i it Ll } 4 — porns nd —, = > eer "i HT Hi HH Hitt OUCH STTUCtd tT HH HUT Vytyte iit} aT , au ist} till eFiih i} el THE HT Ht me HV dbatebeche THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY. 945% Ceb5r 9/4 v. | Return this book on or before the © Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library MAY 14°38 NOU —4 1941 ‘JAN 13 1942 bo to: Qua -4 96! mt . 107 11148-S Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/southernitalysicO1 craw SOULBMERN. ITALY AND SICILY AND | Poe Oo RULERS OF THE. SOUTH VOL, I CoPyYRIGHT, 1900, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY.. Set up and electrotyped October, 1900. Reprinted December, 1900. New edition in one volume September, 1905; May, 1907. January, 1910. Nortoood JBress J. S. Cushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. SOUTHERN ITALY AND SICILY AND PoE RUEERS OF THE SOUTH BY FRANCIS MARION CRAWFORD AUTHOR OF “IN THE PALACE OF THE KING,” “VIA CRUCIS,” “AVE ROMA IMMORTALIS,” ETC. WITH A HUNDRED ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY HENRY BROKMAN VOL, I Neto Work THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., Lt. 1914 All rights reserved —_—_—- - — ry.Reeearcb GO 4 IS” s1wchers. HOG, ay, TO MY FRIEND HENRY BROKMAN, TO WHOSE GENIUS I AM INDEBTED FOR THE DRAWINGS IN THIS BOOK, AND WHOSE COMPANIONSHIP IN SICILY AND THE SOUTH HAS LIGHTENED MANY LABOURS. TorRE San NicoLtA ARCELLA CALABRIA, August, 1900. 312890 Wav eWlas THE EARLIEST TIME THE GREEKS THE ROMANS OF CONTENTS VOLUME I PAGE 26 249 — Pius RA TLONS = EN = fiir EE XE VOLUME I PAGE Etna at Sunrise ; : : : ‘ : I Isles of the Cyclops, near Catania . : : ; : F Isles of the Sirens, Gulf of Salerno . : : , 7 Old Fortification in Manfredonia_. ; ; ; oe Jah Mare Piccolo at Taranto,— The Harbour of Ancient Tarentum 18 Spring called the ** Fonte del Sole,” in a Grotto near Taranto 24 Cape Palinuro, Gulf of Policastro. “ Sh) Ancient Aqueduct at Solmona in the Abruzzi, the birthplace of Ovid. - : : : Ao After Sunset on the Shore of Eastern Calabria : : so BPEL Aqueduct at Taranto, formerly Tarentum : : maiy Columns called the “ Tavole Paladine,” at Metaponto, formerly Metapontum_.. : : , oO! The Site of Sybaris . ‘ : : . : ’ : SAS Fortress of Charles the Fifth at Cotrone, formerly Crotona . 65 Temple of Hera, Capo Colonne, near Cotrone ; ; 07 Fragment of the Ruins of Selinus, now Selinunto . : Pan Oo! Girl washing near Reggio, Calabria, formerly Rhegium . Oo The “ Gran Sasso d’ Italia” from Aquila . : ; : Aiare: Eucalyptus Trees near the Site of Sybaris : : ; melts Old Well at Cotrone, formerly Crotona . : ; alis Coin with the Head of Arethusa, Syracuse, about 400 B.c. - 120 Map of Syracuse. : ; : : : : LON Le) X Illustrations in the Text Street of Ancient Tombs, Syracuse . Path under Rocks, Latomia dei Cappuccini, Syracuse Old Well in the Latomia dei Cappuccini, Syracuse . Peasant near Reggio, Calabria Straits of Messina off Rhegium, now Reggio, Calabria Garden of the Church of San Nicola, Girgenti, formerly Agri- gentum . ; A Sicilian Courtyard Street in Syracuse To-day Coin with the Head of Queen Philistis Peasant Woman of Monteleone On the Road at Girgenti Papyrus in the River Anapus, near Syracuse Amphitheatre at Syracuse : A Lonely Spot on the Shore, Eastern Calabria Castrogiovanni, formerly Henna Calascibetta at Sunset Castle of Aci Castello, near Catania Vesuvius, on the Day before the Eruption of May, 1990 . From the Highest Tier of the Theatre, Taormina Harbour of Malta Amantea, Western Calabria Rocca Imperiale, Eastern Calabria . PAGE 14! 148 151 163 181 187 206 214 230 241 251 262 284 296 300 318 533 348 359 368 372 rode th PHOLOGRAVURE PLATES VOLUME I Scylla_. : : : ; : Frontispiece FACING PAGE Map of Sicily, with Greek and English Names On the Outskirts of Giardini, below Taormina The Ruins of Selinus Temple of Segesta . Latomia dei Cappuccini, Syracuse . Ruined Rampart at Girgenti Cavern called the ‘“ Ear of Dionysius,” Latomia del Paradiso, Syracuse . Greek Theatre at Segesta Map of Italy and Sicily under Roman Rule Temple of Concord, Girgenti . Olive Trees in the Latomia dei Cappuccini, Syracuse Catacombs at Syracuse Shore, from the Theatre at Taormina In the Theatre at Taormina In the Temple of Neptune, Pestum xi I oo 89 92 146 160 184 225 249 283 339 357 363 ofS 383 monmhS CONSULTED, NOT INCLUD- NC ler\ ool. ALU ELORS AMARI. Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. APRILE. Cronologia della Sicilia. Bryce. The Holy Roman Empire. CAPECELATRO. Storia di Napoli. CARINI. Gli Archivi e le Biblioteche di Spagna. Caruso. Bibliotheca Historica Regni Siciliz. Caruso. Storia di Sicilia, per cura di Gioacchino di Marzo. CRrONICA del Rey d’ Arago En Pere 1V. Lo Ceremoniés. (Catalan language. ) CrOnIcA del Rey En Pere per Bernat Desclot. (Catalan language.) CrONICA d’? En Ramon Muntaner. (Catalan language.) CuTERA. La Mafia e i Mafiusi. DeLarc. Les Normands en Italie. DOMINAZIONE ARABA IN SICILIA. (Translations from the Arabic.) EWALD. Gregorii I., Pape Registrum Epistolarum. GiBpBon. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Hoitm. Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthum. La LumiA. Storie Siciliane. LAVISSE ET RAMBAUD. Histoire Générale. Morso. Palermo Antico. MurRaATorRI. Annale d’ Italia. MuRATORI. Scriptores Rerum Italicarum. PRIVITERA. Storia di Siracusa. RITTER. History of Ancient Philosophy. (Morrison’s translation. ) RoeEtTH. Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. ROGER DE HOVEDEN. Annals. (Bohn’s edition.) TESTA. De Vita et Rebus Gestis Gulielmi II. TOMACELLI. Storia di Napoli e Sicilia. ZuRITA. Anales de la Corona de Aragon. xiii Gran Cratege™s 1 yvytcano g£ 7] 4h dE ake R E N O C, di Milazzo EB C go @ oO ? &. % : : . & % wo G e Milazz ce. < 3.0 be OS, Mylai Bh ant 4 C. 8. Vito 2% 2 “Sy Ror Meast = ees 1%, Lm, 2, wRometta Me Cal Me a) ranma - oN ‘alanna aut : SS Voces) MMi, KD “ Ss. Lucia” lex ‘ ano S. SP rea SN oa tastife Out. O SS - ae Golfo di Castellammare o. Zonta “3, ee eS ‘Sue 0 AVaso 5 EMGelan % Sow Barcelona Sot Vite Ly Reggio : ame = $ 7 fy ‘\ i : Ss» 1. ASINELLI xi git yor® aes %, es “Se Gi fen GN di-Brolo fee o Mecgina py Repelos basic bos ; AIGITHALLOS.? $i ort %, Qe: ee Se % Marco d’ Alunzio, “a Sw) io POOUCINNAS ‘ $ “a i Sy 2% ‘fe c 2S. S Alnor oR oy a ty, err ry Messina % came" nw T ' AY : ly? BEN =) ~% 2. eS pas thi eacguy UW ., ica i: Sclo EyAnzo + rapani NM cs a Cia % 23 2. a 8 2 ee ortorici gs Ye" ae repanonZsy poe RA hs fs Wi ii Ew "RQ, AN a ate al a anlarnene lay was 77 2 OG, ies ae BU Hopi dio | ues pe hake si 38° Xiga aol ine Hak A gl PT, eas : are, | Gur ae a\ sicily ippafh S. ae S Miseretth y ae) ne isin By nS J SS mm o- ius ee Ms NE re My 277 Me Hh ae ~ ‘Ji 7 vs arn Giontypey, Pv Pitd: Jwdnastratt id Pek 7 i, 1 ‘7: wv a R IS NAS i) y ASN WZ). Mapas ASayoca By C. aon sad SK, Melita xe Sy ZN eS ee Vii Wy = YM. = =H) 4,’ Hiyyfl a eukopetra Oeste FAVI ws < Sahar 103 x ona, wn seks LS ‘ye 3 en 3 5 XA ‘1 Mt, aw + OC. 8. Alessio ; Ad SEEN. ae Uj Ms (is R POSS, Prancavillalyss 2 i GRANDE EL Si, 8 fayna Grandes ce jn ue aS os ‘his He = iia Aleaiite rs By Ky Kokkynos LUNGA)@ o a as ee Madonie ig y Sv lee, Lay Wy Tisso? 5 Foe By. ‘Se pranrat : 3%, ie i Al [oun ZI Re Resaro ae AY ae Rf Taprmina ~ Y Th RY { a es a? AS BAW iy, Mig, be was a \ AN Ms Sa ee NVA A © Tauromenion ‘ tt \) i éy Lipsey al ars sala ae ws Aly set 9 A AE 4, NI x7 li? = oe ', Soe PN by ae y ; Py) Tr, inae’s Marsala a y ans eu Ms, Uap ele yy i, < Z “omy Bettatias * lly z Lngyon?Z Br =: 4 poe Sh 8 LPartianna. RNY Stat S ‘yfentella ps Fella. FN ye 4% < i, JANE, EE % vs s artanna I at bi li ie aon Ff, maatdli® = Z a cape Ay Ye Wiz = eo a 1 ¥ BS = = sisi = o Bix mF 3 =e Bm, BIN 2 = | Yamos> ea tce SS STiarre Mestre’ Sok se" Har horn Genovard Hy NH OS hey Mie Altesina Cor» Age ux ; ) | Mazzara Pee argherit@yy WIPO & achara’ Gy S 6, C. Feto ae allo Cagtelvetrano Sy = di Belicem, une Sale me ay Fiachara vag’ cm 0 Ames ~ HS mayne Sf Mazara Aeristia SSkbethaia7h py 9 ATR . uss hye bons tonto Canepobella Res Mong, fae Ey pale B Suisse? Mone te. iS: Filippov i asta ae ~ spin F Row. di Selinuntes, i\Pilert eS argiog | val en 2 ZN sng eason08 a Agyrion Kenton SX iS, Muria? “lo § he 2 Aaa (Fiume) Selty = 2 Any ee Forage % ran Moyne wGerthepive ee, Li 5s( Fiume hy : Sohal BU, oS. Bartolo o Ke mikos Triokala q Bo Ot Sr Caterin SEY Btn we, ni nt oripe, di, vA a Weolase Husoalucing Punta af Granitela Seek \, Kratas Caltabelto UZ 4, K stibome i Villarmosa\,S ) ee “Oasis evnnai y wg Sea “4 - shay Be FrnoO elpasso © oy, sburos : Be AE ERS € - ‘ w Castypgigvannt 4, si an q y Aci Castello Hi(G ale) Sciacca Ry Pine ZF am C. seo, ‘mini NS lee (aii *Pergusa, oe Hy “ : RRR hi ede ‘% bey y “abi , "OF wis f Ge 4 £ SS = ¢ dn, . . * as Acl ates oe " gy, YA OPN omg aii Sus op Fabic ergus: oPatpuarnet Hip antione ws} Misterbianco Fe Catania 1 af y SS of 3 s ~ ¢ > 6 g,. MO abo? He ybessys? Vay wy Wu iG NAF sos ee dif ep Vataldass #2 1& Caropepes, — Katane > . Ae sem Wi, FS" Serradifaleos wr Ss Aa Sselv x at hee Eraclea a Eeane REET ai Cae n 4 Simeto(@ ; } ° a Shi Aes TO z imeto (Giaretta ner gs? Makara TAGORG c tyme Je 3 h i ac - o Minoa ) 5 Se rinakia 3 » Martino M eo Heraxleta os f is UES: ° 7a es Arm Ritwvades onuct Gornalunga aithos? 2 x S C £ N33 erina: Siculians $} % Op AniCat Ae Barra vines |Philosophiana <%XFor ASA" L, di Lentini Terias fo) St Petiliana .Sommia atino he = RY tae a oe uaa x2 oh 2 aktorion? ssYo"%y = Palagonia oN: eh, Brucoli may aoe Calloniana ee gk Z % azar 2D S g, Cie (stn Miz Palike 9 ZR Lenti noo os Trotilon n 7 Za 4 te By Swi, ee) r eo wat ¥ Riest Eo i, g TN ey Yi laypagllineass.sui “ Leontino~~., M. mee S a og a Campobello 21 | rom (gs &, ‘Mena of nd? cope! eve, one Tauro gt? pe dis Licata at 4, Onliagirones 5 Mi Sign) F qlast™™_paite’tus PP}IC. S. Groce 2 H. Grecuzzo2 Lary ey A : a vil Marcelino Mylas E PAugusta Xiphenia S a 2 j ‘Mehetla Melitti; A Rov. di Mecara ; Butera ee « y aa xe qv pu Ze san ; Dy & BidiSTR 2p, Sa et g® ey) > > 2 rakusa ae Ss eo ™% C2 3 ( . & y: 8 RAPER * rn ao ae Fs = ui “Pligzste- Aereide © ae) Sir acusa he ee a9) D Ak allat ° Gals; “¢¢ ‘Akrai) ee Pianhigrior ot & Ge