BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. t 1893. 'MTU ► ■»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ ♦»♦♦•< ^earning anb |tabor. $ LIBRARY # OF THE # Universityof Illinois. CLASS. BOOK. VOLUME, A OH 'FT 6c. ^ Iniversity ot Illinois, Library Sc^^ession No... CATALOGUE OF THE BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE TOWN OF BUFFALO « COUJMTY OF OOLE ILLINOIS, LOCATED AT POLO, ILLINOIS. ' 893 - PRESS PRINT. Poio, JiJ. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Alvin Joiner, President. James H. More, Secretary. J. L. Moore. L. F. Thomas. Geo. Murray. R. D. Woolsey. E. Frank Barber, Librarian. BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 3 Q rl f A. 3( . iV, • t)-' INFORMATION FOR READERS. '' ■- • ' ■> ■ : - -A {'"■ ***’ - 4 -— T <£ This Library is classified according to the Dewey system of Deci¬ mal Classification, an outline of which is shown on the next page. I b ! These general classes admit of almost indefinite subdivision, to meet all the requirements of a library. Reference books are given their class numbers, followed by the letter R. Books marked in this way are not to be taken from the library. % The letter j preceeding the book number indicates a book for young readers. The letter P following the class number indicates a pamphlet. In looking up special subjects, if you do not find what you are in search of in this catalogue, consult the card catalogue at the library, in which books will be found under author, title and subject, and arranged in alphabetical order. The Card Catalogue is always up to date, as fresh accessions can be added at any time without disturbing the alphabetical arrangement. The number of volumes in the library, Sept, i, 1893, was 2,000. p13239 4 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. OUTLINE OF THE DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION. 000 General Works. 010 Bibliography. 020 Library Economy. 030 General Cyclopaedias. 040 General Collections. 050 General Periodicals. 060 General Societies. 070 Newspapers. 080 Special Libraries. Polygraphy. 090 Book Rarities. 100 Philosophy. 110 Metaphysics. 120 Special Metaphysical Topics. 130 Mind and Body. 140 Philosophical Systems. 150 Mental Faculties. Psychology. 160 Logic. 170 Ethics. 180 Ancient Philosophers. 190 Modern Philosophers. 200 Religion. 210 Natural Theology. 220 Bible. 230 Doctrinal Theology. Dogmatics. 240 Devotional and Practical. 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial. 260 Church. Institutions. Work. 270 Religious History. 280 Christian Churches and Sects. 290 Non-Christian Religious. 300 Sociology. 310 Statistics. 320 Political Science. 330 Political Economy. 340 Law. 350 Administration. War. 360 Associations and Institutions. 370 Education. 380 Commerce and Communication. 390 Customs. Costumes. Folk-lore. 400 Philology. 410 Comparative. 420 English. 430 German. 440 French 450 Italian. 460 Spanish. 170 Latin. 480 Greek. 490 Minor Languages. 500 Natural Science. 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. 530 Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology. 560 Paleontology. 570 Biology. 580 Botany. 590 Zoology. 600 Useful Arts. 610 Medicine. 620 Engineering. 630 Agriculture. 640 Domestic Economy. 650 'Communication and Commerce. 660 Chemical Technology. 670 Manufactures. 680 Mechanic Trades. 690 Building. 700 Fine Arts. 710 Landscape Gardening. 720 Architecture. 730 Sculpture. 740 Drawing. Design. Decoration. 750 Painting. 760 Engraving. 770 Photography. 780 Music. 790 Amusements. 800 Literature. 810 American. 820 English. 830 German. 840 French. 850 Italian. 860 Spanish. 870 Latin. 880 Greek. 890 Minor Languages. 900 History. 910 Geography and Description. 920 Biography. 930 Ancient History. 940 Europe. 950 Asia. 960 Africa. 970 North America. 980 South America. 990 Oceanica and Polar Regions. BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 5 PERIODICALS RECEIVED AT THE LIBRARY. Goldthwaite’s Geographical Maga¬ zine. Century Magazine. Cosmopolitan. Current Literature. Engineering. Harper’s Magazine. Popular Science Monthly. Scribner’s St. Nicholas. Magazine. . 5 ! Chicago Graphic. Harper’s Bazar. Harper’s Weekly. Ogle County Press. Ogle County Reporter. Scientific American. Youth’s Companion. Polo Semi-Weekly Visitor. Chicago Record. (Daily.) -o- BOOKS USED FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Alden, J. B. pub. Cyclopedia of Universal Literature. 20 v. 803 R Aldine, the art journal of America. 1873-’j6 .705 R Andrews, E. A. ed. Latin-English Lexicon.473 R Appleton. Dictionary of Mechanics and Engineering. 2 v. ..620.3 R Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.803 R Historic Note Book.903 R Chambers, R. ed. Encyclopaedia of English Literature 2 v. ..803 R Encyclopaedia Britannica. American revision and additions. 24 V. and Index.030 R Faussett, A. P. Commentary on the Old and Ne# Testaments 220.7 R Godwin, Parke. Cyclopaedia of Biography.920 R Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates.. ....903 R Murray, Hugh. Cyclopaedia of Geograplly. 3 v.910.3 R Webster, Noah. International Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage...423 R Windsor, Justin. Narrative and Critical History of America. 7 v. 970 R 6 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. CLASSED CATALOGUE ACCORDING TO THE DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL WORKS. Catalogue of the books of- the Young Men’s Association of Chicago, v. i. Catalogue of “A. L. A.” Library. Cuttisr, C. A. Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue. Library School Rules. Card Catalogue Rules, cession Rules. - Classified Illustrated Catalogue of the Library Bureau. U. S.—Education, Bureau of. Public Libraries in U. S. 2 pt. Potter, A. Handbook for Readers. 030. GENERAL CYCLOP/EDIAS, ETC. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 24 v. and index. 050. GENERAL PERIODICALS. Eclectic Magazine. July 1872, December 1874. Golden Hours. January-December 1872. Harper’s Bazar. 1872. Harper’s Magazine. December 1871-June 1893. Harper’s Weekly. 1871-1876. - St. Nicholas. November 1873-May 1893. Century Illustrated Magazine. November 1871-May 1 Scribner’s Magazine. January 1888—July 1893. 100. PHILOSOPHY. Henry, C. S. History of Philosophy. I30. MIND AND BODY. Dendy, Wa. C. Philosophy of Magic. Moore, G. Soul and Body. - Body and Mind. - Upharn, T. C. Disordered Mental Action. Scott, Sir Wa. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraf Combe, G. Constitution of Man. 140. PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS. Salverte, Ensebe. Philosophy of Magic. 2 v. 150. MENTAL FACULTIES. PSYCHOLOGY. Haben, Joseph Mental Philosophy. Abercrombie, J. Intellectual Powers. - 017 Y8 017 P - 025 P idex. 025 D51 Ac- - 025 D5 025 L62 the 027 P - 028 P85 - 030 R - 051 Ec6 051 G 57 - 051 H23 051 H231 051 H232 J051 Sa2 893. 051 C 33 - 051 Scr3 - 109 H38 - 13 ° D41 130 M78 - 13° M78b 132 U P3 ft. 134.4 Sco8 139 C 73 H 9-3 Sa3 150 Hi 1 - 151 Ab 3 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 7 l6o. LOGIC. Mill, J. Stuart. System of Logic. 170. ETHICS. Abercrombie, J. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. Harper & Brothers, pub. Means and Ends or Self-trainii Scenes When the Tempter has Triumphed. Gow, Alex. M. Good Morals and Gentle Manners. Nott, Eliphalet. Counsels to Young Men. Seelye, Julius H. Duty. - Weaver, G. S. Hopes and Helps for the Young. Aims and Aids for Young Women. Whewell, W. Elements of Morality. 2 v. Abbott, James. Training of the Young. Harper & Brothers, pub. Family Instuctor. Guide to Wisdom and Virture. Buckley, J. M. Oats or Wild Oats. Hunt, Freeman. Worth and Wealth. P'reedley, Edwin T. Treatise on Business. Leeds, Josiah W. The Theater. Lewis, Div. Five Minute Chats with Young Women. Wise, Dan. Young Lady’s Counselor. Young Men’s Counselor. Daniels, W. H. ed. Temperance Reform and Reformers. Lees, F. R. Text-book on Temperance. 1 go. MODERN PHILOSOPHERR. Mill, J. S. Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Phil¬ osophy. ------ 200. RELIGION. GENERAL WORKS. Cook, Jos. Orthodoxy. Transcendentalism. 220 . BIBLE. Bible. Harding’s superfine edition; King James version. Fausset, A. P. Commentary on Old and New Testament. Mitchell, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible. Turner, Sharon. Sacred History. 3 V. 230. DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY DOGMATICS. Lowrey, Asbury. Positive Theology. Anon. Credo. Weaver, J. Bishop. Universal Restoration. Paley, William. Evidences of Christianity. 160 M59 170 Ab3p . 170 H23 170 H23S 170 G69 170 N84 170 Se3 170 W37 170 W 37 a 170 W56 173 Ab2 173 H2 3 f j 1 73 H23g i 74 B85 174 H89 174.4 F87 177 L51 177 L58 177 W75 177 W75m 178.09 Dig 178 L5it 192.7 M59I 204 C77 204 C 77 t 220.5 R 220.7 R 220.85 M6g 220.9 T8 5 230 L95 230.7 An7 230.9: i W37 231 P18 232 R24 8 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stalker, James. Imago Christi. Exampl e of Jesus Christ. 232.9 Sti Anon. Ecce Homo. - 232.9 Anyh Ecce Deus. - - 232.9 Anyd Beecher, H. Ward. Life of Christ, v. 1. - 232.9 b 39 Upham, T. C. Interior Life. - - 234 Up3i Life of Faith. - - 234.2 u P3 f Nardhoff, Charles. - - 237 N16 Butler, Joseph, Bishop. Analogy of Religion to the Course of Nature. - - 239 B97 Paley, William. Natural Theology. 2 V. - 239 Pi 811 240. DEVOTIONAL. PRACTICAL. Am. Tract Society, pub. Sketches from Life. 2 V. 243 t 5 7 Ingraham, J. H. Prince of the House of David. - 244 In4 25O. HOMILETIC. PASTORAL. PAROCHIAL. Taylor, William. Model Preacher. Street Preaching in San Francisco. Baxter, Richard. Works. 2 v. Blair, Hugh. Sermons. Drummond, Henry. Addresses. Spencer, Ichabod. Doctrinal Sermons. Practical Sermons. 260. CHURCH. INSTITUTIONS AND WORK. Missionary Herald, 1823. - 266 P Monitor, designed to improve the taste, understanding and heart. - - - - 266 P 270. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. Head, Hollis. Hand of God in History. - - 270 H34 Neal, Daniel. History of the Puritans. 2 v. - 270 N25 D’Aubigni, J. A. M. History of the Reformation. 5 v. 270 D26 D’Aubigni, J. A. M. History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin. 5 V. - - - 270 D26C 280. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS. Field, A. D. Memorials of Methodism. - - 287 F45 Stevens, Abel. Centenary of American Methodism. 287.6 St3 29O. ETHNIC. NON-CHRISTIAN. Litchfield, M. T. The Nine Worlds; stories from Norse Mythology. - - 293 L71 Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. - - 296 M63 300. SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY IN GENERAL. Bright, John. Speeches. - 304 B76 25 1 T21 252 T21S 252 B29 252 B57 252 D8 4 252.3 Sp 3 252.4 Sp 3 P BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 9 Parton, James. Topics of the Time. Spencer, Herbert. Study of Sociology. 310. STATISTICS. U. S.—Census Office.. [8th census, i860.] Population. —Census Office. [9th census, 1870.] Population and Vital Statistics. —Census Office. [gth census, 1870.] Compen¬ dium. - - - - —Census Office. [10th census, 1880.] Population. —Census Office. [ “ “ “ ] v. 8. Statis¬ tics of Newspapers, Alaska and Ship Building. —Census Office. [10th census, 1880.] v. 10. Re¬ port on Petroleum, Coke and Building Stones. —Census Office. [10th census, 1880.] v. 11-12. 2 pts. Mortality and Vital Statistics —Census Office. Plates and Diagrams accompany¬ ing part 2. —Census Office. dium. 2 parts —Census Office, lation. [10th census, 1880.] Compen- [11th census, 1890.] pt 1. Popu- 320. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Cree, Nathan. Direct Legislation by the People. Mill, J. Stuart. Representative Government. 328. LEGISLATIVE BODIES AND ANNALS. Roberts, Henry M. Rules of Order. Benton, T. H. Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate. U. S. Congressional Globe. 1st. S. 33d C. v. 28, 1st S. 34th C. 1855-6. 2 pt. and apx. 3d S. 34th C. 1856-7. apx. 1st S. 35th C. 1857-8. 3 pt. and apx. 2d S. 35th C. 1858-9. 2 pt. and apx. Congressional Record, 2 v. 3 Pt. U. S. 1st S. 50th C. v. 19, 10 pt. and index 2d S. 50th C. v. 20. 1st S. 51st C. v. 21, 2d S. 51st C. v. 22, 1st S. 52d C. v. 23, 2d S. 52d C. v. 24 3 pt. and index. 11 pt. and index. 4 pt. and index. 7 pt., apx. and index. 3 pt. and index. U. S.— Official Congressional Directory. 46th, 48th, 51st and 52d Congresses. -Abridgment of the Debates of Congress. 16 v., 1832-1850. - - - 304 P25 307 Sp 3 3 12 R 3 12 R 312 R 3 12 R 3 i 3 R 3 i 3 R 312 R 312 R 312 R 312 R 320 C86 321 M5gr \LS. 328. 1 R 54 328.79 B44 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 R 328.73 P 328.73 R IO BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. U. S.—Messages and Documents. Abridgments. 1856-7, 2 pt; 1857-8, 3 pt; 1858-9, 4 pt; 1861-2, 1862-3, 3 snd 4; i8b6 r 74; 1676-8; 1881- 85; 1887-9; 1690-1. —Navy and P. O. D. 1870-2. —Navy, Department of. 1872-3. —P. O., Department of. 1886-7. —Interior, Department of. 1870-1, 2 pt; 1871-2, 2 pt. —War, Department of. 1867-8, 2 pt; 1870-1, 2 pt; 1871-2, 2 pt; 1872-3, 2 pt. —State, Department of. 1866-7, 3 pt; 1870-2; 1874-5. - - - - 326.73 —Report of Com. on Conduct of War; Fort Pillow Massacre. - - - 328.73 —Report of Joint Com. on Reconstruction. 1st S. 39th C. 326.73 —Preliminary Report of the 10th Census, 1880. 328.73 —Report of Special Com. on Troubles in Kansas. 328.73 —Report of Special Com. on the Irrigation and Re¬ clamation of Arid Lands. 4 v. - 328.73 —Covode Investigation, i860. - - 328.73 —Report of the Select Com. of Five, 1861. 328.73 —Report of the Silver Commission, v. 1. - 328.73 —Report of Wilson Committee. - - 328.73 —Report of Com. on the Ku Klux Conspiracy. 328.73 —Report of Com’r of Internal Revenue, 1887. 328.73 —Report of the Consuls of the U. S. April, 1891. 328.73 —Special Consular Reports. 1890. European Emi¬ gration. - 328.73 —Dedication of the Washington National Monu¬ ment. - 328.73 —Case of the U. S. for Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva. Alabama Claims. - 328.73 330. POLITICAL ECONOMY. George, Henry. Progress and Poverty. - - 330 Potter, A. Political Economy. - - - 330 Walker, Francis A. Political Economy. (Amer. sci. ser.; adv. course.) - - - 330 Wayland, Francis. Elements of Political Economy. 330 Lieber, Francis. Essays on Property and Labor. 33°-4 Gilman, Nicholas P. Profit Sharing Between Employer and Employee. - - - 33 1 - 2 Berkey, W. A. Money Question. - - - 332 U. S.—Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1886. Industrial Depression. - 331 R R R R R R R R R R R P P P R R G29 P85 W15 W36 L62 G42 B46 R BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. I I U. S.—1886. Convict Labor. - —1887. Strikes and Lockouts. - —1888. Working Women in Large Cities. —1889. Railroad Labor. Illinois.—Labor Statistics, Bureau of. Third Biennial Report, 1884. .... —Sixth Biennial Report, 1890. U. S.—Census Office. (10th census, 1880, v. 20.) Sta¬ tistics of Wages, Necessaries of Life, Trades Societies, Strikes and Lockouts. —Census Office, (nth census, 1890.) Public Debt. —Census Office. (10th census, 1880, v. 10.) Valua¬ tion, Taxation, etc. —Report of Finances by Sec. of Treas., 1859-60; i8 75- —Revision of the Tariff. Hearings before the Com. on Ways and Means, 1889-90. Lieb, Hermann. The Protective Tariff; What it Does for Us. - U. S.—Census Office. (10th census, 1880, v. 15.) Re¬ port of Mining Industries of the U. S. 340. LAW. Bryce, James. American Commonwealth. Federalist; from the text of Hamilton, Jay and Madison. Story, Joseph. Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the U. S. - Dener, W. Alex. Constitutional Jurisprudence. Von Fenerbach. Remarkable Criminal Trials. Altgeld, John P. Our Penal Machinery and its Victims. Illinois—Jonrnal of Constitutional Convention, 1870. —Debates of Constitutional Convention. 2 v. 1870. U. S.—Laws passed at 1st S. 38th C. 1863-4. 350. ADMINISTRATION. Polo—Revised Ordinances, 1871. - U. S.-—Census Office. (10th census, 1880.) v. 18-19. Im¬ port of Social Statistics of Cities. —Report of Hearings of Com. on Coinage, Weights and Measures on the Senate Silver Bill. 2d S. 51st C. —Treasury, Department of. Annual Report in Re¬ gard to Imported Merchandise, 1887. —Annual Report of the Director of the Mint. 1873; i 875-82. - - - 331 R 331 R 331 R 331 R 33 1 R 33i R 33i R 33 6 - 3 R 336-73 R 336.73 R 337 P 337 P 33 8 - 2 R 34 2 B 84 34 2 F 31 34 2 st 7 34 2 -73 D 48 343-i V 89 343-73 AI 7 34 2 - 73 R 34 2 - 73 R 345 P 35 2 R 35 2 R 351-82 P 353 - 2 P 353 - 2 P BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. I 2 U. S.—Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Cur¬ rency, 1878-9. - - - 353.2 P —Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1884. 353.2 R —Report of the Com’r of General Land Office. 1868-71. - 353-3 R —Report of Secretary of Navy on Armored Vessels. 353.6 R —Biennial Report of the Secretary of State, 1872. 353.1 P Illinois—Annual Report of the State Treasurer, 1872. 353-2 P —Report of Adjutant General, 1861-6, v. 1 and 5. 353-6 R —Report of Adjutant General, “ “8 V. 353-6 R —Adjutant General Fuller’s Report, 1861-2. 353-6 R —Fourth Annual Report of Adjutant General, 1873. 353.6 P —Legislative Directory, 1881. - - 353-97 R Report of Explorations and Surveys for a Ship Canal; Isthmus of Tehuantepec. - - 353-7 R Military Commission to Europe, 1855-6. - ~ 355 R 360. ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. U. S.—Census Office. (10th census, 1880, v. 21.) Re¬ port of Defective, Dependent and Delin¬ quent Classes. Report of Chicago Relief and Aid Society. Illinois—Thirteenth Biennial Report of Hospital for In¬ sane at Jacksonville. -—Second Biennial Report of Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home at Normal. —Annual Report of State Reform School at Pontiac —Report of Com’r of State Penitentiary. 370. EDUCATION. Dick, Thomas. Improvement of Society. Northrop, B. G. Education Abroad. Schmidt, H. I. History of Education. Waterbury, Maria. Seven Years Among the Freedmen. Clarke, Ja. F. Self-Culture. - - - Harper & Brothers, pub. Pursuit of Knowledge. 2 v. Smiles, Samuel. Self-Help. - U. S.—Interior, Department of., Education, Bureau of. Sixth Biennial Report of the Superintend¬ ent of Public Instruction, 1865-6. —Historical Sketches of the Universities and Col¬ leges of the U. S. —Circulars of Information. No. 5, 1873. Account of College Commencements during 1873, in the Western and Southern States. —No. 1, 1878. Training of Teachers in Germany. 360 R 361 R 362. 2 P 362.7 P 364 P 365 P 370.1 D55 370-4 N82 370.9 SC5 371-94 W31 374 C 55 374 H23P 374 S1114 37 o P 37 o P 370 P 370 P BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 13 Circular of Information. No. 5, 1879. American Edu¬ cation as Described by the French Com’r to International Exhibition, 1876. - 370 P No. 1, 1880. College Libraries as Aids to In¬ struction. - 370 P No. 2, 1880. Proceedings of the Department of Superintendent of the Nat. Ed. Ass’n. 370 No. 3, 1880. Legal Rights of Children. - 370 No. 4, “ Rural School Architecture. - 370 No. 5, “ English Rural Schools. - 370 No. 6, “ Report on Teaching of Chemist^ • and Physics in the U. S. - - 370 No. 7, 1880. Spelling Reform. - - 370 No. 1, 1881. Construction of Library Buildings. 370 No. 2, “ Relation of Education to Industry and Technical Training in Amer. Schools. 370 No. 3, 1881. Proceedings of Dept, of Supt. of Nat. Ed. Ass’n. - - - 370 No. 4, 1881. Education in France. - - 370 No. 5, “ Causes of Deafness Among School Children. - 370 No. 6, 1881. Effect of Student Life Upon the Eye-sight. - - - -370 High School for Girls in Sweden. - - 370 No. 1, 1882. Inception, Organization and Man¬ agement of Training School for Nurses. 370 No. 2, 1882. Proceedings of Dept, of Supt. of Nat. Ed. Ass’n. - 370 No. 3, 1882. University of Bonn. - - 370 No. 5, “ Maternal Schools in France. 370 No. 6, “ Technical Instruction in France. 370 No. 2, 1883. Co-education of the Sexes in the Public Schools. - 370 No. 4, 1883. Recent School Law Decision. 370 American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 370 No. 1, 1884, Meeting of the International Prison Congress at Rome, Oct. 1884. - 370 P No. 2, 1884. Teaching, Practice and Literature of Short-hand. . - - 370 P No. 3, 1884. Illiteracy in the U. S. in 1879 and 1880. - - - - - 370 P No. 6, 1884. Rural Schools; Progress in Past and Means of Improvement in Future. 370 P No. 7, 1884. Aims and Methods of the Teaching of Physics. ... _ _ 370 p Planting Trees in School Grounds and the Cele¬ bration of Arbor Day. - - 370 , P Q-j CU d-i Q_i diQ-iCL CL, CLCL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL Cl Cl, CL Q-, '' r i 1 1 1 1 > i ' i r 1 1 r 1 r 1 r “ r 1 1 t m t f 1 ■ 1 r “ r - r i r * 1 f 1 1 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. H Circular of Information. No. i, 1885. City School Sys¬ tems in the U. S. - - - 370 • P No. 3, 1885. Review of the Reports of the Brit¬ ish Royal Com’r on Technical Instruction. 370 No. 4, 1885. Education in Japan. - - 370 No. 5, “ Physical Training in American Col¬ leges and Universities. - - - 370 No. 1, 1886. Study of Music in Public Schools. 370 No. 2, “ Proceedings of the Dept, of Supt. of the Nat. Ed. Ass’n. - - 370 No. 2, 1887. Study of History in Amer. Colleges and Universities. - - - 370 No. 2, 1888. History of Education in North Carolina. - 370 No. 3, 1888. History of Higher Education in South Carolina, with a Sketch of the Free School System. - 370 No. 4, 1888. Education in Georgia. - 370 No. 5, “ Industrial Education in the South. 370 No. 7, “ History of Education in Florida. 370 No. 1, 1889. Higher Education in Wisconsin. 370 No. 3, 1889. History of Education in Alabama, 1702-1889. - 370 Bulletin No. 1, 1889. Indian Education. - 370 “ No. 1, 1890. Honorary Degrees as Conferred in American Colleges. - 370 Circular of Information. No. 1, 1890. History of Federal and State Aid to Higher Education in the U. S. - - - - 37 ° No. 2, 1890. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English Vocabularies. - 370 No. 3, 1890. Teaching and History of Mathematics in the U. S. - - - - 370 No. 1, 1891. Higher Education in Indiana. 370 No. 2, “ Fourth Internat. Prison Congress, St. Petersburg, R. - 370 No. 4, 1891. History of Higher Education in Michigan. - 370 No. 5, 1891. History of Higher Education in Ohio. 370 No. 6, 1891. History of Higher Education in Mas- sachusetts. - - 370 P No. 7, 1891. Promotions and Examinations in Graded Schools. - - 370 P No. 8, 1891. Rise and Growth of the Normal School Idea in the U. S. - - 370 P No. 9, 1891. Biological Teaching in the Colleges • of the U. S. - - 370 P Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Pl37 P85V C6 1 H98 K61 P94 T97 B85 M45 B39 D25 Mu P24 W57 R D66 D66a p 4 i An 7c B21 D54 D54. s D54C F61 P 55 S05 R R BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 17 530. PHYSICS. Brewster, David, ed. Letters of Euler on Natural Phil- osophy. 2 v. General Index to Fourteen Treatises on Natural Phil- 530-1 b 75 osophy. - 530.2 In2 Renwick, James. First Principles in Natural Philosophy. 530 R29 Moseley, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. 53 i M85 Renwick, James. Practical Mechanics. - 53 i R291T1 Marion, F. Baloon Ascents. 533-6 M33 Ball, Robert, rev. Wonders of Acoustics. - 534 B2ia Abbott, Jacob. Light. 2 cop. 535 Ab2l Quin, C. W. tr. Wonders of Optics. - 535 Q u 4 Abbott, Jacob. Heat. 2 cop. 536 Ab2h Rich, Elihu. tr. Wonders of Heat. - 536 R37 Tyndall, John. Heat as a Mode of Motion. 536 t 97 Trevert, Edward. Experimental Electricity. - - 537 T72 Phipson, A. L. Thunder and Lightning. 550. GEOLOGY. 537-4 P55 Abbott, Jacob. Water and Land. 2 cop. 550 Ab2 Ball, Sir Robert. Cause of an Ice-age. - 550 B21 Dana, Ja. G. Manual of Geology. 550 D19 Davison, Sir G. W. Story of the Earth and Man. - 55 ° D29 Donnelly, Ignatius. Age of Fire and Gravel. 550 D71 Lee, Charles A. Elements of Geology. - 550 L51 Lyell. Principles of Geology. 550 L98 Miller, Hugh. Foot-prints of the Creator. - 550 M61 Sourel, L. Bottom of the Sea. 550 S08 Winchell, Alex. Sketches of Creation. - 55 ° W72C Sparks from a Geologist’s Hammer. Geological Excursions; Rudiments of Geology for 550 W72S Young Learners. - J 55 ° W72 DeVere, Scheie. Wonders of Water. - 55 I -92 Dagw Guyot, Arnold. Earth and Man. 55 i G99 Higgins, Mullinger. The Earth. Reclus, Elisee. The Earth; History of the Life of the 55 i h 5 3 Globe. - - 55 i R24 Wright, G. F. Ice Age in America. - ' - 55 i W93 American Geologist, 1893. - 55 o .5 P Annual Report of Chief Signal Officer. 1879-81. 55 i -5 R Instructions for Voluntary Observers of the Sig. Service. U. S.—War, Dept. of. Rain and Dry Winds Computed 55 i -5 R for Different Geographical Districts. - 55 i -5 P Annual Report of Chief Signal-Officer. 1885. 55 i -5 P History of the Signal Service. Necessity of a Completed Organization for the Sig- 55 i -5 P nal Corps. - 55 i -5 P 18 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. U. S.—War, Dept. of. Official Danger or Distress Sigs. Corrections of Thermometers. Bulletins of Internat. Meteorological Observations. U. S.—Geological Survey of Montana and Adjacent Ter¬ ritory. 1871. Geological Survey of Wyoming and Contiguous Territory. 1870. - Illinois—Geological Survey. Worthen, A. H., director. 8 v. and plates. - 570. BIOLOGY. Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Biology. 2 v. Darwin, Charles. Descent of Man and Selection in Re¬ lation to Sex. 2 v. 580. BOTANY. Bergen, Nathaniel. Glimpses of the Plant World. DeVere, Scheie. Wonders of Vegetation. Harper & Brothers, pub. Vegetable Substances. Philip, Uncle. Trees of America. 590. ZOOLOGY. Broderip, W. J. Zoological Recreations. Philip, Uncle. Natural History. Wood, J. G. Homes Without Hands. White, Gilbert. Natural History and Antiquities of Sel- borne. - Harpers & Brothers, pub. Natural History of Insects. 2 v. - Wood, J. G. Insects at Home. - Grant, John B. Our Common Birds and How to Know Them. ----- Harper & Brothers, pub. Natural History of Birds. Miller, Olive Thorne. Little Brothers of the Air. Harper & Brothers, pub. Natural History of the Ele¬ phant. Natural History of Quadrupeds. Flower, W. Henry. Horse; a Study in Natural History. 600. USEFUL ARTS. Hazen, Edward. Professions and Trades. 2 v.* Bigelow, Jacob. Useful Arts. 2 v. Johnson, James. Economy of Health. Official Catalogue of U. S. Exhibit at Paris Universal Ex¬ position, 1889. - - . . 55i-5 P 55i-5 P 55i-5 P 557-73 R 557-73 R 557-73 R 57o Sp3b 57o D25d 580 B45 580 D49 581.1 H23V J582 ?53t 590 B78 590 P53 59i-5 W85 59i-9 W58 595-7 H231 595-7 W85i 598.2 G96 598.2 H2 3 b 598.2 M61 599-6 H23e 599-7 H23q 599-7 F66 600 H33 609 B48 610.4 J63 606 P BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 19 Reports of U. S. Com’r to Vienna Internat. Exhibition.— v. 1. Introduction, Foreign Reports, Agriculture. 606 v. 2. Science, Education. - - - 606 v. 3. Engineering. - 606 v. 4. Architecture, Metallurgy, General Index. 606 Patent Office Reports. 1863, 2 v; 1867, v. 1, 3 and 4; 1868, 4 v; 1869, 3 v. - - - 608 Agriculture. 1855; 1857; 1859-61. - - 608 Mechanics, 1849-50; 1852-3; 1855, 2 v; 1856, 2 v; 1857, 3 v; 1858, v 3; i860, 2 v. - 608 Official Gazette of the U. S. Patent Office, containing Patents, Trade Marks, Designs and Labels. 1872-1893. - 608 610. MEDICINE. Griscom, John H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. 612 LePilsner, A. Human Body. - - - 612 Coleman, Julia. Alcohol and Hygiene. - - 613.81 Lewis, Dio. Our Girls. - 613.04 Ticknor, Caleb. Philosophy of Living. - 613 Chicago Medical Times. Nov. 1890-Dec. 1891. - 610.5 620. ENGINEERING. Appleton. Dictionary of Mechanics and Engineering. 2 v. 620.2 U. S.—Census Office. [10th census, 1880, v. 16.] Water- Power. 2 pt. - - - 620.01 [10th census, 1880, v. 14.] U. S. Mining Laws. 622.007 [10th census, 1880, v. 13.] Precious Metals. 622.009 [10th census, 1880, v. 22.] Power and Machinery Employed in Manufactures. - - 620.09 [nth census, 1890.] Mineral Industries. - 622 Mining Statistics west of Rocky Mountains. 1870. 622 Illinois—Statistics of Coal. 1891. - - 622 630. AGRICULTURE. Buell, J. Farmer’s Instructor. 2 v. - - 630.4 Chaptal, M. LeComte. Chymistry Applied to Agricul¬ ture. ----- 630 Gaylord & Tucher. Animal Husbandry. 2 v. - 630.4 Anon. Ten Acres Enough. - - - 630 Riemelin, Charles. Vine-dresser’s Manual. - - 634 U. S.—Census Office. [10th census, 1880.] Statistics of Agriculture. - - - - 630.2 [10th census, 1880, v. 5] Report of Cotton Pro¬ duction. ----- 630.2 R R R R R R R P G88 L 55 C67 L58 T43 P R R R R R R R P B86 C36 G25 An6a R25 R R 20 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. U. S.—Census Office. [ioth census, 1880, v. 6.] Re¬ port of Cotton Production of Alabama. 630.2 R [ioth census, 1880, v. 9.] Forest Trees of N. A. 630.2 R Sixteen Maps Accompanying Report on Forest-Trees of America. . - 630.2 R Album of Agricultural Statistics of the United States. 630.2 R Album of Agricultural Graphics. - . - - 630.2 R U. S.—Agriculture, Dept. of. 1863-9; 1871; 1881-2; 1884; 1886;; 1887. - - - 630.6 R First Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1889. 630.6 R Annual Reports of the Bureau of Animal Industry. 1889-90. 630.6 R Treasury, Dept. of. Statistics, Bureau of. Wool and Manufacturers of Wool. - - 636.3 P State, Department of State. Special Consular Reports. Beet-sugar Industry and Flax Cultivation in Foreign Countries. - - - 630 P N. Y.—Trans, of State Agricultural Society. 1852 and 1854. 630.6 R Trans, of American Institute of City of New York. 1847 and 1854. - - - - 630.6 R Illinois—Trans, of Illinos Horticultural Society. 1868-75. 630.6 R Trans, of Illinois Dept, of Agriculture. 1871; 1876- 9; 1882. - - - - 630.6 R 640. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Ormsbee, Agnes B. The House Comfortable. - 645 Or5 650. COMMUNICATION AND COMMERCE. Field, H. M. History of the Atlantic Telegraph. - 654.5 F46 U. S.—Census Office, [ioth census, 1880, v. 4.] Trans¬ portation. - 656 R Annual Reports of R. R. and W. Commission. 1870-2. 656 R Annual Reports of the Com’r of Navigation. 1884-86. 656 R 660. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. Souzay, A. Wonders of Glass-Making. - - 666.1 S08 670. MANUFACTURES. U. S.—Census Office. [8th census, i860.] Manufactures. 670 R [ioth census, 1880.] Statistics of Manufactures. 670 R 690. BUILDING. U. S.—State, Dept. of. Special Consular Reports. Fire and Build’g Regulations in For’n Countries. 690 P 700. FINE ARTS. Farrar, Charles S. Art Topics. - - - 702 F24 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Aldine, the Art Journal of America. 1873-76. Lossing, JBenj. J. History of the Fine Arts. - Lubke, Wilhelm. History of Art. 2 v. - 710. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Henderson, Peter. Practical Floriculture. 720. ARCHITECTURE. Donald, R. Wonders of Architecture. Ruskin, John. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Downing. Architecture of Country Houses. 750. PAINTING. Ruskin, John. Modern Painters. 5 v. ■ Viardot, Lewis. European Art. Italian Art. - 760. ENGRAVING. Duplessis, George. Wonders of Engraving. 790. AMUSEMENTS. Smith, Horatio. Festivals, Games and Amusements. Russell, Charles, tr. Wonders of Bodily Strength and Skill. ----- Bogardus, Adam H. Field, Cover and Trap-shooting. Munier, Victor. Great Hunts. Walton, Izaak, and Cotton, Charles. Complete Angler, 800. LITERATURE. Alden, JohnB. Cyclopaedia of Universal Literature. 20 v. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Chambers, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. 2 v. Bayne, Peter. Essays in Biography and Criticism. 1st series. - Lectures on General Literature. Pearls of Thought. Oratory—Sacred and Secular. Montgomery, James. Ballou, Maturm M. Pittenger, William. Stedman, Edm. C. 8 lO. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Our American Poets. 81 I. AMERICAN POETRY. Bryant, W. C. col. Selections from American Poets. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Poetical Works. Gordon, H. L. Feast of the Virgin and Other Poems. 21 705 R 709 L89 709 L96 716 H38 720 D71 720 R89 728.6 D75 750 R8gm 759 V65 759-5 V6 5 i 760 D92 790 S1115 796 Rqi 799 b6 3 799 M92 799 W17 803 R 803 R 803 R 804 B 34 804 M76 808.8 B21 808.5 P68 81O.4 St 3 8l 1.08 B84 8H.39 C25 8l I.49 G65 22 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hay, John. Pike County Ballads. Holland, J. G. (pseud. Timothy Titcomb.) Prophecy. Kathrina. - Bitter-sweet. - Mistress of the Manse. Holmes, O. W. Poetical Works. Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Verses. Longfellow, H. W. Poetical Works. 2 v. Lowell, Ja. R. Poetical Works. Miller, Joaquin. Songs of the Sierras. Saxe, John G. Poetical Works. Whittier, John G. Poetical Works. 811.49 H32 Marble 811.39 Id 71 811.39 Hyik 811.39 H7ib 811.39 H7im 811.39 h 73 - • 811.48 J12 811.34 L86 811.37 Lg5 8H.49 M6l 811.47 Sag 811.36 W61 813. AMERICAN FICTION, INCLUDING ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Adams, W. T. (pseud. Oliver Optic) Blue and Gray Series. Taken by the Enemy. - - jAdita Onward and Upward Series. 1. Field and Forest. - - jAdif 2. Plane and Plank. - - - jAdip 3. Desk and Debit. - - - jAdid 4. Cringle and Crosstree. - - jAdic 5. Bivouac and Battle. - - jAdib 6. Sea and Shore. • - - jAdis Starry-Flag Series. 1. The Starry Flag. - - - jAdisf 2. Breaking Away. - - - jAdiba 3. Seek and Find. - - - jAdisf 4. Freaks of Fortune. - - jAdifr 5. Make or Break, - - - jAdim 6. Down the River. - - - jAdir Aguilar, Grace. Home Influence. - ■ - Agg Mothers Recompense; sequel to Home Influence. Aggm Alcott, L. M. An Old Fashioned Girl. - - jAliof Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag. - - - jAlis Little Women. - - - - - jAliw Little Men. - jAlim Jo’s Boys; sequel to Little Men. - - jAlijb Under the Lilacs. - jAliu Eight Cousins. ----- jAlie Rose in Bloom; sequel to Eight Cousins. - jAlir Jack and Jill. ----- jAlij Shawlstraps. ----- jAlish Moods. ------ Alimo Alden, I. M. (Pansy). Chautauqua Girls at Home. AI2 Eighty-Seven. ----- ADe BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 23 Alden, I. M. (Pansy). Four Girls at Chautauqua. King’s Daughters. - Links in Rebecca’s Life. Rath Erskine’s Trials. - Alden, W. L. Cruise of the Canoe Club. Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw and Other People. - Andersen, Hans Christian. Improvisatore. Only a Fiddler. - - - - Wonder Stories. - Andrews, Jane. Seven little Sisters who live on the Round Ball that Floats in the Air. Ten Boys who Lived on the- Road from Long Ago till Now. - - - Anon. A Reverend Idol. - Bar-Sinister. - - Green Mountain Boys. - Harry’s Ladder to Learning. - Sons and Daughters, - That Husband of Mine. - - The Jericho Road. - The Shady Side. - We Boys. _____ Arabian Nights Entertainments. - - - A erbach, Berthold. On the Heights. 2 v. Villa on the Rhine. 2 v. Austin, Mrs. Jane (Goodwin). Betty Alden, the first born Daughter of the Pilgrims. Baker, William M. The new Timothy. Balch, F. H. The Bridge of the Gods. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. Jan Vedder’s Wife. Barrie, James Matthew. Little Minister. Bayly, Ada Ellen, (pseud. Lyall, Edna). A Hardy Norseman. - - - - Donovan, a Modern Englishman. Golden Days. - - - - - We Two; sequel to Donovan. Won by Waiting. - - - - Beecher, Henry Ward. Norwood. Bell, Currer, pseud. See Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, Ellis, pseud. See Bronte, Emily. Benedict, Frank Lee. John Worthington’s Name. Besant, Walter. All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Armorel of Lyonesse. - - - - Children of Gileon. - - - Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Fisher Maiden. Black, William. Madcap Violet. Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone. - - - ADf Al2k ADI ADr jAl2C ADqm An 2 An2o jAn2w jAn 25 jAn 25 t An7r An7bs An7g jAn7h A117S An7th An7j An7s jAn7iw j Ari AU3 Au3v AU72 B17 B18 B27 B274 B34 B 34 d B 34g B34we B34WO B39 B 43 b 4 6 B 46 al B46C B 55 B 56 B 564 2 4 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bouvet, Margaret. Little Marjorie’s Love Story. - jB66 Sweet William. - jB66s Braddon, M. L. (afterwards Mrs. Maxwell). Lady Audley’s Secret. - - - B72 Aurora Floyd. ----- B72a Bright-Eyes. Ploughed Under. - - - B76 Bronte, Charlotte, afterwards Mrs. Nicholls, (pseud. Currer Bell). Jane Eyre. - - B78 Shirley. ----- B78S The Professor. - - - - B78P Villette. ----- B78V Bronte. Emily, (pseud. Ellis Bell). Withering Heights. B78W Brooks, C. Shirley. Silver Chord. - - ’ B79 Brooks, Noah J. Boy Emigrants. - - - JB793 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. Baron. Devereux. - B87 Disowned. ----- B87d Eugene Aram. - - - - B87e Last Days of Pompeii. - B87D Leila and The Pilgrims of the Rhine. - B87R Paul Clifford. ----- B87p Rienzi, ----- B87r Strange Story. ----- B87S Bunner, H. C. Zadoc Pines and other stories. - B88 Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress. - B884 Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Little Lord Faunt- leroy. ----- JB93 Edith’s Burglar. - jB93e Burnham, Mrs. C. L. A Sane Lunatic. - - B934 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Ziz Zag Journeys in Classic Lands. ----- JB97 Zig Zag Journeys in Europe. - - jBg7e Carew, Bachel. Tangled. - - - C18 Carey, Rosa N. Not like Other Girls. - - Ci8n Castlemon, Harry, pseud. See Fosdick, C. A. Cate, E. Jane. A Year with the Franklins. - C28 Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote. - - C33 Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth. (Rundle). Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. - - C38 Against the Stream. - - - - 038a Clemens, S. L. (pseud. Mark Twain). Tom Sawyer. C5gt Clemmer, Mary. His Two Wives. - - C59I1 Coffin, C. Carleton. Winning His Way. - - JC65W Collins, Wilke. Woman in White. - - C69W Two Destinies. ----- C69 Comins, L. B. Hartwell Farm. - - - C73 Cooper, Ja. F. Last of the Mohicans. - - • C78I Oak Openings. - - - - C780 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 25 Cooper, la. F. Prairie. - C78p Pilot. -. C78 Red Rover. - - C78r Spy. - - - - - . - C78S Craddock, Charles Egbert pseud. See Murfree, M. N. Craik, Georgiana. Cousin from India. - - C84 Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria Mulock. Agatha’s Husband. C84a Brave Lady. ----- C84b Christian’s Mistake. - C84C Head of the Family. - - - - C84I1 John Halifax, Gentleman. - - - C84J' Life for a Life. - C84I Little Sunshine’s Holiday. - - - jC84s Mistress and Maid. - C84m My Mother and I. - C84my Noble Life. - C84n Our Year. ----- C840 Two Marriages. - C84t Crawford, Francis Marion. Mr. Isaacs. - - C85i Dr. Claudius. - C85C Three Fates. - - - - - C85 Cross, Mrs. M. Ann (Evans) Lewes. (Eliot, George, pseud.). Adam Bede. - - - C88a Daniel Deronda. 2 v. - - - C88d Felix Holt, the Radical. - C88f Middlemarch. 2 v. - - - C88 Mill on the Floss, - - - - C88m Romola. ----- C88r Curtis, G. W. Prue and I. - - - C94P Dana, Mary S. B. Young Sailor. - - jDig Day, Thomas. History of Sandford and Merton. - D33 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. - - JD36 DeMille, James. Picked up Adrift. - - - D39 Chord and Cruse. - D39C Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge. - - - D55 Bleak House. - - - - D55bl Christmas Books and Sketches by Boz. D55C David Copperfield. - D55dc Dombey and Son. - - - - D55do Little Dorrit. - - - - D55M Martin Chuzzlewit. - D55m Nicholas Nickleby. - D5511 Old Curiosity Shop. - - - - D550C Oliver Twist and American Notes. - - D55ot Our Mutual Friend. - - - - D55om Pickwick Papers. - - - - D53P Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. - ^)55t 26 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dickens, Charles. Uncommercial Traveler and Mis¬ cellanies. - D5511 Disraeli, Benjamin. Lothair. - - - D63 Dodge, Mrs. Mary (Mapes). Donald and Dorothy. jD66 Douglas, Amanda M. Fortune of the Farradays. - D74 In Trust. - D7qin Lost in the Great City. - - - - D74I Seven Daughters. - D74S Nelly Kinnard’s Kingdom; sequel to Seven Daughters. - D7qn Woman s Inheritance. - D74W DuBois, Constance G. Columbus and Beatrice. - D85 Dumas, Alexandre. Count of Monte Cristo. - D89 Ebers, George. Bride of the Nile. 2 v. - - Eb3b Egyptian Princess. 2 v. - - - Eb3 Emperor. 2 v. - - - - Eb3em Joshua. ------ Eb3j Uarda. 7 Eb3u Edgeworth, Maria. Moral Tales. 2 v. - Ed3 Rosamond. ----- Ed3r Eggleston, Edward. Circuit Rider. - - - Eg3c End of the World. - Eg 3 e Hoosier School-Boy. - - - - jEg 3 Hoosier School-Master. - - - Eg3h Mystery of Metropolisville. - - - Eg3m Eliot, George, pseud. See Cross, Mrs. M. Ann (Evans) Lewis. Evans, Augusta J. Beulah. - - - Evib Infelice. - - - - - Evi Inez. ------ Evii Macaria. - - - - - Evim St. Elmo. ----- Evie Vashti. ------ Eviv Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Jackanapes and other stories. jEw5 Farquharson, Martha. Old Fashioned Boy. - F23 Fosdick, C. A. (Harry Castlemon). Boy-Trapper Series. 1. Buried Treasure. - - - jFy8b 2. Boy-Trapper. - jF78bt 3. Mail-Carrier. - jF78mc Frank Nelson Series. 1. Snowed Up. - - - - jF78SU 2. Frank in the Forecastle. - - JF78F 3. Boy Traders. - - - - jF78bo Go-Ahead Series. 1. Tom Newcome. - - - jF78tn 2. Go-Ahead. - - - jFy8go BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 27 Go-Ahead Series continued. 3. No Moss. - - j ■ Rocky Mountain Series. 1. Frank Among the Rancheros. 2. Frank at Don Carlos’ Rancho. 3. Frank in the Mountains. Gunboat Series. 1. Frank the Young Naturalist. 2. Frank on a Gunboat. 3. Frank in the Woods. 4. Frank Before Vicksburg. 2 cop. 5. Frank on the Lower Mississippi. 6. Frank on the Prairie. - - Roughing It Series. 1. George in Camp. - - 2. George at the Wheel. 3. George at the Fort. Sportsman’s Club Series. 1. In the Saddle. 2. Afloat. - 3. Among the Trappers. Foxton, E. Herman or Young Knighthood. 2 v. Frazer, Douglas. Perseverance Island. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cranford. - - Gjles, Ella A. Out of the Shadows. Goethe, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister. 2 vj-i G oldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. Griffis, W. E. Japanese Fairy World. Gunsalus, F. W. Monk and Knight. 2 v. - < - H. H. See Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Habberton, J. Helen’s Babies. Other People’s Children. Haderman, Jaenette R. Against the World. Haggard, H. R. Allen Quartermain. Hamerton, Philip G. Harry Blount. Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harper & Brothers, pub. Conquests and Self-Conquests. Cousins. ------ Elizabeth Benton. - Isabel. Praise and Principle. - Twin Brothers. - Wealth and Worth. - What’s to be Done ? - Woman an Enigma. - Harris, Miriam C. Rutledge. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of Seven Gables. jFySno 1 ' . jF78fr jF78fd i jF78fm b jF78n jF 78 g JF78W JF78V jF78m jF78p f jF 78 gc jF78gw jF 78 gf JF78S jF78a jF 7 8t F83 jF86 G21 G39 G55 G57 ]G87 G95 Hi 1 Hi 10 Hi 1 5a H12 JH17 H23CS jH23c H23e jH23i H23PP jH23tb JH23W H2^wd H23W0 H24 H31I1 28 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Marble Faun. - - H311T1 Mosses from an Old Manse. - H3imo Scarlet Letter. - - H31S Twice Told Tales. - - H 3 it Henty, G. A. St. George For England. - - jH 39 Hillern, Wilhelmie von. Only a Girl; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. - - H 55 Hofland, Mrs. Barbara. Young Crusoe. - jH67y Son of a Genius. - - jH6 7 Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle. - H71 Bay Path. - - H 7 ib Seven Oaks. - - H71S Holmes, Mary J. Bessie’s Fortune. - - Ho73b Cameron Pride. - H073C Darkness and Daylight. - - Ho73d Edith Lyle. - - Ho 7 3el Edna Browning. - - Ho 7 3eb English Orphans. - Ho73eo Ethelyn’s Mistake. - - Ho 7 3em Homestead on the Hillside. - H073I1 Lena Rivers. - - H073I Marian Grey. - Ho73mg Meadow Brook. - . - - Ho73mb Millbank. - - Ho 7 3m Queenie Hetherton. - - H °73q Tempest and Sunshine. - Ho73t West Lawn. - - - H073W Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner. - H 7 3 e Guardian Angel. - - H 7 3 g Howard, Blanche W. Aulnay Tower. - Ho8 3 at Aunt Serena. - - H083S Guenn. - - Ho8 3 g One Summer. - - - H083 Howells, W. Dean. Chance Acquaintance. - H83 Dr. Breen’s Practice. - - H8 3 d Lady of the Aristook. - H83I Their Wedding Journey. - - H8 3 t Undiscovered Country. - H83U Howitt, Mary. Who Shall be Greatest ? - - H84 Hughes, Thomas. Memory of a Brother. - H87 School Days at Rugby. - - jH8 7 Tom Brown at Oxford. 2 v. - jH8 7 t Hughs, Mary. Ornaments Discovered. - - jHu8 7 Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. - H875 Man who Laughs. - - H8751T1 Toilers of the Sea. - - H8 75 t Ingelow, Jean. Off the Skelligs. - - Inq BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 2 9 Ingelow, Jean. Studies for Stories. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. Mercy Philbrick’s Choice. Ramona. - Jamison, Mrs. C. B. Lady Jane. Jewett, Sarah Orne. Deephaven. Marsh Island. - Strangers and Wayfarers. John, Eugenie (E. Marlitt). Countess Gisela. Gold Elsie. ----- Old Mam’selle’s Secret. - - - - Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Bound with Paul and Virginia. King, Capt. Between the Lines. - Colonel’s Daughter. - - - - Kitty’s Conquest. Laramie, or Queen of Bedlam. Marion’s Faith, sequel to the Colonel’s Daughter. Sunset Pass. ----- Kingsley, Charles. Greek Heroes. Hypatia. - - - Water Babies. - Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. H. Higgledy-Piggledy. Lever, Charles. Charles O’Malley, the Irish Dragoon. Lie, Jonas. Pilot and His Wife. Lillie, Lucy C. Nan. - - - - Rolf House, sequel to Nan. Longfellow, H. W. Hyperion. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M., pseud. Sidney, Margaret. Five Little Peppers and how they Grew. Five Little Peppers Midway, sequel to preceding. Five Little Peppers Grown Up, sequel to preceding. Loti, Pierre, pseud. See Viand, Julien. Ludlow, James M. King of Tyre. Lyall, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, A. E. Lyndon. Margaret. - - - Oxley. ----- MacDonald, G. Annals of a quiet Neighborhood. David Elginbrod. - - - - Malcolm. - - - - - Marquis of Lossie; sequel to Malcolm. Robert Falconer. - - - 1 Wilfrid Cumbermede. MacKee, Charles. With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, Eugenie. Marryat, Capt. F. Japhet in Search of a Father. Phantom Ship. - Mason, Mary M. Mae Madden. - - - Inqs J 12m J12 jj24 J55d J55 m J55 J61 J 6l g J610 J 63 K58 K58C K 58 k K58I K581T1 K58S jK6i K6ih jK6iw JK72 L57 L62 JL625 jL625r L86h jLgi jLgim jLgig L96 L99 L99 o Mi 4a Mi4d M14 Mi 4111 Mi4r M14W M19 jM34 jM34p M38 30 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Matthews, Margaret. Dr. Gilbert s Daughter. - M43 Maxwell, Mary E. See Braddon, M. E. Miller, E. H. What Tommy Did. - - jM6i Muhlbach, Eouise pseud. See Mundt, C. Mulock, Dinah M. See Craik, D. M. Munchausen, Baron. Travels. - M925 Mundt, Clara. (Eouise Muhlbach). Berlin and Sans Souci. M92 Frederick the Great and His Court. - - M92I Napoleon and Blucher. ... M9211 Murfree, M. N. (C. E. Craddock). Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. - - M94 Nicholls, Charlotte. See Bronte (Currer Bell). Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Otis, James. Left Behind, or Ten Days a Newsboy. jOt4l Mr. Stubbs’ Brother. - - - jOt4 Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks in a Circus. - - jOt4t Ouida, pseud. See Rame, Louise de la. Paddock, A. G. Fate of Madame La Tour, - Pi3 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, 1 . M. Poe, Edgar Allen. Works. 4V.-- - - P75 Pool, Maria Louise. Roweny in Boston. - P78 Mrs. Keats Bradford; sequel to Roweny in Boston. P78111 Porter, Jane. Thaddeus of Warsaw. - - P083 Porter, Rose. In the Mist. - P83 Summer Driftwood. - P83S Uplands and Lowlands. - P83U Winter Fire seeking for Summer Driftwood. P83W Rame, Louise de la. (Ouida). Pascarel. - - R14 Reade, Charles. Griffith Gaunt, or Jealousy. - R22 Hard Cash. ------ R22I1 Reid, Mayne. Afloat in the Forest. - - jR27a Boy Hunters. ----- JR27 Boy Slaves. ----- jR27b Cliff Climbers. ----- JR27C. Hunters’ Feast. - - - - JR27I1 Young Voyagers. - - - - jR27y Richmond, Mrs. E. J. Fatal Dower. - - R41 Zoa Rodman. ----- R41Z Richter, Jean F. P. Titan. 2 v. R415 Roberts, Charles H. Down the O-hi-o. - - R54 Roe, E. P. Barriers Burned Away. - - R62b Earth Trembled. ----- R62e * Face Illumined. - R62 From Jest to Earnest. - - - - R62f He Fell in Love with his Wife. - - R62I1 Knight of the Nineteenth Century. - • R62k Near to Nature’s Heart. - - - R62n BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 31 Roe, E. P. Opening of a Chestnut Burr. - - R62 o Original Belle. - - - R62 ob Without a Home. - R62W Young Girls Wooing. - - - R62y Rollins, Alice W. Story of a Ranch. - - R65 Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. - jR8gk Saint Pierre, J. H. Bernardin de. Paul and Virginia; bound with Rasselas. - - Sa2 Saunders, John. Noble Wife. - - - Sa8 Savage, 1 V 1 . W. Universal Genius. - - Sag Scott, Sir Walter, v. 1 and 2. Waverly. - - Sco8 3 and 4. Guy Mannering. - - - Sco8g 5 and 6. Antiquary. - Sco8a 7 and 8. Rob Roy. - - - Sco8rr g and 10. Old Mortality. - - - Sco8 o 11 and 12. Black Dwarf; a legend of Montrose. Sco8bd 13 and 14. Heart of Mid-Lothian. - - Sco8h 15 and 16. Bride of Lammermoor. - - Sco8bl 17 and 18. lvanhoe. - Sco8i ig and 20. Monastery. - - - Sco8m 21 and 22. Abbot. - ScoSab 23 and 24. Kenilworth. - - - Sco8k 25 and 26. Pirate. - Sco8p 27 and 28. Fortunes of Nigel. - - Sco8f 2g and 30. Peveril of the Peak. - - - Sco8pp 31 and 32. Quentin Durward. - - Sco8q 33 and 34. St. Rowan’s Well. - - - ScoSst 35 and 36. Redgauntlet. ... Sco8r 37 and 38. Betrothed. - Sco8b 3g and 40. Talisman, etc. - - - Sco8t 41 and 42. Woodstock. - Sco8w 43 and 44. Fair Maid of Perth. - - Sco8fm 45 and 46. Anne of Geierstein. - - Sco8ag 47 and 48. Count Robert of Paris. - - Sco8c 4g and 50. Surgeon’s Daughter, etc. - - Sco8s Scudder, H. E. English Bodley Family. - jScu2 Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. Live and let Live. - Se2 Love Token for Children. - jSe2 Poor Rich Man and Rich Poor Man. - Sc2p Stories for Young Persons. - - - jSe2s Seeley, C. S. Spanish Galleon. • - . - - Se3 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. - - - Se8 Sidney, Margaret, pseud. See Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. Smith, Mrs. Sarah (Hesba Stretton). Hester Morley’s Promise. - S1115 Stevens, George, tr. Viking Tales of the North. - St4 Stockton, Frank R. Late Mrs. Null. - - St6 32 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stoddard, R. H. Adventures in Fairyland. - - jSto6 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet (Beecher). Agnes of Sorrento. St7a Dred. 2 v. - - - - - St7d Minister’s Wooing. - St7 My Wife and I. - - - - St7my Oldtown Fireside Stories. - - - St7 o Pink and White Tyranny. - - - St7p Uncle Tom’s Cabin. - St7u We and Our Neighbors. - St7w Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, Mrs. Sarah. Sue, Eugene. Wandering Jew. - - - Su2 Sultner, Bertha von. “Ground Arms.” - - Su8 Taylor, Bayard. Hannah Thurston. - - - T21 Terhune, M. V. (Marion Harland). Alone. - T27 At Last. ------ T27a Empty Heart or Husks. - - - T27e Helen Gardner’s Wedding Day. - - T27I1 Husbands and Homes. - - - T27hh Miriam. ------ T271T1 Phemie’s Temptation. - - - T27P True as Steel. ----- T27t Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. - T32 Henry Esmond. ----- T32I1 Miscellanies. 1. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq., etc. T321TI 2. Paris Sketch Book, etc. - - T32PS 3. Book of Snobs, etc. - - - T32b 5. Catherine, etc. - - - T32C Newcomes. - - - - - T32n Pendennis. ----- T32pe Vanity Fair. ----- T32va Virginians. ----- T32vi Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. See Holland, J. G. Tourgee, Albion W. Bricks without Straw. - T64 Figs and Thistles. - - - T64f Fool’s Errand. - - - - T64fo Townshend, Virginia T. Boston Girl’s Ambition. - T66 Only Girls. - - - - - T660 Trollope, Anthony. Can you Forgive Her? - - T74 Trowbridge, J. T. Coupon Bonds and other Stories. T75 Start in Life. ----- T75S Turgenief, Ivan. Smoke. - - - - T84 Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Vandegrift, Margaret. Queen’s Body Guard. - V28 Verne, Jules. Journey to the Center of the Earth. - V59 Michael Strogoff. - - - - V59m Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. - V5gt BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 33 Viand, Julien (Pierre Loti). Iceland Fisherman. Wallace, Lew. Fair God. - Ben-Hur. . - Warner, Susan (E. Wetherell). End of a Coil. . Wide, Wide World. - Queechy. - — and Anna B. Gold of Chickaree; sequel to Wych Hazel. Wych Hazel. - - Warren, Samuel C. Ten Thousand a Year. Wetherell, E., pseud. See Warner, Susan. Whitney, Adeline D. T. Bonnyborough. Boys at Chequasset. - Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. Gayworthys. - Hitherto. - - - - Odd or Even. - - - Other Girls. ----- Patience Strong’s Outing. - - Real Folks. - - - - - Sights and Insights. 2 v. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life. We Girls. - - - - - Zerub Throop’s Experiment. Whitney, L. Burning of the Convent. Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas. Bird’s Christmas Carol. Story of Patsy. - - - - Winthrop. Theodore. Cecil Dreeme. John Brent. ----- Wister, Annis Lee. tr. Hillern, Mine. W. von. Only a Girl. John, Eugenie. Countess Gisela. John, Eugenie. Gold Elsie. •John, Eugenie. Old Mam’selle’s Secret. Wright, Julia McNair. Life Cruise of Capt. Bess. Yonge, Charlotte. Heir of Redclyffe. Unknown to History. - - - - 814. AMERICAN ESSAYS. Burroughs, John. Birds and Poets. - - 814.41 Signs and Seasons; - - - - 814.41 Curtis, G. W. Potiphar Papers. - - - 814.44 Dodge, M. Abigail, (pseud. Gail Hamilton)! New Atmosphere. - - - - 814.43 Emerson, R. W. Letters and Social Aims. - - 814.36 Essays, 1st and 2d ser. - - - 814.36 Holland, J. G. (pseud. Timothy Titcomb). Titcomb’s Letters to Young People. - - 814.34 Gold Foil. - - - - •• 814.34 V65 W15 Wi5b W24 W24W W 24 q W 24 g W24W W25 W61 W6ib W6if W6ig W61I1 W6ioe W61 o W6ip W6ir W6isi W6is W 61 w W6iz W615 j W63 j W63S W73C W73 h 5 5 J61 J 6i g J61 o W93 Y8 Y8u b 94 B94S C94P D66 Em 3 Em3e H7it H 7 ig 34 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Holland, j. G, Letters to the Joneses. Lessons in Life. ----- Kinsley, W. W. Views on Vexed Questions. Lowell, ja. R. My Study Windows. Fireside Travels. - - - - Whipple, L. P. Literature and Life. 815. AMERICAN ORATORY. Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, Lectures and Addresses. Sumner, Charles. Prophetic Voices concerning America. Webster, Daniel. Works. 6 v. 816. AMERICAN LETTERS. Pierce, Edward L. Memoirs and Letters of Charles Sumner. 2 v. 817. AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR. Bailey, J. M. They all Do It. - - - Life in Danbury. - Chamberlain, C. Jr. Servant Girl of the Period. Harte, Bret. Colonel Starbottle’s Client and some other papers. - Holley, Mariette. (Josiah Allen’s Wife). Samantha at the Centennial. - Samantha at Saratoga. My Opinion and Betsy Bobbet’s. Sweet Cicely. ----- Holmes, O. W. Over the Teacups. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Poet at the Breakfast Table. Professor at the Breakfast Table. Irving, Washington. Alhambra. Bracebridge Hall. - Sketch Book. - - Knickerbocker’s New York. - Tales of a Traveler. - - - - Wolfert’s Roost, and other papers. Landon, Melville D. (Eli Perkins). Saratoga in 1901. Locke, D. Ross. (Nasby). Ekkoes from Kentucky. Lowell, Ja. R. Biglow Papers. 2 v. Shillaber, B. P. (Mrs. Partington). Partingtonian Patchwork - - - - Taylor, Bayard. The World on Wheels. Warner, C. D. Being a Boy. Back Log Studies. - - - - 814.34 H71J 814.34 H71I 814.49 K62 814.42 Lg5m 814.42 L95t 814 -35 W57 815.34 P54 815.33 Su6 815.27 W39 816.33 P61 817.32 B15 817.32 Bi5d 8 t 7-49 C35 817.49 H25 817.49 H72 817.49 H72S 817.49 H72m 817.49 H72C 817.32 H730 817.32 H73 817.32 H73a 817.32 H73P0 817.32 H73pr 817.24 Ir8 817.24 Ir8b 817.24 Ir8s 817.24 lr8k 817.24 Ir8t 817.24 Ir8w 817.49 L23 817.42 L79 817.47 L95b 817.34 Sh6 817.49 T21 817.41 W24b 817.41 W24S BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 35 Warner, C. D. Baddeck and that Sort of Thing. 8l8. AMERICAN MISCELLANY. Anon. Little Pilgrim in the Unseen. Batch, W. R. com. Garfield’s Words. Bryant, W. C. com. Library of Poetry and Song. Cumnock, R. M. Choice Readings. Custer, Elizabeth. Life in Dakota. Following the Guidon. - Emerson, R. W. • Parnassus. Earnham, Eliza W. Life in Prairie Land. Fields, Ja. T. Underbrush. On the Desert. - Laurence, Uncle. Young Folks Queries. Phelps, E. S. Men, Women and Ghosts. Gates Between. Gates Ajar. .... Beyond the Gates. Silent Partner. - Madonna of the Tubs. 820. ENGLISH LITERATURE. 817.4I W94 818.38 An7p 818.39 bi8 818.39 B84 818.39 C9I 818.39 C96 818.39 CgGf 818.39 Eni3p 818.35 F23 818.36 F46U 818.36 F 4 6d j 818.38 L37 818.34 P51 818.34 p 5!g 818.34 P5 ia 818.34 p 5ib 818.34 p 5 IS 818.34 p 5ini Whipple, E. P. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 820.4 W57 821. ENGLISH POETRY. Hallack, Fitz-Greene. col. Selections from British Poetry. 821.08 H15 Wanton, Thomas. History of English Poetry. - 821. 09 W18 Arnold, Sir Edwin. Light of Asia. - - 821. 89 Ar6 Browning, E. B. Poetical works. - - 821. 82 B82 Browning, Robert. Ring and the Book. - - 821, .83 B822 Bulwer-Lytton, Robert (pseud. Owen Me redith). Lucille. 821. 89 B87 Burns, Robert. Poetical works. - - 821, .62 p 93 Byron, G. G. N. Lord. Poetical works. • » - 821. 76 B99 Cowper, William. Poetical works. - - 821. 65 C83 Eliot, George (pseud, of Mrs. M., A. L. Cross). How Lisa Loved the King. - - 821. 89 E14 Ingelow, Jean. Poetical works. - - 821. 87 1114 Macaulay, T. B. Poetical works. - - 821. 89 Mu Milton, John. Poetical works. - - 821. ■47 M64 Moore, Thomas. Poetical works. - - 821. 75 M78 Pope, Alex. Poetical works. - - 821. ■53 P81 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works. - - 821 •74 Sco8i Spenser, Edmund. Faerie Queene. - - 821. • 3 1 Sp 3 Tennyson, Alfred. Poetical works. - - 821 .81 T25 The Foresters. - - 821 .81 T2 5 f 3 6 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 822. DRAMA. 822.33. SHAKESPERIANA. Jameson, Anna B. Characteristics of Shakespeare’s women. 822.33 Lamb, C. and M. Tales from Shakespeare. Shakespeare, William. Works. 823. ENGLISH FICTION. SEE 813. 824. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Addison, Joseph, and other. Selections from the Spectator. - Bacon, Francis and Locke J. Essays. Carlyle 4 Thomas. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. DeQuincey, Thomas. Confessions of an Opium Eater and other papers. Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. Lubbock, Sir John. Pleasures of Life. Maucauley, T. B. Essays. Ruskin, John. Sesame and Lilies. 827. ENGLISH SATIRE. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels and Life of Swift. Jerome, Jerome K. Three Men in a Boat. 828. ENGLISH MISCELLANY. Harper and Brothers, pub. Flowers of Fable. Blake, J. L. Juvenile Companion. 870. LATIN LITERATURE. Virgil. Works, tr. by Davidson. 880. GREEK LITERATURE. Homer. Iliad; tr. by W. C. Bryant. 2 v. Homer. Odyssey; tr. by W. C. Bryant. 2 v. Demosthenes, tr. by Kennedy. Olynthiac and other public orations. - - - H 3 sop. Fables. - goo. HISTORY. Allen, E. A. History of Civilization. 4 v. - Draper, J. W. History of the Intellectual Develop¬ ment of Europe. - Lubbock, Sir John. Origin of Civilization. Brewer, E. C. Historic Note Book. - Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates. 1.822.33 J 2 3 j'822.33 L16 822.33 Shi 824.52 Ad2 824.31 bi 3 824.82 C19 824.81 D44 824.75 Li6e 824.89 L96 824.83 Mne 824.86 R8gs 827.52 Sw5 827.89 J 4 « 828 H23f j 828 B58 00 CO M V81 883.1 H 75 883.I H750 885.6 d 39 888.6 ^3 901 Al 5 901 D79 90.1 L96 9°3 R 903 R BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Creasy, Sir E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. DeQuincey, Thomas. Historical and Critical Essays. Fronde, Ja. A. Short Studies on Great Subjects. 2 ser. Story of Spanish Armada and other essays. Kingsley, Charles. Roman and the Teuton. Freeman, E. A. General Sketch of History. Mannder, Samuel. History of the World. 2 v. Tytler, A. F. Universal History. 6 v. White, Ja. Eighteen Christian Centuries. 910. GEOGRAPHY AND DESCRIPTION Harper and Brothers, pub. Swiss Family Robinson. 4 v. American Adventures by Land and Sea. 2 v. Murray, Hugh. Cyclopaedia of Geography. 3 v. Anon. Perils of the Sea. - Description of Pitcairn’s Island. Abbott, J. S. C. Captain Kidd. Dana, R. H. Ir. Two Years before the Mast. Davenport, R. A. Perdon’s Adventures. Keppel, R. N. Expedition to Borneo. Kingston, W. H. G. Gentlemen Adventures. Seaward, Sir E. Narrative of His Shipwreck. Whiteing, Richard. Wonderful Escapes. Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial Geography of the World. Bremer, Fredrika. Homes of the New World. 2 v. Duncan, Sara J. Social Departure. Harper & Brothers, pub. Voyages Round the World. Headley, J. T. Mountain Adventures. Kippis, A. Cook’s Voyages round the World. Knox, T. W. Adventures of Two Boys in China and Japan. ----- Through Africa. - Egypt and the Holy Land. Siam and Java. - - - - Marryatt, Capt. Privateersman. Smiles, Samuel, Jr. Round the World. Taylor, Bayard. Views Afoot. - Boys of other Countries. - - - Atlas of Illinois, illustrated, 1876. 913. ANTIQUITIES. Bucke, Charles. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2 v. Foster, J. W. Prehistoric Races of America. Layard, Austin H. Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. Maspero, Gaston. Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. Monnier, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii. 37 904 C86 904 D44I1 9°4 F93 9°4 F93S 904 K6ir 909 F87 909 M44 909 T99 909 w 5 8 >N. J 9 10 H27S 910 H27a 9 IO -3 R 910.4 A117P 910.4 An7d 910.4 Ab2c 910.4 D19 910.4 D27 910-4 K44 910.4 k 5 8 910.4 Sei 910.4 W58 910.7 G63 910.8 B75 910.8 D91 910-8 H27V 910.8 H34 910.8 K62 jg 1 o. 8 K77 j 9 1 o. 8 K 77 a J9I0.8 K 77 e j9io.8 K77S j 9 iQ . 8 M34 910.8 Sm4r 910.8 T21 J 9 10 - 8 T2ib 912.73 R 9 1 3 B85 9 I 3-7 F81 9 i 3 L45 9 i 3 M37 9 I 3-4 M74 BUFFALO F,45 944 H27f 944.01 J 2 3 944.05 Sii 944.02 W66 944 Yo8f 944 Yo8h 945-3 H27V 945 H91 945 Si8 945 Spi 946.02 F66 946 H27S 946.03 P92 44 BUFFALO FREF PUBLIC LIBRARY. 947 . RUSSIA. Rambaud, Alfred. History of Russia, 948-949. SCANDINAVIA AND MINOR COUNTRIES. V. 5 v. Anon. History of Switzerland. Crichton, Andrew. History of Scandinavia, 2 Motley, J. Lothrop. Rise of Dutch Republic, Historv of the United Netherlands, 4 V. Life and Death of Barneveld. Melek-Hanum. Thirty Years in the Harem. Schiller, Frederick von. Revolt of the Netherlands. 95 °- HISTORY OF ASIA. Davis, J. Francis. China and Chinese 2 v. Fraser, Ja. B. Persia. Griffis, W. E. Mikado’s Empire. Russell, Michael. Palestine, or the Holy Land. 960. HISTORY OF AFRICA. DeLeon, Edward. Khedive’s Egypt. Russell, Michael. History and Present Condition of the Barbary States. Nubia and Abyssinia. 970 - north AMERICA AND THE INDIAN. Coe, Fanny E. World and its People, or Our Amer¬ ican Neighbors. Fiske, John. Discovery of America, 2 v. Harper & Brothers, pub. Tales from American His¬ tory, 3 v. - Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Century of Dishonor. Murray, Hugh. British America, 2 v. Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Mexico. Robertson, W. History of America. Smith, W. H. Canada; Past, Present and Future, 2 v. Thatcher, B. B. Indian Traits, 2 v. - Indian Biography, 2 v. Wilson, James. Discovery on North Coasts of America. Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and Critical History of America, 8 v. - 973 - history OF THE UNITED STATES. Abbott, Willis. Blue Jackets of 1812. Bancroft, G. History of the United States, 10 v. Coffin, C. C. Building the Nation. Old Times in the Colonies. 947 R14 is. 949.4 A117S 948 C86 949.2 M85 949.2 M85U 949.2 M 85 b 949.6 M48 949-°3 Sch 3 95 i D29 955 F86 952 G87 950-9 R91 962.1 d 37 961 Rgib 962.4 Rgin J 97 ° C65 973 -i F 54 j 9 7 ° H27a 970.5 Jl2C 971 M96 972 P92 970 R 54 971 Sni5 970.6 T32 970.2 T32b 97 1 W69 970 R J 973-5 AI12 973 B22 j 97 3 C65 J 973-2 C65 0 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 45 Doyle, J. A. History of the United States. Fiske, John. Critical Period of American History. Hale, Salma. History of the United States, 2 v. Ridpath, James. History of the United States. Stamwood, E. History of the Presidential Elections. 973.3. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Abbott, Willis. Blue Jackets of ’76. Blake, J. L. History of American Revolution. Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76. - Harper & Brothers, pub Tales of the American Rev¬ olution. - - Stone, W. L. Border Wars of the American Revolution. Woodman, C. H. Boys and Girls of the Revolution. 973.7 CIVIL WAR. Baker, Gen. L. C. History of the Secret Service. Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Young Folks’ History of the Civil War. Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’6i. Following the Flag. - - - - My Days and Nights on the Battle Field. Glazier, Willard. Three Years in Federal Cavalry. Hosmer, G. W. We went Marching On. Ninety-Second Illinois Volunteers. Pittenger, W. Capturing a Locomotive; a History of Secret Service in the late War. - Ridpath, James. Life of John Brown. Robinson, Charles. Struggles in Kansas. Wood, Wales W. History of Ninety-fifth Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. - War of the Rebellion; official records of Union and Confederate Armies, v. 1-41. Atlas accompanying official Records of Union and Con¬ federate Armies, pt. 1-18. 974-979. HISTORY OF THE STATES. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. Davison and Struve. History of Illinois. Dunlap, W. History of New York, 2 v. Dwight, Theodore, Jr. History of Connecticut. Kett, H. F. & Co., pub. History of Ogle Co. Lanman, Ja. H. History of Michigan. O’Callaghan, A. B. ar. Documentary History of New York, 3 v. - Philip, Uncle. History of Massachusetts, 2 v. 973 D77 973-4 f 54 973 H13 973 R43 973 St2 J 973-3 Ab2 973-3 B58 J 973-3 C6 5 b 973-3 H274 973-3 St 7 973-3 W85 973 - 7 8 B17 J 973-7 C42 J 973-7 C6561 J 973-7 C6 5 f . 1973-7 C65 973-7 G46 973-79 H79 973-7 N62 973-79 P68 973-6 R 43 973-6 R56 973-74 W85 973-7 R 973-7 P 976.3 B88 977-3 D29 974-7 D91 974.6 D96 977-3 k 44 977-4 L27 974 - 7 R 974-4 P 53 m 4 6 BUFFALO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Philip, Uncle. History of New Hampshire. - J 974 * 2 p 53 n History ol Virginia. - - J 975-5 p 53 v Willard, Frances E. Classic Town, . or the Story of Evanston, - 977-3 W66e 980. HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Peru, 2 V. 985 P92 990. OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS. Barrow, Sir John. Voyages and Explorations in the Arctic Regions. - 998 B27 Harper & Brothers, pub. Circumnavigation of the Globe. - 990 H275 Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands. - 998 H286 Russell, M. Polynesia. - 996 R9I FINIS.