TRADE REFERENCE ROSTER CONTAINING Names of Shippers, Brokers and Jobbers who have signed agreements making their transactions subject to the STANDARD TRADING RULES or who are members of an Association that has adopt- ed the said “ Rules” Issued by the AMERICAN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SHIPPERS ASS’N 139 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. November. 1921 338.1 I Am35t TRADE REFERENCE ROSTER CONTAINING Names of Shippers, Brokers and Jobbers who have signed agreements making their transactions subject to the STANDARD TRADING RULES or who are members of an Association that has adopted the said ‘ ‘Rules’ ’ ISSUED BY THE AMERICAN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SHIPPERS ASS’N 139 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. November , 1921 OFFICERS 33S. I CU~33 tr. ixr AT President Wm. Newsome, Fruit Dispatch Company, Boston, Mass. ru t- 1r 1 st Vice-President ^tias. E. Virden, California Fruit Distributors, Sacramento, Cal. T , 2nd Vice-President John Denney, Denney & Company, Chicago, Illinois A TT . . ^rd Vice-President A. U. Chaney, American Cranberry Exchange, New York City ™ c Sergeant-at-Arms i. b. Clarke, Stewart Fruit Company, Chicago, Illinois „ . Secretary-Treasurer and Manager R. Cummmg, 1015-139 No. Clark St., Chicago, Illinois DIRECTORS Wm. Newsome, Fruit Dispatch Co., Boston, Mass. Chas. E, Virden, California Fruit Distributors, Sacramento, Cal. John Denney, Denney & Co., Chicago, 111. A. U. Chaney, American Cranberry Exchange New York City. O. A. Boyle, The Boyle Company, Wichita, Kans. John B. Cancelmo, J. B. Cancelmo Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Geo. A. Charters, Stewart Fruit Co., Los Angeles, Cal. J. C. Chase, Chase & Company, Jacksonville, Fla. B. J. Christman, Standard Growers Exchange Orlando, Fla. J. S. Crutchfield, American Fruit Growers, Inc. Pittsburgh, Pa. Jos. Di Giorgio, 61 Broadway, New York City. Edward Edmunds, Sr., Mars Hill, Maine. Z. J. Fort, 2- J. Fort Produce Company, Denver, Colo. E. Y. Foley & Co., Fresno, Calif. W. H. Garvin, Associated Fruit Co., Delta, Colo. P. W. Holden, Smith & Holden, New York City. C. A. Kerr, C. A. Kerr & Company, Chicago, 111. E. P. Miller, Albert Miller & Co., Chicago, 111. C. A. Muehlbronner, Iron City Produce Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. J. L. Nagle, California Fruit Exchange, Sacramento, Cal. F. E. Nellis, Jr. F. E. Nellis & Co., Chicago, 111. Thos. O’Neill, California Vegetable Union, Los Angeles, Cal. B. A. Perham, Perham Fruit Co., Yakima, Wash. Conrad Rose, Wenatchee Produce Co., Wenatchee, Wash. G. A. Scott, Florida Citrus Exchange, Tampa, Fla. Joseph Steinhardt, Steinhardt & Kelly, New York City. C. R. Waters, Eastern Shore of Va. Produce Exchange, Onley, Va. Chas. Weinberger, Fruit Despatch Company, New Orleans, La. C. R. Winslow, Randolph Marketing Company, Minneapolis, Minn. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE P-E. Nellis, Jr., Chairman, F. E. Nellis & Co., Chicago, 111. C. E. Virden, California Fruit Distributors, Sacramento, Cal. E. P. Miller, Albert Miller & Company, Chicago, 111. B. J. Christman, Georgia Fruit Exchange, Atlanta, Ga. John Denney, Denney & Co., Chicago, 111. M emorandum The following recommendation was included in the report of the Conference and Trade Relations Committee presented at the Third Annual Business Meeting of the Association held at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, January 19th, 20th and 21st, 1921, and was unanimously adopted: “That the Trade Relations Committee draft a letter to be sent to all persons, firms or corporations engaged in the fruit and produce business, who are not members of an association that has already adopted the Standard Rules and Definitions of Trade Terms, and to explain to them to sign an agreement to trade under them. A date thereafter shall be fixed by the Committee and a public announcement of such date be made by the Committee to the effect that the Association will publish a list of all dealers who have agreed to trade under the Standard Rules and Defini- tions of Trade Terms.” On March 14th, 1921, a joint conference was held in Chicago with a similar committee of the Western Fruit Jobbers and this subject among others was discussed and a circular letter was drawn up to be printed and mailed broad-cast to all. jobbers throughout the country who were not members of any association or who were members of an association which had not yet formally adopted the Standard Trading Rules. As the Western Fruit Jobbers Association had adopted the Rules at their convention in Colorado Springs in January, 1921, this letter was not sent to any of their members, excepting a few to whom it was sent in error. Copy of this letter is reproduced below. “To All Concerned: “Nearly two years ago a Joint Committee of Shippers and Jobbers representing the American Fruit and Vegetable Shippers Association, the National League of Commission Merchants of the United States, the International Apple Shippers Association and the Western Fruit Jobbers Association of America met and formulated the ‘Standard Rules and Definitions of Trade Terms for the Fruit and Vege- table Industry’ to cover the sale and purchase of fruits and vege- tables in carloads. Object of the Rules “The object in preparing these ‘rules and definitions’ was to clearly define trading terms or expressions that are commonly used in trading in order to avoid misunderstandings and to offer an avenue through which grievances that may arise can be quickly and equitably adjusted. From a careful study of differences that arise between seller and buyer we find they are usually caused by a misunderstanding on the part of the one or other of the parties as to the correct definition of the expressions or terms used when quoting products offered. Adoption of the Rules “The Standard Trading Rules have been adopted by the American Fruit & Vegetable Shippers Association, the Fruit & Vegetable Brokers’ Association, the Western Fruit Jobbers’ Association of America, the Colorado Potato Shippers’ Association and the Melon Distributors’ Asso- ciation. 5 “The International Apple Shippers’ Association and the National League of Commission Merchants of the United States have approved the ‘Definitions and Rules’ and have recommended them for use by their members. “We feel that all individual dealers not now members of any associa- tion that have adopted the ‘Rules and Definitions’ should likewise adopt and trade under them. Advantages of the Rules “The advantages to a dealer of taking this action are obvious. It is our intention on or about May 1st, after receiving replies to this letter, to publish a list of shippers and jobbers who wish to adopt and trade under them. We believe the shippers are going to look with favor on the jobber whose name is on that list. You will be relieved from the unfair methods now practiced by some unscrupulous shippers and jobbers who take advantage of the lack of any general understanding as to the meaning of terms used in trading. The adoption and general use of these Standard Trading Rules will overcome most of the difficulties arising between seller and buyer, making the negotiations pleasant and profitable to them both and do much towards eliminating conditions that tend to cause waste and injury to the producer, seller, buyer and consumer. “In addition to the advantages enumerated you will be protected if you adopt these ‘Trading Rules and Definitions’ from the shipper who does not fully live up to his contract obligations. If that shipper is a member of our Association his quotations or sales in the absence of any written agreement are subject to these ‘Rules and Definitions.’ Under the By-Laws of our Association you have the right if he does not fully live up to his contract to file a complaint against him through the Asso- ciation and such complaint will be handled by our Executive Committee and whatever action is warranted by the facts in the case will be taken. Invitation to Adopt the Rules “We understand you are not now a member of a National Associa- tion that has adopted these ‘Rules and Definitions.’ We are enclosing with this letter, on the back of which you will note the ‘Rules and Definitions’ have been printed, one copy of the pamphlet containing these rules in convenient form, together with a receipt for your signature. If you will adopt these ‘Standard Rules and Definitions’ for your own trading in the absence of any other written agreement, please sign this receipt and for- ward it to the American Fruit & Vegetable Shippers’ Association, 139 North Clark St., Chicago, Illinois, where it will be placed and kept on file, retaining this letter and 1 the copy of the Standard Trading Rules for your own use. You have the right to trade under specific contracts if you so elect, but in the absence of any such special contract it would be under- stood that your trading was subject to the Standard Trading Rules. Membership of the Association “The membership of the Association is scattered throughout the United States and the total combined shipments of its members reach over one-half million of carloads of fruits and vegetables annually. Every shipper and jobber in good standing should now be a member of some National Association to which he is eligible and thus be properly recog- nized and endorsed.” 6 Conditions of Agreement We are also reproducing a fac-simile of postalcard which accom- panied the circular letter : “Number “American Fruit & Vegetable Shippers Assn., 139 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. “Receipt is hereby acknowledged of your letter of March 24, 1921, with which you enclose a copy of circular prepared by your Conference and Trade Relations Committee, also copy of pamphlet containing the Standard Rules and Definitions of Trade Terms, numbered for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry. “We have carefully read your letter and circular referred to, also the Standard Rules and Definitions of Trade Terms and hereby assent to adopt and trade under them and our trans- actions will be considered as subject to said Trading Rules in the absence of any written contract to the contrary. Firm Name Date Per ” Status of Rules In response to this letter which was mailed on March 24th, 1921^ a large number of firms signed and returned these agreements to adopt and trade under the Standard Trading Rules in the absence of agreements or contracts containing terms of sale at variance with those contained in the Rules, these signed agreements being on file in this office. A list of those firms who have signed these agreements is printed in this circular, the names being arranged alphabetically by States. Included therein are the names of the members of The American Fruit and Vegetable Shippers’ Association, The Colorado Potato Shippers’ Association, The Fruit and Vegetable Brokers’ Associa- tion and The Melon Distributors’ Association. These Associa- tions have formally adopted the Rules which signifies that the sales, quota- tions and contracts of sale by the members of these organizations are subject to the Standard Trading Rules in the absence of specific contracts to the contrary. The Western Fruit Jobbers’ Association of America have also formally adopted the Standard Trad- ing Rules and the sales, quotations and contracts of sale by members of that association are presumed to be also subject to the Standard Trading Rules in the absence of specific contracts to the contrary. The International Apple Shippers and the National League of Commission Merchants have also approved and recommended their use. 7 The firms shown below (excepting those shown as being members of those Associations which have adopted the Standard Rules and Defini- tions of Trade Terms for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry) have defi- nitely agreed in writing to adopt and trade under the Standard Trading Rules and their transactions will be considered as subject to said Trading Rules in the absence of any written contract to the contrary. The transac- tions of those firms shown as being members of an Association are also subject to the Trading Rules in the absence of written contracts to the contrary by reason of the formal adoption of the Trading Rules by the Associations mentioned. The names of the members of the Western Fruit Jobbers Association of America are not included in this list, with the exception of the names of those firms who have actually signed the written agree- ment referred to, but the transactions of all of the mem- bers of the Western Fruit Jobbers Association of America are presumed to be subject to the said trading rules in the absence of specific written contracts by reason of the action taken by that Association at its annual meeting in Colorado Springs, January, 1921, in formally adopting the standard trading rules. If specific information as to the names of the members of the Western Fruit Jobbers Association is desired inquiry should be addressed to the headquarters of the Association at Denver, Colorado. 3 4 4 3 3 1 ALABAMA Bell-Rogers Produce Co L. Darring Brokerage Co C. M. McMahen A. M. Thomas Co M. Frank Horn Bros. J. O. Muscat Fruit Co Roh Produce Co . . Warley Fruit and Produce Co. H. C. Mcllwain & Co Tuscaloosa Produce Co J. J. Suddoth ARIZONA Babbitt Bros. Trading Co Mexico-Arizona Trading Co Peterson Produce Co Walter Hill Co Wm. P. Crump Produce Co...... Nogales Prescott 1 ARKANSAS J. P. Bever Co. B. Cohn Commission Co H. C. Pride L. D. Cooper Union Saw Mill Co J. M. Wimberley Camillo Morsani Davis Prieur Produce Co J. M. Dicus Produce Co J. W. Lippincott T. W. Park Gentry Helena Horatio Hot Springs Huttig . . .Jonesboro . . .Jonesboro .Little Rock .Little Rock .Little Rock .Lockesburg 8 CALIFORNIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Superior Kraut Co Colfax Diamond Fruit Co ; Eureka E. Y. Foley Fresno Fresno Fruit Growers Co Fresno The Producers Fruit Co Lindsay Bare Fruit Co Lodi San Joaquin County Table Grape Growers’ Assn Lodi A, E. Barker 232 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles Bryant Produce Co Wholesale Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles California Vegetable Union Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles M. M. Cobb Co .242 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles Cohen, Mann & Kahn.. 281 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles American Fruit Growers, Inc 724 South Spring St., Los Angeles Growers Marketing Co Los Angeles W. E. McCaslin 1016 Lawrence St, Los Angeles Peppers Fruit Co Los Angeles Randolph Marketing Co Central Bldg., Los Angeles J. C. Richardson Brokerage Co.. Who. Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles L. K. Small Co 1231 E. 7th St., Los Angeles W. E. Urick 230 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., Los Angeles W. L. Carter Needles Gold Banner Association Redlands Mutual Orange Distributors Redlands California Mutual Packing Co Riverside California Fruit Distributors Sacramento California Fruit Exchange Sacramento Ennis-Brown Co Sacramento American Produce Co .San Diego Greenman & Sons San Diego Growers Marketing Co San Diego Julian Produce Co San Diego J. W. Williams Co San Diego Geo. B. Wright San Diego Arata & Peters 539 Clay St., San Francisco Frank H. Buck Co 58 Sutter St., San Francisco Dunbar Hansen Co 320 Drumm St., San Francisco Garcia & Maggini Co 302 Drumm St., San Francisco L. J. Hopkins Co 433 Front St., San Francisco Jacobs, Malcolm & Burtt 101 Washington St., San Francisco Messrs. A. Levy & J. Zentner Co.. .200 Washington St., San Francisco R. C. McGill & Co 429 Davis St., San Francisco John De Martini Co 114 Washington St., San Francisco Stewart Fruit Co 424 Wells-Fargo Bldg., San Francisco The Vegetable Exchange of California . 39 Clark St., 318 Drumm St., San Francisco Geo. A. Webster 142 Drumm St., San Francisco Perry Small San Francisco Walter A. Perry Co Sacramento Blase Bros. & Co San Jose Raley & Co San Jose Mission Produce & Supply Co Santa 'Barbara Pacific Produce Co Santa Barbara California Fruit Market Visalia COLORADO J. E. White Carbondale Freeman Supply Co Del Norte 1 and 2 Associated Fruit Co Delta 1 and 2 Herbert Chase Produce Co Delta 1 and 2 Rupp & Nashtoll Produce Co Delta 2 Guy M. Blair Delta 9 2 Bauserman Produce Co 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 1 Bourk-Donaldson-Taylor, Inc 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 2 Cochrane Brokerage Co 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 2 J. T. Crews 1536 Market St., Denver 1 and 2 Ennis-Brown Co 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 1 and 2 Z. J. Fort Produce Co 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 2 Grovier-Starr-Parvin Co 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 2 Harding Produce Co 219 Mint Block, Denver 1 Hartner Produce Co 1425 15th St., Denver 1 and 4 Geo. H. Knifton 1605 Larimer St., Denver Powell Brokerage & Commission Co 1512 Market St., Denver 2 Rhodes Co 1525 Market St., Denver 1 Rocky Mountain Produce Co 1100 Champa St., Denver F. T. Watson Produce Co City Market, Denver 2 Weyl-Zuckerman & Co 18th and Wynkoop Sts., Denver 1 and 2 C. M. Wildt Produce Co 206 Mint Block, Denver 1 and 4 M. J. Zeuzius 16-17 Commercial Bldg., Denver 2 G. W. Deffke & Co Eaton 2 Northern Implement Co Eaton A. T. Gilkison & Co Ft. Collins 1 and 2 The Boyle Co. Greeley 1 and 2 Farr Produce Co Greeley 2 Greeley Mercantile Co Greeley 2 Morrison Produce Co Greeley 1 Mosher & Parker Greeley 2 Northway Marketing Co Greeley 1 and 2 The I. Rothschild Produce Co Greeley Marx & Wheeler Lamar 2 Lucerne Elevator & Mercantile Co Lucerne 2 W. J. Clark Monte Vista land 2 Gibson Produce Co Monte Vista 1 and 2 Montrose Fruit & Produce Assn Montrose 2 W. D. Garlington & Co Olathe 2 Burns & McMullin Olathe Forbush Fuel & Ice Co Pueblo Nelson Fruit Co Pueblo Rockyford Produce Co Rockyford CONNECTICUT Charles Panasis & Co .Danbury I. Limon Meriden The Coles Co Middletown Galvin Fruit & Commission Co State St., New Haven Liberty Fruit Co ........New Haven New Haven Celery Co 72 State St., New Haven Pardee & Cooper 9 Commerce St., New Haven A. Tarrish & Co 68 Commerce St., New Haven D. H. Feinn & Co Waterbury Waterbury Wholesale Fruit & Produce Co Waterbury DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA — WASHINGTON 4 Edgerton & Beers Jenifer Bldg., Washington 4 B. M. Knobel ....945 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington National Fruit Co 921 Louisiana Ave., N. W. Washington DELAWARE Geo. B. Booker Co Wilmington J. D. Sisler Co Wilmington 10 FliORIDA 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and 3 1 and 3 3 Falkston Packing Co Clarcona Nix Produce Co Hastings Associated Fruit Co Jacksonville A. J. Bucky & Co Jacksonville Chase & Co ..Jacksonville Liberty Produce Co Jacksonville M. Massameri Jacksonville National Fruit & Produce Co Jacksonville Porter-Judy Fruit Co Jacksonville W. F. Bozeman Leesburg Fletcher Produce Co Live Oak L. S. Harvard Live Oak R. E. McNeill Live Oak R. O. Applegate, Jr Miami Carson Fruit Co Miami Drake Produce Co Miami Florida East Coast Growers’ Assn .Miami Magruder Bros Miami Miami Fruit & Produce Co Miami D. H. Gilbert Monticello Nocatee Fruit Co Nocatee American Fruit Growers, Inc. Florida Fine Fruit Co. Div., Orlando F. E. Godfrey Orlando A. J. Nye Orlando Dr. P. Phillips Orlando Standard Growers’ Exchange Orlando S. J. Sligh & Co Orlando Wells Kahn Co Pensacola R. W. Burch Plant City W. E. Lee i Plant City American Fruit Growers, Inc. F. F. Dutton Div Sanford Sanford Truck Growers, Inc Sanford Winestein Bros St. Augustine Henry & Riley St. Petersburg Florida Citrus Exchange Tampa H. T. Montgomery & Sons Tampa A. C. Terwilligar Titusville S. G. Gay Trenton J. F. Thomas Cocoa GEORGIA 3 and 4 Johnson-Brown Co Albany McArthur & Co Albany 3 Shackelford-Brown Co Albany 3 Southern Produce Co Albany Wallace Commission Co Albany C. R. Whitley Americus 3 W. W. Anderson’s Sons, Southern Railroad and Castleberry St. Atlanta Atlanta Cash Produce Co 99 Central Ave., Atlanta 3 S. W. Bacon Produce Co 821 Austell Bldg., Atlanta Bell Bros 1 Produce Place, Atlanta G. A. Dewald & Co 84 Central Ave., Atlanta J. T. Elder & Co 8 Produce Place, Atlanta 3 L. H. Fargason Atlanta 4 Fair & Martin Atlanta John Fluker & Co Atlanta Georgia Fruit Exchange Rhodes Bldg., Atlanta 3 L. E. Holloway & Co ...Atlanta John T. Leonard & Sons Austell Bldg., Atlanta 4 Loeb-Apte Co 15 Produce Row, Atlanta 11 Oj Oj Co Co Oo Co Co Co Southeastern Brokerage & Export Co 47 E. Alabama St., Atlanta E. B. Stuart & Co Atlanta Arnold & Abney Athens Davis Produce Co . Athens Empire Grocery Co Bainbridge Maddox Commission Co Bainbridge Columbus Fruit & Produce Co . Columbus M. Sinquefield Conyers Edwards-Haile Co Cordele Pridgen Bros Co Cordele Woodson Produce Co Cordele Dublin Fruit & Produce Co Dublin Burney Bros. Co Macon Evans Kemp & Evans McRae Rome Vegetable Co Rome J. L. Budreau & Co Citizens Trust Bldg., Savannah Georgia Produce Co Savannah J. J. Horrigan 209 Congress St., Savannah McCormick & Co 213 Congress St., Savannah J. T. McArthur Moultrie R. S. Roddenbery Moultrie Southern Produce Co.... Moultrie J. H. Anderson Nashville W. O. Sharpe .Norman Park Fuller Groover Quitman O. K. Jelks Quitman Tifton Produce Co Tifton IDAHO Fisher Commission Co Blackfoot Boise Ice & Produce Co Boise M. D. Dobson Boise Price Produce & Commission Co Idaho Falls White Bros. & Crum Lewiston Idaho Equity Exchange Nampa. ILLINOIS 1 and 3 1 1 1 and 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 and 3 Cash Produce House Belleville Joseph S. Bash & Son Champaign B. Aaron & Sons 58 W. So. Water St., Chicago B. D. Anguish ..192 N. Clark St., Chicago Associated Fruit Co .236 N. Clark St., Chicago M. Baker & Co ! 15 W. So. Water St., Chicago F. E. Baldwin & Co 192 N. Clark St., Chicago Battistini Bros . 121 W. So. Water St., Chicago M. B. Beem 192 N. Clark St., Chicago H. D. Boehmer 236 N. Clark St., Chicago Case & Martin Co 1807 Walnut St., Chicago L. F. Case & Co 139 N. Clark St., Chicago American Fruit Growers, Inc., Crutchfield, Woolfolk & Clore Div 14 W. So. Water St., Chicago Denney & Co 167 W. So. Water St., Chicago John A. Eck Co 71 W. So. Water St., Chicago Ernst & Hess.. 740 W. Randolph St., Chicago Fox & Godding 17 W. So. Water St., Chicago Fry Brokerage Co 192 N. Clark St., Chicago Gourley & Co 236 N. Clark St., Chicago Hall, Wedge & Carter ....7 W. So. Water St., Chicago Higgins & Davidson 7 W. So. Water St., Chicago Horvitz! Bros 79 W. So. Water St., Chicago Ingham & Gordan* 227 N. La Salle St., Chicago A. T. Johnson & Sons 84 W. So. Water St., Chicago 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and 4 1 1 1 4 E. Kahn & Co C A. Kerr & Co M. Lapidus & Sons Mark Owen & Co A. L. McClay & Co F. R. Merrill & Co Albert Miller & Co Chas. F. Murphey Co F. E. Nellis & Co Wm. H. Peck Herman Peter & Son Phillips & Baker M. Piowaty & Sons C. H. Robinson Co J. Schoenburg Co Skallerup Bros Stanton, Parrott & Klotz D. J. Stephens The Stoerk Co T. V. Sullivan & Co L. Starks Co. J. H. Twitchell & Co Walde & England Walker Bros W. A. Waskow & Co Wignall-Moore Co A. G. Zulfer & Co Reynolds Seed & Commission Co.. . Catherone Bros A. Rinella Behrens Co Klopfenstein & Son J. C. Schulte Harlow G. Frederick Co H. Levine Anhydrous Food Products Company V. E. Johnson Willis-Hall Brokerage Co Carnino Perri Henry Reggin Gillarde Produce Co L. N. Rolle H. A. Smalley .70 W. So. Water St., Chicago .79 W. So. Water St., Chicago .81 W. So. Water St., Chicago .61 W. So. Water St., Chicago 131 W. So. Water St., Chicago 172 W. So. Water St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St., Chicago 111 W. So. Water St., Chicago .27 W. So. Water St., Chicago 236 N. Clark St., Chicago ..712 W. Randolph St., Chicago ...7 E. So. Water St., Chicago 236 N. Clark St., Chicago .78 W. So. Water St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St, Chicago 192 N. Clark St. Chicago .71 W. So. Water St., Chicago .819 W. Randolph St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St., Chicago .79 W. So. Water St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St., Chicago 222N.. State St., Chicago 192 N. Clark St., Chicago . 19 W. So. Water St., Chicago 121 W. So. Water St., Chicago E. St. Louis Galesburg Galesburg Gillespie Gridley Havana Joliet La Salle No. Chicago m . Paxton Peoria Silvis Sorento Springfield .Springfield Streator INDIANA 4 1, 3 and 4 Moulton & Smith Co Anderson Taylor Bros. & Triplett Angola Columbia City Storage Co Columbia City Everett & Hite Co Decatur Geo. W. Baker Evansville Merchants Grocery Co Evansville National Produce Co Evansville Pennington-Geissler Co Evansville C. F. Clauson & Son Fair Oaks Clark Fruit Co Ft. Wayne J. T. Hartley Hartford City Russo Fruit Co Huntington C. L. Dietz & Co 11 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis Horace E .Hall 210 E. Maryland St., Indianapolis Hind & Fuchs ..219 E. Maryland St., Indianapolis Geo. Hitz & Co ...30 S. Delaware St., Indianapolis W. H. Hunt & Co Fletcher Savings & Trust Bldg., Indianapolis W. C. Katterhenry 27 S. Delaware St., Indianapolis Paul Ray & Co 49 S. Delaware St., Indianapolis J. G. Schlotter & Co 21 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis 13 3 A. Wormser & Co Laporte Fruit Co Ligonier Wholesale Fruit Co Tony Ray & Co Geo. Schechter James G. Orr... Geo. E. Stouffer & Co Fred Wildy & Co J. E. Suntheimer & Co Waterloo Shippers Co C. C. Winkler Co 31 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis Laporte Ligonier Marion New Albany Portland South Bend Terre Haute Topeka Waterloo Vincennes IOWA H. E. Binkley Boone 4 W. W. Copeland Burlington 4 Chandler-Mull Co Cedar Rapids Stuff Bros. Co Cedar Rapids Iowa Seed Co Des Moines 1 C. H. Robinson Co Des Moines 1 and 4 Elwood H. Royer Des Moines Cartigny Fruit Co Dubuque Thompson Bros Ft. Dodge The Baxter Ida Grove W. H. Hoops & Son Muscatine Kindred & Morrow Newton Jenkins Produce Co Onawa E. A. Baumback & Son Pleasant Valley L. F. Brown .Seymour Sheldon Produce Co Sheldon Booth Fisheries Sioux City 1 Roy Matthews Co , Sioux City 1 C. H. Robinson Co Sioux City Joe Rosenthal Sioux City Dickson Fruit Co... Spencer * Dickson Fruit Co.... Storm Lake G. E. Fleagle & Sons Winfield D. C. McFarland Winthrop KANSAS 1 James Mann Bonner Springs L. G. Frisbie Bonner Springs Charles Weyer Clyde Clark Bros. Fruit Co Coffeyville Davis Bros. Co Concordia Farmers Elevator Co Gypsum Wilson Produce Co Hanover Farmers Union Herington 1 Chandler Brokerage Co Hiawatha Allen Fruit Co Iola La Crosse Wholesale Co La Crosse 2 Howard & Burnett Lawrence Mr. Geo. Heavey Leavenworth 1 F. C. Schulte & Co Leavenworth Little River Storage Co Little River Perry R. Buckley & Co Lyons Farmers Union Mankato T. Jensen & Bro Marion J. M. Riker Oswego A. I. Case Produce Co Plainville A. J. Poor Grain Co Russell Badger Produce Exchange Salina Craven Grain Co Summerfield 14 Williams & Haney Topeka W. M. Elwood . .Troy The Farmers Co-op. Union..... Victoria H. H. Ruehmann Wamego Beebe Brokerage & Comn. Co Wichita 1 and 3 The Boyle Co Wichita H. D. Cottman Wichita I and 4 O. T. Hamilton Wichita KENTUCKY -4 Wm. Addams W. T. Sistrunk & Co L. S. Brown & Co James J. Flynn & Son Harwood & Thompson W. G. Heimerdinger W. A. Hildebrand & Co Hyman Pickle Co Kahlert Produce Co Kohlhepp & Iula Otter & Co Pennington, Hampton Co.... W. R. Strange Chiles Thompson Grocery Co Smith & Clarke Co... Covington Bros. Co Kentucky Wholesale Co Renaker Poultry Co Cynthiana Lexington 318 Baxter St., Louisville 305 E. Main St., Louisville ...207 E. Liberty St., Louisville 102 E. Jefferson St., Louisville . .237 E. Jefferson St., Louisville 216 Pearl St., Louisville . .312 E. Jefferson St, Louisville .200 E. Jefferson St., Louisville . . 1008 St. Louis Ave., Louisville .213 E. Jefferson St., Louisville Middlesboro Mt. Sterling Owensboro Paducah Pikeville Winchester LOUISIANA 1 1 3 1 4 4 4 4 Crowley Fruit Exchange Howma Mercantile Co.. Harry Fatoodes S. Danna & Son Trousdale & Slater John Bonura & Co Cuyamel Fruit Co Geo. W. Davison & Co. . A. Di Maggio & Co Fruit Dispatch Co L. S. Kearns Paul E. Mary Ralph F. Mayer Mallard Brokerage Co.. C. Reuter Tucker-Curtis Co Crowley Howma Lake Charles Monroe Monroe 200 Poydras St., New Orleans 430 Camp St., New Orleans 311 Poydras St., New Orleans 207 Poydras St., New Orleans ....400 St. Charles St., New Orleans 207 Poydras St., New Orleans .Board of Trade Bldg., New Orleans .402 Tchoupitoulas St., New Orleans 207 Tchoupitoulas St., New Orleans ....1141 N. Peters St., New Orleeans Shreveport MAINE D. H. Buxton Abbott Village John C. Foss Danforth 1 S. Cohen & Co Ft. Fairfield 1 C. A. Powers Co Ft. Fairfield 1 E. L. Cleveland Co Houlton 1 Edward Edmunds & Son Mars Hill 1 Hovey & Co Mars Hill 1 York & Fenderson Mars Hill 1 J. E. York’s Sons Mars Hill Hannaford Bros. Co Portland 15 Milliken Tomlinson Co . Portland Albert J. Pike Portland Mr. E. S. Perry . , Presque Isle Mr. T. T. Michaud Soldier Pond O. A. Meader Waterville Sylvester & Richardson.. Westfield MARYLAND 1 G. Fava Fruit Co 13 E. Pratt St., Baltimore Gressitt-Lloyd Co 20 E. Pratt St., Baltimore 3 J. C. Leib Co ..210 Light St., Baltimore 4 Lott & O’Malley 219 Charles St., Baltimore J. F. Solley & Co 213 S. Charles St., Baltimore Stevens Bros,.. 226 S. Charles St., Baltimore Zimmerman Bros 613 W. Lexington St., Baltimore 1 Appalachian Fruit Growers, Inc., 39 Liberty Trust Bldg. .Cumberland City Produce Co. . .Cumberland MASSACHUSETTS 1 4 4 4 1 and 4 1 1 1 and 4 1 1 Adams & Dodge 17 N. Market St., Boston F. W. Gibbons & Co B & M Produce Market Boston Cayting & Stackpole 46 Clinton St., Boston A. F. Heald Co ....46 Clinton St., Boston F. W. Higgins & Co... 46 Clinton St., Boston Lord & Spencer 21 Faneuil Hall Market, Boston M. J. McCarthy & Co.,, 123 Atlantic Ave., and B & M Produce Market, Boston New England Brokerage Co 46 Clinton St., Boston W. A. Noltemeier & Co 34 Merchants Row, Boston Alfred W. Otis ...46 Clinton St., Boston Sands-Furber & Co 90 Faneuil Hall Market, Boston Scott & Allen ...46 Clinton St., Boston S. J. Shallow Co 46 Clinton St., Boston S. Silk & Co 122 Commercial St., Boston 0. E. Spooner... ....94 S. Market St., Boston S. Strock & Co.... 46 Clinton St., Boston J. L. Sullivan 43 Commercial St., Boston 1. D. Young Co..... B & M Produce Market, Boston I. E. Hill & Co Brockton J. E. Smith & Sons Dedham S. Abdelnour Co Fall River Harry L. Sears Co. Holyoke Cincotta Fruit Co Marlboro Geo. A. Grounds Co Pittsfield John J. Beaton Wareham Caircchi F. Co Whitman W. A. Gleasen Co...... Worchester MICHIGAN T. Harrison & Son Adrian Taylor Produce Co Battle Creek John Carroll Bay City A. B. Perkins Co ...Bay City 1 Michigan Fruit Growers Exchange ..Benton Harbor 1 and 3 Andrews Bros. Co ....482 W. Jefferson St., Detroit Clarence A. Carter 62 E. Market St., Detroit J. B. Catalano 25 W. Woodbright St., Detroit Sam Gaglione Detroit 1 Geo. A. Hanes 495 W. Jefferson St., Detroit 16 4 1 and 3 1 1 1 Chas. J. Matt H. J. Purse Alfred Rush & Sons Thierwechter Bros Chas. Vapor. Frank Wise. Fennville Fruit Co. Michigan Potato Shippers Association Abe Schefman Co Ithaca Fruit Co Taylor Produce Co M. Frappier Petoskey Produce Co Reid Brokerage Co.... G. G. Squier Jacob Dyke .509 W. Fort St., Detroit 1435 W. Jefferson St., Detroit 1773 W. Fort St., Detroit 1706 W. Jefferson St., Detroit . .18th and Cherry Sts., Detroit 1416 E. High St., Detroit Fennville Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Ithaca Kalamazoo Lansing Petoskey Port Huron So. Haven Traverse City MINNESOTA Gamble-Robinson Co Alexandria F. L. Wilson Dodge Center Wheaton Produce Co Eagle Bend Gandrud Wollan Co Fergus Falls F. T. Newmann Foreston B. E. Beach Long Prairie James Hart & Son .Long Prairie 1 and 4 Boyer-Flack Co 500 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis 1 and 4 R. B. Crutchfield Co Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis 1 Growers Sales Agency Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Minneapolis Geo. B. Higgins & Co 524 Third Ave. North, Minneapolis Northwest Wholesale Fruit Co. .317 Second Ave. North, Minneapolis 4 Geo. C. Palmer 627 First Ave. North, Minneapolis 1 C. H. Robinson Co 828 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis Farmers Co-op. Produce Association Moose Lake J. W. Chick Produce Co Mora Park Rapids Farmers Produce Exchange Park Rapids J. W. Hilliard Co Pipestone Gamble Robinson Co ..St. Cloud L. Frank Co 1387 University Ave., St. Paul 1 W. A. Murphy Produce Exchange Bank Bldg. St. Paul Shovel Lake Shipping Association Shovel Lake Adolph Gustafson Solway Springfield Produce Co Springfield Thief River Grocery Co Thief River Falls Jordan Holton Co Wadena Gamble Robinson Co Willmar Wolverton Potato Co ....Wolverton MISSISSIPPI T. S. Cunningham ..Aberdeen G. A. Swan Biloxi Canton Ice Co Canton J. L. Walker & Co Columbus R. H. Green Jackson A. J. Lyon & Co Meridian MISSOURI Farmers Produce Co Kungle Fruit Co Barnett-Gerhardt 17 Armstrong . Carterville Clinton Winter Grocery Co Clinton Berry Wholesale Grocery Co Columbus Jessie Cain... Dixon W. B. McClain & Son Higginsville Morrow Bros Holcomb 4 Southwestern Brokerage Co Joplin Richard Butler Produce Co 413 Walnut St., Kansas City land 2 C. C. Clemons Produce Co 128 Grand Ave., Kansas City 1 James A. Coogan & Co Produce Exchange Bldg., Kansas City 1 and 4 Hahn Distributing Co Merchants Bank Bldg., Kansas City Inness Bros Produce Exchange Bldg., Kansas City 1 and 2 Michael-Swanson-Brady Produce Co. 2nd and Walnut St., Kansas City 1 Peycke Bros. Commission Co 2nd and Main Sts., Kansas City 1 C. H. Robinson Co Kansas City L. S. Walker Commission Co New City Market, Kansas City Zeigler & Neslage 406 Walnut St., Kansas City Macon Wholesale Grocery Co . Macon C. P. Burks Mexico R. C. Markle & Co St. Joe Dacey & Co 1209 N. Broadway, St. Louis S. Dankner & Co 86 N. 4th St., St. Louis Fiorita-Macheca Fruit Co 913 N 4th St., St. Louis 4 Hind & Fuchs Niermann Co St. Louis 1,3 and 4 St. Louis Distributing Co 829 N. 4th St., St. Louis Miller Feed & Produce Co Springfield MONTANA F. A. Lamb Co Billings Lindsay-Bozeman Co Bozeman N. S. Cover Brady Mellor and Clark Butte Northwest Sales Agency. Butte C. H. Robinson Co Butte Gamble-Robinson Co Glendive Gamble-Robinson Co Havre Helena Fruit & Produce Co ....Helena Lindsay-Miles City Miles City NEBRASKA Independent Fruit Co Crete G. I. Noworthy Gattenberg D. Murphy Co Lincoln C. C. Whitnack Produce Co. Lincoln 1 Associated Fruit Co Omaha Nebraska Fruit & Vegetable Co 1009 Howard St., Omaha 4 N. H. Nelson & Co 1016 Howard St., Omaha 4 F. M. Powers Brokerage Co 1006 Howard St., Omaha 1 C. H. Robinson Co ....Trimble Bros. Bldg., Omaha J. Robinson 505 S. 11th St., Omaha 1, 3 and 4 Harry J. Schifferle Co 1016 Howard St., Omaha 3 Ross Skelton 510 S. Tenth St., Omaha 4 Zipfel Bros Co... 511 S. 11th St, Omaha Wichhamm Berry Farm Salem Wahoo Produce Co Wahoo Atkinson Farmers Union .Yokey NEVADA Nevada Wholesale Co Elks C. W. Pierce Reno Nevada Wholesale Co Sparks 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE Chas. Cattebriga Enfield Cheshire Beef & Produce Co Keene Hildreth & Ingalls Marlboro W. W. Blanchard Nashua NEW JERSEY Minch Bros Bridgeton James J. Enright Elizabeth Celia Market Co Lakewood Burlington County Supply & Produce Company Mt. Holly E. E. Bergen & Co Newark Rubinaud Bernstein Passaic C. Gardella Toms River Anderson Bros Yardville NEW MEXICO Herman Blieher Albuquerque Gross Kelly & Co E. La Vegas NEW YORK Dubuque- Munroe & Co Gledhill & Putnam Joseph Christa ' C. L. Brainard Co S. J. & Wm. Kornblum Wm. Kroemer A. Rosenblum J. D. Chalk Co Leon Bros Potter & Williams Co. . . W. A. Sharp Wax & Sugarrnan F. D. Wood John E. Schintzius John Ball & Co Geo. A. Dealing Empire Produce Co F. L. Jennings Giles & La Gosh Frank H. Johnson Geo. L. Bean J. W. Hook P. J. Tsivitse L. J. Purpura P. Purpura American Cranberry Exchange... American Fruit Growers, Inc. A. Associated Fruit Co Atlantic Fruit Co Auction Sales Co Edward Bahrenberg Co A. Bennett & Co H. Butwenig & Co Robt. T. Cochran & Co John C. Crate D. Crossley & Son Albany Avoca Binghampton Brockton 134 West Ave., Brooklyn 1464 Flushing Ave., Brooklyn 52 Bushwick Place, Brooklyn 182 Perry St., Buffalo Buffalo 144 Michigan Ave., Buffalo 61 E. Market St., Buffalo 166 Michigan Ave., Buffalo 129 Michigan Ave., Buffalo 38 W. Market St., Buffalo Caledonia Carthage Elmira Elmira Granville . # Hilton .Ilion Ithaca Jamestown Little Falls Little Falls 90 W. Broadway, New York F. Young Division, 308 Washington St., New York New York 61 Broadway, New York 204 Franklin St., New York 103 Murray St., New York 103 Market Place, New York Bronx Produce House, New York ...290 Washington St., New York ...306 Washington St., New York 204 Franklin St., New York 19 NEW YORK— Continued W. J. & S. H. Davenport ...130 Market Place, New York H. F. Davidson Co 97 Warren St., New York W. O. & H. W. Davis.... 100 Barclay St., New York Dennis-Kimball & Pope 204 Franklin St., New York Di Giorgio Fruit Corporation ....25 Broadway, New York C. I. & M. Dingfelder 253 Washington St., New York Egan Fickett & Co 288 Washington St., New York J. F. Ehlers... 866 Washington St., New York S. H. & E. H. Frost 319 Washington St., New York Frost & McNab 44 Harrison St., New York Fruit Auction Co 204 Franklin St., New York Fruit Dispatch Co 17 Battery Place, New York W. H. Hart 534 Westchester Ave., New York Frank Hewitt & Co Bronx Produce House, New York Olaf Hertzwig Trading Co 12 Broadway, ’New York Henry L. Hunter Bronx Produce House, New York Ryland S. Knowles... 204 Franklin St., New York Vincent Lamia 204 Franklin St., New York A. J. Lemkau Co 41 Jay St., New York J. & G. Lippman 330 Washington St., New York James Long 118 Warren St., New York Isaac Loewenthal .......187 Reade St., New York Maley & Carolin 97 Warren St., New York Maynard & Child 100 Hudson St., New York James J. McCarren & Co 96 Duane St., New York A. E. Meyer & Co 134 Park Place, New York E. Waterman & Co 104 Murray St., New York Miller-Cummings Co 330 Washington St., New York D. J. Napoli & Co Bronx Produce House, New York New York & New Jersey Produce Co.. 601 W. 26th St., New York John Nix & Co... ..281 Washington St., New York W. A. Noltemeier Co 204- Franklin St., New York North American Fruit Exchange ..90 West St., New York Olivit Bros. Inc...' 333 Washington St., New York Chas. Pape & Co. 164 West St., New York W. D. Powers & Co 601 W. 33rd St., New York J. H. Roberts Co 270 Washington St., New York James Rollo & Co 226 Washington St., New York Smith & Holden 199 Duane St., New York Steinhardt & Kelly Washington and Warren Sts., New York V. A. Stewart & Co. Inc 207 Duane St., New York Eugene A. Sullivan Co 639 W. 34th St., New York Sgobel & Day 204 Franklin St., New York Tropical Fruit Co 61 Broadway, New York A. B. Van Nostrand & Co West Washington Market, New York Thomas P. Wallace 116 Warren St., New York Harry J. Wardle New York Dan Winkle & Co New York Victor L. Zorn Co 252 Washington St., New York Riley & Wands Co Olean Allan W. Davis Oswego Harry Gordon Ossining Andrew MacKay & Co Penn Yan Ward A. Moulton Phoenix J. D. Chalk Co Rochester Eber Bros. & Co Rochester Dubuque-Munro & Co Syracuse F. N. Goodrich.. Syracuse Arthur V. Klock Co Syracuse A. L. Siegler Syracuse Anthony & Jones . . . . .Utica A. Cardamone & Sons... Utica Jacob Gennis Utica Ercole Infusino Utica C. J. Reardon Yonkers 20 NORTH CAROLINA DeWitt C. McCotter Cash Corner Z. W. Zimmerman & Co Charlotte A. S. Dayvault * Concord J. W. Reichard Durham 1 Brock & Scott Produce Co Elizabeth City A. B. Seeley & Son Elizabeth City Mail Order House Fayettesville W. F. Smith & Co Fayettesville P. P. Leventis & Co Gastonia Jeffreys & Sons Goldsboro Piedmont Produce Co Greensboro Richard W. Fowler Co Kinston R. B. Miller & Co Lexington 1 Andrews & Knowles . Mt. Olive Nashville Fruit Co. Nashville Holland Bros New Bern Royd Fruit & Produce Co Washington NORTH DAKOTA 1 O. J. Barnes Co. . Grand Forks Nash Bros Grand Forks 1 C. H. Robinson Co Grand Forks Mandan-Washington Fruit Co Mandan Alexander Bokovoy Max OHIO 3 E. H. Wiener Co Akron Herman S. Bowdler Ashtabula C. A. Sheldon & Son Ashtabula The Healy Seed Co Belle Center Crist Bros Blanchester Levi Zumbrun Brookville 1 Bushala Bros Cambridge 1 Frank Serio Fruit Co Columbus 3 F. Ankenbauer & Son Cincinnati J. J. Castellini Cincinnati Harry Cook Cincinnati M. C. Fries Sons Cincinnati Funk Bros. Co Cincinnati 3 Leonard-Crosset & Riley Cincinnati 1 and 4 Chas. Leverone Cincinnati 3 Sansone-Palmisano Co Cincinnati l,3 and4L. A. Bockstahler & Co Cleveland 3 Brookhart Fruit Co Cleveland 3 Cleveland Produce Co Cleveland Kendis Bros Cleveland 1 Donald B. Pocock Cleveland S. Weitz & Son Cleveland 3 John Amicon Bros. & Co Columbus 4 A. H. Sanford Co. Columbus 1 Frank Serio Fruit Co Columbus 4 John C. Welch & Son Columbus 4 S. Wolf & Son Columbus Lockwood & Werner Greenville J. C. Atkinson Lima Todd & Brumley McComb 1 Jones & Bowers McGuffey Bruno Bros Marion H. J. Russell Co Middlesport 21 A. Pusateri Portsmouth John Calderone Sebring A. Kastano Co Tiffin 4 H. S. Asman Toledo 1 L. B. Lucas Toledo 3 S. E. Weil & Co Toledo Goldberg Bros Youngstown OKLAHOMA Broken Arrow Produce Co Broken Arrow A. S. Gray Chickasha J. L. Blanchard Co Durant Durant Grain Elevator Co Durant Eubank Beels Produce Co Henryetta Farmers Elevator Co Kingfisher Choctaw Brokerage Co McAlester The Sam Horne Co McAlester Mid- West Fruit Co Muskogee 3 Teasdale Brokerage Co Muskogee Copedo Lime Co Oklahoma City 4 Interstate Brokerage Co Oklahoma City 4 Oklahoma Brokerage Co Oklahoma City 1 C. H. Robinson Co Oklahoma City Perry Poultry & Egg Co Perry A. Mathews Ringling Berlack Higgins Milling Co Shattuch 4 Hughes Brokerage Co Tulsa 1 C. H. Robinson Co Tulsa Sam Randle Weatherford OREGON Geo. T. Hall Eugene 1 H. S. Denison & Co Freewater 1 Apple Growers’ Assn Hood River 1 C. W. McCullough Hood River Irrigon Co-op. Melon & Potato Growers’ Assn Irrigon 1 Mosier Fruit Growers’ Assn Mosier W. B. Glafke Co Portland 1 Malboeuf & Kimball Portland McKinley Mitchell Portland Page & Son Portland PENNSYLVANIA E. H. Porter Beaver Falls Braddock Produce Co. Braddock 1 Cumberland Valley Fruit Growers Chambersburg Mahien Grocery Co Charleroi W. O. Mimich Cherryville H. W. Cochran Cherryville Ira Youkin Connellsville Osborne Youkin Connellsville J. J. Hoight Corry L. Sugarman Donora Erie Produce Co Erie Prendergast & Driscoll Erie Jos. D. Diehle Howard J. D. Rutledge & Sons Johnstown 22 1 and 4 1 and 3 3 4 1 3 1 and 3 Abraham Eby Lancaster Keystone Fruit Co Lebanon Garrahan Canning Co Luzerne Simon Fogel Mahonoy City Tulin Bros Mahonoy City A. D. Hintz Meadville Frank Barbero Monongahela S. S. Moyer Mount Carmel New Bethlehem Fruit Co New Bethlehem Smith Bros Oil City American Fruit Growers, Inc 143 Dock St., Philadelphia Albert S. Bailey 411 New Market St., Philadelphia A. G. Ballbach & Co 118 Callowhill St., Philadelphia Ben G. Carll Philadelphia John B. Cancelmo 151 Dock St., Philadelphia Frank J. Cole 27 N. 36th St., Philadelphia Isaac H. Darmon 2nd & Masters St., Philadelphia E. A. Daw. 403 New Market St., Philadelphia Glick Bros 131 Spruce St., Philadelphia Hardegen & Dunlap Dock & Walnut Sts., Philadelphia Geo. A. Hunter & Co 1356 Cadwallader St., Philadelphia Independent New Jersey Cranberry Co. ...135 S. 2d St., Philadelphia Geo. F. Moore & Co 358 N. Front St., Philadelphia Philadelphia Auction Co 236 N. Front St., Philadelphia Ed Roberts 220 Dock St., Philadelphia James Sawyers & Co.... 2936 Market St.-l 17 Dock St., Philadelphia P. S. Scott Co 150 Dock St., Philadelphia Siegler & Swain Co 125 Dock St., Philadelphia E. C. Stewart & Co 108 Callowhill St., Philadelphia Robert Van Heckel Philadelphia C. Wilkinson’s Sons 134 Dock St., Philadelphia H. B. Williams, Inc 2930 Market St., Philadelphia E. K. Woodoth 110 Dock St., Philadelphia Leo G. Altmyer Fruit Exchange Bldg., Pittsburg Andrews Bros. Co., Inc 54 21st St., Pittsburg H. K. Ayoob 1800 Pike St., Pittsburg A. Barardino & Co 403 Kellerman Bdlg., Pittsburg Ben G. Carll 137 Dock St., Pittsburg Geo. F. Coote Co 301 Kellerman Bldg., Pittsburg American Fruit Growers, Inc., Crutchfield & Woolfolk Div. 21st St. & Penn Ave., Pittsburg E. F. De Martini Penn & 21st St., Pittsburg Dobbins Bros 1806 Pike St., Pittsburg Dorland, Waltenbaugh Co., Inc Pennsylvania Bldg., Pittsburg Farrel Distributing Co ..Fruit Exchange Bldg., Pittsburg Free Bros. Co 42-44 18th St., Pittsburg Goldberg Bros Produce Terminal Bdlg., Pittsburg Great Atlantic & Pac. Tea Co Pittsburgh Growers & Shippers Sales Co Fruit Exchange Bldg., Pittsburg Hall & Tosh 47 18th St., Pittsburg Iron City Produce Co 60 21st St., Pittsburg H. H. Milroy 47 18th St., Pittsburg Sales Service Co Kellerman Bldg., Pittsburg Troop Bros. Co 1808 Pike St., Pittsburg Walter Overstreet ...Produce Terminal Bldg., Pittsburg The Pierce Co Scranton D. G. Seilers Sons Shamokin J. I. Helfman Sharon Levi Schveffler Tamaqua L. C. Burr.... Titusville Cosmo Mannino Tyrone Joseph Budvitzky & Sons Wilkes Barre E. J. Marsden Wilkes Barre Zorzi Bros. & Co Wilkes Barre Ed. Horn Williamsport S. Lanasa York Peter Tassia York 23 RHODE ISLAND 4 1 and 3 4 1 and 4 1 1 J. A. Larson Newport Newport Supply Co Newport H. B. Fiske & Co 57 Dyer St., Providence Providence Brokerage Co 118 Dyer St., Providence William S. Sweet & Son, Inc 7 Crawford Sq., Providence A. M. Tourtellot 37 Canal St., Providence SOUTH CAROLINA J. T. W. Flint 164 Bay St., Charleston L. M. F. Klingenberg 27 Bee St., Charleston Julius W. Nichols West Vendue & Concord Sts., Charleston Liberty Fruit & Produce Co Columbia J. T. Flynn Easley B. Jones ....Georgetown R. E. Sowell Hartsville South Carolina Association Meggett Mullin Mercantile Co Mullins Morris & Co Pickens Jon E. Sumner & Son Society Hill Rose & Rogers Timmonsville SOUTH DAKOTA Brooks Fruit Co Aberdeen Pioneer Fruit Co Deadwood Kimball Fruit Store Kimball TENNESSEE H. D. Phillips Chamberlain Bldg., Chattanooga A. Muxen 1021 Chestnut St., Chattanooga S. P. Caldwell Cleveland Edgar Green, Wholesale Grocery Co Lebanon S. P. Calkins & Co 500 McCall Bldg., Memphis E. E. George & Co 79 S. Front St., Memphis L. M. Hall & Co Randolph Bldg., Memphis John T. Leonard & Sons Bank of Commerce Bldg., Memphis Oliver-Finnie Co Vance & Tennessee Sts., Memphis Anderson Fish & Oyster Co 322 Fourth Ave., N., Nashville C. P. Cooney Jr. Co Independent Life Bldg., Nashville M. Flippen & Bros 600 Second Ave., N., Nashville James St. Charles & Son 419 Third Ave., N., Nashville Hill Hensley Sparta TEXAS Cox & Rogers Amarillo John Wickey & Son . . Anderson Jas. McKinstry Austin Mayn Reed Austin E. A. Jeanes & Co Ballinger S. Lederer & Sons Beaumont I. S. Henderson Claude Wm. Gerhardt Corpus Christi Associated Fruit Co... Dallas Blair & Hughes Co Hawkins & Pacific Sts., Dallas 24 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 Claud A. Brown Co Dallas Trueba & Pardo Eagle Pass R. L. Carter.. Elgin J. W. Lorentzen & Co El Paso Lyon & Co El Paso Runkels & Peacock ...El Paso Associated Fruit Co ..Ft Worth Grovier-Starr-Parvin Co Ft. Worth Jobbers Distributing Co Ft. Worth Texas Produce Distributors Co Ft. Worth Trinity County Lumber Co Groveton A. L. Brooks & Co Harlingen E. M. Congdon & Co Higgins Walter Lauer Houston Border Wholesale Commission Co Laredo L. Villegas & Co Laredo Lubbock Produce Co Lubbock American Fruit Growers Inc., Mercedes Division.... Mercedes Palestine Produce Co Palestine F. lory & Albers 608 Gunter Bldg., San Antonio C. D. Jarratt & Co San Antonio John Zadich & Co Alamo Bank Bldg., San Antonio I. G. Adamson Co San Benito Alexander Marketing Co "... San Benito James Turnbull Co San Benito H. Pickoff & Co Taylor Valley Bros. & Co Taylor R. H. Waldrop Teague Ramage Brokerage & Commission Co.. ..Texarkana J. K. Harvey Timpson Mayfield Co Tyler Parker, Pinkerton & Caldwell Tyler Alex Woldert Co Tyler City Produce Co Weatherford UTAH The Wm. Roylance Co Provo Associated Fruit Co Salt Lake City Utah Vegetable Co Salt Lake City VIRGINIA E. E. Lawler & Co Alexandria East Coast Potato Distributors Cape Charles W. H. Hudson Covington J. W. Chander Exmore Robinson Tate & Co Lynchburg Bisese & Console 246 Brewer St., Norfolk Crocker-Blufort Corp 233 Monticello Ave., Norfolk Jarvis & Fentress 32 Roanoke Ave., Norfolk Kemp E. Savage Bank of Commerce Bldg., Norfolk Vincent P. Scalco 236 Water St., Norfolk Southgate Produce Co Norfolk Stephens & Beimschla .......36 Roanoke Ave., Norfolk L. J. Upton & Co., Inc 61 Roanoke Ave., Norfolk Winn-Parker Co 38 Roanoke Ave., Norfolk Eastern Shore of Virginia Produce Exchange Onley R. U. Lecato Painter Crenshaw-Priddy Co 1304 E. Cary St., Richmond Gatewood & Krengle 1320 E. Cary St., Richmond O. D. Howard & Co 1214 E. Cary St., Richmond C. F. Morriss & Co Richmond Woodson. Craig Co 1315 E. Cary St., Richmond 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 Blue Ridge Produce Co Roanoke Jennings Bros Roanoke W. S. Lindsey Rural Retreat H. A. Fix Shenandoah Pinner & Co .' Suffolk WASHINGTON Bailey & Wicks, Clarkston Arcadia Valley Fruit Growers’ Association Deer Park Wenatchee Valley Fruit Exchange .Deer Park Garfield Fruit & Produce Co Garfield Thompson Fruit Co North Yakima Yakima Fruit Growers’ Association ...North Yakima Peshastin Fruit Growers’ Association Peshastin Banana Express Co 400 Globe Bldg., Seattle Hohag Bros. & Rice Seattle The John Gourley Co 915 Western Ave., Seattle Northwestern Fruit Exchange Stewart Bldg., Seattle Earl Fruit Co. o f Northwest Spokane Hafer Brokerage Co Spokane Nash Spokane Co Spokane Northwestern Sales Agency Spokane C. H. Robinson Co Spokane, Wash. Spokane Seed Co Spokane Blalock Fruit & Produce Co Walla Walla Valley Fruit Co Walla Walla Walla Walla Gardeners’ Association Walla Walla Clarke-Oliver Apple Co Wenatchee Dow Fruit Co Wenatchee Wells & Wade Fruit Co Wenatchee Wenatchee Northern Warehouse & Marketing Co Wenatchee Wenatchee Produce Co Wenatchee Condon Orchards Yakima Hays Fruit Co Yakima C. M. Holtzinger Yakima T. L. Lynch Yakima A. E. Marsh Co Yakima Pennington & Co Yakima Perham Fruit Co Yakima J. M. Perry & Co Yakima Rainier Fruit Co Yakima Richey & Gilbert Co ; Yakima E. E. Samson Co Yakima J. A. Sisler Co Yakima Thomoson-Duddy Co Yakima Washington Fruit & Produce Co Yakima Yakima County Horticultural Union Yakima A. E. Marsh Co Zillah WEST VIRGINIA Biagi Fruit & Produce Co Charleston Charleston Brokerage Co Charleston C. H. James & Son Charleston The Leroy Swinburn Co Charleston V. Parmesano Elkins J. Russo Fruit Co Fairmont W. B. Hackenburg Huntington J. M. McCoach & Co Huntington Maier Sales & Storage Co .Huntington Kenova Trading Co Kenova L. S. Martin & Son Martinsburg 26 Jos. Battaglia. W. H. Metzer Wellsburg .Wheeling WISCONSIN Jos. Schilbauer Amery Equity Exchange The Fredrick Produce Co B. F. Winn S. Miller Fruit Co..... A. J. Conroy, Inc., F. I. Epstein Co J. O. Franklin & Sons H. G. Grell Co Hamm. Bros. Produce Co New Lisbon Produce Co W. C. Blissett Oshkosh Produce Co Chas. F. Murphy Co. Sparta Produce Exchange Somers Produce Co Door County Fruit Growers’ Union Waupun Canning Co Algoma Amery Fredrick Granton Marshfield ..357 Broadway, Milwaukee ..257 Broadway, Milwaukee 288 East Water, Milwaukee ..270 Broadway, Milwaukee 530 Poplar, Milwaukee New Lisbon Oshkosh Oshkosh Peshtigo Sparta Somers Sturgeon Bay .Waupun WYOMING City Fruit Co Wyoming Dehydrating Co Gamble Robinson Co . . Casper , . Cowley Sheridan CANADA E. G. Thompson Blenheim Parsons Produce Co Calgary Vernon Fruit Co Calgary Elkhorn Trading Co Elkhorn Lemon, Thompson Ft. Williams I. K. Martin Galt J. A. Julien Grand Mere Walker, Hugh & Son Gullph Bauld Bros Halifax Spicuzza & Sansona Hamilton Walker Fruit Co Kitchener Erie Co-op. Co Leamington L. H. Levasseur Liviere du Lamp Lanford & Edward London Perrin & Rowentree London Scott National, Ltd Medicine Hat Montreal Fruit Exchange Montreal Eugene Sherwin Montreal McDonald Crawford Moose Jaw L. Bondi Mt. Forest Willow Point Fruit Growers’ Association ...Nelson Dominion Fruit Exchange Ottawa Portage Fruit Co Portage La Prairie Alex Legare & Son Quebec Rupert Table Supply Co Prince Ruppert P. Burns & Co Regina Lloyd Fruit Co Regina Geo. French Sarnia J. Bussiere Shawinigan Falls 27 McDonald Crawford, Ltd Swift Current Geo. Barbour St. John Geo. French St. Thomas Brace McKay & Co Summerside R. P. Stevenson & Co Sydney 1 and 4 W. B. Stringer Toronto Rex Fruit Co ..Vancouver F. R. Stewart Co Vancouver 1 Okonagan United Growers, Ltd Vernon The Walker Fruit Co Weyburn Bright-Emery Co Winnipeg Sterling Fruit Co Winnipeg Ed Allen Yarmouth Smith Fruit Co Yorkton The numbers in front of Firm names indicate the Associations of which they are members and are as follows : 1. American Fruit & Vegetable Shippers Association. 2. Colorado Potato Shippers Association. 3. Melon Distributors Association. 4. Fruit & Vegetable Brokers Association. 28