' - . . * . ft tJ. vli MJ, • -H ■ ' ' ■ •. 1 - ■ . -• ■ ; ? 9 ' y ; -* * :• •• -. . /, w : : ! s : w : % : : i : Finding List Public Library */ Pekin, Illinois August, 1905 f The Tribune Printing Co. Pekin, Ill. : : Pekiim Public Library ESTABLISHED 1SGG Board of Trustees President—C. G. Herget. Vice-President—Miss Mary E. Gaither, Secretary—Ben P. Schenck. Miss Elizabeth Weyrich, Mrs. John L. Hinners, John L. Smith. Franklin L. Velde, Mrs. Anna Schipper, Henry Birkenbusch. Librarian—Miss Anna M. Smith. Assistant Librarian—Miss Nellie M. Gish Committees Finance and Auditing Henry Birkenbusch. Mrs. John L. Hinners. John L. Smith. Library, Books and Reading Room Miss Mary E. Gaither. Miss Elizabeth Weyrich. Franklin L. Velde. Administration and Management C. G. Herget, Henry Birkenbusch. Mrs. Anna Schipper Miss Mary E. Gaither. Corner Stone of New Building Laid by the Masonic Fraternity August 19, A. D. 1902, A. L. 5902, Geo. M. Moulton, Grand Master. ^ I Erected Through the Generosity of Andrew Carnegie and George Herget. 1905 15306 ✓ Recent Gifts Among recent valuable gifts presented to the Library, men¬ tion should be made of marble busts of Goethe, Longfellow and Shakespeare from Henry Block, and a bronze bust of William McKinley from Steinmetz & Kaylor. The Woman’s Club gave a large mahogany clock. Fine engravings have been presented by Mrs. John Kolte, Mrs. Ella A. Barber and the Hawthorne Club. VII Contents Page History of the Pekin Public Library, ix Roster of ex-officers, .... xi Rules and regulations, xiv Information for readers, . XV Current periodicals, . xvi Classified list, . . • . i Biography, ..... 32 Children’s books, .... . 38 Author list, ..... 67 Fiction, ...... 98 Vlll Historical On November 24th, 1866, a large number of the ladies of Pekin met to organize what was for many years known as “The Ladies’ Library Association.” In June, 1867 a permanent organization was established and two ladies were appointed to wait upon the city council to solicit aid. One hundred dollars was granted them. Membership tick¬ ets were printed and sold for $2 to ladies and $5 to gentlemen. In 1870 the first catalogue was printed. At that time over 050 volumes were listed and the membership roll contained 99 names. In March, 1883, a special meeting was called to consider the question of incorporation under the laws of the state. In April, 1883, a board of twelve members ivas chosen and the name was changed to the “Pekin Library Association.” In June of the same year a committee called upon the city council with a proposition to make the library a free city library. The council committee to whom the proposition was referred reported adversely. The librarian’s report in 1886 showed an increased demand for books suitable for the use of school children. The board of directors that year included the Eev. George B. Addicks, the Rev. S. L. Gamble and Prof. Scudder, superintendent of the city schools. In May Mrs. W. E. Schenck, the president, was re¬ quested by the board to circulate a petition in favor of the city taking the library. Miss Agnes Alexander was employed as librarian at a salary of $8 per month. In the spring of 1889 the books and other property of the Pekin Library Association were removed from the Friederich building to the old city fire house, corner of Court and Seventh streets. In 1892 it was “Resolved, That the Board of Directors of the Pekin Library Association deem it expedient for the best inter¬ ests of it patrons and for the increase of usefulness to the public generally that said Library Association should be made a free library and all its belongings be and are hereby tendered to the City of Pekin as a gift, free of any indebtedness, and that the ex- IX pense of conducting said free library be provided for by general taxation as provided by law, all to be under the control and direc¬ tion of tlie City Council of the City of Pekin. 7 ’ A petition in due form was presented to the City Council on February 6, 1893, signed by Miss Eliza Hodgson, president; Miss Anna Steinmetz, secretary; Conrad Luppen, treasurer. Two years later the sum of $100 was granted by the City Council and in 1896 $200 was granted and final steps were taken to transfer the library to the city, which was formally accom- plished in that year. In 1899 the library was removed to the Steinmetz block, sec¬ ond floor, and was open to the public every week-day afternoon and evening, commencing with July, 1900. In 1900 the salary of the librarian was increased to $35 per month. At a meeting of the Library Board November 8, 1900, the president, Franklin L. Velde in the chair, a note was presented by Miss Gaither from Andrew Carnegie offering $10,000 for a building; also an offer from George Herget of a suitable site for the same. In December, 1900, the president and secretary by author¬ ity of the Board prepared and secured the passage of an ordi¬ nance by the City Council, Mayor E. IV. Wilson presiding, where¬ by a sum of not less than $1,500 was annually appropriated to the support of the library. At the same time Carl G. Herget offered to give $1,000 for the purchase of new books for the proposed new library, providing a like sum be raised by the citizens of Pekin for the same purpose. This condition was afterward met and the entire fund of $2,000 used for the purchase of books. Later, upon the City Council increasing the annual appro¬ priation to $1,750, Mr. Carnegie’s gift was increased to $17,500. In January, 1902, a building committee consisting of four members of the Board, namely: Carl G. Herget, Mrs. Emdly P. Schenck, William J. Conzelman and Franklin L. Velde, was authorized to proceed with the selection of a suitable plan and the recommendation of an architect. Paul G. Moratz, of Bloom¬ ington, was chosen as the architect and the contract was let to John D. Handburv. 1 he coiner stone was laid August 19th, 1902, and the librarv was thrown open to the public December 10, 1903. Roster of Ex-Officers 1866. President.Mrs. C. W; Dunnigan V. President.Mrs. Erastus Rhodes Secretary. Mrs. W. W. Clemens Cor. Secretary.Miss Mary Reeves Treasurer. Mrs. T. D. Vincent Librarian.Wm. S. Trince 1867. President.Mrs. C. R. Cummings V. President.Mrs. Erastus Rhodes Secretary.Miss Cora L. Cummings Treasurer.Mrs. S. E. Barber Librarian.Wm. S. Prince Ass’t. Librarian... .Mrs. S. A. Trowbridge 1874. President.Mrs. II. P. Westerman V. President.Mrs. W. F. Hemy Secretary.Miss Addie L. Turner Treasurer.Mrs. El'.a A. Barber Librarian.Miss Belle MeGrew Ass’t. Librarian.Caesar A. Roberts 1875. President.Mrs. Ella A. Barber V. President.Mrs. W. F. Henry Secretary.Miss Addie L. Turner Treasurer.Miss Eunice M. Sage Librarian.Miss Mary E. Gaither 1868. President.Mrs. John B. Colirs V. President.Mrs. C. R. Cummings Secretary.Mrs. W. W. Clemens Treasurer. Mrs. M. Fisk Librarian.Miss Alice Fennelly Ass’t. Librarian_Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck 1869. President.Mrs. S. Wagenseller V. President.Mrs. A. B. Sawyer Secretary...Mrs. Geo. S. Smith Treasurer. Mrs. W. F. Henry Librarian...Miss Mary H. Clemens Ass't. Librarian.Miss Alice Fennelly 1870. President.Mrs. I. E. Leonard V. President.Mrs. Wm. Don Maus Secretary.Mrs. Geo. S. Smith Treasurer.Mrs. Erastus Rhodes Librarian.Miss Alice Fennelly Ass’t. Librarian.Mrs. Kate Ramsey 1871. President.Mrs. I. E. Leonard V. President.Mrs. Wm. Don Maus Secretary.Miss Mary E. Clemens Treasurer.Mrs. Ella A. Barber Librarian.Mrs. W. F. Henry Ass’t. Librarian.Miss Addie L. Turner 1872. President.Mrs. I. E. Leonard V. President.Mrs. Wm. Don Maus Secretary.Mrs. C. G. Whitney Treasurer.Mrs. Ella A. Barber Librarian.Mrs. W. F. Henry Ass’t Librarian.Miss Addie L. Turner 1873- (No Official Record) Librarian.Miss Eunice M. Sage 1876. President.Mrs. W. W. Clemens V. President.Mrs. G. F. Saltonstall Secretary.Miss Ada McHenry Treasurer.Miss Eunice M. Sage Librarian. Clias. Alexander 1877. President.Mrs. G. F. Saltonstall V. President.Mrs. Id. W. Hippen Secretary.Mrs. W. W. Clemens Treasurer.Mrs. J. M. James Librarian .Clias. Alexander 1878. President.Mrs. Id. W. Hippen V. President.Mrs. Geo. Colvin Secretary.Mrs. W. W. Clemens Treasurer.Mrs. G. F. Saltonstall Librarian.Mrs. Mary Fisk 1879. President.Mrs. W. H. Bates V. President.Mrs. John Ames Secretary.Mrs. W. W. Clemens Treasurer.Miss Clara Ledterman Librarian. Mrs. Mary Fisk 1880. President.Mrs. W. II. Bates V. President.Mrs. David Lowry Secretary.Mrs. W. W. Clemens Treasurer.Miss Emma Feltman Librarian.Mrs. Mary Fisk 1881. (No Official Record) Librarian.Miss Eunice M. Sage Ass’t Librarian.Miss Hannah Turner xi 1882. President.Mrs. John F. Schipper V. President.Miss Carrie Clemens Secretary.Miss Eunice M. Sage Treasurer.Mrs. R. D. Smith Librarian.Miss Annie Turner Ass't. Librarian.Miss Gussie Leach 1883. President.Mrs. F. E. Rupert V. President.Hon. D. C. Smith Secretary. Wm, Blenkiron Treasurer.Mrs. John F. Schipper Librarian.Miss Luella Miller 1884. President.Mrs. James F. Peyton V. President.Mrs. F. E. Rupert Secretary. Mrs. A. B. Sawyer Treasurer.Miss Lottie Smith Librarian.Miss Agnes Alexander 1885. President...Miss Eliza Hodgson V. President..Henry Block Secretary.J. M. Cooper Treasurer.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck Librarian.Miss Agnes Alexander 1886. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck V. President.Rev. Geo. B. Addicks Secretary.Mrs. Conrad Luppen Treasurer.B. R. Hieronymus Librarian.Miss Agnes Alexander 1887. President.Mrs. J. M. James V. President.Rev. S. L. Gamble Secretary.Mrs. K. S. Conklin Treasurer .Conrad Luppen Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1888. President.Mrs. H. W. Hippen V. President...E. F. Unland Secretary.Mrs. W. L. Pretty man Treasurer. Conrad Luppen Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1889. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck V. President.A. B. Sawyer Secretary.Mrs. W. L. Prettyman Treasurer.Conrad Luppen Librarian.....Mrs. Kate Skelly 1890. President.Miss Minnie Be’gstresser V. President.Mrs. J. M. James Secretary.Miss Annie Stoltz Treasurer .Conrad Luppen Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly * 1891. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck V. President.G. A. Kuhl Secretary.Miss Ella Hippen Treasurer. Conrad Luppen Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1892. President.Miss Eliza Hodgson Secretary.Miss Anna Steinmetz Treasurer.,. Conrad Luppen Librarian .Mrs. Kate Skelly 1893.. President.Mrs. Anna Schipper V. President.Otto H. Unland Secretary.Miss Agnes Alexander Treasurer. Conrad Luppen Librarian .Mrs. Kate Skelly 1894. President.Mrs. J. L. Hinners V. President...Rev. C. E. Rust Secretary.Miss Elisebeth Weyrich Treasurer.Conrad Luppen Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1895. President.Mrs. Geo. C. Rider V, President.Artlnfr A. Sipfle Secretary.Miss Elisebeth Weyrich Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1896. President.Henry M. Ehrlicher V. President .Conrad Luppen Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1897 - President. Conrad Luppen V. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Mrs. Kate Skelly 1898. President. Conrad Luppen V. President.Mrs. F. E. Rupert Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Miss Anna M. Smith 1899. President.Franklin L. Velde V. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck President.Franklin L. Velde Librarian.Miss Anna M. Smith igoo. V. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Miss Anna M. Smith Xll igoi President.Franklin L. Yelcle V. President.Mrs. Wm. E. Schenck Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Miss Anna M. Smith 1902. President.Franklin L. Velde V. President.Miss Mary E. Gaither Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian .Miss Anna M. Smith 1503. President.Franklin L. Velde V. President.Miss Mary E. Gaither Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Miss Anna M. Smith 1904. President.Wm. J. Conzelman V. President.Miss Mary E. Gaither Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian .Miss Anna M. Smith 1905 . President.C. G. Herget V. President.Miss Mary E. Gaither Secretary-Treasurer.Ben P. Schenck Librarian.Miss Anna M. Smith Asst. Librarian.Miss Nellie M. Gish xm Extracts from Rules LIBRARY HOXJRS The Library shall be open every day with the exception of Sundays and legal holidays, from 10 a. m. to 9 p. ni. . * MEMBERSHIP Every resident of Pekin, and all persons having a permanent place of business in Pekin are entitled to draw books from the library. Non-residents may have the samje privilege by paying a fee of seventy-five cents every six months. Visitors in the city may take books from the library by mak¬ ing a temporary deposit equal to the value of the book. All persons desiring membership will be given an applica¬ tion blank, which must be filled out with the name and address of the applicant, and the signature of some known responsible person as guarantor. Children under sixteen years of age must obtain the signature of parents or guardian. Each member will be supplied with a reader's card, which must be presented whenever a book is taken, returned or renewed. A lost card will be replaced after seven days’ notice, or on pay¬ ment of five cents. ISSUE OR BOOKS Two books may be taken on one card, only one of which shall be fiction. Two volumes of the same work will be considered one book. > All books, except those marked seven days, may be retained for two weeks, and may be renewed for the same period. A fine of two cents a day, Sundays excepted, will be imposed for books kept over time, and two cents for each mailed notice. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES Teachers, and all persons making a special study of any sub¬ ject, may with the permission of the Librarian, take any number of books for reference work, and keep them a month, or longer by special arrangement, the Librarian reserving the privilege of call¬ ing in any book if asked for bv borrowers. At the request of any teacher in the Public Schools, books will be placed upon reserve shelves for use of students. XIV J } Information for Readers FINDING LIST The finding list contains a complete list of all material in the library May 1, 1905. Books are arranged first in a classified list, followed by juvenile books, and an author list of all books except those of fiction, which are arranged by author and title, forming the last list in the book. TO FIND CERTAIN BOOK If the author is known, consult the Author List. In this list all the books by a certain author, except fiction, are arranged alphabetically under his name. If books on a certain subject are wanted, the Classified List will be more helpful. Appl} T for books by number at the right of the column. The card catalogue at the Library is for the use of the public. It is kept up to date, and contains author and title, , or author and subject card for every book in circulation. Consult it for recent additions. XV Current Periodicals and Newspapers American journal of sociology. p o t Art interchange. Atlantic monthly. Bookman. Century magazine. Chicago recorcl-lierald. Chicago tribune. Christian register. Christian science journal. Christian science sentinel. Cosmopolitan. Critic. Dial. Educational review. Engineering magazine. Forum. Harper’s monthly magazine. Harper’s weekly. Illinois university-press bulletin. International quarterly. McClure’s magazine. Munsev’s magazine. North American review. Outing. Outlook. Pekin daily post-tribune. Pekin daily times. Peoria journal. Peoria evening star. Popular science monthly. Public libraries. Readers’ guide to periodical literature. Review of reviews. St. Nicholas, Scribner’s magazine. Success. United States—Patent office. Official gazette. United States—Superintendent of documents. Catalog. United States-—Weather bur¬ eau. Illinois section of cli¬ mate and crop report. World’s work. Youth’s companion. XVI General Works BIBLIOGRAPHY, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, ETC. Adams, C. K. Manual of histori¬ cal literature. 1882.It 016.9 A21 American library association. Cat¬ alog for a popular library. 1904 .R 017 A51 List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs. 1901. R 025 A51 Century cyclopedia of names. C1900.R 030 C39 Chamber’s new American encyclo¬ paedia. 12v. 1890.R 030 C44 Channing, Edward & Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history. 1903.R 016.97 C45 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classifica- cation and relativ index. 1899. .R 025 D51 Simplified Library school rules. 1898.R 025 D51s Encyclopedia Americana. 16v. C1903-04..R 030 E56 Fletcher, W. I. Public libraries ip America. 1899. (Columbian knowledge ser.).027 F61 History of Virginia, n. d.090 H67 Illinois—State library. Catalogue. 1903.R 019 129 International cyclopaedia. 15v. 1895 .R 030 161 International year book. 1898-1902. .R 030 1612 Johnson, Samuel. Works, v. 1-8, 10-12,14-15. 1806.090 J69 Koopman, H. L. Mastery of books. C1896.028 K82 Library bureau. Library catalog. 1902.R 029 LC9 Matson, Henry. References for lit¬ erary workers. 1904.It 028 M43 Moore, C. H. What to read, and how to read. 1871.028 MS2 Public libraries. Jan.1904-date. v. 9-date.020.5 P97 Small books on great subjects. v.1-3. 1847.040 SC3 Shuman, E. L. Practical journal- alism. 1903.070 S56 Spofford, A. R. Book for all read¬ ers. 1900.020 S76 Stephens, II. M. & others. Coun¬ cil on the reading of books. 1901. t.028 S83 Ralph, Julian. Making of a jour¬ nalist. 1903.070 Rib United States—Library of Congress. Report. 1904.027 U58 —Superintendent of documents. Catalogue of the United States public documents; monthly. Feb.1900-date .D 015 Un36 Document catalogue. 1895-96. 1899-1901. v.2, 5.R 015 Un36d Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. 12v. 1902.R 030 U58 PERIODICALS. Atlantic monthly. Jan.1904-date. v.93-date.051 A88 Bookman, Sept.1903-date. v. 18- date.051 B72 Century. Nov.1883-date. v. 27-date. 051 C39 Cosmopolitan. Nov.1903-date. v. 36-date.051 C83 Critic. Jan.1904-date. v.44-date.. .051 C93 Dial. lJan. 1904-date. v.36-date.. .051 D53 Forum. Sept.1903-date. v.35-date.. .051 F74 Harper’s new monthly magazine. Dec. 1884-date. v.70-date.051 1129 Harper’s weekly. 2Jan.1903-date. 48-date .051 H29w International quarterly. Sept.1903- date. v.8-date.050 161 McClure’s magazine. Dec.1895-date. v.6-date .051 M12 Munsey’s magazine. Oct.1895-date. v.l4-date.051 MCe Music. Nov. 1899—Apr.1902. v.17- 21.051 M98 North American review. July,1899 date. v.169-date.051 N86 Outing. Apr.1891-date. v.18-date. .051 094 Outlook. 2Jan.1904-date. v.76-date. 051 0?5 Poole’s index to periodical litera¬ ture, abridged. 1901.R 050 P82 Readers’ guide to periodical litera¬ ture. Dec.1902-date, v.2, no.12- date .:.R 050 R28 Review of reviews. Jan.1896-date. v.13-date. 051 Ri5 Scribner’s magazine. Jan.1887-date. v.1-date.051 S43 Success. Jan.1904-date. v.7-date. .051 S94 World’s work. Nov.1903-date. v. 7-date.051 W92 2 PHILOSOPHY Philosophy. Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Al¬ bans. Essays. 1873.192 B12 Baldwin, J. M. ed. Dictionary of philosophy and psi^chology. v. 1-2. 1901-2.R 103 B15 Colton, C. C. Bacon. 1849.192 C72 Haeckel, Ernst. Riddle of the uni¬ verse, tr. by McCabe. 1902. .. .147 H13 Rogers, A. K. Student’s history of philosophy. 1904.109 R72 Shaler, N. S. (The) individual. 1902 .126 S52 Trine, R. W. In tune with the Infi¬ nite. cl897.,125 T83 MIND AND BODY. Frith, Henry. Practical palmistry. 1903 . 133 F91 Hudson, T. J. Law of psychic phenomena. 1900.134 H88 Scientific demonstration of the fu¬ ture life. 1S99.134 HSSa Jastrow, Joseph. Fact and fable in psychology. cl900.130 J39 Library of mesmerism and psy¬ chology. vl. cl852.130 L69 Mason, R. O. Telepathy and the sublimal self. 1899.134 M41 Olston, A. B. Mind power and pri¬ vileges. cl902. .130 052 Quackenbos, J. D. Hypnotism in mental and moral culture. 1900.134 Q1 Simms, Joseph. Physiognomy illus¬ trated. 1891.138 S59 PSYCHOLOGY. Holmes, O. W. Mechanism in thought and morals. 1871.150 H75 Loisette, A. Assimilative memory. C1896.154 L83 Munsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and life. 1901.150 M9b Patrick, J. N. Psychology for teachers. cl901.150 P31 ( Shinn, M. W. Biography of a baby. 1900.150 S55 ETHICS. American prohibition year book. 1904-date .R 178.5 A51 American temperance society. Tem¬ perance documents, v.l. 1835. .178 A51 Beecher, II. W. Lectures to young men. 186G.170 B41 Brew r er, D. J. American citizen¬ ship. 1902.172 B84 Dole, C. F. American citizen. 1901.172 D66 Eliot, W. G. Lectures to young men. 1869 .170 E42 Lectures to young women. 1869.170 E421 Five talents of woman. 1891.173 F56 Gilman, Mrs. C. (P.) S. Home, its work and influence. 1903..... .173 G48 Gough, J. B. Sunlight and shadow 7 . 1882. 178 GC9 Hillis, N. D. Man's value to soci¬ ety. 1902.170 HC5 Quest of happiness. 1902.171 H65 Jackson, Mrs. II. M. (F.) H. (H. H.) Bits of talk about home matters. 1873.173 J12 Keller, H. A. Optimism. 1903. .. .170 K29 Lecky, W. E. H. History of Euro¬ pean morals. 2v. 1869-70.170 L46 Potter, H. C. bp. Citizen in his re¬ lation to the industrial situa¬ tion. 1902.172 P86 Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Little fox¬ es. 1868..'.173 SS9 Strong, Josiah. Times and young men. 1901.174 S92 Trine, R. AY. AVhat all the world's a-seeking. 1897.171 T63 AVagner, Charles. Better way, tr. by Hendee. 1903.170 AV13 By the fireside, tr. by Hendee. 1904.173 AV13 AVhiting, Lilian. Life radiant. 1904 .i.170AV59 Religion. Berg, J. F. Prophecy and the times. 1856.204 B48 Brooks, Phillips, bp. Essays and addresses, ed. by Brooks. 1905 ..-.204 B87 Christian register. 4Jan.1900-date. v.79-date.205 C55 Christian science herald. June, 1903-Feb.l904. v.l,nos. 3-11. .. .205 C55h Christian science journal. June 1903-date. v.21,no.3-date.205 C55j RELIGION 3 Christian science sentinel. 4June, 1904-date. vGO, no.40-date.203 C35s Cobbe, F. P. Hopes of the human race, hereafter and here. n.d...204 CG5 Ferguson, Charles. Relgion of de¬ mocracy. 1900.204 F35 Holmes, Daniel. Pure Gold. 1851..204 H74 Mitchel, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible. 1867.204 M68 Mueller, F. M. Lectures on the ori¬ gin and growth of religion. 1899.209 M95 Noyes. G. R. comp. Collection of theological essays. 1867. .. .204 N95 Palmer, C. F. Inebriety. j . cop. 1898 .178 P17 Peabody, F. G. Religion of an ed¬ ucated man. 1904.204 P35 Phillips, S. L. Testimony of rea¬ son. 1903....204 P56 Sabatier, Auguste. Rel'gions of au¬ thority, tr. by Houghton. 1904. .201 Sll Spalding, J. L. bp. Religion, ag¬ nosticism and education. 1902..204 S73 Van Dyke, H. J. Gospel for an age of doubt. 1902.204 V24 Watson, John. (Ian Maclaren.) Mind of the master. 1902... .204 W33 Potter’s wheel. 1898.204 W33p Upper room. 1895.204 W33u NATURAL THEOLOGY. Bradford, Columbus. Birth; a new chance. 1901. 213 B79 Clarke, J. F. Christian doctrine of prayer. 1866.217 C59 Steps of belief. 1870.210 C59 Drummond, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world, n.d.215 D79 Fiske, John. Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. C18S4. .218 F54 Fullerton, Alexander. Proofs of theosophy. n.d.•.212 F97 Hudson, T. J. Divine pedigree of man. 1902. .211 IIS8 Muller, F. M. Theosophy. 1899.. .212 M95 White, A. D. History of the war¬ fare of science with theology. 2v. 1903.215 W5S BIBLE. Adeney, W. F. How to read the Bible. cl897.220 A23 Blaikie, W. G. Manual of Bible history. 1902.220.9 BC3 Comprehensive Bible. 1866.220.5 C73 Elliott, C. W. Remarkable charac¬ ters and places of the Holy Land. 1868.220.9 E46 Farrar, F. W. Life and work of St. Paul. 1902.225 F24 Gladden, Washington. Who wrote the Bible. 1900.220 G54 Krummacher, F. W. David, the king of Israel, tr. by Easton. 1868.220.9 KS9 Little, C. E. Biblical lights and side-lights. clS83.220.2 L77 Morison, J. LI. Disquisitions and notes on the Gospels; Matthew 1861.226.2 M86 Moulton, R. G. ed. Modern read¬ er’s Bible. 21v. 1902-4.220.5 M92 & others. Bible as literature. C1S96.220.8 M92 New Testament. 1S81.225 N53 Norton, Andrews. Evidences of the genuineness of the Gospels. 1871. ...226 N88 Noyes, G. II. New Testament, tr. from the Greek text. 1870_225 N95 New translation of Job, Ecclesias¬ tes, and the Canticles. 1868. ..223 N95 New translation of the Hebrew prophets. 2v. 1866.224 N95 New translation of the Psalms, and of the Proverbs. 1868. .223 N95p Roberts, Alexander. Companion to the revised version of the New Testament. cl881.225 R64 Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible, rev. & ed. by F. N. & M. A. Peloubet. cl884.R 220.3 S66 Stapfer, Edmond. Palestine in the time of Christ, tr. by Holmden. n.d.220.9 S79 Stowe, C. E. Origin and history of the books of the Bible. 1867. .220.9 S89 THEOLOGY. Alexander, Archibald. Evidences of the authenticity of the Scrip¬ tures. n.d.239 A37 Alleine, Richard. Heaven opened. n.d.234 A42 Barrows, J. IT. Christianity, the world-religion. 1897.230 B27 Bellows, IT. W. Re-statements of Christian doctrine. 1870.230 B44 Briggs, C. A. New lignt on me life of Jesus. 1904.232 B85 Clarke, J. F. Christian doctrine of the forgiveness of sin. 1870.. .234 C59 Orthodoxy. 1867.230 C59 Ecce spiritus. 1881.230 E17 Examination of Bampton lectures on the divinity of Christ. 1872. .232 E96 Harrali, C. C. (The) road. cl902. .230 IT29 Hughes, Thomas. Manliness of Christ. 1881.232 HS9 Norton, Andrews. Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians. 1870.231 NS8 4 RELIGION Sears, E. H. Atlianas'a; or Fore¬ gleams of immortality. 1S6S. ... 237 S43 Regeneration. 1866.234 S43 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Divine love and the divine wisdom. 1901. .. .231 S97 Divine providence. 1899.231 S97d Heaven and its wonders and hell. 1900.237 S97 Wallace, Gen. Lewis. Boyhood or Christ. 1900.232 W19 Ware, Henry, jr. Life of the Sa¬ vior. 1868.232 W26 Watson, John. Life of the Master. 1901.232 W33 Wood, George. Future life. 1858. .237 W87 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL RELIGION. Abbott, Jacob. Young Christian. C 1832 . 240 A 13 Beecher, H. W. Royal truths. 1867.252 B41 Butterworth, Ilezekiah. Story of the hymns. cl875.245 B98 Story of the tunes. cl890.245 B98s Collier, R. L. Every-day subjects in Sunday sermons. 1870.252 C69 Cuyler, T. L. Empty crib; a me¬ morial. 1869.252.9 C99 Dodge, H. N. Christus victor. 1903.242 D64 Drummond, Henry. Ideal life. 1904.242 D79 Stones rolled away. 1899.252 D79 Duffield, S. A. W. English hymns. C 1886 .245 D85 Moody, D. L. Anecdotes and illus¬ trations related in his revival work, comp, by McClure. 1881.244 MSI More, Hannah & others. Cheap re¬ pository tracts, v.3. n.d.244 M83 Murray, W. H. H. Music-hall ser¬ mons. 1870.252 M98 Peabody, A. P. Sermons. 1867. .. .252 P35 Sargent, G. E. Nails driven home. n.d., .244 S24 Thomas a Kernpis. Imitation of Christ. cl895.242 T45 CHURCLI INSTITUTIONS AND WORK. 4 Gladden, Washington. Social sal¬ vation. 1902.261 G54 Illinois—Young men’s Christian as¬ sociations, State executive com. of. Twenty years; a sketch of the work from 1880 to 1900. 1900.267.3 129 Longking, Joseph. Notes on the holy gospels. 1855.268 L85 Mead, G. W. Modern methods in Sunday-school work. 1903.... 268 M47 Scudder, Mrs. W. W. Nineteen centuries of missions. cl899... .266 S43 RELIGIOUS HISTORY. D’Aubigne, J. IL. M. History or the reformation of the 16th century, tr. by White. 5v. 1867.270.6 D23 Dorchester, Daniel. Christianity in the United States. cl895_277.3 D69 Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth cen¬ tury. 1903. (France and En¬ gland in North America, pt. 2.) . 271.5 P24 Turner, Sharon. Sacred history of the world. 3v. 1858-59.270 T95 CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS. Addison, D. D. Episcopalians. cl904. (Story of the churches.) .283 A22 Bacon, L. W. Congregationalists. cl904. (Story of the churches).285.8 B12 Belcher, Joseph. Religious denom¬ inations in the United States. 1864.280 B42 Eliot, W. G. Discourses on the doctrines of Christianity. 1866..288 E42 Farley, F. A. Unitarlanism de¬ fined. 1870.288 F23 Faulkner, J. A. Methodists. cl903. (Story of the churches.).287 F26 Harkey, S. W. Justification by faith, as taught by Lutherans. 1875.284.1 H28 Ireland, John, abp. Church and modern society. 2v. 1903-4..282 166 Little, A. W. Reasons for being a churchman. 1905.283 L77 Martineau, James. Studies of Christianity, ed. by Alger. 1870.288 M38 Metcalf, Richard. Letter and spi¬ rit. 1870. ' .288 M58 Miller, Hugh. Headship of Christ, and the rights of the Christian people, ed. by Bayne. 1865. .. .285 M64 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Four lead¬ ing doctrines of the New church. 1892.289.4 S97 True Christian religion; contain¬ ing the universal theology of the New church. 1901.289.4 S97t Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: The Catholic reaction. 1887.282 S98 Thompson, C. L. Presbyterians. cl903. (Story of the churches.) .285 T46 Vedder, H. C. Baptists. cl902. (Story of the churches.).286 V41 Wilson, John. Unitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testi¬ monies. 1899.288 W74 SOCIOLOGY 5 MYTHOLOGY AND NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology, ed, by Hale. 1903.292 B93 Davitt, Michael. Within the pale; the true story of anti-Semitic persecutions in Russia. 1903.. .296 D26 Day, Edward. Social life of the Hebrews. 1901. (Semitic ser.). .296 D27 Fiske, John. Myths and myth-ma¬ kers. cl900.291 F54 Gay ley, C. M. ed. Classic myths in English literautre. 1904. .. R 291 G28 Milman, IT. IT. History of the Jews. 3v.in 2. 1898.296 M65 Murray, A. S. Manual of mythol¬ ogy. 1903.291 M98 Riley, I. W. Founder of Mormon- ism. 1902.298 R5T Sale, George, ed. Koran, n.d... .297 S16 Tucker, C. M. (A. L. O. E.) Sto¬ ries from Jewish history. 1871.296 T89 Sociology. SOCIOLOGY. Abbott, Lyman. Christianity and social problems. cl896.304 A13 Addams, Jane. Democracy and so¬ cial ethics. 1902. (Litizen’s lib. of economics, politics and sociol¬ ogy.) .304 A22 American journal of sociology. Nov.1903-date. v.9 no.3-date. . .305 A51 Carnegie, Andrew. Gospel of wealth. 1900.304 C28 Cooley, C. H. Human nature and the social order. 1902.301 C77 Paine, Thomas. Political writings. 2v. 1824. 308 P14 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. (The) strenuous life. 1900.304 R78 Spencer, Herbert. Principles of so¬ ciology. 3v. 1901.301 S74 Statesman’s year-book. 1904-date. R 305 S79 Wright, C. D. Outline of practical sociology. 1902. (American cit¬ izen ser.).301 W94 STATISTICS. Daily news almanac and year¬ book. 1904-date.R 317 D13 Mulliall, M. G. Dictionary of sta¬ tistics. 1903.R 310 M95 Tribune almanac and political reg¬ ister. 1904-date.R 317 T82 United States—Census office. Re¬ port. 1860, 1880, 1890.D 317 Un3 Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the eleventh census. 1898. .R 317.3 U58 —Census office—12th census, 1900. Census bulletin. 3Apr.l901- 20 Oct.1902. Nos. 61-81, 83-274 .D 317 Un3b World almanac and encyclopedia. 1904-date .R 317 W92 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Brown, Everit & Strauss, Albert. Dictionary of American politics. G892.R 329 B87 Foster, J. W. American diplomacy in the Orient. 1904.327 F75 Century of American diplomacy. 1901.327 F75c Hadley, A. T. Education of the American citizen. 1901.320 H13 Illinois—General assembly. Annual report. 1888-97.D 328 1132o Official directory. 1877. ..... .D 328 I132o —Representatives, House of. Journal. 1887-89,93,97-99. v. 35-36, 38, 40-41.D 328 1136 —Senate. Journal. 1887-89, 93, 97, 98. v.35-36,38,40, pts.1-2. ..D 328 11363 —State, Dep’t of. Blue book of Illinois. 1903.R 328 1136b Illinois hand-book and legislative manual. 1871.D 328 11364 Johnson, Mrs. H. (K.) Woman and the republic. 1897.324 J67.. Johnson, W. F. Century of expan¬ sion. 1903.325 J71 Lincoln, Abraham, pres. U. S. & Douglas, S. A. Political de¬ bates of 1858. 1895.328 L73 Lusk, D. W. Politics and politi¬ cians; history of the politics of Illinois from 1856 to 1884. 1884..329 L97 McClure, A. K. Our presidents and how we make them. 1902.329 Ml2 Macy, Jesse. Political parties in the United States, 1846-1861. 1900. (Citizen’s library.).329 M17 Martin, Mrs. Y. (C.) W. & Cook, T. C. (C.) lady. Human body, the temple of God. 1890.324.3 M38 Mill, J. S. Considerations on repre¬ sentative government, n.d.321 M64 6 SOCIOLOGY Reed, T. B. Reed's rules; a man¬ ual of parliamentary law. C1898.R 328.1 R32 Robert, Gen. H. M. Pocket man¬ ual of rules of order. 1903: .R 328.1 R(te Seeley, Sir J. R. Expansion of En¬ gland. 1902.325 S45 Smith, Goldwin. Commonwealth or empire. 1902.321 S64 Smith, Richmond Mayo- Emigra¬ tion and immigration. 1901. .. .325 SG5 United States—Congress. Congres¬ sional record. 1881, 82-83, OI¬ OS. v.12,14,23-27.D 328 Un3 Message and documents; abridged. 1866-67, 74-82.D 328 Un3m —Industrial commission. Immi¬ gration and education. 1901. (U. S.—Industrial com. Re¬ ports. v.15.).325 Un33 —Representatives, House of. Journal. 1875-81. v.44-46..D 328 Un36 —Senate. Journal. 1875-81. v. 44-46..D 328 Un363 —State, Dep’t of. Foreign rela¬ tions of United States. 1884, 95 pt. 2,96. D 327 Un36 Wigmore, J. H. Australian ballot system. 1889.324 W65 Woolsey, T. S. America’s foreign policy. 1898.327 W91 NEGROES. Beecher, H. W. Freedom and war. 1863.326 B41 Cable, G. W. Negro question. 1903.326 Cll Silent South. 1899.326 Clls Du Bois, W. E. B. Souls of black folk. 1903.326 D81 Washington, B. T. Future of the American negro. 1902.326 W31 Working with the hands. 1904.326 W31w & others. Negro problem. 1903. .326 W31n POLITICAL ECONOMY. Bridge, J. LI. Inside history of the Carnegie steel company. 1903.. 338 B85 Brooks, J. G. Social unrest. 1903..335 B87 Ely, R. T. French and German so¬ cialism in modern times. 1903...335 E5!s Monopolies and trusts. 1900. (Citizen’s lib. of economics, politics and sociology.).338 E52 Problems of today. cl8S8.337 E52 Fernow, B. E. Economics of for¬ estry. 1902. (Library of eco¬ nomics and politics.)..333 F36 George, Henry. Progress and pov¬ erty. 1903.330 G34 Protection and free trade. 1902. .337 G34 Henderson, C. It. . Social settle¬ ments. cY899. (Handbooks for practical workers in church & philanthropy.).335 LI49 Llowe, F. C. Taxation and taxes in the United States under the In¬ ternal revenue system. cl896. .336.2 H85 Laughlin, J. L. & Willis, LI. P. Reciprocity. cl903.337 L37 Lloyd, H. D. Wealth against com¬ monwealth. 1903.338 L79 Mill, J. S. Principles of political economy. 1902.330 M64 Oil City derrick. (Oil City, Pa.) Pure oil trust vs. Standard oil company. 1901.338 039 Rae, John. Contemporary social¬ ism. 1901.335 R13 Shearman, T. G. Natural taxation. 1898.336 S53 Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. 2v. 1901.330 S64 United States—American republics, Bureau of. Commercial nomen¬ clature. 2v. 1894.. D 337 Un3 —Industrial commission. Agricul¬ ture and agricultural labor. 1901. (U. S.—Industrial com. Reports, v.10).338 Un33 Agriculture and taxation in the various states. 1901. (IT. S. —Industrial com. Reports, v. 11.).336 Un33 Distribution of farm products. 1901. (U. S.— Industrial com. Reports. v.6.).338 Un33f Industrial combinations in Europe. 1901. (U. S.—Industrial com. Reports, v.18).338 Un33i Relations and conditions of capi¬ tal and labor employed in gen¬ eral business. 2v. 1901. (U. S.—Industrial com. Reports. V. 7 & 14 .) .338 Un331 Trusts and industrial combina¬ tions. 2v. 1900-01. (U. S.—In¬ dustrial com. Reports. v.l& 13.).338 Un33t Trusts and industrial combina¬ tions: statutes. 1900. (U. S.— Industrial com. Reports, v.2) .338 Un33tr —Labor, Dep’t of. Labor laws of the United States. 1896. . .338.9 Un34 —Land office, General. Annual report. 1881.D 338 Un34 —Ways & means committee. Tar¬ iff hearings. 1897.D 337 Un38 CAPITAL AND LABOR. Booth, William. In darkest En¬ gland and the way out. 1901. .331.8 B72 SOCIOLOGY 7 Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare. 1900. (Rural science ser.).331 FIG Illinois—Factory inspectors. Annual report. 1893-96, 1900.. v.1-4,8 .D 331 1132 —Labor statistics, Bureau of. Bi¬ ennial report. 1884-1902. v.3- 12.D 331 1134 London, Jack. People of the abyss. 1904.331.8 L84 Mitchell, John. Organized labor, its problems, purposes and ideals. cl903.331 M68 Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. 1902.331.8 R57 How the other half lives. 1902. .331.8 Ro < li Robinson, Mrs. H. J. (H.). Loom and spindl-e; or, Life among the early mill girls. cl898.331.4 RG6 Smiles, Samuel. Thrift; or, How to get on in the world. 1881.331.8 S64 United States—Industrial commis¬ sion. Chicago labor disputes of 1900. 1901. (U. S.—Industrial com. Reports, v.8).331 Un.33c Condition of foreign legislature upon matters affecting general labor. 1901. (U. S— Indus¬ trial com. Reports, v.16.). .331 Un33co Labor legislation. 1900. (U. S.— Industrial com. Reports, v. 5.).3331 Un331 Labor organizations, labor disputes and arbitration. 1901. (U. S. —Industrial com. Reports, v. 17.).331 Un331a Prison labor. . 1900. (U. S.—In¬ dustrial com. Reports, v.3.) .331 Un33p Relations and conditions of capi¬ tal and labor employed in the mining industry. 1901. (U. S.—Industrial com. Reports. v.12.).331 Un33 —Labor, Bureau of. Annual re¬ port of the commissioner. 1894,96-98. v.10,11,13. . . .D 331 Un34 Housing of the working people. . 1895..331.8 Un34 Van Vorst, Mrs. Bessie & Van Vorst, Marie. Woman who toils. 1903.331.4 V2S MONEY. Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street, a description of the money mar¬ ket. 1902.332 B14 Bankers’ monthly. Jan.1904-date. v.26-date.332 Bll Bankers’ register. July, 1895.332 B21 Bryan, W. J. First battle, a story of the campaign of 1896. clS96. ..332.4 B91 Cannon, J. G. Clearing-houses. 1900 .332 C22 Dunbar, C. F. comp. Laws of the United States relating to cur¬ rency, finance, and banking. 1897.332 D89 Fisk & Robinson. Memoranda con¬ cerning United States bonds, 1901-02. 332 F53 Gast-Paul directory of bankers and attorneys in the United States. 1896. 332 G25 Hepburn, A. B, History of coinage and currency in the United States. 1903.332 1152 Knox, J. J. United States notes. 1899.332 K74 Laughlin, J. L. History of bimet- alism in the United States. 1901 .332.4 L37 Morris, H. C. History of the First national bank of Chicago. 1902. .332 M87 Pratt, S. S. Work of Wall street. 1903.332 P91 Rand-McNally bankers’ directory and list of bank attorneys. 1887- 91, 93-94, 1901-3.332 R18 United States—Currency, Comptrol¬ ler of. Annual report. 1878,80- 83,87-92, 93pt.2,94«07, 98pt.2,99pt. 1, 1900.D 332.5 Un3 —Mint bureau. Annual report of the director. 1895-97,99. v. 23-25,27.D 332.4 Un34 Annual report upon the produc¬ tion of precious metals in the United States. 1894-99.D 332.4 Un34p LAW AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. Bayles, H. J. Woman and the law. 1901.347 B35 Bryce, James. American common¬ wealth. 2v. 1899.342.73 B91 Studies in history and jurispru¬ dence. cl901.342 B91 Davis, G. B. Elements of interna¬ tional law. 1903.341 D26 Dawes, A. L. Plow we are gov¬ erned. cl885.342.73 D26 Foster, J. .W. Arbitration and The Hague court. 1904.341 F75 Gilder, J. B. comp. American idea, as expounded by American statesmen. 1902.342.73 G46 Grotius, Hugo. Rights of war and peace, tr. by Campbell. cl901. .341 G88 8 SOCIOLOGY Hallam, Henry. Constitutional his¬ tory of England. 2v. 1886. .342.42 1118 Holst, H. E. von. Constitutional and political history of the United States, tr. by Lalor and Mason. 8v. 1881-92.342.73 H75 Hurd, H. B. comp. Revised stat¬ utes of Illinois, 1903.R 315.12 HOC Illinois—Constitutional convention. Debates and proceedings. 2v. 1870.D 342 113 —General assembly. Sess’on laws. 1895, 97-98, 1901 . . .D 345.1 1132 Langmead, T. P. Taswell— En¬ glish constitutional history. 1896.342.42 L28 Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. 1878.340 L43 Stubbs, William. Constitutional history of England. 3v. 1896 & 1903. (Clarendon press ser.) .342.42 S93 Townsend, G. A. New world com¬ pared with the old. 1870.342 T74 United States—Congress. Session laws. 1874-83,86-91,95-97_D 345.1 Un3 —District of Columbia. Revised statutes. 1874,89.345.2 Un3 —Senate. Federal and state consti¬ tutions, colonial charters, and other laws of the United States. 2v. 1878.D 342 Un36 Wellman, F. L. Art of cross-exam¬ ination. 1904. .. .340 W45 Yale university. Two centuries’ growth of American law. 1902. (Yale bicentennial publications.).340 Y17 ADMINISTRATION. Bartlett, W. H. Facts I ought to know about the government of my country. clS94.353 B29 Chicago—Public works, Dep’t of. Annual report; 1898, 1900-01. . .325.5 C53 Cleveland, S. G. pres. U. S. Presi¬ dential problems. 1904.351 C63 Ely, It. T. Coming city. 1902.352 E52 Illinois—Adjutant general’s office. Report. 1861-66,75-76,81-82 . .D 358.6 113 —State, Dep’t of. Biennial re¬ port of the secretary. 1876- 78.D 353.1 1136 Long, J. D. New American navy. 2v. 1903.353.7 L84 Mahan, Capt. A. T. Influence of sea power upon history, 1660- 1783. 1902.350.09 M21 United States—Adjutant general’s office. Report of the lieuten¬ ant-general commanding the army. 1899, pts.2-3,1900pt.1,1901 pts.3-5.D 353 Un3 —Civil service commission. An¬ nual report. 1887,93-1900. v. 4,10-17.D 351 Un3 Positions in the executive civil service. 1896.D 351 Un3c —Interior, Dep’t of. Annual re¬ port of the secretary. 1880 pts.1-2,81,95-97,1900.D 353.3 Un33 Miscellaneous reports. 1895-98. .D 353.3 Un33m Official register of the United States’* 1871,91pt.2,93pt.2,95 ..D 353 Un33o Register of persons employed in the department. 1881-83. ...D 353.3 Un33r —Naval observatory. Observa¬ tions. 1890-91.D 359 Un35 —Navy department. Annual re¬ port of the secretary. 1875, 80-81,95-98pts.l-2 .D 353.7 Un35 —Post-office department. Annual report of the postmaster-gen¬ eral. 1895—96,98.D 353.4 Un35 —State, Dep’t of. Regulations for the use of the consular service. 1896.D 353.1 Un36 —Treasury department. Annual report of the secretary. 1878- 82,84,86pt.2,95-97.D 353.2 Un37 —War department. Annual re¬ port of the secretary. 1878, 80,95-1900.D 353.6 Un38 Bureau reports. 1899-01. .. .D 353.6 Un38b Regulations for the army of the United States, 1895.D 355 Un38 Willard, J. F. World of graft. 1901.352 W69 Zueblin, Charles. American muni¬ cipal progress. 1902. (Citizen's library of economics, politics & sociology.).352 Z94 ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. Barton, Clara. Red Cross in peace and war. 1899. 361 B29 Booth, Mrs. M. B. (C.) After pris¬ on, what? cl903.364 B7^ Folks, Homer. Care of the desti¬ tute, neglected and delinquent children. 1902. (American phil¬ anthropy of the 19th century.).. .382 FC6 Illinois — Insurance department. Annual report. 1901-2,1904pt.2. v.33-34,36pt.2.D 368 1133 —Public charities, Board of. Bi¬ ennial report. 1874-78,96,1900. v. 3-5, 14,16.D361 1135 Manual of financial book-keep¬ ing and forms of blanks for public institutions. 1902. .D 361 11351 SOCIOLOGY 9 Mantz, I. r. Effect of lapses on the cost of life insurance. cl902.368 M29 Sibley, W. G. Story of freemason¬ ry. 1904.36G.1 S56 United States—International prison congress, 1895, Delegates to. Report. 1896.365 Un3 Warner, A. G. American chari¬ ties. cl894. (Library of eco¬ nomics and politics.).361 W27 Zieber, Eugene. Ancestry. 1895. .369.1 Z65 EDUCATION. Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. 1898. (International education ser.).377 A23 Artman, William & Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. 1860.371.9 A79 Canfield, J. H. College student and his problems. 1902. (Per¬ sonal problem ser.).. % .378 C22 Clarke, E. II. Sex in education. 1873.376 C53 Clarke, J. F. Self-culture. 1882. . .374 C59 Craik, Sir Henry. State in its re¬ lation to education. 1896.379 CSS Educational review. Jan.1904-date. v.27-date.370.5 E24 Ford, P. L. ed. New England primer. 1899.372 F69 Froebel, F. W. A. Education by development, tr. by Jarvis. 1900. (International education ser.). . .372 F92 Education of man, tr. by Hail- mann. 1902. (International education ser.).370 F92 Mother-play and nursery songs, tr. from the German. C1878.372 F92m Gilman, Mrs. C. (P.) S. Concern¬ ing children. 1901.372 G48 Ham, C. H. Mind and nanu. C1900.371.4 H19 Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child nature from the kinder¬ garten standpoint. 1898.372 H31 Two children of the foot-hills. 1900.372 H31t Illinois—Piiblic instruction, Sup’t of. Biennial report. 1874-76. v.10-11.D 379 1135 Illinois university. Report of the board of trustees, 1872-78, 82, 88, 92-96. v.6-9,11,14,16-18.378 129 Knapp, E. S. Raphia and reed weaving. 1903.!372 KG7 Mathews, William. Getting on in the world. 1876.374 M42 Oppenheim, Nathan. Mental growth and control. 1902. (Personal problem ser.).370 062 Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching. cl885.371 P13 Parker, F. W. Talks on teaching. 1896...371 P23 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. Chil¬ dren’s rights. 1899.372 R56 & Smith, N. A. Republic of Childhood. 3v. C1895-96_372 R56r Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or Treatise on education, tr. by Payne. 1903. (International education ser.).371.4 RS6 Self culture, Jan-Nov.1897. v.4, no. 4-V.6. no.2.374 S46 Shaw. E. R. School hygiene. 1902. (Teachers professional library.) .371.7 S53 Smiles. Samuel. Self-help. 1881.. .374 S64 Smith, N. A. Children of the fu¬ ture. 1898.372 S65 Spencer, Plerbert. Education, in¬ tellectual, moral, and physical. 1900.370 S74 United States—Education, Bureau of. Annual report of the com¬ missioners. 1875, 78pt.2, 80,85, 88,90-1902.D 379 Un32 Warner, Francis. Nervous system of the child. 1900.372 W28 Study of children and their school training. 1898.372 W28s Welsh, L. S. & Camp, Walter. Yale: her campus, class-rooms and athletics. 1900.378 W43 Woodward, C. M. Manual train¬ ing in education. 1898. (Con¬ temporary science ser.).371.42 W89 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION. Adams, Brooks. New empire. 1902.380 A21 Clarke, F. W. comp. Weights, measures and money of all na¬ tions. 1900.389 C59 Hatfield, H. R. ed. Lectures on commerce. 1904. (Chicago uni¬ versity, College of commerce and administration pub. v.l.).380.4 H36 Illinois—Railroad & warehouse com¬ mission. Annual report. 1874, 76-78,82,96. v.4,6-8,12,26.D 385 1136 Johnson, E. R. American railway transportation. 1903.385 J66 Marvin, W. L. American merchant marine. 1902.387 M39 United States — Coinage, weights & measures, Committee on. Re¬ port on the adoption of the me¬ tric system of weights and measures. 1879.D 3S9 Un36 —Deep waterways commission. Report. 1896.D 386 Un3 —Industrial commission. Final report. 1902. (U. S.—Indus¬ trial com. Reports, v.19.)... .380 L T n33 10 PHILOLOGY Transportation. 2v. -1900-01. (U. S.—Industrial com. Reports. V.4&9) •...380 Un33t —Interstate commerce commis¬ sion. Annual report. 1887- 89,92-1903. v.1-3,6-17.D 385 Un33 Statistics of railways in the United States. 1894-95,98. y. 9-10,12.D 385 Un33s —Navigation, Bureau of. (Treas¬ ury department.) Report of the commissioner. 1895-97.D 387 Un35 —Statistics, Bureau of. (State Dep’t of.) Commercial rela¬ tions of the United States. 1880-81, 94-96,98.D 382 Un36 Consular reports; monthly. Jan. 1890-Sept. 1891. Jan.l897-Dec. 1898.D 382 Un366 —Statistics, Bureau of. (Treas¬ ury department.) Annual re¬ port on the commerce and navigation of the United States. 1851,63,81-83,87pt.2,95- 96,98.D 380 Un36 —Transportation routes to sea¬ board, Select committee on. Report. 1881.D 3S0 Un37 Willson, Beckles. Story of rapid transit. 1903.380 W74 CUSTOMS, LEGENDS AND FOLK¬ LORE. Bulfinsh, Thomas. Age of chival¬ ry; or, Legends of King Ar¬ thur, ed. by Hale. 1902.398 B93 Charlemagne; or, Romance of the middle ages. 1903.398 B931 Christy, Robert, comp. Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. 2v. in 1. 1903.R 39S C55 Gomme, G. L. Ethnology in folk¬ lore. 1892. (Modern science ser.) .398 G63 Oalcey, E. S. Beauty in dress. 1881. .391 on Olipliant, Mrs. M. O. (W). Dress. n. d. .391 047 Patten, H. P. Year’s festivals. 1903. 394 P31 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. (W). Man- ners and social usages. 1903... .390 S55 Skinner, C. M. Myths and legends of our own land. 2v. 1896.398 S62 Walsh, W. S. Curiosities of popu¬ lar customs. 1902.R 390 W22 Wood, E. J. Wedding day in all ages and countries. 1869.392 W87 WOMAN. Candee, H. C. How women may earn a living. 1900.396 C21 Church, Mrs. E. R. (McL) Money¬ making for ladies. 1882.398 C56 Cobbe, F. P. Duties of women. 1882.396 C65 Dodge, M. A. (Gail Hamilton.) New atmosphere. 1865.396 D64 Woman’s worth and worthless¬ ness. 1872 .396 D64w Woman's wrongs. 1868.396 D64wo Gilman, Mrs. C. (P.) S. Women and economics. 1900.396 G48 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in Am¬ erica. 1858.396 G77 Harrison, Mrs. C. (C.) Well-bred girl in society. cl898.396 H31 Lewis, Dio. Our girls. 1871.396 L67 McCracken, Elizabeth. Women of America. 1904.396 M13 McCullough, Mrs. C. (W). Mr. Lex; or, Legal status of mother and child. 1899.396 M133 Mallon, Mrs. I. A. (Ruth Ash¬ more.) Business gill in every phase of her life. cl898.396 M25 Philology. Clodd, Edward. Story of the al¬ phabet! 1903.411 C64 Sweet, Henry. Practical study of languages. 1900.407 S97 ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Arnold, S. L. & others. Mother tongue, v.1-3. 1902-03.425 A75 Century dictionary and cyclopedia. lOv. cl901.R 423 C39 Cody, Sherwin. Grammar and punctuation. 1903.425 C67 Compton, A. G. Some common er¬ rors of speech. 1898.428.3 C73 Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms. cl896. (Stan- ’ dard educational ser.).R 424 F36 Lounsbury, T. R. History of the English language. 1901.420 L88 Standard of pronunciation in En¬ glish. 1904.421 L88 SCIENCE 11 Scott, F. N. & Denney, J. V. Ele¬ mentary English composition. cl902.428 S42 Webster, Noah. International dic¬ tionary of the English language. 1903..R 423 W37 White, R. G. Words and their uses. 1870.428 W58 Whitney, W. D. Essentials of En¬ glish grammar. 1904.425 W62 LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH. Adler, G. J. Deutsches lesebueh. 1860.438 A23 Cassell's German dictionary, n.u. ...R 433 C34 Cassell's Latin dictionary, n.d.. . R 473 C34 Cassell's new French dictionary. 1903.r.R 443 C34 Harkness, Albert. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. cl892. ..475 H28 Knapp, W. I. Grammar of the modern Spanish language. 1901/. .465 K67 Liddell, H. G. & Scott, Robert. Liddell and ^Scott’s Greek-En- glish lexicon, abridged. C1882.R 483 L71 Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano, comp. Dictionary of the Span¬ ish and English languages, ab- bridged. 1903.R 463 V43 Whitney, W. D. Compendius Ger¬ man grammar. cl888.438 WG2 Practical French grammar. cl8S7 .448 W62 Woodbury, W. H. New method of learning the German language. 1859.438 W88 Science. Bailey, L. II. Nature-study idea. 1903.507 B15 Bignell, Mrs. E. (M.) My woodland intimates. 1903. 500 B59 Burroughs, John. Birds and other papers. cl887.504 B97 Darwin, C. R. Journal of research¬ es into the natural history and geology of the countries visit¬ ed during the voyage of II. M. S. Beagle. 2v. 1864.508.3 D22 Gibson, W. H. Sharp eyes. 1902..500 G45 Ivneeland, Samuel, ed. Annual of scientific discovery, 1866-67. .. .505 K68 National academy of sciences. Memoirs, v.7. 1895.D 506 N27 Popular science monthly. Nov. 1903-date. v.64-date.505 P83 Smithsonian institution. Annual report of the Board or regents. 1863-72, 74-75,79,84-1903 D 506 S66 Snyder, Carl. New conceptions in science. 1904.504 S67 United States—National museum. Annual report of the Boara oi I'egents. 1884-1902.D 507 Un35 ASTRONOMY. Chambers, G. F. Story of the stars'. 1900. 523 C44 Dick, Thomas. Celestial scenery. n.d.521 D54 Flammarion, Camille. Popular as- stronomy, tr. by Gore. n.d. .. .523 F58 Mitchel, O. M. Popular astronomy. 1868.520 M64 Proctor, R. A. Other world’s than ours. 1902.523 P9o United States — Coast & geodetic survey. Report of the superin¬ tendent. 1855,71,94-97.D 526 Un3 —Navigation, Bureau of. Magnet¬ ism of ships and the devia¬ tions of the compass. 1S67-68 .D 522.7 Un35 Wallace, A. R. Man's place in the universe. 1904.523 W18 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Appleton, J. II. Chemistry. 1885..540 AOS Atkinson, Philip. Electricity for everybody. 1899.537 A87 Barker, G. F. ed. & tr. Roentgen rays. 1899.530 B25 Benjamin, Park. Age of electricity. • 1901...537 B46 Bottone, S. R. Radiography and the X rays. 1898.530 B75 Bubier, E. T. (Edward Trevert.) Everybody’s hand-book of elec¬ tricity. 1903.537-B91 Hammer, W. J. Radium, and other radio-active substances. 1903.537 H22 lies, George. Flame, electricity and the camera. 1903.537 127 Long, J. II. Elements of general chemistry with experiments. 1902.540 L84 12 SCIENCE Santos-Dumont, Alberto. My air¬ ships. 1904.533.6 S23 Sloane, T. O’C. Liquid, air and the liquifaction of gases. 1900.533 S63 Trowbridge, John. What is electri¬ city? 1901. (International sci¬ entific ser.).".537 T86 Tyndall, John. Sound. 1903.534 T98 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. Agassiz, Louis. Geological sketch¬ es. 1866.550 A26 Dunn, E. B. Weather and practi¬ cal methods of forecasting it. 1902.551 D92 Farrington, O. C. Gems and gem minerals. 1903.553.8 F24 Foster, J. W. Mississippi valley. * 1869.551 F75 Giekie, James. Great Ice age. 1886.551 G31 Illinois—Geological survey. Econ¬ omical geology of Illinois. 3v. 1882.D 557 I132e Geological survey of Illinois, v. 1-3,6,8. 1866-90.D 557 1132 Lucas, F. A. Animals before man in North America. 1902.,.560 L93 Lyell, Sir Charles, 1st bart. Ele¬ ments of geology. 1866.550 L98 Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. 1871.551 M45 Miller, Hugh. Cruise of the Betsy. 1867.554.1 M64 Old red sandstone. cl858.551 M64 Popular geology. 1865.554.1 M64p Testimony of the rocks. 1868... 560 M64 United States—Geographical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Report on the geology of the Henry Moun¬ tains. 1877.D 557 Un32h —Geological survey. Annual re¬ port of the director. 1881,94- 97,98pts.l,3-6,99pts.l,3,4,6. .D 557 Un32 —Weather bureau. Report of the chief. 1894,96-98,99pt.2. .D 551.5 Un38 Winchell, Alexander. Sketches of creation. 1^70.550 W75 BIOLOGY. Berthet, E. B. Pre-historic world, tr. by Safford. cl879.571 B53 Darwin, C. R. Origin of species. 1876.575 D22 Haddon, A. C. Study of man. 1898. (Science ser.).573 LI12 Hornaday, W. T. Taxidermy and zoological collecting. 1902.579 H81 Huxley, T. H. Man’s place in na¬ ture, and other anthropological essays. 1900.573 H98 l Lyell, Sir Charles, 1st bart. Geol¬ ogical evidences of the anti¬ quity of man. 1863.573 L98 Smithsonian institution—Ethnology, Bureau of. Annual report. 1880, 92.D 572 S66 United States—Geographical and geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Contributions to North American ethnology v.5. 1882.D 527 Un32 Winchell, Alexander. Preadamites. 1881.573 W75 ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY. Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. (C.). & Agas¬ siz, Alexander. Seaside studies in natural history. 1865.593 A26 Agassiz, Louis. Methods of study in natural history. cl891.590 A26 Allen, Grant. Story of the plants. 1905. (Library of useful sto¬ ries.)..... ...581 A42 American agriculturist cyclopedia of natural history. 1887.590 A51 Bostock, F. C. Trailing of wild animals, ed. by Yelvin. 1903 ..'591.51 B74 Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. 1901.599 B97 Chapman, F. M. Bird-life. 1901.598.2 C46 Color key to North American birds. 1903.598 C46 Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. (De G.). How to attract the birds, and other talks about bird neigh¬ bors. 1903.598.2 D72 Eliot, I. M. & Soule, C. G. Cater¬ pillars and their moths. 1902. .595 E42 Emerton, J. H. Common spiders of the United States. 1902.595 E53 Going, E. M. (E. M. Hardinge.) With the trees. cl903.582 G61 With the wild flowers. cl904. .582 G61w Grant, J. B. Our common birds and how to know them. 1895. 598.2 G76 Holland, W. J. Butterfly book. 1902.595 H73 Hornaday, W. T. American nat-. ural history. 1904.590 H81 Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild life of or¬ chard and field. 1902.590 147 Jordan, D. S. Manual of the verte¬ brate animals of the northern United States. 1899.596 J82 Keeler, H. L. Our native trees and identify them. 1903.582 K2€o Our northern shrubs and how to identify them. 1903.528 K26o Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee, tr. by Sutro. 1904.591.5 M18 USEFUL ARTS 13 Morley, M. W. Honey-makers. 1899. ..595 M8b Natural history of insects. 1856.. .595 N28 Nuttall, Thomas. Popular hand book of the birds of the United States and Canada. 1903. .. .598.2 N98 Parsons, Mrs. F. T. (S.) D. How to know the ferns. 1902.587 P26 How to know the wild flowers. 1898.582 P26 Romanes, G. J. Animal intelli¬ gence. 1901. (International sci¬ entific ser.).591.5 R75 Scudder, S. H. Every-day butter¬ flies. cl899.595 S43 United States—Entomological com¬ mission. Report relating to the Rocky mountain locust and the western cricket. 1880.D 595.7Un32 Wood, J. G. Homes without hands. 1866.591.5 W87 Natural history. 3v. 1865.590 W87 Popular natural history. n.d..590 W87p Useful Arts. Byrn, E. W. Progress of invention in the 19th century. 1900.609 B99 Cochrane, C. H. Modern industrial progress. 1904.609 C66 Illinois—World’s fair commission¬ ers, Board of. Report at the World’s Columbian exposition. 1895.606 1138 Kansas — World’s fair managers, Board of. Report. 1894.606 K16 Kent, Charles. Modern seven won¬ ders of the world. 1894.608 K37 Routledge, Robert. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th cen¬ tury. 1903.609 R86 Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries. 1903.R 603 S41 Spoil, Edward & Spon, F. N. Spon’s mechanic’s own book. 1903. .R 602 S76 United States—Paris universal ex¬ position, 1878, Commission to. Reports. 5v. 1880.606 Un35 —Patent office. Annual report of the commissioner. 1855-56,82- 83,1901-03.D 608 Un35 Official gazette. 1882-83, 1901- date. v.21-25,94-date.D 608 Un35o Wetmore, C. H. Out of a fleur-de- lis. cl903.606 W54 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick. 1869.613 B44 Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so. cl898.613 B63 Buckley, J. M. Christian science and other superstitions. 1899. .615.851 B92 Call, A. P. Power through repose. 1900.613 C15 Checkley, Edwin. Natural method of physical training. 1895.613 C51 Cutter, J. C. Comprehensive anat¬ omy, physiology and hygiene. C1898.612 C99 Eddy, Mrs. M. (B.) G. Miscellane¬ ous writings. 1897.615.851 E21 Science and health. 2 cop. 1899 ...615.851 E21s Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descrip¬ tive and surgical, ed. by Pick and Howden. 1901.611 G77 Halleck, R. P. Education of the central nervous system. 1904 .612.82 H18 Hancock, H. I. Japanese physical training. 1904.613.7 H23 Holmes, B. T. Appendicitis. 1904. .617.5 H74 Hudson, T. J. Law or mental medicine. 1903.615 H88 Huxley, T. H. Lessons in ele¬ mentary physiology, ed. by Lee. 1904 ...612 H98 Peabody, J. E. Studies in physi¬ ology, anatomy and hygiene. 1905 . 612. P35 Prudden, T. M. Drinking water and ice supplies. 1901.613 P97 ENGINEERING AND MACHINERY. # Adams, B. B. Block system of sig¬ naling on American railroads. 1901. 625 A21 American engineering competition. 1901.621 A51 Appleton’s cyclopedia of applied mechanics. 2v. and supplement. 1904.R 621 A64 Baker, M. N. Municipal engineer¬ ing and sanitation. 1902. (Cit¬ izen’s lib. of economics, politics and sociology.).628 B16 14 USEFUL ARTS Beaven, A. H. Tube, train, tram and car. 1903. .621.3 B38 Burr, W. H. Ancient and modern engineering and tlie Isthmian canal. 1903.620 B96 Cochrane, C. H. Wonders of mod¬ ern mechanism. 1903.620 CC6 Edison, T. F. & Westinghouse, C. J. comps. Mechanic’s com¬ plete library. cl900.620.3 E23 Engineering magazine. Oct.1903- date. v.26-date.620.5 E3i Gunsaulus, F. W. ed. Modern en¬ gineering practice. 1903. .. .R 620 G97 Hiscox, G. D. Horseless vehicles, automobiles, motor cycles. 1901 . .625 II67 Illinois — Labor statistics, Bureau of. Statistics of coal in Illinois. 1885, 93-94,96-1903. v.6,9,12-13, 15-22. .D 622 1134 Johnson, J. B. Engineering con¬ tracts and specifications. 1902. .610 J67 Kerr, G. L. Elementary coal-min¬ ing. 1902. 622 K4l Merriman, Mansfield. Elements of sanitary engineering. 1899. .. .628 M57 Sanborn, F. B. Mechanics prob¬ lems for engineering students. 1902 .620 S19 Sloane, T. O’C. How to become a successful electrician. 1903. .621.3 S63 Spalding, F. P. Text-book on roads and pavements. 1903.625 S73 Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer’s pocket-book. 1904.620 T77 United States—Ordnance, Dep’t of. Annual report. 18S1.D 623.4 T77 Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of railways. 1903 .625 W45 AGRICULTURE. Bailey, L. IT. Principles, of fruit¬ growing. 1902. (Rural science ser.). 634 B15 ed. Principles of agriculture. 1903. (Rural science ser.). .630.7 B15 Budd, J. L. & Hansen, N. E. Am¬ erican horticultural manual. 2v. 1903.630 B92 Deering harvester company. Offi¬ cial retrospective exhibition of the development of harvesting machinery, n.d.630 D3l Felc-h, I. K. Poultry culture. cl902.636 F31 Graves, H. S. Woodman’s hand¬ book. 3.902. (U. S.—Forestry, Bureau of. Bulletin, no. 36.). .634.9 G77 Henderson, Peter. Gardening for profit. 1903. ..635 H49 Illinois — Agriculture, Dep’t of. Transactions. 1871, 73-76.D 630 1136 Illinois farmers’ institute. Annual report, 1902-03. v.7-8.630.6 129 Illinois state agricultural society. Transactions, 1856-57. v.2. . .630.6 I29s Johnson, S. W. How crops grow. 1903. ...630 J69 Lane, C. IT. All about dogs. 1900. .636 L26 Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel.) My farm of Edgewood. 1866.630 M68 Newell, F. TI. Irrigation in the United States. 1902. (Library of economics and politics.)... .631 N54 Pinchot, Gifford. Primer of fores¬ try. 1899. (U. S.—Forestry. Division of. Bulletin, no.24.). .634.9 P64 Roberts, I. P. Farmstead. 1902, (Rural science ser.).630 R64 Root, A. L. A B C of bee culture. 195.G3S R78 United States—Agriculture, Dep’t. of. Annual report of the secre¬ tary. 1863-64,67-68,71,75,77-80.84, 86,88,89,96-97 .D 630 Un3 Report in relation to the forests, rivers and mountains of the southern Appalachian region. 1902.D 634.9 Un3 Year book. 1S94,98,1903.D 630 Un3y —Animal industry, Bureau of. Annual report. 1893-97.. . .D 630 Un31 —Fish commission. Annual re¬ port of the commissioner, 1879- 80, 83-84.D 639 Un32 Bulletin. 1894-97. v. 14-17. ..D 639 Un33h —Soils, Division of. Field opera¬ tions. 1899.D 630 Un36 —Statistics, Bureau of. (State, Dep’t of.) Consular report on cattle and dairy farming. 1888 .D 630 Un3G6 —Statistics, Division of. Album of agricultural statistics. 1889 .D 630.8 Un36 Winslow, II. M. Concerning cats. C1900..636 W77 DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Atkinson, Edward & others. Sci¬ ence of nutrition. 1896.641 A87 Campbell, Mrs. II. (S.) Household economics. 1903.640 CIS Chamberlain, Charles, jr. Servant- girl of the period. 1873.647 C44 Coleman, Oliver. Successful homes. 1903.645 CC9 Green, M. E. Food products of the world, ed, by Bohn. 1902.640 G79 Harrison, Eveleen. Home nursing. 1900 .649 H31 FINE ARTS 15 Herrick, Mrs. C. T. First aid to the young housekeeper. 1900. .640 H56 Larned, Mrs. L. (H.) Hostess of today. 1902.641 L32 Lemcke, Gesine. Desserts and sal¬ ads. 1902.641 L54 Lincoln, Mrs. M. J. (B.) Boston cook book. 1903.641 L73 Moritz, Mrs. C. F. & Kahn, Adele. Twentieth century cook book. C1898.641 MS6 Richards, Mrs. E. H. (S.) Cost of food. 1902.643 R51 Cost of living. 1903.640 R51 & Elliott, S. M. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 2cop. 1897.641 R51 Rorer, Mrs. S. T. How to use a chafing dish. clS94.641 R78 Spofford, Mrs. H. E. (P.) Servant girl question. 1881.647 S76 Wheeler, Mrs. C. (T.) Principles of home decoration. 1903.640 W56 COMMUNICATION AND COMMERCE. Book-keeper. Jan.1899-Nov.1901. v 12,no.7-v. 14,no.4.657 B72 Bottone, S. R. Wireless telegraph and Hertzian waves. 1901.654 B75 Calkins, E. E. & Holden, Ralph. Modern advertising. 1905.659 C15 Fahie, J. J. History of wireless telegraphy. 1902.654 F15 Field, H. M. Story of the Atlan¬ tic telegraph. 1903.654 F45 Haskins, C. W. Business education and accountancy, ed. by Cleve¬ land. 1904. 657 H35 Hopkins, W. J. Telephone. 1898..654 H79 Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and the art of printing. 1871.655 P36 Pennsylvania rairoad company. Catalogue of the exhibit at the World’s Columbian exposition. 1893. 656 P41 Rawlings, G. B. Story of books. 1901.655 R25 William Mann company. Fifty years of progress. 1898.655 M28 World’s ready reckoner and rapid calculator. cl900.658 W92 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. Burnett company. About vanilla. C1900 .664 B£6 Montague, G. H. Rise and progress of the Standard oil company. 1903.655 M75 Nicolls, W. J. Story of American coals. 1904.662.6 N64 Nonotuk silk company. Silk, its origin, culture and manufac¬ ture. n.d.677 N81 tX MECHANIC TRADES. Carpenter, R. C. Heating and ven¬ tilating buildings. 1904.697 C’29 Clark, T. M. Building superintend¬ ence. 1903. r..692 C59 Stephens, W. P. Canoe and boat building. 1903.6S0 S83 Fine AYhts. FIN EARTS. Addison, J. de W. Art of the Pitti palace. 1904.708.5 A22 Art interchange. Jan.1904-date. v. 52-date.705 A78 DeForest, J. B. Short history of art. C1881.709 D31 Englemann, Richard. Pompeii, tr. by Eli. 1904. (Famous art cities.).7G9 E57 Goodyear, W. II. History of art. C1896 .709 G65 Hamerton, P. G. Thoughts about art. 1871.704 1121 Hartmann, Sadakichi. Japanese art. 1904. ; .709.52 H33 Lossing, B. J. Outline of the his¬ tory of fine arts. 1860.709 L87 Luebke, Wilhelm. Outlines of the history of art, ed. by Sturgis. 2v. 1904.709 L92 Masked, Alfred. Russian art and art objects in Russia. 2v.ini. 1884.709.47 M39 Pauli, Gustav. Venice, tr. by lvon- ody. 1904. (Famous art cities.) . 709 P32 Potter, M. K. Art of the Louvre. 1905. (Art galleries of Europe.) .708.4 PS6 Art of the Vatican. 1903. (.Art galleries of Europe.). ...... VOS.5 P86 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: The fine arts. 1888.. .709.45 S98 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Bailey, L. II. Garden-making. 1904. (Garden-craft ser.).710 B15 FINE ARTS 16 Ely, H. R. (A) woman’s hardy garden. 1903..710 E52 Henderson, Peter. Gardening for pleasure. 1903.716 H49 Maynard, S. T. Landscape garden¬ ing. 1903.712 M4i Rexford, E. E. Flowers and how to grow them. 1899.716 R45 Robinson, C. M. Improvement of towns and cities. 1901.710 R65 Modern civic art. 1903.710 R65m Williams, H. T. Window garden¬ ing. 1877.716 W72 ARCHITECTURE. Fergusson, James. History of ar¬ chitecture. 2v. n.d.720 F35 Illinois—State house commissioners. Report. 1876.D 725 1136 Miltoun, Francis. Cathedrals of northern France. 1904. (Cathe¬ dral ser.).726 MC6 Cathedrals of southern France. 1905. (Cathedral ser.).726 M66c Moore, C. H. Development and character of Gothic architecture. 1899.723 M82 Ruskin, John. Seven lamps oi ar¬ chitecture. n.d.720 R95. Stones of Venice. 3v. n.d.729 R95 Singleton, Esther, ed. Turrets, towers and temples. 1902. .. .720.4 S61 Sturgis, Russell, ed. Dictionary of of architecture and building. 3v. 1901-02.R 720 S93 Taber, M. J. Cathedrals of En¬ gland. 1905. (Cathedral ser.). .726 Til Van Rensslaer, Mrs. M. (G.) Hand¬ book of English cathedrals. 1903.726 V27 Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C. Outline history of architecture. cl886. .720 W32 SCULPTURE AND POTTERY. Buonaroti, M. A. Hurll, E. M. Michelangelo. 1900. (Riverside art ser.).730 MC2 Haslope, L. L. Repousse work for amateurs. 1902.739 H35 Hooper, W. H. & Phillips, W. C. Manual of marks on pottery ancr porcelain. 1902.738 LI78 Hurll, E. M. Greek Sculpture. 1901. (Riverside art ser.).733 IT96 Jack, George. Wood-carving de¬ sign and workmanship. 1903. (Artistic crafts ser.).736 J12 Monachesi, Mrs. N. di R. Manual for china painters. 1902.738 M73 Taft, Lorado. History of Ameri¬ can sculpture. 1903. (History of Amer. art.).730.97 T12 Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C. Outline history of sculpture. cY8S8.. .730.9 W32 DRAWING AND DECORATION. Barritt, Leon. How to draw. 1904. .740 B27 Cross, A. K. Mechanical drawing. 1902. (National drawing books.).744 C95 Hawkins, N. Mechanical drawing. cl902.744 H39 Jones, Mrs. C. S. & Williams, H. T. Household elegancies. 1875..746 J76 Ladies’ fancy work. 1876.746 J761 Langton, M. B. How to know ori¬ ental rugs. 1904.745 L28 McCutcheon, J. T. Bird Center cartoons. 1904.741 M13 Cartoons. 1903.741 M13c Moore, Mrs. N. H. Lace book. 1904.746 M82 White, Mary. How to do beadwork. 1904.746 W58 Wright, Grant. Art of caricature. 1904.741 W94 PAINTING. Bailey, II. T. Great painters’ gos¬ pel. cl900.755 B15 Bradford, A. H. Messages of the masters. 1902.750.4 B79 Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. hart. Pic¬ tures of romance and wonder. 1902 .755 B96 Cunningham, Allan. Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. 5v. 1859.750 C97 Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.) Legends of the Madonna, n.d.755 J31 Sacred and legendary art. 2v. n.d.755 J3l» La Farge, John. Great masters. 1903 .750 L15 Millett, J. F. Hurll, E. M. Jean Francois Millet. 1900. (Riverside art ser.).750 M65 Murillo, B. E. Hurll, E. M. Murillo. 1901. (Riverside art ser.).750 M97 Raffaele Sanzio. Hurll, E. M. Raphael. 1899. (Riverside art ser.).750 R21 Rembrandt, ILermanszoon van Rijn. Hurll, E. M. Rembrandt. 1899. (Riverside art ser.).750 R38 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Hurll, E. M. Sir Joshua Rey¬ nolds. 1900. (Riverside art ser.).750 R46 Singleton, Esther, ed. Great pic¬ tures. 1903.750.4 S61 FINE ARTS 17 Smith, C. S. Barbizon days; Mil¬ let—Corot—Rousseau—Barye. 1902 . 750.4 SG4 Van Dyke, J. C. Art for art’s sake. 1899.750.4 V248 Meaning of pictures. 2cop. 1903. .750.4 V248m Text-book of the history of paint¬ ing. 1902.750.9 V248 Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C. Outline history of painting. cl883. .. .750.9 W32 PHOTOGRAPHY AND ENGRAVING. Black, Alexander. Photography in¬ doors and out, 1900.770 B62 Brown, G. E. ed. Finishing the negative. 1901.770 B87 Duplessis, G. V. A. Gratet— Won¬ ders of engraving. 1886. (Won¬ ders of art and archeology).760 D93 Story, A. T. Story of photography. 1898.770 S88 MUSIC. Bach, J. S. Williams, C. F. A. Bach. 1900. (Master musicians.).780 Bll Banks, L. A. Immortal songs of camp and field. 1899.784 B21 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Beethoven’s letters, tr. by Wal¬ lace. 2v. 1867.780 B41 Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Beetho¬ ven, tr. by Lalor. 1900. (Bi¬ ographies of musicians).780 B41n Behnke, Emil & Browne, Lennox. Child’s voice, n.d.784.9 B41 Bertenshaw, T. H. Longman’s mu¬ sic course. 3v. 1895-1902.781 B53 Bremont, Anna., comtesse de. World of music: The great com¬ posers. 1902.780 B83 World of music; The great sing¬ ers. 1902.780 B83s World of music; The great virtu- osi. 1902 .780 BS3v Bull, O. B. Bull, Mrs. S. C. Ole Bull. C1882. 780 B93 Chapin, A. A. Wonder tales from Wagner. 1898. ,782 C46 Cherubini, M. L. C. Z. S. Crowest, F. J. Cherubini. 1890 . ,780 C52 Crowest, F. J.. Great tone-poets. n.d. ,780 C95 Curtis, E. C. Children’s voices. cl895. .784.9 C97 Dole, N. H. Score of famous com¬ posers. cl891.780 D66 Elson, L. C. European reminis¬ cences. 1891.780.4 E49 History of American music. 1904. (History of American art.). .780.97 E49 Shakespeare in music. 1901. .. .780.4 E49s Fay, Amy. Music study in Ger¬ many, ed. by Pierce. 1897. .. .780.7 F28 Ferris, G. T. Great German com¬ posers. 1903.780 F39 Great Italian and French compo¬ sers. 1902.780 F39i Great singers, 2v. 1902.780 F39s Great violinists and pianists. 1902. 780 F39v Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music. 1892.786 F48 Finck, H. T. Chopin, and other musical essays. 1899.780.4 F49 Songs and song writers. 1900... .784 F49 Findlay, J. P. Spindle-side of Scottish song. 1902.780 F49 Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. Famous songs. 2v. 1901.784 F55 Fletcher, A. C. Indian story and song from North America. 1900,.784 F61 Gilman, Lawrence. Phases of mod¬ ern music. 1904.780.4 G48 Goldschmidt, Mme. J. (L.) Rochestro, W. S. Jenny Lind. 1894.780 G62 Goodrich, A. J. comp. Music as a language. clSSl.781 G65 Gottschalk, L.M. Hensel, Octavia. Life and let¬ ters of Louis Moreau Gotts¬ chalk. cl870.780 G68 Grove, Sir George, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians. 4v. and index. 1902.R 780.3 G88 Guttman, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice. 1893.784.9 G98 Haendel, G. F. Williams, C. F. A. Handel. 1901. (Master musicians.). .. .780 H23 Haydn, Joseph. , Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Haydn, tr. by Upton. 1902. (Biog¬ raphies of musicians.).780 H41 Henderson, W. J. Story of music. 1901.780.9 LI49 Hensel, F. C. (M.) Hensel, Sebastian. Mendelssohn family, tr. by Ivlingemann. 2v. 1882.780 M537 Hughes, Rupert. Contemporary American composers. 1900... .780 H89 Klein, Hermaan. Thirty years of musical life in London, 1870- 1900. 1903.780.4 K64 Krehbiel. H. E. How to listen to music. 1897.780.4 K92 Lahee, H. C. Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday. 1899... .780 L18 Organ and its masters. 1905... .786 L18 18 I LITERATURE Lanier, Sidney. Music and poetry. 1899. 780.4 L28 Leib, W. H. Voices of children. 1889.784.9 L52 Liszt, Franz. Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Liszt, tr. by Upton. 1902. (Biogra¬ phies of musicians.).780 L77 Mason, William. Memories of a musical life. 1901.780 M41 Mathews, W. S. B. How to under¬ stand music. 2v. 1898-1900. .780.1 M42 Popular history of the art of mu¬ sic. cl891.780.9 M42 Pronouncing dictionary of musi¬ cal terms, instruments, com¬ posers, 1900.B 780.3M42 ed. Hundred years of music in America. 1889.780.97 M42 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix Ilensel, Sebastian. Mendelssohn family, tr. by Klingemann. 2v. 1882..780 M53 Polko, Elise. Reminiscenses of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, tr. by Wallace. 1869--780 M53p Mozart, J. C. W. A. Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Mozart, tr. by Lalor. 1902. (Biograph¬ ies of musicians.) .780 M93 Parry, Sir C. H. II. Evolution of the art of music. 1904. (Inter¬ national scientific ser.).780.9 P26 Perry, E. B. Descriptive analysis of piano works. 1903.786 P46 Pratt, W. S. Musical ministries in the church. 1902. |... .783 P91 Raymond, G. L. Rhythm and har¬ mony in poetry and music. 1S95. 781 R26 Ritter, F. L. Manual of musical history. 1886.780.9 R61 Music in America. 1884.780.9 R61 Root, G. F. Story of a musical life. cl891.780 R78 Rubenstein, Anton. M’Arthur, Alexander. Anton Rubenstein. 1899.780 RS9 Ryan, Thomas. Recollections of an old musician. 1899.780 R98 Smith, Hannah. Music, how it came to be what it is. 1902. .780.9 S64 Upton, G. P. Musical pastels. 1902.780.4 U71 Woman in music. 1886.780.4 U71w Wagnalls, Mabel. Stars of the opera. 1899.782 AVI 3 Wagner, Richard. Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Wagner, tr. by Upton. 1902. (Biog¬ raphies of musicians).780 W13 Weber, K. M. F. E., freiherr von. Benedict, Sir Julius. Weber. 1899. (Great musicians).780 W37 SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS. Bellamy, William. Third century of charades. 1904. 793 B43 Church sociables and entertain¬ ments. cl898.793 C56 Dodge, Mrs. M. (M.) (A) few friends and how they amused themselves. 1869.793 D64 Doherty, R. F. & Doherty, II. L. Lawn tennis. 1903.796 D65 Foster, R. F. Foster’s encyclope¬ dia of games. clS97.793 F75 Fyles, Franklin. Theatre and its people. 1900.792 F99 Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods. 1902.799 G45 Ilapgood, Norman. Stage in Am¬ erica, 1897-1900. 1901.792 1125 Hill, L. E. & others. Athletics and out-door sports for women. 1903.796 II64 Lewis, A. J. (Professor Hoffman.) Parlor amusements, n.d.793 L67 McCarthy, Eugene. Familiar fish, their habits and capture. 2cop. 1903.799 Mil Paret, J. P. Woman's book of sports. 1901.790 P22 Taylor, J. H. Taylor on golf. 1902 .796 T24 Thompson, AV. M. & Lawson, T. AAC Lawson history of the Am¬ erica’s cup. 1901.797 T47 AVhite, Mary. Book of games. 1902.793 AV58 Wilkinson, AV. C. Dance of mod¬ ern society. 1887.793 AV68 Literature. Barrett, C. R. Short story writing. cl900.808 B27 Bartlett, John, comp Familiar quotations. 1903.R 808 B28 Bent, S. A. Comp. Familiar short sayings of great men. cl882.R 808.8 B47 Brewer, E. C. Reader’s handbook. 1902.R 803 B84 LITERATURE 19 Comstock, Andrew. System of elo¬ cution. 1845.808.5 C73 Corson, Hiram. Aims of literary study. 1905.807 C82 Cumnock, It. McL. Choice read¬ ings. 1902.808.5 C91 Eliot, George, pseud. Character readings from George Eliot, comp, by Sheppard. cl883. .. .808.5 E42 Hoyt, J. K. comp. Cyclopedia of practical quotations. cl89G. .It 808 HS6 Longfellow, H. W., ed. Poets and poetry of Europe. 1896.R 808.1 L85 Matthews, J. B. Aspects of fiction and.other ventures in criticism. 1900.804 M43 Historical novel and other essays. 1901.804 M43h Nordau, M. S. Degeneration. 1902. 801 N82 Peattie, Mrs. E. (W.) comp. Poems you ought to know. 1903 ..808.1 P36 Reed, T. B. ed. Modern eloquence. 10v. C1900.R 808.5 R32 Spencer, Herbert. Philosophy of style. 1902. .808 S74 Warner, C. D. ed. Library of the world's best literature. 30v. cl897.R 808 W27 Wells, Carolyn, ed. Nonsense an¬ thology. 1903.808.7 W45 Wendell, Barrett. English compo¬ sition. 1903.808 W46 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of fiction. cl903. .R 803 W56 Who wrote it, ed. by C. G. Wheeler. cl881.R 803 W5Gw Wood, Iv. B. comp. Quotations for occasions. 1903.R 808 W87 AMERICAN LITERATURE. Duyckinck, E. A. & Duyckinck, G. L. Cyclopedia of American lit¬ erature. 2v. cl875.R 810.3 D98 Fisher, Mary. General survey of American literature. 1899.. . .810.9 F53 Howells, W. D. Literary friends and acquaintance. 1902.810 H85 Mitchell, D. G. American lands and letters. 2v. 1901.810.9 MGS Nicholson, Meredith. Hoosiers. 1900. (National studies in Am- ■ erican letters.).810.4 NG2 Onderdonk, J. L. History of Ameri¬ can verse. 1901.811.09 058 Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. cl885.811.09 S81 Trent, W. P. History of Ameri¬ can literature, 1G07-1865. 1903. .I...810.9 T79 AMERICAN POETRY. Amsbary, AY. B. Ballads of Bour- bonnais. cl904.811 A52 Bigney, M. F. Forest pilgrims, and other poems. 1867.811 B59 Bryant, W. C. Poetical works. 1880.811 B91 Carleton, Will. Farm ballads. C1873.811 C28 Farm festivals. 1882.811 C28f Farm legends. cl875.811 C28fa Songs of two centuries. 1902...811 C28s Deirdre. 1877. (No name ser.). .. .811 D32 Dexter, Charles. In memoriam, ver¬ sions, and idle measures. 1891..811 D52 Dunbar, P. L. Poems of cabin and field. 1902.811 T>S> When Malindy sings. 1903.811 DS9w Eggleston, G. C. ed. American war ballads and lyrics. cl889. .811.08 E29 Field, Eugene. Little book of western verse. 1903.811 F451 Fosdick, W. W. Ariel, and other poems. cl855.811 F74 Gilder, R. AY. Christmas wreath. C1903.811 G4G Holland, J. G. (Timothy Titcomb.) Bitter-sweet. 1881.811 H73 Holmes, O. AV. Complete poetical works, cl895.811 IL75 King, B. F. Ben King’s verse, ed. by Waterman. 1903.811 K52 Longfellow, H. AY. Complete poeti¬ cal works. cl893.811 L85 Lowell, J. R. Complete poetical Avorks. cl896.811 L91 McDermott, II. F. Poems from an editor’s table. 1881.811 M13 Markham, Edwin. Alan with the hoe, and other poems. 1899. .. .811 A134 Aliller, C. II. (Joaquin Aliller.) Complete poetical works. 1902. .811 A1G4 Riley, .J. AA r . Book of joyous child¬ ren. 1902.•.811 R57b His pa’s romance, c-1903.811 R57h Home-folks. cl900.811 R571io Neighborly poems and dialect sketches. cl897.811 ft57n Toems here at home. 189G.811 R57p Stedman, E. C. ed. American an¬ thology, 1787-1900. cl900_811.08 S81 Taylor, Bayard. Poet's journal. 1863.811 T23 AVeeden, Howard. Songs of the old South. 1901.811 AA r 39 Whitman, AValter. Selections from the prose and poeti’y of Walt Whitman, ed. by Triggs. 1898.811 AV61 AVhittier, J. G. Complete poetical works. cl894.811 AYG2 20 LITERATURE Among the hills, and other poems. 1869.811 W62a Wilcox, Mrs. E. (W.) How Salva¬ tor -won. and other recitations. C1895. .. .811 W66 Poems of passion. 1890.811 W66p AMERICAN DRAMA AND ESSAYS. Beecher, H. W. Eyes and ears. 1866. 814 B41 Star papers. 1853.814 B41s Burroughs, John. Far and near. 1904.814 B97 Literary values, and other essays. cl902.814 B971 Year in the fields. 1897.814 B97y Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot’s poetry, and other studies. 1885. .814 C63 Curtis, G. W. Literary and social essays. 1904.814 C97 Dodge, M. A. (Gail Hamilton.) Summer rest. 1866.814 D64 Twelve miles from a lemon. 1874.814 D64t Emerson, R. W. Essays. 2v. n.d. .814 E53 Fiske, John. Darwinism, and other essays. cl885.814 F54 Hale, E. E. We, the people. 1903. .814 H16 Higginson, T. W. Concerning all of us. 1892.814 H63 Holland, J. G. (Timothy Titcomb.) Gold-foil. 1869.814 H73 Titcomb’s letters to young peo¬ ple. 1869.814 H73t Howe, Mrs. J. (W.) Is polite soci¬ ety polite, and other essays. 1900.814 H85 Howells, W. D. Mouse-trap, and other farces. 1903.812 H85 Out of the question; a comedy. C1877.’.812 H83o Sleeping-car, and other farcees. 1899.812 H85a Suburban sketches. 1871.814 H859s Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) (Grace Greenwood.) Records of five years. 1867.814 L76 Lowell, J. R. Among my books. 2v. 1883.814 L91 My study Avindows. 1883.814 L91m Mabie, II. W. Backgrounds of lit¬ erature. 1904.814 Mil Nature and culture. 1904.814 Mlln Under the trees and elsewhere. 1903. '.814 Mllu Mathews, William. Great conver- sers, and other essays. 1879.. .814 M42 Hours with men and books. 1882. .814 M42h Muensterberg, Hugo. American traits. ' 1902.814 M96 Ossolli, S. M. (F.) (marchesa D’ Literature and art. 1852.814 084 Repplier, Agnes, Compromises. 1904. 814 R42 Points of view. 1896.814 R42p Smith, W. H. & others. Ways of two wise mothers and their work. cl902.812 S66 Spalding, J. L., bp. Glimpses of truth, with essays on Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. 1903. .. .814 S73 Opportunity, and other essays and addresses. 1900.814 S73c* Socialism and labor. 1902.814 S73s Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Chimney- corner. 1868.814 S89 Swing, David. Club essays. 1889..814 S97 Taylor, B. F. Summer-savory. 1880.814 T23 World on wheels. 1880.814 T23w Van Dyke, II. J. Fisherman’s luck, and some other uncertain things. 1902 . 814 V24 Van Dyke, J. C. Nature for its own sake. 1898.814 V24S Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 1866.814 W57 Whiting, Lillian. Boston days. 1903 .814 W59 Whittier, J. G. Prose works. 2v. 1866. 814 W62 Woolley, Mrs. C. (P.) Western slope. 1903.814 W91 AMERICAN ORATORY. Everitt, Edward. Mount Vernon papers. 1860.815 E93 Ingersoll, R. G. Prose-poems and selections. 1884.815 147 Moore, Frank, ed. American elo¬ quence. v.2. 1867.815 M82 Pittenger, William. Toasts and forms of public address. 1903.R 815 P68 Watterson, Henry. Compromises of life, and other lectures and ad¬ dresses. 1903.815 W34 AMERICAN HUMOR AND MISCEL¬ LANY. Ade, George. Breaking into society. 1904.817 A22 Fables in slang. 1900.817 A22f Girl proposition. 1902.817 A22g In Babel. 1903.817 A22i Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Ala¬ bama and Mississippi. 1873. .. .817 B18 Bangs, J. Iv. Booming of Acre Hill, and other reminiscences of ur¬ ban and suburban life. 1900. .. .817 B21 LITERATURE 21 House-boat on tlie Styx. 1899. .817 B21h Inventions of the Idiot. 1904.. .817 B21i j Pursuit of the house-boat. 1899.817 B21p Browne, C. F. (Artemus Ward.) Artemus Ward, his book. 1892. .817 B87 Burdette, R. J. Rise and fall of the mustache. 1877.817 B95 Smiles yoked with sighs. cl900. .817 B95s Cabell, I. C. Thoughtless thoughts of Carisabel. 1903.818 Cll Clark, C. H. (Max Adeler.) Fortu¬ nate island, and other stories. 1S82.817 C59 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) In¬ nocents abroad, n.d.817 C62 Roughing it. n.d.817 C62r Sketches. 1881.817 C62s Curtis, G. W. Potiphar papers. 1869.817 C97 Dunne, F. P. Mr. Dooley in peace and in war. 1899.917 D92 Obseiwations of Mr. Dooley. 1902. . v 817 D92o Field, Eugene. Sharps and flats. 2v. 1900.817 F45 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tales, sketches and other papers. 1890. .818 H39 Holley, Marietta. Josiah Allen’s wife as a P. A. & P. I. 1895. .817 H73 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast-table. 1876.817 H75 Over the tea-cups. 1901.817 H75o Professor at the breakfast-table. 1896. 817 B75p Soundings from the Atlantic. 1864.817 II75s Irving, Washington. Bracebridge Hall. C1865.817 172b Crayon miscellany. cl865.817 I72er Knickerbocker’s History of New York. 1867.817 I72h Sketch-book. 2cop. cl880.817 I72s Wolfert’s roost and other papers, 1885.817 I72w Kemble, E. W. Billy goat, and other comicalities. 1898.817 K31 Kountz, W. J. jr. (Billy Baxter.) Billy Baxter’s letters. cl899. .817 K8b Landon, M. de L. & others. Li¬ brary of wit and humor. cl901. .817 L25 M. A. C. Reflections of a lonely man. 1903.818 Mil Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel.) Rev¬ eries of a bachelor. 1866.818 M68 Wet days at Edgewood. 1865. .818 M68w Newell, Peter. (Sheaf Hersey.) Pic¬ tures and rhymes. 1900.817 N54 Nye, E. W. (Bill Nye.) Bill Nye’s chestnuts, old and new. n.d.. .817 N99 1855.817 I72w Reed, Myrtle. Book of clever beasts. 1904.817 R32 Roche, J. J. Her majesty the king. 1903.817 R67 Saxe, J. G. Poems. 1871.817 S27 Shillaber, B. P. (Mrs. Parting¬ ton.) Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington. 1854.817 S55 Tangletown letters. 1856.818 T77 Warner, C. D. My summer in a garden. 1871.817 W2i Wood, Lieut. O. E. West Point- scrap book. 1871.818 W87 ENGLISH LITERATURE. Gosse, E. W. Short history of modern English literature. 1902 .820.9 G67 Harrison, Frederic. Studies in early Victorian literature. 1901 .820.9 H31 Howells, W. D. Heroines of fic¬ tion. 2v. 1903.823 H85 Richardson, Mrs. A. (S.) Familiar talks on English literature. 1881.820.9 R52 Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets. 1901.821.9 S81 ENGLISH POETRY. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Light *of Asia. 1881.821 A75 Browning, Mrs. E. (B.) Poems. 4v. n.d.821 B88 Browning, Robert. Complete poet¬ ic and dramatic works. cl895. .821 B885 Selections from poetical works. n.d.821 B885s> Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works, with memoir, n.d.821 B96 Butler, Samuel. Iludibras, with notes by Grey, n.d.821 B98 Byron, G. G. N. Byron, 6tli baron. Poetical works, n.d.821 B99 Coleridge, S. T. Poetical works. n.d. 821 C69 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Poems. 1867.821 CSS Eliot, George, pseud. Spanish gypsy. 1874.821 E42 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical works. n.d.821 G62 Gray, John. Poetical works, ed. by Bradshay. 1903.821 G78 Halpine, C. G. (Miles O’Reilly.) Poetical works, ed. by Roose¬ velt.821 H19 Hemans, Mrs. F. D. (B.) Poetical works. n.d.821 1148 22 LITERATURE Herrick, George. Toetical works, ed. by Saintsbury. 2v. 1900....821 1156 Hood, Thomas, Poetical works, n.d .821 IT 7 7 Ingelow, Jean. Poems. 1867.821 146 Keats, John. Poetical works, ed. by Forman. cl895.821 K25 Kipling, Itndyard. Ballads and bar¬ rack room ballads. 1899.821 K57 Five nations. 1903.821 K57f Lytton, E. R. I. Bulwer-Lytton, 1st earl of. Poetical works. 2cop. n.d. & 1867.821 L99 Milton, John. Poetical works; with memoir and notes, n.d.821 M66 Moore, Thomas. Poetical works. n.d. •.821 M82 Morris, William. Pygmalion and the image. cl903.821 M87 Proctor, A. A. Poetical works. 1858.821 P9 3 Rossetti, D. G. Poetical works. 2v. 1899.82 R82 Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Poetical works, n.d.821 SI3 Shelley, P. B. Poetical works, ed. by Dowden. 2cop. 1901.821 S54 Smith, Alexander. Poems. 1853. . .821 S64 Stedman, E. C. ed. “Victorian an¬ thology, 1837-1895. C1895_821.08 S81 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Poetical works. 2cop. n.d.821 T31 Wordsworth, William. Poetical works. n.d.821 W92 ENGLISH DRAMA. Beaumont, Francis & Fletcher, John. Beaumont and Fletcher, ed. by Strachey. 2v. n.d. (Mer¬ maid ser.).822 B37 Marlowe, Christopher. Christopher Marlowe, ed. by Ellis, n.d. .. .822 M34 Sheridan, R. B. B. School for scandal, ed by Aitken. n.d.822 S55 Yeats, W. B. Hour-glass, and other plays. 1904.822 Y41 SHAKESPEARE. Shakespeare, William. Works, ed. by Gollancz. 12v. 1899 & 1900. .822.33 .1 Works, ed. by Steevens, 1866. . .822.33 Js Brassington, W. S. Shakespeare's homeland. 1903.822.33 Gb Dowden, Edward. Shakspere. 1903 .822.33 D Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare com¬ mentaries, tr. by Bunnett. 1903 .822.33 Dg Human life in 1868.822.33 Dgi Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.) Shakes¬ peare’s heroines. 1901.822.33 Dj Lamb, Charles & Lamb, M. A. Tales from Shakespeare, n.d. .822.33 II Moulton, R. G. . Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. 1901.822.33Dm Preston, Mary. Studies in Shakes¬ peare. 1869.822.33Dp Wingate, C. E. L. Shakespeare’s heroes on the stage. 2v. cl896 .822.33 Gw ENGLISH -ESSAYS. Addison, Joseph. Works. v.2-3. 1864.824 A22 Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Pleasures of life, n.d.824 A94 Birrell, Augustine. Obiter dicta. 2v. 1900-1901.824 BOl Boyd. A. K. H. Autumn holidays of a country parson. 1865.824 B78 Leisure hours in town. 1862. .. .824 B781 Recreations of a country parson. 2v. 1866..824 B7£r Brown, John. Spare hours. 2v. 1866-82.... .824 B87 Browning, Mrs. E. (B.) Essays. n.d...824 B88 Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor resartus. n.d.824 C28 Cody, Sherwin. Selections from the best English essays. 1903 .824.08 C67 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Plain- speaking. 1882.824 C88 Studies from life, n.d.824 CSSs De Quincey, Thomas. Beauties se¬ lected from the writings of Thomas De Quincey. 1868.824 D42 Confessions of an English opium- eater. 1868.824 D42c Literary reminiscences. 2v. 1878. .824 D421 Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of lit¬ erature. 4v. 1865.. .824 D61 Eliot, George, pseud. Essays. n.d.824 E42 Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years. 7v. n.d.824 G54 Greg, W. II. Enigmas of life. 1880.824 G81 Kingsley, Charles. Sir Walter Ral¬ eigh and his time, and other pa¬ pers. 1859.824 K55 Lamb, Charles. Works. 5v. 1866 .824 L2i Macaulay, T. P>. Macaulay, 1st baron. Essays, critical and mis-cellaneous. 1863.824 Mil Miller, Hugh. Essays, ed by Bayne. 1865.S24 M64 Giles, Henry. Shakespeare. LITERATURE 23 Ituskin, John. Crown of wild olive. n.d.824 R95 Sesame and lilies. 1892.824 R95s Time and tide by Weare and Tyne. 1868.824 11951 True and the Beautiful. 1871..824 R95tr ENGLISH HUMOR AND MISCELLANY. Burton, Robert. Anatomy of mel¬ ancholy. 1881.828 B 97 Chesterfield, r. D. S., 4th earl of. Letters to his son. 1866.826 C52 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll.) Rhyme and reason. 1884.827 D64 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems, plays, etc. 1894.828 G62 Hood, Thomas. Whims and oddi¬ ties. n.d.827 H77 Jerome, J. K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 1894.827 J56 Observations of Henry. 1901. . .827 J56o Three men in a boat, n.d.827 J56t Jerrold, D. W. Fireside saints, and other papers. 1873.827 J57 Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lectures. 1869. 827 J57m Seaman, Owen. Borrowed plumes. 1902 .827 S43 Thackeray, W. M. Burlesques, Yel¬ low-plush papers, etc. n.d.827 T36 Four Georges, n.d.827 T36f Miscellanies. 1870.828 T36 Paris sketch-book, Eastern sketch¬ es, Irish sketch-book. n.d.. .828 T36p Roundabout papers, Critical re¬ views, English humorists, Sketches and travels, n.d. . .827 T36r GERMAN LITERATURE. Coar, J. F. Studies in German lit¬ erature of the 19th century. 1903 .830.9 C6b Francke, Kuno. History of Ger¬ man literature. 1903.830.9 F82 Goethe, J. W. von. Poems, tr. by Bowring. 1900.831 G59 Faust, tr. by Brooks. 1869.832 G59 Heine, Heinrich. Poems, tr. by Bowring. 1898.831 H46 Hosmer, J. K. Short history of German literature. 1901.830.9 H82 Lessing, G. E. Dramatic works, tr. from the German, ed. by Bell. 2v. 1900-02.832 L03 Mueller, F. M. Chips from a Ger¬ man workshop. 3v. 1871.834 M95 Scherer, William. History of Ger¬ man literature, tr. by Cony- beare, ed. by Mueller. 2v. 1903 .830.9 S32 tr. Kai- .835 S33 Schiller, ,J. C. F. von. Poems, tr. by Bowring. 1902.831 S33 FRENCH LITERTURE. Blouet, Paul. (Max O’Rell.) Her royal highness, woman. cl901. . 844 BOS Dowden, Edward. History of French literature. 1901.840.9 D74 Fisher, Mary. Group of French critics. 1897...840.9 F53 Harper, J. McL. Masters of French literature. 1901. .840 H29 Matthews, J. B. French drama¬ tists of the 19tli century. 1891. ..840.9 M43 Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic works, tr. by Wall. 3v. 1900-01.842 M72 Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Ber¬ gerac, tr. by Hall. 1898.842 R83 L’Aiglon. 1900.842 R831 Verlaine, Paul. Poems, tr. by Hall. 1895.841 V52 Wagner, Charles. Simple life, tr. by Hendee. 1903.844 W13 SPANISH, ITALIAN, LATIN AND GREEK LITERATURE. Aesopus. Three hundred Aesop's fables, tr. by Townsend, n.d. .888 A25 Garnett, Richard. History of Ital¬ ian literature. 1901.850.9 G23 Homerus. Ilaid, tr. by Bryant... .883 II76i Odyssey, tr. by Bryant. cl899. .883 II76o Kelly, James Fitzmaurice. History of Spanish literature. 1902. .860.9 K29 Laing, G. J. ed. Masterpieces of Latin. Literature. cl903.. . .870.8 L18 Moulton, R. G. Ancient classical drama. 1898.882 M92 Rossetti, D.. G. tr. Dante and his circle. 1893.851 R82 Snider, D. J. Dante’s Divine com¬ edy. 2v. cl892.851 D19Y Homer’s Ilaid; a commentary. C1897.883 H76iY Homer’s Odyssey; a commentary C1895. .883 II76oY Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: Italian literature. 2v 1888. 850.9 S98 Renaissance in Italy: The revi¬ val of learning. 1888.880 SOS Vergilius Maro, Publius. Worss or Virgil, tr. by Bryce. 1902.873 V81 LITERATURE OF MINOR LANGUAGES. Aston, W. G. History of Japanese literature. 1903.895 A85 Boyesen, II. H. Essays on Scandi¬ navian literature. 1895.839.5 B79 Schierbrand, Wolf von, ser’s speeches. 1903 24 TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION Hearn, Lafcadio. Kwaidan. 1S94.S95 H43 Luetzow, G. H. H. .V. graf von. History of Bohemian literature. 1900.891.8 L97 Maclean, Magnus. Literature of the Highlands. 1904.891.6 054 Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat in En¬ glish verse, by Fitzgerald. 1888.891 054 Waliszewski, Kazimierz. History of Russian literature. 1900. .891.7 W17 Travel wtsd Description Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cach¬ alot. 1899.910 B93 Chapin, E. L. Experiences of a little traveler. 1898.910 C46 Cotes, Mrs. S. J. (D.) Social de¬ parture. 1891.910 C84 Dilke, Sir C. W. bart. Greater Britain. 1869.910 D57 Frothingham. J. P. Sea-wolves of seven shores. 1904.910 F94 Grey, Mrs. William. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, Greece. 1870.910 G84 Ivnelb, P. H. Narratives of an oic? traveller. 1856.910 K68 Le Vert, Mme. O. W. Souvenirs of travel, v.l. 1868.910 L66 Lippincott’s magazine of the world. 2v. 1902.R 910.3 L76 Lowell, J. R. Fireside travels. 1885.910 L91 Mill, H. R. ed. International ge¬ ography. 1902.R 910.7 M65 Reid, Capt. Mayne. Odd people. 1866.910 R3b Slocum, Joshua. Sailing alone around the world. 1901.910 S63 Stoddard, J. L. Lectures. lOv. and supplement 2v. 1898-1903 .R 910 S86 Taylor, Bayard. At home and abroad. 2v. 1862-64.910 T23 ATLASES. Descriptive atlas of western Can¬ ada. n.d.R 912.71 D44 Gardiner, S. R. ed. School atlas of English history. 1902.. .R 911.42 G22 Rand, McNally & company. Uni¬ versal atlas of the world. C1898 .R 912 Rl» New standard atlas of the world. C1901 .R 912 R18s ANTIQUITIES. Anderson, R. E. Extinct civiliza¬ tions of the west. 1904.913.72 A54 Anthon, Charles. Manual of Gre¬ cian antiquities. 1863.913 A 62 Manual of Roman antiquities. C1851 .913 A62r Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis. 2cop. 1882.913 D68 Dyer, T. H. Pompeii. 1898.913 D99 Harper’s dictionary of classical lit¬ erature and antiquities. cl896 .R 913 H29 Layard, Sir A. H. Popular ac¬ count of discoveries at Ninevah. 1854.913 L42 Seiss, J. A. Miracle in stone. 1877.913 S42 Smith, Sir William, ed. Diction¬ ary of Greek and Roman geog¬ raphy. 2v. 1878.R 913.38 S66 EUROPE. Bellows, H. W. Old World in its new face. 2v. 1868.914 B44 Bigelow, Poultney. Borderland of the czar and kaiser. 1895.914 B59 Bogue, Mrs. L. (B.) As seen by me. 1901.914 B67 Bremer, Fredrika. Life in the Old World, tr. by Ilowitt. 1860... .914 B88 Dore. 1857.914 D69 Hamerton, P. G. Painter’s camp. 1867.914 H21 Howe, Mrs. J. (W.) From the oak to the olive. 1868.914 H85 Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. (H. H.) Bits of travel. 1873.914 J12 Longfellow, H. W. Outre-mer. n.d. . ..914 L85 Rolfe, W. J. Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe. 1903 .914. R74 Sedgwick, C. M. Letters from abroad. 2v. 1S55. .'.914 S44 Smith, F. H. Well-worn roads. 1892.914 S64 Taylor, Bayard. Views afoot. 1874.914 T23 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. (H.) (Marion Harland.) Loiterings in pleas¬ ant paths. 1880.914 T31 Warner, C. D. Saunterings. 1872.914 W27 TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION 25 ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. Besant, Sir Walter. East London. 1901.914.2 B55 Blouet, Paul. (Max O’Rell.) John Bull and his island. 1900... .914.2 B65 Borrow, G. H. Wild Waxes, its peo¬ ple, language and scenery. 1900. .914.29 B73 Carnegie, Andrew. American four- in-hand in Britain. 1903.914.2 C2b Dodd, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Cathedral days. 1899.914.2 D63 Farrar, F. W. Westminster Abbey. n.d.914.2 F24 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the English note-books. 2v. 1870.914.2 H39 Our old home. 2cop. 1866 & 1902.914.2 H39o Hoppin, J. M. Old England, n.d.. .914.2 H79 Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. 1835.. .914.2 172 Johnson, Clifton. Land of heather. 1904 .914.1 J66 Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) (Grace Greenwood.) Merrie England. 1868.914.2 L76 Mansfield, M. F. & Mansfield B., McM. Romantic Ireland. 2v. 1905 . 914.15 M28 Mead, Mrs. L. (A.) Milton’s En¬ gland. 1903.914.2M47 Miller, Hugh. First impressions of England and its people. 1865 .914.2 M64 Miltoun, Francis. Dickens’ London. 1903.914.21 M66 Smith, Alexander. Summer in Skye. 1865.914.2 S6t Stanley, A. P. Poet’s corner, (in Farrar, F. IV. Westminster Abbey, n.d). ..914.2 F24 Victoria, queen of Great Britain. Leaves from the journal of. ed. by Helps. 1868.914.1 V64 GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY AND SPAIN. Andersen, H. C. In Spain and a visit to Portugal. 1870.914.6 A54 Bell Smith abroad, n.d.914.4 B43 Blashfield, E. H. & Blashfield, Mrs. E. W. Italian cities. 2v. 1901.914.5 B64 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Fair France. 1871.914.4 C88 Dawson, W. H. German life in town and country. 1902. (Our European neighbors.) .914.3 D27 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the French and Italian note-books. 2cop. 1875 & 1902. .914.5 1139 Hay, John. Castilian days. cl899. .914.6 H41 Higgin, Louis. Spanish lire in town and country. 1903. (Our European neighbors.).914.6 H63 Hood, Thomas. Up the Rhine, n.d . .914.3 H77 Howells, W. D. Venetian life. 1868 .914.5 H85 Irving, Washington. Alhambra.' 1867.914.6 172 Lynch, Hannah. French life in town and country. 1903. (Our European neighbors.).914.4 L98 Miltoun, Francis. Dumas’ Paris. 1905.914.4 M66 Nixon, M. F. AVith a pessimist in Spain. 1897.914.6 N73 Singleton, Esther, ed. Paris. 1904 .914.4 S61 Smith, F. B. Budapest, the city of the Magyars. 1903.914.391 S64 How Paris amuses itself. 1903. .914.4 S64 Smith, F. IT. Gondola days. 1897. .914.5 S64 Steal-Holstein, A. L. G. (N.) bar- Tuckerman, H, T. Maga papers onne de. Germany. 2v. 1894. .914.3 S77 about Paris. 1867.914.4 T89 Villari, Luigi. Italian life in town and country. 1904. (Our Euro¬ pean neighbors.). 914.5 V72 Watts, Mrs. A. M. (H.) Art stud¬ ent in Munich. 1854.914.3 W34 RUSSIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES. Amicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people, tr. by Tilton. cl880. .914.9 A51 Beveridge, A. J. Russian advance. 1904.914.7 B57 Crawford, F. M. Constantinople. 1895.914.96 C89 Curtis, W. E. Turk and his lost provinces. 1903. 914.96 C98 Dana, C. A. Eastern journeys. 1898 . 914.7 D16 Garnett, L. M. J. Turkish life in town and country. 1904. (Our European neighbors.).914.96 G23 Griffis, W. E. American in Hol¬ land. 1899.914.9 GSh Logan, J. A. In joyful Russia. 1899 .914.7 L83 Meldrum, D. S. Holland and the Hollanders. 1898.914.9 M51 Palmer, F. H. E. Russian life in town and country. 1904. (Our European neighbors.).914.7 Pl'< TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION 26 Proctor, E. D. Russian journey. 1872.914.7 P9G Story, A. T. Swiss life in town and country. 1904. (Our Euro¬ pean neighbors.).914.9<4 S8b Taylor, Bayard. Northern travel. 1874.914.8 T23 ASIA. Alcoek, Sir Rutherford. Capital of the Tycoon. 2v. 1868.915.2 A3h Beresford. C. W. de la Poer, lord. Break-up of China. 1900. .915.1 B49 Bishop, Mrs. I. L. (B.) Korea and her neighbors. 1898.915.19 B62 Clement, E. W. Handbook of mod¬ ern Japan. 1904.915.2 C62 Colquhoun, A. R. China in trans¬ formation. 1900.915.1 C7ii Curtis, W. E. To-day in Syria and Palestine. el903., ..915.6 C98 Griffis, W. E. Mikado’s empire. 1903.915.2 G85 Hearn, Lafcadio. Japan. 1905. .915.2 H43 Kennan, George. Siberia and the exile system. 2v. 1891.915.7 K34 Kinglake, A. AY. Eotlien. 3864. .915.6 K54 Knox, G. AY. Japanese life in town and country. 1905. (Our Asiat¬ ic neighbors.).915.2 K74 Landor, A. H. S. In the forbid¬ den land. 2v. 1899.915.15 L26 Lansdell, Henry. Through Siberia. 2v. 1882.915.7 L29 Leonowens, Mrs. A. H. (C.) En¬ glish governess at the Siamese court. cl870.915.9 L58 McGarvey, J. AV. Lands of the Bible. 1882.915.6 M14 Macphie, J. P. Homeland of the Bible. 1902.915.6 M17 Morse, E. S. Glimpses of China and Chinese homes. 1902... .915.1 M88 Nevius, J. L. China and the Chi¬ nese. n.d.915.1 N52 Ransome, J. S. Japan in transi¬ tion. 1899.915.2 R21 Sc-idmore, E. It. Jinrikisha days in Japan. 1904.915.2 S41 AYinter India. 1903.915.4 S41 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petraea and the Holy Land. 2v. in 1. 1858. .915.6 S83 Swift, J. F. Going to Jericho. 1808.915.6 S97 Taylor, Bayard. Lands of the Saracen. 1866.915.6 T23 Vanderlip, AY. B. & Hulbert, H. B. In search of a Siberian Klondike. 1903.915.7 V23 AVallace, Mrs. S. (A.) E. City of the King; what the child Jesus saw and heard. cl903.915.6 AY19 Wright, Caleb. India and its in¬ habitants. 1860.915.4 AA T 94 AFRICA. Bigelow, Poultney. AATiite man’s Africa. 1900.916.8 B59 Du Chaillu, r. B. Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa. n.d.916.7 D82 Journey to Ashango-land. 1867. .916.7 D82j Edwards, A. A. B. Thousand miles up the Nile, n.d.916.2 E26 Headley, J. T. & Johnson, AV. F. comps. H. M. Stanley’s won¬ derful adventures in Africa. 1890. ,.916.7 H43 Livingstone, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 1865.916.7 L78t & Charles. Narrative of an ex¬ pedition to the Zambesi. 1866. .916.7 L78 Taylor, Bayard. Journey to cen¬ tral Africa. 1866.916.2 T2S comp. Lake regions of central Africa. 1873.916.7 T23 NORTH AMERICA. Ballou, M. M. New Eldorada; a summer journey to Alaska. cl889.917.98 B19 Bishop, N. H. Voyage of the pa¬ per canoe. 1878.917 B62 Bruce, Miner. Alaska; its history and resources, gold fields, routes and scenery. 1899... .917.98 B88 Butler, Sir. AV. F. Wild North land 1874. 917.1 B98 Dana, R. H. To Cuba and Back. 2 cop. 1868.917.29 D3 6 Fremont, Mrs. J. (B.) Year of American travel. 1878.917 F87 Kennan, George. Tragedy of Pe- lee. 1902.917.29 K34 Lummis, C. F. Awakening of a nation; Mexico of today. 1902. .917.2 L95 Ober, F. A. Camps in the Carl- bees 1880.917.29 012 Robinson, A. G. Porto Rico of to¬ day. 1899.917.29 R65 Scidmore, E. R. Alaska; its south¬ ern coast and the Sitkan archi¬ pelago. cl885.917.98 S31 Sheldon, H. I. Notes on the Nica¬ ragua! canal. 1897.917.28 S54 TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION 27 Smith, F. II. White umbrella in Mexico. 1892.917.2 S61 Stoddard, C. A. Cruising among the Caribees. 1895.917.29 S80 Trollope, Anthony. North Amer¬ ica. 1864.017.TS4 West Indies and the Spanish main. 1860.917.29 T84 United States—Insular affairs, Di¬ vision of. Report of the mili¬ tary governor of Cuba on civil affairs. 1900, v.l, pts. 1,3, v.2 pt. 2, 1901-02.D 917.291 Un33 Whymper, Frederick, Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska. 1869 .917.98 W02 UNITED STATES. Austin, Mrs. M. (H.) Land of lit¬ tle rain. 1903.917.9 A93 Bliss, W. R. Quaint Nantucket. 1897.917.44 !U« Blouet, Paul. (Max O’Rell,) & Allyn Jack. Jonathan and his continent. cl899.917.3 B65 Bowles, Samuel. Across the conti¬ nent. 1866.917.8 B78 Pacific railroad open. 1869. .. .917 8 B78p Summer vacation in the parks and mountains of Colorado. 1869.917.8 B78s Bremer, Fredrika. Homes of the New world. 2v. 1868.917.3 B83 Brooks, Noah. First across the con¬ tinent. 1901.917.8 B87 Brown, A. E. Faneuil Hall and Faneuil Hall market. 1900. .917.44 B87 Burwell, L. M. Girl’s life in Vir¬ ginia. 1895.917.5 B97 Custer, Mrs. E. B. Boots and sad¬ dles. 1885.917.8 BOS Following the guidon. 1890. .. .917.8 B98 Custer, Gen. G. A. My life on the plains. 1874. .917.8 C987 Davis, R. II. West, from a car- window. c-1892.917.8 D26 Dixon, W. II. New America. 1867. .917.3 D:2 Earle, Mrs. A. (M.) Colonial days old New York. 1897.917.47 E12 Costume of colonial times. 1894. .917.32 E12 Curious punishments of bygone days. 1896.917.32 El2c Home life in colonial days. 1899. .917.32 E12h Old time gardens. 1902.917.32 E12o Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1902.917.4 E12 Stage coach and tavern days. 1902.917.32 E12s Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the American note-books. 2cop. 1868 & 1902.917.44 H39 Howe, M. A. De W. Boston, the place and the people. 1903. .917.44 H85 Hulbert, A. B. Historic highways of America, v.1-15. 1902-05. .917.8 1191 Ingersoll, Ernest. Crest of the con¬ tinent. 1885.917.S 1-17 Irving, Washington. Astoria. c-1868.917.8 172 Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) II. (H. H.) Glimpses of California and the missions. 1903.917.9 JJ2 Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the south. 1904. .. .917.5 J66 King, G. E. New Orleans, the place and the people. 1904. .917.63 K52 Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Wau-bun, the early day in the northwest, ed. by Gordon. 1901.917 7 K5b Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) (Grace Greenwod.) New life in new lands. 1873.917.8 L76 Ludlow, Fitzhugh. Heart of the continent. 1870..917.8 L94 McLaurin, J. J. Story of Johns¬ town. 1890.917.48 Mil) Muir, John. Our national parks. 1903..917.8 M95 Our native land. 1882.917.3 093 Page, T. N. Social life in old Vir¬ ginia. 1898.917.5 F13 Page, W. H. Rebuilding of old commonwealths . 1902.917.5 P133 Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. 2cop. 1898 & 1903.917.8 P24 Powell, L. P. ed. Historic towns of the western states. 1901. (American historic towns.). .. .917.8 P88 Repplier, Agnes. Philadelphia, the place and the people. 1899. .917.48 R42 Richardson, James, ed. Wonders of the Yellowstone. 1874.917.8 R52 Scudder, H. E. Boston town. 1881. .917.44 S43 Seton, Mrs. G. (G.) T. Woman tenderfoot. 1901.917.9 S49 Smithsonian institution. Explora¬ tion of the Colorado river and its tributaries. 1875.D 917.9 S66 Taylor, B. F. Between the gates. 1882.„.917.9 T239 Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado. 1874.. .917.9 T23 Tlioreau, H. D. Week on the Con¬ cord and Merrimac rivers. 1868. .917.44 T48 Thwaites, R. G. Down historic waterways. 1902.917 7 T51 28 HISTORY United States—Geographical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Lands of the arid region of the United States. 1879.D 917.78 Un32 Wetmore, Alphonso, comp. Gaz- etter of the state of Missouri. 1837.917.7 W54 Wharton, A. H. Social life in the early republic. 1902.917.34 W55 Wilson, R. R. Washington, the capital city. 2v. 1901.917.5 W75 SOUTH AMERICA. Agassiz, Louis & Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. (C.) Journey in Brazil. 1868.918 A26 Bishop, N. H. Thousand miles walk across South America. 2 cop. 1869 & 1870.918 B62 Orton, James. Andes and the Ama¬ zon. 1870.918 078 OCEANICA. Abruzzi, Prince L. A. G. v M. F. F. duke of. On the Polar Star in the Arctic sea, tr. by Le Queux. 1903.919.8 A13 Cumming, C. F. Gordon- At home in Fiji. 1882.919.6 C97 Froude, J. A. Oceana. 1897.919.4 F94 Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey. 1869.919.8 IL4i Open polar sea. 1867.919.8 II41o Melville, Herman. Omoo; a narra¬ tive of adventures in the South seas. 1855.919.6 M5h Meredith, Mrs. L. A. (T.) My home in Tasmania. 1853.919.4 M55 Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest north. 1898.919.8 N18 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. First civil governor; William H. Taft. 1902.919.1 R78 Scidmore, E. R. Java, the garden of the east. 1899.919.2 Sll Stevens, J. E. Yesterdays in the Philippines. 1898.919.1 S8^ Stuntz, H. C. Philippines and the far east. cl904.919.1 S93 Taft, W. H. Civil government in the Philippines. 1902.919.1 R78 United States—Philippine commis¬ sion, 1900- Report. 1901. .D 919.1 Un35 Whitney, Caspar. Hawaiian Am¬ erica. 1902.919.6 W61 Worcester, D. C. Philippine Islands and their people. 1901.919.1 W91 History GENERAL HISTORY. American historical association. Annual report. 1894-96,98. v. 10-12 pts. 1-2,14.906 A51 Brewer, E. C. Historic note-DooK. 1903.R 903 B84 Creasy, Sir E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world.904 C91 Derby, George, comp. Derby an¬ niversary calendar. 1903. ...R 903 D42 Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. 1902. .909 F94 Guizot, F. P. G. History of civil¬ ization, tr. by Ilazlitt. 4v. in 2. 1882.901 G96 Hulme, F. E. Flags of the world. n.d.904 1191 Earned, J. N. ed. History for ready reference. 6v. 1895- 1900.R 903 L32 Little, C. E. Cyclopedia of classi¬ fied dates. 1900.R 903 L77 ANCIENT HISTORY. Benjamin, S. G. W. Troy, its leg¬ end, history and literatiire. 1901. (Epochs of ancient history.)... .939 B46 Church, A. J. & Gilman, Arthur. Carthage. 1901. (Story of the nations.).939 C56 Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. 6v. 1865.937 G43 Josephus, Flavius. Works, tr. by Whiston. 2cop. n.d. & 1902... .933 JS3 Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome, tr. by Dickson. 5v. 1903 ...937 M73 Oman, C. W. C. History of Greece. 1901.938 054 Palmer, II. S. Sinai, n. d. (An¬ cient history from the monu¬ ments.) .939 P17 Smith, George. History of Baby¬ lonia, ed. by Sayce. n. d. (An¬ cient history from the monu¬ ments.).935 S64 HISTORY 29 Vaux, W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. 1877. (Ancient history from the monu¬ ment,).939 V38 EUROPE. Archer, T. A. & Kingsford, C.L. Crusades.. 1902. (Story of the nations.).940.4 A67 Bradley, Henry. Story of the Goths. 1896. (Story of the na¬ tions.) .940 B81 Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the middles ages. 1902.910.1 E53 Gray, G. Z. Children’s crusade. C1898.940.1 E53 Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 2v. 1902.910.1 HI 8 Henderson E. F. tr. & ed. Sel¬ ect historical documents of the middle ages. 1896.940.1 H49 Thatcher, O. J. & Schwill, Ferdi¬ nand. General history of Eu- ope. 1900.940 T36 GREAT BRITAIN. Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth, queen of England. 1870. 942.03 A29 Caine, Hall. Little Manx nation. 1899.942 C13 Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty’s tow¬ er. 1869....942 D62 Green, J. R. History of the En¬ glish people. 4v. 1900-03.942 G79 Making of England. 1903.942.01 G79 Short history of the English-peo pie. n.d.942 G79s Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, n.d. (Epochs of modern history.).942.06 H16 Jewett, S. O. Normans. 1901. (Story of the nations.).942.02 J59 Lawless, Emily & Bronson, Mrs. Arthur. Ireland. 1902 (Story of the nations.).941.5 L41 Macaulay, T. B. Macaulay, 1st baron. History of England. 5v. n.d.942.06 Mil McCarthy, Justin. Ireland and her story. 1903..941.5 M12 Mackintosh, John. Scotland. 1902. (Story of the nations.).941 M15 Paul, H. W. History of modern England, v.1-2. 1904.942.08 P32 Stubbs, William. Early Pianrag- anets. n.d. (Epochs of modern history.).942.03 S93 GERMANY AND FRANCE. Abbott, J. S. C. French revolution of 1789. 1859.944 A13 Bicknell, A. L. Life in the Tuiller- ies under the Second empire. 1895.944.07 B58 Bigelow, Poultney. History of the German struggle for liberty. 3 v. 1903.943.06 B5b Bryce, James. Holy Roman em¬ pire. 1903.943 B91 Carlyle, Thomas. French revolu¬ tion. 3v. n.d.944 C28 Gifford, Mrs. A. (H.) Germany, her people and their story. cl899..943 G45 Gould, Sabine Baring- & Gilman, Arthur. Germany. 1903. (Story of the nations.).943 G69 Lamartine, Alphonse de. History of the Girondists, tr. by Ryde. 3v. 1864. 914 L21 Morfill. W. R. Poland. 1900. (Story of the nations.).943.8 MS 4 Schiller, J. C. E, von. History of the thirty years’ war in Ger¬ many, tr. by Morrison.943 S33 Schmucker, S. M. Memorable scenes in French history, n.d.. .944 S 66 Taylor, W. C. History of France and Normandy. 1849. 944 T24 White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 1868.944 W58 ITALY, SPAIN AND OTHER COUNTRIES. Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Russia. cl882. (Monarchies of conti¬ nental Europe.).947 A13 Italy. cl882. (Monarchies of continental Europe.).945 A13 Romance of Spanish history. 1869 .946 A13 Boyesen, H. H. Norway. 1901. (Story of the nations.).948.1 B79 Freeman, E. A. Sicily, Phoenician, Greek and Roman. 1902. (Story of the nations.).945.8 F85 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Hol¬ land. 1899.949.2 G85 Hale, E. E. & Hale, Susan. Spain. 1901. (Story of the nations.).. .946 H16 Hug, Lina. & Stead, Richard. Switzerland. 1902. (Story of the nations.).949.4 H89 Irving, Washington. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. cl850. . .946 172 McClellan, G. B. Oligarchy of Venice. 1904.945.3 M12 30 HISTORY Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands. 4v. 1868. .949.2 M91n Life and death of John Barne- veld. 2v. 1874.949.2 M91 Rise of the Dutch republic. 3v. 1868.949.2 M91r Parmele, Mrs. M. (P.) A. Short history of Rome and Italy. 1901.945 P23 Prescott, W. H. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, ed. by Kirk. 3v. cl872.946 P93 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy; The age of the despots. 1888.945 S98 ASIA. Colquhoun, A. R. Russia against India. 1901.950 C72 Douglas, R. K. China. 1901.951 D73 Griffis, W. E. Corea, without and within. cl885.951.9 G85 Japan in history, folk-lore and art. 1899.952 G85 Mahan, Capt. A. T. Problem of Asia. 1900.950 M2* Palmer, Frederick. With Kuroki in Manchuria. 1904.952 P17 AFRICA. Bryce, James & others. Briton and Boer. 1900.986 B91 Hillegas, H. C. Com Paul’s peo¬ ple. 1899.986 H6h Van der Floogt, C. W. Story of the Boers. 1900.986 V21 AMERICA-INDIANS-ANTIQUITIES. Chicago & Northwestern railway. (The) Indian. cl901.970.1 C53 Hennepin, Louis. New discovery of a vast country in America, ed. by Tkw'aites. 1903.970 H52 Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. (H. H.) Century of dishonor. clSSl .970.5 J12 James, G. W. Indian basketry. 1903.970.6 J27 Indians of the Painted Desert region. 1904.970.4 J27 United States—Indian commission¬ ers. Annual report of the com¬ missioner of Indian affairs. 1881, 95-98, 1900.D 970.1 Un33 CANADA AND MEXICO. Biart, Lucien. Aztecs, tr. by Gar¬ ner. 1900.972 B57 Bourinot, Sir J. G. Canada. 1902. (Story of the nations.).971 B77 Noll, A. II. Short history of Mex¬ ico. 1903.972 N79 Parker, Sir Gilbert & Bryan, C. G. Old Quebec. 1903.971 T23 Parkman, Francis. Count Fonte- nac and New France under Louis the fourteenth. 1902....971 P24 Old regime in Canada. 2cop. 1898 & 1903.971 P24o Prescott, W. LI. Conquest of Mex¬ ico. 3v. 1864.972. P93 UNITED STATES. Andrews, E. B. History of the last quarter-century in the Unit¬ ed States, 1870-1895. 2v. 1896. .973.8 A56 United States in our own time. 1903.973.8 A56u Bancroft, George. History of the United States. lOv. 1863-74_973 B21 Brayman, J. O. Daring deeds of American heroes, n.d.973 B82 Fiske, John. Critical period or American history, 1783-1789. 1898 .973.3 F54c Hale, E. E. Memories of a hun- dred years. 2v. 1903.973 H16 Harper’s encyclopaedia of United States history. lOv. 1902. .. .R 973 1129 Hobson, R. r. Sinking of the Mer- rimac. 1899.973.89 1168 Hosmer, J. K. History of the Louisiana purchase. 1902. .. .973.46 1182 Illinois—Adjutant general’s office. Record of the services of Illi¬ nois soldiers in the Black Hawk war and in the Mexican war. 1882.D 973.56 113 Illinois state historical library. Col¬ lections. v.l. 1903.977 129 Laut, A. C. Pathfinders of the west. 1904.987 L38 Lodge. II. C. War with Spain. 1902 .973.89 L82 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. 1869.973.5 L87 McCulloch, Hugh. Men and meas ures of half a century. 1900. .. .973 M13 McSherry, James. History of Mary¬ land. 1852.975.2 M17 Porter, C. T. Review of the Mex- can war. 1849.973.6 P84 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Rough Riders. 1899.973.89 R78 Winning of the west. 4v. 1903. . .978 R78 Spears, J. R. Our navy in the war with Spain. 1898.973.89 S74 Stevens, F. E. Black Hawk war. 1903 .973.56 SS4 HISTORY 31 United States—Reconstruction, Joint committee on. Report 1866.973.8 Un3 Weaver, A. G. Story of our flag. c*1898.973 W36 Wilson, Woodrow. History of the American people. 5v. 1902. .973 W75 DISCOVERY AND COLONIAL PERIOD. Banvard, Joseph. Pioneers of the New World, n.d.973.1 B219 Fiske, John. Beginnings of New England. 189G.973.2 F54 Discovery of America. 2v. 1896. .973.1 F54 Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2v. 1899_... .973.2 F54d New France and New England. 1902.973.2 F54n Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2v. 1898.973.2 F54o Griffis, W. E. Pilgrims in their three homes. 1899.973.2 G85 Lummis, C.' F. Spanish pioneers. 1893.973.1 L95 Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war. 2v. 1902. 973.2 P24 Half-century of conflict. 2v. 1902. .'..973.2 P24h La Salle and the discovery of the great west. 2cop. 1885 & 1903.973.2 P241 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v. 1903. .973.2 P24m Pioneers of France in the New World. 1903.973.1 P24 REVOLUTION. Fiske, John. American revolution. 2v. 1897.973.3 F54 Lodge, H. C. Story of the revo¬ lution. 1903.973.3 LS2 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the revolution. 2v. 1860. .973.3 L87 Romance of the revolution. c!870. .973.3 R75 CIVIL WAR. Cist, H. M. Army of the Cumbef- land. 1898. (Campaign of the civil war,).973.7 C18c Cox, J. D. Atlanta. 1898. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.)... .973.7 C18co March to the sea; Franklin and^ Nashville. 1902. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18cx Doubleday, Abner. Cliancellors- ville and Gettysburg. 1901. Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 CISd Fiske, John. Mississippi valley in the civil war. 1900.973.7 F54 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1898. ( Campaigns of the civil war.).9tf3.7 C18f Gordon, Gen. J. B. Reminis¬ cences of the civil war. 1904. .973.7 GC6 Green, F. V. Mississippi. 1898. (Campaigns of the civil war.) • • ..973.7 C18g Humphreys, A. A. Virginia cam¬ paign of ’64 & ’65. 1899. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18h Lee, J. C. True history of the civil war. 1903 .973.7 L47 McClellan, Ge.u. G. P». McClellan’s own story. 1887 .973.7 M12 Nicolay, J.G. Outbreak of the re¬ bellion. 1901. (Campaigns of the civil war.) ..973.7 C18n Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1902. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.).973.7 CISp Paris, L. P. comte de. History of the civil war in America, tr. by Tasistro, ed. by Coppee. v. 1. 1875.973.7 P23 Phisterer, Frederick. Statistical record of the armies of the United States. 1901. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.)... .973.7 C18ph Pond, G. E. Shenendoah valley in 1864. 1901. (Campaigns of the civil war.) .973.7 CISpo Richardson, A. D. Secret service. ■ 1866.973.7 R54 Ropes, J. C. Army under Pope. 1901. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 ClSr United States—Medical depart¬ ment, Army. Medical and sur¬ gical history of the war of the rebellion, pt.lv.1-2. 1875. D 973.7 Un34 —Naval war records office. Of¬ ficial records of the Union and Confederate navies in the war of the rebellion, ser. 1. v.1-18. 1894-1904 .973.7 Un35 —Record & pension office. War of the rebellion; official rec¬ ords of the Union and Con¬ federate armies, ser. 1. v. 1-6, 9-26. 1880-89.973.7 Un3G —War department. Atlas of the battlefields of Chieamauga, Chattanooga and vicinity. 1901.R 973.735 Un58 Webb, A. S. Peninsula; McClellan’s campaign of 1862. 1902. (Cam- paings of the civil war.)... .973.7 C18w Williams, G. F. Bullet and shell. C1882.973.7 W72 32 BIOGRAPHY ILLINOIS. Carr, C. E. Illini. 1904.977.3 C31 Edwards, N. W. History of Illinois from 1778-1833. 1870.977.3 E26 Ford, Thomas. History of Illinois, 1818-1847. 1854.977.3 F71 Haines, James. Early days in Illi¬ nois. n.d.977.3 H15 Illinois state historical society. Transactions. 1900-04. v.1-5 (Ill. state historical library. Publications, no. 4, G-9.).977.3 129 James, E. J. ed. Territorial rec- coYds of Illinois. 1901. (Ill. state historical library. Publi¬ cations, no. 2.).977.3 J27 Mason, E. G. Chapters from Illi¬ nois history. 1901.977.3 M39 Mather, I. F. Making of Illinois. 1900.977.3 M42 Moses, John. Illinois, historical and statistical. 2v. 1889... .977.3 M9l Reynolds, John. My own times. 1879.977.3 R46 . ' / SOUTH AMERICA. Butterworth, Hezekiah. South Am¬ erica. 1904.980 B98 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. 2v. 1865.985 P93 , Biography (Biographies of artists and musicians are placed with the subject.; COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. Adams, O. F. Dictionary of Ameri¬ can authors. 1901.R 920 A21 Aguilar, Grace. Women of israei. 2v. 1866.920 A28 Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature. 3v. and supplement. 2v. 1902.R 920 A3b Appleton’s cyclopaedia of Ameri¬ can biography. 6v. 1900. .. .R 920 A64 Arago, D. F. Biographies of dis¬ tinguished scientific men. 2v. 1859.920. A65 Bolton, Mrs. S. (K.) How success is won. cl885. ... .920 B69 Brockett, L. P. & Vaughan, Mrs. M. C. Woman’s work in the civil war. 1867.920 B86 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. (L.) Pioneer wo¬ men of the west, n.d.920 E45 Queens of American society. 1868 .920 E45q Ellis, E. S. ed. Classical diction¬ ary. 1900.R 920 E47 Farrar, F. W. Men I have known. C1897.920 F24 Field, M. B. Memories of many men. 1874.920 F45 Gladden, Washington. Witnesses of the light. 1903. i .920.G54 Greenwood, F. W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles. 1868.920 G8l Griswold, Mrs. H. (T.) Personal sketches of recent authors. 1903.920 G87 Hall, Mrs. Matthew. Lives of the queens of England before the Norman conquest. 1859.920 H17 • Howitt, William. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. 2v. 1856.920 H86 Kavanaugh, Julia. Women of Christianity. 1866.920 K21 Kobbe, Gustav. Famous actors and actresses and their homes. 1903.920 K75 Lord, John. Beacon lights of his¬ tory. 10-v. ^1883-96.:920 L86 Martineau, Harriet. Biographical sketches. 1869 .920 M3b Parton, James, ed. Some norea princes, authors and statesmen of our time. cl8S5.920 P27 Plutarchus. Lives of illustrious men, tr. by Clough. 1876.920 P73 Smith, Sir William, ed. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3v. 1902. .. .R 920 S66 Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of American biography. v.4-7. 1836-39.920 S73 Stoddard, R. H. ed. Prosper Mer- imee’s letters to an incognita; with recollections by Lamartine and George Sand. 1891.920 S86 Stowe, Mrs. IP. E. (B.) Men of our times. 1868.920 S89 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest. 12v. in 5. 1857-64.920 S91 Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses. 8v. 1859-64 920 S91 BIOGRAPHY 33 Thackeray, W. M. English humor¬ ists of the nineteenth century. n.d..920 T36 Thomas, Joseph. Universal pro¬ nouncing dictionary of biogra¬ phy and mythology. 2v. 1901. .R 920 T45 Who’s who. 1904-05.R 920 W62 Who’s who in America. 1903-05. .R 920 W62a INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Adams, C. F. Adams, C. F. jr. Charles Fran¬ cis Adams. cl900. ( American statesmen.).B A211 Adams, John, pres. U. S. Morse, J. T. jr. John Adams. cl884. (American statesmen.) .B A214 Adams, J. Q. pres. U. S. Morse, J. T. jr. John Quincy Adams. cl898. (American statesmen.).B A215 Agassiz, Louis. Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. (C.) ed. Louis Agassiz, his life and . .correspondence. cl885.B A262 Albert, prince consort of Great Britain. Victoria, queen of Great Brit¬ ain. Early years of the prince consort. 1867.B A333 Audubon, J. J. Audubon, Mrs. L. (B.) Life of John James Audubon. 1869...BA916 Beasonsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st earl of. Maynell, Wilfrid. Benjamin Dis¬ raeli. 1903.B B365 Beecher, IT. W. Abbott, Lyman, ed. Henry Ward Beecher, 1883.B B414 Benton, T. H. Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Thomas Hart Benton. cl886. (American statesmen.).. B B478 Berry, M. C. F. L. duchess de Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron. Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis the eight¬ eenth, tr. by Martin. 1892... .B B534 Duchess of Berry and the rev- lution of 1830, tr. by Mar¬ tin. 1893.B B534i Bismarck-Schoenhausen, O. E. L. furst von. Bismarck, the man and the statesman, tr. by But¬ ler. 2v. 1899.B B622 Love letters, tr. by Lewis. 1901.B B6221 Blaine, J. G. Conwell, R. H. James G. Blaine. cl884.B B634 Bland, R. P. Byars, W. V. ed. American commoner; life and times of Richard Parks Bland. C1900..BB642 Blessington, M. (P.) F. G. count- es of. Madden, R. R. Literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. 2v. 1855& 60.B B647 Bonaparte, Mme. E. (P.) Didier, E. L. Life and letters of Madame Bonaparte. 1879..BB698 Boone, Daniel. Thwaites, R. G. Daniel Boone. 1902.b B724 Booth, Edwin. Copeland, C. T. Edwin Booth. 1901. (Beacon biographies.). .B B725 Bremer, Frederika. Life, letters and posthumous works, ed. by Charlotte Bre¬ mer, tr. by Milow. 1868.B B836 Brooks, Phillips, bp. Allen, A. V. G. Life and letters of Phillips Brooks. 3v. 1901.. B B873 Lawrence, William, bp. Phillips Brooks; a study. 1903.B B8731 Brown, John Newton, John. Captain John Brown of Harper’s Ferry. 1902.B B878 Bunyan, John. White, W. H. John Bunyan. 1904. (Literary lives.).B B 942 Burnside, Gen. A. E. United States—Congress. Am¬ brose E. Burnside. 1882.B B967 Burr, Aaron. Parton, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 2v. 1866. .. . B B968 Byron, G. G. N. Byron, 6th baron. Guiccoli, T. (G.) countess. My. recollections of Lord Byron. 1869.. .•.B B996 Moore, Thomas, ed. Life of Lord Byron, with his letters and journals. 2v. 1869.B B986m Caesar, Julius. Napoleon III, emperor of France. History of Julius Caesar. 2v. 1866.B C128 Calhoun, J. C. Holst, H. E. von. John C. Cal¬ houn. cl899. (American stat¬ esmen.). ..B C152 Carnegie, Andrew. Alderson, Barnard. Andrew Carnegie; the man and his work. 1902.B C280 34 BIOGRAPHY Carlyle, Thomas. Reminiscences, ed. by Froude. 1881..B C28G Carpenter, M. H. United States—Congress. Mat¬ thew H. Carpenter. 1882.B C296 Cary, Alice. Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.) A. Mem¬ orial of Alice and Phoebe Cary. 1873..B C332 Cary, Phoebe Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.) A. Mem¬ orial of Alice and Phoebe Cary. 1873.B C332 Cass, Lewis. McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass. cl891. (American statesmen.).. B C343 Channing, W. E. Channing, W. H. ed. Memoir William Ellery Channing. 3v. 1868.B C458 Charlemayne. James, G. P. R. History of Charlemayne. n.d.B C474 Charles le Temeraire, duke of Bur¬ gundy. Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. 3v. 1864.B C476 Charles XII, king of Sweden. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. History of Charles the twelfth. 1864..B C477 Chase, S. P Hart, A. B. Salmon Portland Chase| cl899. (American statesmen.).B C487 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Jenks, Tudor. In the days of Chaucer. 1904.B C496 Clay, Henry. Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2v. cl887. (American' men.).B C619 Uoleridge, Mrs. S. H. Memoir and letters. 1874.B C693 Columbus, Christopher. Adams, C. K. Christopher Col¬ umbus. 1892. (Makers of Am¬ erica.) .B C726 Conant, A. LI. Collyer, Robert. Man in Ern¬ est; life of A. IT. Conant. 1868.B C743 Cranmer, Thomas, abp. of canter¬ bury. Mason, A. J. Thomas Cranmer. 1898. (Leaders of religion.).. .B C891 Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches, ed by Carlyle. n.d..BC9I6 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Oliver Cromwell. 1901.B C946r Cuyler, T. L. Recollections of a long life. C1902 .B C993 Darwin, C. R. Life and letters, ed by Francis Darwin. 1893...BD288 Decatur, Stephen. Brady, C. T. Stephen Decatur. 1900. (Beacon biographies).... B L291 DeQuincey, Thomas. Autobiographic sketches. 1866.B D426 Dickens, Charles. Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. 3v. 1872. <... B D548 Douglas, S. A. Flint, H. M. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. 1865.B D736 Douglass, Frederick. Life and times. cl892. D B737 Dreyfus, Alfred. Five years of my life, 1894-1899. 1901.B D778 Dudley, Lady Jane. Bartlett, D. W. Life of Lady Jane Grey, n.d.B D847 Eads, J. B. How, Louis. James B. Eads. C1900 .B Ell Eliot, George, pseud. Stephen, Sir Leslie. George Eliot. 1902. (English men of letters.) .B E42 Elizabeth, empress of Austria. Martyrdom of an empress. 1900. .B E43 Emerson, R. W. Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. cl881.B E53 Evans, R. D. Sailor’s log; recollec¬ tions of forty years of naval life. 1901.B E92 Farrar, Mrs. E. W. (R.) Recollec¬ tions of seventy years. 1866..BF242 Field, Eugene. Wilson, Francis. (The) Eugene Field I knew. 1902.B F453 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiogra¬ phy, ed. by Bigelow. 1868.. .B F831b Memoirs. 2v. cl839.B F831 Ford, P. L. Many-sided Frank¬ lin. 1899..B F831f Frederick the Great, king of Prus¬ sia. Carlyle, Thomas. History of Frederick the Great. 6v. 1866 .B F852 Froebel, F. W. A Snider, D. J. Life of Fredei’iek Froebel. 1900.B F295 Fry, Mrs. E. (G.) Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. 1901. (Famous women.). .B F946 Gallatin, Albert. Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin. clS83. (American statesmen.)..B G164 Gallenga, A. C. N. (L. Mariotti.) Episodes of my second life. 1885.B G1C6 BIOGRAPHY 35 Garrison, W. L. Johnson, Oliver. William, Lloyd Garrison. clSSl.B G212 Gladstone, W. E. Bryce, James. William Ewart Gladstone. 1898.B G543 Morley, John. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 3v. 1903.B G513m Godwin, Mrs. M. W. Pennell, Mrs. E. (R.) Mary Wollstonecraft. 1890. (Fa¬ mous women.).B G592 Goldsmith, Oliver. Irving, Washington. Oliver Goldsmith. cl864.B G624 Grant, U. S. pres. U. S. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1885.B G763 Greeley, Horace. Recolletions of a busy life. 1868.B G794 Greene, W. L. United States—Congress. Wil¬ liam L. Greene. 1900.B G812 Hamilton, Alexander. Lodge, H. C. Alexander Hamil¬ ton. cl898. (American sates- men.B H217 Harriott, Mrs. C. (M.) Life on the stage. 1902.B H312 Harrison, C. H. Abbott, W. J. Carter Henry Harrison. 1895.B H318 Hawthorne,. Nathaniel. Hawthorne, Julian. Haw¬ thorne and his circle. 1903. .. .B H399 Woodberry, C. E. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1902. (American men of letters.).B H339w Henry Patrick. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. cl887. (American statesmen.) .B II523 Hoar, G. F. Autobiography of sev¬ enty years. 2v, 1903.B R679 Hood, Thomas. Memorials, ed. by his daughter. 2v. 1861.B H777 Houk, G. W. United States—Congress. George W. Houk. 1895.B H839 Huxley, T. H. Huxley, Leonard. Life and let¬ ters of Thomas Henry Hux¬ ley. 2v. 1901.B H986 Irving, Washington. Irving, P. M. Life and letters Washington Irving. 4v. 1864..B 172 Ivan IV. the Terrible, czar of Russia. Waliszewski, Kazimierz. Ivan the Terrible, tr. by Loyd. 1904..B 193 Jackson, Andrew, pres. U. S. Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson. 3v. 1866.B J12 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jack- son. cl899. (American states¬ men.) .P> J12s Jay, John. Pellew, George. John Jay. clS90. (American statesmen.). .B J42 Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography. C1897 .B J45 Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. U. S. Morse, J. T. jr. Thomas Jeffer¬ son. cl898. (American states¬ men.) .B J455 Jeanne d'Arc. Bartlett, David. Life of Joan of Arc. n.d.B J43 Johnson, Samuel. Boswell, James. Life of Sam¬ uel Johnson. 4v. 1865.B JG9 Jones, J. P. Buell, A. C. Paul Jones. 2v. 1903.B J77 Josephine, empress of France. Headley, J. T. Life of the Em¬ press Josephine, n.d.B J83 Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes. 1868.B K25 Keller, H. A. Story of my life. 1903.B K29 Kingsley, Charles. Charles Kings¬ ley, his letters and memories of his life. 1877.B K55 Knox, John. Innes, A. D. John Knox. n.d. (Famous Scots ser.).B K74 Lee, Gen. R. E. Trent, W. P. Robert E. Lee. 1899. (Beacon biographies.)... B L479 Lilliuokalani, queen of the Hawiian Islands. Hamii’s story. 1898..BL728 Lincoln, Abraham, pres. U. S. Abraham Lincoln, his book; a fac simile reproduction. 1901..B L736 Stoddard, W. O. Abraham Lin¬ coln. 1885.B L736s Tarbell, I. M. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2v. 1902.B L736t Lincoln, Mrs. N. (H.) Hitchcock, Mrs. C. (LI.). Nancy Hanks, the story of Lincoln’s mother. 1900.B L738 Lisle, M. C. United States—Congress. Mar¬ cus Claiborne Lisle. 1895... .B L771 Longfellow, II. W. Higginson, T. W. Henry Wads¬ worth Longfellow. 1902. (American men of letters.)... .B L853 Lowell, J. R. Hale, E. E. James Russell Lowell and his friends. 1901..BL915 Luther, Martin. Freytag, Gustav. Martin Lu¬ ther. tr. by Heinelnann. 1897.B L973 36 BIOGRAPHY Madison, Mrs. D. (P.) Goodwin, Mrs. M. (W.) Dolly Madison. 1897. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B M181 Madison, James, pres. U. S. . Adams, J. Q. pres. U. S. Lives of James Madison and James Monroe. 1851.B M182 Gay, S. H. James Madison. cl898. (American statesmen.) .B M182g Marie, Louise, empress of France. Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron. Marie Louise, tr. by Martin. 1891.B M334 Marquette, Jacques. Tbwaites, It. G.. Father Mar¬ quette. 1902.B M357 Marshall, John. Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. cl885. (American statesmen.) .BM368 Mary, queen of Scots. Headley, P. C. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. 1866.B M393 Mather, Cotton. Wendell, Barrett. Cotton Ma¬ ther. cl891. (Makers of Am¬ erica.).B M427 Maximilian I, emperor of Mexico. Hall, Frederic. Life of Maximil¬ ian the first, emperor of Mex¬ ico. 1868.:.B M4C4 Miles, Gen. N. A. Personal recol¬ lections and observations. 1897.B M643 Miller, Hugh. My schools and school masters. 1868.B M648 Milton, John. j Ivimey, Joseph. John Milton, ton, 1833.B M622 Mitford, M. R. Life, ed. by L’Es¬ trange. 2v. 1870.B M683 Monroe, James, pres. U. S. Adams, J. Q. pres. U. S. Lives of James Madison and James Monroe. 1851.B M182 | Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. cl883. (American statesmen.).B M753 Moody, D. L. Daniels, W. LI. D. L. Moody and his work. 1876.B M817 Morris, Gouverneur. Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Gouverneur Morris. clS98. (American statesmen.).B M876 Morse, S. F. M. Trowbridge, John. Samuel Fin¬ ley Breese Morse. 1901. (Bea¬ con biographies.).B M886 Morton, O. P. United States—Congress. Ac¬ ceptance of the statue of Oli¬ ver P. Morton. 1900.B M889 Napoleon I, emperor of France. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v. 1861 .B N216 Gibbs, M. B. Military career of Napoleon the Great. 1895.. .B N216g Sloane, W. M. Life of Napo¬ leon Bonaparte. 4v. 1901... .B N21s Tarbell, I. M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1903.B N216t Newton, Sir Isaac. Brewster, Sir David. Life of Sir Isaac Newton, n.d.B N563 Nichols, Mrs. C. (B.) Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. (S.) Life of » Charlotte Bronte. n.d.B N613 Ossoli, S. M. (F.) marchesa D’ Howe, Mrs? J. (W.) Margaret Fuller. 1896. (Famous wom¬ en.).B 084 Parkman, Francis. Sedgwick, H. D. Francis Park- an. 1904. (American men of letters.). B P249 Parton, Mrs. S. P. (W.) E. (Fan¬ nie Fern.) Life and beauties of Fannie Fern. 1855.B P274 Patrick, Saint. Shahan, T. J. Saint Patrick in history. 1904.B P314 Pasteur, Louis. Vallery-Radot, Rene. Life of Pasteur, tr. by Devonshire. 2v. 1902.B P291 Pestalozzi, J. H. Pinloche, A. Pestalozzi and the foundation of the modern ele¬ mentary school. 1901. (Great educators.).B P476 Pinckney, Mrs. E. (L.) Ravenel, Mrs. IL. H. (R.) Eliza Pinckney. 1896. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B P647 Post, Mrs. H. (W.) B. Search for freedom, 1898.B P856 Post, P. S. United States—Congress. Philip Sidney Post. 1895.B P857 Quincy, Josiah. * Quincy, Edmund. Life of Jo¬ siah Quincy. 1868.B Q7 Rainsford, W. S. (A.) preacher’s story of his work. 1904.B R158 Recamier, Mine J. F. J. A. B. Memoirs and correspondence, tr and ed. by Luyster. 1867.... B R294 BIOGRAPHY 37 Remusat, C. E. J. comtesse de. Selection from the letters to her husband and son, from 1804 to 1813, tr, by Hoey and Lillie. 1881..B R391 Ritchie, Mrs. A. C. (O.) M. Auto¬ biography of an actress. 1854.B R598 Robert-Houdin, J. E. Life of Rob¬ ert Houdin, tr. by Mackenzie. C1859 . ..B R639 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Riis, J. A. Theodore Roosevelt, the citizen. 1904.B R781 Schley, W. S. Forty-five years un¬ der the flag. 1904.B S343 Schuyler, Mrs. C. (Van R.) Humphreys, M. G. Catherine Schuyler. 1897. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B S397 Sedgwick, C. M. Life and letters, ed. by Dewey. 1871.B S448 Settle, E. E. United States—Congress Evan E. Settle. 1900.B S915 Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Davies, Gen. H. E. General Sheridan. 1897. (Great com¬ manders ser.).B S552 Sherman, Gen. W. T. Memoirs. 2v. 1904.B S553 Smith, Sydney. Holland, S. (S.) lady. (Mem¬ oir of Sydney Smith, ed by Austin. 2v. n.d.B S659 Southey, Robert. Life and corre¬ spondence, ed. by C. C. South¬ ey. n.d.B S727 Stark, John. United States—Congress. Ac¬ ceptance of the statues of John John Stark and Daniel Web¬ ster. 1895.B S795 Stephenson, George. Smiles, Samuel. Life of George Stephenson and Robert Steph¬ enson. 1868.B S836 Stephenson, Robert. Smiles, Samuel. Life of George Stephenson and Robert Steph¬ enson. 1868.B S836 Stevens, Thaddeus. McCall, S. W. Thaddeus Stev¬ ens. cl890. (American states¬ men.) .B S846 Stevenson, R. L. B. Vailima let¬ ters; correspondence addressed to Sidney Colvin. 2v. 1895..BS848 Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Fields, Mrs. A. (A.) ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. cl897.B S802 Sumner, Charles. Nason, Elias. Life ana times of Charles Sumner. 1874.B S956 Storey, Moorefield. Charles Sum¬ ner. cl900. (American states¬ men.B S956s Taylor, Zachary, pres. U. S. Montgomery, H. Zachary Tay¬ lor. n.d.B T247 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. x Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, 2d baron. Alfred Lord Tennyson. 2v. 1899.B T312 Theresa, Saint. Gilman, Mrs. M. R. (F.) Saint Theresa. 1889.( Famous wo¬ men.). B T398 Thoreau, H. D. Marble, Mrs. A. (R.; 'rnoreau, his home, friends and books. 1902.B T488 Tolstoi, L. N. graf. Crosby, E. H. Tolstoy aud his message. 1904.B T654 Train, G. F. My life in many states and in foreign lands. 1902... .B T768 Victoria, queen of Great Britain. Holmes, R. R. Queen Victoria. 1901.B V615 Waddington, Mme M. A. (K.) Let¬ ters of a diplomat’s wfife. 1903.... . B W118 Ware, Henry jr. Ware, John. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, Jr. vl. 1849...B W268 Ware, Mrs. M. L. (P.) Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. 1869.B W271 Warren, Mrs. M. (O.) Brown, Alice. Mercy Warren. 1896. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B W291 Washington, B. T. Up from slav¬ ery. 1901.BW317 Washington, George pres. U. S. Bancroft, Aaron. Life of George Washington, n.d.B W318 Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. 5v. 1864- 66.B W318i Same, condensed. cl870.B W31Sir Wilson, Woodrow. George Wash¬ ington. 1903.B W31Sw Washington, Mrs. M. (D.) C. Wharton, A. H. Martha Wash¬ ington. 1899. (Women of col¬ onial and revolutionary times.)B W319 Washington, Mrs. M. (B.) Pryor, Mrs. S. A. (R.) Mother of Washington and her times. 1903.B W3197 38 CHILDREN'S BOOKS Webster, Daniel. Letters, etl. by Van Tyne. 1902.B W378 Lanman, Charles. Private life of Daniel Webster. 1863.B W3781 United States—Congress. Accept¬ ance of the statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster. 1895.B S795 Wesley, John. Southey, Robert. Life of Wes¬ ley. 1901.BW513 Whipple, H. B. bp. Lights and shadows of a long episcapate. 1902.,.B W573 Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany. Imperator et rex; William the second of Germany. 1904... .B W678 Willard, F. E. Glimpses of fifty years. cl889.B W692 Winthrop, Mrs. M. (T.) Earle, Mrs. A. (M.) Margaret Winthrop. 1896. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B W793 Children’s Books general works, religion and MYTHOLOGY. Baldwin, James. Story of Sieg¬ fried .j2C3 B18 Champlin, J. D. Young folks’ cy¬ clopaedia of common things. .R j031 C15 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of per¬ sons and places .R j031 C45p Children’s Bible story book.j244 C53 Hutchison, I. W. Gospel story of Jesus Christ .j232 H97 St. Nicholas. May, 1891-date. v. 18, pt. 2-date .3051 S14 Ymuth’s companion. 7Jan. 1904- date. v.78-date .jOSl YS3 SOCIOLOGY. Alton, Edmund, pseud. Among the law-makers .j328 A46 Brooks, E. S. Century book for young Americans .j353 B87 Drysdale, William. Treasury club. .3353.2 D81 Hancock, H. I. Life at West Point. -:.j355.07 H23 FAIRY TALES. Andersen, H. C. Sand-hills of Jut¬ land .j398 A54 Story book .j398 A54s Arabian nights’ entertainments... . j398 A65 Baldwin, James. Story of Roland. .j39S B18 Bangs, J. K. Mollie and the un¬ wise man .3398 B21m & Macauley, C. R. Emblem land.3398 B21 Baum, L. F. Life and adventures of Santa Claus.j398 B34 Magical monarch of Mo.j398 B34m Marvelous land of Oz.j398 B34ma New Wonderland .3398 B3tn Wizard of Oz.j39S B34w Bouvet, M. M. Prince Tip-top. .. ,j39S B78 Branch, Mrs. M. L. (B.) Kanter girls .j398 B81 Brooks, E. S. In No-man’s land.. j398 B87 Brown, A. F. Flower princess...3398 BS77 - In the days of giants.j398 BS77i Lonesomest doll.j398 B8771 Carove, F. W. Story without an end . ..j398 C29 Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May.) Fairy book .j398 C59 Cox, Palmer. Brownies in the Philippines .3398 C87b Brownies, their book.j398 C87bt Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Is it true? .j398 C'88 Crothers, S. McC. Miss Muffet’s Christmas party ..1393 C95 De Mussett, Paul. Mr. Wind and Madame Rain .j398 D38 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Entertaining story of King Bronde.j398 D54 Djurklo, G. Fairy tales from the Swedish .3398 D62 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll.) Alice’s adventures in Wonder¬ land .3398 D64 Alice’s adventures under ground .j393 D64a Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there.j398 D64t Eggleston, Edward. Queer stories for boys and girls.j39S E29 Ey tinge, Margaret. Ball of the vegetables, and other stories.. .3398 EOS Freeman, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Pot of gold and other stories.3398 F£5 Frost, W. H. Fairies and folk of Ireland .3308 F03 Guerrier, Edith. Wanderfolk in Wonderland . 3398 G93 Hacklaender, F. W. von. Enchant¬ ing and enchanted.3398 1112 \ CHILDREN’S BOOKS 39 Harris, J. C. Little Mr. Thimble- finger and his queer country.. .j39S H31 Mr. Rabbit at home.j39S H31m Nights with Uncle Remus.j398 H31n Uncle Remus and his friends.. J398 H31u Uncle Remus, his songs and say¬ ings .j398 H31un Harrison, E. O. Prince Silver- wings and other fairy tales.. .j39S H318 Star fairies, and other fairy tales ... j398 H318s Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Golden toilcli .j398 H39 Paradise of children....j398 H39p Tangle wood tales .j398 H39t Wonder-book. 2cop.j39S H39w Holbrook, Florence. Book of na¬ ture myths .j398 LI72 Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa, the fairy. j398 I46m Wonder-box tales .j398 I46w Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fairy tales .j398 J17 Indian fairy tales.j39S J17i Kipling, Rudyard. Just so stories. .j39S K57 Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue fairy book .j398 L26 Book of romance.j398 L26b Crimson fairy book.j398 L26c Green fairy book ..j398 L26g Grey fairy book.j398 L26gy Lummis, C. F. Man who married the moon, and other Pueblo In¬ dian folk-stories .j398.3 L95 Macdonald, George. At the back of the north wind.j398 M13 Dealings with the fairies.j398 M13d Princess and Curdie.j39S M13p Mac Donough, Glen & Chapin, A. A. Babes in Toy land.j398 M136 Mitchell, S. W. Prince Little Boy, and other tales.j398 M68 Ostrander, F. E. Gift of the magic staff .j398 085g Peck, H. T. Adventures of Mabel. .j398 P36 Penn, Rachel. Cherriwink.j398 P41 Pilpay. Fables .j398 P64 Pratt, M. L. ed. Legends of Norseland .j398 P91 Stories from old Germany.j398 P91s Pyle, Catherine. In the green for¬ est .j398 P99 Richards, Mrs. L. E. (H.) Chop- chin and the golden dragon... .j398 R51 Segur, Comtesse de. Fairy tales..j398 S45 Stockton, F. R. Ting-a-ling.j398 S86 Taylor, M. I. Little Mistress Good Hope, and other fairy tales. .. .j398 T24 Wells, Carolyn. Folly in the for¬ est .j39S W45 Wright, Mrs. M. (O.) Dream fox story book .j.398 W95 Zitkala-Sa, ed. Old Indian legends.j398 ZS2 SCIENCE. Abbott, Jacob. Force .j531 A13 Heat .j536 A13h Learning about common things. .j507 A13 Light .j535 A13 Rollo’s experiments .j508 A13 Rollo’s philosophy; air.j551 A13 Rollo’s philosophy; fire.j53G A13 Rollo’s philosophy; sky.j551 Al3s Water and land.j551 A13w Aiken & others. Eyes and no eyes, and other stories.joOO A29 Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children.j500 A56 Biart, Lucien. Adventures' of a young naturalist .j500 B57 Booth, Mrs. M. B. (C.) Sleepy- time stories .j500 B72 Chambers, R. W. Outdoorland.... j500 C44 Fisher, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Fairy¬ land of science.j504 F53 Gibson, W. H. Eye spy.joOO G45 Holden, E. S. Earth and sky.j520 H72 Real things in nature.j500 H72 Munro, John. Story of electricity .j537 M96 St. John, T. M. How two boys made their own electrical ap¬ paratus . j537 S14 Things a boy should know about electricity .j537 S14t ANIMALS, BIRDS AND INSECTS. Bignell, Mrs. E. (M.) Mr. Chupes and Miss Jenny.jo98.2 B59 Du Chaillu, P. B. World of the great forest .j590 D82 Jordan, D. S. True tales of birds and beasts .jo90 J82 Long, W. J. Secrets of the woods. .j590 L84 Major, Charles. Bears of the Blue river .j599 M23 Miller, C. H. (Joaquin Miller.) True bear stories.j599 M648 Miller, Mrs. H. (M.) (Olive Thorne Miller.) First book of birds. .j598.2 MG4 Four-handed folk .j599 M64 Second book of birds.j598.2 M64s Morley, M. W. Bee people.j59o MS6 Little Mitchell .j599.3 MSG Pierson, C. D. Among the forest people .j590 P62 Among the meadow people.j590 P62m Among the night people.j590 PG2n Among the pond people.j560 P62p Scudder, S. II. Frail children of the air .*.. j595 S43 40 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Seton, E. T. Biography of a grizzly .jo99 S49 Lives of the hunted.j590 S49 Monarch, the big bear of Tallac.j599 S49m Trail of the Sandhill stag.j599 S49t Wild animals I have known.j599 S49w Uncle Frank, pseud. Peep at the beasts .5599 U54 Wright, Mrs. M. (O.) Four-footed Americans and their kin.jo99 W95 USEFUL ARTS. Beard, Lina & Beard, A. B. What a girl can make and do.j603 B36w Baker, R. S. Boy's book of inven¬ tions .jG08 B16 Boy's second book of inventions. .j608 B16b Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines .5622 GT9 Kirby, Mary & Kirby, Elizabeth. Aunt Martha’s corner cupboard. .j630 K58 Lukin, John. Young mechanic.j680 L95 Morris, Edmund. Farming for boys .j630 M87 Pierson, C. D. Among the farm¬ yard people .5636 P62 Williams, Archibald. Romance of modern invention '.5608 W72 MUSIC. Barnard, Charles. Tone masters. 5780.4 B25 Chapin, A. A. Story of the Rhine- gold .j782 C46 Lillie, Mrs. L. C. (W.) Story of music and musicians for young readers.57S0.4 L72 Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers.5784 N39 AMUSEMENTS. Barbour, R. H. Book of school and college sports ...5797 B23 Beard, D. C. American boys’ handy book .5790 B36 Jack of all trades.5790 B365 Outdoor handy book.5790 B36o Benson, J. K. Book of Indoor games .5793 B47 Boy’s games and sports.5790 B79 Camp, Walter. Book of college sports .5797 C18 Champlin, J. D. & Bostwick, A. E. Young folks’ cyclopaedia of games and sports.R 5790 C45 Kingsland, Mrs. Burton. Book of indoor and outdoor games.5790 K35 LITERATURE. Baldwin, James. Story of the golden age .5883 B18 Bellew, M. K. Tales from Longfel¬ low .5811 LS5 Brown, A. F. Pocketful of posies. .5811 B87 Champlin, J. D. Young folks’ cy¬ clopaedia of literature and art. ...R 5803 C49 Church, A. J. Stories from Homer. .5883 IL76 Stories from Virgil.5873 V49 Clark, G. O. Moon-babies.5811 C59 Dodge, Mrs. M. (M.) Rhymes and 5ingles .5811 D64 ed. Baby days.5808 D64 Fette, W. E. comp. Dialogues from Dickens .5808.5 D54 Field, Eugene. Love-songs of child¬ hood .5811 F45 Lullaby land.5811 F451 With trumpet and drum.5811 F45w Frost , A. B. Stuff and nonsense..5817 F93 How the froggies go to sleep.5811 H84 Knowles, F. L. ed. Story of little Tom and Maggie.5823 E42 Miller, Mrs. E. P. Mother Truth’s melodies .5811 M64 Newell, Peter. (Sheaf Hersey.) Topsys and turvys .5817 N54t Outcault, R. F. Buster Brown abroad .5817 094 Perry, W. C. Boy's Odyssey-5883 H76p Pyle, Catherine. Careless Jane, and other tales.5811 P99 Repplier, Agnes, ed. Book of famous verse .5808.1 R42 Richards, Mrs. L. E. (H.) Hurdy- gurdy .5811 R51 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. & Smith, N. A. eds. Golden numbers. .5808.1 R56 Seton, E. T. Wild animal play for children .5812 S49 Shoemaker, J. W. ed. Best things from best authors. 8v.5808.5 S55 Stevenson, R. L. B. Child’s garden of verses .5821 S84 Sweetser, Iv. D. Ten boys from Dickens .5823 D54s Ten girls from Dickens.5823 D54sg Warner, C. D. Being a boy.5817 W27 Whitney, Mrs. II. (H.) Little boy book .5811 W61 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in American literature. 2v.5810 W94 Children’s stories in English liter¬ ature. 2v.5820 W94 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 41 TRAVEL. Dana, R. H. jr. Two years before tlie mast .j910 D16 Kippis, Andrew 7 . Voyages round the world performed by Captain James Cook .j910 K57 Knox, T. W. Egypt and the Holy Land .j910 K74 Levant.j9l0 K741 Miln, L. J. Little folks of many lands .j910 M65 TRAVEL IN EUROPE. Aleott, L. M. Shawl-straps. 2cop. .j914 A 35 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in classic lands.j914 B98 Zigzag journeys in Europe.j914 B98e De Mille, James. Seven Hills. .. j914.5 D38 Knox, T. W. Central Europe.j914 K74 Great Britain and Ireland.j914 K71g Northern Europe .j914 K74n Russian empire .j914 K74r Southern Europe.j914 K74s MacCabe, J. D. Our young folks abroad .j914 Mil Van Wert, Rupert. Rip Van Win¬ kle's travels in fore'gn lands.. .j914 V28 Wade, Mrs. M. H. (B.) Our little German cousin .j914.3 W12 Our little Irish cousin.j914.15 W12 Our little Norwegian cousin.. .j914.8 W12 Our little Russian cousin.j.914.7 W12 Our little Swiss cousin.j914.94 W12 Our little Turkish cousin.j914.96 W12 Young Americans abroad.j914.Y82 TRAVEL IN ASIA AND AFRICA. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes.j915 B98 Zigzag journeys in the Levant. .j915 B981 Zigzag journeys in the Orient.. .j915 B98o Du Chaillu, P. B. King Mombo. .j916.7 D82 My Apingi kingdom.j916.7 D82m Wild life under the equator. .j916.7 D82w Knox, T. W. Africa.j916 K74 Ceylon and India.j915. K74 Congo .j916.8 K74 In wild Africa.j916.6 K74 Japan and China.j915 K74j Siam and Java.j915 K74s Lee, Yan Phou. When I w 7 as a boy in China.j915.1 L48 Wade, Mrs. M. H. (B.) Our little African cousin .j916 W12 Our little Japanese cousin. .. .j915.2 W12 Our little Jewish cousin.j915.69 W12 Our little Siamese cousin.j915.93 W12 TRAVEL IN AMERICA. * Butterw r orth, Hezekiah. Lost in Nicaragua .j917.2 BOS Ellett, Mrs. E. F. (L.) Rambles about the country.j917.3 E45 Knox, T. W. Mexico.j917.2 Iv74 South America .j918 K74 Lummis, C. F. Some strange cor¬ ners of our country.j917.3 L95 Steedman, C. J. Bucking the sage¬ brush .j9l7.8 S81 Wade, Mrs. M. H. (B.) Our little Cuban cousin .j917.291 W12 Our little Indian cousin.j917 W12 Our little Porto Rican cousin. .j917.295 W12 TRAVEL IN OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS. Knox, T. W. Australasia.j919.3 K74 Peary, Mrs. J. D. Children of the Arctic .j919.8 T36 Wade, Mrs. M. H. (B.) Our little brown cousin .j919.11 W12 Our little Eskimo cousin.j919.8 W12 Our little Hawaiian cousin. . .j919.69 W12 Our little Philippine cousin.. .j919.14 W12 HISTORY. Brooks, E. S. Story of the 19th century .j909 B87 Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea-j909 H16 Strickland, Agnes. Stories from history .j909 S91 Welsh, Charles, ed. Famous bat¬ tles of the 19th century. 4v. .j909 W46 HISTORY OF EUROPE. Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty.j940 C67 Dickens, Charles. Child’s history of England. 2cop.j942 D54 Maxwell, Sir IT. E. British sol¬ diers in the field.j942 M46 Strickland, Agnes. Tales from English history .j942 S91 True stories from ancient history.j930 S91 True stories from modern history.j940 S91 Yonge, C. M. 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Children’s stories in American history .3973 W94 Children’s stories of American progress .3973 W94c • COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Brooks, E. S. Century book of famous Americans .3920 B87 Historic boys .3920 B87b Historic girls .3920 B87g Brooks, Noah. Statesmen.3920 B973 Greely, Gen. A. W. Explorers and travellers .3920 G79 Hubert, P. G. 3 1 '. Inventors.3920 H87 Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel.) About old story-tellers.j920 M68 Parton, James. Captains of in¬ dustry. 2v.3920 P27 Seawell, M. E. Twelve naval cap¬ tains .3920 S44 Sketches of the lives of distin¬ guished females .'.. .3920 S62 Stoddard, W. O. Men of business.3920 S86 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of great scientists.3920 W94 individual biography. Alcott, L. M. Cheney, Mrs. E. D. (L.) Louisa May Alcott ..3B A355 Alexander the Great, king of Mace¬ donia. Abbott, Jacob. Alexander the Great .3B A37 Alfred the Great, king of England. Abbott, Jacob. Alfred the* Great.3B A39 Arnold, Gen. Benedict. Hill, G. C. Benedict Arnold... .3B A75 Bonaparte, Joseph, king of Spain. Abbott, J. S. C. Joseph Bona¬ parte .3B B69 Bowditeh, Nathaniel. Bowditch, N. I. Life of Na¬ thaniel Bowditeh .3B B78 Burnett, Mrs. F. E. (H.) One I knew best of all.3B B96 Caesar, Julius. Abbott, Jacob. Julius Caesar. .-3B C12 Charles I., king of England. Abbott, Jacob. Charles the first .3B C475 Charles II., king of England. Abbott, Jacob. Charles the second .3B C4752 Cleapatra, queen of Egypt. Abbott, Jacob. Cleopatra.3B CG2 Columbus, Christopher. Brooks, E. S. True story of Christopher Columbus .3B C72 Cortes, Hernando. Abbott, Jacob. Hernando Cor¬ tes .. ...3BC82 Custer, Gen. G. A. Custer, Mrs. E. (B.) Boy gen¬ eral; story of the life of Ma3or-General George A. Cus¬ ter .3B C987 Cyrus the Great, king of Persia. Abbott, Jacob. Cyrus the Great.3B C99 Darius the Great, king of Persia. Abbott, Jacob. Darius the Great . 3B D21 Day, M. L. Incidents in the life of a blind girl.3B D27 Eastman, C. A. (Obiyesa.) Indian boyhood .3B E13 Elizabeth, queen of England. Abbott, Jacob. Queen Eliza¬ beth . r .3B E43 Franklin, Ben3amin. Brooks, E. S. True story of Ben3amin Franklin .3B F83b Butterworth, Hezekiah. True to his home; a tale of the boy¬ hood of Franklin .3B F83bu Hill, G. C. Ben3amin Franklin. .3B F83h Garfield, J. A. pres. U. S. Alger, Horatio, 3r- Boyhood and manhood of James A. Garfield .’.3B G231 Genghis Khan. Abbott, Jacob. Genghis Khan..JBG32 Grant, U. S. pres. U. S. Adams, W. T. General Ulysses S. Grant .3B G76 Brooks, E. S. True story of U. S. Grant.3B G76b Hannibal. Abbott, Jacob. Hannibal.3B IT24 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 43 Henry IV, king of France. Abbott, Jacob. Henry the fourth .jB 1152 Hortense, queen of Holland. Abbott, Jacob. Hortense.jB 1182 Hutton, Lawrence. Boy I knew and four dogs.jB 1198 Jackson, Andrew, pres. U. S. Life of Andrew Jackson.jB J12 Jones, J. P. Life of John Paul Jones.jB J77 Josephine, empress of France. Abbot, J. S. C. Josephine.jB J83 Lafayette, Marquis de. Life of General Lafayette.jB L1G Brooks, E. S. True story of La¬ fayette ..jB L16b Lincoln, Abraham, pres. U. S. Brooks, E. S. True story of Abraham Lincoln .jB L73 Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln.jB L73c Louis XIV, king of France. Abbott, Jacob. Louis the four¬ teenth .jB L88 Louis Philippe, king of France. Abbott, Jacob. Louis Philippe. .jB L881 McKinley, William, pres. U. S. Stratemeyer, Edward. Ameri¬ can boys’ life of William Mc¬ Kinley.jB M158 Margaret, queen of England. Abbott, Jacob. Margaret of Anjou.jB M32 Marie Antoinette, queen of France. Abbott, J. S. C. Maria Antoi¬ nette.jB M33 Marion, . Gen. Francis. Life of General Marion.jB M34 Mary, quuen of Scots. Abbott, Jacob. Mary, queen of Scots.jB M39 Napoleon I, emperor of France. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte.... .jB N21 Nero, emperor of Rome. Abbott, Jacob. Nero.jB N44 Peter the Great, czar of Russia. Abbott, Jacob, reter the Great.jB P47 rhilip, sachem of the Wampanoag Indians. Abbott, J. S. C. King Thilip.. . jB P54 Phipps, Sir William. Butterworth, ILezekiah. Treas¬ ure ship, a tale of Sir William Phipps...jB PoT Putnam, Gen. Israel. Hill, G. C. Gen. Israel Putnam.jB P99 Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. Abbott, Jacob. Pyrrhus.jB P9D8 Richard I, king of England. Abbott, Jacob. Richard the first.jB R511 Richard II, king of England. Abbott, Jacob. Richard the sec¬ ond.jB R5112 Richard III, king of England. Abbott, Jacob. Richard the third.jB 5113 Roland, Mme. M. J. (P.) Abbott, Jacob. Madam Roland. .jB R74 Romulus. Abbott, Jacob. Romulus.jB R76 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Barnes, James. Giant of three wars; a life of General Win¬ field Scott.jB S43 Taylor, Zachary, pres. U. S. Life of General Taylor.jB T24 Washington, George, pres. U. S. Life of George Washington.jB W31 Brooks, E. S. True story of George Washington.jB W31b Scudder, IL. E. George Wash¬ ington.jB W31s William the Conqueror, king of-En- gland. Abbott, Jacob. William the Conqueror.jB W71 Xerxes. Abbott, Jacob. Xerxes.jB XG AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. Abbott, Jacob. Cousin Lucy among the mountains.jA13c Force. j531 A13 Heat.j536 A13h Learning about common things. J507 A13 Light.j535 A13 Rollo at school.jA13rs Rollo at work .jA13rw Rollo learning to talk.JA13rt Rollo’s experiments.j508 A13 Rollo’s philosophy; air.j551 A13 Rollo’s philosophy; fire.j536 A13 Rollo’s philosophy; sky.jo51 A13s Water and land.j551 Al3w & Abbott, J. S. C. Makers of his¬ tory. Alexander the Great.jB A37 Alfred the Great.jB A3D Joseph Bonaparte.JB B69 Julius Caesar.jB C12 Charles the first.jB C475 Charles the second.jB C4752 Cleopatra.jB C62 Hernando Cortez.jB C82 Cyrus the Great.jB C99 Darius the Great.jB D21 Queen Elizabeth.jB E43 Genghis Khan.jB G32 Hannibal.jB H24 Henry the fourth .jB H52 Hortense.jB H82 Josephine .jB J83 44 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Louis the fourteenth.jB L88 Louis Philippe.jB L881 Margarette of Anjou.jB M32 Marie Antoinette.jB M33 Mary, queen of Scotts.jB M39 Nero.jB N44 Peter the Great.jB P47 King Philip.jB P54 Pyrrhus.jB P998 Richard the first.jB R511 Richard the second.jB R5112 Richard the third.jB R5113 Madame Roland.jB R74 Romulus.jB R76 William the Conqueror.jB W71 Xerxes.jB X6 About old story-tellers. Mitchell. .j920 M68 Across India. Adams.jA219a9 Across the campus. Fuller.jF9C5a Adams, Charlotte. Ben Howard.. .jA211b Adams, W. T. (Oliver Optic.) All aboard.jA219 All over the world series. Missing million.jA219al Millionaire at sixteen.jA219a2 Young knight-errant.jA219a3 Strange sights abroad.jA219a4 American boys afloat.jA219a5 Young navigators.jA219a6 Up and down the Nile.jA219a7 Asiatic breezes.jA219a8 Across India.jA219a9 Half round the world...jA219alO Bear and forbear.jA219be Blue and the Gray series. Taken by the enemy. 2cop... jA219b Within the enemy’s lines. .. .jA219b2 On the blockade.jA219b3 Stand by the Union.jA219b! Fighting for the right. 2cop. .jA219b5 Victorious Union.jA219bG Blue and the Gray on land. Brother against brother.jA219bll In the saddle .jA219bl2 Lieutenant at eighteen.jA219b!3 On the staff .jA219bl4 At the front.jA219bl5 Undivided Union .jA219bI6 Cringle and cross-tree.jA219c General Ulysses S. Grant.jB G76 Little by little.jA2191 Little merchant.jA2191i Now or never.jA219n Poor and proud.jA219p Sailor boy series. Sailor boy.jA219s Yankee middy .jA219s2 Brave old salt.jA219s3 Soldier boy.jA219so Try again.jB219t Young America abroad. Outward bound.jA219y Shamrock and thistle.jA219y2 Red cross.jA219y3 Dikes and ditches.jA219y4 Palace and cottage.jA219yo Down the Rhine.jA219y6 Up the Baltic.jA219y7 Northern lands.jA219y8 Cross and crescent. 2cop.jA219y9 Sunny shores.jA219ylO Vine and 9 live..jA219yll Isles of the sea.jA219yl2 Adrift in a boat. Kingston.jK552a Adrift in the city. Alger.jA393a Adventures of a freshman. Wil¬ liams.jW724a Adventures of a young naturalist. Biart.j500 B57 Adventures of Dorothy. Lewis.jLG74a Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Clemens .jC625a Adventures of Mabel. Peck.j398 P36 Africa. Knox.j916 K74 Aiken & others. Eyes and no eyes, and other stories.j500 A29 Alcott, L. M. Aunt Jo’s scrap bag. v.l My boys.jA355mb v.2 Shawl-straps. 2cop.j914 A35 v.3 Cupid and Chowchow. 2- cop.jA355c v.4 My girls. 2cop.jA355mg v.5 Jimmy’s cruise in the Pin¬ afore. ...jA355ji v.6 Old-fashioned Thanksgiv¬ ing.jA355ot Eight cousins. 2cop.jA355e Hospital sketches.jA355h Jack and Jill. 2cop.jA355j Little women series. Little women.jA3551 Little men. 2cop.jA35512 Jo’s boys. 2cop.jA35ol3 Lulu’s library. 3v.jA3551u Marjorie’s three gifts.jA355m Morning-glories and other stories.jA355mo Old-fashioned girl. 2cop.jA355o Rose in bloom. 3cop.jA355e2 Silver pitchers.jA355s Three proverb stories.jA355t Under the Lilacs. 2cop.jA355u Alden, Mrs. I. (M.) (Pansy.) Mag Ma rga r et.j A358m Mara.jA358ma Mary Burton abroad.jA358mar Reuben’s hindrances.jA358r Six little girls.jA358s Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy.jA365s Alexander in the ark. Burrow.jB972a Alger, Lloratio, jr. Adrift in the city.jA393a Boyhood and manhood- of James A. Garfield.jB G231 Do and dare.jA395d Fame and fortune.jA395r2 CHILDREN'S BOOKS 45 Jed, the Poorliouse boy.jA39oj Luck and pluck series. Luck and pluck.jA3951 Sink or swim.jA39512 Strong and steady.jA39313 Strive and succeed.jA39514 Try and trust.5A39515 Bound to rise.jA39516 Risen from the ranks.jA39517 Herbert Carter’s legacy.jA39518 Struggling upward.jA393s Tattered Tom series. Phil, the fiddler.jA393t3 Julius.jA395t5 Young Outlaw..1A395t6 Sam’s chance.jA395t7 Young acrobat.jA395y & Stratemeyer, Edward. Out for business.jA395o Alice Learmont. Craik.jC887a Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Dodgson.5398 D64 Alice’s adventures under ground. Dodgson .5398 D64a All aboard. Adams.5A219 Allen, W. B. Cleared for action. . .jA432c Navy blue.jA432n Play away!.jA432p Alley cat’s kitten. Fuller.jF965al Alton, Edmund, pseud. Among the law-makers.5328 A46 American boys afloat. Adams. ..-5A219a5 American boy’s handy book. Beard.5790 B36 American family Robinson. Belisle.5B431a American Indians. Starr.5970-1 S79 American sailor. Brooks.5973 B87 American soldier. Brooks.5973 B87s Amic-is, Edmondo de. Heart or a boy .5A516h Among the camps. Page.5P133a Among the Esquimaux. Ellis.5E47a Among the farmyard people. Pier¬ son.5636 P62 Among the forest people. Pier¬ son.5390 P62 Among the law-makers. Alton, pseud.5328 A46 Among the lindens. Raymond.5R268a Among the meadow people. Pier¬ son.5590 P62m Among the night people. Pier¬ son.5590 P62n Among the pond people. Pier¬ son.5590 P62p Anderson, H. C. Sand-hills of Jut¬ land.5398 A54 Story book.5398 A54s Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters. -5A567s Stories Mother Nature told her children.. 5500 A50 Ten boys.5^567t Anneke. Champney.5C453a Another flock of girls. Perry.5P464a Arabian nights’ entertainments...-5398 A63 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg.5K29a Arrival of Jimpson, and other sto¬ ries. Barbour. JB239a Asiatic breezes. Adams.5A219a8 At Aboukir and Acre. Henty.5H527a At the back of the north wind. MacDonald.5398 M13 At the fall of Montreal. Strate¬ meyer.5S898a At the front. Adams.5 A 219bl5 Aunt Fanny, pseud. See Barrow, Mrs. F. E. (M.). Aunt Jimmy’s will. Wright.53V952a Aunt Kitty’s tales. McIntosh.5M158a Aunt Martha’s corner cupboard. Kirby & Kirby.5630 K58 Australasia. Knox.5919.3 K74 Autobiography of a tomboy. Gil¬ der.5G46Sa Away in the wilderness. Ballan- tyne.5B188a Babes in Toyland. Mac Donough & Chapin.5398 M136 Baby days. Dodge, ed.5808 D64 Baby Elton, quarter-back. Quirk. .. .5Q8b Baker, G. M. Running to waste...-5B167r Baker, R. S. Boy’s book of inven¬ tions.5608 B16 Boy’s second book of inventions.5608 B16b Baldwin, James. Story of Roland..5398 B18 Story of Siegfried.5293 B18 Story of the golden age.5883 B18 Ball of the vegetables, and other stories. Eytinge.5398 E98 Ballantyne, R. M. Away in the wilderness.5B188a Chasing the sun. 5B188c Fast in the ice.5B188f Fighting the whales.5B188fl Fire brigade.5B188fir Floating light of the Goodwin sands.5B18Sfl Freaks on the fells.5B188fo Gascoyne the sandal-wood trader. JBISSg Red Eric.5B188r Shifting winds. 5B1S8 s Bangs, J. K. Mollie and the Un¬ wise man.5398 B21m Tiddledywink tales.5B261t & Macauley, C. R. Emblemland.5398 B21 Barbour, R. H. Arrival of Jimp¬ son and other stories.5B239a Behind the line.5B239b Book of school and college sports.5797 B23 Captain of the crew.5B239c For the honor of the school.5B239f Half-back.5B239h On your mark!.5B239o Weatherby’s inning.5B239w Barnaby Lee. Bennett.5B471b 46 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Barnard, Charles. Tone masters. .3780.4 B25 Barnes, James. Giant of three wars; a life of General Winfield Scott.jB S43 Barr, Mrs. A. E. (H.) Michael and Theodora.jB268m Barrow, Mrs. F. E. (M.) (Aunt Fanny.) Mittens series. Mittens.3B2771 Little mittens.jB27712 More mittens.jB27713 Two story mittens.jB27714 - New little mittens.jB27715 Orphans’ home mittens.jB217716 Barrows, William. Twelve nights in the Hunters’ Camp.jB278t Battle of New York. Stoddard.jS869b Battling for Atlanta. 2cop. Dunn.jD923y3 Baum, L. F. Life and adventures of Santa Claus.3398 B34 Magical monarch of Mo.3398 B34m Marvelous land of Oz.3398 B34ma New Wonderland.3398 B34n Wizard of Oz.3398 B34w Bear and forbear. Adams.3A219be Beard, A. B. jt author. See Beard, Lina Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy- book.3790 B36 Jack of all trades.3790 B36 Outdoor handy book.3790 B36o Beard, Lina & Beard, A. B. What girl can make and do.3603 B36w Bears of the Blue river. Ma3or. .3599 M23 Beatrice book. Bretherton.3B844b Beautiful Joe. Saunders.jS275b Beautiful Joe’s paradise. Saunders.* .3S257b2 Bed-time stories. Moulton.3^927b Bedolliere, Emile de la. Story of a cat....-. 3B412 s Bee people. Morley.3595 M86 Behind the line. Barbour.3B239b Being a boy. Warner.3817 W27 Belisle, D. W. American family Robinson.3B431a Bellew, M. Iv. Tales from Long¬ fellow.3811 L85 Belt of Seven Totems. Munroe...-3M968b Ben Howard. Adams.3A211b Bennett, John. Barnaby Lee.jB471b Master Skylark.3B471m Bennett twins. Hurd.3H959b Benson, J. K. Book of indoor games.3793 B47 Bessie Lovell.3B559 Best things from best authors. 8v. Shoemaker, ed.3808.5 S55 Betty, a butterfly. Plympton.jP 738 b Betty of Wye. Blanchard.3B639b Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a young natural ist.3590 B57 Biding his time. Trowbridge...-3T863st2 Big cypress. Munroe.JM9S8r* Bignell, Mrs. E. (M.) Mr. Chupes and Miss Jenny.j598.2 B59 Billberry boys and girls. Swett. .. JS975b Biography of a grizzly. Seton. .. .3599 S49 Birds’ Christmas carol. Riggs.3R569b Birds of a feather. Bradley.3B799b Black Beauty. Sewell.3S516b Blanchard, A. E. Betty of Wye...3B639b Bonney Lesley of the Border... JB639p2 Dear little girl.3B639d Dimple Dallas.3B639s2 Gentle pioneer.3B639p Girl of ’76. 3B639g Her very best.3B639h Heroine of 1812.3B639he Independent daughter.3B639i Janet’s college career.3B6393 Little Miss Oddity.3B6391 Little sister Anne.3B6391i Loyal lass.3B6391o Miss Vanity.3B639m Revolutionary maid.3B639r Sweet little maid.3B639S Three pretty maids. JB639t Thy friend Dorothy..3B639th Two Maryland girls.3B639tw Blazing Arrow. Ellis.3E47b Blue dragon. Munroe.3M968bl Blue fairy book. Lang, ed.3398 L26 Bonner, John. Child’s .. history of the United States. 3v.3973 B71 Bonnie Prince Charlie. ILenty.3H527b Bonny Lesley of the Border. Blanchard .3B639p2 Book of college sports. Camp.3797 C18 Book of famous verse. Repplier, comp.3808.1 R42 Book of games and college sports. Barbour .3797 B23 Book of indoor and outdoor games. Kingsland.3"90 K55 Book of indoor games. Benson... J793 B47- Book of nature myths. Holbrook..3398 H72 Book of romance. Lang, ed.3398 L26b Book of school and college sports. Barbour.3797 B23 Booth, Mrs. M. B. (C.) Sleepy-time stories ..3500 B72 Border fights and .fighters. Brady. .3973 B81 Bordertown story-tellers. Butter- worth .3B988b Boston boys of 1775. Kaler.JK14b Bostwick, A. E., 3t- author. See Champlin, J. D. Both sides of the border. Henty.. .3H527bo Bound in honor. Trowbridge.jT863b Bound to rise. Alger.3^39516 Bouvet, M. M. Little house in Pim¬ lico. 3B7821 Pierette .3B782p Prince Tip-top .3398 B78 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 47 Sweet William .jB7S2s Tales of an old chateau.j7S2t Bowditch, N. I. Life of Nathaniel Bowditch.jB B7S Boy emigrants. Brooks....jB873b Boy farmers of Elm island. Kel¬ logg .jK29b Boy I knew and four dogs. Hut¬ ton.jB H98 Boj' life on the prairie. Garland. .. .jG233b Boy of the First Empire. Brooks.. .jB872b Boy settlers. Brooks.jBS73bs Boy soldiers of 1812. Tomlinson.. .jT659w2 Boy tar. Reid.jR357b Boys at Chequasset. Whitney.jW617b Boy’s book of inventions. Baker... j60S B16 Boys’ games and sports.j790 B79 Boys’ Odyssey. Perry.jS83 H7Gp Boys of Fort Schuyler. 2cop. Ivaler .jK14bo Boys of Greenway Court. Butter- worth —.jB98Sbo Boys of old Monmouth. Tomlin¬ son ....jT659bo Boys of 1745. Ivaler.jK14by Boys of ’76. Coffin.j973.3 C67 Boys of the Rincon ranch. Can- field.!.jC222b Boy’s second book of inventions. Baker..j60S B16b Boys with Old Hickory. Tomlin¬ son.jT659w6 Bradley, Mrs. M. E. (N.) Birds of a feather.jB799b Bradley, W. I. Patience Hath¬ away .jBSllp Brady, C. T. Border fights and fighters.j973 B81 Boys of the service. In the wasp’s nest.jB812b In the war with Mexico.jB812b2 Midshipman in the Pacific.jB812b3 Reuben James .'..jB821r Branch, Mrs. M. L. (B.) Kanter girls .j398 B81 Brave heart Elizabeth. Tnomp- son.jT46Sb Brave old salt. Adams.jA219s3 Brenda, her school and her club. Reed.jR324b Brenda's bargain. Reed.jR324b4 Brenda’s cousin at Radcliffe. Reed.jR324b3 Brenda’s summer at Rockley. Reed.jR324b2 Brereton, Capt. F. S. Foes of the Red Cockade.'.jB841f In the grip of the Mullah.jB841i Bretherton, R. H. Beatrice book... .jB844b Brewster, Marian. Under the water-oaks.jB848u British soldiers in the field. Max¬ well.j942 M46 Brooks, Amy. Dorothy Dainty series. Dorothy Dainty.jB871d Dorothy’s playmates.jB871d2 Dorothy Dainty at school. .. .jB871d3 Randy books. Randy and her friends.jB871r3 Randy and Prue.jB871r4 Randy’s good times.jBS71r5 Brooks, E. S. American sailor. .. .j973 B87 American soldier.j793 B87s Boy of the First Empire.jB872b Century book for young Amer¬ icans.j353 B87 Century book of American col¬ onies.j973.2 B87 Century book of famous Amer-, icans.j920 B87 Century book of the American revolution.j973.3 B87 Godson of Lafayette.jB872g Historic boys.j920 B87b Historic girls.j920 B87g In No-man’s land.j398 B87 Master of the Strong Hearts.jB872m Story of our war with Spain. . J973.89 B87 Story of the 19th century.j909 B87 True story of Abraham Lincoln... .jB L73 True story of Benjamin Franklin.jB F83b True story of Christopher Colum¬ bus.jB C72 True story of George Washing¬ ton.jB W31b True story of Lafayette.jB L16b True story of the United States of America.j973 B87t» True story of U. S. Grant....jB G76b Under the allied flags.jB872u Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants.jB873b Boy settlers.jB873bs Fairport nine....jB873f Statesmen..;.j920 B783 Brother against brother. Adams. .jA219bl Brother Jonathan. Butterworth...jB988br Brown, A. F. Flower princess.... j398 B877 In the days of giants.j39S B877i Lonesome doll.j398 B771 Pocketful of posies.j811 B87 Brownies in the Philippines. Cox.j398 C87b Brownies, their book. Cox.j398 C87bt Bruce, Mrs. E. M. Thousand a year.jBS87t Bucking the sagebrush. Steedman. j917.8 SSI Bunch of cherries. Smith.jS646b Burglar’s daughter. Penrose.jP417b Buried treasure. Fosdick.jF748b Burnett, Mrs. F. E. (H.) Editha’s burglar.jB964e In the closed room.jB964i Little Lord Fauntleroy. 2cop.jB9641 Little Saint Elizabeth, and other stories.jB9641i One I knew best of all.JB B96 Piccino, and other child stories... .jB964p Two little pilgrims’ progress.jB964t 48 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Burrow, F. R. Alexander in the ark.jB972a Bush-boys. Reid.jR357bu Buster Brown abroad. Outcault. .. .j817 094 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Border- town story-tellers.jB988b Boys of Green way Court.jB988bo Brother Jonathan.jB988br Bog school-house on the Columbia..jB988l Lost in Nicaragua.j9l7.2 B98 Patriot schoolomaster.jB988p Treasure ship; a tale of Sir Wil¬ liam Phipps.jR P57 True to his home; a tale of the boyhood of Franklin.jB F83bu Wampum belt.jB988w Zigzag journeys in classic lands..j914 B98 Zigzag journeys in Europe.j9l4 B98e Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes. j915 B98 Zigzag journeys in the Levant. .j915 B981 Zigzag journeys in the Orient. .j915 B98o By conduct and courage. Henty. .. jH527by Cadet days. King.jK52c Cadet Standisli of the St. Louis. Drysdale.jDSllc Cameos from English history. Yonge.j942 Y55 Camp, Walter. Book of college sports.j797 C18 Camp Fidelity girls. Donnell.jD685c Campbell, Mrs. H. (S.) What to do club.jC188w Camping on the St. Lawrence. Tomlinson..*.jT659c Canfield, H. S. Boys of the Rincon ranch.jC222b Captain Horace. Clarke....jC599c Captain January. Richards.jR516c Captain of the crew. Barbour.jB239c Cap’n Thistletop. Swett.jS975c Captain’s boat. Stoddard.jS869c Captains courageous. Kipling.jK57c Captains of industry. 2v. Parton. .j920 P27 Captured by the Indians. Ellis.jE47c Captured by the Navajos. Curtis... .jC978c Captured Santa Claus. Page.jP133c Capturing a locomotive. Pittinger. .j973.7 P68 Careers of danger and daring. Mof¬ fett.^.jM693 Careless Jane, and other tales. Pyle.j811 P99 Carl, the Trailer. Fosdick.jF748c Carove, F. W. Story without an end.j39S C29 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodg- son, C. L. Carrots; just a little boy. Moles- worth.jM719c Carruth, F. W. Those Dale girls... .jC319t Casket of gems.jC338 Castle Blair. Lugard.jL951c Castlemon, Harry, pseud. See Fos¬ dick, C. A. Catalina, art student. Smith.jS646c Cattle-ranch to college. Doubleday. .jD727c Cecil and his dog.jC388 Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs, ed.j398 J17 Central Europe. Knox.j914 K74 Century book for young Americans. Brooks.j353 B87 Century book of American colonies. Brooks.j973.2 B87 Century book of famous Americans. Brooks.j920 B87 Century book of the American rev¬ olution. Brooks.j973.3 B87 Ceylon and India. Knox.j915 K74 Chamberlain, P. B. What about Fred?.jC443w Chambers, R. W. Outdoorland.... joOQ C44 Champion. Murfree.jM975c Champlin, J. D. Y r oung folks’ cy¬ clopaedia of common things. .R j031 C45 Young folks cyclopaedia of litera¬ ture and art.. . .R j803 C45 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of per¬ sons and places.R j031 C45p & Bostwick, A. E. Young folks’ cyclopaedia of games and sports...R j790 C45 Champney, Mrs. E. (W.) Anneke.. . jC453a Daughter of the Huguenots.jC453d Patience, a daughter of the May¬ flower.jC453p Three Vassar girls in the Tyrol... .jC453t Witch Winnie books. Witch Winnie.jC453w Witch Winnie’s mystery.jC453w2 Witch Winnie’s studio.jC453w3 Witch Winnie in Paris.jC453w4 Witch Winnie at Shinnecock.. jC453w5 Witch Winnie at Versailles. . .jC453w6 Witch Winnie in Holland.jC453w7 Witch Winnie in Venice.jC453w8 Witch Winnie in Spain.jC453w9 Chapin, A. A. Stoi-y of the Rhine- gold.j782 C46 jt. author. See MacDonough, Glen. Charlesworth, M. L. Ministering children.jC477m Charm. .jC4S2 Charming Sally. Kaler.jK14c Chase, Mrs. J. (A.) Three fi*esh- men.jC487t Chasing the sun. Ballantyne.jB188c Chellis, M. D. See Lund, Mrs. M. D. (C.) Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Young folks’ history of the civil war.j973.7 C51 Cheney, Mrs. E. D. (L.) Louisa May Alcott.jB A355 Sally Williams.jC518s Cherriwink. Penn.j398 P41 CHILDREN'S BOOKS 49 Child Amy. Magruder.. ...jM212c Child of glee. Plympton.jP73Sc Children of Amity Court. Thurs¬ ton. jT545c Children of the Arctic. Peary.. . j919.8 P3G Children of Wilton Chase. Smith. .jS646eh Children on the top floor. Rhoades. .jR474c Children who ran away. Sharp.jS531c Children’s Bible story-book.j244 C53 Children’s stories in American his¬ tory. Wright.j973 W94 Children’s stories in American liter¬ ature. 2v. Wright..j810 W94 Children’s stories in English liter¬ ature. 2v. Wright.j820 W94 Children’s stories of American prog¬ ress. Wright... j973 W94c Children’s stories of great scien¬ tists. Wright.j920 W94 Child’s garden of verses. Steven¬ son .jS21 S84 Child’s history of England. 2cop. Dickens.j942 D74 Child’s history of the United States. 3v. Bonner.j973 B71 Chop-chin and the golden dragon. Richards.j39S R51 Chris and the wonderful lamp. Stearns.jS799c Chris, the modelmaker. Stoddard. . jS869ch Christine’s career. King.jK51c Christmas day and all the year.jCo55 Christmas fairy, and other stories. Stannard & others.jS7S9e Christmas holidays at Chestnut Hill. Cousin Mary.jCS67c Christmas stories and reprinted pieces. Dickens. jD548c Church. A. J. Stories from Homer.j883 II7G Stories from Virgil.j873 Y49 Cicely Brown's trials. Prosser.jP960e Clark, G. O. Moon-babies.j811 C59 Clark, Imogen. Will Shakespeare’s little lad.jC593w Clarke, Mrs. M. (N.) C. Yarns of an old mariner.jC598y Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May) Cap¬ tain Horace.jC599c Dotty Dimple stories. Dotty Dimple at her grand¬ mother’s.jC599d Dotty Dimple at home. 2 cop.jC599d2 Dotty Dimple out west. 2eop.. jC599d3 Dotty Dimple at play. .*. .jC599il4 Dotty Dimple at school.jC599d5 Dotty Dimple’s flyaway. 2cop.jC599d6 Fairy book .j.398 C59 Flaxie Frizzle.jC599f Joy bells.jC599j Little pitchers.jC5991 Pauline Wyman.jC599p Twin cousins.jC599t Wee Lucy’s secret.jC59 1 3 Cleared for action. Allen.jA432c Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) Ad¬ ventures of Huckleberry Finn. ... jC625a Prince and the pauper.jCGI5p Tom Sawyer.jC625c Tom Sawyer abroad.jC625to Cliff-climbers. Reid.jR357p2 Clover, S. T. On special assignment.jCG47p Paul Travers’ adventures.jCG47p Clover. Woolsey. jW916c Coal and the coal mines. Greene. .j622 G79 Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln.jB L73e Boys of ’76.j973.3 C67 Following the flag.j973.7 CG7 My days and nights on the battle¬ field.j973.7 C67m Story of liberty.j940 C67 Winning his way.jC675w Congo. Knox.j916.7 K74 Cooking Club of Tu-Whit Hollow. Pratt.jP913c Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Wool¬ sey, S. C. Cooper, J. F. Deerslayer.jC777d Last of the Mohicans.4C7771 Pathfinder.jC77 7p Pioneers. jC777pi Prairie.jC777pr Wing and wing.jC777w Cooper’s son.jC776 Cortez, Hernando. See Cortes, Her¬ nando. Cottage neighbors. Perry.jP46!c [ Couldn’t be bought. Foster.jF757c Country life. Cousin Mary.jC867co Cousin Angie, pseud. Worth, not wealth, and other tales.jC867w Cousin from India. May.jM460e Cousin Lucy among the mountains. Abbott.. ..jAl3c 'Cousin Mary, pseud. Christmas holidays at Chestnut Hill.jC8G7c Country life .jC867co Cox, Palmer. Brownies in the Philippines.j398 C8'b Brownies, their book.j.398 C87bt Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud. See Murfree, M. M. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Alice Learmont.jC887a His little mother, and other tales. .jC8771i Is it true?.j.398 C'88 Little lame prince.jC8871 Little Sunshine’s holiday.jC8871i Twenty years ago.jC887t Crimson fairy book. Lang, ed.. .. j398 L26c Cringle and cross-tree. Adams... .jA219c Cross and crescent. 2cop. Adams.. jA219.v9 Cross patch, and other stories. Woolsey.jW91Gcr Crotliers, S. McC. Miss Muffet’s Christmas party.j398 C95 50 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Crowded out o’ Crofield. Stod¬ dard. jS869:t Cruise of tlie Dazzler. London.jL847c Culter, M. McC. Girl who kept up. .jC967g Cupid and Chowchow. 2cop. Al- cott.jA355c Cupples, George. Green hand.jC974g Curly locks. Woolsey.jW916cu Curtis, Capt. C. A. Captured by the NavajQS. jC978e Custer, Mrs. E. (B.) Boy general; story of the life of Major-Gen¬ eral George A. Custer.jB C987 Daddy’s hoy. Smith.jSG16d Dali, Mrs. C. W. (W.) Patty Gray’s journey from Boston to Baltimore.jDl44p Dana, R. II. jr. Two years before the mast.j910 D16 Dash for Khartoum. Henty.jII527d Daskam, J. D. See Bacon, Mrs. J. D. (D.) Daughter of the Huguenots. Champney.jC453d Day, M. L. Incidents in the life of a blind girl.jB D27 Dealings with the fairies. Macdon¬ ald.j398 Ml3d Dear daughter Dorothy. Plyrnp- ton.jP738d Dear little girl. Blanchard.jB639d Deerslayer. Cooper.jC777d Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. .. .jD314r De Mille, James. Seven Hills. .j914.5 D38 De Musset, Paul. Mr. Wind and Madam Rain.j398 D38 Denison, Mrs. M. (A.) Every-day heroine.jD396e Her secret.jD3 6h Despatch boat of the Whistle. Stod¬ dard.jS869d De Witt, Madame Guizot. Only sister.jD522o Dialogues from Dickens. Fette, comp.j808.5 D54 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Entertaining story of King Bronde.j398 D34 Diaz, Mrs. A. (M.) William Henry and his friends.jD542w William Henry letters.jD542wi Dick. Ray.jR263d Dick Rodney. Grant.jG762d Dickens, Charles. Child’s history of England. 2cop..1942 D54 Christmas stories and reprinted pieces.jD54Sc Readings.r.jD548r Dikes and ditches. Adams.jA2l9y4 3. |i w .' flN41bL.p-2D Wb 6 T T T TT Dimple Dallas. Blanchard.jB639s2 Dix, B. M. Soldier Rigdale.jDG19s Djurklo, G. Fairy tales from the Swedish.j.3C8 D62 Do and dare. Alger.jA395d Dodge, M. A. (Gail Hamilton.) Red-letter days in Appletliorpe. .jD644r Dodge, Mrs. M. (M.) Donald and Dorothy.jD645d Hans Brinker . jD64oh Land of pluck.jD6451 Rhymes and jingles.j8ll D64 ed. Baby days.j808 D64 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll.) Alice’s adventures in Wonder¬ land.j398 DGt Alice's adventures under ground.j398 D64 Through the looking glass and what Alice found there.j398 DG4t Dogtown. Wright.jW952d Doings of Nancy. Raymond.jR26 c d Dolpli Heylinger. Irving.jI72d Don Gordon's shooting-box. Fos- dick.jF748r Donald and Dorothy. Dodge.jDG45d Donnell, A. H. Camp Fidelity girls.jD6S5c Dora's housekeeping. Kirkland.jK59d Dorothy and Anton. Plympton.jP738d2 Dorothy Dainty. Brooks.jB87Jd Dorothy Dainty at school. Brooks. .jB871d3 Dorothy’s playmates. Brooks.jB871d2 Dotty Dimple at her grandmother’s. Clarke.jC599d Dotty Dimple at home. 2cop. Clarke.jC599d2 Dotty Dimple at play. Clarke.jC599;14 Dotty Dimple at school. Clarke. ... jC599d5 Dotty Dimple out west. 2cop. Clarke.jC599d3 Dotty Dimple’s flyaway. 2cop. Clarke.jC599d6 Doubleday, Russell. Cattle-ranch to college.jD727c Douglas, A. M. Helen Grant's friends.jD733h2 Helen Grant's schooldays.jD733h Larry.jD733!a Little girl series. Little girls in old New York... .jD7331 Hannah Ann.jD73312 Little girl iu old Washington.jD73315 Little girl in old St. Louis... JD73318 Little girl in old Chicago.jD73319 Old woman who lived in a shoe.. . jD733o Down the Rhine. Adams.jA219y6 Down the west branch. Farrar.jF242d Dozen from Lakerim. Hughes... .jH893d Dreamfox story book. Wright... . j398 W95 Drysdale, William. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis.jDSllc Fast mail.jD811f Treasury club.j353.2 D81 Young consul.jD811u2 Young reporter.jDSlly Du Chaillu P. B. King Mombo.. . j9l6.7 D82 N My Apingl kingdom.1916.7 D82m Stories of the gorilla country.jD82Gs Wild life under the equator. . .j'916.7 D82w World of the great forest.1590 DS2 Dudley, A. T. Following the ball...jD847p Making the nine.jD847p2 Dunn, B. A. Young Kentuckian series. General Nelson’s scout.1D923y On General Thomas’ staff.jD923y2 Battling for Atlanta. 2eop. .jD923y3 From Atlanta to the sea.jD923y4 Raiding with Morgan.jD923y5 Earle, Mabel. New fortunes.jE12n Earth and sky. Holden.j520 1172 Easter story. Jewett.jJ60e Eastman, C. A. (Obiyesa.) Indian boyhood.jB El3 Eaton, Frances. Queer little prin¬ cess and her friends.jE14q Edith. 2cop. Tuthill.jT96Ge Editha's burglar. Burnett.1B9G4e Effie Wingate’s work. Lund.1L962e Eggleston, Edward. Queer stories for boys and girls.j398 E29 Eggleston, G. C. Southern soldier stories.jE202s Egypt and the Holy Land. Knox.j910 K74 Eight cousins. 2cop. Alcott.jA355e Eight girls and a dog. Wells.jW453e Electrical boy. Trowbridge.1T862e Ellen’s idol. Ward.jW257e Ellet, Mrs. E. F. (L.) Rambles about the country.1917.3 E45 Ellis, E. S. Among the Esquimaux. JE47a Blazing arrow.jE47b Captured by the Indians.jE47c Iron Heart.jE47i Red Eagle.jE47r Elsie at Nantucket. Finley.jF51”e Emblem land. Bangs & Macau’ey. .1398 B21 Embury, Mrs. E. C. (M.) Pictures of early life. jE53p Emily Herbert. McIntosh.jM152e Enchanting and enchanted. Hack- laender...1398 H12 Entertaining story of King Bronde. Diaz.j398 D54 Erickson. Good measure.jE68g Every-day heroine. Denison.jD39Ce Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Flat iron for a farthing.jE95f Great emergency, and other tales.. .jE95g Jackanapes. 2cop.jE95j Jan of the windmill.jE95ja Six to sixteen.jE95s We and the world.jE95w Explorers and travellers. Greely.. .1920 G79 Eye spy. Gibson.1500 G45 Eyes and no eyes, and other stor’es. Aiken and others.1500 A2r> Eytinge, Margaret. Ball of the vegetables, and other stories. .j398 E98 51 Ezra Jordon’s escape from the mas¬ sacre. Ivaler.jK14e Fables. Tilpay.j398 P64 Fairies and folk of Ireland. Frost..1398 F93 Fairport nine. Brooks.jB873f Fairy book.. Clarke.j398 C59 Fairy-land of science. Fisher.1504 F53 Fairy tales. Segur.j398 S45 Fairy tales from the Swedish. - Djurklo.j398 D62 Fall of Sebastopol. Henty.jH527f Fame and fortune. Alger.jA395r2 Famous battles of the 19th cen¬ tury. 4v. Welsh, ed.1909 W46 Farman, Ella. See Pratt, Mrs. E. F. Farming for boys. Morris.jC30 M87 Farrar, Capt. C. A. J. Dowii the west branch.jF242d Up the north branch.jF242u Wild woods life.jF242w Farrar, F. W. Julian Home..iF243j St. Winifred’s.jF243s Fast in the ice. Ballantyne.jB188f Fast mail. Drysdale..iD811f Father's coming home.jF252 Fernley house. Richards.jR516t5 Fette, W. E. comp. Dialogues from Dickens.j808.5 D54 Field, Eugene. Love-songs of child¬ hood..1811 F45 Lullaby land.j811 F451 With trumpet and drum.j'811 F45w Fight for the valley. Stoddard.jS869f Fighting for the empire. Kaler.jK14f Fighting for the right. 2cop. Adams.jA219! 5 Fighting the Saracens. Henty.jH527fi Fighting the whales. Ballantyne... .jB188fi Finley, Martha. Elsie at Nantucket.jF512e Grandmother Elsie.jF513g Fire brigade. Ballantyne.1B118fir First book of birds. Miller.j.598.2 M64 Fisher, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Fairy-land of science.1504 F53 Fiske, John. War of independence. .1973.3 F54 Five little Peppers abroad. Lotli- rop.1 L882f 5 Five little Peppers and how they grew. Lothrop.j'L882f Five little Peppers and their friends. Lothrop.1L882f9 Five little Peppers at school. Loth¬ rop.1,L882f8 Five little Peppers grown. Loth¬ rop.j‘L882f3 Five little Peppers midway. Loth¬ rop. 1LS82f2 Flat iron for a farthing. Ewing.1E95£ Flaxie Frizzle. Clark.1C599f Flight of Pony Baker. Howells... .j'H859f Floating light of the Goodwin sands. Ballantyne CHILDREN'S BOOKS 1B1S8A 52 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Floating treasure. Fosdick.jF748f Flock of boys and girls. Perry.jP46If Flower of the wilderness. Plymp- ton.jP738f Flower princess. Brown.j398 B877 Flowers that never fade.jF644 Foes of the Red Cockade. Bereton. JB841f Following the hall. Dudley.,iD8I7p Following the flag. Coffin.j973.7 CG7 Folly in the forest. Wells.j398 W45 For honor’s sake. Lillie.jL729s2 For the honor of the school. Bar¬ bour.jB239f Force. Abbott.j531 A13 Forest exiles. Reid.jR357f Fortunes of Toby Trafford. Trow¬ bridge.jT833f Forward march. Munroe.jM9'48f Fosdick, C. A. (Harry Castlemon.) Buried treasure.jF748b Carl the Trailer.jF748c Don Gordon’s shooting-box.jF748r Floating treasure.jF748f Frank in the woods..jF748fr Haunted mine. ....jF748h Pony express rider.jF748p Rod and gun club.jF748r2 Steel horse.jF748s True to his colors.jF478t White beaver.jF748w Winged Arrow’s medicine.jF748wi Foster, E. F. Jimmy Crow.jF754j Foster, Mrs. T. M. (T.) (Faye Hunt¬ ington.) Couldn’t be bought.jF757c Four-footed Americans and their kin. Wright.j599 W95 Four-handed folk. Miller.j599 M64 Four months in New Hampshire.jF773 Four on an island. Smith.jSG46f Fox-hunting. Stephens.jS832f Frail children of the air. Scudder. .3595 S43 Frank in the woods. Fosdick.jF784fr Frank's ranch. Marston.jM374f Freaks on the fells. Ballantyne...jB188fo Freeman, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Pot of gold, and other stories.j398 F85 From Atlanta to the sea. Dunn. .jD923y4 From fag to monitor. Home.jH756f From school to battle-field. King. .. . jK52f From the Hudson to the Neva. Ker j K39f Frost, A. B. Stuff and nonsense..j817 F93 Frost, W. H. Fairies and folk of Ireland .j398 F93 Frowzle the runaway. Wessel- hoeft..JW515,' Fuller, C. M. Across the campus. .jF965a Alley cat’s kitten.jF965al Fur-seal’s tooth. Munroe.jM968fu Garland, Hamlin. Boy life on the prairie.jG233b Gascoyne the sandal-wood trader. Ballantyne.jB18 g Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. (S.) Moorland cottage.jG248m Gaylord, Glance, pseud. See Bradley, W. I. General Nelson's scout. Dunn. ... :jD923y Gentle pioneer. Blanchard.jB639p Giant of three wars. Barnes.jB S43 Gibson, W. H. Eye spy.j500 G45 Gift of the magic staff. Ostran¬ der.j398 085g Gilder, J. L. Autobiography of a tomboy .jG468a Girl of ’7G. Blanchard.jB639g Girl who kept-up. Culter .jC967g Gladden, Washington. Santa Claus on a lark .jG542s Gladwin, W. Z. (Gulielma Zollin¬ ger.) Widow O’Callaghan’s boys .jG543w Godolphin, Mary. Sanford and Merton. jG588s Godson of Lafayette. Brooks.jB872g Golden numbers. Riggs & Smith eds....j808.1 R3G Golden touch. Hawthorne.j398 H39 Golden windows. Richards.jR516g Good measure. Erickson .jE68g Goodwin, Mrs. L. S. (T.) Little helper.jG6561 Gospel story of Jesus Christ. Hut¬ chinson .j232 H97 Grandmother Elsie. Finley.jF513g Grant, James. Dick Rodney.jG762d Jack Hall .jG762j Pack in the bush.jG762ja Great Britain and Ireland. Knox .j914 K74g Great emergency, and other tales. Ewing . j E95g Greel.v, Gen. A. W. Explorers and travellers.j920 G79 Green fairy book. Lang, ed.j398 L26g Green hand. Cuppies.jC974g Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines ..j622 G79 Grey, Hester. Kitty Barton .jG843k Grey fairy book. Lang, ed.j398 L26gy Griffis, W. E. In the Mikado’s service.jG852i Grinnell, G. B. Jack among the Indians.jG86Sj Jack in the Rockies.jG868ja Jack the young ranchman.jG868jac Guarding the border. Tomlinson. .jTG59w5 Guernsey Lily. Woolsey.jW916g Guerrier, Edith. Wanderfolk in Wonderland... j398 G93 Gulliver’s travels. Swift.jS977g Gypsy Breynton. Ward.jW257g Gypsy’s cousin Joy. Ward.jW257g2 Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Ward .j W257g3 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 53 Gypsy’s year at the Golden Cres¬ cent. Ward.jW.257.ir4 Habberton, John. Helen’s babies. ..iH113h Other people's children.jH113o Who was Paul Grayson?.jII113w Hacklander, F. W. von. Enchant¬ ing and enchanted...1398 H12 Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea.... j9C9 H16 Half-back. Barbour.jB239h Half round the world. Adams... .jA219al9 Hamblen, H. E. Tom Benton's luck.jH199t We win.jH199w Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. 4. Hancock, H. I. Life at West Point. .J355.07 H23 Hannah Ann. Douglas.jD73312 Hans Brinker. Dodge..,iD645h Hard-scrabble of Elm island. Kel¬ logg... .j K29h Harraden, Beatrice. Things will take a turn.jll206t Untold tales of the past.jH2C6u Harris, J. C. Little Mr. Thimble- finger and his queer country.. .j398 1131 Mr. Rabbit at home.j398 H31m Nights with Uncle Remus.j398 H31n Plantation pageants.jI1314p Uncle Remus and his friends.. .j398 H31u Uncle Remus, his songs and say¬ ings..1398 H31un Harris, Mrs. M. (C.) Louie’s last term at St. Mary’s.1H3151 Harrison, E. O. Prince Silver- wings and other fairy tales.. .1398 H318 Star fairies, and other fairy tales..1398 H318s Haunted mine. Fosdick. ...1F748h Haven, Mrs. A. (B.) N. Loss and gain. 1H3851 No such word as fail.1H385n Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Golden touch.1398 H39 Paradise of children.1398 H39p Tanglewood tales.1398 IL39t Wonder-book. 2cop.1398 H39w Heart of a boy. Amicis.j*A516h Heat. Abbott.1536 A13h Helen Grant's friends. Douglas. . .j‘D733k2 Helen Grant’s schooldays. Doug¬ las.1D733h Helen’s babies. Habberton.1II113h Henry in the war. Howard.1II851h Henty, G. A. At Aboukir and Acre.111527a Bonnie Prince Charlie.1LI527b Both sides of the border.1H527bo By conduct and courage.1II527by Dash for Khartoum.jH527d Fall of Sebastopol.1H527f Fighting the Saracens.Ill527ft In Greek waters.1H527i In the Irish brigade.jH527in Knight of the white cross.j’H527k Redskin and cow-boy.1H527r St. Bartholomew’s eve.111527s Through Russian snows.1H527t Tiger of Mysore.j..jH527ti Treasure of the Incas.j’H527tr True to the old flag. ...1H527tu Under Wellington's command.1H527u W T ith Lee in Virginia.1H527w With Moore at Corunna.1H527wm With Roberts to Pretoria.1H527wr With the allies to Pekin.j'H527wt Her secret. Deivson..1D396h Her very best. Blanchard.1B639h Herbert Carter’s legacy. Alger... JA39518 Hero tales from American history. Lodge & Roosevelt.1973 L82 Heroine of 1812. Blanchard.1B639he Hersey, Sheaf, pseud. See Newell, Peter Hill, G. C. Benedict Arnold.IB A75 Beniamin Franklin.IB F83h Gen. Israel Putnam.IB PC9 Llis little mother, and other tales. Craik.1C887h ' His one fault. Trowbridge.1T8G3h Historic boys. Brooks.1920 B87b Historic girls. Brooks.1920 B87g Holland, Mrs. Merchant’s widow and her young family.111712m Holbrook, Florence. Book of na¬ ture myths.1398 H72 Holden, E. S. Earth and sky.1520 1172 Real things in nature.1500 1172 Hollyhurst...1II74C Home, Andrew. From fag to mon¬ itor..jH76‘f Spy in the school.JH765s Story of a school conspiracy.j'H765st Lloodie. Moles worth.1M719h Hospital sketches. Alcott.1A355h Ilouse-boat on the St. Lawrence. Tomlinson.1T659h House that grew. Molesworth... .1M719ho How the froggies go to sleep.1811 1184 How they went to Europe. Lotli- rop.1L882h How two boys made their own elec¬ trical apparatus. St. John. .......1537 S14 Howard. Gen. O. O. Henry in the war.1II851h Howells, W. D. Flight of Pony Baker...1H359f Ilowitt, Mrs. M. (B.) Peter Drake’s dream, and other stories.Ill863p Hubert, P. G. 1r. Inventors.1920 1187 Hughes, Rupert. Dozen from Lake- rim.jH893d Lakerim athletic club.1II8931 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford. 2cop.j’H894t2 Tom Brown's school days.1II894t 54 CHILDREN'S BOOKS Huntington, Faye, pseud. See Foster, Mrs. T. M. (T.) Hurd, G. M. Bennett twins.jH959b Hurdy-gurdy. Richards.j811 R51 Hutchinson, I. W. Gospel story of Jesus Christ.j232 H97 Hutton, Lawrence. Boy I knew and four dogs.jB H98 I will be a gentleman. Tuthill.jT96Gi Ide, Mrs. F. (O.) (Ruth Ogden.) Little queen of hearts.jI191 Loyal hearts and true.jI191o Loyal little red-coat.jllUIr In Greek waters. Henty.jII527i In No-man’s land. Brooks.j398 B87 In the camp of Cornwallis. Tom¬ linson .jT659i In the closed room. Burnett.jB964i In the days of giants. Brown.. .j398 B877i In the green forest. Pyle.j398 T99 In the grip of the Mullah. Brere- ton .’.jB8411 In the hands of the red-coats. Tomlinson. jT659in In the Irish brigade. Henty.jH527in In the mikado’s service. Griffis.iG852i In the saddle. Adams.jA219bl2 In the war with Mexico. Brady.. .jB8121>2 In the wasp’s nest. Brady.jB832b In the Wyoming valley. Tomlinson. .jT659b3 In Verona. Richards.jR516n In wild Africa. Knox.j916.G K74 Incidents in the life of a blind girl. Day.jB D27 Independent daughter. Blanchard.. .jBG39i Indian boyhood. Eastman.jB E13 Indian fairy tales. Jacobs, ed.j398J17i Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa the fairy. .j398 I46m Sister’s bye-hours.jI4Gs Wonder-box tales.j398 I4Gw Inventors. Hubert.j920 IIS7 Iron Heart. Ellis.jE47i Irving, F. B. Six girls.jI71s Irving, Washington. Dolpli Hey- liger.jI72d Is it true? Craik.j398 C88 Isles of the sea. Adam....jA21912 Jack and Jill. 2cop. Alcott.jA355j Jack among the Indians. Grinnell. .jG863j Jack Ballister’s fortunes. Pyle.jP99Gj Jack Hall. Grant.jG762j Jack in the bush. Grant.jG762ja Jack in the Rockies. Grinnell.jG8G8;a Jack Morgan. Stoddard.jS869j Jack of all trades. Beard.j790 B36j Jack the young ranchman. Grin¬ nell. .. ■.jG868jac Jackanapes. 2cop. Ewing.jE95j Jackson, Mrs. G. E. (S.) Three Graces.jJ12t Three Graces at college.jJ12t2 I Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fa'.ry tales...j398 J17 Indian fairy tales.j398 J17i Jamison, Mrs. C. V. (H.) Lady Jane.jJ321 Jan of the windmill. Ewing.jE95ja Janet’s college career. Blanchard.. .jB639j Japan and China. Knox.j915 K74j Jed, the poorliouse boy. Alger.jA395j Jerry the blunderer. Wesselhoeft. . jW515j Jersey boy in the revolution. Tom¬ linson.jT659j Jewett, J. H. (Hannah Warner.) Easter story.jJ60e Jimmy Crow. Foster.jF754j Jimmy’s cruise in the Pinafore. Alcott.jA355ji Joel Pepper. Lothrop.jL882fG Johnnie. Laughlin.jL374j Johnson, E. Judge’s pets.jJGGj Johnson, Rossiter. Phaeton Rog¬ ers.-.jJGSp Johnston, Mrs. A. (F.) Little Col¬ onel series. Little Colonel stories.jJ721 Little Colonel’s house party... .jJ72l2 Little Colonel’s holidays.jJ72 3 Little Colonel’s hero.jJ7214 Little Colonel at boarding- school .jJ7—15 Little Colonel in Arizona.jJ7216 Jolly Good times. Smith.jS655j Jolly fellowship. Stockton.jS86Gj Jolly Rover. Trowbridge.jT8"3j Jordan, D. S. True tales of birds and beasts.j590 J£2 Jo's boys. 2cop. Alcott.jA35513 Joy bells. Clarke.jC599j Joyous story of Toto. Richards.jRSIGj Judge’s pets. Johnson.jJGGj Julian home. Farrar.jF243d Julius. Alger.jA395.3 Jungle book. Kipling.jK57j! Just sixteen. Woolsey....jW91Gj Just so stories. Kipling.j398 K57 Kaler, J. O. Boston boys of 1775. .. . jK14b Boys of Fort Schuyler. 2cop.jK14bo Boys of 1745.jK14by Charming Sally.jK14c Ezra Jordon’s escape from the massacre.jK14e Fighting for the empire.jK14f Great admiral series. With Perry on Lake Erie. ...... jK14g With Preble at Tripoli.jK14g2 With Porter in the Essex.jK14g3 With Rodgers on the President.jK14g4 Mr. Stubbs’ brother.jK14to2 Off Santiago with Sampson.jK14o Raising the Pearl.jK14r Tim and Tip.jK14t Toby Tyler.J K 14tol Under the Liberty tree.jK14u CHILDREN’S BOOKS 55 When Dewel came to Manila.jK14w When Israel Putnam served the the king.jK14wh Kanter girls. Branch.j39S JlSl Karl Kiegler.jK18 Kellogg, Elijah. Ark of Elm is¬ land.jK29a Boy fanners of Elm island.jK29b Hard-scrabble of Elm island.jK29h Whispering pine series. Spark of genius.jK29w Sophomores at Radcliffe.jK29w2 Whispering pine .jK29w3 Winning his spurs... ..jK29w4 Turning of the tide.jK29w5 Stout heart.jK29w6 Young ship-builders .jK29y Kelly, C. E. Mary’s patience-bank. .jK30m Kelp-gatherers. Trowbridge.jT863st3 Ker, David. From the Hudson to the Neva.jK39f Ivieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer-boy.jK47 r King, Gen. Charles. Cadet days.jK52c From school to battle-field.jK52f Trumpeter Fred.jK52t King, Pauline. Christine’s career... .jK54c King Mombo. Du Chaillu.j916.7 D82 King Tom and the runaways. Pen¬ dleton.jP398k Kingsland, Mrs. Burton. Book of indoor and outdoor games.j790 Kc5 Kingsley, Charles. Water babies... .jK55w Kingston, W. H. G. Adrift in a boat.jK552a Mark Sea worth.jK552m Midshipman.jK552mi Round the world.jK552r Salt water.jK552s Young foresters, and other tales. .jK552y Kipling, Rudyard. Captains cour¬ ageous.jK57c Jungle book.jK57jl Just so stories.j398 K57 Second jungle book.jK57j2 Stalky & Co.jK57s Kippis, Andrew. Voyages round the world performed by Captain James Cook.j910 K57 Kirby, Elizabeth, jt. author. See Kirby, Mary. Kirby, Mary & Kirby, Elizabeth. Aunt Martha’s corner cupboard. ..j630 K58 Kirkland, E. S. Dora’s housekeep¬ ing.jK59d Kitty Barton. Grey.jG843k Knight of the white cross. Henty. .jH527k Knox, T. W. Boy travellers ser. Africa.j91G K74 Australasia.j919.3 K74 Central Europe .j914 K74 Ceylon and India.j915 K74 Congo.j916.7 K74 Egypt and the Holy Land. .. . j910 K74 Great Britain and Ireland.. .j914 K74g Japan and China.j915 K84j Levant.j710 K741 Mexico.j917.2 K74 Northern Eurdpe.j914 K7-In Russian empire.j914 K74r Siam and Java.j915 K74s South America.j918 K74 Southern Europe.j914 K74s In wild Africa. j916.6 K74 Knowles, F. L. ed. Story of little Tom and Maggie.... j823 E^i2 Lady Jane. Jamison.'. ...jJ231 La Flesclie, Francis. Middle five...jL164m Lakerim athletic club. Hughes. .. .jII8931 Lancewood, Lawrence, Esq. pseud. See Wise, Daniel. Land of pluck. Dodge.jD6431 Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue fairy book.j398 L26 Book of romance.j398 L26b Crimson fairy book.j398 L26c Green fairy book.j39S L26g Grey fairy book.j398 L26gy True story book.jL269t Larry. Douglas.jD7331a Last of the Mohicans. Cooper.jC7771 Laughlin, E. O. Johnnie.jL374j Laurie, Annie, pseud. Little boy who lived on the hill.jL3851 Lawrence’s adventures. Trow¬ bridge.jT8631 Learning about common things. Abbott.j507 A13 Le Baron, Grace. Twixt you and me.jL441t Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China.j915.1 L48 Left on Labrador. Stephens.jSS321 Legends of Norseland. Pratt.j398 P91 Levant. Knox.j910 K741 Lewis, Jocelyn. Adventures of Dorothy.jL674a Lieutenant at eighteen. Adams. .jA219bl3 Life and adventures of Santa Claus. Baum.j398 B34 Life at West Point. Hancock, .j.335.07 H23 Life of Andrew Jackson.jB J12 Life of General Lafayette.jB L16 Life of General Marion.jB M34 Life of General Taylor.jB T24 Life of George Washington.jB W31 Life of John Paul Jones.jB J77 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte.jB N21 Light. Abbott.j535 A13 Lillie, Mrs. L. C. (W.) for honor’s sake.jL729s2 Phil and the baby.jL729p Squire’s daughter.jL729s Story of music and musicians for young readers.j780.4 L72 56 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Lippmann, J. M. Sweet P's.jL766s Little boy book. Whitney.j811 W61 Little boy who lived on the hill. Annie Laurie...jL3851 Little by little. Adams.jA2l91 Little Colonel at boarding-school. .. .jJ7215 Little Colonel in Arizona. John¬ ston .jJ7216 Little Colonel stories. Johnston... .jJ7211 Little Colonel’s hero. Johnston.jJ7214 Little Colonel’s holidays. John¬ ston.jJ7213 Little Colonel’s house party. John¬ ston.jJ7212 Little country girl. Woolsey.jW9161 Little folks of many lands. Miln. .j910 M65 Little gardeners.jL778 Little girl in old Chicago. Doug¬ las .jD73319 Little girl in old New York. Doug¬ las.jD7331 Little girl in old St. Louis. Doug¬ las .jD73318 Little girl in old Washington. Douglas .jD73315 Little girl next door. Rhoades.jR4741 Little helper. Goodwin.jG6561 Little house in Pimlico. Bouvet... JB7821 Little lame prince. Craik..jC8871 Little Lord Fauntleroy. 2cop. Burnett.,.jB9641 Little Lou’s sayings and doings.jL779 Little maid of Concord town. Lothrop. .jLSS21 Little men. 2cop. Alcott. . .1A35512 Little merchant. Adams. . .jA2191i Little millers. Merriman... .jM5711 Little Miss Oddity. Blanchard.jB6391 Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. Harris.j398 H31 Little Mistress Good Hope, and other fairy tales. Taylor.j398 T24 Little Mitchell. Morley.j599.3 MS6 Little mittens. Barrow.jB27712 Little pitchers. Clark.jC5991 Little pussy willow. Stowe.jS8921 Little queen of hearts. Ide.jI191 Little Saint Elizabeth, and other stories. Burnett.jB9461i Little sister Anne. Blanchard. .. .jB6391i Little Smoke. Stoddard.jS8691 Little Sunshine’s holiday. Craik. . .jC8871i Little women. 3cop. Alcott.jA3351 Lives of the hunted. Seton...J590 S49 Lodge, H. C. & Roosevelt, Theo¬ dore, pres. U. S. Hero tales from American history.j973 L82 Log school-house on the Columbia. Butterw orth.jB9881 London, Jack. Cruise of the Daz- zler.jL847c Lonesomest doll. Brown.j.398 B8771 Long, W. J. Secrets of the woods.,j590 L84 Loring, F. W. Two college friends. .jL873t Loss and gain. Haven.jH3851 Lost gold of Montezumas. Stod¬ dard.jS8691o Lost in Nicaragua. Butter worth. j917.2 B98 Lost on the Orinoco. Strate- meyer.jS8981 Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. (S.) (Mar¬ garet Sidney.) Five little Peppers. Five little Peppers and how they grew.jL882f Five little Peppers midway... .jL882f 2 Five little Peppers grown.jL882f3 Five little Peppers abroad.jL8?2f5 Joel Pepper.jL882f6 Phronsie Pepper.jL882f7 Five little Peppers at school.. .jL882f8 Five little Peppers and their friends.jL882f9 Stories Polly Pepper told.jL882flO How they went to Europe.jL882h Little maid of Concord town.jII8821 Pettibone name.jL882p Lottery ticket. Trowbridge.jT8631o Lotty Eames.jL884 Louie’s last term at St. Mary’s. Harris.jH3151 Love-songs of childhood. Field... .j811 F45 Loyal hearts and true. Ide.jI191o Loyal Lass. Blanchard.jB6391o Loyal little red-coat. Ide.jI191r Luck and pluck. Alger.jA3931 Lugard, F. (S.) lady. Castle Blair..jL951c Lukin, John. Young mechanic.j680 L95 Lullaby land. Field.j811 F451 Lulu’s library. 3v. Alcott.jA3351u Lummis, G. F. Man who married the moon, and other Pueblo In¬ dian folk-stories.j398.3 L95 Some strange corners of our coun¬ try.j917.3 L95 Lund, Mrs. M. D. (C.) Effie Win¬ gate’s work.jL962e Molly’s Bible.jL962m Macauley, C. R. jt. author. See Bangs, J. K. MacCabe, J. D. Our young folks abroad.j914 Mil Macdonald, George. At the back of the north wind.j398 M13 Dealings with the fairies..1398 M13d Princess and Curdie.j.398 M13p Mac Donough, Glen, and Chapin, A. A. Babes in Toyland.j398 M136 McIntosh, M. J. Aunt Kitty's tales.jM152a Emily Herbert.jM152e Mag and Margaret. Alden.jA358m Magic forest. White.jW588m Magical monarch of Mo. Baum.j398 B34m Magruder, Julia. Child Amy.jM212c CHILDREN’S BOOKS 57 Major, Charles. Bears of the Blue river..j599 M23 Making the nine. Dudley.jD847p2 Man who married the moon, and other Pueblo Indian folk-stories. Lummis.j398.3 L95 Mansergh, Jessie. See Vaisey, Mrs. G. DeH. Mara. Alden.jA358ma Margaret Montfort. Richards.jR516t2 Marjorie’s three gifts. Alcott..... . jA355m Mark Sea worth. Kingston.jK552m Marryat, Capt. Frederick. Mission. .•.jM362m Marston, Edward. Frank’s ranch.. ,jM374f Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, D. G. Marvelous land of Oz. Baum... j398 B34ma Mary Burton abroad. Alden. ... ,jA358mar Mary’s patience-bank. Kelly.jK30m Master of the Strong Hearts. Brooks.jB872m Master Skylark. Bennett.jB471m Maxwell, Sir H. E. British sol¬ diers in the field.j942 M46 May, Mrs. G. M. (C.) Cousin from India.jM466c Miss Moore.jM466m May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. Meade, L. T. See Smith, Mrs. E. T. (M.) Meg Langholme. Molesworth.jM719m Melody. Richards .jR516m Men of business. Stoddard.j920 S86 Merchant’s widow and her young family. Holland.jH712m Merriman, Mrs. E. (W.) Little Mil¬ lers.jM5711 Pards.jM571p Queer family.jM571q Sir Jefferson Nobody.jM571s Merriweather, Magnus, pseud. See Talbot, C. R. Mexico. Knox.j917.2 K74 Michael and Theodora. Barr.jB268m Middle five. La Flesche.jL164m Midshipman. Ki n gs t on.j K552m i Midshipman in the Pacific. Brady .jB812b3 Midshipman Stuart. Munroe.jM963m Miller, C. H. (Joaquin Miller.) True bear stories. v .j599 M618 Miller, Mrs. E. P. Mother Truth's melodies... -.j811 M64 Miller, Mrs. H. (M.) (Olive Thorne Miller.) First book of birds. j598.2 MG4 Four-handed folk.j599 M64 Second book of birds.j598.2 M64s Miller, Joaquin. See Miller, C. H. Miller, Olive Thorne. See Miller, Mrs. H. (M.) Millionaire at sixteen. Adams.jA219a2 1 Miln, L. J. Little folks of many lands.j910 M65 Ministering children. Charlesworth.jC477m Mischief’s Thanksgiving, and other stories. Woolsey.jW916m Mislaid uncle. Raymond.jR26Sm Miss Moore. May.jM46Gc Miss Muffet’s Christmas party. Crothers..1398 C95 Miss Vanity. Blanchard.jB639m Missing million. Adams.jA219al Mission. Marryat.jM3G2m Mr. Chupes and Miss Jenny. Big- nell.j598.2 B59 Mr. Rabbit at home. Harr's. .. .j398 H31m Mr. Stubb’s brother. Kaler.jK14to2 Mr. Wind and Madam Rain. De Mussett.j398 D38 Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel.) About old story-tellers.j920 M68 Mitchell, S. W. Prince Little Boy, and other tales.j398 M68 Mittens. Barrow.jB2771 Modern Aladdin. Pyle.jP996m Modern tomboy. Smith.jS646m Moffet, Cleveland. Careers of dan¬ ger and daring.jM695 Molesworth, Mrs. M. L. (S.) Car¬ rots; just a little boy.jM719c Hoodie.jM719h House that grew.jM719ho Meg Langholme .jM719m Philippa.jM719p Molly and the Unwiseman. Bangs. Molly’s Bible. Lund.jL962m Monarch, the big bear of Tallac. Seton.j599 S49m Moon-babies. Clark.j811 C59 Moorland Cottage. Gaskell.jG248m Mopsa the fairy. Ingelow.j398 I46m More mittens. Barrow.jB27713 Morley, M. W. Bee people.j595 M80 Little Mitchell.j599.3 M86 Morning-glories, and other stories. Alcott omo Morris, Edmund. Farming for boys..j630 M87 Mother Truth’s melodies. Miller..jSll M64 Moulton, Mrs. L. (C.) Bed-time stories .jM927b Stories told at twilight.jM927s Munro, John. Story of electricity.j537 M96 Munroe, C. Iv. Belt of Seven To¬ tems.jM968h Big cypress.jM968bi Blue dragon.jM968bl Forward march.jM968f Fur-seal’s tooth.jM968fu Midshipman Stuart.jM96Sm Painted desert.jM968p Prince Dusty.jM968pr Snow-shoes and sledges.jM968s 58 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Under orders.jMOGSu Murfree, M. N. (Charles Egbert Craddock.) Champion.jM975c My Apingi kingdom. Du Chaillu. .391G.7 D28m My boys. Alcott.jA355mb My days and nights on the battle¬ field. Coffin.j973.7 C67m My girls. 2cop. Alcott.jA355mg Narcissa. Richards.jR516n Nathalie's chum. Ray.jR263t4 Nathalie’s sister. Ray.jR263t6 Navy blue. Allen.jA432n , Neal, A. B. See Haven, Mrs. A. (B.) N. Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers.. .j784 N39 New fortunes. Earle.jE12n New little mittens. Barrow.3B22715 New Wonderland. Baum.j398 B34n Newell, Peter. (Sheaf Hersey.) Topsys and turveys.3817 N54t Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris. .j398 II31 n Nine little goslings. Woolsey.jW916n No such word as fail. Haven.jI4385n Northern Europe. Knox.j914 K74n Northern lands. Adams.jA219y8 Not quite eighteen. Woolsey.... .jW916no Now or never. Adams.jA219n O., T. W. Philip; the story of the boy violinist.jOlOp Ober, F. A. Under the Cuban flag. .j012u Obiyesa. See Eastman, C. A. Off Santiago with Sampson. Ivaler.. jK14o Off to the geysers. Stephens.jS832o Ogden, Ruth, pseud. See Ide, Mrs. F. (O.) Old bureau.j044b Old-fashioned girl. 2cop. Alcott.. .jA355o Old-fashioned Thanksgiving. Al¬ cott.jA355ot Old Fort Schuyler. Tomlinson.jTG591)2 Old Indian legends. Zitkala-Sa, ed.j398 Z82 Old oak chesd.3044c Old woman who lived in a shoe. Douglas... jD733o On General Thomas’s staff.jD923y2 On special assignment. Clover... .jC647p2 On the Amazon. Stephens.jS832on On the blockade. Adams.jA219b3 On the old frontier. Stoddard.jS869o On the staff. Adams.jA219bl4 On your mark! Barbour.jB239o One I knew best of all. Burnett... .jB B96 Only girls. Townsend.jT751o Only sister. De Witt.jD552o Opportunities. Warner.jW284o Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Orphans’ home mittens. Barrow. .jB2771G Ostrander, F. E. Gift of the magic staff.3398 085g Other boy. Sharp.jS531o Other people's children. Habberton.jH113o Otis, Janies, pseud. See Kaler, J. O. Otto of the silver hand. Pyle.jr996o Our little African cousin. Wade.. j916 W12 Our little brown cousin. Wade.j919.11 W12 Our little Cuban cousin. Wade. .3917.291 W12 Our little Eskimo cousin. Wade.3919.8 W12 Our little German cousin. Wade.j914.3 W12 Our little Hawaiian cousin. Wade. ' .3919.09 W12 Our little Indian cousin. Wade... j917 W12 Our little Irish cousin. Wade. .3914.15 W12 Our little Japanese cousin. Wade. .j915.2 W12 Our little Jewish cousin. Wade. .3915.69 W12 Our little Norwegian cousin. Wade. . ..j914.8 W12 Our little Philippine cousin. Wade. .3919.14 W12 Our little Porto Rican cousin. Wade.j917.295 W12 Our little Russian cousin. Wade. .3914.7 W12 Our little Siamese cousin. Wade. .3915.93 W12 Our little Swiss cousin. Wade.-3914.94 W12 Our little Turkish cousin. Wade. .J914.96 W12 Our young folks abroad. MacCabe.3914 Mil Out for business. Alger & Strate- meyer.3 A 395o Outcault, R. F. Buster Brown abroad.3817 094 Outdoor handy book. Beard.3190 B36o Outdoorland. Chambers.3500 C44 Outward bound. Adams.3 A 219y Page, T. N. Among the camps...-3P133a Captured Santa Claus.3P133c Santa Claus’s partner.3P133s Two little confederates..)P133t Two prisoners.3R133tw Painted desert. Miinroe.3M068p Palace and cottage. Adams.3A219y5 Palace beautiful. Smith.3S646p Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. I. (M.) (M.) Paradise of children. IIaw T thorne. ..3398 II39p Pards. Merriman.3M571p Parton, James. Captains of in¬ dustry. 2v...3920 P27 Pathfinder. Cooper...jC 777 p Patience, a daughter of the May¬ flower. Champney.jC453p Patience Hathaway. Bradley.3B811p Patriot school-master. Butter- worth.3B988p CHILDREN’S BOOKS 59 Patty Gray’s journey from Boston to Baltimore. Dali.jD114p Paul Travers adventures. Clover.. .jC647p Pauline Wyman. Clarke.jC599p Peary, Mrs. J. D. Children of the Arctic.j919.8 P36 Snow baby.j P361s Peck, H. T. Adventures of Mabel.j398 P36 reep at the beasts. Uncle Frank, pseud.j599 U54 Peggy. Richards.jR516t3 Pendleton, L. B. King Tom and the runaways.jP39Sk Penn, Rachel. Clierriwink.j398 P41 Penrose, Margaret. Burglar's daughter.j P417b Percy, Stephen. Robin Hood and his merry foresters.jP432r Perry, Nora. Another flock of girls. jP464a Cottage neighbors.jP464c Flock of boys and girls.jP464f Perry, W. C. Boy’s Odysey.j883 H76p Teter Clinton. Wise.jW812p refer Drake’s dream, and other stories. Howitt.jH863p Petronella. Smith..... jS646pe Pettibone name. Lothrop.jL882p Phaeton Rogers. Johnson.jJ6Sp Phebe, her profession. Ray.jR263t2 Phelps, E. S. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) rhil and the baby. Lillie.jL729p Phil, the fiddler. Alger.jA395t3 Philip Leicester. Wright.jW931p Philip; the story of the boy violin¬ ist. T. W. O.jOlOp Philippa. Moles worth.jM719p Phronsie Pepper. Lothrop.jL882f7 Piccino, and other child stories. Burnett.jB904p Pictures of early life. Embury.jE53p Tierrette. Bouvet.jB782p Pierson, C. D. Among the farm¬ yard people.j636 P62 Among the forest people.j590 P62 Among the meadow people.... .j590 P62m Among the night people.j590 P62n Among the pond people.j590 PG2p Pilpay. Fables.j398 P64 Pioneers. Cooper.jC777pi Pittinger, William. Capturing a locomotive.j973.7 P68 Plant hunters. Reid.jR359p Plantation pageants. Harris.jH314p Play away! Allen.jA432p Plucky girl. Smith .jS646pl Plympton, A. G. Betty, a butterfly .jP738b Child of glee.jP738e Dear daughter Dorothy.jP738d Dorothy and Anton.jP738d2 Flower of the wilderness.jP738f Pocket-rifle. Trowbridge.jT863p Pocketful of posies. Brown.j811 B87 Polly, a new-fashioned girl. Sm.th. .jS646po Polly Oliver’s problem. Riggs.jR569p Pony express rider. Fosdick.jF748p Poor and proud. Adams.jA219p Tot of gold, and other stories. Free¬ man.j398 F85 Prairie. Cooper.jC777pr Pratt, Mrs. E. (F.) Cooking club of Tu-whit Hollow.jP913c Pratt, M. L., ed. Legends of Norse- land.j398 P91 Stories from old Germany.j398 P91s Prince and the pauper. Clemens. .. .jC625p Prince Dusty. Munroe.jM96?pr Prince Little Boy, and other tales. Mitchell.j398 MC8 Prince Silverwings, and oilier fairy tales. Harrison.j398 H318 Prince Tip-top. Bouvet.j398 B78 Princess and Curdie. Macdonald.j398 M13p Prisoner in buff. Tomlinson.jT659b Prosser, Mrs. Cicely Brown’s trials.jP966c Pyle, Catherine. Careless Jane, and other tales.j811 P99 In the green forest.j398 T99 Pyle, Howard. Jack Ballister’s fortunes.jP996j Modern Aladdin.jP996m Otto of the silver hand.jP996o Quarterdeck and fok’sle. Seawell. .. jS442q Queer bonnets. Tuthill.jT966q Queer family. Merriman.jM571q Queer little people. Stowe.jS892q Queer little princess and her friends. Eaton.jE14q Queer stories for boys and girls. Eggleston.j398 E29 Quicksilver Sue. Richards.jR516q Quirk, L. W. Baby Elton, quarter¬ back.jQ8b Raiding with Morgan. Dunn.jD923y5 Raising the Pearl. Kaler.jK14r Rambles about the country. Ellet.. .j917.3 E45 Ran away to sea. Reid.jR35Sr Randy and her friends. Brooks. .. .jB871i3 Randy and Prue. Brooks.jB871r4 Randy’s good times. Brooks.jB871r5 Ray, A. C. Dick.jR203d Teddy series. Phebe, her profession.jR263t2 Teddy, her daughter.jR263t3 Nathalie’s chum.jR263t4 Ursula’s freshman.jR263t5 Nathalie’s sister.jR263t6 Raymond, Mrs. PI. (PI.) Among the lindens.jR268a Doings of Nancy.jR268d Mislaid uncle.jR268m Sun maid. jR268s 60 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Readings. Dickens..jD548r Real diary of a real boy. Sbute... . jS562r Real things in nature. Holden... .j500 H72 Recollections of a drummer-boy. Kieffer...jK47r Red cross. Adams.jA219y3 Red Eagle. Ellis.jE47r Red Eric. Ballantyne.jB188r Red-letter days in Applethorpe. Dodge..jDG44r Red patriot. Stoddard.jS869r Red Rose and Tiger Lily. Smith... .jS646r Redskin and cow-boy. Henty.jH527r Tteed, H. L. Brenda books. Brenda, her school and her club.jR324b Brenda's summer at Rockley.. jR3241>2 Brenda’s cousin at Radcliffe..jR324b3 Brenda's bargain.jR324h4 Reid, Capt. Mayne. Boy tar.jR357b Bush-boys.j R357bu Cliff-climbers.jR357p2 Forest exiles.jR337f Plant hunters.jR357p Ran away to sea.jR357r Scalp hunters.jR357s White chief.jR357y Young Yagers.jR357y Repplier, Agnes, ed. Book of famous verse.j808.1 R42 Resolute Mr. Pansy. Trowbridge.. .jT862r Reuben James. Brady.jB812r Reuben's hindrances. Alden.jA35Sr Revolutionary maid. Blanchard.jB639r Rhoades, C. H. (Nina Rhoades.) Children on the top floor.jR474c Little girl next door.jR474l Winifred’s neighbors.jR474w Rhymes and jingles. Dodge.j811 DG4 Richards, Mrs. L. E. (H.) Captain January.jR516c Chop-cliin and the golden dragon. ...j.398 Roll Golden windows.jR516g Hurdy-gurdy.jSll R51 Joyous story of Toto.jR516j Margaret series. Three Margarets.jR516t Margaret Montfort.3R51612 Peggy.j R51Gt3 Rita.j R516t4 Fernley House.jR516t5 Melody.jR516m Narcissa. In Verona.jR516n Quicksilver Sue.jRolGq Rosin, the beaux.jR516r I Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. Birds’ Christmas carol.jR569b Polly Oliver's problem.jR569p Story of Patsy.jR569s Summer in a canon.jR569su Timothy’s quest.jR361t & Smith, eds. Golden numbers.j808.1 R56 Rip Van Winkle's travels in foreign lands. Van Wert..j914 V28 Ripples. Roe.jR698 Risen from the ranks. Alger.jA39517 Rita. Richards.jR516t4 Robin Hood and his merry forest¬ ers. Percy.jP432r Robinson Crusoe. Defoe..jD314r Rod and gun club. Fosdick.jF748r2 Roe, E. T., ed. Ripples.jR638 Rollo at school. Abbott.jA13rs Rollo at work. Abbott.jA13rw Rollo learning to talk. Abbott.jA13it Rollo’s experiments. Abbott.j508 A13 Iloilo's philosophy; air. Abbott.. .j551 A13 Rollo’s philosophy; fire. Abbott. . .j536 A13 Rollo's philosophy; sky. Abbott. .j551 A13s Romance of modern invention. Wil¬ liams.j608 W72 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. jt. author. See Lodge, H. C. Rose in Bloom. 3cop. Alcott.jA335e2 Rosin, the beaux. Richards.jR516r Round dozen. Woolsey.jW916r Round the world. Kingston.jK552r Rousselet, Louis. Two cabin boys. .jRSG6t Royal Lowrie. Talbot.jT138r Royal Lowrie’s last year at St. Olave's. Talbot.jT138r2 Running to waste. Baker.jB167r Russian empire. Knox.j914 K74r Sailor . boy. Adams.jA219s St. Bartholomew’s eve. Henty.jH527s St. John, T. M. How two boys made their own electrical ap¬ paratus.j527 S14 Things a boy.should know about electricity.j537 S14t St. Nicholas. May, 1891-date, v.18, pt.2-date.j051 S14 Saint Nicholas story book.JS147 St. Winifred’s. Farrar...jF243s Sally Williams. Cheney.jC518s Salt Water. Kingston.jK552s Sam’s chance. Alger.jA395t7 Sand-hills of Jutland. Andersen... j39S A54 Sandys, Edwyn. Trapper Jim.jS222t Sanford and Merton. Godolphin.... jG5S8s Santa Claus on a lark. Gladden.jG542s Santa Claus’ partner. Page.jP133s Santa Claus’ story book.jS231 Saunders, M. M. Beautiful Joe.jS257b Beautiful Joe’s paradise.jS257b2 Scalp hunters. Reid.jR337s Scarlet tanager and other bipeds. Trowbridge. jT863st4 Scudder, H. E. George Washington .. .jB W31s Stories from my attic.jS43Gs Scudder, S. H. Frail children of the air.j595 S43 Search for Andrew Field. Tomlin¬ son .jT639w CHILDREN’S BOOKS Sea well, M. E. Quarterdeck and , fok’sle.jS442q Twelve naval captains.j920 S44 Second book of birds. Miller.. .j~«98.2 M64s Second jungle book. Kipling.*.jK57j2 Secret of tlie Black Butte. Shat- tuck.jS533s Secrets of the woods. Long.j590 L84 Segur, Comtesse de. Fairy tales. .j398 S43 Seton, E. T. Biography of a grizzly. .j599 S49 Lives of the hunted.j590 S49 • Monarch, the big bear of Tallac. .j399 S49m Trail of the Sandhill stag.j599 S49t Two little savages.jS495t Wild animal play for children. ... jS12 S49 Wild animals I have known. .. . j599 S49w Seton-Thompson, Ernest. See Se¬ ton, E. T. Seven Hills. De Mille.j914.5 D38 Seven little sisters. Andrews.jA567s Sewell, Anna. Black Beautjr.,.jS516b Shamrock and thistle. Adams.jA219y2 Sharp, Evelyn. Children who ran away.jS531o Other boy.jS531o Shattuck, William. Secret of the Black Butte.jS533s Shawl-straps. 2cop. Alcott.j9l4 A35 Shifting winds. Ballantyne.jB118s Shoemaker, J. W. ed. Best things from best authors. 8v.j808.5 S53 Sliute, IT. A. Real diary of a boy.jS56Ir Siam and Java. Knox.j915 K74s Sidney, Margaret, pseud. See Loth- rop, Mrs. H. M. (S.) Sidney De Grey. Wise...jW812s Silver medal. Trowbridge .jT883s Silver pitchers. Alcott.jA355s Sink or swum. Alger.....jA39512 Sir Jefferson Nobody. Merriman.. .. jM571s Sister’s bye-hours. Ingelow.jI46s Sisters three. Vaisey.jV132s Six girls. Irving.jI71s Six little girls. Alden.jA358s Six to sixteen. Ewing.jE9's Sketches of the lives of distin¬ guished females.j920 S62 Sleepy-time stories. Booth.j500 B72 Small songs for small singers. Neidlinger..1784 N39 Smith, Mrs. E. T. (M.) Bunch of cherries.jS64Cb Catalina, art student.jS64Gc Children of Wilton Chase.jS646ch Daddy’s boy.jS64Cd Four on an island.jSGIGf Modern tomboy.jS646m Palace beautiful.jS64Cp Petronella..jS846im Plucky girl.jS646pl 61 Polly, a new-fashioned girl.jS646po Red Rose and Tiger LTy.jS646r Tip cat.jS646t Wild Kitty.jS646w World of girls.jS846wo Smith, Mrs. M. P. (W.)- (P. Thorne.) Jolly good times.jS655j Young Puritans series. Young Puritans of Old Hadley .jS655y Young Puritans in King Philip's war.jS655y2 Young Puritans in captivity.. ,jS853y3 Smith, N. A. jt. ed. See Riggs. Mrs. K. D. (W.) Snow baby. Peary..jP3Gls Snow-shoes and sledges. Munroe... jM968s Soldier boy. Adams.jA219. o Soldier R'gdale. Dix.jD619s Some strange corners of our coun¬ try. Lummis..j917.3 L95 Sophomores at Radcliffe. Kellogg. .jK29w2 South America. Knox.j918 K74 Southern Europe. Knox.J914 Iv74s Southern soldier stories. Eggles¬ ton.jE292s Spanish in the Southwest. Winter- burn.j972 W78 Spark of genius. Kellogg.jK29w Sparrow, the tramp. Wessellioeft. .jW515s Spy in the school. Home.jH765s Spy of Yorktown. Stoddard.jS869s Squire's daughter. Lillie.jL729s Stalky & Co. Kipling.jK57s Stand by the Union. Adams.jA219b4 Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. (P.) & others. Christmas fairy, and other stories. jS780c Star fairies, .and other fairy tales. Harrison.jS98 11318s Starr, Frederick. American In¬ dians.j970 1 S79 Start in life. Trowbridge.jT883st Statesmen. Brooks.j320 B873 Staying guest. Wells.;..jW453s Stearns, Albert. Chris and the wonderful lamp.jS799c Steedman, C. J. Bucking the sage¬ brush.j917.8 S81 Steel horse. Fosdick.jF748s Stephens, C. A. Fox-hunting.jS832f Left on Labrador.jS8321 Off to the geysers.jS832o On the Amazon.jS832on Stevenson, R. L. B. Child’s gar¬ den of verses.j821 S84 Stockton, F. R. Jolly fellowship. .. ,jS866j Ting-a-ling.j398 S86 Young master of Hyson Hall.jS866y Stoddard, W. O. Battle of New York.j S869b Captain's boat.jS8G9c Chris, the model maker.jS869ch Crowded out o’ Crofield.jS869cr 62 CHILDREN'S BOOKS Despatch boat of the Whistle.jS869d Fight for the valley.jS869f Jack Morgan.3 S869j Little Smoke.,.jS8691 Lost gold of Montezumas.jS8691o Men of business.j920 8>S(? On the old frontier....*.. ,jS869o Red patriot.jS869r Spy of Yorktown.jS869s Stories for young persons.jS8 v 4 Stories from history. Strickland.. .j909 S91 Stories from Homer. Church.j883 H76 Stories from my attic. Scudder.jS436s Stories from old Germany. Pratt ,j398 P91s Stories from Virgil. Church.j873 V49 Stories Mother Nature told her Children. Andrews.j500 A56 Stories of the gorilla country. Du Cliaillu.jD82Gs Stories of the sea. Hale.. ...j909 II16 Stories Polly Pepper told. Lothrop. .jL882f!0 Stories told at twilight. Moulton.. .jM927s Story book. Andersen.3398 A 54s Story of a bad boy. Aldrich.3-A335S Story of a cat. Bedolliere.jB412s Story of a school conspiracy. Home.. .3H765st Story of Betty. Wells.3W43bst Story of electricity. Munro.3337 M96 Story of liberty. Coffin..3940 C67 Story of little Tom and Maggie. Knowles, ed.3823 E42 Story of music and musicians for young readers. Lillie.3^80 4 L"2 Story of our war with Spain. Brooks.3973.89 B87 Story of Patsy. Riggs.3 R 569s Story of Roland. Baldwin.3398 B18 Story of Siegfried. Baldwin.3^93 B18 Story of the Golden age. Bald¬ win.3883 B18 Story of the 19th century. Brooks.3909 B87 Story of the Rhinegold. Chapin.. .3782 C1G Story without an end. Carove... .3398 C29 Stout heart. Kellogg.3K29w6 Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Little Pussy Willow.3S8921 Queer little people.3S892q Strange sights abroad. Adams.3A219a4 Stratemeyer, Edward. American boys life of William McKinley. .jB M158 At the fall of Montreal.3S898a Pan-American ser. Lost on the Orinoco.3S8981 Y"oung volcano explorers.3889812 Young explorers of the Isth¬ mus.3889813 Young explorers of the Am¬ azon.3889814 3t. author. See Alger, Horation, 3r- Strickland, Agnes. Stories from his¬ tory.39"9 S91 i Tales from English history.3942 S91 True stories from ancient hstoiy.j930 891 True stories from modern history.3940 S91 Strike at Shane's.38917 Strive and succeed. Alger.3^39514 Strong and steady. Alger.3 A 39513 Struggling upward. Alger.3A395s Stuff and nonsense. Frost.3817 F93 Summer in a canon. Riggs.3 R 539su Sun maid. Raymond.3R-68s Sunny shores. Adams.3A219ylO Sweet little maid. Blanchard.3B639s Sweet P's. Lippmann.3G776s Sweet Will'-am. Bouvet.3B782s Sweetser, D. K. Tefi boys from Dickens.3823 D54s Ten girls from Dickens.3823 D54sg Swett, S. M. Bilberry boys and girls.3S975b Cap'n Thistletop.,jS9R e Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s trav¬ els.3S977g Swiss family Robinson. Wyss.3W955s weather.) Royal Lowrie.3T138r Taggart, M. A. Wyndliam girls... ..iTl 25w Taken by the enemy. 2eop. Adams. ,iA219b Talbot, C. R. (Magnus Merri weather.) Royal Lowrie. LT38r Royal Lowrie’s last year at St. Olave’s.jT133r2 Tales from English history. Strick¬ land.3942 S91 Tales from Longfellow. Bellew... .3811 L85 Tales of an old chateau. Bouvet... .3B782t Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne.. .3398 H39t Taylor, M. I. Little Mistress Good Hope, and other fairy tales... J398 T24 Tecuinseli's young braves. Tom¬ linson .3T639 w4 Teddy, her daughter. Ray.3B263t3 Ten boys. Andrews.3A5G7t Ten boys from Dickens. Sweetser.3823 D54s Ten girls from Dickens. Sweetser. 3823 D54sg That queer girl. Townsend.jT751t Their club and ours. True.3T8G6t Things a boy should know about electricity. St. John.3537 S14t Things will take a turn. Har- raden.3H29Gt Thompson, A. E. Brave heart Elizabeth.3T468b Thorne, P. pseud. See Smith, Mis. M. P. (W.) Those Dale girls. Carruth.3C319t Thousand a year. Bruce.3B887t Three colonial boys. Tomlinson.3T659r Three freshmen. Chase.3C487t Three Graces. Jackson.3J12t Three Graces at college. Jackson... .3J12t2 Three Margarets. Richards.3R516t Three pretty maids. Blanchard.3B639t CHILDREN’S BOOKS Three proverb stories. Alcott.jA355t Three Vassal’ girls in the Tyrol. Champney .jC453t Three young continentals. Tom¬ linson . jT659r2 Through Russian snows. Henty. ... jH527t Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there. Dodgson. .j'398 D64t Thurston, L. M. Children of Amity Court..jT545c Thy friend Dorothy. Blanchard.. .jB639th Tiddledewink tales. Bangs.1B216t Tiger of Mysore. Henty.jH527ti Tim and Tip. Kaler./.jK14t Timothy’s quest. Riggs.jR569t Ting-a-ling. Stockton.j393 S86 Tinkham brothers’ tidemill. Trow¬ bridge .jT8€3t I’iny. Ward.jW257t Tiny’s Sunday nights. Ward.jW257t2 Tip cat. Smith.1S64Gt Toby Tylor. Kaler.jK14tol Tom Benton’s luck. Hughes.jH199t Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes.. .jH894t2 Tom Brown’s school days. Hughes.jH8Ht Tom Sawyer. Clemens.jC625t Tom Sawyer abroad. Clemens... .jC625to Tomlinson, E. T. Blue and buff series. Prisoner in bulf. .'..jT659b Old Fort Schuyler.jT659b2 In the Wyoming valley.1T659h3 Boys of old Monmouth.jT639bo Camping on the St. Lawrence.jT659c House-boat on the St. Lawrence. .jT659h In the camp of Cornwallis.jT659i In the hands of the redcoats.jT659!n Jersey boy in the revolution.jT659j Under colonial colors.1TG39u War of the revolution series. Three colonial boys.jT659r Three young continentals.jT659r2 Washington’s young aides. .. .jT659r.3 Two young patriots.jT639r4 War of 1812 series. Search for Andrew Field. .... JT659w Boy soldiers of 1812.jT659w2 Tecumseh’s young braves. ...jT659w4 Guarding the border.jT659w5 Boys with Old Hickory.jT659wO Tommy-Anne and the three hearts. Wright.jW952t Tone masters. Barnard.1780.4 B25 Tony and his rabbit, and other sto¬ ries.1T6G7 Topsys and turvys. Newell.j817 N54t Torpeanuts, the tomboy. Wessel- lioeft .jW515t Townsend, V. F. Only girls.jT751o Th,at queer girl.jT751t Trading. Warner.jW284t Ti’ail of the Sand-hill stag. Seton. .1599 S49t jS222t 63 Treasure of the Incas. Henty.jII527tr Treasifre ship, a tale of Sir Wil¬ liam Phipps. Butterworth.jB P57 Treasury club. Drysdale.j353.2 DS1 Trotty book. Ward.jW237tr Trotty's wedding tour. 2cop. Ward. .1 W257tr2 Trowbridge, J. T. Bound in honor. ,jT863b Fortunes of Toby Trafford.jT863f His one fault.jT863h Jolly Rover.jT863j Lawrence’s adventures.jT8631 Lottery ticket. jT8631o Pocket-rifle.jT863p Silver medal . jT863s Start in life stories. Start in life.1T8G3st Biding his time.,iT8G3st2 Kelp-gatherers.jT8v3st3 Scarlet tanager and other bi¬ peds.jT8G3st4 Tinkham brothers tidemill.jT863t Young Joe and other boys.jT863v Trowbridge, John. Electrical boy.. .jT862e Resolute Mr. Pansy.jTS62r True, J. P. Their club and ours... .jT866t True bear stories. Miller.1599 M648 True stories from ancient history. Strickland.1930 S91 True stories from mbodern history. Strickland. .1940 S91 True story of the United States of America. Brooks.j973 B87t True story book. Lang.jL269t True tales of birds and beasts. Jor¬ dan.1590 J82 True to his colors. Fosdick.1F748t True to the old flag. Henty.1H527tu Trumpeter Fred. King.1K52t Try and trust. Alger.1A39515 Try again. Adams.1A219t Turning of the tide. Ivellog.j'K29w5 Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. (II.) Edith. 2- cop.1T966e I will be a gentleman.1T966i Queer bonnets.1T966q Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Twelve naval captains. Seawell. .1920 S44 Twelve nights in the Hunter’s Camp. Barrows.1B278t Twenty years ago. Craik.,jC887t Twin cousins. Clarke.JC599t Twixt you and me. Le Baron.1L441t Two cabin boys. Rousselet.IRSCGt Two college friends. Loring.1L873t Two little confederates. Page.jP133t Two little pilgrims’ progress. Bur¬ nett.1B9G4t Two little savages. Seton.1S495t Two Maryland girls. Blanchard. JB639tw Two prisoners. Page.1P133tw Two story mittens. Barrow.1B27714 Two years before'the mast. Dana. 1910 DIG Trapper Jin. Sandys 64 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Two young patriots. Tomlinson.. .j'T639r4 Uncle Frank, pseud. Peep at the • beasts.j599 U34 Uncle Remus and his friends. Har¬ ris.1398 H31u Uncle Remus, his songs and say ings. Harris.1398 H31un Under colonial colors. Tomlinson. .jT659u Under orders. Munroe.jM968u Under the allied dags. Brooks... .JB872u Under the apple trees. Worthing¬ ton.jW934u Under the Cuban dag. Ober.j012u Under the Liberty tree. Kaler.jK14u Under the lilacs. 2cop. Alcott.jA355u Under the water-oaks. Brewster. . .jB848u Under Wellington’s command. Henty.jH527u Undivided Union. Adams.jA219bl6 Untold tales of the past. Harra- den.jH296u Up and down the Nile. Adams... .;jA2l! a7 Up the Baltic. Adams.jA219y7 Up the north branch. Farrar.iF252u Ursula's freshman. Ray.j 026313 Yaisey, Mrs. G. D. H. (Jessie Man- sergh.) Sisters three.jV132s Van Wert, Rupert. Rip Van Win¬ kle's travels in foreign lalnds. .j914 V28 Victorious Union. Adams.jA219b6 Vine and olive. Adams.jA2L9yll Visit to my discontented cousin.jV831 Voyages round the world performed by Captain James Cook. Kip- pis.j910 K57 Wabeno, the magician. Wright... .jW952t2 Wade, Mrs. M. II. (B.) Little cou¬ sin ser. Our little African cousin.J916 W12 Our little brown cousin.... j919.11 W12 Our little Cuban cousin. .j'917.291 W12 Our little Eskimo cousin... .j919.S W12 Our little German cousin.. .,1914.3 V 12 Our little Hawaiian cousin. .j919.69 W12 Our little Japanese cousin. 1915.2 W12 Our little Jewish cousin. . 1915.69 W12 Our little Japanese cousin... .j'917 W12 Our little Jewish cousin. . J915 96 W12 Our little Norwegian cousin. .1914.8 W12 Our little Philippine cousin cousin.1919.14 W12 Our little Porto Rican cousin. . .1917.295 W12 Our little Russian cousin. .j914.7 W12 Our little Siamese cousin . .915.93 Wi.2 Our little Swiss cousin. .. .1914.94 W12 Our little Turkish cousin. .1914.96 W12 Walter Seyton.1W231 Wampum belt. Butterworth.1B988w Wanderfolk in Wonderland. Guer- rier.1398 G93 War of independence. Fiske_1973.3 F34 Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Ellen's idol. .jW257e Gypsy series. Gypsey Breynton.jW257g Gypsey’s cousin Joy.jW257g2 Gypsy's sowing and reaping. JW257g3 Gypsy’s year at the Golden Crescent.1W257g4 Tiny.jW257t Tiny’s Sunday nights.jW275t2 Trotty book.1 W257tr Trotty’s wedding tour. 2cop.... jW257tr2 Warner, C. D. Being a boy.1817 W27 Warner, Hannah, pseud. See Jewett, J. II. Warner, Susan. (Elizabeth Weth- erell). Opportunitnes.1W284o Trading.. .jW284t Wide, wide world.jW284w Washington’s young aides. Tom¬ linson .1T659r3 Water and land. Abbott.1531 A13w Water babies. Kingsley.jK55w We and the world. Ewing.1E95w We win. Hamblen.jH199w Weatherby’s inning. Barbour.j'B239w Wee Lucy’s secret. Clarke.1C599R3 Wells, Carolyn. Eight girls and a dog.....j'W453e Folly in the forest.* .j'398 W45 Staying quest.j'W553s Story of Betty.jW453st Welsh, Charles, ed. Famous battles of the 19th century. 4v.1909 W46 Wesselhoeft, Mrs. E. F. (P.) Frowzle, the runaway.jW515f Jerry, the blunderer., ..1W515J Sparrow, the tramp.jW515s Torpeanuts, the tomboy.jW515t Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, Susan. What a girl can make and do. Beard & Beard.1603 B36w What about Fred? Chamberlain.. .1C443w What Ivaty did. Woolsey.jW916w What Katy did at school Woolsey. .1W916w2 What Ivaty did next. Woolsey. .j'W916w3 What to do club. Campbell.j'C188w When Dewey came to Manila. Kaler.j'K14w When I was a boy in China. Lee.... .1915.1 L48 When Israel Putnam served the king. Kaler.1K14wh Whispering pine. Kellogg.jK29w3 White, S. E. Magic forest.jW588m White beaver. Fosdick.jF748w White chief. Reid.jR357w Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) Boys at Chequasset.j W617b Whitney, Mrs. H. (II.) Little boy book.j811 W61 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 65 Wlio was Paul Grayson? Habber- ton.jH113w Wide, wide world. Warner.jW284w Widow O’Callaghan’s boys. Glad¬ win . jG543w Wikkey. Yam, pseud.jY19w Wild animal play for children. Se- ton.J812 S49 Wild animals I have known. Se- ton.j599 S49w W 7 ild Kitty. Smith.jS646w Wild life under the equator. Du- Chaillu.j916.7 D82w Wild woods life. Farrar.jF242w Will Shakespears’s little lad. Clark. .jC593w "William Henry and his rrrencrs. Diaz.JD542w William Henry letters. Diaz.jD542wi Williams, Archibald. Romance of modern invention.j608 W72 Williams, J. L. Adventures of a freshman.jW724a Wi 11 is the pilot. Wyss.jW995s2 Winfield, A. M. pseud. See Strate- meyer, Edward. W T ing and Wing. Cooper.jC777w Winged Arrow’s medicine. Fos- dick.jF748wi Winifred’s neighbors. Rhoades... .jR474w Winning his spurs. Kellogg..jK29w4 Winning his way. Coffin.jC675Av Winterburn, R. Y. Spanish in the southwest.j972 W78 Wise, Daniel. (Lawrence Lance- wood, Esq.) Peter Clinton.jW812p Sidney de Grey..jW812s Witch Winnie. Champney.jC453w Witch Winnie at Shinnecock. Champney.j C453w5 Witch Winnie at Versailles. Ch a m pney.j C453w 6 Witch Winnie in Holland. Champ¬ ney .j C453w7 Witch Winnie in Paris. Champ¬ ney.jC453w4 Witch Winnie in Spain. Champ¬ ney .j C453w9 Witch Winnie in Venice. Champ¬ ney.jC453w8 Witch Winnie’s mystery. Champ¬ ney.jC’453w2 Witch Winnie’s studio. Champ¬ ney.jC453w3 With Lee in Virginia. Plenty.jH527w With Moore at Corunna. ILenty. .jH527wm With Perry on Lake Erie. Kaler. .. . jK14g With Porter in the Essex. Kaler.. JK14g3 With Preble at Tripoli. Kaler.jK14g2 With Roberts to Pretoria. Ilenty.jH527wr With Rodgers on the President. Kaler. jK14g4 With the allies to Pekin. Henty. .jH527wt With trumpet and drum. Field. .jSll F45w Within the enemy’s lines. Adams.jA219b2 Wizard of Oz. Baum.j398 B34w Wonder-book. 2cop. Hawthorne. .j398 H39w Wonder-box tales. Ingelow...j398 I46w Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge.) Clover.jW91Gc Cross-patch, and other stories... .jW916cr Curly locks.jW916cu Guernsey Lily.j916g Just sixteen...jW91Gj Little country girl.jW9161 Mischief's Thanksgiving, and other stories.jW916m Nine little goslings.jW91Cn Not quite eighteen.jW916no Round dozen.jW916r What Katy did series. What Katy did.jW916w What Katy did at school... .jW9l6*\2 What Katy did next.jW916w3 World of girls. Smith.jS646wo World of the great forest. Du Chaillu.j590 D82 Worth, not wealth, and other tales. Cousin Angie.jC867w Worthington, Sophie. Under the apple trees.,.jW T 934u Wright, IP. C. Children’s stories in American h'story.j973 W94 Children’s stories in American literature. 2v.j810 W94 Children’s stories in English literature. 2v.j820 WS4 Children’s stories of American progress.j973 W94c Children’s stories of great scien¬ tists..j920 W84 Wright, J. E. Philip Leicester... .jW951p Wright, Mrs. M. (O.) Aunt Jim¬ my’s will.jW932a Dogtown.jW592d Dream fox story book.j398 W95 Four-footed Americans and their kin.j599 W£5 Tommy-Anne and the three hearts... .jW952t Wabeno, the magician.jW952t2 Wyndham girls. Taggart.jT125w Wyss, J. D. von. Swiss family Robinson.jW993s Willis the pilot.jW995s2 Yam, pseud. Wikkej'.jY19w Yankee middy. Adams.jA219s2 Yarns of an old mariner. Clarke.. .jC598y Yonge, C. M. Cameos from Eng¬ lish history.j942 Y55 Young acrobat. Alger.jA395y Young Americans abroad.3914 Yt8 Young consul. Drysdale.jD811u2 Young explorers of the Amazon. Stratemeyer.3S89814 66 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Young explorers of the Isthmus. Stratemeyer.j S89813 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of com¬ mon things. Champlin.It j031 C45 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of games and sports. Champlin & Bost- wick .R j790 C45 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of liter¬ ature and art. Champlin. .. .It j803 C45 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of per¬ sons and places. Champlin . R j031 C45p Young folks’ history of the civil war. Cheney.j973.7 C51 Young foresters, and other tales. Kingston.j K552y Young Joe and other boys. Trow¬ bridge.jT863y Young knight-errant. Adams.jA219a3 Young master of Hyson Hall. Stockton.jSS66y Y'oung mechanic. Lukin.j6S0 L95 Young navigators. Adams.jA219a6 Y'oung outlaw. Alger.jA393t6 Young Puritans in captivity. Smith.jS655y3 Young Puritans in King Philip's war. Smith.jS655y2 Young Puritans of Old Hadley. Smith...jS635y Young reporter. Drysdale.jDSlly Young ship-builders. Kellogg.jK29y Young volcano explorers. Strate¬ meyer.jC£9S12 Young Yagers. Reid.jR357y Youth’s companion. 7Jan.1904- date. v.78-date.j05l Y83 Zigzag journeys in classic lands. Butterworth.j914 B98 Zigzag journeys in Europe. But¬ terworth.j914 B98e Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes. Butterworth.j915 B98 Zigzag journeys in the Levant. Butterworth.j915 B981 Zigzag journeys in the Orient. Butterworth.j915 B98o Zitkala-Sa, ed. Old Indian leg¬ ends.j398 ZS2 Zollinger, Gulielma, pseud. See Gladwin, W. Z. ✓ L Author List A Abbott, W. J. Carter Henry Har¬ rison.B II318 Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Rus¬ sia. (Monarchies of continental Europe.).947 A13 French revolution of 1879.944 A13 History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v.B N216 Italy. (Monarchies of continental Europe.). 945 A13 Romance of Spanish history.946 A13 Abbott, Jacob. Young Christian. . .210 A13 Abbott, Lyman. Christianity and social problems.304 A13 ed. Henry Ward Beecher.B B414 Abruzzi, Prince L. A. G. M. F. F. duke of. On the Polar Star in the Arctic sea, tr. by Le Queux. .919.8 A13 Adams, B. B, Block system of sig¬ naling on American railroads.. .625 A21 Adams, Brooks. New emp're.383 A21 Adams, C. F. jr. Charles Francis Adams. (American statesmen). .B A211 Adams, C. K. Christopher Co¬ lumbus. (Makers of America) .. .B C726 Manual of historical literature. .R 016.9 A21 Adams, J. Q., pres. U. S. Lives of James Madison and James Mon¬ roe.B Ml?2 Adams, O. F. Dictionary of Amer¬ ican authors.R 920 A21 Adams, W. I. L. Amateur pho¬ tography.770 A21 Addams, Jane. Democracy and so¬ cial ethics. (Citizen’s lib. of economics, politics and soci¬ ology).301 .A 22 Addison, D. D. Episcopalians. (Story of the churches.).283 A22 Addison, J. de W. Art of the Pitti palace.708.5 A22 Addison, Joseph. Works, v.2-3... .824 A22 Ade, George. Breaking into so¬ ciety.817 A22 Fables in slang.817 A22f Girl proposition.817 A2?g In Babel...817 A22i Adeler, Max, pseud. See Clark, C. H. Adeney, W. F. How to read the Bible.220 A23 Adler, Fel’x. Moral instruction of children. (International educa- t’on ser.).377 A23 Adler, G. J. Duetsches lesebuch. . .438 A23 Aesopus. Three hundred Aesop's fables, tr. by Townsend.888 A25 Agass'z, Alexander jt. author. See Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. (C.) Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. (C.) ed. Louis Agassiz, his life and correspond¬ ence. . .B A262 & Agassiz, Alexander. Seaside studies in natural history.593 A26 jt. author. See Agassiz, Louis. Agassiz, Louis. Geological sketches .550 A26 Methods of study in natural his¬ tory.SCO A26 & Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. (C.) Jour¬ ney in Brazil.918 A26 Aguilar, Grace. Women of Israel. 2v.920 A28 Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth, queen of Eng¬ land...942.05 A 29 Aleock, Sir Rutherford. Capital of the Tycoon. 2v.915.2 A25 Alderson, Barnard. Andrew Car¬ negie; the man and his work. .. . B C2S0 Alexander, Archibald. Evidences of the authenticity of the Scrip¬ tures.239 A37 Alleine, Richard. Heaven opened. .234 A42 Allen, A. V. G. Life and letters of Phillips Brooks. 3v.B B8 T 3 Allen, Grant. Story of the plants. (Library of useful stories.).581 A42 Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionaiy of English literature. 3v. And supplement. 2v.R 920 AC9 Allyn, Jack, jt. author. See Blouet, Paul. American agriculturist cyclopaedia of natural history.590 A51 American engineering competition. .C21 A51 American historical association. Annual reports. 1894 93, 98. v. 10-12, pts. 1-2, 14.906 A51 American journal of sociolrg.v. Nov. 1903-date, v.9, no. 3-date. .305 A51 American library association. Cat¬ alog for a popular library... .R 017 A51 68 AUTHOR LIST List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs.It 023 A51 American prohibition year book. 1904-date.R 176.5 ^51 American statesmen, ed. by J. T. Morse, jr. Adams, C. F. jr. Charles Fran¬ cis Adams. .B A211 Gay, S. H. James Madison.. .B M182g Gilman, D. C. James Monroe..B M753 Hart, A. B. Salmon Portland Chase.B C487 Lodge, LI. C. Alexander Ham¬ ilton.B H217 McCall, S. W. Thaddeus Stev¬ ens .B S846 McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass.B C343 Magnuler, A. B. John Mar¬ shall.B M3C8 Morse, J. T. jr. John Adams... B A214 Morse, J. T. jr. John Qvwncy Adams.B A245 Morse, J. T. jr. Thomas Jef¬ ferson.B J435 Pellew, George. John Jay.B J42 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Gouverneur Morris.B M876 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Thomas Hart Benton.B B478 Schurz, Carl. Henry Clay. 2v..BC619 Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin. .B G164 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jack- son.B J12s Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry... .B H523 American temperance society. Temperance documents. v.l. 1835.178 A51 Amicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people, tr. by Tilton.014.9 A51 Amsbary, W. P>. Ballads of Bour- bonnais.811 A52 Andersen, IL. C. In Spain and a visit to Portugal.914.6 A54 Anderson, R. E. Extinct civiliza¬ tions of the west.913.72 A54 Andrews, E. B. History of the last quarter-century in the United States, 1870-1895. 2v. .973.8 A56 United States in our own time.973.8 A56u Anthon, Charles. Manual of Grec¬ ian antiquities.913. A62 Manual of Roman antiquities... .913 A62r Appleton, J. H. Chemistry.510 A65 Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. 6v.R 920 A64 Appleton’s cyclopaedia of applied mechanics. 2v. and supple¬ ment.It 621 A64 Arago, D. F. Biographies of dis¬ tinguished scientific men. 2v...920 ACS Archer, T. A. & Ivingsford, C. L. Crusades. (Story of the na¬ tions.).910.4 A67 Arnold, Sir Edwin. Light of As a..821 ATS Arnold, S. L. & others. Mother tongue, v. 1-3. 425 ATS Art interchange. Jan. 1904-date. v. 52-date.705 A78 Artman, William, & Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind.371.9 A79 Ashmore, Ruth, pseud. See Mal- lon, Mrs. I. A. Aston, W. G. History of Japanese literature.815 A85 Atkinson, Edward & others. Science of nutrition.641 A87 Atkinson, Philip. Electricity for everybody.537 A87 Atlantic monthly. Jan. 1904-date. v. 52-date.705 A78 Audubon, Mrs. L. (B.) Life of John James Audubon.B A916 Austin, Mrs. M. (II.) Land of little rain.917.9 A93 Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron. Pleasures of life.824 A94 B Bacon, Francis’, viscount St. Al¬ bans. Essays...192 B12 Bacon, L. W. Congregationalists. (Story of the churches.).285.8 B12 Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street, a description of the money mar¬ ket. .332 B14 Bailey, H. T. Great painters’ gos¬ pel.755 B15 Bailey, L. H. Garden making. (Garden craft ser.).710 B15 Nature-study idea.507 B15 Principles of fruit-growing. (Ru- al science ser.).€34 B15 ed. Principles of agriculture. (Rural science ser.).630.7 B15 Baker, M. N. Municipal engineer¬ ing and sanitation. (Citizens’ lib. of economics, politics and sociology.).€28 B16 Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississ ppi.817 B18 Baldwin, J. M. ed. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology, v. 1-2.R 1C3 B18 Ballou, M. M. New Eldorado; a summer journey to Alaska.. .917.98 B19 Bancroft, Aaron. Life of George Washington. .. ..B W318 Bancroft, George. History of the United States. lOv.973 B21 Bangs, J. Iv. Booming of Acre Hill, and other reminiscences of urban and suburban life.817 B21 House-boat on the Styx.817 B21h AUTHOR LIST 69 Iventions of the Idiot.817 B21i Pursuit of the house-boat.817 B21p Bankers’ monthly. Jan.. 1904-date. v. 26-date.332 Bll Bankers’ register. July, 1895.332 B21 Banks, L. A. Immortal songs of camp and field.784 B21 Banvard, Joseph. Pioneers of the New World.9T3.1 B219 Baker, G. P. ed. & tr. Roentgen rays.530 B25 Baring-Gould, Sabine. See Gould, Sabine Baring- Barrett, C. R. Short story writ¬ ing.808 B27 Barritt, Leon. How to draw.740 B27 Barrows, J. H. Christianity, the world-religion.230 B27 Bartlett, D. W, Life of Lady Jane Grey.B D817 Bartlett, David. Life of Joan of Arc.B J43 -Bartlett, John, comp. Familiar quotations.R 808 P>28 Bartlett, W. H. Facts I ought to know about the government of my country.353 B29 Barton, Clara. Red Cross in peace and war.361 B29 Baxter, Billy, pseud. See Kountz, W. J. jr. Bayles, H. J. Woman and the law.347 B35 Beaumont, Francis & Fletcher, John. Beaumont and Fletcher, ed. by Strachey. 2v. (Merma'd ser.).822 B37 Beavan, A. H. Tube, train, tram and car.6?1.3 B38 Beecher, H. W. Eyes and ears... .814 B41 Freedom and war.326 B41 Lectures to young men.170 B41 Royal truths.252 B41 Star papers.814 B41s Beethoven, Ludwig van. Beetho¬ ven's letters, tr. by Wallace. 2v.7£0 B41 Behnke, Emil & Browne, Lennox. Child’s voice.784.9 B41 Belcher, Joseph. Reb'g’ous denom¬ inations in the United States. . .280 B42 Bell Smith abroad.914.4 B43 Bellamy, Wiliam. Third century of charades.793 B43 Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick.613 B44 Bellows, II. W. Old World in its new face. 2v.914 B44 Re-statements of Christian doc¬ trine.230 B44 Benedict, Sir Julius. Weber. (Great musicians.).780 W37 Benjamin, Park. Age of electricity.537 B46 Benjamin, S. G. W. Troy, its legend, history and literature. (Epochs of ancient history.).939 B46 Bent, S. A. comp. Familiar short sayings of great men.R 808.8 B47 Beresford, C. W. de laPoer, lord. Break-up of China.915.1 B49 Berg, J. F. Prophecy and the times.204 B48 Bertenshaw, T. II. Longman's music course. 3v...781 B53 Berthet, E. B. Pre-h'storic world, tr. by Safford.571 B53 Besant, Sir Walter. East Lon¬ don.914.2 B55 Beveridge, A. J. Russian advance. .914.7 B57 Biart, Lucien. Aztecs, tr. by Gar¬ ner.972 B57 Bicknell, A. L. Life in the Tuller- ies under the Second Empire.944.07 B58 Bigelow, Poultney. Borderland of the czar and kaiser.914 B59 History of the German struggle for liberty. 3v.943.06 B59 White man’s Africa.916.8 B59 Bignell, Mrs. E. (M.) My Wood¬ land intimates.500 B59 Bigney, M. F. Forest pilgrims, and other poems.811 B59 Birrell, Augustine. Obiter dicta. 2v. .824 B61 Bishop, Mrs. I. L. (B.) Korea and her neighbors.915.19 B62 Bishop, N. H. Thousand mile walk across .South America. 2cop. .. .918 B62 Voyage of the paper canoe.917 B62 Bismarck-Schoenhausen, O. E. L. furst von. Bismarck, the man and the statesman, tr. by But¬ ler. 2v.B B622 LoA T e letters, tr. by Lewis.B B6221 Black, Alexander. Photog aphy in¬ doors and out.770 B62 Blaikie, W. G. Manual of Bible history.220.9 B63 Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so.613 B(To Blaslifield, E. H. & Blashfield, Mrs. E. W. Italian cities. 2v.914.52 B64 Blashfield, Mrs. E. W. jt. author. See Blashfield, E. H. Bl'ss, W. R. Quaint Nantucket. .917.44 B64 Blouet, Paul. (Max O’Rell.) Her royal highness,' woman.844 B65 John Bull and his island.914.2 B65 & Allyn, Jack. Jonathan and his continent.917.3 B65 Bogue, Mrs. L. (B.) As seen by me.. .914 B67 Bolton,. Mrs. S. (K.) IIow success is won.920 B69 Book-keeper. Jan. 1899-Nov. 1901. v. 12, no. 7-v 14, no. 4.657 B72 70 AUTHOR LIST Bookman. Sept. 1903-date. v.18- date.051 B72 Booth, Mrs. M. B. (C.) After prison, what?.861 B72 Booth, William. In darkest Eng¬ land and the way out.331.8 B72 Borrow, G. H. Wild Wales, its people, language and scenery .914.29 B73 Bostock, F. C. Training of wild animals, ed. by Velvin.591.51 B74 Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. 4v.B JC9 Bottone, S. R. Radiography and the X-rays.530 B75 Wireless telegraph and Hertzian waves. 654 B75 Bourinot, Sir J. G. Canada. (Story of the nations.).971 B77 Bowles, Samuel. Across the conti¬ nent...-.. .917.8 B78 Pacific railroad open.917.8 B78p Summer vacation in the parks and mountains of Colorado.917.8 B78s Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn holidays of a country parson.824 B78 Leisure hours in town.824 B781 Recreations of a country parson. 2v.:.>_824 B78r Boyessen, H. H. Essays on Scan¬ dinavian literature.839V5 B79 Norway. (Story of the nations.) .948.1 B79 Bradford, A. H. Messages of the masters.750.4 B79 Bradford, Columbus. Birth; a new- chance.. . .213 B79 Bradley, Henry. Story of the Goths. (Story of the nations.). .910 B81 Brady, C. T. Stephen Decatur. (Beacon biographies.).B D291 Brassington, W. S. Shakespeare's homeland.822.33 Gb Brayman, J. O. Daring deeds of American heroes.973 E82 Bremer, Fredrika. Homes of the New World. 2v.917.3 B83 Life in the Old World.914 E83 Life, letters and posthumous ■works, ed. by Charlotte Bre¬ mer.B B836 Bremont, Anna, comtesse de. World of music. The great com¬ posers.780 BS3 World of music: The great sing¬ ers. .780 B83s World of music: The great vir¬ tuosi.780 E83w Brewer, D. J. American citizen¬ ship. 172 B84 Brewer, E. C. Historic note-book. .R 903 B84 Reader’s hand-book.R 803 B84 Brewster, Sir David. Life of Sir Isaac Newton.B N5C3 Bridge, J. H. Inside history of the Carnegie steel company. ........338 B£5 Briggs, C. A. New r light on the life of Jesus.232 B85 Broekett, L. P.. & Vaughan, Mrs. M. C. Woman’s work in the civil war.920 BS6 Bronson, Mrs. Arthur, jt. author. See Lawless, Emily. Bronte, Charlotte. See Nicholls, Mrs. C. (B.) Brooks, J. G. Social unrest.335 B87 Brooks, Noah. First across the continent.917.8 B87 Brooks, Phillips, bp. Essays and addresses, ed. by Brooks.201 B87 Brown, A. E. Faneuil Hall and Faneuil Hall market.917.44 B87 Brown, Alice. Mercy Warren. (Women of colonial and revolu¬ tionary times.).B W291 Brown, Everit & Strauss, Albert. Dictionary of American politics. .R 329 E87 Brown, G. E. ed. Finishing the negative.770 BS7 Brown, John. Spare hours. 2v. .. .824.B87 Browne, C. F. (Artemus Ward.) Artemus Ward, his book.817 B87 Browne, Lennox, jt. author. See Behnke, Emil. Browning, Mrs. E. (B.) Essays.824 B88 Poems. 4v.821 B88 Browning, Robert. Complete poetic and dramatic works. ..821B885 Selections from poetical works. .821 B883s Bruce, Miner. Alaska; its history and resources, gold fields, routes and scenery.917.98 B88 Bryan, C. G. jt. author. See Far- ker, Sir Gilbert. Bryan, W. J. First battle; a story of the campaign of 1896.332.4 BTJ* Bryant, W. C. Poetical works.811 B91 Bryce, Janies. American common¬ wealth. 2v.342.73 B91 Eloly Roman empire.913 B91 Studies in history and jurispru¬ dence.342 B91 William Ewart Gladstone.B G543 & others. Briton and Boer.968 B91 Bubier, E. T. (Edward Trevert.) Everybody’s hand-book of elec¬ tricity.537 B91 Buckley, J. M. Christian science and other superstitions.615.851 B92 Budd, J. L. & Hansen, N. E. American horticultural manual. 2v. 630 B92 Buel, A. C. Paul Jones. 2v.B J77 Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chiv¬ alry; or, legends of King Ar¬ thur, ed. by Hale.398 E93 AUTHOR LIST 71 Age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology, ed. l>y Hale.292 B93 Charlemagne; or, Romance of the middle ages.39S B931 Bull, Mrs. S. C. Ole Bull.780 B93 Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cach¬ alot.910 B93 Burdette, R. J. Rise and fall of the mustache.817 B95 Smiles yoked with sighs.817 B95s Burne-Jones, Sir E. C. bart. Pic¬ tures of romance and wonder. . .755 B96 Burnett company. About vanilla. . .664 B96 Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works, with memoir.821 E96 Burr, W. H. Ancient and modern engineering and the Isthmian canal. 620 B96 Burroughs, John. Birds, and other papers.504 B97 Far and near. 814 B97 Literary values, and other essays. .814 B971 Squirrels, and other fur-bearers.. .599 B97 Year in the fields.814 B97y Burton, Robert. Anatomy of mel¬ ancholy. .828 B97 Burwell, L. M. Girl’s life in Vir¬ ginia.917.5 B97 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, with notes by Grey.821 B98 Butler, Sir W. F. Wild north land.917.1 B98 Butterworth, Hezekiah. South America.980 B98 Story of the hymns.245 B98 Story of the tunes.245 B98s Byars, W. V. ed. American com¬ moner; life and times of Rich¬ ard Parks Bland.B B642 Byrn, E. W. Progress of inven¬ tion in the 19th century.609 B99 Byron, G. G. N. Byron, 6th baron. Poetical works.821 B99 C Cabell, I. C. Thoughtless thoughts of Carisabel.818 Cll Cable, G. W. Negro question.326 Cll Silent South.326 Cll s Caine, Hall. Little Manx nation. . .912 C13 Calkins, E. E. & Holden, Ralph. Modern advertising:.659 Cl5 Call, A. P. Power through repose. .613 C15 Camp, Walter. jt. author. See Welsh, L. S. Campaigns of the Civil war. v. 1. Nicolay, J. G.. Outbreak of the rebellion.973.7 CISn vi 2. Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth.973.7 CISf v. 3. Webb, A. S. Peninsula; Mc¬ Clellan’s campaign of 1862..973.7 C18w v. 4. Ropes, J. C. Army under Pope.973.7 C18r v. 5. Talfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg.. . .973.7 C18p v. 6. Doubleday, Abner. Chan- cellorsville and Gettys¬ burg.973.7 C18d v. 7. Cist, H. M. Army of the Cumberland.973.7 C18c v. 8. Greene, F. V. Mississippi. .973.7 C18g v. 9. Cox, J. D. Atlanta.973.7 C18co v. 10. Cox, J. D. March to the sea; Franklin and Nash¬ ville.973.7 C18c-x v. 11. Pond, G. E. Shenandoah valley in 1864.973.7 Cl9po v. 12. Humphreys, A. A. Virginia campaign of ’64 and ’65. .973.7 C18h v. 13. Phisterer, Frederick. Sta¬ tistical record of the armies of the United States.973.7 C18ph Campbell, Mrs. H. (S.) Household economics.640 C18 Candee, H. C. How women may earn a living.396 C21 Canfield, J. H. College student and his problems. (Personal problem ser.).378 C22 Cannon, J. G. Clearing-houses.332 C22 Carleton, Will. Farm ballads.811 C28 Farm festivals.811 C28f Farm legends.811 C28fa Songs of two centuries.811 C28s Carlyle, Thomas. French revolu¬ tion. 3v.944 C28 History of Frederick the Great. 6v.B F852 Reminiscences, ed. by Fronde.B C286 Sartor resartus.824 C28 Carnegie, Andrew. American four- in hand in Britain.914.2 C28 Gospel of wealth.304 C28 Carpenter, R. C. Heating and ventilating buildings.637 C29 Carr, C. E. Illini. 977.3 C31 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodg- son, C. L. Cassel’s German dictionary.R 433 C34 Cassell's Latin dictionary.R 473 C34 Cassell’s new French dictionary. .R 443 C34 Century. Nov. 1883-date. v. 27- date.051 C39 Century cyclopaedia of names. ...R 030 C39 Century dictionary and cyclo¬ pedia. lOv.R 423 C39 Chamberlain, Charles, jr. Servant- girl of the period.647 C44 72 AUTHOR LIST Chambers, G. F. Story of the stars.523 C44 Chamber’s new American encyclo¬ paedia. 12v.It 030 C44 Channing, Edward & Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of Amer¬ ican history.It 016.97 C45 Channing, W. H. ed. Memoir of William Ellery Channing. 3V...BC458 Chapin, A. A. Wonder tales from . Wagner.782 C46 Chapin, E. Experiences of a little traveler.910 C46 Chapman, F. M. Bird-life.598.2 C46 Color key to North American birds.598 C46 Checkley, Edwin. Natural method of physical training.613 C51 Chesterfield, P. D. S. 4tli earl of. Letters to his son.826 C52 Chicago—Public works, Dep't of. Annual report, 1898, 1900-01. . .352.5 C53 Chicago & Northwestern railway. (The) Indian.970.1 C53 Christian register. 4Jan. 1900- date. v. 79-date.2C5 C55 Christian science herald. June, 1903- Feb. 1904. v. 1, nos. 3-11.205 C55h Christian science journal. June, 1903 : date. v. 21, no. 3-date.... 205. C55j Christian science sentinel. 4 June, 1904- date. v. 60, no. 40-date.. .205 C55s Christy, Robert, comp. Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. 2v in 1.It 398 C55 Church, A. J. & Gilman, Arthur. Carthage. (Story of the na¬ tions.).939 C56 Church, Mrs. E. R. (Mcl.) Money¬ making for ladies.396 C65 Church sociables and entertain¬ ments.793 C56 Cist, H. M. Army of the Cumber¬ land. (Campaigns of the civil war.) .973.7 Cl8c Clark, C. H. (Max Adler.) For¬ tunate island, and other stories..817 C59 Clark, T. M. Building superin¬ tendence.692 C59 Clarke, E. H. Sex in education.. .376 C59 Clarke, F. AV. comp. Weights, measures and money of all na¬ tions.389 C59 Clarke, J. F. Christian doctr ne of prayer.217 C59 Christian doctrine of the forgive¬ ness of sin.234 C59 ' Orthodoxy.230 C59 Self-culture.374 C59 Steps of belief.210 C59 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) In¬ nocents abroad.817 C62 Roughing it.817 C62r Sketches.817 C62s Clement, C. E. See Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C. Clement, E. W. Handbook of mod¬ ern Japan......915.2 C62 Cleveland, S. G. pres. U. S. Presi¬ dential problems.351 C63 Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot’s poetry, and other studies.814 C63 Clodd, Edward. Story of the alpha¬ bet.411 C64 Coar, J. F. Studies in German literature of the 19th century .830.9 C65 Cobbe, F. P. Duties of women.396 C63 Hopes of the human race, here¬ after and here.204 C65 Cochrane, C. H. Modern indus¬ trial progress.609 C66 Wonders of modern mechanism.. .620 C66 Cody, Sherwin. Grammar and punctuation.425 C67 Selections from the best English essays.824.08 C67 Coleman, Oliver. Successful houses. .645 C69 Coleridge, Mrs. S. H. Memoir and letters. B C693 Coleridge, S. T. Poetical works... .821 C69 Collier, R. L. Every-day subjects in Sunday sermons.252 C69 Coll.ver, Robert. Man in earnest; life of A. IT. Conant.B C743 Colqulioun, A. R. China in trans¬ formation.915.1 C72 Russia against India.950 C72 Colton, C. C. Bacon.192 C72 Comprehensive Bible.220.5 C73 Compton, A. G. Some common er¬ rors of speech.428.3 C73 Comstock, Andrew. System of elocution.808.5 C73 Conwell, R. H. James G. Blaine.. .B B634 Cook, T. C. (C.) lady. jt. author. See Martin, Mrs. V. (C.) W. Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emer¬ son .B E53 Cooley, C. LI. Human nature and the social order.301 C77 Copeland, C. T. Edwin Booth. (Beacon biographies.).B B725 Corson, Hiram. Aims of literary study..807 C82 Cosmopolitan. Nov. 1903-date. v. 36-date.051 C83 Cotes, Mrs. S. J. (D.) Social de¬ parture.910 C84 Cox, J. D. Atlanta. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18co March to the sea; Franklin and Nashville. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18ex Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Fair France.914.4 CS8 Poems..821 C88 AUTHOR LIST 73 riain-speakirfj.824 CSS Studies from life.524 C8is Craik, S r Henry. State in its rela- t'on to education.379 C58 Crawford, F. M. Constantinople.914.96 C59 Creasy, Sir E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world.904 C91 Critic. Jan. 1904-date. v. 44-date. .051 C93 Cromwell, Oliver. ' Letters and speeches, ed. by Carlyle.B C9-10 Crosby, E. H. Tolstoy and liis message.B TG54 Great tone-poets.780 C95 Cross, A. K. Mechanical drawing. (National drawing books.).744 C95 Cross, Mrs. M. A. (E.) L. See Eliot, George, pseud. Crowest, F. J. Cherubini.780 C52 Great tone-poets .780 C95 Cumming, C. F. Gordon- At home in Fiji.919 6 C97 Cumnock, R. McL. Choice read¬ ings.'.808.5 C97 Cunningham, Allan. Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. 5v.750 C97 Curtis, E. C. Children’s voices. . .784.9 C97 Curtis, G. W. Literary and social essays.814 C97 Potiphar papers.817 C97 Curtis, W. E. To-day in Syria and Palestine.916.6 C98 Turk and his lost provinces. . .914.96 C98 Custer, Mrs. E. B. Boots and sad¬ dles.917.8 B98 Following the guidon.917.8 C98f Custer, Gen. G. A. My life on the plains.917.8 C987 Cutter, J. C. Comprehensive anat¬ omy, physiology and hygiene... .612 C99 Cuyler, T. L. Empty crib; a me¬ morial.252.9 C99 Recollections of a long life.B C993 D Daily news almanac and year-book. 1904-date.R 317 D13 Dana, C, A. Eastern journeys. . .914.7 D16 Dana, R. IL. To Cuba and back. 2cop.917.29 D16 Dana, Mrs. W. S. See Parsons, Mrs. F. T. (S.) D. Daniels, W. H. D. L. Moody and his work.B M817 Darwin, C. R. Journal of re¬ searches into the natural his¬ tory and geology of the coun¬ tries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. 2v.508.3 D22 Life and letters, ed. by Francis Darwin.B D228 Origin of species.575 D22 D’Aubigne, J. H. M. History of the reformation of the ICth cen¬ tury, tr. by White. 5v.270.6 D23 Davies, Gen. H. E. General Sher¬ idan. (Great commanders ser.)..BS552 Davis, G. B. Elements of interna¬ tional law.341 D26 Davis, R. H. West, from a car- window.917.8 D26 Davitt, Michael. Within the pale; the true story of anti-Semitic persecutions in Russia.296 D20 Dawes, A. L. How we are gov¬ erned.342.73 D26 Dawson, W. H. German life in town and country. (Our Eu¬ ropean neighbors.).914.3 D27 Day, Edward. Social life of the Hebrews. (Semitic ser.).296 D27 Deering harvester company. Official retrospective exhibitioon of the development of harvesting ma¬ chinery.630 D31 De Forest, J. B. Short history of art.709 D31 Deirdre. (No name ser.).811 D32 Denney, J. V. jt. author. See Scott, F. N. De Quincey, Thomas. Autobi¬ ographic sketches.B D426 Beauties selected from the writ¬ ings of Thomas De Quincey. .8.24 D42 Confessions of an Engl'sh opium- eater.824 D42c Literary reminiscences. 2v.824 D421 Derby, George, comp. Derby anni¬ versary calendar.R 903 D42 Descriptive atlas of Western Can¬ ada.R 912.71 D44 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classifica¬ tion and relative index.R 025 D51 Simplified Library school rules. .R 025 D51s Dexter, Charles. In memoriam, versions, and idle measures.811 D52 Dial. 1 Jan. 1904-date. v. 36- date.051 D53 Dick, Thomas. Celestial scenery.. .521 D54 Didier, E. L. Life and letters of Madame Bonaparte. B B6"8 Dilke, Sir C. W. bart. Greater Britain.910 D57 Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beacons- field, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st earl of. Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of liter¬ ature. 4v.824 D61 Dixon, W. IT. Her majesty's tower.942 D62 New America.917.3 D62 Dodd, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Cathedral days.914.2 D63 Dodge, TI. N. Christus victor.242 D64 74 AUTHOR LIST Dodge, M. A. ‘(Gail Hamilton.) New atmosphere.396 DG4 Summer rest. .. :.814 D64 Twelve miles from a lemon.814 DG4t Woman’s wrong and worthless¬ ness.396 D64w Woman’s wrongs.39G D64wo Dodge, Mrs. M. (M.) (A) few friends and how they amused themselves.793 DG4 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll.) Rhyme and reason.827 D64 Doherty, H. L. jt. author. See Doherty, R. F. Doherty, R. F. & Doherty, H. L. Lawn tennis.769 DC5 Dole, C. F. American c'tizen.172 D66 Dole, N. H. Score of famous com¬ posers.780 DC6 Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis. 2 cop.913 DC8 Dorchester, Daniel. Christianity in the United States.277.3 DC9 Dore.914 D69 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellor- ville and Gettysburg. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.).973.7 ClSd Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. (De G.) How to attract the birds, and other talks about bird neigh¬ bors.598.2 D72 Douglas, R. K. China.951 D73 Douglass, Frederick. Life and times.B D737 Dowden. Edward. History of French 1 terature.840.9 D74 Shakespere.822.33 D Dreyfus, Alfred. Five years of my life. 1894-1899.B D778 Drummond, Henry. Ideal life.242 D79 Natural law in the spiritual world.215 D79 Stones rolled away.252 D79 Du Bois,.W. E. B. Souls of black folk.326 D81 Du Chaillu, P. B. Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa.916 7 D82 Journey to Ashango-land.916.7 D82j Duffield, S. A. W. English hymns. .245 D85 Dunbar, C. F. comp. Laws of the United States relating to cur¬ rency, finance, and bank'ng.332 D89 Dunbar, P. L. Poems of cabin and field.811 D89 When Malindy sings.811 D89w Dunn, E. B. Weather and prac¬ tical methods of forecasting it. .551 D92 Dunne, F. P. Mr. Dooley in peace . and in war.817 D92 Observations of Mr. Dooley.817 D92o Duplessis, G. V. A. Gratet-. Won¬ ders of engraving. (Wonders of art and archaeology.).760 D93 Duyckinck, E. A. & Duyckinck, G. L. Cyclopedia of American literature. 2v.R 810.3 D98 Duyckinck, G. L. jt. author. See Duyckinck, E. A. Dyer, T. H. Pompeii..913 D99 Earle, Mrs. A. (M.) Colonial days in old New York.917.47 E12 Costume of colonial times.917.32 E12 Curious punishment of bygone days.917.32 E12c Home life in colonial days... .917.32 El2h Margaret Winthrop. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B W793 Old time gardens.917.32 E12o Sabbath in Puritan New Eng¬ land. .917.4 E12 Stage coach and tavern days. .917.32 El2s Ecce ^piritus.230 E17 Eddy, Mrs. M. (B.) G. Miscel¬ laneous writings.615.851 E21 Science and health. 2cop... .615.851 E21s Edison, T. F. & Westinghouse, C. J. comps. Mechanics’ com¬ plete library.620.3 E23 Educational review. Jan. 1904-date. v. 27-date.370.5 E24 Edwards, A. A. B. Thousand miles up the Nile.916.2 E26 Edwards, N. W. History of Illi¬ nois from 1778-1833.997.3 E26 Edwards, O. M. Wales. (Story of the nations.).942.9 E46 Eggleston, G. C. ed. American war ballads and lyrics.811.08 E29 Eliot, George, pseud. Character readings from George Eliot, comp, by Sheppard.808.5 E42 Essays.824 E42 Spanish gypsy.821 E42 Eliot, I. M. & Soule, C. G. Cater¬ pillars and their moths.595 E42 Eliot, W. G. Discourses on the doc¬ trines of Christianity.288 E42 Lectures to young men.. ...170E42 Lectures to young women.170 E421 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. (L.) Pioneer women of the west.920 E45 Queens of American society.920 E45q Elliott, C. W. Remarkable charac¬ ters and places of the Holy Land.220.9 E46 Elliott, S. M. jt. author. See Richards, Mrs. E. H. (S.) Ellis, E. S. ed. Classical dic¬ tionary.R 920 E47 AUTHOR LIST 75 Elson, L. C. European reminis¬ cences.780.4 E49 History of American mus e. (His¬ tory of American art.).780.97 E49 Shakespeare in music.780.4 E49s Ely, H. R. (A) woman’s hardy garden.716 E62 Ely, R. T. Coming city.352 E52 French and German socialism in modern times.335 E52 Monopolies and trusts. (Citizens’ lib. of economics, politics and sociology.) .338 E52 Problems of to-day. .337 E52 Emerson, R. W. Essays. 2v..... .814 E53 Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the middle ages.910.7 E53 Emerton, .7. H. Common spiders of the United States.595 E53 Encyclopedia Americana. 16v.. . .R 030 E56 Engineering magazine. Oct.1903- date. v.26-date.620.5 E57 Englemann, Richard. Fompeii, tr. by Ely. (Famous art cities.).. .709 E57 Evans, R. D. Sailor’s log; recol¬ lections of forty years of na¬ val life.B E92 Everett, Edward. Mount Vernon papers. 815 E93 Examination of Bampton lectures on the divinity of Christ.232 E93 F Fahie, J. J. History of wireless telegraphy.654 F15 Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare. (Rural science ser.). .331 F16 Farley, F. A. Unitarianism de¬ fined.288 F23 Farrar, Mrs. E. W. (R.) Recol¬ lections of seventy years.B F242 Farrar, F. W. Life and work of St. Paul.225 F24 Men I have known.920 F24 Westminster Abbey .914.2 F24 Farrington, O. C. Gems and gem minerals.“..553.8 F24 Faulkner, J. A. Methodists. (Story of the churches.)........287 F26 Fay, Amy. Music study in Ger¬ many, ed. by Pierce.780.7 F28 Felch, I. Iv. Poultry culture.636 F31 Ferguson, Charles. Religion of de¬ mocracy.204 F35 Fergusson, James. History of ar¬ chitecture. 2v.720 F35 Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, Mrs.' S. P. (W.) E. Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms. (Standard edu¬ cational ser.).R 424 F36 Fernow, B. E. Economics of for¬ estry. (Library of economics and politics.)..333 F36 Ferris, G. T. Great German composers .780 F39 Great Italian and French com¬ posers.780 F39i Great singers. 2v.780 F39s Great violinists and pianists... .780 F39v Field, Eugene. Little b.>ck of western verse.811 F45 Sharps and flats. 2v.817 F45 Field, IL. M. Story of the Atlan¬ tic telegraph.,.654 F45 Field, M. B. Memories of many men.920 F45 Fields, Mrs. A. (A.) ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe.B S892 Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music. .786 F48 Finck, H. T. Chopin, and other musical essays.780.4 F49 Songs and song writers.784 F49 Findlay, J. P. Spindle-side of Scottish song.780 F49 Fisher, Mary. General survey of American literature.810.9 U53 Group of French critics. ..840.9 F53 Fisk & Robinson. Memoranda con¬ cerning United States bonds, 1901-02.332 F53 Fiske, John. American revolution. 2v.973.3 F54 Beginnings of New England.973.2 F54 Critical period in American his- tory. 1783-1789 .973.3 F54c Darwinism, and other essays.814 F54 Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. ... .218 F54 Discovery of America. 2v... .. .973.1 F54 Dutch and Quaker colonies in Am¬ erica. 2v.973.2 F54d Mississippi Valley in the civil war... ..973.7 F54 Myths and myth-makers.291 F51 New France and New England.973.2 F54n Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2y.973.2 F54o Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. 2v. Famous songs. .784 F55 Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James. See Kelly, James Fitzmaurice- Five talents of woman.173 F56 Flammarion, Camille. Popular as¬ tronomy, tr. by Gore.523 F58 Fletcher, A. C. Indian story and song from North America.784 F61 Fletcher, John. See Bea,mnont, Francis. Fletcher, W. I. Public libraries in America. (Coiumb'an knowl¬ edge ser.).027 F61 76 AUTHOR LIST Flint, H. M. Life of Stephen A. Douglas.B D736 Flynt, Josiah, pseud. See Willard, J. F. Folks, Homer. Care of the desti¬ tute, neglected and delinquent children. (American philan¬ thropy of the 19th century.).. .362 F66 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. (Campaigns of the civil war.) .973.7 C18f Ford F. L. Many-sided Franklin.. B F831f ed. New England primer.372 F69 Ford, Thomas. History of Illinois, 1818-1847.977.3 F71 Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens. 3v.B D548 Forum. Sept. 1903-date. v. 35-date. 051 F74 Fosdick, W. W. Ariel, and other poems.811 F74 Foster, J. W. American diplomacy in the Orient.327 F75 Arbitration and The Hague court.341 F75 Century of American diplomacy.327 F75o Mississippi valley.551 F75 Foster, It. F. Foster's encyclope¬ dia of games....793 F75 Francke, Kuno. History of Ger¬ man literature.•.830.9 F82 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiogra¬ phy, ed. by Bigelow.B FS31b Memoirs. 2v.B F831 Freeman, E. A. Sicily, Phoenician, Greek, and Roman. (Story of the nations.)..945.8 F85 Fremont, Mrs. J. (B.) Year of American travel.917 F87 Freytag, Gustav. Martin Luther, tr.-by HeTiemann.B L973 Frith, Henry. Practical palmistry .133 F91 Froebel, F. W. A. Education by development, tr. by Jarvis. (International education ser.). .372 F92 Education of man, tr by Hail- mann. (International education ser.).370 F92. Mother-play and nursery songs, tr. from the German.372 F92m Frotliingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut.909 F94 Sea-wolves of seven shores.910 F94 Fronde, .7. A. Oceana.919.4 F94 Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, S. M. (F.) marchesa D’. Fullerton, Alexander. Proofs of theosophy.212 F97 Fyles, Franklin. Theatre and its people. 792 F99 Gallenga, A. C. N. (L Marlottl.) Episodes of my second life.B G166 Gardiner, S. R. ed. School atlas of English history.R 911.42 G22 Garnett, L. M. J. Turkish life in town and country. (Our Euro¬ pean neighbors.) .914.96 G23 Garnett, Richard. History of Ital¬ ian literature.850.9 G2.3 Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. (S.) Life of Charlotte Bronte.B N613 Gast-Paul directory of bankers and attorneys in the United States.332 G25 Gay, S. H. James Madison. (Am¬ erican statesmen.) .B M182g Gayley, C. M. ed. Classic myths in English literature.R 291 G28 Geikie, James. Great ice age.551 G31 George, Henry. Progress and pov¬ erty.330 G34 Protection or free trade.337 G34 Gernivus, G. G.. Shakespeare com¬ mentaries, tr. by Bunnett.822.33 Dg Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. 6v..937 G43 Gibbs, M. B. Military career of Napoleon the Great...B N21Cg Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods.799 G45 Sharp eyes. ..500 G45 Gifford, Mrs. A. (II.) Germany, her people and their story... .943 G45 Gilder, J. B. comp. American idea, as expounded by American statesmen.342.73 G46 Gilder, It. W. Christmas wreath. .811 G46 Giles, Henry. Human life in Shakespeare.822.33 Dgi Gilman, Arthur, jt. author. See Gould, Sabine, Baring- also Church, A. J. Gilman, Mrs. Bradley. See Gil¬ man, Mrs. M. R. (F.) Gilman, Mrs. C. (P.) S. Concern¬ ing children .372 G48 Home, its work and influence. .. .173 G48 Women and economics.396 G48 Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. (American statesmen.).B M753 Gilman, Lawrence, Phases of mod¬ ern music.780.4 G48 Gilman, Mrs. M. R. (F.) . Saint Theresa. (Famous women.)... .B T398 Gladden, Washington. Social sal¬ vation .627 G54 Who wrote the Bible.220 G51 Witnesses of the light.920 G34 Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years. 7v. :... .824 G54 Goethe, J. W. von. Faust, tr. by Brooks.832 G59 Poems, tr. by Bowring.831 G59 Going, E. M. (E. M. Hardinge.) With the trees.582 G61 AUTHOR LIST it With the wild flowers.582 GGlw Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems, plays, etc.828 G62 Poetical works.821 G62 Gomme, G. L. Ethnology in folk¬ lore. (Modern Science ser.)... .398 G63 Goodrich, A. J. comp. Music as a language.781 G65 Goodwin, Mrs. M. (W.) Dolly Mad¬ ison. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B M181 Goodyear, W. H. History of art. .709 G65 Gordon, Gen. J. B. Reminiscences of the civil war.973.7 G66 Gosse, E. W. Short history of modern English literature. .. .820.9 G67 Gough, J. B. Sunlight and shad¬ ow.178 G69 Gould, Sabine Baring- & Gilman, Arthur. Germany. (Story of the nations.).913 G69 Grant, J. B. Our common birds and how to know them.598.2 G76 Grant, U. S. pres. U. S. Per¬ sonal memoirs. 2v.B G763 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America.396 G77 Graves, H. S. Woodman’s hand¬ book. (U. S.—Forestry, Bureau of. Bulletin, no. 36.).634.9 G77 Gray, G. Z. Children’s crusade. .940.4 G77 Gray, Plenry. Anatomy, descrip¬ tive and surgical, ed. by Pick and Howden.611 G77 Gray, John. Poetical works, ed. by Bradshaw.821 G78 Greeley, Horace. Recollectionos of a busy life.B G794 Green, J. R. History of the En¬ glish people. 4v.942 G79 Making of England.942.01 G79 Short history of the English peo¬ ple.942 G79s Green, M. E. Food products of the world, ed. by Bohn.640 G79 Greene, F. V. Mississippi. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.)... .973.7 CISg Greenwood, F. W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles.920 G81 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lip- pincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life.824 G81 Grey, Mrs. William. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantinople, the Crimea, Greece.. ..910G84 Griffis, W. E. American in Hol¬ land.914.9 G85 Brave little Holland.949.2 G85 Corea, without and within.951.9 GS5 Japan in history, folk-lore and art. 952 G85 Mikado’s empire .915.2 G85 Pilgrims in their three homes. .973.2 G85 Griswold, Mrs. H. (T.) Personal sketches of recent authors.920 G87 Grotius, Hugo. Rights of war and peace, tr. by Campbell.341 G88 Grove, Sir George, ed. Diction¬ ary of music and musicians. 4v and index.R 780.3 G88 Guiccoli, T. (G.) countess. My rec¬ ollections of Lord Byron.B B996 Guizot, F. P. G. History of civili¬ zation, tr. by Hazlitt. 4v. in 2..901 G96 Gunsaulus, F. W. ed. Modern engineering practice.R 620 G97 Guttman, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice .784.9 G98 H H. H. pseud. See Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. Haddon, A. C. Study of man. (Science ser.).573 H12 Hadley, A. T. Education of the American citizen.320 H13 Haeckel, Ernst. Riddle of the uni¬ verse, tr. by McCabe.147 H13 Haines, James. Early days in Illi¬ nois.977.3 H15 Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe. (Epochs of modern history.).942.06 H16 Hale, E. E. Janies Russell Low¬ ell and his friends.B L915 Memories of a hundred years. 2v.973 H16 We, the people.814 H16 & Hale, Susan. Spain. (Story of the nations.).946 H16 Hale, Susan, jt. author. See Hale, E. E. Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware.. B W271 Hall, Frederic. Life of Maximilian the first, emperor of Mexico. ...B M464 Hall, L. V. jt author. See Art- man, William. Hall, Mrs. Matthew. Lives of the queens of England before the Norman conquest. -.920 H17 Hallam, Henry. Constitutional history of England. 2v.342.42 H18 View of the state of Europe dur¬ ing the middle ages. 2v.940.1 H18 Halleck, R. P. Education of the central nervous system.612.82 H18 Halpine, C. G. (Miles O’Reilly.) Poetical works, ed. by Roose¬ velt.8121 H19 Ham, C. H. Mind and hand. .. .371.4 1119 Hamerton, P. G. Painter’s camp. .914 H21 Thoughts about art.704 H21 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. 78 AUTHOR LIST Hammer, W. J. Radium, and other radio-active substances. .537 H22 Hancock, H. I. Japanese physical training.613.7 H23 Handel, G. F. See Haendel, G. F. Hansen, N. E. jt. author. See Budd, J. L. Hapgood, Norman. Stage In Am¬ erica, 1897-1900.792 H25 Hardinge, E. M. pseud. See Going, E. M. Ilarkey, S. W. Justification by faith, as taught by Lutherans. .281.1 1128 Harkness, Albert. Latin grammar for schools and' colleges.475 H28 Harland, Marion, pseud. See Ter- hune, Mrs. M. V. (H.) Harper, J. McL. Masters of French literature.840 H29 Harper’s dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. .. .R 913 H29 Harper’s encyclopaedia of United States history. lOv.R 973 H29 Harper’s new monthly magazine. Dec.1884-date. v. 70-date.051 H29 Harper's weekly. 2Jan.1904-date. v.48-date.051 H29w Harrah, C. C. (The) road.230 H29 Harriott, Mrs. C. (M.) Life on the stage.B 11312 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harri¬ son, Mrs. C. (C.) Harrison, Mrs. C. (C.) Well-bred girl in society.396 H31 Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child nature from the kinder¬ garten standpoint.372 LI31 Two children of the foot-hills. .372 H31t Harrison, Eveleen. Home nursing..649 H31 Harrison, Frederic. Studies in early Victorian literature... .820.9 H31 Hart, A. B. Salmon Portland Chase. (American statesmen.). .B C487 jt. author. See Channing, Edward. Hartmann, Sadakichi. Japanese art.709.52 H33 Haskins, C. W. Business educa¬ tion and accountancy, ed. by Cleveland.657 1135 Haslope, L. L. Repousse work for amateurs.739 H35 Hatfield, H. R. ed. Lectures on commerce. (Chicago university, College of commerce and ad¬ ministration p\ib. v.l).380.4 H36 Hawkins, N. Mechanical draw¬ ing.744 H39 Hawthorne, Julian. Hawthorne, and his circle.B H399 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Our old home. 2eop.914.2 II39o Passages from the American note-books. 2cop.917.44 1139 Passages from the English note¬ books. 2v.914.2 H39 Passages from the French and Italian note-books. 2cop... .914.5 H39 Tales, sketches and other papers.818 LI39 Hay, John. Castilian days.914.6 H41 Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey.919.8 H41 Open Polar sea.919.8 H41o Headley, J. T. Life of the Em¬ press Josephine.B J83 & Johnson, W. F. comps. H. M. Stanley's wonderful adven¬ tures in Africa.916.7 H43 Headley, P. C. Life of Mary, queen of Scots.B M393 Hearn, Lafcadio. Hwaidan.895 H43 Japan. .915.2 H43 Heine, Heinrich, * Poems, tr. by Bowring.831 H46 Hemans, Mrs. F. D. (B.) Poetical works.821 H48 Henderson, C. R. Social settle¬ ments. (Handbooks for practi¬ cal workers in church and phil¬ anthropy.).335 H49 Henderson, E. F. tr. & ed. Select historical documents of the mid¬ dle ages.940.1 H49 Henderson, Peter. Gardening for pleasure. .716 H49 Gardening for profit.635 H49 Henderson, W. J. Story of music. ..780.9 1149 Hennepin, Louis. New discovery of a vast country in 'America, ed. by Thwaites.970 H51 Hensel, Oetavia. Life and letters of Louis Moreau Gottschalk. .. .7S0 G68 Hensel, Sebastian. Mendelssonn family, tr. by Klingemann. 2v..780 M53 Hepburn, A. B. History of coin- nage and currency in the United States . 332 LI52 Herrick, Mrs. C. T. First aid to the young housekeeper.640 H56 Herrick. George. Toetical works, ed. by Saintsbury. 2v.821 H5o Hersey, Sheaf, pseud. See New¬ ell, Peter. Iliggin, Louis. Spanish life in town country. (Our European neigh¬ bors.) . ..914.6 H63 Higginson, T. W. Concerning all of us.814 H63 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (Ameiican men of letters.). .. .B L853 Hill, L. E. & others. Athletics and out-door sports for women.796 H64 Hillegas, II. C. Oom Paul’s people.968 1165 Hillis, N. D. Man’s value to so¬ ciety.170 HG5 / AUTHOR LIST 79 Quest of happiness.171 HG5 Iliseox, G. D. Horseless vehicles, automobiles, motor cycles.625 H6i History of Virginia.090 1167 Hitchcock, Mrs. C. (H.) Nancy Hanks, the story of Lincoln’s mother.B L738 Hoar, G. F. Autobiography of seventy years. 2v.B HG79 Hobson, R. P. Sinking of the Mer- rimac.973.89 H68 Hoffman, Professor, pseud. See Lewis, A. J. Holden, Ralph. jt. author. See Calkins, E. E. Holland, J. G. (Timothy Titcomb.) Bitter-sweet.811 H73 Gold-foil.814 H73 Titcomb’s letters to young peo¬ ple.814 H73t Holland, S. (S.) lady. Memoir of Sydney Smith, ed. by Austin. 2v..B S659 Holland, W. J. Butterfly book... .595 H73 Holley, Marietta. Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. & P. 1.817 H73 Holmes, B. T. Appendicitis.617.5 H74 Holmes, Daniel. Pure gold.204 1174 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast-table.817 H75 Complete poetical works.811 H75 Mechanism in thougth and mor¬ als.. 150 H75 Over the tea-cups.817 LI75o Professor at the breakfast-table.817 H75p Soundings from the Atlantic... .817 H75s Holmes, R. R. Queen Victoria. .. .B V645 Holst, H. E. von. Constitutional and political history of the United States, tr. by Lalor and Mason. 8v.342.73 H75 John C. Calhoun. (American Statesmen.) .B C152 Ilomerus, Ilian, tr. by Bryant. .. .883 II76i Odyssey, tr. by Bryant.883 I176o Hood, Thomas. Memorials, ed by. his daughter. 2v.B H777 Poetical works.821 H77 Up the Rhine.914.3 1177 Whims and oddities.827 H77 Hooper, W. H. & Phillips, W. C. Manual of marks on pottery and porcelain.738 H78 Hopkins, W. J. Telephone.654 H79 Hoppin, J. M. Old England. .. .914.2 1179 Hornaday, W. T. American natur¬ al history. 590 IISl Taxidermy and zoological col¬ lecting.579 H81 Hosmer, J. Iv. History of the Louisiana purchase.973.46 H82 Short history of German litera¬ ture .830.9 H82 Houdin, Robert. See Robert-Hou- • din, J. E. How, Louis. James B. Eads.B Ell Howe, F. C. Taxation and taxes in the United States under the internal revenue system.336.5 HS5 Howe, Mrs. J. (W.) From the oak to the olive.914 H85 Is polite society polite, and other essays.814 LI85 Margaret Ossali. (Famous women.).B 084 Howe, M. A. De W. Boston, the place and the people.917.44 H85 Howells, W. D. Heroines of fic¬ tion. 2v.*.823 H85 Literary friends and acquaint¬ ance.810 H85 Mouse-trap, and other farces. .. .812 H85 Out of the question; a comedy. .812 II85o Sleeping-car, and other farces. . .812 H58s Suburban sketches.814 H859s Venetian life.914.5 H85 Howitt, William. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. 2v. 920 H86 Hoyt, J. K. comp. Cyclopedia of practical quotations.R 808 HS6 Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.) A. Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary.B C332 Hudson, T. J. Divine pedigree of man.211 HS8 Law of mental medicine.615 H88 Law of phychic phenomena.134 H88 Scientific demonstration of the future life.134 HS8s Hug, Lina & Stead, Richard. Switerland. (Story of the na¬ tions.).919.4 H89 Hughes, Rupert. Contemporary American composers.780 HS9 Hughes, Thomas. Manliness of Christ.232 H89 Hulbert, A. B. Historic highways of America, vl-15.917.3 1191 Hulbert, H. P». jt. author. See Vanderlip, W. B. Hulme, F. E. Flags of the world. .904 H91 Humphreys, M. G. Catherine paign of ’64 and ’65. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18h Humphreys, M. G. Catherine Schuyler. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B S397 Hurd, H. B. comp. Revised stat¬ utes of Illinois, 1903.R 345.12 H96 I-Iurll, E. M. Greek sculpture. (Riverside art ser.).733 H96 Jean Francois Millet. (Riverside art ser.).750 M65 Michelangelo. (Riverside art ser.).730 M62 Murillo. (Riverside art ser.).730 M97 Raphael. (Riverside art ser.).750 R21 Rembrandt. (Riverside art ser.). .750 R38 80 AUTHOR LIST Sir Joshua Reynolds. (River¬ side art ser.).750 R46 Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. 2v. .B H9S6 Huxley, T. H. Lessons in ele¬ mentary physiology, ed. by Lee.612 H98 Man’s place in nature, and other anthropological essays.573 H98 I lies, George. Flame, electricity and the camera...537 127 Illinois—Adjutant general’s office. Record of the services of Illi¬ nois soldiers in the Black Hawk war and in the Mexican war. 1882.D 973.56 I|3 Report. 1861-66, 75-76, 81-82.D 353.6 113 —Agriculture, Dep’t of. Trans¬ actions. 1871, 73-76.D 630 1136 —Constitutional convention. De¬ bates and proceedings. 2v...D 342 I13 — Factory inspectors. Annual re¬ port. 1893-96, 1900. v. 1-4, 8.D 331 1132 —General assembly. Annual re¬ port. 1888-97.D 328 1132 Official directory. 1887. .. .D 328 I132o Session laws. 1895, 97-98, 1901.....D 345.1 1132 —Geological survey. Economical geology of Illinois. 3v. 1882. .D 557 I132e Geological survey of Illinois. v. 1-3, 6, 8. 1866-90.D 557 1132 —Insurance department. Annual report. 1901-02, 04, pt. 2. v 33-34, 36, pt. 2.D 368 1133 —Labor statistics, Bureau of. Biennial report.. 1884-1902. v. 3-12.D 331 1134 Statistics of coal in Illinois. 1885, 91, 93-94, 96-1903. v. 6, 9, 12-13, 15-22.D 622 1134 —Public charities, Board of. Bi¬ ennial report. 1874-78, 96, 1900. v. 3-5, 14, 16. D 361 1135 Manual of financial book¬ keeping and forms of blanks for public institu¬ tions. 1902.D 361 I135i —Public instruction, Sup’t of. Biennial report. 1874-76. v. 10-11.D 379 1135 —Railroad and warehouse com¬ mission. Annual report. 1874, 76-78, 82, 96. v. 4, 6-8, 12, 26.D 385 1136 —Representatives, House of. Journal. 1887-89, 93, 97-99. v. 35-36, 38, 40-41.D 328 1136 —Senate. Journal. 1887-89, 93, 97, 98. v. 35-36, 38, 40, pts. 1-2.D 328 11363 —State, Dep’t of. Biennial re¬ port of the secretary. 1876- 78.D 353.1 1136 Blue book of Illinois. 1903. .D 328 1136b Illinois hand-book and legis¬ lative manual. 1871... .D 328 11364 —State house commissioners. Re¬ port. 1876.D 725 1136 —State library. Catalogue. 1903. .. .R 019 129 —Young men’s Christian associa¬ tions, State executive commit¬ tee of. Twenty years; a sketch of the work from 1831 to 1900.267.3 129 Illinois farmers institute. Annual report. 1902-03. v. 7-8.630.6 129 Illinois state agricultural society. Transactions. 1856-57. v.2. .630.9 I29s Illinois state historical society. Collections, vl. 1903.977 129 Illinois state historical library. Transactions. 1900-04. v. 1-5. (Illinois state historical library. Publications, no. 4, 6-9.).977.3 129 Illinois university. Report of the board of trustees. 1872-78, 82, 88, 92-96. v. 6-9, 11, 14, 16-18_378 129 Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron. Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis the eigh¬ teenth, tr. by Martin.B B531 Duchess of Berry and the revolu¬ tion of 1830, tr. by Martin... . B B534i Marie Louise, tr. by Martin.B M334 Imperator et rex; William the sec¬ ond of Germany.B W678 Ingelow, Jean. Poems.821 146 Ingersoll, Ernest. Crest of the continent .;.917.8 147 Wild life of orchard and field... .590 147 Ingersoll, R. G. Prose-poems and selections. ..815 147 Innes, A. D. John Knox. (Fa¬ mous Scots ser.).B K74 International cyclopaedia. 15v...R 030 161 International quarterly. Sept. 1903- date. v. 8-date.050-161 International year book. 1898- 1902.R 030 1612 Ireland, John, abp. Clnircli and modern society. 2v.282 166 Irving, P. M. Life and letters of Washington Irving. 4v.B 172 Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey.914.2 172 Alhambra.914.6 172 Astoria.917.8 172 Bracebridge Hall.817 172b AUTHOR LIST 81 Chronicle of the conquest of Granada.946 172 Crayon miscellany.817 I72cr Knickerbocker’s History of New York.817 I72h Life of George Washington. 5v. .B W318i Same condensed.B W T 318ir Oliver Goldsmith.B G624 Sketch book. 2cop.817 I72s Wolfert’s Roost, and other pa¬ pers. 817 172w Ivimey, Joseph. John Milton.B M662 J Jack, George. Wood-carving de¬ sign and workmanship. (Artistic crafts ser.).736 J12 Jockson, Mrs. H. M. (P.) H. (H. H.) Bits of talk about home matters.173 J12 Bits of travel.914 J12 Century of dishonor.970.5 J12 Glimpses of California and the missions.917.9 J12 James, E. J. ed. Territorial rec¬ ords of Illinois. (Ill. state his¬ torical library. Publications, no. 2.).977.3 J27 James, G. P. R. History of Charle¬ magne. ...B C474 James, G. W. Indian basketry.. .970.6 J27 Indians of the Painted Desert region.970.4 J27 Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.) Legends of the Madonna.755 J31 Sacred and legendary art. 2v... .755 J31s Shakespeare’s heroines.822.33 Dj Jastrow, Joseph. Fact and fable in psychology.130 J39 Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography... B J45 Jenks, Tudor. In the days of Chaucer. B C496 Jerome, J. K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow.827 J56 Observations of Henry..... .827 J56o Three men in a boat.827 J65t Jerrold, D. W. Fireside saints, and other papers.827 J57 Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lectures. .827 J57m Jewett, S. O. Normans. (Story of the nations.)....942.02 J59 Joan of Arc. See Jeanne d’ Arc. Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the south.917.5 J66 Land of heather.914.1 .166 Johnson, E. R. American railway transportation. 385 J66 Johnson, Mrs. H. (K.) Woman and the republic.324 J67 Johnson, J. B. Engineering con¬ tracts and specifications.620 J67 Johnson, Oliver. William Lloyd Garrison.B G242 Johnson, S. W. How crops grow. . .630 J69 Johnson, Samuel. Works, v. 1-8, 10-12, 14-15.090 J69 Johnson, W. F. Century of expan¬ sion.325 J71 jt. comp. See Headley, J. T. Jones, Mrs. C. S. & Williams, H. T. Household elegancies.746 J76 Ladies’ fancy work.746 J76I Jordan, D. S. Manual of the verte¬ brate animals of the northern United States.596 J82 Josephus, Flavius. Works, tr. by Whiston. 2cop.933 J83 K Kahn, Adele, jt. author. See Moritz, Mrs. C. F. Kansas—World’s fair managers, Board of. Report.606 K16 Kavanagh, Julia. Women of Chris¬ tianity.920 K21 Keats, John. Poetical works, ed. by Forman.821 K25 Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes. B K25 Keeler, H. L. Our native trees and how to identify them.582 K26 Our northern shrubs and how to identify them.582 K26o Keller, H. A. Optimism.170 K29 Story of my life.B K29 Kelly, James Fitzmaurice- His¬ tory of Spanish literature. .. .860.9 K29 Kemble, E. W. Billy goat, and other comicalities.817 K31 Kennan, George. Siberia and the exile system. 2v.915.7 K34 Ti'agedy of Pelee.917.29 K34 Kent, Charles. Modern seven won¬ ders of the world,.608 K37 Kerr, G. L. Elementary coal-min¬ ing. 622 K41 King, B. F. Ben King’s verse, ed. by Waterman.811 K52 King, G. E. New Orleans, the place and the people.917.63 K52 Kinglake, A. W. Eothen.915.6 K54 Ivingsford, C. L. jt. author. See Archer, T. A. Kingsley, Charles. Charles Kings¬ ley, his letters and memories of his life.B K55 Sir Walter Raleigh and his time, and other papers.824 K55 Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Wau-bun, the early day in the northwest, ed. by Gordon.917.7 K56 Kipling, Rudyard. Ballads and barrack room ballads.821 K57 82 AUTHOR LIST Five nations.821 K57f Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold, duke of Bergundy. 3v....BC476 Klein, Hermann. Thirty years of musical life in London, 1870- 1900.780.4 K64 Knapp, E. S. Rapliia and reed weaving.372 K67 Knapp, W. I. Grammar of the modern Spanish language.465 K67 Kneeland, Samuel, ed. Annual of scientific discovery, 1866-67.505.KC8 Knelb, P. H. Narratives of an old traveller.910 K68 Knox, G. W. Japanese life in town and country. (Our Asiatic neighbors.).915.2 K74 Knox, J. J. United States notes.. .332 K74 Kobbe, Gustav. Famous actors and actresses and their homes. .920 K75 Ivoopman, H. L. Mastery of books.028 K82 Kountz, W. J. jr. (Billy Baxter.) Billy Baxter's letters.817 KS8 Krehbiel, H. E. How to listen to music.780.4 K92 Krummacher, F. W. David, the king of Israel, tr. by Easton. .220.9 K89 L La Farge, John. Great masters. . .750 L15 Laliee, H. C. Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday.780 L18 Organ and its masters.786 L18 Laing, G. J. ed. Masterpieces of Latin literature.870.8 L18 Lamartine, Alphonse de. History the Girondists, tr. by Ryde. 3v.944 L21 Lamb, Charles. Works. 5v.824 L21 & Lamb, M. A. Tales from Shakespeare.822.33 H Lamb, M. A. jt. author. See Lamb, Charles. Landon, M. de L. & others. Li brary of wit and humor. 817 L25 Landor, A. H. S. In the forbid¬ den land. 2v.915.15 L26 Lane, C. H. All about dogs.636 L2G Langmead, T. P. Taswell- English constitutional history.342.42 L28 Langton, M. B. How to know oriental rugs.745 L28 Lanier, Sidney. Music and poetry. .780.4 L28 Lanman, Charles. Private life of Daniel Webster.B W3781 Lansdell, Henry. Through Siberia. 2v.915.7 L29 Larned, J. N. ed. History for ready reference. 6v.R 903 L32 Larned, Mrs. L. (II.) Hostess of to-day.641 L32 Lauglilin, J. L. History of bimetal¬ lism in the United States.332.4 L37 & Willis, H. P. Reciprocity.337 L37 Laut. A. C. Pathfinders of the west. 978 L38 Lawless, Emily, & Bronson, Mrs. Arthur. Ireland. (Story of the nations.).941.5 L41 Lawrence, William, bp. Phillips Brooks; a study. V .BB8731 Lawson, T. W. jt. author. See Thompson, W. M. Layard, Sir A. H. Popular account of discoveries at Ninevah.913 L42 Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. .340 L43 Lecky, W. E. H. History of Eu¬ ropean morals. 2v.170 L46 Lee, G. C. True history of the civil war.973.7 L47 Leib, W. H. Voices of children. .784.9 L52 Lemcke, Gesine. Desserts and sal¬ ads.641 L54 Leonowens, Mrs. A. H. (C.) Eng¬ lish governess at the Siamese court.915.9 L58 Lessing, G. E. Dramatic works, tr. from the German, ed. by Bell. 2v.832 L63 Le Vert, Mme. O. W. Souvenirs of travel, v.l. 910 L66 Lewis, A. J. (Professor Hoff¬ mann.) Parlor amusements.793 L67 Lewis, Dio. Our girls.396 L67 Library bureau. Library catalog.R 029 L69 Library of mesmerism and psychol¬ ogy. v.l.1.130 L69 Liddell, II. G. & Scott, Robert. Liddell and Scott’s Greek-Eng- lish lexicon, abridged.R 483 L71 Life and beauties of Fanny Fern...BP274 Lilioukalani, queen of the Hawai¬ ian Islands. Hawaii’s story.B L728 Lincoln, Abraham, pres. U. S. Abraham Lincoln, his book; a facsimile reproduction.B L736 & Douglas, S. A. Political de¬ bates of 1858.328 L73 Lincoln, Mrs. M. J. (B.) Boston cook book.641 L73 Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Mme. J. (L.) Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) (Grace Greenwood.) Merrie England. .914.2 L76 New life in new lands.917.8 L76 Records of five years.814 L76 Lippincott’s gazetteer of the world. 2v..R 910.3 L76 Little, A. W. Reasons for being a churchman.283 L77 Little, C. E. Biblical lights and side-lights.220.2 L77 Cyclopedia of classified dates. . .R 903 L77 AUTHOR LIST 83 Livingstone, Charles, jt. author. See Livingstone, David. Livingstone, David. Missionary- travels and researches in South Africa.916.7 L78t & Livingstone, Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zam¬ besi.916.7 L78 Lloyd, H. D. Wealth aga'nst com- ✓ monwealth.338 L79 Lodge, H. C. Alexander Hamilton. (American statesmen.).B H217 Story of the revolution.973.3 L82 War with Spain.973.89 L82 Logan, J. A. In joyful Russia.. .914.7 L83 Loisette, A. Assimilative memory. .154 L83 London, Jack. People of the abyss. .331.8 L84 Long, J. D. New American navy. 2v.333.7 L84 Long, J. H. Elements of general chemistry with experiments.540 L84 Longfellow, H. W. Complete poetical works.811 L85 Outre-mer.914 L85 ed. Poets and poetry of Eu¬ rope.It 808.1 L85 Longking, Joseph. Notes on the holy gospels.268 L85 Lord, John. Beacon lights of his¬ tory. 10v.920 LS6 Lossing, B. J. Outline of the his¬ tory of fine arts.709 L87 Pictorial field-book of the revolu¬ tion. 2v. .973.3 LS7 Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812.973.5 L87 Lounsbury, T. R. History of the English language.. . .420 L88 Standard of pronunciation in English.421 L88 Lowell, J. R. Among my books. 2v. .814 L91 Complete poetical works.811 L91 Fireside travels.910 L9l My study windows.814 L91m Lucas, F. A. Animals before man in North America.560 L93 Ludlow, Fitzliugh. Heart of the continent.917.8 L94 Luebke, Wilhelm. Outlines of the history of art, ed. by Sturgis. 709 L92 Luetzow, G. H. H. V. graf von. History of Bohemian literature. . ' .891.8 L97 Lummis, C. F. Awakening of a nation; Mexico of to-day.917.2 L95 Spanish pioneers.973.1 L95 Lusk, D. W. Politics and pol¬ iticians; history of the politics of Illinois from 1856 to 1884.329 L97 Lyell, Sir Charles, 1st hart. Ele¬ ments of geology.550 L98 Geological evidences of the an¬ tiquity of man.573 L98 Lynch, Hannah. French life in town and country. (Our Eu¬ ropean neighbors.).914.4 L98 Lytton, E. R. L. Bulwer-Lytton, 1st earl of. Poetical works 2cop.•.821 L99 M, A. C. Reflections of a lonely man.818 Mil Mabie, IP. W. Backgrounds of literature.814 Mil Nature and culture.814 Mlln Under the trees and elsewhere. .814 Mllu M’Arthur, Alexander. Anton Ru- benstein.780 R89 Macaulay, T. B. Macaulay, 1st baron. Essays critical and mis¬ cellaneous.824 Mil History of England. 5v.942.06 Mil McCall. S. W. Thaddeus Stevens. (American statesmen.).B S846 McCarthy, Eugene. Familiar fish, their habits and capture. 2cop. .799 Mil McCarthy, Justin. Ireland and her story.941.5 M12 McClellan, Gen. G. B. McClellan’s own story.973.7 M12 Oligarchy of Venice.945.3 M12 McClure, A. Iv. Our presidents and how we make them.329 M12 McClure’s magazine. Dec. 1895- date. v. 6-date.051 Ml 2 McCracken, Elizabeth. Women of America. .396 M13 McCulloch, Hugh. Men and meas¬ ures of half a century.973 M13 McCullough, Mrs. C. (W.) Mr. Lex; or, Legal status of mother and child.396 M123 McCutcheon, J. T. Bird Centre car¬ toons.741 M13 Cartoons.741 M13c McDermott, II. F. Poems from an editor’s table.811 M13 McGarvey, J. W. Lands of the Bible.915.6 M14 Mackintosh, John. Scotland. (Story of the nations.).941 M15 Maclaren, Ian, pseud. See Wat¬ son, John. McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass. (American statesmen.)... .B C343 McLaurin, J. J. Story of Johns¬ town..917.48 M16 Maclean, Magnus. Literature of the Highlands.891.6 M16 84 AUTHOR LIST Macpliie, J. P. Homeland of the Bible.915.6 M17 McSherry, James. History of Maryland.975.2 M17 Macy, Jesse. Political parties in the United States, 1846-1S61. (Citizens’ library.).329 M17 Madden, R. R. Literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. 2v.B B647 Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee, tr. by Sutro.591.5 M18 Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. (American statesmen.).B M368 Mahan, Capt. A. T. Influence of sea power upon history, 1660- 1783.359.09 M21 Problem of Asia.950 M21 Mallon, Mrs. I. A. (Ruth Ash¬ more.) Business girl in every phase of her life.396 M25 Mansfield, B. McM. jt. author. See Mansfield, M. F. Mansfield, M. F. & Mansfield, B. McM. Romantic Ireland. 2v.914.15 M28 Mantz, I. P. Effect of lapses on the cost of life insurance.368 M29 Marble, Mrs. A. (R.) Thoreau, his home, friends and books.B T488 Mariotti, L. pseud. See Gallenga, A. C. N. Markham, Edwin. Man with the hoe, and other poems.811 M34 Marlowe, Christopher. Christopher Marlowe, ed. by Ellis.822 M34 Martin, Mrs. V. (C.) W. & Cook, T. C. (C.) lady. Human body, the temple of God.324.3 M38 Martineau, Harriet. Biographical sketches.920 M38 Martineau, James. Studies of Christianity, ed. by Alger.288 M38 Martyrdom of an empress.B E43 Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, D. G. Marvin, W. L. American merchant marine. .387 M39 Maskell, Alfred. Russian art and art objects in Russia. 2v.ini.709.47 M39 Mason, A. J. Thomas Cranmer. (Leaders of religion.).B C891 Mason, E. G. Chapters from Illi¬ nois history.977.3 M39 Mason, R. O. Telepathy and the sublimal self.134 M41 Mason, William. Memories of a musical life.780 M41 Mather, I. F. Making of Illinois.977.3 M42 Mathews, W. S. B. How to under¬ stand music. 2v.780.1 M42 Popular history of the art of music.780.9 M42 Pronouncing dictionary of musical terms, instruments, composers. .R 780.3 M42 ed. Hundred years of music in America.780.97 M42 Mathews, William. Getting on in the world...374 M42 Great conversers, and other es¬ says.814 M42 Hours with men and books.814 M42h Matson, Menry. References for literary workers.R 028 M43 Matthews, J. B. Aspects of fiction, and other ventures in criticism.804 M43 French dramatists of the 19th cen¬ tury.840.9 M43 Historical novel, and other es¬ says .804 M43h Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea..'.551 M45 Maynard, S. T. Landscape garden¬ ing.712 M47 Mayo-Smith, Richmond. See Smith, Richmond, Mayo- Mead, G. W. Modern methods in Sunday-school work.268 M47 Mead, Mrs. L. (A.) Milton’s Eng¬ land.914.2 M47 Meldrum, D. S. Holland and the Hollanders. .914.9 M51 Melville, Herman. Omoo; a nar¬ rative of adventures in the south seas.919.6 M5 Meredith, Mrs. L. A. (T.) My home in Tasmania.919.4 M55 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lyt- ton, E. R. L. Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd baron. Merriman, Mansfield. Elements of sanitary engineer ing.628 M57 Metcalf, Richard. Letter and spirit.288 M58 Meynell, Wilfred. Benjamin Dis¬ raeli .-..B B365 Michel Angelo. See Bounarroti, Michel Angelo. Miles, Gen. N. A. Personal recol¬ lections and observations.B M643 Mill, H. R. ed. International geography.R 910.7 M65 Mill, J. S. Considerations on rep¬ resentative government.321 M64 Principles of political economy.. .330 M64 Miller, C. H. (Joaquin Miller.) Complete poetical works.811 M64 Miller, Hugh. Cruise of the Betsy. .554.1 M64 Essays, ed. by Bayne.824 M64 First impressions of England and its people.914.2 M64 Headship of Christ, and the rights of the Christian people, ed. by Bayne.285 M64 My schools and schoolmasters.B M64S AUTHOR LIST 85 Old red sandstone.551 M64 Popular geology.554.1 M64p Testimony.of the rocks.560 M64 Miller, Joaquin, pseud. See Miller, C. H. Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 3v. in 2.296 M65 Milton, John. Poetical works; with memoir and notes.S21 MCO Miltoun, Francis. Cathedrals of northern France. (Cathedral ser.).726 MG6 Cathedrals of southern France. (Cathedral ser.).726 M66c Dickens’ London.914.26 M66 Dumas’ Paris.914.4 M66 Mitchel, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible.204 M68 Popular astronomy.520 M64 Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel.) American lands and letters. 2v. .810.9 M68 My farm of Edge wood.630 M68 Reveries of a bachelor.818 M68 Wet days at Edgewood.818 M68w Mitchell, John. Organized labor, its problems, purposes and ideals.331 M68 Mitford, M. R. Life, ed. by L’Es- trange. 2v.B M683 Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic works, tr. by Wall. 3v.842 M72 Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome, tr. by Dickson. 5v.937 M73 Monachesi, Mrs. N. di R. Manual for china painters.738 M73 Montague, G. H. Rise and prog¬ ress of the Standard oil com¬ pany .. ....665 M75 Montgomery, H. Zachary Taylor...B T247 Moody, D. L. Anecdotes and il¬ lustrations related in his revival work, comp, by McClure.244 MSI Moore, C. H. Development and character of Gothic architec¬ ture.723 M82 What to read, and how to read. .028 M82 Moore, Frank, ed. American elo¬ quence. v.-2.815 M82 Moore, Mrs. N. H. Lace book.746 M82 Moore, Thomas. Poetical works. . .821 M82 Life of Lord Byron, with his let¬ ters and journals. 2v.B B996m More, Hannah & others. Cheap repository tracts, v.3.244 M83 Morfill, W. R. Poland. (Story of the nations.).943.8 M84 Morison, J. H. Disquisitions and notes on the Gospels; Mat¬ thew.226.2 M86 Moritz, Mrs. C. F. & Kahn, Adele. Twentieth century cook book. . .641 M86 Morley, John. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 3v.B G543m Morley, M. W. Honey-makers.595 M86 Morris, Clara. See Harriott, Mrs. C. (M.) Morris, H. C. History of the First national bank of Chicago.332 M87 Morris, William. Pygmalion and the image.821 M87 Morse, E. S. Glimpses of China and Chinese homes.915.1 M88 Morse, J. T. jr. John Adams. (American statesmen.).B A214 John Quincy Adams. (American statesmen.).B A215 Thomas Jefferson. (American statesmen.).B J455 Moses, John. Illinois, historical and statistical. 2v.977.3 M91 Motley, J. L. History of the Un ted Netherlands. 4v.949.2 M91u Life and death of John of Barne- veld. 2v.949.2 M91 Rise of the Dutch republic. 3v.9I9.2 M91r Moulton, R. G. Ancient classical drama.882 M92 Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. .822.33 Dm ed. Modern reader’s Bible. 21v. .220.5 M92 & others. Bible as literature. .220.8 M92 Mueller, F. M. Chips from a Ger¬ man workshop. 3v.934 M95 Lectures on the origin and growth of religion.209 M95 Theosophy.212 M95 Muensterberg, Hugo. American traits.814 M96 Pyschology and life.150 M96 Muir, John. Our national parks. .917.8M95 Mulliall, M. G. Dictionary of sta¬ tistics.R 310 M95 Munsey’s magazine. Oct. 1895-date. v. 14-date.051 M96 Murray, A. S. Manual of myth¬ ology.291 M98 Murray, W. H. II. Music-hall ser¬ mons.252 M98 Music. Nov. 1899-Apr. 1902. vl7- 21.051 M98 N Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest north.919.8 N18 Napoleon III , emperor of France. History of Julius Caesar. .. 2v.B C128 Nason, Elias. Life and times of Charles Sumner.B S956 National academy of sciences. Me¬ moirs. v.7.D 506 N27 Natural histoi'y of insects.595 N28 86 AUTHOR LIST Nevius, J. L. China and the Chi¬ nese.•..915.1 N52 New testament.225 N53 Newell, F. H. Irrigation in the United States. (Library of eco¬ nomies and politics.).631 N54 Newell, Peter. (Sheaf Hersey.) Pictures and rhymes.817 N54 Newton, John. Captain John Brown of Harper’s Ferry. B B878 Nicholson, Meredith. Iloosiers. (National studies in American letters.).810.4 N62 Nicolay, J. G. Outbreak of the rebellion. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18n Nicliolls, W. J. Story of Amer¬ ican coals.662.6 N64 Nixon, M. F. With a pessimist in Spain.914.6 N73 Nolil, Ludwig. Life of Beethoven, tr. by Lalor. (Biographies of musicians.).780 B41n Life of Haydn, tr. by Upton. (Biographies of musicians.).. .780 H41 Life of Liszt, tr. by Upton. (Biographies of musicians.)... .780 L77 Life of Mozart, tr. by Lalor. (Biographies of musicians.).. .780 M93 Life of Wagner, tr. by Upton. (Biographies of musicians.).. .780 W13 Noll, A. H. Short history of Mex¬ ico.-.972 N79 Nonotuk silk company. Silk, its origin, culture and manufacture.677 N81 Nordau, M. S. Degeneration.801 N82 North American review. July, 1899- date. v. 169-date.051 N86 Norton, Andrews. Evidences of the genuineness of the Gospels.226 N88 Statement of reasons for not be¬ lieving the doctrines of Trin¬ itarians.231 N88 Noyes, G. R. New Testament, tr. from the Greek text.225 N95 New translation of Job, Ecclesi¬ astes, and the Canticles.233 N95 New translation of the Hebrew prophets. 2v.224 N95 New translation of the Psalms, and of the Proverbs.223 N95p comp. Collection of theological essays.204 N95 Nuttall, Thomas. Popular hand¬ book of the birds of the United States and Canada.598.2 N9o Nye, Bill. See Nye, E. W. Nye, E. W. (Bill Nye.) Bill Nye’s ^ chestnuts, old and new.817 N99 O Oakey, E. S. Beauty in dress.391 011 Ober, F. A. Camps in the Cari- bees.917.29 012 Oil City derrick, (Oil City, Pa.) Pure oil trust vs. Standard oil company.338 039 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W.) Dress. .391 047 Olston, A. B. Mind power and privileges. 130 052 Oman, G. W. C. History of Greece.938 054 Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat in Eng¬ lish verse, by Fitzgerald.891 054 Onderdonk, J. L. History of Amer¬ ican verse.811.09 058 Oppenlieim, Nathan. Mental growth and control. (Personal problem ser.)... 370 062 O’Reilly, Miles, pseud. See Hal- pine, C. G. O’Rell, Max, pseud. See Blouet, Paul. Orton, James. Andes and the Ama¬ zon.918 078 Ossoli, S. M.( F.) marchesa D’. Literature and art.814 084 Our European neighbors, ed. by W. H. Dawson. Dawson, W. H. German life in town and country.914.3 D27 Garnett, L. M. J. Turkish life in town and country.914.96 G23 Iliggin, Louis. Spanish life in town and country.914.6 H63 Lynch, Hannah. French life in town and country.914.4 L98 Palmer, F. II. E. Russian life in town and country.914.7 P17 Story, A. T. Swiss life in town and country.914.94 S88 Villari, Luigi. Italian life in town and country.914.5 V72 Our native land.917.3 093 Outing. Apr. 1891-date. v. 18-date. 051 094 Outlook. 2Jan. 1904-date. v. 76- date.051 095 P Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching.371 P13 Page, T. N. Social life in old Vir¬ ginia.917.5 P13 Page, W. II. Rebuilding of old commonwealths.917.5 P133 Paine, Thomas. Political writings. 2v.308 P14 Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fred¬ ericksburg. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18p Palmer, C. F. Inebriety. 2 cop...l78P17 Palmer, F. H. E. Russian life in town and country. (Our Eu¬ ropean neighbors.).914.7 F17 AUTHOR LIST 87 Palmer, Frederick. AVith Kuroki in Manchuria.952 FIT Palmer, II. S. Sinai. (Ancient his¬ tory from the monuments.).939 P17 Paret, J. P. Woman’s book of sports.790 P22 Paris, L. P. comte de. History of the civil war in America, tr. by Tasistro, ed. by Coppee. v.l.973.7 P23 Parker, F. W. Talks on teach¬ ing. .371 P23 Parker, Sir Gilbert & Bryan, C. G. Old Quebec.971 P23 Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war. 2v.973.2 P24 Count Fontenac and New France under Louis the fourteenth. .. .971 P24 Half century of conflict. 2v. . .973.2 T24h Jes\nts in North America in the 17tli century. ..271.5 P24 La Salle and the discovery of the great west. 2eop.973.2 P241 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v.973.2 P24m Old regime in Canada. 2cop. .. .971 P24o Oregon trail. 2cop.917.8 P24 Pioneers of France in the New World. 973.1 P24 Parmale, Mrs. M. (P.) A. Short history of Rome and Italy.945 P25 Parry, Sir. C. H. II. Evolution of the art of music. (Interna¬ tional scientific ser.).780.9 P26 Parsons, Mrs. F. T. (S.) D. How to know the ferns.587 P26 How to know the wild flowers. . .582 P26 Parton, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 2v.B B968 Life of Andrew Jackson. 3v.B J12 ed. Some noted princes, authors and statesmen of our time... .920 P27 Partington, Mrs. pseud. See Schil- laber, B. P. Patten, II. P. Year’s festivals.394 P31 Patrick, J. N. Psychology for teachers.150 P3l Paul, H. W. History of modern England, v. 1-2.942.08 P32 Pauli, Gustav. Venice, tr. by Kon- ody. (Famous art cities.).709 P32 Peabody, A. P. Sermons.252 P35 Peabody, F. G. Religion of an edu¬ cated man.204 P35 Peabody, J. E. Studies in physi¬ ology', anatomy and hygiene... .G12 P35 Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and the art of printing.655 P36 Peattie, Mrs. E. (W.) comp. Poems y'ou ought to know.808.1 P3G Pellew, George. John Jay r . (Amer¬ ican statesmen.).B J42 Pennell, Mrs. E. (R.) Mary Woll- stonecraft. (Famous women.)... B G592 Pennsylvania railroad company. Catalogue of the exhibit at the World’s Columbian exposition. 1893.656 P41 Perkins, Eli, pseud.* See Landon, M. De L. Perry, E. B. Descriptive analysis of piano works.786 P46 Phillips, S. L. Testimony of rea¬ son.204 P56 Phillips, W. C. jt. author. See Hooper, W. H. Phisterer, Frederick. Statistical record of the armies of the United States. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18ph Pinchot, Gifford. Primer of for¬ estry^. (U. S.—Forestry, Divis¬ ion of. Bulletin, no. 24.).634.9 P64 Pinloche, A. Pestalozzi and the foundation of the modern ele¬ mentary school. (Great educat¬ ors.) .B P476 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. (Famous women.).B F916 Pittenger, William. Toasts and forms of public address.R 815 PC8 Flutarchus. Lives of illustrious men, tr. by Clough.920 P73 Polko, Elise. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, tr. by Wallace. .780 M53 Pond, G. E. Shenandoah valley in 1864. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 C18po Poole’s index to periodical litera¬ ture, abridged.R 050 P82 Popular science monthly. Nov. 1903-date. v. 64-date.505 P83 Porter, C. T. Review or the Mex¬ ican war.973.6 P84 Post, Mrs. LI. (W.) B. Search for freedom.B P856 Potter, H. C. bp. Citizen in his relation to the industrial situa¬ tion.172 P86 Potter, M. K. Art of the Louvre. (Art galleries of Europe.).708.4 P86 Art of the Vatican. (Art gal- ieries of Europe.).708.5 P86 Powell, L. P. ed. Historic towns of the western states. (Amer¬ ican historic towns.).917.8 P88 Pratt, S. S. Work of Wall street.332 P91 Pratt, W. S. Musical ministries in the church.783 P91 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mex¬ ico. 3v.972 P93 Conquest of Peru. 2v.985 P93 History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, ed. by r Kirk. 3v.946 P93 88 AUTHOR LIST Preston, Mary. Studies in Shakes¬ peare.822.33 Dp Proctor, A. A. Poetical works.821 Pja, Proctor, E. D. Russian journey. .914.7 P9G Proctor, R. A. Other worlds than ours.523 P90 Prudden, T. M. Drinking water and ice supplies., ...613P97 Pryor, Mrs. S. A. (R.) Mother of Washington and her times.B W3197 Public libraries. Jan. 1904-date. v. 9-date.020.5 P97 Q Quackenbos, J. D. Hypnotism in mental and moral culture.134 Q1 Quincy, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy.B Q7 R Radot, Rene Yallery- See Vallery- Radot, Rene. Rae, John. Contemporary social¬ ism.335 R13 Rainsford, W. S. (A) preacher’s story of his work.B R158 Ralph, Julian. Making of a jour¬ nalist.070 R16 Rand, McNally & company. Uni¬ versal atlas of the world.R 912 R18 New standard atlas of the world. ..R 912 R18s Rand-McNally bankers’ directory and list of bank attorneys. 1887- 91, 93-94, 1901-03.332 R18 Ransome, J. S. .Japan in transition. .915.2 R21 Raphael. See Raffaele Sanzio. Ravenel, Mrs. H. H. (R.) Eliza Pinckney (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B P647 Rawlings, G. B. Story of books. . .655 R25 Raymond, G. L. Rhythm and har¬ mony in poetry and music.781 R26 Readers’ guide to periodical litera¬ ture. Dec. 1902-date. v. 2, no. 12-date...R 050 R28 Recamier, Mme. J. F. J. A. B. Me¬ moirs and correspondence, tr. and ed by Luyster.B R294 Reed, Myrtle. Book of clever beasts.817 R32 Reed, T. B. Reed’s rules; a manual of parliamentary law.R 328.1 R32 ed. Modern eloquence. lOv... R 808.5 R32 Reid, Capt. Mayne. Odd people.. .910 R35 Remusat, C. E. J. comtesse de. Selection from the letters to her husband and son, from 1804 to 1813, tr. by Hoey and Lillie.B R391 I Repplier, Agnes. Compromises.814 R42 Philadelphia, the place and the people.917.48 R42 Points of view.814 R42p Review of reviews. Jan. 1896-date. v 13-date...051 R45 Rexford, E. E. Flowers and how to grow them.716 R45 Reynolds, John. My own times. .977.3 R46 Richards, Mrs. E. H. (S.) Cost of food.643 R51 Cost of living.640 R51 & Elliott, S. M. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 2cop.. .641 R51 Richardson, A. D. Secret service. .973.7 R54 Richardson, Mrs. A. (S.) Familiar talks on English literature... .820.9 R52 Richardson, James, ed. Wonders of the Yellowstone.917.8 R52 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. Chil¬ dren’s rights.372 R56 & Smith, N. A. Republic of childhood. 3v.372 R56r Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. .331.8 R57 How the other half lives..... .331.8 R57h Theodore Roosevelt, the citizen. . .B R781 Riley, I. W. Founder of Mormon- ism.298 R57 Riley, J. W. Book of joyous child¬ ren...811 R57b His pa’s romance.811 R57h Home-folks.811 R571io Neighborly poems and dialect sketches .811 R57n Poems here at home.811 R57p Ritchie, Mrs. A. C. (O.) M. Auto¬ biography of an actress.B R598 Ritter, F. L. Manual of musical history.780.9 R61 Music in America.780.97 R61 Robert, Gen. H. M. Pocket manual of rules of order.R 328.1 R64 Robert-Houdin, J. E. Life of Rob¬ ert Houdin, tr. by Mackenzie... .*B R639 Roberts, Alexander. Compainon to the revised version of the New Testament.225 R64 Roberts, I. P. Farmstead. (Rural science ser.).630 R64 Robinson, A. G. Porto Rico of to¬ day. r .917.29 R65 Robinson, C. M. Improvement of towns and cities.710 R65 Modern civic art.710 R65m Robinson, Mrs. H. J. (H.) Loom and spindle; or Life among the early mill girls.331.4 R66 Roche, J. J. Her majesty the king.817 R67 Rockstro, W. S. Jenny Lind.780 G62 Rogers, A. K. Student history of philosophy.109 R72 AUTHOR LIST 89 Rolfe, W. J. Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe.914 1174 Romance of the revolution.973.3 R73 Romanes, G. J. Animal intelli¬ gence. (International scientific ser.).591.5 R75 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. First civil governor; William H. Taft.919.1 R78 Gouverneur Morris. (American statesmen.).B M876 Oliver Cromwell.B C946r Rough riders.973.89 R78 Strenuous life.304 R78 Thomas Hart Benton. (American statesmen.).B B478 Winning of the west. 4v...978 R78 Root, A. L. A B C of bee cul¬ ture.638 RJ8 Root, G. F. Story of a musical life.780 R78 Ropes, J. C. Army under Pope. (Campaigns of the civil war.).973.7 Cl8r Rorer, Mrs. S. T. How to use a chafing dish.641 R78 Rosetti, D. G. Poetical works. 2v.821 R82 tr. Dante and his circle.851 R82 Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Ber¬ gerac, tr. by Hall.842 R83 L’Aiglon.824 R831 Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or, Treatise on education, tr. by Payne. (In¬ ternational education ser.).. . .371.4 R86 Routledge, Robert. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century. .609 R86 Ruskin, John. Crown of wild olive.824 R95 Sesame and lilies.824 R95s Seven lamps of architecture.720 R95 Stones of Venice. 3v.729 R95' Time and tide by Weare and Tyne .824 R65t True and the beautiful.824 R93tr Ryan, Thomas. Recollections of an old musician.780 R98 S Sabatier, Auguste. Religions of authority, tr. by Houghton.201 Sll Saint-Armand, Imbert de. See Hu¬ bert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron. Sale, George, ed. Koran. ..297 S16 Sanborn, F. B. Mechanics prob¬ lems for engineering students.. .620 S19 Santos-Dumont, Alberto. My air¬ ships.533.6 S23 Sargent, G. E. Nails driven home. .244 S24 Saxe, J. G. Poems.817 S27 Scherer, William. History of Ger¬ man literature, tr. by Conny- beare, ed. by Mueller. 2v.830.9 S32 Schierbrand, Wolf von, tr. Kaiser’s speeches.835 S33 Schiller, J. C. F. von. History of the thirty years’ war in Ger¬ many, tr. by Morrison.943 S33 Poems, tr. by Bowring.831 S33 Schley, W. S. Forty-five years under the flag.B S343 Schmucker, S. M. Memorable scenes in French history.944 S66 Scliurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2v. (American statesmen.).B C619 Schwill, Ferdinand, jt. author. See Thatcher, O. J. Scidmore. E. R. Alaska, its south¬ ern coast and the Sitkan archi¬ pelago.917.98 S41 Java, the garden of the east... .919.2 S41 Jinrikisha days in Japan.915.2 S41 Winter India.915.4 S41 Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries....R 603 S41 Scott, F. N. & Denney, J. V. Ele¬ mentary English composition. .. .428 S42 Scott, Robert, jt. author. See Lid¬ dell, H. G. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Poetical works.821 S43 Scribner’s magazine. Jan. 1887- date. v. 1-date.051 S43 Scudder, LI. E. Boston town.917.44 S43 Scudder, S. H. Every-day butter¬ flies.595 S43 Scudder, Mrs. W. W. Nineteen cen¬ turies of missions.266 S43 Seaman, Owen. Borrowed plumes. .827 S43 Sears, E. H. Athanasia; or, Fore¬ gleams of immortality.237 S43 Regeneration.234 S43 Sedgwick, C. M. Life and letters, ed. by Dewey.B S448 Letters from abroad. 2v.914 S44 Sedgwick, H. D. Francis Parkman. (American men of letters.).B P249 Seeley, Sir J. R. Expansion of England.325 S45 Seiss, J. A. Miracle in stone.913 S42 Self culture, Jan.-Nov. 1897. v. 4, no. 4-v. 6, no. 2.374 S16 Seton, Mrs. G. (G.) T. Woman ten¬ derfoot.917.9 S49 Shahan, T. J. Saint Patrick in his¬ tory.B PI 34 Shakespeare, William. Works, ed. by Gollancz. 12v.822.33 J Works, ed. by Steevens.822.33 Js Shaler, N. S. (The) individual.126 S52 Shaw, E. R. School hygiene. (Teachers’ professional library).371.7 S53 Shearman, T. G. Natural taxation.336 S53 Sheldon, H. I. Notes on the Nicar¬ agua canal.917.28 S54 90 AUTHOR LIST Shelley, P. B. Poetical works, ed. by Dowden. 2 cop.821 S54 Sheridan, R. B. B. School for scandal, ed. by Aitken.822 S55 Sherman, Gen. W. T. Memoirs. 2v.B S553 Sherwood, Mrs. John. See Sher¬ wood, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Man¬ ners and social usages.390 S55 Shillaber, B. P. (Mrs. Partington.) Life and sayings of Mrs. Tart- ington. ...817 S55 Shinn, M. W. Biography of a baby.150 S55 Shuman, E. L. Practical journal¬ ism.070 S56 Sibley, IV. G. Story of freemasonry .366.1 S56 Simms, Joseph. Physiognomy il¬ lustrated.138 S5t> Singleton, Esther, ed. Great pic¬ tures. .;.750.4 S61 Paris.914.4 S61 Turrets, towers and temples... .720.4 S61 Skinner, C. M. Myths and legends of our own land.398 S62 Sloane, T. O'C. How to become a successful electrician.621.3 S63 Liquid air and the liquifaction of gases.:..533 S63 Sloane, W. M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4v.B N216s Slocum, Joshua Sailing alone around the world.910 S63 Small books on great subjects, v. 1-3.040 S63 Smiles, Samuel. Life of George Stephenson and Robert Stephen¬ son.B S836 Self-help.374 S64 Thrift; or, How to get on in the world.331.8 S64 Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. 2v.330 S64 Smith, Alexander. Poems.821 S64 Summer in Skye.914.2 S64 Smith, C. E. Barbizon days; Mil¬ let— Corot—Rousseau—Barye. ..750.4 S64 Smith, F. B. Budapest, the city of the Magyars.914.391 S64 How Paris amuses itself.914.4 S64 Smith, F. H. Gondola days.914.5 S64 Well-worn roads.914 S64 White umbrella in Mexico.917.2 S64 Smith, George. History of Baby¬ lonia, ed. by Sayce. (Ancient history from the monuments.). .935 S64 Smith, Goldwin. Commonwealth or empire.327 S64 Smith, Hannah. Music, how it came to be what it is.780.9 S64 Smith, N. A. Children of the fu¬ ture.372 S65 V jt. author. See Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. Smith, Richmond Mayo- Emigra¬ tion and immigration.325 S65 Smith, W. H. & others. Ways of two wise mothers and their work.812 S66 Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible, rev. & ed. by F. N. & A. Peloubet.R 220.3 S66 Smith, Sir William, ed. Diction¬ ary of Greek and Roman biog¬ raphy and mythology. 3v. .. .R 920 S66 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 2v..R 913.38 S66 Smithsonian institution. Annual report of the board of regents. 1863-72, 74-75, 79, 84-1903_D 506 S66 Exploration of the Colorado river 'and its tributaries.D 917.9 SCO —Ethnology, Bureau of. Annual report. 1880,92.D 572 S66 Smucker. S. M. See Schmucker, S. M. Snider, D. J. Dante’s Divine com¬ edy. 2v... .. .851 D19y Homer’s Iliad; a commentary. .883 H76iY Homer’s Odyssey; a comment¬ ary.883 II76oY Life of Frederick Froebel.B F925 Snyder, Carl. New conceptions in science.504 S67 Soule, C. G. jt. author. See Eliot, I. M. Southey, Robert. Life and corre¬ spondence, ed. by C. C. Sou¬ they.B S727 Life of Wesley.B W513 Spalding, F. P. Text-book on roads and pavements.625 S73 Spalding, J. L. bp. Glimpses of truth, with essays on Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.814 S73 Opportunity, and other essays and addresses.814 S73o Religion, agnosticism and educa¬ tion.204 S73 Socialism and labor.814 S73s Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of American biography, v.4-7.920 S73 Spears, J. R. Our navy in the war with Spain.973.89 S74 Spencer, Herbert. Education, in- telectual, moral and physical.. .370 S74 Philosophy of style.808 S74 Principles of sociology. 3v.301 S74 Spofford, A. R. Book for all read¬ ers.020 S76 Spofford, Mrs. H. E. (P.) Servant girl question.'.. .. .647 S76 AUTHOR LIST 91 Spoil, Edward & Spoil, F. N. Spoil's mechanic's own book. . R 602 S76 Spon, F. N. jt. author. See Edward. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. (N.) bar- onne de. Germany. 2v.914.3 S77 Stanley, A. P. Poet’s corner, (in Farrar, F. W. Westminster Ab¬ bey.).*.914.2 F24 Stapfer, Edmond. Palestine in the time of Christ, tr. by Ilolm- den.220.9 S79 Statesman's year-book. 1904-date. ..R 305 S79 Stead, Richard, jt. author. See Hug, Lina. Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. .811.09 S81 Victorian poets.821.D S81 ed. American anthology, 1787- 1900.811.08 S81 ed. Victorian anthology, 1837- 1895.' .821.08 S81 Stephen, Sir Leslie. George Eliot. (English men of letters.).P> E42 Stephens, H. M. & others. Coun¬ cil on the reading of books.028 S83 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. 2v.ini.915.6 S83 Stephens, W. P. Canoe and boat building.680 S83 Stevens, F. E. Black Hawk Avar. .973.56 S84 SteA’ens, J. A. Albert Gallatin. (American statesmen.).B G164 Stevens, J. E. Yesterdays in the Philippines.919.1 S84 Stevenson, R. L. B. Vailima let¬ ters; correspondence addressed to Sidney Colvin. 2v.B S848 Stoddard, C. A. Cruising among the Caribees.917.29 S86 Stoddard, J. L. Lectures. lOv. and supplement. 2v.R 910 S86 Stoddard, R. IP. ed. Prosper Mer- imee's letters to an incognita; with recollections by Lamartine and George Sand.920 S86 Stoddard, W. O. Abraham Lin¬ coln.B L736s Storey, Moorfield. Charles Sum¬ ner. (American statesmen.)... .B S956s Story, A. T. Story of photography.770 S88 Swiss life in town and country. (Our European ne'glibors.). .914.94 S88 Story of the nations. Archer, T. A. & Kingsford, C. L. Crusades.940.4 A67 Bourinot, Sir J. G. Canada.971 B77 Boyesen, H. H. Norway.948.1 B79 Bradley, Henry. Story of the Goths.940 B81 Church, A. J. & Gilman, Ar¬ thur. Carthage.939 C56 Douglas, R. K. China.951 D73 Edwards, O. M. Wales.942.9 E26 Freeman, E. A. Sicily, Phoeni¬ cian, Greek, and Roman.. .945.8 F85 Gould, Sabine Baring- & Gil¬ man, Arthur. Germany. .. .943 G69 Hale, E. E. & Hale, Susan. Spain.946 IP16 Hug, Lina & Stead, Richard. Switzerland.949.4 H89 Jewett, S. O. Normans.942.02 J59 LaAvless, Emily & Bronson, Mrs. Arthur. Ireland.... .914.5 L41 Mackintosh, John. Scotland. . .941 M15 Morfill, W. R. Poland.).943.8 M84 Stowe, C. E. Origin and history of the books of the Bible.220.9 S89 StoAve, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Chimney- ' corner.814 S89 Little foxes.173 S89 Men of our times.920 S89 Strauss, Albert, jt. author. See Brown, EAerit. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest. 12A r in5.920 S91 Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses. 8v...920 S91q Strong, Josiah. Times and young men.174 S92 Stubbs, William. Constitutional history of England. 3v. (Clar- enden press ser.)...342.42 S93 Early Plantaganets. (Epochs of modern history.).942.03 S93 Stuntz, H. C. Philippines and the far east.919.1 S93 Sturgis, Russell, ed. Dictionary of architecture and building. 3v..R 720 S93 Success. Jan. 1904-date. v.7-date. .051 S94 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson. (American statesmen.).B J12s Swedenborg, Emanuel. Divine loA’e and the divine wisdom.231 S97 Divine proAPdence.231 S97d Four leading doctrines of the New church.289.4 S97 Heaven and its wonders and hell..237 S97 True Christian religion; contain¬ ing the universal theology of the New church.289.4 S97t SAveet, Henry. Practical study of languages.407 S97 SAvift, J. F. Going to Jericho. .. .915.6 S97 SAving, David. Club essays.914. S97 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: Italian literature. 2v..850.9 S98 Renaissance in Italy: The age of the despots.495 S98 Renaissance in Italy: The Catho¬ lic reaction. 2a - .282 S98 92 AUTHOR LIST Renaissance in Italy: The fine arts.709.45 S98 Renaissance in Italy: The revi¬ val of learning.880 S98 Taber, M. J. Cathedrals of En¬ gland. (Cathedral ser.).726 Til Taft, Lorado. History of Ameri¬ can sculpture. (History of Amer. art.).730.97 T12 Taft, W. H. Civil government in the Philippines.919.1 R78 Tangletown letters.818 T77 Tarbell, I. M. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2v.B L736t Life of Napoleon Bonaparte.B N216t Taswell-Langmead, T. P. See Lang- mead, T. P. Taswell- Taylor, B. F. Between the gates. .917.9 T239 Summer-savory.814 T23 World on wheels.814 T23w Taylor, Bayard. At home and Abroad. 2v.910 T23 Eldorado.917.9 T23 • Journey to central Africa.916.2 T23 Lands of the Saracen.915.6 T23 Northern travel.914.8 T23 Poet’s journal.811 T23 Views afoot.914 T23* comp. Lake regions of central Africa.916.7 T23 Taylor, J. H. Taylor on golf.796 T24 Taylor, W. C. History of France and Normandy.944 T24 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Poetical works. 2cop..821T31 Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, 2nd . baron. Alfred Lord Tennyson. 2v.B T312 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. (H.) (Mar¬ ion Harland.) Loiterings in pleasant paths.914 T31 Thackery, W. M. Burlesques,* Yel¬ low-plush papers, etc.827 T36 English humorists of the 19th century.920 T36 Four Georges.827 T36f Miscellanies. .828 T36 Paris sketch-book, Eastern sketch¬ es, Irish sketch-book.828 T36p Roundabout papers, Critical re¬ views, English humorists, Sketches and travels.827 T36r Thatcher, O. J. & Schwill, Ferdi¬ nand. General history of Eu¬ rope .940 T36 Theresa, Saint. See Teresa, Saint. Thomas, Joseph. Universal pro¬ nouncing dictionary of biogra¬ phy and mythology. 2v.R 920 T45 Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ.242 T45 Thompson, C. L. Presbyterians. (Story of the churches.).285 T46 Thompson, W. M. & Lawson, T. W. Lawson history of the Am¬ erica’s cup.797 T47 Thoreau, LI. D. Week on the Con¬ cord and Merrimac rivers... .917.44 T48 Thwaites, R. G. Daniel Boone.B B724 Down historic water-ways.917.7 T54 Father Marquette.B M357 Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. See Hol¬ land, J. G. Townsend, G. A. New World com¬ pared with the Old.342 T74 Train, G. F. My life in many states and in foreign lands...B T768 Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer’s pocket-book.620 T77 Trent, W. P. History of Ameri¬ can literature, 1607-1865.810.9 T79 Robert E. Lee. (Beacon biogra¬ phies.).B L479 Trevert, Edward, pseud. See Bu- bier, E. T. Tribulations of a princess.B T82 Tribune almanac and political reg¬ ister. 1904-date.R 317 T82 Trine, R. W. In tune with the Infinite...125 T83 What all the world’s a-seeking. .171 T83 Trollope, Anthony. North Amer¬ ica.917 T84 West Indies and the Spanish main. 917.29 T84 Trowbridge, John. Samuel Finley Breese Morse. (Beacon biog¬ raphies.).B M886 What is electricity? (Internation¬ al scientific ser.).537 T8G Tucker, C. M. (A. L. O. E.) Stor¬ ies from Jewish history.296 T89 Tuckerman, H. T. Maga papers about Paris.914.4 T89 Turner, Sharon. Sacred history of the world. 3v.270 T95 Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens. S. S. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. (Am¬ erican statesmen.).B H523 Tyndall, John. Sound.534 T98 U United States—Adjutant general’s office. Report of the lieutenant- general commanding the army. 1899,pts.2-3, 1900,pt.l, 1901,pts. 3-5.D 353 Un3 AUTHOR LIST 93 Agriculture, Dep’t of. Annual report of tlie secretary. 1SG3- 64, 67-68, 71, 75, 77-80, 84, 86, 88, 96-97.D 630 Un3 American republics, Bureau of. Year-book. 1894, 98, 1903.. .D 630 Un3 Report in relation to the for¬ ests, rivers and mountains of the southern Appalachian region.D 634.9 Un3 Commercial nomenclature. 2v. 1894.D 337 Un3 Animal industry, Bureau of. Annual report. 1893-97.. .D 630 Un31 Census office. Report. 1860, 80, 90.D 317 Un3 Statistical atlas of the Unit¬ ed States. 1898.R 317.3 U58 Census office—12th census, 1900. Census bulletin. 3Apr. 1901-20 Oct. 1902, nos. 61-81,83-247.D 317 Un3b Civil service commission. An¬ nual report. 1887, 93-1900. v. 4, 10-17.D 351 Un3 Positions in the executive civil service. 1896.D 351 Un3e Coast & geodetic survey. Re¬ port of the superintendent. 1855, 71, 94-97.D 526 Un3 ■Coinage, weights & measures, Committee on. Report on the adoption of the metric system of weights and measures. 1879.D 389 Un3G Congress. Congressional record. 1881, 82-83, 91-95. v. 12, 23- 27.D 328 Un3 Message and documents; ab¬ ridged. 1866-67, 74-82. .D 328 Un3m Memorial addresses on the life and character of Ambrose. E. Burnside.B B967 Evan E. Settle. ,...BS495 George W. Houk.B H839 John Stark and Daniel Webster. .B S795 Marcus Claiborne Lisle.B L771 Matthew H. Carpenter.B C296 Oliver P. Morton.B M889 Philip Sidney Post.B P857 William L. Greene.B G812 Sessons laws. 1874-83, 86- 91, 95-97.D 345.1 Un3 -Currency, Comptroller of. An¬ nual report. 1878, 80-83, 87- 92, 93, pt.2, 94-97, 98, pt.2, 99, pt.l, 1900.D 332.5 Un3 Deep waterways commission. Report. 1896.D 386 Un3 District of Columbia. Revised statutes. 1874, 89.345.2 Un3 —Entomological commission. Re¬ port relating to the Rocky mountain locust and the west¬ ern cricket. 18S0.D 595.7 Un32 —Fish commission. Annual report of the commissioner. 1879-80, 83-84.D 639 Un32 Bulletin. 1894-97. v. 14-17. .D 639 Un3 —Geographical and geological sur¬ vey of the Rocky mountain region. Contributions to North American ethnology, v.5. .D 572 Un32 Lands of the arid region of the United States. 1879. .D 917.78 Un32 • Report on the geology of the Henry mountains. 1877 .D 557 Un32h —Geological survey. Annual re¬ port of the director. 1881, 94-97, 98, pts. 1, 3-6, 99, pts. 1, 3, 4, 6.D 557 Un32 —Hydrography, Division of. Water supply and irrigation papers of the United States geological survey. nos. 1-14, 31, 33-39, 46-48, 51-58, 62-63. 1896-1903.D 551.92 Un33 —Indian commissioners. Annual report of the commissioner of Indian affairs. 1881, 95-98, 1900.D 970.1 Un33 —Industrial commission. Reports. 19v. 1900-1902. v. 1. Trusts and industrial com¬ binations. (v. 13 the 2nd v. on subject.).338 Un33t v. 1 4 v. 2. Trusts and industrial com¬ binations; statutes ,...338 Un33tr v. 3. Prison labor.331 Un33p v. 4. Transportation, (v. 9 the 1st v. on subject.). .380 Un33t v. 2 v. 5. Labor legislation .331 Un331 v. 6. Distribution of farm pro¬ ducts.338 Un33f v. 7. Relation and conditions of capital and labor em¬ ployed in manufactures and general business, (v. 14 the 2nd v. on sub¬ ject.).338 Un331 v. 1 v. 8. Chicago labor disputes of 1900.331 Un33c v. 9. Transportation, (v. 4 the 1st v. on subject.). .380 Un33t v.2 v. 10. Agriculture and agricul¬ tural labor.338 Un33 v. 11. Agriculture and taxation in various states.336 Un33 94 AUTHOR LIST v. 12. Relations and conditions of capital and labor em¬ ployed in the mining in¬ dustry.331 Un33 v. 13. Trusts and industrial com¬ binations. (v. 1 the 1st on subject.).338 Un331 v.2 v. 14. Relation and conditions of capital and labor em¬ ployed in general btisi- ness. (y. 7 the 1st v. v. on subject.).338 TJu33it.2 v. 15. Immigration and educa¬ tion.325 Un33 v. 16. Condition of foreign legis¬ lation upon matters af¬ fecting general labor.331 Un33co v. 17. Labor organizations, labor disputes and arbitration. .331 Un331a v. 18. Industrial combinations in Europe.338 TJn33i v. 19. Final report.380 Un33 -Insular affairs, Division of. Re¬ port of the military governor of Cuba on civil affairs. 1900, v. 1, pts. 1, 3, v. 2, pt. 2, 1901-02.D 917.291 Un33 -Interior, Dep't of. Annual re¬ port of the secretary. 1880, pts. 1-2, 81, 95-97, 1900.. .D 353.3 Un33 Miscellaneous reports. 1895- 98...D 353.3 Un33m Official register of the United States. 1871, 92, pt. 2, 93, pt. 2, 95.D 353.3 Un33o Register of persons employed in the department. 1881- 83.D 353.3 Un33r International prison congress, 1895, Delegates to. Report. 1896.365 Un3 Interstate commerce commission. Annual report. 1887-89, 92- 1903. v. 1-3, 6-17.D 385 Un33 Statistics of railways in the United States. 1894-95, 98. v. 9-10, 12.D 385 Un33s -Labor, Bureau of. Annual re¬ port of the commissioner. 1894, 96, 98. v. 10, 11, 13. .D 331 Un34 Housing of the working peo¬ ple. 1895.331.8 Un34 Labor laws of the United States. 1896.338.9 Un34 Land office, General. Annual report. 1881.D 333 Un.34 Library of Congress. Report. 1904. .027 U58 Medical department, Army. Medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion, pt. 1, v. 1-2. 1875.D 973.7 TJn34 —Mint bureau. Annual report of the director. 1895-97, 99. v. 23-25, 27.D 332.4 Un31 Annual report upon the pro- ductioon of precious metals in the United States. 1894- 99..D 332.4 Un34p —National museum. Annual re¬ port of the board of regents. 1884-1902. .D 507 Un35 —Naval observatory. Observa¬ tions. 1890-91.D 359 Un35 —Naval war records office. Official records of the Union and Con¬ federate navies in the war of the rebellion, ser. 1. v. 1- 18. 1894-1904.973.7 Un35 —Navigation, Bureau of. (Treas¬ ury department.) Report of the commissioner. 1895-97.D 387 Un35 —Navy department. Annual report of the secretary. 1875, 80-81, 95-98, pts. 1-2.D 353.7 Uu35 —Ordnance, Dep't of. Annual report. 1881.D 623.4 Un35 —Paris universal exposition, 1878, Commission to. Reports. 5v. 1880....606 Un35 —Patent office. Annual report of the commissioner. 1855-56, 61, 82-83, 1901-03. D 608 Un35 Official Gazette. 1882-83,1901- date. v. 21-25, 94-date.D 608 Un35o —Philippine commission, 1900- Report. 1901.D 919.1 Un35 —Post office department. Annual report of the postmaster-gen¬ eral. 1895-96, 98.D 353.4 Un35 —Reconstruction, Joint committee on. ‘ Report. 1866.973.8 Un3 —Record & pension office. War of the rebellion; official records of the Union and Confederate armies, ser. 1. v. 1-6.. 9-26. 1880-89.973.7 Un36 —Representatives, House of. Jour¬ nal. 1875-81 v. 44-46.D 328 Un36 —Senate. Federal and state con¬ stitutions, colonial charters, and other laws of the United States. 2v. 1878.D 342 Un36 Journal. 1875-81. v. 44-46.D 328 Un363 —Soils, Division of. Field opera¬ tions. 1889.D 630 Un36 —State, Dep’t of. Foreign rela¬ tions of the United States. 1884. 95, pt. 2, 96.D 327 Un36 Regulations for the use of the consular service. 1896.D 353.1 Un36 —Statistics. Bureau of. (State, Dep’1 of.) Commercial rela¬ tions of the United States. 1880-81, 94-96, 98.D 382 Un36 AUTHOR LIST 95 Consular report on cattle and dairy farming. 1888. .D 630 Un3G6 Consular reports; monthly. Jan. 1890-Sept. 1891, Jan. 1897-Dec. 1898.D 382 Un366 —Statistics, Bureau of. (Treasury department.) Annual report on the commerce ana navigation of the United States. 1851, 63, 81-83, 87, pt. 2, 89, pt. 2, 95-96, 98.D 380 Uq36 —Statistics, Division of. Album of agricultural statistics. 1889. .D 630.8 Un36 —Superintendent of documents. Catalogue of the United States public documents; monthly. Feb. 1900-date.D 015 Un36 Document catalogue. 1895-96, 99-1901. v. 2, 5.R 015 Un36d —Transportation routes to sea¬ board, Select committee on. Report. 1881.D 380 Un37 —Treasury department. Annual report of the secretary. 1878- 82, 84, 86, pt. 2, 95-97....D 353.2 Un37 —War department. Annual report of the secretary. 1878, 80, 95- 1900.D 353.6 Un38 Atlas of the battlefields of Chattanooga and / vicinty. 1901.R 973.735 U58 Bureau reports. 1899-01. D 353.6 Un38b Regulations for the army of the United States, 1895.D 355 Un38 —Ways & means committee. Tar¬ iff hearings. 1897.D 337 Un38 —Weather bureau. Report of the chief. 1894, 96-98, 99, pt. 2. .'.. .D 551.5 Un38 Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. 12v.R 030 U58 Upton, G. P. Musical pastels.780.4 U71 Woman in music.780.4 U71w V Vallery-Radot, Rene. Life of Pas¬ teur, tr. by Devonshire. 2v.B P291 Van der Uoogt, C. W. Story of the Boers.968 V21 Vanderlip,, W. B. & Hulbert, H. B. In search of a Siberian Klon¬ dike.915.7 V23 Van Dyke, H. J. Fisherman's luck, and some other uncertain things.814 V24 Gospel for an age of doubt.204 V24 Van Dyke, J. C. Art for art’s sake. .750.4 V248 Meaning of pictures. 2cop.. .750.4 V248m Nature for its own sake.814 V248 Text-book of the history of paint¬ ing.750.9 V248 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. M. (G.) Handbook of English Cathed¬ rals.726 V27 Van Vorst, Mrs. Bessie, & Van Vorst, Marie. Woman who toils .331.4 V28 Van Vorst, Marie, jt. author. See Van Vorst, Mrs. Bessie. Vaughan, Mrs. M. C. jt. author. S^t Brockett, L. P. Vaux, W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. (Ancient history from the monuments.).. .939 V38 Vedder, H. C. Baptists. (Story of the churches.).286 V41 Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano, comp. Dictionary of the Span¬ ish and English languages, abridged.R 463 V43 Vergilius Maro, Publius. Works of Virgil, tr. by Bryce.873 V81 Verlaine, Paul. Poems, tr. by Hall.841 V52 Victoria, queen of Great Britain. Early years of the prince con¬ sort.B A333 Leaves from the journal of, ed. by Helps.914.1 V64 Villari, Luigi. Italian life in town and country. (Our European neighbors.).914.5 V72 Virgil. See Vergilius Maro, Publius. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. History of Charles the twelfth.B C477 W Waddington, Mine. M. A. (K.) Let¬ ters of a diplomat’s wife.B W118 Wagnalls, Mabel. Stars of the opera.782 W13 Wagner, Charles. Better way, tr. by Hendee.170 W13 By the fireside, tr. by Hendee... .173 W13 Simple life, tr. by Hendee.844 W13 Walizewski, Kazimierz. History of Russian literature.891.7 WIT Ivan the Terrible, tr. by Loyd.B 193 Wallace, A. R. Man’s place in the universe.523 W18 Wallace, Mrs. Lew. See Wallace, Mrs. S. (A.) E. Wallace, Gen. Lewis. Boyhood of Christ.232 W19 Wallace, Mrs. S. (A.) E. City of the King; what the child Jesus saw and heard.915.6 W19 Walsh, W. S. Curiosities of pop¬ ular customs.R 390 W22 Ward, Artemus, pseud. See Browne, C. F. 96 AUTHOR LIST Ware, • Henry, jr. Life of the Savior.232 W26 Ware, John. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, Jr. v.l.B W268 Warner, A. G. American charities. (Library of economics and poli¬ tics.) .361 W27 Warner, C. D. My summer in a garden.817 W27 Saunterings.914 W27 ed. Library of the world’s best literature. 30v.R 808 W27 Warner, Francis. Nervous system of the child.372 W28 Study of children and their school training.372 W28s Washington, B. T. Future of the American negro.326 W31 Up from slavery.B W317 Working with the hands.326 W31w & others. Negro problem.326 W31n Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C. Outline history of architecture.720 W32 Outline history of painting.750.9 W32 Outline history of sculpture.730.9 W32 Watson, John. (Ian Maclaren.) Life of the Master.232 W33 Mind of the Master.204 W33 Potter’s wheel.204 W33p Upper room.204 W33u Watterson, Henry. Compromises of life, and other lectures and ad¬ dresses.815 W34 Watts, Mrs. A. M. (H.) * Art stu¬ dent in Munich.914.3 W34 Weaver, A. G. Story of our flag. .973 W36 Webb, A. S. Peninsula; McClel¬ lan’s campaign of 1862. (Cam¬ paigns of the civil war.).973.7 Cl8w Webster, Daniel. Letters, ed. by Van Tyne.B W378 Webster, Noah. International dic¬ tionary of the English language. . . .R 423 W37 Weeden, Howard. Songs of the old south.811 W39 Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of railways.625 W45 Wellman, F. L. Art of cross-ex¬ amination.340 W45 Wells, Carolyn, ed. Nonsense an¬ thology.808.7 W45 Welsh, L. S. & Camp, Walter. Yale, her campus, class-rooms, and athletics.378 W43 Wendell, Barrett. Cotton Mather. (Makers of America.).B M427 English composition.808 W46 Westinghouse, C. J. jt. comp. See Edison, T. F. Wetmore, Alphonso, comp. Gazet- ter of the state of Missouri.. .917.7 W54 Wetmore, C. H. Out of a fleur- de-lis.606 W54 Wharton, A. H. Martha Washing¬ ton. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.).B W319 Social life in the early republic. ..917.34 W55 Wheeler, Mrs. C. (T.) Principles of home decoration.640 W56 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of fiction.R 803 W56 Who write it, ed. by C. G. Wheeler.R 803 W56w Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men.814 W57 Whipple, H. B. bp. Lights and shadows of a long episcopate... .B W573 White, A. D. History of the war¬ fare of science with theology. 2v.215 W58 White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bartholomew.944 W58 White, Mary. Book of games.793 W58 How to do bead work.746 W58 White, R. G. Words and their uses.428 W58 White, W. H. John Bunyan. (Lit¬ erary lives.).B B9J2 Whiting, Lilian. Boston days.814 W59 Life radiant.170 W59 Whitman, Walter. Selections from the prose and poetry of Walt Whitman, ed. by Triggs.811 W61 Whitney, Caspar. Hawaiian Amer¬ ica.919.6 W61 Whitney, W. D. Compendius Ger¬ man grammar. 438 W62 Essentials of English grammar. . .425 W62 Practical French grammar.448 W62 Whittier, J. G. Among the hills, and other poems.811 W62a Complete poetical works.811 W62 Prose works. 2v.814 W62 Who’s who. 1904-05.R 920 W62 Who’s who in America. 1903-05.R 920 W62a Whymper, Frederick. Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska.917.98 W62 Wiggin, Mrs. Iv. D. See Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (S.) W. Wigmore, J. H. Australian ballot system.324 W65 Wilcox, Mrs. E. (W.) How Sal¬ vator won, and other recita¬ tions.811 W66 Poems of passion.811 W66p Wilkinson, W. C. Dance of modern society.793 W68 Willard, F. E. Glimpses of fifty years.B W692 Willard, J. F. World of graft.352 W69 William Mann company. Fifty years of progress.655 M28 AUTHOR LIST 97 Williams, C. F. A. Bach. (Master musicians.)..780 Bll Handel. (Master musicians.).780 H23 Williams, G. F. Bullet and shell .973.7 W72 Williams, H. T. Window garden¬ ing.716 W72 jt. author. See Jones, Mrs. C. S. Willis, H. P. jt. author. See Laughlin, J. L. Willson, Beckles. Story of rapid transit.380 W74 Wilmans, Helen. See Post, Mrs. H. (W.) B. Wilson, Francis. (The) Eugene Field 1 knew.B F453 Wilson, John. Unitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testi¬ monies.288 W74 Wilson, R. R. Washington, the capital city. 2v.917.5 W75 Wilson, Woodrow. George Wash¬ ington.B W318w History of the American people. 5v.973 W75 Winchell, Alexander. Preadamites.573 W75 Sketches of creation.550 W75 Wingate, C. E. L. Shakespeare’s heroes on the stage. 2v.822.3 Gw Winslow, H. M. Concerning cats..636 W77 Wood, E. J. Wedding day in all ages and countries.392 W8> Woe/ 1 , George. Future life.237 W87 Wood, J. G. Homes without hands. - .591.5 W87 Natural history. 3v.590 W87 Popular natural history.590 W87p Wood, K. B. comp. Quotations for pccasions.R 808 W87 Wood, Lieut. O. E. West Point scrap book.818 W87 Woodberry, G. E. Nathaniel Haw¬ thorne. (American men of let¬ ters.)... .B H39w Woodbury, W. H. New method of learning the German language. .438 W88 Woodward, C. M. Manual training in education. (Contemporary science ser.).371.42 W89 Woolley, Mrs. C. (P.) Western slope.814 W91 Woolsey, T. S. America’s foreign policy.....327 W91 Worcester, D. C. Philippine isl¬ ands and their people.919.1 W91 Wordsworth, William. Poetical works.821 W92 World almanac and encyclopedia. 1904-date.R 317 W92 World’s ready reckoner and rapid calculator.658 W92 World’s work. Nov. 1903-date. v. 7-date.051 W92 Wright, C. D. Outline of practical sociology. (American citizen ser.).301 W94 Wright, Caleb. India and its inhab¬ itants.915.4 W94 Wright, Grant. Art of caricature. .741 W94 Y Yale University. Two centuries’ growth of American law. (Yale bicentennial publications.).340 Y17 Yeats, W. B. Hour-glass, and other plays.822 Y41 Z Zieber, Eugene. Ancestry.369.1 Z65 Zueblin, Charles. American munici¬ pal progress. (Citizens’ library of economics, politics and so¬ ciology.) .352 Z94 Fiction A Abbess of Vlaye. Weyman.W549a Abbott, C. C. Colonial wooing.A131c Hermit of Nottingham.A131h Abbot, Scott.S431a Abner Daniel. Ilarben.H255a About, Edmond. Man with the broken ear.A156m Adam Bede. 2cop. Eliot.E42a Admirable Tinker. Jepson.J54a Adventures of Elizabeth in Rugen. ...A244 Adventures of Francois. Mitchell.. .M682a Adventures of Gerard. Doyle.D754a Adventures of Philip. Thackeray... .T363a Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle.D754ad Affair at the inn. Riggs & others... R5G9a Afloat and ashore. Cooper.C777s Afraja. Mugge.M951a After dark, and other stories. Col¬ lins.C713a Afterglow.A258 Aftermath. Allen. ...A427a Afterwards, and other stories. Watson. .* .W339a Against human nature. Pool.P82la Against the stream. Charles.C475a Agnes Grey. Bronte.B870w cop. 1 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe.S892a Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce.A283d Home influence.A283h Home scenes and heart studies.. .A283ho Vale of cedars.A283v Woman’s friendship.A283w Airy fairy Lilian. Ilungerford.H936a Aladdin O’Brien. Morris.M876a Alcestis.A351 Alcott, L. M. Modern Mephistoph- eles. Whisper in the dark.A353m Alden, Mrs. I. (M.) (Pansy.) Chau¬ tauqua girls at home.A358c Ester Ried.'..A358e Four girls at Chautauqua.A358f Interrupted.A358i Julia Ried.A358j King’s daughter.A358k Links in Rebecca’s life.A3581 Modern sacrifice.A358m New graft on the family tree.A35Sn Pauline. A358p Ruth Erskine’s crosses.A358r Three people.‘.A358t Wanted..'. A338w Wise and otherwise.A358wi & Foster, Mrs. T. (T.) From dif¬ ferent standpoints.A358fr Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw, and other stories.A363m Prudence Palfrey.A365p Alexander, Mrs. pseud. See Hector*, Mrs. A. (F.) Alice. Lytton.L998a Alice Learmont. Craik.C887hr Alice of Old Vincennes. Thompson. .T474a All sorts and conditions of men. Besant & Rice.B551a Allen, J. L. Aftermath.A427a Choir invisible. A427c Flute and violin, and other Ken¬ tucky tales.A427f Kentucky cardinal.A427k Mettle of the pasture.A427m Reign of law. A427r Summer in Arcady.A427s All’s dross but love. Lancaster.L244a Alone. Terhune.T318a Alpine Fay, Buerstenbinder.B972a Allsheler, J. A. Guthrie of the times.A469g Ambassadors. James.J28a American. James.J28am American baron. De Mille.D381a American claimant. Clemens.C625a American girl in London. Cotes.C843a Amos Judd. Mitchell.M6811a Andreas Hofer. Mundt.M965a Andrews, M. R. S. Kidnapped col¬ ony .A568k Ann Arbor tales. Harriman.11297a Anna Karenina. Tolstoi.T651a Annals of a quiet neighborhood. Macdonald.M135a Anne. Woolson.W916a Anne of Geierstein. Scott.S431an Anne Scarlett. Taylor.T244a Anne Severin. Craven.C898a Antiquary. Scott.S431at Antonina. Collins.C713an Arachne. 2v. Ebers.E16a Archbishop and the lady. Crownin- shield.C954a Armadale. Collins.C7l3ar Army wife. King.Iv52a Arne. Bjornson.B62Ca FICTION 99 Arthur, T. S. Three eras of a woman's life.A791t Ashton, Mark. Azalim, a romance of old Judea.A829a She stands alone.A829s Aspasia. 2v. Hamerling.H214a Aspiration. Richards.R514a At Capri. Bauer.B344a At last. Terhune.T318at At odds. Tautphoeus.T229a At the Councillor’s. 2cop. John.J65a At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson. ,W746a Atherton, Mrs. G. (P.) Conquerer. ... A868c Daughter of the vine.A868d Mrs. Pendleton’s four-in-hand. ... .A868m Rulers of kings.A868r Senator North.A868s Attila. James.J27a Attorney. Irving.1715a Audi’ey. Johnston.J73a Auerbach, Berthold. Brigitta.A917b Edelweiss.A917e Little barefoot. A9171 On the heights. A917o Aunt Jane’s hero. Prentiss, r .P927a Aunt Serena. Howard.H848a Aurelian. Ware.W273a Austen, Jane. Emma.A933e Mansfield Park.A933m Pride and prejudice. 2cop.A933p Sense and sensibility. Persuasion. .A933s Austin, Mrs. J. (G.) Desmond hundred.A936d Nameless nobleman.A936n Nantucket scraps.A936na Average man. Grant.G762a Aylwin. Watts-Dunton.D927a Azalim, a romance of old Judea. Ashton.A829a B Babs the impossible. M’Fall.M143b Bacheller, Irving. Darrel of the Blessed Isles.B121d D’ri and I.B121dr Eben Holden.B121e Vergilius.B121v Bachelor’s Christmas, and other stories. Grant.G762b Bacon, Mrs. J. D. (D.) Imp and the angel.B1281 Madness of Philip, and other tales of childhood .B128m Memoirs of a baby.B128me Middle aged love stories.B128mi Smith college stories.Bl28s Bagot, Richmond. Donna Diana.B148d Bagsby’s daughter. Van Vorst & Van Vorst. V284b Bailey, A. W. Mark Heffron.B154m Bailiff's maid. John.JG5b Baker, W. M. New Timothy.BIG 811 Balestier, C. W. jt. author. See Kipling, Rudyard. Balzac, Honore de. Lily of the valley.B1931 Bangs, J. K. Dreamers, a club.B216d Rebellious heroine. B216r Banking house. Reade.R283c Banks, Mrs. N. (H.) Oldfield.B218o Round Anvil Rock.B218r Banner of blue. Crockett.C938b Bar sinister. Davis.D263b Barabbas. Corelli.C797b Barchester towers. Trollope.T847b Barclays of Boston. Otis.088b Barlasch of the guard. Scott.S426b Barnaby Rudge. Dickens.D548b Baron Munchausen. Raspe.R226b Barr, Mrs. A. E. (H.) Bernicia.B268b Between two loves.B268be Black shilling.B268bl Border shepherdess.B268bo Bow of orange ribbon.B268bw Daughter of Fife.B268d Feet of clay.B26Sf Friend Olivia.B2t>8fr Household of McNeil.B268h I, thou, and the other one.B268i Jan Vedder’s wife.B268j Last of the Macallisters.B2681 Love for an hour is love forever. . .B2681o Maid of Maiden Lane.B268m Master of his fate.B268ma Paul and Christina.B268p She loved a sailor.B268s Sister to Esau.B268si Squire of Sandal-side.B268sq Trinity bells.,B268t Barr, Robert. Over the border.B269o Strong arm.B269s Tekla., .B2G9t Barr, Walter. Shacklett.B270s Barrett, Wilson. Sign of the cross.. .B274s Barrie, J. M. Little minister.B2751 Little white bird.B2751i Sentimental Tommy.B275s Tommy and Gyizel.B275t Window in Thrums.B275w Barriers burned away. Roe.R698b Barrington’s fate.B276 Barron, Elwyn. Manders.B277m Barry, William. Two standards.B281t Wizard’s knot.B281w Bash, Mrs. B. (R.) Helmet of Na¬ varre.B299h Basil. Collins.C713b Bath comedy. Castle.C333b Battle-ground. Glasgow.G548b Battle of the strong. Parker.P239b Bauer, Clara. At Capri.B344a Bayly, A. E. (Edna Lyall.) Der¬ rick Vaughan.B359d Hardy Norseman.B359h 100 FICTION Hope, the hermit.B339ho ; Knight errant.B359k To right the wrong.B3o9t We two. .B359w Bayou Triste. Nicholls.N614b Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli 1st earl of. Endymion.B365e Lothair. 2cop.B3 Gj1 Venetia.B3G5v Beaton’s bargain. Hector.H451b Beautiful alien. Magruder.M212b Bebee. Ramee.RlTlb Beckford, Wiliam._ Vathek.B396v Bede, Cutlibert, pseud. See Brad¬ ley, Edward. j -Beeclicroft. Yonge.Y55b Belgian days. Martin.M378b Bell, Acton, pseud. See Bronte, Anne. Bell, Ellis, pseud. See Bronte, E. J. Bell, J. J. Mrs. M’Lerie.B433m Wee Macgreegor.B443w Bell, Lilian. See Bogue, Mrs. L. (B.) Bellamy, Edward. Equality.B435e Below the surface. Elton.E51b Ben-Hur. Wallace.W191b Ben-IIur, eine gesichte aus der zeit des herrn Jesu. Wallace.W191be Berry, E. P. Leah of Jerusalem.B5341 Berenice.B488 Berlin and Sans-Souci. Mundt.M963b Bernicia. Barr.B268b Bertrams. Trollope.T847be Besant, Sir Walter. Fourth gen- tration.B554f Orange girl.B554o St. Catherine’s by the Tower.B554s & Rice. All sorts and conditions of men.B551a Beside the bonnie briar bush. Wat¬ son .W339b Bethrothed. Scott.S431 b Betsy Ross. Hotchkiss.H832b Better sort. James.J28b Between the lines. King.K52b Between two loves. Barr.B268be Between whiles. Jackson.J12b Beulah. AVilson. ....W746b Beverly of Graustark. McCutcheon .M133b Beyond the end. Boutelle.B778b Beyond the gates. Ward.W257b Bicycle of Cathay. Stockton.S866b Biddle, S. M. New doctor.B584n Biddy’s episodes. Whitney.W617b Big bow mystery. Zangwill.Z29b Bilse, Lieut. Little garrison.B5961 Biography of a prairie girl. Tully. .T923b Bits from Blinkbonny. Tod.T633b Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Arne. Fisher lassie. B626a Black, Mrs. M. H. (P.) Castle of twilight.B627c Istar of Babylon.B627i Uncanonized.B627u Black, AVilliam. Daughter of Heth..B628d Four Macnicols.B628f Green pastures and Piccadilly.B628g In silk attire....BG28i Macleod of Dare.B628m Madcap Violet.B628ma Princess of Thule.B628p Shandon bells.B628s Stand fast, Craig-Royston!.B628st Strange adventures of a phaeton. .B628str Sunrise. B628su That beautiful wretch.B628t Three feathers.B628th White wings.B628w Wild Eelin.B628wi Black arrow. Stevenson.S848b Black dwarf. Scott.S431bl Black Douglas. Crockett.C938bl Black Friday. Isham.I79b Black rock. Gordon.G662b Black shilling. Barr.B268bl Black tulips. Dumas.D88Gr Black wolf’s breed. Dickson.D554b Blackmore, R. D. Dariel.B629d Lorna Doone. 2cop.B6291 Perly cross. B629p Blazed trail. White.W588b Bleak House. Dickens.D584bl Blennerhassett. Pidgin.PG12b Blessington, M. (P.) F. G. countess of. Country quarters.B647c Blithesdale romance. Hawthorne. .. .11399b Blossombud and her genteel friends. Smith. S653b Blue flower. Van Dyke.V248b Bob, son of battle. Ollivant.049b Boelte, Amely. Madame de Stael. . .P»671m Bogue, Mrs. L. (B.) Dowager count¬ ess and the American girl.B675d Hope Loring.B675h Interference of Patricia.B675i Little sister to the wilderness.B6751 Love affairs of an old maid.B675’.o Sir John, and the American girl... .B675s Under side of things.B675u Bohemia invaded, and other-stories. Ford.F699b Bondman. Caine.C135b Book of Bryn Mawr stories. Mor¬ ris & Congdon, eds.M877b Border shepherdess. Barr.B268bo Boss and how he came to rule New - York. Lewis.L673b Boutelle, C. M. Beyond the end.B778b Bow of orange ribbon. Barr.B268bw Boy. Corelli.C797bo Boyesen, IU. H. Ilka on the hill¬ tops.B7911 Queen Titania.B791q Bradley, Edward. (Cuthbert Bede.) Verdant Green.B811v FICTION 101 Brady, C. T. Doctor of philosophy. .B812d Grip of honor.B812g Records.B812r Southerners.•?.B8l2s Brave lady. Craik.C887b Bravo. Cooper.C7771) Bread upon the waters. Craik.C887hr Brewster’s millions. McCutcheon.. ,M133br Bricks without straw. Tourgee.T727b Bride of Lammermoor. 2cop. Scott. S431br Brigitta. Auerbach.A917b Bronte, Anne. (Acton Bell.) Ag¬ nes Grey.B870w cop. 1 Bronte, Charlotte. See Nicholls, Mrs. C. (B.) Bronte, E. J. (Ellis Bell.) Wuther- ing heights. 2cop..B870w Brooke, Magdalen. Story of Eleanor Lambert.B872a Brush, Mrs. C. (C.) Colonel's opera cloak.B912c Bud of promise. Plympton.P738b Buerstenbinder, Elizabeth. Alpine Fay. B972a Good luck.B972g Saint Michael.B972s Bullen, F. T. Whaleman’s wife.B936w Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress... .B942p Burglar who moved paradise. Ward.W258b Burgomaster’s wife. Ebers.E16b Burnett, Mrs. F. E. (H.) Fair bar¬ barian. ...B964f His Grace of Osmonde.B964h In connection with the De Wil¬ loughby claim.B964i Lady of quality.B9641 Vagabondia..B984v Burnham, Mrs. C. L. (R.) Dr. Lat¬ imer.B9C6d Great love.B966g Jewel.B966j Jewel’s story book.B966je Miss Archer Archer.B966m Miss Bagg’s secretary.B966mi Miss Pritchard’s wedding trip. .. ,B966mis Mistress of Beech Knoll.B966mit No gentleman.B966n Right princess.B96Gr Sane lunatic.B966s Sweet clover.B968sw Wise woman.B966w Young maids and old.B966y But yet a woman. Hardy.H268b By his own might. Hillern.H652b By order of the king. Hugo.H895P By the waters of Babylon. De Koven. D328b By low hill. Cable.C115b Bynnes, E. L. Damen’s ghost.B994d i C Cabell, J. B. Eagle’s shadow.C114e Cable, G. W. Bylow hill.CU5b Cavalier.C115c Grandissimes.C115g Madame Delphine.C115m Strong hearts.C115s Caffyn, Mrs. Iv. M. (Iota.) Minx...C129m Caged lion. Yonge.Y55c Caine, Hall. Bondman.C135b Christian.C135c Deemster.C135d Eternal city.C135e Manxman.C135m Prodigal son.C135p Cakes and ale. Coffin...,.C676c Calderon the courtier. Lytton.L998Le Calderon’s prisoner. Miller.M647c Caleb West. Smith.S647c Call of the wild. London.L847c Calvert of Strathore. GoodlOe.G653c Cambric mask. Chambers.C445c Can you forgive her? Trollope.T847c Canoe and the saddle. Winthrop... . W793c Canterbury tales. Lee & Lee.L478c Cape t)od folks. Greene.G799c Captain. Williams.W723c Captain Blake. King.K52c Captain Close. King.K52ca Captain Dieppe. Hawkins.H393c Captain Horn. Stockton.S866c Captain Molly. Denison.D396c Captain of the Gray-horse troop. Garland.G233c Captain Ravenshaw. Stephens.S83oc Cap’n Simeon’s store. Wasson.W323c Cap’n Titus. Emery.E53c Captain’s daughter. Overton.096c Captain’s toll-gate. Stockton.S866ca Captive of the Roman eagles. Dahn. .D131c Cardigan. Chambers.C445ca Cardinal’s musketeer. Taylor.T244c Cardinal’s snuff-box. Harland.H2$3c Carey, R. N. Cousin Mona.C275c Esther.C275e Heriot’s choice.C275h Lover or friend?.C2751 Mary St. John.C275m Merle’s crusade.’.C275me Not like other girls. v ..C275n Our Bessie.C275o Pictures of country life.C275p Carleton, William. Willy Reilly.C281w Carolina cavalier. Eggleston.E292c Carpetbagger. Read & Pixley.R284c Carruth, F. W. Way of Belinda... .C319w Carter, M. N. North Carolina sketches.C324n Carter, S. N. For pity’s sake.C325f Casa Braccio. Crawford.C899c Case and exceptions. Hill.H645c Case of identity, and other stories. Doyle.D754c Castle, Mrs. A. (S.) & Castle Eger- ton. Bath comedy.C353b 102 FICTION Incomparable Bellairs.C3531 Pride of Jennico.C353p Castle, Egerton. Light of Scarthey .C35321 Young April.C3”32y .it. author. See Castle, Mrs. A. (S.) Castle Dangerous. Scott.S431c Castle Inn. Weyman.W549c Castle of twilight. Black.B627c Castle Richmond. Trollope.T847ca Cathedral courtship. Riggs.R569c Catherine. Thackeray.T363a Catherwood, Mrs. M. (LI.) Days of Jeanne D’Arc.C363d Lazarre.C3631 Mackinac and lake stories.C363m Old Kaskaskia.C3G3o Romance of Dollard.C363r Spanish Peggy.C363s Spirit of an Illinois town.C363sp Story of • Tonty.C363st Cavalier. Cable.C115c Caxtons. 2v. Lytton.L998c Cecelia. Crawford.. ; .C899ce Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop.W793ce Celebrity. Churchill.C563c Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote. 2cop.C419d Chainbearer. Cooper.C777c Chambers, R. W. Cambric mask.C445c Cardigan.C445ca Conspirators.C445eo Maid-at-arms.C445m Maids of Paradise.C445ma Champney, Mrs. E. (W.) Rosemary and rue.C433r Chance acquaintance. Howells.H859c Chandos, and other stories. Ramee..R171c Chaplet of pearls. 2cop. Yonge.... Y55ch Chaplin, Mrs. J. (D.) Out of the wilderness.C464o Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) Against the stream.C475a Diary of Mrs. Kitty Thevylan.C475d Draytons and the Davenants.C475dr Early dawn.C475e On both sides of the sea.C475o Schonberg-Cotta family.C475s Two vocations.*. C475t Winifred Bertram.C475w Charles O’Malley. Lever.L638c Chautauqua girls at home. Alden.A358c Checked love affair. Ford.F711c Cherry. Tarkington .T187c Chevalier d’Harmental. Dumas.D886c Chiffon's marriage. Martel de Jan- ville, comtesse de.M376c Children of destiny. Seawell.S442c Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill.Z29c Children of the mist. Phillpots.P564c Choir invisible. Allen.A427c Cholmondeley, Mary. Danvers jew¬ els. C547d Diana Tempest. 2cop.C547di Red pottage. 2cop.C547r Christian. Caine.C135c Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Tit- marsh. Thackeray.T3G3c Christmas eve on Lonesome, and other stories. Fox.F792c Christopher Kenrick. Hatton.11366c Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. Harris. *.H314c Chronicles of Count Antonio. Haw¬ kins. v .II393ch Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott. .S431ch Churchill, Winston. Celebrity.C563c Crisis.C583cr Crossing.C5G3cro Mr. Keegan’s elopement.C563m Richard Carvel.C563r Cinderella. Crockett. C938c Clackitts of Inglebrook Hall. Pros¬ ser.P963c Clansman. Dixon. D621c Clark, Imogen. God’s puppets.C592g Circuit rider. Eggleston.E29c Clark, Imogen. God’s puppets.C592g Clark, K. E. Dominant seventh.C593d Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thomas Didymus.C5981 Claverings. Trollope.T847cl Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) Am¬ erican claimant.C625a Double-barreled detective story.C625d Man that corrupted Iladleyburg, and other stories.C625m Pudd’nhead Wilson.C625p Clerical life. Eliot.E42c Cleveland, Cecelia. Story of a summer.C635s Cloister and the hearth. Reade.R285c Close of the day. Spearman.S741c Clouston, A. O. Some of New York’s “400”.C647s Clytia. Taylor.T241c Cobbler of Nimes. Taylor.T244co Cockton, Henry. Valentine Vox.CC66v CotBn, R. B. (Barrie Gray.) Cakes and ale.C676c Matrimonial infelicities.C676m My married life at Hillside.C676my College girls. Goodloe.G653co Collins, W. W. After dark, and other stories.C713a Antonina.C713an Armadale.C731ar Basil. C713b Dead secret.C713d Frozen deep.C713f Moonstone .C713m New Magdalen.C713n Poor Miss Finch.C713p Queen of hearts.C713q Two destinies.C713t Woman in white.C713w FICTION 103 Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith.S647co Colonel Carter’s Christmas. Smith. .S647col Colonel Quaritch. Haggard.. H145c Colonel's daughter. King.K52co Colonel’s opera cloak. Brush.B912c Colonial wooing. Abbott.. ..A131c Come forth! Ward & Ward.W257c Comedy of conscience. Mitchell... .M682c Coming of Theodora. White.W583o Coming race. Lytton.L99Sco Common lot. Herrick....H566c Company of Jehu. Dumas.D886co Concerning Isabel Carnaby. Felkin. .F31Gc Concerning Polly and some others. Winslow.W779c Condensed novels. Harte.H327c Confident tomorrow. Matthews.M43Sc Congdon, L. B. jt. ed. See Morris, Margaretta. Conjuror’s house. White.W588c Connor, Ralph, pseud. See Gor¬ don, C. W. Conqueror. Atherton.A868 Conquest. Dye.D995c Conrad, Joseph. Tales of unrest. ... .C754t Conspirators. Chambers.C445co Constance Aylmer. Parker.P241c Consuelo. Sand.S213c Converse, Florence. Diana Yictrix. .C766d Cooper, J. F. Bravo. Mercedes of Castile.C777b Chainbearer. Redskins...C777c Crater. Miles Wallingford.C777cr Deerslayer. Path-finder.C777d Heidenmauer. Headsman.C777h Homeward bound. Home as found.C777ho Last of the Mohicans. Pioneers....C7771 Lionel Lincoln. Wept of Wisli- ton-Wish.C7771i Oak-openings. Satanstoe.C777o Pilot. Red rover.C777p Prairie. Spy.C777pa Precaution. Ways of the hour. .. .C777pe Sea lions. Afloat and ashore.C777s Water witch. Two admirals.C777w Wing and wing. Jack Tier.C777wl Wyandotte. Monikins.C777wy Copper princess. Munroe.M968c Corelli, Marie. Barabbas.C797b Boy.C797bo God’s good man.C797g Master Christian.C797m Romance of two worlds.C797r Sorrows of Satan.C797s Temporal power.C797t Corinne. Stael-LIolstein.S778c Cortelyou feud. Ford.F711c Cost. Phillips.P558c Cotes, Mrs. S. J. (D.) American girl in London.C8I3a Crow’s nest.C813c His honor and a lady.C843h Those delightful Americans.. C843t Voyage of consolation.C843v Couch, A. T. Quiller- Ship of stars..C853s Count of Monte Cristo. 2cop. Du¬ mas.D886cu Count Robert of Paris. Scott.S431co Countess of Monte Cristo. Dumas. .D 886cun Countess of Rudolstadt. Sand.S2l3co Country quarters. Blessington.B647c Court of Boyville. White.W589c Courtship in 1720 and in 1860. Smart.S636c Cousin Mona. Carey.C275c Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud. See Murfee, M. N. Craigie, Mrs. M. P. T. (R.) (John Oliver Hobbes.) School for saints.C886s Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) Brave lady..C887b Domestic stories.C887d French country family.C887f Hannah.C8871i Head of the family.C887he Hero. Bread upon the waters. Alice Learmont.C887hr John Halifax, gentleman. 2cop. .. .C887j Legacy . C8871 Life for a life.C8871i My mother and I.C887m Noble life.C8S7n Oglivies.C887o Two marriages.C887t Unkind word.C887u Young Mrs. Jardine.C887y Crane, Stephen. Red badge of cour¬ age . C891r Whilomville stories.C891w Cranford. Gaskell.G248c Crater. Cooper.C777cr Craven, Mme. P. de la F. Anne Severin.C898a Crawford, F. M. Casa Braccio. 2v...C899c Cecelia.C899ce G reif enstein.C899g Heart of Rome......C899h In the palace of the king...C899i Katherine Lauderdale.C899k Ivhaled.C899kh Man overboard!.C899m Marietta.C899ma Marzio’s crucifix.C899mar Mr. Isaacs.C899mi Ralstons. 2v.C899r Sant’ Uario.C889s Saracinesca.C899sa Tale of a lonely parish.C899t Via crusis.C899v Whosoever shall offend.CS99W Crisis. Churchill.C563cr Crittenden. Fox.F792cr Crockett, S. R. Banner of blue.C938b Black Douglas.C938bl 104 FICTION Cinderella.C938c Gray man.C938g lone March.C938i Kit Kennedy.C938k Lilac sunbonnet.C9381 Men of the moss-hags.C938m Red axe.C938r Stickit minister.C938s Croley, George. Tarry thou till I 'Come.C944t Cronwright, Mrs. O. (S.) Story of an African farm.C947s Trooper Peter Halket of Mashon- aland.C947t Crooked path. Hector.11451c Crooked places. Mayo.M473c Crooked trails. Remington.R388c Cross, Mrs. M. A. (E.) L. See Eliot, George, pseud. Crossing. Churchill.C563cro Crowley, M. C. Daughter of New - France.C953d Crowninshield, Mrs. M. (B.) 'Arch¬ bishop and the lady.C594a Latitude 19°.C9541 Where the trade-wind blows.C954w Crowninshield, Mrs. Schuyler. See Crowninshield, Mrs. M. (B.) Crow’s nest. Cotes.C843c Curtis, G. W. Trumps.C978t Cutting, M. S. Heart of Lynn. 4 C9911 i Little stories of married life.C9911 D Daggett, Mrs. M. (S.) Mariposllla. .D125m Dahn, Felix. Captive of the Roman eagles.D131c Felicitas.D131f Daisy. Warner.W283d Daisy chain. 2v. Yonge.Y55d Daisy Miller. James.J28d Dame de Monsoreau. Dumas.D886da Damen’s ghost. Bynnes.B994d Damnation of Theron Ware. Fred¬ eric .F852d Daniel Deronda. Eliot.. .E42d Danvers jewels. Cholmondeley.C547d Daphne. Sherwood.S554d Dariel. Blackmore.B629d Darrel of the Blessed Isles. Bach- eller.B121d Darrow, C. S. Farmington.D225f Dash for a throne. Marchmont.M318d Daudet, Alphonse. Kings in exile..D238k Sidonie.D238s Daughter of a magnate. Spearman. .S741d Daughter of an empress. Mundt... .M965d Daughter of Eve. Kirk.K59d Daughter of Fife. Barr.B268d Daughter of Heth. Black.B628d Daughter of New France. Crowley.. C953d Daughter of the Sioux. King.K52d Daughter of the States. Pemberton..P334d Daughter of the tenements. Town¬ send .T747d Daughter of the vine. Atherton... .A868d David Balfour. Stevenson.S848d David Copperfield. Dickens.D348d David Elginbrod. Macdonald.M135d David Harum. Westcott.W524d Davies, Theodore. Losing to win...D2571 Davis, Mrs. M. E. (M.) Queen’s garden.D262q Wire cutters.D262w Davis, R. H. Bar sinister .D263b King's jackal.D263k Lion and the unicorn.D2831 Ransom's folly.D263r Davis, W. S. Friend of Caesar.D265f Day of fate. Roe.R698d Day of the dog. McCutcheon.M133d Days like these. Townsend.T747da Days of auld lang syne. Watson. .. .W339d Days of Bruce. Aguilar.A283d Days of Jeanne d’Arc. Catherwood. .C363d Day’s work. Kipling.K57d Deacon Bradbury. Dix.D620d Dead secret. Collins..'.C713d Dead selves. Magruder.M212d Deal in wheat, and other stories. Norris.N855d Death of Ivan Ilitch. Tolstoi.T654m Debit and credit. Frey tag.F895d Deemster, Caine.C135d Deeping, Warwick. Uther and Igraine.D311u Deerslayer. Cooper.C777d De Forest, J. W. Dorothy Fox....D315d Overland.D315o Degen, von. Mystery of the Cam- pagna. Shadow on a wave.D317m De Koven, Mrs. A. (F.) By the waters of Babylon.D328b Deland, Margaret, See Deland, Mrs. M. W. (C.) Deland, Mrs. M. W. (C.) Dr. Lav¬ ender’s people.D337d John Ward, preacher. .D337j Sidney.D337s Wisdom of fools.D337w Delaplaine. Walworth.W242d Deliverance. Glasgow.G548d De Mille, James. American baron..D381a Dodge club.D381d Living link.D3811 Denis Duval. Thackeray.T363h Denison, Mrs. M. (A.) Captain Molly.D396c Derrick Vaughan. Bayly.D359d Descendant. Glasgow.G548de Deserter. King.K52de Desmond hundred. Austin.A936d Despot of Broomsedge Cove. Mur- free.M975d FICTION 105 De Soto and his men in the land of Florida. King.K523d Devereux. 2v. Lytton.L99Sd Diana Tempest. 2cop. Cholmonde- ley.C547di Diana Victrix. Converse.C766d Diary of a man of fifty. James.J28di Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylan. Charles.C475d Dickens,- Charles. Barnaby Rudge... D548b Bleak house..D548bl David Copperfield.D548d Dombey and son. 2cop.D548do Great expectations.D548g Little Dorrit.D5481 Martin Chuzzlewit.D548m Mystery of Edwin Drood.D548my Nicholas Nickleby. D54Sn Old curiosity shop: Hard times. 2cop.D548o Oliver Twist.D548ol Our mutual friend.D548ou IMckwick papers.D548p Tale of two cities. Sketches by Boz.D54St Dickinson, A. E. What answer? 2 cop.D553w Dickson, Harris. Black wolf's breed.D554b She that hesitates.D554s Dillon, Mary. Rose of old St. Louis.D579r Dionysius. Howard. H848d Dix, B. M. James Blout of Breck- enhow.D619b Dix, E. A. Deacon Bi*adbury.D620d Old Bowen's legacy.D620o Dixon, Thomas, jr. Clansman... .*.D621c Leopard’s spots.D6211 One woman.D621o Doctor Breen's practice. How r ells. .H859d Doctor Grimshawe’s secret. Haw¬ thorne.H399d Dr. Howell’s family. Goodwin.G656d Doctor Jacob. Betham-Edwards.. . .E263d Doctor Johns. 2v. Mitchell.M681d Dr. Latimer. Burnham.B966d Dr. Lavender’s people. Deland.D337d Doctor Luke of the Labrador. Dun¬ can.D912d Doctor of philosophy. Brady.BS12d Doctor Thorne. Trollope.T847d Dodge, M. A. First love is best... .D644f Dodge club. De Mille.D381d Dolliver romance. Hawthorne....II399do Dolly dialogues. Hawkins.H393d Dombey and son. 2cop. Dickens. .D548do Domestic stories. Craik.C8S7d Dominant seventh. Clark.C593d Donald Grant. Macdonald.M135do Donna Diana. Bagot.B148d Don Orsino. Craw T ford.C899d Donovan Pasha. Parker.P239d Don Quixote. 2cop. Cervantes- Saavedra.C419d Dorothy Fox. De Forest.D315d Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. Major.M234d Double-barreled detective story. Clemens. .C625d Double harness. Hawkins.H393do Double thread. Felkin.F316d Double wedding. Warfield.W274d Douglas, A. M. Question of silence. .D733q Stephen Dane.D733s Douglas, George. House with the green shutters.D734h Dove in the eagle’s nest. Yonge. ... Y55do Dowager countess, and the Ameri¬ can girl. Bogue.B675d Down the ravine. Murfree.M975do Doyle, A. C. Adventures of Gerard..D754a Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. .D754ad Case of identity and other stories. .D754c Hound of the Baskervilles.D754h Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes.D754m Refugees.D754r Study in scarlet.D754s White company. 2cop.D754w Drayton’s and the Davenants. Charles.C475dr Dreamers; a club’. Bangs.B216d D’ri and I. Bacheller. .B121dr Driven back to Eden. Roe.RG98dr Dross. Scott.S426d Dudency, Mrs. Henry. Folly Cor¬ ner..D845f Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. (D.) See Sand, George, pseud. Duffels, Eggleston.E29d Dull Miss'Archinard. Sedgwick.S44Sd Dumas, Alexander. Chevalier d’Har- mental.D 8 £ 6 c Company of Jehu.D 886 co Count of Monte Cristo. 2cop. .. .D 886 cu Countess of Monte Cristo.DS 86 cun Dame de Monsoreau.D 88 Gda First republic.D 886 f Forty-five guardsmen.D 886 fo Iron mask.D886d4 Joseph Balsamo.D 886 j Last vendee.D8861 Marguerite de Valois.D 88 G 111 Regent’s daughter. Black tulip....D 886 r Three musketeers.D 886 dl Twenty years after.D88Gd2 Vicomte de Bragellonne.DS86G3 Du Maurier, George. Trilby'.D887t Duncan, Norman. Doctor Luke of the Labrador.D912d Duncan, S. J. See Cotes, Mrs. S. J. (D.) Dunraven ranch. King.K52tw Dunton, Theodore Watts- Aylwin.. .D927a Duties and duties. Giberne.G445d Dye, Mrs. E. E. (T.) Conquest.D995c Dynamiter. Stevenson & Steven¬ son.S848dy Dynevor Terrace. 2v. Yonge.Y55dy 106 FICTION E Eagle’s heart. Garland.G233e Eagle's shadow. Cabell.C114e Earl’s secret. Pardoe.P22Ge Early dawn. Charles.C475e Early engagements. Frazaer.F848e Earnest trifler. Sprague .S766e Eben Holden. Bacheller.B12le Ebers, Georg. Arachne. 2v.ElGa Burgomaster's wife.ElGb Egyptian princess. 2v.ElCe Emperor. 2y.E16em Home sum.E16h Joshua.ElGj Margery. 2y.ElGm Question.ElGq Sisters.EIGs Uarda. 2v.ElGu Edelweiss. Auerbach.A917e Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Ordeal for wives.E25o Edwards, H. S. Sons and fathers.E26s Edwards, M. B. Betham- Doctor Jacob. E263d Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop.W793e Effie Ogilvie. Oliphant. .047e Eggleston, Edward. Circuit rider. ... E29c Duffels.E29d Graysons.E29g Hoosier school-master. 2cop.E29h Roxy.E29r Eggleston, G. C. Carolina cavalier. .E292c Master of Warlock.E292m Egyptian princess. 2v. Ebers.E16e Eielihoffs. 2cop. Reichenbach.R351e Eight hundred leagues on the Ama¬ zon. Verne.V531e Eleanor. Ward.W259e Eliot, George, pseud. Adam Bede. 2cop.E42a Clerical life.E42c Daniel Deronda.E42d Felix Holt.E42f Middlemarch.E42m Mill on the Floss.E42mi Romala. Silas Marner.E42r Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. (Car¬ men Sylva.) Heart regained. .. .E432h Elizabeth and her German garden. .. .E435 Ellsworth, Mrs. M. W. (J.) Smith’s saloon.E49s Elsie Venner. 2v. Holmes.E752e Elton, Sir A. H. Below the surface. .E51b Emery, Clay. Cap’t Titus.Eo3c Emma. Austen.A933 Emmy Lou, her book and heart. Martin.M379e Emperor. 2v. Ebers.E16em Empress Josephine. Mundt.M965e Endymion. Beaconsfield.B365e Eoline. Hentz.H528e Equality. Bellamy.B43'fe Erlach Court. Kirschner.KGle Ernestine. 2v. Hillern.E632e Espiritu Santo. Skinner.S628e Ester Ried. Alden. ...A358e Esther. Carey.C275e Eternal City. Caine.C135e Eternal quest. Steuart.S842e Ethelyn’s mistake. Holmes.H751e Eugene Aram. Lytton.L998e Europeans. James.J28e Evolution of Dodd. Smith.SG44e Experiences of a barrister. Warren.W293e Expiation. French.F873e F Face illumined. Roe.R698f Fair barbarian. Burnett.B964f Fair god. Wallace.W191f Fair maid of Perth. Scott.S431f Faith Gartney’s girlhood. Whit¬ ney.W617f Falconer, Lanoe, pseud. See Haw¬ ker, M. E. Falkner, J. M. Lost Stradivarius... .F1931 Family affair. Fargus.F223f Family feud. 2cop. Harder.H259f Family pride.F198 Famous victory.F199 Fanshawe. Hawthorne.H339do Fargus, F. J. Family affair.F223f Farjeon, B. L. Joshua Marvel.F229j Farmington. Harrow.D225f Fated to be free. Ingelow.I46f Feet of clay. Barr.B268f Felicitas. Dahn.D131f Felix Holt. Eliot..E42f Felkin, Mrs. E. T. (F.) Concern¬ ing Isabel Carnaby.F316c Double thread.F316d Fuel of fire. F316f Place and power.F31Gp Feo. Pemberton.P395f Fiery ordeal. Fraser.F841f Fifth string. Sousa.S725f File no. 114. Gaboriau.G116 Filigree ball. Rohlfs.R738f First love is best. Dodge.D6i4f First republic. Dumas.D886f First violin. Fothergill.F761f Fisher lassie. Bjornson.B626a Fleming, Mrs. M. A. (E.) Queen of the isle.Fo97q Fletcher, J. C. Kismet.F613k Mirage....F613m Flute and violin, and other Ken¬ tucky tales. Allen.A427f Folly Corner. Dudency.D854f Foma Gordyeeff. Gorky.G669f Fool's errand. Tourgee.T727f Foote, M. H. Touch of sun, and other stories.F689t FICTION 107 For pity’s sake. Carter.C325f Ford, J. L. Bohemia invaded, and other stories.F699b Ford, P. L. Checked love affair. Cortelyou feud.F711c Honorable Peter Stirling.FTllh Janice Meredith.F711j Story of an untold love.F711s Ford, Mrs. S. It. Grace Truman. .. .F712g Foregone conclusion. Howells.II859f Forest, White. W588f Forest days. James.J27f Forest hearth. Major.M234f Forest lovers. Hewlett.H612f Forsslund, M. L. Story of Sarah... F732a Fortunes of Fifi. Seawell.^..S442f Fortunes of Glencore. Lever.LG'Sf Fortunes' of Nigel. Scott.S431fo Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Smith. ...S647f Fortunes of Rachel. Hale.H161f Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas.DS86fo Foster, Mrs. T. (T.) jt. author. See Alden, Mrs. I. (M.) Fothergill, Jessie. First violin.F7Glf March in the I’anks..F761m Foxir feathers. Mason.M39Sf Four girls at Chautauqua. Alden.. A358f Four-leaved clover. Tuttiett.T967f Four Macnicols. Black.B628f Four roads to Paradise. Goodwin... G657f Fourth generation. Besant.B534f Fowler, E. T. See Felkin, Mrs. E. T. (F.) Fowler. Harraden. I1296f Fox, Emily. Gemini....F791g Fox, John, jr. Christmas eve on Lonesome, and other stories. .. .F792c Crittenden. F792cr Hell fer sartain, and other stories..F792h Little shepherd of Kingdom Come...F7921 Fox-woman. Long.L848f Framley parsonage. Trollope.T817f Fraser, Jessie. (Tasma.) Fiery or¬ deal.F841f Frazaer, Mary. Early engagements. .F848e Frederic, Harold. Damnation of Theron Ware.F852d Market-place.F852m Frederick the Great and his court. 2cop. Mundt.M965f Frederick the Great and his fam¬ ily. 2cop. Mundt...M965fr Free to serve. Rayner.R275f Freeman, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Givers. .F855g Heart’s highway....F855h Jamesons.E855j Jerome, a poor man.F855je Love of Parson Lord, and other stories.F8531 Pembroke.F855p Portion of labor.F855po Six trees.F855s French, Mrs. A. (W.) Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop.... F8731s Woman’s will.i.F8731w French, Alice. (Octave Thanet.) Expiation. ...F873e Heart of toil.F873h Knitters in the sun.F873k Missionary sheriff.F873m Otto, the knight.F873o French, H. W. Nuna the Bramin. .F874n French country family. Craik.C887f Freytag, Gustav. Debit and Credit. .F895d Friedrich, B. H. From hand to hand.F911f New race.F911n Friend of Caesar. Davis.D265f Friend Olivia. Barr.B268fr Frivolous Cupid. Hawkins.H393f From different standpoints. Alden & Foster. j. ... A358fr From hand to hand. Friedrich.F911f From jest to earnest. Roe.RG98fr From my youth up. 2cop. Terhune.F318f From the earth to the moon. Verne..V531f From timber to town.F931 Frozen deep. Collins.C713f Fuel of fire. Felkin. F316f Fullerton, G. C. (L.) lady. Stormy life.F971s Too strange not to be true.F971t G Gaboriau, Emile. File no. 114.G11G Gabriel Tolliver. Harris.H314g Gadfly. Voynich.V975g Galdemar, Ange, jt. author. See Sardou, Victorien. Gallant fight. Terliune.T318g Gallops 1. Gray.G778g Gardenliire, S. M. Lux crusis.G2811 Garland, Hamlin. Captain of the Gray-horse troop.G233c Eagle’s heart.G233e Her mountain lover.G233h Hesper.G233he Rose of Dutcher’s Coolly.G233r Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. (S.) Cranford.. G248c Wives and daughters.G248w Gatchell, Charles. (Thorold King) Haschisch. .. ,•. G258h Gates, Eleanor, pseud. See Tully, Mrs. R. W. Gates ajar. Ward.W257g Gayworthys. Whitney.WG17g Gemini. Fox.F791g Gemma. Trollope.T848g General’s double. King.K52g Gentleman from Indiana. Tarking- ton.T187g Gentleman vagabond and some others. Smith.S637g 108 FICTION Gentleman of France. Weyman.... W549g Georgians.G352 Georgians. Harben.H255g Giberne, Agnes. Duties and duties. G445d Gil Bias of Santillane. Le Sage. ...L622g Gilian the dreamer. Munro.M967g Gilson, R. R. In the morning glow...G489i Ginx’s baby. Jenkins.J523g Girl of Virginia. Tbruston.T531g Givers. Freeman.F855g Glasgow, E. A. G. Battle-ground....G548b Deliverance.G548d Descendant.G548de Voice of the people.G548v Glengarry school days. Gordon.G662g Gloria. 2v. Perez-Galdos.P485g Glyn, Mrs. E. (S.) Visits of Eliza¬ beth.G568v Godfrey, Elizabeth. Winding road..G583w Godkin, G, S. Stories from Italy.... G586s God’s fool. Poorten-Schwarz.P824g God's good man. Corelli.C797g God’s puppets. Clark. Co92g Goethe and Schiller. 2eop. Mundt..M965g Golden autumn. Hector.H451g Golden fetich. Phillpots.P564g Golden fleece. Phillips.P558g Golden gossip. Whitney.W617go Golden house. Warner.W281g Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wake¬ field.G624v Good luck. Buerstenbinder.B972g Goodloe, A. C. Calvert of Strath- ore .G653c College girls....G653co Goodwin, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Dr.' Howell’s family.G656d Goodwin, Mrs. M. (W.) Four roads to Paradise.G657f Sir Christopher.G657s Gordon, C. W. (Ralph Connor.) Black Rock.G662b Glengarry school days.G662g Man from Glengarry.G662m Prospector.G662p Sky pilot.GG62s Gordon elopement. Wells & Taber. .W453g Gordon Keith. Page.P133g Gore, Mrs. C. G. F. (M.) Mammon..G666m Gorky, Maxim. Foma Gordyeeff.G669f Goss, C. F. Loom of life.G6771 Redemption of David Corson.GG77r Grace Truman. Ford.F712g Graham, Mrs. M. (C.) Stories of the foothills.G741s Grand, Sarah, pseud. See M’Fall, Mrs. S. (C.) Grandissimes. Cable.C115g Grant, Robert. Average man.G762a Bachelor’s Christmas, and other stories.G762b Knave of hearts.G762k Romantic young lady......G762r Undercurrent.G762u Unleavened bread.G762un Graustark. McCutcheon.Ml33g Gray, Barrie, pseud. See Coffin, R. B. Gray, David. Gallops 1.G778g Gray, Maxwell, pseud. See Tut- tiett, M. G. Gray man. Crockett.C938g Graysons. Eggleston.E29g Great expectations. Dickens.D548g Great love. Burnham.B9G6g Great stone of Sardis. Stockton.S866g Greater glory. Poorten-Schwarz.... P924gr Greater inclination. Wharton.W553g Gre.en, A. K. See Rohlfs, Mrs. A. K. (G.) Green gate. 2cop. Wichert.WG63g Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black.B628g Greene, Mrs. S. P. (McL.) Cape Cod , folks.G789c Lastchance Junction.-G7991 Moral imbeciles.G799m Greifenstein Crawford.C899g Grey cloak. MacGrath.M147g Griffith Gaunt. Reade......R285g Grip of honor. Brady.B812g Guenn. Howard.H848g Gunsaulus, F. W. Monk and knight.G976m Guthrie of the times. Altsheler.A469g Guy Livingstone. Laurence.L421g Guy Mannering. Scott.S43lg Gyp, pseud. See Martel de Janville, comtesse de. H H. H. pseud. See Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. Habberton, John. Jericho road.H113j Mrs. Mayburn’s twins.:.H113m Tiger and the insect.H113t Haggard, IL. R. Colonel Quaritch.... IJ145c Joan Haste.H145j Lysbeth.II1451 Pearl-maiden.LI145p Swallow.H145s Hale, E. E. Fortunes of Rachel.H161f If, yes, and perhaps.HIGli Ingham papers.HIGlin Man without a country.HlGlm Ten times one is ten.HlGlt Ups and downs.H161u Hamerling, Robert. Aspasia. 2v....H214a Hamerton, P. G. Marmorne.H215m Hamilton, A. K. One of the Duanes.H217o Handicapped. Terhune.T318h Handsome Brandons. Hinkson.H663h Handy Andy. Lover.L911h Hannah. Craik.C887h Hannah Thurston. Taylor.T23Sh Harben, W. N. Abner Daniel.H255a Georgians.II255g FICTION 109 Substitute.H255s Hard cash. Reade.R285li Hard times. 2cop. Dickens.D548o Harder, Ludwig. Family feud. 2cop.II259f Hardy, A. S. But yet a woman.H268b His daughter first.H268h Passe Rose...H268p Hardy, Thomas. Laodicean.H2721 Romantic adventures of a milk¬ maid.H272r Tess of D’Ubervilles.H272t Trumpet-major.H272tr Under the Greenwood tree.H272u Hardy Norseman. Bayly.B359h Harland, Henry. Cardinal’s snuff¬ box. .H283c My friend Prospero.H283m Harland, Marion, pseud. See Ter- hune, Mrs. M. V. (H.) Harold. Lytton.L998h Harraden, Beatrice. Fowler.II296f Hilda Strafford.H296h Harriman, K. E. Ann Arbor tales.. .H297a Harriott, Mrs. C. (M.) Pasteboard crown.H312p Harris, J. C. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann.H314c Gabriel Tolliver.H314g Little Union scout.H3141 Harris, Mrs. M. (C.) Missy.H315m Phoebe.II315p Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harri¬ son, Mrs. C. (C.) Harrison, Mrs. C. (C.) Son of the old dominion.H318s Story of Helen Troy.H318st Sylvia’s husband.LI318sy Harrison, Mrs. M. (St. L.) (Lucas Malet.) Sir Richard Calmady.. . .H319s .Harte, F. B. Condensed novels.H327c Luck of Roaring Camp. 2cop.H3271 Snow-bound at Eagle’s.H327s Three partners.I1327t Harvard stories. Post.P857h Haschisch. Gatchell.G258h Hatton, Joseph. Christopher Kenric-k.H366c Hawker, M. E. (Lanoe Falconer.) Mademoiselle Ixe.H389m Hawkins, A. H. Captain Dieppe.14393c Chronicles of Count Antonio.H393ch Dolly dialogues.14393d Double harness.H393do Frivolous Cupid..H393f Intrusions of Peggy...:.H393i Phroso.II393p Prisoner of Zenda.II393pr Quisante.H393q Rupert of'Hentzau.H393r Simon Dale.H393s Tristam of Blent.II393t Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Blithedale romance.14399b Doctor Grimshawe’s secret.II399d , Dolliver romance. Fanshawe. Septimus.H399do House of seven gables. 2cop.H399h Marble faun.H399m Mosses from an old manse. 2cop.H399mo Scarlet letter. 2cop.H399s Twice-told tales. 2cop....".H399t Hazleton, G. C. jr. Mistress Nell..H429m He fell in love with his wife. Roe....R698 He knew he was right. Trollope.T847h He that eateth bread with me. Keays.K25h Head of the family. Craik.C8871ie Headsman. Cooper.C777h Heart of Hyacinth. Watanna.W324h Heart of life. Mallock.M235h Heart of Lynn. Cutting.C991h Heart of Midlothian. Scott.S431h Heart of Rome. Crawford.C899h Heart of toil. French.F873h Heart regained. Elizabeth, queen of Roumania... .E432h Hearts courageous. Rives.R623h Heart’s highway. Freeman.F8o5h Heather and snow. Macdonald.M135h Hector, Mrs. A. (F.) (Mrs. Alex¬ ander.) Beaton’s bargain.H451b Crooked path.H451c Golden autumn.H451g Maid, wife or widow.H451m Ralph Wilton’s wierd.H451r Hedged in. Ward.W257h Hegan, A. C. See Rice, Mrs. A. C. (H.) Heidenmauer. Cooper.C777h Heimburg, W. Penniless girl.H467p Heirs of yesterday. Wolf.W863h IUelbeck of Bannisdale. 2v. Ward. .W259h Hell fer sartain, and other stories. Fox...F792h Helmet of Navarre. Bash.B299h Hemming the adventurer. Roberts.. R647h Henchman. Luther.L973h Henkel, F. Mistress of Ibichstein. .H513m Henry the eighth and his court. 2cop. Mundt.M965h Hentz, Mrs. C. L. (W.) Eoline.II528e Her infinite variety. Whitlock.W613h Her ladyship’s elephant. Wells.W454h ETer mountain lover. Garland.G233h Her picture.H531 Here ward. Kingsley.K55h Heriot’s choice. Carey.C275h Hermit of Nottingham. Abbott.A131h Hero. Craik.C887r Heronford. Keightley. . /.K27h Herrick, Robert. Common lot.H566c Web of life..H566w Hesper. Garland.G233he Hewlett, M. H. Forest lovers.II612f Little novels of Italy.H6121 Richard Yea-and-nay.H612r Heyse, J. L. P. In paradise. 2v.H621i Higher than the church. Hillern... .H652h 110 FICTION Hilda Strafford. Harraden.H296h Hill, F. T. Case and exceptions.H645c Web.H645w Hillern, Wilhelmine von. By bis own might..11652b Ernestine. 2v.II652e Higher than the church.H652h Hour will come.H652ho Two-fold life..H652t Hillis, N. D. Quest of John Chap¬ man.H654q Hinkson, Mrs. K. (T.) Handsome Brandons.H663h His daughter first. Hardy.H268h His Grace of Osmonde. Burnett.B964h His grandmothers.H673 Flis honor and a lady. Cotes.C843h History of David Grieve. Ward.. .. W259hi History of Henry Esmond. Thack¬ eray.♦..T363h Hitherto. Whitney.W617h Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. See Craigie, Mrs. M. P. T. (R.) Holland, J. G. Sevenoaks.H735s Holly and Pizen. Stuart.S932r Holmes, Mrs. M. J. (H.) Ethelyn’s mistake.H751e Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner. 2v...H752e Home. Leland.L537h Home as found. Cooper.C777ho Home influence. Aguilar.A283h Home scenes and heart studies. Aguilar.A283ho Homeward bound. Cooper.C777ho Homo sum. Ebers.El 6 h Homoselle. H768 Honorable Peter Stirling. Ford.F711h Hoosier school-master. 2cop. Eg¬ gleston.E29h Hope, Anthony. See Hawkins, A. H. Hope Loring. Bogue.B675h Hope, the hermit. Bayly.B359ho Hornung, E. W. Peccavi.HS16p Horton, George. Like another Helen. II8231 Hotchkiss, C. C. Betsy Ross.H823b Plough, Emerson. Law of the land..H83Sl Mississippi bubble.H838m Hound of the Baskervilles. Doyle. . .D745h Hour will come. Hillern.H652ho House of Egremont. Seawell.S442h House of fulfillment. Martin.M379h House of hidden treasure. Tuttiett. .T967h House of Martha. Stockton.S 8 G 6 h House of seven gables. 2cop. Haw¬ thorne. H399h House of the wizard. Taylor.T244h House of the wolf. Weyman...W549h House with the green shutters. Douglas.D7341i Household of Bouverie. 2v. War- field.W274h Household of McNeil. Barr.B268h Howard, B. W. Aunt Serena.H848a Dionysius.HS48d Guenn.H848g Howells, W. D. Chance acquaint¬ ance.H859c Doctor Breen’s practice.H859d Foregone conclusions.H859f Questionable shapes.H859q Ragged lady.H839r Rise of Silas Lapham.H859rl Son of Royal Langbrith.H859s Their wedding journey.H839t Undiscovered country.FI859u Howitt, William. Woodburn Grange.H863w Hoyt, Eleanor. Misdemeanors of Nancy.H 86 S 111 Nancy’s country Christmas, and other stories.H 86 Sn Huge Wynne, Free Quaker. »2v. Mitchell.M682h Hugo, V. M. comte. By order of tire king.H895b (Les) miserables. 3v.H895m N otre-Dame.H893n Toilers of the sea.II895t Huguenot. James.J27h Hulbert, A. B. Queen of Quel- parte.H912q Hungerford, Mrs. M. H. A. Airy fairy Lillian. H936a Loys, Lord Berresford..H9361 Molly Bawn.M936m Hypatia. 2cop. Kingsley.K55hy Hyperion. Longfellow.L8531i I I, thou, and the other one. Barr.B26Si If I were a man. Robertson.R649i If I were king. McCarthy.Ml24i If, yes, and perhaps. Hale.H161i Ilka on the hill-tops. Boyesen.B791i Imp and the angel. Bacon.B128i Imperial lover. Taylor.T244i Imperial purple. Saltus. Sl79i In connection with the De Willough¬ by claim. Burnett.B964i In deep abyss. Ohnet.038i In His steps. Sheldon.S544i In Ivedar’s tents. Scott.S426i In king’s byways. Weyman.W549i In paradise. 2v. Heyse...H621i In silk attire. Black.B628i In Simpkinsville. Stuart.S932s In the bishop’s carriage. Miclielson. .M623i In the cheering up business. Lee.L479i In the distance. Lathrop.L354i In the morning glow. Gilson.G4891 In the palace of the king. Craw¬ ford .C899i In the Schillingscourt. John.J65i Incomparable Bellairs. Castle.C353i Infelice. Wilson.W746i FICTION 111 Ingelow, Jean. Fated to be free.I46f Sarah de Berenger...I46s Ingham papers. Hale.HIGlin Ingraham, J. H. Pillar of fire.I54p Prince of the house of David.I45pr Initials. Tautphoeus.T229i Interference of Patricia. Bogue.B675i Interrupted. Alden.A358i Intrusions of Peggy. Hawkins.H393i lone March. Crockett.C938i Iota, pseud. See Caffyn, Mrs. K. M. Iron brigade. King.Iv52i Iron mask. Dumas.D886d4 Irving, J. T. Attorney. 1715a Isham, F. S. Black Friday.I79b Strollers.I79s Under the rose.I79u Isle of unrest. Scott.S426:s Issue. Morgan.M848i Istar of Babylon. . Black.B6271 Ivanhoe. Scott.S431i J , Jack Racer. 2cop. Somerville.S696j Jack Raymond. Voynich...V975j Jack Tier. Cooper..C777wi Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. (H. James, Mrs. F. A. (P.) (Florence American.J28am Better sort.J28b Daisy Miller.J28d Diary of a man of fifty.>..J28di Europeans.J2Se Portrait of a lady.J28p Washington square.J28w James Blout of Breckenhow. Dix...DG19b Jamesons. Freem&n.FS55j Jan Vedder’s wife. Barr.B2G8j Jane Eyre. 2cop. Nicholls.N613j Janice Meredith. Ford.F711j Japhet, in search of a father. 2cop. Marry at.M362j Jenkin, Mrs. Charles. Psyche of to-day.J52p Jenkins, Edward. Ginx’s baby.J523g Jepson, Edgar. Admirable Tinker.J54a Jericho road. Habberton.H113j Jerome, a poor man. Freeman.F855je Jessamy bride. Moore.M821j Jewel. Burnham.B966j Jewel of seven stars. Stoker.S847j Jewel’s story book. Burnham.B96Gje Jewett, S. O. Marsh island..J59m Joan Haste. Haggard.H145J John, Eugenie. (F. Marlitt.) At the Councillor’s. 2cop.J65a Bailiff’s maid.J65b In the Schillingscourt.J65i Lady with the rubies.J651 Little Moorland princess.J651i Old Mam’selles secret.JG5o Over yonder.J65ov Owl’s nest.J65ow Second wife. 2cop.J65s John Brent. Winthrop.W793j John Eax. Tourgee.T727j John Gayther’s garden. Stockton.S866j John Godfrey’s fortunes. Taylor.T238j John Halifax, gentleman. 2cop. Craik.C887j John Inglesant. Shorthouse.S559j John Leighton, jr. Trask.T775j John Splendid. Munro.M967j John Ward, preacher. Deland.D337j Johnston, Mary. Audrey.J73a Prisoners of hope.J73p Sir Mortimer.J73s To have and to hold.J73t Joseph annd his friend. Taylor.T238jo Joseph Balsamo. Dumas.D886j Joseph the second and his court. Mundt.M965j .E16j Farjeon.F229j . J12b Joshua. Ebers. .. . J12r Joshua Marvel. Journey to the J26w earth. Verne. . J27a Jucklins. Read.. . J27f Judd, Sylvester. ,.T27h Judith. Terhune. J27m Juggler. Murfree . J28a Juletty. McElroy Julia Reid. Alden.A358j Julian. 2v. Ware.W273j Juncker, E. Margarethe.J95m K Kate Bonnet. Stockton.S 866 k Kate Carnegie. Watson.W339k Katharine Lauderdale. Crawford.... C899k Kauffman, R. W. Things that are Caesar’s.K20t Kavanagh. Longfellow.L853k Kavanagh, Julia. Rachel Gray.K21r Iveary, A. M. Oldbury.K24o Keats, Gwendoline. (Zack.) White cottage.K25w Keays, Mrs. LI. A. M. Lie that eat- eth bread with me... .K25h Keightley, S. R. Heronford.K27h Silver Cross.K27s Kelly, Myra. Little citizens.K291 Kennelm Chillingly. Lytton.L99Sk Kenilworth. Scott.;.S431k Kennedy, J. P. Rob of the bowl.Iv35r 112 MOTION Swallow barn.'.... .K35s Kentucky Cardinal. Allen.A427k Kentucky colonel. Read.R284k Khaled. Crawford.C899kb Kidnapped. Stevenson.S848k Kidnapped colony. Andrews.A568k Kim. Kipling.K57k King, Gen. Charles. Army wife.K52a Between the lines.K52b Captain Blake.K52c Captain Close. Sergeant Croesus. .K52ca Colonel's daughter.K52co Daughter of the Sioux.K52d Deserter.K52de General’s double.K52g Iron brigade.K521 Laramie.K521 Norman Holt.K52n Ray’s daughter.K52r Ray’s recruits.K52ra Starlight ranch, and other stories of army life on the frontier....K52st Story of Fort Frayne.K52f Trooper Galahad.:.K52t Trooper Ross. Signal Butte.K52tr Two soldiers. Dunraven ranch.... K52tw Under fire.K52u War-time wooing.K52w King, G. E. De Soto and his men in the land of Florida.K523d King, Thorold, pseud. See Gatchell, Charles. King of the bronchos, and other stories. Lummis.L958k King Stork of the Netherlands. Lee..L477k King's daughter. Allen.A358k Kings in exile. Daudet..D238k King's jackal. Davis.D263k Kingsley, Charles. Here ward.K55h Hypatia. 2cop.K55hy Westward ho!.K55w Yeast.Iv55y Kingsley, Henry. Leighton court.... K5511 Ravenshoe.K551r Recollections of Geoffrey Ham- lyn.K551re Kipling, Rudyard. Day’s work.K57d Kim.K57k Light that failed.K571 Plain tales from the hills.K57p & Balestier, C. W. Naulahka.K57n Kirk, Mrs. E. W. (O.) Daughter of Eve.K59d Lesson in love..K591 Queen money.K59q Revolt of a daughter.K59r Story of Lawrence Garthe.K59s Kirkman, M. M. Romance of Gil¬ bert Holmes.K595r 4 Kirschner, Lola. (Ossip Schubin.) Erlach Court.K61e Our own set.K61o Kismet. Fletcher.F613k Kit Kennedy. Crockett.C938k Knave of hearts. Grant.G762k Knight errant. Bayly. .B359k Knight of the 19th century. Roe....R698k Knights of the cross. 2v. Sienkie- wic-z. S572k Knitters in the sun. French.F873k L Ladder of swords. Parker.P2391 Laddie. Smith.S646m Lady Hester. Yonge.Y551 Lady Judith. McCarthy.M1231 Lady of quality. Burnett.B9641 Lady of the flag-flowery. Wilkin¬ son.W6861 Lady or the tiger? and other stories Stockton.S8661 Lady Rose’s daughter. Ward.W2591 Lady with the rubies. John.J651 Lagerloef. Selma. Story of Geosta Berling.L174s Lakewood. Norris.N8571 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Raphael....L217r La Motte-Fouque, F. K. H. baron de. Undine.L235u Sintram and his companions.L23os Lancaster, A. E. All’s dross but love.L244a Land of Cockayne. Serao.S4811 Lane, Mrs. E. (M.) Nancy Stair.L265n Laodicean. Hardy.H2721 Laramie. King.K521 Larned, W. C. Rembrandt.L325r Last days of Pompeii. Lytton.L9981 Last of the barons. Lytton.L9981a Last of the Macallisters. Barr.B2681 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper.C7771 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant.0471 Last vendee. Dumas.D8661 Lastchance Junction. Greene.G7991 Late Mrs. Null. Stockton.S8861a Lathrop, G. P. In the distance.L354i Latimers. McCook.M1291 Latitude 19°. Crowninshield.C9541 Launching of a man. Waterloo.W3271 Lavender and old lace. Reed.R3251 Lavinia. Ruffini.R923I Law or the land. Hough.H8381 Laurence, G. A. Guy Livingstone. .L421g Lazarre. Catherwood.C3631 Leah of Jerusalem. Berry.B5431 Leavenworth case. Rohlfs.R7381 Lee, Albert. King Stork of the Netherlands.L477k Lee, Harriet & Lee, Sophia. Can¬ terbury tales. 3v.L478c Lee, Mrs. M. C. (J.) In the cheer¬ ing up business.L479i Lee, Sophia, jt. author. See Lee, Harriet. FICTION 113 Le Fanu, J. S. Uncle Silas.L4SSu Legacy. Craik.C8871 Le Gallienne, Richard. Quest of tlie golden girl.L49Gq Legend of Montrose. 2cop. Scott..S431br Legend of Thomas Didymus. Clark. .C5981 Leighton court. Kingsley.K5511 Leila. Ly tton.L9981e Leland, Anna. Home.L5371i Leo. pseud. Scapegoat.L57Gs Leopard’s spots. Dixon.D6211 Le Sage. A. R. Gil Bias of San- tillane.LG22g Lesson in love. Kirk.K591 Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. Lorimer.L8721 Letters from a son to his self-made father. Merriman.M5711 Lever, C. J. Charles O’Malley.L658c Fortunes of Glencore.LG58f Sir Brook Fossbrooke.L658s Tom Burke of “Ours”.L658t Lewis, A. H. Boss and how he came to rule New York.LG73b Peggy O’Neal.L673p Life and death. Sienkiewicz.S5721 Life and its aims.L722 Life for a life. Craik.CS871i Life in the open air, and other papers. Winthrop.W7931 Light of Scartliey. Castle.C35321 Light that failed. Kipling.K571 Lightning conductor. Williamson & Williamson. W7291 Like another Helen. Horton.H8231 Lilac sunbonnet. Crockett.C9381 Liljencrantz, O. A. Thrall of Lief the Lucky.L728t Ward of King Canute.L728w Lillie, Mrs. L. C. (W.) Margaret Thorpe’s trial.L729m Prudence.",.L729p Lily of the valley. Balzac.B1981 Lincoln, Mrs. J. (G.) Unwilling maid. .L737u Link’s in Rebecca’s life. Alden.A3581 Linley Rochford. McCarthy.M1231i Lion and the unicorn. Davis.D2631 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper.C7771i Lions of the Lord. Wilson.W7481 Little Barefoot. Auerbach.A9171 Little citizens. Kelly.K291 Little Dorrit. Dickens.D5811 Little garrison. Bilse...r.B5961 Little Loo. Russell.R9G81 Little minister. Barrie....B2751 Little Moorland princess. John.JG51i Little novels of Italy. Hewlett..H6121 Little shepherd of Kingdom Come. Fox.F7921 Little sister to the wilderness. Bogue.B0751 Little stories of married life. Cut¬ ting.•.C9911 Little Union scout. Harris.H3141 Little upstart. Rideing.R5441 Little white bird. Barrie.B27511 Living link. De Mille. ..D3S11 Lloyd, J. U. Red Head.L793r Stringtown on the pike.L793s Warwick of the Knobs.L793w Lloyd, N. McA. Soldier of the val¬ ley.L794s Locke Amsden. Thompson.T4691 London, Jack. Call of the wild_L847c Sea-wolf.L847s Long, J. L. Fox-woman.L848f Sixty Jane, and other stories.LS48s Long night. Weyman.W5491 Longfellow, H. W. Hyperion.L8531i Kavanagh.L853k Loom of life. Goss.G6771 Lord Ormont and his Aminta. Meredith.M5591 Lorimer, G. H. Letters from a self- made merchant to his son.L8721 Old Gorgon Graham.LS72o Lorna Doone. 2cop. Blackinore. .. .B6291 Losing to win. Davies.D2571 Lost Stradivarius. Falkner...F1931 Lothair. 2cop. Beaconsfield.B3651 Louise of Prussia and her times.’ 2cop. Mundt.M9851 Lourdes. 2v. Zola..Z861 Love affairs of an old maid. Bogue. B6751o Love for an hour is love forever. Barr. .B2681o Love of Parson Lord, and other stories. Freeman.F8551 Lovel the widower. 2cop. Thack¬ eray.T363v Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy.L911h Lover or friend. Carey.C2751 Loves of Lady Arabella. Seawell.. .S4421 Lovey Mary. Rice.R4951 Loys, Lord Berresford. Hungerford.H9361 Lucas, Malet, pseud. See Harri¬ son, Mrs. M. (St. L.) Luck of Roaring Camp. 2cop. Harte.H3271 Lummis, C. F. King of the bron¬ cos, and other stories.L958k New Mexico David and other sto¬ ries .L958n Luther, M. L. Henchman.L9731i Lux crucis. Gardenliire.•. ...G2181 Lyall, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, A. E. Lying prophets. Phillpots.P5641 Lysbetli. Haggard.H1451 Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. Works. 9v.L998 Alice.L99?a Caxtons. 2v.I.998c Coming race.L998co 114 FICTION Devereux 2 v.L998d Eugene Aram.L998e Harold.L998h Kenelm Chillingly... .L998k Last days of Pompeii.L9981 Last of the barons. 2v.L9981a Leila. Calderon the courtier. Pilgrims of the Rhine.L99Sle My novel. 4v.L998m Night and morning.L99Sn Parisians.L99Sp .j Paul Clifford.L998pa Pelham.L998pe Rienzi.L998r What will he do with it. 3v-L99Sw Zanoni.L998z M Maartens, Maarten, pseud. See Poor- ten-Schwartz, J. M. H. van der. McCall, Sidney. Truth Dexter.M122t McCarthy, J. H. If I were king... .M124i Proud prince.Ml24p McCarthy, Justin. Lady Judith. .. .M1231 Linley Rochford.M1231i Paul Massie.,.M123p McCook, IL. C. Latimers... McCutcheon, G. B. Beverly Graustark. Brewster’s millions. Day of the dog. .M1291 of .M133b .M133br .Ml 33 d Macdonald, George. Annals of a quiet neighborhood. .M135a David Eiginbrod.. .M135d Donald Grant. .Ml35do Heather and snow .M135h Malcolm. , . . .M135m Marquis of Lossie .Ml35ma Mary Marston.... Phantastes. .M135p Robert Falconer... .M135r St. George and St. . Michael .M135s Seaboard parish. .. .M135se Warlock o’ Glen warlock.... What’s mine’s mine. .Ml35wli McElroy, L. C 1 . Juletty.... .M141 j M’Fall, Mrs. S. (C.) (Sarah Grand.) Babs the impossible. .Mil 3b MacGrath, Harold. Grey cloak.M147g Man on the box.. .M147m Puppet crown.... .M147p Mackay, Katherine. Stone of des- tiny. .Ml 53 s Mackinac and lake stories. Cath- erwood,. .. .C’363m Maclai'en. Ian, pseud. See Wat- soil, John. Macleod of Dare. Black.... .B628m MacManus, Seumas. Red poocher. ,M167r Through the turf smoke. .. .M167t Madame Delpliine. Cable....C115m Madame de Stael. Boelte.B 6 Tlm Madame Lucas.M178 Madcap Violet. Black.B628ma Mademoiselle Ixe. Hawker.K359m Madigans. Miclielson...M623m Madness of Philip, and other tales of childhood. Bacon.B128m Magruder, Julia. Beautiful alien.. .M212b Dead selves.M212d Princess Sonia.M212p Maid-at-arms. Chambers.C445m Maid of Maiden Lane. Barr.B268m Maid, wife, or widow. Hector.H451m Maids of Paradise. Chambers. .. .C445ma Main chance. Nicholson.N627m Major, Charles. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall.M234d Forest hearth..M234f » When knighthood was in flower..M234w Malcolm. Macdonald.Ml35m Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harri¬ son, Mrs. M. (St. L.) Mallock, W. H. Heart of life.M255h Mamelon. Tourgee.T727j Mammon, Gore.G 666111 Man from Glengarry. Gordon.G662m Man in black. Weyman.W549m Man on the box. MacGratli.M147m Man overboard! Crawford.CS99m Man that corrupted Hadleyburg, and other stories. Clemens.C625m Man with the broken ear. About. .A156m Man without a country. Hale.H161m Manders. Barron.B277m Manners, Mrs. pseud. See Rich¬ ards Mrs. C. LI. (B.) Mansfield Park. Austen.A933m Manteuffel, U. Z. von. Violetta... .M292v Ms. in a red-box.M294 Manxman. Caine.C135m Marble faun. Hawthorne...-.H399m Marcella. 2v. Ward.W259m March in the ranks. Fothergill... .F761m Marchmont, A. W. Dash for a throne.M318d Margaret. Judd.J92m Margaret Percival. 2v. Sewell. .. .S516m Margaret Thorpe's trial. Lillie. .. .L729m Margarethe. Juncker.J95m Margery. Ebers.E16m Marguerite de Valois. Dumas.D 8 S 6 m Marie Antoinette and her son. Marietta. Crawford.C899ma Mariposilla. Daggett.D125m Marjorie Daw, and other stories. Aldrich.A365m Mark Ilelfron. Bailey.B154m Market-place. Frederic.F852m Marlitt, E. pseud. See John, Eu¬ genie. Marm Lisa. Riggs.R509m FICTION 115 Marmorne. Hamerton.H215m Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald... .M135ma Marriage of William Ashe. Ward.W259ma Married belle. Smith.S653m Marryat, Capt. Frederick. Japh- et, in search of a father, 2cop...M362j Peter Simple.M362p Marsh island. Jewett.J59m Martel de Janville, comtesse de. (Gyp.) Chiffon’s marriage.M376c Martin, Mrs. A. R. Emmy Lou, her book and heart.M379e House of fulfillment.M379h Martin, George Madden, pseud. See Martin, Mrs. A. R. Martin, H. R. Tillie, a Memmonite maid.M381t Martin, K. B. Belgian days.M378b Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens.D548m Marty. Stannard. — .S789m Mary Marston. Macdonald.M135mr Mary of Burgundy. James.J27m Mary St. John. Carey.C275m Marzio’s crucifix. Crawford.C899mar Mason, A. E. W. Four feathers... .M398f Truants.M398t Masquerader. Thurston.T545m Master. Zangwill. Z29m- Master Christian. Corelli.C797m Master of his fate. Barr.B268ma Master of the magicians. Ward & Ward. ...W257m Master of Warlock. Eggleston.E292m Master’s violin. Reed.R325m Matrimonial infelicities. Coffin... .C676m Matthews, J. B. Confident tomor¬ row. M438c Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. (B.) To the bitter end.M465t May, T. P. Prince of Breffny.M467p Mayflower. Stowe. S892m Mayo, Mrs. I. (F.) Crooked places. .M473c Meade, L. T. See Smith, Mrs. E. T. (M.) Meh lady. Page.P133m Member for Paris. Trois-etoiles... .T845m Memoirs of a baby. Baton.B128me Memoirs of Barry London. Thack¬ eray. T363h ' Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle.D754m Men of the moss-hags. Crockett. ...C938m Men with the bark on. Remington.,R388m Men, women and ghosts. Ward..W257me Mercedes of Casytile. Cooper.C777b Merchant of Berlin. 2cop. Mundt.M985me Mercy Philbrick’s choice.M557 Meredith, George. Lord Ormont and his Aminta.M5591 Rhoda Fleming.M559r Merle’s crusade. Carey.C275me Merriman, C. E. Letters from a son to his self-made father.M5711 Merriman, H. S. pseud. See Scott, IJ. S. Mettle of the pasture. Allen.A427m Meyer, Mrs. A. (N.) Robert Annys, poor priest.M612r Michelson, Miriam. In the bishop’s carriage.M623i Madigans.M623m Middle aged love stories. Bacon.. .B128mi Middlemarch. Eliot.E42m Miles Wallingford. Cooper.C777cr Mill on the Floss. Eliot.E42mi Miller, A. D. Calderon’s prisoner... M647c Miller, Elizabeth. Yoke.M6472y Miller, Hugh. Tales and sketches. .M648t Miller of Angibault. Sand.S213m Millionaire baby. Rohlfs.R738m Minister’s wooing. Stowe.S892mi Minx. Caffyn.C129m Mirage. Fletcher. F613m Miriam Montfort. Warfield.W274m Misdemeanors of Nancy. Hoyt_H86Sm (Les) miserables. 3v. Hugo.H895m Miss Archer Archer. Burnham.... B966m Miss Bagg's secretary. Burnham. .B966mi Miss Pritchard’s wedding trip. Burnham.B966mis Miss Toosey's mission. Smith.S646m Missionary sheriff. French.FS73m Mississippi bubble. Hough.H83Sm Missy. Harris.H315m Mr. Isaacs. Crawford.CS99mi Mr. Keegan’s elopement. Churchill..C563m Mrs. Armington’s ward. Wright. .W948m Mrs. Cliff’s yacht. Stockton.S866m Mrs. M’Lerie. Bell.B433m Mrs. Mayburn’s twins. Habberton. H113m Mistress Nell. Hazelton.H429m Mistress of Beech Knoll. Burn¬ ham. B986mit Mistress of Ibichstein. Henkel... .H513m Mrs. Pendleton’s four-in-hand. Atherton.A868m Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Rice.R495m Misunderstood. Montgomery.M787m Mitchell, D. G. Doctor Johns. 2v...M6Sld Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd.MGSlla Mitchell, S. W. Adventures of Francois.M6S2a Comedy of conscience.M682c Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker. 2v...M682h Modern Mepliistopheles. Alcott.... A355m Modern sacrifice. Alden.A358m Mohammed Ali and his house. Mundt.M985mo Molly Bawn. Hungerford.H936m Monastery. Scott.S431m Monikins. Cooper.C777wy Monk and knight. Gunsaulus.G976m Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington... .T187m Montgomery, Florence. Misunder¬ stood.M787m 116 FICTION Thrown together.M787t Moonstone. Collins.C713m Moore, F. F. Jessamy bride.M821j Moore, George. Sister Theresa.M822s Untilled field.M822u Moral imbeciles. Greene.G799m More, Sir Thomas. Utopia.M836u Morgan, George. Issue.M848i Moriah’s mourning. Stuart.S932m Morris, Clara. See Harriott, Mrs. C. (M.) Morris, Gouverneur. Aladdin O’Brien.M876a Pagan’s progress.M876p Morris, Margaretta & Congdon, L. B. eds. Book of Bryn Mawr sto¬ ries .M877b Mosses from an old manse. 2cop. Hawthorne.H399mo Muegge, Theodore. Afraja.M951a Muelbach, Louise, pseud. See Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) (L. Muehl- bach.) Andreas Hofer.M965a Berlin and Sans-Souci.M965b Daughter of an empress.M965d Empress Josephine.M965e Frederick the Great and his court. 2cop.M965f Frederick the Great and his fam¬ ily. 2cop.M965tr Goethe and Schiller. 2cop.M965g Henry the eighth and his court. 2 cop.M965h Joseph the second and his court.. .M965j Louise of Prussia and her times. 2cop..V . . ..M9651 Marie Antoninette and her son....M965m Merchant of Berlin. 2cop.M965me Mohammed Ali and his house... .M965mo Napoleon and Blueclier.M985n Napoleon and the queen of Prus¬ sia .. M965na Old Fritz and the new era.M985o Prince Eugene and his times. 2 cop.M965p Queen Hortense.M965q Munro, Neil. Gilian the dreamer... .M967g John Splendid.M967j Murfree, M. N. (Charles Egbert Craddock.) Despot of Btooms- edge Cove.M975d Down the ravine.M975do Juggler.M975j Mystery of Witch-face mountain, and other stories.M975m Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains. M975p Spectre of power.M975s Story of Keedon Bluffs.M975sk . Story of old Fort Loudon.M975st Where the battle was fought.M975w My friend Prospero. Harland.H283m My husband and I. Tolstoi.T054m My lady of the north. Parrish... .P261m My married life at Hillside. Cof¬ fin.M676my My mother and I. Crailc.C887m My Mother-in-law.M955 My novel. Lytton.L99Sm My sister Jeannie. Sand.S213my My wife and I. Stowe.S892my Mystery (Of Dark Hollow. South- worth .S728m Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens.D548my Mystery of the Compagna. Degen..D317m Mystery of Witch-face Mountain, other stories. Murfree.M975m N Nameless nobleman. Austin.A936n Nancy Stair. Lane.L265n Nancy’s country Christmas, and other stories. Hoyt.H£68n Nantucket scraps. Austin.A936na Napoleon and Bluecher. Mundt... .M965n Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. Mundt.M965na Napoleon Jackson. Stuart.S932n Naulahka. Kipling & Balestier.K57n Near a whole city full. Townsend. .T747n New doctor. Biddle.B584n New god. Voss.V969n New graft on the family tree. Al- den.A358n New Magdalen. Collins.C713n New Mexico David, and other sto¬ ries. Lummis. „ .L958n New Moon. Parkes.,P245n New race. Friedrich.F911n New Timothy. Baker.Bl68n Newcomes. Thackeray.T363n Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens.D548n Nicholls, Mrs. C. (B.) Jane Eyre. 2cop.N613j Professor.N613p Shirley.N613s Nicholls, J. H. Bayou Triste.NG14b Nichols, L. D. Norway summer... .N619n Nicholson, Meredith. Main chance. .N027m Zelda Dameron.N627z Night and morning. Lytton..L998n No gentleman. Burnham.B966n Noble life. Craik.C8S7n Norman Holt. King.Iv52n Norris, Frank. Deal in wheat, and other stories.N855d Octopus.N885o Pit.N855p Norris, M. H. Lakewood.N8571 North Carolina sketches. Carter.C324n Norway summer. Nichols. .N619n Not like other girls. Carey.C275n Notre-Dame. Hugo.H895n No. 5 John street. Whiteing.W593n FICTION Nuna the Bramin. French.FS74n O Oak-openings. Cooper.C777o Ocean tragedy. Russell.R96So Octopus. Norris.N855o Odd, or even? Whitney.W617o Off on a comet! Verne.V531o Ogilvies. Craik.C887o Ohnet, George. In deep abyss.038i Old Bowen’s legacy. Dix.. .DG20o Old countess. Stephens....S832o Old curiosity shop. 2cop. Dickens. .D548o Old Fritz and the new era. Mundt..M965o Old gentleman of the black stock. Page.P133o Old Gorgon Graham. Lorimer.I,S72o Old Ivaskaskia. Catherwood.C363o Old maids and burglars in Para¬ dise. Ward.W257o Old Mam’selles secret. John.J65o Old mortality. Scott.S431bl Oldbury. Keary.K24o Oldfield. Banks.B218o Old-field school-girl. Terhune.T318o Oldtown folks. Stowe.S892o Oliphant, Mrs.' M. O. (W.) Effie Ogilvie .047e Last of the Mortimers.0471 Oliver Twist. Dickens.D548ol Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of bat¬ tle .049b On both sides of the sea. Charles.. .C475o On Peter’s island. Ropes.R785o On the face of the waters. Steel. .. .S813o On the heights. Auerbach.A917o On the - red staircase. Taylor.T244o One of the Duanes. Hamilton.II217o One woman. Dixon.D621o Open question. Parkes.P245o Opening a chestnut burr. Roe.R698o Opportunity. Seemuller.S453o Orange girl. Besant.B554o Orcutt, W. D. Robert Cavalier.0G4r Ordeal for wives. Edwardes.E25o Order no. 11. Stanley.S787o Original belle. Roe.RG98or Orley Farm. Trollope.T847o Osbourne, Lloyd, jt. author. See Stevenson, R. L. B. Oswald, Eugene. Vain forebodings. .086v Other things being equal. Wolf. ... W8G3o Othmar. Ramee.Rl71o Otis, Mrs. IL. G. Barclays of Boston.088b Otto, the knight. French.F873o Ouida, pseud. See Ramee, Louise de la. Our Bessie. Carey.C275o Our mutual friend. Dickens.D548ou Our own set. Kirschner.KGlo Out of step. Pool..P821o 117 Out of the wilderness. Chaplain.C464o Over the border. Barr.B2G9o Over yonder. John.J65ov Overland. De Forest.D315o Overton, Gwendolen. Captain’s daughter.096c Owl’s nest. John.J65ow P Pa Gladden. Waltz.W241p Pagan’s progress. Morris.M8876p Page, T. N. Gordon Keith.P133g Meh lady.P133m Old gentleman of the black stock..P133o Palmer, Frederick. Vagabond.P173v Ways of the service.P173w Pan Michael. Sienkiwicz.S572p Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. I. (M.) Pardoe, Julia. Earl's secret....P226e Parisians. Lytton.L998p Parker, Sir Gilbert. Battle of the strong.P239b Dona van pasha.P239d Ladder of swords.P2391 Pomp of the Lavilettes.P239p Right of way.P239r Seats of the mighty.P239s Parker, Mrs. H. F. Constance Ayl¬ mer. P241c Parkes, Mrs. E. (R.) (C. E. Rai- mond.) New moon.P245n Open question.P245o Parrish, Randall. My lady of the north.P261m When wilderness was king.P261w Passe Rose. Hardy.H268p Pasteboard crown. Harriott.H312p Pastor Naudie’s young wife. Rod....R6S5p Patli-finder. Cooper.C777d Patience Strong’s outings. Whit¬ ney.WG17p Paul and Christina. Barr.B268p Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre. ... S149p Paul Clifford, Lytton.L998pa Paul Massie. McCarthy.M123p Pauline. Alden.A358p Pearl-maiden. Haggard.H145p Pearl of Orr’s island. Stowe.S892p Peccavi. Hornung.H816p Peg Woffington. Reade.R285p Peggy O’Neal. Lewis.L673p Pelham. Lytton. L99Spe Pemberton, Max. Daughter of the States.P395d Feo.P395f Queen of the Jesters.P395q Pembroke, Freeman.F855p Pendennis. Thackeray.T363 Tenelope’s English experiences. Riggs.R569c Penelope's Irish experiences. Riggs..R569p 118 FICTION Penelope’s progress. Riggs.R569pe Penniless girl. Heimburg.H467p Perez-Galdos, Benito. Gloria. 2v..P438g Saragossa.P438s Perly cross. Blackmore.B629p Persuasion. Austen.. .A933s Peter Simple. Marryat.M362p Peterson, M. T. Potter and the clay.P485p Peveril of the peak. Scott.S431p Pkantastes. Macdonald.M135p Phelps, E. S. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. (R.) Philip Tliaxter.P549 Phillips, D. G. Cost.P558c Golden fleece.P558g Phillips, H. W. Red Saunders.P559r Phillpots, Eden. Children of the mist.P564c Golden fetich.P564g Lying prophets.P5641 Philosophy 4. Wister.W817p Phineas Finn, the Irish member. Trollope.TS47p Phoebe. Harris.II315p Phroso. Hawkins.H393P Pickwick papers. Dickens.D548p Pictures of country life. Carey... .C275p Pidgin, C. F. Blennerhassett.P612b Quincy Adams Sawyer.P612q Pier, A. S. Sentimentalists.P615s Triumph.PG15t Pilgrims of the Rhine. Lytton.L998Ie Pilgrim’s progress. Bunyan.B942p Pillar of fire. Ingraham.I54p Pilot. Cooper.C777p Pioneers. Cooper. C7771 Pirate. Scott.S431pi Pit. Norris..N855p Pixley, Frank, jt. author. See Read, Opie. Place and power. Felkiu.F316p 4 Plain tales from the hills. Kipling. .K57p Plympton, A. G. Bud of promise. ..P738b Poe, E. A. Prose tales. 2v.P743p Polly Button’s New Year. Wilder. .WG73p Pomp of the Lavilettes. Parker... .P239p Pool, M. L. Against human nature. .P82la Out of step.P821o Red-bridge neighborhood.P82ir Sand ’n’ bushes.P821s Two Salomes.P821t Poor Miss Finch. Collins.C713p Poorten-Schwarz, J. M. H. van der. (Maarten Maartens.) God's fool..P824g Greater glory.P824gr Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs.P846s Thaddeus of Warsaw.P846t Portion of labor. Freeman.F835po Portrait of a lady. James.J28p Post, W. K. Harvard stories.P837h Potter, M. H. See Black, Mrs. M. II. (P.) I- Potter and the clay. Peterson.P4S5p Prairie. Cooper.C777pa Precaution. Cooper.C777pe Premier and the painter. Zangwill.. . Z29p Prentiss, Mrs. E. (P.) Aunt Jane’s hero.P927a Stepping heavenward.P927s Pride and prejudice. Austen.A933m Pride of Jennico. Castle.C353p Prince Eugene and his times. 2cop. Mundt.M965p Prince of Breffny. May.M467p Prince of India. 2v. Wallace.W191p Prince of the house of David. In¬ graham.154pr Prince Otto. Stevenson.S848p Princess Amclie. .P957 Princess Napraxine. Ramee.Rl71p Princess of Thule. Black.B628p Princess Sonia. Magruder.M212p Princeton stories. Williams.W724p Prisoner of Zenda. Hawkins.H393pr Prisoners of hope. Johnston... . J73p Private Tinker, and other stories. Stannard.S789p Prodigal son. Caine.C135p Professor. Nicholls.N613p Promoters. Smith.S664p Prophet of the Great Smoky moun¬ tains. Murfree.M975p Prose tales. 2v. Poe.....P743p Prospector. Gordon.G662p Prosser, Mrs. Clackitts of Ingle- brook Hall.P96Gc Proud prince. McCarthy.M124p Prudence. Lillie.L729p Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich.A3G5p Psyche of to-day. Jenkin . J52p Pudd’nliead Wilson. Clemens.CG25p Puppet crown. MacGrath.M147p Q Queec-liy. 2cop. Warner.W284q Queen Ilortense. Mundt....MG95q Queen money. Kirk.Iv59q Queen of hearts. Collins.C713q Queen of Quelparte. Hulbert.H912q Queen of the isle. Fleming.F597q Queen of the Jesters. Pemberton... .P395q Queen Titania. Boyesen.B791q Queen's garden. Davis.D262q Quentin Durward. Scott.S431q Quest of John Chapman. Hillis.H6o4q Quest of the golden girl. Le Gal- lienne.L496q Question. Ebers.ElGq Question of silence. Douglas.D733q Questionable shapes. Howells.H859q Quincy Adams Sawyer. Pidgin.P612q Quisante. Hawkins.LI393q Quixstar. Taylor.T239q FICTION 119 Quo vadis. Sienkiewicz S572q R Rachel Gray. Kavauagli.K21r Rachel’s share of the road.R119 Ragged lady. Howells.H859r Raimond, C. E. pseud. See Parkes, Mrs. E. (R.) Ralph Wilton’s wierd. Hector.H451r Ralstons. 2v. Crawford.C988r Rainee, Louise de la. (Ouida.) Be- bee.RlTlb Chandos, and other stories.RlTlc Othmar.RlTlo Princess Napraxine.RlTlp Ramona. Jackson.J12r Ransom’s folly. Davis.D263r Raphael. Lamartine.L217r Raspe, R. E. Baron Munchausen.... R226b Ravenshoe. Kingsley.K551r Rayner, Emma. Free to serve.R275f Ray’s daughter. King.Ko2r Ray’s recruit . King.K52ra Read, Opie. Jucklins.R281j Kentucky colonel.R2S4k Starbucks.R284s Wives of the prophet.R284w & Pixley, Frank. Carpetbagger. ...R2S4c Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth. 2cop. Banking house. ...R285c Griffith Gaunt . R285g Hard cash.R285h Peg Woffington.. . R28op Terrible temptation.R285t Real folks. Whitney.W617r Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Riggs.R569r Rebellion of the princess. Taylor... .T244r Rebellious heroine. Bangs.B216r Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn. Kingsley.Iv551i e Records. Brady.B812r Red axe. Crockett.C938r Red badge of courage. Crane.C891r Red blood and blue. Robertson.RG49r Red-bridge neighborhood. Pool.TS2lr Red Head. Lloyd.L793r Red-Keggers. Thwing.T548r Red pooclier. MacManus.M167r Red pottage. 2cop. Cholmondeley. .. C547r Red Rover. Cooper.C777p Red Saunders. Phillips.P559r Redemption of David Corson. Goss..G667r Redgauntlet. Scott.S431r Redskins. Cooper.C777c Reed, Myrtle. Lavender and old lace.R3251 Master’s violin.R325m Shadow of victory.R325s Refugees. Doyle.D754r Regent’s daughter. Dumas.D88Gr Reichenbach, Moritz von. Eiclihofs. 2cop.R351e I Reign of law. Allen.A427r Rejected wife. Stephens.S832r Rembrandt. Larned.L235r Remington, Frederic. Crooked trails.R388c Men with the bark on.R388m Rescue. Sedgwick...S448r Resurrection. Tolstoi.T654r Revolt of a daughter. Kirk.K59r Rhoda Fleming. Meredith.M559r Ribstone pippins. Tuttiett.T967r Rice, Mrs. A. C. (H.) Lovey Mary...R4951 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch.R49oin Rice, James, jt. author. See Be- sant, Sir Walter. Richard Carvel. Churchill.C563r Richard Yea-and-nay. Hewlett.H612r Richards, Mrs. C. H. (B.) (Mrs. Manners.) Aspiration.R314a Rideing, W. IT. Little upstart.R5441 Rienzi. Lytton.L998r Riggs, Mrs. Iv. D. (S.) W. Cathed¬ ral courtship.R5G9c Marm Lisa.R569m Penelope's English experiences.R569c Penelope's Irish experiences.R569p Penelope's progress.R569pe Rebecca of the Sunnybrook farm.. . R569r Village watch-tower.R5G9v & others. Affiair at the inn.R569a Right of way. Parker.P239r Right princess. Burnham.B966r Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells.H859ri Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. (T.) Story of Elizabeth.R599s River’s children. Stuart.S932r Rives, H. E. Hearts courageous.R623lx Rob Roy. Scott.S431ro Rob of the bowl. Kennedy.K33r Robert Annys, poor priest. Meyer... M612r Robert Cavelier. Oreutt.064r Robert Falconer. Macdonald.M135r Robert Tournay. Sage. S129r Roberts, Theodore. Hemming the adventurer.RG47h Robertson, Harrison. If I were a man.. RG491 Red blood and blue.R649r Robespierre. Sardou & Galdemar.... S244r Robins, Elizabeth. See Parkes, Mrs. E. (R.) Rod, Edouard. Pastor Naudie's young wife.RG85p Roden’s corner. Scott.S426r Roe, E. P. Barriers burned away. ... R69Sb Day of fate.R69Sd Driven back to Eden.R698dr Face illumined.R69Sf From jest to earnest.R698fr He fell in love with his wife.RG98h Knight of the 19th century.R698k Opening a chestnut burr.RG98o Original belle.R698or Unexpected result. .....RG98u 120 FICTION Roger Drake, captain of industry. Webster.W379r Rolilfs, Mrs. A. Iv. Filigree ball.It738f Leavenworth case.R7381 Millionaire baby.R738m Romance of Dollard. Catherwood... .C363r Romance of Gilbert Holmes. Kirk¬ land .Iv595r Romance of two worlds. Corelli.C797r Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. Hardy.H272r Romantic young lady. Grant.G762r Romola. Eliot.E42r Ropes, A. R. & Ropes, M. E. On Peter's island.R785o Ropes, M. E. jt. author. See Ropes, A. R. Rose of Dutchers Coolly. Garland. ..G233r Rose of Normandy. Wilson.W754r Rose of old St. Louis. Dillon.D579> Rosemary and rue. Champney.C453r Round Anvil Rock. Banks.B218r Roxy. Eggleston.E29r Ruffini, G. D. Lavinia.R9231 Rulers of kings. Atherton.A868r Ruling passion. Van Dyke.V248r Runkle, Bertha. See Bash, Mrs. B. (R.) Rupert of Hentzau. Hawkins.II393r Russell, W. C. Little Loo.R96S1 Ocean tragedy.R96So Sea queen.R968s- Ruth Erskine's crosses. Alden.A358r S Sage, William. Robert Tournay.S129r St. Katherine’s by the tower. Be- sant.B554s St. George and St. Michael. Mac¬ donald .M135s St. Ives. Stevenson.S848s Saint Michael. Buerstenbinder.B972s Saint Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia. S149p St. Ronan’s well. Scott.S431s Saltus, E. E. Imperial purple.S179i Salvage.S182 Sanctuary. Wharton.W533s Sand, George, pseud. Consuelo.S213c Countess of Rudolstadt.S213co Miller of Angibault.S213m My sister Jeannie.S213my Snow man.S213s Sand ’n’ bushes. Pool.PS21s Sane lunatic. Burnham.B96Cs Sant’ Ilario. Crawford. v ...C899s Saracinesca. Crawford.C899sa Saragossa. Perez-Galdos.P438s Sarah de Berenger. Ingelow.Il‘46s Sardou, Victorien & Galdemar, Ange. Robespierre.S244r Satanstoe. Cooper. C777o Scapegoat. Leo. pseud.L576s Scarlet letter. 2cop. Hawthorne... .H339s Schonberg-Cotta family. Charles.C475s School for saints. Craigle.C 886 s Schubin, Ossip, pseud. See Kirsch- ner, Lola. Scott, FI. S. (H. S. Merriman.) Barlasch of the guard.S426b Dross.S426d In Kedar’s tents.S426i Isle of unrest.S426is Roden’s corner.S426r Vultures.S426v Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Abbot.S431a Anne of Geierstein.S431an Antiquary.S431at Betrothed.S431b Black dwarf. Old mortality.S431bl Bride of Lammermoor. Legend of Montrose. 2cop.S431br Castle Dangerous. Talisman.S431c Chronicles of the Canongate.S431ch Count Robert of Paris.S431co Fair maid of Perth.S431f Fortunes of Nigel.S431fo Guy Manner'ng.S431g Heart of Midlothian.S431h Ivanhoe.S431i Kenilworth.S431k Monastery.S431m Peveril of the peak.S431p Pirate.S431pi Quentin Durward.S431q Red Gauntlet.S431r Rob Roy. S431ro St. Ronan's well.S431s Waverly.S43lw Woodstock.S431wo Scottish chiefs. Porter.P846s Sea-lions. Cooper.C777s Sea queen. Russell.R96Ss Sea-wolf. London.L847s Seaboard parish. Macdonald.M135se Seats of the mighty. Parker.P239s Sea well, M. E. Children of destiny... S442c Fortunes of Fifi.S442f House of Egremont.S442h Loves of Lady Arabella.S4421 Sprightly romance of Marsac.S442s Second wife. 2cop. John.J65s Sedgwick, A. D. Dull Miss Archin- ard.*.S448d Rescue.S448r Seeker. Wilson.W748s Seekers. Waterloo.W327s Seemuller, Mrs. A. M. (C.) Oppor¬ tunity.S453o Self-raised. South worth.S728s Senator North. Atherton.A 86 Ss Sense and sensibility. Austen.A933s Sentimental Tommy. Barrie.„-...B275s Sentimentalists. Pier.P61os FICTION 121 Septimus. Hawthorne.II399do Serao, Matikle. Land of Cockayne.... S4S11 Sergeant Croesus. King. ...K52ca Sevenoaks. Holland.H735s Sewell, E. M. Margaret Percival. 2v.S516m Shacklett. Barr.B270s Shadow of victory. Reed.R32oa Shadow on a w r ave. Degen.D317m Shandon bells. Black.B628s She loved a sailor. Barr.B268s She stands alone. Ashton.A829s She that hesitates. Dickson.D554s Sheldon, C. M. In His steps.S554i Sherlock, C. R. Your Uncle Lew....S552y Sherwood, Margaret. Daphne.S5!4d Ship of stars. Quiller-Couch.C833s Shirley. Nicholls.N613s Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant... .S559j Sidney. Deland.D337s Sidonie. Daudet. D238s Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Knights of the cross. 2v.S572k Life and death.S5721 Pan Michael.S572p Quo vadis.S572q With fire and sword.S572w Without dogma.S572wi Yanko the musician, and other stories.S572y Sights and insights. 2v. Whit¬ ney..W617s Sign of the cross. Barrett.B274s Sign of triumph. Stevens.S846s Signal Z>utte. King.K52tr Sigurd Eckdal’s bride. Voss.V969s Silas Marner. Eliot.E42r Silence of Dean Maitland. Tuttiett. .T9G7s Silent partner. Ward.W257s Silent places. White.W588s Silver cross. Keightley.K27s Spnon Dale. Hawkins.LI393s Singular life. Ward.W257si Sintram and his companions. La Motte-Foque. - .L23os Sir Brook Fossbrooke. Lever.L658s Sir Christopher. Goodwin.G657s Sir Harry Hotspur of Humbleth- waite. Trollope.T847s Sir John, and the American girl. Bogue.BG75s Sir Mortimer. Johnston.J73s Sir Richard Calmady. Harrison.11319s Sister Theresa. Moore.M822s Sister to Esau. Barr.B2G8sl Sisters. Ebers.E16s Six of one by half a dozen of the other. Stowe.SS92s Six trees. Freeman.F855s Sixty Jane, and other stories. Long.L84Ss Sketches by Boz. Dickens.D548t Skinner, H. D. Espiritu santo.S628c Sky pilot. Gordon.GGG2s Small house at Allington. Trollope.T847sm Smart, Hawley. Courtship in 1720 and in 1860.S636c Smith, Mrs. E. T. (M.) Miss Toosey’s mission. Laddie.S646m Smith, F. H. Caleb West.S647c Colonel Carter of Cartersville.S647co Colonel Carter’s Christmas.S647col Fortunes of Oliver Horn.S647f Gentleman vagabond and some others.S647g Under dog.S647u Smith, Mrs. J. P. Blossombud and her genteel friends.S653b Married belle.S653m Smith, W. H. Evolution of Dodd. ...SG64e Promoters.S664p Smith college stories. Bacon.B128s Smith’s saloon. Ellsworth.E49s Snow-bound at Eagle's. Harte.H327s Snow man. Sand.S213s Soldier of the valley. Lloyd.L794s Solitary summer. .S6S7 Some of New York’s “400.” Clous- ton.C647s Somerville, Henry. Jack Racer. 2cop.S69Gj Son of Gad. Steuart.S842s Son of Royal Langbrith. Howells... .H859s Son of the Old Dominion. Harrison.H318s Sons and fathers. Edwards.E26s Sophia. Weyman.W549s Sorrows of satan. Corelli.C797s Sousa, J. P. Fifth string.S725f Southerners. Brady.B812s Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. (N.) Mystery of Dark Hollow.S728m Self-raised.S728s Sybil Brotherton.S728sy Widow’s son.S728w Spanish Peggy. Catherwood.C363s Spearman, F. H. Close of the day...S741c Daughter of a magnate.S741d Speckled bird. Wilson.W746s Spectre of power. Murfree.M975s Spenders. Wilson. W748sp Spirit of an Illinois town. Cather¬ wood.C363sp Spirit of the service. Wood.W847s Sprague, M. A. Earnest trifler.S766e Sprightly romance of Marsac. Sea- well. S442s Spy. Cooper.C777pa Squire of Sandal-side. Barr.B268sq Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. (N.) baron¬ ess de. Corinne.S778c Stand fast, Craig-Royston! Black.. .B628st Stanley, C. A. Order no. 11.S787o Stannard, Mrs. H. E. Y. (P.) (John Strange Winter.) Marty.S789m Private Tinker, and other stories.. .S789p Starbucks. Read.R28!s 122 FICTION Starlight Ranch, and other stories of army life on the frontier. King. K52st Steel, Mrs. F. A. (W.) On the face of the waters.S813o Stephen Dane. Douglas.D732s Stephens, Mrs. A. S. (W.) Old countess.S832o Rejected wife.S832r Stephens, R. N. Captain Ravenshaw. S833c Stepping heavenward. Prentiss.P027s Steuart, J. A. Eternal quest.S842e Son of Gad.S842s Wine on the lees.SS42w Stevens, Sheppard. Sign of triumph..S846s Stevenson, F. van de G. jt. author. See Stevenson, R. L. B. Stevenson, R. L. B. Black arrow....S848b David Balfour.S848d Kidnapped.S848k Prince Otto.S848p St. Ives.S848s Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.SS48st & Osbourne, Lloyd. Wrecker.S848w & Stevenson, F. van de G. Dyna¬ miter.S848dy Stickit minister. Crockett.C938s Stockton, F. R. Bicycle of Cathay... SS 66 b Captain Horn. S 866 c Captain’s toll-gate.S 8 G 6 ea Great stone of Sardis.S 886 g House of Martha.S 86 GI 1 John Gayther’s garden.. .S 866 j Kate Bonnet.S 866 k Lady or the tiger? and other stories. S8661 Late Mrs. Null.S8661a Mrs. Cliff’s yacht.S 866 m Stoker, Abraham. Jewel of seven stars.S874j Stone of destiny. Mackay.Ml53s Stories from Italy. Godkin.G586s Stories of the foot-hills. Graham....G741s Stormy life. Fullerton.F971s Story of a summer. Cleveland.C635s Story of an African farm. Cron- wright.C947s Story of an untold love. Ford.F711s Story of Eleanor Lambert. Brooke. .B872s Story of Elizabeth. Ritchie.R59Ds Story of Fort Frayne. King.Iv52f Story of Gosta Berling. Lagerlof.... L174s Story of Helen Troy. Harrison.H318st Story of Keedon Bluffs. Murfree.. .M975sk Story of Ivennett. Taylor.T238s Story of Lawrence Garthe. Kirk.K59s Story of old Fort Loudon. Mur¬ free.M975st Story of Sarah. Forsslund.F732s Story of Tonty. Catherwood.C363st Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Agues of Sorrento.S892a Mayflower.S892m Minister’s wooing.S892mi My wife and I.S892my Oldtown folks.S892o Pearl of Orr’s island.S892p Six of one by half a dozen of the other.S892s Uncle Tom’s cabin.S892u Strange adventures of a phaeton. Black.BG28str Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson.SS48st Strategems and spoils. White.W5S9s Strathesk, John, pseud. See Tod, John. Streckfuss, A. F. K. Too rich.S914t Stringtown on the pike. Lloyd.L793s Strollers. Isham.179s Strong arm. Barr.B269s Strong hearts. Cable.Cllls Stuart, Mrs. It. (McE.) Holly and pizen.S932h In Simpkinsville.S932i Moriah’s mourning.S932m Napoleon Jackson.S932n River’s children.S932r Study in scarlet. Doyle.D745s Substitute. Harben.H2o5s Sue, Eugene, pseud. See Sue, M. J. Sue, M. J. (Eugene Sue.) Wander¬ ing Jew.S944w Summer in Arcady. Allen.....A427s Summer-land.S955 Sunrise. Black.B62Ssu “Sure.” Townsend.T747s Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop. French.F8731s Swallow. Haggard.H145s Swallow barn. Kennedy.K35s Sweet clover. Burnham.B966sw Sybil Brotherton. South worth.S72Ssy Sylva, Carmen, pseud. See Eliza¬ beth, queen of Roumania. Sylvia’s husband. Harrison.II318sy T Taber, II. P. jt. author. See Wells, Carolyn. Tale of a lonely parish. Crawford... C899t Tale of two cities. Dickens.D548t Tales and sketches. Miller.M648t Tales of unrest. Conrad.C754t Talisman. Scott.S431c Tallahassee girl.T147 Tarkington, N. B. Cherry.T187c Gentleman from Indiana.T187g Monsieur Beaucaire.Tl87m Two Vanrevels.T187t Tarry thou till I come. Croly.C944t Tasma, pseud. See Fraser, Jessie. FICTION 123 Tautphoeus, J. (M.) baroness von. At odds.T229a Initials.T2291 Taylor, Bayard. Hannah Thurston.. .T23Slx John Godfrey’s fortunes.T238j Joseph and his friend.T238jo Story of Kennett.T238s Taylor, Elizabeth. Quixstar.T239q Taylor, George. Clytia.T241c Taylor, M. I. Anne Scarlett.T24^a Cardinal’s musketeer.T244c Cobbler of Nimes.T244co House of the wizard.T244h Imperial lover.T244i On the red staircase.T244o Rebellion of the princess.T244r Yankee volunteer.T244y Tekla. Barr.B269t Temporal power. Corelli.C797t Ten thousand a year. Warren.AV293t Ten times one is ten. Hale.H161t Terhune, Mrs. M. Y. (H.) (Marion Harland.) Alone.T3l8a At last..T318at From my youth up. 2cop...T318f Gallant fight.T318g Handicapped.T3181i Judith.T318j Old-field school-girl.T318o Terrible temptation. Reade.R285t Tess of D’Ubervilles. Hardy.II272t Texar's revenge. Verne.V531t Thackeray, AY. M. Adventures of Philip. Catherine. ..T363a Christmas books of Mr. A. A. Tit- marsli .T363c History of Henry Esmond. Me¬ moirs of Barry Lyndon. Denis Duval.T363h Newcomes. T363n A'anity fair. Lovel the widower. 2cop.T363v Virginians.T363vi Thaddeus of AVarsaw. Porter.P846t Thanet, Octave, pseud. See French Alice. That beautiful wretch. Black.B62St That fortune. Warner.AA r 2Slt That husband of mine....T3G7 That printer of Udell’s. Wright... .AV949t I Their wedding journey. Howells... .II859t Things that are Caesar's. Kauffman. K20t 13th district. AA r hitlock.AA r 613t Thompson, D. P. Locke Amsden.T4691 Thompson, Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes.T474a Those delightful Americans. Cotes. ..C843t Thrall of Lief the Lucky. Liljen- crantz.L728t Three clerks. Trollope.T847t Three eras of a woman's life. Ar¬ thur.A791t Three feathers. Black.B628tli 1 Three musketeers. Dumas.D886dl Three partners. Ilarte.II327t Three people. Alden.A358t Through the turf smoke. MacManus. M167t Thrown together. Alontgomery.AI787t Tliruston, Airs. L. AI. Girl of Vir- ginia.T531g AA r here the tide comes in.T531w Thurston, Airs. K. C. Masquerader. ,T455m Thwing, Eugene. Red-Keggers.T548r Tiger and the insect. Habberton... .H113t Tillie a Alemmonite maid. Alartin...AI381t Times of alchemy. Topelius.T673a Times of battle and of rest. Topel¬ ius.T673b Times of Charles the twelfth. To¬ pelius.TG73c Times of Frederick the first. To¬ pelius.TG73f Times of Gustav Adolf. Topelius... .T673g Times of Linnaeus. Topelius.TG731 To have and to hold. Johnston.J73t To right the wrong. Bayly.B359t To the bitter end. Alaxwell.AI465t To the sun? Verne.A’531to Tod, John. (John Strathesk.) Bits from Blinkbonny.T633b Toilers of the sea. Hugo.H895t Tolstoi, L. N. graf. Anna Karenina. .TG54a Aly husband and I Death of Ivan Ilitch.T654m Resurrection.T6A4r AVhat men live by.T654w Tolstoy, Leo. See Tolstoi, L. N. graf. Tom Burke of “Ours.” Lever.L658t Tommy and Grizel. Barrie.B275t Too rich. Streckfuss.S914t Too strange not to be true. Ful¬ lerton.F971t Topelius, Zacharias. Times of al¬ chemy.: .T673a Times of battle and of rest.T673b Times of Charles the twelfth.T673c Times of Frederick the first.T673f Times of Gustav Adolf.TG73g Times of Linnaeus.TG731 Touch of sun, and other stories. Foote.FG89t Touchstone. Wharton.A\"553t Tour of the world in eighty days. Verne.A"531tu Tourgee, A. AA r . Bricks without straw.T727b Fool’s errand.T727f John Eax. Afamelon.T727j Townsend, E. AV. Daughter of the tenements.T747d Days like these.T747da Near a whole city full.T747n “Sure”.T747s Trask, Airs. Iv. (N.) John Leighton, Jr.T775j 124 FICTION Trial. Yonge.*,.Y55t Trilby. Du Maurier.D887t Trinity bells. Barr..B268t Tristam of Blent. Hawkins.H393t Triumph. Pier.P615t Triumph of destiny. Twells.T971t Trois-etoiles, pseud. Member for Paris.T845m Trollope, Anthony. Barchester tow¬ ers . T847b Bertrams.„.TS47be Can you forgive her?. ..T847c Castle Richmond.T847ea Claverings.T847cl Doctor Thorne.T847d Framley parsonage.T847f He knew he was right.T847h Orley Farm.T847o Phineas Finn, the Irish member... .T847p Sir Harry Hotspur of Humbleth- waite.T847s Small house at Allington.T847sm Three clerks. T847t Warden.T847w Trollope, T. A. Gemma.T848g Trooper Galahad. King.K52t Trooper Peter Halket of Mashona- land. Cron wright.C947t Trooper Ross. King.K52tr Troubled waters. Warner.W279t Truants. Mason.M398t Trumpet-major. Hardy.H272tr Trumps. Curtis.C978t Truth. Zola.Z 86 t Truth Dexter. McCall.M122t Tully, Mrs. R. W. (Eleanor Gates.) Biography of a prairie girl.T923b Tuttiett, M. G. (Maxwell Gray.) Four-leaved clover.T967 f House of hidden treasure.T987h Ribstone pippins.T967r Silence of Dean Maitland.T9G7s Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Twells, J. H. jr. Triumph of des¬ tiny. T971t Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. 2c-op. Verne.V531tw Twenty years after. Dumas.DS86d2 Twice-told tales. 2cop. Hawthorne.H399t Two admirals. Cooper.C777w Two destinies. Collins.C713t Two-fold life. Hillern.IT652t Two guardians. Yonge.Y55tw Two marriages. Craik.C887t Two Salomes. Pool.P821t Two soldiers. King.K52tw Two standards. Barry.B281t Two Vanrevels. Tarkington.T187t Two vocations. Charles.C475t U Uarda. 2v. Ebers.El 6 u Uncanonized. Black.B627u Uncle Silas. Le Fanu.L48Su Uncle Tom’s cabin. Stowe.S892u Under dog. Smith.SG47u Under fire. King.K52u Under side of things. Bague.B675u Under the greenwood tree. Hardy.. .II272u Under the red robe. Weyman.W549u Under the rose. Isham.179u Undercurrent. Grant.G762u Undine. Lift Motte-Foque.L235u Undiscovered country. Howells.II859u Unexpected result. Roe.R69Su Unkind word. Craik.C887u Unknown to history. Yonge.Y55u Unleavened bread. Grant.G762un Untilled field. Moore.M822u Unwilling maid. Lincoln.L737u Ups and downs. Hale.H161u Uther and Igraine. Deeping.D311u V Vagabond. Palmer.T173v Vagabondia. Burnett.B964v Vain forebodings. Oswald.OSGv Vale of cedars. Aguilar.A283v Valentine Vox. Cockton.C666v Van Dyke, H. J. Blue flower.V248b Ruling passion.V24Sr Van Vorst, Mrs. Bessie, jt. author. See Van Vorst, Marie. Van Vorst, Marie & Van Vorst, Mrs. Bessie. Bagsby’s daughter. ,V284b Vanity Fair. 2cop. Thackeray.T363v Vashti. Wilson.W746v Vathek. Beckford.B396v Venetia. Beaconsfield.B365v Verdant Green. Bradley.BSllv Vergilius. Bacheller.B121v Verne, Jule£. Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon..... .V531e From the earth to the moon.V531f Journey to the center of the earth..V531J Off on a comet.V531o Texar's revenge.V531t To the sun?.V531to Tour of the world in eighty days..V531tu Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. 2cop.V531tw Via crusis. Crawford.C988v Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith.G624v Vicomte de Bragelonne. 3v. Du¬ mas .D886d3 Village watch-tower. Riggs.R569v Violetta. Mante\iffel.M292v Virginian. Wister.W8l7v Virginians. Thackeray.T363vi Visits of Elizabeth. Glyn.G56Sv FICTION 125 Voice of tlie people. Glasgow.G548v Voss, Richard. New God.V9G0n Sigurd Eckdal's bride.V9G9s Voyage of consolation. Cotes.C843v Voynich, Mrs. E. L. (B.) Gadfly.V975g Jack Raymond.V975j Vultures. Scott.S42Gv W Wallace, Lew. See Wallace, Gen. Lewis. Wallace, Gen. Lewis. Ben-Hur.W191b Ben-ILur, eine gesichte aus der zeit des herrn Jesu.W191be Fair God.W191f Prince of India. 2y.W191p Waltz, Mrs, E. (C.) Pa Gladden_W241p Walworth, M. T. Delaplaine.W242d Warwick. W242w Wandering Jew. Sue.S944w Wanted. Alden.A358w War-time wooing. King.. ...K52w Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Beyond the gates.W257b Gates ajar.W257g Hedged in.W257h Master of the magicians.W257m Men, women and ghosts.W257me Old maids and burglars in Para¬ dise.W257o Silent partner.W257s Singular life.W257si & Ward, IP. D. Come forth!.W257c jt. author. See Ward, H. D. Ward, H. D. Burglar who moved Paradise.W258b jt. author. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. See Ward, Mrs. M. A. (A.) Ward, Mrs. M. A. (A.) Eleanor.W259e Helbeck of Bannisdale. 2v.W259h History of David Grieve.W2591ii Lady Rose’s daughter.W2591 Marcella. 2v.W259m Marriage of William Ashe.W259ma Ward of King Canute. Liljencrantz.L728w Warden, Florence, pseud. See James, Mrs. F. A. (P.) Warden. Trollope.•....T847w Ware, William. Aurelian.W273a Julian. 2v. W273j Zenobia. 2v.W273z Warfield, Mrs. C. A. (W.) Double wedding.W274d Household of Bouverie. 2v.W274h Mirian Montfort.W274m Warlock o’Glenwarloek. Macdon¬ ald.Ml35w Warner, B. E. Troubled waters.W279t Warner, C. D. Golden house.W281g That fortune.W281t Warner, Susan. Daisy.W284d Queechy. 2cop.W2S4q Warren, Samuel. ( Warren Warner.) Experiences of a barrister.W293e Ten thousand a year.W293t Warwick. Walworth.W242w Warwick of the Knobs. Lloyd.L793w Washington square. James.J28w Wasson, G. S. Cap’n Simeon’s store. W323c Watanna, Onoto. Heart of Hya¬ cinth.W324h Wooing of Wistaria.W324w Water-witch. Cooper.C777w Waterloo, Stanley. Launching of a man. W3271 Seekers.W327s Watson, John. (Ian Maelaren.) Afterwards, and other stories.W339a Beside the bonnie briar bush.W339b Days of auld lang syne.W339d Kate Carnegie.W339k Watts-Dunton, Theodore. See Dun- ton, Theodore Watts- Waverly. Scott.S431w Way of Belinda. Carruth.C319w Ways of the hour. Cooper.C777pe Ways of the service. Palmer.Pl73w We girls. Whitney.W617w We two. Bayly...B359w Web. Hill.H645w Web of life. Herrick.IP566w Webster, H. K. Roger Drake, cap¬ tain of industry.W379r Wee Macgreegor. Bell.B433w Wells, Carolyn & Taber, H. P. Gordon elopement.W453g Wells, D. D. Her ladyship’s elephant.W454h Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. Cooper... .C7771i Werner, Ernest, pseud. See Buerst- enbinder, Elizabeth. Westcott, E. N. David Harum.W524d Westward ho! Kingsley.K55w Weyman, S. J. Abbess of Vlaye.W549a Castle Inn.W549c Gentlemen of France.W549g House of the Wolf.W549h In king’s byways.W549i Long night.W5491 Man in black.W549m Sophia.W549s Under the red robe.W549u Whaleman’s wife. Bullen.B936w Wharton, Edith. Greater inclina¬ tion..W553g Sanctuary.W553s Touchstone.W553t What answer? 2cop. Dickenson....D553w W T hat men live by. Tolstoi.TG54w What will he do with it? 3v. Lyt- ton.L99Sw 126 FICTION What's mine's mine. Macdonald.. .M135wh When Knighthood was in flower. Major.M234w When wilderness was king. Parrish. P261w Where the battle was fought. Mur- free.M975w Where the tide comes in. Thruston. ,T531w Where the trade-wind blows. Crown- insliield.C594w Whilomville stories. Crane.C891w Whisper in the dark. Alcott.A355m White, E. O. Coming of Theodora. .W583c White, S. E. Blazed trail.W588b Conjurer’s house.W588c Forest .W588f Silent places.W588s White, W. A. Court of Boyville.W589c Strategems and spoils.W589s White company. 2cop. Doyle.D754w White cottage. Keats.K25w White wings. Black.B628w Whiteing, Richard. No. 5 John Street.W593n Whitlock, Brand. Her infinite va¬ riety.W613h 13tli district.W613t Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) Biddy’s episodes. W617b Faith Gartney’s girlhood.W617f Gay worthy s.W617g Golden gossip.W617go Hitherto.W617h Odd, or even?.W617o Patience Strong's outings.W617p Real folks.W617r Sights and insights. 2v.W617s We girls.W617w Whosover shall offend. Crawford... . C988w Wic-liert, Ernest. Green gate. 2cop.W633g Widow’s son. South worth.S728w Wife hard won. Wright.W951w Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. See Riggs, Mrs. Iv. D. (S.) W. Wild Eelin. Black.B628wi Wilder, Mrs. C. F. (F.) Polly But-' ton’s New Year.W673p Wilkins, M. E. See Freeman, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Wilkinson, Florence. Lady of the flag-flowers. ,.W6861 Williams, F. C. Captain.W723c Williams, J. L. Princeton stories.. .W724p Williamson, A. M. jt. author. See Williamson, C. N. Williamson, C. N. & Williamson, A. M. Lightning conductor.W7291 Willy Reilly. Carleton.C281w Wilson, Mrs. A. J. (E.) At the mercy of Tiberius.W74Ga Beulah. W746b Infelice.W746i Speckled bird. W746s ,Yashti. W746v Wilson, II. L. Lions of the Lord.... W7481 Seeker.W748s Spenders.W748sp Wilson, W. R. A. Rose of Nor¬ mandy .W754r Winding road. Godfrey.G583w Window in Thrums. Barrie.B275w Wine on the lees. Steuart.S8I2w Wing and Wing. Cooper.C777wi Winifred Bertram. Charles.C475w Winslow, H. M. Concerning Polly and some others.W779c Winter, John Strange, pseud. See Stannard, Mrs. II. E. Y. (P.) Winthrop, Theodore. Canoe and the saddle. W793c Cecil Dreeme.W793ce Edwin .Brothertoft.W793e John Brent.W793j Life in the open air, and other papers.W7931 Wire cutters. Davis.D262w Wisdom of fools. Deland.D337w T AYise and otherwise. Alden.A358wi AVise woman. Burnham.B966w AA'ister, Owen. Philosophy 4.AA r 817p A r irginian.AV817v AVith fire and sword. Sienkiewicz.... S572w Without dogma. Sienkiewicz.S572wi AVives and daughters. Gaskell.G248w Wives of the prophet. Read.R284w AVizard’s knot., Barry.B281w AA r olf, Emma. Heirs of yesterday.. .AV863h Other things being equal.AA 7 S63o AA r oman in white. Collins.C713w AA T oman’s face. James.J2Gw AVoman’s friendship. Aguilar.A283w Woman’s will. French.F8731w AA r ood, Mrs. E. (E.) Spirit of the service.AA 7 847s Wood, J. S. Yale yarns.AV876y A\ T oodburn Grange. IPowitt.H863w Woodstock. Scott.S43lwo AYooing of Wistaria. Watanna.AV324w AA r oolson, C. F. Anne....-.AV916a AVrecker. Stevenson & Osbourne....S848w AA r right, D. T. Mrs. Armington’s ward.AA’948m AVright, II. B. That printer of Udell's.AA r 949t AATight, Airs. J. AIcN. AA 7 ife hard won.AY951w AATithering heights. 2cop. Bronte. • .B870w AVynadotte. Cooper.C777wy Y A’ale yarns. AA T ood.AA T 876y Yankee volunteer. Taylor.T244y Yanko, the musician, and other stories. Sienkiewicz.S572y A’east. Kingsley.K55y FICTION 127 Yoke. Miller.MG172y Yonge, C. M. Beeclicroft.Y55b Caged lion.l T 55c Chaplet of pearls. 2cop.Y55eh Daisy chain. 2v.Y55d Dove in the eagle's nest.Y55do Dynevor Terrace. 2v.YSody Lady Hester.Y551 Trial.Y55t Two guardians.Y55tw Unknown to history.Y55u Young April. Castle.C3532y Y^oung maids and old. Burnham.B966y Young Mrs. Jardine. Craik.C887y Your Uncle Lew. Sherlock.S552y Z Zack, pseud. Sec Keats, Gwendo¬ line. Zangwill, Israel. Big how mystery....Z29b Children of the Ghetto.Z29c Master.Z29m Premier and the painter.Z29p Zanita.Z31 Zanoni. Lytton.L998z Zelda Dameron. Nicholson.N627z Zenobia. 2v. Ware.W273z Zola, Emile. Lourdes. 2v.Z861 Truth.ZS6t r / I