the coUege in these negotiations with President Draper and a committee of the trustees of the University. The outcome was that on April 21, 1897, a lease was made to the University of the College property for four years. From this date the coUege passed under the control of the University. Co- Historical Sketch si education was introduced, and university methods adopted. The growth and pros- perity of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, now known as our College of Medi- cine,"was even more rax^id than before. Its re]nitation and solidity as a part of the State Universitv were recognized by medical students and its classes grew with amaz- ing rapidity, the attendance in 1S95-96 was 235; in 1896-97, 409; in 1898-99, 514; in lS99-liX)0. 579; and later 710. In 1899, the College and the University, realizing that a union of the two institu- tions was mutually advantageous, entered into a new agreement under a twenty-five year lease, by which at its termination all the college property and good will became the property of the University. During this lease one-third of the net profits were to go to the University toward a medical college and endowment fund, two-thirds to go to the stockholders of the college. Great credit is due to the Coromittee for the successful manner in which it con- ducted these dehcate negotiations to a satisfactorj' conclusion, by which the College became the medical department of tlie University of UUnois, and by which during the life of the lease, the faculty retained an advisory relation and made all nominations for vacant faculty positions. On and after May 1, 1900, the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons became the College of Medicine of the University of lUinois. It was in this year that ^^'illiam H. Browne came as superintendent. He has since been a dominant factor in the development of the College. The year 1900 was memorable for other events than the affiliation of the College and University on a rental basis. In this year the College had an attendance of 635 medical students. We were growing at a tremendous pace, and were crowded for room. \\'e obtained permission of the Trustees to purchase the West Division High School building and property for 8186,000, and to convert it into a medical college building. We paid $100,000 cash, and the balance in five annual payments. We also acquired the Illinois School of Dentistry, and in 1901 converted the old Medical CoUege Build- ing (which in June, 1901, had been partially destroyed by fire) into the present College of Dentistrj' Building. A Dental Faculty was appointed, and the building was equipped with an up-to-date dental college outfit. For the opening session in October, 1901, we connected the two college buildings by a covered bridge, and also put in a bridge to the West Side Hospital, which had been secured years before by members of the Faculty for the use of our students in chnical demonstrations and teaching. In 1906 other members of the Faculty erected the University Hospital with 100 beds in order to afford our students better clinical advantages. Look at this illustrious Ust of teachers as I pass them in review before you — aU revered members of your old Ahna iNIater in its early years of sacrifice and service: Henry Palmer, noted surgeon, Surgeon General of Wisconsin; Robert L. Rea, great anatomist and surgeon; Nicholas Senn, master surgeon, noted author; Christian Fenger, pathologist and surgeon; Alex. Hugh Ferguson, Surgeon; John B. Murphy, premier surgeon of the world, whose work was recognized as one of the epochs of medical ad- vancement; J. J. M. Angear, principles of medicine; Frank E. Waxham, intubationist; Walter S. Christopher, diseases of children; A. W. Harlan, dental surgeon; W. T. Eckley, anatomist; Boerne Bettman, oculist and aurist; J. T. Jelks, G. U. surgeon; Albert E. Hoadley, anatomist and surgeon; John A. Benson, physician and physiologist; J. M. G. Carter, sanitarian; Adolph Gehrmann, bacteriologist of international reputation; and many others. Every Ufe is a monument to somebodj^'s ideals. We are all sculptors chiseling into perfection or sadly marring the lives about us. The class room and lecture hall and laboratory are studios; the students are hving stones out of which the teacher is daily carving characters; the graduates are the hving symbols of the ideals of their Alma Mater. We cannot all serve in the Faculty or in the field of teaching, but when these others give their lives to sacrificial service in the cause of humanity, whose training and going forth on their errands of mercy have been made possible by our service and gifts to advance medical education, our money has been transformed into life. Monuments built of stone may perish, but the monuments we erect out of our lives are imperish- able. There are hving monuments that will endure forever. The prehminary affiliation between the College and the University having proved satisfactory, on Febniary 9, 1900, a new lease of the College to the University was entered into for a period of 25 years, dating from May 1, 1900, to April, 1925. This instrument provided for a Dean, an Actuary-, and a Secretary of the Medical Faculty, all to be selected by the President of the University. It also contained a provision for the purchase of the college property by the University at an agreed price, any xii College op Medicine time during the life of the lease. This arrangement continued in operation until April 30, 1912. The property was owned by the Corporation known as the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons of Chicago. The University of Illinois conducted a medical school for fifteen years in this leased property. During all this time the College had looked to the organic union of the two in- stitutions, but the State had never contributed one dollar to the support of the medical school. Every dollar needed for the maintenance of the institution had been furnished by the Faculty of the College from the fees of its students. There was an active evolution in medical education at this time, and an enlarge- ment of the requirements for admission to the medical colleges. This had been es- tablished by the Committee on Medical Education of the American Medical Associa- tion. The elevation of medical education met with general approval by the profession and by our College Faculty, but it was found impossible to maintain a state college on these high planes without state support, and the University had never been able to secure an appropriation from the Legislature for its Medical College because it did not own the college, but only operated it on rented property. For several years each biennial session of the Legislature had refused the Uni- versity a fund to purchase the College. Once only was a bill passed making an ap- propriation for the purchase of the college, but even then the Governor violated his promise of support to the Trustees and Faculty and for political reasons vetoed the bill. Although the lease was made for twenty-five years, the actual life of it was only two years, as new appropriations had to be made every biennium for the support of the University, and the Trustees could only bind themselves for the period of the biennial appropriation. A majority of the stockholders of the College Corporation decided they woidd not continue the lease beyond April 30, 1912, and a communication to that effect was sent to the Trustees of the University. On April 30, President James closed the Medical School of the University for lack of support. We were at the parting of the ways. Then the Alumni Association of the College took a hand and saved the day, restoring the College to the University as a gift, aided by the faculty, stockholders, students, and other friends of higher medical education. Shortly after the Dean had announced that the relations between the two institu- tions had been severed, and that the college was again a private medical college, a movement was begun by the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago which resulted in the appointment of a committee to secure the property of the College for the University of Illinois, as its permanent medical de- partment. The Council of the Alumni Association appointed the writer chairman of this committee. After a strenuous campaign (from July, 1912, to January, 1913) this committee succeeded in securing every share (2,170) of the capital stock of the corporation of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, as a donation to the University of Illinois, and on March 6, 1913, the title and deed of all the college property was transferred to the University and accepted by the trustees as the permanent medical department of the University. On that occasion the writer said: "Mr. President, in handing over to you this deed and bill of sale, I am not only transferring to the Trustees of the University the tangible property of the College, but with it also goes the franchise, the good will, and the high ideals we have main- tained for the past thirty-one years in developing the College. We tender you also our faculty, our students, and our alumni, and I pledge you the loyal support of each and every one of them. "Mr. President, and members of the Board of Trustees, in voluntarily relinquish- ing the control and ownership of this medical school, we reahze that the University is greater than the College, that the State is greater than the University, and tha,t your aspirations and desire to build up a great medical department for the State Uni- versity are equal, if not superior, to any other similar department in any State in the Union. It is worthy of honor and praise for what it has done, but will be worthy of greater honor in what it promises to do under your guidance and direction in fuhilling -its manifest destiny in the future." This transfer ended the corporate existence of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, and ushered into being the University of Illinois College of Medicine as its medical department for all time, and under the splendid leadership of Presidents James and Kinley, with their vision of the greatest medical college in the country, it has gone on and on and upward in the ranks of medical colleges, fulfilling its naani- fest destiny, and with the old Faculty and many additions of scientifically trained Historical Sketch xiii teachers, and the hberal support by University appropriations from the State, it is soon to occupy the magnificent new buildings now being erected for its use in the old baseball park. President Andrew S. Draper and every Board of Trustees have been our loyal and active supporters since 1S97. Since 1913 the State has done its part in contributing funds necessary to the growth and development of your College, and I am sure that President Kinley, his Board of Trustees, and our Dean will continue to do their part with all the energy-, enthusiasm, and courage of the founders and Faculty who led the way. THE 1912-1914 PERIOD By Chables Davison At the beginning of this period the University of Illinois College of Medicine was being conducted in buildings oxsTied by the corporation of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, leased by the University of Illinois at a rental of $18,500 a year. The lease provided for biennial renewals on the same terms until such a time as it was believed the State would provide buildings for the medical college. The local officers of administration at this time appointed by the Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the President of the University of Illinois, were as follows: Dr. William E. Quine, Dean; Dr. D, A. K. Steele, Actuary; Dr. Frank B. Earle, Secretary. The directors of the corporation of the College of Physicians and Surgeons who at the same time were also professors in the various departments of the University of Illinois College of Medicine, became dissatisfied with the existing relationship with the University and declared the lease of the property to the University abrogated. The directors of the corporation of the College of Physicians and Surgeons were Drs. Daniel A. K. Steele, President; William A. Pusey, Vice President; William M. Harsha, Secretary; Frank B. Earle, Treasurer; WUliam E. Quine, Oscar A. King, Thomas A. Da\ns, Henry T. Byford, and Albert J. Ochsner. The announcement by Dean Quine, March 29, 1912, that the medical plant would no longer be leased to the University of Illinois and that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago would reopen its medical school immediately following the current term, caused great consternation among the faculty and alumni of the medical department and the friends of advanced medical education throughout the state. An active and influential part of the faculty refused to take part in the reorganization of the college along the lines of a corporation for profit. These men hoped for the con- tinued existence of medical education in Chicago under control of the University of Illinois. They urgently recommended the obtaining of other quarters in which to con- tinue the work without interruption. The Illinois Medical Society at its annual meeting at Springfield discu-ssed the subject and imanimously passed resolutions on May 22, 1912, pledging itself to support the policy of adequate appropriation from the State Treasury for the development by the University of Illinois of the work in public health, medical research and medical education. A standing committee consisting of one member from each county, under the chairmanship of Dr. Charles S. Bacon, was appointed, to urge on public attention, on the legislature and on the University authorities, the necessity of making adequate provision for this great pubUc need. This committee conducted an active campaign until the University was in position to conduct its own medical department and pay the expenses, with the approval of the legislature, out of the general funds appropriated to the University. The University of Illinois discontinued its medical department on June 30, 1912, because it could no longer lease the property of the college of Physicians and Surgeons, and the continuance of medical teaching under the name of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago was immediately announced by the officers of that corporation. The Alumni As.sociation, composed of graduates of the medical coUege during all of its administrations, was very much concerned about the future of the college. The members were sharply divided. Some bitterly condemned the oflEicers of the corporation of the college of Physicians and Surgeons for taking advantage of what xiv College of Medicine they believed to be a technicality to end the lease and refusing to rent longer their property to the University of IlUnois. These men were anxious for the University to continue its medical course, with or without the cooperation of the college of Physi- cians and Surgeons. Others censured the University of Illinois because of its failure properly to finance the work in medical education which it had undertaken. They desired to return to the old regime, depending on students' fees for financial support, and have an independent medical college conducted without dictation from anyone. The annual election of officers of the alumni association was impending and a vigorous struggle was staged for control. Each faction was led by a popular, capable, energetic alumnus, both of whom had been members of the faculty of the medical college when conducted by the University. One of these, Dr. Frederick Harris, was taking part in the reorganization of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and had the active support of its faculty and friends. The other. Dr. Edward L. Heintz, had resigned from the old faculty because its relations with the University had been broken and had refused to take part in the reorganization of the College outside of University supervision and control. The election resulted in an overwhelming victory for the interests of the University of Illinois, as represented by Dr. Heintz and his associates. The alumni organization and other friends of the University, including those mem- bers of the faculty of the University of IlUnois College of Medicine who had refused to take part in the reorganization into the College of Physicians and Surgeons and some who were to continue with the faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons be- stirred themselves to arrange for facilities for the University of Illinois to continue its work in medical education. It was found impossible to secure buildings already in existence in a satisfactory location suited for such use. In the language of President James: "Having no plant and no money with which to purchase a plant, the University was obliged to close its medical school." Those who were active in supporting the interests of a University Medical School for Chicago were not incUned to accept this as a final arrangement. After consultation by a volunteer committee with President James and President Abbott of the Board of Trustees, a tentative scheme was suggested. Plans for a build- ing in which to teach the two clinical years were drawn by Schmidt, Garden & Martin, architects, with provision for 200 students. An option on sufficient land in the im- mediate vicinity of the old college was secured. Money sufficient to finance this plan was pledged. In conjunction with this it was expected that the legislature, which would shortly be in session, would appropriate funds to establish the two pre-clinical years at Urbana. About this time it was suggested that if it were possible for the medical alumni to gather up the stock of the corporation of the college of Physicians and Surgeons and give it outright to the University of Illinois together with the absolute control of the property, it would be the best solution of the difficult problem; it would save to the University the fruits of its previous work in medical education; it would prevent the rivalry incident to another medical college being introduced into the field; it would bring back into the fold the friends of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and it would furnish a plant already in existence, under the absolute control of the Uni- versity, in which to conduct its medical work. The officers of the Alumni Association recognized that to obtain the stock of the College of Physicians and Surgeons by donation or purchase, there must be a unanimity of effort between the Association, the other friends of the University and influential representives of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. With this in view a committee was appointed by the Alumni Association to take charge of the efforts to secure the stock for the University. The committee consisted of Dr. Edward L. Heintz, Pres- ident of the Alumni Association; Dr. D. A. K. Steele, President of the College of Phys- icians and Surgeons; and the writer, Ex-trustee of the University of Illinois. The proposition to secure the stock through the efforts of the Alumni Association and their friends was presented to the Board of Trustees of the University by the writer and a resolution was adopted by the Board to the effect that they would ac- cept the stock if all of it was dehvered to them on or before Feb. 1, 1913, and would reopen the University College of Medicine and conduct it as a department of the University . By agreement between the members of the Committee and the President of the Board of Trustees of the University, Dr. Steele was made chairman of the Committee to secure all the stock of the College of Physicians and Surgeons for the University of Historical Sketch xv Illinois, and it was largely due to his indefatigable efforts that all this stock was se- cured as a gift to the University. Of the 2170 shares of stock held by various people, 1488 were donated outright to the University. Of these 14SS shares, 1065 were donated by the owners; 423 shares were purchased during the campaign from their original owners and donated by friends of the University. The ne.xt step in the campaign was the securing of options of purchase from the owners of the remaining shares of stock who would not donate their stock to the Uni- versity. Options were obtained on 675 shares until July 1, 1913, at a total purchase price of $28,151.65. The remaining 7 shares had never been issued by the corporation. Ne.xt came the campaign to secure subscriptions and collect the money needed to take up these options by Feb. 1, 1913, the time limit set by the Board of Trustees of the University. A direct appeal was issued to the members of the Alumni Associa- tion and to those interested in medical education in Chicago under the auspices of the University of Ilhnois. This was followed by active individual solicitation by members of the committee and those alumni who were assisting them. As a result, the entire total of $28,151.65 was secured from 173 different sources, including large subscriptions from several classes. On Jan. 30, 1913, the complete stock issue of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Chicago, accompanied by the resignations of the officers of the corporation, was dehvered by the committee to the President of the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Ilhnois. The charter of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, deeds to the real estate, a bill of sale of the personal property, the Robert L. Rea scholarship fund of $4800 in bonds, the Medical Missionary scholarship fund of $2000 in bonds, receipts for all floating indebtedness of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and a balance of $12,551.11 on deposit at the Chicago Savings Bank & Trust Company, were turned over to the authorities of the University of Illinois. The real estate consisted of two properties :- 1. The old college building, later known as the dental school building, a six-story, brick and stone building occupying a space 100 x 100 feet at the northwest corner of Harrison and Honore Streets, facuig Cook County Hospital. 2. The Medical College building known as the old high school building, a five-story, brick building of 100 x 200 feet with a four-story, brick laboratory wing 30 x 96 feet and a separate power plant, situated on a lot containing over 3500 square feet of land, fronting four streets, Ogden Avenue, Lincoln, Congress and Honore Streets. The personal property consisted of the equipment of the medical college and a medical librarj' of approximately 12000 volumes. The transfer was made subject to obUgations resting on the property in the form of bonds and mortgages amounting to $245,000. The plant was a going concern with an income of approximately $100,000 a year. In addition to the property of tangible value there was the prestige and pubhcity assetof an institution of good standing, carry- ing on for thirty years, practically half of that time under University sanction, and also the asset of 3000 loyal medical alumni. The College of Physicians and Surgeons passed out of existence as the transfer was made. It has become a memory, — a pleasant memory to some of the older mem- bers of its faculty, increasingly pleasant with the reverie of the years. On Feb. 12, 1913, the Board of Trustees of the University formally approved the details of the transfer, accepted the gift on behalf of the University and directed the President of the University to reopen its medical school in this plant, admitting students of the medical school of the College of Physicians and Surgeons to the corresponding classes of the University Medical School, and accepting the faculty of the same school until the close of the current academic year. The session of 1913-14 was conducted imder the personal supervision of President James. Dr. ^^'illiam E. Quine was appointed dean of the two clinical years (senior dean) and Prof. George P, Dreyer of the department of physiology dean of the pre- clinical years (junior dean), practically .separating the work of the college into two divisions. Later Dr. D. A. K. Steele became senior dean, retaining the office till July 1, 1917, when he resigned to enter the medical service of the U. S. Army as Major in the World War. Students entering the college were for the first time required to present college or university credentials. Credit for at least thirty semester hours was required for the current year and announcement was made that thereafter credit for at least 60 xvi College of Medicine semester hours would be required, including two years of Chemistry, one year of physics, one year of biology and two years of French or German. For the first time in the history of the coUege, it received financial support from other sources than students' fees. The Trustees of the University appropriated $100,000 from the general fund of the University, which amount was expended in strengthening the work of the preclinical years. For years the weakness of its fundamental work had been the opprobrium of the medical coUege. With this amount of money at his command. President James sought for professional teachers in other institutions who had been especially trained as teachers of the various fundamental medical sciences, to reorganize the work of the preclinical years. He was successful in obtaining among others the services of tliree men who were eminent in their special branches. Dr. Albert C. Eycleshymer, director of the de- partment of anatomy and acting dean of St. Louis University Medical School, was selected as head of the department of anatomy. Dr. David J. Davis, assistant pro- fessor of pathology in Rush Medical CoUege, was selected head of the department of pathology and bacteriology and director of experimental medicine. Dr. William H. Welker, assistant professor of physiological chemistry in the medical department of Columbia University, was selected head of the division of physiological chemistry. During the academic year, these departments were completely reorganized. Many alterations in the building were made and large quantities of new equipment were installed to accommodate this new work in education, investigation and research. IN RECENT YEARS By Dean A. C. Eycleshymer In attempting to continue the story of our College of Medicine, as told by Drs. Steele and Davison, I reahze that I am in a position not unhke one who suddenly comes into the active management of a large business. He cannot appreciate how the business was built up. The ideals; the plans; the work; all are more or less vague. The one thing which confronts him is the perpetuity and growth of the enterprise. In such an organization there is usually a president, board of directors, superintendent, foremen, etc. The position of dean in the College of Medicine is analagous to that of superintendent in the business enterprise. It is therefore fitting that I should say something of how the plant has been operated during the past six or seven years. The first object of the medical school is to train men to become good doctors; the second, to prepare men to become teachers in medical schools. A good doctor is one who occupies a prominent position in the social life of the community and whose work is not only the alleviation and cure of disease, but also the prevention of disease. A good teacher is one who not only reproduces the known but also produces and thus adds to the known. In training men to become doctors or teachers we must always have in mind two quaUties which we must develop: — the one, to imitate whatever has been well done under well defined conditions; the other, to initiate new procedures when new conditions arise. These are the central thoughts around which the entire system of medical education is being built. To attain this end the University has thoroughly equipped its laboratories with aU the modern apparatus necessary for teaching and research. It has steadily increased its Ubrary until at the present time it contains all the standard medical works together with complete files of nearly all the medical journals published in Enghsh, French and German. It has begun the reorganization of its faculty by obtaining a number of eminent men in the preclinical branches and placing them on a university basis. They are paid salaries and are thus enabled to devote their whole time to the work of the College of Medicine. The teachers in the clinical branches are unpaid, and are con- sequently unable to devote their entire time to the work. The time is not far distant when some of the teachers in these branches must also be placed on a university basis. The educational requirements have been gradually increased. In 1913 a year of college work was required for admission in addition to the completion of a four-year high school course. In 1914 a second year of college work was added. Thus all stu- dents entering since 1914 have had two years of preliminary college work before enter- ing upon the medical work proper. In 1915 the work of the first two years was of such Historical Sketch xvii a grade that the University considered it equal to the work given in its other colleges and authorized the granting of the degree of Bachelor of Science upon the completion of these two years. In 1916 the College of Medicine organized a graduate summer quarter. This was the first attempt among medical colleges to set ajjart a summer quarter to be devoted exclusively to graduate work leading to the degree of Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy. The work attracted the attention not only of medical educators, but also of educators in otiier fields. In 1917 the medical course itself was extended from four years to five. In the fifth year the student may devote his time to the introductory practice of medicine, as an intern in a hospital; or in case he wishes to prepare himself for a professional career, as a teacher in one of the preclinical branches, he may devote this year to special preparation for the field of his choice. Notwithstanding these increased requirements both for entrance and graduation the attendance has increased to such an extent that the College is overcrowded and many are turned away. A sketch of our activities during the past few years would be incomplete without reference to our attempt to speed up the education of our students during the world war. The first realization that the College of Medicine was to form a part of the military system of the United States came to us in September, 1917. The provisions of the Selective Service Act gave our students the privilege of enhsting for service and being assigned to inactive status for the purpose of continuing their medical studies. Immediately following the declaration of war, nearly all of our students enlisted either in the .\rmy or Navy and were assigned to inactive duty in the Medical Enlisted Ee- serv'e Corps. We were soon confronted with a difficulty in that we were unable to keep a sufficient number of teachers from enhsting to carry on the instruction for these students. In anticipation of just this need the Medical Section of the National Coun- cil of Defense on May 15th, 1917 had requested Dean Steele to prepare a Ust of essential teachers. This was done but it gave the school some anxiety to find that a number of the men on this Ust were very soon called to active service. For some reason a second list was requested on July IS, 1918, by the Surgeon General, and though no one felt that the second fist would be considered more seriously than the first, yet it was, and those who were on that list were accepted by the Army and Navy only after the University had released them. In Februan,', 1918, Major Arnold from the office of the Surgeon General, speaking before the Medical Educational Conference in Chicago stated that "we have no moral right, in deference to the drafted men in the fighting line, to give medical students the usual summer vacation of three or four months." He suggested that it be possible to give three terms in twelve months instead of the usual two terms, and that these terms should begin about October 1, February 1, and June 1. "If this plan were adopted now the present first class would be ready for service twelve months earlier than under the present plan, the second class eight months earlier and the third class four months earlier; the senior class would not be affected. " This plan was energetically opposed by the representatives of some state boards, especially Pennsylvania, but the conference by a vote of 37 to 16 adopted the following resolution: "It is the sense of this conference that a plan of intensive training by which the time required to complete the course in medicine may be shortened by one year without lowering the present educational standards, be approved as a war measure, and that state boards and uni- versities be requested to take such action as will conform to it." We at once began work on plans for a continuous session on a three-term basis. When the detailed curriculum was presented to the Surgeon General's office it was pronounced one of the most carefully thought out and best that had been proposed. On May 17, 1918, a telegram was received which ran as follows; "Plan of continuous session to begin this Summer welcome for all schools like lUinois, which can maintain standards. — Gorgas." The President and Board of Trustees of the University had previously approved of our plans and we proceeded at once to arrange for a continuous session. The announcement was made in a leaflet stating that beginning June 3, 1918, we would operate a continuous session for those students in the Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps alone and that they, upon the completion of four full years of eight months each, would have fulfilled the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. On July 12, 1918, the following resolution was adopted by the Bureau of Medical Education and Licensure of Pennsylvania: ' ' In view of the fact that the University of Illinois College of Medicine has adopted and advertised the giving of a course in medicine, to be followed by the conferring of the degree of Doctor of Medicine within a period of three years, — "And Whkreas by the laws of Pennsylvania it is provided that there must be a course in medicine leading to the degree of M.D. extending through four calendar years, — jcviii College of Medicine "Therefore, Be It Eesolved that the Bureau of Medical Education and Licensure of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do hereby withdraw all recognition of the medi- cal courses given in the University of Illinois College of Medicine and that the graduates of this school be refused the privilege of admission to the Pennsylvania State Medical Examinations." Since other states threatened to follow the action of Pennsylvania and prohibit our graduates from practicing in them, there was nothing left to do but to return to the old basis of extending our course over four calendar years. Thus our efforts and hopes to comply with the desires of the Army were defeated. The next real activity was our participation in the development of the Students Army Training Corps. The first of October, 1918, with considerable ceremony the Army and College of Medicine inducted our students into the S. A. T. C. This or- ganization was partly under the control of the Army and partly of the University. We gave printed cards to the students, certifying that they had been thus inducted, but we soon found out that they were not in the Army at all, although they had thought they were and so had we. When a student was called by a local examining board he presented his card, but the board considered the card a joke, and so did we a little later. We organized an examining board under the direction of Major A. J. Ochsner. The physical fitness of our students will always be a matter of pride; instead of a high percentage being unfit for service we found not more than 1% to 2% unfit. A few days after the physical examinations were over, Army officers appeared and began giving the students military drill. The students did not know whether they were in the Army at all, and if they were they did not know whether they were still in the M. E. R. C. or in the S. A. T. C. But a spirit of patriotism accompanied by loyalty prompted the students to follow all orders and suggestions made by Army officers. Our officers worked away and finally succeeded in getting a large number of our students in the S. A. T. C. But weeks passed before any headway could be made in getting the M. E. R. C. students transferred to the S. A. T. C. This was due to some hitch in the regulations whereby the Surgeon General's office could not let its men loose. I have one letter from Captain stating that the M. E. R. C. was defunct, and another stating that "it exists as much as before and has about 18,000 men in it, and Members of the M. E. R. C. may enter the S. A. T. C. only by transfer under orders of the Surgeon General or the Adjutant General." It is thus quite readily under- stood why the students did not know whether they were in the S. A. T. C. or in the M. E. R. C. At this time we were obliged to shift our students from the three-term system previously advocated by the Surgeon General's oflSce to the four-term system adopted for the S. A. T. C. The teaching problem was becoming more and more serious. One after another the men felt it a duty to get into active service, and one after another they were released and the additional burden of carrying their classes fell upon those who remained. It soon become apparent that the teaching force was becoming so reduced in number and overburdened with work that no more men could be released. Some of those remaining resigned with the hope that they could thus take a more active part in the medical work of the Army and Navy. Others sought additional service on local medical examining boards, etc. The various departments took on new enterprises. The Department of Anatomy, for example, was requested by the Surgeon General to get out a Manual of Surgical Anatomy for the Army, which later was adopted by the Navy. Other departments were working in other lines. All were inspired with a desire to do more than could possibly be done. Soon the announcement came that a District Military Inspector and a District Educational Director were to estabhsh themselves with headquarters in the Lewis Institute. This gave us much hope. The Dean was to articulate with the District Educational Director, and the Commanding Officer at the School with the District Military Inspector. With this reenforcement things began to shape themselves fair- ly satisfactorily. The barracks were being prepared and the regulations by the Army and Navy for barrack life, with allowances, were explained to the students. The students were not long in finding out that the Navy offered a little better pay, etc., than the Army and they at once began making applications for transfers to the Navy. Finally the barracks were ready for the students. They were to have two hours of study each evening under military supervision. Everything went satisfactorily ex- cepting that the students looked at the books for this period but they did not study. The class work at first was badly broken up; the officers had much paper work; the barracks had to be cleaned; mess had to be served, and a thousand other Httle things had to be done. We frequently received orders telling us to dispatch at once several privates for duty in the barracks and were thus often obliged to interrupt lectures by reading the names of those who were to report at once — and report at once they did. Historical Sketch xix Out they went, pell-mell. We complained to the District Educational Director who. conferred with the District Military Inspector and the order came back to our Com- manding Officer not to interrupt the classes. Things were beginning to run smoothly when the influenza came and the students were stricken en masse. While the deaths were few, the entire morale was broken; study was well nigh impossible. As the stu- dents began to recover from the influenza and its terrifying influence, another but milder disease attacked them about as fast as they were able to get out on the streets in their new and attractive uniforms. This disease I may for the sake of gentihty call "Cherche la femme". This disease had not reached its height when the Armistice came and the order for demobihzation. At this time the District Educational Director wrote to us as follows: — "You have received notice direct from Washington that the Students Army Training Corps is about to be disbanded. Whatever your experience with the corps has been you will no doubt regret that an ex]3eriment so pregnant with poesibilities in the field of educa- tion had to be abandoned without sufficient opportunity, as many believe, to enable a sure judgment of the possibilities to be formed. The most that has been accomplished is to develop the faults of the system. But we were merely passing through the develop- mental period, the same as must be done in any new enterprise. The faults discovered and removed would enable its merits to be recognized and weighed. " Educationally we were left in a badly confused condition. We might have run through the remainder of the year on the quarterly system but could not hope to carry it on as a permanent arrangement because of the greatly increased expense involved. If we were to change back to the semester system it seemed best to do so at once. So at the beginning of February, 1919, we switched back to the semester system. We therefore had at that time classes on the three-term system, four-term system, and the two-term system. Students and faculty entered into most hearty co-operation in getting out of the mix-up. We managed to satisfy the requirements of the most exacting state boards and were finally back on a pre-war basis at the beginning of the 1920 session. One of the first things to be imdertaken after the close of the war was a renewed eflfort to acquire clinical faciUties. The various standardizing agencies in medical education, such as the Council on Medical Education, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Federation of State Examining Boards, long have realized that the outstanding defect in medical schools was the lack of clinical facilities. To over- come this defect they have made educational and legal requirements such that the medical schools are obhged to "own or entirely control a hospital. This hospital should be in close proximity to the college and have a daily average of not less than 200 patients who can be utihzed for clinical teachings." These conditions were not fulh' met by our College of Medicine and it became obvious in 1918 that we must act speedily or lose our A rating. Moreover we would run the chance of having our gradu- ates refused recognition in our own state. Our first efforts were directed toward ob- taining contracts with a sufficient number of hospitals to meet these requirements, but our efforts were successful only in part. Many private hospitals were willing to extend teaching privileges but in none could we ' ' definitely control " the chnical material. We finally came to the conclusion that we must obtain funds for a hospital or quit. President James presented the situation to the last General Assembly which appro- priated $300,000 for a clinical building. This building is to be devoted to the investi- gation and treatment of those diseases which belong in the fields of general medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, but it will not provide for the teaching and investi- gation which must be developed in connection with the specialties such as crippled and deformed children, the demented and insane, venereal diseases, tuberculosis, cancer, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, etc. Its purposes are clearly set forth by President James in the following words: "This chnical building will not be a hospital in an ordinary sense at all. It will not undertake to treat the general run of hospital patients. Its facihties will be reserved for 'cases', that is, for patients whose cases are of interest from the standpoint of medical science and art. Provision will be made for keeping chronic cases of interest and special value for instruction and scientific purposes for a length of time determined solely by the scientific value of the case." The University had decided to go ahead with the construction of this building on a lot adjoining the present School of Pharmacy when certain other ideas began to take shape. The Director of the State Department of PubUc Welfare, upon entering the state service was deeply impressed by the enormous sums expended in housing the sick and the lack of any well-defined effort to find out the causes of sickness. This impres- sion is well ex-pressed in his own words: "Upon entering the state service as director of public welfare in 1917, without knowledge of the subject, I found that the thing which XX College of Medicine most impressed me was the fact that the state was engaged in giving custodial care and incidental treatment to terminal cases, and was not doing anything worth while in research, and had no ideas apparent upon the subject of preventive treatment. ' ' It seems obvious that any activity, whether state or private, which spends one- fifth of its revenue upon a single thing, should know something about that thing, and should spend a considerable sum for the purpose of ascertaining causes, with the idea of reducing the cost. Why hasn't the state conducted research for humans the same as it has for hogs? This has been a current questioa in Springfield for some time, and I think the answer is that research on hogs has been conducted by the University, whereas research on humans has been attempted by an administrative department which is not fitted to do so. "No definite ideas regarding preventive treatment occurred to us until we had reached the conclusion that research must first be undertaken by some competent agency; then it at once became apparent that research was not the fimction of an ad- ministrative organization. ' ' The necessity for rebuilding the old and valuable Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary caused department officials to study the subject of relocation, and it was promptly found that a proper location would be one adjacent to other medical insti- tutions, for the reason that no particular type of medical service can stand by itself, and that all types of medical service are interlocked and need to co-operate. "At the same time, the department found itself charged with the duty of locating a Surgical Institute for Children, and as the department already knew that it needed adequate facilities for the study of insanity, mental defectiveness and problems of behavior, it at once became evident that the best results could be achieved by placing all of these institutions in a group, because they all needed contact with skilled men, they all involved research and rehabilitation, and they all required dispensary service. Inasmuch as the administrative and dispensary service could be consolidated, the economy of handUng them in group form was apparent. "In studying the organization for the group, it did not take long to discover that the department's greatest difficulty in performing high class service would be its inabiUty to furnish a trained personnel of the type needed. As the University College of Medi- cine was also a creatiu-e of the state, organized for precisely the purposes required, we turned to it for assistance and found that it would need exactly the things which the department would have to offer, namely, hospitals. Each having what the other wanted and each being a complement of the other, an effort was made to assist each other by some form of joint service. In July, 1919, there was concluded a joint agreement between the University and the Department of Public Welfare, whereby the Univer- sity would furnish the professional service, and the department would undertake the administration functions of the group. "Upon the strength of this agreement, the Legislature promptly appropriated the money necessary to purchase the old West Side Ball Park, to erect the three buildings needed by the department, and a clinical hospital required by the University. The legislators were quick to see the advantages of the group scheme and of the joint plan of operation, and gave it their approval by appropriations, and with the understanding that it was committing the state to a project involving several miUions of dollars ad- President James says: "The state and nation are largely indebted to Director Charles H. Thorne of the Department of Public Welfare for the development of this plan, which will constitute one of the greatest endowments for medical education and re- search ever provided. " . , <<-r^ 1 • i. President Kinley speaks of the project m the followmg words: "From the pomt of view of the University College of Medicine, Mr. Thome's plan has many advantages. In the first place, it will bring all the medical agencies supported by the State into one great medical institute, thus affording the advantages of economy and eflSciency referred to before. In the second place, this combination of agencies will make it pos- sible to do some real work for humanity in the investigation of the causes and cure of diseases. It will enable the State, through its College of Medicine, to make thorough study looking to the prevention and cure of epidemics and to the eradication of some of the great plagues that still afflict the world, such as tuberculosis, syphiUs, mental disorders of one kind or another, scarlet fever, and many other of the diseases that annually carry off thousands of the people of our State. "The faciUties which this great project will provide will be equivalent to an endow- ment of many milhons of dollars. Of course it will be necessary for the State to pro- vide the University with means to carry out its part of the plan. While the entire administration and its expense are to be in the Department of Public Welfare, the Uni- Historical Sketch xxi versit}' is expected to provide the professional staff for the care of the sick and the defec- tive in these institutions, and also to provide the research staff and laboratories necessary to the study of the prevention and cure of disease. The successful continuance of the State University College of Medicine is dependent upon adequate hospital, clinical facihties and laboratories. Unless the State wishes the University to abolish its Col- lege of Medicine it will have to provide these necessaries, in any case. To provide them for the College of Medicine while at the same time providing most of them in other locations would obviously be an unjustifiable expenditure of public money. Putting these buildings all together in proximity to the College of Medicine greatly reduces the expense. "Briefly then, the plan will provide, as already remarked, the equivalent of a large endo-mnent, adequate clinical facilities with fine equipment, adequate opportunities and facilities for medical investigation, and the highest efficiency m operation. It is important to emphasize this last point. The State would be obliged to continue to support a great pubhc health organization if it had no State College of Medicine. Having a College of Medicine, it is under the necessity of making adequate provision for it. The two projects if conducted independently would necessitate in large measure a duplication of plant and facilities. The coordination and consolidation eliminates the expense of tliis duplication, in buildings, and in administrative and professional staffs. Moreover, the larger opportunities afforded to the members of the staff of the College of Medicine will be an attraction that should draw the best men in the profession, provided the State appropriates suflficient to the University to enable it to pay proper salaries to its medical professors. ' 'To the people of the State this great project means, then, economy in expenditure, more adequate provision for the preservation of the pubhc health, more adequate care of the charges of the State in sickness, and extension of scientific medical knowledge that will increase still further our power to combat disease, and the placing of the State of Illinois in the forefront of the governments of the world in this field of public activity and inquiry. "To the practitioners of medicine in Ilhnois, as well indeed as in other states, this plan when perfected will give unequalled opportunites for further study and research. It should become the center for post-graduate study to medical men to keep them in touch with the progress of their profession. "Medical students will find here in this perfected plan opportunites for ordinary medical study unsurpassed anywhere, and opportunities for advanced study and re- search which should in time be equal to those available anywhere else. "For some years past the University of Illinois has been studying the soils of the State in order to learn what they lack to yield the largest crops. It now proposes, through the statesmanUke plan of Mr. Thorne, to study the health of the people of the State in order to find what is lacking to produce health conditions which will mean a longer average of human fife for its people. For years the University has been study- ing methods to enable the farmers to save their animals from death through disease. It now proposes to extend its studies to help save boys and girls for stronger manhood and womanhood. The co-ordinated scheme of the Director of Pubhc Welfare will make these things possible." II-HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY The origins of our College of Dentistry run back to 1898. On July 1 of that year a meeting was held to start the organization of the Illinois School of Dentistry, which was the fore-runner of our College of Dentistry, and on Aug. 17 of that year the new name was adopted at the suggestion of Dr. D. M. Cattell. Others prominent in the organization were Drs. G. W. Cook, F. N. Brown, A. E. Morey, G. T. Carpenter, E. D. Brothers, and R. P. Donaldson. This IlUnois School of Dentistry was once known as the Columbian Dental College, and had been running six years when the name was changed in 1898. The first location was at 155-159 Clark Street; later the School was- moved to the corner of State and Quincy, and then to Van Buren and Clark. At the time the University took it over it was in charge of Dr. F. N. Brown as dean. Our College of Dentistry proper began to take shape in 1900 and 1901, when sug-^ gestions for establishing a dental department in the College of Medicine were often heard. On Jan. 23, 1901, Dr. O. A. King addressed the University Board of Trustees urging the organization of such a department, and the Board gave its general approval of the idea. A committee was appointed, and made a report in March. This was to the general effect that the IlUnois School of Dentistry with $7,000 worth of equip- ment and an enrollment of 100 might be obtained. A corporation, organized under state laws, it had a standard curriculum, and as early as 1898 had appeared willing to be absorbed by the University of Illinois. Two committees entered into negotiations for the transfer. The one from our College of Medicine was made up of Drs. D. A. K. Steele, O. A. King, and W. M. Harsha. The IlUnois School of Dentistry was represented by Drs. B. J. Cigrand and E. D. Brothers, and by R. P. Donaldson. They with the Board of Trustees of the University ascertained that the property could be had for $17,000, that it could be paid for in bonds of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and that possession would be given May 15 (1901.) It would be known as an entirely new school — the School of Dentistry of the University of IlUnois. These conditions being agreed to, the contract was made, and signed by Drs. WilUam M. Harsha, O. A. King, and D. A. K. Steele, the College of Medicine committee. The new school opened Oct. 3, 1901, as a department of the CoUege of Medicine, with a faculty of sixteen headed by Dr. A. H. Peck. The other professors were Drs. D. M. Cattell, operative dentistry and operative technics; B. J. Cigrand, prosthetic dentistry, technics, and history; G. W. Cook, bacteriology and general pathology; D. A. K. Steele, oral surgery; J. N. McDoweU, orthodontia; W. T. Eckley, anatomy; J. F. Burkholder, physiology; F. C. Zapffe, dental histology; J. A. Wesener, chemistry; S. E. Meek, comparative anatomy; O. A. King, neurology; E. D. Brothers, dental jurisprudence; J. M. Patton, general anesthesia and physical diagnosis; G. W. Dittmar, operative technics and superintendent of infirmary; C. O. Bechtol, chemistry. In addition were three chief demonstrators; C. E. Jones, C. N. Thompson, and R. W. Parker (also Dittmar and Eckley, named above in the faculty Ust.) Dr. Cigrand was secretary and Dr. Steele actuary. The CoUege was organized into the following departments; Operative dentistry, prosthetic dentistry, bacteriology and general path- ology, oral surgery, orthodontia, general anatomy, physiology, histology, chemistry, comparative anatomy, neurology, jurisprudence, general anesthesia and physical diag- nosis. Dr. Peck, dean of the old Illinois School, who was retained to head the new Depart- ment of Dentistry, had graduated from the Chicago CoUege of Dental Surgery in 1888, and from Rush Medical CoUege in 1891. After a year of teaching at Hammond, Wis., he joined the faculty of the Chicago CoUege of Dental Surgery, and served for several years in addition to some teaching at the Northwestern School of Dentistry. He was president one year and secretary four years of the Chicago Dental Society, and had written extensively on dental subjects. Dr. Peck served as dean untU 1903. He was succeeded by Dr. B. J. Cigrand, who held the place untU 1906, when Dr. G. W. Cook came in. His term lasted until the CoUege was discontinued in 1913. When instruction was resumed, Dr. F. B. Moore- head, the present dean, took up the work. Historical Sketch xxiii The College was quartered in the same building as it is today — corner of Harrison and Monroe streets, the old home of the College of Medicine. It had been damaged by fire, but was rebuilt and put in order for the opening exercises Oct. 3, 1901. The College of Medicine building, on the north, was at the time the largest of its kind in the United States. Indeed the new College of Dentistry quarters and equipment were unusually complete. The laboratories, each of r20-student capacity and occupy- ing four floors, were among the largest in any college of the ITnited States. The build- ing is of brick and stone, six stories, and cost $100,000. Being just opposite the Cook County hospital, it is in the very center of the Chicago clinical field. Admission was limited to students who could show a certificate of entrance to the second year of high school, or its equivalent. This requirement rose in 1905-06 to two years of high school; in 1006-07 to four; in 1908-09 to accredited high school; and in 1909-10 to the standard 15 units of high school as specified for the other depart- ments of the University. The college year lasted seven months — Oct. 3 to May 4, with the customary intermissions. There was no sophomore class, the work being divided among freshmen, juniors, and seniors, making up a three-year course. The time of the student was about equally divided between laboratory and clinical work on the one hand and lectures and recitations on the other. Students were admitted to the laboratories from the beginning of the first year. Materials were furnished at cost. The first graduating class went out in 1902, and numbered forty members. The officers of the first Alumni Association were Dr. Clayton McCauley, president; Dr. S. S. Swihart, treasurer, and Dr. C. E. Jones, secretary. Thus the new School ran along until Apr. 27, 1905, when it was decided to change the name from School of Dentistry to College of Dentistry, separate from the College of Medicine. The old arrangement had caused some confusion; some called the School a school, some a college, and some a department. It was accordingly thought best to reorganize the dentistry work as the College of Dentistry. Plans for doing this had been under way since early in 1904. The College of Dentistry work was headed during these middle-distance years by Dr. B. J. Cigrand (1903-06) and Dr. G. W. Cook (1906-13.) Dr. Cigrand held degrees from the Northern Indiana State Normal School, '86 and '91, and from the dental department of Lake Forest College, '88. He also attended the Chicago School of Sciences and the Haskell School of Prosthetics. He had taught in the American College of Dental Surgery (President, 1893) and in the Northwestern School of Den- tistry. At one time he was editor of the Denial World. Dr. Cook received his D.D.S. from Iowa State University and also attended Northwestern University Medical School and the Haskell School. He joined the College of Dentistry faculty in 1900. He was editor of the American Dental Journal nine years, and wrote numerous articles on dentistrj'. He died several years ago. The history of the College of Dentistry is closely linked with that of the College of Medicine. When the latter was discontinued temporarily in 1912 because of inability to renew the lease, the dentistry work stopped also. The State Legislature had failed to help out. Pre\aously the income from fees had been enough to pay expenses, but by 1912 this was no longer adequate for the support of a high-grade institution. There is accordingly no class of 1913 on the alumni roll. The cessation of the College of Dentistry alarmed the Dental Alumni Association almost as much as the medical crisis alarmed the Medical Alumni Association. On Feb. 12, 1913, the Dental Association presented to the Board of Trustees an urgent request to reopen the College of Dentistry — a request signed by 125 of the alumni, and also supported by the deans of the other dental colleges in Chicago. The alumni committee in charge consisted of Drs. E. D. Brothers, G. W. Cook, and A. C. Kingsley. Three months later Dr. F. B. Moorehead, now dean of the College, appeared before the Board to urge again that the College of Dentistry be reopened. After much dis- cussion the Board made the guarded statement that "it would be desirable to organize a scientific department of dentistry when the medical school shall be well established." Nevertheless, the dental plans went forward vigorously, for on July 2, President James recommended that the College be reopened on the following Oct. 1, with four years of high school work, the regular standard of the University, as prerequisite. A total of $20,000 for equipment and .515,000 for salaries was appropriated, and Dentistry was thus enabled to go ahead on the same basis as the rest of the University. Chem- istry, general bacteriology, general pathology, and physiology were taught in the medical building. "The faculty are committed to the task," said the Bulletin of the -Alumni Association, "of building up a course of instruction which will prepare the xxiv College of Dentistry student for the largest possible service, both to the science and art of dentistry, and to society at large." The College of Dentistry charter and equipment had in 1912 been sold to the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. The College therefore started out anew in 1913 on an entirely new lease of life as an organic part of the University of Illinois. The history of the College for the last few years is full of promise for the future. Our College has steadily grown, in a period when decreased enroUments in schools of medicine and dentistry have been expected. The registration of 163 in 1906 rose to 196 in 1920, and to 200 in 1921. At the present writing (Jan. 21, 1922) the College has 763 living alumni and 42 dead. Faculty members, both past and present, exclusive of those who hold degrees from the College and are therefore counted with the alumni, number 72 living and 6 dead. Entrance requirements have been raised. Fifteen units of work from an accredited high school plus 30 semester hours of university work with a minimum of sLx hours in English, six in Chemistry and six in Physics and Biology, are now required. This marks the most distinct advance yet recorded in dental education. Dean Moorehead, who has headed the College since its reorganization, graduated from the Chicago CoUege of Dental Surgery in 1899, from the University of Chicago in 1900, Rush Medical College, 1906, and the University of Michigan, 1908. He joined the faculty of Rush Medical College in 1906, and of our College of Dentistry in 1908. His writings on dental subjects have been extensive, and he was president of the Chi- ago Dental Society in 1915-16. III-THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY By Dean W. B. Day Prior to 1852 there existed only a few scattered associations of apothecaries and druggists in this countr3\ Among these organizations were the colleges of pharmacy of Philadelphia, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts and Cincinnati. Only the first three of these exercised teaching functions. In 1852, the American Pharmaceutical Association was formed, with the primary object of "the advancement of pharma- ceutical knowledge and the elevation of the professional character of apothecaries and druggists throughout the United States." In the opinion of the first convention "this cannot be affected without extending the present means of education." At the sixth annual convention of the American Pharmaceutical Association, four Chicago pharmacists were elected to membership. Two of these members, E. O. Gale and James D. Paine, were among those who led the movement to form a college of phar- macy in Chicago, at that time a city of nearly 80,000 and already an important com- mercial center. On Februarv- 26, lS59,articles of incorporation for an organization of persons' ' desiring to associate themselves together for scientific purposes and mutual improvement" were prepared. The objects of the society were declared to be " cultivating, improving and making known a knowledge of pharmacy, its collateral branches of science and the best modes of preparing medicines .... and giving instruction in the same by public lectures. " The organization was named "The Chicago College of Pharmacy. " Among the signers ofthe articles of incorporation were some of the best known pharmacists of the city: Franklin Scammon, E. O. Gale, George Buck, Dr. Frederick Mahla, Dr. John H. Ranch, James D. Paine, S. S. Bliss, F. A. Bryan, George Breck, Thomas B. Penton, L. F. Humeston and Thomas W. P. Mercereau. On the evening of Sept. 5 a meeting of "the druggists of the city of Chicago" was held at the rooms of Bryant, BeU & Stratton's Commercial College. Dr. Frankhn Scammon was made chairman and J. M. Woodworth secretary. The act of incorpora- tion was read and approved and the Chicago College of Pharmacy came into being. Officers were elected and steps taken toward the establishment of a school of pharmacy. Soon thereafter a constitution, by-laws and code of ethics were adopted. In the code of ethics, the use of the national pharmacopoeia is required, secrecy in the prepara- tion of medicines is deprecated and the practice of both pharmacy and medicine by the same person is condemned as ' ' involving pecimiary temptations incompatible with a conscientious discharge of duty." Pharmacist are also censured for allowing commis- sions to physicians on their prescriptions, as "we hold it to be unjust to the public and hurtful to the independence of both parties." Pharmacists are urged to prepare their medicines carefully and from pure materials and to expose fraud or adulteration in drugs, and further, " As we owe a debt of gratitude to our predecessors for their obser- vations and researches which have thus far advanced our scientific art, we hold that ever>' apothecary- and druggist is bound to contribute his mite toward the advancement of his profession, by noticing and publishing the new ideas and phenomena which may occur in the course of his business." The by-laws provided for a committee of reference to decide in cases of dispute between members arising from business transactions or from violations of the code of ethics, also for a committee of inspection to examine all drugs and medicines sub- mitted to them and to report their findings. Members were not permitted to receive an apprentice for less than four years and it was obhgatory that such apprentices attend two courses of lectures in the college. The officers elected for the first year were: Dr. Franklin Scammon, president; F, A. Bryan, first vice-president; Dr. Frederick Mahla, second vice-president; James D. Paine, secretary and S. S. Bhss, treasurer. The trustees consisted in addition to the above of E. L. O'Hara, W. H. MuUer, Edwin O. Gale, George Buck and L. F. Humeston. Preparations for teaching were made at once. A faculty was appointed consisting of Dr. James V. Z. Blaney, then professor of chemistry at Northwestern University and at Rush Medical College; Dr. John H. Ranch, afterwards secretary of the State Board of Health, and Dr. Franklin Scammon, a pioneer druggist and botanist. The project was evidently in advance of the city and the times. It was conceded that the xxvi School of Pharmacy West was not ready to support the undertaking, but these pioneers had both courage and determination. The course opened on Nov. 7, 1859, with an introductory address by Dr. Ranch on "The History of Pharmacy." It continued for twenty weeks. Lectures were given upon three evenings each week, two hours each evening. The lectures on chemistry by Dr. Blaney were dehvered at Rush Medical College; those on pharmacy by Dr. Scammon and on materia medica by Dr. Ranch at th& Lombard block, corner of Clark and Washington streets. The attendance the first year was a little over forty and consisted largely of members, of the College, of whom there were then about one hvmdred. Street cars were not yet in operation and the omnibuses, the only public conveyances, were retired at dark. There were no paved streets, but heavy planks were laid on State street and traffic was^ necessarily kept in the middle of the road. A few oil lamps, too far apart to be neigh- borly, afforded the only pretense of street lighting. The students, per-force, walked to the lectures. The students were earnest yoimg fellows, employed in drug stores during the day^ and though the course was necessarily presented in the briefest manner, they were encouraged to read, study and experiment, utilizing the opportunities afforded in the shops. Manufacturing pharmacists were just beginning; the so-called "elegant" pharma- ceuticals, elixirs, fluid extracts, coated pills, etc., were not yet in vogue; the iron mortar, drug mill, drum sieve, percolators and pill machines were in daily use. The students made many of the medicinal preparations and were accustomed to relate their experi- ences in class and to receive suggestions toward overcoming their difficulties. The teachers possessed the equipment necessary for demonstration of the lectm-es, but there were no laboratories. Students who were sufficiently interested, contrived to assemble primitive apparatus and made good use of it during their spare time in the drug stores. The microscope was referred to and exhibited, but chiefly as a curiosity. At the close of the first course. Professor Blaney announced to the class that he had not had time even to touch on organic chemistry but that if the students desired to avail themselves of the opportunity, he would gladly give the instruction without charge, other than his railway fare and hotel for the night, as he resided in Evanston and there were no trains at night. Three students accepted the proposition, one of whom was a civil engineer who had taken the course in chemistry as an aid to his profession. At the close of this course the first diplomas of the college were conferred upon Thomas Whitfield and Henry Tomboeken. The second course of lectures was begun in 1860 but the financial panic of 1859-60 and the political excitement and unrest brought the course to an early close. The Civil War broke out soon afterward, some of the teachers and many of the students enHsted and the com-se was suspended, though lectures upon chemistry and pharmacy by Dr. Mahla and upon materia medica by Dr. James Adams Allen, afterward president of Rush Medical College, were given dm-ing the winter of 1861-2. In February, 1867, the College was reorganized. E. H. Sargent was elected presi- dent, George Buck, vice-president, James W. Mill, secretary and Albert E. Ebert, a trustee. The membership of the College was enlarged; many pharmacists outside of Chicago joined the organization; monthly meetings were held at which papers were read; three delegates were accredited to the convention for revising the United States Pharmacopoeia, and one delegate, A. E. Ebert, was sent in the summer of 1867 to the International Pharmaceutical Congress in Paris, and to the British Pharmaceutical Conference in Dundee, Scotland. As it happened, the appointment of Mr. Ebert to these conferences abroad was most fortimate for the College, as attention was called ta the institution which resulted in substantial aid a few years later. At the annual meeting in September, 1867, a new constitution and by-laws were adopted, a section of which declared the purposes of the organization as follows: "Its aim is to unite the educated and reputable pharmacists of the Northwest in the following objects: The advancement of the science and art of pharmacy, by diffusing scientific knowledge among pharmacists; the establishment of a school of pharmacy; the discouragement of the sale or use of inferior or adulterated drugs, chemicals and preparations; the restriction of the dispensing and sale of medicines to regularly educa- ted druggists and pharmacists." Shortly thereafter, a proposition was received from Rush Medical College tendering the CoUege of Pharmacy the use of several rooms in return for access to the library and cabinet of specimens belonging to the latter. Negotiations were unsuccessful, however, but as an evidence of good feeling the College tendered the medical faculty the use of the cabinet and library without compensation. Historical Sketch 'xxvii Plans looking toward the resumption of the School were made early in 1868 and the trustees were empowered to take measures to establish a course of lectures the ensuing winter. Kooms were secured in Rice's Building, Dearborn street near Randolph. Two j-ears passed, however, before arrangements could be completed. Meanwhile, N. Gray Bartlett, a member of the class of 1860-61 whose studies had been interrupted by the" war, proposed the establishment of a monthly journal ' ' devoted to the interests of chemistry, pharmacy and the collateral sciences" to be published by the authority of the College as a means toward the re-establishment of the School. As a result, a monthly jom-nal, the Pharmacist, the third pharmaceutical journal in America and the first in the ^^'est, made its bow in September, 1868. The first article in the initial number, ' ' Pharmaceutical Education, " was contributed by E. H. Sargent, then president of the College, wliile the chief editorial, by N.'Gray Bartlett, discussed the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held that year in Chicago. On Sept. 30, 1870, the lectures were resumed with a faculty consisting of Blaney, Rauch, Bartlett and G. M. Hambright. The lectures in chemistry were given at Rush Medical College, the others at the rooms of the College on Dearborn street. The class numbered twenty-eight. In his presidential address in 1871 Mr. Sargent urged a separate course of lectures for the junior and senior classes, for, at that time, following the custom of many medical schools, the second year's instruction was merely a repetition of the first. He asked also that a permanent home for the college be planned. A committee of the trustees had prepared a draft for a state pharmacy law, which was approved for submission to the next legislature. Dr. Blaney now resigned from the faculty and Mr. Ebert was elected professor of pharmacy. Some forty or more students were enrolled for the course of 1871-72 but only three lectures had been given when the Great Fire destroyed the equipment. The library, apparatus and museum, — the accmnulation of years, — were suddenly wiped out. Nothing daunted, the members of the college entered immediately upon a vigorous effort to retrieve the loss and estabUsh the school anew. A notice pubhshed in the Pharmacist in November, 1871, announced this intention and asked the aid of pharma- cists everjTvhere, since most of the members of the College had lost all they possessed. Help came promptly. Pharmacists throughout the world but especially those of Great Britain gave generously. Books, apparatus, supplies and money came in surprising quantities. A circular letter was issued inviting all the druggists of the Northwest to join the college. At the annual meeting Mr. Sargent as the retiring president said: ' ' We have met today more for the purpose of reorganizing than to review the past. We shall proceed to elect officers for another year, — a year of hard work, and, we hope, of great results. Some will leave us in adversity, and they may declare our work a failure; yet the seeming loss is a positive gain. We want none who will add discourage- ment to our burden; but we do want the hearty co-operation of all who beMeve that there is useful work to be done, and are wiUing to help in its doing "Great as have been our losses, they are not irretrievable; time and faithful effort will enable us to do again all and more than we have yet accomplished. Chicago, we beUeve, shall rise again. From her ashes shall come forth beauty; not only shall she rise in the pleasant homes, the lofty churches, the business palaces, and the busy work- shops, but in all that pertains to education, refinement, the arts and sciences, and in all that makes us better and happier. Let us strive as becomes men to do our part in the great work of reconstruction. Our reward shall be as sure, and the result as certain, as that effect will follow cause. Thus faithful to duty, and so laboring for the good of others, it may with truth be said of us that we have not lived in vain." Early in 1872, temporary quarters consisting of a lecture room and a library were fitted up in the new Rice's buUding, 77 Dearborn St. A faculty was elected consisting of James W. Mill, pharmacy, D. B. Trimble, materia medica, N. Gray Bartlett, chem- istry-, and H. H. Babcock, botany. In the "Sixth Annual Announcement," dated 1872, courses in these subjects were outlined. The requirements for the diploma were stated. The candidate "mast be of good moral character, must have arrived at the age of twenty-one years, have attended two fuU courses of lectures and have had ex- p>erience of at least five years in the drug business." He was also required to submit an original dissertation or thesis upon some subject related to materia medica, phar- macy or chemistry. When the session began, a large shipment of books and scientific apparatus was received from the pharmacists of Great Britain. The Pharmaceutical Society of London led by Professor Attfield had raised several thousand dollars which had been wisely xxviii School of Pharmacy expended in the purchase of this equipment. At the same time, French and German pharmacists sent valuable sets of books, American pharmacists and manufacturers contributed fixtures, glassware, drugs and cash, and the school started its sixth year with bright promise. The Alumni Association was organized in 1874 with F. M. Goodman, president and H. W. Buchman, secretary. In 1875 Dr. Trimble resigned and was succeeded by Professor Herod Dailey Garrison, a man of versatile talents, exceedingly popular with his students and colleagues and destined to exert a marked influence on the school. Dr. Garrison had been an army surgeon, a pharmacist, a drug manufacturer, a traveUng lecturer and an expositor of popular science. He taught at various times all the subjects of the curriculum, and was for a time the editor of the Pharmacist. In the same year Professor Babcock was appointed director of the newly founded Chicago Botanical Garden which occupied a part of what is now Washington Park. The abandonment of this project the year following was a great blow to Babcock, who had devoted his time and energy, without compensation, to the building up of a garden which should be a credit to the city and the state, A short time later, failing health compelled him to give up his teaching and in 1877 he was succeeded by another well-known botanist. Professor Edson S. Bastin. For a decade the need of laws to regulate the practice of pharmacy had been felt; drafts of proposed laws had been pubhshed in the Pharmacist and unsuccessful efforts had been made to secure the passage of such legislation. It was realized, however, that the support of the pharmacists of the entire state must be enUsted. Accordingly in 1880 the members of the college took an active part in organizing the lUinois Pharma- ceutical Association, which, the following year, secured the passage of the first phar- macy law in lUinois. The project of a home for the School, where modern laboratories and better facihties for the growing classes would be provided, had long been discussed. The rooms in Rice's building had been vacated in 1876 for larger quarters occupying the upper floor of a two-story building at Wabash avenue and Jackson street, where a laboratory was installed. Four years later this space had proved inadequate and another move was made, this time to the Art Institute building, then located at VanBuren street and Michigan avenue. It was now proposed that the society reincorporate as a stock company and by the sale of stock secure the funds necessary to erect a building. Another plan, advocated by some of the members, was to organize a building association which would erect a building and lease it to the society for school purposes. While these suggestions were under consideration, J. H. Clough, who owned a vacant lot on South State street near Polk street, offered to erect there a suitable building if the society would lease it for a term of years. The offer was accepted and the twenty- fifth anniversary of the founding of the College was signahzed by the occupation of the new building. The lecture hall with a seating capacity of six hundred was named Attfield Hall in honor of the distinguished English chemist whose efforts had resulted in the generous gifts to the College a decade before. Two large and well-equipped laboratories and an office and Ubrary as well as faculty rooms and store rooms were also provided. Heretofore the lectures had been given in the evening and laboratory instruction was optional. This was now changed — lectures were given during the afternoon and laboratory work in the morning, both being obligatory ; a graded system of instruction with a division of the course into junior and senior terms was established and the faculty was strengthened by the addition of Professor Oscar Oldberg and Dr. John H. Long. The two years following (1884-86) were most prosperous ; the attendance grew rapidly, the equipment was extended, microscopes were purchased and the courses developed so as to occupy two sessions of eighteen weeks each, with graduation at the end of this period. Then came dissension; some of the members disapproved of grad- uating students within one year; the adjustment of the salaries of the faculty caused friction; Professor Oldberg was elected dean and advocated changes in the course and in the requirements which were not favored by the majority of the trustees. A split in the society followed: Messrs. Sargent, Dyche, Maynard and Patterson withdrew from the organization taking with them Professors Oldberg and Long, and a new college of pharmacy was organized which shortly became affihated with Northwestern Univer- sity. In the general unrest and excitement, the Pharmacist, which had in great measure fulfilled its ,mission, was merged into the Western Druggist. There followed a period of severe competition between the old school and the new, which was not conducive to the growth or the educational standards of either. Almost to a man, the alumni Historical Sketch ~ xxix rallied to the support of the old school. A number of efforts were made to unite the rival institutions, but without avail. The faculty of the older school, recognizing the advantages which its competitor enjoyed through its University connections, proposed an affiliation with Lake Forest University. The trustees opposed this plan. Mr. Ebert especially was urgent in his plea that no university affiliation except with the state university be considered. The faculty led by Professor Garrison was so strongly com- mitted to the affiliation scheme that when the trustees rejected their plan, bitterness and dissatisfaction grew, untU in 1890 Professors Garrison, Bastin, Stuart and Galloway withdrew from the college. Garrison dioa soon afterward. Bastin and Stuart joined the faculty of the Northwestern School of Pharmacy. Galloway qualified in medicine and entered on the practice of that profession. Under discouraging circumstances the officers of the college strove to "carry on. " A new faculty was secured. C. S. N. Hallberg, already prominent as a writer on pharmaceutical topics, was assigned to pharmacy. F. S. Hereth, a well-known pharmaceutical chemist, took charge of the pharmaceutical laboratorj\ N. Gray Bartlett was recalled from his retirement to serve as senior professor of chemistry. Dr. Albert G. Manns, a graduate of the College as well as of the University of Illinois and the University of Berlin, gave physics and qualitative analysis. Dr. C. Gilbert Wheeler was junior professor of chemistry. Dr. Henry C. C. Maisch, son of Professor John M. Maisch of Philadelphia, and who had recently received his doctor's degree at Gottingen, was professor of botany and materia medica. Dr. Wheeler resigned in 1891, as did also Dr. Maisch. The latter was succeeded by Professor F. M. Goodman, who was at once elected dean. The summer sessions were now discontinued, and the school year lengthened to seven months. In 1892 a laboratory devoted to drill in the dispensing of prescriptions was installed. In 1893 Dr. Manns resigned to become chief chemist for a large packing concern. Dr. J. A. Wesener succeeded him but after serving for a year was replaced by W. A. Puckner. The Columbian Exposition (1893) brought many visitors to the city and the college enjoyed its share of the general prosperity; the attendance again reached 225. An interesting exhibit consisting of preparations, drawings, and specimens made by the students was shown at the ex-position and received an award of a medal and diploma. In 1895 Professor Bartlett retired. In the preceding year the lease on the building occupied by the school had expired and had been renewed at an increased rental. The financial conditions following the World's Fair were difficult but the officers and mem- bers of the college again began to cast about for a better building and a more suitable location. The project of forming a stock company was revived but met with much opposition. Mr. Ebert determined that the school should not be placed in a position where it might become a privately-owned institution. He again advocated turning it over to the State University. Accordingly, overtures were made to President Draper and the trustees of the University with the result that on May 1, 1896, the Chicago College of Pharmacy became a part of the University of lUinois. At the suggestion of the alumni an advisory board of pharmacists nominated by the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association and appointed by the University was formed and has served to keep the pharmacists of the State in close touch with the institution. During the first eight years of its fife as a part of the University the School received no support from the University or the State. But in 1904, the School was moved to larger and better quarters at Michigan avenue and Twelfth street (Roosevelt road) and several thousand dollars was expended by the University for equipment. In 1907 an appropriation for the School of Pharmacy was asked by the University and granted by the State Legislature. In 1904 Professor Puckner resigned and was succeeded by A. H. Clark. In 1910 Professor Hallberg died and C. M. Snow was appointed to the chair of pharmacy. In 1912 Professor Goodman's faihng health compelled his resignation. He was succeeded by W. B. Day, who had been a member of the faculty as assistant, instructor and professor since 1892. He became Dean in 1919. In 1916 the School year was lengthened to nine months and the entrance requirements were considerably increased. Up to this time the School had occupied rented quarters, but in December, 1915, the University purchased for the School the buildings at 701 to 707 South Wood street, which were remodeled, newly equipped and occupied by the School during the summer of 1916. The Northwestern University School of Pharmacy was merged with the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy in 1917, thus uniting the rivals of thirty-one years. Professor M. A. Miner of the Northwestern Faculty was added to the faculty of the School until his retirement in 1919. In 1920, Professor E. N. Gathercoal, who XXX College of Pharmacy had been instructor in pharmacognosy for some years, was made assistant professor in that department. The Great War decimated the classes in 1918. One of the teachers and many of the students enlisted, and others remained in school as members of the Student Army Training Corps. A manufacturing laboratory was installed and. its use offered to the government in the hope of aiding in the inspection and manufacture of medicines and war suppUes. However, the early close of hostihties prevented the fulfillment of these plans. In common with other departments of the University, the School of Pharmacy has experienced during recent years an increase in attendance that has taxed the capacity of the class rooms to the utmost. NOTE An attempt has been made to record concerning each graduate (1) full name, (2) degree or degrees, (3) present occupation, (4) date and place of birth, (5) names of parents and date and place of birth of each, (6) preparation for University, (7) mem- bership in societies and fraternities, (8) University honors, (9) services and achieve- ments, (10) membership and office in important organizations, (11) date and place of marriage, with name of husband or wife, (12) names of children and dates of births and deaths, and (13) present address. Unless otherwise noted, all degrees were received at Illinois. Under (7) much material that may seem trivial has been included because of the interest attaching to details of undergraduate life. Two addresses have in most cases been given, the home address being more or less permanent, the business address being subject to frequent change. An asterisk (*) indicates that the person before whose name it stands is dead. A dagger (t) indicates that the person after whose biographical sketch it appears has not responded to letters and that the sketch has been prepared from such infor- mation as could be obtained elsewhere. Since mail addressed to these persons has not been returned the addresses are presumably correct. A double dagger (J) indi- cates that the address is the latest known, but incorrect. Biographies and addresses were revised in accordance with information received on or before Jan. 18, 1922, for the first 199 pages of the book; Jan. 27 for pages 200 to 231 inclusive; and Feb. 11 for the remainder. The book as a whole includes graduates through the Classes of 1921, and faculty appointments up to January 1, 1922. In many cases the subjects of sketches have kindly submitted detailed lists of writings so long that all could not be included. These, together with all other material used in compiling this and earlier editions of the Alumni Record, are preserved in the office of the Alumni Association. Additional material, corrections, photographs — anything of biographical significance — sent to this office will be filed and preserved. The Editor is indebted to all who have helped in the compiling of this book, especially to the Deans and staffs of the three divisions, to Dr. J. M. Krasa, Secretary of the College of Medicine Alumni Association, Dr. E. L. Hetntz, and Dr. M. R. Weidner; and to Miss Ruth Signor, '10, who as Assistant Editor has carried on the detail work with a high degree of fideUty and intelUgence. William E. Quine Formerly Dean of the College of Medicine^ and nozu Professor Emeritus Part I.— COLLEGE OF MEDICINE College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1883-1897; College of Medicine, University of Illinois, 1897- CLASS OF 1883 (26 LIVING, 26 DEAD) WILLIAM B. ABBOTT Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. 1851. At one time located in North Yakima, Wash. Address, Sun- nj'side, Wash.t ♦GEORGE WILLIAM ARNOLD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at Valparaiso, Ind. Deceased. *JAMES H. AULD Phj-s. and Surg.; M. D. Formerly located at Knor\-ille, la. Deceased. JAMES MILES BROOKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S57. Gen. Med. practice, Storm Lake, la., 1918; later at Newell, do. Address, 1721 Pleasant St., Des Moines; btit. add.. Equitable Bldg., do.t ♦ROBERT WELLESFORD BUCHANAN WALLACE WALTER BUCHANAN Phvs. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, 142.5 "Brush St., Detroit.t ♦THOMAS FRANCIS BURKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Dewitt, la. Deceased. FRANCIS COOK CALDWELL Physician; M.D.; b. O 16, 1850, Rochester, Pa.; s. Joseph and Katherine (Flanagan) Caldwell. Indian War, 1871-76. Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Ella Foltz, 1878. Child, Nellie, b. Mr 3, 1881. Address, 4617 Kenmore Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 35 S. Dearborn St., do. ♦JOHN WESLEY CARHART Phys. and Clerg>man;M.D.; b. 1835. Co. Phys- Lampasas Co. Tex., 3 yrs.; Clergyman of M. E. Church many yrs.; said to have built the first automobile of the present-day type. Mem., State Med. .\ssn. of Tex. Died D 28, 1915, San An- tonio, Tex. CHARLES MATHEW COE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 3218 E. 7th St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add.. Grand Ave. Temple, do.t HENRY CHARLES DARBY Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1855, Bridgwater. Eng.; 8. Charles (b. 1829, Eng.) and Elizabeth A. (Eddingtonj Darby (b. 1831, Eng.). Prepared in Waukegan, 111., and Univ. of Mich., 1880-82. Located in Wheeler, Ind., 1883; Wilmot, Wis., 18*4-1918; Gray.s Lake, 111., 1918—. Mem, Local Exemption Bd , Kenosha Co., Wis., 1917-18. Mem., Kenosha Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. .Soc. Married Mv 9. 1883. Lake Co., III. Chil- dren: Raymond J., b. 1884; Lillie E., b. 1886; Edith B., b. 1888; Charlotta A., b. 1890; Earle M., b. 1892; Eva, b. 1898. Address, Grays Lake, III.; bus. add., do., and Wilmot, Wis. CHARLES HERMAN DE WITT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 1109 N. Pros- pect St., Tacoma, Wash.; btia. add., 2501 6th Ave., rfo.t ♦RALPH B. DYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located in Ottawa, 111. Deceased. GEORGE HENRY EDICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Gen. Med. practice, Los Angeles; formerly at 210 Broadway, Pueblo, Colo. Address, 832 S. Hope St., Los An- geles.t ELIHU NOBLE ELLIOTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 12, 1861. Address, 639 Sheridan Road, Chicago. ♦CLAUDE MELNOTTE FERRO M.D.; b. West Chester, N.Y,; s. Thomas Ferro. Prepared in New Orleans. Grad. work, Brooklyn, N.Y. Located in Danbury, Conn.; Petersburg, Ind.; Tracey, Minn.; Minneapolis; Denver; Mar- shall, Minn. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Louise Forbes, F 9, 1876. Children: Harry, b. Je 12, 1S78; Bernard, b. Je 1882; Fairy, b. Ap 1884; Azedah, b. Ag 3, 1885. Died 1910. JAMES ALBERT GAFFORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 1, 1853, Eddyville, la.; s. Joseph C. and Dorcas (Sherwood) Gafford. Prepared in H. S. Pres., Class of 1883, Coll. of Med. Gen. Med. practice. Surg., Co. B., Kan. State Mihtia. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. W. A.; Internal. Assn. Ry. Surgs.; Med. Soc. of State of Calif.; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc. Married Margaret M. Cummings, Ja 17, 1904, Colorado Springs, Colo. Children: James A., Jr., b. My 5, 1906; Esther E., b. Ap 16,' 1909. Address, 231 S. Pacific Blvd., Huntington Park, Calif. ♦JOHN BRANHAM HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Victor, Neb. Deceased. ♦ISAIAH MERRILLS HARSH Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Griswold, la. Deceased. ♦ZACHARY TAYLOR HARVEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.52. Formerly located in Brooklyn, III.; later in Council Grove, Kan. Mem., Golden Belt Med. Soc; Kan. State Med. Soc; A.M. A. Died N 15, 1901. at his home in Council Grove, Kan. University of Illinois [1883 JOHN JAY CRITTENDEN HOOVER Surg, and Gynecol.; M.D.; b. Mr 29, 1861, Buford. Ky.; s. L. G. and Julia A. (Westerfield) Hoover. M.A., EvansviUe Coll., 1878. Attend- ing Surg. Specialist, U. S. Pub. Health Serv., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Red Men; Baptist Church. Married Imogene Mosely, Mr 26, 1892, Hartford, Ky. Address, Hoover-Foster Bldg., Owensboro, Ky. DANIEL DE KALB JAY M.D.; b. D 27, 1851, Floris, la.; s. David and Matilda (Dunlavy) Jay. Gen. Med. practice, Pulaski, la.; San Bernardino, Calif. Mem., Chris- tian Church; A. F, A. M. Married Martha P. Monroe, Mr 15, 1877, Floris, la. Children: Eula- lia J., b. Ag 15, 1878; Mary J., b. Ja 6, 1881; Lillian J., b. S 16, 1885. Address, 630 6th St., San Bernardino, Calif. *ALVAH NELSON KEITH- Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1853. At one time located at 3600 Rokeby St., Chicago. Died Je 20, 1919. ♦THOMAS KIRKPATRICK Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 2, 1858, Highland Center, la.; s. Minor (b. Ap 29, 1816, Va.) and Hannah Kirkpatrick (b. Mr 25, 1819, O.). Pre- pared in Kirksville, Mo., State Normal School. Gen. Med. practice, Westphalia, Kan., 33 yrs.; Topeka, do., 11 yrs.; Sec, State Board of Health, 3 yrs.; Garrett, Kan., 19 yrs. Asst. Surg., 1st Kan. State Mi.itia for a number of yrs. Married Kate Florence Sage, S 25, 1884, Agency, la. Children: Keith, b. 1885 (died 1885); Eva Hazel, b. Ap 25 1887; Joe, b. Mr 5, 1889; Thomas Sage, b. Ag 3, 1893; Joyce Taylor, b. My 18, 1895; Ramona, b. Jl 15, 1899. Died Je 11, 1916, Gar- rett, Kan. WILLIAM L. LINABERY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b; 1859. Gen. Med. practice, Princeton, 111. t HALSEY EDWIN LOVEJOY (Brother of Walter, '83, M.D. Father-in-law of Floyd B. Langdon, '15, M.D.) Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 29, 1857, Des Moines, la.; s. James Collins (b. Je 26, 1819, Tunbridge, Vt.) and Emeline (Bunnell) Lovejoy (b. Ja 4, 1829, O.). Prepared in country sch., in Keokuk, la. ,1880-81, and Rush Med. Coll., 1882. Located in Rippey, la., 1883-1909; Rocky Ford, Colo., 1909 — . Married S 20, 1887, Rippey, la. (wife died O 31, 1893); Ja 4, 1898, Bayard, la. Chil- dren: Lottie L., b. S 14, 1889; Edwin, b. Ap 28, 1900; Elijah Parish, b. O 20, 1901. Address. Second and Willow Sts., Rocky Ford, Colo.; bus, add., 401 S. Main St., do. WALTER LOVEJOY (Brother of Hal.sey Edwin, '83, M.D.) Miner; M.D.; b. S 19, 1854; s. James C. (b. Je 24, 1819, Vt.) and Emeline (Bunnell) Lovejoy (b. Ja4, 1829, O.). Prepared in pub. schs. M.D., Keokuk Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1878. Located in Coon Rapids, la., three yrs.; Rippey, do., three yrs. Married Laurena Perkins, S 1882, Des Moines, la. (died 1901). Children: James W., b. 1888; Addison V.. b. 1890; Maude, b. 1894. Address, Unity, Ore. *JOHN R. McCULLOUGH Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1836. Gen. Med. prac- tice, 43 yrs. Asst. Surg., 1st Wis. Vol. Inf., Civil War; a prisoner in Libby Prison. At one time located at 2901 W. Adams St., Chicago. Died My 4, 1916, Chicago. *LEVI MATHIEU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1850. Formerly located in St. Anne, 111. Died D 11, 1904 at his home in Chicago. ORRIN P. MAXSON Retired Phys.; b. 1855. Formerly Phys. and Surg., Waukegan, 111. Address, Waukegan, Ill.t ROBERT JAMES MORTON Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 1858, St. Louis. Physi- cian, 37 yrs. Married, 1885. Children: Warren Robert; Stella; Clare A.; Foster G. Address, Clay Center, Kan. ♦JAMES SHERBOURNE RIGGS Physician; M.D.; b. 1831. Army serv.. Civil War. One of earliest practitioners of Redlands, Cahf. Died O 8, 1908, Redlands, Calif. WILLIAM M. ROBERTSON Physician; M.D.; b. F 23, 1844, Ohio; s. William and Esther (McKibon) Robertson. Prepared in Birmingham (la.) Acad., 1866-67. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk, la., 1870. Gen. Med. practice, Denver. Mem., 1st United Presby. Church; G. A. R. .\uth. : Various Med. books. Married Mary A. Park, 1870. Children: Clarence A.; Hugh L.; Mary B. Address, 946 11th St., Denver. ♦CHARLES GODFREY ROEHR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Formerly located at Ft. Pierce, Fla.; 2700 Division St., Chicago; A.sst., Bacteriol., Coll of Med., 1898- 1902. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Deceased. ISAAC NEWTON ROSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Riley, Kan. J ♦JOHN THOMAS ROTHWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Bloomfield, Mo. Deceased. ♦WILLIAM CHESTER ROY Physician; M.D.; b. 18.55. M.D., New York Univ., 1884. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 188.3- 89; Jacksonville, Fla., 1899-1912. Died S 30, 1912, at the home of his mother, Jacksonville, Fla. WILFRED HAMILTON SCHUYLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 13, 1859, Albany, N. Y.;s. William H. (b. 1836, do.) and Oella (Brown) Schuyler (b. 1838, Kalamazoo, Mich.). Prepared in Chicago H. S., Kalamazoo Coll., 1877- 78; Mich. Univ., 1879-81; Rush Med. Coll., 1881- 82. Located in Chicago; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Murphy, do. Spanish-Am. War. Mem., Idaho State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Nora Rock, Ja 15, 1891, Boise, Idaho. Children: Oella, b. Ap 8, 1895; WilHam J., b. Mr 15, 1897; Mabel, b. F 19, 1899. Address, Murphy, Idaho. ♦FRANK LESTER SHERMAN HENRY STEWART SKINNER Retired; b. 1862. Formerly Phys. and Surg., Sapulpa, Okla. Address, Sapulpa, Okla.t ♦JOSEPH HENRY SOPER Physician; M.D.; b. 1844. Mem., Med. Soc. of the State of Calif. Army Serv., Civil War. Died O 2, 1908, Seattle. ♦THEODORE HENRY SPENCER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Gladwin, Mich. Deceased. ♦IRVING MELROYS SWEAT Phys. andJSurg.; M. D. Gen. Med. practice, Mt. Vernon,t.Wis. Deceased. 1884] College of Medicine Alumni 3 JAMES HIRAM TANQUAKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 2 1856. Bellmont, III. Gen. Med. practice, St. Louis, Mo. Married ISSO. Mt. Carmel, 111., Address. 5476 Vernon Ave., St. Louis, Mo.; bus. add. 930 Belt Ave., do. JOHN PINCKNEY THATCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Coweta, Okla.t ♦CHARLES M. THOMPSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. At one time Health Off., Elk Rapids, Mich. Mom., first Vil- lage Council, do. Mem., Mich. State Med. Soc. Died My 10. 1909. ♦EDWARD ALEXANDER VAN TUYL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Riverside. 111. Deceased. ♦HARRISON S. WALRATH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1842. Formerly Piiys. and Surg., 430 Wabasha St., St. Paul. Died D 29, 1902, St. Paul. Minn. WILLL\M HENRY WEAVER M.D.; b. D 25, 1857, Lena, 111.; s. Abraham and Margaret (Grossman) Weaver. Prepared in Univ. of Mich. B.S., Carthage Coll., 1879. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1883-85; located in Ctiicago, 1883-1904; New Orleans, 1904—. Auth.: .A.rticles on Sodium Citrate in Pneumonia. Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1912; A^^. Y. Med. Jour.. N 7, 1919. Mem., St. Johns Lodge, 153, A. F. A. M.; Orleans Parish Med. Soc; La. State Med. Soc. Married Mary Josephine Bancroft, Mr 29, 1SS8. Child, William Bancroft, b. Je 28, 1889. Address, 715 Pelican Ave., New Orleans, La. MORRIS ROBERT WEIDNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 2, 1856. Adams- town. Pa.; s. Martin L. Landis (b. My 5, 1824, Douglas Tp.. Pa.) and Mary Ann (Reinhart) Weidner (b. Je 1, 18.34, East Coventry, Pa.). Prepared in Mt. Pleasant Sem. and Kallynean Acad., Boycrtown, Pa. Med. and Surg. Practice, Dolton, 111., 1883—. Mem., Rd. of Kduc. (Pres.. 12 yrs.); Pres., Village of Dolton, 11 yrs. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Assn. Ry. Surgs.; Pa. Rv. Surgs.; Evangelical Lutheran Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. P. Married Catharine Jane Griesemer, N 30, 1886, Esterly, Pa. Children: Marion Lois. N 25, 1895; Neola Virginia, b. Ja 11, 1899; Catharine Eleanor, b. Jl 5. 1903; Morris Robert, Jr., D 24. 1904. Address, Dolton, 111. CLIFFORD BROWN WOOD Phys. and Surg.; b. D 14, 18.59, Cincinnati; s. William W. and Elizabeth (Tait) Wood. Pre- pared in South Div. (Chicago) H. S. and Univ. of Mich., Sch. of Pharm., 1877-8. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp. 1883-4; Mem., Honolulu Bd. of Health 1893-1900; Pres., Bd. of Health, 1900; Attending Surg.. Queen's Hosp.. 1890-1920; Trustee, Queen's Hosp.. 1920. Advisory Bd. of Examiners, World War. Mem., Hawaiian Med. Soc. (Pres. 1898); Noble A. A. O. N. M. S.; A. F. A. M., 32°; Knight Templar. Married Genevieve Gilmore. O 19. 1887. Honolulu, T. H. Children: Dorothy, b. 1890; Sanford Dale, b. 1899. Address, 1566 Thur- ston Ave.. Honolulu, T. H.; bus. add., 166 Bere- tania St., do. ♦JAMES WALTON WOOD M.D.; b. 1856; Health Off., Long Beach, Calif.. 1887-98; Mem., Local Sch. Bd., 9 yrs.; Dir., Nat. Bank, Long Beach, Calif.; Local Surg., Southern Pacific, Salt Lake and Pacific Electric railways. Mem., A. M. A. Died Jl 5, 1917. Long Beach. Calif. CLASS OF 1884 (25 LIVING, 27 DEAD) ♦HAROLD BERNARD ANDERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Gen. Med. practice, Beloit, Wis. Died O 7, 1921 ELMER E. BABCOCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Formerly at 6015 Indiana .\ve., Chicago; Prof., Surg. Anat., Coll. of Med.. 1891-94; Recording Sec, do., : Addrest, 1730 A St.. Lincoln, Neb.f CHAUNCEY LEVI BARBER Phjrs. and Surg.; M.D.;b. Mr 5, 18.58, Ionia Co.. Mich.; 8. Grove Pike (b. Mass.) and Mary Jane (Kelsey) Barber (b. N.Y.). Prepared in Port- land (Mich.) H. S.. Albion Coll., Albion, Mich., 1880-82, and Univ. of Mich.. 1882-83. Ediosphian. Grad work in Surg., Rochester, Minn.; do.. Coll. of Med. in Ophthalmol, and Otology, Univ. of Mich. Located in Ithaca, Mich.. 1884-94; Albion. do., 1894-99; Lansing do., 1899 — .; Pioneer Surg. Gratiot Co., Mich. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 14, 1918—. Surg. Service, Mr 14, 1918-Je 1919- Reconstruction work in Physic-Therapy Dept., Je 1919—.; Dir.. of do., U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. 31. Carlisle, Pa , Ja 3. 1920 — . Auth: Articles read in Med. Societies. Mem.. Presby. Church, (Chm., Bd. of Trustees); A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; Consistory Shrine. Married S 12, 1883; Sabra A. Barbel. D 24, 1891 (died Ag 6, 1899). Child. Jennie M.. b. Ag 4. 1887. Address, 329 S. Grand St., Lansing, Mich. GUSTAV C. W. BARKOW Phyg. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located in Barnesville, Minn.J ♦WILLIAM THOMAS BELLAMY Physician; M.D.; b. 1862. Died Ag 18, 1912, at his home in Pleasantview, 111. ♦JOHN HENRY BIRD M.D.; b. 1842. Asst. House Phys., Congress Hotel, Chicago, 8 yrs.; later sec. and treas. of the C. S. Hammond Publishing Co. Died Ja 31, 1915, New York City. ♦NATHAN P. BLAKESLEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. Practice, Central Lake, Mich., about 1886. Deceased. SAMUEL LESTER BRICK Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. D 18, 1849, Mia- miville, Ohio; s. Thomas and Rachel (Fieshom) Brick. M. D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs.. Keokuk, la.. 1875. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Scot- tish Rite. Shrine. Married Minnie Newman, Boston. Address, Room 42, Lewis Bldg., Ogden, Ut.- ARTHUR H. BRUMBACH Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1862, Hancock Co., 111.; s. Thomas B. and Abbigale D. (Southwick) Brumbach. Prepared in Carthage Coll. Prof., Phys. Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1898-1908. Mem.; Am. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Sophia J. Wiborg, Jl 17, 1889 (dead). Address, 1503 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do. University of Illinois [1884 R. H. CHITTENDEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1835. M.D., Long Island Coll. Hosp., 1866. Gen. Med. practice, Long Beach, Calif. Address, 321 Pine Ave., Long Beach Calif.; 6ms. add., 132 E. 1st St., do.-t ARCHIBALD CHURCH Physician; M.D.;-b. Mr 23, 1861, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. George W. and Susan (Fearse) Church. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S., Phi Kappa Psi. Prof., Nervous and Mental Diseases, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., (about 1905); Neurologist, St. Lukes, Wesley, Mercy, and Chicago Hosps. Ad- visory Bd., Med. Examiners (Chm.). Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. NeuroL Soc; Homewood Country Club. Auth: Textbook on Nervous and Mental Diseases. Ed., Chicago Med. Recorder. Married Margaret Finch, Mr 28, 1894. Child, Archibald, Jr., b. O 8, 1899. Address, 4858 Dorchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Marshall Field Annex, do. ASA COOMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1851. Retired from active practice. Address, Swygert, lU.t RAZEL MORGAN CURTIS Physician; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1856, Mount Morris, N.y.; s. George and Huldah Heart Boughlon. Prepared in Marengo H. S. Postgrad, work, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1898-1900. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., McHenry Co. Med. Soc. Mar- ried Ada Stull. Child, Huldah Eleanor, b. Je 25, 1899. Address, Marengo, 111. *J. R. DOIG Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Ramona, Calif. Died D 23, 1911, at his home in Ramona. BENEDICT H. EDELEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Address, Gorin, Mo.f *NIELS C. EVANS M.D.; b. 1857. Med. Practice, Mount Horeb, Wis. At one time, Mem., Gen. Assembly from the west, district of Dane Co.; Fellow, A. M. A. Died Ag 21, 1918, Mount Horeb, Wis. IRVING C. FOSTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Albion, Mich. Ad- dress, 934 W. 7th St., Los Angeles.t WILBUR E. FOWLER Phys. and Drug.; b. D 30, 1855; s. Elmer L. and Sarah (Denning) Fowler. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church; Golden Med. Soc. (ex-Pres.) Mar- ried H. L. Knapp, Je, 1884 (died, 1896); Mabel L. Knapp, 1897. Children: Helen Louise, b. Mr 9, 1901; Bernice H., b. D 23, 1902; Jas. D., b. Je 16, 1904. Address, Brookville, Kan. *THOMAS B. GOODMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Cobden, 111. Died My 4, 1921. ♦GEORGE SUMNER HARKNESS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Gen. Med. practice, Stockton, Calif.; Supt., San Joaquin Co. Hosp., do. Died S 2, 1909, Stockton, Calif. ALISON W. HARLAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prof., Dental Surg., Coll. of Med., 1882-98. At one time located at 970 Dearborn St., Chicago.! WALLACE KASSON HARRISON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 11, 1848, Bethlehem, Conn.; s. William Robinson (b. Je 28, 1823, Rox- bury. Conn.) and Susan Lydia (Kasson) Harrison (b. O 1, 1825, Bethlehem, Conn.). Prepared in Conn. Lit. Inst., Suffield, Conn. A.B., Yale Univ 1874; M.D., Bennett Med. Coll.. Chicago, 1877. Gamma Nu. Physician, Chicago; Med. Dir., Life Ins. Co.; Prof., Med. Chem., Coll. of Med.. 1884-89. Mem., Trustee, Unity Church, 1919—; Western Unitarian Conference (Dir. 1917 — ); Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Emma Geneva Wheaton, Jl 27, 1882, Pawtucket, R. I. Children: Louise Lillian, b. Ap 27, 1883; Wallace Kasson, Jr., b. Ja 8, 1885 (died F 4, 1897); Constance Milsted, b. D 7, 1890; Geneva Wheaton, b. Mr 10, 1898. Address, Lom- bard, 111.; bus. add., 159 North State St., Chicago. WILLIAM D. HATTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice Jamestown, Ark., about 1890.t CHARLES BERRIMAN HORRELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. b. Ag 10, 1851; s. Leander P. and Annis R. (Beadle)' Horrell. Pre- pared in Colchester H. S. and West. 111. State Norm. Sch., Macomb. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice, Colchester, 111., 1884-98; Galesburg, 111., 1898—. Sec, Bushnell Pension Bd., 1888-92; Pres., do. 1892-1904. Vol. M.C., U. S. A. Auth; Articles appearing in III. Med. Jour. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E.; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Knox Co. Med. Soc. Address, 1112 N. Broad St., Galesburg, 111.; bus. add., Hill Arcade, do. *JACKSON DAVID HORTON Retired Phys.; M.D.; b. S 23, I860; s. D. J. (b. Bradford, Pa.) and Anna (Stone) Horton. Pre- pared in Upper la. Univ., Fayette, la., and Univ. of Wis. Located in Nashua, la., 1884-1908; Paoli, Ind., 1908 — .; Pub. Health Serv.; influenza epidemic, Ky., 1918. Married Mary A. Rocka- feller, N 17, 1887, South Bend, Ind. Children: Joseph O., b. My 2, 1889; Helen A., b. O 21, 1893. Died F 1, 1921, Deaconess Hosp., Louisville, Ky. *ALLEN C. HOUGHLAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at Brighton, la. Deceased. *JOHN SAMUEL INKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1848. Formerly of Nappanee, Ind. Died Je 16, 1921, Wakarusa, Ind. *LUIGI SALVATORE DI RAMONDE JADAROLA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. M.D., Cooper Med. Coll., San Francisco, 1903. Gen. Med. practice, Los Banos, Calif. Died Ap 1903. HERBERT DUANE JENCKES Physican; M.D.; b. Ag 1, 1850, Dansville, N.Y.; s. Hiram D. (b. F 2, 1826, Sparta, N.Y.) and Ann Maria (Larish) Jenckes (b. D 20, 1824, Easton, Pa.). Prepared in Lode (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Lake Benton, Minn., 1884-88; Jasper, do., 1888-98; Pipestone, do., 1898 — ; Phys., Indian Training Sch. Hosp., do., 1908—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Minn, Nat. Guard, 1917-18; Phys., Local Bd. Selective Service; Sec Pension Bd., 1888—. Mem., Presby. Church; So. Minn. Med. Soc; Minn. State Med. Soc; S. West. Minn. Med. Soc. (Sec, 1890-1900); S. West. Med. Soc. (Pres.). Married Anna Stewart, My 14, 1883, Lake Benton, Minn. Children: Stella A., b. Mr. 14, 1884 Cdied Jl 6, 1899); Earl D., b. My 14, 1889. Address, Pipestone, Minn. *R. W. JONES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly of Creston* N. C; Prof., Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1889-91- Deceased. *LORIN W. JORDAN M.D.; b. 1853. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1883. Mem., Ind. State Med Soc. Died O 2, 1917, Wabash, Ind. 1885] College of Medicine Alumni ' *CHARLES MORRIS LUCKEY M.D.; b. 1863. U. S. pension exam, surg.; formerly Mayor of Baldwin, la. Died Ap 22, 1908. Baldwin. la. ♦FRANK LUMBECK Physician; M.D. Died at his home in Klngstou, Ohio. WILLIAM RYDER MATHERS M.D.; b. My 2, 1S60; s. W. R. and T. (Slirodor) Mathers. Prepared in Beeton Coll., London, Ens. At one time Gynecol. Soecialist, Prosper. Tex. Mem.. A. F. A. M.. 32°; A. M. A. Married. Children; George (deceased); Wm. F. Address, McKinney, Tex. •MITCHELL MIKKELSEN M.D.; b. 1851. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surg.. Keokuk, la. Specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and tliroat. Died Ja 8, 1919, Wells, Minn. THOMAS B. MITCHELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Retired from active practice; formerly located in Derby, la. Address, Winter Haven. Fla.t D. McDILL MORRISON *^tPhj-s. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at Brainerd. Kan. J ♦ISADORE MUNZER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located at 60 Canalport Ave., Chicago. Deceased. EDWARD TRENTON PRINTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 6, 1856, Newton, 111.; s. Solomon and Sarah (Kibler) Printz. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; M. E. Church. Married Verna Dve, Mv 5. 1S95, Moulton, la. Children: Esther Belle, "b. Mr 7, 1890; Edward Trenton. Jr.. b. D 18.' 1897. Address. Moulton, la. ISAAC H. REILEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1843. Gen. Med. practice. New York City; formerly at 459 W. 22nd St.. do. Address, 202 W. 24th St., New York City.t ♦LEONARD L. ROMANS • Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 1705 Lawrence Ave., Denver. Deceased. *FR.\NK M. SAWYER M.D.; b. Mr 11, 1851, St. Joseph Co. Ind.; s. Edwin (b. Mr 11, 1828. New York) and Phoebe (Moon) Sawyer (b. New York). M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1878. Sec, Bd. of Health, South Bend, Ind., 1888-90; Mem., Bd. of Directors of Epworth Hosp. Married Mariam Clenny. N 2. 1881, Lake%-ille, Ind. Child, Adah (Mrs. Victor Franklin Jones), b. S 26. 1887. Died Ap 9, 1910, South Bend, Ind. ♦EDWARD A. SCHMITZ Phys. and Surg; M.D.; b. 1861. Health Com- missioner at Wauwatosa.liWis. Died D 23, 1916, Wauwatosa, Wis. ♦THOMAS W. SHEARER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.50. Gen. Med. practice. Houston, Tex. ; formerly at 3103 Louisiana St., do.; Beatty Bldg, do. Deceased. PORTER WETHEY STEVENSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, 503 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Mo.J WILLIAM M. SWEEMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1853. Gen. Med. practice, Milwaukee, Mem., A. M. A. Address, 622 11th St., Milwaukee.! ♦LOUIS VANPATTEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b, lS.-)3, Gen, Med. practice, St, Charles, III, Deceased. ♦JOSEPH W. WASSALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858, At one time located at 92 State St,, Chicago; formerly dentist to the Czar of Russia. Mem., A. M. A, Died S 18, 1909. ♦WILLIAM ROLFE WHITNALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b, 18.52. Mem.. A. M. A. Died Je 25, 1920, Puyallup, Wash. WILLIAM H. WILSON (Cousin of James M. Henry, M.D.. '85) Epiderjnologist; M.D.; b. County Derry, Ire- land; s. Samuel (b, Ireland) and Ann (Henry) Wilson (b, do.). Prepared in Keokuk, la., 1880-81, Chicago, 1881-82, and N. Y., 1882-83. Gen. Med. practice, Table Rock, Neb,, 1884-1907; Pres., Bd. of Educ, do., 12 yrs.; Mem., Neb. House of Repre- sentatives, 1903 and 1905 (Speaker Pro-tem); Mem., Neb, Senate, 1907; located in Lincoln, 1907—.; State Bd. of Health, 10 yrs. Auth.: Numerous papers read before the State Med. Soc. Mem., Lancaster Co. Med. Soc; Lincoln Cml. Club; K. T.; Shrine; A. M. A. Married Phoebe Campbell, My 28, 1885, Martinsburg, la. Chil- dren: Anna, Clark and Ina M. Address, 1901 Washington St.. Lincoln, Neb. ♦WILLIAM H. WINTERBOTHAM M.D.; b. 1847. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk, la,, 1872. Mem., A. M. A.; Kan. Med. Soc. Died Ja 21, 1917, Salina, Kan. ♦WALTER I. YOUNGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located in Peoria. Deceased. CLASS OF 1885 (40 LIVING, 20 DEAD) ALBERT FRANK ALLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Gen. Med. practice, 216 E. 20th St., (Chicago. Address, .5423 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. J ♦W. J. BAHNSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located at Fisher, Minn. Deceased. WILLIAM E. ALLEN Phys.; M.D.; b. N 26, 1858, Mich.; s. William T. and Margaret (Brown) Allen. Gen. Med. practice, Corinth, Mich., 22 yrs, Mem. Burton Heights M. E. Church. Married Kate Benner, 1N88, (died 1917k Jennie .Skinner, 191S. Children: William S., b. 1890; Mary M.. b. 1891; Helen K., b. 1894 (died 1920); John M., b. 1890; Dorothy E., b. 1899; Miron B.. b. 1904. Address, 1912 Divi- sion Ave,, Grand Rapids, Micb. CLARENCE EUGENE BRINCKERHOFF (Uncle of Frank E„ '13, M. D.; brother of G. E., •85 M.D., J.J,, '97 M.D., and E. E., '08, M.D.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2957 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 507 N. Halstead St., do.^ University of Illinois [1885 G. ERWIN BRINCKERHOFF (Brother of Clarence E., '85, M.D.; John J., '97, M.D.; Elmer E., '08, M.D.; Uncle of Frank E., •13, M.D.) Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1862, Will Co., 111.; s. John (b. My 15, 1836, Albany, N.Y.) and Rebecca (Breckenridge) Brinckerhoff (b. D. 7, 1839, Can.). Prepared in Lockport and Joliet H. Schs. V. P., Class. First Matriculant in old Coll. of P. and S. Grad. work, Chicago Ophthal- mic Coll (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat) 1887; Pvt. course with Prof. John E. Harper; 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1887-88. Assist, in Chem Lab., Coll. of Med.; Prosector, do.; located ir Chicago, 1885-89; Oakland, Calif., 1889—.; Leo turer on Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med.; House Surg. 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Consul- tant, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Merritt Hosp. and Fabiola Hosp., Oakland, Calif. Mem., Congr Church; Almeda Co. Med. Soc.; Calif. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married. Child, Ethel A Brinckerhoff, b. F 7, 1897. Address, 326 El Cer rito Ave., Piedmont, Calif.; 6ms. add., Delger Bldg. Oakland, Calif. *WIL'LIAM C. BUNDY M.D.; b. Ag 18, 1845, O.; s. William and Mary (Pebles) Bundy. Prepared in Cml. Coll., Pitts- burgh and Mt. Vernon, la. Mem., Congr. Church and I. O. O. F. Married Esther Macy, Bangor, la. Died May 12, 1920. WILLIAM C. CALDWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prof., Materia Med., Coll. of Med., 1889-93: retired from active prac- tice. At one time located in Essex, Mo. Address, Gary, Ind.t *ELIHU L. COOK M.D.; b. 1840. M.D., Coll. Phys. arid Surg., Keokuk, la., 1876. Civil War Veteran. Died Mr 28, 1916, Harlan, la. DENNIS DAVID CROWLEY Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1858. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1879. Prof., Principles and Practice of Surg, and Clin. Surg., Oakland Coll. of Med. and Surg.; Surg, practice, Oakland, Calif. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Athenian Club. Address, Central Bank Bldg., Oakland, Calif.t CHARLES G. CUMMINGS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Address, White Bear Lake, Minn.; bus. add., 301 Baltimore Block, St. Paul.t THOMAS ARCHIBALD DAVIS Professor; M.D.; b. 1858. Prof., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med. 1893-1906; Pres. and Prof., Clin. Surg., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Mem., Chicago Surg. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Chicago Patholog. Soc; A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, 2344 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1850 W. Harrison St., do.i CASPER M. DROSTE (Father of James C, '13, M.D. and Louis A., A.B. in Com., '17) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 10, 1861; s. Theo- dore (b. 1812, Ger.) and Theresia (Knape) Droste (b. 1817, do.). Prepared in St. Jerome's Coll., Kitchener, Ont., Can., and Univ. of Mich., 1882-84. Grad. work, Chicago Policlinic. Med. and Surg. Practice, Grand Rapids, Mich., My 1885 — . Auth.: Ergot in the Hands of Ignorant Midwives; a Paper on Diphtheria, Med. Council. Married Mary C. O'Donohoe, O 15, 1885, Kitchener, Ont., Can. Children; James C, b. S 21, 1886; Mary T., b. O 9, 1888; Louis A., b. D 12, 1890; Josephine C, b.Mr29, 1891;Bernadette,b.Mrl3, 1894; Casper, b. D 17, 1896; Jerome b. F. 15, 1898 (died 1902). Address, 731 Paris Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. ♦ARTHUR W. DUNNING Neurologist; M.D.; b. 1860. Formerly at 807 Ashland Ave., St. Paul; 230 Lowry Bldg., do. Died D. 1915. JAMES BEATY EAGLESON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 30, 1862, Chillicothe, O.; s. William (b. F 3, 1802, Ireland) and EUzabeth (Hodsden) Eagleson (b. D 25, 1821, ChilHcothe, O.). Prepared in Dagne's Collegiate Institute, Chillicothe, O. Located in Chicago, 1885-86; Port Townsend, Wash., 1886-87; Seattle, 1887 — . Maj., M. C, U. S. A. and Dir., Red Cross Base Hosp. 50, Mesves Fr., Ag 1918-Ja 1919; now Lt. Col., M. R. C. Mem., Wash. Nat Guard, 1888-98; U. S. Marine Hosp. and Pub. Health Service, 1885-99; Maj.. U. S. A., 1917-19; Organized Red Cross Base Hosp., 50; served in France; awarded citation by Gen. Pershing. Auth.; Numerous magazine articles. Mem.. Y. M. C. A. (V. P.); State Med. Soc. (Pres.); Clinical Cong, of Surgs. of N. Am. (V.P.. 1917); Am. Coll. Surgs. (Regent, 1919—.). Married Blanche Mills, Jl 1, 1889, Seattle. Children: James Mills, b. N 11, 1894 (died F 19, 1919); Helen Elizabeth, b. Ja 2, 1899; Margaret Elliott, b. Ja 31, 1903; Jean Mills, b. O 22, 1911. Address, 902 Boren Ave., Seattle. FRANK BRECKENRIDGE EARLE (Brother of Charles Warrington Earle, Fa. M.) Professor; M.D.; b. O 22, 1860, Waukegan, 111. Prepared in Waukegan Pub. S«hs. Adjunct Prof., Med., Coll. of Med., 1886; Asst. to Dr. Charles Warrington Earle, Prof, of Obstetrics, do., 1893; Prof, of Obstetrics, do., 1893-1903; Prof, of Pedia- trics and CUn. Pediatrics, 1903-14; Sec, Coll. of Med., 1901-11; Gen. Med. practice, West Side, Chicago, 1885-1910. Mem., Consulting staff. St. Marys Hosp.; do., Oak Park Hosp.; do.. Home for Crippled Children. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Medico-Legal Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Pediatric Soc; Chicago Gynecol. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; 111. Club of Chicago (Ex-Pres.); Westward Ho Golf Club. Married Elizabeth Biddleton, 1885. Waukegan, 111. Address, 22 E. Washington St.. Chicago. WILLIAM J. EDDY Physician; M.D.; b. O 13, 1857, Shelbyville, 111.; s. William and Mary Jane (Roberts) Eddy. Prepared in Southern 111. State Norm. Univ. Mem., Shelby Co. Local Exemption Bd., World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., K. P. Married Carrie Viola Chafee, 1888, Shelbyville, 111. Children: Hazel Isabell, b. O 5, 1891; William C, b. Jl 27, 1895; Mary Josephine, b. S 9, 1900; Alice Carolyn, b. Jl 2, 1906. Address, 2020 Long St., Shelbyville, 111.; bus. add., 1923 Broadway, do. CHARLES WELLINGTON FALLIS Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 4, 1860, La Salle Co. 111.; s. Thomas and Clara H. Fallis. Prepared in Dwight H.S. Gen. Med. practice. East Lynn, 111., 1885-92; Burhngton, la., 1892-95; Danville, 111., 1896 — . Married Cornelia J. Wilson, Mr 8, 1888. Child. Clara L., b. Ja 21, 1892. Address, 610 N. Hazel St., Danville, 111.; bus. add., 403 The Temple, do. *OSCAR ALFRED FLIESBURG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1851. Died S 12, 1906, at his home in Minneapolis. *OSCAR FORDYCE Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1861. Local Surg., Rock Island System, Guthrie Center, la.; Commissioner of insanity for Guthrie Co.; Chief Surg., Fordyce Hosp. Mem., Guthrie Co. Med. Soc. (Pres.); la. State Assn. of Ry. Surgs.; A. M. A. Died Je 5, 1910, Guthrie Center, la. 1885] College of Medicine Alumni GEORGE S. GFROERER M.D.; b. 1S58, Ontario; s. Sebastian and Cath- erine (Wapner) Gfroorer. Prepared in Model 8ch., Normal Sch.. and Univ. of Mich. M. R. C.. U. S. A.. World War. Married Johanna I.eser, 1892. AMress, 1146 Independence Blvd., Chicago. ♦LESLIE B. GLLLETTE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located at Medicine Lodge, Kan. Deceased. ALONZO H. HALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Niantic, Ill.t WINFIELD SCOTT HARVEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1847. Gen. Med. practice, Salina, Kan. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 255 S. 7th St., Salina, Kan.; bus. add., Sante Fe and Iron Aves., rfo.t JAMES M.HENRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Caldwell, Idaho.t SAMUEL M. HERB CALVIN TODD HOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 2959 Washington Blvd., Chicago.t HARTLAND CYRUS JOHNSON Physician; M.D.; b. O 29, 1860; s. Samuel Fisk (b. Ap 3, 1832, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y.) and Weltha (Hall) Johnson (b. 1835, Isle La Motte, Vt.). Prepared in Northfield, Minn. Address, 941 Laurel Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., 840 Lawry Bldg., do. HARVEY S. KISKADDEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Gen. Med. practice, Detroit. Address, Lenox Hotel, Detroit; bus. add., Da^^d Whitney Bldg., do.f ♦WILLIAM H. KYNETT Phvsician; M.D.; b. 1842. Veteran of the Civil War. Died N 13, 1909, at his home, Bartow, Fla. ULYSSES GRANT LATTA Farmer and Lumberman; M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1862, Clinton, Wis.; s. Debborah C. (Stevens) Latta. Prepared in Chowana, Wis., 1880. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1885-1900; now interested in farming and lumber. Married JoLan Murphy. Address, Clinton, Wis. ♦JOSEPH EMANUEL LUCE Supt. of Schs.; M.D.; b. 1850. Died Ja 31, 1906, at his home in Chilton, Wis. ♦EDWARD WILLIAM MALONE M.D.; b. N 22, 1855; s. Andrew (b. 1820, Dublin, Ireland) and Mary (Coleman) Malone (b. 1822, Co. Meath, do.). Prepared in Rochester Sem. Phys., Oconomowoc, Wis., 1885-89; Waukesha, do., 1889- Ja 9, 1914; Phys., Waukesha Co. Asylum, do. Mem., Sch. Bd. Mem.,C. O. F. (Med. Examiner); Catholic Knights of Wis. (do.); K. C; B. P. O. E. Married Elizabeth E. Kelly, Ag 10, 1887, Waukesha Wis. Children: William Dennis, b. Je 3, 1888 (died D 25. 1888); Edward Heber, b. S 25, 1889; Andrew Paul, b. Mr 22, 1892; Mark Charles, b. Ag 21, 1893 rdied Mr 28, 1918); I. Marion, b. My 22, 1896 /died Ag 20, 1897). Died Ja 9, 1914, Waukesha, Wis. J. A. J. MARTIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;b. 1844. M.D., Indiana Med. Coll., 1875. Formerly Phys. at Red Oak, la.t ROBERT H. MILES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Lyndon, Kan.f MALCOLM THOMAS MOORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 4332 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago.t ♦ANGUS JOHN MURRAY M.D.; b. 1856. Mem., Provincial Bd. of Health and of the Municipal Council of Fredericton Junction; Warden of Sunbury and Queens Co., 2 yrs. Pres., New Brunswick Med. Soc, 1909. Died Ap 3, 1913, Fredericton Junction, Canada. IRA OLIVER PAUL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 25, 1860, Brook- ville. 111.; s. Michael and Mary (Shierk) Paul. Prepared in Polo H.S. and N. W. Coll., Naperville, 111. Located at Leaf River, 111., 1885-88; Winne- bago, do., 1890-1915; Rockford, do., 1915—; Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., 33°; B. P. O. E.; Modern Woodmen; L. O. O. M.; Order of Eagles. Sanitary Inspector, Camp Grant, 2 yrs., World War. Married Alice V. Hammond, Je 2, 1887, Leaf River, 111. Children: Ethel L., b. Mr 13, 1899; Arkie, b. Ap 25, 1892. Address, Harlem Blvd., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 506 Stewart Office Bldg., do. ♦WILLIAM WESTRUP PEARCE Phys. and Pharm.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1880; b. 1858, Waukegan, 111. Apprenticed to W. S. Pearce, Waukegan, 111., 1875-80. Physician and Pharm. 1880-1919. Died O 17, 1919. GUY M.PHELPS Retired; M.D.; b. Ag 11, 1858, Wilmington, 111.; s. Henry and Amanda Phelps. Prepared in Wil- mington H.S., and Simpson Coll., Indianola, la. D.D.S., Chicago Dent. Coll., 1890. Delta Sigma Delta; Phi Kappa Psi. Mem., M. E. Church. Married, S 15, 1885. Child, Guy M., Jr., b D 15, 1898. Address, 210 S. Greenwood Ave., Kanka- kee, 111. JUAN B. C. PHILLIPS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.: M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., Chicago, 1878. Eclectic med. practice, 1085 Gates Ave., New York City, about 1890.t NORVAL HARVEY PIERCE Physician; M.D.; b. My 13, 1863^, Washington, D.C.; s. Harvey Linsley (b. 1841, Fairfax, Va.) and Katherine Elizabeth Pierce (b. 1841, Sidney, Me.). Prepared in Philadelphia Pub. sch. Grad. work in Oto-laryngology in Univ. of Vienna and Univ. of Wurzburg, 1889; Univ. of Berhn, 1890. Prof., Otol. and Clin. Otol., Coll. of Med., 1912; Prof., Laryngol. Rhinol. and Otol., and Head of Dept., do., 1921. Lt. (Sr. Grade) U.S.N.R.F., F 2, 1898; Asst. Surg., U.S.N. , Spanish-Am. war; Capt., R.M.O., U.S.A., 1911-17; do., M.C., U.S.A., Je-S, 1917; Maj., S 1917-F 1919; A.E.F., Chief Surg., Vichy, France, 1918-19. Auth.: Bacillus Tuberculo- sis, Translation of Eisenbergs Bacteriolog. Diagno- sis; The Treatment of Catarrhal Diseases of the Up- per Air Passages; Syphilis of the Nose; Sarcoma of the Nose treated with the Toxin of Erysipelas and Bacillus Prodigiosus; Laryngeal Papilloma, with report on an interesting case; The Modern Patho- log. and Treatment of Acute Otitis Media; The So-called Bleeding Polp of the Septum; Submucous Linear Cauterization; A New Method for reduc- tion of Hypertrophies of the Conchae; On the Transformation of Benign Laryngeal Growths into Malignant Neoplasms; Preliminary Note on the Treatment of I^eukoplakia; The Treatment of Peritonsillar Abscess with Exhibition of new in- struments; Treatment of Certain Purulent con- ditions of the Antrum of Highmore, Through the Natural openings; Numerous other articles on diseases of the nose and throat. Mem., Am. Otological Soc, (Pres.) 1917; Am. Laryngolog. 8 University of Illinois [1885 Assoc, (pres.) 1920; Chicago Laryngolog. and Otolog. See. (Pres.); Am. Laryngolog., Rhinolog., Otolog., Soc, do.\ Clim. Section of Oto-Laryngol. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Inst, of Med.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Medico-Legal Soc; Chicago Soc. of Med. Hist.; Chicago Club; Univ. Club; Saddle and Cycle Club; City Club. Married Drucilla Wahl. Address, 137 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago.; bus. add., 22 E. Washington St., do. HENRY S. RAYMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1856. Gen. Med. practice. Cedar Rapids, la. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1514 Bever Ave., Cedar Rapids, la.; bns. add., 301 1st Ave., do.f FRANKLIN REESE ROBEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Meharry Med. Coll., 1883. Gen. Med. practice, Houston, Tex. J BENEDICT WESTCOTT ROGERS Physician; M.D.; b. O 9, 1859, Milton Junction, Wis.; s. Lester T. and Sarah M. (Coon) Rogers. Located in Chicago, 1885-90; Asst. Demonstra- tor of Anat. Coll., of Med., 1885-86; Oakland, Calif., 1890-99; Milwaukee, 1901-11; Chicago, 1911 — . 1st Lt., Contract Surg., M.C., Ag 1, 1917-F 28, 1919, World War. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married (1) Addie Barnhart; (2) Mary Lord, Louisville, Ky. Child, Mabel M., b. My 21, 1889. Address, 1447 Moose Ave., Chicago. *LEWIS E. SAFLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Well known as Phys. and big-game hunter in Mont. Died Mr 27, 1915, at his home in Livingston, Mont. WILLIAM M. SAFLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. Gen. Med. practice, Park City, Mont.; later located at Bozeman, do.f FREDERICK C. SENN Physician'; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1855, Fond du Lac Co., Wis.; s. Wolfgang and Barbara Senn. Pre- pared in Norm. Sch. and Cml. College. Exa- miner and Phys. to benefit societies and Life Insurance Co. Located in Theresa, Wis., 1885-91; Phys., Oshkosh, do., 1891—. Married Caroline M. Becker, 1886, Theresa, Wis. Children: Leona, b. 1887; Margaret, b. 1898. Address, 147 Waugoo St., Oshkosh, Wis.; bus. add., 65 Main St., do. *WILLIAM W. SHEPHERD M.D.; b. 1849. Gen. practice in Chicago. Fellow of the A. M. A. Lived for some time at St. Petersburg, Fla. Died Ag 16, 1915, Chi- cago. OSCAR WILLIAM SHERWOOD Phys. and Surg.; b. Ag 27, 1862, Brookville, Pa.; s. Charles G. (b. Geneseo, N.Y.) and Agusta (Franke) Sherwood (b. Ger.). Prepared in pub. schs., Pa. Gen. Med. practice, Downers Grove, 111., 1885-87; Chicago, 1887-88; Perris, Calif., 1888-89; Westport, do., 1889—. Mem., Men- docino Co. Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc; A. M. A., 1914—. Married N 16, 1887, Dow- ners Grove, III. Address, Westport, Calif. *DONALD EGBERT SUTHERLAND Phys. and .Surg.; M.D. Formerly located in Bay Citv, Mich. Served with 33rd Mich. Inf., U. S. Vol., Spanish-Am. W^ar. Died Ja 25, 1904, Detroit. FRANK M. TEBBETTS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 4752 Magnolia Ave., Chicago.t JOHN RICHARDS THOMPSON Retired; M.D.; b. S 13, 1858, Burlington, 111.; s. Thomas J. and Hannah A. (Tucker) Thompson. Retired from practice, 1906. Mem., M.E. Church. Married Etta M. Gregory, My 29, 1887; Luzetta W. Dittes, Mr 24, 1909. Children: Ketka A., b. O 28, 1888; Mary Hannah, b. Mr 12, 1911; Paul R., b. Ap 21, 1918. Address, Northville, S. Dak. GEORGE JACKSON TOBIAS Retired Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 1, 1860, Chicago; s. Daniel J. (b. 1833, N.Y.) and Matilda (Wood) Tobias (b. 1837, Patterson, N.J.). Prepared in Chicago. LL.B., Kent Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1895. Admitted to the Bar 1895 by Supreme Court of 111.; Admitted to practice in U. S. Dis- trict Court for No. Dist. of 111., D 18, 1901; Con- sultation and Medico-Legal Work, Chicago, 1901; Phys. to Claim Dept., North and West Chicago Street Railroad Co., 1889-94; Prof., Med. Juris- prudence, Kent Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1895-1901; Retired from practice, 1918. Hon. Discharge from 111. Nat. Guard, 1st Regt., 1881. Autb.: Various articles published in Ry. Jours, on re- claim dept. work and damages for injuries received by passengers. Mem., Garden City Lodge A. F. A. M. (life mem.); K. T., 32°, Scottish Rite, Consistory. Married N 9, 1887, Chicago. Chil- dren: Oliver J., b. N 8, 1889; George N., b. Mr 16, 1892; Mabel W., b. N 25, 1900. Address, Milford, Mich. ♦GILBERT H. TOLLINGTON Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 1, 1861, Clear Water, Minn.; s. Thomas and Sarah (Pauly) Tollington. Prepared in Univ. of Mich. Hosp. work, London and Paris, 1897; Specialist on diseases of the Eye, Clear Water, Minn. Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Augusta Carlston, 1900. Died F 12, 1911. *THEODORE A. TRULSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1§61. Formerly of Stanton, la. Died N 18, 1903. WELLER VAN HOOK Professor; M.D.; b. My 14, 1862, Greenville, Ind.; s. William R. (b. S 29, 1837, Ind.) and Matilda (Weller) Van Hook (b. D 14, 1839, LaRue Co., Ky.). Prepared in Louisville, Ky. A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1884. Grad. work in Berlin and Vienna, 1894; Paris and London. Prof., Principles of Surg., Coll. of Med., 1892-95; do., Surg., N.W. Univ. Mem. of Local Med. Examin- ing Bd. 18, Chicago, during World War. Auth.: Many papers on Surg, subjects. Married Anna Charles Wholey, My 18, 1894. Child, Hubert, b. Je 3, 1896. Address, 7124 Coles Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. JAMES SCOTT STEVENS Physician; M.D.; b. O 18, 1861, Fayette Co., la.; s. A. M. and Sarah E. (Niceley) Stevens. Prepared in Ainsworth Acad. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Cedar Falls, la.; City Health Off., do. Ex-- emption Bd., Black Hawk Co., la.. World War. Mem., M.E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Mod. Woodmen; A. M. A. Married Kate Amalling, Ag 18, 1893, Cedar Falls, la. Address, 309>^ Main St., Cedar Falls, la. *ALBERT.L. WAGNER Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. Formerly located in South Bend, Ind. Died S 28, 1901, at his home in La Paz, Ind. *JESSE M. WALDRON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Schoolcraft, Mich. Deceased. 1886] College op Medicine Alumni ♦MARCUS LAFAYETTE WINSTEAD Phys. and Drug.: M.D.; b. N 1. 1854, Shelby- ville, Tenn.: s. William and Barbara (Black) \Vin.stead. Prepared in Cobdon U.S.; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, lS8-'-Sa. Tausht Scli. before entering Coll. of Med. Formerly Phys. and Drug.. VVetaug, III. Surg., I. C. U. H., 30 years. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A., Pulaski Co. Med. See; Am. Assn. Ry. Surg. Married Zilpha Tweedy. Mr 22, 1877. Alto Pass; 111. Children: Albert M., b. Ap 25. 1878; Edward L.. b. D 14, 1879; Frank E., b. Jl 12, 1S8S; Nellie J., b. Mr 10, 1892; Jessie A., b. My 9. 1903 (Died O 25, 1913). Died Ap 25, 1919. CLASS OF 1886 (47 LIVING, 24 DEAD) WILLIAM CONSTANTINE ABALY . Ph>-s. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1863, Sun Prairie, Wis.; s. William C. and Mary Abaly. Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H.S. U. S. Expert Surg. V. M. S.. U. S. A., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Roman Catholic Church. Married 1898. Children: Marv, b. Je 1899; James, b. Jl 4, 1903; Robert C. b. My 24, 1912. Address, 115 W. Gillman St., Madison, Wis., bus. add., 13 S. Pinckney St., do. ♦PERRY LLEWELLYN ANDERSON Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. S 23, 1859, Nottawa, Mich.; s. Elsie (Fowler) Anderson. Prepared in Ann Arbor Preparatory Sch. Active in Athletics. Nose and Throat Specialist, New York. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A. Married Cora C. Mansfield, S 18. 1886. Died F 23, 1917. WILLIAM MORTON BEACH Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Shelton, Wash. Address, Shelton. Wash.t ALLEN BELL Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 3, 1856, Ohio; s. John and Mary (Thompson) Bell. Mem.. K. P.; I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M. Married Flora D. Bunch. Ap 4, 1880. Address, Scipio, Okla. JOSEPH H. BERTRAND Physician; M.D.; b. S 27, 1862. Chicago; s. Peter (b. D 31, 1817, St. Annas, Can.) and Sara- phine (Courtemanche) Bertrand (b. N 27, 1825, do.). Prepared in Chicago H.S. Po«t-grad. work in Bacterid.. Univ. of Wis.; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll.; Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; Degree licenciate in Pharm. by Wis. State Bd. of Pharm., Je 1. 1897; Physician, DeForest, Wis., S 1S8C — •.; Specialized in Radium Therapy for last two years.; Surg, for Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. Co., 1899—. Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc; Dane Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Wis. State Pharm. Assn. Married Tina Dahl, N 26, 1891, DeForest, Wis. Children: Pearl, b. F 13, 1896; Joseph Norman, b. My 8, 1900 (died Je 29, 1901); Joseph Bernard, b. Ag 4, 1902; Grace Darling, b. F 2. 1906. Address, DeForest, Wis.; bxis. add.. Pioneer Blk.. Madison, Wis. GEORGE W. BOICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Address, 2137 S. Homan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2401 S. Oakley Ave., do.t BENJAMIN F. BRAINARD Physician: M.D.; b. F 22. 1864; s. V. R. and Ellen (Reynolds) Brainard. Prepared in Sexton- ville H.S. and Coll. of Phys. and Surg.. Kansas City, Kan. Gen. Med. practice in Cokato. Minn.. 1886-87; Citv, 1887-96; Martin City, Mo., 1896—. Married Elizabeth Thomas. 1891. Lone Rock. Wis. Children: Son, b. D. 1892, Helen, b. 1898; Ada Elizabeth, b. 1900. Address, Martin City, Mo. ADOLPH CARL BRENDECKE M.D.; b. Mr 5, 1846. Formerly a Phys. at 1200 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Address, 1141 Belmont, Chicago. BRAYTON A. BRIGHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Lecturer, Anat., Coll. of Med.. 188S-89. At one time located at 65 Randolph St., Chicago. t WILLIAM C. BRINKERHOFF Physician; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1861, Upper San- dusky, Ohio; s. Martha (Hall) Brinkerhoff. Lo- cated in Upper Sandusky, O., 1886^89; Chicago; 1889 — ■. Auth.: Diseases of the Rectum and Intestines, (209 pages). Mem., Presby. Church; K. P. Married Minnie W. Grisinger, S 8, 1886, Chicago. Address, 6818 Lakewood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 189 W. Madison St.. do. WILLIAM BRADLEY BROCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. At one time located at Corydon, la. Address, Oakville, la.t *ROBERT A. BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located at Alma, Ark. Deceased. *W. ADOLPH BUETTNER Physician; M.D.; b. 1855. Formerly at 2850 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Died-D 18, 1910, Chicago. ♦CHARLES ELIJAH CASE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1853. M.D., Calif. Eclectic Med. Coll., 1880. Formerly located at 1010 S. K Street, Tacoma, Wash. Mem., Wash. State Med. Assn. Died Mr 18, 1921. *CHAUNCEY W. CHIDESTER M.D.,; b. 1847. Coroner, Tioga Co. N.Y. Mem., State Med. Soc. of N.Y. Died, Ag 16, 1917, Newark Valley, N.Y. CHARLES H. COOK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1845. M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1875. Mem., A.M. A. Address Natick, Mass.t *HENRY EDWARD CREPIN M.D.; b. 1862. Head of Health Dept. of San Diego, Calif.; City Health Officer of Tucson, Ariz.; Health Officer of Pima Co., Ariz. Mem., Ariz. Med. Assn. Died Ag 25, 1914, Tucson, Ariz. *DAVID T. DENSMORE JAMES FRANCIS DOYLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. Gen. Med- practice, Santa Anna, Calif.t VINCENT ERASTUS DUFF SAMUEL AUGUSTUS ELLIS Retired; M.D.; b. D 13, 1861. Shields Mill, Ala.; 8. Prof. S. and Augusta Minerva (Denison) Ellis. Prepared in Union H.S.. Sauk Rapids, Minn. 1st grade teachers certificate, Benton Co., Minn. Located in Azusa, Calif.; Los Angeles, 1916 — . Surg., Azusa Sharpshooters Reserve, Spanish-Am. War. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. T.. 32°, Shrine. O. E. S.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; K. P. Married Matilda Augusta 10 University op Illinois Benschlein, My 20, 1890, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Children: Harvey Gladstone, b. S 2, 1891; Anna Margaretha, b. Mr 9, 1893; Ada Eugenia, b. F 13, 1897; Ruth Wilhelmina, b. O 28, 1898; Samuel Wilford, b. Ag 24, 1901. Address, 943 S. Lake St., Lo.s Angeles. *WILLIAM TIMOTHY ENGLISH Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Commenced practice in Arcadia, Wis.; Phys. and Surg., Winona, Wis-! partnership with Dr. E. S. Muir of Plainview, Minn., in practice of Med., 1897-98. Mem., Alum. Assn. Died F 8, 1898, Winona, Wis. WILLARD FRANCIS FOLLANSBEE Retired; M.D.; b. F 15, 1854, Peabody, Mass.; s. Charles E. and Margaret W. (Armstrong) Follansbee. Prepared in Warren Acad., Woburn, Mass., and Mass. Institute Tech., Boston. Lo- cated in Bethlehem, Conn., 1886-88; Danbury, do., 1888-96; studied hide business and mfr. of upper leather; Chicago 1896-99; Paonia, Colo., 1899-1912; Calif., 1912 — . Married Bertha L. Harrison, S 9, 1885, Chicago. Address, 404 N. Isabel St., Glendale, Calif. ELBERT CHURCH FORTNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1861, Bremer Co , la ; s. Amon and Clarissa Jane (Wilson) Fortner. Prepared in la. H. S. B.S., la. State Coll., 1881. Delta Tau Delta. Electo Thera- peutist for Rock Island Ry. Co. Med. Reserve Corps. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Eveline Tuthill, S 13, 1888, Chicago. Children: Harmon Tuthill, b. Jl 30, 1889; Margaret Evelyn, b. D 1, 1890; Philip Tuthill, b. Jl 28, 1893. Address, 4331 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1020 LaSalle St. Station, do. FRANK EVERETT GALLISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at Merced Falls, Calif. Address 2821 Cherry St., Berkeley, Calif.t *JAMES GIBSON M.D.; b. 1866. Practiced in Janesville, Wis., 28 yrs. Died Ja 6, 1913, Janesville, Wis. LOUIS GOLDSTEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 12, 1861, Malmo, Sweden; s. Jacob and Rosa (Kolpak) Goldstein. Gen Med. practice; formerly at Stephensport, Ky,; Chm., Med. Advisory Bd. No. 10, Tex., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. B. B. Married Cora Lee Oppenheimer, Ap 14, 1898, Evansville, Ind. Children: Helen, b. F 13, 1899; Blanch Louise, b. S 2, 1904; Marie, b. O 23, 1909. Address, 2395 McFadden, Beaumont, Tex.; bus. add., Med. Floor, Perlstein Bldg., do. ♦ARCHIBALD HAAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1849. M.D., Chi- cago CoU. of Med. and Surg., 1882. Gen. Med. practice, 2003 N. West Ave., Chicago. Deceased. *WALTER D. HALL Phys. and Surg. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll. 1878. Gen. Med. practice, Burlington, N.J. Deceased. ♦NELSON H. HENDERSON Phys. and Surg., M.D. Gen. practice Chicago; attending phys.. Lakeside Hosp., do. Mem., A. M. A. Died Jl 23, 1903, Lakeside Hosp., Chicago. JAIRUS ELIJAH HILEMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 27, 1860, Union Co.. 111.; s. Eli (b. 1835, do.) and Mary Ann (Reitzel) Hileman (b. 1835, Catawba Co., N. Car.) Pre- pared in So. 111. State Norm. Univ., Carbondale, 111 Located in Tex., 1886-87; Mex., 1888-1900; San Francisco, 1901-02; Mex., 1902-11; San Diego, Calif., 1912 — . Married Catherine Mar- guerite Lockman, Je 5, 1918, San Diego, Calif. Child, Philetus Eli, b. Ap 19, 1920. Address, 3554 28th St., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add., 302 Watts Bldg., do. ANTON THEODORE HARRIS HOLMBOE Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1857. Surg, practice, 2303 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago; Prof., Orthopedic Surg , Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1918. Address, 3108 Logan Blvd., Chicago.f STUART W. JOHNSTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1854. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, 4005 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t WILLIAM WATSON KANE Physician; M.D.; s. Louis M. and Mary E. (Watson) Kane. Valedictorian; Hutton Prize, Nervous Diseases. Vol., Med. Serv. Corps. Mem., I. O. O. F.; M. W. A.; M.E. Church. Married Mary B. Eaton, 1887, Pinckneyville, 111. Children: Kent K., b. 1889; William Wat- son, b. 1892. Address, Randolph St., Pinck- neyville, 111. JACOB KASZER M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1856, Pittsburgh, Pa.; s. John and Elizabeth (Rieger) Kaszer. Prepared in New Brighton (Pa.) H.S. Mem., I. O. O. F. Married Ap 10, 1889. Address, 309 N. Center St., Plymouth, Ind. WILLIAM H. KNAPP Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Long Island Col. Hosp., 1874. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 66 Carroll St., Binghampton, N.Y.t WILLET H. LAUGHLIN Phys. and Surg., M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Arlington Heights, Ill.t JULIUS HENRY LEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1856. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 2455 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago; hue. add., 2814 W. North Ave, do.t ♦GEORGE LAFAYETTE LOOPE (Father of Frank Roy, '01, M.D.) M.D.; b. O 23, 1847; s. Russel A. (b. New York) and Adelaide (Steele) Loope. Prepared in Edwards (N.Y.) H.S. Proprietor, Gogebic Hosp.; Dir., U. P. Insane Asylum, Bessemer, Mich., 1885-1909; Tuberculosis Research work, Seattle, Wash., 1909-20. Civil War, (3 yrs.); Veteran, Battle of Gettysburg; Volunteered as U. S. ship surg. to Alaska and the Orient dur- ing World War. Mem., A. M. A.; Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc; Ry. Med. Soc. Married Emma J. Clark, 1871, Baraboo, Wis. (died D 1907). Children: Mabel C; Frank R. Died My 11, 1920, Seattle. ♦FRANCIS OLIVER LOWE Physician; M.D.; b. My 15, 1861, Summer- field, 111.; s. George Franklin (b. 1816, Blount Co., Tenn.) and Martha Ann (Phillips) Lowe (b. 1821, near Nashville, 111.). Prepared in McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., and studied with his brother. Dr. J. H. Lowe. Gen. Med. practice, Kewanee, 111., 1886-1919. At the time of his death he was the oldest physician in Ke- wanee, in length of practice. Mem., 1st M.E. Church (Pres., Bd. of Trustees); Phys. Club, Kewanee, 111. Married Lena E. Jacobs, O 12, 1892, Macon, 111. Children: Cecil Francis, b. F 11, 1894; Burton James, b. Je 19, 1899; Doris M., b. N 23, 1903; Robert Franklin, b. Ag 14, 1907. Died Ap 27, 1919, Kewanee, 111. 1886] College of Medicine Alvmni 11 *WII.I,IAM McCALI.UM M.D.; b. 1855. Gen. Med. practice, Glad- stone. Mich, for many yrs. Died Mr 28. 1907, Northwestern Hosp., Minneapolis. JAMES J. McCLELI^N Physician; M.D.: b. Mr IS, 1853. N.Y.: s. Marie (Kennedvl McCleJlan. Married Frances Tuffs. Child. "Frances, b. Mr 29, 1886. /Irf- rfrfss, 615 E. Town St., Columbus. O.; bus. add. 44 E. Broad St., do. ♦THOMAS McCRACKAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located in Puyallup, Wash. Died Ap 11, 1906, Puyallup, Wash. THOMAS F. McGLASSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Gen. Med. practice. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, Lewiston, Met FULLERTON B. MALCOLM Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 295 Humboldt Ave., Detroit. Address, Konk Kow. Chong King, China. J CHARLES M. MARNES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Rouses Point, N'.Y.f EUGEN CRISTOF MARTIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Address, 2609 Prairie St., Milwaukee; bus. add.. Metro- politan Blk., do.t *SWAYZE B. L. MERRILL Phys. and Surg., M.D. Gen. Med. practice, 350 W. North Ave., Chicago. Deceased. BRUCE MILLER Phvs. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 3564 Halstead St., Chicago. Address, 4138 Baring Ave., East Chicago, Ind.+ *ELIAS MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1838. Gen. Med. practice, Kensington, 111. Died S 5, 1903, at his home in Kensington. •WILLIAM HINTON MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly at 463 4l8t St., Oakland, Calif. Died Ja 17. 1921. LOUIS JEFFERSON MITCHELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Asst., Chem. Lab., Coll. of Med., 1885-86; Prof., Anat., do., 1898- 1900. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 29 E. Madi- son St.. Chicago. t ♦GEORGE F. PARSONS M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, for many yrs. Died D 29, 1913, Peoria, 111. ♦HORACE ALBERT PEABODY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.56. Eye, ear. nose, and throat specialist, Webster, S. Dak. Pres., State Bd. of Health. Mem., S. Dak. State Med. Assn. Died Mr 6, 1911, St. Augus- tine, Fla. WILLIAM FUNK RITTENHOUSE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 5, 1852, Ontario. Can.; s. John (b. 1800, Pa.) and Eliza- beth (Funk) Rittenhouse (b. 1807, do.). Pre- pared in pub. schs. and with Dr. W. S. Downey, St. Catharines, Ont. Can., 1883-84. Phys. and Surg.. Chicago, 1886 — ; Prof, of Obstetrics, Jenner Med. Coll., 1898-1906; do.. Coll. of Med., 1896-1910; do. Loyola Univ., 1910-1915; Edi- torial staff of Am. Jour, of Clinical Med. Auth. : A series of articles on Obstetrics, Gynecol, and Gen. Med., since 1910. Mem., Menoken Club (Pres. 1909); Chicago Med. Soc; Phys. Club. Married Mary Moyer, 1874, Ont.. Can. Chil- dren: Ernest Victor, b. 1876; Jane, b. 1881 (died 1882); Henry, b. 1883 (died 1883). Ad- dress, 2920 Warren Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM ROBERTS Retired; M.D.; b. Mr 1, 1844, Morton. III.; s. Robert (b. 1808) and Charlotte (Jones) Roberts. Prepared in 111. Weslevan Univ. located in Watseka, 111., and San Antonio, Tex. Married Jennie Evans, 1869, Morton, 111. Children: William R., b. 1874; Lottie, b. 1876; Ralph, b. 1879; Rhoda, b. 1881; Robert A., b. 1885. Address, San Antonio, Tex. HIRAM S. ROGERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., 1886; b. Ja 24, 1840, Fayett Co., Pa.; s. L. J. and Mariah (Husted) Rogers. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, la., 1876. See., Bd. Examing Surg., for Pensions, 21 yrs.; Asst. Supt. and Phys., la. State Reform Sch., 1874-75; Examining Phys., N.Y. Life, Etna Life, Metropolitan, Banker's Life of Neb., Old line, Conn. Mut. life, and Mut. Life of la. Ins. Companies; Prin., Salem (la.) Graded Schs., 1872; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Red Oak, la. Civil War Veteran, Pvt., Co D, 14 la. Inf.; In charge of 2 wards, Hosp., Vicksburg, My 1865. Mem., A. F. A. M.. K. T.. Shrine; K. P.; A. M. A.; Mo. Valley Med. Soc; Montgomery Co. Med. Soc; Louisa Co. Med. Soc. Married Isabella S. Cramer, 1873. Salem. la. Child, 'Helen E., b. N 21, 1883. Address, 207 Hammond St., Red Oak, la. CLARK ORVIS RYAN ARTHUR L. SCHIDLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at Ellisville, Ill.t DAVID S. SHALLABARGER Address, 310 Hinckley Bldg. Seattle.t GEORGE E. SMITH Phys. and Surg. ; M.D. M.D., Eclectic Med. Coll. of City of New York, 1882. Formerly located at Arkport, N.Y.; later in Niwot, Colo. Address, Dillon, Colo.f THOMAS EDWIN TAGGART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Gen. Med. practice, Los Angeles.; formerly at 215 W. 7th St., do. Address, 1110 Garland Bldg.. Los Angeles. t HARRY TRUDEAU TILLOTSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 527 66th St., Chicago. t ♦EDWIN TURNOCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 109 N. Clark St., Chicago. Deceased. W^ILLIAM A. WEIR Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Blandinsville, 111. J TWING BROOKS WIGGIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 8, 1865, Alle- ghany, Pa.; s. Richard and Rebecca (Johnson) Wiggin. Prepared in Janesville (Wis.) H.S. and Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. Delta Tau Delta. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Prof., Physiol., Coll. of Med., 1898-99; Adjunct Prof., Microscopical and Chem. Diag- nosis, do., 1900-01; Adjunct Prof.. Med. do., 12 University of Illinois [1887 1904-06; Prof., Phys. Diagnosis, do., 1906-10; Assoc. Prof., do., 1910-12. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Shrine, Scottish Rite. Married Louise Adele Merrill, N 23, 1887, Janesville, Wis. Address, The Surf Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. ♦GARRETT WIKKERINK *JOHN R. WILLIAMS Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1850. Local surg., Lake Shore and Mich. So. R.R., White Pigeon, Mich.; Pres. St. Joseph Co. Bd. of Health. Mem., Mich. State Med. Soc. (formerly Pre.s.); St. Joseph Co. Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc, (V.P.). Died F 16, 1916, White Pigeon, Mich. ARTHUR ROBERT WILSON Physician; M.D.; b. D 29, 1857; s. Moses (b. 1835 N.Y.) and Mary J. (Quigley) Wilson (b. 1838, Vermont). Prepared in H.S. Located in Wis., 1886-87; Bessemer, Mich., 1887-89; Milwaukee, 1890-1921; San Jose, Calif., 1921. Married Olive Langdon, Ap 10, 1883, West Allis, Wis. Address, 230 E. San Salvador St.. San Jose, Calif. CHARLES E. WINTERMUTE (Cousin of RoKcoe A. Whippen, '97, M.D.) Physician; M.D.; b.Je 1, 1861; Wis. s. Sanford (b. N.Y.) and Delia Anna (Robbins) Winter- mute (b. N.Y.). Prepared in Janesville (Wis.) H.S. Located in Pewaukce, Wis., 1886-87; Sussex, do., 1888-90; Chicago, 1891-92; Pewaukee Wis., 1893-98; Kilbourn, do., 1898-1914; Sara- toga, Calif., 1915-16; Alpaugh, do.^ 1917-18; San Jose, 1918 — . Mem., Vestry Trinity Church (Episcopal). Address, 246 S 7th. St., San Jose, Calif. IMaN WISSE M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1854, Holland. Address 434 Elmwood St., Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., 321 W. Bridge St., do.t CLASS OF 1887 (34 LIVING, 20 DEAD) *WILLIAM BEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 1475 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Deceased. *A. C. BRADWAY J. M. O. BRUNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Port Byron, Ill.t SAMUEL B. CASEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1850. Prepared in Louisville, Ky., 1885. Gen. Med. practice, Brook- lyn, N.Y.; formerly at 579 Macon St., do. Ad- dress, 558 Macon St., Brooklyn, N.Y.t CONVERSE CONRAD CONE Physician; M.D.; b. N 10, 1859, Davis Co., la. ; s. Hawley and Lois N. (Ross) Cone. Gen. Med. practice. Garden Grove, la. 1887-94; Oska- loosa, la., 1894—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Martha F. Hale, Ap 20, 1884, Downing, Mo. Children: Edith R., b. Mr 12, 1885; Beryl H., b. Mr 10, 1891. Address, 701 1st Ave. East, Oskaloosa, la.; 124 High Ave., West, do. HENRY C. COONEY Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 19, 1863, Afton, Minn., s. Jas. and Mary (Dunn) Cooney. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow, 1912); A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; First Congr. Church, Princeton, Minn. Married Francis A. Spaulding, Ja 23, 1897, Prince- ton, Minn. Address, Princeton, Minn. CLARENCE A. EARLE Physician; M.D.; b. F 4, 1862, Colfax, Ind.; s. Silas (b. Ap 30, 1819, Westford, Vt.) and Mary Ann (Hall) Earle (b. Jl 16, 1826, South Hero, Vt.). Prepared in Clifton grammar sch. Ph.B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1900. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp. Chicago, 1887-89; Physician, Des Plaines, 111., 1889—. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Phys. Club, Chicago; 111. State History Soc. (Cor. mem.); Soc of Med. Hist. (Charter). Married Helen Pearce, Jl 3, 1889, Chicago. Children: Gladys Dooley, b. Je 8, 1890; Norman Pearce, b. Ja 3, 1895; Walter Clarence, b. Ag 26, 1897; Percy Arthur, b. Mr 4, 1900; Baby Earle, b. D 28, 1904 (died Ja 15, 1905). Address, Des Plaines, 111. GARIBALD EVERSOLE M.D-.; b, S 24, 1861, Carroll Co., HI.; s. Daniel and Cathrine (Buser) Eversole. Prepared in Mt. Morris Coll., Mt. Morris, 111. Married Mary A. Paris, S 20, 1893. Address, Chandlerville, 111. *E. L. FINLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Streator, 111. Died S 1, 1897, Streator, 111. JOHN FISHER Physician; M.D.; b. F 21, 1851; s. Valentine (b. Ger.) and Mary (Hoye) Fisher (b. Ire.). Prepared in Waukegan, 111., and Kenosha, Wis. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Prof, of Phys. Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1898-1907; do. of Internal Med., Chicago Policlinic, 1895-1914; Physician, Chicago. Married Estelle M. Richardson, Mr 1877, Wauke- gan, 111. (died N 1882); Estelle M. Warner, 1886, Antioch, 111. Children: Mary Pauline, b. D 30; 1879; Ralph W., b. 1894; Clarence J., b. 1896; Edward V., b. 1901 (died 1903). Address, 441 Belden Ave., Chicago. EDWARD N. FLINT Physician; M.D.; b. O 26, 1863, Cincinnati; s. Edward J. (b. Worcester, Mass.) and Anna M. (Newton) Flint (b. Worcester, Mass.). Prepared H.S. Studied in Hosp. for Insane, Mendota, Wis., summer of 1885; Oakwood Sanitarium, sum- mer of 1886. Hutton Prize, Study of nervous diseases, 1886. Resident Phys., Hosp. for In- sane, St. Peters, Minn., 1890-94; Gen. Practice, Winthrop, Minn., 1894-99; do., Minneapolis, and lecturer on nervous diseases 1889-91; Indianapolis, 1891-2; Venereal and Nervous diseases, Chicago, 1892 — . Pension Exam. Surg., Winthrop, Minn., 189.5-98. Auth.: Paranoia, Reprint from N.Y. State Jour, of Mental and Nervous Diseases, Ag 1893; Hosp. Construction, Reprint, N.W. Lancet, Ja 1894; Hematoma of the Cerebral Dura Mater, pamphlet, Ap 1894; Morbid Anatomy of Insanity, pamphlet, N 1893. Married Anna N. Hilde- brandt, Ja 7, 1892, (died S. 1902); Gertrude Haynes, N 28, 1904, (divorced My 1908); Irene C. Iverson, Je 4, 1912. Child, Edward H. Flint, b. D 16, 1892. Address, 5416 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. WARD ZEPHONE FLOWER M.D.; b. My 23, 1861; s. Mary R. (Perry) Flower. Mem., Mod. Woodman Am.; K. P. Children; Don Z., b. F 5, 1890; O. W., b. S 17, 1891; Marie B., b. Ap 15, 1893; H. B., b. My 6, 1894; J. R., b. F 6, 1896; Frank P., b. D 28, 1900; Ruby v., b. Ap 14, 1903; Harold D., b. Ag 23, 1906; Clarissa A., b. S 6, 1909. Address, Minneapolis. 1887] College of Medicine Alumn 13 ♦CHARLES CHRISTIAN FREDIGKE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1839. Formerly at 709 E. 40th St., Chicago. Gon. Med. practice, 4552 S. Ashland Ave., do. Died O 21, 1911 at the Alexiau Bros. Hosp., Chicago. ♦ULYSSES ALMIRON GILE Phys. and Surg., M.D. Prepared in Univ. of Mich., dept. of Med. and Surg. Appointed to Ann Arbor Hosp. Gen. Med. practice, Montc- sano, Wash. Deceased. HEBER M. GOODSMITH M.D.; b. F 6, 1866; s. William G. and Annie G. (Hammond) Goodsmith. Prepared in Chicago Policlinic, 1S90-91. Dent. Surg., 1890-96; Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Coll. of Med., 1888-89. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M., Shrine; Ravenswood M.E. Church. Married Elizabeth W. Moulding, S 27, 1892. Chicago. Children; Bessie, b. Ag 12, 1893 (died F 12, 1896); Marion, (Mrs. B. C. Cunning- ham), b. Mr 20, 1897; Katharine, b. S 22, 1899. Address, 4649 Beacon St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 212 W. Washington St., do. *FRED ANDREW HANSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1885. At one time located at Pike, Wis. Deceased. ♦PHILANDER E. HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1854. Formerly Phys., 77 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee. Died Ag 22, 1915, Milwaukee. ALBERT BATES HART Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1886. At one time located at Lake City, Fla.J ♦WILMER W. HEFFELFINGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located in Lakefield, Minn. Deceased. LUDVIG HEKTOEN M.D.; b. F 7, 1863; s. Peter P. (b. Norway) and Olave Hektoen (b. do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Luther Coll., Decorah, la. .and Univ. of Wis.. 1883-84. A.B., Luther Coll., 1883; A.M., do., 1896; M.D. (ad eundem). Rush Med. Co., 1896; M.D. (hon.), Roval Frederick Univ., Chris- tiania, 1911; Sc.D., Mich., 1913; Sc.D., Wis., 1916. Pathologist, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1889-1903; Lecturer on Pathol., Rush Med. Coll., 1890-92; Phys. to Coroner's OfT., Chicago, 1890-94; Prof., Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1892-94; Prof., Morbid Anatomy, Rush Med, Coll., 189.5-98; Prof., Pathol., do., 1898—; Prof, and head of the Dept. of Pathol. and Bacteriol., Chicago, 1901 — ; Director, McCor- mick Institute for Infectious Diseases, ,1902 — ; Herter Lecturer, N.Y. L'niv., Bellevue Hosp., Med. Coll., 1912; Herrington Lecturer, Univ. of Buffalo. 1912; Cutter Lecturer, Harvard Med. Sch., 1917. A\ith.; Technique of Postmortem Examination; W. T. Keener Co., Chicago; Obser- vations on Pulmonary Infection in Rats. Trari- tactioM of the Chicago Pathol. Soc, 1916; The Effect of Toluene on the Production of Antibodies, JouT. of Infectious Diseases, 1916; The Effect of Benzene on the Production of Antibodies, do.; The Effects of Cml. Glucose when Fed to WTiite Rats (with .\. J. Carlson and E. R. LeCount), Joyir. Am. Chem. Soc, 1916; Precipitin-Produc- tion in Allergic Rabbits, Jour, of Infectious Di-teises. 1917; Recent Investigation on the Bacteriol. of Acute Poliomyelitis, Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1917; Further Studies on the Effects of the Roent- gen Ray on Antibody-Production, Jour. Infectious Diseases, 1913; Microscopic Demonstration of Cocci in the Central Nervous System in Epidemic Poliomyelitis (with George Mathers and Leila Jackson), do., 1918; The Production of Precipitins by the Fowl, do., 1918; The Precipitin Test for Blood, your. A. M. A., 1918; Experimental Measles, do., 1919; The Bacteriol. of Measles, do.. 1918. More than a hundred other articles on various mcd. subjects in the foregoing publications and in. Am. Jour. Insanity, N.A. Practitioner, Cook Co. Hosp. Reports, Chicago Mcd. Record, Chicago Clinical Review, Am. Jour. 06s/., Internat. Med. Mag., Joitr. of Ncrr. and Ment. Diseaoes, besides numerous other publications. Co-Editor of and Contributor to. Am. Textbook on Pathol., W. B. Saunders & Co., 1901; Advisory Ed., Jour, of Immunology, 1915—.; Collaborating Ed.. Zeit- schrift fur Immunitatsfor.schung, 1909 — ; Ed. Jour, of Infectious Diseases, 1904 — ; do., Durcks Gen. Pathol. Histol., W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1904; Contributions to Med. Science, Howard Taylor Ricketts, Univ. Press, Chicago, 1911; Collected Works of Christian Fenger, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1907. Mem., Chi- cago Pathol. Soc. (Pres., 1898-1902); Am. Pathol, and Bacteriol. (Pros., 1901); N.Y. Pathol. Soc. (Middlcton-Goldsmith Lecturer, 1906); A. A. A. S. (V.P., 1909); Harvey Soc. (Lecturer), New York, 1910; Norsk Mcdicinsk Selskab, (Foreign Mem.,), 1910; A. M. A.; Assn. Am. Phys.; Am. Assn. Pathol, and Bacteriol.; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Am. Soc. of Pharm. and Exp. Therapeutics; Soc. of Exp. Biol, and Med.; Institute of Med., Chicago; Nat. Acad, of Sc. Married Ellen Elizabeth Shanoh, Je 28, 1892, Sweden. Child, Josef, b. N 14, 1905. Address, 637 S. Wood St., Chicago. JOHN EUGENE HOGAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located in Elgin, Ill.t EDGAR REA HOLMES Phy.sician; M.D.; b. Ja 14, 1864, Table Grove, lU.; s. Nathan, (b. Ap 25, 1842, Table Grove, 111.) and Mary E. (Hughes) Holmes, (b. O 10, 1844, rfo.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ. Ex. Com. Class of 1887. Gen. Med. practice, Emden, III., 1887-88; Hastings, Neb., 1888; Ayr, Neb., 1888-1903; Minier, 111., 1903—. Pres. U. S. Pension Bd., Hastings, Neb., 1894-96. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 1888. Married Liicile B. Baker, F 11, 1896, Ayr, Neb. (Died Mr 13, 1920). Children: Nathan Edgar, b. Jl 3, 1897; Margaret Mercedes, b. O 21, 1898; Olga Victoria, b. Jl 1, 1901; William Byron, b. O 31, 1905. Address, Minier, 111. VARD HOUGHTON HULEN M.D.; b. Ap 20, 1865; s. Charles Bascom (b. Bourbon Co., Ky.) and Mary Frances (Kemper) Hulen (b. Montgomery Co., Ky.). Prepared in Harris Institute, Mt. Sterling, Kv., and Univ. of Mo., 1882-84. M.D., Columbia Univ., 1888; A.M., Tex. Christian Univ., 1897. Grad. work, N.Y, Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1896. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in New York; Galveston, Tex,; Chicago; San Francisco; Houston, Tex.; Berkeley, Calif., at present. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 4, 1918; Maj., do., O 4, 1918-My 20, 1919; A. E. F. in France six months; Consultant, Ophthalmic Surg,, Hosp. Center 2 and Beau Desert Dist., Bordeaux, France, 1919. Auth.: A Simple, Accurate and Rapid Method of Localizing Foreign Bodies in the Eye, Jour. A. M. A., Ap 2, 1904; The Early Treatment of Cross Eyes, Cabf. State Jour, of Med., Ap 1908; ' The Advancement Operation in Squint, Jour. A. M. A., Jl 9, 1910; Vacuum Fixation of the Lens and Flop Suture in the Extraction of a Cataract in its Capsule, do., Jl,15, 1911. Mem,, A. M. A.; Calif. State Med. Soc; San Francisco Co. Med. Soc; Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthal. Soc; Galveston Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1897); Harris Co, Med. Soc. (V. P., 1911); Fellow, Am. Coll. Surgs., O 29, 1915—. Married Reba Callaway, My 12, 1898, Galveston. Tex. Address, 2530 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add.. Berkeley Bank Bldg, do. JOHN HUND Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. 1885. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 5061 N. Clark St., Chicago; later at Newberry. Wis. Mem., A.M. A. Ac/t/rcss, 731 Lincoln Ave.. Peoria.t 14 Universitt of Illinois [1887 RALPH A. JOHNSTONE Phys and Surg.; M.D. Pres. and Surg., Lake- side Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Physicians Club of Chicago. Address, 3410 Rhodes Ave., or 209 S. State St., Chicago.t RICHARD H. JONES Phys and Surg.; M.D. Attended Detroit Med. Coll., before entering Coll. of Med. St. Mary;s Hosp., Detroit. Address, 6426 Grove Ave., Chi- cago.! GUSTAV J. KAUMHEIMER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1862, Philadelphia: s. Jacob M. (b. Ger.) and Lissette (Klein) Kaum- heimer (b. do.). Cook Co. Hosp., Ap-0 1887; Asst. Phys., Milwaukee Co. Hosp., O 1887-Ap 1889; attending Phys., do., 1895—; Dir., Dept. of Medicine, do., 1900; Attending Phys., Deaconess Hosp , Milwaukee, 1919. Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Mem., Milwaukee Med. Soc. (Pres., 1907) ; Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1919); Brainard Med. Soc. (Pres., 1900); Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Child Hygiene Assn. Married Jennie F Starr, N 8, 1892, Milwaukee. Children: Edwin A., b. Jl 31, 1894; Alfred J., b. Mr 21, 1897 (died Ag 2, 1899); Ann L., b. F 21, 1900. Address, 987 Second St., Milwaukee.; bus. add., 306 North Ave., do. MOSES BUCKNER KINCHELOE M.D.; s. Almanzor C. Kincheloe, and Elvira Sophrona (Buckner) Kinckeloe. Prepared in Country Sch. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite. Married Nannie Royce, 1883. Address, 1612 Jack- son Ave., Joplin, Mo.; bus. add., 407 Main St., do. CHARLES GOWEN BUCHANAN KLOPHEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Commissioned in M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 347 Auburn Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.t *SQUIRE E. KOONTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D- At one time located at Wasco, Pa. Deceased. *CARL F. W. KORDENAT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1854. Appointed to Cook Co. Hosp., 1885. Died S 21, 1904, at his home in Reedsburg, Wis. MYRON.EDWIN LANE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1886. Gen. Med. practice, Chi- cago; formerly at Warrensville, O. Address, Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Crawford and Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago.t JOHN M. R. McNAMARA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 7336 Princeton Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 205 W. 73rd St., do.t ♦CHARLES A. McNULTY . Phys. and Surg.; M.D. feen. Med. practice; formerly located in Virginia City, Mont. Died O 6, 1904, Harlem, Mont. ROBERT C. MILLER Superintendent; M.D.; b. Jl 24, 1867, 111.; s. Warner and Christina (Backer) Miller. Cook Co. Hosp., 1886; Urol. Specialist, Aurora, 111.; Supt., Med. dept.. Sulphur Lick Springs; at one time located in Shannon, 111.; Wedron, do., 1921^ — -. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; Mystic Workers; A. M. A. Married Anna F. Reddington, O 1, 1897. Child, Alice C, b. N 22, 1910. Address, Wedron, 111. WILLIAM E. MILLER (Father of Noble William, '06, M.D.) Physician; M.D.; b. S 9, 1857; s. Jacob (b. Ger.) and Hulda (Pickard) Miller (b. France). Prepared in Valparaiso, Ind. Located in Chicago, 1887 — . Mem., Selective Service of Local Board Division 27, Chicago, from Jl 6, 1917-Mr 31, 1919. Mem., A. M . A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med Soc; Douglas Park Branch, Chicago Med. Soc (Pres. 1919—). Married, D 21, 1878, Chicago Children: Arthur, b. F 14, 1881 (died S 13, 1882) Noble Wm., b. O 3, 1882; Maud C, b. Mr 10, 1884 Jessie Columbia, b. Jl 25, 1893 (died N 17, 1913) Address, 2325 S. Calif. Ave., Chicago. ♦JOSEPH D. MORAUX Phys. and Surg., M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1885. At one time located at Green Bay, Wis. Deceased. DERK MULDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Amster- dam Schs.; Univ. of Amsterdam, 1881; Amster- dam Hosp. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Lyn- den, Wash.t *I^RL A. NORDERLING M.D.; b. 1857. Located for a time in Chicago: resident of Paxton, 111., from 1908 until his death. Died Je 9, 1915, Paxton, 111. ♦JEFFERSON J. O'CONNELL Phys. and Surg,; M.D. Attended Coll. of Phys. and Surg., N.Y., before entering Coll. of Med. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1885. Died Ap 12, 1897, Honesdale, Pa. ♦CHARLES WILLIAM OVIATT Surgeon; M.D. ;b. 1853. One of the best known and most skilled surgeons of the Northwest. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Surg. Assn.; West. Surg. Assn. Died O 30, 1912, Oshkosh, Wis. NILS E. REMMEN M.D.; b. My 6, 1863, Warsaw, Minn.; s. Endre T. and Thora (Haugen) Remmen. Postgrad, work, Copenhagen and Vienna, 1890-91, 1895-96. Surg., Eye Dept., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Oculist, Norwegian Am. and Deaconess Hosps. Auth.: A few reports of eye cases in Ophthalmol. Jours. Mem., Scandinavian Med. Soc. (Ex. Pres.) Married Inga Kiland. Address, 2954 Logan Blvd., Chicago; 31 N. State St., do. ♦JAMES RICHMOND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1885. Formerly at Loyal, Wis.; later at Coquille, Ore. Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc. Died F 13, 1915, Loyal. Wis. JOHN CHARLES ROBERTS Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 22, 1861; s. Joseph (b. Jl 4, 1835, Tazewell Co., 111.) and Catherine (Bosserman) Roberts (b. 1839). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111. Address, 105 High St., Peoria, 111.; bus. add., 507 Jefferson Bldg., do. JOHN SAMUEL SARGENT Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1885. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., Fresno and Sonoma Cos. Med. Socs.; State Med. Soc. of Calif. Ad- dress, Santa Rosa, Calif. J GOTTLIEB SCHICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1856. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1886. Gen. Med practice, New York City; formerly at 499 E. 176th St., do. Address, 219 E. 32nd St., Los Angeles.t ALBERT SCHNEIDER Bacteriologist, Pharmacognosist and Instructor; M.D. B.S. in Sci., 1894; b. Ap 13, 1863, GranviUe, 111.; s. Johann (b. Hesse-Cassel, Ger.) and Elizabeth 1888] CouJCGE OF Medicine Alump 15 (Barki) Schneider (b. La Salle, 111.). Preparod in common schs. and Dixon, 111., Norm. Sell. Phi Delta Chi; Columbia Boat Crew. M.S., Univ. of Minn., 1S94: Ph.D.. Columbia Univ., 1897. Scholarship in Bot., Univ. of Minn., ISO.'?; Fellowship in Bot., Columbia Univ., lS94-'.)(>; Prof, of Bot., Pharmacognosy and Materia Med., N.W. Coll. of Pharm., 1897-1903; Prof., -07; Pharmacognosist, U. S. Dept. of .Agr,, Bur. of Chem., 1909-19; Univ. Instr., Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln. 1919 — . Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, 1918. Ed.-in-Chief, Pacific Pharma- cist, 1910-15; Dean, Berkeley Sch. for Police Officers. 1916; Micro-Analyst in the Calif. St. Food and Drugs Lab., 1915—. Mem.. U. S. Pharmacopeia Revision Com. Work in Licheno- logy; Special work with Thizobia of Leguminosae; Histology of Medicinal Plants; Cultivation of Medicinal Plants; Beet Blight. .\uth.; Primary Microscopy and Biol., 104 pp., 21 illus. from draw- ings by auth., 1S90; A Textbook of Gen. Licheno- logy, 247 pp., and 76 full page illustrations, N.Y., 1897; Gen. Vegetable Pharmacography, 136 pp., Chicago Med. Book Co., 1899; Powdered Vegetable Drugs, 323 pp., with 164 illust. from drawings by autb.. Midland Pub. Co., Columbus, 1902. The Native and Introduced Poisonous Plants and Medicinal Plants of Calif., Bulletin for Dept., Sacramento, Calif.; Pharmaceutical Bact. with Special Reference to Sterilization and Disinfection, Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, 1911; Bac- teriological Methods in Food and Drugs Labs., do, 1915; also numerous articles, special reports, reviews, scientific papers. Mem., Ton. Bot. Club (cor); Am. Acad, of Pol. and See. Sc; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Internat. Jury of Awards P. P. I. E. Married Marie Louise Harrington, Je 1892. Minneapolis. Child, Cornelia Elizabeth b. D 28, 1900. Address, Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., Coll. of Pharm., Univ. of Neb., do. ♦CHARLES A. SWEET Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly at East Jor- dan, Mich. Died My 4, 1913. MATHEW NELSON VOLDENG Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1863, Decorah, la.; s. Nels Lars and Anna Mathia (Christian) Voldeng. Prepared in Decorah, la. A.B., Luther Coll., 1883. Postgraduate work, Berlin, Paris and Lon- don, 1895-96. Assist. Phys., Independence State Hosp., la., 1888-95; Prof., Neurology and Psy- chiatry. Med. Dept., Drake Univ., 1899-1902; Supt. and Med. Dir., Cherokee State Hosp., 1902—; Trustee and Mem., Ex., Com. Buena Vista Coll.. Storm Lake, la. Auth.: Numerous papers on mental and nervous diseases read before Med. Societies. Mem.. Pre.sby. Church; A. F. A. M.; A. M. A., (Central com. for pub. health and oduc. among women) ;Ia. State Med. Soc. (Pres., 1910-11, dim.. Com. on pub. health and educ); Med. Soc. Mo. Valley; Am. Acad, of Med.; Am. Assn. of Alienists and Neurologists; Am. Medico- Psychol. Assn.; Cherokee Co. Med. Soc; Commercial Clubs of Des Moines, Sioux City and Cherokee Co. Married Sadie Weir Rosemond, S 19, 1895, In- dependence, la. Address, Cherokee, la. ♦CHARLES BEAUMONT WARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1885. Formerly at 3 Glenn Bldg., Cincinnati. Deceased. JAMES P. WAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 20, 1862, Toronto, Ont., Can.; s. Margaret Donovan. D.D.S., N.W. Coll. Dent. Surg., ISSS; Ph.G., 111. Coll. Pharm., N.W. Univ., 1892; Union Coll. Law, N.W. Univ., 1891. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Address, Cor. Western Ave., and Roosevelt Road, Chicago. CARL ALBERT WEIL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Ger. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 634 Barry Ave., Chicago.f ♦JOSEPH BELLAMY WHITTING JR. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Appointed to Cook Co. Hosp.. 18S6. Maj. and Surg. ,1st. Inf., Wis. N. G.; Surg., 1st Wis. Inf., U. S.V., Spanish- Am. War. Mem., Assn. Mil. Surg. Died F 19, 1905, at his home in Janesville, Wis. ♦GEORGE MARTIN WIRT Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located at 893 35th St., Chicago. Deceased. CLASS OF 1888 (26 LIVING, 20 DEAD) ♦WILLIAM ORR ANDERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Western Reserve Univ. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. De- ceased. FRANKLIN M. BAILEY Phys. and .Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1887. Address, Mineral Point, Wis.: JOHN A. L. BRADFIELD Oculist; M.D.; b. F. 3, 1861, East Fairfield, O.; s. George W. (b. N 18. 1835. do.) and Sahne (Beck) Bradfield (b. F 3, 18.35, Columbiana Co., O.). Prepared in Georgetown H.S. and Eureka Coll., 1882-85. Edmund Burke Soc. Grad. work, Chi- cago, 1890; Vienna, 1895. Located in Loyal. Wis., 1888-90; Chicago. 1890-91 ; La Crosse, Wis., 1892—; Oculist, Aurist, Rhinol. and Laryngol. Examin- ing Surg., World War, 1917-18. Mem., Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Am. Coll. Surgs.; Fellow, A. M. A. Married Mary Grace Strahl, S 9, 1896, La Crosse, Wis. Children: Harriet Alma, b. Ap 13, 1899; TherxJore Strahl, F 6, 1901 (died 1913); Mary Grace, b. Ap 28, 1905; Edith, b. Ag 1902 (died 1904.). Address, La Crosse, Wis. GEORGE C. BRENGLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Cook Co. Hosp.,. Chicago, 1887. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, Winchester, Ill.t ISAAC MONROE BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 6, 1847, Stafford. Conn.; s. Lydia A. (Albee) Brown. Gen. Med, and Surg, practice. Local Surg., Chicago & N.W. and Green Bay & Western Rys. Auth.: Socialism vs. our Present System (pamphlet). Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; State Med. Soc; Co. Med. Soc; Am. Assn. Railway Surgs. Married Diana Kingsbury, O 29, 1879. Children: Maude E., b. O 3, 1882; Claude Raymond, b. Jl 3, 1885. Address, New London, Wis. ♦HERMAN R. BULSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1875. Formerly located at Eureka, 111. Deceased. ♦HENRY LESLIE BURRELL Phys. and Professor; M.D.; b. Ja 16, 1859, Ridgeville, O.; s. George (b. 1816, Toledo, O.) and Henrietta Burrell (b. 1821, do.). Prepared in Oberlin, O. M..\., 1912. Gen. Med. practice, Omaha, Neb., 5 yrs.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Practice, do., to time of death. Prof., Otol. 16 University of Illinois [1888 Rhinol., and Laryngol., Creighton Univ. Coll. of Med.; Med. Practice, Calif.; Oculist and Aunst for Union Pacific, 12 yrs.; Eye and Ear Work, St. Joseph Hosp., Omaha. Invented Burrell snare and several other appliances. Auth.; Various magazine articles. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; Shrine. Married Anne Sumney, D 24, 1898, Chicago. Children: Howard Leslie, b. Ja 9, 1900; Charlotte Louise, b. Ap 1, 1902; George Sumney, b. r 9, 1905. Died Ap 26, 1917, Hollywood, Calif. ARTHUR W. BURROWS Physician; M.D.; b. Je 22, 1854, Eng.; s. Eliza (Bulmer) Burrows. Prepared in Winchester. Married N 15, 1888. Address, 1044 S. 11th East, Salt Lake City; 6ms. add., 305-6-7 Continental Bank Bldg., do. *S. W. BURSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., do.; Clin. Instr., Surg.. Coll. of Med., 1892-95. NEIL CAMERON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located in Burwell, Neb. J LEVI B. CASEY M.D.; b. Mr 22, 1862, Marion, 111.; s. Levi B. and Angeline (Norman) Casey. M.D., Univ. of Louisville, 1885. Mem., K. P.; M.E. Church. Married Laura B. Lowe, 1889, Marion, 111. Child, Clyde L., b. 1890. Address, 522 S. Market St., Marion, 111. *MILTON F. COE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1886-87. Lecturer on diseases of Children, Coll. of Med., Spring of 1891-92. Formerly located at 144 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago. Deceased. *WILLIAM WILSON COKER M.D.; b. 1840. Prepared in the Royal Coll. of Surg., Eng. L. R. C. P., Ireland, 1872. At one time Phys., 2802 Archer Ave., Chicago. Died My 1, 1909, Chicago. FRANK C. CULLEN Professor; M.D. M.D., Rush Med. CoU., 1887. Prof., Orthopedic Surg., Harvard Evening Med. Coll., 1896. Formerly located at 561 W. 12th St., Chicago. t *JOHN HOWARD DAVIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp. At one time located at New Carlisle, Ind. Deceased. FRANK E. DUCKWORTH Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located in Freeport, Ill.t CLIFFORD P. FALL M.D.; b. F 9, 1863, Thorntown, Ind.; s. David and Anna (Kemodle) Fall. Prepared in Sugar Plain H.S. and Danville Central Norm. Coll. Gen. Med. practice, Beatrice, Neb.; Owner of Beatrice Sanitarium, a 25 bed Surg. Hosp. and Tr. Sch., do. 1st Lt., Spanish-Am. War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; B. P. O. E. Married Anna Kemper, Je 19, 1885, Aurora, Neb. Children: Hazel Helen, b. Ag 14, 1891; Frederick K., b. Ja 27, 1903. Address, 701 N. 9th St., Beatrice, Neb., bus. add., 112H N. 6th, do. DAVID WILLIAM FELTENSTEIN Banker; M.D.; b. Mr 13, 1869, New York City; s. Israel and Betsy Feltenstein. Address, 1615 BellAve., St. Joseph, Mo. -.bus. add., 1802 Commer- cial, do. WILLIAM STOWE FOWLER ■■ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 28, 1857; s. Edwin P. and Emeline B. (Spencer) Fowler. Address, Bakersfield, Calif. *JOHN FERGUSON GLOVER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Phys., South Hosp. for Insane, Evansville, Ind; Specialist in Neurol, and Psychiatry, 414 Upper 2nd St., do. Deceased. THOMAS J. HAINES Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. Je 5, 1853, Logan Co., O.; s. John H. and Lydia Ann (Hole) Haines. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp. and 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago. Married Dr. Blanche Moore, My 15, 1890. Address, 115 Main St., Three Rivers, Mich. *BARTLETT YANCEY HARRIS Surgeon; M.D.; b. Jl 26, 1851, Guilford, Co., N.C.; s. Joseph and Harriett (Howerton) Harris. Prepared in Hillsdale Acad. . and New Garden Boarding Sch. Phys., Humboldt Co. Hosp., Alms House, and Jail, 1895-99; A. A. Surg., P. H. M. H.S., 1893-1904; Quarantine Serv.; Pres., Hum- boldt Co. Bd of Health, 1895-98; Pres., Bd. Ex- amining Surgs., N.W. Dist. of Calif., for Pension Bureau, 1894-1904. Located in Eureka, Calif., 1888-1905; San Francisco, 1905—. Married Jennie Oveta Campbell, Ag 12, 1874. Children: Harriet I., b. Je 2, 1875; Tille H., b. Je 18, 1880. Died Je 5, 1921, San Francisco. *HENRY A. HOLLIDAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Amery, Wis. Deceased. DAVID PECK HUESTON M.D.; b. Ja 27, 1850, Butler Co., O.; s. Ralph and Eliza (Peck) Hueston. Married Cora M. Bonesteel, 1881, Decatur, 111. Address, 1020 N. Main St., Jacksonville, 111. DAVID THOMAS JONES Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 23. 1860; s. Thomas (b. Wales) and Winnifred (Lewis) Jones (b. do.). Prepared in Acad. Dept., Downer Coll., Fox Lake Wis. Valedictorian, 1888. Located in Chilton, Wis., 1888-91; Wausau, Wis., 1891—. Mem., District Examing Bd., 1917-18. Married Mr 22, 1888, Chilton, Wis, Children: Merritt La Count, b. Mr 17, 1890; Winnfield David, b. Jl 31, 1896 (died O 20, 1912). Address, 506 3rd St., Wausau. Wis. WILLIAM FRANCIS MALONE Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1862. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Formerly at 324 Madison St., Milwau- kee. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, 757 Shephard Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 611 Caswell Bldg., do.t FITCH C. E. MATTISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 4, 1861, Louis- ville, Ky.; s. Samuel J. and Catharine C. (Jennings) Mattison. Prepared in Z. Taylor Pindell Acad., Annapolis, Md., and Md. Institute. Phi Rho Sigma; Chm., Ex. Com., Class of 1888. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago, 1888-98; Gen. Surg, practice, Pasadena, Calif., 1898 — ; Pres., Staff, Los Angeles Co. and Pasadena Hosps. M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Auth.: Articles on Surg. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, K. T., Shrine; Calif, State Med. Soc. (Ex-Pres.); So. Calif. Med. Soc; Los Angeles Clinical and Pathol. Soc. Mar- ried Helen H. Blake, 1889, Chicago. Child, Bess E., b. 1890. Address, 295 W. Calif. St., Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., do. ♦ROBERT R. MICHAEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly located at Eureka, Calif. Deceased. College op Medicine Alumni IT *ERNEST J. MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1854. Died N 19, 1906, at his home in Sycamore, 111. FR.\NK L. MYERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Sheldon, lat *GEORGE MYRON NESBIT Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Cook Co. Hosp", Chicago. 1887. Died Je 25, 1915, Water- loo, la. HENRY FREDERICK PETERSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. .\g 31, 1S54, Hanover, Ger.;" s. Henry and Marie (Niebuhr) Petersen. Prepared in Hanover Xorni. and Goettingen Univ. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Dundee, 111. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mabel 11, Preston, N 14, 1SS9. Elgin, 111. Children: Max, b. 1890; Elsa, b. 1891; Maritz, b. 1893; Waldcmar, b. 1895; Dorothea, b. 1900. Address, Dundee, 111. *OSCAR F. PILE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1887. Formerly at Market and Jones Sts., ^Iemphis, Mo.; U. S. pension examiner. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Tri-State Med. Assn. Died F 12, 1911, Memphis, Mo. *BRUNO VON SCHALLERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1885-87. Located at Ripon, Wis.; Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mem., A. M. A. Deceased. ,* JOSEPH J. SELBACH M.D.; b. 1865. Mem., Intercounty Med. Soc. (Sec. and Treas.). Died My 25, 1911,1 Sacred Heart Hosp., Eau Claire, Wis. *SCHUYLER F. SHIDLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Asst., Chem., Coll. of Med., 1887-88. Died Ja 3, 1903, Sheridan, Mo. JAMES G. SINCLAIR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1883. Clin. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1895-97. Gen. Med. practice, Chi- cago; formerly at 3455 Cottage Grove Ave., do. Address, 5150 Indiana Ave., Chicago. t OTTO WILLIAM STAIB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 25, 1857, Ger.; s. L. F. and Henrietta (Benkiser) Staib. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Sch., Stuttgart, Ger., 1876, Univ. of Tubingen, 1880, and Univ. of Berlin, 1887. Ger. Army, 1882-1884. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Kane Co. Med. Soc; Modern Wooduii-n; Maccabees; C. of H. Married Luise F. Mower, 1882. Children: Otto, b. 1882; Her- man, b. 1884; Carl. b. 1885; Henry, b. 1891; Frederick, b. 1893; Louise Marion, b. 1894. Ad- dress, Bartlett, 111. *JAMES T. STANTON Phys. and Surg., M.D. At one time located at 194 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Deceased. • *CHARLES STERLING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1855. Gen. Med. practice, Oakland, Calif. Died N 28, 1918. WALTER B. STEWART Physician; M.D.; b. F 13, 1860; s. John W. (b. Jl 24, 1825, Albany, N.Y.) and Letitia (Whitten) Stewart (b. Je 30, 1833, Ottawa, Can.). Prepared in Wilmington H.S.; U. of I., 1881-84 (Chem. Course) and Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1885-86. Joliet, 111., 1888—. Mem., Exemption Bd., 1917-18. Married Gertrude Sawyer, Ja 22, 1902, Joliet, 111. Address, 706 Western Ave., Joliet, 111. WILLIAM BENTLEY TOWLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Appointed to Cook Co. Hosp., 1887.$ HOWARD EUGENE WHITE Retired; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887. For- merly Phys. and Surg., Logan, O. Address, Logan, O.t " LUTHEli R. WILLIAMSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887. Formerly located at 844 Racine Ave., Milwaukee.! *JOHN JAMES WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887-88. At one time located at Ironwood, Mich. Deceased. DANIEL BALDWIN WYLIE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1887. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, Salinas, Calif. t CLASS OF 1889 (34 LIVING, 16 DEAD) SAMUEL F. BORLAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 191 Clybourn PI., Chicago. J WILLIAM E. BURCKY Physician; M.D.; b. N 5, 1853, Chicago; a. Frederick and Susan (Berdell) Burcky. Married Sylvia H. Grossmann, O 1889. Child, Frederic William, b. D 5. 1890. Address. 6641 Halsted St., Chicago. ♦GEORGE MORRIS CADY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 719 W. Harrison St., Chicago; Asst., Chem., Coll. of Med., 1887-88. Deceased. CHAUNCEY W. CARGILL M.D.; b. S 29, 1865, Ma.son City, 111.; s. Mary (Phipps) Cargill. Mem., K. P.; Mod. Woodman. Married Carrie Warnock, 1892, Jamestown, N. Dak. Children: Louise, b. 1893; Joe, b. 1895. Address. 405 E. Chestnut St., Mason City, 111. FRANKLIN SNOW CHENEY Physician; M.D.; b. My 9, 1864, San Francisco; s. David B. and Sarah C. H. (Snow) Cheney. Prepared in Elgin Acad., 1880; A.B., Denison Univ., 1885; A.M., do., 1888; attended Univ. of Chicago, 1880-83. Psi Upsilon (Univ. of Chicago) ; Phi Rho Sigma. Lecturer on Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1893-94; Asst. Prof., Pediatrics, do., 1900-04. Married Leila L. Day, S 28, 1892, Lima, O. (Died). Children: Constance and Dorothy. Address, 2127 W. 110th St., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 1620, 105 S. La Salle St., do. HARVEY R. CRONK M.D.; b. N 8, 1860; s. Harvey and Ellen (Reed) Cronk. Local Bd., 130, Selective Service, World War. Married Lucy Morton, Ap 19, 1889, New York. Child, Harvey Morton, b. Ja 31, 1890. Address, 257 W. 100th St., New York. ISAAC FORY CROSBY Physician; M.D.; b. S 2, 1804, Albany, 111.; s. I. B. and Elizabeth (Marshall) Crosby. A.B., No. III. Coll. Gen. Med. practice, Stuart, la., 31 yrs. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A. (Fellow). Married Marie E. Bartley, My 1902, Atlantic, la. Children: Harold B., b. 1900; A. Marion, b. 1909. Address, Stuart, la. 18 University of Illinois [1889 WILLIAM H. DEMPSTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1S88. At one time located at Bruning, Neb. J BERNARD F. DOUGHERTY M.D.; b. Ap 16, I860; s. William and Sophia (O'Donnell) Dougherty. A.M., Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1877; M.D., do., 1879. Located in Chari- ton, la. Married Barbara E. Schlenz, D 7, 1889. Address, 115 Main St., Chariton, la. H. FRANKLIN EAMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ; b. My 30, 1859, Masham, P. Q., Canada; s. Horace William and Asenath (Mougin) Eames. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1884. Married Emma Frances Baker, Ap 7, 1887, Wan- ceda, Mich. Children: Daughter, Mrs. O. F. Meredith, b. Mr 12, 1889; Chas. E., b. O 28, 1890; Enid Frances, b. S 7, 1892; Frank, b. Ag 9, 1895; Bernice Dorothy, b. Mr 13, 1898 (Died Je 2, 1918) ; Spencer William, b. My 20, 1902; Harold Edmond, b. Ap 13, 1905. Address, Egg Harbor, Wis. JAMES HENRY EDDY M.D.; b. F 14, 1863, ShelbyviUe, 111., s. William and Mary Jane (Roberts) Eddy. Address, Lake- wood, 111. HARRY P. EWING Phys. and Surg., M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1888. At one time located in Bessemer, Mich.; later at 389 S. Halsted St., Chicago.}: *MARSH C. GILMORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1888. Deceased. ISIDOR GLUCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Oculist and Aurist, Omaha, Neb. Address, Barker Blk., Omaha, Neb.t *WILLIS A. GODARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887. Formerly at 728 Belmont Ave., Chicago. De- ceased. THOMAS J. GRACE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Cook Co. Hosp., 1888. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Clarks Mills, Pa.t *ALBERT STONE GRAY M.D.; b. 1864. M.D., Bennett Coll. of Ec- lectic Med. and Surg., 1887. Auth.: Newspaper Articles on Health Topics. Died D 17, 1917, St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago. ♦OLIVER HEBERT Physician; M.D.; b. 1855. Formerly of Mil- waukee; spent several years in Colo, for his health. Died Ap 26, 1912, on his ranch near Grand Junc- tion, Colo. GEORGE BARNARD HIBBS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, la., 1885. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Ad- dress, Mitchellville, la.f FRANCIS D. HOLBROOK Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located at 292 Belden Ave., Cliicago.t ALFRED WILLIAM HORNBOGEN (Brother of Harry J., '94) Physician; M.D.; b. O 31, 1866, Reeds, Minn.; s. Carl W. (b. 1826, Weimar, Saxony) and Geor- giana (Anding) Hornbogen (b. Hesse-Cassel, Ger.). Prepared in Reeds, Minn. Valedictorian, Class of 1889. Univ. of Vienna, 1912. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., O 1889-Ap 1891; Pvt. Practice, Port Washington, Wis., Ap 1891-Ap 1899; Marquette, Mich., Ap 1899 — . Mem., Med. Advisory Bd.; Mich. State Council of Nat. Defense, Med. Sec- tion; Chairman, Marquette Alger Co., do. Fellow, Am. Coll. of Surg.; do., A. M. A.; State Delegate, A. M. A.; Mich. State Med. Soc. (Ex-Pres.). Mem., Marquette and Alger Co. Med. Societies. Married Mary Osborne, Je 12, 1901, Consecon, Ont., Can. Address, 507 Spruce St., Marquette, Mich.; bus. add.. Savings Bank Bldg., do. ♦ADRIAN REGINALD KARREMAN Physician; M.D. Prepared in Univ. of Mich., 1888 and Rush Med. Coll., 1889. Died S 29, 1919. PHILIP A. KENNICOTT M.D.; b. My 3, 1864; s. Alonzo (b. N. Y., 1826) and Catherine Adelia (Phillips) Kennicott (b. 1832, N.Y.). Prepared in No. Ind. State Norm. Sch. Located in Shermerville, 111., 1889-91; Glen- view, do., 1891-1902; Palmyra, Va., 1902-1909; Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1909-10. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Je 28, 1893, Glenview, 111. Children: Philip A., Jr., b. Je 8, 1895; Joyce L., b. Jl 14, 1899; Catherine A., b. Ap 24, 1906. Address, Woodbine, Kan. ♦FREDERICK AUGUST LEUSMAN Pharm. and Phys.; M.D.; Pb.G., 1881; b. 1853, Breslau, Ger. Prepared in Gymnasium Sch. Ap- prenticed to F. Oswald, Ger., 1873-75. Phys. and Pharm., 270 E. Huron St., Chicago; Instr., Genito- urinary diseases, Coll. of Med., 1893-96; Prof., Clin, and Genito-Urinary Surg., Jenner Med. Coll.; Attending surg., Ger.-Am. Hosp. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ag 3, 1913, St. Josephs Hosp., Chicago. ' FRANK T. LIDDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887. Address, 3201 Wallace St., Chicago.t FRANK CUTLER LINDEN Physician; IM.D.; b. S 19, 1860; s. Robert J. and Marie (DeLeo) Linden. Prepared in Phila- delphia Pub. Schs. and Chester, (Pa.) Mil. Acad. Alpha Phi Mu. Prof., Principles and Practice of Med.; Ex-Pres., Jenner Med. Coll. A. F. A. M.; K. T, 32°; Noble, Mystic Shrine. Lt., American Protective League, 1918. Married Jessie D. Vos- burgh, Ap 23, 1884. Child, Robert F., b. Mr 24, 1885. Address, 3045 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1901 S. Halsted St., do. ARTHUR LOEWY Physician; M.D.; b. D 29, 1867; s. Lewis (b. Aus.) and Rose (Heller) Loewy (b. Bohemia). Prepared in Austin H. S. Physician, Dunning, 111.; do., Elgin, 111.; do.. Oak Park, 111. Mem.j Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Cecilia Metz, Mr 14, 1910, Chicago. Children: Katherine, b. Ja 26, 1911; Cecele, b. N 18, 1912; Arthur Jr., b. My 15, 1918. Address, 181 Marion St.. Oak Park, 111. ♦JAMES OLIVER LUCE ♦EDWIN A. McCORNACK M.D.; b. F 8, 1854, Rutland Tp., 111.; s. Alex- ander and Margaret (Eakin) McCornack. Pre- pared in Elgin Acad. M.D., Bennett Coll. of Eclectic Med., 1881. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; Kane Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A.M. A. Mem., Local draft Bd. 2. Married Rhoda E. Harrison, Mr 29, 1883, Bethlehem, Conn. Children: Wallace, b. Mr 3, 1884; Alex- ander E., b. F 20, 1885; Margaret H., b. F 28, 1894; Clark Harrison, b. Je 23, 1895. Died Ap 14, 1921, Elgin, 111. 1889] COLLKGE OF MEDICINE AlUMNI, 19 ♦EUGENE MARTIN Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. 1S66. Gen. Med. practice, 5130 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Deceased. EDMOND R. MORAS Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.: b. 1S65. M.D., Har- vard Med. Sch., 1S88. Lecturer, Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1895-97. Address, Highland Park, lU.t ARCHIBALD J. MORTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp.. 1882. At one time located at Draper, la. J ♦LESLIE E. MOVERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Gen. Med. practice. Fairdale, 111. Died S 2, 1902, Colorado Springs, Colo. ♦JOHN R. MUNFORD M.D.; b. 1860. Mem., A. M. A., (Fellow). Died about Ja 18, 1916, Pittsburgh. EIMER ONSTOTT Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1861; s. Henry and Sarah Ann (Samms) Onstott. B.S., Grove City Coll.. 188.5. Benson Gold Medal; Faculty Medal, 1SS8-9. Gen. Med. practice, St. Petersburg, Pa., 1SS9-93: Salt^burg, do., 1S93— . Voluntary Med. Sorv. Corps. Mem., Ind. Co. Med. Soc; Pa. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Emma J. KeUy. My 29, 1895. Address, Saltsburg. Pa. ♦WILLIAM R. OWEN Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1840. Appointed to Cook Co. Hosp., 1886. Formerly of Sublette, HI. Died Ag 27, 1905, Minneapolis. ♦W. I. PHAR Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Teachers Certificate before entering Coll. of Med.; attended Belle- vue Med. Coll., N.Y. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Deceased. ♦JAMES WILLIAM PORTER Physician; M.D.; b. 1853. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, 1878. At one time located in Carthage, Ind. Died S 28, 1912, Hedrick, la. GEORGE A. POST Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 22, 1866, N. Y.; s. Jacob and Slargaret (Kuney) Post. Prepared in Chit- tenango (N. Y.) H. S. Pb.B., Wheaton Coll., Wheaton. 111., 1885. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem., Ben Hur; Columbian Circle; Maccabees. Married May Guernsey, Jl 21, 1891. Child, Helen, b. Je 23, 1892. Address, 12130 Normal Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 554 W. 120th St., do. PRESTON POWEL Physician; M.D.; b. D 20, 1867; s. Charles- worth (b. S 5, 18.35, Philadelphia) and Rachel E. (Milligan) Powel (b. F 28, 1847, Bellefontaine, O.). Prepred in Taylorville, 111. Asst., Eye and Ear, and Genito Urinary Depts., Dispensary Clinics, 1889-1900; Located in Mena.sha, Wis., 1895; Adair. la.. 1899; Edinburg, 111., 1900; Pen- sion Examiner. Neenah. Wis., My 18, 1899. Mem. of Local Exemption Bd., Adair Co., la., Jl 31, 1917. Married Lizzie Berry, Mr 2.5, 1891, Edin- burg, 111. Child, Ida Elizabeth, b. Ag 23, 1905. Address, Adair, la. JAY HAYDEN RADLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 16. 1863, Pawpaw. III.; s. Anderson Clayton (b. Ja 14, 1827, Florida Tp.. N.Y.) and Mary Vashti (Hayden) Radley (b. 1840, Jackson Co., Mich.). Prepared in East PawPaw Sem. Gold Medal for Scholarship. Class Pres. Phys. and Surg., Hinckley, 111., 1889-1900; New York, 1890-1904; Youngstown, O., 1904-09; New York, 1909—. Auth.; Phys. rs Med. Methods of Treatment, Med. World, Air 1915; "Rot" and Results, The Lancet-Clinic, Jl 25, 1914; Spinal Subluxations — Their Nature and Cause, Med. Record, Ag 1, 1914; Spinal Subluxa- tions — Their Effects, Scope, Limitations, and Re- sults of Treatment, Am. Medicine, Ag 1914; Chaos of Cause, Cure and Cults, do., Ja 1917. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Minnie E. Herbell, F 20, 1895, New York. Address, 112 W. 71st St., New York. FREDERICK W. ROGERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Milwaukee Co. Hosp., 1888. Address, Hartford, Wis.t CHARLES EMERSON SOULE Physician; M.D.; b. Je 11, 1S63, Rochester, Wis.; s. Elvirus and Mary Jane (Thomas) Soule Prepared in Rochester Seminary, Rochester, Wis Gen. Med. practice, Mt. Vernon, Wis., 1889-93 Sheridan, 111., 1893-1902; Beardstown, do., 1902—, Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Cass Co. Med. Soc. Married Nellie Spaulding S 27, 1906, Davenport, la. Address, 114 W. 4th St., Beardstown, 111. ♦SAMUEL CALHOUN STREMMEL M.D.; b. 1863. Surg-in-Chief, Marietta Phelps Hosp., Macomb, 111. Mem., Macomb Bd. of Health, 20 years. Fellow, A. M. A. Died Jl 24, 1918. CHARLES C. TERRY Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1866. Cook Co. Hosp. Address, 905 W. Colfax Ave., South Bend, Ind.; bus. add., 129 Lafayette St., do.f EDGAR S. WALFORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1864, Grass Lake, Mich.; s. Zilpha (Brown) Walford. Mar- ried O 30, 1889. Addres.% 1564 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 6ms. add., 202 Woodland Ave., do. THOMAS M. WALSH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. M.D., Ben- nett Med. Coll. Clin. Instr., Diseases of Children, Coll. of Med., 1892-93. Address, McCullough Bldg., Davenport, la.t HOMER S. WARREN Phys, and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 15, 1867; s. E. S. and Martha Warren. Prepared in Simpson Coll., la. Active Serv., World War. Phys. and Surg, Chicago, 1889 — . Married. Five children. Ad- dress, 5632 Sheridan Road, Chicago; bus. add., 520 Wabash Ave., do. EDWARD L. WATSON Physician; M.D.; b. S 4, 1867, Algona. la.; 8. H. F. and Mary (Livingston) Watson. Pre- pared in Algona (la.) H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Janet Smith, S 12, 1900. Address, Bode, la. WILLIAM CHARLES WERMUTH Surgeon; M.D.; Ph.G., 1885; b. 1863. Former- ly at 282 Bissell St., Chicago. Practice limited to Surg. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do.t 20 University of Illinois [1890 CLASS OF 1890 (43 LIVING, 14 DEAD) *CHARLES D. ABBEY M.D.; b. 1848. Mem., 111. State Mod. Soc. Formerly at 831 47th St., Chicago. Died F 21, 1909, Chicago. GEORGE D. BAGNALL Clerk of Courts; M.D.; b. D 12, 1866, Mill- brook, Pa.; s. George and Fannie (Bland) Bagnall. R.S., Grove City Coll., 1885. Address, Mercer, Pa. WILLIAM HARRISON BALLARD M.D.; b. My 26, 1857; s. N. E. and Matilda Catherine (Hitf) Ballard. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Louise Baker, O 26, 1005. Address, 779 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., do. BERNHARD F. BELLACK M.D.; b. F 24, 1862, Watcrtown, Wis.: s. Her- man and Jeanette (Wuschritz) Bellack. Prepared in Watertown H. S., Vienna Allgemeine Kranken- haus. Gold Medal, 1887-88, do., 1888-89. Mar- ried Marie Griswold, N 12, 1907. Children: Mary, b. N 20, 1908. Address, Columbus, Wis. O. PRESCOTT BENNETT (Father of Hazel, A.B. in L. A. & S., '16; Wayne R., B.S. in Commerce, '20) Physician and Surgeon; M.D.; b. Jl 4, 1868, Orland, Ind.; s. J. ts. (b. Bridgeport, Conn.) and Emma (Kimball) Bennett (b. Orland, Ind. Prepared in Orland H. S.; Mich. St. Norm. Sch.; Rush Med. Coll., 1888. Lecturer on Rhinol. and Laryngol., Coll. of Med., Spring of 1891-92. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 23, 1918- F 13, 1920; Maj., do., F 13, 1920- Jl 11, 1920; at nresent Maj., M. R. C. Married, Ithaca, N. Y. Children: Hazel Marguerite, b. F 8, 1894; Wayne R., b. D 6, 1898. Address, Washington, 111. FREDERICK JOHN BOWEN Physician; M.D.; b. D 11, 1865, Blockville, N. Y.; s. Joshua Danforth (b. Chautauqua Co., N. Y.) and Louise Emily (Babcock) Bowen (b. Irving, N. Y.). Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S. Located in Tuscarora, N. Y., 1890-97; Mount Morris, do., 1897—. Mem., Bd. of U. S. Pension Examiners, 1897-1913; Coroner, Living- ston Co., 1898—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 1918-Ja 1919; do., O. R. C, Ja 16, 1920. Married Hattie Amanda Whitney, Je 30, 1891, Wiscoy, N. Y. (died F 7, 1920) . Children: Grant Whitney, b. Ja 13, 1895; Luella Louise, b. Je 1897. Address, Mount Morris, N. Y. *PAUL LOUIS BRICK Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1846. Gen. practice. Le- Mars, la., 35 yrs.; Local Surg., 111. Central R. R., Pres., Local Bd. of Pension Examining Surgs; Mem., State Commission on Insanity. Mem.. A. M. A. Died O 14, 1910, St. Joseph Hosp., Sioux City, la. THOMAS EDWARD COLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Copk Co. Hosp., 1888. ^ Gen. Med. practice. Address, LeMars, la.t MATTHEW CORBETT Physician; M.D.; b. F 10, 1863, Rothsay, Ont.; s. John (b. 1824, Ireland) and Margaret (Clark) Corbett (b. New Castle, Ont.). Prepared in Elora H. S., Mt. Forest Model Sch. and Ottawa Norm. Sch. Studied with Dr. E. A. Hall, Glom- mis, Ont. Clin. Instr., Gynecol, and Surg., Coll. of Med., 1892-1900. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Julia M. Leinen, O 26, 1904, Chicago (died My 21, 1917). Children: Mary Margaret, b. N 14, 1905; John Henry, b. Ag 23, 1911. Address, 2314 W. 12th St., Chicago. SVENNING DAHL Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 11, 1857, St. Aistrup, Denmark; s. Soren and Kristine (Jonathansen) Dahl. A.B., Univ. of Copenhagen, 1886; Ph.B., do., 1887; McWilliams Gold Medal. Post-grad, work, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1892, Ber- lin, 1897, Frieburg, Ger., 1898. Intern, Gor- Hosp., Chicago, 1889; Gen. Med. practice, 1890; Attending Phys., Tabitha Hosp., 1891-95; At- tending Surg., Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hosp., 1897 — .; Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1899-19]0;visitedHosps. of Europe, 1907-08, Prof., Clin. Surg., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 191.5 — : Re-examiner during draft of army. World War. Auth.; Several articles on Med. subjects. Mem., Scandinavian-Am. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1909-10). A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Anna Jensen, My 20, 1894, Hutchinson, Minn, (died 1906); Lila Mosey, O 17, 1908, Le- land. 111. Address, 2029 Pierce Ave., Chicago. ULYSSES GRANT DARLING Neurologist; M.D.; b. 1866; At one time lo- cated at 3201 Washington Blvd., Chicago; 7 W. Madison St., do.; Clin. Instr., Nervous Diseases Coll. of Med., 1896-98; Asst. Prof., Neurol., do. 1902-06; A.?st. Prof., Neurol, and Psychiatry, do. 1908-14. Prof., Neurol., Jenner Med. Coll., 1918 Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, 31 N. State St., Chicago.t OSCAR DODD Physician: M.D.; b. Ag 20, 1864, Rosendale, Wis.; s. Bushnell (b. Vt.) and Margaret (Murray) Dodd (b. Prince Edward Island). Prepared in H. S. Grad. work, Univ. of Vienna, 1892; Univ. of Heidelberg, 1892. Gen. Med. practice, Chi- cago, 1893 — . Clin. Instr., Diseases of Eye and Ear, Coll. of Med., 1893-95. Married Agnes T. Sheldon, My 18, 1898, Topeka, Kan. Children: Dorothy, b. Ja 20, 1900; Charles Ward, b. Je 2, 1902; Margaret, b. Jl 13, 1907. Address, 1419 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111.; 6ms. add., 1604 Chicago Ave., do. EDWARD ALEXANDER DOEPP Surgeon; M.D.; F 14, 1866; s. William and Paulina (Stoltz") Doepp. Prepared in H. S. Surg., I. C. Ry.; do., Chicago & Interurban Traction Co. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Emilie Uhlich, D 14, 1892. Children: Hilbert, b. Jl 18, 1895; Wil- liam, b. F 11. 1899. Address, 363 Gregory St., Blue Island, 111. BENEDICT EINARSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1882. Address, 535 W. 63rd St., Chicago.t JAMES P. ELLIS (Cousin of Clarence Pitney, '97, B.S.) Physician; M.D.; b. Mv 14, 1857, Ghent, Ky.; s. David (b. F 4, 1826, Bourbon Co., Ky.) and Eliza (Fisher) Ellis (b. S 17, 1833, Ghent, Ky.). PreDared in H. S. Physician, Augusta, 111.; Mayor, do., 1914-16. Address, Augusta, 111. JOHN DUNHAM GILBERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 5, 1864, Stratford, Conn.; s. John Dimham and Harriet Gilbert. Prepared in H S. Mem., Epis. Church. Married Adeline Cranlev, Mv 1, 1906. Children: John Dunham, b. Ag 6, 1907; Wendell, b. Ap 5, 1909. Address, Carlton, Minn. 1800] College of Medicine Alumni 21 ♦FREDERICK WILLIAM EMIL HENKEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., ISSl; b. My 31. 185S. Hustisford. Wis.; s. Frederick (b. 1827. Ger.) and Wilhelmine (Schocne) Henkel (b. 1837, Ger.). Prepared in N. W. I'niv. Grad. work, Univ. of Berlin, Ger., six months. Druggist, Chicago, 1881-90; Med. practice, ilo., 1890-1907; Lecturer, Materia Med.. CoU. of Med., 1893-96; Instr.. GynecoL, do.. 1894-1904. Located in Silverton, Colo., 1908-20; Rifle, do., 1920. Mem., VoL Med. Serv. Corps. N 9. 1918—. Mem., San Juan Med. Soc. (Sec); Colo. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 7th Pan-Am. Med. Cong. Married Marie H. Hoerbor, D 24, 18S9, Chicago. Children: Frederick W., b. O 19, 1890; Marie Iloerber, b. Ag 29, 1892; Helene C. b. S 3. 1896. Deceased. CHARLES J. HEYLMANN Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1885; b. Ag 10, 1858, Chicago; s. Charles (b. 1820, Altona, Den.) and Angelica (Weidner) Heylmann (b. 1838, Bern- castle, Ger.). Prepared in Pub. Seh. Grad. work, Univ. of Munich, 1890. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Chicago. Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Assn. Progressive Med.; K. of C; Forresters; Press Club. Address, 1436 Hood Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 6205 Broadway, do. GUSTAV A. HIPKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 25, 1867, New Holstein. Wis.; s. Jacob (h. 1834, Ger.) and Eli- zabeth (Schroeder) Hipke (b. 1837, do.). Prepared in Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis. Philoma- thean Soc. Valedictorian. Located in Casco, Wi.s., 1889-1890: Univs. of Berlin and Vienna, 1900; Prof, of Obst., P & S. Med. Sch., Milwaukee, 1903- 12; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1913-14. Surg., S. A. T. C. Unit, Sch. of Engineering, 1917-18. Mem., A. M. A.; Wis. Med. Soc; Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc. Married Clara B. BeUtz, Ag 12, 1890, New Holstein, Wis. Children: Lucius W., b. Mr 19, 1S96; Malcolm M., b My 21, 1901. Address, 1240 Wells BIdg., Milwaukee, Wis. WILLIAM FRANKLIN HOOPER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Gen. Med. practice, Stigler, Okla.; at one time located in Magazine, Ark.; later at Stigler, Okla. Mem., Ark. Med. Soc. Address, Wetumka, Okla.f ♦ALFRED GRANT HOPKINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1850. Gen. Med. practice, Burlington, la. Died My 5, 1917, Bur- lington, la. ROBERT R. HOUSTON JAMES J. HOWARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1855. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1875-76. Address, Columbus, Wis-t JOSEPH HENRY HUENNEKENS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1856. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 447 3rd Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 331 Grove St., t/o.t ♦VINCENT REDMAN JACKSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1S55. Surg, of Bat. A., III. Nat. Guard, Spanish-Am. War. Died F 14, 1916, Milwaukee. FRANCIS LEBARON JENNEY Phy.sician; M.D.; b. D 6. 1869, Chicago; b. William LeBaron and Elizabeth Hannah (Cobb) Jenncy. Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. Grad. work in Mf;d., Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bal- timore. 1890-91; Domon.strator, Anat., Coll. of Med., 1891, Spring Term; Berlin and Vienna, 1S91- 93. Med. Dir., Federal Life Ins. Co., and Sec, Med. Section, Am. Life Convention. Mem., Ist Unitarian Church: Chicago Literary Chib; A. M. P. O. Married Winifred Ament, Ag 21, 1907. Chil- dren: William, b. N 6, 1895; Hazel Preston, b. Jl 25, 1901. Address. 5714 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 168 N. Michigan Ave., do. LAMOILE RUSH KING Specialist; M.D.; b. 1804. JOye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, Junction City, Kan. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Junction City, Kuii.t JOHN JAMES KLEMME Physician; M.D.; b. D 24, lS{i7, JoUet, III.; s. John (b. 1S2S, River N<>isse, Uptur Silesia, Ger.) and Anna Loviise (Kgpert) Klemnie (b. lS2f), Ham- burg, do.). Prepared in Joliot Schs. and St. Josephs Coll., Teutoplis, 111., 1882-86. Class Sec. Gen. Med. practice, Strawn, 111., 1890-15. Address, 123 S. Eastern Ave., Joliet, 111. ♦WILLIAM SHERMAN LEITER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. Gen. JVIed. practice, Claypool, Ind. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ja 12, 1911, Claypool, Ind. ♦NICHOLS E. LENTES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1886. Formorlv located at 937 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Died N 18, 1896, Chicago.- CHARLES WILLIAM LONG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1856. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1885; Chicago Med. Coll., 1887. St. Lukes Hosp., 1886; Mercy Hosp., 1887; Cook Co. Hosp., 1888. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1318 Girard St., Los Angeles.t ♦WILLIAM ALLAN MacFARLANE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1851. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Died F 22, 1918, Chicago. JOHN McGUIRE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Specialist in Ortho- dontia, Chicago; formerly at 24 State St., New York City. Address, 2258 W. Monroe St., Chi- cago; bus. add., Michigan Blvd. Bldg., do.f ♦HENRY BENNETTE McKLVEEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Notre Dame Acad. Gen. Med. practice, Coin, la.; Junction City, Kan. Died Ja 21, 1911, Los Angeles. ♦CRAWFORD McWILLIAM Physician; M.D.; b. 1866. Mem., la. State Med. Soc. Died Ap 12, 1910, Ames, la. JOHN CHESTER MACK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Cook Co. Hosp., 1888. Address. McFeeley Hotel, Walla Walla, Wash.t HERMAN MAI Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1SS6; b. 1860, Ger. Apprenticed as Pharm. to C. W. Jacob, Chicago. Specialist in Urol.; at one time Phys., 208 E. North Ave., Chicago. Address, 435 W. North Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St., rfo.t ♦JAMES HARVEY MANNY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Phys., la. State Insane Asylum; St. Elizabeth's Hosp., Chicago; formerly at 317 Belden Ave., do. Died D 6, 1897, Chicago. MORRIS MEYEROWITZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Prepared in foreign schs. Gen. Med. practice. Address. 3136 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1600 W. Roose- velt Rd., do.-f ERNEST MANNING MILLS Physician; M.D.; h. Ja 3, 1863, Clay, la.; s. Manning B. (b. Trumbic Co., O.) and Ursule F. University of Illinois [1891 (Stone) Mills (b. Ashtabula Co., O.). Located in Kansas City, Kan., 1890-92; Payson, 111., 1892-99 Colchester, 111., 1899-1900; Legrand, la., 1900—. Mem., Friends Church. Married Anna Burgess, S 20, 1892. Address, LeGrand, la. ANDONIRAM JUDSON MORSE Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1864, Randolph. Vt.; s. Aaron N. and Olivia A. (Bass) Morse. Prepared in Cathedral Sch., Fond du Lac, Wis. Maj. and Surg., Wis. Veterans Home, Wis. Capt. and Asst. Surg., 2nd Wis. Nat. Guard. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Margaret Honen, Je 15, 1897. Children: Olivia; Edward W. B.; Mar- garet S.; Martha K.; Aaron S. J.; Seviah R. E. Address, Wis. Veterans Home, Wis. ♦MAXIMILIAN MUFF AT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1852. Formerly located in Palatine, 111. Died S 30, 1902, Palatine, 111. J. WILLIAM NIEUKIRK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Cook Co. Hosp. Address, 232 Taney St., Gary, Ind.; bus. add., Am. Bridge Hosp., do.f MELANCHTHON CAMERON PORTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Gen. Med. practice, Topeka, Kan. Mem., A.M. A. Address, 900 Buchanan St., Topeka, Kan.; bus. add., 735 Kansas Ave., do.f *OTTO FRANK PROHASKA M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in West. Reserve Univ. Located in Cleveland, O. Died Mr 29, 1908. ALBERT HENRY PURDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Prepared in H. S. Specialist in Dermatol. Formerly at 1504 Cedar St., and 307 Grand Ave., Milwaukee. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1618 De la Vina St., Santa Barbara, Calif.t THOMAS EDWARD ROACH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1805. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Renovo, Pa.f ERNEST SHELLITO Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Marcellus, Mich.f HENRY SHERRY Physician; M.D.; b. D 5, 1853, Cleveland; parents b. in Eng. Prepared in Eureka Coll., Eureka, 111., 1873. Surg., 1st Rgt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1891-92. Married Lillian Briggs, 1883, Delaven, 111. (died Mr 1907) ; Gertrude Paine, 1911, Redlands, Calif. Children: Francis Clydell, b. 1886 (died 1892); Leroy, b. 1898; Mildred Lucy, b. 1892. Address, 221 Fremont Ave., S. Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., Chsnaher of Commerce Bldg., do. ROBERT MONTGOMERY STERRETT Author, Teacher and Lecturer; M.D.; b. Jl 8, 1858, Princeton, Ind.; s. Alexander (b. Lafayette, Ind.) and Anna M. E. (Lagow) Sterrett (b. Prince- ton, Ind.). Prepared in Terre Haute (Ind.) H. S.; Indianapolis Med. Coll., 1878. Phys., Indiana- polis City Hosp.; Demonstrator, Surg. Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1891-92; Lecturer, Diseases of Chil- dren, Chicago Womens Med. Coll., 1891-92, one term; Phys., Peru, 111., 1897-99; do.. Providence, R. I., 1904-05; Entered Advertising field, (Foods and Dietetics) Postum Cereal Co., 1906-12; Adv. Mgr. for Denver Chemical Mfg. Co., 1912-17. Auth.: Elements of Dietetics and Nutrition, Pos- tum Cereal Co., 1909; other works of a dramatic nature and an opera entitled Goldcnstein. Mem., Authors League of Am. Married Ida Gallon Colby, 1882, Kansas City, Kan. Children: Robert M., Jr., b. 1883 (died 1894); Paul Colby, b. 1887 (died Ag 1912); Grace Du Bois, b. 1890; Helen Margaret, b. 1894; Marian Elizabeth, b. 1896; George Alexander, b. 1905 (died 1905). Address, 50 Terrace Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. ALBERT JAMES TILTON (Formerly Albert Elias James Tietin) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Koensberg and Berlin, 1882-87. Gen. Med. prac- tice; formerly at 2200 Riverside Ave., IMinneapolis. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Alden, Minn.f FRANKLYN JAMES TOWER Physician; M.D.; b. My 7, 1868, Chicago; s. Franklin Henry (b. Ja 4, 1847, 111.) and Mary (Doolan) Tower (b. Ag 2, 1845, Ireland). Pre- pared in Chicago Pub. Schs. and Ger.-Eng. Acad., Milwaukee. Located in Milwaukee, 1890-1901; Mex., 1901; Calif., 1902—. Govt. Appointment, World War Lecturer. Married Laura Emerson Walden, D 2, 1890, Chicago. Children: Berthold E., b. 1893 (died S 30, 1906); B. Allen, b. 1896; Kenneth Walden, b. 1899. Address, 114 Sapphire St., Redondo Beach, Calif.; bus. add.. Garland Block, do., and Title Ins. Bldg., Los Angeles. JAMES P. VALBY M.D.; b. O 30, 1856, Copenhagen, Den.; s. Jorgen P. Valby. Prepared in Chatfield (Minn.) H. S. Located in Chicago, 1890-91; Rice Lake, Wis., 1891-98; Viborg, S. Dak., 1898-1918; Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1920. Surg., 162nd Inf., Camp Pike, Ark., S 10, 1917-Ja 14, 1918; honorable dis- charge for physical disability. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; L. O. O. M.; M. W. A. Married Ella I. Roth, Ja 31, 1895, Rock Lsland, 111. Ad- dress, 9th and Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. EDWARD W. WAHL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1867, Sterling, 111. Appointed to Cook Co. Hosp. Mem., A. F. A. M. Maj., M. C. U. S. Army. Address, 308 1st Ave., Sterling, 111. ADAM GEORGE WHITE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 21, 18.58, Aber- deen, Scotland; s. Adam and Jane (Littlejohn) White. Prepared in Collegiate Sch., Edinburgh, Scotland, 1871-73; Aberdeen Univ., Scotland, 1874-75; Edinburgh Univ., 1879-80. Practical engineering, 18S1-87; Gen, Med. practice, Mil- waukee; Surg., Milwaukee Hosp. Surg. Staff, 1895- 1919; formerly located at 214 23rd St., Milwaukee; Glenkindis Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1919 — . Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc; Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc; A.M. A. Vol., M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Katharine L. Ferguson, Je 29, 1897, Campbeltown, Scotland. Child, A. Duncan, b. My 24, 1898. Address, Glenkindis, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland. ROBERT MOZART WHITEHEAD ♦CHARLES HENRY WHITMAN M.D.; b. 18.55. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1886. Prof., Clinical Surg., Med. Dept., Univ. of Southern Calif.; Supt., Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1909-17. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc. (formerly Pres.); Los Angeles Co. Surg. Soc. (do.). Died Je 14, 1917, Los Angeles. CLASS OF 1891 (31 LIVING, 12 DEAD) *JULIUS FRANK BAER MARTIN CLARENCE BARBER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 20. 1867; s. Samuel J. (b. 1837, Summerhill, N. Y.) and Julia H. (Smith) Barber (b. 1842, Verona, N. Y.). Prepared in Joliet H.S.; Class Sec; Hon. mention. Grad. work, N. Y. Post-grad. Med. Sch., 1901. Located in Apple River, 111., 1891-92; ShuUsburg, Wis., 1892-1910; Medford, Ore., 1910—. Married Ther- esa TuRi Osborne, S 16, 1896, ShulLsburg, Wis. Children: Newell C, b. F 16, 1898 (died Ag 11, 1918); J. Mercedes, (Mrs. W. A. Russel) b. Jl 14, 1899. Address, 1211 W. Main St., Medford, Ore.; bus. add.. Suite 9, Palm Bldg., do. 1891] College op Medicine Alumni ARTHUR JOSEPH BEHRENDT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G.. 18S6; b. D IS. 1865, Ger.; s. Joseph and Ct.'celia Behrcndt. Mem. A. F. A. M . 33°. Married Anna Plummer, F 27, 1S94. Huntington, Ini. Children: Mildred, b. O IS, 1S96; Florence, b. D 27, 1S9S; James, b. Ja 24. 1907. Address. 4220 N. Paulina St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1967 Milwaukee Ave., do. DANIEL DAVID BRENGLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice.. Address, Perry, Okla.t CHARLES F. BROWN Pres. and Treas., Drug Co.; M.D.; b. Mr 12, 1S67. Onargo. 111.; s. Lee C. and Mattie (Babcock) Brown. Prepared in H. S. and Grand Prairie Acad., Onarga, 111. Student Honor Roll, Coll. of Med. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 12 yrs.; Clin. Instr., Diseases of Nose and Throat. Coll. of Med., 1894-95. Pres. and Treas., Phys. Supply and Drug Co., Chicago. Mem., Presby. Church; .\. F. A. M. Married Marie Scheurer, Ap 28, 1897, Evanston, 111. Address. 160 N. Menard Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 425-27 S. Honors St., do.. ♦RICHARD HUNT BROWN Specialist and Assoc. Prof.; M.D.; b. 1865, New York City. Prepared in Canfield (O.) H. S.; Franklin (Ind.) Coll., 3 yrs. Attending Surg., West Side Dispensary, Ear, Nose and Throat Dept.; Specialist on diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat; Assoc. Clin. Prof., do.. Coll. of Med., 1902- 16; Prof.. Toxicol, and Materia Medica, N. W. Coll. of Pharm.; Otologist, West Suburban Hosp. Auth.; Plastic Operation on the Nose, Wis. Med. Jour.; Case of Exfoliation of Anterior Arch of the Atlas, A. M. A. Jour., 1914; Submucous Resec- tion of the Nasal Septum, Wis. Med. Jour., 1906; The Tonsil question, III. Med. Jour., 1909; Modern Advances in Med. Sci., Plexus; many articles on Eugenics. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. See; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. Athletic Club; Gnosis (literary soc); Congr. Church. Died Mr 12, 1918, Chicago. ALONZO LEAMING BUSHBY Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 17, 1866, Shullsburg, Wis.; s. Thomas (b. N 9, 1841, Eng.) and Florence (Dickson) Bushby (b. Ag 15, 1845, Noblesville, Ind.). Prepared in ShuUsburg, (Wis.) H. S. Located in Gratiot, Wis., 1891-98; Primghar, la., 1S99-1910; Corwith, do., 1911-19. Married Isa- belle L. Cook, Ag 1892, Gratiot, Wis. (died 1897); Rosamond E. Daggett, O 1902. Children: Willis A., b. 1895 (died 1895); Beverly R., b. N. 27, 1913. AddrMS, Woolstock, la. JAMES JORGEN CLAUSEN Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1865, Ger.; s. J. J. and Catherine (Peterson) Clausen. Prepared in Campbell Norm. Univ., Holton, Kan., 1885-86. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1893-94; Phys., Chicago, 1H91-97; do., Kan-sas City, Mo., 1897 — . Mem., Jackaon Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Bettie Thompson, Je 12, 1895, Chicago. Children: Olive, b. Ap 10, 1897; Doris, b. Ja 12, 1908. Address, 3933 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. ANDREW COLEGROVE SILVIUS S. CRAIG Physician; M.D.; b. N 7, 1863, Mukwonago, Wi.s.; s. Perry and Maria (HoUister) Craig. Pre- pared in Rochester Acad., Rochester, Mo.; Univ. of Wis. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Wis., 17 >T3.; Colo., 4 yrs.; N. M., 5 yrs.; Calif., 3 yrs. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.. Camp Cody, N. M. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. W.; W. O. W. Married Jennie May Ottaway, 1893, Alamosa, Colo. Child, Reginald S., b. Ap 28, 1897. Address, 103 S. Rowan Ave., Los Angeles. EDWIN.GRAFFAM EARLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 29, 1866, Bir- mingham, la.; s. John H. and Emma C. Graffam. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Prof., Histol. and Microscopy, Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; Adjunct Prof., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-10. Married Dora Peissner, S 15, 1895. Address, 516 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 159 N. State St., do. GEORGE WATSON FOWLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 27, 1851; s. George and Emma (Jukes) Fowler. Prepared in LeRoy Acad. Inst., LeRoy, N. Y.; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T. Address, Marengo, 111. JEFFERSON ERWIN ERASER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 18. 1861, 111.; s. George and Olive (Nash) Fraser. Married Alfa L. Stan- ton, 1891, Rochelle, 111. Children: Floyd, b. 1894; Cyril, b. 1900. Address, Garner, la. THOMAS HENRY GAFNEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared at Univ. of Mich. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 7229 S. Morgan St., Chicago; bus. add., 8830 Laflin St., do.t FRANK CLARK GENUNG Physician; M.D.; b. S 10, 1865, Port Byron, 111.; 8. William W. (b. 1824, Buffallo, N. Y.) and Eliza- beth (Dunmeier) Genung (b. 1839, Punxsutawney, Pa.). Gen. Med. practice, Wausa, Neb., 1892 — . Capt., U. S. Army, S 12, 1917-D 15, 1918. City Mayor, 22 yrs. Married Addie S. Genung, Ag 11, 1891, Morrison, 111. Child, Florence M., b. Mr 11, 1900. Address, Wausa, Neb. LUDWIG ADOLPH GRIMME Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, 807 Sheridan Rd., Chicago.f JOHN L. HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1849. M.D., Hahne- man Med. Coll., 1875. Gen. Med. practice. A(i- dress, Webster, S. Dak.f ♦ADAM A. HESSELL M.D.; b. 1868. Died Jl 7, 1910, Put-in-Bay, O. WILLIAM HIPKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Prepared in Holstein (Wis.) Schs. Specialist in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases; formerly at Devall Bluffs, Ark. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Marsh- field, Wis.t JAMES A. SULLIVAN HOWELL (Husband of Sally Yingst Howell, '99, M.D.) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1871. Prepared in H. S. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 8, 1918-S 25, 1919; Assigned Com. Camp 9; Foreign serv., Oct 1918-Ag 1919; Assigned to Base Ho.sp., 19, Vichy, France; Casual on duty. Post Blois, F 1919; stationed at Montier Chanme Post Hosp., F-Ag, 1919. Married Sally Yingst Howell ('99 M.D.) Ap 30, 1900. Address, 453 Chicago St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., Hubbard BIdg., do. ROBERT LEE JAMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1890. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Active Serv., M. C, U. S. N. G. Address, Blue Island. lU.t MILO LEONARD KENSINGTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1847. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Joplin, Mo., 1883. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 6307 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 159 N. State St., do t 24 University of Illinois [1891 *GEORGE E. KING Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Med. Dept. of Western Reserve Univ., 1885. Formerly at 503 W. Madison St., Chicago. Deceased. *JOHN JACOB SCHLAWIG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Prepared in Sioux City (la.) H. S. Died S 8, 1902, at his office in Sioux City, la. FRANK HENRY LAWTHER GEORGE THOMAS LEEDLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 12, 1860, Chicago; s. Henry (b. 1826, Lemington, Warwickshire, Eng.) and Henryetta (Hodgson) Leedle (b. My 1, 1834, Bentley, Yorkshire, Eng.). Prepared in Common Schs. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 1891 — . Mar- ried Mary Ellen Smith, 1892, Chicago (died My 9, 1907); Eunice Melvina Cross, Je 9, 1913. Ad- dress, 8111 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago, lU. EDWARb EARNEST MAXEY Physician; M.D.; b.Ag 21, 1867, Irvington, 111.; s. W. C. and Sarah Gertrude (Lane) Maxey. Prepared in Marcus (la.) H. S. Class Historian. Gen. Med. practice, Caldwell, Idaho, 1891-1902; Eye and Ear Specialist, Boise, do., 1902 — . Mai M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19; Chief of the Eye Serv.,' Base Hosp., Camp Sherman, O.; at present Mai. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 32° Scottish Rite, Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Rotary Club. Auth.; Several papers on med. subjects. Married Edna Horn, D 19. 1900, Caldwell, Idaho. Chil- dren: Mane, b. 1907; Edward, b. 1913. Address, Boise, Idaho. *WAL,TER W. MEDILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Indianapolis Med. Coll., 1889. Gen. Med. practice; formerly in Bancroft Bldg., Denver. Deceased. *WILLIAM T. O'BRIEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Formerly at 811 W. 7th Ave., Ashland, Wis. Mem., A. M. A.; State Med. Soc. of Wis. Died D 20, 1920. FRANK ALBERT PHILLIPS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865, Westville, Ind.; s. Martin Van Buren and Mary Harriet (Webber) Phillips. Prepared in Olathe (Kan.) H. S. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1886. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Lawton, Mich., 1891-94; later located at 34 Washington Blvd., Chicago; Denver; Mojave, Cahf.; Clin. Instr., Ophthalmol., and OtoL, Coll. of Med., 1896-1908; Asst., Prof., do., 1908-10; Prof., Ophthalmol., Chicago Clin. Sch.; Staff, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, about 1901. Auth.: Report of Case of Suppurative Keratitus,Piej:us, F 20, 1901. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Irene Gorton Bitely, Je 27, 1899, Lawton, Mich. Address, 607 Central Bldg., 30 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Cahf. JOSEPH POPOSKEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 283 W. Bridge St., Grand Rapids, Micb.t SUMNER J. RICKER M.D.; b. Ja 29, 1847, Saco, Me.; s. David and Olive (Parcher) Ricker. Mem., A. F. A. M Married Julia May Young, S 6, 1874, Aurora, 111. Children: David Delos, b. Ja 16, 1876; Sum- ner J., b. Ap 15, 1880; Althea M., b. Mr 31, 1885 Address, 127 La Salle St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add.. Mercantile Block, do. *ALMER L. SABIN M.D.; b. 1851. Located in Parkville, Mo. Died N 1, 1908, Kansas City Gen. Hosp. OTTMAR VON SCHALLERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1848. Gen. Med. practice, Ripon, Wis. Cook Co. Hosp., 1885-87. Address, Public Square, Ripon, Wis.f ROBERT ARNO^ SEMPILL Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 13, 1864, Kinnesswood. Scotland; s. John Douglas and Margaret (Drum- mond) Sempill. Prepared in Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland. Prof., Dermatol., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Coll. Asst.,Prof. do., Loyola Med. Coll.; Clin. Instr. Genito-Urinary Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1892-94; Instr., Pediatrics, do., 1902-04; do., Dermatol, and Veneral Diseases, do., 1900-10; Dermatologist, 111. Gen. Hosp. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Hamilton Club, Chicago. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Ada Lewis, 1909, Wheaton, 111. Address, 725 N. Lotus Ave., Cnicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., do. *JAMES SULLIVAN M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Tama, la., many years; located in Muscatine, la., 1 year. Died S 2, 1915, Machias, Me. *WALTER M. TANQUARY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Assoc. Prof., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1893-94. Deceased. ♦FRANK ARTHUR THORN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. Died N 26, 1904, at his home in Seattle. JOHN A. TRAIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1449 Blackhawk St., Chicago. t GEORGE BOARDMAN WALKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Eclectic Med. Coll., Philadelphia, 1877. *HARRY ROSS WALLACE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 55 State St., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ap 12, 1911, St. Josephs Hosp., Alton, III. BENJAMIN HOPKINS WARREN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1868, Albany, Wis.; s. John Holden (b. Ag 20, 1826, Hogansburg, N. Y.) and Mary Louise (Nichols) Warren (b. N 21, 1830, Newark, N. Y.). Prepared in Janesville (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Janesville, Wis.; Albany, do.; Three Oaks, Mich.; Health Officer of Dist. 1-A, Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Wayne Co. Mich., D 1, 1918 — . Mem., Bd. of Exam, on Draft Bd. 1, Berrien Co., Mich. Mem., Wayne Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Wis. Pub. Health Assn. Married Margaret Marie Thuerer, D 2, 1916, Chicago. Address, 215 Fisher Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich.; bus. add., Jefferson Ave. and Rivard Blvd., do. LEE MORTIMER WILLARD Specialist; M.D.; b. O 2, 1868, Nenah, Wis.; s. Van R. and Cynthia Willard. Prepared in Merrill (Wis.) H. S. Intern, 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1891-92; Specialist, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Wausau, Wis. Advisory Bd. Co. B. Wis., 10th Inf. Mem., A. F. A. M., Consistory, 32°; K. P.; B. P. O. E. Married Eva May Pennywell, Ja 23, 1894, Chicago. Address, 102 Franklin St., Wausau, Wis.; bus. add., 520 3rd St., do. 18^2] College of Medicine Alumni 25 CLASS OF 1892 (34 LIVING, 8 DEAD) JULIUS MORRIS ABELIO (Formerly Julius Morris Abeliovitz) Pbvs. and SurK.; M.D.; b. 1867. Address, 3611 Osage St., Denver; bus. add., Nevada Bldg., do. DAVID NICHOLAS ALCORN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 19, 1856, Warren Co. Pa. s. James and Mahettebel (Jones) Alcorn. Prepared in Cliicago Optitlialmic Eye, Ear, and Throat Coll., 1894-1920. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Stevens Point, Wis. Mem., Portage Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc.; A. F. A. M. Evergreen I-odge No. 93, Stevens Point. Wis. Vol. Med. Serv., Corps., U. S. A. Mem., Med. Advisory Bd., for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Married Robena I. Dunn, My 9, 1886, Stevens Point, Wis. Child, J. D., b. 1887; H. L., b. ISSS; Margaret M., b. 1898. Address, Sierra Madre. Calif. HENRI E. R. ALTENLOH Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Address 25 W. Madison St., Chicago.! ARTHUR MARIO BRIANZA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Specialist' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; formerly at 15 E. Washington St., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress. 275S Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 159 N. State St.. doi. ROBERT WILSON BROWN Physician; ^LD.; b. D 4. 1866, Greenville, Pa.; s. Jas. C. and Mary (Bittenbanner) Brown. M.A., Thiel Coll.. Greem-ille. Pa., 1887. Chief Surg., B. & L. E. R. R., and Erie R. R.; Phys., St. Pauls Orphans Home. Greenville, Pa., 1921. Mem., A. F. A. M.. Blue Lodge, Commandery; Epis. Church. Married Maude E. Benninphoff, Je 24, 1890, Greenville. Pa. Children: Jas. C, b. My 27, 1897; E. Lucile, b. Je 17, 1895; Annetta, b. F 26, 1905; Robert, b. Mr 8. 1908; Helen S., b. Ag 29. 1911. Addres.i. 269 Main St.. Greenville. Pa.; bus. add., 10 N. Mercer St.. do. ROBERT H. BURTON Phi's, and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 10. 1861, Toronto, Can.; s. John C. Burton. Married Clara Armi- tage. Ag 3. 1893. Chicago. Children: John F.. b. 1896; Ann Louise, b. O 23, 1900. Address. 926 Washington Bldg.. Los Angeles. ♦CYRUS C. CHAFFEE Formerly located in Springfield. Mass. De- ceased. CHAUNCEY FRANKLIN CHAPMAN Physician; M.D.; Ph.G.. 1888; b. Jl 7. 1862. Gratiot. Wis.; s. Jermiah (b. Eng.) and Elizabeth (Gribble) Chapman lb. Wales. Eng.). Prepared in Lincoln (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb. Chicago Health Dept.. 1892-1912; Clin. Instr.. Med., Coll. of Med., 1892-93; Surg.. W. Chicago Street Car Co.. 1900; Supt. of Health. Lincoln. Neb., Jl 1. 1915—. Mem.. State Med. Soc. 1912—; A. M. A.. 1892—.; Lincoln Country Ciub. 1912—; A. F. A. M.. 1887 — . Married ChlohildiK Benson. 1890. Racine. Wis., (died Ap 23, 1903); Cora Ken- nard. 1905. S. Haven. Mich. Address, 1645 H. St.. Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., 204 S. 11th St., do. ♦JAMES HARVEY COLE Pharmacist; M.D ; b. 1870. V. P., Harle-Hass Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. la. Died D 10. 1918, Dee Moines, la. MARTIN D. GUSHING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1852. Attended Columbia Univ. and Am. Veterinary Coll. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 416 Western Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., Nat. Bank Bldg.. do.-\ FRED MARQ DEAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1807. State Univ. of la., 18S8-89. Specialist in Ophthalmol, and Otol. Address, Jefferson, la.f ARTHUR J. DOTY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Colman, S. Dak.t ♦GERALD O. EDMUNDS Physician; M.D.; b. 1867. Clin. Instr., Gynecol. Coll. of Med., 1894-95; Coroner, Benzie Co., Mich., 8yrs. Mem., A.M. A. Died F 11, 1915, Honor, Mich. EDWIN LINCOLN GOSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 7, 1865, Morris. 111.; s. Perry and Mary Francis Goss. Prepared in Dixon Norm. ScTi. Lt., M. C. U. S. A.. Ft. Des Moines. la.. Camp Greenleaf, Ga.. Camp Devens. Mass. Married S. A. Vincent. Jo 15, 1892; Nellie Standish. 1905. Children: Rollin, b. Ap 8, 1898; Robert, b. Mv 12, 1901; Dorothy, b. Ag 18, 1910. Address, Carrington, N. Dak. ALBERT G. GRUBB Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 15, 1862, Canaanville, O.; s. W. B. and Nancy (Warner) Grubb. Pre- pared in Howe (Ind.) H. S., and Norm. Sch., LaGrange, Ind. Gold Medal, Coll. of Med. Phys., Mongo, Ind.. 1892-18. 1st Lt. and Capt.. M. R. C. U. S. A.. West. Div., Ag 13. 1917-F 22, 1918. Mem., I. O. O. F.; K. P.; M. E. Church. Mar- ried Martha Meteer, 1880. Children: Sylvia, Cecil, Fern, Cosbie, Mildred, and Millicent. Ad- dress, LaGrange, Ind. WILLIAM ELBERT HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Colton, Ore.t ♦EDGAR REED HAWT.EY Physician; M.D.; b. N 20, 1863, Chicago; s. Uriah Rogers and Helen (Reed) Hawley. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs.. Chicago; Norwich LTniv.. Northfield. Vt., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice, Wis., 2 yrs.; do., Chicago, 1894—.; Med. Dir., 111. Life Insurance Co., do., 12 yrs. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Helen Shufeldt, S 7. 1898, Mil- waukee. Children: Edgar Uriah; John William; Ellen Margaret. Died My 20, 1912, Chicago. SYLVESTER F. HAZEN M.D.; b. Ap 8, 1860, Atlantic, Pa.; s. R. C. and Mary (Fell) Hazen. B.S., Gro^'o City Coll., 1888. Mem.. Crawford Co.. Mod. Soc; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Phemie Wallace, 1887, Mer- cer. Pa. Children: Jennie, b. 1893; John, b. 1896; Phemie. b. 1899; Frank, b. 1902. Address, Harts- town, Pa. JOHN B. HILLIKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1800. Surg, prac- tice. Grand Rapids, Mich. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 701 Lafayette Ave., S. E., Grand Rapid.s, Mich.t JOSEPH HOLZMAN Physician; M.D; b. S 25, 1870, Rus.; s. William and Etta Holzman. Prepared in Gymnasium. Rus. Married Ida Herman. Je 14. 1898. Bos- ton. Children: Ruth; Edna; David. Address, 1 Elm Hill Ave., Roxbury, Mass. 26 University of Illinois [1892 GARY N. HOPKINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 24, 1867; s. Mary A. (Needham) Hopkins. Formerly, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, Pasadena, Calif. Address, 315 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. OTTO KLIMMEK Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1890; b. 1867, Ger. Prepared in Ger. Gymnasium Sch. Apprenticed to Dr. Brownson, Grand Rapids, Mich., and C. E. Krzeminski, Chicago, 1885-90. Phys., Hal- sted St., and Roscoe Blvd., Chicago; later located in Lemont, 111. Address, 4759 N. Clark St., Chi- cago.t AUGUST E. KROENING Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Rockford, 111. Address, Florence May Apts., Rockford, Ill.t FREDERICK A. LUCE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 6, 1856, Dubuque, la.; s. Bartlett and Louise R. (Menzemer) Luce. Prepared in Sioux City (la.) H. S. Mem., Ci- cero Lodge, 955, A. F. A. M.; York Chap., 148, R. A. M.; Tyrian Council, 78, R. S. M.;Columbian Commandery, 63, K. T.; Millard Chap., 349, O. E. S.; Royal Lodge, 800, I. O. O. F. Married Jennie I. Stevens, 1892, Chambersburg, Pa. Ad- dress, 2646 S. Austin Blvd., Cicero, 111. JOHN EMIL NORDLUND *CHARLES MOODY POST M.D.; b. 1864. Formerly located in Colfax, Wash. Mem., Wash. State Med. Assn. Died S 7, 1908, Barron. Wis. DAVID M. PRO VAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Acad. Dept., Univ. of Chicago. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Chicago. Address, 2723 Logan Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1050 Milwaukee Ave., do.f WILLIAM B. RICHARDSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Formerly at 100 State St., Chicago. Address, 5001 Blackstone Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.i MARTIN M. RITTER Specialist; M.D.; b. D 6, 1862, Hamburg, Ger.; s. Levy and Carolyne (Benjamin) Ritter. Pre- pared in H. 8. and Real Sch., Ger.; Rush Med. Coll., 1889-90. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, Chicago, 1892 — .; Attending Oculist and Rhinologist Columbus Hosp., Chicago; Consult- ing Aurist and Rhinologist, Municipal Tuber- culosis Hosp., do.; Lecturer on diseases of Nose and Throat, Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Coll., and N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Auth.: Conservation of Health; Prevention of Diseases in Home and Shop General Pathol, in Dent. Colls.; The Need of Hosps. for Contagious Diseases for Charity and Pay Patients. Mem., K. P.; Royal Arcanum; Royal League; I. A. C; Lincoln Covenant; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Saidee M. Mey- berg. My 24, 1898. Address, Webster Hotel. Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. *JOHN J. ROCHE ♦GERHARD S. SEIM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Formerly of Blue Island. 111. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 4, 1920. BOHUMIL SLADEK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Gen. Med. practice, Cicero, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 5002 W. 30th St.. Cicero. 111.; bus. add., 227 S. 62nd Ave., do.-\ NATHANIEL (L. A.'K. SLAMBERG Physician; M.D,; b. My 31, 1885, Den.; s. H. C. and Ragnhilda Slamberg. Prepared in Royal Danish Agr. Coll.; Gold Medal, Coll. of Med. Located in Elkhorn, la., 1892-94; Kimballton, do., 1894-1905; Ind., 1905-08; Pub. Health Serv.. Eastport, Idaho, 1908 — . Mem., Danish Lutheran Church. Married Martha Skjerboek, 1881. Stor- ring. Den. Child, Christian, b. My 18. 1883. Address, Eastport, Idaho. FRANCIS R. SMYTH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 8, 1852, Scotland; s. James and Euphemia (Robertson) Smyth. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Bismarck, N. Dak.; Surg. (Reserve), U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Local Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., Presby. Church; State Med. Soc. (Past Pres.); Assn., Med. Vol. War Workers; State Branch Med. Council (Chm., Ex. Com.). Auth.; Pamphlets and Papers on Pub. Health Work. Married Mary Ella Clay- ton, Ag 31, 1898, Bloomfield, la. Address, 218 3rd St., Bismarck, N. Dak.; bus. add., Little Bldg.. do. GEORGE HENRY STANGER Physician; M.D.; b. F 18, 1866, Virginia Grove, la.; s. George and Margaret A. (Suitt) Stanger. Prepared in Boone (la.) Pub. Schs. Postgrad, work, N. Y., 1898; Vienna, 1911. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Katharine Champlin, Je 27, 1900, Chicago. Address, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Boone, la. CHARLES HATCH STODDARD Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1869, East Troy, Wis.; s. Charles L. (b. 1836, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Mentovia V. (Hatch) Stoddard (b. 1842, N. Leverett, Mass.). Prepared in La Crosse, (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis.. 1888-90. Psi Upsilon; A. M. P. O. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1892-93; Grad. work in Univs. of Vienna and Strassburg, 1893-94; Pbvs.. Colton, Calif., 1894-96; do., Milwaukee, 1897—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1898; Wis. Nat. Guard, 1905-17; Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Mexican Border Service, 1916. Auth.: Diaphragmatic Hernia, So. Calif. Prac- titioner, 1896; Stokes-Adams Diseases, Wis. Med. Jour., 1907; Tuberculin Therapy, do., 1910. Mar- ried Eloise Jackson, Je 25, 1910, Chicago. Chil- dren: Charles Hatch. Jr., b. 1912; Frederick Jack- son, b. 1914. Address, 633 Summit Ave., Milwau- kee; bus. add., 141 Wis. St., Goldsmith Bldg., do. SEBASTIAN STOLNITZSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Bennett Med. Coll., 1889-90. Formerly located at 564 S. Hal- stcd St., Chicago; later at 25 E. Washington St., do.t ROBERT FREDERICK THROCKMORTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 9, 1869; s. John (b. N 9, 1826, Waynesburg, Pa.) and Nancy Eli- zabeth (Lazear) Throckmorton (b. My 25, 1828, do.). D.D.S., Columbia Dent. Coll., 1895. Phvs. and Surg., and Dentist, Derby, la., 1893-1919. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., S 1, 1917-Ag 24, 1918; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 25, 1918-F 5. 1919; Hon. discharge; Commissioned Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A., F 5, 1920. Mem., Polk Co. Med. Soc; la. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M., 32°, Scottish Rite, Noble Mystic Shrine; I. O. O. F. Married Mayme E. Penniwell, Je 30. 1896, Leon, la. Children: Georgia E., b. D 4, 1898; J. Fred- erick, b. Je 13, 1900; Barbara Naidine, b. Je 18, 1904; Robert Lazear, b. O 24, 1908. Address, 1149 23rd St., Des Moines, la. ♦AUGUST MORRIS UNGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1885-86. Clin. Instr., Genito-Urinary Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1893. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Chicago; 642 Barry Ave. and 32 N. State St.. do. Died My 26. 1920, Chicago. College of Medicine Alumni 27 LAWRENCE WELLS WHITMER (Brother of Charles Franklin. '98, M.D.) Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 6, 1859, Edina. Mo.;'s Levi (b. My 29, 1S29, Licking Co., O.) and Nancy Jane (Wells) Whitmer (b. Ap IS, 1841, Knox Co., Mo.V Prepared in county H. S. Coll. class button, invitations and grad. programs Corns. Instr.. Clin. Ophtlialmol., Coll. of Med., 1912-14; Asst , do.. 1914-16. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Kennie C. Richardson, Mr 10, 1881, Christian Co., III. Address. 4717 N. Paulina St., Chicago; bus. add., 31 X. State St., do. FRED 0. WOOD Physician; M.D.; b. O 15, 1868. Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis. Physician, Waupun, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Address. 503 S. Main St., Waupun, Wis.; bus. add,. 202 S. Main St., do. HARRY W. WOODRUFF Specialist; M.D.; Ph.G., 1SS9; b. F IS, 1868, Joliet, 111.; s. George H. and Achsah (Wheeler) Woodruff. Prepared in Joliet H. S. Specialist, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Prof., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1921—. Address, 1201 Western Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., Wood- ruff Bldg., do. CLASS OF 1893 (65 LIVING, 22 DEAD) "ALBERT ALLEN AB;iHER Phys. and Surg.; b. F 5, 1SC9,- Emma, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Mv 10, 1S16, Emma, 111.) and Amelia Jane (Tanquary) Absher (b. Mr 15, 1S37, Mt. Carmel, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Univ., Carbondale, 111., 18S5-S7. Socratic; Ex. com.; 1st Sergt. Phys. and Surg., Sibley, 111. Married Lenora L. Absher, Ag 22, 1S94, Bellflower, 111. Child, GeneWeve. b. Je 6, 1895. Address, Sibley, Ml. ♦JOSEPH L. ABT M.D.; b. 1865, Ger. M.D., Univ. of Mich., l>^92; Instr., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. and Mem., Staff of Post-Graduate Hosp.; for many yrs. had an office at 1832 Halsted St., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Died Je 28, 1917, Eagle, Wis. JAMES FRANKLIN ADAMS Physician; M.D.; b. F 16, 1867, Ontario, Can.; s. James and Elizabeth (Chapman) Adams. Pre- pared in Markham (Ont.) H. S. Married Mae McClave, Je, 1900, Chicago. Children: Eliza- beth, b. Jl 1901; Evelyn, b. Ap 1907. Address, 342 S. .Ashley St., Ann Arbor, Mich.; bus. add., Wadham Bldg., do. MANNING L. ALLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 14, 1862, la.; s. L. F. and Harriett L. (Litsey) Allen. Prepared in La Moille, lU. Mem., K. P.; Baptist Church. Married Sarah R. Rambo, 1SS2. La Moille, 111. Cliildren: Francis R., b. 1883; Roy M., b. 18S7; Leonard E., b. 1894. Address, Tama, la. FRANK M. ARCHIBALD Physician; M.D.; b. D 6, 1865; s. Lyman and Phylinda (Burrougns) Archibald. Located in Gibbon. Minn., 189.3-94; Atwater, do., 1895-1906;, 1906-07; Mahnomen, do., 1908 — . Mem., Local Bd., Mahnomen Co., Minn. Mem., A M. .A.; Minn. State Med. Soc; Clay and Becker Co. Med. Societies; Soo Line Surg. Soc. Married Josephine W. Baily, Ag 31, 1896, Atwater, Miss. Children: N. Adelaide, b. Ap 20. 1899; Frank V., b. D 10, 1901. Address, Mahnomen, Minn. DAVID ELMER ARNOLD Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 13, 1868, Brandt. O.; 8. Peter (b. do.) and Ann Marie (Stewart) Arnold (b. N. Y). Prepared in H. S. and Nat. Norm. Univ.. Lebanon, O. Located in Hecla and Aber- deen, S. Dak., 189.3-1909; Kerman, Calif., 1909-17; Fresno, do., 1919 — . let Lt., M. C, World War, Je 1917-Mr 1918; Capt.. do., Mr-N 5, 1918; Maj.. •N' .5, 1918-Ag 1, 1919; in command of 11.5th San. Train. U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Ag 1919 — .Mem.. State Med. Soc.; A. M. A.; Assn. of Mil. .■^urgs. Married Luella C. Hays, O 15. 1894, Hecla, S. Dak. (died Mr 29, 1919). Children: Leila Marie, b. Jl 15. 1895; Carma Emily, b. S 20, 1896 (died D 31. 1915). Address, Univ. Club. Fresno. Calif.; but. add., 420 Mason Bldg.. do. *WILLIAM O. BEAM M.D.; b. 1869. Formerly a Phys. at Moline, 111. Married Margaret L. Whiteside. Died 1912, Hillsdale. 111. *CHARLES EDWIN BODDIGER Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1S87; b. 1886. 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Dr. G. M. Emrick. Chicago, 1882-87. Phys., 6319 Evans Ave., Chicago; do., 1801 S. Ashland Ave., do. Mem., A. M. A. Died My 24, 1920. HERMAN HOLMES BOGLE M.D.; b. S. 1. 1867; s. E. and Anna (McBride) Bogle. Prepared in Kan. Norm. Coll., 1888. Med. Advisory Bd. of Examiners, World War. Mem., United Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Mary B. Hyndman. Address, Globe Bldg., Pittsburg. Kan. ♦SAMUEL JAMES BOYD M.D.; b. 1861. Prepared in Med. Dept., Univ. of Buffalo. Mem., A. M. A. Died N 20, 1907, at his home in Chicago. CHESTER ABRAM BRINK Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. F 14, 1870, Warren, 111.; s. Abram L. and Catherine J. (Williams) Brink. Capt. M. C, U. S. A., World War. Mar- ried Mary H. Varty. Address, Apple River, 111. ♦FRANCIS R. BROOKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Univ. of Va., 1892. Formerly at 21 Quincy Ave., Chicago. Died Ap 12, 1898. Lake Geneva. Wis. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Certificate, Chicago Med. Coll., 1890-91. Surg, practice, Aberdeen, Wash. Address. E. 6th St.. Aberdeen, Wash.; bus. add.. Electric Bldg., do.f HENRY H. CLARK Physician; M.D.; b. Je 30, 1864. Schooleys Mountain, N. J.; s. James H. (b. Mr 1837, N. Y. City.) and Eleanor cWestfall) Clark (b. D 23, 1842, Schnectady, N. Y.). Prepared in Paterson (N. J.) H. S.; Rush Med. Coll., 1889-92. Phys., Water- town. S. Dak., 1893-1910; do., Las Vegas, Nev., 1910-16. Mem., la. State Med. Soc. Married Nellie Holden, N 26, 1896. Children: Wayne, b. Mr 25, 1903; Leona Fern, b. Jl 3, 1906. Address, Edgerton, Minn. SAMUEL W. CONNELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Bellmond, la.J ♦R. H. COOK Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1894. Formerly of Oxford, O.; Asst. Phys., Oxford Retreat, do. Deceased. 28 University of Illinois [1893 HERBERT D. B. DUSTIN M.D.; b. My 17, 1850, White River, Vt.; s. J. and Elizabeth (Emery) Dustin. Prepared in Wal- tham (Mass.) H. S. M. D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1877. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Eleeta L. Goodman, 1895. Ad- dress, 212 State St., Onaway, Mich. FRED J. E. EHRMANN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 8, 1873, Chicago; s. Jacob (b. O 3, 1818, Ger.) and Carolina (Frank) Ehrmann (b. Mr 10, 1834, do.). Prepared in Con- cordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Demonstrator, Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1895-96; Clin. Instr., Surg., do., 1896-1900. Mem. of Advisory Bd., 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Sophia Gareiss, N 7, 1895. Children: Evelina W., b. Jl 26, ]896; Viola A., b. F 7, 1898; Marcella, b. N 11, 1899; Charlotte, b. Ja 21, 1906; Clarissa, b. Ag 6, 1911. Address, 327 S. 5th Ave., La Grange 111.; 6ms. add., 2059 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. THOMAS FAITH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. N 25, 1871, Hancock, Md.; s. Joseph and Kathe- rine (Hessen) Faith. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Med. Advisory Bd., No. 3 J, World War. Intern, III. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1893-94. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Chicago Laryngol. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. Auth.: Numerous articles appear- ing in Ophthalmol. Record, Annals of Ophthalmol., Am. Jour., Ophthalmol., Laryngoscope, III. Med. Jour., Chicago Med. Recorder, Med. Standard. Married Amelia A. Fettig, Jl 6, 1895. Child, Edgar M., b. Ap 1898. Address, 6945 Chappel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. WILLIAM F. FEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 28, 1863; s. John and Mary A. (Graham) Fee. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., Shriiie; I. O. O. F. Married Annie E. Gibbs, My 5, 1892. Children: Helen, b. S 15, 1890; Archie G., b. Mr 21, 1893; Charles J., b. S 12,. 1894; William Franldiu, b. N 28, 1896; Ruth, b. Je 8, 1899; Harry Lee, b. Je 23, 1903. Address, Meade, Kan. CHARLES' CORNELIUS FENSTERMACHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Gen. Med, practice, Sargent, Neb.; formerly of Vandalia, Mich. Mem., Mich. State Med. Soc. Address, Sargent, Neb.f OLAF FERMSTEAD EDWARD B. FETHERSTON Phys. and Pharm.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1887; b. Ire- land. Prepared in Toronto Sch. of Chem. Ap- prenticed to H. Wilson, Ontario, Can. Located in Ravenswood, 111.; Phys. and Pharm., Pearce River Crossing, Alberta, Can. Address, 4200 N. Paulina St., Chicago.}: ALBERT MINEAR FULTON M. D.; b. N 10, 1868, Fairfield, la.; s. Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth (Minear) Fulton. Prepared in Fairfield (la.) H. S., and Parsons Coll., Fair- field, la. Retired because of blindness, 1912. Address, Thomas, Okla. RICHARD FYFE Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1870, Edinburgh, Scotland; s. George (b. Scotland) and Agnes (Rainey) Fyfe (b. do.). Prepared in Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh, Scotland. Physician, Chicago, 1893—. Clin. Instr., Orthopedics, Coll. of Med., 1896-1900. Married Alice Cornman Read (died My 1, 1918> Jl 1903. Chicago. Child, Albert C. H., b. Jl 25, 1907. Address, 1922 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 1860 W. Madison St., do. DAVID HENRY GALLOWAY Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1885; b. Ja 24, 1859, la.; s. John (b. 1803, Pa.) and Elizabeth H. (Hall) Galloway (b. 1836, Pa.). Prepared in la. Pub. Schs.; Harvard Univ., 1887-9. Located in Chi- cago, 1882-1903; Asst., Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 1884-88; Prof., Anal. Chem., do., 1888-90; Prof., do., Chicago Coll. of Pharm.; Lecturer, Chem Coll. of Med., 1892-93; Instr., Surg., Chicago Med. Coll.; Lecturer, Pathol, in the Old Chicago Homeo- pathic Coll.; R. R. Surg., Mexico, 1893-4; Roswell _N. M., 1904—. Auth.: A few dozen short articles in med. journs. Address, Roswell, N. M. FRANK H. GARDNER Phy.sician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1886; b. Mr 16, 1864, Sublette, 111.; s. Francis B. (b. 1822, Swansea, Mass.) and Harriett L. (Hatch) Gardner (b. 1840, Sublette, 111.). Prepared in N. W. Univ. Prep. Sch. Grad. wc»k in Post-Grad. Med. "Sch., Chi- cago., 1895. Physician, Moline, 111., 1895^. Mem. of Federal Med.' Advisory Bd., 1918; Hosp. Steward, Ind. State Militia, 1889-90. Mem., la . and 111. Central Dist. Med. Soc; Moline Com- mercial Club. Married, 1897, LaFayette, Ind. Address, 1816 6th Ave., Moline, 111.; bus. add., 507 15th St., do. *ELMER E..GOLDTHORPE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. D.D.S., Univ. of Mich., 1892; attended Chicago Med. Coll. Died My 18, 1901, at his home in Englewood, Chicago. ♦ALBERT FRANKLIN HAHN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Gen. Med. practice: formerly located at Eau Claire, Wis. Died Ap 23, 1918. *HARRY J. HAISELDEN M.D.; b. 1870, Piano, 111. Was accorded wide notice in November, 1915, because of his refusal to operate on a congenitally defective infant, "Baby Boiling". Practiced at German Ho.sp., Chicago, 3H yrs.; Instr., Chicago Policlinic Hosp. Established X-ray dept. at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Died June 18, 1919, Havana, Cuba. *CHARLES JOHN HARDIE M.D. Intern, Alexian Bros, and Cook Co. Hosps., Chicago. Died Je 1898, Ariz. ANDREW MAGEE HARVEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 14, 1868, Gales- burg, 111.; s. William Nathaniel (,b. Ag 31, 1830, New York Mills, N. Y.) and Lovina (Brewer) Harvey (b. Ap 6, 1833, Timmouth, Vt.). Pre- pared in Galesburg H. S.: Univ. of Mich. B.S., Knox Coll., 1889; M.S., do., 1892. Pni Gamma Delta; Nu Sigma Nu. Pres., Ath. Assn., Knox Coll.; Mem., Bd. of Dirs., do., Univ. of Mich., Class Orator, Coll. of Med. Intern, St. Eliza- beth's Hosp., Chicago, 1893-Ag 1895; located in Cnicago, 1895-1913; Clin. Inst., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1896-97; La Grange, 111., 1913—.; Chief Phys. and Surg., Crane Co., 1896—.; Ex-Pres., Grace Hosp., Chicago; Ex-Mem., Staff, Frances Willard and Grace Hosps., do.; Pres., Village of La Grange Park, My 1917-Ap 1919; Mem., Bd. of Educ, La Grange, 1916—. Health Ed., 100<^ Magazine of Efficiency, 1914 — . Mem., 111. Club., Chicago (Ex-V. P.); Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. Surgs.; A. M. A.; Internat. Cong., Hygiene and Dermatography; Am. Assn. for Prevention of Tuberculosis; One of Founders of Am. Assn. Indus. Phys. and Surgs.; do., Nat. Safety Council. Married, Je 1, 1898, Chicago. Children: Andrew Magee Jr., D 31, 1904; Lovina Brewer, b. S 2, 1907; John Earle, b. D 14, 1910. Address, 345 N. Spring Ave., La Grange, 111.; 6ms. add., 836 S. Mich. Ave., Chicago. 1893] College OF Medicine Alumni GEORGE W. HAUENSTEIN Phys. and Surg.: M.D.: b. 1866. Gen. Med. practice, Elkhart, Ind. Address, 817 Marion St., Elkhart. Ind.; bus. add.. 123 Harri.son St., do.t CHRISTIAN A. HEGGE (Brother of Olaf H., "93) Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. ISOC. Certificate, Nat. Norm. Univ., Coll. of Med., liebanon, O. Surg, practice, Austin, Minn. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Austin, Minn t OLAFH. HEGGE (Brother of Christian A., '93) Ph.vsician; M.D.; b. Mr 20, 1872, Biri, Norway; s. Haus O. (b. 1838. Biri, Norway) and Neooline O. (HasUe) Hegge (b. 1830, do.). Prepared in Gjovik H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1890-91. A.B., .-Vars and Voss Coll., Christiania, Norway, 1889. Post-Grad. work in Ger. and Scandinavian coun- tries, 1913-14. Intern, Bethesda Hosp., St. Paul, Minn., 1893-94; Phys., Austin, Minn., 1S94— ; Founder of St. Olaf Hosp., Austin, Minn., 1896. Chm. of "Med. Bd. 26 during World War. Mem., Mower Co. Med. Soc; Minn. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Ap 20, 1898, Austin, Minn. Children: Milda L., b. Ap 7, 1899; Rolv S., b. Jl 2, 1902; Valfrid M., b. N 7, 1906. Address, 811 High St., Austin, MLnn.; bus. add., 400 N. Main St., do. OTTO WILLIAM BERNARD HENSSLER Physician; M.D.; Pb.G., 1S90; b. 1868, Lansing, la. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to I. D. Fowler, Lansing, and G. R. Baker, Chicago, 1883-86 employed with A. G. Wiese, Chicago; Phys., 729 S. Halsted St., Chicago; 3618 Indiana Ave., do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 25 E. Washington St., or 1901 S. Halsted St., Ctiicago.t REVERE HERTZEL HERROLD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Chicago Med. Coll., 1890-91. At one time located in East Chicago, lU.t *GEORGE ALFRED HIBBERT M.D.; b. 1867. Formerly at 2901 Wallace St., Chicago. Died My 15, 1915, Chicago. *EDWARD ROBERT HOLLIDAY M.D.; b. 1866. .\sst. Supt., State Home for the Feeble-Minded, Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1 yr. Mem., A. M. A. Died F 17, 1914, Ellsworth, Wis. LEON A. JACOBUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Certificate, Rush Med. Coll., 1892. Surg, practice, Winfield, Kan. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Winfield, Kan.t ♦WILLIAM R. KELLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Certificate, Rush Med. Coll., 1892. Gen. Med. practice, Watonga, Okla. Died Je 12, 1919, Los Angeles. CHARLES ELMER KELLOGG Retired; M.D.; b. O 7, 1863, Elvira, la.; s. Luther (b. F 1824, Hampshire Co., Mass.) and Deborah Eccles (.Shearer) Kellog (b. Ja 22, 1836, Westmoreland Co., Pa.). Prepared in Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Faculty Prize; Gold Medal, 2nd JT.; Cum Laudum, 3rd yr.; Class Pres., 1893. Grad. work, Chicago, 1905. Located in Minne- apolis, 1893-94; in partnership with Dr. C. E. Post. Barron, Wis., Ja 1-Je 1, 1894; Northboro, la., 1894-1908; .Shenandoah, do., 1908-S 7, 1917; Santa Ana, Calif., Ap 26, 1918 — .; retired from Med. practice. Mgr., Orange ranch. 1st Lt., M. O. R. C, Camp Funston, Kan.. S 7. 1917-Ap 26, 1918. Mem., M. K. Church fS. S. Supt. and Teacher, eight yrs.; Off. Bd.; Lay Delegate, Gen. Conf., Minneapolis, 1912.). Married Blanche Monk, Je 30, 1898, Shenandoah, la. Address, 433 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, Calif. ' IRVINE y KERR Specialist; M.D.; b. 1867. Gen. Med. practice also specialist in Otol., Laryngol. and Rliinol. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2116 Stillman Rd., Cleveland; bits, add., 1015 Guardian Bldg., do. JOHN S. KILBRIDE Physician; M.D.; b. D 23, 1865, Zwingle, la.; s. Michael and Mary (Qiiinn) Kilbride. Prepared in Minneapolis Central H. S. and Iowa City (la ) Acad. Gen. Med. practice, Canby, Mjnn. Mem., Roman Catholic Church. Married Marie An- tonett Birchen; Janette Spragg. Children: Edwjn A., b. F 6, 1899; Linnae J., b. N 14, 1901; Zylpha, b. My 24, 1906; Kathleen, b. Mr 6, 1915. Address, Canby, Minn. ♦WILLIAM WAYTE LATTO Phj's. and Surg.; M.D. Demonstrator of Ma- teria Med., ColL of Med., 1894-95. Deceased. WILLIAM REINHARDT LIVINGSTOisT M.D.; b. D 1, 1870, Oxnard, Calif.; s. Robert George and Hannah V. (Palmer) Livingston. Nu Sigma Nu; Steele Prize, 1893. Married Mabel L.Stimpson. Children: Bernice and Robert. Ad- dress, 426 B St., Oxnard, Calif. WILLIAM ALISON LUMLEY Physician: M.D.; b. Ap 10, 1857; s. William and Maryette (Madole) Lumley. Prepared in H. S. Located in Renville, Minn., 15 yrs.; Ellsworth, Wis., 10 yrs. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Woodmen. Served on Pierce Co., Wis., draft Bd., World War. Married Jam; Vogel, Mr 19, 1879; Helen Lumley, Oct 14, 1892. Chil- dren: Mabel E., b. Ap 19, 1894; Helen E., b. Mr 1, 1896; Edith M., b. Jl 1, 1898. Address, Ellsworth, Wis. JOHN SCOTT McDonald JOSEPH F. McNULTY Physician; M.D.; b. F 11, 1896, Darwin, Minn.; s. Bernard (b. Ireland) and Mary (Haney) Mc- Nulty (b. do.). Prepared in St. Johns Univ., Minn.; No. Ind. State Norm.; Univ. of Minn., Coll. of Med., 1890-92. Gen. Med. practice, Minn., 1893- 1900; Gallaway, Neb., 1900-06; Taylor, do., 1906—. Med. Mem. of Local Board for Loup Co., Neb., Je 20, 1917; Mem., Board of Examining Surgs., Burwell, Neb., 1913. Auth.: Observation on Ob- stetrics in Gen. practice, N. Y. Med. News, Jl 2, 1904. Mem., Custer Co. Med. Soc; Neb. State Med. Soc; A.M. A. Married N 14, 1894, Luverne, Minn. Address Taylor, Neb. ♦PEYTON CHESTER MADISON M.D.; b. 1863. Formerly at 178 W. Madison St., Chicago. Died O 1, 1915. SHERREL H. MANLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, 1873. Gen. Med. practice, San Francisco. Address, 2580 Mission, St., San Francisco .t WILLIAM H. MANSIFEE Insp. of Hygiene; M.D.; b. Jl 4, 1864; s. Eliza- beth (Jones) Mansifee. Prepared in Lincoln Inst., Jefferson City, Mo.; Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll.; Summer Sch., Harvard, 1911. Insp., Hygiene, Pub. Schs., St. Louis. Auth.: Articles in Medical Record and Therapeutic Gazette. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; Mound City Med. Soc. Married Rosa Bradshaw, 1898. Children: Consuelo M., b. 1899; Helen L., b. 1900. Address, 4415 Enright St., St. Louis; bus. add., 1039 Sarah St., do. 30 University of Illinois [1893 JOHN HARLAN MARTIN M.D.; b. Mr 29. 1865, Oregon, Wis.; s. John and Mary L. Martin. Prepared in Oregon (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Married Mary O. Glidden, 1904. Address, Lead. S. Dak. *W. H. H. MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Formerly located in Urbana, 111. Died Ja 31, 1906, at his home in Cbadwick, III. FRANK WILBER MILLS M.D.; b. D 18, 1868; s. Edward C. and Levantia Mills. Capt., U. S. A., World War. Married Margaret Billingsley, O 1, 1892. Address, 113 Albany St., Ottumwa, la.; bus. add., 114 W. 2nd St., do. OLNEY B. MONOSMITH Oculist; M.D.; b. My 27, 1871, Penfield, O.; s. Thomas B. (b. N 9, 1845, Huntington, O.) and Emily (Rounds) Monosmith (b. S 22, 1847, do.). Prepared in H. S. Grad. work in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Located in Lorain, O., 1894 — . Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Married Je 1901, Lorain, O. Children: Lois Elain, b. Ag 19, 1902; Lola Ruth, b. F 1, 1906. Address, 424 Broadway, Lorain, O. ALBERT W. MOORE M.D.; b. Ap 22, 1861, Aurora, 111.; s. H. W. Moore. Prepared in West Aurora Schools. Lo- cated at Sugar Grove to 1919; Aurora, 1919^. Married 1905, Bristol, 111. Child, b. O 21, 1895. Address, 154 Penn Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., Frazier Bldg., do. *JACOB S. NEWCOMER M.D.; b. 1863; Gen. Med. practice, S. Dak., OIT., U. S. Indian Serv.; Sr. Consulting Phys.; Contagious Diseases Hosp., Chicago. Died Ja 27, 1917, Chicago. WILLIAM HENRY O'MALLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 14, 1868, Dixon, 111.; s. Peter and Sabina (Haley) O'Malley. Pre- pared in Dixon Coll., scientific and med. course, 1889-91. Football Team. Gen. Med. practice. Kinsman, 111., 1893-1907; Kewanee, do., 1907—. Mem., A. M. A.; M. W. A.; K. C; Kewanee Country Club; Visitation (Catholic) Church. Married Nellie Louise Meagher, O 20, 1897, Kins- man, 111. Children: Alfaretta, b. Mr 26, 1899; Pauline, b. Ja 25, 1901; Helen, b. S 19, 1903; Emma, b. Je 11, 1906; Catherine, b. Mr 1, 1910; Margaret, b. S 12, 1911; Address, 724 S. Tre- mont St., Kewanee, 111.; bus. add., 222 N. Tre- mont St., do. FRANK A. OSINCUP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Attended Med. Dept., Cornell Univ., 1890-91. Gen Med. prac- tice. Address, Waverly, la.t *EMIL OTTO M.D.; Ph.G., 1880; b. N 23, 1860, Chicago; s. Joseph Otto. Prepared in Ger. Sch., and Scammon and Clark Schs., Cnicago. Apprenticed to F. Liese, Larabee St., Chicago, 1874-80. Em- ployed by Henry Hautau, Chicago. Drug., 649 W. 21st St., Chicago; later at 570 W. 14th St., do. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Married Lizzie Schulz, S 25, 1883. Chicago. Child, Agnes. Deceased. CHARLES D. PACKARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1890-92. Gen. Med. practice, Roosevelt, Wis.; do., Rhinelander, do. Address, Rhinelander, Wis.t JOHN WILLIAM PATTERSON M.D.; b. N 9, 1867, Tuscarawas Co., O.; s. David and Mariah (Bukey) Patterson. Located in Oconee, 111., 1899—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; Mod. Woodmen of Am. Married Clara E. Morgan, D 13, 1893. Children: Zerola, b. S 3, 1894; Florence, b. Jl 1, 1897; Harold, b. O 20, 1901; Marian, b. Ap 2, 1905; Dorothy, b. S 26, 1911; Claribel, b. O 16, 1913. Address, Oconee, 111. ♦JOSEPH J. PIERRON Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1855. Chief Surg, to the Chicago Terminal Traction R. R. Co., and Local Surgeon of the Chicago Great Western R. R. Died D 14, 1916, Chicago. CLARK C. POST Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 1, 1867, Chicago; s. George W. and Mary E. (Crandall) Post. Pre- pared in West Division H. S., Chicago, and Mil- ton Coll., Milton, Ark. B.S., Alfred Univ., Al- fred, N. Y. Mem., K. P.; Am. Legion. Capt., M. C, U. S. Army. Married Jessie E. Post, 1900. Address, Barron, Wis. HARRY V. PRESCOTT M.D.; b. F 13, 1867, Bowen, 111.; s. William and Mattie (Miller) Prescott. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Married Lucretia Quinton, My 14, 1903, Denmark, la. Children: Harlan, b. F 22, 1904; George, b. My 17, 1907. Address, Dallas City, 111. THOMAS HUBERT RENN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 5320 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 300 S. Cicero St., do. t OSCAR ROFF Phys. and Surg.; b. D 24, 1866, Stephensport, Ky.; s. D. and D. J. (Seaton) Roff. Prepared in Sedgwick (Kan.) H. S. Mem., B. P. O. E. Mar- ried Alice Paine. Child, b. F 1886. Address, 801 Plum St.. Newton, Kan.; bus. add., 423 Main St., do. DAVID WILLIAM ROOS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Phys. and Specialist in Tuberculosis, Manistique, Mich.; Address, Manistique, Micb.t ELLIS J. ROWE Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1861; s. Daniel I. (b. 1819, Rensselaer, N. Y.) and Phoebe A. (John- son) Rowe (b. 1824, R. I.). Prepared in IJoane Coll., Crete, Neb. Phys., Wilford, Neb., 1893- 1900; do., Forest, Miss., 1900-05; do., Hillsboro, Miss., 1905—. Married Alma L. Rowe, 1892, Dorchester, Neb. (died Mv 14, 1906). Children: Merle and Earle, b. Ja 5. 1894; Alita, b. F 19, 1899; Aline, b. O 26, 1901; Janice, b. Ja 26, 1905. Ad- dress, Hillsboro, Miss. ALLEN SALTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1888; b. Ap 23, 1864; s. D. C. and Virginia E. (Loos) Salter. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mem., A. F. A. M. 32°; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Co. Med. Soc; A. A. A. S.; B. P. O. E. Address, Lena, 111. ♦EDWARD CONSTANT SEUFERT Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 31, 1873, Wurzburg, Ger.; s. Nicholas (b. Wurzburg, Ger.) and Chris- tine Seufert (b. do.). Prepared in Forres Pub. Sch. and Univ. of Aberdeen (Scotland). A.M., Univ. Valparaiso, 1910. Nu Sigma Nu; Honor Roll, Graduation. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Phys. in Chief, Am. and Norwegian-Am. Hosps.; Pathologist to St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp.; Adjunct Prof., Biol., Coll. of Med., 1,893; Prof., Biol, do., 1894; Prof., Biol, and Embryol. do., 1894—; Adjunct Prof. Med., do.; Prof. Histol., Pathol, and Bacteriol., 111. Med. Coll.; Prof., Med. and Clin. Med., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg. Auth.: Vade-mecum of Treatment, two editions, 350 pages, 1911-15; Articles appearing in various 1894] College of Medicine Alumni 31 Med. Jours. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Fellow, Am. Coll. of Phvs. Married F 21, 1901, Milwaukee. Children: Adeline, b. Ag 25, 1903; Edward, b. Mr 12. 1907; Raymond, b. Mr 9. 1908. Died Ap 27, 1921, Chicago. EMMET L. SMITH Phy.s. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Chicago Homeo- pathic Med. Coll., 1888. Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 1890. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at 7 W. Madison St., Chicago. Address, Zanes- ville. O.t AMUEL B. SPACH Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 24, 1857, Allen Co.. O.; 8. Leonard L. (b. Ja 4, 1824, Tuscarawas Co., O.) and Catherine A. (Smalley) Spaeh (b. Jl 3, 1830, Stark Co., O.). Prepared in Baldwin-Wallace Prep. Sch.. Berca, O. A.B., Baldwin-Wallace Coll., 1881; A.M., 1884. M.D., Chicago Homeo- pathic Med. Coll., 1886. Phi Kappa Phi. Intern. Cook Co. Hosp., 1886-88; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1902-06. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Edith Towne, Ap IS, 1893, Chicago. Children: Marian Towne, b. Ja 20, 1894; Barrett LeRoy, b. N 13, 1898. Addreas, 1428 E. 57th St., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Mich- igan Blvd., do. ♦MATTHEW E. STEVENS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Meharry Med. Coll.. Nashville, Ky.. 1890-91. Gen. Med. practice. Texarkana. Tex. Deceased. JAMES LINCOLN STEWART Physician; M.D.; b. N. 22. 1865, Minnesota City. Minn.; s. William R. and Albina (Drew) Stewart. Prepared in State Normal Sch.. Winona. Minn., 1886. Located at Irene, S. Dak., 14 yrs; Lead. S. Dak., since about 1907. Mem., Local and State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Myra Judson, S 19, 1893, Hurley, S. Dak. Children: James Earle, b. Jl 13, 1894; Howard Monroe, b. Je 27. 1896: Joy Myra. b. F 8, 1901. Address, Lead. S. Dak. WELLINGTON T. STEWART (Brother of Harry John, '97) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 18, 1867, Canada; 8. W. J. and Mary (Thompson) Stewart. Gen. Med. practice. Chicago; formerly located in Mar- shall Field Bldg.. do. Mem., A. F. A. M., Con- sistory. Shrine; Macabees; Phys. Club; Chicago Med. Club; A. M. A. Married Harnett Anderson. Children: William, b. Je, 1888; George Ross, b. My 17. 1893. Address. 1311 Pratt Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., R. 800, 110 N. Wabash Ave., do. THOMAS MARTINIUS STIXRUD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Litchville, N. Dak.f CHARLES STOLTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 17. 1864; s. Charles and Margaret (Papp) Stoltz. Prepared in Val- paraiso Univ. and Ind. Univ. Located in South Bend, Ind. U. S. Boys Working Reserve; Med. Advisory Bd.. World War. Auth.: Delayed Union in Fractures; Congenital Monstrosities. Child, Charles Raymond, b. Je 13, 1897 (Died N 11, 1915.) Address, 530 N. I>afayette, South Bend, Ind.; 6ms. add., 311 Jefferson Blvd.. do. ORLANDO G. TAYLOR M.D.; b. N 1. 1863. Robinson. 111.; s. John H. and Grace (Vernon) Taylor. Rush Med. Coll., 1891-92; B.S., Nat. Norm. Univ., 1889. Located in Palestine, 111., 1893 — . Mem., Mod. Wood- men; Crawford Co. Med. Soc; 111. Central, Yazoo & Miss. Surg. Assn.; Assn. Am. Ry. Surg.; Presby. Church. Married Ola Kitchell, Ag 1896, Danville, 111. Child, John Richard, b. D 24, 1909. Address, Palestine, III. WILLIS LEROY TUCKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Certificate, Univ. of Md.. 1892. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, Hinsdale, Mass.t FRANK E. UPTON ♦ARNOLD HERBERT VAN DUYN M.D.; b. 1872; Lt. M. C, U. S. A., Ft. Riley, Kan. Died Ja 28, 1918, Hill City, Kan. WILLIAM W. WARRINER Certificate, Rush Med. Coll. CHARLES H. WAXHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 4, 1865, LaPorte Co., Ind.; s. Z. and Caroline (Nevins) Waxham. 1st Lieut., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Hettie L. Gebler. Children: Roy and Blanche. Address, Sugar City, Colo. JAMES JOHNSON WILLIAMS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 8, 1867. Wheatland. Mo.; s. James Davis (b. 1820. Nashville. Tenn.) and Harriett Bryant (Hughes) Williams (b. 1821. Knoxville. Tenn.). Prepared in S. W. B. Coll., Bolivar, Mo. Phys., Cross Timbers, Mo., 1893-96; do., Bolivar, Mo., 1896-98; do., Weatherford, Okla., 1898—; State Senator, 1907-12; Sec. Okla State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 1916-19. Contract Surg., S. A. T. C, S. W. St. Norm,, Weatherford, Okla., 1918. Mem., Custer Co. and Okla. State Med. Societies; A. M. A. Married Tena T. Millike, 1892, Bolivar, Mo. Children: James Rankin, b. 1895: Gordon Darnall, b. 1901; J. J., b. 1912. Address, Weatherford, Okla. SAMUEL ELIPHALET WILLIAMS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Rush Med. Coll., 1890-92. Gen. Med. practice. New Bed- ford, 111. Address, New Bedford, Ill.t CLASS OF 1894 (76 LIVING, 17 DEAD) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ANDREWS M.D.; b. F 26. 1864. Pleasant Plain, la.; s. Benjamin C. and Mary (Bruff) Andrews. B.S., Penn Coll.. Oskaloosa, la.. 1891; A.B.. do., 1897. Married Bertha M. Hadley. N 26. 1896. Thorn- town. Ind. Children: Sarah Mabel, b. Ag 19, 1897; Frances Esther, b. D 18. 1903; Helen Lelah, b. O 16. 1908; Milton, b. S 2, 1910. Address, 727 Reba Place. Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. Chicago. IBUSINA CHARLES ANKER M.D.; b. Ap 18. 1855, Hamilton. O.; 8. Alois and Catherine (Haehl) Anker. Prepared in San Francisco H. S. Located in Chicago. 1894-08; Modesto, CaUf .. 1908 — . Mem.. Lutheran Church . Married Anna K. Carlson. Ag 17. 1904. Address, Route A. Box 33, Modesto, Calif. MILTON HARRIS ATKINS Physician; M.D.; b, D 9, 1869, San Francisco; 8. Robert Calvin (b. Gardiner, Me.) and Nellie (Danen) Atkins (b. Bo.ston, Mass.). Prepared in San Francisco H. S. M.D.. Hahnemann Med. Coll. San Francisco, 1891. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, San Francisco, 1904-07; Burlinpame, Calif., 1907 — . Married Anna Kaasch, N 17, 1896, San Francisco. Address, 1433 Floribunda Ave., Burlingamc, Calif. 32 University of Illinois [1894 HENRY WILLIAM BERARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 8, 1866, Grand Rapids, Wis.; s. Adaline (Barette) Berard. Pre- pared in Merrill, Wis. A.B., Lawrence. Nu Sigma Nu. Clin. Instr., Diseases of Eye and Ear, Coll. of Med:, 1896-1900. Phys., Local Bd. 32, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine, Consistory. Married Laura R. Dowling, O 20, 1897. Children: LeRoy H., b. Ag 19, 1898; Lor- raine A., b. Je 8, 1902. Address, 2659 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. GEORGE IRVING BLUHM Physician; M.D.; b. My 23, 1868; s. Isaac (b. 1840, Rus.) and Assne (Blumenthal) Bluhm (b. 1839, do.). Prepared in Russian H. S. Located in Chicago and San Francisco. Auth.: Juices of Dogs Stomach as a Therapeutic Remedy, Pacific Med. Jour., Ag 1902; Prostitution and its Remedy, do., O 1913; Treatment of Alcoholic and Veneral Diseases, do., O 1902; Circumcision, do., Jl 1901; The Ethnology and Treatment of Crime, do., O 1901; Hot Baths in the Treatment of Fevers, Med. Fortnightly, Ja 10, 1903; Innumerable translations from Russian for Pacific Med. Jour. Mem., San Francisco Co. Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M. Married Selma Holzmars, My 27, 1893, Chicago. Children: H. Isabel, b. My 13, 1894; Alice Mildred, b. Ap 12, 1896; George Irving, Jr., b. My 28. 1898. Address, 1924 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. HENRY BORST Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 5, 1863, Chicago; s. Henry (b. 1826, Ger.) and Wolke (Jutting) Borst (b. 1840, Ger."). Prepared in Bryant and Stratton Business Coll., Chicago. 1st yr. Faculty Prize, Gold Medal, 1891-92. House Surg., Chi- cago Hosp., 1894-95; Instr., Bacterid., Coll. of Med., 1897; Gen. Med. practice, 3200-3255 S. State St., Chicago, 1895-98; Lecturer, Surg., Chi- cago Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1897-98; Gen. Med. practice Oelwein, la., 1898-1904; do., Fairhope, Silverhill and Robertsdale, Ala., 1904-12; do., Pensacola, Fla., 1912-20. Med. Examiner for State Militia, Oelwein Co., 1903. In last six yrs. dis- covered essential cause of asthma. Auth. : Various short articles in Med. Journals; articles on anti- militarist and religious subjects in Seattle, Wash., Crucible, 1919; Explanation of the Cause of Europes War, Medical World; Article on Roosevelt in The Messenger, Mr 1919. Served several years as Sec. of Coll. of Med. Alumni Assn. Mem., Oelwin Med. Soc. (Sec.) ; Baldwin Co. Med. Soc. (Treas.). Non- militarist over thirty yrs. Married Bothilda Eleanor Bertelsen, Jl 28, 1897, Chicago. Chil- dren: Herbert Spencer, b. Mv 5, 1898; George Erasmus, b. Jl 3, 1900; Victor Thomas, b. Ap 23, 1903; Paul Henry, b. S 1905, (died 1906); Charles Darwin b. D 27, 1908; William Hcnrv, b. S 11, 1912. Address, 614 E. Wright St., Pensacola, Fla. *EDGAR I. BRADLEY M.D.; b. 1871. Located in White Sulphur Springs, Mont. Owner of Virginia City JIosp. Mem., A. M. A.; Madison Co. (Mont.) Med. Soc. (Ex-Sec). Died S 21, 1909, White Sulphur Springs, Mont. WILLIAM SIMON BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. B.S. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Elgin, 111. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp., Camp Dodge. Address, 258 Jefferson Ave., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., Spurling Bldg., do.; also, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.! THOMAS J. BUCKLEY Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1871; s. John F. (b. 1825, Ire.) and Annie (Fay) Buckley (b. 1845, Cincinnati). Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Columbia Med. Soc. Grad. work, Chicago, 1894. Phys.r Fayette, Wis.; do., Breggsville, Wis. Mar- ried, S 11, 1902, Fayette, Wis. Children: Gene- vieve; Verne (died F 12, 1909); Leo, b. Ja 16, 1907; Fay, b. O 6, 1908. Address, Breggsville, Wis. WILLIAM PATRICK BURKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Clin. Lecturer, Gynecol., Coll. of Med.; Evangelist, Loma Linda, Calif.; later at Summit Ave., Redlands, do. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs. Address, Merritt Bldg., Los Angeles. t JOHN H. COLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time Phys. and Surg., Sherman, Mich. J *PETER FRANK CROWLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1891. Died My 29, 1899, Montrose, Colo. *MILTON V. CUNNINGHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Gen. Med. practice, Youngstown, O. Died Mr 24, 1920, Santa Ana, Calif. FRANK DENNIS DARCY *AARON DAVID DAVIDOW M.D.; b. 1867. Certificate from Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1889-92. Formerly located in Florida, N. Y. and Brooklyn, do. Mem., New York State Med. Soc; Orange Co. Med. Soc Died N 18, 1907, at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y. EDWIN SHERIDAN DAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Earlham, la.t JAMES M. De KRAKER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1865, Holland; s. Andrew (b. F 4, 1831, Netherlands) and Susan (Van Kerkfort) De Kraker (b. N 15, 1832, do.). Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) H. S. Gold medal; Roll of Honor. Grad. work in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., Chicago; Post-Grad. Med. Sch., N. Y.; K. K. Allgemeine Krankenhaus and Policlinic of Vienna. Mem., Grand Rapids Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc. Married Jennie May Omans, 1896. Child, Louise, b. Mr 6, 1901. Ad- dress, 218 HoUister Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. WILLIAM DENNISON DILWORTH Specialist; M.D.; b. 1871. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Pasadena, Calif. Mem., Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Section; Am. Coll. of SurgS.; Los Angeles Clin, and Pathol. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 1220 S. Pasa- dena Ave., Pasadena, Calif.; 6ms. add.. Citizens Savings Bank Bldg., cZo.f THEODORE J. DOEDERLEIN Quiz Master; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1871, Chicago; s. Ferdinand (b. Ja 4, 1838, Bavaria, Ger.) and Magdalena (Nitshke) Doederlein (b. Ag 20, 1848, St. Louis). Prepared in Grammer Sch. and Con- cordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1885-91. Intern, St. Elizabeth Hosp., Chicago, 1894-95; Univ. of Leipzig, 1895-96; Johns Hopkins, 1897; Univ. of Munich, 1909; Quiz Master in Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1897 — ; Attending Gynecolog., Grant Hosp., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice, do., 1910 — ■. Am. Red Cross, Med. Section of Civilian Relief, Chica- go Chapter, My 1918-1919. Auth.; Renal Sy- philis, 1897; Extra Peritoneal Caesarian Section, Surg. Gynecol, and Obstetrics, 1909; Pubiotomy, do., 1910; Dysmenorrhea Essentials, do., 1914; Pregnancy in Adenomyoma Uteri, do., 1913; Types of Pelvic Infections, do., 1920. Mem., Chicago Gynecol. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Lutheran Church; Lincoln Club Married Lydia A. Wagner, 1898, Chicago. Chil- dren: Gerard and Felice. Address, 651 Kenesaw Terrace, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do. 1894] College of Meoicine Alumi 33v FREDERICK FRANCIS DOEPP Phys. and Surg,: M.D.; b. 1867. Gen. Med. practice, Roswell, N. M.; later at Carlsbad, do. Address, Carlsbad, N. M.t OLIVER HENDREN DONALDSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S70. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, Chicago Beach Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 1344 E. 63rd St., do.-f DANIEL WEBSTER EVANS Physician; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1866; s. Morgan Lewis (b. Je 21, 1837) and Jane (Lewis) Evans (b. S 1S40). Prepared in Guthrie Co. (la.) 11. S.; Univ. of la., 1891-92. Grad. work in N. V., Chicago and Philadelphia. Physician, Dell Ra- pids, S. Dak.. 1894-99; do., Scranton, Pa., 1900— Owner and Operator, Dr. Evans Hosp., Scranton, 1909 — . Auth.: Many articles on Economics. Mem., Lackawanna Co. Med. Soc.; Pa. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married, N 11, 1898. Children: Jeannette Margaret, b. N 4, 1899; Bavard Daniel, b. F 1, 1900; Aubrey Morgan, b. My 13, 1902. Address, 157 S. Main Ave., Scranton, Pa. HAROLD O. EVENSEN M.D.; b. Ap 29, 1S6S, Norway; s. Halvor and Hanna (Eyde) Evensen. Prepared in Molde (Norway) H. S. Ph.B., Univ. of Christiania; A.M., do.; M.D., Med. Acad., Univ. of Paris. Grad. work, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., New York; Manhattan Eve and Ear Infirmary; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll.; 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago; Post-Grad. Sch. and Hosp., do. Attended clinics of Vienna, 1902; 2nd Asst. to Geheimerat von Hirschberg, Berlin, 1903; Royal Acad, of Oph thalmol., London, 1903; V. P., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Mem., Mod. Woodmen; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Internat. Cong, of Ophthalmol. Married Nellie Florence Nash., Ja 3, 1906, Ottawa, 111. Address, Hotel Alexandria, Chicago; bus. add., Marshall Field Annex, Suites 832-836. do. *ALBERT ALONZO FOSTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Marquette, Mich.; Phys., St. Marys Hosp., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. Deceased. ARTHUR T. GREGORY Specialist; M.D.; b. 185.5. Specialist in Pedia- trics; formerly located in Elroy, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Mauston, Wis.t ♦THOMAS BENTON HART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. (Jen. Med. practice, Mt. Etna, Ind.; Med. Supt., N. M. Miners Hosp.; Health Officer, Colfax Co.; City Phys.. Raton, N. M.; Asst. local Surg., Santa Fe System; V.P., N. M. Bd. of Health; Pres.. Local Bd. of Pension Examiners. Mem., N. M. Med. Assn. (Pres.); A. M. A. Died Ap 5, 1911. Raton, N. M. HENRY HARTUNG (Brother of Adolph, '08) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 9, 1868, Gotha. Ger.; s. Wm. (b. Ger.) and .\nna (Evert) Hartung (b. do.). Prepared in the Nat. Ger-Am. Teachers Sem., Milwaukee. Grad. of Normal Coll. of the Am. Gymnastic Union, 1889. V. P., graduating class. Professional studies at Univ. Hosps. of Vienna and Munich; Intern, do., 1894-95. Prac- ticing Phys. and Surg., Chicago. Asst. Prof., Surg.. Coll. of Med.. 1900-08. Mem., Bd. of Education, Chicago, 1901-04. Auth.: Various art- icles on Medicine, Hygiene, and Physical Educa- tion. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Ger. Med. Soc; Mem., Staff, Grant Hosp., Clxicago. Married Louise Georg, 1894, Chicago, 111. Children: Kurt, b. Mr 25, 1896 (died Jl 19, 1915); Anita H., b. S 26. 1902; Harold H.. b. Ap 26, 1907; Louise C. b. Ag 18. 1912. Address, 722 Diver.sey Parkway. Chicago; bus. add., 2615 Sheffield Ave., do. PHILLIP HERRIGES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. State Univ. of la., 1891-92; Rush Med. Coll., 1892-93. At one time Phys., Westbend. Wis.t JOSEPH BRYCE HOLMES Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ag 24, 1871; s. Alex and Martha (Sorman) Holmes. Mem., A. M. A. Married LiUie Stover, O 16. 1894, Macomb, 111. Address, Macomb, 111. HARRY J. HORNBOGEN Specialist; M.D.; b. F 14, 1871, Reeds, Mjnn.; s. Charles W. and Georgiana Hornbogen. Pre- pared in Reeds (Minn.) H. S., 1889; Winona State Norm. Sch., 1890. Gold Medal. 1892; Appointed to III. Eye and Ear Infirmary by competitive examination. Valedictorian, Class of 1894. Spec- ialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Marquette. Mich. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. (V. P.); Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow). Married Josephine Powell, O 9, 1898. Children: CarlP., b. 1899; Dan, b. 1903; Josephine, b. 1911. Address, Marquette, Mich. ♦OSCARjMORRILL IDE M.D.; b. 1872. Died Ja 19. 1907. at his home in Chicago. LEWIS JOEL ISAACS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Chicago Med. Coll., 1891-92. Gen. Med. practice. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 2829 W. 38th St., Chicago.f HOMER E. JAMISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Milburn, 111., R. F. D:, Wadsworth, do.\ VICTOR JOSEPHSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1862; s. Rachel (Kan- tewvitz) Josephson. Prepared in H. S., Rus. Gen. Med. practice. Married Anna Jame, D 31, 1896. Children: Helen, b. O 30. 1897; Isabel, b. D 6. 1898; Stanley, b. Je 18. 1903. Address, 3203 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. GOTFRIED LEWIS KARNOPP (Brother-in-Law of Clara Moore. '04, and Geo. W. Moore, '05) Physician; M.D.; b. My 7, 1870, Cooperstown, Wis.; s. Frederick (b. My 27, 1825, Ger.) and Min- nie (Brusp) Karnopp (b. Ja 1. 1826. do.). Pre- pared in Sheboygan (Wis.) Bus. Coll. Gen. Med. practice. Kellnersville. Wis. (2 yrs.); Mishicot, Wis.. 1896—; Pres., State Bank and Health Off.. do. Med. Examiner, Manotowoc Co. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Mem., Lutheran Church; Manito- woc Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc. Mar- ried Edith Moore, Jl 9. 1893, Kewaunee, Wis. Children: Evelyn, b. Ap 25, 1895; Norma, b. Jl 23, 1896; Joyce, b. D 24, 1908. Address, Mishicot, Wis. EDGAR DANIEL KERR Physician; M.D.; b. F 14, 1866. DegrafF. O.; 8. Joseph and Salome (Hudson) Kerr. Teacher, 111. Schs. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. World War. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 32°; Presby. Church. Married Alphretta Garvin. N 30, 1896. Children: Mary, b. Jl 2. 1897; Joseph, b. Je 3, 1900; June, O 14, 1913. Address, Westervelt, 111. JOHN J. KERRIGAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1856. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Michigan City, Ind.t 34 University of Illinois [1894 WLADYSLAW AUGUSTYN KUFLEWSKI Med. Examiner; M.D.; b. My 26, 1870, Jaros- zewo, Posen, Poland: s. Augustyn ^b. My 31, 1831, Zboszen, Silesia, Poland) and Salomea (Kalacin- ski) Kuflewski (b. S 30, 1842, Znin, Posen, Poland). Prepared in Jaroszewo Pub. Sch.; Znin H. S. and Pvt. Instr. Located in Chicago; Sr. Surg., St. Marys of Nazareth Posp.: Prof., Surg., Chicago Clin. Sch.; Instr., Inoperative Surg., St Marys of Nazareth Tr. Sch. for Nurses; Chief Med. Examiner Polish Nat. Alliance; Correspondent in Am. for Polish Med. Jours, in Europe; Grand-Marshall, at the unveiling of statues of Brig. Gens. Pulaski and Koscuiszko, Washington, D. C., My 11, 1910; Delegate, 1st Polish Cong, and Chm. of Finances, do., My 1910; Pres , Polish Nat. Lib. and Museum of N. A.; V. P., Chicago Lib. Bd.; do., Chicago Bd. of Educ. 1st Lt., and Surg., Second 111. Regt. Mem., Chicago Acad, of Surg.; 111. Surg. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Fellow, Am. Coll. of Surgs., 1917; Am. Polish Med. Soo. (Pres. and Life Mem.); Am. Polish Med. Assn. (Organizer, Charter Mem. and V. P.); Polish Am. Womens League for Red Cross Work (Hon. Pres. and Instr.) ; Chicago Ath. Club; Internat. Club of Nations. Auth.: Sterilization of Books (pamphlet), 1898; How to Celebrate the Independence Day (pam- phlet), 1899; Alcohol and its Action on the Human Body; How to Vaccinate, When and Why; Tech- nique of Minor Surg, and its Importance; A Thesis of the Importance of Cleanliness; Fracture of Femor and its Treatment by the Method ot Dr. Kuflewski; Ambulatory Treatment of Fracture of Pernor; A pamphlet to do away with the germ- laden cup. Married Angeline Rose Cwiklinski, F 21, 1906. Child, Adele Alice, b. F 22, 1920. Address, 1366 N. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., 1725 S. Ashland Ave., do. OSCAR MONROE LANSTRUM Phys. and Publisher; M.D.; b. N 26, 1869, Galesburg, 111.; s. Christian Earnest (b. 1837, Sweden) and Susan Elizabeth (Crocker) Lanstrum (b. 1843, Ky.). Prepared in Knox Acad. A.B., Knox Coll., 1891; A.M., do., 1894. Phi Gamma Delta; Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Chicago, 1894- 95; Marysville, Mont., 1895-1905; Helena, do., 1905 — . Served two terms in Mont, legislature. Mem., A. M. A.; Mont. Club; Rocky Mt. Club; Trustee, Mont. Wesleyan Univ.; do. Knox Coll. Married Lilian Gertrude Conrad D 18, 1899, Marysville, Mont. Children: Claude Conrad, b. S 12, 1899; Frederick Crocker, b. Mr 9, 1903; Philip Monroe, b. O 12, 1908. Address, 802 Madison Ave., Helena, Mont. *HERMAN LARSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Luther Coll., Decorah, la.; Univ. of la., 1891-93. De- ceased. ♦FRANCISCO LA SPADA M.D.; b. 1864. Gen. Med. practice, Smoot Bldg., San Jose, Calif. Died Jl 2, 1916, at his home, San Jose, Calif. ALBERT E. LAUSON Physician; M.D.; b. O 17, 1866; s. David (b. Mr 30, 1834, Montreal, Can.) and Martha (Hebert) Lauson (b. Ap 5, 1840, Albany, N. Y.). Prepared in Galesville (Wis.) H. S.; Galesville Univ., Wis. Located in Milwaukee, 1894-1903; Anthony, N. M., 1903 — . Married Gertrude Valentine Lee- dom, F 7, 1900, Milwaukee. Child, Helen Con- stance, b. S 10, 1902. Address, Anthony, N. M. ERNEST E. LEESON Physician; M.D.; b. F 21, 1872, Varney, Ont., Can.; s. Henry W. and Sarah (Policy) Leeson. Prepared in Ontario H. S., and Owen Sound Bus. Coll., Owen Sound, Ontario. 1st Lt., My 19, 1917, Capt., M. C, My 3, 1918, Maj., do., F. 1920; active serv. overseas, 14 mos., Meuse, Argonne. Mem., A. F. A. M., Freeport Consistory; A. A. 0. N. M. S. Married Mary A. Clark, Ap 4, 1894, Chicago. Children: Ernest W., b. F 20, 1898; Olif A., b. F 17, 1900. Address, 2228 Warren Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 204 Mid City Bank Bldg., do. ADOLPH H. LEVITON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 3532 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1247 S. Halsted St., do.t JAMES LEVY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. B.S. ♦MATTHIAS EMMANUEL LORENZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Gen. Med- practice, 1800 Allport St., Chicago. Died D 29- 1919, Chicago. *GEORGE ELLSWORTH LOWRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Bennett Med. Coll., 1892-93. At one time Phys., Jacksonville, FJa. Deceased. SAMUEL B. LYON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Formerly at 32 N. State St., Chicago. Address, 1042 S. Alvarada St., Los Angeles.t JAMES A. LYONS M.D.; b. My 25, 1866, Mitchell, Wis.; s. James and Elizabeth (CJraney) Lyons. Prepared in Oshkosh (Wis.) Norm. Sch. Located in Bear Creek, Wis.; Eau Claire, do., 1918; Appleton, do., 1920—. Mem., M. W. A.; E. F. N. Married Nellie M. Sullivan, 1897. Children: Owen, b. Mr 1, 1902; Alice, b. Mr 21, 1904; Lawrence, b. 1906; Roger, b. 1912. Address, 735 Kimball St., Apple- ton, Wis. GEORGE NELSON MANNING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Certificate, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1893. Gen. Med. prac- tice: formerly located in Garden Prairie, 111.; later at Freeport, do. Address, Wheaton, Ill.t *JAMES ALEXANDER MANNON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1855. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Sherrard, 111. Died My 12, 1912. *ELIAS B. MESIROW M.D.; b. 1861; Fellow of A. M. A. Died D 10, 1917, Chicago. MICHAEL CHARLES MULLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Specialist in Obstetrics. Mem., A.M. A. Address, 6323 Went- worth Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5900 Wentworth Ave., do.t MICHAEL T. NAUGHTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 5, 1867, St. Paul, Minn.; s. Coleman and Margaret (Connoly) Naughton. Prepared in Duluth (Minn.) Schs.; St. John's Univ., Colledgeville, Minn., 1882-84. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., Military Order Great War; Am. Legion; Med. Off. Drill Corps; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Winifred A. Polzin, 1895. Children: Marguerite, b. 1900; Eugene, b. 1903. Address, 3812 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1101 Mason- ic Temple, do. NELS CARL GUSTOF NELSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Univ. of Minn. Med. Sch. before entering Coll. of Med. Formerly located at Cheyenne, Wyo. Address, Eugene, Ore.t 1894] College of Medicine Alumni 35 JAMES CHARLES OAKSHETTE M.D.; b. D 25, 1858, London, Eng.; s. Thomas (b. Sussex, Eng.) and Ann (Pepper) Oakshette (b. do.). Prepared in London Schs. and Harley Coll., London, Eng. ^LD., Hahnemann Med. Coll.. Hosp., Chicago, 1890; Ph.D., Iniv. of the Potomac, Washington, D. C. 1910. A./rfrf-ss, 230 E. Pine St.. Atlanta, Ga.; bus. add., 716 Hurt Bldg., do. CHARLES CLAYTON OBYRNE Phy.s. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 14, 1S68, Pike Co., Mo.; s. Stephen C. and Sarah J. (Coffman) O' Bvrne. Phi Rho Sigma. Gold Medal (2nd >t.). Instr., Pathol., Clin. Instr., Surg. Rhinol. and Layrngol., Coll. of Med., 1S95-9S; Prof.. Micros- copy and Chem. Diag., do., 1900-01; Adjunt Prof., Pathol., do., 1902-04; Assoc. Prof., do., 1904-12. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ag 23, 1893, Berrien Springs. Mich. Child. Stuart C, b. F 19, 1898. Address, 2955 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add.. 32 N. State St., do. ABRAHAM M. OSNESS Physician; ^LD.; b. My 19. 1864, Rus.; s. Morris and Anna (Tahl) Osness. Alem.. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, World War, 1918. Auth.: .\rticle on Diphtheria, 1900. Married 1900; 1915. Children: WilUam M.. b. 1901; Miriam S.. b. 1916. Addresf, 357 Forest Ave., Daj-ton, O.; bus. add., 1110-11 N. B. Bldg., do. ROBERT EUGENE PAYNE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1892-93. D.D.S. Gen. Med. practice. San Francisco. t ELIJAH BARTON PICKEL Physician; M.D.; b. S 17. 1S61. Sweetwater, Tenn.; s. French (b. Tenn.) and Mary A. (Ma- theny) Pickel (b. Va.). Prepared in E. Tenn. Wesleyan Univ., Athens, Tenn. M.D., Univ. of Louis%-Ule, Louisville, Ky., 1888. Ore. State Bd. of Health, 1903-17 (Pres., 1907); Chm.. District Med. Advisory Bd.; A. M. A.; Ore. State Med. Soc. (Pres., 1906-07); So. Ore. Med. Soc. Mar- ried Martha Elinor Delashmit, My 18, 1885, Philadelphia, Tenn. Address, W. Main St., Med- ford. Ore. EDGAR ALLEN PLANCK Surgeon; M.D.; b. S 27, 1868, Wolcottville, Ind.; s. Christian K. (b. My 17, 1842, Pa.) and Emma A. (Dueslor) Planck (b. Jl 1, 1851, Ind.). Prepared in Valparaiso Univ. Sr. Honors. Grad. work, Post-Grad. schs. in Chicago. 1895; Univ. of Mich.. 1914; 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch.. 1917; Gen. Med. practice. Union, Mich.. 1894-1917; Surg., Reo Motor Co., Lansing. Mich., 1917 — . Mem., Mich. State Senate, 1915-18; Mich, Dele- gate to Nat. Convention, 1916. Mem.. Kala- mazoo Acad, of Med.; Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Grace E. Hartman. D 28, 1892, Union, Mich. Children: Lena Corinne, b. Je 22. 1894 (died S 29, 1895); Joseph Wilmer. b. Je 30, 1897; George Edgar, b. Jl 26. 1898. Ad- dress, 311 W. Allegan St.. Lansing, Mich. HARRY LOUIS POLLOCK; M.D.; b, S 28, 1874. Clinton, Mo.; 8. Jos. and (iarrie (Sterne) Pollock. Pre- pared in Clinton H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol.,CoU. of Med.,191S-19 . .\uth.: Articles in various Med. Jours. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Mabel Hirsch, O 18. 1906. Children: Frederic, b. Ja 1909; Robert.b. N 1911. Address, 846 Waveland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 108 N. State St., do. WILLIAM ALOYSIUS QUINN Dermatologist: M.D.; Ph.G.. 1888; b. 1869. Ottawa, 111. Prepared in H. 8. Apprenticed to T. E. Gapen & Co., 1886-88; later employed as Pharm. with C. F. Noll, Chicago; Prof., Dermatol., and SjTjhilol., Loyola Univ.; Attending Dermatol., St. Josephs. Mercy, and Francis E. Willard Hosps., Chicago; Consulting do., St. Bernards Hosp., do. Mem.. Am. Cong. Internal Med.; Chicago Der- matol. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 3014 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., ALBERT CLEMENS RHIEL Phvs. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Lowell, 111. Address, R. F. D., Tonica, Ill.t HENRY PAUL RHODE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 18, 1873, Green Bay, Wis.; s. Henry (b. 1832, Ger.) and Eva (Becker) Rhode (b. 1840, Ger.). Prepared in Marquette Coll., Milwaukee. Phys. and Surg., Forest Junction, Wis.. 1894-1904; do.. Green Bay, Wis.. 1904 — ; Health Commissioner. 1905-16. Mem., Med. Advisory Bd.. U. S. A., 1915-17. Mem.. A. M. A.; Wis. Surg. Soc; Brown Co. Med. Soc; Fox River Valley Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; Elks. Married Adele Buscher, Je 1, 1900, Green Bay. Wis. Children: Ruth. b. My 1903; Helen, b. D 1905. Address, Green Bay, Wis. FRANK C. RICHMOND HARRY MORTIMER RICHTER Physician; M.D.; b. My 17, 1872; s. Maurice and Cecilia (Lowenthal) Richter. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Prof., Surg.. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Auth.: Various articles on Surgery in cur- rent periodical literature. Married Adelyn Wind- muller, 1915. Children: Harry M., b. Je 1916; Frederic Allen, b. 1918; Natalie, b. 1919. Address, 1031 East 48th St.. Chicago; 6ms. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do. WILLIAM PENN ROBERTS M.D.; b. Ja 23, 1869, Tazwell Co.. 111.; s. Joseph and Mary (Bosserman) Roberts. Prepared in Westfield Acad., Westfield, 111. Located in Sioux Falls. S. Dak., 1905 — ; formerly in Cleghorn, la. M. R. C, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O O. F. Married Ida Belle Proctor. D 25, 1893, Proctor, 111. Children: William Proctor, b. My 18, 1901; Florence Charlotte, b. Ja 23, 1914. Ad- dress, 415 S. Duluth Ave.. Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; bus. add., 207-9 Paulton Bldg., do. THADDEUS LINCOLN ROUND Phys. and Surg.; M.D. At one time located in Morrison, 111. J ♦ARTHUR MENKO SHABAD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Gen. Med. practice. Formerly located at 3140 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. Died Ag 23, 1920, Chicago. ALEXANDER WILLIAM SHIELDS M.D.; b. D 21, 1863, Irvine, Scotland; s. Wil- liam B. and Jes.sio (Henderson) Shields. Pre- pared in Aberdeen (Scotland) Grammer Sch. and Irvine Acad. B.A. and B.S., Univ. of Edinburgh. Nu Sigma Nu. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite. Married Ella K. Kimball, Ap 10, 1892. Charleston. 111. Child, son, b. Ag 14, 1907. Ad- dress, Huntsville, Ut. PAUL AUGUSTUS SLATER Phys. and Surg.;^M.D. Gen. Med. practice Address, Hindsboro, Ill.t HENRY WOODUL SMITH Phy.sician; M.D.; b. F 23. 1867; s. Levi B. (b. 1833. Cumberland Co., Ky.) and Lurinda J. (Groves) Smith (b. 1838. Morgan Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Bushnell, 111. Nu Sigma Nu. Served as House Surg., 1892-94; District Sch. Teacher. Mem., of Med. Advisory Bd., Jacksonville, 111. 36 University of Illinois [1894 Auth.: Puerperal Eclampsia, an unpublished paper read before the Greene Co. Med. Soo. Mem., Greene Co. Med. Soc; Macoupin Co. Med. Soc. Married N 26, 1895, Palmyra, 111. Child, Martha Ann, b. S 7, 1900. Address, Roodhouse, 111. SAMUEL J. SORNBERGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1849, Har- persville, N. Y.; s. Sidney (b. Dutchess Co., N. Y.) and Elvira (Martin) Sornberger (b. Conn.). Pre- pared in St. Norm, and Tr. Sch., Cortland, N. Y. Ph.B., Syracuse Univ., 1878; Ph.M., do., 1879; Ph.D., do., 1880. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Com- mencement Orator. Surg., to Cortland Hosp. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps., 1918. Cortland Co. Med. Soc; N. Y. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Acad, of Med., Syracuse, N. Y. Married Kate M. Foster, F 4, 1880, Burnt Hills, N. Y. Child, Frank T., b. D 27, 1880. Address, 84 N. Church St., Cort- land, N. Y. *JOHN W. STEFFINS Physician; M.D.; b. 1858. Phys., Cheboygan Co., Mich.; Health Off., do. Died D 3, 1910, Cheboygan, Mich. HARRY LESTER STEVENS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 2, 1864, s. Daniel B. and Louise M. (King) Stevens. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Denver. Mem., M. E. Church; I. O. O. F. Married Katherine Payne, N 16, 1890, Chicago. Address, 1156 Jackson St., Denver; bus. add., 521 Mack Bldg., do. SAMUEL STEVENS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 15, 1868; s. D. W. (b. 1843, Port Byron, N. Y.) and EHzabeth (Hultz) Stevens (b. 1842, Mich.). Prepared in VandaUa (Mich.) Pub. Schs.; N. W. Univ., 1891- 92. Located in Mich., 1894-S 1918; Garden City, Kan., S 1918 — . Auth.: Putrid Gastro Enteritis, Coll. of Med., Plexus, 1900; Appendicectomy Tic, Detroit Med. Jour., 1907; Fibroma of Anus, do., 1909; Circumcision with Cocain Anesthetic, Am. Jour, of Urology, S 1909. Mem., Congr. Church; Finney Co. Med. Soc; Kan. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married D 24, 1889, Vandalia, Mich.; Ap 16, 1907, White Pigeon, do. Children: Lola E., b. O 20, 1890; James Harold, b. Ap 20, 1892. Address, Garden City, Kan. WADE D. STEVENS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Chicago Med. Coll., 1891-92. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Paw Paw, 111;, later in South Canaan, Pa. Address, Paw Paw, Ill.t HARRY WILLIS SUTCLIFFE Surgeon; M.D.; b. My 18, 1870, Kenosha, Wis.; s. John and Martha (Muzzey) Sutcliffe. Prepared in Wheaton, 111., and Oberlin, O. Surg., 111. Steele Co., Chicago, 1920. Married Gertrude Gary. Child, Elbert Gary, b. 1893. Address, 4620 Clarendon Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 208 S. LaSalle St., do. *JAMES WALTER TOWNSEND Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Penn Coll., la. 1888; State Univ. of la., Coll. of Med., 1891-92. Gen. Med. practice, Malcom, la. Died 1902. FRANKLIN AUGUSTUS TURNER Physician; M.D.; b. N 21, 1866, Oconee, 111.; s. John M. and Sarah E. (Woodard) Turner. Post-grad, work, Chicago Policlinic, 1901-14; do., Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago; Univ. of Pans, (Surg.) 1919. Located in Magnolia, 111., 1894- 99; Sandwich, do., 1899-1914; now in Rockford. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Am. Red Cross, France and Palestine, O 4, 1918-Je 23, 1919. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Cora Mae McCombs, S 25, 1895, Chicago. Address. 822 Garfield Ave., Rockford, 111.; 6ms. add., 501 Trust Bldg., do. AUGUST WILHELM UCKERMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice. At one time located at 170 Mozart St., Chicago. J WILLIAM R. VAUPELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1883; b. 1861. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1892-93. Address, 3335 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.f WILLIAM VON REIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Royal Univ. of Upola, Sweden. HERBERT LUCE WATROUS (Cousin of Henry Vincent, '00) Physician; M.D.; b. D 4, 1869; s. Hubbard Isaac (b. Pa.) and Eliza Anne Watrous (b. do.). Prepared in Common- Schs. Located in Camp Douglas, Wis., 1894-95; Seneca, do., 1895-1903; Lindsey, 1903-07; Eastman, 1907-1915; in Canada, 1917-19; Eastman, Wis., 1919—. Married Jl 21, 1895. Address, Eastman, Wis. *CHARLES L. WEBSTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 18, 1863, Lyndon- ville. New York. s. Lucius Webster and Aurelia (Linsley) Webster. Prepared in Pub. Schs. of Cleveland. M.S., Oberlin Coll., 1888; B.D., do., 1891. Practiced in Chicago for 6 yrs., after grad- uation; moved to Cleveland about 1900. Gained a national reputation by a series of lectures on the efficiency of Vaccination as a Prevention of Small- pox. Auth.: Many contributions to Med. Jours. Mem., Cleveland Acad, of Med.; Calvary Presby. Church. Married Ella Towsley, D 17, 1889, Lodi, O. Child, Paul Towsley, b. S 15, 1895. Died D 22, 1905, Cleveland. BERTHOLD WEISENBERG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1024 Wenonah Ave., Oak Park, 111., 6ms. add., 1065 W. Madison St., Chicago.t JOHN ALFONZO WESENER Professor; M.D.; b. Mr 14, 1865, Saginaw, Mich.; s. Hugo (b. Jl 29, 1830, Werne, Ger.) and Bertha Marie (Wiengutt) Wessener (b. Je 20, 1835, Ber- lin, Ger.). Prepared Owosso, Mich., and Mich. Agr. Coll. Ph.C, Univ. of Mich., 1888. Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Chi. Teacher of Chem., Chicago Post-Grad. Sch., 1889; Prof., do.. Coll. of Med., 1891-1904; do., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1893-1902. Pres. and Chem., Columbus Labs., Chicago. Mem., Coroners, Cook Co. Toxicol ogists. In- vented Process for Ageing and Bleaching Wheat Flour, U. S. patent. Auth.: Clinical Significance of Peptonuria, 1894; Intestinal Antiseptics and Aromatic Sulphates, 1894; Special Test for Can- cer of the Stomach, 1895; Chemical Diagnosis of Stomach Affections, 1896; Ueber Koppe's Theorie der Salzsaurebildung im Magen, 1899; Relation of Indicanuria and Oxaluria to Gastro-Intestinal Fermentation, 1901; Scientific Testing of Flour; (with W. A. Evans), The Study of an Organism in the Case of Malaria, 1891; (with Mitchell), Two Fatal Cases of Sausage Poisoning; Chemistry of Nucleins, North American Practitioner, N 1895; other articles in The Jour, of the Am. Chem. Soc; III. Med. Jour., Am. Food Jour., The Nat. Con- fectioners' Jour., Jour, of Indus, and Engineering Chem. and The Philadelphia Med. Jour. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Chem. Soc; Soc. of Chem. Industry; Chicago Ath. Club; Fellow of the Chicago Acad, of Med. Married Mr 2, 1891, Owosso, Mich. Address, 819 Lafayette Park Way, Chicago; 6ms. odd., 31 N. State St., do. CHARLES EDWARD WHITESIDE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Urologist. Address, 2403 6th Ave., Moline, 111.; 6ms. add.. Reliance Bldg., do.t 1895 College of Medicine Alximni 37 ULYSSES GRANT WINDELL Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1S66. Costalia, la.; s. Thomas A. and Eveline (Jarrett) Windell. Clin. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1S95-10; Adjunct Prof., Anat., Coll. of Dent.. 1S9S-1901. Phys., Chicago. Capt., M. C. U. S. A., O 7, 191S-My 1, 1919; attending Surg.. Camp Grant, 111. Mem., Epis. Church; Austin Lodge, A. F. A. M. Married Anna M. Durner, 1S9S, Bonieia, Calif. Address, 5815 Midway Park, Chicago. ADOLPH F. WOHLENBERG M.D.; b. Ap 27, 1862, Lyons, la.; Prepared in H. S. Married Julia Canfield, Je 9. 1S86. Marshalltown, la. Address, Kooskia, Idaho. WILLIS PERRY WOODARD M.D.; b. D 5, ISoS; s. Allen N. and Mary H. (Perry) Woodard. Prepared in Beloit Acad, and Beloit Coll., Beloit. Wis. Mem., Cong. Church; A. F. A. M., Consistory, Mystic Shrine. Married Mary A. Wheat. Ag 27, 1882, Oxfordville, Wis. Children: Mae Pcrle, b. Mr 22. 1884 (died Mr 23. 1888); Sara H.. b. D (5, 1886; Selwyn Clark, b. D 7. 1888. Address, 613 Carpenter Ave., Oak Park, 111. GEORGE ARNOLD WOODCOCK Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1870; s. James A. (b. New Brunswick) and Jennie (Thomas) Wood- cock (b. do.). Prepared in Eureka H.S. and Phelps Acad. Located in Armstong. la., 1900-12; Denton, Mont., 1912 — . City Health Officer of Denton, Mont.; Local Surg., for C. M. & St. P, R. R. Married, 7. 1914, Denton, Mont. Child. Jennie Lucile. b. N 15, 1915. Address, Denton, Mont. CLASS OF 1895 (63 LIVING, 17 DEAD) HARRY HOLROYD AINSWORTH Physician; M.D.; b. My 6. 1872. Madison. Wis.; s. William Herbert (b. Mr. 17. 1849. Manchester, Eng.) and Janet (Wallace) Ainsworth (b. Ag 20. 1850. do.). Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Consulting Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Dept.. U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Capt.. M. C. U. S. A., Je 191S-My 28, 1919; Active serv. with A. E. F.; Chief of Eye, Serv.. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Hosp., Coblenz, Ger., Ja 10-Ap 10, 1919. Mem.. Chicago Med. See; Dane Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address. 124 W. Dayton. Madison. Wis.; bus. add., 21 W. Main St.. do. JOSEPH CARL BECK (Brother of Carl Beck, Fa.M . and Emil G. Beck. '96) Assoc. Prof.; M.D.; b. S 26. 1870, Bohemia, Aus.; s. Ignatz and Elizabeth (Pollock) Beck. Prepared in Pub. Schs. of Prague. Aus. and Cath- olic Convent Sch.. Holden. Mo. Nu Sigma Nu; Honor Roll. Coll. of Med. Located in Clinton, Mo, and Holden, do., 1885-93; in Chicago, 1893—.; Oto-Laryngol.. and Ophthalmol.. North Chicago Hosp.; in partnership with bros.. Drs. Carl Beck and Emil G. Beck, and Bernard G. Katz, do.; Surg., in Oto-Laryngol., Cook Co. Hosp.; Mem.. Oto-Laryngol. Staff, Univ. Hosp.; Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, Chicago, 1895—.; Assoc. Prof., Surg., Otol., Rhinol., and Laryngol., Coll. of Med, 1904 — ; Prof.. Otol, and Laryngol.. Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Coll., 1895-1915. Mem., Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Am. Laryngol., Rtiinol. and Otol. Soc; Chicago Laryngol. and Otol. Soc; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Milwaukee Oto- Ophthalmic Club.; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow); A. M. A. (Fellow); 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Rtfntgen Soc; Ger. Med. Soc; Am. Med. Editors Club.; Chicago Press Club; A. F. A. M. Married Carrie A. Stein. Mr 26, 1899. Chicago. Children: Elsa. Philip. Joseph C. Jr. Addrais, 2551 N. Clark St., Chicago.f ALFRED BELITZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 2, 1866, Kiel, Wis., s. Henry T. and Helene (Schlichting) Belitz. Prepared in Ger.-Am. Seminary for Teachers of Phys. Culture. Intern, Ger. Hosp., Chicago, 1895- 96; (Sen. Med. and Surg, practice, Pepin. Wis. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Auth: Articles in Milwau- kee Med. Jour., and .V/«d. Era. Mem , M. W. A.; A. M. A.; Wis. State Med. Soc; Pepin and Dunn Co. Med. Societies. Married Emma Robbins. My 15. 1899, Gunnison. Ut. Child, Emmett. b. Ja 31, 1904. Addreu, Pepin, Wis. BO CARR BOWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. A.B.. Butler Univ., 1892. Steele Prize, Coll. of Med., 1895. Surg.. Holy Family Hosp. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs.; A. M. A. Address, 1103 Michigan Ave., La Port, Ind.; bus. add., 805 Maple Ave., do.t ALBERT WILLIAM BRADFORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Gen. Med. practice. Capt., U. S. Army, N 9-N 29, 1918, Ft. Riley, Kan. Address, Lacon, Ill.t DANIEL J. CAREY Phys. and Sarg.; M.D. Prepared in St. Paul (Wis.) Pub. Schs. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 3638 Ogden Ave., Chicago.t SHERMAN HARRISON CHAMPLIN (Father of Harrison Gerald, '14, and Grace, '16, B.S. in H.Sc) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1865, Syca- more, 111.; s. Horace S. (b. N. Y.) and Abbie (Waterman) Champlin (b. do.). Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1895-97; Phys. and Surg., Chicago; Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1900-02. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Anna W. Gearld, Ja 11, 1890, Genoa Junction, Wis. Children: Harrison G. b. Ja 30, 1891; Grace Elizabeth, b. D 24, 1893. Address, 3947 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., 2257 W. Madison. St., do. SIDNEY BEALL CLARK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 10, 1870. Green Bay, Wis.; s. Silas Wright (b. Jl 8, 1846, Auburn, N. Y.) and Susan Fennemore Cooper (Follvat) Clark (b. Jl 20, 1844. do.). Prepared in St. Paul Central H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago. 1895-96; Phys.. Buffalo. N. Dak., 1896—. Vol. Med. Serv., U. S. A.. 1918-19. Mem., Cass Co. Med. Soc; No. Dak. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Helen Reche Young, (b. Ap 27, 1897, Fargo, N. Dak.). Child, Helen Beall, b. Ap 22, 1899. Address, Buffalo, N. Dak. WILLIAM EDWARD COATES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1893. Instr., Bacteriol. and Pathol. Coll. of Med., 1898-99; do.. Microscopical and Chem. Diag., do., 1899-1900; Adjunct Prof., Pathol., do. 1903-04. Address, Kalcva, Mich.f WILLIAM JAMES COCHRANE Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. Je 27, 1867, Lake City, Minn. Prepared in State Norm. Sch. Valedictorian of class. Intern, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1895-96; located in Quincy, 111., 1896-99; Lake City, Minn., 1900-19; Minn- 38 University of Illinois [1895 eapolis, 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 30, -D 9, 1918. Mem., Hennepin Co. Med. Soc; Minn. State Med. Soc. Married F 5, 1901, Lake City, Minn. Children: Helen Jane, b. Ag 14, 1902; Jean, b. Mr 27, 1906; William R., b, F 14, 1917. Address, 609 La Salle Bldg., Minneapolis. ♦GEORGE WASHINGTON DAVIES Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Columbia (Wis.) H. S.; attended Univ. of Wis., 1893. Died S 22, 1906, at his home in Waterloo, Wis. FRANCIS S. DILLER Physician; M.D.; b. N 18, 1860; s. Henry H. (b. S 23, 1836, Pa.) and Elmira (Snavely) Diller (b. 1835, Pa.). Prepared in Fairbury (Neb.) H. S. Phys., Roberts, 111., 1895-1904; do., Rantoul, 111., 1904—. Married Mr 25, 1891, Rantoul, 111. Children: Elsie W., b. My 18, 1892; Harold F., b. Mr 10, 1894; Grace F., b. Ja 27, 1895. Address, Rantoul, 111. ♦GEORGE D. B. DODS M.D.;b. 1862. Fellow, A. M. A. Med. practice in Valmora, N. M. Died Ja 9, 1918, Valmora, N. M. MAURICE FORESTUS DOTY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Prepared in La Crosse (Wis.) H. S., 1891-92. Retired from active practice. Address, 562 N. Pine Ave., Chi- cago.f ♦CHARLES WILLIAM DULIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Formerly of Kansas City, Mo.; Instr., Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1895-96. Died at his home in Nevada, Mo., Mr 23, 1903. LOUIS DYSART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 25, 1871; s. Sam- uel A. (b. O 13, 1843, Louisville, Tenn.) and Eliza (Higbee) Dysart (b. Mr 22, 1850, Iowa City, la.). Prepared in Lancaster (Mo.) H. S. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1895-96.; Iu.str., Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1895-96; located in Tampico, Mex.. D 1896-Ap 1898; Crete, Neb., 1898-99; in Mexico, 1899-1902; Bisbee, Ariz., 1902-04; Phoenix, do., 1904 — •. Mem., Christian Church; Co. Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Mar- ried Mabel Palmer, D 9, 1903, Bloomfield, la. Children: Palmer, b. D 21, 1904; Birney, b. D 21, 1904; Winifred Almira, b. N 20, 1906. Address, Phoenix, Ariz. BENJAMIN FELTENSTEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Honor Roll., Coll. of Med., 1895. Gen. Med practice, Clin. Instr., Diseases of Children, Coll. of Med., 1897- 1900. Address, 2402 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2321 Milwaukee Ave., do.f JOHN G. FRANKEN (Father of Ewell G., '10, A.B. in Sc; Gretchen, '19, A.B. in Home Ec) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 3, 1863; s. Gerd J. (b. Ja 24, 1830) and Eke H. (Gerdes) Franken (b. Ja 9, 1831). Prepared in Sem. in Ger., and in Norm. Univ.; Valparaiso, Ind. Located in Chandlerville, 111. Mem., Morgan Co. (111.) Med. Soc. (Pres., 1899); Cass Co. (lU.) Med. Soc, Pres.( 1910,1918). Mem., Vol. M. R. C, U. S A Married, Ag 24, 1888. Children: Ewell G., b. My 24, 1889; Gretchen, b. My 14, 1896; Julia Annetta, b. My 31, 1909. Address, Chandlerville, ARTHUR A. GAEBLER Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1867, Watertown, Wis.; s. Emil C. (b. S 30, 1828, Ger.) and Bertha (von Beust) Gaebler (b. D 28, 1823, Ger.). Pre- pared in Watertown (Wis.) H. S. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1890. Married Jessie Hall, Mr 13, 1900, Chicago. Address, 1239 W. Garfield Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1206 W. 51st St., do. JOHN A. GILLESPIE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. M.D., la. Eclective Med. Coll., 1888. Gen. Med. practice. Address, King.sburg, Calif. t FRED W. GRAYSTON Physician; M.D.; b. N 20, 1870, Huntington, Ind.; s. Frederic S. C. (b. Ap 6, 1824, Eng.) and Isabella (Custance) Grayston (b. Jl 3, 1830, do.). Prepared in Huntington (Ind.) H. S. and Butler Univ., 1891-92. Sigma Chi; Nu Sigma Nu. Physician, Huntington, Ind. Mem. of Advisory Bd. in World War. Married Effie Wilkerson, 1899, Huntington, Ind. Children: A. Kendrick, b. F 2, 1900; Frederic Wallace, Jr., b. S 5, 1912. Address, 708 North Jefferson St., Huntington, Ind.; bus. add., 310 N. Jefferson St., do. THOMAS STEPHEN GREEN Physician; M.D.; B.S. in Sc, 1891; b. Jl 8, 1868, Jacksonville, 111.; s. Horatio Riggs (b. Ap 2, 1834, Jacksonville, 111.) and Mary Ellen (O'Neal) Green (b. Ap 13, 1838, do.). Prepared in Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 111. Adelphic Soc. Oratorical Prize, 1890. Gen. Med. practice, Chi- cago, 1895-1917; 1919—. 1st Lieut. M. C, U. S. A., Je 12, 1917-Ap 13, 1918; Capt., do. Ap 13, 1918 to discharge, Ag 12, 1919; Served in A. E. F. poison gas Dept., Ag 12, 1918-Jl 5, 1919,; Com- manding Off. of ammunition Tr. San. detach- ment; Base Hosp. 6, Bordeaux, France; Base Hosp. 2, do.; Attending Surg. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. Med. Assn.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Anna Armstrong Je 14, 1899, Chicago, 111., (died Ja 6, 1905); Georgia Green, F 6, 1907, Chicago, 111. Address, 4153 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111.; bus. add., Heyworth Bldg., do. CHARLES HAMILTON Phys. ^nd Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. B.S.. Eureka Coll., Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1895. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Carlock, Ill.t HOWARD HAMILTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. 1;B.S., Eureka Coll., Honor Roil, Coll. of Med.," 1895. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Bethany, 111. Address, Twin Falls, Idaho. t IRVIN J. HECKMAN Physician; M.D.; b. S 16, 1861; s. Philip (b. Ja 2, 1822, Moscow Mills, O.) and Sarah Ann (Farley) Heckman (b. Moscow Mills, O.). Pre- pared in Belvidere, 111., and Hillsdale Coll., Mich.; Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1910. Delta Tau Delta. Married Carrie H. Hewitt, N 23, 1892, (died N 30, 1912); Grace K. Crumb, S 16, 1915. Ad- dress, 1013 Harlem Blvd., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 327 E. State St., do. FRANK J. HELLEBRANDT M.D.; b. F 12, 1870, Bohemia; s. Joseph and Frances Hellebrandt. Married Anna Prencil, N 4, 1896, Chicago. Children: Beatrice; George; Frances; Edwin. Address, 735 N. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park, 111.; 6ms. add., 2359 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. GEORGE S. HENDERSON Physician; M-D.; b. S 25, 1864, Hamilton, Ont.; s. David (b. 1825, Scotland) and Margaret (Muir- head) Henderson (b. do.). Prepared in Hamilton, Ont. Private Sch. Nu Sigma Nu. Phys., Hol- comb. 111., 1895. Address, Holcomb, 111. FRANK O. HIGBEE Physician; M.D.; b. S 17, 1869, Ellsworth, Wis.; s. Oscar (b. N. Y.) and Nancy (Haight) Higbee (b. Wis.). Prepared in St. Paul H. S.; Harvard Univ., 1890-92. B.S., Carleton Coll., 1890; M.L., do., 1894; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1894. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, Louisville City Hosp., 1895-96. 18951 College of Medicine Alitmni Located in Hinsdale, III.. 1900-01; Galien, Mich., 1901-18; Three Oaks, do., 1918—. Married, Ag 29, 1895, Chicago. Child, Elizabeth H.. b. Je 22. 1898. Adilress, 208 S. Elm St., Three Oaks, Mich. WILDER De WOLFE HUBBARD Pnvsician; M.D.; b. O 3, 1S7I, BrookviUo, Kan. s. Orlo and Caroline (Chaffee) Hubbard. Gen. Med. practice, Chicaco Heiplits, 111.; West Point, Miss.; Birmingham, .Ma.; Florence, do. Mom. Presbv. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Allie Mae Walton, S 14, 1898, West Point, Miss. Children: Walton, b. F 25. 1902; Nellie b. Ja 19. 1904; Oaylord, b. Mr 31. 1906. Address, 733 Wood .Vve.. Florence, Ala.; bus. add., 115 Court St., do. ♦GEORGE W. JOHNSON Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Cornell Coll.. Mt. Vernon. la. In- tern. Cook Co. Hosp., 1S9.T-96; Mem., Med. .staff. Cook Co. Institutions. Dunning, 111.; house Phys., do., 1896-1900; bougnt practice of Dr. Marvin, 1899. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; A. F. A. M. Married. One child. Died Je 4, 1906, Augustana Hosp.. Chicago. ♦WILLIAM JONES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Chica.eo Med. Coll., 1894. Gen. Med. practice, 142 Main St., Aurora, 111., Deceased. WALTER D. LEACH M.D.; b. 1856. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Callaway, Minn. CHRISTIAN H. Le DUC Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in H.S.; State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med.. 1892-93. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Templeton, la. t ♦AUGUST F. LEMKE Pathologist; M.D.; b. 1874. Intern. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1895-96; Pathologist, Eastern 111. Hosp. for the Insane. Kankakee, 1896-98; Assoc. Prof.. Med.. Coll. of Med.; Mom., staff. Cook Co. Hosp., Mercy Hosp., and other institutions; Asst. to and associated with Dr. J. B. Murphy, Chicago; formerly located in Pasadena, Calif. Asst. Surg., 3rd 111. Inf.. U. S. V., Spanish-Am. War; Capt. and .\sst. Surg., 111. Nat. Guard; assigned to 3rd Inf. Mem., A. M. A.; HI. .State Med. Soc; 111. Assn. of Mil. Surg.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc Died Ja 6, 1906, at his home in Pasadena, Calif. CORNELIUS L. LENARD M.D.; b. Jl 31. 1867; s. Johannah Lenard. B.S., Bethany Coll., 1892; A.M., do., 1897. Coll. Track Team. Clin. Instr., Childrons Di.scases, Coll. of Med., 1896-98; Instr., Clin, Surg., do., 1904-10. Children: Hulda, b. My 7, 1895; Laurina, b. F 13. 1897; Cornelius, b. Ap 20, 1903. Address. 2158 W. 20th St., Chicago. ♦J. HENRY LEONARD Phys. and Surg.; M D.; B.S., Knox Coll., 1891. Special study with Dr. James F. Percy, Galesburg; Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1895. Died Ap 20, 1895, Chicago. JOHN V. LEWIS M.D.: b. Ja 21, 1867, Washingtonville, O.; s. G. W. and Elizabeth (Calvin) Lewis. Mem., B. P. O. E.; M. W. A. Address, Momence, 111. ALBERT A. LOWENTHAL (Brother of Fred, '01 A.B in L. A. and S.; Undo of Leonard Charpier, '20 B.S.) Professor; M.D.; b. Ja 22, 1874. Chicago; s. Louis (b. Hanover, 18.38) and Ernestine (Stutt- gart) Lowenthal. Prepared in Calumet H. S.; Am. Conservatory of Music; Metropolitan Busi- ness Coll. Phys.. 111. Hosp. for Insane; Supt.. Riverview Hosp. for Nervous Diseases; Adjunct Prof, of Nervous Diseases, Coll. of Med.. 1906-10; Advisory Staff, Cook Co. Hosp.; Prof., Nervous and Mental Di.seasos, Chicago Med. Coll.; Prof., Nervous Diseases. Dearborn Med. Coll. Intro- duced Organotherapy products to scientific med. world. Auth.: Articles on Therapeutic Value of Endocrine Glands, Jour. Am. Animal Therapy, O 1899, Ap 1900. Mom., Alumni Assn.. Coll. of Med.; Kankakee Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Neurological Soc. Married Clara Dyer, Je 27, 1899, Kankakee. Children: Maxine, b. My 30. 1902; Janot, b. Ap 2, 1908. Address, 778 Cobb Blvd., Kankakee; bus. add., 901-31 N. State St.. Chicago. GEORGE N. LUCAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1800. Gen. Med. practice. Formerly of Brownsville, Tex. Address, Manchester, 111. t ADOLPHO ALPHONSO LURIA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Attended Bollevuo Hosp. Mod. Coll., 1891-93; N. Y. Univ.; Med. Coll. and Univ. of Padua, 1887. Specialist in Nourol. and Psvchiarty. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 110 S. Manle St., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 803 W. Madison St., Chicago, t JESSE McCLAIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 640 Main St., Coshocton, O. t ♦BERNARD E. McSHANE Physician; M.D.; b. 1871. Gen. Med. practice, Alton, Kan.; at one time located in River.side, Calif. Mem., Kan. Med. Soc. Died S 18, 1914, Milwaukee. ♦ERNEST AUGUST MATTHAEI Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1889; b. Je 22, 1868, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Apprenticed to Ernest Matthaoi, Sr., Chicago, 188,5-88; later employed by F. A. Thayer and E. Matthaei, do; Asst., Dept. of Biol., Coll. of Med., 1894; Gen. Med. practice, West Side, Chicago, 1895-1900; visited principal Hosps. of Europe; Post grad. work, Vienna, 1901-02; Assoc, in Obstrctrica, Evangelical Deaconess Hosp.; Asst. Surg., Chicago Policlinic Hosp.; Grad. Work in Vienna, 1901-02, Mem.. 111. State Med. Soc Died D 4, 1908. Sierra Madre, Calif. LOUIS FREDERIC MAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly at Franklin Park, 111. t JOHN MILLS MAYHEW Physician; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1870, Cincinnati, O.; s. P. H. and Alice (Mills) Mayhow. A.B., Prince- ton, 1892; A.M., do. 1895. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Lincoln, Nob. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Chief, Med. Serv., Base Hosp., Camp Travis, one yr. Married Je 6, 1898. Children: Winifred; Ruth; Katherine. Address, 1751 S. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., 414 Funne Bldg.. do. VICTOR J. MELTZER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. New York Univ., 1891-93. Specialist, Internal Med., New York City. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Broadway and 86th Sts.. New York City, t AUSTIN E. MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Entered Coll. of Med. from 111. Coll. of Pharm. with advanced standing in Chem., Materia Med., and Therapeutics. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Jama' ;a. N. Y. Address, Delta. Colo.t 40 University of Illinois [1895 FRANK LOUIS MUELLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., Cincinnati Coll. of Pharm., 1889. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 4406 N. Clark St., Chicago.f ♦RICHARD JOSEPH NAGLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. B.S., No. 111. State Norm. Sch. Died F 12, 1905 at his home in Dixon, 111. HERMAN LEO NAHIN (Formerly Herman Leo Nahinsky) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Gen Med. practice. Changed name from Nahinsky to Nahin. Address, 4504 Pabst St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 1122 Walnut St.. do.t ABRAM S. PEASE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Herring Med. Coll., 1894. Gen. Med. practice. Formerly located at 69th and Loomis Sts., Chicago. t OSCAR T. PETERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 26, 1866, Sweden; s. August and Clara (Nelson) Peterson. Phys. and Surg., Northwood Hosp., 1921. Married Odina Haraldson, Je 26, 1907. Children: Ethel, b. Mr 24, 1911; Solveig, b. D 21, 1915; Beatrice, b. O 21, 1919. Address, Northwood, N. Dak. DWIGHT COURTLAND PHILLIPS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Notre Dame Univ. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Corvallis, Ore. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 723 N. Trumbull Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2358 W. Chicago Ave., do.t EARL RICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 8, 1867. M.D.. State Univ. of la., 1891. Capt., M. C, World War. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Ames, la. ♦JOHN PATTISON RIGGS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 11, 1844; s. David Calven (b. Ja 28, 1820, Fayette, Mo.) and Eliza- beth (Smith) Riggs (b. O 10, 1822. Warren Co.. Ky.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Located in 111. 6 years.; Kan., 1 yr.; N. Dak., 3 yrs.; Proctor Hosp., Proctor, Minn., 7 mos.; Media, 111., until his death. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1871; R. A. M., do.; 111. State Med. Soc; Henderson Co. Med. Soc. Married Minerva Adelia Brown, Ja 28, 1864, Lenox Tp., 111. Child, Zoa, b. D 4, 1864. Died S 23, 1920, Burlington (la.) Hosp. ♦THEODORE BERNARD SACHS Tuberculosis Specialist; M.D.; b. My 2, 1868, Dinaburg, Rus. Prepared in Khorsan (Rus.) H. S.; L.L.B., Univ. of Odessa, Rus. Pioneer resident of Chicago; first employed as sewing machine operator for Hart, Schaffner & Marx; Intern and House Phys., Michael Reese Hosp., 1895; Instr., Internal Med., Coll. of Med.. 1900-05; Actively associated with the Municipal Tuber- culosis Sanitarium, Chicago; Sec, 1st Bd., of Dirs.. do., later, Dir. of the Institution; Med. Dir., Ed- ward Sanitarium for Tuberculosis; Naperville, III.; Phys.-in-chief, Chicago-Winfield Sanitorium, Win- field, 111. Mem., Med. Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Michael Reese Hosp. Dispensary, and Orthodox Home for aged Jews; Sec, Med. Staff of United Hebrew Charities Dispensary; Examining Phys., Nat. Jewish Hosp. for Consumptives, Denver. Auth.: Tuberculosis in the Jewish district of Chi- cago, Plexus, S 20, 1904. Mem., A. M. A. (Fel- low) ; Nat. Assn. for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, (Pres.); 111. Soc. for prevention and cure of Tuberculosis, (Fellow). Married Louise Wilson, 1900, Chicago. Died Ap 6, 1916, Chicago. HARRY S. SCOTT M.D.; b. Je 20, 1869; B.S.; M.A.; Postgrad. work in Europe. Located in Salt Lake City. Service with Bulgarian Army, 22 mos.; Spanish- Am., War, 8 mos.; A. E. F., World War., 18 mos. Auth.: Numerous books and magazine articles. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ag 19, 1901, Marys- ville, Idaho. Address, 921 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City; 6ms. add., 510-13 Clift Bldg., do. FREDERIC FERDINAND SEVILLE Physician: M.D.; Ph.G., 1887; b. Ap 10, 1867, Lodi, Wis.; s. James (b. Je 10, 1820, Nottingham, Eng.) and Martha (GoUaday) Seville (b. Ap 10, 1831, Va.). Prepared in Lodi (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Pharmacist, Chicago, 1887-95; Physi- cian, do., 1895 — ; Clin. Instr., Gen, Med.. Coll. of Med., 1896-98. Married, Ag 10, 1910. Child, Marguerite, b. Je 1, 1893. Address, 3360 Monroe St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. JAMES ALBERT SHEPSTONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Univ. of Bish- ops Coll. Faculty of Med., Montreal. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 3819 State St.. Chicago. t WLADIMIR J. SIEMINOWICZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ; b. Ja6, 1859; s. Domicela (Turkiewicz) Sieminowicz. Prepared in H. S.; Studied Law, 2 years., Europe. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Baltimore, 1892. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Married Helen Krpzeroska, N 4, 1901. Child, Lon LeRoy, Address, 4105 N. Avers Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1225 N. Ashland Ave., do. OWEN MARION SLATER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. M.D., Chat- tanooga Med. Coll. 111. Teachers Certificate. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, Atwood, Ill.t JESSE A. SLOCUMB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Winona (Minn.) H.S. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Plainview, Minn.f CHARLES B. SMITH Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 18, 1872; s. William B. (b. 1847, Decatur) and Elizabeth (Goff) Smith (b. 1846, Lexington, Ky.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Located in Sullivan, 111.; Lovington; Decatur; St. Maries, Idaho. Married Clara Evans, Ag 18, 1897, Chicago. Children: Harold Claire, b. Ag 8, 1899; Chester Paul, b. N 1, 1900. Address, St. Maries, Idaho. WILLIAM KOENIG SPIECE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; Ph.G., 1892; b. Ja 13, 1872, Columbus, Neb.; s. Charles A. and Kathernie (Becher) Spiece. Pre- pared in Columbus (Neb.) H. S. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Chicago, Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., K. T.; Am. Acad., Ophthamol and Oto-laryngol.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Elizabeth Letz. Address, 2826 Warren Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1305 Heyworth Bldg., do. *MAX STALLER Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1868. One of the Founders and 1st Pres. of Mt. Sinai Hosp., Philadelphia; Med. Dir., Jewish Consumptive Institute. Surg.. 1310 S. 5th St., Philadelphia. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Died Mr 2, 1919, Philadelphia. ♦ROBERT ERBEN STEELE (Brother of Frank B., '99) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 22, 1870, Oswego, Kan.; s. Robert Woodside (b. Jl 20, 1834, Ky.) and Eleanor Jane (Bell) Steele (b. 1838, New- townards. County Down, Ire.). Prepared in So. 1S9G] College of Medicine Alumni 41 III. Norm. Univ., Carbondale, III. Gen. Med. practice, Beaver, Ut., 1895-98; Lehi, do., 1898-1906; Salt Lake Citv. do., 1906-18. Married Jessie Gleim Barr, My 22. 1900, Carbondale, 111. (died D 3, 1917). Cliildren: Eleanor Alice, b. Je 27. 1906; William Barr, b. Ap 5, 1909. Died N 2, 1918, Salt Lake City. DARWIN RICHARD STOCKLEY Retired Pbys.; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1855, Mason- ville, N. Y.; s. Charles (b. 1832, Eng.) and Maliala Ann ^McAdam) Stockley (b. 1834, Masonville, N. Y.). Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Mankato, Minn. Nu Sigma Nu. 1st Prize, Gold Medal, 1895; -Surg. Prize, 1895. Class Pres., 1891-92. Supt. and Res. Phys., Oakwood Springs Sanitar- ium, Lake Geneva, Wis., 1895-97; Phys. to 111. Indus. Sch. for Girls, Evanston, 1897-1907; Gen. Med. practice, do., 1897-1910. Auth. Several pamphlets read before Med. Societies, and a num- ber of magazine articles. Mem., Twentieth Centurv Club, 1897-1910; Cliicago Med Soc, do., 1910. Married Esther Elfine DeWolf, Ag 19, 1877 (died 1886); Clara Weir, Je 29, 1893. Chil- dren: Esther Lucile, b. O 25, 1880; Don Roland, b. My 9. 1882; Marx Anthony, b. F 19, 1884; Florence Alberta, b. Jl 31, 1885. Address. Cove. Washington. ALBERT E. SWARTZ M.D.; b. My 5, 1870, Rus.; s. Saul and Sophia (Albert) Swartz. Prepared in Russian Gymnasium, Classical Sch. Married Anna Rosenbaum, Je 15, 1902, Chicago. Child, Shifra, b. Mr 23, 1913. Address, 3658 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. EUGENE F. TALBOTT M.D.; b. D 31, 1873, Brooklyn, la.; s. D. C. and Janette (Finch) Talbott. Prepared in Brook- lyn (la). H. S. Located in Flandreau, S. Dak., 1895-1902; Grinnell, la., 1902—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; with 14th San. Train, Camp Custer, Mich., S 10-D 5, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; A. M. A. Married Nellie Blanchard, Je 12, 1895. Children: Wilma, b. l!>9/; Basil, b. 1899; David, b. 1902; Helen, b. 1911. Address, Grinnell, la. EDWIN MORTIMER TILLSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1872. Manitowac. Wis.; s. Pembrooke S. and Carrie L. (Emerson) Tillson. Prepared in Manitowac H. S.; N. Y. Clinic. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Episcopal Church; Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Med. Reserve Bd. 2, World War. Address, 688 Stowell Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 704 Oakland Ave., do. *JOSEPH J. TREMBLAY Physician; M.D.; b. 1862. Mem.. A. M. A. Died Ag 23. 1910, Moline, 111. GEORGE E. VAUGHAN Physician; M.D.; b. S 14, 1846, Lansing, Minn.; s. J. G. (b. My 30, 1832, N. Y.) and Mary (Trost) Vaughan (b. S 30, 1834, Vermont). Prepared in Pillabury Acad., Owatonna, Minn.; Univ. of Minn., 1891-92. Located in Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1895-97; Hurley, S. Dak., 1897-1907; Winnebago, Minn., 1907—. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917. Mem., M. E. Church; Board of Trustees in Parker Coll. Winnebago. Minn. Married Jl 30, 1896, Chicago. Child: Victor M., b. D 14. 1898. Address, Winne- bago. Minn. JOSEPH LOUIS VEIT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 1, 1871, Cliicago; s. Michel and Hannah (I^ong) Veit. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. Married Teresa Roche, 1894, Chicago. Child, Edmund, b. N 14, 1901. Ad- dress, 5824 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2754 Madison St., do. HENRY ERNEST WAGNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Gen. Med. practice. Demonstrator, Bacterid., and Clin. Instr., Genito-Urinary Diseases, Coll. of Med.. 1896-1900. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2424 Armitage Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 2862 Beardsley Ave.. do.\ ♦FRANKLIN A. WEATHERFORD Phys. and Surg.; M. D. Prepared in No. Ind. Norm. Sch. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Died My 2, 1920, Chicago. LEE WEBER Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. O 12, 1870, Dane Co., Wis.; s. G. F. (b. 1816, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Rosina Dorothea (Lehner) Weber (b. 1827, do.). Prepared in Marshall (Wis.) H. S.; Upper la. Univ., Fayette, la., 1890-91. Roll of Honor, 1895. Intern, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary, Chicago, 1895-96; Oculist and Aurist. Davenport, la., 1896 — . Mem., A. M. A.; la. State Med. Soc; Scott Co. Med. Soc; la. and 111. Central Di.strict Med. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married Annie Louise Corner, S 11, 1901. Chil- dren: Dorothea Louise and Lee Corner, b. Ag 28, 1908. Address. 817 Kirkwood Blvd.. Davenport, la.; bus. add., 505 Putnam Bldg., do. ♦WILLIAM LAWSON WEBSTER Physician; M.D. Intern, Englewood Union Hosp.; Practicing Phys., Englewood, 1895-96. Died Mr 30, 1896, Crosshill, Can. CHAUNCY H. WILDER M.D.; b. O 21, 1866. Prepared in_Ind. Norm Sch. Phi Rho Sigma. Capt M. C. U, S. A. Address, 1249 E. 14th Camp Kearney, 6 St., Oakland, Calif. HENRY L. WILSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Frederica Latin Sch. D.D.S., Am. Dent. Coll. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 108 S. Maple St., .Green Bay, Wis. J FRANK ELDRIDGE WYNEKOOP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. B.S., Wabash Coll. Honor Roll., Coll. of Med., 1895.; Prof., Histol. and Microscopy, Coll. of Dent., 1906-12; Instr., Embryol., Coll. of Med,, 1896-97; Prof., Biol., Histol., and Embryol., do., 1898-1913. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3406 W. Monroe St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do.f CLASS OF 1896 (46 LIVING, 9 DEAD) *K. O. AUSTIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Studied under Dr. E. J. Farnum. Attended Valparaiso. Ind., Norm. Sch.; Bennett Med. Coll.. 189.3-95. Died S 7. 1903, Chicago.t EMIL GEORG BECK (Brother of Joseph C. Beck, '95 and Carl Beck, Fa. M.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 27, 1866, Dob- risch, Bohemia; s. Ignatz (b. 1836, Prague, Bohe- mia) and Elizabeth (Pollock) Beck (b. 1845, do.). Prepared in Real Gymnasium, Prague, Bohemia, and Univ. of Zurich. Roll of Honor, Class of 1896. Located in Chicago, 1890—.; Founder and Builder, and Surg, in charge, N. Chicago Hosp., 1906 — . Introduced the Bismuth Paste Treat- ment into Surg.; Skin Sliding Operation in Osteo- myelitis and Emyema; Introduced Stereoroent- genosraphy into Surg.; Cancer Therapy by In- 42 University of Illinois [1896 tentional Removal of Overlying Tissues in Deep- Seated Cancer. Auth.: Localization of Foreign Bodies with Stereoscopic Roentgenograms, 2 Vols.; Bismuth Paste in Chronic Suppuration; Surg. Treatment of Tuberculous Pleurisy, Lung Abscess and Empyema, D 18, 1909; A Radical Cure of Osteomyelitis of the Ribs, F 1917; Toxic Effects from Bismuth Subnitrate, Ja 2, 1909; Radical Surg, as an aid to Efficient Radio-therapy in the Apparently Hopeless Cases of Carcinoma, O 1920; Medizinische Wochenschrift; Bismuth Paste in Chronic Suppurative, Sinuses and Empyema, Jl 1, 1916; Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie; Wiener Klini- schen Wochenschrift, Ja 1911; The Diagnostic Value and Therapeutic Effects of the Bismuth Paste in Chronic Suppuration; Treatment of Tuber- culous Hip-.Toint Disease with Coexisting Sinus by Means of Bismuth Paste, Report of Cases; The Present Status of Bismuth Paste Treatment of Suppurative Sinuses and Empyema; various other articles. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Coll. of f^vargs. (Fellow); Western Surg. Assn. (V. P., 1919); Am. Roentgen. Ray Soc; Am. Radium Soc; Ger. Med. Soc; Chicago Surg. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Acad, of Med.; Gesellschaft Deut- scher Chirurgen; Physicians Club; City Club; A. F. A. M. Married Clara Hyde, Je 28, 1897, Chicago. Child, Elizabeth, b. F 22, 1898. Ad- dress, 2632 Lake View Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2551 N. Clark St., do. CLEAVES BENNETT (Brother of Sarah Bennett Erwin, '92, B. L. in L. and A.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.L., 1890; M.L., 1893; b. My 9, 1870, Mattoon, 111.; s. Charles (b. Mr 27, 1839, Bridgton, Me.) and Susan W. (Cleaves) Bennett (b. Mr 7, 1842, do.). Prepared in Mat- toon H. S. Philomathean. Asst. Libn., Univ. of 111., 1889-94; Phys., Mattoon, 111., 1896-1911; do.. Champaign, 1911^. Draft Bd., and S. A. T. C, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Mem., Champaign Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Frances E. Hodges, D 29, 1897, Mattoon, 111. Children: George Lewis, b. Ja 6, 1901; Charles Hodges, b. S 8, 1906. Address, 712 W. Park St., Champaign. OLE H. BERG Physician; M.D.; b. D 5, 1867, Norway; s. Jakob and Marcelie (Buck) Berg. Prepared in 111. Coll. of Pharmacy. Registered Pharm., 111., 1886. Mem., Scandinavian-Am. Med. Soc. Mar- ried Aslang Figenschon, Je 29, 1900, Chicago. Address, 1101 N. Calif. Ave., Chicago. ADOLPH BONNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 19, 1874, Buck . rest, Roumania; s. Mandel and Sarah (Bonner) Bonner. Practice limited to gynecology and sur- gery, since 1906. Assoc. Gynecol, to Brooklyn Jewish Hosp. and Beth Moses Hosp. of Brooklyn; Attending Gynecol, to Brownsville and East N. Y. Hosp. of Brooklyn. Consult. Gynecol, to Rock- away Beach Hosp. Vol. Med. Off., Greek Army, Greek-Turkish War, 1897. Mem., N. Y. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Brooklyn Pathol. Soc; East N. Y. Med. Soc; WilHamsburg Med. Soc. Married Rachel Berliner, F 21, 1901. Address, 421 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ASAHEL E. BRIGGS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1857, Sharon, O.; s. Abiel and Harriet (Dinshiore) Briggs. Pre- pared in Wadsworth Pub. Sch. and Buchtel Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Married Ap 8, 1875, So. Haven, Mich. Children: Edna, b. Jl 28, 1877; George Abiel, b. D 8, 1880; Helen, b. Je 20, 1882; Rowland Sill, b. N 10, 1889. Address, 2221 G. St., Sacramento, Calif.; bus. add., 10 & K St., do. FRANK WALKER BURNS M.D.; b. S 13, 1872; s. John and Ella (Buckley) Burns. Prepared in Rochester H. S. B. S., Univ. of Minn. Located in Ste^jvartville, Minn., 1896- 1912; Pomona, Calif., 1912—. Married Mabel K. Knapp, 1900. Children: Janet, b. 1902; Elinor, b. 1904; Jeane, b. 1915. Address, 265 E. Holt, Pomona, Calif.; bus. add., 248 Investment Bldg., do. ♦WILLIAM ROCKWELL CHEEVER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Prepared in Lake Forest Univ., 1890. Gen. Med. practice, Kenosha, Wis. Mem., A. M. A.; Wis. Statp Med. Soc; Kenosha Med. Soc. (Pres.); Kenosha Co. Med. Assn. (Treas.). Died Ag 30, 1906, at his home in Kenosha, Wis. FRANK E. GULP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 23, 1873, Qumcy, O.; s. J. H. and Sarah (Hubbell) Gulp. Prepared in Eureka Coll., 1893. Phi Rho Sigma. St. Marks, Hosp., Grand Rapids, Mich.; Phys. and Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Army Serv., World War. Mem., A. M. A.; B. P. O. E.; K. P. Mar- ried Ruby Vaugn, N 28, 1907, Wenatchee, Wash. Children: Frank, b. 1909; Robert, b. 1911; Jack, b. 1913; King, b. 1914. Address, Central Bldg., Wenatchee. Wash. ♦AUGUST DE FRIES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1857. Ph.D., Univ. of Jena, 1879. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1893; Gen. Med. practice, Davenport, la. Died 1918. SAMUEL JOSEPH DOBSON Physician; M.D.; b. My 30, 1866; s. John and Anna L. (Dobbins) Dobson. B.S., Kan. Norm. Coll., Ft. Scott, Kan. Gen. Med. practice. Mem. A. F. A. M. Married Sara A. Smith, D 16, 1896, Parsons, Kan. Children: Anna Marie, b. Ja 18, 1898; Lenore Bootbe, b. Ap 22, 1900; Francis Joseph, b. Ap 10, 1902. Address, Edna, Kan. AUGUST DOERR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 19, 1871, Milwau- kee, Wis.; s. Henry (b. My 21, 1842, Ger.) and Maria (Orth) Doerr (b. S 27, 1843, do.). Prepared in Milwaukee H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Asst., Pathol., Coil, of Med., 1895-96. Intern, Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago, 1896-97; Phys. and Surg., Milwaukee, 1897 — ; Prof., Bacteriol., Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1910-15; Mem. of Staff of Evangelical Deaconess Hosp., Milwaukee; Mem., of Obstet- rical Staff of Misericordia Hosp., do. Mem., Milwaukee Med. Soc; Milwaukee (io. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Lucile Doerr, D 27, 1907, Chicago. Child, August Frederick, b. Je 25, 1913. Address, 644 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis.; bus. add., 648 7th St., do. ROY RICHARDS EATON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 23, 1872; s. Danfirth L. and Octavia R. (Richards) Eaton. Phi Rho Sigma. Lt., U. b. A. Married, Jl 7, 1897. Lowell, Mich. Children: Everett R.; Elizabeth A. Address, 1941 Division Ave., S., Grand Rapids, Mich. GEORGE SIGEL EDDY M.D.; b. Ag 30, 1862; s. J. R. and B. Miranda (Eddy) Eddy. Formerly located in Woonsocket and Wessington Springs, S. Dak.; later in Ana- heim, Calif. Mem., Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M. Married Inez L. Hoar, Ag 31, 1894, Wessington Springs, S. Dak. Child, Vida Vitino, b. Jl 30, 1895. Address, 2823 S. Vermont Ave., Los Ange- les. GEORGE S. EDMONSON M.D.; b. N 19, 1871, Winchester, 111.: s. Lsa- belle (Smithson) Edmonson. Prepared in Win- chester H. S. and Abington Norm. Coll. Gen. 1896] College of Medicine Alpmni 43 practice, Maroa, III., 1S96-1900; Clinton, do., 1900 — . Mem., Exemption Bd., Clinton, 111. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; Rotary Club; Christian Church. Married Agnes L. Comp- ton, 1899, Maroa. 111. Child. Kenneth C. b. N 12. 1903. Addrexs. 311 N. Center St.. Clinton, 111.; bus. add.. 304^ Public Sq.. do. GEORGE GILL Physician: M.P.; b. Jl 12. 1865; s. Edward (b. F S, 1S18. Isle of Man) and Esther Gill (b. Ap 15. 1S2S. Milan, O.l. A.B., Oberlin Coll., Oberlin.O.,lS9;?:A.M..rf<>.. 1S96. Scholarship, Coll. of Phvs. and Sums. Grad. work in Chicago Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Coll., 1910. London Royal Ophthalmic. 1913 and Vienna, do Phys., Bri'ck.s- ville. O., 1S96-97; do.. Ridceville. O., 1898-1007; do., Elvria. O.. 1907 — ; Oto-I-aryngolog. Staff. Elvria Memorial Hosp.. 1908 — . Capt.. M. C, r. S. A.. Camp Lee. Va.. 1918.' Mem., Congr. Cnurch, (Deacon, 1915-18); Lorain Co. Med. Soc. Married Adele B. Heber, Jl 25, 1910, Elyria. O. Cliildren: Frances Ruth. b. Jl 30, 1914; Esther Jane, b. Mr S. 1916. Address, 205 Park Ave., Elyria. O.; bus. add., SOO Lorain Co. Bank Bldg.. do. FRED LEE GLENN Physician: M.D.; b. Ap 17. 1872. Janesville. Wis.: s. Albert M. and Carrie Althea (Taylor) Glenn. Prepared in Milton Coll.. Wis. Rlem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.. K. T.; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; M. W. Married Ap 14, 1897. Milton, Wis. Children: Harold, b. Mr 1, 1898: Dorothy, b. My 4. 1901; Mildred, b. My 23. 1908; Albert, b. D 1. 1910. 533 N. Pine Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 442 N. Cicero Ave., do. RALPH S. GRACE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared under pvt. tutors in Chicago, Berlin, and London. Gen. Med. practice. Commissioned in M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Lagrange\'ille. N. Y.f *CHARLES L. HAMMOND Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 1895. Gen. Med. practice; at one time located in Tonopah. Nev. Deceased. TIMOTHY HARTIGAN Orderly at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. 1921. CHARLES M. HEADRICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Keokuk Coll. of Phys. and Surgs.. 1876. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. J THOMAS CLAY HOLLISTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 30, 1865, Red Bluff, CaliL; s. T. J. and Elizabeth (Pyle) Hollis- ter. Prepared in Pawnee City (Neb.) H. S.; No. 111. State Norm, Sch., and Dixon Bus. Coll. Gen. Med .and Surg, practice. Surg.. O. S. L. R. R. Med. Advisory Bd.. World War. Mem.. A. M. A.; Idaho State Med. Soc. Married Mabel Mc- Leran. Je 2V. 1899, Louisville, Neb. Address. Idaho Falls, Idaho. JOHN ROGERS HUDSON Physician: M.D.; b. 1858, N. Y.; s. John R. (b. 1810 Newburyport, Mass.) and Jane Weller (DeLuce) Hudson (b. 1823. N. Y.). Prepared in Cooper Union. N. Y. Ph.B.. .St. Louis Coll. of Pharm.. 1902; M.D.. Washington Univ.. St. Louis, 1904. Omega Phi. Intern. W'est Side Hosp.. Chicago, 1893; do.. St. Louis City Hosp., 1904- 05; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. 1894-97; do., St. Louis. 190.T— . Third U. S. Volunteer Engrs., Spanish-Am. War; 27th U. S. Vol. Inf., P. I. In- surrection; M. C. R., U. S. A., 1918. Auth.: Tables for Calculations, 1880, John Wiley and Sons, N. Y. Mem., Chicago and St. Louis Hosp. Med. Socs.; St. Louis Coll. of Pharmacy Alumni Assn.; Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs. Married Anne Slack, 1906, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 5353 Miner- va Ave., St. liouis. Mo. CHARLES E. HUMISTON Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1868. O.; s. Hiram and Margaret (Null) Humiston. Instr., Surg Coll. of Med., 1904-06; Asst. Prof., do., 1906-Osi Asst. Prof., Clin. Surg., and Jr. Surg., 1908-12- Assoc. Prof., do., 1912-17; Prof., Clin. Surg., do', 1917 — ; Attending Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., 17 yrs.; 1st Pres. and one of Founders of West Suburban Hosp. Assn.; widely known as a Med. teacher Mem., Draft Bd., World War. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. (Pres. 1917-18); 111. State Med. Soc (Pres.). Married Myrtle Wheeler. 1901. Lincoln Neb. Children: Margaret, b. 1902; Homer W b. 1903; Ruth. b. 1906; Charles E.. b. 1909; Helen' b. 1911; Jean. b. 1915. Address. 449 N. Central Ave., Chicago. H. A. JEGI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1873, Wis.; s. Simon and Agness (Dasher) Jegi. Prepared in Arcadia (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice, Galcsville, Wis. Vol. Med. Serv., World War Mem,, Presby Church; A. F. A. M. Married Alice Brown, 1898, Winona. Minn. Children- Henry A., b. 1904; Charlotte, b. My 1911. Ad- dress, Galesville, Wis. PARK B. JENKINS Supt., Bd. of Health; M.D.; b. N 14, 1872, Newport Center, Vt.; s. Stephen W. (b. do.) and Francelia (Sias) Jenkins (b. do.). Prepared in Webster (S. Dak.) H. S. Located in Waubay, S. Dak.; Supt., S. Dak. State Bd. of Health. Married, O 1, 1915, Waubay, S. Dak. Child, Rush Culver, b. Jl 26, 1917, Waubay, S. Dak. Address, Waubay, S. Dak. NORMAN ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Attended Toronto Univ. Med. Sch., 1880-82, 1890-91. Gen Med. practice. Address, 820 N. State St., Chi- cago. t *WILLIAM J. LAIRD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Prepared in Collegiate Institute, Ontario, Can. Formerly, Surg, for the Bay de Noc Co., Nahma, Mich. Died N 15, 1909, Englewood, Chicago. GEORGE HERBERT LAWRENCE M.D.; b. My 27, 1865; s. John and Anne (Mar- shall) Lawrence. Prepared in Jennings Sem. and Aurora Norm. Sch., 1881-84. A.B., Gale Coll., 1913. Nu Sigma Nu. Married Ethel Klandrud, Ja 28, 1918, St. Louis., Shafton Block, Stevens Point, Wis. MURET NAPOLEON LELAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Attended Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1892-94. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 4136 S. Lyndale Ave., Minneapolis; 6ms. add.. Syndicate Bldg., do.-f TORSTEIN ANDREAS LID Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 26, 1867, Brateset, Norway; s. Peder Johannes (b. Jl 17, 1841, Vol- den, Norway) and Abelone (Hauge) Lid (b. Ja 13, 1843, Brenianger, Norway). Prepared in Levanger, Middelskole and Gundorscns Gymnas- ium in Norway. Phi Rho Sigma. Faculty Gold Medal, 1st Prize, 1st yr., for highest average stand- ing in all branches. House Surg., West Side Hosp., 1896-97; Intern, do.. 1896-S 1. 1897; Gen. Med. practice, Marinette, Wis., 1897 — . Examing Surg., U. S. Pension Bd., 1900—. (Pres. and Sec); City Phys., Marinette. Wis., six yrs. Mem., Staff, St. Josephs Hosp.. Menominee. Mich. Mem.. Mari- nette Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M.A.;Norwegian Lutheran Church (Treas.) 1908^; 44 University of Illinois [1896 Norwegian Lit. Soc, Treas., 1902 — . Married A. Constance Wald, Ja 2, 1899, Menominee, Mich. Children: Margaret A., b. D 14, 1900; Erling Sig- vald, b. My 12, 1906; Sigrid Dorothy, b. Ja 14, 1910. Address, 1602 Main St., Marinette, Wis. ALBERT H. LINAWEAVER Physician; M.D.; b. 1856. Specialist in Clin- Pathol. Address, 232^ S. Main St., Findlay- O. JOSEPH HUGH McGREADY M.D.; b. Mr 5, 1872, Independence, la.; s. Honora (Maloney) McGready. Prepared in In- dependence (la.) H. S. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1896-98; Independence, la., 1898—. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E.; Catholic Church. Address, 206 3rd Ave., Independence, la.; 6ms. add., 229 Main St., do. WILBUR WASHINGTON McKENZIE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Harvey Med. Coll., 1892-93. Address., 715 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles.t *FRANK MASON Pnys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Edinburgh H. S. Died D 7, 1897, Taylorville, 111. *GRANT MITCHELL Dentist; M.D.; b. 1866. Attended N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll. Dent, practice, 32 yrs. Died O 1, 1918, at his home in Pittsburgh. JAMES M. MOSES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1853. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Big Sandy, Tenn.t HENRY A. MOUNT Phys. and Surg.; M.D., b, 1863. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of West Allis, Wis. Address, Zayante, Calif.t THOMAS J. O'MALLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1890-92. Gen. Med. practice. Commis- sioned in M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Plaza Hotel, Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.f PERCIVAL PEARCE Physician; M.D.; b. S 30, 1867; s. W. S. and Mary Grace Copp) Pearce. Gen. Med. practice, Waukegan, 111. Married Jessie A. Cooke, N 7, 1894. Children: W. S., b. N 9, 1895; Isabel B., b. Mr 23, 1898; Percival Jr., b. S 7, 1899; Margaret, b. Mr 23, 1906. Address, 505 Julien St., Wauke- gan, IlL; 6ms. add., 209 Washington St., do. LESLIE W. SCHWAB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 3, 1866, Decatur, 111.; s. Frederick (b. Mr 30, 1839, Bavaria, Ger.) and Amira (Culver) Schwab (b. Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Ph.G., Philadelphia Coll. of Pharm., 1889. Married Myra C. Hunter, D 18, 1890, Decatur, 111. Address, 4315 Grand Blvd., Chicago. .*ISAIAH B. SEAGLEY Physician; M.D.; b. 1663. Formerlv of Scot- land, S. Dak. Mem., A. M. A. Died My 7, 1910, Presho, S. Dak. *J. H. SHINNICK JOSEPH C. SPRINGER Pnys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 27, 1867, Owens- ville, Ind.; s. Samuel and Rachel (Pike) Springer. Gen. Med. practice; Coroners Phys. Married Hat- tie Frank, Chicago. Children: Rosalind, b. F 17, 1904; Leanore, b. N 25, 1908; Josephine, b. N 22, 1918; Natalie, b. Je 19, 1920. Address, 1454 E. 69th St., Chicago. ALBERT A. STARNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at Galion, O. Address, Trum- bull Bldg., Marion, O.f IRVING J. STRAUS Physician; M.D.; b. Baltimore, Md.; s. Joseph (b. 1834, Bavaria) and Caroline Straus (b. 1844, New York). Prepared in Johns Hopkins Univ. Address, Lakota Hotel, 30th St. and Michigan Ave., Chicago. HUBERT O. SUMPMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. M.D., Chi- cago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1890. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Dubuque, la.t RICHARD HENRY SWEETMAN Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1866. Attended Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk, 189.3-94. Surg., Menah- ga, Minn.; formerly of Green Bay, Wis. Mem., State Med. Soc. of Wis.; A. M. A. Address, Menahga, Minn.t WALTER T. SWINK Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 20, 1870, Medon, Tenn.; s. George W. and Elizabeth (Buchanan) Swink. Prepared in H. S and Univ of Tenn. A. K. K. Phys.; Assoc. Prof., Med. Dept., Univ. of Tenn. Ma.i., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 26, 1917-Ag 27, 1919. Mem., Baotist Church; Med. Socs. Married Bertha Mills, D 29, 1896, Milan, Tenn. Address, 1919 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn.; 6ms. add., B. K. Commerce Bldg., do. WALLACE H. VOSBURGH Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1870, Madison, Wis.; s. G. W. and Marion Leach (Moche) Vo.sburgh. Prepared in Black Earth (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Gen. Med. oractice, Denmark, Wis. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Mod. Woodmen of Am. Married Mina Monk, 1913. Address, Denmark, Wis. JOEL HARVEY WALDRON Physician; M.D.; b. Je 1, 1871; s. Abraham and Mary E. (Harvey) Waldron. Phys., Lafay- ette, Ind. Married Z. Stewart; L. Lewis. Chil- dren: Lucile, b. 1895; Aileen, b. 1897. Address, 119 N. 6th St., Lafayette, Ind. JAMES P. WIDMEYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Gen. Med. practice. Teachers Certificate, N. Dak., 1895. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Rolla, N. Dak.f FRANK M. WILMER Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. 1871. Address, Winfield, Kan.t CHARLES ALLEN YATES Physician; M.D.; b. F 10, 1870, Goderich, Ont.; s. Stephen (b. Staffordshire, Eng.) and Mary (McCausland) Yates (b. Co. Tyrone, Ire.). Pre- pared in Goderich Collegiate Inst.; N. W. Univ., 1893-94. Ph.C, Ont. Coll. of Pharm., 1891. Located in Bangor, Wis., 1896-1904; Clark, S. Dak., 1904-10; Williams, Mont., 1910-16; Bangor, Wis., 1916—. M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1917-Ag 1918. Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc. Married Je 1900, Bangor, Wis.; Ja 1909, Clark, S. Dak,; Lottie JefFers, Mr 10, 1920. Children: Mona, b, Mr 1901 ; Margaret, b. Mv 21, 1911: Allan, b. Jl 10, 1912; Elinor, b. Mr 1914; Jeffers, b. Jl 21, 1916. Address, Bangor, Wis. 1897] College of Medicine Alumni 45 FRED CARL ZAPFFE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 16, 1873. Milwau- kee; s. August and Babette (Weiss^ Zapffe. Pro- pared in Milwaukee H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Coll. of Med. Football Team. Asst. Prof.. Pathol.. Coll. of Med.. 1894-96; served in various capacities until 1S99; Prof., Histol,, and Embryo!., do., and in Dent. Dcpt.. do. until about 1910. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Chicago. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A.. World War. Auth.: Manual of Bactcriol., 1903. Mem.. Assn. Am. Med. Colls.. (Sec. 1903) ; A. M. A., (Exchange Ed., 1904). Married Anna Mae Stolba, O 21. 1896. Address, 3431 Lexing- ton St., Chicago; 25 E. Washington St., do. CLASS OF 1897 (69 LIVING, 15 DEAD) FRANK STANTON ABY Phvs. and SurK ; M.D.; b. F 9. 186.'-), Galva III.; s. Alex (b. 1830, O.) and Maloina (Stanton) Abv (b. 1830, Rochester. N. Y.). Prepared in Gaiva H. S. B.S.. Morris Normal Sch., 1883; Ph.B., State Univ. of la.. 1889; M.S.. do.. 1890. Grad. work in med., Vienna, Paris and Berlin; Instr., Asst. Prof., and Prof.. State Univ. of la., 1889-94. Married Alice Cadwell. 1890, Deer Park. 111. Children: Gertrude, b. 1891; Stanton, b. 1905. Address, 5950 Neva Ave., Chicago. ♦SAMUEL G. ADE ♦HARRY L. ARNOLD Specialist; M.D.; b. F 20. 1869. Chenoa. 111.; s. William C. and Minerva (Huntoon) 'Arnold. Prepared in Girard (Kan.) H. S. and Park Coll., Parkville, Mo. Postgrad, work. Univs. of Vienna, London, and Ger. Phi Rho Sigma. Eye. Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, Omaha, Neb.; Instr., Ophthalmol., Creighton Med. Coll.; Visiting Oph- thalmol., Creighton Univ. Hosp.; do., St. Josephs Hosp., Omaha. Married Enuna Lorenzen, Je 1910. Died Jl 8, 1921, Omaha. JOHN A. ASCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 3 yrs. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Sparks, Neb.; Freeport, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Addre-os, 214 Stephenson St., Freeport, 111.; bus. add., 71 Stephenson St., do.jf JAY FRANK AUNER Physician; M.D.; b. S 23, 1872, Des Moines, la.; s. John .S. and Helen (.\llen) Auner. Prepared in Shellrock (la. )Schs.; Rush Med. Coll., 1894-96. Nu Sigma Nu. Grad. work in Dermatol., Vander- bilt Skin Clinic, N. Y. Address, 3101 Grand Ave.. Des Moines, la.; bus. add., 512-513 Hippee Bldg., do. JAMES HARVEY BANKS Specialist; M.D.; b. 1860. M.D., Keokuk Med. Coll.. 1892. Formerly located at Kankakee, 111.; Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Di.seases. Address, Maple Park, Ill.t ♦MILES E. BARNETT Physician; M.D.; b. 1865. Formerly of Osh- kosh. Wis. Died S 1912, Omro, Wis. PETER BASSOE Physician; M.D.; b. My is! 1874, Drammen, Norway; s. L. A. and Marie (Andersen) Bassoe. Prepared in Cathedral School, Christiania, Nor- way. Phi Rho Sigma. .Specialist, Nervous and Mental Disea-ses. Contract Surg., Neuro-psy- chiatric bd.. World War. Auth.: Various articles on Med. subjects. Married Miriam Gardner, N 30, 1907, Pasadena, Calif. Children: Lucy, b. .\g 8, 1908; Hans Christian, b. My 25, 1911; Else, b. Jl 23, 1912; Esther, b. F 16, 1914; Sylvia, b. N 24, 1916. Address, Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 30 N. Mich., Ave., Chicago. ALFRED BEIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 31, 1875, Chicago; a. Simon and Henriette (Schocken) Bein. Prepared in H. S. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med.Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M. Married Annette Grcssman, Ja 23, 1900. Chicago. Address, 2117 Caton St.. Chicago; bus. add., 2014 North Ave., do. CHARLES L. BENNETT M.D.; b. F 5, 1870, Springfield, 111.; s. Charles (b. Ja 23. 1843. Elmyra, N. Y.) and Ada (Fisher) Bennett (b. N 15, 1848, Winona, Minn.). Pre- pared in H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1910. Grad. work, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Located in Chicago, 1890-95; Aguascalientes, Mex., 1895-1910; Attending staff, Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1901-06; retired from med. work; ranching and pub. health and welfare work; in charge of housing of Mex. workmen at San Dimas, Calif., 1920. Auth.: Various papers on Digestion, Metabolism, and other Med. subjects. Mem., Am. Chem. Soc. Married Elsie Doerr, D 22, 1897, Fort Madison, la. Children: Dorothy Ada, b. N 17, 1898; Charles Doerr, b. F 9, 1901; Louise, b. N 6, 1904. Address, 607 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. NATHAN BIEGELEISEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. M.D., Hahne- mann Hosp. Coll., San Francisco, 1895. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 235 E. 7th St., New York City.t ♦JOHN J. BRINCKERHOFF (Uncle of Frank E., '13 M.D.; brother of G. E., •85 M.D., C. E., '85 M.D., and E. E.. '08 M.D.) Phys. and Drug.; M.D.; b. 1870. Sec, Des- plaines Valley Poultry Assoc. For many years a Phys. and Druggist at Minooka. Died Ap 4, 1916, Joliet. FRANK WILSON BRODRICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 21, 1872. New Madison, O.; s. James Wilson and Cecealia (Biddle) Brodrick. Nu Sigma Nu. Grad. work in Vienna, Zurich, Berlin, Paris, London. New York. Philadel- phia. Boston, Baltimore, and Chicago, (ien. Med. practice; Surg, to Mines. Smelters and Rys.. Mex.; located in Tlahualilo, Mex.; 12 Pelikangasse IX, Vienna. Austria; Sterling, 111. Special Research work on Nerve Regeneration and Yellow Fever. Capt., U. S. A., D 8, 1917-S 3, 1918; Maj., do., S3, 1918-F 17, 1919; Lt. Col., F 17, 1919-discharge, Ag 22, 1919; overseas with the army of occupation, O 1918-Ag 1919; Commanding Off., Evacuation Hosp. 26, S 12, 1918; demobilization, Ag 22, 1919. 111. State Councillor, M. R. C, U. S. A., 1921. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; Co. Med. Soc; Tri- State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. Surg. (Active Fellow); A. M. A. (do.) Assn. Mil. Surg, (do.); Acad. Oph- thalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. (do.). Married Marion Elizabeth Morrison, 1897. Child, Ralph Wilson, b. 1898. Address, Sterling, 111. ALBERT E. BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1894-96. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Waukegan, Ill.t 46 University of Illinois [1897 HENRY D. BROWN (Brother of Albert E., '97, Ph.G.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 20, 1873, Meaford, Ontario; s. Thomas Armstrong (b. 1835, Montreal, Can.) and Mary Blakeley (h. Madoc, Ontario). Prepared in Collegiate Inst., Brockville, Ontario. Detroit Med. Coll., Detroit, 1894-95; Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1895-96. Located in Detroit, Mich. 1897-98; Denver, Colo., 1899-1900; Calif., 1903; Puget Sound Dist., 1904; Seattle, Wash., 1907-15; Mt. Vernon, Wash., 1915—. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1901-04; Home Service, World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Skagit Co. Golf and Country Club; Mt. Vernon Cml. Club; Skagit Co. Med. See; A. M. A.; Trustee, Wash. State Med. Soc. Married Ethel M. Lillyblade, Je 1899, Detroit, Mich. Address, 1530 S. 3rd St., Mt. Vernon, Wash.; bus. add., Hayton Bldg., do. MONTROSE M. BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. A.B., Westminster Coll., 1893.t ARTHUR PORTER BURROUGHS Physician; M.D.; b. D 1, 1865, Galesburg, Mich.; s. Orrin Frank (b. Mr 14, 1827, Monroe Co. N. Y.) and Olive (Cash) Burroughs (b. N 14, 1831, Genesee Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Gales- burg (Mich.) Union H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Lo- cated in Galesburg, Mich., Ap 30, 1897-S 1, 1907; Med. practice. Grand Rapids, do., S 1, 1907-S 1, 1908; Galesburg, do., 1908-11; Los Angeles, Ja 1911 — . Married Mary Lucina Starr, O 19, 1898, Plainwell, Mich. Child, Ardis Norine, b. Ag 27, 1899. Address, 1952 W. 48th St., Los Angeles; 6ms. add., 1954 W. 48th St., do. CREED CALVIN CALBREATH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Prepared in Valparaiso Norm. Sch. M.D., Keokuk Med. Coll., 1892. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Confidence, la.; Promise City, do. Address, Chariton, la.t CHARLES WILLARD CARTER (Husband of Mary Estelle Mann, '93, B.L. in L. & A.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.L., 1893; M.L., 1894; b. Mr 27, 1868, Faribault, Minn.; s. Willard (b. Ap 2, 1833, Wilmington, Mass.) and Emily Jane (Whitlock) Carter (b. Jl 4, 1844, Muncie, Pa.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean; Fellowship, Coll. of Literature, 1893-94; Class poet. Physician, Aledo, 111., 1897-1908; do., Clinton, 111., 1908—. Capt., M. C, Ap 29, 1918-D 28, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Mary Estelle Mann, (L. & A., '93) Ja 12, 1898, Geneva, 111. Children: Charles Willard, b. F 8, 1899; Alice Landon, b. Ap 29, 1905; Dorothy, b. S 2, 1908. Address, Clinton, 111. JOHN H. CLANCEY Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 22, 1865, Chicago; s. James and Catherine Clancey. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. Married 1897, Chicago. Address, Naperville, 111. JOSEPH STERLING COCHRAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1894-95; Rush Med. Coll., 1895-96. Gen. Med. practice; Granger Block, San Diego, Calif.; later at Stockton, do. Address, 217 N. Tuxedo Ave., Stockton, Calif.; bus. add, Belding Bldg., do.f J. F. CONNELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly at Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago.J JOHN FRANKLIN DUFFERIN COOK Physician; M.D.; b. O 18, 1872, Springfield, Ontario, Can.; s. William Rufus (b. Jl 12, 1849, do.) and Mary Isabella (McArthur) Cook (b. F 14, 1850, do.). Prepared in H. S. Licentiate in Pharm., S. Dak. Board of Examiners. Gen. Med. practice, Clark, S. Dak., My-D 1897; do.. Lang- ford, S. Dak., 1897—; Marshall Co. Bd. of Health, 1900—; Co. Coroner, 1912—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., O 25, 1918; Pres., Med. Advisory Bd., Selective Draft. Mem., Methodist Church; A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; S. Dak. State Med. Soc; Aber- deen Dist. Med. Soc; S. Dak. Pharm. Assn.; Med. Veteran, World War; Am. Legion. Married Gary Marion Piatt, O 19, 1898, Clark, S. Dak. Chil- dren: Kenneth Piatt, b. Ag 29, 1899; John Marvin, b. S 18, 1906. Address, Langford, S. Dak. LEMUEL S. COPLAN Surgeon; M.D. ;b. 1868. Mem., A.M. A. Ad- dress, Wellington, Kan.f JOHN M. CULLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Roll of Honor, Coll. of Med., 1897. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 819 Independence Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1160 W. Taylor St., do.f STANLEY B. DICKINSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1871, Benton Har- bor, Mich.; s. Joseph (b. F 2, 1836, St. Joseph, Mich.) and Hannah A. (Davis) Dickinson (b. D 7, 1843, Buffalo, N. Y.) . Prepared in Benton Harbor, Mich., Prep Coll. Class Prophet. Clin. Instr., Diseases of Children, Coll. of Med., 1898-1901; Phys., Chicago, 1897-1901, Watertown, S. Dak., 1901-15; Portland, Ore., 1915 — ; Asst. med. dir. of Dak. Life Ins. Co., 1909-15; Coroner four yrs. and Co. Supt. of Health, Codington Co., S. Dak., 1911-12; City Health Off., Watertown, S. Dak., 1912; Post-grad, work, Chicago PoUclinic, 1913. Mem., A. F. A. M.; High Priest, R. A. M., 1914; O. E. S.; Watertown District Med. Soc. (pres. 1910 and sec. 1913) ; K. of P., Lodge 17 (Chancellor Commander, 1904). Married, S 26, 1900, Chicago. Children: Robert S., b. Jl 21, 1903; Marian J., b. Ja 11, 1907. Address, 505 E. 50th St. N., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., 704 Selling Bldg., do. *RICHARD HASTINGS DILLON M.D.; b. 1869. Mem., of the New Hampshire Med. Soc. At one time Med. Off. in the State Militia. Died in 1917, at his home, Manchester, N. H. *THOMAS B. DREW M.D.; b. 1875. Located in Oswego, 111. A. M. A. Died Ap 28, 1915, Augustana Hosp., Chicago. GUY CUMMINGS DUFF Phy.sician; M.D.; b. F 19, 1855, Huntley, 111.; s. Daniel (b. Je 5, 1818, Perthshire, Scotland) and Waity M. (Cummings) Duff (b. D 3, 1827, Truxton, N. Y.). Prepared in Elgin Acad. Mar- ried Alice E. Sinnett, Ap 4, 1883, Huntley, 111. Address, 4516 Maiden St., Chicago. FRANK DU VERNAY FANNING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Butler (Ind.) H. S. Attended Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1892-95. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Butler, Ind.t ELWOOD M. FARQUHAR Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 27, 1868, West Browns- ville, Pa.; s. Thomas (b. 1840, do.) and Phoebe (Miller) Farquhar (b. 1842, O.). Prepared in Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la., 1888-92. Mil- tonian Lit. Soc. Located in Early, la., 1897-1909; Bassett, Neb., 1910-15; Minatare, do., 1915 — . Married, 1898, Early, la. Children: Ardis, b. 1900; Miriam, b. 1904. Address, Minatare, Neb. 1897] College of Medicine Alumni WILLIAM HAROLD FINN Phys. and SurR.; M.D.; b. 1869. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1894-95; Hush Mid..Coll., 1895-96. Formerly located at 6313 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Address, 3035 Indiana Ave., Chi- oago.t RIVERS C. FREDERICK Phys. and Surtr.; M.D.; b. 1S74. Attended New Orleans Univ. Mod. Coll., 189-1-96. Address. 4120 Clara St., New Orleans, La.t LEWIS FRICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Formerly at Minneapolis; retired from practice. Married Flora C. Charlton. Addnss, Athens, Wis. SAMUEL L. FRIDUSS Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1870. RuS.; s. Ethel i^eherr. Prepared in S. Division H. S., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Clin. Instr., Diseases of the Chest. Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Advisory Bd., K 3, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Mystic Star, Oriental Consistorv, Medinah Temple. Mar- ried, Ja 29, 1900. Children: Edward M.; Mildred E.; Eugene U. Addrexs, 1700 W. Garfield Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., 1809 W. 47th St., do. *DARWIN SPENCER GAILEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Attended Med. Dept.. Univ. of Mich., 1893-96. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Ashland, 111. Died O 20. 1918. Ashland. 111. HENRY MARTYN HALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Titusville H. S. Specialist, Ophthalmol, and Laryngol.; formerly at 243 Emerson St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Commissioned in M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Adah, Pa.t E. MENDEL HAMILTON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1871. Fairmount, W. Va.; s. James Barns (b. Ag 3, 1845. Fairmount. W. Va.) and Mary Ellen (Connell) Hamilton (b. N 8, 1848, Wellsburg. W. Va.). Prepared in Fair- mount (W. Va.) H. S.; Chicago College of Pharm.. 1889-90. Postgraduate courses at N. Y. Poli- clinic, N.Y. Post-Grad. School, and Philadelphia Policlinic. Located at Cairo. W. Va., 1898-1902; Belington. do., 1903—. Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps; Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Oriental Consistory S. P. R. S., Chicago. Married Agnes Stewart, F 28, 1905. Belington, W. Va. Child, Mary Jean. b. Jl 2, 1909. Address, Belington, -Mary , W. Va ♦CHARLES E. HANSEL M.D.; b. 1875. Pres., Bd. of Health, South Bend, Ind. Mem.. Central Pediatric Soc. Died suddenly Ag 3, 1920. at the South Bend Country Club. EDWARD J. HOBBS Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 9. 1868, Sheridan, 111.; s. Alfred and Eugenie (Bernard) Hobbs. Pre- pared in Battle Creek Coll. Gen. Med. practice. Married Katherine Lindsay. Child, Lindsay Wen- dell, b. 1907. Address, Galesburg, Mich. THOMAS JERALD JACKSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 20, 1862. Eng.; s. Joseph (b. N 20, 1830, Eng.) and Hannah (Brown) Jackman fb. S 16, 1832, do.). Prepared in La- grange (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich.. 1887-94. A.B.. DePauw Univ., 1887; A.M., do., 1890. Scholarship; Fac. Prize Medal; Honor Roll; Historian. Grad. work, Clinics in Europe. 1904. Supt. of Schs. and Prin. of H. S.. before studying Med. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1897—. Auth : Various articles in Med. and Professional Jours Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc ; A. M. A.; Am. Acad, of Med.; Ind. Soc. of Chicago; Chicago Motor Club. Married Phoebe 47 Smith Ap 9. 1889. Goshen, Ind. Child, Edith A ice, b. F 10, 1890. Addre.ts, 5329 Calumet Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 51st St. and Grand Blvd., do. TAYLOR RICE JACKSON Physician; M.D.; b. F 21, 1870. Jennings Co., Ind.; s John H. and Elizabeth (Grinstead) Jack- son. Prepared in Oskaloosa (la.) H. S., 1889; Penn Coll do., 1894. Phi Rho Sigma. Mem., A F. A. M.. Shrine; Presby. Church. Married Mary Agnes Robb, Ja 1897. Des Moines. Chil- dren: Bernice Louise, b. 1899. Address, Albia, la. N. LA DOIT JOHNSON M.D.; b. Mr 1. 1869, Morrison, 111.; s. Jennie Norton (Ahira) Johnson. Phi Rho Sigma; Phi Delta. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, until S, 1919; Casper, Wyo., 1919—. Married Mabel Prutsman, Galesburg, 111. Child, Donald, b. Ag 14, 1913. Address, Wyatt Hotel, Casper, Wyo. F. C. IvANE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly at Logans- port, Ind. W. D. KINNEY M.D. Address, 340 Masonic Temple, Daven- port, la. JOHN CALVIN KLEPINGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 21, 1870, Dayton, O.; s. William and Elizabeth (Bowser) Klepinger. Prepared in McPherson Coll., McPherson, Kan., and Mt. Morris Coll., Mt. Morris, 111.; Located in Union, O.; Peoria; Herington, Kan.; Kansas City, Mo. Vol., M. R. C. U. S. A.. World War. Mem.. Christian Church; A. F. A. M. Married Mary Kuns. 1891. McPherson. Kan. Children: Dayton P., b. N 14. 1892; MyrI M., b. S 10. 1896. Loyd H., b. Jl 16, 1909. Address, 4503 Eaton Ave.. Rosdale, Kan.; bus. add., 2322 Sum- mit St. and 1810 W. 45th St., Kansas City, Mo. 'WILHELM LERCHE Surgeon; M.D. b. 1867. Attended Univ. of Christiania. 1888. Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1897. Surg, practice, St. Paul. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Minn. Pathol. Soc. Address, 210 Lowry Arcade, St. Paul.f ♦HENRY THEODORE LEWIS M.D.; b. 1873. Gen. Med. practice in Wis.; Located in N. M., 4 yrs. Died in 1915, Alameda, N. M. ♦WALTER S. LINCOLN M.D.; b. 1864. Gen. Med. practice, Dodge- ville, Wis.; Health Off., do. Mem., A. M. A Died O 14, 1918, Dodgeville, Wis. ORLA WIRT LOFFER Physician; M.D.; b. N 11, 1872; s. Christian (b. F 25, 1849. Pickaway Co.. O.) and Teressa Alice (Jackson) Loffer (b. Shelby Co., O.). Pre- pared in Ada, O. Taught for 4 yrs.; Gen. Med, practice. Maplewood, O., 1897-1905; DeGraff, O., 1905—. Mem., Vol. M. C, U. S. A., O 14, 1918- D 18, 1918. Married Osie I. Piper, Ag 14, 1895, Quincy, O. Children: Clarice Reva, b. N 22, 1896; Myron Holmes, b. N 10, 1901; Frances Alice, b. Je 14. 1907. Address, DeGraff, O. REYNOLDS J. MAPES M.D.; b. S 11, 1873, New Castle, Pa. Prepared in Bucyrus, (O.) H. S., 1891. Located atTonopah, Nev.. 1911; Oatman. Ariz., 1919; Oakland, Calif. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Children: Daugh- ter, b. 1916; Son, b. 1918. Address. 1097 Stan- ford Ave.. Oakland. Calif. 48 University of Illinois [1897 ♦GEORGE ERNEST M,AYHEW Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. A.B., Wabash Coll., 1894. Formerly located in Red Bluff, Calif. Died Jl 19, 1904, Colyear Springs, Calif. LORING C. MEEK Physician; M.D.; b. My 5, 1871, Kosciusko Co., Ind.; s. James A. and Mary E. L. (Brown) Meek. Prepared in Silverlake (Ind.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Tiosa, Ind., 1897—. Mem., Fulton Co. Med. Soc; 13th Dist. Med. Soc. of Ind.; Ind. State Med. Soc. Married Jessie L. Babcock, Ag 15, 1892. Children: Harold, b. Je 29, 189.3; Dorothy, b. S 25 , 189V; Mary Ruth, b. N 9, 1907. Address, Tiosa, Ind. ADOLPH G. MIZELL Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1871, Williamson Co., 111.; s. William R. (b. 1840, Ky.) and Emma M. (Thompson) Mizell (b. 1843, 111.). Prepared in Ewing Coll., Ewing, 111., 1888-89. A.B., Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, 111., 1894; A.M., do., 1897. Alpha Zeta; Logossian; Scholarship at Shurtleff Coll. and Univ. of 111.; Chm. of Class Ex. Com., 1897. Physician,Shelbyville, 111., 1898— . Mem., 111., State Med. Soc; Shelby Co. Med. Soc. Mar- ried Cora Conn, 1897, Shelbyville, 111. Address, 2208 W. Main St., Shelbyville, 111.; bus. add., 2008 Broadway, do. CHARLES C. MURPHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1891-96. Address, 632 31st St., Chicago, Ill.t *JAMES G. NELLIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. M;.D., Hahne- mann Hosp. Coll., San Francisco, 1888. Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1897. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Turlock, Calif.; later at Ir- vington, do. Deceased. *JOHN D. NOVAK . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Univ. of Prague, Bohemia, 1892-96. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1897—. Died Je 16, 1920, Chicago. NORMAN F. PEACOCK M.D.; b. S 8, Oakville, Ont., Canada. Located in Darlington, Ind., 1898—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Shrine. Married Nell K. Hunt, 1910. Address, Darlington, Ind. CLYDE DALE PENCE Phys. and Ed.; M.D.; b. Je 21, 1868, Westville, O.; s. Wilson T. (b. D 13, 1835, Westville, O.) and Angeline (Steinberger) Pence (b. Je 4, 1841, do.). Prepared in Kan. State Agr. Coll., 1884-85 and Bus. Coll. Phi Rho Sigma. Clin. Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1896-98; Clin. Instr., Surg., do., 1898-1900; Instr., Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol., do., 1902-06. Dir. and V. P., West Side Hosp., Chicago; Mem. of Med. Staff, do.; Head Phys., S. W. Tuberculosis Dispensary, 1908-17; Editor of III. Med Jour., 1912-19. Mem., of Tuberculosis Bd., U. S. A., 1917. Married Myra A. Trempe, S 14, 1897, Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Child, Marjorie, b. Ag 20, 1898 (died O 19, 1900). Address, 1810 S. Homan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3338 Ogden Ave., do. ELEY E. PERISHO Physician; M.D.; b. S 30, 1874, Yale, HI.; s. P. D. (b. Yale, 111.) and Mary (McFadden) Perisho (b. Ky.). Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ., 1895. Mem., of Selective Med. Examining Bd. for draft; Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Married Jennie A. McKinney, Je 25, 1899 (died Jl 17, 1919). Children: Gorden M., b. 1907; Ruth, b. 1912; Wyllys, b. 1916. Ad- dress, 221 Main St., Streator, 111. WILLIAM A. PETERSON Physician; M.D.; b. F 23, 1867, Sweden; s. Carl (b. Ap 19, 1819, Sweden) and Anna Marie (Pearson) Peterson (b. My 2, 1831, do.). Pre- pared in la. State Coll., 1881-87, Augustana Coll., 1892 and Univ. of la., 1894-95. B.S., la State Coll., 1887. Literary and Scientific societies. Teacher, la. (Holder of State Certif.); now located in Chicago. Married Anna E. Cronk, Je 1, 1899. Children: Raymond E.; Cecile J. Address, 5053 Winthrop Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. LaSalle St., do. WILLIAM CURTIS PROUGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1894-96. Address, Goshen, Ind.t DANIEL S. RICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1894-96. Formerly at De Pere, Wis.; Surg, practice, Stevens Point, do. Address, Stevens Point, Wis.f RODOLPH H. RICE Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; F 8, 1869; s. John and Maria (O'Mara) Rice. Prepared in Wis. State Normal Sch., Oshkosh, Wis. World War, 8 mos. Address, 909 Grand Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 114 Grand Ave., do. WILLIAM SYLVESTER ROYCE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Clin. Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1896-98; Gen. Med. prac- tice, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3240 Lexington St., Chicago; bus. add., 2359 S. Kedzie Ave., do.t CHARLES EDWARD SAYRE Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1862, Madison, N. J.; s. George Edward and Ruth W. (Nicholas) Sayre. Prepared in Dist. Sch. Gen. Surg, practice. Mem., 2nd Presby. Church; Hamilton Club. Married, Ap 30, 1889. Child, Charles, b. Ja 3, 1891. Address, 6438 Drexel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Rm 1409, 29 E. Madison St., do. FRANK S. SCHINDLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 18, 1875, Menasha, Wis.; s. Andrew and Catherine (Hawley) Schlinder. Med. examiner. Local Bd. 42, Chicago, World War. Married Margaret Derrig, Je 22, 1904, Chicago. Children: Katherine, b. Mr 28, 1905; John A., b. F 25, 1905; Andrew L., b. My 30, 1913; Wm. Arthur, b. Mr 8, 1915. Address, 1306 MacAlester Place, Chicago; bus.add., 616 Blue Island Ave., do. FREDERICK ALOIS SEDLACEK Phy.sician; M.D.; b. S 26, 1865, Bohemia; s. Rudolph (b. F 17, 1834, Czechoslovak Republic, Bohemia) and Caroline Anna (Hucalovsky) Sed- lacek (b. Ap 20, 1844, do.). Prepared in Prague, Bohemia; Univ. of Prague, 1885-88; Univ. of Vienna, 1891-93. Phys., Tyndall, S. Dak., 1897- 1908; Asst. to Dr. Charles C. Allison, Surg., St. Joseph's Hosp., Omaha, Neb., 1908-14; Phys., Omaha, Neb., 1908—. Mem. of Neb. State Prison Bd., 1914-19. Capt., Med. branch of Red Cross in Vladivostok, Siberia, Prague, Bohe- mia and Europe, 1919. Mem., Eighth District S. Dak. Med. Soc; S. Dak. State Med. Soc Married Anna Sedlacek, Ap 24, 1897, Chicago. Child, Zdenka Adolphine, b. Ja 19, 1903. Address, 2509 S. 11th St., Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., 1270 S. 13th St., do. ♦EDMUND ALFRED SIZER Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 31, 1871, Kankakee, 111.; s. Edmund A. and Catherine (Senclair) Sizer. Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Married Agnes Clarke, Je 26, 1900, Bellingham, Wash. Children: Alice Catherine, b. S 16, 1906, Edmund Alfred Jr., b. S 9, 1909; Rodene, b. F 2; 1916. Died N 16, 1921, Cosmopolis, Wash. 1897] College of Medicine Alumni RODNEY D. SMITH (Brother of Thurston Smith, "99) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 3, 1869, Blooming- toa, Ind.; s. Addison C. (b. Mr 11, 1827, do.) and Everella (Hardosty) Smith (b. Ap 16, 1831, do.). Prepared in Prep. Sell., Bloomington Ind. A.B.. Eureka Coll., Eureka, III., 1891. Organizer, with A. G. Mizell, of the P. & S. Plexus. 1895. Editor- in-Chief and joint publisher, do., 1895-97 Located in Bloomington, Ind. Contract Surg., U. S. Army. Je 5, 1900-O 31. 1901; do.. My 15. 1902-Jl 7. 1908; 1st Lt.. M. R. C, U. S. A., Jl 7, 1908-F 16, 1909; Capt., do.. My 23, 1918-Ja 14, 1919; Maj., do.. My 16, 1919. Married Maude Tyler. O 14. 1897, Taylor^-ille, 111. Children: John Tyler, b. Ag 3, 1910; Robert Chase, b. Ja 22, 1913. Ad- dress, Bloomington. Ind. HARRY JOHN STEWART (Brother of Wellington T., '93) Physician: M.D.; b. N 22, 1874, Harriston, Ont.; 8. William J. (b. Burford, Ont.) and Mary R. Stew- art (b. Harley, Ont.). Prepared in Allegan (Mich.) H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1893-95. Grad. work in Europe, 11 months. Located in Chicago and Oak Park. Mem., 1st Congr. Church; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Assn. Am. Ry. Surgs.; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. Surgs.; A. F. A. M.; Shrine; Oak Park Social Club; Oak Park Country Club. Married Ethel Blanche Stewart, Mr 1905, Chicago. Children: Jack Weaver, b. Ag 24, 1908 (died O 21. 1910) and Jane. b. N 26. 1915. Address 427 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 801 South Blvd.. do. GEORGE OSCAR SWITZER M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1854; s. George H. and Mary J. (WalldorfiO Switzer. M.D.. Bennett Med. Coll., 1881. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A. Alarried Anna B. Jensen, Ap 18, 1900, Ludington, Mich. Children: L. W., b. Ja 29, 1901; Lois O., b. Mr 27, 1903. Address, 127 N. James St., Ludington, Mich. RALPH C. TAYLOR Physician; M.D.; b. N 12, 1869. Milburn, 111.; s. D. B. and Josephine (Dodge) Taylor. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111., and Hillsdale Coll., Hillsdale, Mich. Married Irene S. Stewart. My 23. 1900. Children: Glenn, b. 1904; Merrill, b. 1908. Address, Lily Lake. 111. THEODORE THORDARSON Physician; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Minhe- ota, Minn. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Minne- ota, Minn. CLARENCE L. TREADWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) H. S. Clin. Instr., Nervous Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1898-99. Gen. Med. practice, Kilbourn, Wis.; later at Faith, S. Dak. Mem.. State Med. Soc. of Wis. Address, Faith, S. Dak.t ♦CLARE W. VIRTUE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. A.B., Alle- ghany Coll.. 1894. Located in Akron, O., 1898- 1900. Died S 28. 1900, Akron. O. HENRY WAHLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. At one time located in West Bend. Wis.; later at Marshfield, do.; Reno, Nev. Address, 2216 24th Ave., Oak- land, Calif.t EDMUND A. WALSH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Ft. Madison (la.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Springfield, 111. Address, 10314 S. 5th St., Spring- field, lU.t JOHN S. WEAVER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 18. 1872; s. Joseph L. (O 16, 1824, Fulton Co., N. Y.) and Nancy J. (Weller) Weaver (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Leaven- worth (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan., Univ. of Mich., and Columbia Univ., New York. Phi Gamma Delta. Located in Leavenworth, Kan., 1897-1902; Kansas City. Mo., 1902 — . 1st Lt., M. C. Spanish-Am. W^ar; (Ilapt., do.. World War; served in base Hosps. at Camp Travis, Tex. and Ft. Sam Houston, do.; overseas ser v.. Eye, Ear and Nose and Throat ward of Evacuation Hosp. 17, Vladivostok, Siberia, N 4, 1918-Ap.l, 1919. A. M. A.; Mo. State Med. Soc; Jackson Co. Med. Soc; Kansas Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Soc. Married Madge Schaum, N 14, 1906, Leavenworth, Kan. Address, 904 East 43rd St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 1311 Rialto Bldg., do. *WILLIAM HARRISON WELLS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Located in Paris, 111.; Monmouth, do.; later in Stronghurst, do. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 5, 1918, Galesburg Hosp., Galesburg, 111. ROSCOE A. WHIFFEN M.D.; b. My 19, 1872. Broadhead. Wis.; s. Isaac A. and Josephine (Robins) WhifTen. Pre- pared in Janseville (Wis.) H. S., 1891. Formerly located in Briggsville, Wis. Mem., Friendship lodge, 210, A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1, 1918-F 1, 1919. Married Sophia J. Muehleisen, Je 28, 1899. Children: Josephine L., b. Je 3, 1904; Alice E., b. N 20, 1905; Robert A., b. My 3, 1914. Address. 155 S 8th St.. San Jose. Calif.; bus. add., 607 Garden City Bank Bldg.. do. WALTER W. WILLIAMS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll., 1893. WILLIAM EDGAR WRAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1874; s. James G. (b. My 17, 1846) and Helen Jane Wray (b. Je 17, 1848). Prepared in Janesville (Wis.) H. S. Grad. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1912-13. Located in Tomahawk, Wis., 1901-10; Campbell, Minn., 1912 — . Hosp. Steward, U. S. Army. 1898. Spanish-Am. War. Capt., and Maj.. M. C. U. S. A., O 1917-Mr 1919. Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc; Park Region -Med. Soc; Minn. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married, Je 25, 1901, Bethlehem, Pa. Caildren: Dorothy Maria, b. O 24. 1913; William Edgar, b. My 5, 1915. Address, Campbell, Minn. HENRY JACOB YOI.ST Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended New Orleans Sch. of Med., 2 yrs. Grad. of Straight Univ., New Orleans, La, 1894. Located at New- roads, La.; later Phys., Alexandria, do. Address, 619 Lee St., Alexandria, La.t 50 University of Illinois [1898 CLASS OF 1898 (91 LIVING, 15 DEAD) VICTOR V. BACON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. M.D., Chi- cago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1887. Formerly at 752 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; Gen. Med. practice, Spokane; Phys., Emergency Hosp., do. Address, 1221 Monroe St., Spokane.t HENRY LESTER BAKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 12, 1870; s. Ferdi- nand and Julia (Fitzsimmons) Baker. Prepared in Minn. Pub. Schs. Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1916-20; Assoc, do., 1920-; Mem., Staff of Univ. Hosp., 1915 — ; Med. Examiner, Exemption Bd., 31, World War; M. R. C, U. S. A.; Pres., Coll. of Med. Alumni Assn., 1919. Married Theresa Macaulay, 1895, Chicago. Children: Eugene Lester, b. Ja 31, 1899; Henry Francis, b. Je 1, 1911. Address, 3860 Lexington St., Chicago. WALTER S. BEBB Physician; M.D.; b. D 15, 1874, 111.; s. John S. (b. 1833, O.) and Anna E. Bebb (b. 1839, Mass.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Located in Downers Grove, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1917-F 1919. Parent-Teachers Assn., Downers Grove, (Pres., 1919-20). Married, 1902, Chicago. Children: Hubert Clarence, b. 1904; Douglas Edmund, b. 1907. Address, Downers Grove, 111. WILLIAM BELITZ (Brother of Alfred, '95) Physician; M.D.; b. N 17, 1863, Kiel, Wis.; s. Henry F. (b. Brandenburg, Ger.) and Helena (Schlichting) Belitz (b. Oldenburg, Ger.). Faculty medal, 1897. Phys., Cochrane, Wis., 1898. Mar- ried Magdalena Margeret Klavitter, Ap 6, 1916, Winona, Minn. Child, Elizabeth Rachel, b. Ja 28, 1918. Address, Cochrane, Wis. JAMES M. BEVERIDGE Physician; M.D.; b. N 23, 1867, Somonauk, 111.; s. John C. (b. F 3, 1826, Greenwich, N. Y.) and Mary A. (McCleery) Beveridge (b. Ja 22, 1841, Gait, Ont. Can.). Prepared in Washington Acad., Washington, la.; A.B., Monmouth Coll., Monmouth, 111., 1893. Intern, Chicago Baptist Hosp., Je, 1898-Je, 1899; Phys., Buchingham, 111., Je, 1899-Ap, 1906; do., Oregon, 111., 1906—. Mem. of Local Exemption Bd. for Ogle Co. dur- ing World War. Auth: Survival of Superstition as found in the Practice of Medicine, III. Med. Jour., Vol. XXXI, 1917. Mem., Ogle Co. Med. Soc, 1907-10; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Tri-State Med. Soc; Med. Veterans of World War. Married Mary Hayes, D 28, 1899, Sheridan, 111. Children: Ralph H., b. Ja 11, 1904; Helen M., b. Ja 10, 1907. Address, Oregon, 111. M. ARISTA BINGLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1853. Attended Univ. of Kan. Med. Dept., 1888-89; 111. Med. Coll., Summer, 1896. Formerly located in Dallas, Tex. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 804 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1111 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. t *DAVID A. T. BJORKMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Swedish Gymnasium Sch.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1894-96. Formerly located in Racine, Wis., later in Evanston, 111. Died O 14, 1903, at the Glockner Sanitarium, Colorado Springs, Colo. ♦FREDERICK HAMILTON BLAYNEY Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 3, 1869, Kingston, O.; s. Henry G. and Caroline (Todd) Blayney. B.A., Washington and Jefferson Coll., Washington, Pa. Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Sigma Nu; Capt., Football Team; Honors in Greek. Formerly at 5947 W. Erie St., Chicago; Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med.; 1902-08; Maj., M. C, 111. Nat. Guard, 15 yrs.; Capt. M. C, U. S. A., World War; with the A E F. 3 yrs. Mem., A. M. A.; Assn. Mil.-Surgs.; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Presby, Church. Married Grace Beymer, Je 29, 1904, Corning, la. Children: Elizabeth, b. 1906; Frederick, b. 1909. Died Mr 4, 1921 at the Walter Reed Hosp., Wash- ington, D. C. *DARWIN E. BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Milton Coll., Milton, Wis. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 708 Thornburg St., Laramie, Wyo. Mem., A. M. A. Died N 28, 1911, Laramie, Wyo. WILLIAM FLOCKTON BROWNELL Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1874; s. William (b. 1832, London, Eng.) and Anna (Clark) Brownell (b. 1842, do.). Prepared in Waukon (la.) H. S.; Ames Agr. Coll., Ames, la. Bachelors Club. Located in New London, Wis., 189.8-1910; Cnicago, 1910-13; Ft. Collins, Colo., 1914-20. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., Presby. Church- Co. Med. Soc, (Pres., 1919); State Med. Soc' Credential Com., 1919-20. Married Lula R.' Raymond, D 9, 1904, New London, Wis. Child, Miriam Louise, b. F 8, 1907. Address, 1100 W. Oak St., Ft. Collins, Colo.; 6ms. add., 202 Colo. Bldg., do. JACOB BURSMA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. A.B., State Univ. of la. Attended State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1895-97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Muskegon, Mich.; at one time located in Fessenden, N. Dak. Address, 59 Western Ave., Muskegon, Mich.f J. BAPTIST BUTTS Engineer; M.D.; b. S 18, 1850, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.; s. Anson and Anna M. (Stadler) Butts. Prepared in N. Y. Univ. and Trinity Med. Coll., Toronto, Ont., Can. Mem., I. O. O. F.; K. P. Married Christine Olson, F 29, 1904. Child,' Anna Leonora, b. Jl 19, 1905. Address, 6227 N. Nordica Ave., Chicago. EMERY MARCUS BYERS M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1872; s. John Marion (b. S 14, 1850, Pa.) and Kate Elizabeth (Irish) Byers (b. Je 6, 18.53, Can.). Prepared in Genoa H. S. Class Off., 1898. Located in Belvidere, Buda, and Genoa, 111. Mem., De Kalb Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Marilla Jane Shannon, Jl 3, 1892, Belvidere, 111. Children: Hazel Fern, b. Je 19, 1894 (died D 18, 1894); Elvira Glen, b. My 26, 1896; Floyd Marion, b. Ja 11, 1900; Leslie C, b. Ja 25, 1902. Address, Genoa, 111. *LEO LOUIS CAHILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Attended Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1894-97. At one time located in Mendon, Mich.; Gen. Med. practice. Springer, N. M. Deceased. BERT MATHER CARR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Albion Coll.; Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1893-97. Retired from practice. Address, Cedar Springs, Mich.J AMOS FOSTER CONARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Monti- cello H. S.t FRANK HOWARD CONNER Physician; M.D.; b. F 14, 1866, Oskaloosa, la.; s John Milton (b. O.) and Edith (Stanley) Conner (b do.). B.S., Penn. Coll., Oskaloosa, la., 1894. Scholarship to Coll. of Med., 1895. Grad. work, Harvard Univ., 1916. Phys., Nevada, la., 1898—. Mem. of Examining Bd. for recruits during World War. Mem., Nevada Twentieth Century Club, 19Q0 — Married Jane Dutton, 1903, Cortland, N.Y. Child, John Dutton, b. Je 1909. Address, Nevada, la. College op Medicine Alumni 51 GEORGE E. COON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 20, 1870, Milton, Wis.; s George N. (b. Mr 28, 1S15, New York) and Melissa E. (Clarkf) Coon (b. Jl 4, 1838, do.). Prepared in Milton (Wis.) H. S.; Milton Coll.. do., 1888-1893. Philomathcan. Rockdale, Wis., 1808-1900; Milton, do., 1900—; Health Officer, 1902—; Trustee, Milton Coll., 1916—; do., S. D. B. Church, 1910—. Married Nettie Crandall, S 18, 1895, Milton Wis. Children: George Way- land b. My 1, 1898; Vera E. b. Ja 23. 1900. Ad- dress, Milton Junction, Wis. JOHN FRANCIS CORBIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 25, 18()9; Knox Co.. 111.; s. Edwin A. (b. Ap 29, 1845. Knox Co., 111.) and Lucinda (Beatty) Corbin (b. Mo.). Prepared in Knoxville H. S.; B.S., Knox Coll.. Galesburg, lU.; M.S., do. Phys., Galesburg, 111., 1898 — . Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Soangaheta Club; City Club; Galesburg Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc.; A. M. A. Married Marian Corbin, O 11, 1903. Child, Maxine Frances, b. Jl 17, 1905. Address, 135 W. Tompkins. Galesburg, 111.; bus. add., 216 Holmes Bldg., do. ALFRED CARENO CROFTON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 11, 1871. New York. Prepared in Ger. and French Schs. Asst. Prof., Clin. Diagnosis, Coll. of Med.. 1897-98; City Bacteriologist and Phys., Pasadena, Cal.. 1898- 1900; Woodward Fellow, Physiolog. Chem., Univ. of Pa.. Philadelphia, 1900-02; Phys.. Chicago, 1901—; Prof., Med., Post-Grad. Sch., Chicago; Patholog. to St. Lukes Hosp., do.; Phys. in Chief to St. Mark's Hosp.. do.; Phys. to St. Elizabeth's Hosp., do.; Gen. Staff of Michael Reese Hosp., do. Auth.: Clin. Urinology, A Treatise on the Urinary Aspect of Disease, 1907; Clinical Therapeutics, A Handbook on the Special Treatment of Internal Disease, 1912; Contributed articles on Urine and organotherapy; Wood's Reference Handbook of the Med. Scs.; Von Noorden Series (Clinical Treatises on the Pathology and Therapy of Dis- orders of Metabolism and Nutrition; Nothnagel's Encyclopedia of Practical Med.; Ueber eine chemische Methode Hypcrnephrome (Nebennier- en-Tumoren) der Niere von anderen Nieren- geschwulsten zu unterscheiden. Virchow's Archiv fur path. Anatomie, Vol. 169, 1902; Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber das diastatische Ferment der Nebennieren, Archit fur Physiologie, Vol. 90. 1902; Zur Kenntnis des intermediaren Kreislaufs der Gallensauren, do.; Zur Kenntnis der Harn- saure-Umwandlung im Tier-und Menschen-korper. do.. Vol., 121, 1908; Ueber die Rolle des Dunn- darmes bei der Glykogen Bildung, do.. Vol., 126, 1908; Simplified Methods of Blood Examination, their Practical Applicability to Gen. Diagnosis Jour. A. M. A., Vol. XXXII, 1899; Uric Acid Theories; a Critical Review with Some Original Investigations, do. and Brit. Phys., London, Vol 1, 1900; The Role of the Alloxuric Bases in the Production of the Cardio-Vascular Changes of Nephritis. Am. Jour. Med. Sc. , Philadelphia, Vol CXX, 1900; Arthritism and Tuberculosis, Jour Tbc., .\shevUle, Vol. 11, do.; Iodine Used Hvpo- dermically in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuber- culosis. Jour. A. M. A., Vol. XXXV, do.; The Oxygen Treatment of So-Called Uric Acid Lesions, Internal. Med. Mag., N. Y.. Vol. X. 1901; Some Experiments on the Intermediary Circulation of the Bile Acids; A Contribution to our Knowledge ^V^^fr'^J^*' "*'"■ '^^"'■- ■^^^'^- '^'«' Philadelphia, Vol. CXXIII, 1902; other articles in the Philadelphia Med. Jour., Translations of Philadelphia Pathol Soc. Detroit Med., .W. Y. Med. Record, Translations of Chicago Path. Soc, III. Med. Jour , Med Fortnightly, Therap. Gaz., Cleveland Med. Jour . A. Y. Archices of Diagnosis, N. Y. Med. Jour., Lancet Clintc, Surg. Gynecol, and Obstetrics and Interilale Med. Jour. Mem.. A. M. A.; III. State Med. Soc.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Soc. of Internal Med. ; Phys. Club; Cfticago Neurolog. Soc; Chicago Patholog. Spc; Ger. Med. Soc; Miss Valley Med. Soc. Married Elizabeth Pallister Hubbard. F 9, 1900, Pasadena, Cal. Children: Elizabeth Greer, b. D 18, 1902; Arine Hubbard, b. Ag 9, 1905. Address, 1440 N. Dearborn St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do. IRA HUGH DILLON Physician; M.D.; b. S 15, 1873, Unionvillc, Mo.; s. Elbert S. and Eliza J. (Wvckoff) Dillon. Gen. Med. practice. Auburn, Neb., 1898-1917; Health Commissioner, State of Neb., O 1. 1919 — . Capt., M. C, U. S. A.. Ag 1017-Ap 1918; Maj., Ap 1918- 19. Married Annie M. Lynch, Je 6, 1896. Chil- dren: Elma. b. 1898; Mary, b. 1911. Address, 3650 X St.. Lincoln. Neb.; 6ms. add.. Room 406 State Capitol, do. ALOY'SIUS N. J. DOLAN Physician; M.D.; b. D 6, 1871, Morris, 111.; s. James and Julia (Fitzsimmons) Dolan. A.B., St. Marys, Kan., 1893; A.M., St. Ignatius, Chicago, 1895. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1898-1912; Great Falls, Mont., 1912—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je-D 1918. Married Georgiana Sexton, O 10, 1900, Chicago. Child. Marie Julia, b. D 29, 1901. Address, Room 80, Stanton Bank Bldg.. Great Falls, Mont. WILLIAM TURPIN DOWDALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 18, 1872, Peoria; s. William T. and Delle (Mason) Dowdall. Pre- pared in Wabash Coll. D.P., Chicago Sch. of Psychology. Beta Theta Pi. Phys. and Surg., Illinois Central R. R. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 1918-S 1919; Maj., M. R. C. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Address, 111. Central Hosp., Paducah, Ky. ROBERT EMMERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Ealing Deanery, Middle Class Collegiate Sch., Middlesex, Eng.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1894-97. Formerly of Los Angeles. J FRANCIS SEBASTIAN FEENEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Attended N- W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1894-97. Gen. Med. prac- tice; formerly of Rochester, Minn. Address, New Hampton, la.f BARTHOLOMEW F. FLANAGAN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Jl 17, 1870, Richmond, Ind. ; s. Patrick and Margaret (Duggan) Flanagan. Local Surg., Ill Central R. R. Capt., M C., M. R C U S A., World War. Married Kath- rynn O'Connor, S 10, 1902, Springfield, 111. Ad- dress, 436 E. 49th St., Chicago; bus. add., 6253 Dorchester Ave., do. GEOFFREY JOSEPH FLEMING M.D.; b. Je 1, 1873, Chicago; s. James and A.lice (Sheridan) Fleming. Prepared in St. Mary's Coll .Kan. Instr., Med , Coll. of Med.. 1898-1900. Married Harriett L. Sonn, Jl 23. 1902 Chicago. Child, Frances, b. Ag 18, 1905. Address, 612 N. Euclid Ave., Ontario. Calif.; bus. add., Calif., Theater Bldg.. do. MARCUS SAMUEL FLETCHER (Uncle of Charles Harrison Fletcher, '13, L.L.B. and Cassius Fletcher, '14. B.S. in C.E.) Physician; M.D.; B.S..1899; b. F17, 1869 Ridge- farm 111 • s Henry (b. O 28, 1839, do.) and Mahala Fletcher '(b. O 15. 1842 Georgetown 111.). Pre- pared in Ridgefarm H. S. and Univ. of Pa Philo- matean Lit. Soc; John Amhurst Surg. Soc ; Phi Rho Siema; Football Team. Located in Ridge- farm 111 1898-1902; Danville, do., 1902-05; Georgetown, 190,5-- Vermilion Co. Health Off., 1902-04 1st Lt., M. O. R. C. U. S. A.. Jl 26, 1917-Ja 'i 1918. Mem., Vermilion Co. Med. Soc. 1900 111 State Med. Soc, 1902; St. Med. Assn.; A. M. A.: Friend's Church. Married Jessie Baum 52 University of Illinois [1898 Fletcher, Ag. 5, 1897, Newport, Ind. Child, Mil- died, b. Ap. 8 1900. Address, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Georgetown, 111. WARD REDFIELD FORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1890; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1892. At one time located at Sugar Grove, Ark.t AMANDUS U. FUSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1869, Kan.; s. Charles E. and Mary (Gersbacher) Fuson. Prepared in Baker Univ., Kan. Phi Rho Sigma, (Sec. and Pres. Beta Chapter; Treas. of First Grand Chap.). Sec. of Ex. Com., Class of '98. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. Married May A. Telfer, Ag 13, 1910. Children: Mary Jane, b. Je 26, 1911; Charles E. and William T. (twins'), b. Ja 4, 1914. Address, 3966 26th St., San Francisco; bus. add., 2580 Mission St., do. SAMUEL CARSON GARBER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Mt. Morris Coll., 1893. Sr. Faculty Medal, 1898. HENRY BERNARD GRAESER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Attended State Univ. of la. Coll. of Med., 1895-97. At one time located at Des Moines, la.; later at Kensett, do.. Gen. Med. practice. El Centro, Calif. Ad- dress, El Centro, Calif.f HUGH MARTIN HALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 4, 1872, Union, Mich.; s. O. J. (b. D 26, 1844, Union, Mich.) and Mary May (Sullivan) Hall (b. My 29, 1850). Prepared in Bristol (Ind.) H. S. Phys., in Mil- lersburg, Ind., 1898-1907; Camden, Ind., 1907- 13; New Carlisle, Ind., 1913—. Contract Surg., Interlaken S. A. T. C; Rolling Prairie, Ind., O-N 1918. Mem., 10th Dist. Ind. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1910); 13th Dist. Ind. Med. Soc. (V. P., 1918); St. Joseph Co. Med. Soc. (V. P., 1918). Married Katherine Hall, Ap 2, 1918, Crown Point, Ind. Address, New Carlisle, Ind. THOMAS J. HAMBLEY Physician; M.D.; b. N 1, 1863, Eng.; s. Richard and Jane (Jose) Hamblcy. B.S., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., 1895. Married Elizabeth Jewell, S 20, 1900, Iron Mountain, Mich. Chil- dren: Mary, b. S 14, 1901; Richard, b. Mr 14. 1904; Jane, b. Je 15, 1908. Address, Hurley, Wis. EUNICE BERTHA HAMILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Belle Plaine (la.) H. S.; Womans Med. Coll., 1895-97. Pharm., la.; formerly located in Guth- rie, Okla. ; retired. Address, 4006 Hyde Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo.t WILLIAM E. HART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Prepared in Andingley Coll., Sussex, Eng. Gen. Med. prac- tice. West Frankfort, 111.; Coal City, do. Address, 445 W. William St., Decatur, Ill.t ♦GEORGE B. M. HILL M.D.; b. Mr 4, 1865, Tama, la.; s. Beecher and Rachel (Elice) Hill. Teachers Certificate, Tama (la.) H. S. Located in Paris, 111. Mem., Chris- tian Church; A. F. A. M. Married Jennie C. McKee, S 24, 1891. Children: Roger M., b. D 11, 1895; H. Davidson, b. N 11, 1897. Deceased. HERMAN CORWIN HOMER Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 27, 1869; s. Harlan P, (b. 1836,NewYork) and Glorvina (Corwin) Homer (b. New York). Prepared in Tobin College; Har- vey Bus. Coll., Waterloo, la.; Highland Park Normal, Des Moines, la. Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; 111. Sch. of Electro-Therapeutics; Chi- cago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Cool.; Mary Thompson Hosp., 1900. Located at Horton, la., 1898-1900; Oskaloopa, la., 1901-07; Greybull,Wyo., 1907—10; Cheyenne Wells, Colo., 1912-. District Examiner W. S. P. H. S., 1919-20. Married Faye Gahagen, My 25, 1915, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. Children: Harry Harlan, b. D 15, 1916; Herman Corwin, b. Je 21, 1919. Address, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. MARTIN L. HOOPER M.D.; b. My 11, 1868, la. Prepared in Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk, la., 1891. 1st Lt., M. C, World War. Address, Indianola, la. JOHN HENRY HOVENDEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Attended State Univ. of la., Coll. of Med., 1895-97. For- merly of Wall Lake, la. Address, Laurens, la.t ERNEST ALEXANDER HUNT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S. in E.E., 1895; b. D 7, 1875, Urbana. s. Joseph Everett and Ruth (Alexander) Hunt (b. N.Y.). Prepared in H. S. Phi Rho Sigma; Engng. vSoc; Sr. Baseball Team. Formerly Oculist, Burlington, la.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Waterloo, la. Mem., Ky. State Med. Assn.; Marshall Co. Med. Soc, 1898- 1908; Austin Flint Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Blackhaw Co. Med. Soc; Waterloo City Med. Soc. Mar- ried Adelyn Kimball, Je 14, 1909, LaMoille, III. Children: Dorothy K., b. Ag 16, 1901; Robert Everett, b. D 28, 1910. Address, 319 Jackson St., Oshkosh, Wis.; 6ms. add.. Commercial Nat. Bank Bldg., rfo.f *CHARLES ELLSWORTH HUSK M.D.; b. 1874. Gen. Med. practice in Santa Barbara, Chihuahua, Mex.; also in Shabbona, 111. Mem., of Mt. Sinai Hosp. expedition for the in- vestigation of Typhus Fever; contracted the disease at Nuevo Laredo., and died Mr 20, 1916, Laredo, Tex. CHARLES STUART HUTCHISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 8, 1874, Ames, la.; s. James and Jean (Love) Hutchison. Prepared in Ames (la.) H. S. B.S., la Agr. Coll.; M S., la. State Coll. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and practice. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Myrtle Stamp, Ag. 27, 1900. Child, Elizabeth, b. Ag. 4, 1905. Address, 501 S. Gram- ercy PI., Los Angeles. WENTWORTH LEE IRWIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. M.D., Topeka Med. Coll., 1897. Gen. Med. practice, Plymouth, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Plymouth, Ill.t SIMEON RYERSON JOHNSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 12, 1874. Steuben, Me.; s. Chas. Warren (b. My 17, 1847, Swatow, China) and Allie (Ryerson) Johnson (b. D 28, 1847, Lubec, Me.). Prepared in Litchfield H. S.; De- Pauw Univ., 1891-93 and 1894-95; Cornell Univ., 1893-94. B.S., DePauw Univ., 1898. Delta Up- silon. Scholarship, Coll. of Med.. 189.5-96; Glee Club. Intern, Chicago Hosp., 1898-99. Gen. Med. practice, Divernon, 111., 1899 — . Married EfEe May Potts, N 14, 1900, East St. Louis, 111. Children: Walter Ryerson, b. O 19, 1901; Ade- laide Lumina, b. Ap 15, 1904; Marion Allen, b. Jt 22, 1906; Warren Stickney, b. Je 23, 1910. Ad- dress, Divernon, 111. FELIX KALACINSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Konigliche, Gymnasium Zu Wongrowitz, 1888. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Asst. Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1034 N. Robey St., Chicago.f College of Medicine Alumni 53 OLIVER P. KEMP Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 20. 1803, Greentown, Ind.; s. D. J. (b. Jl 7. 1835, Zanesville, O.) and Nancy (Stanley') Kemp (b. Mr 4, 1838, Economy, Ind.). B.S. and C.E., Lebanon Univ., Lebanon, O., 1891. Professional Study in office of G. B. Scott, Greentown, Ind. Gen. Med. practice; Greentown and Kokomo, Ind.; Chem. Engr., Standard Oil Co., 3 vrs. Mem., Co. Med. Soc. (Ex-Pres.l; K. P.; A. F. A. M.; Yoemen of Am. Married Laura V. Vanderbook, Je 2, 1886, Kokomo, Ind. Child. Julia I., b. Mr 3, 1900. Addrtss, 74 W. Taylor St., Kokomo, Ind. CLARENCE BRUCE KING Phys. and Surp.; M.D.; b. Mr .5, 1873. Miami Co.. Ind.; s. Riley G. and Mary A. (Burke) King. Prepared in South Side Acad.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago; Asst. Prof.. Neurol.. Coll. of Med., 1900- 02; Adjunct Prof., do., 1902-06; Adjunct Prof., Neurol, and Psychiatry, do., 1906-10. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., O 1918-jri919. Married Estella M. Stiles, S 1893. Chicago. Children: Marcus R., b. Ja 12, 1903; Elizabeth N., b. F 17, 1914. Ad- dress. 3944 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4100 W. Madison St., do. BENJAMIN F. KIRKLAND M.D.; b. F 19, 1870, Philadelphia; s. Margaret (Fox) Kirkland. Prepared in Urbana (la.) H. S. and Iowa State Univ. Married Dora A. Corbett, 189S. Vinton. la. Children: Ruth, b. S 28, 1899; Helen, b. F 6. 1903; Irene, b. Jl 1, 1907. Address, Long Beach, Calif. CHARLES ALBERT KITTREDGE Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 26. 1872. Beacon-on- Hudson. N.Y.; s. Charles M. and Marcella E. (Conant) Kittredge. Prepared at De Gamo In- stitut«, Fishkill-on-Hudson and Andover Phillips Acad.. 1891. Phys., in charge of Sanitarium. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Laura Burlingame, S IS, 1901. Children: Charles March, b. Mr 11, 1903; Harriett Louise, b. Mr 19, 190.5. Address, 40 Ferry St., Beacon-on-Hudson, N. Y. EUGENE COLBURN KNIGHT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Prepared by p^■t. instruction. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 1711 Ridge Ave.. Evanston. 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t • ARVID ERNEST KOHLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 10, 1873, Moline, 111. Prepared in Moline H. S. and Augustana Coll. Xu Sigma Nu; Fullback Football, 189.5-97. Army Serv.. Ag 1. 1917 to Mv 9, 1919, World War. Married Hazel Dorothea Giles. S 1.5, 1917. Ad- dress, 1104 25th Ave., Moline, 111.; bus. add., 51214 15th St., do. FRANK B. LUCAS Surg.; M.D.; b. N .30. 1867, Peoria; s. George L. and Hanna (Ringland) Lucas. Prepared in Grinnell da) Coll. Surg., Fruit Growers Supply Co., Hilta, Calif. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine; R. A. M.; A. M. A.; Calif. State Med. Soc.; Siskiyou Co. Med. Soc. Married Mabel Lee Bright. Ap 19. 1909, Everett, Wash., Hilts. Calif. *ELIZA A, LYON Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.55. Ph.G.; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1880. Deceased. MATTHEW E. McMANES Pbys. and Surg ; M D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Gallon (O.) H. S. Attended Snarling Med. Coll., 189.5-97. Gen. Med. practice. Piqua, O. Address 524 Park Ave., Piqua, 0.;bus. add.. Ash and Wayne Sta., do.f THOMAS ULYSSES McMANUS Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 7. 1872. Hudson. la.; s. Thomas P. (b. Ind.) and Sarah (Rupp) McManus (b. 111.). Prepared in la. State Teachers Coll., 1888-93. A.B., Des Moines Coll.. 1895; A.M., do., 1898. Grad. work, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1903-06; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1909-10. Phys., Waterloo, la., 1898—. Mem., la. State Bd. of Health. 1909-13; Mem., of la. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, do. (Pros. 1912- 13). Mem., Waterloo Med. Soc. (Pres., 1906-07, 1917-18); Black Hawk Co. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1904-5) Austin Flint Cedar Valley Med. Soc. (Pres., 1915- 16) la. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Mae Loonan. Ag 23, 1898, Hudson, la. Child, Thomas L., b. My 23, 1899. Address, 103 Independence Ave., Waterloo, la.; bus. add., 522 Black Bldg., do. ♦ANDREW BAXTER MILLER Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1872. Prof., Clin. Gyn- ecol., Coll. of Med. Mem., A. M. A. Died suddenly, O 19, 1917, Chicago. PATRICK ROBERT MINAHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in State Norm. Sch., 0.shkosh, Wis.; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, 1894-97. Surg, practice, Fond du Lac, Wis.; formerly of Algdtaa, do. Mem. A. M. A. Address, 86 S. Main St.. Fond du Lac, Wis.t *JOHN ARTHUR MUTCHLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. B.S., Upper la. Univ., 1895. Deceased. JOHN STEPHEN NAGEL Physician; M.D.; b. Ja f>, 1874. Revnolds, Ind.; s. Stephen (b. Mv 29, 1857. Ger.) and Amelia (Krinning) Nagel ("b. Ja 25, 18.59. do.). Prepared in Monticello (Ind.) H. S. and Valparaiso Univ., 1892-94. Phi Rho Sigma. Clin. Instr.. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1S98-19C)4. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1900-01; Maj., M. C. HI. Nat. Guard. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. (Pres., 1920-21). Married Mr 7, 1912, N. Y. Children: John Stephen, Jr., b. Je 5, 1913; William R., b. Mr 13, 1917. Address, 124 N. Menard Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. JAMES M. NEFF M.D.; b. F 22, 1875. Freeport, 111.; s. John W. and Mary T. (Mitchell) Neff. Prepared in Salt Lake City H. S., and Armour Institute, Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu; Scholarship, Coll. of Med. Ad- junct Prof., Practice of Med., Coll. of Med., 1898-1902. Lt. Col., R. A. M. C, B. E. F., Je 191.5-1916. Auth.: Mil. Surg., 1917; Bone Surg., 1920; Biliary Surg., 1920. Married Je.ssie Upson, D 6, 1920, Louisville, Ky. Address, 5438 Wood- lawn Ave., Chicago. GEORGE F. NEWHALL Phys. and Surg.; b. Mr 6, 1860, Chicago; a. August and Caroline (Gabler) Newhall. Pre- pared in Glencoe H. S. Married Emma Areola. Ja 20. 1901. Children: Eleanor Evelyn, b. D 14, 1902; Myrtle A., b. F 26, 1904. Address, Center and A.shland Sts., Des Plaines, 111. TIMOTHY V. OVERTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Gilbert Acad., Baldwin. La.; Rush Med. Coll., 189.5-97. Gen. Med. nractice, Hou.ston. Tex. Ad- dress, 1210 Edwards St., Houston, Tex.t ADDISON CAREY PAGE Physician; M.D.; b. O 3, 1874, la.; s. Homer R. and Harriet E. (Frisbie) Page. A.B., Des Moines Coll., 1895. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Des Moines, 1902—: Instr,, Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Cbm., local advisory Bd.; Contract Surg., 3 mo8., 54 University of Illinois [1898 World War. Married Emma Harvison, D 1911. Children: Harriet, b. 1912; Addison, b. 1914. Ad- dress, Bankers Trust Bldg., Des Moines. OTTO H. PAGELSEN Physician; M.D.; b. My 17", 1870; s. Charles and Ernestine (Kant) Pagelsen. Prepared in Mich. State Agr. Coll. Gen. Med. practice, la. Falls, la. Adjunct Prof., Microscopical and Chem. Diag., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Mem., Epsi. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F. Married 1904. Two children: One b. 1907; Eleanor, b. 1915. Address, 712 Washington Ave., la. Falls, la. WILLIAM ROBERT PENNINGTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1858. M.D., Ens- worth Med. Coll., 1882. Formerly of Seattle, Kan.; Gen. Med. practice, Ottawa, Kan. Address, Ottawa, Kan.J WILLIAM PETERSMEYER M.D.; b. 1875. Address, Ashton, 111. JENNY LIND PHILLIPS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Prepared in Galva H. S.; Womans Med. Coll., 3 yrs.; Knox Coll., Galesburg, 3 yrs. Address, 501 60th St., Chicago.! STEPHEN ROMAN PIETROWICZ Professor; M.D.; b. Ag 26, 1873, Posen, Poland; s. Wincent Stanislana Molinsk Pietrowiez. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Sch., Posen, Poland. A.B., St. Stanislaus Coll., 1910. Assoc, Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-20; Prof, of Med., Loyola Univ., 1920. Autb.: 20 articlesin Med. Mag. Married Katbrine Driscoll, O 2, 1901, Chicago. Children: Mary, b. S 2, 1902; Stephen Jr., b. Mr 3, 1903; Francis, b. Ap 10, 1908; Ambrose, b. S 10, 1910. Address, 3733 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., do. FRED D. PRATZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B., Eureka Coll., 1894; b. 1870. Gen. Med. practice, Moweaqua, 111.; formerly at Holly, Colo. Mem., A. M. A.; Colo. State Med. Soc. Address, Moweaqua, IlLf CHARLES PARIS PROUDFOOT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Simpson Coll., Indianola, la., 3 yrs.; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1896-96; Univ. of la., 1896-97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; formerly at Liberty, Neb. Capt., M. C., Oto-Laryngol. Sec- tion, Base Hosp., Camp Kearney, 1918-19. Mem., A. M. A.; Neb. State Med. Assn. Address, San Luis Obispo, Calif.f WILLIAM ABRAHAM PURINGTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Prepared in Kenduskeag (Me.) H. S.; Me. Central Institute, Pittsfield, Me.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1894-95. Gen. Med. practice, Foxcroft, Me.; formerly at Sanger- ville, do. Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps., Council of Nat. Defense, 1918-19. Address, Foxcroft, Me. HENRY COURTLAND ROGERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Monticello (la.) H. S.; State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1895-97. Gen. Med. practice, Primghar, la. Address, Primghar, la.t *ROY A. ROSZELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Certificate, la. Coll. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at Clarks- ville, la.; later at Seattle. Deceased. GEORGE RUBIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 1, 1876, Rus.; s. Mayer (b. 1853, Rus.) and Hannah Miriam (Klawans) Rubin. Prepared in Pub. and Pvt. Schs. Grad. work in Paris, 1899-1900; Berlin, 1900-01. Phys., Chicago, 1898-1915; Internal Med., do., 1915—; Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1902-04; Original Research Dept., Rush Med. Coll., 1904-07; At- tending Phys., Mount Sinai Hosp. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 15, 1917^D 17, 1918; Active duty. Base Hosp., Camp Zacbary Taylor, Ky.; Asst. Chief, Internal Med., Mr 31, 1918-D 17, 1918. Auth.: Letters from Paris and Berlin, Doctors Mag. and P. &. S. Plexus, 1900-01; A New Urethrotome, N. Y. Med. News, 1903; Massage and Gymnastics in Gynecology, Chicago Med. Recorder, 1904; Influence of Alcohol, Ether and Chloroform on Natural Immunity, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, 1904; Pneumonia — A Comparative Study among the Nurses at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., Read before Chicago Med. Soc, 1919; A Chief Predis- posing Cause of Appendicitis, Jour. A. M. A., 1907; Placental Blood for Transfusion, N. Y. Med. News, 1914; Raynauds Disease, An unusual Local- ization, do., 1918; Congenital Absence of Patellae in Three Members of Same Family, Jour. A. M. A., 1917. Mem., Internat. Med. Congress, Paris, 1900; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Iroquois Club; Chicago Army and Navy Club, Chicago; Hyde Park Post of the Am. Legion (formerly Alliance Francaise) ; Am. Officers of the Great War. Married Erma Weill, D 19, 1911. Children: Leonard George, b. Mr 11, 1914; Miriam Josephine, b. Je 13, 1915. Addre.'is, 4923 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. PAUL S. SCHOLES Specialist; M.D.; b. N 21, 1870; s. Benjamin and Lucinda (Denver) Scholes. A.B., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1895; A.M., do., 1898. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1918-Ag 1919. Married Ber- tha A. Chapman, O 15, 1902, Canton, 111. Address, 372 W. Chestnut, Canton, 111.; bus. add., 74 N. Main St., do. HENRY G. SCHUESSLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Concor- dia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Gen. Med. practice, Joliet, 111. Address, 200 E. Jefferson St., Joliet, Ill.t FRANZ F. H. SCHULDT ^ Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Ger. Gvm- nasium Sch. M.D., Harvey Med. Sch., 1896. WESLEY MORLEY SHERIN Physician; M.D.; b. F 15, 1875; s. Samuel (b. 1847, Canada) and Susan (Naylor) Sherin (b. 1849, Ireland). Prepared in H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1894-97. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago 1898 — . Mem., Hamilton Club, Chicago. Mar- ried Jeanne MacArthur, N 28, 1891. Child, Betsey Jeanne, b. F 22, 1916. Address, 5336 Mich. A\-e., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., Suite 1010, do. AUSTIN ULYSSES SIMPSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. B.S., Black- burn Univ., Carlinville, 111., 1895. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address. 618 36th Ave., Seattle; bus. add., Public Safety Bldg., do.1 CHARLES EDWARD SIMPSON Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1873, Iowa Falls, la.; s. Robert D. (b. Je 6, 1828, N. C.) and Malinda (Graham) Simpson (b. Ind.). Prepared in la. Falls H. S. and Univ. of la., 1895-97. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Norway, la., 1898 — ■. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Hosp. Train 3, Newport News, Va., S 24, 1918-Je 25, 1919. Married, S 15, 1903, Zaneta, la. Children: Pauline Francis, b. 1904; Wilma Kathryn, b. 1905; Ferris Robert, b. 1909. Address, Norway, la. DANIEL GILMORE SIMPSON Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1871, Grove City, Pa.; s. James (b. 1823, Mercer, Pa.) and Nancy A. (Gilmore) Simpson (b. 1833, Grove City, Pa.). 1898] College of Medicine Alumni 55 Prepared in Univ. of Mo. A.B., Grove City Coll., 1894; A.M.. do., 1S9S. O. Nat. Guard. 1899-1904. Mem.. Trumbull Med. Soc. (Pres.); Trumbull Countrv Club; Vestry. Christ Episcopal Church. Married Luella Couzett. Ag 7. 1901. Warren. O. Address, 32S Mahoning Ave.. Warren. O.; bus. add., 302 Western Reserve Bldg.. do. JOHN H. SLATER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S65. 111. Med. Coll.. 1893. Gen. Med. practice, Los Angeles; formerly of Deer Park. Wash. Address. 2657 W. 9th St.. Los Angeles; bus. add., 357 S. HiU St., do.t EMMANUEL F. SNYDACKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S70. B.A., Yale Univ., 1S92. Special work in Embryol., Univ. of Chicago; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 1890-97. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 30 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago.t GEORGE H. SOLLENBARGER Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 16, 1870; s. David (b. F 4, 1S26. Bedford Co., Pa.) and Margaret (Allenl SoUenbarger (b. O 24, 1831). Prepared in Corydon (la.) H. S.; la. State Univ., 1895-97. Grad. work in Jefferson Med. CoU., 1902-03. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Married Blanche Teegarden. 1901, Corydon, la. Children: Floris, b. Ja 13, 1903; Eugene, b. Ap 16, 1913. Address, Corydon, la. HARRY RANDOLPH SPICKERMON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 3, 1874; s. Henry (b. Schlesvrig. Holstein. Ger.) and Hannah J. (Dearth) Spickermon. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Sch. Nu Sigma Nu. Football, 1894-97. Married D 24, 1900, Peoria, 111. Address, Muncie, Ind. ♦WILLIAM H. STAYNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. Instr., Clin. Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1900-02. Died D 3, 1902, Chicago. WILLIAM J. STEELE Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 22, 1867, Newton, III; s. Robert and Jane (Forsyth) Steele. B.S., Mc- Kendree Coll., 1894. Married Ora McArthur. Child, Jane Steele, b. 1902. Address, Baldwin, N. Y. BAYARD TAYLOR STEVENSON M.D.; b. D 7, 1872, Rising Sun, Ind.; s. George and Margaret Stevenson. Prepared in Rising Sun, (Ind.) H. S.; Hasp. Coll. of Med., Louisville, Ky., 189.5-96. Married Isabelle Bowker, Je 23, 1904. Children: Margaret, b. Jl 16, 1910; Isa- belle Bowker, Je 23, 1904. Children: Margaret, b. Jl 16, 1910; IsabeUe, b. 1915. Address, 166 154th St.. Harvey, 111. *CARL DOWNER STONE M.D.; b. 1872. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 189:j-96. Located in Chicago. Died Jl 18, 1907, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago. WILLIAM TRUMAN STONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.55. M.D., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., 1882. Formerly located at St. Cloud, Minn.; later at Stacy, do. Address, Herman, Minn.f CHARLES FREDERICK STOTZ Surgeon; M.D.; b. D 9, 1872, Ger. Gen. Surg. practice, Chicago; Clin. In.str., Med., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Local Bd. 65, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, K. T. Married Bertha MueUer. Ag 1 , 1908, Chicago. Child, Helen Marie, b. Je 20. 1909 (Decea.sed). Address. 2609 N. Lawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1954 Milwau- kee Ave., do. *HENRY J. SWINK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. M.A.. South- western Baptist Univ., 1895. Formerly of Medon, Tenn. Died 1912. WILLIAM HAROLD VARY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. M.D., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., 1888. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. .\. Address, 927 Airdrie Place, Chicago; bus. add., 351 Wells St., do.t OLANDER E. WALD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 7, 18C8, Norway; s. Eric and Nicoline (Nerosen) Wald. Prepared in Decorah Coll. and Augsburg Sem., Minneapolis. Second Roll of Honor, Coll. of Med., 1898. Post- grad, work, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1898-1900. House Surg., Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1901-02; Surg, in Chief, Lake View Hosp., do.. 1905-09; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Prelate, Sask., Can.; Coroner, Province of Sask., Can. Mem., I. O. O. F.; K. P.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Nat. Geographical Soc. Mar- ried May Charlotte Augustine, Je 7, 1908. Chil- dren; Marian Virginia, b. D 27, 1909; Eugene, b. N 17, 1912; Edgar Augustine, b. O 26, 1914. Address. Prelate, Sask., Can. WILLIAM GODFREY WEDNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 16, 1872, Jefferson, Wis.; s. William (b. 1830, Ger.) and Justina (Poehl- man) Wegner (b. 1831, do.). Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) Pub. Schs.; South Bend Cml. Coll., 1890; Queens Univ., Can., 1894-96. Honors in Materia Med., Therapeutics and Pharm. Gen. Med. practice. South Bend, Ind., 1898 — ; Lecturer, Bacterid, and Lab. Methods, and Attending Phys. and Surg., Epworth Hosp. and Training Scb., South Bend, Ind. (12 yrs.); Lecturer, Practice of Med., St. Josephs Hosp., do., (4 yrs.); Lecturer, Personal Hygiene, St. Marys and Notre Dame Acads.; Asst. Ed., St. Joseph Co Med. Soc. Bul- letin; Delegate, A. M. A., to Internat. Cong., on Tuberculosis, 1908; do., Hygiene and Demography, Wash., D. C, 1918; Examiner Prudential, Union Central, Mass. Mutual and Continental Life Ins. Cos.; Emergency Surg., South Bend Toy Co., H. G. Christman & Co., and Fulton Harwood Brass Co.; U. S. Examiner and Registrar, children under 6 yrs., 4th ward, S. Bend, Ind.; Phys., U. S. Em- ployees Compensation Comn.; St. Joseph Co. Health Comm., 1907-14. Ind. Nat. Guard, 1890- 93; Mem., and Examiner, Exemption Bd. 1, South Bend, Ind., 1917, until discharged; Exa- miner, U. S. Marine Corps, 1917^. Auth.: Un- published articles read before Med. Societies: Treatment of Heart Disease; Neurasthenia; An- terior Poliomyelitis; The Conservation of Pub. Health; Typhoid Fever; Insanity; Temperature; Milk; Causes of Inflammation. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., K. T., 32°; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; St. Joseph Co. Med. Soc (Pres., 1902, V. P., 1900, Sec. 1907, Trustee, 1909-10); Ind. State Med. Soc; Fellow, A. M. A. Married Laura Christine Bradley, O 24, 1905, Huntington, Ind. Child, Laura Violet, b. Ap 6, 1911. Address, 616 E. Washington Ave., South Bend, Ind.; bus. add., 306 Union Trust Bldg., do. WILLIBALD JOHN WEHLE M.D.; b. D 2, 1870, St. Louis; s. F. W. and Emma R. Wehle. Ph.G., Univ. of Wis., 1893. Roll of Honor, Sr. Yr., Coll. of Med. Local Bd., Phys., World War. Married Marie F. Oppen, D 14, 1898, Milwaukee. Children: Aiex and Ed- ward, b. Ja 27, 1900; Dorothea, b. D 25, 1906. Address, West Bend, Wis. DAVID GILLISON WELLS Physician; M.D.; b. D 16, 1868; s. Samuel W. (b. Dumfries, Scotland) and Mary Ann (Callius) Wells (b. Chatcauguay, Que.). Prepared in Mon- treal Ph.D. Phi Rho Sigma; Mgr. of Football 56 University of Illinois [1899 team. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. Ft. Ogletnorpe, Ga., 1918. Mem., Medinah Temple, Chicago; A. F. A. M., 158. Married, Je 8, 1898, Cnicago. Child, Glenn W., b. My 20, 1901. Address, Mc- Henry, 111. CHARLES FRANKLIN WHITMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Attended Harvard Med. Sch., 1894-96; Teachers Cert., Christian Co., 111.; Norm. Course, No. Ind. Norm. Sch.; Ph.G., 1894. Formerly of Edinburgh, 111. Gen. Med. practice, Colton, Calif. Address, Col- ton, Calif.t FRANK BEACH WHITMORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Denison Univ., Granville, O. B.S., Chicago Sem- inar of Sciences; diploma, Cedar Valley Seminary, 1892; M.D., Nat. Med. Univ., Chicago, 1897. Formerly Phys., West Union, la. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 1430 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Calif.t *EUGENE D. WHITNEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Ph.B., Ober- lin Coll., 1894. Formerly Health Officer, Paines- ville, O. Died N 4, 1901 , at his home in Paines- ville, O. LOUIS GITHENS WITHERSPOON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 3, 1873, Bruce- ville, Ind.; s. Martin V. (b. Inglefield, Ind.) and Phoeba (Thompson) Witherspoon (b. Bruceville, do.). Prepared in Princeton (Ind.) H. S. BS Wabash College, 189.5; A.M., do., 1901. Beta Tneta Pi; Phi Beta Pi. Scholarship in Coll. of Med. from Wabash Coll. Adjunct Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1900-06. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; served with the 57th Inf., 1918-19. Mem., A. M. A.; Am, Coll. Surg. Married Josephine Marr, Ja 1, 1911, El Paso, Tex. Address, 314 Roberts- Banner Bldg., El Paso, Tex. MILTON C. WOLF Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, St. Paul. Address, 466 Marshall Ave.. St. Paul.t *JOHN JACOB WUERTH Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1890; b. 1868, Oregon, Mo. Prepared in H.S. Apprenticed to George A. Eddy, Leavenwortn, Kan., 1885-88; employed with E. D. Eddy, Arkansas City, Kan. Phys., 143 35th St., Cnicago; at one time located at 459 E. 35th St., do. Mem., Kan. Pharm. Assn.; Chi- cago Coll. of Pnarm. Died Ag 3, 1911, at the home of his parents in Lawrence, Kan. GEORGE VAN WYLAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; 1870. Prepared in Dayton (O.) H. S.; No. Ind. Norm. Sch., Val- paraiso, Ind., 1 yr.; Med. Dept., State Univ. of la., 1895-97. Formerly of Lyndon, 111. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 2300 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2724 W. North Ave., do.t CHARLES I. WYNEKOOP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. B.S., Wabash Coll. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Coll. of Surgs. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Instr., Biol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1906. Address, 4901 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 737 Sheridan Road, do.t CLASS OF 1899 (93 LIVING, 22 DEAD) CHARLES A. ALBRECHT Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1890; b. Ja 26, 1867, Winona, Minn.; s. Frank (b. Wesely, Czecho- slovakia) and Frances (Mosteoky) Albrecht (b. do.). Prepared in Winona, Minn. Phi Rho Sig- ma; Class Pres., 1890. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Hosp. and Infirmary Serv., A. E. F., S 20, 1918- Ag 19, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 1818 S. Halsted St., Chicago. HUBERT FRANKLIN ANDREWS M.D.; B.S., 1893; b. Ag 10, 1869, Piasa, III.; s. Joseph B. (b. 1837, Brighton, 111.) and Mary A. (Rudrow) Andrews (b. 1838, Camden, N. J.). Prepared in Blackburn Coll. Faculty Medal, 1899; Philomathean. Teacher, Salt Lake City H. S., 1893-96; Phys., 1899—; Practice limited to Neuro-psychiatry. Mem., Unitarian Church; San Diego Co. Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Zada Kearnes, 1904, Gunnison, Ut. Children: Mary Emma, b. Mr 8, 1905; Zada Leah, b. Mr 15, 1911. Address, 1000 Watts Bldg., San Diego, Calif. JESSE WILLIAM BACKUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Ferns Sch., Big Rapids, Mich. Phi Rho Sigma. Formerly located at Bremerton, Wash. Lt. Surg. Commander, and Med. Inspector, U. S. N. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Naval Ordinance Plant, South Charleston, W. Va.t ERNEST STANLEY BARKER M.D.; b. N 14, 1869; B.A., Univ. of New Bruns- wick, 1889, M.A., do.; M.A., Univ. of Manitoba. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Elizabeth Har- riet White, 1893. Ctiild, Stanley Truman, b., Mr 8, 1895. Address, 34 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass. FREDERICK LOUIS BARNES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 23, 1874; s. John Robertson (b. 1832, Stark Co., O.) and Mary (Boyer) Barnes (b. 1838, la.). Prepared in H. S. and Hulls Prep, and Norm. Sch. Phys. and Surg., Oskaloosa, la. Mem., and Chief examiner, Mahaska Co. Local Bd., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, 32°, K. T.; Mystic Shrine. Married Rose DeLong, 1901, Bussey, la. Child, Nell, b. 1902. Address, Oska- loosa, la.; bus. add., K. of P. Bldg., do. HIRAM HORACE BAY Physician; M.D.; b. N 24, 1873, Chicago; s. George and Clara Bay. Nu Sigma Nu; Honor Roll Grad. In special work for Federal Bd. of Vocational Educ; head of the Tuberculosis Sec- tion, Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Auth.: Numerous articles on Tuberculosis. Married Eva G. Ballou, D 29, 1904. Children: Margaret, b. 1906; Maturin, b. 1908; Marion, b. 1914. Address, 340 Normal Parkway, Chicago. AUGUST FREDERICK BECHTOLD Physician; M.D.; b. Je 27, 1877, Belleville, 111.; s. Louis J. (b. My 5, 1847, Liege Belg.) and Fanny D. Bossonepierre (b. S 23, 1857, Brussels, do.). Prepared in Mexico (Mo.) Mil. Acad. Phys., New Baden, 111., 1900-03; do., New Athens, 111., 1903-16; Belleville, 1916-20; Chicago, 1920—. Pres. of New Athens, 111., Sch Bd. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1918-F 1919; Ward Surg, and Sanitary Inspector, U. S. Gen. Hosp. 3., Colonia, N. J. Mem., St. Clair Co. Med. Soc. (Pres.). Married, N 1, 1899, Belleville, 111.; My 10, 1920, Belleville, 111. Children: Lilian Hortense, b. Ja 26, 1901; Harriett Annet; Grace Louise. Address, Belle- viUe, 111. ' LORA L. BEEDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Prepared in Oberlin Coll.; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Instr., Orthopedic Surg. Col. of Med., 1902-04. At one time located at 481 Dearborn Ave., Chicago.! 1899] College op Medicine Alumni 57 ELMER E. BEST Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 4, 1S58, Cedarville. 111.; 8. William C. and Ann (Clingman) Best. Prepared in Iowa Univ. B.D., la. Teachers Coll., 1883. Valedictorian of class. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°: M. E. Church. Married Laura Wheeler 1897, Traer, la. Address, Clarion, la. JONATHAN CLYMONT BETZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 1, 1878, Chicago; 8. Adam (b. La Moille, 111.) and Lauj-a (Marriott) Bet«, (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago; Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice, Boscobel, Wis., 1901—. Local Exemption Bd., Grant Co., Wis. Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc; Grant Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Margaret McKee, Ap 16, 1902, Assumption. 111. Children: b. F 4, 1908 (died F 14, 1908); Brabara Jean, b. Ja 25, 1909; Elizabeth Anne, b. N 21, 1916. Address, Boscobel, Wis. *JAMES MOREAU BROWN (Son of Moreau Roberts Brown, Fa.M.) Phys. and Surg.; M. D.;b. 1877. Prepared in A. D. Sayer Univ. Sch., Chicago. Formerly of Winnetka, 111.; later at 15 E. Washington St., Chicago. Clin. Instr., Laryngol., Rhinol., and Otol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1904. Deceased. ♦GEORGE STILLMAN BROWNING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. B.S., Alfred Univ., .AJfred, N. Y., 1896. Formerly of Westerly, R. I.; Roentgenologist, Sioux City, la. Deceased. THOM.\S JEROME BURKE Physician; M.D.; b. F 5, 1868, De Witt, la.; 8. Patrick (b. Jl 24, 1826, Ireland) and Mary (Prendergast) Burke (b. Je 10, 1835, Can.). Pre- pared in De Witt (la.) H. S.; Creighton Univ., Omaha, Neb., 1891-93. Grad. work, Chicago, 1907; Vienna and Berlin, 1913-14. Located in De Witt, la. Mem., Clinton Co. Med. Soc; Dist. Med. Soc. Married Margaret Ellen Carroll, Ja 7, 1903, Kansas City, Mo. Children: Dorothy Helen, b. F 7, 1904; Jerome Carroll, b. F 20, 1906; Charles Louis, b. O 14, 1909. Address, De Witt, la. JOHN H. BUSH M.D.; b. Ap 27, 1870; s. David and Eleanor Bush. B.S., Austin Coll., Effingham, 111. Mar- ried Mary B. Newcomb, 1896. Address, Sterling, Colo.; bus. add.. Farmers Bank Bldg., do. CLARENCE ALBERT BUTLER Physician; M.D.; b. F 4, 1865; s. Albert (b. S 23, 1827, Cherry Valley, N. Y.) and Ellen Van Ness (Reynolds) Butler (b. N 15, 1828, Chatham., N. Y.). Prepared in Yankton Coll., Yankton, S Dak. B.S., No. 111. Norm. Sch., Dixon, 111. Postgrad, course, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1902; Berlin and Edinburgh, 1909; Phys., Dell Rapids, S. Dak., 1899-1919; Lake Preston, do., 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., O 1, 1918-Jl 23, 1919; stationed at Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la. Mar- ried Mollie Evans, June 29, 1S93, Pontiac, 111. (died Jl 18, 1917); Mrs. Daisy Dean Carr, Jl 11, 1919, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Child, Albert, b. Ja 24. 1904. Address, Lake Preston, S. Dak. WILLIAM BERNARD CAMPBELL Physician; M.D.; b. Je 3, 1878, Washington Co., Wis.; 8. John (b. N 1838, N. Y.) and Ann (Laugh- lin) Campbell (b. 1844, do.). Prepared in Mil- waukee and Oconomowoc (Wis.) H. Schs.; Mar- quette Coll., 1896-98. Honor Roll. Grad. work. West Side Hosp., Chicago, 1905 and 1919. Loca- ted in Menomonee Falls, Wis., 1S99-1918; Wau- kesha, at present. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918- 19; M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Camp Travis, Tex., 18th Div., San. Tr., Field Hosp. Mem., Wauke- sha Co. Med. .Soc; Milwaukee Med. Soc; Wis. SUte Med. Soc.;.K. C; B. P. O. E. Married Isabel A. Bannon, F. 13, 1905, Waukesha, Wis. . Children: Paul Edward, b. S 26, 100(); John Wil- liam, b. My 30, 1912; William Bernard, b. F 28, 1918. Address, 125 East Ave., Waukeaiia, Wis.; bus. add., 264 Broadway, do. *HENRY COLISTUS CARROLL Phys. and Surg,; M.D.; b. 1860. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; St. Michaels Coll., Toronto, Can. Formerly of Canandaigua, N. Y.; later at 1133 E. 55th St., Chicago. Died Mr C, 1921. W. H. CHAMBERS Phys. and Coal Operator; M.D.; b. Mr 16, 1873, Allegheny Co., Pa.; s. John (b. Ap 6, 1849, do.) and Ellen (Shepler) Chambers (b. Jl 28, 1853, Washington Co., Pa.). B.E., Slippery Rock State Norm. Sch., Pa.; B.S., Volant Coll., Pa.; Ph.B., Mt. Hope Coll., O.; M.D., O. Univ., 1898. Highest rank. Preliminary Law Examination, Allegheny Co., Pa., 1897; do., in State Bd. Exam, in Wi Va., 1898. Gen. Med. practice, McKeesport, Pa., 1899- 1901, and 1903 — ■; Gen. Assayer and Mine Mgr., Black Hawk, S. Dak., 1901-03; owner and operator of four coal mines, 1917 — -. Mem., McKeesport Acad, of Med.; Sons of Am. Revolution; A. F. A. M. Married Je 13, 1901, McKeesport, Pa. Address, 133 5th Ave., McKeesport, Pa. ELTON ARTHUR CHLOUPEK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Manitowoc (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 1101 N. Crawford Ave., Chi- cago. t CHARLES MORGAN COEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Normal H, S.; Bennett Med. Coll., 1894-95. Gen. Med. practice, Cornell, 111. Address, Mahomet, Ill.t LEONARD GREEN CROSBY Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 26, 1873; s. James W. (b. Yarmouth, N. S.) and Elsie (Green) Crosby. Prepared in Milton Coll., Milton, Wis.; Hamlin Univ., Minn., 1895-98. Located in Janesville, Wis., 1899-1901; Ouray, Colo., 1901-14; Denver, 1914—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., F 1918-Mr 1919; Served with Base Hosp. 29, London, Eng. Mem., Denver Med. Soc; Denver Co. Med. Soc; Med. Sc. Club; Colo. State Med. Soc; Roentgen Ray Soc. of N. A. Married Katherine Waterman, Ja 7, 1897, Milton, Wis. Address, 767 Magnolia St., Denver; bus. add., 142 Metropolitan Bldg., do, CONRAD HOWARD CZARRA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Formerly lo- cated at Los Angeles; later at Hoboken, N. J. Address, 4519 Magnolia Ave., Chicago.t *JAMES HENRY DUGAN Physician; M.D.; b. 1873. B.A., Georgetown Univ., 1896. Gen. Med. practice. La Salle, 111. Died Mr 2, 1903, Mercy Hosp., Chicago. *JOHN MILTON EDWARDS Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1874; Local Surg, for the N. W. and St. Paul systems; Commissioner of health of Mankato. For several yrs. Ed., of Plexus, the Coll. of Med. periodical. Died Ag 26, 1915, Portland, Ore. BERNARD FANTUS Professor; M.D.; b. S 1, 1874, Budapest, Aus- tria-Hungary; s. David (b. do.) and Ida (Gentili) Fantus (b. Goritz, do.). Prepared in Vienna, Aus. M.S., Univ. of Mich., 1917. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. Two Scholarship Medals. Adjunct Prof., Materia Med. and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1900-02; Prof., Materia Med., Pharmacol, and Therapeutics, do., 1903-17; Asst. Prof., Clin. Med., do., 1905-11; Lecturer, Physiol., Sch. of Pharm., 1912-17; Assoc. Prof., Therapeu- tics, Rush Med. CoU., 1917—. Civilian Relief 58 University of Illinois [1899 Corps, Am. Red Cross, 1916-18. Auth.: Test Book on Prescription Writing and Pharmacy for Med. students, Chicago Med. Book Co., 1906; Essentials in Prescription Writing, Chicago Med. Book Co., 1906; Candy Medication, S. V. Mosby Co., 1915; Pharmacology and Therapeutics, sec- tion of Practical Med. Series, Year Book Publishers, Chicago, 1917-19; The Useful Cathartics, Jour, of A. M. A.. 1920; The Role of Alcohol in the Wel- fare of the Human Race, Jour., A. M. A., 1917, LXIX; Prescription Writing in English, do., 1916, LXVI; Some New and Non-OfiBcial Remedies, III. Med. Jour., 1916; How can the Pharmacopoeia and the Nat. P'orm. be Made Popular with Physi- cians?, Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., 1915; What In- struction Ought Med. Colls, to Give in Pharmacol, and Therapeutics?, Quarterly of the Federation of State Med. Boards oj the U. S., 1914; Dermotropism, Am. Jour, of Dermatology, 1912; The Significance of the Neuron Concept to Pharmacology, III. Med. Jour., 1912; Two insufficiently Appreciated Baths, do., 1911; Diagnosis and Treatment of Plumbism, do., 1910; The Action of Coal-Tar Anodynes, do., 1909; The Clinical Study of Blood Pressure, do., 1909; Section on Physiology, Practical Med. Series, 1912; other articles in the foregoing publications and in the Bulletin of the Internat. Med. Museum, Zeitschrift f. klin Med., Jour, of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Jour, of Lab. a?id Clinical Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, Jour, of Infectious Diseases. Mem., Re\'ision Committee, U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 10th Revision; do., Nat. Form., 5th Revision; Am. Coll. of Phys. Fellow). Married Emily Margaret Senn, 1904, Cincinnati, O. Child, Ruth Genevieve, b. D 14, 1913. Address, 719 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, 111. LEON FEINGOLD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum. Surg. Specialist, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 714 Grace St., Chicago.t MARIE ALICE FELLOWS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Attended Jenner Med. Coll., 1895-96; Bennett Med. Coll., 1896-97; formerly of Kingston, Mo. Gynecolo- gist, Chicago. Address, 3517 S. State St., Chicago.t GEORGE CARL FISHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1894-97. Formerly of Center- ville, Mich.; Urologist, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2136 Indiana Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Peoples Gas Bldg., do.i IRA FRANK Specialist; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum, 1895. Practice limited to Otol., Laryngol., and Rhinol., Chicago. Mem., Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Am. Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol. Soc; Chicago Laryn- gol. and Otol. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; A. M. A. Address, 915 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do.t *FRANK LESLEY FREAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1859. Harvey Med. Coll., 1895-98. Formerly of Downers Grove, 111. Deceased. JAMES WILLIAM GARTH (Father of Casper T., '17, A.B. in Commerce) Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 7, 1867; s. Thomas (b. Yorkshire, Eng.) and Mina (Johnston) Garth (b. 1832, do.). Prepared in Clarion (la.) H.S. Pres., Class, 1897-98. Located in Clarion, la., 1899- 1910; Pt. Arthur, Tex., 1910-13; Beaumont, Tex., 1913—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., F 14-D 12, 1918. Mem., K. P.. 1890—; I. O. O. F., 1896—; A. F. A. M., 1906—; Shrine, 1920—. Married N 24, 1892, Belmond, la. Children: William L., b. S. 17, 1893; Casper T., b. N 22, 1895; James W., Jr., b. S 12, 1899; Thomas T., b. Jl 17, 1901. Address, 3011^ Pearl St., Beaumont, Tex. HENRY GATHMAN Physician; M.D.; b. O 1, 1864, Ger.; s. H. and Dorothy (Bohlmann) Gathman. Prepared in Boys Pvt. Sch., Hamburg, Ger. Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1899. Grad. work, Berlin, Ger. My-D 1899; do.. New York City, Ja-Je 1900. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married, 1889, Manitowoc, Wis. Children: Elsa b. 1891; Harry, b. 1895. Address, Milwaukee. ROBERT J. GOGGINS Physician; M.D.; b. O 29, 1875; s. John (b. Ire.) and Mary (McCabe) Goggins (b. do.). Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918; served in Oto-Laryngol. Dept., Base Hosp., Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Address, Oconto Falls, Wis. *BROUISLAUS CASIMIR GRABOWICS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Ph.G., Vienna, 1886. Attended Jenner Med. Coll., 1896-97. De- ceased. *JOHN PATRICK GRIMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm. At one time located at Menard, 111.; later at 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Deceased. JAMES LLOYD HAMMOND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. B.S., Wabash Coll., 1895. Formerly of Lebanon, Ind.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Chicago. Ad- dress, 29 E. Madison St., Chicago.t *FREDERICK GILLETTE HARRIS Prof, and Dermatologist; M.D.; b. O 19, 1874, Chicago. Prepared in West Division H. S. Graduated from Coll. of Med. with honors. In- tern, Cook Co. Hosp. 1900; Resident Pathologist, do., 1901-03; Stud., Gen. Med., Vienna, Berlin, and Paris, 1903-4; Adjunct Prof., Phys. Diag., Coll. of Med., 1904; Grad. work, Dermatol., Europe 1907-08; Prof., Med. and Asst. Prof., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1908-12; Prof., Dermatol, and Sphilol., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; do., N. W. Univ., 1917 — ; Attending Dermatollogist, Wesley and Cook Co. Hosps., do.; connected -with the lat- ter institution throughout professional career. Obtained the position of attending Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., 1906, and attending Dermatologist, do., 1912, on a competetive Civil Service Exam.; was instrumental in affecting the Civil Service Examina- tion ruling to avoid abuse of political influence in appt. of members of attending staff. One of the pioneers in this country in use of Serum Reactions in Syphilis, and in the study of the Spirocheta Pallida. Auth.: Etiology and Pathology of Can- cer of the Skin, a paper read before the Am. Der- matol. Assn., 1917; regular contributions to der- matologic Uterature. Mem., Am. Dermatology Assn.; Chicago Dermatol. Assn., (pres. 1915); Chicago Geog. Soc; Chicago Hist. Assn. Died Jl 2, 1919, Chicago. *HARVEY C. HEALD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Millard, Neb. Married Al- berta Powell, N 20, 1900, Ottumwa, la. Died Ja 10, 1909, Omaha, Neb. ♦ALBERT E. HERZOG Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 22, 1876, Switzerland; s. H. Herzog. Out of practice, last eight mos. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E. Married Julia E. Trask, F 2, 1907. Died N 11, 1921, E. Moline, 111. ♦THOMAS R. HILLARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Formerly lo- cated in Widoon, Pa. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War, 2 yrs.; discharged Mr 8, 1919. Died Je 18, 1920, Oak Mount, Pa. 1899] College of Medicine Alumni 59 HENRY JUSTUS HILLEBRAXD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S76. Prepared in Armour Inst., Cliicago. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2157 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago.t HELEN TAYLOR HISOM Phys. and Surg.; ALD.; b. 1870. Univ. of So. Calif. Med. Coll., 1805-97; Womans Med. Coll., Chicago, 1897-98. Formerly of Los Angeles.J HANNAH LUELLA HUKILL Physician: M.D.; b. Ap 24, 1871, Bushnell, 111.; d. Nathan (b. Ja 6, 1831, Convenience, O.) and Catherine Elizabeth (Whiting") Hukill (b. Ap 4, 1831, Lambert\-ille, N. J.). Prepared in Prairie Citv H. S.; West. III. St. Norm. Sch. and Harvey Med. Coll., 1895-97. D.C., Nat. Sch. of Chiro- practic, Chicago, 1919. Organizer and First Sec. of Nu Sigma Phi, the first Med. Sorority. Sec, Class, 1S97-9S; Ed., Med. Dept., Womans Issue, Illini, 1898. Grad. course in Metaphysics, Church and Sch. of the New Civilization, Chicago, 1916. Intern, Mary Thompson Hosp., Chicago; My 1899- Jl 1900. Mem., Facultv, Rush Med. Coll., Dept. of Gvnecol. and Obst., Jl 13, 1900-S 1905. Located at 6211 Monroe Ave., Chicago, Jl 1, 1900-N 20, 190S; Specialist in Gvnecol., Obst. and Children s Diseases, Elkhart, Ind., 1908-21; Glendale, Calif., 1921 — . Med. Off. to Dem. Nat. Convention, St. Louis, Jl 1904. Was instrumental in gaining ad- mission of women to Coll. of Med., 1897. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Elkhart .A.cad. of Med.; Congr. Church; Rebecca Lodge; Womans Club (Pres., 1919-20. Dir., 1916-20); Womans Franchise League (Dir., 1917-20); Pub. Health Com. for Ind. Fed- eration, Womens Clubs, 1920-21. Address, 102 W. CaUf. Ave. (Cor., Grand Blvd.), Glendale, Calif. *CHARLES CLARENCE HUMMEL Pharmacist; M.D.; Ph.G., 1892; b. 1869, Baden, Ger. Apprenticed to A. Hummel & Co., Grundy Center, la., 1887-91; formerly located in Ransom, III.; Pharm., Grundy Center, la. Died Mr 15, 1909, Oakes Home, Denver. MARY GILL HUNTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.52. B.S., Univ. of Ohio, 1881; M.D., Cleveland Univ. of Med. and Surg., 1896. Formerly of Pleasant Plain, la.; Gynecologist, Pasadena, Calif. Address, Grand Junction, Colo.t AUGUST JACOBS ON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1880; b. Je 2, 18.57, Burlington, Wis. Prepared in Burlington (Wis.) Pub. Schs. Married Ida Arnold, F 2, 1883. Children: Evelyn; Clarence. Address, 2931 Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 725 S. Kedzie, do. HERMAN JANSS Phys. and .Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Grand Island (Neb.) H. S. N. W. Univ., 1892-94; Univ. of So. Calif. Coll. of Med.. 1896-97; Univ. of Calif., Med. Sch.. 1897-98. Gen. Med. practice: formerly of Los Angeles. Address, San Joaquin, Calif.t ABBOTT ELLIOTT KAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Preparediin Rockford Bus. Coll. and Brows .Sch., Chicago, 1890; Jenner Med. Coll., 1895,97. Surg., Chicago. Address, 2133 Park Ave.. Chicago.t *LUKE H. KELLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. B.S., No. Ind. Norm. Sch. Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1896- 97. Formerly of Hammond, In^. Merii., Ind. State Med. Assn. Died My 16. 1918. RUSSELL CALVIN KELSEY Physician; M.D.; b. D 6, 1857, Decrfield, Minn.; s. Cah-in (b. N. Y.) and Anna Bickford Doering (Russell) Kelsey (b. Me). Prepared in Wells (^Iinn.) H. S.; Physio-Med. Coll., Indianapolis. Grad. Sch. of Med. and Surg, and Lab. branches, Univ. of Ore. Med. Sch. Gen. Med. practice. Indianapolis, 1888-98; Chicago, 1898-99; White Rock, S. Dak., 1899-1905; Gold Hill, Ore., 1906-18; Mayor and Chm., Sch. Bd. and Red Cross, do', Portland, do., 1918 — . Sec. Tri-State Drainage Assoc, Minn., N. and S. Dak. Auth.: Prevention of Floods in the Valley of the Red River of the North (Dak. and Miim.). Published by the U. S. Govt.; Ed. and Pub. of the Med. Free Press, Indianapolis; Founder of the White Rock Jour., a weeklv paper at White Rock, S. Dak., and of The Bulletin, weekly at Gold Hill, Ore. Mem., Portland Press Club; Ore. State Med. Assn.; So. Ore. Med. Assn.; Ore. Chamber of Commerce; Alberta Lodge 172, A. F. A. M. Married Flora Adella Tamblyn, My 15, 1889, Indianapolis. Children: John Russell, b. Ag 18, 1890; William Calvin, b. Jl 1, 1894; Dolores Phyllis, b. Mr 20, 1901; Walter Lionel, b. Mr 17, 1903; Flora Ann Yolanda, b. Ag 21, 1905. Address, 1178 Albina Ave., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., 616 Morgan Bldg., do. MATTHIAS JOSEPH KLEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Specialist in Gynecol., Chicago. Address, 1344 WelUngton Ave., Chi- cago.t *WILLIAM EMIL KLOKKE Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. 1876. Mem., Mo. State Med. Assn. Died Ag 8, 1915, Tampa, Fla. FRANK BENJAMIN KNUDSON Physician; M.D.; b. F 2, 1874, Chicago; a. Hans (b. My 24, 1825, Norway) and Gurins (Stuart) Knudson (b. My 28, 1834, do.). Ph.G., No. Ind. State Norm. Sch., 1895. Class Sec, 1896-97. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Scandinavian-Am. Med. Soc. Address, 2641 N. Troy St., Chicago. EUGENE OSCAR KOENEMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Ph.G., Drake Univ., Sch. of Pharm., 1889. Med. Dept., Drake Univ., 1896-98. Gen. Med. practice, Eldora, la.; formerly of Whitten, do. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Eldora, la.t ALBERT GOTTLIEB KRUEGER Physician; M.D.; b. D 21, 1866; s. Charles (b. 1834, Ger.) and Emily (Hartzke) Krueger (b. 1842, do.). Prepared in Bickler Acad., Austin, Tex. and Commercial Coll.. do. Phys., Caldwell, Tex., 1899—. Married Vivia Lee, Ap 19, 1915. Address, Caldwell, Tex. THOMAS DOWNS LAFTRY Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 20, 1874, Can.; s. James and Annie (Downs) Laftry. Prepared in Model Sch. Gen. Surg, practice, Chicago. Med. Bd., World War. Address, 16 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. ♦ALBERT ROBERT LEMKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; formerly at 32 N. State St., do. De- ceased. WILLIAM HENRY LERCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Kemper Hall, Davenport, la. Formerly of Sioux City, la.t ROSS DAVID LONG SuTg. Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1871, Pem- broke, N. Y.: s. David and Mary (Nutting) Long. Prepared in Chamberlain Institute, N. Y. Mem., University of Illinois [1899 A. F. A. M., 32°. Surg., British Boer War, 1900; Hon. Capt., Royal Army Med. Corps, 1915-16; Mai.. M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Ed., Quine Prac- tical Med., 1899. Child, Warren D., b. Jl 4, 1908. Address, 617 W. 14th St., Oklahoma City, Okla; bus. add., Liberty Bank Bldg., do. WILLIAM ERNEST LONG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Iowa State Norm. Sch., 1894. Phys., Park Hosp., Mason City, la.; Gen. Med. practice, do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Mason City, la.t DAVID ELLSWORTH LUCAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Prepared in No. Ind. Norm. Sch.; Harvard Med. Coll., 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 315 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago.t ROBERT GROVES McCARTHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.: b. 1873. Prepared in Norm. Coll., Port Townsend, Wash., 2 yrs.; Har- vard Univ. Med. Sch., 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 2859 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Ad- dress, Three Oaks, Mich.t ALBERTA VIRGINIA McCLUNG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. M.D., Univ. of Minn., 1897. Address, 460 Iglehart St., St. Paul, Minn.t CHARLES ALFRED McCORMICK M.D.; b. O 23, 1859, Marietta, O.; s. Richard and Mary A. (Maxon) McCormick. Prepared in Marietta Acad. Special Representative, H. K. Mulford Co., Chicago, 1905—. Mem., Presby. Church. Auth.: Articles in A. M. A. Jour., New York. Married Amy S. Hill, N 24, 1882, Marietta, O. Children: William C, b. S 16, 1885; Raymond C, b. D 25, 1887; Bessie T.. b. Ap 30, 1893. Ad- dress, 4210 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. OSCAR EUGENE McWILLIAMS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b, O 17, 1868, Pa.; s. Samuel W. and Mary E. (Myers) McWilliams. Prepared in Elysburg (Pa.) H. S. and Acad. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Anderson, Ind. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp., Camp Sheridan, O. Mem., A. F. A. M,; B. P. O. E.; K. P. Married Nina E. Decker. Child, Samuel W., b. Ag 16, 1905. Address, 325 W. 6th St., Anderson, Ind.; bus. add., 231-32 Union Bldg., do. OTTO E. MACY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Ph.G., State Univ. of la., 1896; Med. Dept., do., 1896-98. At one time located in Pleasanton, la. Address, Riverton, Wyo.t ERNEST H. MADAJESK"¥ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 1, 1870, Appleton, Wis.; s. Frederick W. (b. .la 20, 1841, Province of Posen, Ger.).and Henrietta (Manzek) Madajesky (b. F 1, 1841, Pomerania, Ger.). Prepared in Ryan H. S., Appleton, Wis. Ph.G., Univ. of Wis.. 1891. Pharm. Soc, Univ. of Wis. Pharm., Ironwood, Mich., 1891-96; Phys., Bessemer, Mich.. 1899-1914, do., Ironwood, 1914—. Mem.. Goge- bic Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc. Mar- ried Ada Clark McMinn, My 7, 1902, Bessemer, Mich. Children: Frances Marian, b. F 5, 1903; Ruth Clark, b. F 28, 1904; Maxine Guydonna, b. Mr 17, 1905; Forrest Eugene, b. O 7, 1911. Address. Ironwood, Mich. ♦FRANCIS FREDERICK MARKEY M.D.; b. 1878. Pres., Seattle Anatomical Club. Mem.. A. M. A. Died Ag 17. 1917. Providence Hosp.. Seattle. JOHN EUGENE METCALF Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 16, 1870, Madison Co., ind.; s. Stephen (b. Ja 11. 1842. Wayne Co., O.) and Carrie Maritta (Robb) Metcalf (b. D 16, 1844, Jersey, O.). Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S. A. B.,Univ. of Ind., 1893. Phi Kappa Psi. Phys. and Surg., West Side Hosp., Chicago, 1899- 1901; Fennimore, Wis., 1901-05; SaHna, Kan., 1905-07; Gary, Ind., 1907—. Capt. and Maj.. M. C, U. S. A., Ag 11, 1917-0 10, 1919; With Siberian A. E. F. several months. Mem., A. M A.; Ind. State Med. Soc; Tenth District Med. Soc; Lake Co. Med. Soc; Gary Med. Soc; A. F A. M.; Elks; Commercial Club; Y. M. C. A. Married Lura Grace Kightlinger, O 2, 1901, Chi- cago. Child, Stephen Eugene, b. My 1. 1903. Address, 628 Harrison St., Gary, Ind. FRANK WILLIAM MEYERS Phvsician; M.D.; b. S 6, 1873, North Washing- ton, ia.; s. Henry (b. F 1849, Dubuque Co., la.) and Helena (Rosaner) (Meyers b. O 18.50, Prussia. Ger.). Prepared in Carroll Norm. Sch. Gen. Med. practice, Dubuque, la. Mem., A. M. A.; Ia. State Med. Soc; Dubuque Co. Med. Soc. Married Lucile Yehle, Ap 26, 1916, Dubuque, la. Address, 2006 Jackson St., Dubuque, la. FRANK DONALDSON MOORE Physician; M.D.; b. O 6, 1870, Ontario, Can.; s. Thomas (b. Co. Aubrain, Ire.) and Sarah (Rais- ly) Moore (b. do.). Prepared in Whit Church and Gross Coll., Denver, Colo. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Fellowship in Pathol., Coll. of Med. Grad. work. Imperial Univ. of Vienna, 1907; do., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1909; do., Chicago Univ., 1910. Asst., Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1898- 1900; Asst. Prof., Jr. Surg., and Clin. Surg., do., 1914-20; Assoc. Prof., Surg., do., 1920—. Auth.: Precancerous Stage, and Interpretation of Early Abdominal Symptoms. Married Alice Maud Moore, Ag 13, 1895, London, Ont. Can. Address, 800 S. Oakley Blvd.. Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. ♦FREDERICK WOLFGANG MYERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Monte- zuma (la.) Schs.; Harvey Med. Sch., 1891-92. Died Je 12, 1900, Tapezala, Mex. WILHELM CAROLIUS OLSON Physician; M.D.; b. O 14, 1875; s. Matt (b. 1856, Tromsoe, Norway) and Anna (Ness) Olson (b. 1860, Little Hammer, do.). Prepared in Wells (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1892-94. Asst. Surg. Gen., Uniform Rank, K. of P. Married Louise Mathews, Ag 17, 1918. Address, 750 Junior Terrace, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washing- ton St.. do. JAMES ALPHONSE PETERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876, Morse, la. State Univ. of la. Coll. of Med., 1895-97. Gen. Med. practice, Oxford, la. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Oxford, la.t BENJAMIN MERCHANT PLATT Missionary Phys.; M.D.; b. O 25, 1872, Man- chester, Eng.; s. George (b. do.) and Eleanor Banks (Merchant) Piatt (b. do.). Prepared in Mt. Her- mon. Mass., and Wheaton Coll., 111. Phys. to Pan-Am. Rubber Co., Valencia Honduras, 1899- 1901; Med. Practice, Tamaroa, 111., 1901-06; Med. Missionary in P. I. under Epis. Church Mission Bd., 1906 — . Mem., Epis. Church. Married Elizabeth Warner Boardman, Je 9. 1900, Sheffield, Mass. (died Ja 15, 1916); Mary Burnham, D 9. 1916, Baguio, P. I. Children: Edward Boardman, b.J" 14, 1902 (died Jl 16, 1902) ; Eleanor Boardman. b.^V 2, 1903 (died Ja 7, 1913); Muriel Estelle, b. Ag 30, 1905; Arthur Dwight, b. Jl 14, 1907; Howard Benjamin, b. Mr 5,' 1912; Robert Roland, b. F 6, 1914. Address, Baguio, Benguet, P. I. VALDEMAR PLETH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Med. Dept., Copenhagen Univ.; M.D., Nat. Med. Univ., 1894 Gen. Med. practice, Sonora, Calif. Address, So- nora, Calif. f 1899] College of Medicine Alvmni 61 JESSE YOUNG POTTER M.D.; b. O 1, 1865; s. James and Sarah (Clopper) Potter. Prepared in Tecumseh (Mich.) H. S. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Phoebe Ann Kimball. Jc, 1S95. Address, 614 Wymau St., New London, Wis.; bus. add., 22 >.^ N. Water St.. do. FRANK P. RAMSEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 0. 1873. Delta. O.; 8. William (b. S 1, 1S27, Omagh Co.. Tyrone. Ireland) and Catherine iTrowbridge) Ramsey (b. Je 27. 1S32, Lewis Co. N. Y.). Prepared in H. S.; Coll. of Pharm. Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ., 1S95. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice. Central Lake. 1S99-1910; East Jordan. Mich., 1910 — . Mem., Co. Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Lillian Weikel, Mr 11, 1901, East Jordan, Mich. Address, East Jordan. Mich. ELMER JOSEPH RAW Physician; M.D.; b. My 20. 1S74; s. Joseph (b. Ja 12. 1847. Galena, 111.) and Maguret (Willy) Raw. Prepared in H. S. Phys.. Pierson, la., for 20 yrs. Mem., Sioux Va;lley jiled. Soc. Married Grace Anna Davis, Mr 5, 1903, Marcus. la. Child. Marjorie Grace, b. Jl 2, 1905. Address, Pierson, la. MATHEW AARON REASONER (Brother of Clara, '02, A.B. in L. & A.) Army Physician; M.D.; B.S. in Sci.. '96; b. S 1. 1875. New London, la.; s. John Rogers (b. 1842, West Union, O.) and Katherine (Malone) Reasoner (b. 1S44. LaFayette, Ind.). Prepared in Tolono H. S.; Univ. of 111. (Urbajia Depts.) Nu Sigma Nu. Grad. work, Army Med. Sch.. 1905-06; Special detail. Rockefeller Institute. 1914. Asst. Surg.. Mex. Cent. R. R.. 1899; Gen. practice. Morrisonville, 111.. 1899-1905; M. C, U. S. A., 1905 — . Mem., Faculty and Research Worker, Army Med. Sch., 1914-17. In charge, prepara- tion of vaccines for U. S. Army and Navy, 1914- 17; Maj., M. C. U. S. A.. Off. in charge, Field Med. Supply Depot, Washington, D. C, 1917—; Stationed in Coblenz, Ger., 1921. Auth.: One Thousand Wassermann Reactions in the Military Service, The Military Surg., 1910; Observations Upon the Cure of Syphilis, N. Y. State Jour, of Med., Ja 1916; Some General Information Con- cerning The Diagnosis and Treatment of Syphilis, The Military Surg., S 1910; Some Phases of Ex- perimental Syphilis, Jour. A. M. A., D 16, 1916; The Eflfect of Soap Upon Treponema Pallidum, do., Mr 31, 1917; Experimental Syphilis Produced Through Local Applications to Mucous Mem- branes, Am. Jour, of Syph., Ap 1917; Early Death from Cerebal Syphilis with Successful Rabbit Inoculation, Jour. A. M. A.. Je 17, 1916; The Use of Arsphenamin in the Treatment of Non-syphi- litic, Pi'esented before 1920 meeting of A. M. A.; Collaborator of Hazens Syphilis: Fel- low, Am. CoU. Surgs.; Mem., A. M. A.; D. C. Med. Soc; Army and Navy Club, Manila, P. I.; do., Washington, D. C. Married Mabel Milnor, Je 10. 1909. Litchfield. 111. Child. Alice Milnor, b. D 31, 1911. Address, 1731 S St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. WILLIAM F. REICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 11, 1870, Chilton, Wis.; s. Charles G. and Anna (Radelt) Reich. Prepared in Chilton (Wis.) H. S. M. R. C, World War. Mem.. Presby. (Calvary) Church. Mar- ried Aline I.ietter. N 30. 1905. Children: Pauline. b. S 22, 1906; Eugene, b. D 23. 1909; Katheryn. b. D 23, 1913. Address, 376 14th Ave., Milwau- kee; bu3. add., 930 Nat. Ave., do. RILEY GILBERT RICH Physician; M.D.; b. S 13, 1864, Fayette, la.; 8. Anzelow Everton (b. 1831, Vernon, N. Y.) and Isabella (Hazlet) Rich (b. 1837, Sandy Lake. Pa). Prepared in West Union (la.) H. S.; Upper la. Univ.. Fayette, la. Philomathean. Located at Hampton, la., 1899-1901; David City. Neb., 1901—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918; stationed at Ft. Riley, Kan. Married Georgia A. Cobb, O 19. 1899, Fayette, la. Child, Dorothy Eleanor, b. Mr 21. 1903. Address, David City. Neb. FREDERICK A. RICHARDS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 14, 1S72, Potosi, Wis.; s. WiUiam B. (b. Ja 22, 1834, Cornwall, Kng.) and Mary J. (Tyde) Richards (b. Ap 10, 1844, do.). Prepared in Whitewood (S. Dak.) H. S.; Bayless Business Coll., Dubuque, la.; Univ. of la., 1894-95. Grad. work, Chicago Policlinic, 1913. Located in Whitewood, S. Dak., 1900-19; Sturgis, do., 1919—. Mem., Co. Bd. of Health, Lawrence Co., 10 yrs. Married, Jl 10, 1901, Whitewood, S. Dak. Children: F. Ira. b. My 27, 1903; Alice R., b. Ag 22, 1906; Paul D., b. S 29, 1913. Address, Sturgis, S. Dak. HERMAN RICHARD RUSSELL Physician; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1871, Minn.; s. Charles W. and Martha (Lovelace) Russell. Phi Rho Sigma. Mem., A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Lucile H. Manion, Je 12, 1900. Children: Patrice, b. F 4, 1903; Owen, b. Mr 8. 1904. Address, Stewartville, Minn. ♦PHILIP GRAY SANDERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Prepared in Detroit H. S. Special work Harper Hosp., De- troit, 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice, do. Died Ja 28. 1920. GEORGE FRANCIS SCHEIB Specialist; M.D.; b. D 6, 1866, Grove City, lU.; s. P. S. Scheib. B.S., Heidelberg Univ., Tiffon. O., 1892. Specialist, Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Married Jennie Drake, 1892. Children: Howard G., b. 1893; Donald D., b. 1897; Margaret J., b. 1901; Doris and Dorothy (twins), b. 1905. Address, 1002 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana; bus. add.. Co-op Bldg., Champaign. GUSTAV SCHMITT Physician; M.D.; b. N 2, 1862, Milwaukee; s. John and Louisa Schmitt. Prepared in Milwau- kee H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Milwaukee. Vol., Home Serv., World War. Caused the introduc- tion of the 1st bill in the Wis. legislature in 1900 for the establishment of a state Tuberculosis Sanatorium; Result was establishment of Wis. State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Wales, Wis., 1907; Pres., Wis. Tuberculosis Comn., appointed by Robert LaFoUotte on the merits of work of this kind. Auth.: Necroscopy and its medico legal relations, published by Funk & Wagnalls, New York. How can we prevent the spread of Tuber- culosis, Proceedings of the Tuberculosis Conven- tion at Naples, Italy, 1900, the only article from America and the only one written in the Eng. language included in the Proceedings. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ag 6, 1896. Address, 1206 Walnut St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 722 Sherman Bldg., do. ALBERT JOHN SCHOENBERG Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attending Surg., Evang. Deaconess Hosp., Chicago, 1907 — ; Instr., Gyne- col.. Coll. of Med., 1910-18; Assoc, Gynecol., do., 1919—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Miss. Valley Med. Soc. Ad- dress, 4521 Beacon St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 747 Fullerton Ave., do.t CHARLES E. SISSON Asst. Supt., State Hosp.; M.D.; b. Je 6, 1873, Wis. Prepared in West Salem, Wis. Football Team; Nu Sigma Nu. With the Norwalk State Hosp., Norwalk, Calif., 1921. Lt. Col., M. C, U. S. A.. S 1917-S 1919. Address, Norwalk. Calif. 62 University of Illinois [1899 ♦CLARENCE HOWARD SLIGHTAM M.D.; b. S 30, 1877, Madison, Wis.; s. Charles F. and Sadie J. (Francomb) Slightem. Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H. S. Coach and Capt., Madison H. S. Football team; Coach, Coll. of Med. Football team; Phi Rho Sigma; Honor Roll. Located in Madison, Wis.; Osseo, do.; Eua Claire, do.; Denver; Juneau, Alaska. Established the Govt. Hosp., Juneau, Alaska, 1910. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Epis. Church. Married Marie V. Bushong, Ap 10, 1901, Detroit. Children: Howard Bushong, b. Jl 22, 1902; Franklin Monroe, b. Ja 25, 1904. Died F 3, 1911i Juneau, Alaska. *THURSTON SMITH (Brother of Rodney D., '97) Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 13, 1866, Bloomington, Ind.; s. Addison C. (b. Mr 11, 1827, do.) and Everel- la (Hardesty) Smith (b. Ap 16, 1831, do.). Pre- pared in Bloomington (Ind.) H. S. Phi Gamma Delta. A.B., Indiana Univ., 1894; A.M., do., 1895. Located in Bloomington, Ind., 1899-1900; Contract Surg., U. S. Army, F 1900-F 1902; Capt., Vol. Med. Corps., F 1902-F 1903. Mem., Monroe Co. Ind. Med. Soc. (Pres.). Died Ja 7, 1912, Bloomington, Ind. FRANK BELL STEELE (Brother of Robert E., '95) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 19, 1874, Pinck neyville. 111.; s. Robert Woodside (b. Jl 20, 1834 Ky.) and Eleanor Jane (Bell) Steele (b. 1838, Newtownards, County Down, Ire.). Attended So. 111. Norm. Univ.; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1891; Univ. of Tenn.; Univ. of So. Calif., 1895-97 Mem., Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Nephi Ut., 1899-1903; Salt Lake City, 1904—. Mem. Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City; bus. add., 806 Boston Bldg., do. ARTHUR WILLIAM STILLIANS Physician; M.D.; b. D 24, 1871; s. Daniel Clark and Gertrude Sevmour (Stickney) Stillians. Pre- pared in N. W.'Div. H. S., Chicago. Phi Chi; Gold Medal for Oratory (H. S.). Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Adjunct Prof., Microscopical and Chem. Diag., Coll. of Med., 1900-04; Instr., Der- matol, and Venereal Diseases, do., 1908-14. Ad- visory Bd. 3D, World War. Auth.: Articles on Dermatol, and Syphilol. Mem., Epis. Church. Married Therese Spiller, Jl 24, 1911, New York. Address, 819 E. 50th St., Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do. SAMUEL MARTIN STROHECKER M.D.; b. S 23, 1869; s. Herman C. Strohecker Prepared in Philadelphia Coll. of Pharm., 1890 Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine, Commandery, K. T. Blue Lodge. Married Tracy Schaeffor, 1898, Chi- cago. Children: Samuel, b. 1900; Franklin, b. 1903; May, b. 1911; Louis, b. 1908; Edward, b. 1916. Address, 494 E. 22nd St., N., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., Kenton Bank Bldg., do. JOHN STUART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1855. A.B., Baliol CoU., Oxford, Eng., 1881; Glasgow Univ. Med. Sch., 1882-85; Edinburgh Univ. Med. Sch., 1885-86. Gen. Med. practice, Monon, Ind. Address, Monon, Ind.t EUGENE A. SULLIVAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 5, 1876, Rochelle, 111.; s. Jerimiah Sullivan. Gen. Med. practice, Maytown, 111. Married Mary McDonald, Je 19, 1906, Maytown, 111. Children: John, b. My 26, 1907; Eugene, b. My 9, 1909; Edward, b. N 26, 1911; D. J., b. S 9, 1915. Address, Amboy, 111. JOHN EMIL SWANSON M.D.; b. S 27, 1871, Aledo, 111.; s. John E. (b. Hultsfred, Sweden) and Carolina (Johnson) Swan- on (b. do.). Prepared in Woodhull H. S. A.B., Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., 1896. Located in Swedona, 111., 1899-1901; Essex, la., 1902-10; Sioux City, do., 1910—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la., 018, 1918-Ja 5, 1919; Course of training in Surg, and treatment of war wounds. Rockefeller Institute for Med. Research, New York, Ja 5-27, 1919; Asst. to Chief of Surg. Serv., U. S. Gen. Hosp., 2, Ft. McHenry, Md., Ja 27-My 25, 1919; Reappointed Capt., M. O. R. C; Honorable Discharge, Jl 15, 1919. Mem., Lutheran Church; A. M. A.; la. State Med. Soc. Married My 23, 1899, Wyman, la. Child, John Milton, b. O 18, 1900. Address, 1115 Jones St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., 410 Security Bldg., do. JOHN RICHARD TAYLOR M.D.; Mem., Chicago Unit, a corps of surgeons selected by Dr. John B. Murphy for the British Govt., spring of 1915. Capt., R. A. M. C, Jl 1, 1915; with the British forces, since 1915, active service in France, Egypt, and England; serving in England, 1920 — . Address, 22 Prospect Ave., Madison, Wis. THEODORE TIEKEN (Uncle of Katherin Theilen (Ruckmich). '13, L. & A.) Physician; M.D.; b. S 11, 1866, Ger.; s. Fred- erick (b. Ger.) and Katherine (Sievers) Tieken. Prepared in Coatsburg pub. schs. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1889; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1917. Adelphic; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Gold Medal and Valedictorian, N. W. Univ., 1889; Gold Medal, and track team, Univ. of 111., 1885-86; Curator of Labs., Coll. of Med., 1896-98; Fellow in Pathol., Rush Med. Coll., 1900-01; first rank in attending staff, tech. exam., 1906 and 1913. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1899-1900; Vienna, 1901- 02; State Civil Service Med. Examiner during Deneen administration. Chief Med. Examiner of U. S. A. Advisory Bd., Chicago, 1917-18. Auth. : Annular Pancreas, Am. Med., 1901; Removal of Enlarged and Misplaced Spleen, Webster and Tieken, Jour, of A. M. A., 1903; Cryoscopy, two yrs. Fellowship Work, including over five hundred cases, Am. Med., 1905; Functional Activity of the Kidney, Med. Recorder, 1904; Pathogenesis of Ascites, III. Med. Jour., 1906; Bacteriol. of In- fluenza, Jour. A. M. A., 1908; Arteriosclerosis, Clinical and Pathologic Study, III. Med. Jour., 1913; Formalin Injection as a Prevention in Tuber- culosis, Chicago Pathol. Soc. Annals, Fischer and Fisken, 1902; Addisons Disease, Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Vol. 152, 1916; Function of Adrenal Glands, Med. and Surg., 1918; Mediastinal Tumors, Am. Jour. Med. Sc. (in print). Papers presented to Chicago Med. Soc. and med. socs. in different parts of State. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. Med. Assn.; Chicago Med. Soc; Soc. of Internal Med.; Chi- cago Inst, of Med.; Univ. Club. Married Bessie Chapman, S 11, 1901, Sigel, 111. Children: Helen, b. N 16, 1902; Robert, b. D 12, 1904; Elizabeth, b. 1908 (died 1908); Theodore, Jr., b. Mr 30, 1909. Address, 2944 Washington Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. EDMUND WALTER TIMM Gynecol, and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 28, 1875, New Holstein, Wis.j s. H. and Augusta (Muenster) Timm. Prepared in Kiel (Wis.) H. S. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1895. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice, Milwaukee. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; B. P. O. E. Married Mr 14, 1901, Milwaukee. Child, Audrey, b. Jl 7, 1903. Address, 922 1st and Wright Sts., Milwaukee; bus. add., 803 Holton St., do. *JOHN HAROLD TURNER Phys. and Surg. ; M.D.; b. 1873. B.A., Prince- ton Univ., 1894. Formerly located in Corning, la. Died Mr 15, 1902, Pueblo, Colo. 1899] College of Medicine Alumni 63 JAMES LAWSON WALSH Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 4. 1871, Oswego, N- Y.; s. Charles A. (b. Ap 13. 1843, Fishkill, N. Y.) and Sarah A. (b. Newburgh, N. Y.)- Prepared in Mich. Agr. Coll., ISSS. Located in Iron Hiver, Mich., 1913-18; Detroit, 1918—. 1st Lt., M. B. C, U. S. A.. Jl 10, 1917-Ap 18, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ella Janet Boyd, Ag 19, 1900, Bay Citv, Mich. Child, Kathryn Sarah, b. Ap 15, 1907. Address, 4401 Fort St., W., Detroit. EDWARD MATHIAS WANISEK Physician; M.D.; s. Mathias (b. 1852, Czecho- slovakia) and Barbara (Wackar) Wanisek (b. 1854, do.). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Med. practice, Chicago, 20 yrs.; State Med. Examiner for Am. Ins. Union. Vol. Serv., Med. Corps., U. S. A. Address, 1232 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. CARL ERNST L. WEBER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1896-97; Univ. of Mich., Pharm. Dept., 1892-94. Formerly located in Chicago. Address, 311 Locust St., Toledo, O.f ERNEST AUGUST WEICHBRODT Physician; M.D.; b. D 28, 1869; Phys., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Oriental Consistory. Address, 4636 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 558 W. North Ave., do. JOHN VALENTINE WENZEL Physician; M.D.; b. Je 27, 1876, LaCrosse, Wis.; s. Andrew and Anna (Schmidt) Wenzel. Prepared in La Crosse (Wis.) H. S. and N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm. Married Edith Edwards, 1905. Chil- dren: John, b. 1912; Anna, b. 1917. Address, Ashland, Wis. JAMES WILLIAM WHERRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. B.S., la. Wesleyan Univ., 1882; M.S., do., 1885; Creighton Med. Coll., 1896-98. Formerly located in Mt. Pleasant, 111.; Long Beach, Calif. Retired from active practice, 1918. Address, Harper, Calif. t EUGENE RUDOLPH WHITMORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874., Univ. of Wis., 1896. Formerly located in Lancaster, Wis.; Ad- junct Prof., Chem., CoU. of Med., 1898-1900. Lt. Col., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 1108 I6th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.t LEROY ALVIN WILSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 21, 1875, Monroe- ville, O.; 8. Hardy and Mary (Worwell) Wilson. Prepared in LaPorte H. S. Baseball Team, Coll. of Med., 1896-98. Mem., 1st Presby. Church; Michigan City Rotary Club. Married Harriet Tra\'is, 1900. Child, Robert, b. Jl 10, 1903. Address, 201 E. 5th St., Michigan City, Ind. EDW\\RD CLARK WINANS Specialist; M.D.; b. S 24, 1869; s. Richard and Sarah (Atkinson) Winans. Prepared in Benton Harbor Coll. A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1893. Nu Sigma Nu. Asst. Surg., 111. State Charitable Ear and Eye Infirmary, 18 yrs.; Chief Aurist, Rhino- logist, Laryngologist, 111. Cent. R. R. System. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church; Chicago Acad, of Med. (Fellow). Married Leone L. Fancher, 1907. Children: Helen, b. 1911; Edward James, b. 1919. Address, 6223 Blackstonc Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 907-31 N. State St., do. GLENN WOOD (Half-Brother to Byron A. Slade,'82, B.S. in Chem.) Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1872, Sycamore, 111.; 8. Thos. H. (b. S 3, 1S22, Randolph, Vt.) and Catherine H. (Allen) Wood (b. Ap 29, 1835, East Berne, N. Y.). Nu Sigma Nu. Phys., Chicago and Med. Dir., 111. Life Ins. Co. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Assn. of Life Ins. Med. Dirs. of Am. Married Ja 1, 1901, Evansville, Ind. Address, 1024 Catal- pa Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 10 S. La Salle St., do. WILLIAM KRIEBEL YEAKEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S. in Sci., 1895; b. Ja 27, 1865, Hereford, Pa.; s. John (b. N 21, 1823, Hosensack, Pa.) and Lydia (Kriebel) Yeakel (b. Mr 8, 1829, Quinet, Pa.). Prepared in Polo H. S.; Nat. Hist. Soc; Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. For- merly teacher of Physiol, and Nat. Scis., Paxton, 111. H. S., 1894-95; Prin., do., 1896; Prof., Histol., Pathol., and Bacteriol., Omaha Med. Coll., 1902; Gen. Med. practice, 1899^. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; A. F. A. M., Myrtle Lodge 795, St. Elmo Commandery 65 K. T., Irving Park Chapter 195, R. A. M.; Baptist Church; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Mabel E. Robinson, D 27, 1899, Beloit, Wis. Children: Willard Robinson, b. Ag 20, 1901; Helen Lydia, b. Ap 7, 1903. Ad- dress, 4207 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. SALLY YINGST (HOWELL) (Wife of James A. S. Howell, '91) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 31, 1876, Peoria, 111.; d. Alfred and Ann (Kelley) Yingst. Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1905-06. Nu Sigma Phi; Valedic- torian, H. S. Phys. and Surg., and Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Married James A. S. Howell, Ap 30, 1900. Child, James A. S., Jr., b. 1905. Address, 28-30 Hubbard BIdg., Elgin, 111. KASIMIR AMBROSE ZURAWSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870; Jenner Med- Coll., 1896-97; Ph.G., Kieff, Rus. Pharm., 111., 1892-97; Clin Instr., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1906; Prof., Dermatol., Bennett Med. Coll.; Attending Dermatol., Providence, West Side, and Peoples Hosps., Chicago. Mem., Am. Urol. Soc; Chicago Urol. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 1505 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4658 S. Ash- land Blvd., do.t DEGREE AD EUNDEM WILLIAM AUGUSTUS EVANS Phys. and Writer; M.D.; b. Ag 5, 1865, Marion, Ala.; s. William Augustus and Julia Josephine (Wyatt) Evans. B.S., Agr. and Mechanical Coll., Miss., 1883; M.S., do., 1898; M.D., Tulane Univ., La., 1885; D.Ph., Univ. of Mich., 1911. Gen. Med. practice, 188.5 — ; Demonstrator, Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1891-95; Prof., do., 189.>-1908; Supt.. Labs, and Prof., Pathol., do., 1898-1906. Health Comn., Chicago, 1907-11; Prof., Hygiene. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1908. Ed., Health Dept., Chicago Daily Tribune. Mem., Baptist Church; Nat. Soc for Study and Prevention of Tuberculo- sis; 111. Soc. for Prevention of Tuberculosis (Pres.); Am. Pub. Health Assn.; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. (Pres., 1892-93). Married Ida May Wilken- son, N 20, 1907, Chicago. Address, 2331 Common- wealth Ave., Chicago; bus. add., %Chicago Daily Tribmie, do. 64 University of Illinois [1900 CLASS OF 1900 (114 LIVING, 22 DEAD) ARCHIBALD JOHN ALCORN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 21, 1867, Earl- ville, IlL; s. Joseph A. and Jane (Marshall) Alcorn. Prepared in Earlville Pub. Schs.; N. W. Coll.; 111. State Normal Univ. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mem., M. E. Church; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Phys. Fel- lowship Club; Med. Dir. Chicago Nat. Life Ins. Co. Married Jessie Wells, 1S93, Pleasant Hill, 111. Children; Kent, b. 189S; Marshall, b. 1904; Marjorie, b. 1908. Address, 2022 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago. ELMER K. AVERY Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 23, 1875, Parma, Mich. Prepared in Parma (Mich.) H. Washington Blvd., Chicago. Address, 1959 MARGARET McCONNELL BABCOCK (MELOY) (Wife of John Earle Meloy, M.D., '00) Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1878. Univ. of Mich., Med. Dept., 1896-98; Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1900. Formerly located in Warren, Pa. Mar- ried John Earle Meloy, ('00), 1901. Address, Lehman Bldg., Peoria. t ♦EDMUND JOSEPH BALL M.D.; b. 1864. Mem., Bd. of Health, Misha- waka, Ind. Died Ja 10, 1916, West Baden, Ind. EDWARD FRANCIS BESSER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in St. Francis Coll., Quincy, 111.; la. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Des Moines, 1896-99. Formerly lo- cated in Harper, la. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Newton, la.t JOHN RASMUSSEN BIRKELUND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Prepared in Danish Gymnasium, Aashur, Denmark; Akaska Ophthalmic and Gen. Hosp. Med. Sch., Tokio, Japan. Formerly of Racine, Wis.f FRED CURTIS BLACKWELDER Physician; M.D.; b. O 17, 1875, Litchfield, 111.; s. James F. (b. Ag 2, 1841, Litchfield, 111.) and Grace (Frick) Blackwelder (b. Ag 7, 1842, Muncy, Pa.). Prepared in Litchfield H. S. B.S., DePauw Univ., 1897. Delta Upsilon; Phi Rho Sigma; Honor Roll, Coll. of Med. Physician, Litchfield, 111. Address, 603 Monroe St., Litchfield, 111.; 6ms. add., 120 W. Ryder St., do. MAX EMANUEL BLOCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 13, 1873, Roggen- stein, Bavaria, Ger.; s. Rosa (Lederer) Bloch. Prepared in Real Sch., Weiden, Bavaria, Ger., and Gymnasium, Regensburg, do. Mem., Lake- view Lodge, 774 A. F. A. M.; United Order of Foresters (Med. Examiner); Chicago Bavarian See.; Schwabian Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 1843 Addison St., Chicago. CLYDE ALLISON BOICE Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1877, Ainsworth, la.; s. James C. (b. S 12, 1846, O.) and Mary E. (Crawford) Boice (b. O 1, 1848, CrawfordsviUe, la.). Prepared in Washington (la.) H. S. and Acad. Mem. of Med. Exemption Bd. for Wash- ington Co., Je 30, 1917-Mr 1, 1919. Auth.: Various articles on med. subjects. Mem., la. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married, Mr 25, 1902, Washington, la. Children: Mary Myrtle, b. 1903; William Allison, b. 1905; Ruth Sevilia, b. 1907; Clyde Latta, b. 1914. Address, Washington, la. ARTHUR GUSTAVUS BOSLER Specialist; M.D.; b. S 1, 1869; s. Mary (Higi) Bosler. Prepared in Burlington (la.) H. S. Specialist, Childrens Diseases. Capt., M. C, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; C. M. S. (Sec, Englewood Branch, 1912-18, Pres.. do., 1919-20). Ed., The News Letter, 1912-18; Auth. of various Poems. Married Selma Linden. Child, Dorothy V., b. My 28, 1906. Address, 720 W. 61st St., Chicago. ARTHUR BREMKEN M.D.; b. N 28, 1874, Ger.; s. Charles Bremken, Co. Health Off., Cass Co., Mich.; Health Off., Pine River, do. Mem., I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. Auth.: Probable Primary Cancer of the Lungs. Am. Jour. Med. Scieyices. Married Maude Poole, Je 11, 1904. Child, Robert, b. D 20, 1905. Ad- dress, Pine River, Minn. •; HADLEY CYPRIAN BROWN Physician; M.D.; b. N 7, 1875, Louisa Co., la.; s. S. C. and Ruth A. (Hamlet) Brown. Prepared in Columbus Jet. (la.) H. S.; Maryville Coll. (Tenn.), 1893-94 and 1894-95. Chief of Med. Serv., El Reno Sanatorium, El Reno, Okla. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Funston, Kan. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mary Victoria Burhaus, D 3, 1910, Kingfisher, Okla.; Children: John W., b. D 16, 1911; Francis Donald, b. O 26, 1914. Address, 321 S. Roberts St., El Reno. Okla.; bus. add., 203 E. Wade St., do. *EDWARD LAWRENCE BURKE M.D.; b. Je 6, 1873, Owatonna, Minn.; s. Ed- mond Burke. Prepared in Fergus Falls (Minn.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Vining, Minn., 1900- 02; Culdesac, Idaho, 1902-08; Vollmer, do., 1908- 17; Culdesac, do., 1917-18. Mem., Co. Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; W. O. W. Married Mae M. Thayer, Jl 24, 1905, Lyons, Ore. Chil- dren: Edward L., Jr., b. F 12, 1907; Anna Louise, b. Ja 13, 1909. Died My 18, 1918, Culdesac, Idaho. CLARK ASAHEL BUSWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 8, 1870, Eagle Point, 111.; s. Joel B. (b. Barton, Vt.) and Laura V. (Shoemaker) Buswell (b. Eagle Point, 111.). Prepared in Cornell Coll. Phys., No. 111. State Hosp. for the Insane, Elgin, 111., 1900-02; located in Freeport, do., 1902-03; Chicago, 1903 — ; Surg., Ravenswood, Hosp. Auth . : Appendicitis from the Standpoint of the Ordinarj' Surgeon, III. Med. Journal, 1916; The Intravenous Administration of Salvarson in the Treatment of Syphilis, do., Ja 1914, Chicago; Physicians Fees, do., Ap 1920; Post Operation Volvulus, do., 1918. Mem., Chi- cago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Coll. of Surgs. Married Emma Rink, N. 4, 1903, Elgin, 111. Children: Clark J., b. Jl 9, 1907; Robert R., b. Je 11, 1911. Address, 4455 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM WILSON CASSIDY Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Wabash (Minn.) H. S. Surg., Durand, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Durand, Wis.t EDWIN OTIS CHURCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 1896-98. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Chicago. Address, Revillo, S. Dak.t MARSHALL GRANT CLANCY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Attended N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 3 yrs. Address, 1601 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago.t Dr. I). A. K. Steele One of the founders of the College of Medicine, and for many years Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery 1900] College of Medicine Alumni 65 ORSON WHITNEY CLARK Physician: M.D.; b. S G, 1873; s. Orson and Emma L. (Sylvester) Clark. Married Anna I. Gray, Je 17, 1903. Ogden, la. Children: Murray, b. Jl l'\ 1904; Catherine, b. S 15, 1908: Jeanctte, b. Ap 6, 1916. Address. Ogden, la. BURTON ROBISON CORBUS Physician: M.D.; B.S., 1900: b. D 30, 1875, Mendota. 111.; s. William I. (b. 1843. Ohio) and Clarissa M. ^Robison) Corbus (b. 1845, 111.). Pre- pared in LaSalle H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Roll of Honor. Grad. work, Berlin and Vienna, 1903-04; London and Berlin, 1910. Located in Chicago 1900-02; Alma. Mich.. 1902-00; Grand Rapids. 190t>— ; Ex. Staff, Blodgett Memorial Hosp., Grand Rapids. Mich.; Staff, Butterworth Hosp.. do. Maj.. M. C, U. S. A.. Je 191S-My 1919. Auth.: yarious articles in med. jours. Mem.. A. M. A.; Am. Soc. of Endocrinology; Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; Tri-State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. Phys. (Fellow). Address, 103 College Ave.. N. E.. Grand Rapids. Mich.; bus. add., Metz Bldg., do. ♦JOHN FRANCIS CROWLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 2. 1868. New Y'ork; s. James and Eliza Crowley. Prepared in Pub. Sch. Home. LaSalle. 111. Mem.. Exemption Bd.. World War. Married O 4, 1904, Chicago. Died O 22, 1921, Chicago. JOHN THAYER CULVER M.D., bus. add., 3500 Second Ave., Sacramento, Calif. ASA NATHAN DeVAULT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Attended Harvey Med. Coll., 1896-98. Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm. Formerly located in Martins Ferry, la.; Instr., Laryngol., Rhinol., and Otol., Coll. of Med., 1902-10. Address. 310 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 22 E. Washington St. and 925 Blue Island Ave., do.t CHARLES ALLEN DeVOE Physician; M.D.; b. O 28, 1872, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. Allen and Ruth E. (Ferris) DeVoe. Pre- pared in Oakfield (Wis.) H. S. Formerly located in Rosendale. Wis. Married Nina M. Walker. S 12. 1903. Postville. la. Chilldren: Allen W.; Dorothy M. Address, Berlin, Wis. FELIX ALBERT DOLAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Creighton Med. Coll., 1895-96; Rush Med. Coll., 1896-98. Formerly located in Missouri Valley, la. Address, Sheridan, Wyo.t JOSEPH PATRICK DONOVAN Specialist: M.D.; b. Ap 4, 1874, Madison, Wis.; s. Anthony and Slary (Cody) Donovan. Pre- pared in Univ. of Wis. Phi Rho Sigma. Specia- list, Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Examiner on Draft Bd., World War. Married Edith Nelson, Ag 9, 1904, Madison. Wis. Children: Joseph, b. 1905; Anthony, b. 1907; William, b. 1910. Ad- dress, 341 W. Wash. Ave.. Madison. Wis. GUY GRIGSBY DOWDALL Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 9. 1875. Peoria; s. Col. W. T. Dowdall. Prepared in Univ. of Mo.. 1897. Grad. work, Univ. of Vienna, two yrs.; hosp. work, Chicago. Dist. Surg., 111. Central R. R., Clinton. 111.. 1901-09; .Asst. to Dr. John B. Mur- phy, Chicago, 1909-11; Chief Surg., Ill Central R. R.. 1911. Mem.. Am. Coll. of Surg. Married in 1905. Address, .5414 Cornell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 135 Park Row, do.t WILLIAM FRANCIS DRYDEN Phy.sician: M.D.; b. F 7. 1871; s. David and Eliza J (McKillips) Dryden. Prepared in West Div. H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice. Chicago. Mem.. Epis. Church; K. P.; A. F A. M. Married Edith E. Howell. Chil- dren: Byron G.; Robert H. Address, 5200 War- ner Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1900 Addison St.. do. ORA BERTON DUNHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Harvey Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Address, Brawley, Calif.t ♦ROBERT JONES DYSART M.D.; b 1873. A.sst. Phys., State Hosp. for Insane, Winnebago. Wis. Died My 25, 1914 Winnebago, Wis. CALVIN SYLVESTER EARLY M.D.; b. O 4, 1873, Beaver Dam, O.; s. A. and Sarah (Miller) Early. Ph.G., Ohio No. Univ., 1897; B.S.. do., 1898. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Mem., Epis. Church. Married Kathcrine Gee, 1906. Child, Sarah, b. Mr 25. 1912. Address, Camden, Ark. ♦SARA THOMAS ELLIOTT M.D.; b. 1868. Located in Lake Worth, Fla.; later at Waukesha, Wis. Mem.. A. M. A. Died N 26, 1913, Miami City, Fla. NELLIE CAT>ISTA FLINT Physician; M.D.; b. N 22, 1865, Hazel Green, la.; d. Christopher Liman (b. Je 30, 1825. Spring- field, N. Y.) and Florence Cahita (Holt) FUnt. Prepared in Oberlin Coll. B.S.. Drake Univ., 1896; M.D., Habenmann Med. Coll., 1899. For- merly located in Geneseo, 111. Mem., Vol. Med. Reserve Corps. Address, Jennings, la. GEORGE ALBERT FLIPPIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 8, 1868, Point Isabel!, O.; s. C. A. and Mary (Anderson) Flippin. Prepared in Univ. of Neb. L.H. on Univ. Foot- ball Team, five yrs.; L. H. and Tackle on P. & S. Team, four yrs.; Capt.-Elect, Univ. of Neb. Team, 1895; Worlds Champion Coll. Shot Put, two yrs. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Owner and Mgr. of a 20-room Hospital, Mawood. Mem., Univ. Med. Soc. (V. P.). Married Mestina E. Larson, D 19, 1910, Logan, la. Address, Stroms- burg, Neb. JOHN PETER FREEMAN M.D.; b. Ag22, 1876, Minn.; s. Robert (b. 1840. Eng.) and Louisa (Bergett) Freeman (b. 1848. Sweden). Prepared in Northwood (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., 1896-98. Located in Emmons. Minn., 6 yrs.; Glenville, do., 1906 — . Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 11-D 11, 1918. Married Agnes L. Westrum, D 11, 1914, Cambridge, 111. Child, John Robert, b. D 27, 1918. Address, Glenville, Minn. ROE GEORGE GALE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1899. Formerly located at Diller, Neb.; Gackle, N. Dak. Address, Hermiston, Ore.f EDWARD ARTHUR GANSEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Milwaukee Norm. Sch., 1894. Class Honors, Coll. of Med.. 1900. Intern, Emergency Hosp. Ed., Clin. Dept., Plexus. Died 1901, Chicago. ARTHUR HENRY GEIGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1878, Chicago; s. Henry (b. Baden, Ger.) and Emma (Himilleau) Geiger (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago Manual Tr. Sch., and Chicago .\theneum. Grad. work in Lon- don, Vienna and Berlin. 1st Lt., M. O. R. C, U. S. A., Je 1916; do., M. C. U. S. A.. Mr 1917. Auth.: Syphilis of Nose and Throat. III. Med. Jour., Vol. XXXVI, 1919; Nephritis due to Ton- sillar Pathol., Munchener Medirinsche Wochens- chrifl. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. (Councilor); 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Hamilton Club. Chicago. Married Margaret Chaffee, Mr 11, 1911, Liverpool. Eng. Address, 554 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do. University of Illinois [1900 ABEL BENSON GEORGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Pawnee City (Neb.) H. S.; (State Univ. of la., Coll. of Med., 1896-98. Formerly of Centerville, la.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Red Oak, do. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., Neb. State Med. Soc. Address, West Burlington, la.t CLIFFORD F. GILMORE Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1871, Chesterland, O.; s. Weller S. (b. Jl 3, 1848, Chesterland, O.) and Tira (Arnes) Gilmore (b. S 13, 1850, do.). Prepared in Oberlin Acad., 1890-92. B.S., Ober- lin Coll., 1897. Phi Delta Literary Soc. Mem., Geauga Co. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1915). Married Preida Koons, S 9, 1909, Medina, O. Child, Edna Irene, b. Jl 21, 1910. Address, Chesterland, O. HENRY FRENCH GOODWIN Minister; M.D.; b. Ap 25, 1863, Rockford, 111.; s. Henry M. and Martha (French) Goodwin. Prepared in Rockford, H. S. and Schs. of Leipsic, Saxony. B.A., Olivet Coll., 1884. Pastor, 1st Congr. Church, Lombard, 111., 1890-95; Postgrad, work, Yale Univ., 1889-90; Munich, Bavaria, 1913. Located in Chicago, 1901 — . Med. Advisor, World War. Address, 6021 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. SARA ELAINE GREENFIELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Coll., 1897-98. B.A., Univ. of Kan., 1897. Formerly located at Sabetha, Kan. Clin. Pathologist, Topeka, Kan. Address, 1105 W. 10th St., Topeka, Kan.f WENDELL B. GRINNELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Oshkosh (Wis.) Norm. Sch., 3 yrs.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1896-98. Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1900. Formerly located in Fredonia, Wis. Ad- dress, Preston, Minn.t LOUIS JOSEPH HALLOIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 23, 1868, Kewaunee Co., Wis.; s. Joseph and Adel (Bousman) Halloin. Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis. Teacher, 1888-96; Gen. Med. practice, 1900—. Mem., Lodge 174, A. F. A. M. Married Laura Thiry, O 7, 1905, Green Bay, Wis. Children: Louis Joseph, Jr., b. Je 24, 1906; Frank J., b. Jl 25, 1908; Laura A., b. Je 19, 1910; Sidney D., b. My 13, 1915; Grace S., b. Ag 3, 1916. Address, R. F. D. 1, Casco, Wis. HOWARD BROWNLEE HAMILTON Physician; M.D.; b. O 15, 1874, Washington, la.; s. Wm, J., (b. 1844, Ireland) and Nancy Jane (Souter) Hamilton (b. 1846, Washington, la.). Prepared in Washington (la.) Academy. A.B., Monmouth Coll., 1897. Class Editor. Stud., Harvard, 1914, Univ. of Minn., 1919, and Washing- ton Univ., 1920. Gen. Med. practice, Ainswortb, la., 1900-10; Omaha, Neb., 1910—. Mem., A. M. A.; Neb. -la. Pediatric Soc; Central States, do. Married Olive A. McClanahan, 1904, Monmouth, 111. Address, 846 Brandeis Theater, Omaha, Neb. WILBUR 8. HAMILTON M.D.; b. Mr 3, 1872, Jacksonville, 111.; s. Samuel H. and Mary J. (Renton) Hamilton. Married Winifred Bobbins, Ap 17, 1895. Address, 614- 620 Central Trust Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. ROBERT ROY HAMPTON Physician; M.D.; b. My 19, 1875, Box Elder Co., Utah; s. Benjamin (b. Philadelphia) and Adelaide E. (Grant) Hampton (b. Mount Airy, N. Car.). Prepared in Salt Lake City (Utah) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Santa Barbara, Mex., 1901-05; Studied in Vienna, 1905-06; Salt Lake City, Utah, 1906—. Maj., M. C, U. S. A.; active serv., Jl 1917-Mr 1919; overseas serv. with 3rd Aviation Instruction center, Issoudun, Indre, Fr.; 1st Am. Flight Surg, in Fr. Mem., Salt Lake Co. Med. Soc; Urah State Med. Soc; A. M. A.: Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmolog. Soc; Am. Ear, Nose and Throat Soc Married Margaret Howat Hampton, D 29, 1900, Salt Lake City, Utah. Children: Jane Grant, b. Ja 11, 1904; Robert Ray, Jr., b. D 14, 1912. Address, 5. 7th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah; bus. add., 806 Boston Bldg., do. HENRY GEORGE HART Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum. Address, 4346 Vincennes Ave., Chi- cago.}: ♦CLARENCE WRIGHT HEATH Oculist and Instr.; M.D.; b. 1871. Oculist to the Erring Womans Refuge of Reform and St. Josephs Hosp.; Instr., Ophthalmol., Chicago Poli- clinic and Hosp. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ja 16, 1911, Mercy Hosp., Benton Harbor, Mich. *ROBERT BRUCE HIXSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1874, Burhngton, la.; s. Avery W. (b. 1846) and Martha (Long) Hixson (b. 1849, O.). Prepared in Herman (Minn.) H. S. and Curtiss Bus. Coll., Minneapolis. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice. Elbow, Minn., My- N, 1900; Cambridge, Minn., 1900-10. Local Surg., Great No. Ry., do.; Chm., Local Bd. of Health; Phys., Isanti Co. Mem., A. M. A. Married Minerva Barker, S 6, 1905, Cambridge, Minn. Children: Manford Bruce, b. Jl 1, 1906; Margaret, b. O 12, 1907; Charles Ethelbert, b. S 28, 1909 (died D 22, 1910). Died Ag 22, 1910, Cambridge, Minn. EDWARD PERCIVAL HUMMEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 15, 1873, Waterloo, la.; s. Francis Marion (b. F 22, 1851, Shamokin Dam, Pa.) and Mary Elizabeth (Bubb) Hummel (b. F 22, 1856, Williamsport, Pa.). Prepared in La Porte City (la.) H. S.; Williamsport (Pa.) Cml. Coll.; Waterloo (la.) Collegiate Institute. Pres. of Class of '00. Gen. Med. practice in Dy- sart, la., 1900-01; do., Charles City, la., 1901-17; Gen. Med. practice, Sterling, Colo., 1917 — . Course in Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1915. Mem,, M. E. Church, 1886—; Supt. Sunday Sch.; Mem., Official Board, Logan Co. Sunday Sch., 1919-20, (Pres.); Colo. State Sunday Sch., (3rd. V. P.); Floyde Co. (la.) Med. Soc, (Pres.) 1916; Logan Co., do., 1916; Odd Fellow, (Past Grand) 1906 — . Married B. Clementine Fuller, D 1900, La Porte Citv, la. (died Mr 1907); Theoda May Freiholtz, N 1910, Charles City, la. Children: Beatrice Leone, b. O 12, 1901; Marion Fuller, b. Ja 2, 1903; Leah Esther, b. N 1904. Address, 113 Beattie St., Sterhng, Colo.; bus. add.. Farmer's Nat'l. Bank Bldg., do. EVERETT MAY HURST M.D.; b. O 26, 1874, Greencastle, Ind.; s. Wil- liam and Mattie A. (Dorsett) Hurst. Prepared in Greencastle (Ind.) H. S. Mem., K. P. ; Christian Church. Married Eliza M. Herod, S 23, 1900, Greencastle, Ind. Address, Cloverdale, Ind. *EDWARD EVERETT HYDE Editor; M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1875, Galesburg, 111.; s. Azariah and Maria L. (Everett) Hyde. Pre- pared in Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111. Ordained to the Christian Ministry, Je 15, 1900; Med. Mis- sionarv, Caroline Islands, F 1901-02; Asst. Ed., Jour. A. M. A., Chicago, F 1902-13. Acting Ed., Daily Bui. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Wilmette Congr. Church (Deacon). Died Jl 4, 1913, Wilmette, 111. SIEGFRIED JACKSON (Formerly Siegfried Jakubowski) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1875, Lissa, Ger.; s. Louis and Rose (Nehal) Jackson. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Sch., Ger. Phi Rho Sigma; Scholarship, 1897, 1898. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1906-10. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Lutheran 1900] College of Medicine Alumni 07 Church. Married Mabel Lambert. Jl 20, 1910, Chicago. Child, Edward S.. b. S 3, 1917. Ad- dress, 2S53 Burling St., Chicago; bus. add., 551 Beldeu Ave., do. JAMES ARTHUR JENNINGS Phys. and Surs.; M.D.; b. 1865; M.D., Bennett Med. Coll.. 1898. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 311 S. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago; bus: add., 31 N. State St., do.t ROBERT MOORE JOHNSTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Formerly of Upper St. Clair, Pa. *GUY HENRY JUST SpeciaUst; M.D.; b. 1876. Rush Med. Coll., 1896-98; Specialist, Obstetrics, Pukawana, S. Dak.; Chm,, Brule Co. Bd. of Health. Mem., A. M. A. Died N 9, 1918. ALONZO BLACKBURN KIRK Retired Physician; M.D.; b. My 16, 1S70, Win- chester, O.; 8. James B. and Elvira (Ridgeway) Kirk. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1894. Gen. prac- tice in Chisholm, Minn., 20 yrs.; retired from prac- tice, 1920; located in So. Calif. 1920. Mem., A. F. A. M , 32°. Married Lula A. White, My 8, 1902. Children: Harold, b. O 11, 1907; Alma, b. Jl 16, 1914. Address, 832 Stratford Ave., So. Pasadena. Calif. FREDERICK PETER KNAUF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 18. 1877. Sheboy- gan, Wis. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Specialist in Obstetrics, Kiel, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Kiel. Wis. GEORGE JOHN LABEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. B.S., Purdue Univ., 1895. Formerly located in Crown Point, Ind.; Papineau, 111.; in the Indian Serv., at the Cheyenne River Sch., Cheyenne Agency, S. Dak., about 1918. Address, Indian Service, Supai, Ariz.f JOHN MICHAEL LANG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 8, 1872, Bavaria, Ger.; s. Erhardt (b. do.) and Margaret (Lindner) Land (b. do.). Prepared in Bavaria, Ger. Phys. and Surg., Chicago. Staff, 111. Post-Grad. Sch.; West Side Hosp. Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1900-14; Asst. Prof., Clin. Gynecol., do., 1914—. On Local Bd. 82 during the w^ar. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med, Soc; A. M. A. Married Ag 30, 1904, Chicago. Children: Jerome, b. O 13, 1905 (died, Ap 15, 1913); Lucile, b. O 15, 1910. Address, 1658 S. Homan Ave.. Chicago. BERNARD H. LUEHRSMANN Physician; M.D.; b. My 8, 1874. New Vienna, la.; s. Bernard (b. Ger.) and Marparet (Schulte) Luehrsmann (b. do.). Prepared in Milwaukee Med. Coll.; Columbia Univ., Dubuque, la.; State Univ. of la.. 1896-98. Gen. Med. practice, Nor- way, la., 1900-03; Dyersville, do.. 1903—. Mar- ried Mary Schulte, My 14. 1902, Norway, la. Children: Dorothy, b. F 7, 1903; Irene, b. D 21, 1905 (died D 29, 1905); Bernard Charles, b. F 8, 1906; Estella, b. S 15, 1911; Beatrice, b. D 4, 1913. Address, Dyersville, la. JOHN WILLIAM McCONNELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Addre.'is, 22.55 N. Spaul- ding Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3500 Armitage Ave., do.t *OLIN McCORMICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Univ. of 111., Acad. Dept., 1892-94. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Gibson City, 111.; later at Herscher, do. Mem., A. M. A. Died Mr 20, 1914, Chicago. WALTER ROBERT McCRAY Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1875, Earlvillo, 111.; s. Thomas D. (b. Jl 25, 1826, Co. Monoghan, Ire.) and Mary E. (Pierce) McCray (b. Je 7, 1831. Al- bion. N. Y.). Prepared in H. S. Ph.G., Univ. of la., 1897. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. pracrice. Marble Rock, la., 1900-04; Rockford, do., 1904-U; Charles City, do., 1911—. Mem., A. F. A. M.. R. A. M., K. T., Shrine; A. M. A.; la. State Med. Soc; Floyd Co. Med. Soc. (Sec. 1918-20); So. Minn. Med. Soc; Am. Assn. Ry. Surgs. Married Jennie Clay, Je 1, 1901, Atlantic, la., (died D 1908); Helene Waller, O 19, 1910, Charles City, la. Children: Robert Wesley, b. Je 16, 1912; Mary Helene, b. My 1. 1918. Address, 201 Illinois St., Charles City, la. ADA LUELLA MALICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Ohio Wes- leyan Univ., 1893; Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1896-99. Formerly located at Neptune, O. Ad- dress, Piqua, O.t ♦ERNEST EDWARD MARTIN M.D.; b. 1871. Surg., Union Pacific System, Carr, Colo., 3 yrs.; City Phys., Del Norte, do.; Phys., Rio Grande Co., do. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ja 5, 1917, Longmont Hosp., Longmont, Colo. VANDY FRANK MASILKO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 1, 1866, Bohemia; s. Mathias (b. Bohemia) and Anna (Valenta) Masilko (b. do.). Prepared in Muscoda (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1900-08. Married, O 16, 1902, Chicago. Child, Ruth K., b. Ag 2, 1904. Address, 2524 S. Keeler Ave., Chicago. HARRY PHILSON MASON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 18, 1874; s. Robert P. and Lillian B. (Sopp) Mason. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Milton Jet., la. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, Consistory, Shrine; Presby Church. Mar- ried Hattie A. Wildaren, My 25, 1910, Wilton Jet., la. Children: Harriet A.; Robert P. Address, Wilton Jet., la. JOHN JOSEPH MEANY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1896-98. Prof., Clin. Surg., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Coll. of Surgs. Address, 4912 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3725 W. Chicago Ave., do.i JOHN EARLE MELOY (Husband of Margaret M. Babcock, '00) M.D.; b. Je 14, 1871, Portville, N. Y.; s. John Willard (b. 1832, Chenango Forks. N. Y.) and Frances A. (Williams) Meloy (b. 1833, Ellicott- ville, N. Y.). Prepared in Olean, N. Y., and in Europe, 1908. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Lin- coln, 111., 1900-10; Peoria. 1910—. Exam., Ad- visory Bd. 10. Mem., Peoria Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Margaret Babcock, 1901. Addre.'ss, 201 W. Armstrong St., Peoria; bus. add., 901 Lehman Bldg., do. IRVING WAGNER METZ Surgeon; M.D.; b. S 5, 1872; s. Ozias (b. D 29, 1833, O.) and Nancy (Wagner) Metz (b. Ag 14, 1843, Huntington, Ind.). Prepared in South Whitley, Ind. A.B., Univ. of Ind., 1895. Phi Kappa Psi. Located in Springfield, 111., 1903 — . Mem., Epis. Church; County Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. Country Club; Sangamon Club; A. F. A. M., K. T., 32°. Mar- ried Edith Thorp, S 26, 1906, Havana, III. Chil- dren: Orlando Thorp, b. Je 26, 1907; Catherine Ann, b. O 14, 1909; Robert Thorp, b. Je 26, 1907 (died Je 27, 1907). Address, 503 S. Grand Ave., West. Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 608 E. Capital Ave., do. 68 University of Illinois [1900 JOHN HENRY MEYHAUS Retired Phys.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Med. Dept., Univ. of la., 1896-99. Formerly located in Davenport, la.; Geddes, S. Dak. Address, 230 S. Lucas St., Iowa City, la.t BERNARD MILLER M.D.; b. N 13, 1876; s. P. J. and Mary Anna (Harth) Miller. Mem., K. C. Married Mary Brost, Ag 7, 1901, Chicago. Address, 6172 Broad- way, Chicago. GUSTAV AUGUST MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Attended Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1884-85. Pharm., 1889- 96; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; formerly located at 4005 W. Congress St., do. Address, 4941 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3019 W. Jackson Blvd., do.t *WILLIAM DENTON MILROY M.D.; b. 1870. A.B., Ind. Univ., 1894. For- merly of Delphi, Ind., and Logansport, do. Sec, City Bd., of Health, Logansport, do.; Citizens Club, do. Died Ja 20, 1907, Logansport, Ind. PAUL STAFFORD MITCHELL Physician; M.D.; b. N 11, 1875, Cherry Grove, Va.; s. Jacob A. and Emily C. (Furr) Mitchell. M.D., Hering Med. Coll., 1899. Gen. Med. prac- tice, lola, Kan., 1902 — . Mem., A. M. A.; A. F. A. M., Shrine, Life Membership in Scottish Rite; B. P. O. E. Married Mary J. Jacques, D 25, 1902, Hammond, 111. Address, lola, Kan. WILLIAM NELSON MOFFETT Physician; M.D., b. Jl 25, 1874, Avondale, O.; s. William (b. 1841. Cincinnati) and Sarah Eliza- beth (Thorpe) Moffett (b. 1842, Marietta, O.). B.S., Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la., 1895. Loca- ted in Conrad, la., 1900-06; Dike, la., 1906—. M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Married Esther Snyder, 1899, Chicago. Address, Dike, la. GUSTAV HERMAN MOLDENHAUER M.D.; b. My 28, 1874, Des Plaines, III.; s. August and Wilhemina (Dietert) Moldenhauer. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Alma Ganschow, Mr -24, 1901, Chicago. Address, 1554 W. Chicago Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 853 N. Central Ave., do. CHARLES RICHARD MONAHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 6, 1876; s. John and Ann (Powers) Monahan. Prepared in LTniv. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Football, 1898-99. Chm., Med. Advisory Bd., Butte, Mont., World War. Married Marie Maguire, My 1908, Salt Lake City. Children: Evelyn M., b. Ap 11, 1911; John, b. Ja 24, 1914. Address, Hennessy Bldg., Butte, Mont. LEWIS MOODY Phys.and Surg.; M.D.;b. 1871. Hamline Univ., 1896-98. A.B., Augustana Coll., 1895. Formerly located in Cokado, Minn.; later at 5517 22nd St., N. W., Seattle.! MARY EMMA MORGAN M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1870, Sunbeam, 111.; d. Eliza- beth Morgan. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Sch. Located in Superior, Wis. Med. Examiner (Eye and Ear) Applicants, Serv., World War. Mem., M. E. Church; Eastern Star. Address, 407 Board of Trade, Superior, Wis. CARL GEORGE MUEHLMANN Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1888; b. 1864, Pekin, 111. Apprenticed to W. H. Muehlmann, Pekin, 111., 1883-86. Pharm., 39th St. and Vincennes Ave., Chicago; Phys., Pekin, 111. Address, Pekin, Ill.t FRANK EMIL NAGEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 8, 1876, Chicago; s. William J. (b. Mecklenburg, Ger.) and Katherine (Rhuel) Nagel (b. Berlin, Ger.). Prepared in Chicago pub. schs.; Jenner Med. Coll., Chicago, 1896-99. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, S 1899-D 1900; Asst. Surg, to Mex. Central R. R., La Barra and Dona Cecilia, Mex., D 1900-Ja 1901; do., Agnas Calientes, Mex., F-D 1901; do. Cardenas, S. L. P., Mex., Ja 17-N 1, 1902; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, Ja 23, 1903-Ja 17, 1904; do., Clarksville, Mo., Ja 17-Mr 4, 1904; Asst. Surg, to Mex. Cen- tral R. R., Cardenas, Mex., Mr 12, 1904-Je 10, 1906; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, Ag 1, 1906-0 15, 1907; do., Secor, 111., O 15, 1907-My 30, 1920. Comm. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Jl 24, 1917; active service, O 15, 1917-My 23, 1919; Surg. 2nd Trench Mortar Bn., F 8, 1918-My 23, 1919; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1919. Married Minnie Ora Wells, D 25, 1901, Clarksville, Mo., Children: Frank Emil, b. Mr 30, 1903, Chicago; James Richard, b. F 19, 1909, Secor, 111. Address, Secor, EDWIN HENRY NEWBOLD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 3, 1871, Center Point, la.; s. H. C. and Rosetta (Lilly) Newbold. Prepared in H. S., and Iowa State Univ. Located in San Leandro, Cahf., 1893-96; Oroville, Cahf., 1896—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; with 9th Reg- ular Engineers, Camp Freemont, Calif., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Evelyn Matthews, O 5, 1898, San Francisco. Ad- dress, Oroville, Calif. ♦CHARLES HOMER NEWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. M.D., Mo- Med. Coll. " At one time located in O'Neill, Neb. Died F 20, 1902, Lynch, Neb. GEORGE FREDERICK NIBLOCK Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 13, 1871, Oshkosh, Wis.; s. J. H. (b. Butler, Pa.) and Georgina Tenbrook (Campbell) Niblock (b. Albany. N. Y.). Prepared in Marshalltown (Ia.1 H.S. A.B., Monmouth Coll., Monmouth, 111., 1895. Married O 11, 1900, Mon- mouth, 111. Address, Derby, la. ♦WILLIAM JACOB NIER M.D.; b. O 6, 1877, VermiUion Co., Ind.; Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S.. Chicago. Died F 1, 1901. SOREN SVALHEIM NORSMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly located in Madison, Wis. Address, 624 W. 119th St., Chicago.! ♦FRANCIS ELBERT NORTH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Sangamon Co. Schs. Formerly located in Spring- field, 111., and Taylorville, do. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; Christian Co. Med. Soc. Died F 20. 1906, Missouri Baptist Sanitarium, St. Louis. JOHN CHRISTOPHER O'DAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Baltimore Med. Coll., 2 yrs. M.D., Med. Dept., Nat. Norm. Univ., 1896. Formerly located in Montpelier, Ind.; Univ. of Ore., Portland, Ore. Gen. Med. practice, Honolulu, Hawaii. Mem., Ore. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, Honolulu, Hawaii.f ANTONIO FREDRICO ODOARDO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. B.A , Univ of Havana. Formerly of Havana, Cuba. J CLAUDE FENTON OSBORNE Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1877; s. George and Anna E. (Booth) Osborne. Prepared in Clear Lake H. S. Gen. Surg., Lutheran Hosp., Hampton, la., 1920. Address, Hampton, la. 1900] College of Medicine Ali^mni RALPH FLEETWOOD PALMER M.D.; b. N 4, 1S7">, Marquette. Mich.; s. Ed- ward B. and Emily H. (Watson) Palmer. Pre- pared in Mich. Mil. Acad., 1S94 and Univ. of Mich.. I894-9S. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu; Mandolin and Glee Club, Univ. of Mich. Mem., A. F. A. M.. 32\ Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Rotary Club. Married Marv C. Pennell, 1898, Lima, O. Chil- dren: Elizabeth, b. 1905; Harriet, b. 1907; Mar- garet, b. 1911. Address, 60 S. McDonald St., Mesa, Ariz. WI LLIAM EDWARD PATTERSON Physician; M.D.; b. O 7. 1875; s. Francis (b. Je 26, 1842, Quebec, Can.) and Mary (Wamsley) Patterson (b. Ja 25, 1853, Wamsleyville, O). Prepared in ClarksN-ille, (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la. Med. Sch., 1896-9S. Phi Pho Sigma. Postgrad, work at N. Y. Eye and Ear. Coll.; Manhattan Eye and Ear Coll.; la. City. Instr. in Ophthal- mol, and Oto-Laryngol., Univ. of Minn. Gen. M?d. practice, Greene, la., 1900-14; Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Waterloo, la., 1916- 17; Miimeapolis, 1917 — . Auth.: The Submucous Resection of Septum. 7a. Med. Jour., 1916; Focal Infection in the Nose and Throat, Jour. Lancet, Minneapolis, 1917; The Fundus Oculi in Relation to Constitutional Disease, do., 1920. Married Martha Laura Smith, S 14. 1901, Charles City, la. Children: Mary Ruth, b. Je 29, 1903 (died D 18, 1905); Katherine Faith, b. Ja 28, 1907; Max Edward, b. My 28, 1909. Address, 808 La- Salle Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. DYRE HENRY PELLETIER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 3 >ts. Formerly located in St. Anne, 111. M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Ad- dress, New Hartford. la.f JAMES MATTHEW PHALEN Physician; M.D.; b. N 26, 1872, Harvard, 111.; s. John (b. N 25, 1843, Clonmel, Ireland) and Anastatia (Lawless) Phalen (b. Mr 4, 1847, Brandy- wine, Delaware). Prepared in Harvard H. S.; N. W. Univ. Phi Rho Sigma. Grad. work. Army Med. Sch., 1902; London Sch. of Tropical Med., 1906; .\rmy Sch. of the Line, 1920. Mem., U. S. Army Bd. for the In%'estigation of Tropical Diseases, 1907-10; Lecturer on Tropical Med., N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1911-13. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 31, 1901; Capt., do., O 31, J906; Maj., do., Ap 14, 1913; Lt. Col., do.. My 15, 1917; Col., do., O 4, 1918; Div. Surg., 86th (Blaekhawk) Div., Ag 1917-N 1918; San. Insp., 1st Army A. E. F.. N 191S-Ap 1919; Div. Surg., 6th Div. (Army of Occupation) Ap-Jl 1919. Married Gertrude Sib- ley. Ap 14, 1904, Manila, P. I. Address, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. WALTER JEWETT PINKERTON Physician; M.D.; b. F 11, 1873, Waupaca, Wis.; 8. Robert R. (b. 1842, Ire.) and Zelda (Jewett) Pinkerton (b. 1851, Burnett. Wis.) Prepared in Waupaca, Wis. H. S and Monmouth Coll., Mon- mouth, 111., 189.3-96. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Sr. class sec. Phys.. Waupaca. Wis., 1900-02; Eagle Rivar, Wis., 1902-06; Bessemer, Mich.. 1906—. Married, Ja 1, 1901. Wheaton. 111. Child, Beat- rice Throne, b. Ja 21. 1906 (died Ap 6. 1918). Address, Bessemer. Mich. VACLAV HORACE PODSTATA M.D.; b. Ap 24. 1870. Hohenbruck. Bohemia; s. Vaclav (b. do.) and Anna fKoblisek) Podstata (b. do.). Prepared in Braunau (Bohemia) H. S. and Chrudim (Bohemia) Coll. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Kankakee State Hosp., 189.5-96; Asst. Phys.. do., 1896-99; do., 1900-02; Phys. in charge. Oakwood Sanitarium, Lake Geneva, Wis.. 1902-03; Gen. Supt.. Dunning Institution. 111.. 1903-06; Supt.. Elgin State Hosp., 1906-10; Snecial Course, Zurich Univ.. Switzer- land, in Neuro-pathol., 1910; Sunt.. LIvermore Sanitarium, Livermore, Calif., 1911 — . Mem., Faculty Univ. of Calif., Dept., Psychiatry. 1920. M. R. C, U. S. A.. 1918. Auth.: Number of papers on pub. charity topics, 1903-10; Special report on Pellagra, in Calif., 1912, Calif. Med. Jour. Mem., Bd. of Trustees, Livermore Presby. Church (Pres.); A. M. A.; Calif. State Med. Soc; Alameda Co. Med. Soc. Married Mary Graham Porter, Ja 12, 1903. Adopted child, Harvey V. Address, Livermore, Calif. WARD ELVERTON POTTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Peoria Pub. Schs. Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1897. Formerly located in Peoria; later Surg.. Oak Park, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1918-My 1, 1919; stationed at Camp Greenleaf, Ga.; Base Hosp. 125;. War Demonstration Hosp., Rockefeller Inst., N. Y.; Chief of Surg. Serv., Attending Surgeons Office, Wash., D. C., until My 1, 1919. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 100 Wis- consin St., Oak Park, Ill.t HARRY EDWARD PURCELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Univ. of Wis. Med. Sch. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 302 E. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis.; bus. add., Fair- child Block, do.t ARTHUR JACOB RICHTER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 9. 1878; s. Jacob and Sarah Richter. Prepared in South Division H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Leonore Blu- thenthal, N 16, 1903, Pine Bluff, Ark. Children: Riah, b. 1906; Leonore, b. 1909. Address, Chicago Beach Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. JESSE SAMUEL RINEHART M.D.; b. Jl 31, 1868, Union, O.; s. J. B. and Mary Elizabeth (Early) Rinehart. Prepared in Mt. Morris (111.) H. S. Med. Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. M. A.; Ark. State Med. Soc; Onachita Co. Med. Soc; Epis. Church. Married Ida McDonald, O 31, 1900, Camden, Ark. Children: Jesse M., b. 1906; Mary Norman, b. 1912. Address, Camden, Ark. HENRY JOSEPH ROCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. B.S., No. Ind. Norm. Sch., 1891. Gen. Med. practice, formerly located in Aberdeen, S. Dak.; Webster, do. Ad- dress, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; bus. add.. Security Bank Bldg., do.t FELIX ROSE M.D.; b. Mr 16, 1877; s. John B. and Adell Rose. Located in Coleman, Wis.; Green Bay, do., S 1, 1920—. Married Je 3, 1903. Child, Robert J., b. Je 9, 1913. Address, 117 S. Madison St., Green Bay, Wis. CHANDLER PRESTON RUNYAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 30, 1872, Putnam Co. Indiana; s. Alfred (b. D 12, 1848, do.) and Mary Jane (Grimes) Runyan (b. My 9, 1848, do.). Prepared in Ind. St. Norm. Sch. and DePauw Univ. Phys. and Surg., Elwood, Ind. Med. Exam., Conscription Bd. Married Blanche Se- crest, D 24, 1899, Greencastle, Ind. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. Ap 7, 1904; Robert Russel, b. Jl 9, 1909; Frederick (died in infancy). Address, 1308 Main St., Elwood, Ind. BAYARD EDWARD RYDER Physician; M.D.; b. S 27, 1874, Napoleon, O.; s. Samuel and Mary (Creps) Ryder. Prepared in Norm. Sch., Defiance, O. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Los Angeles. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; I, O. O. F.; L, O. O. M.; Yoemen. Married Helen J. Harris, 1903, Oaks, N. Dak. Children: Bayard, b. 1904; Evelyn, b. 1909. Address, 407 Black Bldg.. Los Angeles. 70 University of Illinois [1900 *FRANK LORING SARGEANT M.D.; b. 1872. Specialist, Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Mem., State Med. Assn. of Tex.; A. M. A. Died N 11, 1917, Victoria, Tex. FRANKLIN WESLEY SASSAMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1867, Kalamazoo, Mich.; s. Jonas A. (b. 1841, Selinsgrove, Pa.) and Mary (Birtch) Sassaman (b. 1844, do.). Pre- pared in Bristol (Ind.) H. S. Phys., Charlotte, Mich. Mem., Congregational Church. Married, 1889, Valparaiso, Ind. Children, Franklin W.; Leah; Verna. Address, Charlotte, Mich. ROBERT DAVID SCOTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b, 1864. Ph.G., On- tario Sch. of Pharm., 1888. Formerly located in Sarnia, Ont. Address, South Bend, Ind.t GEORGE LUCIEN SEARS Physician; M.D.; b. F 7, 1877, Rock Island, 111.; s. George W. and Elizabeth (Huyett) Sears. Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice, Manti, Utah. Mar- ried Magnolia Hougoord, F 24, 1904. Children: Lucien, b. D 14, 1905; Lois, b. Ap 6, 1911; Richard H., b. My 20, 1919. Address, Manti, Utah. *LOUIS DELOS SHEPPARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Westside Bus. Coll., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice; for- merly at 116 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago: at time of his death was living at 1732 W. Adams St., do. under the name of W. J. McCarthy. Died May 1921, Chicago. ARTHUR WILLIAM SIEKER M.D.; b. O 2, 1873, Herman Tp., Wis.; s. Wil- liam F. and Caroline (Bueker) Sieker. Prepared in Franklin, Wis., Schs. and Milwaukee Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Mem., Sheboygan Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc. Address, R 5, Plymouth, Wis. SETH MARIAN BILLINGS SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 8, 1875, Clinton, Wis.; s. George L. and Eugenia (Billings) Smith. Prepared in Fort Atkinson (Wis.) H. S. Oen. Med. practice, Wausau, Wis. Capt., Med. Dir. and Organizer of Relief Hosps. in France; in charge of Children's Bureau, Am. Red Cross, St. Etienne, do., N 23, 1917-N 1918. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., K. P.; B. P. O. E.; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Co. Med. Soc. Married Elizabeth Porter, Ja 25, 1905. Children: Judson, b. F 19, 1906; David, b. D 27, 1907; Eugenia, b. Mr 24, 1911. Address, 911 10th St., Wausau, Wis.; 6ms. add., 517 3rd St., do. ANTONE AUGUSTUS SORNSEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ja 1, 1871; s. Christopher and Hannah Sornsen. Prepared in Minneapolis; private tutors and home study. Married Jennie B. Kinney, N 22, 1894. Child, Clara H., b. Jl 15, 1905. Address, Aberdeen, S. Dak. ROBERT THOMAS SPAIN M.D.; b. D 6, 1875; s. John G. and Martha (Pendry) Spain. Ph.G., Drake Univ. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Mystic Shrine. Married Lafay- ette M. Hostetter, 1907, Charles City, la. Child, Katharine, b. Jl 23, 1909. Address, Conrad, la. MAX STAEHLE Physician; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1869, Manitowoc, Wis.; s. Joseph and Caroline (Strauss) Staehle. Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Milwaukee. Gen. Med. practice, Manitowoc, Wis. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918-Ja 1919. Mem., B. P. O. E.; F. O. E.; L. O. O. M.; etc. Married EHzabeth Roemer, O 15, 1892. Address, 904 S. 8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. ELMER LOUIS SYVERSON Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. B.A., Univ. of S. Dak., 1896. Formerly located in Strand, S. Dak. Address, Centerville, S. Dak.t ROLAND BERT TABER M.D.; b. N 22, 1872, Benton Harbor, Mich.; s. Roland F. and Melissa (Burridge) Taber. Pre- pared in Benton Harbor Coll., 1891. Ph.C, Univ. of Mich., 1896. Phi Delta Chi. Lt. Commander, M. C, U. S. N., Reserve Force, 1917-20. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Bernice Worth, N 2, 1903. Address, Benton Harbor, Mich. RUDOLPH FREIMUTH TESCHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Milwaukee H. S. Address, 200 24th St., Milwau- kee; his. add., 2319 Wells St., rfo.t *JAMES RAYMOND THOMPSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 6, 1875, Morning Sun, la.; s. Samuel (b. Pa. 1832) and Susan (Jami- son) Thompson (b. O, 1845). Prepared in H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Corning, la., 1900-07; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Yakima, Wash., 1907-21. Mem., Wash. State Med. Assn.; Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmol. Soc. Married Blanche Parvin, 8 22, 1903, Morning Sun, la. Children: James Parvin, b. Ja 26, 1908; Drusilla, b. Ja 14, 1913. Died N 15, 1921, Yakima, Wash. SAMUEL JAMES TORNEY M.D.; b. F 26, 1867; s. Thomas and Margaret (McDowell) Torney. Postgrad, and Clinical work, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Berlin and Vienna, 1904-05; 1910. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite and Shrine. Married Edith Neill, 1910, Belling- ham. Wash. Address, BeUingham Nat. Bank Bldg., BeUingham, Wash. HENRY E. TWOHIG Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1873, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. David and Bridget (Hardgrove) Twohig. Pre- pared in State Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis. Surg., Fond du Lac, Wis. Mem., Catholic Church; K.C.; B. P. O. E. Married Helen Connell, Je 4, 1907. Child, Marion, b. My 20, 1912. Address, 302 E. Division St., Fond du Lao, Wis.; bus. add., 11 N. Main St., do. EARLE HENRY TYSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Independence (la.) H. S.; Pharm. Dept., la. State Univ., 1893-94. Formerly located in Indepen- dence, la. Address, 1905 N. Main St., Kansas City, Mo.t HENRY ANSEL VINCENT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 18, 1876, Hayton, Wis.; s. Samuel Vincent (b O 23, 1842, New York City) and Demice L. (Watrous) Vincent (b. Je 25, 1843, Binghampton, N. Y.). Prepared in Chilton (Wis.) H. S.; Lawrence Univ., 1894-95. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Pres., 1899-1902). Asst. to Dr. Sherwood in Anat.; located in Perth, Kan., 1910-18; WelUngton, do.. 1918—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; served on Exam. Bd., Eye and Ear Section, Camps Funston and Dix, Ap-Jl 28, 1919. Married S 28, 1900, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Demice K., b. Ap 18, 1902. Address, 405 N. First St., Welhngton, Kan. CHARLES BERNARD VOIGT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 13, 1874; s. John F. and Anna C. (Hess) Voigt. Prepared in Mat- toon H. S.; Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1893-94. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Mattoon, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; Presby Church. Married Pearl Warner, N 6, 1905, Chicago. Address, 1615 Lafayette Ave., Mattoon, 111.; 6ws add., 1702 Broadway, do. 1900] CoLLECiE OF Medicine Alumni CARL VOSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. A.B., Royal Univ. of Chnstiania, 1SS9. Formerly at 217 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Registered Pharm. Com- missioned in M. R. C, U. S. Army. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Hettinger, N. Dak.f CHARLES DELAMERE WALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. lS77. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Gen. Med. practice. Address 4734 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.t JOHN WEATHERSON Assoc. Prof.; M.D.; b. Je 14. 1873, Chicago; s. Christopher (b. My 12, 1S46. England) and Sarah Jane cPepper) \Veatherson (b. Je 14, 1851, Michigan). Prepared in Chicago H. S. and Chicago Manual Tr. Sch. C.E., Cornell Univ., 1895; post-graduate work at Harvard, 1919. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Class Pres. (Cornell). Ci\nl Engr., C. M. & St. P. Ry., 1895- 96; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1901-11; Asst. Prof., Phys. Diag., do., 1911-12; Asst. Prof., Med., do., 1912-17; .\ssoc. Prof., do., 1919—. Sec, Alumni Assoc, Coll. of Med., 1901-05; Med. Examiner, Equitable Life Ins. Co. of la., 1913-14; Mem., Governing Bd. and Co-organizer of U. S. Mil. Training Camp Assn., 1915-16; Rec See. Med. Fac, Coll. of Med., 1913-17. Capt., U. S, A., Mv 14. 19I7-Ap 17. 1919; Commander. Co I, 33Sth^Inf.. France, 1918-19. Auth.: Cause of Uremia, Jour., A. M. A., Vol. 36; Cardiac and Renal Dropsies, Transaelions, Fulton Co. Med. Soc; Malignant Endocarditis, Chicago Med. Soc; Pernicious Anemia, College Bulletin; Address on Medicine, College Bulletin; Dif. Diagnosis, Hepa- tic Diseases, Chart for Students. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc ; Am. Acad. Med.; Chicago Pathological Soc; Phys. Club. 1916-17 (Dir.); A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine. Married O 23, 1895. Galeton, Pa.; Harriet Lorraine Jackson, D 12, 1917, Chicago. Children: Alice Dorothy, b. Je 6, 1899; John Jr., b. Je 6, 1905. Address, 5758 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. ♦THEODORE CAMPBELL WEST Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Evans- ^•ille (Wis.) Sem. Formerly located in Troy, Idaho. Died My 15, 1904, at Lidgerwood Sani- tarium, Spokane. JO.SEPH EMANUEL WESTERLUND M.D.; b. JI 30. 1870, Lynn Center, 111.; s. Jonas and Edna (Nelson) Westerlund. A.B., Augustana Coll., 1895. Married Emma Wahlberg, S 1902. Children. Elizabeth, b. Ap 20. 1904; Joseph, b. Ap 15, 1908. Address, Cambridge, 111. JOHN WEST WILSON Physician; M.D.; b. S 4, 1866, Traer. la.; s. West and Barbara (Kennedy) Wilson. Prepared in Traer (la.) H. S.; la. Univ. and Hahnemann Med Coll. M.D., Univ. of la., 1894. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A.; with 2nd Hawaiian Inf. Mem.. A. F. A. M., K. T., 30. Married Ida B. Gray, 1901, Oroville, Calif. Address, 526^ Montgomery St., Oroville, Calif. WEIR WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. A.B. Address, Gale St.,Angola, Ind.; bus. add., Maumee St., do.j ♦ERWIN WENDELL WOODFORD Physician; M.D.; b. 1871. Attended Milwau- kee Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Formerly located in Tomah, Wis.; well-known Phys., West Side, Cleveland. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ag 15, 1905, Lutheran Hosp., Cleveland. *JOHN HENRY XELOWSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1887; b. 1805 Jenner Med. Coll.. 1897-98. Located in Oklahoma City, Okla. Died Ja 16, 1903, at St. Marys Hosp.. Decatur. 111. JULIUS RUDOLPH YUNG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1878, Terre Haute, Ind.; s. Charles (b. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Fox) Yung (b. Hamilton, O.). Prepared in Terre Haute (Ind.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Scholar- ships, Soph, and Jr. yrs.; Pres., Fresh. Class. Grad. work. New York Post-Grad. Sch., 1906; Cabot's Course, Diagnosis, 1916; Surgical Course, Scudder, 1916. Intern, St. Anthony de Padua Hosp.. Chicago.. 1900-02; Med. and Surg, prac- tice. Terre Haute. Ind., 1903—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.. Ag 1. 1918-Je 26. 1919; Surg.. Base Hosp., Camp Greene, also Base Hosp. 94 and Camp Hosps. 45 and 68. Fr. Auth.: Blood Pres.sure and Significance in Hypertension Cases. Jour, of the Ind. State Med. Assn., Mr 1914. Mem.. Vigo Co. Med. Soc; Ind. State Med. Soc; Aesculapean Soc. of the Wabash Valley; A. M. A. Married Jane Marston Kimball. O 22, 1903. Address, 1115 S. Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind.; 6ms. add., T. H. Star Bldg., Ohio at Sixth St., do. JOSEPH PIUS ZALESKI Physician; M.D.; b. Warsaw, Poland. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Sch., Poland. M.C., Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., 1920, with Am. Red Cross in Poland in charge of a Hosp. near Warsaw, 1920 — . Mem., Brighton Park Lodge 854, A. F. A. M. Married Stefania Chrzastonska, F 8, 1891. War- .sa%, Poland. Child. Sophia V.. b. 1882; John T., b. 1894. Address, 2643 W. 47th St., Chicago. DEGREE AD EUNDEM ♦GEORGE FRANK BUTLER Phys. and Med. Dir.; M.D. (Ad Eundem); M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1889; A. M., Valparaiso Univ., 1910; b. Mr 15, 18.57, Moravia, N. Y.; s. Isaac (b. Dutchess Co.. N. Y.) and Asenath (Chase) Butler (b. Moravia, N. Y.). Prepared in Bald- win's Acad.. Groton. N. Y. and Union Sch., Mora- via, do. Phi Rho Sigma. Lecturer, Materia Med. and Therapeutics, Rush Med. Coll., 1889-92; Prof., Materia Med.. Therapeutics and Clinical Med.. N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Coll.. Chicago. 1890-96; A*st. City Phys., Chicago, 1890; Prof., Therapeutics and Clinical Med., Coll. of Med., 1893-1906; Med. Dir., Alma Sanitarium, Alma, Mich., 1900-05; Prof., Med., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1905-06; Consulting Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., 1910- 13; do., Mudlavia, Kramer, Ind., 1913-18; do.. North Shore Health Result, Winnetka, III., 1918—; Prof, and Head of Dept., Therapeutics and Clin- ical Med.. Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg. Auth.: Butler's Materia Med.. Pharmacol, and Thera- peutics, Saunders & Co., Philadelphia, 1896; The Travail of a Soul, 1914; How the Mind Works, 1921; other books on mental hygiene, poems and magazine articles. Mem.. A. M. A.; Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; Ind. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Press Club of Chicago; CHff Dwellers; Soc of Midland Authors; Chicago Lit. Club; The Bookfellows; The Adventurers' Club; Fellow. Am. Acad, of Med. Married Mr 21. 1882. Monmouth. 111. Child, Mary Asenath. b. Ja 17. 1887. Died Je 22, 1921. 72 University of Illinois [1901 CLASS OF 1901 (150 LIVING, 15 DEAD) *EUGENE SCOTT ALEXANDER Physician; M.D.; b. 1872. Formerly of Indian- apolis. Died S 4, 1910, Chicago. WILLIAM HENRY AMERSON Phys. and Surg,; M.D.; b. Jl 16, 1869; s. William (b. England) and Matilda H. (Schaubel) Amerson (b. Ger.). Prepared in N. W. Univ. Phys., Chicago; Methodist Preacher, do., 1886-90. V. P. Cook Co. Hosp., 1893-1900. Mem., A. F. A. M. (Past Master); Foresters (Past Chief Ranger); K. P. (Post Commander); I. O. O. F. (High Phye.); Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married, Ap 27, 1892, Chicago. Address, 709 N. Central Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3354 Madison St., do. ANDREW JAMES AMES Phys; b. Mr 24, 1866, Hutchinson, Minn.; s. C. B. and Eliza E. (Hopper) Ames. Prepared in Phillips-Andover. Football Team. Portrait Artist in Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, 12 yrs. Gen. Med. practice, Minneapolis, 1091-03; Wheaton, Minn., 1903-06; Forbes, N. Dak., 1906 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. 32°, Mystic Shrine; B. P. O. E.: I. O. O. F. Married Dora A. Hart- shorn, S 10, 1893, St. Paul. Children: Ross M., b. Ja 5, 1895 (died Ja 24, 1900); adopted son, Edward E. Address, Forbes, N. Dak. DAVID APFELBAUM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum. Gen. Med. Practice. Ad- dress, 4509 Prairie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 189 Dearborn St., do. J FREDERICK BAUMAN Urologist; M.D.; b. 1867. Ph.D., Koenigsberg Univ., Prussia, 1893. Prof., Syphilol., Jenner Med. Coll., Chicago; Asst. to Dr. Pusey for many yrs.; later employed in Columbus Mem. Labs.; Asst. Prof., Hygiene and Bacteriol., Coll. of Med., 1900-02; Instr., Dermatol, and Venereal Diseases, do., 1904-10. Address, Congress Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., N. State St., do.J *CHARLES ORVILLE BECHTOL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877; A.B., Ind. Univ., 1898. Formerly of Marion, Ind.; Adjunct Prof., Chem., Coll. of Dent., 1901. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ap 21, 1918. HENRY SUMNER BENNETT M.D.; b. F 20, 1876; s. W. C. and Florine (DeMerrit) Bennett. Prepared in Moline H. S. 1st Lt., M. O. T. C, 1917-18, Capt., 1918, to discharge, D 6, 1918. Married Helen Grossman, S 4, 1902, Moline, 111. Children: Ted, b. 1903; Helen, b. 1908; William, b. 1913. Address, Reliance Bldg., Moline, 111. ARTHUR EDWIN BEYER Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 10, 1873; s. Jabez D. (b. D 5, 1841, Pa.) and Maria D. (McCrum) Beyer (b. O 5, 1850, la.). Prepared in country sch. and Upper la. Univ., Fayette, la.; Ph.G N. W. Univ., 1896. Zethegathean; Track and Football Teams. Gen. Med. practice, Gutten- berg, la., 1901—. Married, 1902, Elkader, la (wife died Ap 6, 1914); 1915, Dubuque, do. Chil- dren: Arthur M., b. Jl 11, 1910; (died Mr 27 1911); Morse Edwin, b. Jl 11, 1912 (died F 15 1916); Laura Jeraldine, b. Jl 4, 1918. Address Guttenberg, la. GEORGE WASHINGTON BILLIG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 18, 1877, Forreston, 111.; s. Cyrus and Catherine (Klock) BiUig. Pre- pared in Forreston H. S.; M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1898. Intern, Baptist Hosp., 1898-99; do.. Cook Co. Hosp., 1899-1901; Attending Phys., do.. 4 yrs.; Attending Surg., do., 2 yrs.; Attending Surg., Chicago Union Hosp.; Ex. Bd. 58, Chicago, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A. Married Glencora Bell, 1902, Streator, 111. Child, Kathryn, b. Ag 4, 1903. Address, 2041 Byron St., Chicago. JOHN WILLIAM BIRK Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 3, 1874, Bucyrus, .0.; s. Christian and Bertha (Volk) Birk. Prepared in Ohio State Univ. Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Clin. Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1910-12; do.. Obstetrics, 1912-17; Assoc, do., 1918-19. 1st Lt., Spanish- Am. War. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Margaret Curtis, 1903, Chicago. Child, Helen, b. Jl 26, 1905. Address, 6008 Winthrop Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4654 Sheridan Rd., do. JACOB HENRY BOSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Plymouth (Ind.) H. S. Formerly at 4825 Prairie Ave., Chicago; later at Weir, Kan. Address, Tulsa, Okla.f GEORGE FRANCIS BRACKEN Physician; M.D.; b. N 22, 1877, Lemont, 111.; s. Patrick (b. Ireland) and Sophia (Reardon) Bracken (b. Lemont, 111.). Prepared in Lemont H. S. Located in Chicago. Capt., M. O. T. C, U. S. A., World War; Stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. Married Je 5, 1907, Gibson Citv, 111. Child, Naomi, b. F 26, 1913. Address, 1311 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 2100 W. 35th St., do. JAMES HARVEY BRADFIELD M.D.; b. D 17, 1875; s. Helen (Retzer) Brad- field. Married Edna Stuby, Ja 29, 1903. Child, Margaret, b. My 6, 1905. Address, Sheridan, Wyo. EDWIN JASON BREWER Res. Surg.; M.D.; b. O 7, 1874, Ashton, 111.; s. Abbie D. (Twiss) Brewer. Prepared in Beloit Coll. Acad. Res. Surg., C. B. & Q. Ry. Co., 8 yrs. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T.; Shrine. Ad- dress, Shabbona, 111. FREDERICK EDWARD ALBERT BUECHNER Surgeon; M.D.; Ph.G., 1897; b. My 22, 1877, Harmbey, Ger.; s. Anna (Thernsen) Buechner. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Acad., 1895. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Lutheran Church. Married Daisy CuUen, 1910, Chicago. Child, Frederich Elmer b. 1904. Address, 2348 Larrabee St., Chicago; bus. add., 1659 Cortland St., do. EDWARD WILBUR BURKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 10, 1874; s. M. J. and Nellie A. (Coleman) Burke. Pre- pared in Ellsworth Coll., Iowa Falls, la. Nu Sigma Nu. Phys., Redland Heights Sanatorium, Redlands, Calif.; Capt., M. C, World War. 1 yr. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Shrine; K. T.; Calif. State Med. 8oc.; San Bernardino, Co. Med. Soc. Married Ruth Chevrier, Je 19, 1920. Address, Blvd. C and Summit Ave., Red- lands, Calif.; 6ms. add., 112 Cajon, do. CHARLES WARD BURT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 2, 1874, Boone- ville, la.; s. C. W. and Frances (Boone) Burt. B.S., Drake Univ., 1896; M.S. do., 1898. Mem. Christian Church. Married Jennie M. Barr, O 28, 1903. Children: Pearl A., b. My 15, 1908; Alice Maxine, b. D 1, 1918. Address, Valley Junction, la. 19011 College of Medicine Alumni 73 FRANCIS JAMES BUSS Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 19, 1S76; s. Herman and Frances Buss. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; Presby. Church; A. M. A. Married Margaret P. Davis, Chicago. Address, Sovereign Hotel, 6200 Kenmore Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N, State St., do. WARREN LEONARD CAMERON Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1879, Jacksonville: Ore.; s. Robert J. Cb. 1831, Rochester, N. Y.) and Esther Jane (Letever) Cameron, (b. 1845, Richmond, Va.). Prepared in Medford, Ore. Located in Medford, Ore., 1902-06; Jacksonville, do., 1907-17; Astoria, do., 1917-19; Medford, do., 1919 — . Pres., Bd. of Pension Examiners, 1904-05; Med. Advisory Bd., 1918-19. Auth: Hip Joint Surg., Med. Sentinel. Mem., A. M. A.; Ore. State Med. Soc. Married Katharine C. Vail, Ap 25, 1901, Chioago (died N 1918). Child, Lloyd v., b. Ag 25, 1902 (died Je 6. 1918). Ad- dress. Medford, Ore. CORA WHITE CARPENTER Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 186S. Prepared in Fargo (N. Dak.) H. S. Special work in Francis Willard Hosp., Chicago. Formerly located at Hope, N. D.; later at Indianapolis and Los An- geles. t JOHN LANGDON CHASSELL Physician; M.D.; b. S 8, 1871, Iowa Falls, la.; s. William (b. Mr 4. 1829, Fairfield, N. Y.) and Frances Arabella (Jones) Chassell (b. N 4, 1834, Pa.). Prepared in la. State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la. Gen. Med. practice. Rowan, la., 1901-05; Iowa Falls, do., 1905-06; Bellefourche, S. Dak., 1906—; City Health Of!., do.; Co. Supt. of Health, Butt, Co., S. Dak.; Coroner, do., 1909-13; Mem., Bd. of Education, Bellefourche, S. Dak. Chm., Med. Advisory Bd. during World War. Mem., Black Hills District Med. Soc; S. Dak. State Med. Soc; A. M. A., 1907—. Married May Hiams, S 1, 1909, Rowan, la. Children: Marian Arabella, b. Je 11, 1910; Helen, b. S 12, 1911 (died N 27, 1911); William Hiams, b. Je 21, 1916 (died My 15, 1917); Jean Austiss, b. Mr 7, 1918; Catherine Elva, b. D 17, 1919. Address, Bellefourche, S. Dak. ELMER E. CHURCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Lafayette H. S. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at Lafayette, 111.; Toulon, HI. Address, 402 N. Van Buren St., Enid, Okla.t Phys LESLIE WEBB CLARKE and Surg.; M.D. Address, Seattle.}: HUGH PATRICK CONWAY (Brother of John M., '15, M.D.) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1877, Elroy, Wis. 8. John and Margaret (Dutton) Conway. Pre- pared in Elroy (Wis.) H. S. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Catholic Church. M. R. C, World War. Mar- ried Carrie Warn, Mr 1, 1905. Child, Margaret L., b. F 26, 1906. Address, Spring Valley, Wis. •GEORGE WILLIAM CORBETT Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm. Died D 16, 1906, at his home in Plymouth, Wis. BUDD CLARKE CORBUS M.D.; b. Jl 22, lK-"-\ LaSalle, 111.; s. J, R. and Sarah (Angle) Chorus. Prepared in West Division H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Jr. Pi or., Genito-Urinary Surg, and Venereal Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1909-10; Sr. Prof., do., 1910-13. Auth.: Cabots Mod. Urol.; many other books and magazine articles. Married Gertrude Pitkin, (Deceased) ; Ruth Bent. Child, Budd Clarke, Jr., b. 1907. Address, 1043 Hinman Ave, Evanston; bus add., 30 Michigan Blvd., Chicago. ♦WALTER BENNETT CORY M.D.; b. O 31, 1877, Bradford Co.. Pa.; s. Albert and Ida (Bennett) Cory. Prepared in Veroqua (Wis.) II. S. Gen. Med. practice. Cleve- land. Mem.. I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M. Married Lettitia Fitzgerald. Ag 20. 1898. Children: Arthur J., b. Je 8, 1899.; Ethel P., b. Ap 14, 1903; Walter B. Jr., b. Jl 2, 1909. Died S 24, 1921, Cleveland. WARREN RANSOM COUMBE M.D.; b. N 25. 1804. Formerly at Blue River, Wis. Address, Richland Center, Wis. WARREN DEWEESE COY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 28, 1872, Green- ford, O.; s. Lewis D. and Laura C. (Bowell) Coy. B.S., Northeastern O. Norm. Coll.. 1892; M.D., Eclectic Med. Coll., Cincinnati. My 1897. Honor Roll, Coll. of Med., 1901. Gen. Med. and Surg. practice; Surgical Staff. Youngstown Hosp.. Youngstown, O. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Mahoning Co. Med. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow). Married Olive Fullwiler. D 28, 1893, Canfield. O. (died S 12, 1914); Alma ShoUenberger, N 3, 1915, Montgomery, Pa. Ad- dress, 608 Market St., Youngstown, O. LOUISE LOCKWOOD CULVER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Attended Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1897-99. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Sandwich, Ill.t WILLIAM DICKSON CUNNINGHAM Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 30. 1872, Grove City, Pa.; s. John R. (b. Ap 19, 1829, do.) and Phoebe Beulah (Oakley) Cunningham (b. Mr 27, 1837, Owego, N. Y.). Prepared in Grove City (Pa.) H. S. A.B.. Grove City Coll., Pa., 1897. Located at Girard, Ohio, 1902—. Co. F, Pa. Vol.. Am. War. Married Anna Robb, O 30, 1902, Beaver, Pa. Child, Ruth, b. Je 11, 1908. Ad- dress, Girard, O. RALPH CLINTON CUPLER M.D.; b. S 14, 1875, New London. Pa.; s, Mary H. Cupler. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1896. Mgr., Football Team; Capt., Baseball Team; Ed.. Plexus. Staff Asst. Cook Co. Hosp., 1903; Demonstrator, Operative Surg, and Anat.. Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; Prof., Clin. Surg., Loyola, Univ.; Clin. Asst., do., N. W. Univ., 1911; Surg., St. Anthonys Hosp. Capt., M. C. U. S. A., World War; served at Base Hosp.. Camp Jackson, S. C. Auth., Many Mag. articles. Mem.. Grad. Sch. of Surg., Chicago; Chicago Surg. Soc; Am. Coll. Surg.; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; M. E. Church. Mar- ried Isabelle Duncan. Child, Virginia, b. 1910. Address, 5329 Blackstone Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 22.58 W. 24th St., do. ♦FRANK DENNERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Med. Dept., Univ. of la., 2 yrs. Deceased. ALDEN RAY DENNY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. B.Ph. in Philosophy, Univ. of la., 1898. Attended Med. Dept., Univ. of la., 1897-98. Formerly of Mt. Union, la. GEORGE RAPHIELD DIVEN M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1876, Perkinsville, Ind.; s. Charles (b. 1851, Pendleton, Ind). Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1897-99. Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Utah, 1901; Lead, S. Dak., Homestake Hosp., 1901-05. M(m., B. P. O. E. Married, Mr 10, 1905, Lead, S. Dak. Address, 6135 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles. 74 University of Illinois [1901 CHARLES AUGUSTUS DODSON M.D.; b. My 29, 1874, Kane, 111.; s. James T. and Addie (Petit) Dodson. D.O., Am. Sch. of Osteopathy, 1905. Mem., 2nd Presby. Church. Married Grace Stevens, Jl 1, 1919. Address, Y. M. C. A., Little Rock, Ark.; bus. add., Boyle Bldg., do. GEORGE DOHRMANN M.D.; b. Je 30, 1877, Hamelworden, Ger.; s. Otto and Adele (Ayecke) Dohrmann. Prepared in Freiburg (Ger.) H. S. Wells prize, 1901. Attending Surg., North Chicago Hosp. Mem., A. F. A. M., Logan Square Lodge, 891; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Mar- ried Kaethe Heinsohn, Je 12, 1914, Louisville, Ky. Children: George Jr., b. Ap 16, 1916; Rita, b. Ap 17, 1919. Address, 3634 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. WALTER AMAZI DOMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in North Manchester (Ind.) H. S. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Wabash, Ind.t ♦ALFRED Deforest donkle Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 20, 1874, Verona, Wis. Prepared in Wayland Acad., and Madison (Wis.) H. S. Ph.G., Univ. of Wis., 1898. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Univ. Track team, 1897-98; 3rd place. Intercollegiate Meet, Chicago, 1898; Record holder, Inter-Scholastic Field Meets. Intern, Augustana Hosp., 1901. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died 1902, Chicago. JOHN CONDIT DWYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1872, Coshocton, O.; s. James and Sophia (Condit) Dywer. Pre- pared in Mt. Pleasant (la.) Pub. Schs.; la. Wes- leyan Univ., 2 yrs.; Univ. of Mich., Dept. of Med. and Surg., 1897-98. Army service. Camp Funston, 1918-19. Married Eleanor Clark, 1909, St. Charles, Minn. Child, John Clark, b. Jl 18, 1913. Address, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. NOBLE MURRAY EBERHART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Racine (Wis.) Coll., and Abingdon Coll., 1891. M.D., Bennett Coll., 1894. SpeciaUst in Roent- genology. Address, 1357 Asbury Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. t EDWARD GLENNON ENGLISH Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ; Prepared in Arcadia (Wis.) H. S. JOHN ADOLPH WILLIAM FERNOW M.D.; b. F 14, 1863, Alton, 111.; s. John and Henriette L. (Wuetzler) Fernow. Prepared in Alton (111.) H. S.; Ph.G., St. Louis Coll. of Pharm. 1883. Phys., Ft. Dearborn Ho.sp., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Commandery, Shrine. Mar- ried Emelie H. Holzhansen, Je 22, 1887. Children: Marie H., b. O 29, 1890; John A. W. Jr., b. Ag 17, 1894. Address, Savings Bank Bldg., 7 W. Madison St., Chicago. ♦MORTIMER FRANK Ophthalmologist; M.D.; b. 1875. B.S. and C.E., Mass. Institute of Tech., 1897. Opthalmol- ogist to Michael Reese and other Hosps. Noted as a collector of Med. historical books, corre- spondence, and incunabula. Ed., BuL, Chicago Soc. of Med. Hist. Auth.: Caricature in Med.; Early Ophthalmologic Surgs.; many other Med. historical essays and studies; completed translation of Choulants History of Anatomical Illustration. Mem., Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and oto-Laryngol.; A. M. A. Died Ap 21, 1919, Chicago. GEORGE MARION FRENCH Med. Dir.; M.D.; b. Jl 20, 1879, 111.; s. T. P. and Eugenie T. (Robinson) French. Prepared in David City, (Neb.) H.S. Med. Dir., Court of Honor Life Assn.; Capt., M. R. C, 108 Artillery, World War. Married Helen E. Wood, D 3, 1902, Danville, 111. Address, 625 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., Court of Honor Bldg., do. GEORGE GALLOWAY Physician; M.D.; b. S 15, 1866, Ontario, Can.; s. Charles S. and Mary E. (Thompson) Galloway. Prepared in Lindsay (Ont.) H. S. and Normal School, Ottawa, Ont. Formerly at 3022 Archer Ave., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Address, 802 W, 31st St., Chicago. ISABELLA MAUD GARNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Harvey Med. Coll., 1897-99. Hosp. Work, Provident Hosp., Chi- cago. Address, Evanston, ULf EDWARD FRANCIS GARRAGHAN Associate; M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1873; s. Gilbert (b. Ireland) and Bedelia (Kehoe) Garraghan (b, Mr 2, 1843, Chicago). Prepared in Foster and Skinner Pub. Schs. and St. Ignatius Acad., Chi- cago. B.A., St. Ignatius Coll. (Loyola Univ.), 1895; M.A., do., 1900. Special Courses in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1906. Asst. in Othol., Rhinol., and Laryngol., Chicago Policlinic, 1907-15; Asst. Eye Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1910—; Instr., Ear, Nose, and Throat, Coll. of Med., 1915-19; Assoc, do., 1919—. Attending Laryngol., Cook Co. Hosp., 1918-19; do., Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Auth.: Cases Presented by Ophthalmol. Soc, including: Tuber- culosis and Syphilis of Cornea; Detachment of Retina; Papilloma of Cornea; Submucuous Re- section of Nasal Septum, III. Med. Jour., Status Thymus Lymphaticus, do. Mem., Loyola Alumni Assn. (Ex-Pres.); Chicago Med. Soc (Councillor); A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Ophthal- mol. Soc; Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Oto- Laryngol. Married Grace Reddy, Je 1, 1912, Chicago. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. TALBOT JOHN HOWE GORRELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; .b. 1872. Practice limited to Ophthalmol., Otol., Laryngol., and Rhinol. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Chicago Heights, 111. HENRIETTA GOULD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Instr., Clin. Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol., Coll. of Med., 1902-08. Address, 1615 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. t JOSEPH ANSLEY GUSTAFSON Phys. and Surg ; M.D.; b. F 7, 1873, Henry Co., 111.; s. John Godfrey (b. Ap 20, 1844, Sweden) and Elizabeth (Weech) Gustafson (b. F 9, 1851, Eng.). Prepared in Orion H. S.; Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111. Phys. and Surg., Orion, III , 1901 — . Mem. of Examining Bd. for drafted soldiers, Henry Co., 111. Mem., Baptist Church; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Henry Co. Med. Soc. Married, O 30, 1901, Galesburg, 111. Chil- dren: Joseph Goddard, b. My 6, 1907; Robert James, b. O 10, 1910. Address, Orion, 111. GEORGE HAAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. M.D., 111. Med. Coll., 1900. Formerly located in Wahoo, Neb. Asst. Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1919-20. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 344 Marion St., Aurora, III.; 6ms. add., 12 S Broadway, do.t JOHN WILLIAM HANSHUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1897. Address, 2226 N. California Ave., Chicago.! 1901] College of Medicine Alumni 75 ERNEST SAMUEL HEILMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S79. Attended State Univ. of la., 2 yrs. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Mem., A. M. A.; North- western Oph-Rhin-Lar-Otic Soc. Address, Ida Grove, la.t EDWARD LOUIS HEINTZ Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 27, 1874, Rolhi, Mo.; s. John Louis, and Francis (deBaucnifeind) Hciiitz. Prepared in White lake (S. Dak.) H. S., and Univ. of S. Dak., 1S91-9.3. Ph G., St. Louis Coll. of Pharm., 1^98. Alp) a Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Univ. Track Team; 1st I.t., Bn. Adj., Univ. of S. Dak. Mem., Faculty, Coll. of Med., 1901—; Asst. Prof., Materia Med. do., 1901-07; Adjunct Prof., do., 1907-11; Asst. Prof.. Clin. Med,, do.. 1911; at present Assoc. Prof., Med. and Clin. Med., One of the founders of the Univ. Hosp. and l"niv. Hosp. Sch. of Nursing; Sec. and attending Phvs., do., 1907 — ; do.. Cook Co., Hosp., 1917-19.; Chm., Legislative Com. of the Med. Alunmi Assn., 1917; served on Legis- lative Com., Gen. Alumni Assn., do.; Mem. of Chicago Com. of Gregory Memorial. Med. Ex- aminer, Exemption Bd. 35, Chicago, World War. Auth.: History of .\lpha Kappa Kappa Fraternity; Many articles on Med. Subjects. ISIem., Coll. of Med. Alumni Assn. (Pres. at the time Coll. of Phvs. and Surgs. was taken over bv the Univ. of 111., 1912-13); Chicago Assn. of the Univ. of S. Dak. (Ex-Pres.); A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc.; Chicago Med. Soc; Married Bertha Marie Han- sen, 1911, Chicago. Child, John Louis, b. 1912 (Died 1914). Address, 5942 W'. Huron St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 30 N. Mich. Ave., do. GEORGE MURRAY HENBEST Specialist, Eve, Ear, Nose, and Throat; M.D.; b. S 9. 186S, Hebron, Wis.; s. Charles and Mary (Gay) Henbest. Address, Appleton, Wis. WILLIAM CLARENCE HESS M.D.; b. Je 10, 1874, Guthrie Co., la.; s. M- M. and Mary C. (Lydick) Hess. Located in Bagley, la.. 1901-08; Cresco, la., 1908 — . Mem., I. O. O. F.; M. E. Church. Married Sarah A. Carr, O 12, 1901. Children: Dorothy, b. Ap, 1902; Arthur, b. My 1905; Robert, b. N 1909; George, b. O 1915. Address, Cresco, la. LEWIS DeWITT HEWS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 14, 1876; s. Robert Henry (b. .11 5, 1845, Trenton, N. Y.) and Martha (Lewis) Hews (b. F 12, 1847, Steuben, N. Y.). Prepared in Epworth Seminary, Epworth, la., 1896; la. State Univ., 1897-98. Phys., Rockwell City, la., 1901-20; do.. Long Beach, Calif., 1920—. Co. Food Administrator, during World War; Chm. of Co. Council of Defense. Mem., A. A. S. R.; A. F. A. M., .32°; Zayaziy; Shrine. Married Jessie G. Pritchard, Jl 3, 1918, Spokane, Wash. Address, Long Beach, Cal. BERNARD ALFRED HOERMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1896-1900. A.B., N. W. Univ., 1896. Formerly located in Watertown, Wis. Ad- dress, 912 Windlake Ave., Milwaukee.t WILLIAM PETER HOMBACH M.D.; b. D 24, 1802; s. Peter and Applonia (Schumacher) Hombach. Prepared in la. Pub. Sch.s. Married Anna Steininger, S 26, 1880. Children: Frances J., b. Jl 8, 1887; William H., b. My 26, 1889; Anna T., b. S 25, 1890; Walter P., b. Ap 2, 1892; Frank J., b. D 24, 1893; Leo J., b. N 21, 1896. Address. 608 First Ave., Coun- cil Bluffs, la.; bus. add., 610 Fourth Ave., do. FRANK STEWART HOWE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 13, 1876, Industry, Pa.; 8. Joseph S. (b. 8 18, 1837, Tarentum, Pa.) and M. (Stewart) Howe (b. O 7, 1843, Westmoreland Co., Pa.). B.S., Geneva Coll. Grad. work, yearly, Rochester, Minn., and CI i- cago Clinics. Located in Deadwood, S. Dak , 1901—; Surg., Conn. Ry. Co., 1904—; do., C. B. & Q. By. Co., 1910—; St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem., S. Dak. Bd., Med. Examiners, 1908-12 (Pres., two yrs.); Local Exemption Bd., 1918. Mem., S. Dak. State Med. Soc; Fellow, Am. Coll. Surgs.; B. H. Consistory, A. F. A. M., 32°, Deadwood, S. Dak., Scottish Rite and Naja Temple Shrine. Married, Ag 29, 1904, Deadwood, S. Dak. Chil- dren: Elizabeth, b. Ap 27, 1906; John Stewart, b. My 8, 1908; Lillian Genevieve, b. N 9, 1910; Laura May, b. Jl 18, 1913; Margaret Olive, b. Ja 26, 1916. Address. B. Hills Bank Bldg., Deadwood, S. Dak. ROBERT PATTON HOXSEY M.D.; b. Ja 25, 1870, Mason, 111. Address, Red Cloud, Neb. CHESTER WILLIAM HUBBARD Physician; M.D.; b. Je 9, 1876, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. Charles Porter (b. S 27, 1846, Cummington, Mass.) and Martha Eliza (Haney) Hubbard (b. N 4, 1845, Montreal, Can.). Prepared in H. S. Located in Atkins, la., 1901-12; Mason City, do., 1912 — . Examining Surg., U. S. Army, 1918. Married Lucy Simmons, N 14, 1901, Cedar Rapids, la. Children: Tom S. b. Ja 26, 1904; Charles Porter, II, b. Jl 10, 1906. Address, 701 N. Federal Ave., Mason City, la.; bus. add., 429-30 M. B. A. Bldg., do. HIRAM HENRY HUNT Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 21, 1867, Independence, la.; 8. Hiram H. (b. Jl 4, 1823, Baltimore, Md.) and Almira (Salter) Hunt (b. O 7, 1832, Still- water, O.). Prepared in Independence (la.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Hazleton, la. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Base Hosp. 25, U. S. A., Ft. Benja- min Harrison, Ind., Ag 1-D 4, 1918. Mem., Buchanan Co. Med. Soc; la. State Med. Soc. Married, Jl 18, 1908, Independence, la. Children: Kathryn E., b. Ap 23, 1910; Marv, b. Jl 30. 1913; Margaret A., b. S 14, 1918. Address, Hazleton, la. HENRY EUGENE IRISH Pediatrican; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1877, Jackson, Mich.; s. David and Diana (Moe) Irish. Prepared in Jackson, Mich. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Instr., Materia Med. and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1906-12; Instr., Jr. Med., do., 1912-14; Instr., Pediatrics, do., 1914-16; Assoc, in do., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Mem., Selective Serv. Bd., 30, World War. Auth.: Various magazine articles. Married Elizabeth W. Blume, My 23, 1906, Address, 3211 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. ♦ISAAC MELVIN JACOBS Phys. and Surg,; MD,; b. 1877. Attended Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, la,, 1897-99. Formerly located in Wichita, Kan. Died Je 29, 1904, at his home in Perth, Kan. *ALBERT COWELL JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Attended Barnes Med. Coll., 1897-1900. Formerly located in Horace, III. Mem., Aesculapian Med. Soc. of Wabash Valley; Vermilion Co. Med. Soc. Died Je 10, 1906 at his home in Sidell, 111. CECIL CORWIN JOHNSON M.D.; b. F 27, 1877, Wilton, la.; s. W. G. and Dora Frances (Hill) Johnson. Prepared in Wilton, (la.) H. S. Mem,, A. F. A, M., 32° Shrine. Mar- ried Frances West, Ja 23, 1902, Glendale, W. Va. Children: John C, b. F 20, 1903; Anna J., b. D 5, 1904. Address, Le Claire, la. 76 University of Illinois [1901 MARION SPAREHAWK JORDAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 16, 1866; s. George and Lucinda (Harman) Jordan. Prepared in West. Norm. Coll., Bushnell, 111. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Married Charlotte Clarke, Je 16, 1909, Maquoketa, la. Child, Jack, b. My 19, 1910. Address, 507 7th Ave., Clinton, la.; bus. add., Weston Bldg., do. ALBERT FREDERICK KAESER (Husband of Jennie M. Latzer, '00, B.S. in Sci.) Physician; M.D.; B.S. in Sci., 1898; b. D 9- 1878, Highland, 111.; s. Fritz (b. My 13, 1847, Glarus, Switzerland) and Catherine (Kaindl) Kaeser (b. My 13, 1849, Highland, 111.). Pre- pared in Univ. of 111. Prep. Sch. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Adelphic; Honor Roll; Fresh, class V. P. Grad. work in Clinics, Univ. of Berlin, 1909; Chicago Policlinic, Mr 1- Mv 1, 1919. Phys., Bloomington, III., 1901-04; do.. Highland, 111., 1904—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga Park, Ga., S 18-D 20, 1918; Dept. of Roentgenol.; Mem. of Med. Advisory Bd., E. St. Louis, III., 1918. Mem., Evang. Church. Married Jennie M. Latzer (B.S. in Sci., '00) Je 26, 1907, Highland, 111. Child, Marion Ada, b. N 21, 1915. Address, Highland, 111. JAMES ROSSITER KELLOGG Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 29, 1875; s. A. C. and Harriet (Ackerman) Kellogg. Phys., Portage, Wis., 1901—. Married Edith Holbrook, O ,11, 1910, Omaha, Neb. Address, Portage, Wis. JOSIE CECILIA KENNEDY (DIEDERICH) Physician; M.D.; b. O 1, 1872; d. Patrick and Mary (Dooly) Kennedy. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Peter R. Diederich, Ap 6, 1910, Rochelle, lU. Address, Rochelle, 111. DERK B. LANTING M.D.; b. Je 21, 1873, Jamestown, Mich. Mar- ried, Ap 10, 1002, Jamestown. Address, James- town, Mich. HERBERT K. LEMON Surgeon; M.D.; s. J. W. K. (b. Richmond, Ind. and Anne M. (King) Lemon (b. Cincinnati). Prepared in Private Schs., H. S.; LTniv. of Denver, and Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hosp., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Cook Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 13th District, Tri-State Med. Soc. Address, Hawks Bldg., Goshen, Ind. ALOYSIUS J. LENNON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1878; s. John (b. Ap 7, 1837, Roscommon, Ire.) and Teresa (Fitz- gerald) Lennon (b. Ag 15, 1844, Kildare, Ire.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Phys., Joliet, 111. Mem. of Med. Advisory Bd. for Will and Grundy Counties during World War. Mem., Will Co. Med. Soc, (Pres., 1914-15; Sec, 1916). Married, 1906, Streator, 111. Children: Agnes, b. 1908; Charles F., b. 1909; Rose Mary, b. 1913; Aloysius J., Jr., b. 1915 (died 1916). Address, 605 Herkimer St., Joliet, 111.; bus. add.. Woodruff Bldg., do. HENRY SYLVESTER LEONARD Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 26, 1874; s. Charles Edgar (b. N 11, 1838, Alton, 111.) and Theresa E. (King) Leonard (b. My 1843, Liberty, Ind.). Prepared in Liberty (Ind.) H. S. A.B., Miami Univ., 1898. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. and Svirg. practice, Indian- apolis. 1st Lt., M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan., N 1918. Mem., Presby. Church (Deacon, 1917). Married, Ag 21, 1901, Anderson, Ind. (wife died D 1903); S 26, 1906, Indianapolis. Child, John Horace, b. O 22, 1914. Address, 1816 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis. GEORGE PETER KERRIGAN M.D.; b. F 20, 1871, Ireland; s. Peter and Anne (Ruddy) Kerrigan. Prepared in Erasmus Smith H. S., Galway, Ireland. Mem., K. C; Catholic Church. Married Evangeline M. Houston, Ja 1, 1897. Children: Harold J., b. F 27, 1898; Charles J., b. F 8, 1900; Evelyn, b. Ap 20, 1902; Dorothy, b. D 22, 1905; Aileen, b. Ja 18, 1908. Address, 6946 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. *ROSCOE GEORGE WILLIAM KINDER M.D.; b. 1876. Mem., Attending Staff, Rock- ford City Hosp., Rockford, 111., 1917. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ap 19, 1917, Rockford, 111. DAVID EDGAR KISECKER Phys. and Surg.;'M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly at Greencastle, Pa. Mem., A. M. A.; M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Caldwell, Kan.t WESLEY ALFRED KOCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Pekin H. S. Specialist in Pediatrics, Provo, Ut.; formerly of Peoria. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 527 Henrietta St., Pekin, Ill.t ALBERT CHARLES KUBICEK Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1899. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Address, 1654 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2100 S. Crawford Ave., do.t HENRY GEORGE LAMPE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Medill H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Commissioned in M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 4100 W. Madison St., Chicago; bus. add., 1820 S. Halsted St., do.t FLEMMING LOURESTON LIGGITT Physician; M.D.; b. S 30, 1873; s. Thomas (b. My 1, 1824, Pa.) and Martha (Thompson) Liggitt (b. Je 15, 1830). Prepared in 111. State Norm., Normal, 111. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mar- ried Martha Westfall, Je 15, 1904, Rankin, 111. Children: Frances Elizabeth, b. Jl 27, 1914; Flemming Loureston, b. Jl 27, 1916; Leura Mar- garet, b. D 1, 1917. Address, Rankin, 111. FRANK BYN LING Phvs. and Surg.; M.D. Formerly at 708 S. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. Address, Hastings, Neb.t ZACH JOHNSON LITTLE Professor; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Osage (Kan.) H. S. Prof., Acute Inf. Diseases, Jenner Med. Coll., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2547 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago.; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do.t CARL WRIGHT LOCKHART Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1875, Utica, Wis.; s. Thomas Andrew (b. Mr 10, 1844, Ind.) and Amanda (Wright) Lockhart (b. O 17, 1849, N. Y.). Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis.; N. W. Univ., 1897-98. Phi Rho Sigma. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 3, 1919-Ja 27, 1920; Stationed at Base Hosp. 124, Camp Hancock, Ga. Mar- ried Gladys Gale, Ag 23, 1905, South Haven, Mich. Children: Thomas A., b. Je 30, 1906; Lucy Gale, b. F 21, 1908; John M., b. My 17, 1911. Address, Mellen, Wis. FRANK ROY LOOPE (Son of George L., '86) Retired Physician; M.D.; b. D 31, 1873, Black Creek, Wis.; s. George Lafayette (b. O 23, 1847, New York) and Emma Jennie (Clark) Loope (b. Baraboo, Wis.). Prepared in Lawrence Univ., 1901] College of Medicine Alumni 77 Applcton, Wis., and Rush Med. Coll. Located in Ironwood. Mich,, IOOI-O.t; Bessemer, do., 1905-09: Seattle, Wash., 1909—. Med. Dept., Mich. Nat. Guard, 1898-1904. Address, 2335 Boylston Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. GEORGE JOHN LORCH Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1895; b. Ap 8, 1874. Madison, Wis.; s. Jacob (b. 1817, Cassel, Ger.) and Louise (Seneer) Lorch (b. 1832, Grisen, Ger.). Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Phvs. and Surg., Chicago, 1903 — ; Assoc, in Med., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Med., 1901-02: Instr., Materia Med. and Clin. Med., Coll. of Med.. 190G-12; Instr., Jr. Med., do., 1912-14; Instr., Med., do., 1914-18; Assoc, do., 1918—; Asst. attending Phys.. I'niv. Hosp. Mem.. Alumni Assn. (Sec, 1913-14; V. P., 1914-15); Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Je 22, 1898. Address, 1800 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. HENRY EVERHART LUEHRS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 2. 1879, Calumet Co., Wis.; s. Otto and Julia (DeLapert) Luehrs. Prepared in Chilton (Wis.) H. S., and Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis. Football Team. In charge of a mining Hosp. in S. A., 1919-20; Phys. and Surg, and Pub. Health Officer. Capt., U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; A. M. A. Married, Je 10, 1910, Milwaukee. Child. Lester O., b. Ja 14. 1912. Address, LasVcgas, N. M. ANDREW McAULIFFE Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., 1896.; Rush Med. Coll., 1896-98. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 3817 Fillmore St.. Chi- cago.t HARRY KENYON McCALL M.D.; b. Ap 13. 1876, Duncombe, la.; s, John N. and Mary E. (Kenyon) McCall. Prepared in Tobin Coll., Ft. Dodge, la., and Med. Dept., Univ. of la. Located in Stanhope, la.; Water- loo, do. Mem., I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Shrine, and Con- sistorv 32°: M. E. Church. Married Mabel E. Danielson, Je 27, 1906, Dayton, la. Children: John K., b. Ag 3, 1908; Mary M., b. D 24, 1914, Address, 624 W. 4th St., Waterloo, la.; bus. add., 306-07 Ist Nat. Bank Bldg., do. WILLIAM ORRIN MoDOWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 23, 1876, Water- loo, la.; s. James and Lovina E. (Baldwin) Mc- Dowell. Prepared in West Waterloo (la.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Grundy, la. Mem,, Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.;K.T.: Shrine. Local Bd.. World War. Mar- ried Alma Sessions. 1901, Waterloo, la. Children: Harriette, b. 1907; WilHam. b. 1908; Jame.s, b. 1910. Address, Grundy Center. la. JAMES JOSEPH McGUINN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 31, i874; s. William (b. 1850, Ire.) and Bridget Ann (Holloran) McGuinn (b. 1854. Vt.). Prepared in St. Josephs H. S., Davenport. la. and St. Ambrose Sch.. Rock Island, 111. Nu Sigma Nu. Post-Grad. Course in Surg.. Chicago Policlinic. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, with practice limited to Gen. Surg.. 1901 — ; S>irg,, Columbus Hosp., do.; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med 1902-04, Capt,. A, R. C, World War; foreign Serv., Evacuation Hosp. 3, Treves. Ger., 1918. Auth.: Monograph, Ovarian Sarcoma; Monograph, Bone-healing. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow). Married Helen Mabel Carroll, F 18. 1906. Children: John Car- roll, b. 1906; James Joseph, b, 1909; Mary Kath- lyne, b. 1914. Address, 5850 Kenmore Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd.. do. WARREN G. Mcpherson Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 30, 1875, Neoga, 111.; s. Elias (b. Mr 23. 1845, Pa.) and Mercy R. (Kelley) McPherson (b. S 1853, Ind.). Prepared in H. S. Post-grad, work, Chicago Policlinic. 1910; N.Y. Post-Grad. Sch., 1916. Phys. and Surg., Bement, 111. Mem., Local Exemption Bd.. Piatt Co. Mem., A. M. A.; Decatur Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; Central 111. District Med. Soc; Piatt Co. Med. Soc Married Lulu M. Mc- Pherson, Jl 31, 1901, Toledo, 111. (died My 1, 1912); Grace McPherson, Jl 10. 1913, Gainsville, Tex. Children: Mae. b. O 24, 1902; Helen, b. Ap 11. 1905. Address, Bement. 111. WILLIAM MAJOR Physician; M.D.; b. D 17, 1873, Eureka, 111.; s. J. and Mary S. (Jones) Ma,ior. B.S., Eureka Coll.. 1896. Phi Rho Sigma. Football. Coll. of Med., 1897-98-99-00. Married Maud M. Mea- cham, O 7, 1903, Eureka, 111. Address, 3030 S. Adams St., Peoria. 111. CLARENCE McCLELLAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Diploma, Ontario Veterinary Coll., 1891. Specialist in Gynecol.; formerly of Greenwood, Ind.; later at 1520 Olive St., Chicago. Mem.. A. M. A. Ad- dress, Stronghurst. Ill.t ♦WILLIAM MERRILL McCOY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Located first in Clinton, la.; Gen. Med, practice. Wenatchee, Wash,. 1895-1915. Mem.. A. M. A. Died O 1, 1915. Wenatchee. Wash. ROBERT JAMES McDONALD Phys. and Surg.; M.D."; b. 1871. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 1897-99. Formerly located in Last Lake, Wis. Address, Doylestown, Wis.t WILLIAM DAVID McDOWELL Physician; M.D.; b. S 1.5, 1862; s. Charles (b. 1817, Ulster. Ire.) and Isabella (Clements) Mc- Dowell (b. 1821. do.). Prepared in H. S., and Rush Med. Coll., 1887. B.S., Monmouth Coll., Mon- mouth. III. 1886. Class pres. 1901. Instr.. Med., Coll. of Med.. 1900-08; Instr.. Sr. Med., do., 1910- 14. Phys,, Chicago, 1901 — . Married Mary Edna Torrence. 1888. Monmouth. III. Children: Robert T., b. 1894 (died 1895); Marian B., b. 1890. Ad- drest, 3842 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 523 8. Crawford Ave., do. HUGH RALPH MARTIN Phy.sician; M.D,; b. Jl 17, 1875, Bement, 111.; s. Hudson (b. Je 26, 1835, Ky.) and Camilla T. (Purvis) Martin (b. 1840, Sullivan, 111.). Pre- pared in H. S. Located in Riverside, Calif., 1901—. U. S. Army in Honolulu and P. I.. 1898-99. Married Annetta Martin, Ja 1905. Riverside, Calif. Children: Hugh Hudson, b. Mr 18, 1909; Ralph Miller, b. Je 5, 1912; Worthing- ton. b. Ja 19. 1914. Address, 29 Rubidoux Drive. Riverside. Calif.; 6ms. add., 1023 Main St., do. WINFRED BYRUM MARTIN M.D.; b. My 13, 1877, Piatt Co.. 111.; s. William S. and Jane M. (Chandler) Martin. Phi Rho Sigma. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A,, S 14, 1917-D 2, 1917; Capt., do., D 3, 1917-Ap 9, 1919. Mem.. Congr. Church. Married lona MacDonald. S 30. 1903. Chicago. Address, Naperville. 111. JOHN CUNNINGHAM MAXWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Attended Rush Med. Coll.. 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Penrose. 111. Address, Sterling. Ill.f LAWRENCE HARLAND MEADOWS Physician; M.D.; b, N 13, 1877. Waverly, la.; s, William and Agnes Elizabeth (Brown) Meadows (b. Glasgow. Scotland). Prepared in Waverly (la.) H. S. Located in Calif., 1903; British 78 University of Illinois [1901 Columbia, 1910; Wash., 1912. Married Jeanne Pringle, D 24, 1919, Sau Francisco. Address, Clear Lake, Wash. EDWARD FREDERICK MEYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1900. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 4786 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t JOHN K. MORADIAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Constantinople H. S. M.D., Nat. Med. Coll., Chicago, 1897. Address, 1200 Wells St., Chicago.t FRANK ROY MORTON Gen. Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 1.3, 1880, Philadelphia; s. Henry and Francisa (Sibers) Morton. Prepared in Pvt. Sch., Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma. Instr., Sr. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mabel Edwards, Je 1907, Chi- cago. Children: Dorothy, b. S 20, 1908; Francis, b. D 20, 1913. Address, 913 Buena Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. *ENGELBRECHT NELSON Physician; M.D.; b. 1866. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 15, 1912, at the South Chicago Hosp., Chicago. WILLIAM MANNING NEWMAN Phy,sician; M.D.; b. S 5, 1871, Adolphustown, Ontario, Canada; s. William (b. Mr 16, 1839, Bedford, Eng.) and Sarah (Makeham) Newman. Prepared in Picton, (Ont.), H. S. and Ont. Agr. Coll., Guelph, Ont. Gen. Med. practice. Deer Park, Wash., 1901-02. Emergency surg., Spokane, Wash., 1912-15. Sec. Inland Empire CHnical Society, 1903. Married Nellie Levens, O 5, 1904 (died Je 5, 1919). Child, Ruth, Levens, b. F 8. 1907. Address, 309 S. Wall St., Spokane, Wash.; bus. add., 502 Old National Bank Bldg., do. CHARLES MONTAGUE NOBLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, 5043^ S. Adams St., Peoria. t PHILIP DAMAS NOLAND Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 22, 1860, Star City, Ind.; s. Wesley and Sarah (Korner) Noland. Prepared in Anna (O.) H. S. M.D., Ky. Sch. of Med., 1888. Mem., Advisory Bd., Med. Exam- iners, World War. Married Sarah Dunn, Ag 1888, Star City, Ind. Address, Kouts, Ind. CLIFFORD IRWIN OLIVER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 26, 1877; s. Lovette (b. 1849, 111.) and Lavini Ruth OHver (b. do.). Prepared in Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Phi Rho. Phys and Surg , Graceville, Minn., 1901 — ; Chief Surg., Western Minn. Hosp.; do., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Great Nor- thern Rys. Capt., M. C, U. S- A., 1918-Ja 11, 1919. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs. Married Myr- tle Gossard, Je 26, 1901. Children: Irwin, b. O 12, 1904; Lucille, b. Jl 11, 1902. Address, Graceville, Minn. DWIGHT CHAPMAN ORCUTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Areola H. S.; Sp. in Sc, Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1896-97. Specialist, Ophthalmol. Mem., Chicago Laryngol. and Otol. Soc; Chicago Oph- thalmol. Soc; A. M. A. Address, Hubbard Woods, 111.; 6ms. add., 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.t JOHN MATHIEW PALMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 30, 1869, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; s. Mary (Monohan) Palmer. Pre- pared in Milton (Wis.) H. S. Formerly of Gravs Lake, 111. Army Serv., World War, 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M. Auth.: Articles in Jour. A. M. A.: III. Med. Jour. Married Mary C. Spauld- ing, S 19, 1901, Milton, Wis. Children: John, b. Ag 1, 1902; Isabel, b. S 29, 1903. Address, 532 Grand Ave., Waukegan, III.; bus. add., 137 N. Genesee St., do. WILLIAM RILEY PARKER M.D.; b. Ap 30, 1870, Oilman, 111.; s. Thomas and Jane (Barnum) Parker. Ph.G., HI. Coll. of Pharm., 1889. Druggist for 10 yrs. Served on Exemption Bd., World War. Married Frances Cavanaugh, 1895, Oilman, 111. Child, Helen, b. Jl 10, 1898. Address', 703 Peoria Ave., Dixon, 111.; 6ms. add., 121 First St., do. IVAN ARTHUR PARRY M.D.; b. Mr 24, 1876, Mankato, Minn., Evan and Anne Parry. Prepared in Mankato Norm. Sch. B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1897. Psi Upsilon. Football and Baseball, Univ. of Minn and Coll. of Med. U. S. Navy, World War Ap 20, 1917-Mr 25, 1919. Married Elizabeth Arnold, 1913, Mexico, Mo. Children: Ivan Jr b. 1915; Anne, b. 1916. Address, 905 13th St. N., Seattle; 6ms. add., 964 Empire Bldg., do. HANS PETER CHRISTIAN PETERSEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Je 2, 1867, Denmark; s. P. C. and Christine (Hansen) Petersen. Prepared in Univ. of Copenhagen, Prep. Dept., and Pharm- acy Examinations in Denmark. Surg., Chicago, 1902; Columbus, Neb., 1904; RadclifF, la., 1906; Tacoma, Wash., 1921. Auth.: Tubercular Di- seases of Bone in Children; Rural Health Rules; Diabetes from the Surgical Standpoint. Mem., Co. Med. Assn.; State Med. Assn.; A. M. A. Mar- ried Emilie Emilson, Ap 5, 1893, Chicago. Chil- dren: Adeline, b. 1894; Winfred, b. 1895; Victor, b. 1909. Address, 313 N. J St., Tacoma, Wash.; bus. add.. Suite 330 Provident Bldg., do. FRANKLIN RETRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 9, 1874, Beaver Dam, Ind.; s. Jacob (b. 1838, Pa.) and Mary Jane (Swoveland) Retry (b. 1838, O.). Prepared in Ind. State Norm. Sch., Terre Haute, Ind.; Ind Med. Coll., 1897-99. Phys. and Surg., Akron Ind., 1901-03; do., Monticello, Ind., 1903-04 Thayer, Ind., 1904-08; Gary, 1908-14; Lowell 1914—. Mem., Presby. Church, 1910—. Mar ried Elva Amy East, My 28, 1905, Rensselaer Ind. Children: Franklin, Jr., b. Je 6, 1906; Lois Maxine, b. Jl 28, 1908; Wayne Leslie, b. O 1, 1910 Donald Wilson, b. N 19, 1912; John Wilber, b S 25, 1915; Percis Marietta, b. S 13, 1917. Ad- dress, Lowell, Ind. VERA WALLIN PLETH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Sonora, Calif .t NINA DELL POLSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Laclede (Mo.) H. S.; III. Training Sch. for nurses, Chicago. Address, Laclede, Ill.t *IRENE ROBINSON PRATT M.D.; b. 1864. Died, My 15, 1918, Chicago. ORA MARCUS RHODES (Brother of Edward Melville, '00, LL.B.; '12, B.S.; '13, M.S.) Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1898; b. Mr 12, 1871, Bloomington, III.; s. Aaron Payne (b. Ap 19, 1834, Bloomington, III.) and Martha M. (Cox) Rhodes (b. Ag 9, 1834, do.). Prepared in country sch. and III. State Norm. Univ., Normal, III., 1894. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Capt., Co. D.; 1st Sergt.; 1st Lt. Rifle Team; Varsity Football Team; Dele- gate to Nat. Convention of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Boston, 1900, representing 111.; Ed. of Illio, 1901. Grad. work, Univ. of Vienna, 1912-13. Vice Chm., Med. Advisory Bd., 11th District, 1918. Mem., Centennial Christian Church; McLean Co. Med. Soc. (Bd. of Trustee and Treas.); 111. State 1901] College of Medicine Alumni 79 Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Myrtle J. Downs, My 8, 1902, Elwowl, lud. Children: daughter, b. F 16, 1903 (died F IS, 1903); Aaron Payne, b. O 25, 190S; son (died Ap 5, 1910). Address, 116 E. Grove St., Bloomingtou, 111.; bus. add., 405-407 Corn Belt Bank Bldg., do. KATHARINE BRAINERD RICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1S04, St. Albans. Vt.; d. Lawrence and Louise (Smith) Bruinerd. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Auth.: Articles in Jour. A M. A. Married John P. Rich, My 17, 1S93. Child, Jean K. Address, 1924 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.; bxis. add., 31 N. State St., Chicago. JOSEPH ELMER RIDENOUR Physician; M.D.; b. D 2. 1S73; s. John (b. My U. 1S20, Kingston. W. Va.) and Ehzabeth (Frush) Ridenour (b. My 2S, 1S35, Berlin, Pa.). Prepared in Tilford Acad, Vinton, la.; Univ. of la., 1897- 1900. Grad. work, Chicago Policlinic. Phys., Jesup, la., 1901-04; do., Waterloo, 1904—. Mar- ried. Child. Edward Joseph, b. Je 10, 1911. Address, Waterloo. la. GEORGE ROY*RINGO Phya. and Surg.; M.D.j b. 1878. Omaha Med. Coll.. 1898-99. M.A., Fremont Coll.. 1898. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Minot, N. Dak.f WILLIAM FERNANDO ROBERTSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Arcadia (la.) H. S. Formerly located in Lamoni, la. ; retired from active practive. Address, Rolette, N. Dak.t THEODORE HENRY ROLFS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Marquette Coll., Milwaukee. Specialist, Surg. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 400 Belleview Place, Milwaukee; bus. add., 450 12th St., do.t EDWARD DANIEL SAGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended tJniv. of Mich., Med. Dept., 1897-99. Gen. Med. practice; at one time located in Gobleville, Mich. Address, 1020 Portage St.. Kalamazoo, Mich.; bus. add., 208 O'Brien Block, do.t THEODORE WILLIAM SCHOLTES M.D.; b. Ja 8, 1878, Reads Landing, Minn.; a. John and Katherine (Capacius) Scholtes. Pre- pared in Wabasha (Minn.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Married Alice Bernbe, Ag 10, 1915, Munising, Mich. Four children. Address, Muni- sing. Mich. CHARLES JAMES SCOFIELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 6920 Anthony Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 2200 E. 7l8t St.. do.t CHARLES EDWIN SEARS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended State Univ. of la., 1897-99. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Sears, 111. Address, 778 Flanders St., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., Stevens Bldg., do.t MATHIAS JOSEPH SEIFERT Professor; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1806, Chicago; s. Anthony V. (b. Aus.) and Slargaret (Kannen) Seifert (b. Ger.). Prepared in Chicago .Schs. and Teachers Sem., St. Francis, Wis. A.B., Univ. of So. Minn.. 1914. Grad. work. Chicago Musical Coll. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Marion Sims Hosp,, 1898-1902; Asst., Phy.siol., Coll. of Med.. 1899- 1901; Instr.. Sr. Med., do., 1901-06; Adjunct Prof., Operative Surg., do., 190.5-09; Instr.. Gynecol., Chicago Policlinic. 1901-06; Prof.. Phys. Diag. and Anestbesiol., Coll. of Dent., 1905-09; Prof., Sr. Surg.. Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906-07; Prof., Surg, and Head of Surg. Dept., Chicago Hosp. Coll. of Med.. 1912-17; Surg., Columbus and St. Mary of Nazareth Hosps., 1921; Lecturer, Gyne- col., do. Auth.: Med. Instruction, The Chicago Med. Recorder, Jl, 1902; Medicine, do., F 1906; The Medical Sch. of the Future, Med. Standard, S 1902; Traumatic Cerebral Diabetes, Am. Med., Jl, 1905; Univ. of 111. Coll. of Dent. Inaugural, Plexus, D 1907; Arterio- Venous Aneurism of the Deep Epigastric Artery and Vein, Report of a Unique Case with a Review of the Literature, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, Jl 1914; Manual of Practical Gynecol.. Chicago Med. Book Co., 1915; Latent Atypical Malaria Complicating the Puer- perium. Jour. A. M. A., D 1914; Abnormal Lac- tation, A Careful Study of the Literature with the Report of a Case, read at the 71st Annual Session of the A. M. A., Ap 1920, Jour. A. M. A., Je 1920; Eccyesis, with a Comprehensive Review of the Literature, Internal. Clinics, V 2, Ser. 30, 1920; Aneurism Arterio Venous, Chicago Med. Recorder: Med. Problems of the Future; The Influence of the Fine Arts upon Life. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Phys. Club of Chicago; K. C; C. O. F.; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow). Married Mary C. Karst, F 8, 1888, C'licago. Children: Myra C; Earl (deceased). Address, 585 Hawthorne Place, Chicago; bris. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. *WILLIAM REYNOLDS SEVERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Spanish- Am. War Veteran; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Kearney, World War; hon. discharge, Mr 8, 1918. Died Je 14, 1920, Los Angeles. JAMES WILSON SHANKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Clarksville (Mich.) Acad.; Univ. of Mich., Med. Sch., 1897-1900. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Mem., South-western Mich. Trio- logical Soc. Address, Peck Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich.t ROBERT HENRY SHAW M.D.; b. S 18, 1877, Lyndon, 111.; s. William H. and Ella (Moore) Shaw. Prepared in Lyndon H. S. Mem., Stephenson Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Laura Sebring, S 18, 1902, Dixon, 111. Children: William Harold, b. Ag 30, 1903; Mildred Irene, b. D 23, 1904; Inez Elizar beth, b. F 24, 1906. Address, 1208 S. West Ave., Freeport, 111.; bus. add., 3 E. Stephenson St., do. HAUPHREY HELM SHERWOOD M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1872, Shabbona. 111.; s. Frank O. and Lucinda (Helm) Sherwood. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1894. Located at New Windsor, 111., 1901-05; Bowen, 111., 1905-10; Humboldt. S. Dak., 1910—. Mem., S. Dak. Med. Assn.; A. M. A.; Sioux Falls Dist. Med. Assn. Married Bertha K. Kyler, Je 25, 1896, Kirkwood, 111. Children: Kenneth K., Jl 23, 1902; Richard, b. Je 11, 1908. Address, Humboldt, S. Dak. WILLIAM EDWARD SHOOK Physician; M.D.; b. N 28, 1872, Nemaha, Neb.; s. John H. and Ella (Pike) Sliook. Prepared in Auburn (Neb.) H. S. and Cotner Univ., Bethany, Neb. Gen. Med. practice, Shubert, Neb., 1903—. Med. Advisory Bd., Richardson Co., Neb., World War. Mem., Christian Church; Shrine; A. M. A.; Neb. State Med. Soc. Married Lizzie B. Shurtleff, Je 25, 1902, Humboldt, Neb. Chil- dren: Mildred D., b. Je 20, 1904; Eleanor E.. b. O 16, 1907. Address, Shubert, Neb. IRENE SMEDLEY Phys. and- Surg.; M.D.; b. My 2.5, 1863, Bel- videre. 111.; d. Lyman D. and Elizabeth (Sager) Smedley. A.B., Pella Coll.. 1892. Received 2 Gold Medals for Oratory. Phys. and Surg., Tama. la., 1902-10; Completed 1 yr. of work at Coll. of Med., 1912; Specialist, Obstetrics, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1912 — . Served the Red Cross in work 80 University of Illinois [1901 for relief of war sufferers. Head of the S. Dak. drive for the Am. Womens Hosp. Mem., Bus. and Professional Womens Club, (Pres.); Baptist Church. Address, 702 S. Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls S. Dak.; bus. add., Paulton Bldg., do. HUGH EMORY SMITH M.D.; b. S 24, 1873; s. H. B. and Marie (Westen- kame) Smith. Prepared in Ithaca (Mich.) H. S. Formerly located in Gobleville, Mich. Married Alberta Allen, 1907. Children: Esta Kate, b. 1910; Ralph J., b. 1916. Address, Newman, Calif. JAMES TAYLOR SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Harvey Med. Coll., 1897-1900. Address, Westfield, N. C.J *ERIK SOEGAARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Otto Andersens Latin Sch., Christiania, Norway. For- merly at 451 4th St., San Bernardino, Calif. Deceased. JULIUS CHARLES SOMMERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H. S. Specialist, Roentgenology. Address, 14 E. Mifflin St., Madison. Wis.f WALTER STERNBERG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 27, 1874, Mitchell- ville, la.; s. Lambert (b. Ap 28, 1838, Richland Springs, N. Y.) and Rosina (Fabian) Sternberg (b. 1848, Roundout, N. Y.). Prepared in H. S.; High- land Park Norm. Coll., 1892-94. Ph.G,, Drake Univ., 1896. Phi Rho Sigma; Football and Base- ball. Mem., Local Bd., Henry Co.; Chm., Henry Co. Council of Defense; Co. Food Administrator; Chm., M. O. R. C; enlisted and commissioned in M. C. U. S. A., but not called to service. Married Elizabeth Mary Hunter, Jl 16, 1902, Detroit, Mich. Children: Virginia Glenn, b. Mr 15, 1904; Walter Lambert, b. Mr 9, 1906; Thomas Hunter, b. Jl 25, 1908. Address, Mt. Pleasant, la. HIRAM READ STILWILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.: b. 1872. M.D., Wash- ington Univ. Med. Sch., St. Louis, 1898. Specia- list, Ophthalmol.; formerly of Lyndall, S. Dak. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol.; Colo. Ophthalmol. Soc. Address, MetropoHtan Bldg., Denver.t ALVIN MARTIN STOBER Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in Greene (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., Med. Dept., 1897-99. Address, 3213 Altgeld St.. Chicago.t WILLIAM STORCK Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1889; b. My 7, 1866, Ger.; s; Phillip (b. Mr 22, 1830, Ger.) and Louisa (Becker) Storck (b. My 6, 1842, Ger.). Prepared in Ger. Schs. Married Anna D. Storck, O 19, 1893, Stoughton, Wis. Address, 5414 Drexel Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 5504 Kenwood Ave., do. EDWIN AUGUST STREICH Physician; M.D.; b. F 21. 1876, Oshkosh. Wis.; s. August F. and Ernestine (Beetzin) Streich. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1898. Mem., A. F, A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, 1557 W. Garfield Blvd.. Chicago: bus. add., 5505 S. Ashland Ave., do. HERBERT RANKIN STRUTHERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1893; b. Je 22, 1872, DePere, Wis.; s. Thomas S., (b.D 22, 1830, Scotland) and Mary (Sutherland) Struthers (b. Mr 20, 1832, Can.). Prepared in De Pere (Wis.) H. S. Phvs. and Surg., Ashkum, 111., 1902-18; do., Gravslake, III., Ja 1919—. World War, Ag 19, 1918-D 19, 1919. Married S 9, 1895, Mil- waukee, Wis. Child, Thomas M., b. Ja 22, 1897. Address, Grayslake. 111. GEORGE GORDEN TALMAGE Physician; M.D.; b. D 20, 1869, Brushy Prairie. Ind.; s. Elisha and .lane (Griffith) Talmage, Address, Washta, la. ♦MARTHA GURINE THORWICK (Di GIAMINI) Phy.s. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Jenner Med. Coll., 1897-99. Died N 16, 1921, San Francisco. CHARLES PETER TILLMONT Physician; M.D.; b. F 13, 1871, New Bremen, N. Y.; s. Stephen (b. France) and Elizabeth (Bock) Tillmont (b. do.). Prepared in Lowville Academy, Lowville, N. Y. Gen. Med. practice, 1901-19; Hydro-Therapy, Electro-Therapeutics, Psychologi- cal Therapeutics, and X-Ray, Centerville, la., 1919—. Vol. Serv, World War. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E.; Catholic Church; Centerville Country Club. Married Kathryn E. Connors, S 5, 1900, Dixon, 111. Children: Martha Elizabeth, b. Ja 10, 1902; Mary Josephine, b. N 2, 1906; Elizabeth Ann, b. D 17, 1912. Address, 116 N. 13th St.. Centerville, la. *FREDERICK,AUGUSTUS TREACY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Attended Harvey Med. Coll. before entering Coll. of Med. Formerly located in Lewiston, Mont. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 21, 1904, Helena, Mont. *AGNES TURNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1862. Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S.; Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1897-98. Died N 18, 1901, Epworth Hosp., South Bend, Ind. DELOS ASHLEY TURNER Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1877. Formerly located in Goldfield, Nev. Address, Tonopah, Nev.t JULIUS HIRSCH ULRICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 9, 1876, Peoria, 111.; s. Charles and Emelie (Hirsch) Ulrich. Ph.G., Philadelphia Coll. of Pharm., 1895. Address, 709 Hayward St., Peoria, HI.; bus. add., 801 Lehman Bldg.. do. ROY THOMAS URQUHART Physician; M.D.; b. D 25, 1877. Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S., 1895. Capt.. M. C. U. S. A.; stationed at Camp Custer. Mich.; U. S. Gen. Hosp. 36, Detroit, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Edna Stephenson, O 22, 1903. Children: Donald, b. 1906; Jean, b. 1912. Address, 438 E. Pleasant St., Grand Rapids, Mich. JAMES APTHORP VAN HORNE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Columbus (O.) H. S.; Jefferson Med. Coll., 1897-98. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Omaha, Neb. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 1356 Woodward Ave.. E.. Detroit, Mich.J VICTOR IMMANUEL VESTLING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. A.B , Augus- tana Coll., 1895. Formerly located in Rock Island, 111. Address, Stanton, la.J BISMARCK VON WEDELSTAEDT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Attended Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Hamline Univ., 1897-99. Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist; formerly located in St. Paul; later at Chicago. Staff, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, Post-Grad. Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 1113 E. 4th St., Long Beach, CaUf.; 6ms. add., 209 Pine St., rfo.f FRANKLIN LAMPHERE WALLACE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Lincoln H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Address, Imperial. Calif. t College of Medicine Alumni 81 WILLIAM BURDICK WELLS Physician; M.D,; b. S IS, 1875, Berlin, Wis.; s. A. Judson (b. Mr 23, 1S32, DeRuyter, N. Y.) and Adelaide E. (Utter) Wells (b. My 2o, 1835, Houndsfield, N. Y.). B.A., Milton Coll.. 189(5; M.A..rfo., 1901. Founder of HoQuiam Gen. Hosp., Hoquiam, Wash.; located do., 1901-1909; River- side, Calif.. 1909—. Health Off., do., 1918—. Mem., Med. Examining Bd. for Exemption Bd. 2. Riverside. Calif. Mem., A. M. A.; Calif. State Med. Soc; Riverside Co. Med. Soc.f B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Orpah Loofboro, Ja 25, 1901, Welton, la. Children: Beatrice, O.. b. My 7. 1903; Marguerite, b. Mv 15, 1909; Dorothy A., b. Ag 25, 1913. Address, 375 Walnut St., Riverside, Calif.; bus. add., 940 Main St., do. FRED CALDWELL WHEAT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1809. Attended State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1897-99. Gen. Med. practice, Minneapolis; later at Anoka. Minn. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Anoka, Minn.t BERTHA LILLIAN WILLING (BARALEY) Phys.and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Winona, Minn.; Hahnemann Med. Coll.. 1S97-9S; Nurse. Presby. Hosp.. Mil- waukee, 16 mos. Formerly of La Crosse, Wis.t CHARLES OSCAR WILTFONG M.D.; b. Jl 7, 1876; s. John and Elizabeth (Wade) Wiltfong. Prepared in Plymouth (Ind.) H. S. House Surg., Coll. of Med., 1901. Mem., Calumet Lodge, 379, A. F. A. M.; Fort Wayne Consistory; 32°; K. T. Married Mr 7, 1906. Address, 115 2nd St.. Chesterton, Ind. ANNA SOPHIA WINDROW Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Harvey Med. Coll.. 1S97-99. Formerly located in Chicago. CHARLES ELY WRIGHT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 6, 1869; s. Thomas M. (b. 1828, Ancaster. Ont., Can.) and Agnes Boomer (Innis) Wright (b. 1833, Armaugh, Ire.). Prepared in Simcos H. S., Ont., Can.; Marion- Sims-Beaumont Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1888. Phys. and Surg., Scales Mound, 111., 1901-08; do., Van- couver, B. C, 1908-09; do., Rockford. 111., 1909—. Mem. of Advisory Bd.. 1918. Married Betty H. Harrison. 1893. Selkirk, Ont,. Can. Children: Mona Agnes, b. Mr 25, 1.896; Josephine Kathleen, b. Je 15, 1898; Amelia Tepton, b. Je 21. 1900. Address, 822 N. Court St.. Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 401-403 Stewart Bldg., do. WINIFRED IRENE YELTON (ROBB) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 1897-1900. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Newton, 111.; formerly of Yale, do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Newton, lll.t JOSEPH ZABORTSKY Physician; M.D.; b. Je 27, 1887, Walker, la.; s. Margaret Amfels. Prepared in Tilford Col- legiate Acad., Vinton, la. Phi Beta Pi. Gen" Med. practice, Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; with 14th Div. Sanitary Train, Field Hosp., 2,54, World War. Married Clara Bandkirk, 1907. Child, Helen, b. O 12, 1913. Address, 5324 Wash- ington Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 31 N. State St., do CLASS OF 1902 (194 LIVING, 28 DEAD) WILLIAM HERBERT AARON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Formerly located at Big Neck. Adams Co.. 111. In Indian Serv., Okla. 1st Lt., Inf. 2nd Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, Tex., World War. Address, Osage Sch., Pawhuska, Okla.t JACOB LEONARD ALBRIGHT Phys. and Surg.; b. 1872, Lena, III.; s. Jacob and ilartba (Erwin) .Albright. Instr., Sr. Med., CoU. of Med., 1906-10. Mem., Lutheran Church; A. F. A. M. Married Mabel Evans, Mr 9, 1904, Chicago. Children: Jerrold E., b. 1905; Lois Marion, b. 1912. Addresn, 4402 Vincennes Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4254 Indiana Ave., do. FREDERICK HERRICK ALDRICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b, F 22, 1872, Fari- bault, Minn.; s. Daniel J. and Isabel (Clements) Aldrich. Prepared in Central H. S., Minneapolis. Capt., M. C. U. S. A.; .Surg. .Serv., Base Hosp., Camp Custer Mich., World War. Mem., Barto Lodge 247, A. F. A. M . Married Emma L. Scholz, Ag IS, 1903, Waukegan, 111. Child, Herrick John. b. Ja 20, 1907. Address, Belview, Minn. BYRON JONATHAN ARNOLD Phys and Surg.; M.D. B.A., Fiske Univ., 1896; M.D., Meharry Med. CoU., 1899. Address, Tyler, Tei.t JOSEPH THOMAS ASBURY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; 1875. Prepared in Bowen H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Wabasha, Minn. .Serv. with 16 Field .\rtillery. Camp Robinson; M. O. T. C. Fort Riley; Hosp.. Ft. Worth. Tex.; Army Surgeons Course. Mayo Clinic. Rochester, Minn. (Jl 6, 1917-F 5, 1918). Address, Chat- field, Minn.t ♦WILLIAM EDWARD BAKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b: 1872. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll.. 1900. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at 308 N. Kostner Ave., Chicago. De- ceased. ANNIE ESTHER BARRON (HARRISON) Instructor; M.D.; b. O 3, 1872, Kiev, Rus.; d. Lager and Raj (Finikel) Barron. Supt., Univ- Dispensary, 1892-1914; Phys., Helen Day Nur- sery, 1914-17; Asst. Obstetrician, Univ. Hosp., 1912—; Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med. Address, 1258 Independence Blvd., Chicago. PHILIP HENRY BARTHOLOMEW Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18',9. Prepared in Classical Institute, Ligonier, Pa. Gen. Med. prac- tice; formerly located at Edgewood Park, Pa.; later at Blue Hill, Neb. Mexican Border Serv.! 1916-17; Maj., M. C, U. S. A.; Surg., and Com- manding Officer, Field Hosp., 109, .San. Train, 34th Div.; overseas serv.. O 12. 1918-Ja 29. 1919. Address, 2025 A St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., State Capitol, do.t BASHUR ILIAS BASHUR (Brother of Zerefeh E. Bashur. M.D., '11) Physician; M.D.; b. 1870, Safita, Syria. B.A., Beirut Protestant Coll., 1893; attended Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1898-1901. Gen. Med. practice, with sister at Tripoli, Syria. Married 1906. Three daughters and two sons. Address, Tripoli, Syria. WILLIAM HENRY BAYER Physician; M.D.; b. D 11, 1874, Walworth Co., Wis.; s. George (b. D 19, 1834, Bavaria) and (Trefiinger) Bayer (b. Ag 23, 1841, Philadelphia. Prepared in East Troy (Wis.) H. S.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1898-1900. Phys., Gleason, Wis., 1902—. Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Mr 1918-Ja 1919. Mem., Lincobi Co. Med- See; Wis. State Med. Soc. University of Illinois [1902 A. M. A. Married Katharine Susan Thompson, S 24, 1903, East Troy, Wis. Children: Lester J., b. O 6, 1904; Karl O., b. O 20, 1907; David E., b. Mr 19, 1912; Wilma Rose, b. D 1, 1915. Address, Gleason, Wis. J. ALBERT BEAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. A.B., Univ. of Wooster, O.; A.M., 1892. At one time located in Carlton, O. Address, Orangeville, O.t LESLIE WALTER BEEBE Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1872, Chicago; s. Albert Gary (b. Palmyra, N. Y.) and Frances Lucy Beebe (b. N. Y.). Prepared in West Divi- sion H. S., Chicago. A.B., N. W. Univ., 1894. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Alpha Gamma. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1897-98; Asst. Prof., Surg., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago; Consulting Staff, Hahnemann Hosp., do.; Attending Surg., West Suburban Hosp., Oak Park, 111.; Chm., Bd. of Health, do., 1914-1.5. Auth.: Surg. Section of Gatchells Pocket Book of Med. Practice, 1899. Mem., W. Oak Park Lodge, A. F. A. M., 1914—; Oak Park Council, R. & S. M., 191.5; 33rd degree, A. A. S. R., 1918. Married Grace Martha Hud- son Peters, 189S, Freehold, N. Y. Address, 401 Forest Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 801 S. Blvd., do. ♦WILLIAM HENRY BELKNAP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. M.D.; b. 1871. M.D., Univ. of Mich. Homeopathic Med. Sch., 1900. Formerly located at Lafayette and Wash- ington Sts., Greenville, Mich. Mem., A. M. A. Deceased. CHARLES CHESTER BENEDICT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended. Drake Univ. Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Formerly at Eagle Grove, la.; at one time located at 916 Cobb Bldg., Seattle; later at Year Bldg., Portland, Ore. Capt.. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Hosp. 59, Tacoma, Wash.f LOUIS JEROME BENNETT Physician; M.D.; b. F 5, 1876, Oregon, Wis.; s. William C. (b. N. Y.) and Louisa J. (Griffin) Bennett (b. do.). Prepared in Oregon (Wis.) H. S.; Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1898-1900. Grad. work in Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll. and 111. Post-Grad. Coll. Phys., Reeseville. Wis., 1902-03; do., Oregon, Wis., 1903-07; Fort Atkinson, 1907—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Sr. Officer, Ear, Nose and Throat Dept., Base Hosps., Camp Arthur and Camp Cody, Ag 9, 1917-D o, 1918. Mem., Jeffer.son Co. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1910) ; A. M. A. Married Pearl B. Nelson, S 7, 1898, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Children: Harold, b. My 15, 1902; Isabelle W., b. N 3, 1904. Address, 310 N. Main St., Ft. Atkinson, Wis.; bxis. add., 4 S. Water St., do. CLYDE WILLIAM BICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 11, 1876; s. George W. (b. N. Y.I and Carrie A. (Stund) Bice, (b. Vt.). Prepared in Perry (la.) H. S. Post-grad, work, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1915. Phys. and Surg, in Ruthton, Minn., 1902-05; Ritzville, Wash. 190.5-14; Great Falls, Mont., 1916—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 1918-Ja 10, 1919. Married Harriett M. Wolf, Jl 27, 1914, Vancouver, Wash. Address, 1808 3rd Ave. N., Great Falls, Mont.; bus. add., Thisted Bldg., do. JAMES GORDON BONINE Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1877, Niles, Mich.; 8. I. A. and Alice (Wilkinson) Bonine. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Cassopolis, Mich. FRANK RUNCORN BORDEN Physician; M.D.; b. N 1, 1874, Plainfield, Wis.; s. Bishop B. (b. 18.39, N. Y.) and Jane E. (Mitchell) Borden (b. 1844, Pa.). Prepared in H. S. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1896. Postgrad, work, Univ. of Dijon, Fr., 1919. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Ap 5. 1917; Capt., do., N 5, 1917; Maj., Mr 2.3, 1918; active service, Je 13, 1917-Ag 5, 1919 (Foreign service, Ag 16, 1918-Jl 18, 1919). Married, 1901, Chicago. Children: Bayard B., b. 1904; Mitchell P., b. 1907. Address, Plainfield, Wis. ERLING ALBERT BOTHNE Physician; M.D.; b. O 28, 1871, Frederickshald, Norway; s. Thrond J. (b. D 13, 1835, Vikor, Hardanger, Norway) and Johanna (Auckland) Bothne (b. O 2, 1828, Stordoen, do.). Prepared in Luther Coll., Decorah, la. B.A., do., 1894. Capt. Football team, do., 1892-1893; do.. Coll. of Med., 1900-01. Located in Ulen, Minn., 1902—. Mar- ried Ida O. Mellum, F 1, 1913, Ulen, Minn. Ad- dress, Ulen, Minn. FRANK ELLIS BRAWLEY Specialist; M.D.; b. N 23, 1875, Orion, 111. Prepared in Peoria H. S. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1897. Phi Rho Sigma. .Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Flight Surg.; on Advisory Bd. 3 G, St. Lukes Hosp. for Ophthalmol.; served the Am. Red Cross by giving free serv. to families of Soldiers and Sailors in World War. Address, 5822 Blackstone Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 30 N. Mich. Blvd., do. JACOB BREID (Husband of Maria Wolz Breid, '02) Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 26, 1869, Callaway Co., Mo.; s. Nicholas (b. O 30, 1827, Prussia, Ger.) and Susan (Cleck) Breid (b. N 9, 1837, Mifflintown, Pa.). Prepared in Avalon Coll., Trenton, Mo. and Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1898-1900. A. B., Avalon Coll. Located, Kansas City, Mo., 1902; Phys., U. S. Indian Serv., Vermillion Lake Sch., Tower, Minn., 1903; Keams Canon, Ariz., 1904-05; Harlem, Mont., 1906-07; Phys., Supt.. and Financial Clerk, Indian Reservation, Otoe, Okla., 1908-09; Chief of Health Section, Indian Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1909-13; Supt., East Farm Sanitarium, Phoenix, Ariz., 1913-16; Supt., Ft. Lapwai, Sanitarium, Lapwai, Idaho, 1917-19; Supt. Sac and Fox Sanitarium, Toledo, la., 1920 — . Med. Branch, U. S. Indian Service as Med. Ad- ministrative Officer and Phys., F 1903 — . Mem., Congregational Church; A. M. A.; Nat. Tubercu- losis Assn.; Idaho and Ariz. State Med. Socs.; Nat. Geog. Soc; Nat. Ed. Assn. Married Maria Wolz, S 14, 1898, Ann Arbor, Mich. Child, Elizabeth Wolz, b. Mr 5, 1910. Address, Toledo, la. MARIA WOLZ BREID (Wife of Jacob Breid, '02) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 3, 1870, Grundy Co., Mo.; d. George and Martha Ann (Evans) Wolz. Prepared in Trenton (Mo.) H. S.; State Norm. Sch., Kirksville, Mo., 1886-88; Drake Univ., Des Moines, 1895-96; Mo. State Univ., Columbia, Mo., 1906-07; Univ. of Mich., 1898-1900. Nu Sigma Phi; Honor Grad., Coll. of Med. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Trenton, Mo., 4 yrs.; Passed Mo. State Bd. Examination and located at 542 Park Ave.. Kansas City. With husband in U. S. Indian Serv., Ver- milion Lake Sch., Tower, Minn., 1903; Phys., Oraibi, Ariz., 1905; located with husband on Ft. Belknap Reservation, Harlem, Mont., 1906; Asst, to husband in Med. practice, Otoe, Okla., 1908; located with him in Washington, D. C, 1909; now at Toledo, la., where husband is Supt. and Med. Director of Sac and Fox Sanitarium. Local Red Cross work, Washington. D. C. Autb.: Lectures and Talks on Health Subjects to Indian Women. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Jacob Breid, S 14, 1898, Ann Arbor, Mich. Child, Eliza- beth Wolz, b. Mr 5, 1910, Washington, D. C. Ad- dress, Sac and Fox Sanitarium, Toledo, la. ERNEST LEHMAN WHEELER BROWN Physician; M.D.; s. Millard Fillmore and Louise Rose (Lehman) Brown. Prepared in Lenox (la.) H. S.; Drake Univ., 1891-93. Gen. Med. prac- tice with father, Dr. M. F. Brown, Lenox, la., 1902-05; Colon, Panama, My 1905;Ap 1908; operating banana and cocoa plantation, in addition to practice, Jamaica, 1905 — . Pvt., 4th Mo. Vol- unteers, Spanish-Am. War., My 1898-Ap 1900. Married Jeanne Roby, Ap 20, 1900, St. Joseph, Mo. Children: Robert Clarke, b. Mr 30 1903; Blanche 1902] College of Medicine Alvmni 83 Roby. b. F 26, 1905. Address, Above Rocks, Jamaica, British West Indies. JOSIAH SCOTT BROWN (Uncle of Chas. P. Potter, •QO, B.S. in E.E.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 22, 1875, s. Josiah Scott (b. 1823, Washington Co., Pa.) and Jane C. (Collins) Brown (b. 1834, Goffstown, N. H.). Prepared in Watseka H. S., 1889-93; Iroquois Co. Teachers Institutes, 1892-97. Sec. of class. Dem- onstrator. Anat., Coll. of Med., 1899-1902; Instr., do., 1902-03; Instr., Orthopedic Surg., do., 1903-05; Instr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1908-09; Assoc. Prof.. Int. Med., do., and Health Off., River Forest. 1909-10; Chief, Pediatric Clinic, Los Angeles, 1912; Attending Orthopedic Surg., Univ. of Calif.. 1913- 14; located in Chicago. 1902-05; River Forest. 1905-10; Burnett Junction, Wis., 1910-11; Long Beach, Calif., specializing in orthopedic work, 1911 — . Inventor of steel spring and leather arch supports. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, 1919 — . Auth: Recreation and Culture for Med. students, Plexus, 1902; Modern Therapy, do., 1907. Mem., Presby. Church (Elder); River Forest Presby. S. S. (Supt., 1907-08); Proviso S. S. Dist. (Pres., 1908-09); 2nd Presby. S. S.. Lpng Beach (Supt., 1913-16); Long Beach S. S. Dist. (Pres., 1916-20); Mem., A. M. A. and subsidiary branches. Married Henrietta F. Munde, Jl 2, 1904, Chicago. Chil- dren: Mary Eleanor, b. 1905; Leland Scott, b. 1908; Alberta Frances, b. 1911; Janet Elizabeth, b. 1916. Address. 2613 E 2nd St., Long Beach, CaHf.; bus. add., (mailing add.) 619-22 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ROY ERLE BROWN Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. O 13, 1876, Adams Co., O.; s. Henrv H. (b. Ja 6, 1853, Adams Co., O.) and Ruth (Mclntyre) Brown (b. Ag 12, 1856, do.). Prepared in Washington C. H., (O.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Asst. to Dr. W. M. Harsha in Clinic, Coll. of Med., 1902-04; Phys., York, N. Dak., 1904-05; do., Washington C. H., O., 1905—. Mem., Elks 129; I. O. O. F.; Fayette Co. Med. Soc; O. State Med. Soc. Married Mary Eliza- beth Baker, N 21. 1911. Portsmouth, O. Address, Washington C. H., Ohio. BERNARD BROWNSTEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 5, 1879, Chatham, Ont.; s. Clara Brownstein. Prepared in Medill H. S. Mem., K. P. Married Jennie R. Cohn, 1904. Child. Arthur, b. Ja 17, 1906. Address, 2659 Hirsch St., Chicago. CORYDON DeKALB BUNDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk, 1890-91. A.B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1899. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Iroquois, lU. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Sadorus, ni.t ♦CLARENCE MARTIN BURNHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881; s. F. H. Bum- ham. Prepared in Watseka H. S.; special work, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., summer 1901; Postgrad, work, Philadelphia Policlinic, sum- mer 1902. Mem., First Presby. Church, Watseka, 111. Died O 15, 1902, at his home in Watseka, 111. ELIZABETH VIOLA BURNS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 30, 1868, Decatur, Ind.; d. Clark Brothers and Ann Mary (Stevens) Burns. Prepared in N. W. Ohio Norm. Sch. Nu Sigma Phi. Intern, Frances Willard Hosp., Chi- cago, 1902; Phys. and Surg,, State and Madison Su., Chicago, 1902-12; Decatur, Ind., 1912—. Mem., Chicago Med. .Soc. Child. Mabel Jane, b. 1887. Address. 314 Madison St., Decatur, Ind. FLOYD WILLIAM BURNS •Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Central H. S., .St. Paul; Univ. of Minn., Med. Sch., 2 yrs.; Hamline Univ., 1897-1900. Formerly located in St. Paul. M. R. C. U. S. A. Mem.. A. M. A. Addrist, Montevideo, Minn.f ♦CLARK LEON CAIN M.D.; b. 1879. Gen. Med. practice. Elmwood, Wis. A. M. A. Died suddenly, Ap 18. 1918. ♦FREDERIC ALEXANDER CAMPBELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Bennett Med. Coll.. 1898-99. Gen. Med. practice; formerly lo- cated at Waverlv. III.; later at Grangeville, Idaho. Died Mr 27, 1912, Monrovia, Calif. JOSEPH HOWARD CAMPBELL M.D.; b. D 22, 1875; s. John D. and Julia (Howard) Campbell. Prepared in Danville H. S. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Mod. Wood. Married Beatrice Krohn, Ag 22, 1900. Children: Howard K., b. S 17, 1902; Josephine, b. Ag 7, 1908. Address, Col- lison. 111. JAMES HUSTON CARRICO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 5, 1870, Salem, Ore.; s. James and Sarah (Veazey) Carrico. A. B., Univ. of Ore., 1899. Med. Examining Bd. Mem., A. F. A. M., .Scottish Rite. Shrine; Presby. Church. Married Mary Ficklin. 1902, Union, Ore. Child, adopted daughter. Fern, b. N 14, 1905. Address, 354 E. 7th St.. N., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., 609 Oregonian Bldg., do. JOHN HENRY CLEARY Physician; M.D.; b. Je 6, 1874; s. J. L. and Agnes (Mulholland) Cleary. Prepared in Sacred Heart Coll., Watertown, Wis.. 1888-90. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., D 1, 1902-Je 1. 1904. Gen. Med. practice. Milwaukee, Je 1, 1904-Ja 1, 1906; do.. Kenosha, Wis., 1906—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. C; Catholic Church. Married Anis Wagner, Ag 18, 1908. Children: John L., b. O 22, 1910; Mar- . garet, b. Ap 19, 1913. Address, 604 Park Ave., Kenosha, Wis.; bus. add.. Dale Bldg., do. EZRA JAY CLEMONS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Aberdeen (S. Dak.) H. S. Specialist in Proctology. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1019 E. 29th St., Los Angeles; bus. add., HoUingsworth Bldg., do.f LINTSFORD B. COATES, JR. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 3203 N. Clark St., Chicago.t HENRY AARON COBB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Ida Grove (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., Med. Dept.. 1898-1900. Gen. Med. practice; formerly loca- ted at Dunlap, la.; later at Council Bluffs, do. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Baldwin Block, Council Bluffs, la.f PHILO BIERCE CONANT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 14, 1877, Ohio; s. Philo B. and Alice (Whittlesey) Conant. Pre- pared in Cleveland Bus. Sch.; St. Joseph (Mich.) Pub. Schs. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Married Ap 25, 1905. Children: Dorothy, b. S 10, 1907; John, b. O 19, 1912. Address. Roseville, 111. EDWARD AUGUSTINE CORCORAN (Husband of Katherine W. McCarthy, '02) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 21, 1874, la.; s. Patrick (b. Ja 12, 1820, Ireland) and Mary (Lunny) Corcoran (b. Ag 3, 18.33). Prepared in Postville, la., Decorah Inst.; Rush Med. Coll., 1898-99. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago, 1902 — . Asst. in Jr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1908-14. M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1917-Ap 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Katherine W. McCarthy, Ag 28, 1902. Child, Katherine Winifred, b. N 13, 1904. Address, 3159 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. J. FRANK CORNELL Physician; M.D.; b. F 9, 1870; s. Benjamin Davis (b. F 24, 1833, Hamilton, O.) and Sarah (Bummell) Cornell (b. Jl 25, 1848, Montgomery Co., Ind.). Prepared in Ind. Med. Coll., 1899- 1900. B.S., Marion Norm. Coll., 1899. Phys., Galveston, Ind., 1002—. Married Berluda D. Williams, N 7, 1900, Galveston, Ind. Children: Sarah Esther, b. Ja 15, 1902; Wendell William , b. D 12, 1911. Address, Galveston. Ind. M University of Illinois [1902 LOUIS FRANKLIN CURTIS Physician; M.D.; b. D 27. 1878, Mt. Pulaski, 111.; s. Thomas and Arminda E. (Scroggin) Cur- tis. Gen. Med. practice, Utica, S. Dak. Mar- ried Grace E. Shaffer, O 6, 1916, Omaha, Neb. Child, John Franklin, b. Ag 21, 1920^ Address, Utica, S. Dak. NORMAN OLAF DALAGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Austin (Minn.) H. S. Univ. of Minn., Med. Sch., 1898-1900. Gen. Med. practice, formerly located in Austin, Minn.; later at Lake Mills, la. Ad- dress, Fertile, la.f CHARLES JOHNSTON DAVIS Physician; M.D.; b. N 13, 1874, Chicago; s. George N. and Sarah Davis. Prepared in Chicago English High and Manual Training Sch, Gen. Med. practice, Deerfield, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S.A.; Chief Roentgenologist in Base Hosps. 11 and 34; Instr., Army Med. Sch., Wash. D. C, Ag 1917- S 1919. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Chicago Med. Soc; Lake Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Carolyn S. Aid, S 14, 1910, Chillicothe, O. Child, Carolyn Aid, (died Ag 20, 1913). Address, Deerfield, 111.; bus. add., 31 N. State St., Chicago. EDWARD GRIFFITH DAVIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. M.D., Ben- nett Med. Coll., 1900. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1509 Cornelia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4601 Broadway, do.f HARRIET DAY (CHANDLER) Physician; M.D.; b. O 24, 1869, Moweaqua, 111.; s. Henry F. (b. Mr 7, 1835, Birmingham, Eng.) and Louisa Margaret (March) Chandler (b. N 6, 1838, Ky.). Prepared in Moweaqua H. S.; Bus. Coll., Kansas City, Mo. and Baptist Hosp. Tr. Sch. for Nurses, Chicago. Nu Sigma Phi. Phys., Decatur, 111.; Chm. of phys. dept. of Y. W. C. A.; Med. exam, for City Welfare Home and Day Nursery. Mem., Univ. of 111. Coll. Club. Married Elkin Chandler, Mr 9, 1909, Chicago. Address, 233 S. Edward St., Decatur, 111. JOSEPH F. DEAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 29, 1878; s. Joseph and Mary (Donovan) Dean. Prepared in Univ. of Wis. Phi Rho Sigma. Med. Advisory Bd., World War. Married, Ag 16, 1905. Children: Joseph, b. 1906; Frank, b. 1909; Janet, 1912. Ad- dress, 29 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. HENRY CHARLES DEETKEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Council Bluffs (la.) H. S.; Creighton Med. Coll., 1898-1900. Address, Council Bluffs, la. CHARLES EUGENE DIKE Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1871, Spring Prairie, Wis.; s. David W. and Nellie (Lawrence) Dike. Prepared in Burlington (Wis.) H. S. and State Normal, Milwaukee. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Milton, Wis.; Whitewater, do. Married Edyth M. Calkins, 1906, Richmond, Wis. Chil- dren: Kenneth E., b. 1907; Mary E., b. 1909; Arlene L., b. 1911; Katherine J., b. 1912; Lawrence C, b. 1914. Address, 602 Janesville St., White- water, Wis.; 6ms. add.. Novelty Block, do. GEORGE CHARLES DITTMANN Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1897; b. Ja 29, 1876, Chicago; s. Henry (b. O 10, 1832, Ger.) and Emilie (Bethke) Dittmann (b. F 28, 1843, Ger.). Prepared in Chicago pub. schs. Address, 729 Bel- mont Ave., Chicago. CHARLES ADOLPH DORN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b.l877. Prepared in Waterville (Minn.) H. S. Ph.G., Valparaiso Sch. of Pharm., 1899. Formerly located, at Water- ville, Minn.; later at Walterboro, S. Car. J DELBERT FREDERICK DUMAS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 4, 1879, Waterville, Minn.; s. Frederick (b. My 18, 1858, Victory Mills, N. Y.) and Julia (Lussier) Dumas (b. D 19, 1857, Glens Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in South H. S., Minneapolis; Univ. of Minn., 1908-11. Football Team. Minneapolis City Hosp., 1902-03; Al- bert Lea, Minn., 1903-04; Minneapolis, 1905-06; Belgrade, 1906; Foley, 1907; Cass Lake, 1908-15; Deer River, 1916 — . Mayor, Cass Lake, Minn., 1909-11. Married Frances Coleman, 1901, Chi- cago, (divorced); Hazel Mae Jarves, 1908, Cass Lake, Minn. Children: Frederick Delbert, b. Jl 30, 1910; Delia Deloris, b. N 29, 1913 (died Ap 4, 1914); Juha Emily, b. D 16, 1915; Delbert Frederick, b. O 8, 1917. Address, Deer River, Minn. BOHUMIR DVORSKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Eng. High and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1628 Broadway, Gary, Ind.t ARTHUR VERNON EMERSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. O 18, "1879, Durham, la.; s. Benjamin F. and Lucy Jane Emerson. Prepared in H. S. Married Zelma May Campbell, 1916, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Bruce Vernon. Address 1527 S. Center St., Tulsa, Okla.; bus. add., 733- 34-35 Mayo Bldg., do. MANUEL MANLY ENOS M.D.; b. Jl 26, 1875; s. Mary (Thomas) Enos. Prepared in Bellevue Academy. M.D., Calif. Eclectic Med. Coll., 1896. Address, 1537 Jackson St., Oakland, Calif. HENRY H. EVERETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. N. W. Med. Coll., 1 yr. Nose and Throat Specialist. Address, Kenilworth, III.; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago .f ♦VICTOR PETER FAETH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Ohio State Univ. Med. Sch., 1896-98. Formerly of Bucyrus, O. Deceased. ALFORD JAY FARNHAM M.D.; b. Jl 14. 1878, Cayuga, Co., N. Y.; s. A. J. and Mary (Gailey) Farnham. Prepared in Traer (la.) H. S.; Monmouth Coll., Monmouth, 111., 2 yrs. Located in Reinbeck, la., 1902-13; Traer, la., 1915—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; United Brethren Church; K. P. Married Jean Brown, 1914, Traer, la. Child, Alford Gailey, b. Ap 17, 1915. Address, Traer, la. OLIVER JAMES FAY Phvsician; M.D.; b. Jl 2, 1874, Postville, la.; s. James McCoy (b. 1845, Pa.) and Elizabeth (Schreiner) Fay (b. 1842, O.). Prepared in De- corah Inst., Decorah, la. B.S., la. State Coll., 1898. Postgrad, work in London, Paris, and Vien- na; Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1902-03; Phys., Des Moines, D 1903 — . Auth.: Contri- butions on med. subjects. Mem., A. M. A.; Wes- tern Surg. Assn.; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Des Moines Club. Married Helen Knapp, Mr 17, 1904, Lake Charles, La. Children: Helen Louise, b. Ag 24, 1908; Mary Elizabeth, b. Ja 29, 1910. Address. 2838 Forest Drive, Des Moines; bus. add., 1213 Equitable Bldg., do. EVELYN FISHER (FRISBIE) Physician; M.D.; b. S 15, 1873; d. Josiah (b. Je 14, 1837) and Sara (Payne) Fisher (b. N. 16, 1841). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Ph.B.,- Grin- nell Coll., 1898. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Grad. work, New York Policlinic, 1914; Course in Surg., Mary Thompson Hosp., 1918. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Des Moines, la., 1902-09; Albuquerque, N. Mex., 1919 — . Mem., Bernalillo Co. Med. Soc. 1902] College of Medicine Alumni (Pres., 1915); X. M. State Med. Soc. (Pres., 1916). Married Charles B. Frisbie, D 2. 1902. Dcs Moines, la. Address, 202 N. High St., Albuquerque, N. M.; bus. add., 11 New Grant Bldg., do. WILBUR MAYXARD FREXCH Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 29, 1876, l;:vans, Colo.; s. Wilbur Dwight (b. Ja 4, ISoO, Lancaster, Mo.) and Mary (.Rhoads) French (b. F 6, 1852, do.). Prepared in Evans (Colo.) grade sch., Lancaster (Mo.) H. S.; Univ. of Mo., 1895-9S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Clin. Instr., Pedia- trics, Coll. of Med., 1907-15; Prof., do.. lU. Post- grad. Med. Sch., 1907-15. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc.; Chicago Pediatric Soc; A. M. A. ^Iarried Mabel Shelton, S 24, 1903, Macon, Mo. Child, Marjorie, b. Jl 3. 1904. Address, 3958 W. 16th St.. Chicago. GEORGE AMBROSE FRITCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Mich. Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1898-1901. Gen. Med. prac- tice; formerly located in Richmond, Ont. Ad- dress, 3rd Ave., and Beach St., Detroit, Mich.t HEXRY H. FRUDENFELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Omaha Med. Coll.. 1898-1901. Formerly located in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Eye, Ear, Xose and Throat Specialist. Mem., X. W. Oph.-Lar-Rhin-Otic Soc. Address, Madison. S. Dak.t CHARLEMAGXE V. FUKALA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Pilsen. Bohemia, Gymnasium.? *FR.\XCIS ELMER FULLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Adrian (Mich.) H. S. Died Ja 25, 1906, at his home in Adrian, Mich. ROBERT VIXCEXT GALLAGHER Physician; M.D.; b. S 22, 1870, Lansing, Mich.; s. John (b. Je 29, 1830, Ire.) and Margaret (Powers) Gallagher (b. Ap 10, 1832, Port Hope, Can.). Prepared in Lansing (Mich.) H. S.; Mich. Coll. of Med. Phys., Lansing, Mich., 1902-04; do.. Dowling. Mich., 1904-11; Battle Creek, 1911—. Capt , ^I. C, U. S. A., My 1, 191S-Ag 19, 1919. Mem., Calhoun Co. Med. Soc; Mich. .State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Iva Van Sychle, Jl 28, 1904, Marshall, Mich. Children: John Emmett, b. Je 29. 1905; Margaret Agnes, b. D 6, 1906. Address, 131 Xorth Ave., Battle Creek, Mich.; bus. add., 304 Post Bldg., do. EMMETT A. GARRETT Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 26. 1879; s. James A. and Charity (Xewingham) Garrett. Prepared in Sparland H. S.; Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111. Phi Beta Pi. Phvs., Peoria, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 14, 1917-Ja 25, 1918; Maj., do., Ja 25, 1918- Mr 26, 1919; Lt. Co!., do.. Mr 26, 1919. Address, 111 Rebecca Place, Peoria, 111.; bus. add., 804 Peoria Life Bldg., do. JOHN" DEMPSEY GARRETT Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 9, 1873, Hillsboro, O.; 8. M. A. (b. 1846. do.) and Mary (Haigh) Garrett (b. 1846. do.). A.B., Miami Univ., 1898. Sigma Chi; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Orange- viUe, 111., 1902-1904; Indianapolis, 1904—; Mass. Gen. Hosp., 1914; Post-Grad., Med. .Sch., Chicago, 1918; N. Y., 1920. Mem.. Bd. of Pub. Health and Charities. Indianapolis, 1919 — ■. Married Mary Susan Pierson, Je 1907, Spencer, Ind. Cnildren: John Pierson, b. Ap 5, 1913; Robert Austin, b. Ja 25, 1919. Address, 45 E. 32nd, Indianapolis. JO.SEPH ADDISOX GIBBS M.D.; b. Ag 1873, Blandford.; s. Hannah Fish. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 328 Main St., Suffield, Conn. CHARLES EDWARD GLYNN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b.'Ja 9, 1873; s. Thomas J., (b. 1840. Ireland) and Anna M. (Ennis) Glynn 8^ 1846, Can.). Prepared in St. Ambrose Coll., avenport, la.; Univ. of la. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., O 24, 1918-Jc 20, 1919. Mem., Commer- cial Club. Married Blanche J. Sangan, N 22, 1905, Clinton, la. Address, 1505 Grand Ave., Davenport, la. PAUL ERNEST GRABOW M.D.; b. N 8, 1869, Forest Park; s. Henry 0. and Elizabeth (Schacfer) Grabow. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Univ. Phi Chi. Prin., Malta Schs., 1893-98; Intern, Samaritan Hosp., 1902-03; House Phys., Childrens Hosp., 1904-09; Instr., Pediatrics, Chicago Policlinic, 1910; Asst. Prof., Pediatrics, Loyola Univ., 1912. Med. Advisor, Draft Bd. No 53, World War. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°; K. P.; M. W. Married Kittie Belle Stephens, 1903. Children: William S., b. 1907; Milford P., b. 1911. Address, 2348 Seminary Ave., Chicago; bv.'i. add., 2405 N. Hal- sted St., do. ARCHIE JAMES GRAHAM (Uncle of Rueben Waddell, '15) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S. in Sci., 1902; b. D 19, 1873; s. James Maxon (b. S 12, 1830, Gallipolis, O.) and Elizabeth (Rose) Graham (b. Mr 30, 1834, Zanesville, O.). Prepared in Gallia Acad., Galli- polis, O., 1890-91; Nat. Norm. Univ., Lebanon, O., 1892-93; Acad, of Univ. of III., 1895-96. Al- pha Kappa Kappa. Intern, Englewood Hosp., 1902-03; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 1903—. Instr., Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., 1913 — . Auth.: Translation, Knochenbruchen. by H. Zuppinger, 1915; Relaxation of Muscles in the Treatment of Fractures, III. Med. Jour., 1915. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow, 1914); Chicago Med. Soc; Coll. of Med. Alumni Assn. (Pres. 1913-14); mini Club, Chicago, 1903-13; Methodist Church; A. F. A. M. Address, 6548 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. MARGARET STOUGH GRANT Phys.; M.D.; b. O 23, 1872, Braden, Tenn.; d. Innes (b. Scotland) and Laura (Kuhn) Grant (b. O 9, 1836, O.). Prepared in Ottawa (Kan.) Univ. Address, 237 W. Leith, Fort Wayne, Ind.; bus. add., Lutheran Hosp., do. MARY EMILY GREEN (FISKE) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Attended Univ. of Mich., Med. Sch., 1896-98. Formerly located in Seattle. J RALPH RUSTIN GREEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Attended Harvey Med. Coll.; Jenner Med. Coll.; Mich. Agricultural Coll., 2 yrs. Med. Examiners Cer- tificate. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Char- lotte, Mich. Address. 144 E. 3rd St., Tulsa, Okla.t JOHN OTTO GROOS (Father of Louis P., 19) Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1869, Flatrock, Mich; 8. Peter and Anna (HoflFman) Groos. Prepared in Green Bay, Wis. Married Julia R. Kellner, 1892, Kellnersville, Wis. Children: Louis P., b. Jl 3, 1894; Harold, b. S 16, 1898; Marion, b. Jl 4, 1907. Address. 1015 1st Ave., Escanaba, Mich. CLYDE DENNY GULICK Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1897; b. N 27, 1876, Champaign; s. Jesse R. (b. D 8, 1840, Pickaway Co., O.) and Louisa L. (Everett) Gulick (b. D 4, 1848, Champaign Co., III.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Philomathean. Taught school and farmed, 1898-99; studied medicine, 1899-1902; A.sst. Phys., New. Mil. Sanitarium, Wauwatosa, Wis.. 1902; Practice of Med., 1902— Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918-F 1919; served with 347th Field Hosp., I2th San. Tr. Mem.. Am. Acad, of Med.; Champaign Co. Med. Soc. (Sec. and Treas., University of Illinois [1902 1905-07); A. M. A.; Twin City Clinical Club; Assn. of Commerce (Pres.). Married Grace J. Alward, Je 1902, Canton, 111. Children: Louisa Elizabeth, b. Mr 12, 1906; Jesse Richard, b. Ag 14, 1910; Benjamin Alward, b. D 3, 1914 (died Ja 21, 1915). Address, 1005 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., 218 W. Main St., do. JOHN MACAULEY GUNNING M.D.; b. Mr 1, 1867, Ireland; s. David and Isa- belle (Clegg) Gunning. Prepared in McMinville (Ore.) H. S. Auditor, Lincoln Co., Wash., 1893- 97. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Unitarian Church. Married Bertha B. Hallin, 1897, Spokane. Children: Alice, b. 1901; Marian, b. 1910. Address, 1434 W. 8th Ave., Spokane; bus. add., Sherwood Bldg., do. LOUIS AUGUST HAHN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ja 2, 1873, Detroit; s. F. C. and Louise (Schmidt) Hahn. Prepared in Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111. Gen. Surg, practice, Guthrie, Okla., 1902—; Surg, in Chief, Okla. Methodist Hosp., 1917 — . Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; stationed at Camp Bowie, Texas., O 16, 1918-My 31, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, K. P.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A.; Okla. State Med. Soc; Logan Med. Soc. Married Margaret Nagel, Je 17, 1902, Canton, 111. Ad- dress, 624 E. Cleveland Ave., Guthrie, Okla.; Ill W. Okla. Ave., do. LEWIS JOSEPH HAMMERS (Brother-in-Law of John M. Berger, '08, and Adda (Berger) Gentry, '11, B.S.) Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1877; s. Joseph S. (b. S 3, 1833. Greene Co., Pa.) and Eleanor Ann (Bailey) Hammers (b. O 17, 1846, do.). Prepared in H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Lex- ington, 111.; Mayor; Mem., School Bd.;.Pres. Lex- ington Branch Am. Red Cross; Pres. Smith Li- brary Bd. Married Minnie Berger, S 13, 1900, Dolton. 111. Address, Lexington, 111. WILLIAM ARTHUR HARROUN Chief Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 30, 1872, Minneapolis; s. Oscar and Mary (Dinney) Harroun. Prepared in Minneapolis Acad.; Univ. of Minn. Chief Surg., Denver & N. W. R. R., Denver, 1902-04; Kansas City, 1904—. Married Nellie Elizabeth Collins, 1891. Child, Jack Arthur, b. Ja 13, 1919. Address, Hocker and Knox Aves., Kansas City, Mo.; 6ms. add., 903 Waldheim Bldg., do. ROBERT EUGENE HATHAWAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Attended Univ. of Mich., Med. Dept., 3 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Glendive, Mont.t BENJA HUBERT HAYNES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 4, 1874, Grundy Co., 111.; s. Charles Isaah (b. 1842, la.) and Louisa (Crisler) Haynes (b. Ind.). Prepared in Esther- ville (la.) H. S. Professional studies in Chicago Clinics, 1910. Gen. Med. practice, St. James, Minn., 1902—. M. R C. U. S. A., N 1918 to disbanding of orgn. Auth.: Pamphlet, Seventy Weeks, 1917; do.. This War Foretold. 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; la. State Med. Soc; Watonwan Co. and Regional, Med. Societies Married Mabel Adella Jewell, June 25, 1903, Estherville, la. Child: Russell Jewell, b. O 20. 1904. Address, St. James, Minn. ♦WILLIAM HENRY HELLER M.D.; b. Jl 13, 1873, Earlville, la.; s. A. H. and Anna M. (Pitt) Heller. Prepared in State Univ. of la. Formerly at 920 Madison St., Le Mars, la.; Le Mars Clinic, Royal Bldg., do.; later at Remsen, do. Mem., I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M.. 32°, Shrine. Married Linetta Alice Fry, O 25, 1906, Sioux City, la. Child. Robert Allen, b. F 26. 1914. Died Je 9, 1921, at Lake Minnetonka, Minn. CARL THEODORE HELMEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Attended Augustana Coll., Canton, S. Dak., 1896; Univ. of la., Med. Dept., 1898-1901. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Badger, S. Dak.t MAURICE LEROY HENDERSON Physician; M.D.; b. O 28. 1879. Moscow, la.; s. Charles H. and Mary (Moriarity) Henderson. B.S.. Wilton Coll.. 1898. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., A. F. A. M. Children: Mary; Marcia. Address, 899 Summit Ave., Milwaukee; bus, add., 700 Majes- tic Bldg., do. CHARLES WARREN HERRINGTON Postal Service; M.D.; b. My 14, 1876, Madison, Wis.; s. Charles F. and Fanny (Baker) Herrington. In Postal Service. Mem., Madison Lodge 5, A. F. A. M. Married Beulah Bents, S 9, 1908. Address, 1315 Spring St., Madison, Wis. *J. CALVIN HICKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in PoloH.S. M.D., Barnes Med. Coll., 1903. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Eldorado. 111. Deceased. EMMA LINTON HILL M.D.; b. F 16. 1859; d. David and Ann (Thomas) Linton. Prepared in La Cygne (Kan.) H. S. M.D., Kan. Med. Coll., 1895. Married John B. Hill, O 20, 1881, Linn Co. Kan. Child, Helen Hill Craig, b. Je 18, 1900. Address, 4th and Indiana, Oswego, Kan. ♦WILLIAM CRAWFORD HILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Murphysboro H. S.; Coll. of Phys. and Surg.. St. Louis, 1898-1901. Phys., Murphysboro, 111. Mem. A. M. A. Died S 4, 1906, at St. Andrews Hosp., Carbondale, 111. HARRY GRAVES HINCKLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 12, 1875, Rochelle, III.; s. Charles P. and Sarah (Lyon) Hinckley. Prepared in Janesville (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Merrill, Wis. Mem., A. F. A. M., Orien- tal Consistory, Medinah Temple. Married Jessie Compton, N 4, 1908. Children: Miriam M., b. 1910; Jane A., b. 1915. Address, 101 State St., Merrill, Wis.; bus. add., 402 W. Main St., do. WILLIAM ALLEN HOLLIS Surgeon; M.D.; b. Jl 2, 1878, Jay Co., Ind.; s. Samuel (b. 1852, Grant Co., Ind.) and Ella (Allen) HoUis (b. Ohio, 1858). Prepared in Up- land, Ind.; Louisville Med. Coll., 1899-1901. Ph.B., Taylor Univ., 1898. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Surg., Hartford City, Ind. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19; in Ear, Nose and Throat Dept., Surgeons ofKce, Wash., D. C. Mem., A, M. A.; Ind. State Med. Soc; Am. Acad. Ophthal- mol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Delaware-Blackford Med. Soc; Muncie Acad, of Med. Married Aldah Leach, D 24, 1902. Children: Hester; William K.; Arthur Leach; John A.; Walter C. Address, Hartford City, Ind. JOHN MUSSER HOLMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Monticello H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Monticello, Ill.f FREDERICK CLIFFORD HOOPES Professor; M.D.; b. 1877. Attended Omaha Med. Coll., 1898-1900. Formerly of Pickrell, Neb. Prof., Otol., Rhinol. and Laryngol., Ep- worth Univ. Coll. of Med., Oklahoma City. Died N 21, 1907, St. Anthonys Hosp., Oklahoma City. ♦FREEMAN HARDING HORNIBROOK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S.; State Univ. of la. Coll. of Med., 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Cherokee, la. Deceased. 1902] College of Medicine Alumni 87 ♦GLENN ATHERTON HOWARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18S0. Prepared in Columbus (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Mioh., Med. Dept., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice, Rockford, III. Died D 29, 1921, St. Anthonys Hospital, Rockford. HARRY WELLAND HOWARD Urologist: M.D.; b. 1877. Formerly located in Spokane. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Urol. Assn. Address. ISO Broadway. Portland. Ore.t JOHN FREDERICK HOWARD Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. M.D., Chicago Homeopatliic Med. Coll.. 1900. Cook Co. Hosp., Cnicago. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Golden. Colo. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1404 Tremont Ave., Denver; bus. add., 1357 Calif. St., do. DAVID LANCASTER HYDE M.D.; b. N 3, lS6fi, Waukegan, 111. Prepared in Univ. of Mich. Psi Upsilon. Mem., A. F. A. M., K T.. 32°. Shrine; I. O. O. F. Address, 3941 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. CHARLES ANDREW INKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Nappanee (.Ind.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Nappanee, Ind.f GARLING U. JAMISON M.D.; b. N 28, 1876. Smith\-ille. Miss.; s. Urich and C«iia A. Jamison. Prepared in Smith\nlle (Miss.) H. S.. and Miss. State Norm. Sch. Chief Surg., Jamison Sanitarium. Married Mamie L. Bagh, 1905, ClarksNalle, Tex. Children: Garling Jr.. b. Je IS. 1908; Mamie Hortense. b. S 15. 1915. Address, 1501 Pine St.. Texarkana. Tex.; bus. add., 213 State St. and 610 Hazel St.. do. PAUL WARDNER JOHNSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 23, 1875, Raleigh. 111.; s. Frederick (b. N 20. 1833, Lebanon. Tenn.) and Minerva (Burnett) Johnson (b. 1833, Raleigh, 111.). Prepared in Stone Fort, 111.; Marion Sims Coll. of Med., St. Louis, 1898-99; Rush Med. Coll., 1901. B.L., Milton Coll., Milton, Wis., 1898. Grad. work. New York Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1917; X-Ray Dept., Bellevue Hosp., 1919. Extern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1902; Gen. Med. prac- tice, Hoquiam, Wash., 1903-04; Clarkston, do., 1904 — . Examining Phys., Local Bd. of Asotin Co., Wash. Mem.. Wash .State Med. Soc; Idaho State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Lura Burdick, 1903, Milton Junction, Wis. Children: Ehzabeth, b. 1905; Marjorie,b. 1906; Helen, b. 1911. Address 10.34 8th St., Clarkston, Wash.; bus. add.. Cor. 11th and Main Sts., Lewiston, Idaho. WILBUR VOGT JOHN.SON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 15, 1877. Milwau- kee; s. John H. and Anne (Frydenlund) Johnson. Prepared in TuUy H. S.. Chicago. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Chicago. 1921. Auth.: Mag. articles on various subjects. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Alice Strom, O 14, 1916, Fairmont, Minn. Cnildren: Mildred, b. Ag 3, 1917; Betty, b. Ag 8, 1920. Address, 26.59 Ballou St., Chicago; bus. add., 800 N. Clark .St., do. WILLARD BRUCE JOHNSON Physician; M.D.; b. N 3, 1873; s. Samuel D. (b. 1825. Oswego Co.. N. Y.) and Mary (Spaulding) Johnson (b. 18.30, Maine). Prepared in Country Sch., la.; Tulare (Calif.) H. S., 1 yr.; la. State Coll.. 2 yrs.; .Simpson Coll.. Indianola. la.. 1V$ yrs.; Drake Univ., Des Moines, la. Located in Polk Co., la., 1902-04; Chicago, Calif.. 1904—. Mem., Army Examining Bd.. Butte Co.. Cahf.. 1917-18. Mem., Co. Med. Soc; State Med. .Soc; A. M. A. Married Mr 1897. Wick. la. Children: Edith Lorien. b. Ag 17. 1898; Rex Wallace, b. N 17. 1900; Hazel Elizabeth, b. F 9, 1907. Address, 310 Nor- mal Ave., Chico, Calif.; bus. add., Waterland Breslauer Bldg., do. ALFRED BERNARD JORDAN Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1859. M.D., Univ. of Mich.. 1890; do.. 111. Med. Coll.. 1900. Formerly located at San Francisco. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Wasco, Calif.t NIELS ANDERSEN KAA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865. Prepared in No. III. State Norm. Sch. At one time located in Dixon, 111.; Stockton, do.; Gen. Med. practice. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Victor, Mont.t *GEORGE PETER KAEMMERLING Physician; M.D.; b. 1880. Attended Marquette Coll., 1893-97; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Milwau- kee, 1898-00. At one time located at 2314 Cherry St., Milwaukee. Died O 3, 1903, Port Washing- ton, Wis. GEORGE W. KIMBALL Physician; M.D.; b. F 21, 1873. LaPorte. Ind.; s. A. D. and Julia (Reynolds) Kimball. A.B., Univ. of Ind.. 1900. Located in Steward. 111., 1902-17; LaPorte, Ind., 1919—. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A.. World War, S 1917-S 1919. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Florence E. Travis, Ag 19, 1902. Address, 1111 Harrison St., LaPorte, Ind.; bus. add., 806 Maple Ave., do. FRANK AYLSWORTH KING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1880; s. Alex C. and JuHa E. (Aylsworth) King. Prepared in Benton Harbor (Mich.) H. S. Married Clara E. Chapel, 1904, EvansviUe, Mo. Seven Children. Address, 220 S. Randolph St.. Garrett. Ind. JOHN PATRICK KIRCH M.D.; b. F 7. 1881. Madison. Wis.; s. John and Agnes (Sieger) Kirch. Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. and Univ. of Vienna. Nu Sigma Nu. Appeal Bd., World War. Address, 1003 East End Trust Bldg., Pittsburgh. FREDERICK RAYMOND KITTERMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Tiskilwa, lU.t PETER GADD KITTERMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in OttumwaH,S.;Univ. of la.. Acad.. 1897-98. Gen. Med. practice; Demonstrator. Anat.. Coll. of Med., 1904-06. M. R. C. U. S. A. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 2614 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.f WALTER EUGENE KITTLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1877, Leipsig, Ger. ; s. Fred W. and Anna (Liederx) Kittler. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Surg., C. B. & Q. R. R.; Examiner, Central Life, N. Y. Life, and Equitable Life Ins. Cos. of Iowa. Mem.. A. F. A. M., K. P.; B. P. O. E.; Mod. Woodmen; A. M. A.; III. Med. Soc; Ogle Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1918-21). Married Anna Marie Robinson, Je 30, 1903, Aurora, 111. Child, A. Gretchen, b. Je 14, 1906. Address, Rochelle, 111. AMELIA LOUISE KLEHM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Niles Center Pub. Schs.; No. Ind. Norm. Sch., 1891-92; Baptist Hosp. Tr. Sch. for Nurses. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Niles Center, Ill.t ELLIS GISE KLINGLER Physician; M.D; b. N 7, 1876; s. Peter (b. 1848, Center Hall, Pa.) and Anna (Gise) Klingler (b. 18.56, Bellefount. Pa.). Health Commissioner, Chicago Heights. 111.. 1911-15; Mayor, do., 1919-21 . Married Alice E. McClure. Ja 6. 1904. Manhattan, III. Children: Chester and Lester, b. Mr 28. 1905. Address, 1417 Otto Blvd., Chicago Heights, III.; bus. add., 1602 Otto Blvd., do. 88 Uni\^rsity of Illinois [1902 THOMAS BLACKBURN KNOX Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 15, 1872, Ire.; s. Patrick and Anne (Blackburn) Knox. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., 2 yrs.; Commander, 312 Ambulance Corps, Fr., 10 mo.s. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Ada M. Kent, 1902. Children; Helen, Margaret and Virginia. Address, Quincy, III. FRED BALDWIN KURTZ Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1879, Princeton, Ind.; s. John W. (b. Princeton, Ind.) and Ophelia C. (Baldwin) Kurtz (b. Lynnville, Ind.). Prepared in Princeton (Ind.) H. S.; Wabash Coll., 1897-98. Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Princeton, Ind., 1902-04; Indianapolis, 1904 — . Married Anlie Ertel, Je 15, 1910. Children: Philip T., b. Ja 19, 1912; Genevieve C, b. Jl 19, 1915 (died Ja 25, 1920); Fred Ertel, b. N 26, 1918. Address, 609 Highland Drive, Indianapolis; bus. add., 410 Occi- dental Bldg., do. SHERMAN M. KYES Pby.sician; b. My 25, 1866, Gananoque. Ont.; s. John Adam and Mary Jane (Smaith) Kyes. Pre- pared in Oslikosh State Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis. Gen. Med. practice. U. S. Army Serv., 1 yr. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Congr. Church. Married Stella M. Corbett, D 27, 1897. Children: Helen, b. O 5, 1911; Mary E., b. Mr 13, 1909; Walter M., N 10, 1907. Address, Owen, Wis. CHARLES J. LAHODNEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 11204 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 11100 Michigan Ave., do. CHARLES SUMNER LANE M.D.; b. Ja 9 1867; s. Thomas D. and Olive A. (Webster) Lane. Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. Located at Whitmore Lake, Mich., 1902-13; Hudson, Mich., 1913—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Phoenix Chap., Lebanon Lodge, Hudson, Mich. Address, Hudson, Mich. *CARL LUDWIG LARSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Gen. Med. practice, Butte, Mont.; Phys., Murray Hosp., do. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ap 7, 1911, Chicago. FRANK JAMES LEAVITT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 12, 1875; s. John and Mary (Wilson) Leavitt. A. K. K. Gen. Med .and Surg, practice, Los Angeles. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Helen L. Harris, 1903, Chicago. Children: Sherwood, b. F 17, 1908; Joy, b. S 5, 1912. Address, 111 N. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles. FLORANCE PATRICK LEEHEY Physician; M.D.; b. My 23, 1885; s. John and Ellen (O'Connor) Leehey. Med. Dept., Univ. of la. B.S., Highland Park Coll. Pi Psi Theta. Formerly of Fairbanks, la. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; do., M. R. C, do. Mem., A. M. A. Married Monica White, O 6, 1920. Address, 23 N. Freder- ick St., Oelwein, la. ERNEST HARTLEY LITTLE Physician; M.D.; b. O 25, 1878, Ohio; s. F. M. and Laura Virginia (Mortimer) Little. Prepared in Minburn (la.) H. S.; Des Moines Coll. Foot- ball, 1899-1901. Located in Osage, la., 1913; Minburn, la., 1913 — . Married Rena Pearl God- frey, S 10, 1902. Children: Marion G.; William R. Address, Minburn, la. CHARLES RICHARD LOCKWOOD Physician; M.D.; b. O 21, 1876. Prepared in Kankakee H. S. and Shattuck Mil. Sch., Fari- bault, Minn.; Univ. of Mich., 1897-98. Sigma Phi;' Phi Rho Sigma; Univ. of Mich, football team, 1897. Grad. work in Dublin, London and Vienna; Phys., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, At- wood. 111., 1904-08; do., Kankakee, 1908—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918-JI 1919. Address, 195 N. Greenwood Ave., Kankakee, 111.; bus, add.. City Nat. Bank Bldg., do. CARL ALBIN LOFGREN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1869, Dayton, la.; s. Sven P. and Clara J. Lofgren. Rush Med. Coll., 2 yrs. A.B., Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., 1897. Formerly located at 1166 N. Clark St., Chicago; later at 852 Belmont Ave., do. Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Josephine Oberg, D 27, 1913. Child, Helen, b. O 19, 1914. Address, 554 Belmont Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3179 N. Clark St., do. LEWIS MORGAN LOWE Physician; M.D.; b. S 3, 1875; s. John H. and Josephine Martha (Jones) Lowe. Prepared in Slayton (Minn.) H. S. Married Olive P. Long, Mr 12, 1897, Slayton, Minn. Children: Percy Marple, b. Ag 5, 1898; Howard Henry, b. F 5, 1900. Address, Glyndon, Minn. NORBERT JULIUS LOWRY Physician; M.D.; b. F 5, 1879, Cresco, la.; s. J. J. (b. U. S. A.) and Jenny (Mullen) Lowry (b. do.). Prepared in Cresco (la.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Ely, la., 1903—. Address, Ely, la. *MARTIN JACOB LUNN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Beloit (Wis.) Coll. Acad. At one time located at 2958 N. Clark St., Chicago. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died Ap 19, 1912, Chicago. GEORGE ELMER LYON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1879, Rochelle, 111.; s, William Sealy (b. F 6, 1835, Allegheny Co., Pa.) and Catherine Maria (Barkley) Lyon (b. Ja 10, 1842, do.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Lo- cated in Toledo, 111., 1902-06; Moweaqua, do., 1906-16; Decatur, 111., 1916—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 21, 1918-Je 17, 1919, (Orthopedic Surg.); promoted to Capt., M. R. C, S 9, 1919. Married Almvra Elder, Mv 23, 1904 (died Ja 20, 1907) ; Oneta Eliza Rawlings, O 6, 1909. Children : William Rawlings, b. My 5, 1911; Catherine Ida, b. Mr 2, 1913; Margaret Oneta, b. D 31, 1914; Mary Elizabeth, b. D 7, 1916. Address, 1625 N. Union St., Decatur, 111.; 6ms. add., 308-9 Stand- ard Life Bldg., do. KATHERINE W. MCCARTHY (CORCORAN) (Wife of Edward A. Corcoran, '02) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871, Wis.; d. Patrick and Katherine (Diamond) Corcoran. Prepared in H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 3158 Roosevelt Road, Chicago. Mem., Catholic Church; Womens Catholic Order of Foresters (High Med. Examiner, 1914 — .). Mar- ried Edward A. Corcoran ('02), Ag 28, 1902. Child, Katherine Winifred, b. 1905. Address, 3159 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. ♦WILLIAM THOMAS McCARTY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Milwaukee, 1898-1900. Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ., 1896. Formerly located in Campbellsport, Wis.; later at 2102 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis. Died at Miles City, Mont. BERNARD JAMES McCONVILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Lodi (Wis.) H. S.J BENJAMIN ROBERT McGRATH Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Marion Sims Coll., 2 yrs. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 1020 W. 10th St., Grand Island, Neb.; bus. add., 2183^ W. 3rd St., do.t 1902] College of Medicine Alxtmni ♦CHARLES JOHN McGUIRE M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1879. Winona, Minn.; s. John (h. Je 15, 1852, Grand Rapids, Mich.) and Ellen tBrown) McGuire (b. My 8, 1854, Horicon, Wis.)- Prepared in West Side H. S., Milwaukee, Mar- quette Coll., 1899, and I'niv. of Wis., 1900. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Miuneiska, Minn., 1902-09; Milwaukee, 1909-11; Attura, Minn., 1911-20. 1st Lt., M. C, I'. S. A., Je 22-Ag 9, 1919; Capt., do.. Ag 9. 1919-Ja 2, 1920; in France nine months. Evacuation Hosp. 35. Mem., So. Minn. Med. Soc. Mod. Woodmen; K. C. Married Lucv Schoenec- ker, Ag 9, 1910. Milwaukee. Children: Janellyn. b. S 17. 1911; Charles Robert, b. My 14. 1920. Died F 25, 1920, Altura, Minn. ARTHUR CECIL McINTIRE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Mendota H. S.; Univ. of la., Med. Dept., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Mendota, lU.t NEWTOX CHARLES McKINNEY Ph\'s. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Camargo H. S. and N. W. Univ., Acad. Specialist in Ophthalmol. Formerly located in Murdock, 111. Address, Camargo. Ill.t BENJAMIN F. McNEIL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Attended la. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., 1 yr. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; formerly located in Fort Dodge, la.; Humeston, do. Address, Charles City, la.f *MAX EDWARD MAGNUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in San Francisco H. S.; Cooper Med. Coll., San Fran- cisco, 1898-1901. Gen. Med. practice. Formerly at 643 Hayes St., San Francisco. Died Ap 19, 1917. THOMAS FRANCIS MANNING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Juneau ^Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address 707 Belle Ave., Davenport, la.; bus. add., Whitaker Bldg., do.t EMILIE MARIS (COLE) M.D.; b. Mr 24, 1872, Springdale, la.; d. George Jenkins (b. Je 17, 1841. Morgan Co., O.) and Mary E. (Smith) Maris (b. Ag 21, 1847, Collins Center. N. Y.). Prepared in Guthrie Center (la.) H. S. Nu Sigma Phi; Honorable Mention. Located in Duluth; Gen. Med. practice, do., 1902- 06. Married William Henrv Cole, Ag 22, 1906, Duluth, Minn, (died Mr 8, 1915). Child, Alice Marvis, b. O 29, 1907. Address, 2429 E. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. MARTIN MORGAN MARTINSON (Husband of Stella Cleary Martinson, *02; Brother of ELsie, '05) Physician; M.D.; b. My 7, 1872, Council Bluffs, la.; s. Soren (b. F 14, 1833, Denmark) and Mette (Morganson) Martinson (b. N 1841, do.). Pre- pared in Minn. H. S. Supt. of Graysville Sani- tarium, 190.3-09; do,. Huntsville Sanitarium, 1910- 12; Orlando, Fla. Sanitarium, 1909-10; Phys. .1916—. Mem.. South Ea.i N. Hastings Ave., Hastings, Neb. ♦RICHARD LEONARD ELDREDGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. ISOO. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Gen. Med. practice, Braidwootl, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Died N 29, 1917, Minooka, R.\NSOM LOGAN ESTES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Formerly located in Meredosia, 111. Address, Effingham, Ill.t ♦FRED A. FANYO Asst. Prof.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Wat- seka H. S. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1903-04; formerly located in Watseka, 111.; Asst. Prof., CUn. Diag.. Coll. of Med. Died Mr 22, 1904, Cook Co. Hosp.. Chicago. LOUIS WALTER FEE M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1876. Washington, Pa.; s. EUsabeth (Welsh) Fee. B.S., Univ. of la., 1899. Formerly located in Bristol, Colo. Mem.. M. E. Church. Married Amy Avery, Je 10, 1905, Boul- der. Colo. Children: Elizabeth, b. My 20, 1907i George, b. Jl 30, 1913. Address, Wiley, Colo. EMIL OTTO FICKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 23, 1880, Daven- port, la.; s. Henry and Louise Ficke. Capt., M. C, 357th Inf.. 90th Div.; active Serv., St. Mihiel and Verdun Fronts. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Lillie Heede, 1909, Davenport, la. Child, George D. Address, Davenport, la. OSCAR GUSTAV FISCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 24, 1S81, Chicago; 8. Gustave and Ottilie (Kassowitz) Fischer. Pre- pared in West Di\-ision H. S. Attending Obste- trician, St. Anthonys Hosp., Chicago; Instr., Bacterid.. Coll. of Med., 1910-14. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Charlotte Louise Ferguson, Ap 24, 1916. Child, Oscar G., Jr.. b. S 23, 1919. Address. 4240 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add.. 802 Roosevelt Rd., do. FRANK CRIST FISHER Physician; M.D.; b. N 23, 1868, Wihnington, 111.; s. John C. (b. F 15, 1834, Rochester, N. Y.) and Anna (Fard) Fisher (b. My 30, 1841, Fermoy Ire.). Prepared in Wilmington H. S. Class treas., 1902-03. Phys. Joliet. 111.. 1903-07; do.. Bloom- ington 1907 — . Married Cora Fisher. Je 27, 1894, Bloomington. Children: Dorothy E., b. Ap 17, 1897 (died Mr 19. 1919); Edwin H„ b. Mr 4, 1909. Address, 608 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington, 111.; bus. add., 410-11 Griesheim BIdg., do. CLARA FOGLE (PALMER) (Sister of Aaron '04 D.D.S.; wife of Thomas J. Palmer '05) Physician; M.D.; b. F 1 1873; d. Leander (b. Ap 10 18.38, Ger.) and .Sarah (Hirsch) Palmer (b. Ap 25, 1838, do.). Prepared in Fayette Co. 111. and Keokuk la. 1899-1902. Gen. Med. prac- tice in Mc.\lester Okla. Mem., Pittsburg Co. Med. Soc; Okla. State Med. Soc; Eastern Star. Married Thomas Jefferson Palmer ('05) S 8, 1903 Chicago (died O 28, 1918 with A. E. F. in France). Child, Clara Frances, b. F 13, 1908. Address, North McAlester, Okla. HARA-EY JAMES FORBES Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 18, 1880 Chickasaw la.; 8. John C. (b. 18.59, do.) and Lena B. (Bartsch) Forbes-^b. 1862, Wis.). Prepared in New Hamp- ton, la. Alpha Kappa Kappa. M. C, U. S. A , 1918-19. Married Lucile E. Philpot, D 25, 1907. Child, Marcia Florence, b. D 10, 1910. Address, 136;) N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Calif.: bus. add.. 509 Citizen's Bank Bldg., do. WILLIAM PATRICK FORKIN Phys and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1898-99; Milwaukee Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1899-1900. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Winnetka, 111; later at Chilton, Wis. Commissioned in M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Traverse City State Hosp., Traverse City, Mich.t LLOYD BARTMESS FOSTER M.D.; b. My 13, 1875; s. W. L. and Sarah A. (Shearer) Foster. Prepared in Nilos (Mich.) H. S. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Mary Ellen Gallaway, O 13, 1907. Child, Lloyd G., b. N 3, 1908. Address, Walters, Okla. LOUIS HENRY FRECHTLING Physician; M.D.; b. S 6, 1880, Hamilton, O. ; s. John A. (b. D 12, 1852) and Wilhelmine (Schrei- ber) Frechtling (b. Ja 31, 1869, Hamilton, O.). Prepared in Hamilton (O). H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Class Historian. Intern, St. Elizabeths Hosp., Chicago. 1903-4; House Phys., St. Annes Sanitarium, do., 1904; Gen. Med. practice, Hamilton, O., 1905-19; Dir., Dept. In- dustrial Relations. The Champion Coated Paper Co., do., 1919 — . Med. Examiner Hamilton City Draft Bd., Commissioned 1st Lt. but not called to active serv. Mem., A. M. A.; Ohio State Med. Soc; Butler Co. Med. Soc; Union Dist. Med. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg.; Am. Assn. of Indus- trial Phys.; Industrial Relations Assn. of Am.; Unity and Round Table Clubs of Hamilton, O.; Trustee, Hamilton Y. M. C. A., 1907 — ; Bd. of Education, Hamilton City Sch. Dist., 1915-16; Hamilton City Planning Comn., 1919 — . Married Elsie Cebernick, S 18, 1912, Hamilton, O. Chil- dren: Louis E., b. Je 19, 1913; Jean Rose, b. Mr 26, 1916. Address, 129 N. 2nd St., Hamilton, O. EDWARD JOHN FUCIK Physician; M.D.; b. Chicago; s. John and Mary (Schimek) Fucik. Prepared in Lewis Inst. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. W. A. Married May Elezabeth Tompkins, Je 9, 1904. Address, Williams Bay, Wis. EDWARD WILLIAM GAGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Hamline Univ., 1899-1902. Formerly of New Ulm, Minn. Address. Zions, Minn.f GEORGE ALBERT GARDNER Phy.sician; M.D.; b. Mr 16, 1868; s. Samuel S. (b. 1825, Syracuse, N. Y.) and Almira H. Gardner (b. 1833, do.). Prepared in H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Grad. work, Vienna and Berlin, 1903-05. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-10. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Chicago, 1903-17; Pasadena, Calif., 1917—. Tuberculosis Examiner, U. S. Army, 1917; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., Presby. Church; Los Angeles City Club; Nat. Tuberculosis Assn.; Chicago Med. Soc; Los Angeles Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Ag 14, 1907, Chicago. Children: Austin Thayer, b. O 12, 1909; Ruth, b. Ag 22, 1911. Address, 550 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., 800 Investment Bldg., Los Angeles, and 618 Citizens' Savings Bank Bldg., Pasadena, Calif. ♦LOUIS HENRY GEIGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Paxton H. S. Located in Oilman, III., 1918. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc Died O 9, 1920, St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago. EZRA EDWARD GEI8EL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Rush Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly of Lowell, Ind; retired from practice. Address, Crown Point, Ind.t University of Illinois [1903 ADOLPH THOMAS GILHUS Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; M.D.; b, Mr 14, 1879. Cardiff, Wales; s. John Bernard and Sophie (Gunnes) Gilbus. Prepared in Kristiania Kathe- dralskole, 1894. Capt., M. R. C, Jl 1917; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1, 1920; in command of Evacua- tion Hosp., 57, at discharge. Spanish-Am. War; Armv Cuban Occupation; U. S. Navy, World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Pensacola Lodge 497; A. F. A. M., Diamond City Mont.; Consistory, Blooms- burg, Pa.; Shrine, Reading, Pa. Married Mildred Neace, 1909, Miles City, Mont. Child, Dorothy Elizabeth, b. S 10, 1910. Address, c-o Adjutant Gen., U. S. A., Washington, D. C. HARRY ENOCH GOLDBERGER Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1890; b. 1869, Chicago. Apprenticed to Kadlec, Annbrecht & Thayer, Cnicago, 1886-89; employed as Pharm., at 264 Leavitt St., Chicago; Phys. at 868 50th St. and 309 E. 47th St., do.; later Specialist in Otol., Rhinol, and Laryngol., 1542 W. 47th Chicago; at one time located in Hilliard, Fla. Mem., A.M. A. Address 846 W. 55th St., Chicago; bus. add., 4658 S. Ash- land Ave., do.t JULIAN J. GOLEMBIOWSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1876; s. Jerry and Josephine Golembiowski. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; in charge of Genito-Urinary Dept., Bn. 15, Detention Camp, Camp Greenleaf, Ga., Mr-D, 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Bessie Franz, 1915, Chicago. Address, 1000 N. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., 700 N. Ashland Ave., do. FREDERICK LANTZ GOURLEY M.D.; b. N 13, 1878; s. John M. and Mary (Lantz) Gourley. Prepared in Rice Institute, and Wabash Coll. Kappa Sigma; Phi Rho Sigma. House Surg., Coll. of Med., 1902-03. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Surg., Evacuation Hosp. 41 and Base Hosp. 14, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M,; B. P. O. E.; Shrine; Rotary Club. Married Margaret Maclnnis, N 23, 1904, Duluth, Minn. Children: Frederick, b. 1906; Margaret, b. 1907. Address, 425 Hickory St., Waukegan, 111.; bus. add., 214 Washington St., do. WALTER WOOD GREAVES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 23, 1875; s. James A. and Sarah (Wood) Greaves. Prepared in Marengo H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Clara Cavell. Address, 660 Bucklin St., La Salle, 111.; bus. add., 152 Marquette St., do. ^ ANNA MARTHA HAEUSLER Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 2, 1873, Ger.;d. Charles and Pauline (Laewe) Haeusler. Address, 3510 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. OLIE ELLEND HAGEN Physician; M.D.; b. D 6, 1871, Norway; s Ellend Hauge and Johanna (Kvam) Hagen. Pre pared in Academic courses, Norway. Mem. Watonwan Co. Med. Soc. (Advisory Bd.); Minn State Med. Assn.; A. M. A.; Lutheran Church Auth.: Articles in Minn. State Med. Jour. Mar- ried Nina Hillestad, F 10, 1904, Chicago. Address Butterfield, Minn. CHARLTON EDWARD HAGYARD Specialist; M.D.; b. Ap 13, 1879; s. George T. and Mary (McKenzie) Hagyard. Alpha Omega Alpha; A. K. K. Phys. and Surg., practice limited to Gastro-enterology and Abdominal Surg., Surg., Seattle. Mem., Inglewood Country Club. Married May Rowland, 1911. Children: Sylvia, b. Mr 17, 1912; Gloria, b. 1913; Annabel, b. 1915; Barbara, b. 1917; Charlton Rowland, b. 1918. Address, 2048-23rd Ave., N. Seattle; bus. add., 407 Lumber Exchange, do. MILTON WESTON HALL Army Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 18, 1878, Mont- clair, N. J.; s. Ernest Robert (b: Ap 19, 1853, London, Eng.) and Jennie Helen (Weston) Hall (b. O 13, 1853, N. Y. City). Prepared in Evans- ton H. S. S.B., Mass. Institute of Technology, 1900. Delta Kappa Epsilon. V. P., Fresh, class; Relay Team (Capt.); Track Team. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1903-04; Res. Pathol., do.. 1904-05; Pathol., Chicago Lab., 1906; do., Murray Hosp., Butte, Mont., 1909; Gen. Med. practice, Red- lodge, Mont.; Ronan, do., Mondovi, Wis., 1909-17. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., N 14. 1917-Ag 3, 1918; Maj., do., Ag 3, 1918 — . Auth.: Several articles on Pathology, Bacteriology and Preventive Medi- cine. Mem., A. M. A.; Assn. Mil. Surg. Married Ruth Aurora Blanchard. Je 12, 1905, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (died Mr 28, 1913); Florence Julia Paterson, Je 10, 1916, Chicago. Child, Robert Paterson, b. Mr 29, 1917. Address, Dept. Lab., Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. CALVIN WILLOUGHBY HARRISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1873; s. Mary Francis (Conaway) Harrison. B.S., Riverside Sem., Vanceburg, Ky. Mem., Fourth Presby. Church. Address, 817 N. Dearborn St., Chicago; bus. add., 800 N. Clark St. WILLIAM EDWARD HART Physician; M.D.; b. F 26, 1870; s. John (b. 1835, Ireland) and Mary (Moran) Hart (b. Ap 24, 1847. do.). Prepared in Dunlap (la.) H. S.; Creighton Med. Coll. 1899-1900. Gen. Med. practice, Lanesboro, la., 1903 — . Mem., Carroll Co. Med. Soc; la. State Med. Soc. Married Olive B. Hinkley, F 18, 1908, Carroll, la. Chil- dren: Frances B., b. Ja 24, 1909; John Edward, b. F 18, 1913; William Elmo, b. F 13, 1915. Ad- dress, Lanesboro, la. JOHN EDDY HASKELL Physician; M.D.; b. F 11, 1875, Miehigantown, Ind.; s. Oliver Crane and Clarinda (Jenks) Has- kell. A.B., DePauw Univ., 1897. Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Instr., Materia Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-05. Married Estelle Baldwin, Je 14, 1904, Marion, Ind. Address, 558 East 51st St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. GEORGE MERRILL HAWKINS Physician; M.D.; b. O 16, 1880; s. James Oscar and Irene (Heely) Hawkins. Prepared in Mil- ledgeville H. S. Mem., Patrons of Husbandry. Auth.: The Basis of Human Health; (in prepara- tion) The First Law of Life; Human Architecture. Married Mabel Rae Copeland, My 23, 1908. Child, Isabel Abigail, b. S 20, 1915. Address, Edgewood, Wash.; bics. add., 321 Walker Bldg., Seattle. JOSEPH WILLIAM HELZ M.D.; b. Mr 8. 1879. Fond du Lac Co., Wis.; s. Joseph and Anna (Flatz) Helz. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. Married Florence Raidy, My 26, 1908. Children: Ruth, b. F 23,1909; Joseph, b. Jl 6, 1905; Virginia, b. O 19, 1917. Address, 34 N. Main St., Fond du Lac, Wis. MEDA HESS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. Attended Univ. of Mich., Med. Sch., 3 yrs. W. H. Schofield Scholarship from Woman Bd. of Missions, Presby. Coll., Alma, Mich. Address, Marash, Turkey.}: HENRY AUGUSTINE HEWINS Physician; M.D.; b. Je 1. 1877; s. John and Rosa (McQuiston) Hewins. Prepared in Rankin, 111.. 1895. Gen. Med. practice, Radersburg and Toston. Mont. Mem., Masonic Club. Married Carolyn Holmgren, O 3, 1906. Chicago. Child, John, b. Ag 12. 1907. Address, Toston. Mont 1903] College of Medicine Alumni 99 JOSEPH MICHAEL HILGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Maseppa (Minn.) H. S. Address, lona, Minn.t EDWARD MARCELLUS HOLMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in St. Plus Scb., Cliicago and Inst, of Technology, do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3726 Ogden Ave., Chicago. t PHILLIP HENRY HOLMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ. Gen. Med. practice; for- merlv of Bloomington, 111. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med!, 1904-U). Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc. Address, 342 W. 6oth St., Chicago; bus. add., 344 VV. 65th St., (/o.f JACOB JESSE HOOD Physician: M.D.; b. F 11, 1870; s. Joseph M. and >Iary A. (Seiders) Hood. Local Exemption Bd., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Addie C. Clark, Ag 8, 1901. Address, 5222 W. 24th St., Cicero. 111.; bus. add., 5147 W. 2oth St., do. LUDWIG F. HOOGE Physician; M.D.; b. F 11, 1SG4, Denmark; s. Frederick and Anne Hooge. Prepared in Hind- holm H. S., Denmark. Mem., Local Exemption Bd., 21, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Address, 743 E. 75th St., Chicago. BLANCHE ELIZABETH CONVERSE HOPKINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Univ. of Kan., Sch. of Med., 2 yrs.; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Kansa.s City, 1 >t. Formerly of Chapman, Kan.; later at 217 W. Chestnut St., Independence, Kan. Address, Grand^iew Heights, O.f ARCHIE SOLOMON HORN Ophthalmologist; M.D.; b. Ag 23, 1880; s. Ella (Ford) Horn. Postgrad, work in New York, 1920. Army Serv., 2 yrs.; A. E. F., 1 yr. Mem., A. M. A.; A. F. A. M. Married Lila May Glenn. Ad- dress, Tampico, 111. EMILIAN OTTO HOUDA Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 28, 1879, Chicago; s. Joseph and Barbara (Cihak) Houda. Prepared in Medill H. S.; Special Work, Univ. of Vienna. Gen. Med. practice. Autb.: Articles appearing in Jours, of Northwest. Med. Soc. and A, M. A. Mem.. Epis. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°; B. P. O. E.; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Co. Med. Soc. Married Frances Kathleen McNeill, D 12, 1906, Prosser, Wash. Child, Amy Barbara, b. Ja 24, 1911. Address, 81 West Road, Prospect Hill, Tacoma, Wash.; bus. add.. 403-6 Jones Bldg., do. GEORGE HERBERT HOWARD Physician; M.D.; b. My 24, 1870, West Salem, Wis.; 8. Edd. C and Anna (Fay) Howard. Pre- pared in Onalaska (Wis.) H. S. Married Addie Dowty. S 26, 1900, Boyce, La. Ad^lress, 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. LYSTON DREWETTE HOWE Jh. Physician; M.D.; b. S 24, 1880, Streator, 111.; 8. L. D. (b. Ag 11. 1850, Waukegan, 111.) and Marion Wylie (Stewart) Howe (b. 18.54, Edin- burgh, Scotland). Prepared in Streator H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Jr. and .Sr. House Surg.; Football Team. Intern, St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp., Chicago, 1903-04; Gen. Med. practice. Cherry, III.. 1904-09; Streator, do., 1910—; Received Gold Medal for heroic conduct in rescuing 26 miners. Cherry Mine Disaster, N 13. 1909; Commissioner of Health. Streator, 111., 1917-19. Mem., local Exemption board, Streator, 111., World War. Mem., Streator Med. .Soc; La.Salle Co. Med. .Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Pub. Health Assn. Married Je 16, 1915, Chicago. Address, 710 E. Kent St., Streator, 111.; bus. add., 219 E. Main St., do. EDWARD WORTHINGTON JACKSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Kankakee H. S.; Univ. of Neb., Coll. of Med., 2 yrs. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 3201 Washington Blvd., Chicago.t HARRY LEONARD JACOBS Physician; M.D.; b. New York; s. William and Pauline Jacobs. Prepared in McC5ill Univ., Mon- treal, Can. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Exam- ining Bd., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, 6624 S. Paulina St., Chicago; bus. add., 6255 S. Ashland Ave., do. ERNEST ALBERT JENKINSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. D 23. 1871, Can. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs. Address, 2930 Nebraska St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., Frances Bldg., do. HARRIET BELLE JENNINGS (WAGNER) Chiropractor; M.D.; b. N 25, 1867, Salem, 111.; d. George A. and Lydia A. (Shultz) Jennings. Prepared in Ft. Wayne Chiropractic Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Chiropractor, 1916 — •. Married J. R. Wagner, D 31, 1913. Address, 5922 Monte Vista St., Los Angeles; 6ms, add., 328 Mason Bldg., do. RALPH EMMETTE JENNINGS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Attended Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1898-99. For- merly of Marseilles, 111. Address, 2252 Indiana Ave., Chicago. t ANTON BYRON JENSEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1879. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly of Chilton, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Menasha, Wis.t MILTON DANA JEWELL M.D.; b. My 28. 1880, Lyndon, III. Prepared in Ossian (la.) H. S. B. S. in Sc, Univ. of la., 1899. Capt., M. C, Ag 27, 1917 to Mr 1919. Address, 506 E. Main St., Decorah, la.; bus. add., 114 Water St., do. JULIUS A. JOHNSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 3, 1877; s. Andrew and Carrie (Olson) Johnson. Prepared in Black River Falls, (Wis.) H. S. Surg., St. Andrews Hosp., Bottineau, N. Dak. Examiner, Local Bd., World War. Mem., .Shrine; I. O. O. F. Married Emma Babler, O 7, 1903, Black Fiver Falls, Wis. Chil- dren: Thelma, b. Ja 4, 1905; Margaret, b. Je 8, 1909. Address, Bottineau, N. Dak. LYFORD McCHESNEY JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 1. 1880. Annawan, 111.; s. Norman and Rachel (Moon) Johnson. Ph. G., Valparaiso Univ. Army Reserves, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Carrie Gless, D 29, 1902. Child, Melba, b. N 19, 1905. Address, Arrowsmith, 111. NELLIE BERNICE JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Womans Med. Coll., Chicago, 3 yrs. Formerly of Danville, Ill.t MARGARET MAY JONES (MONOHAN) Lecturer; M.D.; b. F 4, 1876, Ccrro Gordo Co.. la.; d. William H. (b. 1843, Bangor, Wales) and Elizabeth (Beyer) Jones (b. 1845, Pa.). Prepared in common schs. of Worth Co., la. and Mason City (la.) H. S. B.S., la. State Coll., 1897. Specialized in eye, ear, nose and throat, 1908. Phi Kappa Phi; Nu Sigma Phi; Honor student, Coll. of Phys. and Surgs.. 1903. Lecturer. Per- lOD University of Illinois [1903 sonal Hygiene and First Aid, la. State Coll., 1906-7; Asst. in Dept. of Laryngol., Coll. of Med., 1909-10; Instr., Clin. Laryngol., and Attending Phys. to the Dispensary, do., 1912-14. Lecturer, Womans Div., Comm. Training Camp Activities, 1918-19. Auth.: Value of Glandular Extracts, Womans Med. Jour., 1906. Mem., Story Co., la., Med. Soc. (Pres., 1907). Married J. J. Monohan, 1910, Chicago. Children: Infant son, b. 1911 (d. 1911); Mary Elizabeth, b. 1913. Address, 4539 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. *MARTIN THADDEUS JOYCE M.D.; b. N 21, 1876; n. James Joyce. Prepared in Waterloo H. S. Mem., CathoUc Church. Mar- ried Gertrude Costello, Ag 15, 1902. Children: Dorothy, Eleanor, Mildred. Died S 6, 1914, Dodge Co., Wis. BERNARD GERSON KATZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 30, 1880, Yankton, S. Dak.; s. Harry (b. Schotten, Ger.) and Sarah (Billstein) Katz (b. Neenab, Wis.). Prepared in Armour Inst., Chicago; N. W, Univ. Dept. of Pharm., 1899-1900. Nu Sigma Nu; Honor student Univ. of 111., 1903. Intern, St. Josephs Hosp., Chicago; Pvt. Asst. to Prof. Carl Beck, Instr., Surg. Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1904-06; Phys. and Surg., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Hilda Straus, 1910, Cincinnati. Children: Muriel, b. Je 1, 1912; Marjorie, b. My 15, 1915. Address. 4840 Grand Blvd., Chi- hus. add., 108 N. State St., do. ALBERT THEODORE KAUPP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. M.D., Jeffer- son Med. Coll., 1891. Gen. Med. practice; for- merly located in Diller, Neb. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Wenatchee, Wash.f ZAROOHIE SEROPE KAVALJIAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Holmes Sch., Constantinople; Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. Address, Adabazar, Turkey .f HARRY THOMAS KENNEY Surgeon; M.D. ; b. Mr 28, 1880; s. Mary Kenney. Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. State Senator, S. Dak., 23rd Dist., 1921. Served in Spanish- Am. War; Mex. Border; Lt. Col., Belgian Camp, Fr., World War. Mem., S. Dak. State Med. Soc. (Pres., 1920-21) ; A. F. A. M.; Shrine, Commandery; B. P. O. E. Address, St. Charles Hotel, Pierre, S. Dak. JOHN HERBERT KINCAID Neurologist; M.D.; b. 1870. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1901. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 4703. N. Robey St., Chicago.t ROBERT CRUMP KING M.D.; b. O 1, 1877. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 3510 63rd St., Chicago. ELWOOD ALMON KINGSTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O .30, 1876, Picton, Ont.; s. Joseph J. and Anna E. (Reynolds) Kings- ton. Prepared in Picton Collegiate Institute. B.A., Queens Univ., 1901. Football and Hockey teams. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, K. T., Shrine. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-18. Married Lenne M. Burr, O 7, 1903, Belleville, Ontario. Child, Marjorie Burr, b. Jl 16, 1906. Address 1006 Jefferson St., Lockport, 111.; bus. add., 902 State St., do. ♦LEWIS EDGAR KLINEFELTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Attended State Univ. of la. Coll. of Homeopathic Med., 1899-1900. Located in Rockford, la. Mem., A. M. A. Died N 26, 1909, Rockford, la. ♦MAXMILIAN KUZNIK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Gymnasium Sch., Breslau, Ger. M.D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1900; do., Jenner Med. Coll., 1902. Formerly located at 429 Oak St., Chicago; Adjunct Prof., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1902-08; Prof., Clin. Diag., Hering Med. Coll., and Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg. Died Ja 4, 1916, at his home in Chicago. JAMES GARFIELD LAMB Phys. and Surg.;M.D.; b. S 6, 1878, Bement, 111.; s. Robert (b. Mr31, 1845, England) and Sarah Emma (Fisher) Lamb (b. 1855, Bement, 111.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Fisher, 111., 1904-1913; Cerro Gordo, do., 1913—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Piatt Co. Med. Soc Married Ja 4, 1911, Bement, 111. Children: Ruth Eunice, b. O 25, 1911; Roberta Harriett, b. O 25, 1915; Dorothy Ellen, b. Jl 1, 1917; James Leonard, b. D 29, 1918. Address, Cerro Gordo, 111. DAVID RALPH LANDAU Physician; M.D.; Ph. G.,1897; b. O 4, 1875, Chicago; s. Samuel and Therese (Bremler) Landau. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Frieda Bremler, Je 16, 1919, Louisville, Ky. Child, David Ralph Jr., b. Je 13, 1920. Address, 1704 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4959 S. Ashland, do. HENRY WILLIAM LANG Phys. and Surg.; b. Jl 14, 1877, Milwaukee. s. Henry F. and Mary (Schaefer) Lang. Prepared in H. S. and Business Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago; Mil. Surg., U. S. A. Capt. and Maj., M. C, U. S. A., A. E. F., World War. Married Cora Petersen, S 9, 1903, Chicago. Child, Raymond H., b. S 11, 1909. Address, 2054 Chi- cago Ave., Chicago. MAYER HARRIS LEBENSOHN Eye Specialist; M.D.; b. D 1.5, 1863, Rus.; s. Hyman and Miriam (Licht) Lebensohn. Teachers Certificate, Rus., 1883; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1895. Asst. and Attending Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; .\ttenrUng Eye Surg., Mt. Sinai Hosp., Chicago. Examining Asst. in Eye Draft Bd., World War. Auth.: papers on Glaucoma, Trachoma, and Keratitis. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; B'nai B'rith; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 3928 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison and 800 Roosevelt Rd., do. EDWARD FRANKLIN LEONARD Physician; M.D.; b. O 19, 1872, Cincinnati; s. Charlotte (Rockenfield) Leonard. Phi Beta Pi; Advisory Bd., District 3-A, Chicago, World War. Asst. Phys., Jacksonville State Hosp., 1905-13; Instr., P.sychiatry, Coll. of Med., 1913-14; do., Neurol., do., 191.3-15; Consulting Neurologist, Con- vent of Good Shepherd, 1915 — . Auth.: A Few Observations on Epilepsy; Report of a Case of Juvenile Paresis; An Experience in Pedagogy Among the Chronic Insane; Report of a Case of Myxedema Allied to the Infectious Exhaustive Group; Report of a Case of Paranoia; Arterio Sclerosis and its Relation to Mental Disease; A Brief Plea for the After-Care of the Insane; Re- education as a Factor in the Treatment of Demen- tia Praecox; Amaurotic Family Idiocy; Conditions which might have been otherwise diagnosed, which were syphilitic; Two cases of Myxedema; Syringo myelia with Bulbar symptoms. Mem., A. F. A. M., Harmony Lodge 3; R. A. M., Jacksonville Chap. 3; Hospital Commandery 31; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Neurological Soc; Am. Med. Psychol. Assn.; State Hosp. Med. Soc; Am. Congress of Int. Med.; Am. Coll. of Phys. (Fellow); Tri-State Med. Soc. Married Mayme C. Rolf, My 23, 1903, Chicago. Address, 1349 Grace St., Chicago. 1903) College of Medicine Alumni 101 WILLIAM ERNEST LONG Phys. and Surg., and Drug.; M.D.; b. N 4,1879, Roodhouse, 111.: s. Sarah (Scott) Long. Prepared in Roodhouse H. S. Gen. Mod. and Surg, prac- tice. Pearland, Tex. 1st Lt., U. S. A., World War. Married Alice Wilton, O 10, 1912. Address, Pearland, Tex. HARRY CHARLES McCARTHY Physician; M.D.; b. O 24, 1879; s. T. M. and Laura (Pierce) McCarthy. Prepared in Richland Center, Wis. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 25, 1917- Mr 17, 1919. Married Delia Roudebush. Ag 1, 1918, Deming, N. Mex. Address, Richland Cen- ter, Wis. CHARLES ELIAS McCARTY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1SS2. Prepared in Tilford Collegiate Acad., Vinton, la. Formerly located in Ancona, Fla. Address, 348 E. Eldorado St., Decatur. lU.t *MICH.\EL EDWARD McGANN M.D.: b. 1875. Mem.. Ex. Bd., St. Josephs Hosp., Joliet. Veteran, Spanish-Am. War. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died My 7, 1913. NEIL MDNN McNEILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 23, 1877, Paisley, Ont., Can.; s. Angus and Flora McNeill. Pre- pared in Victoria H. S.; Postgrad, work, McGill Univ., 1906; Studied in Eng. and Scotland. 1913-14; Hosp. and Univ. of Edinburgh. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Vancouver, B. C, Can. 102nd C. E. F., Ag 30, 1915-Je 17, 1917; In front linos, 9 mos.; with 12th Can. Field Amb., Ypres, Somme and Vimy. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Eva Ray, Ja 19, 1911, Eng, Address, McDonald and 45th Ave., Vancouver, B. C; bits, add., Vancouver Block, do. CLARENCE LLOYD McNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 1. 1879, Cary Station, 111.; s. Charles Emery (b. 18.55, Carv Stauon, 111.) and Clara Helen (Abbott) McNett (b. 1857. do.). Prepared in N. W. H. 8.. Chicago. Mem., Stephenson (Do. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married 1905, Cricago. Child, Lauren Emery, b. F 9, 1906. Address, Towanda, 111. BURTON WILSON MACK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 15, 1870, Loda, 111.; s. Thomas W. and Mary E. (Cole) Mack. Married Mary K. Vaughn, F 2, 1888, Chicago. Child. Jessie C. b. Ap 29. 1890. Address, 4159 W. North Ave., Chicago. W^ILLIAM DUNN MADDEN Physician; M.D.; b. O 15, 1876, Lyons, la.; s. Martin D. and Elizabeth (Kelly) Madden. Prepared in Lyons (la.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. practice. Great Falls, Mont. Army Serv., World War, D 1917-JI 1919. Married Josephine EhrUrh, N 11, 1909. Child, George E., b. D 28, 1910. Address, Hampton Apts., Great Falls, Mont.; bus. add., 213 Ford Bldg., do. BERNARD SYL\'ESTER MALOY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in St. Josephs Coll., Rensselaer, Ind.; Notre Dame, 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice, Melbourne, Fla.; Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Addrejss, 3309 Ever- green Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4000 W. North -■\ve., do.t CHARLES SYLVESTER MELLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. JS80. Prepared in Richland Center (Wis.) H. S. Formerly located in Piper City, 111.; later at 1430 Thome Ave., Chicago. Address, 210 Greenleaf St., Peoria, 111.; bus. add., 415 S. Adams St., (fc.f HELEN BOZENA MOLNAR-SASKO (Wife of Martin P. Sasko, "12) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 15, 1875, Morova, Czecho-SIovakia; s. Karel (b. Mr 27, 1820, Bohe- mia, Czecho-Slovakia) and Anna (Sasko) Molnar (b. My 8, 1833, Kosariska, Slovakia, do.). Pre- pared in Praha, Bohemia. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago, 1903 — . Located at 561 W. 21st St., Chicago, 1903-Ap 1905; 1801 W. 47th St., do., Ap 1905-Mr 1908; 1757 W. 51st St., do., Mr 1908-S 1910; 1849 W. olst St., do., S 1910-Ag 1916; 1725 W. Garfield Blvd., Ag 1916—. Married Martin P. Sasko, ("12) Ja 23, 1905. Children: Helen, b. F 18, 1906 (died O 19, 1918); Jaroslov, b. S 6, 1910 (died Mr 26, 1913); Vladimir, b. Ja 9, 1914; Koeta O., b. S 7, 1915. Address, 1725 Garfield Ave., Chicago. ERNEST SISSON MOORE Physician; M.D.; b. Je 16, 1869, Monee, III.; s. John W. and Cordelia R. (Sisson) Moore. Ph. B., DePauw Univ., 1892. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Demonstrator, Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1904-08; Instr., Clin. Med. and Asst. in Clinic, do., 1910-12; do., and Attend- ing Phys. to the Dispensary, 1912-14; Assoc, Clin. Med. Med., do., 1914-19; Asst. Prof., do., 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S." A., Base Hosp., Camp Travis, Tex. Mem., A. M. A., 111. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Soc. In- ternal Med. Married Nana B. Boatman, 1896, Knoxville, 111. Child, John B., b. Je 11, 1898. Address, 2434 Orchard St., Chicago; 6u.s. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. WILL H. MOORE Physician; M.D.; b. D 15, 1875, Bay City, Mich.; s. W. P. and Rebecca (Harding) Moore. Prepared in Bay City (Mich.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Pi. Located in Chicago, 1903-07; Calif.. 1907-08; N. Dak., 1908—. Capt., M, C, U. S. A., World War; Capt., M. O. R. C, 1921. Married Grace E. Morrell, My 3, 1904, Chicago. Children: Donald H.. b. Mr 26, 1905; Gordon R., b. S 1, 1906; Colin W., b. Ag 2, 1916. Address, 227 Riverside Ave., Valley City, N. Dak.; bus. add.. Pray Block, do. CHARLES McRAE MORGAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Attended Tulane Univ., Sch. of Med., 1893-94. A. B., South Western Presby. Univ., 1893. Formerly located in Camden, Ark. Hosp. Rehef work in Belgium, 1920. Address, Wilmar, Ark.t CARLETON SPENCER MYERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 14, 1879, Attica, O.; s. James Carleton (b. 1836) and Mary Jane (Spencer) Myers (b. Mr 17, 1858). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, 71st and Halsted Sts., Chicago, (13 yrs.); do., 7349 Union Ave., do. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Blanche Stevens, O 11, 1904, Chicago. Children: Carleton Spencer, b. Mr 10, 1906; Janet Stevens, b. Ap 28, 1911. Address, 7349 Union Ave., Chicago. EMANUEL FERDINAND NAPIERALSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in West Div. H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Mem., A. M. .\.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Polish Med. Soc. Address, 2222 Marshall Blvd., Chica- go; bus. add., 1658 W. 18th St., do. *NIELS NICOLAI JOHN NIELSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1878, Racine, Wis.; s. Nicolai Nielsen. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago; Surg., Norwegian-.\m. Hosp., do.; Phys. and Surg., Danish Childrens Home, do. Med. Examiner, Dist. .34, Chicago, World War. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Scandinavian Med. Soc. Married Holga Poulsen, Je 29, 1906, Marinette, Wis. Children: Warren, b. Ap 12, 1910; Carol, b. O 17, 1912. Died My 14, 1921, at his home in Chicago. 102 University of Illinois [1903 JOHN J. NOWAKOWSKI P lys. and Surg.; M.D. Prepared in St. Igna- tius Coll. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Polish Med. Soc. Address, 2158 W. 19th St., Chicago.t MARION MICHAEL NULL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 3, 1871, Blandins- ville. 111.; s. WiUiam H. and Orpha (Green) Null. Prepared in Ind. Univ., Indianapolis. Alpha Omega Alpha. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Amb. Co. No. 11, Field Hosps. 11 and 31, in World War. Auth.r Med. Mag. articles. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Nell Bernice Johnson, Je 8, 1903, Chicago. Ciiildren: Robert Palmer, b. 1905; Howard Wal- lace, b. 1907. Address. 7452 E. Green Lake Blvd., Seattle; bus. add., 525 Joshua Green BIdg., do. EDWARD JAMES OBERH OLTZER Phvsician; M.D.; b. S 4, 1878; s. Olen John (b. Ohio, 1846) and Amelia Ann (Smith Ober- holtzer (b. 1847, Mich.). Prepared in Williams- field H. S.; Knox Coll., Galesburg. Ph.G., Val- paraiso Univ., 1899. Married Maude Ethel Knox, Je 2, 1910, Williamsport, 111. Child, Annabel, b. F 18, 1918. Address, Williamsfield, 111. JULIUS C. OSHER Specialist; M.D.; b. My 19, 187.5, Wallingford, la.; s. George and Mary (Hoode) Osher. D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dental Sch., 1900. Dent, and Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. E. Church. Married Bertha M. Molster, Je 24, 1910, Chicago. Child, G. Edwin, b. Ap 12, 1911. Address, 1224 W. Center St., Anaheim, Calif. WILLIAM BRIGHAM PARKINSON, Jr. M.D.; b. D 24, 1877, Morgan, Ut.; a. W. B. and Lizzie (Bull) Parkinson. Prepared in Brigham Young Coll., Logan, Ut., 2 vrs.; Agr. Coll. of Ut., do. Phvs., Logan, Ut., 1903-06; do., Lewiston, Ut., 1906 — . Co. Phys. and Med. Examiner, World War. Mem., Woodmen of the World. Married Eva B. Troop, F 2, 1903. Children: Veld, b. Jl 26, 1905; Lila May, b. My 1907; Floyd, b. Ja 27, 1909; Winifred Beth, b. S 18, 1911; Paul Ray, b. O 8, 1914; Eva M., b. D 4, 1919. Address, Lewiston, Ut. EDWARD PATERA Phys. and Surg.; M.D,;b. My 26, 1875, Chicago; s. Mathew and Karolyn (Sladek) Patera. Pre- pared in West Div. H. S. Football, Baseball and Basketball. Intern, St. Mary's Hosp.. 1903-05; Pays., Surgical Staff, do.\ 1st Asst., Dr. A. J. Ochsner, Augustana Clinics, 1918. Spanish-.\m. War, 1898-99. Mem., Chicago Athletic Club; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Jane F. Smyth, Jl 2, 1910. Children; Edward, b. N 4, 1914; Jane Karolyn, b. Ag 7, 1917. Address, 2830 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1809 Loomis St., do. HENRY MILTON PENRICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Hyie Park H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1899-1902. G?n. Med. practice. Address, 5536 Lakewood Ave., Chicago.t CHARLES EATON PHILLIPS Surgeon; M.D.; b. F 3. 1877, Millington, 111.; s. John (b. 1828, Worchester, Mass.) and Lydia Jane (Brimhall) Phillips (b. 18.38, Ind.). Prepared in Millington H. S. A. B., Eureka Coll., 1900. Located in Chicago, 1903-05; Isthmus of Panama, 1906-13; Los Angeles, 1914—. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19; served at Camp Dodge, la.; Gen. Hosp. 35, West Baden, Ind.; Walter Reid Hosp., Wash., D. C. Auth.: New Knee-joint Amputa- tion, Jour. A. M. A., 1912; Fixation of Fracture by Means of Autogenous Intramedullary Bone Solints, Suri)., Gunecol. and Obstetrics. Mem , Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow). Married Jennie Holland, S 15, 1900, Gibson City, 111. Child, Herbert Allyn, b. Jl. 1904. Address, Athletic Club, Los Angeles. WILLIAM CHAMBERS PHILLIPS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 12, 1876, Page Co., la.; s. R. F. and Sarah Ann (Ellsworth) Phillips. Prepared in Clarinda (la.) H. S.; N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1899. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mary Elizabeth Brown, Je 15, 1909, Clarinda, la. Ad- dress, Clarinda, la. WILLIAM ARON PITZELE Physician; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1877, Austria; s. Nathan and Hannah (Stiglitz) Pitzele. Prepared in South Chicago H. S.; Univ. of Mich, and Chi- cago Bus. Coll. Gen. Med. practice, Lorain, O. Army Serv., 1st 111. Inf., 1898-1903. Married Fan- nie Linx, Ag 12, 1903, Buffalo, N. Y. Children: Ray M., b. Mr 3, 1906; Nelson, b. Jl 15. 1908; Lewis, b. Jl 17, 1912. Address, 1825 E. 32nd St., Lorain, O.; bus. add., 2812 Pearl Ave., do. FRANK JOSEPH POKO.RNEY Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1899; b. O 4. 1879. Chicago; s. John and Anna (Tierney) Pokorney. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Bohemian Med. Soc. Married Charlotte Wolf. 1911, Chicago. Child, Frank, Jr., b. My 26, 1912. Address, 1501 S. Crawford Ave., Chicago. CHARLES WALLACE POORMAN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ja 7. 1873. Mattoon, 111. Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Materia Med., Coll. of Med.. 1902-06; Assoc. Prof., Surg., .Tenner Med. Coll., 1916; formerly at the West Side Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Auth.: Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis; Gall Bladder Surgery. Address, 424 W. Park Ave., Oak Park, 111.; 6«s. add., 127, do. FRANK WALDEMAR POPE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Racine (Wis.) H. S.; Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs.. 3yrs. Commissioned in M. R. C. U. S. A. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 2406 Kinzie Ave.. Racine. Wis.t IRVING ANGEL PORGES M.D.; b. N 15, 1882, Chicago; s. Henry and Theresa Porges. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Reference Clerk, Chicago Pub. Library. 5 yrs. Post Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Capt., M. C, 75th C. A. C. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Legion; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Blanche Zschan, Ja 13, 1921. Address, 4140 Drexel Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washing- ton St., do. WILLIAM H. PORTER Phys. and Surgs.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in N. Dak. State Norm. Sch. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Beaulieu, N. Dak. Address, Calvin, N. Dak.t LAMAR MATTHEW POWER Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Escanaba (Mich.) H. S. Formerly located in Hancock. Mich. Address, 11100 E. Jefferson Ave.. Detroit.f JOHN WILLIAM POWERS Orthopedic Surg.; M.D.; b. My 21, 1881, Savan- na, 111.; s. Michael and Mary Berrendorf Powers. Prepared in Savanna H. S. Grad. work, Har- vard Univ. Maj., M. R. C, Ft. Oglethorp; M. O T. C; Camp Sherman Base Hosp., 1 yr., World War. Married Je 2, 1906. Children: Mary Adeline, b. 1908; Patricia, b. 1915. Address, 518 Van Buren St., Milwaukee; 6ms. add., 221 Grand Ave., do. EVA PRESCOTT (TURNER) Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 6, 1876, Chicago; d. Theodore L. (b. N. Y.) and Emily (Twitty) Pres- cott (b. Eng.). Prepared in pub. .schs. A. E. I. sorority. Phys., Chicago; do.. Oak Park, 111. Gave free med. service to soldiers and sailors X 1903] College of Medicine Alumni 103 families in need during World War. Married S. Ullman, 1896 ^divorced 1906); Fred L. Turner, Mr 24, 1910. Children: Manfred Prescott, b. N 25. 1899; Alice Prescott, b. My 11. 1911. Address, 60S Gunderson Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 619 Crawford Ave., Chicago. CHARLES WALLACE RANSOM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1809. Prepared in Neb. State Norm. Sch.; Omaha Med. Coll., 2 yr.s. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Madison. Address. 1517 E. Ocean Blvd.. Long Beach, Calif.; but. add., 38 Pine Ave., rfo.t MATTHEW SIMPSON REAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1898-99; St. Louis Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Bracevillc, III. Address, Randolph. Ut.'t ERNEST GRAY REESE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Ph.C, Ann Arbor, 1895. Formerly of Bowling Green, O. EMORY WEST REEVES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S78. Prepared in Plymouth (Ind.) H. S. Formerly located in New Orleans, La.; later at Kenner. do. Address, 507 Pecore Ave., Houston, Tex.; bus. add., Burnett Bldg.. do.t WILLIAM M. RIGHTMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 12, 1874, Rus.; s. Mor- ris and Mary (King) Rightman. Prepared in Gymnasium H. S., Kamenetz, PodoHa, Rus. Phys. formerly at 849 W. Roosevelt Rd. and 3218 do., Chicago. Mem.. K. P.; I. O. B. A.; I. O. B. S. Married Ag 6. 1907. Chicago. Children: Irving, b. My 11, 1908; Marjorie. b. Je 9, 1912. Address, 1607 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. EMMA ELIZA ROBBINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended Univ. of Neb., 1899. At one time located in Ord.. Neb.; later at 812 W. 6th St., Hastings, do.t NELSON JOHN ROBBINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;b. 1870. Univ. of Mich., Med. .Sch. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Ish- peming, Mich. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Ne- gaunee, Mich.t HENRY' BURTON ROBERTS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 1, 1871, Waynes- ville, O.; s. John A. G. (b. Waynesville, O.) and Helen (Kinney) Roberts (b. Ja 18, 1845, Clear- creek, do.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Surg., C. N. S. & Mil. R. R. Located in Highland Park, 111., 1903-17; 1919—. Invented a Door Brace and Telephone Bracket Elevator. Capt., 325 F. A.; Surg., .327 F. A. for which service was promoted to Maj., World War, 1917-19; Maj., Med. Sec, O. R. C, U. S. A., at present. Mem., A. M. A.; Lake Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc.; Am. Legion. Married Caroline Gertrude Brown, O 17, 1905. La Grange, Ind. Address, 320 Park Ave., Highland Park. 111.; bus. add., 2 Sheridan Road, do. ESTHER ANNIE RYERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Prepared in Simcoe (Ont.) H. S.; Omaha Med. Coll., 2 yrs.; Wesleyan Female Coll., Hamilton, Can. Phys., Dayton State Hosp., Dayton, O.; formerly loca- ted at Evan.sville, Ind.; Specialist in Psychiatry. Mem., A. M. A.; Okla. State Med. A.ssn.; Ind. State Med. Assn. Address, Dayton State Hosp., Dayton, O.t HELEN LOUISE RYERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Chamberlain (S. Dak.) H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll , 3 yrs. Formerly located in Reno. Nev.; not in practice. Address, 19.54 Tamarind Ave., Los An- geles.t LLOYD MELVILLE SACKETT Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Par- sons (Kan.) H. S. Commissioned in M. R. C., U. S. A. Address, 1515 W. 34th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.; bus. add.. Am. Nat. Bank Bldg., do.f CLARK EDWARD SAUNDERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 26, 1880, Osakis, Minn.; s. Edward H. (h. 18,50, Quebec) and Han- nah F. (Van Schoonhoven) Saunders (b. 1860, Wis.). Prepared in H. S., under Pvt. tutorship, and in Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1898- 99. Phi Beta Pi. Grad. work, Chicago; New York; Philadelphia; Rochester, Minn., 1908-11. Gen. Med. practice, 1903-08; Attending Larynpol., O'Connors Sanitarium and Santa Clara Co. Hosp., at present. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 1917-Jl 23, 1919; With 8th San. Train; transferred to Chief of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Service, Letterman Gen. Hosp., San Francisco. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, Shrine; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; Santa Clara Co. Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc. Married Ag 28, 1905, Portland, Ore. Child, Sandy, b. Je 12, 1908. Address, Bank of Italy Bldg., San Jose, CaHf. NORMAN LEE SEELYE M.D.; b. O 1, 1878, Montique, Mich.; s. Ida A. (Fluker) Seelye. Prepared in Lake Geneva (Wis.) H. S. Phys., in charge of Clybourn Free Dispensary, 1903-04; Gen. practice. Lake Geneva, Wis.. 1904-08; Intern, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1908-09; Asst. Ear Surg., do., 1910; Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Harvard and Woodstock, 111., 1910—. 1st Lt.; Capt., M. R. C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.; Med. Advisory Bd., Rockford, 111., 1917-18. Mem.. A. M. A.; A. F. A. M., Freeport Consistory, Tabala Shrine, Rock- ford Calvary, Commandery 25, Woodstock, 111. Married Bonnie B. Smith, Ja 22, 1907, Lake Gene- va, Wis. Children: Jessica M., b. F 6, 1910; Kenneth W., b. D 30. 1910; Bonnie E., b. N 29, 1916. Address, Harvard, 111. ALBERT CHRISTIAN WILLIAM SEIDEL Phys. and Surg. ; M .D. ; b. O 4, 1880, Quincy , 111. ; s. Julius and Elizabeth (Herlcman) Seidel. Pre- pared in St. Francis Coll., Quincy, 111. Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Charlotte Kraft, O 22, 1904, Quincy, 111. Children: Julius, b. Je 16, 1905; Albert, b. Je 20, 1910; Gerard, b. Ja 1, 1916. Address, 627 Arlington Place, Chicago. WILLIAM ARTHUR SHEPHERD Physician; M.D.; b. D 14, 1875; s. Allen A. and Margaret (McNaughton) Shepherd. Pre- pared in Seymour (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Minnie M. Mattis, Jl 1, 1908, Seymour, Wis. Child, Allen A., b. Mr 20, 1918. Address, Seymour, Wis. JOSEPHUS JOHNSTON SHERRILL M.D.; b. My 11, 1879; s.'H. N. and Mary (Hardy) Sherrill. Prepared in Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 3 yrs. Sigma Alpha Ep.'^ilon; Phi Nu Epsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha; Med. Scholarship; Capt.. Baseball Team, Vanderbilt Univ. Located at Chicago, 1903-16. Maj., Med. Corps, lOJ^ mos. Fr. World War. Married Gert- rude Denton, My 14, 1916, Greenwood, Miss. Address, Warren, Ark. *LEROY HALL SIBLEY Physician; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Terre Haute (Ind.) H. S. Mem., Vigo Co. (Ind.) Med. Soc. Died S 26, 1910, Terre Haute, Ind. ♦CHARLES WATSON SNYDER M.D.;b. 1880. Mem., A. MA. Home, Clyde. Mich. Died N 15, 1917, Clyde, Mich. 104 University op Illinois [1903 GERTRUDE ANNA SPRIGGS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., San Francisco, 1900. Intern, Womans Hosp., Philadelphia; formerly of San Francisco. Address, 1140 Sutter St., Sonoma, Calift ROY PHILSON STOOPS Physician; M.D.; b. O 17, 1877, Winona, Minn.; s. Joseph Akim (b. Mr 8, 1852, Morgantown, W. Va.) and Inez Stoops (b. O 7, 1858, Ft. Wayne, Ind.). A.B., Univ. of Okla., 1898. Grad. work, Chicago Univ., 1907; St. Josephs Hosp., 1916. Prof., Anat. and Head of Sch. of Med., Univ. of Okla., 1903-09; Located in Tex., 1909-13; Mitchell and Scottsbluff, Neb., 1913—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 30, 1918-Jl 8, 1919; Camp Greenleaf, Ga., 3 mos. Chief of Oto-Laryngolog. Serv. , Base Hosp. Camp Pike, Ark., O 25, 1918-Jl 8, 1920. Auth.: Erysipelas in the Negro, Am. Med., 1901; Treat- ment of Burns by Liq. Cresolis Compositus, Ther. Gaz.. 1912; The Mortality from Mastoiditis in the U. S. A. Base Hosp. at Camp Pike, Ark., Annals of OloL, Rhinol. and Laryngol. Mem., Scottsbluff Co. Med. Soc; Neb. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Rotary Club, Scottsbluff, Neb., 1920—. Married Eunice Gertrude Rand, S 30, 1903, Wichita, Kan. Children: Dorothy Margaret, b. Mr 12, 1907; Roy Philson. Jr., b. Mr 1, 1915. Ad- dress, 1922 3rd Ave., Scottsbluff, Neb. ELGIN LEROY STOUGHTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 2 yrs. At one time located in Mount Moriah, Mo.; Gen. Med. practice. Address, Ridgeway, Mo.t JULIA CLARK STRAWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1897. Nu Sigma Phi. Assoc. Prof., Gynecol., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1921. Address, 4711 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 918, 22 E. Washington St., do. JULIUS HILTON SURE Physician; M.D.; b. S 29, 1874, Dvinsk, Rus.; s. Harry (b. do.) and Dinah (Joehilson) Sure (b do.). Prepared in Libau Gymnasium, Rus. Lec- turer, Obstetrics, Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., 1905-07; Assoc., do., 1909-10; Assoc. Prof., do., 1910-12; Prof., do., 1913-14; Assoc. Prof., do., Mar- quette Univ. Med. Dept., 1914-16; Obstetrician, St. Joseph Hosp.; Visiting do., Mt. Sinai, Columbia and Evangelical Deaconess Hosps. Mem.. Mil- waukee Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Clara Ep- stein, S 6, 1903, Berlin, Wis. Child, Leahbelle, b. N 5, 1905. Address, 423 Kenwood Blvd., Mil- waukee; bus. add., 830 Caswell Block, do. ELLIS FRANK SWARTHOUT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878, Pine Island, Minn.; s. B. F. and Camilla (Huntsinger) Swarth- out. Prepared in Pine Island (Minn.) H. S. and Carlton Coll. Acad. Army Serv., M. C, U. S. A., 23 mos. Mem., I. O. O. F.; M. W. A. Married Rose Falk, N 15, 1906. Child, Gordon, b. S 17, 1907. Address, Sykeston, N. Dak. ADAM SZWAJKART (Father of Adam Leo, M.D., '17) Physician; M.D.; b. D 24, 1860, Poland; s. Charles and Malvina (Wodicra) Szwajkart. Pre- pared in European H. Schs. and Univs. M.Ph., Univ. of Lemberg, Poland; M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1897. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. West Park Co. Commissioner, 1907; Mem., State Bd. of Health, 1912-14; Co. Phys. and Supt. of Psycho- pathic Hosp., 1915-19. Auth.: Weekly contri- butions to Polish dailies on Hygiene, Sanitation and Health Problems. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Polish Med. Soc: Polish Roman Catholic Union; Polish Nat. Alliance; Catholic Order of Forresters. Married Je 16, 1888, Chicago; Eugenie Nowierski, Ja 10, 1892, San Antonio, Tex. Children: Adam Leo, b. S 16, 1894; Eugene, b. S 17, 1895; Blanche, b. D 1, 1897. Address, 3535 Diversey Ave., Chicago, Hi.; bus. add., 1401 N. Ashland, do. FREDERICK ALMON THAYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Attended Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1899-1901. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Chilton, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Beloit, Wis.t BENJAMIN THOMAS [] ' Physician; M.D.; b. S 25, 1866, Cornwall, Eng.; s. Benjamin (b. 1819, Penzance, Cornwall, Eng.) and Eliza (f.ory) Thomas (b. 1821, Helstone, do.). Prepared in E. Cornwall Coll.. Cornwall, Eng. Alpha Omega Alpha; Jr. class pres., 1903. Grad. work in Royal Ophthalmic Eve Hosp., London, Eng., 1907; Dolden Square throat Hosp., do., 1907. Physician, Chokio, Minn., 1903-07; Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Seattle, Wash., 1908; do., Huron, S. Dak., 1909—. Examining Surg, for recruits, 1918. Mem., Fifth District Med. Soc (Pres); Huron Rotary Club. Child, Jessie Eliza, b. N 21, 1897. Address, Huron, S. Dak. ♦MATILDA MINNIS THOMAS Phys. and Surf.; M.D. Teachers course in la. Formerly located in Macon, Miss. Deceased. GERTRUDE FRANCES THOMPSON Physician; M.D.; b. F 18, 1867, Cadyville, N. Y.; d. Thomas and Lydia (Mead) Thompson. Prepared in FrankUn Acad., Malone. N. Y., 1884. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Formerly at 603 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Mem., Womans Med. Club; After Dinner Club; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Euclid Ave. M. E. Church; Oak Park Rebekah Lodge. Address. 716 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add.. Hey worth Bldg., 29 E. Madison St., Chicago. LAURA SOMMER TOMHAGAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1309 Lunt Ave., Chicago.t FRANK S. TUFTS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 16, 1871, Wilton, la.; s. Ben F. and Nell (Rider) Tufts. Prepared in H. S.; la. State Coll. of Agr. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Married Florence Far- rier, 1901. Children: Robert; Marion; MarjOrie. Address, 1955 W. 101st PL, Chicago; bus. add., 800 W. 78th St., do. DANIEL GREENWOOD TWEEDALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Evansville (Ind.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 816 W. Indiana St., Evan.sville, Ind.' bus. add., 1014 W. Franklin St., do.t JOSEPH ALFRED URAN Physician; M.D.; b. O 3, 1877, Kankakee, 111.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. Ja 26, 1846) and Susan Weaver (Troop) Uran (b. O 15, 1851, Circleville, O.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 190.3-05; Holland, la., 1905-11; Wellsburg, la., 1911 — . Married Vivian Imogene Morgan, My 26, 1911, Glenwood, la. Children: Marshall Milton, b. N 7, 191 1; Ellen Vivian, b. N 20, 1915; Margarette, b. O 13, 1917. Address, Wellsburg, la. PAUL ROBERT URMSTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Hamilton (O.) H. S. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Address, Bay City, Mich.f HARVEY MARSHALL VANCE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Bennett H. S., 1898. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Pleasant Grove, Utah.f 1903] College of Medicine Alumni 106 HARRY FLOYDE VAUGHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 2. 1870. Swanton, O.; s. James C. (b, Ag 31, 1838. Tuscarawas Co.. O.) and Hattie (Taylor) Vaughan (b. Je 20, 1845, Harrisburg, Pa.). Prepared in Oberlin (O.) Coll. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Mich, and at present in Oliio. Married Ethel Mae Shaw.' Ap 2. 1908, Cleveland. O. AdJnss, 17 Coll. Place. Oberlin, O. ROBERT VON DER HEYDT Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 3. 1875. Wiesbaden. Ger. Grad. work in Ophthalmol. Married Ap 1911. Address, Oak Park. 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Cliicago. HENRY McMUNN VORIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Neoga H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address. 1615 N. 45th St.. E. St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 502 Penn Ave., do.i ROSA VORSANGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 26, 1869. Prepared in H. S., Ger,; Private Coll., Frankfort, do. Mar- ried 1889, Camden, N. J. Child, Lilly V. Tully. b. S 19, 1892. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Address, 2354 Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago. HERBERT CLARK WADDLE M.D. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Univ. Married Alchee A. Case. 1904. Children: Mary Charlotte, b. 1898; Alchee Caroline, b. 1904. Ad- dress. South Wayne. Wis. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN WAGNER M.D.; b. Ap 16. 1872. Brodhead, Wis.; 3. Chris- tian and Elizabeth (Mokler) Wagner. Prepared in Vinton (la.) H. S.; Med. Dept., la. State Univ., 1S99-1902. Mem., A. F. A. M., Mystic Shrine. Married Martha Powell. N IS. 1907, Dysart. la. Child, Willa Ruth, b. D 14, 1918. Address, Traer. la. JOHN POLER WALSH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Attended Carroll CoU., Waukesha, Wis., 1886. M.D., Har- vey Med. Coll., 1902. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, Eastland. Ore. J FR.\NCOIS JOHN THEODORE WAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 27,1880, Patter- son. N. J.; s. John W. and Maaike A. (Ferleman) Was. Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. For- merly located in Chicago; now in Patterson, N. J. Mem., Joppa Lodge 29, A. F. A. M. Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga.; Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Hdqrts., S 1918-Ap 1919. ^Iarried Johanna Schwarzenberg, My 20. 1916 (died O 9, 1920). Child: Francois J., b. Ja 20, 1917. Address, 75 E. 16th St., Patterson, N.J. GUY CLIFFORD WAUFLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Milton Acad., 2 jts.; Knox Coll., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice, Janesville, Wis.; formerly of Milton Junction, do. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Janesville. Wis.t NEWTON WHITNEY WEAR Physician; M.D.; b. D 15, 1879; 9. Hugh and Caroline (Holatine) Wear. Prepared in Val- paraiso Univ. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; B. P. O E. Married Mr 4, 1916. Child, Whitney Jr., b. S 3, 1918. Address. Bellingham, Wash. BLANCHE EDITH WEBBER M.D.; b. S 22, 1806, Andersontown, Md.; d. Eli H. and Harriet Jane (Gray) Webber. Pre- pared in H. S.; Norm. Sch. and Harvey Med. Coll. H. S. Teacher, 12 yrs. before entering Coll. of Med.; Staff Examiner, Central Branch, Y. M. C. A., since opening. Mem., Med. Womens Club; Pub. Health (Chm.) 1st Cong. District Federation Womens Club, 1920. Address. 1360 E. 47th Place, Chicago; biu. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. ♦JOSEPHINE ELLA WEBSTER (WELD) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Attended N. W. Univ. Wonians Meil. Coll.. 2 yrs. Formerly at 441 Englewood Ave., Chicago; later at Stutt- gart. Ark. Married James C. Weld. Died Ja 23. 1918. JAMES C. WELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 28, 1880, Ross- ville. 111.; s. Roswell W. and Sarah L. (Gushing) Weld. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum. For- merly located in Kankakee, 111.; Tuberculosis Specialist; Asst., Med., Univ. of Colo., 1921. Serv., U. S. Navy. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Epis. Church. Married Josepliine Ella Web.ster (died Ja 23, 1918); Rose T. Rathwieler. Child, James C, Jr. Address, 2349 Belliar Ave.. Denver; bus. add., 520 Metropolitan Bldg., do. NELS LAWRENCE WERNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 31, 1877, Diamond Bay, Wis.; s. O. N. (b. Eng.) and Anna Werner (b. Wis.). Prepared in Prescott (Wis.) H. S.; Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn. Grad. work in Surg., Chicago Post-Grad. Hosp.. 1907-08. Loca- ted in Halstad, Minn.. 1903-07; Red Wing, do., 1908 — . Auth. : Some Interesting Cases of Hernia. A'^. IF. Lancet; Appendicitis in Childhood, do. Mem.. A. M. A.; Goodhue Co. Med. Soc; Minn. State Med, Soc. Married S 8, 1907. Nerstrand, Minn. Children: Cora A. and Helen N. Address, 1835 W. 6th St.. Red Wing, Minn. WALTER WESSELS (Brother of Vera Gretchen, '15, A.B. in L.A. & S.) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 11, 1880, Quincy, 111.; s. Frederick J. (b. Ap 29. 1854. Cuba) and Wil- helmina (Wienbaker) Wessels (b. N 5, 1854, Quincy 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Dist. Deputy for Calif., 1915-20); Alpha Omega Alpha. Grad. work, Berlin, 1910. Lo- cated in Mendon, 111., 1903-10; Los Angeles, 1911—. Phys. of Gastro-Intestinal Disease.*. Mem., Sr. Staff, Los Angeles Co. Hosp. Contract Surg., U. S. A., 1918. Autb.: Constipation, Western Med. Times, Denver, 1915. Life Mem., Los Angeles Ath Club; Fellow, Am. Coll. Phys.; Fellow, A. M. A. Married Theodocia Longenecker, D 20, 1916, Los Angeles. Child, Theodocia Florence, b. Mr 18, 1918. Address, 535 Title Ins. Bldg., Los Angeles. FRANK PERRINE WHITEHILL M.D.; b. D 13, 1869, Kenton, O.; s. Perrine and Elizabeth (Eglin) Whitehill. B.S., Lake Forest Univ., 1898. Roll of Honor, Coll. of Med. Phi Delta Phi; Phi Beta Pi. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Epis. Church. Address, 6th and Black St., Silver City. N. Mex.; bus. add., 413 BuUard St., do. *HENRY THOMAS WICHMAN M.D.; b. Ag 1, 1869, Chicago; s. John H. (b. Ag 8, 1845, Altona, Scnleswig, Holstein, Ger.) and Catherine (Spirkel) Wichman (b. Jl 11, 1847, Alsace). Prepared in Harvey Med. Coll., Chicago, 1900-01. Grad. work, London Sch. of Tropical Med., 1900; Univ. of Vienna, 1910-11. Chief Surg., Pamarejo Gold Fields, Mex., 1905-08; Los Mocbes Sugar Co., Mex., 1911-12; Gen. Med. practice, Cotulla, Tex., 1913-15; Am. Smelting and Refining Co., Chihuahua, Mex., 1916-18. Mem., A. F. A. M.: M. E. Church. Married Oro Lee Corbin, Ap 16. 1912, El Paso, Tex. Children: Anita Erna. b. N 8, 1914; Jean Kathryn, b. S 28, 1917. Died Mr 18, 1919. Chihuahua, Mex. *SETH WICKS Physician; M.D; b. 1879, Hartford, Kan.; Instr., Biol.. Coll. of Med.. 1904-08; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., with Serv. at Camp Cust^T, Mich.; Honorably discharged, Ja 29, 1919. Difd in Lake View Hosp,, Chicago, Ap 24. 1920, following operation for appendicitis. 106 University of Illinois [19Q4 CHARLES LAFAYETTE WILLIAMS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1864. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Miller, Ind. Address. St. Paul, Ind.f LAMONT ROY WILLSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 28, 1878, New Hampton, la.; s. A. V. and Mary (Weber) Willson. City Health Off., Fresno, Calif. Special Examiner T. B. C, Calif. State Bd. of Health, 1917-18. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; served in Gen. Hosps. 24 and 14; Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., S 1918 to Ja 1919, World War. Mem., Calif. State Med. Soc, (V. P., 1916-17); Fresno Co. Med. Soc, (Pres., 1916). Married Ina Isabell Millward, S 18, 1906. Chil- dren: Mildred, b. 1910; Lawrence, b. 1907. Ad- dress, 504-6 Griffith-McKenzie Bldg., Fresno, Calif. JAMES WILLIAM WILSON Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Wheaton Coll. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Ad- dress, 810 W. 59th St.,.Chicago.t CHARLES WALTER WINNE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1897; b. Jl 26, 1877, Huntley, 111.; s. Mary A. Winne. Pre- pared in Delavan (Wis.) H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Address, 146 N. Austin Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add.. 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. *VERNE ERNEST WINSTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Attended Dunham Med. CoU., 1899-1900. Gen. Med. practice. Keystone, S. Dak. Died N 12, 1916, Rapid City, S. Dak. WENZEL M. WOCHOS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1873. Pre- pared in State Norm. Sch., Oshliosh, Wis. Alpha Omega Alpha. Draft Bd. of Local Examiners, U. S. Pub. Health Serv.. World War. Address, Kewaunee, Wis. JAMES MANLEY WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 6, 1862, Wyocena, Wis.; s. Sam F. and Elsie (Moore) Wood. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1891; A.B. and Ph.G.. do., 1895. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32', Shrine; M. E. Church. Married Maude Lee, O 11, 1891, Hoopeston, 111. Children: S. Edwin, b. S 17, 1896; Mjrra, b. Mr 29, 1898; Maynard, b. My 25, 1903. Address, 1403 18th Ave., Moline, 111.; 6ms. add., 408H 15th St.. do. T. Z. XELOWSKI Surgeon; M.D.; Ph.G., 1896; b. Ja 11, 1877, La Salle, 111.; s. Henry and Henrietta (Tyssowski) Xelowski. Prepared in N. Division H. S., Chi- ■ cago. Pharm., 1896-1903; Intern, St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp., 1903-Ja 1, 1905; Surg., 1905—; Ex-Surg., Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Co.; Instr., St. Marys of Nazareth Tr. Sch. for Nurses; Surg., St. Marys Hosp. Mem., K. C; Catholic Order of Foresters; Polish Roman Catholic Union of Am.; Church of St. Marys of the Lake; Chicago Mod. Soc; Chicago Acad, of Surg.; Chicago Pathol. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg., 1919; A. M. A.; Am. Catholic Hosp. Assn.; Assn. for study of Internal Secretions; Art In- stitute, Chicago; Polish Med. Assn. of Am.; Polish Med. Soc (Pres.). Married Lina Bliss, Je 18, 1907. Children: T. Z., Jr.. b. Mr 30, 1910; Mary Louise, b. Ag 13, 1912; Lina May, b. D 6, 1915 (died D 6, 1917). Address, 3934 Pine Grove Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1053 Milwaukee Ave., do. *JAMES AURELIUS YOUNG M.D.; b. My 29. 1878; s. J. L. and Catherine (Ash) Young. Prepared in Rankin H. S.; Indian- apolis, 1900. Phi Beta Pi. Phys. and Surg.. Bremen. Ind, 1903; Pearl, Idaho, 1903-04; Cald- well, do., 1904-08; Wieser, do., 1908 to date of death. Mem., So. Idaho Med. Soc. (Pres. 2 yrs.). Married Anne Walter, N 15, 1905, Boise. Idaho. Children: Catherine; Walter; James; Henrietta. Drowned while crossing a ferry during a trip to a patients home. DEGREES AD EUNDEM JOHN TASCHER Formerly located in Albuquerque, N. M.J WILLIAM M. THOMPSON Gynecologist; M.D.; b. N 28. 1808, Ireland; s. Martha (Mcllwam) Thompson. Prepared in Macalester Coll.; Princeton Univ. and Univ. of Minn. Nu Sigma Nu; Football; Track. Gyne- col., Chicago. Maj., M. C, U. S. A.; Surg. Dir. . A. E. F., 1 vr.; do., B. E. F., 1 yr. Married Anna Hill. Boston. Children: Anna H.; William M.. Jr. Address. 512 Wrightwood Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St.. dn. CLASS OF 1904 (198 LIVING, 18 DEAD) WILSON RUFFIN ABBOTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Univ., Med. Coll., 3 yrs.; Ph.B., Univ. of Toronto, 1894; Prof., Chem., Coll. of Med., 1902-04; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1904-06; formerly at 628 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, 111.; later Tuberculosis Special- ist. Chicago. Address, 830 Lakeside Place, Chi- cago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.f LOUIS FERDINAND ALRUTZ Physician; M.D.; b. F 9. 1876, Chicago; s. Louis and Bertha (Kreft) Alrutz. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. practice. Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1904-10. Mem.. M. E. Church. Married Helen Truax, My 8, 1907. Kenosha, Wis. Children: Waldemar. b. Ap 24, 1908; Donald, b. O 12, 1914. Address, 36 N. Lotus Ave., Chicago. GEORGE C. AMERSON (Brother of William H., '01) Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 8, 1877. Chicago; s. William (b. S 21, 1841, Eng.) and Matilda (Schaubel) Amerson (b. 1847, Pa.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1902; A.M., Valparaiso Univ., 1911. Phi Chi. Gen. Surg, practice, Chicago; Prof. Surg.,, Loyola Univ. and III. Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; Pres., Gar- field Park Hosp., Chicago; Mem., Staff, West Side Hosp. and Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitar- ium, do.; Councelor, Chicago Med. Soc 111. Nat. Guard, 1909-17; Lt. Col., M. C, A. E. F., 1918-19; Federal Serv.. U. S. A.. 33 Mos., 1916-17. Mem.. A. F. A. M.. R. A. M., 32°. Shrine; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. (Sec. of Surg. Section) ; Chicago Med. Soc. (Ex-Pres., West Side Branch; Councillor) Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow); Tri-State Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surg.; 111. Ath. Club; Hamilton Club; Sojawmero Club, Chicago. Married Isabel Coyle, O 3, 1906, Chicago. Child, William Palmer, b. O 6, 1907, Chicago. Address, 29 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St.. do. 1904] College op Medicine Alumni 107 ♦ORRIN C. AMUNDSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S72. Prepared in of la., Med. Dept., Archley (la.) H.S.; Ui 2 yrs. Deceased. CHARLES ANDREW ARCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Malvern (Ark.) H. S.. 1 yr.; Univ. of Ark. Gen. Med. practice. Address, De Queen, Ark.t JAY LATRELL ARMSTRONG Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1S77, Tolono, 111.; s. James M. and Susie (Powell) Armstrong. Pre- pared in Tuscola H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Track Team, 1898. Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Ad- dress, 775 S. State St., Chicago. RAY C. ASH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 9, 1880. Wooster, Ohio; s. L. B. and Sarah (Rumbaugh) Ash. Pre- pared in Oliio State Univ., 1898-99. Phi Beta Pi; Football Team, Coll. of Med., 1903-04. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 15 mos. overseas. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Gail B. Arnold, Jl 1904, Ashland, Ohio. Address, 140 Clarmont Ave., Ashland, Ohio; bus. add., 337 Washington, do. ROSS HARRISON AXE Physician; M. D.; b. Mr 16, 1880, Valparaiso, Ind.; s. Frank W. and Ella A. (Harrison) Axe. Prepared in Plymouth, Ind. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Chesterton, Ind. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F. Married Nellie W. Gidlev, Mr 7, 1907, Hebron, Ind. Child, Eliza- beth, b. Je 10, 1910. Address, Chesterton, Ind. CHESTER ARTHUR AYRES Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 26, 1881; s. Orlando B. (b. 1835, O.) and Anna (Stone) Ayres (b. 1840, O.). Prepared in H. S. and Drake Univ. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys., Des Moines, la., 1904-08; TS. Formerly located in Canton. 111.; later in Dow. Okla. Alem., A. M. A., Address, Coalton, Okla.t MICHAEL NELSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. M.D., Har- ,vey Med. Coll., 1903. Prof., Gynecol, and Gyne- cological Surg., Chicago Hosp. Coll. of Med.; Surg, and Gynecol., Ft. Dearborn. Lake Shore and Am. Hosps. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Anat. Soc; Chicago Surg. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 1315 Waveland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1000 Belmont Ave., do.f CYRUS FORSYTH NEWCOMB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc. (Pre-Med. Course). 1904; b. D 12. 1879, McLean Co., 111.; s. WilUam Kendall (b. Ap 6, 1857. Lyons, la.) and Eliza C. (Durbin) Newcomb (b. D 26. 1856, Franklin. Ind.). Prepared in Fisher H. S.; Univ. of 111. Acad. Postgrad, work in Vienna, London, and Berlin. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Nu. Sigma Nu; Pres.. Med. Club. Gen. Med. practice, Cham- paign. 1904 — ; Attending Phys.. Garwood Old Ladies Home, do.; Pres.. Julia F. Burnham Hosp.. do.; Chm.. Champaign Co. Chapter. Am. Red Cro.=s. 1918. Contract Surg.. U. S. Army, World War; Mem., Advisory Bd., 13th Dist. Auth.: Diabetis Mellitus, III. State Med. Jour., 1910. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Champaign Co. Med. Soc. (.Sec, 3 yrs.); 111. State Med. Soc. (V. P.); Escula- pian Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Champaign County Country Club. Married Geraldine Alice Bullard (A.B. in L.A. &. S., '14), O 7, 1914, Mechanics- burg. lU. Child. Deborah Jean, b. S 24, 1916. Address, 1213 W. Park Ave., Champaign. WILLIAM LORENZA NUCKOLLS M.D.; b. Ag 18, 1866, Calif. Address, Kings- burg, Calif. WILLIAM THOMAS OAKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm.. 1892. Address, 222 N. Lamon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4801 W. Lake St., Chicago.t ROBERT ALLAN OAKES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1882. Kendall- ville. Ind.; s. David Samuel (b. S 5. 1S37. Harris- burg, Pa.) and Mary Clarissa (Scott) Oakes (b. D 17. 1848). Prepared in Kendallville (Ind.) H. S.; N. W. Univ.. 1900-03. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Intern, Park Ave. Hosp., Chicago, 1904-05; Phys. and Surg., do., 1905 — . Home service. Red Cross, 1917-18. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Pearl Hilkert, O 25, 1905, Kentlallville, Ind. Children: Robert Allan, Jr., b. F 3, 1909; Benjamin Franklin, b. Mr 6, 1912; Mary Ruth, b. F 2, 1916. Address, 3909 Lowell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4005 North Ave., do. WILLIAM SHELTON OSBORN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Rippey (la.) H. S. Specialist, Neurol, and Pedia- trics; formerly located in Dcs Moines, Mem., Am. Mcdico-Psycholog. Assn. Address, St. Ansgar la.t DON LEWIS PARKER M.D.; b. N 1, 1880, Shelbyville, 111.; s. Lewis H. and Mary Ann (Roberts) Parker. Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Located at Loveland.Colo., 1903-10; Anaheim, Cahf., 1910-18. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Maud Lillian Smith, Je 10. 1903, Shelbyville, 111. Child, Mary Lucille, b. Jl 22, 1905. Address, Scottsbluff, Neb. STEPHEN TYLER PARSONS Specialist; M.D.; b. My 18, 1867, Ovid, Mich.; s. Augustus Parsons; Prepared in Ovid, Mich., and St. Louis Schs. and la. Coll. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Denver. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Shrine, Eastern Star. Married Rachel Hutchison, S 7, 1904, Chi- cago. Address, 1312 Oneida St., Denver. CHARLES HENRY PICKETT Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 28 1875, Richmond, Va.; s. Charles Henry (b. D 23, 1850. Buckingham Co., Va.) and Mary Madeline (Jackson) Pickett (b. Mr 4. 1855. Lunenburg Co., Va.). Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago; Lewis Institute and Armour Institute, do. Football. Grad. work, Surg.. Lab. of Surg. Technique. Chicago. 1920. Located in Chicago. 1904-05; Franklin and Bald- win, La., 1905-10; Chicago, 1910-12; Lafayette, La., 1912 — . 1st Lt., Med. Section, O. R. C. U. S. A.. D 26. 1917. Mem., La. State Med. Soc; La. State Dent. Soc; La. State Pharm. Soc; S. West. Med. Council of La. (Sec). Married Mabel L. Kerr, Jl 7. 1909 (died 1913); Zoe Shay. Mr 1. 1916. M., .32°, Shrine; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married 1907, Monmouth, III, Address, Aledo, 111. CHARLES R. A, WINDMUELLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;b. 06, 1878; S.Frederick (b. Ger.) and Bertha (Helmich) WindWiueller. Prepared in H. S. in Ger. Red Cross Service, 118 University of Illinois [1905 World War. First to notify City of Chicago of carbon dioxide cases due to defective gas burners in bath-rooms. Married 1916, Chicago. Child, Grace, b. Je 9, 1918. Address, 3058 Belmont Ave., Chicago. FLORENCE ANNA WING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Savannah H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1900-02. Address, 25 N. Clark St., Chicago.! ROSINA REHOR WISTEIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1867, Bohemia; d. Francis (Klufer) Wistein. Located in Chicago, 1904-14; Cedar Rapids, la., 1914—. Auth.: Hy- giene of the Child, Internat. Med. Congr., Buda- pest, 1909; Intestinal Stasis, Iowa Med. Womens Club, 1914; Chronic Pyosalpinx, Tri State Med. Soc, 1915. Mem., Peoples Church; Linn Co. Med. Soc; Chicago Womens Med. Soc; Nat. Womens Med. Soc. Married Joseph Wistein. Address, 908 S. 184th St., Cedar Rapids, la.; 6ms. add., Am. Trust Bldg., do. FRANK LEIGHTON WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 23, 1874, Lawler, la.; 8. Henry B., (b. N. Y.) and Mary Elizabeth (Stearns) Wood (b. do.). Prepared in Superior (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Honor Roll; Class Editor, Soph. yr. Gen. Med. practice, Toledo, Wash., 1904-08; Tacoma, do., 1908-12; Lynden, 1912—. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., D 1917-Jl 1918. Mem., Whatcom Co. Med. Soc; Wash. St. Med. Soc. Married D 5, 1906. Chil- dren: Francis Marion, O 15, 1907; Theodore Bur- nell, Je 18, 1911. Address, Lynden, Wash. ORLANDO GARFIELD WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Chelsea (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., Med. Sch., IH yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Hart, Mich.t WILLIAM PERRY WOODS Surgeon; M.D.; b. My 20, 1877, Page Co. la.; s. R. E. and Nellie (Tracey) Woods. A.B., Amity Coll., 1899. Surg., Evansville, Ind. Mem., Pres- by. Church. Married Anna E. Rietz, S 1904. Address, 528 Main St., Evansville, Ind. CHARLES E. YATES Physician; M.D.; b. Je 7, 1873, Dunlap, 111.; s. W. W. (b. Jl 27, 1842, Va.) and Caroline (Wil- son) Yates (b. F 27, 1842, O.). Prepared in Pub- lic and Norm. Schs., Kan. Y. M. C. A. Gen. Med. practice. Maple Hill, Kan., 1905-10; Elk City, Idaho, 1910-12; Vinland, Kan., 1912—. M. C, U. S. A., Mr-D 1918. Married Ada Rae Miller, S 20, 1904, Cabool, Mo. Children: Dwight Miller, b. Ag 2, 1905; Ada Marie, b. Ja 11, 1909 (died F 8, 1916); Charline Mildred, b. F 13, 1914. Address, Vinland, Kan. WILLIAM H. YOUNG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1878; s. Sam A. and Ann R. (Hutton) Young. Phys. and Surg., Munich, N. Dak., 1904-08; Baker, Mont., 1908—. Married Kathren Friesen, Munich, N. Dak. Children: Gloria, b. Jl 3, 1908; Howard, b. S 1, 1909; Byron, b. Ja 8, 1914; Creighton, b. My 25, 1917. Address, Baker, Mont. DEGREE AD EUNDEM CHARLES WILLARD GEIGER Physician; M.D.; b. Je 9, 1871, Paxton, 111.; s. Adam (b. Baden-Baden, Ger.) and Johanna (John- son) Geiger (b. Ja 1, 1840, Grenna, Sweden). Prepared in Paxton, H. S. M.D., Chicago Homeo- pathic Med. Col., 1896. Grad. work, Univ. of la. Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1893-95. Phys., Gilman, III., 1896-1903; Intern, Chicago Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Coll. Hosp., 1903-04; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Kankakee, 111., 1904 — . Local Advisory Bds., Kankakee, 111., during World War. Mem., Kankakee Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. Soc. Married Mr 19, 1905, Chicago. Address, 949 S. Chicago Ave., Kankakee, 111.; bus. add.. Cable Bldg. do. CLASS OF 1905 (192 LIVING, 21 DEAD) WILLIAM RICHARD AGATE Phys. and Clergyman; M.D.; b. My 7, 1872, Plumstead, Kent, Eng.; s. William (b. 1837, Chel- seafield, Kent, Eng.) and Eliza (Milstead) Agate (b. 1839, Bromley, Kent, Eng.). Prepared in Mt. Hermon, Mass. and Ohio Med. Univ., Columbus, O., 1895-96, 1899-1900, 1902-03. B.D., Drew Theolog. Seminary, 1897; B.A., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1901; M.A., do., 1905. Grad. work. Eco- nomics and Sociol., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1912-13; Univ. of Chicago, summer of 1914. Located in Chicago, 1905-07; Dallas, Tex., 1907-10; Galveston, Tex., 1910-12; Baltimore, 1912-13; Chicago, 1913- 16; Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Em- porium, Pa., 1916 — ; Mem. of Vol. Med. Serv. Corps., Pa., 1918; serving as phys. during in- fluenza epidemic. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Priest of the Diocese of Erie, Episcopal Church; Diocesan Bd. of Religious Educ (Sec); Archdeaconry of Ridgway (Sec). Mar- ried Rosena Mary Smith, Jl 10, 1893, Petrolia, Ont., Can. Children: Ethel Rosena, b. F 10, 1896 (died Ag 8, 1898); Myrtle Evelyn, b. O 10, 1910; William Edward, b. S 9, 1906 (died Ag 23, 1907). Address, Emporium, Pa. GEORGE LUDWIG ALT Phys. "and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 19, 1881, Chicago; s. Jacob and Catherine (Lotz) Alt. Prepared in Chicago English High and Man. Tr. Sch. Phi Rho Sigma. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1906-10. Capt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.; Camp Grant, 111. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 5357 Wayne Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 675 Diversey Parkway, do. MALCOLM PERCEVAL ANDREWS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1879; s. Charles New- ton and Mary Anna (Page) Andrews (b. Ap 3, 1843). Prepared in McKendree Univ., Acad, dept., Lebanon, 111. and Marion Sims Beaumont, St. Louis, 1901-03. Plato Literary Soc. and Coll. quartette, McKendree Univ.; Fresh, class pres. Phys., Abbotsford, Wis., 190.5-11; Grad. work. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Policlinic and Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., Chicago; Specialist, do., Beloit, Wis., 1912-18; do., Manitowoc, Wis., 1920 — ■. Auth.: Various articles on eye, ear, nose and throat subjects. Mem., Rock Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1917-18). Married Mabel B. Downey, Je 10, 1910. Child, Edson James, b. Ap 13, 1911. Address, Dempsey Bldg., Manitowoc, Wis. FRANK JOHN ANTOINE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 1, 1876, Belgium, Wis.; s. Coelestin and Margaret (Barnich) An- toine. Contract Surg., S. A. T. C. Mem., K. C. Married Rose Marie Garvey, F 11, 1907, Racine, Wis. Children: Francis J., Jr., b. D 2, 1910; Jean Marie, b. F 28, 1914; Wm. Coelestin, b. D 18, 1918. Address, Prairie du Chien, Wis. ♦EDWARD KENT ARMSTRONG Physician; M.D. Prepared in Dearborn Med. Coll., Chicago, 1904. Grad. work in N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1910. Specialist, Pediatrics, Cnicago; Supt., Municipal Contagious Disease Hosp. of Cook Co., do., 1917; Assoc, Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1917-18. Served as Ma,i. in Fr., My 1918; later assigned to duty in Palestine, on repatriation work. Died Je 1919. 1905] College of Medicine Alumni 119 HAROLD LEROY AVERY Surgeon; M.D.; b. ISSO. Sioux City Med. Coll., yrs.; Morningside Coll., Highland Park Sch. _ es Moines. Foriuerl Address, Primghar, la.' ♦DANIEL FR.\NCIS AYRES M.D.; b. 1S70. Mem.. A. M. A. Phys. and Surg., ChicaRo Heights, III. Died suddenly F 12, 1917, Chicago Heights. 111. HENRY PATTERSEN BAGLEY Physician; M.D.; b. D 21, 1876, Huntington, Ind.; s. Leon T. (b. do.) and Isabelle M. (Pattersen) Bagley (b. Dunkirk, N. Y.). Prepared in Hunt- ington (Ind.> H. S. and Butler Univ. Prep Sch. Nu Sigma Nu. Pres. Fresh. Class; Class Ed., Soph. >T. Postgrad, work. Harvard Med. Coll. and Univ. of Chicago. Instr., Ear, Nose and Throat Dept., Rush Med. Coll.; Asst. Prof., do., Loyola Med. Coll.; Attending Eye Phys., St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp.; Attending Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Phys., Oak Park Hosp.; now located in Beaver, Pa. Mem., Ad\-isory Bd. West Suburban Hosp.. 1917-18. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A., 191S-19: served in the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dopts., Camp Custer and Camp Grant Hosps. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Winnifred Smith Church. S 1903, Chicago. Address, Beaver, Pa. NELLIE M. BAKER Med. Inspector; M.D.; d. H. P. and Abbie (Strong) Baker. Preparecl in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. A. E. I. sorority. Med. Inspector of sch. children, grade schs. of Onarga, 111. Ad- dress, do. JESSE A. BALLOU M.D.; b. Jl 4, 1878, Pleasant View, 111.; s. J. .\. and Mary (Malcomson) Ballou. Prepared in Pleasant View H. S.; Knox Coll., 1897-99. Lo- cated in Lead, S. Dak., 1905-15; Staff of Home- stake Hosp., do., 1905-10; Surg., St. Josephs Hosp., Deadwood, S. Dak., 1910-15; Coroner, Lawrence Co.. S. Dak., 4 yrs.; Rushville, 111., 1915—. Mem., Black Hills (S. Dak.) Med. Soc; B. P. O. E.; Commanderv, Shrine. Married Elizabeth Bar- nette, Ja 11," 1906, Chicago. Children: John Wil- Hams b. N 8, 1914, Lead, S. Dak. Address, Rush- ville, 111. JUSTIN GUY BALLOU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18.82. Prepared in Stanford (Ky.) H. S.; Toledo Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice, Graytowu, O.; at one time located in Stanford, Ky. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Oakharbor, O.t WILLIAM HUNTER BARR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Attended Drake Univ. Prep. Dept., 1899-1901; Drake Univ. Coll. of Med., 1901-0.3. Gen. Med. practice; for- merly located in Carroll, la. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Wells, Minn.f CLAYTON ELMER BARTLETT M.D.; b. Minn. Prepared in Univ. of Minn. Phi Rho .Sigma. Married. Two children. Ad- dress, Aberdeen, Wash. DAVID EMMANUEL BASS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. B.S., Wilber- force Univ., Xenia, O., 1898; Toledo Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Formerly located in Circleville, O. FREDERICK OSWALD BECK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 12, 1879. Cedar Rapids, la.; s. Emma fEngle) Beck. Prepared in N. W. Univ., Coll. of Pharm. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Advisory Board, World War. Mem., Episcopal Church; B. P. O. E. Married Amy Lucile Record, Ap 2, 1912, San Francisco. Address, 3709 S. 25th St., S. S., Omaha. Neb.; bus. add., 24 N. St., S. S., do. ARTHUR HERBERT BEEBE Physician; M.D.; b. N 6. 1871. Evanston, 111.; s. Jonathan W. (b. 1836, N. Y.) and Frances M. (Burroughs) Bccbe (b. 1846, Evanston, 111.). Pre- pared in Evanstown Tp. H. S. and Jenner Mod. Coll., 1901-04. Pres. Sr. Class; Valedictorian. Clin. Instr.. Ear. Nose and Throat, Coll. of Med., 1905-06; 2nd Asst. Phys., Bartonville State Hosp., 1906-08; Tuberculosis Specialist, Stillman Valley, 111.. 1908—. Capt.. M. R. C. U. S. A., Ap 1917- O 22. 1919; Pres.. Tuberculosis Examining Bd.; Chief, Med. Demobilization Bd., Camp Jackson, S. C. Auth.: Employment of the Insane, State Bulletin, 1908; How to Use Tuberculin, do., 1908. Mem., Ogle Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1915-16); Vil- lage Bd., (Pres., 1915-16); Sch. Bd., 1908-17. Mar- ried Carolyn Ruan, O 1919. Petersburg, Va. Ad- dress, Stillman Valley, 111. XENIA ETHEL BOND Physician; M.D.; b. S 28, 1870, Lewis Co., W. Va.; d. Booth and Rebecca (Van Horn) Bond, A.B., Salem Coll., 1897; A.M., do., 1901. Mem., A. M. A.; So. Med. Assn.; W. Va. Med. Assn. Address, Salem, W. Va. FRED PHELPS BOWEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Richland Center (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis.. 1 yr. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 1918-My 26, 1919; Surg. Serv., Base Hosp., Camp Fremont; do., Let- terman Gen. Hosp., Presidio, San Francisco. Mem. A. M. A. Address, Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles.t ARTHUR E. BOWLES Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Detroit (Mich.) Central H. S. M.D., Detroit Homeo- pathic Med. Coll., 1903. Formerly located in Ellsworth, Kan. Mem., A. M. A.; Kan. State Med. Soc; Address, Hebron, Neb.t CHRISTOPHER GARELD BRETHOUWER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. M.D., Lincoln Med. Coll., 1901. Formerly located in Leonora, Kan. Mem., Montrose Co. Med. Soc; Colo. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, Montrose, Colo.t JAMES CARSE BRIXEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago. Formerly of Chicago.! FREDRICK BROWN M.D.; b. F 5, 1880, Coal City, 111.; s. W. J. and Margaret Brown. Prepared in Streator H. S. Auth.: Articles in Jour. A. M. A.; Lancet. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. W. A. Mar- ried Freda H. Clodfelter, Ap 19, 1908, McClusky, N. Dak. Children: G. W., b. D 15, 1911; Virginia J., b. Je 23. 1917. Address, McClusky, N. Dak. JOHN PAYNE BROWNE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 10, 1864, Austral.; 8. Christopher and Alicia (McDonnell) Browne. B.S., Valnaraiso Univ., 1893. Mem., Plainfield Lodge, 536, A. F. A. M.; M. W. A. Pansy Chap., O. E. S.; DuPage Lodge, 472, K. P. Married Maud Mottinger, S 1905. Plainfield. 111. (Dead). Address, Lincoln Way. Plainfield. 111. *JAMES EDWARD BUCKLEY Phys and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. Attended Med Dept., Wash. Univ., 1900-02. Ph.G., Phila- delphia Coll. of Pharm., 1886; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1903. Deceased. ALBERT ROSS BURGESS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 9, 1879, Monica, 111.; 8 Green (b. F 22, 1844, Bowling Green, Ky.) and Clara (Cornwell) Burgess (b. Mr 14, 1853, Peoria, 111.). Prepared in Belle Plaine, Kan.; Kan. State Norm., Emporia, Kan.; Univ. of St. Louis, 1902-03. m^ University op Illinois [1905 Phys., Tonkawa, Okla., 1905-08; do., Chillicothe, Mo., 1908-10; do., St. Louis, 1910-18; Grad. work, St. Louis Univ., 1915. 1st Asst. Phys., State Hosp., Cherokee, la., 1918—. Mem., Cherokee Co. Med. Soc; la. State Med. Soc.; A. M. A. Married Goldie F. Green, O 9, 1918, St. Louis, Mo. Address, Cherokee, la. LYMAN AMBROSE BURNSIDE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Central Norm. Coll., Danville, 111. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located at Dolson, 111.; West Union, do., later at Terre Haute, Ind. M. R. C, U. S. A. ; U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Hosp. 45. Mem., Ind. State Med. Assn.; A. M. A. (Fellow). Ad- dress, Biltmore, N. Car.t HERMAN BUSMAN Physician; M.D.; b. O 31, 1869, Coopersville, Mich.; s. Henry (b. Ap 29, 1833, Hanover, Ger.) and Hermina (Koop) Busman (b. Je 11, 1842, do.). Prepared in Coopersville (Mich.) H. S. V.S., Ontario Veterinary Coll., 1895; M.D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1903. Located in Chicago, 1905-Ap 10, 1906; Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Ap 11-S 1906; Denver, O 1, 1906-Mr 31, 1914; Omaha, Neb., Ap 1, 1914—. Mem., Elder, and Supt. of S. S., Reformed Church. Married Je 9, 1895. Children: Leslie H., b. Ja 28, 1897; Mildred C, b. Je 18, 1905; William H., b. S 26, 1908 (died D 15, 1911). Address, 2417 D St., Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., Federal Bldg., S. Side Station, do. FORREST RUSSELL BUTTERFIELD Physician; M.D.; b. My 2, 1879; s. David Warner (b. Jl 12, 1844, New Boston, N. H.) and Cassandra (Oliver) Butterfield (b. Je 14, 1841, Stark, Me.). Prepared in Boston H. S. Phys.. Chicago, 1906—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., D 12, 1918. Mem., Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, 1915 — . Address, 204 E. 31st St., Chicago. *MATTHEW PHILANDER CADY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1860. Prepared in 0.shkosh (Wis.) State Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Wis.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice, Birnamwood, Wis. Mem.j A. M. A. Died D 31, I92I, City Hosp., Antigo, Wis. JOSEPH ROBERT CAMERON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 29, 1878; s. James and Lottie (McKee) Cameron. Prepared in Beaver City (Nebr.) H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Pvt., Spanish-Am. War; Capt., Mex. Border; Maj., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T.. Shrine; Mod. Woodmen of Am. Married Veda Corbin, S 5, 1905, Ashland, Ore. Children: Evelyn, b. D 15, 1909; Dale, b. Jl 10, 1912. Ad- dress, Bennet, Neb. WILLIAM PATRICK CANNON Phy«. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., 1896-99; St. Vincents Coll., 1899-1900; Rush Med. Coll., 1900-02; N. W. Med. Coll., 1902-03. Gen. Med. practice. Mom., A. M. A. Address, 589 S. Schuyler Ave., Kankakee, 111.; 6ms. add., Cobb Bldg., do.t WALTER CARON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1900; b. 1876- Prepared in St, Viateurs Coll., Bourbonnais, 111., 3 yrs. Staff, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. Address, 800 S. East Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 3959 W. Madison St,, Chicago.f FRANK TAYLOR GARY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Argyle (Wis.) H. S.; Lawrence Univ.; Univ. of Mich., 1901-04. Formerly of Darlington, Wis. Address, Gooding, Idalio.t WILLIAM E. CASEY Phys.. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Marion-Sims Beaumont Med. Coll., 1901. Gen. Med. practice; formerly of Marion, 111.; Philipsburg, Mont. Ad- dress, Hunters IJot Springs, Mont.t JOHN AUGUST CHRISTENSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. Jl 6, 1872, Sweden; s. Nels Christenson. A.B., Augustana Coll., 1900. At- tending Surg., Augustana Hosp. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Scan- dinavian Med. Soc; K. P.; Foresters; Svethoid; Lutheran Church; Lutheran Brotherhood and other societies of the church. Married Sehna Rund- quist, 1905, Ophiem, 111. Address, 1725 Melrose Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 917 Belmont Ave., do. ARTHUR NEVILLE CLAGETT Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1870. Attended Mil- waukee Med. Coll., 1901-03. B.D., Seabury Divinity Sch., Faribault, Minn. Prof., Clin. Gynecol., Loyola Univ.; do.. Ill, Post-Grad. Med. Sch,; Attending Gynecologist, West Side and West End Hosps., Chicago; formerly of Newport News, Va. Mem., A. M. A.; Radiological Soc. of N. Am. Address, 425 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.f CHARLES CORNELIUS CLARK Surgeon; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1879, Neoga, 111.; s. James (b. S 20, 1840, W. Va.) and Lucinda Wright (Buchanan) Clark (b. Jl 26, 1847, Pa.). Prepared in Neoga, 111. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Surg., Chicago, 1905—; Instr., Clin, Med., Coll. of Med., 1908-16. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine; A. M. A. Married Clerza E. Redman, Ag 30, 1912, Kansas City, Kan. Children: Elizabeth Lucile, b. Je 4, 1914; Dorothy Alice, b. Ja 19, 1917. Address, 3970 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 765 Oakwood Blvd., do. DANIEL THOMAS COLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Rantoul Pub. Schs. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Wakefield, Mich.; later in Odell, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 30, 1917-Ag 13, 1919, Ft. Meade, S. Dak.; overseas serv,, S 13, 1917- Jl 1, 1919; in M, R, C, at present, Mem., A. M, A, Address, Mt, Olive, Ilkf ♦STANLEY RAY COLEMAN Phys, and Surg,; M,D,; b, 1880, Attended State Univ, of la, Med, Coll,, 2 yrs,; Rush Med. Coll., 1 yr. At one time located in Carson City, Mich,; later in Howell, do. Died Ja 21, 1917. ♦ROBERT EARLE CONKLIN M.D.; b. 1878, Prepared in Alma (Neb,) H. S. Coroner, Harlan Co, Neb. Mem,, A. M. A. Died D 12, 1909, Alma, Neb. JAMES JOSEPH COSTANZO Physician; M,D,; b. My 20, 1884, New Haven, Conn,; s. Luigi and Mary (Esposito) Costanzo, Prepared in New Haven (Conn,) H. S, Gen, Med, practice; City Health Off, Mem., Stamford Med, Soc; Fairfield Co,, Med, Soc; State Med, Soc; A, M, A, Married Catherine D'Elia, Je 2, 1907, New Haven, Conn, Children: Louis Paul, b, Ag 5, 1908; Victor Emmanuel, b, Mr 28, 1911, Address, 82 South St,, Stamford, Conn. J, ALLEN CRAWSHAW Phys,, Farmer, and Hosp, Dir,; M,D,; b, Ag 10, 1879, Carbondale, 111,; s, John R. and Jane (Brewer) Crawshaw, So, 111, State Norm. Univ. Mem,, Bd, of Educ, Hanford, Calif,, 6 yrs, Capt,, M, R, C, U, S, A,; Examiner, Calif, local Exemp- tion Bd, Mem., A. F. A. M,; B, P, O, E, Mar- ried Be-sse A. Hagler, S 16, 1904, Murphysboro, 111, Children: Alleen, b, Je 20, 1906; John Allen, b. Mr 1, 1916. Address, Hanford, Calif. JAMES ADAM CROUCH M.D.; b. Mr 22, 1876; s. Warner David (b. N 30, 1849, Belle Prairie, 111.) and Sarah Pater.son (Proudfit) Crouch (b, D 4, 1849, New Concord, O), Prepared in Muskingum Coll,, O., and Knox, Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1899. Awarded Daniel N. Eisendrath Prize in Surg., 1905. Staff, Home- 1906] COL^PGE OP ]\IkDICINB ALUM^ 121 stake Hosp., Lead, S. Dak.; St. Josephs Hosp., Deadwood. do.; Rcsidenoo, Bollefourclie. Spanish- Am. War, Jo 28, 189S-My 20. 1899— Service in Cuba. Address. Bellefourche, S. Dak. FRED SHEETS CUTHBERT Specialist; M.D.; b. Je 21, 1S7G. Hollandsburn, Ind.; s. W. H. and Elizabeth (Sheets) Cuthbert. New York Post-Grad. Med. Seh. Gen. Med. practice, Kingman, Ind., — 1919; Special work, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, New York, 1919-20; Specialist, do.. Kokonio, Ind., 1921-. Slem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Mod. Woodmen; M. E. Church. Married Carrie Stokes Peare. Je 21. 1906, Bell- more, Ind. Children: Robert, b. Je 10, 1907; Marvin, b. S 1.5, 1909. Address. 2l2Ji. N. Main St.. Kokomo. Ind. GEORGE H. DANDO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.- b. Ap 9. 1868. Cleve- land, O.; s. George and Carrie (Witner) Dando. Prepared in Orland (Ind.) H. S.; B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1903. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Flora Van Husan, 1892, Orland, Ind. Children: Dorothy, b. My 6, 1896; Donald, b. Je 9, 1905. Address, S. Main St., Montpelier, I/id. BERTRAM CHARLES DAVIES M.D.; b. Ja 13, 1878. Toronto, Can.; s. Charles and Sarah (Mills) Davies. Prepared in Toronto Collegiate Institute. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Therapeutic Soc; A. M. A.; Baptist Church. Instr., Gen. Hosp. 14, Ear, Nose, and Throat Scb., Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., N 1917-Ja 1919. Auth.: Four articles on Asthma. Married Elizabeth F. Marsh, Je 6, 1905. Chicago. Address. .'520 S. Commonwealth Ave.. Los Angeles; bus. add., 1113 Chapman Bldg., do. HARRIET DAVIES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. B.A., Ripon, Wis. Address, Eldorado. Wis. FLOREN FRED DAVIS M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1880; s. Ruth A. (Hubbard) Davis. Mem., A. F. A. M., Consistory; B. P. O. E. Married Ida G. Blackburn. N 28, 1906. Children: Eldon E., b. Ag 2, 1909; Mary Myrtle. b. D 27, 1914. Address, Timewell, 111. LEONARD PRATT DAWES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 1. 1875, Monroe Tp., Wis.; s George Frank (b. 1851, Machias. Me.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Phelps) Dawes (b. Ap 1855. Dryden. N. Y.). Prepared in Wis. Pub. Schs. Located in Chicago. 1905-10; Alaska, 1910 — . Mem., Bd. Med. Examiners, Alaska (Sec, 1918); Bd. Registration, do. 1917-18; War Bd. No. 1 do. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg.; Garden City A. F. A. M., 141. Masonic Temple. Chicago; Alaska Consistory No. 1.. Juneau Nile Temple. Shrine. Seattle. Wash. Married Effie Leonore Buzard. D 31, 1914, Albany, Mo. Ad- dregs, Juneau, Alaska. GEORGE ALMARION DEAN M.D.; b. S 13, 1878, Chicago; s. George Al- marion and Alvina (Renard) Dean. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Located in Lane, III., 1907—. Mem., A. M. A.; III. State Med. Soc; Dewitt Co. Med. Soc. Married Nettie Hilbish, Mr 23, 1907, Elkhart, Ind. Children: Kenneth R., b. Ap 28, 1908; George Almarion, b. Ja 3, 1910; James Raymond, b. N 19, 1912; Lamar Hilbish, b. F 6, 1916. Address, Lane, III. ARTHUR JESSE EDGAR DECKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. M.D., Central Med. Coll., 1899. Not in active practice; formerly located in Helena. Okla.; later in Gifford, Ark. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Creve Coeur, Mo.f WILLIAM EDWARD DODGE Phy.s. and Surg.; M.D.; h. 1864. Prepared in Ryland Acad.; Univ. of Mich., 1900-02; Special work, Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., San Francisco. Gen. Med. practice; Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1702 Conti St.. Houston, Tex.f FERDINAND EDWARD DOSTAL Physician; M.D.; b. S 5. 1881, Czeqho-Slovakia; s. Frank (b. Jl 27, 1851, do.) and Aloisic (Ledvina) Dostal (b. Je 18, 18.52, do.). Prepared in English H. S. Intern in St. Anthony's Hosp., Chicago. 1905. Grad. work. Ophthalmol.. Chicago Post- Grad. Med. Sch., 1907. Located in Chicago; 1161 W. 18th St.. 1905-15; at 3711 W. 26th St.. 1915—. Mem.. Vol. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1918; Local Bd. 83. Auth.: Translations of The Care and Feeding of Cliildren, Holt, into Bohemian; various health articles for newspapers. Mem., St. Procopius Parish, 1890 — ; Bohemian Med. Club; Chicago Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; K. C; C. O. F.; C. W.; Rieger Club; Physicians Fellowship Club. Address, 3711 W. 26th St., Chicago; bus. add.. 2642 Central Park Ave., do. JAMES EDWARD DOWD (Brother of Richard E., '08) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Hastings (Neb.) H. S.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1901-03. Formerly of Rush^ille, Neb.; Gen. Med. practice. Salt Lake City. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 1600 Michigan Ave. Salt Lake City; bits. add., McCormick Bldg.. do.t JIRAH MARSTON DOWNS Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 4, 1879, Waterville, O.; 8. Samuel (b. do.) and Sarah May (Isham) Downs (b. do.). Prepared in Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; U. S. Mil. Acad.. West Point, and Toledo Med. Coll., 1901-02. Located in Ellsworth, Kan.. 1905-16; Los Angeles, Calif., 1916-17. Deputy Co. Health Off., Los Angeles Co., 1920. Capt., M. C, Kan. Nat. Guard, Mex. Border, 1916; C^ipt., Inf., U. S. A., do.. Med. Dept., do., Je 13-Dl. 1917; Maj., do., D 1, 1917-Ja 11, 1919; Lt. Col., Med. Dept., O. R. C, 1920. Mem., Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surgs. Married Lucy McCollum, O 16, 1906, St. Louis. Address, 740 S. St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles; bus. add., 5558 Hollywood Blvd., do. JAMES THOMAS DUHIGG . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in West Div. H. S.; Drake Univ. Med. Coll., 1902-04. Formerly located in Des Moines. A. A. Surg., U. S. Navy Recruiting Station, Cleveland. Address, 1395 E. 9th St., Cleveland.t ♦VERNON AMASA DUNSHEE M.D.; b. 1879, Mt. Carroll, 111. Prepared in Beloit Coll. and Prep. Med. course, Univ. of 111., 2 yrs., 1899-1901. Formerly located in Mt. Car- roll, III.; Palatka, Fla. Died N 19, 1908, Ashville, N. C. JOHN BERNARD EAGAN Physician; M.D.; b. D 27, 1881, Avoca, Wis.; s. F. J. and Catherine (Gallagher) Eagan. Pre- pared in Muscoda (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E. Married Mar- garet Meier, 1909. Children: John C, b. Mr 7, 1911; Robert B., b. D 28, 1919. Address, Dell Rapids. S. Dak. JAMES EDWARD EDWARDS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 30. 1878; s. John G. and Jane (Bell) Edwards. A.B.. Wofford Coll., Spartanburg, S. Car., 1900; A.M., do.. 1905. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. practice. Married Mary- Price, 1907. Children: James E. Jr.; V. Pcrsis. Address, 167 N. Fairview Ave., Spartanburg. S. Car. 122 University op Illinois [1905 JOHN JOSEPH EGAN (Brother of William Joseph, '05) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 26, 1878, Chicago; s. John J. (b. Ire.) and Maria (Walsh) Egan (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. and prep. sch. Phi Beta Pi; Jr. class pres.; Sr. Class Ex. Com. Supt. of Bur. of Charities Hosp. for Convalescents, Glen, 111., 1905; Indas. Surg., Gary, Ind., 1906; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 1907—. Married Ap 6, 1910. Address, 3458 W. 62nd Place, Chicago. THOMAS SYLVESTER EGAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 25, 1878; s. J. and Catherine (Courntry) Egan. Prepared in Lawler (la.) H. S. and Normal Sch., Decorah, la. Mar- ried Winifred Leonard, N 25, 1908. Address, Mapleton, 111. WILLIAM JOSEPH EGAN (Brother of John Joseph, '05) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 29, 1875; s. John J. and Maria (Walsh) Eagan. Mem., K. of C; Knights and Ladies of Security; C. O. F. Married Alma H. Gebbins, Ag 5, 1902. Address, 2897 Archer Ave., Chicago. BENJAMIN ERNST EVERSMEYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Muscatine (la.) H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 311 E. 6th St., Muscatine, la.; 6ms. add.. Am. Bank Bldg., do.t FRANK JOHN FARA Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 11, 1881, Chicago; s. Frank (b. 1858, Bohemia) and Mary (Jaburek) Fara (b. 1858, do.). Prepared in Chicago Schs.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1902-03. Grad. work in Vienna and Prague, 1909-10. Phys., Dunning Institution, 1905-06; Chicago, 1906—; Asst., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1908-10. Red Cross Home Service, 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1907. Married Julia M. Tupy, N 21, 1906, Chicago. Children: Frank Joseph, b. Mr 19, 1908; Julia M., b. Ag 31, 1910. Address, 3341 W. 26th St., Chi- cago. DAVID CLIFFORD FARQUHAR (Cousin of El wood M., '97) Physician; M.D.; b. F 3, 1882, Washington Co., Pa.; s. Eli (b. Je 9, 1843, do.) and Mary Cleaver (b. Ap 26, 1846, do.). Prepared in S. W. St. Norm. Sch., California, Pa. Located at Passavant Hosp., Pittsburg, Pa., Jl 1905-Jl 1906; Monessen, Pa., 1906—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Je 20, 1917- Jl 6, 1918; 331 Regt., F. A., Camp Grant, 111. Capt., do., Jl 6, 1918-F 19, 1919; Overseas, S 17, 1918-F 5, 1919. Married Sarah M. Dunlevy, Ag 8, 1906, Monongahela, Pa. Children: Eleanor L., b. Ap 28, 1910; Mildred L., b. Ag 29, 1911. Ad- dress, 50 Reed Ave., Monessen, Pa.; bus. add.. Trust Bldg., do. FRANK BERNHARDT FASTABEND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Baderborn Sch., West Phalia, Ger.; N. W. Med. Coll., 1901-02. Prof., Chem. and Materia Med., Chicago Med. Sch.; Dir., Clin. do. Address, 4358 S. Maplewood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 233 E. 115th St., do.t DAVID HENRY FITZGERALD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S.; Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Milwaukee, 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 5059 Sheridan Road, Chicago; bus. add., 5201 Broadway, do.f ARCHIBALD GRAY FLETCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Chatham (Ont.) H. S.; Sioux City Coll. of Med., 1901-03. Formerly located in Orchard, Neb. Address, Saranac Lake, N. Y.t HARRY ROX FOLCKEMER Physician; M.D.; b. D 28, 1880; s. Henry (b. 1836. Shrewsbury, Pa.) and Ellen (Graver) Fol- ckemer (b. 1843, Lewisburg, Pa.). Prepared in Maplewood, Camp Point, 111. Alpha Kappa Kap- pa. Phys., Dallas City, 111., 1905-07; do., Bowen, 111., 1907—. Mem., Hancock Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Ag 22, 1907, Dallas City, 111. Children: Eleanor E., b. O 12, 1908; Gertrude M., b. Ag 21, 1910; Frank B., b. Je 1, 1914. Address, Bowen, 111. GEORGE EDWARD FORKIN Surgeon; M.D.; b. My 24, 1880. Mem., A. M. A. Addness, Menasha, Wis. EDSON ELISHA GADD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. M.D.. Ec- lectic Coll. of Med. and Surg., Cincinnati, 1897; do., Bennett Med. Coll., 1903. Formerly located in Mitchellville, la.; Gen. Med. practice. Address, 643 34th St., Des Moines; bus. add., Fleming Bldg., do.t WILLIAM V. GALE Phys. an5 Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1 yr. B.S., No. 111. Coll. Ph.G., Univ. of Buffalo, 1900. Formerly located in Lodi, N. Y.; later at 268 N. 7th St., Newark, N. J.; Specialist, Otol., Laryngol. and Rhinol., New Orleans. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 808 Broad- way, New Orleans.t CHARLES VIRGIL GANOE M.D.; b. D 21, 1882, LeRoy, 111.; s. James and Sarah (Taylor) Ganoe. Prepared in Ogden, la.; Drake Univ., Des Moines. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Carrie M. Richardson, My 30, 1907, Denver. Child, PhiHp Ganoe, b. Ag 26, 1914. Address, Wiggins, Colo. JUSTUS CORBLY GARARD Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 20, 1878, Dunkard, Pa.; s. Charles A. and Margaret (Hewington) Garard. Prepared in Waynesburg (PaO Coll., 3 yrs. Visit- ing Staff, St. Annes Hosp., 4900 Thomas St., Chi- cago. Army service, 5 mos., 1918, World War. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M.; K. P. Address, 3524 W. North Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM ADOLPH GEORGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. B.S., S. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1900; Ph.G., do., 1902. Formerly lo- cated in Gettysburg, S. Dak.; Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Selby, S. Dak.f MERRITT NELSON GERNSEY Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 16, 1879, Sharon Springs, N. Y.; s. Wilham Wilson (b. O 14, 1856, Cobel- skill, N. Y.) and Bell S. (Cook) Gernsey (b. Je 21, 18.58, Huntersland, N. Y.). Prepared in Thorn- ton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111.; Dunham Med. Coll., 1901-02; Hering Med. Coll., Chicago, 1902-03. Phys., Dover, 111., 1905-08; Readlyn, la., 1908-16; Waverly, la., 1916 — . Local Examiner for Bur. of War Risk Ins. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Ag 6, 1918-Jl 8, 1919; A. E. F., N 2, 1918- Jl 5, 1919. Married Elizabeth A. Lukey, Jl 15, Harvey, 111. (died Je 12, 1912); Dorothy Korman, S 29* 1915, New Hampton, la. Child, Ruth Wilmot, b. Je 6, 1912. Address, Waverly, la. CHARLES FREDERICK GOETZINGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Fergus Falls (Minn.) H. S.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Mem., Med. Staff, St. Ehzabeths Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surgs. Address, 3535 Armitage Ave., Chicago.t 1905] College of Medicine Alumni 123 ♦ EDWIN GOODWIN Physician; M.D.; b. ISOl. Prepared in Marshall H. S. M.D.. Univ. of Mich.. 1SS3. Formerly of Shepherd. Mioh.; Health Off.. Coe Tp.. Isabella Co.. Mich. Mem., Isabella Co. Med. Soc. (V. P.); Mioh. State Med. Soc. Married Elizabeth Bald- win, Je 18, 1901, St. Louis. Mich. Died My 24, 1910. Ithaca, Mich. J. MATT GORDON Physician; M.D. A.B., South West Baptist Coll., Bolivar, Mo.; B.S., Warrensburg State Norm. Warrensburg, Mo. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918; in service 8 mos. Address. Weatherford. Okla. CHARLES PHILIP GORE Phj-sician and Teacher; M.D.; b. Mr 11, 1880, Vincennes, Ind.; s. Lawrence and Mary Carey Gore. Prepared in Lawrenccville H. S. and 111. State Normal, Univ., Normal, 111. Med. Advisory Bd., Dist. 21, World War. Mem., Christian Church; A. F. A. M., Comraanderv, Consistory, Shrine: B. P. O. E.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Aesculapian; Lawrence Co. Med. Soc. Married Cora E. Maxwell. Ag 20. 1902. Lawrenceville, 111. Children: Grant, b. Mr 24, 1907; Charles, b. Je 23, 1913; Philio, b. Ap 15, 1915. .4rfrfress, 1S05 W. State St., Lawrenceville, 111.; bus. add., 11th and State St., do. FRANK M. HAGANS M.D.; b. Ja 11, 1S81, Browning, 111.; s. Zach and Anna (Bates) Hagans. Prepared in Browning H. S., and Knox Coll. Alpha ICappa Kappa. 1st Lieut. Camp Greenlcaf, Ga.. World War. Mar- ried Maud Mangas, 1906, Lincoln, III. Children: EHzabeth, b. O 10, 1907; Frances Marion, b. Ap 18, 1910; Samuel, b. Ja 9, 1912. Address. 400 Broadway, Lincoln, 111. EMIL HAHN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Schs. of Cincinnati; Toledo Med. Coll., 1901-04. Specialist, Internal Med. Address, Granada Bldg., Cincinnati; bus. add., Poinciana Bldg., do.t ♦MARSHALL WILLIAM HARNER (Brother of Romeo C, '05.) M.D.; b. Ap 5, 1875; s. Henry M. (b. 1834, O.) and Martha Jane (Wade) Harner (b. 1839, Va.). Prepared in Kansas State Norm. Sch., Emporia, Kan.; Kansas City Med. Coll., 1901-02. 2nd in scholarship, Jr. and Sr. yrs., Coll. of Med. ' Located in Clay Center, Kan., 1905-14. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Anna Kay Lewis, Je 1905, Howard, Kan. (died Mr 5, 1910); Aline Karr, Je 1912, Howard, Kan. Child, Marshall K., b. Mr 5, 1910. Died D 4, 1914. OSCAR EMANUEL GRANT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. A.B., Augus- tanaColl., 1904. Formerly located in New Wind- sor, m.; Specialist in Ophthalmol., Otol., Rhinol. and Laryngol., Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surgs. Address, 5331 Glenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5412 N. Clark St., do. WILLIAM KARG GRAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Clin. Prof., Otol., Rhin., and Laryngol., Loyola I^niv.; Mem., Staflf, St. Annes Hosp.; do.. Frances Willard Hosp.; do.. Municipal Tuberculosis Hosp. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 2304 Monticello Ave.. Chicago: bus. add., 2349 N. Western Ave., and 108 N. State St., do.t WILLIAM CHARLES E. GREENWALD Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 23, 1878; s. Joseph (b. 18.=>0, Prague. Bohemia) and Mary (Mach) Green- wald (b. 1852, Pilsen, do.). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Cleve- land. 1917 — : Visiting and Attending Phys., Tuber- culosis Dept., Cleveland Citv Hosp. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Ruth Beardsley Harris, O 30, 1917, Cleveland. Address, 3118 W. 14th St., Cleveland; bus. add., 4421 Clark Ave., do. BENJAMIN CH.\SE GROUT Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc.^ A. M. A. Address, 806 W. Roosevelt Road, Oak Park, lU.t MARTIN MELVIN GROVE (Brother of Arthur Francis, '10; brother-in-law of Roscoe R. Fisk, '12 and Ira William Fisk, '09, B. S. in E. E.) Physician; M.D.; b. S 18, 1879; s. Martin A. (b. My 9, 1846, Norway) and Mary Grove (b. D 31, 1847). Prepared in Plainview, Minn, and Univ. of Minn. Zeta Psi; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Dell Rapids; built Dell Rapids Hosp., 1914-15 and has conducted it since. Mem., Sioux Falls Med. Advisory Bd. Mem., .Sioux Falls Dist. Med. .Soc. (Pres.. 1914). Married Grace Fiz-k, Ja 1. 1906. Plainview, Minn. Children: Martin Stuart, b. S 4. 1907; Raymond, b. Ag 20. 1908; Donald Bernard, b. O 2, 1909: Robert Harold, b. F 22, 1912; Maxwell Melvin b. Ap 19, 1919. Address. Dell Rapids, S. Dak. ROMEO CATLIN HARNER (Brother of Marshall W., '05) Physician; M.D.; b. N 11, 1867; s. Henry M. (b. 1834, O.) and Martha Jane (Wade) Harner (b. 1839, Va.). Prepared in Kan. Agr. Coll.; Kan. City Med. Coll., 1901-03. Located in Green, Kan., 1905-12; Howard, Kan., 1912—. Med. Examiner for Elk Co., 1917-18. Married Martha Frances Hainey, F 9, 1896, Green, Kan. Children: Collis Russell, b. Ap 24, 1898; Olin Wade, b. Ap 2. 1901; Clare, b. O 1, 1909. Address, Howard, Kan. PATRICK HENRY HASTINGS M.D.; b. 1873, Mclntire, la.; s. Nancy (Gelboy) Hastings. Prepared in la. State Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., Catholic Church. Address. Alta Vista, la. ARTHUR RUSSELL HAYTON Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 15, 1878, New York; s. Henry (b. Hamilton, Can.) and Antoinette (Bren- nan) Havton (b. Edinburgh, Scotland). Prepared in Battle Creek Coll., Battle Creek, Mich. Grad. work. Royal Ophthalmic Hosp. (Moorfields) Lon- don, Eng., and Central London Nose and Throat Hosp., do.. 1920. Intern, Butterworth Hosp., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1905-06. Located in Shelby, Mich., 1906-;-. Married Ida Mae Hebner, 1906, Battle Creek, Mich. Child, Arthur Russell, Jr., b. Je 8, 1909. Address. Michigan Ave., Shelby, Mich. ALVA HIETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.: b. 1876. Prepared in No. Ind. State Norm. Sch., 1 yr.; Barnes Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1901-02. Formerly located in Monmouth, 111. Address, Little York, lU.t SAMUEL GEORGE HIGGINS Specialist; M.D.; b. My 14. 1880, Wausau, Wis.; s. A. S. G., and Tealie M. (Beatty) Higgins. B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1902. Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. U. S. N. R. F.; Med. Advisory Bd. 1, Milwaukee, World War. Contributor to Books, Mag. Mem., Milwaukee Oto-Ophthalmic Soc.(Pres.); Wis. Med. Soc. (Chairman, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Sec). Married Frances M. Lascke, Je 26, 1918, Detroit. Address. 371 Lake Drive, Milwaukee; bus. add., 1112 Wells Bldg., do. 124 Univehsity of Illinois [1905 ANNA BOLENDER HINDS Physician; M.D. B.L., Knox Coll., Gales- burg, 111., 1892. Kappa Alpha Theta; Nu Sigma Phi; Honor Roll. Pliys., Berwyn, 111., 1905—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc.; Womans Med. Soc; Womans Club (Pres., 1915-16); O. E. S. (Worthy Matron, 1918-19). Married Joseph B. Hinds. Child, Frederick J., b. 1902. Address, 3357 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn, 111. HARRY JAMES HOAG M.D.; b. My 22, 1882, Milwaukee; s. Edgar L. and Jemina (Miller) Hoag. Prepared in S. Mil- waukee H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Potter, Wis.; Cudahy, do.; Mora, N. Mex. Mar- ried Bessie Dunn, S 25, 1912. Child, Harry J. Jr., b. Ag 5, 1916. Address, Mora, N..Mex. ROBERT BALDWIN HOAG Physician; M.D.; b. S 1, 1876; s. A. B. and M. V, (Van Petten) Hoag. Prepared in Hayward (Calif.) H. S. and Univ. of Calif. Gen. Med. practice in 111., Mont., Ore., and Calif. Married in 1906 at So. Pasadena. Children: Stephen B., b. Jl 16, 1907; Hugh F., b. Jl 21, 1909. Address, Boulder Creek, Calif. *HUBERTUS J. H. HOEVE M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Agr. Coll., Cleves, Rhineland, Ger. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Meherrin, Va.; later in Neenah, Wis. Mem., Am. Assn. of Anatomists. Died D 23, 1918. FRED GRANT HOPKINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., State Med. Soc. of Wis.; A. M. A. Address, East Peoria, lU.t *ABRAM HOSTETTER M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1881, Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. W. Ross and Elizabeth (Barber) Hostetter. Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S., and pre-med. course, Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Worked under Dr. Ochsner, St. Marys Hosp., 6 mos., 1905. Intern, Rockford City Hosp., 1906. Phys., Rock- ford City, 1906-09. Gen. Med. practice, Monro- via, Calif., 1910-14. Mem., Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; Cahf. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; B. P. O. E. Married Jessie Telfer, Jl 26, 1909, Beloit, Wis. Child, son, b. 1910. Died Ja 18, 1914. Monrovia, Calif. RUFFIN BARROW JACKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Attended Med. Dept., Univ. of New Orleans before entering Coll. of Med. Formerly located in Nero, La.; Gen. Med. practice. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Highwood, Ill.t HARRY ASBURY JEFFERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 5, 1880, State Line, Wis.; s. James and Lorian (Hinkley) Jefferson. Prepared in Menomonie (Wis.) H. S.; Stout In- stitute; Univ. of Wis. A. K. K.; Football, 4 yrs., Univ. of 111. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Serv.,. World War, 18 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Jeannette Joyce, 1906, Appleton, Wis. Children: Robert, b. 1908; Lorian, b. 1911. Ad- dress, State Bank Bldg., Clintonville, Wis. JOSEPH A. JERGER (Husband of Grace Frith Hagans, '04) Physician; M.D.; b. O 25, 1879, Plymouth, Eng.; s. John J. (b. Baden, Ger.) and Mina (Ellinson) Jerger (b. Strassburg, Ger.). Prepared in Ply- mouth (Eng.); Hunters Hill Univ., Sydney, Aus- tral., 1894-99. Alpha Kappa Kappa; half-mile and one mile bicycle records, Eng. and Austral. Intern, Alexian Bros. Hosp.; Grad. work in Berlin and Vienna; Attending Phys., Mercy Hosp., Chi- cago. Mem. of British Expeditionary Force; Civihan consultant, Sydney, Austral., 1915-16; Observer, Japan, China, and South Sea Islands, 1916-17. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Urolog. Soc; Am. Urolog. Soc. Married Grace Frith Hagans, 1908, Chicago. Child, Wilbur Joseph, b. S 6, 1917. Address, 4822 Dorchester Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. *HAROLD HERBERT JOHNSON M.D.; b. 1883. Home, Princeton, la. Died Je 25, 1916, Walton, la., from injuries received in automobile accident. HENRIETTE AMANDA JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Oberlin (O.) Acad. Formerly located in Blair Wis.; later in San Francisco; Gen. Med. practice. Address, White Salmon, Wash.t FRED WADE JONES Physician; M.D.; b. My 29, 1880, Nilwood. 111. s. Henry T. (b. 1850, Shelbyville, Ky.) and Etta O. (Metcalf) Jones (b. 1859, Nilwood, 111.). Pre pared in Nilwood H. S. and Lewis Inst., Chicago Nu Sigma Nu. Grad. work. 111. Eye and Ear la firmary, 1907. Consulting specialist, U. S. Pub Health Serv., 8th District, Alton section, Alton, 111. Maj., U. S. R. M. C, Gen. Hosp. 14, Fort Oglethorp, Ga., Jl-N 1918; Chief of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Service, Base Hosp., Camp Mer- ritt, N. J., O 1918-Jl 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Acad, of Opthalmol. and Oto-Larvngol. (Fellow). Married Mary Krome Je 10, 1917, Edwardsville, 111. Address, 926 Lang- don St., Alton, 111. GRIFFITH MOSES JONES Phy-sician; M.D.; b. Ap 25,1870, Wales; s. Moses (b. Wales) and Elizabeth (GrifGtn) Jones (b. do.). Prepared in Ripon Coll. Phi Rho Sigma. Phys., Cambria, Wis., 1905-09; do., Minneapolis, 1909^. Married Ap 16. 1895, Cambria, Wis. Children: Ehzabeth Lloyd, b. Mr 12, 1898; Mary Judith, b. Ag 23, 1908. Address, 3901 10th Ave., S., Min- neapolis; 6ms. add., 1525 E. Lake St., do. JOHN BRANSON JONES M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1877, Waynesville, 111.; s. Chas. Wesley and Sarah (Vinson) Jones. Prepared in Wavnesville Acad. Married Florence Mabel Wright, Ja 18, 1908. Children: John, b. O 4, 1909; Chas., b. Ja 20, 1911; Clvde Branson, b. Mr 2, 1914. Address, Wapella, 111. JAMES FRANCIS KEARNEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Attended Univ. of Notre Dame before entering Coll. of Med. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 624 E. 51st St., Chicago.t CHARLES DILWORTH KELLY M.D.; b. S 20, 1871, St. Paris, O.; s. George W. and Ada (Ditworth) Kelly. Prepared in Arkansas City, H. S.; William Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo., 2 yrs. 1st Lt.; Maj., World War, 2 yrs.; served 1 yr. overseas with the A. E. F. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Two children. Address, Blair, Wis. *CURTIS ELMER KELSO Physician; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1905; b. F 21, 1881, Thomasboro, 111.; s. Charles Elliot (b. Mr 10, 1858, Morganstown, Ind.) and .lennie (Kauff- man) Kelso (b. My 19, 1860, Whitley Co., Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Practicing Phys., Cham- paign, 190.5-11.; do.. Thomasboro, 111. Real Es- tate and Farming, 1911-18. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Co. 5. Bn. 2, Camp Forest, Chickamauga Park, Ga., 1918; Gen. Hosp. 1, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., 1919; In charge of Med. recruiting for seven southern States, 1919-20. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Elizabeth Burr, N 16, 1907, Champaign. Died, Ja 9, 1920, Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. 1905] College of Medicine Alumni 125 HARLEY EMMETT KEYES Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 3, 1S75; s. Frank Marian (b. 1853, Gratiot Co. Mich.) and Elizabeth (Hart) Keyes (b. 1854, Williams Co., O.). Prepared in Ithaca, Mich., and Chicago. Located in Chicago, 1905-10; Maddock, N. Dak.. Ap 1910—. Mar- ried Agnes M. Hansen, Ja 17, 1906, Clucago. Children: Harley E., b. My 12, 1907: Virginia E., b. N 1. 1909. Address, Maddock, N. Dak. JOHN JOSEPH KILLEEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1904. Specialist, Otol., Laryngol., and Rhinol., Chicago; Oto-Laryngol., St. ^Iarys and St. Anthonys Hosps., do.; Surg., B. & O. Ry. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. Address, 2044 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michi- gan Ave., . Located in Fairbury, III., 6 vrs.; Chief Surg., Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Co.; do.. 111. Mfrs. Casualty Co. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 4-D 4. 1918. Auth.: Pamphlet on Compulsory Health Ins., and various Med. articles. Mem.. Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; M. E. Church. Married Je 1913. Children: Kathryn Margaret, b. S 14, 1918; Jane Audrey, b. F 27, 1919. Ad- dress, 912 Gait Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 108 S. La Salle St., do. SHIRLEY CHARLES LANG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. M.D., Chi- cago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1903. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Rockport, Ind.t WILLIAM F. LAUTERBACH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 10, 1881, Dayton, O.; s. Charles L. and Theresa (Fries) Lauterbach. Prepared in Steele H. S. and Wittenburg Coll., Springfield, O. Omega Upsilon Bhi. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Specia- list, Dayton, O. Army Serv., World War, 18 mos.; .\. E. F., 9 mos. Married Jeannette K. Farrell, 1907, Dayton, O. Child, William P., b. Je 16, 1909. Address, Maples, R. R. 5. Dayton, O.; hwi. add., 905 W. B. Bldg., do. WILLIAM MARTIN LAWYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1869; s. James P. and Joanna (Moss) Lawyer. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1891. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Effie F. Billings, 1895, Webster, S. Dak. Children: Raskin B., b. 1897; Gordon F., b. 1902; Helen May, b. 1908. Address, Cambridge, O. *CLARE SUMNER LEARNED M.D.; b. 1882. Attended Milwaukee Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly of Racine, Wis. Died Ja 9, 1907, 629 Grand Ave., Chicago. EMIL ZOLA LEVITIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Attended N. Y. Med. Coll. before entering Coll. of Med. Spe- cialist in Neurol, and Psychiatry. -Address, 128 Barker Ave., Peoria; bus. add., Jefferson Bldg., do.\ JOSEPH WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Attended Hamline Univ., Minneapolis, 1901-03. At one time located in Pelican Rapids, Minn.; later in Bantry, N. Dak. Addrfss, Hudson, Wis.t ALBERT LUESING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Big Rapids (Mich.) H. S. M.D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1903. Extern, Norway Lutheran Deaconess Hosp., 1905. Address, 211 Liberal Exchange Bldg., Seattle .t LAWRENCE S. B. LUNDWALL Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1876, Sweden; s. N. P. Lundwall. B.S., Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., 1901. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. M. A.; Mass. Med. Soc. Married Martha Carlson, S 22, 1910, Brock- ton, Mass. Children: Gordon Lee, b. Je 2, 1914; Marjorie Louise, b. Ja 23, 1918. Address, 81 Main St., Gardner, Mass. CHARLES McARTHUR M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1876, Hartley, Ont.; s. Margaret (McDiarmid) McArthur. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., and Lindsay Collegiate Institute, Lindsay, Ont. House Surg., Chicago Hosp., under Dr. Alexander Hugh Ferguson, 1905, 18 mos. Spe- cialist in raising orchids and chrysanthemums. Served on the Examing Bd., World War. Mar- ried Ap 2, 1912, Tecumseh, Mich. Children: Alex Stewart, b. My 9, 1914; Helen Agnes, b. Je 1. 1918. Address, Swift Current, Sask. CHARLES ASA McCONNELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 4, 1867, Johnson Co., 111.; s. Albert and Rebecca (Cardwell) McCon- nell. B.S., Lebanon Univ. Mem., Hot Springs Med. Soc; Garland Co. Med. Soc; Ark. State Med. Soc; Mod. Woodman; K. P. Married Maud Huffman, 1894, Simpson, 111. Children: Robert J., b. O 25, 1895 (died 1897); Herbert, b. F 14, 1908. Address, 626}^ Central Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. JOHN ALEXANDER McKAY . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1869; s. Robert ' and Jean (McTavish) McKay. Prepared in Win- nipeg (Can.) H. S., Univ. of Toronto. M.D., Univ. of Manitoba, 1914. Attended the N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch.. 1908; Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1910. Admitted to Sr. yr. in So., Univ. of Wash., 1914. Specialist in Gynecol., Seattle. British Recruiting Mission, Seattle; Med. Examiner, S 1916-0 1917, World War. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, 32°, Shrine; I. O. O. F. Surg. Club, Rochester, Minn. (Life Member.) Married Mary H. I. McRae, N 20, 1908, Portland. Child, John Alexander, b. Ap 7, 1914. Address, 4814 42nd Ave., S., Seattle; bus. add., 5710 Rainier Ave., do. FRANK WILLIAM MACKOY Roentgenolgist; M.D.; b. N 24, 1879, Ky. ; s. William H. and Cora (Davis) Mackoy. Pre- pared in Wheelersburg (O.) H. S., Valparaiso Univ., and Univ. of Mich. Roentgenol., Sacred Heart Sanitarium, Milwaukee. 1st Lt., X-Ray Serv., World War, 6 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; Murat Shrine, Indianapolis; B. P. O. E., 46, Mil- waukee. Married Marjorie Gordon Hayes,' O 8, 1917. Child, Mary, b. Jl 31, 1918. Ad- dress, 411 24th Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add.. Sacred Heart Sanitarium, do. CHARLES ALFORD MAGHY Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 30, 1881, Lucan, Ontario; s. Thomas William and Alma Jane Maghy. Pre- pared in Listowel Collegiate Institute, 1898. Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Chicago, 1906-07; Wyo- ming and London, 1907-19. Maj. Royal Army M. C, Fr., 191.5-16. Auth.: One hundred cases of Acute Glaucoma; Bi-lateral Glioma Retina; Blood staining cornea; Degeneration of cornea; Articles published in British Jour, of Ophthalmol.; Archives of Ophthalrml.- Am. Jour. Ophthalmol. Address, 410 Timkon Bldg., San Diego, Calif. 126 University of Illinois [1905 CLARK CHAMPLIN MEEKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. M.D., 111. Med. Coll., 1905. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Pontiac, Ill.t WHEELER HAYES MELVIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Cashton (Wis.) H. S.; Ky. Sch. of Med., 1 yr. Formerly located in Avalanche, Wis. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Roscoe, S. Dak.f CHARLES WALTER MERRITT Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1880; s. Charles W. (b. N 7, 1852, Chicago) and Theresa Anna (Hil- lier) Merritt (b. O 21, 1852, O). Prepared in West Division H. S., Chicago and Wheaton Prep. Sch., Wheaton, 111., 1899-1901. Beltionian Soc. Phys., St. Joseph, Mich., Je 6, 1905—. Capt., M.C., U. S. A., N 7, 1918-Je 3, 1919. Mem., Berrien Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Med. Veterans of the World War. Married Jane Bingham, Je 3, 1909, Niagara. Falls, N. Y. Children: Robert Walter, b. F 2, 1913; Elizabeth and Charles William, b. N 24, 1916. Address, 815 Lake Blvd., St. Joseph, Mich.; bus. add., 311 State St., do. FRANK WALDO MERRITT Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Center- ville (la.) H. S. Surg., Gary Hosp., Gary, Ind.; do.. 111. Steel Co. Mem., A. M. A.; Ind. State Med. Assn.; Lake Co. Med. Soc; Gary Med. Soc. Address, 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago.t AGNES MIKKELSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 22, 1879, Chicago; s. Josephine (Helstrom) Mikkelson. Address, 1943 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. CHARLES ARCHER MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1873; s. George C. (b. Xenia, O.) and Lucilla C. (Archer) Miller (b. O 4, 1838, Princeton, Ind.). Prepared in Princeton, Ind. A.B., Univ. of Ind., 1896. Ind. Beta of Phi Kappa Psi. Phys. and Surg., Prince- ton, Ind., 1907 — . Married Leonora M. Paxton, 1911, Princeton, Ind. Child, Thomas Archibald, b. Ja 11, 1916. Address, 221 W. Monroe St., Princeton, Ind.; bits, add., 117 S. Hart St., do. *GEORGE EDWARDS MILLER Physician; M.D.; b. 1873. Health Off., San- born, la. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 17, 1910, Struble, la. JOHN FREDERICK MILLER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 11, 1877, Freeport, 111.; s. Frank and S. (Faringer) Miller. Mem., I. O. O. F. Married Gertrude Schu,ster, Je 26, 1906, Naperville, 111. Children: Donald, b., 1907; Eugene, b. 1909; Dean, b. 1914. Address, Andover, S. Dak. WILLIAM MONTGOMERY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.; 111. Med. Coll., 1898-1900. Formerly located in Eau Claire, Wis. Specialist, Urol., • Minneapolis. Mem., Wis. State Med. Soc. Address, 116 13th St., S.,' Minneapolis; 6ms. add., Pillsbury Bldg., do.f GEORGE WILFORD MOORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 8, 1876; s. Seth and johana (Werner) Moore. Prepared in Ke- waunee H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Antigo, Wis. Married Jl 10, 1909. Children: Genevieve, b. Je 23, 1910; Georgia, b. Ag 23, 1911; Nan, b. Ja 12, 1914. Address, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Antigo, Wis. LEONE MORDEN (SCRUBY) Phys. a,nd Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 9, 1876, Jefferson, la.; d. R. P. and Elizabeth (Dyer) Morden. Pre- pared in Guthrie Co. H. S., 1900. Class Honor Roll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Des Moines. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Aaron B. Scruby, 1907, Des Moines. Child, Mildred, b. Ag 26, 1910. Address, 215 Citizens Bank Bldg., Des Moines. NELSON CASE MORROW (Son of Andrew T., '74, C.E.; Brother of Louise, '06) Physician; M.D.; B.S. in Sci., 1904; b. N 6, 1879, Tonganoxie, Kan.; s. Andrew T. (b. Ag 2, 1845, Ind.) and Harriet Mercy (Case) Morrow (b. Je 8, 1842, Pa.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Phys., Altamont, Kan., 1907-14; do., Cuicago, 1914-19; do., Parsons Kan., 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918-S 1919; With A. E. F., Base Hosp., 11; With Gen. Hosp. 28. Fort Sheridan, 111. Married Grace Todd, Ja 1. 1908, Manchester, la. Child, Marjoria Harriet, b. O 31, 1910. Address, 1800 Clark St., Parsons, Kan. WILLIAM CHALMERS MOUNT Physician; M.D.; b. S 9, 1879, Darlington, Ind.; s. William B., (b. My 28, 1858, Crawsfordsville, Ind.) and Anna E. (Buchanan) Mount (b. Ap 21, 1859, Darlington, Ind.). Prepared in Darlington (Ind.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Football letter. Mar- ried Mary B. Ulm, D 29, 1909, Kirklin, Ind. Child, William Ulm, b. O 22, 1911. Address, Kirklin, Ind. PATRICK A. MURPHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in S. Div. H. S., Chicago. Asst. Demonstrator, Anat. Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, 1432 Clayton St., Denver; bus. add., Metro- politan Bldg., do.t LOUIS WINFIELD MYERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in No. 111. State Norm. Sch. Formerly located in Argenta, 111. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Marion, N. Dak.f ALBERT OKERSTROM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. A.B., Augus- tana Coll., 1898; Univ. of la., 4 mos. Formerly located in Oanka, Minn.; retired from active prac- tice. Address, Sycamore, Ill.t OLOF OLSSON M.D.; b. Je 7, 1866, Sweden; s. Ola and Anna (Persson) Olsson. A.B., Augustana Coll., 1900. Mem., Lutheran Church; Svithiod and North Star. Married Anna Larsson, Mr 29, 1914, Chi- cago. Child, Roland, b. Jl 21, 1915. Address, 11106 Indiana Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 41 E. 111th St., do. FRANCIS WILLIAM O'NEILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Graceville (Minn.) H. S. B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1902. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 34 E. 8th Ave., Spokane; bus. add., Pey- ton Block, do.t CARL AUGUST PALM Industrial Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 22, 1867; s. Hans A. and Anna S. (Jonson) Palm. Industrial Surg., Kenosha, Wis. Mem., A. M. A.; Kenosha Co. • Med. Soc. Married Lina Nebel, Ag 22, 1907, Chicago. Children: Carl Erik, b. My 26, 1908; Esther, b. D 30, 1909; Paul, b. My 20, 1911; Ruth, b. S 5, 1915. Address, 861 Prairie Ave., Kenosha, Wis. *THOMAS JEFFERSON PALMER (Husband of Clara Fogle, M.D., '03) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1879; s. A. J. (b. 1853, 111.) and Lena (Wood) Palmer (b. 1858, 111.). Prepared in Keokuk (la.) H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll. Intern, Maywood Gen. Hosp., 1905-06. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1906-06; McAlister, Okla., 1906- 1906] College of Medicine Alumni 127 17. Sergt.. Co. L. 50th la. Regt., Spanish-Am. War, 1S98; U. S. Postal Service. 1901; U. S. Sur- vey, 1903: 1st T,t., 6th Sanitary Train; Field Hos- pital 27, World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Pittsburgh Co. Med. Soc. Married Clara Fogle, ('03) S 8, 1903, Chicago. Child, Clara Frances, b. F 13, 1908. Died O 2S, 1918, Base Hospital 114, Bordeaux, France. GEORGE PARKE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. ISSl. Prepared in Richland Centre (Wis.) H. S. Formerly located at Sylvan. Wis. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Viola, Wis.t OLIN EARL PARMELEE Physician; M.D.; b. N 19, 1873, Hillsdale Co., Mich.; s. E. K. and Ellen D. (Tremaine) Parme- lee. Prepared in Petersburg H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll. Gen. Med. practice, Lambertville, Mich. Auth.: Articles in Jaur. A. M. A.; Mich. State Med. Jour., Year book for Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32° Shrine; I. O. O. F. Married Edith B. Kinney, N 11, 1905. Children: LeRoy Earl, b. Ap 25. 1907; C. Barrett, b. Je 20, 1911. Ad- dress, Lambertville, Mich. BENJAMIN PERRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G.. 1901; b. 1877. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Sch. Gen. Med. prac- tice; formerly located at Melvin, 111.; later at 3230 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Address, Oak Forest, Ill.t HENRY CHRISTIAN PETERSEN Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1875; s. Henry C. (b. Denmark) and Mary (Jensen) Petersen (b. do.). Prepared in State Norm. Sch., San Jose, Calif. Student in London, 1910-11; Post-grad, work. New York Lying-in Hosp., 3 mos., 1916. Located in Stockton. Calif., 1905—. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. T. Married Cora E. Comfort, 1906, Stockton, Calif. Child, Henry Charles, b. Mr 6, 1911, London. Address, 1225 N. Hunter St., Stockton, Claif.; bus. add., Belding Bldg., do. ENOCH FRED PETERSON (Brother of Axel Emanuel Peterson, '07) Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1901; b. Jl 1, 1880, Weston, la.; s. John Frederick (b. Ag 6, 1844, Denmark) and Margaret Peterson (b. F 15, 1848, do.). Located in Varna, 111., 1905-12; Coroner, MarshaU Co., 111., 1908-12; Health Commissioner. Wauwatosa, Wis., 1915 — ; Milwaukee Co. Phys., 191.5—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; A. M. A.; Milwaukee Med. Soc; Co. Med. Soc. Married Edna Ledwith, My 31, 1902, Chicago. (Children: Florence Margaret, b. Ag9, 19()4; Freddie Nadine, b. Je 26, 1911; Ruth Lucine, b. O 28, 1913; Jacquelvn. b. Ap 3, 1918. Address, 280 N. Main St., Wauwatosa, Wis.; bus. add., 203 N. Main St., do. SIGMAR PIROSH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Medill H. S.. Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, 2202 W. North Ave., Baltimore, Md.; bus. add., 1510 E. Fort Ave., rfo.t TILMAN HOW^ARD PLANK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Lewis Institute. M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1896. Adjunct Prof., Gynecol.. Hahne- mann Med. Coll. Mem., Cent. Soc. Phys. Therap. (Pres.); Nat. Soc. Phys. Therap.; Am. Institute of Homeopathy; 111. Homeopathic Med. Soc; Chi- cago Homeopathic Med. Soc. Address, 2062 N. Clark St., Chicago; bus. add., Heyworth Bldg., do. CHARLES JULIUS PLONSKE Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1871, Ger.; s. August fb. My 7, 1843. do.) and Augustine (Kelmou.ske) Plonske (b. S 6, 1848, Posen, Ger.). Prepared in Baldwin, Wis., St. Paul and Keokuk, la. Loca- ted in Bancroft, la., 1905-06; Berlin, Vienna, and London, 1907-08; Minneapolis, 1909-17; Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, State Sch. for Feeble Minded, Faribault, Minn., 1917 — ; one of founders of the Faribault Clinic; in charge of Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat work, do., 1919. Mem., Med. Advisory Bd.. 1917-18. Auth.: Gastric Ulcers and Insurance E.xaminations. Ja. State Med. Jour., 1906. Married Marion Gertrude Clarke, O 7, 1914. Child, Marion Evelyn, b. Jl 23, 1915. Address, 208 W. 6th Ave., Faribault, Minn. CLARENCE DAY POWELL Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 26, 1880, Rockfield, Ind.; 8. John W. (b. 1837, Sand Prairie, 111.) and Sarah E. (Roop) Powell (b. S 7, 1858, Rockfield, Ind.). Prepared in Peoria H. S., and Shattuck Sch., Faribault, Minn., 1899-1900. Nu Sigma Nu; Capt., Baseball; Capt. and Quarterback, Football Team, Shattuck, 1900; Quarterback, Football Team. Coll. of Med. Located in Minnewaukan, N. Dak., 1907-09; Valier, Mont., 1909—. Chm.. Four Minute Men, Valier, Mont. Married O 10, 1907, Minnewaukan, N. Dak. (divorced Ja 8, 1920, Great Falls, Mont.). Child, Gynell Denice, b. Ag 22, 1915. Address, Valier, Mont. GEORGE J. POWERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 11, 1883, Streator, 111.; s. G. W. and Anna (Schaff) Powers. Pre- pared in Streator H. S. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 359th Inf., 90th Div.; one yr., A. E. F., Army of Occupation, Germany, 7 mos.; Offensive, St. Mihiel; Meuse; Argonne. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; L. O. O. M. Married Bess K. Jones, Ap 6, 1917, Streator, 111. Child, George, Jr., b. My 3, 1920. Address, 113 6th St., Streator, 111.; bus. add., 206 E. Main St., do. CARL MATTIS RANSEEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 15, 1879, Ottumwa, la.; s. Mattis Carl (b. Ap 6. 1845, Sweden) and A»na Sophia (Anderson) Ranseen (b. O 30, 1851, do.). Prepared in Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111. B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1901. Intern, Augus- tana Hosp., Chicago. 190.5-07; Phys. and Surg.. Rockford. 111., 1907—. Mem., of Draft Bd., East Rockford, 111., during World War. Mem., Win- nebago Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Mar- ried Hilda Elizabeth Berglund, My 27. 1908. Elgin. 111. Children: Lucile Hilda, b. Mr 9, 1909; Ferdi- nand Carl, b. and died, Ap 1912. Address, 518 College Ave., Rockford. III.; bus. add., 402 Seventh St., do. MELBOURNE RAYNOR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 11, 1879, Ontario, Can.; s. George and Edna (Garrett) Raynor. B. S.A., Ontario Agr. Coll., 1900. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Rotary Club. Married Leona Humphreys, Je 1906. Cleveland. Children: Edna May, b. Ja 25, 1908; Howard and Everett (twins) b. N 3, 1910. Address, 305 Perman- enehoan Bldg., Victoria, B. C. WILLIAM HENRY REED Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Attended Gross Med. Coll., Denver, 1900-01. A.B., Univ. of la., 1900. Formerly located in Mankato, Kan.; later in Bridgewater, la. Address, Opheim, Mont.t FELIX HERMAN RENBERG Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 31, 1882, Chicago; s. Herman (b. 1838, Wildeshausen. Ger.) and Hannah (Salomon) Renberg (b. 1850, Breslau, Ger.). Pre- pared in Pub. Schs. Rea Scholarship, Coll. of Med. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1905 — ; Health Officer, Chicago Health Dept., 1907; Instr., Pediatrics, Post-Grad. Med. School, Chicago. Act- ing Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1918; Med. Relief, Chicago Chap., Am. Red Cross; M. O. R. C. U. S. A.. 1917. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; lU. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M.; 128 University of Illinois [1905 Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Alumn. Assn., Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Married N 25, 1915 (wife died 22, 1918) Chicago. Address. 4750 Forrestville Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2459 Wentwortb Ave., do. DANIEL E. RICARDO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 15, 1873, London, Eng.; s. Emanuel and Sarah (Mercado) Ricardo. Orthopedic Surg., Chicago Coll. of Med.; 111. Coll. of Chiropody. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Cook Co. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; Mod. Woodman. Married Justme Friend, Ag 1, 1910, Cincinnati. Child, Jeanne, Je 25, 1911. Address, 7023 Jeffery Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N, State St., do. HARRISON CHRISTIANSON RIEGEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 24, 1877, Liglits- ville, O.; s. Gabriel and Malissa (Brooks) Riegel. Prepared in Ohio No. Univ., 1900. Married Emily Armstrong. Children: Mary Elouise, Ja 1905; Eleanor Marie, Je 1909. Address, Ross- burg, R. R. 1, Lightsville, O. HARRY ANDREW ROACH Phys. and Surg.'; M.D.; b. Ja 31, 1883, Heart Prairie, Wis.; s. James (b. N 20, 1851, Whitewater, Wis.) and PauHne (Shroble) Roach (b. My 4, 1855, do.). Prepared in Whitewater (Wis.) H. S. Phys. and Surg., Chicago. With Am. Red Cross, Home Service, 1917-19. Mem., Metro- politan Lodge 860, A. F. A. M.; York Chapter, 148 R. A. M.; Columbia Commandery 63, K. T.; Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Mable Blanche Roach, D 7, 1907, Chicago. Child, Florence Pauline, b. F 16, 1911. Address, 3539 Van Buren St., Chicago; bus. add., 1705 Madison St., do. FREDERICK HENRY RODEMEYER M.D.; b. Mr 14, 1876, Hampton, la.; s. Fred and Louisa (Fahrman) Rodemeyer. Prepared in Hampton H. S. and Ellsworth Coll. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 10th San. Tr., Camp Funston, Kan. Married L. S. Goldberg, S 29, 1903. Children: Langdon G., b. Jl 2, 1908; Milo Bryce, b. F 21, 1917. Address, Sheffield, la. ALBERT ALEXANDER ROTH Urologist; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Gymna- sium, Kieff, Rus.; Chicago Coll. Pharm., 1 yr. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 1139 Independence Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3354 S. Halsted St., do.t FREDERICK RUDNICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1893; b. Ap 24, 1874, Chicago; s. John and Wilhelmine (Mueller) Rudnick. Health Officer, City Dept., Health. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine. Married Frieda Behrendt, Mr 15, 1899. Child, Dorrin, b. D 22, 1899. Address, 2007 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. ROBERT KARLSON SARHEIM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Minneapolis Acad., 3 yrs.; Hamline Univ., 1901-03. Formerly of Minneapolis; later of Chicago. Ad- dress, Wildrose, N. Dak.f ROBERT GARFIELD SAVAGE M.D.; b. O 7, 1881; s. Thos. J. and Annie (Con- ners) Savage. Prepared in Boone, la. and Lewis Institute, Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Asst. Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-20. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 1, 1918-Ja 31, 1919, Camp Grant. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E. Wife deceased. Chil- dren: Jane Ann; Robert J.; Thomas S. Address, 532 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111.; 6ms. add., 427 W. Harrison St., do. ELISHA E. SAYAD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Hope Coll., Holland, Mich.; Univ. of Mich. Med. Dept., 1899-1901. Formerly located in Oreo, Miah, Persia. t CHARLES PETER SCHELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 1, 1873, Ger.; s. John Peter (b. My 23, 1834, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Boettiger) Schell (b. S 12, 1845). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Phys. and Surg., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married S 26, 1896, Chicago. Child, Milton Charles, b. Ag 18, 1907, Chicago. Address, 1700 Chicago Ave., Chicago. CHARLES HENRY SCHMIDT Phys. and Surg.;M.D.;Ph.G.,1902; b.N 30,1881; s. Sophia (Tollck) Schmidt. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Quarantine Off.,Chgo. Health Dept. Instr. Jr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1912-14. Mem., Lutheran Church; A. F. A. M., K. P.; Nat. Union; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Effie Olson, My 30, 1914, Chicago. Children: Effie b. Mr 5, 1915; Carl, b. Jl 12, 1916. Address, 2749 W. Division St., Chicago. CHARLES MATHIAS SCHOEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. A.B., Mar- quette Coll., Milwaukee, 1890; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1901-03. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 745 Sherman Blvd., Milwaukee; 6us. add.. Security Bldg., do.i OSCAR VICTOR SCHROETER Clinician; M.D.; b. Ap 12, s. John B. (b. Ap 10, 1848, Mannheim, Baden, Ger.) and Alice (Charbonneau) Schroeter (b. Je 10, 1857, Montreal, Can.). Prepared in West Division H. S., Y. M. C. A. courses, Lewis Institute; Univ. of Calif. Extension, 1895-99. Located in Chicago 1905-11; student of Dermatol., Vienna, 1911; do. of Urol., Berlin, 1912, Clinician, Univ. of Calif. Postgrad. Sch.. Los Angeles, 1912—. Capt., M. C„ U. S. A., Ag 1918-My 1919; on special Exam. Bd., later at base hosp.. Camp Travis, Tex. Autb.: Lectures of Dr. W. E. Quine, (published in mimeo- graph form, 1905). Married Vina I. Schroeter. Children: Alice Ethel, b. Je 2, 1906; Robert I., b. Ap 17, 1915. Address, 1110 S. Lake St.. Los Angeles; bus. add., 11th fl. Brack Shops, do. LOUIS SCHULTZ Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1867, Bischwiller, Alsace; s. Charles and Louise (Ostertag) Schultz. Prepared in Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1901. Phi Delta; Delta Sigma Delta. Adjunct Prof., Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1906-12; Asst. Prof., Oral Surg, and Pathol., do., 1912-18; Assoc. Prof., do., 1918-19; Prof., do., 1919—. Attending Phys. and Surg., Dept. of Oral Surg., Cook Co. Hosp.. Chicago. Served on Med. Advisory Bd., World War. Auth.: Nitrousoxid and Oxygen Anesthesia and Analgesia, Dent. Review, N 1914; The Relation of the Root Canal to Focal Infection, do., Ja 1917. Married Sophie Digel, My 22, 1892, Peoria. Children: Carl Emil, b. Ap 7, 1893; Louis William, b. Je 12, 1894; Louise Sophie, b. My 30, 1898 (died My 28, 1900); John Henry, b. Jl 28, 1910 (died F 20 , 1 9 1 1 ) . Address, 725 S . Oak Park Aye . , Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 1925 Marshall Field Annex Bldg., Chicago. HENRY THOMAS SETHNEY M.D.; b. My 31, 1882, Norway, Mich.; s. An- drew T. and Ellen Sethney. Prepared in Univ. of Mich. Rgtl. Surg.; Maj. ]47th Inf., 37th Divi- sion, World War. Married Jean Fraser, S 24, 1910, Crystal Falls, Mich. Two children. Ad- dress, 1016 Main St., Menominee, Mich. MARGARET SHERLOCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Attended Oskaloosa Coll., 1 yr.; la. State Norm. Sch., 2 yrs. Formerly located in Martinsburg, la.; later in Sigourney, do. Address, Cedar Rapids, la.t FRANK ELMER SHIMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in La PortelCity (la.) H. S. M.|R. C, U. S. A. Address, Harmattan, Alberta.t 1905] College of Medicine Alumni 129 O. FRANK SHULIAN (Formerly O. Frank Schullian) M.D.: b. O S, 1SS3; s. Frank X. and Louise (Haug) Shulian. Prepared in Quincy H. S., 1899. Capt., Camp Fremont, World War." Auth.: Tro- car Thoractomy versus Rib Resection in Acute Empyema, //?. Med. Jour. Mem., Catholic Church K. C; Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow). Married Sophia Marie Tenk. Jl 10, 1910, Boulder, Colo. Address, 300 East Ave., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., Illinois State Bank Bldg., do. RUDOLPH VIRCHOW SINTZEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884, Shermerville, 111.; s. George and Anna (Clavey) Snitzel. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. practice, Niles Center, 111., 1920. Mem., A. M. A. Married Marguerite Collins, Ag 13, 1912, Chicago. Child, Margaret Mary, b. Mr 3. 1917. Address Niles Center, 111. HUGH HENRY SLOCUMB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 22 1882. Pre- pared in Winona (Minn.) H. S. Formerly loca- ted in Elgin Minn. M. R. C. U. S. A. 29 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Hedwig Sund, Je 5, 191S. Address, Belgrade, :Minn. MAUDE STEPHENS SLOCUMB (Sister of Edward C, '01, B.S. in C.E.) Physician; M.D.; b. F U, ISSl, Keithsburg, lU.; d. Charles Gilford (b. Ja 1, 1843, Albany, III.) and Eliza Maria (Stephens) Slocumb (b. Je 9, 1845, Delaware, O.). Prepared in Keithsburg H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Intern, New England Hosp. for Women and Children, Boston, 1905-06; Gen. Med. practice, Minneapolis, 1906 — . Mem., Hen- nepin Co. Med. Soc; Minn. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 3535 N. Fremont Ave., Minnea- polis. ORLEY EUGENE SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Carroll Co. Wis.. 1 yr. M.D., Bennett Med. CoU., 1902. Address, Mukwonago, Wis.t FRANK WILLIAM SORELL Specialist; M.D.; b. Je 23, 1881, Tex.; s. Mattie L. (Fly) Sorell. Prepared in San Saba (Tex.) H. S. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, San Antonio, Tex. M. C, U. S. A., S 1918-F 1919. Mem., M. E. Church; B. P. O. E. Married Jeannette L. Corkes, 1904, Marble Falls, Tex. Child, John E., Jr., b. 1914. Address, 604 Gibbs Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. ARTHUR K. STANGLAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 14, 1880; s. M. K. and Mary (Sawyer) Stangland. Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Instr., Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1906-12. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, (Chicago. Med. Mem., Local Bd. 79, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Florence Burnett, O 19, 1912, Chicago. Children: Mary Jane; Janis. Ad- dress, 1001 Menard Ave., Chicago; biis. add., 5538 W. Chicago Ave., do. LESTER MILES STEARNS Physician; M.D.; b. N 16, 1883, Englewood, Chicago; s. Marcus Cicero (b. O 12, 18.58, Chicago) and Nina L. (Miles) Stearns (b. Ag 14, 18.58, Berea, O.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Class Historian, 1905. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chi- cago, 190.5-07; grad. work, Vienna, 1909; Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1906-10; Phys., Kearney, Neb., 1909—; City Phys., do., 191.3-16; Med. Supt., Neb. State Tuberculosis Hosp., 1911-14; Coroner, Buffalo Co., 1911-13; Contract Surg., U. S. Army, 1918. Auth.: Simple Retractor to Facilitate Peri- neal Repair, Western Med. Review, 19140 Prophy- laxsi.s and Treatment of Post Operative Peritoneal Adhesions, do., 1915; Remote Effects Following Oral Infections, Neb. SUUe Med. Jour., Vol. 1, 1916; Treatment Varicose Ulcer, Jour. A. M. A., 1020. Mem., Elks Lodge 984; A. F. A. M., Rob Morris 23, Tehama Temple, Shrine; .St. Lukes Epis- copal Church. Married Je 20, 1906. Orland, Ind. Child. Frances J., b. Je 1, 1914. Address, .502 W. 27tb St., Kearney, Neb.; bus. add., 10 W. 22nd St., do. RICHARD CHARLES STEFFEN Associate; M.D.; b. 1880. Instr., Obstetrics. Coll. of Med., 1910-18; Assoc, do., 1918-19; for- merly at 2000 Howe St.. Chicago; Specialist in Gynecol. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 4742 Vir- ginia St., Chicago; bus. add., 316 Lincoln Ave., do.t ROY GEORGE STEVENS Surgeon; M.D.; b. My 12, 1880, Lewis, la.; s. George and Mary (Morton) Stevens. Prepared in Springfield (S. Dak.) H. S. and State Norm. Sch., S. Dak. Surg., Med. and Surg. Clinic, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., York and Scottish Rite, Shrine. Married Henrietta Dickinson, Mr 25, 1907. Ad- dress, Sioux Falls Med. and Surg. Clinic, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. ♦RAYMOND WARD STOUGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Oberlin Coll. Formerly located in Bryan, O.; later Phys. and Surg., Beach, N. Dak. Died S 13, 1920, Bismarck Hosp., Bismarck, N. Dak. RALPH SPENCER STRYKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 22. 1879. Joliet, 111.; s. Jacob and Anne (Kimbell) Stryker. Pre- pared in Chicago English H. S. and Lewis Insti- tute. Phi Alpha Gamma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Ridgefield, Wash. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., 22 mos.; France. 18 mos. Mem.. Presby. Church; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; E. A. M.; A. M. A.; Wash. State Med. Soc. Married Alma C. Nemoede. Je 24, 1903, Chicago. Child, Ralph Kimbell. b. Ap 24. 1905. Address, Ridgefield, Wash. ♦CLARENCE EVERETT STURGEON M.D.; b. Ag 19, 1878, Mahaska Co., la. Pre- pared in public schools of Iowa; Drake Univ., 1901-02. Phi Rho Sigma. House Surg., Coll. of Med., 1903-04, 1904-()5. Intern. Hackley Hosp.. Muskegon. Mich.. 1905. Died D 12, 1905. Clarion, la. TANNUS FERRIS TANNUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Beirut, Syria; Weslevan Univ., and Marion ,Sims Beaumont Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; formerly of Bloomington, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 313 W. Central Ave.. Albuquerque. N. M.f WILLIAM SCOTT TOMKINSON Physician; M.D.; b. N 15, 1860, Pontiac, Mich.; s. William D. and Algiaa Hulda (Chappell) Tom- kinson. Prepared in Kalamazoo, Mich.; Special work with Prof. Ray, No. 111. State Norm. Gen. Med. practice, Kalamazoo, Mich. Vol. Med. Serv., World War. Mem., M. E. Church. Mar- ried Celenia Lowrie, Je 17, 1887. Address, 152 W. Lovell St., Kalamazoo, Mich.; bus. add., 150 S. Burdick, do. EUGENE E. TUPPER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 15. 1871; s. George L. (b. 1838. O.) and Sarah (White) Tupper (b. 1842, Rochester, N. Y.). Prepared in Acad, of Knox Coll.; Univ. of Chicago. Scholarship at Morgan Port; Pres., Columbian Literary Soc, Morgan Port Acad. Located at Hingham, Wis., 190,5-08; Eau Claire, Wis., O 1908—; Instr., Surg., Luther Tr. Sch. for Nurses. Mem. of Med. Ad- visory Bd., 1918. Auth.: Pituitary Extract in Obstetrics, Wis. Stale Jour., 1917. Mem. and Trustee, Baptist Church; Eau Claire Med. Soc. 130 University of Illinois [1905 (Sec. twee); Tenth District Med. Soc, do.; North- west Wis. District Med. Soc. (Pres.). Married Rose D. Tupper, N 1, 1900, Plymouth, Wis. Ad- dress, Eau Claire, Wis. *FRANK UNDERWOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1898-1900; Rush Med. Coll., 1901-04. Formerly at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; later Phys., Poplar, Mont. Deceased. *FAY McVEY VANATTA Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1877. Home, Randolph, la- Prepared in West. Norm. Coll., Shenandoah, la- Surg., Nevada Douglas properties, Yerington, Nev- Mem., A. M. A. Died O 7, 1907, Holy Cross Hosp., Salt Lake City. GEORGE HIRAM VAN KIRK (Brother of John Albert, '14) Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1879; s. John (b. Mr 25, 1854, Leiters, Ind.) and Mary E. (Wagoner) Van Kirk (b. D 20, 1859, do.). Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S. Phys., Kentland, Ind., 15 yrs. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 19, 1918- Ag 7, 1919. Mem., Jasper Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1918-19); Newton Co. Med. Soc. (do.); Hozelden Country Club (Bd. of Dir.). Married Lucretia Campbell, Rochester, Ind., O 1, 1905. Children: George, Jr., b. Jl 17, 1907; Alice, b. N 5, 1912 (died F 1, 1918); John Robert, b. Ap 22, 1920. Address, Kentland, Ind. JAMES ALOIS WAGNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Coll. of Sacred Heart, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Milwaukee, 1901-03. Formerly located in Ossian, la.; Granville, do.; Sutherland, do. Address, Dyersville, la.f EUGENE WALLACE Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 7, 1879, Sedalia, Mo.; 8. A. N. and Cora (Hubbell) Wallace. Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S., and Fairmount Coll., do. Vol. Serv., World War. Mem., Kan. Med. Soc; I. O. O. F.; M. E. Church. Married Grace O. Cessna, 1908. Address, Belmont, Kan. JOSEPH MARK WALSH M.D.; b. Jl 27, 1877, Yankton, S. Dak.; s. E. J. and Ellen (Melloy) Walsh. Prepared in Yank- ton Coll., Yankton, S. Dak. Formerly located in Ft. Pierre, do. Married Jeanette Joslin, Ap 24, 1902, Omaha, Neb. Address, Rapid City, S. Dak. WILLIAM GEORGE WEIDEMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 12, 1874, Bay City. Mich.; s. Conrad and Elizabeth (Reinig) Weide- man. Prepared in Baldwin Wallace Coll., Berea, O.; Univ. of Mich. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Milwaukee. Vol., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married AdeUne C. Heideman, 1914, Milwaukee. Address, 917 44th St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 308 North Ave., do. MICHAEL CHARLES WELCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Tomah (Wis.) H. S. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1902. Formerly located in Tomah Wis. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 178 Concord St., St. Paul, Minn.; bus. add., Lowry Bldg., do.f HERBERT BERTRAM WENTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 20, 1869, Cedar Falls, Wis. ; s. Horace Agard (b. Ja 7, 1826, Oswego, N. Y.) and Martha Isabella (Burke) Wentz (b. D 22, 1843, Hemingford, Can.). Prepared in State Norm. Sch., River Falls, Wis. Pres. of Soph. Class, 1902-03. Lab. Asst. and Instr., Chem., 1901-05; Prof., Chem., Coll. of Med., 1905-08; Phys. and Surg., Verona, N. Dak.; 1908; Municipal Judge, La Moure Co., N. Dak., 1910-17; Mayor, Verona, N. Dak., 1910-11. Pvt., Co. H., 3rd Regt., Wis. Nat. Guard. 1886-89; 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 4, 1917-Je 20, 1918; Mem.. Tuber- culosis Bd., Camp Taylor, Ky.; do.. Camp Meade, Md.; M. O. T. C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 20, 1918—; 71st Inf., Lafayette Div. (11th Div.); Signal Corps; Quartermaster Infirmary, Camp Supply Units, Camp Meade, Md.. Ja 28, 1919—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; N. Dak. State Med. Soc; Epworth League (Pres., N. W. Di.strict, Wis.); State Norm. Sch. Lyceum, (Pres.), River Falls, Wis. Married Sabra Anna Winegar, Je 28, 1894, New Richmond, Wis. (died My 6, 1905) Isabelle Dunbar, My 7, 1907, Chicago (divorced Ja 24, 1912); Pearl Anna Dougherty, Ja 23, 1913, Fayetteville, Ark. Children: Vivian Merritt, b. Jl 1, 1895 (died My 2. 1903); Howard Kenneth b. F 27, 1898: Jacob Kendall, b. Je 19, 1900; Helen Sabra, b. S 15, 1904; Dorothy Anna, b. D 12, 1913; Merritt Robert, b. My 7, 1915; Barbara Pearl, b. S 15, 1919 (died S 26, 1919). Address, Verona, N. Dak. CHARLES FRANK WERNER Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1874; s. Charles P. (b. Ger.) and Bianka (Roehr) Werner, (b. do.). Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. 2nd V. P. of class, 1905. Extern, St. Mays Hosp., Chicago; Phys., Calumetville, Wis., 1905-12; do., St. Cloud. Wis., 1912 — . Married Katherine M. Dierner, S 6, 1905. Fond du Lac, Wis. Child, John Charles, b. N 12, 1906 (died do.). Address, St. Cloud, Wis. ROSS STEELE WEYER M.D.; b. S 11, 1877, Pettis^ille, O.; s. H. D. and Ida A. (Steele) Weyer. Prepared in Wash. State Norm. Sch., Ellensburg, Wash. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Mem., B. P. O. E., 318, Yakima, Wash. Married Ida E. Eccles, Je 10, 1907, Marquette, Mich. Children: Zoora, b. Ag 14, 1908; Jean, b. S 15, 1909. Address, Ephrata, Wash. CARL HIXSON WILKINSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Tippecanoe Ind. Norm. Sch., 1894. M.D., Chi- cago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1904. Formerly lo- cated in La Fayette, Ind. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Waterman, IlLf FRANK VANATTA WILLHITE Physician; M.D.; b. My 1, 1878, Grant City, Mo.; s. Robert Stone (b. F 6, 1844, Clay Co., Mo.) and Elizabeth Ellen (Vanatta) Willhite (b. 1844, Hocking Co., O.). Prepared in Grant City (Mo.) H. S. and State Norm. Sch., Kirksville, Mo. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1905-06; Asst. Supt., Yankton State Hosp., Yankton, S. Dak. Mem., Yankton District Med. Soc (Pres.). Married Nelle Zabel, O 30, 1916, Yankton, S. Dak. Address, Yankton, S. Dak. IRA RAYMOND WILLITS Urologist; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Keiths- burg H. S.; Med. Dept., Univ. of la., 1901-02. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc Address, Parkway Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 530 N. Clark St.; 159 N. State St.; 2100 Lincoln Ave., rfo.t *LENA LOUISE WILLMERING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Columbus City (la.) H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1901-03. At one time located in Columbus Junc- tion, la. Deceased. CLIFFORD VANE WINSETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1878, Waterloo, la.; s. J. K. and Samantha L. (Harrod) Winsett. Ph.B., Grinnell Coll., 1900; Ph.G., Drake Univ., 1901. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Baseball Letter, Grin- nell Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Brook- field, 111. 1st Lt., U. S. A., N 1, 1918-Ag 9. 1920. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Anna Myrtle Wallace, Je 18, 1913, Chicago. Address, 154 Grand Blvd., Brookfield, 111. 1906] College of Medicine Alumni 131 SIMON LEO VVISSIG Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia. 1901-03. Formerly located at 1900 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Address, 3990 Normandie Ave., Los Angeles.f FREDERICK WOLTMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 13, 1876, Kahoka, Mo.; s. Leuder (b. 1S26, Bramen, Ger.) and Mary S. (Garsey) Woltmann (b. 1839, Ger.). Pre- pared in 111. Norm Sch.; Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1901-03. Phys. and Surg., Kampsvillc, lU., 1905—. M. C, U. S. A., S 1918-My 1919; With A. E. F. Married Mary M. Waldheuser, O 10, 1912, Kampsville, III. Child, Lewis Miehael, b. Je 13, 1919. Address, Kampsville, 111. WESLEY JOHN WOOLSTON Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1883; s. Joseph L. and Isabella (Newton) Woolston. Prepared in Geneva H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Instr., Gynecol., and Asst., in Clin. Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1910-10; Asst. Prof., Clin. Surg., do., 1910-18. Gave illustrated lecture on Pelvic Infections before Peoria Med. Soc, Ap 19, 1921. Auth.: Several brief articles on Med. subjects. Married Edna Chapell, Je 28, 1910. Children: Jane, b. Mr 5, 1913; William, b. Je 18, 1918. Address, 1514 Pratt Ave., Chicago; btis. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. CLASS OF 1906 (195 LIVING, 15 DEAD) EFFIE LOUISE ABBOTT (MARTON) Physician: M.D.; d. Alson M. (b. O 19, 1830, Rushville, N. Y.) and Hannah Mary (Hagar) Abbott (b. My 22, 1836. Ballston Lake, N. Y.). Prepared in Dowagiac (Mich.) H. S. Graduate Nurse, L-nion Benevolent Assn., Hosp., Grand Rapids. Mich., 1893. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Mis- sionary in China, 1896-1901; 111. State Hosp. Service. 1907 — . Mem., M. E. Church; Woman's Med. Club, Chicago; A. M. A. Married Elbert Wilson Morton, F 21, 1920, Joliet," lU. Address, 1201 S. Main St., Jackson\'ille, 111. ALMA SARAPHIA ANDERSON (CANNON) Physician; M.D.; b. My 10, 1872, near Gotten- burg, Sweden; (parents b. do.). Prepared in Joliet 111. Received trained nurses diploma. Hosp. Supt.: conducted and financed a pvt., gen., surg., med., obstetrical, and neurological hosp., before taking M.D. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1 yr.; Ore., 10 >TS. Married C. H. Cannon. Address, 40 14th Ave., E., Eugene, Ore. HOWARD ANDREWS M.D.; b. Ap 8, 1877. Binghampton, N. ¥.; s. R. A. and Letta A. (Burt) Andrews. Prepared in Kinsley (Kan.) H. S., and South West Kan. Coll., Winfield, Kan. Address, 6030 Carlton Way, Los Angeles; bus. add., 6778 Hollywood Blvd., do. CHARLES BALLANCE Specialist; M.D. Prep.ared in Peoria H. S. Postgrad, work, Vienna, 2 jts.; New York, 1 yr. Si)ecialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Seattle. Army Serv., M. C. U. S. A., World War. Address, 410 Cobb Bldg., Seattle, Wash. FRED THORNTON BARRETT Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1873. Harvey Med. Coll., 1902-04. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; lU. SUte Med. Soc. Address, 2516 E. 74th St., Chicago; bus. add., 9154 Commercial Ave., do.t FREDERICK BAUER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Tilford Collegiate Inst., 1 yr. Formerly located in Center Point, la. Address, 836 Booth St., Milwaukee.t BENJAMIN BARKER BEESON Specialist; M.D. ; b. My 28, 1883; s. Strother J. and Henrietta (Barker) Beeson. Prepared in Lew^is Institute. Phi Beta Pi. Specialist in Skin and Venereal DL; Clifife H.. b. 24. 1907: Lyndon H., b. Ag IV, 1910; Hortense, b. N 15, 1911. Address, Shelley, Idaho. ROBERT ANTHONY DAVIS M.D.: b. S 12, 1S64. Vandecar, Ont.; s. William J. and Maria Davis. Ph.C, Ontario Coll., 1891. Located in Chicago, 1906-09; Clinton, Mich., 1909-18: Detroit, 1918—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Married Georgina McEdward, 1S93. Dundalk, Ontario. Children: Harold M., b. 1894; Norman, b. 1895; Wilberforce, b. 1899; Frankhn, b. 1901; George, b. 1906. Address, 662 Ferry Ave., West, Detroit; bus. add., 1229 David Whitney Bldg., do. RUSSELL NEWTON DAVIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. B.S., Val- paraiso Univ., 1899; A.B., do., 1900. Formerly located in Hanna, Ind. Address, 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.! FRED GIRARD DEWEY Pnysician; M.D.; b. D 3, 1880, Fairbank, la.; s. Joseph Frank (b. Dewey, O) and Esther (Thomp- son) Dewey (b. Wis.). Prepared in Moville (la.) H. S. and Univ. of Mo. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega -A.lpha. Gen. Med. practice, Moville, la., 1906-09; Hartington, Neb., 1909-10; Coleridge, do., 1910— . Asst.,DraftBd., World War. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Past Master, Relief Lodge 219; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc. Married Faye Leone Hampton, Ag 6, 1908, Cassopolis, Mich. Children: Reed Hampton, b. N 26, 1911; Barbara Louese, b. N 20, 1916. Address, Coleridge, Neb. WILLIAM BYRNE DOUGHERTY Physician; M.D.; b. F 24, 1879; s. William Robertson (b. Ag 25, 1841, Glasgow, Ky.) and Eliza Jane (Anderson) Dougherty (b. Ja 8, 1845, Cold- water, Miss.). Prepared in Senatobia (Miss.) H. S. B.A., Univ. of Miss. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha, Delta Psi. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. 1907-08; Piiys., Vicksburg, Miss., 1909-11; do., Chicago, 1911 — : Asst. Surg., Public Health Serv., O and N 1918. Mem.. Med. Vol. Corps., Am. Red Cross. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; K. of P. Married Elizabeth Houston Scruggs, Ap 27, 1911, Livingston, Ala. Children: Elizabeth Houston, b. Mr 8, 1914; Oorothy Jan, b. Mr 26, 1917. Address, 3.542 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3401 N. Paulina St., do. JAMES HENRY DUGUID Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Angola, Ind. Coll., 1898-99; Creighton Med. Coll.. 1902-03. Formerly of Ray, Ind.J GEORGIANA MARGARET DVORAK (THEOBALD) Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. D 28, 1884, Chicago; d. Anton and Barbara rFallont) Dvorak. Prepared in Medill "H. S., Chicago, .\lpha Epsilon Iota. Instr., Clin. Oph- thalmol., Coll. of Med.. 1912-14. A. R. C. Serv.. World War; 1 yr. .Siberia; 8 mos., Europe. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. Med. Soc; Czecho-Slovak Woman's Med. Soc; Bohemian Med. Soc. Married Dr. John J. Theobald, O 30, 1910. Address, 1747 Roosevelt Rd.. Cnicago; bug add.. 1801 S. Ashland Ave., and Room 2003 25 £. Washington St., do. JOHN HAROLD EDGCOMB Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Formerly located in Attica. Ind.; later at 3158 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Ottawa, lU.t SAMUEL M. EDISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 18, 1884; s. Mycr H. and Bessie R. Edison. Prepared in H. S. Located in Chicago. Capt., M. C. and Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A., Je 1917-Mr 1919; served at U. S. Gen. Hosp., 26, Fort Dodge, la. Dir., U. S. Med. Lab., My 1919 — . Married Gertrude K. Edison, Je 9, 1908, Chicago. Children: Earl M., b. Jl 18, 1910; Dolores, b. D 25, 1911. Address, Kellshore Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St.. do. J. JAMES EGAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1900. Prepared in Armour Institute, Chicago; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 2 yrs. Address, 4115 Wabash Ave., Chicago.! LEO VICTOR FAIRHALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 9, 1880, London, Eng.; s. Joseph (b. F 9, 1853, Kent, Eng.) and Elizabeth Sander (King) Fairhall (b. F 5, 1853, do). Prepared in Danville H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. practice, Danville, 111., 1906—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Presby. Church. Married Elizabetli Markley, N 25, 1906, Danville. 111. Children: Abel, b. Ap 2, 1910; Joseph, b, Jl 15, 1914. Address, Danville. 111.; bus. add., 201 I. O. O. F. Bldg., do. HARRY DeWITT FAST (Brother of Emmett E., '08 B.S. in M.E., Byron M., '10 B.S. in E.E.,) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 23, 1877, Little Rock, Ark.; s. Allen C. (b. My 31, 1848, O.) and Harriette (Calhoun) Fast (b. F 11, 1854, Monica, 111.). Prepared in Princeville H. S. and Acad. Clin. Anesthetist, Sr. yr. Gen. Med. practice, Mackinaw, 111. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Han- cock, Ga., S 2, 1918-Mr 15, 1919. Mem., Taze- well Co. Med. Soc. (Sec); 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Luella A. Miller, O 27, 1909, Mackinaw, 111. Children: Laura Harriette, b. O 15, 19010; Miriam Louise, b. Ag 10, 1914; Robert, b. S 29, 1916. Address, Mackinaw, 111. JESSE P. FEAGLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 30. 1874, Waterloo, Ind.; s. David and Lucinda (Grogg) Feagler. Prepared in Waterloo (Ind.) H.S. Married Ethel F. Waterman, O 19, 1907, Waterloo, Ind. Ad- dress, 409 Edgewater Drive, Mishawaka, Ind.; bus. add., Winey Bldg.. do. THOMAS J. FENTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 13, 1878, Eddyville, la.; s. Thomas (b. S 30. 1834, Ireland) and Mary (Kelleher) Fenton (b. Ja 9, 1847, do.). Prepared in Eddyville (la.) H. S.; la. State Coll., S 1899-Jc 1902. Surg. Asst., Prof. Davison. Gen. Med. practice. Denver. Auth.: A number of articles dealing with Med. topics which have been published in various lay publications. Mem., Denver Med. Soc; Colo. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married O 14. 1913, Omaha, Neb. Address, 1511 Logan, Denver; 6ms. add., 409-10 Majestic Bldg., do. ERNEST ORION FINNEY M.D.; b. Jl 27. 1879, Rankin, 111.; s. F. A. and Viola (Stalucker) Finney. Prepared in Rankin H. S. Med. Advi.sory Bd., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mary Dickerson, O 14, 1920, Wei.ser. Idaho. Address, Weiser, Idaho. *ALBERT MICHAEL FISCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Jeffer.son (Wis.) H. S.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1902-03. Formerly Phys. in Wendt Block, Kau- kauna. Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Died S 21, 1909, St. Marys Hosp., Oshkosh, Wis. 134 University of Illinois [1906 ROBERT EMMETT FLANNERY Surgeon; b. Ap 5, 1884, Iowa Co., Wis.; s. Mathew and Anna (McNulty) Flannery. Pre- pared in Lone Rock (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma; Assoc. Prof., Clin. Surg., Loyola Med. Coll. Asst., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-16; Gen. Surg, practice, 1910-18. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., F 20, 1918-Ap 26, 1919; Commanding Officer, Base Hosp., 11, F and Mr, 1918;. Adjutant, Ap 1-Ag 15, 1918; Chief of Surg. Dept., Ag 15, 1918- Ap 26, 1919; located in Nantes, France. Auth.: Traumatic Anurism, Mil. Surgeon. Married Mary Kernes, 1914, Chicago. Address, 3117 Logan Blvd., Chicago. HELEN B. FLYNN M.D.; b. N 11, 1882; d. James and Ellen (Doran) Flynn. Address, 928 W. 54th PL, Chicago. SAMUEL FOMON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 11, 1886; s. Jacob (b. 1840) and Rosy Fomon (b. 1850, Roumania). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., O 1918-F 1919. Auth.: Medicine and The Allied Sciences, D. Appleton Co., N. Y. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Isabel Sherman, Ap 1920. Address, Chicago Beach Hotel, Chicago; 6ms. add., 1608 W. Madison St., ERNEST JASON FORD Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 22, 1878; s. Eugene Quincy (b. Ag 31, 1848, Lowell, Mass.) and Isa- bella (Wilson) Ford (b. Jl 31, 1858, Glasgow, Scot- land). Prepared in East Mendota H. S. and Brown's Bus. Coll., Ottawa, 111. Alpha Omega Alpha. Located in Evanston, 1907 — ; Assoc, Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920—. 2nd Lt., U. of I., Student Brigade. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Assn.; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow). Married Edith Louise Moorhouse, Mr 3, 1908, Chicago. Children Edith Jeannette, b. S 26, 1914; Ernest Gordon, b. Mr 26, 1917., 2009 Harrison St., Evanston, 111. JACOB MILTON FURSTMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at 120 S. 10th St., La Crosse, Wis. Ad- dress, 303 S. East St., Bloomington, 111.; bus. add.. City Hall Bldg., do.t EDWARD ANDREW GLENN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Notre Dame Univ. Formerly at 7 W. Madison St., Chicago. Address, 2127 Washington Blvd., Chicago.! HARRY G. GRABLE • Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Logans- port (Ind.) H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1225 W. Sycamore St., Kokomo, Ind.; bus. add., Citizens Bank Bldg., do.t JOHN LEON GROVE (Brother-in-law of H. M. Glover, '16) M.D.; b. O 13, 1880, Newton, Kan.; s. William Edward (b. N 22, 1855, O.) and Maria (Diehl) Grove (b. O 10, 1857, do.). Prepared in Newton (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Grad. work, Ber- lin and Vienna, 1913. Located in Newton, Kan., 1880—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., O-D 22, 1918, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Mem., Kan. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Rotary Club. Married Lilian Axtell, Je 29, 1906, Newton, Kan. Children: John Axtel, b. Je 27, 1908; William Edward, b. Ag 14, 1914. Address, 225 E. Broadway, Newton, Kan.; bus. add., 209 E. Broadway, do. OSCAR E. GRUA Physician; M.D.; b. N 23, 1883; s. Thomas and Mary (Peterson) Grua. Prepared in Howard (S. Dak.) H. S. Address, Pleasant Grove, Ut. ♦ERNEST CLARKE GWINN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Central Norm. Coll., Danville, 111.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 3 yrs. Ph.G., Keokuk, 1904. Formerly located in Oakland, 111.; later at Sadorus and Paris, do. Died S 9, 1909, Monrovia, Calif. ALBERT WILLIAM HAEFFNER Physician; M.D.; b. N 7, 1881, la.; s. Chas. and Josephine (Rehhoff) Heaffner. Prepared in John Marshall H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Ist Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Colum- bian Lodge; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Je 20, 1906. Child, Gladys, b. Ap 5, 1916. Address, 5700 W. 22nd St., Chicago; bus. add., 4022 W. 22nd St., do. WILLIAM HOWARD HALSEY M.D.; b. Mr 27, 1884, Milwaukee; s. William Henry (b. O 14, 1857, Albany, N. Y.) and Isabelle (Cleary) Halsey (b. Ap 21, 1860, Chicago). Pre- pared in East Division H. S., Milwaukee; Univ. of Mich., 1900-01; Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., 1901-03. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Grad. work, Chicago Clin. Sch., 1906; West Side Hosp., Chi- cago, 1906-08; Navy Med. Sch., Washington, D. C, 1910. Gen. Med. practice, Milwaukee, 1908- 10; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1919—. Built and organized Navy Hosp. Corps Sch., San Fran- cisco, 1914; in command, do., 1914-17; built and organized Navy Hosp. Corps Sch., Norfolk, Va., 1917. On Staff of Commander of Am. Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, 1918, Hdqrts., London, Eng.; In charge, Ear, Nose and Throat Dept., Hosp. Ship "Solace", 1911-12; Mem. of faculty. Naval Med. Sch., 1913-14; in charge. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dept., Naval Hosp., Fort Lyon, Colo., 1919. Lt., (Jr. Grade), M. C, U. S. N., Mr 1910; resigned D 10, 1919, as Lt. Commander. Auth.: Drill Book for Hosp. Corps, U. S. N., 1912, U. S. Govt. Printing Off. Married Elsie Marie Bode, Ap 21, 1914, Milwaukee. Children: William David, b. F 2, 1915; Jonathan Horace, b. F 11, 1918. Address, 3603 Grand Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 410 Jefferson St., do. CLARENCE EARL HAMEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Marshfield, (Wis.) H. S.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 2 yrs. At one time located in Milwaukee; later Phys. and Surg., Mcintosh, Minn. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 804 E. Lake St., Minneapolis; bus. add., 800 E. Lake St., do.t WALTER DONALD HAMMOND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. M.D., 111. Med. Coll., 1900. Formerly located in Isanti, Minn.; later at Flint, Mich. Address, Forest Ave., and Findley Place, Minneapolis; 6ms. add., 347 E. Lake St., do.i WILLIAM BENJAMIN HANELIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 1902-04. Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1908-10; Prof., do., Chicago Hosp. Coll. of Med. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chi- cago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 1237 S. Peoria St., Chicago; 6us. add., 32 N. State St., rfo.t HOMER BENTON HARPER Physician; M.D.; b. D 25, 1872, Hillsboro, O.; s. I. V. and Amanda M. (Higgins) Harper. Pre- pared in Hillsboro (O.) H. S. Med. Examiner. Home Serv., World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; K. P. Ad- dress, 1403 Norton Ave., Barberton, O.; 6ms. add.. Peoples Bank, do. CHESTER ELLIS HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B., 1902; A.M., 1903; b S 6, 1881, Algiers, Ind.; s. James F. and Josephine (Lemond) Harris. Prepared in Ogden H. S. and 1906] College of Medicine Alumni 135 Univ. Acad. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; Fellowship. Physiol.. Univ. of 111.. 1902-3 House Phys., Michael Reese Hosp.. 1900-08; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, 190S — ; Chm. Med. Advisory Bd.: Basin Wyo.; Capt., M. C. U. S. A.; Base Hosps.. 105 and 65. A. E. F.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Northwestern Wyo. Med. Soc; Wyo. State Med. Soc: Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow). Married Adriana Van Eenenaam, Ap 14, 1910, Joliet, 111. Children: Frances; Jose- phine. Address, Basin, Wyo. LOUIS J. HARRIS Physician; M.D.; b. D 8, 1881; s. M. W. and Berth F. (Urbach) Harris. Prepared in Dubuque (la.) H. S. Married N 30, 1913. Child, Stanley Cyril, b. Jl 2, 1916. Address. 2058 Grand Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 209 S. State St., do. RAY RHINALDO HARRIS Phys. and Surg; M.D.; b. My 25, 1884, Decatur, 111.; s. Z. W. and Julia Ann (Dyke) Harris. Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Assoc, with Prof., A. J. Ochsner, Chicago, 3 yrs., and with Dr. J. R. Guthrie, Dean, la. State Med. Soc, Dubuque, la., 2 yrs. Dir. and Surg., Old Sanitarium, Prairie du Cbien, Wis. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., O 16, 1918; Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., at present. Mem., Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow) ; la. State Surg. Soc. Married Ethel Alice Lark in, O 20, 1909, Chicago. Children: Barbara, b. S 5, 1913; Ethel, b. Ap 18, 1917. Address, 6 Coventry Ct., Dubuque, la.; bus. add., 1270 Main St., do. DORSEY A. HARWOOD Physician; M.D.; b. D 5, 1S79, Livingstone Co., 111.; s. Ohver X. and Laura J. (Bawn) Harwood. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. and 111. State Norm. Univ., Normal, 111. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Located in Ransom, 111.; Strcator, do.; Santa Ana, Calif. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. Married Cornelia A. Harwood, Ag 5, 1903, Strcator, 111. Children: Chadron M., b. N 4, 1905; Donald D., b. S 21, 1910. Address, 819 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, Calif.; bus. add., 329 Spurgeon Bldg., do. LENA HATFIELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. A.B., Simpson CoU., la., 1895. Mem., Med. Womans Club. Address, 1435 E. 60th St., Chicago.t JESSIE HATTENDORF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Waterloo (la.) H. S. Formerly of Jamestown, N. Dak.t OSCAR HAWKINSON Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 4, 1877, Woodhull, 111.; s. Eric (b. Karlshaven, Sweden) and Ella (Mattin- son) Hawkinson (b. Ronneby, Sweden). Prepared in Aledo H. S, and Augustana Coll., Prep. Dept. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Intern, Passavant Memorial Hosp., 1906-07; Res. Phys., Lakeside Sanitarium, Lake Geneva, Wis., 1907-13; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1913 — .; Staff, St. Annes Hosp., Chicago. Examiner, Local Bd., World War, 1917-18. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Margaret E. Leneben. Ja 15, 1913, Manteno, 111. Address, 5465 Augusta St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 5625 Cbicago Ave., do. KARL LOWELL HAYES Physician; M.D. ; b. My 3, 1882, Pleasant Plains, 111; 8. J. W. and Fannie (Pierce) Hayes. Prepared in Pleasant Plains H. S., 1897. B.S., Sangamon Coll., 1900. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Woodmen; A. F. A. M. Lt., 10 mos. service. Embarkation Hosp., Newport News. Married Amv Ball, S 17, 1916, Pleasant Plains. 111. Child, John J., b. Ag 17, 1919. Ad- dress, Farmersville, 111. ALVIN GEORGE HELWIG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Palatine H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll. 1903-04. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 1948 Sunnyside Ave., Chi- cago.t JOHN MADISON HENCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 9, 1874, Marengo, la.; s. William and Catherine (Havcrly) Hench. Prepared in Fairfield and Benicia (Calif.) H. Schs. and Commercial dept., San Joaquin Valley Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Maj., M. C, U. 5. A., O 23, 1917-Jc 1, 1919; overseas serv.. Base Hosp. 31, Camp Hosp. 43, and Hosp. Center at Savenay, Fr. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Myrtle M. Nelson, Ap 1908, Chicago. Children: John M., b. O 6, 1911; Raymond R., b. Mr 5, 1914. Address, ,538 W. Flora St., Stock- ton, Calif.; bus. add., 304 Belding Bldg., do. CLARENCE HENDERSON ■Physician; M.D.; b. Je 28, 1869; s. John D. (b. 1848, 111.) and Francis (Aldenson) Henderson. Prepared in Fort Scott (Kan.) Collegiate Inst, and Washburn Med. Coll., Topeka, Kan. Gen. Med. practice, Lind, Wash., 1906—. Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Married Edna Ij. Sharp, My 31, 1899, Oxford, Kan. Child, Justine, b. O 31, 1900. Address, Lind, Wash. THOMAS LAFAYETTE HIGGINBOTHAM Specialist; M.D.; b. Je 24, 1879, Creelsboro, Ky. ; s. William and Josie A. (Wood) Higginbotham. Prepared in Univ. of Ky., 1894-95. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Began treatment of Acute Tonsillitis, Diphtheria, and Vincents Angina by removing tonsils; intro- duced Block Anesthesia for removal of Childrens Tonsils, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E. Married Bessie A. Jackson, Ag 29, 1907, Tyrone, Okla. Address, 3205 Victor Place, Wichita, Kan.; 6ms. add., 1114 Bitting, do. ARMINIA SEARS HILL Physician; M.D.; b. N 28, 1871, Cumberland, O.; d. J. W. and Louisa (Fulton) Sears. Prepared in Muskingum Coll., New Concord, O., and Bible Training Sch. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Mem., Med. Staff, Mary Thompson Hosp., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Seth Hill, D 31, 1905. Address, 2822 Washington Blvd., Chicago. JOHN CLAUDE HOLLIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Janesville (Wis.) H. S. (Jen. Med. practice; for- merly located in San Francisco; later at 151 Fifth St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Pleasanton, Calif. t RALPH RANDALL HOLMES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 1, 1874, Blooming- ton, 111.; s. Joseph Bateman (b. Mr 23, 1847, Isle Le Moir, Can.) and Lauretta Elizabeth (Heafer) Holmes (b. O 12, 1849, Dayton, Kan.). Prepared in Bloomington, 111. A.B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1895; A. M., do., 1898. Gen. Med. practice, Chi- cago; Instr., Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1910-14. Ist Lt. San. Corps, 111. Vol. Tr. Corps, 1917-19; 1st Lt., Med. Corps, 111. Reserve Militia, 1919 — . Married Anna Elizabeth Diehl, Jl 11, 1910, Chi- cago. Children: Josephine Bateman, b. My 17, 1911; Philip Randall, b. Ja 19, 1914; Elizabeth Anne, b. Ag 11, 1915. Address, 458 W. 61st St., Chicago. ENOS MUSSER HOOVER Physician; M.D.; b. F 4, 1870, Goshen, Ind.; 8. Martin A. and Margaret (Musser) Hoover. Prepared in DePauw Univ. Gen. Med. practice, Elkhart, Ind. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 26-D 6, 1918. Auth.: .Sir William O.sler, an Estimation of his Life, Jour. Ind. State Med. Assn.; Anes- thesia as a .Specialty, do. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mary E. Shaum, Ag 24, 1893, Wakarusa, Ind. Address, 118 W. Marion St., Elkhart, Ind.; bus. add., R. 201 Garfield Ave., do. 136 University of Illinois [1906 *EMMETT EUGENE HORN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Moulton (la.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Engle- wood, Colo. Died Mr 14, 1911, at his home in Englewood. WALTER BOOTH HOTCHKISS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sell. M.D., Chicago Homeo- pathic Med. Coll., 1904. Formerly located in Riverside, 111.; later in Chehahs, Wash. Address, 504 S. Ainswortb Ave., Tacoma, Wash.t CHARLES EARL HOWARD M.D.; b. Jl 30, 1882, Clermont, Ind.; s. George G. and Sarah A. (Meyers) Howard. DePauw Univ., 1902-3. Sigma Nu. Located in Lewis- town, 1907-18; Peoria, 1918-20; Garrett, Ind., 1920 — . Advisory Bd., Fulton Co., World War. Auth.: Several X-Ray and Medical Articles. Mem., Shrine; M. E. Church. Married Maud M. Smith, 1910. Children: Maralee, b. Ag 5, 1912; Janette J., b. Ja 1, 1915. Address, The Clinic, Garrett, Ind. CHARLES AUGUSTUS JACKSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Houston (Tex.) H. S. Address, 617 Trinity St., Houston, Tex.; 6ms. add., 419M Milan St., rfo.f JOHN MARTIN JACOBS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., 1894; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. M.D., 111. Med. Coll., 1903. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago; Staff, Lake View Hosp., do. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 2245 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago .t EDWIN JEROME KAUFFMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 22, 1884, Marion, S. Dak. Prepared in Wesley Univ., Mitchell, S. Dak. Married Caroline Graber, Ja 16, 1907. Address, Marion Jet., S. Dak. SAMUEL ALVIN KELLER Physician; b. Mr 19, 1884, Sutton, Neb.; s. Alvin H. and Martha (Brown) Keller. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S. Address, 1004 S. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. EDWIN WINSLOW KNOWLES M.D.; b. 1880, Rockford, 111.; s. Henry and Lizzie (Collins) Knowles. Prepared in Rockford H. S. and N. W. Mil. Acad. Phi Beta Pi. Loca- ted in Victoria, Mich., 1907-10; Greeley, Colo., 1910—. Maj., Base Hosp. 15, A. E. F., Je 1917- Ap 1919. Married Ethel Dullam, Je 1, 1911, Greeley, Colo. Children: Elizabeth, b. S 1913; Dorothy, b. S 1914. Address, 1127 16th St., Greeley, Colo.; bus. add., 218 Greeley Nat. Bank Bldg., do. JOHN ALBERT KONZELMAN M.D.; b. O 17,1882, Beardstown, 111.; s. Andrew Konzelman. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 11, 1917- D 27, 1918; M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; served at and Post Hosps., do., and at Post Hosp., Ft. Crook, Neb. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A.; St. Louis Med. Soc; Baptist Church. Married Bertha E. Blair, D 15, 1913, Sparta, 111. Child, Virginia E., b. Ja 16, 1917. Address, 5947 Julian Ave., St. Louis; 6ms. add., 6122 Page Ave., do. HARRY ADAMS KRAUS Urologist; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago and S. Side Acad., do. Asst. Prof., Genito-LTrinary Surg., Chicago Policlinic and Hosp.; Dermatol, and Urol., Grant Hosp., Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; stationed at Camp Pike, Ark., World War. Mem., Am. Vto\. Assn.; Chicago Urol. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 4518 Drexel Blvd., Chicago; 6us. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t ARTHUR H. R. KRUEGER Physician; M.D.; b. F 17, 1883; s. Frederick (b. 1852, Ger.) and Margaret (Ottmann) Krueger (b. 1853, 111.). Prepared in Chicago H. Schs. Intern, Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago, 1906-07; Phys., Carpentersville, 111., 1907-12; do., Chicago, 1912 — . Asst. Med. Examiner of Local Bd. 32, Ag 1917-18. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Phys. Fellowship Club; A. F. A. M., 190. Married S 27, 1911, Dundee, 111. Chil- dren: Frederick, b. D 12, 1913; Margaret, b. Ag 6, 1916. Address, 1046 N. Lawler Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 2300 W. Chicago Ave., do. *FRANK CLAIR KENNELLEY Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 21, 1883; «. Fannie (McReynolds) Kennelley. Prepared in Easton H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. practice, Easton, 111., 1906-07; located in Phoenix, Ariz., 1907-09; Longmont, Colo., 1909-12; Denver, 1912—; Spe- cialist in Pediatrics, 1918 — ; Clin. Asst., Med. and Pediatrics, Childrens Hosp., Denver, 1918 — ; do., Denver City and Co. Hosp., do., 1919—. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine. Married Jessie L. Emmons, Je 2, 1912, Denver. Child, Frank Clair, b. S 14, 1920. Died D 5, 1920. *GEORGE JOHN KLEINSCHMIDT M.D.; b. 1865. Prof., Anat., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee; for many yrs. connected with the Bus. Mgmt. of Newspapers in Milwaukee. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 12, 1913, Milwaukee. T. GAILLARD KNAPPENBERGER Physician; M.D.; b. F 3, 1883, Sciota, 111.; s. Henry (b. F 6, 1851, Westmoreland Co., Pa.) and Anna Elizabeth (Smith) Knappenberger (b. Je 26, 1859, Mass.). Prepared in Macomb H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Pres., 1905-06). Intern, St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp., Chicago, 1906-07; Macomb, 111., Je 1907-09; Chicago, My 1909-My 1912; St. Joseph, 111., My 1912—. Mem., Vil- lage Bd. of Trustees, St. Joseph, 1917—; M. C, U. S. A., O 26-D 26, 1918. Married Grace Mar- garet Gallion, Je 7, 1910, Chicago. Child, Theo- dore GaiUard, b. Je 18, 1911. Address, St. Joseph, 111. HENRY EDWARD LAHN Phy.sician; M.D.; b. Je 6, 1855; s. Adolf (b. Reichenberg, Aus.) and Katharine (Posselt) Lahn (b. do.). Prepared in Reichenberg, Aus., Leipsig, Univ. of Vienna, and Nat. Med. Univ., Chicago. Auth.: Pamphlet on Vegetarian Diet; articles in English and German magazines. Address, 1386 W. Randolph St., Chicago. GEORGE LUCENE LANGWORTHY Piiysician; M.D.; b. My 26, 1878, Princeton, 111.; s. Lucius L. (b. Je 29, 1837, do.) and Sarah C. (Daniels) Langworthy (b. Ap 7, 1842, Ohio). Prepared in Massena (la.) H. S.; Capital City, Cml. Coll., Des Moines; Univ. of la., 1902-03. Located in Amarillo, Tex., 1908-17; Pawbuska Okla., 1919—. Capt., World War, S 1917-S 1919. Mem., Osage Co. Med. Soc; Okla. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Gilena Bowler, Je 1, 1913, Shawnee, Okla. Child, Elaine, b. Jl 2, 1916. Ad- dress, Post Office Bldg., Pawhuska, Okla. JOHN FONROSE LAWSON Physician; M.D.; b, Ap 13, 1878; s. Bent H. (b. Ap 26, 1852, Etna, 111.) and Mary (Kelly) Lawson (b. O 3, 1854, Ind.). Prepared in H. S. and at Normal, 111. Phi Beta Pi. Located m Sullivan, 111. Med. Mem., Moultrie Co. Bd. of Exemption. Married, Je 3, 1908, Olney, HI. Child, Bernice Helen, b. O 20, 1909. Address, Sul- livan, 111. 1906] College of Medicine Alumni 137 FRANK JOSEPH LEXA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in la. City Acad.. 1901; Sioux City Med. Coll., 1902- 04. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; for- merly located in Wheatland, Minn. Address, Lonsdale, Minn.f - ELIAS HOMER LOOFBOURROW Physician; M.D.; b. Je 2, 1878, New Madison, O.; s. John and Elizabeth (Forlow) Loofbourrow. Prepared in ^'ew Madison (O.) H. S., and Ohio No. Univ., Ada. O. Phys., St. Charles, 111., 190C- 07; Wakefield, Mich., 1907-08; Keewatin, Minn.. 1908—. Mem. Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Mable Clair Hajiertv, 1909. Iron River, Mic^. Children: Ralph Homer, b. Je 1, 1910; Mary Louise, b. D 4, 1913. Address, Keewatin, Minn. MARTIN GIRARD LUKEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1SS2. Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S. and Lewis Inst., Chicago. At- tending Surg., St. Elizabeths Hosp., Chicago; Attending Phys. and Surg., Angel Guardian Or- phan Asvlum and Hosp., do. ^lem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Phys. Club of Chicago. Address, 4235 Sheridan Road, Chicago; bus. add., 1954 Irving Park Blvd., do. do.t GEORGE BENJAMIN LUTYENS M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1S73, Tallula, 111,; s. Herman and Margaret (Rancan) Lutyens. Prepared in New Berlin H. S. B.S., Valparaiso Univ. Grad. work, Post-Grad. Hosp., Chicago, 6 mos., 1920. Mem., A. F. A. M. (Master Mason). Buffalo, 111. 1st Lt., Med. Dept. overseas, 1918. Married Rose A. Evans, S 29. 1904, Springfield, 111. Children: Madeline Winifred, b. O 13, 1905; Anna Katberine, b. N 25, 1907; Mary Margaret, b. My 21, 1914; June Elizabeth, b. Je 28, 1916. Address, 1714 S. Pasfield St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 420 S. 7th St., do. DUFFIELD DUFFERIN MacGILLIVRAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Muir (Mich.) H. S.; Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1901-04. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Pine Vil- lage, Ind.t GEORGE ALBERT McLANE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Whitewater (Wis.) State Norm. Sch. Address, Ferdinand, Ind.t LACHLAN MacMILLAN Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., San Francisco, 1902-03; Med. Dept., Univ. of Ore., 1903-04. Address, 1295 12th St., W., Vancouver, B. C; bus. add., 538 Broadway, W., do.t RAY JAMES McMURRAY Pbvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1853. Prepared in Valparaiso (Ind.) H. S.; Keokuk Med. Sch., 1902- 03. Formerly of Francesville, Ind. Addres.?, Mul- berry, Fla.t THOMAS FRANCIS MAHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. O 4, 1877, Gilman, 111.; s. Denis and Margaret (Reeves) Maher. Pre- pared in Chicago Prep, and Collegiate Sch., Bus. Coll., and Valparaiso Univ. Honor Roll, 1906. Intern, St. Mary of Nazareth Hosp. and St. Ber- nards Hosp., Chicago; Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice; Lecturer, Surg.; Conducted Surg. Clinic, Faculty. Reliance ^Ied. Coll., Loyola Univ., and 111. Hosp., do., 1920; Regular Staff, St. Bernards Hosp.; Visiting Staff, Washington Park Hosp. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc.; Chicago Med. Soc; Grand Crossing Med. Club. Married Anna J. McManus. Je 28, 1911, Chicago. Children: Thomas F.. Jr., b. My 10, 1912; Rita B., b. Ag 18, 1913; Francis J., b. F 25, 1915; William N., b. Je 19, 1917; Mary M., b. My 18, 1919. Ad- dress, 7305 Vernon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 7100 Cottage Grove Ave., do. *LEO CASSIUS MILLER Physician; M.D.; b. 1882. Gen. Med. practice. Champaign, before war service. Lt. M. C, U. S. A., World War; army service. Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and at the embarkation hosp.. Camp Stewart, Va. Died D 14, 1918, Champaign. NOBLE WILLIAM MILLER M.D.; b. O 3. 1882 Chicago; s. William E. and Sophia (Kuecker) Miller. Prepared in St. Johns Mil. Acad. Delafield, Wis. Capt. M. C. U S A. 1917-19; Amb. Co. 338 85th Div. and 47th Inf., 4th Div., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; K. P.; A. M. A.; Mich. State Med. Soc. Marri(?d Mabelle M. Butler, 1908, Chicago. Chil- ren: Robert, b. My 17, 1910; -Ruth, Je 2, 1912; M. Eulalie, b. N 7, 1914. Address, Howard City, Mich. WILLIAM JOHN MOLDENHAUER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 16, 1881, Des Plaines, 111.: s. August and Minnie (Dietert) Mol- denhauer. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice, Chicago. Married Lina Ganschow, O 16 1909 (Deceased). Child, William August Gans- chow, b. Ap 16, 1915 (Deceased). Address, 4035 W. North Ave., Chicago. RALPH VERNON MOORE Physician; M.D.; b. D 28, 1877, Dimmick, 111.; s. Robert Moore. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Freeport, 111., 1906-09; Amboy, do., 1909-13. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Katherine Sheridan, N 3, 1909, Freeport, III. Address, 308 Stanton St., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., Morgan Bldg., do. LOUISE MORROW Social Serv. Dir.; M.D. ; Prepared in Rockford H. S. A.B., Univ. of Wis., 1913. Nu Sigma Phi, Dir., Social Serv., Univ. of Calif. Hosp., San Francisco. Address, 450 Irving St., San Francisco. ALFRED HENRY MOVIUS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 25, 1882, Fargo, N. Dak.; s. Ernest F. (b. Mr 24, 1856, Ger.) and Marie M. (Rosenkranz) Movius (b. Ag 23, 1860, Ger.). Prepared in Lidgerwood (N. Dak.) H. S. and No. Ind. Coll, of Pharm. Ph.G,, do., 1900. Phi Rho Sigma. Phys., Flandreau, S. Dak., 1907-09; do., Jamestown, N. Dak., 1909—. Mar- ried Helen M. Movius, O 3, 1907, Chicago. Chil- dren: Alfred Henry, Jr., b. N 30, 1908; Mary Elizabeth, b. My 20, 1918. Address, 5th Ave., N., Jamestown, N. Dak. BERNARD E. MURPHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. 1880. Gen. Med. practice. Formerly at 4200 Prairie Ave., Chi- cago. t DUDLEY ELLIS MURRAY Physician; M.D.; b. F 8, 1883, Zanesville, Ind. Prepared in Ft. Wayne H. S., and Ind. Univ. 1st Lt., M. C, M, O. T. C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga,, O 2.5-D 21, 1918; Capt,, M, R, C, F 19, 1919, Mem., A, F, A, M,; K, P.; M, W. A, Address, Roanoke, Ind. *EDWARD ELLIS NATHAN Physician; M.D.; b. 1884. M.D., Chicago Col', of Med. and Surg., 1905. Died Ap 18^ 1910, Cliicago. 138 University of Illinois [1906 *ELBERT FERGUSON NEBEKER Pharmacist; M.D.; Ph.G., 1895; b. 1870, Cov- ington, Ind. Prepared in Covington (Ind.) H. S. Apprenticed to Jones and "Meitzler; R. W. Birch, Covington, Ind., 1890-93. Pharm., 31st and Portland Ave., Chicago. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died Ag 1908, Danville, 111. FRANK NEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 18, 1879; s. Thomas and Mary (Joyce) Nee. Prepared in Richland Center (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 5, 1918-Jl 15, 1919; Base Hosp., Camp Custer, Mich.; U. S. Gen. Hosp., 24, Pittsburgh. Married Elizabeth King, Je 22, 1909. Children: Helen Mary, b. Ap 21, 1910; Owen, b. D 5, 1913; Francis, b. F 3, 1915. Address, Spring Green, Wis. FLOYD WILMUTH NEWELL . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 1902-03. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 706 W. 2nd St., Ottumwa, la.t CHARLOTTE ALDEN NORTELL (Formerly Charlotte Alden Nathanson) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Buchanan (Mich.) H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1902-03. Married Joseph L. Nortell ('06) S 12, 1903. Address, 742 Lorel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 805 Leclaire Ave., do.t JOSEPH LAWRENCE NORTELL (Formerly Nathanson, Joseph L.) Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1878. Alpha Omega Alpha. Capt., Med. Corps, Evacuation Hosp. 27, Chief of Surg. Team, do.. Army of Occupation Mesvres, Fr. and Coblenz, Ger. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge. Name changed from Nathan- son to Nortell. Married Charlotte M. Alden, ('06) S 12, 1903. Address, 742 Lorel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 805 Leclaire Ave., do. DAVID CANNEEN NORTHCROSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Flint, New Orleans. Formerly of Montgomery, Ala.; Gen. Med. practice. Address, 668 Winder St., Detroit.t BENJAMIN SOL NOVASHELSKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Jenner Med. Coll., 1902-04. Formerly of 1217 S. Halsted St., Chicago.J JOHN PATRICK O'CONNELL Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in St. Marys Coll.; Rush Med. Coll., 1900-01. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 100 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 737 W. Madison St., do.t THOMAS J. O'LEARY Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1881, Wabasha, Minn.; s. T. C. and Mary (Malowe) O'Leary. Prepared in Wabasha (Minn.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Con- tract Surg., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. C.; Roman Catholic Church. Married .\lice M. Sullivan, 1911, Superior, Wis. Children: Mary Alice, b. Ap 20, 1914; Josephine Frances b. Mr 12 1917. Address, 1610 Hammond Ave., Superior, Wis.; bus. add., Bd. of Trade Bldg., do. ALFRED LOUIS OLSON Physician; M.D.; b. N 12, 1876, Stoughton, Wis.; s. Ole (b. 1852, Bergen, Norway) and Anna David (Lang) Olson (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Red Wing (Minn.) Sem. and Univ. of Minn. Ed., Sr. Notes, Plexus, 1905-06. Grad. work, Univ. of Christiania, Norway, 1909; Chicago Policlinic and Hosp., 1915. Gen. Med. practice, Deerfield, Wis., 1907-14; Stoughton, do., 1914—. Health Off., City of Stoughton. Capt., A. E. F., World War, S 1, 1917-Ak 10, 1919; on duty at Camp Hosp. 33 and Penfield Prison during overseas serv. Mem., Dane Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Selma M. Waller, S 25, 1911, Chicago. Children: Constance Adela, b. Jl 8, 1912; Alfred Waller, b. F 9, 1914. Address, Stoughton, Wis. WILLIAM EDWARD O'NEIL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. A.B., St. Ignatius Coll., 1902. Address, North Shore Hotel, Evanston, 111.; 6ms. add., 800 Davis St., do.f JOHN PATRICK O'NEILL Urologist; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in St. Marys Coll., Kan. Consulting Urol., Highland Park Hosp., Chicago; Instr., Genito-Urinary Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1914-18. Chief of Urolog. Staff, Camp Pike, Ark., World War; Lecturer, Venereal Diseases, do. Mem., Lake Co. Med. Soc; Chicago Urol. Soc; Am. Urol. Soc Address, Highland Park, 111.; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.! GEORG ROBERT OSBORN Specialist in Obst. and Gynecol.; M.D.; b. F 17, 1875, Perry, la.; s. Jonathan W. and Eliza (Trimmingham) Osborn. Prepared in Hanna (Ind.) H. S. Rea Scholarship, 1905-06; Jr. Class Pres. Teacher in pub. schs.. La Porte, Ind., 7 yrs. Obst. Extern, West Side Hosp., Je 1905-Je 1906; Gen. Med. practice, La Porte, Ind., 1906- 18; Obst. and Gynecol. Specialist, "Tulsa, Okla., 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ja 1918-F 1919; Maj., M. C, U. S. A., F 1919-discharge, Ag 13, 1919; overseas. My 21, 1918-Je 28, 1919. Surg., A. R. C. Mil. Hosps. 8 and 3, in Paris, 11 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Christian Church; A. M. A. Married Dell Bunnell, D 24, 1895. Children: Barbara, b. S 16, 1906; John A. (Adop- ted.). Address, 1105 S. Carson St., Tulsa, Okla.; bus. add., 302 New Daniel Bldg., do. BENJAMIN FREDERICK PAGE (Formerly B. F. Peisch) Sales Mgr.; M.D.; b. S 9, 1878, Burhngton, la.; s. F. W. (b. 1833, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Fehr) Peisch (b. 1848, do.). Prepared in Burhngton (la.) H. S. and Baptist Coll. Nu Sigma Nu. Med. practice, 1906-16; Automotive indus. (motor trucks), 1916 — ; Sales Mgr., Maxwell Motor Sales Corp., Detroit. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married S 14, 1905, Burhngton, la. Name changed in 1915 from Peisch to Page. Address, 1312 S. 10th St., Burhngton, la. SAMUEL J. PARK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in La Salle Coll., Chicago; Armour Institute, 1 yr. Address, 4148 Berkeley Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add.. City Hall Bldg., do.t IRVING WHEELER PARSONS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Jeffer.son H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 1903. Gen. Med. practice. M. R. C, U. S. N. Address, 1826 Rockefeller St.. Everett, Wash.; 6ms. add., 301 Am. Nat. Bank Bldg., do.f LE ROY S. PETERS Tuberculosis Specialist; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1882, St. Joseph, Mich.; s. William F. and Eleanor (Lund) Peters. Prepared in St. Joseph (Mich.) H. S. and Univ. of Minn. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu. Tuberculosis Specialist, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Local Advisory Bd., World War. Auth.: Various Articles on Tuberculosis. Married Isa- bella Fyfe, F 8, 1908, Silver City, N. Mex. Child, Lawrence Fyfe, b. Ap 25, 1909. Address, 1801 W. Central Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex.; 6ms. add., St. Joseph's Sanatorium, do. MARTIN DAVID EPHRAIM PETERSON Physician; M.D.; b. N 21, 1880, Paxton, 111.; s. John O. (b. Norway) and Eva (Lindstrom) Peterson (b. Sweden^. Prepared in Paxton H. S. and Corcoran Scientific Sch., Washington, D. C, 1900-01. Alpha Omega Alpha. Dunning Inst., 1906] College of Medicine Alumni 139 Cook Co.. 111., 1906-07; Rankin, 111.. 1908-17; Paxton. 111., 1917—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. ; Lutheran Evangelical Church. Address, Paxton. 111. HERBERT LEROY PETTITT Physician: M.D.; b. Je 19. 1875, Rock Falls. 111.; s. N. F. and Sarah E. (Ustick) Pettitt. Pre- pared in Rock Falls H. S. Located in Chicago, 1906-08; Morrison, 111., 1908—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. 1918-19. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Am. Legion. Married Susannah Stewart. Je 14. 1905. Address, Morrison. 111. WILLIAM BENJAMIN PICKRELL Mfgr. and Oil Operator; M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1S73, Harristown, 111.; s. James H. and Margaret T. (Bedford^ Pickrell. Prepared in Crane H. S. and Armour Institute, Chicago. M.D., Dunham Med. Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Spokane; Retired, 1900; now in oil development and elec- trical mfg. bus., Los Angeles. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Frances Taylor, Mr 14, 1900. Three children: b. D 23. 1901 (deceased); F 17. 1903; Jl 11, 1905. Address, 529 Old Nat. Bank Bldg., Spokane. JOSEPH COOPER PIERCE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Ridge Farm H. S.; Med. Coll. of Ind., 1899-1900. Fletired from Med. practice. Address, Ridge Farm, lU.t HERBERT HENRY PILLINGER M.D.; b. D 4. 1884; s. Mary A. (Borvig) Pil- linger. Prepared in Austin H. S. Formerly lo- cated in Algonquin, 111.; in charge, Elgin Station. U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1920. Capt., M. C, overseas, 1917-19, Maj.. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M.; lU. State Med. Soc; Kane Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Children: Donald, b. Mr 29. 1907; Mary Eleanor, b. F 14. 1910. Address, 14 Douglass Ave.. Elgin. lU. HARRY BLAINE PINKERTON M.D.; b. F 5, 1882, OrviUe. O. Prepared in Waterloo (la.) H. S. Chief Surg.. Pierce-Arrow Hosp.. Buffalo. N. Y. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, K. T., 32°, Shrine; Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow). Married Edna Rowley, N 1, 1906, Rochester, N. Y. Child, Harry Blaine, Jr., b. Ag 27, 1913. Address, 597 Elmwood Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y. HENRY ROBERT PITZ Neurologist; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Specialist in Neurol., Detroit. Address. 47 E. High St.. Detroit; bus. add.. 65 Grand Ave., do.t LEWIS JOHN POLLOCK Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 18. 1886. Moscow, Rus.; 8. EUzabeth (Pirosh) Polloclf. Prepared in Lan- caster (Pa.) H. S., 1902. Asst. Prof., Nerv. Diseases. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; Consulting Neurol. Base Sec. 2 Fr.. Maj., M. C. U. S. A.. World War. Mem.. Chicago Neurol. Soc. (Ex- Pres.); Am. Neurol. Assn.; Chicago Institute of Med. Auth.: Articles in current Med. Literature. Married Katherine Percy, 1914, Galesburg. 111. Child, James Percy, b. Jl 26. 1915. Address. 616 >Iichigan Ave.. Evanston. 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. Chicago. *GEORGE SUMNER PROVINE Physician; M.D.; b. F 4. 1883, Macomb: s. Horing and Abby L. CRabb) Provine. Prepared in Macomb H. S. Alpha and Omega. Mem.. Presby. Church. Married Teresa Hardin. D 26, 1914. Quincy. 111. Children: Dorothy L.. b. O 29. 1915; Eleanor H.. b. Ag 14. 1917. Died F. RAY ETHELBERT PRYOR Phys. and Surg. ;M.D.;b. 1882. A. B, Ouachita Coll.. 1903. Formerly located in Camden. Ark. Address, Bartlesville. Okla.t EMIL ARTHUR RACH Physician; M.D.; b. D 31, 1879, Osceola, Wis.; s. John (b. F 9, 1830, Hertzec, Belgium) and Jose- phine (De Villie) Rach (b. S 1, 1841, do.). Pre- pared in Oshkosh State Norm. Sch. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Mem.. K. C. (Med. Examiner); Catholic Order of Forresters; Royal Arcanum. Married Mary E. Bovle, N 6, 1907, Chicago. Children: John L., b. Jl 2, 1909; Daniel J., b. O 26, 1910; Rosemary b. S 28, 1913; Jo.sephine. b. My 26, 1915; Betty Jane, b. Je 11, 1916. Address. 7342 Eberhart Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3901 Wentworth Ave., do. ALFRED d'ALMEIDA REGO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Formerly located in St. Michael. Azores. Portugal; later at 1165 Grand Ave., Chicago. t OSCAR REISS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 24 1883. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Phi Delta Epsilon. Specialist in Pediatrics. Address, 160 S. (jramcrcy PL, Los Angeles; bus. add., 602 Brochman Bldg.. do. MERTON HENRY RICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Washburn (Wis.) H. S. Formerly located in Bar- ron. Wis.; Eagle River, do.; Cameron, do. Ad- dress, Gresham, Wis.t *EDWARD THOMAS RICKARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1863. M.D., Cotner Univ., 1897. Gen. Med. practice. Weeping Water, Neb. Mem., A. M. A. Died in 1912. JOY RICKETTS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Colo. State Agr. Coll.; Univ. of Colo., 1902-05. Phys., Peoria State Hosp., about 1912; later at the Northern Hosp., Elgin, 111; at one time lo- cated in Ft. Collins. Colo. J MILES DAVID RIDLE Physician; M.D.; b. O 14, 1874; s. M. D. (b. 1849, Toulon, III.) and Florence (Guire) Ridle (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Dallas Center (la.) H. S. and Drake Univ. B.S., Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, la. Located in Pleasantville. la., 1905-07; Sandyville, do., 1907-10; Shelby, Mont., 1910—. Capt., M. C, V. S. A., S 24-D 22, 1918. Married Katharine Lowery, 1905, Des Moines, la. Children: Florence, b. 1906; Anna R., b. 1908; Raymond, b. 1912; Catharine, b. 1919. Address, Shelby, Mont. WILLIAM ALVAH RIDLEY Physician; M.D.; s. A. K. and Mary E. (Day) Ridley. Prepared in Clearwater (Minn.) H. S.; State Norm., St. Cloud, Minn.. 1907; Univ. of Minn., 1902-05. Phi Beta Pi. Phys., Houston, Tex. Address, 806 Turnbow Bldg., Houston, Tex. ANNA FRANCES RIES (FINLEY) M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1874, Indianapolis, Ind.; d. Sarah (Layton) Finley. Prepared in Springfield Norm. Sch., Springfield, Mo. Teacher, 1895-1903., Ogden, Ut., 1906-15, Bend, Ore., 1915—. Auth.: Infantile Hemorrhage. Mem., R. N. A.; O. E. S.; M. E. Church. Married M. F. Finley, 1911, Ogden, Ut. Address, Bend. Ore. FREDERICK W. RINKENBERGER Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended Univ. of Ore., 1902-04. Formerly located in Tacoma, Wash. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 1151 16th Ave., N.. Seattle; bus. add., Joshua Green. Bldg., do.t 140 University of Illinois [1906 CHARLES ELBERT ROBB Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. O 10, 1881, Rock Island, 111.; s. H. H. and Emma Robb. Prepared in H. S. Oculist and Aurist, Rock Island, 111. Lt., N. C, U. S. A. Married Mary Metz, S 11, 1916. Address, 1925 9th Ave., Rock Island, 111.; bus. add., Central Trust Bldg., do. SAMUEL MARTIN ROBIN Physician; M.D.; b. N 22, 1883, Chicago; s. Louis (b. My 22, 1860) and Libbie (Mann) Robm (b. My 12, 1869, Ger.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. and South Division H. S., Chicago. Ad- dress, 901 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago. JOSEPH ROSE (Brother of Felix, '00) Physician; M.D.; b. Je 16, 1883, Green Bay, Wis. ;s. John B. (b. Ja22, 1841, Belgium) and Adele (Van den Plas) Rose (b. O 25, 1844, Belgium). Prepared in Green Bay, Wis. Located in Lena, Wis. Examiner for Draft Board, Oconto Co.; Assoc, mem.. Legal Advisory Board, do. Married Isabell M. Netzer, Je 16, 1914, Green Bay, Wis. Child, Joseph Warren, b. S 28, 1916. Address, Lena, Wis. LOUIS ROSE (Formerly Louis Rosenzweig) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1883; s. Isaac H. and Rose (Moses) Rosenzweig. Prepared in Lake H. S., 1898-99 and Chicago Athenaeum, 1900-01. Instr., Minor Surg., Chicago Med. Sch.; Assoc, in Gynecol., do. Mem., Jewish Church; I O. O. F.; Ind. Order B'nai B'rith. 1st Lt., M. O. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 738 N. 79th St., Chicago; bus. add., 331 E. 47th St., do. GEORGE WILLIAM ROSS Physician; M.D.; b. N 6, 1883, Chicago; s. Thomas K. (b. S 24, 1833, Madisonville, O.) and Katherine (Thiese) Ross (b. Ja 26, 1843, Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. Grad. work, St. Marys Hosp., Chicago, 1906-7; Med. practice, Watseka, 111., 1907 — . 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 1918-F 1919. Married Hen- rietta Lange, Ja 1, 1907, Chicago. Children: Henrietta K., b. Je 21, 1910; George W., Jr., b. Jl 19, 1915. Address, Watseka, 111. ROBERT MALCOLM ROSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1905; b. F 3, "1877, Lewistown, 111.; s. Alexander Douglas (b. Aberdeen, Scotland) and Ellen (Prichard) Ross (b. Liverpool, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mem., Stud. Vol. Movement for Foreign Missions, 1900; Pres., Y. M. C. A. Med. Missionary under Presby. Bd. to Canton, China. At one time located in Artesia, N. M. Married Nellie Lewis Read (A.B. in L. & A., '01), 1906, China. Child, Donald, b. S 9, 1910. Address, 4057 Dalton Ave., Los Angeles, or Nanking, China. JOHN FREDERICK WILKEN ROST (Husband of Adela L.C. Peine,'07, A.B. in L. & A.) Physician; M.D.; b. D 1, 1882, Petersburg, 111.; s. G. T. (b. Ja 21, 1852, Ger.) and A .Margaret (Wilken) Rost (b. D 13, 1857, do.). Prepared in Petersburg H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Sr. Class treas. Phys., Minier, 111., Ag 23, 1906—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Camp Upton Base Hosp., N. Y., Ag 7, 1918-N 9, 1918; Brooklyn, N. Y., Post Hosp. Army Supply Base, N 12, 1918-My 19, 1919; Camp Merritt, N. J. Base Hosp., My 19- Jl 13, 1919; Discharged Hoboken, N. J., Jl 15, 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Tazewell Co. Med. Soc. Married Adela L. C. Peine, ('07, L. &. A.), Je 14, 1911, Minier, 111. Children: Mary Adela, b. My 13, 1912; Ada Mar- garet, b. O 8, 1916. Address, Minier, 111. ANTHONY KAZIS RUTKAUSKAS Physician; M.D.; b. Je 26, 1872, Kalvaria, Lithuania; s. Boniface and Alena (Bendavavicius) Rutkauskas. Prepared in Gymnasium Sch., Mar- iampol, Lithuania. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; formerly at 3457 S, West. Blvd., do. Served in Spanisti-Am. War, with Co. B. and Co. 90 Coast Artillery, U. S. A.; Co. C. 15th Reg., U. S. Inf., , Je 1895-98. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Lithuanian R. C. Alliance of Am. Married Juze Olechnovich, O 31, 1914, Chicago. Children: Antanas Kazis, b. Ag 19, 1915; Biruta Juze, b. Ap 23, 1917; Aldona Alexandra, b. Ag 20, 1919. Address, 2444 W. 46th Place, Chicago. ♦RICHARD SIGMUND HAU SALOMON M.D.; b. 1885. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died Ja 6, 1913. NELS O. SANDVEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn.; la. State Univ., Coll. of Med., 2 yrs. Formerly of Ames, la., and Park River, N. Dak.; located in Willmar, Minn., about 1917. Mem., N. Dak. State Med. Assn. Address, Paynesville, Minn.f CHARLES FRANK SCHAFFARZICK Phonograph Jobber; M.D.; Ph.G., '01; b. Je 19, 1879, Jefferson, Wis.; s. Frank (b. Je 3, 1855, do.) and Caroline (Reihl) Schaffarzick (b. O 12, 1855, Milwaukee). Prepared in Jefferson, Wis. Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. practice. Lake Mills, Wis., 1906-09; Drug., Livingston, Mont., and White Sulphur Springs, do., 1909-12; Jobber, Columbia Grafonolas and The Dictaphone, Den- ver, Colo., 1912-17; do., Spokane, 1917—. Mar- ried Irene Spencer, Je 18, 1914, Helena, Mont. Address, W. 503 13th Ave., Spokane; bus. add., S. 161 Post Street, do. LAWRENCE MAURICE SCHMIDT Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1883, Waltham, Mass.; s. Robert M. and Catharine (Wright) Schmidt. Prepared in Catskill (N. Y.) H. S., 1900; Naval Med. Sch., 1909. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1906-07; Med. Off., U. S. N., 1907—; Surg. Lt. Commander, U. S. N.; operating surgeon, U. S. S. Mercy, 1921 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow, 1917). Married Alice Beecham, Ag 22, 1908, Chicago. Children: AHce Lorraine, b. F 7, 1911; Kathleen Adele, b. Jl 16, 1913; Helen Leslie, b. Ag 10, 1916. Address, 917 Leckie St., Portsmouth, Va. GEORGE HENRY SCHROEDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Palatine H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1902-04. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 743 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t • MARY SCHWARTZ (NEWMAN) M.D.; b. Je 26, 1884, Aus.; d. Moritz (b. D 1861, do.) and Bertha (Solomon) Schwartz (b. My 1, 1866, do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Located in Chicago, 1906-08; Practicing Phys. and Inspector of Baby Health Stations, Dept. of Health, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1908—. Mem., Brooklyn Pediatric Soc; East N. Y. Med. Soc. Married Morris Newman, Ag 30, 1908, Chicago. Children: Frances, b. Jl 6, 1909 (died S 1, 1909); Herbert, b. Je 11, 1911; Merton, b. Mr 14, 1913 (died Ja 27, 1914). Ad- dress, 1467 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. REINHARD FREDRICK SCHWARTZ Physician; M.D.; b. O 29, 1882, Clinton Co., la.; s. W. J. Schartz. Prepared in Lyons H. S. Mem., Chnton Co. Med. Soc. Address, Charlotte, la. *HEBER J. SEARS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Prepared in Ogden (Ut.) H. S.; Rush Med. Coll., 1896-97. M.D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1905. Formerly at 29 N. 5th Ave., Chicago. Deceased. 190G] College of Medicine Alumni 141 WILLIAM V. SECKER Physician; M.D.: b. N 30, 1S77, Elmhurst, III.; s. Mathias and Mary (Phiefcr) Seeker. Prepared in W'heaton H. S. Located in Evanston, 111., 1906-09; ChampaiKn. 1909—. Mem., Catholic Church; K. C; B. P. O. E.; Catholic Kninht-s of Am. Married Gertrvide Murphy, O 2(>, 1910, Peoria, 111. Children: Rosemary, b. My 9, 1914; Eleanor, b. Mr Hi, 1916; Margaret, b. Ap 17, 1919. Address, 806 S. Elm St., Champaign; bus. add.. Citizens State Bank, do. ♦EDWARD GERALD SEPPLE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in La Salle Institute, Chicago, 1890. M.D., Dear- born Med. Coll., 1904. Ex-Intern, St. Bernards Hosp.. Chicago. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Died O 19, 1921, Chicago. FRANK LESLIE SHARRER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 1 yr. Formerly of Frances- ville, Ind. Mem., A. M. A.; Ind. State Med. Assn. Address, 91 E. Main St., Benton Harbor, Mich.t HARGUS GERALD SHELLY Physician; M.D.; b. N 18, 1881, Mulvane, Kan.; s. S.'T. and Callie (Stone) Shelly. Prepared in Lewis Acad., Wichita, Kan. Capt., Med. Corps, Evacuation Hosp., 37, A. E. F., S 8, 191S-My 4, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Legion; Sumner Co. Med. Soc; Kan. Med. Soc. Married Bessie M. Nessly, Je 27, 1906. Children: Geraldine Nessly, b. 1910; Thomas Leo, b. 1912. Address, Mulvane, Kan. W. BERT SIDERS Physician; M.D.; b. D 1, 1875; s. Samuel (b. South Bend, Ind.) and Hannah (Bright) Siders (b. do..) Prepared in New Carlisle (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Ind., 2 yrs. Located in Millersburg, Ind., 9 yrs.; Warsaw, do., 6 yrs. Advisory Bd., Kosciusko Co., Ind., World War. Married Ag 26, 1905, Chicago; Child, Lawrence Le Verne, b. Ag 26, 1906. Address, 507 S. Union St., War- saw, Ind.; bus. add., 106H E. Market St., do. JAY CLAUDE SIMMONS Specialist; M.D.; b. N 5, 1878; s. S. S. and Nancy E. (Bond) Simmons. Prepared in La Harpe H. S.; 111. State Norm. Univ. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Chief Med. Examiner, Ex- emption Bd. 2, Fulton Co., 111. Mem., A. F. A. ^I., Shrine. Slarried Hattie Hoover Smith, N 27, 1902, Peoria, 111. (died F 11, 1915); Rachel Cottron, S 27, 1916, Fairview, 111. Children: Richard Gordon, b. Je 19, 1905; Margaret Ann, b. Ap 24, 1918. Address, Norris, 111. CHARLES KENNETH SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Specialist in Roentgenol. Ad- dress, 8.59 S. Chicago Ave., Kankakee, 111.; bus. add.. City Nat. Bank Bldg., do.-f ♦HARVEY Le ROY SMITH Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. 1872. A.B., Austin Coll., Effingham, III.. 1899. Formerly located in Sadorus, 111.; Gen. Med. practice, Ivesdale, do. Died Ja 7, 1914. Chicago. WILLIAM LESTER SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 1, 1883, Toledo. 111.; 8. Rufus Henry (b. Guilford, O.) and Mary Lizzie (Brewer) Smith (b. Greenup, 111.). Pre- pared in Toledo H. S. A.B,, Austin Coll., Effing- ham, 111., 1901. Phi Beta Pi; Fresh, class V. P.; Soph. Class pres. Phys. and Surg., Toledo, 111 , Ja 1906-Jl 1917; Acting .Vsst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Healtn Serv., Ap 15, 1919;, do.. My 1, 1919; Surg., do., O 1, 1919—. Ist Lt., M. R. C. U. S. A.. My 28. 1917; Active duty, Jl 7, 1917-F 9, 1919; Landed in Fr..S8. 1917; Capt.. D26, 1917; Award- ed British Mil. Cross for gallantry in action, Oct. 31, 1918. Mem., Coles-Cumberland Co. Med. Soc; Aescuhtpian Soc. of Wabash Valley; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married D 26, 1906. Children: Richard Henry, b. Ag 17, 1909; Marjorie Jane, b. Ja 31, 1913. Address, U. S. Pub. Health Service Custom House, Norfolk^ Va. ALFRED RENHARDT SORENSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. A.B., Luther Coll.. Decorah, la., 1902. Formerly of Harmony. Minn.; later at Barton, N. Dak. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Rugby, N. Dak.f ALPHONSO PERRY STANDARD Surgeon; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1905; b. Mr 13. 1881, Lewistown, 111.; s. Perry J. (b. Mr 14, 1851, 111.) and Anna (Coddner) Standard (b. Je 20. 1852, do.). Prepared in Lewistown H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Capt., Univ. Reg. Intern, Chi- cago Lying-in-Hosp.; do., Madison Gen. Hosp.; Attending Surg. Graham Hosp., Canton, 111., 1910-14; do., St. Francis Hosp., 1914-19; Surg, in Chief, do., 1919—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; McDonough Co. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Rotary Club. Married Lula Standard, D 31. 1907, Watertown, Wis. Children : William Perry, b. Ag 5, 1908; Dorothy Anna, b. Ja 10, 1912. Address, 506 E. Carroll St., Macomb, 111. FREDERICK WARNER STEVENS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 9, 1873, Mendota, III.; s. Henry Clay (b. N 19, 1841, Kennet Square, Pa.) and Ellen Rosalia Warner (b. Ag 11, 1851). Pre- pared in Mendota H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice, 84 6th Ave., La Grange, 111.; Health Officer, do., 1915—. Mem., Emmanuel Epis. Church; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Pub. Health Assn. Mar- ried Helen Slocombe, Mr 20, 1907, Chicago. Ad- dress, 84 6th 4ve., La Grange, 111.; bus. add., 14 S. 5th Ave., do. ANDREW WILLIS STEVENSON M.D.; b. Jl 26, 1882, Albert Lea, Minn. Pre- pared in Albert Lea Pub. Schs. Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. Address, 307-08 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. , Vancouver. Wash. ALFRED JESSE STEWART Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 22, 1868, Maquoketa, la.; s. W. N. and Clementine (Spence) Stewart. Prepared in Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice, Mitchell, Neb. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Harriet Piatt. Je 6, 1906. Address, Mitchell, Neb. FRENCH F. STONE M.D.; b. F 28, 1879, Little Rock, Ark.; s. Ellen (Palmer) Stone. Prepared in Philander Smith Coll., Little Rock, Ark. Formerly located at Temple, Tex. Mem., K. P.; A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; U. B. of F. Married Cleothilde C. Cabrere. Je 21, 1911, New Orleans, La Children: T. Marie, b. Je 13, 1912; French F., Jr., b. Je 13, 1913; Retta Cabrere; Edythe Augusta; Fred Vendall. Address, 1802 Dowling St., Houston, Tex.; bus. add., 4193^ Milan St., do. GERHARDUS J. STUART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 22, 1878, The Netherlands; s. Albert (b. The Netherlands) and Gezina (Wiechers) Stuart (b. do.). Prepared in Orange City, la., and N. W. Classical Acad., Orange City, la., 1896-99. A.B., Hope Coll., Hol- land, Mich., 1903; A.M., do., 1906. Cosmopolitan. Grad work in Psychiatry, Free Univ., Amsterdam. Phys., Chicago, 1900-11; of study; 1911-12; Supt.. Christian P.sychopathic Ho.sp., My 11. 1912 — . Married Sabrina Buys, S 28, 1911. Child. Florence, b. S 25, 1912. Address, 231 Charles Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids. Mich. 142 Univeesity op Illinois [1906 KATHERINE CECIL STULL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Neb. State Norm. Sch., 1898-1900-; Omaha Med. Coll., 1902-03. Formerly of Auburn, Neb.; lo- cated at Colfax, Ja., about 1909; Geneva, 111., 1912. Address, Billings, Mont.t WILLIAM EBEN SUNDERLAND Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1875. B.S.. Ohio Norm. Univ., 1902. Formerly of Cavett, O. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 502 Benton St., Denver; 6ms. add.. Central Savings Bank Bldg., do.t ROBERT NORRIS SWINDLE M.D.; b. 1883, la.; s. A. and Lucy (Norris) Swindle. Prepared in Drake Univ. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Married Nancy Bergendorff, S 1, 1908, Chicago. Child, Marion L., b. F 17, 1914. Ad- dress, 11408 Prairie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 358 E. 115th St., do. ALOYSIUS SZOPINSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Ger. Gymnasium Sch.; 111. Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 3741 W. 66th Place, Chicago; bus. add., 3217 S. Morgan St., do. FRANK JOHN THEOBALD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 30, 1882; s. John and Anna (Emmerich) Theobald. Prepared in St. Josephs Coll., Collegeville, Ind. Mem., M. W. A.; Catholic Church. Married Irene M. Hoffman, S 30, 1908. Children: Frances, b. Ja 2, 1909; John C, b. Ja 2, 1910. Address, Gary Station, 111. HARRY V. THOMAS Physician; M.D.; b. My 2 1883, Marshall 111.; s. Ora Francis (b. Ap 16, 1855, Peoria) and Ida Belle (Steckel) Thomas (b. Ag 23, f858, Princeton, 111.). Prepared in Chillicothe H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Chillicothe, 111., 1906-1909; Oklahoma City, Okla., 1909-1911; Chillicothe, 1911—. Mar- ried Jane Neff, O 15, 1911, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 521 N. 6th St., Chillicothe, 111.; bus. add., 163 N. 2nd St., do. ORRIS MARTIN THOMPSON M.D.; b. Jl 29, 1878, Ellsworth, 111.; s. Milton and Sadie (Smith) Thompson. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ. Located in Downs, Ellsworth and LeRoy, 111. Army Serv., World War, 9 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Clara Buckles, Ja 20, 1909 (died Ap 16, 1919;) Rosella Polk, Je 12, 1920. Child, Gerald, b. D 24, 1915. Address, LeRoy, 111. C. HOMER TILLOTSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1881, Pennyan, N. Y.; s. Halina L. (Kefney) Tillotson. Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma. Army Serv., 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Elizabeth Nicholson. Children: John H., b. Mr 11, 1911; Charles, b. Jl 3, 1913. Address, Hot Springs, Ark. FRANK MARSHALL TROUT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Crete (Neb.) H. S.; Doane Coll., do., 2 yrs. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1905. Retired from active practice. Formerly at Federal Bldg., Los Angeles. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Cassell, Calif.f J. HOWARD VAN NESS M.D.; b. S 12, 1872, Decatur, Mich.; s. George J. and Martha Jane (Starr) Van Ness. Prepared in Hartford, (Mich.) H. S. Located in Chicago and Allegan, Mich. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°, K. T., Shrine; I. O. O. F. Married Laura D. Calkins, S 6, 1913. Children: Christine; George; Sidney. Address, 228 Trowbridge St., Allegan, Mich. NOBLE VAN ZANT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 25, 1882, Hills- boro, O. ; s. Z. N. and Mary (Ballentine) Van Zant. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Martha Grace Weaver, My 25, 1904. Children: Frank, b. Jl 27, 1905; Evelyn G., b. N 18, 1907; Helen G., b. My 22, 1909; Ralph M., b. S 27, 1914. Address, Grant Park, 111. FREDRICK JOHANNES WAQNER Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 15, 1883, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Ap 4, 1855, Ger.) and Sophie (Segge- busch) Wagner (b. F 2, 1859, Crete, 111.) N. W. Univ., 1900-01. Phys., Paxico, Kan., 1907-09; do., McFarland, Kan., 1909 — . Married Mabel C. Wagner, Ag 4, 1909. Children: Vern, b. My 3, 1911; Nyla F., b. O 4, 1913. Address, McFar- land, Kan. WILLIAM ALEXANDER WALTERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1903. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; formerly of Billings, Mont.; later at Alhambra, Calif. Mem., A. M. A.; Med. Assn. of Mont. Address, 2301 S. Grammercy Place, Los Angeles; bus. add., Broadway Central Bldg., do.f RACHEL A. WATKINS (LONG) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 6, 1878, Numidia, Pa.; d. Edward (b. 1844, Pa.) and Martha P. (Myers) Watkins (b. 1846, do.). Prepared in Cambridge H. S., Lincoln Norm. Univ. and Knox Co. Norm. Sch. Nu Sigma Phi. Pub. sch. teacher since fifteen yrs. of age until entering Med. Coll.; Postgrad, course in Europe, 1914; Asst. Prof., Neurology, Coll. of Med., 1914-16; Phys., Nervous and Mental Diseases; Pub. Health Officer; City Phys., Holdrege, Neb.; Acting Asst. Supt. and Acting Chief of Staff, Peoria State Hosp., 1906-11; Phys., Belleview Sanitarium, 1906; Speaker for U. S. Food Administration, 1915-16; Lecturer, Personal Hygiene and Pub. Sanitation, Am. Red Cross, 1915-18; Special Agt. for U. S. Immigration Bureau, 1911. Experimented with corn products on patients to ascertain -that spoiled corn is not cause of Pellagra; Transmission of goitre from one dog to another; Research work on goitre, Switzer- land, 1914. Commandant of Am. Red Cross Aux. Corps.; Dean of Med., Nat. Service Sch., Washing- ton, D. C; Lt. Col., Womans Naval Service, 1918. Auth.: Several short articles on Travel in Europe, on Goitre, and on Personal Hygiene. Mem., A. M. A., 1906—; 111. State Med. Soc, 1914—; Chicago Med. Soc, 1914—; Med.Womans Club of Chicago. , (Sec, 1914-);Neb. State Med. Soc, 1918— ; Royal Neighbors, Eastern Star; Rebecca Lodge; Delphian Soc, 1919 — ■; Pres. of Epworth League, M. E. Church; Womans Club, Anti-Saloon League. Married Charles Andrew Long, Ag 8, 1918, Omaha, Neb. Address, Holdrege, Neb. WILLIAM BUTLER WEST Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Chicago; Asst. Oculist and Aur- ist, Univ. Hosp., do.; Instr., Ophthalmol, and Otol., Coll. of Med., 1908-10; Asst., CUn. Ophthalmol., do., 1910-16. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address. 4230 W. 25th Place, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.f FREDERICK WILLIAM WICHMAN (Brother of Henry Thomas, '03) Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 29, 1909; s. John H. (b. Ag 1, 1845, Ger.) and Catherine Wichman (b. Jl 11, 1847, do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll.. do., 1901-03; Dearborn Med. Coll., do., 1903-05. Located in Seattle, 1907-09; Bucoda, Tono, and Tenino, do., since 1909, with exception of a year at Aberdeen (191.3-14). Served in U. S. Navy, Spanish-Am. War, 1898; U. S. Army, Phillipine Insurrection, 1907] College of Medicine Alumni 143 1S99-1901; World War, 1917-19. Married Alma Marie Bergman, Jl 2, 1908, Seattle. Children: Lyda Jane, b. Jl S, 19U; John Wilfred, b. Ap 11, 1916. Address, Tenino, Wash. ALBERT MICHAEL WICKSTROM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 15, 1872; s. Johan (b. Je 30, 1847, Wasa, Fin.) and Brita Lisa (West) Wickstrom (b. Je 2, 1844, Oravais, Fin.). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phys. and Surg., Chicago. 1906-13; Postgrad, work, Univ. of Vienna, 1913-14; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 1914-15. Mem. Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A., 1906 — : Finnish Baptist Mission Union of Am. (Pres. 1907-12). Married Emma R. Maki. Je 10, 1908, Chicago. Address, 4147 N. Mansfield Ave., Chicago. FRANK PAUL WINKLER M.D.; b. Je 24, 1882, Ida Grove, la.; s. William and Caroline (Rudloff) Winkler. Prepared in Charles City Coll., Charles Citv, la., and Univ. of S Dak., Vermillion, S. Dak. S'igma Phi Epsilon. Located at Scotland, S. Dak., 1906-09; Bryant, S. Dak., 1909-1911; Sibley, la., 1911—; Surg., Chicago Rock Island, Chicago St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Omaha Railroads. 1st Lt., M. C, Ft. Riley, Rochester, Camp Grant, World War. Auth. : Tubercular-peritonitis, American Railway Journal. Mem., A. F.' A. M., Consistory, Shrine; N. W. la. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; la. State Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc; Osceola Co. Med. Soc. Mar- ried Marjorie Benjamin, Ja 1, 1916. Address, First Trust and Savings Bank Bldg., Sibley, la. ♦RICHARD FREDERICK WINSOR M.D.; b. 1881. Mem., Staff of the Peoria State Hosp., S. Bartonville, 111., 1907-12; Instr., Pathol., Creighton Med. Coll. Mem., A. M. A. Died N 21. 1916, Omaha, Neb. WILLIAM WALTER WOOD Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 28, 1880; s. Jas. Mal- colm (b. Ag 26, 1840, Isle of Aaron, Scotland) and Janet (AUen) Wood (b. Mr 2, 1841, Fifeshire, Scotland). Prepared in Crane Man. Tr. H. S., Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma. Located at Lake- side Hosp., Chicago, 1906-07; Jasper, Minn., 1908-09; Jamestown, N. Dak., 1909—. Married O 16, 1909, Flandreau, S. Dak. Children: Wm. Walter, Jr., b. Ag 4, 1912; Robert Allan, b. Ap 7, 1920. Address, Jamestown, N. Dak. MAURICE WELCH WOODHULL Physician; M.D.; b. S 16. 1878, Smyrna, Del.; 8. Francis and Phoebe E. (Doxsee) Woodhull. Prepared in Washburn Acad., Topeka, Kan Lo- cated in Niles, Kan., 1906-12; Cottonwood Falls.. do., 1912 — , Married Edna Lee, Ja 1, 1907 Topeka, Kan. Children: Maurice Lee, b N 19 1908; Jessie Alilah, b. Ja IS, 1910; Flora Ellen' b. D 19. 1912; Helen Lucile, b. Ap 6, 1918. Ad- dress, Cottonwood Falls, Kan. GEORGE W. WOODNICK Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ag 24, 1876, Birmingham, Eng.; s. Fanny (Sumster) Woodnick. Prepared m H. S., London, Eng. Curator, Coll. of Med , 1904-06; Chief Surg, and Med. Examiner, B. & O., Chicago Terminal R. R. Co., 1906-10; Instr , Chn. Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1913-16; Asst. Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary 1913-17; Surg, in Charge, Eye Clinic, U. S. Pub Health Hosp. No. 30, 47th and Drexel Blvd Chicago, Mr 1920— . Maj., M. C, U. S. A 2 yrs 9 mos.. World War. Auth.: Malingering in Rail- road Accidents, Railroad Jour., 1908. Mem A F A. M.; K. P.; A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc Married Susan Davis, 1905, Chicago Children: Mildred; Arthur; Dorothy. Address, 1025 S. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago; bus add 31 N. State St., do. BERT LESLIE TAYLOR WOODS M.D.; b. N 30, 1882, Chicago. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Nu Sigrna Nu. Asst , Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Instr., Opera- tive Surg., and Asst., Clin. Surg., do., 1912-14. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine. Married Edna Peril Swissler. Address, 334 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago- bus. add., 24 N. Wabash Ave., 3459 Flournoy, do'. GILBERT HAVEN WYNEKOOP Surgeon; M.D.; b. O 20, 1879, Wolcott, Ind.; s. William and Helen (Haynes) Wynekoop. Pre- pared in John Marshall H. S. B.S., N. W. Univ. Delta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Surg, prac- tice, Chicago; Surg., Sec. and Trcas., Lake View Hosp., do.; Instr., Surg., Lake View Hosp. Train- ing Sch. for Nurses. Instr., Histol., Biol and Embryol., Coll. of Med., 1908-10. Surg., Med. Advisory Bd., 3 B, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chicago Assn. of Commerce; Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow). Married Lucile Megobon, N 20. 1913. Child, Gipsey Lucine, b. S 14, 1914. Ad- dress, 4500 Sheridan Road, Chicago. REBECCA MIRIAM YAMPOLSKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 3318 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add , 1001 S. Ashland Blvd., do.i CLASS OF 1907 (136 LIVING, 10 DEAD) ADOLPH OSCAR AAKER Phys. and Surg.; M.I>; b. 1878. Prepared in Luther Coll.. Decorah. la. Formerly located in Ridgeway, la. Mem., A. M. A. Adidress, Velva. N. Dak.t ♦JOHN AIMONE M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Jefferson H. S.; Pb.G., Valparaiso Univ., 1902. Formerly of Toluca, 111.; Granville, do. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 4, 1918. DAVID ALEXANDER Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1865, Wellington Co., Ont.. Can.; s. David (b. 1826, Paisley, Scot- land) and Christian (Gral am) Alexander (b. 1826. Perth.shire, do.). Prepared in Central Inst., Chi- cago. Demonstrator, Anat., Dearborn Med. Goll., Chicago. 1907; Intern, Evangelical Deaconess Hosp., do., 1908; Aaaoc. Phys., Chicago Munici- pal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, N 16, 1911-Ap 11, 1913; Asst. in Dept. of Tuberculosis, Post Grad. Hosp., Chicago, 1912-13; Demonstrator, Bacteriol. and Pathol., Coll. of Dent., 1909-10; Adjunct Prof., Bacteriol. and Pathol., do., 1910-12; Instr., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., S 1, 1913-16; Phys., Chicago, 1907—. U. S. A., Fort Sheridan. 111., S 20, 1915. Address, 5859 S. State St., Chicago. CHARLES NEWTON ALLISON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 21, 1881, Good Hope, 111.; 8. Henry Austin (b. F 1848, 111.) and Mary Jane (Campbell) Allison (b. 111.). Prepared in Good Hope H.S.; Knox Coll.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Beta Pi. Phys., Chicago Baptist Hosp., 1907-08; Gen. Med. practice. Canton, 111., 1909; Health Commissioner, do., 1906-07. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Fulton Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1915-16), Canton Physicians Club. Mar- ried Mary Fern Barnes, My 1, 1909, Paulding, O. Child, Ruth, b. N 22, 1918. Address, 469 N. Main St., Canton 111., bus. add., 44 N. Main St., do. 144 University of Illinois [1907 FRANK GODFREY ANDREEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 19, 1882. Woodhull, 111.; s. A. G. (b. Sweden) and Hannah (Jacobson) Andreen (b. do.). Prepared in Woodhull H. S. and Lake Forest Acad. A.B., Lombard Coll., 1904. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu. Phys. and Surg., Orion,' 111. Married Leona Cooper, Je 1910, Galesburg, 111. Child, John Hart, b. Mr 29, 1918. Address, Orion, 111. MOTT HUNTON ARNOLD M.D.; b. S 30, 1883, Oblong, 111.; s. Brezelius Mitchell and Mary Catherine (Baker) Arnold. Prepared in Robinson H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Billings, Mont., 1916; San Diego, Calif., 1916—. Married Grace Chapman, S 16, 1908, Sigel, 111. Children: James Chapman, b. Ag 12, 1909; Kathleen, b. Ag 8, 1912; Mott Jr., b. Mr 1, 1914. Address, 3162 Front St., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add., 1220-21 Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ELMER DAVID AUGSPURGER M.D.; b. S 20, 1880; B.S., la. State Coll. Class Honors, Coll., of Med. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Ja 2, 1907. Address, Menno, S. Dak. ARTHUR SIMON BACHMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Decatur H.S. Formerly located in Decatur, 111. Address, 6538 S. Green St., Chicago; bus. add., 1426 Milwaukee Ave., do.f ELIZABETH BROWNING BALL Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 11, 1882, Quincy, 111., d. Nicholas and Jane F. Ball. Nu Sigma Phi; Gen. Med. practice; Staff, Blessing Hosp., Quincy; 111. Auth.: Normal Obstetrics, 111. State Med. Jour., 1910. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. See; Adams Co. Med. Soc. (Sec). Address, 648 Ohio St., Quincy, 111. CHARLES ANSON BALLARD M.D.; b. S 2, 1882; s. J. W. and Ella (Milroy), Ballard. Prepared in Logansport (Ind.) H.S.; Ind. Univ. Phi Rho Sigma; Sigma Chi. 1st Lt., U. S. A.; Gen. Hosp., 3, O 28, 1918-D 6, 1919. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Married Nina Douglas, 1909. Child, C. D., b., 1910. Address, 32d}4 Market St., Logansport, Ind. ERIC KLINE BARTHOLOMEW M.D.; b. My 10, 1881, Wabash, Ind.; s. Henry James (b. Lima, O.) and Effie (Kline) Bartholo- mew (b. Ft. Wayne, Ind.). Prepared in Ottawa (O.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 1918-Ja 23, 1919; served in Base Hosps. at Camp Bowie, Tex. and Camp Dodge, la.; British Mil. Hosp., Colchester, Eng.; Base Hosp. 11, Nantes, France. Married Je 10, 1913. Child, Betty Jane, b. Je 10, 1917. Address, 3101 Palmer Sq., Chicago; bus. add., 2600 Division St., do. WILL OTTO BELL Oculist and Aurist; M.D.; b. Jl 17, 1876, Anoka, Minn.; s. Henry Young and Agnes M. (Day) Bell. Prepared in Shattuck Sch., Faribault, Minn.; Univ. of Minn., 1897-98, Univ. of Washington, 1898-99; Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1901- 04; Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1904-05. Beta Theta Pi. Stud., Univ. of Vienna; Royal London Oph- thalmic Hosp.; Royal Westminster Hosp., London; New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, N. Y. Oculist and Aurist, Seattle; Consulting Ophthalmologist, U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1918-19. Mem., King Co. Med. Soc, 1905; A. M. A., do.; Puget Sound Academy of Ophthalmol, and Laryngol., 1913; Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmol. Soc, 1914. Mar- ried D 20, 1919, Chicago. Address, 1222 Summit Ave., Seattle; bus. add., 320 Cobb Bldg., do. ELIZABETH MATTHES BENTELE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 28, 1864, Dan- zig, Ger.; d. Ferdinand Matthes, (b. 1814, Danzig, Ger.) and Lauretta (Treptow) Matthes, (b. 1828, do.) Prepared m Danzig H. S.; Battle Creek Coll., Battle Creek, Mich. Alpha Beta Iota. Med. work, Chicago, 1907-09; Postgrad, work, Berhn, 1909-10; Med. practice, St. Louis, 1910-14; Detroit, 1914 — . Auth.: The CorneHus Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Diseases, Jour., Mo. State Med. Assoc, F 1912; Peripheral Nerve Diseases and Their Treatment, Jour., Mich. State Med. Soc, Ag 1915. Married Hans Bentele, Ag 8, 1891, Mexico City. Address, 470 Virginia Park, Detroit; bus. add., 270 Woodward, do. EUGENE EMMETT BERMINGHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll.; Clin. Disp., 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago; Instr., Surg. (Laryngol., Rhinol., and Otol.) Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Ad- dress, 1108 N. La Salle St., Chicago; bus. add., 3211 W. Madison St., do.f BURT G. BISSELL M.D.; b. S 22, 1869, Pa.; s. George D. and Mary E. (Wells) Bissell. Alpha Omega Alpha. Married Ola P. Fairman, D 25, 1900, Logansport, Ind. Children: Irene, b. D 29, 1902; Mildred V., b. N 11, 1905. Address, Aurora, la. FRANCIS EARLE BRIGGS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 1, 1882, Gibson City, 111.; s. Joseph Francis (b. Jl 16, 1857, Meta- mora. 111.) and Jessie L. (Parminter) Briggs (b. O 5, 1856, do.). Prepared in H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Roanoke, 111., 1907-15; do., Galva, 111., 1915-19; do., and Prop, of Drug Store, Ludlow, 111., 1919—. Mem., A. M. A., 1907; 111. Med. Soc, do.; Champaign Co. Med. Soc, 1920 — . Married Grace Green, Je 24, 1908, Gibson City, 111. Children: Raymond Francis, b. Jl 31, 1909; Wilma Dorothy, b. Je 30, 1911; Ruth Estella, b. S 10, 1913; Richard Earle, b. Ag 8, 1915 (died Mr 24, 1917). Address, Ludlow, 111. CALVIN E. BROWN M.D.; b. My 11, 1879, Stone Creek, O.; s. John A. and Sarah (Haas) Brown. Prepared in New Philadelphia Norm.; Valparaiso, Ind. Married D 7, 1913. Child, Beverly, b. O 17, 1915. Ad- dress, 126 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. ROBERT HERMAN BUCK Oculist; M.D.; b. N 6, 1876, Hortonville, Wis., s. Charles Frank (b. F 20, 1837, ReitUngen, Ger.) and Mary (Ehr) Buck (b. My 12, 1847, Mecklen- berg, Ger.). Prepared in Ryan H. S., Appleton, Wis., D.D.S., Chicago Dental Coll., 1903. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Oph- thalmol, staff, 111. Charitable Eve and Ear In- firmary, 1915—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 26, 1918-Je 23, 1919; Overseas Service as Eye Surg, at Camp Hosps. 87 and 28, Fr., S 1, 1918-My 24 , 1919. Auth.: Recurrent Spontaneous Retinal Hemorrhage, Am. Jour, of Ophthalmol., Vol. 2, O 1919. Mem., Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; 111. Athl. Club. Married Laura Edna McNown, Mr 3, 1909, Geneva, 111. Child, Mary Eleanor, b. D 16, 1910. Address, 7732 N. Paulina St., Chicago, 111. ARTHUR JEFFERSON BUCKNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Emporia (Kan.) H. S. Formerly located in Hayden, Okla.; later at Redbird, do. Address, Revere, Mo.J CHARLES OLIVER BULGER yi.B.; h. Ap 17, 1880, Gibson City, 111.; s- Maggie (Gentle) Bulger. Nu Sigma Nu. Mar- ried Pauline Smith, 1912. Address, Greenfield, IK 1907] College of Medicine Alumni 145 CHESTER JOHN CHALLENGER Roentgenologist; M.D.; b. Ap 8, 1883; s. J. Edgar and Minnie (Lyon) Challenger. Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. Roentgenol., St. Marys Hosp., Chicago; Consulting Roentgenol., Norwegian-Am. Hosp., ilo. 1st I.t., M. C, U. S. A., 2 yrs. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 32°; M. E. Church. Address, 2037 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3117 Logan Blvd., do. FRANK CHAUVET Asst. Prof.; M.D. Instr., Jr. Med., Histol. and Embryol.. Coll. of Med., 1912-13; do. Physical Diagnosis, do., 1913-17; .•Vssoc, do., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Mem., Consulting Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Tuberculosis Dept., 1912 — ; Mem., ^Ied. Staff, Univ. Hosp., 1914 — ■; do., Norwegian Am. Hosp., 1918—; Asst. Prof., Physical Diag- nosis, Coll. of Med. Address, 619 S. Crawford Ave., Chicago.t JOHN KENDALL CHORLOG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 14, 1873, Bergen, Norway; s. John (b. Bergen, Norway) and Christina (Thompson) Cborlog (b. F 2, 1S4S). Prepared in Viroqua H. S.; Univ. of Wis. and Marquette L'niv. B.A. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Fellow in Anat., Coll. of Med. Pbys. and Surg., Madison, Wis., 1907—. Commissioned Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A. Auth.: Goiter, H'ls. Med. Jour.; The Present Indication for Vaccine and Serum Therapy, do. Mem , A. A. A. S.; Sc. Club, Univ. of Wis.; Illini Club, do. (Pres.); Madison Alumni Assn., do.; Coll. of Med. Alumni Assn. Married Ingebarg Katherine Halvarsen, Je 25, 1902. Children: John Ingolf Halvard and ^Iargaret Kristine, b. Ap 28, 1903; John Kendall Hagelid, b. Ag 31, 1909 (died Ja 1, 1911). Address, 410 N. Carroll St., Madison, Wis. CHARLES FRAZIER CLARK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 5, 1876; s. A. F. and Mary M. (Ambler) Clark. Prepared in Seward (Neb.) H. S., and Commercial Coll., Lincoln, Neb. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Kansas City. Vol. Med. Corps; Med. Examiner, Marine Serv., World War. Married Katheryn M. Ginn. Children: Harry C, b. Mr 25, 1900; Earl H., b. Ja 29, 1902; Virginia A., b. 1905. Address, 3443 Belief ontaine Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 810 Waldheim Bldg., do. JOHN EDWARD CLARK Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1885, N. McGregor, la.; 8. Robert H. (b. 1857, Me.) and Katherine (Blahna) Clark (b. 1860, Crawford Co., Wis.). Prepared in Baraboo (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago, Je 1, 1907-D 31, 1908: Phys., Enid, Okla., Ja-Je, 1908; do.. Old Town, Me., Je 1908-Je 1909; Streator, 111., Je 1909—. 1st Lt., 87th Div., 312 San. train, U. S. A., Ap 1918; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ho.sp. Center, Savenay, Fr.. Mr 1-Jl, 1919. Mem., A. M. A., 1914—. Married Evelyn Brogley, D 3, 1913, Streator, 111. Address, 606 Broadway, Streator, 111.; bus. add., 301 Main St., do. FRED B. CLARKE Phya. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Acad. Dept., Parsons Coll., la.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 190.3-05. Formerly of Drakesville, la.; Later of Milwaukee, Wis. Specialist, in 'Neurol. Mem., State Med. Soc. of WLs.; A. M. A. Ad- dress, Electric Bldg., Billings, Mont.t JOHN COLDER COGSWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 29, 1880, Toronto. Can.; s. Mason E. and Helen (Golder) Cogswell. Prepared in Parkdale fToronto Can.) H. S. B.S. and Ph.G., Fremont CNeb.) Normal Coll. Intern., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1907-08; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice: Vice-Pres. Investors Guarantee Co.; Pres.. Black Mt. Cattle Co. Vol., Am. and Can. Armies, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; Bd. of State Med. Exami- ners, 1913-17. Married Bertha K. Kirch, D 31, 1914, Riverton, Wyo. Children: Mason J., b. O 15, 1915; Kirk J., b. Mr 20, 1917. Address, Riverton, Wyo. ADA SCOTT CONNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. 1879. Attended Calif. Eclectic Med. Coll., 1903-06. At one time located in Santa Clara, Calif.; later practiced at San Jose, do. Mem., A. M. A.J ALFRED WOODIIAM CONNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Attended Calif. Eclectic Med. Coll., 1903-06. Formerly of Santa Clara, Calif.; Gen. Med. practice, San Jose, do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Montgomery Hotel, San Jose, Calif.; bus. add., Twohy Bldg., cfo.f CHARLES LARKIN CONROY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 3, 1878; s. James (b. Mr 1845, Ire.) and Margaret (Mackler) Con- roy (b. My 1847, Ire.). Prepared in Marquette Acad., Milwaukee, 1890-94. B.A., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, 1898. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; Valedictorian. 1898; Hon. Roll. 1907. Phys. and Surg., Chicago; do., St. Francis Hosp., Evanston, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1-N. 1918; Served at Base Hosp.. Ft. Riley, Kan. Mom., Catholic Church. Address, 6541 Sneridan Rd., Chicago. WILLIAM HENRY CONSER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 19, 1885, Maquon, 111.; s. William A. (b. 1859. 111.) and Elsie (Bar- bero) Conser (b. N 23, 1863. do.). Prepared in Lombard Coll., Galesburg. 111. Phi Delta Theta. Track. Basketball and Football teams. Phys. and Surg.. Cambridge. 111.. 1909—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1, 1918-F 13. 1919; Surg.. 324th M. G. B. N.. A. E. F. Mem.. A. M, A.; 111. State Med. Soc. (Ex-Pres.); Cambridge Am. Legion 417; Henry Co. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M., 32°, Post Commander. Married Madge L. Welch, Je 19, 1912, Chicago. C^ild, Roberta Ellen, b. S 19, 1917. Address, Cambridge, 111. ♦MARTHA MARILL CROFUT M.D. Located in Denton, Tex. and La Grange, 111. Died Jl 4, 1919, Ravenswood Hosp., Chicago. WILLIAM McKEE CROSIER Physician; M.D.; b. D 24, 1876; s. Charles (b. N 7, 1844, Erie, Pa.) and Mary Isabel (McKee) Crosier (b. D 7, 1845. Guernsey Co.. O.). Pre- pared in Monmouth H. S.; Monmouth Coll., 1891- 92, and Keokuk Med. Coll., 1903-05. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys., Alexis, 111., 1907—; Pres., Sch. Bd. and Bd. of Health, do. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Clara Louise 1 aff- erty, Je 8, 1910, Chicago. Address, Alexis, 111. JOSEPH LOUIS CUNNINGHAM Teacher; M.D.; b. Mr 8, 1878. Burlington. Wis.; s. John and Julia (Ward) Cunningham. Prepared in Burlington (Wis.) H. S. Mem.. K. C; Catholic Church. Married Mary Brennan. S 4, 1908. Address, 1159 Belmont Ave., Chicago. JOSEPH .SWISHER CUNNINGHAM (Uncle of Sterling, '17, LL.B.) Physician; M.D.; b. D 18, 1875. Danville. 111.; s. Joseph (b. F 27. 1828. Harrison Co.. Ky.) and Mary Ann (Swisher) Cunningham (b. Mr 28. 1832, Blount Tp., Vermilion Co., 111.). Prepared in Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind. M.D., 111. Med. Coll., Chicago, 1902. Phys.. Des Plaines. 111., 1903-06; do., Gibson City. 111.. 1907—. Mar- ried. D 28, 1899, Danville, 111. Children: Ralph Learnard, b. N 7. 1903; Chester Martin, b. Je 25, 1905; Robert Joseph, b. N 24, 1907. Address, Gibson City, III. 146 University of Illinois [1907 WILLIAM J. DEMOREST CURTIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Lansing (Mich.) H. S.; Grand Rapids Med. Coll., 1 yr. Formerly of Bailey, Mich.; Gen. Med. practice. Address, 578 Oakland Ave., Detroit.! FRED BEAM CYPHERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Rising City (Neb.) H. S. M.D., Lincoln Med. Coll., 1905. Formerly located in Rising City, Neb. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Address, Duncan, Neb.t GEORGE LUTHER DAVENPORT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 16, 1882, Chicago; s. Samuel Dwight (b. S 8, 1859, Mendon, Mass.) and Anna (Johnson) Davenport (b. Mr 14, 1862). Prepared in English H. S. and Manual Training Sch. and Lewis Inst., Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha; Class Pres., 1907. Phys. and Surg., Chi- cago, 1907—. Instr., Sr. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; do., Sr. Surg, and Minor Surg., 1912-14; Instr. Surg. do. 1914-20; Asst. Prof. Chn. Surg, do., 1920—; Attending Surg,, Cook Co. Hosp., 1920; do. and Chief of Clinic, Michael Reese Dispensary, 1909; Assoc. Attending Surg., do., 1913. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., My 23, 1918- Jl 8, 1919; served witn A. E. F. in Base Hosp. 15, Chaumont, France; Camp Hosp. 9, Chateau- Villain, do.; Camp Hosp. 10, do.; Base Surg. Office Base Section 9; S. O. S. 3rd Army, Antwerp, Belgium; Instr., Surg., Sch. of Mil. Surg., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc, 1907—; Chicago Surg. Soc, 1917—; Fellow, F. A. C. S., 1915^. Married Eva Griffith Daven- port, S 12, 1911, Chicago. Children: Mary Jane, b. O 23, 1913; George Luther, b. F 19, 1916. Address, 5001 Dorchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. WILLIS IRVING DILLINGHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. M.D., Dear- born Med. Coll., 1906. Gen. Med. practice. Ad- dress, 433 lotn St., West, New York, N. J.f *FRED ROBERT DISNEY Physician; M.D.; b. 1878. Formerly of Chicago. Mem., Okla. State Med. Assn. Died D 25, 1909, Pocasset, Okla. *OSCAR BOONE EDMONSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. F 23, 1876, Winchester, 111.; s. M. B. and Isabelle (Smitson) Edmonson. B.S., Dixon Norm. Sch. Phi Rho Sigma. Asst. Phys., Peoria Co., 111. Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Lena Bailor, 1910, Clinton, 111. Died N 12, 1920. JAMES ALBERT EDWARDS Phys. and" Surg.; M.D.; b. 1871. Prepared in Bowie (Tex.) H. S.; Bowie Acad, of Music, 1904; Baylor Univ., Med. Dept., 1903-04. Formerly of Dallas, Tex. Address, Columbia, Tenn.J LOUIS WILLIAM EIDAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice; formerly at Blue Island, 111. Address, 709 Cass St., La Crosse, Wis.; bus. add., 1601 North St., do.f JESSE ETTELSON Specialist; M.D.; b. D 16, 1884, Sprague, Wis.; s. William Benjamin and Babetta (Dannhisser) Ettelson. Prepared in Wash. State Coll., Pullman, Wash. Specialist in Skin Diseases. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Married Florence J. Wolfe, Ap 29, 1918, Portland, Ore. Child, Robert Wolfe, b. My 22, 1919. Address, 189 King St., Portland, Ore. AMEEN ULLAH FAREED Physician; M.D.; b. Je 2, 1882; s. Mirza Assad Nicerly (b. Isfahan, Persia) and Rozub (Chanom) Farced. Prepared in The Am. Coll., Beirut, Syria and Isfahan Coll., Isfahan, Persia. Med. Inspector, Cairo, Egypt, 1911-13. Married in Cairo, Egypt. Children: Donald D.; Omar John; Elaine. Address, 335 W. Binendo St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 1102 Black Bldg., do. JOHN HOGAN FARRELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. O 4, 1882; s. Thomas and Mary (Hogan) Farrell. Prepared in Win- throp (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Grad. work, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1910. Med. and Surg, practice, Wailuku, Maiu, 1907-10; Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Special- ist, Honolulu, 1911—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Hawai- ian Med. Soc. Address, Rooms 9 and 10, Pantheon Bldg., Honolulu, T. H. CHARLES EDWARD MAX FISCHER Clin. Pathol.; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1881; s. Henry J. and Mary Fischer. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1907 — ; Adjunct Prof., Med. Biol., Embryol., and Histol., Coll. of Med., 1906-10; Prof., Pediatrics, 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1908-10; Prof., Clin. Med., and Dir., Clinics; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Physiol, and Physiolog. Chem., Jenner Med. Coll., 1911—; Jr. Dean, do., 1916 — ; Dir., Med. Research Dept., Columbus Labs., 1907-16; Dir., The Fischer Labs,, 1916—; Prof., Clin. Diagnosis, Chicago Med. Sch.; Dir., The Medico-Legal Lab.; Prof., Histol., 111. Dent. Coll. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Ger. Med. Soc of Chicago; Deutsch Mediz Gesel; Verein Alter Deutche Studenten; Royal Micros. Soc. of London (Fel- low); A. A. A. S.; 111. Micros, Soc; 111. State Acad. Science (Charter Mem.); Chicago Assn., Detective Sergeants (Hon. Mem,). Married Ella H, Schirmer, Jl 24, 1909, Child, Alfred E. Ad- dress, 922 Dakin St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t ARTHUR LEOPOLD FORSTER Phys, and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in St. Bede Coll., Peru, 111. Formerly of Sterling, 111. Address, 7632 Greenview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St., do.f GEORGE SNOW FORTIER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Port Colborne Sch., Ont.; Univ. of Buffalo, 1904-05; Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc Ad- dress, 808 E. 51st St., Chicago; bus. add., 159 N. State St., do.-\ JACOB FRANK FRIESEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 7, 1880, Hillsboro, Kan.; s. J. J. and Anna (Funk) Friesen. Prepared in Bethel Coll., Newton, Kan.; Ph.G., Kansas City Coll. of Pharm., 1903. Postgrad, work. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, 1920. House Serv., Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1 yr.; Gen. Surg, work; Specialist in Oto-Laryngol. Mem., Med. Ad- visory Bd., Los Angeles. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine, Scottish Rite; Calif. State Med. Soc; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Florence A. Huntington, My 26, 1917, St. Paul. Address, 1501 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles. OSCAR BRUNK FUNKHOUSER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 20, 1886, Mattoon, 111.; s. C. B, and Elizabeth (Chaney) Funkhouser. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. and Val- paraiso Univ. Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1909-10. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc Married Daisy Eugenia Truby, My 3, 1920, Chicago. Address, 2600 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. 1907] College of Medicine Alumni 147 OTTO ALBERT GAHL M.D.: b. F 21 I8S3 Chicago; s. Reinhold and Charlotte (Stregerl Gahl. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Chicago. Mem. Evang. Lutheran Church. Married Kathryn Lating Jl 3, 1917. Child, Ferdinand, b. Mr 21. 191S. Address. 3304 W. North Ave., Chicago. WALTER BERTRAM GERHARD Surgeon; M.D.; b. S 29. 1883. Prepared in Central H. S.. Buffalo. N. Y. B.S.. Buffalo Inst. Tech., 1902. Phi Beta Pi. Attending Surg., Columbus Hosp., Chicago. Married Lillian Lund- strom, Ja 1, 1913. Los Angeles. Child, Lorraine, b. My 22, 1916. Address, 3736 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 223-1 Sedgwick St.. do. JAMES GRAYBEAL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 2. 1873, Lewis- town. III.; 8. Jacob (b. Jl 28, 1848, N. C.) and Alice A. Graybeal (b. Ag 31, 1853, Lewistown. III.). Prepared in Lewistown Norm. Coll. Alpha Omega Alpha: Senior House Surg., 1906-07; Mem., Class Ex. Com. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Asst., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1908-10. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Mar- ried Cora B. Graybeal, O 24, 1894, Ipava. III. Address, 7114 Normal Blvd., Chicago. HOLLAND TODD GROUND Physician; M.D.; b. S 7, 1883, Clinton, Ind.; s. William Edwin (b. 1862, Ind.) and Dolly (Buck) Ground (b. 1864 do.). Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Superior, Wis.; Univ. of Wis. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Aberdeen. S. Dak.. 1907-12; St. Peter, Minn., 1912-15; Virginia. Minn., 1915 — ; Health Officer, do. M. C. U. S. A., Ag 1917-Ap 1919. Married Grace McDonnen. O 15, 1910, Evanston, lU. Address, 411 S. Sixth Ave.. Virginia Minn.; bus. add., 421 S. Sixth Ave.. do. WILLIAM PARKER GUNN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Bennett Med. Coll.. 1904. Formerly located in Janes- ville. Wis. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 6459 Cot- tage Grove Ave., Chicago.t SILAS VAN HAGEMAN Physician; M.D.; b. My 26, 1880, Hammond, ni.; s. Simon Vanlieu (b. Summerhill, 111.) and Elizabeth Helen (Rathbun) Hageman (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Located in North Chicago, 1907-12; Las Animas, Colo., 1912—. Mem. of Local Bd. for Bent Co. Mem., King Solomon Lodge 30, A. F. A. M. (Past Mas- ter, 1918,) Past Excellent High Priest, Las Animas Chapter 49, R. A. ^L, do.; Palestine Commandery 22, La Junta); Otero Co. Med. Soc. Married Ella H. Rockenfeller, O 22, 1906, Chicago. Chil- dren: Helen Elizabeth, b. My 24, 1909; William Van, b. My 21, 1912; Eldridge Bernon, b. Ap 18. 1917. Address, 828 Sixth St., Las Animas. Colo.; bus. add., 624 Carson Ave., do. OSCAR AMADEUS HANSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Nazareth Mil. Acad., Pa. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll.. 1906. Gen. Med. practice. M. R. C. U. S. A. Mem.. A. M. A. Address. Colonial Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 15 E. Washington St.. do.t ROBERT ROCHESTER HANSEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Jl 18. 1883. Logan, O.; s. R. W. and Emma fRochester) Hansen. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Married Harriet Peterson. Je 28. 1911. Chicago. Child, Robert R.. Jr.. b. D 25. 1912. Address, 418 Park St., Marshalltown, la.; bus. add., Masonic Temple, do. J. GLEN HARBISON M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1881, Springfield, III.; s. W. H. and Ida E. Harbison. Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1905. House Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, Je 1, 1905-Dl, 1906; Located in Spokane, Jl 1907—. Mem., Christian Church. Married Mae E. Dodd, O 21, 1911, Springfield, 111. Address, 501 W. 24th Ave., Spokane; bus. add., 330 Old Nat. Bank BIdg.. do. ESTHER ALICE HART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Jefferson H. S.. Chicago. At one time located in Peoria, lU.t MARTHA HAYWARD M.D.; b. Ja 25, 1868, Aurora, III.; d. Laban H. and Elizabeth (Barclay) Hayward. Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Address, R. D. 1, Batavia, 111. MAURICE CHARLES HECHT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. and Chicago Manual Training Sch. Specialist in Pediatrics, Wilmette, III. Med. Dir., Alice Wood Child Health Center, Chicago; Ex- Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., do. Mem., A. M. A.; III. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Ad- dress, 1159 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ill.t THOMAS JEROME HENNEBERRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 1878, Dalton City. 111.; s. Patrick and Julia (Wagoner) Henneberry. Prepared in St. Francis Coll.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Omega Alpha. Mem., Med. Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Fredericka Dolcater, Je 2, 1915, Denver. Colo. Address. 2216 Van Lennon St., Cheyenne, Wyo.; bus. add., Hynds Bldg., do. ROBERT ASA HILLS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 6, 1882, S. Manchester, Conn.; s. A. G. (b. S 10, 1842, East Glastonbury. Conn.) and Harriett (Keeney) Hills (b. Jl 10. 1843, do.). Prepared in H. S.; la. Wesleyan Univ.. Mt. Pleasant, la.; Lombard Coll.. Galesburg, III.. 1903-04. Married O 5. 1910, Corydon, la. (wife died N 19, 1919). Children: Hazel Harriett, b. F 19, 1912; Beverly Jean. b. D 10. 1917. Address, Russell, la. JOHN HERMAN HOLM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 11, 1879, Sweden; s. P. J. and Charlotte (Falgreen) Holm. Prepared in Gustavus Adolphus Acad., St. Peter, Minn. Phi Beta Pi. Married Mae Alice Bowman, N 20, 1918. Children: Frances, b. Je 21, 1910; Louise, b. Ag 30. 1911. Address, 576 Park Ave., Kenosha, Wis. *CLYDE SWITZER HORTON M.D.; b. N 3, 1879, Fennimore, Wis.; s. George' Henry (b. F 16, 1835 Enfield N. H.) and Mary Ann (Switzer) Horton (b. S 17. 1844, Fennimore, Wis.). Prepared in Fennimore (Wis.) H. S. and Plattville Norm. Sch. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Barneveld, Wis., 1908-13; Fennimore. do., 1913-16; Edgerton, do., 1916-18. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, K.T. Married Jeannette Johnson, Ag 1. 1910, Wyandotte, Mich. Child, Mary Jeannette, b. S 3, 1913. Died, O 5, 1918, Edgerton, Wis. ROSS HUSTON Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1882; s. John (b. 1848. McDonough Co., 111.) and Allie (Lovitt) Huston (b. 1847, Coshocton, O.). Prepared in Blandinsville; Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., 1900-02. Med. Dir., Bankers Life Co., Des Moines, la. Married Eleanor Schee, Ap 23, 1909, San Antonio, Tex. Child, John, b. Je 30, 1913. Address, 801 Valley Nat. Bank Bldg.. Des Moines. 148 University of Illinois [1907 JOHN KNOX JAMIESON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Lake Forest Acad.; Alma Coll., Alma, Mich., 1 yr. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1900. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 5917 Normal Ave., Chicago.t HILERD ENNO JENKINS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Villisca (la.) H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 316 Marengo Ave., Forest Park, 111.; 7406 Madison St., do.t EARL BOWEN JEWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Danville H. S. Instr., Sr. Neurol., and Clin. Neurol., Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Address, Detroit Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Detroit.t JOHANNES JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Newmans Grove (Neb.) H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1904-05. Formerly located in Newmans Grove, Neb. WILLIS ELMER KEITH Physician; M.D.; b. D 14, 1882, Clinton, la.; s. Charles Sumner (b. Ja 15, 1859, Wis.) and Elizabeth (Ginnev) Keith (b. Je 6, 1861, O.). Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Rea Scholarship. Grad. work. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, London, 1910-11. Located in Grand- mound, la., 1907-08; Lost Nation, do., 1908-10; Clinton, do., 1911-12; Excelsior Springs, Mo., 1912-18; Kansas City, 1918 — . Married Virginia de Steigner, 1914, Cameron, Mo. Address, Kan- sas City, Mo.; 6ms. add., 807 Waldheim Bldg., do. HERMAN BUCHANAN KINGSBURY Physician; M.D.; b. N 17, 1883, Pinkstaff, 111.; s. R. W. and Josephine (Thompson) Kingsbury. Alpha Omega Alpha. Capt., M. C, Je 1918-Mr 1919, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Baptist Church. Married Jersey Applegate, D 22, 1907, Chicago. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. Jl 31, 1912. Address, 2815 Hemphill, Ft. Worth, Tex.; bus. add.. Flat Iron Bldg., do. HERMAN ARMIN KLEIJ^ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1867. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1899. Clin. Prof., Med., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.; Asst. Prof., do., Chicago Policlinic. Mem., Anglo-Am. Med. Assn. of Ber- lin, Ger.; Ger. Med. Soc. of Chicago. Address, 528 Diversey Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., and 59 E. Madison St., do.f JOHN H. LEEBENS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Lismore, Minn.t PHILLIP LEICHT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 4, 1882. Wash- ington, Wis.; s. Phillip (b. S 19, 1852, S. German- town, Wis.) and Mary (Emmesich) Leicht (b. D 16, 1854, do.). Prepared in Valparaiso Univ., Valparaiso, Ind.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1903-05. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, 1907-09; Phys. and Surg., Lake Mills, Wis., 1909—. Lt., M. C. U. S. A., S 22, 1918-Ja 22, 1919. Mem., Jefferson Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Tri-State Med. Soc. Married Beatrice Staps, Je 15, 1910, Hartland, Wis. Address, Lake Mills, Wis. JOHN TAGGART LEMMEL Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 13, 1882, Evansville, Wis.; s. John and Lizzie (Taggert) Lemmel. Pre- pared in Evansville Sem., Evansville, Wis. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Married KaLherin MacCartney, 1916, Belvidere, 111. Child, Patricia E., b. Ag 25, 1920. Address, Albany, Wis. FRANK EMIL LINDA L Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1 86. Attended Keokuk Med. Coll., 1904-06. A one time located in Baraboo, Wis.; Gen. Med. pr.. tice, San Antonio, Tex., about 1912; Homer, 111., 1916; Pt. Arthur, Tex., 1918. Address, 4438 St. Peters St., New Orleans, La.t FRED JACKSON McCOMB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Staff, Univ. Hosp., do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 304 S. Chautauqua St., Wichita, Kan.; bus. add., 227>^ E. Douglas St., do.f DUNCAN BROWN McEACHERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. L.I-.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1901; M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1906. Prof., Mental Diseases, do. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A Address, 8043 Langley Ave., Chicago; bus. add.> 401 E. 75th St., do.t ROBERT DAVID McKAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Yellville, Ark.t ♦ALBERT GARFIELD KOCH M.D.; b. S 7, 1880; s. Mary (Fink) Koch. Prepared in Enterprise (Kan.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Professional High Diver; A. O. U. W.; Presby. Church. M. C. U. S. A., 1918- Ap 4, 1919; Ft. Riley, Kan.; Ft. Sill, Okla.; Camp Beauregard, La. Auth.: Articles on Endocrinology. Married Elizabeth Mellinger, My 28, 1913, Hutch- inson, Kan. Died O 23, 1921, Kansas City, Mo. MELVILLE CHARLES KORB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Prepared in District Schs. of Pa. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1896. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 124 N. May- field Ave., Chicago.t ARTJIUR LOUIS KUSSKE Specialist; M.D.; b. Je 24, 1884; s. A. S. and Augusta (Hahn) Kusske. Prepared in LeSueur (Minn.) H. S. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Minneapolis. Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Rose I. Sahr, Ag 10, 1910. Children: Marvin, b. Je 21, 1912; Douglas Willard, b. Ja 19, 1919; Bradley Francis, b. O 21, 1920. Address, 2944 46th Ave., S., Minneapolis; bus. add., 300 Phys. and Surg. Bldg., do. JOHN D. MacKELLAR Surgeon; M.D.; b. O 13, 1883, Illyria, la.; s. Samantha MacKellar. B.S., Upper la. Univ., M.A., Oskaloosa Coll. Married. Child, Grace, b. O 1, 1907. Address, 8142 Harper Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1377 E. 63rd St., do. JAMES BERNARD MAGUIRE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll.; Rush Med. Coll., 1 yr. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 15th and Locust Sts., Terra Haute, Ind.t GEORGE JOHN MAUTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B., in Sc, 1904; b. Ja 31, 1880, Pana, 111.; s. John F. (b. Ap 3, 1840, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Matilda (Kull) Mautz (b. N 29, 1848, Sugar Grove, O.). Pre- pared in Univ. of 111., Acad. Alpha Omega Alpha. Diploma from West Side Hosp. and 111. Post- Grad. Med. Sch., 1908. Formerly of Pana, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Hoboken, N. J. and Allentown, Pa.; mustered out D, 1918. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Illinois Hotel, Springfield, 111.; 6ms. add., Leland Bldg., do.t 1907] College of Medicine Alumni 149 MAURICE ELIAS MESIROW M.D.; b. Je 20, 18S3. Prepared in Northwest Div. H. S., Chicago. Formerlv Phys., Chicago. 111. Nat. Guard. 2nd Uegt.. Inf., Hosp. Corps. Auth: Cancer of Penis, Cutaneous Revie^v of St. Louis. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Eda Fischl, 1905, Chicago. Address, Wall, S. Dak. MAX MEYEROVITZ Instructor; M.D.; b. F 4, 188,5, Rus.; s. Alta (Harris) Meyerovits. Prepared in Medill H. S. Asst., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-18; Instr., do., 19IS— . Mom., I. O. O. F. Married Gertrude SchifF, Mr 8, 1914. Children: Shirley Ruth, b. Ja 13. 191.5; Marion Pearl, b. My 20, 1916. Ad- dress, 614 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1160 W. Taylor St., do. SALVADOR FRANCIS JOSEPH MIRABELLA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in West Division H. S., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 2424 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 501 N. Halsted St.. do.f JOSEPH HENRY MITCHELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Preparatory Dept., Straight Univ., New Orleans; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 2 yrs. Formerly located in Franklin. La. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1385 Gladys St.. Beaumont. Tex.; bus. add., 713 Park St.. do.-t ♦JAMES EDWARD EARLE NELLES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 11, 1884. Chicago; 8. Francis G. and Agnes E. (Brown) Nelles. Pre- pared in Chicago Pub. Sch. and Lewis Institute. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago. Formerly located in Kooi, Wyo.; Acme, do.; Big Horn, do.; later in Chicago; Assoc. Prof., Internal Med., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch.. 2 yrs. Mem., Epis. Church; Sheridan (Wyo.) lodge. 8. A. F. A. M. Served in France with Can. Med. Corps; Associated with Am. Legion; Honorable discharge. Jl 1918. Married Norine Burns. Jl 1907. Chicago. Child. Earle, b. Je 1908 (deceased). Died, Mr 12, 1920. NELS CHRISTIAN NELSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 30. 1872. Hurley, S. Dak.; s. N. P. and Andrea (Kier) Nelson. Mem.. State Med. Soc; K. P.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Seventh Day Adventist Church. Married Gertrude C. Cummins. My 17, 1916, Denver. Address, 418 Citizens Nat. Bank Bldg., Cheyenne. Wyo. BETTY AUGUSTINA NILSSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Formerly located in Rockford, OLOF ADOLPHUS OLSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in N. W. Coll.. Minn.; Drake Med. Coll.. 2 yrs. At one time located in Axel, Minn.; Minneapolis; later at Oberon, N. Dak. Address, Kindred, N. Dak.t JAMES HENRY OUGHTON M.D.; b. Ja 28, 1882, Dwight, 111. Prepared in St. Johns Mil. Acad. Address, Dwight. 111. AUGUST WALTER PEARSON Phys. and .Surg.; M.D.; b. O 11. 1880. Sweden; 8. Ole Pearson. Prepared in N. W. Coll.. Fergus Falls, Minn., and Drake Univ. Practiced at Peever. S. Dak.. Jl 1907—. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; Shrine; Lutheran Church. Married Inga M. Johnson. N 18, 1908, Clitherall. Minn. Child, Alvirdo Wallace, b. S 11, 1909. Address, Peever. S. Dak. AXEL EMANUEL PETERSON M.D.; b. F 6, 1884, Weston, la.; s. John and Margaret (Carlson) Peterson. Address, Toluca, 111. NELSON CHANCELLOR PHILLIPS (Nephew of Parley Agrippa. '73, M.L. in Agr.; brother of Eugene Martin, '04, A.B., in So.) Physician; M.D.; A.B.. 1905; b. Ja 19. 1878. Damascus, 111.; s. James M. (b. 1837, Green Bay, Wis.) and Mary R. (Stout) Phillips (b. 18,39, Md.). Prepared in Univ. of 111. prep. sch. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. 1907-08; Phys.. Freeport, 111., 1908 — . Examiner for local draft bd. Mem., Stephenson Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Bertha Kleckner. O 11, 1911, Freeport. 111. Chil- dren: Margery C. b. N 24. 1912; Spencer K.. b. N 6. 1914. Address, 228 Jeflferson St., Free- port, 111.; bus. add., 404 State Bank Bldg., do. IRWIN AUGUSTUS PORT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Wilton G. E. Coll. Formerly located in Wilton Junction, la. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 6202 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1133 E. 63rd St.. do.-t *ROY CLYDE PYNN Physician; M.D.; b. F 9. 1884; s. E. J. and Eva L. Pynn. Prepared in St. Johns Mil. Acad.. Delafield. Wis. Medal, Decovin Boating Crew. Attended Med. Coll.. Louisville. Ky.. 1 yr.; Marquette Coll., Milwaukee, 1 yr. Formerly Phys., Lake Mills, Wis.; Delavan, do. Mem., Epis. Church, Hartland, Wis.; A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Delavan Chapter, Council, Commandery, Consistory, Shrine; K. P. Married Gertrude Olive LaBirre, Mr 23, 1918, Chicago. Child, Margaret Jane, b. S 10, 1919. Died O 19, 1919. BERTRAM ARTHUR RICHARDSON M.D.; b. Ja 16. 1881, Pontiac. 111.; s. John Wesley and Cyrena (Graves) Richardson. Pre- pared in Pontiac Twp. H. S. Mem.. K. T.; M. E. Church. Married Ethel Wyllie, Jl 5. 1916. Address, Emington, 111. HERMAN A. RIGTERINK Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 1, 1869, Allegan, Mich.; s. Henry (b. 1845, Hanover, Ger.) and Jane (Lampen) Rigterink (b. 1845, do.). Prepared in H. S.; Valparaiso Norm. Univ., 1895-96. Located in Zeeland, Mich., 1907-15; Kalamazoo, do., 1915—; City Health Off.. 1907-15; Mem.. Bd. of Educ, Zeeland, 1908-15. Mem.. Kalamazoo Acad, of Med.; Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Sena Lambers. S 1898, Zeeland, Mien. Children: Hollis J. b. Mr 23 1900; Gerald H. b. Ja 23 1903. Address, 710 John St. Kalamazoo Mich.; bus. add., 505 Peck Bldg. do. WILBUR BERRY ROADS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 25. 1881; s. John Q. (b. O 9, 1855, Hillsboro, O.) and Rachel E. (Berry) Roads (b. N 6. 1855. do.). Prepared in Hillsboro (O.) H. S. and Miami Med. Coll., Cin- cinnati, 1903-04. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Chm.. Ex. Com., Sry Class. Med. and Surg, practice, HoUansburg, (J., 1907-10; Leesburg, do., 1910-15; Hillsboro, do., 191.5 — •. Married Madge V. Stevens Mr 5. 1908. Hillsboro, O. Child, Margaret Ellen, b. Mr 7, 1909. Address, Hillsboro. O. ARTHUR MATTHEW RODERMUND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Lawrence Univ. Acad.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1904. Specialist in Ophthalmol. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, Athens, Wis.t CAMERON ALFRED ROSE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Univ. of 111. (Pre-medic course). Formerly of Oak Park, 111.; later at 1022 Lydia Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Emer. Camp Lewis. Address, American Lake, Wash.t 150 University of Illinois [1907 JESSE EUGENE RUSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Wheaton Pub. Schs.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1904-06. Formerly of Iowa Falls, la. Address, Rake, la.t HANS SCHIFFBAUER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Benson H. S. Address, Philippine Gen. Hosp., Manila, P. I.J GEORGE ALEXANDER SCHNEIDER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 1, 1872, Chicago; s. Frank X. (b. Mannheim, Ger.) and Eva (Fischer) Schneider (b. do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S. and Lewis Inst., 1900. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906, Phi Rho Sigma. Grad. work, Berlin Kranken House, 1908-09. Located in Chicago. Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, 1917. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine, 32° Mason; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; Lincoln Club; Press Club; Chicago Med. Soc; Indus. Surg. Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 664 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, 111.; bus. add., 757 W. North Ave., do. EDWIN FREDERICK SCHROEDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 24, 1878, Kewanee, 111.; s. Mary (Coewe) Schroeder. Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Vol. Med. Serv. Relief Corps, World War. Mem., I. O. O. F.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Olive B. Ruckle (Deceased). Child, Leona, b. Jl 5, 1904. Ad- dress, 114H N. S. Square, Macomb, 111. ALFRED JOHN CHARLES SCHWARTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Staff, Municipal Tuber- culosis Sanitarium, Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 3121 Belle Plaine Ave., Chicago.t *ALVIN RUFUS SCOTT M.D,; b. S 22, 1877, Albia, la.; s. W. S. and Mary E. (Claver) Scott. Prepared in Ottumwa Bus. Coll. Located in Strong, Colo., 1907-14; Berthoud, do., 1915-16; Ft. Collins, do., 1916-20. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. T.; I. O. O. F.; Colo. State Med. Soc; Larimer Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Minnie M. Findley, Ag 11, 1897, Centerville, la. Child, Mabelle Lucile, b. N 9, 1912. Died Ag 31, 1920. CHARLES SEGAL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 27, 1885; s. Amelia (Feltenstein) Segal. Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Nat. Tuber- culosis Assn. Married Celia Helen Glaser, F 8, 1914, Chicago. Children: Marcia, b. F 9, 1918; Vivian, b. Ag 9, 1919. Address. 4924 Grand Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4729 S. Ashland Ave., do. HENRY HULSE SEIBERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 26, 1867, Rook- bridge, O.; s. Henry H. and Letitia (Hulse) Seibert. Prepared in Wagna Institute. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.. O. E. S.; K. J.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married, 1893. Children: Marvis, b. D 29, 1916; Joy, and Wayne Hulse, twins, b. My 14, 1918. Address, 2359 Madison St., Chicago; CLARA P. SEIPPEL (WIDDOWSON) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 30, 1877, Chi- cago; d. F. L. A. (b. 1834, Carlsruh, Ger.) and Caro- line (Kernwein) Seippel (b. My 26, 1844, Wurtem- berg, Ger.). Prepared by private instruction. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Rea Scholarship, 1905; Sec, Fresh. Class; Chief House Surg. 1905-06; Chm. Class Motto Com. Special work in Pathologogy, Operative Surg, and Electro-Therapeutics. Phys., State Hosp., Jamestown, N. Dak., 1907; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1907-09; One of the founders of the Frances Juvenile Home, 1909; Attending Phys., do., 1909-19; Instr., Gynecol, and Clinical Gyne- col., Coll. of Med., 1907-13; Asst. City Phys., 1911 — . Med. practice under name of Dr. Clara P. Seippel. Mem., Vol. Med. Serv. Corps; Ap- pointed Mem., Gen. Med. Bd. of the Council of Nat. Defense, by Sec. of War, Baker, during World War. Auth.: Veneral Diseases in Children, III. Med. Jour., Jl 1912. Mem., M. E. Church; Chi- cago Art Inst.; Med. Womens Club (Sec, 1915-17; Pres., 1917-18); 111. State Med. Soc. (2nd V. P., 1917-19); The Cordon; Pub. Health Com., Womens Club (Chairman, 1919 — .). Married Robert A. Widdowson, D 11, 1915, Minneapolis. Address, 2827 Cambridge Ave., Chicago. CHARLOTTE MARGARETHA SEKLER (KOESTER) M.D.; b. Prophetstown, 111.; d- Christian and Elise (Bierman) Sekler. Mem., O. E. S.; White Shrine; Congr. Church. Married George H. Koester, 1913, Chicago. Address, 1644 Congress St., Chicago. ANSLY THOMAS SHEARER Physician; M.D.;b.F25, 1882, Fennimore, Wis.; s. M. J. (b. My 9, 1850, Fennimore, Wis.) and Isabel (McDermott) Shearer (b. Mr 6, 1855, do.). Prepared in Fennimore (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Phys., Edgerton, Wis. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., served in Army Base Hosp., and as Asst. Chief, Surg. Service, Camp Dodge, la., S 13, 1917- F 27, 1918. Married Maybelle L. Willson, Je 27, 1913, Edgerton, Wis. Address, Edgerton, Wis. SAMUEL SHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 411 E. 48th St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t MYRON SHERPER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1884, Russia; s. Abraham and Eva (Epstein) Sherper. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1, 1918-My 13, 1919; San. In- spector, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Asst. Surg., 13th Train Infirmary, 13th Div., Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash. Married Blanche Jacobson, F 12, 1920, N. Y. Address, Lowry Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. FRANK SIEDENBURG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1898; b. 1880. Prepared in Elizabetn H. S. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in East Dubuque, 111.; later in Alden, la. Address, 700 S. Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; bus. add., 515 S. Main Ave., do.i JAMES EVART DERRECKSON SILCOX M.D.; b. S 19, 1870, Pa.; s. John and Eunice (Quigley) Silcox. Prepared in Wallingford, (Pa.) H. S. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Com- mandery, Shrine, Blue Lodge. Married Louise Veit, 1906, West Chester, Pa. Children: Fredric, b. Jl 8, 1908; Louis, b. Jl 12, 191,0; Charles, b. Je 12, 1914; Arthur, b. 25, 1916. Address, Keyport, N. J. GEORGE MORTIMER SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Eau Claire (Wis.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Formerly of Eau Claire, Wis.; Modovi, do. Specialist in Surg., Chippewa Falls, do. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 21, 1918-F 15, 1919; Capt., do., F 15-My 29, 1919; Officers Sch., Rochester, Minn.; Base Hosp., Camp Shelby, Miss.; Evacuation Hosp., 34, Camp Sheridan, Ala.; with A. E. F. in France, N 22, 1918-Ap 24, 1919. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Chippewa Falls, Wis.f HIRAM JASON SMITH Physician; M.D.; b. Je 18, 1882, Oakfield, Wis.; s. William Edward (b. 1827, Bixley Heath, Lon- don, Eng.) and Sophia Henrietta (Gates) Smith (b. Fond du Lac, Wis.). Prepared in Oakfield, (Wis.) H. S.; Oshkosh (Wis.) State Normal Sch. 1907] College of Medicine Alumni 151 Alpha Omega Alpha (Pres., 1907); Nu Sigma Nu. Neurol, and Psychiatry, 111. State Service, 1909-17; Specialist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Chicago, 1917 — . Instr., Larvngol. Rhinol. and Otol., Coll. of Med., 1919—. Managing Officer, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. O 10, 1917—. Auth.: Papers on Psychiatry and Public Service, 1909-17. Married Zoura Lane Clark, Je 30, 1910. Children: David Clark, b. My 13. 1913; Gordon Lane. Ag 24. 1917; Dorothy Harding, b. N 26, 1918. Address, 904 W. Adams St., Chicago. WILBERT A. STALEY Physician; M.D.; b. My 20, 1871; s. Frederick (b. Crafford Co.. O.) and Sarah (Jameson) Staley (b. Crafford Co.. O.). Prepared in Tri-State Coll., Angola Ind. Located in Fairgrove, Mich.. 1907- 08; Esbon, Kan.. 1908-17; Holbrook. Neb.. 1917 — . Married Nettie Adel Adames. 1901, Montgomery, Mich. Child: Herman McLeod, b. Jl 30. 1902; Harold Blanchard, b. N 21, 1906; Howard Dixon, b. N 24, 1908; Hillis Adames, b. Mr 20, 1911. Address, Holbrook, Neb. J. CARL STEINER Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 28, 1883, Loraine, 111.; s. George (b. Je 6, 1848, do.) and Elizabeth Ann (Humphrey) Steiner (b. N 22. 1853. Mo.). Pre- pared in Loraine H. S.; Carthage Norm. Sch.; Keokuk Med. Coll.. 1903-05. Located in Brown- ing. 111.. 1907-11; Rushville. do.. 1911-10; Quincy, 1920 — . Mem.. Local Bd. for Schuyler Co.. World War. Married Mr 3. 1909. Chicago. Child. Marian Lucile. b. Ap 13. 1910. Address. 2030 Spring St.. Quincy. 111.; bus. add.. 111. State Bank Bldg.. do. LEO STEINER Physician; M.D.; b. N 24. 1883. Chicago; s. Carl and Josephine (Weiskopf) Steiner. Phi Delta Epsilon. Chief Med. Examiner. Chicago Civil Service Commission. 1921. Pres.. Jefferson Park Hosp.. Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Lillian Lederer, O 29, 1911. Address, 1820 S. Halsted St., Chicago. ELI NATHAN STENN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 1. 1879, Russia; s. Annie (Logen) Stenn. Prepared in Medill H. S.. Chi- cago and Chicago Norm. Sch. Married Sarah Freduss. 1900. Children: Ethel; Arthur; Irving. Address, 1811 47th St.. Chicago. EDWARD WALTER THUERER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 28, 1879; s. Christian (b. Switzerland) and Anna (Tarnutzer) Thuerer (b. do.). Prepared in Baraboo (Wis.) H. S. B. L., Univ. of Wis.. 1903. Nu Sigma Nu; Vale- dictorian. Coll. of Med.. 1907; Class Pres., Univ. of Wis. 1903. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1907-10; located in Billings, Mont., 1910—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 15, 1918-Jl 24, 1919, Mem., A. M. A.: Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow, 1914). Ad- dress, Billings, Mont.; bus. add., Hart-Albin Bldg., do. JOHN JOSEPH TOELLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Cedar Rapids (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., Coll. of Med., 1904-05. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 4701 Lincoln Ave., Chicago.t JULIUS ARTHUR TOREN Specialist; M.D.; b. D 7, 1882; Adj. Prof., Cnem. and Physics, Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1916; Practice limited to Clin. Pathol. Address, River Forest, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., Chicago. CHARLES P. UNGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Rochelle H. S.; Univ. of 111., (Urbana Depts.) 1902-03. Gen. Med. practice. Address. Rochelle, Ill.t WALTER VAN De ERVE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. M.D., Grand Rapids Med. Coll., 1901. Formerly of Holland, Alich.; Sherwood, N. Dak.; Norway, Mich.; Gen. Med. practice. ^Icm., N. Dak. State Med. Assn. Address, 204 Grand Ave., Milwaukee.! ROBERT LUBERT VAN DELLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 17, 1877, Holland; s. Lubert and Grietje (Krythe) Van Dellen. Pre- pared in H. S., Holland. Army Serv. as Ex- aminer Local Bd., 76. Mem., Christian Reformed Church. Married Nettie Ten Houten, Mr 25, 1903. Children: Margaret, b. Mr 12, 1904; Theo- dore, b. Ag 25, 1911; Ruth, b. Jl 3, 1918; Ned WiUiam, b. F 29, 1920. Address, 7128 Emerald Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 7159 S. Halsted St., do. ROBERT LaVERN WADE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 18, 1877, Brushy Prairie, Ind.; s. Henry M. (b. Je 23, 1849, Can.) and Christiana (Lupton) Wade (b. D 28, 1832, Lenawee Co., Mich.). Prepared in Tri-State Coll., Angola, Ind. Class Editor in Sr. Yr. Special diploma issued in Obstetrical Dept. for internship. Owner and chief surg.. The Wade Hosp., a private institution maintained for emergency and surg. cases, Fremont, Ind., 1914 — . Mem., M. E. Church; Dir., Fremont First State Bank. Mar- ried Lura M. Talmage. Mr 30, 1898, Brushy Prairie, Ind. Children: Mildred Joyce, b. D 20, 1898; Wilma Ruth, b. Mr 14, 1902; Bessie Talmage, Ap 12, 1903. Address, Fremont, Ind. *EARL P. WAGNER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1874, South Bend, Ind.; s. Daniel H. (b. D 23, 1844, German Tp., Ind.) and Elizabeth Adams (Stocker) Wagner (b. My 26, 1850, do.). Prepared in common schs. Ph.G. and Ph.C, Purdue Univ., 1897. Phys., South Bend, Ind., 1907 — . Coroner, St. Joseph Co., 7 yrs. Mem., A. M. A.; Ind. State Med. Soc; St. Joseph Co. Med. See; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Eagles; Country Club. Married Maude Meyer O 1, 1902, South Bend, Ind. Children: Katharine Jeanette, b. O 8, 1903; Meyer King, b. S 13, 1910 (died Ag 13, 1911); Helen Louise, b. Jl 24, 1912; Mary Elizabeth, b. O 19, 1914; Earl P., Jr., b. Ag 5, 1917. Died Jl 1, 1920. WILLIAM B. WAKEFIELD Physician; M.D.; b. N 6, 1884; s. James C. and Mary J. (Thompson) Wakefield. Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Phys., Specialist in Skin Diseases, Peoria. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. M. A. Married Nanette C. Lewis, 1907, Chicago. Address, 1017 Hamilton Blvd., Peoria; bus. add., 427 Jefferson Bldg., do. MAURICE BENJAMIN WALLIN (Formerly Maurice Benjamin Wolinsky) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in N. Div. H. S., Chicago. Attending Phys., Hebrew Free Dispensary; Assoc, Dermatol, and Syphilol., Med. Dept., Valparaiso Univ. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 1120 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. City Hall Bldg., do.t GEORGE NATHAN WASSOM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1879, Nevada, 111.; s. W. W. and Hannah (Sharp) Wassom. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S., Pontiac, 111. Alpha Omega Alpha. Married Myrtie Gremmels, N 27, 1912, Oelwein, la. Child, Georgia Belle, b. O 8, 1916. Address, Oelwein, la. ROBERT WEBER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Moline H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 3 yrs.; Ph.G., do Located in Moline, 111.; Hooppole, do., 1909- 12; Tampico, do., 1916; Yorktown, do., 1918; later at Annawan, do. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Yorktown, Ill.t 152 University of Illinois [1908 JOHN EMERSON WHITEHILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Peru (Ind.) H. S. Formerly of Rolling Prairie, Ind.; later of South Bend, Ind. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Morrisvale, W. Va.f JOSEPH HALL WHITELEY Phys. and Med. Off.; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1883, Bonaparte, la.; s. J. G. and Emma (Hall) Whiteley. Prepared in Bonaparte, la. Gen. Med. practice; Med. Off. Reg. Army, Denver. Army Serv., 3 3 yrs., 4 mos. Married Nellie Linder, O 27, 1915, Des Moines. Child, Edward Jenner, b. S 22, 1916. Address, Fitzsimons Gen. Hosp., Denver. PITT STEVENS V^ILSON (Brother of Todd J., '13) Physician; M.D.; b. F 15, 1878, Sand Lake, Mich.; s. Thomas Brown (b. 1844, Mecca, O.) and Jane Luscomb (Stevens) Wilson (b. Ja 7, 1852, Oakfield Tp., Mich.). Prepared in H. S. Rea Scholarship, 1904-05; Jr. House Surg., 1905-06. Police Ambulance, Chicago, 1907; Intern, Ziegler, 111., 1908; Staff, Negaunee Hosp., Negaunee. Mich., 1909-16; Muskegon, Mich., 1916—. Pvt., Co H., 34th Mich. Vol. Inf., Cuban Campaign, 1898; Ry. mail clerk, 1898-1903; local health off.. Palmer, Micli., 1913-14; do., Muskegon Heights, Mich., 1917. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Century Club; County Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Una Potter, Je 30, 1909, Grand Rapids, Mich. Child, Esther Potter, b. Mr 28, 1913. Address, 133 Peck St., Muskegon, Mich.; bus. add., 1 W. McKinney Ave., Muskegon Heights, do. FRANK JOSEPH WOCHOS Physician; M.D.; b. My 25, 1878, Kewaunee, Wis.; s. Matt Wochus (b. Bohemia). Prepared in H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Pres. of Class, '03. Postgrad, course, Univ. of Vienna, 1914. Located at Kewau- nee, Wis. Mem., Med. Examining Draft Board. Married Emma Wochos, F 4, 1914, Chicago. Child, Frances Olga, b. Ap 13, 1916. Address, Kewaunee, Wis. JAY THOMAS WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Address, 912 S. 7th St., Spring- field, 111.; 6ms. add., 403 Meyers St., do.t ROSE EMMA ZALESKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in St. Paul (Minn.) H. S.; Minn. State Univ., Acad. Dept., 1 yr.; do., Med. Dept., 2 yrs., 1904-05. Formerly of St. Paul; later located in Colorado Springs, Colo. J CLASS OF 1908 (139 LIVING, 12 DEAD) ROBERT EARNEST ANTHONY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in W. Div. and McKinlcy H. Schs., Chicago. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1907. Formerly of Springfield, 111.; Specialist in Obstetrics; located in Pratt, Kan., 1909-12; Rockford, 111., 1916-18; later at Trenton, N. J. Address, 1308 W. State St., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., Ashton Bldg., do.f ROBERT WILLIAM ARMSTRONG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 6, 1875; s. Robert Armstrong. Prepared in Colfax (Wash.) H. S. Formerly Phys. and Surg., Camas, Wash.; located in Vancouver, do., 1918 — . Mem., Christian Church. Married Agnes Warwick, S 1907, Tekoa, Wash. Child, Wallace R., b. Jl 15, 1908. Ad- dress, 405-06 U. S. Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. EDMUND MAX ARNOLD Physician; M.D.; b. Je 16, 1876, Ger. Address, 5702 S. Justine St., Chicago; bus. add., 5656 S. Ashland Ave., do. SAMUEL EDWIN ARNOLD M.P.; b. Ja 3, 1874, Lintner, 111.; s. Isaac H. and Mary (Hendricks) Arnold. Pd.D., Central Norm. Coll., Danville, Ind., 1896; B.S., do., 1897. Located in Chicago, 1910; Minneapolis, 1910-17; Decatur, 1917—. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Almeda Brown, D 23, 1897. Children: Melvin, b. F 13, 1903 (died 1910); Lorn, b. Mr 6, 1905; Eunice, b. Ja 27, 1911; Melva, b. N 6, 1912; Marvin, b. D 27, 1914. Address, Decatur, 111. CHARLES RICHARD BATES Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1884, Newtown, 111.; s. Amos Dillard (b. S 3, 1855, Bentley, 111.) and Florence Irene (Seaton) Bates (b. Ag 21, I860, Camp Point, 111.). Prepared in Maplewood H. S., Camp Point, III. Alpha Alpha Kappa; Won I in track, 1903. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, S 1, 1908-F 1, 1910; Phys., Camp Point, 111.; do., and Surg, for C. &. A. R. R., Roodhouse, do. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1918- Ja 1, 1920. Mem.. 111. State Med. Soc.; Adams Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1915). Married, Marion Gerard Alexander, Ap 4, 1910, Chicago. Children: Richard Alexander, b. My 14, 1911; Virginia Seaton, b. F 15, 1913. Address, 327 E. Clay St., Roodhouse, 111. BERTRAM ROBERT BEERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll.; Jenner Med. Coll. Formerly located in West Ely, Quebec. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 4850 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago.f JOHN MILTON BERGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B., 1903; b. Ja 27, 1883, Dolton, 111.; s. John and Margret (Karch) Berger. Prepared in Thorton Tp. H. S. Delta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Head Instr., Sr. Surg, and Instr., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-14. Maj., M. C, U. S. A.; A. E. F., Evac. Hosp. 24, France; 3rd Div., 6th Engr. Regt. Surg., Ger. Address, 3841 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. . FREDERICK AYMOND BERRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 19, 1881, Linn Co., la.; s. Benjamin Richard (b. Ag 25, 1842, Pike Co., 111.) and Louisa Maria (St. Victor) Berry (b. Mr 2, 1847, Pike Co., Mo.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Masonic Club. Honor Roll; Jr. House Surg., 1906-07; Sr. House Surg., 1907-08; Student Asst., Chem., 1904-06; Class Pres., 1904-05; Track Team, one yr. Phys. and Surg., 4666 State St., Chicago, 1908-13; 1542 W. Garfield Blvd., do., O 1913 — ; Asst. Surg., Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1909-11; Med. Examiner, Guard and Metropolitan Life Ins. Cos. Mem. M. E. Church; Ben Hur; Apollo Lodge A. F. A. M.; Englewood Chapter, R. A. M.; Englewood Commandery, K. T.; P. P. Maple Chap.. O. E. S.; Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A .M. A. Married Amy Helen Gust, Jl 26, 1911, Chicago. Child, Virginia Amy, b. S 13, 1915. Address, 1542 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago. BERNARD JOHAN BEUKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Univ. of Leyden, Holland, 2 yrs. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906. Gen. Med. practice. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Atwood, Mich.t 1908] College of Medicine Alumni li53 *MARTIN TAYLOR BILLINGSLEA Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 14, 1S72. Eutaw, Ala.; s. John (b. Marion, Ala.) and I. aura (Byrd) Bil- lingslca (b. Millcdgeville, Ga.). M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 190(). Located in CliicaRO, 1911; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Altoona, Kan., 1911-17. Mem., A. M. A. Died suddenly F 26, 1917, Altoona, Kan. EDWARD THEODORE BIWER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Lincoln Pub. Schs. Gen. Med. practice. Sec, Idaho State Bd. of Health. Address, 1907 Har- rison Blvd., Boise, Idaho; bus. add., McCarty Bldg., rfo.t WILLIAM ALVIN BRANDON Physician; M.D.; b. Mr IS, 1S81, Carbondale, 111.; s. W. H. and Martha B. (Little^ Brandon. Prepared in So. 111. State Norm. Univ., Carbondale, 111. Phi Beta Pi. Phys., Exemption Bd., Jack- son, Co., 111., World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., Shrine. Married Effie Miller, 1901, Carbondale, 111. Children: Lorimer, b., 1903; Lorraine B., (Deceased). Address, Carbondale, lU. ELMER ELLSWORTH BRINCKERHOFF Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. F 13, 1883, Homer, 111.; s. John and Rebecca (Breckenridge) Brinckerhoff. Prepared in Lock- port and Oakland (Calif.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Examiner and Ophthalmologist, Local Bd. 6, World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Ethel A. Johnson, O 17, 1912, Oakland, Calif. Children: Albert J., b. Ag 7. 1913; Rebecca, b. N 24, 1916; Elmer E., Jr., b. Ap 23, 1920. Ad- dress, 388 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, Calif.; bus. add.. First Nat. Bank Bldg., do. *MARCUS FRANCIS BROWN M.D.; b. 1881. Mem., Mont. State Med. Assn. Died Ag 28, 1916, Billings, Mont. ALONZO ALCESTA BROWNING Physician; M.D.; b. D 9 1885 Ogden, Utah; s. W. W. (b. do.) and Josephine (Elmer) Browning (b. do.). Prepared in Ogden (Utah) Pub. Scbs. Grad. work. Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat, 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1916. Intern, West Side Hosp., 1908-10; Head of Miners Hosp., Park City, Utah, 1910-16; City Phys., do.. 1911-16; Summit Co. Phys., 1916—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Weber Co. Med. Soc. (Sec. and Treas., 1919-20.). Mar- ried Clara W. Goddard, 1910, Salt Lake City (died F 1916); Hylda Oveson, 1917, Chicago. Children: Elsie Mae, b. Jl 1914; Marcella, b. Je 15, 1919. Address, 969 25th St., Ogden, Utah; bus. add., 219 First Nat. Bank Bldg., do. CLIFFORD BULLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Chicago. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1907. Formerly of Rector, Ark.; Gen. Med. practice. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 4733 W. Jack.son Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4501 W. Madison St., rfo.t HERMAN WINFORD BUNDY Phys. and Surg; M.D.: b. Mr 11 1879 Nicker- son Kan.; s. Isaac Newton (b. Ohio) and Helena (Smithson) Bundy (b. 111.). Prepared in Tolono H.S. Football team 1901-02. Spanish-Am. War, 1898. Married Edith Stone, S 9, 1909, Tolono, 111. Child, Winford Newton, b. F 3, 1915. Ad- dress, Pesotum, 111. FOSTER KENDRICK CAMP M.D.; b. Mr 13, 1874, Greenville, Ala.; s. Foster P. (b. do.) and Julia (Riley) Camp. Prepared in Greenville (Ala.) Collegiate Institute, and So. Univ., Greensboro, Ala., 1893-94. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta. Established Wesley Hosp., Oklahoma City, Okla. Vol. Med. Serv. Mem., M. E. Church (Pres. Bd. of Stewards): A. F. A. M.; Ki- wanis Club; Chamber of Commerce, Pasadena, Calif. Married Jl 4, 1901, Chicago. Child, Gladys, b. S 25, 1902. Address, Altadena, Calif. *MILO ROY CAMPBELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Butte (Mont.) H. S.; Geo. Washington Univ., 2 yrs.; Univ. of Va.. 1904-06. Formerly at the McAlpm Annex, New York City. Deceased. GEORGE WASHINGTON CASSADY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1866. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Acad., 1893-96; M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1900. Med. Staff, St. Elizabeths Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 2000 Webster Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1850 Milwaukee Ave., do.i HARRY VINCENT CHRISTOPHER M.D.; b. Je 6, 1883; s. William Howard and Nancy E. Christopher. Prepared in London (O.) H. S.; Starling Med. Coll., 2 yrs.; Ohio State Univ., 1 yr. Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigpia Nu. Capt., M. C, 166 Inf., 42 Div., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Helen K. Downing, S 11, 1907. Children: Alice Jane, b. 1910; Nancy Elizabeth, b. 1914; William, b. 1920. Address, 16 W. High St., London, O. FLOYD FERDINAND CLARK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 17, 1875; s. Luella (Miller) Clark. Prepared in Columbia City (Ind.) H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Baptist Church. Married Barbara Patrick, S 11 1912. Children: Floyd F.- Jr.. b. Mr 23, 1913; Fred A., b. F 4, 1917. Address, 2114 Jefferson St., Duluth, Minn.; 6ws. add., 410-15 Fidelity Bldg., do. EMANUEL HARRY CLAYTON (Brother of Thomas W., '98, B.S. in C.E.; husband of lone Schultz, '08) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 29, ISSl, Nelson, 111.; s. Owen Lincoln (b. Catawissa, Pa.) and Mary Catherine (Mensch) Clayton (b. do.). Pre- pared in Dixon H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Lakeside Hosp., Chicago, 1908-09; Med. and Surg, practice, Arkansas City, Kan., 1909 — . Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19; served at Fort Riley, Kan., Ag-N 1917; at the Vancouver Barracks, Wash, till Ja 4, 1919. Mem., Cowley Co. Med. Soc; Kan. State Med. Soc; S. W. Med. Assn.; A. M. A. Married lone Shultz, ("08), Je 2. 1909, Delphi, Ind. Children: Virginia, b. Mr 24, 1912; William Shultz, b. N 12, 1913. Address, 325 N. B. St., Arkansas City, Kan.; bus. add., 301 S. Summit St., do. HENRY WARD CLIFTON Physician; M.D.; b. O 26, 1870, Horse-Heads, N. Y.; s. Clarence D. and AHce (Ward) Clifton. Prepared in H. S. Ph.G., Keokuk Coll. of Pharm., 1906. Gen. Med. practice, Macomb, 111., 1910; Lacon, do., 1912; Watseka, do., 1912—. Mem., Iroquois Co., Exemption Bd., 1917-19. Married S 25, 1900, Astoria 111., (wife died S 15, 1915). Child, Clifford E., b. Ag 10, 1903, (died O 11, 1903). Address, 103 E. Locust St., Watseka, 111. THOMAS LYTTLETON COCKRELL M.D.; b. D 28, 1884, Princeton, Mo.; s. W. E . and Maria E. (Prichard) Cockrell. Married Lorene Boughton, Je 10, 1910, Minneapolis. Children: Dorothy, b. Jl 13, 1913; Marjorio, b. N 27, 1915; Tom, b. Jl 12, 1918. Address, Hinsdale, Mont. WILLIAM CLYDE COMEE Instructor; M.D.; b. F 6, 1886; .Seymour, Wis.; 8. William B. (b. Ilonderson, N. Y.) and Anna Francis Comee (b. Milwaukee, Wis.). Prepared in Seymour (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; Alternate house surg. With Dr. 154 University of Illinois [1908 Albert H. Andrews, Chicago, 3 yrs.; Clin, experi- ence, Coll. of Med.; do., Rush Med. Coll. and 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Instr., Oto- Laryngology and Rhinology, Coll. of Med., My 15, 1918-S 1, 1919.; do., Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol., do., 1919 — . Mem., Outogamia Co., Wis. State and Fox River Valley Med. Societies; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Mar- ried Mabel Elizabeth Fleming, Ap 15, 1909, Chi- cago. Child, William Clyde, Jr., b. Mr 11, 1910. Address, 1518 Belle PJaine Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St., do. MARY LEAH COOK M.D.; b. S 25, 1869, Warren Co., O.; d. Seth and Hannah Jane (Redfern) Cook. Prepared in Harveysburg (O.) H. S., 1887. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Soc. of Friends. Address, Waynesville, O. NORMAN COPELAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 10, 1878, Bethany, Ont., Can.; s. John (b. 1842, Newry, Ulster, Ire.) and Jane (Stafford) Copeland (b. Cowan, Ulster, Ire.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Chi Zeta Chi. Clerk, Tp. of Evanston, 1906-15; Phys., San. Dist., Chicago, 1915-16; Phys., Cook Co. Jail, 1919. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1917- Je 1919. Mem., Am. Legion; Birchwood Lodge, A. F. A. M. (1012 Army Consistory 1, Valley of Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.), Isis Shrine, Sahna, Kan. Address, 6902 N. Clark St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 7005 N. Clark St., do. GEORGE LEWIS COUSINEAU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. M.D., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., 1905. Intern Rochester, N. Y., Homeopathic Hosp. Gen. Med. practice, Portland, Ore.; later at Madras, and Bend, do. Address, Marysville, Calif.t JAMES FRANK DENNIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 30, 1882, Berg- holz, O.; s. Mary (Allen) Dennis. Prepared in Spickard (Mo.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Hilda A. Tracey, My 2, 1911. Child, Catherine, b. Jl 13, 1912. Address, Waterloo, Wis. *GEORGE HARVEY DOANE M.D.; b. 1884. Mem., A. M. A. Died Ja 6. 1911. O'Fallon, 111. JOHN EDWARD DOLAN (Brother of Aloysius N. J. Dolan, '98) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 1, 1882, Kankakee, 111.; s. James (b. My 13, 1846, Ireland) and Mary Elizabeth (Galvin) Dolan (b. My 5, 1858, Clifton, HI.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Intern, St. ■ " Chicago, 1908-09; Gen. Med. -14; Res. Attending Phys., Oak is Hosp., 1914-15; Chicago Muni- cipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 1915-16; Asst. Chief Surg., West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1916-17; Gen. Med. practice. Champaign, Je 1919 — . Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., D 15, 1917-Jl 1919; Divisional Tuberculosis Specialist, 37th Div. in U. S. and overseas. Mem., A. M. A.; Nat. Assn. for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Married Mary Josephine Connell, O 15, 1913. Children: John J., b. S 13, 1914; Ro-semary, b. Jl 19, 1916; Joseph Edward, b. O 29, 1917. Address, 708 W. White St., Champaign; bus. add., 408 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Champaign. Elizabeth Hosp., practice, do., 190 Forest Tubercuk YEPROUS MARTIN DOODOKYAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Ladies Sem., Adana, Turkey; Am. Missionary Med. Coll., Chicago, 4 yrs. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 3252 S. Halsted St., Chicago; bus. add., 828 W. 35th Place, do.t THOMAS FRANKLIN DORNBLASER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 2, 1879: s. T. F. (b. 1841, Pa.) and Annie (Shannon) Dornblaser (b. 1849, do.). Prepared in Dixon H. S., and No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. B.S., No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1903. Phi Delta; Externship in Augustana Hosp., Chicago. Stud., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chi- cago, 1909; Phys.* Walnut Creek, O., 1910-13; Amby, 111., 1913—. Married Mary Elizabeth Loudon, 1910, Janesville, Wis. Address, Amboy, 111. RICHARD EDWARD DOWD (Brother of James Edward, M.D., '05) Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1878, Harvard, Neb.; s. Thomas James (b. D 21, 1840, Old Castle, Ire- land) and Mary Jane (Malone) Dowd (b. Je 29, 1845, Taunton, Mass.>. Prepared in Hastings Pub. Schs. and Pvt. Instr. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Hosp., Serv., Milwaukee, Je 1908- S 1909; Surg., Independent Coal and Coke Co., Kenilworth, Utah, 1910—. M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., Exemption Bd., Carbon Co., Utah. Mem., A. M. A.; Salt Lake Co. Med. Soc; Utah State Med. Soc. Married Ja 1.5, 1916, Chi- cago. Children: Thomas James, b. N 8, 1916; Honora Frances, b. Je 9, 1919. Address, Kenil- worth, Utah. RODEN ROBINSON DUFF Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Prof. Palmers Acad., Blozewitz, Ger.; Univ. Med. Coll. Kansas City, 1901-02. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1907. Phi Beta Pi. Prof., Phys. Diag. and Anesthesiol., Coll. of Dent., 1910-12. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War; Quiz Master, Field Tactics, M. O. T. C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Phvs. Club of Chicago. Address, 9230 Pleasant Ave., Chicago; bus. ndd., 1118 W. 35th St., do.t CHARLES AUSTIN DURKEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Redfield Coll., Redfield, S. Dak.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly of Fairmount, N. Dak.; later Gen. Med. practice, D wight, do. Address, Abercrombie, N. Dak.t JOHN WESLEY ECKMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Decatur, H. S. Specialist in Obstetrics. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Winchester, Ul.t RAYMOND BROOKE ESSICK Physician; M.D ; b. N 9, 1885, Pomona, III.; s. Wesley Wilson, (b. 1849, Duncannon Co., Pa.) and Martha Ellen (Reeves) Essick (b. 1863, Car- bondale. 111.). Prepared in Murphysboro Tp. H. S. Grad. work. Operative Surg., Chicago Poli- clinic, 1914. Phys. and mem. of Bd. of Trustees, Jackson Co. Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Sec-Phys., Local Bd. of Exemption, Jackson Co., 111. Mem., B. P. O. E., 572. Married Je 30, 1908, Murphys- boro, 111. Children: Raymond Brooke, b. F 28, 1912; Mary Ellen, b. O 6, 1914. Address, W. Division St., Murphysboro, 111.; bus. add.. Box 424, do. JOHN HENRY EVANS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 11, 1885, Chicago; s. George H. (b. N 17, 1861, Bangor Wales, Great Britain) and Mary (Parry) Evans. Prepared in N. W. Acad. Phi Rho Sigma. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Camille Boileau, Ap 23, 1912, Chicago. Children- John Henry, b. Ag 15, 1915, (died Ja 11, 1917); Elizabeth Jane, b. D 13, 1920. Address, 5507 Quincy St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 523 S. Crawford Ave., do. WILLIAM HENRY FORTIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Formerly Phys., Cook Co. Infirmary and Tuberculosis Hosp., Oak Forest, 111. Address, Puposky, Minn.t 1908] College of Medicine Alumni 155 MATILDA FREITAG (SAVAGE) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 22, 1884, Arrowsmith, III.; d. C. W. (b. S 19, 1841, Germany) and Doro- thy (EUers) Frcitag (b. Jo 15, 1853). Prepared in Eureka College. N'u Sigma Phi; Class Sec, 1907. Located in Chicago, 1908-09; Grad. work. Dissec- tion, Coll. of Med. 1909 (3 mos.); Munich Frauen- clinic, Ger., Mr-Je, 1913; private clinic, Vienna, Aus., Je-S 1, 1913; located in Bloomington, 111.. Je 1, 1909-Mr 1, 1916; New York, Mr 1, 1918—. Served as phys., McGee (Govt.) Hosp. during Influenza epidemic, O 5-N 16, 1918. Married Eugene F. Savage, O 17, 1908, Crown Point, Ind. Child, Eugene F., Jr., b. Jl 2, 1917 (died Jl 3, 1917) . Address, Carnegie Inst, of Technology, Pittsburgh. GEORGE ROMEO FUGINA M.D.; b. F 28, 1885, Fountain City, Wis.; s. Joseph and Elizabeth (Holtzer) Fugina. Prepared in Fountain City (Wis.) H. S. Married Marie Thro, S 30, 1914, Mankato, Minn. Child, Betty, b. S 29, 1915. Address, Madison Lake, Minn. JOSEPH ALFRED GAUDET Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in St. Josephs Coll., West Co., N. B.; Mich. Coll. of Med. and Surg., Detroit Address, St. Joseph, N. B., Can.t JOHN JOSEPH GEARIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 11, 1886, Chicago; s. John and Margaret (Brosnon) Gearin. Pre- pared in St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. Mem., K. C. Army Serv., 13 mos.. World War. Address, 4502 Washington Blvd., (Chicago; bus. add., 4101 W. Madison St., do. WILLIAM FR.\NCIS GERETY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago . Address, 717 Sherman St.. Danville, 111.; bus. add., 201i^ E. Main St.. do.t EMERY WELLS GOEMBEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1881, Hooppole, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Mr 12, 1850, Washington, 111.) and Rebecca (Zincer) Goembel (b. Jl 9, 1849, do.). Prepared in Geneseo H. S. Alpna Omega Alpha. Located in Rockford, 111. Married Vesta B. Rapp, My 5, 1909, Geneseo, 111. Child, Marjorie Janet, b. O 19, 1916. Address, 11.30 E. State St., Rock- ford, 111.; bus. add., 507-10 Ash ton Bldg., do. SOLOMAN M.\XWELL GOLDBERGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 11, 1886, Chicago; s. and Regina (Rothgieser) Goldberger. Prepared in Whiting (Ind.) H. S. Phi Delta Ep- silon. Med. and Surg, practice, limited to diseases of children; Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1918- 21; Assoc, do., 1921—; Instr., do., Chicago Poli- clinic. Examining Bd.; Essential Teacher, Med. Dept., Univ. of 111., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Flora Levy, O 27, 1914. Child, Marv-in, b. Je 27, 1916. Address, 2006 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3153 FuUerton Ave., do. MICHAEL GOLDENBURG Physician; M.D.; b. F 22, 1879, Winnepeg, Can.; s. Hirsch G. and Bertha (Helman) Goldenburg. Specialist, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat; Surg., 111., Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Auth.: Spec- ialistic .Articles in many Med. Publications. Mem., A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc. (Sec. 1921). Ad- dress, 857 Margate Terrace, Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do, EDWARD FRANK GOLLOBITH Physician; M.D.; b. S 5, 1885, Maquoketa, la.; 8. John G. and Anna (Butka) GoUobith. Prepared in Baldwin (la.) H. S. and Valparaiso Univ. ,Sch. of Pharm. Phi Delta. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. Married Ida M. Eadie, 1913, Hanover, III. Address, Hanover, 111. GLENN GODFREY GORDON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 19, 1882, Bolivar, Mo.; 8. R. D. and Cordia .\. (Hendricks) Gordon. Pre- pared in Fair Play (Mo.) H. S.; State Norm. Sch.. Warrensburg, Mo., 1900-01. Lecturer and atten- ding Phys., St. Elizabeths Hosp., Baker, Ore. Located at Waynoka, Okla., 1909-16; Baker, Ore., 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine. Married Josephine Beaudoin, S 7, 1918, Joseph, Ore. Child, Elaine, b. My 5, 1920. Address, Baker Clinic, Baker, Ore. PHILIP ABERNETHY GRAVES Professor; M.D.; b. O 17, 1872. Beloit, Wis.; s. Temple and S. K. Graves. Prepared in East Troy (Wis.) H. S., and Univ. of Wis. Phi Beta Pi; Valedictorian, Coll. of Med. Prof., Ophthal- mol. Eye Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married 1905. Child, Richard, b. 1908 (Deceased). Address, Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., Chicago. EDWIN JAMES GREER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Pontiac (Mich.) H. S.; George Washington Univ., 1899-1900; Med. Coll. of Va., 1904-06. Formerly of Buttle, Mont. Address, Great Falls, Mont.t FRANCIS JOSEPH GRIFFIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. A.B., All Hallows Coll., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1903. For- merly of Butte, Mont.; later with Med. Dept., Internat. Harvester Co., Chicago; was first Phys. to diagnose Pellagra in the Peoria State Hosp. Address, 4644 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 606 S. Michigan Ave., do.t GEORGE ALLEN GRINDS Physician; M.D.; b. F 15, 1880, De Forest, Wis.; s. Louis and Emma (Engesether) Grinde. Prepared in Luther Coll., Decorah, la. Married Bertha Thoe, N 20, 1904. Children: Ina, b. Jl 31, 1905; Harold, b. D 27, 1908; Irene, b. Jl 11, 1912; Gertrude Jeanne, b. O 4, 1917. Address, Cumberland, Wis. JOHN ARTHUR HA.\KE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Riley (Kan.) H. S.; Kan. Med. Coll., 3 yrs. For- merly of Green, Kan.; at one time Phys. at Clay Center, do. Address, Newton, Kan.f ADOLPH HARTUNG Physician; M.D.; b. F 26, 1883, Ger.; s. William (b. Ger.) and Anna (Ernst) (b. do.). Prepared in Milwaukee E. Side H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Pnys,, Chicago; Instr., Radio- graphy, Coll. of Med", 1910-14; do., Roentgenol., do., 1914-18; Assoc, do., 1918-19; Asst. Prof., do., 1919—. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Roentgen Ray Soc. Married Clara Henrici, Je 1919, Chicago. Child, Hertha Louise, b. Mr 1920. Address, 4431 Maiden St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. EMERY ROE HAYHURST Professor; M.D.; A.B. in .Sc, 1903; A.M., 1905; b. Je 28, 1880, St. Louis; s. John Emery (b. Mr 19, 1849, Evansville, Ind.) and Eva May (Roe) Hayhurst (b. N 20, 1854, Hernando, Miss.). Pre- pared in May wood H. S. and John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Ph.D.. Univ. of Chicago, 1916. Delta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; K. K. Club; Adelphic; Capt. and Regtl. Adjt. Asst., Physiol. Univ. of 111., 1903-04; Instr., do., 1904-05; do., Coll. of Med.. 1905-08; 1st Intern appointed to Univ. Hosp., 1908; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1908-10; Phys. and Surg., Maywood and Chicago, 1910-13; 111. Comn. on Occupational Diseases, Chicago, 1910; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Fellow on Occupa- tional Diseases, Sprague Memorial Inst., 1912-13; Instr., Rush Med. Coll., 1912-13; Chief, Ohio Occupational Disease Survey, 1913-15; Ohio State Board of Health, 1913 — ; Asst. Prof., Hygiene, 156 University of Illinois [1908 Ohio State Univ., 1916; Sec. of the Med. Faculty, do., 1917; Prof, of Hygiene, and Head of dept. of Pabiie H^-alth and Sanitation, Ohio State Univ., 1920—. Instr., Mil. Hyg., R. O. T. C, (Univ. of Chicago, 1917); Sanitarian, U. S. Pub. Health Serv.; Essential teacher. Coll. of Med., Ohio State Univ.; Chr., Mil. Hyg., and San., S. M. A. and S. A. T. C, Ohio State Univ.: Vol. Med. Corps, (Ohio); Sec, Comn. on Sanitation and mem. of Com. on Explosives of Comn. on Labor, Council of Nat. Defense. Auth.: (with Dr. Geo. M. Kober) Occupational Diseases and Vocational Hygiene, 2nd ed., P. Blakistons Sons and Co., 1000 pp., illus.; Report of the Investiga- tion of the Brass Mfg. Indus., Chicago, and the Zinc Smelter of La Salle Co., 111., contained in report of Comn. on Occupational Diseases to Gov. Deneen, 1911, pp. 49-84: The Effects of Turpen- tine upon the Health of Workmen, do.; The Brass Moulders Secret, The Survey., Vol. XXVI, 1911, Illus.; Sur. of Indus. Health Hazards and Occupa- tional Diseases in Ohio, Ohio State Board of Health, 438 pp., 1915; articles in Jour. A. M. A., Am. Jour, of Physiol., Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Bui of U. S. Bur. of Labor, The Surcey, Am. Jour. Pub. Health, Hasp. Management., Mod. Hosp., Editorial Asst., Am. Jour, of Pub. Health, 1917; Assoc. Ed., Jour, of Indus. Hyq., 1919; XVth Internat. Congr. of Hyg. and Demography, Nat. Conf. of Charities and Corrections, Second Pan-Am. Scientific Cong., Ohio Pub. Health Jour., Mod. Med., Jour, of Indus. Hyg. Mem., Am. Pub. Health Assn., (Chm., Section on Indus. Hyg.) 1916-17; Nat. Safety Council, (Health Com.) 1912-18; A. M. A.; Chicago Patholog. Soc, 1909 — ; Am. Econ. Assn., 1915 — ; A. A. A. S., 1916 — ; Am. Assn. of Indus. Physicians and Surgs., 1916—; Nat. Conf. of Social Workers, 1916 — . Married Isabella Elmira Norris, N 15, 1910, Maywood, 111. (died My 18, 1918); Jessie Pasco Ives, Je 14, 1919, Hartford, Wis. Children: Roe Norris, b. Ag 7, 1913; Cuthbert Newton, b. Je 27, 1916; James Dwight, b. Ap 21, 1918; Wal- lace Ives, b. S 10, 1920. Address, Concord Rd., Upper Arlington, Columbus, O. WILLIAM ELIAS HEDGES Physician; M.D.; b. F 13, 1875, Chicago; s. S. P. and Rachel D. Hedges. Prepared in Prince- ton Univ. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1904. Phi Alpha Gamma. Phvs., Chicago; Portland; Juntura, Ore. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 21- D 12, 1918, Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Camp Pike, Ark. Married Ada May Merrill, Je 21, 1906, Portland, Ore. Address, Juntura, Ore. ERNEST LOUIS HENNIG M.D.; b. Jl 15, 1885, Oshkosh, Wis.; s. Carl H. and Julia (Doege) Hennig. Prepared in Osh- kosh (Wis.) H. S. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp. 79, A. E. F. Mem., A. M. A.; Jefferson Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Mt. Vernon, 111. GAVIN SHEARER HERBERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1909. Formerly Phys., Santa Paula, Calif. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 5227 Santa Monica Blvd.,' Los Angeles.t BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HODSDON Oculist and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 29, 1865, Berwick, Me.; s. Nathaniel (b. do.) and Eliza (Butler) Hodsdon (b. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia). Prepared in Lebanon, Me.; Dover, N. H.; N. Y. Sch., 1900; N. Y. Policlinic, 1902; Chicago Poli- clinic, 1906; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1905-06. M.D., Bowdoin Coll., 1897. In- tern, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1906- 07. Local Surg., Fla. East Coast Ry. Co.; Oculist, do. and on staff, Miami City Hosp., located in Chicago, Morris, 111., and Miami, Fla., ten yrs. Mem., Baptist Church; Rotary Club; I. O. O. F.; K. P. Married Lucile Kaufman, Whitman, 111. Child, Edith Lucile, b. N 1910. Address, 40 Lee St., Miami, Fla.; 6ms. add., 111^ Ave. C, do. WILLIAM JAMES HOWARD, JR. Physician; M.D.; b. D 25, 1882, Washington, D. C; s. Rev. William James and Alverda (Brown) Howard. Prepared in Exeter Acad., 1902; Har- vard Univ., 1902-03. Mem., Staff, Freedmans Ho.sp. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Base Hosps., Camp Dodge and Camp Meade; Special work in Venereal diseases, do.; in France with 351st F. A., 9 mos. Mem., A. M. A.; I. O. O. F. Married Dorothy Mae Waring, D 31, 1915, Baltimore. Address, 100 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. CURTIS ARTHUR HUNSAKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 10, 1887, Cobden, 111.; s. William Franklin (b. Je 7, 1862, Cobden, 111.) and Hulda Catherine (Stout) Hunsaker (b. My 3, 1863, do.). Prepared in common schs.; St. Louis Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1904-06. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 16, 1917-Ag 12, 1919. Mem., Union Club, Anna, 111.; Union Co. Med. Soc. Married S 30, 1908, Jonesboro, 111. Chil- dren: Franklin Samuel, b. Je 22, 1909; Clara Idel, b. S 4, 1911; Robert Lee, b. D 11, 1913; Hiawatha Catherine, b. Ap 10, 1916. Address, 107 Kohler Ave., Anna, 111. FREDERICK MORTIMER HUNTLEY Physician; M.D.; b. N 8, 1880, Goshen, Ind.; s. Victor F. and Harriett (Castle) Huntley. Pre- pared in Manton (Mich.) Union H. S. 1st Lt., World War. Married Maude E. Williams, F 6, 1907. Child, Frederick H. (adopted). Address, 908 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing, Mich.; bus. add., L. St. Savings Bank, do. CHARLES WESLEY HUTCHISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 24, 1883; s. R. P. and Catherine (McCaskey) Hutchison. Prepared in Ames (la.) H. S., and Still Coll. of Osteopathy, Des Moines. Phys. and Surg., Coalinga, Calif.; Los Angeles, 1920 — . 1st Lt., World War. Mar- ried Bernice L. Cook, My 1912. Address, 5015 Gramercy Place, Los Angeles; bus. add., 800 Chap- man Bldg., do. *CHARLES WILLIAM I M WALL Phys. and Surg,; M.D.; b. 1880. M.D., Dear- born Med. Coll., 1907. Formerly of Covington, Ky.; later Phys. at 301 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Mem., A.M. A. Died Mr 4, 1914. OSCAR E. ISHMAEL Physician; M.D.; b. S 12, 1883, Beetown, Wis.; s. Eldridge (b. Ky.) and Hannah (Hutchcroft) Ishmael (b. London, Can.). Prepared in Cass- ville (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis., and Plattsville (Wis.) Norm. Sch. Gen. Med. practice in Mt. Horeb, Wis. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1918- Je 18, 1919. A. F. A. M., 3rd °, R. A. M. Mar- ried 1908, Crown Point, Ind. Child, Eldridge George, b. F 7, 1918. Address, Mt. Horeb, Wis. EARL JAMIESON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 5, 1877, Moline, 111.; s. A. W. and Nora H. (Murphy) Jamieson. Prepared in Moline H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Married Hazel L. Jones, Ap 29, 1919, Mankato, Minn. Child, Doris L., b. Jl 25, 1920. Address, Walnut Grove, Minn. THYRA HILDEGARDE JOSSELYN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Central H. S., Detroit; Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1903-05. Gen. Med. practice, Madison, Ind., 1912; Lawrence, Kan., 1916; Bellevue Hosp., New York City, 1918. Address, Stamford Hall, Stam- ford, Conn.; bus. add., Stamford Hall Sanitarium, do.t THOMAS MATHIAS JOYCE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Waterloo (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Janesville, Minn.t 1908] College of Medicine Alumni 157 ANDREW CYRIL KELLY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1S81. Prepared in Jefferson (la.) H. S. At one time located in Charles City, la.; later Gen. Med. practice, Monarch, Wyo. Address, Townsend, Mont.t JOHN LUTHER KNAPP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Ohio No. Univ., Ada, O.; Med. Dept., Univ. of Mich., IJ2 yrs. Formerly located in Franklin Furnace, O.; Attending Staff, St. Annes Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. ^L A.; 111. State Med. See; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 3232 Lawrence Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4234 Armitage Ave., do.t JEROME FRANCIS KUCERA Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Jefferson H. S.; ^^D., Jenncr Med. Coll., 1907. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 321 S. Whipple St., Chicago.t JOSEPH CLINTON LALOR M.D.: b. Mr 4, 1882, Madison, Wis.; s. William and Julia (Dorris) Lalor. Prepared in Oregon H. S., and N. W. Bus. Coll., Madison, Wis. In- tern, Madison Gen. Hosp. (1 yr.). Located at Sauk City, Wis., (12 yrs.). Sigma Phi Epsilon. Married Marie Lvons, S 26, 1908, Chicago. Child, .Margaret, b Je 11, 1910. Address, Sauk City, Wis. WILLIAM RAPHAEL LARKIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. ISSl. Prepared in St. Francis Coll , BcUew, Ireland; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05; Jenner Med. Coll., 1905-06 Post- grad, work, Univ of Edinburgh and Royal Coll. of Surgs., Edinburgh, Scotland, 1912. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc ; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Assn. of Mil. Surgs. Address, 1608 Millard Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3538 Ogden Ave., rfo.t WILMERT PAUL LAUE Physician; M.D ; b. Je 16, 1877, Saginaw. Mich.; s. Paul F. (b. My 9, 1850, Brandenburg, Prussia) and Harriett (Shaw) Laue (b. Ap 9, 1854, Roches- ter, N. Y.). Prepared in Saginaw (Mich.) H. S.; Saginaw Vallev (Mich.) Med. Coll., 1900-02. Pi Eta Pi. Grad. work. New York, 1906. Intern, Crystal Falls Hosp., Mich.. 1903; Gen. Med. practice, Northland, Mich., 1904-06; Gary, Ind., 190S — . Health Comn., Gary, 1913. Married Sarah Elizabeth Heller, Ap 25, 1906, Saginaw, Mich. Child, Elizabeth Sarah, b. My 3, 1915. Address, Gary, Ind. ARTHUR LEDERER Pathologist; M.D.; b. S 13, 1880, Reichenberg, Bohemia; s. Emanuel and Augusta (Stampf) Lederer. Prepared in Coll. of Technology, Rei- chenberg, Bohemia; Chem. Eng., 1898; C. P. H., Hari-ard, Boston, 1917. P. A. Surg. (Reserve) U. S. Pub. Health Serv.; Pathologist in charge, Hosp., 30, 47th and Drexel Blvd., Chicago. Army Serv., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Hyg. Lab., Wash., D. C. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Scientific Socities. .\uth.: Numerous scientific publications. Address, 4729 Forrestville Ave., Chicago. ALICE LULU LEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S. NEWTON DEYOE LEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Phi Beta Pi. Address, 1002 Wilson Ave., Chicago. CHARLES OSCAR LINDSTROM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 26, 1875, Sweden: s. Charles J. and Anna Louise CJingstrorn) Lind- strom. Prepared in Tech. H. S., Sweden; Jeffer- son H. S., Chicago, and Coll. of Pharm., do. Kappa Zeta Kappa; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; Chicago Med. Soc.; III. State Med. Soc. Red Cross Home Ser- vice. Married Bertha Hinbock, Ag 15, 1895, Milwaukee, Wis. Child, Robert, b. My 29, 1896. Address, 460 Deming Place, Chicago; bus. add., 800 N. Clark St.. do. JOHN MAYHUE LUND Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Morri^onville H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05; Jenner Med. Coll., 1905-06. Specialist in Obste- trics, Harmon, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Di.\on, Ill.t JACOB OSMOND LUNN Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. Phys. and Surg., Manila, P. I.; later at Edgemont, S. Dak. Mem., P. I. Med. Assn. ; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Wing, S. Dak.t BERNARD VINCENT McCABE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 24, 1871; s. O. J. and Elizabeth McCabe. Prepared in St. Marys H. S., St. Paul, Minn. Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Helena, Mont. Married Mary G. Flinn, N 10, 1908. Children: James J., b. 1912; Mary G., b. 1914; Ann, b. 1916. Address, 440 Monroe Ave., Helena, Mont.; bus. add., 137.^ N. Main St., do. ROSCOE CONKLING McCORMICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S. in Nat. Sc, 1901; b. D 5, 1877. Strawn, 111.; s. William (b. Ap 25, 1845, La Salle, 111.) and Elizabeth (Van Doren) McCormick (b. My 11, 1844, Farmington, do.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S. and Univ. Acad. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Football, Univ. of 111. and Coll. of Med. Prin. of Sch.. Murphysboro, 111., 1901-02; Bellevue, Idaho, 1902- 03; Idaho City, do., 190.3-05; Med. Insp., City of Chicago, Health dept., 1908-10; Gen. Med. prac- tice, do.; Wauconda, 111., 1910 — . Married Je 20, 1904. Van Wyck. Idaho. Children: Francis W., b. S 25, 1905; Doris M., b. F 7, 1909; Marjorie M., b. D 23, 1912. Address, Wauconda, 111. JOSEPH JAY McGRORY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll.. 1896. Mem., Chicago Acad, of Surg.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 3921 Grand Ave., Chicago.t NORMAN EDWARD MARION Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 2, 1885, Water- man, 111.; s. W. H. and Ella (Tomblin) Marion. Prepared in West Aurora H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc; Kane Co. Med. Soc Married Mabel Margaret Shaw, N 15, 1911, Chicago. Address, Big Rock, ELSIE MARIE MARTINSON (GILBERT) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Wells (Minn.) H. S. M.D., Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1900. Prepared in Battle Creek, Mich. Speciahst in Gynecol., Tampa, Fla.; Staff, Tampa Sanitarium, do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Cen- tral Ave. and Jackson St.. Tampa, Fla.; bus. add., Tampa Sanitarium, do.t CHARLES EVERETT MAYOS Physician; M.D. ;b.S 6, 1878, Manhattan, Kan.; s. James Coleman (b. Eng.) and Bessie (Lewis) Mayo.s (b. do.). Prepared in Clay Center (Kan.) H. .S. Grad. work in Hosp. Administration and Nervous and Mental diseases, Wesley Hosp., Chicago; With Internat. Harvester Co., Chicago; Asst. Supt., City Hosp., Minijeapolis; Sr. Phys., Staff, Watertow'n State Hosp., East Moline, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., O 3, 1918-0 1, 1919; Sta- tioned at Base Hosp., Camp Grant, 111. Auth.: Interesting Case of Word Blindness in Soldiers, III. Stite Hosp. Mao-, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Hosp. Assn.; Consi-story 2, Minneapolis. Married 1917, St. Paul. Address, Watertown State Hosp., East Moline, 111. 158 University of Illinois [1908 FRANK SHERWOOD MEADE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Perth Amboy (N. J.) Pub. Schs.; Philadelphia Coll. of Optics, 1902; No. 111. Coll. of Ophthalmol., 1903; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1904-06. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1204 Rutledge St., Madison, Wis.; bus. add., 21 N. Pinckney St., do.t WHEDON WORLEY MERCER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 5, 1881; s. James E. and Elizabeth D. (Worley) Mercer. Prepared in Brimfield H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ., Blooming- ton, 1900-02. Alpha Kappa Kappa. 111. State Hosp. Service, 1910-13; Asst. Supt., Anna State Hosp., Anna, 111., 1914; Med. practice. Deer Creek, 1915—. Mem., Tazewell Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Kathryn J. Giblin, S 20, 1911, Kankakee. Address, Deer Creek, 111. KARL ALBERT MEYER Med. Supt.; M.D.; b. S 28, 1886, Oilman, 111.; s. Charles (b. N 1, 1840, Pomerania, Ger.) and Katherine (Gross) Meyer (b. F 1, 1850, do.). Prepared in Oilman H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Valedictorian. Intern, Univ. and Cook Co. Hosps., Chicago, 1908-10; Gen. Med. practice, 1910-14; Med. Supt., Cook Co. Hosp., 1914—; Asst., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1914-20; Assoc. Prof., do., 1920—. De- livered oration on Ulcer cure following Gastric and Duodenal Perforation at meeting of Med. Assn. of Mo. Valley, S 6, 1920. 1st Lt., M, R. C, U.S.A., Ag. 23, 1918-Ja l,1919.Auth.:Perirenal Hemorrhage Jour. A. M. A., S 1918; Acute Pancreatitis, Internal. Clinics, Vol. 3, ser. 29; Volvulus, Chicago Surg. Clinics, Je 1919; Extravasation of Urine, do., Ag 1919; Retroperitoneal Gun Shot Wound, Surg. Clinics, 1919. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.;'Chicago Surg. Soc Married Faye Hart, N 10, 1918, Chicago. Child, Mary Ann, b. N 6, 1919. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. EDWARD MICHAEL MIKKELSEN (Brother of Agnes, '05) Physician; M.D.; b. S 20, 1872, Chicago; s. Nels Peter (b. Copenhagen, Denmark) and Jose- phine Elizabeth (Helstrom) Mikkelsen (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. Located in Chicago; Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Alaska, 1911; Vocational Advisor, Federal Board for Vocational Educ, Mr 14, 1919—. Capt., M. C, U: S. A., Ap 10, 1918- Ja 4, 1919; Asst. to Div. Surg.; 140th Field Artillery; 160 Depot Brigade. Mem., Chi- cago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M., Standard Lodge No. 873, Oriental Consistory, and Mystic Shrine. Address, 1943 Kedzie Ave., Chicago. HARRY CLIFFORD MILLER Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 11, 1876, New Hampton, la.; s. George W. (b. My 19, 1842, Painted Post, N. Y.) and Mary A. Miller (b. F 17, 1845, Rockford, 111). Prepared in New Hampton (la.) H. S. B.S., Colo. Agr. Coll., 1899. Nu Sigma Nu. Med. and Surg, practice, Colo., 1909-16. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1916-Ag 1919; served in Alaska, 2 yrs.; Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Ag 1919-Ja 1920. Married Ja 31, 1911, Hotchkiss, Colo. Address, 607 E. 47th St., Seattle, Wash.; 6ms. add., 814 Seaboard Bldg., do. JAMES MICHAEL MORAN Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 26, 1883, Washington Co., Pa.; s. Rose M. (McGloughlin) Moran. Specialist in Chest, Nose and Throat diseases. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Address, 3547 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus: add., 1575 Ogden Ave., do. GEORGE WILLIAM MORROW Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 16, 1880, Benham, Ind.; s. Andrew J. and Emaline (Jolly) Morrow. Prepared in Marion Norm. Institute, Marion, Ind. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Kankakee Co. Med. Soc; M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Ruth Carter, O 9, 1915, Anna, 111. Address, Kankakee State Hosp., Kankakee, 111. ♦ROBERT MOSSER Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1891; b. O 23, 1869, Palatine, 111.; s. Jacob (b. My 4, 1824, Gerstheim, Alsace) and Ursula (Retterer) Mosser (b. Ag 2, 1835, Muttersholz, Alsace). Prepared in Palatine H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Pharmacist, Chi- cago, 1891-93; do.. Palatine, 111., D 1893-Ap 1904; Phys., Chicago, 1908-19; do., Phoenix, Ariz., 1919-21; Instr., Chnical Med. and Asst. in Dispensary, Coll. of Med., 1910-14; Assoc, CHn. Med., do., 1914-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918-19. Died Je 24, 1921, Phoenix, Ariz. ELAM TURNER MURPHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Attended Harvey Med. Coll., 1902-04. A.B.. Wabash Coll., 1899; A. M., Univ. of Indianapolis, 1901. Instr., Jr. Med. and Asst. in Clinic, Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Formerly located in Crawsfordville, Ind. Address, 2808 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.t FRANK LOUIS NATHANSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1515 S. Crawford Ave., Chi- cago.t FRANK STEWART NEEDHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Duxbury (Mass.) H. S.; Mass. Norm. Art Sch., Boston, 1899; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Minn., ] yr.; Harvey Med. Coll., Chicago, 1 yr. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1905. Health Comn., Oak Park, 111. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 332 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 124 Wisconsin Ave., do.i WILMER YOUNG NEER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Taylorville H. S. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Vernal, S. Dak. Address, Drummond, Wis.t GEORGE JOSEPH NOGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Practice hmited to Internal Med. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 2854 Racine Ave., Chicago.f SAMUEL BROWN NORRIS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 26, 1885, Anna, 111.; s. James (b. Ag 9, 1848, Scotland) and Emily Wiley (Davies) Norris (b. Ag 7, 1855, Anna, 111.). Prepared in Anna H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Masonic Club. Football Team (Mgr., 1907); Treas., Sr. Class. Gen. Med. practice, McClure 111., 1908-11; Anna, do., 1911-16; U. S. Indian Service in Ariz., 1916-18; U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1918—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Hoopa, Calif. LOUIS HENRY A. NOWACK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 11, 1883, Water- town, Wis.; s. Carl and Bertha (Borkenhagen) Nowack. Prepared in Watertown H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Rea Scholarship, 1906. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Watertown, Wis. Camp Cus- ter, Mich., S 13, 1918-F 7, 1919, World War. Mem., Moravian Church; Pres., Watertown Anti- Tuberculosis Assn. Married Clara Hilgendorf, S 21, 1909, Watertown, Wis. Children: Harriet Amy, b. S 17, 1911; Louis Willard, b. Jl 11, 1913. Address, 809 Main St., Watertown, Wis.; bus. add., 102 Main St., do. ♦ALBERT CHARLES NUSSLE M,D.; b. 1884. Home, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Died O 14, 1917. 1908] College of Medicine Alumni 159 SARAH CONLEY O'CONNELL Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 4, 1S70, Wis.; d. Katharine Diamond. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Married Richard John O'Con- nell. S 19, 1890. Children: Clementine; Henry Grattan. Address, 1233 Arthur St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. DAVID MORTIMER OLKON Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Univ. of Dorpat, Rus. D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1899; M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906. Mem., A. M. A.; III. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 5146 S. Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St.. do.t ROMUALD OTHELO OSTROWSKI Phys. and Pharm.; b. Ja 15, 1880, Krakow, Poland; s. Leonard and Florence (Jaworski) Os- trowski. Prepared in Gymnasium Sch., Krakow, Poland. Phys. and Proprietor of the Ostrowski Pharmacy, Hammond, Ind. Recruiting Off., Pohsh .\rmy in France. Mem., A. M. A.; Polish Med. Soc. Address, 716 Hohman St., Hammond, Ind. GROVER CLEVELAND OTRICH Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 13. 1SS4, Union Co.. 111.; s. George W. and Sevena (Bizzel) Otrich. Pre- pared in Anna H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Surg, practice. Ear, Nose and Throat. Capt., Med. Dept., Aviation Corps, World War. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. Surg. (Fel- low). Married O 14. 1914, Chicago. Address, 302 Abend St., Belleville, 111.; bus. add.. Commer- cial Bldg.. do. JENNIE WINSHIP PARKS Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 25, 1874; d. Thomas and Rebecca (Inman) Winship. Prepared in Cuba H. S. Mem., O. E. S.; White Shrine; Rebekah; Christian Church. Address, Cuba, 111. ♦HOMER COULSON PARRISH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Attended St. Louis Coll. of Pbys. and Surgs.. 2 yrs. Formerly of Creston. Wash.; located in Ho. Idaho, about 1912; in Floweree. Mont.. 1916. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A., Fort Benton, Mont.; Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Died O 14. 1918. Gen. Hosp. 14. Camp Green- leaf, Ft. Oglethorpe. Ga. WARREN FREDERICK PEARCE Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 9, 1885, Chatton, 111.; 8. Jackson R. and Elizabeth (McGinnis) Pearce. Prepared in Quincy H. S.; L. & A. course, Univ. of III. Urbana Depts., 1903-04. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Mem., Sure. Staff, Blessing Hosp., Quin- cy, 111., 1910—; Pres.. Staff, do., 1920. Med. Officer, U. S. N., World War. 30 mos.; overseas. 20 mos.; in command of Naval Hosp.. Lorient, Fr. Auth.: Perforation of Meckels Diverticulum with accomp. append., Naval Bulletin. Mem.. Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°; B. P. O. E.; Kiwanis Club; Quincy Coml. Club. Married Lilian Swope. My 1. 1913. Child. Warren F. Jr.. b. Ja 11. 1916. Address, 2015 Vermont St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., 209-10-11. Majestic Bldg., do. ROLAND HODGE PHILLIPS M.D.; b. Ja 2, 1878, London, Ky.; s. .lulia (Hodge) Phillips. B.S., Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ. Army Serv., Ap 4, 1918-Jl 15, 1919, World War; Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A., 1920. Married Edna Bates, Ag 13, 1907, Union, la. Address, 4371 Archer Ave., Chicago. LeROY CALKINS POTTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18S0. M.D.. Jenner Med. Coll.. 1907. Formerly of Payson. Ut.; located in Bancroft. Idaho, about 1909; later at 4403 Elston Ave., Chicago; Staff, Ut. State Mental Hosp., Provo, Utah, 1918. Specialist in Ophthal., Oto-Laryngol. and Rhinol. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 285 S. 5th St., Provo, Ut.; 6ms. add., 32 W. Center St., do.-^ TIMOTHY CHARLES QUIGLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. A.B., St. Ignatius Coll., 1904. Formerly at 2732 W. Mon- roe St., Chicago; later at Glenn LTUin, N. Dak.; Hibbing, Minn. Address, Owatonna, Minn.t FORREST LESLIE REESE Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 9. 1885. Paris, 111.; s. John P. (b. 111.) and Elizabeth A. (Mattox) Reese (b. Tex.). Prepared in Torre Haute (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Delta. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1908-10. Gen. Med. practice, Bicknell, Ind.. 1910-16; Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specia- list, with R. R. Brownfield. Phoenix. Ariz.. 1919—. Capt., M. R. C. U. S. A. (2 yrs. Service. Base Hosp.. 100). Married Je 1910. Child, Mary Jane, b. 1917. Address, 16 E. Monroe St.. Phoe- nix, Ariz. GEORGE K. ROSENZWEIG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Medil) H. S., and Chicago Athenaeum; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05. Attending Phys., Jewish Aid Dispensary, Chicago. Address, 1600 S. Cen- tral Park Ave., Chicago.f *DILLARD ESTEP SAMUELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Havana H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05; Jen- ner Med. Coll.. 1905. Gen. Med. practice, Wil- mington, 111. Died Je 2, 1920, in St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp., Chicago. MAURICE WOLFE SAMUELS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Jefferson H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1 yr.; Jenner Med. Coll.. 1 yr. Address, 2600 Windsor Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 130 N. Wells St.. do.t CHARLES LEOPOLD SCHMIDT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1877; s. Carl and Louise (Berghaefer) Schmidt. Prepared in Jefferson Park H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Catherme F. Wedel. S 10. 1910. Children: Ruth Estelle, b. Jl 15, 1911; Arthur Edwin, b. Mr 10. 1916. Ad- dress, 6848 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1556 W. 69th St., do. CARL OSCAR SCHNEIDER Phys. and Surg. ; M . D. ; b. Ag 7, 1878, New York; s. K. O. and Mamie (Metzler) Schneider. Pre- pared in Chicago. Y. M. C. A. Grad. work in Ophthalmol.. Vienna. 1911. Asst. Surg.. Eye. Dept.. 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago. Commissioner of Health. Winnetka, 1910—; Health Off.. Glencoe. 111.. 1918—. In- ventor of the Schneider lenticular lens for ej^e- glasses. Auth.: Lenticular Lens for High Myopia, III. Med. Jour., 1919. Mem.. Chicago Ophthal- mol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Wilmette Phys. Club. Address, 1077 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111.; bus. add., 907 Columbus Memorial Bldg., 31 N. State St., do. JOHN CLEVELAND SCHROEDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Attended Valparaiso and N. W. LTnivs. before entering Coll. of Med. Formerly of Half Day, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 700 26th Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 506 11th Ave., do.t AUGUSTUS WILLIAM SCHUESSLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. Formerly of Penn, N. Dak. Ad- dress, 11 N. Ottawa St., Joliet, Ill.t 160 Unia'ersity of Illinois [1908 lONE SHULTZ (CLAYTON) (Wife of Emanuel Harry Clayton, '08) Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1885, Delphi, Ind.; d. Judson J, and Ella McClure) Shultz. Prepared in Delphi (Ind.) H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Phys., Delphi, Ind., 1908-09; Arkansas City, Kan., 1917- 19. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps., World War. Mem., Epis. Church. Married E. H. Clayton ('08), Je 2, 1909. Children: Virginia, b. 1912; William Shultz, b. 1913. Address, 325 B., Arkansas City, Kan. CARL WILHELM SILVERBERG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 29, 1875, Korsnas, Finland; s. Gabriel Hoglund (b. Finland) and Maria E. (Lindstrom) Silverberg (b. do.). Pre- pared in North Park Coll., Chicago. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Seattle, Wash. Mem., King Co. Med. Soc; Wash. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Je 1917. Address, 3418 47th Ave., N. E., Seattle; bus. add., Seaboard Bldg., do. LOUIS JACOB SIMON Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 13, 1883, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. Jacob (b. Ja 15, 1840, Ger.) and Mary (Schneider) Simon (b. D 8, 1842, Ger.). Prepared in H. S. and Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis. Phys. and Surg., Horicon, Wis. World War, 1918. Mem., Sedge Co., Med. Soc.; Wis. St. Med. Soc. Married Bertha Schroven, Je 6, 1911, Fond du Lac, Wis. Children: Donald, b. S 2, 1912; Mae Catherine, b. Ja 6, 1915; Hazel, b. N 6, 1919. Address, Horicon, Wis. CHARLES JAMES SKWOR M.D.; b. S 14, 1879; s. Frank and Anna (Tuma) Skwor. Sch. Teacher, 4 yrs.; located in Algoma, Milladore, and Neosho, Wis. Mem., Catholic Church; K. C. Married Rose Hennen, O 3, 1911. Address, Neosho, Wis. HARRY J. SMEJKAL Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1882; s. Joseph A. (b. S 1858, Bohemia) and Barbara (Belsan) Smejkal (b. D 1860). Prepared in Crane H. S. Chicago. Phi Beta Pi. Phys., Yellow Stone Nat. Park, 1909; Instr., Med. Anat. and Genito- urinary Diseases, Coll. of Med.; Instr., Jr. Med., do., 1910-14; do., Chn. Surg., 1914-16; do.. Genito- urinary Surg., 1916 — . Phys. to House of Cor- rection, Chicago; Supt. of Lawndale Municipal Hosp., Chicago; Supervisor of Venereal Clinics, U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Phys. and Sec, Local Draft Bd. 6, Cook Co. Mem., Cicero Med. Soc. (Pres. 1919 — ); Bohemian Med. Soc. (Pres. 1920); A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc.; Douglas Park Med. Soc; Am. Urolog. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; A. F. A. M., Commandery. Married Margaretta Keith McKeonn, Ap 20, 1915, Chicago. Chil- dren: Jane, b. Ap 11, 1916; John Harry, b. F 1, 1918. Address, 1834 Austin Blvd., Cicero, 111.; bus. add., 3200 W. 26th St., Chicago and 5601 W. 22nd W. Cicero, 111. JOHN FRANK SPEAR Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. My 31, 1884, Mason Crty, 111.; s. S. B. and Eva J. (Faulkner) Spear. Prepared in Univ. of 111. Acad. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Churdan, la., 11 vrs. Married Elizabeth A. Hall, Ap 23, 1912, Easton, 111. Chil- dren: John, b. O 1, 1914; James, b. Ja 14, 1916. Address, Churdan, la. ♦GEORGE JOSEPH SPENCER M.D.; b. 1877. Med. practice, Chicago; City Phys., do., 1911; in govt, service, Albany, N. Y.; at one time located in Minneota, Minn. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died D 6, 1918, Albany, N. Y. JOHN PAUL STAWICKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in St. Ignatius Acad., and Coll., 5 yrs. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 1706 Broadway, Gary, Ind.t *HAROLD HAINES STEERE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in N. W. Mil. Acad., Highland Park, 111. M.D., Herring Med. Coll., 1903. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Shot and killed in his office by an in- sane patient. LOUIS LEO STEINER Specialist; M.D.; b. Mr 1, 1879, 111.; s. George and Elizabeth (Humphrey) Steiner. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Spe- cialist, Danville, 111.; Oculist, Lake View and St. Elizabeth Hosps.; do., Nat. Soldiers Home; C. & E. I. R. R.; 111. Traction System. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. ]M., 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E. Address, 321 Temple Bldg., Danville, 111. ARTHUR LEMUEL STOCKS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1872, Sheffield, Eng.; s. William (b. Leeds, Eng.) and Mary (Bottomley) Stocks (b. Stainland, Eng.). Prepared in National Schs.; Hahnemann Med. Sch., 1894-96. Grad. work, N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp., 1919. Loca- ted in Quincy, 111., 1896-1907; Monmouth, 111., 1908-12; Muskogee, Okla., 1912—. Dist. Ad- visory Bd., World War. Mem., Scottish Rite Masons, 32°, Shrine; K. P.; Presby. Church. Mar- ried Ora Abbott Meek, 1895, Superior, Neb. Children: Mary Mariorie, b. F 7, 1905; Katherine Jane, b. Ag 18, 1907. Address, Muskogee, Okla. GEORGE WILSON STRICKLAND Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1875, Clopton, Ga.; A.B., Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 1901. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; Epis. Church. Child, Kva St. Clair, b. My 11, 1918. Address, 6266 Frankstown Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN FRANKLIN STUDEBAKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 20, 1874, 111.; s. Simon and Charlotte (Etter) Studebaker. A.B., McPherson Coll., McPherson, Kan., 1906. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Ft. Dodge, la. Army Serv., World War, 1918-19 (8M mos.). Mem., M. E. Church; Redman Lodge. Married, Je 1901, Kan. Children: Leland, b. N 19, 1908; Rowena, b. Mr 31, 1912. Address, 412-16 Snell Bldg., Ft. Dodge, la. MARTIN PERIGO SUMMERS M.D.; b. N 27, 1882, Boone, la.; s. George and Viola D. (Perigo) Summers. Prepared in West H. S., Des Moines; Drake Univ. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and ■ Shrine. Married Ehzabeth A. Humphreys, Jl 29, 1910, Cushing, la. Children: George Humphreys, b. Je 4, 1915; Catherine Elizabeth, b. Je 18, 1918. Address, 1919 Ross St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., 408 Iowa Bldg., do. JOHN ELLSWORTH TAYLOR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Prepared in Ind. State Norm. Sch. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., St. Louis, 1899. Mem., Perry Co. Med. Soc; Ind. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, Leopold, Ind.t VICTOR THEIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1870. Prepared in Diekirch Coll., Luxemburg, Ger. M.D., Dear- born Med. Coll., 1905. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 632 Belden Avt-., Chicago.t FRANK P. THOMETZ Phvs. and Surg.: M.D.; b. D 3, 1885; s. John and Elizabeth (Blickhahn) Tbometz. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, Base Hosp., Camp Custer, Mich., 1918-19. Address, 2132 Roosevelt Rd., Chicago. ■fHARRY ROBERT THURBER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Yorkville, H. S. At one time located in Esmond N. Dak.; later at Aurora, 111.; Hobart, Ind. Gen. Med. practice. Died Je 23, 1920. 1909] College of Medicine Alumni 161 GEORGE WILLARD TUCKER Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. Formerly of Watscka, 111. Ad- dregs, 1654 WaTren Ave., Chicago.t GRACE SALOME VON STAUFFER Phvs. and Surg.: M.D.; b. 1873. Attended Tniv. of la., 2 vrs., 1894-96. M.D., Herring Med. Coll., 1897. Formerly of Oak Park. 111. At one time located in Orange, Tex. J EVAHN RUSSELL WALICER M.D. Prepared in Oelwein (la.) H. S. B.S., la. State Coll., 1900; M.D., Univ. of la., 1905; M.S., do., 1908. Phi Rbo Sigma. Capt., O. R. C. U. S. A. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Sedalia, Mo. ♦JAMES HENRY WALLACE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Formerly of Ft. Wayne Ind.; Gen. Med. practice. Powers Bl'dg., Decatur; 307)^ Washington Ave., Argenta, Ark.; Little Rock, do. Mem., A. M. A. Deceased. GUSTAV WEDEL Physician; M.D.; b. O 10, 1871, Ger. Prepared in Jefiferson H. S. Married Emma Knorr, O 8, 1S9S. Children: Walter, b. Ag 22, 1899; Hertha, b. Mr 23, 1901; Esther, b. S 26, 1902. Address, 2448 Division St., Chicago. THEODORE MARTIN WIERSON Phys. and Sure.; M.D.; b. 1S7S. Prepared in S. Side H. S., Milwaukee. M.D., Bennett Med. CoU., 1906. M. R. C. U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2703 N. Clark St., Chicago.! WILLIAM WILLIAMS Phys. and Surg ; M.D.; b. My 17, 1882, El- dorado. Wis.; s, David M. (b. Mr 8, 1838, Wales) and Jane (Lloyd) William (b. Ap 4, 1842, Wales). Prepared in Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1904-05. Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1905-06. Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1908-10; Phys. and Surg., St. Joe, Idaho, 1910; Chicago, 1911—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. O 2-D 28, 1918. Married May Gale. My 29. 1912, Lafox. 111.; Olga WiUiams. D 24. 1919, Chicago. Child. Elizabeth Jane, b. Ap 1, 1915. Address, 1234 Bryne Mawr Ave.. Chicago. ANNIE WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Address, 7015 Vernon Ave., Chicago.! EULALIE WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in St. Louis Norm. Coll., 1899. Gen. Med. practice. Alem., A. M. A. Address, Webster Grove, Mo.; bus. add., Bd. of Educ, St. Louis.t CHARLES ARTHUR ZEIGLER Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 16. 1868; s. Hiram C. (b. Ag 6. 1837. New Carlisle. Ind.) and Jane Ann (Sheldon) Zeigler (b. N 25, 1839. Elicottsville, N. Y.). Prepared in Portland (N. Dak.) H. S.; BruPat Acad.. Portland, N. Dak.; Valparaiso, Ind.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05; Jenner Med. CoU.. 1905-06. Sec, Ex. Com., Class of 1908. Grad. work, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1914-15. Hosp. service, St. Marys Hosp., Chicago, 6 mos. Gen. Med. practice, Amboy, 111. Mem., Council of Nat. Defense, 1917-19. Married Florence Rose Bools, S 15, 1898, New Buffalo. Mich. Child, Sheldon Freed, b. F 22, 1908. Address, Amboy. 111. CLASS OF 1909 (117 LIVING, 13 DEAD) STARLING PETERS ALDERSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. My 27, ISSS. Russelville, Ky.; 8. M. E. and Rebecca (Chappelle) .\nderson. Pre- pared in Bethel Coll. Phi Beta Pi. Contract Surgeon World War. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Southern Med. Soc. Married Mary Morton Hardwick. 1912, RusseUville, Ky. Child, Mary Lanore, b. 1914. Address. 197 S. Main St., RusseUville, Ky. ALBERT GEORGE ASCHAUER Physician; M.D.; b. F 7, 1879, Springfield, lU.; 8. Charles (b. Ger.) and Rose (Stetilin) Aschauer (b. do.). Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; Sr. class V. P. Phys. (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat). Springfield, lU. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A.. Ag 1, 1918- Jl 17, 1919: in charge of Eye Dept., Camp Green- leaf, Ga.; Hosp., Army Supply Base. Brooklyn. N. J.; Embarkation Hosp. 4. New York City, Ap 1919 till discbarge. Address, 529 N. 6th St., Springfield, lU.; fcus. (Kid.. 613 E.Capitol Ave., do. CARL RICHARD BASSLER M. D.; b .S 19, 1886. Lima, O.; s. George and Ida (Berger) Bassler. Prepared in Lima (O.) H. S.; and Univ. of Mich. Phi Delta. 1st Lt., M. C, U. 8. A.; Evacuation Hosp., 25. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Inez Cuddahy, 1918. Mishawaka. Ind. Child. Helen, b. My 23. 1920. Address, 201 Mis- hawaka Trust Bldg., Mishawaka, Ind. HEDWIN H. BECKER Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Wis. H. Schs.; Milwaukee Med. Col., 1906-08, Gen. Med. practice. Address, 1476 Murray Ave.. Mil- waukee: bus. add.. Merchants and Maunfacturers Bank Bldg., do.f CHARLES EUGENE BELTZER Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. F 17, 1880, Osceola, Neb.; s. Lewis Allen (b. D 25. 1840. Hagerstown, Md.) and Mary A. (McWilliams) Beltzer (b. O 2, 1848, Marion, la.) Prepared in Osceola. (Neb.) H. S.; So. Minn. State Norm. Sch., Austin, Minn,; and Univ. of Iowa., Coll. of Med., S 1905-Je 1907. Spanish-Am. War, Ap 1898-S 1899; wounded Ag 2, 1898, and Mr 5. 1899; 19 official engagements; 1900-03; Co. K.. 1st Regt.. Neb. Nat. Guard. 1918- 19; Lt. Capt.. Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A.. World War; Surgeon (C. O.) 1st Development Bn. and overseas Convalescent Center; Surg. Service. Base Hosp., Camp Lewis, Wash. Mem.. B. P. O. E.; A. M. A. Mont. Med. Assn.; Assn. of Mil. Surg. Address, Washoe, Mont. MYRON ELROY BENNETT Phys. and Surg.; M. D; b. O 6. 1883. Married Dr. Mary Wheele, S 6. 1909. Children: Margaret; Barbara Jeane. Address, 5220 Santa Monica Blvd. , Los Angeles. ARTHUR EDWARD BOLAND Physician; M. D.; b. O 1, 1885, la.; s. Charles (b. Ireland) and Elizabeth (Blythe) Boland (b. do.) Prepared in WiUiamsburg H. S.; State Univ. of la. Acacia; Phi Delta; Y. M. C. A. Located in Chicago, 1909-10; Los Angeles. 1910-11; Needles, Calif., 1911-17; Los Angeles, 1919—. Active Serv.. Jl 6. 1917-F 10. 1919. World War; Lt.. M. R. C, U. S. A. Boise, Idaho; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Lee. Va., (Commanding Field Hosp. 43, 8th San. Train. Address, Los Angeles. HAYDEE URSULA BOUDREAU Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. 1884. Prepared in 111. State Norm, tjniv., Normal, 111. Formerly of Beaverville, 111.; later of Ottawa, do. Address, (until S 1. 1920) 3347 W. Colfax St.. Denver.J 162 University of Illinois [1909 JULIAN ALFRED BRAHAM Physician; M. D.; b. Mr 16, 1884, St. Genevieve, Mo.; s. James Willis (b. 1846, Toronto, Can.) and Mary Jane (Tylor) Braham (b. 1845, Farmington, Mo.) Prepared in Farmington (Mo.) H. S. and Coll. Phi Delta. House Phys., Maywood Union Hosp., Maywood, 111., 1909-10; Intern, St. Anns Hosp., Chicago, 1910; Med. Practice, Chicago, 1911—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Dodge, la., O 3, 1918-Ap 5, 1919; Hosp. and Line Service. Address, 2958 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. EMIL ALBERT BUEHLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 24, 1878, Odebolt, la.; s. Jacob and Elise (Einspahr) Buehler. Pre- pared in Charles City Coll., Charles City, la. M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1904; do., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1905. Mem., A. F. A. M., Forester Lodge; M. E. Church. Married Lena Siegrist, 1906, Charles City, la. Children: George S., b. D 21, 1911; Jack S., b. F 18, 1915; Elise Marie, b. Je 28, 1917. Address, Whittier, Calif. CLYDE TALBOT BUNDY Physician; M.D.; b. N 4, 1884, Cissna Park, 111.; s. J. E. and C. R. (Shermerhorn) Bundy, Prepared in Cissna Park H. S. Phi Delta. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 11, 1917; Capt., do.; C. O. Am. Hosp., Lyons, Fr.; Cited for Hosp. ser- vices, Je 10, 1919; Discharged Jl 31, 1919. Mar- ried Mame Young, Je 10, 1911, Kankakee, 111. rk, Ind. Address, Earl Pari ALEXANDER WILLIAM BURKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1914-16; Gen. Med. practice. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 1028 Loyola Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3962 Colorado Ave., do.f EARLE JOHN BYERS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 30, 1885, Belvidere, 111.; s. Katherine Irish. Prepared in Lake Geneva (Wis.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ruth Birge, My 24, 1911, Grand Rapids, Mich. Children: John, b. Je 18, 1912; Anne, b. Ap 4, 1917. Address, 411 Ethel Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., 91 Monroe Ave., do. AUSTIN GEORGE BYRD Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 8, 1884; s. Austin and Amanda (Lane) Byrd. Prepared in Boise (Idaho) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1905-08. Phi Delta. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; with A. E. F., 1 yr.. World War. Married Ja 5, 1915. One child, b. Ap 21, 1916. Address, Emmett, Idaho. SAMUEL NYE CLARK Physician; M.D.;b.Ag 2, 1881, Kan.; s. William O. and Frances A. (Beebe) Clark. Prepared in Crane H. S.; Hering Med. Coll., 1905. Instr., Neurol, and Psychiatry, Coll. of Med., 1918-19; Assoc, do., 1919—. Auth.: The Clinical Classifi- cation of General Paralysis of the Insane, Jour, of Ner ous and Mental Diseases, XXXIX, 1912; The Make-up of Atypical Cases of Mania-depressive Insanity, do.. My 1917; Atypical Modes of Onset in Dementia Praecox, Am. Jour, of Insanity, LXXI, 1914; The Rehabilitation in the Community of Patients Paroled from Institutions for the In Insane, do., Ja 1919; Report of Case with Symp- toms of Dercums Disease and Hysterical Mani- festations, Am. Jour, of Insanity, Jl 1920; The Criteria of Defective Mental Development, Chi- cago Med. Recorder, Ag 1917. Married Helen L. Wood, Je 15, 1912. Child, William N., b. Ap 2, 1919. Address, 365 E. 60th St., Chicago; bus. add., 508 S. Honore St.. do. GEORGE THOMAS COLEMAN M.D.; b. D 7, 1887; s. P. C. and Laura (Holman) Coleman. Prepared in H. S. 1st Lt. Reserve Corps. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; Baptist Church; State Med. Soc. Married Je 12, 1912. Address, Marshall, Tex. ♦WILBUR DANIEL COOK Specialist; M.D. Prepared in Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Attending Phys. to the John Worthy Sch.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Spe- cialist. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died Ag 23, 1920. JOSEPH COOPERSTEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 1422 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Address, 2703 N. Sagi- naw St., Flint, Mich.; bus. add., 2909 Industrial Ave., do.t FRANK McCOLLUM COX Physician; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1878, Parkersburg, W. Va.; s. E. S. and Frances (McCollum) Cox. Prepared in Chillicothe (O.) H. S. M.D., Hering Med. Coll., Chicago, 1901. Address, 630 N. Clark St., Chicago. WILLIAM HENRY DALEY M.D.; Ph.G., 1900; b. Ag 24, 1874, Waverly, la.; s. Mary (Cronin) Daley. A. K. A. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Rae M. O'Dowd, 1906, Chicago. Children: William, b. F 26, 1910; Vin- cent, b. Ja 23, 1914. Address, 5037 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4201 W. Madison St., do. HENRIETTA DAMKROEGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1869. Gen. Med. practice. Address, Hotel Cecil, San Francisco; bus. add., 209 Post St., do.^t ARTHUR EARL DAVIS Physician; M.D.; b. N 15, 1882, Martinsburg, la.; s. Joriel and Julia A. (Alexander) Davis. Prepared in Sigourney (la.) H. S.; Highland Park Coll. Gen. Med. practice, Seymour, la., 1909 — . 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Sept. 1918; not called for active serv. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; K. T.; A. M. A.; Am. Assn. of Ry. Surgs.; la. State Med. Soc; Wayne Co. Med. Soc. (Pres.). Married Hazel O. McCoy, Jl 23, 1911, Seymour, la. Ad- dress, 521 N. 5th St., Seymour, la.; bus. add., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. *OLGA DAVIS Child Specialist; M.D.; b. Chicago. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Well known as child specialist, and social serv. worker, Chicago. Mem., Attending Staff, Michael Reese Dispensary, Dept. of Pediatrics, 1910-20. Donated serv. to the Emanuel Mandel Memorial Dispensary, do. Died Ag 1920, Mackinaw, Mich. DEBORAH DOAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Barnes Med. Sch., St. Louis, 1906-08. Address, Trenton, Mo.t WILLIAM MARCELLUS DRAKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1875, Chicka- saw Co., Miss.; s. George W. and Sarah J. (Barney) Drake. Prepared in Normal Sch., and Wiley Univ., Marshall, Tex. Surg., Wiley Hosp., Mar- shall, Tex., 2 yrs.; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, San Antonio. Married Bessie Brantley, Je 10, 1897, Ruston, La. (Died Ja 18, 1920). Child, Wilhelmina, b. Je 3, 1907. Address, 824 Nebraska St., San Antonio, Tex. 1909] College of Medicine Alumni 163 GUSTAVE ELMER ECK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18S6. Prepared in Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111. Intern, St. Marys Hosp., Chicago. Formerly of Geneva, 111. Gen. Med. practice. M. R. C. U. S. A. Ad- dress, Lakemills, Wis.t Le ROY BERTIl.\M ELLISTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18S5. Attended Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts. (E.E. Course), 1904- 05. Formerly of Princeton, 111. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Depue, do.; later at Aurora. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem, A.M. A. Address, La Salle Theatre Bldg., La Salle. Ul.t LAWRENCE RICHARD ELWARD Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 22, 1871; s. Richard (b. New Brunswick, Can.) and Rose (Grattan) Elward (b. do.). Prepared in High and Norm. Schs. and in Pre-Med. and prep, course at Harvey Med. Coll., Chicago, 1905. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located at Clintonville, Wis., Jl-D 1910; Athol, S. Dak.. D 1910-D 1915; Ashton, S. Dak., 1915—. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, U. S. Army. Married Nellie Simpson, S 10, 1895, Oshkosh, Wis. Chil- dren: Nye Kirwin, b. S 14, 1898; Katheryn Rose, b. F 3, 1901. Address, Ashton, S. Dak. ♦WILLIAM R-\Y ELY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 4 mos. Gen. Med. practice, Gibson City, 111. Deceased. *ELMER ERICKSON Physician; M.D.; b. 1888. Asst. phys., Elgin State Hosp. Died Ag 17, 1910, Augustana Hosp., Chicago. HARRY GEORGE ERWIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 3, 1883, Adams Co., Ind.; s. Richard K. and Luella A. (Noss) Irwin. Prepared in Decatur (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Pres.). Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War, overseas, 19 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, 32°. Married Hallie L. Hume, Je 29, 1911. Child, Margaret A., b. My 22, 1912. Address, Huntertown, Ind. MATTHEW EVERTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 17, 1869; s. Girard and Katherine Evertz. Home Serv., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Normand A. Hvale, Ag 15, 1907. Two children, b. July 11, 1909 and O 19, 1911. Address, 6854 S. Park Ave., Chicago. MARY FIMPEL ■ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Hartington (Neb.) H. S.; Vermillion Univ., S. Dak., 1905; Sioux City Med. Coll., 1906-07; Creighton Med. Coll.. 1908. Formerly of Harting- ton, Neb .J *ROY GAVIN FISHER M.D.; b, 1884. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1907. Prof., Ophthalmol., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat CoU. Died D 26, 1917, Tuscon, Ariz. AUSTIN ALFRED FOOTE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 2. 1885, Clay Cen- ter. Kan. Prepared in Clay Co. (Kan.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Married Bell L. Campbell. Mr 2. 1910, Clay Center, Kan. Address, Elma, Wash. ROY W. FOUTS (Brother of Ray M., "11) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 10. 1885, Davis Co., la.; 8. Allen R. (b. D 20, 1862, do.) and Eli- zabeth E. (Mitchell) Fouts (b. O 19, 1866, do.). Prepared in So. la. State Norm. Sch., Bloomfield, la.; Keokuk Med. CoU., 1905-08. Gen. Med. practice. Olds, la., Je 1909-Ag 1910; Dawson, Neb., Ag 1, 1910-My 1, 1919; Falls City, Neb., My 1919— M.C., U. S. A., S 9, 1918-D 23, 1918. Married Edna J. Johnson, N 15, 1904. Children: Xenia Aileen, b. Jl 6, 1906: Lowell G. and Leon W. (twins) b. Mr 25, 1908. Address, 2421 Fowle St., Falls City, Neb.; bus. add.. Ill E. 17th St., do. ARTHUR WILLIAM FREESE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1884, Chicago; s. Henry and Helen (Rodick) Freese. Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Rea Scholarship. 1908. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Instr., Histol., Coll. of Dent., 1909-10. Mem., A. F. A. M. Oriental Consistory; A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Louise Lewis, Mr 14, 1914, Chicago. Child, Jane L., b. My 8, 1915. Address, 2000 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2000 N. Cali- fornia Ave., do. ISAAC FRANK FREMMEL Asst. Mgr., State Hosp.; M.D.; b. Mr 5, 1886, Chicago; s. Joseph and Rose (Lampert) Fremmel. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Asst. Mgr., State Hosp., Jacksonville, 111. Married Adeline Smothers, Ap 6, 1911. Children: Rose, b. Jl 23, 1912; Joseph, b. O 14, 1920. Address, Jacksonville. 111. FRANK EMMETT GEARON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Marshall H. S., Chicago. Mem.. Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc.; Physicians Club of Chicago. Address, 5129 CoUum Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 4366 Milwaukee Ave., do.t ARTHUR WILLIAM GREGG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Ph.G.. N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1904. Address, 3807 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Robert Burns Hosp., do.t EVAN HENRY MONTGOMERY GRIFFITHS, Jb. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 14, 1886, Chicago; s. Evon Henry Montgomery (b. N 20, 1855, New Madrid, Mo.) and Effie Luella (Cox) Griffiths (b. Je 17, 1866, Lena, 111.). Prepared in H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Je 16 1916; do.. O. R. C, U. S. A.. Ap 23, 1917; Active serv.. Jl 7. 1917-My 31, 1919; Reconstruction work in bone surg., Fr., six months. Auth.: Pituitrin in Surg., an article read before the Tri-State Med. Soc, O 6, 1915, at the La Salle Hotel, and appear- ing in, Chicago Med. Recorder, Vol. XXXVII, 1915. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Tri- State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Harriett Gertrude Berger, N 20, 1909, Chicago. Children: Harriett Ruth; Evan H. M., III. Ad- dress, 5545 Quincy St., Chicago; bus. add., 4500 W. Harrison St., do. ♦GEORGE BUNTIN GROBER Physician; M.D.; b. 1888. Located for a time in Chicago, and later at Kelliher, Minn. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died S 2, 1912, Wadena, Minn. ♦FRANK LEONARD HAMMERSTRAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111. Formerly of Rankin, 111. Gen. Med. practice. Sacred Heart, Minn. Died in Serv., in World War. MARTIN WARNER HANSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 15, 1879, Chicago; 8. Hans (b. S 27, 1835, Christiania, Norway) and Carrie (Vinge) Hanson (b. O 18, 1843, Voss, Nor- way). Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago; Jenner Med. Coll., 1906-08. A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1902. Grad. work in Med. and Fellowship, do., London, 1919. Phys. and Surg., Easton, 111., 1911-20; Havana, do., 1920—. Lt., Capt., Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Je 1917-Ag 9, 1919; A. E. F.. Je 1918- 164 University of Illinois [1909 Jl 1919. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc, 1909—; A. M. A. Married Alma Marie Crum, Ja 1, 1908, Chicago. Children: Clara B., b. S 18, 1909; Glover C, b. Ap 21, 1911; Franklin M., b. N 23, 1914; George F., b. Jl 3, 1917. Address, Farmers Bank Bldg., Havana, 111. LEONARD HARRIMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 3, 1873, Parish- ville, N. Y.; s. Walter and Lucretia (Stone) Har- riman. Prepared in Neillsville (Wis.) H. S. With Co. A., 3rd Wis., Spanish-Am. War. Mem., Tripoli Temple. Address, Howard Lake, Minn. BRUCE ASHTON HARRISON Physician; M.D.; b. D 21, 1886, Bryant, 111.; s. F. M. and Florence (Ash ton) Harrison. Sigma Phi Epsilon. With British E. F. in France and Belgium, 15 mos., World War. Address, Col- chester, 111. ERNEST DOWNING HATCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Ballou Hobigand Sch., Boston; Tufts Coll. Med. Sch., do., 1904-06. Address, Palm City, Calif.f EDWARD MORTON HEACOCK Instr. and Phys.; M.D.; b. My 2, 1876; s. Enos E. and Nancy C. (Weaver) Heacock. Prepared in Lewis Acad., Wichita, Kan. Instr., Obste- trics, Coll. of Med., 1914—. Contract Surg., U. S. Army. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Iva John- son, Jl 28, 1897. Address, 1968 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. GEORGE LESTER HICKMAN M.D.; b. Ja 7. 1879, Galena, 111.; s. George and Roxana (Howe) Hickman. Prepared in Bath (S. Dak.) H. S., 1901 and Aberdeen (S. Dak.) Norm. Sch., 1903. Mem., I. O. O. F.; M. W. A. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Married Marie M. Daw- son, Je 30, 1909, Pierre, S. Dak. Children: El- wood L., b. My 4, 1912; Leona M., b. O IS, 1913. Address, Bryant, S. Dak. LESTER Le MOYNE HINES M.D.; b. N 16, 1870, Wis.; s. George and Sarah (King) Hines. Located in Woodstock, Wis., 1909- 11; Rockbridge, do., 1911—. Mem., I. O. O. F.; M. W. A. Married Harriet Murray, Ap 21, 1915. Address, Rockbridge, Wis. FRIEDA HIRSCHBERG Clin. Pathologist; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) H. S.; Grand Rapids Coll., 1906-07. Formerly Microscopist, State Univ. of la., .Coll. of Med. Mem., la. State Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc. Address, 5641 Calumet Ave., Chicago.t IRA ELMER HOFFMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ; b. Ja 29, 1882, Rochester, Ind.; s. Pete A. and Rebecca (Bauman) Hoffman. Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Assn., Industrial Physicians and Surgs.; Chicago Soc. of Industrial Med. and Surg. Married Florence Demaree, Je 13, 1915, Madison, Ind. Child, Mildred Louise, b. F 5, 1917. Ad- dress, 6915 Jeffery Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 108 S. La Salle St., do. ANDREW HOFMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1906-07. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1903; Ph.G., do., 1906. Formerly located in Wibaux, Mont. Address, 554 E. State St., Hammond, Ind.; 6ms. add., 113 Fayette St., do.-f MAXIMILIAN JOHN HUBENY M.D.; b. O 12, 1880, Leipzic, Ger.; s. Peter and Mary (Mertlic) Hubeny. Prepared in English High and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago; Hahnemann Med. Coll., and 111. Coll. of Osteopathy. Phi Alpha Gamma. Auth.: Numerous Med. Papers. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Roentgen Ray Soc; Am. Radiol. Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Daisy Twitchell, Ag 18, 1907. Address, 1020 Foster Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. ALLEN PETTIT HUGHES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Muskegon (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., Med. Sch., 1 yr. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1907. Formerly located in Spokane. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Close Inn Apts., Carlisle, Wash.f EDWARD FRANKLIN HURLBUT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Attended Univ. of Okla. Sch. of Med., 1905-06. Formerly located in Chandler, Okla. Address, Meeker, Okla.t GEORGE IRA HURLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 1, 1877, Hum- boldt, Neb.; s. George W. and Susan (Furrow) Hurley. Prepared in Milton Acad. A.B., Mil- ton Coll., 1903; A. M., do., 1909. Rea Scholarship. Phys. and Surg., Hoquiam, Wash., 1910 — ; Dir. and Trustee, Hoquiam Gen. Hosp.; Pres., Bd. of Trustees, Am. Vet. Home. Maj., M. C, U. S. A.; Chief of Team B., Base Hosp. 70, A. E. F., Allerey, Fr. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; A. M. A.; Presby. Church; Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow). Mar- ried Blanche M. Babcock, Jl 6, 1904. Children: Blanche Muriel, b. F 8, 1906; Alice Margaret, b. D 6, 1908; George Donald, b. Jl 6, 1911; Susan Ehzabeth, b. D 11, 1914. Address, 924 Maple St., Hoquiam, Wash.; 6ms. add.. Medical Bldg., do. JOHN GEORGE INGOLD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Attended Univ. of Mich., 3 yrs.; Detroit Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1906. Formerly located in Riga, Mich. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Camp A. A. Humphreys. Address, Alexandria, Va.f ELLEN MARIE JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1868. Prepared in Black River Falls (Wis.) H. S. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1905. Formerly located at 2411 Clay St., San Francisco. J WARREN JOHNSON M.D.; b. Mr 3, 1879, Hopkinsville, Ky.; s. William and Ehzabeth (Boyd) Johnson. Pre- pared in Jefferson (Miss.) H. S. Served in P. I., 1898-01. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Anna S. Lend, Mr 30, 1912. Child, Grace Evilyn, b. Ag 29, 1913. Address, 3150 W. North Ave., do. EDUARD JOYCE Physician; M.D.; b. N 29, 1879, Dunlap, la.; s. Eduard (b. Ire.) and Winnie (Lewis) .loyce (b. do.). Prepared in Denison Norm! Coll., Deni- son, la.; Univ. of la., 1903-07. Located in Davis S. Dak., 1909-14; Hurley, S. Dak., 1914—. Mem., of Med. Advisory Bd., 1918. S. Dak. State Med. Soc, 1912; A. M. A., do. Married Cora M. Bag- ley, Je 18, 1914. Address, Hurley, S. Dak. PAULINE ROSE KAPSA Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906. Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1912-14. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Med. Womans Club; Am. Assn. of Industrial Surgs. Address, 3857 Addison St., Chicago; 6us. add., 202 S. State St., do.t *ALPHONSUS VINCENT KING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 2048 Park Ave.. Chicago. Died in 1915. 1909] College op Medicine Alumni 165 CORA IRENE KIPP (Sister of Karl P., '10, B.S. in Agr.) Physician; M.D.; b. N 11, 1!SS0, Wing, 111.; d. Dyer Egbert (h. Ja IS, 1840, Pultney Co., N. Y.) and Mary Emily (.Bassott) Kipp (b. Ja 19, 1S49, Putnam Co., 111.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sera., Onarga, 111.; N. W. Univ., 1903-05. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Y. \V. C. A. (Pres., 1908-09). Grad. work, Post-Grad. Hosp.. New York, 1917; Phys. in charge of Clara Swain Memorial Hosp., Bareilly, India, 1910-11; Sarali Creighton Hosp., Brindaban, India, 1911-U>; Mary Wilson Tuber- culosis Sanitarium. Tilaunia, India, 1917 — . Med. Missionary to India under Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of M. E. Church, 1910—. Ad- dress, Mary Wilson Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Tilaunia, Rajputana, India. ♦OLIVER CROMWELL KIRBY M.D.; b. 1885. Formerly of Avondale Ave., Chicago. Died O 29. 1910, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. ALF MAGNUS KJANDAL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Harrington H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1 yr.J HENRY LEWIS KRAFFT Physician; M.D.; b. My 7, 1SS5, Otto, N. Y. Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., 1921. Address, Ft. Jay, N. Y. CARL FREDERICK CONRAD KRAMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. Prepared in Des Plaines H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1900-07. Address, 1903 Belmont Ave., Chicago.t ELGIE KRAUT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 18, 1884, Glen Haven, Wis.; s. Louis and Agnes (Humes) Kraut. Prepared in Bloomington (Wis.) H. S. Phi Delta. Phys. and Surg., Beetown, Wis.; Lancaster, Wis. Mem., A. F. A. M., Lodge 140; M. E. Church. Married Elsie May Birch, O 10, 1912, Beetown, Wis. Children: Dorothy, b. Ja 10, 1915; Ivanelle, b. S 10, 1917. Address, Lancaster, Wis. ♦ALBERT BROWN KRUIDENIER Intern; M.D.; b. 1883. Formerly located in Aberdeen, S. Dak.; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago. Died Ap 2, 1914, in St. Lukes Hosp., Aberdeen, S. Dak. WILLIAM CUMBACK LATHROP Surgeon; M.D.; b. D 0, 1870. Prepared in Marion H. S. M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. CoU., 1902. Address, Norton, Kau.t EDWIN AID LAYTON Health Dir.; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1873, Concord, Ky.; s. Perry S. and Mary (Bartholomew) Layton. Prepared in Ohio Norm. Univ. Health Dir., Pub. Schs., Tacoma, Wash., 1910 — . Mem., Disciples Church. Married Jessie L. Trunkey, N 7. 1895. Children: Lita, b. Je 24, 1902; Mil- dred, b. Mr 5, 1905; Clarence, b. F 20, 1907; Gerald, b. Ja 17, 1909. Address, 708 S. L St., Tacoma, Wash.; bus. add., (Central Bldg., do. CUTHBERT JOSEPH LEAVY Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 20, 1870; s. Thomas (b. 1828. St. Johns, N. B.) and Mary (McCormick) Leavy (b. 18.32, do.). Prepared in Oshkosh (Wis.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu (Pres.) ; Alpha Omega Alpha; Class Pres.; Cla-ss Pathologist; Asst. Libn.. In- tern, Lakeside Hosp., Chicago, 1910. Med. and Surg, practice, Freeport, III., 1910-18; Portland, Ore., 1918-19; Freeport, 1919—. Has read various papers before Med. .Societies. Mem., A. M. A.; III. State Med. Soc; Stephenson Co. Med. Soc; Tri-State Dist. Med. Soc; Freeport Country Club (Charter Mem); B. P. O. E.; K. C; Freeport Illini Club (Ex-Pres.). Married Bessie Marguerite Best, Je 11, 1913, Freeport, III. Children: Cathe- rine Mary, b. N 20, 1915; Susanna Elizabeth, b. O 28, 1917. Address, 387 Stephenson St., Free- port, 111.; bus. add., 201-03 Tarbox Bldg., do. *MYLO LEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Alcdo H. S. Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.) Sc. Course, 1903-05. Formerly located in Alcdo, 111. Died D 13, 1914, Monrovia, Calif. WALTER NORDAL LEE M.D.; b. F 10, 1887, Minneota, Minn.; s. John N. and Pauline (Dalil) Lee. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Active Serv., one yr.; Capt., M. R. C, at present. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ruth Rebok, My 1, 1912, Toledo, la. Child, Lulu Elizabeth, b. S 28, 1913. Address, Madison, Minn. CORNELIUS ARTHUR LEENHEER Physician; M.D.; b. S 20, 1870, Rotterdam, Holland; s. Bastian (b. Holland) and Marie Leen- hcer (b. do.). Prepared in West Division H. S., Chicago. Ph.G., N. W. Univ., 1895. Phi Beta Pi. Grad. work, Harvey Med. Coll., 1901. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 2e,1917-Je 10, 1919; Over- seas with A. E. F., My 8. 1918-My 23, 1919. Auth.: An Orbital Endothelioma, Ophthalmic Record, Vol. XXV., 1910. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Assn. of Mil. Surgs.; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; 111. Ath- letic Club; Am. Legion. Address, 9431 Pleasant Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. HENRY ISAAC LEVITON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Henry H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1900-07. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 474 Centennial St.. Los Angeles .f CLAUDE ALLEN LINK M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1879, Churubusco, Ind.; s. Joseph and Laura (Walborn) Link. Preparecl in Auburn (Ind.) H. S., and Univ. of Wash., 1902- 04. Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Delta Theta. Instr., Cbem., Univ. of Wis., 1903-04. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19., Battle of Argonne. Married Ellen Walkerly, 1912, Chicago Heights, 111. Ad- dress, 117 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1023 Van Buren St., do. LESLIE FREDERICK MAC DIARMID Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 25, 1SS4, Omaha, Neb.; s. William and Sarah (Breckenridge) Mac- Diarmid. Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S.; Creighton Univ., 1905. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Surg. Clinic, Loyola Univ. Auth.: Poliomyelitis, 1918; Gall Bladder Surgery, 1917. Married 1914, Davenport, la. Children: William, b. 1910; Les- lie, b. 1917; Leonore, b. 1918. Address, 3340 Washington Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Wash- ington, do. THOMAS McEACHERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Hebron H. S. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll.. 1908. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Rochelle, lU.t WILLIAM R. McINTYRE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 20, 1878, Mehdota. 111.; s. E. G. and Eva P. (Finky) Mclntyre. Pre- pared in Mendota H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Troy Grove, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Rose A. Dilworth, Je 18, 1902. Chil- dren: Robert D., b. Jl 18, 1903; William R., Jr., b. Ag 20, 1911. Address, Troy Grove, III. ROBERT ROY McLALLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 11, 1883; s. James J. (b. Ap 1848, N. Y.) and Ella Jane McLallin (b. My 1. 18.50, Worcester, Mass.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Phi Beta Pi. House Surg., III. State Hosp., Elgin, 1908-09; III. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1911; West Side Hosp., Chicago, 1909- 166 University of Illinois [1909 Mr 1911; Earlville, 111., 1911-16; Aurora, do., 1916- 19; St. Charles, do., 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Fort Oglethorpe; Camp Greenleaf, Chicka- mauga Pk., Ga. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Kane Co. Med. Soc. Married Rachel Con- klin, Ja 22, 1913, Earlville, 111. Child, Emma Jane, b. O 27, 1913. Address, 51 W. Main St., St. Charles, 111. SHELLEY URIAH MARIETTA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in West Des Moines H. S. D.D.S., Drake Univ., 1902. Formerly located in Des Moines. Maj., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Walter Reed Gen. Hosp., Takoma Park, Md.t DANIEL WILLIAM MATTHAEI Physician; M.D.; b. D 4, 1882; s. Peter William (b. 1854, Marburg, Ger.) and Louise (Muenzen- mayer) Matthaei (b. 1859, Kan.). Prepared in Central H. S.; Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1901-04. Located in Arco, Idaho, 1911-13; Chicago, 1913- 16; Fessenden, N. Dak., 1916—. Address, Fes- senden, N. Dak. SAMUEL METCOFF Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1880. Prepared in English High and Man. Tr. Sch. M.D., Dear- born Med. Coll., 1904. Mem., Maccabees; Mod. Woodman; A. M. A. Married Ella Rappaport, D 31, 1911. Child, Jack, b. F 2, 1917. Address, 3818 W. Congress St., Chicago; bus. add., 3607 Roosevelt Rd., do. LOUIS HENRY MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1884, Oconee, 111.; s. John and Laura (Thiele) Miller. Prepared in Pana H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Pana, 111., 1909 — . 1st Lt., World War. Address, Pana, 111. CLAUDE J. MILLS (Brother of Lewis Dell Mills, '09) Physician; M.D.; b. O 4, 1882, Sabina, O.; s. Elias Peelle (b. 1855, do.) and Emma Mills (b. 1860, Taylorville, 111.). Prepared in Sabina (O.) H. S. Located in Olivet, Kan., 1909-10; Lebo, do., 1910-19; Greenville, 1919—. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1918-F 1919; Capt., M. R. C, 1919—. Married 1911, Lebo, Kan. Child, Nolen E., b. Mr 22, 1914. Address, 308 E. Main St., Green- ville, O.; bus. add., 605^ S. Broadway, do. LEWIS DELL MILLS (Brother of Claude J., '09) Physician; M.D.; b. My 31, 1884, Sabina, O.; s. Elias Peelle (b. 1855, do.) and Emma (Fellers) Mills. Prepared in Sabina (O.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Greeley, Kan., 1909 — . 1st Lt., U. S. Army, Je 15, 1918-Je 29, 1919; served at Base Hosp. 71, Camp Beaureguard, La.; later on duty at Brest, Pau, and Monpont, Fr.; returned with Ambulance Co. 333. Married O 24, 1910, Garnett, Kan. Children: Imogene, b. My 3, 1910; Alferdene, b. S 23, 1916. Address, Greeley, Kan. JACOB JOHN MINKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. B.S., St. Marys Institute, Dayton, O., 1901. Address, 2325 W. North Ave., Chicago.! OSCAR NICHOLAS MORTENSEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. S 8, 1886, Waupaca, Wis.; s. Hans Peter (b. Ap 26, 1857, Denmark) and Ellen Stina (Nicolaisen) Mortensen (b. Mr 11, 1859, do.). Prepared in Univ. of Wis., 1904-05. Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1909-11; Located in Waupaca, Wis., 1911- 16: Grand Rapids, Wis., 1916—. M. R. C, U. S. A.; Red Cross Work. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine, 32°; K. P.; I. O. O. F. Married Grace Mills, Jl 14, 1910, Chicago. Child, Robert Win- ston, b. S 23, 1912. Address, Grand Rapids, Wis. *DE CON CARPENTER MOULDING M.D.; b. 1870. M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., Chicago, 1906. Consulting Phys., Beulah Home and Hosp., Chicago; House Phys., Washingtonian Home, do.; Phys. in charge, Burr Oak Sanatorium, Wheaton, 111. Mem., White Cross League (Pres.): A. M. A. Died N 21, 1916, Chicago. *W ALTER SCOTT MUIRHEAD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Chicago Athenaeum. Gen. Med. practice. Flood- wood, Minn. Deceased. WALTER THOMAS MURPHEY Med. Dir.; M.D.; b. D 29, 1883; s. Thomas (b. Lockburne, O.) and EHzabeth (Miller) Mur- phey (b. West Cairo, O.). Prepared in Lima (O.) H. S. and Lima Coll. Med. Dir., Murphey Sana- torium for the treatment of Tuberculosis, Al- buquerque, N. Mex. Auth.: What You Should Know About Tuberculosis, pamphlet, Albright and Anderson, Albuquerque, N. Mex., 1920; The Family Phys. in Reference to the Early Diagnosis of. Tuberculosis, New Mex. Med. Jour., Ag 1916; Rest and Exercise in the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Southwestern Medicine, Je 1917; A Plea for a More Extensive Use of Tuberculin in The Treatment of Tuberculosis, New Mex. Med. Jour., D 1915. Mem., A. F. A, M., K. T., 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Bernalillo Co. Med. Soc; N. Mex. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Je 1, 1918, Chicago. Address, 715 E. Coal Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex.; bus. add., Murphey Sanatorium, do. JAMES ORVIL MURPHY M.D.; s. T. H. and Amelia Murphy. B.S., So. la. Norm. Sch. Located at Eldon, la., 1909- 18; Lincoln, Neb., 1919—. U. S. Army, 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 1635 E. St., Lincoln, Neb. GEORGE HENRY MUSSELMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Paul H. S.; N. W. Univ. Acad., l}4 yrs. Instr., Jr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Formerly lo- cated in Dana, Ind. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2824 Cambridge Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1421 Peoples Gas Bldg., 122 S. Michigan Ave., do.f NAIF ISA NASSAR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Syrian Protestant Coll., Beirut. Formerly located in Munsif, Syria. Address, 1534 N. Central Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1201 N. Dearborn St., do.t GEORGE BEEKMAN NEIMEYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;. b. 1884. Prepared in Pella (la.) H. S.; Central Ensworth Med. Coll., St. Joseph, Mo., 2 yrs., 1905-06. Address, 1512 Melrose St., Chicago. J JOHN LEWIS NEWMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Yorkville H. S.; Chicago Med. Coll., 1905-07. Mem., Am. Neurol. Assn. Address, 227 Pacific Ave., Spokane; Wash.; bus. add., Mohawk Bldg., do.t JOHN LEONARD NICOLAI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 9, 1881, Arlington Heights, 111.; s. John H. and Julia (Weber) Nicolia. Prepared in N. W. Division H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Emma Pen- gra, O 12, 1910, Sebewaing, Mich. Children: John Pengra, b. O 22, 1911; Lenore Emily, b. Mr 6, 1916. Address, 3815 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 3471 Elston Ave., do. OSCAR BENTON NUGENT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 10, 1879; s. Thomas B. and Minnie (Wycoff) Nugent. Prepared in Kansas (111.) H. S. Prof., Ophthalmol., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll.; Ophthalmic. Surg., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hosp. 1909] College of Medicine Alumni i67 Served as Four Minute Man, World War. Mar- ried Mary Harding, Je 29, 1904. Child, Richard Harding, b. Ap 5. 1915, Address. 7253 Yale Ave., Chicago: bus. add.. 510 W. 69th St.. do. EMIL A. OCHSNER Physician; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1879, Waumandee, Wis.; s. Elsie (Hugentobler) Ochsner. Prepared in Arcadia (Wis.) H. S., and Oshkosh State Norm. Married Ida Muntinga, F 27, 1915, Sheboygan, Wis. Address. Rockford, 111. GEORGE WASHINGTON POST (Son of George Washington Post, Fa.M.) Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ag 26, 1S84; s. George W. and Marv E. (Goodrich) Post. Prepared in Al- fred Acad., N. Y. B.S., Milton Coll., Wis., 1905; A.M., do., 1909. Alpha Omega Alpha; Class Vale- dictorian. Gen. Surg, practice, Chicago. Asst., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-18; Instr., do., 1918-19; Assoc, do., 1919—. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs. Married Agnes Fisher, S 1, 1909. Chil- dren: George W. IV., b. My 14, 1915; Barbara, b. F 20. 1917. Address. 4138 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bits, add., 4158 W. Lake St., do. MAURICE LYON PUFFER Physician; M.D.; b. O 15, 1872, Chicago; s. Reuben W. (b. O.) and Rosilla S. (Loring) Puffer (b. do.). Prepared in Downers Grove H. S.; Dearborn Med. Coll., Chicago, 1903-05. M.D.. Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1907. Located in Neb., Idaho, Colo., Ariz, and 111. Pvt., Troop E., 1st 111. Cavalry, Spanish-Am. War, 1898; Pvt., British Armv. Boer War, 1901-02; 1st Lt., R. C, U. S. A., Mex. Border, 1916; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Nat. Geographical Soc; Am. Legion. Married 1906, Western Springs, 111.; 1911, Downers Grove, 111. Address, Downers Grove, 111. BERNARD MCCARTHY PUGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 9, 1886, Calhoun. III.; s. Harvev and Marv (T\'hite) Pugh. Prepared in East Denver H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Married D. Ebinger. Jl 19, 1910, Chicago. Address, 103H Public Square, Clinton, 111. LEONARD CARDINAL QUINN Surgeon: M.D.; b. Jl 26, 1883, Tuscon, Ariz.; 8. George N. and Mary Jane (Murphy) Quinn. Prepared in Dufferin Coll. Phi Beta Pi; Class Editor. Asst., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Married Blanche Gore, O 3, 1912. Child, Jack Bertram, b. Ja 1, 1918. Address, 4102 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4736 Ir\-ing Park Blvd., do. WALLACE EDSON ROSE M.D.; 8. Harvey E. and Hulda B. (Putnam) Rose. Prepared in Neb. Wesleyan Univ., Univer- sity Place, Neb. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Formerly located in Vandalia, 111. Army Serv., World War, 2 yrs.; 6th Div., A. E. F., 1 yr. Address. Kearney, Neb. CANUTE WALTER RUUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 26, 1883, Chicago; 8. Mary Kundtson. Prepared in Northwest Div. H. S., Chicago and Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 1904. Xi Psi Phi; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Married Amy Sterling, Ap 4, 1914, Chicago. Children: Virginia, b. O 1^ , 1915; Walter, b. F 25. 1920. Address, 3519 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3403 Fullerton, do. CHARLES FAY RYAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Bloomington H. S.: Barnes Med. Coll., 1906-08. Formerly located in Bloomington, 111. Address, Philo, lU.t JOHN CHARLES RYAN Surgeon: M.D.; b. D 31, 1872, Parmleysville, Ky.; s. Thomas and Jane (Young) Ryan. Pre- pared in Colfax (la.) H. S.; Des Moines Coll., 1892-93 and Cornell Coll., 1894-95. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Baseball. Prof., Operative Surg., Med. Dept., Drake Univ., 1911-13. Hosp. Serv., Chi- cago Policlinic and Henrotin Memorial Hosp., 1909-10; Pres. of Staff, lona Lutheran Hosp., Des Moines, 1921. Gen. Surg, practice, do. Auth.: Articles in Med. Magazines. Married Nina Gates, Jl 16, 1917 (died D 14, 1918). Address, 812 Forrest Ave., Des Moines; 6ms. add., 811 Hipper Bldg., do. SAMUEL R. SALZMAN Physician; M.D.; b. O 16, 1882, Hungary; s. 8. Fredrick (b. 1850, do.) and Minnie (Ereurich) Salzman (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Chicago H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1905-06. Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. practice, Toledo, O. Auth.: Treatment of Goiter of Puberty, Am. Jour, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, N 19, 1914, Ag 19, 1916; Hypo-thyroidism a Fac- tor in Certain Types of Uterine Hemorrhage, do., 1916; Dietetics of Nephritis. Ohio State Med. Jour.; Tonsillar Infections, Med. Record, Jl 1920. Mem., Toledo Acad, of Med., Ohio State Med. Soc; Soc. for study of Diseases of Internal Secretions; A. M. A.; Congress on Internal Med. (Fellow); Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow). Married Ag 29, 1915, Toledo, O. Child, Florence Marion, b. F 13, 1917. Address, 2354 Warren St., Toledo, O.; bus. add., 216 Michigan St., do. NETTIE PHILLIPS SHAPIRO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in S. Division H. S., Chicago; Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906-07; Jenner Med. Coll., 1908. Address, 302 Central Park, W., New York City.t FRED HENRY SHORTS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1875, Ottawa, Can.; s. Robert (b. Mr 2, 1850, Brockville, Can.) and E. Jane (Armstrong) Shorts (b. Ag 4, 1852, Napa- nee, Ontario, Can.). Prepared in Mt. Pleasant (Mich.) H. S.; Saginaw Valley Med. Coll., 1901-03. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Kent City, Mich. Sergt., Co. H. 35 Mich. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Am. War; Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married N 4, 1898, Lyons, Mich. Child, Marion I., b. Je 21. 1905. Ad- dress, Kent City, Mich. WILLIAM POLSON SMITH M.D.; b. Je 6, 1881, St. Louis. Prepared in Lakeview H. S. Phi Rho Sigma; A. O. A. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Married My 29, 1913. Child, William Jr., b. Je 18, 1915. Address, Columbus, Mont. GUSTAVUS EMANUEL STROMBERG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 1905; Jenner Med. Coll., 1906; Nat. Med. Coll., 1907. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Langdon, N. Dak.f OTTO CHARLES SUMMERFELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Mcdill H. S., Chicago. Address, 3548 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. t JAMES ELLIOTT THOMPSON Teacher and Stud.; M.D,; b. Ja 2, 1877, Can.; 8. David and Marv (Porteous) Thompson. Pre- pared in Elkton (Mich.) H. S.; Saginaw Valley Med. Coll. Mem., Wayne Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A,; A, F. A. M., Consis- tory, K. T.; K. P. Married Celia Heaton, S 5, 1900, Bad Axe, Mich. Son, b. My 26, 1902. Ad- dress, 2216 Townsend Ave., Detroit; bus. add., 1004 Smith Bldg., do. 168 University of Illinois [1910 EDWIN RAYMOND TIFFIN Physician; M.D.; b. My 22, 1882, Spangle, Wasji.; s. W. H. and Emma (Spangle) Tiffin. Prepared in Spangle, (Wash.) H. S. Ph.G., Wash. State Coll., 1904. High Honor, do.; Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Sch. Teacher, Spangle, Wash., 1900-02; Pharm., Spokane, 1904-06; In- tern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1909-11; Gen. Med. practice. Deer Park, Wash., 1911-13. Asst. Med. Examiner, Spokane, World War. Mem. Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P: O. E.; A. M. A.; Wash. State Med. Soc; Spokane Co. Med. Soc. Married Alice Eppelman, Je 22, 1909, Chicago. Child, Edwin Elbert, b. Jl 2, 1916. Address, 1927 E. Illinois St., Spokane; bus. add., 515 Paulsen Bldg., do. AARON SAMUEL TORRENS ; Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 1, 1879, Oakland, Minn.; s. James (b. 1830, Scotland) and Charlotte Jane (Fenl6n) Torrens (b. 1838, N. Y.). Prepared in Austin (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Intern, Lake View Hosp., Chicago; St. Ehzabeths Hosp:; Chicago Lying-in Hosp. and Dispensary; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Portland, Or*., and Han- ford, Calif. City Health Officer, Hanford, Calif., Ap 1918—. Mem., Fresno Co. Med. Soc; Calif. St. Med. vSoc; A. M. A. Married Myrtle Myri McClarkin, Je 27, 1917, Portland, Ore. Address', 1208 N; Irwin St., Hanford, Calif.; 6ms. add., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. FRANK LIVINGSTONE TOWNSLEY Physician; M.D.; b. F22, 1878, Monticello, Ind.; s. James Milton and Marguerite Melvina (Delzell) Townsley. Prepared in Valparaiso, Ind. B.S., 1900. Hosp. work, Chicago, 1909-11; located in East Chicago, Ind. Ja 1911—. 1st Lt. M. C. U. S. A.; 305th and 335th Bn., Tank Corps, Camp Colt, Gettsburg, Pa., Je 4, 1918-0 27, 1918; Over- seas service, O 27, 1918-Ap 22, 1919; promotion for bravery, My 2, 1919, received Jl 1, 1919, after discharge. Married Cora May Winters, Je 30, 1913, East Chicago, Ind. Address, 4736 Baring Ave.. East Chicago, Ind.; bus. add., 219-220 Calu- met Bldg., do. JOHN ARTHUR TURNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Lake Co. Pub. Schs. Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1903. Address, Antioch, Ill.t WILLIAM FRANK TYLER Physician; M.D.; b. My 4, 1882; s. William B. and Sarah (Reeves) Tyler. Gen. Med. practice, Beaumont, Tex. 1st Lt., U. S. A., 1917, World War. Married Mattie Johnson, D 25, 1918, Sour Lake, Tex. Address, 2595 Texas Ave., Beaumont, Tex.; 465 Firsyth St., do. ADELAIDE MARY TYRELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. 1871. Prepared in DesPlainesPub. Schs. ;Jenner Med. Coll., 1906-07. Sch. Health Officer, Chicago; Asst. Eye Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, do. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Ophthal- mol. Soc; Med. Womans Club. Address, 1555 W. 63rd St., Chicago.t ELIZABETH N. VAN HOESEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Macomb, lU.; d. William James and Amanda (Martin) VanHoesen. Prepared in Macomb H. S.; Chicago Norm.; 111. Tr. Sch. for Nurses. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Address, Room 1412, 29 E. Madison St., Chicago. RAYMOND EDWARD WATKINS Surgeon; M.D.; b. Je 7, 1882, Fairdale, 111.; s. Miran F. (b. 1843, Mass.) and Isabelie Elizabeth (Crosby) Watkins (b. S 30, 1850, Vt.). Prepared in Chenoa H. S.; Harvey Med. Coll., 1904-05; Jenner Med. Coll., 1905-06. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Grad. work. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, 1918-19. Mem., Faculty, Univ. of Ore. Med. Sch. Mem., Portland Med. Soc; Ore. State Med. Soc. (Sec); A. M. A.; Portland Acad, of Med.; Univ. Club. Married O 31, 1910, Portland, Ore. Child, Elizabeth Jean. Address, 1174 Haw- thorne Ave., Portland, Ore. HARRY BENNETT WEINBURGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 21, 1881, Boston, Mass.; s. Paul (b. Ja 1830, Chester, Pa.) and Germaine (Pierri) Weinburgh (b. My 21, 1834, Can.). Prepared in Battle Creek (Mich.) Coll. Gen. Med. practice, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1909-14; Minneapolis, Minn., 1914-15, Waterville, do., 1915—. U. S. A., Ap 1918-Ap 1919. Mem., Presby. Church; Co., Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M.; Am. Legion. Married Bessie Jane Sergeant, S 3, 1908, Kalamazoo, Mich. Children: Barbara Elizabeth; Harry Bennett Jr. Address, Waterville, Minn. MARY MARGARET WHEELER (BENNETT) (Wife of Myron Elroy Bennett, '09) M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1906; b. Ag 5, 1884, Grant Park, 111.; d. Herbert (b. D 4, 1851, New York) and Anna Matilda (Herbert) Wheeler (b. My 27, 1860, Monee, 111.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Girls Glee Club; Ger. Club; Sc Club; Y. W. C. A.; O. E. S. Married Myron E. Bennett, ('09), S 6, 1909, Grant Park, 111. Children: Margaret Eleanor, b. Ap 9, 1913; Bar- bara Jeane, b. D 24, 1915. Address, 5220 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles. CLARENCE JAMES WILLARD M.D.; b. Jl 14, 1884, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Prepared in Mazomanie (Wis.) H. S. Phi Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Address, Wauzeka, Wis. FREDERICK RILEY WILSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Union (Ore.) H. S. Formerly located in Sumpter, Ore. Address, Richland, Ore.f THOMAS HENRY WOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1861. Prepared in Toronto (Can.) Pub. Schs. M.D., Nat. Med. Univ., 1902. Formerly located in Detroit City, Minn. Address, 217J^ S. Broadway, Rochester, Minn.t ALBERT LEE YOCUM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Chariton (la.) H. S.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1906-08. Address, Chariton, la.f CLASS OF 1910 (125 LIVING, 6 DEAD) FRANKLIN WILLIAM ADAMS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 9, 1880, Corsicana, Tex.; s. Frank and Mary (Buche) Adams. Pre- pared in Corsicana (Tex.) H. S.; M.D., Meharry Med. Coll., Nashville, Tenn. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Corsicana, Tex., 1902-03; Fort Worth, do., 1903-16; Chicago, 1916—. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married O 21, 1903, Corsicana, Tex. Children: Elinor Westly, b. Ja 25, 1906; Frank Stewart, b. D 20, 1907 (dead); Joel Phipps, b. Ja 14, 1910. Address, 4423 In- diana Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5 E. 36th PI., do. CLESSON CUSHMAN ATHERTON Physician; M.D.; b. N 18, 1878, St. Louis; s. Joseph Bert and Katherine W. (Englebright) Atherton. Instr., Nervous and Mental diseases. Proctor Hosp., Peoria; Methodist Hosp., do.; Asst. Managing Off., Peoria State Hosp., Peoria. Mem., National Geographic Soc; Peoria City 1010] College of Medicine Alumni 169 Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Temple Lodge 4ti, A. F. A. M.; Springfield Chapter, Lodge of Perfection; do.. Knights of the Rose Croix; Springtieki Consistory, Knight of the Royal Se- cret, 32°; Mohammed Temple; Shrine; A. A. O. N. M. S.; Prosby. Church. Auth.: The Mongo- lian Type of Amentia, 1911; Personality and Psy- chosis, 1914; The Constitutional Inferior Individual and the Public, 1916; The Imbecile with Criminal Instincts, 1920, all read before various societies and published in the Institution Quarterly; The Pathology of Epidemic Poliomyelitis, 1914 (un- published). Married Lucy Rose Thompson, Mr 11. 1913, Quincy, 111. Child, Alma Louise, b. D 2, 1919. Address, Peoria State Hosp., Peoria. LEWIS HARLAN ATHON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1887, Marshall. III.; s. WilHam L. (b. Paris, III.) and Sarah (Bart- lett) Athon (b. Marshall. 111.). Prepared in Anna H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Class Treas., 1909. Professional studies. Los Angeles Co. Hosp.. 1910- 11. Phys. and Surg.. Los Angeles. Mem., Los Angeles Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc; Los Angeles City Club. Married Cleone E. Groat, Je 12, 1913, Los Angeles. Address, 1039 W. 61st St., Los Angeles; 6us. add., 4731 Vermont Ave., JOSfi POLICARPIO BANTUG Med. Inspector; M.D.; b. S 14, 1884, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, P. I.; s. Martin (b. Ja 30, 1858. do.) and Manuela (Policarpio) Bantug (b. Ja 1, 1855). Prepared in Philippine Norm. Sch.. 1903; Santa Clara Coll.. 1904-05; Univ. of Chicago. 1905; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.), 1905-06. Ph.G.. N. W. Univ., 1909. Asst. Dist. Health Off., Sibul Springs. Bulacan. P. I., 1910-11; Intern, Bilibid Hosp., 1911; Res. Phys., San Juan Tuberculosis Sani- tarium, 1911-12; Intern. Philippine Gen. Hosp., 1912-13; do., St. Lukes Hosp.; Asst. Dist. Health Off., Bulacan and Pamponga, 1913-14; Dist. Health Off., Bulacan, 1914-15; Phys. in Charge, Sanitary Comn., 1915-16; Detailed at Cent. Off., Phihppine Health Serv., 1916-17; Dist. Health Off., Nueva Ecija. 1917-18; Chief, CuUon Leper Colony, 1919; Acting Chief, Publicity Section. Phihppine Health Serv.; Chm., Anti-Cholera Vac- cination Com., do.; Chm., Leprosy Investigation Com., do.; Mem., Bd. of Examining Embalmers, do.; Sr. Med. Inspector, Philippine Health Serv. Recruiting Med. Off., 1918, during formation of Phihppine Nat. Guards; U. S. Service (not active). World War. Auth.: Rizal as Pioneer in Surg., in the PhiUppines, Dia Filipino, 1915; Dysentery from the Sanitary Standpoint, Recista Filipina de Medicuia y Farmacia. 1914; Rizal as a Sanitarian. do., 1915. Mem., Colegio Medico Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Manila Med. Soc; P. I. Med. Soc; N. W. Univ. Alumni .Assn. Married Jo.sefa Ver- ches, N 24, 1912. Manila. P. I. Children: Antonio Bernardo, b. Ag 20, 1913; Maria, b. Jl 11, 1914; Maria Belen, b. Je 30. 1915 (died O 3. 1915); Manuel, b. Ag 17. 1916 (died Ag 24. 1916); Vin- cente Cesar, b. N 1. 1917; Joaquin, b. Ag 16, 1919. Address, 1460 Pennsylvania Ave., Manila. P. I.; bus. add., Philippine Health Serv., do. AMIL CHANDRA BASU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Calcutta, India, Univ., 1901; Campbell Med. Sch., Calcutte, 1908. Address, Calcutta, India.J AXEL FERDINAND BENSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 28. 187.3, Sweden; 8. Bengh Ericson (b. 1821, do.) and Maria Chris- tina Ericson (b. 1830, do.). Prepared in Uppsala, Sweden; N. W. Academy, Evanston, 111.; Swedish M. E. Theological .Sem., Evanston. 189.5-97. Studied abroad, summer of 1920; Sec, Y. M. C. A., do., Sr. Ex. Com. Gen. Med. practice, Aurora, 1 yr.; Bishop Hill. 111., 2 yrs.; Galva, 111., 3 yrs. Pub. Health Service. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps, U. S. A. Mem.. A. M. A. Married My 31, 1899 Batavia, 111. Children: Merrill Philip, b. Ap 28, 1900; Lmnea Carolyn, b. O 19, 1910; Warren Ferdinand Isadore, b. Jl 28, 1913. Address, Galva. EMIL WILLIAM BENTZIEN Physician; M.D.; b. S 1. 1880. Milwaukee; s. Wilham and Minna (Mielke) Bentzien. Prepared in South Division H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Alpha Omega Alpha. Radiographer; .-Vdvisory Bd. 3, World War. Mom., Church of Clirist Disciples; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married. Child, Carol, b. Jo 5, 1917. Address, 200 18th St., Milwaukee; bus. add., First Wis. Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ROBERT LAMBERT BORCHERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in John Marshall H. S.. Chicago. Mem., A. M A • III. State Med. Soc; Chicago Mod. Soc; Assn' Mil. Srugs. Address, 4709 N. Rockwell St., Chi- cago; bus. add.. 4802 N. Western Ave., do.\ ETHEL LOUViER BOREN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Adams Co. H. S.; Barnes Med. Coll., St. Louis 1907-09. Formerly located in Stillwell, 111. J WILLIAM HORACE BRADLEY Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1884, White Heath. 111.; s. Henry W. (b. Ag 25, 1859, do.) and Nettie M. (Thornhill) Bradley (b. D 20, 1803). Prepared in White Heath Acad. Class Ed., 1908; Historian 1910. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. 1909-11 Mem., Staff, do., 1911 — . Mem., Chicago Med Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; CoU. of Med. Alumni Assn. (1st V. P., 1920). Married Floy Frances FoUman, My 9, 1916, Sigourney, la. Address, 3958 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 3941 Jackson Blvd., do. WESLEY EDWARD BURNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. B.S.D.. Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City. Mo., 1903. Address, 4512 Calumet Ave., Chicago; bus. add 2842 S. State St., do.f WILLIAM THOMAS CARPENTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. 1868. Prepared in Albemarle Acad., N. Car., 1891; So. Med. Coll., Atlanta, Ga.. 1898; Coll. of Phys. and Surg., San Francisco. 1908. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Toppenish, Wash.t ELIZABETH D. CARROLL Physician; M.D.; b, D 29. 1880; s. Patrick and Johanna (Collins) Carroll. Prepared in St. Louis H. S.; Littlejohn Coll. of Osteopath. Med. and Surg., Chicago. Address, Kankakee, 111.; 6ms. add., Kankakee State Hosp., do. HENRY LEWIS CARRUTH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Auburn (Miss.) H. S.; Miss. Med. Coll., Meridian,, 1907; Tulane Univ.. New Orleans, 1908-09. Formerly located in Tylertown, Miss. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Kokomo, Miss.t LEE WINFIELD GARY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Argyle (Wis.) H. S. Class Treas., 1908; Chm., Ex. Com., 1910. Specialist in Psychiatry. For- merly located in Winnebago. Wis.; Cherokee, la.; Jackgf)nville, Fla. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Gooding, Idaho.t ARTHUR A. CHARBONNEAU Surgeon; M.D.; b. D 3. 1884. Ishpeming. Mich.; 8. John and Sarah (Mercier) Charbonneau. Lt.. M. C, U. S. A. Married Elsie SoQuet. O 5. 1918. Alientown. Pa. Child, .John, b. N 15, 1919. Ad- dress, Green Bay. Wis. 170 University of Illinois [1910 EARL GEORGE CLEGG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Ainsworth (la.) H. S.; Washington Acad., Wash- ington, la., 1900-02; Valparaiso Law Coll., 1904; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1906-07. For- merly located in Harrisburg, S. Dak. Address, Monarch, Wyo.t JOSEPH SAMUEL COHN Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 28, 1886, Honesdale, Pa.; s. Solomon and Rachel (Rosenheim) Cohn. Pre- pared in Joseph Medill H. S., 1905. Basketball Team, Coll. of Med., 1908-09. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1910-12; Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1914-17; Assoc. Pediatrician, Mt. Sinai Hosp., Chicago, 1919-20. Married Mamie Bishkow, 1913, Chicago. Children: Ruth Helen, b. Ap 20, 1914; Elinore Rae, b. S 15, 1919. Ad- dress, Independence Blvd., Chicago. FRANCIS JOSEPH CONROY Specialist; M.D.; b. S 25, 1885, Chicago; s. James and Winifred (Kerrigan) Conroy. Pre- pared in West Division H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta; Capt., Football, Baseball and Basketball Teams, 1905-07. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Chicago; Instr., Surg. (Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol.) Coll. of Med., 1917-18. Army Serv., Ja 2, 1918-Ag 8, 1919; Capt., M. C, C. O. Hosp., Train 55, A. E. F., My 8, 1918-Jl 18, 1919. Mar- ried Blanche Murrin, Je 2, 1914, Rock Island, 111. Address, 2520 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. ■ PAUL MacALLISTER CURRER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 11, 1888, Girard, Kan.; s. John (b. Chicago) and Jeanette (Post) Currer (b. Je 16, 1858, Holland). Prepared in H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Class pres., 1910. Phys. and Surg., Two Harbors, Minn., Je-D, 1910; do., Milwaukee, D 1910—. Mem. of Local Bd. 4, Milwaukee, S 1917-F 1918. Mem., Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; A. M. A., 1912—. Married Mabel Cischek, Je 28, 1916, Milwaukee. Child, Paul Richard, b. Jl 23, 1917. Address, 1099 41st St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 3426 North Ave., do. EDWARD FELIX CZESLAWSKI Physician; M.D.; b. O 6, 1887, Chicago; s. Albert (b. Ap 18, 1858, Poland) and Pearl (Lange) Czeslawski (b. Mr 7, 1861, do.). B.A., St. Stanis- laus Coll., 1906. Class Poet, 1910. Sec. to Local Bd. 64, Chicago, 1917. Mem., Polish Roman Catholic Union (Med. Exam.); Polish Nat. Al- liance (do.); Polish Union of Am. (do.); Catholic Order of Foresters (do.). Married Jl 23, 1913, Chicago. Children: Thaddeus Adolbert, b. S 10, 1914; Edward Felix, Jr., b. F 20, 1917. Address, 3105 Davlin Ct., Chicago; bus. add., 2891 Milwau- kee Ave., do. EDNA VALERIA DALE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1877, Ver- sailles, Mo.; s. David C. and Judith V. (Hunter) Dale. Prepared in Versailles (Mo.) H. S.; Hardin Coll., Mexico, Mo.; Warrensburg State Normal, Warrensburg, Mo. Nu Sigma Phi. Address, 116 N. 5th Ave., Yakima, Wash. ; bus. add., 207 Masonic Temple, do. JOHN FRANKLIN DAVIS M.D.; b. F 29, 1876, Hutton, 111.; s. Charles and Nancy (Pickeral) Davis. Prepared in Lees Acad., Rardin, 111. Asst., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., 32°; A. M, A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Margaret McGregor, Ja 16, 1897, Rardin, 111. Children: Arthur V., b. My 13, 1899; Eliza E., b. F 13, 1902. Address, 710 Buckingham Place, Chicago; bus. add., 925 Belmont Ave., do. DANIEL DE LA PAZ Professor; M.D.; b. Ja 3, 1887, Marikina, Rizal, P. I.; s. Cornelio and Simona (St. Domingo) de la Paz. Prepared in Nueva Ecija Provincial Sch. and Liceo de Manila, P. I., 1902-05; Notre Dame Univ., 1905-06; Lewis Institute, Chicago, Je-S, 1906; N. W. Univ., Med. Sch., 1907; Harvard Med. Sch., 1910-11. Phillipine Gov. student, 1905-11. Asst., Pharmacol., Univ. of the Philip- pines, 1911; Instr., do., 1912; Asst. Prof., do., 1916; Assoc. Prof., do., 1919; Prof., do., 1920—. Auth.: (with W. B. Cannon) Emotional Stimulation of Adrenal Secretions, Am. Jour, of Physiology, 1911; (with F. Garcia) An Experimental Study on the use of Apomorphin to remove Foreign Bodies from the Respiratory Passages, Philippine Jour, of Sc, 1916; (with A. L. Guerrero and L. E. Guerrero) Poisoning by lUioium Religiosum, do., 1916; (with R. Montenegro) Does the Irritant Action of Eme- tine Hydrochloride Extend to the Kidney?, do., 1918. Married Alberta Torres, N 19, 1913. Chil- dren: Constancia, b. S 19, 1914; Luz, b. D 30, 1915; Matilda, b. Je 20, 1917; Alicia, b. F 4, 1919; Rosario, b. O 9, 1920. Address, College of Medi- cine and Surgery, Univ. of the Phillippines, Manila, P. I. LOUIS BELFAIR DERDIGER M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1887, New York; s. Albert and Lina (Birns) Derdiger. Prepared in DeWitt Clinton H. S., New York, and New York Med. Coll., do. Phi Chi. Formerly located in Esmond, N. Dak. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ja 1918-My 1919; Capt., do.. My 2, 1919. Discharged, Ag 18, 1919. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M., K. P.; Tri-Co. Med. Soc. Address, Battle Lake, Minn. AUGUST FREDERICK DOERANN M.D.; b. My 21, 1880; s. August and Valentina (Baranowska) Doerann. Address, 1230 Wesley Ave., Evanston, 111. FRANK GERALD DOUGLASS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1886, Canada; s. William D. and Mary (Gankel) Douglass. Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. Asst. Chief Surg., C. & E. I. and Belt Ry. Mem., A. K. K.; I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T. Married Hattie May Thornton, Ap 26, 1911. Children Jessie L., b. F 2, 1912; Frank T., b. Ja 18, 1916 (both dead). Address, 7657 Stewart Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 304 W. 63rd St., Chicago. JENNIE A. DUNCAN M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1861, La Salle, 111.; d. James L. and Eliza (Dunphey) Duncan. Prepared in La Salle H. S.; Valparaiso Univ. World War ser- vice as Nurse with the American Womans Hosp. Unit 1, Luzancy, Fr. Address, 1207 E. Central Ave., Albuquerque, N. M. JACOB WILLIAM EEDE Specialist; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1872, Kingsville, Ontario, Can.; s. Jacob and Mary (Wigle) Eede. Prepared in Detroit H. S. B.S., Univ. of Mich.; M.D., Detroit Med. Coll., 1896. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Married Myrtle Grace Bright, O 15, 1902, Harvey, N. Dak. Child, Lois, b. N 9, 1905. Address, Prince Albert, Sask.. Can. CLARENCE OSCAR EPLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 25, 1882, Buttes Co., la.; s. Jacob Henry (b. Ap 20, 1845, Center Co., Pa.) and Mary (Becker) Epley (b. F 12, 1840, Hessen Dahrmstad.t, Ger.). Prepared in Shellrock (la.) H. S.; Upper la. Univ., 1903-06. Philomathean; Chaplain of Class, 1910; third place, Chicago Policlinic and Henrotin Hosp., 1910. Intern, Hosp. of Good Shepherd, Syracuse, N. Y.; Jr. and Sr. House Surg., do., 6 mos.; Gen. Med. practice, Ft. Dodge, la., 1911; Nora Springs, do., 1912; Laporte City, la., 1912-17; 1st Asst to Dr. B. J. Ochsner, Durango, Colo., 1917-18; 1910] College of Medicine Alumni 171 Pbys. and Surg., Spirit Lake, la., 1919—. Or- ganixed Epley Ibach Hosp., Ap 1920. Mem., M. E. Church; Epworth League (Pres., 1912;) S. S. Supt., 1917; Austin Flint Cedar Valley Med. Soc, 1913-17; la. State Med. Soc, 1919—. Mar- ried Valtina E. Carbauh, 1909, Ft. Madison, la. Children: Violet Geraldine, b. Ap IS, 1912; Verne Carbauh, b. Jl 22, 1914. Address, Spirit Lake, la. WILLIAM GEORGE EPSTEIN Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1886. A.B., St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Florence Vir- ginia Simpson, D 1920, Wheaton, 111. Address, 6604 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 7259 S. Halsted St.. rfo.t MARION ELEANOR FARBAR Missionary and Phvs.; M.D.; b. My 1881, Nebraska City, Neb.; d. F. W. (b. 1843, St. Louis) and Ida Mav (Lathrop) Farbar (b. 1857, La Port, Ind.). Prepared in Beatrice (Neb.) H. S. Grad. Nurse, Baptist Hosp., Chicago. Nu Sigma Phi; Class Sec, Soph. Yr. Intern, Deaconess Hosp., Spokane, 1910-11; Med. Serv., New England Hosp., India, 1911-17; Missionary under Wonians Am. Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc, Madras, British India, 1921. Address, 5555 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. WALTER IRVING FIREY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1881, Edin- burg. 111.; s. Joseph and Susan (Thompson) Firey. Prepared in Aberdeen (S. Dak.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1918-My 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Marie Ooeson, Ag 19, 1913, Chicago. Children: Walter Irving Jr., b. Ag 13. 1916; Joseph Carl, b. O 22, 1918. Address, Roundup, Mont. MANUEL DIRECTO FORONDA Physician; M.D.; b. D 25, 1886, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur, P. I.; s. Domingo and Cristina Dirccto Foronda. Prepared in Vigan H. S. and fniv. of Chicago H. S. Philippine Scholarship, 1905; Class Artist, 1910. Intern, Philippine General Hosp,, Manila, P. I.. 1910; Dist. Health Off., various provinces of P. I.. 1910-14; Gen. Med. practice and Life Ins. bus.. Manila, 1914—. Mem., Free Thinker Church. Married Consuelo Claravall Je 19. 1912. Ilagan, Isabela. P. I. Children: Manuel J., b. Ja 3. 1913; Carlos Alfonso, b. Ag 23. 1914. Address, 1343 Rizal Ave.. Santa Cruz, Manila. P. I.; bus. add.. The Insular Life Ins. Co.. do. MABEL GRAY FOSTER Phys. and Surg.j M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Barrington H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1907-08. Ex-Intern, Childrens Hosp., San Francisco. Ad- dress, 4024 N. Harding Ave.. Chicago. t WILLIAM BERNARD FUNK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in S. Division H. S.. Chicago. Ph.G.. N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm.. 1900; M.D.. Dearborn Med. Coll. 1907. Address, 2833 Archer Ave., Chicago.J SAMUEL LEE GABBY Physician; M.D.; b. O 14, 1880; s. H. A. and Mattie J. (Brownlee) Gabby. Gen. Med. prac- tice. Married Elma Sims, Je 14, 1908. Pawnee City. Neb. Children: John Lester, b. S 30, 1909; Margaret, b. N 7. 1913. Address, 956 South St.. Elgin. 111.; bus. add., 102 N. Spring St.. do. FRANK NATHAN GAGGIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 16. 1870, Salem, Wis.; 8. Thomas and Nora (Garrity) Gaggin. Prepared in Valparaiso Univ. M.D., Reliance Med. Coll., 1909. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Knights and Ladies of Security; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 4th Congr. Church. Married Lula M. Nicolai. N 8, 1905, Crown Point, Ind. Children: Maurita Aileen, b. Je 9, 1911; Julia Lorraine, b . Ja 19, 1914. Address, 2648 N. Talman Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2600 Fullerton Ave., do. MARCELINO MENDOZA GALLARDO Physician; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in N. W. Univ., 1909. Phys., Bureau of Health, Manila P. I. Address, Dumaguete. Negros Oriental, P. I. JAMES CHARLES GILLESPIE (Brother of Samuel Tildon Gillespie, '96, Ph.G.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Hiawatha Acad.. Hiawatha. Kan. Formerly of Reserve, Kan. Address, Falls City, Neb.t GEORGE WILLIAM GINDELE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in Concordia Coll.. Milwaukee; Morgan Park Mil. Acad.. Chicago; Harvey Med. Coll., 1902-05. Address, 6056 N. Harlem Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4800 Milwaukee Ave., do.t WILLIAM FRANCIS GLASIER Surgeon; M.D.; b, Ja 4. 1882, Flanagan, 111.; s. Peter and Anna (Fair) Glasier. Prepared in Whittemore, la., Schs. Ph.G.. Highland Park Coll.. Des Moines. Sigma Chi. Army Serv., Lt.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge Scottish Rite. Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Presby. Church- A. M. A.; Eddy Co. Med. Soc; N. M. State Med. Soc; CHn. Cong, of Surg.; Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow). Married Thelma J. Hanson. O 16. 1911. Sioux Falls. S. Dak. Children: William, b. Ja 4. 1913; Robert, b. Jl 31. 1914. Address, Carlsbad, N. M. LEONARD HENRY GRANER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 4, 1887, Green Bay, Wis.; s. Robert C. (b. N 23, 1834, Ger.) and Johan- na (Jachman) Graner (b. N 24, 1847, do.).' Pre- pared in East Green Bay, (Wis.) H. S.; Lake Forest Coll., Lake Forest, 111. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. practice. Pound, Wis., 1912-18; do., Coleman, do., 1918—; Local Railroad Surg, for C. M. & St. Paul R. R., Je 1919—. Mem., Pleiades Lodge No. 478, A. F. A. M., Chicago, 1909—; A. M. A.; Wis. State Med. Soc; Marinette Co. Med. Soc Married Josephine M. Seaton, Ag 7, 1918, St. Joseph, Mo. Address, Coleman, Wis. ROBERT SCOTT GREGG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. M.D., Har- vey Med. Coll., 1903. Formerly Maj., M. C, U. S. A. Address, 6739 Parnell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 510 W. 69th St., do.t WILLIAM AUGUSTUS GROSS Specialist; M.D.; b. D 13, 1885, Galesburg, III.; 8. William Gross. Prepared in Elgin Acad., 1904. Phi Beta Pi. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Special- ist; Asst. Ear Surg.. 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Assoc. Staff. Am. Hosp. Lt., M. C. Hosp. Ship. Gen. R. M. O'Reilly; Capt., M. R. C. Devised several instruments to prevent hemor- rhage after tonsil operation. Mem.. A. F. A. M., Kilwinning Lodge 311; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Cora S. Lemke. Je 28. 1911. Chicago. Child. Ellen Doro- thy, b. Mr 18. 1918. Address, 1435 Carmen Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., and 4955 Sheridan Rd., do. ARTHUR FRANCIS GROVE (Brother of Martin Melvin, '05; Brother-in-law of Roscoe Roby Fisk, '12) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 24, 1885, Wabash Co., Minn.; s. Martin A. (b. My 2, 1846. Norway) and Mary (Christopher) Grove (b. D 22. 1845). Prepared in Plainview (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago. 18 mos. Ist Asst. to Drs. A. J. Ochsner and N. M. Percy. 1 yr. Med. and Surg, practice, Dell Rapids. S. Dak.. 1913 — . Ist Lt., 172 University of Illinois [1910 M. C, U. S. A., Je 1918-Jl 1919; in Fr. and Ger. with Evacuation Hosp. 12, 10 mos. Mem., S. Dak. State Med. Soc; Dist. Med. Soc. Married D 27, 1917, Dell Rapids, S. Dak. Address, Dell Rapids, S. Dak. WILLIAM ROY HEDRICK Physician; M.D.; b. My 23, 1886, Noble, 111.; s. Henry E. and Nancy Ellen (Taylor) Hedrick. Prepared in So. 111. State Norm. Univ., 1903-06. Sigma Phi Ep.silon. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married Pauline Stevens, Ap 10, 1912, Pleasant Plains, 111. Children: Roy Stevens, b. Ja 12, 1914: Nancy June, b. Mr 3, 1916. Ad- dress, Mt. Auburn, 111. RUSSELL RULO HEIM M.D.; b. My 10, 1886, Plymouth, Ind.; s. Peter and Henrietta (Wade) Heim. Prepared in Ply- mouth (Ind.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; served with 89th Div., 356th Inf.; wounded O 21, 1918; advanced to rank of Maj., M. R. C. Married Elizabeth M. Anderson, D 29, 1917. Address. 2300 Nicollet Ave., Minnea- polis; bus. add., Cor. Lake St. and Nicollet Ave., do. WILLIAM LOUIS HERCIK M.D.; b. Jl 14, 1886, Chicago; s. Joseph and Mary A. (Hosticka) Hercik. Prepared in McKin- ley H. S., Chicago. Intern, Columbus Hosp., 1 yr.; 111. State Hosp., 3 vrs.; Gen. practice, Mich., 4 yrs. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 20, 1917; Capt.. do., O 9, 1918; overseas serv. with A. E. F., S 1, 1918-Jl 5, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32^ Ad- dress, 2514 N. Spalding, Chicago; 6ms. add., 110 N. Wabash Ave., do. SARAH LONGWORTH HOSMON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Evansville (Ind.) H. S. Formerly located in New- berg, Ind.J GORDON HENRY JACKSON Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 3, 1885, Cincinnati, O.; s. Virginia A. (Gordon) Jackson. Prepared in Oberlin Acad., 1902-04; Beloit Coll., 1904. Alpha Phi Alpha. Urologist, Provident and Ft. Dear- born Hosps. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, 556 E. 37th St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3613 State St., do. HARRIS A. JACOBSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 25, 1887, Rus.; s. Abraham (b. do.) and Dora Kadish (b. do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S.. Chicago. Basket- ball Team, 1905. Located in Chicago. Served on Local Bd. 44, World War, 1917-18. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.: I. O. O. F.; J. O. B. A.; I. O. B. S.; P. O. W. Married Jl 12, 1910, Chicago. Children: George Joseph, b. S 21, 1911; Jeannette Adelaide, b. O 28, 1912; Marvin, b. Ap 19, 1914; Phyllis Violet, b. Jl 26, 1917. Ad- dress, 3248 W. Rioosevelt Rd.. Chicago; bus. add., 1237 S. Halsted St., do. MILTON D. W. JEFFS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Georgetown Univ. Prep. Sch.. Washington, D. C. Med. Dept., do., 1907-08. Formerly located in Rockland, Mich. Address, Cambria Union Apt., 1271 Leighton Ave., Los Angeles; 6ms. add.. In- vestment Bldg., do.t ARTHUR GREEN JOHNSON Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 25, 1884, Hamilton Co.; s. Wright and Louisa (Cantrell) Johnson. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Surg, practice. Chicago. Mem. Examining Bd.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T. Married Mae R. Belsan, Ag 30, 1913, Crown Point, Ind. Children: Thelma, b. My 10, 1914; Dolores, b. N 22. 1915. Address, 1659 W. 51st St.. Chicago. GROVER ERMAN JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 12. 1885. McLeans- boro. 111.; s. Columbus and Julia Johnson. Pre- pared in McLeansboro H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Married Crystle Auerbach. Je 2. 1915. Address, 6318 S. Artesian St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1159 W. 59th St.. do. CECIL JAMES JOHNSTON Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Fos- torio (O.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Formerly located in Fostoria, O. Capt.. M. C. U. S. A.; M. O. T. C, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., S 10- N 15. 1917; Mem.. Roumanian Relief Expedition, N 15, 1917-Ja 7, 1918; Surg. Staff.. Base Hosp.. Camp Pike. Ark.. Ja 7.-J1 30 1918; Allantown Base Hosp., 82, Camp Crane. Ag 1918; with A. E. F. in France. Ag 28, 1918-Je 1, 1919. Address, 150 N. Main St., Canton, IlLf ALVIN THOMAS JORDAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Pub. Schs. of Ind.; Chicago Med. Coll., 1 yr. Formerly located in Pliny, W. Va.; later in Ruby, do. Address, Hurricane. W. Va.t JAMES MATTHEW JUVINALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Danville H. S.; N. W. Univ.. 1906-07. Address, Potomac. Ill.t *JOHN MATTHEW KARA Physician; M.D.; b. 1888. Well-known Bo- hemian Phys., of Chicago. Mem.. Bohemian-Am. Red Cross unit in Europe, 1914; served in various war hosps. in Servia, until his death. Mem., A. M. A. Died F 27, 1915, Skopilje, Servia, from disease contracted in war work. JESSE EARL KING Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Throck- morton (Tex.) H. S.; N. W. Univ. Med, gch... 3 yrs. Formerly _ located in Stamford, Tex. Ad- dress, Breckenridge. Tex.t ZANVILL DAVID KLOPPER Med. Artist and Instructor; M.D.; b. O 20. 1872. Rus.; s. Leon (b. Rus.) and Rose (Katz) Klopper (b. do.). Prepared in Rus. Art Institute, Chicago, 1893-95; Sch. of Lib. Arts, Odessa. Rus., 1888-91; Art Schs., Paris and Rome, 1902-05. M.D.. Jen- ner Med. Coll., 1908. Med. Artist; Lecturer, Dent, and Facial Art., Coll. of Dent., 1904-06; Med. Staff, Coll. of Med., 1911-14; Examining Phys. for I. C. R. S., Denver; Surg. Staff. St. Joseph Hosp.. Chicago. Auth : The Practicability of the Modification of the Lavatory Chamber, Jour. A. M. A., My 1918; Chronic Constipation. III. Med. Jour., Je 1918; Many illustrations for surg. publications. Mem.. Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc. Married Jillie B. Hurwitz, Ag 20, 1899, Chicago. Children: Leonard, b. Mr 23, 1901; Robert, b. Ap 7, 1913. Address, 1642 W. Division St.. Chicago. BARTHOLOMEW KUNNY Physician; M.D.; b. S 2. 1881. Fredonia, Wis.; s. Nicholas (b. 1834, Luxemburg) and Margaret Kandell (b. 1841, Belgium). Prepared in Wis. State Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis.; Univ. of So. Calif.. 1907. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. practice, Cylon, Wis.. 1910-17; Baldwin, Wis., 1917—. Mem., A. M. A. Married Ja 29, 1911, Sullivan, Wis. Child, B. Kenneth, b. My 19, 1914. Address, Baldwin. Wis. *ERNEST HASKELL KYLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 20. 1879. Pre- pared in Springfield (Mo.) Norm. Sch.. 1905; Barnes Med. Sch.. St. Louis, 1907-08. Formerly located in Hammond, Mo. Died N 16. 1918. 1910] College of Medicine Alumni 173 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LARGENT Phy.-iiian; M.D.: b. Jl 17, 18S0; s. W. B. and Rosa (Wood) Largent. Prepared in McKinncy (Tex.1 H. S. A.B.. Ky. Mil. Institute, 1903. Phi Rho Sigma: Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Lakeside Hosp.. Chicago. 1910-11. Located in McKinney. Tex. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., D 1, 1917-My 1, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine; Rotarv Club: B. P. O. E.; Co. Med. Soc; State Med. Soc.: Dist. Med. Soc, A. M. A. Mar- ried, S 20, 1919, Cleveland. Address, 11 S. Brad- ley St., McKinney, Tex. JOHN CALVIN LAW M.D.: b. Mr 2, 1870: s. Andrew M. (b. 1841, Ohio) and Anna J. (Johnston) Law (b. 1848, Columbus, do.). Prepared in Pawnee City Acad,, Pawnee Citv, Neb.; West Side Hosp., Chicago. M.D.. Kan "Med. Coll., 1898. Married Emma J. Kelso, June 1, 1898, Pawnee City, Neb. Chil- dren: Raymond K., b. Ag 20, 1902; Gertrude E.. b. Ap 9, 1906. Address, Ft. Morgan, Colo. ETHEL MAE LAYBOURNE Phys. and Surg.: M.D. Prepared in De Pauw Univ., 1904-06. Emily Schofield Scholarship 1906-10. Formerly of Green Castle, Ind. Ad- dress, May wood, lll.t THO^L\S MAURICE McFARLAND LEAHY Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 188.5. Prepared in Tiffin (0.1 H. S.; Niaeara Univ., 1903-06; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch , 1907-09. Address, 5022 Win- throp Ave., Chicago.t ALBERT ARTHUR LeBEAU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.: b. Ag 31, 1887, Chicago- Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., A. E. F., World War. Married 1917. Child, b. N 10, 1918. Address, 5007 Fletcher St., Chicago: bus. add., 3427 Milwaukee Ave., do. PHILIP MAX LeBEAU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 5, 1885, Chicago; 8. Mas and Fannie LeBcan. Prepared in McKin- ley H. S.. Chicago. Phi Beta Epsilon. Phys., Adams and Western Ave., Chicago, 2 \ts.; 5058 Irving Park Blvd., do., 1921—. Married Grace M. Brown, Mr 20, 1910. Child, Philip M., Jr., b. Mr 20, 19 14. Address, 5058 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. MAX I. LEVITON Physician; M.D.; b. O 10, 1883, Odessa, Rus.; 8. Isaac and Clara Le\-iton. Prepared in Odessa (Rus.) H. S. Married Ag 28, 1913, Union Pier, Mich. Children: LawTence R., b. O 8, 1914; Alice, Jane, b. Ap 13, 1918. Address, 2910 Logan Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2400 Division St., do. WILLIAM BERRY LEWIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 1. 1882, McDonough Co., III.: s. Jonathan S. (b. Adair Co., Ky.) and Lucv Ellen (Jenkins) Lewis (b. 111.). Prepared in St. Louis (Mo.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Located in Buffalo, Wvo. Married Freda Marie Welborn, 1913. C:hild, William Wendell, b. Ag 4, 1915. Address, Buffalo, Wyo. WESTERN CASS LOOMIS Physician; M.D.; b. N 6, 1881, Pratt. Kan.: s. John M.. (b. Fitchburg, Ky.) and Nettie_(El- liott) Loomis (b. do.). Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. A.B., Friends Univ., 1911. Married Myrtle Windsor, Mr 18, 1915. Child, Margarete W. b. O 12, 1916. Address, 1906 W. Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kan.; bus. add., 516 4th Xat. Bank Bldg., do. AARON TOMLIN LUKINS Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Kenesaw (Xeb.) H. S.; Lincoln Med. Coll., 1903- 06. Formerly located in Garfield, Wash.; later in Toston, Mont. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A. Ad- dress, Pullman, Wash.t ROBERT CHILDERS McELVAIN Physician; M. D.; b. Ap 25, 1887, DuQuoin, 111.; 8. S. S. and Eli^a (Childers) McElvain. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mem. A. F. A. M.; K. T. Mar- ried Florence Coulter, O 10, 1912. Address, 4155 W. Florissant Ave., St. Louis. CHARLES PATRICK McGARRY Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 1249 Granville Ave., Chicago.f HELEN AMELIA O'SULLIVAN McGARRY Phys. and Surg.; M. D. Prepared in St. Ber- nards Acad. Formerly located in Crystal, S. Dak. Address, 1249 Granville Ave., Chicagp.t WALTER CARAWAY McKEE Physician; M.D.; b. Je IS, 1886, Chrisman, 111.; s. Franklin S. (b. Ap 6, 1861, do.) and Mary C. (Caraway) McKee (b. 1859, do.) Prepared in Chrisman H. S., N. W. Acad, and Lake Forest Coll. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Kappa Sigma. Gen. Med. Practice, Chicago. Instr., Jr. Med. and Asst. Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Mar- ried Jessie O. Robison, Je 1, 1911, Chrisman, 111. Child, Mary Virginia McKee. Address, 844 Gait Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4601 Broadway, do. THOMAS GARFIELD McLIN Physician; M. D.: b. Ap 17. 1882, 111.; s. Curtis and Salina (Borah) McLin. B. S., Val- paraiso Univ., 1905. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., N 15, 1918-Ag 30, 1919. Auth.: Articles for Med. Jours. Married Nena Inskeep, Je 7, 1910, (jhicago. Children: Roland, b. Mr 26, 1913; Edward, b. S 26, 1915. Address, 1201 S. Main St., Jacksonville, HI. RAYMOND WILLIAM McNEALY Surgeon; M. D.; b. Ag. 17, 1886, Chambersburg, Mo.; s. John W. and Georgia Anna (Green) Mc- Nealy. Prepared in Burlington (la.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Valedic- torian, Class '10. Gen. Surg, practice, Chicago; Instr., Sr. Neurol., and Psychiatry, Coll. of Med., 1910-14; Instr., Jr. Med. and Psychiatry, do. and Asst. Prof., Clin. Surg., do., 1918—. Lt., Sr. Grade, U. S. N. R. F., D 6, 1916-Mr 11, 1919; Surg, to Main Hosp., Great Lakes, 111. Married Metta Dean, S 3, 1914, Chicago. Address, Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. GEORGE MALEY Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. Je 19, 1881, Gales- burg, 111.; s. Michael (b.'l825, Ireland) and Anna (Ryan) Maley (b. 1840, do.) Prepared in Corpus Christi Univ.; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-07. B. S., Knox Coll.. 1910; M. A., do. Guothantii and Zetetici Societies; Winner of Colton Prize Debate, Knox Coll. Intern, St. Anne's Hosp.; Phys. and Surg., Galesburg, 111. Mem. 111. Nat. Guard, 1900-06. Married Gertrude Welsh, Ag 19, 1919, Galesburg, 111. Address, 427 W. South St.. Gales- burg. lU. WILLIAM CHARLES MEACHAM Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. 1886. Prepared in St. Johns Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis. Address, 822 Linden Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 3155 Franklin Blvd., Chicago.t DANIEL EDWARD MEANEY Phys. and Surg.: M. D.; b. 1886. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll.. Chicago. Address, 5514 S. Lincoln St.. Chicago; bus. add., 1614 W. Garfield Blvd.. do.t JULIUS FELIX MEYER M.D.; b. Ja 14, 1880, Russian Border Line; s. Barnet and Lena (Lewis) Meyer. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Red Cross, Chicago. 174 University of Illinois [1910 Married Minnie Musmen Jl 1, 1900. Children: Pearle, b. June 10, 1901; Sidney, b. N 7, 1904; Stuart, b. Je 8, 1913. Address, 3520 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Sll Roosevelt Rd., do. RICHARD JASPER MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Paris H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1907-08; Drake Univ., 1 yr. Formerly located in Girard, 111.; later at Rockville, Ind. Address, Kincaid, Ill.f OTIS ANDREW MOORE M.D.; b. N 23, 1888, Brunswick, Mo.; s. Andrew B. and Katie M. (Graham) Moore. B.S., Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Mo., 1905. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Katie B. Huston, D 27, 1910, Columbia, Mo. Children: Merrill O., b. S 25, 1911; Dorotny M.. b. O 27, 1913. Address, 301 N. 5th St., Columbia, Mo.; bus. add., 715a Broadway, do. WALTER DEAN MURFIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 29, 1887, Huey, 111.; s. Warren Wesley (b. Ag 6, 1862, O.) and Bettie (Simcox) Murfin (b. Mr 24, 1866, Ky.). Prepared in H. S.; Barnes Med. Coll., 1906-08. Nu Sigma Nu. World War, 1917-18. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Jl 12, 1911, Salem, 111. Address, Vernon, 111. WILLIAM HARRY NELSON Physician; M.D.; b. S 20, 1873, Ottumwa, la.; s. Robert G. (b. F 14, 1852, Warsaw, lU.) and Allie (Johnston) Nelson (b. O 15, 1852, Zanesville, O.). Prepared in Superior (Neb.) H. S.; Jefferson Med. Coll.. Philadelphia, 1906-08. Ptolemy Soc. Located in Oak, Neb., 1910-18; Ruskin, do., 1918—. Sergt., Med. Dept., U. S. Army, 1898-1906. Mar- ried Helen J. T. Temple, 1907, New York City. Address, Ruskin, Neb. FRANK WILLIAM NICKEL Physician; M.D.; b. N 20, 1883, Strasburg, Ger.; s. Gustav (b. O 5, 1855, Strasburg, Ger.) and Bertha (Usadel) Nickel (b. Mr 15, 1856, Ger.). Prepared in Charles City (la.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, Je 1910-D1911; Located in Eureka, 111., 1912 — . Contract Surg., U. S. Army, 1918. Mem., Woodford Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; North Central 111. Med. Assn.; West. Surg. Soc; Univ. Club, Peoria. Married Mr 18, 1911, Lombard, 111. Children: Dorothy Louise, b. Ag 19, 1912; Frank William, b. S 29, 1914; Mary Elizabeth, b. Ja 20, I917. Address, Eureka, lU. DENNIS MICHAEL O'DONNELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 29, 1885; s. Patrick and Margaret O'Donnell. Prepared in H. S., and No. Norm, and Industrial Sch., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Phi Rho Sigma. M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E.; Catholic Church. Address, Columbian Hotel, Ortonville, Minn.; 6ws. add.. Medical Block, do. FLORIAN GEORGE OSTROWSKI (Brother of Theodore Chas., '17, D.D.S.) Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1887, Chicago; s. Theodore (b. Ja 8, 1^53, Poland) and Rosalie (Troka) Ostrowski (b. D 26, 1856, do.). A.B., St. Stanislaus Coll., Chicago, 1905. Intern, St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp., Chicago, IJ^ yrs. Located in Cicero, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., F 25, 1918- Je 17, 1919; Asst Post Surg., Autun, Fr. Married Helene Kujawski, Je 4, 1912, Chicago. Child, Fabian, b. Je 25, 1913. Address, 5119 W. 23rd St., Cicero. lU.; bus. add., 4900 W. 29th Place, do. JAMES WRIGHT PACKARD Phya. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 6, 1868. Prepared in Rockton H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1907-08. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 4259 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago.t FREDERICK CHARLES PARKER Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1871, New York; s. Charles F. and Sarah Wells (Fuller) Parker. Pre- pared in Arkansas City (Kan.) H. S.; Park Coll.; Lewis Institute; Univ. of Chicago. Registered Pharm., 1890-1910; in charge of Emergency Hosp. for treatment of Influenza, 1918; do., Childrens Clinic City Hosp.. 1917-18; Intern, Seattle City Hosp.; Mem., Staff, do., 4 yrs.; Specialist in Ob- stetrics. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 7, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Eastern Star. Married Nan- nie Coffman, Ap 25, 1895, Columbus. O. Address, 6103 Phinney Ave., Seattle; bics. add., 312-13 Walker Bldg., do. HARRY ARCHIBALD PATTISON Supvr. of Med. Serv.; M.D.; b. Je 2, 1877, Astoria, N. Y.; s. Chas. S. and Ellen F. (Cressy) Pattison. Prepared in Mt. Hermon Boys Sch., Mt. Hermon, Mass. and Mills Training Sch., N. N.; M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll.. 1904. Located in Rockford, 111., 1916; Supvr., Med. Serv., Nat. Tuberculosis Assn., New York; Bureau of W. R. I., and U. S. Pub. Health Serv.; Advisor on Tuberculosis, Fed. Bd., Vocational Ed. Auth.: Three Buls., for Federal Bd. for Vocational Educ; numerous articles on Tuberculosis. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. M. A. Married Florence Streel, Je 6, 1905. Children: Helen S., b. 1907; Florence E.. b. 1908. Address, 221 McLean Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.; bus. add., 381 4th Ave., New York. ALBERT PEARSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Barrington H. S.; Jenner Med-. Coll., 1 yr. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Mem., Ex. Com. Intern, Engle- wood Hosp., Chicago. Address, 927 Townsend St., Chicago.! THOMAS ARTHUR PETTEPIECE Physician; M.D.; b. D 16, 1875, Ashton, 111.; s. Joseph and Emma (Cooper) Pettepiece. Pre- pared in Freeport H. S. B.S., Cornell Coll., la., 1908. Star Literary Soc, do. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Freeport, 111. Mem., M. E. Church (Off. Bd.). Married Wilma Pierce, Je 23, 1916. Chicago. Child, William Ellwood, b. Ap 2. 1919. Address, 332 Douglas Ave., Freeport, 111. LOUIS AMON PULLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Prepared in Wheaton H. S. Intern, Park Ave., Hosp. Chicago. Address, Myndus. N. Mex.J HOWARD HERMAN QUAIFE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1872. D.D.S.. State Univ. of la.. 1903; M.D., do., 1905. Formerly located in Mason City, la.; later in Buckley, Wash. Address, Castlerock. Wash.t PHILIP GRAHAM REEDY Physician; M.D.; b. D 23, 1882, Ft. Totten. Dak. Territory; s. Thomas J. (b. 1849, Boston) and Agnes B. (Wells) Reedy (b. 1859, Lake Pep- pin, Minn.). Prepared by Private Instructors until 1896; St. Johns Univ., Collegeville, 111., 1896- 99; N. W. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1906-08. State Board of Health, McLaughlin, S. Dak., 1911; Gen. Med. practice. Regan. N. Dak., 1913-17; Arthur. N. Dak., S 11. 1919—. 1st Lt.. M. R. C, U. S. A.. My 11. 1917; Capt., do., N 11, 1917; Maj., do.. My 30. 1918, Active Serv.. Je 7. 1917- Ag 1919; Army transport service, Eng., Fr.. Bel- gium and Holland; Sanitary work in U. S.. Hol- land, Belgium and Ger. Territory. Mem., N. Dak. State Med. Soc; Assn. of Mil. Surgs.; K. C; Commander of Deemer Faltz Post No. 184, Am. Legion, Arthur, N. Dak. Married Rachel N. O'Neil, Ag 21, 1912, Ft. Yates, N. Dak. Address, Arthur, N. Dak. CARMELO S. REYES y MALABANAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D. Address, Lipa Batangas, Luzon, P. Lt 1910J College of Medicine Alumni 175 HOMER E. RICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 15. 18S6. Ogden, Ut.; 8. Ben E. and Diana (Farr) Rich. Prepared in Ricks Acad., Rexburg, Idaho; Boys H. S., AUanU, Ga.; Chattanooga Coll. Class Ed., 1909; Class Prophet, 1910. Gen. Mod. and Surg, prac- Uce, Vernal, It. 1st Lt., U. S. A.; M. O. T. C. Co. 13, Ft. Rilev, Kan.; Field Hosp., Co. 38, 6 San. Train; 6th Div., U. S. A.. Ag 25. 1917-, Je 24, 1919. Auth.: The Country Doctor. Mem. Latter-Day-Saints Church; I. O. O. F. Married Ethel Watkins, Je 12, 1912. Salt Lake Temple L. D. S. Daughter, Pereppa. b. Ja 1, 1917. Ad- dress, Vernal, Ut. *JOHN WILLIAM RIGHEIMER Intern; M.D.; b. 1888. Head Intern, St. An- thony De Padua Hosp., Chicago. Died JI 12, 1912, Garrett, Ind. ALBERT JOHN ROEMISCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Blue Island H. S.; N. W. Med. Coll., 1907-08. Address, Blue Island, Ill.t JOHN CLIFFORD ROGERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Macalester Coll., St. Paul. Phi Rho Sigma. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., D 1, 1917-Ag 30. 1919; Ft. Riley, Kan., Co. 16, D 1917-Mr 1918; Rockefeller In- stitute, Mr 21-Ap5, 191S; Gen. Hosp., 1, N. Y., Ap 5-Ap 21, 191S; Replacement Hosp. A, Allen- town, Pa.. Ap 21-My 18, 1918; do., Blois, France; Camp Hosp., 47, Autun, do.; Red Cross Mil. Hosp., 8, Paris, do.; Inland Waterways Transport Corps; Surg., Roquette Prison, Paris, Ap 7-Jl 25, 1919. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, WWte Lake. S. Dak.t WILLIAM THOMAS ROTHWELL Instructor; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1884; s. Fountain James (b. Ky.) and Marjorie (Johnson) Rothwell (b. Mo.). Prepared in Sumner Co. H. S., Welling- ton, Kan. Pres., Y. M. C. A., 1910. Grad. work N. Y. Policlinic Med. Sch. and Hosp.; Intern, Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1910-11; Med. and Surg. practice, Los Angeles, 1911 — .; Clin. Instr., Univ. of So. Calif., 6 jTs. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A.. Je 25, 1918-My 7, 1919; Service in Fr. Evacuation Hosps. 11 and 37. Auth.: Amoebic Dysentery, 1912, Reprint from So. Calif. Prartilioner. Mar- ried Bertha Mav Swan, S 29, 1909, Wellington, Kan. Children: William Thomas, Jr., b. Mr 15, 1912; Marjorie May, b. Ja 2, 1914. Address, 233 S. St. Andrews Place, Lo8 Angeles, Calif. GERVASIO SANTOS y CUYUGAN Physician; M.D.; b. Je 19. 1887, S. Fernando. Pampango. P. I.; s. Juana and Florencio (Santos) Cuyugan. Prepared in Licea de Manila. 1900-04; Santa Ana (Calif.) H. S., 1905. Received Philip- pine Govt. Scholarship. Mem.. P. I. Med. Assn.; Philippine Columbian Assn. Lt., Philippine Con- stabulary; Maj.j Philippine Nat. Guard. Auth: Blood Pressure in Surg. Married Jacinta Belza, N 6, 1918, Manila, P. I. Child, Maria, b. F 5. 1920. Address, 322 S. Gregario St., Manila, P. I. WILLIAM DANIEL SCHAFER M.D.; b. D 15, 1886, PowellsviUe, O.; s. George and Sophia (Wagner) Schafer. Prepared in \Mieelersburg (O.) H. S., and Ohio No. Univ. Alpha Omega .-Mpha. Army Serv., Camp Green- leaf, Ga., World War. Married Mayme E. Doyle. F 14. 1911. Child. Richard Doyle, b. Jl 24. 1915. Address, 1164 9th St., Portsmouth, O. CLARA MARGARET SCHUNK M.D.; b. 1878. Formerly of Kiel, Wis.; later at New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Hastings, Neb.t SYDNEY BORDEN SCOTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. A.B., Atlanta Baptist Coll., 1901; M.D., Meharry Med. Coll., 1908. Address, 2501 Wabash Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3243 S. State St., do.t WILLIAM THOMAS SEELEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1873. Prepared in Mason City (la.) H. S.; Epworth Sem.. 1895; State Univ. of la., 1906-09. Formerly located in Iowa City, la.; later at Elk River, Idaho. Ad- dress, Burke, Idaho. t WILLIAM JOSEPH SIEGLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1874. Prepared in St. Bede Coll., Peru, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 7724 Aberdeen St., Chicago; bus. add., 800 W. 78th St., do.t SIDNEY ALBERT SMITH M.D.; b. F 25, 1885; s. D. P. and Mary C. Smith. Prepared in H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Army Serv., World War, 9 mos. Mar- ried Adah Marden, Ap 23, 1913, Greenfield, Ind. Child. Jacob Sander, b. S 15. 1916. Address, 221 N. 2nd St., Chillicothe, 111. *PAUL ARTHUR SOELBERG M.D.; b. 1886. Treas., Y. M. C. A., 1908-10; Sr. Class, Ed.,; Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago. Mem., Resident staff. Wis. State Hosp., Mendota, Wis.; Asst. Supt., Valmora Industrial Sanatorium, Watrous, N. Mex. Mem., A. M. A. Died D 16. 1913. Granite Falls, Minn. ZEPH STANLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ;b.Ap 9. 1882. Attended Barnes Med. Coll.. 1907-08. Formerly located in Crossville, 111. Address, Tilden, Ill.t CHARLES ELMER STEVENS Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 26, 1883, Little Falls, N. Y.; s. Anna (Bobins) Stevens. Prepared in So. la. Norm. Sch., Bloomfield, la. Health Off., Bessemer, Mich.; Contract Surg., U. S. Steel Corp. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Dora McNamara, O 1, .1914. Children: Charles Jr., b. Ag 28, 1916; Janet Elizabeth, b. Jl 3, 1916. Address, Bessemer, Mich. AMER MILLS STOCKING Physician; M.D.; b. S 26, 1858, Chester, O.; s. William H. and Mersey A. (Talcott) Stocking. Prepared in Madison Sem.; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1907-08; Med. Dept., Kansas City Univ., 1 yr., 1909. B.S., Am. Nat. Norm. Univ., 1882; A.B., do., 1884; A,M., do., 1887. Gen. Med. practice, Keokuk, la., 1910-11; do., Good Hope, 111., 1911- 13; Rock Island, drj., 1921—. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T. Auth.: Paraphrases and Bible Stories in Verse, 1899. Married Adelia L. Stickle, 1888, Macomb, 111. Children: Sarah P.. b. 1894; Mary Marjorie. b. 1907. Address, 711 43rd St., Rock Island, 111. FRANK LEE STONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1885, St. Louis; 8. Frank Roger (b. S 1848, Mount Morris, N. Y.) and Harriet Jane (Mason) Stone (b. F 21, 1853, St. Louis). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys. and Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1910-12; do., Beaver Crossing, Neb., 1912-14; Instr., and later Assoc, Pathol, and Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1910—. 1st Lt.. U. S. A.. S 16, 1917-0 1918; Capt., O 1918-My 7. 1919; Base Hosp. 36, Amb. Co. 107, E. H. 4; In Fr., O 27, 1917-Ap 18, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Univ. of 111. Research Soc. Married Leone M. Gilbert, Je 30, 1913, Chicago. Child. Frank Lee, Jr., b. Mr 26, 1914. Address, 501 Aldine Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 815, 25 E. shington St., do. 176 University of Illinois [1910 GUY STONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1877. Prepared in Thompkinsville (Ky.) H. S. M.D., Nat. Med. Univ., 1905. Formerly located in Glasgow, Mont, later at Sioux City, la. Address, 2217 Ridgeway Drive, Cedar Rapids, la.; bus. add. .Grauhy Bldg., do.t *GEORGE JACOB STUBENRAUCH Physician; M.D.; b. 1873. Treas., Ex. Com., College of Med. Gen. Med. practice, 4025 Mil- waukee Ave, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Sec. Died F 23, 1919, Chicago. HOWARD RUSSELL SWORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 9, 1880, Lanark, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Pa.) and Anne Catherin (Long) Sword. Prepared in Lanark H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Phi Epsilon. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp.; Phys. and Surg., Milledgeville, 111., 1912—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Carroll Co. Med. Soc. Married Mary Emily Hays, My 10, 1910. Children: Virginia Ellen, b. Je 3, 1911; Mary Louise, b. O 28, 1912. Address, Milledge- ville, 111. LAWRENCE GRANGER SYKES Physician; M.D.; b. S 8, 1887: s. Herbert D. (b. My 12, 1861) and Harriet (Granger) Sykes (b. S 23, 1863). Prepared in East Division H. S. House Phys., Milwaukee Co. Hosp., 1910-11; Asst. Med. Dir., N. W. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1912—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1917rMr 1918. Chm., Cardio- Vascular Bd., Camp Grant, 111., Mr 1918-Mr 1919. Mem., Univ. Club of Mil- waukee; City Club; A. M. A.; Milwaukee City Med. Soc.; Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc. Married, Ap 29, 1916, Milwaukee. Child, Katharine, b. My 23, 1920. Address, 802 Downer Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., N. W. Mutual Bldg., do. ■ *FRANK THOMAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Canton H. S.; St. Louis Coll. Phys. and Surgs., 1 yr., (1907). Formerly at 1647 W. 48th St., Los Angeles. M. R. C, U. S. A. Died O 20, 1918. of P. I., 1920—. Philippine Nat. Guard, 1917- 20. Auth.: Malaria as An Obstetrical Com- plication, Philippine Review of Med. and Pharm., Vol. V, No. 1, Ja 1914; Infant Mortality, El Proqreso, Vol. 1, 1915. Mem., Manila Med. Soc. (V. P.); Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico; A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, Philippine Gen. Hosp., Manila, SIDNEY N. TROCKEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1887; s. Ada Trockey. Prepared in Des Plaines H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Capt., Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A.. 18 mos.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Assn. Mil. Surgs.; Pub. Health Assn.; Chicago Motor Club. Address, 1800 Clifton Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3637 Roosevelt Rd., do. JOHN HUBERT VALLANCY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Graceville (Minn.) H. S. Hameline Univ. Med. Dept., 1905-06. Formerly located in New Rock- ford, N. Dak.; later at Fessenden, do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 4459 Richmond St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3314 Lawrence Ave., rfo.f JOHN MARINELLI VITULLO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Medill H. S,, Chicago. Address, 752 De Koven St., Chicago; bus. add., 926 S. Halsted St., do.t BENJAMIN JOHN VOIGT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 11, 1880, Kankakee, 111. Postgrad, course, Vienna, Austria, 1911. Chi Zeta Chi. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Cecile N. Loucks, 1918. Child, Edith Mary. Address, 144 Hill St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., 34 Hubbard Blk., do. JOHN EMMETT WALSH M.D.; b. F 25, 1883, Richland Co., Wis.; s. John P. and Mary (Shannon) Walsh. Prepared in H. S. and Acad. Formerly located in Friend- ship and FiBeld, Wis. Mem., Catholic Churcn. Married Nina Paulson, 1911, Friendship, Wis. Children: Catherine; John; Francis. Address Peshtigo, Wis. GORDON GRAHAME THOMPSON M.D.; b. O 16, 1881, Quebec; father b. Je 29, 1839. Can.; mother b. Jl 5, 1866. Prepared in St. Croix Falls (Wis.) H. S. B.S., Macalester Coll., St. Paul, Minn. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; Rea Scholarship; Capt., Basketball and Football. Cook Co. Hosp., Je 1910-D 1911; Seattle, 1911 — ■. Mem., Westminster Presby. Church; Coll. Club; King Co. Med. Soc. (Trustee"); Seattle Surg. Soc; Inglewood Country Club. Married Je 30, 1913, Oak Park, 111. Address, 2011 11th Ave., N., Seattle; bus. add., 505 Cobb Bldg., do. MARIANO TOLENTINO Asst. Prof.; M.D.; b. S 4, 1888, Magsingal, Ilocos Sur, P. I. ; s. Vincente (b. 1860, do.) and Este- fania (Guerrero) Tolentino (b. 1868, do.). Pre- pared in H. S. Jr. Med. Inspector, Bur. of Health, Iwahig Penal Colony, Palawan, P. I., S 1910-11; Asst. Res. Phys., Philippine Gen. Hosp., 1911; Asst., Obstetrics, Univ. of P. I., Manila, 1912; Instr., do., 1913; Sr. Res. Obstetrician, Philip- pine Gen. Hosp., 1914; Ex. Off. and Sr. Res. Obstetrician, do., 1916; Ex. Off., do., 1918; Asst. Prof, of Obstetrics, Univ. of P. I. and Attend- ing Obstetrician, Philippine Gen. Hosp., Ja 1, 1919; Ex. Off. and Attending Ob.stetrician, Phil- ippine Gen. Hosp.; Asst. Prof., Obstetrics, Univ. RICHARD FRIEDRICH WEISSBREUNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Des Plaines H. S.; Jenner Med. Coll., 1907-08. Staff Phys., Ravenswood Hosp., Chicago. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc. Address, 4024 N. Harding Ave., Chicago.! EDWARD WILLIAM WHITE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 30, 1883, Dayton, O.; s. W. B. and Ida (Breene) White. Prepared in Steel (O.) H. S., Institute and Training Sch. Degree of B.P.E. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Athletic honors. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., U. S. A., World War. Married Janet C. Staff, 1917. Address, 2046 Larrabee St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 905-7 W. Madison St., do. WILLIS HANDSFORD WILSON Physician; M.D.; b. N 9, 1879, Murray, Ky.; s. Henry and Lina (Beauraguard) Wilson. Pre- pared in Berea Coll., Berea, Ky., 1906. Pres. Henderson Drug Co., Henderson, Ky. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Baptist Church. Married Mae Morton, Je 14, 1917, Madisbnville, Ky. Child, Willis H., Jr., b. Jl 30, 1918. Address, 122 S. Alvasia St., Henderson, Ky.; bus. add. 2nd and Main St., do. 1911] College of Medicine Alumni 177 CLASS OF 1911 (93 LIVING, 1 DEAD) CLYDE FRANKLIN BAGCUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 4. 1SS7; s. Amos (b. 111.) and Sara (Southwood) Baecus (b. do) Prepared in Lewistown, 111. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1910-11. Maj,. M. R. C, U. S. A., 11 mos.; Overseas Serv. Hosp. 52 and Mobile Hosp. 1, S 1917-Ap 1919; Surg., St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne drives. Married Net- tie May Baecus. F 11. 1914, Woodstock, 111. Ad- dress, 317 Judd St., Woodstock, 111. FREDERICK LEAWORTH BARBOUR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 26, 1S84, Rushsyl- vauia, O.; s. Culbertson William (b. 1843, Warren, O.) and Mary A. (Lease) Barbour (b. 1854. Rush- sylvania, O.). Prepared in Rushsylvania (O.) and Omaha (Neb.) H. Schs.; John A. Creighton Med. Sch.. 1907-09; Univ. of Neb., 1909-10. Phi Beta Pi; Scholarship in Felluride Assn., 1900-07 Asst. Prof., Lab. Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1912-13; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Married Charlotte Elizabeth Wright. Je 17. 1912, Chicago, 111. Child. Gail EUzabeth. b. Jl 20. 1917. Ad- dress, 1542 E. 6Sth St.. Chicago; bus. add., 1230 E. 63rd St.. or 25 E. Washington St., do. LEWIS DANIEL BARDING Physician; M.D.; b. D 14, 1888. Pana, 111.; s. John A. (b. 1855, Paducah. Ky.) and Anna (Lockwood) Barding (b. 1865, Lakewood. HI.). Prepared in Pana. 111. Phi Beta Pi; Mem. Ex. Com.; Soph. Class, Pres. Augustana Hosp., Ja 1911-Je 1913. Mem., A. M. A.; Rock Island Co. Med. Soc; lU. State Med. Soc; Moline Cml. Club. Married LilUan Alice Broastad, D 26. 1916. Children: Gretel Anne, b. N 6. 1917; Suzanne, b. My 20, 1918. Address, 825 20th Ave.. East Moline lU.; bus. add., Mfrs.Bank; Fundell Bldg., do. ZEREFEH ELIAS BASHUR (Sister of Bashur I. Bashur, '02) M.D.; b. 1884. Safita. Syria. Prepared in Tri- poli Girls Sch. and Am. Missionary Sch., Tripoli. Gen. Med. practice with brother, Tripoli. Ad- dress, Tripoli, Syria. ISADORE EDWARD BISHKOW Physician; M.D.; b. O 20, 1887, Binghamton, N. Y.; s. Benjamin (b. 1865, Rus.) and Rose (Ell- man) Bishkow (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Junior Anesthetist; 1st V. P., Sr. Class. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp.. Chicago, 1911-13. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. 1913—. Auth.: Abdominal Pregnancy continuing four months after Uterine Rupture, Jour. A. M. A., Je 7, 1919; Appendicitis in Children, III. Med. Jour., Je 1918. Mem., Independent Order Bnai Brith; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Cecilia Harris, O 31, 1916. Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 3861 Roosevelt Road, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. SANFORD MILTON BLUNK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 14, 187 Pre- pared in Austin Coll.; Chicago Med. Coll., 2 yrs. .\ugustana Hosp., 1911-12; Gen. Med. practice, Virden, 111.. 1912—. Married Ag 14, 1903. Effing- ham, 111. Children: Clifford,- b. Je 28, 1904; Russell, b. N 22, 1906. Address, Virden, III. CORN-ELIUS EDWARD BOONE Physician; M.D.; b. S 10, 1886; s. Edward and Jennie (Hoffman) Boone. Prepared in Hope Coll., Holland, Mich. Gen. Med. practice. 1st Lt., U. S. A., World War; Evacuation Hosp., 45, Camp Forrest, Ga. Married Brittina Root, .S 2, 1912. Child, Winnifred, b. S 30, 1917. Address, Zealand, Mich. WESLEY LEWIS BOYDEN M.D.; b. Jl 27, 1887; s. William D. and Isabelle (Nolan) Boyden. Phi Rho Sigma. With the 32nd Div., 127 Inf., 2 yrs.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ora V. Lee, Oconto, Wis. Address, Seymour, Wis. FRED HARRISON BRINES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1880; s. Geo. W. (b. Ja 20, 1853, Mt. Carmel, 111.) and AngeUne (Harrison) Brines (b. D 4, 1855, Lancaster. III.). Prepared at So. 111. State Norm. Univ. 2nd V. P., Class. Located in Lancaster, 111., 1911-14; Belle Prairie. 111., 1914—. Mem., Hamilton Co. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1918-19). Married N 11, 1910, Bethel, 111, Children: Evelyn Grace, b. D 6, 1911; George Stanley, b. N 30, 1913; Sarrah Imogene, b. Jl 18, 1916; Olive Thompson, b. Ap 5, 1919. Address, Belle Prairie, 111. EDWIN MATHER BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1891. Prepared in Whitworth Coll., Tacoma, Wash. Phi Delta Chi. Formerly at 1120 S. E. St., Tacoma; later at Har- rison St. Police Station, Chicago.! , FITZHUGH LEE BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Morgan Coll. Preparatory Sch., Baltimore, 1904; Med. Dept., Univ. of Chicago, 1907-09. Formerly located in Ruthsville, Va. Address, Hopewell, Va.t MAMIE ISABEL BROWN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1881. Formerly lo- cated in Iroquois, 111. Address, 79.58 S. Halsted St., Chicago.t CLARENCE EDWARD BURT Physician; M.D.; b. O 28, 1871; s. Clarence E. (b. 1840, Conn.) and Maria L. (Waldren) Burt (b. 1843, Pa.). Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ., 1901. Alpha Omega Alpha; Y. M. C. A. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1911-12. Gen. Med. practice, Belvidere, 111., 1912-14; Ithaca, Mich., 1914 — . Married Nina M. Woodruff, Ag 14, 1914, Beh'idere, 111. Address, Ithaca, Mich. EARL L. CADDICK Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 30. 1889. Kan.;' s. Thomas and Emma (Lockard) Caddick. Pre- pared in Quincy H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Hon. discharge on account of phys. disability, immedi- ately following commission in World War. Mar- ried Harriet Porter, Jl 25, 1912, Burlington, la. Child, Richard Porter, b. D 3, 1915. Address, 128 N. 24th St., Quincy. 111.; bus. add., 205 Majes- tic Bldg., do. STEPHEN CAHANA Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1880, Roumania; 8. Michael and Ramona (Gottlieb) Cahana. Pre- pared in Scola Com. Gradul. I, 1897; Scola Com. Gradul. II, 1900. Med. Staff, Evangelical Dea- coness Hosp., Chicago; Pliy.s., internal medicine. 2nd Lt., Reserve Roumanian Army, 1901. Auth.: Echinococcus Infection with Report of Cases, Wis. Med. Jour., My 1917. Mem., Wis. Lodge 13, A. F. A. M.; Prospect Lodge 13, K. P. Married Rose Leviash. Je 9, 1912, Address, 1038 2nd St., Milwaukee, Wis.; bus. add., 114 Grand Ave.. Cas- well Block, do. HUBERT WILLIAM CALLAHAN Physician; M,D.; b. My 28, 1887, Garden City. Kan,; s. E. B, (b, 1844. Ridgeway, O,) and Mary Florance (Adams) Callahan (b. My 9, 1852, Rich- wood, do.). Prepared in Garden City (Kan.) H, S. Postgrad, work, Univ, of Pa,, 1918; New 178 University op Illinois [1911 York Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1919. Intern, Bis- marck Hosp., 1911-12; Gen. Med. practice, Col- linsville, Okla., 1913-17; Specialist, Urol, and Dermatol., 1919. Capt., M. C.. U. S. A., 1917-19; A. E. F., 10 mos. ; Evacuation Hosp., 18 and Mobile Hosp., 7; stationed in U. S. Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. Car., and Camp Taylor, Louis- ville, Kv. Mem., Rogers Co. Med. Soc; Okla. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Coll. Surg. (Fel- low); B. P. O. E. Married My 24, 1915, Tulsa. Okla. Child, Jean Lucile, b. S 23, 1918. Address, 205 Bliss Bldg., Tulsa. Okla. FRANKLIN HARVICK CARTER M.D.; b. 1887. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Intern. Los Angeles Co. Hosp. At one time located in El Centre. Calif. Address, Vienna. lU.t ALFRED HANSON CLAEBOE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Molde (Norway) Latin Sch.. 1896-98; Harvey Med. Coll.. 1905-07. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1019 McAllister Ave.. Waukegan, 111.; bus. add., 125 Washington St., do.f WILEY MORONI CRAGUN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 15, 1884, Ogden. Ut.; s. Wilford and Mary Ann (Ellis) Cragun. Prepared in Weber Coll., 1905. Capt., Baseball; Basketball. Married Delphia Hetzler, Jl 11, 1909. Children: Ezra, b. Ap 20, 1910; Ellis, b. Ag 9, 1914; Ruth, b. S 22, 1918. Address, 438 34th St., Ogden. Ut.; bus. add., 519-20 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ♦CLEMENT JOSEPH CULLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll.. 1903; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.. 1907-08. Formerly located in Oak Park. 111.; Gen. Med. practice. Chicago. Died S 5. 1920, Chicago. LEO MATTHEW CZAJA (Brother of Peter, '01, Ph.G.) Instructor; M.D,; b. Jl 21, 1889. Chicago; s. John (b. Ja 21. 1842. Poland) and Frances (Stanis- zewski) Czaja (b. F 25. 1860, do.). Prepared in St. Stanislaus (Z!oll.. Chicago. Intern. St. Marys Hosp., Chicago, 1911-13. Mem., Visiting Staff and Instr., Orthopedic Surg.. Nurses Tr. Sch.. St. Marys Hosp. Mem.. Frothingham R. C. Unit to Serbia, Ja-O 1915; Capt., M. C. U. S. A.. 1918- 19; In charge of Peace Conf. Courier Service, Vien- na, Austria, 1919; with the U. S. Food Adminis- tration Mission to Poland, do. Married Julie Belahlavek, F 15, 1916. Chicago. Child, Leo M.. b. Ja 24. 1917. Address. 1639 W. 18th St., Chi- cago. JOHN EARLE DAMRON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 28, 1886, Anna, III.; s. Jasper W. and Nancy J. (Reed) Damron. Ph.B., St. Louis Coll. of Pharm., 1907. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 16, 1917-F 14. 1919; M. O. T. C. Ft. Riley, Kan.. 14 mos.; Cornell Med. Coll.. Sch. of Roentgenol.. N. Y. City; Payne Field. Miss. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Christian Church. Address, 215 S. Garfield, Pocatello, Idaho; bus. add., Pocatello Gen. Hosp., do. WALTER PAUL DAVENPORT Army Med. Dir. and Advisor; M.D.; b. N 14, 1887; s. James Edgar (b. Ap 1860, New York) and Mary Matilda (Pfeiffer) Davenport (b. Ja 15, 1866, Hastings, Minn.). Prepared in Appleton (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of la. Phi Beta Pi. Grad. work. Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C, 1913- 14. Res. Phys., Augustana Hosp., 1911; Phys.. Isthmian Canal Comn.. 1912. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. 1913; Served on Mex. Border. 1914-15, in Philippines, 1915-16, in China and Siberia, 1917; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1916; Maj., do., 1917—. Asst. Camp Surg., Camp Fremont, Calif., 1918; Camp Surg., Camp McArthur, Waco, Tex., 1918; Commanding Ofiicer, U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., New York, 1918; With A. E. F., 1919-20; Med. Advisor to the Interallied High Comn. to Armenia and Dir., Med. Relief; Caucasus Branch, East Rehef. Mem., Assn. Mil. Surgs.; Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C; A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, Am. P. O. 927 Station Hosp.. Am. Forces in Cob- lentz. Ger. ABRAHAM LINCOLN DESSER (Brother of Louis B.. '06, D.D.S.) Physician; M.D.; b. My 15. 1888. New York; s. Mayer and Eva (Goldberg) Desser. Zeta Mu Phi. Officer.. M. C, U. S. A., 10 mos.. overseas serv. Mem.. Prudence Lodge 958, A. F. A. M. Address, 2056 Pierce Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1550 N. Robey St., do. NICHOLAS MURRAY DOYLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in Notre Dame Univ. Formerly located in Freelton, Ont., Can. Address, Zeigler. Ill.t HUGH JOHN DUFFY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in St. Ignatius H. S. and Coll. Intern, Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago; Formerly located at 1818 City Hall Square Bldg., Chicago. Lt. and Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. T. H.f GEORGE WASHINGTON EGERMAYER M.D.; b. Mr 29, 1888, Watertown. S. Dak.; s. Joseph W. and Bozena (Brzak) Egermayer. Prepared in William McKinley H. S.. Chicago. Formerly in Orland. 111.; Stella, Neb.; located in Shubert, Neb.. 1921. Married Mary E. Riddle, S 4, 1912, Chicago. Children: George Woodrow, b. Jl 11, 1915; Mary Jane. b. Ag 20. 1917. Ad- dress, Shubert, Neb. LOYD ALBERT ELLIOTT M.D.; b. F 16, 1885, Elkhart Co., Ind.; s. Howard and Margaret (Short) Elliott. Prepared in H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Capt., M. C, Base Hosp. No. 27, Jl 6. 1917-Ap 28, 1919. Married Cora May Keyser, Ap 6, 1920. Address, 120 W. Monroe St., Elkhart, Ind. RAY MITCHELL FOUTS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 24. 1887. Davis Co.. la.; s. Allen R. and Elizabeth (Mitchel) Fouts. Prepared in Southern la. Norm. Sch. and Drake Univ. Intern. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, do. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., A. E. F. Mem., Shrine; Hamilton Club. Married Edna Wanderer, F 18, 1919. Address, 4100 North Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1010 Corn Exchange Bldg., Chicago. EDWARD FRANCIS FOX Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1879. Prepared in St. Paul (Minn.) Central H. S.; Hamline Univ., 1907-08. Instr., Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1912-14; do., Med., do., 1914-16. M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc Address, 1947 Leland Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 2346 Law- rence Ave., do.t ROBERT LOYAL FRENCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Formerly located in Union Mills, Ind.: Prof., Roentgenol, and Lab. Diagnosis, 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Address, 403 N. Elm- wood Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t GUY SAMUEL FROGNER M.D.; b. S 23, 1885; s. A. G. (b. Norway) and Christina (Petersen) Frogner. Prepared in H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Berthold, N. Dak., 1911-15; Parshall, do., 1915-18; Mayville, do., 1919—. Army Serv., Ft. Riley, Kan., Ap-D 28, 1918. World War. Married 1914, Berthold. N. Dak. Child. Rita Elaine. b.F 11, 1915. Address, Mayville, N. Dak. 1911] College of Medicine Alumni 179 MURRAY MAURY FUCHSMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18S7. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Address, 956 N. Win- chester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2001 W. Division St., do. JOHN PAUL FURNO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 18S7. Attended Detroit Coll. of Med., 1906-08. Mem., 111. State Med. Sec; A. M. A. Address, Hotel Fuller, Chi- cago; but. add., 461 Gratiot Ave., do.f MAX PETER GETHNER Physician; M.D.; b. S 15, 1887; s. Peter and Ros (Sharapan) Gethner. Prepared in H. S., Rus. Auth.: Articles on Typhoid Fever. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Lillian Livshis, Jl 26, 1917. Ad- dress, 2910 Logan Blvd., Chicago; bw. add., 1256 N. Western Ave., do. THOMAS GRATZEK Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1885, Stephen, Minn.; s. John and Valeria (Franks) Gratzek. Prepared in Warren H. S. Gen. Med. practice, St. Paul, 1914—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1918-19; Base Hosp. 113, World War. Married Theresa Olejnicnk, Je 12, 1917, Owatonna, Minn. Child, Thomas J., b. My 8, 1918. Address, 941 Lawson St., St. Paul; bus. add., 520 Hamm Bldg., do. WILLIAM LEE GREGG Physician: M.D.;b.Ja 18, 1884, N. Y.; s. Robert Gregg. Prepared in H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine. Married Ida Ditchburne, 1906. Child, Ruth E., b. 1908. Address, 408 W. Mar- quette Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 510 W. 69th St., do. FRANKLIN EUGENE HAGIE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1909; b. F 22, 1886, Elizabeth, 111.; s. Fred and Martha (Bateman) Hagie. Prepared in Elizabeth H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Mgr. and Capt., Baseball Team, Coll. of Med. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chi- cago; formerlv located in Elizabeth, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 218 W. 13th St., Richmond, Ind.; bus. add., Comstock Bldg., do.t CHARLES ALBERT HALLBERG Physician; M.D.; b. D 30, 1887, Stockholm, S. Dak.; s. August (b. O 19, 1842, Sweden.). Pre- pared in Boyd (Minn.) H. S. and Watertown Com- mercial Coll., Watertown, S. Dak. Phys., Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1911-12; Gen. Med. practice, Minneapolis, 1912-17; Instr., Surg., Univ. of Minn., 1914-17; Fellow, Mayo Clinic, 1917—. Mem., A. M. A.; Minn. State Med. Soc; Olmstead Med. Soc. Married Mr 30, 1919. Address, 105 6th Ave., N. W''., Rochester, Minn.; bus. add., Mayo Clinic, do. ISAAC HOW^E HALLOWAY Physician; M D.; b. Mr 26, 1873, Brownsville, Tenn.; 8. Isaac (b. do.) and Lellia (Elder) Halloway (b. Atlanta, Ga.). Prepared in Memphis, Tenn., and Chicago. Asst. Sergt.-at-Arms. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. .Soc; Phys. and Dentists Assn. Married D 28. 1903, Oklahoma City, Okla. Child, Bertha, b. Jl 5, 1912. Address, 1658 Lake St., Chicago. WALTER CHARLES HAMMOND Instructor; M.D.; b. S 22, 1888, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Devonshire, England) and Gyda (Ol.sen) Hammond (h. Trondhjem, Norway). Prepared in McKinley H. S. Nu .Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Lake View Hosp. and Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1911-13; Asst., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1912-14; Instr.. do., 1914-19; Assoc, do., 1919—. Mem., Local Bd., 55, Chicago, World War. Mem., Med. Section, Bureau of Civilian Relief; Chicago Chapter, Ana. Nat. Red Cross, 1 yr. Married Florence May Meman, O 3, 1914, Chicago. Child, Walter Charles, Jr., b. Ap 30, 1916. Address, 1308 Norwood St., Chicago; bus. add., 737 Sheridan Rd., do. HAROLD HAMNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 22, 1876, Man- chester, Eng.; s. Robert (b. Eng.) and Hannah (Hibbert) Hamnett (b. do.). Prepared in Findlay Coll., Findlay, O., 1902-03. B. P. O. E., Associ- ation Coll., Chicago, 1914. Phi Chi. Grad. work. Harvard Med. Sch., 1919. Located in Stillman Valley, 111., 1911-14; Ohio, 111., 1914—. Auth.: Mechano Therapv, Jour. Clinical Med. Mem., M. E. Church; Bureau Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Mary Elizabeth Burlingame, Ja 30, 1906, Rockford. 111. Child, Helen Ruth, Mr 8, 1911. Address, Ohio, 111. CARLYLE HARE Physician; M.D.; b. N 26, 1885, Cedar Rapids, Neb.; s. Joseph and Louise (McFee) Hare. Pre- pared in S. Dak. State Norm. Sch. A.B., Univ. of S. Dak., 1909. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu; Football, Univ. of S. Dak. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 1918-Mr 1919, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Shrine. Married Edna Stone, Ag 1911 (died 1918). Child, Helen Jane, b. Mr 21, 1916. Address, Spearfish, S. Dak. GEORGE WOOD HARRISON Physician; M.D.; b. N 20, 1885, Ashland, Wis.; 8. George W. and Ida (Woodhead) Harrison. Prepared in Ashland (Wis.) H. S. and Marquette Univ. Phi Delta; Football Team, Coll. of Med., 1910. Gen. Med. practice, 1911-19; Specialist, Roentgenol., 1919—; Phys.. Ashland Co., Je 1919; Health Comn., Ashland, Wis., do.; only Phys. in Ashland to enlist and serve overseas during the war. Aviation Serv., Ja-Mr, 1918; Bn. Surg., A. E. F., 115 F. A., Jl-N, 1918. Married O 30, 1907. Child, George W., Jr., b. Je 14, 1909. Ad- dress, 121 E. Front St., Ashland, Wis.; bus. add., c-o Ashland Clinic, do. GEORGE ALBERT HASS M.D.; b. O 7, 1887; s. Charles and Minnie (Benkler) Hass. Prepared in Englewood H. S. RhoPiPhi. Lt., U.S.N. Married Edna Denoyer, 1912. Address, 374 E. 61st St., Chicago. HERBERT GEORGE HEMPLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Attended Coll. of Phys. and Surg., St. Louis, 1907-09. For- merly located in Indiana Harbor, Ind.; later at Creal Springs, 111. Address, Johnston City, Ill.t JOHN FRANKLIN HENDERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1880. Prepared in East. III. State Norm. Sch., Charleston, 1905; St. Louis Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1907-09. For- merly located in Isabel, 111.; later in Charleston, do. Address, Oakland. Ill.t EDWARD FREDERICK HESS Urologist; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Kiel (Ger.) Schs. Jr. Attending Genito-Urinary Surg., Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago;. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Urol. Soc; Phys. Club of Chicago; Chicago Urol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 1501 Ardmore Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., rfo.t WILLIAM C. HUY.SER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Hope Coll., Holland Mich., 1905. Formerly lo- cated in Zeeland, Mich. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 131 Wall St., Kalamazoo, Mich.; 6^.1. add., 427 S. Burdick St., do.f CHARLES BERNARD JACKMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1885, Grinnell, la.; 8. James Buchanan (b. 8 17, 1856, Indianapolis, Ind.) and Lucille Jane (Daly) Jackman (b. 15, 180 University OF Illinois [1911 1858, Ewart, la.). Prepared at Grinnell (la.) H. S. Ph.G., Univ. of la., 1907. Phi Chi; Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1st place. 111. State Med. Bd.; do., la., 1911. Intern, Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago, 1911; 1st place by exam. Postgrad, work. 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., do.; Gen. Med. prac- tice, Alliance, Neb., 3 yrs.; Shelldrake, Mich., 1 vr.; Ottumwa, la. On local Examining Bd., World War. Mem., Wapella Co. Med. Soc, (V.P., 1919). Married Clarissa Reed, Ap 25, 1917, Delta, la. Address, 1125 N. Marion St., Ottumwa, la.; bus. add., 106 N. Market St., do. DAVID JAMESON JONES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Prepared in Calumet (Mich.) H. S. Ex-Intern, Univ. and Am. Hosps., Chicago. Address, 2403 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago.t GEORGE FRANCIS KELLEHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Elkader (la.) H. S. Address, Postville, la.f practice, Elgin, 111.; Local Bd. 2, World War. Mafried, Ag 26, 1914, Ishpeming, Mich. Chil- dren: Alexander E., Jr., b. D 5, 1915; Clark N., b. Jl 11, 1918. Address, 2039 Prospect St., Elgin, 111.; 6ms. add., Room 2, Nolting Block, do. LORETTA KATHERINE MAKER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M.D.; b. S 2, 1888, Chicago; d. Thomas and Margaret Maher. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chi- cago. Nu Sigma Phi. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Contract Surg., 1918 — . Special work in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Office of Attending Surg., U. S. A. Address, 3323 Flournoy St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave., Washing- ton, D. C. KRIKORE MANONG MANOUGIAN Clin. Pathologist; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Euphrates Coll., Harpoot, Tur. Formerly loca- ted in Choonkoosh, Armenia. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 848 Brooks St., Elgin, 111.; 6ms. add., Hubbgjds Bldg., do.f WILLIAM FREDERIC KISTINGER (Brother-in-law of Dorsey A. Harwood, '06) Physician; M.D.; b. S 10, 1888; s. George (b. 1848, Ger.) and Augusta (Ramus) Kistinger (b. 1854, do.). Prepared in Ransom H. S. and Grand Prairie Seminary, Onargo, 111. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Mem., Livingstone Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1918); 111. State Med. Soc.; R. M. A.; Tri-State Med, Soc; North Central 111. Med. Soc. Married Laura Harwood, O 18, 1911, Manville, 111. Children: William Harwood, b. S 30, 1913; Thomas Leslie, b. N 28, 1916. Address, Cornell, 111. ELAH ADELBERT LAPHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 17, 1882, Chicago; s. Adelbert E. and Susan (Winegar) Lapham. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Wis.) H. S. Phi Delta. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War; 1 yr. overseas. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mar- jory Long, Je 1913. Child, Nornian, b. Mr 4, 1915. Address, Rib Lake, Wis. ABRAHAM LEVINSON Physician; M.D.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago. Sig- ma Xi. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1914-18. Married Ida Perlstein, 1912. Children: Hadassah, b. Jl 23, 1915; Judith, b. O 18, 1919. Address, 3131 Doug- las Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. WILLIAM TRACY LYON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. ' Prepared in Naples (N. Y.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1906-08. Formerly Phys. at Empire, Canal Zone .J RALPH ROWLAND McCARTHY Physician; M.D.; b. O 22, 1884, Chicago; s. WilHam McCarthy. Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. S. and St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. Phi Beta Pi. Grad. work, Neurol, and Psychiatry, Psy- chopathic and Univ. Hosp., Univ. of Mich. At St. Anthonys Hosp., Chicago, 1911-12; Asst. Phys., Elgin State Hosp., Elgin, 111., 1912-13; Phys., Chicago State Hosp., 1913-17. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., D 1917-S 1918; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., S 1918-Ap 1919; Overseas service as Neuro- Psychiatric Consultant, Vichy, Fr. Married Dr. Harriet Cecilia Schwartz. Address, 1520 W. Con- gress St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1637 Howard St., ■ Suite 200, Howard Theatre Bldg., do. ALEXANDER EDWIN McCORNACK Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. F 20, 1885, Glenview, 111.; s. Edwin and Rhoda McCornack. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg. ELMER W. MOSLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 14, 1884. Neb. Ph.G., 1903. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Asst., Med. Coll. of Med., 1919—. M. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Etta T. Brothers, 1913. Address, 3000 Belmont Ave., Chicago. ADOLPH MAURICE MUCHNIC Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1876. West. Pa. Med. Coll., 1907-09. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2710 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3458 W. Rooseyelt Road, rfo.t GUSTOFF HENRY MUNDT Oculist; M.D.; b. Ja 30, 1883, Mason City, 111.; s. Peter M. and Kate (Knobbe) Mundt. Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ. Sch. of Pharm. Oculist, N. Y. Central Lines; C. & E. I. R. R.; Belt Ry. of Chi- cago. Married Grace Wood. Children: Joyce Wood, b. 1911; G. Henry, Jr., b. 1914. Address, 432 Normal Place, Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., do. JOHN JOSEPH MURPHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Attended Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1906-08. For- merly located in Stamford, N. Y. Address, 4716 Grand Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 6121 Michigan Ave., do.t WAYNE PAUL O'BRIEN Physician; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1888; s. Philip Henry (b. St. Louis, Mo.) and Charlotte (Rogers) O'Brien (b. Sleepy Eve, Minn.). Prepared in Bismarck (N. Dak.) H." S. Capt.. M. R. C, U. S. A., Ag 27, 1917-Je 22, 1919. Married Mariorie Stevens. Address, Egeland, N. Dak. VICTOR BOLKS ORZECHOWSKI Physician; IM.D.; b. N 1, 1885, Mogilnica, Poland; s. Wladyslav and Marcella Orzechowski. Prepared in Gymnasium, Warsaw, and Poland Coll. of Science, Petrograd L^niv. Phys., Detroit, 1911 — . Examining Phys., Draft Bd. 11, Detroit, 1917-18. Married Sophy Valetta, Ag 5, 1912. Children: two daughters, b. 1913 and 1915. Ad- dress, 5045 Chene St., cor. Tlieodore St., Detroit. THORVALD PETERSEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1882. Attended Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1907-08. Formerly located in Tyler, Minn.; later at Gaylord, do. Address, 4000 Har- riet Ave., Minneapolis; 6ms. add., La Salle Bldg., do.t 1911] College of Medicine Alxtmni 181 WALTER FREDERICK PLASSMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Je 17, 1SS7. Gct.:s. Gustav and Lina (Bauerl Plassnian. Prepared in Granite City H. S.. Walther Coll.. St. Louis and Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, East St. Louis, 1913-14; Golden Valley, N. Dak., 1914 — . Mem., Evangelical Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Frances A. Prill, Ap S, 191o, Centralia, 111. Children: Walter Prill, b. Jl 20, 191t>; Le Rov Gustav, b. D 2(). 1917; Dean Max, b. Je 5, 1919. Addresn, Golden Valley, N. Dak. WALTER SUTTON POLLARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 14, 1SS3, Evans- ville, Ind.; s. William Shannon (b. N 1, 1S3S, Cyn- thiana, Ind.) and Saniantha Amelia (Sutton) Pollard (b. D 19, 1847, Centerburg. O). Prepared in H. S.; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1904-07. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Capt. of Baseball Team, 1910-11. Postgrad, work, Augustana Hosp.. Chicago. Phys. and Surg., Evansville, Ind. Mem., Vanderburgh Co. Med. Soc, 1911—; Lancet Club, do.; Ind. State Med. Soc, 1911—; A. M. A., 1918—. Mar- ried Jessie Schenk, 1909, Evansville, Ind. ' Chil- dren: Martha Elizabeth, b. Jl 12, 1918; Miriam Darling, b. F 15, 1920. Address. Evansville, Ind. HUGO POPPER M.D. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp. Formerly of Vienna, Aus. Address, Boscobel, Wis.t ROSCOE WELLINGTON PRATT M.D.: b. D 1, 1889; s. A. Bvron Pratt. Pre- pared in H. S. Phi Delta. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Married 1917, Chicago. Address, 5049 N. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., 4770 Lin- coln Ave., do. THOMAS JAMES RIACH M.D.; b. Ap 22, 1887; s. John B. and Anna (MacFarlane) Riach. Prepared in Maywood H. S., 1907. Phi Beta Pi. Located in Kankakee, D 1913-Ag 30, 1917; Casper, Wye, My 1920—. 1st Lt., M. C. U. S. A., Je 17, 1917-r 25, 1918; Capt.. do.. F 25, 1918-F 1919; Maj., do., F-D, 1919; Div. Psychiatrist, 33rd Div.; Camp Psychiatrist, Camp Grant, 111. Married Lorrain A. Griffin, Ja 11. 1918, Houston, Tex. Address, 116 W. Grant St., Casper, W^o.; bus. add., 4 Wood Bldg., do. JOACHIM ADOLPH RIEDEL Physician; M.D.; b. S 30, 1883, The Nether- lands; s. Ubo (b. N 3, 1853, The Netherlands) and Gertrude (Winters) Riedel (b. Mv 23, 1802, do.). Prepared in Hope Coll., Mich. Phys., Chi- cago, 1911 — ; Staff, Francis Willard Hosp., Chi- cago. Med. Examiner for Exemption Bd., Chi- cago, 1917. Chicago Med. Soc.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. (Fellow). Married Marie Mada- leine Hegeman, S .30, 1908, Pella, la. Children: Ubo, b. Mr 17, 1910; Bert, b. D 12, 1911; Henry, b. D 9, 1915. Address, 1606 Roosevelt Rd., Chi- cago. IGNATIUS HAROLD LOWEN ROSE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in John Marshall H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1907-09. Address, 761 Milwaukee Ave., Kenosha, Wis.; bus. add., 169 Main St., rfo.f SUSAN ALDONA RUTKUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in S. Chicago H. .S. Formerly Intern, Mary Thomp- son Hosp., Chicago. Address, Grassville, Ind.t ROBERT ZINK SANDERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Decatur H. S. A.B.. James Millikin Univ., 1907. Pres., 1909-10; 1st A.sst. Jr. .Surg. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Decatur, 111. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 626 S. Siegal St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., Millikin Bank Bldg., do.i ALVIN WILLIS SCHOENLEHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b, 18.S6. Prepared in Rockport (Mo.) H. S.; Milwaukee Med. Coll., 1907-08. Mem.. A. M. A. Addris.'i, 1120 N. Cheyenne St., Tulsa, Okla.; bus. add., Exchange Nat. Bank Bldg., rfo.t HARRIET CECILIA SCHWARTZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Bessemer (Mich.) H. S. Address, Bessemer, Mich.t JAMES SHAYNIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1904; b. 1878. Prepared in Medill H. S. Attending Phys., Michael Reese Dispensary. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 2007 Potomac Ave., Chicago. t CHARLES EDWARD SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Attended Barnes Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1907-08. Formerly located in Farina, 111. Address, Amherst, Wis.t LEON SOCHAT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1882. Prepared in Maywood H. S. . Mem., Chicago Med. Soc Ad- dress, 4002 W. North Ave., Chicago.t RAYMOND WILHELM STOBER (Brother of Alvin M., '01) M.D.; b. My 2, 1889; s. Louis J. (b. Ja 12, 1844, Ger.) and Frederika Stober) (b. Ap 14, 1850, do.). Prepared in Greene (la.) H. S. Intern, Chicago Lying-in Hosp. and Dispensary, O 15, 1912-Ap 15, 1913; do., Alexian Brothers Hosp., Chicago, My 1, 1911-S 1, 1912. Asst. to Dr. K. F. Snyder, and Local Surg., III. Central R. R., Freeport, 111., My 15 .1913-My 15, 1916; Located in Greene, la.. My 15, 1916-Ja 1, 1917; Charles City, do., Ja 1, 1917—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Ag 11-D 15 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; la. State Med. Soc; Floyd Co. Med. Soc. Address, Y. M. C. A., Charles City, la.; 6ms. add., 210 Main St., do. NORMAN ROSS SULLIVAN Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 17, 1888; s. Michael (b. My 1, 1839, Albion, Ont.) and Barbara (Mc- intosh) Sullivan (b. D 24, 1849, Scotland). Pre- pared in Aspen (Colo.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Class Salutatorian. Grad., U. S. Naval Med. Sch., Wash., D. C, My 1913. Lt. (Jr. Grade) U. S. N., N 1, 1912; Lt., do., N 1, 1915; Lt. Commander, do., F 8, 1918; now Lt. Commander, M. R. C, U. S. N. Address, Grand Junction, Colo. ROSE IRENE SUTTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Red Lake Falls (Minn.) H. S. Formerly located in Crookston. Minn.; Asst. Phys. and Specialist, Ophthalmol., Otol., Laryngol., and Rhinol., Gales- burg, 111.; Clin. A.sst., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Mem., A.M. A. Address, 472 S. Cedar St., Galesburg, Ill.t COLIN GAUDENZ THOMAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 5, 1887, Monti- cello, la.; s- John G. and S. (Jacobs) Thomas. Prepared in Monticello (la.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Army Serv., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married K. Brainard, S ,30, 1916. Children: Colin, Jr., b. Jl 25, 1918; John, b. Ja 15, 1921. Address, Monticello, la. ALEXANDER TULLIS M.D.; b. My 15, 18.56, St. Andrews, Scotland; 8. Robert and Elizabeth (Landale) Tullis. Pre- pared in Madras Coll., St. Andrews, Scotland, and Edinburgh Univ., Scotland. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Margaret Stuart, D 7, 1893, Wis. Address, 1027 Dakin St.,' Chicago. 182 University of Illinois [1912 JAMES ANDREW VALENTINE Physician; M.D.; b. S 6, 1887, Grundy Co., la.; 8. Mary Lister. Prepared in Conrad (la.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1917-My 1919; in Fr. with 72nd Coast Artillery Corps, 1 yr. Address, 115 N. Karlov St., Chicago; bus. add., 1608 W. 22nd St., do. BRETISLAV LIDUMIL VILNA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 7, 1886, Chicago; s. Joseph and Josephine (Kinstetter) Vilna. Pre- pared in Joseph Medill H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Cicero, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Beatrice Shults, Jl 15, 1920. Address, 5539 W. 22nd St., Cicero, 111. GEORGE FRITZ WAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1908; b. D 11, 1884, Proctor, 111.; s. Virgil Oilman and Sarah Dorcas (Proctor) Way. Prepared in Gib- son City H. S.; Knox Coll., 1904-05. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Chem. Club; Sr. Class Ed.; Mil. Scholarships; Capt., Univ., Regt.; Ed., Plexus, 1910-11. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chi- cago; Phys., Buffalo, 111., 1911-14; do., Urbana, 1914—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; M. E. Church. Married Ida Myrtle Hill ("05) Je 10, 1908. Children: Sarah Joselyn, b. Ap 17, 1909; Mary Janet, b. Jl 21, 1919. Address, 1108 S. Orchard St.. Urbana; 6ms. add., 103 Cohen Bldg., do. FRANKLIN SAMUEL WILSON Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1894; b. N 23, 1872, Sarnia, Ont.;s. Samuel and Marion (Searle) Wilson. Prepared in Detroit H. S., 1891. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Instr., Materia Med., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Instr., Clin. Med. and Attending Phys. to the Dispensary, do., 1912-18; Assoc, Clin. Med., do., 1918 — . Examining Phys., Aviation Section, World War. Married Margaret B. Malo- ney, 1897; Emma C. Lutz, 1918. Child: Madeline A., b. 1909. Address, 4331 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. HENRY MASON WILSON Phys.andSurg.;M,D.;b. N13, 1887. Prepared in Bradley Polytechnic Inst., 1906-07. Phi Beta Pi. Health officer, Granville, 111.; Co. Coroner, do., 8 yrs.; Staff, St. Margarets Hosp., Spring Val- ley, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., Putnam Co. Med. Soc; North Central 111. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Mil. Surgs. Assn. Married Lena C. Wilson, Ja 12, 1911, Aurora, 111. Child, Henry M., Jr., Ap 5, 1915. Address, Granville, 111. MICHAEL HENRY WINTERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Mt. Pleasant (la.) H. S.; State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1907-10. Address, Bank of Galesburg Bldg., Galesburg, 111. LUCIUS HENRY ZEUCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 26, 1874, Chicago; s. Henry (b. 1844, Hesse-Cassel, Ger.) and Eliza- beth (Meyer) Zeuch (b. 1851, Chicago). Prepared in North Div. H. S., Chicago. M.D., Harvey Med.. Coll., 1902. Located at Chicago, 1902-03; Wheatfield, Ind., 1904-09; Intern, Grace Hosp., 1908-09; Chicago, 1909—; Surgical Staff. St. Eliza- beth Hosp., do.,; do., Norwegian Am. Hosp.; Ex- aminer of Local Exemption Bd. 78, 1918-19. Auth.: Robert Jones Operation for Talipes Equino Varus, III. Med. Jour., 1919; Incontinence of Feces (non organic). Jour. A. M. A., 1913; Intra- uterine Douches, Am. Jour. Clinical Med., Vol. 14, 1907; The New Tenaculum, Joiir. A. M. A., N 13, 1920. Married Ja 6, 1903, Chicago. Chil- dren: Lucile J., b. 1904; Harriet Elizabeth, 1906. Address, 3014 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. GOLDIE ELEONORA ZIMMERMAN M.D.; b. S 27, 1887. Prepared in Aberdeen (S. Dak.) H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Am. Red Cross, Child Welfare Work, Fr.; in charge of Red Cross Infant Welfare Serv., Dyspensary, Corbeil, (Seine et Oise). Address, 500 W. 13th St., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; bus. add., 800 S. F. Nat. Bank Bldg., do. CLASS OF 1912 (140 LIVING, 4 DEAD) MABEL INDIA ADAMS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Fontanelle (la.) H. S.; State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1909-10. Formerly located in Fontanelle, la. Address, 315 E. Pierce St., Phoenix, Ariz.; bus. add., Goodrich Bldg., do.f ESECK ALBERT AISENSTADT Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1890. Beta Phi. At one time on Resident Staff, Minneapolis City Hosp., later Surg., 2908 W. 12th St., Chicago. Capt., Recruit Depot Post; Hdqtrs., Depot Brigade, Camp Travis, San Antonio, Tex., World War. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc Address, Box A 13 (8 E. 3rd St.) Picker, Okla.t HARRY ALDES M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1883, Aus.; s. Chaskel and Yetta (Fetterbaum) Aides. Prepared in H. S. Alpha Phi Sigma. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; Noble of Osman Temple. Married Tillie B. Brannstein, N 1, 1914, St. Paul. Children: Berthold Monroe, b. O 17, 1915; Donna, b. O 13, 1917. Address, 1842 Feronia Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., 618-619 Lowry Bldg., do. ALBERT ALLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 10, 1886, Chicago; 8. Wiley (b. Jl 21, 1845, Oswell, N. Y.) and Frances Marion (Snow) Allen (b. 1849, Camden, N. Y.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta. Med. and Surg, practice, Los Angeles, 1912-17; Taft. Calif., 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19; Served at Meuse and Argonne. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Order of Eagles; Stan- ley H. Little Post, Am. Legion (Treas.); Order of Red Men; Woodcraft. Married S 22, 1915. Address, Taft, Calif. JEREMIAH FRANK ARMSTRONG Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 15,' 1877; s. John D. and Matilda (Rogers) Armstrong (b. 1850, Arkan- sas). Prepared in Marion, la. B.S., Cornell Coll., la., 1900. Asst. Sec. to Dr. Booker T. Washing- ton, Tuskegee Institute, Ala., 1900-08. Ambulance Surg., Chicago, 1915; Sch. Health Officer, do., 1916 — •. Mem., Phys., Dentists and Pharmacists Club (Pres.-Elect), Chicago, 1920. Married, Chi- cago, 1915. Address, 1959 Lake St., Chicago. ARON M. BEILIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 22, 1886. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Sch., Kazan, Rus.; D.D.S. Served with A. E. F. in Field Hosp. 4, Siberia. Address, S. W. Corner, 14th and Carpenter Sts., Springfield, Ill.t ♦ARTHUR LEWIS BEYERLEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 25, 1888. Pre- pared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 1936 Belmont Ave., do.; in Govt. Serv., Canal Zone 1910-16; later. Orthopedic Dept., Walter Reed Hosp., Wash. D. C. 1st Lt., M, R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A.; Med. Assn. of Isthmian Canal Zone. Died O 13, 1918, Walter Reed Hosp., Wash. D. C. 1912] College of Medicine Alumni 183 CHARLES PATTON BLAIR Physician; M.D.; b. D 22, 1SS3. Tranquillity O.; s. John J. and Espa Jane (Patton) Blair. Prepared in Peebles (O.) H. S.; A.B., Monmouth Coll., 1905; A.M., do., 1910. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern. Cook Co. Hosp., 1912-14. Local Bd., Warren Co.. 111. Attending Staff, Monmouth Hosp.; Mem., Monmouth Sch. Bd., 191S-23. Mem.. A. M. A.; lU. State Med. Soc.; Warren Co. Med. Soc; Monmouth Rotary Club (Pres., 1920-21). Married Lena Blanche Wilson, O 10, 1914, Des Moines, la. Children: Mary Patton, b. Jl 26. 1915; Barbara Wilson, b. S 24, 1917. Address. 909 E. Broadway, Mon- mouth, 111.; bus. add., 122 W. First Ave., do. JULIUS BLOOM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1880. Pre- pared in Battle Creek Coll., 1908. Address, 572 Eagle Ave., New York City; bxis. add., 940 Fox St., do.i EUGENE RADFORD BOYER M.D.; b. N 10, 1885. Pontiac, 111.; s. David M. and Olive (Corbin) Beyer. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Class V. P., 1912. Located in Blue River, Wis., 1913-14; Montecello, do., 1914-15; Hersey, do.. 1915-16; Rhinelander, do., 1916—. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Florence M. Carlson, O 30. 1915. W^oodville. Wis. Chil- dren: Eugene Radford, Jr., b. D 8. 1918. Ad- dress, 9 N. Oneida Ave.. Rhinelander, Wis.; bus. add., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ROY F. BREEDEN M.D.; b. Ag 25, 1890, Richland Center, Wis.; s. W. A. and Amelia Breeden. Prepared in Rich- land Center (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, St. Marvs of Nazareth Hosp., Chicago, 1912-14; located at Richland Center. Wis., 1914—. War Serv., Ft. Riley, Ap 16- Je 17, 1918; Camp Dodge, Je 28, 1918-Ap 22, 1919; Capt.; Base Hosp. 11, A. E. F. Married Marjorie Jane Mann, D 9, 1913, Chicago. Child, Marjorie Jane, b. Mr 10, 1915. Address, Richland Center, Wis. EDWIN RUTHERFORD BUTTEKFIELD Eye Specialist ; M.D. ; b. S 28, 1884, St. Lawrence, S. Dak.; s. Edward R. and Jennie E. (Howe) Butterfield. Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Asst.. Central Free Hosp. and Dispensary; Ophthalmol. Dept., Rush Med. Coll. Located in Chicago. Jl 1912-F 1913; St. Louis, S 1914—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; Mo. Athletic Club; Midland Valley Club; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Bertha Hane, Ag 14. 1913. Chil- dren: Ruth W.. b. O 1, 1915; William H., b. O 16, 1917; Jean E., b. Ja 29, 1918. Address, 3949 B Magnolia, St. Louis,; bus. add., 623 Locust St., do. MABEL ROSINA CARLSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 15, 1889. Pre- pared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Employed with the Chicago Health Dept., about 1917. Ad- dress. 10841 Prairie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 10900 S. Michigan Ave,, do.t BENJAMIN ZIEGFRIED CHANNON M.D.; b. O 26, 1884; s. Leon and Sarha (Spitz) Channon. Mem., K. P.; A. F. A. M.; 956 Wash. Park. Married Mollie Lustgarten, Ag 17, 1913. Child, Mar%in L., b. O 22, 1915. Address, 1001 W. 63rd St., Chicago. ARTHUR NARCISSE CHATEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1899. Prepared in Calumet (Mich.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1909-10. Intern, St. Bernards Hosp. Formerly located in Kearsarge, Mich. Address, 1120 Montclair Ave., Detroit; bus. add.. 1129 Cadillac Ave., do.i GEORGE ABBOT CHICKERING Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1886; s. Henry Abbot (b. Mr 19, 1840. La Harpe. 111.) and Amelia (Chapman) Chickering (b. Je 26, 1867, Cambridge, 111.). Prepared in Monmouth (111.) Coll.; B.S., State Univ. of la., 1910. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Postgrad, work, Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1916. Gen. Med. practice. Kirkwood. 111., 1913-16. Mem. and Elder 1st Presby. Church. Married Helen Kerr N 12. 1913, Chicago. Child. Elizabeth Kerr. b. S 24. 1918. Address, 301 11th Ave., West, Hutchinson, Kan.; bus. add., 503-5 Rorabaugh-Wiley Bldg., do. EDWARD ALBERT CHRISTOFFERSON Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 20, 1885, Neenah, Wis.; s. Peter and Sina (Wohld) Christofferson. Phi Beta Pi. Chm., Ex. Com. Sr. Class. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1912-14; Resident Staff, do. 1st Lt., Jl 20, 1917; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., N 20, 1918; Assigned to overseas serv. with British Expeditionary Forces, Ag 7, 1917; Mem., Staff, Fort Pitt Mil. Ho.sp., Chatham, Eng., Ag 29,- O 25, 1917; served in France with 105th and 106th Field Ambulance Corps; 23rd Manchesters; 15th Cheshires and 4th N. Staffordshire Regt. of 35th div., with 2nd Royal Welch Fusiliers and Royal Engineers of 38th Div.; wounded during retreat on the Somme, Mr 24, 1918; Received British Mil. Cross, S 10, 1918; returned to U. S. Ap 1919; Mem., Staff, Gen. Hosp. 28, Fort Sheri- dan until discharge O 25, 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Cook Co. Hosp. Interns Soc. Address, 2758 W. Madi- son St., Chicago; bus. add., 920 Monroe Bldg., do. JAMES MATTHEW CONERTY Urologist; M.D.; b. O 26. 1883. Prepared in Harvard H. S. Address, 1821 S. Main St., Los Angeles; bus. add.. Investment Bldg., do.t ASHER RAYMOND COTTRELL (Husband of Laura Murphy Cottrell, '12) Physician; M.D.;b. Mr 21, 1884, Pyrmont, Ind.; s. Eli and Catherine (Wagoner) Cottrell. Pre- pared in N. Manchester (Ind.) H. S.; Bethany Bible Sch., Chicago; Grad. work, N. Y. Post- Grad. Med. Sch., 1920. Intern, Deaconess Hosp., Spokane, 1912-13; Med. Missionary, Bulsar, India, 1913 — . Mem., Church of the Brethren; Student Volunteers Soc. Married Laura Murphy ('12) Ag 8, 1906, Elgin, 111. Address, Mission Hosp., Bul- sar, India. LAURA MURPHY COTTRELL (Wife of A.sber Raymond Cottrell, '12) Physician; M.D.; b. O 1, 1881, Greenville, O. ; d. A. J. and Mary (Coates) Murphy. Prepared in Greenville (O.) H. S.; Bethany Bible Sch., Chicago. Grad. work, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. 1920. Hosp. Serv., Battle Creek Sanitarium, Bat- tle Creek, Mich., 1912; Deaconess Hosp., Spokane, 1912-13; Med. Missionary, Bulsar, India, 1913 — . Mem., United Student Volunteers Soc; Church of the Brethren. Married Asher Raymond Cottrell (•12), Ag 8, 1906, Elgin, 111. Address, Mission Hosp. Bulsar, India. WALTER WILLIAM CRESS Surg., U. S. Navy; M.D.; b. Jl 23, 1886, Delphi, Ind.; 8. Ira and Nancy Jane Cress. Prepared in Valparaiso Univ. Phi Chi. Lt. Commander, M C , U. S. N.; served at Honolulu, and at Naval Hosp., Mare Island, Calif. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Elizabeth Adda Boardman. Children: Nancy Lou; Jane Elizabeth. Address, U. S. S. Celtic, San Francisco. FRED RAYMOND CROOKS Physician; M.D.; b. D 12, 1888. Oilman, 111.; s Thos. A. (b. 1842, Beaver Co., Pa.) and Meroa LouLse (Yeomans) Crooks (b. 1847, New York). Prepared in Oilman H. S.; Depauw Univ., 1906-08. 184 University of Illinois [1912 Alpha Kappa Kappa (Sec, Treas., Pres.)- Winner in debate, declamation and oratorical intersociety literary contests. Instr., in Junior Med., Coll. of Med., 1912-19; A.ssoc., Med., do., 1919—; Assoc, Clin. Med., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Coll., 1915-17; Med. Dir., Old Colony Life Ins. Co., 1917-19; Pbys. and Surg., 1912-20. Sch. Tuber- culosis Phys., U. S. A., 1915-17. Mem, Phys. Fellowship Club; Chicago Med. Soc; Cook Co. Med. Soc:; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Mar- ried Leone Beecher Spitler, Ap 24, 1912, Chicago. Children: Janet Louise, b. Mr 3, 1914; John Vincent, b. Ag 15, 1917. Address, 821 N. Lawler Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1051 N. Crawford Ave., do. . ,.'; SELMA OLGA CZOLBE , Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Address, 2217 W. 19th St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 32 N. State St., do.t DAVID DERONDA DELZELL Physician; M.D.; b. N 3, 1885, Logansport, Ind.; s. David E. and Hattie (Miller) Delzell. Prepared in Logansport (Lnd.) H. S. Vol. Health Serv., and Draft Bd., World War. Married Ruth Wilda Smith, Ag 15, 1914, Detroit. Children: David E., b. My 20, 1915; Margaret Louise, b. S 11, 1916. Address, 648 Lodge Ave., Toledo. O.; bus. add., 1408 South St., do. CHARLES CHESTER DICKINSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 19, 1889, Chicago; s. Carlton (b. 1841, Victor, N. Y.) and Melvina Darling (Eyles) Dickinson (b. 1851, Allegheny, Pa.). Prepared in Maine H. S., Des Plaines, 111. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Rea Scholarship. Intern, So. Pacific Gen. Hosp., San Francisco, 1912-13; Resident Surg., do., 1913-14; Staff Surg., do., 1914; located in McCloud, Calif., 1914—. M. C, U. S. A., N 4, 1917-0 24, 1919. Married Ivo Watts, Ap 23, 1914,; Des Plaines, 111. Ad- dress, McCloud, Calif. FRANK DICOSOLA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1907. Address, 945-7 Taylor St., Chicago.f STEPHEN ALPHONSUS DONAHOE . M.D.; b. N 8, 1887, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; s. John H. and Julia A. (Barnett) Donahoe. Pre- pared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Nu Sigma Nu; Delta Upsilon. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Base Hosp. 100, A. E. F., World War. Married Irene R. Williams, Jl 10, 1916, Seattle. Children: John W., b. Mr 20, 1918; Robert R., b. F 11, 1920. Address, 703 S. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. WILLIAM EMMETT DONAHOE Physician; M.D.; b. My 18, 1886, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; s. Dennis and Cora (Muruch) Donahoe. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S.; St. Thomas Coll., St. Paul, 1902-08. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Chicago and Minneapolis City Hosps.; Gen. Med. practice, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1914; Pediatrician, Sioux Falls Med. and Surg. Clinic, 1920. Lt. M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan. Mem., Catholic Church; K. 'C; B. P. O. E. Married Florence Flemming, Jl 10, 1917, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Child, Betty Bells, b. N 3, 1918. Address, 1306 S, Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. iV '"' HARRY JOSEPH DWYER ■ • Physician; M.D.; b. My 20, 1889, Chicago; s. John (b. Je 11, 1849,. Syracuse, N. Y.) and Mary EHzabeth (Enright) Dwyer (b. N 7, 1857, Fair- port, N. Y.). Prepared in Wm. McKinley H. S., Chicago. Resident Phys., Alexian Brothers Hosp., Chicago, My 1912-My 1913; Chicago Lying-in Hosp. and Dispensary, My -O 1913; Phys., Chi- cago, 1913—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 14, 1917 to Je.28, 1918,.Ft. Riley, Kan.; 160th Depot Brigade, Camp Custer, Mich.; Base Hosp. 11, Camp Dodge, la.; with A. E. F. at Base Hosp. 11, Mobile Hosp. 3, and A. R. C. Evacuation Hosp. 10, Je 28, 1918 to Ap 17, 1919; Gen. Hosp. 36. Detroit, Ap 17-Ag 1, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 2007 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111.; bus. add., 1574 Mil- waukee Ave., do. JOHN ADAM EBERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Lowell (Ind.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 2 yrs., 1909-10. Formerly of Lowell, Ind. Address, Wakefield, Kan.t JOHN ALDREN DEAN ENGESATHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 22, 1886. Prepared in St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1907. Special- ist, Obstetrics. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ja 1, 1918- Je 30, 1919; M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Mil. Sch. of X-Ray, Cornell Univ.; Base Hosp. Camp McClellan, Ala.; Base Hosp. 63, Caen and Chateauvoux, Fr.; Base Hosp. 93, Cannes, Fr. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., 1919—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Brocket, N. Dak.t ALEXANDER DONALD FERGUSON (Son of Alexander Hugh Ferguson, Fa.M.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 10, 1886, Winne- peg. Can.; s. Alexander Hugh (b. F 27, 1853, Ontario, Can.) and Sarah J. Ferguson (b. D 8, 1852, do.). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago and Mich. Mil. Acad. Phi Rho Sigma; Class Pres., 1912. Asst., CHn. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-14. World War, Je 6, 1917-Mr 14, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. A. Married Dorothy Ryan, S 25, 1912, Chicago.' Child, Alexander Hugh, b. S 15, 1913. Address, 5653 Maryland Ave., Chicago. CLEMENT FISCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. Formerly at 745 S. Oakley Blvd., Ft. Recovery, O.; Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Address, 30 N. Mich. Ave., Chicago.f ROSCOE ROBY FISK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 11, 1887. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago. Formerly of Plainview, Minn.; later at Brookings, S. Dak. Address, Flandreau, S. Dak.t ROBERT BENONI FLEECER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 16, 1886, Seafield, Ind.; s. Eastburn W. (b. Ag 28, 1852, Harris- burg, Pa.) and Barbara Ellen (Briney) Fleeger (b. Ja 20, 1858, Monticello, Ind.). Prepared in Elwood (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Pi; Ex. Com. 1912. Intern, Minneapolis City Hosp., 1912-1913; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Lead, S. Dak. M.C., U. S. A., Ag 30, D 1, 1918. Mem., Black Hills Med. Soc; S. Dak. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Laura Maude Morrison, Je 26, 1916, Hot Springs, S. Dak. Child, Robert Morrison, b. Ap 13, 1918. Ad- dress, 131 W. Addie St., Lead, S. Dak. ABRAHAM GEORGE FLEISCHMAN Urologist; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in East Des Moines (la.) H. S.; State Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1909-10. Address, 618 E. Grand Ave., Des Moines; bus. add., Hippe Bldg., do.f HOWARD NORTON FLEXER (Brother of Edna H., '18, A.B. in H.Sc) Physician; M.D.; b. O 29, 1889; s. John R. (b. S 22, 1863, Allentown, Pa.) and Helen N. (Peck) Flexer (b. My 12, 1862, Oneida Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Postgrad, work, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1919; Intern, St. Josephs Hosp., Joliet, 111., 1912- 13; Phys., Joliet, 111., 1913-14; do., Lakeview, 1912] College of Medicine Alumni 185 Mich.. 191-1-19; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Jolict. 111.. 1919—; Health Officer, Cato Tp.. and Lakeview. Mich., 1915-19. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps.. 1918; Tp. Chm. of Cato Tp.. Mich., in Liberty Loan Drives; Four-Minute Man. 1917-10. Mem.. Montcalm Co. Med. Soc. (Pres.. 191S-19n Iviwanis Club. 1920—. Married Irene Elizabeth Flexer, Ag 24, 1914. Sycamore, 111. Child. Kathryn Marguerite, b. N ^1, 1915. Address, Joliet. 111. ABRAH.\M ALBERT FREEDMAN Physician; M.D.; b. D 28, 1889; s. Nathan and Sarah (Jacobson) Freednian. Phys., U. S. Govt., Panama Canal Zone, 1913-14;- Durango, Mex., 1916; El Paso. Tex., 1914-16; Phys. iii charge, Robey St. (N. W. Univ.) Dispensary. Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 1917 — . Mar- ried Mr 22. 1913. Child. Ralph, b. Je 14. 1917. Address, 1222 N. Mayfield Ave., Chicago; bits. add., 3600 Irving Pk. Blvd., do. HARRY JOSEPH FREMMEL (Brother of Frank Isaac, '09; Cousin of Max Lampert, '19) Physician; M.D.; b. F 12, 1883; s. Joseph (b. 1857, Aus.) and Rose (Lamport) Fremmel (b. 1866, Rus.). Prepared in O'Donnells Coll. and Lewis Inst., 1904. Alpha Phi Sigma. Chi- cago State Hosp., 1912; Asst. Phys., Kankakee State Hosp., Kankakee, 111., 1913-14; Lincoln State Sch. and Colony, 1914-16; Phys.. Maywood, 111., Mr 1916, for three months; do., Chicago, Je 1916—; Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1918-19. Auth.: The Significance of Syphilis in the Feeble-Minded, an unpublished paper read before the 111. State Hosp. Assn. and Chicago Med. Soc. Mem., A. F. A. M., Pythagoras 1018; K. P., 539; Phys. Fellowship Club; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Je 14, 1906, Chicago. Children: Rosalind, b. 1907, (died 1910); Joseph, b. F 26, 1916 (died N 5, 1918J; Gertrude Hope, b. D 23, 1919. Address. SoS N. Robey St., Chicago. ALBERT EUGENE FUCHS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Gymnasium of St. John, Strasburg, Ger., 1898; Nat. Med. Coll., 1908; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1909. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3925 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. ALAN EDWARD GAGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S. Formerly located in Montrose, S. Dak. Address, Salem, S. Dak.t KATHARINE GEROW Physician; M.D.; b. My 27, 1865, St. John, N. B.. Can.; d. Stephen (b. D 25. 1827, St. John, N. B., Can.) and Mary W. (Humbub) Gerow (b. Ja 4, 1828, do.). Prepared in St. John (Can.) H. S.; Baptist Sem., St. John, Can.; Grace Hosp. Tr. Sch. for Nurses, Detroit. Med. Missionary in India, 1912-15; House Phys., Grace Hosp., Detroit. Mem., Baptist Church; Wayne Co. Med. Soc; Hon. Mem., Grace Ho.sp. Nurses Alumnae. Address, 26 Edison Ave., Detroit. WILLIAM NUCHINE GOONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 25, 1886, Russia. s. Feinberg and Clara Goone. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Address, 1900 W. Di%ision St., Chicago. JOHN SIMPSON GORDON Specialist; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1888; s. John and Agnes J. (Clark) Gordon. Prepared in Waupaca (Wis.) H. S. ; Univ. of Wis. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Nu Sigma Nu. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Married Ida N. Perry, N 12, 1913. Child, John S. Jr., b. Ap 1, 1916. Address, 193 Belair PI., Milwaukee; bus. add., 309 Goldsmith Bldg., do. HAROLD VOGT GOULD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1888; a. Cassius W. and Clara (Vogt) Gould. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., C^hicago. Phi Delta. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Attending Phys., Ravens- wood Hosp.; Fac, ISIem., Policlinic and Postgrad. Med. Sch. Mem., Epis. Church; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc Married 1914. Children: Robert, b. 1915; Elizabeth, b. 1916; Helen, b. 1920. Address, 3303 Magnolia Ave., Chicago; 6us. add., 5301 Broadway and 30 N. Mich. Blvd.. do. LOUIS MORRIS GREENBERG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S.; Stat« Univ. of la.. Coll. of Med., 1909-10. Formerly located in Lyons, la. Address, Odin, Ill.t OTTO ISHMAEL GREEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 30, 1879. Pre- pared in Viola H. S. B.S., Dixon Norm. Sch., 1901; Univ. of Ore. Med. Dept., 1909. Formerly of New Windsor, 111. Eyo, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, Bartlesville, Okla. Address, Ancon, Canal Zone. J . ri MERRILL WORTH GRUBB Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1885, Panora, la!.; s. John Milton (b. F 19, 1847, Ind.) and Mary Belle (Lumpkin) Grubb (b. O 7, 1857, Ind.). Prepared in Guthrie Co. (la.) H. S.^ Univ. of la., 1907-11. Acacia. Phys., St. Barnabas Hosp., Minneapolis, 1912-13; Geti. Med- practice, Galva, la., 1913^. Married Leah . Helen Bald- win, Jl 16, 1915, St. Thomas, S. Dak. Child, Mary Ellen, b. D 17, 1916. Address, Klett Block, Galva, la. HENRY VIRGIL HANSON (Brother of Harlow J., '19) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1889; s. M. C. (b. 1865, Denmark) and Maria (Birkeboak) Hanson (b. 1868, do.). Prepared in Hutchinson (Minn.) H. S.; Chicago CoU. of Med. and Surg., 1908-10. Phi Chi. Intern, Minneapolis City Hosp., 1912-13; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. New London, Minn., 1914; Stud., Chicago Poli- clinic, 1915; Fellowship in Med., London, Eng., 1919. 1st Lt., M. C, Jl 20, 1917; active serv., Ag 27, 1917-Ag 1919; attached to British Army, promoted to Capt., F 1919; returned to U. S. and discharged at Camp Grant, Ag 8, 1919. Address, Hutchinson, Minn. LYNDON DENNY HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 7, 1888, Sorento, 111.; s. John F. and Ella M. Harris. Prepared in William McKinley H. S., Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Instr., Jr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1914-16; Asst., Clin. Surg., 1916-19; Instr., do., 1919-20; Attending Surg., Garfield Park Hosp., 1920, Married Elsie M. Gonnerman, Jl 3, 1919, Chicago. Chiidren: Lyndon D. Jr.; Dorothy Jane, b. Ag 4, 1920. Address, 601 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. HARRY WALLACE HARTZELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 1, 1880, W. Va.; 8. E. E. Hartzell. Prepared in Battle Creek Coll. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Edna Maiston. Child, Kern, b. D 10, 1916. Address, 129 N. Main St., El Dorado, Kan. CLARA EDNA HAYES Managing Off.; M.D.; b. Ag 23, 1884; d. Abram (b. My 1, 18.39, Preble Co., O.) and Nancy Ellen (Wilkins) Hayes (b. 18.50, do.). Prepared in Bement (111.) H. S., 1903; Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111., 1905, Nu Sigm^ Phi. Mem., Ex. Com. Sr. Class, 1912. Med. Staff, State Hosp., Peoria, 111., Ag 1912-S 1917; Managing Officer, St. Tr. Sch. for Girls. Geneva, 111.. O 1917—. 186 University op Illinois [1912 Auth.: Several articles on work in connection with State Service, published in Institution Quarterly. Mem., Womans City Club, Chicago; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Kane Co. Med. Soc. Ad- dress, Geneva, 111. GRACE LINE HOMMAN Physician; M.D.; b. F 29, 1876, Laport, Ind.; d. John (b. 1842. Nanticook, Pa.) and Cevilla Grace (Linard) Line (b. Union Mills, Ind.). Pre- pared in Laporte, (Ind.) H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Intern, Cook County Hosp., Chicago, 1912-14; Gen. Med. practice, Laporte, Ind., 1914-18; Staff, Mayo Clinic, 1918; Gen. Med. practice, Laporte, Ind., F 1920 — . Mem., La Porte Co. Med. Soc, (Sec, 1917). Address, 708 Jefferson Ave., Laporte, Ind. JOHN H. HRABIK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 3, 1886. Address, Murphysboro, Ill.f ROBERT HURKA Physician: M.D.; b. My 1, 1887, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. Joseph and Marie (Egermayer) Hurka. Prepared in Cedar Rapids (la.) H. S., 1906; Coe Coll., 1908. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Special work. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Post-Grad. Hosp., 1920. Gen. Med. practice, 1912 — ; Chicago and Omaha, 1912; Extern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1912; Intern, Immanuel Hosp., Omaha, Neb., 1912; Gen. Med. practice, Verdon, Neb., 1912-20; A. A. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Dept., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Chicago, 1920—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. Mar- ried Helen M. Conover, My 15, 1915, Verdon, Neb. Children: Robert L., Jr., b. O 9, 1916; Jo.seph H., b. Ja 7, 1918. Address, 1108 N. Lara- mie Ave., Chicago.! FRANK EMERSON INKS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc. 1903; b- F 7, 1882, Ohio, 111.; s. Frank William (b. Jl 11- 1861, do.) and Mary Mable (Shifflett) Inks (b- S 21, 1861). Prepared in E. Mendota H. S. Phi Chi; Philomathean; Track Team; Finance Com. of Sr. Class; Stud. Asst., Phys. Anat. and Chem. Clerk, Kimball Piano Co., 1903-04; do., Stromberg Carlson Co., 1904-05; do., Ger. Ins. Co., 1905-08; Asst., Physiol, and Physiolog. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; House Surg.. Gen. Hosp., Seattle, 1912; Phys. and Surg., Polo, 111., 1914-19; Examining Phys. for Bureau Co. San. Bd. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. O 9-D 6, 1918. Pres., Y. P. S. C. E.: do., Y. M. C. A. Mem., Presby. Church; K. P.; A. F. A. M. Married Anderson, O 4, 1916. Child, Robert, b. F 27, 1918. Address, Princeton, 111. NICHOLAS JAIME Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Battle Creek Coll., Preparatory Dept., 1908; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1909-10. Formerly located in Guanajuato, Mex. Address, 2340 W. Prospect Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.f BENSON MUNDY JEWELL Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 26, 1880, Danville, 111.; 8. William R. and Donzella (Mundy) Jewell. Pre- pared in Danville H. S. Phi Chi. Mem., I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Marselle Murray, Je 25, 1913, Hoopeston, 111. Children: Benson M.; Ross M.; Donzella Jane. Address, Lowell, Ind. CHARLES HARCOURT JOHNSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 26, 1886, Spring Valley, Minn.; s. J. R. and Jennie (Green) Johnson. Prepared in Spring Valley, Minn. Cornerer, Fill- more Co., 1918; Pension Examiner; Surg., C. M. & St. Paul R. R. 1st I-t., M. C, Camp Lee, Va. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Lillian E. Low, F 7, 1912. Two sons and one daughter. Address, Spring Valley, Minn. MARIE JEANETTE JONES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 26, 1886. Keokuk Med. Coll., 1907-08; Drake Univ. Coll. of Med., 6 mos. Formerly located in Spring Valley, Minn. Address, 908 N. 3rd St., Richmond, Va.t WALTER RAYMOND JONES (Brother of Orion Chester Jones, '18) Urologist; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1910; b. Je 1, 1887, Redmon, 111.; s. William Shields (b. Jl 25, 1862, Paris, 111.) and Mary Ellen (Henn) Jones (b. F 12, 1861, Redmon, 111.). Prepared in Oak- land H. S. Fresh. Track Team, '07, Varsity, '08, '09, '10; Radiographer. Grad. work, 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and West Side Hosp., 1911. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1912-13; Seattle City Hosp., 1913-14; Phys. and Surg., Seattle, 1912-17; Genito-Urinary Surg., City Hosp., do., 1917-18; Med. Insp., Venereal diseases, City Health Dept., do., 1918; Chm. Venereal Pro- phylaxis Com., Wash. State Med. Soc, 1917-18; Urologist, Seattle City Hosp., 1917—. Auth.: Neosalvarsan Fatality, Northwest Medicine, Ap 1916. Wassermann Reaction in Tubercular Patients, Medical Record, S 1916; Anal Chancres in Perverts, Urologic and Cutaneous Review, Vol. 21, No 6, Je 1917; A Practical Treatment of the Poor Man's Gonorrhea, Med. Record, Je 21, 1917; Value of a Routine Wassermann in one Thousand Cases, Northwest Medicine, S 1917; Prostitution from Inside the Seattle Quarantine, Northwest Medicine, S 1919. Married Nelle Grace Weaver, Jl 29, 1915. Children: Mary Edith, b. Jl 4, 1916; Isaac Raymond, b. My 13, 1918. Address, 2002 Federal Ave., Seattle; bus. add., 808 Joshua Green Bldg., do. PAUL VINCENT JOYCE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1884, Chicago; Prepared in Loyola Coll., Chicago. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Lt., Camp Pike, Ark., 5 mos.. World War. Mem., K. C; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Jl 16, 1918 (wife died Ag 11, 1919). Address, 2104 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1608 Madison St., do. ARTHUR WILLIAM KARCH Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 30, 1887. Prepared in Blue Island H. S. Address, Monroe, Mich.f HARRY KNOTT Physician; M.D.; b. O 20, 1883, Burr Oak, Ind.; 8. D. C. and Hattie (Clark) Knott. Prepared in Plymouth (Ind.) H. S. and Wabash Coll. A. K. K.; Phi Delta Theta. Gen. Med. practice, Plymouth, Ind. 1st Lt., Capt., Maj., World War, 22 mos.; Overseas, 8 mos., in command of Field Hosp. 22, 7th Div. San. Train. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Kathryn Shunk, F 8, 1910, Valparaiso, Ind. Children: Mary Jane, b. F 24, 1911; David Francis, b. N 29, 1914. Address, 217 N. Center St., Plymouth, Ind.; bus. add., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ISIDORE EMIL KOHN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 4, 1890, Chicago; Prepared in Crane H. S. Alpha Phi Sigma. Auth.: Various Mag. articles. Married Dolly Newman, My 27, 1917, Chicago. Child, Herbert, b. Ap 12, 1919. Address, 1511 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 615, 39 S. LaSalle St., do. THEODORE KOLVOORD Physician; M.D.; b. S 27, 1888, Battle Creek, Mich.; s. John (b. 1852, Holland, Mich.) and Anna (Bolt) Kolvoord (b. 1854, Grand Haven, do.). Prepared in Augusta (Mich.) H. S. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Roentgenologist, N 13, 1917-Je 24, 1919. Mem., Calhoun Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc; Tri-State Med, Soc. Mar- ried Evelyn Smith, My 8, 1917, Freeport, 111. Address, 205 Post Bldg., Battle Creek. Mich. Idl2] College of Medicine Alumni 187 SIGURD HERBERT KRAFT Physician; M.D.; b. O 4. ISSS; s. Harold A. (b. My 1, 1S57. Trondhjem, Norway) and Sophie B. (Throndsen) Kraft, (b. Ag 9. 1S59, Roros, do.). Prepared in N. West Division H. S. and Y. AI. C. A. Coll. Preparatory Sch., Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice, 125 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 1912-17. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 15, 1917-Ap 16, 1919; Chief of Med. Serv., Camp Hosp. 14, A. E. F.; Squadron Surg., Aviation Section. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address. 2511 Kimball Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6 Scott St., do. LOUIS ROBERT KRATZE (Formerly Louis Robert Kratzenstein) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 8. 1883. Address. 4613 Dover St.. Chicago; 6t«. add., 5412 N. Clark St., do.t LOUIS FRANKLIN KUBELA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 17, 1887, Belle Plaine, la.; s. Joseph and Agnes' Kubela. Pre- pared in Belle Plaine (la.) H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Agnes Wright, 1914, (jhelsea, la. Address, Chelsea, la. VILDA SAMUEL LAURIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1888, Buckingham, Can.; s. Samuel and Anna Laurin. Prepared in Point Aux Trembles, Montreal, Can., 1901-08. Mem., Muskegon A. F. A. M.; Dewitte Clinton Consistory. Capt., Royal Army Med. Corps, 1916-18. Married Pearl Outwater, Ag 26, 1920, Kalamazoo. Address. 609 Union Bank Bldg., Muskegon, Mich. JACK RALPH LAVIERI Physician: M.D.; b. S 17, 1889, Italy; s. Vin- cenzo, (b. My 20, 1867, do.) and Lucia (DeVito) Lavieri (b. N 4, 1867, do.). Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1912-14. Instr., Obstetrics, Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., 1914-16; Asst., Prof., do., 1916-18; Attending Staff, Dept., Obstetrics, Cook Co. Hosp., 1918; do., Dept., Gynecology, Columbus Hosp., D 23, 1919. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Commissioned O 5, 1918; Discharged D 28, 1918. Auth.: Elongation of the Transverse Process of the Fifth Lumbar Vertebra as a Cause of Backache; Symptomatology and Treatment, ///. Med. Journal, O 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Italian Med. Soc of Chicago; Assn. of Mil. Surgs., 1919; Am. Officers of the Great War, do.; Physi- cians Fellowship Club, Chicago, do.; A. F. A. M., Hyde Park Lodge, No. 989, 1920; State Soc. for the prevention of Cruelty and Apprehension of Horse and Auto Thieves, Dep. of Constabulary, 1920. Married Edna Cora Gibbs, S 20, 1916, (Chicago. Child, Elaine Winifred, b. Jl 11, 1917. Address, 1104 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 1235 W. Grand Ave., do. WELCOME BABCOCK LEWIS Chemist; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1883, Adams Center, N. Y.; s. Frank Henry (b. Je 16, 1847, Adams Center, N. Y.) and Eliza Lewis (b. S 9, 1848, do.). Prepared in Alfred Acad.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1909-10; Alleghanian Univ.; B.S., Alfred Univ., 1907. Alfred Capt., Varsity Nine, 1904- 05; Capt. Tennis team, 1905; Coll. Championship, 1904-05; A. M. M. C. class pres., 1908. Grad. work, Biolog. Chem., Univ. of (Chicago, 1916; Harvard Med. Coll., 1918. Chief Chem., Sani- Urium, Battle Creek, Mich., 1914 — . Mem., Am. Chem. Soc, 1914. Married AUie Belle Dealing, S 2, 1909, Adams Center, N. Y. Chil- dren: Welcome Babcock, Jr., b. S 20, 1910; Ara- beth May, b. My 17, 1918. Address, 367 Cham- pion St., Battle Creek, Mich.; bus. add.. Sani- tarium, do. EDMOND WILLIAM LITTLEFIELD Gynecologist; M.D.; b. 1887. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Intern, Washington Park Hosp., Chi- cago; Specialist, Surg, and Gynecology, Los Angeles; formerly at the Los Angeles Co. Hosp., do. Address, 1207 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles; bus. add., Haas Bldg., do.t ROCCO V. LOBRAICO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 13, 1889, Chicago; s. Frank and Basilia (Rago) Lobraico. Prepared in Medill H. S.; St. Ignatius Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Mem., K. C; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc Married Giulia Mastrogiovnni, S 7, 1913, Chicago. Children: Rocco, Jr., b. My 26, 1915; Giulia, b. N 5. 1916. Address, 7534 Ridgeland Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 2254 Wentworth Ave., do. GILBERT MARTIN LOEWE (Cousin of Melvin E. Weil, '12. B.S. in E.E.; Nephew of David Eichberg, '82, B.L.) Physician: M.D.; b. Jl 7, 1888, Eau Claire, Wis.; s. Philip (b. My 24, 1847, London, Eng.) and Carrie (Eichberg) Loewe (b. Ja 28, 1859, Atlanta, 111.). Prepared in Chippewa Falls (Wis.) H. S. Phi Delta Epsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1912-14; Asst., Clin. Surg. (Genito-Urinary), Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 26, 1917- Ag 5, 1920. Mem., A. M. A., 1912—; 111. State Med. Soc, 1912—; Chicago Med. Soc, 1912—; Am. Urolog. Assn., 1914 — ; Chicago Urolog. Soc, 1914—; Chicago Physicians Club, 1915—; Wil- mette Physicians Club, 1919 — ■; Northmoor Country Club, 1920 — ; Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Address, 503 Rosewood Ave., Winnetka, 111.; bus. add.. 784 Elm St., do. RAY EVAN LOGAN Physician; M.D.; b. O 7, 1888, Elizabeth, 111.; s. E. B. (b. Elizabeth, 111.) and Austie (Snodgrass) Logan (b. Woodbine, 111.). Prepared in Elizabeth (111.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst. Pathologist, Coll. of Med., Summer Term, 1912; Gen. Med. practice, Galena, 111., 1913—. Pvt., Co. M, I. N. G., 1906-09; Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 1918-Jl 1919; Local Examiner, U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1920. Mem.,* Jo Daviess Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married, My 30, 1912, Ehzabeth. 111. Child, Eloise, b. Mr 5, 1913. Address, Madi- son St., Galena, III.; bus. add., Main and Wash- ington Sts., do. *LYNN LUZERNE LORENZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 14, 1888. Pre- pared in Rockford (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., 2 yrs. Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, St. Marys Hosp., Chi- cago; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Charles City, la.; at one time located in Rockford, do.; later at Palmer, Mich. Died, D 1, 1919, Rockford, la. JOHN HARRISON LYNN Physician; M.D.; b. 1881. Phi Beta Pi; Class Historian. Gen. practice, Montpelier, Idaho; Son- nenkalb Bldg., Pocatello, do. Address. Pocatello, Idaho.t CLARENCE JAMES McMULLEN Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1890; 8. James J. (b. 1864, Wellsville, N. Y.) and Pearl (Groom) McMullen (b. 1870, Hartford, la.). Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1917-18; Instr., do., 1918-20; Practicing internal med., Chicago; Staff, West Side Hosp., do. Ist Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Married, O 20, 1915. Address, 130 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4100 W. Madison St., do. 188 University of Illinois [1912 HARRISON WILLIS MALTBY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1876, Decorah, la.; s. Henry A. (b. 1852, do.) and Stella Maltby (b. 1854, Cresco, la.). Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; class V. P. Asst., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-16; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Lt., Surg., 132nd 111. Nat. Guard, Mex. Border, Jl-N,1916; Lt. Surg., World War, Ag 1917-Ap 4, 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; Am. Legion. Married Florence Barton, Je 22, 1904, Gravity, la. Children: Dorothy Helen, b. Jl 18, 1908; Mildred Emily, b. S 2, 1911; Florence Aileen, b. S 2, 1914. Address, 115 N. Lock wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3958 W. Madison St., do. WALKER ROSCOE MARKS Physician; M.D.; b. D 22, 1889; s. L. W. (b. 1850, Ky.) and Fannie E. (Blythe) Marks (b, 1864, Mo.). Prepared in Wilson H. S., Kan. City, Mo.; Kan. City Univ., do., 1907-08; Univ. Med. Sch., Kan. City, Mo., 1909-10. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Vinita, Okla. Lt. M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Mem.. Craig Co. Med. Soc; Okla. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, Vinita, Okla. HARRY WATSON MARTIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 16, 1890, Redfield, S. Dak.; s. Watson Jesse, (b. Galesburg, 111.) and Annie (Moriarty) Martin (b. Salem, Mass.). Pre- pared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Class Editor, 1912. Postgrad, work, Post-Grad. Hosp., Chicago, 1912-13. Located in Chicago, 1912—. World War, 1918-20. Mem., A. M. A.; Calif. State Med. Soc; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc. Address, 232 N. Carondolet St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 404 Black Bldg., do. JOHN FRANKLIN MARTIN M.D.; b. Je 26, 1886; s. A. P. and Margaret (Hadlock) Martin. Prepared in la. Falls, (la.) H. S.; Ellsworth Coll., la. Falls, la. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Elsie Santelle, 1916. Child, Helen. Jannette, b. 1917. Address. Latimer, la. JOSEPH INGRAM MERSHON Physician; M.D.; b. N 5, 1884, Mt. Morris, 111.; s. J. I. and Mary J. (McMurrin) Mershon. Prepared in Mt. 'Carroll, 111.; Univ. of 111. Acad., 1906-07. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Glee Club, 1907- 08; Band, do. Married Dorothy Louise Canfield, 1913, Chicago. Child, Gwendolyn Christine, b. N 6, 1916. Address, Mount Carroll, 111. CARL MICHEL Asst. Surg.; M.D.; b. My 4, 1890, Chicago; s. Herman and Pauline (Metzger) Michel. Pre- pared in Lake View H. S.; Y. M. C. A. Institute, Chicago. Phi Delta. Awarded Congr. Life Sav- ing Medal. Asst. Surg., Pub. Health Serv., U. S. Marine Hosp., Stapelton, N. Y.; Appointed Honorary Councilor, Supreme Bd. of Health of Mex., by Pres. of Mex., N 30, 1920. Pub. Health Serv. and Navy throughout war. Auth.: Re- searches on Sprue, Am. Jour. Med. Sc; Jour, of Infectious Diseases; Tices Practice of Med. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Institute of Tropical Med. and Hyg., Porto Rico. Married Mary Eloise Field, Ag 12, 1916, San Juan, Porto Rico. Children: John Field, b. O 11, 1917; Eloise, b. F 28, 1920. Ad- dress, U. S. Marine Hosp., Stapelton, N. Y. ♦EDWARD JOHN MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1888, Prince- ville. 111.; s. John and Kathleen (Burns) Miller. Prepared in Princeville H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Physician in Urbana at time of death. Med. Examiner, S. A. T. C, Univ. of 111. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; B. P. O. E.; K. C. Married May Janice Shannon, Jl 26, 1916, Chicago. Died O 15, 1918. FREDERICK CHRISTOPHER MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1886. Pre- pared in Coll. of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn.; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1909-10. Ad- dress, 2924 S. 41st Ave., Minneapolis; 6ms. add., 3002 S. 27th St., do.t PAUL MORTON MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1890; s. Oliver E. (b. Mt. Morris, 111.) and Minnie (Hoey) Miller (b. Rochelle, do.). Prepared in Polo H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Post. Grad. work, in Mayo Hosp., Rochester, Minn. Intern, Wash. Park Hosp., Chicago, (10 mos.); House Staff, of St. Marys Hosp., 1912-14; Gen. Med. practice, Meekin, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Evacuation Hosp., 55, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Ag 1918-Ja 1919. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Stephenson Co. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married, My 24, 1918, Rockford, 111. Address, Meekin, 111. HAROLD H. MOORE Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1890. Formerly located in Martinsburg, la.; later at Augustana Hosp., Chi- cago. Address, 916 N. Court St., Ottumwa, la.; bus. add., Ennis Bldg., do.f LUTHER REMI MOORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 19, 1888. Pre- pared in McLanesboro H. S. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Ft. Gibbon, Tanana, Alaska. t RALPH DOLLAHAN MURPHY Specialist; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1887, Sumner, 111.; s. H. A. and Emma (Kingsbury) Murphy. Pre- pared in Winona Acad., Winona Lake, Ind., 1908. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. U. S. Army, 15 mos.. World War. Married Hazel Elise Rowland, O 14, 1916, New York City. Address, Willson Chase Bldg., St. Petersburg, Fla. NAUM GEORGE NASIE-FATTOOH M.D.; Asst. Sergt. at Arms, Coll. of Med. Formerly of Elmonsif, Syria; Gen. practice, 7H N. Main St., East St. Louis, 111.; later at 2723 N. Haisted St., Chicago. Address, Monterey, La.f BARBARA MARIE NICKEY Med. Missionary; M.D.; b. Ap 5, 1886, Oakley, 111.; s. Amos Joseph, (b. N 11, 1853, Carlisle, Pa.) and Mary (Heckman) Nickey (v. F 1, 1859, Cerro Gordo, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Morris Coll. Acad.; Bethany Bible Sch., Chicago, 1906-07. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1912-14. Located in Peoria, 1915; Med. Missionary, India, 1916 — . Mem.. Bombay Presidency Representative Coun- cil of Missions, 1920; Indian Med. Missionary Assn., 1915-20; Womans Med. Assn. of India, 1918-20. Address, Dahanu, Thana Dist., India. NEAL LAWRENCE O'HERRIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1875. Prepared in Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111. Address, 1043 Wenonah Ave., Oak Park, 111.; 6ms. add.. 2406 W. 22nd St., Chicago-t OLIVER S. OLSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 11, 1883, Iceland; s. Siggeir and Haldora (Goodmanson) Olson. Pre- pared in Duluth (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. A. K. A.; H. S. Football; Ed., Plexus, 1908-12. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. West Duluth, Minn. 1st Lt., U. S. A., 1917. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., 32'. Married Leota Pearl Hoyt, Lafayette, Ind., Je 1910. Children: Oliver Sidney, b. S 24, 1911: Leota Pearl, b. S 28, 1913. Address, 5629 Grand Ave., West Duluth, Minn.; 414 N. 59th Ave., W. do. 1912] College of Medicine Alumni 189 WALTER KNUTE OLSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 30. 1881. Pre- pared in Centralia (Wis.) H. S.; Marquette Univ., Med. Dept., 1909. Formerly located in Grand Rapids, Wis. Address, Aucon Hosp., Ancon, Canal Zone.t JOHN GABRIEL O'MALLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1888. Pre- pared in Cook Co. Pub. Schs. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 824 Lafayette St., Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do.t LEONARD JOSEPH OSTROWSKI M.D.;Ph.G.; 190o;b. J14, 1885, Cracon, Poland; s. Leonard and Florentine (Jaworski) Ostrowski. Mex. border serv., 1916. Mem., K. C; Polish Nat. Alliance; A. M. A. Married My 24, 1916; F 1918. Child. Joseph, b. O 15, 1917. Address, 3802 Cedar St.. Indiana Harbor, Ind. RUBY HELEN PAINE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 22. 1883, Marengo, la. Prepared in Mareugo (la.) H- S.; State Univ. of la.. CoU. of Med., 1909-10. Address, Rochester State, Hosp., Rochester, Minn.t BERNARD BARNEY PARKER Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 27, 1889; s. Benjamin B. and Mary B. (Bower) Parker. Prepared in Centerville (la.) H. S. Phi Delta. 1st Lt., Mex- icau Border. 1916. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Nora A. Fridley. S 24. 1910. Centerville, la. Address, Allerton, la. RUTH AZNIV PARMELEE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 3, 1885, Trcbi- zond, Turkey. Prepared in Oberlin, O.. 1907; Am. Missionary Coll., Battle Creek, 1909-10. Ad- dress, 2137 N. College Ave., Philadelphia.^ JAMES FRANCIS PEATTIE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 9, 1884. Formerly located in Ottawa, 111. Address, 40 27th Ave., San Francisco; bus. add., Med. Bldg., rfo.f FREDERICK JAMES PORT (Cousin of Charles E. Barnes, '03) M.D.; b. S 4, 1886, Milbank. S. Dak.; s. Henry George (b. F 13, 1860, Portage. Wis.) and Sarah Agnes (Rooney) Port (b. F 10, 1860, Plattsburg, N. v.). Prepared in Milbank (S. Dak.) H. S.; St. LawTence Acad.; St. Thomas Coll.; Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.. 1908-09. B.S.. Jenner CoU. Phi Chi; Baseball. Located in South Dakota and Chicago. Mem., Mitchell Dist. Med. Soc; S. Dak. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Motor Club; Mystic Ath. Club; A. F. A. M., Medinah Temple, Shrine, Arjan Grotto Temple, Chicago Commandery. Married Gretchen Bleser, Ja 28, 1914. Milbank. S. Dak. Children: Frederick James. Jr.. b. O 13. 1914; Richard Bleser, b. S 17. 1917. Address, 5213 Dorchester Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 59 E. Van Buren St., and 1442 E. 55th St., do. JAMES BERNARD RAUB Surgeon; M.D.; b. 1878. Prepared in State Coll., 1908. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Surg. practice, Columbia Bldg., Spokane; later at Chi- cago. Address, 3444 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5601 Irving Park Blvd.. do. THOMAS HAROLD REAGAN Army Physician; M.D.; b. S 5, 1890, Bridge- water, la.; 8. Edwin Washington (b. 1858. Brook- lyn, N. Y.) and Clara (Smith) Reagan (b. 1865. Ohio). Prepared in Canton H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Grad. work. Post-Graduate Med. Sch., Chicago, 1912. Located in Brereton, 111.. 1912-15; Princeville, do., 191.5-16; Chicago. 1916-Jl 1917; Camp Pike, Ark., Ag 1919—. 1st Lt.. M. R. C, U. S. A., Jl 5. 1917-F 17. 1919; Capt., M. C. U. S. A.F 17. 1919—; attached to Brit, forces, S 11. 1917-My 22. 1919; joined A. E. F. in Ger.. My 1919. Married Bertha Rheustrone. Je 17, 1914. Chicago. Children: Clara Louise, b. F 21, 1916; Thomas Edwin, b. N 7, 1917. Address, Camp Pike, Ark. TORRANCE REED Phys. an d Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 19, 1890, Chicago; s. William B. Roed. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) Central H. S. Attended Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1909-10. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1912-17; Grand Rapids, Mich., 1920—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., World War, 1917-20. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 433 Thomas St., Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., 319, Ashton Bldg., do. ARTHUR CALVIN RHINE Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 13, 1874; s. G. W. and Sarah (English) Rhine. Phys., Oakvills and Hamp- ton, la. M. C. S 14. 1918-Ap 12. 1919; Maj.. M. R. C, U. S. A. Married Adelin Hodson. N 6, 1906, Keithsburg, 111. Children: John A., b. Ap 13. 1910; Robert H.. b. D 28, 1913. Ad- dress, Lutheran Hosp., Hampton. la. BUDD ROBBINS Physician; M.D.; b. D 27, 1887; s. Frank and Emma (Craig) Robbins. Prepared in Flathead (Co.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1st Lt., M. C, Ft. Riley, Kan., 3 mo.; assigned to the 84th Inf. Infirmary, Camp Beauregard, La., served Jl 1, 1918-F 5, 1919. Address, 311 W. Bush St., Han- ford, Calif.; bus. add.. Emporium Bldg., do. FREDERICK KING ROGERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 27, 1887. Omaha, Neb. Prepared in Univ. of Kansas, Literary Dept., 2 yrs.; Med. Dept., do., 1908-10. Ad- dress, 575 Lincoln St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add., 726 Massachusetts St., do.t SAMUEL JOHN ROSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 19, 1876, British Guiana. Attended Lincoln Univ., Pa.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1908-09. Address, 211 N. Ada St., Agricola. British Guiana.t DELTA EULILLA ROWLAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 31, 1883. Pre- pared in Lanark H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Sunnyside, Wash.t HOBART CONWAY RUDDICK Physician; M.D.; b. N 22, 1885, Sandoval, 111.; s. Alexander (b. 1849, Shawneetown, 111.) and Almeda (Holland) Ruddick (b. 1854, do.). Pre- pared in Sandoval H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Located in Sandoval, 111., 1912-17; Evansville, Ind., 1919—. Capt., M. C. U. S. A., 1917-19; 8 mos. in Fr. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Co. and State Med. Socie- ties; A. M. A.; Lancet Med. Soc. Married Attowa.v Norton, O 5, 1917, Evan.sville, Ind. Address, 1108 S. 1st St., Evansville, Ind.; bus. add., 502 S. 1st St., do. , RICHARD ROOT RUPERT Professor; M.D.; b. Ja 1, 1882, Buchanan, Mich. Prepared in Garrison (la.) H. S. Phi Chi; T. N. E. Asst., Clin. Surg.. Coll. of Med., 1912-16; Pjrof., Gross Anat., Univ. of Ut., 1916—. S. A. T. C, Univ. of Ut. Auth.: Articles in Jour, of Surg., Gynecol, and Obst., 1912-14. Mem., Staff, Latter-Day Saints Hosp., Salt Lake City. Mem., Soc. of Am. Anatomists; Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions; A. A. A. S.; A. M. A.; Ut. State Med. Soc; Salt Lake Co. Med. Soc. Married D 28, 1903. Address, 181 Ist Ave., Salt Lake City; bus. add., 207 Mclntyre Bldg.. do. HERMAN LOUIS SARVELA Phys. and Siirg.; M.D.; b. Ag 31. 1883. Superior. Wis.; 8. Henry (b. 1859, Finland) and Sarah (Alaven) Sarvela (b. 1861, Finland). Prepared in Duluth Central H. S. Phi Delta. Intern, 190 University of Illinois [1912 1912-13; Surg., U. S. Steel Corp.. 1913-17; do , Superior Shipbuilding Co., 1919—. Mem., Douglas Co. Med. Soc. (V.P.. 1919); Mod. Woodmen of Am. (Exammer); B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M Mar- ried, 1908, Chicago. Children: LeRoy Edward, b Mr 5. 1915. Address, 713 H Ave., Superior Wis.; 6ms. add., 1026 Tower Ave., do. MARTIN PAVEL SASKO (Husband of Helen B. Molnar-Sasko, '03) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 23, 1873, Brezova, Czecho-Slovakia; s. Martin (b. do.) and Judita (Bzduch) Sasko (b. Slovakia, do.). Prepared in Praha, Bohemia; Jenner Med. Coll. Gen Med and Surg, practice, Chicago, 1912— 1849 W 51st St., 1912-16; present location, 1916—. Mar- "fd Helen B. Molnar ('03) Ja 23. 1905, Ottawa, 1QiQ^^r'''*''^,"• ^'"•^c"' ^- ^ 1^' 1906 (died O 19, 1918); Jaroslo. b. S, 1910 (died Mr 26. 1913); Vladimir, b. Ja 9, 1914; Koeta O., b. S 7, 1915 Address, 1725 Garfield Blvd.. Chicago. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER SCHIELE . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;b.Je 3. 1887. Prepared inJohetH.S. Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Formerly located in Virginia. Minn. Address, Galena. Ill.t CHESTER ORVILLE SHEPARD T i^'^r-T?,"'^ ^H!;^.-= '^■^■' b- Ap 26, 1887, Blue Island II.; s William Orville (b. Ap 11,' 1862. ^i^ A foi'^; ^V ^^^ ^""'ly (Odell) Shepard (b Ill Phi Chi. Y. M. C. A (Pres. and Sec, 1910- 12). Intern, Englewood Hosp., Chicago, 1912- Located in Rockford. 111., N 5, 1912-Jl 1913' Kansas City, Kan., 1913-14; Independence, do.! 1914—. M. R. C. U. S. A.. F 19-Ap 8. 1918- Active duty Ap 8. 1918-Ja 31. 1919; M. O. T C tt- N.V K^°- rf P ^-J' 16' 1918: Asst. Div ^%' n^^ ^""V "^i.22, 1918-Ja 31. 1919. Mem.. M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; Kan. State ^!r A^°f'^^?"^i?'"^'"y C°- Med. Soc. Mar- ried Adelaide L. Shepard. O 28. 1912. Chicago. Children: William Orville. b. Ja 26. 19i4; Leland Mark. b. Jl 3. 1917. Address, Independence. Kan FRANK EDMUND SHIPMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1908; b 1887 Prepared ,n Paris H. S. Specialist in Surg. 1st W 'p^nAv^nl-^' T°'^'^ ^^^- ^dd'^'l 2406 W. Zind St., Chicago.! JAMES ROYAL SMITH • ?J^y\- and Surg. ; M.D. ; b. S 19, 1888. Prepared m Canton H. S. Specialist. Ophthalmol.. Laryn- gol.. Rhinol. and Otol. Mem.. A. M. A. Ad- dress, 7 W. Madison St.. Chicago.f OLIVER RUFUS SPALDING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 19, 1887 Pre- ^to^u^no^ S^ ChYcSt" "• ^- ''''-^- '''' CHARLES JOHN STAUFFACHER Med. Dir.; IVLD.; b N 27, 1878, Monroe, Wis.; s Peter and Mary (Elmer) Stauffacher. Univ of Chicago, 1904; Am. Mi.ssionary Coll., Battle Creek, Mich., 1909-10; Tropical Sch. of Med f^r^T;, ^^}?- ,M- N- W. Coll., 1903. Located at Battle Creek Sanitarium; Med. Dir S E Africa Mission Conference. Army serv.. Base Hosp.. Ger. E Africa.. Auth.: Leprosy. Mem.. VonA Q' '^'■''K-- Married Grace Bekins. Ag 23 Mrk ^Tn 5'*^'- ^^- , Children: Ruth Mary Mr 5. 1910; Henrietta Joy, b. O 19 1919 Ad- dress, Box 41, Inhambane, P. E. Africa EMIL JAMES STEIN (Brother-in-law of Carl H. Golbeek, '13- Linn Helander, '15 B.S., M.E.) T ^rh^'^ilfi'^^ ^^'' ^^Kl"^' 1889, Aus.; s. Vaclav iu T o. \jt;^ f"^ Mary F. (Skarek) Stein (b Je 24, 1866 do.). Prepared under private tutorship. Phi Delta; Alpha Omega AlphaT Foot- ball Team. 1911. Grad. work. U. S. Naval Med Sch.. Wash.. D. C, 1917; Mass. Gen. Hosp ' Boston. 1918. House Staff, Cook Co. Hosp' 1912-14; Chicago Health Dept., 1915-17; do ' 1920-. M. C. U. S. N. R. F.. 1916-17; M. C, U. S. N.. 1917—. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc, 1914—; 111. Med. Soc, do.\ A. M. A., do.; A F A. M.. 1918—; Oriental Consistory. S. P. R. S , 1919—; Medinah Temple. A. A. O. N. M S 1919—. Married. Mr 24, 1915, Chicago. Child, Robert James, b. D 12, 1918. Address, 5300 Warner Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 4221 Irving Park Blvd.. do. BENJAMIN GEORGE STEPHENSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 26. 1881, Toronto. Ont.; s. James (b. Ag 9. 1838. Belfast. Ireland) and Sarah Jane Stephenson (b. Ja 13. 1839. do ) Prepared in Jarvis St. Coll. Institute. Toronto; Battle Creek Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1908-10. M.B., Univ. of Toronto. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. practice. 1912-14. Mem., Inf., 1903-08; Q. O. R. No. 2. Can. Cavalry, 1914; Gen. Mil. Work, 1914-17; Toronto Gen. Hosp., 1917-18; Cavalry and Royal Air Force, 1918; Special record as Med. Off. in various camps during influenza epidemic. 1918; Trans-Atlantic conduction serv.. 1919. Mem.. Howard Park M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., 339, G. R. C, Orient; Royal Arch Chap.. St. Andrews and St. Johns 4. G. R. C. Address, 549 W. Marions St.. Toronto. Can. FRED EICHER STOKEY Missionary and Phys.; M.D.; b. Ag 5, 1879, Canton, O.; s. Charles F. and Margaret (Provines) Stokey. Prepared in Oberlin Acad.; Oberlin Coll. Missionary and Phys., Winthrop, Mass.; at one time located in South Hadlev, do.; 8th Ohio Vol., Inf.. 1898. Mem.. A. B. C. F. M.; West Central Africa Mission. Married Mabel Woodside, My 30. 1913. Belmont, Bihe Angola, West Africa. Address, 270 Main St., Winthrop, Mass. LESLIE LEWIS STONE M.D.; b. Mr 19, 1887; s. Fred and Hannah (Kruger) Stone. Prepared in H. S.; Valparaiso Univ.; Ph.G., Kentucky Sch. of Pharm. Located in Medaryville, Ind.. 1913-17; Gary, Ind.. 1917 — . Mem.. M. E. Church. Married Goldie Tvler, Je 12. 1912, Crown Point, Ind. Children: Frank, b. Mr 26, 1913; Phyllis, b. Ja 5, 1916. Address, 1208 Roosevelt St., Gary, Ind.; bus. add., 2162 W. 11th Ave., do. SAMUEL STUSSER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 15, 1889. Pre- pared in Tacoma (Wash.) H. S. Specialist, Anesthesia. Address, 6023 Brooklyn St., Seattle; bus. add., Leary Bldg., do.t ROSS OREN TAYLOR Physician; M.D.; b. N 26, 1888, Havana, 111.; s. Robert F. (b. Pawnee. 111.) and Julia E. (Miner) Taylor (b. Ap 16. 1869, Bernadotte, do.). Pre- pared in Havana H. S.; Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 1907-08. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. practice, Table Grove, 111.; Minn. State Hosp,, 1912-13. Pres.. Table Grove Telephone Co.; do.. Board of Health. Married Fidelia Auten Pine. My 23. 1914, St. Paul. Children: Elizabeth Ann. b. Mr 12, 1916, and Alcinda Jane, b. N 5, 1918. Address, Table Grove, 111. ALVIN THOMPSON Physician; M.D.; b. D 12, 1880, Racine, Wis.; s. James Peter (b. Denmark) and Henriette Maria (Larsen) Thompson (b. do.). Prepared in Racine (Wis.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha. Located in Chicago; Instr., Genito- urinary Surg., Rush Med. Coll.; Med. Advisory Bd., U. S. Army, Jl 15, 1918-Je 7, 1919. Auth.; (with Dr. R. H. Hirbst) Several articles on Genito- urinary subjects. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Urolog. Soc; Chicago Urolog. Soc. Married Florence Mary 1912] College of Medicine Alumni 191 Rogers. Je 29, 1916. Chicago. Child, Jane Eliza- beth, b. Ag 5. 1917. Address. 1316 Albion Ave., Chicago. 111. OLIVER EDMOND VAN ALYEA M.D.; b. 1S87. Postgrad, work, Toulouse Univ., Fr., Faculty of Med. 2nd Div., A. E. F., C. O. Ambulance. Co. 1. Address, 19 N. Clark St., Chicago; bus. add., 202 S. State St.. do. CLYDE ROGERS VAN GUNDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 20, 1886. Rock- field, Ind.; 8. Perry W. and Elizabeth (Kempfler) VanGundy. Prepared in Rockfield (Ind.) H. S. Phi Delta. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Lt. M. C. U. S. A., World War, Ja 1918-Ap 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. M. A. Married Helen Van Hoten, Jl 10, 1920. Detroit. Address, 716 Junction Ave.. Detroit. WILLARD ROBERT VAUGHAN M.D.; b. Jl 14, 1887, Covert, Mich.; s. O. M. and Mary M. Vaughan. Prepared in South Haven (Mich.') H. S.; Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Mich. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Formerlv located in Taft, 111. 1st Lt.. M. R. C, U. S. A,; 9 mos. in France with 30th Div., World War. Mem.. A. F. A. M.. 32°. K. T., Shrine. Married Agnes M. Steinnaver. My 2, 1914. La Salle, 111. Child, Katherine M., b. Ap 21, 1918. Address, Plain- well, Mich. CHARLES JOHN WAGNER Surgeon; M.D.; b. N 28. 1878, Belle Center, O.; 8. Frederick (b. 1844, Bavaria. Ger.) and Johanna (Gebhert) Wagner (b. 1845, do.). Prepared in Bell Center (O.) H. S. and O. State Univ., 1900; A.B., Monmouth Coll., 1905; A.M., do., 1910. Phi Kappa Pi; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Bus. Mgr., '05 Ravelings, Monmouth Coll.; Pres. Jr. Class, Coll. of Med., 1911. Intern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1911-13; Surg., West Tex. Sani- tarium, Lubbock, Tex.; Pres. Board of Dirs., do. Mem., A. M. A., 1912—. Married Janette Tinker, 1912, Monmouth. Children: Ruth C, b. 1916 and Helen L.. b. 1918. Address, Lubbock, Tex. *THOMAS BURKE WALSH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 16, 1884. Pre- pared in Miller (S. Dak.) H. S.; N. W. Med. Coll., 1908-09. Died Je 3, 1915, Artesian, S. Dak. ARTHUR EMIL AUGUST WANDERER (Brother of Alvin E. J., '10 B.S. in C.E.; Oscar W. R.. '11 B.S. in C.E.; Elizabeth C, '19 A.B. in L.A. and S.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 26, 1891; s. Thomas A. (b. 1863. Newark, N. J.) and Marie T. Wanderer (b. 1862. Chicago). Prepared in McKinley H. S.. Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. 414 S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, 111. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 414 S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., McCormick Works, 26th and Western Ave., Chicago, 111. ♦FRANK MONROE WELDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 18. 1888, Muscoda, Wis.; 9. John and Allie Weldy. Prepared in Rich- land Center (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, 5538 Chicago Ave., Chi- cago. Capt.. M. C. U. S. A.; with A. E. F., 10 mos.; served at Camp Hosp. 72, Chateau du Loire, .Sarthe, Fr. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Married Rose A. Seifried, Ap 4, 1914. Child, Frank, Jr., b. O 4, 1916. Died, F 5, 1921. ARTHUR WILLIAM WERMUTH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Evanston Acad.; N. W. Univ. Specialist, Ob- stetrics. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 1457 Addison Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., and 3166 Lincoln Ave., do.f WARREN OVERTON WHEELOCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 13, 1880, Macomb, Miss. Attended State Univ. of La.; Univ. of Chicago. Med. Dept., 3 yrs. Address, 1026 Ainslee St., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St.. do.t SARAH MARGUERITE WHITE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1883. Formerly at the North Chicago Hosp., Chicago. Surg. Special- ist, Royal Army Med. Corps, World War; with the B. E. F., Malta; Med. Off., St. Andrews Mil. Hosp., do., 1916; Surg. Specialist, St. Elmo Mil. Hosp., 1917-18; do., Cottonera Mil. Hosp.; do., D 1918-S 1919. Address, 536 Oakdale Ave.. Chi- cago. t CLARENCE HENRY WIENEKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;b. My 24, 1890, Chicago; s. Henry J. and Amelia (Timmeshoff) Wieneke. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Phi Beta Pi. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; stationed at Base Hosp., Camp Bowie, Tex.; Gen. Hosp. 28. Fort Sheridan. 111. till discharge, Ag 30, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Grace Carter, Jl 10, 1910, St. Joseph, Mich. Child, Carter, b. N 28, 1915. Address, 4611 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. JOHN CLEMENT WILLIAMSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 11, 1884, Tall- madge, O. Prepared in Battle Creek Coll.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly of Tall- madge, O. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 8678 Vin- cennes Road, Chicago.t CLYDE EARL WILSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 24, 1885, Blue Earth. Minn. Prepared in Blue Earth (Minn.) H. S.; Hamline Univ., St. Paul, 2 yrs. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Married Grace V. (3eyman, 1914, Blue Earth, Minn. Address, Blue Earth, Minn. ROY HITCHON WILSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 29. 1883. Pre- pared in Odgen (Ut.) Pub. Schs. Specialist, Gynecol. Address, 230 27th St., Ogden, Ut.; bus. add., 2457 Washington Ave., do.t FRANK CHARLES WINTERS M.D.; b. Ja7, 1882; s. J. C. and Mary (O'Hare) Winters. Phi Rho Sigma. Mem., K. C. 4°; B. P. O. E. Married Anna Tresham, Ag 11, 1915. Address, 114 S. 4th St., Monmouth, 111. EZRA LLOYD WURTZER Gen. Surg.; M.D.; b. O 25, 1888, Kankakee, 111.; 8. John and Louise (Krollman) Wurtzer. Pre- pared in Hampton (la.) H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; Presby. Church. Married Mazie C. Par- sons, My 25, 1912, Waterloo, la. Children: Helen, b. S 25, 1913; Margaret, b. D 29, 1917. Address, 600 S. Georgia Ave., Mason City, la.; bus. add., Ist Nat. Bank, do. 192 University of Illinois W913 CLASS OF 1913 (125 LIVING, 6 DEAD) RUFINO ABRIOL (Formerly Rufino Abriol Santos) Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1890; s. Leon Abriol (b. Arayat, Pampanga) and Tomasa (Vicencio) Santos (b. do.), Prepared in Univ. of Chicago. Dr. of Tropical Med., Univ. of the Philippines. Sr. Class Artist; Cor. Sec, Y. M. C. A.; Mem., Operating room Staff, Sr. Yr. Grad. work in Pub. Health and Hygiene, Univ. of the Philippines. Res. Surg., Philippine Gen. Hosp., 1914-17; Instr., Surg., Univ. of the Philippines, do. Maj., Med. Dept., Philippine Nat. Guard; Maj. and Asst. Div. Surg., 1st Philippine Div., U. S. A., 1918; Quarantine Off., Manila, U. S. Pub. Health Serv.; held various Med. oflBces of U. S. Pub. Health Serv. in San Francisco, Washington, D. C, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Auth.: Amoebic Liver Abcess Among Filipinos, Philippine Jour, of Science, P. I. Name legally changed from Santos to Abriol. Address, Arayat, Pampanga; bus. add., %Surg. Gen., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Washington, D. C. HAROUTOUNE ASADOUR ADROUNIE M.D ; b. Ap 6, 1882, Armenia. B.A., St. Pauls Coll., Tarsus, Cilicia, 1909. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married, Ag 9, 1912. Children: Vahe Harrv, b. Ap 29, 1915. Address, R. F. D. 3, Bellevue, Mich. ALBERT LEE ALDERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1887. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1909. Formerly of Vera, 111.; at one time located at 25th and Dearborn Sts., Chicago. Address,, Ramsey, Ill.t JAMES WESLEY ALDRIDGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 7, 1800. Prepared in Covington (Ind.) H. S. Formerly Phys. at the Nat. Mil. Home, Leavenworth, Kan. Ad- dress, Covington, Ind.f BENJAMIN ANSPACH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 6, 1884. Prepared in (Keokuk (la.) H. S. Formerly at the Evan- gelical Deaconess Hosp., Chicago. Address, 408 Wisconsin St., Gifford, Mo.t HENRY WILSON AVERILL Phys! and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1876. Prepared in Montpelier (Vt.) Sem., 1898; Univ. of Vt., Med. Dept., 1902-04; Denver and Gross Med. Coll., 190.5-06. M.D., Denver Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1907. Hosp. Serv., Park Ave. Hosp., Denver. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Evans, Colo.f MICHAEL JOHN BADZMIEROWSKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D.;b. S 29, 1891. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., 1909. Extern, St. Marys Hosp., Chicago, 1911-12. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 2822 Aj-cher Ave., Chicago.! FRANK CORNELIUS BALDERREY Med. Adviser; M.D.; b. Mr 10, 1887; s. Felix Cornelius and Ada May (Burns) Balderrey. Pre- pared in Fairmount (Ind.) H. S. U. S. Marine Hosp., Detroit; Seton Hosp., New York; Warrens- ville Sanatorium, Warrensville, O.; Asst. Med. Adviser, Cornell Univ., 1916-17; Med. Advi-^ier, do., 1917—. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A., Mr 1918- S 1919. Mem., Am. Legion. Married O 2, 1909, Coldwater, Mich. Address, Med. Advisers Office, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. IRVING FRANCIS BARNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 29, 1892; s. Wil- liam and Mary (Howard) Barnett. Prepared in Evanston Acad.; N. W. Univ. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. In Serv. overseas. My 1917-S 1918, World War. Address, 5347 Wayne St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3900 Sheridan Rd., do. NATHANIEL ISADOUR BASKIND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1891. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Address, 1017 W. Marquette Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 6319 S. Halsted St., rfo.t ' HERMAN HARRY BASSLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 1, 1882; s. Herman Bassler. Prepared in Sheffield (Minn.) H. S. M. D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1912.. Ad- dress, 4449 N. Richmond St., Chicago; bus. add., 1548 Belmont Ave., do.t lONE FISHER BEEM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 9, 1876. State Univ. of Ind., 1905. Formerly located in Spencer, Ind.; Prof., Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol., Chi- cago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll.; Oculist, Am. Hosp., Chicago. Instr., Rush Free Dispen- sary, do., Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Med. Womans Club; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. Address, 4451 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4770 Lincoln Ave., do. JAMES HENRY BLOOMFIELD . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 25, 1888. Pre- pared in Cedar Springs (Mich.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Staff, Chicago Lying-in Hosp.; Assoc, Obstetrics, Washington Park and Provident Hosps., Instr., Operative Obstetrics, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Capt., M. C, World War; attached to the B. E. F. in Fr., Belgium and Ger.; received the British Mil. Cross for distinguished serv. Address, 753 E. 47th St., Chicago; bus. add., 4700 Cottage Grove Ave., do.t HERBERT CLARENCE BOLSTAD M.D.; b. F 17, 1884, Chicago; s. Knute 0. and Elizabeth (Rasmusson) Bolstad. B.A., Univ. of Valparaiso, 1913. Phi Beta Pi. Married Aloinda I. Auten, My 2, 1914. Children: Imogene, b. Ag 8, 1915; Herbert, Jr., b. Ja 11, 1919. Address, 935 Hastings Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., 940 E. 7th St., do. ERNEST AUGUST BREDLAU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1890. Pre- pared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Address, 2441 W. 51st St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1200 W. 69th St., rfo.t FRANK ERWIN BRINCKERHOFF (Nephew of G. E., '85; of C. E., '85; J. J., '97; E. E., '08) Physician; M.D.; b. D 6, 1890, Lockport, 111.; s. Martin Schuyler (b. Ja 29, 1866, Chicago) and Caroline Agnes (Chamberlain) Brinckerhoff (b. F 4, 1866, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. 5. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Passavant Hosp., Chi- cago, 1912-13; Florid, 111., 1914-18; Mokena, do., 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Ad- dress, Mokena, 111. WILLIAM RILEY BROWN Physician; M.D.; b. N 5, 1888, Thatcher, Ariz.; s. Charles David (b. Ja 23, 1861, Ogden, Utah) and Sarah Ellen (Dixon) Brown (b. O 1, 1865, Harrisville, Utah). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chi- cago; Weber Norm. Coll., Ogden, Utah. Lincoln Club; Sigma Phi Epsilon; V. P. of Class of 1913. Intern, St. I ukes Hosp., Chicago; do., Memphis City Hosp., Memphis; City Phys., Ogden, Utah; Organizer and Chief of Venereal Clinic, do. Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Examiner for Off. Corps, Ogden, Utah. Mem., Univ. Club. Married Thora Wil- liams, Mr 24, 1915, Salt lake City. Children: Beverly, b. Ja 24, 1916; Roger William, b. O 22, 1919. Address, 2,554 Jackson Ave., Ogden, Utah; 6ms. add., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 1913] College of Medicine Alumni 193 FRANK EARL BROWNING M.D.; b. Ap 2, 1S91, Perry, Kan.; s. S. Brown (b. 1S69. Maysville. Ky.) and Martha L. (Douglas) Browning (b. 1S73, Indianapolis). Prepared in Perry (Kan.) H. S.; Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1909-11; Basketball Team. Located in ChicaKO, 1913-16; New York, 1916—. Specialist, Radio- dontia; invented Coast and Harbor Defense Sub- mersible Buov. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Mv 19, 1917-Mv 21,"l91S; Capt., do.. My 21, 191S-S 26, 1919; Field Hosp., 16, Field Hosp. Detachment 5, 76th Div. and 4th Armv Corps. Married Mabel Juliene Browning, Ag 31. 1917, New York. Ad- dress, 215 W. 72nd St., New York; bus. add., 516 5th Ave., do. STEPHEN MALCOLM BURDON Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.;b. N 1, 1S90, Green Bay, Wis.; s. Stephen and Caroline (Davidson) Burden. Prepared in East Green Bav (Wis.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Beulah M. Banta, Je 24. 1916. Lowpoint. 111. Child. Stephen Banta, b., My 15. 1919. Address, Low- point, 111. THEODORE DAVID BURGER Physician: M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1887, Erie, Pa.; s. Lu Favette (b. Ag 27, 1860, do.) and Amelia Caro- line Fredericks (Zuick) Burger (b. Jl 14, 1863, do.). Prepared in Spokane H. S. Gamma Eta Kappa (H. S.); Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Capt., Basketball, Baseball and Football Teams; House Surg., Sr. Yr. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., Spokane, 1 vr.; Gen. Med. practice, do., 1915 — •. Lt., M. R. C". U. S. A., S 10, 19]S-Ja 6, 1919; Regt. Surg, to 9th Engineers. Mem., Spokane So. Med. Soc; Wash. State Med. Soe.; A. M. A.; Univ. Club.; Spokane Amateur Ath. Club; Mendelsohn Club. Married Je 21, 1917. Spokane. Children: Dorothy Jane, b. Ap 23, 1918; Theodore David, Jr., b. Mt 6, 1920. Address, 617 Shoshone Place, Spokane; bus. add., 517-518 Paulsen Bldg., do. MARJORIE IRENE CAMERON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Iverness (Quebec) Acad., 1906; Am. Med. Mis- sionary Coll.. 1909-10. Address, Battle Creek Sanatorium, Battle Creek, Mich.t FRANCIS VINCENT CARBERRY Physician; M.D.; b. D 3, 1890, Chicago; s. Wil- liam and Catherine (Cahill) Carberry. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 13. 1918-S 5, 1919; Surg. Serv., Post Hosp., Mitchell Field, L. I., 18 mos. Married Alice Wal- lace, 1918. Child, Francis, b. Ja 30, 1919. Ad- dress, 7046 Princeton Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5451 S. Halsted St. CLYDE LOWE CASEY M.D.: b. Ja 29, 1890, Marion, 111.; s. Levi B. and Laura B. (Lowe) Ca.sey. Prepared in Marion H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. 1st Lt, Camp Oglethorpe. Ga., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Margaret M. Higby, N 26, 1914. Chicago. Child. Jane. b. D 4, 1915. Address, 1445 5th Ave., Chi- cago Heighta, 111. FRANCIS JOSEPH CAYLEY Phy.s. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in CoU. of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn., 1908. Hosp. Serv., Lake View Hosp., Chicago. Formerly lo- cated in Voss, N. Dak. Mem., Med. Assn. of Mont. Address, Powell. Wyo.f JOHN BAPTIST CIPRIANI, Jr. Phys and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 4, 1891. Prepared in McKinley. H. S., Chicago. Instr.. Med , Coll. of Med.. 1921— Address. 2512 W. Harrison St., Chicago, bus. add., 2329 Grenshaw Ave, do.i FRANK NEILL CLIFF Physician; M.D.; b. O 30, 1889, Ortonville, Minn.; s. F. I-. and Sarah (O'Neill) Cliflf. Pre- pared in Ortonville (Minn.) H. S., and Univ. of Minn., 2 yrs. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Address, Milbank, S. Dak. MAYER S. COFFLER Phys. and Instr.; M.D.; b. Ap 12, 1887. Rou- mania; s. Samuel and Anna (Green) Coffler. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Charles I., Roumania, 1903; Lyceum (Coll.), Ctiarles I, Roumania. 1907. Instr.. Surg., Loyola Univ. Sch. of Med. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc.; III. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Base Hosp. 109, Vichy, Fr.; do., 88, Savenay, Fr. Address, 1042 S. Oakley Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., 2310 Ogden Ave., do. EVERETT PORTER COLEMAN Physician; M.D.; b. S 10, 1891, Canton, 111.; s. James Edmund (b. F 28, 1863. Canton, 111.) and Nettie Moore (Porter) Coleman (b. Je 7, 1865, do.). Prepared in Canton H. S. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. 1st Lt. and Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19; served in Fr., on Surg. Team of Evacua- tion Hosp. 4, 1918-19. Mem., Canton Country Club; Elks 626; A. F. A. M. 734, Peoria Consistory; A. A. O. N. M. S. Mohammed Temple; Canton Rotary Club; Canton Phvs. Club; A. M. A. Mar- ried Gladys Irene Huff, D 12, 1917, Philadelphia. Child, Eleanor Irene, b. Ja 11, 1919. Address, 57 W. Myrtle St.. Canton, 111.; bus. add., 24 N. Main St., do. URBAN V. COMES Physician; M.D.; Ph.G., 1909; b. O 21, 1889, Chicago: s. Urban W. (b. 1864, Alsace Lorraine) and Anna (Christmann) Comes (b. 1866, Ger- many). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Postgrad, work, Augustana Hosp., Chi- cago, 1913. Surg., C. B. & Q. R. R. in Neb. and S. Dak., 1914; at present specializing in X-Ray work, Chicago. Sergt.. Co. K., 1st Inf., U. S. A., 1907-13. Mem.. A. F. A. M.. 1914—; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Alice Thonneson. Jl 4. 1912. St. Joseph, Mich. Child: Urban B., b. Ap 20, 1915. Address, 5447 Agatite Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 852 Belmont Ave. LYMAN JOSEPH COOK Surgeon; M.D.; b. S 13. 1885, Chicago: s. Ezra A. and Maria (Blanchard) Cook. A.B.. Wheaton Coll. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Married Edith Marks. Jl 11, 1915. Children: Alfred, b. Je 1916; Everett, b. 1920. Address, 2921 Fowler Ave., Omaha. Neb.; bus. add., 342 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.. do. SAMUEL LeCOUNT COOK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 2, 1887. Prepared in Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N. H. Address, 1011 S. St., N. W., Washington, D. Ct ROBERT A. CRAWFORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 2, 1888. Elroy, Wis.; s. Henry and Carrie (Aldrich) Crawford. Prepared in Elroy, Wis. Phi Chi. Instr.. Med., Coll. of Med., 1915-16; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 191.5—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1, 1918-Jl 9, 1919. Mem., Seventh Day Adventist Church. Address, Chamberlain, S. Dak. DREXEL L. DAWSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 6, 1869, Scotland, 111.; 8. Douglas and Ida May (Rodenberger) Daw- son. Prepared in Chrisman H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Valedictorian of Class. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Rice Lake, Wis.; Attending Phys., Lakeside Methodist Hosp., do. let Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111., 8 mos.: Army Med. Sch., Washington, 2 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A.; Wis. Med. Soc; Wis. Surg. Assn. Married Lulu M. Sinclair. Ja. 194 University of Illinois [1913 8, 1914, Chicago. Child, Lorin Drexel, b. Je 28, 1018. Address, 25 Stout St., Rice Lake, Wis.; bus. add., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ANTHONY FERDINAND DELFOSSE Physician; M.D.; b. F 16, 1891; s. Anthony F. and Gertrude (Prusener) Delfosse. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married O 25, 1916, Chicago. Address, 2501 N. Richmond St., Chicago; bus. add., 3309 N. Crawford Ave., do. RAYMOND F. DOWELL M.D.; b. Ag 23, 1890, Pana, 111.; s. J. C. and Mary (Warner) Dowell. Prepared in Pana (111.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Warren State Hosp., Warren, Pa., 1914-16; Elgin State Hosp., Elgin, 111., 1916—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Auth.: Hydrotherapy in the treatment of Insane, Pa. State Med. Jour., 1916. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; M. E. Church; Am. Legion. Married Miriam B. Messner, Ap 4, 1917, Warren, Pa. Address, 750 S. State St., Elgin, 111. JAMES CASPER DROSTE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 21, 1886, Grand Rapids, Mich.; s. Casper M. and Mary (O'Dona- hoe) Droste. A.B. and Ph.B., St. Jeromes Coll., Kitchener, Ontario. Phi Chi. Specialist in Proc- tology. Mem., K. C; L. O. O. M.; Assn. of Com- merce; Grandview Auto Club. Married Ada Katherine Kain, N 16, 1916, Grand Rapids, Mich. Children: Jim, b. S 15, 1917; Jack, b. Ap 4, 1919. Address, 215 Auburn Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., 148-50 Fulton St., E., do. WARREN ZACHARY EARL , Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 7, 1884. Prepared in Evanston Acad., N. W. Univ., 1909. Formerly of Ottumwa, la. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1602 Court St., Sioux City, la.; 6ms. add.. Security Bldg., do.f CLINTON ALBA EDWARDS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Lancaster (Wis.) H. S. Address, Lancaster, Wis.t SHEFTEL JACOB ELNER M.D.; b. D 1870; s. Bessi (Manin) Elner. Pre- pared in Gymnasium Sch., Rus. Married Vera Kross, S 27, 1904, Rus. Address, 1700 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. GEORGIA ADELL FILLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 30,1870, Ashton, Mich. Prepared in Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Mich.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 2 yrs. Emily L. Schofield Scholarship. Address, Toledo, O.f JOHN ANTON FIRTIK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 1, 1888. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. M.C., U. S. A. Ad- dress, 1104 Lytle St., Chicago.t SAMUEL CLIFTON FLEMING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 7, 1886. A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Extern, Augustana Hosp., 1912. Address, Franklin, Tenn.t CHESTER WATSON FOUSER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 31, 1885, Kanka- kee, 111.; s. Albert Ream (b. Ag 29, 1853, Plain- field, 111.) and Emma (Watson) Fouser (b. Mr 4, 1861, Wilmington, 111.). Prepared in Knox Coll., 1906-07; N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1909-10. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Rho Sigma. Extern, Engle- wood Hosp.; Gen. Med. practice, Cicero, HI., 1913 — . Mem., Cook Co. Local Exemption Bd. Married D 31, 1916, Chicago. Address, 4800 W. 22nd St., Cicero, lU. ADOLPH MITCHELL FRANK M.D.; b. F 18, 1890, Livingston, Mont.; s. Henry and Barbara (Hartman) Frank. Prepared in Park County H. S.; Lincoln Academy, Lincoln, Neb. Phi Beta Pi. Asst., Med., Wash. Univ. Sch. of Med., Baltimore; Phys. to out patients. Banes Hosp. Dispensary Tuberculosis Clinic. Gen. prac- tice, Idaho, 1914-16; St. Louis, 1916 — . Capt., M. C, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, 804 Carlton Bldg., St. Louis. WILLIAM ARTHUR FRYMIRE Med. Missionary; M.D.; b. S 12, 1883; s. Arthur (b. 1851, Monmouth, 111.) and Lavina (Forbes) Frymire (b. 1860, Warren Co., 111.). Prepared in Monmouth and Galesburg H. Schs.; Acad. Dept., Eureka Coll.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., Battle Creek, Mich. Lincoln Debating Club, Galesburg, 111.; Galesburg and Monmouth Y. M. C. A.; Gales- burg H. S., Eureka Coll., and Coll. of Med. Basket- ball teams; Adelphian Lit. Soc. (Pres.). Student Asst., Battle Creek Sanitarium, 1910 and summers, 1911 and 1912; Chicago Lying-in Dispensary, 5 weeks residence, 1912; in charge, mission hosp.. Am. Mission, Lotumbe, Congo Beige; Health Dir., Momboyo River Dist., 1914 — ; Phys. in charge. Sleeping Sickness lazaret, 1914-16. Established the 1st Med. Sch. for natives in Congo Beige. Auth.: Hygiene and Sanitation; (in preparation) Medicine and Surgery; both books in native ver- nacular, printed on Mission press, and used in native Sch. of Med. Mem., Foreign Christian Missionary Soc, 1913 — . Married Lula Josephine Bowyer, F 1, 1919. Bcment, 111. Child, Irma Jose- phine, b. Mr 6, 1920. Address, Lotumbe, D. C. C. M., Coquilhatville, Congo Beige, Africa, or Monmouth, 111. VERNANDA JOSHUA FUNDERBURK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 10, 1876, Emory, Tex.; s. N. R. and Elizabeth C. (Nolan) Funder- burk. Prepared in La. State Norm. Sch. B.S., La. State Coll.; M.D., Md. Med. Coll., 1906. Special course in Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins Univ.; Post-Grad. work, Tulane Univ. Med. Dept. Phi Chi. Formerly located in Jonesboro, La.; later in Hodge, do.; Monroe, do.; Specialist in Ophthal- mol., Otol., Laryngol., and Rhinol. Serv., World War, 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Kan. State Med. Soc. Married Ellaie E. Legan, Je 5, 1907. Children: Vern J., Jr., b. Mr 28, 1917; Glyn Edward, b. Mr 19, 1920. Address, Winns- boro, La. ROBERT LUDWICK FURBY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 13, 1884, Onarga, 111.; s. Mary (Ludwick) Furby. Prepared in Onarga H. S.; State Norm. Sch., Cheney, Wash. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1914—. Married Edith Taylor, S 25, 1915, Onar- ga, 111. Children: John, b. F 14, 1917; Elizabeth, b. D 31, 1919. Address, 2558 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. LEON CLASSMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 24, 1885, Racionz, Poland; s. Joseph and Rebecca (Kapotta) Glass- man. Prepared in Gymnasium, Poland. Phi Del- ta Epsilon. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. F. A. M., Keystone Lodge, Freeport Consistory, Tebala Temple, Shrine. Address, 1458 S. Avers Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 601 W. Roosevelt Rd., do. *CARL HENRY GOLBECK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 25, 1889. Pre- pared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Died D 21, 1920. JESSE TROTT GRAYSTON Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1889. Prepared in Huntington (Ind.) H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Marion, la.t 1913] College of Medicine Alumni 195 PAIL SWING HAGEMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1.S87; s. George (b. 184S, Williamsburg, O.) and Susie (Foster) Uageman (b. 1858, do.). Prepared in Washington Kan. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Chicago Polielinic and Hosp.; do., Henrotin Memorial Hosp. Loca- ted in Bingham Canvon, Utah, 1013-18; Surg, to U. S. and Highland Boy Mines; do., Utah Metals Co., Spokane, 1919—. 1st l.t., M. C, U. S. A.. Jl 1918-Ap 1919. Married Marv C. Candler, N IS, 1917, Anadarko, Okla. Child, Ruth C, b. Ja 9, 1919. Address, 1212 W. 7th Ave., Spokane; bus. add., 515 Paulsen Bldg., do. GWYN FORBES HAIG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 24, 1S8S. Pre- pared in Le Roy H. S. Address, Bloomfield, Ind.t JOHN HARVEY HANSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 16, 1887, Lamoni, la.; s. J. H. Hansen. Prepared in Vernon (Tex.) H. S.; Univ. of Okla., Med. Dept.; Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo. Formerly of Grandfield, Okla. Address, Elkhart, Kan.f WILLIAM HENRY HAZLETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 16, 1889. Pre- pared in Sheffield H. S. Formerly of Depue, III. Address, 615 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., do.t WILLIAM ALBERT HENKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 26, 1881. Postgrad, work. Vienna, 1908. M.D.. 111. Med. Coll., 1905. Formerly of Mazeppa, Minn. Mem., A. M. A.; Wis. State Med. Soc. Address, 121 S. 15th St., La Crosse, Wis.; bus. add., Newburg Bldg., do.-\ MAURICE CHARLES HENNESSY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 19, 1891, Iowa City, la. Prepared in Iowa City (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., Med. Coll., 1908-12. Phi Beta Pi. Ist Lt., M. C, World W;ar; M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; overseas serv., with Am. Rest Camp, Win- chester, Eng. and Am. Red Cross Hosp. 4, Liver- pool, Eng.; discharged F 1, 1919, Camp Dodge, la. Address, 238 High School Ave., Council Bluffs, la.; bus. add.. City Nat. Bank Bldg., do.i CLARA A. HERGERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 1, 1890. Prepared in Kenosha (Wis.) H. S. Formerly at 3700 California St., San Francisco.t ALLEN JOSEPH HRUBY Instructor; M.D.; b. Ap 27, 1890, Chicago; s. James (b. 1866, Bohemia) and Carolyn C. (Dir- schmid) Hruby (b. My 3, 1875, Chicago). Pre- pared in Crane H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Fellowship in Re- search work, Wesley Hosp., Chicago. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1913-15; Fellow.ship, Wesley Hosp., do., 1915-16; Health Officer Chi- cago Dept. of Health, 1916-17; Attending Phys., Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 1917-18; Med. Supt., Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Jl 1918—; Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1918—. Auth.: The Field Work of the Municipal Tuber- culosis Sanitarium Dispensary Phys., Bulletin of Chicago M. T. S.. Ja 1918; Non-Tuberculous Pul- monary and Glandular Infections, Bulletin of Chicago M.. T. S., N 1919; Blood Tranfusion in Treatment of Tuberculosis, III. Med. Jour., 1921; X-Rays in Diagno.sis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Am. Jo^ir. of Med. Sciences, Ag 1921. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Bohemian Med. Soc, 1914; Chicago Tuberculosis Soc, 1920 — (Dir., 1921 — ); Nat. Tuberculo»,is Assn.; Am Public Health Assn.; A. F. A, M. Married Sylva Pet- rtyl. My 16. 1917. Chicago. Child. Allan Joseph. Jr., b. S 1. 1918; Jean Carolyn, b. S 2. 1921. Ad- dress, 3622 W. 22nd St., Chicago; bxis add.. Mu- nicipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 3335 W. 26th St., do. LYDIE ROUMAJON JESPERSSON (Wife of Sven Jesperssou, '13) Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 17, 1875, Nimes, France; d. Louis and Jennie (TherOnd) Roumajon. A.B., Union Coll., Lincoln, Neb., 1914. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., Seventh Day Adventist Church; A. M. A.; Calhoun Co. Med. Soc. Married Sven Jespersson, O 14, 1901, Basel, Switzerland. Child, John Emil, b. O 13, 1917, Battle Creek, Mich. Address, Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. SVEN JESPERSSON (Husband of Lydie Roumajon Jespersson, '13) Phy.sician; M.D.; b. N 26, 1874; s. Jesper and Elsa Jespersson. B.A., Univ. of Neb., 1914. Chaplain of Class. Mem., Seventh Day Adven- tist Church. Married Lydie Roumajon, 1901, Basel, Switzerland. Child, John Emil, b. O 13, 1917. Address, Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. FRANK HETHERINGTON KELLY (Brother of Ernest B., '02, D.D.S. and Charles D., '05, M.D.) Physician; M.D.; D.D.S., 1905; b. Ap 23, 1880, St. Paris, O.; s. George W. (b. 1840, Ind.) and Ada D. Kelly (b. 1845, O.). Prepared in Doane Acad., Granville, O., and 111. Sch. of Pharm., 1902. Phi Chi. Phys., Chicago, 1900-13; do., Argos, Ind., 1913—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Evacuation Hosp., 25, Ag 12, 1917-S 19, 1917; Capt., S 19, 1917; discharged Ag 25, 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; Ind. State Med. Soc; Pres., Marshal Co. Med. Assn.; A. F. A. M., 32° Mason, Shrine; Knights of Pythias. Married Nellie M. Kelly, Je 21, 1905. Address, Argos, Ind. RAY PORTER KILE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 21, 1884. Ad- dress, 1302 Boilvin Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 1106 S. Main St., do.f HOWARD TALCOTT KNIGHT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1890, Rochelle, 111. Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Elgin, 111. Capt., M. C, Base Hosp. 85, World War. Married Alice Harris, Je 27, 1918. Child, Virginia Harris, b. Ap 26, 1920. Address, 423 Chicago Ct., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., 23 Douglas Ave., do. DISRAELI WILLIAM KOBAT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1887. Pre- pared in Lewis Institute; Univ. of Chicago. Ad- dress, 5124 Sheridan Road, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.f FRANK JOSEPH KOTALIK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 7, 1889. Pre- pared in 111. Schs. Formerly located in Chicago; Gen. Med. practice, Cicero, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 15, 1917-Ja 17, 1919; S. A. T. C, Univ. of Idaho, M0.SCOW, Idaho; M. O. T. C, Infirmary, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Ambulance Co. 18, do. Address, 5249 W. 25th St., Cicero, Ill.t CONSTANTINE JOHN KOURSOUMIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 30, 1887; s. John Panagiota Koursoumis. Prepared in Sparta (Greece) H. S. Formerly at 1326 W. Madison St., Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C. U. S. A., World War. Address, 1628 Warren Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. JOHN CHARLES MATTHEW KRASA Physician; M.D.; b. F 24, 1891, Chicago; s. John Charles (b. N 26, I8.08, Naceradec, Bohemia) and Anna Marie (Procha.ska) Krasa (b. Jl 25, 1863, Chicago). Prepared in Wm. McKinley H. S., Chicago. Extern. Dept. of Med., Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1911-13; Instr. Organic and Inorganic Chem., Coll. of Med., 1909-10; do.. Coll. of Dent. 1909-11; Instr. Physiolog. Chem., Coll. of Med.. 1910-13; Intern, Univ. Hosp., 1913-14; Lecturer, Hygiene, Tr. Sch. for Nurses, do., 1913-14; do.. 196 University of Illinois [1913 Anat., do., 1914-16; Phys., Chicago, 1914-17; do., 1919 — ; Specializing in Eye Ear, Nose, and Throat; Assoc, Med Col. of Med.; on Fac- ulty do.. 1914 — ; Assoc. Attending Phys., Univ. Hosp., D 1, 1914—; Attending Phys., Bohe- mian Settlement House; Attending Staff, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1920—; Examining Phys., C. O. O. F., do. Sec, and Treas., Coll. of Med. Alumni Assoc, 1919 — . Capt., M. C, U. S. A., active duty, Ag 9, 1917- Mr 26, 1919, Divi-sion Medical Gas Officer 89th Division, A, E. F., 1918; Surgeon, 314th Sanitary train 89th Division, Camp Funston, Kans. 1917- 18. Mem., Knights of Columbus, Ap 15 1919—; Catholic Order of Foresters, Ja 1917— A. M. A., 1913—; 111. State Med. Soc, 1914— Chicago Med. Soc: do.; Bohemian Med. Soc, do.; Bohemian Club. Address, 3100 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1801 S. Ashland and 104 S. Michigan Ave., do. ALVIN WILFRED LAFORGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 5, 1888, Windsor, Ont. Prepared in Windsor (Ont.) H. S.; L.L.B., John Marshall Coll. of Law, 1911; M.D., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., 1911. Speciahst in Internal Med.; formerly at the Metropolitan City Hosp., New York City. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 111. Athletic Club, Chicago; bus. add., Monroe Bldg., Chicago. t CHARLES PHILIP LAPIN Physician; M.D.; b. D 26, 1889, Chicago; s. Jacob (b. Ap 14, Rus.) and Lillie (Favus) Lapin (b. S 8, 1874, do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Mem., Ex. Com., Sr. Class. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Address, 1101 N. Calif. Ave., Chi- cago. MYRON E. LOLLAR Surgeon; M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1877. Prepared in Austin Coll., Effingham, 111.; Blackburn Coll.. Carlinville, do. Intern, Passavant Memorial Hosp. 1912. Address, Tuscola, Ill.f JOHN HARRY LUCZAK Physician; M.D.; b. N 20, 1891, Chicago; s. Joseph, (b. Posen, Poland) and Pauline (Schultz) Luczak (b. do.). Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma; Class Prophet. Intern, St. Marys Hosp., Chicago, 1913-18. M. O. T. C, U. S. A., Ft. Oglethorpe, F 25-Ap 20, 1918; Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la., Ap 20-Je 15, 1918; Base Hosp., Nantes, Fr., Jl 17, 1918-Ja 19, 1919; U. S. Mil. Mission, Berhn, Ger., Ja-Jl, 1919. Address, 3028 W. 22nd St., Chicago. AUGUST HENRY LUEDERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 9, 1886, Chicago; 8. August and Lena (Freese) Lueders. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1904; Univ. of Wis., 1904-06. Delta Tau Delta; Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Hinsdale, 111. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 13, 1917-Mr 2, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Frances Fischer, N 17, 1914, Chi- cago. Child, Dorothy Caroline, b. Ag 2, 1915. Address, 15 Park Ave., Hinsdale, 111. CHRISTINE LUKAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 26, 1891. Pre- pared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 5857 Elliott Ave., Detroit.t JOSEPH SEBASTIAN LUNDHOLM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 4, 1891, Chicago; s. Victor and Alfreda (Wirstedt) Lundholm. Pre- pared in Rockford H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Rock- ford, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., F 13, 1918-Mr 4, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Lillian Lutzhoff, S 26, 1916, Rockford, 111. Ad- dress, 214 Prospect St., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 501 7th St., do. FRANK CHARLES McCLANAHAN Med. Missionary; M.D.; b. N 23. 1886, Viola 111.; s. W. S. and Jennie (Potter) McClanahan. Prepared in Monmouth H. S. and Coll. Alpha Omega Alpha. Med. Missionary in Hosp. Serv., Tanta, Egypt, 1915—; furlough in Am., Ap 1922- S 1923— address during that time, 200 N. 15th St., Philadelphia. Mem.. United Presby. Church. Married Helen Smith, S 15, 1915, Waverly, O. Children: Frank C, Jr., b. D 25, 1917; Grant, b, O 22, 1919. Address, Am. Mission Hosp., Tanta. Egypt. EUGENE ANDREW MacCORNACK Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ag 15, 1885, Elgin. 111.; s. Robert and Anna (Nesbit) MacCornack. Pre- pared in Macalester Coll., St. Paul. Phi Beta Pi. Specialist, Surgery of the Abdomen. Mem., Mac- Cornack Clinic, Whitehall, Wis.; A. F. A. M., Shrine, 32°; Presby. Church. Married Harriet L. Hiebner, 1913, Springfield, 111. Child, Richard John, b. O 6, 1914. Address, Whitehall, Wis. DESMOND FRANCIS McGUIRE Physician; M.D.; b. Je 27, 1887, Mich.; s. John A. and Katherine (Quirk) McGuire. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Capt., British R. A. M. C, 2 yrs.. World War. Mem., B. P. O. E. Address, 3429 Mich. Ave., Indiana Harbor, Ind. GORDON LAWRENCE McLELLAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 6, 1889, Toronto, Ont.; s. Donald (b. F 10, 1859, Ont.) and Adeline (Hassard) McLellan (b. O 7, 1869, Ont.). Pre- pared in Bowbells (N. Dak.) H. S. Phi Chi. Located in Big Sandy, Mont., Jl 1913-N 1916; Nampa, Idaho, N 1916—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 28, 1917; Commanding off., 2nd Idaho Inf., 146th F. A., and 161st Amb. Corps; Adjutant, Camp Hosp. 26; Div. Urologist, 41st Div.; Dis- charged as Capt., F 19, 1919. Married Ag 10, 1917, Boise Barracks, Boise, Idaho. Child, Doro- thy Marie, b. Mr 6, 1920. Address, Nampa, Idaho. EUGENE ABRAHAM MATISON (Formerly Eugene Abraham Mitzenmacher) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 15, 1888. Pre- pared in Sheboygan (Wis.) H. S. Formerly at 1016 S. Mansfield Ave., Chicago. Address, 4819 Iowa St., Chicago. t JOHN MAXWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 20, 1891. Pre- pared in What Cheer (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., Med. Coll., 1909-12. Address, What Cheer, la.t MARIE ANNA MOTIS (ZADEK) Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 26, 1884; s. Frank J. and Marie A. (Donat) Motis. Prepared in Chi- cago Bus. Coll., Medill H. S., and Dearborn Med. Coll. Asst. to John B. Loring, Ophthalmol. Dept., Coll. of Med., 1911-13; Dist. Health Comn., Cicero, 111., 1913-16; Town Phys., do., 1916-18; Gen. Med. practice, do., 1918 — ; Formerly at 2314 S. 56th Ave., Cicero, 111. Mem., A. M. A.; Chi- cago Med. Soc; Womens Med. Club; Bohemian Womens Med. Club; Alumni Assn. Married Dr. WiUiam Bernard Funk, D 12, 1906, Milwaukee; James Louise Zadek, N 29, 1916. Child, Grace Marie Funk, b. My 14, 1908. Address, 1174 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, lU.; bus. add., 5601 W. 22nd St., Cicero, do. HARRY ALBERT MYERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 4, 1890, Hermon, 111.; s. Anne (Stephen) Myers. Prepared in Gales- burg H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Phys., Joliet, 1913-17. Capt., 35th Div., 18 mos.; 1 yr. over- seas. Commanding Officer, Div., Lab., 35th Div.. World War. Address, 736 E. Lake St., Minnea- polis. EMERY BOWERS NEFF Phys, and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 23, 1891. Pre- pared in Rochelle H. S. Intern, Lakeside Hosp.. Chicago, 1913. Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A.; sta- tioned at Coblenz, Ger., 1921. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; lUinj Club at Coblenz, Ger. Address, Gen. Hosp. 2, Baltimore.t 1913] College of Medicine Alumni 197 HARRY NICHOLS Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 13, 1S82. Pre- pared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Sch.. 1902, and Crane Technical H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 406 S. Kilbourn Ave., Cliicago; 6ms. add., 4401 W. Harrison St.. do.t ALBERT GOODSELL NOBLE M.D.: b. N 14, 1SS7; s. Dr. H. B. and Carrie (Hill) Noble. Prepared in Howard (S. Dak.) H. S., Dakota Wesleyan Univ.; la. State Univ. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Brookings, S. Dak.; for- merly in Howard, S. Dak. Mem., A. F. A. M., R. A. M., Epis. Church. Married Ruth A. Bald- win, Je 24, li)14, Carthasc S. Dak. Children: Two daughters, b. Ag 22, 1917, and Mr 12, 1920. Address, Brookings, S. Dak. JOHN FRANK OATES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 10, 1890; s. 3ohn F. and Mary Ellen (Gavin) Oates. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. Nu Sigma' Nu (Pres., 1912-13). Surg. Intern, Lake View Hosp., 1913-14. Mem., Staff, do. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Detach- ment Comn. and Personnel Adj., Base Hosp., San Juan, Porto Rico. Mem., Assn. Mill Surg.; Chi- cago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Marie Beck, O 14, 1917. Address, 4304 N. Lincoln St., Chicago; bus. add., 1900 Montrose Ave., do. *ARTHUR ROBERT OHMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1892. Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S.. Chicago. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Died Ja 11, 1919, Chicago. JAMES ARCHIBALD ORBISON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 30, 1887, Lahore, Punjab, India. Prepared in Mercersberg Acad., Pa., 1906; Am. Med. Miss. Coll., 1909-10. For- merly of Bellefonte, Pa. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Gen. Hosp. 19, Oteen, N. Ct LEROY LOWELL PARKE Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 17, 1889, Canton, S. Dak. ; s. William U. and Helen (Redfield) Parke (b. Mr 30, 1866, Jesup, la.). Prepared in Canton (S. Dak.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. practice. Canton, S. Dak., 1913—. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1, 1918-D 23, 1918; Camp Green- leaf, Chickamauga Park, Ga. ]NIem., M. E. Church: I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M. Married Je 3, 1914, Chicago. Child, Elva Leroy, b. F 16, 1919. Address, 514 Lincoln St., Canton, S. Dak.; bus. adi., 107 E. .5th St.. do. FRANK RAUCH PATTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 1.5, 1886. Pre- pared in Whipple and Jacksonville H. Schs. In- tern, West Side Hosp., Chicago, 1913. Formerly of Virden. 111. Address, 304 16th Ave., Spokane.t LEIGH KLUMB PATTON (Son of Joseph Mclntyre Patton, Fa. M.) Physician; M.D.; A.B. in L. & A., '09; b. S 14, 1887, Chicago; s. Joseph McIntjTe (b. Dec. 8, 1860, Ralston, Pa.) and Grace (Klumb) Patton (b. My 9, 1862. Chicago). Prepared in Lewis Insti- tute, Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha; Scribblers; Mask and Bauble; Jr. House Surg.; Sr. House Surg.; Sr. Pres., Coll. of Med.. '13. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1913-1.5; Asst. to Dr. Thomas A. Davis. Chicago. 191.5-16; Mining-camp Phys.. Silverbell, Ariz., 1916-17; .\, Sunmount Sanatorium for Tuber- culosis, Santa Fe, N. Mox.. 1918—. Auth.: Book and lyrics, The Dad of the Undcrgrad. fUnion Opera, 1912). Mem., N. Mex. State Med. Soc; Santa Fe Co. Med. Soc; Archaeological Inst, of Am.; Illini Club of Chicago; A. M. A. (Fellow). Address. Sante Fe, N. Mex. EVXRETT HERBERT PEA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 21, 1886. Pre- pared in Vincennes (Ind.) Univ. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1913. Formerly of Decker, Ind. Address. 112 W. 7th St., Vincennes, Ind.; bus. add., 5 Main St., do.t ERNEST BALLARD PEARSON Med. Missionary; M.D.; b. Flanagan. 111.; s. H. A. and Fannie (Wadsworth) Pearson. Pre- pared in Flanagan and Eureka, 111. Intern, Har- per Hosp., Detroit, 9 mos. Serving 2nd term as Med. Missionary in Africa, 1921. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Christian Church. Married Evelyn Utter. F IS, 1918, Africa. Child, Mary Myrta, b. N 27. 1919. Addrtits, Bolenge D. C. C. M. Coquilhat- ville. Congo Beige. W. C. Africa. HOWARD SAMUEL PERRY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1889. Pre- pared in Joliet H. S.; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.). Formerly of Joliet. 111. 1st Lt.. U. S.Army, 1918- 19. Address, Mishawaka. Ind.f RAY HUMBERT PETTY M.D.; b. F 18. 1888, Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. Albert and Mary (Humbert) Petty. Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S.; Knox Coll. Mem., A. F. A. M., Hooppole Lodge 886. Married Mabel Poffenber- ger, 1913, Chicago. Children: Richard, b. 1914; Vivian, b. 1915. Address, Hooppole, 111. JOHN JUSTIN POWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 10, 1885, Winona, Minn.; s. Andrew and Mary Powell. Prepared in H. S.; Austin Coll.; Winona Commercial Coll. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice. Galesville, Wis. Local Bd., Trempealeau Co., Wis., World War. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E. Married Gertrude Vickerman, My 25, 1915, Pres- ton, Minn. Child, John, b. D 3. 1916. Address, Galesville, Wis. EDWARD HAROLD RATEGAN Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 21, 1891; s. James J. and Catharine (O'Brien) Rategan. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 1914-15; Asst. Surg., C. & N. W. Ry.. Chicago. 1915-17. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917; Capt., do., 1919, World War. Address, 4840 Washington Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. odd., 4159 Madison St., do. *BLAKE EDWIN RAY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 4, 1890, Marietta, 111 ; s. of Dr. D. S. (b. N 24, 1860, Mason City, 111.) and Susan E. (Jackson) Ray (b. Ap 4, 1865, Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Cuba H. S. Ac- cepted for service in World War, but died before being called. Mem., Fulton Co. Med. Soc. (Sec- Treas.); III. State Med. Soc. Died Jl 27, 1917. WALTER JOSEPH REAM Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 25, 1889, Peru, III.; s. Henry Ream. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Replacement Unit 91, Fort Riley, Kan. Married Marie Hall, 1916. Address, 329 E. Erie St., Spring Valley, 111. ALFRED EDWIN RHEIN Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1883, Cincinnati; s. Frank J. (b. N 24, 1850, Darmstadt, Ger.) and Caroline (Zeppenfeld) Rhein (b. Je 9, 1856, Cin- cinnati). Prepared in Hughes H. S., Cincinnati. M.D., Eclectic. Med. Coll., Cincinnati, 1906. Tau Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Grad. work. Diseases of Children, N. Y. Post-Grad. Sch. and Hosp., 1916. Parke Co. Health Commissioner, one term. Mem., Vermillion-Parke Co. Med. Soc; Ind. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Presby. Church. Married Susan E. Miller, N 5, 1918, Terre Haute. Ind. Address, Rosedale, Ind. IMAS PRYOR RICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 31, 1889, Chicago. Prepared in St. Viateurs Coll., Bourbonnais, 111.; St. Louis Univ. Sch. of Med., 1 yr. Spe- cialist in Otol., Laryngol., and Rhinol., Oak Park, 111.; Formerly Phys., Municipal Tuberculosis Sana- torium, Chicago; later at U. S. Gen. Hosp. 16, New Haven, Conn. Address, 329 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t 198 University of Illinois [1913 ROBERT SALEM SALK Phya. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 16, 1899. Pre- pared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 1123 Johnson St., Chicago. Address, 2044 Birchwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 933 S. Ashland Ave., do.t ALVAH LEWIS SAWYER Physician; M.D.; b. N 8, 1880, Grand Island, Neb.; s. Albert Alvah (b. 1850, Canton, N. Y.) and Fannie C. (Curtis) Sawyer (b. 1848, Lake Geneva, Wis.). Prepared in Beloit Coll. Acad. B.S., Beloit Coll., 1909. Dew Drop Inn Club; Turtle Mound; Phi Chi; Pres., Soph Class; Glee Club; Sec., Y. M. C. A.; Asst. Mgr., Athletics. Gen. Med. practice. Oak Park, 111. Assoc, Med., Coll. of Med., O 1921—; Med. Section. Red Cross; Bureau of Civilian Relief, 1917-18. Auth.: Last Word in Treatment of Pneumonia, III. Med. Jour., F 1919. Mem., 1st Presby. Church (Dist. Chairman); A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Marion Messer, 1913, Beloit, Wis. Child, Elizabeth Alden, b. D 4, 1914. Address, 318 N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 4052 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. ISADORE SIDNEY SEGALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag II, 1888. Pre- pared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Address, 1424 Congress St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 5050 Armi- tage Ave., do.f HARRY STEPHENSON SEIWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 10, 1885. Prepared in Culver Mil. Acad., 1903. Formerly at 418 Hazel St., Danville, 111.; later at Kankakee State Hosp.; Asst. Supt., East State Hosp. for Insane, Lexington. 1922. Mem., Am. Medico-Psychol. Assn. Address, in care of Eastern State Hosp., Lexington Ky.t LEWIS AUGUST SEYMER M.D.; b. F 23, 1885, Milwaukee; s. August (b. Je 5, 1858, Milwaukee) and Bertha (Montrey) Seymer (b. S 2, 1859, Elm Grove, Wis.). Prepared in S. Milwaukee H. S.; Milwaukee Univ. Sch. Phi Chi. Located in Chicago, 1913-16; Elcho, Wis., 1916-17; Wauwatosa, do., 1917—. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1906; Milwaukee Med. Soc, 1909; Wis. State Med. Soc, 1919. Married F 4, 1914, Cudahy, Wis. Child, Marrion Cathrine, b. Ap 29, 1918. Address, 81 W. Main St., Wauwatosa, Wis.; 6ms. add., 6 State St., do. HARVE ROY SHARPE Surgeon; M.D.; b. O 24, 1886; s. Joseph A. (b. La Porte, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Smith) Sharpe (b. New Carlisle, Ind.). Prepared in Rolling Prairie, Ind.; Purdue Univ.. 1908-09. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Located in Calumet ,Mich. Mem., Houghton Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.- Married Beda Edburgh, Je 3, 1916, St. Paul, Minn. Child, Harve Roy, Jr., b. Ap 5, 1918. Address, 116 Calumet Ave., Calu- met, Mich. CHARLES ARTHUR SIMA Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. N 4, 1888. Pre- pared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 908 S. California Ave., Chicago. Address, 3600 W. 26th Ave.. Chicago; 6ms. add., 1152 N. Ashland Ave., do.f LLOYD HIMEBAUGH SIMMONS Phys. and Surg.; b. Goshen, Ind.; s. Isaac H. (b. Mr 9, 1866, Goshen, Ind.) and Josephine (Himebaugh) Simmons (b. F 15. 1869, Concord Tp., Ind.). Prepared in Goshen (Ind.) H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Ex. Com. Intern, Toledo Hosp., Toledo, O.. Jl-D, 1913; do., Chicago Lying- in Hosp. Dispensary, D 1913-Je 1914. World War. Ag 27, 1917-My 7, 1919. Married Ap 12, 1914, Geneva, 111. (died Mr 7, 1920.). Children: Frederick Harrison, b. F 14, 1915; Lloyd, Jr , b. Ap 12, 1917. Address, 115 N. 5th St., Chicago. BESSIE BELLE SINCLAIR Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 5, 1883, Char- lottesville, Va. Prepared in Piedmont Female Institute, Charlottesville, Va., 1903; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1 yr. Address, Charlottesville Va.t EDWARD FRANK SLAVIK Physician; M.D.; b. S 13, 1889, Chicago; s. John (b. Czecho-Slovakia) and Josephine (Pon- delicek) Slavik (b. do.). Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1909-10. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Head Instr., Chem., Coll. of Med., 1912-13. Intern, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, 1913-14; .Asst, Ophthal- mol., Dispensary. Coll. of Med., 1914-15; Instr., Surg. (Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol) do., 1916-18; Asst. Eye Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary, 1914-19; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Chicago, 1914—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Greenleaf, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.. O 16-D 24, 1918; Asst., Oro-Plastic Surg.. U. S. Gen. Hosp. 11, Cape May, N. J., D 26, 1918- F 14, 1919. Mem., Bohemia Lodge 943, A. F. A. M.; La Fayette Chapter 2, R. A. M.; Lawndale Council, R. S. M.; Columbia Commandery, 63, K. T.; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S., 320; Medina Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Bohemian Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Assn. of Mil. Surgs. Married Anna M. Lustio. F 23, 1921, Chicago. Child, daughter, b. Ja. 1922. Address, 4119 W. Place, Chica- go; 6ms. add., 2202 S. Crawford Ave., do. GUY ARTHUR SLOAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 10. 1889, Neosho, Mo.; s. Steele and Hannah (Plummer) Sloan. Pre- pared in Neosho (Mo.) H. S. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Hazel Myers, Ap 6, 1918. Address, 108 Fairview Ave., Bloomington. 111.; 6ms. add., 626 Griesheim Bldg., do. CLARENCE VERNON SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1889. Pre- pared in Elwood (Ind.) H. S. Address, 5857 Mt. Elliott Ave.. Detroit; bus. add., 1709 Grand Blvd., do.t FLOYD ALBERT SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 14, 1888, Fulton Co. Ill; s. David A. and Essa (Fidler) Smith. Pre- pared in Canton H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Gen. Med. practice. Canton, 111.; City Phys. and Bd. of Health, do.; Coroner, Fulton Co., 1916 — . Mem.. A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Mod. Woodmen of Am. Mar- ried Edna H. McCann, Ja 1. 1918. Address, Canton, 111. GEORGE HENRY SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Marinette (Wis.) H. S. Formerly of Peshtigo, Wis. Address, Hortonville, Wis.f BONNELL MARIE SOUDER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 4, 1891; d. U. G. and Alice (Knull) Souder. Prepared in Auburn (Ind.) H. S.; Womans Coll., Baltimore. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Tri Kappa. Private Hosp., Auburn, Ind.. 1920. Mem., Eastern Star; Pythian Sisters. Ad- dress, 206 W. 7th St.. Auburn, Ind. SAMUEL STEIN Physician; M.D.; b. Je 11, 1889, Chicago; s. Morris and Augusta (Chontoff) Stein. Alpha Phi Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. M. C. U. S. A.. A. E. F. Married My 22, 1918. Child, Myron, b. My 14, 1920. Address, 7862 S. Shore Drive, Chicago; 6ms. add., 3012 E. 92nd St.. do. CHARLES WARREN STIGMAN Physician; M.D.; b. F 10, 1884, Sanborn, la.; s. John Henry (b. 18.30, Ger.) and Jane (Alwyn) Stigman (b. 1843, O.). Prepared in Manson (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., 1907-08. Phi Rho Sigma; Ex. Com., Sr. Yr. Intern, West Side Hosp.. Chicago, 1913-14; Located at 2736 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 1914-15; 3445 N. Crawford Ave., do.. 1915—. Med. Examiner, N. Y. Life Ins. Col Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, 1905, Roya Arch, 1919; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med" Soc. Married Bernice Lucile Chapman, 1914- Chicago. Child, Winifred Wier, b. and died N 16, 1915. Address, 3445 N. Crawford Ave., Chi- cago. 1913] College of Medicine Alumni 199 ♦ELDORA ALICE THOMAS M.D.; b. lS8o. Prepared in Harvey Med. Coll. For several yrs., Med. Missionary in Sierra Loone, West Africa; House Phys., Univ. Hosp., Chicago. Died N 26, 191S, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. HENRY HOWARD TOWLES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 27. 1SS4. Mt. Ver- non, Tex.; s. I.ucy Rutherford. Prepared in Prairie View, State Norm, and Industrial Coll., Prairie View, Tex.; State Coll. of Tex. Scholar- ship, 3 yrs., Prairie View Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Tcxarkana, Tex. M. R. C, U. S. A.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Louise R. Brown, O 4, 1912. Address, 1421 Ash St., Texarkana, Tex.; bus. add., 213 State St., do. MAX WILLIAM TRENTZSCH M.D.; b. S 22. ISSl, DodgeviUe, Wis.; s. John and Mary (Jenk) Trentzseh. Prepared in Dodge- viUe (Wis.) H. S. Phi Chi. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. Married Leona Kreul, Ap 27, 1915, High- land, Wis. Children: Ruth, b. F 26, 1917; Mar- jorie, b. Ag 24. 191S; June. b. Je 22, 1920. Ad- dress, Highland, Wis. HARVEY WILLARD TUPPER (Brother of James O., '15 B.S. in Agr.) Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 15, 1889, Maple Park. 111.; s. Oliver and Adclia (Bucklin) Tupper. Pre- pared in Hebron H. S.; Beloit Coll. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Varsity Football team, Beloit College. World War, O 7, 1917-My 30, 1919. Sec. Harvey Club. 1920. Married Amy Pierce, Je 30, 1914, Alden, 111. Address. 15318 Center Ave., Harvey, 111.; bus. add., 15320 Center Ave., do. GEORGE ALEXANDER WAGNER (Brother of Wm. Christian, '03) Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1877; s. Christian (b. Jl 9. 1836, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Mockler) Wag- ner (b. S 11, 1832, do.). Prepared in Vinton (la.) H. S. ; Rush Med. Coll. Located in Van Home, la., 21 >Ts. (Licensed at completion of third year in Rush Med. Coll., 1898). Mem.. Benton Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 5 yrs.); la. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; la. Union Med. Soc. Married Mae E. Kelly, Je 4, 1901, Van Home, la. Children: Adalene E., b. S 26, 1903; Kenneth J., b. Jl 28, 1907. Address, Van Home, la. ♦RAYMOND LAWRENCE WALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 5, 1888; s. C. W. and Emma (Lawrence) Wall. Prepared in Syca- more H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Pit Staff; House Surg. Jr. and Sr. yrs. Mem., K. P.; A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Myra Ethel Wiltse. O 9, 1912. Died O 12, 1921, Yorkville, 111. WILLIS HERBERT WATSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 13, 1888. Pre- pared in Tekoa (Wash.) H. S. Formerly of Oakes- dale. Wash. Address, 847 Capitol St., Portland, Ore.; bits, add., Journal Bldg., rfo.t JEROME JACOB WEIL (Son of Carl A., '87) Physician; M.D.; b. N 17, 1892, Chicago; s. Carl Albert (b. Steinheim, Ger.) and Carrie (Krause) Weil (b. Baltimore, Md. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Located in Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; 111. Vol. Tr. Corps, 1918-19; 1st Inf., 111. Reserve Militia, F 28, 1919—. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; HI. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Ella Lowry, Ap 12, 1916, Chicago. Child, Lois Babette, b. My 2, 1918. Address, 3139 Southport Ave., Chicago. PAUL BROWN WELCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 23, 1889, Wauneta, Kan.; s. Robert Thomas and Mary Ellen (Brown) Welch (b. Ap 6, 1862, Gardner, 111.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1914-15; Asst., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Phys. and Surg., 1916 — . Active duty, U. S. N., Jl 17, 1917- My 1, 1920. Auth.: Control of Dip- theria in City Park Barracks, Brooklyn N. Y. Navy Med. BuL, 1918. Address, 24 Sheridan Rd., Lake Forest, 111. *TODD J. WILSON (Brother of Pitt S., '07) M.D.; b. N 15, 1883; s. Thomas B. (b. Mecca, O.) and Jane L. (Stevens) Wilson (b. Harvard, Mich.). Prepared in Greenville (Mich.) H. S., 1903; Des Moines Memorial Hosp., Ogden. Ut. Phi Chi. Student Asst., Anatomy. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Lorena May Lockhart, My 31, 1915. Child, Thomas Lockhart, b. Ja 25, 1917. Died F 1, 1918. Harvard, Mich. PHILIP HERMAN WOLFRAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 28, 1887, Troy, N. Y. B.S., Univ. of Chicago; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920. Address, 6238 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. t RALPH HUESTON WOODS Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 29, 1876, Quincy, Mich.; s. Richard M. (b. 1835, Dunkirk, O.) and Mary L. (Hueston) Woods (b. Ag 4, 1840, Forest, O.). Prepared in Ada (O.) H. S. Ph.G., Ohio No. Univ., 1898. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Capt., Cadet Bn., Ohio N. Univ. Intern, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Consultant State Sch. for Feeble-Minded Children, Lincoln, 111., 1914; Pvt. practice. La Salle, 111., 1915—; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Served with U. S. Army, C^mp Grant and Ft. Sheridan, 1918-19. Auth.: Fifty Heads in Mesial Section, A^. Y. Med. Jour., 1912. Mem,, Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Ophthal- mol. Soc; Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc Married Laura C. Wenger, F 27, 1903, South Bend, Ind. Child, Susan Jane, b. Jl 7, 1916. Address, Rooms 6, 7, 8, Neustadt Bldg., La Salle, 111. CLARK WILLIAM ZUGG Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 23, 1887, Bantam O. Prepared in Bethel (O ) H. S.; Univ. Med. Coll. of Kansas City, Mo., 2 yrs. Address, Great Bend, Kan.t 200 University of Illinois [1914 CLASS OF 1914 (HI LIVING, 2 DEAD) HERMAN JOSEPH ADELMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 8, 1887, Joliet, 111.; s. Peter (b. 1856, Lockport, 111.) and Louise (Scheldt) Adelmann (b. 1857, Joliet, 111.). Pre- pared in Joliet H. S. and Kansas City (Kan.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Pres. Jr. Class; Chm., Ex. Com., Sr. Class; Jr. House Surg.; Sr. House Surg.; Clin, staff, Jr. and Sr. yrs. Resi- dent Phys. and Surg.. Cook Co. Hosp. 1914-16; Phys. and Surg., Joliet, 111. Mem., Will Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Assn. of Commerce; Cml. Club. Address, Joliet, 111. FRANK ASHMORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Denison Univ., Granville, O. Phi Chi. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago; Phys., San Francisco Hosp.; do., So. Pacific Hosp., San Francisco. Address, Buena Park, Calif.t *JOHN PAUL ASHWORTH M.D.; b. 1880. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1906. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., World War; discharged Ag 1, 1919. Died Ja 24, 1921. HARRY TOLER BAXTER Physician; M.D.; b. D 21, 1891, Astoria, 111.; s. Alfred J. (b. Newark, N. J.) and Emma (Toler) Baxter (b. Astoria, 111.). Prepared in Astoria H. S.; Knox Coll., 1909-10. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Intern, St. Johns Hosp., Springfield, 111.; Phys., Astoria, 111. Married Berniece Snedeker, S 15, 1915, Monmouth, 111. Children: J. B., b. Jl 10, 1916; Harriet, b. Ag 28, 1918. Address, Astoria, ARTHUR CLARENCE BOEHMER Physician; M.D.; b. O 30, 1890; s. Albert P. and Bertha (Froehnert) Boehmer. Prepared in Tomah (Wis.) H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago, 1914-15; Instr., Gyne- col., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1915-16. Located in Chicago, 1914-16; Lodi Calif. 1916—. Mem., Moquolumne Club, 1918. Married Florence Lucille Schubert, Je 8, 1917, Chicago. Address, 505 W. Pine St., Lodi, Calif.; bus. add.. Hale Bldg., do. HARRY ELBERT BOWERS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 24, 18S9; s. John (b. Jl 5, 1834, Ger.) and Sarah (Herbison) Bowers (b. Ja 27, 1848, Ireland). Prepared in State Norm. Gen. Med. practice. Lake City, Minn. Married Alta Newcomb, D 31, 1913, St. Paul, Minn. Chil- dren: Robert, b. N 4, 1916; Ralph, b. Ag 5. 1918. Address, Lake City, Minn. MAX W. BRACHVOGEL Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 14, 1890, Ignacio, Colo.; s. M, A. and Florence M. Brachvogel (b. 1868, York, Neb.). Prepared in Aberdeen (Wash.) H. S.; G. H. Bus. Coll., and Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, City Hosp., St. Louis, 1914- 15. Rec'd highest grade in Wash. State Bd., Exam., Montesano, Wash., 1915-17; Postgrad, work, N. Y., 1917. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917- 19. Mem., Wash. State Med. Soc; Grays Harbor Co. Med. Soc; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M., 32°; Grays Harbor Country Club. Married Muriel R. Abel, F 7, 1917, Montesano, Wash. Child, Jean, b. N 10, 1917. Address, Aberdeen, Wash. DEANE ROCKHOLD BRENGLE Physician; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Wel- lington (Kan.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Jr. and Sr. House Staff; Asst. Curator, 1911-13; Quiz master, Physiol., 1913-14. At one time located in Perth, Kan.; later Gen. Med. practice. Buffalo, Minn. Address, 4401 Fort St. W., Detroit.f CARL KICE BROWN Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 24, 1882; s. William Yanecy (b. N 1, 1834, N. C.) and Mahala (Kice) Brown (b. O 27, 1847, Pinckney, Mich.). Pre- pared in Chandler (Okla.) H. S.; Univ. of Okla., 1910-12. Intern, Chicago Policlinic and Henrotin Hosp., 1914-15; Phys., Nashville, Mich., 1916—. Mem., Barry Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc. Married Ruth Bessie Lofdahl, Ag 1, 1916. Children: Carl Kice, Jr., b. D 13, 1917; Jeanne Louise, b. Ap 13, 1920. Address, Nashville, Mich. RALPH EMERSON BROWN Physician; M.D.; b. O 13, 1890, Homer, 111.; s. C. M. and Lucy (Stewart) Brown. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Beta Pi. ' With Inland Steel Co., Ind. Harbor, 1915-16; Rood Hosp., Chisholm, Minn., 1918; Gen. Med. practice. Fair- mount, 111.. 1921 — . Mem.. Shrine. Married Bes- sie C. Palmer, O 2, 1915, Crown Point, Ind. Chil- dren: Max Willis, b. Jl 19, 1916; Eleanor Retta, b. F 7, 1919. Address, Box 214, Fairmount, 111. ARTHUR LYNN BRYAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 23, 1886, Egan, S. Dak.; s. A. T. and Ella (Weite) Bryan. Pre- pared in Forest City (la.) H. S.; Univ. of 111., L. & A., Urbana Depts., 1909. Aztec Club; Phi Rho Sigma; Varsity Squad, 1906. West Side Hosp., Chicago, 1914-15; Phys. and Surg., Belle Plaine, la., 1915-20; Surg., Muscatine, la., 1920 — ; Dist. Surg., Chicago and N. W. Ry. Married Caroline Mae Trowbridge, F 8, 1914, Waukegan, 111. Child,- Arthur Bradford, b. Ap 13, 1920. Address, 305 Hershey Bldg., Muscatine. la. FREDERICK GEORGE CARLS Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 3, 1886, Clay Center, Kan.; s. George H. (b. 1856, Ger.) and Caroline (Vogelmann) Carls (b. 1859, do.). Prepared in Clay Co (Kan.) H. S.; Kan State Agr. Coll., 1907- 09. Intern, Henrotin Memorial Hosp. and Chi- cago Policlinic. 1914-16; Gen. Med. practice, 2111 W. 21st St., Chicago, 1916-18; 3956 W. 26th St., do., 1918—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag-0, 1918. Address, 3930 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3958 W. 26th St., do. WILLIAM E. CARNAHAN Phy.sician; M.D.; b. Ja .30, 1885, Anson, Mo.; s. T. B. and Amanda (McKee) Carnahan. Pre- pared in Bonaparte (la.) H. S., 1900-03. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Mem., United Brethern Church. Married Lucy A. Heffner, Je 3, 1913. Children: Lewis H., b. Ja 3, 1915; Eleanor E., b. My 23, 1916. Address, Adair, 111. JAMES GILBERT CARNEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 8, 1880, Wolfsburg, Pa.; s. James and Mary E. (Wolf) Carney. Pre- pared in Creighton Univ. Phi Beta Pi. Formerly located in Armour, S. Dak. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., A. E. F., World War; Surg, to the 155th Aero Squadron. Married Myrtle Seitz, Jl 26, 1912, Lincoln, Neb. Address, Pukwana, S. Dak. *LEE STANLEY CASSELL M.D.; b. 1891. Prepared in Fremont (Ind.) H. S. Mem., Ex. Com , Coll. of Med. Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; overseas serv. with the 130th St. John Field Ambulance. Killed in action, N 4, 1918, Earle Fontaine, Fr. HARRISONJGERALD CHAMPLIN Obstetrician; M.D.; b. 1891. Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S., Chicago; and Lewis Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Pi. Specialist in Obstetrics. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 6434 Newgard Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6740 Sheridan Rd., do.t OSCAR JOSHUA COHEN Physician; M.D.; b. 1892. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Ex. Com., Coll. of Med. Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Address, 722 W. 48th St., Chicago.t 1914] College of Medicine Alumni 201 FRANK LA MONT COLE Physician; M.D.; b. 1890. Prepared in Idaho Acad. At one time located in Paris, Idaho; In- tern, City and Co. Hosp., St. Paul; later at 82S 10th St. E., Salt Lake City, Utah. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Ft. McPherson. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Atlanta, (Ja.t CHARLES CALVIN CONLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 4, ISSo, Harrison, Ark. Prepared in Harrison (Ark.) H. S.; Univ. of Okla., Med. Dcpt., 1 yr.; Tulane Univ., 1 yr. Formerly located in Grandfield, Okla.; later at Hollister, do. Address, Frederick, Okla.t THOMAS EDWARD CONLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 2G, 1S90, Cazenovia, Wis.; s. J. F. and Mary (McCarty) Conley. Pre- §ared in Reedsburg (.Wis.) H. S., 1909. Phi Rho igma; Pres., Catholic Club, Coll. of Med., 1913. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago. I.t., M. C, U. S. N. R. F.. World War. Married Ellen Ray- mer, Je 21, 1915. Chicago. Child, Ellen Ruth, b. Jl 8, 1917. Address, Gillick Bldg., Park Ridge, 111. FLORENCE VIRGINIA COOPRIDER Med. Missionary; M.D.; b Ja 6, 1887, McPher- son, Kan.; s. John A. (b. Ja 19, 1800, Terre Haute, Ind.) and Henrietta (Brunk) Cooprider (b. Mr 22, 1867, Geneseo, 111.). Prepared in Goshen Coll., Goshen, Ind. Class Sec., Soph, and Sr. Yrs. In- tern, Womans Hosp., Philadelphia, 1914-15. 111. State Bd. Exam., 1914; Stud., 1915-16; Med. Mis- sionary in India, 1916 — . Mem., Am. Mennonite Mission, 1916 — (Sec, 1920); Med. Missionary Assn. of India, 1917 — . Address, Dhamtari, C. P., India. GEORGE WILLIAM CUSICK (Brother of William A., Jr., '16, D.D.S.) Physician; M.D.; b. D 11, 1890; s. William Arthur (b. Ap 25, 1868, Stirling, Scotland) and Emma Louise (Dudenhoefer) Cusick (b. Ja 14, 1870, Danville, 111.). Prepared in Bloom H. S., Chicago Heights, 111. Phi Rho Sigma; Baseball team, 1912; Class artist. Intern, Englewood Hosp. Chicago, My-N, 1914; Phys., Freeport, 111., N 1914- Ap 1917; do., Chicago Heights, 111., Ap-O, 1917; do., Freeport, 111., Jl-N, 1919; do., Princeton, la., X 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 5, 1917- My 6, 1919; overseas. My 1918; served with 16oth F. H. of Rainbow Div.; 12th Evacuation Hosp.; 7th Mobile Operating Hosp.; Convalescent Camp 2; Base Hosp. 66; Emergency team, 1002. Mem., Freeport Acad, of Med. and Surg., 1914-17; 111. Bute Med. Soc, 1915 — ; Stephenson Co. Med. Soc., 1914-17; A. M. A., 1915 — ; .\ssoc. Mil. Surgs., 1917-18. Married Ethel May Potts, N 11, 1917, La Fayette, Ind. Child, Dorothy Lynn, b. My 14, 1920. Address, Princeton, la. ARTHUR LEWIS DAVIS Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 17, 1886, Nottingham, Eng.; s. Thomas (b. S 7. 18.58, Newbury, Berks, Eng.) and Evangeline (Terry) Davis (b. Je 13, 1857, do.). Prepared in Pvt. Sch., London, Eng.; Coll. of Med. and Surg., Chicago, 1909-10. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Scholarship, 1913. In- tern, Michael Reese Hosp., Je 1, 1914-Jl 1, 1916; Lake Harbor, Mich., Jl-0, 1916; Resident Phys., Lord LLster Hosp., Omaha, Neb., O 1910- Jl 1917. Ist Lt., U. S. R., Je 1, 1917; Active Serv., U. S. Army, Jl 28, 1917—; Capt., U. S. R., Mr 13, 1918; Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, T. H., Ag 1917- O 1918; Ft. De Russy, O 1918-Ja 1919; In charge Dept. Hosp. Lab., Ja-S, 1919: Surg., do., S 1919 — . Mem., M. E. Church; Hawaiian Lodge 21, A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; Honolulu Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surgs. Address, Richards (near Hotel St.), Honolulu, T. H. MARTIN RALPH DE HAAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1891. Prepared in Zreland (Mich.) H. S.; Hope Coll.. Holland, Mich. Valedictorian. Gen. Med. practice, Byron Cen- - ■ Qd, :■■ ■ ■ ter, Mich. Address, Zeeland, Mich.f WILLIAM ELIJAH MOORE DEVERS M.D.; b. Mr 11, 1885, Tyndall, S. Dak.; s. W. J. W. (b. Ireland) and Margaret (Irving) Devers (b. do.). Prepared in Mitchell (S. Dak.) H. S.; Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1909-10. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Grad. work, Multononiah Co. Hosp., Portland, Ore., 1914-15; located in Portland, Ore., 1914-15; Gen. practice, Cowles, Neb., 1915-17. S. Dak. Nat. Guard, 1903-05; U. S. Navy, 1909- 14; Capt., M. C, U. S. A.. 1917—. Mem., I. O. O. F., 1906; A. F. A. M,, 1916; 32° Mason, Army Consistory No. 1, Leavenworth, Kan., 1917; Shrine, 1918. Married Maebelle Lecp Devers, 1916, Cowles, Neb. Children: Williamette Isis, b. F 20, 1918; Charlotte Winona, b. O 28, 1919. Address, Division Surgeons Off., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. EMERY HOLMES DU FOUR Physician; M.D.; b. 1882. Phi Chi. Mem., Ex. Com. Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1916-17; Speciahst in Obstetrics, Chicago. Mem., Central States Pedia- tric Soc; A. M. A. Address, 1624 Lunt Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 7032 N. Clark «t., do.t LAWRENCE DALE DUSCH Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 3, 1888, Newton, Kan.; s. Louis (b. Jl 12, 1852, Vevay, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Walker) Dusch (b. Ag 12, 1853, do.). Univ. of Okla., 1909-12. Passavant Memorial Hosp., Chi- cago, 1915; Wesley Hosp., Kansas City, Mo., 1915-17; Asst. Surg., Magna Copper Co., Superior Ariz., 1917-18; Chief Surg., Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co. and Fairview Fluorspar and Lead Co., Roseclare, 111., 1920 — . 1st Lt M. C, U. S. A., Ap 20, 1918-My 5, 1919; in Fr. with Field Hosp. 41, 10 mos.; Commissioned Capt. after discharge. Address, Rosiclare, 111. ROSCOE CONKLIN EATON Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 10, 1888; s. Frank Eugene (b. N 2, 1863, Bolivia, N. Y.) and Katherine Eliza- beth (Herrick) Eaton (b. Je 4, 1805, Cattaraugus, N. Y.). Prepared in Hornell (N. Y.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A.; Capt., do., Mr 1919; served with B. E. F., Je 20, 1917- Ag'1918; attached to A. E. F., Ag 191S-My 19, 1919; wounded twice. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chi- cago Med. Soc; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Am. Assn. Industrial Phys. and Surgs.; Assn. Military Surgs.; Am. Legion. Married Edna Elizabeth Moody, S 28, 1916, Chicago. Address, 1125 W. 79th St., Chicago. WILLIAM HENRY EVANS Physician; M.D.; b. S 16, 1888, Duquoin, s. James A. (b. Pa.) and Elizabeth (Tucker) Evans (b. Duquoin, 111.). Prepared in Murphysboro, HI. Located in Murphysboro, 111., 1914 — . World War, 1917-18. Married My 24, 1916, Mur- physboro, 111. Children: Mary Louise, b. D 15, 1917; Mary Eugenia, b. F 14, 1920. Address 1314 Hall St., Murphysboro, 111.; bus. add., 13 S. 11th St., do. NICHOLAS ISRAEL FOX Physician; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Rus- sian H. S. Class Ed. At one time Phys., 627 S. Marshfield Ave, Chicago. Address, 3501 Doug- las Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1500 W. Taylor St., do.i ROY EDWARD FOX Physician; M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Battle Creek Coll. Phi Chi; Salutatorian. Phys., Santo Tomas Hosp., Ancon, Canal Zone; do., Battle Creek Sanitarium. Maj., M. C, U. S. A. Mem., Mich. State Med. Soc. Address, Gen. Hosp. 31, Carlisle, Pa.t META ELISE FRANKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 9, 1878; d. Johanna Hesse. PreparedinUniv. of Wis., 1900-10. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Mem., Eastern Star; A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Nat. Tuber- culosis Assn. Address, 3559 N. Western Ave., Chicago. 202 University of Illinois [1914 ELLIS B. FREILICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 17, 1891, Chicago; s. M. A. and Sarah M. (Wolf) Freilich. Prepared in Medill H. S. ; Lewis Inst.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 1915-16; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Head Pbys., Grand Crossing Tuberculosis Dispensary, 1916-20; do., South Side Tuberculosis Dispensary, Ja 1920 — ; Attending and Consulting Phys., Chi- cago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 1918 — ; Assoc. Attending Phys., Mt. Sinai Hosp., 1919-20. Alternate Councilor, Douglas Park Branch, Chi- cago Med. Soc, 1920-22. Auth.: Bismuth Poison- ing following Bismuth Paste Injection, Jour. A. M. A., Ja 13, 1917, Vol. LXVIII; Asthma in its relation to Pulmonary Tuberculosis, fii/i/eiin, Chica- go Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, O, 1920. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Mildred Kamerman, S 3, 1916, Chicago. Child, Joseph Kenneth, b. F 10. 1918. Address, 3234 Douglas Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., 3612 Douglas Blvd., do. MICHAEL ARCHANGEL GALGANO Phys. and Surg.; W.D.; b. Ja 26, 1891, Chicago; s. Anthony and Camilla (Filitti) Galgano. Pre- pared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. 1st Lt., World War. Mem., Med. Societies. Ad- dress, 1201 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. EDWARD JOHN GOTTHELF, Jr. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 3, 1889, St. Marys S. Dak.; s. Edward John (b. Ja 23, 1865, Sedalia, Mo.) and Mary (Jensen) Gotthelf (b. Mr 17, 1871, Copenhagen, Den.). Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Tucson, Ariz.; Sec, Staff, St. Marys Hosp., do. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 15, 1918-My 13, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Pima Co. Med. Soc; Ariz. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Edna Alexandria Pelto, Jl 15, 1916, Los Angeles. Address, Tucson, Ariz. ROY GRIFFY Physician; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1886, 111.; s. Charles W. (b. My 16, 1865, 111.) and Emma (Vanetta) Griffy (b. My 10, 1868, do.). Prepared in H.'S. Resided at Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago, 1914- S 1, 1915; Phys., Oblong, 111., 1915—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 9, 1918-Jl 23, 1919; served with Base Hosp. 110, Mars-sur-allier, Fr. Mem., Craw- ford Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Nelle Perry, Ag 9, 1919, St. Louis, Mo. Address, West Main St., Oblong, 111.; 6ms. add.. Oil Belt Nat. Bank Bldg., do. STANLEY KNOX HALBERT M.D.; s. William A. and Jeanette (Miller) Hal- bert. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Married Louise H. Booth, F 5, 1919. Address, 1044 W. Monroe St., Springfield, 111., or 13th Ave. and Quail St., Lake Worth, Fla. LEROY HAROLD HARNER Physician; M.D.; b. D 12, 1886, Buchanan, Mich.; s. Andrew M. (b. 1844, Mich.) and Louisa Harner (b. 1840, do.). Prepared in Three Oaks, Mich. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 1918-Jl 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; HI. State Med, Soc; Cook Co. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 4205 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. REUBEN J. HARRINGTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 25, 1890, Bessemer, Mich.; s. Patrick J. and Mary Harrington. Pre- pared in Bessemer (Mich.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Married Estella Martin, O 4, 1916, Mus- kegon, Mich. Child, Robert Joseph, b. S 24, 1920. Address, 444 Lake St., Muskegon, Mich. URBAN BUNYON HARRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1891; s. John Franklin and Mary Ellen Harris. Prepared in R. T. Crane and William McKinley H. Schs., Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa, lat Lt., M. O. R. C; Capt., do., 89th Div., 2 yrs.; overseas 11 mos.; Post Surg., Univ. of 111., Mil. Sch. of Aeronautics, 2 mos.; Fort Riley, M. O. T. C; 164th Depot Brig., 9 mos.; 89th Div., 356 Field Hosp., 314th San Tr. Married Mary Holabird. Address, 3134 Leland Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4804 N. Kedzie Ave., do. RALPH CHAPEL HARTMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 29, 1886, Green Co., Wis.; s. U. G. and Hattie V. Hartman. Pre- pared in Brodhead (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Nu Sigma Nu; Track Team, Univ. of Wis. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Newton, Kan.; Janesville, Wis. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 35th Div., Jl 1, 1917-My 23, 1919. Married Margaret Jackman, Jl 1915, Madison, Wis. Children: Ralph F., b. Je 15, 1916; John Thomas, b. Ap 19, 1920. Ad- dress, Janesville, Wis. GEORGE NYE HISKEY Phys. and Surg. ; M.D. ; b. S 26, 1889. Prepared in Mt. Vernon (Ind.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Ph.G., Valparaiso Univ., 1907. Formerly of Osmond, Neb.; Phys., Washington Blvd. Hosp., Chicago. Address, 6104 Kenwood Ave., Chicago.f HARVEY PETER HOFFMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 16, 1891, Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Peter (b. F 12, 1862, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Anna (Abraham) Hoffman (b. Je 15, 1866, Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in Ma.sten Park H. S., Buffalo, N. Y.; Univ. of Buffalo, Med. Dept., 1910-11, 1911-12. Located in Buffalo, N. Y., 1914—; Mem., Dept. of Health, do. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., Ag 20, 1918- Ja 29, 1919. Mem., Erie Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married F 2, 1916, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ad- dress, 368 E. Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y. ROSE SOPHIE HOUDA Physician; M.D.; b. D 29, 1892, Chicago. Pre- pared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Phys., Cicero, 111. Address, Corner of 55th and 26th Sts., Cicero, Hl.t WILLIAM SAMUEL HOWARD Physician; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Univ. of Wis. Phi Rho Sigma. Located at Rice Lake, Wis.; Phys., St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago. Address, 1890 Marshall Ave., St. Paul.t BARTHOLOMEW EDWARD HUSSEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 22, 1891, Chicago. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. Chicago. Formerly at St. Josephs Hosp., Joliet, 111. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 516 S. Cicero Ave., Chicago.t KANO IKEDA Instructor; M.D.; b. N 1, 1887, Tokyo, Japan; s. Kaeru Shimada and Kami Takahashi Ikeda. Prepared in Japan; Battle Creek Coll. Intern, Minneapolis; Instr., Pathol, and Bacteriol., Univ. of Minn.; Asst., Med., do.; Pathologist and Roent- genologist, Minneapolis Gen. Hosp. and St. Bar- nabas Hosp., Minneapolis. Vol. Med. Serv., World War. Mem., Baptist Church (Treas.); Hennepin Co. Med. Soc; So. Minn. Med. Soc; Minn. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Mae Charlotte Cate, 1912, Chicago. Child, Alden Taro, b. Ag 15, 1916. Address, 4856 Washburn Ave., S., Minneapolis; 6ms. add., 9th Ave., and 6th St., S., do. ANNA ISHAM (ROBINSON) (Wife of Russell D. Robinson, '14) Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1887. York, Neb.; s. George W. and Mary Isham. A.B., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1907. Alpha Kappa Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Nu Sigma Phi. Asst., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1920 — . Married Russell D. Robinson, Je 28, 1916, Kearney, Neb. Child, Russel Isham, b. S 26, 1918. Address, 11161 Longwood Drive, Chicago; bvs. add., 1971 W. 111th St., do. 1914] College of Medicine Alumni 203 JOHNSTON CHARLES JACKMAN Physician: M.D.; b. O 29, ISSo, Garden Prairie, 111. Prepared in Portage, Wis., and Univ. of Wis., 1907-U. Nu Sigma Nu. St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 1914-lo: St. Johns Hosp., Springfield, 1916; located in N. Dak.. 1917—. Capt.. M. C. U. S. A., Ag 1917-Jl 1919; in Fr.. 1 yr. Mem.. Local Med. Soc, 1917 — . ^larried Bertha Adams. Je 1917, St. Paul. Minn. Address, Minot, N. Dak. CARL ARTHUR JOHNSON Physician; M.D.; b. 1S8S. Prepared in Lin- coln (Neb.1 Acad. Beta Theta Pi; Sr. Pitt Staff; Quiz-Master, Soph. Physiol. Located at Butte, Mont.; Gen. Med. practice, Livingston, do.; later Specialist, Psvchiatrv, Warmsprings, do. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S.'A., Mr 27. 191S-Ag 22, 1919; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (6 weeks); Base Hosp.. Camp Grant, Rockford, HI.; Evacuation Hosp., 5H, Camp Crane, Allentown, Pa.; St. Elizabeths Hosp., Washington, D. C. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Warmsprings, Mont.t KENNETH LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Physician; M.D.; b. 1890. Prepared in la. Wesleyan Univ. Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Delta Theta. At one time located at Seymour, la.; later Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Address, Oskaloosa, la.t WILHELMINA JACOBA JONGEWAARD Hosp. Supt.; M.D.; b. S 30, 1887. Orange City. la.; d. John A. and Harriet (Haverkamp) Jonge- waard. Prepared in Orange City (la.) H. S.; la. State Univ., 1908-12. Nu Sigma Phi. For- merly of Orange City, la.; Specialist in Gynecol.; Intern, Deaconess Hosp., Spokane; Supt., Memor- ial Hosp., Sialkot, India. Mem., Dutch Reformed Church. Address, Memorial Hosp., Sialkot City, India. RICHARD HENRY JUERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G.. 1904; b. Ap 29, 1882. Clinton. la.; s. Henrietta (Behnke) Juers. Prepared in Wausau (Wis.) H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Serv., World War, 18 mos. Mar- ried Ida Mae La Moth, Jl 20, 1918, Dowagiac, Mich. Address, Birnamwood, Wis. VICTOR V. KELLNER M.D.; b. F 2, 1891; s. Michael and Rose (Groes- sel) Kellner. Prepared in Escanaba, Mich. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Married Bessie Kirt, JI 18, 1915. Children: Mary Ann, b. D 18, 1916; Victor John, b. S 20, 1919. Address, Maribel. Wis. HENRY WILLIAM KLEINSCHMIT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 4, 1.887, Wis. Prepared in Oshkosb Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Wis., Pre-Med. 1910. Phi Chi. Mem., A. M. A.; Win- nebago Co. Med. Assn. Married Ethel Olive Mor- ris, S 1, 1915, Detroit. Child, Carol, b. Ag 1, 1916. Address, 211 Monroe Ave.. Oshkosh, Wis.; bus. add., 930 Oregon St., do. JOHN MARK LACEY Phys. and Surg.; b. Mr 11, 1882. Pleasant LaRe. Ind.; s. Robert A. and Sarah Catherine (Gramling) Lacey. Prepared in Pleasant Lake (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Valparaiso. Phi Chi. Specialist in Diag- nosis and Internal Medicine. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Alice Mary Shackford, Ap 25. 1906. Child, Har- ris, b. Je 4, 1907. Address. 1917 Charlotte St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 624 L. A. Trust Bldg., do. ARTHUR JOHN LANGAN Surgeon; M.D.: b. S 24. 1889; s. Joseph P. (b. County Mayo, Ireland) and Emma Gertrude (Pearson) (b. England). Prepared in Lewis In- stitute, Chicago. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Michael Reese Hosp., 1914-15; French Ho.sp., San Francis- co, 1915; Chief Surg.. Compagnie Du Boleo. Santa Rosalia, 1916-17; Surg.. Nevada Cons. Copper Co., Ely, Nev., 1917; Pvt. Practice, San Pedro, Calif. Lt., M. C. U. S. N.. Ap 1917-Ag 1918, Mare Island Naval Hosp., 1918-19; U. S. Submarine Base Hosp.. San Pedro, Calif. Auth.: Status of Influenza at U. S. Naval Training Camp, 1918. Mem.. Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; Harbor Post 65. Am. Legion; A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, Shnne; B. P. O. E. Address, Harbor Hotel, San Pedro, Calif. JAMES JOSEPH LEACH Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1891, Chicago; s. Edward (b. S 30, 1846, Can.) and Jennie M. (Dailey) Leach (b. Ag 19, 1861, N. Y.). Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta. Fellowship m Pediatrics. Sarah Morris Hosp., 1916-17; Asst., do.. Coll. of Med., 1917—. 1st Lt.. M. C. U. S. A., Ag 15. 1918-Ag 14, 1919. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pediatric Soc. Ad- dress, 2435 W. Erie St., Chicago. ARLINGTON FAY LECKLIDER Physician; M.D.; b. N 14. 1892. Toledo, O.; s. Charles W. (b. 1§58, Horatio, do.) and Josie Bell (Holopcter) Lecklider (b. 1859, O.). Pre- pared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Class Prophet, 1914; Stud. Instr., Gross Anatomy, 1913-14. Service in Alexian Brothers Hosp., Chicago, 1914- 15; Gen. Med. practice, Detroit, 1915-17; Service and postgraduate work, Stetson Hosp., Philadel- phia, 1919-20; Gen. Med. practice, Detroit, 1910 — . 1st Lt., Mich. Nat. Guard, Jl 1917; Overseas O 18, 1917- Ag 29, 1919; Capt., M. C. U. S. A., S 13 1918; Served with 42nd Div., Jl 1, 1917-Ja 1, 1919; Div. Urologist, do., Ja-Ap, 1919; With Army of Occupation, Ap 8-Ag 29, 1919; Honorable Dis- charge, S 17, 1919. Mem., Wayne Co. Med. Soc. My 1, 1920; Fellowcraft Athletic Club, Detroit, S 1919. Address, 1450 Second Blvd.. Detroit. LOUIS JOSEPH AGAPIT LEGRIS Physician; M.D.; b. N 13, 1884, Arctic, R. I.; s. Leopoldine (Des Rosiers) Legris. Prepared in St. Marie Coll., Montreal, Can. 1st Lt., M. C. U. S. A.; served with Ambulance Co. 14, Camp Green- leaf, Ga. Mem., Catholic Church. Address, Phenix, R. I. OSCAR SIDNEY LENIT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 12, 1890; s. Isaac and Sarah (Barron) Lenit. Prepared in McKinley H. S.; Lewis Institute. Alpha Phi Sigma; Class V. P. Formerly at 1505 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); A. F. A. M. Address, 3216 Roosevelt Road, Chicago; 6ms. add., 4058 Washington Blvd., do. HARRY LEWIN (Formerly Harry Lewinsky) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 20, 1891; s. Hyman and Sara (Cohn) Lewinsky. Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Detroit. Army Serv., World War, My-D, 1918. Mem., Emblem Lodge 984, A. F. A. M., Freeport Consistory, Moslem Shrine. Married Sarah Ko- vinsky, Je 29, 1920, Detroit. Address, 669 2nd Blvd., Detroit; 6ms. add., 114 Wilson Ave., do. , FRED OSCAR LIEN Physician; M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Univ. of Minn. Phi Chi; Ex. Com. Phys., French Hosp., San Francisco; at one time located in Clifton, Ariz.; later at Metcalf, do. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; overseas serv.. Field Hosp. 26, 3rd Div.; was in second Battle of Marne, and St. Mihiel and Ar- gonne Offensives; invalided home and sent to U. S. Gen. Hosp. 21, Denver. Mem., Ariz. Med. Assn. Address, Patterson, Calif. t LELAND STANFORD LIGHT M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1891, ChrLsman. 111.; s. F. J. and Julia (Moore) Light. Prepared in Chrisman H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Georgia Watkins, O 29, 1917, Houston, Tex. Ad- dress, Atlantic Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., Victoria Hotel, do. 204 University op Illinois [1914 CHARLES ELDER LINDSAY M.D.; b. 1887. Prepared in Lake Forest Coil- Kappa Sigma; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Class V. P. Fresh, yr.; Class Pres., Soph. Yr. Formerly loca- ted in Lexington, Ky.; at one time Phys. and Surg., 432 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Address, 1359 E. 63rd St., Chicago.t FLORENCE EDITH McCANN M D.; b. Ap 17, 1886; d. William Alexander (b F 22, 1851, Rome, Wis.) and Sabina Ann McCann (b. Cassels, Ontario, Can.). Prepared in Aberdeen (S. Dak.) H. S.; No. Ind. State Norm. Sch. Nu Sigma Phi; Alpha Omega Alpha. In- tern, Mary Thompson Hosp., 1914-15; Cook Co. Hosp., 1915-16. Resident Phys., Psychopathic Hosp., 1916-17. Address, Hotel Carlton, Milwau- kee; bus. add., 141 Wisconsin St., do. JUSTIN JOSEPH MCDONALD Physician; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in La Salle H. S. Ex. Com.; Intern, St. Anthonys Hosp. Formerly located in Arlinton, 111.; at one time Phys., 641 Wrightwood Ave. and 625 Diversey Parkway, Chicago. Address, Depue, lU.t WILLIAM LOUIS MACCANI Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 3, 1889; s. Cyril (b. Bessemer, MicbJ. Prepared in Bessemer (Mich.) H. S. Staff, Union Hosp., Ironwood, Mich., 1914_. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., My 1918; in Fr., Ag 1918-My 1919. Married Edna May Bon- field, Ap 10, 1920, Chicago. Address, 625 Robst St., Ironwood, Mich. HOWARD STEWARD MAUPIN M.D.; b. 1890. Prepared in Shelbina (Mass.) H. S. Formerly located in Bath, 111.; later Phys., Minneapolis City Hosp. Address, Shelbyville, Mo.t ANTHONY ARTHUR MEYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 5, 1886, Freeport Minn. Attended Chicago Coll. Med. and Surg., 1910-12. B.S., Valparaiso Univ. Student Asst., Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1914. Address, Melrose, Minn.t WILLIAM DRUMMOND MIDDLETON M.D.; b. My 9, 1884, Davenport, la.; s. W. D. and Susan Yandell (Modemann) Middleton. Pre- pared in Davenport (la.) H. S. B.S., Univ. of la., 1906. Grad. work, Univ. of Toulouse, 1919. Delta Tau Delta. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Je 8, 1917; do., M. C, U. S. A., N 18, 1917; Capt., do., N 24, 1918; overseas, with 88t.h Div., Ag 2, 1918-N 25, 1919. Student, Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C. 1921. Address, 1309 Ripley St., Davenport, la.; bus. add., Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C. WILMOT PAUL MILLER M.D.; b. S 21, 1890, Milwaukee; s. Wilmot F. and Anna B. (Scherer) Miller. Prepared in East Division H. S., Milwaukee, 1909. Phi Rho Sigma. Capt., M. C, S 13, 1917-N 30, 1920. Mem., A. F. A M., 32°, Shrine. Married Martha Sheedy, ja 24, 1917. Children: Marilynn E., b. Je 15, 1919; Frederick C, b. N 10, 1920. Address, 580 Jefferson St., Milwaukee. WILLIAM HENRY MINER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 31, 1891, Girard, 111. Prepared in Girard H. S. Extern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1913. Formerly located in Far- mer City, 111.; later in Decatur, do. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Rocky Ford, Colo.t MAX MINKER M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1883, Rus.; s. Jacob and Goldie (Bult) Minker. Prepared in Bayonne (N. J.) H. S. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., F-S, 1918; Capt., do., S-D, 1918, World War. Married Adell Golden- stein, 1912. Address, 2656 Division St., Chicago. WILLIAM ALBERT MUDGE Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1886; s. Thomas John (b. F 1856, Eng.) and Emma Jane (Argall) Mudge (b. My 1860, Plymouth, Eng.). Prepared in Ishpeming (Mich.) H. S.; Valparaiso Univ., 1910-12. Intern, Minneapolis City Hosp., 1914- 16; located in Nashwauk, Minn., 1917; Negaunee, do., 1917—. Health Off., do., 1918. Mem., Mar- quette-Alger Co., Mich., Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Scottish Rite, Mason; A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Ag 2, 1916, Duluth, Minn. Children: William Albert, Jr., b. N 23, 1917; Thomas John, b. My 24, 1920. Address, Negaunee Mich.; bus. add., Negaunee Hosp., do. WALTER EDMUND MUELLER M.D.; b. Ag 14, 1890; s. George W. H. and Ber- tha Mueller. Prepared in East Green Bay (Wis.) H. S.; Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis. Phi Beta Pi. Located in Shawno, Wis., 1914-17; Green Bay, do., 1920—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; 121 F. A., 32 Div., 1917-19. Married Pearl Parmentier, Ag 27, 1917. Child, Mary Muriel, b. Ap 22, 1920. Address, 216 W. Ashland Ave., Green Bay, Wis.; bus. add., 706 Bellin Bldg., do. EMILE GEORGE NADEAU Phys. and Surgs.; M.D.; b. 1891. Formerly located in Marinette, Wis.; Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Green Bay, Wis. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Otol. Address, 601 S. Van Buren St., Green Bay, Wis.; bus. add., Bellin Bldg., do.t GERHARD A. NATVIG M.D.; b. Ap 20, 1887, Bricelyn, Minn.; s. Ole and Marie (Legried) Natvig. Prepared in Wal- dorf Coll , Forest City, la., 1910. Mem., Nor- wegian Lutheran Church of Am. Married Clara Knutson, Je 20, 1917, Duluth, Minn. Child, Paul, b. Ja 15, 1920. Address, Prairie Farm, Wis. FRANK JOHN NOVAK Jr. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 3, 1888. Chicago; s. Frank J. (b. O 11, 1863, Czech o-Slovakia) and Anna A. (Prachar) Novak (b. do.). Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1908-09; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1910. Phi Kappa Sigma. Med. practice limited to Oto-Laryngol., Chicago. Mem.. Staff, Cook Co. Hosp. 1st Lt., MR.C, U.S.A., Jl 1917: Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918-Ja 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Phys. Club, Chicago; Bohemia Med. Soc. Married Antoinette Dana Horvath, Ja 5, 1915, Chicago. Address, 4618 Clarendon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. CLARENCE AMBROSE NYVALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 9, 1888, Grand Rapids, Wis.; s. Rev. J. W. and Clara A. Nyvall. Prepared in Butte H. S.; Leland Stanford Univ., 1909-10. Lt., M. C, Ag 30, 1917-Ag 30, 1919; stationed at Ft. Riley, Kan., St. T-ouis, Mo., Camp Grant, 111., Ft. Douglas, Ut., Camp Pike, Ark., Camp Merritt, N. J.; Capt., M. C; A. E. F. Evac Bosp. No. 27, France and Germany, in World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Eagles; Maccabees; Ind. Order of Vikings. Address, 400 Clift Bldg.. Salt Lake City. LOUIS THOMAS O'BRIEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 28. 1887. Elkhart. Ind. Prepared in Elkhart (Ind.) H. S.; Marquette Univ., Milwaukee. 1 yr.; N. W. Med. Coll.. 3 yrs.. 1910-13. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., 344th Inf., Camp Grant, 111., 1918. Address, 3833 Harrison St., Chicago.t WILLIAM ALBERT O'CONNOR Physician; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in St. Phillips H. S. Phi Chi. At one time Phys., St. Marys of Nazareth Hosp., Chicago; later at Ancon Hosp., Cristobal, Canal Zone. Address, 3901 Gladys Ave., Chicago.t 1914] College of Medicine Alumni 205 HARRY EMERSON TETERS Citv Health Off.; M.D.; b. Je 11, 1885, Raeers- ville, b.; s. H. J. and Lana (Berger) Peters. Pre- pared in Heidelburg Univ., Tiffin, O., and Wooster Univ., Wooster, do. Phi Beta Pi. City Health Off., Pittsburg. Calif.: Insp., Calif. State Bd. of Health. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 32°. R. A. M.. Shrine; K. P.; Eagle; L. O. O. M. Married Maria Mvich, 1910. Honolulu. Child, Harry E., Jr., b. 1912. Address, Frankel Bldg.. Pittsburg, Calif. ANDREW SAEMANN PFEIFFER M.D.; b. N 6. 1890. Kewaskum. Wis.; s. Charles W. and Jane (Saemann') Pfeiffer. Prepared in Shebovgan Falls (Wis.) H. S.; Wnntewatcr Norm. Scb. Married Anna O'Connor. D 2."), 1917, Chi- cago. Child. Charles William, b. D 3, 191S. Ad- drens, 2118 16th St.. Racine, Wis.; bus. add., 1330 Washington Ave., do. ALEXANDER HAROLD PHILLIPS Specialist: M.D.; b. Ag 20, 1SS5, Canada. Pre- pared in Battle Creek Coll. Specialist in Urol., Proctol., and Dermatol. Address, Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. THADDEUS STANLEY PIERZYNSKI M.D.; b. 1891. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chi- cago. Glee Club. Address, 4800 Loomis St., Chicago.t ALBERT EMERSON PUNCHE M.D.: b. 1S72. Prepared in Walden Univ. Phys., Cleburne, Tex.; formerly located at Mt. Enterprise. Tex. Address, 507 N. Douglass Ave., Cleburne, Tex.; 6ms. add., 605 E. Chambers St., do.-f OTTO B. RENSCH M.D.; b. Mr 19, 1891, Ottawa, 111.; s. John and Margaret (Zimmermann) Rensch. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Research Lab., Nat. Jewish Hosp. for Consumptives, Denver. Auth.: (with Dr. H. J. Corper) An Attempt to Produce Experimental Tuberculosis Pleural Effusions and Empyemas in Rabbits: The Effect of Prolonged Pneumothorax upon Tuberculosis of the Lungs o# Rabbits follow- ing the Intravenous Injection of Tubercle Bacilli; The Effect of Artificial Pneumothorax on Pul- monary Tuberculosis in the Rabbit; The Pulmon- ary Distribution of Finely Divided Suspensions injected Intravenously into Rabbits After the Production of Artifical Pneumothorax; The Ab- sorption of Acacia from the Pleural Cavity of Normal and Tubercular Rabbits; The Effect of Mustard Gas (Dichlorethyl Sulphid) on Experi- mental Tuberculosis; Complement Fixation in Tuberculosis. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Matilda O. Dunnum. N 20, 1915, Ottawa, III. Child. John Otto. b. N 25. 1916. Address, 3800 E. Colfax Ave.. Denver; bus. odd.. Research Lab., Nat. Jewish Hosp. for Consumptives, do. FRANCIS ALLEN RICHARDSON M.D.; b. 1874. M.D., Baltimore Univ. Sch. of Med., 1901. Alpha Kappa Kappa. At one Phys. and Surg., 1688 Washington St., Boston. Address, 26 Broadway, New York City.f HENRY RICHERT Physician; M.D.; b. Je 5, 1882. Gocssel. Kan.; 8. Heinrich (b. Mv 10, 1853. S. Rus.) and Anna (Schmidt) Richert fb. N 20. 18.59, do.). Prepared in Bethel Acad., Newton, Kan. Intern, Engle- wood Hosp., Chicago, Ag-D, 1914; six weeks course. Chicago Eve. Ear. Nose and Throat Coll., D 1, 1914-Ja 20, 1915; Located in Inman, Kan., F-Jl, 1915; Goe.ssel, do., 191.5-20; Inman, do., 1920—. l8t Lt. ,M. C, U. S. A.; Ft. Riley, Kan., O-D. 1918. Married Jl 26. 1914, Goessel, Kan. Children: Dannie Arnold, b. N 6, 191.5; Elvira, b. Ja 24, 1920. Address, Inman, Kan. WILLIAM JOSEPH RILEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 13, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in East Chicago (Ind.) H. S. Formerly of East Chicago, Ind.; later at St. Josephs Hosp., Johet. 111. Address. 661 E. 45th St., Chicago.^ DOUGLAS FORD ROBBINS M.D.; b. F 20, 1885, Hamilton Co., la.; s. E. and Alice (Douglas) Robbing. Prepared in Morn- mgside Acad. A.B., Morningside Coll., 1907 Phi Rho Sigma. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 1917- O 1918. Married Grace Rorem, Je 15, 1908, Rad- cliffe, la. Children: Helen Graceford. b. S 15, 1912; Orcm Olford, b. F 5, 1915. Address, 1915 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis. RUSSELL DEAN ROBINSON (Husband of Anna E. Isham, '14) Physician; M.D.; b.N 2, 1889; s. George D. and Lulu (Dresser) Robinson. Prepared in Colo. Coll. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Kappa Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, A. E. F., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Anna E. Isham, Je 1916. Child, Russel Isham, b. S 26, 1918. .Address, 11161 Longwood Drive, Chicago; bus. add., 1971 W. 111th St., do. HARRY ARTHUR SALZMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 4, 1872, New York; s. Abraham (b. 1863, Poland) and Belle (Lipman) Salzman (b. 1866, Riga. Rus). Prepared in Joseph MedillH.S., Chicago. ZetaMuPhi. City Hosp., Mmneapohs, 1914-15; Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice, Chicago, 1915—. Surg., U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, stationed at Manila, P. I., My 1916- D 1918. Address. 3513 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. PETER A. SCHULBERG M.D.; b. Je 30, 1890, Gibbon, Minn.; s. A. and Emihe (Zuelke) Schulberg. Prepared in Gibbon (Minn.) H. S.; Macalester Coll., St. Paul. M C , S 20, 1918-Je 25, 1919, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Theodora Naegeli, D 6, 1913. Child, Verne A., b. Ja 26, 1916. Address, Durand. Wis. LEON SEIDLER M.D.; b. Je 23, 1890; s. Abe (b. O 14, 1865, New York) and Flora (Solomon) Seidler (b. D 12, 1867, Ger.). Prepared in Wendel Phillips H. S. In- tern, Michael Reese Hosp. Served at Eng. Base Hosp., Liverpool, Eng., Ag 1917-F 1918; Med. Off., Brit. Inf., 2nd South Lancers, Somme, Marne and Flanders, F-S. 1918; Transferred to Prairie Div.. Am. Forces, S 1918; Discharged 1919. Mem., Chicago Urol. Soc; Am. Urol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 5036 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. WALTER EDWARD SIMMONDS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 16, 1884, Eng.; s. Thomas John and Mary Jane (Bussle) Simmonds. Prepared in Christ Church Sch., Bristol, Eng.; Battle Creek Coll., Battle Creek, Mich. Student Instr., Physicial Therapeutics. Coll. of Med., 1913-14; Asst. In.str., do., 1914-16; Instr., do., 1916-17. Red Cross, Home Serv., World War. Auth.: Experimental Arthritis in Rabbits, Archives of Internal Med., 1916-17; Effect of Continuous Electric Light in Experimental Arthritis, 1916; Effect of Heat and Continuous Electric Light in Experimental Arthritis; Effect of Salicylates on Experimental Arthritis in Rabbits. Mem., Epis. Church. Married Cora Armstrong, Jl 1914. Chi- cago. Address, 1222-24 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. NEAL S. SIMONS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 22,1889, Ettrick, Wis. Prepared in Gale Coll. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Whitehall, Wis. Ist Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Address, Whitehall, Wis. 206 University of Illinois [1914 FELICIANA C. SOMBITO Physician; M.D.; b. O 20, 1889; s. Juan and Apo- lona (Barroquina) Sombito. Prepared in Bacolod H. S. Rea Scholarship; Stud. Instr. in Histology and Embryology. Med. Staff, Battle Creek Sani- tarium, 1914-17; Med. Missionary of Am. Baptist Foreign Mission Soc, Iloilo Hosp. and Samar Province, P. I., 1917-19. Married Felicidad D. Ferraris R. N., May 12, 1917, Manapla, Occ. Neg. Philippines. Children: Benito, b. My 29, 1918; Eduardo Immanuel, b. D 17, 1919. Address, Manapla, Occ. Neg. Philippines. JULIUS SPIRO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 10, 1884. Address, 3618 W. 16th St., Chicagct WALTER BYRD SWACKHAMER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1886. Prepared in Union (Ore.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; House Surg., Sr., Clin. Staff. At one time Phys., Colton, Calif.; later at Montesano, Wash. Capt., M. C; U. S. A., Emer. Camp Lewis. Address, Am. Lake, Wash.t ELMER MERRILL THOMAS Physician; M.D.; b. My 23 1885; s. Richard M. and Ehza A. (Wheldin) Thomas. Prepared in Sugar Grove H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Phys. Aurora 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Evacuation Hosp. 9, A. E. F., 12 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Florence K. Henry. Address, 245 Penn Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 106 Main St., do. ROLLIN DAVID THOMPSON M.D.; b. 1890. Prepared in Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs. Phi Rho Sigma. At one time Phys., Milwaukee Co. Hosp., Wauwatosa, Wis.; later at Black River Falls, Wis. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, Reedsburg, Wis.f PAUL SCOVILLE TRAXLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 4, 1892; s. Fred W. and Mayme (Shock) Traxler. Prepared in Hart- ford (Mich.) H. S. Phi Chi. Evacuation Hosp., 15, Fr. World War, Ja 1918-Ag 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Fond du Lac Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc. of Wis. Children: Two sons, b. 1915, and 1917. Address, Oakfield, Wis. VEZIO OLIVER UNGHERINI Physician; M.D.; b. S 26, 1888, Italy; s. Daniel and Fausta (Parigini) Ungherini. Prepared in Bessemer (Mich.) H. S. Army Serv., O 6, 1917- F 1, 1919. Mem., K. P. Address, 51 Owsley Block, Butte, Mont. JOHN ALBERT VAN KIRK (Brother of George Hiram, '05) Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 29, 1891, Leiters Ford, Ind.; s. John W. (b. Mr 26, 1854, O.) and Mary Ellen (Wagoner) Van Kirk (b. D 22, 1859, Lima, O.). Prepared in Leiters Ford (Ind.) H. S. and H. S. Dept. of Rochester Coll., Rochester, Ind. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Staff, Henrotin and Poli- clinic Hosps.. Chicago, 1914-16; Phys. and Surg, to Iroquois Hosp., Watseka, 111., 1916-17; Phys. and Surg., Frankfort, Ind., S 1919—. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19; Assigned 342nd Mach. Gun Bn., 89th Div., Camp Funston and overseas. Mar- ried Maude Florence Steele, O 28, 1916, Kentland, Ind. Address, 58 Main Ave., Frankfort, Ind.; bus. add., 204 W. Washington St., do. W. CARLETON WARRICK M.D.; b. 1888. Prepared in Goshen (Ind.) H. S.; Valparaiso Univ. Ex. Com. At one time lo- cated in Fort Wayne, Ind.; Intern, Childrens Free Hosp., Detroit. Address, David Whitney Bldg., Detroit.t HARVEY EDMUND WEBB M.D. ; b. D 28, 1884. Prepared in West Concord (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys., Cook Co. Hosp, Chicago; formerly of Aberdeen, S. Dak.; Le Sueur, Minn. ; later located in Chicago.^ CARL GEORGE WENCKE Physician; M.D.; b. S 17, 1888, Lawrenceburg, Ind.; s. George E. (b. Ger.) and Emma (Vogel) Wencke (b. do.). Prepared in Lawrenceburg (Ind.) H. S.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1907-09. Grad. work. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago. Located in Battle Creek, Mich. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 12, 1917-S 5, 1919. Mem., Co. Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. Mar- ried Winnifred Margaret Way, Je 25, 1912, Mich- igan City, Ind. Address, 16 Wentworth Cotirt, Battle Creek, Mich.; bus. add., Sanitarium, do. FERDINAND DEMANDER WHITBY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1884. Prepared in Howard Univ. Phys., 1109 B. St., S. E., Washing- ton, D. C.t MILTON ARTHUR WIESE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1892; s. A. A. and May F. (Kaspar) Wiese. Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Phi Chi. Capt., M. C, A. E. F.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine, R. A. M., Commandery; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc. Mar- ried Marjorie Cannon, Je 28, 1917. Address, 25 E. Walton Place, Chicago; 6ms. add., 108 N. State St., do. CLAUDE E. WISEMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 27, 1889, Ply- mouth, Ind.; s. S. J. and Clara (McKee) Wiseman. Prepared in Goshen (Ind.) H. S.; Wabash Coll. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Located in Seattle, 1915-17; Eatonville, do., 1917 — ; Health Off., do. Married Ag 29, 1914, Goshen, Ind. Child, Doris Kathrin, b. D 6, 1917. Address, Eatonville, Wash. ERNEST PATRICK WOODWARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1889. Prepared in Great Falls (Mont.) H. S. Glee Club. Address, 354 W. 47th St., Los Angeles.t 1915] College of Medicine Alumni 207 CLASS OF 1915 (97 LIVING, 5 DEAD) SAMUEL JACOB ALDEN (Brother of Ward Clair Alden, Fa.M.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ak 14, 1S84, Rock- port. Pa. Prepared iu Battle Creek Coll. Acad.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1 yr. Formerly at Goodlettsville. Tenn.; later at Painesdale, Mich. Address, Benton Harbor, Mich.t CLAY ALDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 2S, 18S7, Athol, Kan. Prepared in Athol H. S.; Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, 1 yr.; N. W. Med. Coll., Chicago, 1 yr. Ph.C, Univ. of Kan. Address, 3644 Law- rence Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2346 Lawrence Ave., do.t KARL ADOLPHUS ANDERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 29. 1,S90. Kent City, Mich. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) H. S. Intern, Englewood Hosp., Chicago. Ad- dress, Hillsboro. Tex.t STEWARD HARRY ANDERSON yi.D.; h. Je 30, 1S90. Wells, Minn.; s. Samuel A. and Helen (Lane) Anderson. Prepared in Wells (Minn.) H. S. B.S.. Univ. of Minn. Phi Rho Sigma. Capt.. M. R. C, U. S. A.; Evacuation Hosp. 21, World War. Married Evelyn Thompson, S 22, 1920, St. Paul. Address, Wells, Minn. SENEKERLM HOVHANNES ARAKELIAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. B.A., St. Pauls Coll. of Tarsus, Turkey, 1908. Formerly of Anderun, Turkey. Intern, Battle Creek Sani- tarium, Battle Creek, Mich.t MARCELINO A. ASUZANO Physician; M.S.; b. Ap 26, 1888, Manila, P. I.; 8. Bernabe and Caudelaria (Alonzo) Asuzano. Prepared in Boones Univ. H. S., Berkeley, Calif.; Univ. of the Philippines. Offered scholarship to U. S. by Philippine Island Govt.; was the first Filipino who passed the 111. State Med. Bd. Ex- amination. Res. Phys., Phihppine Gen. Hosp., Philippine Health Ser\-ice; Gen. Med. practice, Manila, P. I. Mem., Presby. Church; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinos; Bagumbayan Lodge, 4. A. F. A. M.; Manila Med. Soc. Auth.: Several articles in New York Med. Jour., and other med. magazines. Married Rosita Banos, Zam- boanga, P. I. Children: Alfredo, b. My 5, 1917; Roberto, b. Ap 20, 1918; Marcelino, Jr., b. Jl 9, 1919; Rosalinde, b. Ag 20, 1920. Address, 435 Ronquillo St., Santa Cruz, Manila, P. I. ALEXANDER HERBERT BARNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 15, 1894, Chicago; 8. Ben and Anna (Schneider) Barnett. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Delta Epsilon. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Hosp. 12, A. E. F., World War, 22 mos. Mem., Cosmopoli- tan Lodge 1020, A. F. A. M. Address, 4843 Drake Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6740 Sheridan Road, do. ERNEST GASTON BEATTY Physician; M.D.; b. D 27, 18S5, Jer.seyville, 111.; 8. Martin L. (b. Ja 14. 1846, New Jersey) and Henrietta C. (Gaston) Bf-atty (b. My 24, 1858, Jerseyville, 111.). Prepared in Jerseyyille H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in St. Louis, Mo., Jl 191.5-S 1916; Intern. St. Louis City Hosp., Gen. Med. practice, Pontiac. 111.. 1916 — . Mem., Liv- ingston Co. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1916-17); 111. State do., 1916 — . Married Ruth G. Huston, Ap 28, 1915, Pontiac, III. Address, 621 W. Lincoln St., Pontiac; but. add.. Cor. Madison and Mill St., do. ARTHUR BETTS Physician; M.D.; b. F 1, 1892; s. A. H. Betts. Prepared in Mitchell (S. Dak.) H. S.; Univ. of S. Dak. Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu. Army Serv., 23 mos., World War. Med. practice; Specialist in X-Ray work. Married Je 1915. Child, Richard, b. F 22, 1918. Address, 223 Paulsen Bldg., Spokane. LEWIS LEONARD BRODSKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mv 10, 1891, Chicago. Prepared in Medill H. S. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, 2071 W. Polk St., Chicago.f PHILLIP HARMON BROUDO Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. O 3, 1887, Toronto, Ont. Prepared in Medill H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 3 yrs. Formerly located at 1210 MacAUister Place, Chicago; later at Zeigler, 111. Address, 664 Alger St., Detroit t DEAN CASSIUS BROWN Physician; M.D.; b S 21, 1882; s. William and Laura M. (Locke) Brown. Prepared in North H. S., Minneapolis. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice La Fayette 111. Married Olive A. Freeman, Je 26, 1918, Minneapolis. Address, La Fayette, 111. EARL CURTIS CARR Surgeon; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1892, Fulton, III.; s. Edward William, (b. 1861, Scranton, Pa.) and Harriet Jane (Oren) Carr, (b. Ap 16, 1861, La Porte City, la.). Prepared in Maquoketa (la.) H. S. Phi Chi. Postgrad, work, Navy Med. Sch.,, D. C; Phys. Dir., Y. M. C. A.; Intern, St. Louis City Hosp., St. Louis, 1915-16; House Surg., Louisville City Hosp., Louisville, Ky., Ag- O, 1916. M. R. C, U. S. N., O 1916-Ap 4, 1917; Sr. Med. Off., U. S. S. St. Louis, Je 1917-0 1919; in charge of Lab. and Sanitation, Naval Tr. Sta., Great Lakes, 111., O 1919; Lt. Commander, M. C, U. S. N. Married S 23, 1918, Boston. Ad- dress, Bur. of Med. and Surg., Wash., D. C. FRANCES PACAK CEPELKA Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 13, 1888, Prague, Bohemia. Prepared in Prague H. S.; Ecole superieur de la ville de Lausanne, Switzerland; Sorbonne and Paris, Resident Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1916; Phys., Sears, Roebuck & Co., do.; in Prague, Bohemia, 1920; Grad. work, Univ. of Prague, do. Auth.: (with A. L. Hoyne) Polio- myelitis with Observations on Thirty Cases, Jour. A. M. A., Ag 26, 1916. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Jan Cepelka. Address, 2501 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. FELICIA HELEN CIENCIARA (MIODUSZEWSKI) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 18, 1891; d. Felix (b. N 24, 1871, Warsaw, Poland) and Julia (Sliwin- shi) Cienciara (b. N 10, 1868, Lowicz, Poland). Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago. A. E. I. Soc. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Polish Med. Soc. Married Saturnin M. Mioduszewski, Jl 1, 1919, Chicago. Address, 1165 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. LAZARUS COHLER M.D.; b. D 25, 1892, Chicago; s. Newman and Esther (Epstein) Cohler. Alpha Phi Sigma. Mem., Tuberculosis Bd., and Div. Tuberculosis Specialist, 89th Div., Camp Funston, Kan., World War. Married Anna Miller, Mr 25, 1917. Child, Robert Allen, b. Jl 23, 1918. Address, 4802 W. 22nd St., Cicero, 111. 208 University of Illinois [1915 JOHN M. CONWAY (Brother of Hugh P., '01) Physician; M.D.; b. S 24, 1889, Elroy, Wis.; s. John (b. 1844, Co. Mayo, Ireland) and Mar- garet (Button) Conway (b. 1853, Janesville, Wis.). Prepared in Elroy (Wis.) H. S. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. practice. Spring Valley, Wis., 1915 — . 1st Lt., M. C. U. S. A., O 15, to D 6, 1918. Married Violet Silva, F 15, 1915, Chicago. Children: John Edward, b. Ag 15, 1916, and Mary Ellen, b. N 30, 1917. Address, Spring Valley, Wis. TEOFILO PEDRO CORPUS Bacteriologist; M.D.; b. F 9, 1889. Aliaga, NuevaEcija, P. I.;s. Alejandro (b. O 11, 1863, do.) and Lucia (Palacio) Corpus (b. Ag 27, 1874, do.). Prepared in Philippine Norm. Sch.; Univ. of the Philippines; Univ. of Chicago 1913; Chicago Sch. of San. Instruction 1914. Located in Cabanatuan; Nueva Ecija P. I.; later in Aliaga do. Asst. Bacteriologist and Med. Insp. Philippine Health Serv. Manila P. I., S 6, 1915—. Mem., Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Manila Med. Soc; Colegio Medico Farmaceutico. Married Rosa Belmonte, S 30, 1916, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija, P. I. Chil- dren: Florencia, b. O 25, 1917; Julia, b. O 7, 1919. Address, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija, P. I.; bus. add., Cabantuan, do. IRWIN HERBERT CUTLER M.D.; b. Ap 20, 1892, Rus.; s. Nathan and Anna (SchafTer) Cutler. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Army Serv., Ja 1, 1918-0 15, 1919; in Fr., at Field Hosp. 2, and Evacuation Hosp. 5., 10 mos. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 3036 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. GEORGE LESLIE DAILEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 5, 1888, Almena, Kan. Prepared in Norton Co. (Kan.) H. S. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Mt. Olive, Ill.t JAMES WILLIAM DOUGHTY Physician; M.D.; b. F 12, 1891, Eau Claire, Wis.; s. Edward and EUzabeth (Harriman) Doughty. Univ. of Wis., 1 yr., 1911. Phi Rho Sigma. Surg., DuPont Powder Co., 1916; Gen. practice, 1919 — . Nat. Guard, Mex. Border, 1916; Tuberculosis Examiner, Home Serv., 1917- 19- 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A,, N 20, 1917-S 20, 1919. Married Zora Warden, O 2, 1914, Chicago. Ad- dress, 229 Walworth Ave., Delavan, Wis. ROSS EDMUND ELVIDGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1891. Pre- pared in Rockford H. S. Address, Longview, Ill.t GEORGE MICHAEL FITZGERALD Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 3, 1890, Fond du Lac, Wis. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. Address, 1408 Jonquil Terrace, Chicago.t ANTHONY CARL FORMUSA M.D.; b. N 15. 1892, Chicago; s. Peter and Natalie Formusa. Prepared in Tuley H. S. 1st Lt , M. C, 16 mos.; with 344th Inf., Camp Grant. 111. Married, N 15, 1918. Address, 1213 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. DIMITER GEORGE FOURNADJIEFF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 21, 1881, Samokav. Bulgaria. Prepared in Coll. and Theological In- stitute of Samokav, Bulgaria, 1901. Address, 88 Ann Ave., Battle Creek, Mich.; 6ms. add.. Battle Creek Sanitarium, do.t CHETWYND MARR FRANCHERE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 24, 1892, Chicago. Prepared in Coll. of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. Formerly of Gursey, Wis. Specialist in Obstet- rics, Mason City, la. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 324 2nd St., Mason City, la.; bus. add.. Central Trust Bldg., do.t HARRY HIRSCH FREILICH Physician; M.D.; b. My 30, 1892, Chicago; s. M. A. and Sarah M. (Wolf) Freilich. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago, 1905-09. Intern. Cook Co. Hosp., 1916-17. Alpha Phi Sigma. Attend- ing Phys., Orthodox Home for Aged Jews; Instr., Surg., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1917; Attending Dispensary Phys., Racine Ave., Dispensary 1917—; Consulting Staff, Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Je 1, 1919 — . Auth.: Occupation and Tuberculosis, Bulletin, Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium; Blood Transfusion in Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, III. Med. Jour. Mar- ried Frieda Hammermann, Mr 6, 1917, Indian- apolis. Child, S. Marvin, b. F 13, 1918. Ad- dress, 3606 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3612 Douglas Blvd., do. DUDLEY CURETON FRISE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 18, 1887, Hamil- ton, N. Dak. Prepared in Hamilton (N. Dak.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn., Med. Dept., 1912-13. Address, 2215 S. Sheridan Ave., Minneapolis; bus. add.. La Salle Bldg., do.t ♦ORLANDO MERRILL GOCHNAUR M.D.; b. F 18, 1888, Lincoln, Neb. Prepared in Champaign H. S. and Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1 yr., 1908. Intern, Calumet and Hecla Hosp., Calumet, Mich.; later in the Henrotin Memorial Hosp., Chicago. Lt., M. O. R. C... World War, Army Serv. with the British forces in Flanders. Married Katherine Holmes, Jl 24, 1917. Killed in Action, N 6, 1917 (First Illinois man to die in the World War.) GEORGE JOSEPH GORDON Phys. and Surg.'; M.D.; b. Ag 13, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. Formerly of St. Paul. Address, 703 Independence Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2736 Ogden Ave., do.t CLARA GRACE GOTTSCHALK Physician; M.D.; d. Louise (Adam) Gottschalk. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst., Chn. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1918 — . Address, 2622 W. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1637 Howard St., do. MICHAEL C. GOY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885. Prepared in Gymnasium Sch., Neyslowitz, Ger. Formerly at 4821 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. SpeciaUst in Internal Med. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 866 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.! *REUBEN WADDELL GRAHAM (Nephew of Archie James Graham, '02) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 28, 1892, Gallipolis, O.; s. Charles Calvin (b. D 8, 1861. Gallipolis, O.) and Katherine (Waddell) Graham. Prepared in Galha Acad. H. S., Gallipolis, O. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Class Poet. Intern, 111. Steel Hosp., South Chicago, Je 1915, until his death. Con- tracted diphtheria from a patient and died Ja 31, 1916, Chicago. SAUL CHARLES GREENWALD M.D.; b. Jl 21, 1891, Chicago; s. W. C. and Katherine (Blum) Greenwald. Prepared in Engle- wood H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Oriental Con- sistory, Shrine; B. P. O. E. Address, 455 Belmont Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. FREDERICK MARSCHNER HAHN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 31, 1892, Omaha. Prepared in Creighton Univ. Acad., Neb. Omega Beta Pi. Formerly at 2121 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Address, 3027 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., Paxton Block, do.f 1915] College of Medicine Alumni 209 ERIK GOSTA HAKANSSON U. S. Navy; M.D.; b. S 5. 1SS6, Sweden; s. Carl Oscar (b. Je 11, 1S54, do.) and Augusta (Johansson) Hakansson (b. My 1, 1S65, do.). Prepared in Linkoping, Sweden. Phi Chi. Located (Johansson) Hakansson (b. My 1, 1S65, do.). ' ' ikoping, Sweden. Phi C . Chicago, 1915-17; Cook Co. Hosp.; Washington, D. C, 1917; Virgin Islands, 191S-20; U. S. Naval Tr. Station, Great Lakes, 111., 1920 — . M. C, U. S. N., F 12, 1917—. Auth.: Birth and Mor- Ulity Statistics, Virgin Islands of the U. S., 1901- 19, Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1920; Nomenclature of Diseases and Conditions, Dopt. of Health, Virgin Islands of U. S., do., 1918. Married F 7, 1917, Chicago. Address, 3443 Elaine Place, Chicago; bus. add.. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. ♦GERHARD FREDERICK HARTWIG ■ M.D.; b. 1890; Lt., M. C, U. S. Army, Young America, Minn.; Duty with 3olst Inf., A. E. F., France. Killed in Action, Oct. 31, 1918. GUSTAV GOODMAN HERPE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 2, 1893; s. Sam and Hattie (Levy) Herpe. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Pub. Health Surg.. World War. Mem., Y. M. C. A.; A. F. A. M. Married Elsa Kuhn, F 11, 1919, Chicago. Child, Marvin, b. My 25, 1920. Ad- dress, 2000 Grace St., Chicago; bus. add., 4007 N. Robey St., do. ARTHUR WILLIAM HOAGLUND Officer in U. S. Navy; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1893. Minneapolis; s. Peter M. and Josephine Hoaglund. Prepared in Pub. Schs., Minneapolis. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Salutatorian, 1915. Located in Washington, D. C, 1916-17; Philippine.^, China, Japan and Siberia, 1917-19. Lt. Commander, U. S. N.. Je 1917—; Established first Am. R. C. Hosp., Vladivostok, Siberia, during first Rus. Rev- olution, 1918. Auth.: Treatment of Burns, An- nals of Surg., Je 1919. Mem., Univ. Club of Brooklyn. Address, Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. EINAR HOFF M.D.; b. O 20, 1881, Hobro, Den.; s. Henrik Hans Emil (b. Je 1, 1841, Frederikshavn, Den- mark) and Anna Catherine (Hansen) Hoff (b. F 24, 1845, Veile, Denmark). Prepared in Hobro, Denmark. Ph.G., State Coll. of Pharm., Copen- hagen, 1907. Phys. and Surg., Seattle. Lt., Jr. grade, U. S. N. R. F., S 1918. Mem., West- minster Presby. Church; A. M. A., (Fellovf); Nat. Geog. Soc, (Fellow). Married Anna Metha Jorgensen, Je 21, 1916, Seattle. Address, 615 Boren Ave., Seattle; bus. add., Cobb Bldg., do. GOLDYE HOFFMAN Instructor; M.D.; b. Ag 30. 1893, Chicago; d. Jacob (b. Je 29, 1865, Russia) and Ida Louise (LaPook) Hoffman (b. Mr 15, 1868, Germany). Prepared in Jo.seph Medill H. S.; Lewis Institute, Chicago. Intern, Mary Thompson Hosp., Chi- cago, 1915-16; Res. Phys., Marcy Center. 1916-18; Res. Phys., Lawndale Municipal Hosp., do., 1918 — ; Asst., CUn. Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1917-19; Instr., do., 1920 — . Mem., Chicago Womens Med. Soc, 1917—; Chicago Med. Soc, 1918—; 111. Med. Soc, 1918; A. M. A., 1918—. Address, Lawndale Hospital, 3410 S. Lawndale Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1314 S. Avers Ave., do. ABRAHAM RISEL HOLLENDER Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1892; s. Joseph (b. Aus.) and Marry (Koss) HoUender (b. do.). Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago. 1910-11. Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1918; Instr., Skin and Venereal Diseases, 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1920; Instr., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1920. Auth.: Malignant Icterus in the Newborn, Am. Jour, of Clinical Med.; Treatment of Stitch Suppuration, N. Y. Med. Jour.; Neuras- thenia and Ncurohysteria due to Cervicitis, Med. and Sury.; Treatment of Cervicitis and Endo- cervicitis, H'is. Med. Jour.; A Non-Operative pro- cedure for the Treatment of Cervicitis and Endo- metritis, Am. Jour, of Obstetrics; Post-influenzal Amenorrhea, Memphis Med. Monthly. Mem., Calumet Branch. Chicago Med. Soc. (Sec, 1920); A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Tri-State Dist. Med. Soc. Married Anna Winsberg, Mr 1916, Chicago. Children: Marc Hale, b. D 19, 1916; Edith, b. Je 7, 1919. Address, 11131 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. ♦WILLIAM DAVID HOLLMERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 3, 1888, Stockholm. Sweden. Prepared in Soldermaln H. S., Stock- holm. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Former- ly located at 1738 W. Congress St., Chicago. Died, D 23, 1916, Chicago. CHARLES WIKOFF JEFFREY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 2, 1883, Osceola, Neb.; s. Francis M. (b. 1850, Ind.) and Anna (Wikoff) Jeffrey (b. D 27, 1856, Ind.). Prepared in Osceola (Neb.) H. S. Chm. Ex. Com., 1915. Resident Staff, City Hosp., St. Louis, Jl 1915- Ja 1916; do.. Cook Co. Hosp., D 1916-Ag 1918; do., Chicago. Lying-in Hosp., Ap-N, 1916. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Southern Dept., Ag 1918 till discharge, Mr, 1919, El Paso, Tex. Married Genevieve B. Ronald, Mr 21, 1919, San Antonio, Tex. Address, Rawlins, Wyo. . WALTER LAWRENCE JOHNSON Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1889, Bennett, Neb.; s. Charles L. (b. Mr 17, 1865, Muncie, Ind.) and Emma (Findley) Johnson (b. S 30, 1867, Villisca, la). Prepared in Pawnee City (Neb.) H. S.; Cotner Univ., Bethany, Neb., 1909-10. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Galesburg, 111. Jl-S, 1915; Shenandoah, la., O 1915-0 1916; Steinauer, Neb., O 1916- 01917; Watson, Mo., Ag 1919—. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 1917-Ap 5, 1919; Capt., do., Ap 5-Jl 1, 1919; Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., O 29-D 6, 1917; Field Hosp. 34, 7th Div. San. Tr., D 6, 1917-Jl 11, 1919; Overseas Jl 26, 1918-Jl 1, 1919. Married Rose M. Wahkyra, Je 15, 1915, Chicago. 111. Children: Lawrence Paul, b. Mr 23, 1916; Margaret Emma, b. O 3, 1918. Address, Watson, Mo. ALFRED EDWARD JONES Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; M.D.; b. O 23, 1891, Chi- cago; s. P. J. and Anna (O'DonnoU) Jones. Pre- pared in Murray F. Tuley H. S.; Lewis Institute; and Army Med. Sch. Phi Chi. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; with the 86th Div.; Served in Argonne; Hosp. Train, Army of Occupation, Coblenz, Ger., 1921. Mem., K. C. Address, 1543 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago. MYRON ELLIS KAHN Specialist; M.D.; b. Ja 8, 1892; s. Anna Kahn. Prepared in Englewood H. S., 1911. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1915-17. Instr., Ear, Nose, and Throat, Rush Med. Coll., Chicago. Lt., U. S. Navy, World War. Mem.. Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Mar- ried Mina Uhlmann, F 10, 1919. Address, 5215 Drexel Blvd.. Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. ELBERT RIFE KING M.D.; b. N 20, 1888, Pueblo, Colo.; s. Alex. T. and Mary A. (Rife) King. Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Pi. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine. Mar- ried Kathleen H. Miller, S 11, 1911. Children: Kathleen L. b. S 9, 1912; Esther M., b. F 1, 1913; Helen L., b. N 28, 1916; Doris J., b. Ja 1, 1919. Address, New Franklin, Mo. 210 Uniatersity of Illinois [1915 SAMUEL ARTHUR KLEGER Phys. and Surg,; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1884, Ger.; s. George (b. 1860, Ger.) and Jennette (Kanner) Kleger (b. 1864, do.). Prepared in Battle Creek (Mich.) Coll., 1909; City Coll. of New York, 1900. Phi Delta; Coll. of Med. Football and Basketball teams, 1911-13. Intern, St. Marys Hosp., Chi- cago (1 yr.); House Surg., Asbury Hosp., Minne- apolis (1^ yrs.); Surg., Mellette Hosp. Group, Mellette, S. Dak., 1918—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; S. Dak. Med. Soc. Married Elizabeth Edna McColley, Jl 3, 1917, Mankato, Minn. Address, Mellette, S. Dak. ROBERT GOTTFRIED KLEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 13, 1890, McKees- port. Pa.; s. Rudolph (b. Ap 25, 1865. Ger.) and Augusta (Wolk) Klein (b. Ag 1, 1870, do.) Prepared in Grand Jet. (Colo.) H. S.; Univ. of Denver. Baseball Team. House Phys., Kansas City Gen. Hosp., 1915-16; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Cimarron, Kan., 1916-17; 1919—. Capt., M. C, U S. A., D 16, 1917-My 29, 1919. Mem., Ford Co. Med. Soc; Kan. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Lelah Luther, Je 21, 1919, Cimar- ron, Kan. Address, Cimarron, Kan. LEAF CORT KNIGHT Phys. and Surg.; M. D.; b. S 24, 1886, Knox City, Mo. Prepared in Dallas City, H. S.; Lewis Institute, Chicago. Formerly of Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; later Phys., Watertown Insane Asylum, Watertown, 111.; Specialist in Neurol., 1921. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Carthage, Ill.t HARRY FURNISS LAMBERT Physician; M.D.; Jl 31, 1884, Argyle, Wis.; s. F. and Mary W. (Reynolds) Lambert. Pre- pared in Iowa State Teachers Coll.; Iowa State Univ. Formerly located in Cedar Falls, la.; Served at Univ. Hosp., Iowa City, do. Capt., Canadian Med. Corps, 38 mos. Address, Bristow, la. GEORGE MILTON LANDAU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 16, 1891. Pre- pared in Irving Park H. S., Chicago. B.S., St. Johns Mil. Acad., 1911. Phi Delta. Specialist in Roentgenology. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; later Capt., do.; Capt., M. R. C. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Frat. Brotherhood; Chicago Med. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Calvary Church. Married Margaret Abbott, Je 2, 1916, Chicago. Child, George Wayne, b. Ap 3, 1918. Address, 3936 N. Lawndale, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. FLOYD BURDICK LANGDON Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 24. 1890; s. D. V. and Clara C. (Taylor) Langdon. B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1910. Phi Rho Sigma. Married Lottie Lovejoy, D 25, 1912. Address, 680 W. 36th St., Des Moines; bus. add., 1022 Bankers Trust Bldg., do. CYRIL JAMES LARKIN Physician; M.D.; b. F 9, 1892; s. James J. (b. N 1854, Whitewater, Wis.) and Rose (McDon- nell) Larkin (b. Rochester, N. Y.). Prepared in St. Patricks H. S.; Univ. H. S., Chicago; St. Marys Coll., St. Marys, Kan., 1909-11. Nu Sigma Nu. Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, S-N, 1915; Mercy Hosp., do., N 1915-Jl 1, 1917. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; attached to B. E. F., Ag 1917- Mr 1919. Mem., K. C, (Med. Examiner); Medievalists, Chicago; Hon. Mem., Jr. Const. Club, London; Eng. and Am. Univ. Union, Lon- don. Address, 7136 Crandon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2336 E. 71st St., do. MARGARET HIE-DING LIN Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1888, FooChow City, China; d. Rev. Mik Sing Lin (b. FooChow, China) and Ciong Ung (b. do.). Prepared in FooChow Coll., China. M.A., Forest Park Univ., St. Louis, 1915. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Intern, Mary Thompson Hosp., Chicago, 1915-16; Med. practice, Chicago, 1916-17; do. and Med. Super- visor of The Fukien Indus. Sch. and Orphanage, FooChow City, 1917-18; One of Founders of Fukien Gen. Hosp., 1918-19; Pres., do., 1919—. Ed., China Med. Jour. Mem., China Womans Civic Club (Pres.); Internat. Anti-Opium Soc. (Ex. Com.). Address, The Water Gate Street, FooChow City, China; 6ms. add., Fukien Gen. Hosp., do. ♦CARL WILLIAM LUTZ Pharmacist; M.D.; Ph.G., 1910; b. Je 10, 1887, Ottawa, 111.; s. Carl J. (b. D 7, 1858, do.) and Lena (Formhals) Lutz (b. Ag 11, 1860, do.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. and Brown's Business Coll. Kappa Psi (Charter Member and one of Organizers). Mgr. Pharmacy, Ottawa, 111. Mem., Examining Com., State Bd. of Pharm., Je 1917- O 20, 1918. Mem., Humboldt Lodge, A. F. A. M.; Eastern Star; Ottawa Commandery, K. T., Chi- cago Council No. 4, R. and S. M., Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Inez M. Berg, Je 9, 1915, Valparaiso, Ind. Child, Carl Frederic, b. Jl 16, 1918. Died O 20, 1918, Ottawa, HI. HORACE CHAUNCEY LYMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 14, 1892, Grace- ville, Minn. Prepared in Graceville (Minn.) H. S. Speciahst in Surg. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Radiological Soc. of N. Am. Address, 1104 Pratt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1150 Otis Bldg., do.t EUGENE HENRY McCAFFREY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 20, 1889, Maquok- eta, la. Prepared in Maquoketa (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., 2 yrs. Formerly of Sprague, Wash. Address, 4027 University Ave., Des Moines; bus. add., Iowa Bldg., do.t BENJAMIN VAUGHN McCLANAHAN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 3, 1892; s. William S. (b. Ja 1, 1857, Monmouth, 111.) and Mabel S. (Matteson) McClanahan (b. D 26, 1862, Ber- wick, 111.). Prepared in Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1910-11. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Grad. work in Surg., Augustana Hosp., Chicago; Cook Co. Hosp., do., 1916-17. Lt. M. C, U. S. N. (Virgin Islands of U. S.) F 12, 1917-0 18, 1919. Auth.: The Virgin Islands of the U. S., Jour. A. M. A., Vol., 74, 1920. Mem., A. M. A. Mar- ried Vera Tyler, Mr 29, 1917, Washington, D. C. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. My 6, 1919. Address, 862 N. Cherry St., Galesburg, 111. ROBERT LEE MacCORNACK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 8, 1888, Elgin, 111.; s. R. J. and Anna (Nesbit) MacCornack. Prepared in Acad. Dept., Macalester Coll., 1909-11. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. practice; formerly located in Blair, Wis.; later in Whitehall, do.; Surg., MacCornack Clinic, do. 1st Lt., U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. M. A.; A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Gladys Fry, My 4, 1918, Winona, Minn. Child, Marv Elizabeth, b. My 23, 1920. Address, Whitehall, Wis. ELEANOR SOPHIA MASSLOW Physician; M.D.; b. S 25, 1892; d. W. C. and Else Cadaro Masslow. Prepared in Austin H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Phi Sigma Kappa. Sch., Phys., Forest Park, 111. Pres., Forest Park Parent-Teachers Assn., 1919. Address, 900 Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. LAURENCE HAMPSON MAYERS Physician; M.D.; Je 7. 1887, Millersburg, Ohio; s. Samuel Edington (b. 1847, Millersburg, Ohio) and Lola (Magee) Mayers (b. 1855, New Phila- delphia, rfo.). Prepared in Millersburg H.S. A. B., Bethany Coll., Bethany, W. Va., 1909; A.IM., do., 1916. BetaTheta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu. Phys., Chicago, 1915] College of Medicine Alumni 211 1915—; Instr.. Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1916-17. Asst. Chief. Med. Serv., Chief Disability Bd.; Adj., Base Hosp.l4, and Regt. Surg.,31Sth Engrs., U. S. A.; stationed at Ft. Benj. Harrison and Camp Zachary Taylor, My 24, 1917-Je 19, 1919. Auth.: Pneumonia and Empyema at Camp Zacliary Taylor, Ky., Jour.. A. M. A., Vol. 70, 191S. Mem., Christian Church; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc.; Univ. Club, Chicago. Married Antoin- ette Redfield. Jl 1, 1916. A(J,lress, Shore Crest Hotel, Chicago; b»s. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. WALTER SPALDING MIX Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 23, 1891; s. Nellie (Spald- ing) Alix. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice, Beardstown, 111. Mil. Serv., Siberia. World War. Address, 114 W. 4th St., Beardstown, 111. MORTON PATRICK MORSE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 13. 1887. Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, LeRoy, Minn. Married Lydia Oakland, 1919. Address, LeRoy, Minn. LESTER IRVING OFNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 7, 1889; s. Leo W. and Rose (Baruch) Ofner. Prepared in Wen- dell Phillips H. S. Basketball, Coll. of Med. (Capt.) 1911. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Mizpah Shrine; A. A. O. N. M. S. P. A. Surg., (R) U. S. Pub. Health Service; on duty at U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Hosp. 30, Chicago, 1921—. Married Clara Pines, Ap 22, 1917. Address, 4706 Ingleside Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 900 E. 47th St., do. CLAUDE HARRIS OGDEN Surgeon; M.D.; b. O 21. 1890, Cedarville, N. J.; s. Leslie ^ion^oe (b. Cedarville, N. J.) and Laura (Trenchard) Ogden (b. do.). Prepared in South Jersey Mil. Inst., Bridgeton. N. J.; Mt. Hermon Sch.. Mt. Hermon, Mass. Surg., 111. Steel Co., Gary, Ind., Je- N, 1915; Intern, St. Paul City and Co. Hosp., St. Paul., N 1915-Ap 1916; Surg., lU. Steel Co.. Chicago. Ap 1916-Mv 1917 and Ag 1919—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S."A., Mr 1917; Capt., do., Ja 1918; Maj., M. C, U. S. A., My 1919; Surg., 603rd Engrs., My 1918-Je 1919; Servbd in France, S 1918-19. Mem., Assn. of Mil. Surgs. Married Ida Dannhaeur, N 17, 1917, Chicago. Child. Carolyn, b. S 18, 1918. Ad- dress, 4727 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 111. Steel Co., 208 S. La Salle St., do. EDWIN PETERSON Lt., M. C, U. S. N.; M.D.; b. Ag 18, 1887, Hudiksvaft, Sweden; s. Erland and Ida Louisa (Carlson) Peterson. Phi Chi. Formerly located in Rockford, 111.; at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1916. Entered U. S. N., N 26, 1917. Married Inez A. Willson, Je 15, 1918, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Child, Edwin WilLson, b. My 1, 1919. Address, 1515 8th St., Rockford, 111.; bus. add.. Bur. of Med. and Surg., Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. CHARLES CLIFFORD PINKERTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 27, 1890; s. George Robert (b. N 15, 18.54, Peoria) and Alma (Downing) Pinkerton (b. F 28, 1860). Prepared in Pawnee City (Neb.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Akron, O.; Assoc. Staff, City Hosp., do., 191.5 — . 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918-19; with the 12,5th Inf. in Argonne Drive. Mem., Ohio State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Marjorie Maude McPherson. Jl 16, 1917. Ad- dress, 180 E. Exchange St., Akron, O. CHARLES HENRY REINHARDT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 29, 1891, Chicago; 8. Henry G. W. and Esther L. (Kopp) Reinhardt. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Air Serv., M. C; Genito-Urinary Pept. (1 yr). Mem., Myrtle Lodge 795; A. F. A. M. Married Mary Inez Galcener, Ap 3, 1918. Child, Charles Henry, Jr., b. Ja 8, 1919. Address, 4226 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. JESSE HENRY ROTH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 6, 1888, Fowler, Ind.; s. John Adam and Mary Ann (Burns) Roth. Prepared in Fowler (Ind.) H. S.; St. Viatcurs Preparatory Sch.; Marion Norm. Coll. A.B. and M.S., Univ. of Notre Dame, 1910. Alpha Kapjm Kappa. Pres. Soph. Class, 1912-13. 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Phys. and Surg., Kan- kakee, 111. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 26, 1917- 19; Capt., do., 1919—. Ophthalmologist, Base Hosp. 11, Nantes, France. Married Ja 27, 1917, (wife died, 1918); Josephine McAuley. Ap 24, 1920, Child, (infant died 1918). Address. 504 Cobb BIdg., Kankakee, 111. PRAMATHANATH SAHA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 10. 1887, Cal- cutta, India. Prepared in Calcutta (India) Schools. Address, Blair Co. Hosp., Hollidays- burg, Pa.t MARCUS RAY SATHE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 24, 1888, Jack- son, Miss. Prepared in Jackson (Miss.) H. S. Formerly of La Crosse, Wis. Mem., State Med. Soc. of Wis.; A. M. A. Address, Commercial Bank Bldg., Wenatchee, Wash.t FRANK J. SCHICK Physician; M.D.; b. F 9, 1892; s. Jacob (b N 21, 1862, Chicago) and Elizabeth (Niesen) Schick (b. F 3, 1865, Ger.). Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Englewood Hosp., Chicago, S 1915-Mr 1916- ' Resident Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Mr 1916-S 1917- Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, F 1919—. 1st Lt.! M. C, U. S. A., S 17, 1917; active serv., D 17, 1917-F 10, 1919. Address, 7523 S. Merrill Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 5453 S. Halsted St., do. RICHARD FREDERICK SCHIELE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 23, 1892, Joliet, 111. Prepared in Joliet H. S.; Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1 yr. Address, Lombard, Ill.t JOSEPH SEILIN Physician; M.D.; b. O 25, 1887, Irkutsk, Siberia- s. Da\nd J. (b. 1856, Rus.) and Fannie (Gottlieb) Seilin (b. 1864, do.). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Phi Sigma; Rea Scholarship in Med., 1911. Instr., Neurol Coll. of Med., 1916-17; Gen. practice, Chicago, 1917 — ; Pathologist and Roentgenologist, Lake View Hosp., do.. 1917—; Garfield Park Hosp , 1919—. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Motor Club; Art Institute, Chicago- Woodman of the World; I. O. O. F. Married' Chicago, D 25, 1913. Child, Daisy, b. D 31, 1914! Address, 1307 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago. MARIUS D. SENELICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 30, 1891, Kiev, Rus.; 8. David J. and Rose (Becker) Senelick. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S. Formerly of Chicago. Married, F 14, 1914, New York City. Address, Gillespie, HI.; bus. add., Benld, do. CLEVE RIDLON SENESCALL Physician; M.D.; b. N 22, 1888, Glencoe, Minn • 8. James A. (b. Mr 31, 1860, Pine Bend, Minn.) and Endora Jane (Ridlon) Senescall (b. Ag 7, 1858, Ind.). Prepared in Ortonville fMinn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1907-11. Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, Swedish Hosp., Minneapolis, Jl 1, 1915- Jl 1, 1916; Gen. Med. practice, Rhame, N. Dak., Jl 15, 1916-F 15, 1917; do., Veblen, S. Dak., Mr 1, 1917—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1, 1918- Ap 2, 1919. Mem., Aberdeen Dist. Med. Soc- S. Dak. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Medical Veterans of World War; Am. Legion. Married 212 University of Illinois [1915 Elizabeth Williams, N 3, 1917, Minneapolis. Child, Cleve R., Jr., b. Je 9, 1919. Address, Veblen, S. Dak. JEREMY JOSEPH SHARPE Specialist; M.D.; b. O 18, 1888, Highmore, S. Dak.; s. Joseph A. and Eliza (Smith) Sharpe. Prepared in Rolling Prairie (Ind.) H. S., 1908; Purdue Univ., 1908-09. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist; formerly of Mill Creek, Ind. Served with U. S. N., 1917-20; Great Lakes Naval Tr. Station, 1917-D 1918; with Marine Expedition- ary Forces, Santo Domingo, D. R., D 1918-My 1, 1920. Mem., B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M. Mar- ried Geneva E. Pedersen, Je 191.'i, Chicago. C!-.ild, Joseph William, b. D 11, 1917. Address. 306 4th St., Fond du Lac, Wis.; bus. add., 88 S. Main St., do. ARTHUR EDWIN SHELL Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 19, 1890; s. Amos E. (b. F 12, 1858, Harrisburg, Pa.) and Minnie (Medland) Shell (b. Ja 5, 1867, Clinton, 111.). Prepared in Clinton, 111. Phi Beta Pi; Valdictorian, 191.5. Intern, Lake View Hosp., Chicago; do., City Hosp., St. Louis; Phys., Clinton. 111., 1915—. M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918-Ja 1919. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; DeWitt Co. Med. Soo. Married S 14, 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, 716 N. Center St., Clinton, 111.; bus. add., 304}^ Public Square, do. WALTER SCOTT SIEWERTH Phys.. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 7, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Ex- Mem., House Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; stationed at Base Hosp. 12, Calais, Fr., O 1, 1917-Mr 8, 1919; discharged My 8, 1919, Camp Grant, 111.; promoted to Capt., My 9, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Ad- dress, 738 Sheridan Road, Chicago.t DEAN STANLEY SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1888; s. Joseph M. (b. Quebec, Can.) and Mabel A. (Sliahl) Smith (b. Ellsworth, Wis.). Prepared in River Falls (Wis.) H. S.; State Norm. Sch., River Falls, Wis. and Stout Inst., Menominee, Wis. Phi Chi. Intern, Augustana Hosp.; Passavant Memorial Hosp., and 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, all of Chicago; Attending Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, La Crosse, Wis., since World War. Med. Advisory Bd., 7th District, Wis., during World War. Mem., A. M. A.; La Crosse Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. Address, La Crosse, Wis. HENRY ALBERT STAIB M.D.; b. D 19, 1891, Bartlett, 111.; s. Otto W. and Mary Louise (Mohr) Staib. Prepared in Elgin Acad., Elgin, 111. Phi Chi. Capt., M. C. U. S. A.; with the 139 Field Ho.sp., 35 Div., St. Mihiel and Argonne. Married Marguerite Swanson, F 27, 1918, Chicago. Address, 18.57 Warren Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3528 Ogden Ave., do. WILLIAM FREDERICK STEIN Physician; M.D.; b. Cisne, 111.; s. Charles R. (b. do.) and Henrietta (Kast) Stein (b. do.). Pre- pared in So. 111. State Norm. Sch.. 1910; St. I;0uis Univ., 1911-13. Zetetic Lit. Soc Jr. In- tern, City Hosp., St. Louis, 1915-16; Sr. Intern, do., 1916-17; Res. Phys., do., 1917-20; Located in Long Beach, Calif., 1921. Mem., St. Louis Med. Soc. Address, 143 E. Burnett Place, Long Beach, Calif. SIMON STERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 11, 1887, Roumania. Grad., Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn. Address, 3424 Sheffield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3307 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t CHRISTOPHER BROWN STUART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 13, 1892, River- ton, III. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Address, 723 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Ill.t THOMAS JOHN SULLIVAN, Jr. Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 7, 1889, Chicago; s. Thomas John (b. Ann Arbor, Mich.) and Cather- ine Justine (McManus) Sullivan (b. O 4, 1860, Natchez, Miss.). Prepared in St. Ignatius H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Tau Omega; Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919—; Attending Staff, Post Grad. and Mercy Hosps., Chicago. Lt., M. C, U. S. N. R. F., 1918-19. Auth. : Tuberculosis of Bone, Ry. Surg. Jour. Pres., Brownson Club. Univ. of Chicago. Mar- ried Gertrude Scotten. O 4, 1916. Address, 4840 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4709 do. JACOB MARION SUTHERLAND Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 21, 1886, Somerset, Ky.; s. John Owen (b. F 14, 1842, do.) and Amanda (Emerson) Sutherland (b. F 12, 1844, do.). Pre- pared in Chambersville H. S.; Gravson Coll., Whitewright, Tex.; Westminster Coll., West- minster, Tex. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Kappa Kappa. House Surg., Harper Hosp., Jl 1, 1915- Jl 1, 1916; Special study of diseases of Eye, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, S 1916; As- sociated with Dr. Jos. C. Beck, North Chicago Hosp., O 1, 1916-D 1, 1917, studying and special- izing in diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Asst., Eye Clinic, Coll. of Med., 1917; Special practice, Detroit, 1917 — . Mem., Staff, Dept. of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol., Harper Hosp.; do., Grace Ho.sp. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., S 10, 1918-F 1, 1919. Mem., Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 35 McLean Ave., Detroit; 6ms. add., 1505 Kresge Bldg., do. BION CLAUDE SYVERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 13, 1887, Norwalk, Wis. Prepared in Viroqua (Wis.) H. S. Phi Chi. Formerly of Westby, Wis. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Surg. Serv., Base Hosp. 77 and Camp Hosp. 107, Beaune, Fr.; Mem. of Surg. Team, Evacuation Hosp. 12, 2nd Army Corps, A. E. F.; discharged Ag 1, 1919, Camp Grant, 111. Address, 5403 W. Division St., Chicago.t EDWIN ROBERT TALBOT Physician; M.D.; b. Je 3, 1892, Joliet, lU.; s. Edward and Nellie (Cullen) Talbot. Prepared in Joliot Tp. H. S. Phi Rho Sigma; "I" in bas- ketball, 1914. Intern, Mercy Hosp., Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; with Base Hosp. 12, (known as N. W. Univ. Unit) My 15, 1917-My 10, 1919; in Fr., 22 mos. Mem., Will Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, .504 Wilcox St., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., 311 Barber Bldg., do. JAMES EDWARD THIELL (Nephew of David M. Alcorn, '92) Physician; M.D.; b. O 11, 1890, Waukesha, Wis.; s. Edward and Anna Thiell. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Pres., 1914-15) Specialist in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; House Phys., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hosp., 1 yr. Mem., Rotary Club. Married Ap 11, 1917, Manitowoc, Wis. Address, 1001 E. Lincoln Ave., Belvidere, 111.; bus. add., Hovey Schaeffer Bldg., do. HARRY EMIL LOUIS TIMM Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 5, 1891, Chicago; s. William J. and Minnie (Stolle) Timm. Pre- pared in Whiting (Ind.) H. S. Phi Delta; Stud. Asst. to Dr. Gehrmann, Bacteriol., Coll. of Med. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, 9901 Ewing Ave., Chicago; Staff of St. Bernards Hosp., do. Mem., Triluminar Lodge 767, A._ F. A. M., R. A. M., Council, Commandery, Shrine; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Bertha M. Hoh, Ag 19, 1916. Children: Harry E. L., Jr., 1916] College of Medicine Alumni 213 b. N 6, 1918; Jack B., b. S 4, 1919. Address. 3641 E. 99th St., Chicago; bus. add.. 9901 Ewing Ave., do. ALBERT VANDERKLOOT Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 29. 1893, Chicago: s. Peter (b. Ap 1. 1800. Texel, Holhmd) and Bertha (Dros) VanderKloot (b. Je 12, 1S«)7, Texel, Hol- land). Prepared in Tuley H. S. ; Univ. of Chicago. 1910-U. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Grant Hosp., Chicago, lOlo-lO; Phys.. Chicago, 1916—; Asst. Med.. Coll. of Med., 1917—. 1st U.. M. R. C. U. S. A., 1918-19; at Base Hosp. 58, Fr. Married, 1916. Chicago. Address, 4242 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. MIHRAN AVEDIS VARZHABEDIAN Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ja 19, 1892, Herek, Armenia; s. Avedis (b. Je 1864, do.) and Mariam (Simitjian) Varzhabedian (b. S 1874, do.). Prepared in An- atolia Coll.. (Preparatorv Course) Marsovan, Armenia; I'niv. of Vt. Coll. of Med., 1911-12. A.B., Anatolia Coll., 1911. Shavarshan Soc; Rea Scholarship; Champion in Discus, Pole Vault, and Javelin, Anatolia Coll.; Dir. of Ath.; Extern, Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York, 1915-16; Chief Anesthet- ist, Hebrew Hosp., Baltimore; Instr., Anesthesia, XursesTr. Sch., do.; Chief Resident Surg., do. ,1916- 18; Pvt. Asst. in charge, Davis Memorial Hosp., Elkins, W. Va., 1919—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A.; Vol. as Pvt.; served at Walter Reed Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, O-N, 1918. Auth.: Venereal Disease and the Future Am. Generation (pamphlet in Armenian) Nerso Press, N. Y.; Tuberculosis (in Armenian) A. Z. K. Armenian Jour., Boston, 1914; Assoc. Ed., Poujag, Armenian Med. Jour., Providence, R I. Mem., Interstate Assn. of Anesthetists; Am. Assn. of Anesthetists; Armenian Nat. Democratic Club. Married Haig- anoush Ashken Dadurian, N 8, 1919, New York. Address. 5032 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; bus. add.. 552 W. North Ave., do. HARRY HENRY VOLBERDING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 10, 1891, Elgin, 111. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.), 1910-11; Formerly of Bensonville, 111.; later at the West Surburban Hosp., Chicago. Address, Roselle, Ill.f AMANDA IRENE WAGONER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 15, 188S, Delphi, Ind. Prepared in Delphi (Ind.) H. S. Mem., Chicago ^led. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 4.503 N. Racine Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1001 Townsend Ave., do.f THOMAS ALFRED WAYLAND Physician; M.D ; b. Mr 3, 1891, Macomb, 111.: s. James A. (b. Ag 26, 1861, Maoomb, 111.) and Ida (McClure) Wayland (b. Ag 7, 1869, Swan Creek, 111.). Prepared in Macomb H. S.; Western lU. St. Norm.; Univ. of Va., 1911; Univ. of Chi- cago, summer of 1914. Phi Beta Pi. Grad. work in obstetrics. Phys., Dallas City, 111., 1916-17; do.. Macomb, 111., 1919—. M. R. C, U. S. A., N 28, 1917-Ja 2, 1919; Examiner for U. S. Pub. Health Serv., N 20, 1919. Auth.: Materia Med. for Nurses, 1920; Anatomy for Nurses, do. Mem., McDonough Co. Tuberculosis Soc. (V. P.); McDonough Co. Med. Soc; 111, State Med. Soc. Married Myrtle Ritter, Ag 29, 1913, Macomb, 111. Children: James A., Jr., b Je 9, 1914; Clara Jean, b. Ja 19, 1920. Address. 517 N. Randolph, Macomb, Ill.:6us. add., Macomb Clinic Bldg., do. MARION A. WEIGHTMAN Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 6, 1883, Dillon, Mont.; d. Solmou (b. 1852, Philadelphia) and Elmira E. (Hill) Weightman (b. 1861, Dundee, 111.). Prepared in Dundee H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1916-17; Resi- dent Phys., Psychopathic Hosp., do., 1917-18; Exam. Phys., Willys Overland Co., Toledo, O., 1918—. Address, 810 Madison Ave., Toledo, O. ROLAND ARETUS WELCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 16, 1885, Isabella- Co., Mich. Prepared in Spring Arbor (Mich.) Sem.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., 1908-09. Formerly of Battle Creek, Mich.; at one time a Baptist Minister.! WALTER FRED WIESE Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 16, 1888; s. Frederick (b. Milwaukee) and Agnes (Seeben) (b. do.). Prepared in S. Div. H. S., Milwaukee; Univ. of Wis., 1908-09. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Mem.. Ex. Com. Located in Bismarck, N. Dak., 191.5-16, Las Vegas, Nev., 1916-17; Los Angeles, Calif.! 1917-18; Fresno, do., 1918 — . Mem., Exemption Bd., Las Vegas, Nev. Married Louise Isobel Kratsch, Ap 15, 1916, Mobridge, S. Dak. Child, Elizabeth Jane, b. Je 1, 1917. Address, 267 Echo Ave., Fresno, Calif.; 6ms. add., 525 Rowell Bldg., do. ALFRED ARTHUR WILLANDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 12, 1888; s. O. S. (b. Ja 5, 1850) and Ellen (Olson) Willander (b. Ja 18, 1856). Prepared in Gibbon (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Gen. Med. practice in Rockford, 111., 191.5-17; Chicago. 1919—. M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Married Je 5, 1918, Chicago. Address, 6416 S. May St., Chicago. WALTER ANTHONY WOOLLEY Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 21, 1882, Lon- don, Eng. Prepared in Battle Creek Coll. (Prep. Dept.). Formerly of Lancashire, Eng.; later Phys., Battle Creek Sanitarium. Address, Battle Creek, Mich.t CLASS OF 1916 (108 LIVING, 2 DEAD) CONRAD GEORGE APPELLE Physician; M.D.; b. D .30, 1883, Carroll Co.; III.; s. Balser Gorges (b. 111.) and Katharine (Fox) Appelle (b. Pa.). Prepared in H. S.; Dixon Coll.; 111. State Norm. Univ. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Valedictorian; Pres., Fresh. Class; do.. Therapeutic Soc. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 1916-18; A.sst., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1917-18; House Phys., City Hosp., Chicago, 1918; Physician, Champaign, O 29, 1919 — ; Instr., Pliy- siol., Univ. of 111., Urbana, F 1921—. M. C, U. S. A., in U. S. and France, My 1918-Ag 1919. Address, 520 Robeson Bldg., Champaign. ROBERT IRVING BARICKMAN (Husband of Laura .\nne .\lband,'15,A.B. in H. Sc.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 26, 1890, Reading. 111.; 8. Daniel and Ida (Fleshman) Barickman. Prepared in Streator H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Phi Rho Sigma. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Base Hosp. 4, Fr., 11 mos. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 1916-17; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Laura Anne Alband, O 17, 1917, Streator, 111. Child, Robert Irving, Jr., b. Ap 17, 1920. Address, 213 W. Washington St., Streator, 111.; 6ms. add., 208 E. Main St., do. EDWIN JUDGE BARNETT Physician; M.D.; b. Mr .30, 1894, Peoria, 111.; 8. Bartnolomew and Katharine (Judge) Bariiett (b. Ft. Garland, Colo.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Cook Co. Hosp., S 1916-D 1917; Asst., Pediatries. Coll. of Med.. 1917-18; Spokane, 1919-. M. C, U. S. A., D 1917-Ag 1919. Address, 1103 E. 14th St., Spokane; 6ms. add., 503 Paulsen Bldg., do. 214 University of Illinois [1916 HANNAH JANE BEATTY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 16, 1888, New Hampshire, O.; d. William M. and Mary Evange- line (Van Horn) Beatty. Prepared in Mt. Ver- non Coll. and Acad. Nu Sigma Phi. Served at Los Angeles Co. Hosp. Address, .5141 Oakland Ave., Los Angele.s; bus. add., 510 Baker Detwiler Bldg., do. JOHN FRANCIS BENNETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 5, 1886, Water- ford, Wis.; s. J. E. and Arma (McCarthy) Bennett. Prepared in Burlington (Wis.) H. S.; Milwaukee Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys. and Surg., Milwaukee Co. Hosp.; Emer- gency Hosp.; South View Municipal Hosp., 1916- 17; Gen. Med. practice, Burlington, Wis.. 1919—. Capt.. M. C, World War, 1917-19. Married Florence Mauer, My 1920. Address, Burlington, Wis. CIJFFORD EDWARD BERGIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 25, 1894. Chicago. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Address, 3502 W. Huron St., Chicago.t ALICK BERNSTEIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1894, Chicago. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Address, 1015 S. Western Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 9121 Commer- cial Ave., do.t FRANKLIN CARLISLE BIVINGS Physician; M.D.; b. My 12, 1879, Dalton, Ga.; s. James Cleveland (b. 1848, vSpartanburg, S. Car.) and Rosa Caroline (Flagler) Bivings (b. 1855, Kingstree, S. Car.). Prepared in Dalton (Ga.) Pub. Schs. and H. S.; Ala. Polytechnic Institute, 1899-1901. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Chi; Var- sity Fullback, 1899-1901; Track Team; 1st Place, Hammer Throw and Shot Put; Pres., So. Atn. Advisory Bd., 1899-1901; 1st Lt., Cadet Corps. House Surg., Vancouver (B. C.) Gen Hosp., 1917; Special Med. and Surg, work, Chicago, 1918; Gen. Med. practice, Atlanta, Ga., D 26, 1918 — . Assis- ted in treatment of returned soldiers, Vancouver (B. C.) Gen. Hosp., 1917; 1st Lt„ M. C, U. S. A., Co. 18, Bn. 5, Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga, Ga., O 12-D 26, 1918. Mem., Fulton Co. Med. Soc, 1918—; Ga. State Med. Soc, 1918—; A. M. A., 1918 — . Address, 15 E. Merritts Ave., At- lanta, Ga.; 6ms. add., 401-5 Atlanta Nat. Bank Bldg., do. WARREN CALDWELL BLIM Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 4, 1890, Crete 111. Prepared in Univ. of 111. Acad., 1907-09; L. & A. and Com., 1909-10; Beloit Coll., Wis., 1911-12. Phi Beta Pi. Address, Chicago Heights, Ill.t PLINY RUSSELL BLODGETT M.D.; B.S., '15; b. Mr 4, 1892, Harvard, 111.; s. John Weslev (b. Ag 6, 1861, Le Roy, 111.) and Estelle (Blanehard) Blodgett (b. Ja 15, 1871, East Troy, Wis.). Prepared in Lake Geneva (Wis.) H. S.; Beloit Coll., 1910-11; Univ. of Wis.. 1911-13. Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Harvard, 111., and Chicago Heights, do., 1916 — •. 1st Lt., M. C, 111. Nat. Guard, Mex. Border, Je 16, 1916-Mr 1, 1917; 1st Lt. later Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 25, 1917-Je 17, 1919; Surg., 123rd Mil. Surg. Bn. and 129th Inf., 33rd Div.; A. E. F., My 1918-Je 1919. Autb.: The Med. Officer as an Officer and Soldier, Military Surgeon. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Assn. of Mil. Surgs.; Med. Veterans of the World War; Am. Legion; Am. Officers of the Great War; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; R. A. M.; L. O. O. M. Married Gladys Araminta Griffiths, O 22, 1917, Woodstock, 111. Child, Pliny Russel, Jr. Ad- dress, 169 W. 14th Place, Chicago Heights, 111.; bus. add., 1601 West End Ave., do. BERNARD JOSEPH BOLKA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 20, 1892, Michigan City, Ind. Prepared in St. Stanislaus Coll., Chi- cago. Address, 2948 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t ROLLO PRESTON BOURBON Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1890, Rosedale, Kan.; s. Oliver P. (b. 1863, Wis.) and Gertrude L. (Ells) Bourbon (b. 1870, la.). Prepared in Central H. S., Kansas City, Mo.; Kan. State Univ., 1909-10. Intern, St. Louis City Hosp., 1916-17. Commis- sioned in M. C, U. S. A., Je 19, 1917; Army Med. Sch., Wa.shington, D. C, 1917-18; On Duty, Camp Sherman, Ohio, F 1918; Overseas with 332th Inf., Je 1918; Served in Italian Campaign until Armis- tice; On duty at Fiume, Fr.; in Hosps. at Bor- deaux, Tours and Paris; with A. F. I. G., Coblenz, Ja 1920—. Address, 3811 College Ave., Kansas City, Mo. ROY M. BOWELL Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 28, 1893, Rolling Prairie, Ind.; s. D. H. and Viola (Melson) Bowell. Pre- pared in Rolling Prairie (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Chi. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago; Staff, Calumet and Hecla Hosp., Calumet, Mich.; Gen. Med. practice, Kuna, Idaho. Mar- ried Marie Eloise Callender, Je 15, 1918. Child, Mary Louise, b. My 2, 1919. Address, Kuna, Idaho. LEWIS EDWIN JOEL BROWNE Physician; M.D.; b. Jl 12, 1890, Lewistown, Mo.; s. Joel Carlton (b. F 12, 1861, Birmingham, la.) and Annie Catherine Brown (b. N 22, 1866, Marion Co., Mo.). Prepared in Westminster Coll.; Univ. of Mo., F 1909-F 1912; St. Louis Univ., 1912-14. Pi Kappa Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Intern, Kan. City Gen. Hosp., Kansas Citv, Mo., Jl 1, 1916-.Ie 30, 1917. 1st Lt., M, C, U. S. A., N 24, 1917; Capt., do., N 24, 1918; A. E. F.,Fr. andGer.,My 10, 1918-N 11, 1919; Aisne- Marne offensive, Vesle Sector, St. Mihiel offensive, London Sector and Argonne-Meuse offensive; Army of Occupation. Ger., N 22, 1918-Jl 13, 1919. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Mo. State Med. Soc. Married Susan Viola Browne, S 4, 1913, St. Louis. Children: Suzanne, b. Ap 29, 1915; Catherine Viola, b. D 9, 1916. Address, Lewistown, Mo.; bus. add., Surg. Service, U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. 28, Fort Sheridan, 111. or Care Adjutant Gen. U. S. A., Washington, D. C. EDWARD ARTHUR BRUCKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 14, 1890, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. Peter (b. 1848, Andernach, Ger.) and Gertrude (Schneider) Brucker (b. 1849, Fond du Lac, Wis.) . Prepared in H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, West Side Hosp.; Phys. and Surg., Chicago, Ja 1, 1917—. M. R. C, U. S. A., Ag 9, 1917- Ja 23, 1918; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., A. E. F. duty with Ambulance Co. 16, 2nd Div., Ja 23, 1918- Ag 4, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, 904 Castlewood Terrace, Chicago; bus. add., 4100 W. Madison St., do. WESLEY MORGAN BURLING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 21, 1885, Muskegon, Mich.; s. Walter and Sarah (Kies) Burling. Pre- pared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Alto, Mich. Army Serv., Gen. Hosps. 3 and 28, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Alto, Mich. MANLEY JOSEPH CAPRON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 31, 1890, Walden, Colo. Prepared in Kalamazoo (Mich.) H. S. Omega Beta Pi. Arfcfrpss, 31 W. Bidwell St., Battle Creek, Mich.; bus. add.. Battle Creek Sanitarium.t 1916] College of Medicine Alumni 215 WILLIAM FRANKLIN CARROLL Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 31, lS8o; s. David Morton (b. O 1, ISoO) and Margcrett (Pine) Car- roll (b. Ag 1872, Hannibal, Mo.). Prepared in Watson Sem., Ashley, Mo.; Columbia Norm. Acad., Columbia, Mo., 1902-04. Seholarship, Coll. of Med , 1915. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Married Lulu O. Gill, O 7, 1908, Hanni- bal, Mo. Address, New Holland. 111. ALBERT BROCKWAY CARSTENSEN Phys.and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 9, lS90,Tripoli, la.; s. Henry G. (b. S 23, ISCl, Beeeher. 111.) and Minnie (Rewaldt) Carstensen (b. Mr 26, 1865, Itasca, 111.). Prepared in Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, la.; Drake Univ., 1910-11; Univ. of Chicago, 1912-13. Intern, la. Methodist Hosp., Des Moines. la., Jl 1, 1916-Jl 1. 1917; Phys.. JoUey, la.. S 1, 1917—. Mem., Calhoun Co. Med. Soc, 1920; la. State Med. Soc, do. Married Mary Maude Morris, S 24, 1917, Linn Grove, la. Child, Ruth Hannah, b. Jl 1. 1918. Address, JoUey, la. EMMET FRANCIS CASEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 30, 1894, Chicago; s. Patrick and Catherine (Levy) Casey. Prepared in St. Rita H. S. Phi Delta. Scholarship, St. Rita Coll., 1908. Gynecologist, Gen. Hosp., Chi- cago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Catholic Church; B. P. O. E. Married Elsa Elizabeth Singer, Ja 8, 1919. Child, Patricia, b. O 28, 1919. Address, 6125 Indiana Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5851 Went- worth Ave., do. ALGER ARTHUR CLARK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 4, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in Crane Technical H. S., Chicago. Formerly of Milwaukee. Address, 1465 N. Leavitt St., Chieago.t BLAINE WILSON CLAYPOOL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 13, 1891, Morris, 111.; s. Nellie Mae (Burroughs) Claypool. Pre- pared in Murray F. Tuley H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Rho Sigma; Delta Sigma; Cross Country Team and Club, Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago; Resident Phvs., Hyde Park Hotel, do.; Examining Phys., Chicago Bd. of Educ. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Custer, Mich.; Base Hosp. 143 and Ft. Sheridan, 111. Auth.: Orthopedic Surgery Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Shrine, Knight Templar; B. P. O. E.; Hamilton Club; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Address, Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago. HORACE R. COBB Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 28, 1876, Nirvana, Mich. ; Prepared in Kalamazoo (Mich.) H. S.; Course in Pharm.. Valparaiso Univ.; Detroit Coll. of Med.. 1 yr. (1912-13). Address, 322 S. Burdick St.. Kalamazoo, Mich.f MICH.AEL MILTON CODY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 28, 1889, Highland. Wis. Prepared in Highland (Wis.) H. S. For- merly at .3303 Flournoy St., Chicago. Address, Megeath, Wyo.f JAMES SWANEY COOPER Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 18. 1886, Paris. Pa.; 8. William Robert (b. .Sheffield, Pa.) and Cynthia Jane (Swaney) Cooper fb. Hookstown, Pa.). Pre- pared in Butler (Pa.) H. S.; Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, O., 1911-15. B.S.. Westminster Coll.. 1910. Kappa Phi Lambda; Phi Rho Sifema. Surg, and Obstetrician. Burlington, la. Ist Lt.. M. C. U. S. A., Je 10-D 27, 1918. Married Helen Moore Cooper, Je 21, 1917, Coraopolis, Pa. Child, Fmma Jane. b. S 13, 1918. Address. 412 S. Gun- nison St., Burlington, la.; bus. add.. Suite 502-.504 la. Stete Savings Bank Bldg., do. WARD COOPER Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 23, 1885, Nickerson, Kan.; s. Simeon M. (b. Je 25, 1850, 111.) and Nancy E. (Carrothcrs) Cooper (b. D 16, 1850, Ohio). Prepared in lola (Kan.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1916-17; Gen. Med. practice, Cheney, Wash.. 1917-19; Res. Phys., Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp.. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1920 — . Married Anne Marie Hoy, Jl 16. 1918. Spokane. Address, Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp.. Brooklyn. N. Y. SCHUYLER OPP COTTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S.. 1916; b. O 19. 1890, Sioux City, la. Prepared in Vermillion (S. Dak.) H. S.; Univ. of S. Dak.. Med. Coll., 1911-12. Phi Chi. Address, 343 Ferndale St., Detroit; bus. add., Bates Bldg., do.t *AUBREY JAMES CROSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 30. 1892. Aber- deen, Wash. Prepared in Aberdeen (Wash.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Phi Delta Kappa. Deceased. AGNES BEULAH CUSHMAN Asst. Instr.; M.D.; b. O 1, 1890, Bethany, Mo.; d. A. F. (b. Je 7, 1868, Memphis, Mo.) and Eliza- beth S. (Wightman) Cushman (b. My 20. 1871, Garden (3rove. la.). Prepared in Bethany (Mo.) H. S.; Chicago Tr. Sch. for City and Foreign Mis- sionaries; Lewis Inst.. Chicago. A.B., Milwau- kee Downer Coll.. 1921. Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Phi. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1917-18; Resident Phys., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Depts., Cook Co. Hosp., 1918-19; Asst. Instr., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Auth.: Influenza Epidemic In Chicago, The Disease as a Type of Toxemic Shock, Am. Med. Jour., 1918. Mem. of Staff, Milwaukee Childrens Hosp. Mem., Milwaukee Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Address, 504 Goldsmith Bldg., Milwaukee. LLOYD DAVID CUTTING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 1, 1893, Chicago. Prepared in Stevens Point (Wis.) H. S. Phi Delta. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1917. Address, Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp.. La Fundicion. Peru, S. A.t MAURICE DORNE (Formerly Maurice Doktorsky) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 5, 1893, Chicago; 8. Harry and Jeanette (Goldstein) Dome. Pre- pared in Lewis Institute. Beta Phi; Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp.; Fellow- ship in the Dispensary. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Ad- dress, 927 N. Oakley Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add.. 1102 N. Ashland Ave., do. WILLIAM HOLMES DYER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 29, 1886, Lincoln. 111.; 8. Alfred (b. 1854, Springfield) and Laura (Ward) Dyer (b. 18.57, Sedalia, Mo.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S.; Lincoln Coll., 1910-11. Intern. Gen. Hosp., Kan. City. Mo., Jl 1916-17. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; with the 317th Ammunition Train, N 1917-Mr 23, 1919. Mem., M. E. Church; Aesculapian Med. Soc. Kan. City, Kan. Mar- ried Mr 6, 1918. Address, 1968 N. 3rd St.. Kansas City, Kan. FRED ELWELL EAREL Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ; b. Ja 1 1, 1892, Abingdon, 111.; s. Erasmus Jas. and May Helen (Elwell) Earel. Prepared in Abingdon H. S.; Hedding Coll., do. Phi Beta Pi. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., F. H. 132, 32 Div., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine. Married Lilyon L. Lewis, D 30, 1919, Hoopeston. III. Address, 202J^ E. Main St.. Hoopeston. 111.; bus. add., 501 E. Main St., do. 216 University of Illinois [1916 CHARLES PATT ECK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; Ph.G., 1909; Ph.C, 1910; b. Ag 25, 1889, Cliicago; s. John and Caroline (Kreuter) Eck. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta Kappa; Pres., Sr. Class, 1916. Res. Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Asst. Dir., Lab., A. E. F. France World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.. San Antonio Consistory 5. Address, 8400 S. Morgan St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. DAVE ELIAS ELLISON (Formerly D. E. Eisenberg) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 24, 1892, Minnea- polis, Minn.; s. Ehas and Sasie (Hellerman) Eisen- berg. Prepared in North H. S., Minneapolis; Univ. of Minn. (Acad. Dept.). Alpha Phi Sigma. Formerly located at U. S. Naval Hosp., Chelsea, Mass. Changed name from Eisenberg to Ellison, 1919. U. S. Navy, S 1918-0 1920. Mem.. Jewish Church. Married Kate Wolfenson, Je 16, 1915, Minneapolis. Child, Marjorie Ann, b. O 27, 1920. Address, 1500 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis. LYNN WICKWIRE ELSTON Surgeon; M.D.; b. Ap 9, 1893; s. William W. and Wilma (Wickwire) Elston. B.S., Tri-State Coll., Angola, Ind. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Delta Kappa; Phi Chi; Salutatorian, 1916. Gen. Surg, practice; Resident Staff, Cook Co. Hosp. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; serv.. Base Hosps., Camp Dodge, Camp Grant, and Camp Upton. Domestic Cita- tion by Gen. Pershing, 1918, for especially meritor- ious and distinguished services in the A. E. F., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; I. O. O. F. Address, Rogers Bldg., Jackson, Mich. ♦ARTHUR MORGAN EVANS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 29, 1890, Genesee, Wis. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago; Chi- cago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Phi Rho Sigma. For- merly at 2457 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. M. R. C. U. S. A. Died in Serv., World War. BOYD FRANKLIN EYE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 28, 1888, Brown Co., Kan.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. F 20, 1863, 111.) and Louise Jane (Miller) Eye (b. Ag 28, 1865, Md.). Prepared in Dickinson Co. H. S., Chap- man, Kan.; Ensworth Med. Coll., St. Joseph, Mo., 1911-12. Intern, St. Margarets Hosp., Kansas City, Kan., S 1, 1916- S 1917; do., St. Francis Ho.sp., Wichita, do., O 1-N 1917. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., D 1917-Ag 1919. Mem., Baptist Church; Franklin Co. Med. Soc; Kan. State Med. Soc. Address, Rantoul, Kan. MARION SHELLEY FINK Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 15, 1886, In- dianapolis. Specialist in Surg.; formerly located in Montpelier, Idaho. Address, Nampa, Idaho. t VICTOR FINSAND Phys. and Surg.; M,D.; b. O 18, 1889. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Houston, Tex.; Aberdeen, S. Dak. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 20, 1917- F 3, 1919; served with 306th Cavalry and 49th Field Artillery, World War. Mem.. 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A., Edwall, Wash.f ALEXANDER WILLIAM FORDYCE Physician; M.D.; b. S 23. 1891, Oilman, 111.; s. John William (b. Mr 30, 1868, Brenton, 111,) and Mary Ellen (Sullivan) Fordyce (b. Je 3, 1866, Fairbury, 111.). Prepared in Oilman H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Class Poet, 1916. Auth.: Illinois Medic Song. Gen. Med. practice. Oilman. 111. Extern. 6 mos., Intern, 1 yr.. Chicago. 1st Lt , M. R. C, U. S. A., S 21, "1917; Active duty, Ft. Riley, Kan., D 17, 1917-Ap 1, 1918; received regular and Orthopedic Courses, do.; Camp Upton, Long Island, Ap 1-23, 1918; Field Ho.sp., 302nd San. Train, 77th Div., (Liberty) A. E. F.; 3rd Bn., 308 Inf., Argonne; discharged My 21, 1919, Camp Grant. Mem., Ford and Iroquois Co. Med. Socie- ties; Am. Legion; Bd. of Health, Gilman, 111. Married Cecilia A. Baker (R. N,), Je 30, 1919, Ottawa, 111. Child, Robert Eugene, b. N 27, 1920. Address, 406 S. Central St., Gilman, 111.; bus. add.. 213 N. Central St., do. SOPHIA HENRIETTA FREDERICKSON Phys. and Anesthetist; M.D.; b. O 17, 1889, Banza Mantcko, Congo Beige, W. Central Africa; d. Peter and Mathilda (Reuter) Frederickson. Prepared in East H. S., Rochester, N. Y., 1909. Nu Sigma Phi; Alpha Omega Alpha. U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Influenza Epidemic, 1918. Address, 234 S. Maple Ave., Oak Park, 111. LEO VINCENT GATES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S.; b. My 29, 1888, Alma City, Minn.; s. Lawrence E. (b. 1854, Minn.) and Harriott E. (Lawrence) Gates (b. 1856, Wis.). Prepared in Elgin (Minn.) H. S.; Carleton Coll.; Univ. of Minn. Phi Rho Sigma; T. N. E. M. O. T. C, Fort Riley, Kan., D 15 1917-Mr 1918; 39 Field Hosp., 85 Div.; Overseas, Jl 1918-My 1919; attached to Headquarters, 5th Army Corps. Mem. A. F. A. M., 32°, Miss. Valley Consistory; Shrine, Franklin Co. Med. Soc. Married Je 17, 1916, Chicago. Address, Zeigler, 111. RUSSELL ADAMS GILMORE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 23, 1891, Michigan City, Ind.; s. William George and Mary Jane (Dawson) Gilmore. Prepared in Michigan City (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Kappa Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Army Serv., M. C, U. S. A., 2}4 yrs. Mem., Epis. Church. Married Lillian Marion Miller, N 20, 1916, Chicago. Children: Russell A., Jr., b. Ja 24, 1917; Robert William, b. My 25, 1920. Address, 624 Washington St., Michigan City, Ind. HAROLD MORTIMER GLOVER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 26, 1887, Mont- clair, N. J.; s. Charles Mortimer (b. Ja 21, 1861, Southold. N. Y.) and Emily Rogers (Clark) Glover (b. Ap 14, 1865, New York). Prepared in New- ton (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Pa. A.B., Bethel Coll., Newton, Kan., 1915. Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Axtell Hosp., Newton, Kan., Je 1916-Je 1917. Gen. Med. practice, Newton, Kan., My 1919—. 1st Lt., M.C., U. S-. A., Jl 6, 1917-F 22, 1919; Kan. Nat. Guard, Jl 6-Ap 5, 1917; Camp Doniphan, Okla., S 1917-Mr 1918; Active Service in France with 35th Div., Ap 14, 1918- Ap 14, 1919; Cant., M. C, U. S. A., F 22-My 9, 1919. V. P., Harvey Co. Med. Soc, 1920. Mar- ried Marguerite Axtell, Ja 1, 1911, Newton, Kan. Child, Lucena Jane, b. S 29, 1911. Address, 301 East 7th St., Newton, Kan. JOHN GERVASE GOGGIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 19, 1891, Roches- ter, Minn.; s. William Goggin. Prepared in Stewartville (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Mr 20, 1918-0 14, 1919; France, A. E. F., Je 11. 1918-S 26. 1919. Address, Stewartville, Minn. BENJAMIN GOLDBERG Instructor; M.D.; b. Chicago; s. Max and Clara R. Goldberg. Prepared in Lake H. S.. Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Delta Epsilon. Resident Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., 1917-18; Attend- ing Phys. in charge of Racine Ave. Dispensary. Chicago; do., Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-20. Auth.: Herpes Zoster and Chicken Pox, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 70, Ap 1918: Treatment of Acute Lung Abscess by Artificial Pneumothorax, Am. Review of Tuberculosis, Vol. 3, My 1919; Effects of Influenza on Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Bui., ISIuni- cipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Chicago, Vol. 9, D 1918. Mem., Am. Public Health Assn.. 1918—; Am. Congress on Internal Med., 1919 — . Chicago 1916] College of Medicine Alttmni 217 Med. Spc, 1917—: 111. State Med. Soc. do.; A. M. A., do. Address, SU Eastwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4602 Keniuore Ave., do. VICTOR HUGO HASEK M.D.; b. My 13. 1S91, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. Joseph and Emilv Hasek. Prepared in Cedar Rapids (la.) H. S.: Coe Coll., 1912. Alpha Kappa Kappa. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.. Ap 6-D 2.5, 1918. Married My 14, 191S. Lisbon, la. Address, 210 Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. GRACE MAUDE HAWTHORNE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 2, 1881, Nevada, la. Prepared in Central Univ., Pella, la. R. N. Nu Sigma Phi. St. I.ukes Hosp.. Chicago. Ad- dress, 526 Diversey Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 615 S. Ashland Blvd., and 1605 W. Van Buren St. do.t PLACIDO RAMOS VASQUEZ HOMMEL M.D.; b. Je 14, 1SS9. Cavev, Porto Rico. Pre- pared in Carroll Coll., Waukesha, Wis., 1909-11; Univ. of Wis., 1902-14. Phi Rho Sigma. For- merly located at Neillsville. Wis.; later at the Evanston Hosp., Evanston, 111. Capt., Amb. Co. 126, 32nd Div.. Ja 1-Ap 22, 1918; Train Surg., 2nd Div.. Ap 22, 191S-Je 1, 1919. Married Maud L. Twining. N 26, 1918. Child, John Mahlon, b. F 27, 1920. Address, Elkader, la. GERALD CHARLES HUNT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 14, 1890; s. W. A. and Emma (Creason) Hunt. Prepared in West H. S., Des Moines. Football and Track. Delta Upsilon; Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, DeSoto. la. M.C. U. S. A. Ap 6, 1917- O 22, 1919. Married Irene Clvbourn Holden, S 13, 1915, Chicaeo. Children: Gerald, b. Jl 17, 1916; Frank, b. D 15, 1917. Address, De Soto, la. ARSHAVIR IGNATIUS Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. Jl 16, 1887, Armenia; 8. Antreas and Annig (Shahiniago) Ignatius. Pre- pared in Fuphrates Coll., Harpoot, Armenia. Came to U. S. from Armenia. 1910. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Address, 3534 Flour- nov St., Chicago; bus. add., 606 Blue Island Ave., do. WILLIAM ISRAELSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 24, 1893, Chicago. Prepared in McKinlev H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 23.52 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 6335 Kimbark Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 736 E. 6.3rd St., do.f CLARENCE AUGUST JACOBSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 6, 1893, Chicago; B. A. and Ida (.\rnold) Jacobson. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. M.C, U. S. A., 21 mos., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine. Address, 2931 W. Adams St., Chicago. LEO JACOB JACOBSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 16, 1895, Chicago; 8. Samuel and Florence Jacobson. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Plii Delta Ensilon. Instr., Obstetric", Maternity Dispensarv, Pittsburgh, 1916; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1917-18; Attending Phys., West Side Dispensary, 1919-20; Asst., Med., Coll. of Med.. 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U S. A., World War. Mem,, Assn. Mil. Surgs.; A. F. A. M., Oriental 33". Addresx. 7516 S. Green St., Chicago; but. ivld., 7207 S. Halsted St., do. WALTER JOHN JARACZ Phys. and Surg.: M.D.; b. My 10, 1894, East Chicaeo, Ind.: «. .lohn fb. 18.59, Ga'icia, Poland) and Mary fMadro) Jaracz (b. 1863, do.). Pre- pared in East Chicago find.) H. S.) H. S. Ser- geant-at-Arms, Class of 1916. St. Louis City . Hosp., 1916-18; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Grand Rapids, Mich, S 1. 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A , Mr 20, 1918-My 27, 1919. Address, 625 Bridge St.. Grand Rapids, Mich. DANIEL WILLIAM JEFFRIES Physician; M.D.; b. F 14, 1889, Marietta, 111.; s. David Ferguson (b. Pa.) and Lome Agnes (Wet- sel) Jeffries (b. Marietta. 111.). Prepared in West. 111. State Norm. Sch., Macomb, 111. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Chicago, 1916 — ; I>ake View Hosp., 1916-17. World War, Jl 17, 1917- Je 24, 1919; U. S. Pub. Health Serv., Jl 8, 1919-My 1, 1920. A. F. A. M. Address, 4630 Maiden St., Chicago. HARRY KATZ Urologist; M.D.; b. Ap 1, 1894, Chicago; s. Morris and Sarah Katz. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S.. Chicago. Alpha Phi Sigma. M. R. C, U. S. A., World War, 13 mos. Address, 108 N. State St., Chicago. RALPH KING Physician; M.D.; b. My 20, 1887, Jancsville, 111. : s. Joe (b. Martinsville, Ind.) and Sarah (Askew) King (b. rfo.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Chi; Phi Delta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Jr. Class Pres. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1917; Olney Sanitarium, 1919 — . Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp. 99, Hveres, Fr.; in Serv., My 1918-Jl 1919. Married Nona Wharf, S 4, 1917, Chicago. Child, Virginia, b. Jl 20, 1918. Address, 227 S. Morgan St., Olney, 111.; 6ms. add., Olney Sanitarium, do. RALPH GLENN KLINE Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 13, 1887, LaPorte City, la.; s. James B. and Mary E. (Strayer) Kline. Prepared in LaPorte (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Iowa, 190.5-08; Univ. of Chicago, 1908-09. Phi Beta Pi; Theta Nu Epsilon. Asst., Zoology Dept., Univ. of Iowa, 1906-07; Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago; Minneapolis City Hosp., 1916-17. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Hoopeston, 111., 1921. Mem., Universalist Church. Married Hazel E. McCowen, Ag 15, 1917 (Died Ja 30, 1920). Child, Marjorie Jane, b. Ag 8, 1918. Address, 202>^ E. Main St., Hoopeston, 111. HERMAN CARL KOCH Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 13, 1894, Harvard, 111. Prepared in Sharon (Wis.) H. S. Formerly of Harvard, 111.; later at the Erie Co. Hosp., Buffalo. Address, Sharon, Wis.f BERNARD JOHN KULY (Formerly Bernard John Kulasavicz) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 26, 1894, Bessemer, Mich. Phi Beta Pi. Formerly located at Bes- semer, Mich.; Phys., Henrotin Hosp., Chicago; Chicago Policlinic and Hosp., do. Address, Muni- cipal Contagious Disease JIosp., 3026 S. Calif. Ave., Chicago. t HELEN PEARL KUTZENBERGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 19, 1891, God- frey, 111. Prepared in Jerseyville H. S. Nu Sigma Phi. Address, Jerseyville, Ill.t MAX LAMPERT Phys. and Surg.; M.D; b. Mr 22, 1895; s. Robert (b. My 1868, Aus.) and F.sther Rosalind (Thaler) Lampert (b. Ap 1870). Prepared in Proviso Tp. H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Rea Scholarship, 191.5-16. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. S 1916-F 1918; As.^^t. Univ. Health Off., Univ. of 111., Urbana, S 1919-21; Mercy Hosp.. Cadillac, Mich., 1921—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. F 1918- Jl 1919. Auth : Blood Ferments in Pregnancy, III. Med. Jour.. 1916. Married Esther Elizabeth Nelson, Mr 11, 1918, Waco, Tex. Address, Cadil- lac, Mich. 218 University of Illinois [1916 HENRY ROBERT LEIBINGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1890, Chicago. Phi Chi. Formerly located in Bismarck, N. Dak.; later at 2318 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Address, 21.5 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit.t JACOB D. LIFSCHUTZ (Cousin of Leo Orloff, '16. D.D.S.) Physician; M.D.; b. My 19, 1888, Rus.; s. Julius (b. F 15. 1860, do.) and Minnie (Rirkin) Lifschutz (b. O 20, 1863, do.). Prepared in Lewis Institute. Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, Je 15, 1916-Jl 1, 1918, (Diploma); Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, F16, 1919—. Mem.,ChicaKoMed. Soc; A. M. A., 1920—. Married Estelle Kabrin, F 16, 1919, Chicago. Address, 2110 N. Spaulding Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 2705 W. North Ave., do. GEORGE ROBERT LIPP Physician; M.D.; b. N 5, 1889; s. Albert (b. 1850. Ger.) and Louise (Ferch) Lipp (b. 1856, Ger.). Prepared in Oshkosh (Wis.) Norm. Sch. Chm., Ex. Com. Class 1916. Located in Bismarck, N. Dak. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Urolog. work in Field Hosps., Fr; Surg. Triage, St. Mihiel and Argonne. Married Frances Kelly, Ap 7, 1920, Bismarck, N. Dak. Address, Bis- marck, N. Dak. BRUNO A. LUNGMUS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 20, 1890; s. Carl A. (b. Ja 27, 1859, Erfurt, Ger.) and Mina (Schol- lais) Lungmus (b. Je 22, 1862, do.). Prepared in Erfurt, Ger.; Univs. of Leipzig, Jena and London, 1912-13. House Phys., St. Marys Hosp., 1916-17; Asst. Surg., U. S. Steel Corp., Duluth, Minn., 1917-18; Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv., My 1919—. World War, Je 1918-Ja 1919. Address, 1081 3rd St., Milwaukee. MARY RUTH McGUIRE Obstetrician; M.D.; b. Mr 1893; d. Patrick and Elizabeth (Ennis) McGuire. Alpha Xi Delta; Alpha Epsilon Iota. Specialist in Obstetrics and Pediatrics; formerly located in Holstein, la.; later at St, Lukes Hosp., Chicago; Chicago Lying-in Hosp. and Dispensary; New England Hosp. for Women and Children, Boston; U. S. Childrens Bureau, Washington, D. C. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2200 E. 71st St., Chicago. MAURY HOLCOMBE McRAE Physician; M.D.; b. F 28, 1895, Dennis, Miss.; 8. William Wallace (b. Ap 13, 1865, Mingo, Miss.) and Alice (McConnell) McRae (b. Mr 24, 1865, Trenton, Tenn.). Prepared in Corinth (Miss.) H. S.; Univ. of Miss., 1912-14. Nu Sigma Nu. Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1916-17; located in Corinth, Miss., Jl 1919—. Lst Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 28, 1917-Je 11, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, 1920, Scottish Rite, Shrine; Miss. State Med. Soo., 1919; A. M. A. Married Annie Lois Bram- lett, N 25, 1919, Corinth, Miss. Address, 616 Madi.son St., Corinth, Miss.; bus. add.. The McRae Clinic, do. ANICETO YLAGAN MANDANAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 7, 1888, Philippine Islands. Prepared in Manila (P. I.) H. S. For- merly at Banan Badarigas, P. I.; for a time at Battle Creek Sanitarium; Philippine Gen. Hosp., Manila, P. I. Address, Univ. of the Philippines, Manila, P. Lt JUAN SIXTON MARCHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 5, 1892. Pre- pared in Yauco (P. R.) H. S. Address, Barcelo- neta, P. R.f HERVEY FULTON MASSON Phys. and Surg.; b. Je 10, 1884, Allerton, la.; s. Daniel John (b. D 19, 1851, Cherry Tree, Pa.) and Matilda (Seofield) Masson (b. S 12, 18.56. Delphi, Ind.). Prepared in Washington (la.) H. S. Ph.C, Univ. of Colo., Je 1914. Omega Up- eilon Phi. Med. and Surg, practice, Washington, la. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A., S 12, 1918-Ja 29, 1919; Camp Dodge, la.; Ambulance Co. 273, 19th Div. Address, Washington, la. CORA ARMINTA MATTHEWS Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. Ja 19, 1884, Marion, O. Attended Central Med. Coll., 2 yrs. M.D., Barnes Med. Coll., 1906. At one time located in Moundville, IMo.; later, Phys., Mary Thompson Hosp., Chicago; do., Peoria State Hosp., Peoria. Address. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. t HUBERT FRANKLIN MEACHAM Industrial Surg.; M.D.; b. S 27, 1890, Oak Park, 111.; s. Charles S. and Margaret (Kidd) Meacham. Prepared in St. Johns Military Acad., 1909. Phi Rho Sigma. Industrial Surg., 447 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Lt., M. C, U. S. N. Married Gene- vieve Mason, Ag 13, 1917. Child, Charles S., b. S 7, 1918. Address, 429 Wisconsin Ave.; bus. add., 447 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. REUBEN ALVORD MOFFETT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 19, 1893, 111.; 8. William E. and Luella Moflett. Prepared in Wenona H. S. Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Lexington, 111. 1st Lt., Fr. and Eng., 2 yrs.. World War. Mem., Royal Arch Mason. Married V. M. Bixler, Jl 20, 1918, Deming, N. Mex. Address, Lexington, 111. WILLIAM JAMES MULHOLLAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 13, 1886, Chicago; s. Edward J. and Elizabeth (Grennan) Mulholland. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. and Univ. of Chi- cago. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Lt., M-. C, U. S. A., World War. Address, 6520 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 7501 Cottage Grove Ave., do. FUSA TARO NAKAYA Physician; M.D.; b. N 11, 1887, Kyoto, Japan; s. Cakaya C. Nakaya. Prepared in San Jose (Calif.) H. S. Formerly located in Kyoto, Japan. Address, 327i^ E. 1st St., Los Angeles. ROCCO A. NIGRO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1893, Chicago; 8. Francis Nigro. Prepared in Lewis In.stitute, Chicago. Mem., K. C; Guardian Angel Church. Married My 28, 1920. Address, 708 W. Taylor St., Chicago; bus. add., 921 S. Halsted St., do. HARRY SIMS NORTON Phys. and Sarg.; M.D.; b. S 4, 1892, Pontiac, 111.; s. Alphonso Cain (b. Cornell, 111.) and Annie Estell (Sims) Norton (b. Dwight, do.). Prepared in Pontiac Twp. H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Phi Chi; Mem. Ex. Com., 1916; Chm., CaDS and Gowns Com. Located in Chicago. 1st Lt., M. R. C, S 29, 1917-My 20, 1918; Capt.. do.. My 20, 1918- Je 30, 1920; Serv., Ft. Riley, Kan., D 15, 1917- Jl 19, 1918; Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Jl 21, 1918-F 3, 1919; Base Hosp., Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., F 5, 1919-Mr 1, 1920; Camp Surg., Camp Sam Fordyce, Tex., Mr 1, 1920-Je 30, 1920. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc, 1916-17. Married Mildred Bessie Erzinger, Ap 8, 1912, Wheaton, 111. Child, An- nette Carolyn, b. N 15, 1913. Address, 939 Den- ver Blvd., San Antonio, Tex. JACOB PASKIND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 21, 1891, Leban, Rus. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. For- merly at 3911 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Address, 300 S. Western Ave., Chicago.f RALPH WALDO PETERSEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 24, 1891; s. Julius and Bertha (Strand) Petersen. Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago; Luther Coll., Decorah, la. Phi Chi. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 25, 1917-Ag 23, 1920. Married Vivian Thoresen, Ap 11, 1917, Chicago. Address, 2420 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 630 N. Clark St., do. 1916] College of Medicine Alumni 219 HARRY MICHAEL PETERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 10, IS91, Chicago. Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Address, 4836 W. Race Ave., Chicago. t RALPH HARRISON PINO Physician; M.D.; s. Sander P. (b. S 14, 1S55, Kent Co., Mich.) and Julia A. (West) Pino (b. Erie Co., Pa.). Prepared in Ferris Inst., Big Rapids. Mich. Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Class Histor- ian. Intern, Harper Hosp., Detroit, two yrs.; Acting Supt., do., 191S; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Phys. with Dr. J. Robb, 1920—; Laryngologist, Detroit Receiving Hosp.; Attending Surg., Detroit Indus. Hosp. Auth.: (with Dr. J. Robb) Ton- silectotuv Technic, Jour, of Mich. State Med. Soc, 1919. Mem., Wayne Co. Med. Soc; Mich. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Maude Erma W;aite, D 24, 1919, Manton, Mich. Address, 3816 Lincoln, Detroit; bus. add., 641-45 David Whitney Bldg., do. VICTOR PIRO Physician; M.D.; b. F 9, 1893; s. Frank (b. S 29, 18G5, Italy) and Victoria (Albano) Piro (b. O 17, 1863. do.). Prepared in Palouse (Wash.) H. S.; Roslyn (Wash.) H. S.; Univ. of Wash.. 1911-12. Alpha Omega Alpha. Sec, Class, 1916. Intern, Jersev City Hosp., 1916-17; Gen. Med. practice, Roslyn. Wash., 1917-18. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A.. 1918-19. Married My 28, 1919, Seattle. Address, Liberty Court, 2505 14th Ave., S., Seattle; bus. add., Horton Bldg., do. WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1886, Logan, Ut. Prepared in Agricultural Coll. of Ut. For- merly of Salt Lake City. Address, Logan, Ut.f WILLIAM RAIM . Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 2, 1893. Chicago; s. James and Frances (Pakoj) Raim. Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, prac- tice. Chicago; formerly at Grace Hosp., Detroit. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Je 27, 191S-S 9, 1919; Evacuation Hosp. 32; InteraUied commission on repatriation of Russian prisoners of War, Berlin, Ger. Addres.->, 4.i07 Beacon St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4363 Lincoln Ave., do. HENRY BENJAMIN RAMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 7, 1887, Farming- dale, 111. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Cincin- nati Gen. Hosp., Cincinnati, O. Address, 603 S. 5th St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 424 E. Ed- wards St., do.t JOHN LESTRANGE ROCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 25, 1890, Sher- wood, O.; s. John (b. 1863, Pa.) and Jennie (Boggs) Rock (b. Ja 15, 1863, Warsaw, Ind.). Prepared in Lexington (Okla.) H. S.; Univ. Preparatory Rch., Norman, Okla. B.S. and B.A., Univ. of Okla., 1914. Phi Rho Sigma; Beta Chi. Asst., Physiol., Univ. of Okla., 1912-14; House Surg.. St. Lukes Hosp.. Chicago. Jl 1916-0 1917; Phys., Eveleth. Minn.. S 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., O 18, 1917-Jl 15, 1919; at Toul. Fr. with U. S. A. Base Hosp. 82, 9 mos. Auth.: Effects of Ad- renalin on Respiration. Am. Jour, of Physiology, Je, 1914; Effects of Pituitrin on Respiration, do., S 1914. Mem., Me.saba Range Med. Soc; I. O. O. F. Address, The More Hosp., Eveleth, Minn. SAMUEL JOY ROWLAND Phy.9. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 13, 1890, Lanark, III.: S..C. and Sarah (Lichty) Rowland. Prepared in Wash. State Coll., 1911-12. Phi Rho Sigma; Sigma Phi Epsilon: T. N. E Formerly located in Sunnyside, Wash. Public Health Serv., U. S. Army. Address, 310 Masonic Temple, Yakima, Wash. NATHAN SAMUEL SCHIFF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 30, 1890, New York City. Certificate, Bd. of Regents, State of N. Y.; Columbia Univ., 1 semester. Formerly located in Cranbury, N. J. Address, 119 W. 118th St.. New York City.f ABRAHAM SELETZ M.D.; b. F 9, 18S7, Rus.; s. Moses and Rebbeka (Chemerinsky) Seletzky. Prepared in H. S. Scholarship, Sr. yr. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., 1916-18. Address. 3257 Roosevelt Road. Chicago. JAMES MELVIN SEVERSON Physician; M.D.; b. Je 9, 1891, Deerfield, Wis.; s. Ole E. (b. Mr 23, 1855. Deerfield, Wis.) and Sarah (Jacobson) Severson (b. Je 5, 1857. Stoughton, do.). Prepared in Deerfield (Wis.) H. S.; State Norm, Sch., Oshkosh, Wis., 1910-11. Nu Sigma Nu. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Specialist. Los Angeles. 1916-18; Rockford. 111., Je 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp .Lee, Va., Je 10-Ag 1, 1918; Eye Surg, with Evacuation Hosp. 15, Fr., Ag 21, 1918- Je 9, 1919. Married Alfrieda Maurer, O 18, 1919, Sheboygan. Wis. Address, 221 S. Hinkley St., Rockford, 111. ROY DAVIS SHORT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 25, 1893; s. William F. and Fannie (Vandaveer) Short. Prepared in White Hall H. S. 1st Lt.. M. C. U. S. A.. Base Hosp. 58 and Camp Hosp. 52, A. E. F. Married Eulalia G. Amdor, F 17, 1917. Address, Iroquois, 111. WILLIS IRVING SILVERSTEIN Physician; M.D.; b. My 18, 1892, Chicago; 8. Samuel (b. Ap 15, 1869, Poland) and Anna (Kar- linka) Silverstein (b. Ap 22, 1869, do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Alpha Phi Sigma (Now Phi Delta Epsilon.) House phys., Michael Reese Hosp., 1916-D 1917. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 1917-F 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Veterans of World War; Bee Hive Lodge A. F. A. M.. 1917—. San Antonio Consistory 5. 1918 — . Married Elsie Miriam Feinberg, Je 17, 1917, Chicago. Address, 1661 S. Troy St., Chicago; bus. add., do. LLOYD EMERSON SMITH Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 7, 1890, Fulton Co. 111.; s. Jerry E. (b. D 8. 1862, do.) and Cora M. (Fetters) Smith (b. O 16, 1868. Knox Co., 111.). Prepared in West. 111. State Norm. .Sch. Nu Sig- ma Nu. Intern, Lake View Hosp., Chicago, 1916- Je 13, 1917. U. S. Navy, Je 13, 1917—. Mar- ried, Je 3, 1917, Chicago. Address, 1027 Santa Clara St., Vallejo, Calif.; bus. add., U. S. Naval Hosp., Mare Island, Calif. ARTHUR KERN SPIERING Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 22, 1892; s. Fre- derick and Louise (Kern) Spiering. Prepared in Fond du Lac, Wis. Mem., Phi Rho Sigma. For- merly at the West Side Hosp.. Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C. Married Je 1916, Chicago. Address, 2227 S. 52nd Ave., Cicero, 111. JACOB STERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ap 16. 1894, Chicago; 8. Abraham and Jennie (Wolf) Stern. Prepared in Bowen H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 2 yrs.; stationed at Base Hosp., Camp Jackson, S. C. Walter Reed Gen. Hosp.. Wash.. D. C. and Gen. Hosp. 28. Ft. Sheridan, III. Address. 9008 Commercial Ave., Chicago. LOUIS HENRY STERN M.D.; b. Ja 18, 1893, Chicago. Prepared in Bowen High School, Chicago. M. R. C, U. S. A., with A. E. F. in Italy; Battles of Piave and Tagliamento Rivers. Mem., HI. State Med. Soc; 220 University op Illinois [1916 Chicago Med. Soc; Harbor Lodge, A. F. A. M. Married Mrs. Mary E. Goldstein. Child, Elmer, b. S 22, 1920. Address, 8457 Buffalo Ave., Chi- cago. LADI SLAV STOLE A Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 18, 1887, Loucka, Czecho-Slovakia; s. Alois (b. 1849, Tupesy, Czecho- slovakia) and Sophie (Litera) Stolfa (b. 1859, Prerov, do.). Prepared in Gymnasium, Czecho- slovakia; Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Prague, 1906. Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys. and Surg., Oak Park, 111., 1916-17; Asst., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1918-20; do., Cicero, 111., 1917—. Auth.: Some New Hemostatics, Med. Review of Reviews, D 191V. Married S 23, 1909, Chicago. Children: Ladislav, b. Ag 19, 1910; Joseph, b. N 11, 1913. Address, 2446 S. 56th Ave., Cicero, 111.; bus. add., do. SAMUEL JACK TAUB Physician; M.D.; b. N 18, 18.93, Chicago; s. Louis Harry and Rose (Goodman) Taub. Pre- pared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Residence Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1916-18; Attending Staff, Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 1918- 21; Medical Examiner, N. Y. Life Ins. Co., 1921. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Auth.: Several articles in Med. Jours.; also unpublished articles. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. (Fellow); Am. Pub. Health Assn. Married Thel- ma Golde, D 23, 1917, Chicago. Address, 5481 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1204 E. 47th St., do. IAN DAVIS TIEDEMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1890, West Concord, Minn.; s. Elmer John (b. Ag 10, 1861, Manston, Wis.) and Jennie Halton (Davis) Tiede- mann (b. O 12, 1860, do.). Prepared in La Crosse (Wis.) H. S. Phi Chi. Intern, Los Angeles Co. Calif. Hosp., Je 1916-Ja 1918. Lt., Sr. Grade, M. C, U. S. N.; active duty, F 21, 1918-D 8, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Minn. State Med. Soc; Am. Legion. Married Flora Irene Wilson, Ja 17, 1918, Santa Ana, Calif. Address, Rush- more, Minn. RUSSEL TOMLIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 26, 1891, Easton, 111. Prepared in Acad., 111. Wesleyan Univ. For- merly at St. Marys Hosp., Detroit. Address, 1370 Live Oak St., Beaumont, Tex.; bus. add., 648 Orleans St., do.f CHARLEY LEWIS TOMSU Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 28, 1862, Wilson, Kan. Prepared in Caldwell (Kan.) H. S. For- merly of Renfrew, Okla.; Harper Hosp., Detroit. Address, 711 Lothrop St., Detroit; bus. add., David Whitney Bldg., do.t JOEL EDWIN TOOTHAKER Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 9, 1890, Carbondale, 111.; s. Edwin Clarence (b. My 13, 18-59, Me.) and Elma S. (Hawkins) Toothaker (b. Je 25, 1863, Tamaroa, 111.). Prepared in Sandoval and Cen- tralia H. Schs. Phi Beta Pi; Ex. Com., 1916. Located in Milwaukee, 1916; Ladd, 111.. 1916-17; Algonia, Wis., 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1917-Ja 1919. Married Florence Brinckley, D 12, 1916, Milwaukee, Address, Algonia, Wis. MARDIROS BEDROS VARTANIAN Phy,sician; M.D.; b. Mr 17, 1888, Havave- Armenia; s. Bedros (b. 1864, do.) and Mariam (Osgian) Vartanian (b. 1868, do.). Prepared in Euphrates H. S.; Euphrates College, Harput, Armenia; Battle Creek Sanitarium Nurses Tr. Sch., 1912-14. Scholarship, Soph, yr.; 1st prize in pole vault for 3 yrs. and in vocal music at Euphrates College. Asst. and House phys.. Bat- tle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich., 3 yrs.; Directing Phys., City Detention (Venereal) Hosp.; Visiting phys.. State Venereal Hosp., Battle Creek. Served on State Bd. to combat venereal evil in Mich, cantonments during World War. Per- formed over 1200 personal experiments to st\idy the subject of Vasotonicity. Auth.: Mushrooms, an unpublished typewritten pamphlet in the Quine Library. Mem., (by birth) of Armenian Apostolic church; several Armenian clubs and societies. Married Vartanoosh Terzian, Ap4, 1920, Lawrence, Mass. Address, 147 Haverhill St., Lawrence, Mass. ATHOL HORATIO WEDGE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 10, 1893, Waupun, Wis.; s. Charles J. (b. Ja 15, 1857, do.) and Jes.sie May Wedge (b. D 5, 18.59, Plainview, Minn.). Prepared in H. S. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, St. Marys Hosp., Milwaukee; formerly located in Waupun, Wis. M. R. C, U. S. A., Active Serv., Ag 25, 1917-S 10, 1919; Overseas, F 25-D22, 1918. Mem., Columbia Co. Med. Soc; Wis. State Med. Soc. Married F 1, 1917, Milwau- kee. Address, Cambria, Wis. HARRY HULTS WILSON Physician; M.D.; b. F 6, 1892, Carthage, Mo.; s. S. M. and Phoebe (Hults) Wilson. Prepared in Marshalltown (Ga.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. A. O. A. Gen. Med. practice, Los Angeles. Mar- ried Beulah Elizabeth Carl, S 24, 1914. Chil- dren: Stanley Mainard, b. N 21, 1916; Elizabeth Jean, b. Ap 21, 1920. Address, 957 S. Gramercy Drive, Los Angeles; bus. add., 1120 Brockman Bldg., do. MARCUS BRYED WILSON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; M. D.; b. Ap 15, 1885, Manson, la.; s. Thomas and Eliza- beth C. (Sheffler) Wilson. Prepared in Acad. Dept., Huron Coll.; Sioux Falls Bus. Coll.; Minn. Inst, of Pharm. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; Asst. Attending Phys., Eye and Ear Serv., St. Lukes Hosp.; Asst. Eye and Ear Surg., Chicago and N. W. R. R.; Attending Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Surg., Chicago Orphan Asylum, Chicago. Married Agnes Elizabeth Collyer, Ja 30, 1918, Wilmette, 111. Address, 1059 Ardmore Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. PAUL JACOB WOLF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 8, 1892, Chicago. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Gynecologist; formerly at the German Hosp., Chicago. Address, Staunton, Ul.t 1917] College op Medicine Alumni 221 CLASS OF 1917 (47 LIVING, 2 DEAD) VICTOR SCOTT ARMSTRONG M.D.; B.S., 1915; b. D 30. 1889; s. David Newell (b. Mr 3. 1843, Uxbridge, Mass.) and Mary W. Armstrong tb. X 20, 1877, Wis.). Prepared in Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Univ. of Minn.. 1911-13; Univ. of Chicago, 1913-14. Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Rho Sigma. Class Artist, 1917. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. N., My 10, 1917—. Mem.. Army and Xavy Club, Washiupton. D. C. O 1917; A. F. A. M.. 1911. Married Ap 27, 1917, Joliet, 111. Child, Victor Scott, Jr., b. My 27, 1918. Address, 227 Harvard Ave.. Boston, Alass. HARRY WEBB BENJAjMIN Physician; M.D.; A.B..1914: b. Jl 29,lS91.Kemp- ton. 111.; s. W. D. (b. Ag 9, 1858, Ua Monte, 111.) and Rose Josephine (Clarke) Benjamin (b. 1862, .Ashkum. 111.). Prepared in Keitlisburg H. S., N. W. Acad. Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Chicago, 1917; Gen. Med. practice, Blandinsville, 111., F 28, 1920—. Lt. (Sr.) U. S. N. R. F.; M. C. U. S. N., Ap 19. 1918-F 7. 1920; Brooklyn Naval Hosp.; U. S. S. Livines, O 19. 1918-F 27. 1919; U. S. S. Minnesota, My 20- Ag 7, 1919; Dispensary, U. S. Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va., Ag 9, 1919-F 7, 1920. Mem., Assn. Mil. Surg.; McDonough Co. Med. Soc. Married Susanne Campbell, F 7. 1918, Chicago. Child, Robert Campbell, b. F 7, 1920. Address. Blandinsville, m. MAURICE AURELIUS BERGE Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 12, 1889, Ran.som, 111.; Prepared in Univ. of 111. Acad., 1909-11; Sc. course, 1911-13. Intern, Lakeview Hosp., Chi- cago. M.R.C., U.S.N. Address, Surg.-Generals Off., Washington, D. Ct W^ILLIAM ARMSTRONG BYRNES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 19, 1890, Minnea- polis; s. W. J. Byrnes. Prepared in North H. S., Minneapolis. A. Surg. Lt., U. S. N., World War. Address, Marine Barracks, Naval Air Station, San Diego, Calif.t HERBERT CHAPMAN CAROTHERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 2, 1893, Chicago; 8. Francis K. Carothers. Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago; Ohio State Univ., 1912-13. Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1919-20. Lt., Jr. Grade, U. S. Naval Coast De- fense Reserve. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc. Mar- ried Rena Blanche West. Mr 13, 1920, Brookville, Ind. Address, Petersburg, Alaska.f HOWARD E. CURL Instructor; M.D.; b. Ja 22. 1887, Alton, Kan.; s. E. L. (b. D 10, 1S61, 111.) and Anna (Gregory) Curl (b. Je 17. 1809. Mt. Pleasant. la.). Prepared in Osborne Co. (Kan.) H. S.; Emporia Coll.. Emporia. Kan. B..\., Univ. of Kan.. 1911. Nu Sigma Nu. Asst., Physiol., Coll. of Med., 1914- 18; Instr., do.. Coll. of Dent.. 1916-17; Lecturer, do., Sch. of Pharm., 1917-18; Instr., Clin. Med.. Univ. of Wis. Med. Sch. Married Mary Merilla Tinkham. D 27, 1911. Lawrence, Kan. Children: Stoddard Winfield, b. Ja 16, 1913; Courtney Royal b. Ag 8, 1915. Address, 414 S. Orchard St., Madison, Wis. LOUIS PAUL DAME Missionary; M.D.; b. D 16, 1886. Holland; s. Paul K. and Gertrude (Brackema) Dame. Pre- pared in Lewis Institute. Intern. Presby. Hosp., San Juan. P. R., 1917. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Base Hosp., do.. Jl 1, 1918-F 1919. Joined Am. Mission of fleformed (Church in Arabia; second Am. to make trip to interior of Arabia. Married Eli- zabeth Purdie, S 18, 1918, Chicago. Address, Am Mission Hosp., Bahrein, Persian Gulf. SIIAKIR ELIAS FAR Phvsician; M.D.; b. Ag 12. 1888. Jerusalem, Palestine; s. Elias O. (b. 1860, du.) and Minnie Far (b. 1856, do.). Prepared in Battle Creek (Mich.) H. S. Phys., Battle Creek Sanitarium. Married Rose Maria Anderson, O 24, 1914; Sonja Maria Far, O 3, 1915, Chicago. Address, 26 Greenwood, Battle Creek, Mich.; bus. add., Battle Creek Sanitarium, do. SIXTO ACOSTA FRANCISCO Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 18, 1891, Batangas, P. I.; 8. Sixto and Juana (Acosta) Francisco. Phys. for the Univ. of the Philippines. Mem., Catliolic Church. Addrtss, Batangas, P. I.; bus. add., Los Banes, Laguna, do. VIRGIL MARTHA GILCHRIST Physician; M.D.; b. N 4, 1888, Scotland Co., Mo.; d. J. B. (b. N 18, 1860, Allegheny Co., Pa.) and Katharine (Robinson) Gilchrist (b. S 19, 1861, Charleston, W. Va.). Prepared in Moscow (Idaho) H. S. B.S., Univ. of Idaho. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Phi Delta Kappa. New Eng. Hosp. for Women and Children, Boston, Mass., 1917-18; Gen. Med. practice, Moscow, Idaho, 1919 — . Red Cross in Fr., Jl 1918-F 1919; in charge of work with Refu- gees, Marseilles, Fr., during Influenza Epidemic. Address, 703 S. Adams St., Moscow, Idaho; bus. add. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. W^ALDO EMERSON GOLDEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1915; b. Je 9. 1893, Flora, 111.; s. S. B. Golden. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Formerly at 105 E. Healey St., Champaign. Sr. Lt., Asst. Surg., U. S. N., Brest. France, 1918; A. Surg. Lt., U. S. N., 1921. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Surg. -Generals Office, Washington, D. Ct SAMUEL GOLUB Physician; M.D.; b. N 21, 1883, Jitomir, Uk- raine; s. Abraham and Sarah Golub. Prepared in Medill H. S. B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1914. Gen. Med. practice. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. (Fellow). Married Sara Susaman, Ag 22, 1915, Chicago. Child, Gail Pearl, b. My 26, 1916. Address, 3603 Roosevelt Rd., Chicago. CALTON BARNEY GRISSOM Physician; M.D.;b. N 25, 1890; s. William Dem- sey (b. 1854, Columbia, Ky.) and Martha Jane (Patterson) Grissom (b. 1854, do.). Prepared in Syracuse (Kan.) H. S. and Lake Forest Coll., 1909-10. Phi Beta Pi. Indoor track (Capt.) Varsity track, at Lake Forest; V. P., Class of 1917, Coll. of Med. Intern, LaCrosse Lutheran Hosp., Jl 1917-Jl 1918; Gen. Med. practice, Syracuse, Kan., O 1919—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Ap 1918- Ag 1919; Bn. Surg., 60th Inf., 5th Div., A. E. F. Married Lenna Belle Deppen, Jl 2, 1918, Effing- ham, 111. Address, Syracuse, Kan. BASIL ORMAN HARTWELL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 24, 1890, Maysville, Mo.; s. H. and Edna (Osborn) Hartwell. Pre- pared in Albany (Mo.) H. S.; Washburn College, M. W. A.Topeka Kan., 1 yr. Alpha Omega Alpha. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem , M. W. A. Mar- ried Jacobina E. Olson, S 4, 1918. Child, Basil O., Jr., b. O 30, 1919. Address, Amsterdam, Mo. GUSTAV JOHN HILDEBRAND Physician; M.D.; b. D 26, 1892; s. Ernest (b. Sheboygan, Wis., 1852) and Barbara (Wieden- hoefer) Hildebrand (b. 1861, Ger.). Prepared in Sheboygan (Wis.) H. S.; Ripon Coll., Ripon, Wis. Gen. Mod. practice, Sheboygan, Wis., 1919 — . Lt. (Jr. Grade) U. S. N., Je 1917-Ag 1919. Mar- ried S 1, 1917, Waukegan, 111. Children: Robert James, b. N 5, 1918; James Fredrick, b. Ja 25, 1920. Address, Sheboygan, Wis. 222 University of Illinois [1917 HAROLD HERSHALL HUGHART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 9, 1890, Atlantic, la. Prepared in Pocatello (Idaho) H. S.; Univ. of Idaho, 2 yrs. Omega Beta Pi. Formerly at the St. Louis City Hosp., St. Louis. Address, Poca- tello, Idaho.t LOUIS IVERSON Med. OiT., U. S. N.; M.D.; B.S., 1920; b. Jl 2, 1890, Reynolds, N. Dak.; s. Iver H. (b. 1864, Ber- gen, Norway) and Louise (Sondreall) Iverson (b. 1871, Norway.). Prepared -in Thief River Falls (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1910-13; Macales- ter Coll., St. Paul, 1913. Phi Rho Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Class Pres., 1917. Lt. (Jr. Grade) M. C, U. S. N.; decorated with Navy Cross, N 11, 1920, for distinguished stervice in World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Army and Navy Club, Wash- ington, D. C, 1917; Milwaukee Athletic Club, D. C. Married Lillian Oliver Ohlquist, Ag 3, 1917, Washington, D. C. Address, Washington, D. C. JAMES ROBINSON JEFFREY, Jr. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 13, 1888, Elmdale, Kan.; s. J. R. Jeffrey. Prepared in Nortonville (Kan.) H. S.; Milton Coll., Wis., 1^ yrs. Lt. Jr. Grade, Naval Coast Defense Reserve; A. Surg. Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Address, Naval Training Station, San Francisco. t MARTIN BUSHNELL JELLIFFE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 20, 1890, Mansfield. O.; s. C. W. Jelliffe. Prepared in Mansfield (O.) H. S.; Oberlin Coll. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 708 S. New St., Springfield, 111.; hus. add., De Witt- Smith Bldg., do.t MORRIS BARON KARATZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 21, 1894, Minnea- polis. Prepared in North H. S., Minneapolis. Alpha Phi Sigma. Formerly at 516 Lyndale Ave., Minneapolis; Extern, Passavant Memorial Hosp., Chicago. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; Surg. Serv., U. S. Gen. Hosp. 28, Ft. Sheridan, 111., World War. Address, 4358 N, Leavitt St., Chicago.t HARVEY LOUIS LANGLOIS Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 15, 1891, Manteno, 111.; s. H. A. and Lydia (Dubois) Langlois. A.B., St. Viator Coll., Bourbonnais, 111., 1913. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. 1st Lt., M. R. C, World War. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E. Address, 309 N. Greenwood Ave., Kankakee, 111.; hus. add., 241 E. Court St., do. *SAMUEL BRODY LEISER (Formerly Samuel Brody f^eiserwitz) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 13, 1892, Herscher, 111.; s. W. Leiserwitz. Prepared in Grand Prairie Seminary. Lt., M. C, U. S. A., on duty at U. S. Gen. Hosp. 9, Lakewood, N. J. Mem., A. M. A. Died, S 16, 1918, Chicago. ♦LbCOUNT ROCHAMBEAU LOVELLETTE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 4, 1893, Keens- burgh, 111.; s. James M. Lovellette. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ. Med. Coll., 3 yrs. (1914-16). Formerly at 716 E. 51st St., Chicago. Base Hosp., Ft. Sam Hous- ton, San Antonio, Tex., World War. Died in Serv., D 2, 1918, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. HENRY JAMES McCOY Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 2, 1890, Amboy, 111.; s. James McCoy. Alpha Kappa Kappa. 1st Lt., M. R. C, World War. Mem., K. C; Catholic Church. Address, Harmon, 111. HARTLEY FARNHAM MARS Physician; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1890, Cottage Grove, Minn.; s. John Hartley (b. Cottage Grove, Minn.) and Eunice Blanche (Gage) Mars (b. Afton. Minn.). Prepared in St. Pauls Coll., St. Pauls Park, Minn. Ph.C, N. W. Univ. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Univ. Hosp., 1917-18; Phys., Chicago, 1919—; Instr., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919 — . 1st Lt., U. S. A.; Surg. Staff, Base Hosp. 46, Fr., Je 7, 1918-F 1, 1919; 1st ut., M. C, U. S. A., with Evacuation Hosp. 21, Med. Staff, F 1-Je 26, 1919. Married Brilli Gillette Hintermister, Jl 2, 1919, St. Paul, Minn. Address, 1522 Howard St., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. LEON WADE MARTIN Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 4, 1890, Plainwell, Mich.; 8. Lillian B. (Steele) Martin. Prepared in Plain- well (Mich.) H. S. Ph.C, Univ. of Mich., 1911. Phi Delta Chi; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., D 15, 1917-My 22, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine, Blue Lodge; Am. Legion. Married Jl 7, 1920, Chicago. Address, 4551 Beacon St., Chi- cago; 6ms. add., 4142 Sheridan Rd., do. EDWIN RALPH MAY Physician; M.D.; b. My 26, 1894, Clinton, 111.; s. Phil L. (b. Ap 11, 1869, Wettweiler, Ger.) and Laura (Vaughn) May (b. N 28, 1870, Nashville, 111.). Prepared in Clinton (111.) H. S.; Univ. of Wooster, Wooster, O. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Phi Beta Pi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Mem., Ex. Com., Coll. of Med. 1st Lt., later Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C.; with A. E. F. overseas, 20 mos. Located in Cornell, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Livingstone Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married, O 1, 1917, Washing- ton, D. C. Address, Cornell, 111. EDWARD Charles meggers Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 28, 1889, Waller, la.; s. Claus (b. 1842, Ger.) and Anna Meggers (b. 1853, do.). Prepared in la. State Teachers Coll., 1907-11; la. State Univ., 1912. Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu. U. S. Navy, Ap 9, 1917—; Served with Marines, 5th Regt., 2nd Div. in Fr.; Div. Citation, N 6, 1918. At present, Municipal Phys., U. S. N. Married Ag 13, 1917, Chicago. Ad- dress, Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, U. 5. A. LINCOLN HARRISON NORWOOD Phys. and Surg.; b. F 1, 1889, Nassau, Del.; s. John L. and Millie B. (Sammons') Norwood. Prepared in Howard Univ. Acad., 1904-10; Teach- ers Coll., 1910-11. Alpha Phi Alpha; Rea Scholar- ship, 1916. Intern, Kansas City Hosp., 1917-18. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., D 3, 1917. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Beatrice Lee, Mr 3, 1920, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 2404 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo.; hus. add., 416 Main St., do. CLARENCE WILLARD OLSON Physician; M.D. ; b. F 25, 1894, Escanaba, Mich. ; 6. Peter (b. Sweden) and Mary (Peterson) Olson (b. Sweden). Prepared in Escanaba (Mich.) H. S.; Culver Mil. Sch. and Augustana Coll., 1911-13. Phi Beta Pi; T. N. E.; Chm., Ex. Com.; Grad. studies. Royal Victoria Hosp., Montreal, Can. Located in Montreal, Can., 1918; Bordeaux, Fr., 1919; Ironwood, Mich., N 1919 — . 1st Lt., M. C. U. S. A., Ja 1919-Jl 25, 1920. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Am. Legion. Address, McLeod Ave., Ironwood, Mich.; bus. add.. City Hall, do. ISADORE PILOT Instructor; M.D.; b. O 16, 1896, Chicago; s. Israel (b. 1860, Russia) and Ida (Guss) Pilot (b. 1864, Russia). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1919. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Delta Epsilon; 2nd V. P., class, and salutatorian, 1917. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1917- 18; Instr., Pathol., Coll. of Med., and Coll. of Dent., 1920—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A. active service, 1918-20. Auth.: Hemolytic Streptococci of the Faucial Tonsils and their Significance as Secondary Invaders, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 24, 1919; Streptococci in the Actinomyces like Granules of the Tonsils, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, 1918; Pandessic Influenza and Pneu- 1917] College of Medicine Alumni monia in a Large Civil Hosp., Jour. A. M. A., 1918. Mem., A. M. A.. 1917—; Chicago Med. Soc. 1917—; Med. Research Club, Coll. of Med., 1916—. Address, 1316 S. Millard Ave., Chicago. RUDOLPH CHARLES RADABAUGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1915; b. Mr 17. 1890, Zumbro Falls, Minn.; s. Jackson Brant (b. My 8, 1853. CaroU, O.) and Lina (Theirstein) Radabaugh ^b. My 22. 1866, Bern, Switzerland). Prepared in Rochester (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn.. 1909-13. Acacia; Phi Rho Sigma; Thcta Nu Epsilon (Pres., igioV Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1916-17; Gen. Med. practice, Mazeppa, Minn.. 1917-18; Rochester, do., 1918-19; Hastings. do., 1919—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. S 1918- Je 1919; Med. Examiner, Bureau of \Var Risk Insurance, S 11, 1920 — ; Commander, Am. Legion, Post 47. Mem., St. Paul Athletic Club; Hastings Cml. Club, (Pres., 1921); A. F. A. M.. 32°. K. T.. Scottish Rite, A. A. O. N. M. S.; I. O. O. F.; Minn. State Med. Assn.; A. M. A.; So. Minn. Med. Soc; Epis. Church. Address, Hastings, Minn. RAFAEL A. RAMOS Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 14, 1886, Campeche, Mex. Attended Presbv. Coll., Mexico City, Mex.; Am. Med. Missionary Coll., Chicago, 1 yr., 1910. Formerly at Battle Creek Sanitarium; later at East St. John, N. B. Home Address, Calle Arivte, Nogales. Sonora, Mex.J JAMES HENRY RAY Physician; M.D.; b. S S, 1887; s. E. W. and OpheUa Jane (Neighbors) Rav. Prepared in Scran- ton Acad., 1906-07, Southwestern Univ., 1908-11, Univ. of Tex., 1912-14. Nu Sigma Nu; Glee Club; Univ. Basketball team; Inter-Soc. Debating team. Formerlv located in Alexander Citv, Ala. Mem., M. E. Church, South. Married Nellie Neale, My 27, 1915, Galveston, Tex. Children: Jane Francis, b. Mr 1, 1916; James Neale, b. Mr 12, 1917; Mar- tha Nell. b. D 19, 1918. Address, Denton. Tex. HOLLACE RECTOR ROYSTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 10, 1889. Morocco, Ind.; 3. Sigel A. and Lvdia (Freeman) Rovster. Prepared in Westfield (Ind.^ H. S.; Ind. Univ.. 1907-08. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Pres., Fresh., Soph, and Jr. Classes, Univ. of 111. Gen. !NIed. and Surg, practice, Frankfort, Ind. Married Nellie Katherine Ham, Ap 12, 1912. Address, 406 Peoples Life Bldg., Frankfort, Ind. SPERO M. SALPAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1885, Philvatra, Greece. Attended Univ. of Chicago before enter- ing Coll. of Med. Formerly at 606 S. Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Address, 32 Monroe Ave., Detroit.t GEORGE EDWARD SANDERS (Brother of Laura Marie, '14, A.B. in H. Sc.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S.. 1915; b. Ja 6. 1892, Pana, 111.; s. George Washington (b. F 22. 1862. Bunker Hill, 111.) and Carrie Arabelle (Morse) Sanders (b. Ag 10, 1864, Pana, 111). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Nu Sigma Nu; Sec, Class 1915. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp.. Chicago. 1917-18; Med. and Surg, practice, Bar- nard, N. Y.. 1920—. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.. My 27, 1918-S 9. 1919; served wnth 5th Inf. Re- placement Regt., Camp Gordon, Ga.; later with Med. Unit, do. until discharged. Address, Bar- nard. N. Y. HERBERT VICTOR LOUIS SAPPER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 31, 1887, Middle- town, Conn. B S , Univ. of OUa., 1914; B.A., do.. Formerly at 911 E. .57th .St., Chicago. Ad- dreM, 1 W. 34th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.; bus. add., Barnes Bldg.. do.f FRANCIS JOSEPH SAUER Intern: M.D.: b. Mr 26, 1890, New York. Pre- pared in East. Dist. H. S., Brooklyn; N. W. Univ. Coll. of Med., 2 >ts., 1913-14. Formerly at 1831 S. Racine Ave., Chicago; Intern. Address, Cin- cinnati Gen. Hosp., Cincinnati. t HARRY SERED M.D.; b. F 25, 1892, Rus. Prepared in Mil- waukee H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1912-13. Zeta Mu Phi. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ja 23, 1918-S 30, 1919. Address, 4200 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2256 W. Division St., do. JAMES CRAIG SMALL Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 13, 1888; s. Hiram K. (b. D 29, 1850, Chambersburg, Pa.) and Adeline (Hassler) Small (b. Greencastle, Pa.). Prepared in Chambersburg Acad., Chambersburg, Pa. B. S., Penn. Coll., 1911. Phi Delta Thcta; Alpha Omega Alpha; Pen and Sword Soc; Valedictorian, Class 1917; Coll. Track Team; Ed., Coll. Weekly Newspaper, 1909-11; do.. Coll. year book, 1911. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., S-D,1917; Instr., Bacteriol. Washington Univ., Mr-Je, 1919; Intern, Cook Co. Ho.sp., 1919—; Instr., Med.. Coll. of Med., 1919-20: 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., D 1917-Jl 1918; Assigned to Pneumonia Comm.. Jl 1918-Mr 1919. Auth.: The Role of Cholesterol in Pathology. Jour, of Lab. and Clinical Med., Vol. 1, 1916: A Method of Preparing Bacteriol Antigens, Jour, of Im- munology, Vol. Ill, 1918; A Method for the Pre- paration of Soluble Starch, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. XVI, 1919; Quantative Determination of Soluble Starch in the Presence of Starch and Its Hydrolytic Cleavage Products, do.; (With Opie, Freeman, Blake and Rivers) Pneumonia at Camp Funston, Jour, of A. M. A., Vol. 72, 1919; Pneu- monia Following Influenza (at Camp Pike, Ark.), do.; (With Dickson) Grouping of Bacillus Influ- enzae bv Specific Agglutination, Jour, of Infec- tious Diseases, Vol. XXVI, 1920- (With Strange) Epidemic Influenza at Cook Co. Hosp., Jour, of A. M. A., Vol. 74, 1920; (With Opie, Freeman, Blake, Rivers) Monograph, Report of Pneumonia Commission, U. S. Army (in press). Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. JAMES STEVENSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. O 23, 1893, Chicago; s. Thos. and Margaret E. (Hendry) Stevenson. Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. A. O. A. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Cherokee, Okla.; A.sst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-20. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., 10 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M.: Am. Legion. Married Nell B. Farrell, Je 10. 1920, Kansas City, Mo. Address, Cherokee, Okla. ARMAND KREDEL SUTCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 5, 1891, Chicago; s. Thomas B. Sutch. Prepared in Curtis H. S., Cnicago; Univ. of 111., (Urbana Depts.), 1 yr. Ad- dress 11055 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.t NEWMAN MARION SYKES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ag 2, 1887, Decatur, Ala.; s. S. S. Sykes. N. W. Univ. Med. Coll., 1 vr., 1913.; B.S., Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn. Address, 18th and Bond Sts., East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 5th and Broadway, do.\ ADAM LEO SZWAJKART (Son of Adam Szwajkart, 03) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 16, 1894. Address, 3535 W. Diversey Blvd., Chicago.t JAMES R. THOMAS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Ja 22, 1890, Sher- burn, Minn.; s. David Thomas. Prepared in Sherburn (Minn.) H. S.; Macalester (Minn.) Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly at 1310 6th St., S. E., Minneapolis Lt., Jr. Grade, Navy Coast Defense Reserve; A. Surg. Lt., U. S. N., Naval Station, Guam. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Guam.f EDMUND AMOS WELDEN Intern; M.D.; b. N 13, 1887, Wheaton, 111.; 8. S. D. and May (Bixby) Welden. Prepared in 224 University of Illinois [1918 Wheaton H. S., 1903-07; Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1907-09. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Co. Scholarship to Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1907; Freshman Track Team; indoor team. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; do.. III. Steel Co. Surg. Hosp., do.; Student Instr., Anat., 1915-16; do., Physiol. Chem., Summer Sch., 1918; Intern, Attix Clinic, Lewistown, Mont., 1921. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp., Camp Sher- man, O., N 1918-Ag 19, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M ; I. O. O. F. Married Ruth A. Bradley. Child, Robert Dexter, b. N 20, 1919. Address, Attix Clinic, Lewistown, Mont. MARY EDITH WILLIAMS Physician; M.D.; A.B. in L. & A., 1904; A.M., 1906; b. Mr 26, 1883, Kenney, 111.; d. James Alex- ander (b. Jl 22. 1846, Rockford, N. C.) and Annie Jane (Waller) Williams (b. Mr 4, 1850, Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Newman H. S.; Univ. Acad. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Epsilon Iota. Instr., Pliys. Tr. for Women, Univ. of 111., 1906-13; Intern, Mary Thompson Hosp. for Women and Children, Chicago, 1917-18; do., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1918; Examining Ptiys., Sears, Roebuck & Co., 1921; Attending Phys., Frances Juvenile Home, do. Address, 1728 W. Adams St., Chicago. FRANK WOJNIAK Physician; M.D.; b. D 12, 1894, Poland; s. Kasimir and Franocs (Dyczkowski) Wojniak. Prepared in St. Stanislaus Coll. Married Wanda Czaplewski, S 23, 1920, Chicago. Address, 3604 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago; 3159 W. 38th PI., do. CLASS OF 1918 (29 LIVING, 1 DEAD) RICHARD ELSEPH ANDERSON Physician; M.D.; b. D 17, 1883, Rock Island, HI.; s. Adolph F. and Mathilda Anderson. Pre- pared in Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., 1910-14. Alpha Omega Alpha. Formerly located in Lynn Center, 111.; Intern, Michael Reese Hosp. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Lutheran Church. Address, 206 E. 5tb St.. Willmar, Minn. LYLE LELAND BROWN Physician; M.D.; b. S 7, 1891; s. Henry F. and Augusta (Voelker) Brown. Prepared in Crook- ston (Minn.) H. S. Pfti Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1918-19; Resident Phys., do., 1919-20. E. M. R., U. S. A., but not called into active service. Ad- dress, 206 Houston Ave., Crookston, Minn.; bus. add., Wallace Block, do. FRED ELTON CARPENTER Pnys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1916; b. Je 21. 1892, Des Moines; s. L. W. F. Carpenter, M.D. Prepared in Newton (la.) H. S.; Drake Univ., 2 yrs. Formerly at Reasnor, la. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Address, Sully, la.f CARTER NEVILLE COLBERT M.D.; b. O 22. 1893, Racine, Wis.; s. Morton and Margaret (Morrissey) Colbert. B.S., Mar- quette Univ., 1916. Phi Gamma Sigma. U. S. N. Transport and Shore Serv., Je 17, 1918-D 24. 1919. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. ♦ALBERT CHARLES DVORAK Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 20, 1885, Kewaunee, Wis.; s. A. J. Dvorak. Univ. of Chicago; N. W. Univ. Coll. of Med., 1 yr. B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1915. Omega Beta Pi. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago. Died in Serv., D 6, 1918, in the World War. BENJAMIN QUINCY DYSART Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S.. 1916; b. D 9, 1892; s. C. W. (b. 1847, Granville, 111.) and Eliza- beth (Heywood) Dysart, (b. 1849, Tonica, 111.). Prepared in John Swaney Consolidated H. S., McNabb, 111. Phi Beta Pi; Beta Upsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha; 1st V. P.. Class, 1918. Lt., U. S. N. R. F., Active duty, as Asst. Surg., Great Lakes Naval Hosp., 1918-19; Inactive service, 1919-22. Married Minnie M. Murrnis, My 18,1918, Granville. 111. Child, Dorothy M., b. Mr 5, 1919. Address, Bureau, 111. JAMES EDWARD FETHERSTON L.T,, M.C., U. S. N.; M.D.; A.B. in L. A. and S.; B.S.. in Med.. 1916; b. My 28. 1890. Chicago; s. Edward Beachum (b. Ag 5, 1852. Michels Town Ireland) and Jennie (Mullholand) Fctherston (b. Ap 2 1867, Cobourg, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Lake View H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Medui. Capt., Cadet Corps, 1915; Wrestling Team, 1913-15; Staff, Illio. Gen. Med. practice. Chicago. Lt., M. C, U. S. N.; U. S. Naval Hosp , Newport, R. I., S 1, 1918—.; U. S. Naval Med. Sen., Washington, D. C, Jl 1-Ag 29, 1918. Mem , Assn. Mil. Surgs. of U.' S. A. Married Sylvia Dale, Ap 20, 1913, Chicago. Child. Sylvia Jane, b. Jl 11, 1919. Address, U. S. S. Olympia, in care of Postmaster, New York. HAROLD EMERY HOCUM M.D.; b. My 13, 1893; s. Eugenie (Wiseman) Hocum. Prepai-ed in Minneapolis (Minn.) West H. S. B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1916. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Med. Off., U. S. N., 14 mos. Address, 2912 Fremont Ave., Minneapolis; bus. add., 1417 West Lake St.. do. PAUL ROBERT HUBER Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 12, 1892; s. Kather- ine M. (Schlan) Huber. Ph.C, N. W. Univ. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Lt., M. C, U. S. N. R. F., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Hamilton Club; Chicago Yacht Club; A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, 856 Wolfram St., Chicago; bus. add., 1000 Diversey Parkway, do. CHARLES EDWARD IRWIN Phys. and Surg.; M.P.; b. F 5, 1890, Belle Plaine, la.; s. James H. and Harriett (Duffield) Irwin. Prepared in Belle Plaine (la.) H. S. B.A., Cornell Coll. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice; Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1919. M. C, U. S. N. R., World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Jessie Olive Fisher, S 12, 1917, Belle Plaine, la. Address, 217 Crossways Drive., Cedar Rapids, la.; bus. add., 305-08 Cedar Rapids Savings Bank Bldg., do. ORION CHESTER JONES Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. Ja 7, 1892, Redmon, 111.; s. Mary Ellen (Henn) Jones. Prepared in Paris H. S. Phi Chi; Medui; Co. Scholarship; Class Athletics. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Health Off., Lompoc, Calif. 1st Lt., R. C, U. S. A. Mem., B. P. O. E., 812. Ad- dress, Lompoc, Calif. ALBERT JOHN JONGEWAARD Intern, M.D,; b. O 14, 1892, Orange City, la.; s. J. A. and Harriet (Haverkamp) Jongewaard. Prepared in Orange City (la.) H. S. B.S., State Univ. of la., 1916. Student Vol. Band. Intern, la. Lutheran Hosp., Des Moines. Post Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1918-19. Work in India under direction of United Presby. Church, 1920—. Mem., Am. Reformed Church. Married Florence Beverley Newlore, Ap 26, 1918, Chicago. Child, Jean Beverley, b. Mr 3, 1920. Address, Siaolkot City, Punjab, India. 19181 College of Medicine Alumni 225 JOSEPHINE KENNEDY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 16, 1890, San Francisco; d. Mrs. C. S. Kennedy. Prepared in Wheaton Acad.; Vniv. of 111., H.Sc. Course, 1910-11. Emily L. Sohofield Scholarship. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; formerly at 2224 Washington Blvd., . Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Science Soc. Asst., Zoology, Ohio Univ., 1910-11; Instr., do., 1911-12; Asst. Prof., do., 1913; Instr., Anatomy, Cornell Univ., 1913-15; do., Albany Med. Coll., 191.5-17; A.sst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1919-20. Army Serv., Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 4 mos.; E. M. R. C, 14 mos.; S. A. T. C, 1918. Mem., Ohio Acad, of Sci.; A. A. A. S.; Chicago Med. Soc; Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Ken- more, O. *CHARLES ROBERT McCRORY Physician; M.D.; s. Charles Robert and Ruth Ann (Stevenson) McCrory. Prepared in Ireton (la.) H. S. B.S., Iowa Univ.. 1917. Phi Chi. Jr. Phys., Oak Forest Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Oak Forest, 111. S. A. T. C. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Died Ja 21, 1921. RAYMOND ADAM McDERMOTT Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ag 19, 1894, Bata- via. 111.; 8. James Henry (b. O 7, 1860, Wis.) and Francis Eva (Weaver) McDerniott (b. Mr 12, 1862, Batavia, 111.). Prepared in Batavia H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1917. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Varsity Basketball Squad, 1915. Intern, Wesley Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 1919-20. S. A. T. C; 1st Class Hosp. Apprentice, U. S. N. Address, Batavia, 111. HUGH STANLEY McGUINNESS Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. F 5, 1894, Chi- cago; s. Hugh (b. Ap 29, 1864, Glasgow, Scotland). and Rebecca (Shaw) MoGuinness (b. S 26, 1868, do.). Prepared at Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Phi Chi. Intern, Miami Valley Hosp., Dayton, O., 'm University of Illinois [1919 1919-20; do., Milwaukee Co. Hosp., 1920. N. R. F., U. S. A., 1917-lS; Active Service, 1918; N. R. F., 1920. Address, 3452 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago, WILLIAM ALEXANDER MALCOLM Instructor; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. Je 21, 1895; s. Will J. and Janet Malcolm. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1914-15. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Valedictorian. Intern, Wes- ley Hosp., Resident Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago; Instr., Internal Med., Coll. of Med., 1919 — . E. M. R. C, U. S. A., N 1918: S. A. T. C, N-D, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. MORRIS C. MARCUS M.D.; b. N 8, 1893; s. Mary Marcus. Prepared in Medill H. S. B.S., Lewis Institute. Address, 1241 Blue Island Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 803 Roosevelt Rd., do. OSWELL MORIN Pbys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ja 17, 1892, Danville, 111.; s. D. D. Morin. Prepared in Danville H. S. Address, 4304 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Hosp., 4649 Drexel Blvd., do.t GERTRUDE EVELYN MOULTON Health Advisor; M.D,; B.S., 1917; b. Je 5, 1880, Reo Grande, O.; d. Albanus Avery (b. Mr 23, 1852, Roxbury, Mass.) and Laura Lillian (Allen) Moulton (b. Jl 16, 1853, Amherst,- O.). Prepared in West H. S., Cleveland; West. Reserve Univ., do., 1900-01; Special Work, N. Y., Columbia, and Harvard Univs., summers. A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1903; do., Rio Grande, 1905. A. E. I.; A. O. A.; L. L. S., Oberlin. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago; Supvr. and Teacher, Pub. Schs., Cleve- land, 1904-07; Instr., Phys. Tr., Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Acting Dir., do., 1909-11; Dir., do., 1911-15; Health Advisor to Women, do., 1920—. Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Phys. Educ. Assn. Ad- dress, 1204 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add.. Health Serv. Bldg., do. ROBERT ROWLAINE MUSTELL Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. S 7, 1893; s. Herbert (b. Mr 5. 1860, 112 Granton Rd., Liver- pool, Eng.) and Elizabeth (Leigh) Mustell (b. Liverpool, Eng.). Prepared in Wash. State Coll. A.B., do., 1919. Beta Theta Pi; 1st Lt., Wash. State Coll. Cadet Corps; Class Treas. and Base- ball Team, do. Gen. Med. practice; Asst., Opera- tive Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919—. Examiner for West, and So. Life Ins. Co. M. R. C, 1917-19. Married Aileen Mercy, D 15, 1917. Child, Eliza- beth Mercy, b. Ag 11, 1918. Address, 6325 Ken- wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6200 Cottage Grove Ave., do. REGINO JESUS NAVARRO Phys. and Surg,; M.D.; b. S 7, 1893, Manila, P. I. Prepared in Pampanga and Manila (P. I.) H. Schs.; Univ. of the Philippines. Address, 3558 Grand Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add.. The Columbus Labs., do.-f JOE OLIVER PETERSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. N 1, 1888, Princeton, Minn.; s. O. Peterson. Prepared in Cambridge (Minn.) H. S. St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 1920. Address, Princeton, Minn.t DUANE WILLARD PROPST Med. Director; M.D.; A.B., L.A. and S., 1916; B.S., 1917; b. O 14, 1891, Springfield, 111.; s. David Edward (b. N 9, 1855, Sweetwater, 111.) and EfEe Elizabeth (Snodgrass) Propst (b. Je 9, 1860, Macomb, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Chem. Club. Intern, Wes- ley Memorial Hosp., Chicago, F 1919-Mr 1920; Jr. Phys., Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, do., Ap-Je, 1920; Med. Dir., Old Colony Life Ins. Co., Jl 15. 1920—; Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1921—. E. M. R. C, U. S. A., Ja 16, 1918; S. A. T. C, N 9-D 11, 1918. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Alice Irene Chapman, Je 29, 1918, Springfield, 111. Address, 639 Harri- son Place, Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., in care of Old Colony Life Ins. Co., 231 S. Wells St., Chicago. WILLIAM TURNER ROGERS Intern; M.D.; b. O 17, 1889, Hume, III.; s. Charles 0. and Jennie (Turner) Rogers. Prepared in Oklahoma City (Okla.) H. S. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1919; do. Cook Co. Hosp., do., 1919—; Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1919—. S. A. T. C, World War. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. HARRY LOUIS ROSE (Formerly Harry Louis Rosenburg) M.D.; B.S. in Sc, 191V; b. Mr 18, 1893. Chi- cago; s. Louis and Esther (Harrison) Rose. Pre- pared in Lane H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon. Naval Reserve. Mem., A. F. A. M. Name changed from Rosenburg to Rose. Address, 1530 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 525 S. Kedzie Ave., do. HUBBARD PRATHER SAUNDERS Physician; M.D.; b. Ja 21, 1894, Hickman, Ky.; s. James H. and Emma Jessie (Reeves) Saunders. Prepared in Hickman (Ky.) H. S. and Univ. of Mo., 1914-17. A.B., Univ. of Mo., 1917. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Pi; Athenaen Debating Soc. (Pres.); Debating Squad., Univ. of Mo. Instr., Phy.siol., Coll. of Med., 1919—; do., Coll. of Dent., 1920—. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. Med. Soc. Ad- dress, 4420 Clarendon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4403 Sheridan Rd., do. JOSEPH ANDREW SCHACHTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. Mr 12, 1895, New York City; s. J. Schachter. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 2 yrs. Address, Wesley Memorial Hosp., Chicago.f ELMER JACOB SCHMIDT (Brother-in-law of W. A. Shepherd, '03) Intern, M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. Jl 17, 1891, Sey- mour, Wis.; s. Julius and Doris (Marburger) Schmidt. Prepared in Seymour (Wis.) H. S.; N. W. Univ. Phi Beta Pi; Clio Lit. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Glee Club. Jr. Phys., Oak Forest, 111., Ap 6-D 24, 1919; Intern, Los Angeles Co., Calif, Hosp., Ja 1920-Jl 1921. S. A. T. C. Unit, Coll. of Med., 1918; M. R. C, 1918. Address, 1100 Mission Road, Los Angeles, Calif. PAUL LOUIS SCHROEDER M.D.; B.S.. 1917; b. Jl 6, 1894, Hoyleton, 111.; s. S. P. and Eunice Schroeder. Prepared in Nash- ville H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Pi. Staff Phys., Peoria State Hosp. M. R. C, World War. Married Mabel E. Moore, S 17, 1919. Address, 1201 Terminal Station, Peoria. GRANT WOOD SILL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. N 28, 1891, Massena, la.; s. E. S. Sill. Prepared in Univ. Place- (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb., Coll. of Med., 1916-17. A.B., Neb. Wesleyan Univ. Extern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1227 Leland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., do.t EDWARD PERRY VAUGHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 17, 1891, Interior, Mich. Prepared in Baroda (Mich.) H. S.; St. Thomas Coll. Phi Rho Sigma. Address, 4411 Gladys Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4300 W. Madi- son St., do.t 1920] College of Medicine Alumni 229 METODI VELITCHKOFF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. Mr 10, 1890, Bulgaria; s. A. VelitchkolT. Prepared in Nat. Pedagogical Sch. for Boys, Kustendil, Bul- garia. Intern, 111. Cent. Hosp., Chicago, 1919. AdJresi, 3155 W. 10(ith St., Cleveland, f CLARENCE LEONARD WIIITMIRE (Cousin of Laura G. Whitmire, '14, A.B.. in L. A. and S.) Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. N 2, 1895, Waverly, la.; s. Clarence Leonard (b. D 27, 1858, Metamora, 111.) and Mary A. (.Barrett) Whitmire (.b. F 15, 1860, Waverly la.). Prepared in Waverly (la.) H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Nu Sigma Nu. Gen. Med. practice, Wilmington, 111., Jl 1919-Ap 1920; 111. Soldiers and Sailors Home, vjuincy, 111., 1920; State Hosp., Osawatomie, Kan., 1920. E. M. R. C, D 17, 1917-Ja 14, 1918; Transferred to S. A. T. C. Med. Unit U. of I., Ja 15-D 11, 1918; Illinois State Civil Service, Mr 8 1920—. Mem. A. F- A. M.; K. P.; American Legion. Married Clemma Joan Harrolle, Ja 2, 1919, Chicago. Address, 861 S. State St., Lin- coln, 111. EARLE WILLBRE WILLIAMSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. N 9, 1886, Tuscola, 111.; s. J. S. Williamson. Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Intern, Bvanston Hosp., Evans- ton, 111., 1919. Address, 2650 Ridge Ave., Evans- ton, Ul.t CLASS OF 1920 (85 LIVING, NONE DEAD) GEORGE ALBERT ALLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Je 7, 1894, Ont.; s. AV. H. Allen. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Intern, Grant Hosp., Chicago, 1920; for- merly at Chuton, 111.;' later at Salt Lake City. Addrtss, Standardville, Ut.t AMBROSIO YSIDRO ANTONIO Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 25, 1892, Orion. Bataan, P. I. Prepared in Manila (P. I.) H. S.; Univ. of the Philippines, 2 >ts.; Med. Dept., do., 4 yrs. Address, Orion Bataan, P. I.t ANDREW SAMUEL ARNQUIST Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Jl 25, 1896, New Richmond, Wis.; s. John M. and Edith (Paulson) Arnquist. Prepared in New Richmond (Wis.) H. S.; LawTence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 1914-16. Delta Iota; Nu Sigma Isu. Intern, Miami Valley Hosp., 'Dayton, O., 1920. E. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Address, New Richmond, Wis. REA ERNEST ASHLEY SpeciaUst; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Jl 8, 1893, Kan- sas City, Mo.; s. Peter Rea and Jessie D. Ashley. Prepared in East Denver H. S. and Univ. of Colo, 1911-10. Phi Gamma Delta; Nu Sigma Nu. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist; Asst. Resident Phys., Lane Hosp., San Francisco, 1919; Resident Phys.. do., 1920—. S. A. T. C; M. E. R. C, World War. Married Drucilla Clay, D 26, 1918, New York. Address, 216 4th Ave., San Francisco; bus. add.. Lane Hosp., do. LEWIS THOMAS BAXTER M.D.; b. S 15, 1890, Astoria, 111.; s. Alfred and Emma Baxter. Prepared in .\storia H. S.; Knox Coll. Phi DelU Theta; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, West Side Hosp., 1850 W. Harrison St., Chicago. EDGAR THERON BLAIR Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. N 9, 1892, Cband- lerville, 111.; s. William and Hem-ietta (Davis) Blair. Prepared in Havana H. S.; Nu Sigma Nu; Medui. E. M. R. C, U. S. A. Address, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. ARTHUR REUBEN BOGUE Intern; M.D.: B.S.,1919; b. Ag 29,1895, Savanna. 111.; s. John W. (b. do.) and Myrtle A. (Kearney) Bogue (b. do.). Prepared in Savanna, 111. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Ptolemy. Intern, St. Anthonys Hosp., Chicago, O 2, 1920. Address. Savanna, 111. ERNEST JULIUS BROSIUS Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. Je 12, 18S9, Min- neapolis; s. Ottihe fPansegrau) Brosius. Prepared in Canby (Minn.) H. S. D. D. S., Univ. of Minn., 1912. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Univ. of Minn. MandoUn Club, 1911-12; W^est. Intercoll. Light- weight Wrestling Championship, 1912. M. R. C, U. S. N., D 1917-D 1920. Address, St. Anthony De Padua Hosp., Chicago. LADISLAV VACLAV CAPEK Intern; M.D.; B.S., in E.E. '11; B.S. in Sc, 'IS; b. Ag 25, 1886, Chicago; s. Joseph (b. Je 30, 1861, Bohemia) and Josephine (Roth) Capek (b. S 7, 1864, do.). Prepared in Chicago English High and Manual Training Schs.; Univ. of Chicago; Armour Inst.; Lewis Inst. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. S. A. T. C. Med. Unit, U. of I. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R.A. M.; K. T.; Mystic Shrine (Aryan Grotto). Married, My 29, 1916, Three Lakes, Wis. (W'ife died Ja 20, 1916). Address, 2224 Spaulding Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM McKINLEY CARTER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. D 1894, Glenville, Minn.; s. F. F. (jarter. Prepared in Univ. of N. Dak., 2 yrs.; Med. Dept., do., 2 yrs. Formerly located in BowbeUs, N. Dak. Address, Hobson, Mont.t HOWARD WILLIAM CHAMPLIN Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. F 12, 1884; s. Sarah (Culbertson) Champlin. Prepared in Simpson Coll. A.B., la. State Coll.; B.S., do. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Grant Hosp., Chicago, 1920. S. A. T. C. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Jean Mullen, 1913, Webster City, la. Address, 2207 Larrabee St., Chicago. GEORGE EDWARD CLARKE Intern; M.D.; B.S.; b. My 10, 1894, Noblesville,, Ind.; s. John Osanbach (b. do.) and Mary (White) Clark (b. do.). Prepared in Noblesville (Ind.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Rea Scholarship, 1918. Intern, Kings Co. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y.; do., Hamilton Co. Hosp., Noblesville, Ind., O 2, 1920. E. M. R. C, D 7, 1918-D 11, 1919. Address, Kings Co. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. GERALD MORRIS CLINE Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. My 31, 1890, Le Roy, III.; s. Melvin A. and Agnes Mary (Morris) Cline. Prepared in Le Roy H. S.; Univ. of III. (Urbana Depts.). Medui; Phi Beta Pi; Mem., Ex. Com. Intern, Mercy Hosp., Chicago, O 2, 1920. 1st Class Hosp. Apprentice, U. S. N., 1917-19. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, 2537 Prairie Ave., Chicago. CARL LIVINGSTON COHEN ^Cousin of Arthur L. Epstein, '17, A.B. and Karl Epstein, '17, B.S.) Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. N 14, 1895; s. David (b. Curland, Esthenia) and Lena Bessie (Livingston) Cohen (b. do.). Prepared in Atlan- ta H. S. Phi Delta Kpsilon; Alpha Phi Sigma; 230 University of Illinois [1920 Menorah; Sec, Class 1920. Intern. Mt. Sinai Hosp., Chicago, 1919-20; Michael Reese Hosp., do., 1920—. £. M. R. C, U. S. A., O 13, 1917- Ja 4, 1919. Address, Michael Reese Hosp., 29th and Ellis Ave., Chicago. MAURICE HIAM COTTLE Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Mr 23, 1896, Lon- don, Eng.; s. Louis and Ray (Kaaske) Cottle. Prepared in Crane Jr. Coll. and Foundation Sch. Alpha Phi Sigma; Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. E. R. M. C; S. A. T. C, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. JOHN WILLIAM CRADDOCK Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Je 8, 1894; s. John (b. Co. Mayo, Ireland) and Frances (McMannon) Craddock (b. do.). Prepared in De Paul Acad.; De Paul Univ., 1915-16. 1st V. P., Class 1920. Intern, Columbus Hosp., O 2, 1920. E. M. R. C, 1917-18; S. A. T. C, 1918. Mem., Univ. Council, K. C. Address, 2148 Burling St., Chicago, 111. WOODRUFF LYNDEN CRAWFORD (Brother of Chalmers W., '15, B.S. in Agr.) Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. O 23, 1895, Pontiac, 111.; s. Geo. A. (b. S 23, 1860, 111.) and Martha Emily (Woodruff) Crawford (b. My 11, 1861, Conn.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S.; Howe (Ind.) Sch. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Medui. Asst., Obste- trics, Coll. of Med., 1920—; Phys., Univ. Hosp., Chicago, O 1919-Je 1920; Resident Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, Jl 1, 1920—. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-18. Married La Verna Means, Mr 24, 1917, Chicago. Address, Pontiac, 111.; bus. add., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. CHARLES MARSHALL DAVISON (Son of Charles Davison, Fa.M.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D. ; B.S., 1918;b. Ap 16,1896, Chicago; s. Charles and Mary Lavinia (Kidd) Dav- ison. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago; Dart- mouth Coll.. Hanover, N. H. Alpha Omega Alpha; Psi Upsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Res. Phys., Univ. Hosp., 1919-20; do., Cook Co. Hosp., 1920- 21; Asst. Surg., Univ. Hosp., 1921—. U. S. N. R. F., World War. Mem. Med. Alumni Assn., Univ. of 111. (V. P., 1921—.). Address, 2320 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Univ. Hosp., do. HAROLD FRANCIS DILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Mr 10, 1894; s. F. S. and Susannah K. (Young) Diller. Prepared in Rantoul, H. S. Phi Chi; Medui. Intern, Henrotin Hosp., Chicago, 1920. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Crystal Falls, Mich. S. A. T. C, World War. Mem,, A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Frieda I. Poehlmann, S 26, 1918, Chicago. Address, Crystal Falls, Mich. EDWARD VINCENT F. DONOVAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. My 3, 1894, Chicago; s. Joseph and Winifred (Lynch) Donovan. Prepared in De Paul Acad. A.B., De Paul Univ., 1914. Phi Rho Sigma. Intern, Columbus Hosp., Chicago; later Phys., Grant Hosp., do., 1920. Address, 653 Center St., Chi- cago. LAWRENCE FRANCIS DRAPER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. D 26, 1895, Clinton, 111.; s. S. C. Draper. Prepared m Clinton H. S. Omega Beta Pi. Intern Henrotin Hosp., Chicago, 1919. Address, 457 E. 60th St., Chicago; bus. add., Washington Park Hosp., do.f MAX EHRLICH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Je 15, 1895, Chicago; s. Kolman and Pearl (Newman) Ehrlich. Prepared in Lane Technical H. S., Chi- cago. Alpha Phi Sigma; Phi Delta Epsilon. In- tern, Wesley Hosp., Chicago, O 2, 1920. S. A. T. C, 1918. Address, 1706 N. Western Ave., Chi- cago. GEORGE P. ELVIDGE Intern; M.D.; b. Je 19, 1896, Burt, la.; 8. J. and Stella (Peck) Elvidge. Prepared in Univ. of Minn. Alpl a Kappa Kappa; Masonic Order. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. Service on Max. Border, 1916; Naval Reserve 1918. Address, Univ. Hosp., Chicago. MAX ELIHU ENGERMAN Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ag 7, 1895, Kiev, Rus.; s. Abraham (b. 1868, do.) and Sarah (Ger- shen) Engerman (b. 1870, do.). Prepared in Joseph Medio H.S.; Crane Jr. Coll., F 1914-Je 1915; Lewis Institute, O 1915-Ap 1916. Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Kansas City Gen. Hosp., O 2, 1920. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-19; S. A. T. C, 1919. Address, 1933 Taylor St., Chicago; bus. add., Kansas City Gen. Hosp., Kansas City, Mo. WALTER RATHFON FISCHER Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ag 17, 1894. Chi- cago; s. F. William and Laura E. (Rathfon) Fischer. Prepared in Bowen H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Medui. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago; Asst., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920—. E. M. R. C, World War, 1918. Address, 432 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. HANBY LEWIS FORD M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. D 23, 1894; s. Elizabeth T. Ford. Prepared in Robinson Twp. H. S.; Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1913-15. Alpha Omega Alpha; Medui; Delta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu. For- merly located in Flat Rock, 111.; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1920; Asst. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920 — . Served with the 108th Sanitary Train, World War. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. RAY HENRY FREARK Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. Ag 26, 1892; s. H. J. and Marguerie (Bangert) Freark. Pre- pared in Springfield H. S., 1908-12; Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1918; Univ. of Minn., 1919. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Hosp.; House Phys., Lakeside Hosp., Chi- cago. 1920—. M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Address, 3410 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. CARSON KING GABRIEL Physician; M.D.; b. N 26, 1894, Payson, 111.; s. Edward John (b. Mr 19, 1869, do.) and Louisa A. (Schroth) Gabriel (b. Ag 26, 1873, do.). Pre- pared in Quincy and Payson H. Schs.; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.) Coll. of Sc, S 1913-F 1916. Medui; Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Lakeview Hosp., Chicago, N 1, 1919- Jel, 1920; do.. West Side Hosp., Chicago, Jl 1, 1920—. M. R. C, U. S. A., Ja 19- N 9, 1918; S. A. T. C, N 9-D 11, 1918. Address, 1458 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. GERALD DELAND GERNON Intern; M.D.; b. S 17, 1893, Beaverville, 111.; 8. John H. and Anna (Deland) Gernon. Prepared in Kankakee H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Univ. and Cook Co. Hosps., Chicago. Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1919—; Asst., Genito Urinary Surg., do., 1920—. E. M. R. C, U. S. A.- 1918. Address, 241 S. Chicago Ave., Kankakee, 111.; bus. add., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. LOUIS GOLDBLATT Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ag 1, 1891, Odessa, Russia; s. Julius and Fannie (Kaleko) Goldblatt. Prepared in Hoffman H. S.; Crane Jr. Coll. In- tern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1920. M. R. C, U. S. A.; S. A. T. C, World War. Mem., Menorah Jewish Orthodox Church. Address, 915 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Michael Reese Hosp., do. EDWARD P. GRAMER Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ap 2. 1892; s. John W. and Theresa (Pheiffer) Gramer. Prepared in Marshall H. S. A.A., Lewis Inst., 1916. Rea 1920] College of Medicine Alumni 231 Scholarship. Phi Beta Pi. Sr. Intern, Chicago Gen. Hosp. S. A. T. C, World War. Address, Chicago Gen. Hosp., Chicago. RAY ELSWORTH GREENWOOD Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. R 1, 1S92, Kankakee. 111.; 8. John and Elleanor (Christian^ Greenwood. Prepared in Kankakee H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Phylon, Univ. of Mich. Intern, Blodgett Hosp., Grand Rapids, Mich. M. R. C. U. S. A., World War. Mem.. M. E. Church. Address, Blodgett Hosp., Grand Rapids, Mich. ETHEL ANNA GWIN Intern; M.D.; B.S.. 191S; b. Ja 12, 1S82, Trini- dad. Colo.; d. Jacob N. (b. Mr 4, 1853. T.imestone, Tenn.) and Margaret Jane (Nead) Gwin (b. D 16, 1854, do.). Prepared in Uewiston (Idaho') St. Norm. Sch.; Preparatorv Dept., Univ. of Idaho; Bethanv Bible Sch., Chicago. 1908-09; Manchester Coll.. Ind.. 1910-14. Alpha Omega Alpha. In- tern, New Eng. Hosp. for Women and Children, Boston, Mass., Jl 1, 1920-Jl 1, 1921. Address. 3435 Van Burcn St.. Chicago. HENRY FREDERICK HELLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S.. 1918; b. Ja 21. 1892, Lake Zurich. 111.; a. John H. Heller. Pre- pared in Maine Tp. H. S.; L. A. & S., Univ. of 111.. Urbana, 1914-16. Gen. Assembly Scholar- ship, 1919. Formerly of Des Plaines, 111. Ad- dress, Henrotin Hosp., Chicago. t EMORY G. HYATT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ag 24, 1892, Macon, Mo.; s. J. E. Hvatt. Prepared in Macon (Mo.) H. S.; Lewis Inst.; Central Coll., Fayette, Mo., 1 vt. Asst., Pharmacol., Coll. of Med., 1918-20. Address, Gen. Hosp., Kansas City, Mo.t GEORGE BURGESS IRVINE Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. D 12, 1894; s. Arthur and May (Burgess) Irvine. Prepared in Lake City (Minn.) H. S., 1913; Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Min- neapolis Gen. Hpsp.; Phys.. Lake Preston, S. Dak. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. S. A. T. C. M. E. R. C, World War. Married Claire D. Flater, O 21, 1920. Minneapolis. Address, Lake Preston, S. Dak. JOHN WALTER JOHNSON Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. D 25. 1894; s. Lars and Amonda (Frisk) Johnson. Alpha Chi Rho; Chi Delta; Medui; Rea Scholarship. 1919. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp.. Chicago. M. C, U. S. A., World War. Address, 737 Briar PI., Chicago; bti*. add., St. Lukes Hosp., do. KARL JOHN KAISER Surgeon; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Mr 20, 1894, Earlville, 111.; s. John Martin (b. Ag 12. 1863. Rockland, Mich.) and Emma Elizabeth (Botting) Kaiser (b. Ag 14, 1868, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in Sandw-ich and Lane Technical H. Schs.; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Dept.s.). Alpha Sigma Phi; Nu Sigma Nu. Intern. West Side Hosp.. Chicago; Residpnt Surg., do.. My 1920—. U. S. N.. D 22. 1017-Ja 1. 1919; Active duty, O 1918-Ja 1. 1919. Address, 114 N. View St., Aurora. 111. SOPHIA CORNELIA KNAUER Physician; M.D.; b. Mr 23. 1888, Delmenhorst. Ger.; d. H. P. and Cornelia (Remmers) Knauer. B.S.. N. W. Coll.. 1918. Address, 885 Woodward Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. GEORGE BUCHANAN KRYDER M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. .le 16. 1893, Madison, Wis.; 8. William R. and T.uella (Witter) Kryder. Pre- pared in Perry (Okla.) H. S., 1913; Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll., Stillwater. Okla., 1913-14; Univ. of Kan.. 1914-15. Phi Beta Pi; Track Team. Univ. of Kan.; Glee Club; Band; Orchestra. South Shore Hosp., 1919-20. S. A. T. C, 1918, 11 mos.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Garnet J. Dalton, O 6, 1920, Freeport, 111. Address, Orangeville, 111. EVERETT RAYMOND LAMBERTSON Physician; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ag 18, 1892; s. James C. (b. Je 16. 1866, Murray, la.) and Mary Leona (Daniels) Lambertson (b. F 21, 1872, do.). Prepared in Murray (la.) H. S.; Drake Univ., 1912-15. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Kappa I^ambda; Athenian; Rhet. Club; Sc. Club; Football; Bus. Mgr., Drake Daily Delphic. House Phys., Wash- ington Park Hosp., Chicago; Des Moines, la., 1920—. Navy Reserve Hosp. Corps, World War, 1918. Married Solvieg Clements Lunde, Ja 12, 1917, Chicago. Children: Bruce Lunde, b. D 8, 1918; Phyllis Arline, b. Mr 24, 1919. Address, 555 E. 60th St., Chicago. JOSEPH LA ROCCA Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. F 2, 1897, Chicago; s. Michele La Rocca. Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S.; Crane Jr. Coll. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. S. A T. p.. World War. Address, 1746 W. Huron St., Chicago; bus. add., 60th and Vernon Ave., do. RUTH LEONARD (Sister of Francis B., '11 A.B., L. & A.) Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; A.B. in L. & A., 1912; b. Ja 20, 1890, Rockford, 111.; d. Josiah Sloan (b. 1850, Syracuse, N. Y.) and Mary Malvinia (Bost- w-ick) Leonard (b. 1851, Tisco Hill, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Rockford H. S. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Alpha Epsilon Iota; W. A. A.; Basket- ball, 1908-12 (Capt., 1912). Phys. Tr. In.str., Y. W. C. A., Elgin, 111., 1912-13; Instr., New Trier Tp. H. S., Kenilworth, 111., 1913-16; Student. N. W. Univ., 1915-16; Intern. New Eng. Hosp. for Women and Children. Boston. Mass., 1920 — . Address, 903 Michigan Ave., Evanston, 111. HAROLD JACKSON McCOY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. D 17, 1890, Imperial, Neb.; s. S. E. McCoy. Prepared in Franklin (Neb.) H. S.; Drake Univ., 2 yrs.; Univ. of Chicago, 4 quarters. Omega Beta Pi. Intern, Mercy Hosp., Chicago, 1920. Address, Imperial, Neb. ANDREW ROSS McCRADIE (Brother of Robert Drinnen, '20) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. S 15, 1894, Grandin, N. Dak.; s. S. McCradie. Prepared in Hendrum (Minn.) H. S. and Fargo Coll. Acad.; Univ. of N. Dak., 1 yr. Phi Chi. Formerly of Grandin. N. Dak. Address, Hendrum, Minn.t ROBERT DRINNEN McCRADIE (Brother of Andrew Ross, '20) Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Jl 24, 1889, Grandin. N. Dak.; s. S. McCradie. Prepared in Fargo (N. Dak.) H. S., Fargo Coll. Acad, and Coll.; Univ. of Minn., 1916; Univ. of Wis., 1917. Phi Chi. Ad- dress, Wesley Memorial Hosp., Chicago.t THOMAS BYRD MAGATH (Husband of Emily Maurine Bowman, '17, L.A &S.) Professor; M.D.; Ph.D., 1917; b. Ja 28, 1895, Oxford, Ga.; s. Julius and Eliza (Byrd) Magath. Prepared in Palmer Inst, and Sub-Fresh. Dept., Emory Coll. Ph.B., Emory Univ., 1913; M.S., James Millikin Univ., 1914. Nu Sigma Nu; Sig- ma Xi; Literary Soc; Sub-Fresh. Scholarship, Emory Univ.. 1909. and Reeves Chem. Med. Scholarship. 1913; Fellow in Zool., Univ. of HI., 1917. Teaching Fellow in Biol., James Milliken Univ., 1913-14; Instr.. do., III. State Norm. Univ., summer, 1914; Grad. Asst. in Zool., Coll. of Med., 1914-16; Instr., Anat., do., and in Coll. of Dent.. 1917-19; First Asst.. Clin. Pathologist and Para- sitologist. Mayo Clinic, 1919 — . Intern, do., 1920; 232 University of Illinois [1920 Prof., Clin. Bacteriol. and Parasitol., Mayo Foun- dation, Univ. of Minn. Grad. Sch. of Med., do.; pvt. research, Harpswell Marine Biolog. Station, summer, 1915; do., U. S. Bureau Fisheries, summer 1916; Scientific investigator, do., Fairport, la., summer 1917; At present, assoc. ed. of Internal Med. and Surg. Survey. Pvt., E. M. R. C, U. S. A., and Acting med. sergt., S. A. T. C, M. C, Univ. of 111., F 17-D 11. 1918. Collaborator in writing of A Manual of Surg. Anat. for office of Surg. Gen. during war. Auth.: The Presence of Acidophilous Cells in the Adrenals of Certain Amphibians, Transactions of Am. Micros. Soc, 1915; Nematode Technique, do., 1916; Notes on Some Nematodes from Fresh-water Fishes (with H. B. Ward), Jour., Parasitol, 1917; The Mor- phology and Life Hist, of a New Trematode Parasite, Lissorchis fairporti nov. gene, et nov. spec, from the Buffalo fish, Ictiobus. do., 1918; Are Zoologist going to use the B. N. A.? Science, do.; The catalase content of Ascaris suum, with a .suggestion as to its role in protecting parasites against the digestive enzymes of their hosts. Jour. Biol. Chem., do. (Reviewed in Chem. Abstracts); A variation in the distribution of the Nervus Abducens in Man, Arch., Ophthalm., 1Q19; Carnal- lanus Americayius nov. spec. Transactions of Am. Micros. Soc, do.; Double Lumen in Fallopian Tube, Jour. A. M. A., do.; The Eggs, of Diphyl- lobothrium latum, do.; Leucochloridium problem- aticum nov. spec, 1920 (in press); Notes on the Genus Camallanus, do. Mem., M. E. Church, South; A. A. A. S.; Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Am. Soc. of Zoologists; Am. Microscopical Soc. Mar- ried Emily Maurine Bowman, Mr 14, 1920, Prince- ton, Ind. Address, 217 9th Ave., S. W., Rochester, Minn.; bus. add.. Mayo Clinic, do. CHARLES LEO MERRILL Phys. and Surg; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ja 13, 1888, Richmond, Ut.; s. Charles Merrill. Pre- pared in Brigham Young Coll.; Agr. Coll. of Ut.; Univ. of Cfiicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Ad- dress, Latter Day Saints Hosp., Salt Lake City.t GEORGE STANLEY METCALF M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. O 15, 1893, Janesville, Wis.; s. George A. and Fannie (Sherman) Metcalf. Pre- pared in Janesville (Wis.) H. S.; Lawrence Coll., and Univ. of Wis. Phi Chi. Intern, Milwaukee Hosp., Milwaukee, 1920. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Doris Amerpohl, Janesville, Wis. Ad- dress, 306 N. Washington St., Janesville, Wis.; bus. add., 61 S. Jackson St., do. MYRON HERBERT MILLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Jl 31, 1895, Chicago; s. Charles Miller. Prepared in McKinley H. S., and Lewis Inst., Chicago. Omega Beta Pi. Intern, Grant Hosp., Chicago. Married 1920. Address, 1922 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.t SAMUEL ALFRED MURPHY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 9, 1889, Sheboy- gan, Wis.; Prepared in Sheboygan (Wis.) H. S.; Marquette Univ. Omega Beta Pi. Intern, Dun- ning Psychopathic Hosp., 1920. Addre.ts, Chi- cago State Hosp., Chicago; 6ms. add., 372 W. Chi- cago Ave., do.t SAMUEL NARODITSKY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. Ja 22, 1893, Chicago; s. Israel Naroditsky. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago. Ad- dress, 1516 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., Michael Reese Hosp., do.f WILLIAM JAMES NOONAN Phys, and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Mr 1, 1891, Elma, la.; s. P. N. Noonan. Prepared in Univ. of Chicago. Omega Beta Pi. Formerly of Elma, la. Intern, 1920. Address, Mercy Hosp., Chicago.t HERALD BERNARD NORVIEL Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. O 5, 1894, Olney, 111.; s. J. B. NorT-iel. Prepared in Robinson Tp. H. S. Omega Beta Pi. Intern, Grant Hosp., Chicago, 1920. Address, 618 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., Grant Hosp., Chicago.t MILTON MARQUETTE OCHS Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. My 1,1895, Chicago. s. Fred Ochs. Prepared in Crane Technical H. S. and Jr. Coll., Chicago. Omega Beta Pi. In- tern, Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1920-23. Ad- dress, 300 Maple Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., Augustana Hosp., Chicago.t HENRY EARLE OLIVER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. F 7, 1893, Sigourney, la.; s. L. P. Oliver. Attended Univ. of la., 1 yr.; Univ. of Chicago, before entering Coll. of Med. Phi Rho Sigma. Address, Henrotin Hosp., Chi- cago.t ALBERT ERIC OLSON Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. N 17, 1894, Duluth, Minn.; s. Eric (b. F 2, 1854, Man- kato, Minn.) and Mary (Swanson) Olson (b. N 24, 1861, Dalsland, Sweden). Prepared in Duluth Central H. S. Pre-Medic covirse, Univ. of Minn., 1914-16. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha (Sec); Valedictorian, Class of 1920; Grad. work in Ob- stetrics, Chicago Lying-in Hosp.; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp.; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice; Asst., Ob- stetrics, Coll. of Med., 1920—. E. M. R. C, 1918-19. Mem., St. Johns Ijutheran Church, Minneapolis; Trinity Lodge A. F. A. M., Duluth, Minn. Mar- ried Sima Emily Juntenen, R. N., Je 2, 1920, Chi- cago. Address, 112 N. 20th Ave., Duluth, Minn. DAVID ELMER OSTLER Phvs. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Jl 13, 1890, Salt Lake City; s. Oliver Ostler. Prepared in Salt Lake City (Ut.) H. S.; Univ. of Ut. Intern, Holy Cross Hosp., Salt Lake City. Address, 437 N. 2nd St., Salt Lake City.t JAMES WILLIAM PARKER, Jr. Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919: b. Ja 21, 1895, Warsaw, 111.; s. J. W. Parker. Prepared in Bradley Polytechnic Institute; Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Intern, Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1920-21. Address, 519 N. Monroe St., Peoria, Ill.t HARRY ARTHUR PASKIND Physician; M.D.; b. Ap 15, 1896. Chicago; s. Samuel and Molly Paskind. Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Enlisted M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-18. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. NORBERT PAUKER Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ap 25, 1893, Aus.; s. Jacob (b. 1845, do.) and I aura (Schlaglied) Banker (b. 1856, Bradv, do.). Prepared in Medill Evening H. S.; Crane Jr. H. S.. 191.5-16; and I-ewis Inst., Jl 1-S 26, 1916. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, O 2, 1920. Married. Address, 29th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago. ANDREW PETRASS .. Intern; M.D.; B.S.. 1918; b. Jl 5. 1891. Nagy- kereskeny, Hungary; s. Andrew (b. Mr 28, 1866, do.) and" Julia (Kotova) Petrass (b. Je 1, 1871, Kisker, Hungary). Prepared in Gymnasium of Tjeva and Beszterczebanya. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Chicago Lving-In Hosp. and Dis- pensary; do., Chicago State Hosp., O 2, 1920. Ad- dress, 657 Custer St., Chicago. FREDERICK LEO PICKOFF Pathologist; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Ja .30. 1887, Mohileff, Rus.; s. Leo S. and Rhoda (Kricheff) Pickoff. Prepared in Lewis Inst.; Med. Sch., Mohileff, Rus. Alpha Omega Alpha (V. P., 1919- 1920] College of Medicine Alumni 20.); Jr. Phy3., Pub. Health Dept., State of Samara, Kus., 1907-10; Asst., Surg., Nikitovka Coal Mines Hosp., do., 1911-13; Came to U. S. in 1914, natura- Ijied in 1919; Pathol., Jones Clinic and Samaritan Hosp., Bay City, Mich.; Instr., Patliol. and Bac- terial., CoU. of Dent., 1921. S. A. T. C. World War. Married Rosalia A. Levin, O 30. 1910, Uus. Address, 1500 4Ui St., Bay City, Mich.; bus. add., Jones CUnic, do. THOMAS THA^TER RACK.LIFFE Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. Jl 13, 1891. Hamp- den, Me.; s. J. R. Rackliffe. Prepared in St. Joseph (Mo.) H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Intern. St. Anthonys Hosp., Chicago. Address, St. Joseph, Mo.t FRANKLIN LEROY RUBRIGHT M.D.; B.S.. 1918; b. Mr 12, 1895, Rock Falls, 111.; s. H. G. and Alice M. (Stevens) Rubright. Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Alpha Kappa Alpha; Omega Beta Pi. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago. Married Eugenia Eldvidge, Je 13, 1918. Address, ISoO W. Harrison St., Chicago. ARMOND J. RUPPENTHAL M.D.; b. S S, 1891, Wis.; s. Hilda (Sangemach) Ruppenthal. Prepared in BriUion (Wis.) H. S., and Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, 1910-13. Phi Beta Pi; T. N. E. Intern, Milwaukee Co. Hosp., O 1. 1919-0 1, 1920. S. A. T. C, World War. Married Myra C. Ford, O 16, 1920, Milwaukee. Address, 308 North Ave., Milwaukee. HUBERT JULIUS SCHMIDT M.D.; b. Ap 16, 1896, Chicago; s. F. F. (b. Ag 6, 1870, Chicago) and Minnie C. (Melgas) Schmidt (b. Ag S. 1870, New Ulm, Minn.). Prepared in Crane Technical H. S.; Lewis Inst., 1914-16. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, West Side Hosp., O 2, 1920. S. A. T. C. Address. 3716 Lexington St., Chicago. RAYMOND SHRYOCK SHURTLEFF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S.. 1918; b. F 19, 1893, Cuba, 111.; s. William Locke and Ida May (Shryock) Shurtleff. Prepared in Cuba H. S. Phi Chi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Ordinance Serv., Rock Island Arsenal, World War. Address, 6337 Harvard Ave.. Chicago; St. Bernards' Hosp., do. MARY GERTRUDE MULLER SLAUGHTER A.=;st. Phys.; M.D.; b. Essen, Ger.; d. J. P. and Ehzabeth (Von Cliffenburg) Muller. Prepared in Holy Rosary Acad.; Univ. of Chicago. Nu Sigma Phi. Asst. Phys., III. Valley Ho.sp., Ottawa, 111. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Robert A. Slaughter, O 30, 1906. Address, 1614 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add.. 111. Valley Hosp., Ottawa, 111. JOSEPH SPONDER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S. in Sc, 1918; b. Mr 5, 1888, Poland; s. Peter and Katberine Dobek. Prepared in Pub. Sch., Poland; Gimnazyum Sch. Tarnor, 1899-1907; Jagellonica Univ., Cracow, four semesters. Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, St. Bernards Hosp., Chicago; Gen. Med. practice, Gary, Ind., O 1920 — , Married Wanda Lvsa- kowska, S 28, 1920. Address, 1644 Virgiijia St., Gary, Ind.; bus. add., 1512 Broadway, do. JOSEPH BONSALL STEVENS M.D.: b. Jl 17, 1895; s. George and Mary (Mor- ton) Stevens. Prepared in Lead (S. Dak.) H. S. A.B., Univ. of S. Dak. Phi Delta Theta; Nu .Siuma Nu. Formerly located in Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Intern, Miami Valley Hosp., Dayton, O. E. M. R. C. Address, Luverne, Minn. THEODORE THADDEUS STONE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S,, 1918; b. Ag 3, 1896, Chicago; s. Harry Stone. Prepared in Medill H. S.; I.«wia Inst, and Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 1920-21. Address. 823 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. t WILLIAM BENJAMIN STROMBERG M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. N 1, 1894, Chicago. Pre- pared in North Division H. S.; N. W. Univ. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Swedish Covenant Hosp., Chi- cago, 1920, Mem,, Naval Reserve Force. Ad- dress, 3314 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. HERBERT MILTON THARP Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B,S,, 1917; b. N 17, 1884, Newton, la.; s. J. W. Tharp. Prepared in Newton (la.) H. S.; Central Coll., la. Address, Rcasnor, la.f FRED RUSH THOMPSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. My 26, 1893, Cedarville, 111.; s. S. C. Thompson. Pre- pared in Freeport H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 2 yrs. Omega Beta Pi. Formerly of Cedarville, 111. In- tern, Ravenswood Hosp., Chicago, 1920; later at Oak Forest Infirmary, Oak Forest, 111. Address, 018 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. t ROBERT ALLYN WALKER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; A.B. in Sc, 1911; B.S., 1919; b. Jl 24, 1891, Stonefort, III.; s. Urban L. (b. Ap 23, 1867, New Burnside, 111.) and Ada (Ar- nold) Walker (b. Mr 24, 1873, Creal Springs, do.). Prepared in Herrin H. S. and Univ. of 111. Acad. Iris; Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Adelphic; V. P., Coll. of Sc; Stud. Union, 1911. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Alhambra, Calif. M. R. C, U. S. A., 3 mos.; S. A. T. C, 9 mos. Married Avis Louise McNeill, D 25, 1911, Los Angeles. Chil- dren: Helen Mae, b. O 4, 1912; Dorothy Louise, b. Ap 26, 1914. Address, 502 N. Wilson Ave., Alhambra, Calif.; bus. add., 7 S. Garfield, do. LAMBERTUS WARMOLTS Physician; M.D.; A.B. in L. A. & S., 1917; B. S., 1919; b. N 18, 1893, C.iicago; s. Lambertus and Elizabeth J. (EsnoriT) Warmolts. Prepared in Oregon H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Capt,, Univ. Brig. Phys., Radium Assn. S. A. T. C. Address, Peoples Hosp., 22nd and Archer Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Tower Bldg., 6 N. Mich. Ave.. do. PETER JOSEPH WERNER Intern; M.D,; B,S.. 1919; b. Je 22. 1896; s. Peter (b. O 19, 1856, Ger.) and Cathrine (Ranen) Werner (b. O 1, 18o7, Ger.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll.; Lewis Institute. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Assembly Scholarship. 1920. Intern, Lake View Hosp., Chicago. M. R. C, U. S. N.; S. A. T. C, Coll. of Med., O 16, 1918-D 21, 1918. Mem., K. C. Address, 5140 Loomie St., Chicago. CYRUS LANYON WHITE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Je 16, 1892; s. Albert S. and Mary (Lanyon) White. Prepared in Mineral Point (Wis.) H. S., 1907-11. A. A,, Univ. of Wis., 1912-15. Alpha Gamma Phi; Plii Beta Pi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Mineral Point, Wis., Jl 21, 1920—. E. M. R. C, D 1917-0 1918; S. A. T. C, 0-D, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Dorothy H. Reynolds, O 23, 1919, Chicago. Child, Virginia Lanyon, b. Jl 28, 1920. Address, Mineral Point, Wis. VERNON HOMER WILBURN Phys. and Surg.; M.D,; b. Mr 4. 1888, Spring- field, Mo.; 8. Julius Wilburn. Prepared in Lin- coln Institute, Kan,; Univ, of Kan, Sch, of Med,, 1911-12, A. B., Univ. of Kan. Intern, Kan. City Hosp., 1920; formerly of Lawrence, Kan. Address. Kansas City Hosp., Kansas City, Mo.t 234 University of Illinois [1921 CLARENCE LEON WILSON Intern; M.D.; b. Jl 15, 1S95; s. C. P. and Anna (Rogers) Wilson. Prepared in H. S.; So. 111. State Norm. Univ. Kappa Alpha Psi; Cross, Triangle; Pre-Medic Club; Fresh. Track, 1914-15. Intern, Old City Hosp., Kansas City, Mo. E. M. R. C, S. A. T. C, World War. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 538 Bryant Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Old City Hosp., Kansas City, Mo. FRANK MAX WITTELLE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.S., 1919; b. Ag 28. 1895. Chicago; s. Max Frank Wittelle. Prepared in Crane Technical H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., do. Intern, Wesley Hosp., Chicago, 1920. Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1921—. Address, 141 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 8361 Burley Ave., do.t GEORGE HENRY WOODRUFF Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Je 13, 1896, Joliet, 111.; s. H. W. Woodruff. Prepared in Joliet H. S.; Dartmouth Coll., 2 yrs. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 1920. Address, 1201 Western Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., Heggie Bldg., do.f RALPH A. WOODS Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1917; b. F 21, 1892, Spring- ville, la.; s. George C. and Arra E. (Blagrave) Woods. Prepared in Orange (Calif.) Union H. S.; State Normal Sch., Los Angeles; Univ. of Calif., summer, 1914; Univ. of So. Calif., 1915-16. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, St. Josephs Hosp., Chicago, 1920; Los Angeles Co. Hosp., 1920—. S. A. T. C. Address, Orange. Calif. WILLIAM EDSON WRIGHT Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. N 30, 1893, Gifford, 111.; s. Thomas and Emma (Smith) Wright. Pre- pared in Champaign and Gifford H. Schs. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Omega Beta Pi. Intern, West Side Hosp., Chicago. S. A. T. C; Navy, World War. Address, Gifford, 111.; bus. add., 1850 W. Harrison St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1921 PAUL STERLING CARLEY Intern; M.D.; B.S., 1918; b. Jl 3, 1889, Gifford, 111.; s. R. and Hortense (Ice) Garley. Prepared in Urbana H. S., 1909-13; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.), 1913-17. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Formerly located in Buckley, 111. Asst., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919—. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1920-21. S. A. T. C, 1918. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Honorary Degrees (2 LIVING, 1 DEAD) ♦JOHN BENJAMIN MURPHY M.D.; LL.D.. 1905; b. D 21, 1857, Appleton, Wis.; s. Michael P. (b. 1818, Limerick, Ireland) and Ann (Grimes) Murphy. Prepared in Appleton (Wis.) H. S. M.D.. Rush Med. Coll.; A.M., St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago; M.S., ShefiSeld Univ.; Grad. work in Vienna, 1882; do., Heidelberg, 1883; do.. Berlin, 1883; do., Munich, 1884. Practiced in Chicago, 1879-82, 1884-1916; Prof., Surg, and Clin. Surg.. Coll. of Med., 1893-98; Head of Dept. of Surg, and Clin. Surg., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; Chief Surg., Mercy Hosp. Col., M. R. C, U. S. A. Invented Murphy Button, 1892. Auth.; Ap- pendicitis, Med. Netrs, 1895; Analysis of cases operated on with the aid of the Murphy Button, do., 1895; Ankylosis-Arthroplasty, clin. and ex- perimental, your. A. M. A., 1905; Actinomycosis Hominis, with report of 5 cases. North Am. Prac- titioner; Intestinal Approximation, Chicago Clin. Reriev:, 1894; Intestinal Surg., Malformations of the Intestines, Keens Surg., Chap. XXXII, 1908; Neurological Surg., Surg. Gynecol, and Obstetrics, 1907; also many other publications on med. sub- jects. Mem., A. M. A. (Pres., 1911-12); Assn. Mil. Surg, of the U. S.; Am. Assn., R. R. Surg.; Am. Assn. of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Am. Surg. Assn.; Chicago Orthopedic Soc; Chicago Athletic Assn.; Chicago Acad, of Sc; Chicago Med. and Surg. Soc; Nat. Geographical Soc; Nat. Assn. for Prevention of Tuberculosis; Internat. Med. .\ssn.; Alumni Assn. of Rush Med. Coll.; do., Univ. of 111.; Chicago Assn. of Com.; Golf Club; Pathol. Soc; Internat. Avai. Meet Assn. (Assoc. Mem.); Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; N. Y. Acad, of Med.; Nat. One Cent Letter Postage Assn.; No. Central 111. Med. Assn.; Nat. Econ. League; Phy- sicians Club of Chicago; Soc. of Clin. Surg.; Soc. for Exp., Biol, and Med.; S. Surg, and Gynecol. Assn.: St. James Church; South Shore Country Club; Tri- State Med. Soc; Univ. Club of Chicago; West. Econ. Soc; Wis. Soc. of Cnicago; West. Surg. Assn.; Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Chirurgie (life mem.); Surg. Soc. of Paris, France. Received Laetare' Medal from Notre Dame, 1902. Married Jeannette Charlotte Plamondon, N 25, 1885. Children: Harold, b. D 25, 1886 (d. F 19, 1887); Jeannette Marguerite, b. D 14, 1887 (d. My 18, 1893); Cecille Marie, b. S 25, 1890; Mildred Lucin- da, b. N 18, 1891; Celeste, b. Ja 13, 1897. Died Ag 11. 1916. WILLIAM EDWARD QUINE Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ.. 1869; LL.D. Univ. of 111., 1903; b. F 9, 1847, Isle of Man; s. William and Margaret (Kinley) Quine. Prepared in Chicago H. S.. 1863. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Served 4 yrs. as apprentice in Pharmacy; Prof., Prin., and Practitioner, Chicago Med. Coll., 1870-83; Prof,, Materia Med. and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1883-1916; Dean. Faculty, do., 1892-1913; Prof.. Emeritus, do., 1913; Phys., at present. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. (Pres., 1872); 111. State Med. Soc, (Pres.. 1904-05); A. M. A.; Chicago Institute of Med.; Chicago Acad., Sc; Am. News Assn.; Chicago Acad, of Sc; Practitioners Club; S. Shore Country Club. Auth.: Many essays and addresses appearing in Med. periodicals. Married Lcttie A. Mason, N 14, 1876, Normal, 111. (died Je 14, 1903). Chil- dren: William, b. F 1879; Ruth. b. F 1881; Allen Mason, b. Ap 1890. Address, 4935 Blackstone Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.. VICTOR CLARENCE VAUGHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1851; M.D.. Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1878. Prof., Hygiene and Physiol. Chem., Univ. of Mich.; do., Univ. of Mich. Homeopathic Med. Coll.; Pres., Mich. State Bd. of Health; Dean, Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch. for 30 yrs.; retired in June, 1921. Mem., Assn. of Am. Phys.; A. M. A. (Fellow). Address. Ann Ar- bor, Mich.t 235 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE B. S. Degrees CLASS OF 1917 (2 LIVING, 2 DEAD) *JACOB RACHMIAL GREENFIELD B.S.; b. F 5, 1894, Russia; S. Aaron Greenfield. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll.. do. Died D 4, 1918. ALICE KASSIE HALL B.S.; b. My 9, 1891, Chicago; s. F. A. Hall. Pre- pared in John Rlarshall H. S., Chicago; Milwau- kee-Downer Coll. A.B., Univ. of Wis., 191.3; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1921. Intern, Los Angeles Co. Hosp. Address, Modesto, Calif.t EMIL VRTIAK Phys. and Surg.; B.S.; b. Mr 17, 1890, Hungary; s. Mrs. Z. Vrtiak. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chi- cago; N. W. Univ. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920. Phi Beta Pi. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1919-20. Address. 1554 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. t *GEORGE LYNN WEAVER B.S.; b. Jl 16, 1891. Sheboygan, Wis.; s. G. N. Weaver. Prepared in Antigo (Wis.) H. S. At- tended Univ. of Wis. and Marquette Univ.. before entering Coll. of Med. Died D 9, 1918. CLASS OF 1918 (4 LIVING, 1 DEAD) MARSHAL DANIEL HAYES Intern; B.S.; b. S 29, 1891, St. Louis, Mo.; s. Mrs. Bridgett Hayes. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1919. Intern, Oak Forest Infirmary and Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago. Address, 2931 W. Congress St., Chicago.t JOSEPH JELINEK Phys. and Surg.; B.S.; b. Ja 8, 1896, Chicago; s. Anton and Anna (Pop) Jelinek. Prepared in Medill H. S., and Lewis Inst., Chicago. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920. Formerly at 5431 W. 22nd Place, Cicero, 111. Address, Los Angeles Co. Hosp.. Los Angeles. *ETHEL LEONA KECKLER ; B.S.; b. Ap 11, 1894, Brookville, 111. Prepared in Milledgeyille H. S. Deceased. A.B., Carthage Coll., 1916. JOHN LUTTER Phys. and Surg.; B.S.; b. Jl 19, 1895. Chicago; s. Oscar Lutter. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll.. do. Phi Beta Pi. Address, 4330 S. Vernon Ave., Chicago.t HOWARD HENRY WILLIS Physician; B.S.; b. Ag 16, 1889, New Market, Ont.. Cai?.; s. William (b. London, Eng.) and Annie (Bowerman) Willis (b. Pine Orchard. Ont., Can.). Prepared in Chicago Y. M. C. A. day sch.; N. W. Univ., 1913-16. Bachelor of Med.. Univ. of Toron- to, 1920, Parry Sound Gen. Hosp., Je 17, 1920—. With Canadian Expeditionary Forces, Je 18-N 16. 1918. Address, Parry Sound, Ont., Can. CLASS OF 1919 (43 LIVING, NONE DEAD) LEWIS ALBERT ALESEN Student; B.S.; b. D 4, 1896, West Pullman, 111.; s. Andrew (b. Mr 13, 1867, Christiania, Norway) and Harriett Maria (Lott) Alesen (b. N 17. 1863. Millbrook, ID.). Prepared in Pueblo, Colo.: Univ. of Colo., 1913-14. Phi Rho Sigma. Enlisted Med. Reserve Corps. Address, 1117 Maxwell Ave., Detroit, Mich. PHILIP LAZARAS ARIES Student; B.S.; b. N 3, 1898. Chicago; s. Frank (b. Ag 31. 18.2) and Elizabeth (Narensky) Aries (b. S 30. 1875). Prepared in McKinley H. S.. Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, O 191.5-Je 1917. Alpha Phi Sigma; Phi Delta Epsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha. Med. Div., R. A. T. C, O-D, 1918. Address, 1135 W. Madison St.. Chicago. DAVID MITCHELL BLUM Student; B.S.; b. Mr 1, 1898, Omaha, Neb.; s. Joseph Aaron (b. do.) and Rebecca Blum (b. Ne- iDraska Citv, Neb.). Prepared in West Des Moines H. S.; Drake Univ,, 191.5-17. Phi Delta Epsilon. E. M. R. C; S. A. T. C; Jewish Welfare Bd. (Hosp. See.): U. S. Gen. Hosp. 26 and Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la. Auth. : Contributions to Manual of Surg. Anatomy of the Surgeon Generals. Address, Stonleigh Apartments, 668 19th St.. Des Moines, la. JULIUS BRAMS B.S.; b. Ap 18. 1897, Chicago; s. H. Brams. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon. Formerly at 1913 Potomac Ave.. Chi- cago. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago.t PAUL JONES BRONSON B.S.; b. My 4, 1897, Terre Haute, Ind.; s. H. O. Bronson. Prepared in Ind. State Norm. H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Address, Terre Haute, Ind.t WILLIAM HARCOURT BROWNE (Son of William H. Browne, Fa.M.) Intern; B.S.; b. N 12, 1896, Chicago Heights, 111.; s. W. H. Browne. Prepared in Parker H. S., Chicago. Chi Psi; Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1921. Address, 6945 Stewart Ave.,' Chicago. 236 1919) College of Medicine Altjmni 237 RICHARD CI.ARE BURKETT B.S.; b. Mr 29, 1S95, Manhattan, Kan.; s. R. C. and Nannie C. (Richards) Burkett. Prepared in Santa Ana (Calif.) II. S., 1911-15; Univ. of .So. Calif , 1915-17. Zcta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Pi: Freshman and \'arsit.v Football, I'niv. of So. Calif., 1915-17. Med. Branch, Navy Reserve Force, World War. Married Dorothy M. Lantz, N 6, 1920, Chicago. Address, Orange, Calif. FRANK LELAND CIIENOWETH Student; B.S.; b. Mv 15, 1S94, Easton. 111.; s. Bruce (b. Ja 21, 1856, Washington, 111.) and Marietta (Wood) Chenoweth (b. D 31, 1871, Mason City, III). Prepared in Mason City H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Omega Beta Pi. V. S. N. R. F.. D 11, 1917—. Address. Mason City, 111. JOHN SPURGEON COLEMAN B.S.; b. Ja 7, 1890. Pine Bluff, Ark.; s. T. J. Gilbert. Prepared in Fairmont Coll. ; N. W. Univ. Pni Rho Sipma; Gen. Assembly Scholarship, 1919. Address, Halstead, Kan.t NEAL DOW CRAWFORD Stud. Extern; B.S.; b. Ja 20, 1895, I.uverne, •Minn.; s. W. H. and M. A. (Myers) Crawford. Prepared in Luverne (Minn.) H. S., 1909-13; Macalester Coll., 1913-15; Univ. of Chicago, 1916- 17. Tail Kappa Epfilon; Phi Beta Pi. E. M. R. C.;S. A. T. C. Mem., Presby. Churc.-i. Address, Sheridan Park Hosp., 628 Belmont Ave., Chicago. ERNEST NAPOLEON D'ALCORN B.S.; b. N 12, 1896, Chicago: s. A. N. D'Alcorn. Prepared in Carl Shurz H. S., Chicago; Lane Jr. Coll., and Lewis Inst., do. Address, 2848 Shake- speare Ave., Chicago.t HOWARD OLNEY DENNIS B.S.; b. N 28, 1S96; s. Charles E. and Emma (Brown) Dennis. Prepared in Clovis (N. M.) H. S.; Univ. of N. M., 1914-15; Univ. of Kan., 1916. Pi Kappa Alpha: Nu Sigma Nu. U. S. Naval Reserve. Mem., B. P. O. E. Address, 14.58 Jack- son Blvd., Chicago. FRANKLIN RANSOM FITCH Student: B.S : b. N 30, 1898, Chicago: s. Walter May (b. D 28, 1862. do.) and Amelia Maria (Fisk) Fitch fb. F 3. 1860, do). Prepared in Crane Technical H. S-, Chicago: Crane Jr. Coll., do., 1915-17. Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. 1st Class Hosp. Apprentice, U. S. N. R. F., D 1917- S. A. T. C, l^niv. of 111., 0-D, 1918. Address, 1728 Monroe St., Chicago. JOHN FISHER GAINER B.R.; b. Mr 6, 1897, Palatine, 111; s J. F. Gainer. Prepared in Palatine H. S. and Lewis Inst., Chi- cago. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. Gen. Assembly Scholarship, 1920. Address, Palatine, lU.t HARRY GORDON B.S.; b. An 5, 1896, Rus.; s. Morris and Edith (Gormdar) Gordon. Prepared in Medill H. S., and Crane Jr. Coll. St\id., Coll. of Med,, 1921. Med. Reserve. World War. Address, 1801 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. WALTER J. R. HEINEKAMP B.S.; M.S., in Med., 1920; b. Mr 6, 1897, Chi- cago; s. R. C. Heinekamp. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., do. Phi Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst., Pharmacol, and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1920-21. Address. 3314 W. Harrison St., Chicago.t R.\I PH WT;SLEY HOFFMAN B.8.; b. Ag 15. 1893, Salt Lake City. Prepared in St. Anthony (Idaho) H. S.; Willamette Univ.; Univ. of Ut. Formerly at W aterloo, la. Address, Los Angeles Co. Hosp., Los Angeles.t flARRISON BONWELL JEWELL BS.; b. Ja 23. 1898, Coon Rapids, la.; s. H. E. Jewell. Prepared in Coon Rapids (la.) H S • Drake Univ. Phi Rho Sigma; Mil. Scholarship.' 1920. Address, Coon Rapids, la.t RALPH AUGUST KORDENAT Student; B.S.; M.S. in Baoteriol. and Pathol., 1921; b. My 1, 1894, Reedsburg, Wis.; s. Johanna (Haase) Kordcnat. Prepared in Reedsburg (Wis.) H. S.; Ripon Coll., Ripon, Wis.; and Univ. of Chicago. Ptolemy; Military Scholarship, 1920- 21: Student Asst., Anat. and Operative Surg., Coll. of Med. Army Serv. on Mexican Border with Wis. F. H. Co. 1; U. 8. Navy; Auth.: Con- tamination of Cadavers by Saccharomyces Cerive- sies; Occurrence of Hem. Streptococci about the teeth. Married Louise M. Mueller, My 15, 1919, Ripon, Wis. Address, 3719 Colorado Ave., Chi- cago. ADOLPH KRAFT Student; B.S.; M.S. in Med., 1920; b. D 19, 1895, Oilman, 111.; s. Ludwig (b. D 7, 1847, Darm- stadt, Hessen, Ger.) and Constance (Kazmaryn- ski) Kraft (b. F 14, 1860, Ger.). Prepared in Gil- man H. S.; Univ. of 111., L. A. & S., 1915-17. Lambda Chi Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Ptolemy; Omega Beta Pi; Varsity wrestling. Located in Oilman, 111. and Chicago. Cadet, Univ. of HI.. 1915-17; E. M. R. C, 1917-18; R. O. T. C, 1919. Auth.: Influence of Carbohydrates and Fats on Nitrogen Equilibrium, III. Med. Jour Vol XXXVII, No. 4, Ap 1920. Mem., A. F. A. M • I. O. O. F. Address, Oilman, 111. ETHEL ESTHER LITTLE (Sister of Roger F., '07, A. B. in L. & A., and Le- Roy L., '11, A.B. in L. & A.) Phys. and Surg.; B.S.; A.B. in L. & S., 1917; b. Ap 10, 1892, Tolono, 111.; d. Egbert Phelps (b. S 3, 1857, Toniea, 111.) and Matilda (Merry) Little (b. Mr 21. 1858, Pesotum, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Psi. Address, 905 S. Wright St., Champaign; bus. add., Henrotin Hosp., 939 N. LaSalle St., Chicago.t HAROLD BARKER LOUGHERY Student; B.S.; b. S 14, 1896, Palestine, 111.; 8. Joseph and Maude (Richards) Lougbery. Pre- pared in Palestine H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Omega Beta Pi. S. A. T. C, O 1-D 11. 1918. Address, Palestine, 111. DON CLAYTON MERRILL B.S. Intern, Univ. Hosp., Chicago, 1921. JOSEPH EDGAR MITCHELL B.S.; b. Ja 15, 1893; s. John H. Mitchell. Pre- pared in Franklin (Tex.) H. S. ; Sam Houston Norm. Institute and Univ. of Tex. Address, Franlslin. Tex.t RUDOLPH JOHN MROZ Student; B.S.; b. Je 25, 1897, Chicago; s. Stanley (b. F 14, 1869, Lancut, Poland) and Antonina (Slupek) Mroz (b. F 24, 1870, Zolynia, Poland). Prepared in Schurz H. S., Chicago; Univ. of 111., (Urbana Depts.) 1915-17. Nu Sigma Nu. S. A. T. C. O-D 11, 1918. Address, 4140 Eddy St.. Chicago. CARL LEONARD MULFINGER Student; B.S.; b. Ap S, 1894, Chicago; s. George A. (b. Mr 31, 1865, do.) and Ida (Rohn) Mulfinger (b. Ag 5, 1870, do.). Prepared in Alden Acad., Meadville, Pa. A.B., Allegheny Coll., 1915. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Rho Sigma; Gen. Assembly Scholarship. Grad. work in Ger. and Education Pa. State Coll. Instr., Ger., do., 1915-17. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-18; S. A. T. C, 1918. Address, 6044 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. 238 University of Illinois [1919 ARNOLD CARL NICKELS (Nephew of Dr. Louis H. Nowack, '08) Student; B.S.; b. N 2, 1896. Watertown, Wis.; 8 John C. (b. D 22, 1866, do.) and Minnie (No- wack) Nickels (b. Ag 2, 1872, do.). Prepared in Watertown (Wis.) H. S.; Jefferson Med. Coll., 1915-16. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. E. M. R. C U. S. A.. Ja 1917-D 1918. Address, 109 College St., Watertown, Wis. PETER EBERHART PETERSON Student; B.S.; b. S 5, 1892; s. Dorah Peterson. Prepared in Waldorf Lutheran Coll., Forest City, la., and St. Olafs Coll., Northfield, Minn. Phi Rho Sigma. M.D., Univ. of Minn., 1921. In- tern, Gen. Hosp., Minneapolis. S. A. T. C, Coll. of Med. Mem., Lutheran Church. Address, 201 Walnut St., S. E., Minneapolis. ROGER EDMOND PINKERTON Student; B.S.; b. Ag 1, 1895, Pawnee, Neb.; 8. George R. and Alma Pinkerton. Prepared in Pawnee (Neb.) H. S. A.B., Cooper Coll., Sterling, Kan., 1917. Phi Rho Sigma. Mem., United Presby. Church. E. M. R. C, Ja-N, 1918; S. A. T. C, N-D, 1918. Address, Pawnee, Neb. SAMUEL GLENWOOD PLICE (Son of William Andrew, '02 M.D.) Student; B.S.; b. S 27, 1897; s. William Andrew (b. D 17, 1870, Polk. O.) and Elizabeth (Strom) Plice (b. Jl 20, 1874, Altona, 111.). Prepared in Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago. Student, Coll. of Med. Phi Beta Pi. U. S. N. R. F., Ja 5, 1918-D 20, 1918. Address, 3828 Gladys Ave., Chicago. CASIMIR FRANK PRZYPYSZNY Student; B.S.; b. N 29, 1896, Chicago; s. Frank, (b. D 7, 1855, Poland) and Eva (Kotowski) Przy- pyszny (b. D 24, 1871, Chicago). Prepared in St. Stanislaus Coll., Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma; Polo- nia Club. M. R. C, U. S. A., Ja 17-0 1918; S. S. T. C, O 1919-D 1919. Address, 1712 N. Wood St., Chicago. OSCAR RAGlNSKY B.S.; b. Ag 25, 1893, LoefF, Rus.; s. B. Raginsky. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Address, 1000 S. Paulina St., Chicago.t FREDERICK AUGUST RETTIG B.S.; b. Ag 3, 1897, Chicago; s. F. A. Rettig. Prepared in Lane H. S., Chicago; De Pauw Univ. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. Address, 2026 Osgood Ave., Chicago.t FRANK RAYMOND RICHMOND Student; B.S.; b. N 14, 1893, Ogalalla, Neb.; s. Albert Carey (b. Je 13, 1853, Keosaugua, la.) and Etta Emma (Racey) Richmond (b. O 23, 1863, Arbela, Mo.). Prepared in Ft. Madison (la.) H. S.; la. State Coll.. Ames, la., 1913-15. Phi Rho Sigma; Rea Scholarship; Gen. Assembly Scholarship. Student Intern, Chicago Lying-in Dispensary. E. M. R. C, 1917-18: S. A. T. C. 1918. Address, (Temporary) 1336 Newberry Ave., Chicago. (Permanent) Eveningshade, Mo. MAURICE JOSEPH ROSENBERG B.S.; b. Ag 22, 1897, Chicago. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., do. Phi Delta Epsilon. Address, 108 N. State St., Chicago.t JULIUS ROZINSKY B.S.; b. D 25, 1896, Chicago; s. I. Rozinsky. Prepared in Lane Technical H. S.; Lewis Institute. Chicago; N. W. Med. Coll.. 1917-18. Gen. As- sembly Scholarship. 1920. Address. 914 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago.t IRWIN RUBIN B.S.; b. Ja 27. 1895. Rus.; s. M. Rubin. Pre- pared in Chicago Evening H. S.; Armour Institute and Crane Jr. Coll., do. Address, 1532 S. Trum- bull Ave., Chicago.t PAUL WHITE RUSH Student; B.S.; b. Mr 18, 1893; s. Otis (b. F 13, 1862, Detroit, 111.) and Mary Augusta (White) Rush (b. Jl 27, 1864, Milton, 111.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Appoin- ted to Cook Co. Hosp., 1921. U. S. Navy. N 4- D 20, 1919. Married Irma Holstein, O 4, 1919, Chicago. Address, Detroit, 111. CLARENCE CHARLES SAELHOF Student; B.S.; M.S. in Med. 1920; b. D 18, 1897; s. Charles Henry (b. Jl 31, 1872. South Bend, Ind.) and Maude Louise (Walters) Saelhof (b. Jl 21, 1878, Lakeville, Ind.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago; Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts.. 1915-17. Phi Rho Sigma; Ptolemy. Asst., Chem., Coll. of Dent., 1920 — ; Asst., Physiol, and Phvsiolog. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1920—. 111. Nat. Guard, 1916-18; M. R. C, U. S. A.; Active duty, N 9- D 11, 1918. Auth.: Multiple Brain Abscesses, Secondary to Bronchiectasis and Kyphoscoliosis Jour, of Nervous and Mental Diseases, Vol. 51, No. 4, Ap 1920, and in Transartions, of Chicago Pathological Soc, Vol. XI, No. 2, F 1920; Recovery of the Streptococcus Hemolyticus. Jour. Am. Pub. Health Assn., Ag 1920. Address, 4951 Potomac Ave., Chicago. IRVING JOSEPH SHAPIRO B.S.; b. Je 18, 1898, Chicago; s. Joseph Shapiro. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago; N.W. Sch. of Commerce; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha., 2459 N. Albany Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Cook Co. Hosp., do.f IRWIN GABRIEL SPIESMAN Student; B.S.; b. Ag 16, 1895, Chicago; s. Gab- riel (b. 1870, Odessa, Rus.) and Louisa (Wein- stein) Spiesman (b. 1872, do.). Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon. Address, 625 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. ALFRED STANLEY TRAISMAN Student; B.S.; b. S 22, 1896, Ponovez, Rus.; s. Samuel (b. Mr 10, 1862, Rus.) and Ada (Katz) Traisman (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. and Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago. Phi Delta Eosilon. S. A. T. C, Univ. of 111., N 20-D 11, 1918. Address, 1607 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. THEODORE ROSS VAN PEI-T B.S.; b. Ag 15, 1895, State Center, la.; s. K. M. Van Pelt. Prepared in State Center (la.) H. S.; LTniv. of la., 2 yrs. Nu Sigma Nu; Varsity Foot- ball, 2 yrs. Address, State Center, la.t HOMER SAMUEL WARREN, Jk. Chem. and Bacteriol.; B.S.; b. F 24, 1891, Ra- cine, Wis.; s. Homer Samuel (b. O, 1866, Des Moines, la.) and Phoebe E. Warren (b. Laporte, Ind.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago; Univ. of Notre Dame; Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of 111. Urbana Depts. Sigma Chi; Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha. With Armour & Co.. 1911-13; Advertising Mgr., Marshall Field & Co., 1913-17; do.. Gray & Dudley Co., Nashville, Tenn., 1917-18; Mgr., Nat. Patholog. Labs., 1918 — . Student Aset., Anatomy and Bacteriol., Coll. of Med. Married Ethel Lee Shepherd, D 10, 1910, South Bend, Ind. Children: Virginia Lee. b. Ap 13, 1913; Dorothy Ethel, b. My 3, 1915. Address, 3833 W. Van Buren St., Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., 1920] College op Medicine Alumni 239 CLASS OF 1920 (42 LIVING, NONE DEAD) CARL ALFONS BACON Student; B.S.; b. O 16, ISiUi, Chicago; s. Chas. S. and Marie (von Rosthorn) Bacon. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. and Lane Junior Coll., Chicago. Phi BeU Pi. Address, 2156 Sedgwick St., Chicago. B.WARD M. BAILEY B.S.; b. Ja 6, 1S95. Loveland, Colo.; s. M. M. and Emma E. (Shields) Bailey. Prepared in Love- land (Colo.) H. S; Colo. Agr. Coll., 1914-15; Univ. of Colo., 1915-17. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Rho Sigma. Med. Dept., U. S. A., Ja-D, 191S, World War. Mem., A. F. .\. M. Married Jaunita Temple^ S 3, 1919. Address, 444332 N. Robey, Chicago. SIMEON LEO BERMAN B.S.; b. D 6, 1S98, Rus.; s. S. Bcrman. Pre- pared in Marshall H. S.; Crane Jr. Coll. Address, 3750 W. ISth St.. Chicago.t COLEMAN ALEX BLOCK B.S.; b. Ap 2, 1S95, Rus.; s. Mrs. Minna Block. Prepared in West H. S., Des Moines; Drake Univ. Address, 1021 3rd St., Des Moines, la.t ARTHUR REUBEN BLOOM Student; B.S.; b. D 25, 1S97, Liban, Rus.; s. Aaron (b. Je 2. 1S67, Rus.) and Sarah (Esterman) Bloom (b. Ag 22, 1S69, do.). Prepared in Y. M. C. A. Night Sch., Harrison Technical H. S. and Crane Jr. Coll., 1917-lS. Gen. Assembly Scholar- ship. S. A. T. C, O-D, 1918. Address, 1528 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM LANE BUHRMAN (Brother of Elaine, '17 A.B. in L. A. & S.) Student; B.S.; b. Ap 22, 1897, Nash%'ille, lU.; s. H. C. and Carrie Buhrman. Prepared in ville H. S., 1916, and Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1916-18. Chi Beta; Phi Beta Pi. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address. NashviUe, 111.; bus. add., 618 S. .Ashland Ave., Chicago. LEONARD LOUIS CHARPIER (Nephew of Albert A. Lowenthal, '95 M.D.) B.S.; b. F 17, 1897, Chicago; s. W. Charpier. Prepared in Curtis H. S., Chicago, and Univ. of 111. (L'rbana Depts.). Alpha Kappa Kappa; Var- sity Football. 1918. Address, 1404 W. 103rd St., Chicago.t PEDRO JOAQUIN DONA B.S.; b. Je 29, 1894, Managua, Cent. Am.; s. Jose E. and Carmen (Uriarte) Dona. Prepared in Managua Primary; Inst., Managua Nacional; Univ. of Miss., Coll. of Med., 1 yr. Intern, Prov- idence Hosp., Detroit. Married Norma Bernice Del), F 14, 1919, Chicago. Children: Esteban Joaquin, b. N 29, 1919; Norma Bernice, b. Jl 9, 1921. Address, Providence Hosp., Detroit. GLEN WESLEY DOOLEN B.S.; b. Ag 8, 1893, Vernon, 111. ; s. Isham Doolen. Prepared in CentraUa H. S. Address, Bondville, Ill.t LOUIS EDIDIN B.S.; b. N 12, 1893, Rus.; s. I. Edidin. Ad- dress, 1300 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago.t PER.SIS FRANCES ELFELD Student; B.S.; b. Jl 14, 1898, German Valley, 111.; d. Edward A. (b. 1865, Chicago) and Frances (Faust) Elfeld fb. 1870, St. Louis, Mo.). Preparr-d in Schurz H. S., Chicago, and Beloit, Wis. Ad- dress, Arlington Heights, 111. DONALD EUGENE FAXON B.S.; b. Ja 13. 1896, Sandwich, HI.; s. C. C. and Carrie (Anderson) Faxon. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Tau Omega; 2nd Lt., U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Sandwich, 111. MAXWELL JULIAN GOLDENSON B.S.; b. Ag 16, 1896. Phi Delta Epsilon. E. M. R. C. and S. A. T. C, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 734 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. CLARENCE ORVILLE HUGHES Student; B.S.; b. O 27. 1890, Montioello, 111.; 8. George and Neil (Huffman) Hughes. Prepared in White Heath H. S.; 111. State Norm. Univ Normal, 111. Phi Chi; Senatorial Scholarship during last two yrs. Teacher, Piatt Co.. 111., five terms; N. Dak., 1 term; Med. Student. Univ. of 111. S. A. T. C. Med. Section. World War. Mem., United Brethern Church. Married Lois I. Johnson. D 24. 1914, WTiite Heath, 111. Chil- dren: Edgar O., b. F 17, 1916; Orville Dean, b. Ap II. 1920. Address, 1945 W. Adams St., Chicago^ JOHAN INGVALD JENSEN B.S.; b. Je 24, 1892, Norway; s. Jens Jensen. Prepared in St. Olaf Acad.; Univ. of Minn. Ad- dress, 2", 00 W. 22nd St., Cuicago.t JOSEPH ELI LAIBE B.S.; b. N 26, 1896, Chicago. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mar- ried Amelia Belle Pendleton, Je 23, 1921, Chicago. Address, 2734 W. 36th St.. Chicago.t GEORGE SHAYNIN LIVINGSTONE B.S.; b. D 14. 1894. Chicago. Prepared in Crane H. S.; Lewis Institute. Chicago; Univ. of Wis.; Mich. Agr. Coll.; Cornell Univ. Address, 2607 Potomac Ave., Chicago.t SAUL HYMAN MAIZUS Student; B.S.; b. Ag 12, 1888; s. Eliah and Anna (Genelin) Maizus. T>repared in Hoffman Prepara- tory Sch., Lewis Institute, and Crane Jr. Coll. S. A. T. C. Address, 1104 S. Winchester Ave.. Chicago. ROBERT MEYER MANDEL Student; B.S.; b. S 6. 1898; 8. Samuel and Edith (Golden) Mandel. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. and Crane Jr. Coll. Phi Delta Epsilon. Address, 1825 S. Troy St.. Chicago. HAROLD IRVING MEYER Student; B.S.; A.B. 1919; b. Mr 21, 1897; s. Reo Henry Herman (b. Ja 11, 1861, Hanover, Ger.) and Viola Curtis (Stuekey) Meier (b. Lynnville, Ind.). Prepared in Marisi!a Tp. H. S. Omega Beta Pi; Phi Beta Pi; Ptolemy; Adelphio; Le Circle Francaise; Der Deutsche Verein. Student, Coll. of Med., 1918—. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1918; S. A. T. C, Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Address, 195 N. Entrance Ave., Kankakee, 111. JOHN KELLEY MOEUR B.S. ; b. Je 8, 1897, Tempe, Ariz. ; s. B. B. Mouer. Prepared in Tempe (Ariz.) H. S.; Univ. of Ariz. Phi Beta Pi; Varsity Football and Baseball. Ad- dress, Tempe, Ariz.f WILLIAM HENRY MYERS Student; B.S.; b. Je 21, 1897, Coal Valley, 111.; s. William Frederick (b. D 24, 1867, Saxe-Mcinin- gen, Ger.) and Laura Henrietta Myers (b. Ag 12, 1872. Coal Valley, 111.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Omega Beta Pi. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Philomathean; Ptolemy. Student Asst., Histology and Em.hryologv, Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1919; O. E. S., 1919; M. O. V. P. E. R. (Grotto), 1920. Address, Coal Valley, 111. HERMAN JOSHUA PILKA B.S.; b. O 22, 1896, Rus.; s. Minnie Pilka. Pre- pared in Unian Mens Gymnasium, Kiev, Rus.; Crane H. S. and Crane Jr. Coll., (Chicago. Rea Scholarship, Coll. of Med., 1921. Address, 1242 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago.t 240 University of Illinois [1920 GUY VICTOR PONTIUS B.S.; b. Mr 9, 1897, Rochester, Ind.; s. Mrs. Delia Pontius. Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S.;Earlham Coll., 2 yrs. Address, 410 Pontia St., Rocbester, Ind.t ALBERT LEROY POTTS B.S.; b. D 16, 1889, Honey Bend, 111.; s. "W. B. Potts. Address, Honey Bend, lU.t MANFRED ULLMAN PRESCOTT (Son of Eva Prescott, '03 M.D.) Student; B.S.; b. N 25, 1899, Chicago; s. Samuel UUman and Evangeline Prescott. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Phi Beta Pi. S. A. T. C, 1917. Name changed from Ullman to Prescott. Address, 608 Gunderson Ave., Chicago. EVSAY PRILLA B.S.; b. S 26, 1883, Odessa, Rus.; s. Gersch and Gnoinska (Tzivia) Prilla. Prepared in Rus. Real- schule; Gewerbe Akademie, Friedberg; Lewis In- stitute, Chicago. Mechanical Engineer, Arnstadt Polytechnic Ilist., Ger., 1908. Address, 2641 Crystal St., Chicago. BENJAMIN RAPPAPORT B.S.; b. Mr 12, 1897, Russia; s. Morris and Mary (Drell) Rappaport. Prepared in William McKin- ley H. S., N. W. Univ., 1916, and Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1917. Phi Delta Epsilon; N.W. Univ. Scholarship, 1916. S. A. T. C, E. M. R. C, World War. Mem., Chicago Literary Union. Address, 1956 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. OTTO ANDREW REINHARD B.S.; b. O 15, 1897, CuUom, 111.; s. Mrs. M. Rein- hard. Prepared in Wartburg Coll. and Acad. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Gen. Assembly Scholarship, 1920. Addfess, CuUom, Ill.t TOBIAS RESNIK Teacher; B.S.; b. Ap 20, 1895, Sokolow, Rus.; s. Elkanah Joseph and Sarah (Naikshon) Resnik. Prepared in Teachers Sem., Jerusalem Palestine 1914; Jr. Coll. St. Joseph, Mo., 1915-16; Crane Jr. Coll., 1916-17; Univ. of Louisville, 1917-18. Teach- er, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1914-15; Teacher of He- brew, St. Joseph (Mo.) Hebrew Sch., 1915-16; do., Louisville Hebrew Sch., 1917-18; do., Marks Natnan Jewish Orphan Home, Chicago, 1918 — . Mem., E. M. R. C, U. S. A., Ja 5, 1918-Ja 4, 1919. Mem., Hebrew Teachers Assn. of Chicago, 1918 — ; Zionist Orgn. of Am., 1917 — . Address, 1904 S. Albany Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1550 S. Albany Ave., do. THEODORE AUGUST ROST B.S.; b. O 25, 1896, Petersburg, 111.; s. Margaret (Wilken) Rost. Prepared in Petersburg H. S. Student in Coll. of Med. Omega Beta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu; Ptolemy. E. M. R. C, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Petersburg, 111. HENRY HARRY RUBIN B.S. ; b. Mr 22, 1900, Chicago; s. Morris S. Rubin. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago, and Crane Junior Coll. Phi Delta Epsilon. Jr. Med. Stud., 1921. Address, 1629 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago. JAMES HIRST RUTLEDGE Student; B.S.; b. Jl 4, 1897, Farmer City, 111.; s. Lewis Melvin (b. N 5, 1870, do.) and Winifred (Hirst) Rutledge (b. Jl 26, 1871, do.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Medui; Phi Beta Pi; Omega Beta Pi. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 308 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. ROBERT HENRY SCHROEDER B.S.; b. My 22, 1896, Hoylston. 111.; s. S. P. Schroeder. Prepared in Nashville H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Address, Nashville, Ill.t LEAH SINAI B.S.; b. Jl 10, 1891, Loev, Rus.; d. Benjamin Rajinsky. Prepared in Ladies H. S., Konotop, Rus.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Address, 1000 S. Paulina St., Chicago. t HYMAN ICHIA SPECTOR Student; B.S.; b. Jl 15, 1894, Rus.; s. Morris David and Jennie (Gerber) Spector. Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. and Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago. S. A. T. C. Address, 1549 S. Kedzie Ave., Chi- cago. SAMUEL TOLPIN B.S.; b. Ap 15, 1893, Shepatovka, Rus. Pre- pared in Pittsburgh Cent. H. S.; Crane Jr. Coll. Address, 1308 W. 13th St., Chicago.f WARD HUSTON VENTRESS B.S.; b. S 27, 1S95, La Harpe, 111.; s. K. C. Vent- ress. Prepared in Monmouth H. S. and Coll. and Lewis Institute, Chicago. Phi Beta Pi.; Gen. Assembly Scholarship, 1919. Address, Monmouth, Ill.t DAVID ARTHUR WELENSKY B.S.; b. Ja 3, 1900, Chicago; s. S. Welensky. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Address, 3444 Douglas Blvd., Chicago.! WILLIAM YONKER B.S.; b. Ap 13, 1896, Smilve, Holland; s. L. Yonker. Prepared in Tilden H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., do. Address, 4435 S. Troy St., Chicago.t NATHAN SAUNDERS ZEITLIN B.S.; b. Ag 5, 1898, Chicago; s. J. Zeitlin. Pre- pared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Address, 1535 W. 13th St., Chicago.t SOFRONIO COPON ZULAYBAR Student; B.S.; b. Mr 11, 1896, Lilio, Laguna, P. I.; s. Severo (b. do.) and Ruperta (Copon) Zulay- bar (b. do.). Prepared in Manila H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1915-17. Address, 1901 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 1921] College of Medicine Alumni 241 CLASS OF 1921 (63 LIVING, NONE DEAD) Samuel Abrahams — Oblong. 111. Julius Adler — Chicago. Maurice Albacb — Chicago. Paul Gerhardt Albrecbt— (See Fac. Med.) Bertha Marie G. Anderson — Denver, Colo. Carl Apple — Cl'icago. Eugene Lester Baker — Chicago. George John Baumgartner — Cliicago. ■ Albert Jay Boner — Chicago. William Mitchell Byers — Spokane. Robert Paul Caron — Kankakee. Thorald Edward Davidson — Clement De Freitas — Guiana, S. Am. Robert Dessent — Chicago. Jay Reed Dewey — Melville, la. Isadore Abraham Drues — Chicago. Howard Milton Edwards — hee. 111. David Epstein — Chicago. Louis Feldman — Chicago. Julius Fieischner — Chicago. Walter Charles Frenzel — Wausau, Wis. Bernard Goldberg — Chicago. Marcus Goodwin — Chicago. Joseph Greengard,— Chicago. James Tobias Groot — (See Fac. Med.) Shirley Louis Hadden — Chicago. Richard August Harris — Quincy, 111. James Howard Hoskins^Rollo, N. Dak. Stanley J. Imbiorski — Chicago. Stanley Florian Janicki — Chicago. John Holly Jewell — Orange City, la. Isaac Karlin — Chicago. John Francis Kelly — Jacob Klein — Alfred Kobak — Nathaniel Benjamin Lans — Chicago. Elmer Arnold Lansche — Chicago. Benjamin Mordecai Levin — Chicago. Roy Christian Lintner — Glen Ellyn, 111. Louis Litton — Chicago. Frank Blackburn Lucas — Chicago. Clark Russell William Magill— Sullivan, 111. Chauncey Carter Muher — Payson, 111. William .41fred Mann, Jr. — • Harry Oliver Maryan — Chicago. Albert Ilmer Mathre — Chicago. Paul Burns Monroe — Fond du Lac, Wis. Floyd Lawrence McGrath — Savanna, 111. Azor Victor Nasatir — Los Angeles. Melvin Max Newman — Chicago. Johannes Nielsen — Chicago. Ceha Evelyn Owens — Battle Creek, Mich. Gaudencio E. Piit — Cagayan, P. I. Dwight Coleman Reeves— Chicago. Theodore Ferdinand Reuther — Chicago. Thomas Paine Saltiel— Chicago. William Schecter — Chicago. Beulah Marie Smith — Chicago. Joseph Clarence Sodaro, Jr. — Aurora, 111. Richard Boothby Stoops — Ipavia, 111. Glenn Joseph Tygett — Jonesboro, 111. John Trimmer Wcad — Wyoming, 111. Henry George Wehringer — Chicago. Marie Wessels — Quincy. Cordelle Atherton Wood — Amboy, 111. FACULTY, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (414 LIVING, 41 DEAD) WILSON RUFFIN ABBOTT (See '04 Med.) HERMAN MORRIS ADLER Psychiatrist; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1897; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1901; M.D., do.; b. O 10, 1876, New York City; s. Isaac and Frieda (Gram- bacher) Adler. Asst. Prof., Psychiatry, Med. Sch. of Harvard Univ., 1912-17; Chief of Staff, Boston Psychopathic Hosp. until coming to Chi- cago, O 1916; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Criminol., Coll. of Med., 1919—. Made a study of the facilities in Cook Co. for detection and care of mental diseases and mental deficiency, under auspices of Rockefeller Foundation and Nat. Soc, Mental Hygiene, about 1917. Designated by Judge Scully, F 1917, to make a survey of Cook Co. psychopathic cases and to act as Med. Adviser to the Co. Bd.; appointed state Criminol- ogist of 111. by Gov. Lowden, Je 30, 1917; Dir., Javenile Psychopathic Inst., since F 10, 1917. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Am. Assn. Pathol, and Bacteriol.; Am. Medico-Psychol. Assn.; Am. Neurol. Assn.; Am. Chem. Soc.; A. A. A. S.; New Eng. Soc. of Psychiatry; Boston Soc. of Psychiatry and Neurology; New York Acad. Med.; Soc. Advancement of Clin. Investigation; Am. Biochem. Soc. Married Frances Porter, Mr 17. 1917. Address, 119 E. Huron St., Chicago; bus. add., 721 S. Wood St., do.t PAUL GERHARD ALBRECHT Associate; Ph.D., Leland Stanford Univ., 1917; B.S., Coll. of Med., 1921. Asst., Chem., Leland Stanford Univ., 1913-14; Prof., Chem., Western Reserve Univ. Coll. of Pharm., 1914-17; Assoc, Physiol. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1918—; do., Chem., Coll. of Dent., 1920—. Address, 508 S. Honore St., Chicago. JACOB LEONARD ALBRIGHT (See '02 Med.) WARD CLAIR ALDEN (Brother of Samuel J., '15, M.D.) Assistant; M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1917; b. N 5, 1886, Brockport, Pa.; s. Scott (b. Ag 31, 1846, Howard, N. Y.) and Amanda (Lintzenbigler) Alden (b. Je 10, 1855, Clarion Co. Pa.). Prepared in Howard (N. Y.) H. S. and Battle Creek (Mich.) Preparatory Sch. Phi Chi. Asst., Opthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1919—; Special Dissection of Head and Neck, do., Ja 2-Mr 20, 1920. Active duty, U. S. N., Mr 18, 1918-Jl 31, 1919. Address, 1529 Astor St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 6047 Harper Ave., do. DAVID ALEXANDER (See '07 Med.) FRANCES MORTON ALLEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1896; b. 1868. Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1900-08. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3034 29th St., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add., Timken Bldg., do.f THOMAS GRANT ALLEN Physician; M.A., Queens Univ., Kingston, Ont., 1889; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1898; b. O 14, 1863, Leeds Co., Ont.; s. William and Mar- garet (Wilson) Allen. Gold Medal; first class honors in Chem., Queens Univ. Demonstrator and Instr., Queens Univ., 1888-89; Sc. Master in Seaforth and Ingersoll, Ont., 1890-93; Prof. Chem., Armovir Institute of Technology, 1894-98; Univ. Extension Lecturer in Chem., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1895-98; Instr., Chn. Med., N. W. Univ., 1901-03; Prof., Diseases of Children, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1903; Asst. Prof., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1904-08. Married Nettie Mabel Fralick, Jl 10, 1890, Toronto. Ont. Children: Clara; Ruth; William; Richard; Annette. Address, 5731 Dor- chester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 248 W. 31st St., do.f WILLIAM GRAY ALLEN Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1896; b. Ja 26. 1874, Chicago; s. John and Jessie (Gray) Allen. Attended Univ. of Chicago. Gen. Med. practice. Chicago. 1896—; Instr., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1902; Asst. in Anat., do., 1906-08. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Epis. Church. Married Amelia Harrison Arundale, S 7, 1904, Bradford, 111. Address, 1520 Wilson Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4759 Broadway, do.f LOUIS FERDINAND ALRUTZ (See '04 Med.) GEORGE LUDWIG ALT (See '05 Med.) *JOHN JAMES MAY ANGEAR i. Y.^ and in Coll. of Phys. and Surg., o( Columbia Univ., ISSS. Theta Delta Chi. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice: Prof., Med. Jurisprudence, Coll. of Med., 1SS9-1002; Record- ing Sec, Faculty, do., 1890-91. Mem., Epis. Church; Vestrvnian of Christs Church, Albion, N. Y.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; N. Y. State Med. Soc; Orleans Co. Med. Soc; S. Side Med. Club; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Kenwood Club. Married Margaret R. Cain (De- ceased); Florence G. Merrick (Deceased); Eliza- beth B. Moore. Children: Charles Moore, Jr., b. Jl 10, 1895; De Witt Merick, b. Ag 17, 1890. Address, 126 Main St.. Albion, N. Y. S. W. BURSON (See "00 Med. Ad Eundem Degrees.) CR.\IG D. BUTI.ER Physician: B.S., Earlham Coll., 1914; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1919; b. Jl 30, 1S92, Aledo, 111.; s. Lemuel E. (b. Crawfordsville, Ind.) and Clara (Dunn) Butkr (b. Aledo, 111.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. and William and Vashto Coll. (Commercial Dept.). Phi Chi. Intern, Pediatric Service, Presbyterian Hosp.. Chicago; do., Cook Co. Hosp., O 1. 191S-J1 1, 1919; Resident Phys., Cook Co. Childrens and Contagious Hosps., Jl 1, 1919 — ; Clin. Asst., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., Ap 1, 1919—. M. R. C. U. S. A., Mr 1, 1918-Ja 10, 1919. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Glenna Elizabeth ElUott, Ap 16. 1918, Muncie, Ind. Child, Robert EUiott, b. Jl 22, 1919. Address, 700 S. Central ParV Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Cook Co. Hosp., do. GEORGE FRANK BUTLER (See '00 Med. Ad Eundem Degrees). HENRY T. BYFORD Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1873; b. N 12, 1853, Evansville, Ind.; s. William H. (b. Mr 20, 1817, Eaton, O.) and Mary Ann (Holland) Byford (b. Ky.). Prepared in H. S. in Ger.; Old Chicago Univ. and Williston Seminary. East Hampton, Mass. Gamma Sigma. Intern, Mercy Hosp., 1872-73; Lecturer, of Children, Chicago Med. Coll., 1877; do.. Obstetrics, Rush Med. Coll., 1889; Prof., Clin. Gynecol., N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch., 1890-02; Prof., Gynecol., Post-Grad. Med. Sch . from its beginning ; Surg. , Womans Hosp. of Cnicago, 1882-1908; Pres., do., 1890-1908; Gynecologist, St. Lukes Hosp., 1885-92; Consulting do., 1892 — : Prof., Gynecol, and Clin. Gynecol., CoU. of Med., 1892-14; Emeritus Prof., do., 1914 — . Inventor of various instruments and devisor of various methods of operating. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1914-17. -■Vuth.: Byfords Manual of Gynecol., 1895; To Panama and Back. 1908; (with W. H. Byford) Diseases of Women, 1888; Co-author of Am. Textbook of Gynecol., 1894; do. of Keating & Coes Chem. Gynecol., 1895; Over one hundred mag. articles. Mem., Authors Club, London; Chicago Lit. Club, 1908-18; Univ. Club; Chicago Athletic Club, 189.5 — ; Internat. Congress of CJvnecologists, (hon. pres., 1896); British Gynecol. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow and founder); .Am. Gynecol. Soc, 1889 — ; So. Surg, and Gynecol. Soc, 1900-09; Western Surg. Assn., 1902—; A. M. A., 1874 — ; Chicago Gynecol. Soc (founder), Pres., 1889— ; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc, life mem., 1876. Married Lucy lamed By- ford, N 9, 1882, Chicago. Children: Mary Lina, b. Mr 5. 1884 (died O 15, 1889); Heath Turman, b. Ja 5, 1886; William Holland, b. Mr 1891. Address, 1411 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. GEORGE MORRIS CADY (See '89 Med.) CHARLES EDWIN CALDWELL M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1877. Prof., Surg. Anat., CoU. of Med., 1888-90. WILLIAM A. CALDWELL (See '85 Med.) JOSEPH K. CALVIN Clinical A.^^st.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; b. N 24, 1895, Chi- cago; s. Julius J. (b. N 1, 1805, Newark, N. J.) and Estelle (Kaiser) Calvin (b. O 13, 1870, Brvan, Tex.). Prepared in Univ. H. S. and W^-ndell Phillips H. S. Phi Delta Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Resident Phys., Cook Co. Hosp. (Childrens Dept.) 1919-20; Clin. Asst.. Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1910-20; Inst.r., do., 1921—. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1918-19. Auth.: Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms in Children (in prepar- ation); Epidemiology, a Treatment of Epidemic Meningitis: Case Reports of the Blood Tapeworm. Mem., Chicago Pediatric Soc. Address. 650 E. 51st St.. Chicago; bus. add.. Cook Co. Hosp. ROGER CLIFTON CANTWET>L Asst., Operative Surg.. Coll. of Med., 1920 — . PAUL STERLING CARLEY (See "21 Med.) HELEN CARNCROSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Womans Med. Coll. of Pa., 1906; b. 1878. Praetice limited to Ophthal- mol. Instr., Clin. Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1914-10. Mem., A.M. A. Arfrfress, 705 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.; bvs. add., 25 E. 'Washington St., Chicago. t HERBERT CHAPMAN CAROTHERS (See '17 Med.) A. M. CARPENTER Phys. and Surg. Prof., Practice of Med., Coll. of Med., 1882-83. Address, 17 E. 38th St., New York.t ANDREW MORTON CARR Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; b. 1890. Instr., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1917-20; Assoc, do., 1920—. Address, 1402 Ar- gyle St., Chicago; bus. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., JAMES GRAY CARR Phjl^sician; A.B., Ohio State Univ., 1897; M.D., .N. W. Univ., Med. Sch. 1902; b. Jl 22, 1870, Holmesville, O.; s. Edmund Cone and Anna Mary (Jack) Carr. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1902—, Instr., Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1900-10; do., Med., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; rfo., Post-Grad. Sch. Mem. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Loval Legion. Married Esther Margaret Foxcroft, D 18, 1907, Cambridge, Mass. Children: Elizabeth Foxcroft; Edmund Albert: James Gray, Jr. Address, 3923 Gladys Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do., and 2209,.W. 22nd St.. rfo.t RACHEL HICKEY CARR Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Woman's Med. Sch.. N. W. Univ.; b. D 28, lHr,7, Springfield, 111.; s. John and Mary (Bailey) Hickey. Prepared in Pub. Schs., 111. State Norm., Classical Sch. for Girls, Indianapolis; and 111. Training Seh. for Nurses. Teacher, Classical Sch. for Girls, In- dianapolis; Instr., and Asst. Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1900-1912; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, do. Med. Dir., Peoples life Ins. So. Home Serv., World War. Auth.: Goitre in Women; Hypertension; Insurance of Women. Mem., Med. Womans Club. Mar- ried Thomas Carr. Child, Rosemary, b. Ja 14, 1897. Address, 1400 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. 250 University of Illinois *JAMES MADISON GORE CARTER Physician; A.B., St. Johns Coll., 1874; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1880; A.M., McKendree Coll., 1881 ; Ph.D., 1887; Sc.D., Lake Forest Univ., 1887. Prof., Pathol, and Hygiene, Coll. of Med., 1891-95; do., Clin, and Preventive Med., do., 1895- 98; Prof., Emeritus, Coll. of Med., 1900—. Served in Co. K. 60th 111. Vols., 1861-65; was at Island No. 10, Corinth, Nashville, Murfreesboro, Chat- tanooga to Atlanta, with Sherman to the sea, through Carolinas to Rockingham, N. C, where was captured and taken to Libby Prison. Auth.: Outlines of Med. Botany of the United States, 1888; Catarrhal Diseases of the Respiratory Organs, 1895; Diseases of the Stomach, 1902; also various med. monographs and papers. Mem., Am. Acad, of Med.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. (Pres., 1897-98); Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Soc. of Internal Med.; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; A. A. A. S.; Am. Acad. Pohtical and Social Science; Am. Hist. Assn. Married Eunice R. Northrop, 1873 (died 1887); Mrs. Emogene P. Earle, Je 18, 1890. Died Mr 2, 1919. FRENCH STROTHER CARY Professor; M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Baltimore, 1906; b. N 1, 1879, Richmond, Va.; s. William (b. Mr 3, 18.50, do.) and Katherine (Field) Gary (b. Ag 5, 1861, Glouster Court House, Glouster Co., Va.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Baltimore; St. Johns Coll., Annapolis, Md., 1895- 98. Phi Mu; Phi Chi; Skull and Bones Club. Asst., Urol., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Baltimore, 1907; do., Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1911-13; Asst. Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1913-15; do. and head of the Dept., do., 1915-17; Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg., Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp., Chicago, 1919 — •; Attending Urologist, Univ. Hosp., 1914-17; Urologist in Chief, Engle- wood Hosp., 1920; Visiting Urologist, Am. Hosp., Chicago. U. S. N., Spanish-Am. 'VVa.v., 1898; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., My 1917, Maj., 1918; discharged Ap 1919 after twenty-four mos. ser- vice with A. E. F. Invented apparatus for ad- ministration of salvarsan. Auth.: New and Sim- ple Apparatus for Salvarsan Administration, Jour. A. M. A., Je 1913; The Value and Limitation of Diastase, LTrea and Phthalein in Estimating Re- nal Function in Association with Uretal Catheteri- zation, Annals of Surg., D 1913; Pyelonephritis, III. Med. Jour., D 1915; End Results of Prostatec- tomy, 1916. Mem., South Shore Country Club, 1913—; Chicago Automoble Club, 1918—; Am. Urolog. Assn.; Chicago Urolog. Assn.; A. M. A.; Miss. Valley Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Inst, of Med.; Phys. Club; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow). Married Ja 4, 1908, Baltimore, Md. Child, French Strother, b. Mr 18, 1912. Address, 1108 E. 63rd St., Chicago. JOHN ALGERNON CAVANAUGH (See '04 Med.) SHERMAN H. CHAMPLIN (See '95 Med.) CHAUNCEY F. CHAPMAN (See '92 Med.) FRANK CHAUVET (See '07 Med.) FRANKLIN SNOW CHENEY (See '89 Med.) JOHN A. CHRISTIAN Instr., Pediatrics, 1912-14. FREDERICK CHRISTOPHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. Dept., 1915; b. 1889. Specialist in Surg.; Asst., Experimental Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920 — . Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2622 Lakeview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.f ♦WALTER SHIELDS CHRISTOPHER Professor; M.D.; b. 1859, Newport, Ky. Pre- pared in schs. of Newport and Cincinnati. M.D., Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1883. Intern, Cincinnati Hosp., 1883. Asst., Childrens Clinic, Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1883-90; Demonstrator of Chem., do., 1884-90; Prof., Theory and Practice of Med., Univ. of Mich., 1890-91; Prof., Diseases of Chil- dren, Chicago Policlinic, 1891; Prof., do.. Coll. of Med., 1892-1900. Mem., Chicago Bd. of Educa- tion, 1898. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; (Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Acad, of Med.; Chi- cago Pediatric Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Chicago Gynecol. Soc; Am. Pedia- tric Soc (ex-Pres.); Cincinnati Acad, of Med., (hon. Mem.). Died Mr 2, 1905, Chicago. BERNARD JOHN CIGRAND Secretary; B.S. in Sc, No. Ind. State Norm. Sch., 1886; M.S., do., 1891; D.D.S., Lake Forest Univ., 1888; b. O 1, 1866, Fredonia, Wis. Pre- pared in Fredonia (Wis.) H. S., Chicago Sch. of Sciences, 1891; Haskell Sch. of Prosthetics, 1892; non-resident course in Industrial, Educ. and Politi- cal Economy, Chicago Univ., 1892-93. Valedic- torian, Class of 1888. Prof., Prosthetic Dent., Am. Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1893; Prof., Metallurgy, do., 1894; Pres., do., 1893; Prof., Dent. Prosthesis, N. W. Univ., 1896; Prof., Dent. Prosthesis and Hist., Coll. of Med. (Dent. Dept.), 1899; do., Prostnetic Dent, and Technics., Coll. of Dent., 1903 — ; Sec, do., 1901-03; Dean, 1903-06; Lecturer, History of Med., Coll. of, Med., 1912. Formerly Ed., Dent. World; Assoc. Ed., Dent. Digest; Dele- gate, Internat. Dent. Cong., Paris, 1900. Auth.: Compendium of Dentistry; History of Dentistry; The Story of the Great Seal of the United States. Mem., Am. Coll. of Dent. Surg. (Pres.. 1893); 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Odonto- graphic Soc; Hayden Dent. Soc; Columbian Dent. Club; S. W. Mich. Dent. Soc. (Hon. Mem.); Alumni Soc. of N. W. Univ. (do.); Alumni Assn., No. Ind. State Norm. Sch. (Ex-Pres.). Address, Batavia, 111. CHARLES CORNELIUS CLARK (See '05 Med.) JAMES A. CLARK M.D., N. W. Univ., 1885; b. 1861, DeKalb. 111.; s. George and Sarah (Cartright) Clark. Pre- pared in DeKalb H. S. Lecturer, Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1891-92. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Jennie Brookins, 1884. Child, Pauline. Address, 31 N. State St., Chicago. SAMUEL NYE CLARK (See "09 Med.) WILLIAM ARTHUR CLARK (Brother of Alberta, L. & A. '02 and Thomas Aquilla, B.S. in C.E. '04) Surgeon; A.B., Univ. of 111., 1905; A.M., do., A.M., do., 1907; M.D., Harvard Med, Sch., 1911; b. Ja 8, 1882, Sidney, 111.; s. William Davis (b. D 20, 1832, Pa.) and Mary Jane (Huff) Clark (b. O 21, 1842, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Barringer Scholarship, Harvard Med. Sch. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago; Asst., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1913-17; Orthopedic Section, Mayo Clinic, 1919-21; Surg., Pasadena, Calif., 1921—. Surg., Am. Red Cross, D 4, 1915-Je 1, 1916; M. C, U. S. A., Je 1, 1917- O 15, 1919. Auth.: Saline Treatment of Infected Wounds, Mil. Surg., 1917; Observations in Mil. Surg., Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, do.\ Prevention and Treatment of Delayed Union of Fractures, Mil. Surg., 1918; A System of Joint Measurement, Jour, of Orthopedic Surg, (in press); numerous abstracts in the foregoing publications. Mem., A. M. A.; Central States Orthopedic Club. Mar- ried Gladys Maurer, Ja 26, 1917, South Bend, Ird. Child, Thomas Doriot, b. N 28, 1918. Address, 408 Central Bldg., Pasadena, Calif. CHARLES CLINTON CLEMENT (See '06 Med.) CHARLES FREDERICK CLOSE Clin. Instr., Gynecol., 1898-1900; located at 4707 Evans Ave., Chicago, about 1900.t Faculty, College of Medicine 251 OSWIN RAY CLUTTER Ph.B.. Grove City Coll.. Pa.. 1909; M.S., Ohio State Univ., 1913; b. S 18, 1SS2, New Martins- ville. W. Va. Prepared in West Liberty State Norm. Sch., W. Va. Instr.. Physiolog. Cheni., Coll. of Med., 1919—; do., Chem., Coll. of Dent., do. Formerly of New Concord, O.f WILLIAM EDWARD COATES (See '95 Med.) MILTON F. COE (See '88 Med.) SEYMOUR JEROME COHEN Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1917; M.S., do.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1919; b. Ja 7, 1S9C, South Bend, Ind. Prepared in East Denver H. S., 1910-13. Henry Lyman prize for research, Je 191S; W. F. Freer prize for research, Je 1919. Instr., Physiol., Univ. of Chicago, Je-S, 1917; do., Pharma- col., Coll. of Med., O 1917-S 1918; do., Pharmacol, and Therapeutics, do., 1921 — . Auth.: Affect of Lactic Acid on Respiratory System; Protein Fever; Studies in Gastric Secretion; Gastric Secretion in Fever. Address, 4637 Prairie Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH SAMUEL COHN (See '10 Med.) WILLIAM CLYDE COMEE (See '08 Med.) BERNARD MONTROSE CONLEY (See '03 Med.) ♦PATRICK HENRY CONLEY Adjunct Prof., Surg., 1900-02; formerly at 477 Grand Ave., Chicago. Deceased. FRANK GREGORY CONNELL Phys. and Surgeon; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1896; b. Ja 12. 1875, Milwaukee; s. M. E. (b. Burlington, Vt.) and Anna T. (Gregory) Connell (b. do.). Prepared in Wauwatosa (Wis.) H. S. and Univ. of Wis. Nu Sigma Nu; won Senn medal, 1S99. Adjunct Prof, of Surg., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; Chm. of Med. Advisory Ed. Dis- covered method of Intestinal Suture. Auth.: Many pamphlets and magazine articles on ab- dominal and general surg. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow); W^estern Surg. Assn.; Southern Surg. Assn.; A. M. A.; Wis. State Med. Soc. Married Isabella Stickney, 1902, Milwaukee. Children: Janet and Charles. Address, 420 Wash- ington St., Oshkosh, Wis. FRANK JAMES CONROY (See '10 Med.) JEAN MOTTRAM COOKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1895; b. 1871, Michigan, .\lpha Epsilon Iota. Gen. Med. practice, Darlington, Wis. Adjunct Prof., Micros- copical and Chem. Diagnosis. Coll. of Med., 1900- 08; located at 615 46th St., Chicago, about 1908. Address, Darlington, Wis. ARTHUR REUBEN COOPER Asisoc. Instr.; B.S., Univ. of Toronto. 1910; M. A., do., 1911; Ph.D.. Univ. of 111., 1917; b. O 30. 1888, Brinston, Ontario, Can.; s. Reuben (b. Ja 1. 1849. Dundela. Ontario, Can.) and Mary Eliza- beth (Larmour) Cooper (b. O 14. 1856. do.). Pre- pared in Iroquois (Ontario, Can.) H. S. Seventh Edward Blake Scholarship in Gen. Proficiency on entering Univ. of Toronto; Gold Medal (1st in Science of Biol.). Victoria Coll.. 1910; Fellow in Zool., 1912-14; 191.5-16; Hon.. do., 1916-17. Class A.sst., Gen. Biol., 1909-10; Asst., Zool.. Univ. of Toronto, 1910-12; Demonstrator in Zool., 1911-12. 1914-15; Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1917-19; Assoc, do., 1919 — ; Asst.. Prof., Anat.. Coll. of Dent., 1920—. Asst. and Research Work at Lake Biol. Sta., Georgian Bay, Go-Home Bay, Ont., 1909-11; Marine Biol. Sta., St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1913-14; Marine Biol. Lab.. Woods Hole, Mass.; Harpswell Lab., South Harps- well, Me., 1916; Douglas Lake, Mich., Biol Sta., 1917. Instr.. Anat., Coll. of Med. and Coll. of Dent, during S. A. T. C. regime, 1918-19. Auth.: On Systematic Position of Haplobolhrium ylohuli- forvie. Trans. Royal Soc, Can., Vol. 8, 1914; A New Cestode from Amia calva L., Trans. Royal Can. Inst., Vol. 10. 1914; Contributions to the Life History of Proteocephalus Ambloplitis; A Parasite of the Black Bass; Contrib. to Can. Biol, 47th Rep. Dept. Fisheries, Ottawa, Can., Fasciculus II; Trematodes from Marine and Fresh-Water, including one Species of Ectoparasitic Turbellarian, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Series III, Vol. 9, 1915; (with T. T. Job) Notes on Porocephalus globicepha- lus, Jour. Parasitology, Vol. 3, 1917; A Morphologi- cal Study of Botliriocephalid Cestodes from Fishes, do.. Vol. 4, 1917; Manual of Surg. Anatomy. In conj. with others under direction of A. C. Eycle- shymer. U. S. A. Med. Dept., Washington; North American Pseudophyllidean Cestodes from Fishes. 111. Biol. Monographs, Vol. 4, 1919; A case of the Inferior Vena Cava Uniting with the Azygos Vein in the Dog, Anatomical Rec, Vol. 17; Glaridacris Catostomi, gen. Nov., Spec. Nov.; A Cestodarian Parasite, Trans, of the Am. Microscopical Soc, 1920. Mem., Sigma Xi; Am. Microscopic Soc; A. A. A. S. Address, 2146 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 508 S. Honore St., do. L. A. CORPS Clin Instr., Gynecol, and Surg., Coll. of Med., 1892-1900. Address, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago.! MATTHEW CORBETT (See '90 Med.) BUDD CLARK CORBUS (See '01 Med.) EDWARD AUGUSTINE CORCORAN (See '02 Med.) ARTHUR MILLS CORWIN Specialist; A.B.. Princeton Univ., 1887; A.M., do., 1899; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1890; b. 1864 Honolulu. T. H.; s. Eli and Henrietta S. (Howell) Corwin. Post-Grad. work. Berlin, 1890. Demon- strator. Physical Diagnosis. Rush Med. Coll.. 1892-1902; Attending Phys.. Central Free Dis- pensary. Chest, Nose and Throat Dept.; Prof., Diseases of Throat and Nose, Chicago Clin. Sch.; do.. 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1902—; Prof., Physical Diagnosis, Coll. of Med.. 1903-13; for- merly attending Phys.. Tuberculosis Dept., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Attending Laryngologist, West Side Hosp.; do., Sheridan Park Hosp.; Assoc Prof.. Laryngol.. Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg. Dir.. Publicity and Education, Chicago Dept. of Health, 1915-16; Dir.. Valmora Sanitarium for Tuberculosis. Auth.: Physical Diagnosis of the Chest; numerous med. papers and addresses; numerous poems: To Dr. A. C. Cotton; Dr. Julia Merrill; In Memoriam; The Hospital; The River Rhine; Kit Carson and the Santa Fe Trail; The Suffragette; The Oyster; The Fly. Mem.. Editor- ial Staff. Chicago Med. Recorder. Mem., A. M. A. ; 111. State Med. Soc. ; Tri-State Med. Soc. ; Am. Otol. Soc; Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Phy- sicians Club; Anti-Saloon League of 111. (Dir.); Good Govt. League (Founder and 1st Pres.); Irving Lit. Soc. of Chicago; Chicago Physicians Club (Sec). Married Fannie L. Hastings, 1893. Chicago. Children: Mary W. Hastings (Mrs. Herbert E. Bradley); Sylvia. Address, 801 South Blvd.. Oak Park. 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t VIRGIL ELIAS SHEETZ COUNSELLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll.. 1920; b. 1892. Asst. in Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Address, 26.50 Ridge Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Century Bldg., rfo.t 252 University of Illinois w. E. COY .lAsst. Demonstrator of Anat., 1891-92. HARRY S. CRADLE Asst. Prof.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1908; b. D 31, 1883, Chicago; s. Henry and Fanny (Searls) Cradle. Prepared in Univ. Sch., 1902; Univ. of Mich., 1906. Delta Upsilon; Phi Rho Sigma. Asst. Prof., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1921—. 1st Lt., Ap 1917, Port Riley, Kan.; Camp Grant, 111.; Overseas with 8th Div.; Asst. Div. Surg., Capt., Maj., and Lt. Col., World War. Auth.: Articles on Ophthalmol, in Med. Jours. Married Alice Perry, N 29, 1900, Minneapolis. Address, 22 E. Washington St., Chicago. DICKEY WILLARD CRAIG B.S., 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 1892; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1896; b. Ag 21, 1869, Arcadia, 111.; s. John W. and Sarah A. (Titus) Craig. Prepared in Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 111. Phi Alpha; Phi Rho Sigma. Located in Chicago, 1896-1905; Quiz-Master for Prof. Steele, Coll. of Med., 1900-05. Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1905—. Lt., M. C, Ft. Riley Base Hosp.; Mayo Clinic and Camp Craine; Capt., M. R. C, 1920. Auth.: Lectures on Anes- thetics at N. W. Dent. Sch. Married Antonia Roessler, F 14, 1900, Chicago. Children: Allan C, b. Jl 14, 1903; Frederick C, b. O 9, 1901. Ad- dress, 1308 W. 6th St., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; bus. add., Sioux Falls Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ROBERT ARCHIE CRAWFORD (See '13 Med.) S. K. CRAWFORD Phys. and Surg. Formerly of Monmouth, 111.; Prof., Surg. Anat., Coll. of Med., 1885-88. WOODRUFF LYNDEN CRAWFORD (See '20 Med.) WILLIAM HENRY CREDE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch. 1904; b. 1879. Formerly located in La Moille, 111.; Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1906-10. Address, Triumph, lU.t DENNIS RIDER WOOD CRILE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Med. Sch. of Harvard Univ., 1917; b. 1891. Instr., Orthopedic Surg, and Anat., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Address, 2401 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2106 Sedgewick St., do.t ALFRED C. CROFTON (See '98 Med.) FRED RAYMOND CROOKES (See '12 Med.) WILLIAM JOHN CROZIER Professor; S.B., Coll. of City of N. Y., 1912; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1914; Ph.D., do., 1915; b. Ag 28, 1892, N. Y. City; s. William George (b. 1861, Armagh, Ire.) and Bessie (Mackay) Crozier (b. 1879, Nova Scotia). Prepared in Townsend Harris Hall, N. Y. City. Sigma Xi; Medals in Descriptive Geom. and Natural Hist.; Student Asst. in Chem.; Successively Univ. Scholar, Thayer Scholar, Edward Austin Fellow, and Sheldon Fel- low (Harvard Univ.). Research Asst., Ambulance Americaene, Neuvilly, Paris and at Western Re- serve Univ. Med. Sch., 1915; Frederick Sheldon Travelling Fellow, Harvard Univ.; Resident Nat- uralist to the Bermuda Biolog. Station for Research, Je 1915-N 1918; Asst. Prof, of Physiol., Coll. of Med., N 1918-S 1919; do.. Zoology, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1919 — . Auth.: Eighty-six articles on re- search topics, mainly in marine zoology; See Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6 of Contributions from the Bermuda Biolog. Station for Research, Cambridge, Mass. Mem., A. A. A. S., 1911 — ; Am. Soc. Zool., 1915^; Am. Soc. Naturalists, 1916—; Am. Physiol. Soc, 1917 — , Am. Chem. Soc, 1914—. Married Blanche Maud Benjamin, 1915, Cambridge, Mass. Children: Priscilla, b. Je 5, 1917; Ruth, b. Mr 13, 1920. Ad- dress, 6509 Univ. Ave., Chicago. HOWARD CRUTCHER (See '02 Med.) HARRY CULVER Assoc. Instr.; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1910; M.S., Univ. of 111., 1918; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913; b. Ag 13, 1885, Cobb, Wis.; s. Henry Allen (b. O 28, 1850, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) and Margaret Ann (McCrady) Culver (b. S 11, 1852, Cobb, Wis.). Prepared in Cobb (Wis.) H. S. and Platteville (do.) Normal Sch. Sigma Nu; Iron Cross (Hon. Sr. Soc); Football Team and Baseball Team, Univ. of Wis. Fellow, Otho Sprague Memorial Inst., Mr 1915-0 15; studied Pathol, and Bacteriol. Coll. of Med., 1915-18; Instr. in Dept. of Experi- mental Med., Coll. of Med., 1915-18; Assoc, in Genito-Urinary Surg., do., 1919; Asst. Prof., do. 1921; Instr., Pathol., Coll. of Dent., 1917-18. Lt. M. C, U. S. A., Ag 1918-S 1919. Auth.: A Study of the Bacteriology of Chronic Prostatitis and Sper- matocystitis with special reference to their relation- ship to Arthritis, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 66, F 9, 1916; The Treatment of Gonorrheal Infections by the Intravenous Injection of killed Gonococci, Mening- ococci and Colon Bacilli, Jour., A. M. A., Vol. 68, 1917; The Treatment of Gonococcal Infections by the Intravenous Injection of Homologous and Foreign Protein, Proceedings of the Inst, of Med., Chicago, Vol. 1, 1916-17; Antibodies in Gonococcal Arthritis after the Intravenous Injection of Specific and Non-Specific Protein, Jour, of Lab. and Clinical Med., Vol. 3, O 1917; The Gonococcidal Action of Protein Silver Solution in Vitro, do.. Vol. 3, 1918; Renal Infections, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 70, 1918; A Study of the Gram Negative Bacilli of Renal Infec- tions, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 24, F 1919; Pyelonephritis, Surg. Clinics of Chicago, Vol. 2, Ag 1918; A Study of Experimental Gonococcal Infec- tions in Animals, Jour, of Urology, Vol. 2, 1918. Address, 636 Gary Place, Chicago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. DAVID HENRY CUNNINGHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll. of Philadelphia, 1893; b. 1864. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1902-06. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 5726 Sheridan Road, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., and 4804 W. Madison St., rfo.t HOWARD E. CURL (See '17 Med.) JOHN HENRY CURTIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., New York Univ. Med. Coll., 1886; b. 1864. Prof., Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1891-92; Clin. Instr., Diseases of Chest, do., 1892-94; do., Nervous Diseases, do., 1897-98; Adjunct Prof., Clin. Med., do., 1898-1900. Ad- dress, 1507 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 1065 W. Monroe St., do.t *ROMAINE J. CURTISS Professor; M.D., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1864; b. 1842. Prof., State Med. and Hygiene, Coll. of Med., 1882-91; noted as a writer and lecturer. Veteran of the Civil War. Died N 20, 1900, Joliet, 111. AGNES BEULAH CUSHMAN (See '16 Med.) REGINALD ALEX CUTTING Assoc. Prof.; A.B., M.A., Ph.G., Harvard Univ. b. New Hampshire; s. William A. and L. A. (Caver- ly) Cutting. Formerly Assoc. Prof., Tufts Coll. Med. Sch. and George Washington Univ. Med. Sch. Assoc, Physiol, and Physiol. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1921—. Address, Univ. of 111. Coll. of Med., Congress and Honore Sts., Chicago. SVENNING DAHL (See '90 Med.) PHILIP M. DALE Professor; B.S., Univ. of Neb., 1911; M.D., Rush Med., 1912; b. O 23, 1883, Neb.; s. I. F. and Emma J. (Core) Dale. Phi Rho Sigma. Instr., CUn. Med., Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Lt., R. A. M. C; Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Married G. Bergette Satre. Mr 28, 1918. Address, 2206 D. St., Granite City, 111. Faculty, College op Medicine 263 ERIC JACOB DANEK Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Dearborn Med. Coll., 1906; b. 1S80. Instr., Materia Med., and Thera- peutics, Coll. of Med., 1906-10. Formerly at 5631 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Addrtis, 6745 Chappel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., c/o.t WILLIAM CLARK DANFORTH Asst. Prof.; B.S., N.W. Univ., 1900; M.D., do., 1903; b. Jl 30, 1S7S, Chicago; s. Isaac N. and Eliiabeth (Skelton) Danforth. Psi Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Postgrad, work, Univ. of \"ienna, 1905-06. Gen. Med. practice, Evanston, 1908 — ; Attending Surg., Evanston Ilosp.. 1911 — ; Gynecologist and Ob- stetrician, do.; Asst. Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 191S-19. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow); A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc.; Chicago Gynecol. Soc; Chicago Institute of Med.; Epis. Church; Univ. Club. Married Gertrude McLean, Je 29, 1909. Child, David Newton. Address, 1620 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill.t ULYSSES GRANT DARLING (See "90 Med.) GEORGE LUTHER DAVENPORT (See "07 Med.) DAVID JOHN DAVIS Professor: B.S., 1S98; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1903; Ph.D., Chicago, 1906; b. Ag 9, 1875, Racine, Wis.; s. David W. (b. 1821, Wales) and Catharine (Jones) Davis (b. 1831, do.). Prepared in Racine Acad. Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Assoc, in the Inst, for Infectious Diseases, 1905-08; Asst. Prof., Pathol., Rush Med. Coll., 1910-13; Studied in Univ. of Vienna and Univ. of Freidberg, 1910; Pathologist, St. Lukes Hosp., 1911-13; Prof., Pathol, and Baoteriol., Coll. of Med., 1913—; do., Coll. of Dent., 191-1—; Head of the Dept., do.. 1919—. Auth.: A Description of Charts Showing the Areas of the Cross Sections of the Human Spinal Cord at the Level of Each Spinal Nerve, Jour, of Comparative Neurol., Vol. XIII; A Method of Microscopic Observation by Means of Lateral Illumination, Jour. A. M. A., 1904; A Case of Cervical Spina Bifida-Syringomye- lomeningocele with Hydromyelus and Hydro- cephalus, Med. Sews, 1905; Osteomalacia in the Male, Annals of Surg., 1904; Pellagra and Some of its Problems, Am. Jour, of the Med. Sciences, 1910; Studies in Meningococcus Infections, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, Vol. II, 1905; do.. Vol. IV, 1907; Antit>-phoid Vaccination, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. LVIII, 1912; The Ocular Typhoid Reaction. Preliminary Report of the Ocular Test of Chan- temesse, do.. Vol. I, 1908; Phagocytosis and Op- sonins in the Lower Animals, Jour, of Infectious Diseases. Vol. IV, 1907; The Bacterid, of 'ft'hoop- ing Cough, do, Vol. 111,1906; Hemophilic Bacilli, — Their Morphol. and Relation to Respiratory Pig- ments, do.. Vol. IV, 1907; other articles in the fore- going publications and in Archives of Internal Med., Am. Jour, of Diseases of Children, III. Med. Jour., Science, N.S., Jour, of Cutaneous Diseases, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, Transactions of the Chicago Pathol. Soc., Scientific Monthly, The Inst, of Med. Mem., Am. Assn., Pathol, and Bacterid.; Soc, Am. Bacteriol.; A. M. A.; A. A. A. S.; Chicago I^athol. Soc, 1912— (Pres., 1912—); V. P.. Chi- cago Inst, of Med., 1920—. Married Myra H. Jones, Jl 27. 1908, Toronto, Can. Children: Dor- land Jones, b. Jl 2, 1911; Edward David, b. Jl 17, 1917. Address. 721 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, 111.; bvu. add., 508 S. Honore St., Chicago. HAIM IDDELL DAVIS Physician; M.D., Imperial Univ. of KharkofI, Rus., 1891;b. J121, 1865, Kovno, Rus.;s. Peter and Catherine Da%-i3. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and Gymna.sium Sch., Rus. Assoc. Prof., Psychiatry, Coll. of Med., 1008 — ; Attending Neurologist, Michael Reese Hosp.; Specialist in Neurol, and Psychiatry, Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Agnes Davis, Ap 21, 1894, Chicago. Children: Ethel Mildred; David Harold. Address, 4708 Drexel Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago.t JOHN FRANKLIN DAVIS (See '10 Med.) THOMAS ARCHIBALD DAVIS (See '85 Med.) CHARLES DAVISON (Father of Charles M., '20 M.D.) Surgeon; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1883; M.A., do., 1917; b. Ja 13, 1S58, 111.; s. Peter (b. N. Y.) and Martha Maria (Whedon) Davi.son, (b. Gran- ville, N. Y.). Prepared in Barrington and Wau- conda H. Schs. Alplia Omega Alpha; Alpha Kap- pa Kappa; Prosector in Anatomy, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1881-83. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1883-84; Surg., Chicago, 1884—; Prof, of Surg. Anat., Coll. of Med., 1899-1900; Adjunct Prof., Clin. Surg., 1900-03; do., Surg, and Clinical Surg., 1903-4; Prof., Surg, and Clin. Surg., 1904—; Head of Dept. of Surg., 1917 — ; Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1905-11; Asst. Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1887-92; Attending Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., 1894—; Chief of StaflF, do., 1917-19; At- tending Surg., West Side Hosp., 1896-07; do., Univ. Hosp., 1908—; Ed., The Chicago Clinic, 1899-1900. Introduced bone grafting for intracta- ble recent fractures, 1914. Auth.: Autoplastic Bone Surg., Lea and Febiger, 1916; Inguinal Her- nia, Chicago Clinic, Vol. XI, 1898; Carcinoma of the Stomach, do.; Ovarian Tumors, do.. Vol. XII, 1899; Double Inguinal Hernia, do.; Clinics at Cook Co. Hosp., do.. Vol. XIV, 1901; Suture of the Abdominal Wall, Annals of Surg., Vol. XXXV, 1902; Interesting Kidney Cases, The Plexus, Vol. VIII, 1903; Results in Abdominal Wall Sutures, Annals of Surg., Vol. XI, 1904; Treatment of Fractures of the Femur, Surg., Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. II, 1906; The Technique of Closure of Wounds by Continuous Removable Suture, do.; also author of other articles in the foregoing publications and in III. Med. Jour., Jour, of A. M. A., The Alumni Quarterly (Univ. of 111.)., Jour, of the Am. Med. Soc, Surg. Clinics of Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Inst, of Med.; Chicago Surg. iSoc. (Pres. 1912-13); Univ. of 111. Med. Research Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (bd. of Governors 1913-14); Trustee, M. E. Church; Univ. Club of Chicago. Married Mary L. Kidd, O 20, 1887, Chicago. Child. Charles Marshall, b. Ap 16, 1896. Address, 2320 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. FRANCIS DEACON (See '04 Med.) ASA NATHAN DeVAULT (See '00 Med.) KATHERINE WELLER DEWEY Instructor; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1912; b. Je 10, 1868, Gandrinnen, Ger.; d. Carl (b. D 8, 1828, Konigsburg, Ger.) and Bertha (Stumni) Weller (b. S 6, 18.30, Danzig, Ger.). Prepared in Hohere Fochterschule, and Seminar fur hohere Schulen, Danzig, Ger. Fellowships in Pathology, Rush Med. Coll., Chicago., 1911-12; Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, 1907-09; Heidelberg, Ger- many, 1909-10; Otho Sprague Memorial Inst., 1912-15; Asst., Obstetrics and Gynecol., Rush Med. Coll., 1914-15; Research Pathologist and Instr., Coll. of Med., 191.5—; do.. Coll. of Dent.. 1916—-. Auth.: Tuberculosis of the Stomach with Exten- sive Tuberculosis Lymphangitis, Jour, of Infec- tious Diseases, Vol. XII, 1913; (with F. Nuzum) The Effect of Cholesterol on Phagocytes, do.. Vol. XV, 1914; (with Le Count) Syphilitic Meningitis, do.. Vol. XVI, 1915; f'xperimental Hypercholes- terdemia. Archives of Int. Med., Vol. XVII, 1916; Twith Noyes) A Study of the Pathology of the Peridental Membrane, Jour, of the National Den- tist Assn., Vol. IX. 1917; (with Noyes) A Study of the Lymphatic Vessels of the Dental Pulp, Dent. 254 University op Illinois Cosmos., Vol. LVIII,1917; (with Noyes) The Lym- phatics of the Dental Region, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. LXXI, 1918; Cysts of the Dental System, Dental Cosmos, Vol. LVIII, 1917; (with Noyes) The Lym- Study of the Pathways of the Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Choroid Plexus, The Anatomical Record, Vol. XV, 1918; The Lipoids in Tumors in the Dental Region, Jour, of Cancer Research, Vol. IV, 1919; (with Moorehead) Macrocheilia, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. LXXIII, 1919; (with Moorehead) Composite Odontoma, Surg. Clinics of Chicago, Vol. Ill, 1919. Mem.. A. M. A. Married Ed- ward Hooker Dewey, O 25, 1898, Jamestown, Ohio (husband died D 22, 1904). Address, 1531 Adams St., Chicago. ISADORE BERNHARD DIAMOND Phys. and Surg.; M.D., So. Med. Coll., Atlanta, Ga., 1894; b. 1873. Instr., Jr. Neurol., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; do., Neurol., do., 1912-16; Assoc, do., 1921 — ; Specialist in Neurol, and Psychiatry; formerly at 1550 N. Robey St., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1232 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 190 N. State St., rfo.f *EDWARD T. DICKERMAN Physician; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1890; b. Ag 4, 1867, Jacksonville, 111. Intern, Mercy Hosp. Special study. Ear, Nose and Throat, Europe; Specialist, do., Chicago; Prof., LaryngoL, Chicago Policlinic; Assoc. Prof., Otol., Rush Med. Coll.; Attending Ear Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Lecturer, Rhinol. and LaryngoL, Coll. of Med., 1895-97; Mem., A. M. A.; Am. LaryngoL Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Physicians Club; Chicago Acad, of Med. (Fellow). Died Ja 23, 1903, Springfield, 111. STANLEY B. DICKINSON (See '97 Med.) RICHARD B. DILLEHUNT Dean; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910; b. Jl 12, 1886, Decatur, 111.; s. Benjamin W. and Augusta (Puchert) Dillehunt. Prepared in Decatur H. S. and Univ. of Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Surg, practice, Portland, Ore.; Instr., Jr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; formerly Asst. Dean and Prof., Anatomy, Univ. of Ore., Med. Sch.; Dean, do., 1920—. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp., 46, World War. Address, Univ. Club, Portland, Ore.; bus. add., 909 Stevens Bldg., do. OSCAR DODD (See '90 Med.) THEODORE JOHN DOEDERLEIN (See '94 Med.) AUGUST DOERR (See '96 Med.) GEORGE PETER DREYER Professor; A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1889; Ph.D., do., 1890; b. S 22, 1866, Bifltimore, Md.; s. William Albert and Madeline J. (Gaertner) Dreyer. Prepared in Baltimore City Coll. Phi Beta Kap- pa; Phi Beta Pi. Hon. scholarship, 1885-87; Univ. Scholarship, 1887-88; Fellowship, 1889-90. College of Phys. and Surg., Baltimore, 1891-92; Summer Sch., Harvard Univ., 1888; Demonstrator, and Assoc. Prof., Physiol., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1890-1900; Prof., Physiol., Coll. of Med., 1900-07; Prof., do., and Physiolog. Chem., do., 1907—; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1912—; Head of Dept. of Phy- siol., do., 1912 — . Discovered Nervous Control of Internal Secretions of Adrenal Bodies, 1897. Auth.: Physiological Abstracts in Sajous Annual, 1894, '95, '96; Article on Circulation, Woods Reference Handbook, 2nd Ed., 1900; do., revised and rewritten, 3rd. Ed., 1914; Effects of Hem- orrhage and Fasting on Blood Proteins, Studies from the Biol. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ., Vol. 5, 1891- 93; Phy.siological Effects of Differential Respira- tion, do.; Secretory Nerves to the Supravenal Capsules, Am. Jour. Physiol, Vol. 2, 1899. Mem., Am. Physiol. Soc, 1895—; (Fellow) A. A. A. S., 1908-20. Married Helen Louise Dreyer, Ag 20, 1890. Children: Elaine Louise, b. S 13, 1892 (died Ja 1, 1901); Helen Roberta, b. D 9, 1894; WiUiam Albert, b. Mr 7, 1904. Address, 424 S. 6th Ave., La Grange, 111. CHARLES JOHN DRUECK Professor; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1896; b. Je 20, 1873, North Liberty, Ind.; s. Gustavus Philip (b. Baden, Ger.) and Sarah Ann (Parsons) Drueck (b. Summersetshire, Eng.). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Prof., Physiol., Columbia Coll. of Dent., 1898-1900; do.. Rectal Diseases, Harvey Med. Coll., 1899-1902; do., Physiol., Coll. of Dent.. 1900-02; do.. Rectal Diseases, Chicago Hosp. Coll. of Med., 1915-19; do., Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and and Hosp., 1917 — •. Auth.: Numerous monographs and manuscripts on diseased rectal conditions. Married Helen Mabel Martin, O 22, 1902. Chil- dren, Margaret Sarah, b. Ag 11, 1903; Charles Martin, b. Mr 15, 1906; Helen Alice, b. Ag 3. 1910. Address, 4610 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. EMERY H. DuFOUR (See '14 Med.) * C. W. DULIN (See '95 Med.) HUBERT FAIRLEIGH DUNN Instructor; A.B., Jewell Coll., 1908; M.D., Munich, 1913; b. Jl 8, 1887, Hodgerville, Ky. Prepared in St. Joseph (Mo.) H. S., 1900-04. Studied in Heidelberg, Paris, and Rome, 1910-13. Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship in Chem., Univ. of Mo. Instr., Anat., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1909-10; do.. Autopsy Work, Univ. of Strasburg, 1910-11; do., Surg. Dispensary, Surg. Policlinic, 1913; do.. Obstetrics and Gynecol., Munich Obstetrical Chnic and Univ. of Vienna, 1916-17; Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1921—. Address, 2058 Lincoln Park, W., Chicago.t SAMUEL ABRAHAM DURR Instructor; B.S., 1914; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1918; b. My 5, 1894, Chicago; s. Samuel and Katherine (Hardin) Durr. Pre- pared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Sigma Chi; Nu Sigma Nu. Asst. in Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1919—. Lt., U. S. N. R. F. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. GEORGIANA MARGARET DVORAK (THEOBALD) (See '06 Med.) FRANK ABBOTT DWIGHT Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1897 ; b. 1869. Asst. Demonstrator of Anat., Coll. of Med., 1904-08. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Filer, Idaho.t FREDERICK GEORGE DYAS Instructor; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1904; b. D 3, 1873, Chicago; s. George K. (b. Je 1836, Ire.) and Anne E. (Greene) Dyas (b. Ire.). Prepared in OHvet Prep. Sch., Univ. of Mich., 1891-92, and Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Instr., Surg., N. W. Univ., 1906-08; do.. Coll. of Med., 1908-10; Asst. Prof., do., 1919—; attending Surg. Cook Co. Hosp. War service, Jl 1918-Ag 1919. Auth.: Acute Osteomyelitis, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, N 1918; Tuber-y culous Peritonitis, The Med. Recorder, My 1910; Injury to the Chest, Producing Signs of Abdominal Injury, Jour, of the Am. Med. Assn., Jl 1911; Treatment of Fractures of the Neck of the Femur, Ry. Surg. Jour., Ap 1914; Clinical and Experimen- tal Results of Streptococcic Infections, with Spe- cial Reference to Arthritis and its Treatment, Surg,. Gynecol, and Obstetrics, Je 1914; The Treat- ment of Acute Osteomyelitis of the Long Bones, by Means of the Dental Engine and a T^arge Burr, Jour, of the A. M. A., Ap 1914; The Open Treat- ment of Infected Wounds, do.. My 1915; Treat- ment of Fractures by Autogenous Bone Trans- plants, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, Jl 1915; Brachial Plexus Paralysis, Following Fracture of Faculty, College op Medicijie the Clavicle, Ry. Surg. Jour., Ap 1916; The Treat- ment of Femoriil Aneurism, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics., do.; other articles in the foregoing pub- lications and in Jour., A. M. A. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Surg. Soc; Western Surg. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Univ. Club. Married Mabel Freer, Je 29, 1910, Chicago. Children: Jane F.; Frederick G., Jr.; Elizabeth F. Address, 2134 Orrington Ave., Evan- ston, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. LOUIS DYSART (See '95 Med.) ♦CHARLES WARRINGTON EARLE Phys. and Surg., and Prof.; M.D., Chicago Med Coll., 1S70; s. Moses L. and Nancy Earle (b. England). Prepared in Beloit Coll., 3 yrs. >Iem., Faculty of Womens Mod. Coll., Chicago, at time of its organization, 1870; later Prof., diseases of children and Clin. Med., do.; one of the founders of the Coll. of Med., and Prof, of Ob- stetrics, do., 1S82-S9; Phys-. Washingtonian Home, Chicago. Active service, Civil War, with 15th 111. Vol. Inf., 1861, and 96th 111. Vol. Inf., 1862-65; Breveted Capt., U. S. Volunteers, for gallantry and meritorious services in battles of Chickamauga, Resaca, and Atlanta, Ga. and Nashville and Frank- lin, Tenn. Auth.: Electricity in Post-partum Hemorrhage; ScarletJna in Chicago; Inebriety as a vice; various papers on Alcoholism and the Opium Habit; Cinchona cure for intemperance; Tuber- cular Sleningitis;Cephalaematomaof the new-born; Roethln (or German Measles) in Chicago; Summer diseases of children; Cirrhosis of the Pancreas. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Fanny L. Bundy, 1871. Children: Carrie; William B. Deceased. EDWIN GRAFFAM EARLE (See '91 Med.) FRANK BRECKENRIDGE EARLE (See '85 Med.) MILO T. EASTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1906; b. S 29. 1884, Peoria; s. O. M. (b. 1859, do.) and Delia (Tripp) Easton (b. 1862, do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. In- tern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1906-08; Instr., Diseases of CTiest, Coll. of Med., 1906-07; Phys.. 1907—; Citv, Peoria, 1908-14. 1st Lt., M. C. U. S. A., O 26, 1918-Je 16, 1919. Auth.: S>-philis of the Lung, Med. Record, 1913. Mem., Peoria City Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Univ. Club of Peoria. Married Helen B. Easton, My 18, 1910, Peoria. Children: Mary, b. S 7, 1911; Eleanor, b. Ap 14, 1914. Address, 604 Main St., Peoria. WALDEMAR EBERHARDT Instructor; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1897. Clin. Instr., Diseases of the Che«t, Coll. of Med.. 1898-1906; Instr., Med., do., 1906-19; Assoc, do., 1919-20; Phys., Old Peoples Home, Forest Park, 111., 1900-12. Address, 1027 Argyle St., Chicago.t ♦CORINNE BUFORD ECKLEY Demonstrator of .A.nat., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; Instr., do., 1900-00; Assoc Prof., Gen. and Regional Anat , Coll. of Dent., 1902-06. Married Dr. W. F. Eckley. Deceased. ♦WILLIAM THOMAS ECKLEY Profes.sor; M.D., Univ. of la., 1884; b. S 4, 18.55, Sigourney, la. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Teacher of Eng., Latin, and German about 1884; Gen. Med. practice, 1885; Prof , Anat., N. W. Univ., 1893; do.. Coll. of Med., 1898-1906. Awarded prize for extensive anatomical exhibit. La. Pur- cha.»e Exposition, 1904. Auth.: Many elaborate textbooks on practical and applied anatomy; lec- tures and demon.atrations recopmized by best authorities in .Am. and Europe. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Legal Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Soc. of Am. Anatomists. Deceased. IRVING HERBERT EDDY (See "03 Med.) GERALD O. EDMUNDS (See '92 Med.) FREDERICK JACOB ERHARDT EHRMANN (See '93 Med.) BEN LEE EICHER (See '11 Pharm.) DANIEL NATHAN EISENDRATH Surgeon; A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1889; M. D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1891; b. N 8, 1867, Chicago; s. Nathan and Helen (Felheimer) Eisen- drath. House Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, IM yrs.; Asst. Surg., Hamburg Gen. Hosp., 1 yr. Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910 — ; Attending Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; do., Michael Reese Hosp., do. Auth.: A Text Book of Clin. Anatomy, 1903; Text Book on Surg. Diagnosis; also numerous monographs on surg. subjects, especially upon surg. of the kidneys. Mem., Chicago Surg. Soc. (Fellow); A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Standard Club; 111. Athletic Club; Lake Shore Country Club. Married Maude Rosenbaum F 15, 1898. Child, Richard Rosenblaum. Address, 4840 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.t SOLOMON EISENSTAEDT Physician; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1890; B. S., Univ. of Mich.. 1888; b. Ja 17, 1867, Wat.seka, 111.; s. Isidore and Sarah (Salamon) Eisenstaedt. Post-Grad. work in Hosps. and Univ. of Berlin, 1890-91; Gen. Hosp. and Univ. of Vienna, 1891-92; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-12; later Adjunct Prof., Med., do. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Exa- miners Assn.; Jewish Church. Married Bertha Gatzert, D 21, 1893. Chicago. Child, Norman Horace. Address, 552 E. 51st St., Chicago.t •ARTHUR RICHARD ELLIOTT Assoc. Prof.; M.D., Queens Univ.. Can., 1889; C. M.. do.; L. C. P. S., Ont.. 1889; b. Je 2, 1869, Belleville, Ont., Can.; s. Robert and Meredith (Lazier) Elliott. Prepared in Belleville (Can.) H. S. Located in Chicago since 1891: Prof., Med., Post-Grad. Med. Sch.. Chicago., 1898—; Attend- ing Phys., St. Lukes Hosp.. do., 1910 — ; Asst. Prof.. Med.. Coll. of Med.. 1917-18; Assoc. Prof., do.. 1918 — . Mem., Draft Exemption Bd. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. State Med Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Institute of Med.; Chicago Soc. Internal Med.; Chicago Club; Univ. Club. Married Hannah S. McNeish. 1901. Address, 746 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.t CLIFFORD COWDELL ELLIS Managing Off.; M.D.; b. D 13, 1882, Nova Scotia, Can.; s. Charles C. and Caroline S. (Fraser) Ellis. Prepared in Berwick (Nova Scotia) H. S.; Special Work. Univ. of Chattanooga. Alpha Kap- pa Kappa. Clin. Asst.. Neurol.. Coll. of Med.. 1914-16; Asst. Managing Off., Watertown State Hosp.. E. Moline. 111. Auth.: Pre-institutional care of the Insane ;Parasitic Di.seases in State Hosps. Married Elizabeth Gordon Fowler. S 30, 1908. Chicago. Child. Audrey Fowler, b. F 27, 1912. Address, Watertown State Hosp.. E. Moline. 111. VICTOR EMANUEL EMMEL Professor; B.S.. Pacific Univ.. 1903; M.S.. do., 1904; Ph.D.. Brown Univ.. 1907; b. Je 17. 1878. Valley Falls. Kan.; s. Charles C. (b. 18.55. Pitts- burg, Pa.) and Margaret Ann (Meyer) Emmel (h. 1860. Sheboygan. Wis.). Prepared in Tualatin Acad.. Forest Grove. Ore. Phi Chi; Sigma Xi. Grad. work in Anat.. Inst, of Anat., Univ. of Strassburg (Ger.), 1911. Instr., Biology, Pacific Univ., 190.3-04; Asst., Embryol. and Neurol., Brown Univ.. 1904-07; Biologist, Exp. Sta.. Rhode Island Comm. of Inland Fisheries. 1904-07; Austin Teaching Fellow in Anat., Harvard Med. Sch., 1907-08; Assoc, Anat., Washington Univ. Med. 256 University op Illinois Sch., 1910-14; Assoc. Prof., do., 1914-16; Asst. Prof., do., Coll. of Med., 1916-18; Assoc. Prof., do., 1918-19; do., Coll. of Dent., 1917-18; do., Univ. of Cal., 1919 — . Collaborator, Manual of Surgical Anatomy for U. S. Army and Navy, 1918. Auth.: The B. N. A. Arranged as an Outline of Regional and Systematic Anatomy, Univ. of Cal. press, 1919; The Relation of the Chorda Tympani to the Visceral Arches in Microtus, Jour. Comp. Neurol., Vol. XIV, 1904; The Regeneration of Lost Parts in the Lobster, 35th Report of Inland Fish- eries of Rhode Island, 1905; The Relation of Re- generation to the Moulting Process of the Lobster, 36th do., 1906; Torsion and other Tran.sitional Phenomena in the Regeneration of the Cheliped of the Lobster, Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. Ill, do.; The Regeneration of Two Crusher Claws following the amputation of the Normal Asymmetrical Chelae of the Lobster, Archives f. Ent.-Mech. Bd. XXII, do.; Regeneration and the question of Sym- metry in the Big Claws of the Lobster, Science, Vol. XXVI, 1907; Regenerated and Abnormal Appendages in the lobster, 37th Report of Inland Fisheries of Rhode Island, 1907; Relation between Regeneration, the Degree of Injury, and Moulting of Young Lobsters, Science, Vol. XV, do.; The Problem of Feeding Methods in Lobster Culture, 38th do., 1908; The Experimental Control of Asym- metry at Different Stages in the Development of the Lobster, Jo-ur. Exp. Zool., Vol. V., do.; A study of the Differentiation of Tissues in the Regenerating Crustacean Limb, Avi. Jour, of Anat., 1910; A Dissecting Microscope, an Accessory of the Compound Microscope, Anat. Record, Vol. V., 1911; other articles in the foregoing publications and in Jour, of Sc, Jour, of Med. Research, Archives of Internal Med. and Jour, of Exp. Med. Mem., Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Anatomische Gesellschaft; St. Louis Biolog. Soc. (Pres., 1914-15); Med. Research Soc, Univ. of 111., 1918-19. Married Je 23, 1909, Oak Grove, Ore. Children: Charles Andrew, b. and died, Jl 27, 1910; Victor M., b. Mr 22, 1913; Martha Ann., b. D 14, 1915. Address, 2804 Cherry St., Berkeley, Calif. ROSA ENGELMANN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch., 1889; b. 1860. Clin. Instr., Childrens Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1896-1900. Address, 1235 San Pasqual St., Pasadena, Calif.; 6ms. add., Pasa- dena Dispensary, do.t ARTHUR BARNETT EUSTACE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1907. Instr., Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-14. G. EVANS Demonstrator of Pathol., 1891-92. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS EVANS (See '99 Med.) ALBERT CHAUNCEY EYCLESHYMER Prof, and Dean; B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1891; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1895; M.D., St. Louis Univ., 1910; b. Jc 16, 1867, Cambridge, N. Y.; s. David C. (b. N. Y.) and Anna M. (Perry) Eycle- shymer (b. do.). Prepared in Hastings (Mich.) H. S. Sigma Xi; Fellow, Princeton, 1891; do., Clark Univ., 1891-92; do., Univ. of Chicago, 1893; do.. Harvard Univ., 1909. Attended Univ. of Cambridge, Eng., 1895-96; Ger. and France, 1896- 97; Farmer and teacher in country schs., Hastings, Mich.; Asst. in Botany and Zool., Univ. of Mich., 1889-90; Asst. on Jour, of Morphology Allis Lake Laboratory, Milwaukee; Asst, Instr., Assoc, and Asst. Prof., Univ. of Chicago, 1894-1903; Asst. Prof., Embryol., Rush Med. Coll., 1898-99; Prof., Anat., Coll. of Dent., 1912-18; do., and head of the Dept., Embryol., Histol., and Anat., do., 1918—; Dir., Dopt. of Anat., St. Louis Univ., 1903-13; Acting Dean, do.. Coll. of Med., 1913; Prof, of Anat. and head of dept.. Coll. of Med., 1913; Junior Dean, do., 191.5-16; Dean, do., 1917 — . Awarded Grand Prize for Embryological investiga- tions by International Committee, Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, 1904. Prepared Manual of Surgical Anatomy for Army and Navy at request of Surg. Gen. Gorgas. Auth.: Chapter on Genito- urinary System in Morris Anatomy; Cross Section Anatomy; Anatomical Names; Notes on Celloidin Technique, Am. Naturalist, Vol. XXVI, 1892; Club-root (Plasmodiophora brassicae, Wor.) in the U. S., Jour, of Mycology, Vol. VII, do.; Paraphysis and Epiphysis in Amblystoma, Anatomischer An- zeiger. Vol. VII, do.; The Cleavage of the Amphi- bian Ovum (with E. O. Jordan), do.; The Develop- ment of the Optic Vesicles in Amphibia, Jour, of Morphology, Vol. VIII, 1893; The Egg of Amia and its Cleavage (with C. O. Whitman), do., Vol. XII, 1896; The Early Development of the Amblystoma, with observations on some other Vertebrates, do., 1894; The Early Development of the Epiphysis and Paraphysis in Amia (with Benjamin Marshall Davis), Jour, of Comparative Neurology, Vol. VII, 1897; The Location of the Basis of the Amphibian Embryo, Jour, of Morphology, Vol. XIV, 1898; other articles in the foregoing publications and in Proceedings Assn. Am. Anat.; Assn. Am. Med. Colls.; Am. Jour, of Anat., Jour. A. M. A.; Co- Editor of Normal Tables of Vertebrate Develop- ment. Mem., Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Am. Soc. of Naturalists; Am. Soc. of Zoologists; Fellow A. A. A. S.; do.. Am. Acad, of Med.; V. P., Assn., Am. Med. Colls., 1919 (Chm., Corns, of Graduate . Work in Council on Med. Educ, do.); Nat. Bd. of Med. Examiners. Married Mary Elizabeth Donovan, S 3, 1895, Chicago. .Children: Ethel M., b. Je 30, 1899; Albert D., b. Ja 20, 1902; Lois M., b. Ag 23, 1908. Address, 201 S. Ridge- land Ave., Chicago. FREDERICK HOWARD FALLS Obstetrician; A. A., Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1906; S.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1908; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910; b. D 14, 1886, Chicago; s. S. K. and F. M. (Church) Falls. Phi Rho Sigma; Bas- ketball and Baseball, Univ. of Chicago. Special- ist, Obstetrics and Gynecol., Chicago Lying-in Hosp., Chicago; Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., do.; Teach- er, Dept. of Obstetrics, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; Instr., Obstetrics and Pathol., Coll. of Med. r 1914- 19; do., Pathol., Coll. of Dent., 1917-18. 1st Lt., M. C, Base Hosp., Camp Grant. Auth.: Numer- ous articles in various Med. and Scientific Jours. Married 1920, Chicago. Address, 5053 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. BERNARD FANTUS (See '99 Med.) FRANK JOHN FARA (See '05 Med.) BENJAMIN FELTENSTEIN (See '95 Med.) ♦CHRISTIAN FENGER Surgeon; M.D., Univ. of Copenhagen, 1867; b. N 3, 1840, Copenhagen, Denmark. Intern, FViedrichs Hosp., Copenhagen, 1868-69; studied under Prof. BiHroth, Vienna, 1869-71; Prosector at the Copenhagen City Hosp., 1871-74; Prof., Pathol. Anat., Univ. of Copenhagen, 1874; Surg, in charge and mem. of the Conseil Militaire, Kha- lifa quarter of Cairo, 1875; located in Chicago, 1875; Mem., attending Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., do., 1878; Curator, Rush Med. Coll. Museum, 1880; Prof., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1887-91; do., Chicago Med. Coll., 1896; do., Rush Med. Coll., 1899; Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., Presby. Hosp., Mercy Hosp., Tabitha Norwegian Hosp., Passavant Mem- orial Hosp., Lutheran Hosp., German Ho.sp., and Ger.-Am. Hosp. Recognized as one of the great- est Am. Surgs. and Microscopists. Auth.: Total Extirpation of the Uterus Through the Vagina; Hyperplastic Salpingitis; Operation for the Relief "of Valve Formation and Stricture of Ureter in Hydro or Pyo-Nephrosis; Basis Hernia of the Brain; Diseases of the Ureter; Conservative Treatment of Sacculated Kidneys; Cystonephrosis Stones in the Common Duct and their Surg. Treafr Faculty, College of Medicine 267 ment, with remarks on the Ball- Valve Action of Floating Choledochus Stones. Mem., New Eng- land Congr. Church; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Surg. Soc. Died Mr 7, 1902, at his home in Chi- cago. ALEXANDER DONALD FERGUSON (See '1-' Med.) ♦ALEXANDER HUGH FERGUSON ^Father of Alexander Donald, '12) Professor; CM. and ^LD., Trinity Med. Seh., ISSl; b. F 27, 1853, Ontario, Can.; s. Alexander (b. .Ajgyleshire, Scotland) and Ann (McFadyen) Ferguson (b. do.). Prepared in pub. schs., Rock- wowi Acad,, Manitoba Coll. and Toronto Univ. Fellow, Trinity Med. Sch.; Honor Grad., do., ISSl. Grad. work. New York, Glasgow, London and BerUn. Physician, Bufialo, N. Y., ISSl; Located in Winneiieg, 1SS2; Registrar, Coll. of Phys. and Surg., do., 1SS3; one of founders of Manitoba Med. Coll., 1S83; Treas., Registrar and Prof., Physiol, and Histol., do., 1S83-86; Prof., Surg., Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp., Chicago, 1S94; Prof., Clin. Surg.. Coll. of Med.. 1900-11. Mem.. Staff, Win- nepeg Gen. Hosp.; Surg.-in-Chief, St. Boniface Hosp.; do., Chicago Hosp.; Surg., Post-Grad. Hosp.; Surg.. Cook Co. Hosp. for the Insane; Consultant, Provident Hosp.; Mem.,Bd. of Health, Manitoba. Gained internat. reputation for ex- tensive work on hyatids of the Hver; invented many surg. instruments and surg. procedures; received the decoration of Commander of the Order of Christ of Portugal, 1906. Mem., British Med. Assn. (1st Pres., Manitoba Branch); A. M. A.; Am. Assn. of Obst. and Gynecol.; West. Surg, and Gynecol. Soc; Chicago Gynecol. Soc; Chi- cago yied. Soc; Chicago Surg. Soc; Chicago Acad, of Med.; Physicians' Club of Chicago; Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, 32°. Married Miss Thomas. 1S82. Guelph, Ontario. Children: Ivan Havelock; Alexander Donald. Died O 20, 1911. Chicago. EPHR.\IM KIRKPATRICK FINDLAY Oculist: M.D., Univ. of Manitoba, Med. Dept., 1S90; b. Mr 6, 1S70, Carleton Place, Ont.; s. David and Margaret (Kirkpatrick) Findlay. Prepared in Pub. Schs. of Ontario; Med. Dept., Univ. of Manitoba, 1890. Gen. Med. practice, Manitoba, 3 >TS.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat practice, Chi- cago, 1896 — ; Asst. Oculist, Univ. Hosp,. do.; Surg., Eye Dept., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Asst. Prof., CHn. Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1912—. Elected Pres., Chicago Ophthal- mol. Soc, Ja 24. 1921. Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 111. Athletic Club; Flossmoor Country Club. Married Irene Nelson, O 22, 1913, Chicago. Address, 7224 Coles Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., rfo.f HARRY WILLIAM FINK Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1918; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; b. Chicago. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago, 1910-14. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Research work in Immunitv, Dept. of "Anat., Univ. of Chicago. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Jl 1, 1920-21; Instr.. Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1920 — . Address, 5535 Maryland Ave., Chicago.f CHARLES EDUARD MAX FISCHER (See '07 Med.) CLEMENT FISCHER (See '12 Med.) OSCAR GUSTAVE FISCHER (See '03 Med.) WALTER RATHFON FISCHER (See '20 Med.) EDWARD A. FISCHKIN Dermatologist; M.D., Univ. of Berlin, Ger., 1893; b. O 6, 1862, Krementshug, Rub. Prepared in H. 8. and Coll. in Riga, Rus. and Dresden, Saxony. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1894 — ; Clin. Instr.. Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; Adjunct Prof., CHn. Dermatol., do., 1900-06; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Dermatol., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.; Attending Dermatol., Michael Reese Hosp., do.; do., Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Hosp., do.; do., St. Elizabeth Hosp., do. Mem.. A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Dermatol. Soc; Physicians Club; City Club. Married Bertha Fclscnthal. 1899. Chicago. Chil- dren: Rose. Henrietta. Address, 542 Roscoe St., Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St., do., and 1225 N. Ashland Ave., rfo.f EGAN WALTER FISCHMAN Asst. Prof.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll.. 1906; b. Mr 21, 1884; s. Adolph (b. D 31, 1849, Bohemia) and Anna (Weisskopf) Fischman (b. Ja 5, 1855, do.). Prepared in Robert A. Waller H. S., Chicago. Instr. in Gynecol., Chicago Policlinic, 1908; Instr., in Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1906-10; do., in Gyne- col., do., 1911-18; Assoc, do., 1918-19; Asst. Prof., do., 1919—. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc, 1907—; 111. State Med. Soc, 1908—; A. M. A., 1908—. Address, 602 W. North Ave., Chicago. JOHN FISHER (See '87 Med.) WILLIAM ALBERT FISHER Professor; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1885; b. Ag 1, 1859, Connersville,. Ind.; s. John and Elizabeth (Neilson) Fisher. Prepared in Spencer (Ind.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1892—; Pres. and Prof., Ophthalmol., Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll., 1898—; Prof., Clin. Oph- thalmol., Coll. of Med., 1906—. Mem., Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Oto-LaryngoL; Chicago Ophthal. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Athletic Club. Mar- ried Marie Faith, O 1, 1892. Address, 5630 Ken- more Ave., Chicago; 6us. add., 31 N. State St.. do.t ROBERT EMMETT FLANNERY (See '06 Med.) GEOFFREY JOSEPH FLEMING (See '98 Med.) ERNEST JASON FORD (See '06 Med.) HANBY LEWIS FORD (See '20 Med.) EDWARD FRANCIS FOX (See '11 Med.) NELLIE MORGAN FRAIN Artist; b. Je 25, 1888, ^u^ness^^lle. Ind. Pre- pared in Robert Waller H. S., Ctiicago; Art Insti- tute, do., 1907-10. In charge of Winnetka branch of Art Institute. 1909-10: Illu.strator, 1913-19; Teacher. Winawoc, Ind. and T ake View Institute. 1910-17; Artist, Coll. of Med., 1917-18. Illus- trated Book on Bone Surg, for Carl B. Davis; do.. Tuberculosis for Dr. Metcalf; one of Artists on War Atlas; Illustrator for various Mrd. Jours. Address, 164 Forest Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t NORA ELLEN FREDERICK Instructor; A.B., Univ. of Kan., 1912; b. My 23, 1888, Arcadia, Kan.; d. WiUiam Cowan (b. My 26, 18.58, Harrisburg, Pa.) and Lynette (Tut- hill) Frederick (b. N 16, 1868, Ohio). Prepared in Galena and Topeka (Kan.) H. Schs.; Kan. State Man. Tr. Sch.; N. W. Acad., 191.3-14; lewis Inst.. 1914-20. Instr. in Anat., Coll. of Med., O 1919—; do., Coll. of Dent.. 1919-20. Address, 210 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago; biis. add., Lewis Inst., do. PICKNEY FRENCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Miami Med. Coll., Cin- cinnati, 1873; b. 18.52. Prof., Surg. Anat., Coll. of Med., 1882-83. Address. 2308 W. 20th St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 766 S. Broadway, rfo.t 258 University of Illinois WILBUR MAYNARD FRENCH (See '02 Med.) SAMUEL LEO FRIDUS (See '97 Med.) SPENCER SAMUEL FULLER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1902; b. D 5, 1873, Fairmount, 111.; s. T. C. and Adeline H. (Reedl Fuller. Prepared in Hoopeston and Rossville H. Schs.; Greer Coll.; Univ. of Vienna. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice. Riverside, 111. Instr., Nervous Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1902-03. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Commandery. Married Marguerite Smith, Je 29, 1904, River- side. 111. Children; Ruth May, b. Ap 12, 1908; Dorothy Adeline, b. Ag 28, 1911. Address, River- side, 111. WILLIAM FULLER Surgeon; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1887; b. F 19, 1864, Clay Co., Mo.; s. Alfred (b. Clay Co., Mo.") and Elizabeth (Turner) Fuller (b. do.). Prepared by private tutor and in Central Coll., Fayette, Mo. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Phys., 1887-97; Asst. Instr., Adjunct Prof, and Prof, of Operative Surg., Coll. of Med.; Assoc. Prof, and later Prof., CHn. Surg., 1901-17; Surg., 1917—. Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A., O 1917-D 1918. Auth.: The Treatment of Fractures at the Angle of the Lower Jaw, Am. Jour, of Surg, and Gynecology, 1904; Polymazia, Report of a Case, Chicago Med. Recor- der, 1905; Median Nerve Suturing, III. Med. Jour., 1906; Subparietal Injuries of the Kidney, Inter- nal. Jour, of Surg., 1905; Surg. Treatment of Traumatic Ruptures of the Kidney, Ureter and Bladder, III. Med. Jour., 1906; The Operative Treatment of Fractures Presenting Obstacles to Reduction, do., 1907; Non-Surgical Treatment of Prostatic Enlargement, Am. Jour, of Dermatology and Genito- Urinary Diseases, 1910; Rupture of the Tendo Achilles, III. Med. Jour., 1906; Tuberculosis of the Renal Organs, Am. Jour, of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases, 1917; Intra-ab- dominal Torsion of the Great Omentum Without the Presence of a Hernia, Surg., Gynecology and Obstetrics, 1910; Acetabulat Fracture -n-ith Intra- pelvic Dislocation of the Femoral Head, Am. Jour. Med. iSc, 1911; Primary Tuberculosis of the Mam- mary Gland, N. Y. Med. Jour., 1909; other articles in the foregoing publications and in the Lancet- Clinic and Jour, of the Mich. State Med. Soc. Mem., Western Surg. Assn.; A. M. A.; Chicago Surg. Soc; Coll. of Surgs.; Chicago Orthopedic Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Jaell Gentry Fuller, Je 5, 1901, Sedalia, Mo. Address, 5420 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. ROBERT LUDWICK FURBY (See '13 Med.) RICHARD FYFE (See '93 Med.) DAVID HENRY GALLOWAY (See '93 Med.) WILLIAM ELLIOTT GAMBLE Phys. and Surg.; B.S., la. State Coil.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1886; b. Ap 9, 1860, Ohio; s. G. W. and Margaret (Cotter) Gamble. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Ed. -in-Chief, The Aurora, Coll. Paper; Pres., Lit. Soc. Prof., Clin. Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1917. Auth.: Articles appear- ing in leading Med. Jours. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Coll. Surg. (Fellow); Chicago Institute of Med. (Fellow); A. M. A. (Fellow); Ex-Pres., Chi- cago Ophthalmol. Soc. Married Daisy Clara Bixby, 1889, What Cheer, la. Children: Ceha M., b. 1890; Raleigh W., b. 1892; .Tosephine, b. 1893; Richard, b. 1895; Elizabeth, b. 1904. Address, 5535 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. ♦CLARKE GAPEN Professor; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1875. Lecturer, Med. Juri.sprudence, Coll. of Med., 1893-94; Prof., do.. Wis. State Univ.; Supt., Kan- kakee State Hosp., 3 yrs.; formerly Health Com- missioner, Omaha, Neb. Mem., A. M. A. Died D 17, 1910, at his home in Madison, Wis. GEORGE ALBERT GARDNER (See '03 Med.) STELLA MAY GARDNER Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch., 1899; b. Jl 18, 1867, CenterviUe, la.; d. David and Susan (Kuhn) Gardner. Prepared in Marengo (la.) H. S. and Mt. Holyoke Coll. Asst. Prof.. Micros, and Chem. Diag., Coll. of Med., 1906-14; now Gen. Med. practice and Lab. Diagnosis. Mem., Chicago Path. Soc. Address, 5652 Race Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., EDWARD FRANCIS GARRAGHAN (See '01 Med.) G. H. GARRETY Instr., Diseases of the Chest, 1906-08. JAMES GARRETY Instr., Diseases of the Chest, 1908-10; formerly at 3959 W. Madison St., Chicago. *ADOLPH GEHRMANN Food Expert and Prof, of Bacteriol.; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1890; b. Jl 19, 1868, Decatur, 111.; s. Theodore (b. Ger.) and EmeUe Gehrmann (b. do.). Prepared in South Division H. S., Chi- cago. Phi Rho Sigma; Prize grad. essay. Foun- der of Chicago Bureau of Food Inspection; Supt., do., until 1903. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1890-92; Dir., Lab., and Bacteriologist, Chicago Health Dept., 1892-1904; Prof., Bacteriol. and Hygiene, Coll. of Med., 1894-1918; Bacteriologist and Pathologist, Columbus Labs., Chicago; Prof. (Emeritus) of Hygiene, Coll. of Med. Auth.: Med. and Hvgiene Papers presented to Socieites. Mem., Chicago Acad, of Med. ; 111. State Med. Soc. ; A. M. A. Married Albertina Weinstein, Milwau- kee, 1910. Died O 2, 1920, Chicago. HENRY WERNICKE GENTLES Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Glasgow, 1889; b. 1866. Instr., Phys. Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1892-93. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 5131 Ken- wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 24 N. Wabash Ave., rfo.t GERALD DELAND GERNON (See '20 Med.) CHARLES BROCKWAY GIBSON Chemist; B.S. in Sc, 1877; b. Ag 6, 1854, Mas- sena, N. Y.; s. Otis (b. My 1, 1794, Chester, Vt.) and Chloe (Brockway) Gibson (b. Ag 20, 1816). Prepared in Springfield (Vt.) H. S.; Univ. of Ber- lin, 1887. Phi I ambda Upsilon; Philomathean (Pres.). Asst., Cbem. Lab., 1876-77; Marshall Coll. Govt., 1875; Mem., Senate, 1876; Capt. and Adjt., Univ. of 111. Prof., Chem. Coll. of Med., 1882-90; do., Chicago Coll., Dent. Surg., 1888-96; do., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1889. Served with 2nd Regt., Vt. Militia, 3 yrs.; 6th Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 4 yrs.; Capt. and Adjt., 1 st Regt., Inf.. 111. Nat. Guard, 1898-190r; 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., 1916-18; San. Dept., I'.' S. A., 1918. Inven- ted improvement in refining lead bullion and desil- verization of do., 1878, and in gold extraction from ores. Auth.: Chem. and Microscopial Deter- minations of Poisons, 1882; Translator of Rudroffs. Analytical Cbem. for Beginners, Chicago Med. Book Co., 1894-1902; Reports on Spontaneous Combustion and Non-Conductors, 1884; articles on hygiene, air, water, etc., for Healthy Homes, 1890,91,94; Metallurgy and Assaying, New York and Chicago Min. Jours.; Articles on Universal Mil. Training, Army and Navy Jour., 1914; ad- dresses on same subject for the Navy I eague and the Nat. Security League; Oriental Travel lec- tures. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Geoe. Soc; Zuchert Verein Gesellschaft, Berhn. A. F. A. M., K. T., S. P. R. S., S2°, Scottish Rite, A. A. O. N. Married Eva Katherine Clapp, Al- thos, Mass. (Deceased); Susie Gibson. 1917. Child Jessie Mary, b. S 5. 1881. Address, 1505 Morse Ave., Chicago.t Faculty, College of Medicine 259 BENJAMIN GOLDBERG (See '16 Med.) SAMUEL MAXWELL GOLDBERGER (See 'OS Med.) MARK TWAIN GOLDSTINE Surgeou; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1900; b. S 2S. 1877, Chicago; s. I.^aac and Dora Uoldstine. Pre- p&Tcd in TcMuisfcldt Coll., St. Louis; Post-Grad. studies, Rotuuda Hosp., Dublin, Ireland. Surg. practice. Chicago. 1900—; Instr.. Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1906-10; Cliu. Asst. in Gynecol.. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1912 — ; Attending Gynecol., Wesley Memorial Hosp. and Halsted St. Institu- tional Church Dispensary. Mem., Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow); A. M. .\.: Chicago Gynecol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Press Club (life mem.). Mar- ried My 5. 1914. AddreKS. 4942 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. lio.t MAURICE LOUIS GOODKIND Phys. and Prof.; M.D.. Columbia Univ.. 1889; b. N 14, 1867, Chicago; s. Louis (b. 1840) and Mina Goodkind (b. IS4o). Prepared in St. Paul H. S. and Williams Coll. Phi Rho Sigma; Omega, Columbia Univ. Instr., Med. and Neurol., \'an- derbilt Clinic, Columbia Univ.. 1889-91; Prof., Diagnosis and Med., Coll. of Med., 1S98 — ; Gen. Kled. practice, Chicago. Maj., Lt. Col., U. S. A., Ag I9I7-Mr 1919; Dir., Sch. of Med.. Camp Greenleaf, Oglethorpe, Ga.; Chief of Med. Serv., Base Hosp. 53, France. Married 1896, Chicago. Children: Godfrev, 23; Ruth, 19; M. Lewis, Jr.. 15. Address, 5329 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., do. WILLIAM P. GOODSMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll.. 1883; b. 1858. Demonstrator, Anat.. Coll. of Med., 1884-89. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 4526 Beacon St., Chicago.t CL.UIA GRACE GOTTSCHALK (See '15 Med.) HENRIETTA GOULD (See '01 Med.) ARCHIE JAMES GRAHAM (See '02 Med.) JAMES GRAYBEAL (See '07 Med.) CHARLES E. GREENFIELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. CoU., 1886; b. 18.59. Lecturer, Materia Med., Coll. of Med., 1891-93; Specialist in Surg., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 523 Independence Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 600 Blue Island Ave., do.t JAMES TOBIAS GROOT B.S., CoU. of Med. 1921. Instr., Physiol., Coll. of Med.. 1917—; Asst., do., Coll. of Dent., 1917 — ; Lecturer, do., Sch. of Pharm., 1918 — . Address, 508 S. Honore St., Chicago.t GEORGE WILLIAM HAAN (See '01 Med.) DANIEL SIMPSON HAGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Bennett Med. Coll, 1898 and Rush Med. Coll., 1900; b. N 13, 1863; s. Samuel (b. Somerset Co., Pa.) and Amelia C. (Meyers) Hager (b. do.). Prepared in Country Sch. of Pa. Clin. Asst., Central Free Dispensary Eye Dept.. Rush Med. Coll.. Chicago, 1909; do., Clin. Dept. of Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med.. 1910-12; do.. West Side Free Dispensary Eye Dept., 1911- 13; Acting A.sst. Surg., U. S. Health Service. 1918; Alternate Asst. Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. 1907-17; Special Examining Surg, on sight, color sense and hearing, Sante Fe Ry., 1910—; Ed. of Health SoUs (Sante Fe Employees Mag.). Auth.: Many articles in magazines. Mem., A. A. A. S. Married Mary N. Nicholas, My 1910, Dow-ners Grove, 111. Children: Eliza- beth Esther; Alice. Address, 3653 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago. ALBERT BARLOW HALE Surgeon; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1886; b. Je 5, 1800. Jonesville. Mich.; s. Edvvin M. and Abba George Hale. Univ. of Mich., 1882; Univ. of Strassburg. Ger.. 1886-87. Assoc. Clin. Prof., Ophthalmol., Rush Med. CoU.; Instr., Ophthalmol., CoU. of Med., 1898-1900. Auth.: Picks Diseases of the Eye (translation) ; many articles on Med. subjects. Assoc. Ed., Ophthalmologist; Anales de Oftalmologia, Mex.; Archivos de Oftalmologia, Spain. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Ger. Med. Soc; Ophthalmol. Soc; Neurol. Soc; Heidelberg Ophthalmol. Soc; Univ. Club; Wood- lawn Tennis Club. Married Ida Viller, Ag 16, 1889, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Address, 103 State St., Chicago.1 RANDOLPH N. HALL Demonstrator, Anat., 1884-88. ALBERT EDWARD HALSTEAD Surgeon; M.D., N. W. Univ., Med. Sch., 1890; b. Ap 21, 1S6S, Ottawa, Ont. ; s. William S. and Sara (Gibbons) Halstead. Consulting Surg., lU. Chari- table Eye and Ear Infirmary; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1890-91; (jen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1891 — ; Attending Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., 20 yrs.; formerly Prof., Anat., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; Sr. Surg., St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago;. Attend- ing Surg., do.; Prof., Principles and Practice of Surg, and Clin. Surg., CoU. of Med.. 1912—. Mem., Am. Surg. Assn. (Fellow); Chicago Surg. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. (Life Mem.). Married Mary S. Cochems, F 1. 1893. Address, 5528 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. WALTER CHARLES HAMMOND (See '11 Med.) WILLIAM BENJAMIN HANELIN (See '06 Med.) G. W. HANN A.B.; M.D. Asst., Obstetrics, 1919— .J THOMAS MELVILLE HARDIE Phys. and Surg.; B.A.. Univ. of Toronto, Can., 1884; M.D., do., 1888; b. Ap 14. 1862. New Castle, Md.; s. John and Mary (Mitchell) Hardie. Post- Grad. work in Berlin, Vienna, and London. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1888 — ; Specialist in diseases of Ear. Nose and Throat; Prof., Laryngol., Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; Prof., Histol.. Coll. of Med., 1890-94; Prof., Otol., do., 1894-1904; Attending Laryngol., St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago; Laryngol. and Aurist. St. Elizabeths Hosp., do. As- soc. Ed., and formerly Ed.-in-Cbief, Annals of Otol. and Laryngol. Auth.: Articles appearing in various med. jours. Mem., Am. Laryngol. Assn. (Fellow); Am. Coll. Surgs., (do.); Am. Acad. Med. (do.); A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Laryn- gol. Soc; Univ. Club; Homewood Club. Married EmeUne Garnett, D 17. 1895. Chicago. Children: Philip; Mary Gwynn; Ruth (deceased). Address, 4947 Lake Park Ave,, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.\ JOHN ROSS HARGER Physician; S.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1904; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1906; b. D 22. 1876; s. Mary (Strauss) Harger. Prepared in Edwards (Neb.) H. S. .\lpha Kaopa Kappa. Asst., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1908-10; Asst. Prof., Jr. Surg., Minor Surg., and Surg., 1910 — . Advisory Bd., World War. Auth.: Local Anesthesia, Internal. Jour, of Surg., F 1920; Article in Am. Jour, of Obstetrics, 1908; Sarcoma of Testicle and Liver. Surg. Clinics, F 1918; Adolescent Goitre, do., D 1918; Fracture, I ower End of Radius. Svrg. Gyn. and Obstetrics, D 1918: Some practical pha.'^cs of local anesthesia. ///. Med. Jour. Mem., A. M. A.; lU. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chi- cago Phys. Club; Chicago Surg. Soc. Married Blanche C. Clapp, S 2, 1903, Neb. Children: University of Illinois James H., b. O 24, 1912; Marian G.. b. Je 10. 1910. Address, 544 N. Kenilnorth Ave., Oak Park, 111.; btis. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. ALISON W. HARLAN (See '84 Med.) A. G. HARP Clin. Instr., Med., 1892-93. *JOHN ERASMUS HARPER Prof. Emeritus; Eye, Ear, and Throat Specialist; A.M.; M.D., N. Y. Med. Coll., 1878; b. Ja 21, 1851, Trigg Co., Ky.; s. Robert W., and Harriet A. Harper. Prepared in Evansville (Ind.) Schs. and Med. Coll. Demonstrator, Anat. and Lec- turer, Med. Jurisprudence Med. Coll. of Evans- ville, Ind., 1875; Prof., Eye, Ear, and Throat, do., 1876-82; Grad. work. Eye, Ear and Throat diseases in the schs. and hosps. of London, Paris, and Vienna, 1878-80; Prof., Eye and Ear diseases. Coll. of Med., 1882-1913; Prof. Emeritus, Ophthalmol., do.; Surg, in chief. Eye and Ear Dept., West Side Free Dispensary, Chicago; Attending Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, do. Publisher and Ed. of the West. Med. Reporter, 1880. Mem., A. M. A. ; Miss. Valley Med. Assn. ; Chicago Pathol. See; Chicago Ophthalmol, and Otol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. ; K. T. ; K. P. Married Mary E. Walker, My 28, 1878, Evansville, Ind. Children: John Albert (died 1881); Robert Brinton. Died Ja 10, 1921, Chicago. FRANCIS MARION HARRELL Asst. Prof.; M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Keokuk, la., 1881; b. My 26, 1855, Norfolk, Mo.; s. William and Ann E. (Arter) Harrell. Prepared in Ophthalmic Coll., Chicago. Asst. Prof., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1905-09. Mem., Baptist Church; M. W. A.; R. N. A.; K. & L. of S.; T. B. H. Mar- ried Maude E. Cantwell, S 19, 1899, Cairo, 111. Address, 805 Com Ave., Cairo, 111. ♦FREDERICK GILLETTE HARRIS (See '99 Med.) HERBERT GILLETTE HARRIS Adjunct Prof., Clin. Med., 1906-10. LYNDON DENNY HARRIS (See '12 Med.) WALLACE KASSON HARRISON (See '84 Med.) WILLIAM McINTYRE HARSHA Phys. and Surg.; B.A., Nat. Norm. Univ., Lebanon, O., 1877; B.S., do., 1878; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1883; b. Je 15, 1855, Harshaville, O.; s. William B. (b. Wasn., Pa.) and Rachel (Mcln- tyre Harsha (b. Cherry Fork, O.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Liberty Coll., Liberty, Miss, and Univ. of Mich. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Cerro Gordo, 111.; Decatur, do.; Prof. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1891; Appointed to Chair of Operative and Clin. Surg., do., 1896; Prof., do., 1896—; Prof., Oral Surg, and Gen. Anesthetics, Coll. of Dent., 1902-06; Lecturer, do., 1904-06; Attending Surg., St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago; was instrumental in starting the Colum- bus Med. Lab., a pioneer Movement in aid of Lab. Diagnosis. Med. Advisory Bd., World War. Auth.: Contributions to various Med. Jours, and Surg. Societies. Mem., Presby. Church; Univ. Club; Hamilton Club; Press Club; Physicians Club; Chicago Assn. of Commerce; A. M. A.; Chicago Surg. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg.; Am. Acad, of Med.; 111. State, Mississippi Valley, Tri-State and Chicago Med. Societies. Married Adelia S. Hutchison, Je 1880. Children: William Thomas, b. 1884; Edward H., 1886. Address, 4458 Drexel Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. ADOLPH HARTUNG (See '08 Med.) HENRY HARTUNG (See '94 Med.) ANDREW McGEE HARVEY (See '93 Med.) JOHN EDDY HASKELL (See '03 Med.), GEORGE BORIS HASSIN Physician; M.D., Univ. of Kazan, Rus., 1897; b. Ag 19, 1873, Rus.; s. Bella Hassin. Prepared in Classical Acad., Kherson, Rus. Instr., Jr. Neurol, and Clin. Neurol., 1910-12; Assoc. Prof., Neurol., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Neurol. Soc. Auth.: Articles on Clin. Neurol, and Neuro- Histopathol. Address, 3155 Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. *MARCUS PATTEN HATFIELD M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 187 2; b. 1849. Prof., Diseases of Children, Chicago Med. Coll., 1875-96; do.. Pediatrics, Chicago Clin. Sch., 1898-1909; Clin. Prof., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1904-10; Attending Phys., childrens dept., Wesley Hosp.; do., Chicago Protestant Orphan Asylum; Pres., Med. Bd. of La Rabida, the Jackson Park Fresh Air Sanitarium. Mem., A. M. A. Auth.: Several articles on diseases of children, and on hygiene; Ed. of the Chicago Clinic. Died N 11, 1909, Chi- cago. E. H. HAWLEY Clin. Instr., Gynecol., 1893-94. WARREN COLEMAN HAWTHORNE Professor; B.A., Univ. of N. Dak., 1895; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1899; b. Mr 26, 1868, Maple Park,Ill.;s. Joseph Jackson (b. Je 1, 1837, Dresden, Me.) and Cornelia Jane (Smith) Hawthorne (b. Jl 1, 1839, Italy Hills, N. Y.). Prepared in Ore- gon H. S. and Valparaiso (Ind.) Norm. Sch. Sig- ma Phi Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Har- vard Prep. Sch., Chicago, 1898-1903; Assn. Inst., do., 1903; Prof., Chem., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; do., Chem. and Metallurgy, Coll. of Dent., 1908-14; do.. Physics, Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago, to present time. Married Jessie Swartwood, O 2, 1893, Grandin, N. Dak. Children: Joseph Wyman, b. D 25, 1898; Robert Leroy, b. My 9, 1900; Cornelia Elizabeth, b. O 2, 1903. Address, 143 16th Ave., Maywood, 111. HALBERT ANDREW HAYNES Instructor; B.S., No. Ind. Norm. Sch., 1896; M.D., Univ. of Louisville, 1898; b. Ja 6, 1871, Grundy Co. 111.; s. Charles I. (b. N 30, 1843, Ohio) and Louise (Crisler) Haynes (b. Mr 26, 1844, Ky.). Prepared in Morris Norm. Sch. Phys., 1898-1918; Asst., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., N 15, 1919—; Post-Grad. work. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1919. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., S 10, 1918-r 5, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Bernice V. Haynes, S 12, 1917, Chicago. Address, 448 S. Irving Ave., Chicago. EDWARD MORTON HEACOCK (See '09 Med.) MARGARET AMERTON HEATH Instructor; B.A., Wellesley Coll., 1907; b. N 28,. 1886, Chicago; d. William Stow (b. S 30, 1836, North Reading, Mass.) and Sara Elizabeth Heath (b. Ap 7, 1855, New York City, N. Y.). Prepared in Miss Brooks Sch. for Girls. Refractionist, Coll. of Med., O 1, 1917—; Instr., Ophthalmol., do., 1921. Mem., Chicago Wellesley Club, 1907—; Chicago Coll. Club, 1907—; Musicians Club of Chicago, 1915-18. Address, 5042 Park Ave., Chi- cago; 6ms. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., do. AIMfi PAUL HEINECK Surgeon; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1896; b. Mr 10, 1870, Bordeaux, France; s. Auguste and Anne (Cazalbou) Heineck. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1896 — ; Prof., Surg., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.; Surg., Cook Co., Frances Willard, Jefferson Park, and Rhodes Ave. Hosps. Clin. Instr., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1898- 1900; Adjunct Prof., Surg., do., 1900-10. Ed. Staff, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, Chicago; do.. Faculty, College of Medicine 261 La Clinique, Montreal, Can. Auth.: Appendititis and Pregnancy; Fracturea of the Patella; Hernias of the Urinary Bladder; Hernias of the Ovary, of the Fallopian Tube, and of the Fallopian Tube and Ovary; The Modern Treatment of Exophthalmic Goitre; The Terminations and Treatment of Extra- Uterine Pregnancy; The Modern Treatment of Intra-articular Bodies Originating Within the Organism; Local and General Surg. Anesthesia. Mem., A. M. A.; III. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Alliance Francais Comite Patriotique and Societe Francais de Bien- faisance. Independent Religious Soc; A. F. A. M., Ashlar lodge, 30S, Aryan Grotto, 18, M. O. V. P. E. R.. Washington Chap., 43. R. A. M., Chicago Council 4, R. & S. M., Chicago Commandery, 19, K. T., Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; K. P. Club; Chicago Motor Club. Married Leonie Pallissard, 1907, St. Anne, III. Children: Pauline, Irene, Camille, Aime Paul, Joflre. Address, 1S09 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., do. WALTER J. R. HEINEKAMP (See '19 B.S.) EDWARD LOUIS HEINTZ (See "01 Med.) LUDWIG HEKTOEN (See '87 Med.) *JOHN BULL HENCH Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1883; b. 1S.>5. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1900-02; Adjunct Prof., do., 1902-04. Practiced in Hinsdale, 111., 40 yrs. Served on Ex. Bd., World War. Mem., A. M. A. Died S 17, 1921, Hinsdale, 111. FREDERICK WILLIAM EMIL HENKEL (See '90 Med.) RUSSELL DORR HERROLD Instructor; B.S., Drake Univ., 1911; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; b. N 4, 1888, Des Moines, la. Prepared in Drake Acad., 1904-07. Gen. Med. practice; Instr., Bacteriol. Loyola Med. Coll., 1917-18; do., Urol., do., 1919-20; Instr., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1921—. Auth.: (with George Mathers) Observations on Meningococcus Carriers and On the Bacteriology of Epidemic Meningitis; Determination of Cure in Gonorrheal Infection of the Male; A Simphfied Plate Method of Partial Oxygen Tension in the Cultivation of the Gonococcus; (with Harry Culver and F. M. Phifer) Renal Infections; The Distribu- tion of Meningococci in the Upper Respiratory Tract of Carriers; A Study of the Gram-Negative Bacilli of Renal Infections (with Harry Culver). Address, 2518 W. Monroe St., Chicago.t ALEXANDER SANDOR HERSHFIELD Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 1906; b. My 12, 1881, Odessa, Rus.; s. Michael and Alta (Field) Hershfield. Prepared in Jewish Training Sch., Chicago, 1894. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Chicago, 1906 — ; Instr,, Neurol., Coll, of Mod., 1910-11; .Asst. Prof., Neiirol., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1914 — ; Attending Phys,, Jewish Training Sch.; Pres,, Mod. Staff, Marks Nathan Jewish Orphans Home. Mem., A. F. A. M.; III. State Med, Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Ada Shapiro, Je 11, 1905. Children: Maurice; Harriet Jane. Address, 1144 Independence Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t JULIUS HAYES HESS Phys. and Pediatrician; M.D., N. W. Univ. 1899; b. Ja 26, 1876, Ottawa, III.; 8. Anso;! and Caroline Hess. Prepared in Ottawa H. S. A. K. K., of Children; Assoc Prof., Pediatrics and Clinical Pediatrics, Coll. of Mod., 1912-17; Prof., do. and Head of the division, do., 1917 — . Original research work on diagnosis and treatment of children's di.seases. Maj., M. C, U. S. A., F 1918-Ja 1919. Auth.: Principles and Practice of Infant Feeding, F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. 1st and 2nd editions 1918-1919; (In preparation) premature and Congenitally Diseases Infants; Intussusception, with collection of 1028 cases. Archives of Pediatrics, S 1905; Ap- pendicitis, Diagnosis in Child-hood and Infancy, do.. My 1905; Etiology and Diagnosis of Tuber- culous Spondylitis in Childhood, do., 23:568; Primary Massive Tuberculous Myelitis; Report of Case without Involvement of Meninges or Vertebral column, III. Med. Jour.; Disturbances of Nutrition of the Artificially Fed Infant, with Practical .Application of the Classification of Finkol- stein. Am. Jour. Diseases of Children, 2:422; Sar- coma of the Brain in a Child, with development of Symptoms two weeks after an adenoid operation, Pediatrics, 17:507; Fads Versus Facts in the Gas- tro-Intestinal Diseases of Infancy, Ind. Med. Re- cord; Diaphragmatic Hernia with Report of three cases, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Bui., 1911; Acute Poliomyelitis; Clinical Aspects with especial refer- ence to rare lesions. III. Med. Jour., My 1912; Ichthyosis, Pediatrics, 17:506; Pediatric Clinics of Europe, N. W. Med. Sch. Bui., 1911; Adaptation of some of the Modern Mechanical Devices to Clinical Teaching, Transactions, Am. Assn. of Teachers of Diseases of Children, 1916; other ar- ticles in the foregoing publications and in Archives of Internal Med., International Clinics and Med. (5linics of N. Am.; Articles on original instruments and equipment in the Jour. A. M. A., Mod. Hosp., Am. Jour, of Diseases of Children, and Transactions, Am. Assn. of Teachers of Diseases of Children. Married Clara E. Merrifield, Ap 15, 1902. Chil- dren: Jean M., b. Je 30, 1903; Carol L., b. Mr 15, 1907. Address, 5717 Blackstone Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5 S. Wabash Ave., do. ♦ALBERT EDWARD HOADLEY Professor; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1872; b. 1847, Chenango Forks, N. Y. Practicing Phys., 1872-99, Chicago; Prof., Orthopedic Surg., Diseases of the Joints, and Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1896- 98. Died Ja 16, 1900, Chicago. MARCUS HATFIELD HOBART Instructor; A.B., N. W. Univ., 1912; M.D., do.. 1915; b. D 31, 1888, Peking, China; s. William Thomas (b. 1856, Red Wing, Minn.) and Emily Marcia (Hatfield) Hobart (b. 1860, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y.). Prepared in Evanston H. S. and Acad,, do. Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Scholarship; Lab. Asst. in Zool.; do. in Pathology. Intern, (Ilook Co. IJosp., 1916- 17; Instr., and Assoc, Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med,, S 1919—. Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., S 1917- Je 1918; Capt., do., France, Je 1918-Je 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc, Evanston Branch. Address, 1732 Orrington Ave., Evanston, III.; bus. add., 1604 Chicago Ave., do. JULIUS HENRY HOELSCHER Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ. Coll. of Med.; b. Mr 13, 1864, Elmhurst, III.; s. Moritz and Sophie Hoelscher. Prepared in Pub. and Pvt. Schs., New York and (Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma. House Phys., Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago, 2 yrs.; Gen. Med. practice, 1887 — ; Specialist in Internal Med.; Ex-attending Phys., Ger. Hosp.; Asst. Clin Prof., Med.. Rush Med. Coll. Prof., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., 1911. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Physicians CHub; Ger. Med. Soc Married Anna Wolff, S 20, 1887, Chicago. Child, Francis Fred. Address, 625 Addison St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., rfo.t GOLDIE HOFFMAN (See '15 Med.) LOUIS GEORGE HOFFMAN M.D., N. W. Univ.; b. Mr 21, 1887: s. Sam and Clara J. (Beyer) Hoffman. Prepared in Atlantic (la.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Clin. Instr., Clin. Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1916-17; Adjunct Prof., Ophthalmol., do., 1920. Advisory Bd., 1.3815, World War. Mem., A. M. A.; (Jhicago Ophthalmol. Soc; Chicago Mod. Soc; Chicago Athletic Assn. Married Cora Bryan, 8 15, 1914. 262 University of Illinois Chicago. Children: L. G., Jr., b. My 31, 1916; Robert Edward, b. Ap 5, 1918. Address, 5210 Dorchester Ave., Cliicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michi- gan Ave., do. JACOB WILLIAM HOLDERMAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; b. 1890. Instr., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920 — . Address, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago. t JACOB LOUIS ERNEST HOLINGER Instructor; B.A., Basel Prep. Sch., 1884; M.A., Univ. of Basel, 1887; M.D., do., 1890; b. S 19, 1805, Liestal, Switzerland; s. Jacob (b. 1821, do.) and Barbara (Gysin) Holinger (b. 1828, do.). Prepared in Liestal (Switzerland) H. S. Thesis on Medicine Chirurgical et artis Obstetrical, Univ. of Basel. Asst., Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, Univ. of Basel, 1890-92; Chicago Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1893-97; Instr., Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat, Post-Grad. Sch., 1893-96; Instr., Diseases of the Ear, N. W. Med. Sch., 1890-98; Ear, Nose and Throat Surg., Grant Hosp.; do., Alex. Bros. Hosp.; do., Cook Co. Ho.sp., Chicago. Asst. Prof., LaryngoL, Rhinol., and Otol., Coll. of Med., 1921 — •. Spoke and pubhshed article on Functional Tests. Performed Radical mastoid operations. Auth.: Article on Cholesteatoma of the Middle Ear, 1893; Tuning-fork Tests of the Ear and their Importance for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Ear and Brain, 1899. Mem. of several Med. Societies. Married Cora L. Lange, 1903, Chicago. Children: Carl Jacques, b. 1904; Paul Henry, b. 1906'; Alice Eugenia, b. 1908. Address, 617 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 5 N. Wabash Ave., do. FRED DRURY HOLLENBECK Physician; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1895; b. Je 8, 1863, Green Lake, Wis.; s. Benjamin Frank- lin and Lucy (Bradbury) HoUenbeck. Prepared in Ripon (Wis.) H. S.; Tabor Coll., la. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Ex-Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., do.; Instr., Mat. Med., Thera- peutics and Practice of Med., Med. Coll., do., 1897-1904; Instr. and Asst. Prof., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1904-11; do., Chicago Policlinic, 1S97-1920; Chief Obst., Am. Hosp., do.; Obst., St. Francis Hosp., Evanston, 111. Auth.: Palcenta Praevia; Gen. Practice of Obst., III. State Med. Jour. Local Bd., 57, World War. Mem., Epia. Church; A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Phys. Club. Married Rose Hope, My '15, 1900, Chicago. Children: Robert H., b. N 27. 1903; Fred Drury, Jr., b. F 27, 1911. Address, 7101 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1547 Jarvis Ave., do. ANABEL HOLMES Clin. Instr., Nervous Diseases, 1896-1900; Ad- junct Prof., Microscopical and Chem. Diagnosis, 1 900-04. t BAYARD TAYLOR HOLMES Surgeon; B.S., Teachers Inst, and Classical Seminary, 1874; M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Sch., 1881; b. J! 29, 1852, North Hero, Vt.; 8. Hector A. and Olive A. (Williamson) Holmes. Prepared in Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn. Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Bacteriol., Chicago Med. Coll., 1888-91; Dispensary Surg., 1888-90; Prof., Surg,, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1889-91; Sec. of Coll. of Med., Jl 1890-97; Prof., of Surg. Pathol, and CHni- cal Surg., do., 1890-1911; Dir., Research Lab., Psychopathic Hosp., Cook Co. Hosp., 1916-18. Auth.: Surgical Emergencies; Surg, of the Abdo- men, 1905; The Friends of the Insane, 1911; Hieratic Egyptian Med., 1913; The Hard Fate of Charley Cripps, Chicago Med. Recorder, Sept., 1919; also various monographs, and contributions on med., sociol. and educ. subjects. Married Agnes Anna George, Ag 14, 1878, Lansing, Minn. Child, Ralph (died My 24, 1915). Address, 843 E. 40th St.. Chicago. PHILIP HENRY HOLMES (See '03 Med.) RALPH RANDALL HOLMES (See '06 Med.) E. E. HOLROYD Prof., Physiol., 1884-86. FRANK MARION HORSTMANN (See '04 Med.) ESTELLA A. HORTON Instr., Surg., 1902-04. ALLEN JOSEPH HRUBY (See '13 Med.) HAROLD STACEY HULBERT Instructor; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1914; b. Ja 27, 1887, Newburyport, Mass.; s. Palmer Stephan (b. Mr 7, 1849, Nova Scotia) and Rosa Maple (Stacey) Hulbert (b. Mr 11, 1853, Ovid, N. Y.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Rho Sigma; Micnigamua; Griffins; Galens. Resident Phys. and Demonstrator of Psychiatry, State Psychopathic Hosp., Univ. of Mich., 1914-17; Nat. Conin. for Mental Hygiene, Ja 1-Ap 7, 1917; Instr., Nervous and Mental Diseases, Coll. of Med., O 1, 1919-20; Assoc, do., 1921—. U. S. N. Tr. Station at Great Lakes and U. S. S. Leviathan, Ap 7, 1917-Ap 21, 1919. Invented Modification of anti-submarine listening device, and selection and training methods of personnel to use it. Auth. : Technical Improvement in Langes Colloidal Gold Test, Jour., Mich. State Med. Soc. and in Trans- actions of the Chnic Soc. of the Univ. of Mich., O 1915; The Interpretation of the Colloidal Gold Reaction. Detroit Med. Jour., Ja 1917; Medieval Care of the Insane in Modern Times; The County Care System, Jour., Mich. State Med. Soc. and in Transactions of the Chnical Soc. of the Univ. of Mich., Je 1917; Compulsory Citizenship Training, U. S. Naval Institute Pro- ceedings, Vol. 43, My 1917; Medical Aspect of the American. Legion, The Military Surg., N 1919; Formula for Group Tests, Sch. Sc. and Mathema- tics, Vol. XX, F 1920; Military Value of Morale, Jour, of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. X, F 1920. Mem.. Episcopal Church; A. F. A. M. (96 111., My 1910; Mich. Sovereign Consistory, 32° Detroit, F 1918); Detroit Neurological Soc, 1916 — ; Am. Med. Psychological Assn., 1919 — ; A. M. A., 1914^. Married Ahce Jenks, Ap 21, 1917, Aurora, 111. Child, Harold Stacey, Jr., Ap 20, 1919. Address, 328 S. Euchd Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., Chicago State Ho.sp., Dunning, 111. CHARLES EDWARD HUMISTON (See '96 Med.) EMORY G. HYATT (See '20 Med.) ROBERT JAMES HYSLOP Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; b. 1895. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago.t FRANK EMERSON INKS (See '12 Med.) HENRY EUGENE IRISH (See '01 Med.) R. H. ISBESTER Clin. Instr., Nerv. Diseases, 1893-95. ANNA ISHAM (ROBINSON) (See '14 Med.) IRA D. ISHAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Buffalo, Dept. of Med., 1895; b. 1866. Prof., Phys., Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1894-97. Formerly at 535 W. H3th St., New York.I ♦ABRAHAM REEVES JACKSON Gynecologist; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1848; b. Je 17, 1827, Philadelphia; Prepared in Central H. S. of Philadelphia. Asst. Med. Dir., Army of Va.. 1862-64; Med. practice, Stroudsburg. Pa., 1848-70; Chicago, 1870; Established Womana Heap. Faculty, College of Medicine of 111.. 1871; first Surg, in Chief, do.; Lecturer. Gynecol., Rush Med. Coll.. 1872-77; Established and incorporated with the aid of two colleagues, the Coll. of Phys. and Surgs. of Chicago, now the Coll. of Med. of the Univ. of 111. Prof.. Gynecol., do., 1882-92. Auth.: Remarks on Intrauterine Polypi, 1876; The Ovulation Theory of Men- struation. 1876; Vascular Tumors of the Female Urethra, 1878; The Treatment of Sterility. 1879. Mem., Am. Gynecol. Soc. (Ex-Pros, and one of the oldest mem.'); Assn. of Acting Asst. Surgs of the U. S. .A.rmy (Pres.V, Detroit Gynecol. Soc, (Hon- orary Mem.); Boston Gynecol. Soc. (Correspond- ing Mem.). Married Harriot Hollinshead, 1850, Stroudsburg, Pa. (died, lS6o); Julia Newell. 1871, Janesville. Wis. Died N 12, 1S92 of a stroke of Paralysis due to cerebral hemorrhage. SIEGFRIED JACKSON (See '00 Med.) CHARLES MAYER JACOBS Phy.sician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1894; b. Mv 23, 1872. St. Louis; s. Fannie Goldsol Jacobs. Pre- pared in H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Asst. Prof., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Assoc. Prof., Clin. Orthopedic Surg, cfo., 1912 — . Mod. Advisory Bd.. World War. Alem.. A. F. A. M.; K. P. Auth.: Numerous Magazine articles. Mar- ried Helene Thalhimer. O 27. 1902. Richmond. Va. Children: Charles Richmond, b. Jl 29. 1909; Ame- lia Frances, b. O 4. 1914. Address, 860 Burr Ave., Winnetka. 111.; bus. add., 31 N. State St., Chicago. CLARA JACOBSON Physician; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913: B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; M.S., do., 1910; Ph.D., do., 1916; b. Jl 21. 1887; d. Carl E. and H. Louise (Davidson) Jacobson. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Al^ha; Alpha Ep- silon Iota; Scholarship Univ. of Chicago. 1908-10; Fellowship, do., 1910-11. Asst.. Clin. Gynecol., Coll. of Med.. 1916-17. .\ttending Phys.. Grand Crossing Dispensary, Municipal Tuberculosis Sani- tarium 1917 — . Auth.: Various articles in Am. Jour, of Physiol, 1908-10. Address, 7556 Saginaw Ave., Chicago. LEO JACOB JACOBSON (See '16 Med.) WILLIAM KILBURN JAQUES Phys. and Surg.; B.Ph., Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon. la., 1883; M.Ph.. do.; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1887; b. F 22. 1859. Putnam Co.. O.; s. James and Mercy (IBean) Jaques. Prepared in Pub. Schs.. Epworth. la.; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1887 — ; Postgrad, work. Harvard Univ., 1895; Prof.. Practice of Med.. Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; do.. Microscopical and Chem. Diag., do., 1900-04; Chief of Antitoxin Staff, Chicago Health Dept., 1901-07; Citv Roentgenologist and Dir.. Municipal Lab.. 19014)7. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. .Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Bertha E. Clauson. My 28. 1889. Three children (deceased.) Ad- dress, 4316 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. t *JAMES THOMAS JELKS Phys. and Surg., Teacher; M.D.. Univ. of Nash- ville. 1870; b. My 20. 1849. Uchee. Ala.; s. W. D. and Jane Jelks. Prepared in Nashville (Tenn.) H. S. Gen. Med. practice. Culloden. Ga.. 1870; Marietta, do., 1871-73; St. Louis. 1874-77; Hot .Springs, Ark., 1877-1902; Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg.. Coll. of Med.. 188.3-90: do., Gynecol, and Syphilol.. Barnes Med. Coll.. St. Louis. 1892-1902; Surg., Ozark Sanitarium, Hot Springs, Ark., 1902. Widely known as a Surg, in Ark. and throughout U. S. Surg., .Ark. Mil. Guard. Auth.: Numer- ous papers on Venereal Ed., Hot Springs Med. Jour. Mem., Hot Springs Med. Soc; Ark. Sute Med. Soc (Ex-Pres.); A. M. A. (3 times Sec. of Section on Obstetrics and Gynecol.; Chm., Sec. on Surg, and Anat.); Am. Assn. of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; So. Surg, and Gynecol. Soc. Married Susan E. Cook. Chil- dren: Jane, b. 1871; Frank Willis, b. 1873; Julia, b. 1875; James Thomas, b. 1880; Susie, b. 1888. Died at his home in Hot Springs, Ark., Je 24, 1902. FRANCES LE BARON JENNEY (See '90 Med.) EARL BOWEN JEWELL (See '07 Med.) FRANK J. JIRKA Instructor; b. Je 22. 1886, Chicago; s. Frank J. and Bessie (Zajicok) .Jirka. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Chi. Asst., Phys. Diag., Coll. of Med., 1914- 16; Instr., Clin. Med., do., 1919-21; Assoc, do., 1921—. 1st Lt., U. S. A., 1917-19. Mem., Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple. Married Ella Cermak, S 15, 1920, Chicago. Address, 2358 Marshall Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3202 W. 22nd St., do. HORRY MATTHEW JONES Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1913; Ph.D., N. W. Univ., 1916. Instr.. in Physiol. Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1917; do., Pathol, and Bacteriol., Coll. of Med.. 1918—; do.. Coll. of Dent., do. Address, 508 S. Honore St., Chicago.t MARGARET MAY JONES (MONOHAN) (See '03 Med.) ROBERT W. JONES (See '84 Med.) THOMAS S. JONES Artist; B.F.A., Univ. of St. Louis; b. O 31, 1885; s. Thomas S. and Pauline L. (Smith) Jones. Artist (Med. Illustrator); Artist, Dept. of Anat., Coll. of Med., 1912 — . Art work, Surn. Gen. Dept., World War. Mem., Union Church, Hinsdale, 111. Married Mary McDaniel, Mr 26, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Thomas Scott, b. Mr 12. 1914. Address, 101 N. Washington St., Hinsdale, 111.; bus. add., 608 Honore St., Chicago. WALTER CLINTON JONES Professor; A.B.. N. W. Univ., 1898; A.M., do., 1899; M.D., do., 1902; b. My 2. 1874, Chicago; s. Henry Clinton (b. D 5, 1828, Pa.) and Naomi Lucinda (Noyes) Jones (b. S 2, 1842, Chanengo Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Sandwich H. S.; Acad, of N. W. Univ., Evanston, 111. Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Delta; Kappa Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Zool., summer season. Woods Hole, Mass. Stud, asst., Zool., N. W. Univ., 1898-1899; do. in Pathol., do., 1899-1901; Intern, Mercy Hosp., Chicago, Je 1902-D 1903; Instr., Surg. Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1905-1909; Asst. Prof., do., 1909-13; Pros.. Evanston Tuberculosis Inst.. 1913-15; Surg. Patholog., Evanston Hosp., Evanston, 111., 1913-15; Pvt. hosp., Kilbourn, Wis., 1915-18; Prof., Pathol, and Bacterid., Univ. of Ala.. 1918-19; Dir.. Pathol., South Highlands Infirmary, Birmingham, Ala., and Histopatholo- gist, Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. R. Hosp., Fairfield, Ala., 1919 — . Auth.: Notes on the Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System in the Com- mon Toad, Jour. Corn-par. Neurol, and Psychol., Vol. XV, 1905; Fracture of the Patella, Chicago Med. Recorder, do.; Inversion of the Uterus, Surg. Gynecol, and Obstetrics, 1913; Etiol., Pathol, and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts in Relation to Child- bearing, with Reference to Hemorrlape into the Cysts., do.; The Prevention of Gynecol. Di.seases of Obstetrical Origin, with Special Reference to those Originating in the Puerperium, Internal. Jour. Sura., 1913; Report of Two Cases of Post- partum Inversion of the Uterus, with Discussion of the Pathogenesis of Obstetrical Inverf=ion, Am. Jour. Obstetrics, 1914; Experimental Ligation of One Ureter, with Application of Results to Clin. Gynecol., do.; Historv of N. W. Univ., edited by Prof. A. H. Wilde, 1908, Chapter on An Intern.ship in Mercy Hosp.; The Value of an Internship, Plexus. 1909. Mrni., A. M. A.. 1904—; III. State Med. Soc, 1904-15; Wis. State Med. Soc, 1915-18; Ala. State Med. Soc. 1918 — ; Chicago Gynecolog. Soc, 191.3 — ; Am. Acad, of Med., 1907 — ; Birming- ham Patholog. Soc. (Charter mem. and one of 264 University of Illinois chief organizers) 1920—; A. A. A. S.. 1908—; Am. Chem. Soc, 1920—; Phys. Club, Chicago, 1908-15; Univ. Club. Evanston, 111., 1913-18; Southern Club, Birmingham, Ala., 1920—; Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Fellow 1914—). Married Cora Ellis, O 20. 1910, Evanston, 111. Child, Lois Elberta, b. O 14, 1911 (died Ja 30, 1912). Address, 1624 14th Ave., Birmingham, Ala.; bus. add., S. Highlands In- firmary, do. LEO ANTONY JUHNKE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1910; b. Jl 23; 1882, Plarezbint, Ger.; a. Joseph (b. 1847. Ger.) and Mathilda (Gollinck) Juhnke (b. 1848. do.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Daeda- lian Frat.; Parnassian Soc; Phi Alpha Sigma. Intern, Michael Reese Ho.sp., 1910-12; Clin. Asst., Instr., and Asst. Prof, of Gynecology, Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1914-17; Clin. Asst. and Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1918—. Auth.: The Merostagmin Reaction, Interstate Med. Jour. ,1911. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.. 1912—; Am. Public Health Assn., 1919—. Married Dorothy Bies, Ag 31, 1909. Children: Bernice Dorothy, b. My 24, 1911; Leon Vincent, b. Je 17, 1913; Jerome Albert, b. F 1, 1919. Ad- dress, 1638 Catalpa Ave., Chicago. FELIX KALACINSKI (See '98 Med.) SIDNEY RICHARD KALISKI Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; b. 1895k Asst. in Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1920—. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. t OTTO FREDERIC KAMPMEIER Assoc. Prof.; B.A., 1909; Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1912; b. My 7, 1888, Clarksville, la.; s. August and Mary (Ehrlicher) Kampmeier. Prepared in Iowa City (la.) H. S.; Univ. of Munich, Ger. Sigma Xi; Prizes in Botany, Zoology and Geology. Stud. Asst., Biology, Univ. of la., 1907-09; Asst., Bureau of Fisheries, 1908-09; Fellow in Biol., Princeton Univ., 1909-12; Attended Univ. of Munich, Ger., 1913; Instr., Embryology, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1912-15; Asst. Prof., Embryology and Histology, do., 1915-18; Assoc. Prof., Anatomy, Marquette Sch. of Med., 1919; Head of Dept., of Anatomy, do., 1919; Instr., and later Assoc. Prof., Anatomy, Coll. of Med., 1918 — -. Noted for special work on the origin of the Lymphatics. Auth.: Illustrated Articles, Am. Jour, of Anatomy; Anatomical Record Archiv fur Anatomie. Married Ruzena Tomek, S 7, 1912, Milwaukee. Child, Jacinta, b. Mr 10, 1914. Address, 4210 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Dept. of Anatomy, Univ. of 111., Coll. of Med., do. PAULINE ROSE KAPSA (See '09 Med.) CLYDE FENWORTH KARSHNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1908; b. 1879. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1920 — •; Specialist in Internal Med. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Pathol. Soc. Address, 3171 Hud- son Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1002 N. Dearborn St., do.t MARY JEANETTE KEARSLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch., 1888; b. 1867. Adjunct Prof., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-08; do., Clin. Gynecol., do., 1908-10; Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecol. Address, 5652 Race Ave., Chicago.t ROBERT WOOD KEETON Associate; A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; M.S.. do., 1913; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1916; b. Jl 7. 1883, West Point, Miss.; s. James Madison, (b. 1847) and Georgia (Brown) Keeton (b. 1845, N. C). Prepared in Webb's Prep. Sch., Bell Buckle, Tenn. and Cumberland Univ.. 1900-03. Pi Kappa Alpha; Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Grad. work in Physiol., Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Asst., Biol., Millikin Univ., 1903-05; Sc. Instr., Champaign H. S.. 1905-06; do., Houston H. S., 1906-10; Ad- junct Prof, of Physiol., Albany Med. Sch.. 1912-14; Asst., Phys., Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1914-15; Instr., Phys., do., 1916. Asst., Pharmacol., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 1914-16; Asst.. Phys.. Sch. of Pharm., 1910-12; Asst., Pharmacol., do., 1918; Instr., Surg, and Pharmacol., Coll. of Med.. 1918- 19; Instr., Pharmacol,. Sch. of Pharm., do.; Assoc. Prof., do., 1919 — . Auth.: Secretion of Gastric Juice in Para-Thyroid Tetany, Am. Jour. 0/ Physiol., Vol. 33, 1914; (with Koch) Distribution of Gastrin, do.. Vol. 37, 1915; (with Luckhardt. Koch and LeMer) Further Studies in Distribution of Gastrin, do., 1920; (with Koch and Luckhardt) Response of Stomach Mucosa of Various Animals to Gastrin Bodies, do., 1920; Response of Stomach to Food and Gastrin Stimulation as Influenced by Atropine, do.; (with Becht) Stimulation of Hypo- physis in Dogs, do.. Vol. 39, 1916; Relation of Hypophysis to Glycogenolysis, do.. Vol. 49, 1919; (With Ross) Mechanism of Ether Hyperglycae- mia, do.. Vol. 48, do.; (with Hull) The Existence of a Gastric Lipase, Jour, of Biological Chem., Vol. 32; (with Cushman) The Influenza Epidemic in Chicago, Jour, of A. M. A., Vol. 71. 1918; Statisti- cal Findings in Influenza Epidemic — A Considera- tion of the Diseases as a Type of Toxaemic Shock, Internat. Clinics (Twenty-ninth Series) ; (with McGuigan and Sloan) The Site of Strychnin Action, Jour, of Pharm., Vol. 8, 1916. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 7465 Greenview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 608 S. Honore St., do. THEODORE AUGUSTUS KEETON Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1876; b. 1852. Prof., Genito-Urinary Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1882-83. Address, 4625 Monita St., Los Angeles. THOMAS KELLY Prof., Med. €hem., 1889-90. CHARLES A. KELSEY Prof., Pathol., 1886-87. NORMAN KERR Assoc. Prof., and Surg.; M.D., McGill Univ., 1884; CM., do., 1889; b. Ag 12, 1867,Harrington, Ontario, Can.; s. Norman McLeod (b. Je 22, 1822) and Catherine (MacKenzie) Kerr (b. 1829, Edin- burgh, Scotland). Prepared in Kincardine H. S. Assoc. Prof., Surg., Chicago Policlinic, 1891 — ; Asst., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Gen. Surg, practice. Army Serv., World War, Jl 19, 1918-Mr 11, 1920. Auth.: Tibio-Fibular Arthroplasty; The Growth of Bone Against Resis- tance; Ovarian Neurectomy, III. Med. Jour. Mem., United Order of Foresters; Canadian and Hamilton Clubs, Chicago; Chicago Surg. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow); Chicago Orthopedic Soc. Mar- ried Lottie M. Austin, N 3, 1897, Oberlin, O. Chil- dren: John Austin, b. Jl 15, 1900; Norman A., b. S 2, 1902 (died My 21, 1905); Kathel B., b. Ja 28, 1908. Address. 1936 N. Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. CLARENCE BRUCE KING (See '98 Med.) *OSCAR AUGUSTUS KING ' Neurologist; M.D., Univ. and Belle vue Hosp. Med. Coll., N. Y., 1878; b. Peru, Ind., F 22, 1851; s. Timothy Lewis and Mary M. (Wright) King. Prepared in Peru (Ind.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Valedictorian. Sch. Teacher, 1873; Studied under Prof. Henry Palmer, surg. gen., Janesville, Wis.; Prof. Louis A. Sayre, New York; After graduation practiced short time with Dr. Henry Palmer; appointed 2nd Asst. Phys., Wis. State Hosp. for the Insane, Madison, Wis.; On leave of absence, 1880-81, attending lectures in Univ. of Vienna and clinics in AUgemeien Krankenhausen; special study in neurolog. and psychiatry under Meynert, Lei- dersdorf, Weiss and Benedict; 1st Asst. Phys., Wis. State Hosp., Madison, Wis., 1881-82; Spe- cialist, recognized as an authority on Nervous and Mental Diseases; Prof., Neurol, and Psychiatry, and Clin. Med., Coll. of Med,, . 1882-98; Sec, do., 1894; Vice Dean, do., 1900; Prof. Emeritus, Faculty, College of Medicine 265 do., 1916—; Prof., Neurol.. Coll. of Dent., 1900-10; do., Neurol., Postgrad. Med. Sch.; Chief, Dept. Neurol., West Side Free Dispensary, Chicago. Appointed Pathol, and Consulting Alienist to State Charitable Institutions by Wis. State Bd. of Control, 1S9.5; Assoc, Mem., Med. Staff, Cook Co. Hosp.; Chni. Com., on univ. relations 1899; did great serv. in securing adoption of by-law favor- able to development of the Coll. of ^Ied. and in securing its permament incorporation into the Univ. of III., in purchase of new grounds and buildings and foundine Coll. of Dent, of Univ. of 111. as a dept. of the Coll. of Med.; Founded the Oakwood Retreat, a sanitarium for the care of the insane. Lake Geneva, Wis., li>S3 (completed 1885, at cost of $100,000); Pres. and Chief of Med. Staff, do.; founded, I-ake Geneva Sanitarium, 1896; Dir. of the two sanitaria which were united in 1901; In 1896 applied the toxine of erysipelas effectively in treatment of 23 nearly consecutive cases of mania and melancholia. Mem., A. M. A.; Wis. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Neurol. Soc; Univ. Club, Chicago. Married Minerva Guernsev, Ag 9, 1887, Janesville, Wis. Died S 11, 1921, Lake Geneva, Wis. ROBERT CRUMP KING (See "03 Med.) PETER GADD KITTERMANN (See '02 Med.) ZANVILL DAVID KLOPPER (See '10 Med.) GOTTFRIED KOEHLER Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1898; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1902; b. O 23, 1878, Tinley Park, III.; s. Gottfried and Helena (Sippel) Koehler. Prepared in Assn. Coll. and Met. Business Coll., Chicago. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1902-03; Instr., Clin. Pathol., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1903-07; in charge of labs., Mercy and Wesley Hosps., 1904-07; Adjunct Prof., Chn. Pediatrics, N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1902; Asst. Prof., Mat. Med. and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med.. 1902-04; Adjunct Prof., Clin. Pediatrics, do., 1906-10. Attending Phys., Chil- drens Hosp., 1907-12; Chief Food Inspector, Dept. of Health, Chicago, 1907-10; Aest. Commissioner of Health, Chicago, 1910 — . Mem., Am. Pub. Health Assn. Married Frieda Schroeder, Je 2, 1907. Address, 1116 Morse Ave., Chicago.f IRVIN SUNTHIMER KOLL Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll.. 1907; b. Je 15, 1883, Owensboro, Ky.; s. H. L. and Rose KoU. Urologist and Gynecologist, Chicago. 1907 — ; Prof., Genito-Urinary Diseases, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago; Assoc, Genito-Urinary Surg.. Michael Reese Hosp.; Instr.. Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1912-14. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Am. Coll. of Surgs. (do.); Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Urol. Soc; Am. Urol. Soc; Ger. Med. Soc; The Lambs Club. Married Melanie Alice Weil, S 8, 1909. (Children: John M. W.; Carol Joy. Ad- dress, 5006 Drexel Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do.t JACOB CARL KRAFFT Pediatrician; A.B., N. W. Coll.. Watertown, Wis., 1895; M.D., Long Island Coll. Hosp.. 1899; b. N 20, 1874, Napoleon, O.; s. H. Adalbert and Mary (Brown) Krafft. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1900 — ; Head of Dept. of Pediatrics, Chicago Policlinic and Hosp.; Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1912-14; Attending Pediatrician, Norwegian Hosp., Chicago; do.. Cook Co. Kinderheim, do. Capt., M. O. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); 111. State Med. .Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surgs. of U. S.; Lutheran Church; Press Club; Iroquois Club; Palette and Chisel Club. Address, 3038 Palmer Square, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., do.; and 2705 W. North Ave., do.t JOHN CHARLES MATTHEW KRA8A (See "13 Med.) MAXMILIAN KUZNIK (See -03 Med.) JULIUS ERNEST LACKNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910; b. 1887. Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1919-20; Practice limited to Obstetrics and Gynecol. Mem., A. M. A. Address. 1120 E. 52nd St., Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., -Chicago.t FRANCIS ADONIJAH LANE Professor; A.B., Princeton Univ., 1897; M.D., Washington Univ., 1899; b. S 23, 1874. Prepared in Wittenberg Coll. Prep Dept., 1891-92; Witten- berg Coll., 1892-94. Studied at Vienna and Bres- lau. Asst. Prof., Ophthalmol., Hush Med. Coll., 1920; Prof., do.. Coll. of Med., 1921—. Auth.: Tuberculous Cyclitis Following Non-Perforating Injury of the Eye, Jour. A. M. A., Jl 22, 1911; Primary Progressive Atrophy of the Iris, (Oph- thalmic Record, Vol. 26, p 285; Peripheral An- nular Infiltrate of the Cornea Following a Scleral Perforation, Annals of Ophthalmol., Vol. 24, pp. 619-026, Ja 1915; Etiology and Classification of Glaucoma; Glaucoma, A Symposium, Chicago Med. Book Co., p 28; Anatomy and Pathology of the Chiasm, Ophthalmic Record, Vol. 25, p 575; Persistent Posterior Fibrovascular Sheath of the Lens, Archives of Ophthalmol. Vol. XLVIII, pp 575-580, D 1919; Tubercular Irido-cyclitis; Etiology of Glaucoma; Peripheral Annular In- filtrate of Cornea; Pathol, of Penetrating Wounds of Eye Ball; Persistent Posterior Fibrovascular Sheath of Lens. Mem., Presby. Church. Ad- dress, 5487 Cornell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Room 2003, 25 E. Washington St., do.t JOHN MICHAEL LANG (See '00 Med.) ANNA ROSS LAPHAM Obstetrics Specialist; B.S., Lombard Coll.. 1890; A.M., do., 1893; M.C., cum laude, N. W. Univ.. 1898; s. William C. and Mary C. (Cyrus) Ross. Pi Beta Phi. Phys. and Specialist in Obstetrics, Chicago; Asst. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1902-03; Attending Obstetrician, Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1920; Demonstrator in Operative Obstetrics, N. W. Univ. Auth.: Several short articles for med. periodicals. Married Allen W. Lapham, Je 15, 1892, Galesburg, 111. Address. 5013 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St., do. J. J. LARKIN Clin. Instr., Surg., 1896-97. ♦WILLIAM WYATE LATTO (See '93 Med.) LAWRENCE JAMES LAWSON Assistant; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1919; Certifi- cate, Rush Med. Coll., 1921; b. My 31, 1896, Petersburg, III. Prepared in Petersburg Harris H. S., 1911-14; III. .State Norm. Univ., 1914-15. Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Jl 1, 1921-22. Asst., Materia Med. and Toxicol., Rush Med. Coll., 1920-21; Asst. in Med., Coll. of Med., S 26, 1921—. Address, 106 E. Washing- ton .St., Petersburg, 111. JAMES JOSEPH LEACH (See '14 Med.) EDWARD HENRY LEE Adjunct Prof., .Surg., 1898-1902. JOHN B. LEONARD Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1902; Instr., Clin. Genito-Urinary Surg, and Venereal Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1910-12; formerly located in Houston, Tex. Address, 720 N. County St., Waukegan, Ill.t AUGUST F. LEMKE Adjunct Prof.. Practice of Med., 1898-1900; Assoc. Prof., Medt and Clin. Med.. 1900-02. 266 University of Illinois CORNELIUS LARSEN LENARD (See '95 Med.) EDWARD FRANKLIN LEONARD (See '03 Med.) VICTOR DARWIN LESPINASSE Surgeon; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.. 1901; b. D 2, 1878, Aurora, 111.; s. Raymond and Clara Belle (Bradley) Lespinasse. Prepared in Engle- wood H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Surg, practice, Chicago, 1901 — ; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1901-03; Asst. Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; Surg., B. and O. R. R.; Assoc. Genito-Urinary Surg. Wesley Hosp., Chi- cago; Genito-Urinary Surg., Englewood Hosp; Assoc. Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Awarded certificate of honor for method of blood anastomosis. Auth.: Phimosis, Its Treat- ment by a New Technique, 1905; Surg. Importance of the Preputial Fraenum, 1908; Blood Vessel Surg., Its Theoretical Possibilities, Its Practical Apphcations, 1910; Quinine and Urea Hydro- chlorate as a Local Anaesthetic, 1910; Experi- mental Transplantation of Legs, 1911; Direct Transfusion of Blood, 1914; Experimental and Clin. Work on Sterility, 1915; Some Experiments on the Renal Artery, 1911; other articles appearing in A. M. A. Jour.; N. W. Univ. Bui., Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics. Mem., Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow); Am. Urol. Assn.; Chicago Urol. Soc; Am Assn. Genito-Urinary Surgs., Chicago; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Anna L. King, Je 30, 1909. Children: Victoria D. and Victor King. Address, 036 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do.t JAMES HUGHES LETCHER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Louisville Med. Dept 1873. Lecturer, Principles and Practice of Surg., Coll. of Med., 1882-84. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 341 Center St., Henderson, Ky.t FREDERICK AUGUSTUS LEUSMAN (See '89 Med.) T. LEUSMAN Clin. Instr., Genito-Urinary and Skin Diseases, 1892-93. ISADORE MICHAEL LEVIN Instructor; SB., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; b. Je 10, 1894, Chicago; s. Morris (b. 1870, Courland) and Olga Goldie (Rest) Levin (b. 1875, Libau, Courland). Pre- pared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha. Three undergraduate annual scholarships, Univ. of Chicago. Mem., House Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Je 1918-Ja 1920; Chn. Asst., and Instr., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., Mr 1918—. Enhsted in M. R. C, U. S. A., Ja 1918- Ja 1919. Auth.: Report of Intussusception Acute Appendicitis, and Meckels Diverticulum Intestinal Obstruction in Children, Internal. Clinics, Vol. IV. Series 29; Influenza and Its Complications in Children, Am. Jour., Disea-^es of Children. Chicago Advisory Bd., International Clinics, J. B. Lip- pincott Co. Mem., Chicago Pediatric Soc, 1920—; A M A., 1918 — . Married Jane Adams, Ag 11, 1917, Valparaiso, Ind. Address, 3452 Lexington St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3350 Roosevelt Rd., do. ABRAHAM LEVINSON (See '11 Med.) SAMUEL A. LEVINSON (See '19 Med.) YALE NORMAN LEVINSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; b 1891. Asst., Med. Coll. of Med., 1918-19; formerly at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Address, 1346 Granville Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 159 N. State St., do.t PHILLIP LEWIN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1911; b 1888. Asst., Orthopedic SJrg., Coll. of Med., 1916-17; Specialist in Surg.; formerly at 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 4849 Forrestville Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1 W. Madison St., do.t HENRY FOSTER LEWIS (Father of Katharine, '12 A.B. and '15, B.L.S.) Professor; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1885; M.D., do., 1888; b. F 15, 1804, Chicago; s. Joseph Briggs (b. 1840, Hingham, Mass.) and Mary Elizabeth (Foster) Lewis (b. 1841, Dorchester, Mass.). Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Theta Delta Chi; Everett Atheneum. Graduate work in Embryology, Univ. of Chicago, Summer 1898; 6 mo. work on Gynecic and Obstetric Pathology and Clinics, K. Friedrich, Univ. of Berlin, 1902; 3 mo. work, do., AUg. Krankenhaus, Vienna, do.; Prof., Physical Diagnosis, Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Coll. of Med.), 1891-93; Assoc. Instr. and Asst. Prof., Obstetrics and Gynecol., Rush Med. Coll., 1899-1907; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecol., Loyola Univ., Chicago, 1910-18; Prof, of Obstetrics and Clinical Obstet- rics, Coll. of Med., O 15, 1919—; Curator of Museum, 1895; Attending Obstetrician, 1908-09; Attending Surg., 1908-13; Attending Obstetrician, 1913—, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Asst. Attend- ing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, 1900-07; Pres- byterian Hosp., do. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1911-16; 1st Lt., do., active service, Mexican Emergency, 1916; 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A., Mr 28-Je 4, 1917; Capt., do., Jl 9; Maj., do., to discharge, Mr 18, 1919; now Lt. Col., do., inactive list. Auth.: (Co-editor with Dr. Reuben Peterson) Vol. on Obstetrics of Practical Med. Series, 1902; do.. System of Obstetrics, Lea Bros., 1907; Section on Teratology in Hektoen and Rissmanns Pathol- ogy, Saunders, 1900; Uremia in Pregnancy, Am. Jour, of Obstetrics and Gynecol., 1899; Iniencephalus, Transactions of Chicago Pathol. Soc, 1900; Ectro- melus, Exencephalia, Am. Jour, of Obstetrics and Gynecol., 1904; Bloodless Methods of Artificial Dilatation of the Cervix Uteri at Term, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, 1906; Management of Breech Presentations, do., 1906; Management of Impacted Cases, Am. Jour, of Obstetrics and Gynecol., 1900; Tuberculosis of Female Genitalia, III. Med. Jour., 1912; Influence of Spina Bifida on Prolapse of Genitals, do., 1913; Perforating Gastric Ulcer, do., 1911; Surg. Aspects of Gastric Ulcer, Am. Jour, of Clin. Med., 1912; Perforating Gastric Ulcer, Chicago Med. Recorder, 1911; In- sanity in Relation to Obstetrics and (gynecology, Lancet-Clinic, 1904; Myoma and Pregnancy, III. Med. Jour., 1915; Resume of Pubiotomy, Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, 1908; Traumatic Displace- ments of Uterus, Railway Surg., 1909; Obstetric Technique in Cook Co. Hosp., Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, 1906; Diagnosis and Management of Pelvic Infections Complicating Pregnancy, do., 1916; Diagnosis of Ectopic Gestation, III. Med. Jour., 1920. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc, 1889—; Fellow Am. Med. Assoc, 1890 — ; do., Chicago Gynecol. Soc, 1898 — , Pres., do., 1909; Chicago Pathol. Soc, 1898-1908; Sec, Phys. Club of Chi- cago, 1895-99. Married Minnie Dows Naa, Jl 9, 1890, Cedar Rapids, la. Children: Katharine, '12 and '15, b. Ap 11, 1891; Maude, b. My 15, 1893; Josephine Briggs, b. Je 7, 1895; Henry Foster, Jr., b. F 26, 1900. Address, 4426 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., R. 1225 25 E. Washington St., do. MAURICE LEWISON Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1906; b. Ap 3. 1885; s. Lewis (b. 1856, Russia) and Lena (Trilling) Lewison (b. 1856, do.). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Alpha Phi Sigma. Attending Phys. and Chief of Staff of Tuberculosis Dept., Cook Co. Hosp.; Pres., Med. Staff, Mt. Sinai Hosp.; Instr., Neurol, and Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1906-12; Assoc. Prof., Physical Diagnosis, do., 1918 — . Mem., Med. Advisory Bd.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Nat. Tuber- culosis Assn.; Chicago Tuberculosis Inst. Mar- ried Julia Trocky, Ag 22, 1909. Child, Edward Frederick, b. F 11, 1913. Address, 3653 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. Faculty, College of Medicine 267 MATHILDA OSBORN LICHNER Asst., Gynecol.; B.S.. Temple Univ., 1902; M.D.. Wonians Med. Coll. of Pa.. 1905. Clinician, Womans Hosp. of Philadelphia, 1906-13; In.«tr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1917—. Address. 4048 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago. t MARY CAIN T.INCOLN Clin. Patholopist; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicapo, 1900; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 190r>; b. N 2, 1873, Chi- cago; d. John I., and Maria B. (Goddard) Lincoln. Prepared in Skinner Grammar Sch., 1888; West Div. H. S., 1892. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1905-10; Asst. Prof., Lab. Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1913-1.5; Partner, Lin- coln-Gardner Lab., 1914 — . Auth.: Articles on bacteriolog., subjects appearing in various mag- azines. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Womans City Club. Address, 5310 Harper Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do.t ALICE LOIS LIXDSAY-WYNEKOOP Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Wonians Med. Sch., 1S95; b. Onarga, 111.; d. Benjamin Franklin and Frances Catherine (Wiswein Lind- say. Prepared in Onarga Cml. Coll., 1S90; Onarga Sem., 1891. Nu Sigma Phi. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1895 — ; Asst.. Biol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1906; do., Biol., Histol., and Embryol., do., 1910-12; do., Clin. Pediatrics, do., 1912-14; At- tending Phys., Mary Thompson Hosp., Chicago. Mem., 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Eugenics Educ Soc. (Corresponding Sec); 111. Cong, of Mothers (Chm., Eugenics Com.); Chi- cago Med. Womans Club; Epis. Church; Mothers Club of Epiphany Parish (Dir.); Off the Street Club (do.); Congressional Union; Womans City Club; Cordon Club. Married Frank Eldridge Wynekoop, Ap 17, 1900, Wolcott, Ind. Children: Walker; Earle; Catherine; Mary Louise. Address, 3406 W. Monroe St., Chicago.f ALFRED ERWIN LIVINGSTON Physiologist: B.S., Ohio Univ., 1910; M.S., do., 1911; Ph.D., Cornell, 1914; b. D 6, 1883, Frost, O.; s. William Henry and Lydia (Place) Livingston. Sigma Xi; Cla-ss' Pres.. 1910; Basketball Mgr., 1908; Athenian Lit. Soc. (Pres.) 1908. Physiolo- gist, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1914-16; do.. Coll. of Med., 1916-18; do., V. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1918—; Asst., do.. Coll. of Dent., 1917-18. Auth.: (with L. M. Degener) The Effect of Thyroidectomy and Castration Respectively, on the Weight of the Pituitary in the Rabbit, Am. Jour. Phys.. Vol. XXXI, No. 5. 1913; Effect of Castration on Weight of Pituitarv in Rabbits (Preliminary) Proceedings, Soc Exp. Biol, and Med., Vol. XI, No. 2; Effect of Thyroidectomy Followed by Thyroid Feeding on Weight of Pituitary in Rabbits, do.; The Relation of the Gastro-intestinal Tract and Con- tents to the Bodv-weight in Rabbits. Joiir. Exp. Med.. Vol. XIX. No. 4; (with Wm. Salant) The In- fluence ofOil of Chenopodium on the Circulation and Respiration (Preliminarv). Proceedings. Soc. Exp. Biol. nnH Med.. Vol. XII and Am. Jour. Phys., Vol. XXXVIII. No. 1; (with do.) The Absorption and Elimination of Chenopodium, Proceedings, Soc Exp. Biol, and Med., Vol. XII; The Effect of Castration on the Weight of the Pituitary Body and Other Glands of Internal Secretion in the Rabbit, Am. Jour. Phys.. Vol. XL, No. 2; (with Wm. Salanti Further Studies on the Pharmacol. -Action of Oil Chenopodium, /owr. Phorm. and Exp. Therap . Vol. VIII, No. 2; (with do.) Experiments with Oil of Chenopoditim and Cardiac Stimiilants on the Isolated Frog Heart, Am. Jour. Phys.. Vol., XLI, No. 1; (with do.) The Influence of Sodin and Sodium lodid on the Circulation, do., Vol.. XLI. No. 2: fwith do.) The Action of Sue- cinate and its Derivatives. Jour. Pharm. and Exp. Therap., Vol. IX, No. 6; fwnth do.) Experiments with Succinate and its Hydroxy Derivatives on Isolated Frog Heart, do.. Vol. X; Other articles in the foregoing publications and in the Buls. of the Hyg. Lab., Wash. Mem., M. E. Church; Epworth League; Y. M. C. A.; Am. Physiol. Soc; Am. Pharmacol. Soc; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Mabel Howell. S 11. 1912. Children: Wendell Howell, b. Jl 10. 1910; Philip Rcid, b. N 7. 1920. Ad- dress, 3731 Kanawha St., Chevy Chase, Wash., D. C; bus. add., Hyg. Lab., 25th and E. Sts., N. W.. do. CHESTER HERBERT LOCKWOOD Phys. -and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1907; b. 1883. Instr., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1920 — ; practice limited to Ophthalmol, and Otol. Mem., A. M. A.; Okla. State Med. Assn. Ad- dress, 6326 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. t LEO LOEB Professor; M.D., Univ. of Zurich, 1897: b. S 21, 1869; 8. Benedict and Barbara (Isay) Loob. Asst. Prof., Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; Prof., Comparative Pathol., Washington Univ., Med. Sch., St. Louis. Address, 719 Westgale Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., Washington Univ. Med. Sch., do. GILBERT MARTIN LOEWE (See '12 Med.) WILLIAM HOFFMAN GARDNER LOGAN Oral Surgeon; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 1895; M.D., Chicago Coll. Med. and Surg., 1903; b. O 14, 1872, Morrison. 111.; s. Robert E. and Melvina (McCoy) Logan. Prepared in Mor- rison H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Prof., Dent. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1S98-1900; Assoc, Prof. Oral Surg, and Prof, and Head of Dept., Oral Pathol., Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg.; Surg. Asst., Frances E. Willard Nat. Temperance Hosp., Chi- cago. Maj.. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917. Mem., Gen. Med. Bd. of Council of Nat. Defense (Cbm., Sub. Com.); Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow); A. M. A. (do.); Nat. Dent. Assn. (Pres., 1917-18); 111. State Dent. Soc. (do., 1913-14); Chicago Dent. Soc. ' (do., 1909-10); A. F. A. M.; Chicago Athletic Club; Press Club; Edgewater Country Club. Married Florence Brophy, Je 13. 1900. Child, Jean Brophy. Address, .5712 Kenmore Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 29 E. Madison St., do.t GEORGE JOHN LORCH (See '01 Med.) JOHN BROWN LORING Phys. and Surg.; M.D., McGill Univ. Faculty of Med., Quebec, 1883; Licentiate of the Roval Coll. of Phys., London, and the Royal Coll. of Surgs., England. Demonstrator, Chem., Coll. of Med., 1889-90; Clin. Instr., Diseases of Eye and Ear, do.. 1893-95; Instr., Clin. Ophthalmol., do., 1902-04; Prof., do., 1910-16. Mem., Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Oto-LaryngoL; Chicago Ophthal- molog. Soc; Am. Coll. Surgs.; A. M. A. Address, 463 Briar Place, Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., rfo.t BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LOUNSBURY Surgeon; B.L., Univ. of Wis,, 1902; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1907; b. O 13, 1875, Water- town, Wis.; 8. Ira Daniel (b. O 19. 1852. do.) and Martha Minerva (Jordan) Loiinsbury (b. 1856, Whitehall, N. Y.). Prepared in Water- town (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; "W" in athletics, Univ. of Wis. Grad work, Univ. of Wis., 1903-04; Chief Surg., Washington Blvd. Hosp., 1912—; Asst. Chief Surg., Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. P. R. R. Co., 1912—; Asst. Prof., Operative Surg., Coll. of Mod., 1018 — . Auth.: lodin in Traumatic Surgery, 7??/. Surg. Jniir.. 1911; A Case of Intraperitoneal Puptvire of Bladder with Fracture of Pelvis and Traumatic Paralysis of Intestines, do., 1914; Fracture of the Os Calcis, Surg., Gynecol, and Ohslefrirs, 1916; Fractures About Joints, Mivnesotn Med., 1918; Plastic Re- pair of the Heel, Surg. Clinics of Chicago, 1919. Married Elizabeth Vivian Williams, Je 8, 1910, Mt. Vernon, la. Children: Frank, b. Mv 6, 1912; Richard, b. Ag 29, 1917; Elizabeth, b. F 2, 1919; Eleanore. b. F 2, 1919. Address, 734 Fair Oaks Ave., Oak Park, III.; bus. add., 2449 Washington Blvd. Hoep., Chicago. University of Illinois ALBERT A. LOWENTHAL (See '95 Med.) LOUIS LAWRENCE LOWENTHAL Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll.. 1879; b. 1S38. Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 1623 W. 104th Place. Chicago; bus. add., 1262 W. 103rd St.. do.\ GEORGE FRANK LYDSTON Urologist; M.D., Bellevue Hosp. and Med. Coll.. 1S79; s. G. N. Lydston. Prepared in Rush Med. Coll. and by course of instruction in office of Dr. F. B. Norcom, Chicago. Studied in Bellevue, St. Francis, and Charity Hosps., New York, and under tutorship of Prof. Joseph W. Howe of N. Y. Med. Coll., 1878-79. Resident Surg., N. Y. Charity and Penitentiary Hosps., Blackwells Island, N. Y., 1879-81; do., N. Y. State Emigra- tion Hosp. and Refuge, 1881; Prof., Surg, and diseases of Genito-Urinary system, Coll. of Med., 1882-1912; Prof., Principles and Practice of Surg.. N. W. Coll. of Dent. Surg.; Attending Surg., W. Side Free Dispensary. Auth.; Many contribu- tions to well known Med. publications; Ed., Surg. Dept. of the West. Med. Reporter. Mem., Hesperia Lodge 411, A. F. A. M.; Lincoln Park Chapter, R. A. M.; Oriental Consistory, Chicago Commandery, K. T.; Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Royal Arcanum; Chicago Med. and Pathol. Soc; A. M. A. (Fellow). Married Josie Cottier, N 3, 1883, Chicago. Address, 25 E. Washington St.. Chicago. JAMES ALLEN LYDSTON (See '83 Pharm.) THOMAS P. LYNAM Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1900; b. D 13, 1867, Can.; s. Burt and Mary (Corcoran) Lynam. Prepared in St. Johns Univ. ; Commercial Course. Orthopedic Surg.. Chicago Policlinic and St. Anns Hosp., Chicago; Clin. Instr.. Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1906-10. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Orthopedic Soc. Married Mary E. Boyle. Ad- dress, .3904 Wilcox St.. Chicago; bus. add., 3959 Madison St.. do. JOHN WOOD MacARTHUR Instructor; A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1910; A.M., Wabash Coll., 1911. Instr., Geol. and Zool.. Wabash Coll., 1911-12; Fellow in Zool.. Univ. of Chicago, 1913-14; Asst., Zool., 191.'->; Assoc. do.. Rush Med. Coll., 1916-17; Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1917-18; do.. Coll. of Dent., do. Ad- dress, Med. Dept., Univ. of Toronto, Can. ROY WHITE McCLINTOCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1904; b. 1877. Instr., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Address, 4759 N. Paulina St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t JAMES LESLIE McCOLLUM Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1889; b. 18.55. Clin. Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1894-95. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3119 Fulton St., Chieago.t WALKER ELLSWORTH McCORKLE (See '19 Med.) FRANCES McCORD Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1905. Asst.", Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1908-10. Address, Blue Island, Ill.t SAMUEL LUTHER McCREIGHT B.S., Nat. Norm. Univ.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll.; b. O 9, 1849, Youngsville, O. ; s. Jonathan H. and Margaret (Black) McCreight. Clin. Instr., Dis- eases of Eve and Ear, Coll. of Med., 1896-97. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; 111. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Ophthalmol. Soc Mar- ried Elizabeth Nora Gilliland, Jl 26, 1888, Rip- ley, O. Children: Althea, b. D 25, 1892; Marion Margaret, b. F 20, 1896. Address, 311 Wesley Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 32 N. State St., Chicago. ANDREW McDERMID Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Toronto, 1879; b. Jl 17, 1854, Fingal Ont., Can.; s. Andrew and Ann (Smith) McDermid. Gold Medal, Trinity Med. Coll., Toronto, 1879. Assoc. Prof., Obstet- rics, Coll. of Med., 1896-1906; Prof., Gynecol, and Obstetrics, do., 1906-13; Specialist in Obstetrics, Chicago, 1916; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Pocahontas, Alberta, Can. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Emma L. Brett, 1880, Arkona, Ont., Can. Children: William Al- bert, b. O 25, 1886; Alida Winona, b. O 14, 1888. Address, Pocahontas, Alberta, Can. GEORGE LAWRENCE McDERMOTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1897; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1902-08. Address, 1183 St. Paul St., Denver; bus. add., 809 14th St., do.t WILLIAM DAVID McDOWELL (See '01 Med.) WILHELMINA C. McEACHERN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1905; b. 1869. Asst., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1906- 10. Address, 8043 Langley Ave., Chieago.t MARY GILRUTH McEWEN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1898; B.S., Cornell Coll., 1904; b. My 3. 1872, Charlotte, la.; d. James Henry and Addie (Collins) Gilruth. Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Intewi, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Mem., Faculty, 111. Med. Coll.. 1903-17; Instr. and Asst. Prof.. Clin. Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1900-16; At- tending Gynecol., St. Francis Hosp.,_ Evanston, do.\ formerly at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago; Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Mem., Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow). Married Ernest L. McEwen, 1898. Child, Ernest George, b. My 6, 1908. Ad- dress, 1703 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111.; 6ms. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. M. E. McGRATH Clin. Instr., Med., 1892-93; do.. Diseases of the Chest, 1895-96. HUGH ALISTER McGUIGAN Professor; B.S., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1S98; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; M.D., Rush Med. Coll.. 1908; b. Mr 29. 1874, Lisnoe. Co. Down. Ireland; s. Bernard (b. 1834, do.) and Susanna (Alister) McGuigan (b. 1833, do.). Prepared in Casselton (N. Dak.) H. S. Sigma Xi; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Fellowship in Physiol. Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1903. Grad work, in Univ. of Mich.. 1900-01; Asst. Prof., Chem., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1902-03; Asst., Physiol. Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1904-06; Asst. Prof., Pharmacol, and Physiol., Univ. of Washington, 1906-10; Studied Pharmacol, and Physiol, in Heidelberg, Ger., 1908-09; Prof., Pharmacol.. N. Y. Univ. Med. Sch.. 1910-17; Prof., Materia Med., Pharmacol., and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1917 — . Auth.: Experimental Pharmacology, Lea and Febiger, Pa., 1919; The Relation between the Decomposition Tension of Salts and their Antifermentative Properties, Am. Jour., Physiol, Vol. X, 1904; The Mechanism of Experimental Glycosuria (with C. Brooks), Am. Jour., Physiol, Vol. XVIII, 1907; The Oxidation of Various Sugars and the Oxidizing Power of Different Tissues, Am. Jour., Physiol, Vol. XIX, 1907; A Study of the Oxidiz- ing Power of Cupric Acetate Solutions (with A. P. Mathews), do.; The Direct Utilization of tlie Common Sugars by the Tissues, do.. Vol. XXI, 1908; On Glycolysis, do.; Adrenalectomy and Glycosuria, do.. Vol. XXVI, 1910; The Site of the Action of Strychnine in the Spinal Cord, (with A. H. Rvan), Jour., Pharmacol and Exper. Therap., Vol. 11, 1911; The Convulsive Reflex pro- duced by Strychnine (a.) Habit (with H. T. Mos- trom). (b) As Modified by Epinephrine, do.. Vol. Faculty, College of Medicine 269 III, 1912; Isocalycanthine and its Quaternary Base (.with C. L. V. Hess), do.; other articles in the foregoing publications and in Jour., Biol. Chim. Arch, -of Int. Med., Jour. A. M. A. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Soc. of Biological Chems.; Am. Physiol. Soc; Experimental Pharma- cology and Therapeutics; Chicago Inst, of Med.; Univ. Club of Chicago; Assoc, of Univ. Profs. Married Mabel Leininger, Je 20, 1906, Fargo, N. Dak. Children: Anna Eleanor, b. S 30, 1907; Robert Alister. b. D IS, 1909; Mabel Elizabeth, b. Ja 10, 1912; Mary Jane, b. Je 30, 1915: John Hugh. b. N 29, 1918. Address, 2315 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. JAMES JOSEPH McGUINN (See "01 Med.) JOHN AUGUSTINE McHUGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Harvey Med. Coll., 1901. Asst. Demonstrator, Anat., Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1932 S. Avers Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3435 Ogden Ave., do.t WAUTER CARAWAY McKEE (See '10 Med.) CHARLES MORGAN McKENNA Asst. Prof.; B.S., Chicago Univ., 1903; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1905. b. 1878. Surg.. St. Josephs Hosp.; Instr., Sr. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-16; Asst. Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg., do., 1916 — . Mem., Am. Urol. Soc; Chicago Urol. Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soo. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chieago.t JOHN McKINI.OCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Mich. Coll. of Med., 1S83; b. N 23, 1861. Oswego. N. Y.; s. John and Margaret Ann (McCormick) McKinlock. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs. of Buffalo and Detroit. Post- grad work, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1883-84. Asst. Prof., Gynecol., Detroit Coll. of Med., 18S4- 90; Clin. Instr., Gynecol.. Coll. of Med., 1895-97; one of organizers. 1893; for several yrs.. attending Surg.. Chicago Hosp.; U. S. Surg.. Chicago, 1909-16. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Univ. Club. Married Julia Taylor Knight, Mv 20, 1891. Atlanta, Ga. Ad- dress, 5412 Hyde Park Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do.-f CLARENCE JAMES McMULLEN (See '12 Med.) RAYMOND WILLIAM McNEALLY (See '10 Med.) ♦SAMUEL ANDERSON McWILLIAMS Phys. and Surg.; B.A., M.A., Univ. of Mich.. 1861; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1866; b. F 7, 1831, Newtonards, County Down, Ireland; s. David and Margaret (Anderson) McWilliams. Prepared in H. S., Pecton, Prince Edward Co., Can. Lecturer. Phys. diaenosi.s Chicago Med. Coll., 1866-67; do.. Urinary and Renal Disorders, N. W. Univ.; Prof., Clin. Med., of the Chest, and Physical Diag., Coll. of Med., 1882-90; Prof.. Anatomy, N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch.; Prof., Diseases of the Chest, Clin. Med. and Physiol., Dearborn Med. Coll., Chicago, 1903-04; do.. Reliance Med. Ck)ll.. do., 1907-17; Prof., Genito-Urinary Surg., Bennett Med. Coll., do.; Attending Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., do.; Specialist, Phys. Diagnosis; One of organizers of (Toll, of Med.; One of founders of Chicago Hosp , Coll. of Med. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow): Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Acad, of Med.; Phys. Club; Presbv. Church; A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Bertha Scheibel, Ja 2. 1884, Chicago. Children: Grace, Estella, Samuel, and Edwin. Died, Ja 4, 1917. Chicago. BURTON C. MACK Instr.. Surg.. 1902-04. THOMAS BYRD MAGATH (See '20 Med.) CHARLES ALFORD MAGHY (See '05 Med.) EDWARD F. MAGINN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1903; b. 1880. Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Mem., Am. Coll. Surgs.; A. M. A. Address, 845 W. Mercury St., Butte, Mont.; bus. add., Lewisohn BIdg., do.t WILLIAM ALEXANDER MALCOLM (See '19 Med.) HARRISON WILLIS MALTBY (See '12 Med.) CHARLES HENRY MANLOVE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1914; b. 1887. Assoc, Pathol, and Bacteriol., Coll. of Med., 1917-18; formerly of Altoona, Pa. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A. Mem, A. M. A. Address, Manila, P. I.f JULIAN B. MARKS (See '18 Med.) HARTLEY FARNHAM MARS (See '17 Med.) VANDY FRANK MASILKO (See '00 Med.) LAURENCE HAMPSON MAYERS (See '15 Med.) MAURICE SEYMOUR MAZEL Phys. and Surg.; B.S., N. W. Univ., 1916; M.D., do., 1918; b. Ja 12, 1895, Chicago; s. Isaac (b. 1872, Russia) and Rose (Perling) Mazel (b. 1875, Bristol, Eng.). Prepared in Medill H. S.: Y. M. C. A. day sch.; Univ. of Chicago. 1912-13( Alpha Phi Sigma; Phi Delta EiDsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha. Resident Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., 1918-19; Instr., Genito-Urinary Diseases, 1919 — ; Phys. and Surg.. Chicago. 1920—. M. R. C, U. S. A.. 1917-19. Mem.. Hon. Med. Soc, 1917—. Ad- dress, 709 Sheridan Rd.. Chicago; bus. add., 108 N. State St., do. GENEVIEVE LOUISE MEAKIN Artist; b. Ja 24. 1897, Cincinnati. Prepared in H. S.; Art Sch., Cincinnati. Surg. Illustrator, Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., 1917-19; do.. Coll. of Med.. 1919—. Address, 2110 Prairie Ave., Chi- cago.t WALTER HOWARD MEENTS Professor; B.S.. N. W. Univ., 1904; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1907; b. Ap 8, 1883, Ashkum, 111.; s. Meent R. (b. Je 1851, Ostfriesland, Ger.) and Philadelphia (Cloke) Meents (b. N 1852, N. J.). Prepared in Cjrand Prairie Seminary, and Onarga and Evanston Acads. Grad. work, Univs. of Ber- lin, Vienna, Marburg, Wurzburg, Berne, Lousanne and Paris, 1909-13; Instr. and Asst., Univ. of Marburg, Ger., 1911-13; Instr., Rush Med. Coll., 1913-19; Asst. Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919—. Address, 3201 Franklin Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. WALTER BRADFORD METCALF Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1894; b. Ja 3, 1867, Marengo, 111.; s. McKendrick B and Susan B. (Rockwood) Metcalf. Prepared in Marengo H. S. Phi Oil. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago; Instr., Difcascs of the Cliest, Coll. of Med., 1912-14; do., Clin M( d., do., 1914-18; Assoc, do., 1918-19; Assoc, Med., do., 1919 — . Vol. M. C, U. S. Army. Auth.: Book on Tuber- culosis of the Lymphatic System; The U.«e and Misuse of Tuberculin; X-Ray in Stomach Diag- nosis; Use of Ambulatory Pneumatic Splint. Mar- ried Ann Mae Jump, Ag 25, 1912, Houston, Del. Children: Edith Mary, b. Ja 16, 1916; Walter B., Jr., b. Ag 27. 1917. ^drfrf.s.v, 721 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., 270 University of Illinois tEE HARRISON METTLER Physician; A.B., Coll. of the City of N. Y., 1883; M.A., do., 18S6; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1886; b. Je 1. 1863, N. Y. City; s. Isaac V. (b. Ap 28, 1828, Flemington, N. Y.) and Marcella M. (Smith) Mettler (b. Jl 4, 1835, Philadelphia, Pa.). Prepared in Pub. and Pvt. Schs. of N. Y. and Coll. of Phys, and Surgs., 1883-84. Phreno- cosmian Literary Soc. Prosector, Jefferson Med. Coll., 1886-87; Instr., Medico-Chirurgical Coll. of Phila., do.; Chief of the Med. Climes, 1887-91; Lec- turer and clin. Instr., Mental and Nervous Dis- eases and Electro-Therapeutics, 1888-91; moved to Chicago, 1891; Med. Examiner for Nederland Life Ins. Co. of Holland and America; Inspector for Chicago Bd. of Health; Prof., Mental and Nervous Diseases, Chicago Clin. Post-grad. Sch.; Prof., Physiol, of the Nervous System, Coll. of Med., 1898-1902; Assoc. Prof., Neurol., do., 1902- 08; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Neurolog., do., 1908-18; Attending Neurolog., Cook Co. Hosp., and Lakeside Hosp., Chicago; Neurolog. for Nor- wegian Lutheran Deaconesses Home and Hosp.; Consulting Phys., Chicago. Mem., of Seventh Regt., Co. A., N. Y. Nat. Guard, 1883-84. Auth.: The Sensory-Motor Functions of the Brain, A''. Y. Med. Record, 1892; The Nature of the Physical perfection of man, do., 1888; Maternal Impressions, do., 1892; Strychnia in Valvular Heart Disease, do., 1894; Case of Quinine Poison- ing, do., 1893; Treatment of Seminal Incontinence, do.; A Mixed Exanthem, Probably Scarlantinous, do., 1892; Gangrene Following Typhoid Fever, Phila. Med. Times, 1887 ; Endarteritis as a Sequel of Typhoid Fever, do.; Cholera Infantum, do., 1888; Is It the Beginning of the End, A^. Y. Med. Record, 18Q5, Cerebro-Spinal Decussations, N. Y. Med. Jour., 1889; other article.s in the foregoing publications and in Medico-Legal Jour, of N. Y., Med. Bulletin, Jour, of Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, Bulletin of the Am. Acad, of Med., Chicago Med. Recorder, Phila. Times and Register and The Med. Register. Mem., A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc.; Chicago Neurolog. Soc. (Ex-Pres.); Physicians Club of Chicago; Am. Acad, of Med.; A. A. A. S.; Winnetka Congre- gational Church. Married Minnie Warner, Je 12, 1900, Clinton, 111. Children: Marcella, b. F 28, 1901; Barbara Isabella, b. Mr 12, 1907. Address, 1119 Sheridan Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. ARTHUR R. METZ Physician; A.B., Univ. of Ind., 1909; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1911; b. .la 17, 1887, South Whitley, Ind.; s. O. (b. 1836, Pa.) and Fanny (Rhumsvre) Metz (b. 1860, O.). Prepared in South Whitley (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Nu Sigma Nu. Surg, and Roentgenologist to Washington Blvd. Hosp., 1913—; Surg, to C. M. & St. P. R. R. and Penn. R. R., 1913—; Instr. in Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Capt., M. C, Base Hosp. 13, D 1917-Mr 1919. Univ. Club of Chicago, 1915—. Address, 2449 Wash- ington Blvd., Chicago. KARL ALBERT MEYER (See '08 Med.) MAX MEYEROVITZ (See '07 Med.) ISADORE LEON MEYERS Instr. and Phys.; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1905; b. D 23, 1882, Rus. Prepared in Classical Sch., Kovno, Rus., and Univ. of Koenigsberg, Prussia. Specialist in Neurol., Chicago; Assoc. Prof., Neurol., Coll. of Med., 1920—; 111. Med. Coll., do. Auth.: Articles in Jour. A. M. A.\ Jour. Nervous and Mental Diseases; Archives of Neurol, and Psychiatry. Mem., Chicago Neurol. Soc; A. M. A. Married Leah Rosenberg, Je 23, 1912. Child, Marguerite, b. Jl 12, 1920. Address, 4849 Prairie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. J. MEYERS Instr.. Sr. Med., 1906-08. RALPH SHERMAN MICHEL M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1876; b. N 30, 1851, Ohio. Prepared in Ohio Univ. Assoc Prof., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1900-10. Mem., A. M. A.; A. A. A. S. Address, 2835 Logan Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1550 N. Robey St., do. EDGAR GRIM MILLER Asst., Physiolog. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1912-14; Asst., Chem., Coll. of Dent., 1912-14. J. H. MILLER Lecturer, Practice of Med., 1891-92. MATTHEW MILLS Lawyer; M.D., Yale Univ., 1900; b. Ag 30, 1877, Chicago; s. Luther Laflin and Ella Jessup (Boris) Mills. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. and Univ. of Chicago. Kappa Psi; Psi Upsilon; Scroll and Key. Assoc. Prof., Med. Jurisprudence Coll. of Med.. 1910-12; Lecturer, do., 1912— Mem., Law Club; Chicago Bar Assn. Address 4430 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 10 S La Salle St., do. HENRY J. MILLSTONE A.B., West. Reserve Coll., 1912; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1916; b. Ap 10, 1892, New York City; s. James S. and Jennie (Frectman) Millstone. Prepared in Glenville H. S. Alpha Phi Sigma. Asst., Genito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Auth.: Several magazine articles. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Urolog. Soc; Am. Urolog. Soc. Married Anna Goldstone, S 10, 1910, Chi- cago. Child, Stanford, b. 1917. Address, 9057 Commercial Ave., Chicago. *JOHN T. MILNAMOW Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1882. Prof., Physical Diag., Coll. of Med., 1895-98; Attending Phys., St. Annes Sanitarium and Hosp., Chicago; Pres., attending staff, do. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Died, Ap 22, 1918, Chicago. F. W. MITCHELL Clin. Instr., Diseases of Nose and Throat, 1892-94. LOUIS JEFFERSON MITCHELL (See '86 Med.) MATHIAS JOSEPH MOES Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1906; b. 1882. Asst., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1906-08. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Bank and Insurance Bldg., Dubuque, la.t WILLIAM FRANKLIN MONCREIFF Phvs. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; b. 18'93. Asst., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1918-19; Instr.. Surg., and Asst., Ophthalmol., do., 1919-20; Asst.. Ophthalmol., do., 1920 — ; Practice limited to Ophthalmol., Otol., Larvngol., and Rhinol. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3990 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do.f CARLOS MONTEZUMA Surgeon; B.S. in Chem., Univ. of 111., 1884; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1889; b. 1867, Ariz.; s. Co-Lu-Ye-Yah (Apache Indian); was captured by Pima Indians and sold for $30 to Mr. C. Gentle who brought him to Chicago in 1871. Prepared in Pub. Schs., Chicago, Galesburg, 111., and Brooklyn. N. Y. Phys. and Surg.. Interior Dept.. 1889; located in Ft. Stevenson. N. Dak.; Western Shoshone Agency, Nev.; Colville Agency, Wash.; U. S. Indian Sch., Carlisle, Pa., and Chicago. 1896 — ; Assoc with Dr. Fenton B. Turck in his clinic. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1896-1914; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-07; do.. Chicago Hosp. Coll. of Med., 1917. Ed., Wassaga. an Indian Jour.; has written for 40 yrs. on Indian matters tending toward the emancipation of his race Auth.: The Indian of Tomorrow; The Indian of Today; Let Mv People Go. Mem., A. M. A. 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Med Soc. of State of Pa.; Baptist Church; A. F. A. M Married Mary Keller, S 19, 1913. Address, 3135 S. Park Ave., Chicago.! Faculty, College of Medicine 271 ROY LEE MOODIE Assoc. Prof.; A.B.. Uiiiv. of Kan., 1905: Ph.D.. Univ. of Chicago. 1908; b. Jl 30, ISSO. Bowling Green, Ky.; s. William Lemuel (b. O 21, 1842, N. C.) and Sarah Estelle (Gregg) Moodie (b. D 28, 1845, Lawrenceburg, Ind). I'rcpared in Sum- ner Co. (Kan.) H. S. Sigma Xi; Phi illio Sigma; Fellowship in Vertebrate Paleontol. (With S. W. Williston), Univ. of Chicago, 1905-08. Prof., Biol., Warrensburg (Mo.) Norm. Sch., 1908; Instr., Zool., Univ. of Kan., 1908-09; Asst. Prof., do., 1909-13; Prof., do., (Summer Session) Univ. of Mo., 1911-12; Prof., Anatomy, Coll. of Med., Bavlor Univ., Dallas, Tex., 1913-14; Instr., do.. Coil, of Med., 1914-15; Assoc, do., 1915-10; Asst. Prof., do.. 1916-20; .\ssoc. Prof., do., 1920—; do., CoU. of Dent., 1914—. Auth.: A New Milesia from Ari«., with Notes on Some Wyo. Syrphidae, Ent. Mews, 1905; The Sacrum of the Lacertilia, Biol. Bui, Jl 1907; Dissorophus — a Correction, Science, 1908; Reptilian Epiphyses, Am. Jour. Anat., 1908; The Clasping Organs of Recent and Extinct Amphibia, Biol. Bui., 1908; The Dawn of Quadrupeds in N. Am., Pop. Sci. Monthly, Je 190&; The Ancestry of the Caudate Amphibia, Am. Xaturalist, Je 1908; Osbornes Evolution of mam- malian molar Teeth, Anat. Rec.,l90S (book re\-iew) ; The Lateral Line Svstem in E.xtinct Amphibia, Jour. Morph., 1908; The Relationship of the Tur- tles and Plesiosaurs, Kan. Univ. Sci. BuL, 1908; The Chub and the Tex. Horn Fly, Am. Naturalist, 1909; Contributions to a Monograph of the Ex- tinct Amphibia of N. Am., New Forms from the Carboniferous, Jour. Geol., 1909; other articles in the foregoing publications and about sixty articles appearing in: Proceedings of U. S. Nat. Museum; Bui. Am. Museum Nat. Hist.; Geol. Magazine; Transactions of Kan. Acad, of Sc; Am. Jour. Sc; Bui. Am. Geol. Soc; Jour. Comparative Neurol.; Transactions of Chicago Pathol. Soc; Annals of Med. Hist.; Surg., Gynecol, and Obstetrics; Jour, of Parasitol.; So. Med. Jour. Mem., Am. Paleontol. Soc; Am. Assn. of .\natomists; Am. Soc of Zoolo- gists; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Catherine McKinnon Wood, Je 29, 1910, Kansas City, Mo. Children: William Ross, b. Ap 29, 1911; Catherine Ann., b. N 1, 1913; Sarah Lee, b. S 7, 1915. Ad- dress, 133 Prairie Ave., Wilmette, 111. WILLSON BRIDGES MOODY Assistant; A.B., Williams Coll., 1914; b. 1892. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1919. Asst., Operative Surg.. Coll. of Med.. 1918-19. Address, 637 S. Wood St., Chicago. ERNEST SISSON MOORE (See '03 Med.) FRANK DONALD MOORE (See '99 Med.) JOSIAH JOHN MOORE Asst. ProL; B.S., Univ. of Mont.. 1907; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1915; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1912; b. Ag 26, 1886, Anaconda, Mont.; s. William (b. Isle of Man) and Jane (Peters) Moore (b. Cornwall, Eng.). Prepared in Anaconda (Mont.) H. S. Sigma Nu; Acacia; Phi Chi; Silent Sentinel; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Grad. work, Univ. of Chicago, summers of 1911 and 1915; Univ. of 111., 1914-18. Asst., Biol., Univ. of Mont., 1905-07; Fellow in Pathol., Univ. of Chicago, 19fJ9-10; Asst., Pathol., do., 1911-12; Research fellow. Memorial Inst, for Infectious Diseases, 1910-11; Fellow, S. A. Sprague Memorial Inst., 1912-13; Pathologist, Ravenswood Hosp., 1912 — ; Instr., Experimental Med., Coll. of Med., 1913-15; Assoc, do., 1915-18; Assoc, in Pathol, and Bac- teriol., do., 1918-20; Assoc. Prof, in do., 1920 — . Instr. to M. O. R. C, U. S. N., 1917. Auth.: Time P^elationahip of the Woodtick in the Trans- mis.sion of Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever, Jour. In- fectious Diseases, 1911; The Production and Con- centration of a Serum for Rocky Mt. .Spotted Fever, with P. S. Heinemann, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. LVII, 1911; Experimental Therapy of Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever, do.. Jour, of Infectious Diseases, 1914; The Action of Vaccinae and of .Concentrated Antistreptoccus Serum in Experimental Strep- tococcal Arthritis, do.; Complement Fixation in Hodgkin's Disease, Transactioris of Chicago Path- olog. Soc, 1914; A Disease in Guinea Pigs Re- sembling Scurvy, with D. J. Davis, do.; Immuno- log. Experiments with Streptococci, do.; The Wasserman Test in the Med. Dispensary, Jour. A. M. A., 1915; The Effect of Continuous Electric light in Experimental Arthritis, with Dr. Sim- monds. Arch, of Int. Med., Vol. XVII, 1916; Immunolog. Studies in Hodgkin's Disease, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 18, do.; The Value of the Wasserman Reaction in Pregnancy, with F. H. Falls, Jour. A. M. A., do.; Studies on Experi- mental Scurvy in Guinea Pigs, with Dr. L. Jackson, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, do.; other articles in the III. Med. Jour., Jour. Lab. and Clinical Med., and Proceedings, Inst, of Med. of Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. (Sec. of section on Pathol, and Physiol., 1918 — ; A. A. A. S.; Am. Assn. of Patholog. and Bacteriolog.; Soc. of Am. Bacteriolog.; 111. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Patholog. Soc; Inst, of Med. of Chicago. Married Florence Johnson, Je 1909, Chicago. Child, Franklin J., b. Ja 2, 1913. Address, 5036 Drexel Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 508 S. Honore St., do. JAMES HENRY MORAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1909; b. Ag 24, 1871, Cleveland. Prepared in St. Bridgets Acad., 1885-88; Central Inst,, 1905; Coll. of Med., 1905-08. Alpha Omega Alpha. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-19; Prof., Med., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Coll. Mem., A. M. A.; Roman Catholic Church. Address, 3656 W. North Ave., Chicago. t EDMOND R. MORAS (See '89 Med.) J. LUCIEN MORRIS Asst. Prof.; B.S., Hanover Coll., Ind., 1907; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1910; Ph.D., do., 1914. b. S 23, 1885, Corydon, Ind.; s. James Lewis and Cora K. (Slemmons) Morris. Prepared in Corydon (Ind.) H. S. Beta Theta Pi. Assoc, Physiol. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1917-18; do.. Coll. of Dent., do.; Asst. Prof., Biochemistry, Western Reserve Univ., Sch. of Med. Auth.: Articles pub- lishing research results in Biochemistry. Mar- ried Pearl Ellis, S 10, 1913. Mattoon, 111. Chil- dren: Lucien Ellis, b. N 30, 1914; Marcia, b. O 10, 1920. Address, 3264 Altamont Rd., Cleve- land Heights, O.; bus. add., 1353 E. 9th St., Cleve- land. ROBERT HAROLD MORRIS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Barnes Univ. Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1896; do., Tulane Univ. of La., Sch. of Med., 1914. Instr., Sr. Med., Coll. of Med., 1906-08. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 207 W. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., Shubert Bldg., do.t ROBERT NELSON MORRIS Ptiys. and Surg.; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1889; b. Jl 14, 1800, Reading, Mich.; s. Robert N. and Ellen W. Morris (b. Ja 21, 1821, West Unity, O.). Prepared in Reading (Mich.) H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Studied in Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1887-89; He-ring Med. Coll., 1900; Prof., Physiol., Physiol. Chem., Materia Med., Gynecol., Surg, and Practice, do., 1895-1913; Dean of do., 1911-13; V. P., 1914-15; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1904-06. Auth.: Several articles in Med. Macazines. Mem., I. H. A.; A. I. H.; HI. Homeo- pathic Soc; Chicago Homeopathic Soc; Reg. Homeopathic Soc. Married, Jl 24, 1886, Brook- lyn, Mich. Address, 7 W. Madison St., Chicago. ROBERT WILSON MORRIS (See '02 Med.) FRANK ROY MORTON (See '01 Med.) ELMER W. MOSLEY (See '11 Med.) 272 University op Illinois ROBERT MOSSER (See '08 Med.) EZEKIEL PRICE MURDOCK Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1878; b. D 15, 1845; s. Rachel (Taylor) Murdock. Prepared in Quincy Acad. Lecturer, Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1882-90. 47th 111. Vol. Inf., Civil War. Received Diamond Medal for Control of Epidemic ; Congressional Medal, Civil War. Auth. : Water Polution; Immunity and Contagion; Polio- myelitis; Pub. Health. Mem., A. F. A. M., Chi- cago Commandery, K. T.; Grand Army of the Republic. Married Anna Rachel Eckart, Ja 30, 1883. Children: Edgar Paul, b. Ag 19, 1885; Winifred D., b. O 11, 1890; Archibald Campbell, b. Mr 13, 1892. Address, 4907 W. Monroe St., Chicago. ELAM TURNER MURPHY (See '08 Med.) FRANK GEORGE MURPHY ■'■" Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1913; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; b. N 8, 1888, Mapleton, N. Dak. Prepared in St. Thomas Mil. Coll., St. Paul, Minn., 1905-09. Intern, St. Lukes Hosp., Je 1915-Jl 1917; Instr., Genito-Urinary Surg., Loyola Med. Sch., 1919-20; Asst. to Dr. H. B. Thomas in Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med. and St. Lukes Hosp., 1920; Gen. Med. practice, 1920-21; Instr., Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1921—. Orthopedic Surg, with British Forces, Ja 1918- Mr 1919. Mem., Catholic Church; A. M. A. Address, 3012 E. 92nd St., Chicago.t JOHN B. MURPHY (See Honorary Med. Degrees) PATRICK A. MURPHY (See '05 Med.) GEORGE HENRY MUSSELMAN (See '09 Med.) ROBERT ROWLAINE MUSTELL (See '19 Med.) HANS W. NACHTIGALL Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1913; b. 1886. Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1920—. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 829 George St., Chicago; bus. add., 747 FuUerton Ave., do.t OSCAR EUGENE NADEAU (Cousin of Emile G., '14, M.D.) Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1911; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913; b. O 23, 1888, Marinette, Wis.; s. Gideon (b. Montreal, Can.) and Eugenie (Brissette) Nadeau (b. do.). Prepared in Marinette H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., in Photography, Univ. of Wis., 1910-11; Assoc. Ed., 4 Student Publications, do.; Pathologist, St. Mary of Nazar- eth Hosp., 1911-12; Instr., Surg. Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1913; Assoc, do., 1917; Instr., Surg., 1916; Assoc, do., 1917—; Instr.. Anat., Coll. of Dent., 1919 — . (Contract Surg, in charge of S. A. T. C, Univ. of 111., Chicago Depts., S-D, 1918. Auth.: History of Med. Illustrations, Thesis, Univ. of Wis., 1911; Benign Tumors of Stomach, Transactions of Chicago Pathol. Soc, 1915; Diverticulae of Gall Bladder Perforating the Liver, Med. and Surg., 1913; Chapter on Mil. Surg., Ochsner and Percy, Manual of Surg., 1917; Surg, of Male Genitals, Ochsner System of Surg., Lea and Febiger. 1920; Surg, of Tuberculosis, do., 1920. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathologic Soc; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Married Alice Deslauriers, Ap 18, 1913. Children: Alice Marie, b. Ap 17. 1918; Marie Louise, b. Je 29, 1919. Address, 2106 Sedgwick St., Chicago. JOHN STEPHEN NAGEL (See '98 Med.) JAMES MITCHELL NEFF (See '98 Med.) JOHN WILLIAM NELSON Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Columbia Univ. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1896; b. 1867. Demonstrator, Histol., Coll. of Med., 1893-94. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 525 E. 2nd St., Jamestown, N. Y.f CHARLES NEWBERGER (Uncle of Charlotte D. Goldberg, '16, A.B., in L. and A.; Brother-in-law of P. H. Goldberg, '14, A.B. in L. and A.) Physician; S.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1909; b. O 1, 1883, Riga, Russia; s. Joseph M. (b. 1858, Russia) and Sarah (Kanter) Newberger (b. 1864, do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta Epsilon; Men- orah. Intern, Chicago Lying-in -Hosp., 1909-10; do., St. Josephs Hosp., 1910-11; do., Childrens Memorial Hosp., 1911; Attending Phys., Infant Welfare Soc, 1912, do., Out Patient Dept., Chil- drens Memorial Hosp., 1913; do., West Side Jewish Dispensary, 1914-15; Med. Staff, Marks Nathan Jewish Orphans Home, 1913 — ; Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1912—; Med. Staff, Home for Aged, 1916 — ; Asst. Obstetrician, Chicago Lying-In Hosp., 1913 — ; Attending Ob- stetrician, Mount Siani Hosp., 1919 — . Examin- ing Phys., Local Exemption Bd., No. 81, Jl 1917- N, 1918. Auth.: Tetanus as a Complication of Burns, Am. Jour. Diseases of Children, Vol. IV, 1912. Mem., A. M. A., 1912—; 111. State Med. Soc, 1912—; Chicago Med. Soc, 1912—; Alumni Assns., Univ. of Chicago; Rush Med. Coll., Chicago Lying-in Hosp.; Young Mens Jewish Charities, 1906— (Financial Sec, 1917—); B'Nai B'Rith, 1915—; A. F. A. M., 1918—; Nat. Masonic Research Soc, 1918 — ; Zionist Orgn. of Am., 1918; Temple Judea, 1918—; Charter Mem. of Judea Lodge, Free Sons of Israel, 1919 — . Mar- ried Rose Goldberg, O 18, 1911, Chicago. Chil- dren: Dawn Charlotte, b. N 26, 1915; Shirley, b. Jl 26, 1918. Address, 3646 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. HENRY PARKER NEWMAN (Cousin of Edward E. Hyde, '00, M.D.) Physician; M.D., Detroit Med. Coll., 1878; A.M., Dartmouth Coll., 1894; b. D 2, 1853, Washington, N. H.; s. James Madison (b. My 10, 1818) and Abbey Parker (Everett) Newman (b. Ap 29, 1827). Prepared in New London (N. H.) Acad, and under pvt. tutorship. Nu Sigma Nu. Grad. work in Strasburg, 1878-79; Leipsig and Bonn Univs., 1879-80. Prof., Anat. and Lecturer, Obstetrics, Gynecol, and Childrens Diseases, 1882-1907; Suc- cessor to Dean Jackson as Prof., Gynecol, and Clin. Gynecol., Coll. of Med.; Med. Practice, San Diego, Calif., 1907—. Pres., Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1888-93; Treas., Coll. of Med., 1893- 1906; Prof., Clin. Gynecol., do., 1900-17; Prof., Emeritus, do., 1917 — ; Pres., Lab. of Experimental Research, Chicago, 1889-95; Pres., Marion-Sims Sanitarium and Training Sch. for Nurses, 1894- 1908; U. S. Sec, (Surg, and Gynecol. Section) Pan- Am. Med. Cong., Havana, Cuba, 1901; do., Panama Canal Zone Med. Cong., 1904; U. S. Treas., U. S. Pan-Am. Meeting, San Francisco, 1915; Delegate, Pan-Am. Cong., Washington, D. C, 1919. Mem., Calif. State Com. of Am. Phys. for Med. Preparedness, 1916-19; Calif. State Com. of Nat. Defense; U. S. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps; San Diego Co. Med. Examining Bd.; Chm. Calif. State Advisory Bd. One of the founders of Coll. of Med.; Original work done in the field of pelvic, abdominal plastic surg.; inventor of many new methods of operation and of several new instru- rnents and appliances, notably the specially de- vised pressure forceps used in homostasis. Ed., Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecol, of North Arn^ Practitioner, 1893—. Auth.: Woman and Her Diseases vs Gynecol., Transactions of the Am. Gynecol. Soc. 1896; Note on Stenosis of the Cervix as a Factor in Uterine Diseases, Jour., A. M. A., Jl 25, 1896; Remarks on the Treatment of Inevitable Abortion, Jour. A. M. A., N 27, 1897; The Indications for Plastic Surg, upon the Cervix Uteri; Tracheloplasty, with a New Method of Operation, do., S 10, 1898; The Doyen-Thumin Crusher as Clamp, with a New Instrument for Faculty, College of Medicine 273 Extending its Work Upon the Broad Ligament and Other Soft Structures, do., Mr 4, 1899; Gyne- col, and Obstetrical Significance of Girlhood, do., 1901; Tracheloplasty, do.. Ap 20, 1901; Haenios- tasis of the Broad Ligaments, Artnals of Surg., Je 1902; The Report of a Uiiiiiue Case of Plastic !^u-g. of the Female Urethra, Jour., A. M. A., Ag 9, 1902; Appendicitis from the Standpoint of the Gynecologist, do., O 10, 1903; President's Ad- dress, Gynecol. Section, A. M. A., do., Je 22, 1901; Doctorate Address, Counuencement Exercises, Coll. of Med., North Am. Practitioner, Ap 3, 1S94; other articles in the foregoing publications and several pajjers on obstetrics and allied subjs. read before the Calif. State Med. Soc. and Can. Med. Assn., 1920. Mem., 3rd Presby. Church, (Elder); A. M. A. (Treas., 1894-1905); Am. Gynecol. Soc, (V. P., 1920-21); Chicago Gynecol. Soc. cSec. and Pres.), 1888-98; San Diego Univ. Club (V. P.). Married Fanny Louise Hodges, S 21, 1882, Chicago. Children: Eugene Bush, b. Ja 5, 1885 (died Ap 2. 18S9); Helen Everett, b. Jl 11, 1S83; Willard Hodges, b. S 8, 1889; Isabel Fairbanks, b. Ja 21, 1891 (died My 4, 1891). Address, IjliO 8th St., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add., do. and 1200 American Bldg., do. F. C. NEWTON Asst. Demonstrator, Anat., 1884-85. GEORGE WENTWORTH NEWTON Physician; M.D., Univ. of Pa. Med. Dept., 1884; b. D 11, 1860, Milford, N. H.; s. Elbridge Gould and Jerusha E. (Stearns) Newton. Pre- pared in Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass., 1879. Sch. Teacher and in bus. for short time; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1884 — ; Specialist, Gyne- col.; Prof., Gynecol., Chicago Post-Grad. Sch. and Policlinic, 1897; Attending Gynecol., W. bide Hosp., Chicago; Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900; Assoc. Prof., Clin. Gynecol., do., 1900-06. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Illinois Club; Westward Ho Club. Married Jennette Jackson, My 19, 1887, Phila- delphia. Children: Harold Jackson; Frederick Albert. Address, 878 W. Adams St., Chicago.! WILLIAM LINCOLN NOBLE Phys. and Surg.; M.S., St. Lawrence ITniv., 1885; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1888; b. D 23, 1860, Russell, N. Y.; s. William and Phoebe (Grant) Noble. Supt., Cook Co. Insane Asylum. 1890; Co. Phys., Cook Co., 1891-92; Mem., Staff, III. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 189.3-1905; Surg, and Chief of Eye Dept., do., 1896-1905; Prof., Ophthahnol., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch.; Clin. Prof., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1902-04; .Aj?soc. Clin. Prof., do., 1908-10; Ophthalmologist, Dir. and Sec, W. Side Hosp.; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1888—; Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1921—. Auth.: Articles in Med. Jours. Mem., Am. Acad, of Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Omaha Ophthalmolog. and Otolog. Soc; III. State Med. Soc; 1st Congr. Church; Univ. Club of Evanston; Chicago Athletic Club. Married Marion Holden, N 1, 1899, Chicago. Children: William Holden; Henry Holden; Jane Holden. Address, 1500 Asbury Ave., Evanston, III.; bus. add., 32 N. State St., Chicago.t ROBERT LEE NOURSE Phys. and Surg., Oculist and Aurist; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1889: b. S 27, 1864; s. Charles A. and Frances (Bridges) Nourse. Post-grad, work, Univ. of Vienna; Clin. Instr., Genito- urinary Disea.se8, Coll. of Med., 1892-93; Gen. Med. and Surg, practif-e, 14 yrs.; Oculist and Aurist, Boise, Idaho. Med. Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Scot- tish Rite: B. P. O. E. Married Marie I Crawford, 1889. Chicago. Children: Robert L., b. 1895; Norman C, b. 1897. Address, 1415 Harrison Blvd., Boise, Idaho; bus. add., Idaho Bldg., do. JOHN WESTON NUZUM Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1912; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; b. Je 16. 1889, Broadhead, Wis.; s. Thomas W. (b. Viroqua, Wis.) and Jessie (Richards) Nuzum (b. do.). Prepared in Janes- ville (Wis.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1915-16; Dir.. Labs., do., 1916-19; Surg. Asst. to Dr. A. J. Ochsner; Assoc, Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1918 — ; Assoc, in Anat., do., 1920 — ; Assoc. Pathol, and Bacteriol., Coll. of Dent., 1918-19. Discoverer of the microorganism caus- ing Infantile Paralysis (Poliomyelitis), 1917; Pro- duced a Specific Immune Serum for the Treatment and Cure of Human Poliomyelitis, 1918. Auth.: Needless Surg. Operations from Failure to Recog- nize Tabes Dorsalis; An Analysis of 1000 Cases. Jotir. A. M. A., 1916; Duodeno-Jejunal Hernia, Trans. Chicago Fathol. Soc, 1915; Leprosy or Syringomyelia, Jour. A. M. A., 1915; Differen- tial Diagnosis vs. Cerebral Hemorrhage and Soften- ing due to Thrombosis, Med. Record, New York, 1915; Bacteriologic Findings in the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid in Poliomyelitis, Jour. A. M. A., 1916; (with Herzog) Experimental Studies in the Etiology of Acute Epidemic Poliomyelitis, Jour. A. M. A., 1916; The production of an Anti-poliomyelitic Serum, Jour. A. M. A., Ja 6, 1917; Specific Serum Therapy of Epidemic Poliomyelitis, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 69, 1917; Further Studies of an Antipolio- myelitis Serum, Its Protective and Curative Prop- erties in Monkeys, Jovr., Infeclious Diseases, Vol. 22, 1918; A Study of the Neutralizing Properties of Antipoliomyelitic Horse Serum (Neutralization of Virus in Vitro), Jour., Infectious Diseases, Vol. 23, 1918; Pandemic Influenza and Pneumonia in a Large Civil Hosp., Jour., A. M. A., 1918; Shock and Hemorrhage, Surgical Fever and Infectious Inflamations and the Healing of Wounds; (with A. J. Ochsner) Surg. Diagnosis and Treatment, Vol. 1 (In press). Address, 2106 Sedgwick St., Chicago. CHARLES CLAYTON O'BYRNE (See '94 Med.) ALBERT JOHN OCHSNER (Brother of Edward H., Fa.M.) professor; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1884; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1886; F.R.M.S., Kings Coll., London, 1887; LL.D., Univ. of Wis., 1909; b. Ap 3, 18.58, Baraboo, Wis.; s. Henry (b. 1829, Canton Zurich, Switzerland) and Judith (Hottinger) Ochsner (b. 1837, Riehtersweil, do.). Prepared in Sauk City (Wis.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa. Univ of Vienna, two semesters, 1887; Univ. of Berlin, one semester, 1888; Instr., Rush Med. Coll., 1884-95; do.. Normal and Patholog., Histol., 1884-91; Operative Surg., Chief Asst., Surg. Clinic, 1891-95; Surg, in chief. Augustana Hosp., 1891 — ; do., St. Marys Hosp.. 1891—; Prof, of Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1900—. U. S. A. Mem., Surgical Adv. Rotary Bd., Surg. Gen. Office, 1916-18. Auth.: Handbook on Ap- pendicitis, 1902, Englehart; Clinical Surgery. 1 Vol., 1903-17, Cleveland Press; Ho.sp. Organiza- tion, Construction and Management, 2 Vols., 1907, do.; Surg, of Throid and Parathyroid Gland, 1 Vol., 1910, C.V. Mosby Pub.; Collective work on "Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment", 4 Vols., Lea and Febiger (Now in press); Treatment of Hernia in Children; Some Practical Points in the Treatment of Appendicitis; Features determining Permanency of Cure in Radical Operations for Hernia; Clinical Observations on the Surg, of the Gall Bladder; Essentials in the Construction of Hosps. for Large Cities; The Surg. Treatment of Tuberculosis Peritonitis; The Effect of Rest Upon the Progress of Septic Infections; The General Considerating of Surg. Patients; The Mortality in Appendicitis, Its Cause and Limitation; Clinical Ob.servations in Stomach Surgery; Cancer, Jo^^r. A. M. A., 1921; numerous other articles. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Chicago Surg. Soc; ,Southern Surg, and Gynecol. Soc; Acad, of Sc; Fellow, Am. Coll. of Surg.; Regent, do., 1914 — ; Fellow, Am. Surg. A.ssn. Married Marion Mitchel, Ap 3, 1SS8, Chi- cago. Children: Albert H., b. Jl 25, 1891 ; Bertha, b. Jl 25, 1898. Address, 2106 Sedgwick St., Chi- cago. 274 University of Illinois EDWARD H. OCHSNER (Brother of Albert J., Fa.M.) Surgeon; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1891; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1894; b. Ja 12, 1868, Wis.; s. Henry and Judith (Hottinger) Ochsner. Adjunct Prof., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1900-08. Examining Surg. Advisory Bd., World War. Mem., Am. Coll. of Surg. (Fellow); Keys, Univ. of Wis.; A. M. A. Auth.: Physical Exercises for Invalids and Con- valescents. Married Julia I. Andersen, 1899. Children: Marion Louise, b. 1900; Herbert Ed- ward, b. 1903; Alice Constance, b. 1907; Raymond Bertram, b. 1912. Address, 2038 Lane Ct., Chi- cago; bus. add., 2155 Cleveland Ave., do. *ALBERT PHILIP OHLMACHER M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1890; b. 1865. Prof., comparative Anat. and Embryol , Coll. of Med., 1891-94; do., Ohio Wesleyau Univ., Cleve- land, 1894-97; Dir., Pathol. Lab., Ohio Hosp. for Epileptics, Gallipolis, O., 1897-1901; Prof., Pathol., N. W. Univ., 1902; Supt., Ohio Hosp. for Epilep- tics, Gallipolis, O., 1902-05; Specialist, Epilepsy and vaccine therapy, Detroit. Mem., Nat. Assn. for study of epilepsy (Fellow) ; Nat. Assn. for Study and prevention of Tuberculosis {do.). Auth.: Wrote widely on pathol. and epilepsy. Died N 10, 1916, Detroit. MARCUS SOLOMON OLIVER Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1912; b. Ja 6, 1885, la.; s. John F. and Fannie (Wilhermsdorfer) OUver. Prepared in Onawa (la.) H. S.; la. State Univ., 1903-09. Sigma Chi. Asst., Genito-Uri- nary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1916-17. Med. Advisory Bd. Married Anna L. Schwyn, Je 1911, Chicago. Child, John S., b. S 12, 1913. Address, 5348 Mich. Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. JAMES MONTROSE DUNCAN OLMSTED Professor; A.B., Middlebury College (Vt.), 1907; B. A., Oxford Univ., 1911; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1917; Ph.D., do., 1920; b. My 21, 1886, Lake City, la.; s. Jeptha Montrose (b. Ja 27, 1859, Novi, Mich.) and Ada Maria (Duncan) Olmsted (b. Je 10, 1858, Atlantic, la.). Prepared in Pembroke (N. H.) Acad, and Concord (do.) H. S. D^ta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; highest honors in chem., Middlebury Coll.; Rhodes Scholar from Vt. to Oxford Univ. Vice-Prin. of Spring Valley H. S. (N. Y.), 1907-08; Prof., Nat. Science, Shorter Coll., (Ga.), 1911-12; Assoc. Prof., Biol., Richmond Coll. (Va.) 1912-15; Asst. in Zoology, Harvard Univ., 1916-17; Austin Teaching Fellow, do., 1919; Assoc, in Physiol., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Pvt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918; 2nd Lt. in San. Corps., do., 1918 19. Auth.: Geotropism in Planaria Maculata, Jour. Animal Behavior, Vol. 7, 1917; Pre- paration of Vegetable Proteins for Anaphylactic Tests, Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. 176, do.; Preparation of animal Food Proteins for Anaphy- lactic Tests, Vol. 177, do.; Notes on the Locomotion of certain Bermudian Mollusks, Jo«r. of Exp. Zool., Vol. 24, do.; The Comparative Physiol, of Synap- ticula Hydriformis (Lesneur) Vol. 24, do.; The Re- generation of Triangular Pieces of Planaria Macu- lata, Vol. 25, 1918; Experiments on the Nature of the Sense of Smell in the Common Catfish, Animurcis Nebulosus (Lesneur), Ain. Jour., Phy- siol., Vol. 46, 1918. Address, 1515 W. Monroe St., Chicago; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Coll. of Med., Congress and Honors Sts., do. ALBERT ERIC OLSON (See '20 Med.) JOHN PATRICK O'NEIL (See '06 Med.) SUSANNE ORTON Phya. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch., 1900; b. 1871. Instr., Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1904-08. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Darlington, Wis.t CHARLES M. OUGHTON Retired Phys.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1884; b. Mr 2, 1862, Clonmel, Ireland; s. John Richard and Williamina (Latham) Oughton. Prepared in Clonmel (Ireland) Coll. Lecturer, Surg. Anatomy and Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., in the Spring Sessions for 3 terms, 1897-1900. Examining Phys., Local Bd. 14, World War. Auth.: Crazes Cre- dulities and Christian Science (Book). Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Gracia M. Williams, Ja 22, 1890, Odell, 111. Children: Mary Dana Gardner, b. O 20, 1S90; Gracia Tuttle, b. F 28, 1892; Edith, b. Ja 26, 189/. Address, 5410 Harper Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1467 E. 53rd St., do. ADDISON CAREY PAGE (See '98 Med.) OTTO HUGO PAGELSON (See '98 Med.) HENRY PALMER Prof., Operative Surg., Clin. Surg., and Surgical Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1883-84; noted Surg.; Surg. Gen. of Wis.; at onetime located in Janesville,Wis.t JOSEPH McINTYRE PATTON (Father of Leigh K., '13 M.D.) Professor; M.D., N. Y. Univ., 1882; b. D 8, 1860, Ralston, Pa.; s. Joseph Robinson (b. Je 22, 1813, Ballyragget, Ireland, Londonderry Co.) and Janet (Vevers) Patton (b. O 7, 1819, Annan, Scot- land). Prepared in Hasbroucks Inst., Jersey City N. J. Phi Rho Sigma. Prof., Internal Med., Chicago PolicUnic, 1891—; Chief Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1883-90; Attending Phys., Henrotin and Policlinic Hosps., 1890 — ; Prof., Physical Diagnosis, Coll. of Med., 1899-1901; Assoc. Prof, of Med., 1901-07; Prof, of Anesthesia and Anesthetics, Coll. of Dent., 1902-07; Consulting Phys., Park Ave. Hosp., 1905—; Cook Co. Hosp., 1907; Prof. of Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1907-19; do., Med., do., 1919—. Auth.: Lectures on Heart, Lungs and Pleura, 1900, Clinical Review Pub. Co.; Anesthe- sia and Anesthetics, 1906, do.; Prognosis of Val- vular Lesions of the Heart, Jour. A. M. A., 1888; Rheumatic Pericarditis, Times and Register, 1889; Cardiac Therapeutics, Med. Record, do.; Adven- titious Vascular Murmurs, Pittsburgh Med. Review, 1890; The Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmia, Med. News, do.; Cardiac Arrhythmia, Med.' Age., 1891; Clinical Lecture- Neuralgia Bronchitis, Pleur- isy with Effusion, Med. and Surg. Reporter, do.; Kidney Diseases with Cardiac Complications, do., 1892; Diagnosis of Pneumonia, Jour. A. M. A., do.; Clinical Lecture-Pleurisy with Effusion, En- largement of Thyroid Gland, Med. News, 1891; do.-Endocarditis, Anemia, Aortic Stenosis En- larged Spleen, do., 1892; Diagnosis and Treatment of Pneumonia, Med. Herald, 1892; other articles in the foregoing publications and in Am. Prac. and News, Kansas City Med. Index, Internal. Clinics, Chicago Clinical Review, Chicago Med. Recorder, Merck's Archives, III. State Jour., Colo. Med. Jour., New Albany Med. Herald and N. Y. Med. Jour, Mem., A. M. A., 1890—; Chicago Med. Soc, 1890 — (Pres., do., 1912-13); 111. State Med. Soc, 1890 — ; Chicago Pathological Soc, 1886-92 (Pres., do., 1887); Soc. Med. History, 1906—; Am. Con- gress Internal Med., 1919 — ; Fellow, Am. Coll. of Phys., 1919—; 111. Club, 1895-1920. Married Grace Klumb, Ag 5, 1886, Chicago. Child, Leigh Klumb, b. S 14, 1887. Address, 336 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 108 N. State St., do. C. PAUGRITZ Clin. Instr., Dent, Surg., 1892-93. ROY GENTRY PEARCE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Western Reserve Univ. Sch. of Med., Cleveland, 1912; b. 1884. Asst. Prof., Physiol., Coll. of Med., 1914-16. Address. 740 Hillsdale Ave., Akron, O.; bus. add., %B. F. Goodrich Co., do.t AUBREY HUMPHREY PEMBER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1918;' b. 1890. Asst. in Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1920—. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago.t Faculty, College of Medicine 276 CLYDE DALE PENCE (See '97 Med.) NELSON MORTIMER PERCY Surgeon; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1899; b. N 7, 1875, Dexter, la.; s. Mary Aniidon Percy. Pre- pared in Dexter (\a.) H. S. and Dexter Norm. Sch. Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Surg, prartice, Chicago; Asst. Prof., Clin. Surg.. Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Assoc., do., 1912-20; Prof., do., 1921—. Lt. Col., M. C. U. S. A.; Surg. Dir.. Base Hosp. II, France, World War. Auth.: (with Oclisner) New Manual of Surg. (5 editions'). Married Adaline M. Nickel, S 30, 1908. Address, Parkway Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 2106 Sedgwick St., do. WILLIAM F. PETERSEN Assoc. Prof, and Pathologist; A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1910; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1912; b. Mr 25, ISS7, Chicago. Prepared in Armour Acad., 1902-05. Instr., Experimental Pathol., Columbia Univ.. 1913; do., Vanderbilt Univ., 1914-17; Assoc, Pathol., Coll. of Dent., 1920—; Assoc. Prof., Pathol, and Bacteriol., Coll. of Med., 1921. Spe- cialist in Ophthalmol., Otol., Laryngol., and Rhi- nol. .\uth.: Pellagra; Non-Specific Therapy; Oxy- gen Work, Jour. Experimental Med. Mem., New York Patholog. Soc; A. M. A, Address, 50.53 Winthrop Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. LaSalle St., do.t LOUIS JAMES PETRITZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Srh., 191S; b. 1S94. Instr.. Genito-Urinarv Surg., Coll. of Med.. 191S-19. Ct. Nat. Bd. Med. Ex., 1920. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Mound. La.t CHARLES HERBERT PHIFER (See '02 Med.) FRANK ALBERT PHILLIPS (See '91 Med.) NORVAL HARVEY PIERCE (See '85 Med.) STEPHEN ROMAN PIETROWICZ (See '98 Med.) ISADORE PILOT (See '17 Med.) HARRY LEWIS POLLOCK (See '94 Med.) GILBERT PALMER POND Assi.stant; B.S., Pa. State Coll., 191.5; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; h. Jl 23, 1893, State Coll., Pa. Prepared by pvt. tutoring; studied in Europe, 1912. Attended Univ. of Pa. Med. Sch., S 1915- Je 1916; Serv., 111. Steel Co. Hosp., 3 mos.; Intern, Cook Co. Psychopathic Hosp., 4 mos.; Res. Phys., do., 6 mos.; St. Lukes Hosp., 1 yr.; Instr., Bot., Summer Sch., Pa. State Coll., 1911; Gen. Med. practice, 1921; Asst. in Surg., Coll. of Med., S 24, 1921—. Auth.: (with Walter S. Haines) Modifica- tion of Haines Solution for Qualitative Deter- mination of Glucose in L^rine, Jovr. A. M. A., Ja 31, 1920. Mem., Epis. Church. Married S 27, 1916. Address, 703 N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 22 E. Washington St., Chicago.t CHARLES WALLACE POORMAN (See '03 Med.) JOHN LINCOLN PORTER Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1894; b. Jl 6, 1864, Alstead, N. H. Prepared in Walpole (N. H.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. Prof., Orthopedic Sure.. Coll. of Med., 1898-1916. Auth.: Numerous Articles. Army Ser\'.. S 12, 1917-Jl 27, 1918. Mem., A. M. A.; Ill State Mod. Soc: Chicago Med. Soc. Married Ethel Ouigg. F 22, 1899. Children; Davnd Quigg: John Lmcoln, b. Je 21, 1909. Ad- drett, 5046 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. SIDNEY A. PORTIS Assistant; A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; M.D,. Rush Med. Coll., 1919; b. My 26, 1894, Chicago; s. Jacob C. and Jennie B. (Vineburg) Portis (b. New York City). Prepared in Lake (Tilden) Technical H. S. Phi Delta Epsilon. Asst., Pathol., Rush Med. Coll., 1010-17; Quiz-Master, do., 1918-19; Asst., Med. Coll. of Med., O 1919—. Enlisted M. R. C, U. S. A., Ja 1918-Ag 1919. Auth.: Precipitin Test for Blood in Stools, Jour, of Infectious Diseases, Mv 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc, 1920—; 111." State Med. Soc, do.; A. M. A. (Fellow) do. Address, 5231 Drexel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do. GEORGE WASHINGTON POST, Jr. (See '09 Med.) GEORGE WASHINGTON POST, Sf. (Father of George Washington Post, '09, M.D.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1883; b. 1859. Adjunct Prof., Practice of Med., Coll. of Med., 1898-1900. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 4138 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 4158 W. Lake St., do.f PRESTON POWEL (See '89 Med.) S. J. POWER Demonstrator, Anat., 1882-83. ARTHUR EDGAR PRICE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1897; b. 1875, Chicago; s. Oscar Jay and Anna (Wilder) Price. Prepared in H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ.; Postgrad, work, Johns Hopkins Univ. Nu Sigma Nu; Sigma Chi. Intern, St. Elizabeths Hosp., Chicago, 1897-98; Adjunct Prof., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1900-08; Instr., Clin. Surg., do., 1908-10; Examiner, Md. Casualty Co.; Chief Surg., Union Casualty Co. Auth.: Numerous articles in Med. Jours. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Therapeutic Club; Illinois Club. Ad- dress. 1160 W. Van Buren St., Chicago; bus. add., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., rfo.f DUANE WILLARD PROPST (See '19 Med.) WILLIAM ALLEN PUSEY Professor; A.B., Vanderbilt Univ., 1885; A.M., do., 1886; M..D, Univ. of N. Y. City, 1888; b. D 1, 1865, Elizabethtown, Ky.; s. Robert Burns (b. Ag 24, 1836, Garnettsville, Ky.) and Belle (Brown) Pusey (b. Ag 6, 1846, Elizabethtown, do.). Prepared in pub. schs. of Elizabethtown, Ky. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarehip in Greek, Vanderbilt Univ., 1884-85; Fellowship in Hist., do., 1885-86. Prof., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1888-1913— ; Professor Emeritus, rfo., 1913—. Contract Surg., U. S. A., and Chm. of Com. in charge of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Jl 1917- N 1918. Suggested and introduced the thera- peutic use of solid C02 in Med., 1905; First to use X-rays in various diseases including I eukaemia, for which it has proved of great value. Auth.: (with Caldwell) Therapeutic and Diagnostic Use of X-Rays, W. B. Saunder & Co., Philadelphia; Second edition, do., 1904; Principles and Practice of Dermatol., D. Appleton & Co.; Third edition, do., 1917; Care of the Skin and Hair, do., 1912; Syphilis as a Modern Problem, A. M. A., 1915; other articles on Dermatol, and allied subjects. Mem., Am. Dermatol. A.ssn. fPres., 1910); A. M. A. (Treas., 1912 — and Chm. of section of Cutane- ous Diseases, 1909); Chicago Med. Soc (Pres., 1917-18). Married Sallie W. Cunningham, Jl 13, 1887, St. Louis. Address, 7 W. Madison St., Chicago. WILLIAM JOSEPH QUIGLEY M.D.. Rush Med. Coll., 1913; b. S 20, 1886, Gary, 111.; b. G. J. and M. R. (Gavin) Quigley. Prepared in John Marshall H. S. B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1911. Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Rho Sigma. Asst., Med., Coll. of Med., 1918-19; Instr., do., 1919-20; Assoc, do., 1920—. Capt., M. C, U. S. A.; Base Hoep., Camp Bowie, Tex., 276 Universitt of Illinois Mr 8-D 23, 1918> Auth.: Bactcriol. of Chorea, Jour, of Infections Diseases, 1918; Precipitin Re- action in Pneumonia, do. Married Manus Tarney, My 23, 1917, Chicago. Child, Mary Louise, b. N 11, 1918. Address, 5043 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. WILLIAM EDWARD QUINE (See Honorary Med. Degrees) LEONARD CARDINAL QUINN (See '09 Med.) *JOHN JOSEPH QUIRK M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1888; b. 1865. Ad- .iunct Prof., Skin and Venereal Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1906-09; do., Chicago Clin. Sch. Sec, Local Bd., U. S. Pension Examining Surgs. Mem., A. M. A. Died O 4, 1909, Chicago. ALEXANDER BERKLEY RAFF Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll. of Philadelphia, 1905; b. 1881. Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1910-14. Address, 1111 Independence Blvd., Chicago.t *ROBERT LAUGHLIN REA Professor; M.D., Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1857; b. 1827, Va. Demonstrator, Anat., Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1855-57; Gen. Med. practice, Oxford, O.; Lecturer, Anat. and Physiol., Western Female Seminary; came to Chicago in 1859; Prof., Anat., Rush Med. Coll.; later connected with the Chicago Med. Coll.; Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1882-86. Died Jl 11, 1899, at his home in Chicago. CHARLES FRANCIS READ Asst. Prof.; B.S., Beloit Coll., 1898; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1901; b. 1876. Asst. Prof., Psychiatry, Coll. of Med., 1919—. Mem., Chicago Neurol. Soc; Am. Medico-Psycholog. Assn. Address, Irving Park Blvd. and Narragansett St., Chicago; bus. add.. State Hosp., Dunning, Ill.t FRANKLIN PEARCE REAGAN Professor; A.B., Indiana Univ., 1913; Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1916; b. Je 26, 1890; s. William I. and Martha F. (Rogers) Reagan. Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1918-19; Asst. Prof., Zool., Univ.. of Calif. Instr. in Mil. Aeronautics, U. S. A., 1917-18. Auth.: Articles in Am. Jour, of Anatomy and Anatomical Record. Mem., Soc. of Friends Church. Address, Univ. of Calif., Dept. of Zool., Berkeley, Calif. LEO ROBERT REDNER Surgeon; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1900; b. N 28, 1875, Philadelphia; s. August B. (b. 1843, Ger.) and Ottilia (Beutler) Redner (b. 18.53, do.). Pre- pared in Bessemer (Mich.) H. S.; No. Ind. Norm. Sch., Valparaiso, Ind. Univ. of Mich., Med. Dept., 1896-98; Surg, for Mich. Iron Mines, 1900- 05, and 1917-19; Pvt. Practice, 1905-17; Vol. Clin. Asst., Eye Dept.. Coll. of Med., N 1919; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Seattle. Mem., A. M. A.; Mich. State Med. Soc; Gogebic Co. (Mich.) Mod. Soc. Married O 3, 1908. Children: Leo Robert, Jr., b. Je 8, 1910; Loula Frances, b. F 14, 1913. Address, 6319 22nd Ave., Seattle; 6ms. add.. Green Bldg., do. CHARLES BERT REED Surgeon; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1887; b. Mr 1, 1866, Harvard, 111.; s. Hiram V. and Elizabeth (Armstrong) Reed. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1882-84; Clin. Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1894-95; Obstetrician, Wesley and Ger. Hosps., Chicago. Auth.: Quiz Manual of Histol., 1897; Masters of the Wilderness, 1909; The First Great Canadian, 1910; Text Book of Obstetrics for Nurses: also various articles on med. and surg. subjects. Mem., Am. Coll. Surgs. (Fellow); A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Gynecol. Soc. (Pres., 1909-101; Cliff Dwellers Club; Camp Fire of Chicago (Pres., 1911-13); Chicago Lit. Club (Pres., 1914-15). Married Clare Osborne, Je 21, 1892, Chicago. Address, 3748 Sheffield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., rfo.f JAMES G. REID Lecturer in Dent. Anat. and Physiol., 1883-85. JOHN LESTER REICHERT Assistant; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1917; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1921; b. Mr 17, 1896,Schleisinger- ville. Wis. Prepared in Hartford (Wis.) H. S., 1909-10; Austin H. S., Chicago, 1910-13. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Sigma; Fel- lowship in Pathol., Univ. of Wis. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Jl 1, 1920-21. Instr., Pathol, and Bacteriol., Univ. of Wis., O 1917-S 1918; Physiol., Coll. of Med., F-Je 1921. Asst. in Obstetrics, and Grad. Asst., Dept. of Physiol, and Physiolog. Chem., Coll. of Med., O 1, 1921. Address, 103 8th Ave., West Bend, Wis.; bus. add.. Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago.t HENRY J. REYNOLDS Physician; M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1875; b. Ap 26, 1852, Meaford, Ont., Can.; s. James and Sarah (Wilkinson) Reynolds. Pre- pared in Toronto (Can.) Univ. Mott Prize, Belle- vue, 1875. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Prof., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1884-91. Med. Ad- visory Bd., District 3, H., Chicago, World War. Auth.: Many magazine articles. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chicago Athletic Club. Married Caroline Whittlesey Reid, O 4, 1911, Chicago. Address, 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS RIBBECK Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1907; b. 1881. Instr., Pediatrics and Clin. Pedia- trics, Coll. of Med., 1912-14; Specialist in Surg. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 121 S. Harvey Ave., .Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 5969 W. Lake St., do.t J. NEWTON ROE Prof., Chem., 1902-04. CHARLES G. ROEHR (See '83 Med.) BUELL SUMNER ROGERS Instructor; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1892; b. Je 9, 1863, Ripon, Wis.; s. Charles Franklin and Arabella (Barnum) Rogers. Prepared in Oshkosh (Wis.) H. S.; Ripon Coll. Instr., Genito-Urinary and Venereal Diseases, Coll. of Med., 1896-1900; Clin. Instr., Post-Grad. Sch., West Side Hosp., 2 yrs. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., World War; do., Mexican campaign; Pvt., 2nd Regt., Co. F, Wis. Nat. Guard, 5 yrs.; Capt. and Asst. Surg., 2nd Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 3 yrs.; Maj. Surg., do.; Asst. Surg. Gen., do., at present. Auth.: Instructions in Self Care of the Soldier. Mem., A. F. A. M., Consistory, 32°, K. T., Shrine; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Physicians Club; Chicago Med. Soc; Assn. Mil. Surgs. of U. S.; 111. Assn. Mil. Surgs.; Army and Navy Club, New York; Nat. Rifle Club., 4151 Indiana Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. CASSIUS C. ROGERS Professor; A.B., Valparaiso Univ., 1891; M.D., Med. Coll., 1896; A.M., Valparaiso Univ., 1909; b. Jl 17, 1869; s. Alma (b. N 1838, Ohio) and Joannah (Kerrick) Rogers (b. My 1841, Ind.). Prepared in Minohk H. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Prof., Physical Diagnosis, Chicago Dental Coll., 1901-07; Prof, and head of Surg. Dept., Chicago Coll. of Med., 1905-15; Asst. Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1918—. 1st Lt., M. R. C, U. S. A., 1915. Auth.: Surgery of the Brain and Its Coverings, III. Med. Jour., 1909; Intracranial Surgical Lesions in Children, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. LVI, 1911; Brain Surgery, do.. Vol. LVII, 1911; Surgical Treatment of Intracranial Pressure, Jour., Ind. State Med. Assn., 1914; Irritation of the Dura or Inner Perio- steum of the Skull, Surg.. Gynecology and Obste- trics, Jl 1919; Stricture of the Rectum, Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. Clx, 23, Je 10, 1909; Symp- toms and Treatment of Exophthalmic Goiter, III. Med. Jour., Ja 1911; A Large Lipoma of the Occipital Region, Jour. A. M. A.. Vol. 1, Ja 25, 1908; Removal of the Patella for Ununited Com- minuted Fracture, III. Med. Jour., Je 1908; Diag- Faculty, College of Medicine 277 Rosis and I.ocaliiation of Appcndical Abscesses, Med. Recorder, Jl 10, 1909; A Plea for Closer Co- operation between the UoentKenologist and the General Surt:.. Jour, of Roentyenology, Jl, 1919; Hypertrophic Periostitis with Subsequent De- calcification of Skull Areas, ///. Med. Jour., Ap 1919; Intracranial Pressure, Surg. Gynecolouy and Obstetrics. Mr 1920. Mem., Chicago Sled, and Surg. Socs.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; F. A. C. S.; Assn., Military Surg., U. S. A.; Miss. Valley Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; Alliance Francaise Art Inst.; Chicago Athletic Assn.; South Shore Country Club. Married Rena B. Richards, Ap 17. 1901, Chicago. Address, 507 Roscoe St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. WILLIAM TURNER ROGERS (See "19 Med.) OTTO HERMAN ROHRLACK Gynecologist and Obstetrician; Ph.G., N. W. Univ., IS95; M.D., do.. 1902; b. Mr 15. 1874; s. August and Louise Rohrlack. Prepared in Reeds- burg (Wis.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Asst. Obstetri- cian. Univ. and Chicago Lying-in Hosps.. Chicago. 1910; do., Norwegian Ani.'Hosp.. 1917; Attending Phys.. Cook Co. Ho.sp., 1917-19; Assoc. Prof., Obstetrics and Clinical Obstetrics, 1919; Asst. Prof., do.. Coll. of Med.. 1913-19; Assoc. Prof., do., 1919—; Gynecologist and Obstetrician. Chi- cago. Mem.. Garden City A. F. A. M., 141. Married Florence Elizabeth Ncunian, Je 8, 1904. Children: George, b. D 6, 1906; Bob, b. D 9, 1909. Address, 958 Leavitt St.. Chicago. CLARENCE TYLER ROOME Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Columbia Univ. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs.. 1908; b. 1879. Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med.. 1912-14. Mem.. A. M. A. Address, 904 Judson Ave., Evanston, Ill.t WEBSTER BARCLAY ROSE Asst., Professional Educ; A.B. in Sc, 1910; b. Mv 2, 1SS4, Wind.«or. 111.; s. Benjamin F. (b. Mr 1856. do.) and Nancy (Townley) Rose (b. 18.57. do.). Prepared in Gays H. S. and L'niv. of 111. Acad.; L'niv. of Chicago. 1908; Columbia Univ., 1915. Acacia; Philomathean. Asst.. Chem., Coll. of Med.. 1918-19; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1918-20; Asst., Professional Educ, State Dcpt., Registra- tion and Educ, Springfield. 111. Mem.. Abingdon Country Club; Bus. MensCml. Club; .\nsar Shrine. Address, 838 S. Ashland Blvd.. Chicago.t PHILLIP ROSENBLUM Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1913; b. 1891. Specialist in Pediatrics; Asst., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1920—. Mem., A. M. A. Address. 5633 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1.531 E. OSth St., and 5 S.Wabash Ave., rfo.t WILLIAM SYLVESTER ROYCE . (See '97 Med.) JESSE ELLIOTT ROYER Neurologist; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, 1907; b. O 22, 1881, Centeriiew, Mo.; s. Jesse Emil (b. Md.) and Katherine B. (Elliott) Royer (b. Sedalia, Mo.). Prepared in Shiloh Sch., Monroe Co.; Mo., Kirksville State Norm. Sch.; Mt. Morris Coll., Mt. Morris. 111. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Aesculapian Soc. Prof, and Head of Di'.Hsion of Neurol, and Psvchiatrv, Kansas City Post-Graduate Sch. and Hosp., 1910-13; Assoc. Prof, of Neuro!og\-. Univ. Med. Coll.. Kansas City. Mo.. 1912-13; .Asst. Prof.. Neurol, and Psy- chiatr>-. Coll. of Med.. 1917-19: Specialist, Neurol., 1920. M. R. C. U. S. Army, World War. Auth.: Symptom .Analysis necessary for Neurological Diagnosis; Cerebral Injuries of Warfare with Spe- cial Reference to Lesions of the Superior Longi- tudinal Sinus; .Spinal Meningitis; Unrecognizrd Forms of Common Drug Poisoning. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Neurological Soc; Anglo-Am. Med. Assn. of Berlin; Internat. Med. Cong., 1913; Univ. Club. Evanston, 111. Address, Parkway Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. WILLIAM HENRY RUBOVITZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1900; b. 1878. Instr., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1900-02; Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecol. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 5416 Inglcside Ave, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.f LOUIS RUDOLPH Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1911; b. Ja 21, 1880. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago; Instr., Physical Diag., Coll. of Med., 1916-17. Maj., M. C, IT. S. A., Hosp. Serv., World War. Married Ida M. Fenkelberg, S 27, 1920, New York. Address, 2259 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Marshall Field Annex. R AI>PH ELLIOTT RUGH Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1903; b. 1875. Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1904-06; Specialist in Surg. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 1202 Main St., Racine, Wis.; bus. add., 219 6th St., do. WILLIAM HENRY RUMPF Instr., Gynecol., 1898-1900. Formerly located in Faribault. Minn. RICHARD ROOT RUPERT (See '12 Med.) SAMUEL JOSEPH RUSSELL (See '04 Med.) CLARENDON RUTHERFORD Phys. and Surg.; B.A., Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., 1876; M.A., do., 1879; M.D., McGill Mrd. Coll., 1882; b. Je 22. 1854, N. Y; s. John T. and Belinda Evelyn (Castlemen) Rutherford. Pre- pared in Waddington (N. Y.) H. S. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago; Prof., Anatomy, Coll. of Med.; Pres., Diversey Parkway Hosp.. do. Reserve Corps; Red Cross. World War. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; A. M. A. Married Jessie Haisolden, My 7, 1885; Ella Mc- Cauley, F 4, 1920, Chicago. Child. Elizabeth Evelyn, b. D 11. 1886. Address, 624 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago. CARL J. RYDIN Instr., Neurol., 1914-16. Formerly located at 3502 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. EDWIN WARNER EYERSON Asst. Prof.; M.D., Harvard Univ., 1897; b. Mr 14, 1872; s. George Wilson (b, N. Y. City) and Sarah Dean (Brown) Rycrsoii (b. Worcester, Mass.) Prepared in Univ. sch., Chicago. Mem.. Inst, of 1770. Prof., Orthopedic Surg., Chicago Poli- clinic, 1906 — ; Asst. Prof., Surg., Rush Med. Coll., 1912-16; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1916-18; Asst. Prof.. Ortho- pedic aRrg.. Rush Med. Coll. (Univ. of Chicago). 1918—; Orthopedic Surg, to St. Lukes, St. Eliza- beths, Cook Co., Childrens Memorial and Presby. Hosps., and to Home for Destitute Crippled Chil- dren. Ed. of Orthopedic Vol., Year Book of Med. and Surg, and on Ed. Com. of Jour, of Orthopedic Surg, Maj., M. C, U. S. A., Chief of Orthopedic Service, Gen. Hosp. 28, O 22, 1917-Ag 7, 1919. Auth.: About 25 articles on Orthopedic Surg, in Jour, of A. M. A., Jour, of Orthopedic Surg, and other med. periodicals. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surg.; Am. Ortho- pedic Assoc; Am Cong, of Phys. and Surgs. Married Adelaide Hamilton, D 6, 1904. Address, 999 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago; bus. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., do. THEODORE SACHS (See '95 Med.) •LEONARD ST. JOHN Surgeon; M.D., McGill Univ., Montreal; do.. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Ont., Can., 1872; b. 1853, St. Catherines. Ont.; s. Samuel and Martha Ann (Seaman) St. John. Prepared in Pvt. Schs. and 278 University of Illinois Acad, at St. Catherines, Ont. Practiced in New York, 1874-75; Chicago ,1875 — ; at one time Prof., Clin. Surg., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.; for many yrs. Surg, to St. Anthonys Hosp.; one of the founders of Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Chicago (Coll. of Med.); Prof., Surg., do., 1882-86. Mem., Royal Coll. of Surgs., Eng., 1873; A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Medico- Legal Soc; 111. Club. Married Anna B. Balch (deceased). Died Ap 2, 1920. HARRIS ELLETT SANTEE Specialist; A.B., N. East Ohio Norm. Coll.. 1899; M.D., Univ. of Pa„ 1892; A.M., Taylor Univ., 1900; Ph.D., do., 1901; b. O 15, 1864, Snodes, O.; s. William B. and Catherine (Ellett) Santee. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. Instr., Genito-Urinary Diseases., Coll. of Med., 1892-1910; Prof., Anat., 1899-1910; Nerve Specialist, Chicago. Mem., Exemption Bd., World War. Auth.: Anatomy of Brain and Spinal Cord. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; Congr. Club, Chica- go; Am. Assoc, of Anat.; A. A. A. S. Married Grace M. Brown, Ag 30, 1895, Youngstown, O. (Died My 6, 1903); Martha J. Pitt, Mr 30, 1905. Children: Martha B., b. Ag 16, 1897; Mary E.. b. N 14, 1900. Address. 2806 Warren Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. MARJA DOWIATT SASS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., N. W. Univ. Womans Med. Sch., 1896; b. 1871. Instr., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1902-04. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 5208 W. Harrison St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1725 W. 18th St., do.t HUBBARD PRATHER SAUNDERS (See '19 Med.) A. J. C. SAUNIER Lecturer, 1886-87; Demonstrator, do.. ROBERT GARFIELD SAVAGE (See '05 Med.) ALVAH LEWIS SAWYER (See '13 Med.) ANDREW DANIEL SCHICK Assistant; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1919; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1921; b. O 22, 1897, Chicago. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago, 1911-15. Alpha Omega Alpha; Graduated with honors, Univ. of Chicago. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Jl 1, 1921-22. Asst. in Med., Coll. of Med., S 26, 1921—. Mem., Catholic Church. Address, 7722 S. Carpenter St., Chicago.! BENJAMIN HERMAN SCHLOMOVITZ Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; b. 1889. Asst., Materia Med. and Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1916-17; do.. Coll. of Dent., do. Address, Marquette Sch. of Med., Milwaukee.! CHARLES HENRY SCHMIDT (See '05 Med.) EDWIN CHRISTIAN SCHMITT Roentgenologist: A.B., Kansas Univ., 1912; A.M., do., 1913; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; b. 1888. Fellow in Zool., Kansas Univ., 1912; Fellow and Asst. in Anat., Coll. of Med., 1913-15; Asst., Operative Surg., do., 1918-19; Instr., do., 1919—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc. Address, Santa Fe, N. M.t ELMER WELLPOTT SCHNOOR Surg., and Med. Examiner; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1911; b. F 21, 1889, Grand Island, Neb.; s. James Hy and Minnie (Wellpott) Schnoor. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1911-13; Clin. Asst., Surg., Coll. of Med., 191.3-15; Surg., and Sch. Examiner, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Sec, Staff, St. Marys Hosp., do. Asst. Surg., Mich. Naval Militia. Auth.: Hypo- physis Cerebri and its Diseases, Mich. State Med. Jour., My 1919; Lethargic Encephalitis, do., Ap 1919. Married Josephine Thwing, D 19, 1918, Grand Rapids, Mich. Address, 1400 Dunham St.. Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., 147 E. Fulton St., do. ALBERT JOHN SCHOENBERG (See '99 Med.) VICTOR LUPU SCHRAGER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Bukharest. 1901; do.. Dearborn Med. Coll., 1904; do.. Rush Med. Coll., 1907. Assoc, Surg., Coll. of Med., 1914-16; practice limited to Surg. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Surg. Soc. Address, 3300 Douglas Blvd.. Chicago.! MATHIAS JOSEPH SEIFERT (See '01 Med.) JOSEPH SEILIN (See '15 Med.) CLARA PAULINE SEIPPEL (See '07 Med.) ROBERT ARNOT SEMPILL (See '91 Med.) FRANCIS EUGENE SENEAR Instructor; B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1912; M.D., do., 1914; b. N 5, 1889, Salamanca, N. Y.; s. Eugene Barker (b. D 25, 1S66, Salamanca, N. Y.) and Alice Le Nora (Wellman) Senear (b. Ja 31, 1869, Brock way ville, Pa.). Prepared in Salaman- ca, (N. Y.) H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi. Instr., Dermatol, and Syphilol., Coll. of Med., 1915-16; Assoc, do., and acting head of Dept., 19 19 — ; Consulting Dermatolo- gist, 111. Cent. R. R., 1919^; Attending Der- matologist, 111. Cent. Hospital, and St. Josephs Hosp. Dispensarv, 1919 — ; do., Cook Co. Hosp., 1919-20. M. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-19. Auth.: Syphilitic ulcers. Jour. Mich. State Med. Soc, F 1916; Bones and Joint Involvement in Secondary Syphilis, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., N 1916; Gummous Syphilis of Thyroid Gland, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., My 1918; Mycosis Fungoides, Jour. Cutaneous Diseases, My 1915; Neurolic Excoriations, Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Mr 1920. Mem., A. M. A., 1916 — ; Chicago Dermatolog. Soc, 1919—; 111. State Med. Soc, 1919-. Married Anne Emily Seitz, Ag 6, 1917, Salamanca, N. Y. Child, Allen Eugene Senear, b. N 2, 1919. Ad- dress, 410 Briar Place, Chicago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. ♦NICHOLAS SENN (Father of William Nicholas, Fa.M.) Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Chicago Med. Sch., 1868; b. O 31, 1844, Buchs, Canton of St. Gaul, Switzerland; s. John and Magdelena Senn. Pre- pared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) Pub. Schs.; Univ. of Munich, 1878. House Phys., Cook Co. Hosp., 1868-69; Gen. Med. practice. Fond du Lac, 1869- 74; do., Milwaukee, 1874-91; located in Chicago, 1891 — ; Attending Surg., Presby. Hosp.; Surg.- in-Chief, St. Josephs Hosp.; Prof., Surg., Coll. of Med., 1884-87; Prof., Principles of Surg., Rush Med. Coll., 1887-90; do.. Practical and Clin. Surg., do., 1890 — : Prof., Surg., Chicago Policlinic; Pro- fessorial Lecturer on Mil. Surg., Chicago Univ. Am. Delegate, Internat. Med. Cong., Berlin, 1890; Moscow, 1897; delegate for U. S. to Con- ference of Internat. Red Cross, St. Petersburg, 1901. .Surgeon-Gen., Wis.; do., I. N. G.; Chief Surg., 6th Army Corps; Lt. Col., U. S. V. Auth.: Four Months Among Surgeons of Europe; Ex- perimental Surgery; Intestinal Surgery; Surgical Bacteriology; Principles of Surgery; Pathology and Surgical Treatment of Tumors; Tuberculosis of Bones and Joints; Tuberculosis of the Genito- Urinary Organs; Syllabus of Practice of Surgery; Surgical Notes on the Spanish- Am. War; Medico- Surgical Aspects of the Spanish-Am. War; Prac- tical Surgery; Nurses Guide for the Operating Room, 1902; Around the World via India; Our National Recreation Parks. Died Ja 2, 1908, Chicago. Faculty, College of Medicine 279 WILLIAM NICHOLAS SENN (Son of Nicholas Senn, Fa.M.) Urologist; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1900; b. Je 1, IS76, Milwaukee; s. Nicholas and Aurelia (Milhauser) Senn. Prepared in Philhps Andover Acad.; Postgrad, work in Austria and Vienna. Nu Sigma Nu. Located in Chicago since 1900; Assoc, Geuito-Urinary Surg., Coll. of Med., 1918-19. Capt.. M. C, U. S. A.; served as Med. Otf. in Spanish- -■'ini. War. Mem., Am. Urol. Assn.; Chicago Urol. Soc; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Epis. Church; A. F. A. M.; Univ. Club, Chicago. Mar- ried Margery S. Lynch, 1907, Chicago. Children: Barbara; Dorothy. Address. 1242 Astor St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 23 E. Washington St., do. EDWARD C. SEUFERT (See '93 Med.) FRED FERDINAND SEVILLE (See '95 Med.) BERTHA MESERVE SHAFER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917; b. 1890. Instr., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1919-20; Specialist in Dermatol. Mem., A. M. A. Ad- dress, 1633 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t HOWARD O. SHAFER (See '02 Med.) *PHILIP FRANK SHAFFNER Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1909; b. 1S85. Instr., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1912-16; Assoc, do., 1917-18; Specialist in Dermatol. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Dermatolog. Soc; formerly at 811 Drexel Square, and 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Deceased. ALFRED OGLE SHAKLEE Professor; M.D., St. Louis L'niv. Sch. of Med., 1908; b. 1S65. .\sst. Prof., Pharmacol., Coll. of Med., 1914-16; Prof., Physiol, and Biol. Chem., Fordham Univ. Sch. of Med.; not in active prac- tice. Address, 1308 Avenue F, Galveston, Tex.; bus. add., Univ. of Tex. Med. Coll.t ♦DON LEE SHAW Physician; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1891; b. S 17, 1886, La Porte, Ind.; s. Thomas Jefferson and Elizabeth Shaw. Prepared in Chicago pub. schs. Prof., .\nat., ColL of Med., 1898-190G; Prof., Oral Surg.. CoU. of Dent., 1904-06. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Ashland Club. Married Florence Cook, O 2, 1895, Chicago. Deceased. WILLARD CAMERON SHEPARD Med. Artist; b. Ap 21, 1886, Canadice, N. Y. Attended Ore. Agr. Coll., 1907-08; Art Institute, Chicago, 1910-13; Johns Hopkins Univ. (dept. of Med. Illustration, 1913-15). Artist, Dept. of Anat.. Coll. of Med., 1917-19. Address, Rush Med. Coll., Wood and Harrison Sts., Chicago.t ISR.A.EL LYTTON SHERRY Assistant; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1910; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1912; b. Mr 26. 1888, Chicago. Prepared in Tuley H. S., 1906. .\sst.. Pediatrics. Loyola Univ., Coll. of Med., O 1920 Je 1921; Asst. in Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., S 19, 1921—. Address, 2958 W. North Ave., Chicago.f FRANCIS ROBERTA SHERWOOD Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1888; b. 1862. Prof., Anat., Coll. of Med., 1894-97; Assoc. Prof., Surg., do., 1898-1910; Prof., Oral Surg.. Sch. of Dent, of the Coll. of Med.. 1900-02; Specialist in Surg. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 3.508 W. Harrison St , Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St.. do.t C. C. P. SILVA Prof., Therapeutics, and Clin. Med., 1882-91. WALTER EDWARD SIMMONDS (See '14 Med.) LUDWIG SIMON Physician; Ph.B.. la. State Univ., 1S91; M.D., Columbia Univ.. 1894; b. N 12, 1870, Washington, la.; s. L. and Klara (Silverman) Simon. Prepared in Washington (la.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi. Visiting Obstetrician, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago; Asst. Prof., Obstetrics,^ Coll. of Med., 1900-10; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Address, 4743 Forest- ville Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 N. State St., do. JOHN C. SIMONDS Prof., Med. Jurisprudence, IS88-89. JAMES G. SINCLAIR (See '88 Med.) HAROLD DOUGLAS SINGER Physician; M.D., Univ. of London, 1898; b. Ja 7, 1875, London, Eng.; s. Charles Douglas and Edith Eleanor (Godden) Singer. Prepared in Merchant Tailors Sch., and St. Thomas Hosp. Coll. of Univ. of London, London, Eng. Phi Rho Sigma; Merchant Tailors Scholarship to St. Thomas Hosp. Phys., London, Eng., 1898-1904; Omaha, Neb., 1904-06; Norfolk, do., 1906-07; Kankakee, 111.. 1907-19; Chicago, 1919—; Assoc. Prof., Psy- chiatry, Head of Dept., Coll. of Med., 1917-18; Prof., do. and Head of Depts. of Psychiatry and Neurol., 1918—. M.B., and L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., London, 1S9S; M.R.C.P., do., 1901. Examiner, Exemption Bd., Kankakee Co., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Auth.: Neurasthenia and Psychasthe- nia in Tices System of Med. Married Edith Mary Day, Ap 6, 19X)4, London, Eng. Children: Eleanor, b. 1905; Daisy, b. 1906; Charles, b. 1912. Address, 6625 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. State Psychopathic Institute, Dunning. 111., 25 E. Wash- ington St., Chicago. CHARLES CLARY SINGLEY Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Jefferson Med. Coll. of Philadelphia, 1881; b. Ja 16. 1857, Fayette Co., Pa. Prepared in Belle Vernon and Meadville Colls.; Special Med. Studies, Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Baltimore; do., Med. Dept., Univ. of Md. Located in Chicago, 1881- — ; Lecturer, Materia Medica, Coll. of Med., 1884-87. Address, 4606 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 39 S. State St., do.t ♦LEONARD LAWSHE SKELTON Professor; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1889; b. 1864. Prof.. Nervous and Mental Diseases. 111. Med. Coll.; Prof., Internal Med. and Physical Diagnosis, Chicago Clin. Sch.; Mem., Staff, 111. Eastern Hosp. for the Insane. Kankakee, 111. for several yrs.; Prof., Physiol., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg.; Lecturer, Histol. and Microscopy, Coll. of Med., 1891-94. Died Mr 14, 1906, Chicago. JAMES HUBERT SKILES Instructor: A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1907; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910; b. Ja 29, 1885; s. Hugh Porter (b. Pa.) and Sarah Emily (Chambers) Skiles (b. la.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S. and Lewis Inst.. Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu. Asst., Surg., Rush Med. Coll., 1912-15; Instr., Obstetrics and Asst., Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919 — . Mem.. A. M. A. Married Edna Grace Ranch, Je 25, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. Children: James H., b. My 24, 1913; Mary, b. N 7, 1914; Eleanor, b. Ja 31, 1917. Address, 730 Fair Oaks Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 127 N. Oak Park Ave., do. EbWARD FRANK SLAVIK (See '13 Med:) JAMES CRAIG SMALL (See '17 Med.) HARRY JEROME SMEJKAL (See '08 Med.) CLAYTON S. SMITH Asst. Prof.; B.S., Rutgers Coll., 1909; M.S., do., 1912; Ph.D.. Columbia Univ., 1913; M.D., N. W. Univ.. 1920; b. Ap 23. 1887. Newark. N. J.; 8. Richard T. and Laura (Tunison) Smith. Sigma 280 University of Illinois Xi; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Instr., Physiolog. Chem., Coll. of Mod., 1914-16; Assoc, do., 191(5-18; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1914-18; Asst., Prof., Physiolog., Chem., and Pharmacol., Ohio State Univ. Married Eleanor Riehm, An 23, 1914. Child, Willard C, b. F 17, 1915. Address, 710 Park St., Columbus, O. HIRAM JASON SMITH (See '07 Med.) ROBERT ABERCROMBIE SMITH Phy.sician; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 190.3; b. Ag 1, 1880, Green River, Wyo.; s. Robert and Georgiana (Kidd) Smith. Prepared in Univ. of Wyo. Instr., Pathol., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Capt., M. C., U. S. A., 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Hamilton Club; I. A. C; A. M. A. Mar- ried Emily Wilk, Ja 1, 1910, Chicago. Children: Robert F., b. Mr 29, 1912; Jean Ruth, b. Jl 18, 1915. Address, 30 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago. ♦WILLIAM CHESTER SMITH Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Louisville Med. Dept., 1904; b. 1880. Instr. and Demonstrator, Anat. and Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., 1910-16; formerly located at 2701 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Deceased. FRANK SMITHIES Professor; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1904; b. D 21, 1880, Elland Yorkshire, England; s. John (b. do.) and Alice (Tattersall) Smithies (b.'Huddersfield, Eng.). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma; Sigma Xi. Special Demonstrator and Research Scholar in Anatomy and Physiol. Asst., Med., Dispensary Dept., Rush Med. Coll., 1904-Ja 1906; Univ. of Berlin, 1906; Guys Hosp., London, do.; Gastro-Enterologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., 1910-13; do., Augustana Hosp., Chicago, 1913 — ; Instr. in Internal Med.; Demon- strator in Clinical Med. and Phys. to Univ. Hosp., Univ. of Mich., 1906-09; A.ssoc. Prof, in Med., Coll. of Med., F 1918—. Consultant in Med., U. S. Public Health and Marine Hosp. Service, Port of Chicago, N 1918—; Sec. Med. Advisory Bd. 3-B, Chicago; Med. Mem., State Advisory Bd. for Selective Service Comn. Auth.: Cancer of the Stomach', Saunders & Co., Phila., Ja 1916; Diagnosis of Surgical Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum: Monograph in Ochsner's System of Surgery, Lee and Febiger, Phila. ; Medical Clinics of Chicago, Saunders & Co., Phila., 1916-17; Diet in Malignant Diseases of the Alimentary Tract: Monograph in American System of Dietetics, Appleton & Co., 1917; Quarterly Med. Clinics, published every 3 months, 1918-19, W. F. Prior Co., New York; Sections on Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum, Tices System of Med., 1920; Hemiphlegia as a Complication of Typhoid Fever, Jour., A. M. A., 1917; Clinical Aspects of Turners of the Mediastinum, do., 1908; Cardia Thrombosis, do., 1909; Extralaryngeal Causes of Laryngeal Symptoms, Annals of Rhinology and Lar- yngology,190Q; Deviation of Complement with Fail- ure of Complete Hemolysis ( Wassermann Reaction) in certain Non-Syphilitic Human Sera, Jour., A. M. A., 1909; The Conjunctival Tuberculin Re- action as a Means of Diagnosis and Control, do.; Hemolysis and its Diagnostic Significance in Can- cer and Tuberculosis, Med. Record, 1909; Further Studies of the Diagnostic Value of the Hemolytic Test in Cancer and Tuberculosis, The Archives of Diagnosis, 1910; Note on a Peptic Splitting Agent in Human Blood Serum, Jour., A. M. A., 1912; The Significance of Gastric Ulcer with Respect to Gastric Cancer, do., 1913; The Diagnostic Signi- ficance of the Paravertebral Triangle of Percussion Dullness fGrocco's Sign), The Archives of Diagnosis, 1912; Treatment of the Cachexia of Malnutrition, N._ Y. Med. Jour., 1913; other articles in the fore- going publications and in Interstate Med. Jour., Am. Jour, of Med. Science, The Phys. and Surg., III. Med. Jour., The Jour. Lancet, Surg., Genecology and Obstetrics, Jour. Mich. State Med. Soc, Archives of Internal Med., Northwest Med. Mem., Am. Coll. of Phys., Fellow, 1918; Sec-Gen., Am. Coll. of Phys. and Am. Congress on Internal Med.; Chm. Section on Gastro-Enterol. and Proctol., A. M. A., 1919-20; Sec. and Fellow, Am. Gastro- Enterol. Assn., 1918; 2nd V. P., Miss. Valley Med. Assn., 1919-20; Ex. Officer Roentgen Soc of N. America, 1918; Chicago Soc. of Internal Med., Chicago Pathol. Soc; Med. Editors Assn. of Am.; Mayo Clinic Grad. Club, State and Local Med. Assns.; Life Mem., Press Club, Chicago; Fellow of the Am. Assn. for the study of Internal Secre- tions; Jerome Cochran Orator, Ala., 1914; Hamil- ton Club. Married Mary Louise Kellam, S 25, 1910, Topeka, Kan. Children: John Tattersall, b. Ag 14, 1912; Thomas Holliday, b. N 10, 1915; Catherine Jameson, b. Mr 7, 1917. Address, 503 Wellington Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1002 N. Dear- born St., do. CLYDE MASON SNOW (See '02 Pharm.) MEYER SOLOMON Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Cornell Univ., 1909; b. D 3, 1887; s. Caroline Solomon. Prepared in DeWitt Clinton (N. Y.) H. S. N. Y. State Scholarship to Cornell Univ. Med. Coll. Instr., Psychiatry, Clin. Psychiatry and Neurol., Coll. of Med., 1912-14. 1st Lt., M. R. C, O 26, 1918 to Ag 20, 1919. Auth.: Articles in Jour, of Abnormal Psychology, N. Y. Med. Jour., Medical Record. Address, 5914 S. Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5501 Prairie Ave., do. GEORGE HORACE SOMERS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Cleveland Coll. of Phys. and Surg., 1890; do.. Long Island Coll. Hosp., 1891; b. Ag 6, 1858, O.; s. Jonas Harsh and Margaret Ann (Bishop) Somers. Attended Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., 1876-78; Univ. of Wooster, 1878-79; Philadelphia Coll. of Pharm.. 1879-80. Gen. Med. practice, Aurora, 111., 1891-92; Clin. Instr., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1893- 95; Assoc. Prof., Med., Chicago Coll. Med. and Surg.; Prof., Physical and Electro Diagnosis, 111. Sch. of Electro- "Therapy. Mem., M. E. Church; Press Club. Married Fannie May Fletcher, My 31, 1887, Morris, 111. Child, Ruth Fletcher. Address. 3514 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 32 N. State St., do.t AMUEL B. SPACH (See '93 Med.) EUGENE AARON SPITZ Phys. and Surg,; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1906; b. 1882. Instr., Obstetrics, Coll. of Med., 1910-12. Address, Richards Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. JOHN PERLEY SPRAGUE Associate; A.B., Bates Coll.. 1898; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1903; b. N 2, 1874, Easton, Aroostook Co., Me.; s. Ether Whitman and Louise R. (Estes) Sprague. Prepared in Ricker Classical Inst., Houlton, Me. Polyminia Lit. Soc; Debating League; Mgr. Football Team, 1898; Pres. of Alpha Kappa Kappa, 1903; Grand Pres., do , 1914 — . Instr., Neurology, N. W. Med. Sch., 1903-05; Med. Examiner and Advisor, Chicago Latin Sch., 1904- 14; Prof., Hygiene and Physical Educ, Grinnell Coll., Grinnell, la., 1914-18; Med. Officer, U. S. Shipping Bd., Emergency Fleet, 1918-19; Scienti- fic Asst., U. S. Pub. Health Service, 1919—; Assoc, Orthopedic Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919—; Owner and Dir. of Camp Minocqua (boys camp), 1904 — . Me. State Militia, 1902-04. Ed., Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa, 1903-15; Assoc. Ed., Banta Pub. Co., Menasha, Wis.; Contributing Ed., Med. Times, New York City. Auth.: Lobar Pneumonia Med. Times. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Am. Physical Educ. Assn.; Chicago Univ. Club; Chi- cago Camp Fire Club; Congregational Church. Married Myrtle Belle Maxim, My 18, 1904, South Paris, Me. Children: Grace Maxim, b. N 25, 1905; Martha Harlow, b. F 23, 1908 (died Ap 16, 1909); Helen Estes, b. D 31, 1916. AJrfrcw, 825 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., N. Michi- gan Ave., Chicago. Faculty, College of Medicine 281 ARTHUR K. STANGLAND (See '05 Med.) WILLIAM H. STAYNOR (See '98 Med.) LESTER MILLS STEARNS (See '05 Med.) DANIEL ATKINSON KING STEELE Surgeon; M.D., N. W. Univ.. 1S73; L.L.D., Univ. of III., 190(); b. Mr 29, 1852, Eden, O.; s. Daniel (b. Ireland) and Mary Loathi in (Anderson) Steele (b. do.). Prepared in Oakdale Acad., Washington Co.. 111. Nu Sigma Nu. Lecturer, Surg.. Chicago Med. Coll., N. W. Univ., 1S75-S0; Attending Phys., South Side Dispensary, 1875-80; Actuarv and Prof., Principles and Practice of Surg, and Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1897-1913; Sr. Dean and Head of Dept. of Surg.. 1914-17; Consulting Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1902-10; do., Michael Rtese Hosp.; Attending Surg., Lakeside and Cook Co. Hosps.. Chicago; Pres., Chicago, West Side, and Univ. Hosps., do. Maj. and Chief of Surg. Serv.. U. S. Gen. Hosp. 9, l.akewood, N. J.. 1917-18. Auth.: Investigation of Rabies, with report of case, Chicago Med. Examiner, 1873; Observations of Fetal Heart Sounds, with refer- ence to determination of sex, do., 1S74; Fibroids of the Uterus Treated by Ergot, 1876; The Mic- robie Revolution in Surg., 18SC; Scrotal Tumors, Med. Review, 1887; Surg. Treatment of Empyema in Children, ISSS; Cysts of the Pancreas, Osteo- sarcoma of the Scapula, 1S80; Gunshot Wounds of the Brain. 1891; Hernia. Critique of MacEwan Operation. 1892; Ovariotomy, 1892; Sarcoma of the Brain Diagnosed by Focal Symptoms Case, 1S94; Treatment of the Sarcoma of Kidney in Children, 1894; Oi)erative Treatment of Sarcoma of the Kidney, 1894; Medico-Legal Aspects of Abortion, 1895; Character as an Element of Success, 1898; Diseases and Injuries of the Minor Articulations, Keatings Cyclopedia of Diseases of Children, 1900; Resection of One-Fourth of the Body, 1900; Prac- tice of Med. as a Source of Income, 1905; Surg", of the Bile Tracts. Annals of Surg., 1905; Complica- tions of Fractures. 1906; Congenital Dislocations of the Hip, 1906. Mem., Pre.sby. Church (Trus- tee and Elder); Am. Coll. Surgs. (Dir.); Chicago Med. Soc. (Pres.); Chicago Surg. . Soc. (Pres.); Chicago Patholog. Soc. (Pres.); Medico-legal Soc. (Pres.). Married Alice L. Tomlinson, S 7, 1876, Rantoul, lU. Address. 2920 Indiana Ave., Chi- cago. RICHARD CHARLES STEFFEN (See '05 Med.) CARL THOMPSON STEPHAN Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1920; b. 1888. Asst. in Physiol., Coll. of Med., and Coll. of Dent., 1920 — ; not in active practice. Address, 633 FuUerton Parkway, Chieago.t JOSEPH CLARK STEPHENSON Prof, of Anatomy; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; Ph.D.. Univ. of Wis., 1913; b. O 21, 1886, Sheridan, Ind.; s. William Ora (b. Jl 7, 18.57. Zionville, Ind.) and Alpha (Clark) Stephenson (b. My 22, 1862, Rosston, Ind.). Prepared in Sheridan, find.) H. S. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Univ. of Chicago Glee Club, 1905-07; Coll. Entrance Scholarship; Sr. Scholarship; Honor- able mention at graduation; Fellowship in Zoology. Postgrad, work, Embryol., Comparative Anat. and Physiol., Marine Biol. Labs., Bermuda, summer, 1907; Woods Hole, Mass., 1908-1910; Univ. of Chicago. 1908-09, 1911-1912; Univ. of Berlin, 1910-U; Rush Med. Coll., clas.o of '21. Research work at Carnegie Institute, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., 1909; Instr. in Embryol. and Biol., Wa.'^hing- ton Univ., St. Louis, 19L3-15; Asst. Prof., Embryol. and Physiol., Univ. of Cincinnati, 191.5-17; Prof, and Head of dept. of Anatomy, Univ. of Okla. Med. Sch.. Norman, Okla., 1919-20; Afsoc. Prof, and head of Dept. of Anat., Coll. of Med. and Coll. of Dent.. 1920—. E. M. R. C. U. S. A., 1917. Autb.: Development of Unit Cbaractera in the Chick, Washington Univ. Studies Vol. 2, Part 1. Ja 1915. Mem., A. A. A. S.. 1912. Married Marie Gerlach. D 27, 1919, Woodward. Okla. Address, 327 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. ROBERT MONTGOMERY STERRETT (See "90 Med.) HERMAN CAMPBELL STEVENS Phys. and Surg.; A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1891; Ph.D., Cornell, 1905; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913; b. N 12, 1878, Elkhart, Ind.; s. George W. and Elizabeth (Fullington) Stevens. Theta Delta Chi; Sigma Xi. Research work and Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 191,3^ — ; Dir., Psychopathic Lab., Univ. of Chicago; Head of Home Sch. for Nervous Children. Auth.: Various articles in Med. and Scientific Jours. Mem., Am. Psychol. Assn.; 111. Soc. Mental Hygiene (Ex. Com.); Chi- cago Neurol. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions; City Club; Quad- rangle Club. Married Ruth Fuller, S 9, 1915; Minneapolis. Addres.t, 5720 Kenwood Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t JAMES STEVENSON (See '17 Med.) ALT AN EDGAR STEWART Surgeon; M.D., Queen's Univ., 1898; b. Mr 8, 1873, Quebec, Can.; s. John H. and Elizabeth J. (Scott) Stewart. Prepared in Athens (Ontario) H. S.; Albert Coll., 1901; Toronto Univ., 1902-04. Phi Rho Sigma; Honor Graduate, Queens Univ., 1898; Instr., Clin. Pediatrics and later Prof., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1893-1904; Prof-., do., Loyola Univ. Auth.: Several articles on med. subjects. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Georgie Parker, Ja 1, 1902, Gananoque. Ontario. Child, Flora, b. 1905. Address, 724 Independence Blvd.. Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. ARTHUR WILLIAM STILLIANS (See '99 Med.) FRANK OAKLEY STOCKTON Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Columbia Univ. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1881; b. 1859. Specialist in Laryngol. and Rhinol.; Prof., Laryngol., Coll. of Med., 1884-88; Recording Sec, do., 1886-87. Ad- dress, 77 Harrison St., East Orange, N. J.; bus. add., 142 Market St.. Newark, do.f JOHN HINCHMAN STOKES Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1912; b. 1885. Instr., Dermatol., Coll. of Med., 1914-16; Assoc. Prof., do., Univ. of Minn. Grad. Sch. of Med.; practice limited to Dermatol. Mem., Minn. Dermatol. Soc; A. M. A. Address, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.t LAD! SLAW STOLFA (See '16 Med.) FRANK LEE STONE (See *10 Med.) CHARLES FREDERICK STOTZ (See '98 Med.) A. M. STOUT Clin. Instr., Diseases of Children, 1893-95. ♦HARRY HENRY STRAUCH B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; b. Mr 11, 1892, Thomson, 111. Prepared in Thomson H. S.; Brad- ley Institute, 1909-10. Prin.. Bement H. S., 1912- 13; do., Petersburg H. S., 191.3-15; Asst., Physiolog. Chem.. Coll. of Med.. 1916-17; do., Chem., Coll. of Dent., do. 1st Lt., with the 11th Aero Squad- ron, World War; received Croix de Guerre; said to have brought down 7 planes while serving with the A. E. F. Killed in action, S 18, 1918. CLIFFORD PHILIP STRAUSE Assistant; B.S.. Univ. of Chicago, 1918; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1921; b. Ja 1. 1897, Peoria, 111. 282 University of Illinois Prepared in Bradley Polytech. Inst., Peoria, 1910- 16. Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., Jl 1, 1920-21; Instr., Chem., 1915-17; Asst. in Med., Coll. of Med., S 23, 1921—. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. t SIDNEY STRAUSS Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Med. Sch. of Harvard Univ., 1904; b. 1878. A-ssoc. Prof., Med., Coll. of Med., 1920—; Asst. Prof., Med., Rush Med. Coll.; practice limited to Internal Med. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Patholog. Soc. Address, 4934 Grand Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do. SOLOMON STROUSE Phys. and Surg.; A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1902; M.D., do., 1906; b. Je 29, 1882, Baltimore; s. Benjamin and Fannie (Kahn) Strouse. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs. of Baltimore. Phi Beta Kap- pa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Intern, Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1906-07; Gen. Med. practice, Baltimore, 1907-09; Assoc. Pathologist, Michael Reese Hosp., 1909-12; Assoc. Attending Phys., do., 1912—; Instr., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1912-16; Attend- ing Phys., Dispensary Municipal Tuberculosis Sani- tarium; Prof., Med., Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chi- cago. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow); Chicago Inst, of Med., (do.); Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Pathol. Soc; Chicago Soc. Internal Med.; Soc. for Clin. Investigation. Married Edith Janet Mayer, D 5, 1911, Chicago. Children: Richard Benjamin and Carl David. Address, 5606 Blackstone Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 104 S. Michigan Ave., do.t GEORGE FRANCIS SUKER Ophthalmologist; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1892; b. O 12, 1869, Detroit; s. Herman and Emilie (Toelle') Suker. Prepared in Ger.-Am. Sem., De- troit. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1901 — ; Instr., Ophthalmol., Coll. of Med., 1900-06; Prof., do., Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1901—; Ophthalmologist, Post-Grad. Hosp.; Ophthalmic Surg., Cook Co. Hosp.: Specialist in Ophthalmology. Capt., M. O. R. C, U. S. A. Auth.- Various articles on med. subjects. Mem., Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol. (Fellow); A. M. A. (do.); 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Acad. Med., Chi- cago; Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; Chicago Ophthal. Soc. Address, Hubbards Woods, 111.; 6ms. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.f RAJLPH CHARLES SULLIVAN Associate; A.B., St. Ignatius Coll., 1908; A.M., Loyola Univ., 1912; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1912; b. O 18, 1887, Chicago. Prepared in St. Ignatius Acad., 1902-05; attended Univ. of 111., 1908-10. Philosophy class medal; Honor Student through- out academic and coll. courses. Intern, Cook Co. Hosp. Gen. Med. practice; Instr., Greek, St. Ignatius Coll., 1907; in chg.. Cook Co. Quiz Class, Rush Med. Coll., 1912-13; Instr., Surg., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1913-17. Maj., M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Mem., Roman Catholic Church. Address, 5249 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago; 6ms. add., 4401 Harrison St., do.f THOMAS JOHN SULLIVAN, Jr. (See '15 Med.) ROSE IRENE SUTTER (See '11 Med.) ' WALTER M. TANQUARY (See '91 Med.) LILLIAN ETHEL TAYLOR Surgeon; B.A., Univ. of Toronto, 1899; M.D. and C. M., do., 1906; b. 1875, St. Albans, Eng.; d. Edward and Elizabeth (Wheatley) Taylor. Pre- pared in Moulton Coll., Toronto. Intern, Womans Hosp., Philadelphia, and New Eng. Hosp., Boston; Head Instr., Laryngol., Rhinol., and Otol.. and Asst. in the Clinic, Coll. of Med., 1910-14; Pres., Staff, and Chief in Oto-I^aryngol., Mary Thompson Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Acad. Oto-Laryngol.; Political Equality League; Med. Womens Club (V. P.); Womans City Club; Win- netka Womans Club; Chicago Coll. Club; Cordon Club. Address, 590 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, 111.; 6us. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. WALTER HENRY THEOBALD Assoc. Prof.; B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1911;b. D19, 1886, Oconomowoc, Wis.; s. Peter A. and Sophia Theobald. Prepared in Oconomowoc (Wis.) H. S. Phi Beta Pi; Lin- coln House. Attending Laryngol. and Rhinol., St. Lukes Hosp., 1915; Attending Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otol., Oak Forest Infimary for Tuber- culosis, 1913; Instr., Surg. (Laryngol., Rhinol., and Otol.), Coll. of Med., 1916-18; Assoc, do., 1918—. Med. Advisory Bd.; Red Cross, World War. Auth.: (In preparation) A Radical Treat- ment for Chronic Suppuration of the Antrum with Modification of the Canfield Technique for Opera- tion. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; Chi- cago Inst, of Med.; Chicago Laryngol. and Otol. Soc. Married Alice Mildred Morkill, S 24, 1913, Winnipeg, Can. Children: Pierce W., b. S 21, 1915; Harriet M., b. F 17, 1917. Address, .500 E. 49th St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 22 E. Washington St.. do. HENRY BASCOM THOMAS Orthopedic Surg.; S.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1898; M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1903; b. Ag 17, 1875; s. T. P. and Sarah (Price) Thomas. Scholar- ship from Univ. of Chicago. Asst. Prof., Surg. (Orthopedic), Coll. of Med., 1918—. M.C., 16 mos.. World War. Auth.: Several medical articles. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Assn. of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Chicago Central Church. Mar- ried Louise D. Wendell, 1906, Ky. Address, 6530 University Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 30 N. Michi- gan Ave., do. GEORGE FARNSWORTH THOMPSON Assoc Prof.; B.S., Univ. of Wis., 1896; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1899; b. Mr 1875, Oconto, Wis.; 8. Moses C. (b. F 20, 18.36, Dexter. Me.) and Mar- garet (Bellew) Thompson (b. Ja 26, 1840, Dundalk, Ire.). Prepared in Oconto (Wis.) H. S. N. W. Med. Sch., 1896-97; Instr., Surg., Rush Med. Coll., 1902-12; Attending Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., 1902—; Attending Surg., West Side Hosp., 1912 — ;' Asst. Prof., Clin. Surg., Coll. of Med., 1912-18; Assoc, and Assoc. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: Congenital Pyloric Stenosis, Svrg. Gynecology and Obstetrics, 1905; Non-penetrating Abdominal Injuries, Ry. Surg. Jour., 1908; Bone-grafting vs. Lane Plates, do., 1912; The Surgical Abdomen, do., 1917; Spinal Anesthesia in General Surg., III. State Med. Jour., 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Ry. Surg. Assn.; Am. Coll. of Surgs.; U. W. Club of Chicago; Eagle River Fish- ing and Shooting Club. Married Irma M. Sturm, Je 11, 1902, Chicago. Children: Dorothy Joan, b. Mr 13, 1903; Irma Beatrice, b. Ja 9, 1905; Helen Florence, b. S 4, 1908; Georgianna Eleanor, b. Ap 21, 1913. Address, 154 N. Parkside Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4100 Madison St., do. PAUL FRANK THURESSON Physician; B.S., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1909; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915; b. N 23, 1888, Neb.; 8. Frank and Lottie (Wilson) Thuresson. Pre- pared in Neb. Wesleyan Acad. Phi Beta Sigma (Pres); Nu Sigma Nu; Pres., Student Body. Coll. Council, Sr. Class. Asst., Operative Sure., Coll. of Med., 1918-19; Resident Roentgenologist, Wash- ington Blvd., Hosp.: Asst. Surg., Chicago, Milwau- kee, St. Paul and Pa. Ry. lines. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow) ; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Grace Fore- man. S 23, 1913, Alva, Neb. Child, Maxinine, b. Ag 5, 1914. Address, 170 Bandini, Riverside, Calif.; 6ms. add., 305-07 Loring Bldg., do. FREDERICK TICE Prof, and Phys.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1894; b. Jl 30, 1872, 0.shkosh, Wis.; s. A. B. and J. (Stephens) Tice. Prepared in Omro (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Rho Sigma. Prof., Diseases of the Chest, Coll. of Med., 1900-16; do., Med. and Head of the Dept., do., 1917—; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. Auth.: Contributor and Faculty, College of Medicine 283 Ed. in Chief of Tice Practice of Med., 10 Vols , W. F. Prior Co., Hagerstown, Md.; Prognosis in Chronic Endocorditis, ///. M.-rf. Jour., S 1907; Ocular Reaction to Tuberculin, Jour. A. M. A., Je 13, Vol. 1; The Tuberculosis Crusade, Chicago Med. Recorder, O 190S; Diet in Tuberculosis, III. Med. Jour., S 190S; Cutaneous Reactions of Tuber- culin, do.. 1909; Concerning Tubercle Bacilli in the Circulating Blootl, do., Ja 1910; Phthisiophobia, do., Mr 1911; Sputum Examinations, with Special Reference to the Antiformin Method, Transactions Nat. .\ssn. Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1911; The Clinical Determination and Significance of some of the Peripheral Signs in Aortic In- sufficiency, ///. Med. Jour., S 1911; Paracentesis Thoracic, Iniernat. Clinics, Vol. Ill, 21st Series; Auricular Fibrillation, ///. Med. Jour., N 1913: The Present Situation in Tuberculosis, N. Y. Med. Jour., N 14, 1914; Glandular Tuberculosis, Chicago Med. Recorder, D 1915; Situs Viscerum Inversus Totalis, The Archives of Diagnosis, Jl 1915; other articles in the foregoing publications, and about 35 articles. Reports of Cook Co. Hosp. Clinics, in the Med. Clinics of Chicago. Mem., A. M. A.; Institute of Med.; Soc. of Int. Med.; Chicago Soc. of Med. History; State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Ida M. Millman, D 31, 1900, Chi- cago. Address, 3504 Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. THEODORE TIEKEN (See '99 Med.) ♦HENRY LELAND TOLMAN Lawyer; L.L.B.. Univ. of Rochester; b. 1849, Carrollton, 111. Expert in Microscopy and Chiro- graphy; Prof., Med. Jurisprudence, Coll. of Med., 1894-1904. Died Ja 14, 1904. Evanston. 111. GROVER TRACY A.B.. Pa. State Coll., 1909; b. N 6, 1884, Line- boro, Md. Attended Columbia Univ., 1911-14, 1916-18. Instr., Physiolog. Chem., Coll. of Med.. 1919—; Asst., Chem.. Coll. of Dent.. 1914—. Address, 508 S. Honors St.. Chicago.t ♦CHARLES HUMPHREY TREADWELL M.D.. Harvey Med. Coll., 1905; b. 1872. Instr., Electro-Therapeutics, Coll. of Med., 1906-10. Died Mr 24, 191S. Chicago. CLARENCE L. TREADWELL (See '97 Med.) DUDLEY C. TROTT Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; B.A. Prof., Anat.. 1893-95. Mem.. Royal CoU. of Surgs. (Fellow). RALPH CHESS PURNELL TRUITT Professor; M.D., Univ. of Md., 1910; b. Ag 4, 1885, Snow Hill, Md.; s. George Worthington (b. F 25, 1845, do.) and Gertrude Duncan (Purnell) Truitt (b. D 27, 18.53, do.). Prepared in Snow Hill (Md.) H. S.; Strayers Bus. Coll. and Washington Coll. Phi Sigma Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Hon. mention and appointment as Clin. Asst., Univ of Md. Hosp. Intern, do., 1909-10; Sr. Phys N J .State Hosp., 1910-12. 1915-17; Ist Asst. Resident Phys., Phipps Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1912- 14; Med. Dir., State Hosp., Jackson, La., 1914-15- .Kaat. Prof, of Neurology and Psychiatry. Coll of Med., O 1919—. 1st Lt., Capt. and Maj , M C U. 8. A., My 10, 1917-My 8, 1919; Med. Dir" 111. Soc. for Mental Hygiene; Mental Adviser to Central Djv. Hdqtrs., Am. Red Cross, Chicago. Auth.: Numerous articles read and published, deal- ing with Neuro-Psychiatry. Mem.. Trenton Club; Trenton Country Club; City Club. Trenton (N. J.); Am. Med. Psychological Soc; Md. Psychiatric Soc. Address, 2816 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. AUGUST MORRIS UNGER (See '92 Med.> HONORE D. VALIN Pathologist and Radiologist; M.D., Vermont Univ., 1879; b. F 6, 1858, St. Cesaire, Que., Can.; s. Antoine and Sophie (LaFontaine) Vnlin. Pre- pared in Monnoir Coll. Prize. Grad. Thesis. Gen. Med. practice. 111., 1880-94; Pathologist and Radiologist, St. Peter, Minn., 1894-1910; Dir., Lab. and X-Ray, Hope Hosp., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1916-18; do.. 111. Valky Hosp., Ottawa, 111., 1918- 19; Technician. Clinical Lab. and X-Ray. Coll. of Med., 1919 — . Auth.: Articles on Biol., Neurol., Physcbol., and Radiol. Married Frances L. Powell, Mankato, Minn. Children: Eulalie, b. Jl 30, 1884; Rudolph H., b. Ag 5, 1885. Address, 508 S. Honore St., Chicago. ALBERT VANDER KLOOT (See '15 Med.) GEORGE HENRY VAN DYKE Clergyman; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1891; b. S 2, 1863, Mifflin Co., Pa.; s. Archybald (b. Ag 1, 1841, Pa.) and Esther (Swigart) \ an Dyke (b. My 20, 1843). Prepared in Norm. Sch., Beatrice, Neb. Teacher, 1885-88; Clergyman, Church of the Brethern, 1696 — ; Instr., Gynecol., Ijispensary CUnic, Coll. of Med., 19U4-1914; Dir. of night church, Chicago. 1913—. Mem.. Y. M. C. A. (Boys membership). 1918 — ; Geographical Soc. 1913 — ; Chicago Aied. Soc, 1907 — ; iU. btate Med. fcjoc; do., A. Ai. A.. Uo. Aiarried Catharme Beery, O 1, 1891, Covington, U. Chiiareu; Mary, b. N 1:0, ib^z; irene, b. Je 10, Ib'it-i; George i^noch. b. N 4. 1696; lislher. b. Ja 16, 1696 (Uieu Ja 20, 1S96J; Ciarence Lee, b. N 29. 16^9 (aiua Jl 31. lyOO); Eunice, b. Ap 9, lyOl; Paul Berry, b. O 6, 1902. Address, 3415 Van Bureu bt., Chicago; bus. add., 401 S. Trumbull Ave., do. WELLER VAN HOOK (See '85 Med.) BERTHA VAN HOOSEN Phys. and fciurg.; B.A., Univ. ol Mich.. 1884; M.D., Univ. ol iMich. Med. Sch.. 1666; b. Mr 26. 1863. Rochester, Mich.; a. Joshua ana fearah Ann (Taylorj Van irioosen. Prol., Clin. Oynecol., Loll. of Med., 1900-12; Prof., Obstetrics, i^oyoia Luiv. Sch. of Med.; Aitenaing Gynecol., Cook Co., Mary Thompson and Provident Hosps.. Chicago; practiced in Chicago. 1892 — . Ed., Womans Med. Jour. Auth.: Contributions on Twilight Sleep. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Patholog. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Womans Med. Soc; Womans City Club. Ad- dress, 4845 Calumet Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.t CAMILLO VOLINI Surgeon; M.D., Univ. of Naples, Italy. 1885; b. O 16, 1862, Potenza, Italy; s. Federico and Cris- tina (Passarelli) Volini. Prepared in Royal Coll., Potenza, Italy. Adjunct Prof., Clin. Med., Coll. of Med., 1903-06; Surg., Columbus Hosp., Chicago; Mem., Consulting Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., du. Surg. Royal Italian Navy, 1885-87; Lt., Italian Army, Italian- Abyssinian War, 1886^87; served through cholera epidemic at Venice, 1886, for which was awarded medal for civic valor. Mem., White Hand Soc. of Chicago (Organizer and 1st Pres.); Cheva- lier of the Crown of Italy; A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; K. P. Married Virginia Botto, S 20, 1891, Chicago. Children: Frederick; Dominick; Cecilia; Camillo, Jr. Address, 2929 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 501 N. Halsted St., do.t FREDERICK VREELAND Phys. and Surg.; M.D.. Dearborn Med. Coll., 1905; b. 1872. A.sst., Clinic in Dept. of Ophthal- mol., Coll. of Med., 1910-12; Instr., Ophthalmol., do., 1912-16, Mem.. Chicago Ophthalmol. Soc. Address, 1220 Farwell Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 15 E. Waahington St., do.f 284 Univeesity of Illinois HENRY E. WAGNER (See '95 Med.) LUCY WAITE Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hosp., Chicago, 1883; do., Harvey Med. Coll., 1895; b. 1860. Prof., Clin. Gynecol., Coll. of Med., 1900-08. Address, Park Ridge, Ill.t JAMES WILLIAM WALKER Physician; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1893; b. F 2, 1864, Hartlepool, Eng.; s. Bartholomew (b. My 20, 1838, Cockfield, Durham Co., Eng.) and Han- nah (Allison) Walker (b. Ag 16, 1837, Stanley Farm, Hedley Hill, Durham Co., do.). Prepared in South Kensington, Oxford and Cambridge Univs. (Extension lectures). Intern, Mercy Hosp., Chicago, 0-D, 1893; do.. Cook Co. Hosp., D 1893- D 1895; Kankakee Hosp. for Insane, Mr 1896- Je 1897; Studied in Berlin Univ., 1897-98; Adjunct Prof., Med., Coll. of Med., 1901-06; Phys., Chi- cago, 1904—. Worked in English Red Cross Hosp., 1915. Auth.: Enterorrhaphy with Mur- phy's Button, An7iah of Surg., 1896; A Case of Acromegaly combined with Giantism, Jonr. A. M. A., 1897; Pyloric Carcinoma and Melancholia with Internal Illusions, Am. Jour. Insanity, do.; Acute Vegetative Endocarditis, Jour. A. M. A., 1897; Systemic Blastomycosis Death, Autopsy, do., 1902; Paratyphoid, do., 1903. Mem., Bd. of Dirs., Geographic See. of Chicago, 1915 — . Ad- dress, 1504 E. 53rd St., Chicago. SAMUEL JOHNSON WALKER Physician; M.D.; b. N 19, 1867, Covington, Ky.; s. Samuel J. Walker. Prepared in Lake View H. S. B.A., Yale Univ. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago: Adjunct Prof., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., 1898-1902. Med. Dir., Red Cross Comn., Greece, O 1918-Jl 1919. Auth.: Med. articles. Married Bertha E. Smith, 1894, Philadelphia. Children: Samuel J., Jr., b. 1895; Helen Loiise, b. 1896. Address, 229 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago; bus. add., 6 Scott St., do. THOMAS M. WALSH (See "89 Med.) JOHN CLARK WARBRICK Phys. and Surg.; M.D., Trinity Med. Coll., 1894; b. Ap 30, 1868, Bolton, Ont., Can. Prepared in Weston (Ont.) H. S. Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1902-06; Specialist, Otol., Rhinol., and Laryngol. Mem., A. M. A.; Kenwood Evang. Church. Address, 306 E. 43rd St.. Chicago. RACHEL A. WATKINS (LONG) (See '06 Med.) CHARLES EDWARD WATTS Physician; B.S., Univ. of Idaho, 191,3: M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1918; b. N 14, 1889, Teakean, Idaho; s. Edward Everett (b. F 22, 1854, Mich.) and Elizabeth (Ameling) Watts (b. N 19, 1865, Kan.). Prepared in Prep, sch., Univ. of Idaho and Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma N>i; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst., Anat., Univ. of Chicago, 1914-15; Fellow in Patho- olgy, do., 191.5-17; Intern, Cook Co. Hosp., 1918-19; House Phys., Washington Blvd. Hosp., 1919—; Asst., Physical Diagnosis, Rush Med. Coll., 1919 — ; Asst., Operative Surg., Coll. of Med., 1919 — ., Licentiate Nat. Bd. of Med. Examiners, 1919. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Fellow A. M. A. Married Mary Louise Richard- son, Jl 5, 1916, Chicago. Child, William Edward, b. Ap 28, 1917. Address, 2 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Washington Blvd. Hosp., do. *WILLIAM FRANCIS WAUGH Physician; A.B., Westminster Coll., 1868; A.M., do., 1871; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1871; b. My 11, 1849, Greenville, Pa.; s. William and Annie Darlington (Lasher) Waugh. Res. Phys., Dept. of Insane, West Pa. Hosp., Dixmont, Pa., 1871-72; Prof., Principles and Practice of Med., Medico- Chirurg. Coll., Philadelphia, 1880-90; do., CoU. of Med., 1894-1904; Dean and Head of Dept. of Therapeutics, Bennett Med. Coll., 1909-13: V. P. and Dir., Abbott Alkaloidal Co., Chicago, 1897- 1908. Bronze Medal, Miscricordia Hosp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1875; Gold Medal and Hon. Diploma, Academia Fisico-Chemica Italiano, Paler- mo, 1909. Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy, 1873-76. Ed., Med. World, Philadelphia, 1881-82; Med. Times, do., 1882-86; Med. Times and Register, do., 1886-93; Dietetic Gazette, New York, 1887-88; Alkaloidal Clinic, Chicago, 1894; Am. Jour, ojf Clin. Med., 1911; Chicago Med. Times, 1910-11. Auth.: Treatment of the Sick, 1898; Text Book of Alkaloidal Therapeutics, 1907; Practice of Med., 1908; The Houseboat Book, 1908. Mem., A. M. A.; Miss. Valley Med. Soc; Tri-State Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Therapeutic Soc; Chicago Therapeutic Soc. (Pres., 1910-11); Chicago Acad, of Med.; A. F. A. M. Married Kate Lasher, O 25, 1873; Helen Mauman, Ap 5, 1898. Died S 5, 1918, Chicago. *FRANK E. WAXHAM Larvngol. and Rhinol.; M.D., N. W. Univ., 1878; 'b. 1852, Laporte, Ind. Prof., Diseases of Children, Coll. of Med., 1882-92; Emeritus Prof., Rhinol. and I>aryngol., do.; prominent as a Spe- cialist in Diseases of the Throat and Nose, Chicago, until 1893; located in Denver, 189-3; Prof., Med., Clinical Med., Laryngol. and Rhinol., Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo.; Laryngol., and Rhinol., Univ. Hosp.; Central Free Dispensary; Nat. Jewish Hosp., and Childrens Hosp.; Consulting Laryngol., and Rhinol., Denver City and Co. Hosps.; Mem., Med. Staff, St. Josephs Hosp., Denver. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. and Colo. State Med. Societies. Died S 4, 1911, Sugar City, Colo. JOHN WEATHERSON (See '00 Med.) PAUL BROWN WELCH (See '13 Med.) WILLIAM HENRY WELKER Professor; A.C., Univ. of Lehigh, 1904; Ph. D., Columbia Univ., 1908; b. Ag 20, 1879, Red Hill, Montgomery Co., Pa.; s. William A. and Angelina (Wile) Welker. Prepared in Perkiomen Scminarv and Ursinus Acad. Asst., Biol. Chem., Columbia Univ., 1904-07; Demonstrator of Physiol. Chem., Pa., 1907-10; Assoc, in Biolog. Chem., Columbia Univ., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., do., 1911-12; do., Chem., Coll. of Dent., 1914—; Head of Dept., do., 1919—; Asst. Prof, of Physiol. Chem., Coll. of Med., 1913-19; Assoc. Prof., do., 1919-21; Prof., do., 1921 — . Special research work in Colloidal Chem.; in recognition of merit and ability was given (with Norman A. Dittman) the Gibbs Prize of $2000 by the N. Y. Acad, of Med., 1908; was awarded $400 by the com. on Science research of the Am. Med. Assn., the sum to be used in continu- ing work on bacterial proteins, 1921. Auth.: (with William N. Berg) Experiments to determine the influence of the Bromids of Barium and Radium on Protein Metabolism in Dogs, Jour, of Biolog. Chem., Vol. 1, 1907; Contributions to our knowledge of the effects of Urinary Preservatives on Urinary Analysis, N. Y. Med. Jour., Vol. 86, do.; A Simple Electrical Annunciator for use in Metabolism Ex- periments, and in connection with Filtration, Distil- lation and similar operations. Am. Jour, of Physiol., Vol. 20, do.; (with Norman E. Dittman} On Sonae Biochemical and Anatomical changes induced in Dogs by Potassium Cyanide, N. Y. Med. Jour., Vol. 88, 1908; (with Julia T. Emerson) Some Notes on the Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Ibervillca Sonorae, Jour. Biolog. Chem., Vol. 5, do.; Studies of the Influence of Various Dietary Conditions on Physiol, resistance; The Influ- ence of Different Proportions of Protein in the Food on the Partition of Urinary Nitrogen after Dosage with Potassium Cyanide (with Norman E. Dittman) Dissertation, Columbia Univ., 1909; (with Norman E. Dittman) Deficient Oxidation in its Relation to the Etiology, Pathology and Treat- Faculty, College op Medicine 285 ment of Nephritis, .V. Y. Med. Jour., Vol. 89, do.; (with David Riesman and C. B. Farr) A Study of the Nitrogen Partition in the I'rin of Nephritics with Special reference to the Effects of Diuretics, Phila. Gen. Hosp. Report, Vol. VIII, 1910; Experi- ments to determine the Toxicity of Chromic Acid in Dilute Aqueous Solutions when injected intra- muscularly and its Antidotal \'alue for Rattle- snake Venom, Univ. of Pa., .Mxt. Bulletin. 33, 1911; Intracellular Salines (in a sympusium on the chem. of the celll. Biochemical Bulletin, 1, do.; (with Louis Housakoff), Chemical notes on the Egg Cap- sules of Two Species of Sharks, do., l'911-12; (with C. B. Farr), The Effect of CafTein on Nitro- genous Excretion and Partition, Am. Jour, of Med. Scs.; other articles in the foregoing publica- tions and in Archives Int. .Med., Jour., Am. Chem. Soc, Jour., A. M. A., Jour, of Pharmacol, iind Exp. Th,-rapeutics:, Univ. of 111. Circular, II, Jour. Clin. Lab. Diagnosis and Jour. Lake City, Utah. Child, George Walter, Jr., b. Mr 21, 1920. Address, 3103 S. Halsted St., Chi- cago; 6ms. add., 3101 S. Halsted St., do. CHARLES H. WAMBOLD Dentist; D.D.S.: b. S 5, 1872; s. Samuel K. and Amelia (Fertig) Wambold. Prepared in Ryan H. S.; La^Tence Univ., Appleton, Wis. Address, 241 W. 42nd St., New York City. J. BRONISLAUS ZIELINSKI D.D.S.; b. Jl 25, 1871, Poland; s. W. and F. (Marszewska) Zielinski. I^epared in Poland. Staff, St. Marys of Nazarefhs Hosp.; Attending Dent., St. Hedwigs Orphanage; do., St. Josephs Home. Mem., K. C; Nat. Dent. Soc; State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc. Married Leocadia Mar- shall, My 19, 1901, Chicago. Children: Joseph B., b. 1902; Norbert U., b. 1907; Mary A., b. 1917. Address, 4968 Bertcan Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1152 N. Ashland Ave., do. CLASS OF 1900 (15 LIVING, 4 DEAD) P. M. BEACH Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Rankin, FREDERICK A. BISSETT Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 3900 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.}: CLINTON D. COOK Dentist; D.D.S.; 6ms. add., 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. H. S. DOWELL Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Walkerton, Ind.f Dentist; Deceased. *B. A. EDWARDS D.D.S. Formerly of Beloit, ARTHUR V. GARRETSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 23, 1874, Macomb, 111.; 8. Peter H. and Elizabeth Garretson. Married S 26, 1903, Chicago. Address, 1302 N. Walnut St., Danville, 111.; 6ms. add., 101 E. Main St., do. *HERMAN GROSSMAN Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at Halsted and 12th Sts., Chicago. Deceased. 1901] College of Dentistry Alumni ALBERT L. HAGUE Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 2101 Belmont Ave., Chicago.J ♦CHARLES HANSEN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Dunning, 111.; later at 6401 W. Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. Died 1021. *J. D. HECKMAN Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located in Cham- paign. Deceased. THOMAS S. HOLLIS Dentist; D.D.S. Mem., Tex. State Dent. Assn. Address, Abilene, Tex.t JOZEF.\T J. JANKOWSKI D.D.S.; b. O 2, 1S70, Poland. Prepared in Buff- alo (N. \'.> H. S. Pres., Freshman Class, Univ. of Buffalo. Dentist, Chicago. Mem., Polish Dent. Soc. (1st Pres.). Married W. Ratajczak, Jl 2, 1902, Chicago. Children: Eugene, b. S 29, 1905; Evelyn, b. Ja 11, 1910. Address, 1711 W. 47th St., Chicago. CHARLES ERWIN JONES Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 14, 1876, Chenoa, 111.; 8. William R. and Viola (Hibbs) Jones (b. St. Joseph Mo.). Prepared in Chenoa, 111. B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1896. Delta Sigma Delta. Grad. work, Univ. of Chicago, 1902-04; Coll. of Med., 1906-08; Sec. of Coll. of Dent., 1902-12; Prof, of Materia Med. and Therapeutics, do., 1905-12; Sec. of Facultv, Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1914—. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc. (Pres., 1918-19); Nat. Dent. Assn. Married F 9, 1902, Chicago, 111. Address, 301 S. Crawford Ave., Chi- cago. / OREN P. MORSE Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 987 Ogdcn Ave., Chicago. Address, Cedaredge, Colo.t WILLIAM D. MURTO Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 3606 Indiana Ave., Chicago.t E. F. NEIL Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 591 N. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Address, Elgin, Ill.t FRANK C. ROE D.D.S.; b. My 9, 1869; 8. Philo and Emily (Morey) Roe. Preparcdin Woodstock, 111. Mem., Logan Square Lodge S91, A. F. A. M. Children: Frank C, b. Je 6, 1901; Ralph R., b. N 1, 1904; EUzabeth E., b. Ap 15, 1907. Address. 2837 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; 6us. add., 2843 Milwaukee Ave., do. GEORGE B. SINCLAIR D.D.S.; b. S 28, 1872, Port Huron, Mich. Formerly of Hutchison, Kan. Married Lucile Johnstone, Ap 3, 1917. Child, George Lawrence, b. Ja 5, 1918. Address, 910 Crescent PI., Port Huron, Mich.; bus. add., 504 Water St., do. CHARLES J. WINDER D.D.S.; b. Je 14, 1878; s. T. G. and Eva (Stolp) Winder. Prepared in Englewood H. S. and Penn Coll. Valedictorian. Formerly of Coal City, 111. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P. Mar- ried Jessie Small, Je 18, 1903. Three children, b. Ja 13, 1905; D 5, 1909; Ag 12, 1914. Address; Main St., Eaton Rapids, Mich. CLASS OF 1901 (23 LIVING, 4 DEAD) PERRY A. ARMSTRONG Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 156 Center St., Chicago. Address, Neoga, Ill.t CARVER M. BROWN Dentist; D.D.S. Address, El Paso, Tex.J *A. B. CLARK Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly of Honolulu, Hawaii. Deceased. MELVIN BENNETT CORTHELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 18, 1875, Hudson, Wis.; 8. Joseph K. (b. Ap 23. 1848, Jamestown, N. Y.) and Margaret E. Corthell (b. 1850, Perth, Can.). Prepared in Hudson (Wis.) H. S. Class Orator. Dentist, Chicago, 6 mos., Hudson, Wis., 1901-02; Spooner, Wis.. 1902 — ; Dir., Spooner State Bank, 1920. Served in Spanish-Am. War, 1898, and in Wis. State Militia, 1894-1900. Mem., Maccabees (Commander, 1903); Council of M. W. A., 1903; A. F. A. M., 160, 1915—; Treas. of Loyalty Legion, 1918, Masonic Temple Assn., Spooner Chapter 85, 1920; Mottwood Tennis Club, 1912; Iroquois Club (Pres., 1912); City Council, 1915-16. Mar- ried Ag 18, 1910, Spooner, Wis. Address, Spooner, Wis. ROY S. DONALDSON (Brother of Oliver H., '94 M.D. and Robt. P., •02 D.D.S.) Anesthetist and Dent.; D.D.S.; b. My 30, 1880, Maywood, 111.; a. Samuel Hendren (b. 1836, Co. Armaugh, Ire.) and Sarah Evelyn (Batten) Donald- eon (b. Lockport, N. Y.). Prepared in May wood H. S. Salutatorian, 1901. Active mem. of Am. Protective League, operating under direction of U. S. Dept. of Ju.stice, O 5, 1917-F 1, 1919. Mem., Mens Club; Grace Epi.scopal Church. Married Elizabeth Wolfe Giles, O 12, 1903, Oak Park, 111. Children: Allan Giles, b. N 15, 1905; Caroline Marie, b. F 1, 1913; Janet Elizabeth, b. Mr 24, 1916. Address, 247 Clinton Ave., Oak Park, 111. FRANCIS S. ELLIOTT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 15, 1868, Butler Center, la.; 8. Benjamin (b. Ja 1843, Ont. Can.) and Susan M. (Brooks) Elliott (b. Me.). Prepared in No. 111. Norm. Sch., DixoD, 111. Married Cathrine Erbes, O 1898, Chicago. Children: Harold, b. Jl 1900; Everett, b. D 1902; Mable, b. Ag 1905. Address, Sidell, 111. *ELNORA M. FALES Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Bourbonnais Grove, 111. Formerly at 523 Park Ave., Chicago; (3en. Med. practice. Died Jl 26, 1904, Bourbonnais, 111. HENRY A. FRANKEL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 18, 1871; s. Sarah (Davis) Frankel. Prepared in Russia. Married Je 23, 1895. Children: Doris; Stanly; Martin. Address, 3534 Roosevelt Rd., Chicago. CHARI,ES S. HINES Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at Belmont and Elston Ave., Chicago. Address, 014 1st Ave., Scattle.t *MARTHA P. HUFF Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at Robey St. and Grand Ave., Chicago. Deceased. INGA HELEN IMBRITT Dentist; D.D.S. Address. 2303 N. California Ave., Chicago.! CLAYTON M. McCAULEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 15, 1876; s. George Dallas (b. 1844, Tenn.) and Nancy (Albright) McCauley (b. do.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. of Tenn. and Tex. and Valparaiso Univ. B.S., Univ., 1S9S. Xi Psi Phi; Scholari-hip; Tuition in jr. yr. for work in first yr.; Class pres. three vrs. Dentist. Chicago, 1901-04; do., Tex., 1904—; Ad- junct Prof., Operative Technics, Coll. of Dent., 1902-04. Served as civilian examiner in Tex. for D. C; Maj. D. C, U. S. A., present status. Auth.: 290 University of Illinois [1902 Articles read before la., Neb., S. Dak. and Ky. State Dent. Societies; Amalgam, read before Nat. Dent. Assn., 1911-12, and published in Dent. Cos- mos. Mem., East Dallas Christian Church( Dea- con); Lake wood Country Club; Automobile coun- try Club; Guaranty Bank and Trust Co. (Dir.), Dallas, Tex.; Tex. State Dent. Soc. (ex-pres.); Nat. Assn. Dent. Examiners (ex-pres.); Tex. State Bd. of Dent. Examiners, 12 yrs. Married Blanche Ramsey, O 11, 18S9. Children: Dallas R., b. Mr 4, 1904; G. Elmer, b. S 27, 1908. Address, 4043 Cole Ave., Dallas, Tex.; bus. add., 808 Wilson Bldg., do. ALBERT J. Mcdowell D.D.S.; b. Ap 13, 1875, Can.; s. William and Mary (Jardine) McDowell. Gold Medal, 1899. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine. Married Mar- garet Thomas, Ag 13, 1906. Child, Constance, b. Mr 5, 1919. Address, Faulkton, S. Dak. WUNDERLICH F. MISHER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 12 State St., Chicago. Address, 25 E. Washington St., do.t CHARLES M. PADEN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. Address, 3200 W. North Ave., Chicago.! HAROLD H. RAMSEY Dentist; D.D.S. Mem., Tex. State Dent. Soc. Address, Baird, Tex.t CHARLES J. REARDON D.D.S.; b. Ja 24, 1879, Farmersburg, la.; s. John and Julia (Ashline) Reardon. Prepared in Monona (la.) H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; B. P. O. E.; A. O. U. W. Married 1907, James- town, N. Dak. Children: Harold, b. 1910; Ken- neth, b. 1911; William, b. 1914. Address, James- town, N. Dak. ADOLPH A. RODOSY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Hungary; s. Katharine (Kohan) Rodosy. Prepared in H. S. Class Proph- et, 1901. Postgrad, work, Los Angeles, 3 mos., 1918. Dent., Deer Creek, 111., 1 yr.; do., Chicago. Serv'ed on Reserve Militia, 2 yrs. Mem., Hun- garian Univ., Soc. (V. P., 1920); Alumni Assn., 111. Sch. of Dent. (V. P.). Address, 609 Wright- wood Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. EDWARD RUDD Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located in Arlington, Tex.; later at Baird, do.t F. OSCAR SMEDBURG Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 222 N. State St., Chicago.! STANLEY THOMPSON SPRINGER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 8, 1878, Hamilton, Ont., Can.; s.'Adam (b. My 18, 1840, do.) and Sarah (English) Springer (b. O 4, 1840, do.). Prepared in Hamilton, Ont. Collegiate Inst.; Toronto Univ., 1897. Class Sec, Fresh., Jr. and Sr. jTS. Dentist, Sault Ste Marie, Mich., My 1901 — . In charge of emergency cases. Ft. Brady, and 2nd Patrol Section 9-10-11, Naval Dist., Sault Ste Marie, Mich., 1918-19. Mem., P. C. Red Cross 51, 1905-; Vestry of St. James Epis. Church, 1912—; K. P.; A. F. A. M., 1903—; M. W. A., 1902—; M. B. A., 1903—; Twin City Dental Soc, 1908—; Mich. State Dent. Soc, 1912 — ; Nat. Dent. Assn. Mar- ried M. Louisa Baxter, Je 17, 1903, Chicago. Children: Louise S., b. Mr 21, 1904; Rose M., b. Je 21, 1905; Isabel L., b. N 29, 1906. Address, 330 Maple St., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; bvs. add., 9-12 Gage Bldg., do. KARL STECHER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly in the Champlain Bldg., Chicago. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t GEORGE JOHN STRAUSS D.D.S.; b. Ag 8, 1S79, Onalaska, Wis.; s. Daniel and Barbara (Geipert) Strauss. Football Team, 1897-98. Mem., K. P. Auth.: Articles in Mun- seys; Sat. Evening Post; Red Book; Lit Digest. Married Selina Emma Dahl, Je 20, 1903, Milwau- kee. Child, George Elwood, b. Ag 2, 1913. Ad- dress, Bangor, Wis. SIMPSON SWINHART Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 47th St. and Cot- tage Grove Ave., Chicago. Address, 409 Nat. Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.f GEORGE W. TAYLOR ^ Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 1, 1877, Laporte, Ind.; s. William H. (b. Laporte, Ind.) and Harriet (Bes- serman) Tavlor (b. do.). Prepared in Lapcrte (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Tenn., 1898. Class Historian. Dentist, Ord, Neb. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. of P.; Neb. State Dent. Soc; M. E. Church. Mar- ried 1904, Ord, Neb. Children: Wilber, b. 1905; Harold, b. 1907. Address, Ord, Neb. *HARRY WATKINS Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 2900 Wallace St., Chicago. Deceased. SIGMUND WOLLENBERGER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 1, 1875, Heilbronn, Get.; s. J. L. and Karoline M. Wollenberger. Prepared in H. S.; Harvard IMed. Sch., 1894-95; Columbia Sch. of Dent., 1896-97. Grad. work. Am. Inst, of Sc; Consulting Dentist, to Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; Kenwood Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Soc; Ravisloe Country Club; Covenant Club; A. F. A. M. Married Sara Lefman, Ap 19, 1906. Child, Helen Caroline, b. F 14, 1907. Address, 5125 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. CLASS OF 1902 (39 LIVING, 1 DEAD) CARROLL BREED ABBOTT Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located in Oshkosh, Wis.t HARRY W. ADAMS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 5, 1875, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. Mary Adams. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Belle Dinsmore. Address, De Pue, 111. ♦ARTHUR E. ALTHER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 2939 Portland Ave., Minneapolis. Deceased. ARTHUR L. ATWOOD Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Ludington, Mich.t LOUIS E. BAKE D.D.S.; b. O 14, 1872, Warren Co., 111.; s. Jacob Lewis (b. do.) and Mary Jane (Gilchrist) Bake (b. North Argj-le, N. Y.). Prepared in Red Oak, la. Delta Sigma Delta. Assoc. Prof., Porcelain and Operative Technics, Coll. of Dent., 1906-12; Asst. Prof., do., 1912-20. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; Evanston Golf Club. Married Orpha Jewell, O 12, 1898, Monmouth, 111. Child, Isabelle Jex^ell, b. O 31, 1900. Address, 646 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. ARTHUR C. BAWDEN (Brother of Steven R., '03 ) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. CoUan 1902] College of Dentistry Alumni 'der) Carl. Delta Sigma Delta; Scholarship, Freshman Yr. Married Kathryn Bennethum, F 14, 1890, Freeport, 111. Child, Ruby, b. O 19, 1892. Address, 17 Pine St., Free- port, 111.; bus. add., 105 Stephenson St., do. ROLLO GUY CHAMBERLAIN Dentist; D.D.S. Address, West McHenry, Ill.t ERNEST G. CUMMINGS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 27, 1869, St. Paul; s. M. C. and Annie P. (Cary) Cummings. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Delpha A. Togcbberg. Children: Joe, b. Jl 27, 1908; Don, b. O 24, 1909; Ray, b. N 28, 1915. Address, Courtland, Kan. CHARLES LYLE DANIELS Dent. Surg.; D.D.S.; b. Ag 21, 1876, Crossing- ville, Pa.; s. Nelson and Elcy (Ormsbe) Daniels. Prepared in Waterford Acad. Xi Psi Phi. Army Ser\'., Porto Rico. 1898, with 16th Pa. Vol. Inf.; Capt., Dent. Corps, 131st Inf., 1917-20. Mem., L. O. O. M.; United Spanish War Veterans; Am. Legion; Nat. Dent. Assn. Married Grace E. Fairbank, S 5, 1906. Children: Janice Elcy, b. Ja 5. 190S; Charles F., b. O 19, 1909; Charlotte L., b. O 5, 1911; Grace Leah, b. Jl 31, 1917. Ad- dress, West Chicago, 111.; bus. add., Mooseheart, do. ROBERT PATTERSON DONALDSON Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located in Maywood, lU.t AARON JOSEPH DUBIN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 1135 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Address, 724 Roosevelt Road, Chicagct ARTHUR H. FALES Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 4501 Gladys Ave., Chicago.t ARTHUR FREDERICK FLACHTMEIER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located in De Kalb, 111. Address, Freeport, Ill.t JOHN CLARE GRANGER Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Belvidere, Ill.t HARRY WHITE GRUBB DAVID RECTOR HAWES Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Rock Island, 111. Address, Monmouth, Ill.J CHARLES W. HILLIER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 13, 1871, Mukwonago, Wis.; s. William and Mary Hillier. Prepared in Mukwonago (Wig.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta., Chicago. Mem., Baptist Church; 111. State Dent. Soc. Married Edith May Barnes, Jl 29, 1908. Children: Elaine, b. Ag 23, 1910; Virginia Edith, b. D 19, 1911; Charles W., b. Ag 26. 1919. Address, 6644 Normal Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 841 W. 63rd St., do. WILLIAM WITHERS HOMAN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at North Tex. Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Address, 112 W. 9th St., Los An- geles.t ERNEST BYRON KELLY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 18, 1878, St. Paris, O.; 8. George W. (b. Ohio) and Ada E. (Dilworth) Kelly (b. Pa.). Prepared in Winfield (Kan.) H. S. L.L.B., Chicago Law Sch., 1913. Phi Alpha Delta; Sr. Class pres., 1913; Chosen oratorian by faculty. Dentist, Chicago. Sergt., Co. F., 3rd 111. R. M., 1916-17; 1st Lt., D. R. C, 20th Inf. Hdq. Co., U. S. A., 1917-18; won pistol and rifle experts medal, 10th Div., Camp Logan, 1917. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Married Clara M. Johnson, Je 30, 1908, Wis. Children: George D., b. N 13, 1909; Ernest B., b. N 23, 1915. Address, 610 E. 31st St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Marshall Field Annex, do. FERDINAND HOWARD LICHTENBERG Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 801 W. 12th St., Chicago.t ROBERT JOHNSON McGINNIS Dentist; D.D.S. Mem., Tex. State Dent. Assn. Address, 701 Kress Bldg., Houston, Tex.t JAY LEE MEANS Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 513H Broadway, Lincoln, 111.; later at Merchant St., Decatur; at one time located in Pontiac, 111. Ad- dress, Aurora, Ill.t FRANK RAYMOND MERZ Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 23, 1882, Chicago; s. Elizabeth (Moore) Merz. Dentist, Lombard, 111. Auth.: Articles in Dental Digest. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Emma Pearl Huebner, S 15, 1906, St. Louis. Children: Glenn Raymond, b. Ag 27, 1907; Virginia Mae, b. Ag 7, 1912; Melvin Huebner, b. D 10, 1913. Address, Lombard, 111. JOHN MAXWELL MURPHY Dent, and Oral Surg.; D.D.S.; b. My 1, 1874, Ala.; s. Martin Sims and Virginia Alice Murphy. M.D., St. Louis Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1920. Delta Sigma Delta. Auth.: Fractures of Mandible; Local Anesthetics. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; Central Tex. Dent. Soc. (Ex-Pres.); Tex. State Dent. Soc; Tex. State Bd. of Dent. Examiners; M. E. Church. Married Alice Cole, Ap 27, 1898, Killeen, Tex. Children: Maxwell C, b. My 22, 1899; Lula D., b. Ag 29, 1903. Address, 405-7 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Temple, Tex. JOHN RICHARD MURPHY Dentist; D.D.S. Adjunct Prof., Operative Tech., Coll. of Dent., 1904-06. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Ad- dress, 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago.t CLAUD D. OWENS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 8, 1877; s. William and Orvilla (Schear) Owens. Prepared in Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Class Prophet; Delta Sigma Delta. Located in Benton Harbor, Mich.; Grand Rapids, and Kalamazoo, do. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Bess E. Ravell, S 4, 1906. Address, 1210 Stribner, Grand Rapids; 6ms. add., 143 S. Burdick, Kalamazoo, Mich. WILLIAM LOUIS PIPKIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 12, 1876, Glenville, Ark.; s. J. A. and Elizabeth (Johnstone) Pipkin. Pre- pared in Waco (Tex.) Schs. Gideon Sibley Prize for Prosthetic work, Coll. of Dent., Freshmen yr.; class honors. Dent, practice, 3500 Armitage Ave., Chicago, 1902-12; rice planter, near Gillett Ark., 1913-16; Dent, practice, do., 1916—. Married Dora C. DuFresne, Jl 16, 1908, Chicago. Chil- dren: WilUam Louis. Jr.. b. Ap 27, 1909; Julia Elizabeth, b. F 17, 1913; James DuFresne, b. S 18, 1914. Address, Gillett, Ark. 292 University of Illinois [1903 FREDERICK HAYES RADCLIFF Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at Ballon and Hermitage Aves., Chicago.f CHARLES VERNON RICE Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. My 30, 1867, Lewisville, O.; 8. George Washington (b. Je 25, 1842, Bellaire, O.) and Hannah Jane (Fisher) Rice (b. My 21, 1850, do.). Prepared in Caldwell (O.) H. S.; Har- vey Med. Coll., 1899-1900. Xi Psi Phi. Demon- strator, Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1902-03. Dentist, Chicago, 1902—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Master of Brotherhood Lodge 986, 1920—; Past Commander of Chicago Camp 1, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. Married Netta Adelle Rice, Je 6, 1896, Burlington, Wis. Address, 1040 E. Marquette Rd., Chicago; hus. add., 15 E. Washington St., do. RAY N. RORK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 2, 1875, Franksville, Wis.; s. Lacell and Nellie (Ramsdale) Rork. Pre- pared in Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., 1891-93. Dent., Arcadia; River Falls; Racine. Mem., 1st M. E. Church; Yeoman Lodge. Married Marie Paulson, O 7, 1904. Children: Lacell Paul, b. S 26, 1905; Milton Clarence, b. Mr 25, 1911; Rozell Marie, b. Ja 14, 1916. Address, 1004 Grave Ave., Racine, Wis.; bus. add., Cor. of 6th and Monument Square, do. MARTIN J. RUZICKA D.D.S.; b. N 17, 1876, Rice County, Rfinn.; Prepared in Mankato (Minn.) H. S.; St. Johns Univ., CoUegeville, Minn.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Located in Weston, Schuyler and Prague, Neb. Address, Prague, Neb. DEVILLO EDDIE TAFT D.D.S.; b. Jl 10, 1877, Academy Corners, Pa.; s. Delia (Leonard) Taft. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Lucy H. Overstreet, Jl 31, 1907, Woodhull, 111. Child, Mary L.. b. Je 18. 1910. Address, Woodhull, 111. CHARLES HAMMOND TIGNOR Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at Shreves- port. La. Address, Midland, Tex.t MARIE R. URBANEK Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at 72 Fisk St., Chicago. Address, 2447 Millard Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM J. WALK D.D.S.; b. Je 23, 1880; s. William and Augusta (Potratz) Walk. Prepared in N. Chicago H. S. Xi Psi Phi. Med. Examiner, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married S 19, 1896. Children: Edgar; Dorothy; Willard. Address, 1180 National Ave., Milwaukee. ALVIN S. WASSER D.D.S.; b. Mr 29, 1877, Mercer, Pa.; s. William and Kathryn (Snyder) Wasser. Prepared in Fre- donia Institute. Married Jane R. Paige, Jl 26, 1905. Address, 1526 Michigan Ave., LaPorte, Ind.; bus. add., 302 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. CLASS OF 1903 (37 LIVING, 3 DEAD) LYSLE EDWIN ADAMS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 11, 1879, Detroit, Mich.; s. Madge (Burton) Adams. Prepared in Addison (N. Y.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M.W. A.; Presby. Church. Married Agnes May Sherman, O 16, 1906. Address, 328 W. Franklin Ave., River Forest, 111.; bus. add., 136 W. Lake St., Chicago. CONRAD FREDERICK ALTENBERG Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Mauston, Wis.t EDWARD WALTER APPLEGATE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 17, 1880; s. David and Sarah (Teachoner) Applegate. Prepared in Block- ton (la.) H. S.; Man. Tr. H. S., Kansas City, Mo. Hosp. Steward, U. S. S. Oregon, 17 mos.. World War. Mem., Hesperia Lodge, A. F. A. M.; Logan Square, R. A. M.; Baptist Church. Married Lavinia A. Wolfe, Mr 30, 1907, Chicago. Child, Jean E., b. Ja 25, 1915. Address, 3326 Dickens Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2722 North Ave., do. STEVEN RICHARD BAWDEN (Brother of Arthur C, '02) Dental Salesman; D.D.S.; b. Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. Collan and Annabelle (Kneale) Bawden. Pre- pared in Mt. Carroll H. S. Address, Mt. Carroll, 111. JOHN HENRY BOND Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at 1919 Cedar St., Milwaukee. Address, Fairbury, Neb.t ♦ALFRED ALEXANDER BROMAN Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at 5514 Loomis St., Chicago; later at Houghton, Mich. Deceased. HARRY CADWALLADER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 7, 1870, Crawfordsville, Ind.; s. M. A. and Elizabeth (Cooper) Cadwallader. Prepared in Wabash Coll., Preparatory Dept. Married Lily R. Haas, 1899, Danville, 111. Ad- dress, 1111 E. 62nd St., Chicago. JOHN OSCAR ERLANDS D.D.S.; b. O 9, 1877, Moss, Norway; s. T. E. and Josephine (Nelson) Erlands. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Hilda D. Anderson, Je 27, 1906. Child, Jeanne, b. O 2, 1911. Address, Racine, Wis. ♦CHARLES ALFRED FINLEY Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at South Chicago, 111. Deceased. LEO GOTTLEIB Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 1061 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t ARTHUR RAYMOND GREENFIELD Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Pawnee City, Neb. Address, 7 Am. Electric Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo.t OSCAR JACOB HAMMERSMITH Dentist: D.D.S. Formerly located at 227 E. 31st St., Chicago; later at 1800 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 32 N. State St., Chicago.t EDWARD A. HANNA D.D.S.; b. Jl 13, 1879, Rome, N. Y.; s. William W. and Florence (Kenney) Hanna. Prepared in Mil. Sch., 1890-94. 1st Lt., do. 1st Lt., Inf., N. N. G., D. S.; 122 F. A. (111. U. S. A.); D. S. N. N. G. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Epis. Church. Married Esther N. Harrison, S 24, 1905, New York. Children: Nanelie M., b. O 24, 1908; Gretel E., b. F 24, 1911; Edward A., Jr., b. My 5, 1913. Ad- dress, 1633 Oak Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 1604 Chicago Ave., do. HARLOW HENRY HILL D.D.S.; b. Jl 24, 1877; s. William H. and Mary Hill. Prepared in Curtiss Cml. Coll., 1897. Lo- cated in Harvey, N. Dak., Hettinger, and Laketa, do. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; M. W. A.; Nat. Dent. Assn.; N. Dak. State Dent. Soc. Married Emma C. Trimbo, Jl 18, 1905., Henderson, Minn. Address, Laketa, N. Dak. FRANCIS ALBERT HOLLY Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Genoa, Ill.t 1903] College of Dentistry Alumni 293 EDWARD HULLA Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Crete, Neb. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; HI. Slate Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 1225 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago.t ELMER NICHOLAS JOHNSON Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 2019 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM HENRY KARCHER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 13, 1871, Tolono, 111,; s. George and Jane (Stewart) Karcher. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Champaign. M. R. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Nellie L. Mc- Nichols, Ja 1, 1894, Tolono, 111. Child, Eunice, b. Ap 24, 189e. Address, tilO W. Church St., Champaign; bus. add., Illinois Bldg., do. JOSEPH DANIEL McELROY Dentist: D.D.S. Address, 1052 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago.t ALFRED LELAND MANN TEKLA MAGDALENE MATWURZYNSKI Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 1151 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t JAMES EMMET MONAHAN D.D.S. Address, 906 N. Avers Ave., Chicago. MARTIN GUY MURRAY Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Spring Green, Wis. Address, Avoca, Wis.t *ALDIN RICHARD NEWLIN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 108 N. State St., Chicago. Deceased. VEO ERWIN O'NEIL Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at Can- ton, S. Dak.t SEYMOUR DAVIS PADEN Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 3225 W. North Ave., Chicago.t GEORGE FRED PALMER Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 727 S. Main St., Eewanee, lU.t GUY STANLEY PECK D.D.S.; b. My 24, 1874, Hammond, Wis.; s. F. F. Peck. Prepared in Durand (Wis.) H. S. Psi Omega. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Wis. State Dent. Soc; Tri Co. Dent. Soc. (Pres.). Married Martha Butler, My 9, 1914. Children: Sarah, b. My 26, 1915; George, b. Ag 21. 1917. Address, Durand, Wis. WILLIAM MORTON POST Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 10, 1872; s. John J. (b. 1846. Picton, Ont.) and Annie E. Post (b. 1853, Hamilton, Ont.). Prepared in Manistee, Mich., and studied with Dr. George Judson Brown, Chi- cago, 1897-1900. Dentist, Neenah, Wis., 1903-10; do.. Hood River. Ore.. 1910—. Address, 728 State St., Hood River, Ore.; bus. add., 1-2 Hall Bldg., do. NIELS PETER RASMUSSEN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 399 Mof- fat St., Chicago. Address, 007 Brandies Bldg., Omaha, Neb.t JOHN EDWARD REINBOLD Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Chilton, Wis.t FRANCIS JOHN RYAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 16, 1868; s. William Joseph (b. Ag 19, 1831, O.) and Hellen (Burgoon) Ryan (b. Ag 6, 1833. O.). Prepared in New Lex- ington (O.) H. S. Dentist, Chicago, 1903—. Pres., Coll. of Dent. Alumni Assn. Married Nettie Agnes Ryan, Je 16, 1896. Child, Frances, b. Ja 1, 1903. Address, 216 S. Troy St., Chicago. JAMES SCOTT Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 7900 S. Halsted St., Chicago.t THOMAS HARVEY SPRAGUE D.D.S.; b. N 12, 1888, Rankin, 111.; s. Julia (Morris) Sprague. Prepared in Rankin H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Baseball Team. Located in Cullom and Clinton, 111. Married Katheryn Hun- old, Ap 17, 1900, Kankakee, 111. Children: Mar- guerite, b. F 29, 1904; Raymond, b. Jl 16, 1908. Address, S. East Side Sq., Clinton, 111. FRANK MURRAY STAHL Research Work; D.D.S.; b. S 9, 1881, Chicago; s. G. T. and Belle (Murray) Stahl. B.S., Tarkio Coll., Tarkio. Mo.. 1900. Pi Alpha Theta; Delta Sigma Delta, (Grand Master, 1902-03); In charge of Chem. Lab., 111. Coll. of Dent., 1900-01. Lo- cated in Chicago; Sheridan, Wyo.; Marshfield, Ore. Mem., Draft Bd., World War. Mem., Epis. Church; W. O. W. Auth.: Deformities of Man- dible; Studies in Mastication (Book now in prep- aration.) Married Margaret Jenkins, Ventura, Calif., 1912. Address, Marshfield, Ore. FREDERICK HOLSTEIN SCHWARTZ Dentist; D.D.S. Formeriy located at 5454 Broadway, Chicago. Address, Morris, Ill.t WILLIAM FRANK TAYLOR D.D.S.; b. Ja 16, 1875, Sauk City, Wis. Pre- pared in Dewey Sch. of Orthodontia, 1915. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; Presby. Church. Married O 17, 1907, Fond du Lac, Wis. Children: Mae Jane, b. S 8, 1912; Lois Ann, b. N 17, 1915. Address, 78 S. Main St., Fond du Lac, Wis. WILLIAM HENRY TAYLOR Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Vermont, 111. Address, 1224 Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago.! GEORGE HORACE WARDNER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 3. 1876, Hornel, N. Y.; 8. William C. and Delia L. (Rust) Wardner. Pre- pared in Lincoln (Neb.) Pub. Schs.; Univ. of Neb., 1895-97. Delta Sigma Delta. Located Ottawa, 111., 2 yrs.; Portland, Ore. Managing Ed., North- west Jour, of Dent. Mem., Ore. State Dent. Soc. (Pres., 1913); 111. State Dent. Assn. Married LeonaJarger, SIO, 1903. La Porte, Ind. Children: George H., Jr., b. N 3, 1905; Frances Louise, b. Ja 28, 1907. Address, 616 East 23rd N., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., 801 Selling Bldg., do. CHARLES EDWARD WATERMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 20, 1880; s. Charles E. Waterman. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Football, Hyde Park H. S. Navy, Spanish Am. War. Married Mable Lancaster, Nevada, Mo. Children: Margaret, b. O 15, 1909; Ruth, b. Je 26, 1911. Address, 6742 Cornell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1442 E. 55th St., do. 294 University of Illinois [1904 CLASS OF 1904 (50 LIVING, 6 DEAD) CHARLES EUGENE ABSTEIN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 2811 N. Clark St., Chicago. Address, 1938 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago.! ELISHA MELVIN ARNOLD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 3, 1876, Lintner, 111.; s. Isaac H. (b. Je 16, 1845, O.) and Mary Ann (Michael) Arnold (b. S 10, 1849, 111.). B.S., Cent- ral Norm. Coll., Danville, Ind., 1900. Dentist, Decatur, 111., summer of 1904; do., Cerro Gordo, 111., 1904-18; do., Chicago, 1907-08; do., Decatur, 111., 1918—. Mem., Church of the Brethern (Deacon), 1918 — . Married Susan Lillian Mark- hout, Jl 2, 1903, Evanston, 111. Children: Ellis B., b. O 10, 1905; Thelma E., b. Ap 26, 1907; Sylvan E., b. F 7, 1911; Elsie Ruth, b. D 30, 1917. Address, 226 W. Eldorado St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 536-7 Standard Life Bldg., do. ERIC BERINGER Dry Goods Bus.; D.D.S.', b. F 1, 1884, Temple, Tex.; s. Lee and Nora Beringer. Married Je 17, 1907. Daughter, b. Je 15, 1914. Address, West, Tex. WILLIAM LESLIE BERRYMAN Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Malta, lU.t GEORGE C. BRADY D.D.S.; b. Mr 30, 1870, Dixon, 111.; s. Margaret Jones. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. W. A.; Nat. Union. Married EUzabeth Neil, Je 14, 1890, Galeton, Pa. Address, 525 S. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 17 S. Craw- ford Ave., do. LORACE O. CATTERSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 6, 1874, Maryville, Mo.; s. Martin Omer (b. O 29, 1850, Indianapolis) and Louisa Lavena (Evans) Catterson (b. N 17, 1852, Lebanon, Ind.). Prepared in Maryville (Mo.) Seminary; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Dentist, Duluth, Minn., 1904 — . Married Florence E. Conway, Je 15, 1909, Gladwin, Mich. Child, Lorace Halbert, b. Mr 18, 1919. Address, 816 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn.; bus. add., 200 New Jer- sey Bldg., do. ISRAEL MORRIS COHN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 26, 1883, Hillsdale, Mich.; s. Emma (Salomon) Cohn. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago, 1900; Foster Diploma at Forrestville Sch., Chicago, 1896. Psi Omega. Mem., K. P. Address, 21 S. 6th Ave., LaGrange, 111.; 6ms. add., 17 S. 6th Ave., do. ATBERT EDWARD CONVERSE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 26, 1881, Springfield, lU.; s. Atbert Luther (b. 1842, Painesville, O.) and Hen- rietta (Thompson) Converse (b. 1844, Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Valedictorian, Class of 1904. Dentist, Springfield, 1904—. Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Sangamon-Menard Co. Dent. Soc; St. Pauls Lodge, A. F. A. M.; Sangamon Club. Address, 515 East Vine St., Springfield. VERNON PENTFIELD COOLEY D.D.S.; b. N 8, 1879, Hebron, Wis.; s. Alfred and Arabella (Lewis) Cooley. Prepared in White- water H. S. Xi Psi Phi. Located in Sharon, Wis., 1904-09; Chicago, 1909—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Margaret E. Wright, Jl 30, 1902, Grand Rapids, Mich. Address, 2052 Lane Court, Chi- cago. HERBERT ALLEN DICKINSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 10, 1881; s. Ellen (Gage) Dickinson. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S. Psi Omega. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Maude M. Arneson, Je 6, 1906, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Address, Montrose, S. Dak. CHESTER COLEMAN DOBBS Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 1112 15th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis. Married Je 12, 1904. Ad- dress, Port Angeles, Washington.! EDMUND RICHARD FITZGERALD D.D.S. Address, Wahpeton, N. Dak. AARON C. FOGLE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 3, 1882; s. Leon (b. Alsace Lorraine). Prepared in Keokuk, la. Mar- ried 1905. Child, Virginia, b. 1907. Address, Herrick, 111. HEDWIG FREYER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 279 W. Adams St., Chicago.! EDWARD MORROW GLENN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at Piper City, 111. Address, Harper, Kan.! ♦WILLIAM ALBERT GORNEY Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 88 W. Division St., Chicago. Deceased. FRANK RILEY GRANGER D.D.S.; b. Ag 3, 1878. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., 7th Day Adventist Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; B. P. O. E. Address, Cheboygan, Mich. WOODIE CLAY HOBBS Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 671 Grand Ave., Chicago. Address, 454H Dauphin St., Mobile, Ala.! JOHN T. HOLMES Motor truck business; D.D.S.; b. D 24, 1887, Danville, 111. Prepared in Coll. Acad. Football. Retired from Dent, practice, Je 10, 1920. Dis- tributer of Motor Trucks, Rockford, 111. Married M. Alpherita Griswold. Address, 328 S. Main St., Rockford, 111. LEWIS WARREN HOPKINS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 12, 1875, Jefferson City, Mo.; s. William Robert (b. Ap 21, 1846, Wabash, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Murphy) Hopkins (b. D 27. 1849, Cork, Ireland). Prepared in Garden City (Kan.)H.S. Xi Psi Phi. Dent. Practice, Garden City, Kan., 1904-18; Lakin, do., 1918—. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1915; K. T., 1920. Married Helen Morgan, Je 6, 1912, Garden City, Kan. Children: Hildegarde, b. N 8, 1913; Patty Code, b. O 27. 1917. Address, Lakin, Kan. HERMAN HARRY HUBBARD (Brother of Wilder De Wolfe, '95 M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 23, 1869, Bavaria, Saline Co., Kan.; s. Orlo (b. N 17, 1831, Garrettsville, O.) and Carrie Amelia (Chaffee) Hubbard (b. Mr 23, 1839, do.). Prepared in Kan. Wesleyan Univ., Salina, Kan., 1886-90; Kan. Univ., 1894. Dentist. 1220 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 1904-05; do., 1558 Wabash Ave., do., 1905 — . Dent, advisor, draft bd. 8, 1917-18. Mem., Odontographic Soc, 1904-; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Libn., Kenwood Dent. Component; Chicago Motor Club. Married Mildred M. Marsh, Ja 1, 1907, Batavia, 111. Address, 822 E. 45th St., Chicago; bus. add., 1558 S. Wabash Ave., do. THOMAS JOHN IRELAND Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 508 Barber Bldg., Joliet, 111.! CHARLES THEODORE JACOBS D.D.S.; b. Je 26, 1874, Burlington, Wis. Mar- ried. Three children. Address, 1534 N. Clare- mont Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2403 W. North Ave., do. 1904] College of Dentistry Alumni 295 GEORGE ARTHIR JONES Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Ogden and Madison Sts., Chicago; Chief Demonstrator, Prosthetic Dent.. Coll. of Dent.. 1904-06. Mar- ried Henrietta Grout. D 23, 1904, Chicago. Ad- dress, So2 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago.t EDWARD J. KENNY Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located in One- kama, Mich. Address, Manistee, Mich.t HENRY COOT.EY LEE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 19, 1S77, Chicago; s. John Peter (,b. F 19, 1847, Wexford, Ire.) and Anna Jane (Parker) Lee (h. F 28, 1854, Hudson, N. Y.). Prepared in West Division H. S., Chicago. Ph. G., N. W. Univ., 1S9S. Xi Psi Phi; Sr. class. pres. Dentist, Chicago, 1904 — ; Adjunct Prof., Materia Med., Coll. of Dent., 1908-12; Instr., do. and Operative Dent., do., 1912-14. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Married Irene Lindop Lee, N 23, 1904, St. Thomas, Ont., Can. Child, Dorothy Virginia, b. My 13, 1906. Address, 3953 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3856 W. Harrison St., do. ALBERT BRUNO LICHTENBERG Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 511 Ashland Blvd., Chicago. Address, Littleton, Colo.t CHARLES M. LOESCHER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 1134 Webster Ave., Chicago. Deceased. ♦JOHN CARLTON LONGWELL Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at 155 E. 53rd St., Chicago; later at Gorham, Me. De- ceased. GEORGE REUBEN LOYND GEORGE JOHN LYON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Long Branch, N. J.; s. Henry Robert (b. 1S22, Eng.) and Jane Elizabeth (Hargraves) Lvon (b. 1848, Eng.). Prepared in N. Y. Citv. Xi Psi Phi. Dentist, Chicago. 1st Lt., D. C.,"U. S. A., Je 13, 1918-Ja 29, 1919. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Assn. of Mil. Dent. Surgs. Married Ag 21, 1905, Pueblo, Colo. Child, Ethel Agnes, b. D 30, 1898. Address, 5102 Kenmore Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 22 E. Washington St., do. IVOR B. Mccormick D.D.S.; b. F 15, 1881. Lexington. 111.; s. William and Elizabeth (Van Doren) McCormick. Pre- pared in Gibson City H. S. Located in Sibley, 111. and Hagennan, N. M. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Nelle B. Jordan, D 26, 1901. Children: Wilfred, b. F 8, 1903; Elsa F., b. Mr 29, 1906; .A^nes A., b. My 10, 1913. Address, Hager- man, N. M. OSCAR F. McMASTER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 22, 1874, Victoria, Tex.; s. J. D. and Sarah (Barnes) McMaster. Prepared in Sweet Home (Tex.) H. S.; Coronal Institute, San Marcos, Tex., Sam Houston Norm. Institute, Hunt8\-ille, Tex.; Scholarship, Sam Houston Norm. Institute, 2 yrs. Dentist, Port Lavaca, Tex., 1904-06; Goliad, do.. 1906-11; Merkel. do., 1911-18; Dentist and Farmer. Port Lavaca, Tex., 1918 — . Vol. Serv., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church; Praetorian Soc. Married Pearl Wood Chicago. Address, Port Lavaca, Tex. WILLIAM H. McWILLIAMS Retail Bus.; D.D.S.; b. Mr 3, 1883; s. James (b. My 12, 1826, Ireland) and Johanna (Harrington) McWiUiams fb. Mr 27, 1842, Shullsburg, Wis.). Prepared in Darlington (Wis.) H. .S. Dent, prac- tice, Rockford. 111.. 1904-05; Darlington, Wis., 1905-15; Retail busineM, do.. 191.5 — . Mem., M. W. A.; Beavers R. F. F.; K. C. (Grand Knight, Darlington Council 1080). Married Alice Ryan, O 30, 1907, Dariington, Wis. Child, Loretta Geraldine, b. Ja 13, 1909. Address, Darlington, Wis. JOHN C. MACKINSON Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 5052 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM DANIEL MAHONEY D.D.S.; b. N 8, 1883, Chicago. Omega. Address. 5414 S. May St., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Blvd., do. FRANKLIN BENJAMIN MOORE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 12, 1880. Prepared in McGregor H. S. and Univ. of Tex. Married, 1911. Address, 1109 S. 3rd St., Corpus Christi, Tex. JAMES L. MURRAY Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 39 S. State St., Chi- cago.t GEORGE ALBERT OSTERMEIER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 4, 1881; s. Michael and Barbara (Hauk) Ostermeier. Scholarship, Mil- waukee Med. Coll. Dent, practice. New 1 ondon, ■ Wis. Mem., Catholic Church; C. O. F.; Fox River Valley Dent. Soc; Wis. Dent. Soc Ad- dress, 210 W. Spring St., New London, Wis. *PETER CHRISTOFFER BRONNUM PETERSON Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at 554 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Deceased. *ELMER HUGO RAMSEY Dentist; D.D.S. At one time located at Cotton- wood Tex. Deceased. EVA RUTH RICHTER Dentist; D.D.S. Formeriy at 1297 Maplewood St., Chicago.t WILLIAM R. RODENHAUSER Dentist; D.D.S.; Ph.G., 1901 ; b. Je 3, 1880, Ger.; 8. William J. and Catherine (Miller) Rodenhauser. Prepared in Bloomineton H. S. Dent.. Ordway, Colo. Chm., Draft Bd., World War. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Nat. Dent. Soc; Colo. Dent. Soc; Pueblo Dent. Soc. Married Helen Holmes. 1912, Denver. Child, Mary Frances, b. Mr 10, 1920. Address, Ordway, Colo. ELIZABETH LOUISE SCHULZE (IRELAND) IJentist; D.D.S. Address, 508 Barber Bldg., Joliet, lU.t CHARLES B. SHARP Dentist; D.D.S. Address, .535 Chapel St., Otta- wa, 111.; bus. add., 202 Central Life Bldg., do. OSCAR E. SOMMERFIELD Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 1100 Lake St., Chicago. Address, Oak Park, Ill.t T OUIS AURORA STOUT Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at Durango, Mex. Address, Hopedale, Ill.t EARL ORSON VAHUE D.D.S.; b. Ap 16, 1881, Allegan, Mich.; s. Orson Gordon (b. 1845, Vt.) and Ellen (Nichols) Vahue (b. 18.50, New York). Prepared in Allegan, Mich., and McCook, Neb. Psi Omega; Ba.=eball; Foot- ball. Located in Chicago and McCook, Neb., 8 yrs.; Los Angeles 1 yr., and Fresno, Calif., 7 yrs. Nat. Guard, 1909-10. Married Hazel Hare, S 17, 1907, McCook, Neb. Address, 1424 M. St., Fresno, Calif.; bus. add., 201-02 Edgerly Bldg., do. FRED WILSON VAN VOORHIS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 8, 1881; s. Sam Wilson (b. 1844, O.) and Louisa Ellen (Lewis) Van Voor- his (b. 1845, O.). Prepared in H. S. Married Myrtle May .Skinner. Ja 1, 1907, St. Cloud, Minn. Children: Ellen, b. D 26, 1907; James Sovereign, Ag 8, 1912; Ruth. b. Ja 17, 1917. Address. 716 Center St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., 43 Spurling Bldg., 296 University of Illinois [1905 ERNEST W. VERCOE Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 2932 N. Clark St., Chicago.! RICHARD M. WALSH Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 1518 Masonic Tem- ple, Chicago.t JOHN D. WELCH D.D.S.; b. Ag 1, 1878, Kankakee Co., 111.; s. Mathias and Margaret (Mahan) Welch. Pre- pared in Cabery H. S. and Valparaiso Normal Sch. Located in Kankakee, 111., 1904-10; Spokane, 1910-20. Mem., K. P.; Non Sectarian Church. Married Alice Dorothy Jones, Je 30, 1908, Fox Lake, Wis. Children: Winton R., b. Jl 10, 1911; Royce M., b. O 19, 1913. Address, 1628 Dixwell St., Hillyard, Wash.; bus. add., 712 Paulsen Bldg., Spokane. SAMUEL SCOTT WELLS Dentist; D.D.S. FormeTly located at 1252 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Address, Latrobe, Pa.f CHARLES FRED WERTZLER D.D.S.; b. My 25, 1872, Chicago; s. Mary Arndt. Married Je 22, 1913. Child, Buhla, b. Ja 8, 191.5. Address, 2427 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3401 Fullerton Ave., do. ♦FREDERICK AMBROSE WHITBECK Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 63rd and Harvard Ave., Chicago. Deceased. GEORGE HENRY WILSON D.D.S.; b. Ag 8, 1864, Stirling, Ontario, Can.; s. George and Ellen (Huff) Wilson. Prepared in Bradford, Ontario, Can. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Mary E. Gird- wood, F 29, 1888. Children: Ewen, b. N 2, 1889; Lelia, b. Mr 28, 1893; Evelyn, b. D 17, 1902. Address, 2812 Warren Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 1705 Vf. Madison St., do. CLASS OF 1905 (64 LIVING, 5 DEAD) HERBERT SWIGER ALSIP Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 21, 1880, Delavan, 111.; s. John F. and Cordelia (Swiger) Alsip. Prepared in Ogden H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Post-grad, work, Ind. Dent. Coll., 1919. Gen. Med. prac- tice, Lovington, 111., 1905-13; Decatur, 111, 1913—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T.; M. E. Church. Mar- ried Julia E. Potts, S 27, 1908, Lovington, 111. Children: Katherine, b. 1910; Janet, b. 1915. Ad- dress, 1427 W. Wood St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 551 Standard Life Bldg., do. GEORGE DUNN AMENT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1883. Prepared in York- ville H. S. Address, Yorkville, Ill.t BERNARD B. AUTENRIETH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 2, 1883, Centerville, Mich.; s. Geo. William (b. Ag 5, 1845, Utica, N. Y.) and Ida May (Fuller) Autenrieth (b. Ap 25, 1855, Boston, Mass.). Prepared in Decatur (111.) H. S. Xi Psi Phi. Dentist, Chicago, 1905—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Luella C. Koch, Ag 20, 1907, Chicago. Address, 3600 Greenview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3166 Lincoln Ave., do. ERLE ROOT BAILEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 19, 1883, Davenport, la.; s. Brunot (b. Rock Island, 111.) and Rodolphia (Root) Bailey (b. Wilton Junction, la.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Xi Psi Phi. Married Mabel M. Miller, Ap 16, 1917, Vincennes, Ind. Address, 4721 Vincennes Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 133 E. 47th St., do. GRACE BAKER (FICKENSHER) Dentist; D.D.S.; s. James and Ida (Garton) Baker. Married Eno L. Fickensher (D.D.S.), Ap 18, 1911. Address. 755 North Ave., Chicago. WALTER HOWARD BERRY D.D.S.; b. D 23, 1877; s. Charles H. and Anna M. (Tyler) Berry. Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M., Belvidere Lodge 60; R. A. M., Kishwaukee Chapter, 90. Married Hazel M. Schnabele, Je 16, 1909. Child, Virginia A., b. My 6, 1911. Address, 1007 Peari St., Belvidere, 111.; bus. add., 405 S. State St., do. *HARRY SEACORD BOTT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1871. Prepared in Napanee Collegiate Institute. At one time at 349 Wells St., Chicago. Deceased. JAMES A. CAMPBELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 13, 1880, Bangor, Mich.: s. Andrew and Martha (Nower) Campbell. Pre- pared in Bangor (Mich.) H. S. Capt., Coll. of Dent. Football Team, 1904. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church; S. E. Kan. Dent. Soc.; Kan. State Dent. Soc. Married Nina G. Pryor, My 3, 1905, Chicago. Child, William P., b. Ja 11, 1909. Ad- dress, Humboldt, Kan. LEON W. CLANCEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 13, 1876, Plainwell, Mich.; s. William C. and Anna C. Clancey. Pre- pared in Plainwell (Mich.) H. S.; Mich. Agr. Coll. Mem., K. P. Married Cora Finch, 1917. Ad- dress, 6934 Glenwood Ave., Chicago. JOHN ROBERT CLARY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1880. Formeriy of Decatur, 111.; Sec, Oliver Typewriter Co., New York City. CHARLES E. COMER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Knox Coll., 2 yrs.; Lincoln Univ. Address, Mattoon, Ill.t WILLIAM HORACE CRANDALL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1866. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Univ., 2 yrs. At one time located in Kemj)- ton. 111.; later at Lena, do. Address, Windfield, Kan.t JOHN ELBERT DARMER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 16, 1882, Champaign; s. John Oscar and Ann (Robertson) Darmer. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Located in Springfield, 111.; Chicago. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Victoria Puglisi, Je 10, 1913, Springfield, 111. Child, John Elbert, Jr. Address, 1302 Winona St., Chicago. LEE EARL EISER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Formeriy located 119 Chicago St., Elgin, 111. Address, 2759 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago.t JOHN JOSEPH FLANIGAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Cascade (la.) H. S. Formerly located in Temple Hill, la. Address, 4649 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.t GEORGE EDWIN FUNSTON Banker; D.D.S.; b. Mr 17, 1880, Cherokee, la.; s. Edwin (b. 1831, Pa.) and Anna (Wilkie) Fun- ston (b. Ja 1839, Dundee, Scotland). Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. Xi Psi Phi. Dentist, Water- loo, la., 190,5-15; Banker, Ramona, S. Dak., 1915 — . Married Genevieve Keith, O 1909. Children: George Keith, b. O 1910; Genevieve, b. Ap 1913; Betty, b. Ag 1919. Address, Romana, S. Dak. 1905] College of Dentistry Alumni 297 STEPHEN FRANCIS GORDON D.D.S.; b. Mr 23. 1880; s. Rachel M. (Jones) Gordon. Prepared in Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, ]NIich. Phi Alpha Pi. Formerly located in Olivet, Mich. Ft. Sheridan, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Addrtss, Onckama, Mich. MILTON A. GRISSOM D.D.S.: b. N 1. 1870, Ripley Co., Mo.; s. Wil- liam Esta and Jane (Wright) Grissom. Prepared in the Am. Coll. of Dent, t^urg.. Chicago, 189ti; D.D.S.. St. Louis Coll. of Dent. Surg.. 1897. In Command of Co. K, (jth Inf.; resigned, 1912. Auth.: Items in Dental Digest. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. P.; I. O. O. F.; N. Mex. State Dent. Soc; S. West. Dent. Soc, El Paso, Tex. Married Mosella Whitewell, Advance, Mo.; Ivy N. Martin, St. Louis. Children: Esta A., b. S 29, 1897; Miniwa, b. S 9, 1900. Address, 413 W. College. Roswell. N. Mex.; bus. add., Suite 7, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., do. ROBERT J. GUNN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 6, 1882, Emerson, la.; 8. J. A. and AdeUa M . Gunn. Prepared in McCook (Neb.) H. S. Psi Omega. Located in McCook Neb., 1903-1913; Office with Earl O. Vahue (D. D.S., '041, do.. 1903-04; Corvallis, Ore., 1913—. Married Ehiabeth Bosworth, 1906. Children: Helen, b. Mr 1907; Marion, b. D 1908. Address, Corvallis, Ore. GEORGE RUSSELL HOUSTON Dentist; D.D.S. Camp Perry. Toledo. O., World War. Addresg, Grand Rapids. Wis.t KENNETH WARD HOUSTON Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. S 12. 1879, Darien, Wis.; s. Henry C. (b. do.) and Jennie May (Moyle) Hous- ton (b. Lanchester, Eng.). Prepared in Delavan (Wis.) H. S. Mem., Med. Advisory Board, Iron Co., Mo., during World War. Married Ap 14, 1913, Ironton, Mo. Child, Dorothy Alpha. Ad- dress, Ironton, Mo. ROBERT E. HOUSTON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1880. Address, 108 S. Adams St., Peoria, lU.t FRANCIS H. IVEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Formerly at 2257 W. Madison St., Chicago. Address, 108 N. State St., Chicago.t FRANK HETHERINGTON KELLY (See '13 Med.) NORMAN LEROY KERR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 12, 1884, York, Neb.; 8. Thomas P. and Martha L. (LaDieu) Kerr. Xi Psi Phi. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chicago Yacht Club. Married Clara D. Taylor, D 28, 1908. Address, 5056 W. Randolph St., Chicago; bus. add., 3823H Rokeby St.. do. NATHAN KIMMEL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 15. 1879, Roumania; 8. Jacob and Bertha (Reiser) Kimmel. Married LilUan Jessner, O 6, 1907. Chicago. Child, Stan- ley, b. N 21. 1908. Address, 2002 W. 35th St., Chicago. WILLIAM A. KREBS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Address, 525 E. 67th St.. Chicago.t ROBERT WILLIAM KROG Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 19, 1883. Chicago; s. Anton (b. 1848, Levanger, Norway) and Margaret (Eggen) Krog (b. 1860, do.). Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Dentist, and maker of artificial plati- num root for bridge work, Chicago, 1905 — . Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Chicago Dent. Soc; Pres., Scandinavian Am. Dent. Soc. of Chicago; Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Address, 4833 Winthrop Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 2000 Mar- shall Field Annex Bldg.. do. JOHN BYRON La DUE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1883. Prepared in Allegan (Mich.) H. S. Formerly located in Mattoon, 111.; Instr., Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1920 — . Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t HARVEY MIDDLETON LANCASTER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Prepared in Ravenna (Neb.) H. S. Address, 2159 W. 22nd St., Chicago.t ♦EDWARD A. LEWIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. lAt one time located at 1624 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Died Mr 1920. THOMAS HENRY LOGAN D.D.S.; b. N 24, 1883, South Wayne, Wis.; 8. John A. and Mary Ann (Carey) Logan. College Football Team. Married Blanche Stewart, Ja 7, 1907, Gratiot, Wis. Child, Theora, b. Je 8. 1908. Address, 6041 Dorchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 W. Madison St., do. ARTHUR GARFIELD LYLE D.D.S.; b. Je 30, 1881, Decatur, Mich.; s. Oliver and Anne (McWilliams) Lyle. Prepared in Deca- tur (Mich.) H. S., 2 yrs.; N. W. Univ., 1 yr. Xi Psi Phi. Address, 112 S. Michigan, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington do. WILLIAM GEORGE McCALL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 25, 1882, Buncombe, 111.; 8. R. M. McCall. Prepared in Vienna H. S. Dentist, Tishomingo, Okla., My 1905; Shawnee- town. 111., 1908; MetropoUs, 111., 1914—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Christian Church. Married Cora Gregory, S 27, 1906, Tishomingo, Okla. Address, Metropolis, 111. JOHN FRANCIS McDONALD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Prepared in Kenosha Co., Wis. Formerly of Salem, Wis. Address, 4207 W. North Ave., Chicago.t CHARLES McDowell Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1877. Formeriy of Faulk- ton, S. Dak. Address, Rapid City, S. Dak.t ELMER NEWTON McDOWELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Wood- stock H. S. At one time located in Marseilles, 111. Address, Red Lodge, Mont.J *JAMES EDWARD McKAHAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 19, 1879, River Falls, Wis. Prepared in River Falls (Wis.) H. S. At one time located in Menomonie, Wis.; practiced Dent, at Wausau, Wis., 1905-18. Mem., Wis. State Bd. of Dent. Examiners; Central Wis. Dent. Soc. (Sec.-Treas. for number of yrs.); Marathon Co. Dent. Soc. Married Pauline Anderson, 1906, Menominee, Mich. Children: two sons. Died D 10, 1918, Wausau, Wis. JEREMIAH FRANCIS McSWIGGIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 23, 1883; s. Edward McSwiggin. Prepared in Victor (la.) H. S. Mar- ried Frances Bender. Children: Mary, b. O 14, 1910; Albert Edward, b. F 28, 1912; Frances Elden, b. D 28, 1914. Address, Victor, la. JAY PHILLIPS MARSHALL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 26, 1884, Evansville, Wis.; 8. Albert J. (b. N 3, 1847, Shelby, N. Y.) and Emily Louisa (Phillips) Marshall (b. D 24, 1850, Jellasore, India.). Prepared in St. Louis and Des Moines H. Schs. Delta Sigma Delta; Sr. Honor Roll. Located in Maplewood, Mo., 1905 — . Mem., Maplewood Bd. of Educ. (Pres., 1911-21); Pub. Service Comn. (Sec, 1910-12). la. Nat. Guard, Signal Corps, 1901-02; 1st Lt., Mo. State Guard, Ag 1917-Jl 1919. Auth.: Several papers in The Dental Summary, The Dental Brief and Desmos. Mem., St. Louis Co. Dental Soc; St. Louis Dental Soc; St. Louis Soc. of Dental Science (Pres., 1912- 14); Mo. State Dental Assn.; Nat. Dental Assn.; 298 University of Illinois {1905 Ex. Com. Panama Pacific Dental Cong.; St. Louis Auxiliary, Delta Sigma Delta (Pres.) Council of Deputies, do. (Pres., 1916), Deputy Supreme Grand Master, do., 1908-17; St. Louis Study Club, (Pres., 1920). Married Thirza Chenery, Ja 22, 1908, Maplewood, Mo. Children: Thirza Emily, b. Ja 18, 1909; Jane Phylis, b. Je 18, 1912; Kenith Chenery, b. S 23, 1917. Address, 2847 Laclede Rd., Maplewood, Mo.; bus. add., Hazel and Sutton Aves., do. NORTON RAY MECHAM Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Attended N. W. Univ. Sch. of Dent., 2 yrs. At one time located in Oakley, Idaho; Mgr., Associated Dentists, Keith Emporium, Salt Lake City. Address, 218 S. Main St., Salt Lake City.t ALBERT MINDLIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Address, 3230 Roose- velt Road, Chicago. t VERNON ALVIN MOORE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 19, 1879; s. Harlun P. and Rebecca S. (Shrader) Moore. Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. Xi Psi Phi. Married E. Ber- nice Harstman, N 7, 1911, Peoria, 111. Children: Evangeline, b. My 31, 1915; Janet, b. N 8, 1918. Address, 2609 Main St., Peoria, 111. ARTHUR G. NAUMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Ad.iunct Prof., Anat., Coll. of Dent., 1908-10; Assoc. Prof., Dent. Anat., do., 1910-12. Address, 31 N. State St., Chicago.t ROBERT G. NORDGREN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Formerly located in Galva, 111. Address, Lundberg Bldg., Rockford, Ill.t CLARENCE CORNAR NUGENT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1872, Ashmore, 111. Pre- pared in Denison Univ. Aoad., Granville, O., 1893- 06. Dentist, Minot, N. Dak., 1905—. Married Louise Isabell Geant, 1899, Chicago. Child, Owen Geant. Address, Minot, S. Dak. DAVID A. PETERSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1880. At one time located at Muskegon, Mich. Address, 3553 W. North Ave., Chicago.t J. CHESTER POGUE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Maroa H. S. At one time located in Marpa, 111. Ad- dress, Uvalde, Tex.f WILLIAM ROY PORTERFIELD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 16, 1881, Traer, la.; s. John O. (b. Toronto, Can.) and Jennie Virginia (Brashear) Porterfield (b. Va.). Prepared in Traer (la.) H. S. One of fourteen to receive hon. men- tion at grad. Dentist, Traer, la., 1905-12; Osceola, la., 1912 — . Mem., District Dent. Soc. and la. State Dent. Soc. Married Ag 28, 1912, Toledo, la. Address, Osceola, la. MICHAEL JAMES QUINLAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 3, 1881, Maryville, Mo.; s. John and Margaret Quinlan. Prepared in Mary- ville Sem., 1901-02. Mem., Catholic Church; B. P. O. E. Lodge 701, Trenton, Mo. 1st Lt., Dent. Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., 1918. Married Myrtle Clayton, S 6, 1906, Marvville, Mo. Child, Margaret E., b. Ap 4, 1908. Address, Oilman City, Mo. ROLAND RODERICK RAINS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 19, 1882, Canada; s. Evan E. and Octavia (Haude) Rains. Prepared in Sault Sainte Marie (Ont.) H. S. Degree, B. Ph. Registered Pharm. Dent, practice, Chicago. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc. Married Blanche Connolly (deceased); Lillian Robinson. Children: Evan C, b. F 2, 1905; Lil- lian Octavia, b. F 8, 1914. Address, 4770 Lincoln Ave, Chicago. *STONEWALL J. RAMSEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1880. At one time located in Cottonwood, Tex.; later in Robert Lee, do.; Baird, do. Deceased. PAUL AUGUST ROTZOLL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1877. Prepared in Nat. Med. Univ., 1 yr. At one time located in Menom- inee, Mich.; at 1102 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, for 13 yrs. Address, 177 N. State St., Chicago.t THEODORE L. SCHROEDER D.D.S.; b. My 17, 1882; s. Herman and Eliza (Renner) Schroeder. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Dent., 11224 Mich. Ave., for past 13 yrs. Address, 6152 S. Park Ave., Chicago; bxts. add., 11224 Mich. Ave., do. HARRY VALENTINE SHAW Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Prepared in Austin H. S. Formerly of Morrison, 111. Address, 5538 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago.t CHARLES McCURDY SHERILL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1877. Prepared in Brown- ing H. S. Formerly located in Clinton, 111.; later in Lawrenceville, do.t EDWARD WILLIAM SMITH Oral Surgeon; D.D.S.; b. O 8, 1884, Shelby Co., Tex.; s. William Allen (b. S 1859, Shelby Co., Tex.) and Leta (Bussey) Smith (b. N 1863, do.). Pre- pared in Timpson, (Tex.) H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1903-04. Xi Psi Phi. Grad. work in Oral Surg., Columbia Univ. Mem., A. F. A. M. 760, 1912—; Dallas Co. Dent. Soc; Tex. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Married Ouoqueze Addison, Je 8, 1910, Dallas, Tex. Children: Allen, b. D 3, 1912; Edward WiUiam, Jr., b. Ja 28, 1916; Ouoqueze, b. Je 12, 1919. Address, 501-2 So. Western Life Ins. Bldg., Dallas, Tex. FRANK HAYWORTH SMITH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Formerly of Dicken- son, N. Dak.; later located at 1889 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. IRVING LELAND SMITH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1877. Prepared in East. 111. State Norm. Sch., 3 yrs. Formerly located in Cissna Park, 111. Address, 1955a E. 1st St., Los Angeles.t MAURICE HARRY SPARE; D.D.S.; b. Ja 26, 1881, New Jersey; s. Julius and Sarah (Donin) Spare. Dentist, Chicago, 1905-06; Philadelphia, 1907-09; Allen- town, Pa., 1909-18; Chester, Pa., 1918—. News- paper work. Married Sadie Rabekoff, Ja 1, 1904, Philadelphia. Children: Regina, b. Ag 8, 1907; Edward Alex., b. F 7, 1911. Address, 814 Barclay St., Chester, Pa.; bus. add., 408 Market St., do. ♦GEORGE HUME STEPHENSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Prepared in Apple River H. S. Formerly located in Yates City, 111. Deceased. ARTHUR J. STEVENS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 28, 1879, Wis.; s. D. E. (b. N. Y.) and Theresa (Gristin) Stevens (b. My 31, 1860, Wis.). Prepared in H. S.; Stevens Point,, Wis., Bus. Coll., 1897. Psi Omega; Sr. Class Sec: Dentist. Wild Rose, Wis., 1905—. Married Julia W., N 5, 1908, Pardeeville, Wis. Child, Bruce Woodard, b. F 14, 1912. Address, Wild Rose, Wis. WILHELM FERDINAND STONE D.D.S.; b. Mr 19, 1881, N. Branch, Minn.; s. John and Caroline Stone. Formerly located in Pullman, 111. Mem., Reformed Church. Mar- ried Gertrude B. Michaelis, My 18, 1905. Ad- dress, 242 W. 112 St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 11114 Michigan Ave., do. HOMER BIRDELL STRAIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Formerly located in Darlington, 111. Address, Wingate, Ind.t 1006] College op Dentistry Alumni 299 JAMES M. THOMAS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 18S0. Prepared in Warren Acad., Woburn. Mass. and 111. JState Norm. Sob. Formerly located in Apple River, 111,; later at 1035 W. Van Buren St.. Chieapo. Address. 120 Garrison St., Battle Creek, Mich.t TOM WATERWORTH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1871. Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. Formerly located in Napier, New Zealand.^ DAVID I. WEISZ D.D.S.; b. Jl 1, 18S3. Hungary; s. Sarah Weiss. Prepared in North West Division H. S. Married Laura Newman, N 11, 1906. Address, 1257 N. Western Ave., Chicago. ARTHUR La MONTE WOOD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 2, 1868; s. Samuel F. (b. Ap 4, 1836, Manchester, Eng.) and Elsie (Moore) Wood (b. Ag 12, 1840, Medina, O.). Prepared in No. Ind. Norm. Sch. M.D.S., Am. Postgrad. Sch., 1907; B.S.. do., 1912; grad. of Dr. Padius Sch. of Anesthesia, 1909. Delta Sigma Delta; Mem. of Exten. Com., Class of 1905. Teacher in Columbia Co., Wis., 10 yrs.; Dent., Wyocena, Wis., Ag 1905-Ap 1907; do., Pardeeville, Wis., Ap 1907—; Pres., Bd. of Educ, Pardeeville H. S.; Pres. of Village; Village Trusted. Chairman and speaker of Four-Minute Men, 1917-18; Mem. of Preparedness League of Am. Dentists. Mem , First Presby. Church (Trustee); Jr. Warden, A F. A. M.; Post N. G., Post C. P., Encampment, post pres. District 29, I. O. O. F.; Mem. Com. on Legislation, Grand Lodge of Wis., do.; W. P., O. E. S. Married Alta E. Douglas, Je 30, 1889, Portage, Wis. Child, Cecil Henry, b. Ag 15, 1898 (died F 10, 1899). Address, Pardeeville, Wis.; bus. add., State Bank Bldg., du. PETER FRANK WYBRANIEC D.D.S.; b. O 4, 1882, Poland; s. Mathew and Rose (Pyplatz) Wybraniec. Prepared in St. Stanislaus Coll. and by European pvt. tutors. Auth.: Articles for local and European papers. Mem., Polish Union, Married Lillian Pazderski, My 19, 1908. Children: Albin, b. S 23, 1909- Phyllis, b. Ap 11, 1912; Lorctta, b. Jl 26, 1914; Richard, b, Jl 4, 1918; Lorraine, b. Je 30, 1920. Address, 5424 Wilson Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 984 Milwaukee Ave., do. ARTHUR JOHN HELLMUTH YOUNG Dentist; D.D.S. Psi Omega. Address, 4051 North Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1906 (43 LIVING, NONE DEAD) MOSE FRANK BLOOMENSTIEL Dentist; D,D,S,; b, 1881. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Dent, Sch,, 2 yrs. At one time located in Baton Rouge, La, ELIZABETH NEIL BRADY Phys. and Surg,; D.D.S,; b, 1870. M,D., N, W. Univ, Med, Sch.. 1900, Formerly located at 2941 Lexington St,, Chicago; Specialist in Pathol. Mem., Med, Womans Club, Address, Oak Park, 111,; bus. add., 525 Cuyler Ave,, Chicagct BENJAMIN JOSEPH BRONSTEIN Dentist; D,D,S.: b. Jl 24, 1877, New York; s. Joseph and Rose (Revitz) Bronstein, Prepared in New York Schs. Mem,, Class Com. on Arrange- ments, Inauguration of Pres, James, Practice of all branches of Dentistry, Married Elizabeth Goldstein, Ag 7, 1906, Child, Violet, b, Ap 11, 1912. Address, 3529 W, Roosevelt Rd,, Chicago. FLOYD ELLIS CLINITE Dentist; D,D,S,; b. My 10, 1883, St. Charles, 111.: s. Ellis (b. My 7, 1861, Forreston, 111.) and Minnie Clinite (b. Ja 24, 1865, Pierce, 111.). Pre- pared in Rorhelle, 111. Delta Sigma Delta. Dent- ist, Redfield, S. Dak., 1906—. 1st Lt., D, C, U, S, A., Ag 4, 1917; Capt., do., S 28, 1918; Maj,, My 31. 1919; Camp Travis, Jl 15, 1918-Ap 16, 1919. Mem,, S, Dak, State Dent, Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, Redfield, S, Dak. GUY THOMAS COLEMAN Dentist; D,D,S,; b. 1876, M,D,. Jenner Med. Coll. Address, 4200 Armitage Ave,, Chicago,! CHARLES GARFIELD CREE ' D.D,S,; b. Ja 2, 1881, Deer Creek, Ind,; s, James and Jane (Spangler) Cree, Prepared in Flora and,) H, S, Psi Omega, Mem., K, P,; Apollo Musical Club, Married Winifred Townsend, S 14, 1910, Cliieago, C:hild, Margaret Jean, b. Ja 30, 1917. Addresg, 779 Foxdale Ave,, Winnetka, 111.; bus. add., 59 E. Madison St,, Chicago, EARL HARTLAND DANFORTH Dentist; D.D,S.; b, 1880, Univ, of Buffalo Dent, Dept,, 2 yrs. Formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 305 W. Pennsylvania Ave,, Independence, Kan.t LOUIS BERNARD DESSER (Brother of Abraham L., '11 M,D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 29, 1884, Austria; e. Mayer and Eva (Goldberg) Desser. Delta Sigma Delta, Mem., Prudence Lodge, No. 958, A, F, A. M, Married Hattie E, Baker, Ap 5, 1908, Rock Island, 111, Children: Jerome Harold, b, Ja 24 1910; Arnold Harrison, b. My 24, 1918; Penrose I eonard, b, Mr 2, 1920, Address, 2056 Pierce Ave,, Chicago; 6ms, add., 15.50 N. Robey St., do. JOHN HELMER DYBLIE D,D,S,; b, Mr 15, 1884, Cummings, 111,; s, J. A. and M, (HofT) Dyblie, Prepared in Joliet H. S, and Racine (Wis,) Mil, Acad. Delta Sigma Delta, Married Olive C, Davis, Jl 22, 1908, Chil- dren: John O,, b. My 31, 1910; Julius L,, b, Je 29. 1913, Address, 311 Mississippi Ave,, Joliet, 111.; bus. add.. Cor, Case and Collins St,, do. HERMAN HENRY ERTEL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Prepared in Metro- politan Bus. Coll., 2 yrs. Address, 2111 Coulter Ave., Chicago. t JOSEPH CLARK FREY WALTER WILLIAM GILL Dentist; D.D.S.; b, 1882. Prepared in Corning (la,) Acad, Address, 84 Elm St,, Westfield, N. OTTO W, HELMICK Dentist; D,D,S.; b, 1879, Prepared in Belle- flower H. S, Address, Clinton, Ill.t WALTER HORACE HOLDEN Dentist; D,D,S,; b, 1880, Prepared in Freeport H, S,, 1899-1901, Forme rly located at 4336 Drum- mond Place, Chicago; later at 2014 W, North Ave,, do. Address, 3435 Fullerton Ave,, Chicago, t JAMES ABRAM JENT Dentist; D.D.S,; b, 1880, Prepared in Kankakee H, S. Formerly of Johnson City, 111, Mem,, Nat. Dent, Assn,; Kan, State Dent. Soc; Crawford Co, Med, Soc. Address, 402^ N, Broadway, Pitts- burg, Kan,t ORRIN FREDERICK LANDON Dentist; D,D,S. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch, Formerly of Remington, Ind, Ad- dress, 108 S. Adams St., Peoria, Ill.J FRANK LOTRECK Dentist; D,D,S. Attended Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Formerly at 3958 W. 26th St., Chi- cago. Address, 2321 8. Millard Ave., Chicago.t 300 University of Illinois [1906 ROBERT LYLE MARQUIS Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Aledo H. S. Ad- dress, Berwyn, Ill.t CLARK WILLARD MARSH Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. 1872. Prepared in Kansas City (Kan.) Dent. Sch. Formerly of Topeka, Kan. Address, Atwood, Ill.t CLARENCE JOSEPH MASON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 25, 1880, Argyle, Wis.; s. J. T. and Sarah (Powell) Mason. Prepared in Newell (la.) H. S. Xi Psi Phi; Football, 3 yrs. Dentist, Anthon, la., 1906-09; do., Newell, la., 1910-19; do., Ontario, Calif., 1920—. Dent. Pre- paredness League, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; O. E. S.; Congr. Church. Married Ethel Rust, N 28, 1906, Newell, la. Children: Keith, b. N 18, 1907; Martha, b. My 12, 1912; Jean, b. N 23, 1918. Address, West 7th St., Ontario, Calif. HUGO CHARLES MAUERMANN Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in S. Div. H. S. Address, 4639 Broadway, Chicago.! CLARENCE MEEK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Prepared in Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. Demonstrator and Quiz Master, Coll. of Dent., 1906-08. Address, 3527 W. Madison St., Chicago.! LOUIS MILLER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1876. Asst. to Dr. Cook. and Demonstrator of Operative Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1907-09. Address, 3461 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t JOHN OLE MORTENSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1880. Prepared in Mas- coutah H. S. Address, Westfield, Wis.t RALPH ROGERS MUNDELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. Address, 4132 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago. ^jjpQpQj^g MARTIN NELSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1885. Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Chicago, 2 yrs. Formerly located in Oak Park, 111. Address, 334 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH HENRY PLUMMER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1873. Meharry Dent. Coll., Nashville, Tenn., 2 yrs. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc. Address, 3801 S. State St., Chicago.t GUSTAF ALWIN PREUSKER Dentist; D.D.S. Attended N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1 yr. Address, 1348 Wellington Ave., Chi- cago.t JOHN ALBERT ROCKFELLOW Dentist; D.D.S.; Psi Omega; Beta Alpha. For- merly located in Sisson, Calif.; later in Pasadena, do. Address, 2909 7th Ave., Los Angeles. WILLIAM JOSEPH ROGERS Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. Formerly of Alexis, 111. WALTER HENRY SHAFFER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Dent. Dept., Univ. of Tenn. At one time located in Prairie View, 111.; later in San Francisco.t EVERETT LEE SIMMONS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1873. Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. D.D.S., Ohio Med. Univ., Coll. of Dent., 1900. Formerly located in Bar- rington. 111. Address, Arlington, S. Dak.t CARL GEORGE STOCKER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1877. Prepared in Newell (la.) H. S. Formerly located in Newell, la. Ad- dress, 303 Farmers L. and T. Bldg., Sioux City, ELMER EUGENE TAYLOR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Prepared in West Div. H. S. Address, 4801 W. Lake St., Chicago.t WILLIAM M. THOMPSON DentLst; D.D.S.; b. 1873. Address, 3956 W. Madison St., Chicago.t WILLIAM BRADFORD TYM D.D.S.; b. N 22, 1880, Shelby Co., 111.; s. Ben- jamin F. and Margaret Alice (LeflBer) Tym. Pre- pared in East. 111. State Norm. Sch., Charleston, 111. Psi Omega. Located in Charleston, 111., Jl 1906—. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E.; M. E. Church; dental societies. Married Gertrude Clotille Best, Jl 19, 1907, Mattoon, 111. Child, Gertrude Louise, b. Ja 9, 1916. Address, 903 6th St., Charleston, 111.; bus. add., Johnston Blk., do. VALERIAN JULIAN VITA (Brother of Emil E., '19 ) Pastor; D.D.S.; b. F 22, 1882, Wesley, Rice Co., Minn.; s. John W. and Mary (Petricha) Vita. Prepared in Faribault (Minn.) H. S. Dentist; Monmouth, 111., 1906-07; do., Chicago, 1908-20, Pastor of Emanuel Bohemian Baptist Church, Mr 6, 1920 — . Ed. of Slavua Nadeje, an inter- denominational monthly. Mem., Czechoslovak Christian Pub. Soc. (Pres.). Married F 14, 1906, Hammond, Ind. Child, Myrl Lillian, b. Je 15, 1907. Address, 4034 W. 25th St., Chicago. THOMAS RAYMOND WALKER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Prepared in Tuskegee State Norm, and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee, Ala. Formerly located in Mobile, Ala. Address, 926 Chester St., Oakland, Calif .t GLEN BURROWS WATERMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1884. Prepared in Newell (la.) H. S., 3 yrs. Address, Cedar Falls, la.t WATXACE ALEXANDER WIMMER Dent. Surg.; D.D.S.; b. Ap 6, 1884, Rochelle, 111.; s. Alexander W. and Emily (Baker) Wimmer. Prepared in Robert Waller H. S. Dent. Surg., Chicago. Ist Sergt., 4th 111. R. M.; Lt. Adjt.. 3rd Bn.; Maj., 3rd Bn., U. R.K. P. Mem., St. Pauls Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Royal Arcanum. Auth.: Articles in Olivet Institute Magazine. Ad- dress, 4525 Broadway, Chicago; bus. add., 4601 Broadway, do. CHESTER ALLEN WORTHINGTON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1883. Prepared in Indianola H. S. Address, 128 N. Vermillion St., Danville, Ill.t ■ • SAM LESTER WORTHINGTON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Prepared in Indianola H. S. Address, 128 N. Vermillion St., Danville, IlLt JAMES ALEXANDER WRIGHT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881. Formerly located at 630 W. Congress St., Chicago. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc. Address, 1601 W. Madison St., Chicago.t 1907] College of Dentistry Alumni 301 CLASS OF 1907 (33 LIVING, 1 DEAD) ♦THOMAS ANTHONY ASHWORTH Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 2827 W. Madison St., Chicago. Deceased. WALTER EDWARD BECKER D.D.S.; b. Jl IS. 18S1, Chicago; s. Edward and Ida (McCartyl Becker. Prejiarcd in Sandwich (III.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Quarterback, Coll. Football Team. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; L. O. O. M. Married Anna C. Walther. F 17, 1907, Glen Ellyn, 111. Child, Walter C, b. D 28, 1907. Addreis, 21 Columbia Ave., Naperville, 111. EZRA T. CLARK Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Brigham Young Coll., Ut., 2 yrs. Formerly of Farmington, Ut. Mem., Ut. State Dent. Soc. Address, 2468 Wash- ington Ave., Ogden, L't.t CARLETON CLEVELAND D.D.S.; b. Ja 8, 1887; s. George Henry and Jane Ann (Jolly) Cleveland. Prepared in Lewis Institute and Univ. of Wis. Summer Sch. Auth.: Courtesy, A Dental Asset, Dmtal Facts; other articles, do. Married .A.nna A. Osten, N 25, 1914, Chicago. Address. 3708 N. Hermitage Ave., Chi- cago. BENJAMIN BICKNELL CRONK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 16, 1877. 111.; s. Lottie (Boomer) Cronk. Mem., Columbian Lodge 819, A. F. A. M.; Lawndale Chapter 243, R. A. M.; Chicago Commanderv 19, K. T.; Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Chicago. Married Harriett Devlin, 1901, Belvidere, 111. Children: Charles B., b. D 6. 1907; LawTence E., b. Mr 23, 1912. Address, 3442 Ogden Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3338 do. DARSEY BOATMAN DAVIS Dentist; D.D.S. Univ. of Pa., 2 yrs. Address, Clarksburg, W. Va.t WILLIAM JOHN DIERKS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 30, 1882, New York; s. William John and Louise (Haase) Dierks. Pre- pared in Toledo (O.) Central H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentbt, Toledo, O. Mem., A. F. A. M^ Commanderv, Shrine; K. P.; Ist Congr. Church. Married Marie Louise Nix, D 29, 1910, Toledo, O. Children: '^ill J., Jr., b. Jl 20, 1915; Elizabeth Maria, b. My 10, 1917. Address. 2140 Common- wealth Ave., Toledo, O.; bus. add., 1018 Spitzer Bldg., do. RALPH BURT DRIVER D.D.S.; b. Jl 11. 1876; s. William and Mary (Ne\ille) Driver. Prepared in Minneapolis H. S. Psi Omega. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M. Address. Philip, S. Dak. JOSEPH ATWOOD DUNN (Husband of Maud M. Warner, '08) D.D.S.; b. Ag 31, 1881, Piper City, 111.; b. Richard and Martha (Poe) Dunn. Prepared in Piper City H. S. ; X. W. Univ. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Maude M. Warner, Je 22, 1906. Child, Lucie Ann, b. F 14, 1919. Address, Shermerville, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Wash- ington St., CJhicago. LEO J. FELS Dentist; D.D.>S. Prepared in Rue. Gjonnasium Sch. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc.: Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 25 E. Washing- ton St., Chicago.t CLARENCE L. FOLEY Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at Rockford, Ill.t DAVID A. FRANKEL D.D.S ; b. Mr 4, 1884, Rus.; s. Bertha (Mazur) Frankel. Prepared in Tuley H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Married Sarah Fine, Mr 15, 1914. Ad- dresn, 1057 N. Oakley Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. HENRY A. FREY Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 656 Artesian St., Chicago. Address, 1401 N. Western Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do.f ABRAHAM NATHAN HALPERIN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 10 Edge- mont Ave., Chicago. Address, 1206 W. 12th St., Chicago.t AARON BLOOM HARRIS Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Chicago Dent. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly at 33 Flournoy St., Chicago; later at 3733 W. 16th St., do. Address, 3534 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t WILLIAM B. HENDRICKS Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Pittsburgh Dent. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly located in Moundsville, W. Va. Address. 436 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky.f THOMAS ELLSWORTH HOOVER Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Tolono H. S. Address, Apple River, Ill.t JOSEPH ELMER JACOBS (Uncle of Alfred J. Ketterhagen, '18 D.D.S.) D.D.S.; b. S 3, 1883, Buriington, Wis.; s. Joseph and Julia Jacobs. Prepared in Burlington (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; L. A. Univ. Club. Address. 706 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. MAURICE LASKER Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in H. S. Dept., Chicago Athenaeum, 2 yrs. Formerly at 1101 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. Address, 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago.t SAMUEL A. LEVIN Dentist; D.D S. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 2101 W. Division St., Chicago.t BRADLEY F. LOCKWOOD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 27, 1884, Mapleton, la.; s. John D. (b. 1848, Hammond.?port, N. Y.) and Anna (Curzen) Lockwood (b. D 23, 1870, Mich.). Prepared in Univ. of S. Dak. Acad., and Haverling H. S., Bath, N. Y. Psi Omega, Grand Master, Sr. Yr. Grad. work in Dr. Smith's Course, Block Anesthesia and Allied Med. Subjects. Located in Chamberlain, S. Dak., 1907-09; Yankton, do.. 1909—. Appointed to State Bd. of Dent. Ex- aminers. Co. Dent. Examiner and Sec, Med. Advisory Bd. 20, World War; Dent. Examiner, Bur. of War Risks, 1920; Capt., S. Dak. Home Guards. Auth.: Many articles in Am. Dentist; Special Contributions to Denial Fads and S. Dak. State Bui. of the S. Dak. Dent. Soc. Assoc Ed., Am. Dentist. Mem., Epis. Church; 1st District Dent. Soc (Sec); S. Dak. State Dent. Soc. (Com. on Ethics); Nat. Dent. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Shrine; ConsLstory Mason; K. T.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; Life Mem., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Married Ag 3, 1912. Child, Bradley F., Jr., b. D 23, 1913. Address, 407 Maple St., Yankton, S. Dak. GEORGE ERNEST LYONS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 14, 1883, Corning, la.; 8. William S. (b. S 4, 1853, Crawford Co., O.) and Mary E. (McPherren) Lyons (b. S 16, 1856, Mer- cer Co., 111.). Prepared in H. S. Xi Psi Phi; Class pres., 1904; Class historian, 1907. Dentist, Grand Island, Neb., 1907-08, Lamoni, la., 1909-10, and Corning, la., 1910 — . Married Sarah M. Nelson, Jl 25, 1912, Des Moines, la. Address, Corning, la. THOMAS JAMES McCARTHY Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at ] 144 Washington Blvd., Chicago; later at 2401 W. Division St., do. Address, 32 N. State St., Chicago.t 302 University op Illinois [1908 JAMES STEELE McCREIGHT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 24, 1884, Sanborn, 111.; s. Alvin B. and Iva (McPherren) McCreight. Prepared in Aledo H. S. Delta Sigma. Dentist, Industry, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, K. T. Married Bertha Dormer, S 8, 1910, Augusta, 111. Children: John D., b. O 3, 1911; Mary lone, b. Je 18, 1914. Address, Industry, 111. MAYNARD MAINE MARQUIS Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Aledo, Ill.f LAWRENCE BERNARD MURPHY Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. Je 8, 1880, Bear Lake, Mich.; 8. John and Ellen (Breen) Murphy. Prepared in Bear Lake (Mich.) H. S.; Valparaiso Univ. Psi Omega. Mem., Chicago Dent. See; K. C; Roman Catholic Church. Married Olive Travers, F 19, 1908, Chicago. Child, Lawrence B., Jr., b. Jl 4, 1914. Address, 404 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1605 W. Van Buren St., do. WALERJAN WACLAW NOWACKI (Brother-in-law of Edward F. Czeslawski '10 M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 7, 1875, Poland; s. John (b. Poland) and Marja (Juszonek) Nowacki (b. do.). Prepared in Poland, and in Athenaeum, Chicago. Dentist, Chicago. Mem. of U. S. Pre- paratory League of Am. Dentists, World War. Auth.: Articles on oral hygiene, especially for sav- ing childrens teeth, in PoHsh daily papers. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; Polish Dent. Soc. of Am. Married Casimira Marja Czeslawski, F 19, 1908, Chicago. Children: Stefanja Marja, b. Mr 24, 1909; Alicja Celestyna, b. Ap 6, 1911; Edward Romuald, b. Ja 29, 1913; Janina Walerja, b. D 2, 1914; Marcella Leonarda, b. O 29, 1917. Address, 2707 N. Drake Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2891 Mil- waukee Ave., do. LEROY HENRY PHIFER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 25, 1884, Shumway, 111.; s. John Newton and Sarah E. (Owens) Phifer. Prepared in Shumway H. S. Psi Omega; Asst. Ed. Illio Bd., 1907. Dent., Chicago. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., York Rite. Married Lillie Anna Engel, D 26, 1906. Children: LeRoy Henry, Jr., b. N 20, 1910; Charles Herbert, b. N 6, 1914. Address, 4539 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4254 Indiana Ave., do. ALEXANDER A. SHERE Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 175 New- berry Ave., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Dent. Sec; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 1223 S. Halsted St., Chicago.f JOEL ISCHAR singer Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 2400 W. Van Buren St., Chicago.t HARRY THOMAS SPANGLER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 28, 1881, Plainfield, 111.; s. Samuel and Ellen M. (Smith) Spangler. Psi Omega. Dentist, Plainfield, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Columbian Circle; Mod. Woodmen of Am. Married Margaret E. Irwin, Ap 11, 1908. Chil- dren: Robert I., b. Ag 29, 1909; Richard Samuel, b. O 7, 1910; Wilmer Harry, b. S 23, 1914. Ad- dress, Plainfield, 111. JOHANNE C. THOMSEN D.D.S.; b. Je 25, 1877; d. R. Mortensen and Josephine (Larsen) Thornsen. Prepared in Fre- mont Norm. Coll., Fremont, Neb. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Dr. Thos. M. Thornsen, S 25, 1901. Child, Lillian Edith, b. Je 6, 1913. Ad- dress, Dannebrog, Neb. GEORGE WILLIAM WHEELER Dent, and Farmer; D.D.S.; b. Mr 28, 1882, Belleflower, 111.; s. John Nelson (b. S9, 1865, Mich.) and Jennie (Conrad) Wheeler (b. N 9, 1857, la.). Prepared in Belleflower and Farmer City H. Schs. Psi Omega. Dentist, Hoopeston, 1907-08; do., Bloomington, 1909-10; do., Belleflower, 1910—. Married Ethel Kirkpatrick, S 30, 1908, Petoskev, Mich. Children: Ethel Melba, b. Jl 30, 1909; George Eugene, b. Ap 21, 1916. Address, Belle- flower, 111. ANTHONY JOHN ZIMMONTH Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 2575 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Address, 3252 S. Hal- sted St., Chicago.t CLASS OF 1908 (27 LIVING, 2 DEAD) CARL FREDERICK BANDELIN Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Grand Rapids, Wis.J FRANK JOSEPH BERNARD Dent, and Instr.; D.D.S.; b. Ag 3, 1881, Galena, 111. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and Galena H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Instr., Exodontia, Coll. of Dent., 1910-16; do., in Extracting, do., 1916-18; Prof., Oral Surg. (Extracting), do., 1918—; Dent, practice, Chicago; Specialist in Extraction. Ac- tively engaged in reorganization of Coll. of Dent. 1912. Mem., Dent. Alumni Assn. (Pres.). Mar- ried Sylvia Love, Je 1913, Chicago. Child, Fran- cis Donald, b. N 21, 1914. Address, 2521 Smalley Court, Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. CLYDE ALVIN BUDWORTH D.D.S.; b. Ja 13, 1878, Beetown, Wis.; s. Albert and Euphemia (Irish) Budworth. Prepared in Lancaster (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Lena Klinkhammer, Ag 24, 1903, Cassville, Wis. Child, Fredrick, b. Jl 8, 1904. Address, Prescott, Wis. WILLIAM THEODORE BURKE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 11, 1879; s. John T. and Margaret (Ames) Burke. Prepared in Ishpeming (Mich.) H. S. Address, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Lake Linden, Mich. CHESTER WALTER DA YE Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Westfield (Wis.) H. S. Address, Shakopee, Minn.t WILLIAM FRANCIS FARLEY Dentist; D.D.S. Attended N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 2 yrs. Address, 3001 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago.t FREDERICK EDWARD EBERT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 24, 1886, Champaign, 111.; s. Edward and Tudie (Whitmore) Ebert. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Champaign, 111., 1908—. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Champaign- Danville Dent. Soc, (Sec, 5 yrs.; Pres., 1 yr.); Twin City Dent. Soc. (Pres., 2 yrs.); Life Mem., Alumni Assn., Coll. of Dent.; B. P. O. E. Married Margaret Dresser Gorham, Mr 31, 1910, Cham- paign, 111. Children: Margaret Ruth, b. My 16, 1913; Edward Darwin, b. Je 16, 1917. Address, 511 S. Pine St., Champaign, 111.; bus. add.. Cor., Green and Wright Sts., do. GEORGE THEODORE EHRLICH D.D.S.; b. Jl 7, 1886; s. Henry (b. Ger.) and Emelie (Mayer) Ehrlich (b. Wis.). Delta Sigma Delta. 1st Lt., D. R. C, U. S. A., 1918. Address, 3429 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Calif. NOAH Z. FELDSHER Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 478 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Address, 3434 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t JACOB E. GREEN; D.D.S. Prepared in Schs. of Denver, 2 yrs.; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1895. Formerly located at Taylor and Marshfield Aves., Chicago. Address, 3328 Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t 1908] ColuegeJof Dentistry Alumni 303 HUGH BENJAMIN HOPKINS Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 459 Warren Ave., Chicago; later at Peoria. Address, Valders, Wis.f MICHAEL FRANCIS HOUGH Dentist; D.D.S. Asst., Extracting, Coll. of Dent., 19I7-IS. Formerly at 2014 \V. North Ave., Chicago. Addmsa, 31 N. State St., Chicago.t HARRY LYSANDER JONES D.D.S.; b. Ap 22. 1878; s. W. R. and Viola Kate (Hibbs) Jones. Delta Sigma Delta. Demon- strator, Coll. of Dent., 1909-10. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Baptist Church. Married Mable Wagner. Child, Odessa Bell, b. Jl 31, 1915. Address, 662S Kimbark Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1158 W. 63rd St., do. FRANCIS LEROY JOYCE D.D.S.; b. Ja 11, 18S4; s. James and Maria (Dalev) Joyce. Prepared in Waterloo (Wis.) H. S. " Mem., Catholic Church; K. C; State Dent. Soc; Jefferson Co. Dent. Soc. Married Anna L. Daly, My 19, 1913. Children: Mary Catherine, b. 21, 1916;EllenAnn, b. Mr22, 1918. Address, Waterloo, Wis. HENRY JOSEPH K-\UFMAN Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Univ. of S. Dak. Formerly located in Freeman, S. Dak. Address, Parker, S. Dak.f EDWARD FREDERICK KLUMB Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located in Milwau- kee; later in Thiensville, Wis.; 2451 N. Maple- wood, Chicago. Address, 3581 Fullerton Ave., Chicago.t *HARRY MELVIN KORSHAK Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Medill . H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 252 Laflin St., Chicago; later at 610 Blue Island Ave., do. Deceased. J.AMES ANDREW LARSEN D.D.S. ; b. F 20, 1882, Clifton, 111.; s. Dorothy (Jensen) Larsen. Psi Omega. Asst., Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1918-19. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Roval .Arcanum Married Lucy Z. Brady, Je 15, 1907. Children: James Jr., b. Ag 4, 1912; WiUiam B. and Seth B., b. O 7, 1914. Address, 4445 Dover St., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washing- ton St., do. WALTER THERON MITCHELL Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in H. S. Dept., Univ. of .Atlanta, 3 yrs. Address, Pea Ridge, Miss.: R. D., DeKalb, do.f *FRANCISCO PONCE (Formerly Francisco Ponce-y-Collantes) Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Univ. of Manila. At one time located in Calle Rosaris, Manila, P. I. Died 1916. MELVIN E. PONTIUS X-Ray Operator and Anesthetist; M.D.; b. Ap 3, 1876, Ind.; s. .^Ibr-rt and Mary (Seagley) Pon- tius. Prepared in Wolcottville (Ind.) H. S. Psi Omega; Valedictorian Class, 1909. Carpenter, .■^ioux Falls, S Dak., 17 mos.; Dell Rapids, do., 27 mos.; Wessington, do., 8 yrs.; X-Ray Operator and Anesthetist for Dr. John F. McKee, Surg., do., past .5 yrs. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., S. Dak., 107. Married Mercy E. Osborn, S 12, 1906, Pipestone, Minn. Children: Reynold, b. N 15, 1907 (died O 4, 1908); Mary Gwendolyn, b. Mr 3. 1910; Elmer Llewellyn, b. N 15, 1911; Elvin Osborn, b. My 9, 1915. Address, Wessing- ton, S. Dak. PAUL HAROLD RAMSEY Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Aledo H. S. For- merly located in Aledo, 111. Address, 612 Unity Bldg., Tulsa, Okla.t REUBEN ALEXIUS STONE Dentist; D.D S.; b. Mr 23, 1885, North Branch, Minn. Prepared in North Branch (Minn.) H. S. Psi Omega. Chief Demonstrator, Operative Dept., 1910-12; Dentist, 1802 Irving Park Blvd.. 1908-13; 2009 Irving Park Blvd., 1913—. Married Elsa Billerbeck, Ap 10, 1909. Children: Robert, b. Mr 17, 1912; Joy Miriam, b. S 9, 1914; John, b. S 18, 1916. Address, 2311 Berwyn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2009 Irving Pk Blvd., do. ELMER BOVEE STOUGHTON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 14, 1879, Greenville, Mich.; s. John C. (b. Hubardson, Mich.) and Selena Viola (Bovee) Stoughton (b. Lenawee Co., Mich.). Prepared in War Acad., S. Dak., 1898. Dentist, Rogers, Ark.; do.. Lake Andes, S. Dak.; do., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Married Esther Jean Kelley, F 22, 1911, Rogers, Ark. Children: Edgar Elmer, b. D 13, 1911; Marjorie Julia, b. Je 27, 1913; Dorothy Jean, b. Ja 18, 1915; Ruth Esther, b. N 30, 1916. Address, 442-7th Ave., S E., Aberdeen, S. Dak. EDWIN PAUL SWATEK D.D.S.; b. Ja 7, 1885, Chicago; s. John William and Pauline (Myer) Swatek. Asst., Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1912-17. Mem., A. F. A. M., Stan- dard Lodge 873, Corinthian Chap. 69, St. Bernard Commandery 35, Medinah Temple. Married Clara Bobzien, Ap 26, 1911. Children: Jane PauUne, S 10, 1913; Edwin Paul, Jr., D 15, 1915. Address, 3305 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. HARRY KARL von der HEYDT D.D.S.; b. O 6, 1882, Chicago; s. Herman and Marie (MuUer) Von der Heydt. Football, 1905, 1906, 1907. Gen. Dent, practice. Miles City, Mont., 1908-19; Butte, Mont., 1919—; practice limited to Orthodontia. Psi Omega (Grand Mas- ter, 1908). Mem., Med. Advisory Bd. and Loral Draft Bd., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Nat. Dent. Soc; Mont. State Dent. Soc. Married Alice S. Arnold, O 8, 1913, Miles City, Mont. Children: Karl, b. Jl 5, 1916; James, b. Jl 15, 1919. Address, 1135 Caladonia St., Butte, Mont.; bus. add., 428-430 Rialto Bldg., do. CLYDE HERBERT WARNER D.D.S.; b. My 6, 1884; s. J. E. and Lucy (Crow) Warner. Prepared in Chicago. Delta Sigma Delta; Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; A. A. O. N. M. S. Address, 112 S. Michigan Ave., bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., do. MAUD MURIEL WARNER (DUNN) (Wife of Joseph A. Dunn, '07) Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Pana H. S. For- merly at 26 Sacramento Ave., Chicago. RTarried Joseph A. Dunn. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. HENRY LYMAN WILCOX Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Formerly located in Rochelle, 111. Address, Peca- tonica, Ill.t 304 University op Illinois [1909 CLASS OF 1909 (27 LIVING, 2 DEAD) ROSE AARON Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Jenner Med. Coll., Chicago. Formerly at 367 S. Paulina St., do. Address, 3225 W. 12th St., Chicago.t O. CLARK BAILEY Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. N 6, 1882, O.; s. W. N. and Emma (Shaw) Bailey. Prepared in Highland Co., Ohio, H. S. Psi Omega. Married Caroline Hurd. S 7, 1910, Maquon, O. Children: Virginia, b. D 21, 1912; Richard H., b. Ag 24, 1916. Address, Yates City, 111. PAUL M. BREYER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 3, 1886, Paris, France; s. N. S. (b. N 20, 1851) and EUzabeth (Pull) Breyer (b. S 6, 1852). Prepared in N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1903-04; St. Thomas Mil. Acad., St. Paul, Minn., 1905-06. Psi Omega; Chief Musician, St. Thomas Mil. Acad. Dentist, Freeport, 111. Mem., Stephenson Co. Dent. Soc. (Pres., 1911); Free- port mini Club (Pres., 1920); Elks, 617; Freeport Country Club; Freeport Gun Club. Married Bessie M. Taylor, Jl 15, 1909, Chicago. Children: Emilie EUzabeth, b. Ja 22, 1911; Blanche Mary, b. D 9, 1914. Address, 408 Lincoln Blvd.. Free- port, 111.; bus. add., 201-202, Tarbox Bldg., do. WILLARD BROWN D.D.S.; b. N 21, 1884; s. Garmon Frederick and Sarah (Rich) Brown. Prepared in Stansberry Norm. Sch. Located in Palco, Kan., 1910-11; Hill City, do., 1911—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Hill City, Millbrook lodge. Married Ruth Barrett McLean, Ja 20, 1915, Mankato, Kan. Children: Harry Jerome, b. My 25, 1916; Ruth Olive, b. D 10, 1918. Address, Hill City, Kan. RICHARD MELVIN BRUMFIELD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 19, 1882, Haubstadt, Ind.; s. Richard (b. Mr 12, 1843, Vanderburg Co., Ind.) and Matilda Jane (Knowles) Brumfield (b. F 4, 1845, Owensville, Ind.). Prepared in Haubstadt (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Ind., 1901-07 and Univ. of Cincinnati, 1906-08. A.B., Univ. of Ind., 1907. Delta Sigma Delta; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Class Pres. and scholarship medal., fresh, yr., Univ. of Cincinnati; Mem. of Glee Club, Univ. of Ind., 1904-05; Valedictorian, Univ. of 111. Dentist, Roseburg, Ore., Je 12, 1909—. Mem., M. E. Church; B. P. O. E. Married Merle Beresford, D 30, 1908, Owensville, Ind. Children: George Richard, b. Mr 9, 1910; Gilbert Oliver, b. Ap 26, 1912; Robert Melvin, b. Ja 9, 1914. Address, Roseburg, Ore. ♦JOSEPH H. CHUTE Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in St. Johns Univ., Colledgeville, Minn. Formerly located in Minnea- polis. Deceased. CHARLES J. COFFEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 4, 1875, Springfield, Mass.; 8. Jerimial (b. Ire.) and Julia (Ahern) Coffey (b. do). Prepared in Springfield (Mass.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1907. Psi Omega; Class Treas., 1909. Dentist, Chicago, 1909 — . Co. H., 9th Mass. Vol., Spanish-Am. War, 1898. Mem., 111. State Dent. So'fc.; Chicago Dent. Soc; Englewood Dent. Soc. Married Mary Emma Adams, Jl 2, 1907, Sycamore, 111. Child, Charles Adams, b. Mr 19, 1908. Address, 6351 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. FRANK L. COOPER Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Address, Gibson City, 111 .J ARTHUR BLAINE CRAWFORD Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Mt. Union Coll., Alliance, O.; Scio Coll., Scio, O.; West. Dent. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 2 yrs. Formerly located in Steubenville, O. Address, Edgar, Wis.t WALTER W. DROBERG Dent. Surg.; D.D.S.; b. S 26, 1889, La Porte, Ind.; s. W. F. Droberg. Prepared in La Porte (Ind.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Football, Bas- ketball, Track and Baseball in H. S. Dentist, La Porte, Ind., 5 yrs.; do., Chicago; Dent. Surg., Chicago Health Dept., do.; Child Hygiene and Dent. Surg., Norwegian-Am. Hosp., do. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; L. O. O. M. Mar- ried Lydia Storke, 1911, La Porte, Ind. Children: Lucile, b. S 20, 1913; Dorothy, b. My 5, 1917. Address, 3608 N. Crawford, Chicago. RICHARD F. FEIOK Piano business; D.D.S.; b. My 11, 1887, Free- man, S. Dak.; s. John and Mary (Quast) Feiok. Prepared in Freeman (S. Dak.) H. S.; Sioux Falls Business Coll., 1905. Psi Omega. Formerly, Druggist and Undertaker; Piano business, 1917 — . Mem., Reform Church. Married Helen Herrboldt, Ja 14, 1915, Menno, S. Dak. Child, Vesta, b. N 3, 1915. Address, 624 E. 7th Ave., Mitchell, S. Dak. HARRY H. GARNES Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Meharry Dent. Coll., 3 yrs. Formerly located in Columbus, O. Address, 5 E. 36th Place, Chicago.t IRWIN H. HALFERTY Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Ind. State Norm. Sch., Indiana, Pa.; Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. Address, New Florence, Pa.t HENRY CLIFTON JOHNSON D.D.S.; b. Jl 10, 1882, Ky.; s. William and Elizabeth (Boyd) Johnson. Delta Sigma Delta. Located in Chicago, Jl 1909-20; Ky., Jl-N, 1920 Chicago, N 1, 1920—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Past Master of Albany Park Lodge 974, 1916. Mar- ried Marie Charlotte Brennan, Ag 31, 1909 Child, Charlotte Lucile, b. Ja 1, 1915. Address 3314 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. AUSTIN CAIN KINGSLEY D.D.S.; b. Ap 19, 1884, Jacksonville, 111.; s. John E. and Rosa E. (Cain) Kingsley. Prepared in Jacksonville Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., Catholic Church; 4th degree of K. C; B. P. O. E.; Mod. Wood, of Am. Mar- ried Stella M. Berryman, Ag 30, 1915, Jackson- ville, 111. Address, 839 W. North St., Jackson- ville, 111.; bus. add., Ayres Bank Bldg., do. MASAOMI KUNINAGA Dentist; D.D.S. Attended Tokio Dent. Coll., 2 yrs.t THORLEIF IVERSEN LERCHE (Brother of William, '97, M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 13, 1882, Larvik, Nor- way; s. Peter Olus Iverson (b. 1835, Kongsberg, Norway) and Maren Andrea Lerche (b. 1841, Larvik, Norway). Prepared in Larvik (Norway) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Univ. of Chicago, Pre-medical, 1915-19; Instr., Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1921 — . Auth': An account of nine cases of Fractured Mandible. Mem., Chicago Dent. Assn., 1912 — ; 111. State Dent. Soc, do.; Nat. Dent., do.; A. A. A. S., 1918—; 111. State Acad, of Sc, 1920 — . Married Helga Emilie Sand, Ag 15, 1909, Alexandria, S. Dak. Children: Walter Irving, b. Ap 23, 1912; Mark Thomas, b. F 12, 1920. Address, 7153 Bennett Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3012 E. 92nd St., do. DEAN STANLEY LEWIS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 6, 1877, Payson, 111.; B. S. D. and Alice (Kay) Lewis. Prepared in Gem Citv Bus. Coll., 1901. Dentist, Howard, Kan., 1909-16; Leavenworth, Kan., 1916—. 1st Lt. Dent. Corps, 18 mos.; 9 mos. wnth A. E. F. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; M W. A.; Nat., State, and Local Dent. Societies. Married Bess Gross, Ap 18, 1912. Address, 203 Elm St., Leaven- worth, Kan.; bus. add., Wulfekuhler Bldg., do. 1910] College of Dentistry Alumni 305 WILLIAM J. McCarthy Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Bloomington, 111.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Formerly located in Bloomington, 111. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 805 E. 63rd St.. Chicago.t ♦THEODORE R. MOZEE Dentist; D.D.S. Prepand in Meharry Mod. Coll., 2 >TS.; Lincoln Coll., Jefferson, Mo. Form- erly at 4709 S. State St., Chicago. Deceased. LOUIS NEWMAN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 644 Armitage Ave., Chicago; later at 1907 Milwaukee Ave., do. Address, 2424 Armitage Ave., Chicago.t ELIOS ORLOW Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in State Norm. Sch., Berlin; Russian H. S.; Dent. Sch. of Berlin, 3 yrs.J THEODORE WILLIAM SCHNELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 22, 1SS3, Wabash, Ind.; s. Charles (b. O 22, 1!S59, Stuttgart, Ger.) and Rosa F. (Spies) Schnell (b. N 9, 1S59, do.). Pre- pared in Wabash U"d.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1906. Psi Omega; Chm., Ex. Com. Dentist, Chicago, 1909 — ; do. at Dunning Hosp. for Insane, do., 1910. Red Cross Home Service, Med. Section, 1918-19. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn., 1912; A. F. A. M. Married Olga Gehrke. Jl 12, 1911. Chicago. Address, 600 S. Western Ave., Chicago. JULIUS H. SEIDEL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 29, 1888; s. Julius and Elisabeth Seidel. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; H. S. FootbaU Team, 1906. Lt., D. C, 5th 111. Inf. Nat. Guard; Capt., 122nd Machine Gun Bn., 33rd Div., 1917-19; 1 yr. over- seas. Married Florence Obrock, Je 11, 1912. Child, Elaine Ruth, b. Ja 21, 1917. Address, 427 S. 8th St.. Quincy, lU.; bus. add., 305 Majestic Bldg., do. MAITLAND VICTOR SHAVER Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Brantford (Ont.) H. S., 1904. F'ormcrly located at 2470 Hamline Ave., Irving Park, 111.; later at 4221 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. Maj., D. C, U. S. A., World War. Address, 3824 N. Central Park Ave., Chi- cago. HERBERTH H. STUART D.D.S.; b. Ag 17, 1884, Chicago; s. Fran"k H. and Olive (Smillie) Stuart. Psi Omega; Class Pres., 1908-09. Govt. Appeal Agent, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Scottish Rite, 32°, Shrine; M. E. Church. Married Leone Lydia Janes, Mr 23, 1910, Alturas, Calif. Children: Shirley, b. D 25, 1911; Herbert Jasper, b. My 29, 1913; Virginia Leone, b. Ap 29, 1915. Address, Alex- ander, S. Dak. MATTHEW ARTHUR TEELING D.D.S.; b. D 4, 18S0, Philadelphia; s. John and Catherine (Tobin) Teeling. Psi Omega; Class Prophet, '09. Spanish-Am. War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T. Married Eleanor M. Larson, 1911, Madison, Wis. Children: John Burton; Donald Gallic; Eleanor. Address, 940 E. 56th St., Chicago; bus. add., 209 S. State St., do. JAMES E. WATERHOUSE Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Farley (la.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. Formerly of Farley, la. Address, Charter Oak, la.f JOHN CALDWELL WILLIAMS Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Talladega Coll., Ala. Formerly of Jacksonville, Ala. Mem., Chi- cago Dent. Soc. Address, 2001 W. Lake St., Chicago.t CLASS OF 1910 (21 LIVING, NONE DEAD) WILLIAM HAYWORTH ANDREWS Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in River Forest and Oak Park H. Schs.; 111. Dent. Coll., 1 yr. Form- erly at 530 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111.; later at 1003 Cable Bldg., Chicago. .Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t BENJAMIN I. BERLIN Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Russian Dent. Coll.; lU. Dent. Coll., 2 yrs. Formerly at 15 Waller St., Chicago; later at 1160 Taylor St., do. Address, 5 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago.t ALONZO STROTHER BROCK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1886. A.B.. Fiske Univ., Nashville, Tenn.. 1905. Address, 809 S. 5th St., Louisville, Ky.t ALEXANDER CECIL BROWNE D.D.S.; b. 1880, Savannah, Ga.; s. Abraham and Elizabeth H. Browne. B.A., Fisk Univ., 1906. Capt., Dent. Corps, U. S. A. Address, 3435 Prairie Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM PERRY COGHLAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1886. Prepared in Kanka- kee H. S. Address, Whitehall, Mont.t RUFUS S. FARRIER Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Clarksville, Tex.t HUGH .A.LFRED LARKIN (Uncle of Alfred J. Ketterhagen, '18) D.D.S. Delta Sigma Delta; Class Pres., Fresh. yr.; Class V. P., Sr. yr. Located in Northfield, Minn. Address, 4137 N. Ave., Chicago.t LLOYD WARNER LATHAM D.D.S. Delta Sigma Delta; Class V. P.; Chm., Ex. Com. Located for a time in Pekin, 111. Ad- dress, Havre, Mont.t VICTOR LAWRENCE LEE D.D.S.; b. Je 24, 1886, Chicago; s. LawTcnce Lee. Address, 3401 N. Paulina St., Chicago. JAMES ANTHONY McNULTY Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Historian, Class of 1910. Formerly of Avoca, Wis. Address, Spring Green, Wis.t MARIE MEADOW Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 2001 Grand Ave., Chicago. Address, 1549 N. Irving Ave., Chi- cago.t HORACE EDMUND METZNER D.D.S. Psi Omega. Located in Kewanee, Wis.; later in Sioux City, la. With 337th U. S. Inf., Camp Custer, Mich., World War. Address, Sioux City, la.J MERVIL LLOYD MOOMEY D.D.S.; b. My 24, 1884, Blue Mound, 111.; s. Charles and Lucy (Feescr) Mocmey. Prepared in H. S. Psi Omega. Located in Calcutta, India, 1911; Morrisonville, 111., 1915; Decatur, 111., 1918. Army Serv., Camp Shelby, Miss., 14 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Frieda A. Bailey, Je 17, 1914, Boody, 111. Address, 1304 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 308 Stand- ard Life Bldg., do. EMIL LUDWIG NORDEEN D.D.S. Delta Sigma Delta; Class Sec; Salu- tatorian. Formerly of Coloma, Mich. Address, 852 Belmont Ave., Chicago.t JAMES ANTHONY O'HORA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Avoca (Wis.) H. S. Addrfss, Spring Green, Wis.t 306 University of Illinois [1911 ALBERT MAX ROTZOLL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 18S3. Prepared in Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 190G-07; N. W. Dent. Coll., }4 yr. Formerly of Menominee, Mich. Address, 1100 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.f SAMUEL IRWIN RUSSELL (Formerly Samuel Irwin Russakav) Dent. Surg.; D.D.S.; b. Jl 11, 1890; s. Isaac and Sarah (Bobad) Russell. Prepared in R. T. Crane H. S., Chicago. Psi Omega; Beta Phi; 1st place. 111. State Civil Serv. Exams, for Dent., 1910. Dent. Surg., Kenosha, Wis. Name legally changed from Russakav to Russell, July, 1919. Auth.: Articles in Dent. Magazines. Mem., Ken- osha Co. Dent. Soc. (Pres.). Married Ethel Harriet Gilbert, D 31, 1916, Chicago. Child, Inez Edythe, b. O 21, 1917. Address, 463 Park Ave., Kenosha, Wis.; bus. add., 209 Main St., do. HARRY BURNS SHAFER D.D.S. Delta Sigma Delta; Class Treas., Coll. of Dent., 2nd yr. ; Historian, 3rd yr. ; Class Prophet, 4th yr. Address, Anna, Ill.t FRANK JAMES SMITH D.D.S. ; b. Jl .30, 1877, 111.; s. Joseph and Mar- garet (Clinton) "Smith. Prepared in Valparaiso Univ., 1898-1901. Mem., Ex. Com., Sr. Class. At one time located in Antioch, III. Auth. : Practical Suggestions in Plate Work., Dental Re- view. F 1918. Mem., Catholic Church; K. C. Married Emma Engelschall, F 10, 1915, Downers Grove, 111. Children: Virginia, b. N 19, 1916; Rosemary, b. Mr 8, 1920. Address, Downers Grove, 111. WALTER LEONARD TAFT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Knox- ville (Pa.) H. S. Class Sec, 1st yr.; Class Pres., 4th yr., Coll. of Dent. Formerly located in Wood- hull, 111. Address, 118 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn.t GEORGE HENRY VANN (Brother of James S., '13, Ph.C.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 28, 1887, Clinton, N. Y.; s. Henry B. (b. Jl 13, 1853, CUnton, N. Y.) and Margaret M. (Dearflinger) Vann (b. My 14, 1858, do.). Prepared in Clinton (N. Y.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Jr. Class V. P. Grad. work, Haskall Post-Grad. Sch. of Prosthetic Dent., N 1913; Dent., Chicago, 1910-15; do., Minot, N. Dak., 1915 — . Mem., Preparedness League of Am. Dents.; Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; A. F. A. M.; Shrine. Married Mabel Margaret Rinkenberger, S 8, 1916, Chicago. Children: George Dearflinger, b. Je 29, 1918; Mabel Joyce, b. Mr 19, 1920. Address, Minot, N. Dak. CLASS OF 1911 (44 LIVING, 4 DEAD) ABRAHAM J. BAEWSKY Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Univ. of Karkov, Rus. Address, 1758 W. 12th St., Chicago.t CECIL W. BRUMFIELD Dent. Surg.; D.D.S.; b. O 27, 1886, Hopkins Co., Ky. Prepared in Owensville, Ind. Address, 903 Grand Ave., Evansville, Ind.; bus. add., 629 Main St., do. NAPOLEON LEO CASTIGLIA Dentist; D.D.S. Address, Middletown, Pa.f JULIUS F. CLARENBACK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Address, Sundance, Wyo.t THOMAS M. COLLINS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 13, 1889, JoUet, 111.; s. Margaret (Mulleady) Collins. Prepared in Joliet H. S., 1906. Xi Psi Phi. Commissioned for army service, Je 6, 1917, not called to duty. Mem., B. P. O. E., No. 296. Married Margaret Dempsey, S 15, 1919, Joliet. Address, 1207 Kelley Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., 402 Heggie Bldg., do. WALTER FOSTER COLLINS Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Formerly located at 502 Wellington Ave., Elgin, 111. Mem., 111. State Dent. Assn. Address, 215 N. Monroe St., Peoria, Ill.t HARRY EISINGER Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 3147 S. Morgan St., Chicago.t ABRAHAM JACOB FARBER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1891. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly located at 420 Ashland Blvd., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 3403 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t GILBERT CHRISTOPHER FINLAY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 12, 1888, Battle Creek, Mich.; s. James (b. Ap 29, 1838, Edinburgh, Scotland) and Agnes (Gallie) Finlay (b. S 22, 1846, Sterlingshire, do.). Prepared in Battle Creek (Mich.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Roseburg, Ore., 1911—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Laurel Lodge 13; B. P. O. E.; Roseburg Lodge 326. Married Ethel May Skinner. Ag 12, 1913, Roseburg, Ore. Children: Gilbert C, Jr., b. O 16, 1914; Ruth Mason, b. Jl 10, 1919. Address, 215 Perkins Bldg., Roseburg, Ore. WILBER CHARLES GRIFFIN Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly located at 609 3rd Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. Address, 3500 Armitage Ave., Chicago.t WINFIELD LEO HAGAR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1886. Prepared in East Aurora H. S., 1}^ yrs.; Aurora Bus. Coll., 1 yr. Formerly located at 2400 N. Harding Ave., Chi- cago. Address, 471 S. Lake St., Aurora, Ill.t EDWARD DAVID HANDELMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 15, 1882, Rus.; s. Isadore and Ida (Shutsberg) Handelman. Address, 1509 Homan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1651 W. Roose- velt Rd., do. HENRY LOUIS HANDELMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1888. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Formerly at 476 S. Center Ave., Chi- cago. Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 4723 Lincoln Ave., Chicago.t ELMER J. HENN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 6, 1888, Redmon, 111. Prepared in Brockton, 111.; Acad, of U. of I., 1906-07; Gen. Sc. dept., do., 1907-08; N. W. Dent. Sch., 1909-10. Psi Omega; Class V. P., 1909-10. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A., My 29, 1918-F 17, 1919; Capt., do., F 17, 1919-Jl 16, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; East. 111. Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 303 E. Wash- ington St., Paris, 111. BENJAMIN H. HYMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1888. Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Address, 3166 Lincoln Ave., Chicago.t BENJAMIN JACOBSTEIN Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 38 Causeway, Boston, Mass.t BENJAMIN EDWARD JOHNSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1889. Prepared in Cleve- land H. S. Address, 958 Payne Ave., St. Paul.t 1911] College of Dentistry Alumni 307 DAVID JOLI.Y Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1887. Prepared in Madras Coll., St. Andrews, Scotland; Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Edinburgh; S. M. Murray Scottish Educ. Institute. With T. E. Johnson, L.D.S., St. Andrews, Scotland, 3 yrs. Formerly at 295 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. { JOHN LEO JOYCE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1887. Prepared in Water- loo (Wis.) H. S. Address, 4232 Armitage Ave., Chicago.t HERMAN KASEN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 3, 1884, Finland; s. Jakob and Marie (Anderson) Kasen. Prepared in Bethel Acad., Va. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Hanna Elizabeth Johnson, 1912. Children: Melvin, b. D 8, 1914; Mildred, b. O 4, 1916. Address, 5850 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. RUDOI-PH ADAM KREHER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1887. Prepared in Arcadia (Wis.) H. S. Formerly located at 7321/2 W. Jackson Blvd., Arcadia, Wis. Address, Mondovi, Wis.t FRANK J. KREJCI Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 7, 1899, Chicago; s. Frank and Marie (Panic) Krejci. Prepared in La Porte (Ind.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Histor- ian, Sr. Class. Married Leona E. Peterson, La Porte, Ind. Children: Ruth, b. Ag 16, 1914; Lois June, b. Je 19. 1920. Address. 1501 Jefferson Ave., La Porte, Ind.; bvs. add., Dick Bldg., do. ♦VICTOR EMANUEL LAGER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 14, 1888, Chicago. Prepared in Hawthorne Sem., Chicago. Dent., Northwest Chicago, 1911-18. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A. Married Freida Stein. Jl 8, 1918, Crown Point, Ind. Died Ag 20, 1918. CHRISTIAN PETER LARSEN D.D.S.; b. F 29. 1880. Albert Lea, Minn.; Pre- pared in Graettinger (la.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Valedictorian of Class, 1911. Lecturer on Mouth and Dental Hvgiene. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Laura J. Erickson, O 15, 1913. Address, 621 Grace St., Albert Lea, Minn. CHARLES LAFAYETTE LEWIS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1885. Prepared in Wheaton H. S.; Meharry Dent. Coll. Formerly at 62 E. 32nd St., Chicago. Mem.. 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 3801 S. State St., Chicago.t *ROY JAMES LEWIS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1888. Prepared in Sherwood Sch., Chicago. Formerly at 3538}^ Grand Ave., Chicago. Deceased. KERWIN CHARLES LUBS D.D.S.; b. My 29, 1887, Arcadia, Wis.; s. Chas. W. and Emelia (Peterson) Lubs. Prepared in Arcadia (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dent. Corps, .54th Inf., Meuse, Argonne, World W^ar. Married Clara A. Jahn, My 22, 1920, Duluth, Minn. Address, 1332 State St., Racine, Wis. ALFRED MENNALL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1884. Prepared in Tech- nical Sch., London, Eng. and Sandgate Pvt. Sch., Sandgate; do. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc. Address, 159 N. State St., Chi- cago.t SAMUEL O. MERCER Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 1950 Grand Ave., Chicago.t JOHN ISAIAH MILES D.D.S.; b. Jl 18. 1884, Savannah, Ga.; 8. Peter and Phoebe (Boston) Miles. Prepared in Ga. State Coll. Army Ser%'., HI. Nat. Guard, Ap l»lo-Jl 1916. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc: 111. State Dent. Soc; U. B. of F.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; Union Baptist Church. Married SiiUie Bell Boykin, Ap 14, 1912, Chicago. Chil- dren: John I., Jr., b. Mr 2, 1913; Aurelius, b. F 14, 1914; Alevilda Cecil Herman, b. O 26. 1916; Atropius Bragcl, b. Ag 29, 1919. Address, 918 S. College St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 2359 S. State St., do. JOHN EDWARD MINTER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1883. Prepared in W. Div. H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Address, 3959 W. 26th St., Chicago.t MAX HEWITT MOORE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1888. Prepared in Faulk- ton (S. Dak.) H. S.; Dak. Wesleyan Univ. Served with 1st S. Dak. Cavalry, Camp Cody, World War. Address, Estelline, S. Dak.t RICHARD CHARLES MULHOLLAND Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1884. Prepared in Durham Univ.; Royal Sch., Ireland, and Univ. of Eng. Formerly located at Abbey Hall, Omagh, Ireland. Address, 632 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore.t FRED EDWARD PORATH (Husband of Edla Alice Porath. '12) Dentist; D.D.S. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 3625 W. 22nd St., Chicago.t CHARLES ALEXANDER PORTER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1888. Prepared in Schs. of Walhalla and Grand Forks, N. Dak. Ad- dress, Calvin, N. Dak.t *VERNER FRANKLIN REDMAN Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Princeton (Ind.) H. S.; Louisville Coll. of Dent., Louisville, Ky., 1 yr. At one time located in Princeton, Ind. Deceased. HERBERT HAROLD SCHAFFNER Dent, and Dent. Mfg.; D.D.S.; b. D 1890, Chicago; s. Abraham (b. Rus.) and Lillyan (Brod- sky) Schaffner (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. Hon. clinical diploma. Organized the Worlds Dent. Supply, 1913-14, and 111. Dent. Mfg. Co., 1918-19; Extractionist; X-Ray and Pyorrhea work. Mar- ried Anna Lenders, Jl, 1913, Chicago. Children: Muriel, b. S 13, 1914; Earl, b. Ag 19, 1916. Ad- dress, 3007 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. HARRY M. SCHOOLMAN Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Technical Sch., Vilna, Rus. Address, 1556 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago.t LOUIS A. SCHROEDER Dentist; D.D S.; b. 1889. Prepared in John Marshall H. S. Formerly located in Ottawa, 111. Pvt., Marine Corps, U. S. N., W^orld War. Ad- dress, 4401 Broadway, Chicago.t JOHN A. SHERE D.D.S.; b. Mr 15, 1885; s. Abe and Rose Shere. Specialist in Dent. Prophylaxis Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; L. O. O. M. Married, My 31, 1908, St. Joseph, Mich. Children: Ralph, b. S 8, 1911; Ruth, b. D 17, 1913. Address, Spring Valley, 111. SOLOMON P. STARR D.D.S.; b. F 12, 1878, Danville, 111.; s. J. R. and Marry (Potter) Starr. Delta Sigma Delta. Assoc. Prof., Prosthetic Technics, Coll. of Tent., 1918—. Dent. Examiner, Local Bd. 63, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Dolly Knapp, D 25, 1901, Danville, 111. Child, Geneve, b. My 29, 1905. Address, 4034 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago. LEE C. SUTHERLAND; D.D.S. Address, Tarkio, Met JOHN F. THOMPSON Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 403 E. Blst St.. Chicago.t University op Illinois [1912 JOSEPH URBANEK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 17, 1866, Bohemia.; s. Peter and Anna (Bencs) Urbanek. Prepared in Pub. and H. Schs., Bohemia. Enlisted in U. S. Army Band, 1S83. Mem., K. T., Bohemian Lodge; C. S. P. S.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc.; Nat. Dent. Soc. Married Marie R. Hruby, Ag 24, 1888, Chicago. Children: Mamie, b. O 7, 1892; Joseph, b. S 28, 1894; Sylvia, b. D 31, 1896. Address, 2447 S. Millard Ave., Chi- cago MAMIE JESSIE URBANEK Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 2447 Millard Ave., Chicago. t *ADOLPH S. VAN TESLAAR Dentist; D.D.S. Formerly at 1726 W. 12th St., Chicago. Deceased. CARL L. WATKINS Dentist; D.D.S. Address, 800 W. 78th St., Chicago.t HENRY J. WIELAND D.D.S.; b. My 18, 1885, Arcadia, Wis.; s. Joseph and Emma (Weller) Wieland. Prepared in Ar- cadia (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Nat. Dent. A.ssn.; 111. Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc. Married Clara Emily Whar- ton, Je 14, 1915, Chicago. Address, 1574 Mil- waukee Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1912 (35 LIVING, 1 DEAD) ERIC ALLAN-MARTIN Dentist; D.D.S. .Address, Sidney, Australia.J MEHDY EDWARD ASGER Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Victoria Eng. H. S., Kong Kong, China. Psi Omega (Ex.-Sec. and Treas., Beta Alpha Chap.). Visiting and consult- ing Dental Surg., Govt. Civil Hosp., Hong Kong; do., Med. Dept., Hong Kong Univ. Mem., Lodge St. John No. 618 (Scottish Constitution); Royal Ark Mariners Lodge, Naval and Mil. No. 302, S. C; 17° Freemasonry; Hong-Kong Jockey Club; Hong-Kong Cricket Club; Kowloon Cricket Club; Hong-Kong Dent. Bd.; Hong-Kong Reform Assn.; Life Mem., Univ. of 111., Alumni Assn. Address, King Edward Hotel, Hong-Kong, China; bus. add., P. O. Bldg., P. O. Box 210, do. SPENCER ASHLEY ' Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Prepared in Des Moines Schs. Formerly located in Pittsfield, 111.; Moline, do. Address, Alexis, lU.t EVART BENJAMIN BERRY D.D.S.; b. My 17, 1888, Pleasant Hill, 111.; s. John F. and Elizabeth (Briscoe) Berry. Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Supt., M. E Sunday School. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., Excellent High Priest, Union Chap. 10, R. A. M., 1920-21; I. O. O. F.; Eastern Star; Sions Club. Married Hannah C. Niebur, S 4, 1912, Pittsfield, 111. Child, Evart Frederick, b. Jl 23, 1919. Address, Pittsfield, 111. GILBERT GLENN BICKNELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 8, 1884, Paxton, 111.; s. Solomon Gilbert (b. F 6, 1845, Vermilion Co., 111.) and Harriet (Ross) Bicknell (b. 18.50, Mo.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, State Hosp., Yankton, S. Dak., 1912-17; do., Yankton City, S. Dak., 1917—. Mem., S. Dak. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Elks. Address, Yankton, S. Dak. EDWARD HARRY BUSTA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1 yr. Address, 1301 N. Clark, Chicago.t ALBERT FREDERICK COLTMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1889. Prepared in John Ericsson Sch., Chicago. Address, 2401 N. Western Ave., Chicago.t FRANK S. COMELLO Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1887. Prepared in Young Sch. and Y. M. C. A. Bus. Coll. Mem., Ex. Com., Sr. Class. Address, 824 Edmond St., St. Joseph, Mo.; bus. add., 5 Moss Bldg., do.t LEO N. DANIELS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 25, 1886, Brighton, Wis.; s. Anton (b. F 8, 18.58, Brighton, Wis.) and Mar- garet (Poster) Daniels (b. Ja 10, 1856, do.). Pre- pared in Kenosha Co. (Wis.) Pub. Schs.; Coll. of Commerce, do. and Norm. Sch., Wis. Delta Sigma Delta; Class Valedictorian, 1912. Dentist, Chicago, Ag 1912 — . Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc. Mar- ried Lillian M. Roney, N 12, 1918. Address, 3039 Eastwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3963 Irving Park Blvd., do. HERMAN SIDNEY DEUTSCH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 25, 1887, Vilna, Rus.; s. David and Minnie (Norman) Deutsch. Mem., Keystone 639, A. F. A. M. Married Lottie Krost, Ag 4, 1914, Chicago. Child, Elaine, b. Ap 2, 1917, Chicago. Address, 3601 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 3857 W. VanBtiren St., do. EDWIN EVANSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1887. Prepared in McHenry H. S. Class Recording Sec, 1912. Address, 4000 W. North Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH ANTHONY FLANNERY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1885. Prepared in Avoca, (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Address, 649 W. North Ave., Chicago.t IRVIN ULRICH FRIED Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1890. Prepared in Fountain City (Wis.) H. S. Address, 230 Grand Ave., Milwaukee.t BERNARD D FRIEDMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 15, 1890, Worne, Rus.; s. Joseph and Sophie (Shocket) Friedman. Pre- pared in Crane Technical H. S.; Salutatory Honors at graduation. Psi Omega. Mem., A. F. A. M., Crescent Lodge 895. Address, 552 W. North Ave., Chicago. SOLOMON JOSEPH Z. GANTZ D.D.S.; b. D 13, 1889;- s. Serka (Weinberg) Gantz. Prepared in Lodz, Poland. Alpha Zeta Gamma. Demonstrator, Carr Sch., Chicago, 1914. Instr., Instrumentation and Treatment of Pyorrhea Alveolaris, Ogden, Utah, 1917-20. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Noble of the Mystic Shrine. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A., Ag 8, 1917-Je 10, 1918; Capt., do., Je 10, 1918-0 8, 1920. Married Sara Albert, D 2, 1917, Ogden, Utah. Child, Beverly A., b. D 9, 1918. Address, 62 Hillcrest Apt., Salt Lake City. PHII>IP H. GOLDSTEIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1889. Prepared in Johnston H. S., Chicago. Delta Upsilon; Sub. Ed., Dent. Dept., Illio, 1912. Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t BERT CRAWFORD HIGGINS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 24, 1885, Burlington, la.; s. Charles Benson (b. 1863, Mendota, 111.) and Nettiev (Fay) Higgins (b. 1867, Rockford, 111.). Prepared in Mason City (la.) H. S.; Memorial Univ. and la. City (la.) Acad. Psi Omega; Grand, 1910-11 and Ex Com., 1912. Dentist Chicago, Je 1912-Jal913; do., Gladbrook, la., Ja 1914] College of Dentistry Alumni 309 1913-0 1918: do., Mason City. la.. O 1918— Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; la. State Dent. Soc.; Mason City District Dent. Soc.; A. V. A. M.; Elks. Address. 21tj 3rd St., N. E., Mason City, la.; bus. add., 529-33 M. B. A. Bldg., do. SHINHICHI HARRY ITO Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1878. Prepared in Nagoya (Japan) H. S. Address, 1355 Market St., Tacoma, Wasl»4 B. ARNETT JORDAN Dentist; D.D.S. . Address, Mackwill. Tenn.t WILLIAM WALLACE McCRILLIS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1887. Prepared in Douglas OVyo.) H. S.; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch. Mem., Sr. Ex. Com., 1912. Address, Douglas. Wyo.t EMMET E. McDERMOTT Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch. Formerly located in Darlington, Wis. Ad- dress, 517 N. Clark St., Chicago.t HENRY JACOB MANN Dentist; D.D.S. Alpha Zeta Gamma. Former- ly at 400 W. 12th St.. Chicago. Am. Red Cross Home Sers'. Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Chicago Dent. Soc. Address, 3325 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t OSKAR PAUL MARTIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 187S. Delta Sigma Delta. Formerly lived in Germany .| ROBERT MARTIN DenUst: D.D.S. Address, 4352 Wabash Ave., Chicago.t ARTHUR CONRAD MEYER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 19. 1884; s. Charles and Catherine (Gross) Meyer. Prepared in Gilman H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dent., Clifton. 111., 5 JTS.; Gilman, do., 3 yrs. Auth.: Childrens Teeth and Their Relation to Systemic Diseases. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., R. A. M., Shrine; K. P.; I. O. O. F. Married Anna Clossen, 1910, Chicago. Children: Charles Arthur, b. My 23, 1912; Eugene Alfred, b. S 7. 1914. Address, Gilman, 111. JOSEPH D. PALESE Dentist; D.D.S. Mem., Ex. Com., 1912. Formerly at 904 Desplaines St., Chicago. Ad- dress, 1008 S. Halsted St., Chicago.t ♦HANNAH ESHOO PATROUS -Dentist; D.D.S. Deceased. EDLA ALICE PORATH (Wife of Fred E. Porath. '11) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1882. Prepared in Peter- son (la.) H. S. Sec. Sr. Class. Formerly of Varina, la. Address, 3C25 W. 22nd St., Chicago.t SOLOMON H. ROBERTS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1890. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Address, C02 W. North Ave., Chicago.t ABRAHAM ROTH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1883. Alpha Zeta Gamma; Class Prophet, 1912. Formerly at 1367 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Address, 1176 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t AMANDA ANNA SHAY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1889. Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S. Sec.,' Class, 1909-10. Address, 4347 Adams St., Chicago.t CORINNE SLAMAN (MARTIN) (Wife of Carl D. Martin, '15) D.D.S.; b. Mr 25. 1892, Lennox, S. Dak.; d. Adolph (b. Prague, Aus.) and Mathilda (Schulz) Martin (b. Berlin, Ger.). Prepared in Lennox (S. Dak.) H. S.; S. Dak. Univ. Mem., Rebecca Lodge, I. O. O. F., 1914—. Married Dr. Carl D. Martin ('15). S 9, 1912, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Child, Milton Harry, b. O 11. 1913. Address, 2148 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. CARROLL W. STUART Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 16, 1890; s. William Thomas (b. O 9, 1856, Mazomara, Wis.) and Crissie Harriett (Harrison) Stuart (b. Ja 26, 1859, do.). Prepared in Traer, la. Delta Sigma Delta. Postgrad, work, in Dent., 1916-17; Dentist, Chi- cago, 1912 — ; Asst., Oral Surg.. Coll. of Dent., 1920—. Commissioned 1st It., D. C, U. S. A., Ag 22, 1917; transferred to Medico D. C, N 7, 1918; Active service, Ag 13, 1918-Ag 26, 1919; Trained at Camp Greenleaf. Ga.; Oral Surg.. Embarkation Hosp. 1. Hoboken, N. J. Married O 9, 1913. Address, 3310 Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 1202 Stewart Bldg., do. CARL DAVID TAY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1879. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc. Address, 1406 W. Taylor St., Chicago.t PETER J. TEELING Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 28, 1882, Philadelphia; s. John and Christine (Tobin) Teeling. Prepared in Keystone Grammar Soh., Philadelphia; St. Patricks Acad., do. Delta Sigma Delta; Football; Amateur Boxing Championship; Class Editor, Illio, 1912; Class Pres., 19C9; Class V. P.. 1910; Class Treas., 1912. Corp., Spanish-Am. War. Mem.. B. P. O. E. Married May Morgans, My 4, 1914, Chicago. Children: Sherman, b. F 15, 1916; Constance. Je 7, 1919. Address, 7318 Champlain Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Harvey. HI. JOHN VAN DER VEN Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 2 yrs. At one time located in Spring Lake, Mich. Address, 823 Fullerton Ave.. Grand Haven. Mich.t CLASS OF 1913 (NO CLASS OF '13 IN COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY) CLASS OF 1914 (29 LIVING, 1 DEAD) NATHAN WILLIAM BLUM Pyorrhea and Maxillary Surg.; D.D.S.; b. Ag 2.'), 1885. Poland; s. Gersen Blum. Prepared in Valparaiso Univ. B.S., Milwaukee Univ.. 1909. Alpha Zeta Gamma; Scholar.'-hip. Warsaw Univ., Warsaw, Poland, 1905. Mem., I. O. O. F ; F. C. B. Marriwl Lillis M. Ros, Je 24, 1917, Chicago. Children: Ramona and Helen. Address, 4515 N. Albany Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 81 E. Madison St., do. CLARENCE HERMAN CASS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 25, 1880, Salem, Wis.; 8. Kimball K. (b. Ap 20, 1845. Salem. Wis.) and Sophia Virginia Cass (b. Jl 13. 1848, New I is- bon. N. Y.). Prepared in Anfioch. 111. Ex. Com... Coll. of Dent.. Sr. class. 1st Lt., O. R. C. D. C. U. S. A., Jl 23, 1917: Active service, Camp Green- leaf. Ga.. N 5. 1918-D 24. 1918; Re-commissioned Ist Lt.. O. R. C. D. C, U. S. A.. F 25. 1919. Mem.. Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Assn. of Mil. Dent. Surgs. of U. S.; Golf Club. Married Ethel Gowles Cass, O 1, 1917, Valparaiso, Ind. Child. Gladys Evelyn, b. O 2. 1918. Address, 4427 Dover St.. Chicago; bus. add., 1900 Montrose Blvd.. do. 310 University of Illinois [1914 GEORGE WILLIAM CISAR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 17, 1892, Chicago; s. Joseph and Barbara (Soldat) Cisar. Prepared in Crane Technical H. S. Psi Omega. Mem., A. F. A. M., Oriental Consistory, Shrine; K. P.; Columbian Circle; 111. Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. See; Bohemian Dent. Soc; Modern Club; Bo- hemian Club. 1st Lt., Dent. Reserve Corps. Ad- dress, 3233 W. 22nd St., Chicago. WILLIAM EDWARD COVERLEY D.D.S.; b. Jl 22, 1891, Jacksonville, 111.; s. Dora (Scott) Coverley. Prepared in H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Sr. Lt., U. S. N. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 1467 E. 53 St., Chicago. PHILIP ISRAEL DORNE (Formerly Philip Israel Doktorsky) D.D.S.; b. O 23, 1886; s. Sylvia (Shareff) Dome. Alpha Zeta Gamma. P. O. W. Wild Cat Div. (81st); overseas service. World War. Name changed from Doktorsky to Dome. Address, 3153 Lawrence Ave., Chicago; bus. add.., 1102 N. Ashland Ave., do. JOSEPH SABAS GORMAN D.D.S.; b. Ag 23. 1882, Chicago; s. John and Margaret (O'Brien) Gorman. Prepared in St. Ignatius Acad. Delta Sigma Delta. Address, 700 Independence Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3962 Col- orado Ave., do. ROY A. HELMER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 6, 1889, Dexter, Minn.; s. Mary A. Kingsley. Prepared in Northfield, Minn., 1910; Carleton Coll., 1910-11; Univ. of Minn., 1911-12; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1912-13. L.D.S., Univ. of Manitoba. Football. Gen. practice and extractions, 205 Birks BUc., Winni- peg. 1st Lt., Dent. Corps, U. S. A., F 27, 1918- O 25, 1919. Address, 205 Birks Blk„ Winnipeg, Manitoba. LESLIE DENIS HINCH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 21, 1891, Chicago; s. Elizabeth Hinch. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Address, 412 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. SIDNEY TRENHOLM HOOD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 9, 1890, Saratoga, Wyo.; s. Thomas H. Hood. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1 yr. Address, 936 S. Leavitt St., Chicago.t ALBERT SAMUEL JACK D.D.S.; b. N 10, 1892, Beaucoup, 111.; s. S. C. and Emma (Subert) Jack. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1908-11. Delta Sigma Delta. Army Serv., Camp Travis, Tex., 1917-19. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Texhoma, Okla. CHARLES SHY KAHN D.D.S.; b. Ap 15, 1888, Chicago; s. Fannie Kahn. Alpha Zeta Gamma. 1st Lt., D. R. C, U. S. A., Camp Taylor. Ap 15-D 24, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Art Institute; Chicago Dent. Soc. Address, 5144}^ South Park, Chicago; bus. add., 2000 W. Chicago Ave., do. JACOB HYMAN KAPLAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 15, 1889, Minn.; s. Morse Kaplan. Prepared in Curtis Coll., Minne- apolis, 6 mos., 1910; Chicago Preparatory Coll., 8 mos., 1911; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1 yr. Instr., Operative and Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1914-16; Dent, practice, San Francisco, 1916-19; studied in New York, 1919-20. Ad- dress, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t EDWARD FRANK KOETTERS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 30, 1892, Quincy, 111.; s. Frank Koetters. Prepared in St. Boniface Sch., Quincy, 111.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg.. 1 yr. Address, 724 Kentucky St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add.. Wells Bldg., do.t GEORGE HEZEKIAH MITCHELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 14, 1883; s. Clara E. Mitchell. Prepared in Escanaba (Mich.) H. S. Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 6 mos. Formerly at 2402 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Mem., Chi- cago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 7042 Stony Island Ave., Chicago.t GEORGE CHARLES MOLDT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 17, 1893, Chicago; s. J. C. Moldt. Prepared in Crane Technical H. S. Formerly located at 2306 Marshall Blvd., Chi- cago; later at 2335 W. 35th. St., do. Address, 5339 W. 24th St., Morton Park, Ill.t JOHN JOSEPH PLACHOTA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 15, 1891, Chicago; s. John Plachota. Prepared in Harrison Technical H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 2458 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. Address, 2600 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago.t CHARLES LESLIE PUFFER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 25, 1887, Chicago; s. L. W. Puffer. Prepared in Downers Grove H. S. Address, 4000 S. Ashland Ave., La Grange. Ill.t CLARENCE JOHN SAUER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 20, 1894, Earlville. 111.; s. John W. (b. My 25, 1859, do.) and Anna (John- son) Sauer (b. Ap 2, 1860, Chicago). Prepared in Amboy H. S. Delta Sigma Delta; Sergt. at arms, Sr. yr. Dentist, River Forest. 111. Reserve Militia, 1917-18; U. S. A., Camp Grant, S 4-N 26, 1918; Commissioned 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A., Ja 31, 1919. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Dent. Alumni Assn., (Chm. Ex. Com., 1919). Married Lillian M. Kramp, Je 16, 1920, River Forest, 111. Child, Clarence, Jr., b. 1921. Address, 22 Franklin Ave., River Forest. 111.; bus. add., 253 Lake St., do. EDWARD WILLIAM SCHLIES Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 27, 1883, Riga, Rus.; s. Edward Schlies. Prepared in Evangelical Lutheran Parochial Sch., 1894-95; Chicago Bus. Coll., 1900. Formerly located at 2044 Kaskaskia Ave., Chicago. Address, 4058 Armitage Ave , Chicago.t WILLIAM GEORGE SHAY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 4, 1893, Chicago; s. William Shay. Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago; Y. M. C. A. Sch., 114 yrs., 1910; Chicago Bus. Coll. Formerly at 4347 W. Adams St., Chicago. Dent. Corps, U. S. A., Camp Logan, Houston, Tex. Address, 4347 W. Adams St., Chicago.t CORWIN J. SIMMONS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 29, 1889, Columbia, S. Dak.; s. Thomas Simmons. Prepared in Bar- rington H. S., 1 yr.; Faulkton (S. Dak.) H. S.. 1 yr.; Preparatory Sch.. Mitchell, S. Dak., 1 yr. Formerlv located in Faulkton, S. Dak. Address, Strand Bldg., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.t HERBERT FLOWER STEVENS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 18, 1885; s. Frank (b. Mass.) and May (Flowers) Stevens (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Aberdeen (S. Dak.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Dent.. 1911-13. Delta Sigma Delta. Assoc, to Dr. R. I. Wood, Sturgis, S. Dak., Ag-N, 1914; Dentist, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1915 — . Mar- ried Ada F. Robbins, S 3, 1917, Quincy, 111. Child, Eileen, b. Ag 16, 1918. Address, 605 1st Ave., S. E., Aberdeen, S. Dak.; bus. add., 307 Van Slyke Bldg., do. MICHAEL VINCENT STEVENS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 30, 1889, Humboldt, S. Dak.; s. John Stevens. Prepared in Leland Bus. Coll., Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1 yr. Formerly at 751 W. 36th St., Chicago. Address, 3464 S. Halsted St.. Chicago.t MILAN DEMITR STEVENS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 6, 188.«;, Bulgaria; s Demiter Stevens. Prepared in Bulgaria H. S., 19151 College of Dentistry Alumni 311 and Technical Sch.. U. S. A. Mem.. Oak Park . Dent. Soc; Oak Park Cml. Assn. Married Pauline Kafton. Jl 24, 1911, Milwaukee. Ad- dreat, 951 Harrison St., Oak Park, 111. HERBERT WILLIAM TAYLOR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 28, 1892, Menominee, Mich.; s. W. J. Taylor. Prepared in Crane Tech- nical H. S. Formerly located at 6240 Ingieside Ave., Chicago; later at 3413 Elaine Place, do.; 6405 N. Clark St., do. Address, 160 N. Wells St., Chicago.! TEICHE TOMITA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 25, 1883, Banjo, Aichi- ken, Japan; s. Aichiken Shilangakko. Prepared in Japanese Shikova Igakko, 1905-10; Japanese Dent. Sch., Tokio, Japan, 3 yrs. Address, Nagoya, Japan. t LEIF NORMAN TOMMERSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 27, 1893, Grand Meadow, Minn.; s. Anton (b. Ja 22, 1859, Gjovik, Norway^ and Bertha (Urheim) Tommerson (b. F 22, 1864, Hardanger, do.). Prepared in Grand Meadow (Minn.) H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1911-13. Delta Sigma Delta; Class prophet, 1914. Dentist, Hettinger, N. Dak., 1914—. 1st Lt., D. C, 364th Inf. (91st Div.-), Med. Detachment, S 8, 1917- Ap 19. 1919; Active service at St. Mihiel, Meuse, Argonne and Ypres-Lvs (Belg.) Offensives. Mem., N. Dak. Dent. Soc, 1914—; Nat. Dent. Assn., do.; A. F. A. M., 1915—. Married, S 6, 1917, Montevideo, Minn. Address, Hettinger. N. Dak, *FRANK JOSEPH TWOHEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 4, 1889, Rochester, Minn.; s. Jerry Twohey. Prepared in Rochester (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Coll. of Dent., 1 yr.; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1 yr. Formerly located in Rochester, Minn.; later in Stewartville, do. Deceased. ELLERY VERGIL UMBENHAUR D.D.S.; b. Mr 8, 1880, Bridge Water, O.; s. B. F. and Sarah (Brandeberry) Umbenhaur. Pre- pared in Pioneer (O.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Rainbow Lodge 972. Mar- ried Erma E. Sheline, D 27, 1913. Edon. O. Chil- dren: Benjamin T., b. 1903; Rexford E., b. 1905. Address, 8022 Bishop St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3101 S. Halsted St., do. EDWIN CYRUS ZAJICEK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 26, 1892; s. Frank (b. My 24, 1860, Bohemia) and Mary (Hondek) Zajicek (b. Ja 10, 1864). Prepared in H. S. Psi Omega; Class V. P., 1914. Dentist, Chicago, 1914—. Lt., Jr. grade, U. S. N., S 7, 1917-Ja 30, 1919; now Lt. Sr. grade, U. S. N. R. F. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Mystic Shrine; Nat. Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc, 1915—; Officers of the Great War Club. Ad- dress, 1851 S. Millard Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3946 W. 26th St., do. CLASS OF 1915 (19 LIVING, NONE DEAD) MICHAEL BAUM STEIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 10, 1878, Minsk, Rus. Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1 yr. Mem., Chi- cago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 2400 W. Division St., Chicago.t LOUIS WILLIAM BORTZ Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 12. 1892, La Porte, Ind.; 8. Margerie (Mienke) Bortz. Prepared in La Porte (Ind.) H. S. Active Serv., S 2-D 31, 1918, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married LetA Van Derwiele, O 19, 1919, Knox, Ind. Ad- dress, 2 Main St., Knox, Ind. ERNEST J. P. BRQGMUS D.D.S.; b. Ag 10, 1883, Ger.; s. Jurgen and Cecilie (Pugh) Brogmus. Married Frances Mathes, O 20, 1909, Chicago. Children: Lillian, b. Jl 14, 1910; Ernest, b. Jl 14. 1917. Address, 849 N. Avers Ave., Chicago; btis. add., 3507 Chicago Ave., do. MILZOR WILLIAM DEIST Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 25. 1892, Rantoul, 111.; 8. ^Iary Anna (Simpson) l^Iilzor. Prepared in Harper (Kan.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Instr., Operative and Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1914—. With the 333 Machine Gun Bn., Camp Grant, 111.; Capt., Dent. Corps. A. E. F„ World War. Mem., A. F. A, M.. 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Butterfield Country Club. Address, 25 E. Wash- ington, Chicago. GEORGE W^ DIERKS Roentgenologist; D.D.S.; b. S 22, 1887, Toledo, O.; 8. >Irs. Louise Dierks. Prepared in Toledo (O.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Roentgenologist. Cleveland, O. Two yrs. sers-., W'orld War, (14 mos. overseas.) Mem., A. F. A. M. Addres-i, 1894 E. 86th St., Cleveland; bus. add., 510 C. A. C. BWg., do. GEORGE LEONARD FELCHER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 17, 1892. New York City; 8. Leo B. Felcher. Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 1314 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. With the 6.50th Aero .Squadron, Am. P. O. 702, A. E. F. Address. 32 N. State St., Chicago.t JAMES EVERETT FONDA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 16. 1889, North Platte, Neb.; s. James Henry (b. S 15, 1855, Troy, N. Y.) and Nellie Elen (Moran) Fonda (b. Ag 19, 1857, Watertown, Wis.). Prepared in North Platte (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb., 1912-14. Acacia; Delta Sigma Delta; Mem. of Ex. Com. Dentist, Chicago, 1915-Je 1, 1917; do., Winnetka, 111., Je 1, 1917 — ; appointed clin. asst. to Dean and head of dept. of Bacteriol. and Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1917 — . Married Kathryn Hansen, D 31, 1917, Winnetka, 111. Child, Dorothy May, b. and died D 19, 1918. Address, 797 Elm St., Winnetka, 111.; 6ms. add., Meyer Bank Bldg., do. RICHARD MAXWELL FULLERTON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 4, 1892, Kittanning, Fa.; 8. Ella FuUerton. Prepared in Kittanning (Pa.) H.S.; Univ. of Mich. Coll. of Dent.. 2 yrs. Former- ly at 716 Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Address, 101 Walsh Bldg., Flint, Mich.t DONALD MUIRHEAD GALLIE (Son of Donald MacKay Gallie, Fa. D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 24, 1892, Chicago; s. Donald MacKay (b. My 8. 1866, Oakville, Ont.) and Harriette Hastings (Puddefoot) Gallie (b. Ag 5, 1868). Prepared in New Trier H. S. Psi Upsilon; Delta Sigma Delta; Sr. Class Pres., 1915. Grad. work. Oral Surg.. N. W. Univ., 1917. Serv., World War, Ag 11. 1917-Ap 23, 1919. Ed., Coll. of Dent. Bui, 1916. Mem., Staff of Dent. Surg., engaged in writing America's History of Maxillo-facial operation, 1919. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 1115 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, 111.; 6ms. add., 32 N. State St., Chicago. SAMUEL HERMAN GOODFRIEND Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 26, 1894, Chicago; s. H. Goodfriend. Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 2132 Haddon Ave., Chicago. Ad- diess, 2109 W. Division St., Chicago.t HAROLD O. HANSEN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 17, 1893; 8. William (b. 1853) and Charlotte (Shafte) Hansen (b. 1850). Prepared in New Lisbon (Wis.) H. S. Delta 312 University of Illinois [1916 Sigma Delta. Special work in Radiography and Extractions; Asst., Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1917-18; do., Clinic, Chicago, 1918; Dentist, Wendel State Bank Bldg., Chicago, 1918. Mem., Med. Advisory Bd. 3 C. Auth.: Three articles on Blood changes brought about by removal of focal infections. Western Roentgen Jour. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Nat. Soc. of Radiology. Married Mildred V. Oertel, Jl, 1914, Chicago. Children: Richard Oertel, b. O 25, 1916; Bruce Winton, b. S 24, 1919. Address, 3133 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Suite 504, 1553 Madison St., Chicago. JOHN FRANCIS HOUGH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 29, 1891. Prepared in Annunciation Sch., 8 yrs.; Chicago Bus. Coll., 1907; Lewis Institute, 1908; Summer Course, Y. M. C. A., 1910. Formerly at 1715 N. Marsh- field Ave., Chicago. Address, 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.t EDWARD JOHN KREJCI Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 16, 1892, Chicago; s. Frank J. Krejci. Prepared in La Porte (Ind.) H. S.; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1 yr. Delta Sigma Delta. Instr., Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1914-16; do.. Operative Dent, and Thera- peutics, da., 1916-18; do., 1919—. Formerly located at Kingsbury Ave., La Porte, Ind. 1st Lt.. D. R. C, Camp Greenleaf, Ga., World War. Married, O 16, 1915, La Porte, Ind. Address, 7060 Clyde Ave., Chicago.t CARL DAVID MARTIN (Husband of Corrine Slaman, '12, D.D.S.; brother of Harry W., '12, M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 22, 1888, Redfield, S. Dak.; s. Watson J. S. (b. My 12, 1858, Bucyrus, O.) and Annie A. (Moviarty) Martin (b. Mr 2, 1862, Waltham, Mass.). Prepared in John Mar- shall H. S., Chicago. Psi Omega. Dentist, Chicago, 1915 — ■. Appointed Med. Advisor of exemption bd. 78, Jl 1918; do., Four-Minute Man, S 1918; Mem. of Preparedness League of Am. Dents., 1917. Mem., I. O. O. F., Mr 3, 1914 — (elected Noble Grand Warden, Chicago, Je 1918); 111. I. O. O. F. Bowling Club (Pres., 1918-20). Married Corinne Slaman, S 9, 1912, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Child, Milton Harry, b. Oil, 1913. Address, 2148 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago WALTER HUBERT SCHROEDER Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. F 4, 1891, Chicago; s. Louis C. Schroeder. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1 yr. Formerly at 521 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago; later at 2757 W. Madison St., do. Address, 2358 W. Madison St., Chicago.t ABEL DAVID STEINBURG Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 24, 1891; s. Hyman (b. 1866, Krinik, Rus.) and Miriam (Pohn) Steinburg (b. 1867, do.). Prepared in R. T. Crane H. S. and Johnstons Preparatory Sch.; Chicago Coll. of Dent., 1912. Employed by Dr. Wehr- man, 1915; Dentist, Chicago, 1916 — . Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Chicago Dent. Club. Married Pauline Marks, My, 1917, Chicago. Child, Mar- cella, b. Ag 5, 1918. Address, 2111 Caton St., Chicago; bus. add., 307 Palatine Bldg., 1286 Mil- waukee Ave., do. NATE SUMMERFIELD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 4, 1890, Chicago; s. Harry and Celia Summerfield. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. A. Z. G. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., World War. Address, 4005 W. North Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM ERNEST WERNINGHAUS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 10, 1890, WermelsKirchen, Rhineland, Ger.; s. Ernest Clemens and Emma (Blasberg) Werninghaus. Prepared in Proviso H. S. and Lewis Institute, Chicago. Psi Omega. Dent. Examiner and Radiographer under Dr. Wm. S. Sadler, Chicago Therapeutic Institute, 18 mos. Dentist, Melrose Park, 111., 1917—. Lt., Dent. Corps (Inactive) World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; M. W. A.; Chicago Dent. Soc. Mar- ried Ethel Edda Putz, Ap 10, 1917, Louisville, Ky. Child, Elaine Ethel, b. N 26, 1919. Ad- dress, 136 Broadway, Melrose Park, 111.; bus. add., 138 do. LELAND J. WHITE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 15, 1889, Wonewoc, Wis.; s. Albert J. and Addie C. (Hill) White. Prepared in Marinette and Waukegan (Wis.) and John Marshall (Chicago) H. Schs.; N. W. Dent. Sch. Delta Sigma Delta; Class V. P., 1915. Mem., Med. Advisory Bd., District C3, 1918. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc. Married Rose J. Schultz, 1913, Wheaton, 111. Children: Aaron J., b. Jl 13, 1914; Ariel R., b. Ja 24, 1916. Address, 5436 Quincy St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1916 (31 LIVING, 1 DEAD) HERBERT RALPH ALDEN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 11, 1894, Grand Island, Neb.; s. W. T. Alden. Prepared in North Platte (Neb.) H. S.; Lincoln Dent. Coll., 2 yrs. Delta Sigma Delta. Formerly at 1515 W. Monroe St., Chicago; later at 415 Traction Terminal Bldg., Aurora, 111. Address, Kimball, Neb.t HAROLD HANNUM BERMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 12, 1892, Austria; s. Oscar and Sarah (Smith) Berman. Prepared in English H. S., Providence, R. I. Address, 3142 W. 16th St., Chicago; bus. add., 3167 Ogden Ave., do. NATHAN MORRIS BERNSTEIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 12, 1894, Chicago; s. Simon Bernstein. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 1513 W. 12th St., Chicago. With the 122nd F. A., U. S. A., A. E. F. in France. Address, 3034 Montrose Ave., Chicago.t LUTHER LINCOLN BLAINE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 27, 1888, Morton Co., Kan.; s. George W. and M. E. (Rochelle) Blaine. Prepared in Douglas (Wyo.) H. S. Asst., Pros- thetic Technics, Coll. of Dent., 1920—. 1st Lt., U. S. Army, World War. Mem., I. O. O. F.; M. E. Church. Married Mary M. McCrillis, D 23, 1909. Child, Russell M., b. S 2, 1910. Ad- dress, 4046 Armitage Ave., Chicago. MAURICE IRWIN BLAIR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 25, 1893, Chicago; s. A. Blair. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1911-13. Alpha Zeta Gamma. Formerly at 2607 Potomac Ave., Chicago; later at 441 Fullerton Parkway, do. Address, 709 Diversey Parkway, Chicago.t THOMAS CHEW BONNEY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 15, 1882, Cascade, la.; s. Albert Franklin (b. Ag 5, 1855, Can.) and Fannie (O'Neil) Bonney (b. Je 16, 1860, Wor- cester, Mass.). Delta Sigma Delta; Jr. Class Pres.; Stud. asst. in X-Ray Dept., Sr. yr. Dentist and Gen. X-Ray work, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1916—; Postgrad, work. Radiography, Chicago, 1919. Pvt., Co. H., S. Dak. Nat. Guard, 1912, until entering Univ. Mem., First S. Dak. District Dent. Soc, 1920 (Pres.). Married, Ja 27, 1909, Highmore, S. Dak. Address, 12 Hall Apts., Aberdeen, S. Dak.; 6ms. add., 502 Citizens Bank Bldg., do. 1916] College of Dentistry ALtiMNi 313 EDWARD JOSEPH BOSTIK • Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 19. 1889, Virginia, Neb.; 8. Joseph O. Bostik. Prepared in Belleville H. S Lincoln Dent. Coll. Delta Sigma Delta. Former- ly at Room 1437, Adams and Michigan, CLieago. Arnay Serv., Camp Grant, 111., World War. Ad- dress, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.t HAROLD SCRIBNER CONDIT Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 10, 1893, Chicago; s. Frank L. and I-ulu (Scribncr) Condit. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago. Delta Sigma Delta; Pres., Sr. Class. At one time located at 1259 Devon St., Chicago; later at 2158 Jackson Blvd., do.; Asst. in Operative Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1920 — . Armv Serv-., Base Hosp. 122. Mem., Edgewater Presby. Church. Married, Je 2, 1917, Chicago. Child, Helen Stewart, b. D 1, 1918. Address, 30 N. ^lichigan Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM ARTHUR CUSICK, JR. (Brother of George William, '14, M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 2, 1892, Danville, 111.; s. William Arthur (b. Ap 25, 1868, Stirling, Scot- land) and Emma Margaret Loise (Dudenhofer) Cusick (b. Ja 10, 1870, Danville, 111.). Prepared in Bloom Township H. S. and Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1913. Delta Sigma Delta; Ed., Dent. Section, IlUo; Chm. Ex. Com.; A.sst., Therapeutics and X-Rav. Instr., Therapeutics, Coll. of Dent., 191G-1S; Dentist, Chicago Heights, 111., 1918 — ; Roentgenolog., St. James Hosp., do., Treas. of Staff, do.; Dentist to Ry. Steel Spring Co., do. Mem. and Dent. Examiner, Draft Bd. of 111. 1st Lt., Dent. Reserve Corps, U. S. A., D 31, 1917-0 1918; Active service, Univ. of Chi- cago, to Ja 13, 1918. Mem., Englewood Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Sec. Finance Com., Epis. Church; Com. on Fire Protection, Chamber of Commerce; Sec-Treas., Chicago Heights Dent. Soc; A. F. A. M.; Preparedness League of Am. Dent.; Red Cross, Med. Section, Home Service. Married Ruth Elizabeth Guerner, Jl 2, 1918, Chicago Heights. Child, Norman William, b. Ja 1, 1920. Address, 1018 Emerald Ave., Chicago Heights, 111.; bus. add., 25 Illinois St., do. ROBERT JESSE DIXON Dentist; D.D.S. Prepared in Elroy (Wis.) H. S. 16 mos. serv., V. S. A., World War; 13 mos. A. E. F. Address, 23 W. Main St., Madison, Wis. HARRY M. HARNICK Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. Mr 17, 1886, Austria: s. Anna and Michael Harnick. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Esther Kantcr, Je 8, 1919. Address, 4131 N. Lawler Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4021 Milwaukee Ave., do. KIYOSHI HORIUCHI Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 24, 1890; s. Torn Horiuchi. Prepared in Doshisha Academy, Kioto, Japan; D.D.S., Tokio Dent. Coll., 1914. Army serv., Japanese army, Habarousk, Siberia; Dent, work, do., 1918, Only dentist in the army. Mem., Japanese Y. M. C. A., fSec, 1919). Married Tomi Nikaido, Ag 20, 1919, Tokio, Japan. Child, Toshi, b. My 4, 1920. Address, Kami-Demizu Karasmar, Kioto, Japan; bus. add., Karasmar Dike, do. ROBERT INGERSOLL HUMPHREY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 22, 1890, Troy, Mo.; 8. William Robert (b. 1855, St. Louis) and Jose- phine (Young) Humphrey (b. 1862, Troy, Mo.). Prepared in Buchanan H. S., Troy, Mo.; Gem City Bus. Coll., Quincy, 111. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Chicago, 1916—; Chief Dent. Surg, for International Har\-pster Co., do., three and one- half yrs. 1st Lt., Home Guard, Ambulance Co., 1917-18. Mem., Chicago Dent. Review Club, 1917— (Pre.s., Ja 1, 1920-Ja 1, 1921); Nat. Assn. of Indus. Dent. Surgs. (Treas.). Married Kessie Lee Scott, O 18, 1913, Valparaiso, Ind. Address, 324 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, HI.; bus. add., 26th St. and Western Ave., Chicago. JACOB JESSER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 28, 1893, Chicago; s. Samuel Jesser. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Formerly located at 834 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago; at present. House Dent., N. Chicago Hosp., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 2551 N. Clark St., Chicago.t EARLE EDWARD JOHNSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 2, 1894, Arlington, Neb.; s. John William and Aida Johnson. Prepared in Arlington (Neb.) H. S.; Lincoln Dent. Coll., Lin- coln, Neb.; Forsyth Infirmary, Boston. Delta Sigma Delta. Formerly located in T.inwood, Neb.; later at 140 The Fenway, Boston; Specialist in Dent. Pediatrics; State Bd. of Health, Burling- ton, Vt., 1917. Mem., Vt. Nat. Guard; Reserve Corps, U. S. A. Auth.: Cosmos Dent. Summary, 1918. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., Shrine; K. P. Address, Gryphon Bldg., Rutland, Vt. ERNEST GARFIELD JOHNSON D.D.S.; b. O 2, 1893, Moorhead, Minn.; s. Nels R. and Anna (Nelson) Johnson. Prepared in Hawley (Minn.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M., R. A. M., K. T., Medinah Temple, Shrine. Married Muriel Parker, Je 24, 1916, Chicago. Address, 3446 N. Harding Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3427 Milwaukee Ave., do. LAWRENCE MARTIN KOCH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 11, 1890, Chicago; s. Herman H. and Matilda (Daws) Koch. Prepared in La Porte (Ind.) H. S. Formerly at 1305 2nd St., La Porte, Ind. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Estella Stahl, Ja 16, 1918, Berwyn, 111. Child, Robert I., b. F 11, 1920. Address, 4800 W. 22nd St., Cicero, 111. LOUIS BERNARD KOUSNETZ D.D.S.; b. N 1, 1889, Rus.; s. Sophie (Malinikov) Kousnetz. Prepared in Rus. H. S. I^ocated in Morton Grove, 111., Mr 1918-My 1919; 2156 Potomac Ave., Chicago, S 1919 — . Married Anna Nerlove, Mr 13, 1917, Wheaton, 111. Child, Esther, b. Jl 26, 1918. Address, 2156 Potomac Ave., Chicago. ANDREW ARTHUR LITSCHER D.D.S.; b. Ap 7, 1891, Fox Lake, Wis.; s. Barbara Senn. Prepared in Fox Lake (Wis.) H. S.; Marquette Univ., and Univ. of Chicago. Delta Sigma Delta; Pros., Coll. Y. M. C. A., Students Council, Univ. of 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Eastern Star; K. P.; Rotary Club. Mar- ried Letha A. Durst, Monroe, Wis. Address, 220 N. 2nd St., Clear Lake, la. LOUIS C. LOWENTHAL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 24, 1891, . Chicago. Prepared in Balfour John.son Sch., Chicago; 111. Coll. of Commerce, do., 1 yr. Address, 1241 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.t CHARLES J. McCORNELL D.D.S.; b. N 27, 1890, Gibson City, 111.; s. W. L. and Julia (Tappley) McConiell. Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Married Marie Hagood, Je 27, 1917, Crown Point, Ind. Address, 1949 Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2001 W. Lake St., do. LOUIS FRANCIS MEIER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 16, 1889, Lancaster Co., Neb.; s. F. W. and S. E. (Harris) Meier. Pre- pared in Lincoln (Neb.) H. S. B.S., in Sc, Univ. of Neb., 1917. Delta Sigma Delta; Acacia; Basketball Team, Univ. of Neb.; Class Pres., Class Sec, Coll. of Dent. Dent. Reserve Corps (not called to active service). Delta Lodge of Perfection, Lincoln Chapter No. 6; R. A. M.; Lincoln Council No. 4. Married M. Hazel Dick- son, My 31, 1917, Child, Duane Alva, b. Mr 26, 1918. Address, Room 2, Burlington Blk., 1936 S. 13th St., Lincoln, Neb. 314 University of Illinois [1017 LOUIS D. ORLOFF (Cousin of Jacob D. Lifschutz, '16, M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.rb. Jl 16, 1885, Starodub, Rus.; 8. D. Orloff. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chicago, 6 mos.; HoiTmans Preparatory Sch., do. Formerly at 839 Winthrop Court, Chicago. Address, 2538 W. North Ave., Chicago.t ALLGOT GUSTAV PERSON D.D.S.; b. F 19, 1895, Chicago; s. Gustaf and Clara (Anderson) Person. Prepared in Calumet H. S. Psi Omega. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A., World War. Married, O 9, 1920, Chicago. Address, 5702 S. Green St., Chicago; bus. add., 800 W. 78th St., do. HAROLD L. PLAYMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 24, 1894, Stevens Point, Wis.; s. F. M. and Nettie E. Playman. Prepared in Stevens Point (Wis.) H. S. Dentist, Appleton, Wis. 1st Lt., D. C, Camp Funston, Kan., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; Wis. State Dent. Soc. Address, 812 College Ave., Appleton, Wis. HENRY REISEMAN D.D.S.; b. D 14, 1892, New York City. Pre- pared in Medill H. S. and Crane Junior Coll., Pre-Medical Course, 2 yrs. Mem., St. Cecilia Lodge, A. F. A. M.; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S.; Medinah Temple Shrine; B. P. O. E. Ad- dress, 190 N. State St., Chicago. CAMILLE M. RICHTER (BALDWIN) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 10, 1894; d. Joseph and Marie (Zalud) Richter. Prepared in Harrison Tech. H. S. Periodontist, Detroit, 1916-19; Specialist in Preventive and Pyorrhea Dent.; Practicing with husband at Beardstown, 111., 1921. Married Dr. Verne C. Baldwin, D.D.S., N 22, 1919. Child. Verne, Jr., b. N 15, 1920 (died in infancy). Address, 214 Washington St., Beards- town, 111. *NOAH WEBSTER SCHLUSSEL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 25, 1893, New York City; s. Samuel Schlussel. Prepared in Detroit Cent. H. S.; West. Reserve Dent. Sch., Cleveland. Formerly at 181 Erskine St., Detroit; later at 617 Hastings St., do. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Elizabeth Pastor. Child, Delores, b. Mr 21, 1919. Died, F 4, 1920. VICTOR HUGO SEARS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 26, 1889, Ogden, Utah; s. Hebcr John (b. Huntingtonshire, Eng.) and Belle (Farr) Sears (b. Ogden, Utah). Prepared in Weber Acad., Ogden, Utah and N. W. Univ., 1910-12. Dentist, Chicago, 1916-19. Formerly connected with the Crown Dent. Labs., Chicago; Chm., Com. on Mouth Classification of Nat. Soc. of Denture Prosthetists, Harvard Univ., Ag 11-21, 1920. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A., S 18, 1917- Ja 18, 1920. Auth.: Your Full Denture Cases (booklet). Sea Gull Press, Ap 1920; Suggestions for Accurate Preparation for Plate Work, Dent. Digest, D 1918, Ja and F, 1920; Mouth Open or Closed Taking Impressions, Dent. Facts, Jl 1919; Post Dam or Post Mortem, Dent. Digest, F 1920; The Buccal and Labial Margin of the Upper Plate, Dent. Facts, Ap, 1920. Mem., Commercial Club, Salt Lake City, 1920—; A. F. A. M., 1919—; Nat. Assn. of Full Denture Prosthetists (Ex. Com.), 1919—. Married Clela McKee McAllister, O 10, 1919, Salt Lake City. Address, Salt Lake City, Utah. PEPPER WHEELER SMITH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 6, 1891. Prepared in East H. S., Minneapolis. Formerly located at Fort Totten, N Dak.; later at 4200 Lincoln Ave., Chicago; Oklahoma City, Okla. Address, Grand Forks, N. Dak.t ROSCOE WINTERS UPP Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 31, 1889, Kilbourne, 111.; s. S. Wolfs Upp. Prepared in Kilbourne H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Instr., Operative and Pros- thetic Technics, Coll. of Dent., 1916-20; Asst. Prof., Prosthetic Dent., do., 1920 — ; practiced Prosthetic Dent., 1919—. Lt., D. C, U. S. A., World War. Married Mabel Kilburg, D 23, 1916, Chicago. Child, Marilyn Betty, b. O 22, 1920. Address, 3108 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1553 W. Madison St., do. MAXWELL THEODORE WOOD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 27, 1894, Charlotte, Mich.; 8. L. M. Wood. Prepared in Charlotte (Mich.) H. S. Formerly located at 307 E. Henry St., Charlotte, Mich.; Practiced with Dr. Dolson, Evanston, 111., after discharge from Army Serv. Lt., D. R. C, U. S. A., Fort Myer, Va., World ' War. Address, 1705 Sherman Ave., Evanston, in.t CLASS OF 1917 (37 LIVING, 1 DEAD) • : SANFORD ANDERMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 16, 1890, Austria. Pre- pared in Y. M. C. A. H. S., New York City. Formerly at 918 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Address, 1820 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago.! MARTIN RUDOLPH ANDERSON Instructor; D.D.S.; b. Ap 13, 1893, Lynn Center, 111.; s. Adolph Frederick (b. Ja 1, 1852, Sweden) and Mathilda (Olson) Anderson (b. Ag 18, 1861, do.). Prepared in Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., Ag 1908-My 1914. Psi Omega. Instr., Dent. Sch., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1917—. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A. Married Jeanne Belle McClure, S 19, 1919, Pittsburgh. Address, 5119 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh. WILLIAM GLEN BAIRD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 21, 1887, Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. William Henry and Amanda (O'Brien) Baird. Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S.; Francis Shrimer Sch.; Univ. of Chicago; Morningside Coll., Sioux City, la. Located in Table Grove, 111.; Chicago, My 6, 1919—. Army Serv., D 8, 1917-Ap 1, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Dorothy Wright, Je 4, 1916, Sycamore, 111. Child, William Wright, b. Ap 13, 1917. Address, 1927 Morse Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Lake View Bank Bldg., Clark and Belmont Sts., do. EDGAR GRAHAM BEANE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 22, 1895; s. G. W. Beane. Prepared in Pittsburgh, Pa.; Univ. of Pittsburgh Dent. Sch.; West. Reserve Univ. Dent. Sch., Cleve- land. Formerly at 748 Chartiers Ave., McKees Rocks, Pa. Address, 4110 Washington Blvd., Chicago.t CECIL RAYMOND CONROY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 7, 1896, St. Louis; 8. J. K. Conroy. Prepared in Belleville H. S.; St. Louis Univ. Acad.; West. Mil. Acad., Alton, 111.; St. Louis Univ., Med. Dept., 1 yr. Address, Belleville, lU.t JOHN LEWIS DOLSON D.D.S.; b. Mr 5, 1895, Charlotte, Mich.; s. J. L. and E. R. (Benedict) Dolson. Prepared in Charlotte (Mich.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; Nat. Drug. Assn.; Dodge Dent. Soc; Wis. State Dent. Soc. Married Jl 24, 1919, Fox Lake, Wis. Address, Fox Lake, Wis. EGNER AMANDUS EKI UND Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 30, 1895, Cleveland, O.; s. Eric and Amanda (Krantz) Eklund. Prerared in East H. S., Cleveland; Western Reserve I niv., 1914-16. Delta Sigma Delta. 1st It., D. C, U. S. A., Camp Sherman, Cleveland, 0-D, 1917; W17] College of Dentistry Alumni 315 do., Camp Wadsworth. Spartanburg. S. C. D 1917- M 1919. Mem.. Cleveland Dent. Soc; Ohio State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Married O 22, 1917. Columbus, O. Child, Kuth Jane, b. Ag 21. 1918. Address, ItiSO E. S4th St.. Cleveland; bus. add., 12429 Cedar Rd.. Cleveland Heights, O. JOHN FELZ D.D.S.: b. O 2a. 1894, Chicago; s. Mathias and Katie (Hanson) Fela. Prepared in Lane Tech. and John Marshall U. S., Chicago. Psi Omega. Address, 5015 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4763 Lincoln Ave., do. HARRY VIER FRANKLIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 16, 1894, Grafton, N. Dak. 8. C. F. Franklin. Prepared in Dubuque (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la. Coll. of Dent., 1 vr.; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch.. 1 yr. Address, 752 W. 3rd St.. Du- buque, la.t CHARLES FRANCIS FRANZWA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 7. 1894. Mondovi. Wis. Prepared in Mondovi (Wis.) H. S. Formerly lo- cated in Durand, Wis. Married Agnes Victoria Fox, F 20, 1919, Madison, Wis. Address, 410 1st Wis. Nat. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee.t LEO CARLTON HIBBARD Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 10, 1891, Lake Geneva, Wis.; s. E. T. (b. Mr 28, 1834, Bath, N. H.) and Hattie M. (Olden) Hibbard (b. Jl 23, 1845, Lake Geneva, Wis.). Prepared in Lake Geneva (Wis.) H. S.; Western Dent. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1914-16. Psi Omega. Dentist, Chicago, 1917—. Mem., North Shore Congregational Church, O 1918 — . Address, 815 Leland Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 4624 Sheridan Rd.. do. DEAN ELBERT IHDE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. S 15, 1896. Waupun. Wis.; s. .\lbert William (b. Ap 17. 1868) and Mary Louise Ihde (b. My 25, 1870). Prepared in Waupun (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Ran- dolph, Wis., 1917-18; do., Milwaukee, 1918—. 1st Lt.. Dent. Corps. Ja 8, 1918-D 20, 1918. Ad- dress, 209 Mason St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 1009 Majestic Bldg., do. JOSEPH EDWARD JAROS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 16, 1894. Chicago; s. Frank Jaros. Prepared in Lewis Institute, Chi- cago. Formerly at 2520 S. Spalding St., Chicago. Child, daughter, b. Je 2, 1918. Address, 2901 W. 25th St., Chicago.t ♦FRANK ALFRED JARRETT Etentist; D.D.S.; b. O 22, 1891, Chicago; s. William T. Jarrett. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Delta Sigma Delta; Pres., Y. M. C. A.. Coll. of Dent.; Active in Athletics. Dent.. Chicago. 1917. Pvt.. M. E. R. C, Camp Taylor. Ky., 1918; Dent. Asst., in the Infirmary do., at time of death. Married Jane Brown, My 22, 1918. Died O 6, 1918, Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. ILA.RRAL RICHARD JOHNSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 31, 1892, Aurora, 111.; s. William Sidney (b. Aurora, 111.) and Rosella (Cobb) Johnson (b. Belview, la.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Aurora. 1917—. Mem.. Nat. Dent. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Elks; Fox River Valley Dent. Soc. (Sec.) 1919. Married .\lice Chalfonte Stubbs, Ag 10. 1913, Mansfield, O. Child, Rosella Ann. Address, 399 Galena Blvd.. Chicago. HIROSHI KAWAMURA Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 1. 1893, Tokio, Japan; s. Toshijiro Kawamura. Prepared in Keiogijuku Univ.. Mita, Tokio, Japan. Formerly at 11 Iwa- tocho, Ushigomeku, Tokio, Japan; later at 4426 Pine St., Philadelphia. Address, 1553 W. Madison St., (% R. W. Upp), Chicago.t KENNETH MASON KERN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 21, 1889, Hiawatha. Kan.; 8. M. H. Kern. Prepared in Bellevue (O.) H. 8. Formerly at 3248 Parkwood Ave.. Toledo. O. Army Serv.. Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky.. World War. Married Marguerite Mary Niter, Ag 13, 1919. Address, Oak Park Ave. and Harrison St.. Oak Park, Ill.t WACLAW HOWARD KUBACKI Associate; D.D.S.; b. Ja 10, 1895; s. Frank and Barbara Kubacki. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Delta Sigma Delta. Assoc, Prosthetic Dent., and Asst.. Roentgenol.. Coll. of Dent.. 1919—. 1st Lt.. D. C, V. S. A., World War. Mem.. Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc. Married Esther Higgins. O 1919. Louisville, Ky. Address, 1251 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2948 Milwaukee Ave., do. CARL S. LEE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 24, 1893, Eau Claire. Wis.; s. Charles and Lena (Christiansen) Lee. Prepared in Mondovi (Wis.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist. Cochrane. Wis.. 1917-19; Durand 1919—. 1st Lt., Med. Reserve, World War. Ad- dress, Durand. Wis. RICHARD GRANT LINCOLN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 18. 1886, Union Grove, Wis.; s. Frank Lincoln. Prepared in Union Grove (Wis.) H. S. Psi Omega. Formerly of Union Grove, Wis.; later at San Francisco and Madison Sts., Chicago. Address. 4300 W. Madison St., Chicago.t JAMES LEE McCLURKIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 24. 1894, Girard, O.; s. W. James and Mary (Lally) McClurkin. Pre- pared in Girard (O.) H. S.; West. Reserve Univ. Dent. Sch., 2 yrs. Delta Sigma Delta. Serv.. U. S. Army. Camp Greenleaf. Ga., S 15-N15, 1918; Hoboken, N. J., N 15-D 5, 1918; Camp Merritt, D 5. 1918-Ja 2, 1919. Mem., Catholic Church. Married Grace M. Montgomery, Ja 15, 1918, Well- ston. O. Children, Rosemary, b. O 26, 1918; James William, b. Ag 9, 1920. Address, State St.. Girard. O. JAMES DWIGHT MERSHIMER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 10. 1892; s. James M. and Clara (Findley) Mershimer. Prepared in Coll. of Sc. 1911-13. Psi Omega. Dent., Chicago. Mar- ried Ruth Thompson. Ja 14, 1913. Child, b. O 4, 1916. Address, 1852 Cornelia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 552 W. North Ave., do. CHARLES ANTON NEMECEK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 15, 1896, Chicago; s. Charles Nemecek. Prepared in Medill H. S.. Chicago. Formerly at 1539 W. 19th St., Chicago; later at 26th and Crawford Ave., do. Address, 3946 W. 26th St.. Chicago.t JOHN MICHAEL OELSCHLAGER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 16. 1892, Cleveland; 6. M. J. Oelschlager. Prepared in I/incoln H. S. Cleveland; East. Tech. Sch., do.; West. Reserv. Univ., do., 2 yrs. Formerly located at 2804 Dover Ave., Cleveland. Address, 4204 Wichita St.. Cleveland.t THEODORE CHARLES OSTROWSKI (Brother of Florian George. '10 M.D.) Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 10. 1895, Chicago; s. Theodore C. (b. Danzig, Poland) and Rosalia (Troka) Ostrowski (b. do.). Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. Psi Omega; Class sec. Dentist, Cicero, 111.. 1917—. Mem., K. of C; Cicero Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Married Evelyne J. Czaja. Ap 14, 1920, Chicago. Address, 1917 S. 50th St., Cicero, 111.; bus. add., 4900 W. 29th Place. do. EDWARD ALLEN RUBIN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 25. 1895, Chicago; s. Abraham Rubin. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chi- cago. Formerly at 834 S. Racine Ave.. Chicago; later at 47th St., and Cottage Grove, do. Address, 1160 W. Taylor St., Chicago.t 316 University of Illinois [1918 ALBERT FRANCIS SCHILTZ Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 22, 1893, Sigourney, la.; s. Frank and Elizabeth (Stein) Schiltz. Prepared in Sigourney (la.) H. S. B. A., State Univ. of la. Phi Delta Theta; Psi Omega. Formerly lo- cated at Sigourney, la. 1st I^t., D. C, U. S. A., Jl 4, 1917-D 31, 1918. Married Hilma Shoup, Ag 20, 1921, Bloomington, 111. Address, Mt. Pulaski, 111. PAUL JAMES SECREST Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 12, 1882, Petersburg, 111.; s. J. D. and Julia A. (Dodds) Secrest. Prepared in Delavan and Petersburg H. Schs.; Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 111.; 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 1 yr.; Colo. Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1 yr.; Univ. of la. Sch. of Dent., 1 yr.; Sc. Course, Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.), 1904-05. Delta Sigma Delta. Former- ly at Thornton, Miss.; Tolland, Colo.; owner of garage, Davenport, la.; owner and operator of U. S. Mail Trucks and Secrest Freight Lines, do. Mem., K. P.; L. O. O. M.; Christian Church. Address, Spring Valley, 111. VICTOR JAMES SHALEK Denti.s{; D.D.S.; b. My 21, 1895, Chicago; s. James A. Shalek. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago; Lewis Institute, do. Formerly lo- cated at 1309 Independence Blvd., Chicago. Ad- dress, Cicero, Ill.t ROBERT ISADORE SHERMAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Je 28, 1895, Rus.; s. Louis Sherman. Prepared in Joseph Mcdill H. S., Chi- cago. Formerly at 1253 W. 13th St., Chicago. Address, 3456 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.f BURNE OLIN SIPPY Orthodontist and Instr.; D.D.S.; b. Je 15, 1886, Ithaca, Wis.; a. Asher F. (b. O 25, 1861, do.) and Frances Winona (Jaquish) Sippy (b. My 6, 1863, do.). Prepared in Buchtel Acad., Akron, O., 1905-09; Univ. of Mich., 1913-15; Univ. of Chicago, 1915. B.S., Buchtel Coll., Akron, O., 1909. Pi Kappa Epsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Delta Sigma Delta (Grand Master, Rho Chapter, 1916-17 and Su- preme Chapter, 1917 — •); Chm., Stud. Council, 1916-17. Instr., Prosthetic Dent, and Orthodon- tia, Coll. of Dent., 1917—; Grad. work with Dr. Edward H. Angle, in Orthodontia, Pasadena, Calif., 1920; Orthodontist, Chicago. Ed., The Bulletin, Official publication of Coll. of Dent., 1917-19. 1st Lt., D. C, U. S. A.; Instr., Coll. of Dent, during S. A. T. C. Auth.: Preventive Dent., Dent. Review. Mem., Patriach Militant, I. O. O. F., Canton Akron 2; Chicago Dent. Soc, 1917—; 111. State Dent. Soc, do.; Nat. Dent. Assn., do. Pres., Coll. of Dent. Alumni Assn., 1917-20. Mar- ried Mae Dorothea DriscoU, N 2, 1918, Chicago. Address, Univ. of 111., Coll. of Dent., Chicago. BARNETT QUILLEN SMITH Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ap 9. 1893; s. W. E. Smith. Prepared in Carrollton (Mo.) H. S. Formerly at 2603 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Army Serv., Camp Grant, 111., World War. Address, 3232 Lawrence Ave., Chicago.t LEO ABRAHAM TARK Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 6, 1894, Chicago; s. Anna (Mann) Tark. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley (Chicago) H. S. 1st Lt., Reserve Army, World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. Dent. Soc; West Suburban Dent. Soc. Mar- ried G. Lamberg, D 10, 1914, Wheaton, 111. Child, Rhoda, b Ja 3, 1916, Chicago. Address, 412 N. Taylor Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 331 South Blvd., do. GEORGE LESTER WEIR Dentist and Instr.; D.D.S.; b. My 30, 1894, Pueblo, Colo.; s. Ella B. (Kelker) Weir. Prepared in North Platte (Neb.) H. S., 1913; Lincoln Dent. Coll., Lincoln, Neb. Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Chicago, 1917-20; Pocatella, Idaho, 1920—; Instr., Operative Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1917-19. 1st Lt., Dent. Section, Officers Reserve. Married Mildred Kelker, My 19, 1918. Address, 405 Wool- ey Apts., Pocatella, Idaho; bus. add.. Pioneer Bldg., do. LESLIE GEORGE WHITE Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 27, 1895, La Prairie, 111.; s. George J. and Anna (Welsh) White. Pre- pared irf Maplewood H. S., Camp Point, 111.; N. W. Univ. Delta Upsilon; Delta Sigma Delta. Dentist, Chicago. 1st Lt., Dent. Corps, Camp Dodge, la.. World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Anna Gibeau, Ja 18, 1919. Child, Loreine Anna, b. Mr 10, 1920. Address, 3846 W. Congress St., Chicago; bus. add., 619 S. Craw- ford Ave., do. JOHN FRANCIS WILSON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 24, 1896, Stanberry, Mo.; s. John Wilson. Prepared in Stanberry (Mo.) H. S.; West. Dent. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 2 yrs. Formerly at 2316 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Ad- dress, Stanberry, Mo. J HARRY WINSBERG Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 1893, Mariampol, Rus.; s. Moses Winsberg. Prepared in Gymnasium Sch., Mariampol, Rus. Address, 3238 W. Roose- velt Road, Chicago.t WILLIAM BENJAMIN WYNKOOP Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 13, 1895, Bellevue, la. Prepared in St. Joseph (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of la. Coll. of Dent.; N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch. For- merly in St. Joseph, Mich.; later at Y. M. C. A. Hotel, Chicago. Address, Alton, Ill.t CLASS OF 1918 (52 LIVING, 2 DEAD) OSCAR L. ACHINELLY Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ja 8, 1896, La Plata, Argen- tine Repulslic. Prepared in Nat. Coll., do. Asst., X-Ray and Extracting, Coll. of Dent. (Summer of 1918). Dent., La Plata, 1919—. Address, Calle 53, 810, La Plata, Argentine Republic.t BERNARD ROBERT ALLEN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. N 30, 1895, Cincinnati; s. Max Allen. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, IJ^ yrs. Former- ly at 1741 W. Div. St., Chicago; later at 1224 N. Leavitt St., do. Address, 6406 N. Clark St., Chi- cago.t JAMES HAROLD ALLGEIER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 2, 1896, Dubuque, la.; s. Henry Allgeier. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 1135 N. Lorel Ave., Chicago; Postgrad, work in Oral Surg., Exodontia, and Therapeutics. Address, 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH BERTRAM ARNESON Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Ag 24, 1895; s. Ole T. and Inger (Tobiason) Arneson. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Psi Omega; Sec, Sr. Class. Pvt., M. R. C, U. S. A.; Pvt.j Dental Co. 1, Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Mem. (Deacon) I-utheran Church, St. Paul. Address, 3007 George St., Chicago; bus. add., 2294 Milwaukee Ave., do. ABRAHAM K. BASHUR Dentist; D.D.S.; b. 1881, Burj Safita, Syria. Prepared in Syrian Protestant Coll., Beirut, Syria. Formerly at 804 5th Ave., McKeesport, Pa.; later at 508 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Address, 1423 E. 55th St., Chicago.t STANLEY CURTIS BELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 8, 1897; s. John and Lena Bell. Prepared in Valley Junction (la.) H. S.;Univ. of la. Coll. of Dent. Xi Psi Phi. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., Christian Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Valley Junction, la. 1918] College of Dentistry Alumni 317 CHESTER PETER BEI.LAN Dentist; D.D.S.; b. F 20, ISOo, Niles, Mich.; 8. Peter and Minnie C. Bellan. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.; Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1910-15. Delta yigma Delta; Sigma Gamma Pi; Intra- Fratcrnity Couiuil; Ex. Com. Army Serv., Dent. Dept., Hdqrts. C. D., 191S-19. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine; Epis. Church. Married Mina Benedict, Ja 1, 1920, Chicapo. Child, Adelaide Jane, b. N 26, 1920. Address, 510 Seminary St., Wheaton. 111.; bus. add., 204-00 Seeker Bldg., do. AUSTIN TEL YEA BREYER Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 1.5, 1896, Columbus Wis.; 8. Albert Breyer. Prepared in Waupun, (Wis.) H. S. Formerly at 2243 Washington Blvd.. Chicago. Address, Waupun, Wis.f ORVILLE CLINTON BUIGGS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. D 27. 1S93. Columbia City, Ind.; s. Thomas B. and Cora (.Kcnner) Briggs. Prepared in Columbia City H. S. and Wabash Coll. Delta Sigma Delta. Dent. Corps, U. S. A. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Address, Columbia City, Ind. CLYDE WILLIAM BROWN D.D.S.; b. O 2. 1892, Citra, Fla.; s. J. C. and A. E. (Hooker) Brown. Delta Sigma Delta. Army Serv., World War, 6 mos. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc. Address, 915 E. 42nd PL, Chicago; bus. add., 954 E. 43rd St., do. ROWLAND HUGH CAMPBELL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Jl 14, 1896; s. George E. (b. Jl 8, 1806, Stillwater, Minn.) and Clara Matil- da (Russel) Campbell (b. O 12, 1870, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Blackfoot (Idaho) H. S.; Creighton Univ., Omaha, Neb., 1915-17. Delta Sigma Delta. Dent, practice, Lusk, Wyo., 1919—. Mem., M. E. R. C, 191S-19. Married Margaret Ruth Nee- Ian, My 17, 1919, Cheyenne, Wyo. Address, Box 217, Lusk, Wyo. FRED WILLIAM CARROLL Dentist; D.D.S.; b. Mr 5, 1886, Lafayette, Ind.; 8. Harry E. and Catherine (Reitemeier) Carroll. Prepared in Univ. of Notre Dame. Delta Sigma Delta. Assoc. Ed., Coll. paper. With McCor- mick in Dent. Clinic; Dent, practice, at present. Med. Dept., U. S. N., 4 yrs. Mem., Royal League, K. C; Chicago Dent. Soc. Married Ethel A. Enk, Ag 2, 1915, Chicago (died 1918); Rita Lodge O'ConneU, Je 4, 1919. Child, James F., b. Ja 15, 1917. Address, 6101 S. Western Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2400 W. 03rd St. and W'estern Ave., do. GERALD RALPH COLLINS Dentist; D.D.S.; b. My 26, 1895, Vermillion, S. Dak.; s. Gerald Willard (b. Elk Point, S. Dak.) and Margarite (Loss) Collin? (b. Flat Rock, Mich.). Prepared in Vermillion (S. Dak.) H. S.; Univ. of S. Dak., 1915. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Xi Psi Phi; Asst., X-Ray Dept., Coll. of Dent. Appointed Dent. Surg, for Pub. Health Bur., Dist. 10. D. C. 1, U. S. A., Officers Tr. Camp, Camp Greenleaf, Ga., S 1.5-D 18, 1918. Married, N 25, 1919, Ver- million, S. Dak. Address, Vermillion, S. Dak. BURR RAYMOND CROCKETT Dentist: D.D.S.: b. Mr 12, 1896, Wrstfield, Wis. Prepared in Westfield (Wis.) H. S.; Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1 yr. Married Emma Gardow Je 1918, Westfield, Wis. Address, Westfield, Wis.t *NORRIS LEE CUNNINGHAM Dentist; D.D.S.; b. O 2, 1892, Bowen, 111.; s. D. E. Cunningham. Prepared in Bowen H. S. Formerly located in West Point, 111. M. E. R. C, U. S. A., 1918. Died O 19, 1918. ALBERT ROLAND DIPPEL (Brother of Frederick Christian, '19 D.D.S.) Dentist; D.D.S. ; b. S 13, 1895, Chicago; .«. Christian (b. Jl 2. 1864, Spangenberg, Ger.) and Marie Louise (Miller) Dippel - and Prof., Prosthetic Dent., 1908-13; do. and Prosthetic Technics, 1913 — . Delegate from 111. State Dent. Soc. and Dent. Coll. to Internat. Dent. Cong., Paris, France, 1900; Mem. of Internat. Dent. Cong., St. Louis, 1904 (Mem. of Com. on Exhibits); do., San Francisco, 1914; Served as Mem. of all Important Corns, in Chicago Dent, and Odontographic Socs.; Lectured before State and Local Dent. Socs. for past twenty yrs. Mem. of Med. Advisory Bd., duration of war (3-.A.., Chicago, 111.). Auth.: Dent. Nomenclature- With Reference to its Development, bearing espec- ially on that of Descriptive Dent. Anatomy, Cavities and Instruments, Transactions, 111. State Dent. Soc, 1902; The Gold Inlay, do., 1908; Report of Supervisor of Clinics, do., 1913; Report of Com. on Legislation, do., 1917; do., 1919; Presidents Address on Legislation, do., 1920; Coll. of Dent., Univ. of 111., Hist, of Dent. Surg., Vol. 1; Prosthetic Dent., Proceedings, 24th Annual Meeting of Am. Inst, of Dent. Teachers; Other articles in Historical Booklet, III. State Dent. Soc, Transactions of 111. State Dent. Soc, 1914, discussions and newspaper articles. Mem., Internat. Dent. Cong., 1900-14; Odonto- graphic Soc. of Chicago, 1901 — (Treas., 1904-11); Chicago Dent. Soc, 1900— (Pres., 1911-12); 111. State Dent. Soc, 1901— (Pres., 1919-20, Pub. Com., 2 yrs., Ex. Council, 7 yrs., Com. on Legis- lation, do.. Com. on Orgn., 2 yrs.. Program and Clinic Corns.); Hon. Mem., Texas State Dent. Soc, West Va. State Dent. Soc, Utah State Dent. Soc. and Jo Daviess Co. Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; A. F. A. M. (Blue Lodge, Chapter and Comuiandery); Birchwood Country Club, Chicago; Eastern Star. Married Agnes Catherine Dooling, S 7, 1904, Galfna, 111. Children: Agnes Charlotte, b. D 23, 1905; Katherine Louise, b. Ja 13, 1907; George Walter, b. N 22, 1914. Address, 1423 Fargo Ave., Chicago. GEORGE PETER DREYER (See Fac. Med.) CHARLES JOHN DRUECK (See Fac. Med.) RODEN ROBINSON DUFF (See '08 Med.) CORINNE BUFORD ECKLEY (See Fac. Med.) VICTOR EMANUEL EMMEL (See Fac. Med.) ALBERT CHAUNCEY EYCLESHYMER (See Fac. Med.) FREDERICK HOWARD FALLS (See Fac. Med.) JAMES EVERETT FONDA (See '15 Dent.) NELLIE MORGAN FRAIN (See Fac Med.) NORA ELLEN FREDERICK (See Fac. Med.) ARTHUR WILLIAM FREESE (See '09 Med.) DONALD MACKAY GALLIE (Father of Donald M., '15, D.D.S.) Professor; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1891; b. My 8, 1866, Oakville, Ont.; s. John Muirhead (b. O, 1829, Scotland) and Catharine Campbell (Mackay) Gallic (b. Ap 22, 1831, Thurso, Scotland). Prepared in Oakville H. S. and Norm. Sch., Toronto, Ont. Delta Sigma Delta (Grand Master, 1915). With Engineering Firm of Eraser & Chambers, Chicago, 1886-89; began active Dental practice (Chicago, 1891; Quiz- Master, Chicago Coll. of Dent., 1891; Lecturer on Dent. Anatomy and Operative Surg., do.; Assoc. Prof, of Operative Dentistry, Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1893-1901; Mem., State Bd. Dental Examiners, 1901-04; Prof., Operative Dentistry and Operative Technics, Coll. of Dent., 1904 — ; Mem., Com. of Orgn., 4th Internat. Dent. Cong., St. Louis, 1904; Chm., Com. on Dent. Exhibits, St. Louis; Mem., Plans Comn. Village of Wilmette, 1906; Dir., Research Institute of Nat. Dent. Assn., 1916 — . Auth.: Numerous papers on Oper- ative Dentistry. Mem., Dental Protective Assn. of the U. S. (Treas., 1914—); Life Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Odontographic Soc. (Pres., 1897); Chicago Dent. Soc (Pres., 1903); 111. State Dent. Soc. (Pres., 1910); Am. Assn of Dent. Teachers (Pres., 1911); Nat. Dent. Assn. (Pres., 1914); Ashland Club (Pres., 1901-02); Fel- lowship Club (Pres., 1903); Sons of Canada (Pres., 1896); Wilmette Club (Pres., 1906). Married Harriet Hastings Puddefoot, Mr 1, 1892, Buffalo, N. Y. Children: Donald Muirhead, b. N 24, 1892; Robert Bruce, b. Ja 8, 1897 (died My 12, 1898). Address, 1115 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, 111.; bus. add., 32 N. State St., Chicago. 328 University of Illinois HARRY W. GOODERL Dentist; D.D.S., Columbian Dent. Coll., 1896. Prof., Metallurgy. Coll. of Dent., 1898-99. Ad- dress, 3958 N. Robey St., Chicago.t FRANCIS L. GORMAN (See '18 Dent.) JOHN STEINGRINSON CRIMSON Dentist; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. Dent. Surg., 1913. Instr., Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1918-20. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.t THOMAS L. GRISAMORE Dentist; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1898; Ph.G. Prof., Dent. Chem. and Metallurgy, Coll. of Dent., 1904-08; do., Orthodontia, Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1920. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc. (Ex-Pres.); 111. State Dent. Soc. (Treas.); Nat. Dent. Assn..(Ex-V. P.); Am. Soc. of Ortho- dontia. Address, 29 E. Madison St., Chicago.t JAMES TOBIAS GROOT (See Fac. Med.) WILLIAM BENJAMIN HANELIN (See '06 Med.) ESTHER M. HANNON Instructor. Prepared in St. Xaviers Jr. Coll.; Loyola Sch. of Sociol.; Chicago Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy. R.N., Michael Reese Hosp. Training Sch. for Nurses, O 2, 1913. Teacher, Chicago Pub. Schs., Ja-0, 1920; Instr., Oral Surg, and Supervising Nurse, Coll. of Dent., 1920 — . "With Am. Red Cross Nursing Serv., as Teacher of Hygiene and Home Nursing, O 1912-Ja, 1920. Mem., Catholic Church. Address, 4446 Drexel Blvd., Chicago.t HAROLD OTTO HANSEN (See '15 Dent.) WILLIAM McINTYRE HARSHA (See Fac. Med.) WARREN COLEMAN HAWTHORNE (See Fac. Med.) FRANK H'DOUBLER Instr., Pathol, and Bacteriol., 1921. Bus. add., 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago.t EUGENE G. A. HEIN Dentist; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1913. Asst., Oral Surg. (Extracting), Coll. of Dent., 1920—. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, 837 Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, lU.t LEON F. A. HEIN (See '19 Dent.) ASHLEY M. HEWETT Dentist; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1896; b. D 9, 1872, Peoria; s. Nelson Theodor (b. Mr 6, 1836, Warsaw, N. Y.) and Marie Louise (Speer) Hewett (b. 1837, Xenia, O.). Prepared in Hiawatha (Kan.) H. S. Delta Sigma Delta (Chicago Auxiliary and Supreme Chapter). Prof., Electricity, Coll. of Dent., 190.3-04; Cook Co. Hosp., Ja 3, 1918; practicing in various branches of Dent., Chicago. Appointed by Pres. Wilson to Med. Advisory Bd. 3D and served during remainder of war. Helped develop the Hewett and Smith Dent. Electric Furnace, 1900; Invented clay muffles, holders, thermosstat, etc Auth.: Electricity in the Dent. Office, Dent. Review, 1902, republished in Eng. and Fr. Mem., Ashland Club; 111. Club; Nat. Security League; Am. Red Cross; Am. Dent. Preparedness League, Chicago (Helped organize); Chicago Dent. Soc. (Many honorary positions); 111. State Dent. Soc Address, 412 N. ■ Cuyler Ave., Oak Park 111.; bus. add., 108 N. State St., Chicago. ARTHUR H. HIXSON B.S., Denison Univ., 1906; b. S 3, 1884, New Salem, O. In charge of courses in Zool., Bot., and Geol., Ohio No. Univ., 1906; Instr., Biol., St. Joseph (Mo.) H. S., 1907-11; Special work in Zool., Geol., and Bot., Ohio State Univ., summers of 1905, 1908; do., Bacteriol. and Pathol., Chicago Univ., 1911-13; Asst., Bacteriol., do.; Instr., Bacteriol., Coll. of Dent., 1913-14. Address, 1832 W. Adams St., Chicago.t MICHAEL FRANCIS HOUGH (See '08 Dent.) RALPH THOMAS HUFF Dentist; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1904. Instr., Orthodontia, Coll. of Dent., 1917-18. Ad- dress, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.t EDSON B. JACOBS Dentist; D.D.S., Am. Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1985. Formerly at 6405 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Prof., Clin. Prosthetic Dent, and Orthodontia, Coll. of Dent., 1898-99. Address, Adena, Colo.t CARMEN JERNQUIST Instr., Sanitation and Hygiene and Infirmary Nurse, 1921. Bus. add., 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago.t CHARLES ERWIN JONES (See '00 Dent.) GEORGE A. JONES (See '04 Dent.) HORRY MATTHEW JONES (See Fac. Med.) JACOB HYMAN KAPLAN (See '14 Dent.) JOHN S. KELLOGG D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1916; b. Ap 14, 1885, Pittsfield, 111. Prepared in Perry H. S. Asst. Prof., Prosthetic Dent., N. W. Univ., 1920-21; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1921—. Bus. add., 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago.t R. H. KENNING Special Lecturer, Hygiene, 1899-1900. CARLETON EVERLY KERRICK Instructor; b. D 21, 1891, Bloomington, 111. Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. State Norm. Univ., 1912-15. Teacher, Man. Tr., Bloomington H. S., 1913-15; do., Mattoon H. S., 1915-18; do., Francis Parker Sch., Chicago, 1919 — ; Instr., Mechanical Drawing, Coll. of Dent., 1920. Ad- dress, 330 Webster Ave., Chicago.t THOMAS BASSETT KEYES Physician; M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1895: b. O 22, 1874, Oneonta, N. Y.; s. Melville and E. Elizabeth (Bassett) Keyes. Lecturer, Sug- gestive Therapeutics, Coll. of Dent., 1899; Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1895 — ; do.. Park Falls, Wis.; also breeder of standard bred horses for racing. Chm., 1st Organization Com , Am. Cong, of Tuberculosis (V. P.); Internat. Cong, of Tuber- culosis, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Chm., Com. on Relation of Insanity to Tuberculosis; ^m. Internat. Cong, on Tuberculosis, (2nd V. P.), New York, 1906. Auth.: The Cure of Consump- tion with Subcutaneous Injections of Oil, 1904; The Renewal of Life, 1909; also many articles on Oils and Fats as Germ Destroyers, Med. Jours. Ed., The Tubercle, 1897-1902. Married Elsie Holder. Address, 108 N. State St., Chicago.t HARRY OSCAR KING Prof., Neurol., Coll. of Dent., 1901-08. Address, Univ. of Chicago, 58 and Ellis Ave., Chicago. OSCAR AUGUSTUS KING (See Fac. Med.) ZANVILL DAVID KLOPPER (See '10 Med.) Faci LTY, College of Dentistry 329 EDWARD JOHN KREJCI (See '15 Dent.) WACLAW HOWARD KUBACKI (See '17 Dent.) JOHN BYRON LA DUE (See '05 Dent.) JOHN ANDREW LARSEN (See 'OS Dent.) HENRY COOLEY LEE (See '04 Dent.) JULES LeGRAND Instr., Dept. of Operative Dent., CoU. of Dent., 1920 — . Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. REUBEN LENZER Instructor; D.D.S.; b. S 30, 1S90, Melbourne, Australia. Prepared in St. Patricks Coll , do., 1S96-1900; Scotch Coll., do., 1900-08; Univ. of Pa., 1913-16. Instr., Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1916-17. In charge. Dent. Dept. of Med. Unit equipped by the Univ. of Pa., for serv. in Hosps. of Paris, 1915. Address, 82 N. Fullerton Ave., Montclair, N. J.t THORLEIF IVERSEN LERCHE (See '09 Dent.) WILLIAM HOFFMAN GARDNER LOGAN (See Fac. Med.) JOHN WOOD MacARTHUR (See Fac. Med.) CLAYTON M. McCAULAY (See '01 Dent.) JAMES NELSON MacDOWELL Dentist; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Sch. of Dent., 1895; b. Ag 14, 1870, Greenfield, Mo.; s. Nelson B. and Anna (Hampton) MacDowell. Dentist, Chi- cago, 1895 — ■; Lecturer, N. W. L'niv. Sch. of Dent.; Prof., Orthodontia, Coll. of Dent., 1900-06. In- ventor of MacDowell System of regulating ap- pUances. Auth.: Orthodontia (Textbook); Book- lets on use of X-Ray in Orthodontia; Facial Art; "The Age for Treatment. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; Chicago Odontographie Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Homewood Club. Married Lottie Sophia Greene, Je 28, 1900. Pontiac, Mich. Address, 171 47th St., Chicago; bus. add., 31 Washington St., do.t JOHN C. McGUIRE Orthodontbt; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1913; b. Ja 1885, Londonville, O.; s. O. M. and Mahala (Budd) McGuire. Prepared in Ohio No. Univ. and Ind. State Morm. Sch. Delta Sigma Delta. Instr., Operative and Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1912-14; Supt., Infirmary and Instr., Radiography, do., 1914-16; do. and Asst. Prof., Roentgenol., do., 1916-18; A.sst. Prof., Roentgenol., do., 1918-19; do.. Radiography, do., 1919-20. Mem., Med. Ad%nsory Bd., Selective Serv., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Je 1913, Columbia City, Ind. Child. John Jr., b. Jl 22, 1915. Address, Evanston, HI. *J. A. McKINLEY Prof., Anat., 1898-99. Deceased. THOMAS BYRD MAGATH (See '20 Med.) HOWARD LA RUE MARSH Instructor; B.S. in Chem., Pa. State Coll., 1009; M.S., do., 1912; b. My 14, 1886, Crawford Co., Pa.; s. R. D. and Eva (Graham) Marsh. Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu; Skull and Dagger. Grad. work Univ. of Pa., 1912-17; Instr., Physiol. Chem. and Toxicol., do.; Asst., Chem., Coll. of Dent., 1921. Auth.: Several Scientific Papers. Married Jean Grate Gardner, O 27, 1913, Pittsburgh (Wife Deceased). Children: Mary Louise, b. O 0, 1914; Gardner Duane, b. Jl 8, 1918. Address, Univ. of 111. Coll. of Dent., 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago. ELGIN MaWHINNEY Dentist; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1887; b. O 14, ISO.'), London, Can.; s. John and Jane (Sands) MaWhinney. Prepared in Can. Collegiate Institute. Gen. Med. practice, Ind., 1887-91 ; do., Chicago, 1891 ; Specialist in Treatment of Pyorrhea Alveolaris; Head of Oral Pathol., Materia Medica and Therapeutics, N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., IS yrs.; do., Coll. of Dent., 1899-1901. Auth.: Oral Pathol, (text book), 1906; al.'-o nu- merous articles on Pyorrhea, in Dent. Jours.; Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. Athletic Club; City Club. Married Ida S. Jackson. ChiMren: Beulah and Elizabeth. Address, 10610 S.'^eeley Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 116 S. Michigan Ave., do.t CLARENCE B. MEEK (See '06 Dent.) *SETH EUGENE MEEK Zoologist; B.S., Univ. of Ind., 1884; A.M., do., 1886; Ph.D., do., 1891; b. Ap 1, 1859, Hicksville, O.; s. Hiram and Mary (Batchelor) Meeks. Fel- low, Cornell Univ., 1885-86. Prof., Natural Sc, Eureka (111.) Coll., 1886-87; do., Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la., 1887-92; Asst. Prof., Zool. and Geol., Univ. of Ark., 1892-96; Asst. U. S. Fish Commis- sioner, 1896-97; Asst. Curator, Zool., Field Mufeum of Nat. Hist., Chicago, 1897—; Prof., Dent. Anat. and Comparative Anat., Coll. of Dent., 1901-14; Ichthyologist; Biol. Survey of Panama, 1911 — ; Explorations of Streams of Cent, and West. U. S., Mex., Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Auth.: Fishes of Mex., North of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 1904; also many papers on fishes and reptiles in publications of U. S. Govt., Field Museum, Philadelphia Acad., etc. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Washington Ac^d. of Sciences; Biol. Soc. of Washington. Married Ella Tourner, D 25, 1886. Deceased. EDGAR GRIM MILLER (See Fac. Med.) ESTHER LEONA MILLER Instr., Sanitation and Hygiene, and Infirmary Nurse, 1921—. Address, 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago.t LOUIS MILLER (See '06 Dent.) ROY LEE MOODIE (See Fac. Med.) VERGIL H. MOON Instr., Histol., Coll. of Dent., 1912-14. On faculty, Indiana Dent. Coll., Indianapolis, 1915 — . Address, do.f FREDERICK BROWN MOOREHEAD Dean and Prof.; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1899; A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1900; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1906; M.S., Univ. of Mich., 1908; b. O 14, 1876; s. James (b. Edinburgh, Scotland) and Mary Jane (Brown) Moorehead. Prepared in Sardinia and Ada, O. Nu Sigma Nu; Delta Sigma Delta. Asst. Prof., Surg., Rush Med. Coll., 1906—; Prof., Oral Surg., Coll. of Dent., 1908—; Dean, do., 1913 — . Mem., Gen. Med. Bd., Coun- cil of Nat. Defense (Dent. Com.); Chm., Dental Section, 111. State Council of Defense; Med. Ad- visory Bd. Auth.: The Teeth and Alveclar Pro- cesses as Points of Entrance for the Tubercle Bacillus, Section on Stomatology, Jour. A. M. A., 1910; Am. Dent. .Jour., X, 1911, Jour. A. M. A. Digest. XIII; Pacific Dent. Gazette, XIX, 1911; Cleft Palate, Review, XXV, Clinic, 1911; Some Notes on the Interpretation and Treatment of Certain Types of Infection, do., XXVI, 1912; Report of Com. on Closer Relations and Coopera- 330 University of Illinois tion with The 111. State Med. Soc, do.; Cysts, do., XXVII, 1913; Surg. Clinic (Benign Tumors of Jaws, do., XXVII, 1913; Treatment of Fractures of the Jaws, Using the Metal Splint with Bands, Pacific Dent. Gazette, XXII; Dentists Record, X, 111. State Dent. Soc, 15th Aniv. Review XXVIII; Commonwealth Dent. Review, XI. Mem., A. M. A. (Chm., Section on Stomatology), 1913-15; Chicago Dent. Soc, (Pres., 1915-16); Chicago Institute of Med.; Chicago Soc. of Internal Med.; Chicago Bacterid. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Dent. Faculties Assn., Am. Univs. (Pres., 1918-20); Univ. Club, Chicago; Oak Park Country Club; Glen View Golf Club. Married Marguerite Mary Hirst, O 29, 1900, Chi- cago. Children: Chester Hirst, b. Ag 17, 1901; Dorothy Marguerite, b. N 30, 1908. Address, 221 E. Walton Place, Chicago; bus. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., do. ALBERT ELWIN MOREY Dentist; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1893; Ph.B., Beloit Coll., Wis.; b. D 16, 1866, Oak Park, 111.; s. Lewis and Anna H. (Hull) Morey. Phi Beta Pi. Prof., Materia Med. and Therapeu- tics, Coll. of Dent., 2 yrs., 1899-1901. Asst. Ed., Dent. Review. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Laura A. Cheney, S 1, 1892, Canajoharie, N. Y. Child, Philip Johnston, b. Jl 18, 1894. Address, 22 E. Washington St., Chicago. J. LUCIEN MORRIS (See Fac. Med.) EDWARD FREDERICK MUNRO Instructor; D.D.S., 1921; b. Mr 15, 1887. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ. Dent. vSch., 1917-18. Accountant, 1910-16; Instr., Operative Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1921 — . Address, 3305 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago.t JOHN RICHARD MURPHY (See '02 Dent.) OSCAR fiUGENE NADEAU (See Fac Med.) ARTHUR G. NAUMAN (See '05 Med.) LAIRD WILSON NEVIUS Specialist; b. O 5, 1845; s. Aaron C. and Sarah (Beaver) Nevius. Prepared in Fredericktown (O.) Pub. Seh. and Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Dent, prac- tice, Fredericktown, O., 1868-72; located at Mans- field, O., 1873; Toledo, do., 1881; with Dr. G. Q. Colton, New York, 1892; Dentist, Specialist in Extracting, and the administration of gas for minor surg. operations, Chicago, 1895 — ; Special Lecturer, administration of Nitrous Oxide Gas., Coll. of Dent., 1900-01. Serv. with 2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery, Civil War, S 1863-0, 1865. Granted 3 patents for instruments and appliances for administering nitrous oxide gas arid extracting teeth, 1883; granted letters patent for electric headlight used by phys. and dent, in night opera- tions. Auth.: The Discovery of Modern Anes- thesia, 1894. Mem., 111. State Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; Chicago Odontographic Soc; No. 111. Dent. Soc; G. A. R. Married Viola Josephine Neal, Je 23, 1868, Fredericktown, O. (died Je 23, 1886, Toledo, O.); Charlotte May Matthay, N 17, 1897, Chicago. Children: Edith Gay (Mrs. Charles S. Dickey); George Wilson; Jeanne Ale- theia. Address, 417 6th Ave., La Grange, Ill.t MARY NEWELL (See '19 Dent.) FREDERICK BOGUE NOYES Professor; B.A., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1893; D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1895; b. Ag 22, 1872, Chicago; s. Edmund (b. Ja 16, 1842, Abington, Mass.) and Elizabeth (Miller) Noyes (b. Ap 10, 1847, Lisburn, Ire.). Prepared in Beloit Acad., Beloit, Wis., 1886-89; Chicago Coll. of Dent., 1889-90. Kappa Alpha; Delta Sigma Delta. Studied in N. W. Med. Sch., 2 yrs.; Angle Sch. of Orthodontia, New York City, 1908 (3 mos.); Prof., Dent. Histol., N. W. Univ., 1895-96; do., Histol., do., 1896-1913; do. and Orthodontia, Coll. of Dent., 1913—; Mem. of Park Ridge sch. bd. Corporal, promoted to Sergt., 4th Reg. 111. Reserve Militia, N 1, 1917- O 3l, 1919; Lectured on pergonal hygiene at Des- plaines to training classes for drafted men. Auth.: A Text-book of Dent. Histol. and Embryol., in- cluding laboratory directions. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1912, sepond edition, 1915; third edition, 1920; A Study of the Lymphatic Vessels of the Dental Pulp (with Kaethe'Dewey and F. B. Noyes), De7it. Cosmos, Ap 1917; The Lymphatics of the Dental Region, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 71, 1918; Patholog. Changes in the Peridental Mem- brane, Nat. Dent. Assn. Jour., Vol. 7, 1920. Mem., Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc, (Life mem. and pres.-elect, 1920); Chicago Dent. Soc; Angel Sch. of Orthodontia Alumni Soc; A. M. A.; Inst, of Med. of Chicago; Odontolog. Soc. of Chicago; Univ. Club of Chicago; A. F. A. M. Married Mary Ellen Judd, S 8, 1897, Milwaukee. Chil- dren: Harold Judd, b. Ag 11, 1898; Frederick Bogue, Jr., b. My 8, 1906. Address, 4 Park Place, Park Ridge, 111.; bus. add., 1428 Peoples Gas Bldg. Chicago. JOHN WESTON NUZUM (See Fac Med.) VICTOR T. NYLANDER Asst. Prof.; B.A., N. W. Coll., Fergus Falls, Minn., 1911; D.D.S., Univ. of Minn., 1917; b. D 28, 1888, Battle Lake, Minn.; s. S. J. (b. Ja 21, 1841, Sweden) and Marie (Nelson) Mylander (b. D 4, 1847, do.). Instr., Operative dept., Univ. of Minn. Dent. Coll., 1917-20; do.. Theory and prac- tice, 1919-20; Asst. Prof., Operative Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1920—. Supt., Infirmary. Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Ebba Irene Sund- strom, S 4, 1920. Address, 1904 Ainslie St., Chi- cago. FRANK HURBURT O'HARA Asst. Prof.; Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1915; b. Berrien Springs, Mich., F 2, 1888; s. Judge Thomas (b. Mr 9, 1856, Le Roy, N. Y.) and Mary (Barratt) O'Hara (b. Mr 23, 1856, Leicester, Eng.). Pre- pared in St. Joseph (Mich.) and Detroit H Schs.; Detroit Tr. Sch. of Expression and Eng. Literature. Phi Gamma Delta; Head Marshal, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1914-15. Newspaper reporter, special writer and dramatic ed.; Assoc. Ed., Chicago Mag., 3 yrs. Instr., Detroit Tr. Sch. of Expression and Eng. Literature, 1909-11; Prin., Dearborn (Mich.) H. S., 1908-11; Asst., dramatic art, Univ. of Chicago H. S., 1914-17; Grad. work in Eng., Univ. of Chicago, 1915-16; Asst., Eng., do., 1915-16; Instr., do., 1917; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1917-20; Asst. Prof., 1920—; Fresh, adviser; Chm., Student Council. Sec. to Lt.-Gov. of 111., 1913-17. Auth.: Short stories in The American Mag., Everybody's, Pictorial Review, etc. Mem., Univ. Club of Chi- cago; Quadrangle Club; Midland Authors. Ad- dress, 6036 Harper Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1838 W. Harrison St., do. ROBERT K. ORT (See '19 Dent.) JOHN B. PALMER Dentist; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1890. Demonstrator, Porcelain Dent. Art, Coll. of Dent., 1898-99; Clin, Instr. and Lecturer, do., 1899-1901. Address, 108 N. State St., Chicago.t FRED WILLIAM PARKER (Brother of Ralph Waldo, Fa.D.) Dentist; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1899. Instr., Operative Dent., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1899-1904; Asst. Prof., do. and Materia Med., Coll. of Dent., 1901-03. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.. Ad- dress, 81 E. Madison St., Chicago.t RALPH WALDO PARKER (Brother of Fred Wm., Fa.D.) Dentiet; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch , 1899. Instr., Operative Dent., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., Faci^lty, College of Dentistry 331 1899-1904; Asst. Prof., do., and Materia Med., Med.. Coll. of Dent., 1901-03. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc. : Nat. Dent. Assn. Address, SI E. Madison St., Chicago.t JOSEPH McINTYRE PATTON (See Fac. Med.) ADELBERT HENRY PECK Dean; D.D.S., Chicago CoH. of Dent. Surg., 18SS; M.D.. Rush Mod. Coll., US91 ; b. Ap 17, 1802. Hammond, Wis. Prepared in Wis. State Norm. Sch., River Falls, "Wis. Valedictorian, Class of 1SS8, Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg. Principal, Grade Sch., Hammond, Wis., 1884-85; Adj. Prof., Operative Dent, and Demonstrator, Clin. Operative Dent., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1889; Prof., Dent. Materia Med. and Therapeutics, do.; 1894- 96; do., N. W. Iniv. Dent. Sch.; Prof, and Dean, Coll. of Dent., 1901-03. Mem., Saint Croix Co. (Wis.) Teachers Assn. (Pres.); Chicago Dent. Soc. (Sec, 4 yrs., Pres., 1 yr.); Odontographic Soc. of Chicago; Chicago .A.cad. of Med.; No. 111. Dent. Soc; 111. State Dent. Soc. (Sec. 1898-1903); A. M. A.; Nat. Dent. .A.ssn. (Recording Sec. 1901-03); Wis. State Dent. Soc (Hon. mem.); S. W. Mich. Dent. Soc. (do.). Auth.: The Essential Oils and Other .\gents. Their Antiseptic Values; Also Their Irritatinc Properties, read before III. State Dent. Soc, 1898, A. M. A. and No. la. Dent. Socs.; also various other articles. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. WILLIAM F. PETERSEN (See Fac. Med.) FREDERICK LEO PICKOFF (See -20 Med.) ISADORE PILOT (See '17 Med.) T. ELHANAN POWELL Salesman: D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1893; b. Ap 3, 1865, Mt. Sterling, Ky.; s. A. J and Elizabeth (Tipton") Powell. M.A., Grand Prairie Acad., 1885. Delta Sigma Delta; Valedictorian, Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1893. Prof.. Com- parative Anat., Coll. of Dent., 1902-06; Salesman, Govt. Employee, Chicago. Auth.: Many articles in Dent, magazines. Mem., Christian Sc. Church; A. F. A. M. Married May Corbin. 1889, Streator, 111. Children: Ruth P., b. 1891; Elizabeth P., b. 1893; Elhanan Tipton, b. 1895; Florence P., b. 1896; Marianne P., b. 1899. Address. 4900 Blackstone Ave., Chicago; 6us. add., 25 E. Washing- ton St., do. L. D. R.-VWLINGS Prof., Pathol, and Bacteriol., Coll. of Dent., 1899. Address. 1436 Sherwin Ave., Chicago.t ELMER S. RIGGS Curator: A.B., A. M., Univ. of Kan., 1896; b. Ja 23. 1869, Franklin, Ind.; s. Harvey R. and Ann (Middleton) Riggs. Sigma Xi; Fellowship in Biol., Princeton Univ., 1897-98. Lecturer, Comparative Anat.. Coll. of Dent., 1914-16; Curator of Paleon- tol.. Field Museum, Chicago. 111. Reserve Militia. .\uth.: Osteology of Hoplophoneus; Structural relationship of Opisthocoelian Dinosaurs. Mar- ried Helen Mosher. S 11, 1901; Frances Smith, S 2, 1913. Children: Robert M., b. 1904; C. Harold, b. 1905. Address. 7343 Crandon Ave., Chicago: bus. add.. Field Museum, do. FRANK EWING ROACH D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1894. Prof.. Porcelain work. Coll. of Dent.. 1902-08; do.. Prosthetic Dent, and Porcelain Art, do., 1908-10, Address, 59 E. Madison St., Chicago.t GEORGE E. ROLLINS Physician; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1884; b. O 1, 1862, Kewanee. 111.; s. Johnathan B. (b. 1821. N. Hampshire) and Catherine V. (Lilly) Rollins (b. 1824. Quebec, Can). Prepared in Kewanee H. S.; Prep. Sch. of N. W. Univ.. 1878-79; Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.), 1879-81. Intern, 111. Eye and Ear Infirniarv. Chicago. 1884-85; Glen. Med. practice, Kan.. 1885-90; Seattle, 1890-91; Chicago. 1S9L'-1902; Prof.. Chem.. and Anesthesia, and Demonstrator, Chem. Lab., Coll. of Dent., 1898- 1901; Kiekapoo, 111., 1902-18; Peoria, 1918—. Address, 207 N. Elmwood Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 702 Lehman Bldg., do. W' EBSTER BARCLAY ROSE (Sec Fac. Med.) EDWARD JAMES RYAN Instructor; D.D.S.. 1921; b. Ag 28. 1899. Dixon, 111. Prepared in Dixon H. S. Instr., Operative Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1921. Mem.. Catholic Church. Address, 5344 Winthrop Ave.. Chicago.t HUBBARD PRATHER SAUNDERS (See '19 Med.) BENJAMIN HERMAN SCHLOMOVITZ (See Fac. Med.) LOUIS SCHULTZ (See '05 Med.) FRANCES B. SCHWAB Technician; b. Ja 29, 1891. Chicago. Prepared in St. Alphonsus Parochial Sch. and H. S., Chi- cago. Technician, Dept. of Histol.. N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., Chicago; do.. Coll. of Dent., 1919; Instr., do., 1921. Mem., Roman Catholic Church. Address, 2443 Leland Ave., Chicago.t MATHIAS JOSEPH SEIFERT (See '01 Med.) DON LEE SHAW (See Fac. Med.) CHARLES GEORGE SHOLES (Brother-in-law of Robert Smith. '14 B.S. in M.E.) Instructor; D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1916; b. Ja 28. 1887, Chicago; s. Charies F. (b. Mr 9, 1857, Chicago) and Elvina (Steinhurst) Sholes (b. S 9, 1865, do.). Prepared in Y. M. C. A. Day Sch., Chicago. Trowel Club; Delta Sigma Delta (Grand Master). Representative, Class of '16. on presen- tation of "Parchment" to Dean G. V. Black. N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch. Asst., Physiol., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch.. 1916-0 1920; Instr.. Prosthetics, Coll. of Dent.. O 1920—. 1st Lt.. D. C. U. S. A., World War (Not called for active serv.). Mem., Woodlawn Park Presby. Church; Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. Dent. Soc; Chicago Dent. Soc; G. V. Black Study Club, Chicago. Married Mabel Crandall Wakefield, O 11, 1916. Address, 1650 E. 68th St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 81 E. Madison St., do. BURNE OLIN SIPPY (See '17 Dent.) CLAYTON S; SMITH (See Fac. Med.) ♦FRANK H. STAFFORD Dentist; D.D.S., Am. Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1892. Lecturer, Metallurgy, 1900-01. At one time lo- cated at 1121 Masonic Temple, Chicago. De- ceased. HAROLD SELFRIDGE STANDISH Statistician; b. Mr 18, 1874, Lima, O.; s. Walter H. and Florence (Selfridge) Standish. Prepared in Swathmore Coll. Lecturer on Bus. Practice, Coll. of Dent., 1920 — . Served in Spanish-Am. War and in World War. Auth. : Short Stories in various magazines, and technical articles on Finance, Economics, and Insurance. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Lydia Winship, Ap 9, 1901, New Orleans, La. Address, 918,7 S. Dear- born St., Chicago. SOLOMAN PERRY STARR (See '11 Dent.) 332 University of Illinois DANIEL ATKINSON KING STEELE (See Fac. Med.) CARL THOMPSON STEPHAN (See Fac. Med.) JOSEPH CLARK STEPHENSON (See Fac. Med.) ♦HARRY HENRY STRAUCH (See Fac. Med.) CARROLL W. STUART (See '12 Dent.) EDWIN PAUL SWATEK (See '08 Dent.) ASHLEY TOWNSEND THOMAS (See 'IS Dent.) NEWTON GEORGE THOMAS Professor; B.A., and M.A., Central Univ.; D. D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1914; b. N 2, 1878, Cornwall, Eng.; d. James F. and Mary Ann (Johns) Thomas. Delta Sigma Delta. Prof., Histol., N. W. Univ., 1915; Asst., do., Coll. of Dent., 1915; Prof., do. and Sec. of the Coll., 1920—. Auth.: (with Noyes) Absorption of Teeth, Dental His- tology and Embryology, 1921; Formation of Apices of Teeth, Jour. Nat. Dent. Assn., Ja 1921; (with Wm. G. Skillen) Staining the Granular Layer, Dental Cosmos, 1921. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Baptist Church. Married Lena M. Awtry, D 28, 1904, Pella, la. Child, L. Frances, b. O 14, 1905. Ad- dress, 1838 W. Harrison St., Chicago. CHARLES NYE THOMPSON D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1891. Prof., Porcelain Work, Coll. of Dent., 1902-03. At one time located at 3017 Michigan Ave., Chi- cago.! GROVER TRACY (See Fac. Med.) STANLEY DANIEL TYLMAN Instructor; A.B.; D.D.S. Instr., Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1920 — . Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago.! MYRON JOSEPH UMBACH Instructor; B.S., N. W. Coll., 1915; D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1918; b. Je 5, 1893, Naperville, 111. Prepared in Naperville H. S., 1907-11. Located in Sycamore, 111., 1915-16; Instr., Biol., N. W. Coll., 1917-18; do., Histol., Coll. of Dent., 1921. Address, 101 Wright St., Naperville, 111.; bus. add., 17 E. Curtis St., Downers Grove, Ill.t ROSCOE WINTERS UPP (See '16 Dent.) FRANK H. VOORHEES Dentist; D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch., 1916. Instr., Operative and Prosthetic Dent., Coll. of Dent., 1916. Address, Hinsdale, Ill.t GEORGE LESTER WEIR (See '17 Dent.) WILLIAM HENRY WELKER (See Fac. Med.) CLIFFORD WEBB WELLS Instructor; B.S., Grinnell Coll., 1910; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1914; b. S IG, 1884, Webster City, la. Prepared in West Des Moines H. S., 1901-05. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Asst., Embryol., Histol. and Anat., Univ. of Neb., 1910- 12; do., Univ. of Chicago, Summer of 1912; Instr., Histol., Coll. of Dent., 1914-17. Formerly at Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Auth.: Specific Pre- cipitin in Blood of Persons Injected with Anti- diphtheric Horse Serum, Jour, of Infectious Dis- eases, Vol. XVI, Ja 1915. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, Des Moines. t HERBERT BERTRAM WENTZ (See '05 Med.) HARRY OSCAR WHITE (See '04 Med.) ROBERT EDWIN W ILDER (See '18 Dent.) WILLIAM IRA WILLIAMS Professor; D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1914; b. My 13, 1887, Hattieville, Ark.; s. Andrew Jackson (b. Dalton, Ga.) and Martha Isabelle (Martin) Williams (b. Atkins, Ark.). Prepared in Atkins, Ark., and Lewis Inst.. Chicago, 1910-11. Delta Sigma Delta; Scholarship, Chicago Dent. Coll. Teacher, 1905-08; Pharmacists apprentice, 1908-10; Instr., Operative technique. Coll. of Dent., 1914-18; Asst. Prof., Operative Dent., 1918 — . Served on Med. Advisory Bd., Chicago district; Comm. in D. R. C. but was not called. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn.; City Club of Chicago. Married Ap 25, 1917, Morrillton, Ark. Child, William Ira, Jr., b. F 17, 1920. Address, 1598 Oak Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. ♦SAMUEL WENDELL WILLISTON Palaeontologist; B.S., Kan. Agr. Coll., 1872; A.M., do., 1875; M.D., Yale Univ., 1880; Ph.D., do., 1885; ScD. (Hon.) do., 1913; b. JI 10, 1852, Boston; s. Samuel and Jane A. (Turner) Williston. Sigma Xi (Pres., 1901-05). Asst. in Palaeontology and Osteology, Yale Univ., 1876-85; Demonstrator of Anatomy, do., 1885-86; Prof., Anatomy, do., 1886-90; Prof., Hist., Geol., and Anat., Univ. of Kan., 1890-1902; Dean of Med. Sch., do.; Prof., Palaeontol., Univ. of Chicago, 1902—; Dir., Walker Museum, do., 1916 — ; T^ecturer, Compara- tive Anat., Coll. of Dent., 1917-18; Asst. Palaeon- tologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1882-85; Health Off., New Haven, Conn., 1888-90; Mem., Kan. State Bd. of Health, 1898-1900; Bd. Med. Examiners, 1900-02. Gained a world-wide reputation through research work in Entomol. and Paleontol. Asst. Ed., Science. Auth.: Manual of N. Am. Diptera, 1896-1908; Reports Univ. Geol. Survey of Kan., Vols. IV, VI, 1898, 1900; also about 250 scientific papers on Entomol., Zool., and Sanitation, Com- parative Anat. and Palaeontol., etc. Mem., Nat. , Acad, of Sciences; London Geol. Soc. (Foreign Correspondent); London Zool Soc; Kan. Acad. Sc (Pres., 1897); Soc. Vertebrate Palaeontol. (Pres., 1903). Married Annie I. Hathaway, D 20, 1880, New Haven, Conn. Died 1918. SAMUEL A. WILSON D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1892; B.S., Valparaiso Univ., 1887; b. F 13, 1862; s. Richard and Rebeka (Fulton) Wilson. Prof., Embryol. and care of Childrens Teeth, Coll. of Dent., 1898-99. Treas., 111. Sunday Sch. Assn. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Florence Barnum, 1895. Children : Edith, b. 1896; Allen, b. 1898; Florence, b. 1900; Margaret, b. 1907. Address, 6016 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. ULYSSES GRANT WINDELL (See '94 Med.) I. F. WINEMAN E.E.; D.D.S. Lecturer, Electro-Technics, 1899. FRANK ELDRIDGE WYNEKOOP (See '95 Med.) FRED CARL ZAPFFE (See '96 Med ) Part III— SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Chicago College of Pharmacy, 1861-1896; School of Pharmacy, University of Illinois, 1896-. CLASS OF 1861 (NONE LIVING, 2 DEAD) CLASS OF 1871 (NONE LRTING, 1 DEAD) *HEXRY WILLIAM TOMBOEKEN Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1837, Hanover, Ger. Apprenticed to Wm. H. Miller, Chicago, 1856- 60; Gen. Med. practice, 171 Madison St., Chicago, 1865-1903. Died, F 6, 1903, Terre Haute, Ind. *THOMAS WHITFIELD (Uncle of George W. Whitfield, '82) Pharmacist; Ph.G. ;b. 1S39, Ireland; Apprenticed to William Storrs, Hudson, N. Y. and James D. Paine, Chicago, 1853-60. Trustee, Chicago Coll. of Pharm. (Sch. of Pharm.), 1876-85; Pres., do., 1885-86; Pharm., Memphis; 240 Wabash Ave., Chicago. U. S. Army, 1861-64. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. State Pharm. Assn.; Chicago CoU. of Pharm. Died, Ja 23, 1913. ♦FREDERICK MARION GOODMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G., 1871; b. 1849, England; Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. and Philadelphia Coll. of Med. and Surg. Apprenticed to Jas. W. Mill, Chicago, 1863-68; Employed by Thomas Whitfield; Buck and Raynor; Stud, and Dir., Art Institute, Chicago, for several yrs.; Dean of the Faculty, Prof., Bot., Materia Med. and Mi- croscopy, Sch. of Pharm. and Dir., Microscopical Lab., do., 1890-1912; Ed., of The Pharmacist, 1885. Mem., Chicago Soc. of Artists (mem., Bd. of Dir.). Died Je 27, 1917, McHenry, 111. CLASS OF 1873 (1 LIVING, 2 DEAD) FRANK SNODGRASS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 14, 1848, Perrysville, Ind.; s. James (b. Shippensburg, Pa.) and Sarah Caroline (Cosgrove) Snodgra.«s (b. Jl 10, 1829, Piqua, O.). Prepared in Champaign Pub. Schs.; Br>-ant and Stratton Business College; Fulton and Trueblood Elocution Y. M. C. A. Courses; Ap- prenticed for 2 yrs. to H. Swannell, Champaign. Pioneer Drug., Evanston, 111.; later located in Monmouth and built the Monmouth Gas Works; Drug, for the Frank Snodgrass Drug Co., Ham- burg, la.; First Wholesale Plumbing House, Kansas City, Mo.; Mfg. Pharmacist and Owner of large drug store, do., 1895. Mem., Westminster Cong. Church; Blue Hills Club; City Club; A. F. A. M. Married Jesse Fremont Burt, Ap 1877, Warwick, N. Y. (died Mr 27, 1886); Vernie N. Ruggles, Jl 27, 1893, Chicago. Children: Eliza- beth Burt, b. F 28, 1878; Thomas Burt, b. Ap 7, 1884 (died Ja 7, 1912); Jesse Burt, b. Mr 22, 1886. Address, 2848 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; 6ms. add., 1118 Grand Ave., do. *ADOLPH GUSTAF VOGELER Editor; Ph.G.; b. O 24, 1851, Herford, Ger. Prepared in Concordia Coll., Fort Wayne, Ind. Apprenticed to Chas. Heylmann, Chicago, 1869- 72; Retail Drug., 1873-89; Assoc. Ed., Western Druggist, 1883-89; Ed., do., 1889; Copy Ed., Amer. Jour. Clin. Med., 1907-19. Mem., Chicago College of Pharm.; Drug Clerks Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn., 1876-85. Child, Wanda Vogeler. Died, O 30, 1919. *CHARLES ZIMMERMAN (Brother of Albert, '87, Ernest and Eugene, '82, Robert, '84; Uncle of Clemence, '09) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1851, Schoenenberg, 'Ger. Apprenticed to W. H. Davis, Peoria, 1867- 73. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Died S 13, 1909, Peoria. CLASS OF 1874 (5 LIVING, 4 DEAD) ♦GEORGE H. ACKERMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G., 1874; b. 1840. Pharm. 1875-93, Ogden Ave. and Harrison St., Chicago; do., 409 S. Western Ave. Trustee, Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Died S 26, 1904, Chicago. HENRY WALTER BUCHMAN Pharm. and Real E.state Bus.; Ph.G.; b. Mr 30, 18.53, Syracuse, N. Y. Prepared in Pub. .«chs. of Chicago. Apprenticed to Thomas Whitfield, H. Biroth, and A. E. Ebcrt. Chicago, 1870-73. Owner of Drug business, 24th St. and Indiana Ave., Chicago, 1874-80; later at 111 W. Wash- ington St., do.; Real Estate and Ins. business. 3109 State St., do. Mem., Lakeside Lodge, 739, A. F. A. M., 35 K. T., R. A. M., Oriental Con- sistory, S. P. R. S., 32°; Sch. of Pharm. Alumni Assn. (Sec, 1874). Married Katie Ebert, N 21, 1878 (Died N 20, 1880); Annie Steuer, My 20, 1884, Toledo, O. Children: Son, W. N. B.; one daughter. Address, 816 Hyde Park Blvd., Chi- cago. t CHARLES MANGAN FORD Retired; Ph.G.; b. Ja 5, 1853; s. Michael (b. S 8, 1819, Ireland) and Jane (Mangan) Ford (b. Ap 15, 1826, do.). Prepared in Chicago H. Schs. Located in Chicago, 1874-79; Denver, 333 334 University of Illinois [1875 1879-1913; Cambridge, Mass., 1913—; Prof., Pharm. and Dean of Pharm. Dept., Univ. of Denver, 1889-95; Ed., Rocky Mt. Druggist, 1888- 1900. Contributions to various jours. Mem., Colo. Bd. of Pharm. (Sec, 1887-89; Pres., 1893- 95); Am. Pharm. Assn. (V. P., 1895). Married Nell Smith, Ag 17, 1882, Denver. Children: Aileen, b. Je 6, 18S4; Marjorie S., b. Ap 6, 1886; Robert E., b. S 20, 1888; Charles S., b. S 22, 1890 (died S 24, 1918). Address, P. O. Box 114, Cambridge, Mass. LOUIS CASS HOGAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 1, 1854, Pontiac, Mich.; s. Peter and Catherine (WycolT) Hogan. Prepared in Grammar Sch. Apprenticed to H. M. Linabury, Pontiac, Mich., 1869-71; Pharm., with I. H. Fry, 22nd and State Sts., Chicago, 1872-74; Drug., 47th and State Sts., do., 1875-79; do., 62nd St. and Wentworth Ave., do., 1879-95; Asst. Prof., Pharm., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., (Univ. of 111. Sch. of Pharm.) 1886-89; with B. S. Cooban & Co., Chicago, 1895-1911; with Pharm. Products Co., do., 1911-14. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. (Sec, 3 yrs.); Am. Pharm. Assn. (Sec, Section of Legislation and Education, 3 yrs.); 111. State Bd. of Pharm., 1890-95 (Instru- mental in changing the form of examinations of State Bd.). Auth.: Articles in Drug Jours.; Ed., Am. Drug Clerks Jour.: do., The Registered Pharm., 1887-90. Married Harriet Best, 1887 (died 1879) ; Jennie Baker, 1884 (died 1916). Address, 459 W. 63rd St., Chicago. *FRANK J. MERZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mokena, 111. Appren- ticed to Mead Bros., J. J. Hambright, Chicago. Pharm., 985 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Died 1909, Chicago. ♦JOSEPH ROHRER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1848, Switzerland. Apprenticed to Henry Biroth, Chicago, 1863-67; Employed by Henry Biroth, Chicago, 1867-78; established bus. in Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Married a sister of Henry Biroth. Died Je 19, 1881, Chicago. JOSEPH ROSENTHAL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 16, 1852, Leonda, Ind.; s. Henry and Rebecca (Slaughter) Rosenthal. Prepared in Louisville (Ky.) Pub. Sch. and Roches- ter (Ind.) H. S. Married Bertha Bacharach, O 12, 1886. Children: Henry I., b. 1888; Irving B., •b. 1893. Address, 4856 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. EDWARD L. STAHL, Jh. Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1854, Baltimore; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1883. Apprenticed to E. L. Stahl, Chicago, 1857-74. Phys., 148 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Address, 671 W. 18th St., Chicago.! ♦LITTLETON THOMPSON Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1849, Bath County, Ky. Apprenticed to N. Gray Bartlett, Chicago, 1872- 84. M.D., Cincinnati Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1884. Phys. and Pharm., Lexington, Ky.; do., Chicago; do., Hinckley, 111. Died 1905. CLASS OF 1875 (3 LIVING, 6 DEAD) ROBERT H. COWDREY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1853, LaFayette, Ind. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Swegler, LaFayette, Ind., 1870-71; Garrison, 1871-72; Bart- lett, Chicago, 1874-75. Mfg. Agent, 953 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; also at 861 Sawyer Ave., do. U. S. Pres. Candidate of the United Labor Party, 1888. Ed., The Pharmacist, 1879-88. Auth.: The Relation of the Physician and the Pharmacist, The Pharmacist, S 1882. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn. 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 4123 Drexel Blvd., Chicago.J ♦CHARLES WILLIAM JACOB (Father of Herman F., '05) Ph.G.; b. 1849, Ger. Pharm., Forest Park, 111., 1872-1919. Died D 6, 1919, Forest Park, 111. CHARLES KRUSEMARK Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1854, Chicago. Prepared in Bellekes Classical Institute. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1879. Apprenticed to Gust. Lebrenz, Chi- cago, 1870-71. Employed by N. Gray Bartlett, Chicago. Phys. aJid Surg., 125 E. 22nd St., Chi- cago; do., 94 E. 22nd St., do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 132 E. 22nd St., Chicago. t *HUGO WILLIAM CONRAD MARTIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1853, Fond du Lac, Wis. Apprenticed to J. C. Huber & Co., Fond du Lac, 1870-73; L. Schrieber, Chicago, 1875, C. M. Wein- berger, 1875-76. Pharm., Milwaukee Ave. and Noble St., Chicago, 1879; 358 State St., 1880-94; Dir., Dispensing Lab., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. (Univ. of 111. Sch. of Pharm.), 1892-94. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn. Married Lena A. Kirchner, 1878. Died Ap 29, 1894, Chi- cago. ♦PHILIP JOHN MUELLER Ph.G. Deceased. ANDREW SCHERER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 18, 1855, Brooklyn; s. George C. and Mary A. (Alsman) Schereiv Married Agnes Julia Dieden, Je 19, 1885 (died My 16, 1889); Codelia Maker, Ag 3, 1903, St. Jerome, Can. (died My 22, 1914). Children: Agnes May, b. Ap 3, 1886 (died D 16, 1889); Andrew Charles, b. My 26, 1887. Address, 1201 N. State St., Chi- cago. ♦FLETCHER STILLMAN SMITH Phys., Chem., and Drug.; Ph.G.; b. N 16, 1854, Saginaw, Mich.; s. Jay and Susan (Cocheran) Smith. Prepared in Saginaw (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., Ann Arbor. Auth.: Mag. articles in Med. Jours. Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Cora E. Dyer, O, 1887. Three children: (deceased). Died Ap 19, 1914, Saginaw, Mich, ♦THOMAS P. SMITH Deceased. ♦WILLIAM FRANCIS WOODSON Ph.G.; b. D 3, 1851; s. Edmund Booker (b. O 3, 1808, Prince Edward Co., Va.) and Jerusha Alicia (Phelps) Woodson (b. Je 2, 1832, Stamford, Ont.). Prepared in Valparaiso and New Carlisle, Ind. Located in Michigan City, Ind., 1851-1916; Mayor, do., 1886-90. Mem., Laporte (Ind.) Co. Druggists Assn. Married Mary Elvira Green, D 16, 1880, Blue Island, 111. Children: Charles Phelps, b. D 10, 1882; Mary Elvira, b. S 1, 1889. Died O 21, 1916, Michigan City, Ind. 1876] School of Pharmacy Alumni 335 CLASS OF 1876 (5 LIVING, 5 DEAD) ERNST C. F. BISCHOFF Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. N 1, 1854; s. John F. and ■ Sophie (Abel) BischofiF. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. Married G. C. Werfel, 1878. Chil- dren: Clara C, b. Jl 26, ISSO: Grover W., b. S 21, 1SS4. Address, 825 Altgeld St., Chicago. ALVIX G. HAMMER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 21, 1855, Mayville, Wis. Prepared in Beaver Dam (.Wis.) H. S., and Way- land Univ. .Apprenticed to Rudolph Sauerherring, Maj-ville, Wis., 1S71-73; Pharm., Horicon, Wis., 1S76-S0; Des Moines, ISSO — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Presby. Church; la. Pharm. Assn. Married Emma E. Stolz, Je IS, 1S79, Beaver Dam, Wis. Children; Alma A.; Lester. Address, E. 6th and Grand Ave., Des Moines. ♦GEORGE WALTER HOYT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S50. Andover, N. H. Prepared in Notre Dame, Ind. Apprenticed to T. H. Patterson and M. E. Huyck, Chicago, 1871- 75. Pharm., Cheyenne, Wyo.; Live Stock Ran- cher, do. Deceased. *JAMES M. KIRKLEY Ph.G.; b. 1855, Brooklyn, N. Y. .Apprenticed to J. W. MiU, 1872-76. Died 18S7, Chicago. GEORGE H. LOESCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Plymouth, Ind. Apprenticed to Poe & Hayes, Plymouth, Ind. and O. W. Schultz, Chicago, 1S70-76. Pharm., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mem., Ind. Pharm. Assn. (Charter mem.). Address, 26 Barr St., Ft. Wjiyne, Ind.f LA MOTTE LOVETT Ph.G.; b. My 17, 1849, Tecumseh, Mich.; s. Thomas and Catherine (Cook) Lovett. Prepared in Tecumseh (Mich.) H. S. Mem., Oak Park Lodge 540, A. F. A. M.; Cicero Chap. ISO, R. A. M.; Siloam Commandery 54, K. T., Oak Park, 111. Married Jennie Peters, Je 21, 1870, Flat Rock, Mich. Children: Edward Cook, b. Ap 16, 1877; Raymond A., b. Mr 23, 1881; Catherine M., b. S 6, 1885; Howard E., b. Je 23, 1889. Address, Oak Park, 111. *JOHN LEONARD MULFINGER Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1854, Chicago. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1881. Apprenticed to Muelman, Pekin, 111., 1871-74. Died, 1900, Chicago. *ALMON RUSSEL THURBER Pharmacist; Ph.G. Died 1905, Breckinridge, Colo. FREDERICK CHARLES WERNER Ph.G.; b. Ap 12, 1857, Watertown, Wis.; s. F. C. Werner. Prepared in Watertown, (Wis.) H. S. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1879. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Royal Arcanum; K. C; Mod. Woodmen of Am.; Watertown Gymnastic Soc. Married Eleanora Bursingor, N 9, 1880, Watertown, Wis. Children: Meta, b. 1881; Harriet, b. 1884; Frederick, b. 1887; Margaret, b. 1890. Address, 308 Second St., South Watertown, Wis. ♦JULIUS HENRY WILSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1838, Conneaut, Pa. Apprenticed to G. W. Stoddard, Oneida, N. Y., 1854-64; Pharm., 125 22nd St., Chicago; Treas., Sch. of Pharm., 1876-82; V. P., do., 1884-85. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Died Ap 2, 1905, Chicago. CLASS OF 1877 (3 LIVING, 1 DEAD) ROBERT BRUCE ARNOLD Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 9, 18.53, Ind.; s. A. B. and -Althina (Davis) Arnold. Prepared in Lake Geneva (Wis.) H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Chapter, K. T., Shrine. Married Hattie E. Winegar, Ja 1, 1880. Children: Edith W., b. 1883; Edwin B., b. 1885; Altha D., b. 1888. Address, Lake Geneva, Wis. JAMES H. MARSHALL Ph.G.; b. Ag 7. 1855, Westport, N. Y.; a. Martin Norton and Jane A. (Welch) Marshall. Prepared in Lockport H. S. Located in Lockport, 111., 1868-77; MinneapoUs, 1877-83; Owner of Drug Store Ipswich, S. Dak., 1883-1901; do.. Minne- apolis, 1901-19. Mem., M. W. A.; Westminster Presby. Church. Married Mary E. Thompson, 1883; Rosa Demonder Sheehan, 1909. Children: Sara T., b. 1884; Margaret, b. 1887; Asa, b. 1890. Address, 2436 Ist Ave., S., Minneapolis; bus. add., 115 Western Ave., do. ♦FRANK GIDDINGS SOMERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1855, La Porte, Ind. Apprenticed to E. H. Sargent & Co., 1875-85. Mfrs. Agent, N. State St. and Chicago Ave., 1885-90; Pres., Drug Clerk Assn., 1877-78. Died 1902, Ft. Scott, Kan. EMIL AUGUSTUS ZAHN Ph.G.; b. Ag 4, 1850, Racine, Wis.; s. Edward and Elizabeth (Zettlemeyer) Zahn. Prepared in Racine, Wis. Scholarship Medal, Sch. of Pharm, Married Anna Dittro, My 15, 1888. Address, 1001 W. 7l8t St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1878 (5 LIVING, 9 DEAD) ♦ADOLPH THEODORE FLEISCHER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1855, Washington Co., Wis. Apprenticed to I. M. White and L. Schreiber, Waukesha, Wis., 1874-78; Employed by Schreiber, and later by H. Reuter & Co., Chicago, 1878-1904. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; .A.m. Pharm. Assn.; Chi- cago Coll. of Pharm. Died Ja 8, 1904, Chicago. Ph.G. *FRED J. GOLLING Deceased. *J. J. HOLZSCHUH Pharmacist; Ph.G. Formerly Pharm., with HofiBln Thompson Drug Co., 101 Washington Ave., 8., Minneapolis. Died Ap 1915. ♦WILLIAM L. HUNDT Ph.G.; b. 1857, Ope Ger. Prepared in Chicago H. >S. Apprenticed to A. Rosenmarkel, Chicago, 1874-78. Employed in Chicago and Sioux City. Mem., la. Pharm. Assn. Died 1904, Sioux City. ♦EMIL O. LACKNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1853, Racine, Wis. Pre- pared in Racine (Wis.) H. S. Apprenticed to H. D. Garrison, Chicago, 1871. Employed by F. Eberlein, Chicago, and E. S. Dreyer & Co., Denver. Deceased. ♦FRED M. LEWIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1853, Carbondale, Pa. Apprenticed to W. A. Bishop, Dodgeville, Wis., 336 University of Illinois [1879 1870-72; J. P. Sharp, Chicago, 1873-80; Pharm., Chicago, 2 yrs.; Employed by C. St. P. & K. C. R. R. Died O 28, 1902, Chicago. Ph.G. *JULIUS F. MEISTER Deceased. WILLIAM C. OHLENDORF Ph.G.; b. Je 9, 1857, Chicago; s. William and Sophie Ohlendorf. M.D., Chicago Med. Coll. (N. W. Univ.), 1882. Married Alice Hartmann, N IS, 1893, Chicago. Address, Park Ridge, 111.; bus. add., 1924 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. REINHARDT RAHR Ph.G.; b. 18.59, Manitowoc, Wis. Prepared in Ann Arbor Schs. Apprenticed to Moritz Krembs, Chicago, 1877-79; Maltster and Brewer, Manito- woc, Wis. Address, Manitowoc, Wis.f BERNARD L. ROOS Pharm. and Chem.; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Altenkir- schen, Ger. Prepared in First German H. S., Chicago. Apprenticed to J. H. Wilson and Louis Matthei, Chicago, 1870-77. Employed by Carl Laux as Drug Clerk, Chicago, 1878-81. Estab- lished drug bus. at corner of Wells and Ohio Sts., Chicago, 1881; opened a second store at No. 1 Lincoln Ave., 1882. Married Anna Friedrich, Ap 11, 1882, Chicago. Child, Frank Bernard. Ad- dress, in care of Ed. Roos Mfg. Co., 16th and Fisk Sts., Chicago.t OTTO G. SCHAEFER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 18, 1858, Theresa, Wis.; s. Ferdinand and Marie (Zaedler) Schaefer. Pharm., East Las Vegas, N. Mex. Married Mary E. Cummings, N 5, 1884, East Las Vegas, N. Mex. Children: Marie E., b. D 26, 1886; Helen C, b. Je 16, 1888. Address,Q21 7th St., East Las Vegas, N. Mex. *MAX FRANZ PAUL SCHMELING Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1847, Schwelbein, Pom- erania, Ger. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1883. Apprenticed to Gustav Kueller, Chicago, 1873-76. At one time Pharm., 388 Wells St., Chicago; Phys., 1502 Wells St., Chicago. Deceased. *ALBERT C. WEHRLI Pharmacist; Ph.G., 1878; b. 1857, Chicago. Prepared in Ann Arbor Sch. of Pharm. Appren- ticed to A. E. Ebert, Chicago, 1873-77; employed by Nat. Institute of Pharm.; Asst., Sch. of Pharm., 1885-90. Died Ap 16, 1905, Chicago. PAUL ZINDLER Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1858, Marienburg, Ger. Apprenticed to A. Wiseman, Baltimore, 1872-77. Employed by A. G. Vogeler, Ehrman, and Knox. Pharm., 1882-91. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Phys. 743 S. Halsted St., Chicago. J CLASS OF 1879 (9 LIVING, 5 DEAD) CHARLES RICHARD BECHMANN (Brother of Otto C, '86) Retired Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. F 17, 1857, Weltwitz, Sachsen- Weimar, Ger.; s. Henry and Wilhelmina (Pratzscher) Bechmann. Apprenticed to G. G. Appliger, Fountain City, Wis., 1872-76; Employed by N. Gray Bartlett, Chicago, 1879-80; Attended Rush Med. Coll., 1893-96; Intern, Augustana Hosp., 1896-97. Pharm., Fountain City, Wis.; Located in LaCrosse, do., 1897; Co. Phys., do., Ja 1899-1902; Retired from Med. practice, N 1918; located in Rock Island, 111., 1918—. Mem., Wis. State Bd. of Pharm. (Pres., 3 yrs.). Married Otillie Hupp, Ap 15, 1882 (died N 22, 1890). Children: Leonora, b. My 26, 1883, (died D 13, 1918); Florence, b. Ag 2, 1885; Carl, b. Ap 20, 1888 (died D 5, 1918). Address, 1706 32nd St., Rock Island, 111. *JAMES CASEY Ph.G.; b. Emmet, Wis. Apprenticed to J. Koenigstein, and F. J. Schweter, Watertown, Wis., 1871-76; employed by Thos. Whitfield, and D. R. Dyche & Co., Chicago; at one time Pharm., S. Park Ave., and 31st St., do. Died D 10, 1919. JULIUS CUNRADI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Sauk City, Wis. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to Robert Cvmradi, Sauk City, Wis., 1874-76. Formerly Pharm., 2904 Archer Ave., Chicago; Mem., firm Cunradi Bros., 576 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Address, 2236 Leland Ave., Chicago.t *CHARLES F. ELSNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Milwaukee. Pre- pared in Milwaukee Acad. Apprenticed to Widule & Conrath, Milwaukee, 1870-74, Milwaukee. Pharm., 1061-3 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. De- ceased. CHARLES HATTERMANN Physician; Ph.G.; b. Jl 28, 1858, Ger.; s. Fred- erick William (b. Je 25, 1822, do.), and Anna G. (von Nordheim) Hatterman (b. Je 17, 1820). Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1886. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. Married Johanna Wainberger, Jl 10, 1889. Children: Johanna M., b. Jl 2, 1891; A. Gertrude, b. Je 20, 1895; Charlotte Elizabeth, b. Ag 24, 1899 (died Jl 12, 1900); Carl F. A., b. D 6, 1903. Address, 3250 Palmer St., Chicago. GEORGE MARTI Retired; Ph.G.; b. My 4, 1856, Seneca Falls, N. Y.; s. Rudolph Marti (b. Switzerland). Mar- ried New Ulm, Minn. Children: Hertha; Alma; Alfred; Elsie; Edward. Address, New Ulm, Minn. RUDOLPH ERNST RHODE Pharmaqist; Ph.G.; b. D 6, 18.59, Ger.; s. J. H. and Emily (Brandt) Rhode. Prepared in Gym- nasium, Friedland, Ger. Pharm., 1301 N. Clark St., Chicago, 1882-1920. Mfr., Toilet Requisites and also retail Pharm., Chicago. Mem., Royal Arcanum; Vet., Drug. Assn.; Chicago Lincoln Club; Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Ad- dress, 56 W. Goethe St., Chicago; bus. add.. Re- public Bldg., State and Adams Sts., do. HUGO ROBINSON Phys. and .Surg.; Ph.G.; b. My 19, 1854, Posen, Poland; s. Edward (b. My 17, 1828, do.) and Johanna (Neumann) Robinson (b. do.). Prepared in Savannah (Ga.) Pub. Schs. and by apprentice- ships. M.D., Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., 1890. Pharm., Chicago, 1879-81; Albany, Ga., 1881-89; Phys. and Surg., do., 1890—. Master Mason, 1891; W. M., 1910-11; Albany Lodge, A. F. A. M., Grand Lodge of Ga., Custodian, 1917—; Albany Chap., R. A. M., High Priest, 1899-1901; I. M. Albany Council of R. & S. M. Married O 13, 1878, Chicago. Children: Edward Louis, b. Ag 25, 1879 (died Je 26, 1898); Madeline M., b. Ag 7, 1885; Charles D., b. N 1, 1887; Mortimer B., b. Ag 23, 1897. Address, 404 S. Madison St., Albany, Ga.; 6ms. add., 127 N. Washington St., do. JOHN RUDOLPHY Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1858, New York. Address, 3830 W. Lake St., Chicago. EMIL SCHMITT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Blue Island, 111. Ap- prenticed to Dr. J. J. Gosser, LaFayette, Ind., 1875-78. Formerly Pharm., 409 S. Centre Ave , Chicago. Address, Blue Island, Ill.t ♦RICHARD SEWARD Ph.G. Deceased. ♦THOMAS WAITE SOLLITT Pharmaci.'it; Ph.G.; b. 1851, York, Eng. Pre- pared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Apprenticed to Drug firm of Bliss & Sharp, Chicago, 1866-73; Mgr., Buck and Ravnor, 1873-79; Conducted Store at 1333 W. Lake St., Chicago, 1887-93. Died My 4, 1918, Chicago. 1880] School of Pharmacy Alumni 337 FRED A. THAYER (Brother of Charles A., "90) Retired Drug.; Ph.G.; b. F 16, 1856. Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Charles (b. 1815, Rome, N. Y.) and Pal- nivra R. Thayer (b. 1S25, do.). Prepared in Buffalo, N. Y. Lab. work. Rush Med. Coll., 187S. Retail Drug., Chicago, 1S79-1910; Los Angeles, 1912-lS; Retired, 1918. Mem., Nat. Assn. Retail Drug.; Chicago Retail Drug .\ssn.; Los Angeles Retail Drug Assn. Married Laura Clough S, 18S8, Chicago. Aiidrfss, 30 Paloma Ave., Venice, Calif. *GEORGE H. VAUPELL (Father of George F., '14) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. IS.'^g, Blue Island, 111.; s. William Vaupell. Apprenticed to George H. Ackerman. Employed by Buck & Raynor, Chi- cago, 10 yrs.; Pharm., Polk St. and Western Ave., Chicago. Married Florence Sollitt, Je 6, 1884. Children: Florence Victoria and George F., M.D. Died Ag 19, 1912. CLASS OF 1880 (10 LIVING, 5 DEAD) *JOHN F. COLEMAX Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1859, Chicago. Appren- ticed to Buyam and Wilson and to W. R. Wilson, Chicago, 1S73-80; Employed by A. Arend, Buck & Raynor, and D. R. Dyche, Chicago. Deceased. *GEORGE ELIJAH DICKINSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1859, Owatona, Minn. Apprenticed to C. Dickinson, Barrington, 111. Pharm., Nunda, 111. Died S 2, 1888. WILLIAM FORRESTER DUNHAM Retired Drug.; Ph.G.; b. O 3, 1857, Bernard, Vt.; s. Almond S. (b. Ap 10, 1827, St. Albands, Vt.) and Louise Rachael (Billings! Dunham (b. D 25, 1842, Montgomerj-, Vt.). Prepared in Onawa (la.) H. S. and Tabor Coll., la. Retired from business in 1917. Auth.: Numismatic Pamphlets such as Hard Times Tokens, Encased Postage Stamps, Easy Finding List Canadian Coins, Medals and Tokens, Auction-Record Prices, U. S. Half Eagles Gold, U. S. $3 Gold Pieces, Chicago Coin Club Bui.; Contributor to Philatelic West, Superior, Neb. Mem., Am. Numismatic Assn.; Bd. of Governors, (Chm., 1907); Sec., Coll. of Pharm., Chicago, 1884-85. Married Mellie C. PoweU, Ag 20, 1890, Chicago (died My 27. 1891). Child, Chester Forrester, b. My 20, 1891. Ad- dress, 722 S. Oakley Blvd.. Chicago. RICHARD CHRISTOPHER FRERKSEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 18.58, Heligoland, Ger. Prepared in Gynmasium Sch. Apprenticed to Friederich Wilhelm Carus von Kessler, 1875-78; to Fred Haeger. F. W. Bogart, Bent & Deetkin, Deadwood, S. Dak. Delegate to the Pharma- copoeial Convention, 1890. Mem., Bd. of Educ, 1886-89; Postmaster, Humboldt, 1882-85. Pharm. .1201 W. North Ave., Chicago; later with Engle- wood Hosp., do. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., (Trustee), (Sec. 1891); 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn. Address, 60th and Green Sts., Chicago.t SIDNEY SHERMAN HOTCHKISS Manufacturer; Ph.G. Formerly with Enter- prise Mfg. Co., Columbus, O.J AUGUST JACOBSON (See -99 Med.) ♦CHARLES J. NOHE Ph.G. Died Mr 16, 1916. EMIL OTTO (See '93 Med.) WILLIAM WESTRUP PEARCE (See '85- Med.) HENRY C. PILGRIM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 29. 18.57, Chicago; s. Henry Pilgrim. Prepared in the Jesuit Coll. Employed by F. M. Goodman, Chicago, for about 6 yrs.; owner of Drug bus., Chicago, 1884; dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, and oils; lateremployed by Montgomerj' Ward & Co., do. Address, Mon- tague, Mich.t ♦FREDERICK MICHAEL SCHMIDT (Brother of Louis E., '89) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1859, Chicago; s. D. Ernst (b. My 1830, Bavaria) and Therese (Weigard) Schmidt (b. Ag 1830). Apprenticed to W. S. Pearce, Waukegan, 111., 1875-80. Pharm.. Schiller Bldg., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Coll. of Pharm. (Sec, 1885-86); Chicago Veteran Druggists Assn. (Pres., 1918); Illinois Board of Pharmacy (1894-98); 111. Pharm. Assn. (Pres.. 1900). Died S 29, 1918, Chicago. ♦FREDERICK H. SECORD Ph.G.; b. 1851, Cedar Falls, la. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to F. T. Secord. Located in Ross, la.; Cedar Falls, do.; Chicago. 1873-79; Gen. Merchandise, Kensington, 111. Deceased. OTTO G. STOLZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 18G0. Beaver Dam, Wis. Apprenticed to F. J. Kruell, Chicago. Pharm., Horicon. Wis.; do., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. Address, 5050 Sheridan Rd., Chicago.t CHARLES S. STURGES Pharm. and Zinc Mining; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1857, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. George W. and Ann (Hum- phrey) Sturges. Prepared in Lake Geneva (Wis.) H. S. Married Victoria Frances Oatman, 1898, Chicago. Address, 112 N. Jackson Ave.. Joplin, Mo. EMIL THIELE Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. Mr 2, 1859, Merten, Ger. V. P., Chilton Malting Co., Chilton, Wis.; Pres., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1891 ; State Senator, 1890-94. Mem., Chicago Retail Drug. Assn., Pres., 1894. Married Marie B. Bellinghausen, 1894. Children: Ernest W.; Theresa M.; Anna C; Francis B.; Paul M.; Marie B. Address, 512 W. 60th PI., Chicago; bus. add., 740 Postal Telegraph Bldg., do. MARION CECILIA TIRRELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Paw-Paw, Mich. Pre- pared in Pub. Sch. Apprenticed to C. L. Tirrell. Chicago. 1876-80. Pharm., partner with C. S. Tirrell, 514 E 47th St., Chicago; do., 5900 Went- worth Ave. Address, 2516 Elsevose St., Los Angeles.t FREDERICK VOEGELI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1858, Fountain City, Wis. Apprenticed to G. G. Appliger, Fountain City, Wis., 187.3-77. Pharm., 4 Washington Ave., south cor. Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.; do.. Fountain City, Wis. Address, 412 Black Ave.. So., Bozeman, ^Iont.t WILLIAM W. WYCKOFF Lawyer, and Abstract business; Ph.G.; b. Jl 15, 18.58, La Salle Co., 111.; s. Alphonse D. and Lovina (Baresford) Wyckoff. Prepared in 111. State Norm. and Oberlin Acad. Drug., 1880-87; Abstracter, 1887-95; Admitted to Bar, 1895; Lawyer and Ab- stracter, 189.5 — . Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. P.: B. P. O. E.; Rotary Club. Married Mary L. Baldwin, Mv 5, 1887, York, Neb. Child, Marjorie, b. N 20, 1892. Address, 604 High St., York, Neb.; bus. add., 604 J^ Lincoln Ave., do. 338 University of Illinois [1881 CLASS OF 1881 (12 LIVING, 7 DEAD) JOHN CONRAD Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 11, 1857, Waukesha, Wis.; s. Conrad (b. Ap 21, 1831, Eschenau, Ger.) and Frederidka (Dexheimer) Conrad (b. Ag 9, 1840, Greisfeld, Ger.). Prepared in Carroll Coll., Wau- kesha, Wis., 1S81. Instr., 111. Coll. of Pharm.. 1 yr. Located in Chicago; later in Glencoe, 111.; Retail Drug. Business: Bodemann & Conrad; John Conrad; John Conrad & Co.; Conrad & Nafe Co. Mem., Farragut Boat Club; Hyde Park Club; Wis. Soc. of Chicago; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Apothecaries Soc; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Nat. Assn. Retail Drug. Married Louise I. Starr, Je 2, 1892, Glencoe, 111. Children: Louise Starr (Mrs. N. de Vose), b. Ag 4, 1893; Mervyn F. (Mrs. G. W. Haverstick) b. N 23, 1894; Jessie S., b. F 10, 1896; Janice Grace, b. Jl 2, 1901. Address, 5203 Kim- bark Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1400 E. 47th St., *GEORGE L. CORKE Pharmacist; Ph.G. Formerly Pharm., 600 Dempster St., Evanston, 111. Died 1918. JOHN THORNE DAVISON Physician; Ph.G.; b. Ja 16, 18.59, Chicago; s. Benjamin F. (b. Norwich, N. Y.) and Sarah Anne (Thorne) Davison (b. Winkleigh, Devonshire, Eng.) Prepared in Chicago Grammar Schs. M. D., Den- ver Med. Sch., 1888. Pharm. and Phys., Denver, 1885-96; Victor, Colo., 1896-1902; Pueblo, do., 1902-08; Seattle, 1908-13; Stockton, Calif., 1913—. City Phys., Victor, Colo., 1896-97; Co. Health Off., San Joaquin Co., CaUf., 1916-20. Mem., San Joaquin Co. Med. Soc; Calif. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Libbie Alice Car- ter, S 4, 1889, Denver, Colo. Children: John Thorne, b. F 2, 1891 (died Mr 30, 1900); Dorothy Blanche, b. Jl 12, 1893 (died F 16, 1901). Address, Stockton, Calif. CONRAD ENGSBERG Insurance; Ph.G.; b. O 2, 1855; s. Theodore and Grace (Setz) Engsberg. Formerly Pharm., Lake Mills, Wis. Mem., A. F. A. M.;I. O. O. F. Mar- ried Minnie Sahr, Ap 15, 1881. Address, 231 M. and M. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee. NEWTON GRAY Retired Drug.; Ph.G.; b. My 14, 1854; s. J. J. and S. T. (Gilmer) Gray. B.A., Blackburn Coll., 1877. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; W. O. W. Married Kate P. Murton, S 22, 1886. Children: Kate M., b. S 17, 1887; Eunice G., b. D 21, 1894. Address, 4053 1st St., San Diego, Calif. ♦FREDERICK HANDTMANN Ph.G. Formerly at 724 W. Lake St., Chicago. Deceased. EMIL F. W. HENKEL (See '90 Med.) SAMUEL HENRY JACKSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 29, 1850, Waseca, Minn.; 8. Jule A. Jackson. Prepared in Rochester (Minn.) H. S. Married 1888, Lake Geneva, Wis. Chil- dren: William; Lillian; Loretta. Address, 302 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2201 Van Buren St., do. ADOLPH KARPEN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 5, 1860, Posen, Prussia; s. Moritz and Johanna (Cohn) Karpen. Prepared in Schs. of Posen, Prussia. Apprenticed to Gus- tave Mueller, Chicago, 1872-77; employed as clerk by J. G. Schaar, do., 1877-80; by C. M. Weinberger and P. L. Milleman, 1880-81; retired from Drug Bus. in 1882, and entered Furniture Mfg. with his brother, 1882-85; established his own Drug. Bus. in 1885, Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm.; B'nai B'rith. Address, 900 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.t ♦CHARLES KNOBLAUCH Ph.G. Home, Chicago. Died 1895, Milwaukee. CHARLES EDWARD KREYSSLER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 13, 1859, Chicago; 8. Frederick E. and Maria (Kuoch) Kreyssler. Mem., Ashlar Lodge; A. F. A. M., 308, Liberty Chapter; Englewood Commandery 59, K. T.; Oriental Con- sistory, 32°, Medinah Temple. Married Emma Trautwein, N 25, 1886. Child, Margaret, b. O 2, 1887. Address, 7430 Merrill Ave., Chicago. FRITZ LUEDER Retired; Ph.G.; b. D 17, 1857, Peoria; s. JuUus G. and Bertha Lueder. Retired from business, Ap 1, 1914. Married Anna C. Lueder. Child, Bertha. Address, 108 3rd Ave., Peoria. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS LEUSMAN (See '89 Med.) ♦STANTON H. McCAMMON Ph.G. Home, Lyons, la. Died Jl 1897, Des Moines. ♦WILLIAM G. McDOUGAL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1857, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Apprenticed to David Eakin, Chicago, 1876. Employed by W. H. Judson; W. K. Forsyth, 4631 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Died 1892. ♦EDWARD KINGSFORD McPHERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1859, Washington, D. C. Prepared in Chicago H. >S.; Univ. of Chicago. Ap- prenticed to H. H. McPherson, Chicago, 1872-81. Pharm., 530 W. Indiana St., Chicago. Trustee, Chicago Coll. of Pharm.; Sec, do., 1892-93. Mar- ried Carrie Luke, 1883. Died F 8, 1894, Chicago. ALBERT GEORGE MANNS Chemist; Ph.G.; B.S. in Chem., 1885; b. Je 5, 1860, Pittsburgh, Pa.; s. Louis and Sophia (Hahn) Manns. Prepared in Oak Park and Elgin H. Schs. Ph.D., Univ. of Berhn, Ger., 1888. Prof., Analyti- cal Chem., and Dir. of Chem. Lab., Sch. of Pharm., 1890-91; Prof., Physics and Gen. Chem., and Dir., Chem. Lab., do., 1891-94; Chief Chem., Armour & Co., U. S. Yards, Chicago, 1894; do., A. Trostel & Sons Co., Milwaukee, to present. Married Anna H. Lansten, Je 18, 1902. Children: Edward, A., b. My 14, 1903; Elva A., b. Ag 20, 1907.. Address, 606 Woodland Ave., Oconomowoc, IJVis.; bus. add., 606 Commerce St., Milwaukee. ♦CHARLES L, SCHAAR Banker; Ph.G.; b. Schoenlauke, Prussia. Bank- er, 2603 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Died D 1908, Chicago. ELMER EUGENE SCHAEFFER Pharmacist; Ph.G. Address, Columbus, Wis.J ALBERT W. SCHULTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G. At one time Pharm., 7000 N. Clark St., Chicago. Address, 4257 N. Win- chester Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM L. SHOCKEY Retired; Ph.G.; b. F 20, 18.59, Ohio Co., Va.; s. William and Mary (Herman) Shockey.- Zeta Phi Epsilon. Mayor of Bessemer, Colo., 1892; do.. Cripple Creek, do., 1903-05; mem., 21st State Assembly, representing Teller and Park Counties. Mem., State Bd. of Pharm.; Colo. State Pharm. Assn. (Pres.); A. F. A. M., Grand Master of Grand Lodge, R. S. M., 1896. Married Mary Burns, 1890, Denver. Children: Marjorie C. and Wil- liam H. Address, Arno Apts., 18th and Logan Sts., Denver; bus. add., 801 15th St., do. 1882] School of Pharmacy Alumni CLASS OF 1882 (15 LIVING, 6 DEAD) ♦FRANCIS I.. ABBOTT Analytical Chemist; Ph.G.; b. Irvington, N. Y.; s. Franklyn B. (.b. Windsor, N. Y.) and Oralena Agnes Abbott. Prepared in Grammar Sch. and Acad., Elmira, N. Y. Grad. work in Analytical Chem., Surveying and Mapping. AssaVer and Chem., III. Steel Co., Chicago: Am. Smelters Se- curities Co., Monterey, Belardena, Santa Barbara, Mex.: Detroit Copper Co., Morenci, Ariz.; Algonia Steel Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Can.; Chief Chem., Nat. Rubber Co., Chicago. Mem., Am. Chem. Sec. Married Mav F. Canvan, Ag 30, 1SS7 (died Mv 9, H>07V, Clara Boldman, Je 1914 (died Ap IQlot. Child, Francis C, b. S 1S8S. Died O 23, 1920, Chicago. CLAYTON G. BITNER Ph.G.; b. 1S59, Mt. Carroll, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. A. Sheldon, Mt. Carroll, 1S71V77. Pharm., 5711 Ingleside .\ve., Chicago; Mfr., Wholesale Drugs: Real Estate Bus. Address, Maywood. IllJ. CHARLES G. BUCK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Chicago. Appren- ticed to Buck & Raynor, 1876-81. Pharm., Den- ver; Dealer in Coal; real estate bus.; Buck and Raynor, Randolph and Franklin St., Chicago.}: »A. FLETCHER BURK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Eagle Wis. Ap- prenticed to A. V. Burk, Whitewater, Mich., 1873- 1880. Pharm., Whitewater, Mich. Deceased. JOHN F. CARNEGIE (Formerly John F. Keneagj-) Pharmacist; Ph. (3.; b. Strasburg, Pa. Prepared in Strasburg .A.cad. Apprenticed to J. B. Weaver, Philadelphia. Pharm., employed by E. H. Sar- gent - prenticed to N. Ruhl & Co., Pekin; J. S. Jacobus, Chicago, 1876-80. Pharm., Pekin, 111. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 324 Court St., Pekin, Ill.t ERNEST E. EVANS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, New Milford, 111. Prepared in Baylis Cml. Coll., Dubuque, la. Ap- prenticed to Thompson & Kennedy, Byron, 111, 1878-80. Pharm., Byron, 111.; do., San Jose, Calif .J OSCAR FREDERICK FISCHER Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. 1860, Mendota, 111. Pre- pared in Blackstone H. S. .Apprenticed to Moritz Krembs, Chicago, 1876-81. Employed bv E. H. Sargent, 1881-86. Pharm., 16th St. and Wabash .\ve., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. .\ssn.; .\m. Pharm. .\ssn. Address, 1558 Wabash .\ve., Chi- cago.t ♦GEORGE H. HARTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1857, .\urora. 111. Ap- prenticed to I. T. Be%ner and H. Muckley, Aurora, 1872-80; Pharm.. Aurora, El. Died O 22, 1892, Aurora, 111. *EDWIN A. HORN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Oshkosh, Wis. Appren- ticed to W. F. Bogart, R. E. Strong, Chicago, 1876- 80; Pharm., 65 Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Died Mr 21, 1911, Oshkosh, Wis. ♦WILLIAM F. jr.STI Ph.G.; b. 1858. Home, Chicago. Deceased. CHARLES E. MARSH.\LL Druggist: Ph.G.; b. Ja 2J<, 1854; s. E. H. and Johan Marshall. Prepared in Wis. State Norm. Sch. ZetaPhi. Drug, 3500 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Specialist in wheel chairs, crutches, etc. Mem., Congregational Church. Married Laura E. Head, Ag 15, 1804. Children: Frank B., b. Je 15, 1895; Orville D.. b. N 16, 1897. Address, 3735 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3449 Cottage Grove, Ave., do. HENRY LOUIS CHARLES OHLENDORF Farmer; Ph.G.; b. F IS, 1860, Chicago; s. Wil- liam (b. Ja 10. 1825, Hanover, Gor.) and Sophia Ohlendorf (b. Ap 9, 1S31, do.). Prepared in Con- cordia Coll.. Ft. Wavne, Ind. Zeta Phi. Pharm., Chicago, 1882-1911; Relief Clerk. 1911-14; Fruit and Poultry Farmer in Fla., 1914 — . Married S 22, 1910, Waukegan, 111. (divorced'). Address, Titusville, Fla. WILLIAM S. SCHARTZEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860. Address, Freeport, Ill.t LOUIS CARL STAUDT Pharmacist: Ph.G.; .b. 1861, Aurora, 111. Ap- prenticed to J. N. Staudt, Aurora, 111. Mem. of Staudt Bros., Drug Firm, Aurora, 111. Mem., 111. Pharm. .\ssn.; Am. Pharm. Assn. Address, 15 S. Broadway, Aurora, Ill.t CHARLES LEWIS WALTHER ■VMiolesale Drug.; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Allegheny, Pa. Apprenticed to Klatz, 1877-79. Mem.. Firm Wal- ther & Robertson, Allegheny, Pa. Mem., Pitts- burgh Pharm. Assn. Address, 436 7th Ave., Pitts- burgh. t ♦JACOB WALTHER Jr. Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1849. Home, Chicago. Died IMr 2, 1918, Chicago. GEORGE W. WHITFIELD (Nephew of Thomas Whitfield, '61) Physician: M.D.; b. D 12, 1860, Catskill, N. Y.; s. Samuel A. (b. Coothill, Ireland) and Mary (Powell) Whitfield (b. Portadown, Ireland.). Pre- pared in Hudson (N. Y.) Acad. Grad. work, Chicago Med. Coll. of N. W. Univ., 1887. Located in Chicago, 1882 — . Surg., Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co., 25 yrs. Married Hatta Carlile, O 12, 1893, Pueblo, Colo. Child, James Carlile, b. Je 15, 1902. Address, 5332 Harper Ave., Chi- cago. EMIL L. WUNDERLE Druggist; Ph.G. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Fenelle GilsdorfT. Address, 1457 Catalpa Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5201 N. Clark St., do. ERNST ZIMMERMANN (Brother of Charles, '73; Eugene, '82: Robert, '84; (.Albert, '87; Uncle of Clemence, '09) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1857, Peoria, 111. Ap- prenticed to Charles Zimmerman. Peoria, 1873-82. JPharm., employed bv Hartwig & Ritter, Chicago; C. Zimmerman, Peoria; Pharm., Morton, 111.; do., Roanoke, do.; do. ,558 Oakland Ave., Detroit. J EUGENE ZIMMERMANN (Brother of Charles, '73, Ernst, '82, Robert, '84; Albert, '87; Uncle of Clemence, '09) Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. 1859, Peoria. .Appren- ticed to Charles Zimmermann, Peoria and A. W. H. Reen, Chicago, 1874-81. Pharm., 2113 S. .Adams St., Peoria; Phonograph .Agent, 320 S. -Adams St., do. Mem., 111. Pharm. .Assn. Address, 320 S. Adams St., Peoria, Ill.t 340 University op Illinois [1883 CLASS OF 1883 (18 LIVING, 7 DEAD) LOUIS ARMBRECHT Pharmacist; Ph.G.,; b. Je 20, 1859, New Port, Ky.; s. Louis and Augusta (Dorute) Armbrecht. Prepared in Lyrenfurth Coll., Chicago. Pharm., Lake and Lincoln Sts., Chicago, 1884-1901; Austin Ave., and South Blvd., 1902-08; 300 S. Cicero Ave. and Jackson Blvd., 1908 — . Hosp. Corps, Spanish-Am. War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Garfield Lodge; St. Pauls Lutheran Church. Married Neanie Warden, N 27, 1901, Chicago. Children: Mabel Louis, b. Ap 15, 1904; John W. and Louis M. (twins), b. S 24, 1906. Address, 300 S. Cicero Ave., Chicago. PAUL JOHANNES BEHRENS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1852, Ger. Apprenticed to J. A. Mead, Schneider & Hurst, and Theo. Behrens, Chicago, 1879-83. Pharm., 727 W. In- diana St., Chicago. Mem., HI. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; at one time V. P., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Address, 2256 Grand Ave., Chi- cago. t WILLIAM J. CODY Retired Pharm.; Ph.G. ; b. 1861, Watertown, Wis. Prepared in Sacred Heart Coll. Apprenticed to H. J. Eberle, 1875-79, R. H. Burke, 1879-81, Watertown, Wis. Address, Watertown, Wis.t FRANK GRIEB Ph.G. Clerk, Mohter Box Co., Milwaukee. Address, 209 Greenbush St., Milwaukee.! *CHARLES H. GRUBE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 18.50, Springfield, O. Apprenticed to C. W. Grube, Robinson, 111., 1876- 81. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Died O 8, 1909, Chicago. *OTTO J. HABERER Ph.G.; b. 1858. Died D 25, 1898, at his home in Chicago. JAMES T. HUSTON Retired; Ph.G.; b. Jl 7, 1860, Hamilton, O.; s. Geo. W. (b. Jl 18, 1838, do.) and Mary L. (Robin- son) Huston (b. N 12, 1839, Pittsburgh, Pa.). Prepared in Lee Co., 111. Married Elizabeth R. McCormick, S 4, 1884, Clinton, la. (died N, 1886). Child, Eleanor, b. Ag 1, 1885. Address, 500 Fourth Ave., Clinton, la. WALTER H. KROUSKUP Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 13, 1861; s. John (b. Delaware) and Mary J. (McGuire) Krouskup (b. F 26, 1841, New York.) Prepared in Wilming- ton, 111. Retail Druggist, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commander Oriental Consistory, Shrine; Intercollegiate Club of Chicago. Married Mr 26, 1884. Child, Walter Le Roy, b. F 26, 1886. Address, 1601 Chase Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 338 S. Clark St., do. FRANK ROLLIN LEONARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Bristol, Wis. Pre- pared in Kenosha (Wis.) H. S. Apprenticed to Henry Darby, Millburn, 111., 1879-80. Pharm., 18th arid Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Address, 338 S. Clark St., Chicago.t *JAMES ALLEN LYDSTON Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Jacksonville, Calif. Prepared in Chicago H. S. M.D., Rush Med. Coll. 1885. Apprenticed to F. G. and F. H. Secord, Chicago, 1879-83. Formerly Prof., Chem., Coll. of Med., employed by McDougall, and A. G. Vogeler, Chicago; Gen. Med. practice, do. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Pres., Alumni Assn., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1892-93. Died Jl 6, 1908, Chicago. JULIUS MAYR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Guilford, 111. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Apprenticed to Allen & Bean, and Bean & Perry, Rockford, 111., 1878-81. Em- ployed by Thomas Whitfield, Chicago; by J. R. Porter, Rockford, 111.; Clerk, 91 N.'51st Court, Chicago; Pharm., 1238 W. Lake St., Chicago.! HORACE MIEXSELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860. Address, Grin- nell, N. Y.J WILLIAM B. MOORE Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. 1860. Mfr., Stereop- ticons with Moore, Bond & Co., 36 N. Franklin St., Chicago. Address, 715 Masonic Temple, Chicago.t ♦FRANK R. MURPHY Ph.G.; b. 1860. Home, Appleton, Wis. Died 1888. FREDERICK M. PARKER Retired; Ph.G.; b. Je 23, 1858; s. Abner White (b. Jl 17, 1820, S. Gardner, Mass.) and Emily (Griswold) Parker (b. F 25, 1827, Wilma, N. Y.). Prepared in Bay City, Wis. Located in Red Wing, Minn., 1883-98; St. Paul, 1898-1919. Retired from business, N 15, 1919. Address, 1107 Diamond Ave., S. Pasadena, Calif. *CHARLES E. POLLOCK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Forreston, 111. Apprenticed to Geo. R. Charters, Ashton, 111., 1878-83. Pharm., Ashton, 111.; later at 18th and North Sts., Columbus, Neb. Mem., Neb. Pharm. Assn. Died 1918. RICHARD S. RAHTE Retired; Ph.G.; b. 1861. Address, Fond du Lac, Wis.j •DENNIS P. RUSSELL Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. My 18, 1860, Chicago; s. J. S. and Margaret C. (McMahon) Russell. Prepared in Div. H. S., Chicago. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1890. Gen. Med. and Surg. practice, Chicago. Mem., K. C. Married Helen Houston, Ap 16, 1910. Children: Paul; Helen; Margaret; May. Address, 3218 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. FERDINAND M. SCHULZ Phys. and Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Milwaukee. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1890. Apprenticed to J. H. Schulz, Watertown, Wis., 1876-78. Pharm., do.; Gen. Med. practice, 16th and Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, Co. Hosp., Wauwatosa, Wis.t WILLIS L. SEDGWICK Loans and Investments; Ph.G.; b. F 13, 1859, Cordova, 111.; s. Theodore H. and Laura S. (Par- sons) Sedgwick. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onargo, 111. Married D 20, 1892. Child, Mal- colm A., b. Ag 26, 1895. Address, Sioux City, la. *WILLIAM SINIGER Ph.G.; b. 1859. Died Mr 4, 1904, at his home in Galena. GUSTAV CHARLES SPAETH Ph.G.; b. D 7, 1862, Mt. Carmel, 111.; s. Conrad (b. Ja 16, 1822, Freiburg, Baden) and Marie (Knauer) Spaeth (b. Ja 13, 1822, Eckertszweier, Baden). Prepared in H. S. Married Mary Katherine Anthony, Ap 28, 1909, New York. Address, 6217 College Ave., Oakland, Calif. GEORGE F. STARR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 13, 1851, Hamburg, Ger. Address, 2240 Osgood St., Chicago. WILLIAM R. VAUPELL (See '94 Med.) 1SS4] School of Pharmacy Alumni 341 *ADOLPH G. WIESE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. IStil, Ger. Apprenticed to A. Kussmanu, Chicago. Employed by E. A. Druehl. Pharm., 729 S. Halsted St., Chicago; later at 1820, do. Deceased. JOHN FOKT WILKINSON Mgr., Abstract Co.; Ph.G.; b. Jl 29, 1858, Ber- A. (Hagadorn) Wilkinson. Prepared in Lapeir (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Delta Tau Delta. RIgr., Berrien Co. Abstract Co., St. Joseph, Mich. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Clara E. Reiber, My 1, 1884, Berrien Springs, Mich. Child, Jo Reiber. Address, St. Joseph, Mich. CLASS OF 1884 (44 LIVING, 12 DEAD) JOSEPH W. ADAMS Banker; Ph.G.; b. N 8, 1802, Hampton, 111.; B. E. W. and Ann D. (Willis) Adams. Prepared in Pub. Schs., Hampton, 111. Pharm., 1884-1902; Banker, Ja 1, 1903—. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P. Married AUce S. Vincent, My 26, 1886, Hampton, 111. Children: Joseph W., Jr., b. Mr S. 1SS7 (died Ag 2. 1914); Stella V., b. Ap 6, 1889. Address, Mason City, la. FRANK H. AHLBORN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 2, 1863, Chicago; s. Johanna Ahlborn. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A.; K. T.; Consistorv. Married Florence V. Mosser, Ag 11, 1S97. Chicago. Address. 1344 Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1144 Bryn Mawr Ave., do. WILLL\M W. ALBERS Druggist: D.D.S.; b. My 20, 1860, New Holstein, Wis.; s. John and Anna Albers. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ella C. Clark, My 27, 1885. Chil- dren: Francis C. b. Ag 16, 1886; Irene R., b. O 21, 1888; Ruth H., b. Ap 15, 1895; William W., Jr., b. O 12. 1898. Address, 301 3rd St., Wausaw, Wis.; bus. add., 501 La Salle St., do. WILLIAM J. S. ANGEAR Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1863, Berlin, Wis. Ap- prenticed to J. J. M. Angear, L. K. Waldron, J. L. Bennett, Chicago, 1876-84. Pharm., 402 W. Lake St. and 182 N. Halsted St., Chicago; do., Chicago Heights, 111. Address, Chicago Heights, CLIFTON S. ARNOLD Retired; Ph.G.; b. Je 12, 1858, Middlebury, Ind.; s. A. B. and A. D. (Da^ns) Arnold. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M. Married Eleanor M. Brown, My 1898, Waukesha, Wis. Address, 2117 Univ. Ave., Madison, Wis. ♦GEORGE R. BAKER Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1857, Racine, Wis. Prepared in Niles (Mich.) H. S. Apprenticed to J. K. and S. M. Finlay, Niles, Mich., 1869-70. Pres., Alumni Assn., 1891-92. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Died Mr 6, 1908, Chicago. HENRY A. BISCHOFF Ph.G.; b. Ja 30, 1862. Prepared in H. S. M. D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1889. Located in Chicago. Married 1891, Chicago. Address, 859 Oakdale, Chicago; bus. add., 1900 S. Halsted, do. ABR.^HAM BROWN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. .A.p 8, 1863, Milwaukee; s. Martin (b. Mr 29, 1829, Holland) and Nellie Brown (b. Holland). Prepared by serving 5 yr. apprenticeship. Philadelphia, 1877-82. Grad. work in Chem., Botany, Pharm., Materia Med.. Micro- scopy and lab. work. Located in Milwaukee, 43 yrs. Mem.. A. F. A. M., K. T. Married Mv 26. 1886, Milwaukee. Children: Grace Mav, b. S 17, 1888 (died Ap 13, 1903); Bessie Lillian, b. Ap 9, 1892: Dorothy Margaret, b. O 31, 1897. Address, 1930 Brown St.. Milwaukee; bus. add., 630 Grand Ave., do. FRANK A. BUTLER Phys. and Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Freeport, 111. Prepared in Chicago Med. Coll. M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1890. Apprenticed to Storey & Parker, and C. Hombach, Clarence. Mo., 1878; L. Burlingham, Chicago, 1881-84. Pharm., 5946 Dickey St., Englewood, 111.; Phys., 70 E. Madison St., Chicago; later at 209 S. State St., do. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 6727 Wentworth Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 153 W. 69th St., do.t EBEN CARLSSON Real Estate; b. Ap 11, 1859; s. Erland and Eva M. Carlsson. Prepared in Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111. Mem., Lutheran Church; Mod. Woodmen. Married Anna M. Swensson, My 27, 1885. Children: Eva M.; Erland; Edward S.; Egbert. Address, Box 631, McPherson, Kan. HENRY W. CARTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1858. Formerly Pharm., Rock Island, 111., Address, Red Cross Pharmacy, Peoria.t GEORGE C. CONGDON Cashier: Ph.G.; b. 1861, Beaver Dam, Wis. Prepared in So. Jersey Institute. Bridgeton. N. J. Apprenticed to F. J. Golling, Beaver Dam, Wis., and E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago; Cashier, German Nat. Bank., Beaver Dam, Wis.; at one time Pharm., Mt. Vernon, O.t GEORGE H. CULVER Ph.G.; b. 1858. Formerly at 331 41st St., Chicago. Address, Buffalo, N. Y.J MELVIN S. CUMMINGS Ph.G.; b. 1859. Address, Buda, Ill.J CYRUS P. FINLEY Mfr. and Optometrist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 5, 1854, Excelsior Springs, Mo.; s. George B. and Sarah Semith (Edmiston) Finley. Ph.G.; Oph. D., Univ. of Mo. Pres. of Class 1884. Mfr. and Op- tometrist; Dr. of Ophthalmology, St. Louis. Auth.: Treatise on the New School. Mem., Westminster Presby. Church. Address, 6149 West- minster Place, St. Louis. EDWARD LINCOLN FISH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861. Formerly Pharm., Sheridan. Wyo. Address, 1712 Sunnyside Ave., Apt. 3, Chicago.t *EDWARD E. FOSTER Ph.G.; b. 1859. Jacksonville. 111. Prepared in Elgin Acad. Apprenticed to R. and S. E. Weld, and W. R. Lee, Elgin, 111., 1878-83. Pharm., Aurora, Rockford, Chicago, and Elgin, 111. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Died, 1913. FRANK SMITH FOSTER Retired Drug.; Ph.G.; b. Je 9, 1861, Beloit, Wis.; s. David Smith (h My 26, 1826. Andover, Mass.) and Agnes Fergueson (Byers) Foster (b. Ja 17, 1836, Brechin. Scotland). Prepared in Beloit (Wis.) H. S. Pharm.. Beloit, Wis. and Monmouth, 111.; V. P., Beloit Savings Bank Pres. Beloit Building & Loan Assn. Mem. Legal Advisory Bd., 1918-19. Mem., B. P. O. E. A. F. A. M.. K. T.. 32°. Shrine. Married Eliza beth Kerr. Ja 17, 1887, Monmouth. 111. Children Helen Margaret, b. N 17, 1900; Elizabeth Agnes, b. D 18, 1902. Address, 819 Church St., Beloit, Wis.; bus. add., 357 E. Grana Ave., do. 342 University of Illinois [1884 JAMES L. FRANKEN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 25, 1862, Sigourney, la.; s. Bartholomew (b. My 1833, Seigburg, Ger.) and Christina MaKdalina Franken (b. F 2, 1836, Schirmer, AUadorf , Bavaria) . Prepared in Sigour- ney (la.) H. S. Drug. Bus., Chicago, 1880-90; Salt Lake City, 1890 — . Mem., State Bd. of Pharm., My 22, 1899—. Mem., Alta Club, 1893—. Married Je 1, 1898, Salt Lake City. Address, 22 N. Wolcott Ave., Salt Lake City. ANTON PHILIP FREUND ' Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 28, 1863, Altenbruch, Bavaria, Ger.; s. Anseln and Victoria (Kuemeth) Freund. Prepared in Hammelburg (Ger.) H. S.; Bennett Med. Coll., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Ashlar Lodge 308, Oriental Consistory, Medina Temple, Shrine. Married Maud Marie Solden, 1890, Chicago. Children: Bertha, b. 1891 (de- ceased); Charles A., b. 1894; Helen M., b. 1902. Address, 3755 Lawrence, Chicago; bus. add., 3836 Byron St., do. WILLIAM R. GATTON Ph.G.; b. S 5, 1859, Virginia, 111.; s. Z. W. and Sarah C. Gatton. Address, Galesburg, 111. OLIVER H. HAND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 7, 1859, Morris, 111.; s. Augustus F. and Sara (Clark) Hand. Ajax. Formerly located in Lake Forest, 111.; later in Ontario, Calif. Mem., Congr. Church. Mar- ried Emily Mumford, London, Eng. Children: Frederick and Edward L. Address, 399 S. Wilson Ave., Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., Oxnard, do. CHARLES F. HATTERMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 25, 1864, Ger.; s. Charles F. (b. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Steinmeyer) Hatterman (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago. Mem., Royal Arcanum, Brooklyn, N. Y. Married, O 23, 1892, Brooklyn, N. Y. Child, Charlotte Mennen, b. N 4, 1899. Address, 11 Park Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; bus. add.. Park and Prospect, do. JOHN J. HILDEBRAND Manager; Ph.G.; b. My 25, 1861, Wyach, Switzerland; s. Ulrich and Mary (Graflin) Hinde- brand. Prepared in grade schs., Wyach, Switzer- land, Canton of Zurich. Mgr., Drug. Dept., Heenan Mercantile Co., Streator, 111., 1900 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Emma J. McClung, O 5, 1887, Cambridge, 111. Children: H. Weir, b. Jl 8, 1889; Glenn J., b. 25, 1891. Address, 203 W. Lincoln Ave., Streator, 111. ♦WILLIAM J. HUGHES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Goshen, Ind. Ap- prenticed to D. H. Hawks, CJoshen, Ind.; Clark Bros., and E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago, 1878-83; Pharm., Omaha, Neb. Mem., Alumni Assn., Neb. Died, S 28, 1901, Milwaukee. WILLIAM F. IRVING Ph.G.; b. 1858. Address, Owatonna, Minn.J *EDWARD F. JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1858. Home, Green Springs, O. At one time Pharm., Gilroy, Calif. Died, Ag 10, 1917. JOHN B. JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862. At one time Pharm., 257 Austin Ave., Chicago. Address, Wilmington, Ill.t CRAIGE C. KENNEDY Automobile Business; Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1860, Hinckley, 111.; s. Hiram and Olive P. Kennedy (b. Charlamont, Mass.). Prepared in Hinckley Valparaiso, Ind. Conducted Drug Store, Chicago, 1884-88; Drug Business, Hinckley, 111., 1888-1911; Automobile Business, do., 1911—. Married Adella L. Kosier, 1884, Byron, 111. Children: Frank and Olive. Address, Hinckley, 111. *JOHN C. KIESSLING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Chicago. Pharm., 709 W. 21st St., cor. Wood St., Chicago. Died, My 21, 1901, Chicago. FREDERICK R. C. KLEENE Clinician; Ph.G.; b. D 5, 1862, Leer, Hanover, Ger.; s. Charles F. W. (b. S 1, 1823, Wittmund, Hanover, Ger.) and Tibina (Victor) Kleene (b. My 9, 1828, Kirchborgum, Hanover, Ger.). Pre- pared under Pvt. Instr., Peoria. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1887. Grad. work. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Berlin and Vienna, 1903. Gen. Med. practice, 1887-1903; Clinician, 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago, at present. Chicago Chapter, Am. Red Cross. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Am. Acad. Ophthalmol, and Oto-Laryngol.; Nat. Geog. Soc; Chicago Art Institute. Married, Ag 21, 1887 (wife died, 1893); Lydia Nieland, Je 10, 1896. Children: Verna Lydia, b. S 21, 1890; W. Warren, b. Jl 3, 1899. Address, 1445 Wicker Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 803 Milwaukee Ave., do. WILLIAM HOWARD KNEVITT Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1861. M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1895. Phys., Rutherford, N. J., Specialist in Dermatol., Larchmont, N. Y. Ad- dress, 166 N. Main St., Port Chester, N. Y.t ROBERT METZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862. Pharm., Lena, 111. Address, Lena, Ill.t GEORGE P. MILLS Retired; Ph.G.; Formerly Pharm., 1000 Davis St., Evanston, 111., 1889-1914; Pres., Sch. of Pharm. Alumni Assn., 1910-14. Address, Dalton, Ga.t EUGENE DON MURPHY Ph.G.; b. 1859. Formerly Salesman, 6026 Drexel Ave., Chicago; later at 354 E. 54th St., do. Address, 4700 CJrand Blvd., Chicago.! GILBERT S. PEYTON Mining Engineer; Ph.G.; b. Ap 2, 1857; s. Lacy and Cathrine (Munroe) Peyton. Prepared in Magnolia (la.) H. S. Druggist, 1884-90; Mining Engineer, past 25 yrs. Married Ida May Smith, Mv 13, 1879. Children: Ruletta, b. Ag 7, 1881; Gilbert, b. S 9, 1885; Kathryn, b. My 9, 1890; Paul, b. D 13, 1896. Address, Clipper Mills, Cahf. ♦THEODORE ROOS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Hamburg, Rhenish, Bavaria. Apprenticed to B. L. Roos, Chicago. Pharm., 633 W. Superior St., Chicago. With Ed. Roos Mfg. Co., 16th and Fisk Sts., Chicago. Deceased. CHARLES KULP ROSS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1880. Pharm., Tipton, la. Address, Tipton, la.t JOSEPH I. SCHIMECK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Chicago. Ap- prenticed to Robert Schiffbauer, Chicago, 1880-84. Pharm., 547 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 1664 Blue Island Ave., Chicago.t ♦JOSEPH H. SCHMIDT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Lockport, 111. Ap- prenticed to C. H. Bacon, Lockport, 111., 1878-79; F. J. Bluthardt, 1880-84. Employed by T. J. Bluthardt, and C. H. Bacon & Co. Pharm., 2402 Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. Deceased. ALBERT SCHREINER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, New York. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs., Chicago. Apprenticed to H. B. Schneider, Chicago, 1879-84. Pharm., Detroit; 311 E. North Ave., Chicago; later at 1495 Newport Ave., do. Address, Batavia, Ill.t 1885] School op Pharmacy Alumni 343 ♦ADOLPH E. SCHREUBER Ph.G.: b. 1S62. Home. Erfurt, Wis. Died, 1887, Sauk Rapids, Minn. ARNOLD THIES Ph.G.; b. Jl 7, 1S61: s. Gustav and Salome (Michaels) Thies. Located in Chicago (16 yrs.) and Wheaton. 111. (13 yrs.) Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M. Address. Hinsdale, III. HENRY F. THOMA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. IStiO, Chicago. Appren- ticed to H. W. Buchman. and H. Schmitt, Chicago, 1867-79. Pharm., Clark 8t. and Archer Ave., Chicago; Formerly at 32 W. 20th St., Chicago. Address, 2400 W. 63rd St., Chicago.t L. M. THOMPSON Ph.G.; b. 1854. Address, Chicago.t CHARLES HENRY TROWBRIDGE Phvsician; Ph.G.; b. Jl 26, 1859, Viroqua, Wis.; M.D., Columbia Univ., 1894. Faculty Medal, Sch. of Pharm. Gen. Mid. practice, Viroqua, Wis. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Edith M. Rogers, 1892, Madison, Wis. Children: Dorothy, b. 1893; Louise, b. 1902. Address. 231 S. Rusk Ave., Viroqua, Wis.; bus. add., 103 Main St., do. CORNELIUS VANDERPOEL Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1860, Holland; s. John and Mary (Van Ness) Vanderpoel. Pre- pared in Skinner H. S., Chicago. Apprenticed to B. Leenheer, Chicago, 1880-84; Pharm., Cook Co. Hosp., do., Ja 1894 — . Mem., Royal League, Washington Council. Married Annie Collins (deceased); Anna Sturges (deceased); Marie Walker. Children: Willis, b. 1886; Allan, b. 1889; Edith, b. 1906; John, b. 1914. Address, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. ♦REINHOLD WALDIN Ph.G.; b. 1862. Home, Quincy, 111. Deceased. ♦HENRY H. WALSH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Merton, Wis. Apprenticed to E. F. Mertz, Hartford, Wis.; M. J. Schubert, Watertown, Wis.; Pha Mem., 111. Pharm. Lock- Deceased. ♦CYRUS A. WEBSTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Canton, 111.; Ap- prenticed to P. C. Ross, Canton, 111., 1878-84. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn., Canton, 111. Died, Ag 16. 1912. ALBERT WEIL Surgeon; Ph.G.; b. 1864. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1893. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 424 Jefferson Bldg., Peoria.f OSCAR G. WERNICKE Ph.G.; b. My 26. 1862, Ft. Atkinson, Wis.; IM.D., Rush Med. Coll.. 1889. Married Sarah A. Strickland (Deceased). Child, Henry O., b. Ag 19, 1887. Address, 3532 Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., 1553 Madison St., do. CHARLES HENRY WIESE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 21, 1860; s. Louise Wiese. Prepared in Englermans Sch. Mem., Nat. LTnion. Married Camilla R. Klumb. Chil- dren: Esther D., b. Je 1, 1895; Erwin, b. Ag 17, 1903. Address, 864 Island Ave., Milwaukee. ELY R. WOLFNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Chicago. Pre- pared in Pub. Sch. Apprenticed to Thomas Whitfield, and Thomas Braun, 1879-87. Pharm., 351 S. Clark St., Chicago. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Pharm. Assn. Address, Siegel Cooper & (3o., New York.f ♦CONRAD HENRY ZIEPPRECHT Ph.G.; b. 1860. Home, Dubuque, la. Deceased. ROBERT ZIMMERMANN (Father of Clemence, '09; Brother of Charles, '73, Ernst and Eugene, '82, Albert '87) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 28, 1861, Peoria; s. Christian and Katherine (Ziegler) Zimmermann. Apprenticed to Charles Zimmermann, Peoria; Pharm., 423 S. Adams St., Peoria. Mem., Catholic Church; K. C. Married Anna Blumb, O 7, 1886, Peoria. Children: Clemens; Urban; Gretchen. Ad- dress, 110 W. Park PL, Peoria; 6ms. add., 423 S. Adam St., do. CLASS OF 1885 (48 LIVING, 12 DEAD) CARL ALBERT ALDENHOVEN Physician; Ph.G.; b. Coblentz, Ger., 1857. Prepared in Gvmnasium Sch., Munster, Ger. M.D., Independent Med. Coll., 1898. .\pprenticed to C. L. Shaar, Chicago, 1883-85; Employed by H. M. Krueger, St. Louis; Pharm., 1236 Clark .\ve., do. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Ad- dress, Gonzales, Tex.t ALMERIN WEBSTER BAER Physician; Ph.G.; b. F 3, 1862, Wayne Co., C; s. Benjamin (b. 1837, do.) and Amanda (But- termore) Baer (b. 1839, Connellsville, Pa.). Pre- pared in Connellsville, Pa. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1889. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago, 1889- 1918; Instr., Med., Coll. of Med., 1902-06; Special- ist, Electro-Therapy and X-Ray, Tex. Neb., and in Ohio, 1918 — . Auth.: Treatment of Anterior Poliomyelitis; Treatment of Heart Disorders by the Galvanic Current, Jour, of Electro-Thera- peutics. N. Y., 1909. Mem., A. M. A.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Electro- TherapeuticiSoc; Hamilton Club. Married Anna Sweitzer, 1894, New York, (died 1904). Address, Portage Hotel, Akron, O. GEORGE BLANCHARD BARWIG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Milwaukee, 1864. Ap- prenticed to F. W. Hartwig, Milwaukee, 1879-82. Pharm., .30.59 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Address, 3749 Maple Square Ave., Chicago.t GEORGE EDWARD BAUMANN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1861, Springfield, 111.; s. George and Catherine (Dinkel) Baumann. Married Elizabeth Merklin, Ja 18, 1893. Children: Frances I., b. S 28, 1894; G. Edward, Jr., b. Jl 28, 1896; Helen Marie, b. My 22, 1900; Elsie, b. Je 22, 1901; Chas. J., b. Ap 3, 1903; Katheryn Eva, b. Ag 3, 1912. Address, 810 S. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 630 E. Washing- ton St., do. EDWARD LEE BECKER Ph.G.; b. 1864. Apprenticed to Dr. John Becker, Altona, 111., 1881-85; Mgr., Pharmacy, 4530 Prairie Ave., Chicago.^ FREMONT WEBSTER BENSON Real Estate Business; Ph.G.; b. Jl 19, 1857, Clyman, Wis.; s. Lewis Monroe (b. Mass.) and Mary Diana Benson (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Lowell, Wis.; Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam. Wis.; State Norm. Sch., Whitewater, Wis. Retired from drug business in 1913; now in real estate business. Married Anna E. Coleman, 1878. Children: Lewis Coleman, b. O 29, 1891; Bernice May, b. S 8, 1893. Addre.'is. Highland Ave., cor. Amster- dam Ave., Atlanta, Ga. OSCAR S. BETTING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Chicago. Ap- prenticed to I. W. Blood, Chicago, 1882-85. Employed by A. A. Bjelland, I.eland, 111.; Pharm., 344 University of Illinois [1885 249 S. Western Ave., Chicago; later at 301 S. Halsted St., do. Address, 1550 Jarvis Ave., Chi- cago.t *CHARLES BLODGETT Ph.G.; b. 1864. Apprenticed to C. L. Jackson, Midland, Wis., 1881-84. Deceased. GEORGE W. BOALCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Buffalo, N. Y.; Ap- prenticed to R. G. Ripke, Chicago, 1878-85. Pharm., 864 Clybourn Ave., Chicago; 722 Lincoln Ave., do.; later at 1034 Wolfram St., do. Ad- dress, 4705 N. Whipple St., Chicago.t PETER ROBERT BOGAN Ph.G.; b. 1864. Apprenticed to Horace H. A. Todd, Mt. Ignaee, Mich., 1880-85. Address, Mackinac Island, Mich.f WALTER A. BRABROOK Orchardist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 2, 1863, Chicago; s. James F. and Jennie A. (Jackson) Brabrook. Prepared in Oak Park, 111. At one time Pharm., 296 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Address, 515 N. Washington Ave., Whittier, Calif. HORACE H. BROWN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 6, 1865; s. James D. (b. Jamestown, N. Y.). Prepared in H. S. Pharm- acist, 1885-1919, continuing business established by father in 1844. Married Bonnie S. Smith, Mr 15, 1903, Pontiac, 111. Child, Marian. Ad- dress, 833 Raynor Ave., Joliet, 111.; 6ms. add., 200 JeSerson St., do. ♦ALBERT COLLINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862. Apprenticed to Thomas Whitfield, Chicago, 1881-85; Pharm., Santa Fe, N. M. Died, 1903, Santa Fe, N. M. FRANK E. FALKENBERG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Chicago. Prepared in Teutopolis Seminary. Apprenticed to Reuter & Murphy; H. Reuter, Chicago, 1882-85; Pharm., 688 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Address, 2723 Kimball Ave., Chicago.t JOHN T. FITZSIMON Physician; Ph.G.; b. Je 24, 1862. M.D., Mem- phis Hosp. Med. Coll., 1892. Mem., A. M. A. Address, Castroville, Texas. JOHN B. FROHN Physician; Ph.G.; b. Ap 17, 1863, Milwaukee; s. Anton (b. Ger.) and Minnie (Demine) Frohn (b. Milwaukee). Prepared in Green Bay (Wis.) Bus. Coll. Located in Chicago, F 1, 1886—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; National Union. Married, 1885, Green Bay, Wis. Children: John I., b. 1885; Harry, b. 1889. Address, 1925 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. DAVID HENRY GALLOWAY (See '93 Med.) *LUDWIG FRIEDRICH GMELICH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Minonk, 111. Ap- prenticed to Henry Sweet, Chicago, 1881-85; Pharm., 748 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Mem., Alumni Assn., Chicago Coll. of Pharm.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Died, 1906, Chicago. HENRY P. GRIMM Ph.G.;b. Jl 28, 1864, Rock Island, 111.; s. A. H. and Julia Grimm. Address, 105 N. View, Aurora, 111.; 6ms. add., 83 Fox St., do. OTTO JULIUS HARTWIG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Watertown, Wis. Apprenticed to C. F. Hartwig, Chicago, 1880-87. Employed by L. K. Waldron, Chicago; E. D. Eddy, Arkansas City, Kan.; Pharm., 1570 Mil- waukee Ave., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Address, 1950 Milwaukee Ave., Chi- cago.t JOHN SNEED HAYS Rancher and Horticulturist; Ph.G.; b. My 20, 1860, Macomb, 111.; s. Charles (b. 1790, Alber- marle Co., Va.) and Sarah Ellen Hays (b. S 29, 1821, Danville, Ky.). Prepared in Macomb H. S. Drug., Chicago, 1886-89; do., Macomb, 111., 1890- 1910; Chicken Rancher, Sacramento, Calif., 1912- 13; San Diego, do., 1914; San Ysidro, do., 1915—. Address, San Ysidro, Calif. GEORGE K. HERMAN Phys. and Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Woodstock, 111. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1891. Apprenticed to John S. Wheat, and Groesbeck & Wilkinson, Chicago. Employed by A. E. Ebert, G. F. Wiss- hack, Chicago; Phys., 96 La Salle St., do.; Pharm., with G. H. Mayr, 104 N. La Salle St. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Ad- dress, 104 N. La Salle St., Chicago. CHARLES J. HEYLMAN (See '90 Med.) WILLIAM JAMES HOCKING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1857, Dodgeville, Wis. Apprenticed to WiUiam Hewitt, Dodgeville, 1878- 79; Doolittle Bros., Chicago, 1880-81. Pharm., Florence, Wis. Mem., Wis. Pharm. Assn. Ad- dress, Waupaca, Wis.t DAVID SNYDER HORTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860. Apprenticed to George R. Moore, Oxford Junction, la., 1881-84. Address, Dixon Ill.t SYLVESTER W. HURST Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Washington, O. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Wertz & Hall, Sedalia, Mo., 1882-84; T. H. Patterson, Chicago, 1884-85. Mem., Mo. Pharm. Assn. Address, Tipton, Mo.t JACOB JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Norway. Prepared in Carpenter Sch. Apprenticed to N. Brunn, Chicago, 1881-85. Employed by N. Brunn, 282 W. Indiana St., Chicago.t *FRANK P. KAUN Ph.G.; b. 1863. Home, Chicago. Deceased. WILLIAM THEODOR KLENZE Retired; Ph.G.; b. O 22, 1862, Scott Co., la.; s. Carl Friederich (b. Holstein, Ger.) and Henri- ette (Ficke) Klenze (b. Ger.). Pharm., 1301 Bel- mont Ave., Chicago, 1886-1909. Mem., Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. (Ex. Bd.); Lake View Bus. Mens Assn. (Pres., 1908-09); 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Nat. Assn. of Retail Drug.; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Park Ridge Country Club. Married Clara Andresen, O 21, 1897, Davenport, la. Children: Robert Otto, b. F 16, 1899; C. H. Delmar, b. D 30, 1900. Address, 4424 N. PauHna St., Chicago. ALBERT C. KLUCKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Mendota, 111. Ap- prenticed to C. E. Clacius, Chicago, 1882-85. Pharm., Hegewisch, 111. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 13332 Erie St., Chicago.t *LOUIS LEHMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Carlinville, 111. Pharm., 123 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Died, Ja 7, 1913. ALFRED W. LUEDERS Phys. and Pharm; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Watertown, Wis. Apprenticed to William Lueders, Milwaukee, 1875-85. Pharm., Milwaukee; at one time Phys., Walla Walla, Wash.; also at Seattle.t JOHN LYNCH Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. D 13, 1863, Elburn, 111.; s. Patrick and Margaret (Moore) Lynch. Pre- pared in Malta H. S. Married Annie Conway, F 26, 1906. Addresf!, 110 E. 41st St., Chicago; 6us. add., 200 E. 37th St., do. 18851 School of Pharmacy Alumni 345 JOHN A. McDONAI.D Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1SG2. Pharm., Lock- port, 111. Address, Lockport, 1114 *ADOLPHUS E. McMAHON Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1S04. Apprenticed to Hem-y J. Thomas, Greenwood, Wis., 1SS0-S4. Deceased. PHILIP HENRY MALLEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. ISoS. Frankfort, 111. Prepared in Boston H. S. Apprenticed to Gross & Delbridge, Chicago, 1873-85; Pharm., 48 Madison St., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 33 E. Randolph St., Chicago.t FRANK M. MARES Pharmacist; Ph. G.; b. 1800, Cooperstown, Wis. Apprenticed to Ferguson & Co., Omaha, Neb. Pharm., 2876 Archer Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM T. MASON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 7, 1861, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; s. John Jacob and Amelia (Evans) Mason. Prepared in Niagara Falls, Vienna, and Port Rowan (Ont.) H. Schs. Drug, with Buck & Rayner, 18S4-90; 525 W. Van Buren Ave., Chi- cago, 1890-94; Clark and Diversey Sts., 1894- 1903; Port Rowan, Ont., 1903-07; Bartlesville, Okla., 1907-12; Toilet Goods, 1920—. Married Lily Alora Anger, Mr 9, 1887, Port Rowan, Ont. Child, Robert Franklin, b. Je 30, 1890. A'ddress, 1556 Jonquil Terrace, Chicago; bus. add., 1315 Congress St., do. B. FRANK PARNELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864. Apprenticed to F. D. Warner, New Carlisle, Ind., 1881-85. At one time Pharm., with the Public Drug Co., 150 State St., Chicago.t *HENRY IVAN PARRY Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.: b. O 29, 1862, Cambria, Wis.; s. Evan (b. Wales) and Anne (Williams) Parry (b. do.). Prepared in Mankato, (Minn.) H. S. Traveling Salesman, Drugs, 1885- 90; Proprietor of Drug Store, Mankato, Minn., 1890-1905; Traveling Salesman for Parke, Davis & Co., 1905-20. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Minnie Sweetland, O 11, 1893, Greene, N. Y. Died, Mr 13, 1920, Mankato, Minn. WARREN MILTON PEARSE Pharmacist: Ph-.G.; b. 1801, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Prepared in Mt. Vernon H, S. Apprenticed to J. G. Gardiner, Mt. Vernon, and C. M. Lvman, Buffalo, 1880-84. Pharm., Louisville, Ky.; Prince- ton, Ind.; and with Doss Bros., Colorado, Tex. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. J FREDERICK HENRY PFUNDER Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1861. Pharm., Green- wood, Wis. Address, Greenwood, Wis.t EDWARD K. PORTER Iem., Pharm. Assn. of Ariz, (organizer and first pres. for three yrs.') ; Organizer of Episcopal Church of Prescott (Jr. Warden and Treas. for many vrs.); A. F. A. M.; Charter Mem. of the Yavapai Club of No. Ariz. Married 1889, Phoenix, Ariz. Children: Mabel Evelvn. b. 1892; Harold Roy, b. 1895. Address. 140 S. Pleasant St., Pres- cott, Aris.; bus. add., Brisley Drug Co. Inc., do. FRED HENRY BUSSE Ph.G.; b. 1863. Address, Chicago.t SAMUEL CASE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Otterville, 111. Prepared in Otterville H. S. Apprenticed to C. E. Marshall, and J. S. Williams, Chicago, 1879-84, Steward, Port of Chicago; U. S. Marine Hosp., Chicago. Pharm., No. 111. Asylum for the Insane, Elgin. Address, St. Charles, Ill.t JOHN J. CHWATAL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 22, 1866; s. Vaclav Chwatal. Pharm.. .505 S. Canal St., Chicago, 1889-97; 2756 W. 22nd St., do., 1897—. Married Bessie M. Jenisck, Mr 4, 1896, Chicago. Address, 2122 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2756 W. 22nd St., do. MICH.\EL CLEMENS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865. McGregor, la. Apprenticed to Miles Bros., Charles City, la., 1880-85; Pharm., Sioux Falls. S. Dak.; Charles City, la.; Grants Pass, Ore. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, Grants Pass, Ore.t ELMER ELLSWORTH DAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1803, Blue Lsland, 111. Apprenticed to C. F. Weston & Son, Sheridan, 111., 1882-83; employed by Chase & Budlong, Aurora. Pharm., Sheridan and Elgin, 111. Address, 750 S. SUte St., Elgin, Ill.t HENRY THEODORE DECKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 18.59. Pittsburgh. Ap- prenticed to A. W. Kredel, .-Vlleeheny. Pa., 187.5-78; employed at ConnelLsville, Pa. Pharm., Knox- ville Borough, Pittsburgh, do.'f ALVIN DIETZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 13, 1866. Mayville. Wis,; 8. Adam (h. Ad 13, 1828, Meneshausen, Hessia, Ger.) and Barbara Elizabeth (Gutberlet) Dietz (b. Ag 25, 1830, Niederanlan, do.). Prepared in Mayville (Wis.) H. S. Retail Drug Business, Chicago, 1880 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Royal Arcanum; Royal League; North American Union. Married Catherine Elizabeth Homan, D 21, 1887, Chicago (died S 8, 1888); Anna Estella Krause, Mr 29, 1892, Cincinnati. Child, Alvin A. H., b. S 8, 1888 (died D 21, 1888). Address, 4204 Mich- igan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3901 Wentworth Ave., do. DARWIN DOOLITTLE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1853, Tioga Co., Pa. Apprenticed to D. C. Doolittle, Chicago, 1870-80. Pharm., 150 E. 18th St., Chicago; 19 W. 18th St., do.i OTTO ALBERT DREIER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Chicago. Prepared in West Division H. S., Chicago. Apprenticed to Emil Dreier, Chicago, 1877-86; employed, 1886-89. Pharm., Chicago, 1890-91; Royal Danish Vice- Consul, Chicago; Cashier, City Water Office. Located at 1015 N. Clark St., Chicago; 13 Plaisance Ct., do.; 1268 Early Ave., do. Address, 6317 Magnolia Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM ANDREW DYCHE Bus. Manager; Pharm., Ph.G.; b. 1861, Monroe, O. Apprenticed to D. R. Dyche & Co., Chicago, 1880-86; emploved as Pharm., until 1893; Mem., firm Dyche & Co., 64 State St., Chicago; Bus. Manager N. W. Univ., Evanston, 111. Address, in care of N. W. Univ., Evanston, Ill.t *JOHN P. ECKERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Ottumwa, la. Prepared in Ottumwa H. S. Apprenticed to Max Conrad, Ottumwa, la.; F. Reppert, Muscatine, do., 1880-84; Employed by A. C. Smith & Co., 18 W. North Temple St., Salt Lake City. Died Jl 24, 1912. LEWIS ELLSWORTH Circuit Clerk; Ph.G.; b. Je 23, 18.57, Naperville, 111.; s. Milton S. and Jane B. (Barber) Ellsworth. Circuit Clerk, Wheaton, 111. Married Luella E. Miller, O 1, 1885, Wheaton, 111. Children: Lewis M., b. F 1, 1888; Grant M., b. Je 6, 1890; Ralph P., b. My 26, 1892. Address, Wheaton, 111. PAUL JULIUS FABER Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Minnesota. M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1890. Apprenticed to Adolph Steen, St. Paul, Minn. Address, 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.t *EMIL FISCHEL; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Bohemia. Appren- ticed to F. and J. Robinson, Manitowoc, Wis., 187.5-81; Emploved as clerk until 1887; Drug., Chicago, 1887-1920; located at 1758 W. 63rd St., Chicago. Died Mr 1920. CHARLES A. FOSTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, N. Y. Apprenticed to P. Wagner, Gibson City, la.; Pharm., do. Ad- dress, Brunkhild, Manitoba, Can.t EDWIN FRANKEN Retired Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 28, 1866; s. Bartholemew (b. 1833, .'Seigburg, Prussia, Ger.) and Magdelena (Schirmer) Franken (b. 1836, Bey- reuth, Bavaria). Prepared in Sigourney H. S. Drug., Sigournev, la.. 34 vrs. Mem., Bd. of Educ, 15 yrs. Mem.. Presby. Church; la. State Pharm. Assn. (Pres., 1910). Married Mary A. Kerr, S 28, 1887. Children: Katharine, b. Ag 1, 1888; James Edwin, b. N 12, 1896. Address, Sigourney, la. FRANK HATCH GARDNER (See '93 Med.) ♦FRANK F. GAZZOLO Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Chicago. Prepared in Lebanon Sch. Apprenticed to Hugo F. Baur, 348 University of Illinois [1886 Chicago, 1860-86. Pharm., 3944 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago; 495 W. Madison St.; 607 W. Madi- son St., do. Deceased. OTTO AUGUSTUS GIESLER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Wis. Apprenticed to Herman Elich, Milwaukee. At one time Pharm. 763 3rd St., Milwaukee. EDWARD FREDERIC GLASER Oculist; Ph.G.; M.D., Cooper Med. Coll., San Francisco, 1895. Mem., Calif. State Bd. of Health. Address, 391 Suiter St., San Francisco. ALBERT GOETZ Lawyer; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Milwaukee. Appren- ticed to Henry Goetz, Chicago. At one time Pharm., 522 Larrabee St., Chicago; 1540 Dunning St., do.; Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 1130 Clay St., Chicago.! CHARLES GOETZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, HI. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Winter & Gushing, Prince- ton, 111. Pharm., with C. C. Gushing, Princeton, III.; do., with Goetz & Fawcett. Address, Prince- ton, 111. EDWIN HALL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to R. & S. E. Weld, Elgin, 111.; Pharm., do. Address, Elgin, Ill.t PEDER BERTRAM HANSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 31, 1865, Bergen, Norway. Prepared in Tanks Sch., Bergen, 1881; came to U. S. in 1882 and began drug business at Sauk Center, Minn.; bought the Sauk Center Store in 1892, has conducted it since. Married in 1892. Children: Donald and Malcolm. Address, Sauk Center, Minn. JAMES E. HARRINGTON Realty Broker; Ph.G.; b. Ag 13, 1865, Sycamore, 111.; s. Nelson and Sarah (Waterman) Harrington. Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Drug., Sycamore, 111., until 1905; Farmer, Mich., 1905-12; Realty Broker, Sycamore, 111., 1912 — . Married Nellie Walker, N 25, 1886, Sycamore, 111. Children: Joyce, b. 1887; Grace, b. 1890; Frank, b. 1895. Address, Sycamore, 111. *GEORGE B. HEINE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Guttenberg, la. Apprenticed to P. A. Wirnich, Wis., 1881-84; Pharm., 3101 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Died O 21, 1908, Chicago. GEORGE T. HENDRIE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 4, 1864, Chicago; s. Wm. Alexander and Ann Jane Hendrie. Drug., Seattle, 2 yrs.; Snohomish, do., 28 yrs. Mem., Presby. Church; six lodges. Married F 5, 1900, Bangor, Me. Children: Margaret, b. 1901 (died); Donald, b. 1903. Address, 506 Ave. B., Snohomish, Wash.; 6ms. add., 1002 First St., do. CHARLES HENRY HIRSCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, 111. Apprenticed to Forsyth & Schmid, Chicago. At one time Pharm., 303 Belmont Ave., Chicago. Address, 2558 Southport Ave., Chicago.f CHARLES B. HOSKINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Dodgeville, Wis. Apprenticed to W. J. Hocking, Florence, Wis., 1881-84; employed as Pharm. at Milwaukee; Butte City, Calif.; Chicago; Helena, Mont. Ad- dress, Butte, Mont.t GEORGE JAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Waverly, la. Appren- ticed to J. B. Wilson, and Bentley & Bentley, Ran- dolph, la., 1882-86. Pharm., Mem. of firm. Jay & Murphy, Shenandoah, la.f CHRISTIAN J. KASBAUM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1859, Ind. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to H. Reuter, Chicago. At one time Pharm., 361 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Address, 307 E. Jefferson St., LaPorte, Ind.t *ASHER D. KEIM Ph.G.; b. 1864, Pa. Prepared in H. S. Appren- ticed to Paul Kimpsunth, Bethlehem, Pa. De- ceased. KING G. KELLOGG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Chicago. Appren- ticed to W. Bodemann and I. W. Blood, Chicago, 1880-86; later employed by I. W. Blood; Pharm., 280 Bowen Ave., Chicago; Chem., 291 43rd St., Chicago. J L. WILMER KENDALL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, 111. Prepared in Harvard Univ. Apprenticed to Henry W. Ken- dall, Quincy, 111. Pharm., N. Clark and Center Sts., Chicago; 439 6th St., Quincy, 111.; with F. Stearns & Co., 4608 Vincennes Ave., Chicago.J LOUIS PHILIP KOTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Chicago. Prepared in Metropolitan Bus. Coll. Apprenticed to Otto Peuser, Chicago, 1877-79. Pharm., 1369 and 1620 W. Madison St., Chicago; Kankakee, Ill.t *EDWARD RUSSELL KILNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Mattoon, 111. Ap- prenticed to Ivilner Bros., Mattoon, 111., 1881-85; employed as Pharm., Lincoli.^ Neb. Deceased. WILLIAM CHARLES KIRK (Formerly William Charles Kirchgasser) Chemist; Ph.G.; b. N 24, 1864, Chicago; s. John (b. Mr 18, 1878, Nordlinger, Bavaria) and Mina Kirchgasser (b. Jl 18, 1828, Hamburg, Ger.). Prepared in Chicago H. S. and Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1879-81. Grad. work. Analytical Chem.. 1901-02. Chemist, Chicago, 1886-97; New York,, 1897—. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn., 1888; Am. Chem. Soc, 1894; Verein Deutscher Chemiker, 1892. Married Emma L. Kappus, Ag 7, 1900,. New York. Children: Doris, b. Ja 29, 1908; William C, Jr., b. b. My 20, 1911. Name legally changed from Kirchgasser to Kirk. Address, 49 Claremont Ave., New York; bus. add., 74 and 76- Laight St., do. JOHN H. KLEINMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, 111. Apprenticed to H. S. Maynard, Chicago. Pharm., Presby. Hosp., 300 S. Wood St., Chicago; do., Griffith, Ind. Address, 1558 Fulton St., Chicago.! LEWIS WILLIAM McCONNELL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 24, 1857; s. Cynthia A. McConnell. Prepared in Virginia Lee H. S. Drug., McCook, Neb. Married Nellie P. Smith, Ap 1915. Address, 212 Main St., McCook, Neb. WILLIAM BYRON McVICKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Terre Haute, Ind. Ap- prenticed to Dr. Lyttle, Marion, Ind., E. A. Hol- royd, Chicago, 1882-86; employed by Gale & Blocki, Chicago; Pharm., Auditorium Pharm., Chicago; 122 Liberty St., New York City; Pres., W. B. McVicker Co., 115 Broadway, New York City.t HERMAN MAI (See '90 Med.) CYRUS BENJAMIN MARTIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Ohio. Prepared in Ohio State Univ. Apprenticed to August Jacob- son, Chicago. Pharm., 212 J St., Sacramento^ Calif.t ALBERT JACOB MEHL Ph.G.; b. Ag 17, 1865, Leavenworth, Kan.; s. Henry (b. F 17, 1829, Braunfels, Ger.) and Eliza- beth (Kunzig) Mehl (b. Je 1, 1835, Diefendorf, Ger.). Prepared in Leavenworth, Kan. Located 18861 School of Pharmacy Alumni 349 in Leavenworth. 1SS8; Appraiser, Kansas City, Mo., F 1, 1889 — . Mem., 7th Regt. Motor Bn., 1919. Mem., K. P. Married N 10. 1898, Kansas CSty, Mo. Address, 3211 Montgall Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 1010 Baltimore Ave., du. JOHN A. MELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S04. Chicago. Appren- ticed to Henrv Biroth, 1880-80; cniployod hy W. K. Forsyth. 3100 State St.. Chicago. Pharni., 6256 Wentworth Ave.. Chicago; 3102 S. State St., do. Address. 10061 S. Wood St.. Chicago.t ALBERT MILLER (Father of Carl T., '17) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 27. 1865, Ger. Pre- pared in Grammar Sc.h. and Bus. Coll. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. Married Je 4, 1890, Chicago. Children: Ottilie A. and Carl T. Address, 623 FuUerton Parkway, Chicago. OSCAR J. MITCHAM Ph.G.; b. 1864, Wis. Prepared in Amherst H. S. Apprenticed to Fred H. Thayer, Chicago. At one time Pharm. in Wis. JAMES W. MORSE Ph.G. Apprenticed to T. H. Patterson, Chicago. HOWARD MOUNTAIN Phariuacist; Ph.G. Apprenticed to H. W. Mountain, West Liberty, la. Pharm., 618 Oak St., San Francisco. Address, 1019 Ellis St., San Francisco.t *JOHN CHARLES NITZSCHE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Dubuque, la. Ap- prenticed to T. W. Ruete. Dubuque, 1880-84. Pharm., employed by D. N. Loose & Co.. Maquo- keta, la.; engaged in drug bus.. Maquoketa, la. for nearly 30 yrs.; conducted the John C. Nitzsche store, later the Nitzsche & Staack firm. Died Jl 28, 1921, Maquoketa, la. *LACEY EDWIN PEYTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863. Manchester. O. Apprenticed to Peyton Bros.. Hooper, Neb., 1879- 84; Pharm.. 2401 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. Died D 18, 1918, Omaha, Neb. AUGUSTUS DENNIS PITTS Pharm. and Phys.; Ph.G.; b. 1862, 111.; s. Joseph A. and Betsy (Peck) Pitts. Prepared in H. S. M.D., Long Island Coll. Hosp.. 1892. Appren- ticed to Hugo F. Baur, Chicago. Pharm. and Phys., Point Arena, CaUf. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Address, Point Arena. Calif. ♦ARTHUR S. PUTNAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Mich. Prepared in Michigan State Norm. Sch. Apprenticed to H. C. Pilgrim. Chicago. Pharm.. Ypsilanti, Mich.; Manistique, do. Deceased. ALPHONS MARKIN REIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862. Ger. Apprenticed to Alexian Bros. Hosp.; employed at Alexian Bros. Hosp.. Chicago and St. Louis; with Schmidt & Fischer. Chicago; later Pharm.. 1072 Lincoln Ave., Chicago; 853 King PI., do.t JULIUS A. RENNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863. Lansing, Mich. Apprenticed to L. Schreiber, Chicago, 1882-85. Pharm., 1082 West Lake St., Chicago; with Fred- erick Klein, 323 W. Madison St., do.; .502 E. Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Address, Fountain, Colo.t WILLIAM A. RENZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, III. Apprenticed toE. Y. Griggs, Ottawa, III. Address, Ottawa, Ill.t ♦FREDERICK AUGU.ST ROMETCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Milwaukee. Pre- pared in Omaha H. S. Apprenticed to Otto Magenan, Fremont, Neb., 1878-84; Employed as Pharm., Chicago. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Died 1904, Chicago. THOMAS CORWIN RUMMEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Ohio. Apprenticed to Dr. J. H. Runuuell, Lucas, O. Pharm., do. Address, Lucas, O.J FRANK SAMPSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Vermont. Ap- prenticed to J. F. Dailey, Osage, la.; Mem. of firm, Sampson & Lezotte, do. Address, Osage, la.t CHARLES ADAMS SEELY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Bristol, Ind. Ap- prenticed to George W. Seely, 1880-85. Pharm., 520 Beech St.. Petoskey. Mich.; Lansing. Mich. Mem., Mich. Pharm. Assn. J CHARLES SPIEHR Cigar Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Je 13, 1866, Sauk City, Wis.; s. Couradina (Bierschwale) Spiehr. Prepared in Sauk City (Wis.) H. S. Cigar Sales- man; Mem., Wicker Park Council of the Nat. Union (Ex-Pres.); Chicago-Sauk City Soc. (Ex- Pres.) ; Franklin Fairman and Logan Council of the Nat. Union; A. F. A. M., Lincoln Park Chapter; Austin Commandery; K. T., Medinah Temple. Married Ida Suhur; Mrs. Anna Seekamp. Three children (one dead). Address, 5747 W. Erie St., Chicago; bus. add., 1946 W. Madison St., do. CHARLES B. SPRINGER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Trenton, Me. Ap- prenticed to William Hunt, Elgin, 111., 1881-86; employed at 1454 W. Lake St., Chicago. Pharm., Pocahontas, 111. Address, Pocahontas, Ill.t S. GRANT STANNARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Wis. Prepared in Milton Coll. Apprenticed to W. C. Whitford, Milton, Wis. Pharm., 31st St. and Lake Ave., Chicago; Long Beach, Calif. Address, Bakers- field, Calif.t FRANK JOSEPH STEKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Bohemia. Ap- prenticed to Fred Haeger. Chicago, 1881-86; em- ployed as Pharm. by Clark Bros., J. Rosenthal, H. R. Gillespie. Pharm., 440 W. Harrison St., Chicago; 1302 W. Madison St., do.; 2859 W. Madi- son St., do.t *HENRY K. STEWART Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Apprenticed to Merritt & Co., Chicago; W. L. Gregorv, Buffalo, N. Y., 1877-86. Employed by E. A. Zahn, Chicago. Died D 25, 1897, Buffalo, N. Y. ERNEST J. THIELE Ph.G.; b. 1865, la. Prepared in H. S. Ap- prenticed to W. H. Buchman, Chicago. Sales- man with Humiston, Keeling & Co., wholesale druggists, 200 Madison St., Chicago; Ac'vertising bus., 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago. t A. EUGENE THOMPSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863. Prepared in Val- paraiso Coll. Apprenticed to Schoenewald Bros., Woodstock, 111., 1882-86; employed by R. T. Sill, 1218 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago; Pharm., 682 W. Division St., do. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chi- cago Coll. of Pharm. Address, 408 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago.t GEORGE L. VAN GORDER Ph.G.; b. 18.56, O. Prepared in H. S. Appren- ticed to Dr. J. C. Geyer, Winemac, Ind. Address, Argentine Republic, S. A.t ♦GEORGE I. VINCENT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Hampton, 111. Appren- ticed to Clark Bros., and E. H. Sargent, Chicago, 1882-86. Pharm., Gale and Blocki, Chicagor Green and Bentley, Oskaloosa, la. Deceased. 350 University of Illinois [1887 RICHARD VOGE Druggist; Ph.G. ; b.F 27, 1867, Ger. ; s.William (b. 1839, Ger.) and Mary (Veede) Voge (b, 1849, Ger.). Prepared in Appleton (Wis.) H. S. Asst., Dis- pensary, Sch. of Pharm., 1888-91; later on Ex. Bd., do.; Retail Drug, business, Chicago, 1886-Mr 15, 1920. Married Harriet M. Fisk, O 18, 1893. Children: Charlotte, b. Ag 13, 1894; Helen, b. Je 5, 1898; Harriet, b. O 8, 1902; Richard, b. My 4, 1904. Address, 1842 Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. CHRISTIAN HENRY WAGNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Mt. Pulaski, 111. Apprenticed to Dr. E. George, Mt. Pulaski, 1881- 85. Pharm., 170 Colorado Ave., Chicago; 1410 W. Madison St., do. Address, Mt. Pulaski, Ill.t VERNON WALDRON Agent; Ph.G.; b. Je 5, 1864, Iowa City, la.; s. John and Juha (Kelley) Waldron. Prepared in Iowa City (la.) Acad., 1882. Pharm., Pasadena and Oakland, 1885-91; Pacific Coast Agent, Lund- borg Perfurhes, 1891-1901; do., Johnson and John- son, 1901—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Epis. Church. Married Bessie A. Gaskell, D 18, 1894, Oakland, Calif. Child: Marjorie, b. O 7, 1895. Address, ■Oakland, CaUf.; bus. add., San Francisco. ARTHUR H. WALLACE Optometrist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 9, 1865; s. Clark R. (b. S 25, 1837, Oswego, N. Y.) and Helen H. (Judd) Wallace (b. O 18, 1839, Chittenango, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Independence (la.) H. S. Grad. in Oph- thalmol., Chicago Ophthalmic Coll., 1892. Pharm., Independence, la., 1892; Pharm. and Optometrist, do., 1892-1917; Optometrist, do., 1917—. Married Nannette Wallace, Mr 30, 1889, Independence, la. Address, Independence, la. *EMIL MATTIS WARHANIK Pharmacist; Ph.G., b. 1864, Manitowoc, Wis. Apprenticed to Shaller and Janecek, Mani- towoc, do., 1879-81 ; Employed by Behrens, Kadlec, Sill, Chicago, 1881-86. Died 1910, Chicago. JOHN F. WARNICK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, 111. Apprenticed to J. B. Warnick, Amboy, 111. Located at Fre- mont, Neb.; Pharm., J. B. Warnick & Sons, Frank- lin Grove, Chicago. Address, 2800 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.! *ISAIAH D. WEBB Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Warsaw, Ind. Ap- prenticed to A. Woollev and Son, Warsaw, do., 1881-86; later Pharm., Warsaw, Ind. Died Jl 12, 1906, Warsaw, Ind. EWALD WEBER Physician; Ph.G.; b. My 15, 1864, Dhicenn, Ger.; fi. Johann Samuel (b. 1814, do.) and Rosette (Win- terhagen) Weber (b. 1821, do.). Prepared in Ger. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1910. Vol. Med. Serv. Corps. A. F. A. M.; Am. Unity Club; Chicago Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Marie Keitel, 1888, Chicago. Children: Helen Rosette, b. 1902; Charlotte Louise, b. 1909. Address, 5375 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. JOHN WEIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Dubuque, la. Ap- prenticed to C. J. Brayton, Dubuque, 1882-84. Pharm., 1917 Jackson St., Dubuque, la. Mem., la. Pharm. Assn. Address, 1917 Jackson St., Dubuque, la.f E. HALLECK WEISER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Decorah, la. Ap- prenticed to A. Weiser, Preston, P. Zindler, Chi- cago; employed at Dixon and Chicago. Pharm., 98 Harrison St., Chicago; 202 N. State St., do.; 3263 Ogden Ave., do. Jefferson, la.J JULIUS WENDEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Ger. Prepared in Ottawa Pub. Schs. Apprenticed to G. Gehring, and Lutz & Briggs, Ottawa, 111., 1881-86; employed at Seneca, 111. Pharm., 2505 Archer Ave., Chicago; 601 W. Garfield Blvd., do. Address, Harvey, IlLJ WILLIAM WALLACE WICKEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1844, Lancaster, Pa. Ap- prenticed at Naperville, 111. Pharm., do.f FREDERICK B. WIENEKE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ger. Apprenticed to H. G. Wagner, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; F. H. Secord, Pull- man, 111., 1882-86; employed at 2358 Wentworth Ave., Chicago; Pharm., 9005 Commercial Ave., do.t LINCOLN WILSON Ph.G.; b. N 16, 1860, Logansport, Ind.; s. Wil- liam and Martha (Campbell) Wilson. Prepared in Logansport (Ind.) H. S. Located in Lincoln, Neb., 1887-1902; Denver, 1902—. Capt., 1st Neb. U. S. N., Spanish-Am. War; Philippine In- surrection. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Knight Templar; Shrine; Colo. State Bd. of Pharm. Married Louise Hatch, Je 23, 1898, Lincoln, Neb. Child, Donald, H., b. S 1, 1900. Address, 3841 Wolff St., Denver; 6ms. add., 3973 Tennyson St., do. JOSEPH C. WIRTHMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Mo. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. H. Sargent, Chicago; Bodemann & Zinn. Pharm., Kansas City, Mo. Address, 18th and Troost Sts., Kansas City, Mo.t GEORGE FRANK WOODRUFF Chemist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to George H. Woodruff, Joliet, 111. Chem., 72 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Address, Joliet, Ill.t ♦NICHOLAS ZENDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, 111. Apprenticed to Jos. Guertler, Chicago. Pharm., Clay and Madison Sts., Ottawa, 111. Died 1909, Fairbury, JULIUS MATHIAS ZINDT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Ger. Apprenticed to E. Matthei, Chicago, 1882-85. At one_ time Pharm., Clybourn Ave., and Rees At., Chicago; 277 Larrabee St., do.; 1348 Larrabee St., do. Ad- dress, Downers Grove, Ill.t CLASS OF 1887 (40 LIVING, 15 DEAD) CHARLES EDWIN BODDIGER (See '93 Med.) ♦ALFRED NELS BOE Drug, and Phys.; Ph.G.; b. Jl 2, 1860; s. Nells and Johanna Boe. M.D., Nat. Med. Univ., 1913. Drug., 946 Wellington Ave., Chicago, 35 yrs.; practicing Phys., 15 yrs. Married Minnie Larson, O 15, 1894, Chicago. Children: Ethel, b. S 1, 1895; Russell, b. S 17, 1898; Chester, b. N 25, 1903. Died Ap 18, 1921, Swedish Covenant Hosp., Chi- cago. ♦CHARLES THOMAS BOSWELL Pres. of Drug Co.; Ph.G.; b. S 21, 1863, Shirland, 111.; s. Thomas Henry (b. S 26, 1835, Potsdam, N. Y.) and Sarah DeMlah (Coon) Boswell (b. F 4, 1832, Westford, Vt.). Prepared in Rockford Bus. Coll. Clerk, Rockford, 111.; Pres., Boswell Drug Co., do., to time of death. Mem., Rockford Swedish Bldg. and Loan Assn. (V. P.); Centenial M. E. Church (Official Bd., 1912-18) Rep. Club; Mod. Woodmen; Meth. Brotherhood. Married Sarah Esther Stothard, Ja 24, 1889, Rockford, 111. Children: Clarence Henry, b. Ja 29, 1890, Bernice, b. S 30, 1899. Died My 1, 1918, Rockford, 111. 1887] School of Pharmacy Alumni 351 MILTON MADDOX BRADLEY Ph.G.; b. F 24, 1S64, Denton, Tex.; s. George Washington (b. Je 25, 1838, Holden, Mo.) and Rebecca Ann Deatherage (b. S 5, 1839, Waverly, 111.1. Prepared in Waverlv H. S. M.D., Marion- Sims Coll. of Med., 1892. Located in Waverly, 111.. Ap 1892-N 22, 1892; Chatham, do., N 1892-Jl 1904; Waverlv, do.. Jl 1904-O 5, 1905; Chatham, O 5, 1905—. 111. Pharm. Assn.; 111. State Med. Sec; Sangamon Co. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Alma Eppa Fleming, D 24, 1885, Waverly, 111. Children: Eugene Wilford, b. Je 25, 1888; Theocia Lucille, b. Mr 25, 1891; Irene Pearl, b. O 31, 1893; George Robert, b. Ap 24. 1904. Address, Chatham. 111. ♦RUDOLPH P. BRAUN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Vienna, Aus. Ap- prenticed to Thos. Braun, Chicago, 1881-86; Mem., lU. Pharm. Assn. Died S 20, 1900, Chicago. "WILLIAM FRANCIS BRENNAN Ph.G.; b. 1866. 111. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. Apprenticed to Edward Long. Chicago. Address, 1936 Turner Ave., Chicago.t LOUIS BRINKMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1806, Warsaw, 111. Ap- prenticed to H. A. Brinkman, Warsaw, 1874-87. Pharm., Warsaw, 111. Address, Warsaw, Ill.t BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BROWN Ph.G.; b. 1861. Home, Anna, 111. Deceased. EDWIN WESLEY BRUNDAGE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Aurora, 111. Ap- prenticed to G. G. Shauer, Chicago, 1878-81. Pharm., 59th and Wentworth Ave.. Chicago.? *EDWARD LOUIS CARON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Bourbonnais Grove, ni. Apprenticed to Bable and Stam, Kankakee; Brown and Marshall, Chicago, 1883-86. Pharm., 109 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Deceased. WILLIAM WICKHAM CHRISTIAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Norwalk, O. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to D. D. Benedict, Norwalk, 1882-85. Address, Chicago Junction, O.t CHARLES CUNRADI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 30, 1865, Sauk City, Wis.; s. Robert and Minna (Baumgarth) Cunradi. Prepared in Sauk City (Wis.) Pub. Sch. Located in Madison, Rochester, Minneapolis and Chicago. Mem., Fraternal Aid Union. Married Clara E. Weissenborn. My 7, 1898, Milwaukee. Children: Alice v., b. F 7. 1901; Robert C, b. Je 29, 1907; Margaret E., b. Jl 31, 1909. Address, 5139 Western Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 517 W. Madison St., do. HERMAN R. CUNRADI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Wis. Apprenticed to A. M. Jacobi, Chicago, 1882-86. Pharm., Archer Ave., and Deering St., Chicago; 576 Wabash Ave., do.; 3.301 N. Clark St., do.; do., 582 E. 138th St., New York aty. Address, N. Y. Nursery and Childs Hosp., 161 W. eist St., S., New York City.t *OTTO DOERRLAMM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Milwaukee. Ap- prenticed to C. W. Crassly, Chicago, 1879-87. Pharm., 1559 W. 12th St., Chicago. Deceased. EDWARD B. FETHERSTON (See '93 Med.) HERMAN FRY (Brother of N. George Fry, '06) Retired Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. Mr 12. 1866, Ger.; Retail Pharm., Chicago, 25 yrs. Mem., K. P.; R. A.; R. L.: Columbian Circle; Chicago Veteran Drug. Assn. ; Chicago Drug Club; Nat. Assn., Retail Drug.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn. (Pres., 1905-06). Married Henrietta Franke. D 7, 1895. Chicago. Address, 50.50 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. CHARLES A. GAMM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1865, Watertown, Wis.; s. George (b. My 3, 1833, Mecklinburg, Ger.) and Pauline (Baeslan) Gamm (b. Jl 3, 1843, Marienwerder, Ger.). Prepared in N. W. Coll., Watertown, Wis. Drug, bus., Watertown, Wis.. 1889-1916. Married Dora Winkenwcrder, Ap 1890, Marinette. Wis. Child, Irvin W. O., b. Jl 10, 1895. Address, 413 N. Washington St.. Water- town. Wis. CHARLES LINCOLN GAPEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Sparland. 111. Apprenticed to T. E. Gapen & Co.. Sparland, 1882-86. Pharm., with T. E. Gapen & Son, Otta- wa. Served with the 129th Inf., 33rd Div., Camp Logan, World War. Address, Ottawa, Ill.t MAX A. GOLTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 1, 1864, Ger.; s. Julius (b. Mr 1, 1834, do.) and Johanna (Lehnert) Goltz (b. F 18, 1839). Prepared in N. W. Coll., Water- town, Wis. Hon. mention for high average. Located in Chicago, 1887-88; Established Goltz I'harmacy, Winona, Minn., 1888, and have been manager since. Married Emily Pepper, O 9, 1889. Children: Magnus, b. Ag 22, 1891; Lucinda, b. S 26, 1893; Newton, b. Ja 21, 1896; Franklin, b. N 5, 1903; Eleanor, b. Jl 13, 1907. Address, 352 Broadway, Winona, Minn.; bus. add., 274 E. 3rd St., do. *HENRY F. GOOSEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Germany. Appren- ticed to Westby & Co., and L. Berquist & Co., Red Wing, Minn. Pharm., 316 'Sedgwick St., Chicago. Deceased. ♦ANDREW EMIL.HISS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Paris, Fr. Appren- ticed to J. G. Bodenschatz, Lemont, 111., 1880-85; employed by A. E. Abert, H. Schroeder, and R. E. Rhode, Chicago; mem. of firm, Rimmele and Hiss, Chicago; Subdirector, Nat. Inst, of Pharm.; Demonstrator, Histology, Chicago Veterinary Coll., 1889-91; In.str., Materia Med., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., (now Univ. of 111. Sch. of Pharm.), 1890-91; Actuary, do., 1892; Dir., dept. of Pharm., No. Ind. Norm. Sch., 1892-93. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Soc. of Mic. Died Ap 6, 1910, Chicago. WILLIAM MARSHALL JEWELL (Uncle of Harold S. Ingram, '10 B.S. in Chem.; William V. Ingram, '12 B.S. in A.E.; Ralph L. Ingram, '20 B.S. in Landscape Gardening) Consulting Engr.; Ph.G.; b. N 8, 1870, Geneva, 111.; s. Omar Hestrian (b. Je 1, 1842, Wheaton, 111.) and Anna (Bates) Jewell (b. Jl 19, 1844, Boston, Mass.). Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Vale- dictorian. Consulting Engr., Chicago, specializing in chem. and electro-chem. work. Numerous inventions in the arts of water purification, elec- trochemistry and power engineering, patents dating from 1893. 2nd Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1886-87. Auth.: Railway Water Service, Railroad Gazette, N. Y., 1907; various articles for commercial cir- culation. Mem., St. Paul Bible Class, (Pres.); A. F. A. M. (Master); Soc. of Chem. Industry; A. C. S.; Am. Water Works Assn. Married Isabel Verity, N 20, 1894, Chicago. Children: Evelyn Virginia (Mrs. E. E. Friganza) b. Mr 12, 1896; Marshall Verity, b. N 7, 1900; Marian Isabel, b. Mr 6, 1907. Address, 720 N. Lotus Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 28 N. Market St., do. GEORGE KARG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Ger. Prepared in Royal Gymansium Sch., Friedeberg, Ger. Ap- prenticed to Fred Kruell, and to Henry Schroeder, Chicago, 1883-87. Pharm. with Herman Fry, 266 E. North Ave., Chicago; 7.57 W. North Ave., do.; 952 Milwaukee Ave., do.; Mem. of firm, Karg & Griffith, 4463 Broadway, Chicago.t EMMA KAUFMANN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Muscatine, la. Apprenticed to F. Kauffmann, Chicago, 188.3-86. Pharm., 285 Lincoln Ave., Chicago; 34 Washington St.. do. Address, 4738 Waveland Ave., Chicago.t 352 Univeksity of Illinois [1887 Ap 3, ist)6, Chicago; (Johnson) Lund. Pre- CLIFFORD DAVIS KELLY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Lyndon, 111. Ap- prenticed to D. B. Snyder, Lyons, la., and Francis Lee, Clinton, la., lSSO-82. V. P., Greiner-Kelly Drug Co., Wholesale Drug., Sherman, Tex.; Pharm., Dallas, Tex.t GUSTAV KNEUSSL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 29, 1864, Ottawa, 111.; s. Max and Christine B. Kneussl. Drug., IS8I — ; Sr. Mem., Firm, Kneussl Bros., Ottawa, 111. Mem. Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Florence Bucks, S 21, 1898, Aurora, 111. Address, 611 La Salle St., Ottawa, 111. CHARLES JAMES LAPP Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, New York. Ap- prenticed to C. O'Loughlin, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Pharm. Address, 86 Orchard St., Newark, N. J.f ABRAM F. LONG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Rensselaer, Ind. Apprenticed to Frank B. Meyer, Rensselaer, 1883- 86; Pharm., do. Address, Rensselaer, Ind.t FRANK C. LUND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 3, s. Adolph W. and C. Marie ;" ' pared in Notre Dame Univ. Address, 361 Lincoln Ave., Dolton, 111. *FRANK G. MASON Pharmacist; Ph.G. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1890. Class Sec, 1887. Lived and practised in Chicago continuously from graduation until his death in 1915. Married Daisy Willard. Child, Willard J. Died D 22, 1915, Chicago. RICHARD MERZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 7, 1867, Chicago; s. Frank J. (b. Ag 25, 1820, Ger.) and Elizabeth Merz (b. O 4, 1830, do.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Located inChicago. Mem., Chicago Athletic Assn.; Chicago Drug Club. Married My 21, 1902, Chicago; O 25, 1904, do. Child, Richard Frank, b. D 9, 1910. Address, 4417 Magnolia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 23 N. Wabash Ave., do. ♦CHARLES R. MEYERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Ohio. Prepared in Attica (O.) H. S. Apprenticed to John F. Le Rold, Attica, Ohio. Deceased. FLORENCE M. OLIVER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Can. Pharm., 756 103 rd St., Chicago; do., 10249 Union Ave., do. Address, 556 W. 103rd St., do.f CHARLES ROSWELL PATCHEN Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1867, Boone, la.; s. James and Mary Louise (Johnson) Patchen. Prepared in Huntley H. S. Apprenticed to F. R. Ferris, Hunt- ley, 111.; at one time Pharm., do., and Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; Congr. Church. Recruiting serv.. World War. Married Melissa Belle Ferriss, Je 1887, Huntley, 111. Children: Frederic Earl, b. My 5, 1891; Gordon Ferriss, b. Ja 17, 1894. Address, Winnetka, 111. WILLIAM FRANCIS PEARSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Oakwood, Ont. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. P. Lamb, Farmersville, Can., 1874-79; employed by Bode- mann & Conrad; Auditorium Pharm., Chicago; Clerk, 228 31st St., do. Address, 325 E. State St., Rockford. Ill.t CONSTANT U. PETERSEN Druggist; Ph.G.;' b. D 26, 1863, Rotterdam, Holland; s. Margaret (Marshall) Petersen. Pre- pared in Chicago Coll. of Naprapathy. Married Mary Jane Chidester. Children: C. Bercher, b. S 15, 1890, New York; Blanch Helen, b. My 9, 1892, Gardner, III; E. Silas, b. Je 15, 1895, Joliet, 111.; Margaret Marshall, b. S 14, 1900, do. Ad- dress, 706 2nd Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., 211 Barber Bldg., do. EDWARD RIEGEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ger. Prepared in Ly- ceum, Ludwigsburgh, Ger. Apprenticed to W. L. McCollough, Wheeling, W. Va., 1882-85; employed by Caldwell, and Borcherdt. Pharm., 363 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. t *FINLEY ROSS Ph.G.; b. 1863, Scotland. Apprenticed to Wil- liam M. Dale, Chicago. Pharm., Webster, S. Dak. Died, 1903, Webster, S. Dak. *HENRY SCHNEIDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Cahf. Apprenticed •to T. W. Ruete, Dubuque, la., 1881-85. Pharm., Chicago. Died 1906, Springfield, 111. THOMAS C. SENN Ph.G.; b. Ag 6, 1864, Chicago; s. Engelbert (b. St. Gaul, Switzerland) and Katherine (Dittman) Senn (b. Baden, Ger.). Prepared in Chicago. Grad. work in Med., 2 yrs. Located in Chicago; St. Louis; Dallas, Tex.; San Antonio, do. Address, Benld, 111. FRED FERDINAND SEVILLE (See '95 Med.) ♦SAMUEL A. SLATER Ph.G.; b. 1866. Home, Lena, 111. Deceased. CHARLES FRANCIS SMITH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, la. Apprenticed to G. R. S. Burney, Chicago, 1883-87. Pharm., 424 Stewart Ave., Kansas City, Kan.; Muskogee, Okla. Address, 9th and Broadway, Muskogee, Okla.t WILLIAM LAWSON SMITH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Morristown, N. J. Ap- prenticed to H. C. Goobl, Gardner, 111., 1882-88. City Salesman, Peter Van Schaack & Sons, 118 W. Lake St., Chicago; Pharm., Mem. of firms, Goobl & Smith and Smith & Melhuist, Gardner, 111.; later at 722 Main St., Evanston, 111.; 153 W. 69th St., Chicago.J EDGAR GLOSTER SOLLITT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Chicago. Appren- ticed to Buck & Rayner, Chicago, 1878-87; Mana- ger, 419 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; Pharm., 1333 W. Lake St., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 501 N. Halsted St., Chicago.f FRANK BURROWS STEPHENS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 4, 1866, Muncey, Pa.; s. EUphalet Hoffman (b. Je 27, 1838, Newburgh, N. Y.) and Anna Mary (Whitlock) Stephens (b. F 11, 1848, Muncey, Pa.). Prepared in Toledo (O.) H. S. Clerk, Toledo, O., 1887-90; Proprietor of Drug Store, Toledo, 1890-1905; St. Augustine, Fla., Ja 1, 1905 — ; Mem., firm of Stephens & Spern and of Stephens & Co., St. Augustine, Fla. and Hastings, do., 1906 — . Me m.. City Council, Tole- do, O., 1896-1900. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T.; Shrine. Married Ada Alice Farnsworth, Je 6, 1894, White House, O. Address, 18 Saragossa St., St. Augustine, Fla.; bus. add., 49 King St., do., and Hastings, Fla. FRANK THOMAS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1864; s. Godfried (b. Coblenz, Ger.). Prepared in Ger. H. S. and in Friedberg, Ger. Clerk, Chicago, 2 yrs.; do., Cairo, 111.; Retail Drug Business, Cairo, 1890^. Mem., 111. Pharm. .\ssn., 1890—; Am. Pharm. Assn. Married 1892. Child, Margie J., b. 1898. Ad- dress, 308 28th St., Cairo, 111. JAMES ARTHUR THOMAS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1857, Bangor, Me. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. C. Hess, Chicago, 1883-89. Pharm., 138 Wells St., Chicago. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 148 W. Van Buren St., Chicago.t OWEN RICHARD TREDWAY Ph.G.; b. S 6, 1864, Casnovia, Mich.; s. Ehza Tredway. Apprenticed to Edward Farnham, Cas- ^rrj 4 -- '*' i ,^ Ki i^ -> » f=; *! # :^ M "'" .'.^til:""?. r.,j...T: r:El!::r-:;:::.. - 4 Early Faculty AIembers, School of Ph, 1888] School of Pharmacy Alumni 3^3 novia. Mich., 1SS3-85; later in Drug Bus., do. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Munising, Mich. AUGUSTUS ANDREW EMIL VENN Physician; Ph.G.; b. Jl 21, ISOo. Glenfield, Pa.; 8. Ferdinaud and Slargaret (Oerke) Venn. Pre- pared in Geneva Coll., Beaver Falls, Pa. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1S93. Pharm.. 18S7-91; Phys., 1S93— . Married Anna M. Stude, Jl 3, 1898. Children: Clementina, b. Ap 2(5, 1899; Marguerite, b. S 5, 1900; Augustu.s. b. Mv 19, 1903; Ferdinanda, b. Je 10, 1905; Laura, b. Ap 11, 1907; Ferdinand, b. Ja 24, 1909. Address, 705 Belmont Ave., Chi- cago. HUGO C. VON HERMANN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 27. 1867; s. Carl and Emma (Huber'l Von Hermann. Prepared in Gym- nasium Sch., Stuttgart, Ger. Married Ella Baum- garten. Children: Karl, Ella, Marie. Address, 0747 Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 100 S. 22nd St., do. HENRY W. WEIHE Chem. and Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Chicago. Apprenticed to R. E. Rhode, and O. G. Hottinger, Chicago, 1S82-S7. Phartu., firm, Hottinger & Weihe, until, 1S$9: later at 1402 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago; Chem., 3147 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago; 530S N. Clark St.. do. Address, 144 Maple Ave.. Wilmette, Ill.t OSCAR DAVID WHALIN Physician; Ph.G.; b. O 15, 1865, Naples, 111.; 8. James L. (b. Mr 23, 1833, Bowling Green, Ky.) and Margaret Jane (Smothers) ^Vhalin (b. Ap 28, 1829, Gallatin Co., 111.). Prepared in Grammar Sch. and Naples H. S. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1S90. Grad. work, Jefferson Coll. Hosp., Philadel- phia. 1S9S. Gen. Med. practice, Chicago. 1890 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T.; Shrine. Married Nellie E. Porter, N 20. 1800, Gouverneur, N. Y. (died 1910); Emma T. Maxwell, Ja 23, 1911, Chicago (died 1918). Child, Miriam Cora. b. My 22, 1892. Address. 4362 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 505, 111 W. Monroe St., do. JOHN WILMOT WHITE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1853, Canada. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. W. White, Chicago. Pharm. with Stewart & Halmer Drug Co., Seattle. Address, 726 Pike St.. Seattle.t ♦CHRISTOPHER WHITLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864. Home, Loekport, 111. Deceased. ♦JOHN HENRY XELOWSKI (See '00 Med.) MORRIS ALLEN YORK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Ind. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to C. C. Kennedy, Chicago. Pharm., Glasgow and Murrayville, 111.; Newberg, Ore. Address, Murrayville, Ill.J ALBERT ZIMMERMANN (Brother of Charles, '73, Ernest and Eugene, '82, Robert, '84; Uncle of Clemence, '09) Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. O 28, 1866, Peoria; s. Christian (b. Mr 21. 1827, Rhenish, Bavaria, Ger.) and Katharina (Ziegler) Zimmermann (b. Ag 10, 1836, do.). Prepared in Peoria Pub. Schs. Honor- able Mention; Asst. to Prof. Bastin, Microscopical Lab. during Sr. yr. Retail Druggist, 1887—. Mem , 111. State Bd. of Pharm., 1892-97; Advisory Bd., Sch. of Pharm., 1920; Sch. of Pharm. Alumni Assn.; Peoria Retail Drug. Assn. (Chm. and Sec.); Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Retail Merchants Assn.; Assn. of Commerce; A. F. A. M., Schiller Lodge, Peoria Consistory, Mohammed, Shrine; Creve Coem Club. Married Christine Jobst, Ja 3, 1895. Children: Clara Katherine, b. Ag 8, 1896; Florence Susanna, b. F 15, 1898; Albert Jobst, b. Mr 30. 1899; George Waldo, b. F 19, 1902. Address, 1101 N. Jefferson St., Peoria; bus. add., 2113 S. Adams St.. and 319 Main St.. do. CLASS OF 1888 (62 LIVING, 13 DEAD) WILLIAM CRAIG BARRETT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Edmeston, N. Y. Apprenticed to Dr. A. B. Huested, Albany, N. Y.. 188.5-88; employed at Fort Sheridan. 111.; Pharm.. 95 Lake St.. Chicago; with Meyer Bros. Truss Co., 3510 N. Robey St.. do. Address, 2115 Giddings St., Chicago.t ♦JOHN CHARLES BECK Pharm. and Phys.; Ph.G. Prepared in Tonica H. S. Apprenticed to E. G. Thompson. Tonica, III. Phys.. lis Oak St.. Chicago. Died F 8, 1907. Chicago. , ROBERT McPHERSON BELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, 111. Apprenticed to J. B. Thomas. Chicago. 1884-88. Pharm., La Crosse, Wis. Address, The Leader Store, MinneapoUs.t THEODORE M. BRENTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1855. Trafalgar. Ind. Apprenticed to Dr. J. T. Brenton, Osgood. Ind., 1880-87. Address, Osgood, Ind.t HERMAN O. BREUNERT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, St. Louis. Ap- prenticed to A Breunert. Kansas City. Mo., 1883- 85. Pharm. with A. Breunert, 14th and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Address, 18th and Locust St., Kansas City, Mo.t ALBERT H. BROOKE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 14. 1866. Tiskilwa, 111.; 8. Edward and Mary (Kidd) Brooke. Drug., Ludell and Hemdon, Kan.; Roseland and Beaver Crossing, Neb.; Hastings, do., 1903 — . Married Alice Baugh, 1892, Juniata, Neb.; Children: Donovan, b. 1894; Lucina, b. 1896; William, b. 1900. Address, Hastings, Neb. WILLIAM HERMAN BUCHHOLTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Winona, Minn. Apprenticed to J. Von Rohr, and J. W. Lauer. Winona. 1881-86; employed at Winona, St. Paul, and Hutchinson, Minn.; Pharm., Hutchinson. Minn.; Duluth, do. Address, 3306 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.f ♦WILLIAM JAMES CARPENTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Nora, 111. Pre- pared in Jennings Seminarj', Aurora, III. Ap- prenticed to R. M. Rockey, Nora, 111. Pharm., Chicago; Warren, 111. Died, 1901, Warren, 111. ♦JOSEPH CAUWENBERGH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1803, Wis. Apprenticed to C. C. Kennedy, Chicago, 1881-88. Pharm., Green Bay, Wis. Deceased. CHAUNCEY FRANKLIN CHAPMAN (See '92 Med.) JAMES W. CHARTERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 17, 1868, Lisbon, O.; S.James (b. Johnstown, Pa.) and Mary J.(P"ilson) Charters (b. Columbiana Co., Guilford, O.). Prepared in Lisbon, O. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine. Married Florence Weiler, 1912, Los .\ngeles. Address, 5327 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. 354 University of Illinois [1888 HARRY A. CLARK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Cannelton, Ind. Apprenticed to Dr. C. H. Beard, Cannelton, and J. N. Hurty, Indianapolis, 1882-87; employed by J. F. Johnston, Indianapolis; Robert Stevenson & Co., 94 Lake St., Chicago. Address, Cannelton, Ind.t ALDUS L. COPPOCK Salespian; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Troy, O.; s. Anson and Sarah C. (Miles) Coppock. Prepared in Goodland (Ind.) H. S. Drug., Chicago, 1888- 1910; Apprenticed to Dr. Coppock, Goodland, Ind.; Salesman, 1910 — . Married Julia A. Crowe, D 1892, Chicago. Child, Ruth, b. Je 1897. Ad- dress, 4811 Kenmore Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 312 W. Randolph, do. JOHN RICHARD CUNNINGHAM Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Je 20, 1865; s. John (b. Belfast, Ireland) and Catherine (Tobin) Cun- ningham (b. Waterford, Ireland). Prepared in Portage, Wis. and apprenticeships. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1891. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 15 yrs.; Nevada, 15 yrs.; Co. Phys., Nye Co., Nev., 1906-10. Pvt., Wis. State Militia, 1882-85; Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Camp Fremont, 6 mos.; at present Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E.; Am. Legion; Am. Officers of the Great War; Friends of Ireland; Nye Co. Med. Soc; Nev. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. (Fellow). Married Katherine Ryan, 1896, Chicago (died F 1898). Address Tonopah, Nev. JOHN COOPER DALLAS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Brenham, Tex. Apprenticed to Hardy & Styles, Paige, Tex., 1883-87; employed at Dallas, do. Pharm., Waco, and Palestine, do. Address, Temple, Tex.t JOHN ALBERT DeGAUGH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Sweden. Ap- prenticed to L. J. Lynch, Villisca, la., 1884-87. Pharm., Macon, Ga.; Terrell, Tex.; Redlands, Calif.; Mount Pleasant, Coombe Dingle, Bristol, Eng.t JOSEPH T. DELFOSSE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 5, 1869, Chicago; s. Clementine Vandercam. Prepared at West Divi- sion H. S., Chicago. Married Anna B. Thompson, 1894. Child, Joseph T., Jr., b. 1902. Address, 2315 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. HENRY GEORGE DINET Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Chicago. Prepared in Bus. Coll. Apprenticed to Jos. Schoenkaes, 1884-87. Mem., firm, Dinet & Delfosse, 547 Mil- waukee Ave., Chicago; Pharm., 103 State St., and 31 N. State do. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 902-31 State St., Chicago.t ♦WILLIAM E. DOOLITTLE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866. Home, Chicago. Died Je 30, 1890. MARTHA DUNKEL (RUDOLPHY) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Ger. Prepared in German-Am. Ladies Institute. Apprenticed to Gus Dunkel, Chicago, 1884-88; Pharm. Mgr., Gus Dunkel Pharmacy, do.; Pharm., 1632 Melrose St., Chicago. Married Fred Rudolphy, 1891, 1691 Dempster Place. Address, 728 Mebose St., Chi- cago.t ELMER L. ERB Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Muscatine, la. Ap- prenticed to Rippert & Co., Muscatine, 1884-87; employed at Muscatine and Davenport, la. Pharm., Mt. Ida Pharmacy, Davenport, la.; Tremont, 111. Address, Elmwood, lU.t ANTHONY ERTEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Cincinnati. Ai> prenticed to C. D. Bristle & Co., Cincinnati, 1883-87. Pharm., 436 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Address, 312 Front St., Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y.t GEORGE B. FARRAR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Milwaukee. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to C. J. True, Chicago, 1884-88; employed as Pharm., 987 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Address, 2736 Ogden Ave., Chicago.t EDWARD B. FELTER Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. N 18, 1864, Mil- waukee; s. Mrs. T. Hamburg. Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1891. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Plymouth, W^is. Med. Examiner, Sheboygan Co. Draft No. 2, World War. Married Emma M. Schlichting, O 12, 1892. Address, Plymouth, Wis. WATSON W. FORDHAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, N. Y. Home, Elmira, Mich. Apprenticed to S. E. Waite, Traverse City, Mich., 1883-88. Pharm., Spokane.f CHARLES F. GEISSE TraveUng Salesman; Ph.G.; b. My 29, 1867, Taycheedah, Wis.; s. Charles (b. Philadelphia) and Isabella (Whinfield; Geisse (b. Chesna, Eng.). Prepared in Fond du Lac (Wis.) H. S. Retail Drug Bus., 5 yrs.; Wis. Representative for Peter Van Schaack & Sons., Chicago, 25 yrs. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. C; U. C. T.; T. P. A. (Wis. State Pres., 1918-19). Married Jennie E. Harlin, Ap 24, 1889. Children: Charles E.; John Harlin. Address, 196 E. 2nd St., Fond du Lac, Wis. CHRISTIAN GORDER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 11, 1865, Lansing, la.; s. Ole K. (b. N 11, 1800, Norway) and Agnetta (Stokseth) Gorder (b. Ag 12, 1832, do.). Pre- pared in Lansing, la. Retail Drug., La Crosse, Wis. 1st Corp., la. Nat. Guard, 1882. Mem., Chamber of Commerce; Kiwanis Club; Wis. Con- sistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry. Married Juha Magdalene Renner, Ja 18, 1896, La Crosse, Wis. Children: Arne Christian, b. Ja 18, 1900; Christian William, b. Ag 1, 1910. Address, 717 Ferry St., La Crosse, Wis.; bus. add., 309 Pearl St., do. WILLIAM EDWARD GREINER Wholesale Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 11, 1863, Paris, Tex.; s. G. O. and Mary (Bollinger) Greiner. Prepared in Paris (Tex.) H. S. Pres., Greiner- Kelly Drug. Co.; Pres., Dallas Ath. Club; Bd. of Educ, do.; Dir. Pub. Library; Mem., Dallas Countrv Club. Married Mvrtle Imogene Terry, N 21, 1900, Dallas, Tex. Children: Marv Adelia, b. S 2, 1903; William Edward, b. Jl 31, 1917. Address, 4816 Bryan St., Dallas, Tex.; bus. add., 1108-10-12 Jackson St., do. JOSEPH ELLSWORTH GRUBB Pharmacist and Chemist; Ph.G.; b. N 29, 1861, Saegerstown, Pa.; s. Joseph (b. N 2, 1830, do.) and Nancy Anne (Housel) Grubb (b. My 18, 1831, do.). Prepared in Saegerstown Acad. H. S. Biroth Prize. Retail Drug., Chicago, Jl 22, 1888—. Served 5 yrs. in Pa. gtate Militia. Auth.: Various articles in trade jours, and pharm. publications. Mem., Chicago Veteran Druggists' Assn.; S. Side Retail Druggists' Assn. (Pres., 3 yrs.); Chicago Retail Druggists' Assn.; Hyde Park Council, Royal Arcanum (Collector, 31 yrs.). Married O 14, 1890, Milwaukee. Children: Lilly Anne, b. Je 21, 1896 (died O 21, 1902); Joseph Claran, b. Je 30, 1900; Nancy Jane, b. Ja 5, 1905; Kenneth Mac- Leod, b. F 15, 1907. Address, 5455 Ridgewood Court, Chicago. PETER G. HARTZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 31, 1861, Aurora, 111.; s. Elizabeth (Haukes) Hartz. Apprenticed to Bevier & Hartz, Aairora, 111., 1884-87; Drug., Aurora, 111. Address, 28 S.4th St., Aurora, 111.; bw«. add., 12 S. Broadway, do. EDWARD JOSEPH HEALY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, lU. Apprenticed to C. B. Wilson, Chicago, 1883-88. Pharm., Web- ster Ave. and Cor. Halsted St., Chicago. Address, 415 N. Clark St., Chicago.t School of Pharmacy Alumni 355 ♦HERON KEVAN HIBBEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S06, Ind. Apprenticed to I. H. Fry, Chicago, 1SS4-S8. Pharm., 420 26th St., Chicago; later with the Hibben, Hill Boiler Works. 9376 Ewing St.. Chicago. Died O 24, 1921. Chicago. FRED H. HILDEBR-\NDT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S66, Schleisinge^^^lle, Wis. -Apprenticed to W. C. GrifEs and G. C. C. Congdon, Beaver Dam, Wis., 18S4-87. Pharm., Beaver Dam, Wis.; Durand, do.t WILLIAM ERNEST HOLLAND Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1S06, Nottingham, Eng. Prepared in H. S. M.D.. 111. Med. Coll., 1897. Apprenticed to W. R. Wilson, Chicago. 1882-86. Pharm., 55th St., and Madison A\e., Chicago. Phys., 5523 Madison .\ve., Chicago. Address, 5533 East End Ave., Chicago.f WILL CLEVELAND HOVEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, O. Prepared in Oberlin Coll. .Apprenticed to J. M. Gardner & Co., Oberlin, O., 1883-88; Pharm. with E. H. Sar- gent & Co., 143 E. Lake St., Chicago; 125 W. Lake do. Address, in care of 111. Athletic Club, Chicago.f ♦CHARLES M. HUNT Ph.G.; b. 1866. Home, Chicago. Deceased. FRED P. KENNEDY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 19, 1867, Albion, la.; 8. Mary Francis Brooks. Married Nettie H. Slay- ton, Ap 6, 1892. Address, 5627 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 501 E. 43rd St., do. JAMES GRATTAN KENNEDY Physician; Ph.G.; b. N 20, 1865, Bryan, O.; s. George (b. 1S15, Pa.) and Anna R. (Burns) Ken- nedy (h. 1825, Rome, O.). Prepared in Williams Co. (O.) Pub. Schs.; Rush Med. Coll., 1890. M. D., Jenner Med. CoU., Chicago, 1898. Grad. work, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp.. 1914: Chicago Post-Grad. Med. Sch., 1915. Registered Pharmacist, 111., 1888; do.. Wis., 1891; Wholesale Drug., Chicago, 1886-1902; Chemist, Peter Van Schaack & Sons, 1S95-99; Med. practice, S. Dak., 1902-14. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., 1918. Mem., Assn. Mil. Surgs. Address, Elk City, Kan. ♦JOHN KNEER, Jr. Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. 1867, Peoria. Prepared in German Free Sch. Apprenticed to Dr. H. Kruse and Fritz Lueder, Peoria, 1882-86; employed at Peru and Peoria, 111. Pharm., 801 S. Adams St., Peoria; 921 Lincoln Ave., do. Deceased. M.AXIMILIAN KNEUSSL Jh. Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Ottawa, 111. Ap- prenticed to M. Kneussl, Sr., 1883-87. Pharm., Ottawa, 111. Address, Kneussl Bros., Ottawa, Ill.f GEORGE .ALBERT KNOBLAUCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Muscatine, la. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. H. Canon, Muscatine, la., 188.5-S7; emploved with F. A. Thayer, Chicago; Pharm., 572 W. Madison St., do.: 1510 W. Lake St., do.; 3156 do. Address, 7043 N. Clark St., Chicago.f PHILIP JACOB KOLB Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 3, 1867; s. Eva (Martin) Kolb. Prepared in North Chicago H. S. Appren- ticed to Moench & Reinhold, Chicago, 1881-88. Clerk, H. J. Bate, Clark and Ohio St.; at one time with the firm, Elkin & Martin, Chicago; later with Kolb & Kohn, Clybourn and Fullerton Ave., do.; Proprietor, 2401 Clybourn Ave., Chicago. Mem., A. F. .A. M., Lincoln Park Chapter; St. Pauls Church. Married .Ap 5, 1893. Children: Alice, b. Ja 16. 1897; Marguerite, h. Jl 13, 1900. Ad- dress, 2401 Clybourn Ave., Chicago. HE.VRY W. KURTH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Centralia, 111. Apprenticed to J. J. Pfaff & Co., Centralia, 1882-87; employed in Chicago; Pharm., 825 W. 43rd St., do.; with M. C. Knapp, 3658 Wentworth Ave., do.; later at 952 E. 43rd St., do. Address, 5444 Union Ave., Chicago.f HERMAN LAMBECK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 26, 1864, Milwaukee. Prepared in H. S. Class Treas., 1888. Retail Drug., 1901 Walnut St., Milwaukee, 1888-1902. do., at present add., 1902 — . Mem., Milwaukee Pharm. Assn. (Sec, 1000-02); Wis. Pharm. Assn. Nat. Assn. Retail Drug. Married Anna Gehl O 15, 1895, Milwaukee. Children: Walter Nich olas, b. Je 13, 1898; Lester Arthur, b. O 7, 1899. Address, 45 35th St., Milwaukee. ALLAN V. LANE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 1201 Wabash Ave., Chicago.f ISAM M. LIGHT Secretary; Ph.G.; b. My 7, 1861, Avon, Pa.; s. John H. and Lucetta (Lutz) Light. Clerked for Andrew Scherer, 1888-91; in drug bus., 381 E. Di\asion St., 1891-98; 35th and Rhodes Ave., 1898- 1908; 60th and Blackstone Ave., 1908-F 1913; Sec, Chicago Retail Drug. Assn., 1907 — ; Bus. Mgr., Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. News. Mem., Dutch Reformed Church; Dearborn Lodge 310, A. F. A. M. Married Lyda Helen Shogreen. N 1903, Chicago. Child, Lucetta, b. Ag 25, 1905. Address, 6020 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 31 W. Lake St., do- WILHELM LUCKENBACH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1857, .Two Rivers, Wis. .Apprenticed to A. H. Luckenbach, Oconto, Wis., 1884-88; employed at 869 32nd St., Chicago. Ad- dress, Green Bay, Wis.f ♦WILLIAM E. McGEE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Bushnell, 111. Pre- pared in Bushnell H. S. Apprenticed to J. Dell & Co., and S. H. Jackson, Chicago, 1883-88. Pharm., Hinsdale, 111. Died D 1908, Chicago. JOHN I. MATKIN Ph.G.; b. O 27, 1865; s. Noah and Louise J. (Groves) Matkin. Prepared in H. S. and De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. Located in Roswell, N. Mex.; Cimarron, do. Mem., Baptist Church; Royal League. Married Minnie L. Lloyd, Ap 27, 1901, Chicago. Children: Ruth R., b. Je 6, 1907; John O., b. N 8, 1909. Address, Cimarron, N. Mex. HENRY F. MATTHEWS Ph.G.; b. 1867, 111. Apprenticed to Gale & Blocki, Chicago, 1882-87. Located at 322 S. 43rd Ave., Chicago; 4259 W. Congress St., do.; 1036 Bryn Mawr Ave., do. Address, 1510 Masonic Temple Bldg., Chicago.f ♦CHARLES W. MELTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Conyersville, Tenn. Apprenticed to E.W. Grove, Paris, Tenn., 1881-86. Pharm., Memphis, Tenn. Deceased. BENJAMIN D. MERRELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Portage, Wis. Pre- pared in Shattuck Sch., Faribault, Minn. Appren- ticed to E. S. Purdy, Portage, Wis., 1883-88; Pharm., Superior, do. Address, Becker Ave. and 5th St., Superior, Wis.f WALTER FERDINAND MEYER Ph.G.; b. My 21, 1868, St. Louis, Mo.; s. Fer- dinand C. and Ida (Tanzberger) Meyer. Appren- ticed to L. Woltersdorf, Chicago, 1882-85; Loca ted at Ogden Ave. and Harrison St., Chicago, 1891 employed in Denver, 1892; do., Arands Drug Store Chicago, 1895; at 29th St. and Wentworth Ave. Chicago, 1900; Drug., Colorado Springs, Colo. 1901-21. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; Colo. Pharm. -Assn.; EI Paso Co. Pharm. Assn. Married Hedwig Kobsa, N 28, 1897, Kenosha, Wis. Address, Coloraido Springs, Colo. 356 University of Illinois [1888 CHARLES BENJAMIN MOELLERING Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Ap 23, 1868, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; s. Henry and Mary (Pieper) Moellering. Prepared in Concordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Pharm., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1888-1908; Drug Sun- dries Salesman, Chicago, 1908 — . Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Amanda Niemann, O 24, 1900, Chicago. Child, Robert A., b. Jl 17, 1907. Ad- dress, 631 N. State Rd., Arlington Heights, 111. ORLANDO SENTILLION MOORE Life Insurance; Ph.G.; b. Je 9, 1864, Ontario, Can.; s. Henry Peter (b. Toronto, Can.) and Esther Adelaide (Morgan) Moore (b. Ap 24, 1838). Pre- pared in Rodney, Ontario; Colfax Co., Neb., and Univ. of Neb. Paladian Literary Soc. Drug., Norfolk, Neb., 1889-90; Clerk and relief work, 1890-93; Farmer, Olds, Alta, Can., 1893-99; Gen. Merchandise and Drugs, 1899-1903; Govt, land agt. for Olds Dist. and Real Estate work, 1903-05; Drug., 1905-17, Olds, Alberta, Can.; Elected to sit with Town Council Bd., 1908, reelected in 1918. Life Ins. work for Continental Life Ins. Co., Toronto, Can., 1917 — . Auth.: In the Shadow of the Rockies, Morning Albertan Publicity, 1910. Mem., Y. M. C. A. Married Mr 12, 1886, Schuy- ler, Neb. Children: Chester O. D., b. Mr 17, 1887 (died 1890); Esther M., b. Ag 31, 1889. Address, Olds, Alberta, Can. MONROE T. MOSS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Ind. Apprenticed to August Jacobson, Chicago, 1883-88. Pharm., 43rd St. and Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Ad- dress, 913 Western Ave., Seattle.! CARL GOERGE MUEHLMANN (See '00 Med.) HENRY NIEMEYER (Father of Frank C, '15) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 28, 1866, Lansing, la.; s. Herman and Anna (Sand) Niemeyer (b. Hanover, Ger.). Prepared in Lansing, la. Married Anna Kuschbaun, O 14, 1890, Galena, 111. Children: A. H.; Frank C, '15; Marie L. Address, Stockton, 111. LOUIS JOHN PELEK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 4, 1868, Freeport, 111.; s. Dorothy Roth. Prepared in Freeport H. S. Drug., Rochelle, 111. Married Clara B. Anderson, F 4, 1892. Children: Dorothy, b. Ja 6, 1893; Frederick H., b. Mr 5, 1899. Address, 418H Lin- coln Highway, Rochelle, 111.; bus. add., 317 Lincoln Highway, do. EDWARD PENBERTHY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 11, 1866, Rockville, Wis.; s. John E. and Elizabeth (Emery) Penberthy. Mem., M. E. Church; I. O. O. F.; Royal League; Mod. Brotherhood of Am. Married Fannie E. Palmer, My 16, 1891, Chicago. Children: Vera E., b. Ap 29, 1892; Arthur E., b. Mr 30, 1893; La Vern E., b. Mr 5, 1895; Florence, b. N 25, 1898; Evelyn, b. S 2, 1904. Address, 8748 Wabash Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 9224 Cottage Grove, do. GEORGE G. PFLEGER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, LaPorte, Ind. Pre- pared in Mishawaka (Ind.) H. S. Apprenticed to C. D. Porter, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1880-85; em- ployed as Mgr. by W. C. Scupham, 63 State St., Chicago; Salesman at 81 Pine St., do. Address, 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago.f JOSEPH SMITH PIGALL Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1867, 111. Prepared in Lamar Seminary. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1891; do., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1892. Apprenticed to A. W. Atwood, Lamar, Mo., 1884-86; Phys., 987 Ogden Ave,. Chicago; Prof., Internal Med., 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 2736 Ogden Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM A. QUINN (See '94 Med.) WILLIAM C. ROBERTSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Buena Vista, Ky. Apprenticed to Renaker Bros., Cynthiana, Ky., 1882-87; employed with the Robinson & Pettet Co., Louisville, Ky. Address, 522 W. Main St., Louisville.t ALLEN SALTER (See '93 Med.) THOMAS WILLIAM SANDERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Fairbury, 111. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. Y. Griggs, Ottawa, 111., 1884-88; employed by W. C. Budlong, Druggist, Aurora, 111. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, Aurora, Ill.t EDWARD B. SCHOENIKE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 8, 1867, Lebanon, Wis.; s. Carl and Wilhelmine Schoenike. Drug., Keno- sha, Wis., 5 yrs.; Milwaukee, 25 yrs. Mtm., Lutheran Church. Married Ida L. Fueger, My 1, 1892, Milwaukee. Children: Ethel Louise; Clara Ida. Address, 396 6th Ave., Milwaukee. *JOHN SCHOKE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1860, Russia. Appren- ticed to F. H. Ahlborn, Chicago, 1884-88; Pharm., 845 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Died N 11, 1901, Chicago. *WILLIAM JOSEPH SCHOTT Ph.G.; b. 1868, Fort Wayne, Ind. Home, Ft. Wayne. Died, 1893, Chicago. *WILLIAM BRANDON SHEPPARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Kingsport, Tenn. Apprenticed to F. P. Yergin, 111., 1882-87. Pharm. firm Sheppard and Becker, Mattoon, 111 Died S 1, 1903, Mattoon, 111. FRANK SMITH Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 23, 1865, Olney, 111.; s. Michel (b. Ger.) and Carrie (Gnodel) Smith (b. do.). Prepared in Olney, 111. Drug., Olney, 111. ; Sumner, do.; Washington, Ind. Married Ag 4, 1892, Olney, 111. Child, Eugene Paul, b. Jl 3, 1893, (died O 8, 1918, Camp Taylor). Address, 119 E. Oak St., Washington, Ind. *KARL REINHOLD SPRINGER Ph.G.; b. 1865. Home, Kansas City, Mo. De- ceased. EDWARD T. STUDNESS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Norway. Appren- ticed to Otto Studness, Chicago, 1884-88. Pharm., 26th and E. C Sts., Tacoma, Wash. Address, 40 E. 2nd St., S., Salt Lake City.f EUGENE S. UPSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 5, 1862; s. Delia Eliza- beth (Chapman) Upson. Prepared in Univ. of Mich., 1896-97. Drug., 1888-Jl 1897; Postmaster, 1897-1910; Drug., 1910—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Lillian E. Beckwith. Ja 3, 1892. Address, Durand, Mich. FRANK STANLEY VAN PELT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 23, 1865, Bloomington, 111,; s. Isaac Newton (b. F 7, 1838, Leesburg, O.) and Mary (Job) Van Pelt (b. S 1, 1842, Greenfield, O.). Prepared in Lamar (Mo.) H. S. Owner of store, Lamar, Mo., 1890-1900; Clerk, Webb City, 1900-02; do., Kansas City, 1902-18; in bus., 3401 E. 12th St., do., 1918—. Married Jennie A. Beam, D 16, 1896, Parsons, Kan. Address, 3403 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 3401 E. 12th St., do. LAWRENCE WHALEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Louisville, Ky. Apprenticed to Dr. J. A. Wilkinson, Flomaton, Ala., 1883-86; employed at 3900 Indiana Ave., Chicago; with firm Whaley Bros., 3658 S. State St., do. Address, 400 E. 31st St., Chicago.t 1889] School of Pharmacy Alumni 357 WILLIAM JAMES WHITE Druggist; Ph.G,; b. Mr 2, 1S62, Green Lake Co., Wis.; s. Charles Leonard and Mary E. (English') White. Drug., Goldendale, Wash.; do., Cottage Grove, Ore. Mgr. of the White Pharmacy. Married Mary :M. Hess, D 21, 1S87, Chicago (died S 3, 1S97); Ellen L. Hess, Mr 19, 1899. Children: Esther Elizabeth, b. F IS, 1SS9; Eleanor Lois, b. Ap 12. 1S92; William Noble, b. Mr 1. 1894; Marian Mildred, b. Mr U, 1900; Wilnia Jean, b. My 19, 1901; James Gordon, b. S 30, 1907. Ad- dress, Cottage Grove, Ore. CLAYTON W. WILSON Retired Drug.; Ph.G.; b. O 1. 1803, Ontario, Can.; s. Ira and Oliva Wilson. Prepared in Se- brant H. S. Drug., Kingsley, la., 30 yrs. Mem., M. E. Church (Supt., S S.); A. F. A. M., 32'. Married Ja ISSO, Scranton, la. Children: O. Helen, b. D 18SS; Clayton 11., b. S 1890; E. H., b. D 1892; Victor C, b. My 1898. Address, Kings- ley, la. LAMBERT SOULE WINTERSTEEN Ph.G.; b. D 3, 1865, Ithaca, N. Y.; s. E. Winter- stoen. Prepared in Toledo, O. Married Florence V. Goodwin, O 19, 1892, La Grange, 111. Child, Helen V., b. O 18, 1894. Address, Park Ridge, 111. CLASS OF 1889 (65 LIVING, 16 DEAD) THOMAS DARDEN ARMISTEAD Ph.G.; b. Joseph R. and Sue (Darden) Armistead. Prepared in Kv. H. S. and Miss. Coll., Clinton, Miss. Married Lunette Tompson, O 13, 1896, Louisville, Ky. Address, Armistead and Miller, Lexington, Ky. ♦LOUIS ALEXANDER BECKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Winona, Minn. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to A. M. Pett & Son and M. T. Stackley, Winona, Minn.; employed by N. Gray Bartlett, Chicago; Gen. Mgr., Becker & Schellus, brewers, Winona, Minn. Mfgr. of soda fountains; established the L. A. Becker Co., Chicago. Died Je 16, 1919. *EMIL C. L. BEHRENS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Prussia. Prepared in Prussian Gymnasium. Employed by T. R. Behrens; later Pharm., S02 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Died O 24, 1919, Chicago. FRANK W. BLOOR Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 23, 1868, Mansfield, O.; s. William (b. D 29, 1834, Trenton, N. Y.) and Jane E. Bloor (b. D 13, 1831, Shippensburg, Pa.). Prepared in Mansfield (O.) H. S. and Jr. course, Philadelphia, 1888-1889. Druggist, Mansfield, O. Mem.. M. E. Church (Trustee). Married Mr 27, 1890, Mansfield. O. Children: Harold D., b. Ap 18, 1894; John William, b. Jl 31, 1904. Address, 121 West 2nd St., Mansfield, O.; bus. add., 1 N. Main St., do. *DAN BRITELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Johnstown, O. Apprenticed to E. Britell & Co., Thompson, 111., 1878-89. Later Pharm.. Thompson, 111. Died 1904, Fulton, 111. HERBERT H. BROADIE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Waverly, la. Ap- prenticed to A. A. Broadie, Waverly, 1885-89. Pharm., with brother, A. A. Broadie. Address, Waverly, la.f C. KIRBY BROWN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Battle Creek, Mich. Apprenticed to Grandine & Hinman, Battle Creek, 1879-83; employed by Jay Smith & Son, Saginaw, Mich. Pharm., 8 Eagle St., Buffalo, N.Y. Mem., 111. Pharm. .\san. Address, 13 W. Huron St., Buffalo, N. Y.t HENRY OTIS BUTTERWORTH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Andrew, la. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to D. N. Loose & Co.. Maquoketa, la., 1885-88; employed at Maquoketa, la. Address, do.t WILLIAM DeWITT CHANDLER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Beaver Dam, Wis. Apprenticed to G. C. Congdon. Beaver Dam, 1885-88. Pharm., Beaver Dam, Wis.; 2409 Cedar St., Milwaukee. Address, Room 531 Federal Bldg., Chicago.t WILLIAM JOHN CLANCY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, La Salle. 111. Ap- prenticed to J. E. Malone. La Salle. 1880-89. Pharm. with J. E. Malone and H. A. Baker & Co.; Partner with W. B. Hummer & Co., La Salle. 111. Mem.. Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn. (Pres., 1920-21). Address, 104 Marquett St., La Salle, Ill.t WILLIAM ADELBERT CONVERSE Chemist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 31, 18C2, Pioneer. O.; s. Ebenezer P. (b. Mass.) and Francis E. (Brower Converse (b. Mich.). Prepared in Pioneer (O.) H. S. Directing Chem.. Dearborn Chem. Co., 1904-09; Sec. and Chem. Dir., do., 1907—; Founder, Willard Gibbs Medal, 1909. Auth.: Many pub- lications on Oils and Lubrication; Industrial Water and Its Treatment; Scientific Treatment of Boiler Waters and Lubrication. Mem., Am. (joll. of Surg., 1899. (Sec, Chicago Section, 1901-08. Chm., do., 1909); Fellow, A. A. A. S., 1909; Am. Electro- chem. Soc. 1909; R. P. 111. Western Soc. Engr.; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Am. Waterworks Assn.; Institute, Chem. Engrs.; Chemists Club of New York; Am. Soc. M. E., 1913; Franklin Inst., 1913; A. F. A. M. Married Emma F. Conklin, S 10, 1882. Child, Ethel Fern, b.Ag 26, 1888. Address, 4320 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 332 S. INIichigan Ave., do. ♦BENJAMIN SLATER COOBAN Pharmacist;. Ph.G.; b. 1869, Petroleum Center, Pa. Apprenticed to H. C. C. Sanderson, Bradford, Pa. Pharm., 63rd and Wright Sts., Chicago. Died D 31, 1916. HARRY E. COOLING Pharrnacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Mich. Prepared in Jennings Seminary. Apprenticed to Kennedy & Evans, Byron. 111., 1884-87; later with Frank Kraemer, '01; Pharm., Traill & Cooling, 5601 S. Blvd., Austin, 111. Address, Austin Ave., and Lake St., Chicago.t ♦RICHARD FELIX CURTI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868. Ottawa, 111. Pre- pared in Ottawa H. S. Apprenticed to E. A. Dearth, Grand Ridge, 111., 1882-84; Pharm.. 230 22nd St., Chicago; later at 63rd and Cottage Grove Ave., do. Died D 17, 1897, Chicago. ALBERT HYACINTH CZERWINSKI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Poland. Prepared in Marquette Coll. Apprenticed to V. Bardonski, Chicago, 1884-88. Pharm., Milwaukee. Address, 457 Mitchell St., Milwaukee.! *FRANK DELOS DEMPSTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Herkimer, N. Y. Apprenticed to D. A. Lawton, Syracuse; Jacobus and Von Hermann, Chicago, 1885-89. Pharm., Harvey, 111.; Dixon, do.; with Richards & Co., 114 Lake St., Chicago. Died Ap 17, 1914, Rockford, 111. 358 University op Illinois [1889 EDWARD LYMAN DENNISON Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Marion, lU. Pre- pared in H. S. M.D., N. W. Med. Coll., St. Joseph, Mo., 1S92. Apprenticed to E. L. Dennison Sr., Marion, 111.; H. B. Taylor, Philadelphia, 1885-88; Gen. Med. practice, Marion, 111.; later in Chicago. Address, 17 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago.! WILLIAM DICE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 20, 1865, Mansfield, O.; s. James Francis (b. do.) and Amanda (Rich- ards) Dice (b. do.). Prepared in Mansfield, O. Married Mr 16, 1893. Address, 215 W. 4th St., Ashland, O. *DAVID DRYSDALE DOOLITTLE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Rockford, 111. Apprenticed to W. A. Doolittle, Sabetha, Kan., 1884-89. Pharm., firm, Doolittle & Co., Sabetha, Kan. Died Je 30, 1890, Chicago. WILLIAM AUGUST ENGSBERG Physician; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1868, Waterloo, Wis.; s. Theodore Peter (b. 1827, Essen, Ger.) and Crasence (Setz) Engsberg (b. 1836, Ger.). Pre- pared in Lake Mills (Wis.) H. S. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1891. Phys., Lake Mills, Wis., 1891—. Married S 25, 1893, Lake Mills, Wis. Children: Harold H., b. S 21, 1895; Ruby P., b. My 20, 1896. Address, Lake Mills, Wis. LINCOLN L. EVES Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 17, 1867; s. C. C. and Rebeca Eves. Prepared in Univ. of S. Dak., Ver- milion, S. Dak. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, K. T., Shrine; K. P. Married My 5, 1896, Ver- miUon, S. Dak. Address, Meckling, S. Dak. WILLIAM LAURENCE FAUST Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 25, 1869, Omaha, Neb.; s. Emil (b. 1838, Cassel, Ger.) and Minnie Faust (b. 1848, Stoyestown, Pa.). Prepared in Lead, S. Dak. Address, Deadwood, S. Dak. MARY F. FYLER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 27, 1862; d. Cordelia Wiltse Fyler. Prepared in Roscoe Pub. Sch. Pharm. with the Pollock drug store; employed by Roscoe Durand, Chicago; later at Rockford. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, Roscoe, 111. JOHN P. GARNER Ph.G.; b. Ap 2, 1867, DeKalb, III; s. John C. (b. Ja 31, 1831, Cambridgeshire, Eng.) and Eliza (Rolf) Garner (b. N 18, 1829, Oxfordshire, Eng.). Prepared in DeKalb H. S. Valedictorian, 1890. Pharm., DeKalb, 111., 1890-92; do., Austin, 111., 1892-1905; Advertising, Ins. and Bonds, 1906-15; Rep. Co. Central Committeeman, 35th ward, Chicago, 1900; Comm. Cook Co., 1903-06; Comm. of Pub. Service, Chicago, 1915-18; Alderman, 33rd ward, do., 1919 — ; Rep. State Central Com- mitteeman, 7th Congr. District, 1919 — ; Delegate to Rep. Nat. Convention, 1920. Mem., W. M. Austin Lodge of A. F. A. M., 1903— (Em. Com. Silvan Commandry of K. T., 1909-10); Medinah Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. (Potentate, 1915; Rep- resentative to Imperial Council, 1913-20) ; Medinah Motor Club (Pres. 1917-20). Married Minnie R. Rodman, Je 16, 1892. Address, 619 N. Central Ave., Chicago. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GARVER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Monticello, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to S. B. Carver, Farmer City, 111., 1880-88. Pharm. with S. B. Garver, do. Address, Farmer City, Ill.t GEORGE EDWIN GORTON Retired Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 3, 1864, Ypsilan- ti, Mich.; s. Edwin Delos (b. N 3, 1833, Ypsilanri, Mich.) and Jane E. (Kniselv) Gorton (b. Mr 21, 1838, Seneca Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in grammar sch. Drug, bus., Crawford, Neb., 1889-1919; Hardware, furniture and undertaking, do., 1911-18; Dairying, do., 1907-17. Mem., M. E. Church (Delegate to gen. conference, Cleveland, 1896). Married Jl 15, 1899, Cheyenne, Wyo. Children: Alice, b. N 8, 1902; James, b. Je 25, 1906; Edwin, b. My 10, 1911; Frances Jane, b. Jl 17, 1915; Mildred Louise, b. N 24, 1918. Address, Craw- ford, Neb. EDWARD L. GRAHAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 11, 1867, Muscatine, la.; s. Israel L. (b. F 11, 1823, Canton, Conn.) and Agnes M. (Butler) Graham (b. Ag 19, 1831, Crom- well, Conn.). Prepared in Muscatine (la.) H. S. Pharm., Muscatine, la., 1889 — . Address, 501 Inn Ave., Muscatine, la.; bus. add., 301 E. 2nd St., do. EDWARD T. GRANACHER Ph.G.; b. N 15, 1867, Quincy, 111.; s. Theoder and Rosina (Burkhart) Granacher. Prepared in Quin- cy Coll. Mem., Roman Catholic Church; K. C. Married Anna M. Heintz, Ag 9, 1894, Quincy, 111. Children: Genevive, b. 1895; Walter D., b. 1897; Valmere R., b. 1899; Edward T., b. 1904. Ad- dress, 651 Hamp St., Quincy, 111. JOHN DAVID GRUNDY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, 111. Apprenticed to Schuetz & Dennison, Mendota, 111., 1884-88. At one time Pharm., Elgin, lU. Address, Geneva, Ill.t WILLIAM REYNOLDS HAMILTON Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 13, 1868, Peoria, 111.; s. William Reynolds (b. F 18, 1816, Venango Co., Pa.) and Fannie Pauline (Norton) Hamilton (b. 1840, Conn.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. On athletic team. Drug, bus., Peoria, 111., 1889-96 Banking bus., Sibley, 111., 1897-1906; Mfg. bus Denver, 1907-14; Drug bus., Chicago, 1915— Mem., A. F. A. M. Married S 25, 1895, Blooming- ton, 111. Child, William Lindsay, b. Ag 1, 1901 (died Mr 12, 1917). Address, 4125 EUis Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 41st St. and Ellis Ave., do. *WILLIAM FREDERICK HARRIS Ph.G.; b. 1868. Home, Elburn, 111. Deceased. SHELDON AUGUSTUS HEALD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, East Kingston, N. Y. Apprenticed to Dr. J. H. Moe, Sturgis, Mich., 1884-86; employed at 2321 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo.t JOSEPH FINLEY HOCKING Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 22, 1862, Dodge\'ille, Wis.; s. James C. and Mary (Trelvar) Hocking. Pre- pared in Dodgeville (Wis.) H. S. Drug., Crystal Falls, Mich., 5 yrs.; Waupaca, Wis., 8 yrs. Pro- prietor, and Owner, Hocking Drug Co., Spokane, 1906—. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., Con- sistory, Shrine. Married Mary P. Tully, O 1887, Florence, Wis. Children: Six daughters; one son. Address, 233 Riverside Ave., Spokane. FRANK JAMES HOEY Salesman; Ph.G.; b. 1867, 111. Apprenticed to G. A. Cope & Co., Earlville, 111., 1885-89. Sales- man Gazzolo Drug and Chemical Co., Chicago. Address, 123 S. Green St., Chicago.! GEORGE ALBERT HUSCHER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 1, 1865, Hanover, Can. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Apprenticed to G. A. Beauchamp, Concordia, Kan., 1885-86; with H. C. Martin, Chicago, 1886-89: later with F. J. Hill & Co., Salt Lake City. Address, Murray, Ut. CHARLES ROBERT JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Minn. Appren- ticed to W. S. Branch & Co., Parker, S. Dak., 188.5-89; employed at Parker, S. Dak.; Pharm., with the firm, Hurlburd & Johnson, Morris, Minn. J ♦CHARLES CHRISTIAN KEHNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Dayton, O. Ap- prenticed to Dr. B. Berry, Carmi, 111., 1884-85. Located in St. Joseph, Mo.; later at 557 Sedgwick St., Chicago. Died My 1900, Chicago. 18891 School of Pharmacy Alumni 359 LESLIE WILLIAM KINYON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap S, ISOS. Foud du Lac, Wis.; s. William Henry (h. 1S44, Pa.) and Char- lotte Hannah tAinsworth) Kinyou (b. 1851, Wis.). Prepared in Vail, la. Drug., Chicago, 1889-92; do.. Vail, la., 1892-1904; do.. Lake Forest, 111., 1904-03; do., Waukcgan, 111., 1900-07; Chicago, 1907—. Married Louisa Eyers, S 30, 1891, Chi- cago (died S 23, 1913); Bess Haas. Mr 30, 1920, do. Address, 150S W. Van Buren St., Chicago. ♦CHARLES GRANT KLINE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Logansport, Ind. Apprenticed to Goodline and Evans, lola, Kan., 18S4-88. Pharm., Harriman, Tenn. Died 1904, 1904, lola, Kan. JOHN G. LANE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 8, 1864, New Town, Ind.: s. Sabattha E. (Bavless) Lane. Apprenticed to M. B. Lane, Hamilton, 111., 1881-89. Pharm., Lane Drug Co., Hamilton, 111.; with Flat River Pharm., Flat River, Mo.; do.. Lane & Co., Coul- terville. 111. Married Libbie Parks, 1901, Mur- physboro, 111. Address, Coulter\'ille, 111. CLARENCE ROSCOE LeBAR Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 11, 1858, Westfield, N. Y.; s. Charles W. (b. 1828, Booncville, N. Y.) and Lucy Jane (Potter) LeBar (b. 1835, Westfield, do.). Prepared in Common Schs. Jr. Prize Scholarship. Located in Kan., Neb. and Tenn.; later at Lushton, Neb. Address, Ithaca, Neb. GEORGE LENZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Sauk City, Wi.s. Apprenticed to J. Cunradi and R. Conradi, Chi- cago and Sauk City, 1885-89. Pharm., 2901 Wallace St., Chicago; 1154 W. 69th St., do. Ad- dress, 7202 S. Racine Ave., Chicago.f *CARL LOUIS LINDEMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Chicago. Appren- ticed to F. A. Dinehl. Chicago, 1885-88. Pharm., 5100 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Deceased. *HENRY' LUBBINGA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Drentha, Mich. Apprenticed to R. A. Schouten, Holland, Mich., 1880-81. Employed as Pharm. with H. J. Beck- •with, and B. J. Cooban, 63rd and Wright Sts., Chicago, 1S93. Died Ap 14, 1915. CORNELIUS w. McDonald Traveling Salesman; Ph.G. ; b. Je 4, 1867, Durand m.; s. .\lexander (b. Ire.) and Fanny (McAuley) McDonald (h. Ballymony, Ire.). Prepared in Durand H. S. Valedictorian. Located in Rock- ford, 111., 1889-93, Honduras, C. A., 1893-94, and Aurora, 111., 1894—. Mem., K. C, B. P. O. E. Married Jennie McAnaney, O 26, 1897, Rockford, HI. Child, Alexander Donald, b. N 10, 1898. Address, 285 North Ave., Aurora, 111. GRANT McFERSON Bank Commissioner; Ph.G.; b. 1864, 111. Pre- pared in Univ. of 111. Acad. Dept., 1883-85. Ap- prenticed to F. E. Vendervort, Tonica, 111., 1884- 89. Pharm., Kewanee, 111.; later at 724 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, Colo; State Bank Commissioner, Denver, 1921. Address, 928 Mapleton Ave., Boulder, Colo; bus. add.. Room 124 State House, Denver.t THOMAS H. McINNERNEY Pres., Hydrox Co.; Ph.G.; b. My 8, 1867, Dubuque, la.; Prepared in Dubuque (la.) H. S. Preg., Hydrox Co., Chicago. Married Jessie Mc- Gibeny, Ag 19, 1901. Address, Winnetka, 111.; bus. add., 2400 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. JAMES HENRY McKIE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Aston, Eng. Ap- prenticed to C. L. Lien, La Crosfe, Wis., 1885-88. Pharm., .San Diego, Calif.; at one time Pharm, Visalia, do. Address, 4205 Park Blvd., San Diego, Calif.t ERNEST A. MATTHAEI (See '95 Med.) *THOMAS FRANKLIN MENOUGH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Wellsville, O. Apprenticed to Dr. F. Nusscl, Brazil, Ind., 1884-89. Died Ap 24, 1900. Alaska. JOHN NICHOLAS NEEB Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 7, 1868, Chicago; s. John N. and Effie T. (Nell) Neeb. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Mgr.. Hausnian Drug Co.. Pueblo. Mem.. K. P.; N. A. U.; B. P. O. E. Married Car- rie M. Coppock, Ap 19. 1893. Chicago. Child, Lenore F., b. Ja 27, 1895. Address, 409 W. 11th St., Pueblo, Colo.; bns. add., 4th and Main St., do. RICHARD H. G. NETZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 20, 1868. Milwaukee, Wis. Prepared in Winona, Minn. Drug., Winona, Minn.; do., Owatonna, Minn. Married S 15. 1896, Marshalltown, la. Address, Owatonna, Minn. ALFRED H. NOSTER Physician; Ph.G.; b. F 22, 1866. Ger. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1892. Married Marie Giesecke, 1895, New Braunfels, Tex. Address, 707 Porter St., San Antonio, Tex. 'WALTER W. PARKS Ph.G.; b. O 31, 1866, Duouoin, 111.; s. S. G. and Elizabeth Parks. Prepared in Duquoin Pub. Sch. and So. 111. State Norm. Univ., Carbordale, 111. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Kate Korn. Children: Katherine; Louise. Address, 14 W. Main St., Duquion, 111. JOSEPH HENRY' REIMERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Vincennes, Ind. Prepared in German Sch., Vincennes, Ind. Ap- prenticed to H. J. Watjen, Vincennes, and F. J. Knowles, Chicago, 1884-88; employed with Acker- man & Co., 475 Ogden Ave., Chicago. J GEORGE CAMPBELL REW Chemist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Chicago. Prepared in Univ. of Mich. Apprenticed to Francis Squair, Chicago, 1885-89. Quiz master in Chem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1893-94; Anal. Chem. with Calu- met Baking Powder Co., 38 Michigan Ave., Chi- cago; 529 Surf St., do. Address, 4100 Fillmore St., Chicago.f EDWARD THOMAS RICHARDS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 4, 1864. Marietta, O.; Pharm.. Chicago. 1894-1916; do., Marietta, O., to date. Married Alice Henniger. Address, 320 6th St., Marietta, O.; bus. add., 104 Front St.. do. CHARLES H. RIMMELE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868. 111. Apprenticed to W. B. Hummer, La Salle, 111., 1884-89. Pharm., 25th St., and Wentworth Ave.. Chicago; 68.'^9 S. Halsted St.. do.; 6800 do. Address, 7040 Union Ave., Chicago. t RANDOLPH RUBEN ROGERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Huron Co., O. Apprenticed to Dr. A. J. Weeks, Correctionville, la.. 1885-88. Pharm.. Gushing. la.t *HARRY A. RUEHL Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1868. Chicago. Appren- ticed to John Heiland, Chicago, 1865-88; employed with Heiland until 1890; Mem., William Ruehl Brewing Co., 224 W. 12th St.. Chicago; later located at 2646 Harvard Ave., do. Died N 26. 1905. RICHARD P. SACHSE Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ger. Apprenticed to W. K. Forsyth, Chicago. 1882-88; employed with G. G. Shauer, 2842 State St., Chicago; Pharm.. 1100 W. 63rd St.. do. Address, 6732 S. Carpenter St., Chicago.t 360 University of Illinois [1889 EUGENE AUGUSTUS SAYRE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 3, 1868, Mt. Gilead, O.; s. Sidney A. and Hattie M. (Gillis) Sayre. Jr. prize, Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1887. Pharm in Chicago, Toledo, O., Cincinnati, and Elgin, 111. for 35 yrs. Mem., 1st Congr. Church; Elgin Assn. of Commerce; Elgin Merchants Assn. (Ex. Pres.). Married Anna M. Freyhof, O 11, 1894, Glendale, O. Children: Louise, b. D 7, 1895; Walter, b. Ag 25, 1899; Robert, b. My 13, 1902. Address, 435 Chicago St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., 50-52 Grove Ave., do. FREDERICK OTTO SCHMIDT Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 14, 1867, Chicago; s. Friederich and Dorothea (Rippberger) Schmidt. Retail Drug., Chicago. Married Emma M. Atzel, Mr 28, 1893, Chicago. Child, Ethan W., b. D 21, 1893. Address, 1920 Eddy St., Chicago; bus. add., 2004 Roscoe St., do. LOUIS ERNST SCHMIDT (Brother of Frederick M., 'SO) Professor; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1869; s. Ernst (b. Mr 1830, Bavaria) and Therese (Weigard) Schmidt (b. Ag 1830). Prepared in Chicago pub. schs. B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1892; M.S., N. W. Univ., 1895; M.D., do. Studied in Univs. of Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London and Breslau, 1896-99. Prof., Gen. Urinary Surg., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. and Chicago Pohclinic; Attending do., Michael Reese, Wesley, Grant and St. Marys Hosps.; Chief of Genito-Urinary Dept. of Alexian Bros. Hosp.; Pres. of Med. and Surg. Staff, do. Abstract Ed. for Jour, of Surg. Gynecol, and Obstetrics. Auth.; Fifty or more articles published in med. jours. Mem., Fr., Ger., Internat. and Am. Urolog. Assns.; Italian Phys. Chem. Soc; Past Pres. and Sec. of Am. Assn. of Genito Urolog. Surgs.; Am. Urolog. Assn.; Urology Section of A. M. A. Mar- ried Marie Mansfield, Je 1, 1905, Chicago (died Jl 6, 1918). Children: Hildegarde, b. Jl 8, 1906; Mansfield, b. D 18, 1910. Address, 60 Bellevue Place, Chicago; bus. add., 1616 Mailers Bldg. and 5 S. Wabash Ave., do. CHARLES W. SCHROEDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Green Bay, Wis. Apprenticed to S. Robinson, Green Bay, 1884-88; employed as Pharm., in Chicago and Menominee, Mich. Address, Green Bay, Wis.t JULIUS PAUL SCHUH Druggist and Lumberman; Ph.G.; b. N 10, 1867; s. Paul G. and Julia (Korsmeyer) Schuh. Prepared in Engleman Acad., Milwaukee, 1880-84. Whole- sale Drug.; Pres., Schuh Drug Co., Cairo, 111.; do., Schuh Mason Lumber Co., do. Mem., B, P. O. E., Past Exalted Ruler. Married Mary A. Savage, O 7, 1896, Chicago. Children: Paul C. II, b. Ja 21, 1898 (died 1910); Margaret C, b. Jl 16, 1899. Address, 2914 Elm St., Cairo, 111.; bus. add., 910-14 Commercial Ave., do. *SAMUEL CARTER SHEPPARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Tenn. Apprenticed to E. Ferris, Paris, 111., 1883-88. Died Mr 14, 1903, Mattoon, 111. RUDOLPH JOHN EMIL SIEVERS Physician; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Ger. M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1893. Apprenticed to R. Hutter, Chicago, 1884-86. Resident Phys., Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago. Mem., A. M. A. (Fellow). Ad- dress, Butte, Mont.t GEORGE WILLIAM SOHRBECK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, Ger. Apprenticed to Richards & Sohrbeck, Moline, 111., 1884;88. Pharm., mem. of firm, Sohrbeck Bros., Moline, III. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, Sohrbeck Bros., Moline.t ♦JOSEPH M. STANG Ph.G.; b. 1867. Home, Chicago. Deceased. WILLIAM STORCK (See '01 Med.) JOHN TURGE Druggist; Ph.G. Address, 3901 West 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. WILLIAM G. VALENTINE Ph.G.; b. O 8, 1867. Located in Terre Haute, Ind. Mem., 1st Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Sidonia Bauermeister, Je 7, 1889. Chil- dren: William, b. N 26, 1900; Sidonia Cora, b. Mr 28, 1905. Address, Wabash Ave at 6H St., Terre Haute, Ind. ARTHUR BYRON VOAK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1856, New York. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. S. Jacobus, Chicago, 1885-89; employed at the Aldine Phar- macy, 3645 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago; do., 122 State St., do.; Pharm., 5818 W. Ontario St., Chicago; Hollywood, Ill.t HENRY VOEGELI Ph.G.; b. O 11, 1868, Fountain- City, Wis.; s. Tobias and Anna R. (Wischer) Voegeli. Pre- pared in Fountain City (Wis.~l Grade Schs. Retail Drug., 1884-1917. Mem., Christian Sc. Church. Married Julia R. Boehme, F 21, 1891. Child, Muriel Joy, b. Ja 3, 1894. Address, 3023 Dupont St., Minneapolis; bus. add., 1212 Plymouth Bldg., do. LEVI EDMOND WARNER Instructor; Ph.G.; b. Ap 7, 1868, Millville, Mich.; s. Spencer H. (b. Ap 11, 1831, N. Y.) and Mary E. (Ovaitt) Warner (b. N 27, 1841, do.). Prepared in Marlette, Mich. Conducted the Practical Inst, of Pharm., Marlette. Mich., 1901-13; do., Sandusky, Mich., 1913 — ; Register of Deeds for Sanilac Co., 1913-17. Married Mr 26, 1891, Imlay City, Mich. Child, Irene B., b. D 29, 1892. Address, Sandusky, .Mich. LEONARD EDWARD WELCH Physician; M.D.; Ph.G.; b. 1864, Albany, Ga. Prepared in Coll. at Hartford, Conn., and Univ. of Pa. Apprenticed to L. E. & H. E. Welch, 1883-89. Phys., lis Liberty St., Savannah, Ga. Address, 201 Broad St., Albany, Ga.f ADA G. WHEELER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Pa. Prepared in HoUidaysburg Acad., 5732 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago. Apprenticed to F. A. Wheeler, Englewood, III., 1884-88. Pharm., 924 W. 63rd St., Chicago; 6062 S. State St., do. Address, 219 W. 64th St., Chicago.! WILLIAM WINFRID WHITLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Springfield, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Hamlin & Sprague, Springfield, 111., 1884-86; employed at Springfield, 111.; later Pharm., Chatham, and Champaign; at one time with Buck & Rayner, Chicago. Address, 4556 Prairie Ave., Chicago.t CLARENCE POWELL WIKOFF Physician; M.D.; Ph.G.; b. 1867, SandwicJ^, 111. "Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to L. H. WikofT, Chicago, 1885-89. Address, Emington, lU.t CHESTER BOND WILLIAMS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Waverly, la. Ap- prenticed to E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago, 1884- 89; employed with E. H. Sargent & Co.; Univ. of Chicago, 1895; Sec, Chicago Laboratory Supply and Scale Co., 39 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Address, Wheaton, Ill.t SUMNER HOWE WILLIAMS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, La Moille, 111. Apprenticed to G. A. McCormick, Hennepin, 111., and T. Whitfield, Chicago, 1885-88. Pharm., Piedmont, S. Dak. Address, Estherville, la.t JOHN GABRIEL WOODFILL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Greenburg, Ind. Attended Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia. Ap- prenticed to J. A. Willison, Terre Haute, Ind., 1885-88; cmploved in Chicago; later at 710 Pine St., Philadelphia.t HARRY WHEELER WOODRUFF (See '92 Med.) 1890] School of Ph.\rmacy Alumni 361 CLASS OF 1890 (57 LIVING. 14 DEAD) NATHANIEL HOLDER ADAMS Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Ja 14, 1S71, Lexing- ton, O.; s. Amos Sebestian (,b. Jaflrey, N. H.) and Elizabeth Saflord (.Holder) Adams (b. Lynn, Mass.) Prepared in Mansfield (O.) H. 8. M.D., Iv W. Univ.. 1*90. Phi Rho Sigma. Phys. and Stirg., Chicago; do.. Oak Park, 111.; Formerly Phys., 111. Coll. Hosp.; at one time Prof., Cheui. and Thera- peutics, 111. Med. Coll. Red Cross examiner. 19 IS- 19. Married Clara Rosina Melchart, Je 2, 1900, Chicago. Child, Nathaniel Holder, Jr.. b. O 11, 1904. Address, 722 N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111. CHARLES ALBRECHT (See "99 Med.) CHARLES MERRITT ANDERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mt. Etna, Ind. Appren- ticed to J. J. Jackson, Mt. Etna, Ind., 1S83-86; employed at 258 E. McCarty St., Indianapolis. Address, Mt. Etna, Ind.t MERCHANT ELLSWORTH AUSTIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Wis. Apprenticed to E. B. Heimstreet, Janesville, Wis., 1885-89. Pharm., Janes\'iUe, Wis.t CHRISTIAN BORS Managing Dir.; Ph.G.; b. N 10, 1860, Bergen, Norway; s. Thr. L. S. (b. Je 2, 1819, do.) and Mar- tha (Helmers) Bors (b. Ap 15, 1831, do.). Pre- pared in Bergen, Norway. Owner of Drug Store, Chicago, 1890-93; Managing Dir., C. Dahm, Skibs & Maskin, Vareforretning A-S, Bergen, Norway, 1S93 — . Married Annie Constance Dahm, F 14, 1894, Bergen, Norway. Children: Christian D., b. D 6, 1894; Martha D., b. Mr 27, 1896; Einar D., b. S 21. 1899; Annie Constance D., b. F 19, 1901. Address, 60 Fosswinckels gate, Bergen, Norway. CARL WILLIAM BRINKHOFF Salesman; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Pella, la. Appren- ticed to F. W. Brinkhoff, Pella, 1884-88; employed by J. W. Edgerly, Ottumwa, la.; later Salesman, Pella. do. Address, 3624 Pine Grove Ave., Chi- cago-t *GEORGE ROBERT BRINSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr o, 1868, Louisville, Ga.; s. G. W. and Ehzabeth (Miller) Brinson. Prepared in H. S.; attended Coll., Forsyth, Ga. Appren- ticed to J. W. Brinson, Wrightsville, 1880-90; Drug., with W. T. Morgan, 1444 4th St., Macon, Ga.; later in drug bus., Waycross, Ga. Served as Hosp. Steward, Spani.«h-Am. War. Mem., B. P. O. E., Waj-ne, Ga. Married Edith Elain, N 24, 1897, Tampa, Fla. Children: Cargyle, b. 1899; Robert, b. 1900; Plain, b. 1903; Edith, b. 1905; Melville, b. 1907; Leona, b. 1909; Ida, b. 1911; Scranton, b. 1915. Deceased. EUGENE HOWARD BROWN Chem. and Supt. of Lab.; Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1869, Minneiska, Minn.; s. C. LeRoy (b. N. Y.) and Alma E. (Ingalls) Brown (b. Nashua, N. H.). Clerk, Chicago, 1889-91; do., Moorehead, Minn., 1891- 96; do., Superior, Wis., 1896-1901; .Supt. of lab., Duluth, Minn., 1901-04; do., Minneapolis, 1904-06; Proprietor, Albert Lea, Minn., 1906-13; Mgr. of store, Seattle. 1913-20; Chem. and Lab. Supt., Wholesale Drug Co.. Ogden, Utah, 1920 — . Mar- ried Minna Rowena Adams, Minneiska, Minn., Jl 23, 1895. Address, Ogden Wholesale Drug. Co., Ogden. Utah. LOUIS V. BRUNS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1808, Garnett, Kan.; 8. F. G. (b. Hamburg, Ger.) and Dora Coleman (Hamlin) Bruns. Prepared in Garnett (Kan.) H. S. Married 1898, Milwaukee. Address, 7504 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. ADELINE E. PIENKOWSKY CUMMINGS Ph.G.; b. D 27, 1853, Bristol, Wis.; d. Thaddeus S. (b. O 28, 1802 Szarwood, Poland) and Emilia Ellen (Norton) Pienkowsky (b. Je 10, 1818, Poiigh- keepsie, N. Y.). Prepared in Kenosha, Wis. Biroth Prize. Highland Park, 111., 1890-1912; Waukegan, do., 1912 — . Mtni., Com. which se- cured gift of *12,000 from Andrew Carnegie for the Highland Park Library, 1887; Served on var- ious corns, and as Sec, do., 1887-1912; Mem., Bd. of Educ, Highland Park, 1901-09. Auth.: Report of Cong, on Pharm., Cheyniat (uid DriiQgist, London, England, 1893; Progress in Chemistry, read before an internat. oong., Chicago, 1893; various articles in Chicago and local papers; songs for local use and club papers. Charter and Hon. Mtm., High- land Park Womans Club; Mem., North Shore Chapter, D. A. R. Married George Bachelder Cummings, S 3, 1873, Kenosha, Wis., (died Mr 22, 1918). Child, George Willis, b. N 2, 1874, High- land Park, 111. Address, 205 N. Utica St., Wauke- gan, 111. PAUL ARNOLD DERGE Bank Cashier; Ph.G.; b. D 28, 1869; s. Herman J. (b. Brandenburg, Ger.) and Marie D. (Juergen) Derge (b. do.). Prepared in Horieon (Wis.) H. S. Hon. mention. Drug clerk, Chicago, 1890-93; do.. Orange and Pasadena, Calif., 1893-95; Pro- prietor of drug store, Anaheim, Calif., 1895-1903; Partner of A. R. Derge & Co., Salt Lake City, LUah, 1903-04; Banking bus., Lebanon, Kan., 1905—. Married Georgia Yamell, Je 26, 1896, Orange, Calif. Children: Elfrieda Dorothy, b. N 28, 1898; Lula Virginia, b. Ag 8, 1908. Address, Lebanon, Kan. *SETH N. DEWEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Ohio, 111. Appren- ticed to O. E. Dewey, Watertown, S. Dak., 1884-87; employed at Auditorium Pharmacy, 1890-91; 65th St., and Wcntworth Ave., Chicago. Pharm., 6500 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Deceased. LOUIS AUGUST DRUEHL Real Estate; Ph.G.; b. Ag 22, 1869, Luneburg, Ger.; s. Henry F. W. (b. O 6, 1844, Ger.) and Johanna (Bellmann) Druehl (b. F 28, 1842, Ger.). Prepared in Luneburg (Ger.) H. S. Came to the U. S., My 4, 1885. Apprenticed to Edward Heller, Chicago, 1885-88; Pharm., Chicago and Min- neapolis; located in Hoboken, Ga., 1919 — ; Pres., Ga. Land and Development Co., do. Served in Spanish-Am. War, My 18, 1898-Mr 30, 1899; Hosp. Steward, Gen. Hosp., U. S. A. Presidio, San Fran- cisco; 8th Army Corps. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; K. P.; Order of Forresters. Married Aman- da Stahl, Je 3, 1908, Chicago. Children : Louis P., b. F 28, 1909; Frederick S., b. Ap 22, 1911. Ad- dress, Hoboken, Ga. OTTO DAVID EHRLICHER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Pekin, 111. Ap- prenticed to H. M. Ehrlicher, Pekin, 111., 1882-88. Address, Pekin, Ill.t FRED EICHBERG (Brother of David, '82 L. & A.; Uncle of Melvin E. Weil, '12 B.S.) Real Estate; Ph.G.; b. S 18, 1870, Atlanta, 111.; s. Samuel (b. 1831, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Mina (Stern) Eichberg (b. 1835, do.). Prepared in H. S., Chicago. Retail drug bus., Chicago, 1892- 1904; Mfg., drugs, do., 1904-16; Real Estate bus., do., 1916 — . Addres.H, 427 Oakdale Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 163 W. Washington St., do. ALBERT HARRY EYMANN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Warsaw, 111. Pre- pared in Eastman Bus. Coll. Apprenticed to G. W. Howe, Wisner, Neb., 1886-89. Pharm., mem., firm of Cherry & Eymann, Warsaw, 111.; later at 236 Madison St., San Antonio, Tex. Address, 3136 N. California Ave., Chicago.t 362 University of Illinois [1890 BERT ERROL FISK Relief Clerk; Ph.G.; b. Mr 4, 1868, Ellisville, 111.; s. Foster A. (b. 1821, N. Y.) and Harriet E. (Bliss) Fisk (b. 1825, do.). Prepared in Ellisville. In bus., Ipava, 111.; Clerk, Kansas City, Mo.; Re- lief Clerk, Chicago, 1910 — . Married Sarah Boyer, My 4, 1893, Ipava, 111. Address, 6437 Norm. Blvd. Chicago. *NATHAN LANDAUER FRANK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 24, 1870, Logansport, Ind.; s. Martin and Jette (Landauer) Frank. Pre- pared in Ind. Grammar Sch. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Rose Berg, Mr 15, 1910. Died Mr 24, 1916. EDWARD ABBOTT ERASER Financier; Ph.G.; b. Je 19, 1870; s. W. E. and Julia (Randall) Fraser. Prepared in Bismarck, N. Dak. Capt., Red Cross Exec, France, Italy, 1918-19; World War. Married Myrtle Brown, Je 6, 1892, Girard, Kan. Children: Syd, b. 1893; Jamie, b. 1897; Florence, b. 1909. Address, 2725 Forest Ave., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., Russ Bldg., San Francisco. FRANK FRED FRITZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 21, 1866, Mendota, 111.; s. Jacob and Louise (Dieny) Fritz. Prepared in Mendota H. S. Drug., Earlville and Mendota, 111. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Royal Arch, K. T., Eastern Star; B. P. O. E. Married Julia J. Blanchard, S 28, 1898, Mendota, 111. Child, Lucile E., b. My 23, 1904. Address, Men- dota, 111. WILLIAM FRED FROESCHLE Ph.G.; b. 1868, Ger. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Dent. Sch. Psi Omega. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Kittie Ward, 1906. Child, Alice, b. 1907. Address, 1335 N. Dearborn St., Chicago; bus. add., 1200 N. State St., do. HENRY ENOCH GOLDBERGER (See '03 Med.) ♦THOMAS EDWIN GREENWOOD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Milwaukee. Ap- prenticed to Greenwood Bros., Milwaukee, 1886- 90. Traveling salesman, 1890-91; Pharm., 631 Grand Ave., Milwaukee. Died Ja 12, 1918. WILLIAM SHERWOOD HARING' Chemist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Watkins, N. Y. Ap- prenticed to George H. Jackson, Watkins, 1886-89; employed by Buck & Rayner, Chicago; later in Watkins, N. Y.; Chem., 269 E. 64th St., Chicago; 5246 Calumet Ave., do. Address, 4202 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.t EMIL ALEXANDER HARTKE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Chicago. Appren- ticed to R. E. Rhode and Albert Goetz, Chicago, 1886-90; employed by E. G. Bischoff, and Henry Goetz, Chicago; Pharm., 401 47th St.; 301 47th St., 1100 Ainslie St., do. Address, Pearce Phar- macy, Waukegan, lU.t *DYAR COBB HAZELRIGG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Greensburg, Ind. Apprenticed to Talbot and Moss, Greensburg, 1885-88; later in bus., do. Deceased. *HENRY HEINE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Guttenberg, la. Apprenticed to Geo. B. Heine, Chicago, 1886-90; Employed, 2901 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Died O 1908, Chicago. ♦MARTIN HEINEMANN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1842, Hesse-Cassel, Prus- sia. Apprenticed to S. Youngk, D. Flint and H. Gosen, Chicago, 1886-89. Pharm., 211 Webster Ave., Chicago. Died S 19, 1907, Chicago. OTTO WILLIAM HENSSLER (See "93 Med.) GUSTAVE CONRAD HEPPE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Logansport, Ind. Apprenticed to George Hoffman, Logansport, Ind., 1886-90; employed at 3858 State St., Chicago. Pharm., Delphi, Ind.f FRANK H. JONES Pharmacist and book store prop.; Ph.G.; b. My 5, J862, Greene, N. Y.; s. Francis W. and Annie (Hurlburt) Jones. Prepared in Greene (N. Y.) H. S. and Courtland (N. Y.) Norm. Sch. Pharma- cist and owner of Book, Music and Art Store, Wayne, Neb. Married Belle Losure, Ag 2, 1887, Creighton, Neb. Child, Francis C, b. Mr 20, 1893. Address, Wayne, Neb. FRANK CHARLES KELLOGG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, La Fayette, Ind. Apprenticed to David Hilt, La Fayette, 1886-89; employed with D. Hilt, La Fayette, Ind.; Pharm., Des Moines. Address, 314 S. 18th St., Cedar Rapids, la.t OTTO KLIMMEK (See '02 Med.) MELVILLE CONKRITE KNAPP Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Odessa, N. Y. Apprenticed to Jas. B. Knapp, Bardolph, 111., 1886-89; employed at 3160 State St., Chicago. Address, 3658 Wentworth Ave., Chicago.! *LORENZ W. KORTEBEIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Milwaukee. Ap- prenticed to Paul Lodwig, Milwaukee, 1886-88. Pharm., 906 National Ave., Milwaukee. Died Je 1900, Butte, Mont. LARS P. LARSEN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 19, 1867, Den.; s. Peter Christian (b. D 19, 1836, Den.) and Ane Larsen (b. My 19, 1845, do.). Prepared in Greenville (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1888-89. Jr. class sec, Univ. of Mich. Drug clerk, Chicago, 1890-95; Proprietor of drug store, do., 1895 — . Mem., Chicago Drug Club (Pres., 1906-07); Chicago Retail Drug Assn. (Pres., 1910); Trinity Lutheran Church; 111. Athletic Club; N. A. R. D.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Alumni Assn. Address, 3201 W. Madison St., Chicago. WILLIAM G. LAW Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 25, 1871, Savanna, 111.; s. William B. (b.McGuires Bridge, Ire.) and Sarah J. Law (b. Savanna, 111.). Prepared in Savanna. Proprietor of Law Drug Store, Savanna, 111. ,1893 — . Married N 28, 1894, Davenport, la. Children: Ives, b. O 12, 1895; Boyd, b. O 25, 1897. Address, 311 3rd St., Savanna, 111.; bus. add., 321 Main St., do. *OSCAR FREDERICK LENGACHER Ins. bus.; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Chicago. Appren- ticed to O. G. Hottinger, H. Goetz, Chicago, 1884-90. Located at 174 La Salle St.; later at 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago. Died Ja 31, 1916. WILLIAM LENZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868. Sauk City, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. Cunradi, Chicago, 1887-91. Pharm., 1997 38th St., Chi- cago; 2059 38th St., do. Address, 2657 W. 38th St., Chicago.t OSCAR LOWENTHAL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Chicago. Appren- ticed to B. H. Goll, Chicago, 1882-89; employed with B. A. Goll until 1891; later Pharm. at Robey and 12th Sts., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Coll. of Pharm. Address, 4342 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. GEORGE LEE McKINSTRY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Providence, Ky. Apprenticed to J. B. Ryan, Honey Grove, Tex., 1884-90. Pharm., Sherman, Tex. Mem., Tex. Bd. of Pharm.; Registrar, 15th Judicial Dist. of Tex. Address, Sherman, Tex.J 1890] School of 1'harmacy Alumxi 363 LOUIS MARNITZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. ISOT, Milwaukee. Ap- prenticed to H. Boettihtr, Milwaukee, 1883-87; employed at Merrill, Wis., and in Chicago; 1758 N. Clark St., Chicago. Address, 714 Diversey Parkway, Chicago.t HENRY CHRISTIAN MAURER Retired Drug.; Ph.G.; b. N 3, 1S64, Wilton, la.; s. Benedict ih. F 9, 1S20, Switzerland) and Eliza- beth (.Maroin Mauer (.b. Mr 4, 1S24, do.). Pre- pared in Wilton (la.) H. S., and at Fort Wayne, Ind. Married Laura L. Oberlin, Ap 1905, Salt Lake City, Utah. Address, 208 E. Vernon Ave., Los Angeles. HERMAN" HENRY NAGEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 6, 1S69, St. Charles, 111. Prepared in Pvt. Sch. Apprenticed to Ebert, Chicago, 1885-90; Pharm. with George B. Bann-ig, 3659 S. Halsted St., Chicago; later at 535S Morgan St.. do. Mem., Lutheran Church. Address, 6332 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. ERNEST AUGUST NORDLING Farmer; Ph.G.; b. N 28, 1866, Anna, 111.; s. C N. and Fredereka (Hes.s') Nordling. Prepared In Brj'ant and Stratton Bus Coll., St. Louis. Located in Lake Forest and Waukegan, 111 Mem , Congr. Church; K. P. Married Harriet Weller, Je 19, 1895, Lake Forest, 111. Children: Meh-ille C, b. Ap 27, 1897; Gertrude M., b. N 23, 1899; Doris A., b. Mr 3, 1901. Address, Bost^v-ick, Fla. WILLIAM FRANCIS O'REILLY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, la. Apprenticed to McGrath Bros., Keokuk, 1884-89. Address, 500 Main St., Keokuk. t ♦CHARLES BREWSTER PADDOCK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Utica, N. Y. Pre- red in Arkansas State Univ. Apprenticed to F. Paddock, Utica, N. Y., and Fayetteville, Ark., 1871-86. Pharm., 5703 S. Halsted St., Chicago; Fresno, Calif. Mem., lU. Pharm. Assn. Deceased. CHARLES F. PAUL Manufacturing druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 13, 1868, Troy, O.; s. Louis and Anna (Sischler) Paul. Prepared in Troy (O.) H. S. V. P., Derma-Viva Co., Chicago. Married Augusta E. Schulz, Jl 29, 1896, Chicago. Children: Edna Miriam, b. Ag 23. 1897 (died My 2, 1907) ; Ruth Anna, b. :My 2, 1903. Address, 2632 Drake Ave., Chicago; bug. add., in care of Derma Viva Co., 608 S. Dearborn St., do. OTTO ELIJ.AH PAUL Ph.G.; b. 1866, Kan. Apprenticed to J. H. Schultz, Watertown, Wis., 1883-89.J SAMUEL VIRGIL RAMSEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Reedsburg, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to S. Ramsey & Co., Reedsburg, Wis., 188.5-89. Pharm., Seattle. Address, P. O. Box 1465, Seattle.t J.A.MES SHARP ILA.NKIN Phys.andSurg.;Ph.G.;b. Aplo, 1871.PlainwelI, Mich.; s. John M. (b. Clarion, Pa.) and Harriett (Sharp) Rankin (b. Mahoningtown, Pa.). Pre- pared in Richland (Mich.) H. S. M.D., N. W. Univ.. 1895. Grad. work in Harvard Med. Sch., Summers, 1914,1919; Intern, Mercy Hosp., Chi- cago, 189.5-96; Phys. and Surg., DeKalb, 111., 1897—. Mem. Med. Ad\-i.sorv Bd. 4, 111., 1918. Mem., DeKalb Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Clara Louise Tyler, Mr 30, 1898, DeKalb, 111. Child, James Tyler, b. My 7, 1906. Address, DeKalb, 111. HAROLD MARSHALL RINEHART Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1868, Troy, O. Appren- ticed to E. F. Rinehart, Troy, 1886-89; later mem. of the firm, E. F. Rinehart & Son. Address, Troy, O.t PARMER ROSSMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 9, 1866, Fond du Lac Co., Wis.; s. George and Angeline M. (Burges) Rossman. Married Jean W. Beggs, Jl 18, 1892, Chicago. Children: George Arthur; Fred P.; Earl W. Address, 234 Forest Ave., Oak Park, 111.; but. add., 379 Lake St., River Forest, lU. ♦CHARLES JACOB SCHERER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Fountain City, W'is. Apprenticed to M. T. Hackley, Winona, Minn., 1884-88. Employed by G. A. Dailey, Honey Grove, Tex. Died O 14, 1910, Antlers, Okla. LOUIS CHARLES SCHULTZ Ph.G.; b. D 1, 1866; s. Charles (b. Ger.) and Margareth (Kratzcr) Schultz (b. do.). Prepared in McGregor (la.) H. S. Located in Spokane, Je 1890-Ap 1891; Colfax, do., Ap 1891-Ap 1892; Spokane, do., 1892—; City Salesman of Weights and Measures, 1908 — . Married Jl 25, 1899, Spokane. Child, Edwin Charles, b. O 16, 1902. Address, N. 2524 Hamilton St., Spokane. ♦FRED W. SCHUMACHER Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1862, Allegan, Mich. Apprenticed to L. A. Phelps & Co., .Saugatuck, Mich. ; Andrew Scherer, Chicago, 1886-90. Pharm. Highland Park, 111. Deceased. JOHN EVANGEL SEARS Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1867, Fond du Lac, Wis. Prepared in Wayland Univ. Apprenticed to Dr. H. B. Sears, Wis., 1884-85, and L. A. E. Holcomb & Co., 111.. 1887-88; employed in Chicago. Travel- ing Salesman. Formerly at 1801 W'abash Ave., Chicago.t WALTER SHUMWAY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 27, 1869, W'innebago, 111.; s. Monroe (b. Mr 31, 1845, New Milford, 111.) and Margaret (Hall) Shumway (b. Ja 18, 1847, Campville, Can.). Prepared in Arlington, la. Drug., Arlington, la., 1890 — . Married Myrtle Little, D 21, 1892, Arlington, la. Children: Reginald Hugh, b. Ag 4, 1894; Vivian, b. O 4, 1896; Ronald, b. D 7, 1914. Address, Arlington, BENJAMIN R. SMITH Pharmacists and Salesman; Ph.G.; b. D 26, 1869, Belle Plaine, la.; s. William H. (b. Eng.) and Jane (Allen) Smith (b. Goderich.Ont., Can.). Prepared in LeMars (la.) H. S. Address, 4929 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. OTTO EDGAR STENICKA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Wis. Apprenticed to Schulze Bros., Racine, Wis., 1885-89. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 4134 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago.t PUGHSI-EY SIDNEY AUGUSTUS STEWART Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Bartow, Ga. Ap- prenticed to W. H. H. Stewart, Bartow, 1882-88. later Pharm., do. HARVEY A. STILLMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Oxford, Wis. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to Dr. J. F. Stillman, Kilbourn City. Wis., 1882-90; Pharm., Joliet, 111. Address, 300 N. Chicago St., Joliet, 111. CHARLES FREDERICK STOCKERT Physician; Ph.G.; b. Ap 18, 1869, Pekin, 111. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1893. Address, 1448 S. St., Lincoln, Neb. WILLIAM H. STOLTE Postmaster; Ph.G.; b. Mr 16, 1869, Cook Co., 111.; 8. Henry (b. Mr 10, 1828. Ger.) and Adelaide (Tiedemann) Stolte (b. D 28, 1828, do.). Pre- pared in Cook Co. Norm. Sch. City Treas., 1908- 10; Mayor, 1910-12; Postmaster, 1914 — . Mem., mini Club of Chicago. Married Margaret Gra- 364 University of Illinois [1891 mann, Ap 15, 1890, Chicago. Children; L. Adele, b. Je 15, 1891; William H., Jr., b. Je 23, 1907. Address, 1328 Otto Blvd., Chicago Heights, 111. CHARLES A. THAYER (Brother of Fred A., '79) Druggist; Ph.G. ; b. S 29, 1849, Buffalo; s. Charles H. and Palmyra (Snow) Thayer. Prepared in Buffalo H. S. Married Lucy Oliver, Ap 30, 1895, Chicago. Children: Lucille F., b. 1898; Mildred E., b. 1903. Address, 826 Crescent PI., Chicago; bus. add., 4101 Broadway, do. GEORGE A. THOMAS Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. D 22, 1868, Goshen, Ind.; s. Emma F. (Hill) Thomas. Pre- pared in Elkhart (Ind.) H. S. Traveling Sales- man, Wholesale Drugs. Auth.: Articles in Literary Digest and Outlook. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Married Edna Bartlett, D 18, 1898. Child, b. Ag 16, 1900. Address, 219 W. Marion St., Elkhart, Ind. ALBERT TIMKE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Chicago. Appren- ticed to C. M. Weinberger, Chicago, 1884-88; em- ployed by C. M. Weinberger, 219 N. Wells St.. Chicago; at one time Bailiff, Criminal Court of Cook Co.; located at 171 N. Clark St., Chicago.! ♦ALBERT LEWIS TOMLINSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Chicago. Ajapren- ticed to T. H. Patterson, H. J. Bate, Chicago, 1886-89. Employed at the Elk Pharmacy, Elgin. lU. Deceased. WILLIAM BENJAMIN TUTEUR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Clayton, Ala. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to F. A. Duehl, and T. H. Spence, La Crosse, Wis., 1885-89. Pharm. with E. Von Herman, 31st and Indiana Ave., Chicago; 3645 Grand Blvd., do.; later in Pittsburgh. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 4538 Drexel Blvd., Chicago.! JAMES K. WALTON Ph.G.; b. 1866, Jonesboro, 111.; s. James K. and Senna (Danie) Walton. Married Susan Storm. Children: James K., Jr., b. F 18, 1892; Ellen Wal- ter, b. Ja 15, 1897. Address, Anna, 111. WILLIAM WEBER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Chicago. Appren- ticed to Forsyth & Smith, Chicago, 1884-86, Wil- liam McDougall, Chicago, 1886-89; employed as Pharm. at 4648 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Pharm., 2614 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago; 4646 Wabash Ave., do., 310 Normal Parkway, Chicago.t JOHN ALLARD WEEKS Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1869, Grand Forks, N. Dak.; s. Blendene (Allen) Weeks. Appren- ticed to J. B. Winter, Grand Forks, N. Dak., 1885- 88; employed at Cheyenne, Wyo.; Leadville, Colo.; later at 240 Wabash Ave., Chicago; Salesman, 500 Belden Ave., and 5212 Winthrop Ave., do.; with Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Francenia F. Collier (died Mr 12, 1919). Children: John Jr., Howard Oliver and Francenia. Address, Box 42, Minneapolis. CARL F. WEINER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Ger. Apprenticed to G. M. Emerick & Co., Chicago, 1884-90. For- merly at Sterling, 111. J *JOHN WOLTZE Pharm. and Phys.; Ph.G.; b. 1865, Ger.; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1892. Apprenticed to G. M. Emerich & Co., Chicago, 1884-89. Pharm. and Phys., 467 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Died D 1908, Chicago. JOHN JACOB WUERTH (See '98 Med.) GEORGE ZOELLER Ph.G.; b. Jl 18, 1S64, Kirchheim, Ger.; s. David (b. F 19, 1829, Kirchheim, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Koch) Zoeller (b. Ap 15, 1837, do.). Prepared in Kirchheim, Ger. Clerk for William T. Klense, 1890-91; Ger., 1891-92; Worked for M. C. Wein- berger, 1892-93; do., Emile Thiele, 1893-95; In bus., Chicago, 1895 — . Married Elsie Kohl, Je 12, 1915. Address, 1557 W. Chicago Ave., Chi- cago. CLASS OF 1891 (37 LIVING, 5 DEAD) WILLIS EDWIN ANDREWS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 1, 1870; s. Erastus Dela- vin (b. Sauquoit, N. Y.) and Emma J. (Thompson) Andrews (b. Hazel Green, Wis.). Prepared in Waterloo, Wis. Drug., La Junta, Colo., 25 yrs. Mem., P. E. R.; B. P. O. E., 701; P. N. G.; I. O. O. F., 74. Married Addie E. Heal, D 28, 1891, Gowrie, la. Children: Helen Mae, b. Ag 2, 1893; Harold Hall, b. F 2, 1896. Address, La Junta, Colo. EDWIN STEPHENS BERNARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Sauk City, Wis. Apprenticed to Charles Cunradi, Chicago, 1887-91. _ Address, 1955 W. Taylor St., Chicago.} JOHN W. BLACKBURN Travelling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Ja 29, 1869; s. William (b. Paris, 111.) and Louisa (Downard) Blackburn (b. Newport, Ky.). Prepared in Paris, 111. Drug., Corsicana, Tex.; do.. El Paso, Tex.; Travelling Salesman, Dallas, Tex. Married Elma Pearl Heslip, Ap 30, 1895, Caldwell, Tex. (died N 16, 1910). Children: Ann Louise (Mrs. Jas. A. Marks); Sara Alice. Address, 506 Boger Bldg.. Dallas, Tex. ♦RUSH GRANT BROWN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Tiffin, O. Appren- ticed to R. F. Brown, Plankington, S. Dak. Pharm. Tiffin, O. Deceased. OTTO E. F. BRUDER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 18, 1870, Mayville, Wis.; 8. Ferdinand and Henrietta (Paustian) Bruder. Prepared in Mayville (Wis.) H. S. Auth.: Modern Pharmacist; Asst. Ed., Nat. Assn. Retail Drug., Jour., O 1898-D 1919. Mem., Mod. Wood, of Am.; Chicago Drug Club. Married F 2, 1893, Mayville, Wis.; Anna E. Michel, F 22, 1914, Waterford, N. Y. Children: Roland A., b. O 10, 1895; Harold L., b. Jl 5, 1918. Address, 111 S. Harlem Ave., Forest Park, 111.; bus. add., 1145 W. Madison St., Oak Park, 111. FRANK HOW^\RD BURLIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Viroqua, Wis. Apprenticed to E. E. Gaines, Rhinelander, Wis., and James Casey, Chicago, 18S6;90. Pharm., Viroqua, Wis. Address, Tomah, Wis.t JOHN ALBERT BUTTS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Leavenworth, Kan. Apprenticed to Mahl & Schott, do., 1886-90. Pharm., 1070 W. Harrison St., Chicago; 271 N. Clark St., do. Address, 838 N. Clark St., Chicago.^ HORATIO E. CAIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Springfield, Wis. Prepared in N. W. Cml. Coll. Apprenticed to J. B. Donovan & Co., Baraboo, Wis., 1887-90. Pharm., Chicago Lawn, Ind. Address, 3457 W. 63rd St., Chicago.t THEODORE HENRY DEWITZ (Brother of Otto J., '04 M.D.) Optometrist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 8, 1867, Peotone, 111.; s. Jacob (b. 1831, Ger.) and Mary M. (Offner) Dewitz (b. 1841, Ger.). Doctor of Optometry, 1891] School of Pharmacy Alumni 365 Calif. Coll. of Optometry. 1912. Pharm.. Chicago, 1891-1911; Optometrist, San Diego, Calif., 1911 — . Mem., San Diego Assn. of Optometrists; Calif. State .\ssn. of Optometrists (Treas., 1918-19); Am. Optometric .\ssn. Married Clara A.- Eisner, N 2, 1896, Chicago. Children: Mildred Vera Dewitz, b. D 27, 1900; Clarice Theodora, b. F 11, 1905. Address, 3754 Curiew St., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add.. Room 14-15 Seftou Block, do. CLARENCE VINXENT DUNAVAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1807, l.eland. 111. Ap- prenticed to C. H. Weston, Sheridan, 111., 1886-91. Pharm., mem. of firm, Weston & Dunavan, 146 N. Clark St., Chicago; at one time in Millington, 111. Address, Leland, Ill.t ♦GEORGE C. DUNNING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Centralia, 111. Apprenticed to J.J, Knapp, Wyant Bros., Waterloo la., 1884-89; Pharm., 230 22nd St., Chicago. Deceased. HERBERT F. FL.^.NNERY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Milwaukee. Ap- prenticed to H. F. Baur, and F. O. Christihson, Chicago, 1886-91. Pharm., 3160 State St., Chi- cago.! JOHN THEODORE FOGAS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Apprenticed to W. H. Fogas, Mt. Vernon, 1884-91; Pharm., do. Address, 1137 S. Meridian St., In- dianapolis.t WILLIAM HICKS GARRISON Phys. and Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. Ja 23, 1869, Pike Co., III.: s. George B. and Sarah (Cox) Garrison. M.D., Mo. Med. Coll., St. Louis. 1897; 1st prize in chem. Phys. and Pharm., Pearl, 111., 21 yrs.; Urbana, 1 yr. Contract Surg., S. A. T. C, Univ. of 111., World War. Mem., Christian Church; A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; State Med. Soc; Co. Med. Sec. Married Laura L. French, O 1, 1893, Pike Co., 111. Children: F. Harold, b. Mr 7, 1896; George H., b S 1, 1898; William Horner, b. O 16, 1900; Sarah Ruth, b. D 8, 1902; Laura Ellen, b. O 30, 1908. Address, 702 N. Main St., White Hall, ♦ROLAND W. HERKER Ph.G.; b. 1870. Home, Horicon, Wis. De- ceased. ARTHUR SANSOM KEATS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, London, Eng. Apprenticed to C. F. Hartwig, Chicago, 1884-89. Pharm., 376 State St., Chicago. Address, 2209 Park Ave., St. Louis.t CLARENCE A. KNAPPENBERGER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Sciota, 111. Ap- prenticed to J. W. Wallace, Blandinville, 1883-90. Pharm., Sciota, 111. Address, LaHarpe, Ill.t WILLIAM PHILIP KNOCHE Ph.G.; b. Je 25, 1869, Warsaw, 111. Prepared in Warsaw H. S. Address, 6353 Sangamon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 63rd and Ashland Ave., do. SIMON FRANK LUCKENBACH Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. F 4, 1872, Al- £oma, Wi.s.; s. M. J. and Mary Anna C.\nheuser) lUckenbach. Traveling Shoe Salesman, Thomp- son-Smith Co., St. Paul, Minn. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.: I. O. O. F. Married Linda A. Schweer.?, Ap 28, 1897. Children: Inez L., b. Je 27, 1901; Or- ville S., b. Ja 21, 1908. Address, 118 Sawyer St., Shawano, Wis. CHARLES McCLANAHAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Spariand, 111. Apprenticed to A. J. Athoy, Spariand, 1887-89. Pharm., Spariand, 111.; Bluff City, Kan.; Kiowa, do. Address, Kiowa, Kan.t ROBERT H. McCOY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 19, 1871, Kenton, O.; B. J. N. and Rebecca (Black) McCoy. Prepared in Nat. Institute of Pharm. Rexall Drug. City Treas., Kenton, O.; Prcs. and Treas., Crystal Ice and Cold Storage Co., do.; Dir., Eagle Oil Co., do. Married Ida Rice. Child, Katharine R. Address, 203 W. Franklin, Kenton, O. MALCOLM McKAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 17, 1870, Pine Bluff, Ark.; s. J. A. D. and Louise J. (Hooper) McKay. Prepared in Lucknow Acad., Dunn, N. C. Class Pres., Sch. of Pharm., Sr. yr. U. S. Pub. Health Serv., 1893-1911; Owner of Drug. Bus., 1911—. Aux., Mil. Arms; Hosp. Work, Spanish-Am. War,, 1898. Mem., I. O. O. F.; K. P.; Presby Church. Married Kate W. Bernard, 1894, Wilmington, N. C. Children: Kathleen, b. 1896; Malcolm, b. 1899; Margaret Stedman, b. 1904; Helen Wille, b. 1908. Address, Faison, N. C. WARDALE O. McKELVEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, St. Paul, Minn. Apprenticed to Dr. C. D. Knapp, Greenfield, la., 1886-89. Address, Orient, la.t CHARLES WILLITT MALLORY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Bryan, O. Ap- prenticed to Taylor Bros., Bryan, O., 1887-90. Pharm., Bryan, O. Address, 30 16th St., Toledo, o.t CHARLES AUGUST MATTHEI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Chicago. Appren- ticed to J. P. Lee, and Whitfield, Chicago, 1886-90. Prepared in Metropolitan Coll. formerly at 6346 Harvard St., Chicago; 5 Gurley St., do. Address, 1858 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago.t W. HENRY MATTHES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 17, 1870, Hustisford. Wis.; s. Henry (b. N 30, 1831, Alt-Rudnitz, Ger.) and Maria (Lorenz) Matthes (b. Ap 15, 1833, Crossen, Ger.). Prepared in Watertown, Wis. Married Amanda M. Blettner, Je 7, 1899, Chicago. Child, Henry August, b. Ap 17, 1900. Address, 717 Independence Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 445 S. Wabash Ave., do. CLAYTON BAKER MEAD Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 10, 1866, Norwalk, O.; s. Calvert A. (b. 1834, Norwalk, O.) and Ellen (Mesnard) Mead (b. 1836, do.). Prepared in Norwalk (O.) H. S. Address, 3301 Elliott Ave., Berwyn, 111. ROBERT MOSSER (See '08 Med.) ♦ALFRED W. NORLING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Galva, 111. Ap- prenticed to Norling Bros., Galva, 1883-89. Pharm., Galva, 111. Died F 16, 1908, Galva. PITT PIERRE PINCKNEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 22, 1870, Mt. Morris, 111.; s. Charles E. and Clarissa (Ohr) Pinckney. Prepared in Seneca (Kan.) H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Married Maude Sofield, S 10, 1903. Address, 2232 E. 70th Place, Chicago; bus. add., 15 E. Mon- roe St., do. LOUIS PLITT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1861, Johnstown, Pa. Apprenticed to J. H. Canon, Musjcatine, la., 1887- 90. At one time Pharm., 1603 N. Clark St., Chi- cago. Mem., 111. Pharm. --Vssn. Address, 1001 Collins St., Joliet, Ill.t ♦THOMAS POWELL Jr. Ph.G.; b. 1868, Chicago. Apprenticed to F. Schrage, Chicago, 188.5-90; At one time employed at 691 Sedgwick St., Chicago. Deceased. FRANK H. SCHEMES Physician; Ph.G.; b. Mr 6, 1869; s. Jacob and Hermia (Lehne) Schembs. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1893. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married. Chil- dren: Leroy, b. N 2, 1910; Frank J., b. D 23, 1913. Address, 1528 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. 366 University op Illinois [1892 GEORGE SCHREINER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 30, 1871, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. Valentine and Kuni (Bauer) Schreiner. Drug., Chicago. Mem., K. P.; Triangle 490. Married Anna Hendrich, My 9, 1891, Chicago. Child, Robert F. Address, 835 N. Central Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5600 Chicago Ave., do. THOMAS Y. SCOTT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1866, Berlin, 111. Ap- prenticed to M. V. Yancey, Kingman, Kan., 1884- 85. Pharm., 1154 N. 6th St., Springfield, 111. 'Address, Springfield, lU.t OTTO H. STILLER Fruit Grower; Ph.G.; b. F 1, 1869, Lexington, 111.; s. Charles L. and Marie (Semlow) Stiller. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ethel B. Cook, Ag 27, 1900, Paw Paw, Mich. Address, Allegan, Mich. WILLIAM WALLACE TAYLOR Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 25, 1868, Colecain, Ire- land; s. William and Margaret (McPherson) Tay- lor. Prepared in H. S. and Univ. of Wis. Drug and Owner of Stationery Store, Stevens Point, Wis., 1900—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M. Address, 937 Main St., Stevens Point, Wis.; bus. add., 109-111 Strongs Ave. and 752 Church St., do. CHARLES C. THIEL Ph.G.; b. N 22, 1867, Bryan, O.; s. Ernest and Catherine (Atzenhorfer) Thiel. Prepared in Bryan (O.) H. S. Married Marie E. Schumacher, S 29, 1898. Children: Charles J.; Ernest A.; Cyril L.; Rita C. Address, 6590 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. FRANK ORMIE THOMAS Ph.G.; b. 1869, Emporia, Kan. Apprenticed to Charles Ryder, Emporia, 1883-90; Pharm., do.t ARTHUR C. THORSEN Pharmacist; Ph.G ; b. 1867, Ottawa, 111. Ap- prenticed to W. Kennedy, Leland, 111. and E. K. McPherson, Chicago, 1885-90; Pharm., with I. W. Bloo'd; do., Salesman, with Armour & Co., 205 La Salle St., Chicago; Mem., of firm, Walgreen & Thorsen, do. Address, 4143 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.! EMIL J. WAGNER Merchant; Ph.G.; Pharmacist, Tiffin, O., until F 1904; music store, do., F 1904 — . Address, 62 E. Perry St., Tiffin, O.t JAMES SCOTT WEAD Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Mr 25, 1868; s. John S. (b. Xenia, O.) and Phoebe (Butler) Wead (b. O.). Prepared in Paris H. S. M.D., Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Keokuk, la., 1894. Postgrad, work, Chi- cago Policlinic, 1913; Pharm., Chicago; Phys., Areola, 111., 1894-95; do., West Jersey, 111., 1895- 1900; do., Wyoming, 111., 1900—. 111. Nat. Guard, 1887-90. Mem., Stark Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1920) ; 111. State Med. Soc; Am. Assn. Ry. Surgs. Mar- ried N 3, 1894, Keokuk, la. Children: John Trim- mer, b. Mr 6, 1896; James Kerr, b. F 28, 1907. Address, Wyoming, 111. CHARLES C. WILLITS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 20, 1867, Michigan City, Ind.; s. Henry J. and Mary C. (CoUopy) Willits. Prepared in Michigan City (Ind.) H. S. Apprenticed to W, F. Woodson, Michigan City, 1883-90; later Pharm., do.; Dist. Mgr., White Co., Duluth, Minn., 1914—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Congr. Church. Married AUce Marion Campbell, Mr 28, 1894, Michigan City, Ind. Address, 10 Chester Terrace, Duluth, Minn.; bus. add., 426 W. Superior St., do. CLASS OF 1892 (22 LIVING, 4 DEAD) FREDERICK JOSEPH AMPHLETT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Jackson, Mich. Apprenticed to J. L. Sanky, Claremont, S. Dak.; Whitfield, Chicago, 18SS-91; formerly Pharm., 63rd and Stony Island Ave., do. Address, Amph- lett Bros., Apache, Okla.t BENJAMIN HORACE SMITH ANGEAR Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Ja 29, 1871, Fort Madison, la.; s. John James May (b. 1840, Eng.) and Sophia Louisa (Smith) Angear (b. 1840, Racine, Wis.). Prepared in grade schs. M.D., 111. Med. Coll., 1900. Pharm., Chicago, 1893-1900; Phys. and Surg., Sublette, 111., 1900—. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. Med. Soc; Lee Co. Med. Soc Married May Lapham, Ag 23, 1894, Chicago. Child, Evelyn Lapham, b. 1897. Address, Sublette, 111. FREDERICK G. BURNITT Drug Salesman; Ph.G.; b. O 17, 1870; s. Ed and Katie (Barry) Burnett. Class Pres., 1891-92. Salesman for Meyer Bros. Drug. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Mem., Hella Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Dallas, Tex. Q. M. Sergt., Co. C, 4th Tex. Inf., Spanish-Am. War, 1898-99. Married Allie Dowell, N 7, 1905, McKinney, Tex. Address, McKin- ney, Tex. GEORGE EDWIN CASE Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Jl 25, 1868, Can- ton Center, Conn.; s. John Burdick and Polly Case. Apprenticed to W. S. Branch & Co., Parker, S. Dak., 1888-90; Instr., Pharm., Sch. of Pharm., 1896-98; Retail Drug., Princeton, 111.; at one time Asst Dir., Nat. Inst, of Pharm., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago; Traveling Salesman, 1921, Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; Presby. Church. Married Darlene L. Spake, Jl 14, 1897, Princeton, 111. Children: Marion Darlene, b. O 12, 1902; John Reginald, b. O 1, 1906. Address, Princeton, 111. *HERBERT H. CRAWSHAW Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, St. Paul. Appren- ticed to W. G. Thompson, 1888-90. Employed by F. M. Mares, Chicago, 1890-92; in bus., 274 Cly- boiirn Ave., and 3340 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Died Ja 27, 1920. WILLIAM BAKER DAY Dean; Ph.G.; b. F 15, 1871, Peru, 111.; s. Min- thorne M. (b. F 27, 1848, East Orange, N. J.) and Caroline (Stockdale) Day (b. Mr 4, 1847, Philadel- phia). Prepared in W^heaton H. S. Master in Pharm., Philadelphia Coll. of Pharm., 1916. Kap- pa Psi; Alumni medal and Biroth Prize. Instr., Sch. of Pharm., 1892-90; Prof., do., 1896—; Act- ing Dean, do., 1913-19; Dean, 1919—. Auth.: Plant Histol.; A Revision of Bastins Coll. Botany ; Editorials and Reports in Jour, oj Am. Pharm. Assn., 1912— and Proceedings 111. Pharm. Assn., 1906-19. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn. (Pres., 1912-13; Gen. Sec, 1914—); 111. Pharm. Assn. (Sec, 1906 — ); A. A. A. S. Married Bertha Quinn, Je 10, 1895, Chicago (died Mr 24, 1916); IMarietta Carothers, Je 28, 1920, Chicago. Chil- dren: Helen May, b. My 27, 1896; Chariotte, b. D 4, 1898. Address, 448 N. Austin Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 701 S. Wood St., Chicago. OTTO L. GRAESSLE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1869, Bucyrus, O.; s. Jacob F. and Louisa M.(Fitchtenmeyer) Graessle. Prepared in Metropolitan Bus. Coll. Drug., 2000 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago for 20 yrs.; Farming, Three Oaks, Mich.; Returned to the drug. bus. Married, Margaret Burns Lunt, 1897, Chicago. Children: Ethel, b. Je 29, 1905; Alice, b. O 31, 1907. Address, 2121 Cortez St., Chicago. WILLIAM WARREN HALL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Knoxville, Tenn. Apprenticed to W. M. Weber; A. M. Caulkins, Knoxville, 1889-91. Formerly Pharm. at 6062 1892] School op Pharmacy Alumni 367 State St.. Chicago: w-ith P. F. Johnson & Co.. 401 Gay St., Knoxville, Tenn. Address, Howards Drug Store, Augusta, Ga.+ JOHN HERMANN HARSCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S70, Peoria. Appren- ticed to H. Albreeht, F. H. Vonachen, Peoria, 18S7-91. Employed bv Stratham, Peoria; Pharm. with F. Leuder. 511 S. Adams St., do. Mem.. Advisory Bd., Sch. of Pharm.. Ap 26, 1920—. Address, 634 Main St.. Peoria.t REINHART WILLIAM HARTWIG Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1870. Watertown, Wis. Apprenticed to C. E. Kreyssler, and C. Vanderpoel. Chicago, 1SS7-91; Pharm.. with D. M. Weinberger. 219 Wells St., Chicago; formerly with Ilartwig Bros.. Chicago and Milwaukee Aves.. do., later at 800 Milwaukee Ave., do. Address, Bull Moose Stock Farm, Watertown. Wis.t CLAUS H. HEDDENS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S67, Freeport. 111. Ap- prenticed to J. G. Legel, Charles City, la., 1888-90; Pharm., with E. J. Tanke, 117 WeUs St., Chicago; Mgr., for R. Hudnut, 1359, 204 Dearborn 8t., do. Address, Idaho Falls, Idaho. t WILLIAM FREDERICK HORN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Chicago. Appren- ticed to M. Krembs .& Co., Chicago, 1SS7-91; for- merly at 514 W. Lake St., do.; Pharm. with J. E. Grubb, 118 o3rd St., do. Address, 2126 Indiana Ave.. Chicago.t ♦HARRY JOHN HUGHES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870. Beaver Dam, Wis. Prepared in St. Louis Coll. of Pharm. Appren- ticed to G. C. Congdon and Congdon and Chandler, Beaver Dam, 1887-91. Pharm., Reedsburg, Wis. Deceased. CHARLES CLARENCE HUMMEL (See '99 Med.) ADOLPH FREDERICK KIESSLING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., 798 W. Van Buren St., Chicago; later with Standard Drug Co.. 1401 W. Madison St.. do. Address, 2854 Diversey Ave., Chicago.t CHARLES FREDERICK KOENIG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871. Pharm., formerly at Arcadia, Wis. Address, LaCrosse, Wis.t ♦BERTHOLD OTTO KRUEGER Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1869. Home, Winona, Wis. Died 1909, Winona. ERNEST AVERY McVAY Retail Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. Ap 16, 1868, Botkins- ville, O.; s. William (b. Mr 13, 1832, Sidney, O.) and Caroline CRodgers) McVay (b. Ja 21, 1834, do.). Prepared in Newton fKan.) H. S. Retail pharm., Chicago. Mem., Auburn Park Lodge A. F. A. M., 789 (Served through all chairs and as Worshipful Master, 1904); do., R. A. M. 201 (Treas., 1904-12); Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Married Harriet Ellison. Mr 1, 1894, Milwaukee. Wis. Address, 511 Winneconna Ave., Chicago. HENRY MAYNARD MOFFETT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 3, 1869; s. Charles Henry and Isabella (Wallace) MofTet. Pharm., Archer Ave., and State St., Chicago, 1903-07; State and 20th St., 1907 — . Mem., Chicago Drug Club; A. F. A. M., 310, R. A. M., 27, Chevalier Bayard Commandery, 52, Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Mary A. Sedgwick, Ja 11, 1896, Granville, O. Address, 3976 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. PETER ALFRED NYSTROM Ph.G.; b. F 11. 1870, Bergvik, Sweden. Pre- pared in Norway, Mich., Schs. Auth.: Monthly Notes in National Retail Bulletin, Literary Digest, Evening Post. Mem., Nat. Assn. Retail Drug., Chicago Assn. Retail Drug. Married E. C. Knight Ag 14, 1899, Chicago (died Ap 18, 1915); Isabelle McMaster, Je 4, 1918, Chicago. Address, . 3968 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1109 E. 43rd St., do. ARTHUR ERNEST PAUL U. S. Food and Drug. Lab.; Ph.G.; B.S. in Chem., 1897; M.S., do., 1898; b. S 29, 1874; s. Otto L. and Frieda (Von Stojenthin) Paul. Prepared in Germania (Pa.) H. S. Grad. work, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1898-99; with Mariner & Hoskins, 1899-1908; with the U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bureau of Chem., 1908 — ; formerly at 1625 Transportation Bldg., Chicago. Address, in care of U. S. Food and Drug Lab., 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.t CHARLES HENRY SANDMEISTER Druggist: Ph.G.; b. N 15, 1869, Bellevue, O.; s. Charles F. and Lena (Wiegand) Sandmeister. Prepared in Bellevue (O.) H. S. Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Bertha M. Todd, Je 26, 1901, Norwalk, O. Child, Martha M., b. My 21, 1901. Address, 225 Center St., Bellevue, O.; bus. add., 101 W. Main St., do. ALBERT WILLIAM SCHROEDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869. Pharm., Schroeder Bros., Chicago. Address. 659 N. West. Ave., Chicago.t WILLIAM KOENIG SPEICE (See "95 Med.) ♦ERNEST JULIUS FERDINAND TANKE Ph.G.; b. 1859. Home, Chicago. Deceased. ELBA VAN DIKE Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1869. Prepared in Univ. of la. Formerly with Sale and Sons Drug Co., 214 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. Address, in care of Bowman Drug Co., Oakland, Calif. WILLIAM SMILEY VOIT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 30, 1870. Prepared in Warren (O.) H. S. Mem., Drug Firm. Byard & Voit. Warren. O. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. Married Edith Parsons. Child, Louis. Address, 43 Market St., Warren, O. PAUL WICKERT Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Je 10, 1870, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. Jacob and Katherine (Wickert) Wickert. Located in Chicago for 18 yrs.; Danville. 111., 1908 — . Mem.. A. F. A. M., Past Master. Mar- ried Edna E. Mehlenbacher, N 10, 1898, Chicago. Children: J. Nelson, b. Ja 23, 1902; Helen V., b. S 12, 1905; Katherine I., b. My 8, 1908. Address, R. R. 5, Danville, 111.; bus. add., 201 E. Main St., 368 University of Illinois [1893 CLASS OF 1893 (36 LIVING, 6 DEAD) ANDREW H. BARBER Physician; Ph.G.; b. N 7, 1804, Acklcy, la Prepared in Kan. State Norm. Sch. M.D., Medicc Chirurgical Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1903. Pharm. Le Roy, Kan., 1893-99; studied medicine, 1900-03: Gen. Med. practice. Garden Plain, Kan., 1903-09: Bluff City, do., 1909-19; Dorrance, do., D 1919—. Married Mary E. Bower, 1895. Children: Paul W., b. N 10, 1898; Galen A., b. Mr 20, 1901; Ruth, b. S 12, 1907. Address, Dorrance, Kan. DELORE JOSEPH BECHARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, North Adams, Mass. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to C. H. Augevine, Clyde, Kan., and Thomas Whitfield, Chicago, 1887-92. Address, Clyde, Kan.f RICHARD JAMES BEDFORD Physician; Ph.G.; b. Ja 23, 1870; s. James Rosser (b. My 15, 1845, Eng.) and Mary (Heilman) Bedford (b. Mr 24, 1848, Ind.). Prepared in Verona H. S. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1897. Asst., Chem. and Pharm. Lab. Worked for C. P. MiUer, Oak Park, 111., 1893-95; Phys., Dahinda, 111., 1897-1917; do., Oneida, 111., Ag 1919—. Capt., U. S. A., Camp Dodge, la., F 2, 1918; trans- ferred to Fort Riley, Kan., Mr 28, 1918; Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky., Je 28, 1918; Camp Knox, F 8, 1919; back to Camp Taylor, F 18, 1918: Hon. discharge, Ag 1, 1919: Reappointed Capt., M. R. C, O 1919—. Mem., Universalist Church of Galesburg, 111. A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; Mil. Assn. Married Anna Adelia Sargeant, Ap 6, 1902, Dahinda, 111. Chil- dren: Mary Ellen, b. 1905; Jessie Christeen, b. 1907. Address, P. O. Box 223, Oneida, 111. BERTHOLD H. BELLACK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Watertown, Wis. Prepared in Univ. of Wis. Apprenticed to August Rau, Watertown, and E. Bingel, Chicago, 1888-92. Pharm., Bellack Bros., 284 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Address, 57th St. and Lake Ave., Chicago.t HENRY BROWN GATE Pharniacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Amherst, Wis. Apprenticed to J. D. Puffer, Stevens Point, Wis.; J. B. Case, Aurora, III. Pharm., Aurora; do., Menominee, Mich. Address, Mgr., Adams Phar- macy, Phoenix, Ariz.t *JOHN BYRD CHENOWETH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872, Marshall, 111. Apprenticed to C. A. Purdium, Marshall, 111., Kilgrove and Barr, Longmont, Colo., R. H. Trail, Austin, 111., 1889-92. Pharm.; Traveling Sales- man with the Tilden Co., New Lebanon, N. Y. Deceased. JAMES PATRICK CROWLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Morrison, Wis. Prepared in Wis. State Norm. Sch. Apprenticed to F. M. Charlesworth, South Kaukauna, Wis.. F. Mares, Chicago. Formerly Pharm., at 867 32nd St., do. Elected Pres., Sch. of Pharm. Aliimni Assn., 1920. Address, 800 W. 31st St., Chicago. MAX C. DOBBRATZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 2, 1872, Watertown, Wis.; s. Bernard and Augusta (Borehert) Dobbratz. Prepared in Plymouth (Wis.) H. S. Drug., Chi- cago. Married Annabelle Worland, Ap 24, 1917. Address, 3618 N. Leavitt St., Chicago; bus. add., 629 N. Clark St., do. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FARRIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, China, Maine. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to H. Lerchen, Moline, 111.; R. D. Townley, Allerton, la.; J. P. Gilmore, Minneapolis, 1888-92. Pharm. with Wes- ton and Donovan, Chicago. Address, 146 N. Clark St., Chicago.! JOHN GRANT GAGE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Rutland Tp., 111. Prepared in 111. Coll. of Pharm. Apprenticed to A. C. Musselwhite, and G. A. Goetsch, Chicago, 1889-1902. Formerly Pharm., Sunset, 111. ; Pharm. with the Fair, Chicago. Address, 627 44th Place, Chicago.t FRANK HENRY GAZZOLO Chemist; Ph.G.; b. N 6, 1870, Chicago; s. Frank A. and Camilla Retta Gazzolo. M.A., Harvard Univ., 1898. Sigma Chi. Address, 123 S. Green St., Chicago. WILLIAM EMORY GRACE Ph.G.; b. F 9, 1856, Jasper Co., Mo.; s. D. L. and Elizabeth (Ward) Grace. Prepared in Rolla Sch. of Mines and Metallurgy, 1878. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Shrine. Married Bessie M. Gaunt, Jl 13, 1911, Vancouver, Wash. Address, Astoria, Ore. *CHARLES J. GRADY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, New Hartford, la. Prepared in I. C. T. Coll., Waterloo, la. Appren- ticed to B. Striegel, Wangler Bros., Waterloo, 1888- 92. Mem., firm, Stolz & Grady, 104 N. Clark St., Chicago; later at 1500 Republic BIdg., do. Deceased. ERNEST JOSEPH HEISS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Ger. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. F. Richter, Chicago, 1887-92. Pharm., Mgr., 146 Fullerton Ave., Chi- cago; do., 736 W. Division St., do. Address, 2600 W. Division St., Chicago.t *WILLIAM HARVEY HELM Ph.G.; b. 1870, Byron, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. E. Evans, Byron, 1888-92. Died D 3, 1894, Byron, 111. AUGUST HERMANSDORFER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 17, 1866, Brookville, Ind.; s. John and Lenora (Zeitler) Hermansdorfer. Prepared in Brookville (Ind.) H. S. Mem., Har- mony Lodge 11, A. F. A. M.; B. A. M.; K. P. Married Bertha Mode, Je 27, 1906, Brookville, Ind. Child, Glenna, b. Mr 13, 1909. Address, Brookville, Ind. *JOHN WILLIAM HERZOG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Warsaw, 111. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to T. B. Dawson, Warsaw; F. J. Berger, and E. J. Knothe & Co.. Chicago, 1887-92. Deceased. BRUNO A. C. HOELZER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 5, 1873, Ger.; s. John F. C. (b. Ger.) and Bertha (Kunde) Hoelzer (b. do.). Druggist, Chicago, 1894 — . Married Emma Nielsen, O 25, 1899. Children: Alfred; Bernice. Address, 2027 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2403 North Ave., do. SHERMAN G. HULL Retired; Ph.G.; b. Mr 6, 1867; s. Joshua C. (b. N 3, 1838) and Adaline (Harrold) Hull (b. Je 23, 1844). Prepared in pub. schs. Retail Drug Business, Clinton, 111., 1893-1914; retired, 1914. Married Leona May Harrison, Mr 8, 1894. Chil- dren: Cecile B., b. F 28, 1895; Emily A., b. Mr 10, 1904. Address, Risco, Mo. EPHRAIM D. IRVINE Ed. and Bus. Mgr.; Ph.G.; b. My 25, 1872; s. Thomas (b. 1811, Ire.) and Ruth (Dinsmore) Ir- vine (b. 1826, do.). Prepared in Collegiate Inst., St. Marvs, Ont. Instr., Pharm., Sch. of Pharm., 1898-1904. Married Rose K. Hallen, 1900, Chi- cago. Ed. and Bus. Mgr. of Western Druggist. Child, Lois E., b. N 24, 1908. Address, 725 Clin- ton Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1893] School of Pharmacy Alumni 369 DAVID leVPLANSKY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S6S. Telshi, Rus. Pre- pared in Gymnasium. Appnntictii to W. F. Woodson, Michigan City, Ind.; 1. Kaplansky, and C. F. Brooke, Chicago. Kmployed with Dorner & Co., Reliance Bldg., Chicago; later at 11 Pacific Ave.. Oakland. Calif. Addnss. Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis.t JOSEPH C. KLEINER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Waukegan, 111. Apprenticed to W. R. Wilson, and Nathaniel Lapp. Chicago, lSSS-92. Formerly at 1257 Wa- bash Ave., Chicago; later at 2169 Archer Ave., do. Address, 1021 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago.t JOHN EDWARD KLENZE Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. N 29, 1872, Davenport, la.; s. C. F. and Henrietta (Ficke") Klenze. Pre- pared in Chicaco Bus. Coll. Pharm., 1903-11; Mfr., Automobile Truck Bodies, 1911 — . Married Louise Andreseu, Jl 2, 1901, Davenport, la. Child, Lois Jane, b. Ag 7, 1905. Address, 1507 Rocking- ham Rd., Davenport. la.; bus. add., 406 W. Sth St.. do. JOHN FREDERICK KUHN Ph.G.: b. Je 2, 1872, Plymouth, Ind.; s. John C. and Frederika cBerndt) Kuhn. Prepared in Ply- mouth (Ind.) H. S. and Georgetown Univ., Med. Dept., Washington, D. C. Kappa Psi; Special Research Scholarship, Chicago Coll. of Pharm., 1892. U. S. Pub. Health and Marine Hosp. Serv., 1892-96; Cuba, 1900. Auth.: Several magazine articles. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; K. P.; German Evang. Church. Married Sadie Minker, O 22, 1903, Oklahoma City, Okla. Children: Elizabeth F., b. 1904; John F., Jr., b. 1907; Margaret I., b. 1911; Dorothy K.. b. 1915. Address, 1125 N. Shartel Ave.. Oklahoma City. Okla. FRANK C. LINN Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1871, Chatsworth, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to W. R. Newton, Yorkville, 111.; Charles Rimmele, Chicago. Ad- dress, Roberts, Ill.t ♦ALBERT LLOYD LOGAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Monticello, Ind. Apprenticed to J. McConnell, Monticello, Ind., C. HoUstein. Waukegan, 111., and H. C. Robinson, Grand Crossing, do., 1887-92. Pharm., Monticello, Ind. Died F 5, 1904, Hartford City, Ind. ♦ROBERT EDWARD McCRACKEN (See '04 Med.) FRANK B. MIX Mfg., Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. F 16, 1872, Ottawa, Can.; s. Samuel and Avarina (Davis) Mix. Mfg. Pharm.. Nat. Pharm. Co., Oakland, Calif. Married Maud Brodv. Ag 22, 1895; Glenn Mills, Mr, 1920. Children; Bernita, b. Je 21, 1896; Earl, b. Ag 26, 1899. Address. 5241 Lawton Ave., Oakland, Calif. ; 17th and Wood St.s., do. ADOLPH RUDOLPH PFAFFLIN Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. D 20, 1871, Evansville, Ind.: s. Julius H. and Rose (Schlumph) PfafFlin. Prepared in Pittsburgh Electro Therapeutic Sch. Apprenticed to J. G. Snapp, and W. F. Epweier, Evan.'sville. Ind.; with J. F. Coleman, Chicago, 1888-92: Pharm., Main and Virginia Sts., Evans- ville, Ind.. 4 yrs.; formerly at 6014 Walnut St., East End, Pittsburgh. Army Serv., Spanish-Am. War. Married Lilly Blanche Keim, Je 28, 1898, Harri.'fburg. Pa. Child. Walter, b. Ap 30, 1900. Address. 5157 Coral St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., 200 6th Ave,, do. FREDERICK WILLIAM RAUTH Pharmacist: Ph.G.: b. Ja 1, 1872. Springfield, m.: s. Fred and Julia (Meyer) Rauth. Prepared in Brooks H. S.. Springfield, 111. Married Su.=an E. Dwver, Ja 27. 1908, Springfield, 111. Child, Helen M.. b. Ag 29, 1909. Address, 520 S. 5th St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 532 E. Capitol Ave., ROBERT REUTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1S70, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Hcnrv Renter, Chicago, 1880-92. Later Pharm. with Henry Reuter, 40th Ave. and W. Madison St., Chicago. Address, 4931 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago.! FREDERIC RUDNICK (See '05 Med.) PAUL FREDERICK AUGUSTUS RUDNICK (Brother of Frederick, '05, M.D.) Chemist; Ph.G.; B.S. in Chem., 1899; b. Ap 24, 1874, Chicago; s. John (b. O 30, 1844, Ger.) and Wilhclmira (Mueller) Rudnick (b. Je 9, 1846, do.). Asst., Pharm., Sch. of Pharm., 1894-96; Chief Chem., and in charge of Chcm. lab., Armour & Co. Stockyards, Chicago. Mem., Am. Chem. Soc. Address, 10640 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago.; • 'bus. add., in care of Armour & Co., Chicago.t IGNATIUS ALBERT SCHIMEK Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. 1870, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to J. I. Schimek, 1888-93. Formerly employed at 663 S. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago; later with J. J. Schimek, at 1664 Blue Island Ave., do. Address, 1800 Blue Island Ave., Chi- cago.t WILLIAM HERMAN SCHMIEDESKAMP Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Quincy, 111. Ap- prenticed to H. Germann, Quincy, 1889-92; later with C. H. Achelpohl, Sth and Madison Sts., do. Address, C. F. Bishop & Co., Hannibal, Mo.t ♦WILLIAM EDWARD SHEAN Pharmacist; Ph.G. ; b. 1868, Toledo, O. Appren- ticed to John R. Shean, Chicago, 1889-92. Em- ployed, 171 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Deceased. CHARLES JOHN SNYDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870. Edgerton. O. Ap- prenticed to J. C. Mortland. Edgerton; C. Cunradi, Chicago, 1887-92; Pharm. mem. of firm, C. J. Snyder & Sons, do. Address, 2459 State St., (bhicago.t WESLEY BENJAMIN STEENBURG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1862, Frankford, Ont. Prepared in Kansas City Coll. of Pharm. and Kan- sas City Med. Coll. Apprenticed to the Wabash R. R. Dispensary, 1888-92. Phys., Wabash R. R. Co.; formerly at 360 Root St., Chicago.t ALBERT FREDERICK STEKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Chicago. Appren- ticed to Druebl & Frankin. Schmidt & Fischer, and W. K. Forsyth. Chicago. Formerly at 1302 W. Madison St.. Chicago; later at 2958 W. Van Buren St.. do.t LYCURGUS STOCKTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1846, McDonouph Co., 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to F. P. & J. A. Hooper, Trinidad, Calif., 1874-77; Hewitt & Scott, Chicago, 1891-92. Pharm., 55th and Kim- bark Ave,, Chicago; later clerk at 1442 Lexington St.. do. Address, 1107 S. Homan Ave., do.t ERNEST HENRY STOLZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Beaver Dam. Wis. Apprenticed to A. G. Hammer, Des Moines, la.; C. P. Miller, Oak Park, 111., 1888-91. Pharm., with Stolz & Grady, 104 N. Clark St., Chicago. Ad- dress, Stolz Electrophone Co., 5 N. Wabash Ave., do.t HERBERT RANKIN STRUTHERS (See '01 Med.) ALEXANDER CALDWELL STUCKEY Druggist; Ph.G,; b. Mr 8, 1869, Bucyrus. O.; 8. Joseph and W. and Lizzie M . (Caldwell) Stuckey. Mem. of Drug Firm, Jodar ard Ptuckey, 501 W. 69th St., Chicago. Mem., Presby. Church; A. 370 University of Illinois [1894 F A M • M. W. A.; Kiwanis Club. Married Mary L. Gibson, Ja 24, 1894. Child, Mary Louise Stuckey Williams, b. Ja 28, 1898. Address, 6743 Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 501 W. 69th St., do. OLIN RAY TAYLOR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Waterloo, la. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to D^ L. Taylor, Fredericksburg, la.; J. J. Knopp, Waterloo, do , 1888-92; Pharm., Waterloo, la.; Cresco, do. Ad- dress, Fort Dodge, la.J JAMES ORA VAN NICE r* Banker; Ph.G.; b. Mr 22, 1868, Chariton, la.; s. W. H. and Mary (Verbrike) Van Nice. Drug., Chicago, 12 yrs. ; Pres., 1st Nat. Bank, McLaughlin, S. Dak., 1910—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. P. Ad- dress, McLaughlin, S. Dak. OTTO GEORGE WASKOW (See '02 Med.) CLASS OF 1894 (34 LIVING, 12 DEAD) *JAMES ANDREW ANDERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1858, Andover, 111. Ap- \ prenticed to J. M. Anderson, Andover; P. O. Nor- ing, Galva, 1887-80. Pharm., Andover, 111. De- ceased. WILLIAM BENJAMIN BEHRENS Sales Representative; Ph.G.; b. Jl 18, 1868; 8 Frederick (b. Ger.) and Mary (Klamp) Behrens (b do). Prepared in Redfield, S. Dak. Pharm., Chicago, 1894-1902; Sales representative for John Wyeth & Co., Indianapolis, 1902-08; Now sales repr. for 111. for Pitman Moore Co. Mem., M E. Church. Married Je 30, 1896, Chicago. Chil- dren- Frances I., b. 1897; Marion Margaret, b. 1903; Ruth A., b. 1909. Address, 5609 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. FREDERICK PERRY BODINSON Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. D 29, 1871, Galva, lU.; 8 Carl Frank (b. Je 29, 1846, Soderham, Sweden) and Louisa Wilhelmina (Dahlgren) Bodinson (b. Ap 9, 18.52, Galva, 111.). Prepared in Kearney (Neb)HS Class Sec. and Salutatorian. Pharm., Chicago, 1894-98; do., Baker, Ore., 1898-1908; Pres, Citizens Nat. Bank, do., 1908-15; Mfr., Chicago, 1915—. Neb. State Militia, 1890-93. Mem , A. F. A. M. (Past Commander of Knight Templars), 1897—; Elks (Exalted Ruler), 1899—. Married S 26, 1900, Galva, 111. Children: Colleen Genevieve, b. D 14, 1903; Earl Herdien, b. N 29, 1906. Address, 722 Junior Terrace, Chicago; 6ms. add., 1241 Belmont Ave., do. GEORGE WASHINGTON BOHN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1871, Evansville, Ind.; s. Frederick and Magdalena (Schuff) Bohn. Mem., Evang. Church; A. F. A. M., Shrine, K. T. Mar- ried Martha Brandenberger, Jl 11, 1891, Evans- ville, Ind. Children- Vileda Louise, b. S 13, 1896; Donalda, b. O 12, 1900. Address, 812 Chestnut St., Evansville, Ind.; bus. add., 520 S. 8th St., do. LEONHARD ORNANDUS BRECKWOLDT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b, 1873, Ger. Prepared in German Gymnasium. Apprenticed to J. Rudolphy, O Coltzan and E. J. Knothe, Chicago, 1888-93. Pharm., 254 Dayton St., Chicago; do., Sargents Drugstore, 25 E. Washington St., do. Address, Merz Bros., 23 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago.! RUDOLPH BREVES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Hanover, Ger. Prepared in German Gymnasium. Apprenticed to C. Baumgart, Hanover, Ger.; E. A. Schellen- trayer, Cleveland; H. Schaller, Chicago, 1889-93. Employed by M. Werkmeister, 34.59 State St., Chicago; later Chemist with the Egyptian Lacquer Mfg. Co., Rahway, N. J. Address, Waukegan, STONEWALL LEE CAINE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 28, 1875. Fayette, Ala.; s. Francis Marion (b. D 10, 1833, Fayette Co., Ala.) and Susan Margaret (Savage) Caine (b. O 6, 1835, do.). Prepared in Fayette, Ala. Located in Columbus, Miss., 1894 — . Mem., Miss. Bd. of Pharm. Examiners, 1900-08. Married Emma Simrall, Ap 26, 1905, Columbus, Miss. Children: Margaret Evelyn, b. Mr 29, 1909; Lee Simrall, b. Ja 31, 1914. Address, Columbus, Miss. THOMAS FRANCIS CANNON Sales Manager; Ph.G.; b. S 10, 1872, Chicago; s. Mathew (b. Co. Leitrim, Ire.) and Ann (Galla- gher) Cannon (b. Co. Sligo, do.). Drug Clerk, Chicago, Ap 1894-99; Mgr. of drug store, do., 1899- Ap 1912; Organized bus. of Am. Druggists Syn., in Chicago, N 1911-D 1914; Sales Mgr. in N. Y., D 1914—. Married Helen M. Hoof, Je 6, 1900, Chicago. Children: Donald Francis, b. S 27, 1901; Helen Mary, b. Ja 31, 1902 (died Mr 16, 1914). Address, 47 Whitson St., Forest Hills, L. I. JOSEPH WILLIAM CHLADEK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 26, 1872, Chicago; s. J. W. and B. F. (Kolar) Chladek. Prepared in Aus- tin H. S. Located at 6301 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 25 yrs. Mem., A. F. A. M., Woodlawn Park Lodge 841. Address, 6343 Ingleside Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., N. W. Corner 63rd St., and St. Lawrence Ave., do. ADOLPH HAROLD CHRISTENSEN Physiciab; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Christiansund, Nor- way. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1902. Appren- ticed to F. Kleene & J. C. Borcherdt, Chicago, 1885-93. Pharm., 61 Ellen St.. Chicago; Phys., Calif, and Milwaukee Aves., do. Mem., A. M. A. Address, 4140 Armitage Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 654 Milwaukee Ave., do.t ROLLIN SPELLMAN COLLINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, St. Louis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to H. C. Kendrick, Eureka, Kan., and C. C. Moore & E. H. Thurston, Chi- cago, 1889-93. Pharm., with Collins Bros., 14th and Washington Sts., Oakland, Calif. Address, 1105 Washington St., Oakland, Calif .t CHARLES CHRISTIAN COOK Pharm. and Photographer; Ph.G.; b. 1873,Carmi, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to F. J. Foster, Carmi, 1890-93. Pharm., 150 Pine St., Chicago; later Photographer, 170 E. Madison St., do.t ♦WILLIS EUGENE COOLBAUGH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1867, Pa. Prepared in Stockton (Kan.) Acad. Apprenticed to M. J. Coolbaugh Jr., Stockton, Kan., 1885-93. Mem., firm of Coolbaugh Bros., do.; Cashier, State Bank of Stockton, do. Died Ag 24, 1907, Stockton, Kan. ♦CHARLES WILLIAM CRESS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872, Warsaw, 111. Ap- prenticed to Tyler & Kost, Astoria, 111., M. M. Prince, Chicago, and A. H. Eymann, Warsaw, 1889-93. Pharm., Evanston, 111.; do., 5300 Jeffer- son Ave., Chicago. Deceased. HENRY A. DELFOSSE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 10, 1875, Chicago; 8. Antoine (b. Belg.) and Marie C. Delfosse (b. do.). Drug., Chicago. Married 1900, Chicago. Chil- dren: Carmen, b. O 1, 1902; Alice M. Address, 523 Melrose St., Chicago; bus. add., 6736 Sheridan Rd., do. ELBERT LAMONT FITCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 1, 1866; s. Aurelius D. (b. Ja 29, 1847, Brookfield, N. Y.) and Hope L. 1894] School of Pharmacy Alumni 371 Fitch (b. Ja 10, 1835, do.). Prepared in Brook- field (N. Y.) H. S. Honorable mention. Located in Edmeston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Central Valley, do., 5 yrs.; Highland Mills, do., at present. N. Y. State Pharm. Assn. Married D 31, lf>85, Brookficld, N. Y. Children: Gerald Earnes, b. My 30, 1895; Harry Elbert, b. Je 25, 1897. Address, Highland MUls. N. Y. HENRY ETHELBERT GROSS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1892, Chicago. Appren- ticed to A. Oberman, C. M. Weinberger, and R. H. Hanke, Chicago, K>i90-93. Pharni., 503 W. 14th St., Chicago; do.. West Side Hosp., do. Address, 213 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. t OSCAR HALLENBERG Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 1, 1872, St. Paul, Minn.; s. C. A. (b. O 12, 1837, Sweden) and Charlotte (Johanson) Hallenberg (b. Jl 25, 1845, Sweden). Prepared in Fargo i.N. Dak.) H. S. Hon. mention, Jr. and Sr. yrs. Prof., Hallenberg & Wright, Central Drug Store, Fargo, N. Dak. Mem., N. Dak. Pharm. Soc. (Pres., 1908-09); Pharmacopeial Revision Com., 1910; Am. Pharm. Assn. (Delegate, 1919); Episcopal Church; Shiloh Lodge of A. F. A. M., Keystone Chapter, Auvergne Commandery, 32, Scottish Rite, Shrine; Elks; Forrester; Wood- man. Married Caroline Glenora Moe, 1904, Fargo, N. Dak. Children: Robert Wesley, b. Je 28, 1905; Harriet Cornellia, b. Ag 8, 1908; Ruth Irene, b. Je 7, 1911. Address, 66 Broadway, Fargo, N. Dak. FREDERICK HUKSCHE Dept. Mgr.; Ph.G.; b. O 1, 1871, Fort Wayne, Ind.; s. Henry F. and Anna (Reber) Hunsche. Dept. Mgr., Abbott Labs., Chicago. Married Margaret Irwin McClelland, Ap 20. 1899, Chi- cago. Children: Grace Maria, b. Ja 21, 1900; Miriam, b. Mr 4, 1901; Margaret Anna, b. S 15, 1904; John Frederick, b. Ag 17, 1906; George Ralph b. Ja 10, 1914. Address, 4415 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4757 Ravenswood Ave., do. ♦PHILIP JACOBUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, LaCrosse, Wis. Apprenticed to Weston & Simon, LaCrosse, Wis., and George Lenz and Lenz Bros., Chicago, 1888- 93. Pharm., LaCrosse, Wis. Deceased. ADOLPH O. KACZOROSKI Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 20, 1874, New Orleans, La.; s. Francis C. and Honorine (Comu) Kaczoroski. ' Retail Druggist, New Orleans, La. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn. Address, 2329 Ursuline Ave., New Orleans, La.; bus. add., 200 Dauphins St., do. CHARLES LOUIS KRAUSE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 2, 1872, Chicago; s. F. W. (b. S 3, 1854, Dantzig, Ger.) and Bertha Krause (b. F 27. 1858, Lubeck, Ger.). Prepared in Peotone H. S. Drug., Hersher, 111., 1897-1905; Onarga, do., 190.5 — . Married Je 17, 1897, Pentone 111. Children: Roval Sinclair; Charles Earvitt; Hazel El.sie; Ebie May; Sarath Edith; Alice; John. Address, Onarga, 111. •JULIUS AUGUSTUS LORENZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Baltimore. Ap- Erenticed to E. Brundage, Gegenheimer and orenz and W. H. Lorenz, Chicago; conducted a drug store at 1375 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 1904-19. Married Ahna J. Long, 1896. Died D 29, 1919. ROBERT HENRY McKENZIE Pharmacist; Ph G.; b. 1873, Silver City, Idaho. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Tamm & Arculariu." and S. G. Canfield, I>eadville, Colo; Employed by Nicolai, and later with McKenzie Bros., do.: with Scholtz Drug Co., 16th and Court Place, Denver. Adg.«, Leadville, Colo.t ♦WILLIAM MORRLS NACHTWAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Chicago. Appren- ticed to H. Land, Chicago, 1889-93. Employed as Pluirni. in Chicago, and Colo. Springs, Colo. Deceased. ♦HENRY ALEXANDER NEILSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, McGregor, la. Apprenticed to Andrew Sihcrer, Chicago, 1890-93. Pharm., North McGregor, la. Died Ja 23, 1899, N. McGregor, la. *ROGER WILLIAM O'BRIAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874, Toledo, O. Ap- prenticed to C. F. Hartwig, Chicago, 1890-93. Pharm., 181 Augusta St , Chicago; Traveling Salesman, 768 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago; later Pharm., 4401 W. Madison St., do. Deceased. ♦GODLOVE SHERIFF ORTH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Geithsborg. 111. Apprenticed to C. E. Marshall. F. H. Ahlborn, and C. L. Feldkamp, Chicago, 1889-93. Employed a.«! Pharm., 398 Wells St.. Chicago. Died 1906, Chicago. WILLIAM ANDREW PLICE (See '02 Med.) GEORGE HERMANN RAHLFS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b 1871, Chicago. Prepared in Bus. Coll. Apprenticed to O. G. Haller, and O. F. Fischer, Chicago, 1889-93. Pharm., 2306 Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago. Address, 3659 S. Hal- sted St., Chicago.t CHARLES A. ROARK Physician; Ph.G.; b. D 5, 1879, Greenfield, Ind.; s. Luke and Mary E. (Whisler) Roark. Prepared in Milton (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ. Sch of Med., Indianapolis. 1st Lt., M. C, Co 27a, 10 mos., Worid War. Mem., A F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. P. Married Cora Alice Pauley, 1912, Milton, Ind. Address, Metz. Ind. WILLIAM HIRAM RUDDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 14, 1871; s. William (b. D 12, 1845, Salem, Ind.) and Nancy Elizabeth (Purlee) Rudder (b. 1847. do.). Prepared in Salem (Ind.) H. S. Pharm , Salem. Ind.. 1894—. Chm. of Home Serv. Section. Am. Red Cross, My 1917—. Mem., Ind. Pharm. Assn. (Pres.), 1916- 18; A. F. A. M. (Blue Lodge and Council) ; Ind. Bd. of Pharm.. 1907— (Pres., 1910. Sec, My 1910- 11 and 1914-15); Am. Pharm. Assn., 1908—; Ind. State Pharm. Soc; Nat. Pharm. Assn. (Syllabus Com., nine yrs.); Christian Church (Elder, 15 yrs.). Married Edith Attkisson, O 26, 1898, Salem, Ind. Children: Infant b. and died Jl 28, 1899; Stephen William, b. My 12, 1906. Address, 403 E. Market St., Salem, Ind. JOHN FRANCIS SCHEFCIK Surgeon; Ph.G ; b. My 11, 1872, New York; s. Joseph (b. Mr 1, 1834, Prague, Czecho-Slova' ia) and Anna (Taliaferro) Schefcik (b. Ap 18, 1841. Va.). Prepared in New York Schs. M.D., Univ. of Minn.. 1900. Acacia; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 1900 — . Postgrad, work in Vienna (Vienna Krankenhaus), 1902-03; London Royal Ophthaflmic Hosp. (Moorfields) 1903; Man- hattan, Ej'e, Ear, and Throat Hosp., New York. 1903-04. Capt., M.R. C, U.S. A., 1918. Auth.: The Art of Prescribing, H. W. Wilson Co., Min- neapolis; many magazine articles on medical sub- jects. Mem., Minneapolis Athletic Club, (Chm., Motor Boat and Chess Corns., 1920); Minneapolis Motor Boat Club, (Commodore, 1917—); Blue Earth Co. Med. Soc. (Pres., 1902); Lincoln Club; Minnekahda Club; Minneapolis Golf Club. Mar- ried Emma W. Kapper, N 6, 1895. Glencoe. Minn. Address, 312 La Salle Bldg., Minneapolis. FRANK SEWARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Beaver Dam, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Congdon & Chandler, Guflfin, Hock & Zimmerman, Beaver Dam, Wis.; G. A. Goetch, Chicago; at one time Pharm., with M. I. Isgrig, Austin, 111.; later at 1969 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Address, 402O Broadway, Chicago.t 372 University of Illinois [1895 OSCAR U. SISSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869, Centreville, Neb. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Reese & Little, Schuyler, Neb., and P. J. Cook, Greely Center, do.; J. P. Way, 12th and Western Aves., Chicago, 1889-93. At one time Pharm., 2200 Archer Ave., Chicago. Address, 5034 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.t FRANK HUE SPILLER . Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 6, 1872, Mazon, 111.; s. Thomas and Elizabeth C. (Allen) Spiller. Drug., Gardner, 111., 1902—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Sadie A. Underwood, Ag 26, 1896, Morris, 111. Children: Mabel Marguerite, b. O 3, 1897; Eileen Elizabeth, b. My 25, 1907. Address, Gardner, 111. ♦CHARLES LEONARD STILLMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872, Columbus, Neb.; Apprenticed to Dr. C. B. Stillman, Columbus, 1889-93. Successor to Dr. Stillman, Columbus, Neb. Died Ja 20, 1912. JOHN STUCHLIK (Brother of Wm. A., '94; Uncle of Geo. W. Jin- drich, '15) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 9, 1873, Chicago; s. M. (Rezny) Stuchlik. Prepared in College of Optometry, South Bend (Ind.). Mem., A. F. A. M.; Pistakee Yacht; Ceska Beseda Club. Married Emma Hlavacek, 1902, Dells, Wis. Chil- dren: John, b. 1911; Vivian, b. 1903. Address, 3859 W. 26th St., Chicago. WILLIAM A. STUCHLIK (Brother of John, '94; Uncle of Geo. W. Jin- drich, '15) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 14, 1872, Chicago; a. William and Margareth Stuchlik. Prepared in Cook Co. Norm. Sch. Pharm., Oak Park, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Louise A. Kreml, O 24, 1905. Children: Two girls and one boy (boy died 1918). Bus. add., 3958 W. 16th St., Chicago. *JOHN E. THOMAS Ph.G.; b. 1868, New York. Home, Emporia, Kan. Died Ag 1894. ALBERT DAVID THORBURN Pharmacist; Ph.G ; b. 1872, St. Catherines, Can. Prepared in Ogden (Utah) Acad. Appren- ticed to J. W. McNutt & Co., and F. B. Hurlburt, Ogden, Utah, Thacher Parkinson Co., Logan, do., 1889-93. Asst., Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 1895-96; Instr., do., 1896—; Chemist, with Searle & Hereth Co., 73-75 Wells St., Chicago; with Pitman Myers Co., Ill N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis; later Pharm. at 316 E. 33rd St., do. Address, Apt. 47, Delaware Courts, Indianapolis.t ALFRED EMIL TRISCHMANN Representative, A. D. S.; Ph.G.; b. Ap 14, 1874, Chicago; s. Clemens (b. Ap 26, 1846, Ger.) and Marie (Foerster) Trischmann (b. O 2, 1855, Ger.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Asst nagr., A. D. S., Chi- cago, 3 yrs.; Salesman do., 2 yrs.; now Milwaukee representative, do. Married Margaret Brod, Je 25, 1902, Chicago. Children: Norbert, b. Je 24, 1903 (died); Elmer J., b. Jl 8, 1904 (died) ; Edward, W., b. D 9, 1906; Lewis J., b. Ja 16, 1911 (died). Address, 1455 3rd St., Milwaukee. HENRY HERMANN WEISSENBORN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Augusta, Wis. Prepared in H. S. and Bus. Coll. Apprenticed to C. Spiehr, C. L. Stone, Chicago, 1889-93; later Mgr. of bus. at 4902 State St., do.f FERDINAND WENDT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1868, Mayville, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to H. J. M. Schroeder, and B. Uhlendorf, Chicago, 1889-93; At one time Pharm., Mayville, Wis. Address, Juneau, Wis.f GUY ADEN WILEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Kansas, 111. Pre- pared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. Ferris, Paris, 111.; O. F. Schmidt, Chicago, 1890-93. Pharm., Paris, 111.; later with W. W. Wickel, Naperville, do. Address, Downing Ave., Drug Co., 290 S. Downing Ave., Denver. t FRANKLIN SAMUEL WILSON (See '11 Med.) RICHARD EDWIN YARNDLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Oakland, Cahf. Apprenticed to H. Bowman & Co., Oakland, 1890-93. Pharm., 951 Broadway, Oakland, Calif.; Musician, 6259 Jefferson Ave., Chicago. J *EMIL CARL ZOBEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Ger. Apprenticed to F. Schmeling, Chicago, 1889-94. Pharm., 506 Wells St., Chicago. Died D 1918. CLASS OF 1895 (36 LIVING, 9 DEAD) WILLIAM VINCENT ANDERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Fostoria, O. Ap- prenticed to J. T. Marquardt, Tiffin, O. and Eshel- man & Harbaugh, Fostoria, do.; with G. W. Tucker, Chicago, 1891-95; later employed at Her, O. Ad- dress, Fostoria, O.t FRANK A. BISSELL. Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 18, 1869; s. Amii (b. O.) and Mary (McKinnon) Bissell (b. Scotland). Prepared in Viola H. S. and Monmouth Coll. Philomathean; Baseball, Football and Tennis Teams. Located at Colorado Springs, Colo. Mem., Presby. Church (Trustee); Y. M. C. A. (Dir.); Municipal Golf Club (Commissioner). Married Hannah MeKinnie, O 24, 1895. Child, Marian Stewart, b. Ap 2, 1902. Address, 1124 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo.; bus. add., 802 N. Weber St., do. HENRY LEE BRANDON Ph.G.; b. 1873, Leavenworth, Kan. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to E. J. Humphreys, and G. Kerns, Leavenworth, Kan.; with E. Weber, Chicago, 1889-95; formerly a brewer at Leaven- worth, Kan. Address, 603 N. Esplanada, Leaven- worth, Kan.t WALTER THOMAS BRAUN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874, Chicago. Appren- ticed to E. Von Herman, 1891-94. Pharm., 31st and Michigan Ave., Chicago; 3038 Cottage Grove Ave., -do.; with Whaley Bros., 400 E. St., do.; later in real estate bus., do. Address, 3133 South Park Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH LIDDICOAT CHAMPION Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Oconomowoc, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Charles Sturges, H. Lublin, and Thomas Lougerau, Chicago, 1890- 94. At one time. Pharm. at 525 W. Van Buren St., Chicago.t WILLIAM FREDERICK CRELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Waukepan, 111. Apprenticed to W. W. Pierce, Waukegan, 1890-94. Pharm., 386 W. North Ave., Chicago.t RUPERT C. DREW Dentist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 8, 1872, Fairfax, Vt.; s. Truman G. (b. D 15, 1836, Fairfax, Vt.) and Ellen (Sanderson) Drew (b. F 24, 1841, Fairfax, Vt.). Prepared at New Hampton Inst., Fairfax, Vt. D.D.S., N. W. Dent. Sch., 1900. Delta Sigma Delta; Honor Graduate; Sec. of Class. Dent, practice, Burlington, Vt. Mem., M. E. 1895] School of Pharmacy Alumni Church; Nat. Dent. Assn.; Ethan Allen Club New Eng. State Soc.; A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine; Vt. State Dental Soc. Married Daisy Russell, My S, 1912, Shelburn, Vt. Aildnss, 71 St. Paul St., Burlington, \t. FRANK IRVING ELLIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Northfield, 111. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to G. B. Cum- mings. Highland Park, 111.; with F. O. Christcnscn, Chicago, 1SIHV94. Pharm., Highland Park, 111.; do.. 438 S. 40th Ave., Chicago. Address, 5200 W. Madison St., do.i ♦OTTO FRANCIS ENGSTROM Ph.G.; b. 1871, Burlington, la. Apprenticed to E. A. Rosene, 1889-94. Died O 1895, Chicago. *DAGLON FLAVIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872, Fond du Lac, "Wis. Apprenticed to C. H. Mullcr, Sturgis, A. Theis . Prepared in Louisburg (Kan.) H. S. Hon. mention. Drug., Chicago and Port- land, Ore., 189.V1910; Banking, North Bond, Ore., 1910 — . Married Petra Rones, My 4, 1009, Canby. Ore. Children: John H.. b. F 8, 1911; Nina Mae and Anna Margaret, b. D 10, 1912. Address, North Bend, Ore. EDMUND OMMEN HASCHENBURGER Mgr. of Drug Co.; Ph.G.: b. Je 20, 1874, Lan- caster Co., Neb.; s. Henry H. (h. Ger.) and Eliza- beth rWeichbrodt) Haschenburger (b. Wollin, Ger. t. Prepared in Lincoln (Neb.) Pub. Prhs. Clerk for Eugene Weber. Chicago, 189.5-96; Mgr. of drug store for L. E. Pryton, Omaha, Neb., 1897- 98: Clerk for B. O. Kostka. Lincoln, Neb., 1898- 1902; Sec.-Treas. of Kostka Drug Co., do., 1902 — ; Mgr., do.. O 1919— Mem., Evang. Church; A. F. A. M. (Scottish Rite). Address, 139 S 25th St.. Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., 143 S. 11th St., do. GEORGE ALBERT HOPS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Peoria, 111. Pre- pared in H. S. -Apprenticed to Schuernian & Hops, Chenoa, 111., 1891-94. Address, Saybrook, Ill.f RALPH WILBUR HULL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Des Moines, la. Prepared in 11 S. Apprenticed to D. J. Scanlan, Sidney, Neb.; with E. Weber, Chicago, 1890-94. Formerly Pharm. at 3934 Sheridan Road, do.; 227 E. Division St., Chicago. Address, 834 N. Mentor Ave., Pasadena, Calif. t WILLIAM H. KINSLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 24, 1874, Manistee, Mich.; s. John and Lydia (Boyd) Kinlsey. Mem., K. P. Address, Manistee, Mich. THEODORE FRIDOLIN KNEER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872, Peoria, 111. Ap- prenticed to F. J. Kavanaugli, and John Kneer, Jr., Peoria, 1889-94; later in bus. with John Kneer. Address, 801 S. Adams St., Peoria.t HENRY OTTO KOEHLER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Chicago. Appren- ticed to G. W. Crassly, Chicago; with Dr. Dougall, Joliet, 1889-94; Pharm., 521 S. Paulina St., Chi- cago; later with Graessle & Koehler, 2100 W. Chi- cago Ave., do. Address, 4994 N. Major Ave., Chi- cago.t L. Z. LANTZ; Ph.G.; b. Ag 26, 1873, Helena, O.; s. Emanuel (b. S 1, 1849, Hessville, O.) and Rebecca Lantz (b. My 24, 1844, do.). Prepared in Helena (Ohio) Pub. Schs. and Steadman Bus. Coll., Toledo, O. Married Mr 30, 1902, Morenci, Mich. Child, Marguerite Audrey, b. Mr 17, 1904. Address, Oak Harbor, O. OLIVER BLOOD LEONARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, St. Louis, Mich. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to H. Randolph, St. Louis; S. G. Ade, and H. H. McPherson, Chi- cago, 1887-94. Pharm., 530 Grand Ave., Chicago; do , 1701 Grand Ave., do. A(^dress, in care of W. C. Leonard, 4300 W. Madison St., Chicago.f GEORGE JOHN LORCH (See '01 Med.) LORIN QUAMO McCAULEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872, Broadwell, IlL Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to L. E. Baxter, Coleridge, Neb., and D. E. E. Lytle, Everett, Wash., 1890-94. Pharm., Casper, Wyo.; later with E. E. Behlke, 441 State St., Chicago. Ad- dress, Jonestown, Miss.t JOSEPH STEPHEN MATTAS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Chicago. Appren- ticed to L. W. Kadlec, 1890-94. Pharm., 179 W. 12th St., Chicago; do., 1540 W. 22nd St., do. Ad- dress, 3101 W. 22nd St., do.f ALBERT MILLER (Brother-in-law of Albert A. Lowenthal, '95 M.D.) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 23, 1872; s. August (b. Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Augusta (Teufel) Miller (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago. Drug., MiMer & Munns, Chicago. Mem.. Illini Club; Elks; So. End. Mens Assn. Married Florence L. Lowenthal, O 6, 1910. Chicago. Children: Myra Jean, b. O 6, 1912; Albert Floyd, b. S 6, 1914. Address, 1623 W. 104 PI., Chicago; bus. add., 1308 W. 103 St.. do. ♦ELBERT FERGUSON NEBEKER (See '06 Med.) ALFRED CHARLES NORDVI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 31, 1874, Waupaca, Wis.; s. Hakon and Mary J. (Hudson) Nordvi. Prepared in Waupaca (Wis.) H. S. Pharm., Wis. State Hosp. Address, Mendota, Wis. 374 University of Illinois [1895 JULIUS WILFRID OHLMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874, Yankton, S. Dak. Prepared in Univ. of S. Dak. Apprenticed to G. W. Frostenson, Yankton; R. M. Carr, Chicago. Pharm., 202 N. State St., Chicago; Traveling Salesman, with Nelson Baker & Co., Detroit; do., with Parke Davis & Co., Yankton, S. Dak. Address, Yankton, S. Dak.t *GEORGE LEWIS PECK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1863, Darlington, Wis. Apprenticed to W. W. Peck, Darlington, Wis.; E. C. Macomber, Tomahawk, do., 1890-1904; Pharm., 3123 Shields Ave., Chicago. Died Mr 25, 1915. *DAVID THEOPHILUS POWERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, McSterling, Ky. Prepared in Univ. of Tenn. Apprenticed to F. M. Gray and Reid Russell, Knoxville, Tenn., 1890-94. Pharm., 682 W. Lake St., Chicago. Died D 24, 1902, Knoxville. Tenn. CHARLES ARTHUR RICKFORT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Lake Mills, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Apprenticed to Conrad Engs- berg. Lake Mills, Wis., 1890-94. Pharm., Austin; do., with Gale & Blocki. Address, 15 E. Monroe St., Chicago.t ANTONIO ROMANO Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1871, Laurenzana, Italy. Apprenticed to P. S. G. Heinemann, Romano and DeStephano, Gaul and Romano, Chicago, 1890- 94. Pharm., Milwaukee Ave. and Halsted St., Chicago; later at 187 N. Halsted St., do. Address, 507 N. Halsted St., do.f CLAUDE ROOT Mfr.; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1864, Gardner, 111. Mfr., House Dresses and Novelities, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Mod. Woodmen. Married Kittie Keiser, 1902, Chicago. Address, 2457 Wilson ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4904-06-08 Lincoln Ave., do. HENRY PETER SANDKOETTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 8, 1874, Ger.; s. E. (Hosterbach) vSandkoetter. Gold Medal for Schol- arship. Pharm., 4701 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Married Hattie Stoll, S 1909, Milwaukee. Child, Pearl, b. D 19, 1914. Address, 4525 N. Rockwell St., Chicago; bus. add., 4701 Lincoln Ave., do. WALTER HENRY SCHOENING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874, Chicago. Appren- ticed to A. Arend, L. L. Merriman, Chicago, 1891- 94. Pharm., 1 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago; later Dentist, Honolulu, Hawaii. Address, Honolulu. T. H. t DAVID LEO SCHRAM Physician; M.D.; b. N 22, 1874, Montgomery, Ala.; s. Bernard and Anna (Gugginheim) Schram. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Gen. Med. practice. Capt., M. C, U. S. A., Jl 1918-Jl 1919. Address, 1634 E. 53rd St., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. ALFRED JOHN SCHWARZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Chicago. Prepared in Concordia Coll. Apprenticed to Ed. Bingel; L. Geispitz, Chicago, 1890-94. At one time Pharm at 757 N. Halsted St., Chicago.t ARTHUR WILLIAM STADELMANN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 20, 1873, La Grange, Mo.; s. Oscar and Amelia (Leuz) Stadelmann. Pre- pared in Mazomanie, Wis. Proprietor, Drug Store, Chicago, 1897—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Frances E. Gladwyn, O 8, 1898, Milwaukee. Child, Miriam June, b. Je 6, 1900. Address, 1553 W. 69th St., Chicago. IGNATIUS VALERIUS STANLEY STANISLAUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 30, 1874, South Bend, Ind.; 8. Michael S. and Rosalie (Benedict Strans) Stanislaus. Prepared in Cml. Coll.; Peoples Coll., South Bend, Ind.; Harvard Univ., 1907; Poly- technic Sch., Zurich, 1895-97; Brooklyn Coll. of Pharm. M.S., Univ. of Notre Dame; Ph.D., Providence Univ., 1907; Hon. Degree, Medico Chirurgical Coll., Philadelphia. Phi Chi; Beta Phi Sigma. Apprenticed to O. C. and G. W. Bas- tian; E. R. Vanderhoof; Keefer Pharm. Co., S. Bend, Ind.. 1888-94; Prin., Sch. of Pharm., Notre Dame Univ., 1897-1901; Mgr., Hegeman Corpora- tion, New York, 1901-04; Instr., Brooklyn Coll. of Pharm., 1904-06; Prof., Pharm. and Dean of the Sch. of Pharm., Aledico-Chirurgical Coll., Phila- delphia, 1905-12; Dean, Dept. of Pharm. and Prof. Organic Chem., Medico-Chirurgical Coll., Phila- delphia; Lecturer, Industrial Chem., Temple Univ., Philadelphia; Pres., U. S. Synthetic Chem. Corp., N. Y. Auth.: Short Pharmaceutic Chemistry; Inorganic Compounds; Notes on Pharmacy; Mono- gram on Volatile Oils; also many magazine articles. Mem., Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Pharm. Assn.; A. F. A. M., 32°; Epis. Church. Married Mary White Hutchison, S 4, 1911, Portland, Me. Child, Wanda, b. Jl 22, 1913, Philadelphia. Address, Millburn, N. J.; bus. add., 4, 6 Piatt St.. New York. FRANKLIN FILLMORE STEBBINGS Rancher; Ph.G.; b. F 29, 1872, Centralia, Wis.; s. Preston G. (b. Ag 6, 1833, Potsdam, N. Y.) and Nellie A. (Hazen) Stebbings (b. Ap 12, 1842, Cin- cinnati). Prepared in Episcopal Acad., Cheshire, Conn. L.L.B.,.Univ. Extension Law Sch., Chi- cago, 1909. Valedictorian, 1905; First tenor of male quartette; Debater. Grad. of Healds Bus. Coll., Chico, Calif. Relief pharmacist, Chicago, 1895-99; in bus. with father, Bradley, 111.. 1899- 1908; City Clerk, do., 1904-08; peach, almond, and prune grower, Chico, Calif., 1908 — ; Concert Violinist, Chico Symphony Orchestra, 1915; Lec- tured on Chautauqua platforms in Calif.; Prof, of Commercial Law and Eng., Bus. Coll., Chico, Calif., 2 yrs.; Admitted to Calif. Bar, Jl 1, 1909. Mem., Protestant Epis. Church (Lay reader in Diocese of Chicago, 13 yrs.); Nat. Assn. Retail Drug, of Kankakee Co., 111. (Pres., 1906); I. O. O. F.; Elks; Am. Red Cross. Address, Chico, Calif., R. D. 1; bus. add., Henshaw Ave., do. JAMES ALBERT STEWART Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870, Winslow, 111. Ap- prenticed to C. W. Webster, Rockford, lU. and G. R. Bassett, Chicago, 1890-94. Pharm., Polk St. and Ogden Ave., Chicago; do., 2062 Ogden Ave., do. Address, Ogema. Wis.f FRANKLYN DAVID STRIEBEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, South Bend, Ind. Apprenticed to Charles Coonley, and E. G. Wal- dron, South Bend, Ind., 1887-94. Pharm., with Gushing & Co., South Bend, Ind.; later mem. of firm, Woods & Striebel, do. Address, 113 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind.t *JAMES EDWARDS THOMSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, McKinley, Ala. Prepared in Jackson Coll., Jackson, La. Appren- ticed to E. W. Thompson, Delhi, La., 1890-94. Later Pharm., Delhi, La. Died D 1905, Delhi, La. *ADOLPH UMENHOFER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873, Chicago; s. Albert and Wilhelmina Umenhofer. Pharm., Halsted St. and Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Mem., Sch. of Pharm. Alumni Assn. (1st V. P.); Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. (Pres., 1918, Chm. Ex. Bd., 1919); 111. Pharm. Assn. (1st V. P., 1920); Chicago Drug Club; Chicago Veteran Drug Assn. Married Rose A. Hoffman. Children: Melvin; Russell; Marjorie. Died S 29, 1920, Chicago. JOHN FRANCIS VONCKX Minister; Ph.G.; b. N 29, 1874, Green Bay, Wis.; s. Henry (b. 1848, St. George, Belg.) and Mary (Nelson) Vonckx (b. 1852, Sweden). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Grad. work in The- ology, Moody Bible Inst., and McCormick Theol- ogical Sem., Chicago. Congregational Minister, 1896) School of Pharmacy Alumni 375 Chicago. 1908; Yorkville, 111., 190S-15; and Presby. Minister, Ottawa, 111., 1915 — . Married Henrietta Keppler. Ap 26, 1S97, Chicago (.died 1S9S); Mar- garet Souci, Ap 29, 1901, Chicago. Children: John Newell, b. O 25. 1902; Paul Nelson, b. My 28. 1905; Robert Lloyd, b. Ag 19. 1908. Address, 114 E. Jefferson St.. Ottawa. 111. KNUT ALBERT WEYDELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1869. Kalmar. Sweden. Apprenticed to T. C. Bjerke. E. J. Knothe. and W. S. Adams. Chicago. 1890-94. Pharm.. 4700 State St.. Chicago; do., 6200 Cottage Urove Ave., do. Address, 5630 S. Green St.. Chicago.! *WILLIAM ANDREW ZACHARSKI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874, Chicago. Appren- ticed to A. Franck, and J. C. Kneissling, Chicago, 1888-94. Pharm., 5100 S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. Died Mr 5. 1899. Chicago. CLASS OF 1896 (36 LIVING, 3 DEAD) HERMAN GUSTAVE ARNDT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 31. 1874. Ger. Mem.. K. P. Married Maude A. Schank, Mr 30, 1898. Child. Helen W.. b. Je 14. 1899. Address, 6172 Broadway. Chicago. OSCAR BERGLUND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872. Formerly Pharm.. with Buck i Rayner, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. Address, Lindsborg, Kan.t FRANK HENRY COLE Ph.G.; b. 1874. Prepared in Muscatine (la.) H. S. Alatriculated in Seh. of Pharm. as Frank H. Schwertfeger. name changed to Cole. Address, Bloomington, III. *ELLIS CLYDE DATIN Druggist; Ph.G. Retail Drug., in partnership with R. J. Lauterbach, 47th and Champlain Ave., Chicago. 1897 to about 1900. Died Jl 17. 1906, Hollywood, CaUf. HERMAN ELICH Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 16, 1875. Ger.; s. Herman and Eliza (Koch) Elich. Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Erna Oberhen, Jl 14, 1906, Cincinnati. Children: Frc-d H.. b. N 4, 1907; Elizabeth C, b. Ja 5, 1909; Robert W., b. Ja 1, 1913. Address, 2310 N. Sawyer Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 1576 Milwaukee Ave., do. GEORGE SEA\'ER ELLIS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 13, 1873, Leominster, Mass.; s. Chas. P. and Mary L. (Morse) Ellis. Mem., Presbv. Church. Married Bertha Hager- don. My 24', 1900, Terre Haute, Ind. Child, Mary Louise, b. D 14, 1902. Address, 56 Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., 1400 Wabash Ave., do. MELVILLE ARTHUR PARIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870. Prepared in Ind. State Univ. Pharm., Bloomington, Ind. Ad- dress, Bloomington, Ind.t EDWIN FELLOWS Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. My 6, 1871; s. William V. B. and Matilda CPeterson) Fellows. Prepared in Keosauqua (la.i H. S. and la. State Univ. Formerly Pharm., with T. W. Sollitt, 1333 W. Lake St., Chicago; Clerk, Hensel Drug Co., do., 10 yrs.; in bus., 30.33 Colorado Ave., and 738 S. Crawford Ave., do., 12 yrs.; with Hensel Drug Co., 3201 W. North Ave., do., 1921. Mem., M. E. Church (Treas. and Trustee). 'Married Daisie Nina Snell, Ap 28, 1906, Chicago. Children: Evelvn Nina, b. Mr 1. 1907 (died N 15. 191.5); Clarence Edwin, b. Jl 23, 1909. Address, 138 S. Sacramento Road, Chicago. SAMUEL TILDEN GILLISPIE (Brother of James C, '10 M.D.) Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Mr 3, 1871; s. Henry J. (b. F 10, 18.37, Frankfort, Ky.) and Elizabeth {Stewart) Gillispie (b. St. Joseph, Mo.). Prepared in Hiawatha (Kan.) .\cad. and Univ. of Kan., 1892-93. M.D.. Med. Coll., 1900. Phi Delto Theta. Phys. and Surg., Chicago; do.. Re- serve. Kan.; do., Lawrence, Kan.; do.. La Jolla. CaUf. Mem.. A. M. A.; Calif. State Med. Soc; San Diego Co. Med. Soc, 1915 — . Married Ada Kunkel. Ag 11, 1908. Lawrence, Kan. Address, La Jolla, Calif. CARL VICTOR GREEN Ph.G.; Ph.C; b. O 5, 1869; s. E. and Helen Green. Prepared in H. S., Sweden. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ida L. Johnson, 1889. Chil- dren: Carl v., Jr.; William. Address, 5261 S. Main St., Los Angeles. OLIVER HARSTAD Dentist; Ph.G.; b. 1873. D.D.S., Dent., Sioux City, la. Address, Sioux City, la.J RUDOLPH STEPHEN HECK Ph.G.; b. McGregor, la.; s. Philip and Eliza- beth Heck. Prepared in McGregor (la.) H. S. Married Nellie E. Fisher. Address, 3037 Irving Ave., Minneapolis. • LUCY HEINEMANN (COLLINS) Ph.G.; b. F 27. 1877, Valparaiso, Ind.; d. Martin and Anna (Dann) Heinmann. Prepared in North Division H. S. Hon. mention at Graduation, Sch. of Pharm. Mem.. Belden Ave., Presby. Church; various Womens Clubs. Married Dr. C. D. Collins, Ag 3. 1910. Child, Lucy Ann, b. Ja 27. 1916. Address, 1433 Dearborn Ave.. Chi- cago. ALFRED ERNEST HERR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874. Prepared in Chi- cago Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm. with J. S. Hottinger. 224 Lincoln Ave.. Chicago. Address, 2146 Burling St., Chicago.t HERMAN N. HOLLANDER Ph.G.; b. N 23. 1871, Galena, 111.; s. Caroline R. (Thode) Hollander. Prepared in Galena H. S. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Frances J. Held, S 1. 1904, Galena, 111. Address, 6901 N. Clark St., Chicago. ELIAS PALMER HUBBARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874. Prepared in Chi- cago Pub. Schs. Formerly with Peoples Drug Store. Clark and Monroe Sts.. Chicago. Address, 31st and Michigan Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH FREDERICK HUMMEL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 30, 1874, Cedar Falls, la.; s. Andrew and Caroline (Fisher) Hummel. Prepared in Grundy Center (la.) H. S. Mem., Catholic Church; Mod. Woodman. Married O 1, 1869, Boonberry, la.; Je 28, 1900. Children: Francis V., b. My 14, 1901; Thaddus R., b. N 29, 1903; Sidney A., b. Mr 1, 1905. Address, Grundy Center, la. OTTO CHARLES KOELLE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1870. Prepared in Sioux City (la.) Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm. with Scherling & Arnold, Sioux City. Address, Crocker, S. Dak.t WILLIAM GEORGE KRIETER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873. Prepared in Pala- tine H. 8. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 2734 W. North Ave., Chicago.t 376 University of Illinois [1896- GEORGE EMIL KURTZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 5, 1877, Indianapolis; s. Theresea Kurtz. Prepared in Paris H. S. Drug., Paris, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Mod. Wood- men. Married Jane Lally, 1903. Address, 523 Vance St., Paris, 111.; bus. add., S. W. Cor. Square, RUDOLPH JOHN LAUTERBACH Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 25, 1873, Wis.; s. Julia (Bosch) Lauterbach. Drug., Chicago. Married Catherine Saunders, O 17, 1899, Gratiot, Wis. Children: Rosalie; Joseph. Address, 5458 Went- worth Ave., Chicago. LEO SERVATUS JOSEPH LINDEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1874. Formerly Pharm., 94 Johnson St., Chicago.! CHARLES ROMAIN LONG Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. D 6, 1875; s. J. C. and Clara G. Long. Prepared in Harvard Lake (Minn.) H. S. Traveling Salesman, Min- neapolis Drug Co., Minneapolis. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Edith M. Bowen, Ag 22, 1907, Mankato, Minn. Child, Helen, b. S 15, 1908. Address, 223 Record St., Mankato, Minn. AUGUST ALBERT FERDINAND LUECK Oculist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 12, 1875, Tomah, Wis.; s. Julius Fred (b. Ger.) and Johana (Schultz) Lueck (b. do.). Prepared in Tomah (Wis.) H. S. D.O., III. Coll. of Opthalmology and Otology, 1904; Postgrad, work in 1906. Located in Whitewater, Wis., 1896-97; Merrell, rfo., 1897; Antigo. 1897— ; Conducted Dissecting Clinics for Wis. Optometrists Assn. in Janesville, Milwaukee, and Appleton, Wis.; lectured on subjects pertaining to the eye, in Wis. Auth.: The Appearance of External Diseases of the Eye, published in optical jours. Mem., Wis. Optometrists Assn. (Pres.) 1900—; Wis. Bd. of Examiners in Optometry (Pres.) 1915 — ; Wis. Pharm. Assn., 1900. Married Hattie Delia Lueck, S 3, 1903, Buffalo, N. Y. Children: Irving Buffum, b. My 19, 1905; Mildred Lucile, b. Ag 25, 1914. Address, 614 1st Ave., Antigo, Wis.; bus. add., 705 5th Ave., do. JOHN ADAMS MERTES Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 5, 1874, Chicago; s. Ma- thias and Katherine (Seimetz) Mertes. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. Retail Drug., Chicago, Ja 13, 1897—. Mem,, K. C; C. O. F.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. Married Cecelia M. Von Zelewski, Je 23, 1897. Children: George A., b. Je 18, 1901; Vincent M., b. Jl 31, 1902; Edward J., b. O 5, 1903; Coleta B., b. N 19, 1905; John C, b. N 1, 1907; Cecelia E., b. My 21, 1910; Helen M., b. Ag 14, 1911; Eugenia C, b. Ja 28, 1914. Address, 3439 N. Halsted St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 2937 Lincoln Ave., do. EDWARD MICHAEL MORAN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 14. 1874, La Fayette, Ind.; s. Michael and Anna (Hughes) Moran. Prepared in St. Viateurs Coll., Cml. Course. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. C. Married Leona Holden, 1910, Notre Dame, Ind. Address, 627 Franklin St., Michigan City, Ind. EDWARD STUART PATTEN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 4, 1875, Carbondale, 111.: s. Eustis (b. Mr 26. 1845, Haverhill, Mass.) and Jessie M. (Brainerd) Patten (b. 1851, Hamilton, Ont.). Prepared in So. II!. State Norm. Univ., Carbondale, 111.; N. W. Coll. of Pharm., 1893-94 Drug., Carbondale, 111., 1896-1910; Missoula, Mont., 1910 — . Married Bessie Louise Schenck, O 5, 1898, Paris, 111. Children: Jessie Louise, b. Mr 6, 1900; Eloise Josephine, b. Je 9, 1905; Bertha Ruth, b. Jl 11, 1908. Address, 743 S. 2nd St., Missoula, Mont.; bus. add.. South Side Pharm., do. DELL FRANK RIDDELL Chemist; Ph.G.; b. 1873. B.S. Address, Waver- y, Neb.l HARRY EUGENE ROWE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 3, 1874, Norway, 111.; s. Edward M. and M. Jennie (Angevine) Rowe. Prepared in Sheridan H. S. Employed lay Graham & Yentzer Co., Ottawa, 111.; Sohrbeck Bros., Moline, 111.; H. O. Rolfs, Rock Island, 111.; owner, store, 4118 14th Ave., Rock Island, S 1909-17; 1323 30th St., do., S 1917—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Rock Island 658, Rock Island Chapter, 18, R. A. M., Rock Island, Council, 20, Rock Island Com- mandery 18, K. T., Amoo Grotto, 57, Mohammed Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; M. W. A. Married Helen Frances Peisha, N 4, 1897, Leland, 111. Children: Dale Eugene, b. Je 6, 1899; Francis Lucille, b. O 29, 1906. Address, 3112 16th Ave.,, Rock Island, 111.; bus. add., 1323 30th St., do. *JOSEPH ]\IATTHIAS ST. JOHN Ph.G. Formerly Drug., Lincoln and Lake Sts.,. Chicago. Deceased. WILLIAM SCHLINKMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1872. Prepared in Quin- cy H. S. Pharm., Quincy, Hi. Address, 900 S. 8th St., Quincy, Ill.t LOUIS IGNATIUS SCHREINER Pres. of Drug Co.; Ph.G.; b. F 14, 1873; s. Ernest Frederick (b. Ger.) and Mary (Lowe) Schreiner (b. Ire.). Prepared in Potomac pub. sch. Vale- dictorian, 1898. Instr., Microscopy, Sch. of Pharm., 1899-1900; Instr. in Chem., do., 1900-06; Supt. of Searle and Hereth Co., Chicago, 1906-08; do. of United Drug Co., Boston, 1908-17; V. P., do., 1917-20; Pres. of Westfall Drug Co., Okla- homa City, Okla.. 1920 — . Recruiting agt. for Merchant Marine, Oklahoma City, Okla,, 1918-19. Mem., Boston Chamber of Commerce; Pure Food and Drug Comn.; Boston City Club; Common- wealth Country Club (Dir.) ; Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. Married Ap 11, 1900, Jackson, Mich. Child, Pauline M., b. Mr 4, 1901. Ad- dress, 420 Insurance Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. CHARLES FREDERICK WILLIAM SCHULTZ Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 20, 1873, Columbus,. Wis.; s. Carl and Willamina (Mauth) Schultz. Prepared in Columbus (Wis.) Pub. Schs. Retail Drug., Elgin, 111. Mem., Universalist Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Jeannette Cree, Ja 24, 1901. Address, 826 Douglas Ave., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., 159 Chicago St., do. ASHTON STAMAN (Brother of William J., '09) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1873, Richland Co., O.; s. William (b. S 7, 1842, Richland Co., O.), and Louisa (Eighinger) Staman (b. Mr 23, 1848. Ashland Co., O.). Clerked in drug stores and pharm. St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago, 1899-1901; operating two drug stores. Auburn, Ind., 1901 — . Married Elsie J. Caruth, O 9, 1905, Auburn, Ind. Child, Ralph C, b. Mr 13, 1907 (died Ag 13, 1908). Address, Auburn, Ind. HENRY JOHN LOUIS STEEGE Clerk; Ph.G.; b. Ag 1, 1874, Dundee, 111.; s. J. H. C. and Mary (Wagner) Steege. Clerk, Elgin, 111., 1896-1900; in bus., Chicago, 1900-07; Clerk, Leffingwells Drug Co., Evanston, 111., 1907 — . Mem., Bethany Evang. Lutheran Church, Chicago. Married Clara C. Bruning, Ap 29, 1896, Columbus, Ind. Children: ■Hilton A., b. S 7, 1900; Margaret C, b. N 1, 1903. Address, 936 Ashbury Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 800 Dempster St., do. FRANCIS G. J. STIEBER Chemist; Ph.G.; b. D 28, 1875, Peoria; s. M. and M. (Thieme) Stieber. Prepared in Browns Bus. Coll. Married Mable Kidd, Ag 4, 1908, Buffalo, N. Y. Child, Jack Marshall, b. N 4, 1912. Ad- dress, 7534 Clyde Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3256 Indiana Ave., do. CLYDE WILLIAM TOWNSEND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1873. Prepared in Van- dalia (Mich.) H. S. Formerly Pharm., Chihuahua, Mex.; do., Shawnee, Okla. Address, Shawnee, Okla.t 1S97] School of Pharmacy Alumni 377. ♦GEORGE CHARLES WEINBERGER Ph.G.; b. 1874. Died O 1S97. Chicago. ROBERT EDWARD LEE WILLL\MS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 18(59. Prepared in Mor- rillton (Ark.) H. S. Pharm., PlumtTville, Ark. Address, Plumerville, Ark.t THADDEUS ZIGMUND XELOWSKI (See '03 Med.) CLASS OF 1897 (31 LIVING, 6 DEAD) EUGEXE DANIEL ALLEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 22, 1S76, Havana, 111. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Address, Marseilles, lU.t ALMA BABE Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. O 14, 1860, Remington, Ind. Prepared in Remington (Ind.) H. S. Ad- dress, Remington, Ind.J OTTO BALENSIEFER (See "04 Med.) OTTO THEOBALD EHRHARDT BEHMER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 6. 1876, Hamburg, Ger. Prepared in Hamburg Schs. Formerly Pharm., 305 Augusta St., Chicago; later at 5234 S. Chicago Ave., do. Address, 3738 McLeon Ave., Chicago.t FREDERICK FRANCIS FERDINAND BEHRENS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 8, 1870, Ger.; s. Wil- liam and Emma (Schwieger) Behrens. Drug, for 23 yrs. at 1152 S. Western Ave., Chicago; Kodak and Photo-finishing since O 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., Columbia Commandery 63, K. T., Medinah Temple; A. A. O. N. M.S.; R. A. M., Tyrian Coun- cil 78; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Assn. Photo Finishers of Chicago. Married Antoinette Marie McDonald, D 26, 1900. Child, Antoinette Louise, b. N 11, 1901. Address, 2433 Fillmore St., Chicago; bus. add., 1152 S. Western Ave., do. WILFRID JAMES BIGNOLD Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. O 2, 1877, Eng. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., Hawk & Bignold, 22nd and State Sts., Chicago. Ad- dress, 3038 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.t JOHN ELIOT BOUDINOT Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. F 1. 1873, Danville, 111. Prepared in Dan-i-ille H. S. Address, Box 304, Webster City. la.t HARRY ARTHUR BOYCE Druggist: Ph.G.; b. Ap 12, 1874, New Harmony, Ind.; s. Eliza E. (Bundy) Boyce. Prepared in Mt. Vernon, Ind. Retail Drug., do. Married Eva E. Thomas, N 29, 1899. Children: Thomas E., b. 1900; Harry A., b. 1903. Address, 513 Walnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ind.; bus. add., 333 Main St., do. FREDERICK EDW.A.RD ALBERT BUCHNER Phy,sician; Ph.G.: b. My 22, 1876, Hamburg, Ger. M.D. Attended N. W. Univ. Address, 2056 Logan Blvd., Chicago.t ALBERT EUGENE CLYDE Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ap 3, 1877, Janesville, Wis.; B. Edward S. t Oak St., Quincy, 111. IRVING LEWIS EMERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 3, 1877, Rochester, Minn.; s. Jennie XNTij-te. Prepared in Sauk Center (^Iinn.) H. S. Clerk, Seattle, 3 yrs.; do., Sauk Center, Minn., 2 yrs.; Drug., Grand Junction, Colo., 10 yrs.; Salesman, 5 vrs. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. P. Married Agnes Dunn, 1913, Salt Lake City. Child, Robert Lewis, b. D 29, 1914. Ad- dress, 1200 Vine St., Denver. ROSCIUS WRIGHT FREEMAN V. P. and Gen. Mgr.; Ph.G; b. N 18, 1879, River Falls, Wis.; s. R. S. (b. N. Y.) and Lydia (Wright) Freeman (b. do.). Prepared in River Falls H. S. Pres., Freeman Drug. Co., River Falls; do., Brown Safety Ladder Mfg. Co., do.; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Tubbs Med. Co., do. Married D 25, 1912 (wife died Mr 17, 1918). Address, 220 N. 3rd St., River FaUs, Wis.; bus. add., 10-1 S. Main St., do. ♦PETER M. FULTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 28, 1869, Pleasant Valley, 111.; s. P. M. Fulton. Prepared in Le Mars (la.) Norm. Sch., 1 term. Home, Stockton, 111. In drug bus. and Mayor of Florence, Ariz. Died S IS, 1916, Florence, Ariz. ARTHUR S. GILLETTE Real Estate Bus.; Ph.G.; b. Mr 20, 1872, Hud- son, Mich.; s. Lucina Van Akin Gillette. Located at Warren, 111., 1902-08; with Sundry House, Chicago, 1908-14; Omaha Drug Store, Omaha, Neb., 1914-16; Real Estate Bus., Sioux City, la., 1916—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Married Eva M. Manlove, N 30, 1901, Rockford, lU. Child, Dudley C, b. O 14, 1902. Address, 3201 Jennings St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., 705 Frances Bldg., do. WILLL\M RICE GRAHAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 16, 1877, CarUnville, 111.; 8. W. D. and Mary A. (Rice) Graham. Pharm. Blue Mound, 111. Mem., Baptist Church; 1^. P. Married Louise J. Graves, F 4, 1895, Virden, 111. Children: Irene, b. Ag 31, 1896; Susan Louise, b. Ag 15, 1900. Address, Blue Mound, 111. WALTER HOLDERREAD Druggist; Ph.G. Formerly of Divernon, 111. Address, Litchfield, 111. GILBERT JAMES HOUSEMAN Drug Clerk; Ph.G.; b. N 20, 1875, Stockbridge, N. Y.; s. John M. (b. 1834, Stockbridge, N. Y.) and Laverna Josephine (Hodges) Houseman (b. 1840, do.). Prepared in grammer sch. Pharm., Chicago, 1900-S 25, 1919, and Detroit, O 1919—. Address, 483 Ashland Ave., Detroit. GEORGE SMITH I\'ES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 14, 1877, Amboy, 111. Prepared in Amboy H. S. Pharm., Franklin Grove, 111. Address, Franklin Grove, lU.t ♦ABRAHAM ARTHUR JACKOLA Ph.G.; b. Ag 5, 1878, Finland; s. Andres Jackola. Prepared in Norm. Univ., Ada, O., 8 mos. Home, Calumet, Mich. Died O 17, 1906, Calumet. •CLARENCE LORENZO JAMES Ph.G.; b. O 3. 1876, Herscher, 111.; 8. William H. James. Prepared in Herscher Pub. Schs. Home, Herscher, 111. Died Je 8, 1901, Chicago. ♦JOHN AUGUST JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 8, 1878, Sweden; s. J. J. Johnson. Prepared in Pub. Schs., Iron Co., Wis. Home, Gile, Wis. Deceased. GEORGE ARTHUR KIEDAISCH Pres. and Mgr.; Ph.G.; b. Je 27, 1877; s. John Frederick (b. 1837, Wurtemburg, Ger.) and Mary M. (Schowalter) Kiedaisch (b. 1850, Keokuk, la.). Prepared in Keokuk (la.) H. S. Employed by Wilkinson & Co., 1900-11; Elected pres. and mgr., do., 1911—. Sec. of Pharm., Keokuk Coll. of Phafm., 1900-07. Address, 227 S. 6th St., Keokuk, la.; bus. add., 422 Main St., do. ANTON KUCERA, Jr. Retired; Ph.G.; b. Je 13, 1877, Barrington, 111.; 8. Anton and Katherine (Sojvera) Kucera. Pre- pared in H. S., 1 yr.; No. 111. Sch. of Optics. Re- tired from bus., 1907. Mem., K. P.; M. W. A.; M. E. Church. Address, Kewaunee, Wis. JOSEPH MATTHEW LESTINA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 18, 1876, Chicago. Formerly Pharm., 6656 State St., later with Merz Drug Co., 12th St., and Ogden Ave.; now with J. Piatt, 18th St., and Ashland Ave., Chicago. Address, 1805 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.f ♦GEORGE HENRY PAUL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 5, 1879, Columbus, Wis.; 8. G. W. Paul. Prepared in Augusta (Wis.) H. S. Died D 13, 1918, Colorado Springs, Colo. FRED LEWIS PFAFF Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 22, 1880, Centralia, 111.; s. J. J. and Anna (Peterman) Pfaff. Prepared in Centralia H. S. Pharm., Centralia, 111. Mar- ried Minnie Scott, O 21, 1906, Centralia, 111. Child, Alfred S., b. D 27, 1910. Address, 228 S. Beech St., Centralia, 111.; bus. add., 116 W. Broad- way, do. FRED HORACE PRIEST Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 24, 1876, Oneida, 111.; s. Rufus G. (b. Jl 15, 1846, Saquoit, N. Y.) and Amanda L. (Wetmore) Priest (b. Ag 2, 1852, Oneida, 111.). Prepared in Hastings, la. With W. E. Van Ansdale & Co., Hastings, la., Ja 8, 1901-O 1, 1914; Fred H. Priest drug business, do., O 1, 1914—. Married Luella Hatchings, F 4, 1903, Hastings, la. Child, Doris Morse, b. Ap 6, 1904. Address, Hastings, la. WILLIAM ERNEST ROSE (Cousin of Myrtle Coker-Combe, '09 A.B. in L.&A.) Ph.G.; b. O 14, 1877, EUzabethtown, 111.; s. Elbert G. (b. 1844, do.) and Adeline (Ayres) Rose (b. 1850, do.). Prepared in Harrisburg, 111. Located in Chicago, 1900-03; Harrisburg, 111., 1903-05; St. Louis, 1905-15; Cleveland, 1915—. Ed., St. Louis Drug Club Jour., 1915. Auth.: Articles on checking of sales against advertising. System, D 1918. Mem., Advertising Club, St. Louis (V. P., 1914-15) ; T. P. A. (Nat. Dir., 1914-15) St. Louis Drug and Chem. Club (Dir., 1913-15). Married Vernine Allene French, O 15, 1910, St. Louis. Child, William Ernest, Jr., b. Jl 28, 1917. Address, 1912 Parkway Drive, Cleveland; bus. add., 1750.E. 27th St., do. MARVIN BIRD CLEO ROUNDS Entomologist; Ph.G.; b. D 15, 1879, Piano, 111.; s. Charles D. (b. 1856, Lemont, 111.) and Nellie M. Rounds (b. 1857, Minn.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Alumni medal for scholar- ship. Asst., Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 1898. Drug- gist, Chicago, 1901-09, and Colton, Calif., 1909-10; Rancher and orange grower, 1910-18; Research in Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agr. (Citrus fruit in- sects), 1918 — . Auth.: (with R. S. Woglum) Strati- fication of Liquid Hydrocyanic Acid, Jour. Econ. Entomology. Married Jl 26, 1900, Batavia, 111. Children: Jack S., b. Jl 8, 1901; Donald R., b. N 15, 1903. Address, 933 Pasadena Ave., Azusa, CaUf. 384 University of Illinois [1901 LOUIS SCHREIBER Ph.G.; b. Ja 9, 1878, Coumbus, Neb.; s. Louis and Minna (Osche) Schreiber. Prepared in Colum- bus (Neb.) H. S. Formerly Pharm., with C. F. Hoelin, Columbus, Neb. Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Emma Rauslam, Je 30, 1909, Cedar Bluffs, Neb. Address, 1915 10th St., Chicago; bits, add., 2509 13th St., do. LEO K. SOLOMON Ph.G.; b. Mr 16, 1879, Chicago. Prepared in Bryant and Stratton Bus. Coll Formerly Pharm., 47th St., and Evans Ave., Chicago. Address, in care of U. S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co., 604 Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., Chicago.t ALFRED W. STAMM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1879; s. John C. (b. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Fuestmann) Stamm (b. do.). Prepared in Marquette Coll. and Pio Nono Coll., St. Francis, Wis. Mgr. of Martin Drug Co., Milwaukee, i905-1915; Proprietor of drug Store, do., 1915—. Married Rose M. Lois, N 26, 1908, Milwaukee. Children: Viola Alice, b. O 30, 1909; Lauretta Elizabeth, b. Je 6, 1911. Address, 508 1st Ave., Milwaukee. GEORGE EDWARD STEYER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 11, 1878, Chicago. Pharm., Chicago; formerly at 901 W. Randolph St. Address, 2116 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago.t CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH STIMSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 27, 1871, Arispie Tp., 111.; d. Nathaniel Arba (b. My 28, 1827, Oswego, N. Y.) and Mary (Young) Stimson (b. Jl 6, 1837, Ulster, Ire.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Gold Medal in Materia Med. Grad. work in Mechano- Therapy, 1914. In charge of pharmacy, Chicago Baptist Hosp., 1901-07; do., Elgin St. Hosp., 1911- 14; do., various hosp. pharmacies, 1914 — •; Asst., Pharmacognosy, and Librarian, Sch. of Pharm., 1919-20. Mem., Womans Orgn. of Nat. Retail Druggists; Womans Pharm. Assn. (Sec-treas., Chicago, 1903 — ); Historian, Alumni Assn. Sch. of Pharm., 1920. Address, 4142 Grand Blvd., Chi- cago. ALFRED REUBEN UTT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 25, 1879, Walton, Kan.; s. Reuben (b. Mr 17, 1845, Wis.) and Sarah Eliza- beth (Ownby) Utt (b. D 8, 1844, Milton, Wis.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. and Armour Inst., Chicago. Drug Clerk, Wheaton, 111., "1900-01; Owner of Drug Store in Glen Ellyn, do., 1901—. Married Sara Bates, N 1, 1900, Pittsfield, 111. Children: Marv Elizabeth, b. Ag 25, 1901; Alfred Maurice, b. O 12, 1912. Address, Glen Ellyn, 111. RAYMOND AUGUST von DANDEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 20, 1876, Mound City, 111.; s. Ernest and Gertrude (Zeis) von Danden. Prepared in North Divasion H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Kenraore Lodge 947, Lincoln Park Chap., Oriental Consistory, 32°, Shrine; Mod. Woodman of Am.; Royal Arcanum; K. P.; Retail Drug. Assn. (ex-trustee); Devon Clark Business Mens Assn.; Chicago Drug Club. Married Mabel R. Watts, N 2, 1903, Chicago. Child, Jean Jacob Ernst, b. Je 17, 1904. Address, 3324 N. Halsted" St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 6401 N. Clark St., cor. Devon Ave., do. PHILLIP DARIUS VINCENT Pres., Drug Co.; b. Je 20, 1876, Hampton, 111.; s. Mary L. Vincent. Pres., Vincent Drug. Co., and Vincent Labs., Texarkana, Ark. Mem., Congr. Church; K. P. Married Mary June Whitaker, Je 17, 1903, Texarkana, Ark. Address, 423 E. Broad St., and 213 Hazel St., Texarkana, Ark. AL VERNON FRANK WARHANIK (Brother of Dr. Charles A. Warhanik, '98 P.) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 12, 1880, Manitowoc, Wis.; s. Mattis (b. 1820, Bohemia) and Anna (Kodet) Warhanik (b. 1840, do.). Grad. Optome- trist. Retail Drug., Chicago, 1904 — -. Mem., Presby. Church; 111. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Optometry Soc; Chicago Retail Druggists Assn.; Nat. Assn. of Retail Druggists. Married Charlotte J. Burk- hardt, N 26, 1908, Chicago. Children: Ethel Ruth, b. S 30, 1911; Vernon Francis, b. Jl 6, 1915; Eleanor Jane, b. Ag 8, 1918. Address, 2107 Mai- shall Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2158 W. 22nd St., do. CHARLES JEREMIAH WEBSTER Dentist; Ph.G.; b. N 2, 1879, Canton, 111.; s. Chauncey and Louise (Savilla) Webster. D.D.S., North Pacific Dent. Coll., 1915. Pharm., Pueblo, Colo., and Coeurd'Alene, Idaho; Dentist, Portland, Ore., 1915 — ■. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Lucy W. Olds, N 23, 1904, Pueblo, Colo. Address, 308 Stanton St., Portland, Ore.; bus. add., 519K Williams Ave., do. ALFRED TENNYSON WEIBEL Retail Drug.; Ph.G.; b. Je 21, 1879, Dover, 111.; s. Daniel and Laura (Thomas) Weibel. Retail Drug., Chicago. Married Lula M. Laughlin, O 3, 1896, Maiden, 111. Children: Hazel M., b. F 3, 1898; Mildred E., b. Ag 6, 1900; Daniel E., b. Ap 26, 1905. Address, 7207 S. Halsted St., Chicago. WALTER HENRY WELLMAN Mfg. Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. Ja 22, 1875, Quincy, 111.; s. Frank B. and Annie (Oehlmann) Wellman. Manufacturing Pharm., Shreveport, La. Mem., Catholic Church; B. P. O. E. Address, 226 McNeil St., Shreveport, La. CLASS OF 1901 (45 LIVING, 6 DEAD) *HARRY LAWRENCE MARIE BANK Ph.G.; b. S 8, 1877, Rotterdam, Holland. Pre- pared in Green Bay (Wis.) H. S. and West Div. H. S., Chicago. Home, Lynn, Mass. Deceased. RALPH F. BOGUE Ph.G.; b. F 11, 1874; s. W. E. and Elenora Bogue. Prepared in Vandalia (Mich.) H. S. With John Bakkers, 10900 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Married Bernice McKinney, Je 20, 1895, Vandalia, Mich. Child, Kenneth C, b. D 7, 1896. Address, 12028 Stewart Ave., Chicago. IRA CLARK BRADLEY Banker, and Real Estate Bus.; Ph.G.; b. S 5, 1877, Buchanan, Mich.; s. Henry and Martha (Ingleright) Bradley. Prepared in Buchanan (Mich.) Schs., and Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. Drug., Chicago Heights, 111., until Ja 1, 1910; Real Estate and Banking Bus., Ja 1920 — . Mem., I. O. O. F.; Eagles; Industrial Club, Chicago Heights; Presby. Church. Married Mary Stewart Miller, Coal City, 111. Address, 149 Lincoln Way, Chicago; bus. add., Commercial Bank, Chicago Heights. WILLIAM JEFFERSON BRIGGS Salesman; Ph.G.; b. D 7, 1870, Industry, Pa.; s. Caroline M. (Moore) Briggs. Prepared in Bur- lington (Kan.) H. S. Formerly Drug.; Salesman for A. C. McClurg & Co., 1921. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Epis. Church. Married Grace B. King, N 26, 1908. Address, in care of A. C. McClurg & Co., 330 E. Ohio St., Chicago. FREDERIC BLAINE CLARKE Mgr. of Ins. Co.; Ph.G.; b. D 11, 1875, Benson, Minn.; s. Ziba B. (b. O 18, 1844, O.) and Dora C. (Eaton) Clarke (b. Ja 17, 1847, Vt.). Prepared in Mankato (Minn.) H. S. Class pres., 1901. With St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co., St. Paul, 1905- 10; Special Agt., do., Terre Haute, Ind., 1910-14; St. agt., Concordia Fire Ins. Co., IndianapoHs, Ind., 1914-18; Mgr., Mo. Audit Bur., St. Louis, 1918—. U. S. N., 1901-05; Mo. Home Guard, 1901] School of Pharmacy Alumni 385 1918-19. Mem., St. Louis Club; Algonquin Golf Club. Married Madeleine Mollineaux Liggett, F 14. 1910. St. Paul. Address. 1327 Pierce Bldg.. St. Louis. JAMES HENRY CREW Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 12, 1877. Manchester, Eng.; s. Charles and Mary A. (Atkins) Crew. Mem., (Covenant Fraternity) Lodge L O. O. F.; Minneapolis Council 151. Roval League. Married Ida May Borden. N 21, 1901, Minneapolis. Ad- dress, 4216 29th Ave.. S., Minneapolis; bus. add., 410 2nd Ave., S., do. PETER CZAJA (Brother of Leo Matthew. '11 M.D.) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 10, 1876. Prepared in Powers ColL Pharm., Chicago. Address, 3003 W. 22nd St.. Chicago.t C. J. DELBRIDGE Tire Business; Ph.G.; b. Ja 7. 1882, Chicago; s. John B. (b. 1849, N. Y.) and Minnie L. (BuUard) Delbridge (b. 1857, Mass.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.. Chicago. Cattle bus.. New Mexico. 1901-02; Drug., Chicago. 1903-07; do.. Blooming- ton, 111., 1907-12; do., Paxton, 111., 1912-15; Travelled for John Wyeth & Bros., 1916-17; Tire bus., Bloomington, 111.. 1918 — . Address, Bloom- ington, lU. OTTO JOHN DEWITZ (See '04 Med.) WILLIAM DOWNEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 7, 1871, Wenona, 111. Prepared in Dixon Bus. Coll., lU. Wesleyan and Wooster L'nivs. Pharm., Decatur, 111. Address, 112 N. Water St., Decatur, Ill.t WILLL\M ROBERT ENGLERT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 9. 1880. Eureka, Nev.; s. George C. and Mary Margaret (Schober) Eng- lert. Prepared in Green Bay (Wis.) H. S. Phi Chi. Pharm. and Pres., Elko Drug Co., Inc. Mem., B. P. O. E.. 719, Ogden. Utah; Bd. of Education, Elko, Xev.; Nev. State Bd. of Pharm. Married Leah L. Campbell, Ja 15, 1911, Elko, Nev. Child, Mary Jane, b.Ap 26, 1918. Address, 220 Pine St.. Elko, Nev.; bus. add., 407 Railroad St.. do. EDWIN EVERETT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 14, 1873; s. Edwin and Maria (Foilett) Everett. Address, Atkinson, 111. ♦EDWARD NICHOLAS FERNHOLZ Ph.G.; b. D 4, 1878. Jefferson, Wis.; s. Frank Fernholz. Prepared in Jefferson (Wis.) H. S., 2 yrs. Home, Jefferson. Died F 26, 1908. Har- vard. GUY GORE FOX Chemist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 14, 1881, Waverly, la. Prepared in Columbus (Neb.) H. S. Chem., with Armour & Co., Chicago. Address, 7430 Harvard Ave., Chicago.t HARRY W. GIESE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 22, 1S79, Bloomington, 111.; s. Henrj- F. and Louise (Hofman) Giese. Pre- pared in Bloomington (111.) H. S. Advisory Bd., Sch. of Pharm. Pharm., Union Depot. Pharm. 1904 — . Alderman in the Council, Bloomington. 111. Mem., A. F. A. M., Mozart Lodge 656; B. P. O. E. Married Ida Kreikenbaum, Ap 24. 1904. Children: Walter E., b. Ja 24. 1905; George H., b. Je 16, 1907; Mabel O., b. D 6, 1910. Address, 920 W. Wa-shington St., Bloomington, 111.; bus. arid.. Union Depot Pharm., do. ALEXANDER GLOGAU Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 2, 1878, Hamburg, Ger. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 2747 N. Clark St., Chicago.t MAUDE ALMA GREGG (BOLING) Ph.G.; b. Ja 23, 1880. McPherson, Kan. Pre- pared in Attica (Kan.) H. S. Address, Capron, Okla.t GEORGE HENRY HAMER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 13, 1880, Hamburg, Ger.; s. Hans Henry (b. Mr 26, 1852. Ger.) and Margaret (Jacobs) Haraer (b. Ja 20, 1852. do.). Prepared in Park Ridge, 111., and N. W. Sch. of Pharm., S 1898-Ap 28, 1899. Clerk, Chicago, My 17, 1901-Mr 1, 1904; Proprietor of store. Palatine, 111., Mr 1, 1904-D 1, 1909; Head pharmacist. Oak Forest Infirmary, O 21, 1910 — . Mem.. A. F. A. M., Calumet Lodge 716 (Worshipful Master, 1920). Married Martha Bertha Kischel, N 10, 1906. Chi- cago. Child. Oliver Otto, b. S 17. 1907. Address, 174 New St.. Blue Island, 111.; bus. add., Oak Forest Infirmary, Oak Forest, 111. HENRY HARTIG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 17, 1877, Peoria. For- merly Pharm. with H. L. Ziegler, 624 Knoxville Ave., Peoria. Address, 1621 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago.t MAUDE HOBART (HICKS) Druggist and Jeweler; Ph.G.; b. My 24, 1880, Hindsboro, 111.; d. Freedom E. (b. Nelson Centre, O.) and Sara Finley (McNutt) Hobart (b. 111.). Prepared in Oilman H. S. and 111. St. Norm., Normal, 111. Drug, jewelry, music and millinery business, Oilman, 111. Married Howard C. Hicks, JI 10, 1918, Oilman, 111. Address, Oilman, 111. DANIEL JOSEPH HOGAN Ph.G.; b. Jl 5, 1870, Chicago; s. John Hogan. Formerly Pharm.. 2170 W. 26th St., Chicago.^ RICHARD HERBERT HOPKINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 16, 1881; s. P. W. and Elmira Hopkins. Prepared in Colo (la.) H. S., and Sacred Heart College, Denver. Mem., Cath- olic Church. Married Susie Croker, Je 25, 1902, Colo. la. Children: William Russell, b. Ap 17, 1905; Clayton Albert, b. O 22, 1911; Herbert, b. Je 17. 1919. Address, Colo, la. CHARLES HOWK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 30, 1870, Felicity, O. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm.. with Howk & Bignold. 22nd and State St., Chicago; later at 61st St., and Princeton Ave., do. Address, 47th St., and Vincennes Ave., Chicago.t ELI JENSEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 4, 1878, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., formerly with L. P. Larsen, 1621 W. 12th St., Chicago. Address, 963 S. Jackson St., Jackson, Mich.t ROBERT AUGUST KARR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 6, 1877, Metropolis, 111. Prepared in Metropolis H. S. Pharm., Her- rin, 111. Address, Herrin, Ill.t FRANK WILLIAM KRAEMER (Brother of George C, '13) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 28, 1882, Chicago; s. William and Caroline (Geiger) Kraemer. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Annabelle Brennan, 1911, Clinton, la. Children: Ruth Eleanor, b. Ja 12, 1915; Frank W., b. Je 28, 1917. Address, 239 N. Waller Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5969 W. Lake St., do. GEORGE HENRY LYONS Ph.G.; b. F 27, 1880, Meadville, Pa.; s. C. Lyons. Prepared in Meadville (Pa.) Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., with Ballinger & Siggins, Meadville, Pa. Address, Meadville, Pa.J JOSEPH DONALD McDOUGALL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 10, 1878. Warsaw, 111.; s. Thomas and Mary Frances (Lewis) McDougall. Pharmacist, Chicago, 1908 — . Married Mabel McCall. D 1906, Oak Park, 111. Child, Mary Virginia, b. Jl 12, 1909. Address, 916 W. 50th Place Chicago; bus. add., 1001 W. 51st St., do. University of Illinois [1901 FREDERICK W. MAYO Ph.G.; b. 1880. Employed in Mfg. Lab., of the VanVleet-Mansfield Drug Co., Memphis, be- fore graduation from Sch. of Pharm.; Cham, and Representative for the same firm in Mexico, 1913- 15; in bus., Memphis, do.; Prescriptionist, Stock- man and Buyer for Drug Stores; In charge of Lab., of the Standard Drug Co., Meridian, Miss., 1919 — . Address, Box 908, Meridian, Miss. *FRANK L. NEWMAN Physician; Ph.G.; b. Ap 13, 1880, Steam Boat Rock, la.; s. Nelson Newman. Prepared in Doo- Uttle Sch., 4 yrs. Deceased. RICHARD L. OLIVER (Father of Richard N., '20) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 4, 1877; s. Richard Agustus and Fanny Jane (Evans) Oliver. Pre- pared in Dixon Bus". Coll. Married Oct. 10, 1894; D 20, 1917. Child, Richard Neil, 1920. Address, 3001 Harrison St., Chicago. CHRIST JENSEN ORBESEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 27, 1882, Chicago. Prepared in N. W. Division H. S., Chicago. Pharm., 2459 W. North Ave., Chicago. Address, 3725 N. Kildare Ave., Chicagct CHARLES WILBUR PARKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 9, 1869, Ypsilanti, Mich.; s. Warren (b. 1845, Batavia, N. Y.) and Mary O. (Buck) Parker (b. 1848, Sandy Hill, N. Y.). Prepared in Leslie, Mich. With Parke Davis & Co., Detroit, 1902-05; Clerked for Doty Bros., do., 1906-09; Mgr. Chem., Jeffrey Mfg. Co., Cheswick, Pa., 1909-13; Owner of Rexall Drug Store, Homer, Mich. Married D 17, 1890, Napo- leon, Mich. Child, Eva Mae, b. My 17, 1892. Address, Homer, Mich. BENJAMIN PERRY (See '05 Med.) ENOCH FRED PETERSON (See '05 Med.) WILLIAM ROBETOY PHILLIPS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1873, Selkirk, Can.; s. E. E. Phillips. Prepared in Hagersville H. S. and Collegiate Inst. Formerly Pharm., 4657 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Address, Selkirk, Ont., Can.t MOSES REUBEN PRICE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. J 14, 1878, Chicago. Prepared in H. S., Chicago. Formerly Mgr., Consumers Drug Co., State and Randolph Sts., Chicago. Address, 47th St., and Calumet Ave., Chicago.t FRANK JOSEPH RANDACK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 19, 1879, Braidwood, 111. Prepared in Braidwood Pub. Schs. At one time Pharm., 719 Loomis St., Chicago. Address, 2258 W. 24th St., Chicago.t *ALBERT REICHMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 7, 1878, Joliet, 111.; s. Joseph Reichman. Prepared in Joliet H. S., 2 yrs. Died Jl 1909, Joliet, 111. WILLIAM ANTHONY RENNEN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 22, 1879, Peoria, 111.; s. William A. (b. Ap 20, 1849, Calden, Ger.) and EUzabeth (Goldbeck) Rennen (b. Je 21, 1861, Peoria, 111.). Jr. class Treas., 1894-1900; Sr. class treas., 1900-01. Clerked in drug store, 1901- 03; in bus., Healey & Rennen Co., 1903-06; Con- nected with the Vril Soda Syrup Co., 1906-08; Mgr., Drug Dept., Moeller Bros. Drug Store, 1908-09; in Drug Bus., 1909 — . Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Retail Druggist Assn. Married Olga C. Rennen, Ag 15, 1916, Elgin, 111. Child, Mary Louise, b. S 3, 1917. Address, 1208 Montana St., Chicago; bus. add., 1100 Webster Ave., do. WILLIAM ROBERT RODENHAUSER (See '04 Dent.) ANTON ROESCH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 1, 1874, Waumandee, Wis.; s. Christ Roesch. Prepared in Wis. State Norm. Sch. Formerly Pharm., Roesch & Sal- chert, 514 W. 12th St., Chicago; later at 1554 W. 12th St., do. Address, in care of J. J. Samuels, 6500 S. Halsted St., Chicago.t HERMAN ANTON SALCHERT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 21, 1880, New Franken, Wis.; s. George John (b. Calvary, Wis.) and Mary Anna (Anheuser) Salchert (b. Rhenish, Ger.). Prepared in Wis. Schs. Married Anna H. Naber, Ja 3, 1905. Address, 532 S. 5th St., Chicago; bus. add., 600 Wabash Ave., do. JOHN JACOBS SAMUELS Ph.G.; b. Chicago; s. Priscilla Pinover Samuels. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Irine Snyder, Chicago. Children: Robert P., b. 1914; John P., b. 1917; Irine and Mary, b. 1921. Address, 6631 S. Green St., Chicago; bus. add., 6500 S. Halsted St., do. GEORGE SAXE Ph.G.; b. O 26, 1878. Albion, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., with Academy Pharmacy St. Louis. Address, R. F. D. 2, Ellery, lU.t WALTER J. SCHAEFER Ph.G.; b. Je 16, 1877, New Braunfels, Tex.; s. Phifip and Carolina (Ruckle) Schaefer. Prepared in Bus. Coll., 1897. Owner, Economic Drug Co., 300 15th St., Denver; do., Westmister Orchards, Colo. Married Myrna Holmes, Jl 25, 1903. Ad- dress, R. R. 5, Box 79, Denver; bus. add., 300 15th St., do. CHARLES FRANK SCHAFFARZICK (See '06 Med.) *W ALTER SCHMITT Druggist; Ph.G. Asst. Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 1900-06; Pharmacist, Schmitt & Engel, 1800 W. Chicago Ave; later Supt., Armour & Co. Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Died Ap 12, 1913, Chicago. CHARLES FRANK SCHULTZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 30, 1879, Neenah, Wis.; s. William and Theresa (Beck) Schultz. Proprieter Schultz Bros., Neenah, Wis.; Partner, in Schultz Bros, and Menasha Drug Co., Menasha, Wis. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; E. F. U.; K. P. Married Eva Jones, Je 15, 1911, Neenah, Wis. Address, 113 Elm St., Neenah, Wis.; bus. add., 121 W. Wis- consin Ave., do. ARTHUR HENRY SCHULZE Ph.G.; b. O 3, 1878, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., with E. von Hermann, Rehance Bldg., 100 State St., Chicago. Address, 2519 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago.t MORRIS ALBERT SHAPIRO Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 3, 1882, Chicago. Pharm., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Betty Weinstock, Mr 19, 1911, Chicago. Children: Dorothy, b. Ja 22, 1914; Milton, b. N 30, 1919. Address, 220 E. 54th St., Chicago; bus. add., 32 E. 22nd St., do. ♦VINCENT HOWARD SHAW Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1879, Kidder, Mo.; s. C. L. Shaw. Prepared in Kansas City Coll. of Pharm. and Nat. Sciences, 1899-1900, and Kidder Institution, 3 yrs. Died N 28, 1906, Kidder, Mo. EDWARD HENRY STAHL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 5, 1881, Chicago; 8. Henry and Marie (Wieschendorf) Stahl. Pharm., with Hugo Brecklein, Kansas City, Mo., 1901-07; in bus., 4343 Troost Ave., do., 1907 — . Married 1902] School of Pharmacy Alumni 387 Alma Beeler. S 5, 1906. Pleasant Hill. Mo. Chil- dren: Frank Beeler, b. Ja 29, 1915; Edward Henry Jr.. b. Ja 17. 1921. Address. 4154 Harrison St., B., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 4343 Troost Ave., do. JOHN CLYDE SWAN Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. Ag 14, 18S0, Niobrara, Neb.: s. Vandelin N. (b. D 21, 184S, Sardis, O.) and Isabella Theresa (.Spear) Swan (b. JI 6, 1856, Potsdam, N. Y.l. Prepared in Niobrara (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb.. 1898; Lewis Inst.. Chicago. 1899. Proprietor of Swans Pharm., Maywood, 111., 1901 — . Married Nellie Alberta Glover, Ag 24, 1904. River Forest, 111. Children: Nellie, b. Ap 11, 1908 (died Ap 15, 190S>; John Clyde, Jr., b. Mv 20, 1909; Margaret A., b. N 2, 1910. Ad- dress, 20 N. 3rd Ave., Maywood, 111.; bus. add., 100-102 S. 5th Ave., do. FRANK ELIJA SHWARTZ Ph.G.; b. Ap 21, 1877, Greenfield, la. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm.. Roca. Neb.; later at 1st and S. State Sts.. Salt Lake City. Address, Ely, Nev.t WALTER HINES WHISENANT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 8. 1879; s. G. W. and Georgia Virginia (Hines) Wliisenant. B. S., A. and M. Coll. of Tex., 1899. Pharm., Ran Antonio, Tex. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Laura E. French, Ap 29, 1903, Austin, Tex. Child, William French, b. N 15, 1907. Address, 923 Howard St., San Antonio. Tex.; 6ms. add., 124th Ave. C, do. CLASS OF 1902 (36 LIVING, 3 DEAD) CARL ELWOOD BOURNE Druggist: Ph.G.; b. S 5, 1S78, Garnett, Kan.; s. Virgil C. and Mattie (Bryan) Bourne. Pre- pared in Garnett (Kan.) H. S.; Terre Haute (Ind.) Cml. Coll. Owner of store, Lewis, Ind., 1904-06; Bourne & Hice, 13th and Maple Sts., Terre Haute, do., 1907-15; Prof., Pharm., Terre Haute Vet. CoU., 1910-13: Owner. Rexall Store. Spencer. Ind., 1915-19; at 1728 Wabash Ave.. Terre Haute, Ind.. 1921. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; L. O. O. M.; Red Men. Recruiting Off., Mer- chants Marine. Married Pearl Asburv, F 28, 1900, Clay City, Ind. Children: Carlton Bryan, b. 1903; Martha Harriett, b. Je 27, 1919. Ad- dress, 1728 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. CHARLES ODUS BOWMAN Druggist; Ph.G.: b. Mr 18, 1879, Minneapolis, Kan.; s. Homer Clark and Dora (Braidy) Bowman (b. Wathena, Kan.). Prepared in Wathena (Kan.) H. S. Worked for W. S. Kininson, St. Joseph, Mo., for over 12 jts.; Mem. of firm of Bowman Drug Co., do., over 3 >ts.; now member of Bow- man-McMichael Pharm. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Je 17. 1908, Wathena, Kan. Children: Homer, b. S 3. 1912; Lura Louise, b. Mr 13, 1916. Address, 1215 Powell St., St. Joseph, Mo. GUSTAV ADALBERT BRENKE Chemist: Ph.G.; b. Jl 19, 1865, Ger. Prepared in Humboldt.* Gymnasium, Berlin. Research Chem , with Searle and Hereth Co., Chicago, 1902-06; Crafts and Reed Co., 1906-11; Jewel Tea Co., 1911-19; Melba Mfg. Co., 1919—. Married Josephine Egger, 1909, Chicago. Child, Lucile Anna, b. 1910. Address, 724 Clarence Ave.. Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 4237 Indiana Ave., do. FREDERICK ANDREW BROWN Wholesale and Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 4, 1874, Chicago; s. Ludwig (b. Christiansand, Norway) and Betsey (Larson) Brown (b. Chicago.) Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Alumni medal in Materia Med., 1901; Hon. mention, 1902. Located in Marseilles, 111., 1901-05, Los Angeles, 1905 — . Mem., Congregational Church (S. S. Supt., 1908-10, Church Clerk, 1918-19, and Deacon, 1908 — -). Married Vivian Minnith Blanchard, Je 21, 1898, Marseilles, 111. Address, 1852 N. Wilton Place, Hollywood, Calif. HARRY ROLLINS DeLAND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 17, 1880, Omaha, Neb. Prepared in H. S. Formerly with A. H. Morris, Shelton, Neb. Address, Cotesfield. Neb.t - JOHN WILLIAM DREWITZ . Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 21, 1883, La Salle, 111.; s. Karl (b. Ger.) and Frederika (Hille) Drewitz (b. do.). Prepared in La Salle, 111. Pharm., Chi- cago. Married Maude Elizabeth Lynch, F 7, 1912, Chicago. Address, 612 York Place, Chicago; bus. add., 2800 N. Clark St., do. WALTER FRANK ENGEL Pharmacist and Salesman; Ph.G.; b. O 21, 1879, Chicago; s. Fred and Emelia (Fischer) Engel. Mem., Medinah, Shrine. Married Ellyn Marie Swanson, Je 16, 1909, New York. Children: Ellyn Virginia, b. 1910; Walter Jr., b. Je 15, 1917. Address, 958 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. JACOB T. FAWCETT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 23, 1877, Princeton, 111.; s. Charles and Julia (Thompson) Fawcett, Prepared in Princeton H. S. Mem., K. P. Mar- ried Elizabeth Babcock, Ag 23, 1900. Child, Charies, b. Jl 20, 1910. Address, 546 S. Main St.. Princeton, 111. PHILIP J. FORBRICH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 12, 1875, Austria; s. Wenzel and Josephine (Grassmusk) Forbrich. Prepared in Y. M. C. A. Sch. Mem., N. A. U.; Catholic Church. Married Marv Belle Larrick, Ja 1, 1914, Waukegan, 111. Child, Philip J., Jr., b. O 12, 1920. Address, 157 West 57th St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 5901 Wentworth Ave., do. WILLIAM BENJAMIN FREEMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; s. Isaac and Jeanette Free- man. Prepared in South Div. H. S., Chicago. Pharm., 1896-1917; Capt., Transportation Dept., Camp Grant, 1917-20. Serv. Mexican Border; World War. 18 mos. overseas. Mem.. A. F. A. M., Consistory, Shrine. Married Eulalie Goulet, 1907. Address, 5300 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. CHARLES MATTHIAS FRIESENECKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 19, 1879, Galena. lU. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 35th St., and Archer Ave., Chicago. t ARTHUR LEROY HAMLEY Ph.G.; b. Ag 16, 1882; s. N. A. and Hannah (Arnold) Hamley. Prepared in Maquoketa (la.) H. S. Located at Maquoketa, la.; in bus., Sprague, Wash., 190.5—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Gertrude E. McKy, Ja 29, 1907, Spokane, Children: Mack D., b. O 14, 1916; Evan A., b. Mr 29, 1920. Address, Sprague, Wash. *FRANK HERMAN HEIDBREDER (Brother of Albert Henry, '99. Herbert H., '11 and Edgar P., '13) Ph.G.; b. Ag 2, 1881, Quincy, 111.; s. August and Mary (Niekamp) Heidbreder. Prepared in Quincy H. S. At one time Pharm., Quincy, 111. Mem., Luther Memorial Church; A. F. A. M. Married Adelaide Sammis, My 5, 1905. Child, Gerald August, b. Ap 9, 1907. Died Ap 1911, Quincy, 111. HARRY MATHEW HIBBE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1880, Can. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs. and Metropolitan Bus. CoU. Formerly Pharm., 3200 W. North Ave., Chicago. Address, 3304 Lawrence Ave., Chicago-t University of Illinois [1902 *GUY WEEDMAN HOUSEMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 7, 1878, Farmer City, 111.; s. I. F. Houseman. Prepared in Farmer City H. S. At one time Pharm. with C. E. Huddles- ton, Farmer City, 111. Died 1920, Downers Grove, 111. WALTER VALENTINE KELLER Ph.G.; b. Ap 2, 1879, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm.*, with H. Langehan, 422 W. 12th St., Chicago; later at Kedzie Ave. and Fulton St., do. Address, 265 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago.t ♦HAROLD BROOKE KEMP Ph.G.; b. Ag 1, 1870, England; s. Harry W. and Mary Jane (Unwin) Kemp. Pharm., 47th and Evans Ave., Chicago, 1903-13; do., 1583 E. Col- orado St., Pasadena, Calif., 1914-21. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery Consistory, Shrine; Episcopal Church. Married Hattie Loraine Cook, O 20, 1898, Racine, Wis. Children: Edward Geoffrey, b. Ag 30, 1S99; Walter Kenneth, b. Ag 30, 1903. Died 1921, Pasadena, Calif. THEODORE JOHN KNAAK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 18, 1880. Mem., A. F. A. M., Commandery, Shrine; I. O. O. F.; Presby. Church. Address, Deerfield, 111. ERNEST WILLIAM DAVID LAUFER Ph.G.; b. D 14, 1880, Chicago. Formerly Pharm., with William Gillmann, 1025 N. Clark St., Chicago. Address, Arlington Heights, lU.t CARL DILLY McCLENAHAN Ph.G.; b. D 15, 1877, Lafayette, 111.; s. Elijah J. and Margaret A. McClenahan. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, Toulon, 111. GEORGE ALLAN McCORMICK Pharmaci-st; Ph.G.; b. My 7, 1881, Hennepin, 111. Prepared in H. S. and Preparatory Sch. Formerly Pharm., Cook Co. Institutions, Dun- ning, 111. Address, 1603 Berteau, Chicago.t LEWIS MELVIN MARTZ Ph.G.; b. F 3, 1880, Greene, la. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Blackwell, Okla. Ad- dress, Watonga, Okla.t ELMER J. MERCIL Sec. and Treas., B. Mercil & Sons Plating Co.; Ph.G.; b. Ag 30, 1879, Chicago; s. Benoni and Mary (Bouchard) Alercil. Prepared in English High and Man Tr. Sch., Chicago. Sec. and., B. Mercil & Sons Plating Co., Chicago. Mem., St. Edmunds Church, Oak Park, 111.; K. C. Married Hvlda A. Johnson, N 28, 1906, Chicago. Children: Mary Yvonne, b. F 5, 1908, Nondus, Ap 11, 1912; Elaine Jeannette, b. N 17, 1915. Address, 415 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 1907-17 Fulton St., Chicago. HARRY THOMAS MOYER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 12, 1874, Allentown, Pa.; s. John M. and Matilda (Yundt) Moyer. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., Chicago; with H. J. Schulte. 1902; E. H. Sargent & Co., 1902-04; Frazier & Co., 28 E. Washington St., 1904-06; Owner of Drug Store, 5756 Chicago Ave., 1906—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Commandery, Shrine; Lyons Club; K. P.; Red Men; Austin Bus. Mens Assn. Married Minnie E. Bauworth, N 19, 1913. Address, 723 N. Menard Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 5756 Chicago Ave., do. BOYDEN NIMS Chem. and Bacteriol.; Ph.G.; s. Fred and Elizabeth (White) Nims. Analytical Chemist and City Bacteriologist, Columbia, S. C, 1920. Hosp. serv. as Steward, 1899-1902. Married Edna Jackson, Ag 25, 1904, Montague, Mich. Children: Four sons and one daughter. Address, Boyden Arbor, Columbia, S. C; bus. add., Liberty Bank Bldg., do. LEE MURRAY PEDIGO Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 8, 1876, Horse Cave, Ky. Located at Sheridan Road and Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, 1904-16; 4455 N. Clark St., do., 1916-18; 5337 N. Clark St., do., 1918—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Royal Arcanum; Chicago Drug Club (Pres. 1922). Married Ag 6, 1904, Augusta, Ga. Child, Dorothy Lee, b. Je 25, 1905. Address, Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5357 N. Clark, do. FRANK ELBERT PIERCE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 5, 1877, Brattleboro, Vt. Prepared in American Univ., Harriman, Tenn. s. F. E. Pierce. Formerly Pharm., Goodland, Ind.; Winfield, Kan. Address, Route 9, Winfield, Kan.f MAX OTTO ROLFF Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 8, 1877, Burlington, la.; s. Charles and Anna (Schulz) Rolff. Pharma- cist for Otto J. Hartwig, Chicago. Married Helen Day, Je 14, 1902, St. Joseph, Mich. Child, Sylvia, b. Jl 1, 1907. Address, 2305 N. Maple- wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1950 Milwaukee Ave., do. HANS CURT CARL ROMMEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 13, 1877, Suiza, Ger.; s. Carl (b. D 20, 1846, Hassleben, Ger.) and Lina Rommel (b. Ja 31, 1851, Ger.). Prepared in Gymnasium, Ger. In bus., Chicago, 1906 — . Mem., Nat. Retail Druggist Assn.; Chicago Re- tail Druggist Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Address, 3772 N. Clark St., Chicago. ARTHUR THEODORE SCHLEDER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 26, 1879, Lena, 111. Prepared in Freeport Pub. Schs. and Bus. Coll. Pharm., with Robert Metz, Lena, 111. Address, Lena, Ill.t CHARLES HENRY SCHMIDT (See '05 Med.) ALBERTUS SELTZER Ph.G.; b. F 1, 1879, Manhattan, 111.; s. H. W. Seltzer. Prepared in Joliet Pub. Schs. and Norm. Sch., Valparaiso, Ind. Pharm., with M. F. Faulkner, Rolla, Mo. Address, RoUa, Mo.t BRAZIL OSCAR SMITH Ph.G.; b. S 24, 1871; s. I. O. and Mary M. (Hulse) Smith. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Ada I. Mills, Ja 7, 1903. Address, 1318 Camp Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 325 E. State St., do. CLYDE MASON SNOW Professor; Ph.G.; b, Mr 9, 1868, Earlville, 111.; s. Simeon Edward (b. O 15, 1849, S. Shafts- bury, Vt.) and Arabella Emma (Warren) Snow (b. F 20, 1851, E. Paw Paw, 111.). Prepared in Earlville, 111., and Maryland Mil. and Naval Acad., 1886. M.A., Valparaiso Univ., 1910. Kappa Psi; Sr. Class Pres. Grad. work in Univ. of Chicago, 1905, and 1915-17. Instr., Pharm., Sch. of Pharm., 1902-10; Acting Prof, of Pharm., do., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., do., 1911-19; Assoc. Prof., do., 1919 — ; Instr., Materia Med. and Pharmacol., Coll. of Med., 1920—. Auth.: Es- sentials of Pharmacy, C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1919; Extemporaneous Tablet Making, Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., Vol. 5, 1916; Development of the Nat. Formulary, Jour, of Am. Pharm. Assn., 1912; Percentage Solutions, The Druggists Circular, Vol. 63, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Nat. Com. on Pharm. Syllabus (Sec.-Treas.); Revision Com. for Nat. Formulary IV-V; 111. Pharm. Assn. Mar- ried Elsie Bowen, F 22, 1911, Crown Point, Ind. Address, 107 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 701 S. Wood St., Chicago. CHARLES GOTTLIEB STEGMAYER Ph.G.; M.D.; b. Mr 20, 1876, Shelbyville, 111. 8. Charles G. Stegmayer. Prepared in Shelby- ville H. S. M.D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1905. Formerly at 5653 Drexel Ave., Chicago; at one time located in Hinsdale, 111. Address, P. O. Box 565, Benld, 111. 1903) School of Pharmacy Alumni CHESTER ARTHUR ULLMAN Ph.G.; b. D 22, 1880, Chicago. Prepared in Chicaeo Acad., National Univ., and Metropolitan Bus. Coll., Chicago. Pharm., with Dell & Co., 430 W. Randolph St., Chicago; later at 1311 W. Adams St., do.t FREDERICK DOUGLAS G. WALKER Secretar\-; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, ISSO, Can. Prepared in Gibbon, (Neb.) H. S. Field Sec. 111. C. E. Union. Mem., A. O. U. W.; M. W. A.; Presby. Church. Married D 2fi, 1906, Gibbon, Neb. Children: Evelyn Clare, b. Jl 2, 1911; Frederick D., b. Ag 1, 1915; Dorothy G., b. N 20. 1919. Address, 4010 Berteau Ave., Apt. 6, Chicago; bus. add., 405 -Assn. Bldg., 19 S. LaSalle St., do. CHARLES JONES VTELKER Physician; Ph.G.; b. Mr 4, 1882, Waterloo. la.; s. Leonidas B. (,b. Mv 4, 1846, Wooster, O.) and Algelean (Jones) Welker (b. Je 11, 1852, Little Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. M.D., N. W. Univ., 1909. Mem., Fulton Co. Med. Soc. Married Ag 4, 1911. Table Grove, 111. Child, Dorothy Isabello. b. My 5, 1914. Address, Table Grove. 111. JOHN CHRISTOPHER WHEATCROFT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 18, 1879, Grayville, 111. Prepared in H. S. Organizer. Nat. A.ssn.. Retail Druggists. Formerly Pharm., Grayville, III. V. P., .\lumni Assn.. Sch. of Pharm.. 1921. Married Maryjohn Eastwood. N 25, 1917, Gray- ville, 111. (Deceased). Address, care of Am,erican Buying Club, 31 W. Lake St., Chicago. ADOLPH G. WIRTH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 26, 1879, Hastings, Minn.; s. Max and Louisa (Hey) Wirth. Pre- pared in Duluth (Minn.) Central H. S., and Lud- wig Maximilian Univ., Munich. Pharm., Wirth Drug Co., Chicago. Mem., A. A. D. Temple, Shrine. Address, 2127 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn.; bus. add., 13 W, Sup. St.. do. CLASS OF 1903 (35 LIVING, 1 DEAD) LEWIS LAMBERT ALKIRE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 9, 1877, Lafayette, Ind.; s. John C. and Mars' E. (Hain) Alkire. Prepared in Battle Ground (Ind.) H. S. Retail Drug., 1903-20; Wholesale Drug., 1920—. Hosp. Div., Spanish- Am. War. Auth.: Articles in Popular Drug. Jours. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; Assn. of Retail Drug.; Xm. Pharm. Assn. Married Mellie Henderson, Mr 1900, Pueblo, Colo. Ad- dress, 1149 So\'ine St., Denver; btis. add., 1269 Curtis St., do. CLAUDE E. ANDING Ph.G.; b. F 5. 1882, Hazlehurst, Miss. Pre- pared in Miss. Coll., Chnton, Miss. Ph.G., N. W. I'niv. Sch. of Pharm., 1903; transferred to Univ. of 111. Sch. of Pharm. Address, Flora, Miss. WILLIAM KILIAN ANSORGE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 20, 1883; s. W. K. and Frances (Schamberger) Ansorgp. Sec. and Treas., Renaud Pharmacv. First Pioneer Inf., World War. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Jessie Wilson, O 31, 1920, Chicago. Ad- dress. 16903 E. Jefferson Ave., Grosse Pointe, Mich.; bus. add., 16915 E. Jefferson, Detroit. AUGUST HARVEY BAUER Phvs. and Surg.; Ph.G.; B.S., in Sci., 1908; b. Je 5, 1883, Chicago; s. Christian (b. Ger.) and Charlotte (Wetzel) Bauer (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. of 111. Acad. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910. Won Biroth prize, 1903. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 190.3—. Capt., M. C, 111. Nat. Guard, 1912-17. Mem., Chicago Med. See.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. F. A. M. (Lodge, Chapter, Council, Commanderj- and Shrine). Married Florence Garrett, Je 28. 1911, Piano. 111. (d. O 22, 1918). Child, Charlotte, b. My 15. 1914. Addres.i, 2037 Seminary Ave., Chicago. ♦CAROLYN FRANCES BEARDSLEY Pharmaci«t: Ph.G.: b. My 21, 1879, Chicago. Prepared in Philadelphia Coll. of Pharm. Pharm., Womans Hospital, Philadelphia; Pharm., and Curator, Harvey Med. Sch. Died, D 14, 1903, Chicago. HAL NEWTON CALHOUN Ph.G.; b. Mr 18, 1881, Terre Haute, Ind. Prepared in Cairo Pub. Sch.s. At one time Pharm. with E. von Hermann Co., 31st St. and Indiana Ave., Chicago; Salesman with Eli Lilly & Co., Chicago. Address, 204 W. Randolph St.. Chicago.t JOHN DIXON CHARTERS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 26. 1SS2; s. George R. and Elizabeth H. Charters. Prepared in Ashton H. S. and Cornell Coll.. Mt. Vernon, la. Drug., Ashton, 111. Married. S 5, 1918, Marceline, Mo. Address, Ashton, 111. SIDNEY ALVARO DENIS Ph.G.; b. Mr 1, 1881. Grand Rapids. Wis.; s. Julia (Van Valkenberg) Denis. Prepared in Centralia H. S. Mem.. Catholic Church. Mar- ried Sophia Wipfli, Je 1, 1920. Address, Nekoosa, Wis. OSCAR ALBERT FRITZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 6, 1880, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., 2112 W. 6th St., Cincinnati; .")234 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago; Forest Park, 111. Address, Madison and Beloit Sts., Forest Park. Ill.t WILLIAM G. H. HAGEMANN Pharm. and Retail Druggist: Ph.G.; b. Je 27, 1882, Quincy, 111.; s. Herman A. (b. F 25, 18.55, Ger.) and Anna Mary (Meyer) Hagemann (b. S 4, 1858, do.). Becker Prize; Hon. mention in Scholarship. Pharm. and Retail Drug., Quincy, 111., 1903 — . Mem., St. James Church; Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Y. M. C. A. Married Je 22, 1910, Quincy 111. Children: Ralph W.. b. Jl 5, 1912; Paul W., b. Je 15, 1916; Ernest H., b. Ja 2. 1918. Address, 439H Chestnut St., Quincy. 111.; bus. add., 1001 N. 5th St., do. HENRY TIMOTHY HATTON Ph.G.; b. Jl 12, 1880, Denver; s. W. B. Hatton. Prepared in St. Francis Coll., Quincy, 111. Former- ly, Salesman, with Lambert & Lowman, Mfg. Chemists, Detroit; Mgr., Am. Barbers Assn., 2214 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Address, Montrose, La.t ALBERT PHILIP HENKE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1881, Aurora, 111. Formerly, Pharm., with W. C. Budlong, Aurora, 111. Address, Aurora, Ill.t OTTO HIERONYMUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 7, 1881, Mt. Vernon, Ind.; s. John and Mathilda (Reich) Hieronymus. Prepared in Mt. Vernon (Ind.) H. S. With E. C. Datra, Chicago, 1903-06; Sargents Drug Store. 1906 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Kenwood Lodge 800. Married Estplla Mollestad, S 26. 1914, Chi- cago. Child, Phyllis Irene, b. O 9, 1920. Address, Villa Park, 111.; bus. add., 23 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago. HARRY ALLING HOOD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 21, 1876, Crete, Will Co., 111. Formerly Pharm.. with J. Michalek, Chicago Heights, III. Address, 1622 Otto Blvd., Chicago Heights, Ill.t 390 University of Illinois [1903 HENRY JURGEN HAWALD JERONIMUS Ph.G.; b. S 1, 1S74, Heide, Ger.; s. Jurgen (b. Heide, Ger.) and Anna (Johnson) Jeronimus (b. do.). Married AUie Maud Pier, My 1, 1906, Duluth, Minn. Child, Henry Jurgen, Jr., b. F 7, 1912. Address, 501 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. SAMUEL VAN SANT JUSTUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 23, 1880, Albany, III.; s. A. R. and Margaret (Lenheart) Justus. Pre- pared in Albany H. S. Formerly Pharm. with F. J. Schmidt, 71st St. and Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago; later at Roundup and Deer Lodge, Mont. Mem.. Epis. Church; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Army Serv. with la. Nat. Guard. Married Anna Agnes Smith, F 3, 1913, Butte, Mont. Address, Whitehall, Mont. JOHN MARTIN KAPPUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 5, 1879, Saginaw, Mich. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Formerly with Kappus Bros., 1688 W. North Ave., Chicago; later Pharm. at 651 Melrose St., do. Address, 1532 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago.t EMIL JAN KARLOVSKY Ph.G.; b. O 11, 1882, Chicago; s. Jan (b. N 21, 1855, Bohemia) and Josephine (Ocasek) Karlovsky (b. 25, 1862, do.). Honorable mention in Scholar- ship. Mem., A. F. A. M., Pleiades Lodge 478, Commandery No. 19, K. T.; Wiley M. Egan Chapter 126, R. A. M. Married Isabelle Catherine Shireman, Je 30, 1909, Chicago. Children: Violet Marion, b. F 27, 1910; Dorothv Irma Jane, b. O 19, 1906. Address, 5943 S. Peoria St., Chicago. WALTER RAYMOND MONTGOMERY Ph.G.; b. Ag 30, 1879, Waterloo, Wis.; s. J. J. and Georgia (Buchanan) Montgomery. Prepared in Waterloo (Wis.) H. S. Drug., Butte, Mont.; Pres., Mont. State Bd. of Health. Married Mary Watson, Ja 20, 1914, Detroit. Address, 1151 W. Wodman St., Butte, Mont.; bus. add., 140 W. Park St., do. GEORGE WILLIAM PULFORD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 12, 1879, Savanna, 111. Prepared in Savanna H. S. Formerly Pharm., with R. J. Lauterbach, 55th St. and Wentworth Ave., Chicago; later at 6001 Washington Ave., do. Address, 3962 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.f JOE GRIFFITH RIGG Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1880, Dubuque, la. Prepared in Univ. of S. Dak., Vermilion, S. Dak., 2 yrs. Pharm., Granite City, 111.; at one time Pharm., 1496 W. Madison St., Chicago. Address, Granite City, Ill.t CHARLES HENRY SCHAFER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 8, 1881, Marietta. O.; s. Adam and Lena (Smith) Schafer. With J. W. Dysle Co., Marietta, O., 1903; Pharm., Epileptic Hosp., Gallipolis, do.; with the Geo. Wetzel Co., Lancaster, do.; J. W. Dysle Co., 1907, and Roth and Hug Co., Canton, do., 1912. Coun- cilman, North Canton, O., 1915; Mayor, do., 1916. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Union No. 1, Marietta, O.; Past C. C, K. P., Loyalty Lodge 469; Re- formed Church. Married Hazel Messerly, D 31, 1905, Lancaster, O. Child, Milton Eugene, b. Ja 18, 1907. Address, North Canton, O. AUGUST JOHN KOEPSELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 12, 1875, Dodge Co., Wis. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Mayville, Wis, Address, Mayville, Wis.f VICTOR E. LAWRENCE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 9, 1880, Chesterton, Ind.; s. William and Pauline (Johnson) Lawrence. iMem., Firm of Wright & Lawrence, Druggists, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Medinah Temple, Chicago. Married Efiie Jane Ritter, F 27, 1911, Chicago. Children: Victor, Jr., b. F 1, 1912; William Ritter, b. D .30, 1914. Address, 7419 Paxton Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Marshall Field Annex, do. CHARLES S. MARSHALL Hosp. Pharm.; Ph.G.; b. O 21, 1880, Mt. Vernon, O.; s. Legrand/and Emma E. (Filson) Marshall. Prepared in Fort Worth Univ., Fort Worth, Tex. Located in Foss and Watonga, Okla., 1903-05; Pharm., M. K. & T. Ry. Hosp., Sedalia, Mo., 1905—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, M. K. & T. Hosp., Sedalia, Mo. FREDERICK HUGO MEYER Pres. of Drug Co.; Ph.G.; b. Ap 14, 1882, Chicago; s. Bernhard W. (b. Hamburg, Ger.) and Mary (Rost) Meyer (b. Ger.). Prepared in Men- dota Pub. Schs. and Atheneaum, Chicago. Pres. of Meyer Lambert Drug Co. and Meyer Drug and Truss Co., Chicago, 190.5—. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Soc; A. F. A. M. Constellation Lodge 393; Chicago Assn. of Com- merce. Married Adele M. Westendorf, Ap 15, 1907. Child, Adolph Watters, b. O 7, 1909. Address, 3209 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3207 N. Ashland Ave., do. CARL FREDERICK MICK Manager; Ph.G.; b. Ja 3, 1881, Milwaukee; s. Ellen (Servaty) Mick. Located in Ottawa, 111., 1903-20; with Buck and Ravnor, Chicago, My-Ag, 1920; Mgr., Briggs Drug Store, do., 1920—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; K. C. Married Anna Downey, Ap 27, 1904, Ottawa, 111. Children: Catherine, b. Jl 29, 1907; Anna, b. Ag 27, 1912. Address, 601 Wellington St., Chicago; 6ms. add., Randolph and Wells Sts., do. HENRY JOHN SCHMITT Ph.G.; b. My 10, 1882, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs., and Metropolitan Bus. Coll. Formerly at 445 E. North Ave., and 6059 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Address, 1447 Morse Ave., Chi- cago.f MICHAEL ALBERT SHEBLESSY Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. Jl 30, 1877, Chicago; s. John and Barbara (Krause) Sheblessy. Mfr., Drugs, Chicago. Mem., K. C. Married Mary A. Townsend, O 19, 1913, Chicago. Address, 5821 Michigan Ave., Chicago. JOSEPH RICHARD SHINNICK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 9, 1874, Watertown, Wis.; s. Richard and Theresa (Kelly) Shinnick. Prepared in Sacred Heart Coll., Watertown, Wis., 3 yrs. Drug., Chicago. Married Grace Silet, N 21, 1906, Chicago. Children: Harold, b. O 25, 1907; Grace, b. Mr 1910; Richard, b. 1920. Ad- dress, 2021 Osgood St., Chicago; bus. add., 934 Center St., do. HARRY EDGAR STADELMANN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 3, 1882; s. Oscar F. and Amelia (Linz) Stadelmann. Prepared in Mazomanie (Wis.) H. S. Pharm., 1544 W. 69th St., Chicago, 1904-10; 7042 Stony Island Ave., do., 1910—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Golden Rule. 726; R. A. M., 210, Normal Park, Woodlawn Commandery, 76, Medinah Temple. Married Celia Spears, O 18, 1910, Chicago. Child, Fern Elizabeth, b. S 15, 1911. Address, 7040-42 Stony Island Ave., Chicago. CHARLES NICHOLAS STORKAN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 29, 1876, St. Paul, Minn.; s. Joseph (b. Bohemia) and Marie (Smrz) Storkan (b. do.). Druggist, 959 N. Western Ave., Chicago, for twelve yrs. after graduation. Address, 221 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1518 W. 12th St., do. HENRY STULIK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b Je 15, 1861, Bohemia; s. Joseph (b. do.) and Frances (Norek) Stulik (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. in Prague. At one time Pharm. with J. Novak, 724 W. 8th St., Chicago. Address, 1658 21st St., Chicago. 1904] FRITZ VOSS Pharmacist: Ph.C: b. Jl IS. 1877, Ger. Pre- pared in Ger. H. S. Formerly Pharm., with Northwestern Pharmacy, 121S Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Address, 607 Groveland Park, Chi- cago. t HARRY WITHYCOMBE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 20, 1S76, Hillsboro, Ore. Prepared in Portland (Ore.) H. S. Address, Ontario Pharmacy, Ontario, Ore.t School op Pharmacy Alumni 391 DAVID ZAMENTOWSKY Pharm. Salesman; Ph.G.; b. 1884, Suwalk, Poland, Russia; s. Nathan and Fannie (Galinsky) Zamentowsky. Prepared in Jones and Goodrich Grammar Sch. and Chicago English High and Manual Tr. Schs. Druggist, Chicago, 1906-14; V. P. and Dir., Chicago Wholesale Drug. Co., 1908-10. Address. 427 E. 46th PI.. Chicago. CLASS OF 1904 (46 LIVING, 2 DEAD) GUY STANLEY ALBRIGHT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 4, 1882, Colfax, 111. Pharm., Danville, III. Address, 2017 W. Main St., Danville. lU.t WALTER ALBERT BADE Orchardist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 26, 1879. Prepared in H. S. Address. Con-allis, Mont.f HARRY FREDERICK BEHRENSMEYER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 8, 1882, Quincy, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., 2300 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Address, Barry, Ill.t JAMES PETER BERGSTEDT Ph.G.; b. F 23, 1883. Hadcrsleben, Ger. Pre- pared in H. S. Address, 7758 S. Halsted St., Chicago.! *BERTRAM LOUIS BREITHAUPT Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1884, Davis, 111.; s. J. B. Breit- haupt. Prepared in Peoria H. S. Home, 1113 S. Adams St., Peoria. Died Jl, 1909, Peoria. CLYDE ALAN BROWN Teacher; Ph.G.; b. Ag 21. 1877, Henry, 111. Prepared in Chicago Norm. Sch. Formerly Teacher, Orland, 111.; Prin., The Brown Pub. Sch., Chicago. Address, 1758 Warren Ave., Chicago.t VINCENT W. J. CHVALA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 4, 1883; s. John and Mary (Shop) Chvala. Prepared in South Division H. S. .\ssoc. with Chvalas Drug Store, Cicero, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Shrine: Cicero Rotarv Club. Married Agnes Blinke. Ja 29, 1913, Menominee, Mich. Child, ..Ulen, b. Ap 24, 1914. Address, 5035 W. 24th Place, Cicero, 111.; bus. add., 5201 W. 25th St., do. ALBERT HENRY CLARK Professor; Ph.G.; b. O 15, 1871, Marengo, 111.; 8. Henrj- Martin (b. 1840, N. Y.) and Sarah Irene (Williams) Clark (b. 1845, Mich.). Prepared in Marshall, 111. and Robinson, 111. B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1915. Kappa Psi; Becker prize in Pharm. Grad. work in Univ. of Chicago, 1907, and Univ. of Mich., 1916. Instr., Asst., Asst. Prof., and A.S30C. Prof, of Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 190.5 — ; Chemist for A. M. A., at various times from 190.5 — . Auth.: A Lab. Outline of Qualitative .Analysis. 1919; (with W. A. Puckner) A Lab. Outline of Quantitative Analysis, 1918; Calcidin, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 49, 1907; Atoxyl, do.; Sal- iodine, do.; (with Nichols) Iodide of Lime, do.-. (with W. A. Puckner) Examination of Thioform, Report of the Chem. Lab. of A. M. A., 1908; Burnham-s Soluble Iodine, do.. Jour. A. M. A.. Vol. 50, 1908; Uricedin. do.. Vol. 49, 1907; Ex- amination of Tablets of Bismuth, Opium and Phenol. The Limitations of Table Compounding. do.. Vol. 51, 1908; Sodium Perborate, do.; The Estimation of Phenol., do.. Proceedings. Am. Pharm. .\8sn., 1908; Unguentine, do.. Jour. A. M. A., Vol. 52. 1909; The Periodide Test for Alkaloids, do., Am. Jour. Pharm., Vol. 81, 1909; other articles in Bui. .'^m. Pharm. Assn., Annual Report of -^m. Conf. Pharm. Faculties. Druggists Circular, Western Druggist and Jour. Am. Pharm. A»»n. Mem.. Am. Chem. Soc. 1904 — ; Am. Pharm. Assn., do.; (Chm. of Scientific Section, 1911 and Chicago Branch, 1918 — .); Chm. Soc. of London, 1918 — ; Deutsche Chemische Gesell- schaft, 1918 — ; A. A. A. S., 1914; Nat. Geographic Soc, 1910—; 111. Pharm. Assn.. 1904—; Chicago Drug Club. 1918 — ; Univ. of 111. Alumni Assoc. (Sec. 1905-10); Revision Com. of United States Pharmacopoeia, 1910 — ; Am. Conference of Pharm. Faculties (Pres., 1913) . Married Katherine Elizabeth Williams, S 15. 1910. Milwaukee, Wis. Child, Philip Henry, b. O 20, 1913. Address, 732 N. Cuvler Ave., Oak Park. 111.; bus. add., 701 S. Wood St., Chicago. ♦OLIVER ROY COLBY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 15, 1879, Litchfield, 111.; s. Joel and Emma Colby. Prepared in Litch- field H. S., 3 yrs. Home, 802 Union Ave., Litch- field, 111. Deceased. RALPH MORRIS CONVERSE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 15, 1880, Monticello, O.; s. Elmer A. and Mary E. (Gifford) Converse. Proprietor, Pacific Pharm., El Segundo, Calif. Married Lelah E. Logan, Los Angeles, Calif. Address, El Segundo, Calif. DELOS COZAD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O .30, 1881, Litchfield, 111. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Formerly Pharm., Bethany, 111. Address, 836 Lakeside PL, Chicago.t CHARLES ALBERT DEMES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 31, 1880, Chicago, s. George B. Denies. Prepared in St. Boniface Parochial Sch. Formerly Pharm., 5156 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Address, 3112 N. Kedzie St., Chicago.t JOSEPH MICHAEL DONAHUE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 13, 1880, Galesburg, 111.; s. John and Margaret (Mac Dugal) Donahue. Prepared in Chatsworth H. S. Drug., Monticello, 111. Spanish- Am. War; Chm. Four-Minute Men, and of Mil. Affairs, Piatt Co., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°. Married Kathryn K. Scharle. Child, J. A., b. Mr 29, 1912. Address, Monticello, 111. ROBERT W. GELLY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1880; s. Robert and Ellen (Richardson) Gelly. Prepared in Nokomis H. S. Drug., St. Louis, 1904-05; Ada, Okla., 1905-07; Van Burcn, Ark., 1907—. Mem., K. P.; Presby. Church. Married Willie Parchman. Child, Bobby, b. F 12, 1915. Address, Van Buren, Ark. ELMER WALTER HADLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 16, 1875, Indianapolis, s. Walter Carpenter (b. O 13, 1852, MooresvilFe, Ind.) and Sylvia (Greeson) Hadley (b. Jl 12, 18.53. do.). Prepared in Mt. Carmel H. S. Located in Mt. Carmel. 111. Mem., M. E. Church; 111. Pharm. Assn. Married Nelle Gray, Je 12, 1904, Albion, III. Child, Walter Archibald, b. Jl 5, 1908. Address. 622 Mulberry St., Mt. Carmel, 111. RAYMOND NELSON HARDS Deputy Co. Recorder; Ph.G.; b. N 11, 1882, Grand Rapids, Mich.; s. Nelson and Ella C. (Cook) Harris. Prepared in Grand Junction 392 University of Illinois [1904 (Colo.) H. S. Clerk for C. H. Arthur, Grand Junction, Colo., O 1904-Jl 1905; L. F. Strehlke, Montrose, do., Jl-N, 1905; Sturtevant Quist, Grand Junction, do., N 1905-Jl 1906; E. B. Moze, 1906- My 1911; in business, Modesto, Calif., My 1911- Mr 1915; relief work do., Mr 1915-0 1917; Spreckels Sugar Co., Manteca and Modesto, O 1917-Ja 1919; Deputy Co. Recorder, Stanislaus Co., Modesto, Calif., 1919—. Mem., St. Pauls Epis. Church, Modesto, Calif.; Modesto Lodge, B. P. O. E. 1282. Married Elizabeth G. Daly, O 4, 1905, Grand Junction, Colo. Child, Marjorie Blanche, b. Ag 13, 1906. Address, Route B, Box 20, Modesto Calif. JOHN FREDERICK HARTIG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 2, 1883, Peoria. Pre- pared in H. S. Pharm., with Miles City Drug Co., Miles City, Mont. Address, Miles City, Mont.t HARRY OLIVER HARTLEY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 25, 1860; s. Eli and Matilda Hartley. Prepared in A.storia H. S. Druggist at Galva and Astoria, 111. Married Nelle M. Hartley. Children: Harry W., b. D 3, 1908; Charles E., b. Ja 1, 1917. Address, Galva, 111. CHARLES LOUIS HIGGINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 18, 1876; s. O. L. (b. S 23, 1836, Northampton, Mass.) and Antoin- ette (Stowell) Higgins (b. Ag 13, 1846, Binghamp- ton, N. Y.). Prepared in Oneida H. S. Pharma- cist, Neponset, 111., 1904—. Married, Jl 27, 1902, Oneida, 111. Children: Kathryn Antoinette, b. 1903; Helen Eloise, b. 1907. Address, Neponset, 111. ALVAH LANE HILL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 14, 1881, Yorkville, 111.; s. Fred G. and Kitty Elizabeth (Lane) Hill. Prepared in Yorkville H. S. Pharm., Yorkville, 111., 1904-10 and Geneva, 111., 1910—. Married N 9, 1904, Yorkville, 111. Child, Elizabeth, b. Ag 16, 1911. Address, 15 Lincoln Ave., Geneva, 111.; bus. add., 327 State St., do. WINFIELD SCOTT HUBBARD Chemist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 7, 1884, Ogden, Utah; s. W. S. (b. Mr24, 1851, Rochester, Vt.) and Rachel Ann Wolf (Gamble) Hubbard (b. Je 3, 1861, Og- den, Utah). Prepared in Grand Junction (Colo.) H. S. B.S„ Univ. of Mich., 1908; M.A., Columbia Univ., 1909; Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., 1911. Acacia; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Fellowship in Chem., Univ. of Wis., 1909-10. Grad. work in Organic Analysis, Columbia Univ.; do., Univ. of Wis.; Assoc. Chemist (Organic), Bureau of Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr. Auth.: Studies of the Tryptic Digestion of Silk, Jour. Am. Chem. Sac, Vol. Ill, 1911; Difficulties in the Colori- metric Estimation of Vanillin, Jour. Inc. Eng. Chem., Vol. 4, 1912; Secret Remedies, Nostrums and Fakes, Mich. Acad, of Sc, 1913; The Hydroly- sis of Sugar Solutions under Pressure, Jour. Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 7, 1915; Rapid Clinical Method for Estimation of Total Fat in Infant Stools, Am. Jour, of Diseases of Children, Vol. 6, 1913; The Identification of Emodin Bearing Drugs, Jour. Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 9, 1917; The Analysis of Proprietary Medicines, Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., Vol. 6, do. Married Isadore Maurine Trowbridge, Je 24, 1912, Rice Lake, Wis. Children: Rachel Ann, b. Jl 17, 1914; John Trowbridge, b. F 15, 1916; Richard Scott, b. Ap 24, 1918; Raymond Albert, b. N 21, 1919. Address, Ramsey, N. J. PHILIP CHARLES JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 26, 1879, Colby, Kan. Prepared in H. S. Formerly owner of the Public Drug Co., Boulder, Colo.; later in contracting bus., McCook, Neb. Address, McCook, Neb.t RICHARD HENRY JUERS (See '14 Med.) WILLIAM BERNARDUS KEUSINK Druggist; Ph.G.; b, S 20, 1879, Bloomington, 111.; s. William Keusink. Prepared in Cham- paign H. S.; Univ. of 111. Acad. Drug., Cham- paign. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Hazel Elliott. Child, Virginia Morris. Address, 912 W. Park St., Champaign; bus. add., 301 N. Neil St., do. ELLERT GEORGE KNUDSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 7, 1883, Chicago; s. Halvor Knudson. Formerly Pharm., 1359 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago; later located at 4455 N. Campbell Ave., do. Address, 1853 Cordova St., Los Angeles. t CHARLES JOSEPH KOLLER, Jr. Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1883, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Ag 20, 1859, Chicago) and Anna (Flugel) Koller (b. O 14, 1859, do.). Prepared in St. Michaels Sch., Chicago. Pharm., Augustana Hosp. Pharm., Chicago, 18 yrs. Mem., K. C. (Fourth degree). Married Je 26, 1915, Chicago. Child, Marguerite C, b. My 6, 1916. Address, 2200 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. WILLIAM JOHN LEINER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 31, 1885, Ottawa, 111. Pharm., with Adamack & Co., Chicago. Address, 754 N. Clark St., Chicago.! ANTON EMANUEL LINDAHL Railroad Switchman; Ph.G.; b. O 1, 1879, Pax- ton, 111.; s. Andrew (b. Smaland, Kalmar Lan, Sweden) and Sofia (Pettersdotter) Lindahl (b. do.). Prepared in Rice Collegiate Inst., Paxton, 111. B.S., Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111., 1902. Class treas., 1904. Pharm., St. Louis, 1904-06; Wakefield, Neb., 1906-08; Denver, 1908-09; Wind- sor, Colo., 1909-12; Mancos, Colo., 1912-16; Moving picture bus., 1916-18; employed by A. T. & S. F. Ry., 1918—. Married Je 26, 1912, Windsor Colo. Child, Hubert Denby, b. My 9, 1919. Ad- dress, Gallup, N. M. FOREST DAVID MACHAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 17, 1884, Tecumseh, Mich.; s. David (b. D 14, 1847, Owens Sound, Ont., Can.) and Sarah Macham (b. Jl 22, 1853, Dundee, Mich.). Prepared in Tecumseh (Mich.) H. S Pharm., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1905-10; Detroit, 1910-18; Tecumseh, do., 1918—. Mem., Christian Church. Married Helen Ryburn, N 29, 1905, Grand Rapids, Mich, (died Ja 10, 1912). Child, Margaret R., b. Ag 27, 1906. Address, 132 E. Chicago St., Tecumseh, Mich. CHARLES EDWARD MATTIX Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 15, 1884, Brainerd, Minn.; s. Ed. and Louise B. (Haug) Mattix. Drug., Duluth, Minn. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E. Married Georgiane Ireland, Je 5, 1917, Missoula, Mont. Children: Charles Edward and George Austin (twins), b. N 4, 1918. Address, Lyceum Pharm., Duluth, Minn. WILLIAM LEWIS MITCHELL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Newhall, la. Prepared in Baptist Coll., Sioux Falls. Formerly Pharm., at 6939 S. Elizabeth St., Chicago. Address, 1158 W. Marquette Rd., Chicago.t JOHN NICK MODAFF Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 22, 1882, Aurora, 111.; s. Peter G. and Elizabeth (Gregorius) ModafF. Drug., Aurora, 111. Mem., Catholic Church; K. P.; Royal League. Married Eva A. Schwarz, S 12, 1905, Aurora, 111. Children: Ralph P., b. N 16, 1906; Evelyn C, b. O 25, 1908; Marie B., b. F 15, 1915. Address, 294 North Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 83 Fox St., do. LOUIS JAMES NADHERNY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 5, 1884, Czecho-Slo- vakia; s. Frank V. and Josephine (Havelka) Nad- herny. Prepared in Eng. High and Man Tr. Sch., Chicago. Pharm., 2401 S. Clifton Park Ave., 1904] School of Phakmacy Alumni 1907-14: 3203 W. 22nd St., 1912—. Mem., Columbian Circles. Married Mary Chott, S 11, 1907. Children: Ruth Louise, b. Jl 3, 1909; Louis J., Jr.. b. F 22, 1912 (died Mr 15, 1919). Addnss, 3223 W. 22nd St., Chicago. ANTHONY JOSEPH OKTH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 2(1, 1SS2, Dubuque, la.; s. Peter and Catherine Oeth. Pharm., Chi- cago. Mem., Catholic Church. Married S 6, 1905. Children; Esther, b. 1910; Ruth, b. 1913; June, b. 1917; one dead. Address, 4662 N. Rock- well St., Chicago. PHILO HOYSRADT OZANNE Chemist; Ph.G.; b. S 30, ISSl, Somers, Wis.; s. Alfred C. and Estelle (Hoysradt) Ozanne. Pre- pared in Ariz. State Norm. Sch., 1896-99. In drug bus. for IS vrs.; do.. Phoenix, Ariz., 1904-16; Chem. Lab., for Mining Co., Ajo, do., 1916—. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Grace Webb, Je 15, 1911, Phoenix, Ariz. Children: Ruth, b. Mv 29, 1912; W. Ted, b. O 29. 1918. Address, Box 336, Ajo, Ariz. STANLEY RENSSELAER PATTISON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 2S, 1879, Little York, HI.; s. Henry and Josephine (Cushman') Pattison. Prepared in Monmouth H. S. Located in Chi- cago. 1901-06; Leland, HI., 1906-OS; Atlanta, Neb., 190S-1S; Maxwell, do., 1918—. Mem., Presbv. Church. Married Mary L. NichoUs, D 6, 1905, York, Neb. Children: Evangeline, b. N 13, 1907; Virginia, b. Ja 24, 1914. Address, Maxwell, Neb. GEORGE MELVILLE PORTER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 8, 1878, Columbia, Tenn.; s. Solomon (h. O 21, 1855) and Jennie Lvnn (Ogles\-ie) Porter (b. Ap 5, 1860). Prepared in Columbia, Tenn. A.B., Roger Williams Univ. Kappa Alpha Upsilon. Drug clerk, 1904-06; Drug bus., Chicago, 1906 — . Sth 111. Nat. Guard, Ap 1907-.\p 1916. Mem.. Baptist Church; Chicago Bus. League; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn.; Phy- sicians, Pharmacists and Dentists Club; Appomat- tox Club. Married Rebecca Evelvn Martin, D 27, 1910, Center Point, Ind. Child, Martin Houston, b. Jl 15, 1916. Address, 3805 Wabash Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3510 State St., do. CHARLES EDW^A.RD POWELL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 22, 1880, Pawpaw, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. London, Eng.) and Mary (San- ford) Powell (b. N. J.). Prepared in PawPaw pub. sch. Prize in Materia Med., 2nd yr. Drug., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1904-05; DeKalb, 111., 190.5—. Married Jl, 16, 1906, Bangor, Mich. Child, Con- stance Catharine. Address, 404 S. 3rd St., De- Kalb, 111. EDWIN JOHN SANDERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 4, 1882, .Sutton, Neb. Prepared in Highland Park Cml. Coll., Des Moines. Formerly Pharm., with Weydell & Sanders, 6501 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Address, Fort Dodge, la.t CHESTER ALOYZE SANKIEWICZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 28, 1881, Poland, Rus.; s. Stanislaus Sankiewicz. Prepared in Parochial Schs. Pharm., North Chicago Pharm., 18th and State Sts., Chicago. Address, North Chicago Pharmacy, North Chicago, Ill.t HUGO JULIUS SCHUMM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 17, 1885, LaPorte, Ind. Prepared in Parochial .Schs., LaPorte, Ind. Pharm.. with E. J. Heiss, 2600 W. Division St., Chicago. Address, 2600 W. Division St., Chicago.t LOUIS R. SCHWANKE Ph.G.; b. Je 18, 1876; s. A. G. (b. Ja 29, 1840, Danzig, Ger.) and Mary (Otto) Schwanke (b. P' 12, 1847, Berlin). Married Clara E. Stiege, My 10, 1906, Dundee, 111. Children: Louis R., Jr. and Clemens Walter. Address, 300 S. 2nd Ave., May- wood, 111.; bus. add., 3 N. 5th Ave., du. PETER XAVIER SENGER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 18, 1882, Danville, 111.; s. Peter B. and Frances (Royer) Senger. Sec, Class 1904, Sch. of Pharm. Pres., Senger Dr\ig Co., Danville, 111. Mem., Catholic Church; K. C; B. P. O. E. Married May McAulifle, Je 23, 1909, Danville, 111. Children: Marcella, b. Mr 25, 1910; Alice, b. O 30, 1912. Address, 119 Robinson St., Danville, 111.; bus. add.. Cor. Main and Jackson Sts., do. JAMES SHAYNIN (See '11 Med.) EDWARD STUCHLIK (Uncle of Geo. W. Jindrich, '15) Ph.G.; b. My 11, 1883; s. Marie Stuchlik. Mar- ried Anna L. Biskup, Ap 1915. Formerly located at 1012 W. 18th St. Address, 6243 W. 22nd St., Berwyn, III. JOHN GEORGE TIMMERMEIER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1882, Lincoln, Neb.; s. Joseph Timmermeier. Prepared in H. S. For- merly Pharm., Fremont, Neb. Address, 1306 Wells St., 8, Milwaukee.t MURBLE BOOKER ULRICH Proprietor of Drug Store; Ph.G.; b. O 17, 1879, Edgar Co., 111.; s. George W. (b. N 21, 1853, Deca- tur Co., Ind.) and Ida Adell (Elliott) Ulrich (b. S 13, 1857, Edgar Co., 111.). Clerk, Chicago, 1904- 06; With Bemtin Drug Co., Terre Haute, Ind., 1906-07; in bus., do., Je 1907-13; Travelled for Pharm. Co., 1913-14; In bus., Odon, Ind., 1914—. Mem., Elks 86; M. E. Church; T. P. A. Married Elizabeth Carlotta Palmer, O 18, 1907, Creston, la. Children: Margaret Clare, b. Mr 22, 1913 (died Mr 1914); Betty Louise, b. Mr 8, 1916. Address, Odon, Ind. CHARLES VENN (Brother of Henry L., '09) Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1884, Chicago. Prepared in Boniface Parochial Sch., Wells Sch., Chicago, and Canisius Coll., Buffalo, N. Y. At- tended Coll. in Aus., 3 yrs. Mfr., Chicago. Ad- dress, 879 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.t HARVEY ANDREW WATSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 10, 1884, Waukesha Co., Wis.; s. Mary A. (Wallace) Watson. Drug., Chicago, 6 yrs.; Grayslake, 111., 6 mos.; Area, do., 12 yrs. Mem., Libertyville Lodge A. F. A. M. 492. Married Adelia S. Albrecht, D 27, 1919, Area, 111. Child, Harvey L., b. Ap 8, 1921. Ad- dress, Area, 111. RICHARD C. WEBSTER (Brother of Charles J., '00 Ph.G.) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 8, 1882; s. Chauncey (b. My 26, 1828, Berlin, Conn.) and Louise Web- ster (b. 1843, Oldham, Eng.). Prepared in Canton H. S. Pharm., Canton, 111. Mem., Canton Rotary Club; Elks; A. F. A. M. (Consistory A. A. S. R. F. M. and Mohammed Shrine); T. P. A.; Woodman Lodge; M. E. Church; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn. Married S 5, 1906, Kewanee, 111. Children: Emma Louise, b. O 9, 1910; Aileen, b. Jl 19, 1912. Address, 334 S. 1st Ave., Canton, 111.; bus. add., 26 N. Main St., do. 394 University of Illinois [1905 CLASS OF 1905 (39 LIVING, 1 DEAD) CARL M. AASETH Ph.G.;b. My7. 1883, Gayville, S. Dak. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Burke, S. Dak. ROBERT BENJAMIN ABRAMS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 13, 1878, Paw Paw, Mich. ; s. Daniel W. (b. Clarendon, N. Y.) and Sarah (Clark) Abrams (b. Jackson, Mich.). Prepared in Butler (Ind.) pub. seh. and Ohio No. Univ., 1903. Drug., Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 2S5 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. CARL GODFREY ANDERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 11, 1880, Sweden. Formerly Pharm., 2034 Mohawk St., Chicago. Address, 901 Wells St., Chicago.t FREDERICK LEONHARD G. BERTHLEIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 25, 1886, Germany; s. Leonhard (b. Brettheim, Wurtemburg, Ger.) and Sophie (Ackerman) Berthlein (b. O 5, 1858, Ger.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Married F 17, 1912. Child, Frederick Carl P., b. S 18, 1918. Address, 3258 Montrose Ave., Chicago. CHARLES WILLIAM BOYCE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 7, 1885, De Soto, Mo.; s. John L. and Clara S. Boyce. Drug., Pueblo, Colo. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Alma H. Debus, My 20, 1914, Chica'go. Children: Charles Louis, b. F 16, 1917; Raymond Willard, b. N 4, 1920. Address, 2324 Greenwood St., Pueblo, Colo.; bus. add., 701 E. Union Ave., do. JAMES FRANCIS BROWN Chemist; Ph.G.; b. F 1, 1874, Painesville, O. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and Bus. Coll. Formerly Chem., with the Nutriment Co., U. S. Yards, 812 W. 49th PL, Chicago; later agent for Holdens Corn Wax Co., 25th St. and Wentworth Ave., do.; Chem. for the HoUister-Wilson Laboratories, 1920. Address, 4444 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.t ♦ARTHUR E. CURTIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 30, 1883, Rock Falls, 111. Prepared in Rock Falls H. S., 4 yrs., and Sterling Bus. Coll., 6 mos. Home, Rock Falls. Died O 10, 1918. GEORGE LEO DETRICK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 18, 1888; s. F. L. and Margaret (Terre) Detrick. Two yrs., Base Hosp., Camp Grant, 111. Married Clara Ryan, S 15, 1920. Address, 3737 W. Harrison St., Chicago LAWRENCE AUGUST DICKHUT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 8, 1882, Quincy, 111.; s. William F. (b. O 9, 18,55, Quincy, 111.) and Frances A. (Bredeweg) Dickhut (b. O 4, 1859, do.). Prepared in Quincy grade schs. Hon. mention for excellency in scholarship; Mem. of com. on class picture. Mgr., Kappus Bros, drug stores, Chicago, 1905-06; Mem. of firm, Heidbreder Hage- mann & Co., do., O 1, 1906—. Worked on 3rd, 4th, and 5th Liberty Loan drives. Mem., 111. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn.; Salem Evangelical Church; Y. M. C. A.; Nat. Geographic Soc. Married Je 7, 1910, Quincy, 111. Children: Harold William, b. Ap 1, 1911; Kenneth William, b. Mr 6, 1916. Address, 930 N. 6th Ave., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., 1001 N. 5th St., do. GUY GARLAND DILLOW Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 6, 1884, Dongola, 111.; s. Jasper A. and Katie (Overby) Dillow. Prepared in Schs. of Dongola and Anna, 111. Pharm., Flora, Gibson City, and Anna, 111. Mem., A, F. A. M. Married Edna Meade Collyer, D 1, 1910, New York City. Child, Shirley Annita, b. Ap 7, 1912. Address, Anna, 111. WILLIAM VINCENT DUFNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 21, 1881; s. John (b. Baden, Ger.) and Margaret E. (Flynn) Dufner (b. Cork, Ire.). Prepared in Blackburn Univ. Hon. mention. Pharm., Peoria. Mem., K. C; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Creve Coeur Club. Address, 406 N. Glenoak Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 323 Brad- ley Ave., do. AUGUST EDWARD GERHARDT Surgeon; Ph.G.; b. O 1, 1882. M.D., N. W. Univ., 1909. Phi Beta Pi. Surg., Great Northern, 1919-21. Maj., M. C, U. S. A.; Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Elizabeth Mary Walsh, Jl 17, 1912. Address, Wenatchee, Wash. GEORGE J. J. GUERTEN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. My 23, 1883, Madison, Wis.; s. Peter (b. S 16, 1856, Trier, Ger.) and Kathrine (Esser) Guerten (b. D 6, 1859, Madison, Wis.). Prepared in St. Francis, Wis., and St. Lawrence Coll., Mt. Calvary, Wis. Prop, of Guerten Drug Stores, Chicago. Married S 5, 1911, Chicago. Address, 4140 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago; bus. ad- dresses, 4001 and 4368 Milwaukee Ave., do. JOHN ROSS HALL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 8, 1884; s. Samuel and Helen (Ross) Hall. Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; N. A. U. Married Eva M. Smith, F 20, 1910, Crown Point, Ind. Address, 4041 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 74 E. Jackson Blvd., do. WILLIAM MILTON EUGENE HAWK Clerk; Ph.G.; b. Ag 31, 1877, Adrian, Pa.; s. John M. and Anna E. Hawk. Prepared in Kit- tanning (Pa.) Acad. Clerk, drug store, 4259 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, 1901-02; do., 35th St. and Archer Ave., 1902-06; 5500 Ashland Ave., 1906-12; do., 5603 W. 63rd St., 1912—. Mem., A. F. A. M., 880. Married Edyth Vaughn, D 7, 1910, Denver. Address, 5816 W. 64th St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 5603 W. 63rd St., do. JAMES MICHAEL HONSIK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S IS, 1878, Bohemia. Prepared in Parochial Schs., and Chicago Bus. Coll. Pharm., with Frank Honsik, Chicago. Address, 3335 W. 26th St., Chicago.t MICHAEL INDOVINA Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 1, 1882, Palermo, Italy; s. Antonino and Augusta (Cisfalo) Indovina. Pre- pared in Royal Gymnas. School of Termini, Italy, 5 yrs. Retail Drug., 2246 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago, Je 24, 1906-My 1911; do., 2320 Wentworth Ave., My 1911—. Married Rosa Russo, O 23, 1909, Chicago. Children: Anthony, b. N 26, 1910; Augusta, b. O 13, 1911; Andrew, b. Ag 15, 1913; Marina, b. F 20, 1915; Rosa, b. D 4, 1917. Address, 259 W. 24th St., Chicago; bus. add., 2320 Wentworth Ave., do. HERMAN FERDINAND JACOB (Son of Chas. W., '75) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 15, 1882, Chicago; s. Charles William and Anna (Fischer) Jacob. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Mem., A. F. A. M., Oak Lodge, 540, Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Address, 7405 Madison St., Forest Park, 111. MILTON JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 17, 1881, Chicago. Prepared in Maywood Pub. Schs. Pharm., Chi- cago. Address, 1998 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago.t THURE WILLIAM JOHNSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 26, 1884, Jonkopin, Sweden; s. Alfred P. (b. Ja 8, 1858) and Helen Johnson (b. D 7, 1846). Prepared in Grammer Sch. Pharm., with T. Schmid, 1901-07; in bus., 1907-18; 1905] School ok Pharmacy Alumni Mgr., Roseland Drug Co., 2 vrs. Mem., Swedish Mission Church; Swedish Choral Club; A. F. A. M., S04. Married Flortuice \ictoria Dahlman, Je 25, 190S. Children: George A., b. My 25, 1909; Harold V., b. Mr 5. 1911; I.a Verne F., b. F 14, 1914. AdJrefs, 11411 Parnoll Ave., Chicago; bus. add., lUOO Michigan Ave., do. THOMAS LEWIS LARSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 4, 1S78, Dexter, Minn.; s. O. B. (b. X 25, 1843, Norway) and Inga (Erjen) Larson (b. D 16, 1853, do.). Prepared in Kasson (Minn.) H. S. Hon. mention for excellence in Scholarship; Jr. class pre.^.; Sr. class treas. Pharm., Waseca. Minn., Je-S, 1905, Fergus Falls, Minn., S-N, 1905, Grand Forks. N. Dak., N 1905-Ja 1910, Fargo, N. Dak., Ja U)10-Mr 1911,Valley City, N. Dak., Mr 1911-Mr 191ti, Wimbledon, N. Dak., Mr-Je, 1916, Plaza, N. Dak., Je-S 1916 and Grand Forks, N. Dak., S 1916—. Married Nellie Thacker Larson, Je 15, 1910, Fargo, N. Dak. Child, (son) b. X 30, 1915 (died D 4, do.). Address, 1004 Wal- nut St., Grand Forks, N. Dak. JOHN VICTOR LEE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 6, 1882, Hamilton, Ont., Can. Formerly Pharm. with C. H. Burkett, 829 Da\'is St., Evanston; at present conducting 2 drug stores, do. Address, Main St. and Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill.f JUSTIN AARON LEVIN Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ja 26, 1883, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago Bus. Coll. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 200 E. oSth St., Chicago.t WILLIAM HENRY LONGSHORE Ph.G.; b. Ja 24, 1876, Fort Scott, Kan.; s. George W. and Sara A. (Rose) Longshore. Prepared in Wilde (Colo.) Pub. Schs. In cattle raising bus., 1909—. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Mary M. Hess, D 22, 1915. Address, Grand Junction, Colo. EDWARD ALBERT LUKASEK Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ap 22, 1885, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., Chicago. Ad- dress, 2000 W. 22nd St., Chicago.! EBNER M. McGINLEY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 22, 1877; s. Jacob E. (b. N 22, 1830, Tenn.) and K. A. (Sellers) McGinley (b. 1837, 111.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Charleston, 111. Drug., Park City, Utah. Married Je 9, 1909, Utah. Children: Virginia Marguretta, b. Mr 20, 1911; Evelyn Jane, b. N 3, 1915. Address, Park City, Utah. REN FRANKLIN MAYFIELD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 22, 1879, Woodlawn, 111.; s. C. C. and Elizabeth (Hicks) Mayfield. Prepared in Schs. of 111.; Bus. Coll., Valparaiso, Ind., and Valparaiso Univ., 1900. Hon. mention, pharm. course; Sr. Class V. P. Drug clerk for Ashton Staman, Auburn, Ind., 190.5-12; Proprietor of drug store, Albion, Ind., 1912 — . Mem., M. E. Sunday School (Supt., 1916-17); Albion Com- mercial Club (Pres., 1915). Married Bertha Ruth Keeran, Je 22, 1909, .\uburn, Ind. Children: Edward Keeran, b. My 2], 1910; Helen Elizabeth, b. Jl 27, 1914. Address, Albion, Ind. WALTER HENRY MORELAND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 2, 1884, Metropolis, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Brook- port, 111.; later with S. H. W>s8, Alton, do. Ad- dress, Metropolis, Ill.t GARRETT JAMES O'NEILL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 15, 1886, Evanston, Wvo.; s. Garrett and Johanna (Brophv) O'Neill. B S.. All Hallows Coll., Salt Lake City. Partner with brother in Drug Store, Glenn.s Ferry, Idaho, 1909—. Mem.. B. P. O. E.; Catholic Church. Army serv., 9 mos.. World War. Address, Glenns Ferry, Idaho. LEONARD JOSEPH OSTROWSKI (See '12 Med.) JOHN KUMLER PARKER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 24, 1882, Griggs- ville. 111.; s. Thos. and Amanda Parker. Prepared in Griggsville H. S. Married 1907, Seattle. Ad- dress, 1905 Market St., Seattle. JAMES PATEJDL Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Ap 15, 1885; s. Vac- lav (b. 1853, Bohemia) and Anna Zeman (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Chicago. M.D., N. W. Univ., 1911. Alpha Omega Alpha. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, 1911—. World War, O 15, 1918-Mr 15, 1919. Address, 4801 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. LOUIS W. PLUMMER Prune Grower; Ph.G.; b. Ap 16, 1878, Hunting- ton, Ind.; s. James P. (b. Ag 17, 1841, Richmond, Ind.) and Margaret A. (Moore) Plummer (b. Mr 23, 1850, Huntington, Ind.). Prepared in H. S. Class Pres. With Chicago Med. Book Co., 1905- 11; Growing prunes, Dallas, Ore., 1911 — . Mar- ried Emma Secor Plummer, N 28, 1908, Cedar Falls, la. Children: Gladys M., b. Ap 5, 1912; Hazel R., b. Mr 17, 1915; Ruth S., b. Ap 30, 1918. Address, Dallas, Ore. THEODORE IMMANUEL SCHEIPS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 25, 1877, Algona, la. Prepared in Concordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Formerly Pharm., with Warner & Schcips, 5201 Evanston Ave., Chicago; later located at 843 Sheridan Rd., do.; with the Franco-American Fer- ment Co., do. Address, 143 N. Wabash Ave., Chi- cago.! BERNARD HERMAN SCHULTEJANN Clerk; Ph.G.; b. N 5, 1884, Chicago; s. Herman and Anna (Gerling) Schultejann. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and St. Aloysius Parochial Sch. Lo- cated at 3932 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, 1911-20; Clerk, Keystone Drug Co., Silvis, 111., 1921. Ad- dress, Warrenville, 111.; bus. add., Keystone Drug Co., Silvis, 111. MARTIN JOHN SIEBRANDT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 19, 1881, Wheatland, 111.; s. Fred and Augusta (Sieger) Siebrandt. Prepared in Concordia Coll., Milwaukee. Owner, store, 2757 S. Kedvale Ave., Chicago, 1909 — . Mem., Evang. Lutheran Church. Auth.: Geogra- phic and Pharmaceutical articles. Married Dora Range. S 12, 1912, Chicago. Address, 2757 S. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. HARRY EUGENE SLAUSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 2, 1881, Bradwood, IlL Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Denver. Address, 1557 Ogden Ave., Denver. J HUGO FRANK STAACK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 13, 1882, Maquoketa, la.; s. Herman J. (b. F 2, 1852, Ger.) and Annie (Hoist) Staack (b. N 11, 1849, do.). Prepared in Maquoketa (la.) H. S. Awarded Gold Medal given by Alumni Assn. for excellence in scholar- •ship; Analytical Balance, prize given by Searle and Hereth for highest grade in Chem. Pharm., Maquoketa, la. (mem. of firm, Staack and I.uc- kiesh). Mem., First Congr. Church; Helion Lodge 36 of A. F. A.M. (Bath Kol Chapter 94 of R. A. M., Tancred Commandery 40, De Molay Consistory). Married Emma Louise Hafner, Je 28, 1911, Oak Park, III. Address, Maquoketa, la. JOHN HERMAN WEHRLEY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 27, 1875, Bingen, Ger.; s. John and Elizabeth (Christman) Wehrley. Drug., Chicago, 10 yrs.; Chem., Armour & Co., 3 yrs.; Drug., Beeeher, III., 1907 — . Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Helene C. Beutlar, Ap 19, 1906, La Fayette, Ind. Child, Elizabeth, b. Jl 6, 1908. Address, Beeeher, 111. 396 University of Illinois [1906 FRANCES ELLSWORTH WELLS (ROBINSON) Ph.G.; b. Jl 16, 1872; d. Robert Nelson (b. D 10, 1843, Minot, Me.) and Lois B. (Nelson) Wells (b. N 22, 1849, do.). Prepared in Hebron Acad., Hebron, Me. Pharm., Chicago Hosps., 1905-11; do., Peoria State Hosp., 1911-14. Mem., Robinson, S 23, 1914, Evansville, Ind. Mortons Gap, Ky. Address , THOMAS HUDSON WILE b. D 18, 1882. Address, in care of Wil- Christian Church. Married Benjamin Thomas Hams & Williams Drug Co., Texarkana, Ark.f CLASS OF 1906 (42 LIVING, 1 DEAD) ALBERT GEORGE CARL ACKERMANN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 16, 1885; s. George G. and Marie (Gasser) Ackermann. Prepared in Quincy, 111. Chief prescription clerk at Harry Mortensteins, Chicago, 1907-11; Owner of drug store, 4228 Irving Park Blvd., do., Ap 1911—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Irving Park Bus. Mens Assn. (Past Pres.); Irving Park Royal Arcanum 891 (Collector 6 yrs.); Am. Ins. Union (Past Collector); Chicago Drug Club; N. A. R. D.; C. R. D. A.; Irving Park Curfew Club. Married O 7, 1915. Child, Albert George, Jr., b. O 29, 1916. Address, 4033 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4228 Irving Pk. Blvd., do. EMILIO ALFARO Ph.G.; b. Ja 14, Barros, Porto Rico. Prepared in H. S. Formerly located at 1015 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. Address, Barros, Porto Rico.t WALTER EDWARD ANDERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 17, 1883, Kasson, Minn.; s. Andrew and Helena (Nelson) Anderson. Prepared in Kasson (Minn.) H. S. Address, Kas- son, Minn. *ETHELYN BELLE ARNOLD Druggist; Ph.G.; d. T. S. Arnold. Druggist for many yrs. at Kankakee State Hospital. Died My 8, 1920, Watseka, 111. ALLEN BECKETT Ph.G.; b. Ag 25, 1885, Manchester, Eng. For- merly located at 4232 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Address, Flint, Mich.t EARLE SCOTT BOURNE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 16, 1877, Garnett, Kan.; s. Martha Bourne. Married Julia E. Thomas, Mr 9, 1916. Address, 715 Calumet St., Hammond, Ind. FRANK EMERY BUCKLIN Mfg. Chemist; Ph.G.; b. O 11, 1878, Aurora. Neb.; s. Hattie J. (Hawkins) Bucklin. Prepared in Aurora (Neb.) H. S. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Ailsa Craig, O 9, 1906. Address, 223 W. Erie St., Chicago; bus. add., in care of Childs Drug Co., do. HENRY GOTTFRID CARLSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1884, Moline, 111.; s. Carl J. A. (b. O 17, 1854, Sweden) and Clara Sophia (Samuelson) Carlson (b. do.). Prepared in Moline, 111. Pharm. and V. P., G. H. Sohrbeck Drug Co., Moline, 111. Married O 12, 1911, Geneseo, 111. Children: Ruth Elizabeth, b. F 10, 1915; Robert Asa Carl, b. N 10, 1918. Address, 1115 14th St., Moline, 111. FRANK ALEXANDER CRAWFORD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 20, 1884, Bucking- ham, 111. Prepared in Herscher H. S. and Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. Formerly at 10 N. Russell St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Address, Crown Drug Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. J DANIEL TAPPENDEN CROPP Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 9, 1885, Thamesville, Can.; s. George J. and Ella J. Cropp. Prepared in Englewood H. S. and Orr Bus. Coll. Pharm., for John T. Luder, Chicago, 1906; Mgr., Cropp & Stadelmann Drug Store, 35th and Halsted Sts., 1907; employed by Bowman Drug Co., Oakland, Calif., 1908; Mgr., Skinner Duprey Drug Co., Ar- eata, Calif., 1910-14; owner of drug store, 69th St. and South Park Ave., Chicago, N 1914 — . Mem., A. F. A. M., Englewood Lodge, 690, Aryan Grotto; I. O. O. F., Cook Co. Lodge, 240. Married Ida Dougherty, My 8, 1920, Jackson, Mich. Address, 381 E. 69th St., Chicago; bus. add., 69th St. and South Park Ave., do. GUSTAV GARFIELD DALE Salesman; Ph.G.; b. N 22, 1881, Bassville, 111. Prepared in H. S. Salesman, with Innis Speiden & Co., Chicago; formerly at 315 Washington St., Columbus, Ind.; later at 823 Massasoit Ave., Chi- cago. Address, 120 W. Kedzie Ave., Chicago.t EDWARD DE STEFANO Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 7, 1887; s. Emilio and Emanuela (Pellettieri) De Stefano. Prepared in Jones Pvt. Sch. Mem., K. P.; Bellini Lodge 571. Married Mildred M. Matteo, Ja 30, 1910 (died Mr 2, 1912); Mildred Cantore, 7, 1914. Children: Emilio Edward, b. O 14, 1910; Joseph b. Ap 17, 1916; Emanuela, b. S 11, 1917. Address, 918 W. Grand Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 501 N. Halsted St., do. LEON BERRY FOX Pharmacist; Ph.G.'; b. F 22, 1885, Rus.; s. Samuel and Goldie Fox. Married Ja 11, 1914. Address, 2950 Walton St., Chicago; bus. add., 2820 W. North Ave., do. NARCYS GEORGE FRY (Brother of Herman, '87) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 28, 1869, Ger. Pharm , Chicago. Address, 401 W. North Ave., Chicago.f CHARLES DESIRE GAUTHIER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 11, 1880, Green Bay, Wis.; s. John B. (b. Belgium) and Theresa (Delcorps) Gauthier (b. do.). Prepared in E. Side H. S., Green Bay, Wis. Class Honors. Apprentice Pharm., Antigo, Wis., D 1906-Mr 1913; Retail Drug. Bus., do., Mr 19, 1913 — . Married Anna C. Van Buren, Je 10, 1907 (died Ja 6, 1919). Chil- dren: Charlotte Anna, b. Ag 25, 1908; Eunice Catherine, b. S 24, 1911. Address, Antigo, Wis. ERNEST ELMER GREBEL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 13, 1883, Beaver Dam, Wis. Prepared in Beaver Dam (Wis.) H. S. Formerly Pharm., Beaver Dam. Address, Ran- dolph, Wis.t WILBUR GRIMES Life Ins. Salesman; Ph.G.; b. My 3, 1884, Car- lyle. 111.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. Ja 24, 1852, Salem, 111.) and Marv (Seats) Grimes (b. Ag 2, 1859, Lebanon, Tenn.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Chm. Ex. Com.; Class Honors for excellence in scholarship. Employed as Pharm., Ottawa, 111., 1906-09; Owner of Drug Store, Grand Ridge, do., 1909-15; Specialty Salesman, Ottawa, do., 1915-18; Pharm. and Specialty Salesman, Pontiac, do., 1918^. Ex-Mem., Nat. Assn. Retail Drug.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Mem., Mutual Life Field Club of Chicago; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; B. P. O. E. Married Anna Louis Kelly, Je 18, 1913, Ottawa, 111. Children: Mary Louise, b. My 21, 1914; Edward Kelly, b. Jl 1, 1916. Address, 240 E. Payson St., Pontiac, 111. 1906] School of Pharmacy Alumni 397 LOREX MILTON HAESELER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 2S, 1885, Libson, la. Prepared iu Libson (la.) H. S. Pharm., formerly located at 1960 W. Madison St., Chicago. Ad- dress, 922 W. Madison St., Chicago.t GEORGE FRED HAFFNER (Brother of Louis L., '15 and Carl F., '17) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 22, 1884. Farmer City, IU.; s. John H. and Rosie (Schock) Haffner. Pre- pared in Farmer City H. S. Pharm., Bloomington. Married Julia Donovan, 1910. Address, 720 W. Chestnut St., Bloomington, lU.t CHARLES EDWARD HOFFMAN Ph.G.; b. N 19, 1S83. Prepared in Plymouth (Wis.) H. S. Address, Port Washington, Wis. DAVID LEWIS HOLLAND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 22, 1881, Downers Grove, 111. Prepared in Downers Grove H. S. Pharm., Downers Grove, 111. Address, Harrison Pharmacy, State and Harrison Sts., Chicago.t LOUIS GOODMAN JACOBS Ph.G.; b. Mr 6, 1884, Chicago; s. Raphael and Lena (Goodman) Jacobs. In bus., 2385 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, 1913 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Emelia Carr, Jl 21, 1909, Chicago. Children: Warren, b. Je 9, 1911; Robert, b. Jl 11, 1910. Ad- dress, 2438 N. Mozart St., Chicago; bus. add., 2385 Milwaukee Ave., do. DELBERT GUSTAV KNOBLOCK Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 28, 1878, South Bend, Ind.; s. George and Carrie Knoblock. Mem., B. P. O. E.; M. E. Church. Married Ap 29, 1905, Chicago. Address, 209 Lake St., River Forest, 111.; bus. add., 251 Lake St., do. FRANK FRED KRUEGER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1883, Seymour, Ind.; s. Katherine (Heuser) Krueger. Retail Drug. Married Clara Grelle, Ja 27, 1907, Seymour, Ind. Children: John J., b. F 9, 1909; Jane D., b. F 24, 1913. Address, 1228 Farwell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1406 Morse Ave., do. HENRY JOHN KRUEGER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 7, 1886, Ottawa, Can.; 8. William and Hannah (Rusch) Krueger. Retail drug bus., 1438 E. 57th St., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Republic Lodge, Fairview Chapter, Montjoi Commandery; Evang. Lutheran Church. Armv Serv., World W^ar, S 1917-Mr 1919. Mar- ried Katherine Schluetter, D 23, 1917. Address, 54.30 Drexel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1438 E. .57th St.. do. JOHN ERNEST LAATZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 15, 1878, Ger.; s. August Laatz. Pharm., 111. and Wis., 1898—. Mem., Evang. Lutheran Church. Married Minnie C. Schroeder, Ag 25, 1906, Chicago. Children : Clara, b. Je 16, 1907; Herbert, b. Mr 16. 1909; Ernest, b. Jl 1, 1914. Address, 3358 Flournoy St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 2 S. State St., do. HUGH McCASLIN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 17, 1883; s. Marshal Oliver (b. Nokomis, 111.) and Mary Angaline (Gaines) McCaslin (b. do.). Prepared in Nokomis, 111. Drug.. Nokomis. 111.. 1906-10. and Snyder, Okla., 1910—. Married Florence Gertrude Lack, D 25, 1906, Hillsboro, 111. Address, Snyder. Okla. CHARLES GRATIANO McDOW Ph.G.; b. D 18. 1884, Villa Ahuraada, Mex. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly with Peoples Drug Co.. 1331 Myrtle St., El Paso, Tex.; in bus. with father C. L. McDow, do., 1921—. Address, 1331 Myrtle St., El Paso, Tex.; bus. add., 500 S. Stanton St., do.t DON GROVER MACHENHEIMER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 6, 1884, Carmi. 111.; Retail Drug., Shawnee, Okla. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Rotary Club. Married Evelyn Whitehead, O 15, 1909, Shawnee, Okla. Children: Edith May, b. Ag 20, 1910; Don G., Jr., b. Ag 15, 1912. Address, Shawnee, Okla. WALTER SIMONDS MAYHEW Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 22, 1883, Kasson, Minn., s. John E. (b. 1852, Northfield, Vt.) and Mary E, (Simonds) Mayhew (b. My 5, 1859, Haverhill, \Iinn.). Prepared in Kasson and Dodge Center (Minn.) H. Schs. Sr. class Sec. Pharm., Flora, 111., 1906-07, Bloomington, 111., 1909-11; Proprie- tor of drug store, Forrest, 111., Ap 1911 — . Mem., Bd. of Dirs. of Forrest Tp. H. S., 1919—. Mar- ried Bertha M. Gould, Je 2, 1909, Flora, 111. Ad- dress, Forrest, 111. FREDERICK MORRIS FRANKFORT MEIXNER Physician; M.D.; b. S 15, 1884, Dayton, O.; s. Fred (b. Jl 8, 1805, Baden, Ger.) and Kathrine (Niederberger) Meixner (b. Je 18, 1867, Sandheim, Wurtenberg. Ger.). Prepared in Chillicothe H. S.. Assn. Prep. Sch. M.D., N. W. Univ., 1911. Phi Alpha Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; Biroth Prize; Class Honors. Asst., Pathol., N. W. Univ., 1910-11; Phys., 1911—; Commissioner of Health; Phys. for Bd. of Educ; Med. Dir., Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium; Sec, StafT, Methodist Hosp. Special Exam., Selective Serv. Bd., Peoria. Mem., M. E. Church (Off. Bd.); Univ. Club of Peoria; A. F. A. M., 32°; Peoria City Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Clinical Cong. Phys. Married Lillian Payne, O 20, 1913, Chicago. Chil- dren: Marjorie, b. Ag 13, 1914; Josephine, b. F 1, 1910. Address, 703 Pacific Ave., Peoria, 111.; bus. add., 827 Peoria Life Bldg., do. RUDOLPH GEORGE MRAZEK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 8, 1887, Rodna, Tabor, Bohemia. Pharm., Oak Park. 111. Address, 6618 W. 12th St., Oak Park, Ill.t WALTER ALLEN MURRAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 6, 1878, Traverse City, Mich. Formerly Pharm., with M. Livingston, 3701 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Address, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago.t ROLF REITE Merchant and Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Benson, Minn.; s. Erick K. (b. 1846, Norway) and Anna (Almklov) Reite (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in com- mon schs. of Willmar, Minn., and Cooperstown, N. Dak. Hon. mention for excellence in scholar- ship. Worked for L. P. Larson, Chicago, Je-0, 1906; Drug., Noonan, N. Dak., O 1906; Merchant and Drug., 1913 — -. Mem., Lutheran Church; Elks; A. F. A. M., 32°; Am. Red Cross (Life mem.). Married Alvilda G. Haugen, D 2, 1908, Noonan, N. Dak. Children: Ellen Loretto, b. Ag 13, 1910; Mardrid Elinore, b. S 3, 1911; Chariotte Anna, b. Ag 7, 1915. Address, Noonan, N. Dak. JOHN WILLIAM ROBINSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 8, 1884, Peru, 111.; s. William H. and Bertha B. (Obenauer) Robinson. Prepared in Peru, 111. Pharm., Earhille, 111. Married Nellie Elida, Je 17, 1909, Eariville, 111. Address, do. MARTIN AUGUST SCHUPMANN Physician; Ph.G.; b. O 31, 1886, Tracy, Ind.; B. Albert and Bertha (Martinsen) Schupmann. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1909. Pharm., Chi- cago, 1906-09; Phys., rfo., 1909 — . Med. Examiner, U. S. Draft Bd., 48, Worid War; Acting Asst. Surg.. U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Mod. Soc; Camp. Phys., W. O. W.; Mod. Veterans of World War. Married Lillian L. Ramm, O 30, 1909, Crown Point, Ind. Address, 2119 Dayton St., Chicago; bus. add., 2000 N. Halsted St., do. GEORGE WILLIAM SEIFRIED Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 10, 1882, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and Lewis Institute. For- merly Pharm., at 842 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. Address, 3359 N. Halsted St., Chicago.t University of Illinois [1907 PAUL SEYFERT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 11, 1883, Thiensville, Wis. Prepared in West Division H. S., Milwau- kee. Pharm., Thiensville, Wis. ^d(/ress, Theiens- ville, Wis.t OTTO SHATZKIS Pharm. and Optician; Ph.G.; b. Mr 12, 1885, Bielsk, Rus.; s. Julius and Freda Shatzkis. Pre- pared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Married Dorothy Linder, N 12, 1913, Chicago. Children: Muriel Ruth, b. Ag 17, 1914; Helen Lois, b. Ag 7, 1919. Address, 3006 Armitage Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1958 Humboldt Blvd., do. LUTHER LEE TAYLOR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 14, 1885, Havana, 111.; s. Robert F. and Julia E. (Miner) Taylor. Pre- pared in Havana Pub. Sohs. Employed in the Geo. Gordon Drug Co., Havana, 111., Jl 4, 1898; Drug., 2127 S. Adams St., Peoria, 1908. Address, 250 S. Maplewood'Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 705 S. Adams St., do. CLAUDE ENOCH TILTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 16, 1887, Fairmount, 111.; s. Charles V. (b. D 8, 1863, Catlin, 111.) and Jeannette L. (Reese) Tilton (b. S 7, 1864, Fair- mount, 111.) . Prepared in Fairmount, 111. Alumni medal; Searle and Hereth prize for chem. Pharm., Fairmount, 111. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Soc; Vermilion Co. Sunday Sch. Assn. (Pres., 1919-20). Address, Fairmount, 111. GEORGE EDWIN WHITE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 4, 1884, Chicago; s. W. K. and Laura B. White. Owner, Drug Store, Chicago, N 1917—. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Shrine; Lions Club; Chicago Motor Club; Baptist Church. Married Lina L. Miller, Ag 22, 1906, Elgin, HI. Children: Geraldine Edyth, b. Ap 27, 1909; George E., Jr., b. S 11, 1912. Address, 4027 N. Lawler Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3956 N. Cicero Ave., do. JOHN PETER WILTGEN Ph.G.; b. O 11, 1883, Aurora, 111.; s. Michael and Mary (Heinan) Wiltgen. Married Adelaide Marie Dockendorf, Je 16, 1909. Children: Ray- mond, b. My 8, 1911; Robert, b. S 1, 1917; John, b. D 30, 1919. Address, 6030 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1178 E. 61st St., do. CLASS OF 1907 (41 LIVING, NONE DEAD) KARL ELLIOTT ANDERSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 20, 1883, River Falls, Wis.; s. Otto Gabriel (b. Sweden) and Emily (Dodge) Anderson (b. Hammond, Wis.). Pre- pared in Menomonie, Wis. Phi Gamma Sigma; Jr. class V. P.; Sr. class pres. Drug., Roberts, Wis., 1907-10; Glasgow, Mont., 1910-11; Hatties- burg. Miss., 1911-13; Menomonie, Wis., 1913—. Married Minnie Grace Morford, O 15, 1908, Hat- tiesburg. Miss. Children: Dorothy Jean, b. 1911; Emily Francine, b. 1916. Address, Menomonie, Wis. ANDREW BARKERS (Brother of John Bakkers, '98) Ph.G.; b. Ag 8, 1885, Chicago; s. Sybrandus and Martiena (Van Mynen) Bakkers. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Lotus Mowry, O 23, 1907. Children: Vernon, b. Ag 4, 1908; Elues, b. S 18, 1911; Ruth, b. My 13, 1914; Beryl, b. Ja 28, 1918. Address, 11946 Nor- mal Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 11500 Michigan Ave., do. ERNEST H. BEHRENSMEYER U. S. Postal Serv.; Ph.G.; b. My 29, 1885, Quin- cy. 111.; a. E. F. and Minnie (Waterbury) Behrens- meyer. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Pharm., 1907-14; U. S. Postal Employe. 1914—. Auth.: Articles in Literary Digest and Colliers. Mem., Evang. Church of North Am. Married Clara S. Sassenberg, Ap 19, 1911. Child, Ernestine, b. O 20, 1918. Address, 4227 Bryant St., Denver; bus. add., U. S. P. O., do. WILLIAM JOHN BEYERMANN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 10, 1883, Ger. At one time Pharm., 1800 Irving Park Ave., Chicago; later at 4701 Park Ave., do. Address, 139 S. Hal- sted St., Chicago.t MARK DEAN BICKFORD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 9, 1886, Rock Falls, 111.; s. J. M. and Hattie A. (Packer) Bickford. Prepared in Sterling Tp H. S. Phi Gamma Sigma. Part owner, Sterling Pharm,, Sterling, 111., 1907 — . Mem., B. P. O. E. ; K. C. ; Catholic Church. Mar- ried Winnifred O'Rourke, Je 23, 1908, Sterling, 111. Children: Laverne, b. Mr 12, 1909; Ned, N 20, 1911. Address, 407 W. 10th St., Sterling, 111.; bus. add., 306-308 1st Ave., do. KAREL BARTHOLOMAE BLAHNIK Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Je 15, 1886, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. Vencel Lorenz (b. Ag 1, 1863, Malo Polenka, Bohemia) and Antoinette Emily (Jed- linsky) Blahnik (b. N 8, 1864, Pecin, do.). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. M.D., N. W. Univ., 1911. Phi Gamma Sigma ; Phi Alpha Sigma ; Alpha Omega Alpha; Hon. mention for excellence in scholarship. Phys. and Surg., Chicago. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Med. Soc.; 111. State Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Bohemian Med. Soc; Bohe- mia Club; A. F. A. M. (Oriental Lodge 33); R. A. M. (La Fayette Chapter 2). Married Marie Hopp, D 22, 1916. Child, Marie Antoinette Louise, b. Je 16, 1919. Address, 4707 S. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., 4701 S. Robey St., do. FRANK EDMUND BLAKE M.D.; b. Ja 9, 1882; s. Rebeca M. Blake. Pre- pared in Watseka H. S. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married 1913. Child, Mary, b. Mr 31, 1919. Address, 128 W. Walnut St., Wat- seka, 111. JESSE FRED NOAK BURKETT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 11, 1887, Springfield, 111.; s. F. D. and Rebbeca (Bensenhofer) Burkett. Prepared in Salisbury H. S., 2 vrs. With J. F. Booth, Springfield, 111., My 1907-Je 3, 1910; Clarkson Drug Co., Springfield, My 2, 1911—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M.; Catholic Church; Retail Drug Clerks Union. Married Chloris Goldie North, Je 2, 1905, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 730 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111.; 6ms. add., 229 S. 6th St., do. FLOYD FALCONER BUNCH Pharmacist; Ph.G,; b. Ag 26, 1882, Louisa, Va. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., 55th St. and Center Ave., Chicago. Address, 1312 Gar- field PI., Cincinnati.! CARL GUSTAV CARLSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 20, 1885, Ludington, Mich. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm.. with A. Ackermann, 1145 E. 63rd St., Chicago. Address, Galenca, Ill.t ELMER ELDORADO CASSIN Druggist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1908; b. F 26, 1884; s. Martha (Hadlock) Cassin. Prepared in Ogden (Ut.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Employed by the Sar- gent Drug Co,, Chicago, 1921. Address, 2580 Lincoln Ave., Ogden, Ut.; temporary add., 856 Montrose Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 32 N. Wabash Ave., do. 1907] School of Pharmacy Alumni JOSEPH HERMAN CHRISTMANN Druggist; Ph.G ; b. S 1, ISSl, Hochst, Ger.; 8. Herman and Theresa (Weber) Christmann. Drug, with Christmann & Menzies, 3118 N. Clark St., Chicago, 1910—. 1st Keg., 111. Nat. Guard, 1905-08. Married Lillian Weber, N 11, 1914. Address, 3422 Elaine PL, Chicago; bus. add., 3118 N. Clark St., do. GEORGE EISELE Ph.G.; b. F S, 1SS6, Quincy, 111.; s. George (b. Ja 30, 1S63, Freiburg, Ger.) and Mary C. (Ten- haeff) Eisele (b. Ap 27, 1800, La Prairie, 111.). Prepared in grade sch. Kappa Psi; Class prophet; hon. mention for excellence in scholarship; Becker prize in pharm. Grad. work in Bacterid., Sch. of Pharm., 1907; worked in drug stores in Quincy, 111., Chicago, with Armour & Co., and Abbott Labs., 1907-12; Instr., Botany, Louisville Sch. of Pharm., 1912-13; with Parke Da\-is & Co., Louis- ^•ille, Ky.. 1912-14, and in Cleveland, 1915-20; With Ewald Iron Co. of Louisville, Ky., and Chi- cago, 1920 — . Mem., City Club of Cleveland, 1919—; City Club of Chicago, 1920—. Married Eleanor Stewart Pusey, Ja 10, 1914, Louisville, Ky. Children: Henry Pusey, b. F S, 1915; George, Jr., b. My 17, 1918. Address. 7252 Yates Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 346 Railway Exchange Bldg., do. DEE EARL ELLSWORTH Manager; Ph.G.; b. N 30, 1SS7; s. S. G. and Martha M. (Bradley) Ellsworth. Prepared in Peloskey (Mich.) H. S. Managing Partner, Velie Grand Rapids Sales Co., Automobiles, wholesale and retail. Mem., A. F. A. M., Consistory, and Shrine. Married Ruth Reese, D 25, 1912, Buch- anan, Mich. Child, SherriU, b. O S. 1913. Ad- dress, 848 Henry Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., 421 Di\'ision Ave., S., do. TISDALE EDDIE FURMAN Druggist: Ph.G.; b. Jl 15, 1884, Winchester, Wis.; s. Philip and Sarah (Nesbitt) Furman. Drug., Oak Park, 111., 1909-17; Farmer, 1918—. Married Freda L. Boehm, O 20, 1908, Neenah. Wis. Children: Shirley B., b. S 27, 1909; Tisdale P.. b. Ja 11, 1912; lone M., b. O 9, 1917; Iris F., b. Ja 12, 1919. Address, Oshkosh, Wis., Route 7. JACOB GOODMAN Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. My 30, 1889, Chi- cago; 8. EUa (Sager) Goodman. M.D., N. W^. Univ. Med. Sch., 1912. Mem., A. F. A. M. Capt., M. C, U. S. A. Married Ida E. Guizburg, Chicago, 1917. Child, Marjorie, b. Mr 12, 1919. Address, 3326 Douglas Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3230 W. Roosevelt Rd., do. ■ ROBERT FIELDING HAINES Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 16, 1883, Niotaze, Kan.; s. O J. (b. 18-56, O.) and Margaret Jane (Fielding) Haines (b. 1860, Ind.). Prepared in Niotzae, Kan.; Univ. of Kan., 1903-04. Phi Gamma Sigma. Located in Kalispell, Mont., 1907-14; Somers, do., 1914-19; Whitefiah, do., 1919—. Married Florence Wilson, Je 24, 1914, Kalispell, Mont. Address, Wliitefish, Mont. LOTIS LOMA HUSTON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 15, 1883, Norwich, O.; 9. E. H. and Maggie M. Houston. Prepared in Blue Mound (Kan.) H. S. Conducting Drug Store, Oak Park, 111. Mem., United Presby. Church (Elder). Married Rena Marion Secord, Jl 22, 1908. Child, Lotis Loma, Jr., b. Je 11, 1909. Address, 200 Harrison St., Oak Park, 111. CHARL FREMONT KINGERY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 8, 1879, Arlington, 111. Pres. and owner. The Bear Drug Co., Mercid, Calif. M.C., U. S. Navy. 4yrs. Address. Mercid, Calif. JOHN J. KRZEMIENIEWSKI Ph.G.; b. My 23, 1886, Chicago. Mem., Fores- ters, Polish Alma-Mater; Nat. Alliance. Married Rose Kaminski, Ap 27, 1910, Chicago. Child, Grace, b. Ja 27, 1911. Address, 2214 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. GEORGE JULIUS LANGHEIM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 13, 1887, Charlotte, la.; s. J. M. Langheim. Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S. Pharm., Traill Cooling Co., Chicago, 1909- 10; do., with George Thornhill, 39th St. and Grand Blvd., do., 1910-15; Buck & Rayner. 200 S. State St., 1915 — . Address, 200 S. State St., Chicago. JOHN PETER LEE (Brother of William A., '13) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 5, 1885, Chicago; s. John Peter and Anna Jane (Parker) Lee. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Kappa Psi. Married Hazel Callahan, 1915. Child, John P., Jr., b. N 16, 1919. Address, 3860 Harrison St., Chicago. IRA WILLARD LINDLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 3, 1885, Central City, Neb. Pharm., Central City, Neb. Address, do.i FRANK JOHN McCABE Ph.G.; b. Ap 2, 1887, Chicago; S. John and Nellie McCabe. Prepared in Robert Waller H. S, Children: Frank, Jr., b. 1911; Gertrude, b. 1916, Address, 525 Aldine Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3180 Broadway, do. HUGH McNAIR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 21, 1886, Mt. Carmel, 111. Prepared in Valparaiso Coll. Formerly Pharm., Bicknell, Ind. Address, Princeton, Ind.f PAUL OWEN MARTIN Banker; Ph.G.; b. Ja 19, 1884; s. C. C. (b. Effingham Co., 111.) and Mollie (Parkhurst) Mar- tin (b. do.). Prepared in Austin Coll., Effingham, 111., 1904-05. Kappa Psi. Drug., 4 yrs.; Bank- ing bus. with Newton State Bank and Trust Co., Newton, 111., 1912-20; Mulvev Drug Co., Burbank, Calif., 1921. With Italian Army in It., 1918-19. Mem., K. T.; Elks; I. O. O. F.; Y. M. C. A. Mar- ried F 16, 1910. Address, Newton, 111. GEORGE C. MAY Gen. Sales Mgr.; Ph.G.; b. Jl 7, 1883, Oakland City, Ind. ; s. William J. and Nancy J. (Lowe) May. Prepared in Country .Sch. Pharm., Kansas City, Mo.. 1907; do., Columbia. Mo., 1907-10; Traveling Drug Salesman. St. Louis. 1910-12; Traveling Cigar Salesman, Salt Lake City, 1912-20; Gen. Sales Mgr., do., 1920 — . Mem., Utah Pharm. Assn., 1913—; B. P. O. E., 1907—; Commercial Club. 1920. Married D 24, 1913. Children: George C. Jr., b. D 15. 1914; Louise, b. F 4, 1916; Virginia, b. N 11, 1917; William Alfred, b. My 13, 1919. Address. 1170 East 13th St., South. Salt Lake City; bus. add.. 148 South West Temple, do. MAX MENDELSSOHN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 1, 1882. Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., Chicago. Ad- dress. 4459 Indiana Ave., Chicago. t ' JESSE EARL MILES Ph.G.; b. Ja 27, 1884, Cerro Gordo, 111.; s. J. J. and Emma L. (Nogle) Miles. Prepared in H. S., 2 yrs. Clerk for E. W. Armstrong, Decatur, 111., 2 yrs.; Mgr. and Partner, Weilipp Pharm.. do., 2 yrs.; Retail Mgr., Decatur Drug Co., 1915-Ag 3, 1920; Drug., Franklin. 111.. 1920—. Mem.. A. F. A. M.. R. A. Chapter 21; M. E. Church. Married Caroline Crucker. Ag 4, 1909. Children: Marlowe Piatt, b My 22, 1911; Richard Lynn, b. O 2, 1915; James Allen, b. O 19, 1920. Address. Franklin, 111. ARTHUR JAMES NELSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 22, 1882, Buriington, la.; s. James and -Augusta Louise (Tlaor) Nelson. Prepared in Burlington (la.) H. S., 1899. With Meyer Bros., St. Louis. 1907-08; Churchill Drug Co., 1908-17; St. Paul, 1917-18. Mem., M. E. Church; M. W. A. Married Antoinette Marie Wolf, Je 27, 1911, Joliet. 111. Child, Mary Jean, b. F 27, 1916. Address. 1518 N. Central Ave., Burlington, la. 400 Universitt of Illinois [1908 HENRY PFAFF, Jr. Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 10, 1S88, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., 2604 Wal- lace St., Chicago; later at 1029 N. Clark St., do. Address, 2754 Mildred Ave., Chicago.t ANDREW VERN PLUMMER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ganges, Mich. Formerly Pharm., with Stovers Pharmacy, Ft. Collins, Colo. Address, 5234 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago.t BERTHA REISMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 30, 1886, Ger. Pre- pared in Minneapolis H. S. Formerly Pharm., 824 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago; later at 1000 Loomis St., do. Address, 3325 W. 12th St., Chi- cago.! WALTER HENRY REUTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 18, 1886, Racine, Wis. ; s. Rev. W. C. and Katherine (Velde) Reuter. Prepared in Union (Ore.) H. S. Pharm., Union, Ore.; Owner of Red Cross Drug Store, La Grande, do., 1910—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; W. O. W. Married Madeline McCormick, N 23, 1914, Kansas Citv, Mo. Child, Robert K., b. O 14, 1917. Address, La Grande, Ore. FREDERICK HENRY RUICKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 3, 1882, Chicago. Pre- pared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., 5114 Bishop St., Chicago. Address, 156 W. 117th St., Chicago.t FRED EMIL SCHINZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 17, 1886, Milwaukee. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., 1059 W. State St., Rockford, 111. Address, in care of Charles L. Gapen, Ottawa, Ill.t EDWIN THEODORE SCHUMM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 2, 1886, LaPorte, Ind. Prepared in St. Johns Parochial Sch., La Porte, Ind. Pharm., with E. J. Heiss, Chicago. Ad- dress, 2600 W. Division St., Chicago.t GEORGE LOUIS SECORD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 8, 1884, Junction City, Kan. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., Purity Drug Co., 1364 W. Madison St., Chicago; later at Central States Coll. of Pharm., do. Ad- dress, Success School of Pharm., Garrick Theater Bldg., Chicagot GEORGE KEITH THOMSON Automobile bu.siness; Ph.G.; b. My 11, 1886. Aberdeen, Scotland; s. Margaret (Keith) Thomson. Prepared in Ft Collins (Colo.) H. S., and Colo. State Agr. Coll. Drug., 1914, Colo.; Automobile business, do., 1915; Sales Mgr. for the Colo. Motor Co., 1916; Gen. Mgr., Graham Jones Motor Co., Denver. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, 34 W. 11th St., Denver; bus. add., 1115 Broadway, do. EDWARD CHARLES WACH (Brother of Charles Edward, '13) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1885; s. Charles (b. Soudol, Bohemia) and Mary Hodeck (b. Stro- kanice, do.). Prepared in Y. M. C. A. Day Prep. Sch. Married Bessie Englethaler, S 2, 1911. Address, 549 S. Millard Ave., Chicago. CHARLES RAY YUNDT Chem. Dir.; Ph.G.; b. F 9, 1884, Mulberry, Ind.; s. Alfred M. (b. D 22, 1854, Allentown, Pa.) and Susan Alice Yundt (b. Tippecanoe Co., Ind.). Prepared in Heidelberg Univ., Tiffin, O.; Purdue Univ., 1901-03. Phi Gamma Sigma. Chem. Dir., Montgomery Ward and Co., Chicago. Mem., Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Soc. of Testing Materials. Married Je 16, 1909, Chicago. Children: Beatrice Carrie; Alfred Richard; Alice May. Address, 4849 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. CLASS OF 1908 (38 LIVING, NONE DEAD) FRED KRAMER ANDERSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 7, 1886; s. J. S. (b. Home- worth, O.) and Fannie (Kramer) Anderson. Pre- pared in White Sulphur Springs, Mont. Drug., Roundup, Mont. Served with U. S. Marines, O 1918-F 1919, World War. Married 1909, Red Lodge, Mont. Address, Roundup, Mont. HAROLD DUDLEY BALDWIN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 11, 1884; s. Emmet Vanest (b. O 30, 1846, Pa.) and Sarah Jane (Cook) Baldwin (b. Ap 23, 1850, Lake Geneva, Wis.). Prepared in Hampton (la.) H. S. Phi Gamma Sigma; Biroth prize in Materia Med. and Histol.; Ex. Com., Sr. class. Proprietor of drug store, Hampton, la:, 1908—. Mem., K. of P.; I. O. O. F.; Hampton Commercial Club. Married Mabelle Ethyl Linn, S 19, 1916, Mason City, la. Address, Hampton, la. AMAR NATH BANERJEE Ph.G.; b. F 2, 1876, Nowgong, Central India. Prepared in Queens Coll., Benares City, India; Calcutta Med. Coll., 5 yrs. Address, Benares City, Garureshwar, India.' JOSEPH ARNOLD BLATT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 18, 1888, Cincinnati. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., 1235 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Address, 3036 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago.t LESLIE RAY CRAWFORD Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 11, 1885; s. C. B. and Anna (Dysart) Crawford. Prepared in Dixon H. S. Kappa Psi. Located in Warren, 111., F 11, 1911—. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°; Presbv. Church. Married Martha Gale, Ap 21, 1915, Oregon, 111. Child, Julianne, b. Jl 26, 1917. Address, Warren, 111. WAYNE CRAWFORD DENSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 18, 1885, Ursa, 111.; s. John Thomas (b. Mr 15, 1855, Ursa, 111.) and Fannie (Rudolph) Denson (b. Je 10,- 1862, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Minonk H. S. Drug., Wlllard N. M.; Mgr., Everybodys Drug Co., Mesa, Ariz. Mem., Ex. Bd. of Chamber of Commerce, 1919. Married Edna Kerrick, F 12, 1916, Phoenix, Ariz. Child, Martha Alma, b. My 8. 1917. Address, 147 N. McDonald St., Mesa, Ariz. WALTER WILLIAM DOERR Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 31, 1888, Chicago; s. John N. and Elizabeth B. Doerr. Kappa Psi; Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M.; Royal Arcanum. Married Lavinia Wilson, O 16, 1912, Evanston. 111. Child, Jean Lavinia, b. Jl 12, 1917. Address, 389 Elder Jane, Winnetka, 111.; bus. add., Kenil- worth, 111. RALEIGH GERHARD EAREL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 7, 1883, Camp Point, 111.; s. I. J. (b. Adams Co., 111.) and Mollie (Brede- weg) Earel (b. do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Scholarship; Alumni Medal. Pharm., Quincy, 111. Married N 9, 1910, Quincy, 111. (wife died O 12, 1918). Child, Mary Louise, b. My 19, 1915. Address, 1131 Vermont St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., 1142 Broadway, do. OTTO AUGUST FETT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 30, 1888, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., at 1758 W. 12th St., Chicago. Address, 646 N. Poplar Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Economical Drug Co., 122 N. State St., do.t DELMAR NELSON FIDLER Ph.G.; b. Mr 28, 1886, Watseka, 111.; s. David A. and Nancy H. (Davis) Fidler. Prepared in 190S] School of Pharmacy Alumni 401 Watseka H. S. Phi Gamma Sigma. Mem., Christian Church; Nat. Union; Independent Order of Foresters. Married Anna T. Wilbur, Ag 27, 1911. Chicago. Children: Dorothy -Inna. b. D IS. 1914; Raymond Paul. b. Je 30, 1919. Aiidrcss, 6S46 Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6800 S. Hal- sted St.. do. BRUCE C. FRAXTZ Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Ag 2, 18S0, Washington Co.. lud.; s. A. B. and L. J. (Shepherd) Franti. Prepared in Ind. State Norm. Sch., Terre Haute, Ind. Drug., Salem, Ind.; Traveling Sales- man, 190S— . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Red Men; Mod. Woodmen of .\m. ; K. P. ; Pocahontas. Mar- ried Helen Helfman, Ja 1911, Louisville. Ky. Address, 2946 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. AUBURN SETH KISNER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 18, ISSl; s. C. H. and Susen Ophelia (Shelton) Kisner. Drug., Sheldon, III. Mem.. M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Mod. Woodmen of Am. Married Minnie M. Rhein. Jl 22. 190S, Almvra. Ark. Children: Elizabeth, b. Mr S, 1910; Wilma, b. Je 13, 1912; Francis G., b. Je IS, 1920. Address. Sheldon, 111. GEORGE FERDINAND KNICK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 22, 1886, Oconomowoc, Wis. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm.. with Knick Bros., 3058 Belmont Ave., Chicago. Address, 1031 Newton Ave., N., Minneapolis. t NATHAN KOHN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ross, Grodno, Russia. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Howard Pharmacy, Chicago. Address, Howard Pharmacy, 7oth and Harvard Ave., Chicago.t HERBERT ERNST KRAFT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 8, 1886, Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Oscar and Cecilia (Schotte) Kraft. Pre- pared in H. S., Chicago. Kappa Psi. Appren- ticed to Mas Georger. Chicago, 1904-08; Pharm., Italy and Ger., 1908-F 1910; do., Rogers Park, 111., 1910-13; Organizer of the Wells Bldg. Drug Co., Milwaukee; Pres. and Treas., do., 1913—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Park Lodge, 843, Chicago. Married EUa Hoflfmann, O 5, 1912. Children: Oscar H., b. Ag 1, 1913; Lois A., b. Jl 10, 1917. Address, 3323 Highland Blvd., Milwaukee; 6us. add., 122 Wisconsin St., do. HENRY AUGUST LANGENHAN .\sst. Prof.; Ph.G.; b. Mr 26, 1S83, Ableman, Wis.; s. F. A. (b. N 22. 1848. Ger.) and Ida (Schle- gelemilch* Langenhan (b. Ja 18, 1S85. Sauk Citv. Wis.) Prepared in Rud.'^burg, H. S. B.S., 1913; M.S., 1915; Ph.D., 1918, Univ. of Wis. Kappa Psi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi. Asst. Prof., Pharm.. Univ. of Wis., Madison; Pharm., Pharm. Erp. Station; Supr. of Dispensaries, Univ. Hosp. Auth. : (in preparation) The Arsenical Liquors of the U. S. Pharmacopeia, Translations, Wis. Acad, of Letters, Sc. and .\rts: The .\lkaloids of Datura. Stramonium. Sc. .Ser. Bui., Univ. of Wis.; The Petroxolins and Parallel Preparations. Circular, Wis. Pharm. Exp. Station; Laboratory _ Guides for Elementary Prescription Practice. Univ. of Wis. Print; History of the Arsenical Liquors. Jour., Am. Pharm. As.m.; Liquor Sodae Chlorinata, Jour., Am. Pharm. Assn.; Liquod Cresolis Com- pounds, Wis. Pharm. Jour., 1920; Discourse on Practical Pharmacy, Proceedings, Wis. Pharm. Assn., 1920. Married Bird Arnold, D. 15, 1915, Eau Claire, Wis. Child, Lois Ida, b. Ap 18, 1917. Address, 1821 Westlawn Ave., Madison, Wis.; bus. add., Chem. Bldg., Univ. of Wis., do. OTTO JOHN LORENZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 22, 1>^S8, Berlin, Ger. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm.. at 2144 W. Division St.. Chicago; later at 2007 Milwaukee Ave., do. Address, 3962 Broadway, Chicago.t EDWARD EMIL LUKEN Ph.G.; b. F 25, 1881, Des Plaines, 111.; s. William M. and Bertha E. (Thiels) Luken. Prepared in Chicago Pub. Schs. and H. S.; Parochial Schs. and De La Salle Institute. Production Manager, Standard Lab., Chicago. Mem., Roman Catholic Church. Address, 2449 Wilson Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Jackson Blvd. and Peoria St., do. FREDRICK JAMES LYONS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1882, Hamilton Co., Nob.; s. James (b. O 8, 1855, Can.) and Loretta (Hart) Lyons (b. Ap 3, 1857, Olivet, Mich.). Pre- pared in Kalamazoo (Mich.) Schs. Phi Gamma Sigma. Pharm., Grand Junction, Mich., 1908-16; L'Anse, Mich., 1916—. Married My 23, 1904, Aurora, 111. Address, L'Anse, Mich. EUGENE LESTER MILES Buyer and Mgr., Drug Dept.; Ph.G.; b. My 21, 1887; s. Edwin H. and Ida M. (Jones) Miles. Pre- pared in South Chicago H. S. Mem., Pyramid Lodge, A. F. A. M., 887, Oriental Consistory, 32°; S. P. R. S. Married Marv Baer, Jl 27, 1910, Chi- cago. Child, Robert Eugene, b. Mr 15, 1914. Address, 6200 Laflin St., Chicago; bus. add., 4805- 13 S. Ashland Ave., do. JAMES STRACHEN MILLER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 17, 1888, Coal City. 111.; s. S. and Jean (Strachen) Miller. Prepared in Coal City H. S. Pharm., 158 S. West. Ave., Chicago; do., 224 S. West. Ave., do., Je 1915—. Mem., Humboldt Park Lodge, 813, A. F. A. M. Married Florence M. Nelson, Ag 22, 1913. Child, James Nelson, b. Jl 22, 1914. Address, 3425 S. Leavitt St., Chicago; bus. add., 224 S. Western Ave., do. WILLIAM DARRELL MOTTAR Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1887, Rochester, 111.; s. Alfred (b. Jl 20, 1863, Rochester, 111.) and Ida Frances (Johnson) Mottar (b. S 2, 1864). Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. Class Ed. Clerked in drug stores at Chicago, Champaign and Spring- field, 111., 1908-12; Proprietor of drug store. Au- burn, 111., D 5, 1912 — . Auburn Community Club (Pres., 1918-19). Married Bonnie Marie Sims, O 19, 1910, Illiopolis, 111. Children: John Alfred, b. S 16, 1912; William Darrell, Jr., b. Mr 20, 1918. Address, Auburn, 111. ALVRADO BENSON OWENS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 25, 1887, Savanna, 111. Prepared in Savanna Tp. H. S. Formerly Pharm., 179 Vernon Terrace, Oakland, Calif.; later with Owl Drug Co., San Francisco. Address, Exeter, Calif. { ADOLPH V. PAVLICEK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 9, 1882; s. Frank and Mary (Shubert) Pavlicek. Pharm., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Lawndale, 995. Address, 4056 W. 21st Place, Chicago; bus. add., 2100 S. Crawford Ave., do. HERMAN LAWRENCE RAUSCHERT (Brother of Emil P., '17) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 16, 1886; s. Herman Rauschert. Prepared in Lake Mills (Wis.) H. S. Married Lida R. Payne, O 7, 1915. Children: Mary, b. O 28, 1916; John H., b. Je 16, 1920. Address, 413 St. James PI. Chicago; bus. add., 2303 Lincoln Ave., do. JAMES PATRICK RENAUD Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag24, 1884, L'Orignal, Can.; s. Evoniste (b. O 7, 1837, St. Lin, Can.) ard Eliza- beth (Bergeron) Renaud (b. Mr 2, 1848, St. Mar- tin, Can.). Prepared in Bus. Coll., Chicago. Clerk, Chicago, 1908-11; Proprietor of drug store, do., 1911 — . Mem.. III. Pharm. As.«n., 3 yrs. Married Je 7, 1916, Chicago. Child, Dorothy Elizabeth, b. Ap 3, 1918. Address, 6658 S. State St., Chicago; bus. add.. 6656 S. State St., do. WILLIAM EMANUEL RUESCH Student; Ph.G.: b. Ap 30, 1889, Joliet, 111.; a. Frederick and Wilhelmina (Duval) Ruesch. Pre- 402 Univebsitt op Illinois [1909 pared in Putlands Bus. Coll., Joliet, 111. Formerly Pharm., 3801 Clarendon Ave., Chicago; do., 1347 Grace St., do.; student, N. W. Univ., 1921. Mem., Bethany Lutheran Church. Married Rose E. Ahrens. S 23, 1914, Joliet, 111. Children: William Karl, b. Ag 26, 1917; Frederick Joseph, b. S 9, 1919. Address, 4115 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. CHARLES GEORGE SELLS Confectioner; Ph.G.; b. Ja 17. 1885, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; s. Leon B. and Carrie L. Sells. Prepared in Ft. Wayne (Ind.) H. S., Ft. Wayne Bus. Coll., and Mrs. Whites Shorthand Coll. Phi Gamma Sigma; Kappa Psi. Wholesale Confectioner, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T., Mont Joie Commandery; Christian Science Church. Married Emma E. Esch, S 14, 1910, Chicago. Child, Dorothy Jeanne, b. Mr 9, 1916. Address, 7328 Indiana Ave., Chicago. FRANK EDMUND SHIPMAN (See '12 Med.) HARRY GARRISON SKINNER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 14, 1887; s. Emma Garrison Skinner. Prepared in Yates City H. S. Honorable Mention for Scholarship. Mgr., Owl Drug Co., Denver. Married Ella D. Chase, S 1, 1917, Portland, Ore. Child, daughter, b. My 14, 1920, Salt Lake City. Address, The Owl Drug Co., 17th and Curtis Sts., Denver. ROY M. SOULT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 27, 1882; s. Ellis A. (b. Je 1847, Clearfield, Pa.) and Mary (Baker) Soult (b. N 1860, Fredonia, Pa.). Prepared in Fredonia Inst., 1896-1901 and Grove City Coll., 1901-02. A.B., Grove City Coll., 1902. Pharm., Pittsburgh, 1908-13; Prospect, Pa., 1913-16; and Fredonia, Pa., 1916 — . Married Agnes Croelins, 1908, Kenosha, Wis. Address, Fredonia, Pa. JOHN JOSEPH STASZAK Ph.G.; b. Mr 24, 1888, Chicago. Formerly located at 1944 N. Girard St., Chicago. Address, 1113 N. Leavitt St., Chicago.f FRANK BENGAL STROMER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 4, 1886, Chicago. Prepared in South Division H. S. , Chicago. Served at Base Hosp., Camp Houston, Tex., World War. Address, 2458 Wentworth Ave., Chicago.J REXFORD DE TOMPKINS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 31, 1887, Mt. Sterling. 111.; s. William Daniel (b. Mr 20. 1861, Mt. Ster- ling, 111.) and Jennie M. (Briggs) Tompkins (b. Buckhorn, do.). Prepared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Saluatory prize in gen. work; Becker prize in pharm. Located in Mt. Sterling, 111., 1908-S 1910; Chicago, S-D 1910; Mt. Sterling, D 1910-S 1912; student at Univ. of 111., Urbana Depts., 1912- 13; Chicago, 1913-14; Griggsville, 111.. 1914- 16; Mt. Sterling, 111., 1916-18; Chicago, 1918; Ogglesby, HI., 1918-19; Proprietor of drug store, Ottawa, 111., S 1919—. Mem., Young Mens Com- mercial Club (Sec, 1917-18). Married Je 17, 1915, Mt. Sterling, 111. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. Mr 14, 1916; Fredric Dunbar, b. My 13, 1917; Clinton Daniel, b. N 14, 1918. Addrett, 542 Christie St., Ottawa, 111.; bus. add., 431 State St., do. JOHN JOSEPH URBAN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 24, 1888, Chicago; s. Joseph and Eva (Schultz) Urban. With V. Cwiklinski, 1435 Blackhawk St., Chicago, 1904-07; Xelowski Pharm., Milwaukee Ave. and Noble St., 1907-08; Hottinger Drug and Truss Co., Milwau- kee and Chicago Aves., 1908-10; with C. A. San- kiewicz. North Chicago, 111., 1910-11; Ashland Drug Co., Randolph and Clark Sts., 1911-12; with F. J. Lichtenberger, Milwaukee and Division Sts., 1912-13; with S. Bartkowski, 2923 Milwaukee Ave., 1913-15; Relief Clerk, 1915-17; conducted own bus., My 1, 1917 — . Mem., 111. Court, 895, C. O. F.; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Married Sophia Biniszewski, Je 20, 1917. Child, John Jerome, b. O 30, 1919. Address, 3280 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. STEWARD FRANKLIN VOSS Roofing Contractor; Ph.G.; b. Mr 5, 1887, York, Pa.; s. Henry A. and Ida (Melhorn) Voss. Kappa Psi. Mem., Ashlar Lodge 308, A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Daisy A. Goddard, Ag 12, 1913, Chicago. Child, Jack Goddard, b. Mr 23, 1918. Address, 4809 N. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., 118 N. La Salle St., do. STANLEY B. WEBSTER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 20, 1887; s. D. J. and Ella (Ballinger) Webster. Mem., Firm, Webster and Crist, 459 W. 63rd St., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Elsie Hartman, Je 10, 1910, Freeport. Child, Carolyn, b. Mr 18, 1914. Address, 6236 Normal Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 459 W. 63rd St., do. WYLEY PORTER WILLIAMSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 12, 1885, Ritchie Co., W. Va. Prepared in Port Washington H. S. For- merly Pharm., with Englewood Pharmacy, 63rd and Halsted, Chicago; later with Union Depot Drug Store, Canal and Adams St. Address, 1737 S. Wabash Ave., do. FRANK JAMES ZUCK Instructor; Ph.G.; b. N 27, 1884, Rockford. 111.; s. Emma M. (Harmon) Zuck. Prepared in Rock- ford H. S. Special work, Univ. of Kan., and Univ. of Mont. Phi Chi. Mgr., Pharm., Rockford, 111., 1908-15; Instr., Pharm., Univ. of Kan., 1915-16; Mgr., Pharm., Kirkland, 111., 1916-18; Instr., Pharm., Univ. of Mont., 1918-20; later with Simon Drug Co., Rockford, 111. Instr., Pharm., Sch. of Pharm., 1921—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church; Kan. Scientific and Research Soc. (ex- mem.); Am. Pharm. Assn. Auth.: Cost Account- ing, Western Druggist; paper on turnover and its full meaning, delivered at session of Kan. Pharm. Assn. Married Harriett Wiley Holmes. Children: Floyd Stanton, b. Je 27, 1910; Robert Rowland, b. My 8, 1915. Address, 701 S. Wood St., Chicago, 111. CLASS OF 1909 (55 LIVING, 2 DEAD) GUSTAV ADOLPH ANDERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 28, 1887, Sweden; s. John Ludvig (b. O 2, 1852, Sweden) and Mary Christine (Borgeson) Anderson (b. O 1, 1850). Kappa Psi; Class Salutatorian. Pharm., Chicago. M. C, U. S. A., My 27, 1918-Jl 30, 1919; with A. E. F. in France. Address, 626 Pope St., Rockford, 111. JAMES ELMER ARKINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 6, 1889, Chicago; s. Albert and Nettie (Baker) Arkins. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Katheryn McDonald, Je 9, 1914, La Salle, 111. Children: Fern Lucele, b. Je 20, 1916; J. Elmer, Jr., b. D 20, 1917; Joseph Albert, b. D 5, 1919. Address, 843 7th St., L» Salle, 111.; bus. add., 643 1st St., do. LUTHER BAKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 29, 1883, Astoria, 111. Prepared in 111. State Norm. Sch., Normal, 111. Formerly Pharm., Cerro Gordo, 111; Taylorville, do. Address, Auburn, Ill.t HUGO FRANK BEYERMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 23, 1888, Ger. Pre- pared in Ger. Pub. Schs. Pharm., 3613 N. Her- mitage Ave., Chicago; 4701 Park Ave., do. Ad- 1909] School op Pharmacy Alumni 403 rfress, in care of Beyerman Drug and Opt. Co., 139 S. Halsted St., Chieago.t CHARLES WESLEY BROWN Ph.C; b. S 26, 1SS2. Ruthville, Va.; s. Robert S. Brown. Prepared in Boston Latin Sch. and Western Univ. of Pa. Address, 5480 Ingleside Ave., Chieago.t JOHN KOSMER CHELESKI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 4, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., Chicago. Ad- dress, 1734 W. 47th St., Chieago.t URBAN VELPERT COMES (See '13 Med.) HARRY CONNERS Banker and Broker; Ph.G.; b. My 12, 1890; s. Thomas (b. D 26, 1S59, Covington, Ky.) and Anna Marie (Furlong) Conners (b. Ap 23, 1868, Bellevue, C). Prepared in Belle\Tie (O.) H. S. A.B., Har- vard Univ. Kappa Psi. With Otis & Co., Bank- ers and Brokers, Cleveland, O. World War, 1917- 19 (France, Jl 1917-Jl 1919). Address, 2028 E. 79th St., Cleveland, O. AUGUSTUS COVER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 17, 1887, Knoxville, III.; s. John Franklin and Mary Virginia Cover. Pre- pared in Toulon H. S. Mgr., Drug Store. Mem., Toulon Lodge 93, A. F. A. M.; Wyo. Chap. 133, Royal Arch Masons, Kewanee Commandery 71, K. T., Scottish Rite, Mohammed Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. of Peoria; M. W. A. Address, Toulon, HORACE OTTO DAHLIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 21, 1887, Pittsburgh; s. Otto Dahlin. Prepared in Pittsburgh Coll. of Pharm. Pharm., 6731 Reynolds St., Pittsburgh; later at Craig and Centre Sts., do.; at one time traveling for the John Wyeth Drug Co., Philadel- phia. Address, 5406 Black St., East Liberty Station, Pittsburgh.? CHARLES PATT ECK (See '16 Med.) ANNA JACOBS EICHER (Mother of Ben L., '11) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 2, 1867, Sioux City, la. Prepared in H. S. At one time Pharm., 3913 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Married L. Eicher. Ad- dress, 4042 Calumet Ave., Chieago.t CARL DAVID EKSTROM Ph.G.; b. Jl 24, 1888, Chicago; s. Carl and Mathilda (Larson) Ekstrom. Prepared in Holmes Pub. Sch., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Boule- vard 882. Normal Park Chapter. 210, Englewood Commandery 59, Medinah Temple. Married Esther Bostrum, F 14, 1917. Address, 5842 S. Green St., Chicago; bus. add., 1000 W. 59th St., EDWARD G. FINGL (Brother of Anton W., '11; Cousin of Stanley J. Novotny, '20) Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1891, Chicago; s. Anton (b. Je 7, 1866, Austria) and Johana (Novotny) Fingl (b. Je 6, 1870, Chicago). Honorary Mention. Married Florence Christian Snyder, Ap 25, 1917, Chicago. Child, Florence Johana, b. D 11, 1917. Address, 722 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 600 N. Cicero Ave., do. FREDERICK LOUIS FRAUENHOFF Manager; Ph.G.; b. F 25, 1888, Aurora, 111.; s. Al and Louise fGuhl) FrauenhofT. With Staudt Bros., Aurora, 111., 1918; Mgr., Stillman Frf-cklo Cream Co., do., 1918 — . Married I.orena E. Dorn, Je 4, 1913. Children: Frederick John, b. My 28, 1914; Jean Florence, b. F 5, 1920. Addresa, in care of Stillman Freckle Cream Co., Aurora, III. SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER GROS Salesman; Ph.G.; b. S 20, 1887, Greenville, 111.; 8. Gustave (b. Neuveville, Switzerland) and Ellen (Hull) Gros (b. Witchita, Kan.). Prepared in Lake Mills, Wis. Kappa Psi; Hon. Mtiition. Pharm., Livingston, Mont., Jl 1909-O 1913; do., Butte, Mont., O 1913-S 1917; Salesman for Good- year Tire & Rubber Co., 1919—. 303rd Inf., U. S. A., S 1917-Ap 1919. Married Ag 10, 1911, Peoria, 111. Address, in care of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Butte, Mont. DELANCEY T. GUNNING Chemist; Ph.C; b. Ap 2, 1S86, Wilmington, 111.; s. Thomas Gunning. Chem., State Food Comn. Lab., 431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Address, 1222 E. 53rd St., Chieago.t LOUIS EVAN HALPERIN Physician; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1888, Chicago; s. Bernard (b. Rus.) and Eva (Greenspon) IJalperin (b. do.). Prepared by pvt. tutor. M.D., Jenner Med. Coll., 1915. Pharm., Chicago, 1909-15; Phys., do., 1915—. Mem., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Married Lillian F. Turner, D 23, 1913, Chicago. Child, Lois Ann, b. N 9, 1918. Address, 1301 N. Western Ave., Chicago. CHARLES HIBBE Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. Mr 30, 1889, Chicago; s. Margarite (Krier) Hibbe. Prepared in H. S. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1917. Kappa Psi; Phi Chi. U. S. Army, 1917-19. Mem. A. F. A. M., Humboldt Pk., 813; B. P. O. E., Al- liance, Neb. Address, 1535 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. JULIAN BULMER HOWELL Ph.G.; b. Jl 29, 1885, St. Johns, 111.; s. M. and Eloda B. Howell. Prepared in Duquoin H. S. Clerk, Granite City, 111., 1909-10; Murphysboro, do., 1910-15; in garage bus., 1915 — . Capt., 111. Nat. Guard, 4 mos. Mem., B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M. Married Lola Ozburn, Mr 18, 1918, Pinckney- ville, 111. Child, June Allen, b. My 1919. Ad- dress, S. Division St., Duquoin, 111. JOHN GEORGE HOWLY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 23, 1883, LaCrosse, Wis. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., with J; A. Schwaiger, Wauwatosa, Wis. Address, 808 S. 3rd St., LaCrosse, Wis.t VICTOR ALBERT KREMER Ph.G.; b. F 8, 1889; s. Frank and Mary (Bruning) Kremer. Phi Gamma Sigma. Formerly located in Chicago and Winnetka, 111. 11th 111. Inf., (3 yrs.). World War. Married Edna S. Croesel, Ag 4, 1910. Child, b. Ag 21, 1911. Address, Niles Center, 111. OTTO WILLIAM LEININGER Physician; Ph.G.; b. Je 15, 1886, Red Wing, Minn.; s. George and Matilda (Shuster) Leininger. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., 1914; Married N 1, 1911, Chicago. Child, Eleanor, b. O 26, 1916. Address, 1521 N. Wood St., Chicago. bus. add., 1856 North Ave., do. OTTO WILLIAM LUKASEK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 14, 1887, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., 2122 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago. Address, 4201 W. 26th St., Chieago.t THOMAS J. McNAMARA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 23, 1887, LaSalle, 111.; s. John and Mary (Cannon) McNamara. Pre- pared in Ottawa H. S. Evacuation Hosp. 37; World War. Address, 717 LaSalle St., Ottawa, 111. LEON ARTHUR MARKS Chem. Broker; Ph.G.; b. D 27, 1890, Cincinnati; 8. Samuel and Emma (Smith) Marks. Instr., Chem., N. W. Dent. Sch., 1918-19; Chem. Broker, Chicago. Auth.: Articles in Commercial Papers. Mem., A. F. A. M.; N. W. Dent. Sch. Travel Club 404 University of Illinois [1909 Married Dorothy Sturm, Ap 16, 1913. Child, Robert Lee, b. Ag 17, 1917, Chicago. Address, 953 W. 78th St., Chicago; bus. add., 233 W. Lake St., do. JOSEPH ALFRED MERRILL Engineer; Ph.G.; b. Jl 18, 18S9; s. John F. and Annie H. (Davy) Merrill. Prepared in Calumet H S , Chicago. Lubrication Engr., Chicago, Commissioned 1st Lt., F. A., N 27, 1917; Capt.; do , O 30, 1918, World War. Mem., Epis. Church, Kenwood Lodge 303, A. F. A. M. Married Mar- guerite H. Cawker, Je 26, 1919, Milwaukee. Child, Joseph A. Jr., b. Ap 8, 1920. Address, 9727 Pros- pect, Chicago; bus. add., 558 W. Washington St. ''''■ JOHN JOSEPH MICHALAK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 13, 1884, Radlowo, Poland, Ger. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., 4533 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Address, 4705 S. Lincoln Ave., Chicago.! GROVER CLEVELAND MONTGOMERY Ph.G.; b. Mr 17, 1884, Crawford Co., 111. Pre- pared in Austin Coll., Effingham, 111. Pharm. with F. M. Mares, 7876 Archer Ave., Chicago; later at Ravenswood. Address, in care of Armour & Co., Beef Extract and Mincemeat Dept., Union Stock Yards, Chicago.f CHARLES JOSEPH MRAZEK Ph.G.; b. Ap 30, 1891; s. Charles and Theresa (Kohown) Mrazek. Mem., A. F. AM.; I. O. OF. Married Rose Polka, S 18, 1913, Chicago Chil- dren: James, b. Je 16, 1914; Charles, b. Mr 25, 1916. Address, 1757 W. 51st St., Chicago. EDWIN SIDNEY MYERSON Ph.G.;b. Jl 11, 1889; s. Flora Myerson. Active- ly engaged in Retail Drug. Bus. since graduation from Grammar Sch. Served as Apprentice, Asst. Registered, and Registered Pharm.; Conducted Drug. Bus., 1915—. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge. Married Theresa Herpe, Jl 25, 1916 Child, Maurice, b. Ap 20, 1917. Address, 2157 Grace St., Chicago. FRANK H. NIEMEYER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 10, 1888, Chicago; s. W. A. and Sophia (Butler) Niemeyer. Prepared m Dakota City (Neb.) H. S. Drug., Shannon, 111., 1911-15; do., Belvidere, 1915—. Kappa Psi. Married Agnes Kennedy, S 18, 1913. Address, 528 S. Main St., Belvidere, 111.; bus. add., 415 S. State St., do. CLARENCE JULIUS OBERG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 12, 1889. With W. G. Krieter, Druggist, 2734 W. North Ave., Chicago, 1909-17; at present with Alexian Bros. Hosp. Pharmacy. Pharmacists Mate, 2nd Hosp., Unit 9, U. S.'N., Great Lakes, 111. Address, 834 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago. THOMAS OSBORNE Pharmacy; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1888, Oldbury, Eng.; s. John and Mary Osborne. Owner, drug store, 149 W. lUth St., Chicago, Je 1914 — . Mem., Holy Rosary Church. Married N 28, 1916. Child, Thomas C. Osborn, Ag 24, 1920. Address, 416 E. UOth Place, Chicago; bus. add., 149 W. 111th St., do. ALEXANDER C. PESKA Ph.G.; b. Jl 17, 1888, Chicago. Prepared in Loyola Univ. Army Hosp. Service, Camp Custer, Mich., World War. Address, 1539 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. VITO PISANI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 9, 1882, Italy. Pre- pared in H. S., Italy. Formerly Pharm., 913 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Address, 1160 W. Taylor St., Chicago.f WILLIAM ERNST PLOETZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 21, 1888; s. Ferdinand C. (b. Breslau, Ger.) and Mary (Goettlemann) Ploetz (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Sheboygan (Wii.) Pub. Schs. Phi Gamma Sigma; Kappa Psi; Biroth Prize. Pharm,, Ottawa, 111., 1909; Rock- ford, 1909-14; Relief work. Wis., 1914-15; Retail Drug Bus., Durand, 111., 1915—. Dir., Sch. Bd., Durand, 1918-20. Married Henrietta Zander, Ja 12, 1915, Evansville, Wis. Children: William Frederick, b. N 11, 1915; George Parrman, b. My 13, 1917. Address, Durand, 111. SAMUEL GEORGE PRENTICE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 25, 1879, Savannah, Ga. Prepared in Savannah (Ga.) Pub. Schs. and Beach Institute, do. Pharm., with Porter & Prentice, Chicago. Address, 19 W. Slst St., Chi- cago. t CLARENCE EDWARD RAETZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 28, 1887, Algoma, Wis.; s. Leopold J. and Emma (Busse) Raetz. Prepared in Appleton (Wis.) H. S.; and Actual Business Coll., Appleton, Wis. Pharm., Evanston Hosp. Mgr. for C. H. Burkett, Evanston, 111.; Instr., Materia Med. for Graduate Nurses. Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Red Cross; 111. Pharm. Assn.; N. A. D. C. Married Laura Neugebauer, F 22, 1911, Chicago. Children: Kenneth, b. Ap 19, 1912; Jane, b. Ag 4, 1918. Address, 1120 Grant St., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 829 Davis St., do. JOHN MYRON RAMBO Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 27, 1883, La Moille, 111.; s. Joseph C. and lona L. (Igou) Rambo. Prepared Allen H. S., La Moille, 111. Retail Drug., with John Trulson Co., Princeton, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; Eng. Lutheran Church. Mar- ried Florence E. Bass, Je 16, 1910. Children: Elizabeth, b. Ag 10, 1913; John Myron, Jr., b. D II, 1919. Address, Princeton, 111. FELIX JAMES RATAJIK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 4, 1891, Stevens Point, Wis.; s. Albert (b. Bohemia) and Theresa (Ploc) Ratajik (b. do.). Prepared in Farragut H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Mem., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Address, 5207 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. RUTHERFORD GUSTAVUS ROSENSTONE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 27, 1886, Lynn Center, III. Prepared in Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan. Formerly Pharm., Cambridge, 111. Address, Sand- wich, Ill.t LARRY LEWIS RUMMERFIELD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 30, 1884, Rock Port, Mo. Prepared in Rock Port (Mo.) H. S. Pharm., Thermopolis, Wyo. Address, in care of Heradres Pharmacy, Thermopohs, Wyo.t CHARLES SHPISMAN Builder; Ph.G. ;b.Jl 25, 1890, Rus. Prepared in H. S., Rus. Off. Training Camp, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, Shrine. Married Mrs F. Anderson, 1910, Los Angeles. Address, 342 S. Benton Way, Los Angeles; bus. add., 914 Marsh Strong Bldg., do. JOHN EDGAR SISK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 25, 1884, Eldorado, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Marion, 111. Address, Benton, Ill.t HALLEY AMBROSE SMITH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 22, 1888, Antioch, 111. Prepared in Carroll Coll., Wis. Pharm., Antioch, 111. Address, Antioch, Ill.t ♦HERBERT WILLIAM SMITH Ph.G.; b. Ap 14, 1888, Quincy, 111.; s. W. W. Smith. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and Gem. City Bus. Coll. Home, 513 Monroe St., Quincy, 111. Died Ja 1919. MARY LEINBAUGH ANDERSON SMITH Ph.G.; b. Mr 7, 1887, Dallas City, 111.; d. C. F. Leinbaugh. Prepared in H. S. Located in Sloan, la., and Waverly, Kan., since graduation. Mar- ried Ellis Glen Smith. Address, Norfolk, Neb.J 1910] School of Pharmacy Alumni 405 MATTHEW GUSTAVE STAHLFELD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 15. 1880. Ger.; s. Gustave and Adeline (Mueller) Stahlfeld. Pre- pared iu South Division H. S., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Nat. Union; Royal Arcanum; Lu- theran Church. Address, 404 W. 28th Place, Chicago; bus. add., 300 E. 31st St.. do. WILLIAM J. STAMAN (Brother of Ashton, '90) Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. F 12. 1884; s. William and Louisa (Eighinger) Staman. Formerly Pharm. with A. Staman, Auburn, Ind. Drug Clerk and Mgr. of farm, St. Joe, Ind., 1921. Mem., B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M.; K. P. Married Avis Sechler, Ap 1. 1917. Address, St. Joe. Ind. CHARLES KLAUS STULIK (Brother of George. Ph.G.. '13; husband of Zdenka Spatny, '19 A.B. in L.A. & S. ) Physician; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1910; b. O 0. 1889; s. Karel (b. ISOO, Bohemia^ and Antoinette (Holub) Stulik (b. 1807, do.). Prepared in McKinley H. S. B.S.. Univ. of Chicago. 1913; M.D.. Rush Med. Coll.. 1910 Honorable Mention. Asst., Med., Rush Med. Coll.. 1919. 1st Lt.. M. C, U. S. A.. Ja 1, 191S-Ja 23, 1919. Mem., A. M. A.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Bohemian Med. Soc; Am. Child Hygiene Assn.; Assn. Mil. Surgs. Married Zdenka Spatny, (•19), My 10, 1920, Chicago. Address, 1108 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1658 W. 21st St.. do. *DAVID EMANUEL SWANSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 22, 1888, Chicago; s. Olof Swanson. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Home, Chicago. Mem., Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. Died Ja 30, 1919, Chicago. MILTON* WHITE THOMPSON Pharmacbt; Ph.G.; b. Je 13, 1879, Homer, 111. Prepared in Homer H. S. and Bus. Sch., Decatur, HI. Formerly Pharm., Litchfield Drug Co., Litchfield, 111. Address. Tower Hill, Ill.t HARRY A. UNDERRINER (Brother of Edwin J., '16) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 17, 1887, Earlington, Ky.; 8. William J. and Mary (Merz) Underriner. Pre- pared in St. Anthonys Parochial Sch. Valedic- torian, 1909. Mem., St. Anthonys Roman Catho- lic Church; K. C; B. P. O. E.; Rotary Club; Ef- fingham Business Mens Assn. (Dir.). Married Mary Louise Engbring, Je 21, 1910. Address, 300 N. 3rd St., Effingham, 111.; bus. add., 205 W. Jefiferson St., do. RICHARD B. VAN DUSEN Retired Drug.; Ph.G ; b. O 22, 1885, Allegan, Mich.; s. William (b. My 5, 1849, Madison, Ind.) and Nellie (Bennett) Van Dusen (b. Jl 2, 1861, Three Rivers, Mich.). Prepared in Allegan (Mich.) H. S. Kappa Psi; Phi Gamma Sigma. Buying and selling stores, Chicago. Mem., Wind- sor Park and Cheltenham Bus. Mens Assn. (V. P. and Pres., 1918-19); South Shore Club (Dir.) Chicago Motor Club; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Chicago Drug Club. Married Mr 20, 1914, Crown Point, Ind. Children: WiUiam Richard, b. Ap 11, 1915; David Melvin, b. Mr 4, 1917. Address, 1266 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles. HENRY LEONARD VENN (Brother of Charles, '04) Manufacturer; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1910; b. S 6, 1886, Chicago. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll., and Ar- mour Inst., Chicago. Mfr., Chicago. Served with Co. E., 3rd Regt., Air Service, St. Paul, World War. Address, 879 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. t GEORGE KIMMEL VOSS Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Jl 2, 1887, Duquoin, 111. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Duquoin, 111. Ad- dress, E. Main St., Duquoin, Ill.t GEORGE CARL WIRTH Druggist: Ph.G.; b. D 2, 1884, Duluth, Minn.; s. Max N. and Louise (Hey) Wirth. Prepared in Duluth (Minn.) Central H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine, Duluth Lodge No. 133; B. P. O. E. Ad- dress, 2127 East 4th St., Duluth, Minn.; bus. add., 13 W. Superior St., do. CLEMENCE R. ZIMMERMANN (Son of Robert, '84; Nephew of Chas., '73, Ernst and Eugene, '82, Albert, '87) Chemist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1910; b. Mr 9, 1888, Peoria; s. Robert and Anna (Blomb) Zimmermann. Kappa Psi. Chem., Gen. Lab., Armour & Co., 1909-10; Research Chem., do., 1910-14; Asst. Supt., Fruit Preserving, do., 1914 — . Mem., K. C Married Meta Becker, O 16, 1917, Peoria. Child, Robert Walter, b. F 5, 1919. Address, 5620 Calu- met Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Armour & Co., U. S. Yards, do. CLASS OF 1910 (46 LIVING, 4 DEAD) JOHN BERGER ANDERSON Ph.G.; b. Ja 27, 1890, Peoria; s. Peter (b. Jl 9, 1851, Sweden) and Johanna (Olson) Anderson (b. Ag 9, 1848, Sweden). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 613 McBean St., Peoria: bus. add., Larkin Co. of 111., do. FRANK ANNIBALE Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ag 2, 1888, Chicago. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., 1015 Newport Ave., Chicago. Address, 3519 Sheffield Ave., Chicago.t ARTHUR FREDERICK BAGGE Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. My 17, 1886, Rosalie, 111. Pharm., Aurora, III. Address, in care of L. C. Staudt, Aurora, Ill.t ROY ERNEST BAKER Pharm. and Phonograph Bus.; Ph.G ; b. Ja 15, 1890, Chicago: s. George R. and Nettie (Best) Baker. Med. Corps, 19th Inf., Ap 30-O 22, 1918. Address, 1926 N. Clark St., Chicago; bus. add., 1729 Montrose Ave., do. JOHN SIMON BENSON Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ja 5, 1889, Joliet; s. Charles Ben.son. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. NIarried .\nna Viola Johnson, Je 18, 1912. Children: John Robert, b. Ag 16, 1915; Carl Richard, b. Ap 12, 1918. Address, 105 Dover St., Chicago; bus. add., 300 N. Chicago St., CONRAD AUGUST BERG (Brother-in-law of C W. Lutz, '15 M.D.) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 19, 1889, Porter Co., Ind.; s. Frederick (b. Swedeni and Marie (b. do.). Pre- pared in Chicago. Phi Gamma Sigma; Kappa Psi. Located in Three Forks, Mont., Je 10, 1910; Half interest in Three Forks Drug Co., N 1913-Ja 1920; Owner and Proprietor, do., Ja 1920 — . Mar- ried Ag 1912, Oak Park, 111. Children: Conrad William, b. Je 15, 1913; Jack Randolph, b. Mr 29, 1915; Robert Gordon, b. N 14, 1919. Address, Three Forks, Mont. CENTENNIAL JOHN BOTTOM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 10, 1876, Sparta, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Granite City, 111. Address, 4th and Madison Sts., Madison, Ill.f RUSH ARTHUR BROWN Wholesale Druggist: Ph.G.; b. Mr 30, 1888; 8. R. F. Brown. Prepared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak) H. S., St. Johns Mil. Acad., and Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Psi. Wholesale Drug., .Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Married Ann Abbott, Ap 406 University of Illinois [1910 26. 1916. Children: Phyllis, b. Ja 31, 1917; Richard, b. Ag 13, 1919. Address, Brown Drug Co., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. JESSE BRYCE CARPENTER Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1911; b. My 4, 1887, Cuba, 111.; 8. Jacob and Maria J. (Self) Carpenter. Prepared in Cuba H. S.; Drake Univ., 1907-08. Phi Gamma Sigma; Kappa Psi. Pharm., 1910-18; with the J. C. Penney Co., Salt Lake City, 1921. Inf. Officers Tr. Sch., Camp McArthur, Waco, Tex., 8 moa.. World War. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Lillian Avis Hardy, S 20, 1911, Grand Junction, Colo. Child, Lillian Avis, b. Je 20, 1912. Address, 213 F. St., Salt Lake City. HENRY WILLIAM COLSON Mfg. Chem.; Ph.C; b. D 22, 1889, Chicago; s. Elmer A. (b. Ag 14, 1861, Sweden) and Emma O. (Anderson) Colson (b. N 19, 1861, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Kappa Psi (Grand Vice- Regent, 1913-17); Class prize. Asst. Instr.,Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 1911-17; Asst. Gen. Mgr., States Chem. Co., Chicago, 1917 — . Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn., 1910-17; Am. Chem. Soc, 1912-16. Mar- ried Mabel Alta Berk, Ap 24, 1915, Wheaton, 111. Children: Elizabeth Jean, b. Ja 18, 1917; John Stuart, b. Ja 28, 1919. Address, 7633 Vernon Ave., Chicago. B. ROSS COOL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 7, 188.5, Saybrook, 111.; s. Peter Von Horen (b. N. Y.) and Sarah Ann (Dunan) Cool (b. do.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Drug., Chicago, 1911, Monticello, 111., 1912, Bloomington, 111., 1913-17, and Springfield, 1917-18. Enlisted in M.C., U. S. A., My 1918 and served at Corozal R. de P., Mr 1919. Married Mildred Madge Coonrod, Je 25, 1911. Address, Mansfield, 111. ARTHUR CHESTER CORBIN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 6, 1890, Canton, 111.; s. Henry C. Corbin. Prepared in Canton H. S. Kappa Psi. Class treas. Retail drug., Chicago, 1910-12, Portland, Ore., 1912-14, San Francisco. 1914-15, and Poplar, Mont., 1915—. World War, Jl 1918-F 1919. Married Ag 8, 1917, Glasgow, Mont. Address, Poplar, Mont. CHARLES CLIFFORD CUMMINGS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 10, 1888, Lena, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Fulton, 111.; later located at 153 Stephenson St., Freeport, do. Address, Lena, Ill.t ♦ARTHUR THEODORE ENGLUND Ph.G.; b. My 27, 1888, Escanaba, Mich. Pre- pared in Escanaba (Mich.) Pub. Schs. Home, Escanaba. Deceased. JOHN PETER GOLOMBIEWSKI Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 16, 1887, Chicago; s. Edward and Johanna (Malinowski) Golombiewski. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Auth.: Articles in Sat. Evening Post, Literary Digest, and in pub- lications of Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. and Nat. Assn. Retail Drug. Order of Owls; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn.; Nat. Assn. Retail Drug.; Chicago Drug. Club. Married Helen Koszynski, Jl 1, 1913, Chicago. Child, Claudine, b. F 20, 1916. Address, 4606 S. California Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2633 W. 47th St., do. WILLIAM ALBERT HERRICK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 2, 1890, Gettysburg, S. Dak.; s. Grant Frank (b. Ap 1868, Horicorn, Wis.) and Emma Louise (Dewitz) Herrick (b. Ja 25, 1866, do.). Prepared in Beaver Dam, Wis. Pharm., Portland, Ore.; Los Angeles; Chicago. Wis. Militia, 1907-09; hon. discharged as Corporal Co. K., 2nd Wis. Inf.; Pvt. Co. D., 3rd Ore. Inf., Ore. Militia, 1911. Mem., Grand A. F. A. M., 776, 1912 (Grand Crossing Lodge); C. R. D. A. Married Neva Leola Nicolls, S 5, 1912, Beaver Dam, Wis. Children: Thomas Jefferson, b. Ag 6, 1913; William Albert, Jr., b. O 9, 1914; Warren Mason, b. Ja 12, 1916; Louise, b. Ag 12, 1918. Address, 517 E. 89th Place, Chicago. FINIS HINDMAN Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1887, Benton, 111.; s. Vf. H. and Mary A. (Drummond) Hindman. Pharmacognosy Prize. Formerly located in Herrin, 111. Kappa Psi. . Married Dell A. Mulkey, My 16, 1915. Ad- dress, Christopher, 111. PAUL REINHARDT JOSENHANS Veterinarian; Ph.G.; b. My 7, 1888; s. Rein- hardt and Paula (Loew) Josenhans. M.D.V., Chicago Veterinary Coll., 1913. Married S 13, 1916. Child, Paul Russel, b, Mr 29, 1919. Ad- dress, 3430 N. Harding Ave., Chicago. ALBERT CLINTON KAUFFMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 6, 1887; s. A. C. (b. F 3, 1837, Pa.) and Caroline (Sterns) Kauffman (b. O 20, 1843, do.). Prepared in Waterman H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm., Pawpaw, 111.; Marengo; Amboy. Married Ap 26, 1916, Pawpaw, 111. Ad- dress, Amboy, 111. WILLIAM PIERCE KNOX Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 11, 1885, Chillicothe, O.; s. Thos. A. and Emma (Pierce) Knox. Prepared in Rensselaer (Ind.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Proprie- tor, Drug Store. Mem., Christian Church; I. O. O. F.; Normal Park Lodge 797, A. F. A. M. Mar- ried O 26, 1912, Chicago. Children: Jessie, b. O 5, 1913; Beatrice Leah. Address, 6345 Parnell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., G500 Wentworth Ave., do. FRANK KREMER, Jr. Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 27, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Formerly Pharm., 3534 Fullerton Ave., Chicago; later located at 3444 N. Karlov Ave., do. Address, 1524 Howard Ave., Chicago. t *CARL WILLIAM LUTZ (See '15 Med.) LUCIAN DbWAYNE LYONS Druggist and Postmaster; Ph.G.; b. Jl 9, 1889, Fulton Co., 111.; s. J. Frank (b. 1869, Fulton Co., 111.) and Anna (Maranville) Lyons (b. 1863, do.). Prepared in Cuba H. S. Phi Gamma Sigma; Kappa Psi. Proprietor of drug store, St. David, 111., 1911 — ; Postmaster, do., 1912 — . Mem., N. A. R. D.; 111. Pharm. Assn. Married Zella Pauline Murphy, S 23, 1914, Chicago Heights, 111. Ad- dress, St. David, 111. ROY H. McVAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 13, 1889, Rushville, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Far- mington, 111. Address, Alexis, Ill.t THOMAS RAYMOND MALONEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 24, 1888, Livingston, Mont.; s. James (b. N 3, 1859, Co. Clara, Ire.) and Sarah (Riley) Maloney (b. Ap 15, 1871, Co. Mayo, do.). Prepared in Park Co., H. S., Living- ston, Mont. Pharm., Chicago. 341st Field Hosp. 311th San. Tr., 86th Div., U. S. A.; Camp Hosp. 33, A. E. F., F 27, 1918-N 6, 1919 (Overseas, S 17, 1918-N 5, \91Q). Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; K. C. Address, 3795 Archer Ave., Chicago. JACOB CLAYTON MARSHALL Ph.G.; b. Ap 28, 1889, Nokomis, 111. Prepared in H. S. Address, Nokomis, Ill.t VINCENZO MARZANO Pharm; Ph.G.; b. O 1, 1887, Italy. Formerly Pharm., 618 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Address, 1610 Taylor St., Chicago.t IRVIN HENRY INIILLER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O IS, 1887; s. Henry and Mary (Frailing) Miller. Prepared in Shawano (Wis.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Drug., Shawno, Wis. Enlisted U. S. Army, Ap 19, 1917; Commissioned 2nd Lt., O 1, 1918; Overseas, 14 mos.; discharged Mv 9, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; L. O. O. M. Address, Shawano, Wis. 1910] School of Pharmacy Alumni 407 SAMUEL MAYO MOTTAR Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Mr 31, 1SS9, Springfield, 111.; s. Alfred and Ida (Johnson") iMottar. Pre- pared in Springfiled H. S. Kappa Psi. Salesman, with E. R. Squibb & Sons, 325 W. Lake St., Chi- cago. Mem., A. F. A. M.: B. P. O. E.; Baptist Church. Married Louise Ann Lindrew, My 12, 1914. Children: Bonnie Louise, b. Ag 16, 1915; Robert M., b. O 29, 1919. Address, 315 E. 54th St., Chicago. ADELBERT DALE NEIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1S90, Ohio, III.; s. J. H. and Harriet L. (.Vndorson) Xeis. Prepared in Ohio H. S. In bus., ManUus, 111., 1910-1917; La Moille, do., N 15, 1920—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Med. Detachment, 46th Inf., U. S. .\rmv. World War. Married Bertilla A. Dyer, Mv "21, 1919, Spring Valley, 111. Child, Betty Jane, b. O 22, 1920. Address, La Moille, 111. ALBERT PHILIP NIEMEYER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 6, 1890, Quincy, 111. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., with Reed Bros., Quincy, 111. Address, Quincy, Ill.t THEODORE BERNARD NIESEX Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 26, 1SS9, Peru, 111. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Formerly Pharm., with Henry Weigand, 4301 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago; later at 641 E. 61st St., do. Address, 742 E. 62nd St., Chicago. WILLIAM ALBERT PERKINS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 1, ISSS, Colchester, 111.; s. Fred and Sarah (East) Perkins. Prepared in LakemiUs (Wis.) H. S. Pharm., Deerfield, Wis. Pvt., M. C, S4th Div., World War. Mem., A. F. .\. M. Address. Deerfield, Wis. HENRY ONNO PETERS Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. N 14, 1889, Peoria. Pre- pared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., with R. D. Mc- Dougal, Peoria. Address, 710 Warner Ave., Peoria.f ROSCOE CONKLIN PHILLIPS Retired: Ph.G.; b. N 1, 1887, Lostant, 111.; s. Edward and Sarah (Wright) Phillips. Prepared in H. S., Browns Bus. Coll. Drug., My 1, 1910-Ap 1, 1917. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 1st M. E. Church. Married Elizabeth Topham, F 27, 1912. Child, Maxine Elizabeth, b. Ja 16, 1913. Address, Lost- ant, 111. ♦WARNER EDMUND PURCELL Ph.G.; b. N 6, 1S89, Eldorado, lU.; s. M. K. Purcell. Prei?ared in Eldorado H. S., 2 yrs. Home, Eldorado. Died 1915, Ridgeway, 111. OSCAR W. ROGERS Denti-t: Ph.G.; b. Jl 13, 1883, Holland, Mich.; s. Jamps H. and Katherine (McMann) Rogers. D. M.D.. No. Pacific Dental Coll., 1918. Pharm., 1912-15; Dentist, Bellingham,, 1918—. Mem., L'nited Presby. Church. Married Agnes Morrison, S 17, 1915. Children: Barbara Bennett, b. D 31, 1917; Kathr>-n Alice, b. Ja 9, 1921. Ad- dress. 2717 Cornwall Ave., Bellingham, Wash.; bus. add.. 202 Long Bldg., do. FRANCIS OSCAR ROSE; Ph.G.; b. Ja 6, 1887, Grand Forks, N. Dak.; a. Joseph and Delphine (McCure) Rose. Prepared in Grand Forks (N. Dak.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Proprietor, Watson Drug Co., Spokane. Mem.. K. C. Married Minnie Smiley, Ja 21, 1914, La Grande, Ore. Address, Spokane. VICTOR ROTH Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. Jl 22, 1888, Ferdinand, Ind. Prepared in Univ. of Valparaiso Coll. of Pharm. Pharm.. 137 S. Halsted St., later at 4010 Polk St., Chicago. Address. 4010 Polk St., Chicago.! JACOB LOUIS SANFORD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 13, 1887, DuQuoin, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., Du- Quoin, 111. Address, Mt. Vernon, Ill.t WILLIAM FREDERICK SCHAFFARZICK (Brother of Charles Frank, "06 M.D.) Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 7, 1888, Jefferson, Wis.; s. Frank R. (b. Je 3, 1855, do.) and Carlina (Reuhl) Schaffarziek (b. O 10, 1854, Milwaukee, Wis.). Prepared in Jefferson (Wis.) H. S. Drug- gist, Livingston, Mont., 1910-11; do.. White Sul- phur Springs, Mont., 1911^. Mem., A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, Livingstone, Mont. Married Ruby Engsburg Schaffarziek, N 25, 1918. Child, William Robert, b. Ag 25, 1919. Address, White Sulphur Springs, Mont. *ROSE PHILLIPUS SCHMID Pharmacist; Ph.G. Pharm., in brothers Pharm- acy and in Hahnemann Hosp., Chicago, 1910-19. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; Womcns Pharm. Assn. of Chicago. Died My 7, 1919, Los Angeles. JOHN FORREST SCOTT Ph.G.; b. D 3, 1888, Toulon, 111.; s. John W. (b. 1861, Hacketstown, N. J.) and Ida May (Smith) Scott. Prepared in Toulon H. S. and Toulon Acad. Kappa Psi. Except for war period, has been at Toulon, Chicago and Depue, 111., 1916 — . With 118th F. A. Med. Detachment, World War, Je 1918-Ja 1919; A. E. F. Address, Depue, 111. ♦WALTER C. SEIBERT Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 22, 1887, Tamaroa, 111.; s. Charles and Eliza (Schwind) Seibert. Retail Drug., Carbondale, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; M. W. A.; Presby. Church. Married Julia A. Norton, Je 25, 1915. Children: James W., b. Ag 27, 1916; Mary Katherine, b. Ag 25, 1918. Died Ja 30, 1922, Carbondale, 111. BENJAMIN THESEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 14, 1889, Quincy, 111. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Quincy, 111. Address, 1922 State St., Quincy, Ill.t ARTHUR BYRON VANCE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. N 17, 1885, Knox City, Mo.; s. Calvin A. and Lucy Ann (Havdon) Vance. Prepared in LaBelle (Mo.) H. S. "Phi Gamma Sigma (Treas., 1908-09); Kappa (1st .Sec. and Historian, Chi Chapter) ; Silver Medal for Oratory. Drug., with Christie Drug Co., Quincy, 111., 1906- 13; Goss Drug Co., 35th and Indiana Ave., Chi- cago, 1913-14; W. F. Datz, 39th and Vincennes Ave., Chicago, 1914 — . Mem., Christian Church; Bodley Lodge 1, A. F. A. M.; Quincy Lodge 5 R. A. M.; Woodlawn Commandery 76 K. T.; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S., 32°; Medinah Temple; A. A. O. N. M. S., Chicago. Address, 4555 Vincennes Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 600 E. 39th St., do. CHARLES ELMER WALTER Clerk; Ph.G.; b. F 15, 1886, Millersburg, 111.; s. I. B. and Helen M. (Roberts) Walter. Prepared in Aledo H. S. Clerk, E. L. Miller, Woodhull, 111., 1910-11; do., R. C. Johnston, Aledo, 111., 1912—. Address. Aledo, 111. JOHN WILLIAM WIEHN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 20, 1886, New York City; s. Jacob and Techia (Frohling) Wiehn. Prepared in N. Y. Preparatory Sch. Formerly Pharm., with G. A. Wester, 2701 N. Rockwell St., Chicago; later at 2516 N. Hamlin Ave., do.; Owner, Drug Store, 3534 Fullerton Ave., do. Mem., A. F. A. M., Logan Square Lodge, 891. Married Emma C. Leonard, Ap 19. 1911, New York Citv. Child, John Leonard, b. .A.p 10, 1914. Address, 3534 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. BENJAMW H. WILLIAMS Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. Ja 23, 1888, Putnam, 111.; s. J. M. and Eliza J. (Downey) Williams. Pre- pared in Putnam H. S. Kappa Psi. Clerk, 408 University of Illinois [1911 Auditorium Pharm., Congress and Wabash Sts., 1910-14; with, Van De Bogert & Ross, 51st and Hyde Park Blvd., 1914-17; Owner of store, 1500 E. 53rd St., at present. Enlisted in M. C, U. S. A., My 1917; 1st Lt., do., Je 191S; Capt., do., 1919; Med. Supply Off., Base Hosp. 43; overseas 1 yr. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address. Chicago Beach Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., 1500 E. 53rd St., do. GEORGE ALBERT WILLIAMS Professor; Ph.G.; b. N 9, 1887, Gardner, 111. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., with Powell & Kennedy, DeKalb, 111.; later at Gardner, do. Address, West End Pharmacy, Rockford, Ill.t ELMER NORRIS V/INBORN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1886; s. Ada (Norris) Winborn. Prepared in Detroit Central H. S. Proprietor, The Alfred Pharm., Detroit. Married Louise Edith Bell, 1911, Chicago. Address, 201 Alfred St., Detroit; bus. add., 510 St. Antoine St., CLASS OF 1911 (42 LIVING, 2 DEAD) ADOLPH EMIL ANDERSON Chemist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 16, 1889, Moline, 111. Prepared in Moline H. S. Kappa Psi. Formerly Pharm., 3018 Racine Ave., Chicago; City Chemist, do. Address, Moline, Ill.t SAMUEL CHARLES ANNENBERG Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. Je 9, 1890, Chicago; 8. J. D. and Rose (Oppenheimer) Annenberg. Prepared in West Aurora H. S. Drug., 1913-16; Mfg. bus., Annipatt Garment Co., Aurora, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Bertha Cohen, Je 17, 1914, Chicago. Children: Helene and Gail. Address, 83 S. Lake St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 136-138 Fox St., do. EDWIN JOHN BACKUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 14, 1889, La Porte, Ind.; s. Chas. J. and Bertha (Schultz) Backus. Kappa Psi. Med. Dept., 131st Inf., 33rd Div., World War. Address, 2218 Central St., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 7543 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. CARL F. BODE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 12, 1888, Cairo, 111. Prepared in Cairo H. S. Pharm., Cairo, 111. Address, 1103 Washington St., Cairo, Ill.t MATTHEW VIRGIL BOUTTE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1912; b. Mr 20, 1885, Olivier, La.; s. Virgile Milo (b. 1847, do.) and Marie Louise (Frilot) Boutte (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Straight Coll., New Orleans, La. B.S., Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 1908. Instr., Chem., Meharry Med. Coll., Nashville, Tenn., 1911-13; Proprietor and Mgr., Drug Store, do., 1912-17; Pharm., New York, Jl 1919—. World War, N 1, 1917-Jl 31, 1919; Assigned to Camp Grant, N 1, 1917; Commanded Co. C, 92nd Div., 350th Mach. Gun Bn.; Served as Billeting Off., Brest, France, Je 17-Jl 3, 1918; Regtl. Billeting Off., C. C, 350th Machine Gun Bn.; In command Hdqrts. Co. 365th Inf. during advance on Metz; Mil. Escort, Paris, Ja 1, 1919; Assigned to G 2 Gen. Hdqrts., Intelli- gence Section (served here until return to Am. Je 8, 1919). Mem., Y. M. C. A., 1903—; A. M. A., 1914—; Am. Legion, 1920. Married Etnah Rochon, Je 5, 1914, Nashville, Tenn. Address, 2339 7th Ave., S. E., Corner of 137th St., New York City. CLIFFORD JEROME BOWER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 17, 1890, Seaton, 111. Prepared in Aledo H. S. Formerly Pharm., Macomb, 111. Address, in care of Union Pharmacy, 509 Union St., Hannibal, Mo.t BURT DOUGLAS BURLEY Ph.G.; b. S 2, 1887, Winslow, 111. Prepared in H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm., 1508 E. 52nd St., Chicago. Address, in care of Van De Bogart & Ross, 1518 Hyde Park Blvd., do.f GEORGE SEMPLE ©HURCHILL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 16, 1889, Canton, 111. Pnpared in Canton City H. S. Pharm., Canton, Address, Canton, Ill.t STANLEY CLARKE Chemist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1912; b. Ag 28, 1888, Rushden, Eng. Prepared in H. S. Attended N. W. Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 1909-10. Formerly with the Scholtz Drug Co., Denver. Address, Standard Laboratories, 847 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.t BEN LEE EICHER (Son of Anna J. Eicher, '09) Chemist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1912; b. O 28, 1888, S. Dak.; s. Leander and Anna (Jacobs) Eicher. Pre- pared in H. S. Attended Univ. of Chicago, 1 yr. Kappa Psi. Instr., Pharm., Coll. of Med.; do., Sch. of Pharm., 1910-18; Sec. Treas., Alumni Assn., do., 1921. 1st Lt., Q. M. Dept., Camp Pike, Ark., World War. Address, Berwyn, 111. ANTON WILLIAM FINGL Ph.G.; b. D 2, 1888, Chicago. Prepared in Frank J. Jerka Sch. Address, 1700 W. 17th St., Chicago.t EDGAR ANDREW FLYNN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 17, 1887, Bloomington, 111. ; s. John C. (b. Bloomington, 111.) and Mary Ann (Hayes) Flynn (b. Ire.). Prepared in Blooming- ton H. S. Pharm., Bloomington, 111., 1911-18. War service, with 7th Machine Gun Bn., U. S. A., My 6, 1918-Jl 5, 1919; overseas at Cosne, Fr. Address, Bloomington, 111. CLIFFORD LeROY FOOTE Ph.C; b. Je 25, 1887, Elgin, 111.; s. E. K. Foote. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Formerly with Armour & Co., Chicago. Address, Elgin, Ill.| GEORGE EDWARD FRANKE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 3, 1889, Newton, 111. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Newton, 111. Ad- dress, Newton, Ill.t *LLOYD DACE GOVEIA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 7, 1888, Springfield, 111.; s. M. R. Goveia. Prepared in Springfield H. S., 4 yrs. Home, Springfield. Died Ag 24, 1913. EDWARD DANIEL GRIFFIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 4, 1889, Chicago. Formerly Pharm., 5163 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Address, 409 W. 69th St., Chicago.t EDWARD JOSEPH HALFACRE Ph.G.; b. My 12, 1887, Columbia, Tenn. Pre- pared in Columbia (Tenn.) H. S. and A. and M. Coll. Formerly at 3532 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Later at 4830 St. r>awrence Ave., do. Address, 4808 Prairie Ave., Chicago.t HERBERT HENRY HEIDBREDER (Brother of Albert H., '99 and Frank H., '02) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1912; b. Mr 17, 1890,. Quincy, 111.; s. August H. and Mary Heidbreder. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Pharm. at one of Heid- breder stores, 1911 — . Mem., South Side Boat Club; B. P. O. E., 100; Quincy Turners; Luther Memorial Church; Quincy Y. M. C A. Army serv., M. C, U. S. A., Post Hosp., Ft. Morgan, Ala.; I. C O. T. S., Camp Pike, Ark., Ap 1-D 6, 1919. Address, 804 State St., Quincy, 111.; 6ms. add., 500' S. 8th St., do. 1911] School of Pharmacy Alumni 409 BERNARD JAMES HOURIGAN Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. S U), 1884. Smith Falls, Ont., Cau. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., 3558 Prairie Ave., Chicago; later at Cass Lake, Minn. Address, 1630 Devon Ave., Chicago.t JOSEPH FRANCIS HREJSA Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 29, 1888, Rogers Park, lU.; s. Francis J. and Anna (Fishmun) Hrejsa. Drug., Chicago. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M., Chicago Commandery, K. T., Oriental Consistory, 32°, Medinah Temple; Aryan Grotto; Tyrian Council; Souvenir Lodge; I. O. O. F. Mar- ried Adelaide Matousek. Jl 28, 1913, Chicago. Children: Francis J., b. Mr IS, 1915; Allen Charles, b. Mr 30, 1919. Address, 2859 S. Crawford Ave., Chicago. . ERNEST THEODORE JANZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 16, 1890; s. Ernest T. and Bfrtha W. Janz. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Frances G. Bobel. S 3, 1913, Geneva, 111. Child. Audrey, b. Mr 18, 1915. Address, 4189 Halsted St., Chicago. JAMES CHARLES KEEFREY Ph.G.; b. Jl 29. 1890. Streator. 111.; s. Ed. V. and Elizabeth (.Large) Keefrey. Kappa Psi. Address, 1223 E. Marquette Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 1201 E. 63rd St., do. PAUL McCULLOUGH KEPNER Ph.G.: b. Ja 10, 1891. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Presbv. Church. Armv Serv., Art.. 3Sth Tr. Bn., Camp" Taylor, World War. S 5. 1917-D 14, 1918. Address, 7223 Paxton Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 2200 E. 71st St., do. ORVAL WILKIE LEE Ph.G.; b. Mr 26, 1891, Edinburg, 111.; s. Marion A. (b. F 28, 1865, Edinburg. 111.) and Nancy O. (Carter) Lee (b. F 29, 1868, Taylorville, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Doctor of Optometry, 1914, and Doctor of Ophthalmol., 1916, Calif. Coll. of Opt., San Francisco. Pharm., and Op- tician, employed-in various cities of L'. S. and in Hawaii, China, Japan, and Dutch East Indies, since graduation. Prescription Drug. Estab- lished the American Optical office, 416 Riverside Ave., Spokane, 1920; Special attention to adver- tising drug and optical products; originated the registered trade marks on various optical products including L'niversal Lenses, Korneal Lenses, Pertex Lenses, Tortex, Santex and Security Mountings. Mem., .\m. Pharm. .\ssn., 1912; Am. Optometry .\s*n., 1920; Montana Optometry Assn., 1919; Montana Pharm. Assn., 1916; Washington Opto- metrv Assn., 1920; 111. Pharm. Assn., 1912. Mar- ried Reneda! M. Hill, X 29, 1914, Milwaukee. Address, 1722 W. Fourth Ave., Spokane; bus. add., 416 Riverside Ave., do. REUBEN LEONARD LINDSTROM Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. O 26, 1889, Moline, 111. Prepared in Moline H. S. Pharm., Rock Lsland, 111. Address, 4210 7th, Rock Island. Ill.t CHESTER ARTHUR LOGAN Ph.G.: b. My 3. 1887. Elizabeth, 111.; s. J. R. Logan. Prepared in Elizabeth H. .S. Formerly with AG. Castor, Lake St. and Kedzie Ave., Chi- cago; lat'-r with West End Pharmacy, do. Served at Ho.sp., Camp Grant, 111., World War. Address, 1057 W. State St., Rockford, Ill.t ROY HARRY LOWER Ph.G.; b. Ag 17, 1889, Columbus, Ky. Pre- pared in Hot Springs (.\rk.) H. S. Formerly Pharm., Cairo, 111. Address, Hot Springs, Ark.t O.SCAR JOHN MACHENHEIMER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 13. 1888, Carmi. 111.; s. August and Anne fWageneck) Machenheimer. Prepared in Carmi H. S. Kappa Psi; Class V. P. With Public Drug Co.. Shawnee, Okla., 1910-13; Lockport, 111., 1913-14: Crescent Drug Co., Shaw- nee, Okla., 1914—. Mem., A. F. A. M., K. T.; B. P. O. E.; M. E. Church. Married Edith L. Lane, O 5, 1911, Oklahoma City, Okla. Child, Janet Eloise, b. D 27, 1913. Address, 15 W. 11th St., Shawnee, Okla.; bus. add.. Crescent Drug Co., 132 N. Broadway, do. ERWIN JOHN MARK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 7, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in De Paul Univ. Kappa Psi. At one time Pharm., 625 Belden Ave., Chicago. Ad- dress, 1934 Grace St., Chicago.t ERNEST ELMER MONTGOMERY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 20, 1889, Poseyville, Ind.; s. F. M. Montgomery. Prepared in Posey- ville (Ind.) H. S. Formerly Pharm., 654 Oak St., Terre Haute, Ind. Address, 2300 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.t THOMPSON ALEXANDER NOONER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 2, 1885, Sharon, Tenn.; s. J. A. Nooner. B.S., Bethel Coll., McKenzie, Tenn., 1907. Formerly located in Fond du lac, Wis. Address, Humboldt, Tenn.t MICHAEL ADALBERT POKORNY Chemist; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1888, Chicago; s. Michael and Rose (Wolaski) Pokorny. A.B., St. Stanislaus Coll., 1907. Owner, Polonia Pharm., 700 Ashland Ave., Chicago, My 27, 1914- Jl 1, 1918; Owner, Michels Chem. Labs., 3018 N. Ham- lin Ave., do. Married Rose Michalak, S. 15, 1913, Chicago. Child, Edward August, b. O 16, 1919. Address, 3018 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. THOMAS ROSS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 25, 1891, Coal City, 111. ; s. James and Annie S. (Bowie) Ross. Prepared in Coal City H. S., 1907. Kappa Psi. With H. J. Schulte, 1501 E. 55th St., 1912-17; Owner of Drug Store, 1152 E. 65th St., Chicago, 1919—. 1st Class Sergt., Med. Dept., My 10, 1917; Served with the A. E. F., F-D, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 6121 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1152 E. 65th St., do. ROLLO BIELBY SARGINSON Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Jl 22, 1888, Carlin- ville. 111.; s. William T. and Rosella (Diamond) Sarginson. Prepared in Litchfield H. S. M.D., Loyola Sch. of Med., Loyola Univ., 1916. Phi Delta Epsilon; Kappa Psi. Formerly Pharm., Chesterfield, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M., Myrtle 795. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A.; honorable discharge, D 24, 1918. Married Esther Elvira Nelson, Jl 5, 1913, Chicago. Address, 3847 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3621 Irving Park Blvd., do. BENJAMIN S. SCHILDBERG M.D.; b. N 4, 1889, Mendota, 111.; s. Rudolph G. and Henrietta Jessie Schildberg. Pharmacy Prize; Hon. mention for scholarship. Mem., A. F. A. M.; United Evang. Church. Married Pearl E. Billig, Ap 10, 1913. Child, Homer B., b. O 27, 1915. Address, 832 N. Crawford Ave., Dixon, 111.; 6ms. add.. 105 W. 1st St., do. CHARLES GEORGE SCHREIBER Ph.G.; b. Ag 7, 1890, Chicago. Address, 2427 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago.! *EDWIN JOSEPH SETZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 22, 1887, Waterloo, Wis.; s. Felix Setz. Prepared in Lake Mill (Wis.) H. S., 4 yrs. Home, Lake Mills, Wis. Died Mr 31, 1912. HARRY ALBERT SIEBEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 7, 1890; s. George J. and Lena Sieben. Prepared in Hastings (Minn.) H. S. Mgr., Sieben Pharm., Hastings, Minn. Married Irene Helen Bufklev, 1913. Minneapolis. Children: Harold A., b. 1914; Mary Jane. b. 1920. Address, 224 E. 2nd St., Hastings, Minn. WILLIAM ADOLPHUS SMITH Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. My 28, 1890. Joliet. 111. Prepared in Joliet H. S. Clas.s V. P. Pharm., Joliet, 111. Address. 208 Iowa Ave., Joliet, Ill.t 410 University of Illinois [1912 LOU ARCHIBALD WATSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 18, 1886, Ashley, 111.; s. J. P. and Fannie (Bein) Watson. Married Marth Elizabeth Peace, S 4, 1919, Mt. Vernon, 111. Address, 204 E. Broadway, Centralia, 111.; bus. add., Byrd Watson Drug Co., do. HARRY ARTHUR WHITE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 6, 1890, Wyoming, 111. Prepared in Wyoming H. S. Pharm., Wyoming. Address, Wyoming, IlLf WILLIAM SYLVESTER WHITE Chemist; Ph.G.; b. N24, 1884, Ky.; s. Henry and Mallie (Oglesby) White. Sanitary Chem., City Hall, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; Congr. Church. Married M. M. Houston, Je 17, 1911, Chicago. Child, William Sylvester, Jr., b. Jl 27, 1914. Ad- dress, 6342 Eberhart Ave., Chicago. OTTO J. B. WRUCK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 16, 1889, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Formerly at 3608 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. Address, Herscher, Ill.t JOHN WILLIAM ZELLINGER Pres., Serv. Transfer & Storage Co.; Ph.G.; b. Je 26, 1887, Mauston, Wis.; s. John and Mary (Marek) Zellinger. Prepared in Medford (Wis.) H. S. Football and Baseball. Pres. and Stock- holder, Serv. Transfer and Storage Co., Kansas City, Mo.; Teacher, 1905-06; Drug., 1911-13; Salesman and Kansas City Branch Mgr., John Wyeth & Bro., 1913-18; Office and Kansas City Branch Mgr., Am. Drug. Syn., 1918-20. Mem., Catholic Church; Knights of Maccabees. Married Zoe M. Malhoit, Jl 2, 1910, Chicago. Child, Gail William, b. My 19, 1914, Chicago. Address, 4020 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bvs. add., 429-31 W. 5th St., do. CLASS OF 1912 (29 LIVING, 3 DEAD) FREDERICK BERNARD BALMER Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. Ap 21, 1892; s. Frederick and Alice (Boddington) Balmer (b. London, Eng.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago, and Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg. Kappa Psi. Class Scholarship, Sch. of Pharm., 1912. Gen. Med. and Surg, practice, Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; Chicago Med. Soc. (Sec.-Treas.),Englewood Branch, 1918 — . Married Mr 5, 1914. Children: Ada-Mae Florence, b. My 9, 1917; Dorothv Alice, b. Ja 2, 1919. Address, 8438 S. May St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 6340 S. Hal- sted St., do. HARRY BEILIN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 10, 1890; s. Solomon and Elizabeth Beilin. Ka Bee Pharm., 563 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago; Marquette Drug Shop, 1121 N. State St., do. Mem., A. F. A. M. Army serv.. World War, Ap IS, 1918-Ap 25, 1919. Ad- dress, 439 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago. JOHN E. BIXBY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 18, 1875, South Haven, Mich.; s. Thompson A. (b. O 27, 1836, Newfane, Vt.) and Sarah F. (Dow) Bixby (b. S 27, 1839, Westport, Conn.). Prepared in South Haven (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 189.3-94. Drug., Chicago. Married Je 9, 1915, Danville, 111. Child, John Bartlett, b. D 14, 1916. Address, 1417 E. 60th St., Chicago. GROVER CLEVELAND BOND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 12, 1887; s. R. J. and Mary (England) Bond. Kappa Psi. Pharm., Mt. Vernon, HI. Pvt., Hdqrts. Co., 308, F. A., 78th Div., World War. 1 yr. Married Cecile Fern Willis, Je 30, 1920. Address, Mt. Vernon, 111. LOUIS ARTHUR BOSSMANN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 5, 18S6, Horicon, Wi.s.; 8. Amelia (Ascherin) Bossmann. Prepared in Horicon (Wis.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Amanda Thauer, S 10, 1903. Watertown, Wis. Child, Elliott L., b. My 29, 1907. Address, Horicon, Wis. JOHN CARVELLI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 9, 1891, Italy. For- merly Pharm., 826 Miller St., Chicago. Address, 401 W. Oak St., Chicago.! KERN HADLEY COPELAND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 3, 1893, Bainbridge, O.; s. Mack (b. 1865, Peebles, O.) and Jennie Bell (Kern) Copeland (b. Ag 14, 1868, Bainbridge, O.). Prepared in Grand Junction (Colo.) H. S. Kappa Psi (Sec. 1912); Chm. of entertainment com. Grad. work, Pharm., Chem., and Materia Med., Sch. of Pharm.; do., Bacteriol., Serol. and Chem., Yale Army Lab. Sch., New Haven, Conn., 1918; Located in Grand Junction, Colo., 1912-17; Mgr., Main Store, C. E. Smith Drug Co., do., 1915-17. Enlisted Jl 8, 1917, as Pvt., M. C, U. S. A.; Sta- tioned at Ft. Logan, Colo, and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. (Served in Dept. Lab., Central Dept.) ; Sergt., do., F 18, 1918; 2nd Lt., San. Corps., U. S. A., Ag 8, 1918; Ordered to Yale Army Lab. Sch., New Haven, Conn, for course of instruction in Special Army Methods in Bacteriol. and Chem., Ag 8-0 20, 1918; Appointed Adjutant, Yale Army Lab. Sch.; Ordered to U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., 21, Denver, Mr 6-0 3, 1919; now 2nd Lt., Q. M. R. C, U. S. A. Mem., B. P. O. E., .575. Married Elsye Marie Cardinal, Ap 27, 1918, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Child, Kern Hadley, Jr., b. My 1, 1919. Address, 1206 Main St., Grand Junction, Colo.; bus. add., Copelands Apothecary, do. JOHN AUGUST DORJAHN Address, 152 High St., Blue Island, 111. ANGELO MARIA FERRER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 24, 1888, Adjuntos, Porto Rico. Prepared in Univ. H. S. Pharm., Ponce, Porto Rico. Address, Farmaoia Atocha, Ponce, Porto Rico.f JAMES HOWARD FINNIGAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 24, 1891, Hamilton, 111. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Pharm., Springfield, 111. Address, 1135 W. Edwards St., Springfield, IlLf JESSE HAROLD GALLOWAY Pharmaci-st; Ph.G.; b. Je 3, 1891, Clarence, 111. Prepared in Austin H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Ad- dress, 5644 Augusta St., Chicago.! JACOB GOLDSTEIN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 1888, Jaffa; s. Isaac (b. Russia) and Esther (Steinberg) Goldstein (b. do.). Prepared in Cairo, Egypt. Hon. mention. Mgr., Norton & Co., Cairo, 1912-19; Partner with same firm in New British Drug Co., Cairo, Jerusalem, Jaffa and Damascus; Mgr., Head Off. at Cairo. Married D 25, 1912, Cairo. Children: Charles, b. 1913; Esther, b. 1916; Victoria, b. 1919. Ad- dress, in care of New British Drug Co., Cairo, Egypt. STEPHEN STANLEY GORNY Dentist; Ph.G.; b. N 30, 1884, Poland; s. An- drew and V. (Bonkowska) Corn v. Prepared in Gymnasium, Poland. D.D.S., N. W. Univ. Mem., Y. M. C. A. Married F. V. Pinkowska, F 14, 1917, Chicago. Child, Thaddeus Stanley, b. Ap 7, 1918. Address, 1819 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1858, do. ♦BENJAMIN CARL GROSSE PhG.; b. Ja 20, 1888, Elgin, 111.; s. Joseph Grosse. Prepared in Elgin Pub. Schs. Died Ja 29, 1920, Omaha, Neb. ., 1913] School of Pharmacy Alumni 411 ILA.Y WILLIAM HARIIELL Physician; Ph.G.; b. S 10, ISOl, Norris City, lU.; s. Jerome L. (b. Jl 7, 1S60, Omaha, 111.) and Mary A. (.Cook) Harrell (b. Ag 1802, do.). Pre- pared in Norris City H. S. M.D., Loyola Univ., Chicago, 1917. Phi Delta Kpsilou. Intern, St. Bernards Hosp., Chicago, 1917-lS. 1st Lt., M. C, U. S. A., Ag 191S-0 1919. Address, Galatia. 111. MICH.\EL GEORGE KASPRZYK Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ag 13, 1S87, Galicia. Poland. Pr>-pared in H. S. Formerly Pharm., 2901 Wallace St., Chicago. Address, 2458 Went- worth Ave., Chicago.t ARTHUR MILNE KIDD, Jr. Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 1, 1890, Clinton, la. Prepared in H. S. Formerly Pharm. with Mer« Drug Co., 12th St., and Michigan Ave., Chicago. Chicago. Address, Morrison, lU.t JOSEPH KRUPICICA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 3, 1SS9, Bohemia; 8. Anna Brabee. Pharm., Chicago; with Piatt Drug Co., do., 1905-12; with F. M. Mares, 1912-15. Married Anna Kristl, Jl 24, 1918. Address, 4005 W. 26th St., Chicago; bus. add., 3956 W. 26th St., do. FRANK HENRY LINDEMAN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1890, Farmer City. III.; s. John {h. F 19, 1862, Louisville, Ky.) and Mary Elizabeth (Johnson) Lindeman (b. Ap 9, 1S67, Liverpool, Eng.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Class V. P., 1910-11; Class pres., 1911-12; Scholarship in Univ. of 111. from Dewitt Co. Drug., Paxton, 111. A. F. A. M. (all, including Shrine). Married Ja 10, 1917, Homewood, 111. Child. Frank Henry, Jr., b. Ag 5, 1918. Address, Paxton, lU. MELVIN LLOYD NORRIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 29, 1891, Monticello, la. Formerly Pharm., Berwyn, 111. Address, Oak Park, lU.t ERNEST PRESTON OWEN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 28, 1882, Cobden, 111.; 8. George W. (b. 1S40, Cobden, 111.) and Mary J. (Holland) Owen (b. 1S.")0, Makanda, 111.) Prepared in Valparaiso, Ind. Pharm., Anna, 111., 1912 — ; Alderman, Ward, 1916; reelected in 1918. Married S 17, 1911, St. Joseph, Mich. Address, 101 N. Main St., Anna, 111. FRANCIS ELKIN PATRICK (Brother of Thomas S., '12) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 26, 18S6, lola, 111. Prepared in Pub. Schs. Pharm., with T. I. Pat- rick, Highland Park, 111.; later at lola, do. Served w^th Aero Corps, World War. Address, lola, Ill.t THOM.\S STERLING PATRICK (Brother of Francis E., '12) Pharmacist; Ph.G.: b. F 16, 1889, lola. 111.; s. Isaac A. (b. S 13, 1852, New Albany, Ind.) and Mary Francis (Elkin) Patrick (b. Ag 8, 1858, Ef- tingham. 111.). Prepared in Thomasville, Ga., and lola. 111. Kappa Psi. Pharm., Chicago, 1912-13; Highland Park, 111., 1913-17; Blue Island, do., 1919—. Served in M. C, 337th Inf., 85th Div., U. S. A., My 15, 1917-.\p 23, 1919. Mem.. A. F. A. M., 691, 1910 — (Mich. Sovereign Consistory, Detroit, 1917—). Married D 2, 1912, Marshall, 111. Child, Thomas Jr., b. Jl 16. 1910. Address, lola, 111. CARL H. SCHMELING Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 10, 1886. Pharm. with father at 1502 Wells St., 1912-18; with Fuller Morrison Co., 1918 — . Address, 1710 N. Wells St., Chicago; bus. add., 540 W. Randolph St., do. VIRGIL FREDERICK SEIBERT (Brother of Lyle A., '17) Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ag 25, 1891, Ashley, 111. Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. Pharm., Chi- cago; formerly at 0328 Univ. Ave., do. Address, 1659 W. Lake St., Chicago.t WILLIAM JAMES STINSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1889, Mooreland, 111. Prepared in Hinsdale H. S. Pharm., Hinsdale, 111.; later at Detroit. Address, 420 Tennyson Ave., Detroit.^ ROBERT HARVEY STOCKS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 16, 1889, Stewart, Ind.; s. W. H. Stocks. Home, Chicago. Died S 10, 1916, Chicago. WALTER SWIECINSKI Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 19, 1890, Poland; s. Theo- dosia (Adamkiewicz) Swiecinski. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Soc; 111. Pharm. Assn. Auth.: The Retail Drug- gist, National Geographic Magazine. Address, 2148 N. Robey St., Chicago. JOHN LUDOVIC VALENTINE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 24, 1891 ; s. John L. and Eugene (Desarvant) Valentine. Prepared in St, Cyrils Coll., Chicago. Aviation Section, U. S. A., 1917-19. Mem., Elec. Club of Chicago. Married Ag 10, 1912. Child, John L. Address, 4651 Ken- more Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 72 W. Adams St., do. LILLIAN VORSANGER (TULLEY) Manager, Hensel Drug Co.; Ph.G.; b. S 19, 1892, New York; d. Edward and M. N. (Levy) Vorsanger. Married John C. Tullcy, Jl 4, 1916. Address, 2354 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. JOSEPH A. WARZYNSKI (Brother of Ladislaus J., 14) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 7, 1886, Posen, Ger. Prepared in H. S. and St. Ignatius Coll. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 3104 Mosspratt St., Chicago.t *=HAYDEN HENRY WORLEY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 7, 1S90, Toulon, IlL; s. Belle C. (Eraser) Worley. Prepared in Pub. Schs. and H. S. Drug., Chicago. Deceased. CLASS OF 1913 (39 LIVING, 1 DEAD) GROVER CLEVELAND ARNOLD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1888, Fulton Co., 111.; s. John N. and Elzada Tennesse (Ralston) .\.rnold. Prepared in Astoria, III. Phi Kanpa; Honor Roll; Class V. P. Clerk and Mgr. of retail drug store, Chicago. A. F. A. M. (Mas- ter, O 1913, 32°, S 1915, and Shrine, O 191.5). Married Leah Paula Malacky, Mr 30, 1916, Chi- cago, rdied D 3, 1918). Address, 6310 Blackstone Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1465 E. 63rd St., do. GEORGE EDWARD BUCKMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 2, 1891. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. Mem., A. A. O. N. M. S.; A. F. A. M. Address, 2519 Ballon St., Chicago; bus. add., 3427 Milwaukee Ave., do. HAROLD POTTER CHAPMAN Dentist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 18, 1891, Auburn, Ind.; 8. George C. and Winifred (Potter) Chapman. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. D.D.S., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1918. Kappa Psi; Delta Sigma Delta. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 426 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. HAROLD VINCENT CLEVELAND Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 22, 1890, Kan.; s. S. F. and Mary G. Cleveland. Prepared in Grayslake 412 University of Illinois [19ia H. S. Post Hosp., Fort Sheridan and C. Q. T. S., Camp Grant, do., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 9901 Ewing Ave., Chicago. ALBERT J. COOK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 11, 1893, Clay City. Ind.; s. Conrad (b. 1S70, Treisa, Ger.) and Mar- garet Elnora (Secrist) Cook (b. 1874, Indianapolis). Prepared in Wiley H. S., Terre Haute, Ind. Pharm. lab. prize; Hon. mention for excellence in scholar- ship. Pharm.,TerreHaute, Ind., 1913— . Mem., A. F. A. M., 1918—; Am. Pharm. Assn., 1913-14; N. A. R. D. Address, 1805 N. 10th St., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., 400 4th Ave., do. LAWSON J. COOKE (Brother of John B., '20) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 6, 1894, Goodland, Ind.; s. John L. (b. O 14, 1857, Bedford, Ind.) and Lydia (Allen) Cooke (b N 4, 1855, Brookston, Ind.). Prepared in Goodland (Ind.) H. S. Won Biroth prize, Univ. of 111. Pharm., Goodland, Ind. U. S. A., Ja 19, 1918-Ap 24, 1919; With U. S. A. Base Hosp. 13, Limoges, France, My 15, 1918- Ap 5, 1919. Address, Goodland, Ind. ROYAL DAVENPORT Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 14, 1885, Calvin, 111. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Grayville, 111. Ad- dress, Grayville, Ill.t GEORGE EDWARD DAVIDSON Ph.G.; b. Ag 10, 1886, Tenn.; s. Lucy (Isom) Davidson. A.B., Fisk Univ., 1909. Address, 4446 Champlain Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3900 S. State St., do. EDWARD THOMAS DONAHUE Retail Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1889, Chicago; s. John William (b. Ag 12, 1868, St. Louis, Mo.) and Elnora (Anthony) Donahue (b. D 30, 1867, Adrian, Mich.). Prepared in Kokomo (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Phi; Class Valedictorian; Becker Prize in Pharmacy. Retail Drug., Evanston, 111., Je 1913-Jl 1915; Norwood Park, 111., Jl 1915—. Mem., 111. Pharmaceutical Assn.; Chicago Retail Drug. Assn. Married Catherine Winifred Con- roy, Je 16, 1915, Chicago. Children: June Clarice, b. Je 18, 1917; Winifred Marie, b. F 19, 1919. Address, 5747 W. Circle Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 6001 Nina Ave., Norwood Park, do. GUY WILBUR EICHOLTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 4, 1888, Nachusa, 111. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Madison-Homan Pharm., Chicago. Address, Madison and Homan Sts., Chicago.! KARL VINE GAMBELL Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. Mr 21, 1892, Mon- mouth, 111.; s. John C. and Mary (Vine) Gambell. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm. Chicago, 1913-15; Traveling salesman, 1916-20; Mfr., 1920—. Mem., Woodlawn M. E. Church. Married Margaret Barr, S 2, 1914, Chicago. Chil- dren: Karl v., Jr., b. N 17, 1915; Marion Jeannette, b. My 24, 1917. Address, 6428 Champlain Ave., Chicago ALFRED CAMPBELL GRAGG Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 25, 1891, St. Louis; s. Alfred (b. Ap 25, 1864, 111.) and Mary (Camp- bell) Gragg (b. Je 4, 1866, N. Car.). Prepared in Litchfield, 111. Pres., Class of 1913. Retail Drug., Chicago. Mem., Windsor Park Lodge 836, A. F. A. M.; Jackson Chapter, R. A. M.; Woodlawn Commandery 76, K. T.; Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Chicago. Married Ruth Fisher, O 20, 1915, Litchfield, 111. Child, Kathryn Louise, b. O .30, 1919., 1415 E. Marquette Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 1365 E. Marquette Rd., do. LUCAS PETER HANNEMA Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 2, 1892, Chicago; s. Frank and Yepma (Dokter) Hannema. Mem,, A. F. A. M., Kensington Lodge, 804; Kensington Chap- ter 450, O. E. S.; Pullman Chapter, 204, R. A. M.; Bethany Reformed Church. Married Florence Irene Dick, My 4, 1920. Child, Harold Vernon, b. Mr 9, 1921. Address, 30 W. 108th Place, Chi- cago; bus. add., 10657 Michigan Ave., do. EDGAR PHILIP HEIDBREDER (Brother of Albert H., '99, Frank H., '02 and Herbert H., '11) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1914; b. Jl 4, 1892, Quincy, 111.; s. August and Mary (Niekamp) Heidbreder. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Pharm., Quincy, 111. Address, Quincy, Ill.t CARL JOHN HENRY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 3, 1891, Aurora, 111.; s. Charles A. (b. My 10, 1865, Long Island, N. Y.) and Irma E. (Ihee) Henry (b. S 17, 1867, Havanna, 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm., Aurora, 111. 1st Class pvt., 342nd F. A., 86th Div., U. S. A., F 26, 1918-Ja 30, 1919; over- seas service in France. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32°, 1918; Bachelor Club, 1916; B. P. O. E., 1920. Married Leah Ireah Taylor, Ag 10, 1918, Aurora, 111. Address, 184 Benton St., Aurora, 111. MALCOLM LEE HUTTON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 20, 1886; s. William and Katherine (Bauer) Hutton. Prepared in Elizabeth H. S.; Acad. Dept., Univ. of 111. Kappa Psi. Pharm., with F. G Milligan, 1913-15; Presby. Hosp., 1915-18; do., 1920—. 3rd Class Pharm. Mate, U. S. Navy, 1918-19; served with Hosp. Corps, Great Lakes Naval Tr. Station, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., 36. Address, 3206 Fulton St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 1753 W. Congress St , do. WILLLA.M RUSH KOST Ph.G.; b. Ag 7, 1892; s. Hal B. and Colla E. Kost. Prepared in Astoria H. S. Located in Astoria, 111. M.C., U. S. Army, World War, 2 yrs. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Address, Astoria, 111. GEORGE CHARLES KRAEMER (Brother of Frank W., '01) Manufacturer; Ph.G.; b. Ja 27, 1885, Chicago; s. William and Karoline (Geiger) Kraemer. Foun- tain Pen Mfr.; Registered Pharm. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Agnes E. Lilley, My 3, 1917, Chicago. Address, 5952 W. Lake St., Chicago; bus. add., 231 N. Wells St., do. WILLIAM ALEXANDER LEE (Brother of John P., '07) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 11, 1887; s. John Peter and Anna Jane (Parker) Lee. Prepared in McKin- ley H. S. Kappa Psi. Married Anna Andrews, 1916. Children: Anna Jane, b. O 20, 1917; Wil- liam A., Jr., b. Mr 1, 1919. Address, '3860 Harrison St., Chicago. EVERET A. LEWMAN Ph.G. B.S. in M.E., Purdue Univ., 1902. Ad- dress, 515 Morgan St., .loliet. 111. ALBERT W. LOGAN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 23, 1887, Ont., Can.; s. George W. and Rachel (Thomas) Logan. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Laura N. Frazier, S 15, 1914, Antioch, 111. Child, Dorothy N., b. N 29, 1915. Address, Ladd, 111. ERRETT HALE LOLLAR (Cousin of Myron E., '13 M.D.) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 22, 1888, Wheeler, 111.; s. George Milton (b. Ingraham, 111.) and Mary Emmaline (Pickens) Lollar (b. Me.). Prepared in Newton H. S. Mem. of Ex. Com. Drug Clerk, Altamont, 111., about 1 yr.; half interest in store, do., 11 mos.; Proprietor of drug store, Vermont, 111., F 1916—. 1st Sergt., Co. B., 4th Regt., 111. N. G., 1909-11. Mem., A. F. A. M., Mr 15, 1920—. Married Verna Mildred Trexler, F 25, 1914, Ef- fingham, 111. Child, Wilda Patricia, b. D 28, 1915. Address, Vermont, 111. EDWARD LUCKIESH Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1888, Maquoketa, la.; s. John (b. Jl 27, 1847, Aus.) and Fannie (Root) Luckiesh (b. N 28, 1854, Jackson Co., la.). Prepared in Maquoketa (la.) H. S. Jr. class 1914] School of Pharmacy Alumni 413 honors; Sr. Am. Pharm. Assn. membership in Materia Med. Pharm., Maquoketa, la.; Mem., firm, Staack & Luckjesh, do. Mem., Riverview Country Club. Married Bessie M. Edson, O 7, 1913. -Slaquoketa, la. Child, John Edward, b. Ag 21. 19 IS. Address, Maquoketa, la. ALFRED MICHAEL LUKASEK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 6. 1892, Chicago. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Pharm., Chicago; formerly at 3814 W. 26th St. Address, 4201 \V. 26th St., Chicago.t LE ROY McNEILL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 26, 1SS8, Herrin, 111.; s. Sarah D. McNeill (b. F 16, 1862). Prepared in So. 111. State Norm. Univ., Carbondale, 111. Kappa Psi. Retail Drug., Tuscola, 111. Served in M. C, U. S. A.. D 15, 1917-Ja 16, 1919; Stationed at Post Hosn., Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Married Mr 30, 191S, St. Louis. Child, Robert Joseph, b. Ap 4. 1919. Address, Tuscola, 111. ELI METCOFF Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 9, 1890, Savanna, 111.; s. Jacob and Belle (Barski) Metcoff. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E. Address, 4243 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1500 W. Van Buren St., do. HOUSTON PORTER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 6, 1888, St. Louis, Mo.; s. Robert Abraham (b. 1850, Columbia, Tenn.) and Lettie (Todd) Porter (b. 1854. do.). Prepared in St. Louis Schs. Alpha Phi. Special course in Spanish, Wendell Phillips Prep. Sch., Chicago, 1915-16; Studied music, 4 yrs.; law 1 yr. in Chi- cago Law Sch.; Drug., 1913—. Mem., Chaplin ReUgious Orgn.; A. M. A. (Sec. of Chicago Local branch). Address, 36 W. 35th St., Chicago. ALVA WALTER RACIvAWAY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 4, 1893, Mt. Vernon, III. Prepared in Mt. Vernon (111.) Tp. H. S. Kappa Psi. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ethel Fern Burke, My 4, 1917, Mt. Vernon, 111. Ad- dress, 811 Jordan St., Mt. Vernon, 111. CHARLES JOHN SCHULTZ Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 12, 1891, Chicago; s. W. L. and Caroline iShult) Schultz. U. S. Army, World War, 2 yrs. Niem., A. F. A. M.; I.O.O. F.; B. P. O. E. Married Harriet C. Oertlin, N, 1920. Address, 74 Illinois St., Chicago Heights, 111. WALTER CARL SCHULZ Ph.G.; b. Ag 20, 1891, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., L. R. Schwanke, Maywood, 111. Seo-ed with the 333rd F. A.. 86th Div., A. E. F., World War; Discharged Ja 21, 1919. Ad- dress, 4201 12th St., Chicago.t FORREST OMO SNYDER Chemist; Ph.C; b. Je 19, 1892, Chicago. Pre- pared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Mfg. Pharm. in charge of lab., Owl Drug Co., do. Address, 7151 Parnell .-Vve., Chicago.t H.A.RRY FLEMING STABLES Pharmaci.«t; Ph.G.; b. Jl 12, 1893, Bethany, 111.; 8. William and Mary Stables. Prepared in Beth- any H. S. Retail Drug bus.. Sentinel, Okla. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Ethel Clements, Mr 10, 1919. Address, Sentinel, Okla. LOUIS ELMER STOEBIG" Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 17, 1892. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Kappa Psi. Pro- prietor. Portage Park Pharm., 5601 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago; Garden Pharm., 4635 N. Rockwell St., do. 1st Class Sergt., U. S. Sch. of Mil. Aero- nautics, Univ. of 111., 2 yrs. Mem., Lions Club of Am. Married Grace A. Ryden, Jl 27, 1917. Address, 5601 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. GEORGE STULIK (Brother of Charles Klaus, '09 and Antoinette '21) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1914; b. Je 18, 1892; s. Karcl (b. Bohemia) and Antoinette (Holub) Stulik (b. do.). Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Kappa Psi; Honorable Mention. Chemist, Ar- mour & Co., 1915; Pharm. at present. Pvt., 1st Class, M. C, U. S. A., 343rd Inf., 1917-19. Mem., Bohemia Lodge, 943, A. F. A. M. Address, 1108 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1658 W. 21st St., do. JAMES SILAS VANN (Brother of George H., '11 D.D.S.) Musician and Musical Dir.; Ph.C; b. S 7. 1891; s. Henry B. (b. Clinton, N. Y.) and Margaret (Dearfiinger) Vann (b. Waterville, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Clinton (N. Y.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Located in Huntsville, Ala.; Mem., Faculty, Goodrich Sch.; Choir Dir. and Organist at White Temple; Musical Dir., Portland, Ore. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1919. Married Mary Adele Case, N 12, 1916, Huntsville, Ala. Address, 209 13th St.. Portland, Ore. FRANK WILLIAM VanNUGTEREN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 20, 1892, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Pharm., Chicago; formerly at 12 W. 111th St. Address, 5468 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.t CHARLES EDWARD WACH Dentist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 28, 1893, Chicago; s. Mary (Houdek) Wach (b. Bohemia). Prepared in H. S. D.D.S., N. W. Univ., 1916. Instr., Physiol., N. W. Univ.; Dentist, Chicago, 1916—. 1st Lt., D. R. C, U. S. A., D 11, 1917, not called to active serv. Mem., Chicago Dent. Soc; A. F. A. M.; 111. State Dent. Soc; Nat. Dent. Assn. Mar- ried Jl 1, 1916, Chicago. Child, Irene, b. My 16, 1919. Address, 4938 S. Wood St., Chicago; bus. add., 1957 W. 51st St., do. REUBEN WILLIAM WALTHER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 18, 1892. Address, 718 Rock St., Peru, 111.; 6ms. add., 1701 4th St., do. LEE A. WIXSOM Phys. and Surg.; Ph.G.; b. S 8, 1892, Marion, Ind.; s. Byron O. and Mary V. (Thompson) Wix- som. Prepared in Marion (Ind.) H. S. M.D., 1918. Married Barbara H. Wagoner, O 18, 1920, Chicago. Address, 841 W. 63rd St., Chicago. *OSCAR EDMUND WOLTERSDORF Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 21, 1890, Chicago; s. E. H. Woltersdorf. Succeeded his father in bus. at 2111 W. 21st St., Chicago. Died Ja 19, 1920. CLASS OF 1914 (34 LIVING, 1 DEAD) ALBERT FRANKLIN ANDERSON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 27, 1889, St. Johns, Ariz.; 3. Charles P. (b. Ja 2, 18.56, Holmstad, Sweden) and .-Vnnie Louise (.A.nderson) (b. Je 24, 1856, Sweden). Prepared in H. S., Commercial Sch., and Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah, 1910-12. Scholarship and gold medal for proficiency on Remington typewriter; Prize for scholarship in Materia Med. and Pharmacognosy. Mgr. and Drug, at St. Johns Drug Co., St. Johns, Ariz. Mem., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day .Saints. Married Cora Sherwood, D 25, 1914, St. Johns, Ariz. Children: Kathlyn, b. Mr 21, 1916; Maurine b. My 9, 1917; Greeta, b. N 25, 1918. Address, St. Johns, Ariz. EDNA MABEL BECKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 5, 1892, Maquoketa, la.; d. Henry J. (b. Ja 9, 1853, Germantown, Pa.) and Mathilda (Keiser) Becker (b. Mr 4, 1860, Galena, 111.). Prepared in Maquoketa (la.) H. S. Won Herman Fry prize; Jr. class treas. I/Ocated in Davenport, la., 1914-19, and Waterloo, do., 1919 — . Articles in Pharmaceutical Era, Je 1914. Address, 808 W. 16th St., Davenport, la. 414 University of Illinois [1914 AUGUST CHRISTOPHER BOSCH Ph.G.; b. Ja 21, 1S93, Gratiot, Wis. Prepared in Sacred Heart Coll., Watertown, Wis. At one time Pharin., 5458 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Address, 5545 Princeton Ave., Chicago.! J. BURDETTE BROWN Ph.G.; b. Je 1, 1893, Tampico, 111.; s. W. L. and Minnie (Badgley) Brown. Prepared in Tampico H. S. Mem., A. F. A. M., Tampico Lodge, 655; B. P. O. E., 1218, Sterling, 111. Army serv., Je 10, 1917-Jl 20, 1919. Address, Tampico, 111. FLOYDE WILEY BRYANT Clerk; Ph.G.; b. Mr 31, 1891, Hanover, 111.; s. Richard and Myrtia Bryant. Prepared in Eliza- beth H. S. Formerly owner of store, Maywood, 111.; head of Rexall Dept., Buck & Rayners, Chi- cago, 1921. Army Serv., Camp Grant, O 3, 1917- Ja 14, 1919. Mem., K. P.; Modern Woodmen. Married Anna Elizabeth Bauer, Je 28, 1919, May- Ill. Address, 2013 S. 6th Ave., Maywood, 111. GEORGE ERNEST CANHAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 21, 1893, 111.; s. Wil- liam (b. 1855, Eng.) and Hannah (Brooksbank) Canham (b. 1858, do.). Prepared in Neponset H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Co. C, 3rd Regt., I. R. M., 1918-20. Married Je 1, 1918, Neponset, 111. Child, Helen, b. S 3, 1919. Address, 5937 Wabash Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5856 State St., do. LAWRENCE CONVERSE Ph.G.; b. F 13. 1886, Monticello, O. Prepared in Armour Acad. Formerly at 1110 Ingram St., Los Angeles. Address, 916 W. 9th St., Westlake Station, Los Angeles.f PAUL WRIGHT EDGETT Salesman; Ph.C; b. My 30, 1893, Earlville, 111.; s. F. M. and Clara E. Edgett. Prepared in Earl- ville H. S. and Redfield Coll. Kappa Psi. Sales- man, Parke Davis & Co., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Madeline C. Briggs, My 17, 1919. Address, 1417 E. 72nd PL, Chicago; bus. add., 162 N. Franklin St., do. WALTER ARTHUR ENDEE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 21, 1893, LaSalle, 111.; s. Elizabeth Emma (Ullrich) Endee. Pre- pared in LaSalle Tp. H. S., 1909. Kappa Psi. Married S 21, 1914. Son, Walter M., b. Ag 21, 1915. Address, 7416 Jeffry Ave., Chicago; 6ms. add., 2060 E. 71st St., do. OSCAR LOUIS FISLER Traveling Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Je 8, 1893; s. Paul (b. 1856, Ger.) and Auguste Fisler (b. 1864, do.). Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Travel- ing pharmaceutical salesman, with hdqtrs. in Chi- cago. Address, 1610 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago. JEREMIAH GERALD GARRITY Druggist; Ph.G.; b. O 6, 1890, La Salle, 111.; s. Michael V. (b. Je 26, 1857, do.) and Mary C. (Donohue) Garrity (b. O 21, 1868, do.). Prepared in St. Viateurs Coll. Married O 16, 1916. Child, Dorothy Jean, b. Ap 6, 1918. Address, 57 State St., Freeport, 111. HARRY EDWARD HAINES Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 2, 1890, Mifflintown, Pa.; s. George W. and Laureta (Kauffman) Haines. Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm., with Bonnett Drug Co., Bloomington, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Y. M. C. A., Bloomington, 111.; bus. add., 217 N. Main St., do. PHILIP ERVIN HILDEBRANDT Pharmadst; Ph.G.; b. My 1, 1892, Pipersville, Wis.; s. Charles H. and Louise (Ohm) Hildebrandt. Prepared in Lake Mills H. S. Mem., Moravian Church. Married Maude A. Bradford, S 15, 1915, Chicago. Child, Philip Charles, b. S 5, 1916, Chicago. Address, Grayslake, 111. ELWOOD JAY HOLLINSHEAD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 22, 1890, Morrison, 111.; s. R. P. and Mary (Brumagim) Hollinshead. Prepared in Morrison, 111. Married My 4, 1916. Child, Robert E. Address, 5245 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. HUBERT SPANGLER HUSTON Ph.G.; b. O 24, 1893, Carthage, 111.; s. Samuel and Sarah y. (Spangler) Huston. Prepared in Carthage H. S. Kappa Psi. Retail drug bus., 1914-17; employed by Fuller-Morrison Co., Chi- cago, Jl 1, 1919-Ap 1, 1920; do., Marshall Field & Co., Drug Sundries Dept., Ap 1, 1920 — . Army serv.. Evacuation Hosp. 12, 2 yrs.. World War. Mem., Presby Church. Married Pearl L. Harris, Ja 28, 1915, Carthage, 111. Address, 438 N. Waller Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 219 W. Adams St., do. HARRY ERNEST JOHNSON Ph.G.; b. S 27, 1890, Rockford, 111.; Prepared in Rockford H. S. Kappa Psi. Cadet, N. I. S. M. A., Urbana; Camp Dick, Tex.; Reserve air serv.. Rich Field, Tex., discharged, D 7, 1919. Address, 409 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. JONATHAN GILL JORDAN Ph.G.; b. Mr 26, 1892, Hammond, Ind.; s. V. L. Jordan. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Formerly at 2742 N. Richmond St. Address. 3766 Herndon St., Chicago.^ ELMER CHESTER LANE Ph.G.; b. N 1, 1889, Kewaunee, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Formerly at 6229 Blackstone Ave., Chi- cago. Address, 11333 Forest Ave., Chicago.t GENNARO DOMINIC LAVIERI Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. O 18, 1891, Italy; s. Vincent and Lucia (Devito) Lavieri. Prepared in M.F.TuleyH.S., Chicago. KappaPsi. Pharm., Chicago. Chief Pharm. Mate, U. S. N., World War, 22 mos. Married Gabrielle C. Statkiewicz, N 25, 1914, Chicago. Child, Lucia Adele, b. D 2, 1915. Address, 901 Lawler Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4958 W. Chicago Ave., do. FRED LEHMAN LEIB Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 15, 1891; s. Ed. and Anna (Wiley) Leib. Prepared in Union Acad., 1911. Kappa Psi. Mgr., Cline-Vick Drug Co., Zeigler, 111. Air Serv., U. S. A., World War. Mem., A. F. A. M., Consistory, 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E. Married Madeliene Steagall, St. Louis. Address, Zeigler, 111. PAUL ISRAEL MENDELSOHN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 21, 1890, Rus.; s. Israel (b. F 1864, Rus.) and Sarah (Galler) Mendelsohn (b. do.). Prepared in Russian Gymnasium. Pro- prietor of drug store, Chicago, 1914 — . Mem., Chicago Drug Club; C. R. D. A.; 111. Pharm. Assn.; Social Civic Center. Married D 20, 1914. Chil- dren: Eleanor, b. D 31, 1915; Evellyn, b. O 28, 1918. Address, 1555 Diversey Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 1557 Diversey Parkway, do. RICHARD WILLIAM MERSCHAT Ph.G.; b. Mr 3, 1893, Chicago. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Address, 3810 S. Halsted St., Chicago.t ABRAHAM MYERSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 10, 1893, London, Eng.; s. Joseph (b. Rus.) and Annie Myerson (b. do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S. Pharm., Chicago; Prop., own business, Ag 27, 1915 — . Address, 1224 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4101 Roosevelt Rd., do. CHARLES CLARENCE ORR Retail Drug.; Ph.G.; b. Ja 25, 1890, Benton, 111.; s. Alexander G. and Margret B. (Barr) Orr. Prepared in Ewing Coll., 1904-08. Pharm., 111. Cent. R. R. Co., 1915; Salesman, Parke Davis & Co., 1916-19; Retail Drug Bus., 1920—. Mem., Baptist Church; Chicago Retail Drug Assn.; 1915] School of Pharmacy Alumni 415 Chicago Drug Club. Married Mary Janr Walton, Mr 20. 1920, Greenfield, Ind. Child, Charles C, Jr., b. Mr 18, 1921. Address, 13633 Indiana Ave.. Chicago. FRANCIS ALFRED PANIvAU Ph.G.; b. N 21, 1S94, Chicago. Prepared in St. Stanislaus Coll. Address, 3601 Belmont Ave., Chicago.t IRVING FITCH PEARCE Ph.G.; b. D 31. 1S92, Youngstown, 0.; s. Samuel E. and Sarah Eva (Bowman 1 Pearce. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Kappa Psi. Address, 1927 Calumet Ave., Chicago. ELMER EDWARD RUECKERT Ph.G.; b. Mr 28, 1893, London, Wis. Prepared in H. S. Address, 336 E. 43rd St., Chicago. HAROLD HUTZEL SCHMID Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap o, 1893; s. Theophilus and Sarah E. (Hutzel) Schmid. Prepared in Fcneer H. S. Kappa Psi. Mem.. Bethany Re- formed Church; A. F. A. M.. Woodlawn Com- mandery 76. Medinah Temple. W^ith Ambulance Co. 132", 33rd Div., World War, 2 yrs. Address, 11131 Michigan Ave., Chicago. ALBERT SCHREIXER, Jr. (Son of Albert, '84) Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. Je 16, 1894, Evanston, lU. Prepared in Batavia H. S. Address, 8 Wil- son St., Batavia, lU.t RALPH HAROLD THOMPSON Farmer; Ph.G.; b. Ag 22. 1S8S, Earlville, 111.; s. Darling Harvey (b. Ap 5, 1852) and Etta Frances (Goss) Thompson (b. Mr 6, 1858). Prepared in H. S. Kappa Psi (Regent); Sr. class pres. Farm- ing. Ear%-ille, 111. Army and Marine service, 1917-19. Married My 21, 1918, Chicago. Ad- dress, Earlville, lU. • ADRIAN TON Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 29, 1888. Chicago; s. M. H. and Catherine Ton. Drug., Chicago. Married Sue Young, N 4, 1915. Child, Adrian William, b. Ja 1, 1917. Address, 43 W. Ulth St., Chicago; bus. add., 11257 Michigan Ave., do. GEORGE FREDERICK VAUPELL (Son of George Henry. '79) Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. O 27, 1893, Chicago; s. George Henry (b. Blue Island. 111.) and Florence Victoria (SoUitt) Vaupcll (b. Chicago.) Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Am. Pharm. Membership in Chem.; Ex. Com. Chem,, Sulz- berger & Sons, Chicago, 1915-17; Pharm., Chi- cago, 1917-19; Instr., Chem., Sch. of Pharm., 1919- 20; Pharm., Chicago, 1920—. Mom., A. F. A. M. 141. 1919—; Am. Chem. Soc, 1914—; Am. Pharm. Assn., do.; N. R. D. A., 1919—; Chicago Drug Club 1920—; C. R. D. A., 1919-. Married Ja 1, 1917, Chicago. Children: George Henry, b. N 6, 1918; William Donald, b. "Ap 7, 1921. Ad- dress, 758 S. Western Ave., Chicago. *CLIO VAVRA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 29. 1893, Chicago; d. V. Vavra. Prepared in Komensky Grammar Sch. and Lucy Flower Tech. H. S., Chicago. Home, 1916 Centre Ave., Chicago. Died Ja 21. 1919. FRANK JOSEPH VONDRASEK Ph.G.; b. O 5, 1893, Bohemia. Prepared in H. S. Address, 2601 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago.t LADISLAUS J. WARZYNSKI (Brother of Joseph A.. '12) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 30. 1892, Chicago; s. Michael and Mary A. (Jazgar) Warzynski. Pre- pared in St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago. Drug clerk, Chicago, 1914-Ja 13, 1915; entered retail drug bus., do., 1915—. World War. O 7. 1917-My 30, 1919. Mem., C. R. D. A.; 111. Pharm. Soc; K. of C, 111. Council, 301; Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Address, 3104 Mosspratt St., Chicago; bus. add., 2901 Wallace St., do. CLASS OF 1915 (57 LIVING, 1 DEAD) RICHARD JOEL ANDERSON Salesman; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1893. Chicago. Pre- pared in Bowen H. S. Kappa Psi. With C. R. Walgr^^en & Co., Drug., 1915-17; H. K. Mulford Co., Philadelphia. 1919—. Lt. (Jr. grade). U. S. N. R. F., D 3. 1917-N 17, 1919. Address, 6034 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. SAMUEL LEON BAKER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 29, 1890; s. Jacob (b. Rus.) and L. (Blumink) Baker (b. do.). Prepared in Gary. Ind. Certificate of excellence in Materia Med. and Pharmacognosy; Hon. mention, Class of 1914. Mem.. Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Pharm. Soc; N. R. D. A.; C. R. D. A.; A. F. A. M.; John Paul Jones. Address, 3136 Douglas Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., 3200 Douglas Blvd., do. MIKE ROBERT BIANCO Ph.G.: b. D 13. 1893, St. Johns, 111. Prepared in Duquoin Tp. H. S. Address, Duquoin, lU.t FREDERICK EVENSON BOEHM Ph.G.; Ph.C, 1920; b. Ap 26, 1894, Menasha, Wis.; s. Charles A. and Rhoda (Evenson) Boehm. Prepared in Xeenah (Wis.) H. S. Married Katie Greth. S 2. 1917, Chicago. Address, 1252 Wilson Ave., Chicago. EDWARD ANTHONY FELIX BORUCKI Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. O 19, 1887, Chicago; s. Felix Mathew (b. Jl 22, 1848. Rus.) and Eleanora B. (Kolago) Borucki (b. Mr 3. 1863, do.). Pre- Fared in Chicago. Pharm., Chicago, 1915. 2nd . N. G.. U. S. A.. 1911; transferred to Hosp. Corps., Batterv B., F. A. I. N. F. last yr. of enlistment. Mem., N. A. R. D.; C. R. D. A.; I. P. A.; Art Inst, of Chicago; Tribuninas Lodge 767, A. F. A. M.; Sinai Chapter 185, R. A. M.; Calumet Council 76, R. S. M. Married Florence M. Walliman, Ja 1, 1917. Child, Eleanora C. b. N 6, 1917. Address. 8468 Commercial Ave., Chicago. MARSHALL THEODORE BREKKE Manager; Ph.G.; b. Jl 31, 1892, Eau Claire, Wis.; s. K. N. and Pauline (Paulsrude) Brekke. Prepared in Rice Lake (Wis.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Proprietor, Rice Lake. Wis., 1915-17; Prescrip- tionist, Paxson Rockefeller Co., Butte, Mont., 1917-18; Mgr., Missoula, Mont., 1919-20; Floor Mgr., Owl Drug Co., Chicago, 1920—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P., Past Chancellor. Married Minnie Mae Knudson, My 31, 1917, Rice Lake, Wis. Child, Marshall Lee, b. Jl 13, 1918. Ad- dress, Owl Drug Co., Chicago. WILLIAM STUHLMANN BUCKE Ph.G.; b. Ag 26, 1895, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Formerly at 926 S. Union Ave., Los Angeles. t WALTER OTTO BUCKRUCKER Ph.G.; b. Ag 21, 1892, Frankfurt, Ger. Pre- pared in H. S., Ger. Address, 931 Rush St., Chi- cago.t CARROLL EDWIN BUNDY (Cousin of Corvdon D. Bundy, '02 M.D.; Herman W., *08 M.D.;'Clyde T.. '09 M.D., and Raphael, •02 A.B. in L.& A.) Chemist; Ph.C; b. My 1, 1890; s. Joseph Edwin and Carolyn Rosamond (Schermerhom) Bundy (b. Christian Co.. 111.). Prepared in Sheldon H. S. and Univ. of 111. (Urbana Depts.), 1909-1 1. Kappa Psi. Chemist. Inland Steel Co.. Ind. Harbor, Ind., 1915; Foreman, Product Dept., do., at present. 416 University of Illinois [1915 Married Frances M. Jacobs, Chicago. Address, 253 W. 64th St., Chicago; 6ms. add., in care of In- land Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind. BYRON EUGENE CLAY Chemist; Ph.G.; b. My 21, 1894, Warren, 111.; s. Kerlin B. (b. N 28, I87I, Warren, 111.) and Clara Emma (Bechtoldl Clay (b. 1875, do.). Prepared in Lena H. S. Kappa Psi. Asst. Chem., Metal- lurgical Dept., Arthur Plant, Ut. Copper Co., Garfield, Ut., I915-D 15, 1920; temporarily un- employed, 1921. Army serv. with Co. G., 34th Inf., U. S. A., Ap 27, 1918-Mr 18, 1919; 1st Inf. Candidate Sch., La Val Bonne, Fr., O 20-N 20, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M., Lena Lodge 174. Ad- dress, Lena, 111. GUY BROOKS DAVIS (Brother of Ray Robbins, '15) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 6, 1886, Moline, 111.; s. John and Anna E. (Robbins) Davis. Prepared in Abingdon H. S. ; Bedding Coll., 1908-11. Kappa Psi. Sergt., 1st Class, M. C, U. S. A., 2 yrs., overseas service, 15 mos. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, H. & O.. Drug Store, Kewanee, 111. RAY ROBBINS DAVIS (Brother of Guy B., '15 Ph.G.) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. S 27, 1892, Moline, 111.; s. John Brooks (b. Ap 4, 1846, Berwick, Pa.) and Anna Elizabeth (Robbins) Davis (b. O 14, 1857). Prepared in Abingdon H. S. and Hedding Coll., Abingdon, 111., 1910-12. Kappa Psi. Pharm., Streator, 111. Married S 6, 1916, Tonica, 111. Address, 216 7th St., Streator, 111.; 6ms. add., 215 E. Main St., do. GROVER OLIVER DRAIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 23, 1890, Bancroft, Neb. Serv. in Navy, Je 1, 1918-Je 30, 1919. Address, 4229 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; 6ms. add., 4300 Madison St., do. HARRY LEO EBERLY (Cousin of Geo. Wood, '17) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 19, 1889, Aurora, 111.; s. J. O. (b. Pierce, 111.) and Mary Schoen (b. Aurora, 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Kappa Psi (Vice Regent, 1915); Class pres., 1915. Drug., Aurora, 111., 1915 — . Married Clara Helen Eberly, S 10, 1915, Aurora, 111. Child, Doris Lorraine, b. Je 29, 1916. Address, 15 S. 4th St., Aurora, 111.; 6m.s. add., 27 N. Broadway, do. ROY FRED ERASER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 3, 1893, Elizabeth, 111.; s. Fred and Laura (Goyan) Eraser. Prepared in Elizabeth H. S. Kappa Psi. U. S. N. R. F.; U. S. Naval Hosp., Great I-akes, World War. Mem., K. P.; A. F. A. M. Address, 3206 Fulton St., Chicago; 6ms. add., 3158 W. Lake St., do. VICTOR LEO GEISPITZ Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 8, 1893; s. Louis J. and Jenny (Zindt) Geispitz. Kappa Psi. Drug., Chi- cago. Married Gertrude Mrosek. Child, Bobby b. Ja 4, 1918. Address, 1733 N. Halsted St., Chicago. RICHARD WILLIAM GOLTERMANN Ph.G.; b. O 15, 1895, Elmhurst, 111.; s. William F. (b. York Centre, 111.) and Emma (Backhans) Goltermann (b. O 6, 1873, do.). Prepared in Proviso Tp. H. S. World War, S 19, 1917-Je 9, 1919. Address, 104 Elgin Ave., Forest Park, 111. LOUIS ANDREW GORHAM Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Je 19, 1892; s. Edward S. and Sophia (Fiirst) Gorham. Prepared in Lewis Institute; No. 111. Coll. of Ophthalmology and Otology, Chicago. Kappa Psi; Sec. of Class, 1915. Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; 111. Optical Soc; A. O. A. World War, D 27, 1916-F 14, 1918. Address, 2617 N. Monticello Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5501 N. Clark St., do. CHARLES HUGO GRUND, Jr. Ph.G.; b. Ag 13, 1894, Chicago. Prepared in Lake H. S. and MetropoHtan Bus. Coll., Chicago. Address, 3501 Archer Ave., Chicago. t LOUIS LEO HAFFNER (Brother of George F., '06 and Carl F., '17) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 22, 1893, Farmer City, 111.; s. John H. and Rosie (Schock) Haffner. Pre- pared in Farmer City H. S. Married Josie Rodear, Jl 1921. Address, 720 W. Chestnut St., Blooming- ton, Ill.t RALPH HAWTHORNE Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 23, 1891; s. Edward F. and Minnie E. (Gowdy) Hawthorne. Prepared in Enfield H. S. Located in Enfield, 111., 1915-17; Waukegan, do., 1917-18; Drug., Bloomington, do., 1919—. Served with Co. 12, 3rd 160 D. B., Camp Custer, Mich., World War, S 7, 1918-Mr 7, 1919. Married Jl 23, 1918, Madison, Wis. Address, Bloomington, 111. SYLVESTER HENRY HOJNACKI Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 17, 1894, Chicago; s. Thomas and Mary (Sawicki) Hojnacki. Pre- pared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Retail Pharm., Chicago, 1917 — . Married Adele Malkewicz, 1917. Child, Sylvester H., Jr., b. Ag 29, 1919. Address, 3159 W. 38th PI., Chicago. MICHAEL JACOBSON Ph.G.; b. S 21, 1892, Moscow, Rus. Prepared in H. S. Address, 3459 Indiana Ave., Chicago.f GEORGE W. JINDRICH (Nephew of William, '94, John, '84, and Edward Stuchlik, '04) Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 6, 1894, Chicago; s. Frank (b. 1868, Chicago) and Anna (Stuchlik) Jindrich (b. 1872, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech., Chicago. World War, O 1917-My 1919. Address, 1012 W. 18th St., Chicago. ARCHIE KIRKWOOD JOHNSON Clerk; Ph.G.; b. O 15, 1893, Chicago. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Kappa Psi. Mem., A. F. A. M., York Rite, Scottish Rite; Central Presby. Church. Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Dept., 213th Engineers, U. S. A., World War. Address, 124 Union St., Joliet, 111.; 6ms. add., 300 N. Chicago St., do. OSCAR WILLIAM JOHNSON Ph.G.; b. D 24, 1894, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Address, 7125 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. t JOSEPH JOHN KAKECEK Ph.G.; b. Jl 11, 1889, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Address, 1705 S. Laflin St., Chicago.! HARRY KANTA Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 2, 1896, Chicago; s. Joseph and Barbara (Kroc) Kanta. Prepared in Chicago Bus. Coll. and C. H. Harrison H. S., Chi- cago. Employed by the Owl Drug Co., 230 S. State St., Chicago. Army Serv., Camp Grant, F 23-S, 1918; overseas with 86th and 80th Div., S 24, 1918-Je 10, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., Cicero Lodge, 955. Address, 2519 S. 58th Ave., Cicero, 111.; 6us. add., 230 S. State St., Chicago. EDWARD JOSEPH KRAL Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 10, 1895; s. Joseph A. (b. Bohemia) and Josephine (Planicka) Krai (b. Chicago). Prepared in Farragut H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Mem., K. C, Father Setters Council, 1278. Address, 4300 W. 21st Place, Chicago. RUDOLPH KREBS Ph.G.; b. N 8, 1893, Tinley Park, 111. Prepared in Wartburg Coll. Address, Rock Falls, Ill.t JOSEPH BENJAMIN KVASNICKA Ph.G.; b. Mr 18, 1895, Chicago; s. Benjamin and Bertha (Schiller) Kvasnicka. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Army Serv., 2 yrs. Married Anna Wysocki, N 24, 1920. Address, 2100 W. 19th St., Chicago. Former Headquarters of the School of Pharmacy AT Michigan Avenue and Twelfth Street (Roosevelt Road) 1915] School op Pharmacy Alumni 417 THEODORE AUGUST J. LECKBAND Salesman: Ph.C; b. D 4, 1893, Hamburg. Ger.; s. Ernest and Sophia (Lailer) Leokband. Sales- man, Chicago. >Icm., A. F. A. M.; Veritas 926. Address, 1343 W. Lake St., Chicago. CHARLES JAMES LESKO Ph.G.; b. Ja 31, 1S94, Chicago; s. James F. Lesko. Prepared in Tilden Tech. Sch., 2 yrs. and Lewis Institute, Chicago, 2 yrs. Address, 1943 W. 4Sth St., Chicago. ARTHUR HENRY McKEXTY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 9, 1895, Sious Rapids, la.; s. Sarah (.\gnew) McKenty. Prepared in John Marshall H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Pvt., 3ISth Inf., F. A.; Bn. D, Slst Div., World War. Mem.. K. C. Addrtss, 210 N. Leamington Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 3259 Chicago Ave., do. STEPHEN EDWIN MALKEWICZ Ph.G.; b. S 1, 1894, Chicago. Prepared in H. S. Formerly at Harrison St. and Home Ave., Oak Park, m. Address, 1435 Blackhawk St., Chicago.t BATES A. MARRIOTT Pharmacist; Ph.C; b. Jl 4, 1S90; s. E. E. (b. Vernon, la.) and Winnie Marriott (b. Cuba, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. B.S., Knox Coll., 1913. Coll. Record, 100 and 220-yd. dash; Track and Football teams. Located in Chicago and Lake Bluff, 111. Naval Hosp., World War. Mem., Lake Bluff Country Club; Chicago Ath. Club. Married D 26. 1915, Keosauqua, la. Ad- dress, Lake Bluff, 111. PHILIP ALOYSIUS MASTERSON Clerk; Ph.G.; b. S 9, 1893, Boone. la; s. Philip A. and Sarah E. (Conboy) Masterson. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Clerk. Excelsior Springs. Mo., 1915; Geo. N. Huard, 27.59 Logan Blvd., 1916; with Charles Hawk, 1917; Clerk. R. L. Leffingwell, Evanston, 1919; in partnership with G. N. Huard, 1920. Sergt.. M. C. U. S. A.. D 1917-Je 5. 1919; in Fr., 9 mos. Mem., K. C. Married Lorenza Kennedy. Jl 11, 1918, Chicago. Child, Lucille, b. Mr IS, 1920. Address. 2528 N. California Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 2759 Logan Blvd., and 2758 Fullerton Ave., do. WILLIAM N. MILLER Ph.C; b. F IS, 1894, George. la. Prepared in H. S. Address, 315 Randolph St., Waterloo, la.t FRANKLIN CHRISTOPHER MtJELLER Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 7, 1892, Jefferson. Wis.; 8. Charles J. H. (b. Jl 7, 1855, Jefferson. Wis.) and Katherine (Roessler) Mueller (b. S 15. 1854, do.). Prepared in Jefferson (Wis.) H. S. Kappa Psi. Frv Prize, highest award in Materia Med. Located in Ripon, Wis., 191.5-16; Milwaukee, 1916- 18; Mgr. of store, Jefferson. Wis.. 1918-19; Pharm. for Q. N. Folk & Son. Stoughton. Wis., 1919-20. Pvt., Co. H., 8th Regt., Wis. State Guard, S 2, 1918-N 1, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Wis. Pharm. Soc. Address, Stoughton, Wis. MARK ELDON NEVILLE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 28, 1894; a. Everett B. and Jennie L. (Forvon) Neville. Prepared in Gravslake H. S., 1911; Waukegan H. S., 1912; Chicago Bus. Coll., 1913. With Wm. E. Decker, Libertyville, 111., S 191.5-Mv 1917; Druce Drug Co., Waukegan, do., S 1919-Mr 1920; Pearce Drug Store, do., Ap 1920—. 1st class Sergt., Med. Dept. My 20. 1917-Ag 15. 1919; 18 mos. in Fr. Address, in care of Pearce Drug Store, Waukegan, 111. FRANK CHARLES NIEMEYER fSon of Henry, '88) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. 1892, Galena, 111.; s. Henr>' and Anna (Kuschbaun) Niemeyer. Pre- pared in Stockton H. S., 1911. Two yr.?. in Stock- ton Drug Store; now in business with father. Married Josephine Bisenius, O 14, 1916, Mitchell, 8. Dak. Child, Charles Henry, b. S 11, 1917. Address, .Stockton, 111. OSWALD EDWARD OBERMILLER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. F 4, 1S93, Lake Forest, 111.; Prepared in Galena H. S. 342nd Mod. Detach, and Camp Hosp. 87, World War. Mem., Am. Legion. Address, Lake Forest, 111. JOSEPH PELC Ph.C; B.S., Univ. of Chicago. 1920; b. Jl 6. 1883, Bohemia. Austria. Prepared in Aus. H. S. At- tended Univ. of Prague. 2 vrs.; Univ. of Chicago, 1920. Address, 1903 S. 58th St.. Cicero, lU.t ^ *DOMINGO POLI Chemist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 9, 1895, Guayama, P. R.; 8. Domingo Poll (b. Meria, Cap-Corse, France) and Santos (Ortiz) Marchini (b. Guayama, P. R.). Prepared in Miuoz Inst., Guaj'ania, P. R., and Brooks Classical Sch., Chicago. Ph.C, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, 1916. Grad. work in Food analysis, Indus. Cliom. and Bacteriol., Temple L'niv., Philadelphia; Appointed Prof., Pharm., Univ. of Porto Rico, 1917; do. of Sci., Guavama. P. R.. H. S.. 1918-19; Professional representative of pharm. and owner of a chem. lab. for analysis, Guayama, P. R., 1919 — . Mem., Am. Pharm. Assn.; Porto Rico Pharm. Assn.; A. F. A. M., 18°, Lodge Union 10, Guayama, P. R. Died 1921. JOSEPH WINFRED RAYCRAFT Ph.G.; b. My 24, 1894, Beardstown, 111. Pre- pared in Beardstown H. S. Address, Monticello, lU.t ROBERT CHARLES REED Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 18, 1893, Quincy, III.; s. Marcellus J. (b. D 16, 1854, Milwaukee) and Margaret C Reed (b. Ja 11, 1S60, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Kappa Psi. Sherer Prize. Served in Hosp. at Camp Grant. Mem., K. C Married Je 5, 1919, Quincy, 111. Child, Alice Jean, b. Mr 15, 1920. Address, 307 S. 11th St., Quincy, 111. YOUNG REY Ph.G.; b. Mr 22, 1883, Soon Chun, Korea. Prepared in Univ. of Denver and O. Wesleyan Univ. Address, 1323 Fort St., Honolulu, T. H.f EDWIN ROBERT RIEMER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Je 13, 1895, Chicago; s. Gustav and Louise Riemer. Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. With L. A. Druehl, 1229 Wilson Ave., Chicago, 1910-18; MacLean Drug Co., 3203 N. Ashland Ave., do., 1918-21; Meyer Drug Co., 3207 do., Ja 1, 1921—. Served with 54th F. A., Camp Travis, Tex., 1 yr. Mem., A. F. A. M., Candida Lodge 927, York Chapter 148. Address, 3012 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3207 N. Ashland Ave., do. EDWARD PALMER SCRUGGS Druggist; Ph.C; b. My 6, 1893; s. J. O. and Etta (Houston) Scruggs. Prepared in Ala. Presby. Coll. B.S., Univ. of Ala. Delta Kappa Epssilon. Chem., Birmingham, Ala., 191.5-17; now has own drug business at Livingston, .\!a. Chem. Warfare Ser., World War. Mem., Presby. Church. Ad- dress, Livingston, Ala. HAROLD FRANKLIN SEEGER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 10, 1894, Beardstown, 111.; s. George and Lousetta I. (Hosemar) .Seeger. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Phi Delta Chi. Owner drug store, Springfield, 111., Je 191.5-Ag 1917; Mgr., store, Beardstown, do., Ag 1917-Je 1919; owner, store, Macomb, 111., 1921 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Modern Woodmen; Presby. Church. Married Gladys Gorman, Je 11, 1916, Springfield, 111. Children: Betty Ellen, b. Ap 15, 1918; Mary Lou, b. Mr 12, 1919. Address, Macomb, 111. BAYARD EDWIN SIMMONS Ph.G.; b. N 9, 1892, Girard, 111.; s. Albert H. and Olive (Fletcher) Simmons. Prepared in Girard H. S. Kappa Psi. Chem. Warfare Serv., Edge- wood Arsenal, World War. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Baptist Church. Address, 15 N. Gilbert St., Dan- ville, 111.; bus. add., 48 N. Vermilion St., do. 418 University of Illinois [1916 ERNEST LEE SLINKARD Ph.G.; b. D 16, 1893, Denver. Prepared in Grand Junction (Colo.) H. S. With E. L. Navioux, Chicago. Address, Crawford and Monroe Sts., Chicago.t CLIFFORD ROSS SPALDING Ph.G.; b. Jl 16, 1892, Clinton, la. Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S. Address, 6312 Greenwood Ave., Chicago.t AUGUST FERDINAND STAHL, Jr. Employment Mgr.; Ph.G.; b. S 19, 1884. Chi- cago; s. August F. and Ida J. (Heintz) Stahl. Prepared in Lewis Institute. Hosp. Sergt., Ft. Sheridan, 111., Ap 20, 1917-Mr 12, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M., Damascus 888. Married Evalyn Louise Dagler, Jl 1, 1917, Chicago. Address, 128 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1400 S. 52nd Ave., Cicero, 111. STEWART STRAIN Druggist; Ph.G.; b. D 15, 1892, Chicago; a. John and Agnes (Forbes) Strain. Prepared in Curtis H. S., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M., Shrine, K. T.; B. P. O. E.; Reformed Church. Chemical Warfare Serv., World War. Address, 122 E. Court St., Kankakee, 111. WALTER ALANSON VANDERBOGART Ph.G.; b. S 2, 1887, Wilmington, 111. Prepared in Wilmington H. S. Formerly at 5140 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Served with Base Hosp. 48, A. E. F., Fr., World War. Address, Wilmington, Ill.t LOUIS WISCHNIA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 29. 1887; s. Hirsh (b. Ag 14, 1827, Pultusk, Poland) and Brana (Garfiniel) Wischnia (b. S 11, 1863, Nasielsk, do.). Prepared in Y. M. C. A. and Lane H. S. Pharm., Chicago. Married S 25, 1918, Chicago. Ad- dress, 2222 N. Western Ave., Chicago. ROYAL WILLIAM WOELFFER Druggist; Ph.G.; b. S 16, 1891, Lakemills, Wis.; s. Louis and Louisa Woelffer. Prepared in H. S. Owner of Drug Store, Monticello, Wis. Army Serv., Field Hosp., 20, 6th Div., World War. Married Ida Bindschaedler, Ja 15, 1918. Child, Royal W., Jr., b. Ja 14, 1919. Address, Monticello, Wis. CLASS OF 1916 (42 LIVING, 1 DEAD) VINCENT ANDRZELCZYK Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 8, 1895, Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Address, 856 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago.t FANNIE LILLIAN ARON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 19, 1893, Chicago; d. Ann Aron. Prepared in Medill H. S. Address, 1438 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago; 6ms. add.. Lake and Clark Sts., do. WILLIAM BECKMAN Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. O 11, 1893, Chatsworth, 111.; s. F. R. Beckman. Prepared in Chatsworth H. S. Address, 6800 Sheridan Rd., Chicago.! ASHER HOLLAND BOGARD Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ap 29, 1894; s. Thomas J. and Rose (Cook) Bogard. Prepared in Olney H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm., Wilmette, 1912 — .Corp. 129th Field Hosp., 33rd Div., Ap 3, 1917-Je 8, 1919. Mem., Wilmette Lodge, A. F. A. M., 93; Wilmette Chapter. U. D., R. A. M. Address, 1167 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, 111. JAMES FRANCIS BRADLEY Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. D 15, 1895, Charleston, 111.; s. Roscoe C. (b. Jl 17, 1869, Wapella, 111.) and Mollie V. (Weaver) Bradley (b. D 6, 1869, Charleston, Coles Co., 111.). Prepared in Charles- ton H. S. Kappa Psi. Pharm., R. M. Wilson Drug Store, Chicago. Married Eva Prather Brad- ley, D 15, 1916, Charleston, 111. Children: James William, b. S 17, 1917; Mary Elizabeth, b. Ja 9, 1919. Address, Lombard, 111.; bus. add., in care of Wright & Lawrence, Marshall Field BIdg. Annex, Chicago. ANNA BELLE BRUMMALL Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Jl 6, 1896, Salisbury, Mo.; d. Don and Cora (Wack) Brummall. Prepared in Salisbury (Mo.) H. S., 1913, Univ. of Mo. and Stephens Coll. of Music. Beal Nat. prize; Bowen prize. Drug., Owl Drug Store, Salisbury. Mem., O. E. S. Address, Salisbury, Mo. JOSEPH C. BUTTS Pharmacist; Ph.G. ; b. O 30, 1895, Chicago. Pre- pared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Pharm., Chi- cago. Address, 1334 Newport Ave., Chicago.t ROBERT CLAUS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ag 27, 1894, Chicago. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago. Address, 1300 S. Troy St., Chicago.t DANTE CORTESI (Husband of Jeanette Sikucka, '16) Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 26, 1892, Crieste, Aus. Prepared in H. S., Europe. Pharm., Fort Dear- born Hosp., Chicago. Married Jeanette Helen Sikucka. Address, 1122 W. Erie St., Chicago.t RAYMOND JAMES CRIST Ph.G.; b. O 20, 1893; s. Melson Herman (b. My 2, 1862, Warsaw, Ind.) and Ellen Agnes (Lawler) Crist (b. N 21, 1865, Indianapolis). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Kappa Psi. Clerk for B. S. Cooban & Co., Chicago, 1916-18; Formed Partnership of Webster & Crist, 1918. Mem., K. C. Address, 721 W. 61st St., Chicago; 459 W. 63rd St., do. RAYMOND ANDERSON CURLEE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 11, 1894, Tamaroa, 111.; s. S. J. and Louisa B. (Carson) Curlee. Pre- pared in Havana H. S. Basketball, Baseball and Track, 1910-11-12; Kappa Psi. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Woodmen. Married Louise E. Gebhardt, Ag 29, 1917. Child, Richard E., b. D 6, 1918. Address, 730 Grand Ave., Waukegan, 111.; bus. add., 201 N. Genesee St., do. CHARLES ELMER DAVIDSON Ph.G.; b. F 24, 1892, Tullahoma, Tenn. Pre- pared in H. S. Address, 3900 State St., Chicago.t EVERETT WILLIAM DEWEY Salesman; Ph.G.; b. N 4, 1894; s. William Henry (b. Ja 30, 1873, Waterloo, Wis.) and Helena (Dit- mer) Dewey (b. D 26, 1876, do.). Prepared in Lake Mills (Wis.) H. S. Kappa Psi. 33rd Div., U. S. Army, A. E. F., Ap 6, 1917-Je 9, 1919. Mem. A. F. A. M. Address, Lake Mills, Wis. ANTHONY DI COSOLA Ph.C; b. Ja 16, 1895, Chicago. Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Address, 740 Independence Blvd., Chicago.t WILLIAM DUBROFF Ph.G.; b. D 10, 1892. Prepared in H. S. Ad- dress, 1639 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago.t VICTOR ELMER ERICKSON Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. Ja 3, 1896, Joliet, 111.; s. Olof and Hilda (Johnson) Erickson. Kappa Psi. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Pharm., H. A. Still- man Co., Joliet, 111. Mem., Swedish Lutheran Church; A. F. A. M., Joliet Lodge 42, K. T., 1916] School op Pharmacy Alumni 419 Joliet Chapter 27, Medinah Temple; B. P. O. E. Address. West Park Front, in care of H. S. Still- man Co., Joliet, 111. WILLIAM JOHN FREEDL Clerk: Ph.G.; b. Ap 11. 1S95, Chicago: s. John and Stella (.Vac Lena) Freedl. Prepared in Har- rison H. S., Chicago. Kappa Psi. Enlisted U. S. Armv, Ag 31, 1917: Sergt., Ambulance Co., 8th Div. Mem.. A. F. A. M.: 111. Pharm. Assn. Mar- ried Jennie Xovak. Jl 16, 1919, Chicago. Address, 3216 W. 23rd St.. Chicago. HARRY GASEN Pharmacist: Ph.G.; b. Ja 7, 1S94, Litchfield, 111. Prepared in H. S. Served with Base Hosp. 84, A. E. P.. World War. Address, 2742 W. Lake St., Chicago.t FRANK WILLIAM GRAHAM Druggist; Ph.G.; b Ja 14, 1893; s. Frank and E. (Regelmannl Graham. Prepared in Carlin- ^'iUe H. S. Certificate Excellence, Chem. Owner of Graham Drug Store, which has been in same family and location 70 jts. Mem., A. F. A. M., Consistory, Shrine; K. P. Married Mabel J. Lovell. Jl 14, 1915. Address, 211 East St., Carlin- ^-iUe, 111. ROBERT LEE GREENWOOD Ph.G.; b. Ja 11, 18S9. St. Paul. Prepared in John Marshall H. S.. Chicago. Formerly at 309 S. Hamilton St., Chicago, ^larried Eleanor Daw- son Pinkerton. S 15. 1920. Address, Standard Labs., Jackson Blvd. and Peoria St., Chicago.t ALAN WALLACE JACKS Druggist; Ph.G.; b. Mr 9, 1S96, Ottawa, 111.; s. L. N. Jacks. Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Kappa Psi. Active Ser^-.. Field Hosp. 130. 108th Sanitary Corps, 33rd Div., A. E. F., World War; Albert, Somme, and Verdun fronts. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Peoria. WALTER JOHN KOSTKA Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. N 1, 1894, Chicago. Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 640 W. 12th St., Chicago.t DAVID A. LOFGREN Pharmacist; b. Ap 10, 1895; s. Joseph and Char- lotte Lofgren. Prepared in Curtis (Chicago) H. S. M. C. U. S. A.. 16 months; Camp Grant Base Hosp.. World War. Mem.. Pullman Lodge 716. I. O, O. F.; Rockford Lodge 102. A. F. A. M.; Pullman Chap. 204. R. A. M. Address, 10564 State St., Chicago; bus. add., 11131 Michigan Ave., do. BENJAMIN LOWIS Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. F 11. 1893, Chicago. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Pharm., Chicago. Address, 400 E. 31st St., Chi- cago.t CECIL C. McCANSE Pharmacist; Ph.G.; b. My 17, 1885, Mt. Vernon, Mo.; s. William C. Td, A. G., '09, M FILER Dwight, F. A., F, M GLENNS FERRY O'Neill, G. J., '05, P GOODING Carj", F. T., '05, M Carj', L. W.. ■10, M IDAHO FALLS Heddenfl. C. H., '92, P Hollister, T. C, '96, M KOOSKIA Wohlenberg, A. F., '94, M KUNA Bowell. R. M., '16, M LEWISTON Johnson, P. W., '02, M MOSCOW Gilchrist, Virgil Martha, '17, M MURPHEY Schuyler, W. H., '83, M NAMPA Fink, M. S., '16, M McLellan, G. L., '13, M POCATELLO Damron, J. E., '11, M Hughart, H. H., '17, M Lynn, J. H., '12, M Weir. G. L., '17, D SHELLEY Cutler, E., '06, M ST. MARIES Smith, C. B., '95, M TWIN FALLS Hamilton, H., '95, M WALLACE Bean, J. R., '04, M WEISER Finney, E. O., '06 M ILLINOIS ADAIR Camahan, W. P., '14, M ALBION Tanquary, Flora M., '04, M ALEDO Marquis, M. M., '07, D Walter, C. E., '10, P Winbigler, B. R., "04, M ALEXIS Ashley, S., "12, D Crosier, W. M., '07, M McVay, R. H.. '10, P Rogers, W. J., '06, D ALTON Jones, F. W., '05, M Wj-nkoop, W. B., '17, D AM BOY Domblaser, T. F., '08, M KauflFman, A. C, '10, P Sullivan, E. A., '99, M Zeigler, C. A.. '08, M ANNA Dillow, G. G., '05, P Hunsaker, C. A., '08, M Owen. E. P., '12, P Shafer. H. B.. '10. D Walton, J. K., '90. P ANTIOCH Smith. H. A.. '90, P Turner, J. A., '09, M APPLE RIVER Brink, C. A., '93, M Hoover, T. E., '07. D AREA Watson, H. A., '04, P ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Elfeld, P. F.. '20, M Laufer, E. W. D., '02, P Laughlin, W. H., '86, M Moellering, C. B., '88, P 438 Universitt of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued ARROWSMITH Johnson, L. M., '03, M ARTHUR Phillips, F., '02, M ASHTON Charters, J. D., '03, P Petersmever, W., '98, M ASTORIA Baxter, H. T., '14, M Kost, W. R., '13, P ATKINSON Everett, E., 'GO, P ATWOOD Marsh, C. W., '06, D Slater, O. M., '95, M AUBURN Baker, L., '09, P Mottar, W. D., '08, P AUGUSTA Ellis, J. P., '90, M AURORA Annenberg, S. C, '11, P Bagge, A. F., '10, P Eberly. H. L., '15, P Frauenhoff, F. L., '09, P Freeman, C. B., 'IS, D Gorman, Elsie Maud, '19, D Grimm, H. P., '85, P Haan, G., '01, M Hagar, W. L., '11, D Harris, W. F.. '20, P Hartz, P. G., '88, P Henke, A. P., '03, P Henry, C. J., '13, P Kaiser, K. J., '20, M McDonald, C. W., '89, P McGugin, D. N., '19, D Means, J. L., '02, D Modaff, J. N., '04, P Moore, A. W., '93, M Murphy, J. C., '04, M Neuman, H. L., '17, P Ricker, S. J., '91, M Sanders, T. W., '88, P Staudt, L. C, '82, P Stubbs, J. W., '18, D Terry, R. E., '20, P Thomas, E. M., '14, M BARRINGTON Pohlman, P. H., '17, P BARRY Behrensmeyer, H. F., '04, P Collins, Metta V., (Mrs. C. W. Collins), '03, M BARTLETT Staib, O. W., -88, M BATAVIA Cigrand, B. J., F, M Hayward, Martha, '07, M McDermott, R. A., '19, M Schreiner, A., '84, P Schreiner, A., Jr.. '14, P BEARDSTOWN . Mix, W. S., '15, M Richter, Camille M.(Mrs.V.C.Baldwin),'16, D Soule, C. E., '89, M BEECHER Wehrley, J. H., '05, P BELLFLOWER Copenhaver, J. H., '03, M Wheeler, G. W., '07. D BELLE PRAIRIE Brines, F. H., '11, M BELLEVILLE Bechtold, A. F., '99, M Conroy, C. R., '17, D Otrich, G. C, '08, M BELVIDERE Berry, W. H., '05, D Granger, J. C, '02, D Niemeyer, F. H., '09, P Thiell, J. E., '15, M BEMENT McPherson, W. G., '01, M BENLD Senelick, M. D., '15, M Senn. T. C, '87, P Stegmayer, C. G., '02, P BENTON Sisk, J. E., '09, P BERWYN Eicher, B. L., '11, P Hinds, A. B., '05, M Marquis, R. L., '06, D Mead, C. B., '91. P Shean, J. R., '85, P Stuchlik, E.,'04, P BIG ROCK Marion, N. E., '08, M BLACKSTONE Seymour, E. de L., '04, M BLANDINSVILLE Benjamin, H. W., '17, M Weir, W. A., '86, M BLOOMINGTON Armstrong, C. O., '19, M Cole, F. H., '96, P Delbridge, C. J., '01, P Paris, M. A., '96, P Fisher, F. C, '03, M Flynn, E. A., '11, P Furstman, J. M., '06, M Gailey, W. W., '04, M Gardner, W. H., '04, M Giese,H. W., '01, P Haffner, G. F., '06, P Haffner. L. L., '15, P Haines, H. E., '14, P Hawthorne, R., '15, P Johnson, H. E., '14, P Rhodes, O. M., '01, M Sloan, G. A., '13, M BLUE ISLAND Doepp, E. A., '90, M Dorjahn, J. A., '12, P Hamer, G. H., '01, P James, R. L., '91, M McCord, Frances, F, M Roemish, A. J., '10, M Schmitt, E„ '79. P BLUE MOUND Graham, W. R., '00. P BONDVILLE Doolen, G. W.. '20, M BOWEN Folckemer, H. F., '05, M Ketchum, E. P., '04, M BROOKFIELD Pick, E. E., '99, P Sweet, H., '04, M Winsett, C. V., '05, M BUDA Cummings, M. S., '84, P BUREAU Dysart, B. Q., '18, M BUSHNELL Le Master, B. E., '04, M CAIRO Bode, C. F., '11, P Dillow, R. L., '17, P Harrell, F. M., F, M Schuh, J. P., '89, P Thomas, F., '87, P CAMBRIDGE Conser, W. H., '07, M Johnson, G. G., '97, P Westerlund, J. E., '00, M CANTON Allison, C. N., '07, M Churchill, G. S., '11. P Coleman, E. P., '13, M Johnston, C. J., '10, M Scholes, P. S., '98, M Smith, F. A., '13, M Webster, R. C, '04, P Geographical Index 439 ILLINOIS— Continued CARBOXDALE Brandon, W. A., 'OS. M Porter, E. K., 'So, P CARLIXVILLE Graham, F. W., '16, P CARLOCK Hamilton, C, '95, M CARTHAGE Knight. L. C, '15, M GARY STATION Theobald. F. J.. 'OG, M CEXTRALIA Pfaff, F. L.. '00, P Watson, L. A., '11, P CERRO GORDO Lamb, J. G., '03. M CHAMPAIGX Appelle. C. G.. '10, M Bennett, C., '96, M Brown. J. A.. '99, D Dolan. J. E.. 'OS, M Ebert, F. E., 'OS, D Karcher, W. H., '03. D Keusink, W. B., '04, P Xewcomb. C. F., '04, M Seeker, W. V., '06, M CHAXDLERVILLE Eversole, G., "ST, M Franken, J. G., '95, M CHARLESTON- Tym. W. B., '06, D CHATHAM Bradley. M. ^L, '87, P CHIGACO Aaron, R., '09, D Abbott, W. R., '04, M Abstein, C. E., '04, D Aby, F. S., '97, M Ackerman, A. G. C, '06, P Adams, F. W., '10, M Adams, L. E., '03, D Adler, H. M, F, M Agdesteen, O., '17, P Ahlborn, F. H., '84, P Albrecht, C. A., '99, M Albrecht, P. G., F, M Albright, J. L., '02, M Alcorn, A. J., 'GO, M Alden, W C, F, M Alder, C, '15, M .Alexander, D., '07, M AUen, B. R., '18, D Allen, T. G., F, M Allen, Vr. G., F, M Allgier, J. H., 'IS, D Alrutz, L. F., '04, M Alt, G. L., '05, M Altenloh, H. E. R., '92, M Altstadt, B. W., '17, P -■Vmerson, G. C, '04. M Amerson, W. H., '01, M Anderman, S., '17, D Anderson, A. J., '98, D Anderson, C. G., '05, P Anderson, D. R., '20, P Anderson, E. B., '03, M Anderson, R. J., '15, P Andrews, B. F., '94, M Andrews, W. H., '10, D Andrzelczvk, V., '10, P Annibale, F., '10, P Antisdale, E. S.. F. M Apfelbaum. D., '01. M Applegate. E. W., '03, D Aries, P. L., '19. M Armbrecht, L.. '83. P Armstrong, J. F., '12, M Armstrong, J. L., '04, M Amdt, H. G.. '96. P Ameson. J. B.. '18. D Arnold, A. C, '00, P Arnold, E. M., '08, M Arnold, 0. C, '13, P CHICAGO— Continued Aron, Fannie L. '16 P Atkinson, F. R., F, D Autenrieth, B. B., '05, D Avery, E. K., '00, M Babbitt, C. A., '17, P Babcock, R. H., F, M Bachelle, C. V., F, M Bachman, A. S.. '07, M Bacon, C. A., '20, M Bacon, C. S., F, M Badzmierowski, M. J., '13, IM Baewsky, A. J., '11, D Bahl, W. H., '04, M Bailey, B. M., '20, M Bailey, E. R., '05, D Baird, W G., '17, D Bake, L. E.. '02, D Baker, Grace (Mrs. E. L. Fickensher). '05. D Baker. H. L.. '98, M Baker. R. E.. '10. P Baker. S. L., '15, P Bakkers, A.. '07, P Bakkers, A. M., '17, P Bakkers, J., '98, P Bakkers, Neff Knyper, '18, P BaUinger, J. R., F, M Bahner, F. B., '12, P Bamberger, A., F, M Bamberger, G. W., '04, M Bangert, H. W., '19, D Banta, O. H., '98, D Barbour, F. L., '11, M Bard, S. P., '86, P Bardonski, V., '86, P Barker, C. D., '04, M Barnett, A. H., '15, M Barnett, I. F., '13, M Barnsback, J. L., '03, M Barnum, W. T., '03, M Barone, C, '18, P Barrett, C. W., F, M Barrett, F. T., '06, M Barrett, W. C. '88. P Barron-Harrison, Annie E., '02, M Bartholomew, E. C, '07, M Barwig, G. B., '85. P Bashur, A. K., '18. D Baskerville. B., '98, D Baskind, N. I., '13, M Bassler, H. H., '13, M Bassoe, P., '97, M Bauer, A. H.. '03. P Baumann, F., '01, M Baumstein, M., '15, D Baxter, L. T., '20, M Bay, H. H., '99, M Beane, E. G., '17, D Beard, H. R., F, M Beck, C, F, M Beck, E. G., '96, M Beck. J. B., '04, M Beck. J. C, '95, M Becker, E. L., '85, P Beckman. W.. '16, P Beedy, Lora L., '99, M Beem, lone Fisher, '13, M Beers, B. R., '08, M Beeson, B. B., '06, M Behmer, O. T. E., '97, P Behrendt, A. J.. '91, M Behrens, F. F. F., '97, P Behrens, P. J., '83, P Behrens, W. B., '94, P Beilin, D. S., '19, M Beilin, H., '12, P Bein, A., '97, M Bellack, B. H., '93, P Bellows, M. E., '19, D Benson, E. O.. F. M Benson. J. S.. '10, P Berard, H. W., '94, M Berg, O. H., '96, M Berger, J. M., '08, M 440 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Bergeron, J. Z., F, M Bergin, C. E., '16, M Bergstedt, J. P., '04, P Berlin, B. I., '10, D Berman, H. H., '16, D Berman, S. L., '20, M Bermingham, E. E., '07, M Bernard, E. S., '91, P Bernart, W. F., F, M Bernhard, F. J., '08, D Bernstein, N. M., '16, D Berry, F. A., '08, M Berthlein, F. L. G., '05, P Betting, O. S., '85, P Beyerman, H. F., '09, P Beyermann, W. J., '07, P Biesenthal, M., '04, M Bignold, W. J., '97, P Billig, G. W., '01, M Bingley, M. A., '98, M Birk, J. W., '01, M Bischhoff, E. C. F., '76, P Bischoff, H. A., '84, P Bishkow, I. E., '11, M Bissett, F. A., '00, D Bixby, J. E., '12, P Black, J. C, '02, D Blahnik, K. B., '07, P Blaine, L. L., '16, D Blair, E. T., '20, M Blair, M. I., '16, D Blatt, A. E., "19, D Blatt, J. A.. '08, P Blatt, M. L., F, M Blayney. J. R., F, D Bloch. L., F, M Bloch, M. E., '00, M Bloom, A. R., '20, M Bloom, I., '17, P Bloom, M. W., '19, D Bloomfield, J. H., '13, M Bluestein, B. T., '19, D Blum, N. W., '14, D Boalch, G. W., '85, P Bockius, F. B. V., F, M Bodinson, F. P., '94, P Boehm, F. E., '15, P Boehm, R. S., '00, P Boelio, L. N., F, M Bogue, R. H., '01, P Bohmer, O., '04, M Boice, G. W., '86, M Bolan, Anna R., F, D Bolka, B. J., '16, M Bollman, J L.. F, M Borchert, R. L., '10, M Borges, D. G., '04, M Borland, L. C, F, M Borland, S. F., '89, M Borovik, R. R.. '17, P Borovsky, M. P., F, M Borucki, E. A. F., '15, P Bosch, A. C, '14, P Bosler, A. G., '00, M Bostik, E. J., '16, D Bothman, L., F, M Bower, G., '18, P Bower. L. E., F, M Bowler, V. B., F, M Boyden, F. P., '86, P Bracken, G. F., '01, M Bradford, W. L., '99, D Bradley, J. F., '16, P Bradley, W. H., '10, M Brady, H. T. A., '99, P Braham, J. A., '09, M Brams, J., '19, M Braude, B., F, M Braun, W. T.. '95, P Brawley, F. E., '02, M Breasted, J. H., '86, P Breckwoldt. L. O.. '94, P Bredlau, E. A., '13, M CHICAGO— Continued Brekke, M. T., '15, P Bremerman, L. W., F, M Brendecke, A. C, '86, M Brennan, W. F., '87, P Breves, H., '86, P Brianza, A. M., '92, M Briggs, W. J., '01, M Brigham, B. A., '86, M Brinckerhoff, C. E., '85, M Brinkerhoff, W. C, '86, M Brinkhoff, C. W., '90, P Brinkman, H. G., F. D Brixey, J. C, '05, M Broadbent, T. A., F, M Brockhoff, L. P., '19, P Brodsky, J. A., '19, D Brodsky, L. L., '15, M Brogmus, E. J. P., '15, D Bronner, P. F., '18. P Bronstein, B. J., '06, D Brothers, E. DeW., F, M Brosius, E. J., '20, M Brougham, E. J., F, M Brown, C. A., '04, P Brown, C. E., '07, M Brown, C. F., '91, M Brown, C. W., '09, P Brown, C. W., '18, D Brown, E. M., F, M Brown, E. M., '11, M Brown, J. F., '05, P Brown, Mamie I., '11, M Brown, S., F, M Brown, W. S., '94, M Browne, A. C, '10, D Browne, H. H., '99, D Browne, W. H., F, M Browne, W. H., '19, M Browning, I. R., F, M Brownstein, B., '02, M Brucker, E. A., '16, M Brucker, M. W., '06, M- Brumbach, A. H., '84, M Brundage, E. W., '87, P Buchan, E. J., '06, M Buchman, H. W., '74, P Buck, C. G., '82, P Buck, R. H., '07, M Bucklin, F. E., '06. P Buckman, G. E., '13, P Buckrucker, W. O., '15, P Buechner, F. E. A.. '01, M Buhrman, W. L., '20, M' Bullen, C, '08, M Bundy, C. E., '15, P Burcky, W. E., '89, M Burke, A. W., '09, M Burkholder, J. F., F, M Burley, B. D., '11, P Burmeister, W. H., F, M Burnett, W. E., '10, M Burr, A. H., F, M Burriel, J. A., F, D Burroughs, W. M., F, M Bush, E. F., '19, D Buss, F. J., '01, M Busse, F. H., '86, P Busta, E. H., '12. D Buswell, C. A., '00, M Butler, C. D., F, M Butler, F. A., '84, P Butterfield, F. R., '05, M Butts, J. A., '91, P Butts, J. B., '98, M Butts. J. C, '16, P Byford, H. T., F, M Cadwallader, H., '03, D Cain, H. E., '91, P Caldwell, F. C, '83, M Calhoun, H. N., '03, P Calvin, J. K., F. M Canham, G. E., '14, P Geographical Index Ui ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Capek, L. V., '20, M Carberry. F. V., '13, M Carey, D. J.. '9o, M Carlev, P. S., '21, M Carls, F. G., "14, M Carbon. Mabel R., '12, M Carncross, Helen, F, >! Carnegie, J. F., '82, P Caron, W., '05, M Carpenter, G. T., F, D Carpenter, J. D., '03, M Carr, A. M., F, M Carr, J. G.. F, M Carr, Rachel H., F, M Carrol. F. W., 'IS. D Cari'ellie, J., '12. P Carj-, F. S.. F, M Casey, E. F..'16, M Cass, C. H., '14, D Cassady, G. W'., 'OS, M Cathcart, W. F., '06, M - Cavanaugh, J. A., '04, M Cepelka, Frances P.. 'lo, M ChaUenger. C. J.. '07. M Chambers, Laura Kieser, *19, D Champion, J. L., '95, P Champlin.H. G.. '14, M Champlin, H. W., '20, M Champlin, S. H., '95, M Chandler, W. D., 'S9, P Channon, B. Z., '12, M Chapman, H. P., '13, P Charpier, L. L.. '20. M Chauvet, F., '07, M Cheleski, J. K., '09, P Cheney, F. S., '89, M Chladek, J. W., '94. P Chloupek, E. A., '99, M Christensen, A. H., '94, P Christenson, J. A., '05, M Christiansen, C. B.. '17. P Christmann, J. H., '07, P Chochola, J. J., '17. P Christofferson, E. A., '12, M Christopher, F,, F, M Church, A., '84. M Chwatal, J. J., '86, P Cienciara. Felicia H. (Mrs. S.M. Mioduszew- ski). '15, M Cipriani, J. B., '13, M Cisar, G. W., '14, D Clagett, A. X., '05, M Clancey, L. W., '05, D Clancy, M. G., '00, M Clark, A. A., '16, M Clark, C. C, '05, M Clark. J. A., F, M Clark. S. X., '09, M Clarke, S., '11, P Claus. R., '16, P Claj-pool, B. W., '16, M Clement, C. C, '06, M Cleveland, C, '07, D Cleveland, H. V., "13, P CUne. G. M., '20, M Close, C. F., F. M Coates, L. B., Jr., '02, M Coe, E. S., F, D Coffey, C. J., '09, D Coffler. M S., '13, M Cohen. C. L., '20, M Cohen, H., '06, M Cohen, O. J., '14, M Cohen, S. G., '03, M Cohen, S. J., F, M Cohn, J. S., '10. M Colbert, C. X., '18, M Coleman, G. T., "06, D Heinemann, Lucy (Mrs. C. D. Collins). '96. P Colson, H. W., '10, P Comee, W. C, '08, M Coltman, A. F., '12, D Comes, U. V., '13, M CHICAGO— Continued Condit, H. S., '16, D Condren, F. L., '19, D Condit, H. S., '16, D Connell, \V. J., '19, M Conrad, J., '81, P Conroy, C. L., '07, M Conroy, F. J., '10, M Converse, W. A., '89, P Cook, C. C, '94, P Cook, C. D., '00, D Cooley, V. P., '04, D Coolidge, E. D., F, D Cooling, H. E., '89, P Cooper, A. R., F, M Copeland, N., '08, M Coppock, A., L., '88, P Copps, L. A., F, M Corbett, M., '90, M Corbus, B. C, '01, M Corcoran, E. A., '02, M Cortesi, D., '16, P Corw-in, A. M., F, M Cottle, M. H., '20, M Counseller, V. E. S., F, M Coverley, W. E., '14, D Cowdrey, R. H., '75, P Cox, F. M., '09, M Cozad, D., '04, P Craddock, J. W., '20, M Craig, G., '98, D Crawford, X. D., '19, M Cree, C. G., '06, D Crell, W. F., '95, P Crlle, D. R. W., F, M Crist, R. J., '16, P Crocks, F. R., '12, M Croft, A. J., '06, M Crofton, A. C, '98, M Cronin, J. J., '06, M Cronk, B. B., '07, D Cropp, D. T., '06, P Crowley, J. P., '93, P Crozier, W. J., F, M Cullen, F. C, '88, M Cullen, J. M., '97, M Culver, H., F, M Cummings, H. T., '03, M Cunningham, D. H., F, M Cunningham, J. L., '07, M Cunradi, C, '87, P Cunradi, J., '79, P Cupler, R. C, '01, M Curtis, J. H., F, M Gushing, G. M., '04, M Cutting, R. A., F, M Cutler, I. H., '15, M Czaja, L. M., '11, M Czaja, P., '01, P Czarra, C. H., '99, M Czeslawski, E. F., '10, M Czolbe, Selma Olga, '12, M Dahl, S., '90, M D'Alcorn, E. X., '19, M Dale, G. G., '06, P Daley, W. H., '09, M Dame, Margaret, F, D Danek, E. J., F, M Daniels, L. X., '12, D Dann, F, A., '19, D Darling, U. G.. '90, M Darmer, J. E., '05, D Datz, C. P., '17. P Dauber, A., '99, P Davenport, G. L., '07, M David F. E., '04, M Davidson. C. E., '16, P Davidson, G. E., '13, P Davis, D. J., F, M Davis, E. G., '02, M Davis, H. I., F, M Davis, J. F., '10, M Davis, R. X., '06, M Davis, T. A., '85, M 442 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO — Continued Davison, C. M., F, M Davison, C. M.. Jr., '20, M Day, W. B., '92, P Deacon, F., '04, M Dedic, Libby (Mrs. P. E. Johnson) '19, P Deist, M.W., '15, D Delfosse, A. F., '13, M Delfosse, H. A., '94, P Delfosse, J. T., '88, P Demes, C. A., '04, P Dennis, H. O.. '19, M Dennison, E. L., '89, P De Stefano, E., '06, P Desser, A. L., '11, M Desser, L. B., '06, D Detrick, G. L., '05, P Deutsch, H. S., '12, D De Vault, A. N., '00, M Dewey, Katherine W. (Mrs. Edward H. Dewey), F, M Dewitz, O. J., '04, M Diamond, I. B., F, M Dicosola, A., '16, P Di Cosola, F., '12, M Di Cosola, S., '20, D Di Cosola, S. R., '19, D Dieden, F., '97, P Dietz, A., '86, P Diggs, J. H., '19, P Dimond, W. H., '18, P Dinet, H. G., '88, P Dittmann, G. C, '02, M Dittmar, G. W., F, D Dobbratz, M. C, '93, P Doederlein, T. J., '94, M Dohrmann, G., '01, M Donaberger, S. B., '98, P Donahue, E. T., '13, P Donaldson, O. H., '94, M Donovan, E. V. F., '20, M Donkle, L. B., '03, M Doodokyan, Y. M., '08, M Doolittle, D., '86, P Dome, M., '16, M Dome, P. I., (Formerly Doktorsky, P. I.) •14, D Dostal, F. E., '05, M Doty, M. F., '95, M Dougherty, W. B., '06, M Douglas, F. G., '10, M Dowdall, G. G., '00, M Dowiatt, Marja (Mrs. Sass), F, M Downey, J. P., '17, P Doyle, F. M., '04, M Doyle, T. L., '19, D Draper, L. F., '20, M " Drais, G. O., '15, P Drea, A. S., '18, D Dreier, O. A., '86, P Drewitz, J. W., '02, P Droberg, W. W., '09, D Drueck, C. J., F, M Drues, L. N., '20, D Dryden, W. F., '00, M Dubin, A. J., '02, D Dubroff, W., '16, P Duff, G. C, '97, M Duff, R. R., '08, M Du Four, E. H., '14, M Duke, H. R., '19, D Dunham, W. F., '80. P Dunkel, Martha (Mrs. Fred Rudolphy) '88, P Dunn, H. F., F, M Dunn, J. A. '07, D Dunn, M. M. W., '08, D Durr, S. A., F, M Dvorak, Georgiana Margaret (Mrs. Theobald) "06, M Dwyer, H. J., '12, M Dyas, F. G., F, M Dyer, R. E., '19, M Dyniewicz, Hattie A., '17, P Dyniewicz, Josephine M., '18, P CHICAGO— Continued Earle, E. G., '91, M Earle, F. B., '85, M Eaton, R. C, '14, M Earley, W. F., '08, D Eberhart, N. M., '01, M Eberhardt, W., F, M Eck, C. P., '16, M Eddy, I. H., '03, M Edgett, P. W., '14, P Edidin, L., '20, M Edison, S. M., '06, M Egan, J. J., '05, M Egan, W. J., '05, M Ehrlich, M., '20, M Eichberg, F., '90, P Eicher, Anna, '09, P Eicholtz, G. W., '13, P Einarson, B., '90, M Ehrmann, F. J. E., '93, M Eisele, G., '07, P Eisenberg, I. I., '20, P Eisendrath, D. N., F, M Eisinger, H., '11, D Eisenstaedt, S., F, M Eiser, L. E., '05, D Ekstrom, C. D., '09, P Elich, H., '96, P EUsburg, L. A., '99, P Elliott, A. R., F, M EUiott, E. N., '83, M EUis, F. I., '95, P Elner, S. J., '13, M Elvidge, G. P., '20, M Endee, W. A., '14, P Engel, W. F., '02, P Epstein, W. G., '10, M Erickson, E. J., '20, P Ertel, H. H., '06, D Evans, J. H., '08, M Evans, Wm. A., '99, M Evanson, E., '12, D Evensen, H. O., '94, M Everett, H. H., '02, M Evertz, M., '09, M Ewing, H. P., '89, M Eyman, A. H., '90, P Eycleshymer, A. C, F, M Faber, P. J., '86, P Faith, T., '93, M Fales, A. H., '02, D Falkenberg, F. E., '85, P Falls, F. H., F, M Fantus, B., '99, M Fara, F. J., '05, M Farbar, M. E., '10, M Farber, A. J., '11, D Farrar, G. B., '88, P Farris, B. F., '93, P Fastabend, F. B., '05, M Faulkner, L., '04, M Feigl, F. J., '17, P Feingold, L., '99, M Felcher, G. L., '15, D Feldsher, N. Z., '08, D Fellows, E., '96, P Fellows, M. A., '99, M Fels, L. J., '07, D Feltenstein, B., '95, M Felz, J., '17, D Ferguson, A. D., '12, M Fernow, J. A. W., '01 M Ferring, A. P., '17, P Fetherston, E. B., '93, M Fett, O. A., '08, P Fidler, D. N., '08, P Findlay, E. K., F, M Fingl, A. W., '11, P Fingl, E. G., '09, M Fink, H. W., F, M Finn, W. H., '97, M Firtik, J. A., '13, M Fisch, M. E., '19, M Fischer, C, '12, M Geographical Index 443 ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Fischer. C. E. M., '07, M Fischer, O. F.. '82. P Fischer. O. G, "03, M Fischer, W. R., '20. M Fischkin. E. A.. F, M Fischman, E. W., F, M Fish, E. L., '84, P Fisher. G. C, '99. M Fisher. J.. '87. M Fisher. L. E.. '98, D Fisher. W. A.. F, M Fisk. B. E., '90. M Fisler. O. L.. '14. P Fitch. F. R., '19, M Fitzgerald, D. H., '05. M Fitzgerald, G. M., '15, M Flanagan. B. F., '98, M Flanigan, J. J., 'O.S, D Flannerv-, H. F., '91, P Flannerv-, J. A.. '12, D Flannerv, R. E., '06, M FUnt. E". N., •S7. M Florian, A. H.. 'IS, P Flvnn, Helen B., '06. M Fomon, S., '06, M Forbrich, E. J., 'IS, P Forbrich, P. J., '02, P Formusa, A. C, '15, M Ford, H. L., '20, M Forslund, C. W., '19, D Forster, A. L.. '07, M Forster, N. K., '19, M Fortier. G. S., '07, M Former, E. C, 'S6, M Foster, M. G.. '10, M Fouts, R. M., '11. M Fox, E. F.. '11, M Fox, G. G., '01, P Fox. L. B.. '06, P Fox, X. H., '19, M Fox, N. I.. '14, M Frank. I., '99. M Franke, Meta E., '14, M Frankel, D. A., '07, D Frankel, Henrv A., '01. D Erase. K. W., 'IS, P Fraser. R. E., '19, P Fraser, R. F.. '15, P Freark, R. H., '20, M Frederick, Xora E., F, .M Freedman, A. A., '12, M Freeman. W. B., '02, P Freese. A. W., '09, M Freilich, E B., '14, M Freilich, H. H.. '15, M Fremmel. H. J., '12, M French, W. M.. '02, M Frerksen. R. C. 'SO, P Freund, A. P., '84, P Frey. H. A.. '07, D Freyer, H., '04, D Friduss, S. L., '97, M Fried, I. U., '12, D Friedl, W. J.. '16, P Friedman. B. D., '12, D Friesenecker, C. M., '02. P Fritschel, A. W., '18, P Froeschle. W. F.. '90, P Frohn, J. B.. '85, P Frj-. H.. '87, P Fry. N. G.. '06, P Fuchs, A. E . '12, M Fuchsmann. M. M., '11, M Fuller, W., F, M Funk. W. B.. '10, M Funkhouser, O. B., '07, M Furby, R. L., '13, M Fumo, J. P., '11. M Fyfe. R.. '93. M Gabriel. C. K.. "20, M Gaebler, A. A.. '95, M Gafney, T. H., '91. M Gage. J. G., '93, P CHICAGO— Continued Gaggin, F. N., '10, M Gahl. O. A.. '07, M Galgano, M. A., '14, M Gallic. D, M., F, D Galloway. G.. '01. M Galloway. J. H., '12, P Gambell. K. V., '13. P Gamble, W. E., F, M Garard. J. C. '05, M Gardner, I. A.. '04, M Gardner. Stella M., F, M Garner, J. P., '89. P Games, H. H., '09, D Garraghan. E. F.. '01. M Gasen. H.. '16, P Gathercoal, E. N.. '95, P Gaviria, A.. 'IS, D Gazzolo, F. H., '93, P Gearin, J. J., '08, M Gearon, F. E., '09, M Gedulig, C. J., '19, D Geiger, A. H., '00, M Geispitz, V. L., '15, P Gentles, H, W., F, M Gerhard, W. B., '07, M Gernon, G. D.. '20, M Gethner, M. P., '11. M Gfroerer, G. S., '85. M Gibson, C. B.. F, M Gindele, G. W., '10, M Glassman, L., '13, M Glenn, E. A., '06, M Glenn, F. L., '96, M Glogan, A., '01, P Goeppner, G. C, '99, P Goetz, A., '86, P Goetzinger, C. F.. '05, M Goldberg, B., '16, M Goldberger, H. E., '03. M Goldberger, S. M., '08. M Goldblatt, L., '20, M Goldenburg, M., '08, M Goldensen, M. J., '20, M Goldman, B., '17, P Goldman, I., '19, P Goldman, M. P., '19, D Goldstein, P. H.. '12, D Goldstine, M. T., F, M Golembiowski, J. J., '03. M Golub, S., '17, M Golembiowski, J. J.. '03, M Golombiewski. J. P., '10, P Good, R. H., F, M Gooderl, H. W., F, D Goodfriend, S. H., '15, D Goodkind, M. L., F, M Goodman, J.. '07, P Goodsmith. H. M.. '87. M Goodsmith, W. P., F, M Goodwin, Henry F., '00, M Goone. W. N., '12. M Gordon. G. J., '15, M Gordon, H.. '19, M Gorham, L. A., '15, P Gorman, F. L., '18, D Gorman, J. S., '14, D Gorny, S. S., '12, P Gorrell, T. J. H., '01, M Gottleib, L., '03, D Gottschalk, C. G.. '15, M Gould, H.. '01. M . Gould, H. v.. '12. M Goy, M. C, '15, M Grabow. P. E., '02, M Graessle.O. L., '92, P Gragg, A. C . '13. P Graham. A. J.. '02, M Gramer. E. P., '20, M Grant, O. E., '05, M Graves, P. A., '08, M Gray. E. W., '04, M Gray. W. K., '05, M Graybeal, J., '07, M 444 University of Illinois n^LINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Greaves, J. A., '04, M Green, J. E., '08, D Greene, T. S., '95, M Greenfield, C. E., F, M Greenwald, S. C, '15, M Greenwood, R. L., '16, P Gregg, A. W., '09, M Gregg, H. E., '04, M Gregg, R. S., '10, M Gregg, W. L., '11, M Griffin, E. D., '11, P Griffin, F. J., '08, M Griffin, W. C, '11, D Griffiths, E. H. M., '09, M Grimme, L. A., '91, M Crimson, J. S., F, D Grisamore, T. L., F, D Groot, J. T., F, M Gross, H. E., '94, P Gross, W. A., '10, M Grubb, J. E., '88, P Grund, C. H., Jr., '15, P Guerten, G. J. J., '05, P Guild, G., '17, P Guinter, S. H., '20, P Gunderson, C, '04, M Gunn, W. P., '07, M Gunning, D. T., '09, P Gwin, Ethel A., '20, M Haeffner, A. W., '06, M Haeseler, F. P., '99, P Haeseler, L. M., '06, P Haeusler, Anna Martha, '03, M Haffner. C. F., '17, P Haffner, L. L., '15, P Hagans, Grace F. (Mrs. J. A. Jerger), '04, M Hager. D. S., F, M Hague, A. L., '00, D Hale, A. B., F, M Halfacre, E. J., '11, P Hall, J. R., '05, P Halloway, I. H., '11, M Halperin, A. N., '07, D Halperin, L. E., '09, P Halstead, A. E., F, M Halstead, M. G., F, M Hamachek, S. O., '19, D Hamilton, W. R., '89, P Hammersmith, O. J., '03, D Hammond, J. L., '99, M Hammond, W. C, '11, M Handehnan, E. D., '11, D Handelman, H. L., '11, D Handler, L., '19, D Hanelin, W. B., '06, M Hannema, L. P., '13, P Hannon, E. M., F, D Hansen, H. O., '15, D Hansen, O. A., '07, M Hanshus, J. W., '01, M Hardie, T. M., F, M Harger, J. R., F, M Haring, W. S., '90, P Haring, W. S., '90, P Harlan, A. W., '84, M Harman, I. C, '04, M Harner, L. H., '14, M Harnick, H. M., '16, D Harris, A. B., '07, D Harris, L. D., '12, M Harris, L. J., '06, M Harris, P. A., '19, D Harris, U. B., '14, M Harrison, C. W., '03, M Harrison, W; K., '84, M Harsha, W. M., F, M Hart, H. G., '00, M Hartig, H., '01, P Hartung, A., '08, M Hartung, H , '94, M Hartwig, O. J., '85, P Harvev, A. M., '93, M Haskell, J. E., '03, M CHICAGO— Continued Hass.G. A., '11, M Hassin, G. B., F, M Hatfield, Lena, '06, M Hatterman, C, '79, P Hawk, W. M. E., '05, P Hawkinson, O., '06, M Hawthorne, Grace Maude, '16, M Hayes, M. D., '18, M Haynes, H. A., F, M Hazlett, W. H., '13, M Heacock, E. M., '09, M Healy, E. J., '88, P Heath, Margaret A., F, M Heineck, A. P., F, M Heinekamp, W. J. R., '19, M Heinen, A., '04, M Heintz, E. L., '01, M Heiss, E. J., '93, P Hekton, L.. '87, M Hellebrandt, F. J., '95, M Heller, H. F., '20, M Hellmuth, J. A., '99, P Helwig, A. G., '06, M Henning, A. F., '04, M Henssler, O. W. B., '93, M Hercik, W. L., '10, M Herpe, G. G., '15, M Herr, A. E., '96, P Herrick, W. A., '10, P Herrold, R. D., F, M Hershfield, A. S., F, M Herzog, J. W., '93, P Hess, E. F., '11, M Hess, J. H., F, M Hewett, A. M., F, D Hewitt, N. O., '18, D Heylmann, C. J., '90, M Hibbard, L. C, '17, D Hibbe, C, '09, P Hibbe, H. M., '02, P Hibben, H. K., '88, P Hieronymus, O., '03, P Higgins, E. C, '20, P Hill, A. S., '06, M Hillebrand, H. J., '99, M Hillier, C. W., '02, D Hinch, L. D., '14, D Hirsch, C. H., '86, P Hirschberg, Frieda, '09, M Hiskey, G. N., '14, M Hixson, A. H., F, D Hoelscher, J. H., F, M Hoelzer, B. A. C, '93, P Hoey, F. J., '89, P Hoffman, G., '15, M Hoffman, I. E., '09, M Hoffman, L. G., F, M Hogan, D. J., '01, P Hogan, L. C, "74, P Hojnacki, S. H., '15, P Holden, W. H., '06, D Holderman, J. W., F, M Holinger, J. L. E., F, M Holland, D. L., '06, P Holland, W. E., '88, P Hollander, H. N., '96, P HoUenbeck, F. D., '95, M Hollender, A. R., '15, M HoUinshead, E. J., '14, P Holmboe, A. T. H., '86, M Holmes, B. T., F, M Hobnes, E. M., '03, M Holmes, P. H., '03, M Holmes, R. R., '06, M Holmsted, A. S., '98, P Honsik, J. M., '05, P Hood, C. T., '85, M Hood, S. T., '14, D Hooge, L. F., '03, M Horn, W. F., '92, P Horstman, F. M., '04, M Hourigan, B. J., '11, P Hough, J. F., '15, D Geographical Index 445 ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAG O— Continued Hough, M. F., 'OS. D Hovey, W. C, '88. P Howard, G. H., '03. M Howk, C, "01, P Hrejsa. J. F., 'H, P Hruby, A. J.. "13, M Hubbard, E. P., '96. P Hubbard, H. H., '04, D Huber, P. R., 'IS, M Hubeny, M. J., '09. M Huff, R. T., F, D Hughes. C. O.. '20, M Hulla, E., '03, D Humiston, C. E.. '96, M Hunsche, F., '94, P Hurka, R.. '12. M Hussev, B. E., '14. M Huston. H. S.. '14, P Button. M. L.. '13. P Hyde. D. L.. '02, M Hyman, B. H.. '11. D Hyslop. R. J.. F. M Ignatius, A.. '16, M Imbritt, I. H., '01, D Indovina, M.. '05. P Irish, H. E., '01, M Isaacs, L. J., '94, M Isham, Anna (^Irs. R. D. Robinson), '14, M Israelson, W.. '16, M Ivey, F. H.. '05, D Jackson, E. W., '03, M Jackson. G. H., '10. M Jackson, S. H.. '81. P Jackson. S, '00, M Jackson, T. J., '97, M Jacobs, C. T., '04, D Jacobs, H. L., '03, M Jacobs, J. M.,'06, M Jacobs. L. G., '06. P Jacobson, A.. '99, M Jacobson, C A.. '16, M Jacobson. Clara. F. M Jacobson. H. A., '10, M Jacobson. L. J., '16. M Jacobson. M., '15, P Jamieson, J. K., '07, M Jankowski, J. J., '00, D Jansen, W. L., '99, P Janz, E. T.. '11. P Jaques. W. K.. F. M Jaros. J. E., '17, D Jeffries. D. W., '16, M Jenkins. H. L.. '20. P Jenney. F. L.. '90. M Jennings. J. A., '00, M Jennings. R. E., '03. M Jensen, H. J., '20. P Jensen, J. I., '20, M Jerger, J. A., '05. M Jesser. J.. '16, D Jewell, W. M., '87, P Jindrich, G. W.. '15, P Jirka, F. J.. F, M Johnson, A. G., '10, M Johnson, A. K., '15, P Johnson. E. G.. '16. D Johnson, E. X., '03, D Johnson, G. E., '10, M Johnson, H. C. '09. D Johnson, H. R.. '17. D Johnson, J., '85. P Johnson, J. W.. "20, M Johnson, M.. '05, P Johnson, O. W., '15, P Johnson, P. E.. '19, P Johnson, T. W., '05. P Johnson, W., '09. M Johnson, W. V.. '02, M Johnston, S. W.. '86, M Johnstone, N. A., '96, M Johnstone, R. A., '87. M Jolly, D., '11. D Jones, A. E., '15, M CHICAGO— Continued Jones, C. E., '04, M Jones, C. E., '00, D Jones, D. J., '11, M Jones. G. A.. '04, D Jones, H. L., '08. D Jones, H. M., F, M Jones. Margaret M. (Mrs. J. J. Monohan), '03, M Jones. R. H.. '87. M Jones, T. S., F. M Jordan, J. G., '14, P Josenhans, P. R., '10. P Josephson. V.. '94. M Joyce, J. L., '11, D Joyce, P. v., '12, M Juhnke, L. A., F, M Jungk, W. A., '99, P Kadlec. Lillian, '18, D Kahn, C. S., '14. D Kahn, M.E.. '15, M Kakecek. J. J., '15, P Kalacinski. F., '98. M Kaliski. S. R.. F, M Kaminski. R. M.. '17, P Kampmeier. O. F.. F. M Kanta. H.. '15. P Kaplan, J. H., '14. D Kaplan, S. S., '17, P Kappus, J. M.. '03, P Kapsa, Pauline R.. '09, M Karatz, M.B., '17, M Karel, L., '20, P Karg. G., '87. P Karloosky, E. J., '03, P Karpen, A., '81, P Karshner, C. F., F, M Kartman, N. S.. '19, P Kasen, H., '11. D Kasprzyk, M. G., '12, P Kastel. A. J., '19. D Katz, B. G.. '03, M Katz. H.. '16, M Kaufman, E.. '87. P Kawamura. H., '17. D Kay. A. E.. '99, M Kearney. J. F.. '05, M Kearsley. Mary J., F, M Keefrey, J. C. '11, P Keeton, R. W.. F, M Kehl, S. C, '19, M Keller, W. V., '02, P Kellogg. K. G.. '06, P KeUy. E. B.. '02. D KendaU. L. W., '86. P Kennedy. F. P.. '88. P Kensington. M. L.. '91, M Kepner. P. M.. '11, P Kerr, N., F, M Kerr, N. L.. '05, D Kerrick, C. E.. F, D Keyes. T. B., F, D Kerrigan, G. P.. '01, M Kiessling. A. F., '92. P Killeen, J. J., '05, M Kimmel. N.. '05. D Kincaid. J. H., '03, M King, C. B., '98, M King, H. O., F, D King, R. C, '03, M Kinyon, L. W., '89, P Kipnis. H. B.. '19, M Kittermann. P. G., '02, M Kleene, F. R. C, '84, P Klein, H. A., '07, M Klein, M. J.. '99, M Kleiner. J. C. '93, P Kleinman, J. H., '86. P Klenze, W. T.. '85. P Klimmek. O.. '92. M Klopper. Z. D.. '10, M Klucker, A. C. '85. P Klumb, E. F.. '08, D Knapp. J. L., '08, M 446 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Knapp, M. C, '90, P Knight, E. C, '98, M Knoblauch, G. A., '88, P Knoche, W. P., '91, P Knox, W. P., '10, P Knudson, F. B., '99, M Kobat, D. W., '13, M Koehler, G., F, M Koehler, H. O., '95, P Koelbel, W. A., '18, P Kohn, I. E., '12, M Kohn, N., '08, P Kolb, P. J., '88, P Koll, I. S., F, M KoUer, C. J., Jr., '04, P Konopinski, Sister Mary Wilhelmina, '19 P Kerb, M. C, '07, M Kordenat, R. A., '19, M Kostka, W. J., '16, P Koursoumis, C. J., '13, M Kousnetz, L. B., '16, D Koziczynski, L. C, '18, D Kraemer, F. W., '01, P Kraemer, G. C, '13 P Kraft, S. H., '12, M Krafft, J. C, F, M Krai, E. J., '15, P Kramer, C. F. C, '09, M Krasa, J. M., '13, M Kratz, L. R., '12, M Kraus, H. A., '06, M Krebs, W. A., '05, D Kremer, F., '10, P Krejci, E. J., '15, D Kreyssler, C. E., '81, P Krieter, W. G., '96, P Krog, R. W., '05, D Krost, M. H., 'IS, D Krouskup, W. H., '83, P Krueger, H. J., '06, P Krueger, A. H. R., '06, M Kruger, F. F., '06, P Kruk, G. J., '04, M Krupica, J., '12, P Krusemark, C, '75, P Krzemieniewski, J. J., '07, P Kubacki, W. H., '17, D Kubicek, A. C, '01, M Kuoera, J. F., '08, M Kuflewski, W. A., '94 M Kuhn, L. P., '05, M Kuly, B. J., '16, M Kunkel, A. W., '19, P Kurth, H. W., '88, P Kvasnicka, J. B., '15, P Laatz, J. E., '06, P Lackner, J. E., F, M La Due, J. B., '05, D La Forge, A. W., '13, M Laftry, T. D., '99, P Lahn, H. E., '06, M Lahodney, C. J., '02, M Laibe, J. E., '20, M Lambertson, E. R., '20, M Lampe, H. G., '01, M Lancaster, H. M., '05, D Lancaster, H. N., '99, D Landau, B. G., '04, M Landau, D. R., '03, M Landau, G. M., '15, M Lane, A. V., '88, P Lane, E. C„ '14, P Lane, F. A., F, M Lane, M. E., '87, M Lang, H. W., '03, M Lang, J. M., '00, M Lange, L., '97, P Langheim, G. J., '07, P Lapman, Anna R., F, M Lapin, C. P., '13, M Larkin, C. J., '15, M Larkin, H. A., '10, D CHICAGO— Continued Larkin, W. R., '08, M Lauber, B., '98, P La Rocca, J., '20, M Larsen, J. A., '08, D Larsen, L. P., '90, P Lasker, H. D., '18, D Lasker, M., '07, D Lauterbach, R. J., '96, P Lavieri, G. D., '14, P Lavieri, J. R., '12, M Lawrence, V. E., '03, P Lawson, L. J., F, M Leach, J. J., '14, M Leahy, T. M. M., '10, M Le Beau, P. M., '10, M Lebensohn, M. H., '03, M Lebrau, A. A., '10, M Leckband, T. A. J., '15, P Lederer, A., '08, M Lee, H. C, '04, D Lee, J. H., '86, M Lee, J. P., '07, P Lee, N. D., '08, M Lee, V. L., '10, D Lee, W. A., '13, P Leedle, G. T., '91, M Leenheer, C. A., '09, M Leeson, E. E., '94, M Le Grand, J., F, D Lehman, A. D , '19, D Leiner, W. J., '04, P Leininger, O. W., '09, P Lenard, C. L., '95, M Lenit, O. S., '14, M Lenz, G., '89, P Lenz, W., '90, P Leonard, E. F., '03, M Leonard, F. R., '83, P Leonard, O. B., '95, P Lerche, T. I., '09, D Lesko, C. J., '15, P Lespinasse, V. D., F, M Lestina, J. M., '00, P Levin, I. M., F, M Levin, J. A., '05, P Levin, S. A., '07, D Levinson, A., '11, M Levinson, S. A., '19, M Levinson, Y. N., F, M Leviton, A. H., '94, M Leviton, M. I., '10, M Lewin, P., F, M Lewis, C. L., '11, D Lewis, H. F., F, M Lewison, M., F, M Lichtenberg, F. H., '02, D Lichner, Mathilda, O., F, M Liddy, F. T., 189, M Lifschutz, J. D., '16, M Light, I. M., '88, P Light, L. S., '14, M Lightfoot, B. E., '20, P Lincoln, Mary C, F, M Lincoln, R. G., '17, D Linden, F. C, '89, M Linden, L. S. J., '96, P Lindsay, C. E., '14, M Lindsay-Wynekoop, Alice L., F, M Lindstrom, C. O., '08, M Link, C. A., '09, M Lipman, W. H., '04, M Lippitz, M. A., '19, D Little, Ethel Esther, '19, M Little, Z. J., '01, M Livingstone, G. S., '20, M Lobraico, R. V., '12, M Lockwood, C. H., F, M Lofgren, C. A., '02, M Lofgren, D. A,, '16, D Logan, T. H., '05, D Logan, W. H. G., F. M Loomis, C. C, '19, D Lorch, G. J., '01, M Geographical Index 447 ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Loi^nz, O. J., "OS, P Loring, J. B., F, M Lotreck, F., '06, D LounsbujT,-, B. F., F, M Lowenthal, A. A., '95, M Lowenthal, L. C, '16, D Lowenthal, L. L., F, M Lowenthal, O., '90, P Lowjs. B., '16, P Lucas. D. E., '99, M Lucsak, J. H., '13, M Lukasek, A. M., '13, P Lukasek, E. A., '05, P Lukasek, O. W., "09, P Luken, E. E., 'OS, P Luken. M. G., '06, M Luria, A., '95, M Lutler, J., '18, M Lydston, G. F., F, M Lyle, A. G., '05, D Lyman, H. C, '15, M Lynam, T. P., F, M Lynch. J., '85, P Lyon, G. J., '04, D MacArthur, J. W., F, M McAuliffe. A.. '01. M McCabe. F. J.. '07, P McCarthy, J. S., '99, D McCarthy, Katherine W. (Mrs. E. A Corcoran^, '02, M McCarthy, T. J., '07, D McCarthy, R. R., '11, M McCarthy, W. J., '09, D McClintock, R. W., F, M McClure, Pauline, '18, P McCoUum, J. L., F, M McConnell, J. W., '00, M McConnick, C. A., '99, M McConnick, G. A., '02, P McCornell, C. J., '16, D McCradie, R. D., '20, M McCreight, S. L., F, M McDennott, E., '12, D MacDiarmid, L. F., '09, M McDonald, J. F., '05, D McDougall, J. D., '01, P MacDowelJ, J. N., F, D McDowell, W. D., '01, M McEachern, D. B., '07, M McEachern, W. C, F, M McElroy, J. D., '03, D McEwen, Marj- G., F, M McGarrj-, C. P., '10, M McGarr>-, Helen A. O., '10, M McGorj'. J. J., '08, M McGuinn, J. J., '01, M McGuiness, H. S., '19, M McGuire, J., '90, M McGuire, M. R., "16. M McHugh. J. A., F, M Mclnnerney, T. H., '89 P McKee, W. C., '10, M MacKellar. J. D., '07, M McKenna, CM., F, M McKenty, A. H., '15, P McKinlock, J., F, M McMullen. C. J., '12. M McXamara, J. M. R., '87, M McN'ealy, R. W., '10, M McVay, E A., '92, P Mack, W., '03, M Mackinson, J. C., '04, D Madera, J. R., '20. P Maher, T. F., '06, M Mahoney, W. D., '04, D Mai, H., '90, M Maier, B., '98, P Maits. A., '20, D Maizus, S. H., '20, M Malcolm. W. A., '19. M Malkewicz, S. E., '15. P MaUen. P. H.. '85, P Maloney, T. R., '10, P CHICAGO— Continued Maloy, B. S., '03, M Maltby, H. W., '12, M Mandel, R. M., '20, M Mann, H. J., '12, D Marcus, M. C, '19, M Mares, F. M., '85, P Margosian, K. S., '19, D Mark, E. J., '11, P Mark, A. A., '98, P Marks, L. A., '09, P Marnitz, L., '90 P Mars, H. F., '17, M Marsh, H. L. R., F D Marshall, B. S., '17, P Marshall, C. E., '82, P Martin, C. D., '15. D Martin, L. W., '17, M Martin, R., '12, D Marzano, V., '10, P Masilko, V. F., '00, M Mason, W. T., '85, P Masterson, P. A., '15, P Mastrofsky, B., '19, P Matison, E. A., '13, M Mattas, J. S., '95, P Matthei, C. A., '91, P Matthes, W. H., '91, P Matthews, Cora Araminta, '16, M Matthews, H. F., '88, P Matwurzynski, T. M., '03, D Mauerman, H. C, '06, D MaWhinney, E., F D Mawrence, I., '16, P Mayers, L. H., '15, M Mayerson, A. C, '18, P Mayr, J., '83, P Mazel, M. S., F M Mazzei, O., '16, P Meadow, Marie, '10, D Meacham, H. F., '16, M Meacham, W. C, '10, M Meakin, Genevieve Louise, F M Meaney, D. E., '10, M Meany, J. J., '00, M Meek, C. B., '06, D Meents, W. H., F M MeU, J. A., '86, P Melvin, J. E., '17, P Menard, W. I., '18, P Mendelsohn, P. I., '14, P Mendelssohn, M., '07, P Mennall, A., '11, D Mennella, V. R., '17, P Mentz, O. H., '98, P Mercer, S. O., '11, D Mercil, E. J., '02, P Merki, E. J., '02, M Merrill, J. A.. '09, P Merritt, F. W., '05, M Merschat, R. W., '14, P Mershimer, J. D., '17, D Mertes, J. A., '96, P Merz, R., '87, P Metcoff, E., '13, P Metcoff, S., '09, M Metz, A. R., F, M Meyer. E. F., "01, M Meyer, F. H., '03, P Meyer, J. F., '10, M Meyer, K. A., 'OS, M Meyero\'itz, M., '07, M Meyerowitz, M., '90, M Meyers. I. L.. F, M Michalak, J. J., '09, P Michel. R. S., F, M Mick, C. F., '03, P Mikkelsen, A.. '05, M Mikkelsen, E. M., '08, M Miles, E. L., '08, P Miller, A., '86, P Miller, A., '95, P Miller, B., '00, M « 448 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued MiUer, C. T., '17, P MiUer, E. L., F, D MiUer, G. A., '00, M Miller, J. S., '08, P Miller, L., '06, D Miller, M. H., '20, M Miller, W. E., '87, M Miller, W. N., '15, P Mills, M., F, M Millstone, H. J., F, M Mindlin, A., '05, D Miner, M. A., F, P Minke, J. J., '09, M Minker, M., '14, M Minter, J. E., '11, D Mirabella, S. F. J., '07, M Misher, W. F., '01, D Mitoham, O. J., '86 P MitcheU, G. H., '14, D Mitchell, L. J., '86, M Mitchell, W. L., '04 P Moffett, H. M., '92, P Moldenhauer, W. J., '06, M Molnar-Sasko, Helen, B., '03, M Monahan, J. E., '03, D Monahan, J. J., '04, M Moncreiff, W. F., F, M Montgomery, E. E., '11, P Montgomery, G. C, '09, P Montezuma, C, F, M Moody, W. B., F, M Moore, E. S., '03, M Moore, F. D., '99, M Moore, J. J., F, M Moore, M. T., '85, M Moore, W. B., '83, P Moorehead, F. B., F, D Moradian, J. K., '01, M Moran, J. H., F, M Moran, J. M., '08, M Morey, A. E., F, D Morin, O., '19, M Morris, R. N., F, M Morris, R. W., '02, M Morton, F. R., '01, M Mosley, E. W., '11, M Mottar, S. M., '10, P Moyer, H. T., '02, P Mrazek, C. J., '09, P Mrazek, L. L., '97, P Mroz, R. J., '19, M Muchnic, A. M., '11, M Mueller, F. L., '95, M Mulfinger, C. L., '19, M Mullen, M. C, '94, M Mulholland, W. J., '16 M Mundell, R. R., '06, D Mundt, G. H., '11, M Munro, E. F., '21, D Murdook, E. P., F, M Murphy, B. E., '06, M Murphy, C. C, '97, M Murphy, E. D., '84, P Murphy, E. T., '08, M ■ Murphy, F. G., F, M Murphy, F. T., '02, M Murphy, J. J., '11, M Murphy, J. R., '02, D Murphy, L. B., '07, D Murphy, S. A., '20, M Murray, J. L., '04, D Murray, W. A., '06, P Murto, W. D., '00, D Musselman, G. H., '09, M Mustell, R. R., '19, M Myers, C. S., '03, M Myerson, A., '14, P Myerson, E. S., '09, P Nachtigall, H. W., F, M Nadeau, E. G., '14, M Nadeau, O. E., F, M Nadherny, L. J., '04, P Nagel, H. H.. '90, P CHICAGO— Continued Nagel, J. S., '98, M Napieralski, E. F., '03, M Naroditsky, S., '20, M Nasif-Fatooh, N. G., '12, M Nassar, N. I., '09, M Nathanson, F. L., '08, M Naughton, M. T., '94, M Nauman, A. G., '05, D Navarro, R. J., '19, M Neff, J. M., '98, M Neimeyer, G. B., '09, M Nelson, M., '04, M Nelson, T. M., '06, D Nemecek, C. A., '17, D Newberger, C, F, M Newell, Mary, '19, D Newman, L., '09, D Newton, G. W., F, M Nichols, H., '13, M Nicolai, J. L., '09, M Niesen, T. B., '10, P Nigro, R. A., '16, M Noble, W. L., F, M Noger, G. J., '08, M Noonan, W. J., '20, M Nordeen, E. L., '10, D Norsman, S. S., '00, M Nortell, Charlotte Alden, '06, M Nortell, J. L., '06, M Norviel, H. B., '20, M Novak, F. J. Jr., '14, M Novotny, S. J., '20, P Nowaki, W. W., '07, D Nowakowski, J. J., '03, M Novashelsky, B. S., '06, M Noyes, F. B., F, M Nugent, O. B., '09, M Nazum, J. W., F, M Nylander, V. T., F, D Nystrom, Peter A., '92, P Oakes, R. A., '04, M Oakes, W. T., '04, M Gates, J. F., '13, M Oberg, C. J., '09, P O'Brien, L. T., '14. M O'Byrne, C. C, '94, M Ochsner, A. J., F. M Ochsner, E. H., F, M O'Connell, J. P., '06, M O'Connell, Sarah Conley, '08, M O'Connor, J. F., '19, D O'Connor, W. A., '14 M Oeth, A. J., '04, P Ofner, L. I., '15, M Ogden, C. H., '15, M , O'Hara, F. H., F, D ' O'Herrin, N. L., '12, M Ohlendorf, W. C, '78, P Oliver, F. M., '87, P Oliver, H. E., '20, M Oliver, M. S., F, M Oliver, R. L., '01, P Oliver, R. N., '20, P Olkon, D. M., '08, M Olmstead, J. M., F, M Olsen, E. T., '98, P Olson, W. C, '99, M Olsson, O., '05, M O'Malley, J. G., '12, M O'Malley, T. J., '96, M O'Neill, J. P., '06, M Orbensen, C. J., '01, P Orcutt, D. C, '01, M Orloff, L. D., '16, D Orr, C. C, '14, P Ortman, A. A., '16, P Osborne, T., '09, P Oughton, C. M., F, M Owen, J. S., '18, D Owens, H. F., '18, P Packard, J. W., '10, M Paden, C. M., '01, D ' Paden, S. D., '03, D Geographical Index ^ny ILLINOIS— Continued CH IC AG O— Cont inued Pahl. H. C. '20. P Palese. J. D.. '12. D Palmer. J. B., F, D Pankau, F. A., 'H, P Park, A. L.. '19, P Park, S. J., '06. M Parker, F. W., F, D Parker. R. W.. F, D Parnell. B. F., 'So, P Paskind, H. A., '20. M Paskind. J.. '10. M Patejdl. J.. '05, P Patera, E.. '03, M Patton. J. M., F, M Pauker, X., '20, M Paul, A. E.. '92, P Paul. C. F.. '90. P Pavlicek, A. V.. 'OS, P Pearce, I. F., '14. P Pearson, A., "10. M Pease. A. S., '95, M Peck, A. H., F, D Pedigo. L. M.. '02. P Pelikan. Alice E.. '17, P Pember, A. H.. F. M Penberthv. E.. 'SS, P Pence, C. D.. '97, M Penrice, H. M., '03, M Percy, N. M., F, M Person, A. G., '16, D Peska, A. C, '09, P Petersen. R. W.. '16, M Petersen, W. F., F, M Peterson, D. A.. '05. D Peterson, H. M.. '16, M Peterson, W. A., '97, M Petrass. A., '20, .M Pfaff, H., Jr., '07, P Pfleger, G. G., 'SS, P Phifer. C. H., 02. M Phifer. L. H.. '07. D PhiUips, D. C, '95. M PhiUips, J. L., '9S, M PhiUips, R. H., 'OS, M Pierce. X. H.. '85. M Pierzynski. T. S.. '14, M Pietrowicz. S. R., "98. M Pigall, J. S., 'SS. P Pilka. H. J., '20. M Pilot. I.. '17. M Pinckney. P. P.. '91, P Pisani. V., '09. P Plachota. J. J.. '14. D Plank. T. H., '05. M Plevo. J. E.. '19, D Plice, S. G.. '19. M Plice, W. A.. '02. M Ploche, L. R., '19. D Plummer, A. V., '07, P Plummer. J. H.. '06. D Pokorney. F. J., '03, M Tokorny, M. A., '11, P Pollock. Edith, Cory, '09. M Pollock. H. L., '94. M Pollock. L. J., '06. M Pond. G. P.. F, M Porges, I. A., '03. M Porath. E. A.. '12, D Porath. F. E., '11. D Port, F. J., "12. M Port. I. A., '07. M Porter. G. M.. '04, P Porter. H.. '13, P Porter. J. L., F. M Portia, 8. A.. F, M Post, G. A., '89. M Post, G. W.. '09. M Post. G. W., F. M Powell. T. E., F. D Pratt. R. W., '11. M Prentice. S. G.. '09, P Prescott. M. U.. '20. M Price, A. E.. F. M CHICAGO— Continued Price. M. R., '01, P Prilla. E.. '20. M Propst, D. W., '19, M Preusker. G. A.. '06, D Provan. D. M., '92, M Przypyszny, C. F., '19, M Puckner. W. A., '85. P Pulford. G. W., '03. P Pusey. W. A., F. M Quartetti. L.. "16, P Quigley, W. J.. F, M Quine. W. E., F. M Quinn, L. C. '09. M Quinn. W. A., '94. M Rach, E. A., '06, M Radcliff, F. H., '02, D Raff. A. B.. F, M Raginsky. O., '19, M Rahlfs, G. H., '94, P Raim, W., '16, M Rambo, L. A.. '20. P Rains, R. R., '05, D Randack, F. J., '01, P Rappaport, B., '20, M Ratajik, F. J., '09, P Rategan, E. H.. '13, M Raub, J. B., '12, M Rauschert. E. P.. '17. P Rauschert, H. L.. '08, P Rawlings, L. D., F, D Reed, C. B., F, M Rego, A. d'A., '06, M Reichert, J. L.. F. M Reimers. J. H.. '89, P Reinhardt, C. H., '15, M Reis, A. M., '86, P Reiseman, H., '16, M Reisman, B., '07. P Remmen, N. E., '87, M Renand, J. P.. '08, P Renberg. F. H.. '05, M Renn, T. H., '93, M Rennen, W. A., '01. P Resnik, T., '20, M Rettig, F. A., '19, M Reuter, L. H., '85, P Reuter. R., '93, P Rew. G. C, '89, P Reynolds, H. J., F, M Rhode, R. E., '79, P Ricardo, D. E., '05, M Rice, C. v.. '02, D Richards, H., '04, M Richardson, W. B., '92, M Richter, A. J.. '00, M Richter, H. M., '94. M Rickfort, C. A., '95. P Riedel. J. A., '11, M Riegel, E., '87, P Riemer, E. R., '15, P Riggs, E. S., F, D Rightman, W. M., '03, M Riley, W. J.. '14, M Rimmele. C. H., '89. P Rittenhouse, W. F., '86. M Ritter, M. M., '92, M Roach, F. E., F, D Roach, H. A., '05. M Roberts, S. H.. '12. D Robin, L. J., '97, P Robin, S. M.. '06, M Robinson. R. D., '14. M Rodosy, A. A.. '01. D Roe. F. C. '00, D Roesch, A.. '01, P Rogers, B. S.. F, M Rogers, B. W., '85, M Rogers, C. C, F, M Rogers, W. T.. '19, M Rohrlack, O. H., F. M Rolff. M.O., '02. P Romano, A., '95, P Rommel, H. C. C. '02, P 450 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Roos, B. L.. 78, P Root, C, '95, P Rose, H. L., '19, M Rose, L., '06, M Rose, W. B., F, M Rosenberg, M. J., '19, M Rosenblum, P., F, M Rosenthal, J., '74, P Rosenthal, W., '18, D Rosenzweig, G. K., '08, M Ross, T., '11, P Roth, A., '12, D Roth, A. A., 'Q5, M Roth, v.. '10, P Rotzell, A. M., '10, D Rotzoll, P. A., '05, D Royce, W. S., '97, M Royer, J. E., F, M Rozinsky, J., '19, M Ruben, H. L., '19, D . Rubin, E. A., '17, D Rubin, G., '98, M Rubin, H. H., '20, M Rubin, I., '19, M Rubovitz, W. H., F, M Rubright, F. L., '20, M Ruder, R. S., '17, P Rudnick, F., '05, M Rudnick, P. F. A., '93. P Rudolph, L., F, M Rudolphy, J., '79, P Rueokert, E. E., '14, P Ruesch, W. E., '08, P Ruicker, F. H., '07, P Rund, J., '19, D Rush, P. W., '19, M Russel, S. J., '04, M Russell, D. P., '83, P Rutherford, C, F, M Rutkauskas, A. K., '06, M Rutledge, J. H., '20, M Ruus, C. W., '09, M Ryan, E. J., '21, D Ryan, F. J., '03, D Rydin, C. G. S., '02, M Ryerson, E. W., F, M Rylander, R. A. F., '16, P Sachse, R. P., '89, P Saelhof, C. C, '19, M Salchert, H. A., '01, P Salk, R. S., '13, M Salzman, H. A., '14, M Samuels, J. J., '01, P Samuels, M. W., '08, M Sandkoetter, H. P.. '95, P Sandmeyer, L. A., '85, P Sankiewicz, C. A., '04, P Santee. H. E., F, M Sarginson, R. B., '11, P Sasko, M. P., '12, M Saunders, H. P., '19, M Sawyer, A. L., '13, M Sayre, C. E., '97, M Schachter, J. A., '19, M Schaefer, J., '85, P Schaffner, H. H., '11, D Scheips, T. I., '05, P Schell, C. P., '05, M Schembs, F. H., '91, P Soberer, A.. '75, P Schick, A. D., F, M Schick, F. J., '15, M Schimek, I. A., '93, P Schimek, J. I., '84, P Schimelfenig, C. H., '99, M Schindler, F. S., '97, M Schlies, E. W., '14, D Schmeling, C. H., '12, P Schmid, H. H., '14, P Schmidt, C. H., '05, M Schmidt, C. L., '08, M Schmidt, F. O., '89, P Schmidt, H. J., '20, M CHICAGO— Continued Schmidt, L. E., '89, P Schmidt, S., '20, P Schmitt, H. J., '03, P Schneider, G. A., '07, M Schnell, T. W., '09, D Schobert, R. J., '17, P Schoenberg, A. J., '99, M Schoolman, H. M., '11, D Schrager, V. L., F, M Schram, D. L., '95, P Schreiber, L., '00, P Schreiber, C. G., '11, P Schreiner, G., '91, P Schroeder, A. W., '92, P Schroeder, L. A., '11, D Schroeder, T. L., '05, D Schroeder, W. H., '15, D Schultz, A. W., '81, P Schultz, C. F. W., '96, P Schultz, L., '05, M Schulz, W. C, '13, P Schulze, A. H., '01, P Schumm, E. T., '07, P Schumm, H. J., '04, P Schupmann M. A., '06, P Schwab, F. B., F, D; Schwab, L. W., '96, M Schwartz, A. J. C, '07, M Schwarz, A. J., '95, P Scofield, C. J., '01, M Scott, J., '03, D Scott, S. B., '10, M Sears, J. E., '90, P Secord, G. L., '07, P Segal C, '07, M Segall, I. S.. '13, M Seibert, D. P., '99, P Seibert, H. H., '07, M Seibert. L. A., '17, P Seibert, V. F., '12, P Seidel.A. C. W., '03, M Seidler, L., '14, M Seifert, M. J., '01. M Seifried, G. W., '06, P Seilin, J., '16, M Seippel, Clara P. (Mrs. R. A. Widdowson), '07, M Sekler, Charlotte M. (Mrs. G. H. Koester), '07, M Seletz, A., '16, M SeUs, C. G., '08, P Sempill, R. A., '91, M Senear, F. E., F, M Senn, W. N., F, M Sered, H., '17, M Seville, F. F., '95, M Seward, F., '94, P Shafer, Bertha Meserve, F, M Shallanberger, W. C, '99, D Shapiro, I. J., '19, M Shapiro, L. H., '17, P Shapiro, M. A., '01, P Shatzkis, O., '16, P Shaver, M. V.. '09, P Shaw, D. L., F, M Shaw, H. v., '05, D Shay, A. A., '12, D Shay, W. G., '14, D Shaynin, J., '11, M Sheblessy, M. A., '03, P Shepard, W. C, F, M Sher, S., '07, M Shere, A. A., '07, D Scherer, A., '75, P Sherry, I. L., F, M Sherwood, F. R., F, M Sherin, W. M.. '98, M Sherman, R. I., '17, D Shinnick, J. R., '03, P Shipman, F. E., '12, M Sholes, C. G., F, D Shpisman, C, '09, P Shurtleff, R. S., '20, M Geographical Index AU ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Sides. W. L.. '20. P Siebrandt, M. J., '05, P Siegler, W. J., '10. M Sieniinowicr, W. J., '95, M Siewerth, W. S., '15, M Sikucka, Jeannette H., (Mrs. Dante Cortesi) '16. P Sill, G. vr.. '19. M Silverman. S., '17, P Silverstein, W. I., '16, M Sima, C. A., '13, -M Simmons, L. H., '13, M Simmonds, W. E.. '14, M Simon. B. H., '19, D Simon. L., F. M Sinai. Leah, '20. M Sinclair, J. G.. 'S8, M Singer, J. I., '07, D Singley, C. C. F, M Sippy, B. O.. '17. D Sisson. O. U.. '94, P Slaman. Corinne (Mrs. Carl D. Martin), •12. D Slavik. E. F., '13, M SmaU, J. C. "17. M Slepicka. I. M., '17. P Slinkard. E. L., '15, P Small, J. M., 'So, P Smale, W., '9S, P Smedburg, F. O., '01, D Smejkal, H. J., 'OS, M Smith. B. Q., '17. D Smith. B. R., '90. P Smith, C. L., '18. D Smith. F. H.. '05, D Smith, H. J., '07, M Smith, J. L.. '04. M Smith. J. R.. '12. M Smith. R. A.. F. M Smith, W. L., '87, P Smithies, F., F. M Snoeberger, P. A., '18, D Snow. C. M.. '02, P Snydacker, E. F., '98, M Snyder, C. J., '93, P Snyder. D. A., '17. P Snyder. F. O., "13. P Snyder. H. C. '99, D Snyder, W. E., '99. P Sobel, M.H., '98, P Sochat, L.. '11. M Sollitt. E. G.. '87, P Solomon. L. K., '00. P Solomon. M.. F. M Somers. G. H., F. M Spach. A. B.. '93, M Spalding, C. R.. '15. P Spalding. O. R.. '12. M Spanier, W. C, '18, P Spector, H. I., '20, M Spiece, W. K., '95, M Spiehr, C, '86, P Spiesman, I. G., '19. M Spiro. J.. '14. M Sprague. J. P.. F. M Springer, J. C, '96, M Stadelmann. A. W.. '96. P Stadelmann, H. E.. '03, P Stahi. E. L., Jr., '74, P Stahlfeld. M. G.. '09, P Suib. H. A., '15. M Standish. H. S., F, D Stangland. A. K.. '05. M Starr. G. F., '83. P Starr. S. P., '11, D Starrett, F. N., '18. D Staszak. J. J., '08, P Stecher. K., '01, D Steele, D. A. K.. F, M Steenburg. W. B., '93. P StefFen, R. C. '05. M Stein. E. J.. '12, M Stein. S.. '13, M CHICAGO— Continued Steiner. L., '07. M Steinburg, A. D.. '15, D Steker, A. F.. '93. P Steker. F. J., '86. P Stenicka. O. E.. '90. P Stenn. E. N.. '07. M Stephan. C. T., F, M Stephenson, J. C, F, M Stern, J„ '16, M Stern, L. H., '16, M Stern, S., '15, M Stettaner, J. L.. '02, M Stevens, H. C. F, M Stevens, M. V., '14, M Stewart, A. E., F. M Stewart, W. T., '93. M Steyer. G. E., '00. P Stieber, F. G. J., '96, D Stigman, C. W., '13, M Stilleman, J. H., '18, D Stillians. A. W., '99, M Stimpson, C. E., '00. P Stober, A. M., '01. M Stockton, L., '93, P Stoebig, L. E., '13. P Stolnitzski. S., '92. M Stolz, E. H., '93, P Stolz, O. G., 'SO, P Stone, F. L., '10, M Stone. R. A., 'OS, D Stone, T. T., '20, M Stone, W. F., '05. D Storck. W., '01, M Storkan. C. N., '03. P Stotz, C. F.. '98. M Straus, I. J.. '96. M Strause, C. P., F, M Strauss, S., F, M Strawn, Julia C, '03, M Streich, E. A., '01, M Stroetzel, W.. '98, P Stromberg, W. B., '20, M Stromer, F. B., '08, P Strouse, S., F, M Stuart, C. W., '12, D Stuart, E. B., F, P Stuart, M. R., '85, P Stuchlik, J., '94, P Stuchlik. W. A., '94, P Stuckey, A. C, '93, P Stulik, C. K., '09, P Stulik. G.. '13. P Stulik, H., '03. P SuUivan. R. C. F, M fullivan. T. J., Jr.. '15. M ummerfeld. O. C. '09, M Summerfield. N.. '15, D Sutch. A. K.. '17. M SutclifFe, H. W., '94. M Swanson. H. G.. '99, P Swartz, A. E., '95, M Swatek, E. P., '08, D Swiecinski, W., '12, P Swindle. R. N.. '06, M Syverson, B. C, '15, M Szopinski, A., '06, M Szwajkart, A., '03, M Szwajkart, A. L., '17, M Taub, S. J., '16. M Tay, C. D., '12, D Taylor, E. E., '06, D Taylor, G. O., '99, P Taylor, H. W., '14, D Taylor. W. H.. '03. D Tebbetts. F. M.. '85, M Teeling. M. A.. '09, D Teter, H. A., '18, D Thayer, C. A., '90, P Theis, v., '08, M Theobald. W. H., FM Thiel. C. C, '91, P Thiele, E., '80. P Thiele, E. J., '86. P 452 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Thoma, H. F., '84, P Thomas, Edna Margaret (Mrs. McHugh) ,'04 M Thomas, H. B., F, M Thomas, J. A., '87, P Thomas, N. G.. F, D Thometz, F. P., '08, M Thompson, A., '12, M Thompson, A. E., '86, P Thompson, G. F., F, M Thompson, Gertrude F., '03, M Thompson, J. F., '11, D Thompson, L. M., '84, P Thompson, R. L., '18, P Thompson, W. M.. '03, M Thompson, W. M., '06, D Thorpe, J. N., '04, M Thorsen, A. C, '91, P Tice, F., F, M Tieken, T., '99, M Tillotson, H. T., '86, M Timke, A., '90, P Timm, H. E. L., '15, M Toeller, J. J., '07, M Tolpin, S., '20, M Tomhagan, Laura S., '03, M Ton, A., '14, P Toren, J. A., '07, M Tracy, G., F, M Train, J. A., '91, M Traisman, A. S., '19, M Traxler, P. S., '14, M Trockey, S. N., '10, M Truitt, R. C. P., F, M Tucker. G. W., '08, M Tufts, F. S., '03, M Tullis, A., '11, M Tuteur, W. B., '90, P Tylman, S. D., F, D Tyrell, A. M., '09, M Uckerman, A. W., '94, M Ullman, C. A., '02, P Umbenhaur, E. V., '14, D Umbenhaur, G. W., '99, D Upp, R. W., '16, D Urban, J. J., '08, P Urbanek, J., '11, D Urbanek, Mamie J., '11, D Urbanek, Marie R., '02, D Valen, H. D., F, M Valentine, J. A., '11, M Valentine, J. L., '12, P Valiancy, J. H., '10, M Van Alyea, O. E., '12, M Vance, A. B., '10, P , Van Dellen, R. L., '07, M VanderKloot, A., '15, M Vanderpoel, C, '84, P Van Dyke, G. H., F, M Van Hoesen, Elizabeth N., '09, M Van Hook, W., '85, M Van Hoosen, Bertha, F, M Van Kempena, R., '16, P Van Nugteren, F. W., '13, P Vary, W. H., '98, M Varzhabedian, M. A., '15, M Vaughn, E. P., '19, M Vaupell, G. F., '14, P Vaupell, W. R., '94, M Veit, J. L., '95, M Vella, N. A., '20, P Venn, A. E., '87, P Venn, C, '04, P Venn, H. L., '09, P Venn, W. T., '02, M Vercoe, E. W., '04, D Victor, Maggie M. (Mrs. H. T. Gray), '99, P Vita, E. M., '19, D Vita, V. J., '06, D Vitullo, J. M., '10, M Vlazny, J G., '16, P Voge, R., '86, P Volini, C, F, M CH IC AG O— Continued von Danden, R. A., '00, P Von Der Heydt, R., '03, M Von Hermann, H. C, '87, P Vondrasek, F. J., '14, P Vopata, W. J., '04, M Vorsanger, Lillian (Mrs. J. T. Tulley), '12, P Vorsanger, Rosa, '03, M Vorzhabedian, M. A., '15, M Voss, F., '03, P Voss.S. F., '08, P Vreeland, F., F M Vrtiak, E., '17, M Wach, C. E., '13, P Wach, E. C, '07, P Wachowski, J. G., '02. M Wagner, H. E., '95, M Wagoner, Amanda Irene, '15, M Wagoner, G. L., '18, M Waldron, W. F., '97, P Walker, F. D. G., '02, P Walker, J. W., F, M Walker, S. J., F, M Wall, C. D., '00, M Wallin, M. B., '07, M Walsh, R. M., '04, D Wanderer, A. E. A., '12, M Wanisek, E. M.. '99, M Warbrick, J. C, F, M Warhanik, A. F., '00, P Warmolts, L., '20, M Warner, C. H., '08, D Warnick, J. F., '86, P Warren, H. S., '89, M Warren, H. S., Jr., '19, M Warzynski, J. A., '12, P Warzynski, L. J., '14, P Waskow, O. G., '02, M Waterman, C. E., '03, D Watkins. C. L., '11, D Watkins, Rachel, '06, M Watts, C. E., F, M Waxman, L. W., '20, P Way, J. P., '87, M Weatherson, J., '00, M Weaver, W. K., F, P Webb, E. W., '19, D Webber, Blanche E., '03, M Weber, E., '86, P Weber, W., '90, P Webster, S. B., '08, P Wedel, G., '08, M Weibel, A. T., '00, P Weichbrodt, E. A., '99, M Weidner, H., '19, D Weil, C. A., '87, M Weil, J. J., '13, M Weisenberg, B., '94, M Weis.senborn, H. H., '94, P Weis.sbreuner, R. F., '10, M Weisz, D. I., '05, D Welensky, D. A., '20, M Welker, W. H., F, M Wells, E. F., F, M Werelius, A. F. W., '02, M Wermuth, A. W., '12, M Wermuth, W. C, '89, M Werner, P. J., '20, M Wernicke. O. G., '84, P Wertzler, C. F., '04, D Wesener, J. A., '94, M Wesner, C. M., F, D West, S. G., F, M West, W. B., '06, M Westman, C, F, M Weydell, K. A., '95, P Whaley, L., '88, P Whalin, O. D., '87, P Wheatcroft, J. C, '02, P Wheeler, A. G., '89, P Wheelock, W. O., '12, M Whipple, J. A., F, M White, Adeline Rawson, F, M White, E. W., '10, M Geographical Index 453 ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO — Continued White. G. E., '06, P White, H. O.. '04, M ■VMiite. L. G.. '17. D White. L. J., '15, D White, Mary Blanche, F, M White, Sarah Marguerite, '12, M White, W. S.. 'U. P Whitfield, G. W,, -82, P Whitley, W. W., '89, P Whitmer, L. W., '92, M Whitt, L. L., "98. D Wickstrom, A. M., '06, M Wiedel. PH., '98, P Wiehn, J. W., '10, P Wieneke, C. H.. '12. M Wieneke, F. B., '86, P Wierson, T. M.. '08. M Wiese. M. A., '14, M Wiggin, T. B., '86, M Wilhelm. W. P., '16, P WiUander, U. A., '15, M Williams, B. H., '10, P Williams. J. C, '09, D Williams, Marv E., '17, M Williams, W.. '08. M WiUiamson, C. S.. F. M Williamson, J. C, '12, M WiUiamson, W. P., '08. P Willits, I. R., '05, M Wilson, C. R., '20. P Wilson, F. S., '11, M Wilson, G. H., '04, D Wilson, J. W., '03, M Wilson. M. B.. '16, M Wilson. S. A., F. D Wiltgen, J. P., '06, P Wimimer, W. A., '06, D Winans, E. C. '99, M WindeU, U. G., '94, M Windmueller, C. R. A., '04, M Windmueller, R. W.. '20. P Wing. Florence Anna, '04, M Winne, C. W., '03, M Winsberg, H., '17, D Winter, A. A., '85, P Winters, W. T.. '02, M Wippern, A. G., F, M Wbchnia, L., '15, P Wisshack. G. F., '85, P Witkowski, L. J.. F, M WitteUe, F. M.. '20, M Wixsom. L. A., '13, P Wojniak, F.. '17, M Wolfram, P. H., '13. M Wollenberger, S., '01, D Wood. Annie, '08, M Wood, C. A., F, M Wood. G.. '99. M Wood. G. W., '18, P Wood, H. A., '18, D Woodnick, G. W., '06, M Woods, B. L. T., '06, M Woof, J. T., F, M Woolston, W. J.. '05, M Wright, F., F, M Wright, J. A., '06. D Wright. W. E.. '20, M Wunderle, E. L., '82. P Wybraniec, P. F., •05, D Wyland. G. V., '98, M Wynekoop, C. I.. '98, M Wynekoop, F. E., '95, M Wynekoop, G. H., '06, M Xelowski, T. Z.. '03, M Yampolsky, Rebecca Miriam, '06, M Yamdley. R. E., '94, P Yarros, RacheUe S., F, M Yeakel, W. K., '99, M Yonker, W., '20, M Young, A. J. H., '05, D Young. Josephine E., F, M Yundt. C. R., '07, P Zabortsky, J., '01. M CHICAGO— Continued Zahn, E. A., '77. P Zajicek. E. C. '14, D Zaleski, J. P., '00, M Zamentowsky. D., '03,'P Zapflfe, F. C, '96. M * Zeitlin, N. S., '20. M Zerbst. W.. '99. P Zeuch. L. H.. '11. M Zielinski, J. B., '99, D Zimmerman, C. R.. '09. P Zimmonth. A. J., '07, D Zindler, P.. '78. P Zoehrlant, G. G., '02, M Zoeller, G.. '90. P Zuiaybar. S. C. '20, M Zurawski, K. A.. '99, M CHICAGO HEIGHTS Angear, W. J. S., '84, P Blim, W. C, '16. M Blodgette. P. R., '16. M Bradley. I. C . '01, P Casey, C. L.. '13, M Cusick, W. R., Jr., '16, D Klingler, E. G., '02, M Grosse, A. G., '18, P Hood, H. A., '03, P Schulz. C. J., '13, Stolte. W. H.. '90. P Vannatta, D. S.. '99, P CHILLICOTHE Smith, S. A., '10, M Thomas, H. V., '06, M CHRISTOPHER Hindman, F., '10, P CICERO Chvala, V. W. J., '04. P Cohler, L., '15, M Fouser, C. W., '13, M Hood, J. J., '03, M Kayla, Emily H., '20. D Houda, Rose Sophie. '14, M Koch, L. M., '16, D Koptik, G., '18, M Kotalik, F. J., '13, M Luce, F. A., '92, M Motis, Marie A. (Mrs. J. L. Zadek), '13, M Ostrowski, F. G., '10, M Ostrowski, T. C, '17, D Pelc, J.. '15, P Sladek, B.. '92, M Smejkal, H. J., '08, M Spiering, A. K.. '16, M Shalek, K. P., '19, D Shalek, V. J., '17. D Stahl. A. F., Jr.. '15, P Stolfa. L., '16, M Vilna. B. L., '11, M Vondrasek, A. F., '20, P Verger. C. F., F, M CLINTON Carter, C. W., '97, M Edmonson, G. S., '96. M Helmick, O. W., '06, D Pugh, B. M.. '09. M Shell. A. E., '15, M Sprague. T. H., '03, D COAL CITY Cook, H. W., '19. D COAL VALLEY Myers. W. H.. '20. M COLCHESTER Harrison, B. A., '09, M Jarvis, E. T., '04, M COLLINSVILLE Bartells, C. W.. '99. P COLLISON Campbell. J. H.. '02, M CORNELL Kistinger, W. F., '11, M May. E. R., '17, M COULTERVILLE Lane. J. G., '89, P 454 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued COWDEN Jones, H. V., '19 p CUBA Parks, Jennie W., '08 M CULLOM Reinhard, O. A., '20 M DALLAS CITY Prescott, H. v., '93, M DALTON CITY Stevens, S. L., '02, M DANVILLE Albright, G. S., '04, P Baumgart, F. A., '04, M Fairhall, L. V., '06, M Falhs, C. W., '85, M Oarretson, A. V., '00 D Gerety, W. F., '08, M Hundley, J. B., '04, M Senger, P. X., '04, P Simmons, B. E., '15 p Steiner, L. L., 'OS, M Wickert, P., '92 P Worthington, c! A., '06, D Worthmgton, S. L., '06 D DECATUR Alsip, H. S., '05, D Arnold, E. M., '04 D Arnold, S. E., '08, M Clary, J. R., '05, D Day, Harriett (Mrs, Elkin Downey, W., '01 P Hart, W. E., '98, M Lyon, G. E., '02,' M McCarty, C. E., '03, M Moomey, M. L., '10, D Morns, R. L., '04, M Sanders, R. Z , '11, M ^ise, J. G., '85, P DEER CREEK Mercer, W. W., '08, M DEERFIELD Davies, C. J., '02, M Knaak, T. J., '02, P DE KALB Powell, C. E., '04 P Rankin, J. S., '90,' P Still, P. C, '17, p DEPUE Adams, H. W., '02 D McDonald, J. J., '14, m Scott, J. F., '10, P DES PLAINES Earle C. A., '87, M Merrill, F. O., '20, P Newhall, G. F., '98, M DIVERNON Johnson, S. R., '98, M DIXON Horton, D. S., '85, P Lund, J. M., '08, M Parker, W. R., 'Ol, M dolton''^'^'^-^-'"'^ Lund, F. C, '87, P Weidner, M. R., '83 M DOWNERS GROVE Bebb., W. S., '98, M Puffer, M. L., '09, M Smith, F. J., '10, D Umbach, M. J., F D _ Zindt, J. M., '86 P DUNDEE DUNLAr"'^-^-'S«'M Wilmot, CM., '04, M DUNNING Read, C. P., F, M Schelm, G. W., '18, M Singer, H. D., F, M DUQUOIN Bianco, M. R., '15, p Chandler), '02, 20, P 9. P 9, P P 9, P 36, P 14. P Buerkie, H. A. Howell, J. B., Parks, W. W ^^^ Voss, G. K, 'C DURAND ^ Ploetz, W. E DWIGHT EARi?lteJ-«''07'M Robinson, J. W Thompson, R. H EAST CHICAGO Herrold, R. H., '93 M EAST MOLINE ' KlpPPenburg, J. R., -93, j Shindler, H. A., '18 P Sykes, N. M., '17, M „ Voris, H. M.. '03 M EFFINGHAM ' ' ^ Estes, R. L., '03, M Underriner, E. J '16 p elgYn'^'^'^'^'^-^-'o^'P Day, E. E., '86, P Dowell, R. F., '13, M I'oote, C. L., '11 p Gabby, S. L., 'id, M Hall, E., '86, P Hinton, R. T., '04, M Hogan, J. E., '87, M Howell, J A. S., '91, M Knight, H T., '13, M McCornack, A. E., '11, M McBride, S. E., '20, P Manougian, K. M.,''ll. M Neil, E. F., '00, D Pillinger, H. H., '06, M Sayre, E. A., '89, P Schultz, C. F. W., '96. p S, M , P , '04, M V an \ oorhis, F. W., '04 Voight, B. J., '10, M ELIz'rBl*fl^"^^^'^-J-^ Ashmore, J. S., '98 P ELL&'^-^-'02.M „ Saxe, G., '01. P ELLISVILLE Schidler, A. L ELMHURST _^ , Kappus, G. J., '98, P ELMWOOD Erb, E. L., '8S „ Morton, D. H EMINGTON Richardson, B. A.. '07 M eurI^^'^-^-'«^'> evaS^(^'/-^-'^o-^ Backus, E. J., 'H p gaird, Mary B., '03, M Best, R. B., '19, D Boot, G. W., F, M Danforth, W. C., F M Dodd, O., '90, M ' Doerann, A. F., '10, M Dyche, W. A., '86 P Ford, E. J., '06, M Garnett, I. M., '01, M Hanna, E. A., '03, D Hobart, M. H., F. M Lee, J. v., '05, P Leonard, Ruth, '20, M McGinnis, T. W '17 p McGuigan, H. A., F 'm 3. Howell), '99, M Geographical Index 455 ILLINOIS— Continued EVANSTON— Continued McGuire, J. C. F, D Metcalf, W. B.. F. M Nevernian, E. P. A., "98, P Noble. W. L., F, M O'Xeil, W. E., '06, M Raetz, C. E., '09, P Reiland, Marjorie M., '19, D Rich, Mrs. John P. (Katherine Brainerd), '01, Roome. C. T., F, M Steege. H. J. L., '96, P Wilder, R. E., 'IS. D Williams. W. I., F. D Williamson. E. W., "19. M Wood. M. T., '16, D FAIRFIELD Skelton. M. B., '19, P FAIRMOUXT Brown, R. E., '14, M Tilton, C. E.. '06. P FARMER CITY Gar\-er, B. F., '89, P Huddjeston, C. E., '98, P FARMERSVILLE Hayes, K. L., '06, M FORREST Mavhew, W. S., '06. P FOREST PARK Jacob, H. F., '05, P Jenkins. H. E.. '07, M Fritz, O. A.. '03, P Goltermann, R. W.. '15. P Unger. J. A.. '18, P FRANKLIX Miles, J. E., '07, P FRAXKLIX GROVE Ives. G. S., '00, P FR.\XKLIX PARK May, L. F., '95, M FREEPORT Ascher, J. A., '97, M Breyer, P. M., '09, D Carl, F. M.. '02, D Duckworth, F. E., '88, M Flaehtmeier, A. F., '02, D Garrity, J. G., '14, P Lea^-y, C. J., '09, M Pettepiece, T. A., '10, M Phillips, X. C, '07, M Schartzel, W. S., '82, P Shaw. R. H., '01, M FULTOX Carr. E. C, '15, M Durkee, W. H.. '04, M GALATIA Harrell, R. W., '12, P GALEXA Bockius, F. B. Von E., F, M Logan, R. E., '12, M Schiele, W. C, '12, M GALEXCA Carlson, C. G., '07. P GALESBLRG Corbin, J. F.. '98. M Gatton, W. R.. 'S4, P Horrell, C. B.. '84, M Maley, G.. '10, M McClanahan, B. V., '15, M Sutter, Rose I., '11, M Winters, M. H., '11, M GALVA Benson, A. F., '10, M Hartley, H. O., '04, P GARDXER Spiller, GEXESEO Ahnert, M. E., '20. P GEXEVA Grundy, J. D., '89, P Hayes, C. E., '12, M HiU, A. L.. '04, P GENOA Baldwin, E., '18, P Byers, E. M., '98, M Holly, F. A.. '03, D GEORGETOWN Fletcher. M. S., '98, M GIBSON CITY Cooper, F. L., '09, D Cunningham, J. S., '07. M GIFFORD Wright, W. E., '20, M OILMAN Fordyce, A. W., '16, M Hobart, Maude (Mrs. Howard C. Hicks) '01, P Kraft, A., '19, M Meyer, A. C, '12, D GIRARD Simmons, D. F., '17, P GLENCOE Clyde, A. E., '97, P GLEN ELLYN Utt, Sara B., '00. P GRANITE CITY Dale, P. M., F, M Rigg. J. G., '03. P GRANT PARK Van Zant. N., '06, M GRANVILLE Wilson, H. M., '11, M GRAYSLAKE Hildebrandt, P. E.. '14, P Struthers, H. R.. '01. M GRAYVILLE Davenport. R., '13, P GREAT LAKES Hakans.son, E. G.. '15, M GREENFIELD Bulger. C. O., '07. M GREENVIEW Bowman, W. T., '06, M HANOVER GoUobith, E. F., '08, M HARMON McCoy, H. J., '17, M HARVARD Baird, H. G.. '19, P Davidson, R. D., '20. P Eaton. H. D., '04, M Seelye, N. L., '03. M HARVEY Stevenson, B. T., '98, M Teeling. P. J., '12, D Tupper, H. W., '13, M Wendel, J., '86, P HAVANA Hanson, M. W., '09, M HENRY Coggshall, T. C, '04, M HERRICK Fogle, A. C, '04, D HERRIN Green, L. R.. '17, P Karr, R. A.. '01, P HERSCHER Wruck. O. J. B., '11, P HIGHLAND KaescT, A. F., '01, M HIGHLAND PARK Lundgren, O. L., '17, P Moras. E. R., '89, M Nichols, H. v., '17, P Roberts, H. B., '03, M HIGHWOOD Jacks. R. B., '0.5, M Laegeler. J. C, '19, P HINCKLEY Kennedy, C. C, '84, P HINDSBORO Slater, P. A., '94, M HOLCOMB Henderson, G. S., '95, M 456 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued HINSDALE Lueders, A. H., '13, M Stuenkel, A. J., '04, M Thies, A., '84, P Voorhees, F. H., F, P HOLLYWOOD Voak, A. B., '89, P HONEY BEND Potts, A. L., '20, M HOOPESTON Earel, F. E., '16. M Kline, R. G., '16, M HOOPPOLE Petty, R. H., '13, M HOPEDALE Stout, L. A., '04, D HUBBARD WOODS Carlson, Ethe) M., '18, P Mettler, L. H., F, M Suker, G. F., F, M INDUSTRY McCreight, J. S., '07, D lOLA Patrick, F. E., '12, P Patrick, T. S., '12, P IROQUOIS Short, R. D., '16, M JACKSONVILLE Abbott, Effie L. (Mrs. E. W. Marton), '06, M Fremmel, I. F., '09, M Hueston, D. P., '88, M Kingsley, A. C, '09, D McLin. T. G., '10, M JERSEYVILLE Kutzenberger, Helen Pearl, '16. M JOHNSTON CITY Hempler, H. G., '11, M JOLIET Adelmann, H. J., '14, M Brown, H. H., '85, P Collins, T. M., '11, D Gushing, M. D., '92, M Dyblie, J. H., '06, D Early, H. I., '18, P Erickson, V. E.. '16, P Flexer, H. N., '12, M Fahrner. J. S.. '18, P Goldberg. I., '18. D Ireland, T. J., '04, D Johnson, A. K., '15, P Klemme, J. J., '90, M Lenuon, A. J., '01, M Lawman, E. A., '13, P Petersen, C. A.. '87, P Plitt, L., '91, P Robson, A. J., '99, P Schuessler, R. W., '08, M Schuessler, H. G., '98, M Schulze, Elizabeth Louise (Mrs. Ireland), '04, Smith, W. A., '11, P Stewart, W. B., '88. M Stillman, H. A., '90, P Talbot, E. R., '15. M Woodruff, G. F., '86, P Woodruff, G. H., '20. M Woodruff, H. W., '92, M KAMPSVILLE Woltmann, F., '05, M KANICAKEE Atzel, G. W., '98, P Cannon, W. P., '05, M Carroll, Elizabeth D., '10, M Geiger, C. W., '04. M Gernon, G. D., '20, M Halbmaier, A. E., '19. D Ketz, L. P., '86, P Koehler, W. G., '20, P Langlois, H. L., '17, M Lockwood, C. R., '02, M Phelps, G. M., '85, M Meyer, H. I., '20, M Morrow, G. W., 'OS, M KANKAKEE— Continued Roth, J. H., '15, M Smith, C. K., '06, M Strain, S., '15, P Yeates, W., '02, M KENILWORTH Doerr, W. W., '08, P Powers, H. W., '02, M KEWANEE Coffin, C. A., '04, M Davis, G. B., '15. P O'Malley, W. H., '93, M Palmer, G. F., '03, D KINCAID Miller, R. J., '10, M LACLEDE Poison, Nina Dell. '01. M LACON Bradford, A. W., '95, M LADD Logan, A. W., '13, P LA FAYETTE Brown, D. C, '15, M LAGRANGE Cohn, I. M., '04. D Dreyer, G. P.. F. M Nevious, L. W., F, D Puffer, C. L., '14, D Stevens, F. W., '06, M LA HARPE Knappenberger, C. A., '91, LAKE BLUFF Marriott, B. A., '15, P LAKE FOREST Obermiller, O. E., '15, P Welch, P. B., '13, M LAKE WOOD Eddy, J. H., '89, M LA MOILLE Neis, A. D., '10, P LANE Dean, G. A., '05, M LA SALLE Arkins, J. E., '09, D Clancy, W. J., '89, P Elliston, LeR. B.. '09, M Greaves, W. W., '03, M Herrmann, W. F., '98, P Woods, R. H., '13, M LAWRENCEVILLE Gore, C. H., '06, M LELAND Dunavan, C. V., '91. P LEMONT Brooks, S. O., '19, D Chapman, Beulah K., '17, '. LENA Clay, B. E., '15, P Cummings, C. C, '10, P Metz, R., '84, P Salter, A., '93, M Schleder, A. T., '02, P LEROY Thompson, O. M., '06, M LEWISTON Ewan, R. T., '04, M LEXINGTON Hammers, L. J., '02, M Moffett, R. A., '16, M LILY LAKE Taylor, R. C, '97, M LINCOLN Hagans, F. M., '05, M Whitmire, Q L., '19, M LITCHFIELD Blackwelder, F. C, '00, M Holderread, W., '00, P LITTLE YORK Hiett. A., '05, M LOCKPORT Kingston, E. A., '03, M McDonald, J. A., '85, P Geographical Index 437 ILLINOIS— Continued LOMBARD Men, F. R., '02, D Schiele, R. F,, '15, M LOXGVIEW Elvidge, R. E., '15, M LOST A XT Phillips, R. C, '10. P Whitney, G. V., '16, P LOW POINT Burdou, S. M., '13. M LUDLOW Briggs, F. E., '07, M LYOXS Groose, F. W., '20. P MACKIXAW Fast, H. D., '06, M MACOMB Holmes, J. V., '94, M Schroeder, E. F.. '07, M Seeger, H. F.. '15. P Standard, A. P., '06, M ,j^,C^a^>and.T.A.,'15,M maS^^-^-"'^-^^ Bottom. C. J., '10. P ^L\HOMET Coen, C. M., '99, M ^LA.LTA Berr\Tnan. W. L., '04 D ^L\XCHESTER Lucas. G. X., '95, M MAXSFIELD Coal, B. R., '10, P MAPLE PARK Banks, J. H., '97, M -\L\PLETOX Egan, T. S., '05, M MAREXGO Curtiss, R. M., '84, M Fowler, G. W., '91, M Robinson, G. H., '17. P MARIOX ' Casey, L. B., '88, M Allen, E. D., '97. P MARSHALL Haslit, P. P., '04, M MASOX CITY Cargill, C. W., '89, M Chenoweth, F. L., '19, M MATTOOX Bn,an, T. A., '03, M Comer, C. E., '05, D Hardinger, P. M., '19, M Voigt, C. B., '00, M MAYWOOD Bitner, C. G., '82, P Brjant, F. W., '14, P Donaldson, R. P., '02, D Hawthorne, W. C., F, M Laybourne, Ethel Mae, '10, M Matter, O. E., '04, M Schwanke. L. R.. '04, P Swan, J. C, '01, P McHEXRY WelLs, D. G., '98, M MEEKIX Miller. P. M., '12, M MELROSE PARK Marsicano, F., *16, P Werninghaus, W. E., '15. D MEXDOTA . o,u Fritz, F. F., '90, P Koropp, E. A., '98. P Mclntire. A. C, '02. M METROPOLIS Humma, J. B., "19, P McCall, W. G., '05, D Moreland, W. H., '05. P MILBURX Jamison, H. E., '94. M MILLEDGEVILLE Sword, H. R., '10, M MINIER Holmes, E. R., '87, M Rost, J. F. W., '06. M MOKENA Brinckerhoff, F. E., '13, M MOLINE Anderson, A. E., '11, P Bennett, H. S., '01, M Carlson, H. G., '06, P Ellis, C. C, F, M Gardner, F. H., '93, M • Hinman, W. T., '04, M Kohler, A. E., '98, M Sohrbeck, G. W., '89, P Toline, C. A., '20, D Whiteside, C. E., '94, M Wood, J. M., '03, M MOMENCE Lewis, J. v., '95, M MONMOUTH Blair, C. P., '12, M Burgess, C. O., '03, M Crawford, S. K., F, M Hawes,p. R., '02, D Sickmofl, C. L., '20, P Ventress, W. H., '20, M Winters, F. C, "12, M MONTICELLO Donahue, J. M., '04, P Holmes, J. M., '02, M Raycraft, J. W., '15, P MORRIS Brewer, E. F., '06, M Swartz. F. H., '03, D MORRISON Kidd, A. M., Jr., '12, P Pettitt, H. L., '06, M Round, T. L., '94, M MORTON PARK Moldt, G. C, '14, D MT. AUBURN Hedrick, W. R., '10, M MT. CARMEL Hadley, E. W., '04, P Sherrill, CM., '05, D MT. CARROLL Bawden, A. C, '02, D Bawden, S. R., '03, D Mershon, J. I., '12, M MT. OLIVE Cole, D. T., '05, M Dailey, G. L., '15, M MT. PULASKI ConnoUey, V. G., '20, P Schiltz, A. F., '17, D Wagner, C. H., '86, P MT. VERNON Bond, G. C, '12, P Hennig, E. L., '08, M Rackaway, A. W., '13, p Sanford, J. L., '10. P MOWEAQUA Pratz, F. D., '98, M MURDOCK McKinney, N. C, '02, M MURPHYSBORO Essick, R. B., '08, M Evans, W. H., '14, M Hrabik, J. H., '12, M McDonald, W. J.. '17 P MURRAYVILLE York, M. A., '87, P NAPERVILLE Becker, W. E., '07, D Clancey, J. H., '97, M Martin, W. B., '01, M Wickel, W. W., '86. P NASHVILLE Holston, C. E. Schroeder, R. H., '20. M NEOGA Armstrong, P. A., '01, D 458 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued NEPONSET Higgins, C. L., '04, P NEW BEDFORD Williams, S. E., '93, M NEW HOLLAND Carroll, W. F., '16, M NEWTON Franke, G. E., '11, P Martin, P. O., '07, P Yelton, Winifred I. (Mrs. Robb), '01, M NIANTIC Hall, A., '85, M NILES CENTER Klehm, A. L., '02, M Kremer, V. A., '09, P Slntzel, R. v., '05, M NOKOMIS Marshall, J. C, '10, P NORRIS Simmons, J. C, '06, M OAK FOREST Perry, B., '05, M McCrory, C. R., '19, M Thompson, F. R., '20, M # OAKLAND Beck, F. P., '03, M Beck, Viola Bandy, '03, M Henderson, J. F., '11, M OAK PARK Adams, N. H., '90, P Bailey, G. L., F, M Beebe, L. W., '02, M Brady, E. N., '06, D Brady, G. C, '04, D Brenke, G. A , '02, P Bruder, O. E. F., '91, P Buckley, J. P., F, D Carothers, Marietta L. (Mrs. W. B. Day), '20, Clark, A. H., '04, P Donaldson, R. S., '01, D Frain, Nellie M., F, M Frederickson, Sophia H , '16, M French, R. L., '11, M Friedley, C, '17, P Grout, B. C, '05, M Hein, E. G. A., F, D Hein, L. F. A., '19, D Hulbert, H. S., F, M Humphrey, R. I., '16, D Huston, L. L., '07, P Irvine, E. D., '93, P Kern, K. M., '17, D Latsis, H. H., '17, P Loewy, A., '89, M Lovett, L. M., '76, P Malter, E., '20, D Masslow, Eleanor Sophia, '15, M Mrazek, R. G., '06, P Needham, F. S., '08, M Norris, M. L., '12, P Ochs, Clara Mary, '18, M Ochs, M. M., '20, M Person, F. D., '18, P Poorman, C. W., '03, M Potter, W. E., '00, M Prescott, Eva (Mrs. F. L. Turner), '03, M Rambo, L. A., '20, P Ribbeck, W. A., F, M Rice, I. P., '13, M Rossman, P., '90, P Savage, R. G., '05, M Schroeder, G. H., '06, M Schultz, L. W., '20, D Skiles, J. H., F, M Smith, R. C, '99, P Sommerfield, O. E., '04, D Stevens, M. D., '14, D Stewart, H. J., '97, M Tark, L. A., '17, D Thomas, A., '18, D Woodard, W. P., '94, M OBLONG Griffy, R., '14, M OCONEE Patterson, J. W., '93, M ODELL Campbell, G. M., '18, P Blough, G. F., '03, M Ralph, W. F., '18, P ODIN Greenburg, L. M., '12, M OHIO Hamnett, H., '11, M OLNEY King, R., '16, M ONARGA Baker, Nellie M., '05, M Krause, C. L., '94, P ONEIDA Ash, Mary E., '03, M Bedford, R. J., '93, P ORANGEVILLE Kryder, G. B., '20, M Ritzman, R. B., '16, P OREGON Beveridge, J. M., '98, M ORION Andreen, F. G., '07, M Gustafson, J. A., '01, M OTTAWA Edgcomb, J. H., '06, M Formhals, W. J., '18, P Gapen, C. L., '87, P Kneussl, G., '87, P Kneussl, M. Jr., '88, P McNamara, T. J., '09, P Renz, W. A., '86, P Schinz, F. E., '07, P Sharp, C. B., '04, D Slaughter, Mary G. M., '20, M Tompkins, R., '08, P Vonck, J. F., '95, P OTTUMWA Newell, F. W., '06, M PALATINE Gainer, J. F., '19, M Starck, C. A., '04, M PALESTINE Loughery, H. B., '19, M Taylor, O. G., '93, M PANA Miller, L. H., '09, M PARIS Henn, E. J., '11, D Kurtz, G. E., '96, P PARK RIDGE Conley, T. E., '14, M Waite, Lucy, F, M Wintersteen, L. S., '88, P PAXTON Lindeman, F. H., '12, P Peterson, M. D. E., '06, M PECATONICA Wilcox, H. L., '08, D PEKIN Ehrlicher, H. M., '82, P Ehrlicher, O. D., '90, P Koch, W. A., '01, M Muehbnann, C. G., '00, M PEORIA Anderson, J. B., '10, P Atherton, C. C, '10, M Babcock, Margaret M., (Mrs. J. E. Meloy). '00, M Carter, H. W., '84, P Collins, W. F., '11, D Dufner, W. V., '05, P Easton, M. T., F, M Freeman, A. W., '98, P Garrett, E. A., '02, M Harsch, J. H., '92, P Hart, Esther Alice, '07, M Houston, R. E., '05, D Hund, J., '87, M Geographical Index 459 ILLINOIS— Continued PEORIA— Continued Jacks, A. W., '16, P Kellv, E. C, '19, M Kneer, T. F.. '95, P Landon, O. F., '06, D Levitin, E. Z., '05, M Lueder, F., 'SI, P Major, W., '01, M Meixner. F. M. F., '06. P Mellen, C. S., '03, M Meloy, J. E., '00, M Moore, V. A., '05, D Noble, C. M., '01, M Parker, J. W., Jr., '20, M Peters, H. O., '10, P Roberts, J. C, '87, M RoUins, G. E., F, D Schmid, E. A., '85, P Schroeder, P. L., '19, M Taylor, L. L., '06, P Ulrich, J. H.. '01. M Wakefield, W. B., '07, M Weil, A., '84, P Zimmerman, A., '87, P Zinimerman, E., '82, P Zimmerman, R.. '84, P PERU Balensiefer, O., '04, M Herbold, C, '99, P Ruhland, W. F., "98, P Schuetz, Z. E., '98, P Walther, R. W.. '13. P PESOTUM Bundv, H. W., 'OS, M PETERSBURG Rost, T. A., '20, M PHILO Rvan, C. F., '09, M PIXCKXEYVILLE Kane, W. W., '86, M PITTSFIELD Bern-, E. B., '12, D PLAIXFIELD Browne, J. P.. '05, M Spangler, H. T., '07, D PLYMOUTH Irwin, W. L., '98, M POCAHONTAS Springer, C. B., '86, P PONTLVC Bach, I. W., F, M Beattv, E. G., '15, M Crawford, W. L., '20, M Grimes, W., '06, P Meeks, C. C. '05, M PORT BYRON Bruner. J. M. C, '87, M POTOMAC Ju^nnaU, J. M., '10, M PRINCETON Case, G. E., '92, P Fawcett, J. T., '02, P Goetz, C, '86, P Inks, F. E., '12. M Linaberj-. W. L.. '83, M Prutsman, H. C, '17, P Rambo, J. M., '09, P Ball, EUzabeth B., '07, M QUINCY Brown. W. E.. '20. P Caddick. E. L.. '11, M Dickhut. L. A.. '05. P Drallmeier, F. H.. Jr.. '00, P Earel. R. G., '08. P Ericson, C. E., '04, M Granacher, E. T., '89, P Hagemann, W. G. H., '03, P Heidbreder, E. P.. '13. P Heidbreder. G. H.. '17. P Heidbreder. H. H.. '11, P Knox, T. B., '02. M Koetters. E. F.. '14, D McLaughlin, E. W.. '20. P QUINCY— Continued Menn, H. G.. '97. P Michelmann. A. L., '99. P Niemever. A. P.. '10. P Pearce, W. F., '08, M Reed, R. C. '15. P Schlinkman, W., '96, P Seidel, J. H., '09, D Shulian, O. F.. '05. M Steiner, J. C, '07, M Thesen, B., '10, P RAMSEY Alderson. A. L., '13. M RANKIN Beach. P. M.. '00, D Liggitt, F. L.. "01. M R.4.NTOUL Diller. F. S., '95. M RED BUD Schulz, C. A., "98, D RIDGE FARM Pierce, J. C, '06. M RIVER FOREST Knoblock, D. G., '06, P Sauer, C. J., '14, D RIVERSIDE Fuller, S. S., F, M Ort, R. K., '19, D ROBERTS Linn, F. C, '93, P ROCHELLE Kennedy. Josie C. (Mrs. P. R. Diederich). '01, M Kittler, W. E., '02, M McEachern. T., '09, M Pelek, L. J., '88, P Stevens, R. E., '04, M Unger, C. P.. '07. M ROCK FALLS Krebs, R.. '15, P ROCKFORD Anderson, G. A.. '09. P Anthony, R. E., '08, M Bartling, C. H., F, M Foley, C. L.. '07, D Goembel, E. W., '08, M Grenberg, R. E., '18. P Heckman. I. J., '95. M Hohnes. J. T., '04. D Kile, R. P.. '13, M Kroenig, A. E., '92, M Logan, C. A., '11, P Lundholm, J. S., '13, M Nordgren, R. G., '05, D Ochsner, E. A., '09. M Paul, I. O., '85. M Pearson, W. F., '87, P Peterson, E., '15, M Ranseen, CM.. '05. M Severson, J. M., '16, M Smith, B. O., '02, P SpafFord, E. A., '19, D Storen. M. T., '97, P Turner, F. A., '94, M Williams, G. A., '10, P Wright, C. E., '01, M Zuck, F. J., '08, P ROCK ISLAND Bechmann, C. R,. '79. P Lindstrom, R. L . '11, P Robb, C. E., '06. M Rowe, H. E., '96, P Stocker, A., '04, M Stocking, A. M.. '10, M ROGERS PARK Spafford. W. B.. '99, D ROODHOUSE Bates. C. R.. '08. M Smith. H. W., '94, M ROSCOE Flyer, Mary F., '89, P ROSELLE Volberding, H. H., '15, M 460 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued ROSEVILLE Conant, P. B., '02, M ROSICLARE Dusch, L. D., '14, M RUSHVILLE Ballon, J. A., '05, M Benson, H. W., '02, D SADORUS Bundy, C. D., '02, M SANDWICH Culver, L. L., '01, M Dakin, R. G., '03, M Faxon, D. E., '20, M Rosenstone, R. G., '09, D SAVANNA Bogue, A. R., '20, M Law, W. G., '90, P SAYBROOK Hops, G. A., '95. P SECOR Nagel, F. E., '00, M SHABBONA Brewer, E. J., '01, M SHELBYVILLE Eddy, W. J., -85, M Mizell, A. G-. '97, M Pate, C. M., '20, P SHELDON Kisner, A. S., '08, P SIBLEY Absher, A. A., '93, M SIDELL Elliott, F. S., '01, D SILVIS Sohultejann, B. H., '05, P SOUTH HOLLAND Walvoord, G. W., '02, M SPRINGFIELD Aschauer, A. G., '09, M Baumann, G. E., '85, P Beilin, A. M., '12, M Burkett, J. F. N., '07. P Converse, A. E , '04, D Finnigan, J. H., *12, P French, G. M., '01, M Jelliffe, M. B., '17, M Lutyens, G. B., '06, M Mautz, G. J., '07, M Metz, I. W., '00, M Miles, J. I., '11, D Raman, H. B., '16, M Rauth, F. W., '93, P Scott, T. Y., '91, P Stuart, C. B., '15, M Walsh, E. A., '97, M Wood, J. T., '07, M SPRING VALLEY Ream, W. J., '13, M Secrest, P. J., '17, D Shere, J. A., '11, D STAUNTON Wolf. P. J., '16, M ST. CHARLES Case, S., '86, P McLallen, R. R., '09. M Potter, C. A.. '02, M ST. DAVID Lyons, L. D., '10, P ST. JOSEPH Knappenberger, T. G., '06, M STERLING Bickford, M. D., '07, P Brodriok, F. W., '97 M Maxwell, J. C, '01, M Parker, C. E., '02, M Wahl, E. W., '90, M Weiner, C. F.. '90. P STILLMAN VALLEY Beebe, A. H., '05, M STOCKTON Niemeyer, F. C, '15, P Niemeyer, H., '88, P STREATOR Barickman. R. I., '16, M Gate. R. L., '20, P Clark, J, E., '07, M Davis, R. R., '15. P Hildebrand, J. J., '84, P Howe, L. D., Jr., '03, M Metcalf, W. G . '19, D Perisho, E. E , '97, M Powers, G. J , '05, M STRONGHURST McClellan, C, '01, M SUBLETTE Angear, B. H. S., '92, P SULLIVAN Lawson, J. F., '06, M SWYGERT Coonies, A , '84, M SYCAMORE Barrow, E. B.. '99, D Harrington, J. E., '86, P Okerstrom, A.. '05, M TABLE GROVE Taylor, R. O., '12, M Welker, C. J., '02. P TAMPICO Brown, J. B.. '14, P Horn, A. S.. '03, M TILDEN Stanley, Z., '10, M TIMEWELL Davis, F. F., '05, M TISKILWA Kittermann, F. R.. '02, M TOLUCA Peterson, A. E , '07. M TONICA Rhiel. A. C. '94, M TOULON Cover, A., '09, P McClenahan. C. D.. '02. P TOWANDA McNett, C. L., '03, M TOWER HALL Thompson, M. W . '09, P TRIUMPH Crede, W. H , F, M TROY GROVE Mclntyre, W. R., '09, M TUSCOLA Lollar, M.E., '13, M McNeill, L., '13. P URBANA Elliott. V. A., '19, P Gulick. C. D.. '02, M Moulton, Gertrude E., '19, M Scheib, G. F . '99, M Way, G. F., '11, M Yantis, D. E., '02. M VANDALIA Humphrey, A . '20, P VERMONT Lollar, E. H.. '13, P VERNON Murfin, W. D , '10. M VIENNA Carter, F. H., '11, M VIRDEN Blunk, S. M., '11, M WAPELLA Jones, J. B., '05. M Jordan. T. E., '17. P WARREN Crawford, L. R., '08, P WARRENVILLE Schultejann, B. H., '05, P WARSAW Brinkman, L , '87. P WASHINGTON Bennett, O. P., '90, M WATERMAN Wilkinson, C. H , '05. M Geographical Index m ILLINOIS— Continued WATSEK.\ Arnold, G. E , '99. P Blake, F. E., '07, D Clifton, H. W , 'OS, M Laoe, J. L , '19, D Ross. G. W., '06, M WAUCONDA McCormick, R. C. 'OS. M WAUKEGAN Breves. R., '94. P Brown, A. E., '97, M Claeboe, A. H , '11, M Cummings, Adeline E. P., (Mrs. G. B. Cum- mings), '90. P Curlee, R. A., '16, P Gourley, F. L., '03. M Hartke, E. A., '90, P Legnard, J. B . F. M Maxson, O. P., 'S3. M Ne%-ille. M. E., '15. P Palmer. J. M , "01, M Pearce, P , '96. M WEDRON Miller, R. C, '87, M WELDON Marvel. L. M., •04,M WEST CHICAGO Daniels, C. L., '02, D V^ESTER^'ELT Kerr, E. D.. '94. M WEST FRANKFORT House, L. A., 'IS, P WEST McHEXRY Chamberlain, R. G., '02, D WHEATOX Bellan, C. P., 'IS. D Ellsworth, L., '86, P Kennedy, Josephine, '18, M Manning, G. N , 94, M Savage, E. H , 'IS, D Williams, C. B., '89, P WHITE HALL Garrison, W. H., '91, P WILLIAMSFIELD Oberholtzer, E. J., '03, M WILMETTE Bogard, A. H , '16, P Conley, B. M., '03, M Gallie, D. M., '15, D Hecht, M.C, '07. M Moodie. R. L , F. M Weihe, H. W,, '87, P WILMINGTON Johnson, J. B., '84, P Van der Bogart, W. A., '15, I WINCHESTER Brengle. G. C, '88, M Eckman, J. W., '08, M WINNETKA Brown, Alice Barlow, '03. M Brown, E. V. L., F. M Fonda. J. E., '15, D Jacobs, CM., F, M Loewe, G. M., '12, M Patchen, C. R., '87, P Schneider. C. O.. '08, M Taft, D. E., '02, D Taylor, Lillian Ethel, F, M WOODSTOCK Baccus, C, '11, M WYOMING Wead. J. S., '91, P White. H. A., '11, P YATES CITY Bailev, O. C, '09, D YORKTOWN Weber, R., '07, M YORKVILLE Ament. G. D.. '05, D ZEIGLER Doyle. N. M.. '11, M Gates, L. V., '16, M Leib. F. L., '14, P INDIANA ALBION Bidwell, C, '17, P Mavfield, R. F., '05, P ANDERSON McWilliams, O. E., '99, M ANGOLA Masters, W. C, '18, D Wood, W.. '00. M ARGOS Kellv. F. H., '13, M AUBURN Souder, B. M., '13, M Souder. U. G., '02, M Staman, A., '96, P BLOOMFIELD Haig. G. F.. '13. M BLOOMINGTON Smith. R. D., "97, M BROOKVILLE Hermansdorfer, A., '93, P BUTLER Fanning, F. D. CANNELTON Clark, H. A., '88, P CHESTERTON Axe. R. H., '04, M Wiltfong, C. O., '01, M CLO\-ERDALE Hurst. E. M., -00, M COLUMBIA CITY Briggs, O. C, '18, D COVINGTON Aldridge, J. W., '13, M CROWN POINT GeLsel, E. E.. '03, M Houk, W. F., '04, M DARLINGTON Peacock, N. F., '97, M DECATUR Burns, Elizabeth V., '02, M DELPHI Heppe, G. C, '90, P EARL PARK Bundy, C. T., '09. M EAST CHICAGO Miller, B., '86, M Townsley, F. L., '09. M ELKHART Elliott, L. A., '11, M Hauenstein, G. W., '93, M Hoover, E. M., '06, M Thomas, G. A., '90, P ELWOOD Runyan, C. P., '00, M EVANSVILLE Barnett, M., '99, P Bohn, G. W., '94, P Brumfield, C. W., '11, D Pollard, W. S., '11, M Ruddick, H. C, '12, M Tweedall, D. G., '03, M Woods, W. P., '04, M FERDINAND McLane,G. A., '06, M FT. WAYNE Dodez, E. W., '99, D Grant, Margaret S., '02, M Loesch, G. H., '76. P Weaver. B. P.. '02. M FRANKFORT Royster. H. R.. '17, M Van Kirk, J. A.. '14. M FREEMONT Wade, R. L., '07, M FULTON Dielman. F. C, '04, M 462 University of Illinois INDIANA— Continued GALVESTON Cornell, J. F., '02, M GARRETT Howard, C. E., '06, M King, F. A., '02, M GARY Caldwell, W. C, '85, M Dvorsky, B., '02, M Laue, W. P., '08, P Metcalf, J. E., '99, M Nieukirk, I. W., '90, M Spender, J., '20, M Stawicki, J. P., '08, M Stone, L. L., '12, M GOODLAND Cooke, J. B., '20, P Cooke, L. J , '13, P GOSHEN Eby, Ida, '19, M Lemon, H. K , '01, M Prough, W. C, '97, M GRASSVILLE Rutkus, Susan Aldona, '11, M HAMMOND Bourne, E. S., '06, P Hofmann, A., '09, M Ostrowski, Bernice A., '17, P Ostrowski, R. O., '08, M HARTFORD CITY Hollis, W. A., '02, M HUNTERTOWN Erwin, H. G., '09, M HUNTINGTON Grayston, F. W., '95, M INDIANA HARBOR Bundy, C. E., '15, P McGuire, D. F., '13, M Ostrowski, L. J., '12, M INDIANAPOLIS Fogas, J. T., '91, P Frantz, B. C, '08, P Garrett, J. D., '02, M Kaplansky, D., '93, P Kurtz, F. B., '02, M Leonard, H. S., '01, M Moon, V. H., F, D Thorburn, A. D., '94, P Woods, C. S., F, M KENTLAND Van Kirk, G. H., '05, M KIRKLIN Mount, W. C, '05, M KNOX Bortz, L. W , '15, D KOKOMO Cuthbert, F. S , '05, M Grabel, H. G , '06, M Kemp, O. P., '98, M KOUTS Noland, P. D., '01, M LAFAYETTE Waldron, J. H., '96, M LAGRANGE Grubb, A. G., '92, M LA PORTE Aldrioh, A. C, '99, D Bowell, B. C , '95, M Homman, Grace L., '12, M Kasbaum, C. J , '86, P Kimball, G. W., '02, M Krejci, F. J., '11. D Wasser, A. S., '02. D LEOPOLD Taylor, J. E., '08, M LOGANSPORT Ballard, C. A., '07, M LOWELL Jewell, B. M., '12, M Retry, F., '01. M METZ Roark, C. A., '94, P MICHIGAN CITY Gilmore, R. A. Harper, M. A , '97, P Kerrigan, J. J , '94, M Leeds, A. L., '04, M Moran, E. M., '96, P Wilson, L. A., '99, M MISHAWAKA Bassler, C. R., '09, M Feagler, J. P., '06, M Perry, H. S., '13, M MONON Stuart, J , '99, M MONTPELIER Dando, G. H., '05, M MT. ETNA Anderson, CM., '90, P MT. VERNON Boyce, H. A., '97, P MUNCIE Spickermon, H. R., '98, M NAPPANEE Inks, C. A., '02, M NEW CARLISLE Hall, H. M., '98. M . ODON Ulrioh, M.B., '04, P OSGOOD Brenton, T. M., '88, P OWENSVILLE Montgomery, J. R., '04, M PINE VILLAGE MacGillivray, D. D., '06, M PLYMOUTH Kaszer, J., '86, M Knott, H., '12, M PRINCETON McNair, H , '07, P Miller, C. A , '05, M REMINGTON Babb, Alma, '07, P RENSSELAER Long, A. F , '87, P RICHMOND Fulghum, C. C, '97, P Hagie, F. E., '11, M ROANOKE Murray, D. E., '06, M ROCHESTER Pontius, G. v., '20, M Shafer, H. O., '02, M ROCKPORT Lang, S. C, '05, M ROSEDALE Rhein, A. E., '13, M SALEM Rudder, W. H., '94, P SOUTH BEND Hilbert, J. W.. '19, M Scott, R. D., '00, M Stoltz, C, '93, M Striebel, F. D., '95, P Terry, C. C, '89, M Wegner, W. G., '98, M ST. JOE Staman, W. J., '09, P ST. PAUL Williams, C. L. F.. '03, M TERRE HAUTE Bourne, C. E., '02, P Bronson, P. J., '19, M Cook, A. J., '13, P Ellis, G. S., '96, P Maguire, J. B., '07, M Valentine, W. G., '89, P Yung, J. R.. 'GO, M TIOSA Meek, L. C, "97, M VALPARAISO Brenner, B. L., '98, P Geographical Index 403 INDIANA— Continued VINCENXES Pea. E. H.. '13. M WABASH Domer. W. A., '01, M WAKARLSA Stewart. R. M.. '18. P WALKERTON Dowell. H. S.. '00, D WARSAW Siders, W. B.. '06, M WASHINGTON Smith. F.. '88, P WINCHESTER Pretlow, R. T., '19, D WINGATE Strain, H. B., '05, D IOWA ADAIR Powel, P., '89. M ALBIA Jackson. T. R.. '97, M. ALLERTON Parker. B. B., '12, M ALTA Morrison. J. W., '04, M ALTA VISTA Hastings, P. H., '05, M AMES Rice. E., '95, M AXTHOX Stillman, W. L., '02, M ARLIXGTOX Shumwav. W., '90, P ARMSTRONG Knipe, J. B., '04, M AURORA Bissell. B. G., '07, M BELLMOXD Connell, S. W., '93, M BLOOMFIELD AUender, F. C, '99, D BODE Watson, E. L., '89, M BOOXE Stanger, G. H., '92, M BRISTOW Lambert, H. F., '15, M BURLIXGTOX Cooper, J. S., '16, M Mitchell, J. H., '99 P Nelson. A. J., '07, P Page, B. F., '06, M Schaefer, P. H., '02, M CEDAR FALLS Stevens, J. S., '85, M Waterman, G. B., '06, D CEDAR RAPIDS Hasek, V. H.. '16. M Irn-in, C. E., '18, M KeUogg, F. C, '90, P Raymer, H. S., '85, M Sherlock, Margaret, '05, M Spencer, W. H.. '04, M Stone, G., '10. M Swab. C. C. '04. M Wistein. Rosina R., '04, M CEXTER POIXT Dotv, C. H., '03, M CEXTERVILLE Harris, W. A., '04, M Tillmont, C. P., '01, M CHARITOX Calbreath, C. C, '97. M Dougherty, B. F., '89, M Yocum, A. L.. '09, M CHARLES CITY McGray, W. R., '00, M McXeil, B. F., '02, M Stober, R. W., "11, M CHARLOTTE Schwartz, R. F., '06, M CHARTER OAK Waterhouse, J. E., '09, D CHELSEA Kubela, L. F.. '12, M CHEROKEE Burgess, A. R., '05, M Voldeng, M. X., '87, M CHURDAN Spear. J. F., '08, M CLARINDA Clark. F. H., '03, M ■ Phillips, W. C, '03, M CLARION Best, E. E., '99, M Wagner, W. C, "03, M CLEAR LAKE Eraser, J. H., '19, M Litscher, A. A., '16, D CLINTON Hallinan, E. L., '04, M Huston, J. T., '83, P Jordan, M. S., '01, M Keefe, F. M., '04, M Miller, A. T., '04, M Walliker, W. M., '02, M COIN Luke, E., '04, M COLO Hopkins, R. H., '01, P CONRAD Spain, R. T., '00, M COON RAPIDS Jewell, H. B., '19, M CORNING Lyons, G.E., '07, D CORYDON Sollenbarger, G. H., '98, M COUNCIL BLUFFS Cobb, H. A., '02, M Deetken, H. C, '02, M Hennessy, M. C, '13, M Hombach, W. P., '01, M CRESCO Hess, W. C, '01, M GUSHING Rogers, R. R., '89, P DALLAS CENTER Butterfield, E. J., '03, M DAVENPORT Becker, Edna M., '14, P Bengston, F. A., '18, P Eipper, A., '99, P Ficke, E. O., '03, M Glynn, C. E., '02, M Kinney, W. D., '97, M Klenze, J. E.. '93, P Manning, T. F., '02, M Walsh, T. M., '89, M Weber, L., '95, M DECORAH Jewell, M. D., '03, M DERBY Niblock. G. F.. '00. M DES MOINES Auner. J. F., '97, M Block, C. A., '20, M Blum, D. M., '19, M Brooks, J. M., '83, M Carter, L. J., '19, D Fay, O. J., '02, M Fleischman, A. G., '12, M Gadd, E. E., '05, M Hammer, A. G., '76, P Huston, R., '07, M Langdon, F. B., '15, M Layman, D. W., '04, M 464 University of Illinois IOWA— Continued DES MOINES— Continued McCaffrey, E. H., '15, M Middleton, W. V., '19, D Morden, Irene (Mrs. A. B. Scruby), '05 M Morden, R. R., '04, M Page, A. C, '98, M Price, A. S., '04, M Wells, C. W., F, D Ryan, J. C, '09, M Throckmofton, R. F., '92, M DE SOTO Hunt, G. C, '16, M DE WITT Burke, T. J., '99, M DIKE Moffett, W. N., '00, M DRAPER Morton, A. J., '89, M DUBUQUE Franklin, H. V., '17, D Harris, R. R., '06, M Meyers, F. W., '99, M Moes. M. J., F, M Sumpman, H. O., '96, M Weis, J., '86, P DYERSVILLE Luehrsmann, B. H., '00, M Wagner, J. A., '05, M EARLHAM Day, E. S., '94, M ELDORA Koenemann, E. O., '99, M ELKADER Hommel, P. R. V., '16, M ELY Lowry, N. J., '02, M ESTHERVILLE Williams, S. H., '89, P FERTILE Dalager, N. O., '02, M FORT DODGE Sanders, E. J., '04, P Studebaker, J. F., '08, M Taylor, O. R., '93, P GALVA Grubb, M. W., '12, M GARNER Eraser, J. E., '91, M GREENFIELD Sexsmith, Edna K., '18, M GRINNELL Talbot, E. F., '95, M GRUNDY CENTER Hummel, J. F., '96, P McDowell, W. 0., '01, M GUTTENBERG Beyer, A. E., '01, M HAMPTON Baldwin, H. D., '08, P Osborne, C. F., '00, M Rhine, A. C, '12, M HASTINGS Priest, F. H., '00, P HAZELTON Hunt, H. H., '01, M IDA GROVE Heilman, E. S., '01, M INDEPENDENCE McGready, J. H., '96, M Wallace, A. H., '86. P INDIANOLA Hooper, M. L., '98, M IOWA CITY Meyhaus, J. H., '00, M IOWA FALLS Moore, C. J., '18, D Pagelsen, O. H., '98, M JEFFERSON Dean, F. M., '92, M Gimson, E., '04, M Weiser, E. H., '86. P JOLLY Carstensen, A. B., '16, M IvEOKUK Kiedaisch, G. A., '00, P O'Reilly, W. F., '90. P KINGSLEY Wilson, C. W., '88, P LANESBORO Hart, W. E., '03, M LATIMER Martin, J. F., '12, M ■'LAURENS Hovenden, J. H., '98, M Loving, L. W., '18. M LE CLAIRE Johnson, C. C, '01, M LEGRAND Mills, E. M., '90, M LEIGHTON Ayres, C. A., '04, M LEMARS Cole, T. E., '90, M Rubel, H. F., '04, M LITTLE SIOUX Bock, J. J., '06, M MAQUOKETA Bowen, J. C, '06, M Butterworth, H. O., '89, P Luckiesh, E., '13, P Staack, H. F., '05, P Swift, F. J., '04, M MARION Grayston, J. T., '13, M MARSHALLTOWN Hansen, R. R., '07, M MASON CITY Adams, J. W., '84, P Franchere, C. M., '15, M Higgins, B. C, '12, D Hubbard, C. W., '01, M Long, W. E., '99, M Wurtzer, E. L., '12, M McGregor Thomas, W. H., '02, M MINBURN Little, E. H., '02, M MITCHELVILLE Hibbs, G. B., '89, M MONTICELLO Thomas, C. G., '11, M MOULTON Printz, E. T., '84, M MOUNT PLEASANT Sternberg, W., '01, M MOUNT UNION Denny, A. R., '01. M MOUNT VERNON Sturges, I. B. W., '99, P MUSCATINE Bryan, A. L., '14, M Eversmeyer, B. E., '05, M Graham, E. L., '89, P NEVADA Conner, F. H., '98, M NEW HAMPTON Feeney, F. S., '98, M NEW HARTFORD Pelletier, D. H., '00, M NEWTON Besser, E. F., '00, M NORWAY Simpson, C. E.. '98, M OAKVILLE Brock, W. B., '86, M Hoag, M., '99, D OELWEIN Leehey, F. P., '02, M Wassom, G. N., '07, N OGDEN Clark, O. W., '00, M ONSLOW Rieke, A. G., '18. M Geographical Index 465 IOWA— Continued ORIENT McKelvey. W. O.. '91, P OSAGO Sampson, F., 'S6, P OSCEOLA Porterfield, W. R., '05, D ' OSK.\LOOSA Barnes, F. L., '99, M Cone, C. C, '87, M Johnston, K. L., '14, M OTTUMWA Jackman, C. B., '11, M Moore, H. H., •12,M Newell, F. W.. '06, M Miller, F. W., '93, M OXFORD Peters, J. A., '99, M PIERSON Raw, E. J.. '99, M POMEROY Tavlor, C. L., '02, M POSTVILLE KeUeher, G. F., '11, M PRIMGHAR Aver^-, H. L., '05, M Rogers, H. C, '98, M PRINCETON Cusick. G. W., '14, M RAKE Russ, J. E., '07, M REASONER Tharp, H. M., '20, M RED OAK Martin, J. A. J., 'So, M Rogers, H. S., '86, M REMSEN Waldmann, L. F., 'IS, M ROCKFORD Lorenz, L. L., '12, M RUSSELL Hills. R. A., '07, M ST. ANSGAR Osborn, W. S., '04, M SEYMOUR Davis, A. E., '09, M SHEFFIELD Rodemeyer, F. H., '05, M SHELDON Meyers, F. L., '88, M SHENANDOAH Jay, G., '86. P SIBLEY Winkler, F. P.. '06, M SIGOURNEY Franken, E., '86, P SIOUX CITY Cremin, W. J. S.. '06, M Dougherty, J. P., '04, M Earl, W. Z., '13, M Gillette, A. S., '00, P Harstad, O., '96, P Jenkinson, E. A., '03, M Lerch, W. H., '99, M Metzner, H. E., '10, D Sedgwick, W. L., '83, P SIOUX CITY— Continued Stocker, C. G., '06, D Summers, M. P., '08, M Swanson, J. E., '99, M SPIRIT LAKE Epley, C. O., '10, M STANHOPE Goldsworthy, Ednah B., (Mrs. I. A. Ander- son\'17, P STANTON Vestling, V. I., '01, M ''^^ STATE CENTER Van Pelt, T. R., '19 M STUART Crosby, I. F., '89, M SULLY Carpenter, F. E., '18, M TAMA Allen, M. L., "93, M TEMPLETON Le Due. C. H., '95, M TIPTON Ross, C. K., '84, P TOLEDO Ere id, J., '02, M Wolz, Marie (Mrs. Jacob Breid), '02, M TRAER Farnham, A. J.. '02, M Wagner, W. C, '03, M VALLEY JUNCTION Bell, S. C, '18, D Burt, C. W., '01, M VAN HORNE Wagner, G. A., '13, M VICTOR McSwiggin, J. F.. '05, D WASHINGTON Boice, C. A., '00, M Masson, H. F., '16, M WASHTA Talmage, O. G., '01, M WASHTON Adams, H. L., '03. M WATERLOO McCall, H. K., '01, M McManus, T. U., '98, M MiUer, W. N., '15, P Ridenour, J. E., '01, M WATERVILLE Dillon, B. J., '04, M WAVERLY Broadie, H. H., '89, P Gernsey, M. N., '05, M Osincup, F. A., '93, M TVEBSTER CITY Boudinot, J. E., '97, P WELLSBURG Uran, J. A., '03, M WHAT CHEER Maxwell, J., '13, M WEST BURLINGTON George, A. B., '00, M WILTON JUNCTION Mason, H. P., '00, M WOOLSTOCK Bushby. A. L.. '91, M KANSAS ARKANSAS CITY Clayton, E. H., '08. M Shultz, lone (Mrs. E. H. Clayton), '08, M BELMONT Wallace, E.. '05, M BRAINERD Morrison, D. M., '04, M BROOKVILLE Fowler, W. E.. '84, M CALDWELL Kisecker, D. E., '01, M CIMARRON Klein, R. G., '15, M CLAY CENTER Morton, R. J., '83, M CLYDE Bechard, D. J., '93, P COTTONWOOD Woodhull, M. W., '06, M COURTLAND Cummings, E. G., '02, D DORRANCE Barber, A. H., '93, P EDNA Dobson, S. J., '04, M EL DORADO Hartzel, H. W., '12, M 466 University of Illinois KANSAS— Continued ELK CITY Kennedy, J. G., '88, P ELKHART Hansen, J. H., '13, M EMPORIA Granger, W. B., '19, M Thomas, F. O., '91, P FT. LEAVENWORTH Phalen, J. M., '00, M GARDEN CITY Stevens, S., '94, M GREAT BEND Zugg, C. W., '13, M GREELEY Mills, L. D., '09, M HALSTEAD Coleman, J. S., '19, M HARPER Glenn, E. M., '04, D HILL CITY Brown, W., '09, D HOWARD Harner, R. C, '05, M HUMBOLDT Campbell, J. A., '05, D HUTCHINSON Chickering, G. A., '12, M Foltz, J. E., '04, M INDEPENDENCE Danforth, E. H., '06, D Shepard, C. O., '12, M INMAN Richert, H., '14, M lOLA Mitchell, P. S., '00, M ISABEL Updegraff, C. D., '04, M JUNCTION CITY King, L. R., '90, M KANSAS CITY Dyer, W. H., '16, M KIOWA McClanahan, C, '91, P LAKIN Hopkins, L. W., '04, D LAWRENCE Rogers, F. K., '12, M LEAVENWORTH Brandon, H. L., '95, P Lewis, D. S., '09, D LEBANON Derge, P. A., '90, P LENA Crandall, W. H.. '05, D LINDSBORO Berglund, O., '96, P LYNDON Miles, R. H., '85, M McFARLAND Wagner, F. J., '06, M Mcpherson Carlsson, E., '84, P MARYSVILLE von Riesen, D., '85, P MEADE Fee, W. F., '93, M MULVANE Shelly, H. G., '06, M NESS CITY Venard, T. S., '02, M NEWTON Grove, J. L., '06, M Glover, H. M., '16, M Haake, J. A., '08, M Roff, O., '93, M NORTON Lathrop, W. C, '09, M OSWEGO Davis, C. J., '99, P Hill, Emma L., '02, M OTTAWA Pennington, W. R., '98, M PARSONS Morrow, N. C, '05, M PITTSBURG Bogle, H. H., '93, M Jent, J. A., '06, D PLAINS Nickelsen, G. A., '02, M RANTOUL Eye, B. F., '16, M RILEY Ross, I. N., '83, M RINGO Perkins, C. H., '18, M SALINA Harvey, W. S., '85, M SYRACUSE Grissom, C. B., '17, M TALMAGE Chaffee, S. N., '04, M TOPEKA Greenfield, Sara E., '00, M Hammel, S. A., '04, M Porter, M. C, '90, M VINLAND Yates, C. E.. '04, M WAKEFIELD Ebert, J. A., '12, M WELLINGTON Coplan, L. S., '97, M Vincent, H. A., '00, M WESTPHALIA McCanse, C. C, '16, P WICHITA Anderson, S. M., '03, M Chism, J. S., '99, P Higginbotham, T. L., '06, M Hutchison, O. G., '04, M Loomis, W. C, '10, M McComb, F. J., '07, M WINFIELD Jacobus, L. A., '93, M Pierce, F. E., '02, P Wilmer, F. M., '96, M WOODBINE Kennicott, P. A., '89, M KENTUCKY CAMP TAYLOR Devers, W. E. M., '14, M HENDERSON Letcher, J. H., F, M Wilson, W. H., '10, M LEXINGTON Armistead, T. D., '89, P Seiwell, H. S., '13, M LOUISVILLE Brock, A. S., '10, D Robertson, W. C, '88, P LOUISVILLE— Continued Hendricks, W. B., '07, D MORTONS GAP Wells, Francis (Mrs. B. T. Robinson), '05, OWENSBORO Hoover, J. J. C, '83, M PADUCAH Dowdall, W. T., '98, M RUSSELLVILLE Alderson, S. P., '09, M Geographical Index 467 LOUISIANA ALEXANDRIA Yoist, H. J., '97. M BATON ROUGE Bloomenstiel, M. F., '06 JENNINGS Flint. Nellie C, '00. M LAFAYETTE Pickett. C. H., "04. M MONTEREY Nasif. N. G., '12, M MONTROSE Hatton. H. T., '03. P MOUND Petritz, L. J., F, M NEW ORLEANS Frederick. R. C, '97, M Gale, W. v., '05, M Kaczoroski, A. C, '94, P Liberman, D. L., '18, M Lindahl. F. E., '07, M Weaver. W. H., '83, M SHREVEPORT Wellman, W. H., '00, P WINNSBORO Funderburk, V. J.. '13, M LONG ISLAND FOREST HILLS Cannon, T. F. '94, P MAINE FOXCROFT Purington, W. A., '98, M MARYLAND BALTIMORE Neff, E. B., '13. M Pirosh, S., '05. M TAKOMA PARK Marietta, S. U.. '09, M MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON Armstrong, V. S., '17, M Jacobstein, B., '11, D CAMBRIDGE Barker, E. S., '99. M Ford. C. M.. '74. P GARDNER Lundwall. L. S. B.. '05, M HINSDALE Tucker. W. L.. '93, M LAURENCE Vartanian, M. P., '16, M NATICK Cook, C. H., '86, M ROXBURY Holzman, J., '92, M Stokey, F. E., '12, M MICHIGAN ALLEGAN Stiller, O. H.. '91. P Van Ness, J. H., '06, M ALTO Burling. W. M.. '16. M ANN ARBOR Adams. J. F.. '93. M Vahlteich. H. W.. '17. P Vaughan. V. C. '00. M AT WOOD Beuker. B. J., '08. M BATTLE CREEK Arakeliam. S. H.. '15. M Cameron, Marjorie Irene, '13, M Capron, M. J., '16. M Far, S. E., '17, M Fournadjieff, D. G., '15, M Fox, R. E., '14, M Gallagher, R. V., '02. M Jespersson, Lydia Roumajon, '13, M Jespersson, S., '13, M Kolvoord. T., '12. M Lewis. W. B.. "12. M Phillips, A. H., '14, M Spillane, L. O., '19. D Thomas. J. M.. '05, D Welch, R. A., '15, M Wencke, C. G.. '14. M WooUey, W. A., '15, M BAY CITY Pickoff. F. L.. '20. M Urmston. P. R.. '03, M BELLEVUE Adrounie, H. A., '13, M BENTON HARBOR Alden. S. J.. '15. M Sharrer. F. L.. '06. M Taber, R. B., '00, M . BESSEMER Pinkerton, W. J., '00. M Schwartz, Harriet C, '11, M Stevens, C. E., '10, M BUCHANAN Nickerson, H. A., '99, P CHARLOTTE Sassaman. F. W., '00, M CADILLAC Lampert, M., '16, M CALUMET Sharpe, H. R., '13, M CASSOPOLIS Bonine, J. G., '02, M CEDAR .SPRINGS Carr, B. M., '98, M CHEBOYGAN Granger, F. R., '04, D CRYSTAL FALLS Diller, H. F.. '20, M DETROIT Alesen, L. A., '19, M Ansorge, W. K., '03, P Barker. F. M., '03, M Bentile, Elizabeth M., '07, M Brengle, D. R., '14, M Broudo, P. H., '15, M Buchanan, W. W., '83, M Chatel, A. N.. '12, M Cotton, S. O., '16, M Curtis.W. J. D.. '07, M 468 University of Illinois MICHIGAN— Continued DETROIT— Continued De Cou. Susie M. (Mrs. C. H. '04, M Dona, P. J., '20, M Fritch, G. A., '02, M Gerow, Katharine, '12, M Halmhuber, P. G., '19, D Houseman, G. J., '00, P Jewell, E. B., '07, M Kane, J. J., '19, D Kiskadden, H. S., '85, M Lecklider, A. F., '14, M Leibinger, H. R., '16, M Lewin, H., '14, M Lukas, Christine, '13, M Northcross, D. C, '06, M Orzechowski, V. B., '11, M Pino, R. H., '16, M Pitz, H. R., '06, M Salpas, S. M., '17, M Smith, C. v., '13, M Stinson, W. J., '12, P Sutherland, J. M., '15, M Thompson, J. E., '09, M Tomsu, C. L., '16, M Van Gundy, C. R., '12, M Van Horn, J. A., '01, M Walford, E. S., '89, M Walsh, J. L., '99, M Warrick, W. C, '14, M Winborn, E. N., '10, P Zimmerman, E., '82, P DIORTE Burke, R. A., '04, M DOWAGIAC Louper, S. L., '04, M DURAND Upson, E. S., '88, P EAST JORDAN Ramsey, F. P., '99, M EATON RAPIDS Winder, C. J., '00, D ESCANABA Groos, J. O., '02, M Groos, L. P., '19, M FLINT Beckett, A., '06, P Cooperstein, J., '09, M Fullerton, R. M., '15, D GALESBURG Hobbs, E. J., '97, M GRAND HAVEN Van der Ven, J., '12, D GRAND RAPIDS Allen, W. E., '85, M Byers, E. J., '09, M Corbus, B. R., '00, M De Kraker, J. M., '94, M Droste, C. M., '85, M Droste, J. C, '13, M Eaton, R. R., '96, M Ellsworth, D. E., '07, P Greenwood, R. E., '20, M Hilliker, J. B., '92, M Jaracz, W. J., '16, M Poposkey, J., '91, M Reed, T., '12, M Rooks, J. J., '02, M Schnoor, E. W., F, M Shanks, J. W., '01, M Stuart, G. J., '06, M Tolley, E. W., '02, M Urquhart, R. T., '01, M Wisse, I., '86, M GROSSE POINT Warren, B. H., '91, M HANCOCK Power, L. M., '03, M HART Wood, O. G., '04, M HOLLAND Thomas G. H., '04, M HOLLY Jockoven), Carr, W. H., '04 M HOMER Parker, C. W., '01. P HOWARD CITY Miller, N. W., '06, M HUDSON Lane, C. S., '02, M IRONWOOD Maccani, W. L., '14, M Madajesky, E. H., '99, M Olson, C. W., '17, M ITHACA Burt, C. E., '11, M JACKSON Elston, L. W., '16, M Jensen, E., '01, P JAMESTOWN Lanting, D. B., '01, M KALAMAZOO Cobb, H. R., -16, M Huyser, W. C, '11, M Owens, C. D., '02, D Pyle, B. G., '18, D Rigterink, H. A., '07, M Sage, E. D., '01, M Scholten, D. J., '04, M Tomkinson, W. S., '05. M KALEVA Coates, W. E., '95, M KENT CITY Shorts, F. H., '09, M LAMBERTVILLE Parmelee, O. E., '05, M L'ANSE Lyons, F. J., '08, P LANSING Barber, C. L.. '84, M Huntley, F. M., '08, M Planck, E. A., '94, M Seely, C. A., '86, P LAKE LINDEN Burke, W. T., '18, D LUDINGTON Atwood, A. L., '02, D Switzer, G. O., '97, M MACINAC ISLAND Bogan, P. R., '85, P MANISTEE Kenny, E. J., '04, D Kinsley, W. H., '95, P MANISTIQUE Roos, D. W., '93, M MARCELLNO Shellito, E., '90, M MARQUETTE Bottum, C. N., '03, M Hornbogen, A. W., '89, M Hornbogen, H. J., '94, M MARSHALL Greene, G., '99, P MENOMINEE Sethney, H. T., '05, M MILFORD Tobias, G. J., '85, M MONROE Karch, A. W., '12, M MONTAGUE Pilgrim, H. C, '80, P MUNISING Scholtes, T. W., '01, M Tredway, O. R., '87, P MUSKEGON Bursma, J., '98, M Harrington, R. J., '14, M Laurin, V. S., '12, M Wilson, P. S., '07, M NASHVILLE Brown, C. K., '14, M NEGAUNEE Mudge, W. A., '14, M Bobbins, N. J., '03, M ONAWAY Dustin, H. D. B., "93, M Geographical Index 469 MICHIGAN— ^Continued ONEK.\MA Gordon, S, F., '05, D OSCODA Marks, J. B., 'IS, M PLAIXWELL Vauehan, W. R., '12, M PORT HURON Dunn, R. J., '04, M Sinclair, G. B., '00, D SAGIXAW Longstreet, Martha L., '04, M SANDUSKY Warner, L. E., 'S9, P SHERMAN Cole, J. H., '94, M ST. JOSEPH Merritt, C. W., '05, M Wilkinson, J. F., '83, P SAULTE STE MARIE Springer, S. T., '01, D SHELBY Hayton, A. R., '05, M TECUMSEH Macham, F. D., '04, P THREE OAKS Higbee, F. O., '95, M McCarthy, R. G., '99, M THREE RIVERS Haines, T. J., '88, M TRAVERSE CITY Sladek, E. F., '18, M WEST DETROIT Davis, R. A., '06, M ZEELAND Boone, C. E., '11. M De Haan, M. R., '14, M MINNESOTA '93, M '93, M •84, M ALBERT LEA Larsen, C. P., '11, D ANOKA Wheat, F. C, '01, M AUSTIN Hegge, C. A., Hegge. O. H., BARNESVILLE Barkow, G. C. W BATTLE LAKE Derdiger, L. B., '10, M BELGRADE Slocumb, H. H.. '05, M BELVIEW Aldrich, F. H., '02, M BLUE EARTH Wilson, C. E., '12, M BRAINERD Entriken, W. E., '20, D BUTTERFIELD Hagen, O. E., '03, M CALLAWAY Leach, W. D., '95, M CAMPBELL Wray, W. E., '97, M CANBY Hohnberg, L. J., '04, M Kilbride, J. S., '93, M CARLTON Gilbert, J. D., '90, M CHATFIELD .\sburj-, J. T., '02, M CROOKSTON Brown, L. L., Nelson, H. E. CROSBY Johnson, A. R., '18. P DEER RIVER Dumas, D. F., '02, M DULUTH Catterson, L. O., '04, D Clark, F. F., 'OS. M Jeronimus, H. J. H., '03, P Maris, Emilie (Mrs. Wm. H. Cole), '02, M Mattix, C. E., '04. P Olson. A. E, '20, M Turge. J., '89, P WiUits. C. C, '91. P Wirth, A. G., 'P2. P Wirth. G. C, '09, P EDGERTON Clark, H. H., '93. M E\'ELETH Rock. J. L., '16, M FARIBAULT Haessly. S. B.. '04. M Plonske, C. J., '05, M FORESTON Gilbert, C. E., '96, P IS, M ■04, M GLENVILLE Freeman, J. P., '00, M GLYNDON Lowe, L. M., '02, M GRACEVILLE Oliver, C. I., '01, M HARDWICK Whyte, P. D., '02, M HARMONY Anderson. N. E., '03, M HASTINGS Cremer. P. H., '04. M Radabaugh, R. C, '17, M Sieben, H. A., "11, P HENDRUM McCradie, A. R., '20, M HERMAN Stone, W. T., '98, M HOWARD LAKE Harriman, L., '09, M HUTCHINSON Hanson. H. V., '12, M lONA Hilger, J. M., '03, M JANESVILLE Moyce, T. M., '08. M KASSON Anderson, W. E., '06, P KEEWATIN Lootbourrow, E. H.. '06. M KIESTER Henderson, A. J. G., '19, M LAKE CITY Bowers. H. E., '14, M LE ROY Morse, M.. '15, M LISMORE Leebens, J. H., '07. M LONSDALE Lexa, F. J.. '06, M LUVERNE Stevens, J. B., '20, M MADISON Crandall, A. M., '04, M Lee, W. N.. '09, M MADISON LAKE Fugina, G. R.. '08, M MAHNOMEN Archibald. F. M., '93, M MANKETO Long, C. R.. '96. P MELROSE Meyer, A. A.. '14, M MENAHGA Sweetman, R. H.. '96, M MINNEAPOLIS Bell, R. M., '88, P Bucholtr. W. H., '88, P Cochrane, W. J., '95, M 470 University of Illinois MINNESOTA— Continued MINNEAPOLIS— Continued Crew, J. H., '01, P Eisler, E. R., '19, M Ellison, D. E., '16, M Flower, W. Z., '87, M Frise, D. C, '15, M Hamel, C. E., '06, M Hammond, W. D., '06, M Heck, R. S., '96, P Heim, R. R., '10, M Hocum, H. H., '18, M Ikeda, K., '14, M Jones, G. M., '05, M Knick, G. F., '08, P Kusske, A. L., '07, M Leland, M. N., '96, M Marshall, J. H., '77, P Miller, F. C, '12, M Montgomery, W., '05, M Myers, H. A., '13, M Patterson, W. E., '00, M Petersen, T., '11, M Peterson, P. E., '19 M Robbins, D. F., '14, M Schefcik, J. F., '94, P Sessions, J. C, '62, M Shumpik, E., '85, P Slocumb, Maud S., '05, M Tilton, A. J., '90, M Voegeli, H., '89, P Weeks, J. A., '90, P MINNEOTA Thordarson, T., '97, M MONTEVIDEO Burns, F. W., '02, M MORRIS Johnson, C. ti., '89, P NEW LONDON Hanson, H. J., '19, M NEW ULM Marti, G., '79, P OROTONVILLE O'Donnell, D. M., '10, M OSAKIS Haberman, E., '04, M OWATONNA Irving, W. F., '84, P Netz., R. H. G., '89, P Quigley, T. C, '08, M PAYNESVILLE Sandren, N. O., '06, M PINE RIVER Bremken, A., '00, M PIPESTONE Jenckes, H. D., '84, M PLAINVIEW Slocumb, J. A., '95, M PRESTON Grinnell, W. B., '00, M PRINCETON Cooney, H. C, '87, M Peterson, J. O., '19, M PUPOSKY Fortin, W. H.,'08, M RED WING Werner, N. L., '03, M ROCHESTER Hallberg, C. A., '11, M Joyce, G. T., '04, M Magath, T. B., '20, M Paine, Ruby H., '12, M Stokes, J. H., 'F, M Wood, T. H., '09, M RUSHMORE Tiedemann, I. D., '16, M SHAKOPEE Daye, C. W., '08, D SPRING VALLEY Johnson, C. H., '12, M ST. JAMES Haynes, B. H., '02, M ST. PAUL Aides, H., '12, M Bolstad, H. C, '13, M Cummings, C. G., '85, M ' Gratzek, T., '11, M Gruenhagen, A. P., '19, M Howard, W. S., '14, M Johnson, H. C, '85, M Johnson, B. E., '11, D Lerche, W., '97, M McClung, A. v., '99, M Sherper, M., '07, M Welch, M.C., '05, M Wolf, M. C, '98, M SAUK CENTER Hanson, P. B., '86, P STEWARTVILLE Goggin, J. G., '16, M Russell, H. R., '99, M THIEF RIVER FALLS Erickson, E. O., '18, D ULEN Bothne, E. A., '02, M VIRGINIA Ground, H. T., '07, M WALNUT GROVE Jamieson, E., '08, M WATERVILLE Weinburgh, H. B., '09, M WELLS Anderson, S. H., '15, M Barr, W. H., '05, M WEST DULUTH Olson, O. S., '12, M WILLMAR Anderson, R. E., '18, M Benson, I. S., '06, M WINEBAGO Vaughn, G. E., '95, M WINONA Goltz. M. A., '87, P ZIONS Gage, E. W., '03, M COLUMBUS Caine, S. L., '94, P CORINTH McRae, M. H., '16, M FLORA Anding, C. E., '03, P HILLSBORO Rowe, E. J., '93, M MISSISSIPPI JONESTOWN McCauley, L. Q.. '95, P KOKOMO Carruth, H. L., '10, M MERIDIAN Mayo, F. W., '01, P PEA RIDGE Mitchell, W. T., '08, D Geographical Index 471 MISSOURI AMSTERDAM Hartwell. B. O., '17, M BROOKFIELD Standlev, Kate Vance (Mrs. Brownlee), 02, M CHADWICK MontKoraery, J. R.. '02, M COLUMBIA Moore. O. A.. "10, M CREVE COEUR Decker, A. J. E., 'Go. M EVEXINGSHADE Richmond. F. R., "19, M GIFFORD Anspach. B., 13, M GILMAX CITY Quinlan, M. J.. '05, D GORIX Edelen, B. H., '8-1. M HAXXIBAL Bower, C. J., '11, P Schmi'edeskamp, W. H., '93, P IROXTOWX Houston, K. W., '05, D JOPLIX Kincheloe, M.B., '87, M Sturges, C. S., '80, P KAXSAS CITY Bourbon, R. P.. '16, M Breunet. H. O., "SS, P Burnett, L. H., F, M Clark, C. F., '07, M Clark, E. H., '06, M Clausen. J. J., '91, M Coe. C. M., '83, M Engerman, M. E., '20, M Frazier. C. E., '99, D Hamill. Eunice B., '98, M Harroun, W. A.. '02, M Heald, S. A., '89, P Hyatt, E. G., '20, M Jaime, X., '12, M Keith, W. E., '07. M Klepinger. J. C. '97, M Mann, A. H., '03, D Mehl, A. J., '86, P Morris, R. H., F, M Xorwood, L. H., '17, M Snodgrass, F., '73, P Stahl. E. H., '01, P Stevenson, P. W., '84, M Tyson, E. H., '00, M Van Pelt, F. S.. '88, P Weaver, J. S., '97, M Wilburri, V. H.. '20, M Wilson, C. L., '20, M Wirthman, J. C, "86, P Zellinger, J. W., '11, P LEWISTOX McGlasson, T. F., '86, M MAPLEWOOD Marshall. J. P., '05, D MARTIX CITY Brainard, B. F., '86, M NEW FRANKLIN King, E. R., '15, M PRINCETON Perry, J. M.. '02, M REVERE Buckner, A. J., '07, M RIDGEWAY Stoughton, E. L., '03, M RISCO Hull, S. G., '93, P ROCKPORT Templeton, J. W., '16, P ROLLA Seltzer, A., '02, P SEDALIA Walker, E. R., '08, M SHELBYVILLE Maupin, H. S., '14, M STANBERRY Wilson, J. F., '17, D ST. JOSEPH Bowman, C. O., '02, P Droher, I. H., '18, D Feltenstein, D. W., '88, M Greenfield. A. R., '03, D Comello, F. S., '12, D Rackliff. T. T., '20, M ST. LOUIS Bloch, W., '17, P Butterfield, E. R., '12, M Clarke, F. B., '01, P Drake, T. G., '00, P Finley, C. P., '84, P Frank, A. M., '13, M Hudson, J. R., '96, M Keats, A. S., '91, P Konzelman, J. A., '06, M Loeb, L.. F, M Manisfee, W. H., '93, M McElvain, R. C. '10, M Ottersbach, C. C, '02, M Tanquary, J. H., '83, M Wood,Eulalia. "08, M SALISBURY Brummall, Anna Belle, '16, SEDALIA Marshall, C. S., '03, P TARKIO Sutherland, L. C, '11, D TIPTON Hurst, S. W., '85, P TRENTON Doan. Deborah, '09, M WATSON Johnson, W. L., *15, M MONTANA BAKER Young, W. H., '04, M BEAR CREEK Siegfriedt, J. C. F.. '02, M BILLINGS Clarke. F. B., '07. M StuU, K. C, '06, M BOZEMAX Safley, W. M., '85, M VoegeU, F., '80, P BUTTE Carman, H. F., "06, M Gro3. S. v.. '09. P Hoskins, C. B., '86, P Maginn, E. F., F, M Monahan, C. R., '00, M Montgomery, W. R., '03, P BUTTE— Continued Sievers, R. J. E., '89, P Ungherini, V. O.. '14, M von der Heydt, H. P., '08. D BILLIXGS Thuerer. E. W., '07, M COLUMBUS l5mith, W. P.. '09. M CORVALLIS Bade, W. A.. '04, P DENTON Woodcock, G. A., '94. M GLENDIVE Hathaway. R. E.. '02, M Rainey. C. F.. '98, P GRASSRAXGE Brugge. H. J., F, M 472 University of Illinois M ONTANA— Continued GREAT FALLS Bice, C. W., '02, M Dolan, A. N. J., '98, M Greer, E. J., '08, M ^^^Madden,W.D.. -03,^1 HELE^I^i^'"'^-^-'^"'^ Lanstrom, O. M., '94 M McCabe, B. V., '08, M HINSDALE „^ Cockrell, T. L., '08, M HOBSON Carter, W. M., '20, M HUNTERS HOT SPRINGS Casey, W. E., '05, M KALISPELL ^ _ Bogardus, F. B., '06, M LEWISTOWN Welden, E. A., '17, MILES CITY Hartig, J. F., '04, P MISSOULA Patten, E. S., '96, P Shaver, R. C, '18, D OPHEIM ' • ^ Reed, W. H., '05, M POPLAR Corbin, A. C, '10, P RED LODGE McDowell, E. N., '05, D ROUNDUP Anderson, F. K., '08, P SHEL^?-^-^-'^«-^^ Berg, C. A., '10, P TOSTON VAL&^-^-'°«'^^ Powell, C. D., '05, M VICTOR _ Kaa, N. A., '02, M WARMSPRINGS WAs'^'oT^'^-^-'"-^ Beltzer, C. E., '09, M WHITEFISH Haines, R. F., '07, P WHITEHALL Justus, S. V. S., '03, P ^^ Coghlan, W. P., 'lo, D WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS bchaffarzick, W. F., '10, P NEBRASKA I R. Merrill, '06,!M S, M '05, M AURORA Cooper, S BEATRICE Fall, C. P BENNET Cameron, J. R BROKEN BOW Haeberle, E. J., '18 P BRUNING ' Dempster, W. H., '89, M BURWELL Cameron, N., '88, M CENTER Carmack, A. O., '04, M CENTRAL CITY Lindley, I. W., '07, P COLERIDGE Dewey, F. G., '06, M COTESFIELD De Land, H. R., '02, P CRAWFORD • Gorton, G. E., '89 P DANNEBROG Thomsen, Johan DAVID CITY Rich, R. G., '99, M DUNCAN Cyphers, F. B., '07, M FAIRBURY Bond, J. H., '03, D FALLS CITY Fonts. R. W., '09, M Gillespie, J. C, '10, M GORDON Overmass, S. E., '02, M GRAND ISLAND McGrath, B. R., '02, M Moore, C. J., '18, D HARTINGTON Fimpel. Mary, '09, M HASTINGS Brooke, A. H., '88 P Egbert, C. L., '03, M Ling, F. B., '01, M Robbins, E. E., '03, M Schunk, Clara M., '10, M '07. D HEBRON Bowles, A. E., '05, M holdrege'^°'""^^""^'"''°^'^ HOLBR^^b"!^''^'''^'^''^^^-^-^-!^-^)' HOOpl^r"^-^-'"^'^ IMpl'^RtAt-'^-''-'^^'^ ITHAC^?'''«-^''20'^^ LeBar, C. R., '89, P KEARNEY Rose, W. E., '09, M ^^^ Stearns, L. M., '05, M KINIBALD Alden, H. R., '16, D LINCOLN Babcock, E. E., '84, M Bartholomew, P. H., '02 M Chapman, C. F,, '92, M ' Dillon, I. H., '98, M Haschenburger, E. V., '95 P Mayhew, J. M., '95, M ' Meier, L. F., '16, D : Murphy, J. O., '09, M Schneider, A., '87, M Stockert, C. F., '90, P Wilson, W. H., '84, M MAXWELL Pattison, S. R., '04. P McCOOK • "*. -^ Johnson, P. C, '04, P McConnell, L. W.. '86 P MINATARE ' Farquhar, E. M., '97, M MITCHELL Stewart, A. J., '06, M NORFOLK ^,, Smith, Mary Anderson, '09. P OMAHA Barnes, C. E., '03, M Beck, F. O.. '05. M Bishop, J. C, F, D Busman, H., '05, M Cook, L. J., '13, M 6, M Geookaphical Index 478f NEBRASKA— Continued OMAHA— Continued Gluck, I., 'S9. M Hahn, F. M., 'lo, M Hamilton, H. B., '00. M Headrick, C. M., '96, M Rasmussen, N. P., '03, D Sedlacek, F. A., '97. M ORD Tavlor. G. W.. '01. D PAWNEE Pinkerton, R. E., '19. M PR-\GUE Ruzicka, M. J., '02, D RED CLOUD Hoxsey, R. P.. '01, M RUSKIN Nelson. W.H., '10, M SARGENT Fenstermacher, C. C, "93, M SCOTTS BLUFF Parker, D. L., '04. M Stoops, R. P., '03, M SHELTON Smith, G. I. W.. '97. P SHUBERT Egermayer, G. W., '11, M Shook, W. E.. '01, M STROM SBURG Flippin, G. A., '00, M SUPERIOR Mitchell, W. F., '02, M TAYLOR McNulty, J. F., '93, M WAUSA Genung, F. C. '91, M WAVERLY Riddell, D. F.. '90, P WAYNE Jones, F. H., '90, P YORK Wyckoff, W. W., 'SO, P NEVADA ELKO Engbert, W. R., '01, P ELY Swartz, F. E., '01, P TONOPAH Cunningham, J. R., '88, P Turner, D. A., '01. M MANCHESTER Piaseczynski, F., '18, M NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY BAYONNE Bacher, W. A., '19, D EAST ORANGE Stockton, F. O., F, M KEYPORT Silcox, J. E. D., '07, M LONG BRANCH Kazmann, H. A., '19, M MATAWAN Gesswein, C. A., '04, M MONTCLAIR Lenzer, R, F, D NEWARK Lapp, C. J., '87, P PATTERSON Was. F. J. T.. '03. M RAMSEY Hubbard. W. S.. '04, P VINELAND Gray, C. M.. '04. M WESTFIELD Gill. W. W., '06, D WEST NEW YORK Dillingham, W. I., '07. M NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE Dodds, D. C, '03, M Duncan, Jennie A., '10, M Fisher. Evelyn (Mrs. C. B. Frisbie), '02, M Murphey, W. T., '09, M Peters, L. S.. '06. M Rodefeld, H, H.. '02. M Tannus. T. F.. '05, M ANTHONY Lauson, M. E., '94, M CARLSBAD Doepp, F. F., '94, M Glasier. W. F., '10, M CIMARRON Matkin. J. I.. '88. P EAST LASVEGAS Shaefer. O. G.. 78, P GALLUP Lindahl, A. E.. '04. P HAGERMAN McCormick. I. B., '04, D LASVEGAS Luehrs. H. E., '01. M MORA Hoag, H. J.. '05. M MYNDUS Pulley, L. A., '10, M ROSWELL Galloway. D. H., '93. M Grissom. M. A., '05, D SANTA FE Patten, L. K.. '13. M Schmitt. E. C, F, M SILVER CITY Whitehill, F. P.. '03, M TULA ROSA Crutcher, H., '02, M 474 University of Illinois NEW YORK ALBION Burrows, C. M., F. M BALDWIN Steele, W. J., '98, M BARNARD Sanders, G. E., '17, M BEACON-ON-HUDSON Kittredge, C. A., '98, M BINGHAMPTON Knapp, W. H., '86, M BROOKLYN Schwarz, Mary (Mrs. Morris Newman), Casey, S. B., '87, M Clarke, G. E., '20, M Cooper, W., '16, M Hereth, F. S., F, P Knauer, Sophia C, '20, M BUFFALO Abrams, R. B., '05, P Brown, C. K., '89, P Culver, G. H., '84, P Hoffman, H. P., '14, M Klophel, C. G. B., '87, M Pinckerton, H. B., '06, M CORTLAND Sornberger, S. J., '94, M FORT JAY Krafft, H. L., '09, M GRINNELL Miexsell, H., '83, P HEMSTEAD Ertel, A., '88, P HIGHLAND MILLS Fitch, E. L., '94, P ITHACA Balderry, F. C, '13, M JAMAICA Sterrett, R. M., '90, M JAMESTOWN Nelson, J. W., F, M LAGRANGEVILLE Grace, R. S., '96, M '06, M MOUNT MORRIS Bowen, F. J., '90, M MOUNT VERNON Hatterman, C. F., '84, P NEW YORK CITY Arnold, M. O., F, M Biegeleisen, N., '97, M Bloom, J., '12, M Blumstein, D. B., '04, M Bonner, A., '96, M Boutte, M. v., '11, P Browning, F. E., '13, M Carpenter, A. M., F, M Cronk, H. R., '89, M Cunradi, H. R., '87, P Fetherston, J. E., '18, M Isham, I. D., F, M Kirk, W. C, '86, P McVicker, W. B., '86, P Meltzer, V. J., '95, M Pattison, H. A., '10, M Phillips, J. B. C, '85, M Podger, M. P., '02, M Radley, J. H., '89, M Reiley, I. H., '84, M Richardson, F. A., '14, M Schiff, N. S., '16, M Shapiro, Nettie P., '09, M Stanislaus, I. V. S., '95, P Wambold, C. H., '99, D Wolfner, E. R., '84, P Wyle, A. R., '18, P PORT CHESTER Knevitt, W. H., '84, P ROUSES POINT Marnes, C. M., '86, M SARANAC LAKE Fletcher, A. G., '05, M STAPELTON Michel, C, '12, M WHITE PLAINS Schwarz, H., '97, P NORTH CAROLINA BILTMORE Burnside, L. A., '05, M FAISON McKay, Malcolm, '91, P OTEEN Orbison, J. A., '13, M OTEEN— Continued Snow, C. G., '04, M WESTFIELD Smith, J. T., '01, M WINSTON-SALEM Schallert, P. O., '04, M NORTH DAKOTA ABERCROMBIE Durkee, C. A., '08, M ARTHUR Reedy, P. G., '10, M BISMARK Dursema, C. D., '18, D Lipp, G. R., '16, M Smyth, F. R., '92, M BOTTINEAU Johnson, J. A., '03, M BROCKET Engesather, J. A. D., '12, M BUFFALO Clark, S. B., '95, M CALVIN Porter, C. A., '11, D Porter, W. H., '03, M CARRINGTON Goss, E. L., '92, M DESLACS Halverson, H. L., '04, M EGELAND O'Brien, W. P., '11, M FARGO Hallenberg, O., '94, P Henderson, M. S., '19, D FESSENDEN Matthaei, D. W., '09, M FIN LEY Heimark, A. J., '04, M FORBES Ames, A. J., '01, M GOLDEN VALLEY Plassman, W. F., '11, M GRAND FORKS Larson, T'. L., '05, P Smith, P. W., '16, D GRENORA Claybaugh, W. R., '03, M HETTINGER Tommerson, L. N., '14, D Voss, C, '00, M Geographical Index 475 NORTH DAKOTA— Continued 'IS, D . '06, M , '01, D '06, M HOPE Turner, W. E., JAMESTOWN Movius, A. H., Reardon, C. J. Wood, W. W., KEXMARE Huseby, R. J., '19, D Orcutt, A. H., 'IS, M KIXDRED Olson, O. A., '07. M LAKETA Hill, H. H., '03. P LAXGDON Stromberg, G. E., '00, M LITCHVILI.E Stixrud, T. M., '93, M McCLlSKY Brown, F., '05, M MADDOCK MAR^IT^-^'^-^-'^^'^^ Myers, L. W., 'Oo. M MARMARTH Bordwell, F. A., '04, M MAYVILLE Frogner, G. S., '11, M MINOT Jackman, J. C., '14, M Ringo, G. R., '01, M Vann, G. H.. '10, D NOON AN Reite, R., '06, P northwood rollT'^^'^'^'^-'^^'M Marchand, R. J., '19, D Widmeyer, J. P., '96, M ROLETTE j^yj^obertson, W. F., '01, M Sorenson, A. B., '06, M SYKESTON VALte-^'bT'^Y'^^-'O^'M VEL^^'r^-'^-^''^^'^ Aaker, A. O., "07. M VERONA ' Wentz, H. B., '05. M WAHPETON Fitzgerald, E. R., '04, D Landgren, C. A., '19, D WILDROSE ' ». ^ Sarheim, R. K., '05, M OHIO AKRON Baer, A. W., '85, P Houghton, T. H., F, M Bowsher, F. L., '06, M Pearce, R. G., F, M Pinkerton, C. C. '15, M Weaver, R. R., '16, P ASHLAND Ash, R. C, '04, M Dice, W., '89, P BARBERTON Harper, H. B., '06, M BELLEVUE Sandmeister, C H '9'' P CAMBRIDGE Lawyer, W. M., '05, M CHESTERLAND Gilmore, C. F., '00 M CHICAGO junction" Christian, W. W., 87. P CINCINNATI Bunch, F. F.. '07 P Hahn, E., '05, M Hendricks, N. J., '99, D Sauer, F. J., '17, M Thomas, C. S., '18. M CIRCLEVILLE Ba?s, D. E., '05, M CLEVELAND Barricelli. G. A., '03, M Conners, H., '09, P Dierka, G. W., '15, D Duhigg, J. T., '05, M Greenwald, W. C. E '05 M Kerr, I. J., '93, M Miller, H., '04, M Oelschlager, J. M, '17, D Rose, W. E., '00, P VelitchkoflF, M., '19, M CLE\TLAND HEIGHTS Ecklund, E. A., '17, D Morris, J. L., F, M COLUMBUS Hayhurst, E. R., '08. M Hotchkiss, S. S., '80, P McCIellan, J. J., '86, M Smith, C. S., F, M COSHOCTON Cone, D. E., '04, M McClain, J.. '95, M DAYTON Custer. L. F., F, D Crew, E. R., '03, M Lauterbach, W. F., '05, M McKeague, L. M., '19, D Osness, A. M., '94, M Ryerson, E. A., '03, M DE GRAFF elyK'-^-^-'^^-^ finE'Z^a?-'^^'^^ Linaweaver, A. H., '96, M FOSTORIA • Anderson, W. V.. '95 P FREMONT galW'^-^-'*^^'^^ Gmi^rD""'^-^-'^^'^ Cunningham, W. D., '01 M McClurkin, J. L., '17, D GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS GREENViTlE*""'"' ^''='^''«t^' Converse HEJrS"^-^«-'«3'^ Miller, R. W., '02. M HILLSBORO Roads, W. B., '07 M KENMORE McCorkle, W. E., '19. M KENTON . . ^ ^ McCoy. R. H., '91. P LAKEWOOD LOGAr''"-^-'°^'^ White. H. E., '88. M LONDON Christopher, H. V.. '08. M LORAIN Monosmith, O. B.. '93, M Pitzele. W. A., '03, M LUCAS Rummel, T. C, '86, P '03. M 476 University of Illinois OHIO— Continued MANSFIELD Bloor, F. W., '89, P MARIETTA Richards, E. T., '89, P MT. VERNON Congdon, G. C, '84, P NEW CONCORD Clutter, O. R., F. M NORTH CANTON Schafer, C. H., '03, P NORWALK Wooster, M. S., '97. P OAKHARBOR Ballou, J. G., '05, M Lantz, L. Z., '95, P OBERLIN Vaughan, H. F., '03, M ORANGEVILLE Beam, J. A., '02, M PIQUA Malick, Ada L., '00, M McManes, M. E., '98, M PORTSMOUTH Schafer, W. D., '10 M TIFFIN Wagner, E. J., '91, P TOLEDO Delzell, D. D., '12, M Dierks, W. J., '07, D Filley, G. A., '13, M Hohly, G. P., '04, M Mallory, C. W., '91, P Salzman, S. R., '09, M Weber, C. E. L., '99. M Weightman, Marion A., '15, M Whitwham, G. P., '04, M TROY Rinehart, H. M., '90, P VAN WERT Atkinson, H. V., F, M Forwalter, M., '19, D WARREN Simpson, D. G., '98, M Voit, W. S., '92, P WASHINGTON C. H. Brown, R. E., '02, M WAYNESVILLE Cook, Mary L., '08, M YOUNGSTON ^ Coy, W. D., '01, M ZANESVILLE Smith, E. L., '93, M OKLAHOMA APACHE Amphlett, F. J., '92, P BARTLESVILLE CAP&^-^-'°*^'^^ CHERof EE ""''' ^"^'^' ^^'" ^°""^)' '01' P Stevenson, J., '17. M COALTON Nelson, J. P., '04, M COWETA elSo'"-'-^-''''"^ ^^^Brown,H.C.,'00,M Church, E. E., '01. M FREDERICK Conley, C. C, '14, M GUTHRIE Hahn, L. A., '02, M HOOKER Blackmer, L. G.. '04 M McALESTER MEEKER *^^'*'"'' ^^^'■'- ^- ''^ P**'™")' '03 M Hurlbut, E. F., '09, M MUSKOGEE Smith, C. F., '87, P Stocks, A. L.. '08, M OKLAHOMA CITY Buchanan, T. A., '03, M Crawford, F. A., '06, P Kuhn, J. F., '93, P Long, R. D., '99, M Sackett, L. M., '03, M . Sapper, H. V. L., '17, M Schreiner, L. I., '96, P Smith, C. F., '87, P Swinhart, S., '01, D PAWHUSKA Aaron, W. H,, '02, M Langworthy, G. L., '06, M PERRY Brengle, D. D., '91, M PICKER Aisenstadt, E. A., '12. M PONCA CITY Browne, H. S., '19, M SAPULPA Skinner, H. S., '83, M SCIPIO Bell, A., '86, M SENTINEL ■ Stables, H. F., '13, P SHAWNEE Machenheimer, D. G., '06, P Machenheimer, O. J., '11, P Townsend, C. W., '96, P SNYDER McCaslin, H., '06, P TEXHOMA Jack, A. S., '14, D THOMAS Fulton, A. M., '93, M TULSA Boss, J. H., '01, M Callahan, H. W., '11, M Emerson, A. V., '02, M Green, R. R,, '02, M Osborn, G. R., '06, M Ramsey, P. H., '08, D Schoenleber, A. W., '11, M Spitz, E. A., F, M VINITA Marks, W. R., '12, M WALTERS Foster. L. B., '03, M WATONGA Martz, L. M., '02, P WEATHERFORD .Gordon, J. M., '05, M Williams, J. J., '93, M WETUMKA Hooper, W. F., '90, M OREGON ASTORIA Grace, W. E., '93, P BAKER Gordon, G. G., '08, M BEND Ries, Anna Francis (Mrs. M. F. Finley), '06, M COLTON Harris, W. E., '92, M CORVALLIS Gunn, R. J., '05, D COTTAGE GROVE White, W. J., '88. P Geographical Index 477 OREGON— Continued DALLAS Plummer, L. W., '05, P EASTLAND Walsh, J. P.. '03. M ECHO Dorn, F. R., '03, M EUGENE Anderson, Alma S. (Mrs. C. H. Cannon), '06 . M GR.\NTS PASS Clemens. M., '86. P HERMISTON Gale, R. G., '00, M HOOD RIVER Post, W. M., '03, D JUNTURA Hedges, W. E., 'OS. M KLAMATH Merr\man. G. H., '02, M LA GRANDE Reuter, W. H., '07, P MARSHFIELD Stahl. F. M.. '03, D MEDFORD Barber, M. C, '91. M Cameron. W. L., '01, M Dunn. Clara, '03, M Pickel, E. B., '94, M NORTH BEND Greves, J. H., '95, P ONTARIO Withycombe, H., '03, P PENDLETON Hattery, H. H., '04, M PORTLAND Birney, V. C, Jr.. '03, M Brophy. H., '99, D Carrico, J. H., '02, M Dickinson, S. B., '97. M Dillehunt, R. B.. F, M Ettleson, J.. '07. M Howard, H. W.. '02, M Kelsey, R. C, '99. M Lucas, H. R., '04, M Moore, R. V., '06. M Mulholland, R. C, '11, D Sears, C. E., '01, M Strohecker, S. M., '99, M Taylor, R. E., '99. P Vann, J. S., '13, P Wardner, G. H., '03. D Watkins, R. E., '09, M Watson, W. H., '13, M Webster, C. J., '00. P RICHLAND Wilson, F. R.. '09. M ROSEBURG Brumfield. R. M.. '09. D Finlay. G. C. '11. D UNITY Lovejoy. W., '83, M PENNSYLVANIA AD.AH Hall, H. M., '97, M BEAVER Bagley, H. P., '05, M CARLYLE Tox, R. E.. '14. M CHESTER Spare, M. H.. '05. D CLARKS MILLS Grace. T. J., 'S9, M CONNEAUTVILLE Dickey. S. J., '04, M EMPORIUM Agate. W. R., '05, M FREDONL\ Soult, R. M.. '08. P GREENVILLE Brown. R. W.. '92. M HARTSTOWN Hazen. S. F.. '92, M HOLLIDAYSBURG Saha, P., '15, M JOHNSTOWN Lawrence, J. W., '99. LATHROP Wells, S. S.. '04, D McKEESPORT Chambers, W. H., '99 , M MEADVILLE Lyons, G. H.. '01. P MERCER Bagnall, G. D., '90, M MIDDLETOWN Castiglia, N. L., '11, D MONESSEN Farguhar. D. C, '05, M NEW FLORENCE Halferty, I. H., '09. D PHILADELPHIA Parmelee, Ruth A., '12, M WoodfiU, J. G., '89, P PITTSBURGH Anderson, M. R., '17, D Dahlin, H. O., '09, P Decker, H. T., '86, P Freitag, Matilda (Mrs. E. W. Savage), '08. M Kirch, J. P., '02. M PfaflBin, A. R.. '93. P Strickland, G. W , '08, M Walther, C. L., '82, P RENOVO Roach, T. E„ '90, M SALTSBURG Onstott, E., '89, M SCRANTON Evans. D. W.. '94. M UPPER ST. CLAIR Johnston, R. M., '00, M PHOENIX Legris, L. J. A.. '14. M RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA COLUMBIA Nims, B.. '02. P SPARTANBURG Edwards, J. E.. '05. M WALTERBORO Dorn. C. A.. '02, M 478 Universitt of Illinois SOUTH DAKOTA ABERDEEN Bonney, T. C, '16, D Sornsen, A. A., '00, M Stevens, H. F., '14, D Stoughton, E. B., '08, D ALEXANDER Stuart, H. H., '09, D ANDOVER Miller, J. F., '05, M ARLINGTON Simmons, E. L., '06, D ASHTON Elward, L. R., '09, M BADGER Helmey, C. T.. '02, M BELLEFOURCHE Chassell, J. L., '01, M Crouch, J. A., '05, M BROOKINGS Noble, A. G., '13, M BRYANT Hickman, G. L., '09, M BURKE Aaseth, C. M., '05, P CANASTOTA Dickenson, W. E., '04, M CANTON O'Neil, V. E., '03, D Parke, L. L., '13, M CARTHAGE Robbins, C. J., '19, D CENTERVILLE Syverson, E. L., '00, M CHAMBERLAIN Crawford, R. A., '13, M COLMAN Doty, A. J., '92, M CROCKER Koelle, O. C, '96, P DEADWOOD Faust, W. L., '89, P Howe, F. S., '01, M DELL RAPIDS Eagan. J. B., '05. M Grove, A. F., '10, M Grove, M. M., '05, M ESTELLINE Moore, M. H., '11, D FAITH Treadwell, C. L., '97, M FAULKTON McDowell, A. J., '01, D FLANDREAU Fisk, R. R., '12, M FRANKFORT Brosseau, J. E., '06, M FROTON Olson, W. D., '18, D HUMBOLDT Sherwood, H. H., '01, M HURLEY Joyce, E., '09, M Pier, H. J., '97, P HURON Thomas, B., '03, M LAKE PRESTON Butler, C. A., '99, M Irvine, G. B., '20, M LANGFORD Cook, J. F. D., '97, M LEAD Fleeger, R. B., '12, M Martin, J. H., '93, M Stewart, J. L., '93, M MADISON Frudenfeld, H H., '02, M MARION JUNCTION KaufFman, E. J., '06, M McLaughlin Van Nice, J. O., '93, P meckling Eves, L. L., '89, P MELLETTE Kleger, S. A., '15, M MENNO Augspurger, E. D., '07, M MILBANK Cliff, F. N., '13, M MILLER McWhorter, P., '04, M MINOT Nugent, C. C, '05, D MITCHELL Feiok, R. F., '09, D Meinzer, A. E., '99, P MONTROSE Dickinson, H. A., '04, D NORTHVILLE Thompson, J. R., '85, M PARKER Harris, A. H., '98, P Kaufman, H. J., '08, D PEEVER Pearson, A. W., '07, M PHILIP Driver, R. B., '07, D PIERRE Kenney, H. T., '03, M PUKWANA Carney, J. G., '14, M RAMONA Funston, G. E., '05, D RAPID CITY McDowell, C, '05, D Walsh, J. M., '05, M REDFIELD Clinite, F. E., '06, D REVILLO Church, E. O., '00, M ROSCOE Melvin, W. H., '05, M SALEM Gage, A. E., '12, M SCOTLAND Landmann, G. A., '04, M SELBY George, W. A., '05, M SIOUX FALLS Brown, R. A., '10, P Craig, D. W., F, M Donahoe, S. A., '12, M Donahoe, W. E., '12, M Keller, S. A., '06, M Lee, A. L., '08, M Roberts, W. P., '94, M Rock, H. J., '00, M Siedenburg, F., '07, M Simmons, C. J., '14, D Smedley, Irene, '01, M Stevens, R. G., '05, M Trail, C. J., '02, M Valby, J. P., '90, M Zimmerman, Goldie E., '11, M SPEARFISH Hare, C, '11, M SPENCER Kammerling, T. S., '04, M STURGIS Richards, F. A., '99, M UTICA Curtis, L. F., '02. M VEBLEN Senescall, C. R., '15, M VERMILLION Collins, G. R., '18, D WAGNER Motlong, C. E., '18, D WALL Mesirow, M. E., '07, M WAUBAY Hawkins, A. P., '04, M Jenkins, P. B., '96, M WEBSTER Harris, J. L., '91, M Geographical Index 479 SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued WESSINGTON Pontius, M. E., "OS, D WHITE LAKE Rogers, J. C. '10, M WING Lunn, J. O., "OS, M YANKTON Bicknell, G. G., '12. D Lockwood, B. F., '07, D Ohlman, J. W., '95. P WiUhite, F. v., '05. M TENNESSEE BIG SANDY Moses. J. M., '96. M CHATTANOOGA Martenson, M. M., '02, M Martenson, Stella C, '02, M COAL CREEK Adkins, W. S., F, D COLUMBIA Edwards, J. A., '07, M FRANKLIN Fleming, S. C, '13, M MACKWILL Jordan, B. A., '12, D MEMPHIS Simpson, W. L., '04, M Swink, W. T., '96, M NASHVILLE Cattell, D. M., F, D TEXAS ABILENE HoUis, T. S., 'GO, D AUSTIN Capps, H. S., '04, M BAIRD ■ Ramsey, H. H.. '01, D Rudd, E., '01, D BEAUMONT Garth, J. W., '99, M Goldstein, L., '86, M Mitchell, J. H., '07, M Tomlin. R., '16, M Tyler, W. P., '09, M BRECKENRIDGE King. J. E., '10, M CALDWELL Krueger, A. G., '99, M CASTROVILLE Fitzsimon, J. T., '85, P CLARKSVILLE Farrier, R. S., '10, D CLEBURNE Punche, A. E., '14. M COLORADO Pearse, W. M., '85, P CORPUS CHRISTI Kops, W. G. J., '98. P Moore, F. B., '04, D DALLAS Blackburn, J. W., '91, P Cheaney, P., F, D Greiner, W. E., '88. P KeUy. C. D.. '87, P Marv-in. Z. E., '99, P McCauley, C. M., '01, D Smith, E. W., '05, D DENTON Ray, J. H., '17. M EL P.VSO Brown, F. N., F, D Brown, C. M , '01, D McDow, C. G., '06, P Witherspoon, L. G., '98, M FORT WORTH Kingsbury, H. B., '07, M FRANKLIN Mitchell, J. E., '19, M GAL\-ESTON Shaklee, A. O., F, M GONZALES Aldenhoven, C. H., '85, P HILLSBORO Anderson, K. A., '15, M HOUSTON Dodge, W. E.. '05, M Hall, M. W., '03, M Jackson. C. A., '06, M HOUSTON— Continued McGinnis, R. J., '02, D Overton, T. V., '98, M Reeves, E. W., '03, M Ridley, W. A., '06, M Robey, F. R., '85, M ■ Stone, F. F., '06, M HUNTSVILLE Stiernberg, R. C, '19, D LUBBOCK Reed, G. S., '18, D Wagner, C. J., '12, M McKINNEY Burnitt, F. G., '92, P Largent, B. F., '10, M Mathers, W. R., '84, M Price, W. T., '99, P MARSHALL Coleman, G. T., '09, M Harrington, W. E., '04, M MERKEL Miller, G. L., '02, M MIDLAND Tignor, C. H., '02, D NASHVILLE Cattell, D. M., F, D PORT LAVACA McMaster, O. F., '04, D SAN ANTONIO Drake, W. M., '09, M Hamilton, W. S., '00, M Norton, H. S., '16, M Noster, A. H., '89, P Roberts, W., '86, M Sorell, F. W., '05, M Whisenant, W. H., '01, P SHERMAN McKinstry. G. L., '90, P TEMPLE Brown, P. H., F, D Dallas, J. C, '88, P Murphy, J. M.. '02, D TERRELL Schrodt, J., '99, P TEXARKANA Jamison, G. H., '02, M Towles, H. H., '13, M TYLER Arnold, B. J., '02, M UVALDE Pogue, J. C, '05, D WALLIS Kubright, T., '05, M WEST Beringer, E., '04, D Long, W. E., '03, M 480 University of Illinois UTAH HUNTSVILLE Shields, A. W.. '94, M KENILWORTH Dowd, R. E., '08, M LEWISTON Parkinson, W. B., Jr., '03, M LOGAN Preston, W. B., '16, M MANTI Sears, G. L., '00, M MILFORD Bybee, A., '06, M MURRAY Huscher, G. A., '89, P , OGDEN Brick, S. L., '84, M Brown, E. H., '90, P Brown, W. R., '13, M Browning, A. A., '08, M Cassin, E. E., '07, P Clark, E. T., '07, D Cragun, W. M., '11, M Wilson, R. H., '12, M PARK CITY McGinley, E. M., '05, P PLEASANT GROVE Grua, O. E., '06, M Vance, H. M., '03, M PROVO Potter, L. C, '08, M RANDOLPH Reay, M.S., '03, M SALT LAKE CITY Burrows, A. W., '88, M Carpenter, J. B., '10, P Dowd, J. E., '05, M Franken, J. L., '84, P Gantz, S. J. Z., '12, D Hampton, R. R., '00, M May, G. C, '07, P Mecham, N. R., '05, D Merrill, C. L., '20, M Nyvall, C. A., '14, M Ostler, D. E., '20, M Rupert, R. R., '12, M Scott, H. S., '95, M Sears, V. H., '16, D Steele, F. B., '99, M Studness, E. T., '88, P STANDARDVILLE Allen, G. A., '20, M VERNAL Rich, H. E., '10, M BURLINGTON Drew, R. C, '95, P VERMONT RUTLAND Johnson, E. E., '16, D ALEXANDRIA Ingold, J. G.,'09, M CHARLOTTESVILLE Sinclair, Bessie Belle, '13, M HOPEWELL Brown, F. L., '11, M VIRGINIA NORFOLK Smith, W. L., '06, M PORTSMOUTH Schmidt, L. M., '06, M RICHMOND Jones, Marie J., '12, M WASHINGTON ABERDEEN Bartlett, C. E., '05, M Brachvogel, M. W., '14, M Chamberlain, G. E., '93, M AMERICAN LAKE Rose, C. A., '07, M Swackhamer, W. B., '14, M ANACORTES Cook, A. L., '04, M BATTLE GROUND Steckle, A. G., '02, M BELLINGHAM Beebe, O. E., '03, M Cook, G. F., '04, M Rogers, O. W., '10, P Torney, S. J., '00, M Wear, N. W., '03, M BIG LAKE Harnett, A. L., '04, M BRODGEPORT Bankerd, H. R., '04, M CARLISLE Hughes, A. P., '09, M CASTLEROCK Quaife, H. H., '10, M CLEAR LAKE Meadows, L. H., '01, M COSMOPOLIS Sizer, E, A., '97, M COVE Stockley, D. R., '95, M DEER PARK Slater, H. H., '02, M EATONVILLE Wiseman, C. E., '14, M EDWALL Finsand, V., '16, M ELMA Foote, A. A., '09, M EPHRATA Weyer, R. S., '05, M EVERETT Parsons, I. W., '06, M HILLYARD Welch, J. D., '04, D HOQUIAM Hurley, G. I., '09, M KETTLE FALLS Baldwin, A. E., F, M KIRKLAND Baldwin, L. B., F, M LIND Henderson, C, '06, M LYNDEN Mulder, D., '87, M Wood, F. L., '04, M MONROE Steffen, E. D., '17, P MT. VERNON Brown, H. D., '97, M OAKESDALE Murphy, T. B. N., '18, M Geographical Index 48li WASHINGTON— Continued PORT ANGELES Dobbs, C. C. '04. D PULLMAN Lukins, A. T., '10, M R.\YMOND Desmond, M. A., '03, M RIDGEFIELD Stryker. P. S.. '05, M SEATTLE Ballance. C, '06. M BeU, W. O., '07. M Boal, D . '06. M Case. S. W., '04. M Cassutt, L. B., '20, D Clarke. L. W., '01, M CoUiver. S. N., '04, M CosteUo. T. J.. '04. M Eagleson. J. B. 'So, M Green, Mary Emily (Mrs. Fiske), '02, M Hagjard. C. E., '13. M Hawkins. G. M., '03. M Hines. C. S.. '01, D Hoff. E., '15. M Jones. W. R., '12. M Loope, F. R., '01, M Lueders, A. W., 'So, P Luesing. A., '05, M McKay, J. A., '05, M Miller, H. C, 'OS, M Moody, L., '00, M Moss. M. T.. 'SS. P Null. M. M.. '03, M Parker, F. C, '10, M Parker, J. K.. '05, P Parrv. L A., '01, M Phipps. L. H.. '99. P Piro. v., '16, M Ramsey. S. V., '90, P Redner, L. R., F. M Rinkenberger. F. W., '06. M Ruge. E. C. '02. M ,Schreuder. L. S.. '85, P ShaUaberger. D. S.. '86, M Silverberg, C. W., '08, M Simpson, A. U.. '98, M Stusser. S.. '12. M Teigen. Margaret. '04. M Thompson. G. G.. '10. M Warhanik, C. A., '98. P White. J. W., '87. P SHELTON Beach. ■«*. M., '86. M SNOHOMISH Hendrie. G. T., '86, P SPOKANE Bacon. V. V.. '98. M Barnett. E. J.. '16. M Betts. A.. '15. M Burger. T. D.. '13. M Fordham. W. W.. '88. P Gunning. J. M., '02. M Hageman, P. S., '13. M Harbison, J. G., '07. M Hocking. J. F.. -89, P Lee. O. W.. '11. P Newman, J. L.. '09. M Newman. W. M.. '01, M O'Neill, F. W.. '05. M Patton. F. R., '13. M Pickrell. W. B.. '06, M Rose. F. O.. '10, P Schaffarzick, C. F.. '06. M Schultz. L. C. '90. P Tiffin, E. R.. '09. M SPRAGUE Hamley, A. L.. '02. P SUNNYSIDE Abbott, W. B.. '83. M Rowland, Delta E.. '12, M TACOMA Benedict, C. C. '02. M Dana. W. P.. '19. M DeWitt. C. H., '83. M Hotchkiss, W. B . '06. M Houda, E. O., '03, M Ito. S. H., '12, D Layton. E. A.. '09, M Petersen, H. P. C. '01, M TENINO Wichman, F. W., '06. M TOPPENISH Carpenter. W. T.. '10, M VANCOUVER Armstrong, R. W., '08, M Stevenson, A. W.. '06, M WALLA WALLA Mack, J. C, '90. M WENATCHEE Cameron. W. P.. '02. D Gulp. F. E.. '96, M Gerhardt, A. E.. '05. P Kaupp. A. T., '03. M Mead, N. P., '04, M Sathe.M.R.. '15, M WHITE SALMON Johnson, Henrietta A.. '05, YAKIMA Dale. Edna W., '10. M Rowland, S. J., '16. M Thompson. J. R., '00. M BELINGTON Hamilton. E. M. BREMERTON Backus. J. W., '9 CLARKSBURG Da\-is, D. B., '07 FAIRMONT Salnik, H.. '19. I WEST VIRGINIA HURRICANE Jordan, A. T., '10. M LLE 07, M MORRISVILLE Whitehill. J. E SALEM Bond. Xenia E., '05. M WISCONSIN ALBANY LemmeU J. T.. '07. M ALGONA Toothaker. J. E. '16, M ALMOND West. H. T.. '19, D AMHERST Smith. C. E.. '11. M ANTIGO Gauthier. C. D.. '06, P Lueck, A. A. F., '96, P Moore. G. W., '05. M APPLETON Cooney. E. W.. '04, M Henbest, G. M.. '01. M Lyons. J. A., '94, M Playman, H. L., '16. D Woela, F. W., '99, P ARCADIA English, E. G., '01. M ASHLAND Harrison, G. W., '11. M Wenzel. J. V.. '99. M 482 University of Illinois WISCONSIN— Continued ATHENS Frick, L., '97, M Rodermund, A. M., '07, AVOCA ' • Murray, M. G., '03, D BALDWIN Kunny, B., '10, M BANGOR Strauss, G. J., '01, D Yates, C. A., '96, M BARABOO Dippel, A. R., Dippel, F. C, BARRON Post, C. C, '£ BELOIT Foster, F. S., Thayer, F. A., '03, M '18, D '19, D M '84, P inay( BERLIN DeVoe, C. A., '00, M BIRNAMWOOD Juers, R. H., '14, M BLAIR Kelly, C. D., '05, M BOSCOBEL Betz, J. C, '99, M Popper, H., '11, M BRIGGSVILLE Buckley, T. J., '94, M BURLINGTON Bennett, J. F., '16, M Ketterhagen, A. J., '18, D CAMBRIA Wedge, A. H., '16, M CASCO Halloin, L. J., '00, M CHILTON Forkin, W. P., '03, M Reinbold, J. E., '03, D CHIPPEWA FALLS cli^t^'n^-^-'^^-^ Latta, U. G., '85, M clintonville Jeffersonville, H. A., '05, M COCHRANE . . ^ Arneson, O. T., '19, D Belitz, W., '98, M COLEMAN Granar, L. H., '10, M COLUMBUS Bellack, B. F., '90, M Howard, J. J., '90, M Schaefer, E. E., '81, P Schultz, E. C, '16, P CUMBERLAND Grinde, George A., '08, M DARLINGTON Cooke, Jean Mottram, F, M McWilliams, W. H., '04, D Orton, Susanne, F, M DEERFIELD Perkins, W. A., '10, P DE FOREST Bertrand, J. H., '86, M DELAVAN Doughty, J. W., '15, M DENMARK T^T. Y??^'irK'»' ^- H-. '96. M DE PERE Beattie, Helen Pearl (Mrs. J. '04, M DOYLESTOWN McDonald, R. J., '01, M DRUMMOND Neer, W. Y., '08, M DURAND Cassidy, W. W., '00, M Hildebrandt, F. H., '88, P Lee, C. S., '17, D Peck, G. S., '03, D Schulberg, P. A., '14, M A. Tennies), EASTMAN Watrous, H. L., '94, M EAU CLAIRE Tupper, E. E., '05, M EDGAR Crawford, A. B., '09, D EDGERTON Shearer, A. T., '07, M EGG HARBOR Eames, H. F., '89, M ELDORADO Davies, Harriet, '05, M ELLSWORTH Lumley, W. A., '93, M FOND DU LAC Geisse, C. F., '88, P Helz, J. W., '03, M Minahan, P. R., '98, M Rahte, R. S., '83, P Sharpe, J. J., '15, M Taylor, W. F., '03, D Twohig, H. E., '00, M Twohig, D. J., '04, M FOX LAKE Dolson, J. L., '17, D FT. ATKINSON Bennett, L. J., '02, M GALESVILLE Jegi, H. A., '96, M Powell, J. J., '13, M Senty, M. J., "18, D GLEASON Bayer, W. H., '02, M GRAND RAPIDS Bandelin, C. F., '08, D Houston, G. R., '05, D Mortensen, O. N., '09, M GREEN BAY Charbonneau, A. A., '10, M Luckenbach, W., '88, P Mueller, W. E., '14, M Nadeau, E. G., '14, M Rhode, H. P., '94, M Rose, F., '00, M Schroeder, C. W., '89, P Wilson, H. L., '95, M GREENWOOD Pfunder, F. H., '85, P GRESHAM Rice, M. H., '06, M HANCOCK Jessie, O. P., '99, D HARTFORD Rogers, F. W., '89, M HIGHLAND Trentzsch, M. W., '13, M HORICON Bossmann, L. A., '12, P Simon, L. J., '08, M HORTONVILLE Smith, G. H., '13, M HUDSON Livingstone, J. W., '05, M HURLEY Hambley, T. J., '98, M JANESVILLE Austin, M. E., '90, P Buckmaster, S. B., 'F, M Hartman, R. C, '14. M Metcalf, G. S., '20, M Waufle. G. C, '03, M JUNEAU Wendt, F. B., '94, P KAUKAUNA Mayer, E. A., '04, M KENDALL Chase, O. R., '19, D KENOSHA Cleary, J. H., '02, M Holm, J. H., '07, M Lapp, S. M., '19, D Palm, C. A., '05, M Rose, I. H. L., '11, M Russell, S. I., '10, D Geographical Index 483 WISONSIN— Continued KEWAUNEE Kucera. A.. '00, P Wochos, F. J.. '07. M Wochos, W. M.. '03, M KIEL Knauf, F. P., '00. M KILBOURN Bauer, H. A., '9S. P LA CROSSE Bradfield, J. A., '88, M Eidam, L. W., '07, M Gorder, C, '88, P Henke, W. A., '13, M Howly, J. G., '09, P Koenig, C. F., '92, P Smith, D. S.. '15, M LAKE GENEVA -Arnold. R. B., '77. P Rogers, H. H., F, P LAKEMILLS Dewey. E. W., '16, P Eck. G. E., "09, M Engsburg, W. A., '89, P Leicht, P.. '07. M LANCASTER Edwards. C. A.. '13, M Kraut, E.. '09, M LENA Rose, J., '06, M MADISON Abaly, W. C, '86, M Ainsworth, H. H., '95, M Arnold, C. S.. 'S4, P Charlog. J. K., '07, M Curl, H., '17, M Dean, J., '02, M Dixon, R. J., '16, D Donovan, J. P., '00, M Harrington, C. W., '02. M Langenhan. H. A., '08, P Meade. F. S., '08. M PurceU. H. E., '00. M Sannes. D., '20, D Sommers, J. C, '01, M Taylor, F. B., '04, M Taylor, J. R., "99, M MANITOWOC Andrews, M. P., '05, M Rahr, R., '78, P Staehle, M., '00, M MARIBEL Kellner, V. V., 'U, M MARINETTE Berglund, S., '06, M Lid. P. A., '96. M MARSHFIELD Hipke, W., '91. M MAUSTON Altenberg. C. F.. '03, D Gregory, A. T., '94. M MAYVILLE Koepsell. A. J., '03. P Sauerhering. E.. '85. P MELLEN Lockhart. C. W.. '01. M MENASHA Forkin, G. E., '05. M Jensen, A. B., '03, M Schultz. E. H., '98, P MEN DOT A Nordvi, A. C. '95. P MENOMONIE Anderson, K. E.. '07. P MERRILL Hinckley, H. G.. '02. M MILTON JUNCTION Coon. G. E.. '98, M Johnson. A. A., '99, P MILWAUKEE Altman. M., '03. M Bauer. F.. '06, M Becker, H. H., '09, M Bentzien, E. W., '10, M Blumenthal, R. W., '04. M MILWAUKEE— Continued Brown. A.. '84. P Cahana. S . '11. M Currer. P. M., '10, M Cushman, A. B.. '16, M Czerwinski, A. H.. '89, P Doerr, A., '96, M Engsberg, C, '81, P Franzwa. C. F., '17, D Fried. I. U., '12, D Gathman. H., '99. M Giesler. O. A., "86, P Gordon, J. S., '12, M Grieb, F., '83, P Halsey, W. H., '06. M Henderson. M. L., '02, M Higgins, S. G., '05, M Hipke, G. A., '90. M Hoermann, B. A., '01, M Huennekens, J. H., '90. M Ihde, D. E., '17, D Ingham, G. M., '04, M Kaumheimer, G. J., '87, M Koppel, L., '20, D Kraft. H. E.. '08, P Kubacki, W. H., '17, D Lambeck, H., '88, P Lungmus, B. A., '16, M McCann, Florence E., '14, M Mackoy, F. W., '05, M Malone. W. F.. '88, M Martin, E. C, '86, M Miller. W. P., '14, M Nahin. H. L., '95, M Powers, H. W., '02, M Powers, J. W.. '03, M Reich, W. F., '99, M Rice, R. H.. '97. M Rolfs. T. H.. '01, M Ruppenthal, A. J., '20, M Schlomovitz, B. H., F, M Schmitt, G., '99, M Schoen, CM., '05, M Schoenike, E. B., '88, P Schroeder. J. C, '08, M Stamm, A. W., '00, P Stoddard. C. H., '92, M Sure, J. H., '03, M Sweemer, W. M.. '84, M Sykes, L. G., '10, M Teschan, R. F., '00, M TiUson. E. M., '95, M Timm, E. W.. '99, M Timmermeier, J. G., '04, P Frischmann, A. E., '94, P Van DeErve, W., '07. M Walk, W. J.. '02. D Weideman, W. G., '05, M Wiese. C. H.. '84. P Williamson, L. R., '88, M MINERAL POINT Bailey, F, M., '88. M White, C. L., '20, M MISHICOT Karnopp. G. L.. '94, M MONDOVI Kreher, R. A., '11, D MONTICELLO WoelfFer. R. W.. '15. P MOUNT HOREB Ishmael. O. E.. '08, M MUKWONAGO Smith. O. E.. '05. M NEENAH Schultz. C. F.. '01, P NEKOOSA Denis. S. A.. '03. P NEOSHO Skwor. C. J., '08. M NEW LONDON Brown. I. M.. '88. M Ostermeier, G. A., '04, D Potter, J. Y., '99, M 484 University op Illinois NEW RICHMOND Manns, A. G , F P Plautz, H. F., '97, P OCONTO FALLS OGE&^'^^'^-J-'^^'M 0SHfeH*-"^-^-''^5-P Abbott, C. B., '02, D Connell, F. G., F, M Furman, T. E '07 P Hunt, E. A., '98, M Kleinschmit, H. W., 'u M owir'^-^-'«^-^ PARfev'lL'fe'^'-^^ w ^r^J'-r^- ^- '03, M PEPm°°'^'^-^-'0^'D PESHfe^-'^^-^I PLAfNtfeLV-'^^-^^ PLY!?fe#-^-'«2.M Felter, E. B., '88, P P0R'Sfe''-'^-'°°-^ -^Kellogg, J. R., '01, M PORT WASHINGTON Hoffman, C. E .'06 P PRAIRIE DU CHIEN* PRAteri/n^-'o^'M preI&%^-^-'".m PRI&T°5'lS'''-^''°'-° RActN'r^'^^'^-P-'O^ Birklund, J R., '00, M Erlands, J. O., '03, D Lubs, K. C, '11, D Pfeiffer. A. S., '14, M Pope, F. W.. '03, M Rork, R. N., '02, D ^ Rugh, R. E . F M RANDOLPH ' T^^ Cfebel, E. E., '06 P REEDSBURG ' •nrxX^'^Pson, R. D., '14 M RHINELANDER ' Boyer, E. R., '12, M Rib'^1k1^'^-^-'^3,m RICE'Efe^-^-'"'^ RIC§£irD?Efe?R^ Breeden, R. F., '12, M Coumbe, W. R.. 'oi, M RIPON^*'*^^'HC..'03.M Grantveldt H. F., '99, D Rivltfe^i*-^-'^^'^ ROCK"BTfD°Gl-^-'00-P saukcIty''-^-'^''^ SEvLt^R^-C-'O^'M S°yden. W. L., '11, M SHAte^'^^'^-^-'03.M „^ Koch, H. C . '16 M SHAWANO ■ Luckenbach, S. F., '91. P Miller, I. H., '10, P WISGONSIN-Continued SHEBOYGAN Hildebrand, G J '17 lU SOUTH WATERTOWN-' SPoW^«-^-'03'M Corthell, M. B., '01 D SPRING GREEN ' McNulty, J. A., -10, D Nee, F., '06, M r,-r,«0 Hora, J. A., '10 D SPRING VALLEY Conway, H. P., '01, M ST.CLOU&^-^-''''^ „„„Werner, C. F., '05 M STEVENS POINT Lawrence, G. H., '96, M Rice,D. S., '97,M Smiley, R. B., '02, M ^_ Taylor, W. W '91 P STOUGHTON ' Mueller, F. C, '15 p Olson, A. L., '06 M SUPERIOR Giesen C. W., '04, M McEachern, W. A.. '04, M Merrell, B. D., '88 P Meyers, J. M.,'02,'m Morgan, Mary E., '00, M O Leary T. J., '06, M ■ THll!5F^l!L?E^-'^2'M TOM'l?f^^*'^-'««'P TOM^A^Si/x^-'^^'P valSS'^^'^-^-'o^.m vio?a'^''^'^-^-'o«'^ watVlS^^'^-«-'«4'P Dennis, G. F., '08, M Joyce, F. L., '08, D WATERTOWN Cody, W. J., '83, P Gamm, C. A., '87, P Hartwig, R. W., '92 P Nickels.A. C, '19, M Nowack, L. H. A., '08, M Paul, O. E., '90, P Werner, F. C, '76 P WAUKESHA Campbell, W. B , '99 M _ Arnold, C. S '84 P ' WAUPACA • ' Hocking, W. J., '85 p WAUPUN Breyer, A. T., '18, D Wood, F. C, '92, M WAUSAU Albers, W. W., '84, P Jones, p. T., '88, M Willard, L. M., '91, M pmith S M. B.. '00, M Zihsch, W. E., '02 M WAUWATOSA Peterson^ E. F., '05, M Schulz, F. M., '83, P Seymer, L. A., '13, M wAu'ziia'-''-'^''^ WEsT'S§-^-'0^'M Herriges, P., '94, M ^ Wehle, W. J., '98 M WESTBY «'••«»• JM Unseth, E. H., '18, P Geographical Index 485 WISCONSIN— Continued WESTFIELD Crockett, B. R., '18, D Mortenson, J. O., '06, D WHITEHALL MacCornack, E. A., '13, M MacCornack, R. L., '15, M Simons, N. S., "14, M Tyvand, J. C. '02, M WHITEWATER Dike, C. E., '02. M WILD ROSE Stevens, A. J., '05, D WILLIAMS BAY Fucik, E. J., '03, M WILMOT Darby, H. C. '83, M WISCONSIN VETERANS HOME Morse, A. J., '90, M WYOMING BASIN Harris, C. E., '06, M BUFFALO Lewis, W. B., "10, M CASPER Johnson, N. L., '97, M Riach, T. J., '11, M CHEYENNE Henneberry, T. J., '07, M Nelson, N. C. '07, M DOUGLAS EUiott, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Bodine) , McCrillis, W. W., '12, D LANDER Replogle, J. F., '04, M LUSK CampbeU, R. H., "18, D MEGEATH Cody, M. M., '16, M MONARCH Clegg, E. G., '10, M POWELL Cayley, F. J., '13, M RAWLINS Jeffrey, C. W., '15, M RIVERTON Cogswell, J. G., '07, M Macy, O. E., '99, M SHERIDAN Bradfield, J. H., 'Ol.M Dolan, F. A., '00, M SUNDANCE Clarenback, J. F., '11, D THERMOPOLIS Rummerfield, L. L., '09, P 486 University of Illinois Foreig-n Countries CONGO BELGE COQUILHATVILLE Frymire, W. A., '13, M Pearson, E. B., '13, M AFRICA PORTUGESE EAST AFRICA INHAMBANE Stauffacher, C. J., '12, M JUNEAU Dawes, L. P., '05, M PETERSBURG Carothers, H. C, '17, M ALASKA TANANA Moore, L. R., '12, M LA PLATA Achinelly, O. L., '18, D Van Gorder, G. L., '86, P SIDNEY Allan, M. E., '12, D ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA VANCOUVER MacMillan, L., '06, M McNeill, N. M., '03, M BRITISH COLUMBIA VICTORIA Raynor, M., '05, M AGRICOLA Ross, S. J., '12, M BRITISH GUIANA ALBERTA, HARMATTAN Shimer, F. E., '05, M OLDS Moore, O. S., '88, P POCAHOMTAS McDermid, A. F., F, M MANITOBA, BRUNKHILD Foster, C. A., '86, P WINIPEG Heimer, R. A., '14, D NEW BRUNSWICK, ST. JOSEPH Gaudet, J. A., '08, M CANADA ONTARIO, PARRY SOUND Willis, H. H., '18, M SELKIRK Phillips, W. R., '01, P TORONTO MacArthur, J. W., F, M Stephenson. B. G., '12, M SASKATCHEWAN, PRELATE Wald, O. E., '98, M PRINCE ALBERT Eede, J. W., '10, M SWIFT CURRENT McArthur, C. '05, M FOOCHOW CITY Lin, Margaret Hie-Ding, '15, M HONGKONG Asger, M. E., '12, D CHINA KONK KOW, CHONG KING Malcolm, F. B., '86, M NANKING Fellows. M. C, '18, D HAVANA Odoardo, A. F., '00, M CUBA CAIRO Goldstein, J., '12, P EGYPT TANTA McClanahan, F. C, BRISTOL DeGaugh, J. A., 'SS, P COBLENZ Davenport, W. P., '11, M Geogr-\phical Index ENGLAND GERMANY 487 Thomas, J. R., '17, M GUAM HONOLULU Da^ns, A. L., 'l4. M Duffv, H. J,, '11, M Farrell, J. H., '07, M Marsily, G. R. B., '19 HAWAII HONOLULU— Continued O'Day, J. C. '00, M Rey, Y., "15, P Schoening, W. H., '95, P Wood, C. B., '83, M Kampman, A., '97, P HOLLAND BENARES Banerjee, A. N., 'OS, P BULSAR Cottrell, A. R., '12. M Cottrell, Laura Murphy, '12, M DHAMTARI Cooprider, Florence V., '14, M INDIA PUNJAB SIALKOT CITY Jongewaard, A. J., '18, M Jongewaard, Wilhelmina Jacoba, '14, M RAJPUTANA, TILAUNIA Kipp, Cora I., '09, M THANA DISTRICT, DAHANU Nickey, B. M., '12, M KARASMAR DIKE Horiuohi. K., '16, D TAKATA CITY Kurachi, S., '20, D JAPAN TOKIO Saito, N., '20, D NIKAWA, NAGOYA Tomita, T., '14, D CHLHUAHUA. BATOPILAS Smith, F. G. D., '99, P MEXICO, MEXICO CITY Guillermo, C, '17, P MEXICO NOGALES, SONORA Ramos, R. A., '17, M NAPIER Waterworth, T., '05, D BERGEN B6rs, C. '90, P NEW ZEALAND NORWAY CANAL ZONE, ANCON Greene, O. I., '12, M Olson, W. K., '12, M PANAMA EMPIRE Lyon, W. T., '11, M BAHREIN Dame, L. P., '17, M PERSIA OROO MACH Sayad, E. E., '05, M LA FUNDICION Cutting, L. D., '16, M PERU University of Illinois PHILIPPINE ISLANDS BENGUET, BAGUIO Piatt, B. M., '99, M LAGUNA, LOS BANES Francisco, S. A., '17, M BATANGAS, LIPA Reyes y Malabanan, C. S., '10, M MANILA, MANILA Asuzano, M. A., '15, M Bantug, J. P., '10, M Curney, F. R., '04, M De La Paz, D., '10, M Foronda, M. D., '10, M Mandanas, A. Y., '16, M Manlove, C. H., F, M MANILA — Continued Nava, J. F., '19, D Santos y Cuyugan, G., '10, M Schiffbauer, H., '07, M Tolentino, M., '10, M NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, CADIZ Benedicto, E. V., '17, P MANAPLA Sombito, F. C, '14, M NEGROS ORIENTAL, DUMAGUETE Gallardo, M. M., '10. M NUEVA ECIJA, ALIAGA Corpus, T. P., '15, M BALAAN, ORION Antonio, A. Y., '20, M PORTO RICO JUAN, BARCELONETA Marchan, J. S., '16, M PONCE, BARROS Alfaro, E., '06, P GLENKENDIS White, A. G., '90, M BALBOA Ochoa, F. C, '18, D TRIPOLI Bashur, B. I., '02, M Bashur, Z. E., '11, M ADABAZAR Kavaljian, Z. S., '03, M ST. CROIX, FREDERKSTED Meggers, E. C, '17. M JAMAICA, ABOVE ROCKS Brown, E. L. W., '02, M SANTO DOMINGO, SEYBO Perez, V. H., '18, P FARMACIA ATOCHA Ferrer, A. M., '12, P SCOTLAND SPAIN SYRIA TURKEY MARASH Hess, M., '03. M VIRGIN ISLANDS WEST INDIES CIENFUEGAS PORT OF SPAIN. TRINIDAD MaiUard, F. M., '19, D ALPHABETICAL INDEX The numerals preceding a name mean the class, if the person is a graduate, and the letter after the class indicaU's the college or school (M for Medicine, D for Dentistry, P for Pharmacy.) Members of the faculty, both present and former, have the letter F instead of the class numerals preceding the M, D, or P, '07M '09D '02 M '05P '86 M •90M '02D •06M •S2P '83M '04M '92M '92M '21M '13M '05P '93M '0-tD '93M •97M 'ISD '06P ■74P •86P •lOM '03M '02D •93M '84P '03D •12M •90P •97M 'UM •FD ■FM '21M '13M '05M ■17P '86P 'S4P •20P ■07M •95M •12M '21M ■S4P '99M •FM '04P •02M 'OOM •92M ■16D 'loM ■FM •SoP ■15M •13M '09 M '12M ■99D •02M '13M •19M •07M •OlM ■OOP ■06P •03P Aaker, A. 0., 143 ■12D Aaron, Rose, 304 •12M Aaron, W. H., 81 ■85M Aaseth, C. M., 394 •18D Abalv, W. C, 9 •97P ♦Abbey, C. D., 20 FM Abbott, C. B.. 290 •20M Abbott, Efiie L., 131 FP ♦Abbott, F. L., 339 •93M Abbott. W. B., 1 FM Abbott, W.R., 106 ■85M Abelio. J. M., 25 FM Abeliovitz, J. M. (See •99D Abelio, J. M.I •18D Abrahams, S., 241 '07M Abriol, R., 192 ■04M Abrams, R. B., 394 '05D Absher, A. A., 27 •17P Abstein, C. E., 294 ■05M *Abt, J. L.,27 '03D Abv, F. S., 45 '92M Achinelly, 0. L., 316 '02D Ackermann, A.G.C., 396 '03M ♦Ackerman, G. H.. 333 •05D ♦Ackermann, E., 346 •04M Adams, F. W., 16S ■OlM Adams, H. S., 94 •OlM Adams, H. W., 290 •92P Adams, J. F.. 27 '04M Adams, J. W., 341 '17D Adams, L. E., 292 •IIP Adams, Mabel I.. 182 •14P Adams, N. H., 361 •98D ♦Ade, S. G., 45 '06M Adelman, H. J.. 200 ■21M Adkins, W. S., 325 Adler, H. M., 242 ■05P Adler, J.,241 '90P Adrounie, H. A., 192 ■20P Agate, Wm. R., 118 ■17P Agdesteen, 0. T., 420 '03M ♦Agnew, A. I., 346 •08P Ahlborn, F. H., 341 '09P Ahnert,M.E..426 •84M ♦Aimone, J., 143 •94P Ainsworth, H. H., 37 •lOP Aisenstadt, E. A., 182 ■15M Albach, M., 241 ■07P Albers, W. W., 341 ■17D Albrecht, C. A.. 56 •03M, •86 ^' Albrecht, P. G., 242 Albright, G. S., 391 •18M Albright, J. L., 81 •15P Alcorn, A. J., 64 '15M Alcorn, D. N., 25 ■03M Alden, H. R., 312 '06P Alden, S. J., 207 ■88M Alden, W. C. 242 ■95P Aldenhoven, C. H.. 343 ■03P Alder, C, 207 '07M Alderson, A. L.. 192 '94M Alderson. S. P., 161 ■06M Aides. H.. 182 '99M Aldrich, A. C, 287 •05M Aldrich. F. H.. 81 •91P Aldridge, J. W.. 192 •lOD Alesen, L. A., 236 ■16P Alexander, D., 143 '92P ♦Alexander. E. S.. 72 FM Alexander, J. W.. 382 '84P Alfaro, E., 396 •94 M Alkire, L. L., 389 •IIP ♦ Dead Allan, Martin E., 308 •lOP Allen, A., 182 •03P Allen, A. F., 5 '13M Allen, B. R., 316 '08M Allen, E. D., 377 FM Allen. F. M., 242 •05M Allen, G. A., 229 '20M ♦Allen, J. A., 429 'OlM Allen, M. L.,27 •16M Allen, T. G., 242 •21M Allen. W. E., 5 •03D Allen, Wm. G., 242 '15M Allender, F. C, 287 •04M Allgeier, J. H.. 316 •93M Allison, C. N.. 143 •19M Alrutz, L. F., 106 '09P Alsip, H. S., 296 •83P Altstadt, B. W., 420 '89P Alt, G. L., 118 '19M Altenberg, C. F., 292 •05M Altenloh, H. E. R., 25 '12M ♦Alther, A. E., 290 '04M Altman, M., 94 •OlD Ament, G. D., 296 '08M Amerson, G. C., 106 •17M Amerson, W. H., 72 '96P Ames, A. J., 72 •18D Amphlett, F. J., 366 '19D ♦Amundson, 0. C., 107 ■OOP Anderman. S., 314 '02M Anderson, A. E., 408 •S4P Anderson, A. F.. 413 ■93M Anderson, A. J., 287 '08M Anderson, Alma S., 131 •04D Anderson, Bertha M. G., '06P 241 •13P Anderson, C. G., 394 '99P Anderson, CM., 361 •83M Anderson, D. R., 426 •97M Anderson, Edna B.G.. 420 ■07 M Anderson, E. B., 94 FM Anderson, F. K., 400 •77P Anderson, G. A., 402 '08M ♦Anderson, H. B.. 3 '20M ♦Anderson, J. A., 370 '16P Anderson, J. B., 405 '02 M Anderson, K. A., 207 ■09M Anderson, K. E., 398 •97M Anderson, M. R., 314 ■12D , Anderson, N. E., 94 ■03M ^♦Anderson, P. L., 9 •04M Anderson, R. E.. 224 •20M Anderson, R. J., 415 '12D Anderson, S. H., 207 ■14M Anderson, S. M., 94 '98P Anderson, W. E., 396 '14M ♦Anderson, W. 0., 15 '07D Anderson. W. V.. 372 '15M Anding. C. E., 389 •lOM Andreen, F. G.. 144 ■lOM Andrews, B. F., 31 ■94M Andrews, H., 131 FD Andrews, H. F., 56 FM Andrews, M. P., 118 ■86P Andrews, W. E., 364 '02D Andrews, W. H., 305 •98P Andrze.lczyk, V , 418 '07M Angear, B. H. S., 366 '83M ♦Angear, J. J. M., 242 •97M Angear, W. J. S., 341 '96M Anker, I. C., 31 '90P Annenberg. S. C, 408 •05D Annibale, F.. 405 Ansorge, W. K.. 389 Anspach, B., 192 Anthony, R. E., 152 Antisdale, E. S., 242 Antoine, F. J., 118 Antonio, A. Y., 229 Apfelbaum, D., 72 Appelle, C. G., 213 Apple, C., 241 Applegate, E. W., 292 Arakelian, S. H.. 207 Archer, C. A., 107 Archibald, F. M., 27 Aries, P. L., 236 Arkins, J. E.. 402 Armbrecht, L., 340 Armistead, T. D., 357 Armstrong, C. O., 226 ♦Armstrong, E. K., 118 Armstrong, J. F., 182 Armstrong, J. L., 107 Armstrong, P. A., 289 Armstrong, R. W., 152 Armstrong, V. S., 221 Arndt, H. G., 375 Arneson. J. B., 316 Arneson, O. T., 319 Arnold, A. C, 382 Arnold, B. J., 81 Arnold, C. S., 341 Arnold, D. E., 27 Arnold, E. M., 152 Arnold, E. M., 294 ♦Arnold, Ethelyn B.,396 Arnold, G. C, 411 Arnold, G. E., 380 ♦Arnold, G. W., 1 ♦Arnold, H. L., 45 Arnold, M. H., 144 Arnold, M. O., 243 Arnold, R. B., 335 Arnold, S. E., 152 Arnquist, A. S., 229 Aron, Fannie L.. 418 Asbury. J. T., 81 Aschauer, A. G., 161 Ascher, J. A., 45 Asger, M. E., 308 Ash, Mary B-., 94 Ash, R. C., 107 Ashley, R. E., 229 Ashley, S., 308 Ashmore, F., 200 Ashmore, J. S., 378 Ashworth, J. P., 200 ♦Ashworth, T. A., 301 Asuzano, M., 207 Atherton, C. C 168 Athon, L. H., 169 Atkins, M. H., 31 Atkinson, F. R., 325 Atkinson, H. V., 243 ♦Atkinson, J. H., 346 Atwood, A. L., 290 Atzel, G. W., 378 Augspurger, E. D., 144 ♦Auld, J. H.. 1 Auner, J. F., 45 ♦Austin, K. O., 41 Austin, M. E., 361 Autenrieth, B. B.. 296 490 University of Illinois •13M •OOM •05M '04 M '04M Averill, H. W., 192 Avery, E. K., 64 Avery, H. LeR., 119 Axe, R. H., 107 Ayres, C. A., 107 •05M *Ayres, D. F., 119 •17P '97P •84M FP •OOM FM 'UM FM FM •19D •07M •IIP '99M '20M FM '98M '04P •13M •85P •91M 'UD •lOP •OoM '90M •04M •85 M •20M •05D •88M FM '09D '19P '03M •17D •02D "21M •05D '84P '9SM '09P '05M 'lOP '15P '02M '07P •17P •98P •18P ■13M FM '18P •08P FM •16D '04M '07M 'COM '06M '07M FM •90M FM FM •05M •05M •12P FM •04M '21D •08D '08P •19P •OIP '04M •97M •98D •lOM Babbitt. C. A., 420 Babb, Alma, 377 Babcock, E. E., 3 ♦Babcock, H. H., 429 Babcock, Margaret M., 64 Babcock, R. H., 243 Baccus, C. F., 177 Bach. I. W., 243 Bachelle, C. V., 243 Bacher, W. A., 319 Bachmann. A. S., 144 Backus, E. J., 408 Backus, J. W., 56 Bacon, C. A., 239 Bacon, C. S., 243 Bacon, V. V., 50 Bade, W. A., 391 Badzmierowski, M., 192 Baer, A. W., 343 *Baer, J. F., 22 Baewsky. A. J., 306 Bagge, A. F., 405 Bagley, H. P., 119 Bagnall, G. D., 20 Bahl, W. H., 107 *Bahnsen, W. J., 5 Bailey, B. M., 239 Bailey, E. R., 296 Bailey, F. M., 15 Bailey, G. L., 243 Bailey, O. C., 304 Baird, H. G., 425 Baird. Mary B., 94 Baird, W. G., 314 Bake. L. E., 290 Baker, E. L., 241 Baker, Grace, 296 *Baker, G. R., 341 Baker, H. L., 50 Baker, L., 402 Baker. Nellie M., 119 Baker. R. E., 405 Baker, S. L., 415 *Baker, W. E., 81 Bakkers, A.. 398 Bakkers, A. M.. 420 Bakkers. J., 378 Bakkers. Mrs. Neff K., 423 Balderrey, F. C. 192 Baldwin. A. E., 243 Baldwin, E., 423 Baldwin, H. D., 400 Baldwin, L. B., 243 Baldwin. Mrs. V. C. (See Richter. Camille M.) Balensiefer. Otto, 107 Ball, Elizabeth B., 144 *Ball, E. J., 64 Ballance, 0., 131 Ballard, C. A.. 144 ♦Ballard. C. N., 244 Ballard, W. H.. 20 ♦Ballanger. W. L.. 244 Ballinger. J. R., 244 Ballou. J. A.. 119 Ballou. J. G., 119 Balmer, F. B.. 410 Bamberger. A., 244 Bamberger, G. W., 107 Bancroft, J. W., 324 Bandelin, C. F., 302 Banerjee. A. N.. 400 Bangert, H. W., 425 Bank, H. L. M., 384 Bankerd, H. R., 107 Banks, J. H., 45 Banta, O. H.. 287 Bantug, J. P., 169 'OlM '93P '84M •91M •IIM '21P '86P •IIM '86P '16M '04M •99M '03M '84M '03M '99M '15M '16M '13M '97M •99P •03M '03M '18P •05M FM •06M '88P •03 M '02M '99D '99P '07M FM '02M •05M FP FM '21P '85P •18D •02M ■IIM '98D '13M •05M •09M '13M •97M FP 'lOM '08M '03P •06M •9SP 'OlM •85P •04M '21M '15D '02D '03D "14M '20M '99M '02M 'OOD '86M '02M •93M •04M '17D FM •03P '04M •15M '16M •98M '93P '79P 'S6P •OlM '03M '99M FM •96M '05M Baraley, Mrs. (See Will- '03M ing, Bertha L.) •04M Barber, A. H., 368 •88P ' Barber, C. L., 3 •95M Barber, M. C, 22 •03M Barbour. F. L., 177 •14P Barcroft, V. A.,428 •85P Bard, S. P., 346 '09M Barding, L. D., 177 '89P = Bardonski, V.. 346 '07D Barickman. R. I., 213 '06P Barker, C. D., 107 '16P Barker, E. S., 56 'S6P Barker, F. M., 94 '93P Barkow. G. C. W., 3 '05M Barnes, C. E., 94 •02M Barnes, F. L., 56 '03M Barnett, A. H., 207 '99M Barnett, E. J., 213 •13M Barnett, I. F.. 192 '08M ♦Barnett, M. E., 45 '06M Barnett, M., 380 '97P Barnsback, J. L., 94 •91M Barnum, W. T., 94 '89P Barone, C„ 423 '97P Barr, W. H., 119 '83P Barrett, C. W., 244 •94P Barrett, F. T., 131 '07P Barrett, W. C, 353 Barricelli, G. A., 94 •04P Barron, Annie E., 81 Barrow, E. B., 287 •12M Bartells, C. W., 380 •19M Bartholomew, E.K.,144 •12P Bartholomew, J. N., 244 '97M Bartholomew, P. H., 81 '87M Bartlett, C. E., 119 '95M *Bartlett, N. G., 429 '98M Bartling, C. H., 244 '02M Barton, P. E., 428 '86M Barwig, G. H., 343 '86P Bashur, A. K., 316 ■88P Bashur, B. I., 81 '18D Bashur. Z. E.. 177 '07M BaskerviUe, B., 287 '90M Baskind, N. I., 192 '93P Bass, D. E., 119 •84M Bassler, C. R., 161 '18D Bassler, H. H., 192 '19D Bassoe, P., 45 •09M ♦Bastin, E. S., 429 '02M Basu. A. C, 169 •17P Bates. C. R., 152 '18P Bauer, A. H., 389 •17M Bauer, F.,131 •96M Bauer, H. A., 378 •97M Baumann, F., 72 •OlM Baumann, G. E.. 343 •16M Baumgart, F. A., 107 •02M Baumgartner, G. J.. 241 '09M Baumstein, M.,311 '09M Bawden, A. C.. 290 Bawden, S. R., 292 Baxter, H. T., 200 '90M Baxter, L. T., 229 •lOM Bay, H. H., 56 FM Bayer, W. H.. 81 '85P Beach, P.M., 288 •02D Beach. W. M., 9 •06M Beam. J. A.. 82 FM ♦Beam, W. 0., 27 •lOP Bean. J. R., 107 •06M Beane, E. G., 314 '06M Beard, H. R., 244 '07M ♦Beardsley, C. F., .389 Beattie. Helen P., 107 'lOM •94M Beatty, E. G.. 207 •21P Beatty, Hannah J.. 214 •lOP Bebb. W. S., 50 '96M Bechard, D. J.. 368 '17M Bechmann. C. R., 336 '08M Bechmann, 0. C., 346 FM ♦Bechtol, C. 0., 72 •16M Bechtol, Nancy L., 95 Bechtold, A. F., 56 •96P •06M Beck, C, 245 •04P Beck, E. G., 41 •04D Beck, F. 0.. 119 'lOD Beck, F. P., 95 Beck, J. B., 107 ♦Beck, J. C., 353 Beck, J. C, 37 Beck. Viola B., 95 Becker, Edna M., 413 Becker, E. L., 343 Becker, H. H., 161 ♦Becker. L. A., 357 Becker. W. E., .301 Beckett, A., 396 Beckman, W.. 418 Bedard. G. H., 346 Bedford, R. J., 368 Beebe, A. H., 119 Beebe, L. W., 82 Beebe. O. E., 95 Beedy. Lora L.. 56 Beem, lone F.. 192 Beers, B. R., 152 Beeson, B. B., 131 Behmer, O. T. E., 377 Behrendt, A. J., 23 ♦Behrens, E. C. L., 357 Behrens, F. F. F., 377 Behrens, P. J., 340 Behrens, W. B., 370 Behrensmeyer, E. H., 398 Behrensmeyer, H. F., Beilin, A. M.. 182 Beilin, D. S., 226 Beilin, H., 410 Bein, A., 45 - ♦Bein, W.. 12 Belitz. A., 37 Belitz, W., 50 ♦Belknap, W. H.. 82 Bell, A., 9 ♦Bell, Jennie E., 346 Bell. R. M., 353 BeU, S. C., 316 Bell, W. O., 144 Bellack, B. F.. 20 Bellack. B. H., 368 ♦Bellamy, W. T., 3 Bellan, C. P., 317 Bellows, M. E., 319 Beltzer, C. E., 161 Benedict, C. C., 82 Benedicto, E. V,, 420 Bengston, F. A., 423 Benjamin, H. W., 221 Bennett, C., 42 Bennett, C. L., 45 Bennett, H. S., 72 Bennett, J. F., 214 Bennett, L. J., 82 Bennett. M.E., 161 Bennett. Mrs. M. E. (See Wheeler, Mary M.) Bennett. O. P., 20 Benson, A. F., 169 Benson, E. O., 245 Benson, F. W., 343 Benson, H. W., 291 Benson, I. S., 131 ♦Benson, J. A., 245 Benson, J. S., 405 Benson, L. J., 131 ♦Bent, F. H., 131 Bentele, Elizabeth, 144 Bentzien, E. W., 169 Berard, H. W., 32 Berardi, J. B., 428 Berg, C. A., 405 Berg, O. H., 42 Berge, M. A., 221 Berger, J. M., 152 Bergeron, J. Z., 245 Bergin, 0. E., 214 Berglund. O., 375 Berglund, S., 131 Bergstedt, J. P., 391 Beringer, E., 294 Berlin, B. I., 305 Index to Alumni 491 •16D Berman, H. H.. 312 •06D •20M Berman, S. L., 239 •13M •07M Bermingham. E.E.,144 •89P •91P Bernard, E. S.. 364 •03M •OSD Bernard. F. J., 302 •21P FM Bernart, VT. F.. 245 •19D •16M Bernstein. A.. 214 •94M •16D Bernstein. N. M., 312 •19M •12D Berr>-. E. B., 308 •14D •OSM Berry, F. A., 152 •04M •05D Berrv, W. H., 296 '04M •04D BerrVman, \V. L. ^94 •UM •OoP Berthlein, F. L. G., 394 •06M •S6M Bertrand, J. H., 9 •85P •OOM Besser, E. F., 64 •06M •99M Best, E. E., 57 FM •19D Best, R. B., 319 •So? Betting, O. S.. 343 •04M FM *Bettman, B., 245 •15M Betts, A.. 207 •93M •99M Beta, J. C, 57 'IIP •OSM Beuker. B. J., 152 •97P •04M •Beveridge. G. ,107 •9SM Beveridge, J. M., 50 '94P ■OlM Beyer. A. E.. 72 •S7P ■12M ♦Beyerlein, A. L., 182 •15P •09P Beyerman, H. F., 402 'OOP •07P Beyerman, W. J., 398 '14M •15P Bianco, M. R., 415 FM '02M Bice, C. W., S2 •S5P •07P Bickford. M. D., 398 '16? •12D Bicknell. G. C. 308 •06M •17P Bidwell. C. 420 '93M •97M Biegeleisen. N.. 45 '20M •99P ♦Biese. C. A. B.. 380 •OIP •04M Biessenthal, Max, 107 '04M •97P Bignold, W. J., 377 '94P ■OlM Billig, G. W., 72 'OOM •OSM *Billingslea, M. T., 153 •86M •98M Bingley, M. A., 50 FD FM Binkley, J. T., 245 •09M •S4M ♦Bird, J. H.. 3 •OIP •OlM Birk. J. W., 72 •OOM Birkelund, J. R.. 64 •16M •03M Birney. Edith S., 95 FM •03M Birney, V. C, 95 '13M FP ♦Biroth, H., 429 •12P •76P Bischoff, E. C. F.. 335 '03D •S4P Bischoff. H. A.. 341 '05M •IIM Bishkow, I. E., 177 •21M FD Bishop, J. C. 325 '02M •07M Bissell. B. G., 144 '96M •95P Bissell. F. A.. 372 '16D •OOD Bisset. F. A.. 288 'UM •82P Bitner. C. G.. 339 FM •16M Bivings. F. C. 214 'lOM •OSM Biwer. E. T.. 153 •02M •12P Bixby, J. E., 410 •04M •98M ♦Bjorkman, D. A. T.. 50 •lOM •02D Black. J. C. 291 '04M •91P Blackburn, J. W.. 364 FM •04M Blackmer. F. J.. 107 FP •04 M Blackmer, L. G.. 108 '89M 'OOM Blackwelder, F. C, 64 •17P •07P Blahnik, K. B., 398 FM •16D Blaine, L. L., 312 •90P •12M Blair. C. P.. 183 FD •20M Blair. E. T.. 229 '94M •16D Blair, M. I., 312 '15D •07P Blake. F. E.. 398 '15P •84M ■►Blakeslee, N. P.. 3 •14P FP ♦Blaaey. J. V. Z.. 429 'OOM •19D Blatt. A. E.. 319 •OlM •08P Blatt, J. A., 400 •12P FM Blatt, M. L.. 245 •16D •98M ♦Blayney, F. H., 50 •87P FD Blayney. J. R.. 325 Blim, W. C, 214 FM •16M •02M FM Bloch.L.. 246 '05D •COM Bloch. M. E.. 64 •lOP •17P Bloch, W., 420 •03M ■20M Block. C. A.. 239 •97P •85P ♦Blodgett. C. 344 '09M •16M Blodgett. P. R.. 214 FM •20M Bloom. A. R., 239 •16M •17P Bloom. I.. 421 •02P '12M Bloom. J., 183 •06P •19D Bloom. M. W., 319 •IIP Bloomenstel. M.F.,299 Bloomfield, J. H.. 192 Bloor. F. W., 357 Blough. G. F., 95 Blower. J. A.. 428 Bluestein. B. T., 319 Bluhm. G. I.. 32 Blum. D. M.. 236 Blum, N. W.. 309 Blumenthal, R. W.. 108 Blumstein. D. B.. 108 Blunk, S. M.. 177 Boal, D.. 131 Boalch, G. W.. 344 Bock, J. J., 131 Bockius, F. B. von- Eisen, 246 Bockoven, Mrs. C. H. (See DeCou, Susie M.) *Boddiger, C. E.. 27 Bode, C. F., 408 Bodine, Mrs. C. (See Elliott, Elizabeth) Bodinson, F. P.. 370 *Boe. A. N., 350 Boehm, F. E.. 415 Boehm, R. S., 382 Boehmer, A. C.. 200 Boelio. L. N.. 246 Bogan. P. R.. 344 Bogard, A. H., 418 Bogardus, F. B., 131 Bogle, H. H.. 27 Bogue, A. R., 229 Bogue. R. F.. 384 Bohmer. O., 108 Bohn, G. W., 370 Boice, C. A., 64 Boice, G. W., 9 Bolan, Anna R., 325 Boland, A. E., 161 Boling, Mrs. Maud A. (See Gregg, Maude A) Bolka. B. J., 214 BoUman, J. L., 246 Bolstad, H. 0.. 192 Bond. G. C., 410 Bond. J. H., 292 Bond. Zenia E.. 119 Boner, A. J.. 241 Bonine, J. G., 82 Bonner, A., 42 Bonney, T. C., 312 Boone, C. E.. 177 Boot, G. W., 246 Borchert, R. L., 169 Borden, F. R., 82 Bordwell, F. A., 108 Boren, Ethel L., 169 Borges, C. G.. 108 Borland. L. C.. 246 ♦Borland. M. W.. 429 Borland. S. F.. 17 Borovik, R. R., 421 Borovsky, M. P.. 246 Bors. C. 361 Borsack. K. K., 325 Borst, H., 32 Bortz, L. W.. 311 Borucki. E. A. F., 415 Bosch. A. C.. 414 Bosler, A. G., 64 Boss. J. H.. 72 Bossmann, L. A., 410 Bostik, E. J., 313 ♦Boswell, C. T.. 350 Bothman. L., 246 Bothne, E. A.. 82 ♦Bott, H. S.. 296 Bottom, C. J., 405 Bottum, C. N.. 95 Boudinot, J. E., 377 Boudreau, H. U., 161 Boughton, T. H., 246 Bourbon, R. P., 214 Bourne, C. E.. 387 Bourne, £. 8., 396 Boutte, M. v., 408 ■95M •16M •90M •05M •06M •UP •18P FM •14M FM FM •05M •06M •02P •06M FM FM •06M •05P '97P •93M '86P 'UM •12M '85P •14M 'OlM 'OlM 'S8M '95M •99D '94M •OIP •16P •87P •lOM '87M •06D •04D '99P '09M '86M '19M •95P •08M •21P FM •87P •9oP •02M '86P '94P •13M •12M •02M '02M •04P •15P FM •OOM '86M •91M '14M •88M •02P '87P '98P '88P '05M •88P •86P •94P •06M •OlM •18D •09D •92M •90M •S4M •96M •07M •18D 'OIP •86M •85M •08M ,423 N., Bowell. B. C. 37 Bowell, R. M., 214 Bowen, F. J., 20 Bowen, F. P.. 119 Bowen, J. C, 131 Bower, C. J.. 408 Bower, Georgina G., Bower, L. E., 246 Bowers, H. E., 200 Bowes, E. J., 247 Bowler, V. B., 247 Bowles, A. E., 119 Bowles, L. B.J, 131 Bowman, C. O., 387 Bowman, W. T., 132 Bowser, J. C, 247 Bowser, J. E., 247 Bowsher, F. L., 132 Boyce, C. W., 394 Boyce, H. A., 377 *Boyd, S. J., 27 Boyden, F. P.. 346 Boyden, W. L., 177 Boyer, E. R., 183 Brabrook, W. A., 344 Brachvogel, M.. 200 Bracken, G. F., 72 Bradfield, J. H., 72 Bradfield, J. A. L., 15 Bradford, A. W., 37 Bradford, W. L., 287 ♦Bradley, E. I., 32 Bradley, I. C, 384 Bradley, J. F, 418 Bradley. M. M., 351 Bradley. W. H., 169 ♦Bradway. A. C., 12 Brady, Elizabeth Brady, G. C., 294 Brady, H. T. A., 380 Braham, J. A., 162 Brainard, B. F., 9 Brams, Julius, 236 Brandon, H. L.. 372 Brandon, W. A., 153 Brann. W. P.. 428 Braude. B., 247 ♦Braun, R. P., 351 Braun, W. T., 372 Brawley, F. E., 82 Breasted, J. H., 346 Breckwoldt, L. O., 370 Bredlau, A. E., 192 Breeden. R. E.. 183 Breid. J., 82 Breid, Mrs. J. (See Wolz, Marie) ♦Breithaupt, B. L.. 391 Brekke, M. T., 415 Bremerman, L. W.. 247 Bremken, A., 64 Brendecke, A. C., 9 Brengle, D. D., 23 Brengle, D. R.. 200 Brengle, G. C., 15 Brenke, G. A., 387 Brennan, W. F., 351 Brenner, B. L., 378 Brenton, T. M., 353 Brethouwer, C. G., 119 Breunert, H. O., 353 Breves, H., 347 Breves, R., 370 Brewer, E. F., 132 Brewer, E. J.. 72 Breyer, A. T.. 317 Breyer. P. M.. 304 Brianza, A. M., 25 ♦Brick, P. L., 20 Brick, S. L., 3 Briggs, A. E., 42 Briggs, F. E., 144 Briggs, O. C.. 317 Briggs, W. J., 384 Brigham, B. A.. 9 Brinckerhoflf, C. E., 5 Brinckerhoff, E. E., 153 492 University of Illinois '13M Brinckerhoff, F. E., 192 •lOD '85M Brinckerhoff, G. E., 6 •99D '97M ♦Brinckerhoff, J. J., 45 •19M 'IIM Brines, F.H., 177 •05M •93M Brink, C. A., 27 '16M •86M Brinckerhoff, W. C, 9 FM •90P Brinkhoff, C. W., 361 •19M FD Brinkman, H. G.,325 '98M '87P Brinkman, L., 351 '08M '90P *Brinson, G. R., 361 '13M '86P Brisley, H.. 347 *Britell, D., 357 •99M •89P FM '04M *Brittin, F., 108 '02M '05M Brixey, J. C, 119 Broadbent, T. A., 247 FM '02M •89P Broadie, H. H., 357 '16M •lOD Brock, A. S., 305 •06M •86M Brock, W. B., 9 '91P •19P Brockhoff, L. P., 425 FM '97M Brodrick, F. W., 45 •84M '19D Brodsky, J. A., 320 •IID •15M Brodsky, L. L., 207 '09D '15D Brogmus, E. J. P., 311 '16P '03D ♦Broman, A. A., 292 '87P •18P Bronner, P. F., 423 '87M '19M Bronson, P. J., 236 '90P '06D Bronstein, B. J., 299 '14M •88P Brooke, A. H., 353 '03M •93M ♦Brooks, F. R., 27 'UP '83M Brooks, J. M., 1 '06M '19D Brooks, S. P., 320 '03M '99D Brophy, H., 287 •83M •20M Brosius, E. J., 229 '83M '06M Brosseau, J. E.. 132 '74P FM Brothers, E. D., 247 '88P •15M Broudo, P. H., 207 '99P FM Brougham, E. J., 247 '82P •84P Brown, A., 341 FP •97M Brown, A. E., 45 '07M '03M Brown, Alice B., 95 '15P •86P *Brown, B, F., 351 '05M '04P Brown, C. A., 391 FD '07M Brown, C. E., 144 •94M •91M Brown, C. F., 23 '06P '89P Brown, C. K., 357 '13P '14M Brown, C. K., 200 FM 'OlD Brown, C. M., 289 '07M •18D Brown, C. W., 317 •15P '09P Brown, C. W., 403 '08D •15M Brown, D. C., 207 'OlM ■98M *Brown, D. E., 50 '09M '90P Brown, E. H., 361 '20P •02M Brown, E. L. W., 82 '86M FM Brown, E. M., 247 '20M 'IIM Brown, E. M., 177 '07M FM Brown, E. V. L., 247 '08M '05M Brown, F., 119 '88M •02P Brown, F. A., 387 •07P •IIM Brown, F. L., 177 '02M FD Brown, F. N., 325 •15P •OOM Brown, H. C, 64 '09M •97M Brown, H. D., '46 '08M '85P Brown, H. H., 344 '85M '06M Brown, H. S., 132 '03M •88M Brown, I. M., 15 •89M '99D Brown, J. A., 287 '13M 14P Brown, J. B., 414 '13M '05P Brown, J. F., 394 '05M '99M *Brown, J. M., 57 '03M '02M Brown, J. S., 83 '82P •18M Brown, L. L., 224 '09M '08M *Brown, M. F., 153 'OOM 'IIM Brown, Mamie I., 177 'OlM •97M Brown, M. M., 46 '04M FM *Brown, M. R., 247 '83M •86M *Brown, R. A., 9 '99M •lOP Brown, R. A., 405 '94M •02M Brown, R. E., 83 '08D •14M Brown, R. E., 200 '07P '91P *Brown, R. G., 364 •19M •91M *Brown, R. H., 23 FM '92M Brown, R. W., 25 'IIP FM Brown, S., 248 '91P '09D Brown, W., 304 '16M •20P Brown, W. E., 426 FM •13M Brown, W. R., 192 FM •94M Brown, W. S., 32 'lOM Browne, A. C., 305 '02M Browne, H. H., 287 '92P Browne, H. S., 226 '02M Browne, J. P., 119 Browne, L. E. J., 214 '02M Browne, W. H., 248 '96M Browne, W. H., Jr., 236 '05M Brownell, W. F., 50 FM Browning, A. A., 153 '88M Browning, F. E., 193 FD ♦Browning, G. S., 57 '97M Browning, I. R., 248 FM Brownlee, Mrs. (See '88M Standley, Kate V.) FM Brownstein, B., 83 '98M Brucker, E. A., 214 '88M Brucker, M. W., 132 •IIM Bruder, O. E. F., 364 'OlM Brugge, H. J., 248 '92M Brumback, A. H., 3 '19D Brumfield, C. W., 306 •99M Brumfield, R. M., 304 '91M Brummall, Anna B., 418 '05M Brundage, E. W., 351 'OlM Bruner, J. M. 0., 12 '86P Bruns, L. V., 361 '12D Bryan, A. L., 200 'OOM Bryan, T. A., 95 '99M Bryant, F. W., 414 FM Buohan, E. J., 132 •84P Buchanan, T. A., 95 'OOM ♦Buchanan, R. W., 1 '03M Buchanan, W. W., 1 '12M Buchman, H. W., 333 '05M Buchholtz, W. H., 353 '89P Bucholtz, W. J., 380 '91P Buck, C. G., 339 '98M ♦Buck, G., 429 '16P Buck, R. H., 144 '06M Bucke, W. S., 415 '09M ♦Buckley, J. E., 119 '98M Buckley, J. P., 325 •21P Buckley, T. J., 32 '21M Bucklin, F. E., 396 FM Buckman, G. E., 411 '09M Buckmaster, S. B., 248 '17M Buokner, A. J., 144 'IIM Buckrucker, W. 0., 415 '03D Budworth, C. A., 302 '89M Buechner, F. E. A., 72 '05M Buehler, E. A., 162 'IIM Buerkle, H. A., 426 '98M ♦Buettner, W. A., 9 '02M Buhrman, W. L., 239 '91P Bulger, C. O., 144 '94P Bullen, C., 153 '97M ♦Bulson, H. R., 15 '17P Bunch, F. F., 398 FM Bundy, C. D., 83 '83M Bundy, C. E., 415 '85M Bundy, C. T., 162 •03P Bundy, H. W., 153 •IIM Bundy, W. C., 6 FM ♦Burchett, E., 95 '05M Burcky, W. E., '17 '13M Burdon, S. M., 193 Burger, T. D., 193 '88M Burgess, A. R., 119 •OlM Burgess, C. O., 95 ♦Burk, A. F., 339 •02D '08M Burke, A. W., 162 '04M ♦Burke, E. L., 64 '02M Burke, E. W., 72 '19D Burke, R. A., 108 'ISP ♦Burke, T. F., 1 '05D Burke, T. J., 57 '02M Burke, W. P., 32 '08M Burke, W. T., 302 '18D Burkett, J. F. N., 398 '99M Burkett, R. C., 237 '14P Burkholder, J. F., 248 •06M Burley, B. D., 408 Burlin, F. H., 364 Burling, W. M., 214 •94P Burmeister, W. H., 248 '05M Burnett, L. H., 248 FM Burnett, W. E., 169 '20M ♦Burnham, C. M., 83 Burnitt, F. G., 366 Burns, Mrs. Elizabeth v., 83 Burns, F. W., 83 Burns, F. W., 42 Burnside, L. A., 120 Burr, A. H., 248 ♦Burrell, H. L., 15 Burrill, J. A., 326 Burroughs, A. P., 46 Burroughs, W. M., 248 Burrows, A. W., 16 Burrows, C. M., 249 Bursma, J., 50 ♦Burson, S. W., 16 Burt, C. E., 177 Burt, C. W., 72 Burton, R. H., 25 Bush, E. F., 320 Bush, J. H., 57 Bushby, A. L., 23 Busman, H., 120 Buss, F. J., 73 Busse, F. H., 347 Busta, E. H., 308 Buswell, C. A., 64 Butler, C. A., 57 Butler, C. D., 249 Butler, F. A., 341 Butler, G. F., 71 Butterfield, E. J., 95 Butterfield, E. R., 183 Butterfield, F. R., 120 Butterworth, H. O., 357 Butts, J. A., 364 Butts, J. B., 50 Butts, J. C, 418 Bybee, A., 132 Byers, E. J., 162 Byers, E. M., 50 Byers, F. M., 428 Byers, W. M., 241 Byford, H. T., 249 Byrd, A. G., 162 Byrnes, W. A., 221 Caddick, E. L., 177 Cadwallader, H., 292 ♦Cady, G. M., 17 Cady, M.P., 120 Cahana, S., 177 ♦Cahill, L. L., 50 ♦Cain, C. L., 83 Cain, H. E., 364 Caine, S. L., 370 Calbreath, C. C, 46 Calderon, G., 421 Caldwell, C. E., 249 Caldwell, F. C, 1 Caldwell, W. C, 6 Calhoun, H. N., 389 Callahan, H. W., 177 Calvin, J. K., 249 Cameron, J. R., 120 Cameron, Marjorie I., 193 Cameron, N., 16 Cameron, W. L., 73 Cameron, W. P., 291 Camp, F. K., 153 ♦Campana, E. G., 108 ♦Campbell, F. A., 83 Campbell, G. A., 320 Campbell, G. M., 423 Campbell, J. A., 296 CampbeU, J. H., 83 ♦Campbell, M. R., 153 Campbell, R. H., 317 Campbell, W. B., 57 Canham, G. E., 414 Cannon, Mrs. C. H. (See Anderson, Alma S.) Cannon, T. F., 370 Cannon, W. P., 120 Cantwell, R. C, 249 Capek, L. V., 229 •04M ■16M •13M •95M •S9M •S3M •02D •21M •14M •07P •ISP •06P •12M •S4P •04 M •06M •14M FM •82P •14M ■S7P •21M •OoM •17M •20P FM 'OlM 'ISM FD •lOP •03M •S8P •lOM FM •9SM •15M FM FM •04 M •02M 'lOM Capps. H. S.. lOS Capron. M. J.. 214 Carberry, F. V., 193 Carev, D. J., 37 Cargill. C. W., 17 •Carhart. J. W., 1 Carl, F. M., 291 Carley. P. S.. 234 Carls, F. G., 200 Carlson, C. G.. 39S Carlson, Ethel M., 423 Carlson, H. G., 396 Carlson. Mabel R., 183 Carlsson, E., 341 Carmack, A. O., lOS Carman, H. F., 132 Carnahan, W. E., 200 Carncross, Helen, 249 Carnegie, J. F., 339 Carney, J. G.. 200 *Caron, E. L.. 351 Caron, R. P., 241 Caron. W'., 120 Carothers, H. C, 221 Carothers, Marietta L., 426 Carpenter, A. M., 249 Carpenter, Cora, 73 Carpenter, F. E., 224 Carpenter, G. T., 326 Carpenter, J. B., 406 Carpenter, J. D., 95 'Carpenter, W. J., 353 Carpenter, W. T., 169 Carr, A. M., 249 Carr, B. M., 50 Carr. E. C, 207 Carr, J. G., 249 Carr, Rachel H., 249 Carr, W. H., 108 Carrico, J. H., 83 Carroll, Elizabeth D., 169 •18D Carroll, F. W., 317 •99M *Carroll, H. C, 57 '16M Carroll, W. F., 215 'lOM Carruth, H. L.. 169 '16M Carstensen, A. B., 215 •97M Carter, C. W., 46 '99D *Carter, E. M., 287 'IIM Carter, F. H., 17S 'S4P Carter. H. W., 341 FM *Carter, J. M. G., 250 •19D Carter, L. J., 320 •20M Carter, W. M., 229 •12P Carvelli. J., 410 FM Carv, F. S., 250 •05M Gary, F. T., 120 •lOM Gary. L. W., 169 '03M •Casavaw. W. F., 95 •86M *Case, C. E., 9 •92P Case. G. E., 366 •86P Case, S.. 347 ■04M Case, S. W.. 108 '13M Casey. C. L., 193 •16M Casey, E. F., 215 •79P *Casey, J., 336 •88M Casey, L. B., 16 '87M Casey, S. B.. 12 '05M Casey, W. E.. 120 '14D Cass. C. H.. 309 •08M Cassady. G. W.. 153 '14M »Ca3sell. L. S., 200 •COM Cassidy. W. W.. 64 '07P Cassin. E. E., 398 •20D Cassutt. L. B.. 323 'IID Castiglia. N. L.. 306 ■93P Gate, H. B.. 368 '20P Cate. R. L.. 426 •06M Cathcart. W. F.. 132 FD Cattell, D. M., 326 ■04D Catterson, L. O., 294 •88P *Cauwenburgh. J., 353 '04M Cavanaugh, J. A., 108 •13M Cayley. F. J., 193 'loM Cepelka, Frances P., '92M ♦Chaffee. C.C. 25 Index to Alumni '04M Chaflfee. S. N.. 108 '07M Challenger. C. J.. 145 '93M Chamberlain, G. E., 27 '02D Chamberlain, R. G., 291 *19D Chambers. Laura K . 320 '99M Chambers, W. H., 57 '95P Champion, J. L., 372 ■14M Champlin, H. G.. 200 '20M Champlin, H. W„ 229 •95M Champlin, S. H., 37 '02M Chandler, Mrs. E. C. (See Day. Harriet) ■S9P Chandler. W. D.. 357 '12M Channon, B. Z., 183 '92M Chapman, C. F., 25 '13P Chapman, H. P., 411 '21P Chapman, G. S., 428 '17P Chapman, Mrs. R. (See Klein, Beulah) 'lOM Charbonneau, A. A.. 169 '20M Charpier, L. L., 239 •03P Charters, J. D.. 389 'S8P Charters, J. W., 353 '19D Chase. O. R., 320 'OlM Chassell, J. L., 73 •12M Chatel, A. N.. 183 '07M Chauvet. F.. 145 FD Cheaney. P., 326 '96M *Cheever, W. R.. 42 '09P Cheleski, J. K., 403 '89M Chenev. F. S., 17 •19M Chenoweth, F. L., 237 '93P *Chenoweth, J. B., 368 '12M Chickering, G. A., 183 'S6M *Chidester, C. W., 9 '99P Chism, J. S., 380 '84M Chittenden, R. H., 4 '94P Chladek, J. W., 370 '99M Chloupek. E. A., 57 '17P Chochola, J. J.,421 '07M Chorlog, J. K., 145 '94P Christensen, A. H,, 370 '05M Christensen. J. A., 120 FM Christian, J. A., 250 87P Christian. W. W., 351 '17P Christiansen, C. B., 421 '07P Christmaan. J. H., 399 '12M Christofferson, E. A., 183 FM Christopher, F., 250 '08M Christopher, H. V., 153 FM *Christopher, W. S., 250 '84M Church, A., 4 'OlM Church, E. E.. 73 •OOM Church, E. O., 64 'HP Churchill, G. S.. 408 •09D *Chute, J. H., 304 '04P Chvala, V. W. J., 391 •86P Chwatal, J. J., 347 •15M Cienciara. Felicia H.. 207 FM Cigrand. B. J.. 250 •13M Cipriani, J. B., 193 '14D Cisar. G. W., 310 'IIM Claeboe, A. H.. 178 '05M Clagett, A. N., 120 '97M Clancey. J. H., 46 •05D Clancey. L. W., 296 'OOM Clancy. M. G., 64 '89P Clancy, W. J., 357 'IID Clarenback. J. F., 306 '16M Clark, A. A., 215 •OlD *Clark, A. B.. 289 '04P Clark, A. H.. 391 '05M Clark, C. C. 120 •07M Clark, C. F., 145 •21D Clark, C. S., 324 '06M Clark. E 'H.. 132 '07D Clark. E. T., 301 •08M Clark, F. F., 153 '03M Clark. F. H.,.95 •88P Clark. H. A., 354 •9SP *Clark, H. A., 378 '93M Clark, H. H., 27 FM Clark, J. A., 250 '07M Clark, J. E., 145 493 OOM Clark, O. W., 65 '95M Clark, S. B., 37 '09M Clark, S. N., 162 FM Clark. W. A., 250 'OIP Clarke, F. B., 384 •07M Clarke, F. B.. 145 '20M Clarke. G. E..229 '03M *CIarke. H. P., 95 'OlM Clarke. L. W.. 73 'HP Clarke, S.. 408 '05D Clary, J. R., 296 •21D Classen, E., 324 •16P Claus. R..418 •91M Clausen, J. J., 23 '15P Clay, B. E., 416 •03M Claybaugh, W, R , 95 •16M Claypool, B. W., 215 'OSM Clayton, Mrs. E. H. (See SchuItE, lone) 'OSM Clayton, E. H., 153 '02M Cleary, J. H., S3 'lOM Clegg, E. G., 170 •06M Clement, C. C, 132 '86P Clemens, M., 347 '02M Clemons, E. J., 83 '07D Cleveland, C. 301 '03M Cleveland, C. W., 95 •13P Cleveland, H. V., 411 '13M Cliff, F. N., 193 '08M Clifton, H. W., 153 '20M Cline, G. M., 229 '06D Clinite. F. E.. 299 FM Close. C. F., 250 FM Clutter. O. R., 251 '97P Clyde. A. E., 377 '02M Coates, L. B., Jr., 83 '95M Coates, W. E., 37 '02M Cobb, H. A.. 83 •16M Cobb. H. R., 215 '97M Cochran. J. S., 46 '95M Cochrane, W. J., 37 'OSM Cockrell. T. L.. 153 •16M Cody, M. M., 215 '83P Cody, W. J., 340 '83M Coe, C. M.. 1 FD Coe, E. S.. 326 '88M *Coe, M. F., 16 '99M Coen. C. M.. 57 '09D Coffey, C. J., 304 '04M Coffin, C. A.. 108 '13M Coffler, M. S., 193 '04M Coggshall, T. C, 108 •lOD Coghlan, W. P., 305 '07M Cogswell, J. G., 145 '20M Cohen, C. L., 229 '06M Cohen. H., 132 '14M Cohen, O. J., 200 '03M Cohen, S. G., 96 FM Cohen, S. J., 251 '15M Cohler, L., 207 '04D Cohn, I. M.,294 'lOM Cohn, J. S., 170 '88M ♦Coker, W. W., 16 '02M Cole, Mrs. W. H. (See Maris, Emilie) •18M Colbert, C. N., 224 '04P *Colby, O. R.. 391 '05M Cole. D. T.. 120 '96P Cole. F. H., 375 ' •14M Cole. F. L., 201 '92M *Cole, J. H.. 25 . '94M Cole, J. H., 32 '90M Cole, T. E., 20 '91M Colegrove, A., 23 •13M Coleman. E. P., 193 '09M Coleman, G. T., 162 '06D Coleman, G. T., 299 'SOP *Coleman, J. F., 337 '19M Coleman, J. S.. 237 '05M *Coleman. S. R.. 120 '85P *Collin8. A.. 344 •96P Collins, Mrs. C. D. (See Heinemann, Lucy) '18D Collins, G. R., 317 •03M Collins, M. V. J., 96 '94P Collins, R. S., 370 •IID Collins, T. M., 306 'IID Collins, W. F.. 306 494 University of Illinois '04M •lOP '12D •08M '12D '05D •13M •02M '98M '16D •99D '19D '86M •04 M '12M •84P •05M '03M •14M FD FM '14M FM '97M •93M •19M '07M '07M '98M '09P •20P 'SIP '07M •17D 'lOM •07M •04D '14P '04P '89P 'OlM •loM '89P '13P •04M '94P 'OOD '86M 'S5M '04M FD '19D '97M '13M •08M '93M '13M '09M '20P FM '13P •lOP '94P •04D FD •89P •84M •98M •04M •87M FM •09D •16M •06M '16M '09M •14M Colliver, S. N., 109 Colson, H. W., 406 Coltman, A. F., 308 Comee, W. C, 153 Comello, F. S., 308 Comer, C. E., 296 Comes, U. V., 193 Conant, P. B., 83 Conard, A. F., 50 Condit, H. S., 313 ♦Condit, S. F., 288 Condren, F. L., 320 Cone, C. C, 12 Cone, D. E., 109 Conerty, J. M., 183 Congdon, G. C, 341 *Conklin, R. E., 120 Conley, B. M., 96 Conley, C. C, 201 Conley, M. J., 326 *Conley, P. H., 251 Conley, T. E., 201 Connell, F. G., 251 Connell, J. F., 46 Connell, S. W., 27 Connell, W. J., 226 Conner, Ada S., 145 Conner, A. W., 145 Conner, F. H., 50 Conners, H., 403 Connolley, V. G., 426 Conrad, J., 338 Conroy, C. L., 145 Conroy, C. R., 314 Conroy, F. J., 170 Conser, W. H., 145 Converse, A. E., 294 Converse, L., 414 Converse, R. M., 391 Converse, W. A., 357 Conway, H. P., 73 Conway, J. M., 208 *Cooban,.B. S., 357 Cook, A. J., 412 Cook, A. L., 109 Cook, C. C, 370 Cook, C. D., 288 Cook, C. H., 9 *Cook, E. L., 6 Cook, G. F., 109 *Cook, G. W., 326 Cook, H. W., 320 Cook, J. F. D., 46 Cook, L. J., 193 Cook, Marv L., 154 *Cook, R. H., 27 Cook, S. L., 193 ♦Cook, W. D., 162 Cooke, J. B., 426 Cooke, J. M., 251 Cooke, L. J., 412 Cool, B. R., 406 *Coolbaugh, W. E., 370 Cooley, V. P.. 294 Coolidge, E. D., 326 Cooling, H. E., 357 Coomes, A., 4 Coon, G. E., 51 Cooney, E. W., 109 Cooney, H. C, 12 Cooper, A. R., 251 Cooper, F. L., 304 Cooper, J. S., 215 Cooper, Susan R. M., Cooper, W., 215 Cooperstein, J., 162 Cooprider, Florence V., '12P Copeland, K. H., 410 '08M Copeland, N., 154 •03M Copenhaver, J. H., 96 •97M Coplan, L. S., 46 '88P Coppock, A. L., 354 FM Copps, L. A., 251 'OlM "^Corbett, G. W., 73 '90M Corbett, M., 2o 'lOP Corbin, A. C, 406 '98M 'OlM 'OOM '02M '02M '81P '02M •15M '16P '16P •OlD FM 'OlM '05M '04 M '20M •16M '12M '12M •OlM FM '08M '09P •14D •21P '75P •09M •OlM FM '04P '20M FM •IIM FM •98D •91M •04M '05D '09 D '06P •08P '19M '13M FM '20M •92P '05M FM '06D '95P '04M '06M '86M '94P '12M '03M 'OIP FM •16P '18D •06M '98M '07M '06M •07D •89M •12M '06P '89M '99M '07M '16M '05M '85M 'OOM '93P •94M FM '02M •IIM •88M '97M '96M '84P FM Corbin, J. F., 51 'OOM Corbus, B. C, 73 'OlM Corbus, B. R.. 65 •90P Corcoran, E. A., 83 Corcoran, Mrs. E. A. •lOP (See McCarthy, Kathe- '85M rine) •02D Corke, G. L., 338 '03M Cornell, J. F., 83 '84P Corpus. T. P., 208 FM Cortesi, D., 418 Cortesi, Mrs. D. (See '07M Sikucka, Jeanette) '88P Corthell, M.B.,289 •07M Corwin, A. M., 251 '94M *Cory, W. B., 73 '18D Costanzo, J. J., 120 'OlM Costello, T. J., 109 '87P Cottle, M.H., 230 '87P Cotton, S. O., 215 '79P Cottrell, A. R., 183 •OlM Cottrell, Laura M., 183 '17M Coumbe, W. R., 73 '16P Counseller.V.E. S.,251 '04M Cousineau, G. L., 154 'lOM Cover, A., 403 '89P Coverly. W. E.. 310 '05P Covnot, M. P., 428 FM Cowdrey. R. H., 334 •02M Cox, F. M., 162 '07M Coy, W. D., 73 FM Coy, W. E., 252 •84M Cozad, D., 391 '04M Craddock, J. W., 230 '92M Cradle. H. S., 252 '16M Cragun, W. M., 178 '14M Craig, D. W., 252 •16D Craig, G.. 287 FD Craig, S. S., 23 '05M Crandall, A. M., 109 '06M Crandall, W. H., 296 •15M Crawford, A. B.. 304 '16M Crawford, F. A., 396 FM Crawford, L. R., 400 '04M Crawford, N. D., 237 '07M Crawford, R. A., 193 'IIM Crawford, S. K., 252 'OIP Crawford, W. L., 230 '99M *Crawshaw, H. H., 366 '89P Crawshaw, J. A., 120 •lOM Crede. W. H., 252 '12M Cree, C. G., 299 Crell. W. F., 372 '90M Cremer, P. H., 109 '09P Cremin, W. J. S., 132 '21D *Crepin, H. E., 9 '15M *Cress. C. W.. 370 '03M Cress. W. W., 183 '02M Crew, E. R., 96 •19M Crew. J. H., 385 'lOM Crile, D. R. W.. 252 '06P Crist, R. J., 418 FM Crockett, B. R., 317 '04M Croft, A. J., 132 '09M Crofton, A. C, 51 '88P *Crofut, Martha M., 145 FD Cronin, J. J., 132 •17M Cronk, B. B., 301 •09M Cronk, H. R., 17 Crooks, F. R., 183 'IIM Cropp, D. T.. 396 '19M Crosby, I. F., 17 '05M Crosby, L. G., 57 FM Crosier, W. M., 145 '04M *Cross, A. J., 215 '06D Crouch, J. A., 120 FM , Crowley, D. D., 6 '02D ♦Crowley. J. F.. 65 '12D Crowley. J. P.. 368 '19D ♦Crowley. P. F., 32 '83M Crozier, W. J., 252 '94M Crutcher, H., 94 •90M ♦Cikllen, C. J.. 178 •05D Cullen, F. C, 16 '96P Cullen, J. M.. 46 '17P Culp, F. E., 42 ■99P Culver, G. H., 341 '07M Culver. H., 252 •98D 406 , 6 , 291 341 H., Culver, J. T.. 65 Culver, L. L., 73 Cummings, Adeline E. P., 361 Cummings. C. C, Cummings, C. G., Cummings, E. G., Cummings, H. T. Cummings, M. S. Cunningham, D. 252 Cunningham, J. L., 145 Cunningham, J. R., 354 Cunningham, J. S., 145 ♦Cunningham, M. V.. 32 ♦Cunningham, N. L., 317 Cunningham, W. D., 73 Cunradi, C, 351 Cunradi, H. R., 351 Cunradi, J., 336 Cupler, R. C, 73 Curl, H. E., 221 Curlee, R. A.. 418 Curney, F. R., 109 Currer, P. A., 170 ♦Curti, R. F., 357 ♦Curtis, A. E., 394 Curtis, J. H., 252 Curtis. L. F., 84 Curtis, W. J. D., 146 ♦Curtiss, R. J., 252 Curtiss. R. M., 4 Gushing. G. M., 109 Cu.shing. M. D., 25 Cushman, Agnes B., 215 Cusick, G. W., 201 Cusick, W. A., 313 Custer, L. F., 327 Cuthbert, F. S., 121 Cutler, E., 133 Cutler, I. H.. 208 Cutting, L. D., 215 Cutting, R. A., 252 Cuttle, F., 109 Cyphers, F. B., 146 Czaja, L. M.. 178 Czaja, P., 385 Czarra, C. H., 57 Czerwinski, A. H., 357 Czeslawski, E. F., 170 Czolbe, Selma O., 184 Dahl. S.. 20 Dahlin, H. O.. 403 Dahlke, W. G., 324 Dailey, G. L.. 208 Dakin, R. G., 96 Dalager, N. O., 84 D'Alcorn, E. N., 237 Dale, Edna V., 170 Dale, G. G.. 396 Dale, P. M., 252 ♦Dale, J. R., 109 Daley, W. H., 162 Dallas, J. C, 354 Dame, Margaret, 327 Dame. L. P., 221 Damkroeger, Henrietta, 162 Damron. J. E., 178 Dana, W. P., 226 Dando, G. H., 121 Danek, E. J., 253 Danell, K. A., 109 Danforth, E. H., 299 Danforth, W. C, 253 ■ Daniels, C. L., 291 ' Daniels, L. N., 308 Dann.F. A., 320 Darby, H. C, 1 Darcy, F. D., 32 Darling, U. G., 20 Darmer, J. E., 296 ♦Datin, E. C, 375 Da'tz, C. P., 421 Dauber, A., 380 Davenport, G. L., 146 Davenport. R. B. 287 Index to Alumni 495 •13P 'UM •04 M •94 M •16P •13P •20? •21M •95M •05M •9oM •05 M •09M •14M •02M •99? '07 D FM •02 M •OoM •15? FM •lOM •S8M •OOP '09M •06M •06 M •15? •S5M FM •20M •81? •OoM •13M •86? •94M •02 M •92? •20? •08D •92M •04M •05M •02M '05M •86? •04M •19P •21M •02 M •96M ■88? •14M '15D •94 M •02? •lOM •01? •13M •94? •88? •12M •04? •89? •89M •03M •03? •OlM •19M •08M •89? •OlM •86M FP •08? •03M •lOM •90? •03 M •21M •IIM •06D •06? •05? •12D OOM Davenport. R., 412 •14M Davenport. W. P.. 178 'OOM David. F. E.. 109 •16? *Da%-idow. A. D., 32 '06M Davidson. C. E., 418 •21M Davidson. G. E.. 412 FM Davidson. R. D.. 426 Davidson. T. E.. 241 •90P ♦Davies, G. W., 38 ■S3M Davies. B. C, 121 '04M ♦Davies. G. W.. 38 '91? Davies. Harriet. 121 FM Davis. A. E., 162 •89? Davis. A. L.. 201 FM Davis. C. J.. 84 •04M Davis. C. J.. 380 •05? Davis. D. B.. 301 •12M Davis. D. J., 253 •SO? Davis. E. G., 84 '04D Davis. F. F.. 121 '97M Davis, G. B.. 416 '04M Davis. H. I., 253 '16? Davis, J. F.. 170 '12M ♦Davis, J. H., 16 '20D ♦Davis. L. W.. 382 '19D ♦Davis. Olga. 162 •97? Davis. R. A., 133 'OlM Davis. R. N., 133 Davis. R. R., 416 Davis. T. A.. 6 •04M Davison. C. 253 '15D Davison, CM., 230 '07D Davison, J. T., 338 'S6P Dawes, L. P., 121 '19P Dawson, D. L.. 193 '02M Day. E. E.. 347 FM Day. E. S.. 32 '95M Day, Harriet, 84 '20M Day. W. B.. 366 '07M Dav. Mrs. W. B. (See '04M Carothers, Marietta L.) '98M Days. C. W., 302 '97M Dean. F. M.. 25 '05? Deacon, F., 109 '17P Dean. G. A.. 121 '94M Dean. J. F.. 84 •IS? Decker. A. J. E., 121 '88? Decker, H. T.. 347 •18D Decou, Susie M., 109 •19D Dedic, Libby, 425 •07M De Freitas, C, 241 •02M Deetken, H. C, 84" FD ♦De Fries, A., 42 •OlM DeGaugh, J. A.. 354 •16D DeHann, M. R., 201 '09 M Deist, M. W.,311 •08M DeKraker, J. M., 32 '93? DeLand, H. R., 387 '04D de la Paz, D., 170 '96M Delbridge, C. J., 385 '90M Delfosse, A. F., 194 •03 M Delfosse, H. A., 370 '99 D Delfosse, J. T., 354 •05M Delzell, D. D., 184 '95M Demes, C. A., 391 'OlM ♦Dempster, F. D., 357 '04M Dempster, W. H., 18 '94M DeNeveu, A. V., 96 '90M Denis, S. A., 389 '94M ♦Dennert, F., 73 'lOM Dennis. H. 0., 237 •96M Dennis, J. F., 154 '08? Dennison, E. L., 358 •87? Denny, A. R., 73 •OlM ♦Densmore, D. T., 9 '84M Densmore, E. I., •16M Denson, W. C, 400 ♦Derdiger, A. L., 96 •14D Derdiger, L. B., 170 Derge, P. A., 361 '98M Desmond, M. A., 96 •OOM Dessent, R., 241 '08M Desser. A. L., 178 •17D Desser, L. B., 299 •OlM de Stefano, E., 396 •20M Detrick, G. L., 394 •98? Deutsch. H. S.. 308 •12M De Vault, A. N., 65 •12M Devers, W. E. M., 201 •13? DeVoe, C. A., 65 '04? Dewey. E. W.. 418 •94M Dewey, F. G., 133 •02D Dewey, J. R., 241 •OlD Dewey, Katherine W., ■OlM 253 '03M ♦Dewey, S. N., 361 '20M DeWitt, C. H., 1 •OOM Dewitz, 0. J., 109 •08M Dewitz, T. H., 364 Diamond, I. B., 254 •20M Dice. W., 358 •86? ♦Dickerman, E. T., 254 '89? Dickey, S. J.. 109 'SSP Dickhut, L. A., 394 '19M Dickinson, C. C, 184 '12? ♦Dickinson, G. E., 337 '02M Dickinson, E. T., 254 •03 M Dickinson, S. B., 46 'OSM Dickinson, W. E., 110 '16M DiCosola, A., 418 '14D DiCosola, F., 184 •05M DiCosola, S. B., 323 '92M DiCosola, S. R., 320 '03M Dieden, F., 377 '95M Diederich, Mrs. P. R. 'S9M (See Kennedy, Josie '04M C.) '06M Dielman, F. C, 110 •15M Dierks, G. W., 311 •lOM Dierks, W. J., 301 'OoM Dietz, A., 347 •08M Diggs, J. H., 425 'OOM Dike, C. E., 84 •98M Dillehunt, R. B., 254 •OOD DiUer, F. S., 38 •13M DiUer, H. F., 230 '17? Dillingham, W. I., 146 'OIP Dillon, B. J., 110 '05M Dillon, I. H., 51 '04M ♦Dillon, R. H., 46 •86M Dillow, G. G., 394 •IIM Dillow. R. L., 421 •19D Dilworth. W. D.. 32 •15? Dimond, W. H.. 423 'OOP Dinet, H. G., 354 '09M Dipple, A. R., 317 'OOP Dippel, F. C, 320 ♦Disney, F. R., 146 •20M Dittmann, G. C, 84 '18D Dittmar, G. W., 327 •86? Diven, G. R., 73 '95? Dixon, R. J., 313 •97M Dean, Deborah, 162 '02? ♦Deane, G. H., 154 FM Dobbratz, M. C, 368 '07D Dobbs, C. C, 294 ■09D Dobson, S. J., 42 Dodd, 0., 20 •18D •85M Dodds, D. C, 96 •13M Dodez, E. W., 288 FM Dodge. W. E., 121 '90? ♦Dods, G. D. B., 38 '21M Dodson, C. A., 74 '20D Doe, A. L.. 110 ■19M Doederlein, T. J., 32 'OOM Doepp, E. A., 20 •02D Doepp, F. F., 33 •16? Doerann, A. F., 170 •88M Doerr, A., 42 '97M Doerr, W. W., 400 •08M ♦Doerrlamm, 0., 351 '86M Dohrmann, G., 74 •IIM ♦Doig, J. R., 4 •05? Doktorsky, M. (See •14M Dome, M.) •99M Doktorsky, P. I. (See •06 M (Dome, P. I.) •05M Dolan, A. N. J., 51 '19D Dolan, F. A.. 65 '95M Dolan. J. E., 154 '02M Dolaon, J. L., 314 '91? Domer, W. A., 74 'lOM Dona, P. J., 239 •21? Donaberger, S. B., 378 •OOM Donahoe, S. A., 184 •80? Donahoe, W. E., 184 •88? 194 ,421 , 121 110 Donahue,E. T., 412 Donahue, J. M., 391 Donaldson, O. H., 33 Donaldson, R. P., 291 Donaldson, R. S., 289 ♦Donkle, A. DpF., 74 Donkle, L. B., 96 Donovan, E. V. F., 230 Donovan, J. P., 65 Doodokyan, Yeprous M., 154 Doolen, G. W., 239 Doolittle, D., 347 ♦Doolittle, D. D., 358 ♦Doolittle, W. E., 354 ♦Dorewitz, M., 226 Dorjahn, J. A., 410 Dorn, C. A., 84 Dorn, F. R., 96 Dornblaser, T. F., 154 Dome, M., 215 Dome, P. I., 310 Dostal, F. E., 121 Doty, A. J., 25 Doty, C. H., 96 Doty, M. F.. 38 Dougherty, B. F., 18 Dougherty, J. P., 110 Dougherty, W. B., 133 Doughty, J. W., 208 Douglass, F. G., 170 Dowd, J. E., 121 Dowd, R. E., 154 Dowdall, G. G., 65 Dowdall, W. T., 51 Dowell, H. S., 288 Dowell, R. F., Downey, J. P Downey, W., i Downs, J. M., Doyle, F. M. Doyle, J. F.. 9 Doyle, N. M., 178 Doyle, T. L., 320 Drais, G. O., 416 Drake, T. G., 382 Drake, W. M., 162 Drallmeier, F. H. Jr., Draper, L. F., 230 Drea, A. S., 317 Dreier, O. A., 347 Drew, R. C, 372 ♦Drew, T. B., 46 Drewitz, J. W., 387 Dreyer, G. P., 254 Driver, R. B., 301 Droberg, W. W., 304 Droher, I. H., 317 Droste, C. M., 6 Droste, J. C, 194 Drueck, C. J., 254 Druehl, L. A., 361 Drues, I. A., 241 Drues, L. N., 323 Dryden, F. M., 226 Dryden, W. F., 65 Dubin, A. J., 291 Dubroff, W., 418 Duckworth, F. E., 16 Duff, G. C, 46 Duff, R. R., 154 Duff, V. E., 9 Duffy. H. J., 178 Dufner, W. V., 394 DuFour, E. H., 201 ♦Dugan, J. H., 57 Duguid, J. H., 133 Duhigg, J. T., 121 Duke, H. R., 320 ♦Dulin, C. W., 38 Dumas, D. F., 84 Dunavan, C. V., 365 Duncan, Jennie A., 170 Dunghi, M. L.,428 Dunham, O. B., 65 Dunham, W. F., 337 Dunkel, Martha, 354 Univeesity of Illinois •03M FM '07D •08D '04M '21D '85M •91P '05M '08 M •04M FM '18D '14M '93M '18M •06M '03M '02M FM '12M •OlM FM '06D '86P •21D '83M '19M '16M •17P '18P •18M '95M 'OOM '05M '85M '89M '16M '08P '13M '87M FM '91M '85M '08D 'OOM '18P FM '04M •14M '96M FM 'OlM '15P FP '08D '12M '19M '16M '09M '86P FM FM '08M '96M '03M '89M '85M '84M '06M '14P '83M •20M '06M '96M '07M '92M 'OOD '13M '21M '07M '05M '99M Dunn, Clara, 96 Dunn, H. F., 254 Dunn, J. A., 301 Dunn, Mrs. J. A. (See Warner, Maud M.) Dunn, R. J., 110 Dunn, R. W., 324 ♦Dunning, A. W., 6 *Dunning, G. C, 365 *Dunshee, V. A., 121 Durkee, C. A., 154 Durkee, W. H., 110 Durr, S. A., 254 Dursema, C. D., 317 Dusch, L. D., 201 Dustin, H. D. B., 28 ♦Dvorak, A. C, 224 Dvorak, Georgiana M., ♦Dvorak, M. W., 96 Dvorsky, B., 84 Dwight, F. A., 254 Dwyer, H. J., 184 Dwyer, J. C, 74 Dyas, F. G., 254 Dyblie, J. H., 299 Dyche, W. A., 347 Dyer, L. A., 324 *Dyer, R. B., 1 Dyer, R. E., 226 Dyer, W. H., 215 Dyniewicz, Hattie A., 421 Dyniewicz, Josephine M.,423 Dysart, B. Q., 224 Dysart, L., 38 *Dysart, R. J., 65 Eagan, J. B., 121 Eagleson, J. B., 6 Fames, H. F., 18 Earel, F. E., 215 Earel, R. G., 400 Earl, W. Z.. 194 Earle, C. A., 12 ♦Earle, C. W., 255 Earle, E. G., 23 Earle, F. B., 6 Earley, W. F., 302 Early, C. S., 65 Early, H. I., 423 Easton, M. T., 255 Eaton, H. D., 110 Eaton, R. C., 201 Eaton, R. R., 42 Eberhardt, VV., 255 Eberhardt, N. M., 74 Eberly, H. L., 416 *Ebert, A. E., 429 Ebert, F. E., 302 Ebert, J. A., 184 Eby, Ida, 226 Eck, C. P., 216 Eck, G. E., 163 ♦Eckers, J. P., 347 ♦Eokley, Corinne B., 255 Eckley, W. T., 255 Eckman, J. W., 154 Eddy, G. S., 42 Eddy, I. H., 96 Eddy, J. H., 18 Eddy, W. J., 6 Edelen, B. H., 4 Edgcomb, J. H., 133 Edgett, P. W., 414 Edick, G. H., 1 Edidin, L., 239 Edison, S. M., 133 Edmonson, G. S., 42 ♦Edmonson, O. B., 146 ♦Edmunds, G. O., 25 ♦Edwards, B. A., 288 Edwards, C. A., 194 Edwards, H. M., 241 Edwards, J. A., 146 Edwards, J. E., 121 ♦Edwards, J. M., 57 'lOM '06M '05M '05M '05M '03M Eede, J. W., 170 Egan, J. J., 133 Egan, J, J., 122 Egan, T. S., 122 Egan, W. J., 122 Egbert, C. L., 96 'IIM Egermayer, G. W., 178 '08D Ehrlick, G. T., 302 '20M Ehrlich, M., 230 '82P Ehrlicher, H. M.,339 '90P Ehrlicher, O. D., 361 '93M Ehrmann, F. J. E., 28 '90P Eiohberg, F., 361 '09P Eicher, Anna J., 403 'IIP Eicher, B. L., 408 '13P Eicholtz, G. W., 412 '07M Eidam, L. W., 146 '90M Einarson, B., 20 '99P Eipper, A., 380 '07P Eisele, G., 399 '21P Eisele, L. D., 428 '16M Eisenberg, D. E. Ellison, D. E.) '20P Eisenberg, I. I., 426 FM Eisendrath, D. N., 255 '04M ♦Eisendrath, J. L., 110 FM Eisenstaedt, S., 255 '05D Eiser, L. E., 296 'IID Eisinger, H., 306 '19M Eisler, E. R., 226 (See '17D '09P Eklund, E. A., 314 Ekstrom, C. D., 403 '03M *Eldredge, R. L., 97 '20M '96P '99P '97P 'OlD FM '83M 'IIM Elf eld, Persis F., 239 Elich, H., 375 Elisburg, L. A., 380 Elliott, Elizabeth, 377 Elliot, F. S., 289 Elliott, A. R., 255 Elliott, E. N., 1 Elliott, L. A., 178 'OOM ♦Elliott, Sara T., 65 '19P Elliott, V. A., 425 FM Ellis, C. C., 255 '95P Ellis, F. I., 373 '96P Ellis, G. S., 375 '90M Ellis, J. P., 20 '86M Ellis, S. A., 9 '16M Ellison, D. E., 216 '09M Ellisten, LeR. B., 163 '07P Ellsworth, D. E., 399 '86P Ellsworth, L., 347 '13M Elner, S. J., 194 '79P ♦Eisner, C. F., 336 '16M Elston, L. W., 216 '20M Elvidge, G. P., 230 '15M Elvidge, R. E., 208 '09M Elward, L. R., 163 '09M ♦Ely, W. R„ 163 FM Emmel, V. E., 255 '02M Emerson, A. V., 84 'OOP Emerson, I. L., 383 '98M Emmerson, R., 51 '14P Endee, W. A., 414 '02P Engel, W. F., 387 FM Engelmann, Rosa, 256 '20M Engerman, M. E., 230 '12M Engesather, J. A. D., 184 'OIP Englert, W. R., 385 'OlM English, E. G., 74 '86M *English, W. T., 10 'lOP ♦Englund, A. T., 406 '81P Engsberg, C., 338 '86P Engsberg, W. A., 358 '95P ♦Engstrom, O. F., 373 '02M '20D 'lOM •21M 'lOM '88P Enos, M. M,., 84 Entriken, W. E., 323 Epley, 0. O., 170 Epstein, D., 241 Epstein, W. G., 171 Erb, E. L., 354 09M ♦Erickson, E., 163 20P Erickson, E. J., 426 Erickson, E. O., 317 Erickson, V. E., 418 Ericson, C. E., 110 Erlands, J. O., 292 '88P '06D '09M '08M '03M '07M FM '16M '94M '82P FM '08M '84M '99M '14M '12D •94M 'OIP '02M •05M '87M '09M '89P '04M '89M FM •16M '90P Ertel, A., 354 Ertel, H. H., 299 Erwin, H. G., 163 Essick, R. B., 154 Estes, R. L., 97 Ettelson, J., 146 Eustace, A. B., 256 ♦Evans, A. M., 216 Evans, D. W., 33 Evans, E. E., 339 Evans, G., 256 Evans, J. H., 154 ♦Evans, N. C., 4 Evans, W. A., 63 Evans, W. H., 201 Evanson, E., 308 Evensen, H. O., 33 Everett, E. Jr., 385 Everett, H. H., 84 Eversmeyer, B. E., 122 Eversole, G., 12 Evertz, M., 163 Eves, L. L., 358 Ewan, R. T., 110 Ewing. H. P., 18 Eycleshvmer, A. C., 256 Eye, B. F. Jr., 216 Eymann, A. H., 361 '86P Faber, P. J., 347 '02M ♦Faeth, V. P., 84 '18P Fahrner, J. S., 423 '06M Fairhall, L. V., 133 '93M Faith, T., 28 '02D Fales, A. H., 291 'OlD ♦Fales, Elnora M., 289 '85P Falkenberg, F. E., 344 '21P Falkenstein, H. J., 428 '88M Fall, C. P., 16 '85M Fallis, C. W., 6 '21P Fallon, W. R., 428 FM Falls, F. H., 256 '97M Fanning, F. D., 46 '99M Fantus, B., 57 '03M *Fanyo, F. A., 97 '18D '16P '04M '03D '17M '05M 'lOM 'IID '07M '96P '02M '05M '97M '88P '07M 'lOD '93P '06M '05M '04M '89P '02P '20M '21P '02M '06M '03M •93M '98M '17P '99M '09D '15D '20M '08D '96P '99M '18D '07D •95M '88M '88P '17D FM '21P '93M '06M Far, S. E.,221 Fara, F. J., 122 Farbar, Marion E., 171 Farber, A. J., 306 Fareed, A. U., 146 Paris, M. A., 375 Farnham, A. J., 84 Farquhar, D. C., 122 Farquhar, E. M., 46 Farrar, G. B., 354 Farrell, J. H., 146 Farrier, R. S., 305 Farris, B. F., 368 Fast, H. DeW., 133 Fastabend, F. B., 122 Faulkner, L., 110 Faust, W. L., 358 Fawcett, J. T., 387 Faxon, D. E., 239 Fay, L. V., 428 Fay, O. J., 84 Feagler, J. P., 133 Fee, L. W., 97 Feo, W. F., 28 Feeney, F. S., 51 Feigl, F. J., 421 Feingold, L., 58 Feiok, R. F., 304 Felcher, G. L., 311 Feldman, L., 241 Feldsher, N. Z., 302 Fellows, E., 375 Fellows, Marie A., 58 Fellows, M. C., 317 Fels, L. J., 301 Feltenstein, B., 38 Feltenstein, D. W., 16 Felter, E. B., 354 Felz, J., 315 ♦Fenger, C., 256 Fenn, K. N., 428 Fensternacher, C. C.,j28 Fenton, T. J., 133 Index to Alumni 497 •12M FM •93M •OlP 'OlM •12P •17P •83M •04M '93M •ISM •08P •03M •05D •OSP •13M '09.M FM •IIP •09P FM •16M •IID '03D •84 P •87M •06M •9-M '06M '12P •16M ■lOM •13M •19M ■S6P •06M •07M •12M •82P •03M •20M FM FM •S4P •02M ■97P •03M •99M •87M •9SD •09M •02M FM •90P •12M '14P •94P •19M •OoM '04D •15M •85P •02D •98M '05D •91P '12D '06M '9.5P •12M •78P •12M •21M •98M •13M •OoM •98M •12M •85M •87M •OOM 'OOM •18P •87 M •IIP Ferguson. A. D.. 1S4 •06M ♦Ferguson, A. H., 257 •91P Fermstead. 0.. 28 '04D ♦FeruhoU. E. N.. 385 •03M Fernow, J. A. W., 74 •07D Ferrer, A. M., 410 •86M Ferring, A. P., 421 •05M *Ferro, C. M.. 1 •04M ♦Ferry, H. W., 110 •06M Fetberston. E. B., 28 •15D Fetherston. J. E.,224 •09M Fett. O. A., 400 •IIP Ficke, E. 0., 97 '03 M Fickensher. Mrs. E. L. 'ISP (.Sec Baker, Grace) '02P Fidler. D. N.. 400 '74P Filley, Georgia A., 194 •06M Fimpel, Marv, 103 Findlay, E. K.. 257 •20M '9SM Fingl, A. W.. 408 'SSP Fingl, E. G.. 403 •16M Fink. H. W.. 257 '85M Fink, M. S.. 216 '05M Findlay, G. C. 306 '03M ♦Finley, C. A.. 292 '18P Finley. C. P., 341 '15M ♦Finley. E. L.. 12 'lOM Finley, Mrs. M.F. (See '19D Ries, Anna F.) '07M Finn. W. H., 47 •19M Finney, E. O.. 133 '07M Finnigan, J. H., 410 •08M Finsand, V., 216 •S6M Firey, W. I.. 171 •19D Firtik, J. A.. 194 •94M Fisch, M.E., 226 'S6P ♦Fischel. E.. 347 '84P ♦Fischer. A. M., 133 'S4P Fischer, C. E. M.. 146 '84M Fischer, C. 184 •03M Fischer. O. F., 339 'lOM Fischer, 0. G.. 97 '15M Fischer, W. R.. 230 '13M Fischkin, E. A., 257 'IIM Fischman. E. W.. 257 •09M Fish. E. L.. 341 '91M Fisher, Evelyn B., 84 •84M Fisher, E. J.. 377 '88M Fisher. F. G.. 97 'IIM Fisher. G. C., 58 'OlP Fisher, J. M., 12 '06P Fisher, L. E., 287 '19M ♦Fisher, R. G., 163 '14M Fiske, Mrs. M. E. G. •14M (See Green, Mary E.) FM Fisher. W. A.. 257 '15M Fisk. B. E.. 362 '17M Fisk. R. R.. 184 '13M Fisler. O. L., 414 '99M Fitch, E. L., 370 'OlM Fitch. F. R., 237 '90P Fitzgerald, D. H., 122 'IIP Fitzgerald, E. R., 294 '14M Fitzgerald, G. M., 208 '07D Fitzsimon, J. T., 344 'OlD Flachtmeier. A. F., 291 '86P Flanagan, B. F., 51 '9oM Flanjgan, J. J., 296 ■84P Flannery. H. F.. 365 ■17D Flannery. J. A.. 308 '08P Flannery, R. E.. 134 '17D ♦Fla%nn. D.. 373 '18P Fleeger. R. B.. 184 •90P ♦Fleischer, A. T., 335 '91M Fleischman, A. C.. 184 '19M Fleischner. J.. 241 '19P Fleming. G. J., 51 '15P Fleming. S. C., 194 •09P Fletcher. A. G.. 122 •99D Fletcher. M. S., 51 •20M Flexer. H. N., 184 •99M ♦Fliesburg. 0. A., 6 •03M Flint. E. X., 12 FM Flint. Nellie C. 65 '97M Flippen, G. A.. 65 '16M Florian. A. H.. 423 Flower. W. Z.. 12 '87M Flynn. E. A.. 408 '16P .10 , 122 Flynn, Helen B., 134 Fogas, J. T., 365 Fogle. A. C., 294 Fogle, Clara, 97 Foley, C. L., 301 Follansbee, W. F. Folckemer, H. R. Foltz. J. E.. 110 Fomon. S.. 134 Fonda, J. E., 311 Foote, A. A., 163 Foote, C. L., 408 Forbes. H. J.. 97 Forbrich. E. J., 423 Forbrich, P. J., 387 Ford. C. M., 333 Ford, E. J., 134 Ford, H. L., 230 Ford, W. R., 52 Fordhani, W. W., 354 Fordyce. A. W.. 216 ♦Fordyce. O., 6 Forkin, G. E., 122 Forkin, W. P.. 97 Formhals. W. J., 424 Formusa, A. C., 208 Foronda, M. D., 171 Forslund, C. W., 320 Forster. A. L., 146 Forster, N. K., 226 Fortier, G. S., 146 Fortin, W. H.. 154 Fortner, E. C.. 10 Forwalter. M., 320 ♦Foster, A. A.. 33 Foster. C. A.. 347 ♦Foster, E. E., 341 Foster, F. S., 341 Foster, I. C., 4 Foster, L. B., 97 Foster, Mabel G., 171 Fournadjieff, D. G., 208 Fouser. C. W., 194 Fouts, R. M., 178 Fouts. R. W.. 163 Fowler. G. W.. 23 Fowler. W. E., 4 Fowler. W. S.. 16 Fox. E. F., 178 Fox, G. G.. 385 Fox. L. B., 396 Fox. N. H., 226 Fox, N. I., 201 Fox, R. E., 201 Frain, Nellie M., 257 Franchere, C. M.,208 Francisco, S. A., 221 Frank. A. M.. 194 Frank, I., 58 ♦Frank, M., 74 ♦Frank, N. L., 362 Franke, G. E., 408 Franke. Meta E., 201 Frankel. D. A.. 301 Frankel. H. A.. 289 Franken, E.. 347 Franken, J. G.. 38 Franken, J. L., 342 Franklin, H. V.. 315 Frantz, B. C, 401 Franzwa. C. F.. 315 Erase. K. W.. 424 Eraser, E. A.. 362 Eraser, J. E.. 23 Fraser, J. H.. 226 Eraser. R. E., 425 Fraser, R. F., 416 Frauenhoff. F. L., 403 Frazier, C. E., 288 Freark, R. H., 230 ♦Frea«, F. L., 58 Frechtling, L. H.,97 Frederick, Nora E.. 257 Frederick, R. C., 47 Froderickbon. Sophia H. H., 216 ♦Fredigke. C. C, 13 Fretdl, W. J., 419 •12M '98P ■18D •OOM 'OOP •02P •12M •09M '14M '15M '08M •09M •OlM FM 'IIM '02M •21M 'SOP •S4P '07D '06D '04D '97M '97M '12D '97P '17P '12D '07M '02P '08M '02M '15M '02M 'ISP '90P '03P '90P 'IIM '85P '21P '02M '87P '06P '13M '12M 'IIM '03M 'OSM '02M '97P '02M FP FM FM '15D '93M 'OOP '13M 'lOM '07M •05D '13M '07P 'IIM '06M '98M '93M '89P 'lOM '20M '05M •95M •83M •91M '12M •03M ■93P 'lOM •07M '97M •04 M •19M •OOM •05M •14M Freedman, A. A., 185 Freeman, A. W., 379 Freeman, C. B., 317 Freeman, J. P.. 65 Freeman, R. W., 383 Freeman, W. B., 387 Fremmel, H. J., 185 Freese, A. W., 103 Freilich. E. B., 202 Freilich, H. H., 208 Freitag, Mathilda, 155 Fremmel, I. F., 163 French. G. M.. 74 French, Pickney. 257 French. R. L.. 178 French, W. M.,85 Frenzel, W. C., 241 Frerksen, R. C.. 337 Freund, A. P., 342 Frey, H. A., 301 Frey. J. C.. 299 Freyer, H.. 294 Frick. L., 47 Friduss, S. L., 47 Fried, I. U., 308 Friedgen, H. R., 377 Friedley, C., 421 Friedman, B. D., 308 Friesen, J. F., 146 Friesenecker, C. M., 387 Freitag, Matilda, 155 Frisbie. Mrs. C. B. (See Fisher. Evelyn B.) Frise. D. C., 208 Fritch, G. A.. 85 Fritschel, A. W., 424 Fritz, F. F., 362 Fritz, O. A., 389 Froeschle, W. F., 362 Frogner, G. S., 178 Frohn, J. B., 344 Froiland. Dina M.. 428 Frudenfeld, H. H., 85 Fry. H., 351 Fry, N. G., 396 Frymire, W. A., 194 Fuchs, A. E., 185 Fuchsmann, M. M., 179 Fucik, E. J., 97 Fugina, G. R., 155 Fukala, C. V., 85 Fulghum, C. C, 377 ♦Fuller, F. E., 85 ♦Fuller, H. W., 430 Fuller, S. S., 258 Fuller, W., 258 FuUerton, R. M., 311 Fulton, A. M.. 28 ♦Fulton, P. M.,383 Funderburk, V. J., 194 Funk, W. B., 171 Funkhouser, O. B., 146 Funston, G. E., 296 Furby, R. L., 194 Furman, T. E., 399 Furno, J. P., 179 Furstman, J. M.. 134 Fuson. A. U., 52 Fyfe. R., 28 Fyler, Mary F., 358 Gabby, S. L., 171 Gabriel, C. K., 230 Gadd, E. E., 122 Gaebler, A. A., 38 Gafford, J. A., 1 Gafney, T. H., 23 Gage, A. E., 185 Gage, E. W., 97 Gage, J. G., 368 , Gaggin. F. N- 171 ' Gahl, O. A.. 147 ♦Gailey, D. S., 47 Gailey. W. W., 110 Gainer, J. F.. 237 Gale. R. G.. 65 Gale. W. v., 122 Galgano, M. A., 201 University of Illinois •02M •lOM FD '15D '86M '93M 'OlM '12P •04M '13P FM •87P '05M •OOM '12D FM '87P '0.5M '98M •93M •03M •04M FM '04M '89P '09D •OlM 'OlM 'OOD '02M •02M FM FM FP '91P •14P •99M '89P •16P •16M •95P '99M '84P '08M '06P '18D '86P '93P •08 M '09M •19D FM •OOM •04M •03M •03M •15P •88P •04P FM '91M •OOM •05M •08M •07M •05P '20M •05M •12M •04M •IIM •85M •02M FM •86M •OIP •04M •86P •97P 'OSM •17M •87M •03M •96M •06D •95P Gallagher, R. V., 85 Gallardo, M. M., 171 Gallie, D. M., 327 Gallie, D. M. Jr., 311 Gallison, F. E., 10 Galloway, D. H., 28 Galloway, G., 74 Galloway, J. H.. 401 Gambell, F. H.. 110 Gambell, K. V., 412 Gamble, W. E., 258 Gamm, C. A., 351 Ganoe, C. V., 122 *Gansel, E. A., 65 Gantz, S. J. Z., 308 *Gapen, C, 258 Gapen, C. L., 351 Garard, J. C, 122 Garber, S. C, 52 Gardner, F. H., 28 Gardner, G. A., 97 Gardner, I. A., 110 Gardner, Stella M., 258 Gardner, W. H., Ill Garner, J. P., 358 Games, H. H., 304 Garnett, Isabella M., 74 Garraghan, E. F., 74 Garretson, A. V., 288 Garrett, E. A., 85 Garrett, J. D., 85 Garrety, G. H., 258 Garrety, J., 258 ♦Garrison, H. D., 430 Garrison, W. H., 365 Garrity, J. G., 414 Garth, J. W., 58 Garver, B. F., 358 Gasen, H., 419 Gates, L. V., 216 Gathercoal, E. N., 373 Gathman, H., 58 Gatton, W. R., 342 Gaudet, J. A., 155 Gauthier, C. D., 396 Gaviria, A., 317 *Gazzolo, F. F., 347 Gazzolo, F. H., 368 Gearin, J. J., 155 Gearon, F. E., 163 Geduldig, 0. J., 320 *Gehrmann, A., 258 Geiger, A. H., 65 Geiger, C. W., 118 *Geiger, L. H., 67 Geisel, E. E., 97 Geispitz, V. L., 416 Geisse, C. F., 354 Gelly, R. W., 391 Gentles, H. W., 258 Genung, F. C, 23 George, A. B., 66 George, W. A., 122 Gerety, W. F., 133 Gerhard, W. B., 147 Gerhardt, A. E., 394 Gernon, G. D., 230 Gernsey, M. N., 122 Gerow, Katharine, 185 Gesswein, C. A., Ill Gethner, M. P., 179 Gfroerer, G. S., 7 Gibbs, J. A., 85 Gibson, C. B., 258 ♦Gibson, J., 10 Giese, H. W., 385 Giesen, C. W., Ill Giesler, O. A., 348 Gilbert, C. E., 377 Gilbert, Mrs. E.M. (See Martinson, Elsie M.) Gilbert, J. D., 20 Gilchrist, V. M., 221 *Gile, U. A., 13 Gilhus, A. T., 98 Gill, G., 43 Gill, W. W., 299 *Gille, W, S., 373 •95M Gillespie, J. A., 38 •04M •OOP Gillette, A. S., 383 •03D •85M ♦Gillette, L. B., 7 •15M 'lOM Gillespie, J. C., 171 •96P GiUispie, S. T., 375 ■12M •OOM Gilmore, C. F., 66 •OlM •89M ♦Gilmore, M. C, 18 •03M •16M Gilmore, R. A., 216 •IIP •04M Gimson, Esther, 111 '15M •lOM Gindele, G. W., 171 •06M •86P Glaser, E. F., 348 '02M •lOM Glasier, W. F., 171 •99M •13M Glassman, L., 194 •96M •06M Glenn, E. A., 134 •89M •04D Glenn, E. M., 294 •93P •96M Glenn, F. L., 43 •93P •OIP Glogau, A., 385 •13P •16M Glover, H. M., 216 •98M •88M ♦Glover, J. F., 16 '92P •89M Gluck, I., 18 •02M •02M Glynn, C. E., 85 •21P •85P ♦Gmelich, L. F., 344 •89P •15M ♦Gochnaur, 0. H., 208 •16P •89M ♦Godard, W. A., 18 •15M '08M Goembel, E. W., 155 •OOP •99P Goeppner, G. C., 381 •20M •86P Goetz, A., 348 •89P •86P Goetz, C., 348 •lOM '05M Goetzinger, C. F., 122 '04D •16M Goggin, J. G., 216 •02D •99M Goggins, R. J., 58 •19M •13M ♦Golbeck, C. H., 194 •02M •16M Goldberg, B., 216 . •05M •21M Goldberg, B., 241 •99D •18D Goldberg, I., 317 •IIM •03M Goldberger, H. E., 98 •08M •08M Goldberger, S. M., 155 •89M •20M Goldblatt, L., 230 •04M '17M Golden, W. E., 221 '04M '08M Goldenburg. M., 155 •99P •20M Goldenson, M. J.,239 •17P Goldman, B., 421 •81P •19P Goldman, I., 425 •05M •19P Goldman, M. P., 321 •07M •12P Goldstein, J., 410 •13M '86M Goldstein, L., 10 •95M FM Goldstine, M. T., 259 •04M •12D Goldstein, P. H., 308 •03M •93M ♦Goldthorpe, E. E., 28 •06P •03M Golembiowski, J. J., 98 •96P •78P ♦Golling, F. J.. 335 •08D '08M Gollobith, E. F., 155 •17P •lOP Golombiewski, J. P.,406 •02M •15P Goltermann, R. W.,416 •12M •87P Goltz, M. A., 351 •02M •17M Golub, S., 221 •95M FD Gooderl, H. W., 328 •12M •21D Goodfriend, E. I., 324 •99P •15D Goodfriend, S. H.,311 •03D FM Goodkind, M. L., 259 FM •71P ♦Goodman, F. M., 333 •17M •07P Goodman, J., 399 •OOM •84M ♦Goodman, T. B., 4 •21M •87M Goodsmith.H. M.,13 •15M FM Goodsmith, W. P., 259 •05M '05M ♦Goodwin, C. E., 123 •OOM Goodwin, H. F., 66 •20M •21M Goodwin, M., 241 •21D •12M Goone, W. N., 185 •16P •87P ♦Goosen, H. F., 351 •90P •8SP Gorder, C, 354 '08M •08M Gordon, G. G., 155 •09M •15M Gordon, G. J., 208 •04M '19M Gordon, H., 237 •OIP •05M Gordon, J. M., 123 •lOM '12M Gordon, J. S., 185 •IIM •05D Gordon, S. F., 297 •94M •05M Gore, 0. P., 123 •88P •15P Gorham, L. A., 416 •18P •19D Gorman, Elsie, M., 321 •95P •18D Gorman, F. L., 317 •83P •14D Gorman, J. S., 310 •21D •04D ♦Gorney, W. A., 294 •UP •12P Gorny, S. S., 410 •08M •DIM Gorrell, T. J. H., 74 •IID '89P Gorton, G. E., 358 •09M •92M Goss, E. L., 25 •14M •14M Gotthelf, E. J. Jr., 202 '99M Gotthelf, I. L., Ill Gottleib, L., 292 Gottschalk, Clara G., 208 Gould, H. v., 185 Gould, Henrietta, 74 Gourley, F. L., 98 ♦Goveia, L. D., 408 Goy, M. C.,208 Grable, H. G., 134 Grabow, P. E., 85 Grabowicz, B. 0., 58 Grace, R. S., 43 Grace, T. J., 18 Grace, W. E., 368 ♦Grady, C. J., 368 Gragg, A. C., 412 Graeser, H. B., 52 Graessle, O. L., 366 Graham, A. J., 85 Graham, C. H., 428 Graham, E. L., 358 Graham, F. W., 419 ♦Graham, R. W., 208 Graham, W. R., 383 Gramer, E. P., 230 Granacher, E. T., 358 Graner, L. H., 171 Granger, F. R., 294 Granger, J. C., 291 Granger, W. B., 226 Grant, Margaret S., 85 Grant, O. E., 123 Grantveldt, H. F., 288 Gratzek, T., 179 Graves, P. A., 155 ♦Gray, A. S., 18 Gray, C. M., HI Gray, E. W., HI Gray, Margaret M. V., Gray, N., 338 Gray, W. K., 123 Graybeal, J., 147 Grayston, J. T., 194 Grayston, F. W., 38 Greaves, J. A., Ill Greaves, W. W., 98 Grebel, E. E., 396 Green, C. V., 375 Green, J. E., 302 Green, L. R., 421 Green, Mary E., 85 Green, O. I., 185 Green, R. R., 85 Green, T. S., 38 Greenberg, L. M. Greene, G., 381 Greenfield, A. R., 292 Greenfield, C. E., 259 ♦Greenfield, J. R., 236 Greenfield, Sara E., 66 Greengard, J., 241 Greenwald, S. C, 208 Greenwald, W. C. E., 123 Greenwood, R. E., 231 Greenwood, R. G., 324 Greenwood, R. L., 419 ♦Greenwood, T. E., 362 Greer, E. J., 155 Gregg, A. W., 163 Gregg, H. E., Ill Gregg, Maude A.. 385 Gregg, R. S., 171 Gregg, W. L., 179 Gregory. A. T., 33 Greiner, W. E., 354 Grenberg, R. E., 424 Greves, J. H., 373 Grieb, F., 340 Grieff, R. U., 324 Griflfin, E. D., 408 Griffin, F. J., 155 Griffin, W. C, 306 Griffiths, E. H. M., 163 GrifFy, R., 202 ♦Grimes, J. P., 58 185 Index to Alumni 499 •06P •SoP •91M FD ■08M •OOM FD •17M •OoD •09M ■02M ■19M •21M •09P •94P •lOM ■18P •12P •20P •OOD '07M ■OoM •lOM •06M •OoM •06M •92M •02D 'SSP •12M •S3P •19M 'loP •89P •04M •05P •17P ■20P •02 M •04M •OoD •07.M •09P •02M 'DIM •20M '06M •OSM •OlM '86M •83P •04M •OOD •21M •04P •18P •06M •99P •06P •04M •03M •17P '06P •loP •OoM '04M •IID '13M •07M '03P ■03M FM 'IIM 'OOD •03M '93M •OoM 'loM •02M •13M •14P •07P •88M '93M •15M •14M •19D Grimes, W., 396 FM Grimm. H. P., 344 •IIP Grimme, L. A.. 23 •09D Grimson. J. S., 32S •85M Grinde. G. A.. 155 •17M Grinnell, W. B.. 66 'S6P Grisamore, T. L.. 328 •97M Grissom. C. B., 221 •98M Grissom. M. A.. 297 •05P ♦Grober. G. B.. 163 '03M Groos, J. O.. 85 FM Groos. L. P.. 227 •86M ■■ Groot, J. T., 259 '92P Groos, S. V. R., 403 •IIM Gross. H. E., 371 FP • Gross. W. A.. 171 •94P Grosse. A. G., 424 •04M *Grosse, B. C. 410 •COM Grosse. F. W., 426 'IIM ♦Grossman. H.. 2S8 '19D Ground, H. T.. 147 '07D Grout. B. C, 123 •09P Grove, A. F.. 171 'OOM Grove. J. L.. 134 FM Grove. M. M., 123 '04M Grua, 0. E., 134 •19D Grubb, A. G.. 25 '9SM Grubb. H. W.. 291 FP Grubb. J. E.. 354 '06M Grubb. M. W., 185 'OIP ♦Grube. C. H., 340 •9SM Gruenhagen, A. P.. 227 '95M Grund, C. H. Jr.. 416 •97M Grundy, J. D.. 35S •95M Gudgel. H. B.. Ill 'OOM Guerten. G. J. J.. 394 '89P Guild, G., 421 Guinter. S. H., 426 •OOM Gulick, C. D., 85 •02P Gunderson, C, 111 ■04M Gunn, R. J., 297 •76P Gunn. W. P.. 147 '02M Gunning. D. T.. 403 '03D Gunning, J. M.,86 Gustafson, J. A., 74 •09M Gwin, Ethel A., 231 *Gwinn, E. C, 134 '96M Haake, J. A.. 155 '99M Haan, G.. 74 •UM ♦Haas. A., 10 •06M ♦Haberer, O. J.. 340 'IIM Haberman. E., Ill •OOM Hackman. J. D.. 'S4P Hadden. S. L.. 241 'UD Hadley. E. W.. 391 'UD Haeberle, E. J., 424 '19D Haeffner. A. \V.. 134 •81P Haeseler, F. P.. 381 '06M Haeseler, L. M.. 397 FM Haesslv, S. B., Ill '03D Haeusler, AnnaM.,98 •13P Haffner, C. F., 421 FD Haffner. G. F., 397 •97M Haffner, L. L., 41t) 'OOD Hagans. F. M.. 123 '15D Hagans, Grace F.. HI '13M Hagar. W. L.. 306 '07M Hageman. P. S., 195 '07M Hageman. S. V., 147 'OlM Hagemann, W. G. H., '87M 389 '19M Hagen, 0. E., 98 •12M Hager, D. S., 259 '09 M Hagie, F. E., 179 'S6P Hague. A. L.. 289 '07M Hagjard, C. E., 98 '93M •Hahn. A. F., 28 FM Habn. E., 123 •19M Hahn, M.. 208 '04P Hahn, L. A., 86 'IIM Haig, G. F., 195 FM Haines, H. E., 414 '90P Haines, R. F., 399 'S4M Haines, T. J., 16 '84 M ♦Hawelden. H. J.. 28 '04 M Hakansson. E. G..209 '14M Halbert. S. K.. 202 •05M Halbmaier. A. E.. 321 •05M Hale, A. B.. 259 Halfacre. E. J.. 408 Halferty. 1. H.. 304 Hall. A. H.. 7 Hall. Alice K.. 236 Hall, E., 348 Hall. H. M.. 47 Hall. H. M., 52 Hall. J. R.. 394 Hall, M. W.. 98 Hall. R. N., 259 *Hall, W. D., 10 Hall, W. W.. 366 Hallberg. C. A., 179 *Hallberg. C. S. N.. 430 Hallenberg. O., 371 Hallinan. E. L., Ill Halloin, L. J., 66 Halloway. I. H., 179 Halmhuber, P. G., 321 Halperin. A. N.. 301 Halperin, L. E.. 403 Halsey. W. H., 134 Halstead, A. E., 259 Halverson, H. L., Ill Hamachek, S. O., 321 Hambley, T. J., 52 ♦Hambright. G. M., 430 Hamel, C. E., 134 Hamer, G. H., 385 Hamill, Eunice B., 52 Hamilton, C, 38 Hamilton, E. M., 47 Hamilton. H., 38 Hamilton, H. B., 66 Hamilton, W. R. Jr., 358 Hamilton, W. S., 66 Hamley, A. L.. 387 Hammel,6. A., Ill 335 86 O. J., F. L. 134 306 Hammer, A. G. Hammers, L. J. Hammersmith, 292 ♦Hammerstrand, 163 ♦Hammond, C. L , 43 Hammond, J. L., 58 Hammond, W. C, 179 Hammond, W. D., Hamnett, H.. 179 Hampton, R. R., 6 Hand, O. H., 342 Handelman, E. D. Handelman, H. L., Handler. L.. 321 ♦Handtmann, F., 338 Hanelin, W. B., 134 Hann, G. W., 259 Hanna, E. A., 292 Hannema, L. P., 412 Hannon, Esther M., 238 ♦Hansel, C. E., 47 ♦Hansen, C, 289 Hansen, H. O., 311 Hansen, J. H., 195 Hansen, O. A., 147 Hansen, R. R., 147 Hanshus, J. W., 74 ♦Hanson, F. A., 13 Hanson, H. J., 227 Hanson. H. V., 185 Han.son, M. W., 163 Hanson. P. B.. 348 Harbison. J. G., 147 ♦Hardie, C. J.. 28 Hardie. T. M.. 259 Hardinger. P. M..227 Hards. R. N.. 391 Hare. C. 179 Harger. J. R., 259 Harmg, W. S.. 362 ♦Harkness. G. S.. 4 Harlan. A. W., 4 Harman. I. C.. 112 Harner, L. H.. 202 ♦Harner. M. W., 123 Harner, R. C, 123 •04M •16D FM '06M FM '97P '98D FM •12P •09M 'S6P •14M '04M '07D '98P '88M '06M '99M FM '83M '91M •12M '06M '19D '87M '21M •06M 'UM '04M '92M 'S9P '20P '02M '09M '03M 'IIM '84M '02M •92P '83M FM '96P '87M '07M 'OOM '94M '03M '98M 'OIP '04P '96M •90P '04P '14M '08M '94M '17M '15M '92P '85P '82P '88P •12M '93M '85M '83M •06M •95P '16M '03M '04M 'UM FM '05M '09M '04M '06 M FM •02M ■06M '84P •79P '04M •03P •84M Harnett, A. L., 112 Harnick. H. M.. 313 Harp. A. G.. 260 Harper, H. B.. 134 ♦Harper. J. E., 260 Harper. M. A.. 377 Harramann. E. V..287 Harrell, F. M., 260 Harrell, R. W., 411 Harriman, L., 164 Harrington, J. E.. 348 Harrington, R. J., 202 Harrington, W. E.. 112 Harris, A. B., 301 Harris, A. H., 379 ♦Harris, B. Y., 16 Harris, C. E., 134 ♦Harris, F. G., 58 Harris, H. G., 260 ♦Harris, J. B., 1 Harris, J. L., 23 Harris, L. D., 185 Harris, L. J., 135 Harris, P. A., 321 ♦Harris, P. E., 13 Harris, R. A., 241 Harris, R. R., 135 Harris, U. B., 202 Harris, W. A., 112 Harris, W.E., 25 ♦Harris, W. F., 358 Harris, W. F., 426 Harrison, Mrs. Annie E. (See Barron, Annie E.) Harrison, B. A., 164 Harrison, C. W., 98 Harrison, G. W.. 179 Harrison, W. K., 4 Harroun, W. A., 86 Harsch, J. H., 367 ♦Harsh, I. M., 1 Harsha, W. M., 260 Harstad. O., 375 Hart, A. B., 13 Hart, Esther A., 147 . Hart, H. G., 66 ♦Hart, T. B., 33 Hart, W. E.,98 Hart, W. E., 52 Hartig, H., 385 Hartig, J. F.. 392 Hartigan, T., 43 Hartke. E. A., 362 Hartley, H. O., 392 Hartman, R. C. 202 Hartung, A., 155 Hartung, H., 33 Hartwell, B. O., 221 ♦Hartwig, G. F., 209 Hartwig, R. W., 367 Hartwig, O. J., 344 ♦Hartz, G. H., 339 Hartz, P. G., 354 Hartzell, H. W., 185 Harvey, A. M., 28 Harvey, W. S.. 7 ♦Harvey, Z. T., 1 Harwood, D. A., 135 Haschenburger, E. O., 373 Hasek. V. H.. 217 Haskell, J. E., 98 Haslit, P. P., 112 Hass, G. A., 179 Hassin, G. B., 260 Hastings, P. H., 123 Hatch, E. D., 164 ♦Hatfield, C. N., 112 Hatfield, Lena, 135 ♦Hatfield, M. P., 260 Hathaway. R. E., 86 Hattendorf, Jessie, 135 Hatterman, C. F., 342 Hattermann, C. 336 Hattery. H. H., 112 Hatton. H. T., 389 Hatton. W. D., 4 500 University of Illinois •21P '93M '02D •05P '04 M •03M- •06M FM '92M •16M •15P FM ■12M •06M FP •18M •08M •02M FM '85P •05M •07M '90P '92M •13M FD •09M '96M '99 M 'OOM FM '04M '89M •07M '96P '95M •OOD '92P '08M •lOM '04M '87M •93M '93M '99P '13P '02P '17P 'IIP •OlM 'lOM '04M '14D FD '19D '86P '90P FM ■19M '90P '04M •OlM •93P •87M '95M '20M '02M •02M •06D •06M •03M 'IIM •OlM FM '06M '19M •06M '95M 'IIM Hauber, Josephine C, 428 Hauenstein, G. W., 29 Hawes, D. R., 291 Hawk, W. M.E., 394 Hawkins, A. P., 112 Hawkins, G. M., 98 Hawkinson, O., 135 Hawley, E. H., 260 *Hawley, E. R., 25 Hawthorne, Grace M., 217 Hawthorne, R., 416 Hawthorne, W. C, 260 Hayes, Clara E., 185 Hayes, K. L., 135 *Hayes, P. S., 430 Hayes, M. D., 236 Hayhurst, E. R., 155 Haynes, B. H., 86 Haynes, H. A., 260 Hays, J. S., 344 Hayton, A. R., 123 Hayward, Martha, 147 *Hazelrigg, D. C, 362 Hazen, S. F., 25 Hazlett, W. H., 195 H'Doubler, F., 328 Heacock, E. M., 164 Headrick, C. M., 43 *Heald, H. C, 58 Heald, S. A., 358 Healy, E. J., 354 *Heath, C. W.. 66 Heath, Margaret A., 260 *Heaton. E. D., 112 *Hebert, O., 18 Hecht, M. C, 147 Heck, R. S., 375 Heckman, I. J., 38 *Heckmao, J. D., 289 Heddens, C. H., 367 Hedges, W. E., 156 Hedrick, W. R., 172 Heffelfinger, M. A., 112 *Heffelfinger, W. W., 13 Hegge, C. A., 29 Hegge, O. H., 29 *Heidbreder, A. H., 381 Heidbreder. E. P., 412 ♦Heidbreder, F. H., 387 Heidbreder, G. H., 421 Heidbreder, H. H., 408 Heilman, E. S., 75 Heim, R. R., 172 Heimark, A. J., 112 Heimer, R. A., 310 Hein, E. G. A., 328 Hein, L. F. A., 321 *Heine, G. B., 348 Heine, H., 362 Heineck, A. P., 260 Heinekamp, W. J. R., 237 Heinemann, Lucy, 375 *Heinemann, M., 362 Heinen, A., 112 Heintz, E. L., 75 Heiss, E. J., 368 Hektoen, L., 13 Hellebrandt, F. G., 38 Heller, H. F., 231 ♦Heller, W. H., 86 Hellmuth, J. A., 381 *Helm, W. H., 368 Helmey, C. T., 86 Helmick, O. W., 299 Helwig, A. G., 135 Helz, J. W., 98 Hempler, H. G., 179 Henbest, G. M., 75 *Hench, J. B., 261 Hench, J. M., 135 Henderson, A. J. G., 227 Henderson, C, 135 Henderson, G. S., 38 Henderson, J. F., 179 '02M '19D '86M '99D •07D '86P '03P '13M '90M 'IID '07M '13M '08M '04M '13P '85M '93M '90P '85M '99P '08M 'lOM FP '13M '91P '85P '93P '15M '96P •lOP '94M '02M '04M '98P FM '93M FM •99M '93P 'IIM FM '03M •OlM '91M ■03M FD '18D 'OlM •90M '17D '09P '02P •88P •93M '89M '09M 'OIP '02M '03P '05M '95M '06M '12D '04P '20P '05M '19M '17M '84P '88P '14P '86M '03M •04P '06M '02M '98M '03D '02M '99M '99M '02D '92M '07M '14D '02M Henderson, M. L., 86 Henderson, M. S,, 321 ♦Henderson, N. H., 10 Hendricks, N. J., 288 Hendricks, W. B., 301 Hendrie, G. T., 348 Henke, A. P., 389 Henke, W. A., 195 *Henkel, F. W. E., 21 Henn, E. J., 306 Henneberry, T. J., 147 Hennessy, M. C, 195 Hennig, E. L., 156 Henning, A. F., 112 Henry, C. J., 412 Henry, J. M., 7 Henssler, O. W. B., 29 Heppe, G. C, 362 Herb, S. M., 7 Herbold, C., 381 Herbert, G. S., 156 Hercik, W. L., 172 Hereth, F. S., 430 Hergert, Clara A., 195 *Herker, R. W., 365 ♦Herman, G. K., 344 Hermansdorfer, A., 368 Herpe, G. G., 209 Herr, A. E., 375 Herrick, W. A., 406 Herriges, P., 33 Herrington, C. W., 86 ♦Herrmann, A. A., 112 Herrmann, W. F., 379 Herrold, R. D., 261 Herrold, R. H., 29 Hershfield, A. S., 261 ♦Herzog, A. E., 58 ♦Herzog, J. W., 368 Hess,E. F., 179 Hess, J. H., 261 Hess, Meda, 98 Hess, W. C, 75 ♦Hessell, A. A., 23 Hewins, H. A., 98 Hewett, A. M., 328 ' Hewitt, N. O., 318 Hews, L. D., 75 Heylmann, C. J., 21 Hibbard, L. C, 315 Hibbe, C, 403 Hibbe, H. M.. 387 ♦Hibben, H. K., 355 ♦Hibbert, G. A., 29 Hibbs, G. B., 19 Hickman, G. L., 164 Hicks, Mrs. H. C. (See Hobart, Maude) ♦Hicks, J. C, 86 Hieronymus, O., 389 Hiett, A., 123 Higbee, F. O., 3' Higginbotham, 135 Higgins, B. C, 308 Higgins, C. L., 392 Higgins, E. C, 426 Higgins, S. G., 123 Hilbert, J. W., 227 Hildebrand, G. J., 221 Hildebrand, J. J., 342 Hildebrandt, F. H., 355 Hildebrant, P. E.. 414 Hileman, J. E., 10 Hilger, J. M., 99 Hill, A. L., 392 Hill, Armina S., 135 Hill, Mrs. Emma L., 86 ♦Hill, G. B. M., 52 Hill, H. H., 292 ♦Hill, W. C. 86 ♦Hillard, T. R., 58 HiUebrand, H. J., 59 Hillier, C. W., 291 Hilliker, J. B., 25 Hills, R. A., 147 Hinch, L. D., 310 Hinckley, H. G., 86 T. L., 'lOP '05M 'OlD '09M '04M '04M '90M '91M '86P •09M '14M '99M '87P FD 'OOM FM '05M '99D '05M '15M 'OIP FM '97M •04D '97P '89P •SoP '18M '08M FM '93P 'OlM '05M '89P '15M '06P '15M '14M '09M FM '19M '09M 'OIP '87M '74P '04M '15P '89M '06D FM 'OOP FM •06P '88P '96P FM '15M '93M '88M '14P '06M 'OOD '02M '96M '15M '03D '07M '04M '86M FM FM '03M '87M '94M '02M '04D '03M •06M '98P FM '20P '92M '78P '02D 'OlM '98M '12M Hindman, F., 406 Hinds, Anna B., 124 Hines, C. S., 289 Hines, L. L., 164 Hinman, W. T., 112 Hinton, R. T., 112 Hipke, G. A., 21 Hipke, W., 23 Hirsch, C H., 348 Hirschberg, Frieda, 164 Hiskey, G. N., 202 Hisom, Helen T., 59 ♦Hiss, A. E., 351 Hixson, A. H.. 328 ♦Hixson, R. B., 66 ♦Hoadley, A. E., 261 Hoag, H. J., 124 Hoag, M., 288 Hoag, R. B., 124 Hoaglund, A. W., 209 Hobart, Maude F., 385 Hobart, M. H., 261 Hobbs, E. J., 47 Hobbs, W. C, 294 ♦Hoch, C. F., 377 Hocking, J. F., 358 Hocking, W. J., 344 Hocum, H. E., 224 Hodsdon, B. F., 156 Hoelscher, J. H., 261 Hoelzer, B. A. C, 368 Hoermann, B. A., 75 ♦Hoeve, H. J. H., 124 Hoey, F. J., 358 Hoff, E., 209 Hoffman, C. E., 397 Hoffman, Goldy, 209 Hoffman, H. P., 202 Hoffman, I. E., 164 Hoffman, L. G., 261 Hoffman, R. W., 237 Hofmann, A., 164 Hogan, D. J., 385 Hogan, J. E., 13 Hogan, L. C, 334 Hohly, G. P., 112 Hojnacki, S. H., 416 Holbrook, F. D., 18 Holden, W. H., 299 Holderman, J. W., 262 Holderread, W., 383 Holinger, J. L. E., 262 Holland, D. L., 397 Holland, W. E., 355 Hollander, H. N., 375 Hollenbeck, F. D., 262 Hollender, A. R., 209 ♦Holliday, E. R.. 29 ♦Holliday, H. A., 16 Hollinshead, E. J., 414 Hollis, J. C, 135 Hollis, T. S., 289 Hollis, W. A., 86 Hollister, T. C, 43 ♦Hollmers, W. D., 209 Holly, F. A., 292 Holm, J. H., 147 Holmberg, L. J., 112 Holmboe, A. T. H., 10 Holmes, Anabel. 262 Holmes, B. T., 262 Holmes, E. M., 99 Holmes, E. R., 13 Holmes, J. B., 33 Holmes, J. M., 86 Holmes, J. T., 294 Holmes, P. H., 99 Holmes, R. R., 135 Holmsted, A. S., 379 Holroyd, E. E., 262 Holston, C. E., 426 Holzman, J., 25 Holzschuh, J. J., 335 Homan, W. W., 291 Hombach, W. P., 75 Homer, H. C. 52 Homman, Grace L., 186 Index to Alumni 501 •16M •9SP •05P •SoM •03P •03M •14D •03M •9SM •90M '02M ■06M •S3M '07D ■90.M '03 M •92. M •05.M •08D •04 D •01? •95? •16D ■03M •82? •06M •92? •S9M •94M •02M •S4M '04M •07M '35? FM •S4M •S6? •21M •lOM ■05M •SO? •06M •03M •14M '15D •08D ■S4M •04M •11? ■ISP •OOP •02? •OoD JOoD •05D •90M •9SM •8^3? '06M •02M •03M •02M •02M •90M •08M •14M •OlM •03M •91M •99M •09? •01? •09? •OlM •76? •12M •UP •13M •OlM •96? •04D •95M ■04? •09M •18M •98P •96M Homniel, P. R. V., 217 •Honeixs, H. B.. 379 Honsik. J. M.. 394 Hood, C. T.. 7 Hood. H. A.. 389 Hood, J. J.. 99 Hood. S. T., 310 Hooge, L. F., 99 Hooper, M. L., 52 Hooper. W. F., 21 *Hoopes, F. C. 86 Hoover, E. M., 135 Hoover, J. J. C, 2 Hoover, T. E., 301 ♦Hopkins, A. G., 21 Hopkins. Blanche E, 99 Hopkins, C. N., 26 Hopkins, F. C, 124 Hopkins, H. B.. 303 Hopkins, L. W.. 294 Hopkins. R. H.. 3S5 Hops, G. A., 373 Horiuchi. K., 313 Horn, A. S.. 99 ♦Horn, E. A.. 339 *Horn, E. E., 136 Horn, W. F., 367 Hornbogen, A. W., 18 Hornbogen, H. J., 33 ♦Hornibrook, F. H., 86 Horrell, C. B., 4 Horstman, F. M , 112 *Horton, C. S., 147 Horton, D. S , 344 Horton, Estella A., 262 ♦Horton, J. D., 4 Hoskins, C. B., 348 Hoskins, J. H.. 241 Hosmon, Sarah L., 172 ♦Hostetter, A., 124 Hotchkiss, S. S., 337 Hotchkiss, W. B., 136 Houda, E. O., 99 Houda, Rose S.. 202 Hough, J. F., 312 Hough, M.F..303 ♦Houghland, A. C, 4 Houk, W. F., 112 Hourigan, B. J., 409 House, L. A., 424 Houseman, G. J., 383 ♦Houseman, G. W., 388 Houston, G. R., 297 Houston, K. W., 297 Houston, R. E., 297 Houston, R. R., 21 Hovenden, J. H., 52 Hovey, W. C., 355 Howard, C. E., 136 Howard, G. A., 87 Howard, G. H.. 99 Howard. H. W.. 87 Howard. J. F., 87 Howard. J. J.. 21 Howard, W. J., Jr., 156 Howard. W. .S., 202 Howe, F. S.. 75 Howe, L. D., 99 Howell, J. A. S., 23 Howell, Mrs. J. A. S. (See Yingst, SalUe) Howell, J. B., 403 Howk, C. 385 Howly, J. G.. 403 Hoisey, R. P., 75 ♦Hoyt, G. W., 335 Hrabik, J. H., 186 Hrejsa, J. F., 409 Hruby, A. J., 195 Hubbard, C. W., 75 Hubbard, E. P., 375 Hubbard, H. H., 294 Hubbard, W. D., 38 Hubbard, W. S., 392 Hubeny. M. J.. 164 Huber, P. R., 224 Huddleston, C. E., 379 Hudson, J. R., 43 •90M Huennekens, J. H.. 21 •17M •S8M Hucston, D. P., 16 •OOP •OlD ♦Huff, Martha P.. 289 •05D FD Huff. R. T., 328 •17M Hughart, H. H., 217 •14D •09 M Hughes, A. P., 164 •UM •20M Hughes, C. 0., 239 •14M •92? ♦Hughes. H. J., 367 •OOP •84? ♦Hughes, W. J., 342 •16? •99M Hukill. Hannah L., 59 •05M FM Hulbert, H. S., 262 FM •87M Hulen, V. H., 13 ■06M •95? Hull, R. W., 373 ■03 M '93P Hull, S. G., 368 •lOM •03D Hulla, E., 293 •81? '96M Humiston. C. E.. 43 ■OOM •19? Humma, J. B.. 425 •97 M •99M ♦Hummel, C. 0., 59 •97M •OOM Hummel. E. P.. 66 •90M •96? Hummel, J. F.. 375 •75? •20P Humphrev, A., 426 ■05? •16D Humphrey-, R. I.. 313 Hund, J., 13 FM •S7M ■04D •04M Hundley, J. B., 112 FD •78? ♦Hundt, W. L., 335 ■03M •08M Hunsaker, C. A., 156 •07D •94? Hunsche, F., 371 ■06M ■88? ♦Hunt, C. M.. 355 •06? •9SM Hunt, E. A., 52 •OlM 'lOM Hunt, G. C, 217 •99M ■OlM Hunt, H. H.,75 ■16M '99M Hunter, Mary Gill, 59 FM •OSM Huntley, F. M., 156 ■lOM ■21? Hurdle, G. F., 428 ■16M •12M Hurka, R., 186 ■15P •09M Hurlbut, E. F., 164 ■IID •09M Hurley, G. I., 164 FP ■OOM Hurst, E. M.. 66 •93M ■85? Hurst, S. W., 344 '94? ■89? Huscher, G. A., 358 •97? '19D Huseby, R. J., 321 •84M •9SM ♦Husk, C. E., 52 ■14M Hussey, B. E., 202 '12M ■14? Huston, H. S., 414 •OOM •83? Huston, J. T., 340 •07? Huston, L. L., 399 ■OOP •07M Huston. R., 147 ■91M •9SM Hutchison, C. S., 52 ■08M •OSM Hutchison, C. W., 156 ■07M •04M Hutchison, 0. G.. 113 FP •13? Hutton. M. L., 412 ■02M •UM Huyser. W. C., 179 ■94 M •20M Hyatt. E. G., 231 ■21M •02M Hyde. D. L.. 87 •OOD 'OOM *Hvde, E. E., 66 •99? •IID Hyman, B. H.. 306 '99M FM Hyslop, R. J., 262 •UP FM •16M Ignatius, A., 217 ♦Ide, 0. M.. 33 •16M •94M •17D •17D Ihde, D. E., 315 •17D •14M Ikeda, K., 202 •04 M •21M Imbiorski, S. J., 241 •83M •OlD Imbritt, Inga H., 289 ■86? •08M ♦Imwall, C. \V., 156 •05M •05? Indovina, M., 394 ■15M •04M Ingham, G. M., 113 ■17M ■09M Ingold. J. G., 164 ■16M •02M Inks, C. A., 87 •lOM •12M Inks, F. E., 186 •96M •84M ♦Inks. J. S., 4 •18M •04D Ireland, Mrs. T. J. (See FM Schulze, Elizabeth L.) '17M ■04D Ireland, T. J.. 294 '84M •OlM Irish. H. E.. 75 '07M •21D Iriyama, T., 324 •20P •93? Irvine. E. D., 368 •96M •20M Irvine, G. B.. 231 •03M '84P Ir%'ing, W. F., 342 •90M •18M Irwin, C. E.. 224 •03 M ■98M Irwin, W. L.. 52 •OOM •94M Isaacs. L. J.. 33 •03M FM Isbester, R. H., 262 •03M '14M Isham. AnnaE., 202 •01? FM Isham, I. D., 202 •20? •08M Ishmael, O. E., 156 ■20M •16M Israeison, W.. 217 '06D •12D Ito. S. H.. 309 •05M Iverson, L., 217 Ives, G. S., 383 Ivey, F. H.. 297 Jack, A. S., 310 Jackman, C. B., 179 Jackman. J. €., 203 ♦Jackola, A. A. 383 Jacks, A. W., 419 Jacks, R. B., 124 ♦Jackson, A. R.. 262 Jackson, C. A., 136 Jackson, E. W., 99 Jackson, G. H., 172 Jackson, S. H., 338 Jackson, S., 66 Jackson, T. J., 47 Jackson, T. R., 47 ♦Jackson, V. R., 21 ♦Jacob, C. W., 334 Jacob, H. F., 394 Jacobs, C. M., 263 Jacobs, C. T., 294 Jacobs, E. B., 328 Jacobs, H. L., 99 Jacobs, J. E., 301 Jacobs, J. M., 136 Jacobs, L. G.. 397 ♦Jacobs, I. M., 75 Jacobson, A., 59 Jacobson, C. A., 217 Jacobson, Clara, 263 Jacobson, H. A., 172 Jacobson, L. J., 217 Jacobson, M., 416 Jacobstein, B., 306 ♦Jacobus, J. S.. 430 Jacobus, L. A., 29 ♦Jacobus, P., 371 ♦Jacobus, P. W., 377 ♦Jadarola di Ramonde. L. S., 4 Jaime, N., 186 Jakubowski, S. Jackson, S.) ♦James, C. L., 383 James, R. L., 23 Jamieson, E., 156 Jamieson, J. K., 148 Jamieson, T. N., 430 Jamison, G. U., 87 Jamison, H. E., 33 Janicki, S. F., 241 Jankowski, J. J., 289 Jansen, W. L., 381 Janss, H., 59 Janz, E. T., 409 Jaques, W. K., 263 Jaracz, W. J., 217 Jaros, J. E., 315 ♦Jarrett, F. A., 315 Jarvis, E. T.. 113 Jay, D. D. K., 2 Jay, G., 348 Jefferson, H. A., 124 Jeffrey, C. W., 209 Jeffrey, J. R., 222 Jeffries, D. W., 217 Jeffs, M. D. W., 172 Jegi, H. A., 43 Jelinek, J., 236 ♦Jelks, J. T., 263 Jelliffe, M. B.. 222 Jenckes, H. D., 4 Jenkins, H. E., 148 Jenkins, H. L., 426 Jenkins, P. B., 43 Jenkinson, E. A., 99 Jenney, F. L., 21 Jennings, Harriet B., Jennings, J. A., 67 Jennings, R. E., 99 Jensen, A. B., 99 Jensen, E., 385 Jensen, H. J.. 427 Jensen, J. I., 239 Jent. J. A., 299 Jerger, J. A., 124 (See 502 University of Illinois '04M Jerger, Mrs. J. A. (See '87M Hagans, Grace F.) •84M FD Jernquist, Carmen, 328 FM '03P Jeronimus,H.J.H.,390 '95M '13M Jespersson, Lydie R., FM 195 '12M '13M Jespersson, S., 195 '18M '16D Jesser, J., 313 '14M '99D Jessie, O. P., 288 '12M Jewell, B. M., 186 '02M '07 M Jewell, E. B., 148 'lOM •19M Jewell, H. B , 237 '02M •21M Jewell, J. H., 241 •lOM •03M Jewell, M. D., 99 •12D '87P Jewell, W. M., 351 •14P •15P Jindrioh, G. Vv^., 416 '84M FM Jirka, F. J., 263 'OlM '99? Johnson, A. A., 381 '17P 'OlM *Johnson, A. C, 75 •lOP •lOM Johnson, A. G., 172 '94M '15P Johnson, A. K., 416 '08M '18P Johnson, A. R., 424 '09M •IID Johnson, B. E., 306 '08D '14M Johnson, C. A., 203 '04M 'OlM Johnson, C. C, 75 'llD '12M Johnson, C. H., 186 '03M '89P Johnson, C. R., 358 •12M •16D Johnson, E. E., 313 •08M '84P ♦Johnson, E. F., 342 '14M- '16D Johnson, E. G., 313 FM '09M Johnson, Ellen M., 164 •99P '03D Johnson, E. N., 293 'OOM •lOM Johnson, G. E., 172 '82P •97P Johnson, G. G., 377 '03P '95M *Johnson, G. W., 38 'lOM '05M Johnson Henrietta, 124 •85M Johnson, H. C, 7 •09D Johnson, H. C., 304 '02M 'UP Johnson, H. E., 414 '21P '05M *Johnson, H. H., 124 •94P '17D Johnson, H. R., 315 '18D '85P Johnson, J., 344 ■02M •OOP *Johnson, J. A., 383 •OlM •03M Johnson, J. A., 99 •14D '84P Johnson, J. B., 342 '15M '07M Johnson, J., 148 '20M '20M Johnson, J. W., 231 '15P '21P Johnson, L. F., 428 '98M '03M Johnson, L. M.,99 FM •05P Johnson, M., 394 '17P '03M Johnson, Nellie B., 99 •04M '97M Johnson, N. L., 47 •97P '15P Johnson, 0. W., 416 FM '04P Johnson, P. C., 392 •97M '19P Johnson, P. E., 425 '19D •19P Johnson, Mrs. P. E. •86M (See Dedic, Libby) •15P '02M Johnson, P. W., 87 '14D '98M Johnson, S. R., 52 •17P '05P Johnson, T. W., 394 '93P '09M Johnson, W., 164 '09M '02M Johnson, W. B., 87 '02M Johnson, W. V., 87 •98P '15M Johnson, W. L., 209 '03P 'lOM Johnston, C. J., 172 'lOM '14M Johnston, K. L., 203 •17M •OOM Johnston, R. M., 67 •12M '86M Johnston, S. W., 10 '03D '96M Johnstone, N. A., 43 •20P '87M Johnstone, R. A., 14 '87P 'IID Jolly, D., 307 '21M •15M Jones, A. E., 209 •03P 'OOD Jones, C. E., 289 '94M •04M Jones, C. E., 113 •81P '21D Jones, CM., 324 'OIP •UM Jones, D. J., 180 '89M '88M Jones, D. T., 16 FM '90P Jones, F. H., 362 '19P •05M Jones, F. W., 124 •S6P '04D Jones. G. A., 295 •IID '05M Jones, G. M., 124 •12P •08D Jones, H. L., 303 •19D FM Jones, H. M., 263 '86M '19P Jones, H. V., 425 •03M •05M Jones, J. B., 124 •16M '12M Jones, Marie J., 186 •21P '03M Jones, Margaret M., 99 •lOP '18M Jones, O. C., 224 •06M Jones, R. H., 14 *Jones, R. W., 4 Jones, T. S., 263 *Jones, W., 39 Jones, W. C., 263 Jones, W. R., 186 Jongewaard, A. J., 224 Jongewaard, Wilhelmi- na J., 203 Jordan, A. B., 87 Jordan, A. T., 172 Jordan, A. B., 87 Jordan, A. T., 172 Jordan, B. A., 309 Jordan, J. G., 414 ♦Jordan, L. W., 4 Jordan, M. S., 76 Jordan, T. C, 421 Josenhans, P. R., 406 Josephson, V., 33 Josselvn, T. H., 156 Joyce, E., 164 Joyce, F. L., 303 Joyce, G. T., 113 Joyce, J. L., 307 *Joyce, M. T., 100 Joyce, P. v., 186 Joyce, T. M., 156 Juers, R. H., 203 Juhnke, L. A., 264 Jungk, W. A., 381 *Just, G. H., 67 *Justi, W. F., 339 Justus, S. v., 390 Juvinall, J. M., 172 Kaa, N. A.. 87 Kachinskas, J. T., 428 Kaczoroski, A. O., 371 Kadlec, Lillian, 318 *Kaemmerling, G. P., 87 Kaeser, A. F., 76 Kahn, C. S., 310 Kahn, M. E., 209 Kaiser, K. K. J., 231 Kakecek, J. J., 416 Kalacinski, F., 52 Kaliski, S. R., 264 Kaminski, R. M., 421 Kammerling, T. S., 113 Kampman, A., 378 Kampmeier, O. F., 264 Kane, F. C., 47 Kane, J. J., 321 Kane, W. W., 10 Kanta, H., 416 Kaplan, J. H., 310 Kaplan, S. S., 421 Kaplansky, D., 369 Kapsa, Pauline Rose, 164 Kappus, G. J., 379 Kappus, J. M., 390 *Kara, J. M., 172 Karatz, M. B., 222 Karch, A. W., 186 Karcher, W. H., 293 Karel, L., 427 Karg, G., 351 Karlin, I., 241 Karlovsky, E. J., 390 Karnopp, G. L., 33 Karpen, A., 338 Karr, R. A., 385 *Karreman, A. R., 18 Karshner, C. F., 264 Kartman, N. S., 425 Kasbaum, C. J., 348 Kasen, H., 307 Kasprzyk, M. G., 411 Kastel, A. J., 321 Kaszer, J., 10 Katz, B. G., 100 Katz, H., 217 Katz, I. I., 428 Kauffman, A. C., 406 Kauffman, E. J., 136 •08D ■87P '87M •85P '03M '03M '17D '99 M '20D •19M '05M FM '91P •18M •04M •IIP FM FM '19M •89P '86P •83M '07M '21P 'IIM •06M •02P '99M '93M '14M '93M •90P 'OlM FD •86P '08M •05M '87P •02D '19M •13M •21M FM '99M •05M '02P '98M '86P '82P '84P '88P '18M •OlM '88P '06M '03M •89M FD '04D •91M 'IIP •17D •94M •93M FM •05D FD •OlM '94M '04 M •18D •04P '05 M FD '12P 'OOP •92P '84P '93M '13M '05M '86P '02M '05D '03M •87M 'OlM Kaufman, H . J., 303 Kaufmann, Emma, 351 Kaumheimer, G. J., 14 *Kaun, F. P., 344 Kaupp, A. T., 100 Kavaljian, Z. S., 100 Kawamura, H., 315 Kay, A. E., 59 Kayla, Emily H., 323 Kazmann, H. A., 227 Kearney, J. F., 124 Kearsley, Mary J., 264 Keats, A. S., 365 Keckler, Ethel L., 236 Keefe, F. M., 113 Keefrey, J. C, 409 Keeton, R. W., 264 Keeton, T. A., 264 Kehl, S. C., 227 *Kehmer, C. C., 358 *Keim, A. D., 348 *Keith, A. N., 2 Keith, W. E., 148 Kelch, H. C., 428 Kelleher, G. F., 180 Keller, S. A., 136 Keller, W. V., 388 *Kelley, L. H., 59 *Kelley, W. R., 29 Kellner, V. V., 203 Kellogg, C. E., 29 Kellogg, F. C., 362 Kellogg, J. R., 76 Kellog, J. S., 328 Kellogg, K. G., 348 Kelly, A. C., 157 Kelly, C. D., 124 Kelly, C. D., 352 Kelly, E. B., 291 Kelly, E. C., 227 Kelly, F. H., 195 Kelly, J. F., 241 Kelsey, C. A., 264 Kelsey, R. C., 59 *Kelso, C. E., 124 *Kemp, H. B., 388 Kemp, O. P., 53 Kendall, L. W., 348 Keneagy, J. F., (See Carnegie, J. F.) Kennedy, C. C, 342 Kennedy, F. P., 355 Kennedy, Josephine,225 Kennedy, Josie C, 76 , Kennedy, J. G., 355 *Kennelley, F. C. 136 Kenney, H. T., 100 Kennicott, P. A., 18 Kenning, R. H., 328 Kenny, E. J., 295 Kensington, M. L., 23 Kepner, P. M., 409 Kern, K. M., 315 Kerr, E. D., 33 Kerr, I. J., 29 Kerr, N., 264 Kerr, N. L., 297 Kerrick, C. E., 328 Kerrigan, G. P., 76 Kerrigan, J. J., 33 Ketchum, Ellen P., 113 Ketterhagen, A. J., 318 Keusink, W. B., 392 Keves, H. E., 125 Keyes, T. B., 328 Kidd, A. M., Jr., 411 Kiedaisch, G. A., 383 Kiessling, A. F., 376 *Kiessling, J. C, 342 Kilbride, J. S., 29 Kile, R. P., 195 Killeen, J. J., 125 *Kilner, E. R., 348 Kimball, G. W., 87 Kimmel, N., 297 Kincaid, J. H., 100 Kincheloe, M. B., 14 ♦Kinder, R. G. W., 76 Index to Alumni 503 •09M ♦King. A. V., 164 •9SM King. C. B.. 53 •loM King. E. R.. 209 •02M King, F. A.. 87 •91M *King. G. E.. 24 FD King, H. C. 328 •lOM King, J. E.. 172 '90M King, L. R.. 21 FM King, O. A., 264 •16M King, R., 217 ■03M King, R. C, 100 •07P Kingery, C. F., 399 '07M Kingsbury, H. B , 148 •09D Kingsley, A. C, 304 ■03M Kingston, E. A., 100 ■97M Kinney. W. D., 47 '95P Kinsley. W. H., 373 '89P Kinyon, L. W., 359 •19M Kipnis, H. B., 227 *09M Kipp, Cora Irene, 165 '09M *Kirby, O. C, 165 '02M Kirch. J. P.. 87 '86P Ivirchgasser. W. C. (See Kirk, \V. C.) 'OOM Kirk. A. B.. 67 •S6P Kirk, W. C. 348 •9SM l^rkland, B. F., 53 '76P *Kirkley. J. M.. 335 •S3M *Kirkpatriek. T.. 2 Kisecker, D. E., 76 Kiskadden. H. S., 7 Kisner, A. S., 401 •llM Kistinger. W". F, 180 ■02M Kitterman, F. R , 87 Kittermann, P. G.. 87 Kiitier. W. E., 87 Kittredge. C. A., 53 Kjandal, A. M , 165 Kleene, F. R C , 342 Kleger, S. A., 210 Klehm. A. L.. 87 Klein, Beulah. 421 '07M Klein. H. A.. 148 •21M Klein. J., 241 •99M Klein. M. J., 59 •15M Klein, R. G , 210 Kleiner, J. C, 369 Kleinman, J. H., 348 Kleinschmit, H. W., 203 •06M *Kleinschmidt,G. J.. 136 '90M Klemme, J. J., 21 Klenze, J. E., 369 Klenze, W. T.. 344 Klepinger, J. C., 47 KUmmek. O.. 26 •89P *KUne. C. G.. 359 •16M Kline, R. G.. 217 •03M *Klinefelter, L. E.. 100 •02M Klingler, E. G.. 87 •99.M *Klokke. W. E., 59 •87M Klophel. C. G. B., 14 •98P Kloppenburg. J. R., 379 Klopper. Z. D., 172 Klucker, A. C., 344 Klumb, E. F.. 303 Knaak, T. J., 388 Knapp, J. L., 157 Knapp. M. C. 362 •86M Knapp. W. H.. 10 '91P Knappenberger, C. A., 365 Knappenberger. T. G., 136 Knauer. Sophia C, 231 Knauf, F. P., 67 Kneer. J.. Jr.. 355 Kneer. T. F.. 373 Knetzger, A. J., 287 Kneussl. G.. 352 Kneussl, M.. Jr., 355 Kne^•itt. W. H.. 342 Knick. G. F.. 401 Knight. E. C, 53 •13M Knight. H. T.. 195 •15M Knight, L. C, 210 '04M Knipe, J. B., 113 •81P 'Knoblauch, C, 338 '88P Knoblauch, G. A.. 355 'OlM '85M •08P •02M •02M •98M •09. M ■S4P •15M •02M '17P •93P •86P '14M •93P '85P '97 M '92M •lOM •85P •08D •02P '08M •90P •06M ■20M •OOM •88P •95P •98D •87P •88P •84P •08P •98M •06P •91P •12M •06M '02U •lOP •04P •99M ■21M •13M Knoblock, D. G.. 397 Knoche, W. P.. 365 Knott, H., 186 Knowles, E. W.. 136 Knox. T. B., 88 Knox, W. P.. 406 Knudson, E. G.. 392 Knudson, F. B.. 59 Kobak. A., 241 Kobat, D. W., 195 •06P Krueger, H. J., 397 '09M *Kruidenier. A. B., 165 •07M *Koeh, A. G., 148 Koch. H. C. 217 Koch. L. M., 313 Koch. W. A.. 76 Koehler, G., 265 Koehler. H. O.. 373 Koehler, W. G.. 427 Koelbel, W. A., 424 Koelle. 0. C, 375 Koenemann, E. O., 59 Koenig, C. F., 367 Koepsell. A. J., 390 Koester, Mrs. G. H. (See Sekler. Charlotte M.) Koetters, E. F., 310 Kohler, A. E.. 53 Kohn. I. E., 186 Kohn, N., 401 Kolb, P. J.. 355 Koll. I. S.. 265 KoUer, C. J. Jr.. 392 Kolvoord, T., 186 Konopinski, SisterMary W., 425 Konzelman, J. A., 136 Koons, Susan L., 113 87M *Koontz, S. E., 14 20D Koppel, L., 323 Kops, W. G. J., 379 Koptik, G., 225 Korb, M. C, 148 Kordenat, C. F. W., 14 Kordenat, R. A., 237 Koropp, E. A., 379 •16M •16D •OlM FM •95P •20P 'ISP '96P •99M •92P •03P '07M '14D •98M '12M '08P 'SSP FM '04P '12M '19P '06M '04 M •9SP '18M '07M '87M '19M '98P '18D *Korsbreck, O., 318 '08D '90P '13P •16P '13M 'S6P •13M '16D '18D '13P 'OIP '09M FM '19M •08P •12M '15P '09M •13M '12M •12M '06M '94P '09M '15P '05D •IID •15D 'IID 'lOP '09P •81P '96P '92 M •05D '18D •83P '99M •06 M '92P •06P ♦Korshak, H. M., 303 *Kortebein, L. W., 362 Kost, W. R., 412 Kostka, W. J., 419 Kotalik, F. J., 195 Kotz, L. P., 348 Koursoumis, C. J., 195 Kousnetz, L. B., 313 Koziczynski, L. C, 318 Kraemer, G. C, 412 Kraemer. F. W., 385 Krafft, H. L., 165 Krafft, J. C, 265 Kraft, A., 237 Kraft. H. E., 401 Kraft, S. H., 187 Krai, E. J., 416 Kramer, C. F. C, 165 Krasa, J. M.. 195 Kratze, L. R., 187 Kratzenstein, L. . Kratze, L. R.) Kraus, H. A., 136 Krause, C. L., 371 Kraut, E., 165 Krcbs, R.. 416 Krebs, W. A., 297 Kreher. R. A., 307 Krejci, E. J.. 312 Krejci. F. J.. 307 Kremer, F. Jr., 406 Kremer, V. A., 403 Kreyasler, C. E., 338 Krieter, W. G.. 375 Kroening, A. E., 26 Krog, R. W., 297 Krost. M. H.. 318 Krouskup. W. H., 340 Krueger. A. G.. 59 Krueger. A. H. R.. 136 ♦Krueger. B. O.. 367 Krueger. F. F., 397 , (See '04 M '12P •75P •20M •07P '17D •12M •OlM '05M 'OOP '08M '94 M '93P '05M '16M '16M •09D •19P '20P 'lOM •20D '8SP '02M •96P •07M '16M '03M •15P '02 M 'lOM 'S5M '06P 'OOM '19D '14M •78P FM '05D •19P '13M '99 M 'IID •06M '02M '20M •96M •08M •03 M '88P '15M •20M •OlM •16M •05D '99D '04 M '03 M '15M '19D '04M '06D '88P '02M '14P FM '89P '87M '03M •OOM •05M •14M •15M '97P '08P •07P •17M •06 M •21M '21M •94 M •OlM •95P Kruk, G. J.. 113 Krupicka, J., 411 Krusemark, C.. 334 Kryder. G. B.. 231 Krzemieniewski, J. J., Kubacki. W. H.. 315 Kubela, L. F.. 187 Kubicek. A. C.. 76 Kubricht. T.. 125 Kucera. A.. Jr.. 383 Kucera. J. F.. 157 Kuflewski. W. A.. 34 Kuhn, J. F.. 309 Kuhn. L. P., 125 Kulasavicz, B. J. (See Kuly, B. J.) Kuly, B. J., 217 Kuninaga, M., 304 Kunkel, A. W., 425 Kunkel, L. N., 428 Kunny, B., 172 Kurachi, S., 323 Kurth. H. W., 355 Kurtz, F. B., 88 Kurtz. G. E., 376 Kusske, A. L.. 148 Kutzenberger, Helen P.. 217 Kuznik. M., 100 Kvasnicka, J. B., 416 Kyes, S. M., 88 *Kyle. E. H.. 172 *Kynett. W. H., 7 Laatz, J. E., 397 Laben, G. J., 67 Lace, L. L.. 321 Lacey, J. M.. 203 *Lackner, E. O., 335 Lackner, J. E., 265 LaDue, J. B., 297 Laegeler, J. C, 425 LaForge, A. W., 196 Laftry, T. D., 59 ♦Lager, V. E.. 307 Lahn. H. E.. 136 Lahodney. C. J.. 88 Laibe. J. E., 239 ♦Laird, W. J., 43 Lalor, J. C, 157 Lamb, J. G.. 100 Lambeck, H.. 355 Lambert, H. F., 210 Lambertson. E. R.. 231 Lampe, H. G.. 76 Lampert. M., 217 ♦Lancaster, H. M., 297 Lancaster, H. N., 288 Landau, B. G., 113 Landau, D. R., 100 Landau, G. M., 210 Landgren, C. A., 321 Landmann, G. A.. 113 Landon, O. F., 299 Lane. A. V., 355 Lane. C. S.. 88 Lane. E. C. 414 Lane. F. A., 265 Lane. J. G., 359 Lane, M. E., 14 Lang, H. W., 100 Lang, J. M., 67 Lang, S. C, 125 Langan. A. J., 203 Langdon. F. B.. 210 Lange. L.. 378 Langenhan. H. A.. 401 Langheim. G. J.. 399 Langlois, H. L.. 222 Langworthy, G. L.. 136 Lans, N. B.. 241 Lansche, E. A., 241 Lanstrum, O. M.. 34 Lanting. D. B., 76 Lantz, L. Z., 373 504 University op Illinois FM Lapham, Anna R., 265 •16M 'IIM Lapham, E. A., 180 •07M '13M Lapin, C. P., 196 '04P '87P Lapp, C. J., 352 •09P '19D Lapp, S. M., 321 '17M 'lOM Largent, B. F., 173 •17M '15M Larkin, C. J., 210 'lOD Larkin, H. A., 305 •90M FM Larkin, J. J., 265 •96M '08M Larkin, W. R., 157 '04M '20M LaRocca, J., 231 •95M •IID Larsen, C. P., 307 •99M '94M *Larsen, H., 34 '07M '08D Larsen, J. A., 303 •01 M '90P Larsen, L. P., 362 '95M '02M *Larson, C. L., 88 •90P '05P Larson, T. L., 392 •14M '18D Lasker, H. D., 318 •OlM '07D Lasker, M., 301 '90M •94M *LaSpada, F., 34 •89P 'lOD Latham, L. W., 305 '90P '09M Lathrop, W. C, 165 Latsis, H. H., 422 FD '17P FM '85M Latta, U. G., 7 •03M •93M *Latto, W. W., 29 •83P '98P Lauber, B., 379 •OlM •08M Laue, W. P., 157 •95M •02P Laufer, E. W. D., 388 •95P •86M Laughlin, W. H., 10 '20M •12M Laurin, V. S., 187 •99M '94M Lauson, A. E., 34 •09D '96P Lauterbach, R. J., 376 •97M '05M Lauterbach, W. F., 125 •15P '14P Lavieri, G. D., 414 FM '12M Lavieri, J. R., 187 •OOP 'lOM Law, J. C, 173 FM '90P Law.W. G.,362 •85P '96M Lawrence, G. H., 40 •89M •99P Lawrence, J. W., 381 FM '03P Lawrence, V. E., 390 •21M '06M Lawson, J. F., 136 FM FM Lawson, L. J., 265 '05P ■9IM Lawthern F. H., 24 •07D 'OoM Lawyer, W. M., 125 •IIM 'lOM Laybourne, Ethel M., •19M 173 FM •04M Layman, D. W., 113 •05M '09M Layton, E. A., 165 '94M '14M Leach, J. J., 203 '09M •21P Leach, R. A., 428 •lOM •95M Leach, W. D., 39 •94M 'lOM Leahy, T. M. M., 173 •21D 'OoM ♦Learned, C. S., 125 •05D '02M Leavitt, F. J., 88 •14M '09M Leavy, C. J., 165 FM '89P LeBar, C. R.. 359 •14M •lOM LeBeau, A. A., 173 •lOM LeBeau, P. M., 173 'IID •03M Lebensohn, M. H., 100 '09D '15P Leckband, T. A. J., 417 '78P '14M Lecklider, A. F., 203 FM '08M Lederer, A., 157 •97M '95M LeDuc, C. H., 39 •95M •08M Lee, Alice L., 157 'UD '17D Lee, C. S., 315 •lOM FM Lee, E. H., 265 •12M •04D Lee, H. C, 295 FM •86M Lee, J. H., 10 •13P '07P Lee, J. P., 399 '06M •05P Lee, J. v., 392 '18M '09M *Lee, M., 165 FM •08M Lee, N. D., 157 •IIP Lee, 0. W., 409 •04D 'lOD Lee, V. L., 305 '13P Lee, W. A., 412 •02D '09M Lee, W. N., 165 •96M •89M '07M Leebons, J. H., 148 '9IM Leedle, G. T., 24 '14M •04 M Leeds, A. L., 113 '16M '02M Leehey. F. P., 88 'OlM '09M Leenheer, C. A., 165 '88P •94M Leeson, E. E., 34 '14M FM Legnard, J. B., 265 LeGrand, J., 329 '20P FD '15M •14M Legris, L. J. A., 203 •19D Lehman, A. D., 321 '83M •85P ♦Lehman, L., 344 •96M '14P Leib, F. L., 414 FM Leibinger, H. R., 218 Leioht, P., 148 Leiner, W. J., 392 Leininger, O. W., 403 •^Leiser, S. B., 222 *Leiserwitz, S. B., (See Leiser, S. B.) Leiter, W. S., 21 Leland, M. N., 40 LeMaster, B. E., 113 *Lemke, A. F., 39 *Lemke, A. R., 59 Lemmel, J. T., 148 Lemon, H. K., 76 Lenard, C. L., 39 *Lengacher, O. F., 362 Lenit, O. S., 203 Lennon, A. J., 76 *Lentes, N. E., 21 Lenz, G., 359 Lenz, W., 362 Lenzer, R., 329 Leonard, E. F., Leonard, E. F.. 100 Leonard, F. R., 340 Leonard, H. S., 76 ♦Leonard, J. H., 39 Leonard, O. B., 373 Leonard, Ruth, 231 Lerch, W. H., 59 Lerche, T. I., 304 Lerche, W., 47 Lesko, C. J., 417 Lespinasse, V. D., 266 Lcstina, J. M., 383 Letcher, J. H., 266 Leuders, A. W., 344 ♦Leusman, F. A., 18 Leusman, T., 266 Levin, B. M., 241 Levin, I. M., 266 Levin, J. A., 395 Levin, S. A., 301 Levinson, A., 180 Levinson, S. A., 227 Levinson, Y. N., 266 Levitin, E. Z., 125 Leviton, A. H , 34 Leviton, H. L, 165 Leviton, M. I., 173 Levy, J., 34 Lewbin, H., 324 ♦Lewin, E. A., 297 Lewin, H., 203 Lewin, P., 266 Lewinsky, H. (See Lewin H.) Lewis, C. L., 307 Lewis, D. S., 304 ♦Lewis, F. M., 335 Lewis, H. F., 266 ♦Lewis, H. T., 47 Lewis, J. v., 39 ♦Lewis, R. J., 307 Lewis, W. B., 173 Lewis, W. B., 187 Lewison, M., 266 Lewman, E. A., 412 Lexa, F. J., 137 Liberman, D. L., 225 Lichner, Mathilda O., 267 Lichtenberg, A. B., 295 Lichtenberg, F. H., 291 Lid, T. A., 40 Liddy, F. T., 18 Lien, F. O., 203 Lifschutz, J. D., 218 Liggitt, F. L., 76 Light, I. M., 355 Light, L. S., 203 Lightfoot, B. E., 427 Lin, Margaret H-D., 210 Linabery. W. L., 2 Linaweaver, A. H., 44 Lincoln, Mary C, 267 '17D •97M '04P •07M •89P •12P '89M '96P '07P FM •14M •08M •IIP 'OlM '09M •93P '21M '04M '16M '19D •16D •19M •02M •OlM •12M •21M FM •93M •20M •05M •12M 'OlM •07D FM '02M FM •76P '04D •12M '89 M •97M •02M '16P •93P '13P 'UP •12M •05D FM '13P •13M •87P '06M '96P •90M FP •99M •99 M '03M '05P '04M '04 D '06M •19D 'lOM •OlM •86M •OlM '94P '12M •08P '94M FM '06D '19M FM •04M •83M •83M •17]M •76P •18M •86M '02 M •95M Lincoln, R. G., 317 Lincoln, W. S., 47 Lindahl, A. E,, 392 Lindahl, F. E., 148 ♦Lindeman, C. L., 359 Lindeman, F. H., 411 Linden, F. C, 18 Linden, L. S. J., 376 Lindley, I. W., 399 Lindsay-Wynekoop, Alice L., 267 Lindsay, 0. E., 204 Lindstrom, C. O., 157 Lindstrom, R. L., 409 Ling, F. B., 76 Link, C. A., 165 Linn, F. C, 369 Lintner, R. C, 241 Lipman, W. H., 113 Lipp, G. R., 218 Lippitz, M. A., 321 Litscher, A. A., 313 Little, Ethel E., 237 Little, E. H., 88 Little, Z. J., 76 Littlefield, E. W., 187 Litton, L., 241 Livingston, A. E., 267 Livingston, W. R., 29 Livingstone, G. S., 239 Livingstone, J. W., 125 Lobraico, R. V., 187 Lockhart, C. W., 76 Lockwood, B. F., 301 Lockwood, C. H., 267 Lockwood, C. R., 88 Loeb, L., 267 Loesch, G. H., 335 ♦Loescher, C. M., 295 Loewe, G. M., 187 Loewy, A., 18 Loffer, O. W., 47 Lofgren, C. A., 88 Lofgren, D. A., 419 ♦Logan, A. L., 369 Logan, A. W. Logan, C. A., Logan, R. E., Logan, T. H. Logan, W. H. G., 267 Lollar, E. H., 412 Lollar, M. E., 196 Long, A. F., 352 Long, Mrs. C. A. (See Watkins, Rachel A.) Long, C. R., 376 Long, C. W., 21 ♦Long, J, H., 431 Long, R. D., 59 Long, W. E., 60 Long, W. E., 101 Longshore, W. H., 395 Longstreet, Martha L., 113 ♦Longwell, J. C., 295 Loofbourrow, E.H., 137 Loomis, C. C., 321 Loomis, W. C, 173 Loope, F. R., 76 ♦Loope, G. L., 10 Lerch, G. J., 77 ♦Lorenz, J. A., 371 Lorenz, L. L., 187 Lorenz, O. J., 401 ' ♦Lorenz, M. E., 34 Loring, J. B., 267 Lotreck, F., 299 Loughery, H. B., 237 Lounsbury, B. F., 267 Loupee, S. L., 113 Lovejoy, H. E., 2 Lovejoy, W., 2 ♦Lovellette, L. R., 222 Lovett, L., 335 Loving, L. W., 225 Lowe, F. O., 10 Lowe, L. M., 88 Lowenthal, A. A., 39 412 409 , 187 , 297 Index to Alumni 505 •16D FM •90P •UP '16? •94M •02. M •04D •S9P •IID •99M •21M •9SM •95M •04 M ■92M •SoM •S9M '91P •8SP •S4M '13P •13M •96P 'SIP •13M 'S5P •OlM •OOM •OoM •13M •13P •05P '09P •04 M •OSP •06M ■lOM •S4M •93 M •87P •08M •17P •13M •05M '16M '08M '02M ■95M •18M '06M •15M FM '83P 'OoD •15M FM •8oP •12M '9SM •02 M •04 D '94M •UM '08P •07D 'OIP •04D •94M •lOP •OoM FM •OlM •20P •08M •07P •15M •OlM '0.5D •86M •81P •I4M •16P '03M •99D •02M Lowenthal, L. C. 313 '99M Lowenthal. L. L.. 268 •IIM Lowenthal. 0.. 362 •07D Lower, R. H.. 409 •09D Lowis, B., 419 •03M ♦Lowry, G. E.. 34 •02M Lowry, X. J., 88 •06P Loynd, G. R., 295 •OlD ♦Lubbinga, H., 359 •95P Lubs. K. C. 307 •95M Lucas, D. E., 60 •15M Lucas, F. B., 241 •91P Lucas. F. B., 53 •13M Lucas, G. X.. 39 'OlM Lucas, H. R.. 113 'S6M Luce. F. A., 26 •02P ♦Luce, J. E.. 7 FM *Luce. J. 0., 18 '99M Luckenbach, S. F., 365 Luckenbaeh, W.. 355 •18P ♦Luckev. C. M.. 5 •17D Luckiesh. E.. 412 FM Luczak. J. H.. 196 •07M Lueck. A. F.. 376 •05M Lueder. F.. 338 •OOM Lueders, A. H.. 196 •86P Lueders, A. W., 344 •02M Luehrs, H. E., 77 FM Luehrsmann, B. H.. 67 •19M Luesing, A., 125 •99M Lukas, Christine, 196 •02P Lukasek, A. M., 413 •04D Lukasek, E. A.. 395 'OOM Lukasek, 0. W., 403 •08M Luke, E., 114 'IIM Luken, E. E., 401 •89M Luken. M. G., 137 '13M Lukins, A. T.. 173 '15M ♦Lumbeck, F.. 5 •16D Lumlev. W. A.. 29 •20M Lund.F. C, 352 •17M Lund, J. M., 157 •91P Lundgren, 0. L., 422 'OlM Lundholm. J. S., 196 '04M Lundwall, L. S. B., 125 '86M Lungmus, B. A., 218 '20M Lunn, J. O., 157 '20M *Lunn, M. J..8S 'OOM Luria, A. A., 39 •07D Lutter, J., 236 FM Lutyens, G. B., 137 '12D *Lutz, C. W.. 210 '19M Lydston, G. F., 268 '83M *Lydston, J. A., 340 FM Lyle. A. G., 297 '12D Lyman. H. C. 210 FM Lynam, T. P.. 268 •19M Lynch, J., 344 '09M Lynn. J. H., 187 '89P *Lyon, E. A.. 53 •85P Lyon. G. E., 88 •05D Lvon, G. J., 295 •14M Lyon. S. B.. 34 •93M Lyon, W. T., 180 •OlM Lyons. F. J.. 401 '17P Lyons, G. E.. 301 'OIP Lyons. G. H.. 385 '81P Lyons. G. R., '06P Lyons. J. A.. 34 'OlD Lyons, L. D., 406 '05D Mc Arthur. C. 125 •05D MacArthur. J. W., 268 FD McAulifiFe. A., 77 'OlM McBride. S. E.. 427 'OlM McCabe. B. V., 157 '09 M McCabe, F. J., 399 '07M McCaffrey. E. H., 210 McCall. H. K.. 77 FM McCail, W. G., 297 '04M ♦McCallum. W., 11 '03 D •McCammon. S. H., 338 •lOM McCann, Florence E., FM 204 '90M McCanse, C. C. 419 '89P McCarthy, H. C, 101 •03M McCarthy, J. 8.. 288 'lOM McCarthy, Katherine 'lOM W..88 McCarthy, R. G., 60 McCarthy, R. R.. 180 McCarthy, T. J.. 301 McCarthy, W. J.. 305 McCarty, C. E.. 101 *McCartv. W. T., 88 McCaslin, H.. 397 McCauley. CM., 289 McCauley, L. Q., 373 McClain. J., 39 McClanahan. B. V. 210 McClanahan, C, 365 McClanahan, F. C, 196 McClellan, C, 77 McClellan, J. J.. 11 McClenahan, C. D.,388 McClintock, R. W., 268 McClung, Alberta Vir- ginia, 60 McCIurc, Pauline, 424 McClurkin, J. L., 315 McCollum, J. L., 268 McComb, F. J., 148 McConnell, C. A., 125 McConnell, J. W., 67 McConnell, L. W.. 348 McConvill. B. J., 88 McCord, F., 268 McCorkle, W. E., 227 McCormick. C. A., 60 McCormick. G. A., 388 McCormick, I. B., 295 *McCormick, O.. 67 McCormick, R. C, 157 McCornack, A. E., 180 *MacCornack, E. A., 18 McCornack, E. A., 196 MacCornack. R. L.,210 McCornell, C. J., 313 McCoy, H. J., 231 McCoy, H. J., 222 McCoy, R. H., 365 *McCoy, W. M., 77 *McCracken. R. E., 114 ♦MoCracken, T., 11 McCradie, A. R., 231 McCradie, R. D., 231 McCray, W. R., 67 McCreight, J. S., 302 McCreight, S. L., 268 McCrillis, W. W.,309 McCrory, C. R., 227 *McCullough. J. R., 2 McDermid, A., 268 McDermott, E. E., 309 McDermott, G. L., 268 McDermott, R. A., 227 McDiarmid, L. F., 165 McDonald, C. W.. 359 McDonald, J. A., 345 McDonald, J. F., 297 McDonald, J. J.. 204 McDonald, J. S., 29 McDonald, R. J., 77 McDonald, W. J., 422 McDougall, J. D., 385 ♦McDougal, W. G., 338 McDow, C. G., 397 McDowell, A. J., 290 McDoweU, C, 297 McDowell, E. N., 297 MacDowell, J. X., 329 McDowell. W. D.. 77 McDowell, W. O., 77 McEachern, T., 165 McEachern, D. B.. 148 McEachern, Wilhelmina C, 268 McEachern, W. A., 114 McElroy, J. D.. 293 McElvain, R. C, 173 McEwen, Mary G, 268 ♦MacFarlane, W. A., 21 McFerson, G., 359 ♦McGann, M. E., 101 McGarry. C. P.. 173 McGarry, Helen A. O., 173 •06M •05P '02D •17P '86M '04 M '02 M '21M FM '96M '08M '19D FM 'OlM '19M •02M '13M '90M FD '16M '04M FM '89P '02M '09 M '05D •05M '91P '07M '19D •lOM '07M '91P FM '15P '94P '96M '89P FD FM •02M '90P '90M •09 M '06M •20P '13M •lOM '85P '98M '98M '04 D '06M •12M '06M •07P •87M '09P 'lOM •02M •13P •03M •03M •87M •lOD •93 M '81P •OlM •16M ■95M '05D •92P •lOP •86P '04 M •90M •99M FM •04D '14M •04P •06P *McGarvey, W. R.. 289 *McGee, W. E.. 355 MacGillivray. D. D., 137 McGinley. E. M., 395 McGinnis, R. J., 291 McGinnis. T. W., 422 McGlasson. T. F., 11 McGoey, J. A., 114 McGrath, B. R., 88 McGrath. F. L., 241 McGrath. M. E., 268 McGready, J. H., 44 McGrory, J. J., 157 McGugin, D. N,, 321 McGuigan, H. A., 268 McGuinn, J. J., 77 McGuinness, H. S., 227 *McGuire, C. J.,89 McGuire, D. F., 196 McGuire, J., 21 McGuire, J. C. 329 McGuire, Mary R., 218 McHugh, Mrs. E. M. (SeeThomas,EdnaM.) McHugh, J. A., 269 Mclnnerney, T. H.. 359 Mclntire, A. C, 89 Mclntyre, W. R., 165 *McKahan, J. E., 29V McKay, J. A., 125 McKay, M., 365 McKay, R. D.. 148 McKeague, L. M., 321 McKee, W. C. 173 MacKellar. J. D., 148 McKelvey, W. O., 365 McKenna, C. M., 269 McKentv, A. H., 417 McKenzie, R. H., 371 McKenzie, W. W.,44 McKie, J. H., 359 McKinley, J. A., 329 McKinlock, J.. 269 McKinney. N. C, 89 McKinstry, G. L., 362 *McKlveen, H. B., 21 McLallen, R. R., 165 McLane. G. A., 137 McLaughlin, E. W., 427 McLellan, G. L., 196 McLin, T. G., 173 *McMahon. A. E., 345 McManee, M. E., 53 McManus, T. U., 53 McMaster, O. F., 295 MacMillan. L., 137 McMullen, C. J., 187 McMurray, R. J., 137 McXair, H., 399 McXamara, J. M.R.,14 McXamara, T. J,. 403 McXealy. R. W., 173 McXeil, B. F.. 89 McNeill. L., 413 McNeil, N. M., 101 McNett, C. L., 101 *McNulty. C. A., 14 McNulty, J. A., 305 McNulty. J. F., 29 *McPherson. E. K., 338 McPherson. W. G., 77 McRae. M. H.. 218 *MacShane. B. E., 39 McSwiggin, J. F., 297 McVay, E. A., 367 McVay. R. H.. 406 McVicker. W. B.. 348 McWhorter, P.. 114 *McWilliam. C. 21 McWilliams. O. E., 60 ♦McWilliams. S. A,, 269 McWilliams, W.H., 295 Maccani, W. L., 204 Macham, D. F.. 392 Machenheimer. D. G., 506 University op Illinois •HP FM '03M '90M '04D '05M •99M •03M '93 M '05M •20M •21M FM '02M •07M '21M 'IIM '06M FP '04D '90M '98P '19D FP '20D '20M 'OlM '86M •19M •lOM 'OOM •15P '85P '85M '88M 'lOP '91P '03M '12M '20D '16M '20M •93M FM '03D •12D •21M •94M '02M •94 M •81P •90M •IIM •93M •21P '97M '16M •19D •19M '85P '19D •09M •08M •02M 'HP '97P '99 M •18M •09P '12M '86M '90P •07D •06D '15P •17M '06D FD '17P •82P •03P 'lOP '77P '05D Machenheimer, O. J., 409 Mack, B. C, 269 Mack, B. W., 101 Mack, J. C, 21 Mackinson, J. C, 295 Mackoy, F. W., 125 Macy, O. E., 60 Madden, W. D., 101 Madejesky, E. H., 60 Madera, J. R., 427 ♦Madison, P. C, 29 Maghy, C. A., 125 Magath, T. B., 231 Magill, C. R. W., 241 Maginn, E. F., 269 *Magnus, M. E., 89 Maguire, J. B., 148 Maher, C. C, 241 Maher, Loretta K., 180 Maher, T. F., 137 *Mahla, F., 431 Mahoney, W. D., 295 Mai, H., 21 Maier, B., 379 Maillard, F. M. V., 322 *Maisch, H. C. C, 431 Maits, A., 323 Maizus, S. H., 239 Major, W., 77 Malcolm, F. B., 11 Malcolm, W. A., 228 Malay, G., 173 Malick, Ada L., 67 Malkewicz, S. E., 417 Mallen, P. H., 345 *Malone, E. W., 7 Malone, W. F., 16 Maloney, T. R.. 406 Mallory, C. W., 365 Maloy, B. S., 101 Maltby, H. W., 188 Malter, E., 323 Mandanas, A. Y., 218 Mandel, R. M., 239 Manley, S. H., 29 Manlove,C. H.,Jr.,269 Mann, A. L., 293 Mann, H. J., 309 Mann, W. A., Jr., 241 Manning, G. N., 34 Manning, T. F., 89 *Mannon, J. A., 34 Manns, A. G., 338 Manny, J. H., 21 Manougian, K. M., 180 Mansifee, W. H., 29 Mapes, R. C, 428 Mapes, R. J., 47 Marchan, J. S., 218 Marchand, R. J., 322 Marcus, M. C., 228 Mares, F. M., 345 Margosian, Krikar S., Marietta, S, U., 166 Marion, N. E.. 157 Maris, Emilie, 89 Mark, E. J., 409 Mark, G. A., 378 *Markey, F. F., 60 Marks, J. B.. 225 Marks, L. A., 403 Marks, W. R., 188 Marnes, C. M., 11 Marnitz, L., 363 Marquis, M. M., 302 Marquis, R. L., 300 Marriott, B. A., 417 Mars, H. F., 222 Marsh, C. W., 300 Marsh, H. L. R., 329 Marshall, B. S.; 422 Marshall, C. E., 239 Marshall, C. S., 390 Marshall, J. C, 406 Marshall, J. H., 335 Marshall, J. P., 297 •16P '19D •79P •86P •15D '12D •86M •89M •OOM 'OlM '12M '75P '85M '12M '93M '99P '21P '17M '04M •12D •07P •12D •OlM •08M '02M '02M '06M '02P '04M '99P •21M •lOP •OOM •06D '96M '87P 'OOM '85P •15M '16M •18D '15P •19P '84M •83M •21M '13M '88P '95P '04M '09M '95M '91P '16M '88P '91P '04M '88M •04P •03D '06D '14M '90P '07M FD '16P '91M '83M '13M 'OlM '17M '07P '95M '04M '15M '18P '05P •97M '95M '06P •OIP •08M Marsicano, F., 419 Marsily, G. R. B., 322 Marti, G., 336 Martin, C. B., 348 Martin, C. D., 312 Martin, Mrs. O. D. (See Slaman, Corinne) Martin, E. C, 11 ♦Martin, E., 19 ♦Martin, E. E., 67 Martin, H. R., 77 Martin, H. W., 188 ♦Martin, H. W. C, 334 Martin, J. A. J., 7 Martin, J. F., 188 Martin, J. H., 30 Martin, J. W., 381 Martin, L. E., 428 Martin, L. W., 222 ♦Martin, M. R., 114 Martin, O. P., 309 Martin, P. O., 399 Martin, R., 309 Martin, W. B., 77 Martinson, Elsie M.,157 Martinson, M. M., 89 Martinson, Mrs. Stella, 89 Marton, Mrs. E. W. (See Abbott, Effie L.) Martz, L. M., 388 Marvel, L. M., 114 Marvin, Z. E., 381 Maryan, H. O., 241 Marzano, V., 406 Masilko, V. F., 67 Mason, C. J., 300 ♦Mason, F., 44 ♦Mason, F. G., 352 Mason, H. P., 67 ♦Mason, W. T., 345 Masslow, Eleanor S., 210 Masson, H. F., 218 Masters, W. C, 318 Masterson, P. A., 417 Mastrofsky, B., 425 Mathers, W. R., 5 ♦Mathieu, L., 2 Mathre, A. I., 241 Matison, E. A., 196 Matkin, J. I., 355 Mattas, J. S.,373 Matter, O. E., 114 Matthaei, D. W., 166 ♦Matthaei, E. A., 39 Matthei, C. A., 365 Matthews, Cora A., 218 Matthews, H. F., 355 Matthes, W. H., 365 Mattison, C. W., 114 Mattison, F. C. E., 16 Mattix, E., 392 Matwurzynski, T. M., 293 Mauermann, H. C., 300 Maupin, H. S., 204 Maurer, H. C, 363 Mautz, G. J., 148 MaWhinney, E., 329 Mawrence, I., 419 Maxey, E. E., 24 Maxson, O. P., 2 Maxwell, J., 196 Maxwell, J. C., 77 May, E. R., 222 May, G. C., 399 May, L. F., 39 Mayer, E. A., 114 Mayers, L. H., 210 Mayerson, A. C., 424 Mayfield, R. F., 395 ♦Mayhew, G. E., 48 Mayhew, J. M., 39 Mayhew, W. S., 397 Mayo, F. W., 386 Mayos, C. E., 157 •83P FM •16P •16M 'lOM '04M '91P '08M 'lOD •OlM FM 'lOM •02D •OOM •05D '91M '06D •97M FD •05M FM •17M •86P '97P '16D '99P •78P •06P •86P •03M 'OOM 'OOM '88P '95M '17P '05M '18P '14P •07P '97P 'IID '17P '89P '98P 'IID •08M '18M '02P '02M '21P •8SP •20M '19M •20P •09P '86M •05M •05M •02M '14P '17D •12M •96P '74P '02D '87P •94M '07M '20M '99M FM •I9D '13P '09M FM FM 'OOM '84P 'lOD '14M '12D 'OlM '03P '20M 'lOM Mayr, J., 340 Mazel, M. S., 269 Mazzei, O., 419 Meacham, H. F., 218 Meacham, W. C, 173 Mead, N. P., 114 Mead, C. B., 365 Meade, F. S., 158 Meadow, Marie, 305 Meadows, L. H., 77 Meakin, Genevieve L., 269 Meaney, D. E., 173 Means, J. L., 291 Meany, J. J,, 67 Mecham, N. R., 298 ♦Medill, W. W., 24 Meek, C. B., 300 Meek, L. C., 48 ♦Meek, S. E.. 329 Meeks, C. C., 126 Meents, W. H., 269 Meggers, E. C., 222 Mehl, A. J., 348 ♦Mehrlich, H. C, 378 Meier, L. F., 313 Meinzer, A. E., 381 ♦Meister, J. F., 336 Meixner, F. M. F., 397 Mell, J. A., 349 Mellon, C. S., 101 Meloy, J. E., 67 Meloy, Mrs. J. E. (See Babcock, Margaret M.) ♦Melton, C. W., 355 Meltzer, V. J., 39 Melvin, J. E., 422 Melvin, W. H., 126 Menard, W. I., 424 Mendelsohn, P. I., 414 Mendelssohn, M., 399 Menn, H. G., 378 Mennall, A., 307 Mennella, V. R., 422 ♦Menough, T. F., 359 Mentz, O. H., 379 Mercer, S. O., 307 Mercer, W. W., 158 Mercey, R. J., 225 Mercil, E. J., 388 Merki, E. J., 89 Merlak, F. J., 428 Merrill, B. D., 355 Merrill, C. L., 232 Merrill, D. C., 237 Merrill, F. O., 427 Merrill, J. A., 404 ♦Merrill, S. B. L., 11 Merritt, C. W., 126 Merritt, F. W., 126 Merry man. G. H., 89 Merschat, R. W., 414 Mershimer, J. D., 317 Mershon, J. I., 188 Mertes, J. A., 376 ♦Merz, F. J., 334 Merz, F. R., 291 Merz, R., 352 ♦Mesirow, E. B., 34 Mesirow, M. E., 149 Metcalf, G. S., 232 Metcalf, J. E., 60 Metcalf, W. B., 269 Metcalf, W. G., 322 Metcoff, E., 413 Metcoff, S., 166 Mettler, L. H., 270 Metz, A. R., 270 Metz, I. W., 67 Metz, R., 342 Metzner, H. E., 305 Meyer, A. A., 204 Meyer, A. C., 309 Meyer, E. F., 78 Meyer, F. H., 390 Meyer, H. I., 239 Meyer, J. F., 173 Index to Altjmni 507 •08M Meyer, K. A.. 158 •OlD •88P Mever, W. F., 355 •S6P •07M MeyerovitJ, M., 149 FM '90M MeyeroN-iU, M., 21 •96M •S7P ♦Meyers, C. R., 352 •14D •99M Mevers, F. W.. 60 •19M FM Meyers, I. L., 270 •07M FM Meyers. J.. 270 •99P •02M Meyers, J. M., 89 •S6M •OOM Mevhaus, J. H.. 68 •OOM •88M ♦Michael, R. R.. 16 •S4M •09P Michalak, J. J.. 404 •02M •12M Michel, C. 188 •04P FM Michel, R. S., 270 •08D •99P Michelmann, A. L., 381 •13M •03P Mick, C. F., 390 '21D Middleton, W.. 323 '93P •UM Middleton, W. D.. 204 '15M •19D Mi'ddlelon, W. V., 322 •97M •04M ♦Midgley, A. E., 114 •04P •S3P Miexsell, H.. 340 '8SP •05M Mikkelsen, Agnes, 126 FM •08M Mikkelson, E. M., 158 •20M 'S4M ♦Mikkelson, M., 5 '92P •08P Miles, E. L., 401 •16M •07P Miles, J. E., 399 •OOM •IID Miles, J. I., 307 •OOM 'S5M Miles, R. H., 7 •06M FP ♦Mill, J. W., 431 '14D •S6P Miller, A., 349 •03 M •95P Miller, A., 373 ■98M *Miller, A. B., 53 'OOM •95M Miller, A. E.. 39 •03D •04M Miller, A. T.. 114 •04M •OOM Miller, B., 68 FM •86M Miller. B.. 11 •03M •02M Miller. C. A.. 89 •OoM Miller. C. A.. 126 •17P Miller. C. T.. 422 •93M •S6M ♦Miller. E.. 11 •21M FM Miller, E. G.. 270 FM •12M ♦Miller. E. J., 188 •IIP •88M ♦Miller, E. J., 17 •09P FD Miller, Esther L., 329 •04M •12M Miller, F. C. 188 •02M •OOM Miller. G. A., 68 •05M '05M ♦Miller, G. E., 126 •03P •02M Miller, G. L., 89 •04M Miller, Hanna, 114 FM •08M Miller, H. C, 158 •OOM •lOP Miller, I. H., 406 FM •05M Miller, J. F.. 126 •lOD FM Miller. J. H.. 270 FD •08P Miller, J. S., 401 •98P •06D Miller. L., 300 •93M •06M ♦Miller. L. C. 137 '04M •09M Miller. L. H.. 166 •18D •20M Miller. M. H.. 232 '03M •06M Miller. N. W.. 137 •04D ■12M Miller. P. M., 188 '99M '87M Miller. R. C. 14 •05M •lOM Miller. R. J.. 174 •12M •02M Miller. R. W., 89 FM •87M Miller, W. E.. 14 •12M •86M ♦Miller. W. H., 11 •UD •93M ♦Miller. W, H. H., 30 •85M '1.5P Miller. W. N-.. 417 •lOM •14M Miller, W. P., 204 •88P '09M MilU, C. J., 166 '06M •90M Mills, E. M.. 21 •05D •93M MilU, F. W., 30 •83P •84P Mills, G. P., 342 '03M •09M MilU, L. D.. 166 FD FM MilU. M., 270 •OlM FM MilUtone. H. J.. 270 •96P FM ♦Milnamow, J. T.. 270 FM •OOM ♦Milroy. W. D., 68 •08M •98M Minahan. P. R.. 53 •89M •05D Mindlin, A., 298 •87M FP Miner, M. A.,431 •05M •14M Miner, W. H., 204 •04 M •14M Minker. M.. 204 •05P •09M Minke. J. J.. 166 FD •IID Minter. J. E., 307 ■03 M '15M Mioduszewski, Mrs. L. •OOM M. (See Cieniara, Fe- •19M licia H.) •02M •07M Mirabella, S. F. J., 149 FM Misher. W. F., 290 Mitcham, O. J., 349 Mitchell, F. W., 270 ♦Mitchell, G., 44 Mitchell, G. H., 310 Mitchell, J. E., 237 Mitchell, J. H.. 149 Mitchell. J. H., 381 Mitchell. L. J., 11 Mitchell, P. S., 68 Mitchell, T. B., 5 Mitchell, W. F., 89 Mitchell, W. L., 392 Mitchell, W. T., 303 Mitzenmacher, E. A., (See Matison, E. A.) Mix, F. B., 369 Mix, W. S., 211 Mizell, A. G., 48 Modaff, J. N., 392 Moellering, C. B., 356 Moes, M. J., 270 Moeur. J. K., 239 Moffett, H. M., 367 Moflfett, R. A., 218 Moffett, W. N., 68 Moidenhauer, G. H., 68 Moldenhauer, W. J.,137 Moldt, G. C., 310 Molnar-Sasko, Helen B., 101 Monahan, C. R., 68 Monahan, J. E., 293 Monahan, J. J., 114 Moncreiff, W. F., 270 Monohan, Mrs. J. J. (See Jones, Margaret M.) Monosmith, O. B., 30 Monroe, P. B., 241 Montezuma, C., 270 Montgomery, E. E., 409 Montgomery, G. C, 404 Montgomery, J. R., 114 Montgomery, J. R., 89 Montgomery, W., 126 Montgomery, W. R., 390 Moodie, R. L., 271 Moody, L.. 68 Moody. W. B.. 271 Moomey. M. L.. 305 Moon. V. H., 329 ♦Moore. A. C, 379 Moore, A. W., 30 Moore, Clara, 114 Moore, C. J., 318 Moore, E. S., 101 Moore, F. B., 295 Moore, F. D., 60 Moore, G. W., 126 Moore, H. H., 188 Moore, J. J., 271 Moore, L. R., 188 Moore, M. H., 307 Moore, M.T., 7 Moore, O. A., 174 Moore, O. S., 356 Moore, R. V., 137 Moore, V. A., 298 Moore, W. B., 340 Moore. W. H., 101 Moorehead, F. B., 329 Moradian, J. K., 78 Moran, E. M., 376 Moran, J. H., 271 Moran, J. M., 158 Moras, E. R., 19 ♦Moraux, J. D., 14 Morden, L.. 126 Morden. R. R., 114 Moreland, W. H., 395 Morey, A. E., 330 Morgan, C. M., 101 Morgan, M. E., 68 Morin, C, 228 ♦Morrill, H. J., 89 Morris, J. L., 271 FM •04 M FM '02M 'S4M •04M •08M ■06M •05M •90M •86P '15M •OOD •09 M •06D •89M '04M 'OlM '83M '96M •IIM •88P •08M '13M '18D 'lOP '08P '09 M '19M •96M ■05M •86P •06M '02P '89M •09D '09P •97P '06P '19M 'UM '14M •OOM '15P '95M •75P '14M '90M '09M '87M •19M '76P 'IID '16M '94M '06D •UM '89M FD '84M FM 'lOM •04M '09M •06M '97M '84P •08M FM '83P •02M 'OOM •04M •IIM •09M '02D •02D '07D •05M •12M •20M •18M '85M •06M '04D •03D Morris, R. H., 271 Morris, R. L., 114 Morris, R. N., 271 Morris, R. W., 89 Morrison, D. M., 5 Morrison, J. W., 114 Morrow, G. W., 158 Morrow, Louise, 137 Morrow, N. C, 126 Morse, A. J., 21 Morse, J. W., 349 Morse, M. P., 211 Morse, O. P., 289 Mortensen, O. N., 166 Mortenson, J. O., ^00 Morton. A. J., 19 Morton, D. H., 115 Morton, F. R.. 78 Morton. R. J., 2 Moses, J. M., 44 Mosley. E. W.. 180 Moss, M. T., 356 ♦Mosser, R., 158 Motis, Marie A.. 196 Motlong, C. E., 318 Mottar, S. M.,407 Mottar, W. D., 401 ♦Moulding. D. C. C. 166 Moulton. Gertrude E., 228 Mount, H. A., 444 Mount, W. C, 126 Mountain, H., 349 Movius, A. H., 137 Moyer. H. T., 388 ♦Moyers, L. E., 19 ♦Mozee, T. R., 305 Mrazek, C. J., 404 Mrazek, L. L., 378 Mrazek, R. G., 397 Mroz, R. J., 237 Muchnic, A. M.. 180 Mudge. W. A., 204 Muehlmann, C. G., 68 Mueller, F. C., 417 Mueller, F. L., 40 ♦Mueller, P. J., 334 Mueller, W. E., 204 ♦Muffat, M., 21 ♦Muirhead, W. S., 166 Mulder, D., 14 Mulfinger, C. L., 237 ♦Mulfinger, J. L., 335 Mulholland, R. C., 307 Mulholland, W. J., 218 Mullen, M. C., 34 Mundell, R. R., 300 Mundt, G. H., 180 ♦Munford, J. R., 19 Munro, E. F.. 330 ♦Munzer. I.. 5 Murdock, E. P., 272 Murfin, W. D., 174 ♦Murphey, Veda C. C, 115 Murphey, W. T., 166 Murphy, B. E., 137 Murphy, C. C., 48 Murphy, E. D., 342 Murphy, E. T., 158 Murphy, F. G., 272 ♦Murphy, F. R., 340 Murphy, F. T., 90 Murphy, J. B., 235 Murphy, J. C, 115 Murphy, J. J.. 180 Murphy, J. O., 166 Murphy, J. M., 291 Murphy, J. R., 291 Murphy, L. B., 302 Murphy, P. A., 126 Murphy, R. D., 188 Murphy, S. A., 232 Murphy, T. B. N., 225 ♦Murray, A. J., 7 Murray, D. E., 137 Murray, J. L., 295 Murray. M.G., 293 508 University of Illinois •06P Murray, W. A., 397 •OIP ♦Newman, F. L., 385 •94P 'OOD Murto, W. D., 289 FM Newman. H. P.. 272 '14M '091M Musselman, G. H., 166 '09M Newman. J. L.. 166 'IIM •19M Mustell, R. H., 228 '09D Newman, L., 305 '91M '98M *Mutchler, J. A., 53 '21M Newman. M. M.. 241 •94M •03M Myers, C. S., 101 •06M Newman. Mrs. M. N. •18D '88M Mvers. F. L.. 17 (See Schwartz. Mary) •18M •99M *Mvers. F. W., 60 •OlM Newman, W. M., 78 •20M '13M Myers, H. A., 196 FM Newton, F. C. 273 FM •05M Myers. L. W.. 126 FM Newton. G. W.. 273 '09M •20M Myers. W. H.. 239 •OOM Niblock, G. F.. 68 FM •UP Myerson. A., 414 •13M Nichols. H., 196 '87M •09P Myerson. E. S., 404 •17P Nichols, H. v., 422 •06M •lOM Nickel, F. W., 174 '08M FM Nachtigall, H. W., 272 •19M Nickels. A. C. 238 '19D •94P ♦Naehtway, W. M.,371 Nadeau, E. G.. 204 •02M Nickelsen. G. A., 90 '14M •14M •99P Nickerson, H. A., 381 'OOM FM Nadeau, 0. E., 272 •12M Nickey. Barbara M.. 188 'lOM '04P Nadherny. L. J.. 392 •09M Nicolai. J. L., 166 'OOM '02M Nadig, A. T., 90 '21D Nielsen, A. G., 324 '17D 'OOM Nagel, F. E., 68 •21M Nielsen. J., 241 '04P '90P Nagel, H. H., 363 •03M *Nielson, N. N. J., 101 '15M '98M Nagel, J. S., 53 •lOP Niemeyer. A. P., 407 •15M •95M *Nagle, R. J.. 40 Nahin, H. L., 40 •15P Niemeyer. F. C, 417 FD •95M •09P Niemeyer, F. H., 404 '12M •95M Nahinsky, H. L. (See '88P Niemeyer, H., 356 '82P Nahin, H. L.) 'OOM *Nier, W. J., 68 Niesen, T. B.. 407 •78P •16M Nakaya, F. T., 218 •lOP FM •03M Napieralski, E. F., 101 •90M Nieukirk, J. W., 21 '95P '20M Naroditsky, S., 232 '16M Nigro. R. A., 218 •13M ■21M Nasatir, A. V., 241 '07M Nilsson, Betty Augus- •lOD •12M Nasif-Fattooh,N.G..188 tina. 149 •05M '09M Nassar. N. I., 166 •02P Nims, B.. 388 FP '06M *Nathan, E. E., 137 '86P *Nitzsche, J. C, 349 •06M '06M Nathanson, Charlotte •13M Noble, A. G.. 197 OlM A. (See Nortell, Char- 'OlM Noble, CM.. 78 '87P lotte A.) FM Noble, W. L.,273 '20M •08M Nathanson, F. L., 158 •08M Noger, G. J.. 158 FM '06M Nathanson, J. L. (See •80P *Nohe, C. J., 337 'OIP Nortel!, J. L.) 'OlM Noland, P. D., 78 '20P •14M Natvig, G. A.. 204 '20M Noonan. W. J.. 232 •08M •94M Naughton, M. T., 34 •IIP Nooner, T. A., 409 FM '05D Nauman, A. G., 298 •lOD Nordeen, E. L., 305 '98P '19D Nava, J. F., 322 '87M *Norderling, K. A., 14 •20M '19M Navarro, R. J., 228 '05D Nordgren, R. G., 298 '06M '06M ♦Nebeker, E. F., 138 '90P Nordling. E. A., 363 '17M '06M Nee, F.. 138 •92M Nordlund, J. E., 26 ■07M •98D Neeb. E. T., 287 •95P Nordvi, A. C, 373 •12M •89P Neeb, J. N., 359 '91P *Norling, A. W.. 365 '99M •08M Needham, F. S., 158 •12P Norris, M.L., 411 '18D '08M Neer, W. Y., 158 •08M Norris. S. B.. 158 •12M •13M Neff. E. B., 196 'OOM Norsman. S. S., 68 '05M •98M Neff, J. M., 53 '06M Nortell. Charlotte A., •12M •OOD Neil. E. F.. 289 138 '96M '94P *Neilson, H. A., 371 '06M Nortell, J. L.. 138 '93M •15P Neimeyer, F. C., 'OOM ■"North. F. E.. 68 •03D •09M Neimeyer. G. B., 166 Neis, A. D., 407 •06M Northcross, D. C, 138 '06M •lOP '16M Norton, H. S.. 218 '05M •07M *Nelles, J. E. E., 149 '20M Norviel, H. B.. 232 '05P •97M *Nellis, J. G., 48 •17M Norwood. L. H.. 222 '06M •07P Nelson. A. J., 399 '89P Noster. A. H.. 359 ■89M '04M Nelson, G. F., 115 FM Nourse. R. L.. 273 'OIP 'OlM ♦Nelson, E.. 78 •14M Novak. F. J. Jr., 204 '13M •04M Nelson. H. E., 115 •97M ♦Novak. J. D., 48 '18M •04M Nelson, J. P., 115 •06M Novashelsky. B. S., 138 'OlM FM Nelson. J. W., 272 •20P Novotny, S. J., 427 '90P '04M Nelson. M., 115 '08M Nowack, L. H. A.. 158 '16D •07M Nelson. N. C. 149 •07D Nowacki, W. W., 302 '09D •94M Nelson. N. C. G., 34 '03M Nowakowski, J. J.. 102 '14P •06D Nelson, T. M., 300 •21D Nowicki, E., 324 '19D •lOM Nelson. W. H.. 174 FD Noyes, F. B., 330 '94P '17D Nemecek. C. A., 317 '04M Nuckolls, W. L., 115 •16P •88M *Nesblt. G. M.. 17 '05D Nugent, C. C. 298 FM •89P Netz, R. H. G., 359 •09M Nugent. 0. B.. 166 Null, M. M.. 102 'IIM •17P Neuman, H. L.. 422 •03M '06M •98P Neverman, E. P. A.. •08M ♦Nussle. A. C. 158 '04M 379 FM Nuzum, J. W., 273 'OOM •15P Neville, M. E., 417 FD Nylander, V. T., 330 '09P FD Nevius. L. W., 330 •92P Nystrom, P. A., 367 '03M FM Newberger, C. 272 Newbold, E. H., 68 '14M Nyvall, C. A.. 204 •93M •OOM '94M •04M Newcomb. C. F., 115 '04M Oake, W. T.. 115 '04D '93M ♦Newcomer, J. S., 30 •04M Oakes, R. A., 115 '20M •OOM Newell. C. H., 68 •94M Oakshette, J. C, 35 '17P '06M Newell. F. W.. 138 •13M Gates, J. F., 197 •I9D Newell, Mary, 322 ■09P Oberg, C. J.. 404 'lOM •98M Newhall, G. F.. 53 •03M Oberholtzer, E. J.. 102 '12M •03D *Newlin, A. R.. 293 •15P Obermiller. 0. E., 417 '08M ♦O'Brian, R. W., 371 O'Brien, L. T., 204 O'Brien. W. P . 180 ♦O'Brien, W. T., 24 O'Byrne. C. C, 35 Ochoa, F. C, 318 Ochs, Clara M., 225 Ochs. M. M.. 232 Ochsner, A. J.. 274 Ochsner, E. A.. 167 Ochsner, E. H., 273 ♦O'Connell, J. J., 14 O'Connell, J. P., 138 O'Connell, Sarah C. 159 O'Connor. J. F., 322 O'Connor, W. A., 204 O'Day, J. C, 68 O'Donnell, D. M., 174 Odoardo, A. F.. 68 Oelschlager, J. M., 317 Oeth, A. J., 393 Ofner, L. I., 211 Ogden, C. H., 211 O'Hara, F. H., 330 O'Herrin. N. L., 188 Ohlendorf.H. L. C.,239 Ohlendorf, W. C, 336 ♦Ohlmacher, A. P., 274 Ohlman, J. W., 374 ♦Ohman, A. R.. 197 O'Hora, J. A., 305 Okerstrom, A., 126 ♦Oldberg, O.. 431 O'Leary, T. J.. 138 Oliver, C. I., 78 Oliver, Florence M.. 352 Oliver. H. E.. 232 Oliver. M. S., 274 Oliver, R. L.. 385 Oliver, R. N., 427 Olkon, D. M., 159 Olmsted, J. M. D.. 274 Olsen, E. T.. 379 Olson, A. E., 232 Olson, A. L.. 138 Olson, C. W., 222 Olson, O. A., 149 Olson, O. S., 188 Olson, W. C, 60 Olson, W. D.. 318 Olson, W. K., 189 Olson, O., 126 O'Malley, J. G.. 189 O'Malley. T. J.. 44 O'Mallev. W. H., 30 O'Neil. V. E.. 293 O'Neil, W. E., 138 O'Neill, F. W., 126 O'Neill, G. J., 395 O'Neill, J. P., 138 Onstott, E., 19 Orbensen, C. J., 386 Orbison, J. A., 197 Orcutt, A. H., 225 Orcutt, D. C, 78 O'Reilly. W. F.. 363 Orloff. L. D.. 314 Orlow, E., 305 Orr, C. C. 414 Ort, R. K., 322 *Orth, G. S.. 371 Ortman, A. A., 419 Orton, Susanne, 274 Orzechowski, V. B.. 180 Osborn. G. R., 138 Osborn. W. S., 115 Osborne, C. F., 68 Osborne, T., 404 Osher, J. C, 102 Osincup, F. A., 30 Osness, A. M., 35 Ostermeier, G. A.. 295 Ostler, D. E., 232 Ostrowski, Bernice A., 422 Ostrowski. F. G.. 174 Ostrowski, L. J., 189 Ostrowski. R. O.. 159 Index to Alumni 509 •17D Ostrowski. T. C. 317 '13M Patton, F. R., 197 •93P •93M *Otto. E.. 30 , FM Patton. J. M.. 274 '14M •08M Otrich. G. C. 159 •13M Patton, L. K.. 197 '88P •02M Ottersbach, C. C. 90 FM Paugritz, C. 274 Pauker, X.. 232 '85P FM Oughton. C. M.. 274 ■20M 'OOM •07M Oughton. J. H., 149 •92P Paul. A. E.. 367 '89M •02M Overmass, S. E., 90 '90P Paul. C. F.. 363 '85M •02M ♦Overton, 0. P., 90 ■OOP ♦Paul. G. H.. 383 '02M '98M CK-erton, T. V., 53 '85M Paul. I. 0.. 7 '07D •87M ♦Oviatt, C. W.. 14 '90P Paul. O. E.. 363 '14M •12P Owen. E. P., 411 ■08P Pavlicek. A. V., 401 '03M ■18D Owen. J. S.. 318 •94M Payne, R. E., 35 '95M •89M *Owen, W. R., 19 '13M Pea. E. H.. 197 •02M '08P Owens. A. B.. 401 'S6M *Peabody. H. A.. 11 •91M •02D Owens, C. D., 291 •97M Peacock, N. F.. 48 •98M '21M Owens. Celia E., 241 •14P Pearce. I. F., 414 •85M 'ISP Owens. H. F.. 424 •96M Pearce, P., 44 '07M •04P Ozanne, P. H., 393 FM Pearce, R. G., 274 •lOP •08M Pearce, W. F., 159 '08M •15M Pacak, Frances. (See •85M ♦Pearce, W.W., 7 '03M Cepelka, F. P.) •85P Pearse, W. M.. 345 •OIP •93M Packard. C. D.. 30 •lOM Pearson, A., 174 •21P •lOM Packard. J. W.. 174 '13M Pearson. E. B.. 197 •99P '90P ♦Paddock. C. B., 363 •07M Pearson. A. W., 149 •18M •01 D Paden. C. M.. 290 '87P Pearson, W. F., 352 •99P •03D Paden. S. D., 293 •95M Pease. A. S., 40 '94M ■98M Page. A. C, 53 ■12M Peattie, J. F.. 189 '04M •06M Page. B. F.. 138 FD Peck. A. H.. 331 '20M '98M Pagelsen. O. H.. 54 •95P ♦Peck, G. L., 374 •06M •20P Pahl. H. C, 427 •03D Peck, G. S., 293 •97P •12M Paine. Ruby H.. 189 •02P Pedigo, L. M., 388 •02P •12D Palese. J. D.. 309 •06M Peisch, B. F. (See Page, '06M ■05M Palm. C. A.. 126 B. F.) •85M •03M Palmer, Mrs. T. J. (See •15P Pole. J., 417 •93M Fogle. Clara) •88P Pelek, L. J., 356 '14M •03D Palmer. G. F., 293 •17P Pelikan, A. E., 422 •98M FM Palmer, H., 274 •OOM Pelletier. D. H., 69 •88P FD Palmer, J. B.. 330 FM Pember, A. H.. 275 •21M •OlM Palmer, J. M.. 78 '88P Penberthy, E., 356 •88M •OOM Palmer. R. F.. 69 •97M Pence, C. D., 4S •80P •05M ♦Palmer. T. J.. 126 '98M Pennington, W. R., 54 •20M •14P Pankau. F. A., 414 '03M Penrice, H. M., 102 •06M '19P Park, A. L., 426 FM Percy, N. M., 274 •17M •06M Park, S. J., 138 '18P Perez, V. H., 424 •91P •OoM Parke, G., 127 '97M Perisho. E. E.. 48 '15M •13M Parke, L. L.. 197 •18M Perkins. C. H.. 225 '06M •12M Parker, B. B., 189 'lOP Perkins. W. A., 407 '19M •02M Parker, C. E.. 90 •05M Perry. B.. 127 •OOM •OIP Parker. C. W.. 386 •13M Perrys. H. S.. 197 •16M •04M Parker. D. L., 115 '02M Perry, J. M., 90 •02D •lOM Parker, F. €.. 174 '16D Person, A. G., 314 '16M •83P Parker. F. M.. 340 •18P Person, F. D.. 424 '05M FD Parker, F. W., 330 •09P Peska. A. C., 404 '09P •05P Parker, J. K., 395 •14M Peters. H. E., 205 '86P •20M Parker. J. W. Jr., 232 •lOP Peters, H. O., 407 •06M FD Parker. R. W.. 330 '99M Peters, J. A., 60 •03M •OlM Parker. W. R.. 78 '06M Peters, L. S., 138 '14D •03M Parkinson. W. B. Jr., •87P Petersen, C. U., 352 •94M 102 •05M Petersen. H. C. 127 •05M •08M Parks. Jennie W., 159 •88M Petersen, H. F., 17 •IIM •89P Parks, W. W., 359 •OlM Petersen. H. P. C, 78 •99M •05M Parmelee. 0. E.. 127 •16M Petersen, R. W., 218 ■ '97? •12M Parmelee. Ruth A., 189 FM Petersen, W. F., 275 •16D •85P Parnell. B. F.. 345 '98M Petersmeyer, W., 54 'OlM •08M ♦Parrish. H. C. 159 '07M Peterson, A. E., 149 •99M •85P •Parr^'. H. I.. 345 •05D Peterson. D. A.. 298 '19D 'OlM Parry. I. A.. 78 •15M Peterson. E., 211 '19M •97? ♦Parsons, E. C. 378 '05M Peterson. E. F., 127 '02M '86M ♦Parsons. G. F.. 11 ■16M Peterson, H. M., 219 •91P •06M Parsons. I. W.. 138 '19M Peterson, J, O., 228 '19D •04M Parsons. S. T.. 115 '06M Peterson, M. D. E., 138 •09P •20M Paskind. H. A.. 232 '95M Peterson, 0. T., 40 •05M •16M Paskind. J., 218 '04D ♦Peterson, P. C. B., 295 '07P •87P Patchena, C. R., 352 '19M Peterson, P. E.. 238 '21P •20P Pate, C. M.. 427 •IIM Peterson, T., 180 •06D •OoP Patejdl. J.. 395 FD Peterson, W. •05P '03M Patera. E., 102 •97M Peterson, W. A., 48 '02M •12P Patrick. F. E.. 411 •20M Petrass, A.. 232 •OOM •12P Patrick. T. S.. 411 FM Petritz. L. J.. 275 •05D '12D ♦Patrous. Hannah E..309 •OlM Retry, F., 78 •17P '96P Patten. E. S.. 376 •lOM Pettepiece, T. A., 174 •02M •93M Patterson. J. W., 30 •06M Pettitt, H. L.. 139 •03M FP ♦Patterson. T. H., 431 '13M Petty. R. H., 197 •IIP 'OOM Patterson, W. E., 69 '84P Peyton, G. S., 342 •15P •02M ♦Patterson. W. M., 90 •86P ♦Peyton, L. E., 349 'UM •lOM Pattison. H. A.. 174 •OOP Pfaff, F. L., 383 '83P •04P Pattiaon. S. R.. 393 •07P Pfaff, H. Jr.. 400 •04M Pfafflin. A. R., 369 Pfeifer, A. S., 205 Pfleger, G. G., 356 Pfundor, F. H., 345 Phalen, J. M.,69 ♦Phar, W. I., 19 Phelps, G. M.. 7 Phifer, C. H.. 90 Phifer, L. H.. 302 Phillips, A. H.. 205 Phillips, C. E., 102 Phillips, D. C, 40 Phillips, F.. 90 Phillips. F. A., 24 Phillips, Jenny L., 54 Phillips, J. B. C, 7 Phillips, N. C, 149 Phillips. R. C., 407 Phillips, R. H., 159 Phillips, W. C, 102 Phillips, W. R., 386 Philps, C. A., 428 Phipps, L. H., 381 Piaseczyniski, F., 225 Pick, E. E., 381 Pickel, E. B., 35 Pickett, C. H., 115 Pickoff, F. L., 232 Pickrell, W. B., 139 Pier, H. J., 378 Pierce, F. E., 388 Pierce. J. C., 139 Pierce, N. H., 7 ♦Pierron. J. J., 30 Pierzynski, T. S., 205 Pietrowicz, S. R., 54 Pigall, J. S., 356 Piit, G. E., 241 ♦Pile, O. F., 17 Pilgrim, H. C., 337 Pilka, H. J., 239 PiUinger, H. H.. 139 Pilot, I., 222 Pinckney, P. P., 365 Pinkerton, C. C., 211 Pinkerton, H. B., 139 Pinkerton, R. E., 238 Pinkerton, W. J., 69 Pino, R. H., 219 Pipkin, W. L., 291 Piro, v.. 219 Pirosh. S.. 127 Pisani, v., 404 Pitts, A. D.. 349 Pitz H. R., 139 Pitzele, W. A., 102 Plachota, J. J., 310 Planck, E. A., 35 Plank, T. H.. 127 Plassman, W. F., 181 Piatt, B. M., 60 Plautz, H. F., 378 Playman, H. L., 314 Pleth. Vera W., 78 Pleth, v., 60 Plevo, J. E., 322 Plice, S. G., 238 Plice,W. A., 90 Plitt. L.. 365 Ploche, L. R.. 322 Ploetz. W. E.. 404 Plonske. C. J.. 127 Plummer. A. V., 400 Plummer. C. K., 428 Plummer, J. H., 300 Plummer, L. W., 395 Podger, M.P., 90 Podstata, V. H., 69 Pogue, J. C., 298 Pohlman. P. H., 422 ♦Poinier, E. W., 90 Pokorney, F. J., 102 Pokorny, M. A., 409 Poli, D., 417 Pollard, W. S., 181 ♦Pollock, C. E., 340 Pollock, Edith C., 115 510 University of Illinois '94M '06M 'OlM •08D •08D FM '20M '08D '03M '03M 'IIM '91M '12D 'IID '03 M '97P "12M '07M 'IID '85P '04P '13? FM '89M '90M '03M •05D FM '93M '92M '89M '09M FM '03D '02M '99M •08M 'OOM •20M '05M '04P '13M •89M '91P FD '03M FM '95P '05M '02M '03M 'OlM •IIM '98M '21D '09P '03M '93M •20M '16M '19D '06D FM '04M 'OIP '99P 'OOP '20M •84 M '90M '19M '98M '97M •92M '06M '17P '06M '19M '85P '14D '09M '09M '03P •lOM '14M 'COM 'lOP Pollock, H. L.. 35 '90M Pollock, L. J., 139 •98M Poison, Nina D., 78 FM ♦Ponce, F., 303 '86P *Ponce-y-Collantes, F. •18D (See Ponce, F.) '07M Pond, G. P., 275 Pontius, G. v., 240 •lOM Pontius, M. E., 303 '16P Poorman, C. W., 102 '08M Pope, F. W., 102 FM Popper, H., 181 'OOM Poposkey, J., 24 '05D Porath, Elda A., 309 •09M Porath, F. E., 307 '94M Porges, I. A., 102 FM Porges, O., 378 Port, F. J., 189 '06M Port, I. A., 149 '13P Porter, C. A., 307 •20M Porter, E. K., 345 •17M Porter, G. M.,393 •02D Porter, H., 413 '89M Porter, J. L., 275 '09P *Porter, J. W., 19 FM Porter, M. C, 21 '19M Porter, W. H., 102 '94P Porterfield, W. R., 298 •78P Portis, S. A., 275 '83P Post, C. C.,30 •16M Post, C. M., 26 ■98P Post, G. A., 19 '05D Post, G. W., Jr., 167 '18P Post, G. W., Sr., 275 '16M Post, W. M., 293 '09P Potter, C. A., 90 '20P Potter, J. Y., 61 '17M Potter. L. C., 159 '04D Potter, W. E., 69 '99M Potts, A. L.,240 'OlD Powell, C. D., 127 '08D Powell, C. E., 393 '05D Powell, J. J., 197 '90P Powell, P., 19 'OIP ♦Powell, T. Jr., 365 '90P Powell, T. E.. 331 '05M Power, L. M., 102 '03M Power, S. J., 275 '20M ♦Powers, D. T., 374 '03D Powers, G. J., 127 •09P Powers, H. W., 90 '13M Powers, J. W., 102 '12M Pratt, Irene R., 78 FP Pratt, R. W., 181 '99D Pratz, F. D., 54 '17P Prehn, D. C., 324 '08P Prentice, S. G., 404 '93P Prescott, Eva, 102 '99M Prescott, H. V., 30 FD Prescott, M. U., 240 '13M Preston, W. B.. 219 '17M Pretlow, R. T., 322 '15P Preusker, G. A., 300 •85M Price, A. E., 275 '05M Price, A. S., 115 FM Price, M. R., 386 FM Price, W. T., 381 FM Priest, F. H., 383 •12M Prilla, E., 240 '13M Printz, E. T., 5 'OlD *Prohaska, 0. F., 21 •99M Propet, D. W., 228 •03M Proudfoot, C. P., 54 'IID Prough, W. C., 48 FM Provan, D. M., 26 FM *Provine, G. S., 139 •18D Prutsman, H. C, 422 •15P Pryor, R. E., 139 '12M Przypyszny, C. F., 238 '05M Puckner, W. A., 345 'lOM Puffer, C. L., 310 '03M Puffer, M. L., 167 '08M Pugh, B. McC., 167 '21M Pulford, G. W., 390 '03M Pulley, L. A., 174 '06M Punche, A. E., 205 •99M Purcell, H. E., 69 FM *Purcell, W. E., 407 'OIP Purdy, A. H., 21 FM Purington, W. A., 54 '19D Pusey, W. A., 275 ■^Putnam. A. S., 349 '84M Pyle, B. G., 318 '89P 07M *Pynn, R. C., 149 '03D '20M Quaife, H. H., 174 'ISM Quartetti, L., 419 '86P Quigley, T. C., 159 '16D Quigley, W. J., 275 '07P Quine, W. E.. 235 '06M Quinlan, M. J., 298 '06P Quinn, L. C.. 167 •87M Quinn, W. A., 35 ' 08P *Quirk, J. J., 276 '05M •93M Rach, E. A., 139 'OIP Rackaway, A. W., 413 '86P Raokliffe, T. T., 233 ■ •14M Radabaugh, R. C., 223 '97P RadclifT, F. H., 292 '86P Radley, J. H., 19 •04M Raetz, C. E., 404 '20M Raff, A. B., 276 '19M Raginsky, O., 238 '85P Rahlfs, G. H., 371 '93? Rahr, R., 336 '99P Rahte, R. S., 340 '07? Raim, W., 219 '21M Rainey, C. F., 379 '89? Rains, R. R., 298 '15? Ralph, W. F., 424 'lOM Raman, H. B., 219 Rambo, J. M., 404 FM Rambo, L. A., 427 '13M Ramos, R. A., 223 '94M Ramsey, E. H., 295 '12M Ramsey. F. P., 61 '94M Ramsey, H. H., 290 '79P Ramsey, P. H., 303 'OlM ♦Ramsey, S. J., 298 'UM Ramsey, S. V., 363 FM Randack, F. J., 386 '05M Rankin, J. S., 363 '02D Ranseen, C. M., 127 '97M Ransom, C. W., 103 '95M Rappaport, B., 240 '13M Rasmussen, N. P., 293 •06M Ratajik, F. J.,404 '97M Rategan, E. H., 197 'lOM Raub, J. B., 189 'OlM *Rauch, J. H., 431 '99M *Rausch, W. A., 288 '89P Rauschert, E. P., 422 *99M Rauschert, H. L., 401 •04M Rauth, F. W., 369 '07M Raw, E. J., 61 '14M Rawlings, L. D., 331 '92M *Ray, B. E., 197 •14M Ray, J. H., 223 '94M Rayeraft, J. W., 417 '19M Raymer, H. S., 8 '87M Raynor, M., 127 'OOM *Rea, R. L., 276 '16D Read, C. F., 276 '04D Reagan, F. P., 276 '94M Reagan, T. H., 189 '06M Ream, W. J., 197 '91M Reardon, C. J., 290 '06M Reasoner, M. A., 61 '95P Reay, M. S., 103 '96? ♦Redman, V. F., 307 'OlM Redner, L. R., 276 '06M Reed, C. B.. 276 '04M Reed. G. S., 318 '06M Reed. R. C, 417 'llM Reed, T., 189 '87P Reed, W. H., 127 '05M Reedy, P. G., 174 '18M Reese, E. G., 103 '15P Reese. F. L., 159 '06M Reeves, D. C, 241 '03P Reeves, E. W., 103 FD Rego. A. d'A., 139 •95M Reich. W. F., 61 '83M Reichert, J. L., 276 'lOM ♦Reichman, A ., 386 '03M Reid, J. G., 276 Reiland, Marjorie M.. 322 Reiley, I. H., 5 Reimers, J. H., 359 Reinbold, J. E., 293 Reinhard, O. A., 240 Reinhardt, C. H., 211 Reis, A. M., 349 Reiseman, H., 314 Reisman. Bertha. 400 Reiss, O.. 139 Reite, R., 397 Remmen, N. E., 14 Renaud, J. P., 401 Renberg, F. H., 127 Renn, T. H., 30 Rennen. W. A., 386 Renner. J. A., 349 Rensch. O. B., 205 ♦Renshaw. C. J.. 378 Renz, W. A.. 349 Replogle, J. F.. 115 Resnik. T., 240 Rettig, F. A., 238 Renter, L. H., 345 Renter, R.. 369 Reuter, W. C.. 381 Reuter. W. H.. 400 Reuther, T. F., 241 Rew, G. C., 359 Rey, Y.. 417 Reyes y Malabanan. C. S.. 174 Reynolds, H. J.. 276 Rhein, A. E., 197 Rhiel, A. C., 35 Rhine, A. C., 189 Rhode, H. P., 35 Rhode, R. E., 336 Rhodes, O. M., 78 Riach, T. J.. 181 Ribbeck. W. A., 276 Ricardo, D. E.. 128 Rice, C. v., 292 Rice, D. S., 48 Rice, E., 40 Rice. I. P., 197 Rice, M.H., 139 Rice, R. H., 48 Rich, H. E., 175 Rich, Katharine B., 79 Rich, R. G., 61 Richards, E. T., 359 Richards, F. A.. 61 Richards, H.. 116 Richardson. B. A., 149 Richardson, F. A., 205 Richardson, W. B., 26 Richert, H., 205 Richmond, F. C, 35 Richmond, F. R., 238 ♦Richmond, J., 14 Richter, A. J.. 69 Richter.CamilleM.,314 Richter, Eva R., 295 Richter, H. M., 35 ♦Rickard, E. T., 139 Ricker. S. J.. 24 Ricketts, Joy, 139 Rickfort. C. A., 374 < Riddell, D. F., 376 Ridenour, J. E., 79 Ridle. M. D.. 139 Ridley, G. V., 116 Ridley. W. A., 139 Riedel. J. A.. 181 Riegel. E., 352 Riegel, H. C., 128 Rieke, A. G., 225 Riemer, E. R., 417 Ries, Anna F., 139 Rigg. J. G., 390 Riggs. E. S.. 331 "• S.J. P., 40 175 , 103 "Righeimer, J. W. Rightman, W. " ' Index to Alumni 511 •07M Rigterink, H. A.. 149 Riley. W. J.. 205 '78P •14M '93M •S9P Rimmele, C. H.. 359 '84P •90P Rinehart, H. M.. 363 '95P •OOM Rinehart. J. S.. 69 '02M •OlM RinKo. G. R., 79 •02D •06M Rink.enberger,F.W.,139 •07M •86M Rittenhouse. W. F., 11 'COM •92M Hitter. M. M., 26 •lOP '16P Ritzman. R. B., 419 '19M FD Roach. F. E.. 331 •UM ■05M Roach. H. A., 128 '06M '90M Roach, T. E.. 22 '06M ■07M Roads. W. B.. 149 FM '94? Roark. C. A., 371 '09M •06M Robb. C. E.. 140 'OOP 'OlM Robb, Mrs. (See Yelton, '19M Irene) FM •12M Robbins. B.. 189 '19M •19D Bobbins. C. J.. 322 'UM Robbins. D. F.. 205 '09P '03M Robbins. Emma E.. 103 '02M '03M Robbins, N. J., 103 '74P •03M Roberts, H. B.. 103 '18D '87M Roberts. J. C. 14 '08M •12D Roberts, S. H.. 309 '06M •86M Roberts. W.. 11 •94M Roberts. W. P.. 35 '84P ■&SP Robertson. W. C. 356 •87P 'OlM Robertson. W. F.. 79 ■06M •S3M Robertson, W. M., 2 . '83M •S5M Robey, F. R., 8 •06M •97P Robin. Luba J., 378 •12M '06M Robin. S. M.. 140 'IIP •05P Robinson, Mrs. Benj. '90P (See Wells, Frances E.) •06M •85P ♦Robinson, F. T., 345 '20M '17P Robinson, G. H., 422 '98M ■79P Robinson, H.. 336 '12D •04M Robinson, J. W., 116 '05M '06P Robinson, J. W., 397 •15M '14M Robinson, R. D., 205 •lOP '14M Robinson, Mrs. R. D. 'S3M (See Isham, Anna) •lOM '21P Robinson. W. J., 428 'lOD ■99P Robson. A. J., 381 '05D '92M ♦Roche. J. J.. 26 '94M 'OOM Rock. H. J., 69 'OOP '16M Rock, J. L.. 219 '93M '21D Rockey. C. G.. 324 •96P '06D Rockefellow, J. A., 300 '12M '02M Rodefeld. H. H.. 90 '16M •OoM Rodemeyer. F. H., 128 '83M '04D Rodenhauser.W.R..295 '97M •07M Rodermund, A. M.. 149 FM •OlD Rodosy. A. A.. 290 Roe. F C, 289 '17M 'OOD ■19M FM Roe, J. N.. 276 '04M '83M ♦Roehr. C. G., 2 '19D 'lOM Roemisch, A. J., 175 •17D 'OIP Roesch, A.. 386 •98M '21P Roeseler, W. T., 428 •20M '93M Roff. 0., 30 •19M FM Rogers, B. S.. 276 FM '85M Rogers. B. W., 8 '20M FM Rogers, C. C, 276 •OlD '12M Rogers, F. K.. 189 '94P '89M Rogers. F. W., 19 '12M '98M Rogers, H. C. 54 '17P FP Rogers, H. H., 431 '05M '86M Rogers. H. S., 11 '93P •lOM Rogers. J. C, 175 FM 'lOP Rogers, 0. W., 407 ■88P '89P Rogers, R. R., 359 '06D Rogers. W. J., 300 '79P '19M Rogers, W. T., 228 •14P '74P ♦Rohrer, J., 334 '89P FM Rohrlack, O. H.. 277 '08P '02P Rolff. M. 0.. 388 ■02M •OlM Rolfs, T. H., 79 FM FD RoUins, G. E.. 331 '98P '17P Roman, M. A., 422 '07P •95P Romano, A., 374 '86P •84M •Romnas, L. L., 5 •09P •86P ♦Rometch, F. A., 349 FM '02P Rommel, H. Q. C, 388 '19D '02M Rooks, J. J.. 90 I 'OOM FM Roome, C. T., 277 •12M Roos, B. L., 336 Roos, D. W., 30 ♦Roos, T., 342 Root, C, 374 Root, R. R., 91 Rork, R. N., 292 Rose, C. A., 149 Rose,F., 69 Rose,F. O., 407 Rose, H. L., 228 Rose, I. H. L., 181 Rose, J., 140 Rose, L., 140 Rose,W. B.,277 Rose, W. E.. 167 Rose, W. E.,383 Rosenberg, M. J.. 238 Rosenblum, P., 277 Rosenburg. H. L. (See Rose.H. L.) Rosenstone. R. G., 404 ♦Rosenthal, G. E., 91 Rosenthal, J., 334 Rosenthal, W., 318 Rosenzweig, G. K., 159 Rosenzweig, L. (See Rose, L.) Ross.C. K., 342 ♦Ross, F.. 352 Ross.G. W., 140 Ross, I. N.,2 Ross, R. M., 140 Ross. S. J.. 189 Ross, T.. 409 Rossman, P. N., 363 Rost, J. F. W., 140 Host, T. A., 240 ♦Roszell, R. A., 54 Roth, A.. 309 Roth. A. A., 128 Roth, J. H., 211 Roth, v., 407 ♦Rothwell, J. T., 2 Rothwell, W.T., 175 Rotzoll, A. M., 306 RotzoU, P. A., 298 Round, T. L., 35 Rounds, M. B. C., 383 Rowe, E. J.. 30 Rowe. H. E.. 376 Rowland, Delta E., 189 Rowland, S. J., 219 ♦Roy, W. C.. 2 Royce. W. S.. 48 Royer, J. E., 277 Royster. H. R., 223 Rozinsky, J., 238 Rubel. H. F., 116 Ruben, H. L., 322 Rubin, E. A., 315 Rubin, G., 54 Rubin, H. H., 240 Rubin, I., 238 Rubovitz, W. H., 277 Rubright, F. L., 233 Rudd, E., 290 Rudder, W. H., 371 Ruddick, H. C., 189 Ruder, Rose S., 422 Rudnick, F., 128 Rudnick, P. F. A., 369 Rudolph, L., 277 Rudolphy, Mrs. Fred (See Dunkel. Martha) Rudolphy. J., 336 Rueckert, E. E.. 415 ♦Ruehl, H. A., 359 Ruesch, W. E.,401 Ruge, E. C.,91 Rugh, R. E., 277 Ruhland, W. F., 379 Ruicker, F. H., 400 Rummel, T. C., 349 Rummerfield, L. L., 404 Rumpf, W. H., 277 Rund, J.. 322 Runyan, C. P., 69 Rupert. R. R., 189 •20M •19M •07M •lOD •04M •85P •83P '99M •lOD FM •06M •IIM •20M '09M •02D '09M '86M FD '03D '09M 'OOM •02M FM •03M FM •03M •16P '02M '91M '95M '89P '03M '19M '85M '85M •OlM •15M '96P FM '20D •OIP •13M •19D •06M '17M '93M '21P •21M •14M •09M •21P •86P •08M •OIP •08M •04P •17M •IIM •88P •99M '95P •92P •85P '06M 'lOP •04P •20D FM •lOM '13M •17M •OOM FP •87M •IIP •05M •12M •12M FM •OOM •15M •14D •17M •85P 233 (See Ruppenthal. A. J., Rush, P. W., 238 Russ. J. E., 150 Russakav, S. I. Russell, S. I.) Russel, S. J., 116 ♦Russell, A. L.,345 Russell. D. P.. 340 Russell, H. R..61 Russell, S. I.. 306 Rutherford, C, 277 Rutkausask, A. K.. 140 Rutkus.Susan A.,181 Rutledge, J. H., 240 Runs, C. W., 167 Ruzicka, M. J., 292 Ryan, C. F., 167 Ryan, CO., 11 Ryan, E. J., 331 Ryan, F. J., 293 Ryan, J. C, 167 Ryder, B. E., 69 Rydin, C. G. S.. 91 Rydin. C. J.. 277 Ryerson. Esther A., 103 Ryerson. E. W.. 277 , Ryerson, Helen L.. 103 Rylander. R. A. F., 419 ♦Sabin. A. C. Jr.. 91 ♦Sabin. A. L.. 24 ♦Sachs. T. B.. 40 Sachse.R. P., 359 Sackett, L. M., 103 Saelhof, C. C. 238 ♦Safley. L. E., 8 Safley, W. M., 8 Sage,E. D., 79 Saha, P., 211 ♦St. John, J. M., 376 ♦St. John, L., 277 Saito, N., 323 Salchert, H. A., 386 Salk, R. S., 198 Salnik, Helen, 322 ♦Salomon. R. S. H.. 140 Salpas, S., 223 Salter, A., 30 Saltiel,H. C.. 428 Saltiel, T. P., 241 Salzman, H. A., 205 Salzman, S. R., 167 Sample, L. E., 428 Sampson, F., 349 ♦Samuell, D. E., 159 Samuels, J. J. ,386 Samuels, M. W.. 159 Sanders, E. J., 393 Sanders, G. F., 223 Sanders, R. Z., 181 Sanders, T. W., 356 ♦Sanderson, P. G., 61 Sandkoetter, H. P., 374 Sandmeister, C. H., 367 Sandmeyer. L. A., 345 Sandven. N. O., 140 Sandford, J. L., 407 Sankiewicz, C. A., 393 Sannes, D., 323 Santee,H. E., 278 Santos y Cuyugan, G., 175 Santos, R. A., (See Abriol, R.) Sapper, H. V. L., 223 ♦Sargeant. F. L., 70 Sargent. E. H.. 431 Sargent. J. S., 14 Sarginson, R. B., 409 Sarheim, R. K., 128 Sarvela, H. L., 189 Sasko, M.P., 190 Saas, Marja D.. 278 Sassaman, F. W.. 70 Sathe, M. R.. 211 Sauer, C. J., 310 Sauer. F. J.. 223 Sauerhering. E., 345 512 University of Illinois '03M •19M FM '08M '18D '05M '02M '13M '84M 'OIP '05M '97M '89P FP '81P '19M •85P •78P '02M •OIP •81P •03P •lOM •06M •lOP 'IID '88M '91M '04M '82P '21M •94P '99M '05P '18M •05M '91P '75P '90P FM '15M '87M •86M •15M 'I2M '16M '07M 'IIP '17D '84P '93P •99P '97M '07P '9IM •02P '14D '96P FM •16D •12P '78P '85P '21P •14P •lOP '05M •08M '19M '80P '89P •20M '84P '89P •06M •20P '93P •79P FM '99M •03P ■OIP •84M '87M •08M Saunders, C. E., 103 Saunders. H. P., 228 Saunier, A. J. C, 278 Savage, Mrs. E. F., (See Freitag, Matilda) Savage, E. H., 318 Savage, R. G., 128 Sawtelle, H. F., 91 Sawyer, A. L., 198 ♦Sawyer, F. M., 5 Saxe, G., 386 Sayad, E. E., 128 Sayre, C. E., 48 Sayre, E. A., 360 *Scammon, F., 431 *Schaar, C. L., 338 Schachter, J. A., 228 Schaefer, J., 345 Schaefer, O. G., 336 Schaefer, P. H., 91 Schaefer, W. J., 386 Schaeffer, E. E., 338 Schaefer, C. H., 390 Schafer, W. D., 175 Schaffarzick, C. F., 140 Schaffarzick, W. F.,407 SchafTner, H. H., 307 *Schallern, B. V., 17 Schallern, O. V., 24 Schallert, P. O., 116 Schartzel, W. S., 339 Schecter, W., 241 . Schefcik, J. F., 371 Scheib, G. F., 61 Scheips, T. I., 395 Schelm, G. W., 225 Schell, C. P., 128 Schembs, F. H., 365 Scherer, A., 334 *Soherer, C. J., 363 Schick, A. D., 278 Schick, F. J., 211 Schick, G., 14 Schidler, A. L., 11 Schiele, R. F., 211 Schiele, W. C, 190 Schiflf, N. S., 219 Schiffbauer, H., 150 Schildberg, B. S., 409 Schiltz, A. F., 316 Schimeck, J. I., 342 Schimeck, I. A., 369 Schimelfenig, C. H., 382 Schindler, F. S., 48 Schinz, F. E., 400 *Schlawig, J. J., 24 Schleder, A. T., 388 Schlies, E. W., 310 Schlinkman, W., 376 Schlomovitz, B. H., 278 *Sohlu3sel, N. W., 314 Schmeling, C. H., 411 *Schmeling, M. F. P. 336 Schmid, E. A., 345 Schmid, H. C., 428 Schmid, H. H., 415 ♦Schmid, Rose P., 407 Schmidt, C. H., 128 Schmidt, C. L., 159 Schmidt, E. J., 228 ♦Schmidt, F. M., 337 Schmidt, F. O., 360 Schmidt, H. J., 233 ♦Schmidt, J. H., 342 Schmidt, L. E., 360 Schmidt, L. M., 140 Schmidt, S., 427 Schmiedeskamp, W. H., 369 Schmitt, E., 336 Sohmitt, E. C., 278 Schmitt, G., 61 Schmitt, H. J., 390 ♦Schmitt, W., 386 ♦Schmitz, E. A., 5 Schneider, A., 14 Schneider, C. O., 159 '07M '87P '09D '04M FM •17P •05M '99M '88P '95P •IIM '88P '98M '04M 'DIM •IID '88P FM •95P 'IIP 'OOP '84P '14P '91P '96P •84P '85P '99P '92P '89P '07M '06M '08M 'IID '19M '20M •05D •15D •05M '05M '08M '98M •98P ■89P '14M '98 M •05M '21P •05P •81P 'OIP '96P '13P '16P '98P '05M '90P '20D '83P '13P •OIP '98D '04D '90P '07P '04P 'lOM '06P '83M FD •96M •04P •07M •03D •IIM •06P •06M '95P '97P '96P 'OlM '07M •95M 240 128 (See Schneider, G. A., 150 ♦Schneider, H., 352 Schnell, T. W., 305 Schnetzky, O. P., 116 Schnoor, E. W., 278 Schobert, R. J., 422 Schoen, C. M., 128 Schoenberg, A. J., 61 Schoenike, E. B., 356 Schoening, W. H,, 374 Schoenleber, A. W., 181 ♦Schoke, J., 356 Scholes, P. S., 54 Scholten, D. J., 116 Scholtes, T. W., 79 Schoolman, H. A., 307 ♦Schott, W. J., 356 Schrager, V. L., 278 Schram, D. L., 374 Schreiber, C. G., 409 Schreiber, L., 384 Schreiner, A., 342 Schreiner, A. Jr., 415 Schreiner, G., 366 Schreiner, L. I., 376 ♦Schreuber, A. E., 343 Schreuder, L. S., 345 Schrodt, J., 382 Schroeder, A. W., 367 Schroeder, C. W., 360 Schroeder, E. F., 150 Schroeder, G. H., 140 Schroeder, J. C, 159 Schroeder, L. A., 307 Schroeder, P. L., : Schroeder, R. H. Schroeder, T. L., 298 Schroeder, W.H., 312 Schroeder, O. V Scruby, Mrs. A. Morden, Leone). Schuessler, A. W., 159 Schuessler, H. G., 54 Schuetz, Z. E., 379 Schuh, J. P., 360 Schulberg, P. A., 205 Schuldt, F. F. H., 54 Schulian, O. F., (See Shulian, O. F.^ Schulte, Norma C., 428 Schultejann, B. H., 395 Schultz, A. W., .338 Sohultz, C. F., 386 Schultz, C. F. W., 376 Schultz, C. J., 413 Schultz, E. C, 419 Schultz, E. H., 379 Schultz, L., 128 Schultz, L. C., 363 Schultz, L. W., 324 Schulz, F. M., 340 Schulz, W. C., 413 Schulze, A. H., 386 Schulz, 0. A., 287 Schulze, Elizabeth L., ♦Schumacher, F. W., 363 Schumm, E. T., 400 Schumm, H. J., 393 Schunk, Clara M., 175 Schupmann, M. A., 397 Schuyler, W. H., 2 Schwab, F. B., 331 Schwab, L. W., 44 Schwanke, L. R., 393 Schwartz, A. J. C., 150 Schwartz, F. H., 293 Schwartz, Harriet C, 181 Schwartz, Mary, 140 Schwartz, R. F., 140 Schwarz, A. J., 374 Schwarz, H., 378 Schwertfeger, F. (See Cole, F. H.) Scofield, C. J., 79 ♦Scott, A. R., 150 Scott, H. S , 40 H., •03D •lOP 'OOM 'lOM '91P '05M '15P '96M 'OlM 'OOM '06M '90P '16D '06M '80P •07P '17D '83P '97M '15P 'lOM '86P '03M '07M '13M '99P •07M '17P •21P '12P 'lOP '03M '09D '14M 'OlM •06P '15M '92M '07M '13M '07M '88M '16M '08P '02P •91M FM '15M •15M '04P '85M FM •87P FM •18D •06M •17M •02M •05M •IIP •93M '16M •OlM '95M '94P '79P '18M '06P '13M '04M '94 M FM 'lOD '02M '06D FM FM •19D •17D •86M •99D Scott, J., 293 Scott, J. F., 407 Scott, R. D., 70 Scott, S. B., 175 Scott, T. Y., 366 Scruby, Mrs. A. B.,(See Morden, Leone.) Scruggs, E. P., 417 ♦Seagley, I. B., 44 Sears, C. E., 79 Sears, G. L., 70 ♦Sears, H. J., 140 Sears, J. E., 363 Sears, V. H., 314 Seeker, W. V., 141 ' ♦Secord, F. H., 337 Secord, G. L., 400 : Secrest, P. J., 316 Sedgwick, W. L., 340 . Sedlacek, F. A., 48 Seeger, H. F., 417 Seeley, W. T., 175 Seely, C. A., 340 Seelye, N. L., 103 Segal, C, 150 Segall, I. S., 198 Seibert, D. P., 382 Seibert, H. H., 150 Seibert, L. A., 422 Seibert, S. S., 428 Seibert, V. F., 411 ♦Seibert, W. C, 407 Seidel, A. C. W., 103 Seidel, J. H., 305 Seidler, L., 205 Seifert, M. J., 79 Seifried, G. W., 397 Seilin, J., 211 ♦Seim, G. S., 26 Seippel, Clara P., 150 Seiwell, H. S., 198 Sekler, Charlotte 150 ♦Selbach, J. J., 17 Selfetz, A., 219 Sells, C. G., 402 Seltzer, A., 388 Sempill, R. A., 24 Senear, F. E., 278 Senelick, M. D., 211 Senescall, C. R., 211 Senger, P. X., 393 Senn, F. C, 8 ♦Senn, N., 278 Senn, T. C, 352 Senn, W. N., 279 Senty, M. J., 318 ♦Sepple, E. G., 141 Sered, H., 223 Sessions, J. C, 91 Sethney, H. T., 128 ♦Setz, E. J., 409 ♦Seufert, E. C, 30 Severson, J. M., 219 ♦Severson, W. R., 79 Seville, F. F., 40 Seward, F., 371 ♦Seward, R., 336 Sexsmith, Edna K. Sevfert, P., 398 Seymer, L. A., 198 Seymour, E. do L., 116 ♦Shabad, A. M.,35 Shafer, Bertha M., 279 Shafer, H. B., 206 Shafer, H. O., 91 Shaffer, W. H., 300 ♦Shaffner, P. F., 279 Shaklee, A. O., 279 Shalek, K. P., 322 Shalek, V. J., 316 Shallabarger, D. S., 11 Shallanberger, W. C, M. 225 'OlM Shanks, J. W., 79 •19M Shapiro, I. J., 238 '17P Shapiro, L. H., 422 'OIP Shapiro, M. A., 386 Index to Alumni 513 '09M Shapiro, Nettie P., 167 •13M •04 D Sharp. C. B.. 295 '14M •15M Sharpe. J. J.. 212 •15P ■13M Sharpe. H. R.. 198 •14D •06M Sharrer, F. L., 141 •17P •06P Shatikis. O.. 398 •06D •09D Shaver. M. V.. 305 •06M •18D Shaver. R. C, 318 •13M FM *Shaw, D. L., 279 •19D •05D Shaw. H. v., 298 FM •01 M Shaw. R. H. 79 ■08M •OIP ♦Shaw. V. H.. 386 FM •12D Shay. Amanda A.. 309 ■14M •14D Shay. W. G., 310 •98M •IIM Shaynin. J., 181 •9SM •85P Shean. J. R., 345 '9SM •93P ♦Shean. W. E.. 369 '04M •07M Shearer. A. T.. 150 '20M "»4M ♦Shearer. T. W., 5 '13M •03P Sheblessy. M. A.. 390 •OOD •loM Shell. A. E.. 212 •88M ■02M Sheller. W. O.. 91 FM •90M Shellito. E.. 22 '07D •06M Shelly. H. G.. 141 FM •02M Shelton. R. O.. 91 'S3P •12M Shepard. C. O.. 190 •05M FM Shepard. W. C. 279 •17D •03M Shepherd. W. A.. 103 •09P •85M *Shepherd, W. W.. 8 •99M '00 M ♦Sheppard. L. D.. 70 '94P '89P ♦Sheppard, S. C, 360 •97M •SSP ♦Sheppard, W. B.. 356 FM •95M Shepstone, J. A.. 40 ■19P •07M Sher. S.. 150 FM •07D Shere. A. A.. 302 •08P •IID Shere, J. A., 307 '83M •05D SheriU. C. M.,298 •21P •9SM Sherin. W. M., 54 '08M •05M Sherlock. Margaret, 128 '92M ■83M ♦Sherman, F. L., 2 •18M •17D Sherman. R. I., 316 •12D •07M Sherper. M., 150 •92M •03M Sherrill, J. J., 103 •90M Sherry, H., 22 •02M FM Sherry, I. L., 279 •98M FM Sherwood, Francis R., ■95M 279 •94M •OlM Sherwood, H. H., 79 '87P •85M Sherwood, O. W.. 8 •20M •88M ♦Shidler, S. F., 17 •94M Shields, A. W.. 35 'OoP •OoM Shimer, F. E., 128 '13M '18P Shindler, H. A., 424 •17P •96M ♦Shinnick, J. H., 44 ■02M •03P Shinnick, J. R., 390 •99M •12M Shipman, F. E., 190 •15P •81P Shockey. W. L., 338 •13M FD Sholes. C. G.. 331 •05M •OlM Shook. W. E., 79 •95M •16M Short, R. D., 219 •05M •09M Shorts, F. H., 167 •85P •09P Shpisman, C, 404 •98P ■OoM Shulian, O. F.. 129 '17M •08M Shultz. lone. 160 'OlD '8oP Shumpik, E., 345 'OlM •90P Shumway, W., 363 •08M •20M Shurtleff, R. S,. 233 '02M •03M *Sibley, L. H., 103 '21 M •20P .Sickmon. C. L., 427 '02P '06M Sidera, W. B., 141 '17D •20P Sides. W. L.. 427 ■90P •IIP Sieben. H. A., 409 '95M •05P Siebrandt. M. J. 395 'IIM •07 M Siedenburg. F.. 150 •87P •02M Siegfriedt, J. C. F., 91 •06M •lOM SiegJer. W. J., 175 •04M •OOM .Sieker. A. W., 70 •18D ■95M Sieminowicz, W. J., 40 •02M •89P Sievers, R. J. E., 360 FM '15M Siewerth. W. S.. 212 •13M '16P Sikucka. Jeanette H.. '15M 419 '93M ■07M Silcox, J. E. D.. 150 •05D •19M Sill. G. W.. 228 '88P FM Silva. C. C. P., 279 •13M '08M .Silverberg. C. W., 160 •99P •17P Silverman, 8., 422 •05D •IfiM SilverateiD. W. R.. 219 'lOD Sima. C. A., 198 Simmonds, W. E., 205 Simmons. B. E.. 417 Simmons, C. J., 310 Simmons, D. F., 422 Simmons, E. L., 300 Simmons, J. C, 141 Simmons, L. H., 198 Simon, B. H., 323 Simon. I... 279 Simon. L. J.. 160 Simonds, J. C, 279 Simons, N. S., 205 Simpson, A. U., 54 Simpson, C. E., 54 Simpson, D. G., 54 Simpson, W. L., 116 Sinai, Leah, 240 Sinclair, Bessie B., 198 Sinclair, G. B., 289 Sinclair, J. G., 17 Singer, H. D., 279 Singer, J. I., 302 Singley, C. C. 279 ♦Siniger, W.. 340 Sintzel. R. V.. 129 Sippy, B. O., 316 Sisk, J. E.,404 Sisson. C. E., 61 Sisson. O. U., 372 ♦Sizer. E. A., 48 ♦Skelton, L. L.. 279 Skelton, M. B., 426 Skiles, J. H., 279 Skinner, H. G., 402 Skinner, H. S., 2 Skoglund. H.. 428 Skwor, C. J.. 160 Sladek, B., 26 Sladek, E. F.. 225 Slaman. Corinne.'309 Slamberg. N. L. A. K., 26 Slater. H. H.. 91 Slater, J. H., 55 Slater, O. M., 40 Slater, P. A., 35 ♦Slater, S. A., 352 Slaughter, Mary G. M., Slauson. H. E.. 395 Slavik. E. F., 198 Slepicka, I. M., 422 Sleyster. L. R.. 92 ♦Slightam, C. H., 62 Slinkard, E. L., 418 Sloan, G. A., 198 Slocumb, H. H., 129 Slocumb, J. A., 40 Slocumb. Maude S.. 129 Small. J. M.. 345 Smale, W.. 380 Small. J. C. 223 Smedburg, F. O.. 290 Smedley. Irene, 79 Smejkal, H. J., 160 Smiley, R. B., 92 Smith, Beulah M.. 241 Smith. B. O.. 388 Smith. B. Q.. 316 Smith. B. R., 363 Smith. C. B.. 40 Smith, C. E., 181 Smith, C. F., 352 Smith. C. K.. 141 Smith. C. L.. 116 Smith. C. L., 318 Smith, C. L.. 92 Smith, C. 8., 279 Smith, C. v., 198 Smith, D. S., 212 Smith, E. L., 31 Smith. E. W., 298 Smith. F., 356 Smith. F. A.. 198 Smith, F. G. D.. 382 Smith, F. H., 298 Smith, F. J.. 306 •75P '86M •13M '97P '07M '02M '09P •94 M •OlM •07 M '06 M '09P '05D '04 M '12M 'OlM 'lOM '09P '05M •16D FM '99P '97M 'lOM 'OOM '99M '75P 'UP FM •06M '87P '09M FM '92M '73P '18D '04 M '04M '02P '98M '93P •03M '17P '13P '99D •IIM '21M 'OlM •lOM •89P •98M '87P '79P •OOP FM •14M '04D •77P FM 'OlM •83M '05M '06M •21P '94M 'OOM '13M '02 M '89 M '08P '93M '83P '19D •99 D '21P 'OOM ■15P •12M •07D '18P '05D '08M '20M •08M '83M •04 M 404 ♦Smith, F. S.. 334 Smith, G. E., 11 Smith, G. H., 198 Smith, G. I. W., 378 Smith. G. M.. 150 ♦Smith, G. W., 92 Smith, H. A., 404 Smith, H. W., 35 Smith. H. E., 80 Smith, H. J.. 150 ♦Smith, H. LcR., 141 Smith, H. W., 404 Smith, I. L., 298 Smith, J. L., 116 Smith. J. R.. 190 Smith, J. T., 80 Smith, L. E., 219 Smith, Mary L. A. Smith, O. E., 129 Smith, P. W., 314 Smith, R. A.. 280 Smith. R. C, 382 Smith, R. D., 49 Smith, S. A., 175 Smith, S. M.B., 70 ♦Smith, T., 62 Smith, T. P., 334 Smith, W. A.. 409 ♦Smith. W. C, 280 Smith, W.L., 141 Smith, W. L., 352 Smith, W. P., 167 Smithies, F., 280 Smyth, F. R., 26 Snodgrass. F.. 333 Snoeberger. P. A.. 318 Snook. J., 116 Snow. C. G., 116 Snow, C. M., 388 Snydacker, E. F., 55 Snyder, C. J., 369 ♦Snyder. C. W.. 103 Snyder. D. A.. 423 Snyder, F. O., 413 Snyder, H. C., 288 Snyder, W. E., 382 Sobel. M. H.. 380 Sochat. L.. 181 Sodaro, J. C, Jr., 241 ♦Soegaard, E., 80 ♦Soelberg, P. A.. 175 Sohrbeck. G. W.. 360 .Sollenberger, G. H., 55 Sollitt. E. G., 352 ♦SoUitt. T. W.. 336 Solomon. L. K.. 384 Solomon. M., 280 Sombito, F. C, 206 Sommerfield. O. E.. 295 ♦Somers, F. G., 335 Somers, G. H.. 280 Sommers. J. C, 80 ♦Soper, J. H., 2 Sorell, F. W., 129 .Sorenson, A. R., 141 Sorenson, A. W., 428 Sornberger, S. J., 36 Sornsen, A. A., 70 Souder, Bonnell M., 198 Souder, U. G., 92 Soule, C. E., 19 Soult, R. M., 402 Spach, A. B., 31 Spaeth. G. C, 340 Spafford. E. A.. 323 Spafford, W. B.. 288 Spagna. F. A.. 428 Spain, R. T., 70 Spaldmg. C. R.. 418 Spalding. O. R.. 190 Spangler, H. T., 302 Spanier, W. C., 424 Spare, M. H., 298 Spear, J. F.. 160 Spector. H. I., 240 ♦Spencer, G. J., 160 ♦Spencer, T. H., 2 Spencer, W. H., 116 514 University op Illinois •95M '86P '16M •19M '19D '94P '21P '14M FM •20M FiM '03D '03M '86P •96M •88P •OlD '05P '13P '95P •03P 'OOM FD •15P 'OIP '74P •03D '09P '15M '88M '07M '20D •95M •96P '09P 'OOP '21P '06M FD *02M '89P •92M '05M '95P •lOM '86P '88M '04M '96M '83P 'UD '18D '08P '82P •12M '08M '98M '05M •95P ■OlD '02M '96P FM '99M •95M •98M '93P •08M '17P '05M •94M ■02P •12M •13M •15M '15D '07M •07M •08M •93P '86P '90P '07M FM Spickermon, H. R., 55 Spiece, W. K., 40 Spiehr, C, 349 Spiering, A. K., 219 Spiesman, I. G., 238 Spillane, L. O., 323 Spiller, F. H., 372 Spinner, L. C, 428 Spiro, J., 206 Spitz, E. A., 280 Sponder, J., 233 Sprague, J. P., 280 Sprague, T. H., 293 Spriggs, Gertrude A., 104 Springer, C. B., 349 Springer, J. C, 44 ♦Springer, K. R., 356 Springer, S. T., 290 Staack, H. F., 395 Stables, H. F., 413 Stadelmann, A. W., 374 Stadeknann, H. E., 390 Staehle, M., 70 ♦Stafford, F. H.. 331 Stahl, A. F., Jr., 418 Stahl, E. H., 386 Stahl, E. L., 334 Stahl, F. M., 293 Stahlfeld, M. G., 405 Staib, H. A., 212 Staib, O. W., 17 Staley, W. A., 151 Stallard, H., 324 ♦Staller, M., 40 Staman, A., 376 Staman, W. J., 405 Stamm, A. W., 384 Stanczak, S. L., 428 Standard, A. P., 141 Standish, H. S., 331 Standley, Kate V., 92 *Stang, J. M., 360 Stanger, G. H., 26 Stangland, A. K., 129 Stanislaus, I. V. S., 374 Stanley, Z., 175 Stannard, S. G., 349 ♦Stanton, J. T., 17 Starck, C. A.. 116 Starner, A. A., 44 Starr. G. F., 340 Starr, S. P., 307 Starrett, F. H., 319 Staszak, J. J., 402 Staudt, L. C, 339 Stauffacher, G. J., 190 Stawicki, J. P., 160 ♦Stayner, W. H., 55 Stearns, L. M., 129 Stebbings, F. F., 374 Stecher, K., 290 Steckle, A. C, 92 Steege, H. J. L., 376 Steele, D. A. K., 281 Steele, F. B., 62 ♦Steele, R. E.,40 Steele, W. J., 55 Steenburg, W. B., 369 ♦Steere, H. H., 160 Steffen, E. D., 423 Steffen, R. C, 129 ♦Steffins, J. W., 36 Stegmayer, G. G., 388 Stein, E. J., 190 Stein, S., 198 Stein, W. F., 212 Steinberg, A. D., 312 Steiner, J. C, 151 Steiner, h., 151 Steiner, L. L., 160 Stoker, A. F., 369 Steker, F. J., 349 Stenicka, O. E., 363 Stenn, E. N., 151 Stephan, C. T., 281 •87P '12M '05D FM ■88M '16M '16M ■15M 'OlM '90M '02M '05D •lOM •06M FM '14D •94M '20M '85M '14D '93M '14D '04M '05M '94M '02M '94M '06M '98M •05D '17M '84M FM '06M •97M '86P '95P '93M •90P '18P '88M '93M 'OOP '96P '19D '13M '17P '91P '18D '99M '94P '90P '02M 'OlM 'OOP '12P '93M 'OlM •IIM '04M •06D '90P 'lOM '95M '08M '12P '21D FM '93P '92M '13P FM '12M '16M '92M '90P '93M '93P '80P '98M '06M 'lOM 'lOM '12M •08D •20M •05D , 310 31 310 Stephens, F. B., 352 Stephenson, B. G., 190 ♦Stephenson, G. H., 298 Stephenson, J. C, 281 ♦Sterling, C, 17 Stern, J., 219 Stern, L. H., 219 Stern, S., 212 Sternberg, W., 80 Sterrett, R. M., 22 Stettauer, J. L., 92 Stevens, A. J., 298 Stevens, C. E., 175 Stevens, F. W., 141 Stevens. H. C, 281 Stevens, H. F., 310 Stevens, H. L., 36 Stevens, J. B., 233 Stevens, J. S., 8 Stevens, M. D. ♦Stevens, M. E., Stevens, M. V., Stevens, R. E., 116 Stevens, R. G., 129 Stevens, S., 36 Stevens, S. L., 92 ♦Stevens, W. D., 36 Stevenson, A. W., 141 Stevenson, B. T., 55 ♦Stevenson, G. H., 298 Stevenson, J., 223 Stevenson, P. W., 5 Stewart. A. E.. 281 Stewart, A. J.. 141 Stewart, H. J., 49 ♦Stewart. H. K., 349 Stewart, J. A.. 374 Stewart. J. L., 31 Stewart. P. S. A., 363 Stewart, R. M., 424 Stewart, W. B., 17 Stewart, W. T., 31 Steyer, G. E., 384 Stieber, F. G. J., 376 Stiernberg, R. C, 323 Stigman. C. W., 198 Still, P. C, 423 Stiller, O. H.. 366 Stillerman. J. H., 319 Stillians, A. W., 62 ♦Stilbnan, C. L.. 372 Stillman, H. A.. 363 Stilhnan, W. L.. 92 Stilwill. H. R., 80 Stimson, Charlotte E.. 384 Stinson, W. J., 411 Stixrud, T. M., 31 Stober, A. M., 80 Stober, R. W., 181 Stocker, A., 116 Stocker, C. G., 300 Stockert, C. F., 363 Stocking, A. M., 175 Stockley, D. R., 41 Stocks, A. L., 160 ♦Stocks, R. H.,411 Stockstad, W. R., 324 Stockton, F. O., 281 Stockton, L., 369 Stoddard, C. H., 26 Stoebig, L. E., 413 Stokes, J. H., 281 Stokey, F. E., 190 Stolfa, L., 220 Stolnitzski, S., 26 Stolte, W. H., 363 Stoltz, C., 31 Stolz, E. H., 369 Stolz, O. G., 337 ♦Stone, C. D., 55 Stone, F. F., 141 Stone, F. L., 175 Stone, G., 176 Stone, L. L.. 190 Stone, R. A., 303 Stone, T. T., 233 Stone, W. F., 298 '21P '21M '02M '03M 'OlM '97P '03P '98M '05M '08D '03M FM '04D '85P '05D '15P FM '96M FM 'OlD FM '03M 'OlM '89M '08M '95P '99M '98P '09M '20M '08P '02M FM 'OlM '05M '15M '12D FP '06M '09D •99M '85P "lOM '18D '04P '94P '94P '93P '08M '88P •04M '21P '09P '13P '03P '06M '05M '80P '91M 'IIM FM '15M '15D '09M '08M '96M '06M '02M '03M '17M '94M •85M '15M 'UD 'UM '04M '14M 'OIP •09P Stone, W. T., 55 Stoner, L., 428 Stoops. R. B.. 241 Stoops. R. E.. 92 Stoops. R. P., 104 Storck, W., 80 Storen, M. T., 378 Storken, C. N., 390 Stotz, C. F., 55 ♦Stough, R. W.. 129 Stoughton. E. B., 303 Stoughton, E. L., 104 Stout, A. M., 281 Stout, L. A., 295 ♦Strail, E., 345 Strain, H. B., 298 Strain. S.. 418 ♦Strauch, H. H., 281 Straus, I. J., 44 Strause, C. P., 281 Strauss, G. D., 290 Strauss, S., 282 Strawn, Julia C., 104 Streich, E. A., 80 ♦Stremmel, S. C., 19 Strickland, G. W., 160 Striebel, F. D., 374 Strohecker, S. M., 62 Stroetzel, W., 380 Stromberg, G. E., 167 Stromberg, W. B., 233 Stromer, F. B., 402 Strong, C. D., 92 Strouse, S., 282 Struthers, H. R., 90 Stryker, R. S., 129 Stuart, C. B., 212 Stuart, C. W., 309 Stuart, E. B., 432 Stuart, G. J., 141 Stuart, H. H., 305 Stuart, J., 62 Stuart, M. R., 346 ♦Stubenrauch, G. J.. 176 Stubbs, J. W.. 319 Stuchlik. E., 393 Stuchlik, J., 372 Stuchlik, W. A., 372 Stuckey, A. C., 369 Studebaker, J. F., 160 Studness, E. T., 356 Stuenkel, A. J., 117 Stulik, Antoinette, 428 Stulik, C. K., 405 Stulik. G., 413 Stulik, H., 390 Stull, Katherine C., 142 ♦Sturgeon, C. E., 129 Sturges, C. S., 337 Sturges, Isa Belle W.. Stusser, S., 190 Suker, G. F., 282 Sullivan, E. A., 62 ♦Sullivan, J., 24 SuUivan, N. R., 181 Sullivan, R. G., 283 Sullivan, T. J., Jr., 212 Summerfield, N., 312 Summerfield, O. C., 167 Summers, M. P., 160 Sumpmann, H. O., 44 Sunderland, W. E., 142 Sunde, P. H., 92 Sure, J. H., 104 Sutch, A. K., 223 Sutcliffe, H. W., 36 ♦Sutherland, D. E., 8 Sutherland, J. M., 212 Sutherland, L. C., 307 Sutter, Rose I., 181 Swab, C. C., 117 Swackhamer, W. B.,206 Swan, J. C., 387 ♦Swanson, D. E., 405 Swanson, H. G., 382 Swanson, J. E.. 62 Swarthout, E. F., 104 Index to Alumni 516 •95M •OIP •OSD •83M •84M •S7M •04 M •96M '12P •04 M •06M •01 D •9SM •96M •97 M •lOM •lOM •17M •15M •00 M •06M •17M •03M •OOM •02D •lOD •86M ■95M ■loM •01. M •92P •05M •04M 'S3M •91 M •17D •03 M •16M •12D •02M •06D •04M •99? •OlD •14D •08M •99M FM •06P •93M •93P •97M '99P •12M '03D •03D •85P •91P •85M •12D •09D •16P •04M '20P •OOM '18D •20M •83M •90P •03M •79P •08M •06M ■06M FM 'lOP •91P '80P •86P •15M •84P •84P 117 SwartB. A. E.. 41 Swartz, F. E.. 387 Swatek, E. P., 303 *Sweat. I. M., 2 Sweemer. W. M, 5 ♦Sweet. C. A., 15 Sweet, H.. 117 Sweetman, R. H., 44 Swiecinski. W.,411 Swift. F. J., 117 Swindle. R. N.. 142 Swinhart. S.. 290 ♦Swink. H. J., 55 Swink. W. T., 44 Switser. G. O., 49 Sword, H. R., 176 Sykes. L. G., 176 Sykes. N. M.. 223 Syverson, B. C, 212 Syverson, E. L., 70 Saopinski, A., 142 Szwajkart, A. L.. Jr 223 Szwajkart. A. L., 104 Taber. R. B., 70 Taft, D. E . 292 Taft, W. L.,306 Taggart, T. E., 11 Talbott. E. F., 41 • Talbot, E. R.. 212 Talmage, G. G., 80 *Tanke, E. J. F., 367 Tannus, T. F., 129 Tanquary, Flora M. Tanquary, J. H.. 3 *Tanquarj'. W. M., 24 Tark. L. A.. 316 Tascher. J., 106 Taub, S. J.. 220 Tav, C. D.. 309 Taylor. CI. 92 Taylor, E. E., 300 Taylor, F. B., 117 Taylor, G. O., 382 Taylor, G.W., 290 Tavlor, H. W..311 Tavlor, J. E., 160 Taylor, J. R., 62 Taylor, Lillian E., 282 Tavlor, L. L., 398 Taylor, O. G., 31 Taylor, O. R., 370 Taylor, R. C, 49 Tavlor. R E.. 382 Tavlor. R. O.. 190 Tavlor. W. F., 293 Tavlor, W. H.. 293 ♦Taylor, W. S., 346 Taylor. W. W.. 366 Tebbetts.F. M.. 8 Teeling. P. J., 309 Teeling. M. A.. 305 Templeton. J. W., 419 Tennies, Mrs. J. A. (See Beattie. Helen P.) Terry. C. C, 19 Terry, R. E.. 427 Teschan, R. F., 70 Tf-ter. H. A.. 319 Tharp. H. M.. 233 Thatcher. J. P.. 3 Thayer, C. A., 364 Thayer. F. A., 104 Thayer. F. A., 337 Theis, v., 160 Theobald, F.J. , 142 Theobold, Mrs. J. J. (See Dvorak, Georgi- anaM.) Theobald, W. H., 282 The-sen, B., 407 Thiel, C. C, 366 Thiele. E., 337 Thiele, E. J., 349 Thiell, J. E., 212 Thies, A.,343 Thoma, H. F.. 343 •ISD •03M •IIM •ISM '04 M •14M •13M •lOM •S7P •91P •OOP •04M FM •06 M •S7P '94P •05D •17M •03M FD •02M ■08M •12M 'S6P •S3M FD •98P '21P •20M •03M FM •lOM •09M •UD 'OOM •85M •74P '84P '09P •06M '14M •UP •18P •06D ■03M •07D '07D '07P •9.5P ■94P •97M •91M •16P •04M '91P 'OlM Thomas, A. T., 319 Thomas, B., 104 Thomas, C. G., 181 Thomas, C. S., 225 Thomas, Edna M., 117 Thomas, E. M., 206 ♦Thomas, Eldora A., 199 ♦Thomas, F., 176 Thomas, F., 352 Thomas, F. O., 366 Thomas, G. A., 364 Thomas, G. H., 117 Thomas, H. R-., 282 Thomas. H. V.. 142 Thomas. J. A.. 352 ♦Thomas. J. E., 372 Thomas. J. N.. 299 Thomas, J. R.. 223 ♦Thomas, Matilda M., 104 Thomas, N. G., 332 Thomas, W. H., 92 Thometz, F. P., 160 Thompson, A., 190 Thompson, A. E., 349 ♦Thompson. C. M., 3 Thompson, C. N., 332 ♦Thompson, C. O.. 380 Thompson. C. S., 428 Thompson, F. R., 233 Thompson, Gertrude F. 104 Thompson, G. F.. 282 Thompson, G. G., 176 Thompson, J. E., 167 Thompson. J. F., 307 ♦Thompson. J. R.. 70 Thompson, J. R., 8 ♦Thompson, L.. 334 Thompson, L. M., 343 Thompson, M. W., 405 Thompson, O. M., 142 Thompson, R. D., 206 Thompson. R. H., 415 Thompson, R. L., 424 Thompson, W. M., 300 Thompson, W. M., 106 Thomsen, Johanne C, 302 Thomsen, J. F., 302 Thomson, G., 400 ♦Thomson. J. E., 374 Thorburn, A. D.. 372 Thordarson, T., 49 ♦Thorn, F. A., 24 Thoroman, R. R., 420 Thorpe. J. N.. 117 Thorsen, A. C, 366 Thorwick. Martha G., •92M Throckmorton, R. F., '07M '76P '08M FM FM •lOM •04M •99M •90M •09M '02D 'OlM •06M '86M •95M '90M '06P •99D •90P •99M 'l.^M •OIP •80P •85M •07M Thuerer, E. W., 151 ♦Thurber, A. R.. 335 ♦Thurber. H. R., 160 Thuresson, P. F., 282 Ticp, F., 282 Tiedeman, I. D,, 220 Tiegen, Margaret, 117 Tieken, T , 62 Tietin, A. E. J., (See Tilton, A. J.) Tiffin, E. R., 168 Tignor, C. H., 292 Tillmont, C. P., 80 Tillotson, C. H.. 142 Tillotson, H. T.. 11 Tillson, E. M., 41 Tilton, A. J., 22 Tilton, C. E., 398 ♦Tilton, Mae E., 288 Timke, A., 364 Timm. E. W., 62 Timm. H. E. L.. 212 Timmermeier, J. G. 393 Tirrell. Marion C, 337 Tobias, G. J., 8 Toeller, J. J., 151 •lOM Tolentino, M., 176 •20D Toline, 0. A., 324 •02M Tollev, E. W., 92 •S5M ♦Tollington, G. H., 8 FM Tolman, H. T... 283 •20M Tolpin, S., 240 •filP ♦Tomboeken,II. W,.333 •03M Tomhagon, I>. S., 104 •14D Tomita, T.,311 •08P Tomkins, R. D., 402 •05M Tomkinson, W. S., 129 •16M Tomlin, R.. 220 •90P ♦Tomlinson, A. L., 364 •14D Tommerson, L. N., 311 •08P Tompkins, R., 402 •16M Tomsii, C. L.. 220 •14P Ton. A., 415 '16M Toothaker, J. E., 220 •07M Toren, J. A., 151 'OOM Torney, S. J., 70 •09M Torrens. A. S.. 168 '90M Tower. F. J., 22 •S8M Towle, W. B., 17 •13M Towles, H. H., 199 •96P Townsend, C. W., 376 •94M ♦Townsend, J. W., 36 •09M Townsley, F. L., 168 FM Tracy, G., 283 •02M Trail. C. J., 92 '91M Train, J. A., 24 '19M Traisman, A. S., 238 •14M Trailer, P. S . 206 'OlM ♦Treacy, F., SO FM ♦Treadwell, C. H., 283 '97M Treadwell, C. L., 49 '87P Tredwav, O. R., 352 •95M ♦Tremblay, J. J., 41 '13M Trentzsch, M. W., 199 FP ♦Trimble, D. B., 432 '94P Trischmann, A. E., 372 'lOM Trockev, S. N., 176 FM Trott, D. C.. 283 '06M Trout. F. M.. 142 '84P Trowbridge. C. H.. 343 FM Truitt, R. C. P., 283 •85M ♦Trulson, T. A., 8 '08M Tucker, G. W., 160 •93M Tucker, W. L., 31 •03M Tufts, F. S.. 104 '12P Tulley. Mrs. John C. (See Vorsanger, Lil- lian) 'IIM Tullis, A., 181 '21P Tuma, C. P., 428 •05M Tupper, E. E., 129 '13M Tupper, H. W., 199 '89P Turge,J. 360 'OlM *Turner, Agnes, 80 'OlM Turner, D. A., 80 '94M Turner. F. A., 36 '03M Turner, Mrs. Fred L. (See Prescott, Eva) '09M Turner, J. A., 168 '99M ♦Turner, J. H, 62 '18D Turner, W. E., 319 '86M ♦Turnock, E., 11 '90P Tuteur, W. B., 364 '03M Tweedall, D. G., 104 '14D ♦Twohey, F. J.. 311 '04M Twohig. D. J., 117 'OOM Tivohig. H. E.. 70 '21M Tygett. G. J., 241 '09M Tyler, W. F.. 168 FD Tylman. S. D.. 332 '06D Tym. W. B., 300 '09M Tyrrell. Adelaide M.. 168 •OOM Tyson, E. H., 70 •02M Tyvand. J. C, 92 '94M Uckermann, A. W., 36 '02P Ullman, C. A., .389 '20M Ullman, M. P., (See Prescott, M. U.) 'OlM Ulrich, J. H., 80 '04P Ulrich, M. B., 393 FD Umbach, M. J.,332 '99D Umbenhaur, G. W., 288 516 University op Illinois '14D •95P •09P •16P •05M •92M •07M '18P '14M '18P •04M •16D •88P '93M '03M '08P •IID 'IID '02D 'OlM ■03M 'OOP •17P •04D '90M '16P •IIM •12P '89P FM 'lOM '12M •05M '97P •lOP '03M •07M '07M •15P •15M •84P '12D '92P '09P •93M FM '86P •12M '09M FM •85M 'OlM '16P '05M '14M 'lOD '13P •99P '06M '93P '13P '84M '88P •19M 'IID '83M •04D '06M •16M •98M •15M '19M '95M '03M 'OOM '12M •14P '79P '94M 'UP '95M Umbenhaur, E. V., 311 ♦Umenhofer, A., 374 Underriner, H. A., 405 Underriner, E. J., 420 ♦Underwood, F., 130 *Unger, A. M., 26 Unger. C. P., 151 Unger, J. A., 424 Ungherini, V. O., 206 Unseth, E. H., 425 Updegraff, C. D., 117 Upp, R. W.. 314 Upson, E. S., 356 Upton, F. E., 31 Uran, J. A., 104 Urban, J. J., 402 Urbanek, J., 308 Urbanek, Mamie J., 308 Urbanek, Marie R., 292 Urquhart, R. T., 80 Urmston, P. R., 104 Utt, A. R., 384 Vahlteich, H. W., 423 Vahue, E. O., 295 Valby, J. P., 22 *Vale, L. L., 420 Valentine, J. A., 182 Valentine, J. L., 411 Valentine, W. G., 360 Valin, H. D., 283 Valiancy, J. H., 176 Van Alyea, O. E., 191 *Vanatta, F. McV., 130 *Van Buren, E., 378 Vance, A. B., 407 Vance, H. M., 104 Van de Erve, W., 151 Van Dellen, R. L., 151 VanderBogart, W. A., 418 Van der Kloot, A., 213 Vanderpoel, C, 343 Van derVen, J., 309 Van Dike, E., 367 Van Dusen, R. B., 405 *Van Duyn, A. H., 31 Van Dyke, G. H., 283 VanGorder, G. L., 349 Van Gundy, C. R., 191 Van Hoesen, Elizabeth N., 168 Van Hoosen, Bertha, 283 Van Hook, W., 8 Van Home, J. A., 80 Van Kempena, R., 420 Van Kirk, G. H., 130 Van Kirk, J. A.. 206 Vann, G. H., 306 Vann, J. S., 413 Vannatta, D. S., 382 VanNess, J. H., 142 Van Nice, J. O., 370 VanNugteren, F. W., 413 *Vanpatten, L., 5 Van Pelt, F. S., 356 Van Pelt, T. R., 238 *Van Teslaar, A. S., 308 *Van Tuyl, E. A., 3 Van Voorhis, F. W., Van Zant, N., 142 Vartanian, M. B., 220 Vary, W. H., 55 Varzhabedian, M. A., Vaughan, E. P., 222 Vaughan, G. E., 41 Vaughan, H. F., 105 Vaughan, V. C, 235 Vaughan, W. R., 191 Vaupell, G. F., 415 *Vaupell, G. H., 337 Vaupell, W. R., 36 *Vavra, Clio, 415 Veit, J. L., 41 •19M Velitchkoff,M.,229 '86P •20P Vella, Ninetta A., 427 •97P '02M Venard, T. S., 93 '89M •87P Venn, A. A. E.. 353 '02D '04P Venn, C., 393 '08M '09P Venn, H. L., 405 '02P '02M Venn, W. T., 93 '91M '20M Ventress, W. H., 240 FM '04D Vercoe, E. W., 296 '20M 'OlM Vestling, V. I., 80 FM 'IIM Vilna, B. L., 182 '06D '86P Vincent, G. I., 349 •OOM ■OOM Vincent, H. A., 70 '04M 'OOP Vincent, P. D., 384 •13M '97M ♦Virtue, C. W., 49 •86P '19D Vita, E. M.,323 •05M '06D Vita, V. J., 300 'OlM 'lOM Vitullo, J. M., 176 •91M •16P Vlazny, J. G., 420 '08M '89P Voak, A. B., 360 '02M '80P Voegeli, F., 337 '07M '89P Voegeli, H., 360 '83M '86P Voge, R., 350 '97M '73P Vogeler, A. G., 333 '84P 'lOM Voigt, B. J., 176 •lOM 'OOM Voight, C. B., 70 '99M •92P Voit, W. S., 367 '05M •15M Volberding, H. H., 213 '03M '87M Voldeng, M. N., 15 •04D FM Volini, C., 283 •12M '95P Vonckx, J. F., 374 '89M 'OOP VonDanden, R. A.,384 •lOP '08D Von Der Heydt, H. K.. '04M 303 •06M '03M Von der Heydt, R., 105 •82P '20P Vondrasek, A. F., 427 '82P '14P Vondrasek. F. J.. 415 •13P •87P Von Hermann, H. C, '90P 353 '02M '94M Von Reis, W., 36 '99D '85P Von Riesen, D., 346 '12M '08M Von Stauffer, Grace S., 161 • '99M FM 'OlM Von Wedelsteadt, B., '87M 80 '03D FD Voorhees, F. H., 332 •OOP '04M Vopata, W. J., 117 '98P '03M Voris, H. M., 105 '86P '12P Vorsanger, Lillian, 411 '20M '03M Vorsanger, Rosa, 105 '08D '96M Vosburgh, W. H., 44 •89P 'OOM Voss, C, 71 '08D '03P Voss, F., 391 '86P '09P Voss, G. K., 405 '91M '08P Voss, S. F., 402 '89M FM Vreeland, F., 283 '19M '17M Vrtiak, E., 236 •14M '13P Wach, C. E., 413 '93M '07P Wach, E. C., 400 •12P •02M Wachowski, J. G., 93 •14P '07M Wade, R. L., 151 '03M '03M Waddle, H. C., 105 '02M '85M *Wagner, A. L., 8 '84M '86P Wagner, C. H., 350 '02D •12M Wagner. C. J., 191 '07M •91P Wagner. E. J.. 366 '09D '07M *Wagner, E. P., 151 •03D '06M Wagner. F. J.. 142 '06D •13M Wagner. G. A.. 191 •05D '95M Wagner. H. E., 41 'IID •05M Wagner. J. A.. 130 'OlD •03M Wagner. Mrs. J. R., '06M (See Jennings, Harriet '09M B.) '94M •98D Wagner, L. C, 287 '89M '03M Wagner, W. C., 105 '04P •15M Wagoner, Amanda I., •IIP 213 '13M •18M Wagoner, G. L., 225 •98P '90M Wahl, E. W., 22 FM '97M Wahle, H., 49 '03M FM Waite, Lucv, 284 FM '07M Wakefield. W. B., 151 '93M '98M Wald, O. E.. 55 FM •84P *Waldin. R.. 343 '20P '18M Waldmann. L. F., 225 'IIM '96M Waldron, J. H., 44 '87M •85M *Waldron, J. M., 8 '15M Waldron, V., 350 Waldron, W. F., 378 Walford, E. S., 19 Walk, W. J., 202 Walker, E. R., 161 Walker, F. D. G., 389 Walker, G. B., 24 Walker, J. W., 284 Walker, R. A.. 233 Walker, S. J., 284 Walker, T. R., 300 Wall, C. D., 71 ♦Wall, C. H., 117 Wall, R. L., 191 Wallace, A. H., 350 Wallace, E., 130 Wallace, F. L., 80 ♦Wallace, H. R., 24 ♦Wallace, J. H., 161 Walliker, W. M., 93 Wallin, M. B., 151 ♦Walrath. H. S.. 3 Walsh. E. A., 49 ♦Walsh, H. H., 343 Walsh, J. E., 176 Walsh, J. L., 63 Walsh, J. M., 130 Walsh, J. P., 105 Walsh, R. M., 296 ♦Walsh, T. B., 191 WaLsh. T. M., 19 Walter, C. E., 407 Walter, F. J., 117 Walters, W. A., 142 Walther, C. L., 339 Walther, J., Jr., 339 Walther, R. W., 413 Walton, J. K., 364 Walvoord. G. W., 93 Wambold, C. H., 288 Wanderer, A. E. A., 191 Wanisek, E. M.. 63 Warbrick. J. C, 284 ♦Ward, C. B., 15 Wardner, G. H., 293 Warhanik, A. F., 384 Warhanik, G. A., 380 ♦Warhanik. E. M., 350 Warmolts, L., 233 Warner, C. H., 303 Warner, L. E., 360 Warner, Maud M., 303 Warnick, J. F., 350 Warren, B. H., 24 Warren, H. S., 238 Warren, H. S., Jr.. 19 Warrick, W. C., 206 Warriner, W. W., 31 Warzynski, J. A., 411 Warzynski. L. J., 415 Was. F. J. T., 105 Waskow, O. G., 93 ♦Wassail, J. W., 5 Wasser, A. S., 292 Wassom, G. N.. 151 Waterhouse, J. E., 305 Waterman, C. E., 293 Waterman. G. B.. 300 Waterworth, T., 299 Watkins, C. L., 308 ♦Watkins, H., 290 Watkins. Rachel A.. 142 Watkins, R. E., 168 Watrous, H. L., 36 Watson, E. L., 19 Watson, H. A., 393 Watson, L. A., 410 Watson, W. H., 191 Watters, M. H., 380 Watts, C. E., 284 Waufle. G. C., 105 ♦Waugh, W. F., 284 Waxham, C. H., 31 ♦Waxham. F. E.. 284 Waxman. L. W.. 427 Way. G. F.. 182 Way. J. P.. 15 Wayland. T. A.. 213 Index to Alumni 517 •91P •21M •03M •95M •OOM •02M •17M •97 M •16P •83M •FP •19D •14M •S6P •03 M •99 M •86P •95M •07M •90P •S4P 'OOP •94M '03M •04P •08P •95M •08M •16M •90P •98 M •98M •21M •05P •78P •OOP •99M •05M •19D •83M •98P •15M •87P •84P •S7M •13M •96P •09M •90P •17D •86M •86P •94 M •S6P •21P ■lOM •94P •05D •02M •04D •89P 'OoM •13M •loM •03M •03M •17M '12M •20M •02P FM •OOP FD •98M FM '05P •04D •01 M •97M •14M ■86P '94P •05M •99M 41 Wead. J. S.. 366 Wead. J. T.. 241 Wear. N. W.. 105 ♦Weatherford. F. A. Weatherson. J., 41 Weaver. B. P.. 93 ♦Weaver. G. L.. 236 Weaver, J. S.. 49 Weaver. R. R.. 420 Weaver. W. H., 3 Weaver. W. K.. 432 Webb. E. W., 323 Webb. H. E.. 206 ♦Webb. I. D.. 350 Webber, B. E., 105 Weber. C. E. L.. 63 Weber. P.. 350 Weber, L.. 41 Weber. R.. 151 Weber, W.. 364 ♦Webster, C. A., 343 WebsUr, C. J.. 384 Webster, C. L., 36 ♦Webster, Josephine E., 105 Webster, R. C. 393 Webster, S. B., 402 ♦Webster. W. L., 41 Wedel, G., 161 Wedge, A. H., 220 Weeks. J. A., 364 Wegner, W. G., 55 Wehle. W. J.. 55 Wehringer. H. G., 241 Wehrley. J. H.. 395 ♦Wehrli, A. C. 336 Weibel. A. T.. 384 Weichbrodt, E. A., 63 Weideman, W. G,, 130 Weidner, H, 323 Weidner, M. R., 3 Weigand. H. Jr., 380 Weightman, Marion A. 213 Weihe, H. W.. 353 Weil, A., 343 Weil, C. A.. 15 Weil, J. J.. 199 ♦Weinberger, G. C, 377 Weinburgh, H. B., 168 Weiner. C. F., 364 Weir, G. L., 216 Weir, W. A., 11 Weis. J.. 350 Weisenberg, B., 36 Weiser, E. H., 350 Weiss. L. R., 428 Weissbrenner, R. F. 176 Weissenborn.H.H.,372 Weisz. D. I., 299 ♦Welch, Jeanette C, 93 Welch, J. D., 295 Welch. L. E., 360 Welch, M. C., 130 Welch, P. B., 199 Welch. R. A., 213 Weld, J. C., 105 ♦Weld, Mrs. J. C. (See Webster, Josephine E) Weldon, E. A.. 223 ♦Weldy. F. M., 191 Welensky, D. A., 240 Welker, C. J., 389 Welker, W. H., 284 Wellman, W. H., 384 Wells, C. W.. 332 Wella, D. G.. 55 WeUs. E. F., 285 Wells, Frances E., 396 Wells, S. S.. 296 Wells, W. B., 81 ♦Wells, W. H., 49 Wencke, C. G., 206 Wendel, J., 3.50 Wendt, F. Jr.. .372 Wentr, H. B., 130 Wenzel, J. V.. 63 •02M Werelius. A. F. W., 93 •IID •04 M ♦Wergen.W. F.. 117 •12M •15D Worminghaus, W. E., •S6P 312 •08M •12M Wermuth, A. W., 191 •83P •S9M Wermuth, W. C, 19 •S4P •05M Werner, C. F., 130 •14M •7CP Werner. F. C, 335 •15M •03 M Werner, N. L., 105 •S6M •20M Werner. P. J.. 233 •86M •S4P Wernicke, O. G.. 343 •89P •04 D Wertzler, C. F.. 296 •20M •94M Wesener. J. A., 36 •08D ■21 M Wesscls, Marie, 241 •95M •19D West, H. T., 323 •18D FM West. S. G.. 285 •05P •OOM ♦West. T. C., 71 •94P •06M West, O. B., 142 •02M •03M We8sel8,W., 105 •16P •OOM Westerlund. J. E., 71 '05M FM Westman, C, 285 '83P •95P Weydell, K. A.. 375 •15M •05M Weyer, R. S., 130 •09M •8SP Whaley, L., 356 •91M •S7P Whalin, O. D., 353 '05M •01 M Wheat, F. C. ,81 •lOP •02P Wheatcroft, J. C.. 389 •89P •89P Wheeler. Ada G., 360 •03M FP ♦Wheeler, C. G., 432 •lOP •07D Wheeler, G. W., 302 •09D •09M Wheeler, Mary M., 168 •93M •12M Wheelock, W. O., 191 '86M •99 M Wherry, J. W., 63 '17M •97M Whiffen, R. A., 49 •96P FM Whipple, J. A., 285 •93M •OIP Whisenant, W. H., .387 •89P '04D ♦Whitbeck. F. A.. 296 '08M •14M Whitby, F. D., 206 FD •90M White, A. G., 22 •97M FM White, Adeline R., 285 FM •20M White, C. L., 233 •19M •lOM White, E. W., 176 •12M •06P White, G. E., 398 •88M •IIP White, H. A., 410 •08P •88M White, H. E., 17 •01 M •04 M White, H.O., 117 •18M •87P White, J. W., 353 FD •17D White, L. G., 216 •91P •15D White, L. J., 312 •05M FM White. Mary B., 285 White, Sarah M., 171 •05M •12M •03M •88P White, W. J., 3.56 •96M •UP White. W. S., 410 •04M •90M Whitehead, R. M., 22 •86M '03M Whitehill, F. P., 105 '12M •07M Whitehill, J. E., 152 '17P •07M Whiteley, J. H., 1.52 •20M •94M Whiteside, C. E., 36 '20P •82P Whitfield, G. W., 339 '88P •61P ♦Whitfield, T., 333 •09M •87P Whitley, C., 3.53 'IIM •89P Whitley, W. W., 360 '04D •90M ♦Whitman, C. H., 22 •16M •98M Whitmer, C. F., 56 •95M •92M Whitmer, L. W., 27 •IIM •19M Whitmire, C. L., 229 •17D •99M Whitmore, E. R., 63 ■76P •98M Whitmore, F. B., 56 •02M •84 M ♦Whitnall, W. R., 5 •03M •98M ♦Whitney, E. D., 56 •OOM •16P Whitney, G. V., 420 •86P •21P Whitney, M. H., 428 '99M •98D Whitt, L. L., 287 •16M •87M ♦Whitting. J. B., 15 •07M •17P Whittington, O. H..423 •12M •04 M Whitwham. G. P.. 117 FD •02M Whyte. P. D., 93 •13M •06M Wichman, F. W., 142 •lOM •03M ♦Wichman, H. T., 105 •84M ■86P Wickel, W. W.. 350 •OlM •92P Wickert, P., 367 •06P •03M ♦Wicks, S., 105 •06D •06M Wickstrom, A. M., 143 '99 M •07M Widdowson, Mrs. R. A. •04 M (See Seippel, Clara P.) •lOP •96M Widmeyer, J. P., 44 '94M •98P Wiedel, P. H.. .380 •OOD •lOP Wiehn, J. W.. 407 Wieland, H. J., 308 Wieneke, C. H., 191 Wieneke. F. B., 3.50 Wierson, T. M.. IGl ♦Wiese, A. G.. 341 Wiese, C. H.. 343 Wiese, M. A.. 206 Wiese, W. F., 213 Wiggin, T. B., 11 ♦Wikkerink, G., 12 Wikoff, C P., 360 Wilburn, V. H., 233 Wilcox, H. I... 303 Wilder, C. H.. 41 Wilder, R. E., 319 Wile, T. H., 396 Wiley, G. A., 372 ♦Wiley, J. B., 93 Wilhelm, W. F., 420 Wilkinson, C. H., 130 Wilkinson, J. F., 341 Willander, A. A., 213 WiUard. C. J., 168 Willard, L. M., 24 WiUhite, F. v., 130 Williams, B. H., 407 Williams, C. B., 360 Williams, C. L., 106 Williams, G. A., 408 Williams, J. C., 305 Williams, J. J., 31 ♦Williams, J. R., 12 Williams, Mary E., 224 Williams, R. E. L., 377 Williams, S. E., 31 Williams, S. H., 360 Williams, W., 161 Williams, W. I., 332 Williams, W. W., 49 Williamson, C. S., 285 Williamson, E. W., 229 Williamson, J. C , 191 Williamson, L. R., 17 Williamson, W. P., 402 Willing, Bertha L., 81 Willis.H. H., 236 Williston, S. W., 332 Willits, C. C., 366 Wjllits, I. R., 130 ♦Willmering, Lena L. 130 WiUson, L. R., 106 Wilmer, F. M., 44 Wilmot, C. M., 117 Wilson, A. R., 12 Wilson, C. E., 191 Wilson, C. H., 423 Wilson, C. L., 234 Wilson, C. R., 428 Wilson, C. W., 357 Wilson. F. R., 168 Wilson, F. S., 182 Wilson, G. H., 296 Wilson, H. H., 220 Wilson, H. L., 41 Wilson, H. M., 182 Wilson, J. F., 316 ♦Wilson, J. H., 335 Wilson, J. M.,93 Wilson, J. W., 106 Wilson, J. W., 71 Wilson, L., 350 Wilson, L. A., 63 Wilson, M. B., 220 Wilson, P. S., 152 Wilson, R. H., 191 Wilson, S. A., 332 ♦Wilson, T. J., 199 Wilson, W. H., 176 Wilson, W. H., 5 Wiltfong, C. O., 81 Wiltgen, J. P., 398 Wimmer, W. A., 300 Winans. E. C.. 63 Winbigler, B. R., 117 Winborn, E. N., 408 Windell, U. G., 37 Winder, C. J., 289 518 University op Illinois •20P •OlM FD '04M '06M •03 M '17D •05M •06 M •85M •03M •85P •84M •12M •IIM '02M •88P FM •87M •02P '09P •86P •15P •85P •14M •86M •8.5P •05M '04M '98M •03P FM •20M '13P •07M '03M •15P •99P '94M •17M '98M •16M •84P •13M •07M 'OlD •13P •05M •90P '08 M •05D FM '21M •83M •08M •92M Windmueller, C. R. A., •04M 117 •99M Windmueller, R. W., •18P 428 •18D Windrow, Anna S., 81 •88M Wineman. I. F., 332 •03M Wing, Florence A., 118 •07M Winkler, F. P., 143 •83M Winne, C. W., 106 •16D Winsberg, H., 316 Winsett, C. V.,^30 •04M •09M *Winsor, R. F., 143 'OOM *Winstead, M. L., 9 '06M ♦Winston, V. E., 106 •94M Winyer, A. A., 346 •94M *Winterbotham, W. H., •89P 5 •OOM Wintermute, C. E., 12 •06M Winters, F. C, 191 •06M Winters, M. H., 182 •86P Winters, W. T.. 93 •20M Wintersteen, L. S., 357 •92M Wippern, A. G., 286 •06M *Wirt, G. M., 15 FM Wirth, A. G., 389 •20M Wirth, G. C, 405 '13M Wirthman, J. C, 350 •04M Wischnia, L., 418 •75P Wise, J. G., 346 •14M Wiseman, C. E., 206 FM Wisse, I., 12 •15M Wissback, G. F., 346 •05M Wissig, S. L., 131 '97P Wistein, RosinaR.,118 •12P Witherspoon, L. G., 56 •21D Withycombe, H., 391 '06D Witkowski, L. J., 286 •06D Wittelle, F. M., 234 •97M Wixsom, L. A., 413 •OlM Wochos, F. J., 152 FM Wochos, W. M., 106 '06D Woeffler, R. W., 418 •20M Woelz, F. W., 382 •IIP Wohlenberg, A. F., 37 •98M Wojniak, F., 224 •82P Wolf, M. C., 56 •12M Wolf, P. J., 220 •05D Wolfner, E. R., 343 •80P Wolfram, P. H., 199 •98M Wolinsky, M. B., (See •18P Wallin, M. B.) •88M Wollenberger, S., 290 •98M *Woltersdorf, 0. E., 413 •95M Woltmann, F., 131 •06M *Woltze, J., 364 '17D Wood, Annie, 161 'OOM Wood, A. L.. 299 •03M Wood, C. A., 286 •06M Wood, Cordelle A., 241 •02M Wood, C. B., 3 '94P Wood, Eulalie, 161 FM Wood, F. G., 27 '96M Wood, F. L., 118 Wood, G , 63 Wood, G. W., 425 Wood, H. A., 319 *Wood, J. J., 17 Wood, J. M., 106 Wood, J. T., 152 *Wood, J. W., 3 Wood, M. T., 314 Wood, O. G., 118 Wood, T. H., 168 Wood, W., 71 Wood, W. W., 143 Woodard, W. P., 37 Woodcock, G. A., 37 Woodfill, J. G., 360 ♦Woodford, E. W., 71 Woodhull, M. W., 143 Woodnick, G. W., 143 Woodruff, G. F., 350 Woodruff, G. H., 234 Woodruff, H. W., 27 Woods, B. L. T., 143 Woods, C. S., 286 Woods, R. A., 234 Woods, R. H., 199 Woods, W. P., 118 ♦Woodson, W. F., 334 Woodward, E. P., 206 Woof, J. T., 286 WooUey, W. A., 213 Woolston, W. J., 131 Wooster, M. S., 378 ♦Worley, H. H.,411 Worsley, R. E., 324 Worthington, C. A., 300 Worthington, S. L., 300 Wray, W. E., 49 Wright, 0. E., 81 Wright, F., 286 Wright, J. A., 300 Wright, W. E., 234 Wruck, O. J. B., 410 ♦Wuerth, J. J., 56 Wunderle, E. L., 339 Wurtzer, E. L., 191 Wybraniec, P. F., 299 Wyckoff, W. W., 337 Wyland, G. V., 56 Wyle, A. R., 425 Wylie, D. B., 17 Wynekoop, C. I., 56 Wynekoop, F. E., 41 Wynekoop, G. H., 143 Wynkoop, W. B., 316 ♦Xelowski, J. H., 71 Xelowski, T. Z., 106 Yampolsky, R. M.. 143 Yantis, D. E., 93 Yarndley, R. E., 372 Yarros, Rachelle S., 286 Yates, C. A., 44 •04 M •99 M •02M '20D •OlM FM •99M •09 M FM •97M •20M •87P '05D •02M '02M •03M FM '04 M '84M '07P 'OOM 'OlM '95P •13M •77P '14D 'OOM '07M '03P '96M '08M •20M 'IIP 'IIM '99D '84P •02M •09P •IIM •87P '73 •82P •82P •84P '07D '78P •86P •94P •02M •90P •08P •13M •20 M Yates, C. E., 118 Yeakel. W. K., 63 Yeates, W., 93 Yeatman, O. B., 324 Yelton, Winifred I., 81 Yerger, C. F., 286 Yingst, Sallie A., 63 Yocum, A. L., 168 ♦Yohn, W. A., 286 Yoist, H. J., 49 Yonker, W., 240 York, M. A., 353 Young, A. J. H., 299 Young, C. C., 93 Young, Nacooche A. F., 94 ♦Young, J. A., 106 Young, Josephine Ei, 286 Young, W. H., 118 ♦Younger, W. I., 5 Yundt, C. R., 400 Yung, J. R., 71 Zabortsky, J., 81 ♦Zacharski, W. A., 375 Zadek, Mrs. J. L. (See Metis, Marie A.) Zahn, E. A., 337 Zajicek, E. C., 311 Zaleski, J. P., 71 Zalesky, Rose E., 152 Zamentowsky, D., 391 Zapffe, F. C., 45 Zeigler, C. A., 161 Zeitlin, N. S., 240 Zellinger, J. W., 410 ♦Zender, N., 350 Zerbst, W. D., 382 Zeuch, L. H., 182 Zielinski, J. B., 288 Ziepprecht, C. H. Zilisch, W. E., 94 Zimmerman, C. R., 405 Zimmerman, Goldie E., 182 Zimmermann, A., 353 ♦Zimmermann, C., 333 Zimmermann, E., 339 Zimmermann, E., 339 Zimmermann, R., 343 Zimmonth, A. J., 302 Zindler, P., 336 Zindt, J. M.,350 Zobel, E. C., 372 Zoehrlaut, G. G., 94 Zoeller, G., 364 Zuck, F. J., 402 Zugg, C. W., 199 Zulaybar, S. C., 240 Zurawski, K. A., 63 343 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 100007530 '"l.'li iy ,',i!i;|i|i .riPI I