1 BY-LAWS OF ocal Union No. I International Brotherhood of Foundry Employes OF ST. LOUIS AND VICINITY Adopted and Revised July 1st, 1908 MCLEAN PTG. CO. 1115-17 CHESTNUT k BY-LAWS OF Local Union No* 1 International Brotherhood of Foundry Employes OF ST. LOUIS AND VICINITY Adopted and Revised July 1st, J908 MC LEAN PTG. CO. 1115-17 CHESTNUT PREAMBLE, Wealth is power, and experience teaches it is a power but too often used to oppress and degrade the daily laborer. It, therefore, becomes us, as men who have to deal with stern realities, to look them in the face. There is no evading— it is a question of importance to every man that labors, and it is but right that we establish a protective power, which we believe is Union of all our crafts, based upon justice, founded in necessity, main- tained by prudence, and a firm belief that labor is worthy a proper and just remuneration. The past has taught, the present claims and the future de- mands that we, the Foundry Employes, should act upon the universally conceded doctrine that self-preservation is the first law of nature; and acting upon and accepting the same we do sol- emnly unite ourselves in unity, to prevent, by all lawful means, encroachments upon us individu- ally and our interest collectively. With every confidence in the justice of our cause, we mutual- ly pledge ourselves to support the Constitution of the A. F. of L. and the following By-Laws, believ- ing that they form the basis that will finally secure to us the consummation of the end desired. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Roll call of officers. 3. Reading minutes of previous meeting. 4. Proposition for membership. 5. Balloting for candidates. 6. Initiation of candidates. 7. Communications and bills of account. 8. Reports of committees, standing and special. 9. New business. ^ 10. Is there any member out of employment? Any vacancies to be filled? 11. Unfinished business. 12. Remarks for the good and welfare of the Union. 13. Report' of Financial Secretary. 14. Report of Treasurer. 15. Adjournment. BY-LAWS* ARTICLE I. name: and object. Section 1. This Organization shall be known as Local No. 1, International Brotherhood of Foundry Employes, of St. Louis and vicinity. Sec. 2. The object of this Local shall be the elevation of the position, the maintenance of the interests of the craft, the creation of a friendly feeling among its members, and all things apper- taining to the metal working business, in which the men under its jurisdiction may be involved. SEC. 3. This Organization cannot be dissolved as long as there are ten members in favor of its maintenance. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. Section 1. The Officers of this Union shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Business Agent, Treasurer, Three Trustees, Guide and Guardian, Sergeant- at-Arms and Executive Committee of five. Members who shall be elected separately by ballot for a term of six months; election to take place the last regular meeting in December and and the last regular meeting in June and installed the first regular meeting in January and July, ex- cepting the Financial Secretary, Business Agent, and Treasurer, whose term of office shall be for one year, election to take place the last regular meeting in June and installed at the next regular meeting. — 4 — Sec. 2. Should a vacancy occur in any elective office, by death, resignation or otherwise, the Local shall proceed, at the first regular meeting thereafter, to elect a successor to serve the re- mainder of the term of the original incumbent, but this shall not prevent the presiding officer from filling any office pro tern, President and his duties. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Local; to pre- serve good order and harmony, watch vigilently over the affairs of the Local, etc. He shall ap- point all committees (by and with the consent of a majority of the members present) unless other- wise ordered by meeting; call all special meetings when requested by ten members, and do all other duties ^hich may of right appertain. Vice-President. Sec. 4. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his official duties, and in his absence discharge the duties of the President. Recording Secretary. Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of all meetings; he shall keep a correct list of all mem- bers and their residences and address, and all members shall be required to notify the Secretary of a change of residence and address as soon as possible. He shall receive for his services the sum of $ per annum, payable quarterly. Financial Secretary. SEC. 6. The financial Secretary shall keep an accurate account of all moneys paid into the - 5 - r Local and return to the Treasurer an account of same, which the Treasurer will acknowledge by his receipt on the books of the Secretary; he shall allow the trustees to examine his books at any time, (the books to be examined once every three months at least) and shall, at the end of his term of office, show full receipts for all moneys, as a condition of his books. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall give such bond as the Local may deem satisfactory. Business Agent. SEC. 7. It shall be the duties of the Business Agent to acquaint himself thoroughly with the laws and policy of this Local and the I. B. of F. E. so as to be able to advise when members are in doubt on any point; he shall also make every effort to have eligible employes to join this Local and endeavor to settle all disputes that may arise between members and employers, but he shall in no case be authorized to order a strike except when a strike was sanctioned by the Local. He shall personally interview the shop commit- tee of each shop at least once every month, and perform such other duties as the Local may re- quire; he shall, for the faithful performance of his duties, receive weekly the sum of $ Treasurer . SEC. 8. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all money received by the Secretary, pay all orders drawn on him by order of the Local and signed by the President and Secretary; he shall keep a correct account of all money received and ex- pended, and at the expiration of his term of office he shall give to the Trustees a correct amount of same; he shall receive for his services $ — 6 — per annum, payable quarterly. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall give such bond as the Local may deem necessary. When he shall have more than fifty ($50) dollars in his possession, he shall deposit same subject to the instructions of a regular meeting. Guardian. Sec. 9. He shall have charge of the outer door, also the ante room; he shall admit no one without the password, unless otherwise ordered by the President. Guide. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the Guide to examine the members of the opening of the meetings and assist in the initiation of new mem- bers; he shall be the messenger of the President and the Local and also have charge of the ballot box. Sergean t-at-A rms . SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at- Arms to preserve order during the meetings. Shop Committee. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the Shop Com- mittee to ascertain the standing of every mem- ber when given employment, and the first working day of each month examine the due book of each member in each shop; he shall immediately no- tify any grievance that he is not able to adjust; he shall be the official representative of this Local and perform such other duties as this Local may require. For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive the sum of fifty (50) cents per month. Sec. 13. No member shall be eligible to hold office until he has been a member of this Local for one year. - 7 — ARTICLE III. Section 1. Candidates for membership shall be proposed in writing by a member of the Local and recorded by the Secretary. Propositions for membership shall be made at regular meetings only and balloted for at the next regular meeting, but should the interest of the Local demand it he may be balloted for with the unanimous consent of the members present at any regular meeting. The initiation fee shall be at the option of the Local. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. In case any member of this Union enters any meeting in a state of intoxication, or uses profane language during said meeting, he shall be fined fifty (50) cents, and said fine will deprive him of the privilege of the hall, the same as a member in arrears, until paid up. ARTICLE V. Section 1. Any member who consents to serve on a committee and neglects the duties thereof, shall be fined fifty (50) cents. Absence from the city or sickness shall be considered as a reasonable excuse. ARTICLE VI. Section 1. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present, due notice having been given of such intention to alter or amend at the previous meeting, in writing. ARTICLE VII. Section 1. In case of death the President shall appoint a committee of four members with one carriage to attend the funeral, and the sum of - 8 - one ($1.00) dollar shall be allowed to each at- tending, but in no case shall the Organization permit its members to serve as pall bearers, nor furnish a carriage where a non-union undertaker has charge of the funeral. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. No member shall be entitled to the benefits of this Organization until he has been such in continuous good standing for one year. Sec. 2. No member of this Organization shall receive benefits unless his sickness or disability disables him from working six days in succession; in case of such sickness or disability, he shall re- ceive the sum of three ($3.00) dollars per week, when his case has been acted upon favorably by the Executive Board. SEC. 3. No member shall receive sick benefits in any one sickness for a longer period than ten weeks in any one year. Any member of this Or- ganization taking sick must notify the Financial Secretary or the Executive Board immediately, or his case will not be acted upon. All sick benefits shall commence from date of notification. SEC. 4. No member shall receive benefits for injuries or sickness caused by dissipation, drunk- eness, or immoral conduct. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of each member, within thirty (30) days after the Secretary has been notified of the death of a member in good standing, to pay the death assessment, and all shop committees shall be notified by the Finan- cial Secretary of the death of a member. Sec. 6. On the death of a member the Finan- cial Secretary shall immediately notify the Ex- ecutive Board in due form of such death, stating — 9 — member’s name, accompanied by physician’s cer- tificate, medical attendance, stating the nature and cause of death. SEC. 7. Immediately upon receiving notice of the death of a member, the Secretary shall make record of the facts of the case and forward the papers to the Executive Board, who shall examine into the case, and the President shall sign a draft on the Treasurer, who shall remit the amount due the deceased to the person or persons named in his certificate, taking a receipt for said sum, which he shall copy and file into the records of his office for future reference, but under no cir- cumstances will this Organization pay the speci- fied amount of death benefit where self-destruc- tion is proven. SEC. 8. The relief contributed to the family of a deceased member out of the relief fund shall in no case exceed $50.00. Sec. 9. Immediately upon the death of a mem- ber the Executive Board shall order an assess- ment to provide funds for the death, payable in thirty (30) days. Sec. 10. The amount due the family of a de- deceased member out of the relief fund shall be paid upon proper proof and without unnecessary delay. Sec. 11. In case of the death of a member having no family or persons to look after his re- mains, the Executive Board shall take charge of of them and bury them in a respectable manner, and all money not expended on the deceased shall revert to the relief fund of the Local. — 10 — SUPLIMENTARY LAWS. ARTICLE I. Section 1. Ten members shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 2. The meetings shall be called to order at 8 o’clock sharp. SEC. 3. At the appropriate hour the President shall take the chair and proceed to business. SEC. 4. The regular meeting of this Union shall be held on the of each month. SEC. 5. In the absence of the President and Vice-President it shall be the duty of any present officer to call the meeting to order and proceed to business. ARTICLE II. Section 1. It shall be considered the duty of any member of this Union to report to it when out of employment, and any member knowing of any vacancy shall report the same to the Union. ARTICLE III. Section 1. All charges and complaints must be made in writing to the President; he shall appoint a committee of investigation, who shall report at the next regular meeting. SEC. 2. When charges have been preferred against a member in proper manner, they shall be referred to a special committee of five members who shall, without further delay, summon said party for examination, and should the committee be convinced of the necessity of suspending or - 11 - fining him, they may use their full power and serve the case as they deem best (subject to ap- peal to the International Organization.) Sec. 3. Any member having charges preferred against him can choose any member of the Union to defend him, except the President or Vice- President. Any member found guilty of bringing false or malicious charges against any brother member shall be suspended or expelled, as the Executive Committee shall see proper. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. No candidate for membership shall be present at the balloting, but if elected shall be notified by the Shop Committee to ap- pear for initiation. Any party failing to appear for two regular meetings, his name shall be erased from the books. ARTICLE V. Section 1. Any member of the Union who shall in any way violate any of the provisions of these By-Laws, may be fined, suspended or ex- pelled, as such law may direct. Sec. 2. This Union shall have power to assess its members for extraordinary purposes, not ex- ceeding 50 cents, and shall at no time levy a fine to exceed $5.00. ARTICLE VI. Section 1. The funds of this Union shall not be appropriated to any use whatever, except for the incidental or running expenses of this Union, only by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing. SEC 2. The dues of this Union shall not be less than 50 cents per month, payable in advance. —12 — Sec. 3. Any member becoming three months in arrears with their dues and assessments shall be, after being duly notified, suspended. SEC. 4. Any member suspended for non-pay- ment of dues and assessments, shall pay the sum of $5.00 before he can be reinstated. SEC. 5. Any member reinstated shall forfeit all rights for benefits and be considered the same as a new initiate. ARTICLE VII. Section 1. Any member elected to office who is not present at the first regular meeting after the election, shall forfeit his claim, and another election be held forthwith, unless the elected party sends reasonable excuse. SEC. 2. Any officer or committeeman having the custody of any books or papers or other ar- ticles necessary to the business of the Union or its committees and failing to produce the same when required, shall be fined from 50c. to $5.00. Sec. 3. Any retiring officer having in his cus- tody any moneys, books or papers or other prop- erty of this Union and failing to turn over the same to his successor, shall be liable to such fine as the Union may impose, or to expulsion from the Union. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. Any member failing to parade in Labor Day parade, is subject to a fine of a day’s pay, according to the standard scale of wages. Sec 2. This Union shall have an official seal with an appropriate device, which shall be im- pressed upon all official documents and papers used and issued by the Union. RULES OF ORDER. 1. The President, while presiding, shall state all questions coming before the meeting before allowing debate thereon, and immediately before putting it to a vote shall ask: “Is the Union ready for the qeestion?” Should no member rise to speak, and the Union indicate their readiness he shall rise to put the question, After he has risen no member shall be allowed to speak upon it. 2. When the decision of the Chair is appealed from, he shall state his decision and his reason therefor from the chair. The party appealing shall state the reason for the appeal, after which, without further debate, the question shall be put thus: “Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Union?” 3. The regular order of business may be sus- pended by two-thirds vote. 4. All resignations must be submitted in writing. 5. Every member while speaking shall adhere to question under debate, avoid all personalities and indecorus language. 6. No member shall speak more than once on the same subject until all members wishing to speak shall have an opportunity to do so, or more than twice without permission from the Chair, nor more than ten minutes at the same time. 7. Any member may call for a Division of the question when the sense will admit of it. - 14 - 8. All votes other than an amendment to the Constitution, By-Laws or Rules of Order may be considered at the same or next two succeeding meetings, upon a motion made and seconded by two members who voted in the majority, provided the Union agrees thereto, but after a motion to reconsider has once been lost it shall not be renewed. - 15 — . t