LIBRARY or THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINQS AT URBANA-GHAMPAICN PM£ faU-w^ '^'^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 1.0 C ^Voo'Oo^. Y'^-A. ■tewiij PjMB Hip y ipiWWaBBIBBiBWB maaamwammnran '©. MINERVA PBRITANNA^ ORAGARDENOFHEROICAL Deuifcs, furniflicd, and adorned with Emhkmes and Im^refds of fundry natures. Newly devifcd , moralized^ aftd publ^fhed y ir/SroaWwrSawwiMW^A^^s^Aj)^^ ^l,\^ .\^.\^aV x.v /a By HENRY PEACHAM^Mr.of Artes, f aiAWLM.'^A^m vjl.AVAWiJ-'WA'Ji^-'AjA'W'A'Av;^ L03yj)o:X Printed in Shoe-lane at the figne of the Faulcon by Wa : Dight . ICH DIEN./. (Cjcrmanice,^ ^yervio Eptgramma Authoris . ^^ dicit Seryum modo patre fuperjlite Trin- cepSy h I c H DIEN Trimus at Imperio Serous Ct>^ H I C, IN- U tj regit • 8r TOTHERI^GHT HIGH AND MIGHTlEHENRIE,EiLDESTSOiNlNEOF ^^^*^Our Soveraigne Lord the KING , Prince of Wales, VrKEo^CO RNirALLmd ROTHS JT a?id Knight of the mojl noble order of tkGARTER. OSTEXELLENTPRINCE. Hailing by more then ordinarie fig- ncs 5 tailed hecretofore of your gra- tious favour : and evidently knowen your Trimely and Generous inclinati- on ^ to all good Learning and excel- lencic . I am emboldened once aga- ine 3 to offer vp at the Altar of your gratious acceptance thefe mine Em- hlemes : a weake ( I confeffe , ) and a worthTelTe Sacrifice , though an affured pledge , of that Zeale and Duetie , I fhall for ever mofl Religiouflie owe vnto your Highnes: lliewing herein rather a will to defire, then worth to defer ue , fo peerelefTe a patronage . Howfoever the world lliall efteeme them in regard of their rude and homely attire , for the mort part they arc Roially difcended , and rcpaire into your owne bofome ( farre from the reach of Envie ) for their protedion . For in truth they are ofrightyour owne, and no other then the fubftance of thofe Divine Inilrudions, his Ma- iejiie your Royall F^**/?^/ praefcribed vnto you , your guide ( a« that golden branch tOz/£ N EASy)t02. vertuous &: true hap-^ py lite . It is now two yeares fince I prefcted vnto your High- nes fomc of them ^ then done by me into Latine vcrfe , with their pidures drawen and limned by mine owne hand in their liuely coulours , wherein jas neere as I could , I obferued the Method oi his Maieftes BASILICON VORON ^ but by reafon of the great number I had fince that , newiy invented : with fome others collected , ( ticnj^ my invention to no one \ 2,' Svbicd itneid • <^ , TL oe Spiftic to the Trince Subicvfl as before ) I am here conftrained afwell of Neceflitic as for varietie fake , to iatermixe ( as it were promifciie) one v.'ith the other in one entire vohime , the rather becaufe of their aftinitie &: end , which is one and the felfe fame , that is , thefafhioningof avertuous minde. I dare not difcourfe at large vnto your Highnes , of the manifold Vfe ^Nature ^Li- bertie , and ever cfteemed exellencie of this kind of Poejie : it being the rareft5andof all others the moft ingenious, and wherein , the greateft Princes of the world , inany times haue mofthappily exercifed their Invention: becaufeldoubtnot, but your Highnes already knoweth whatfoevcr I might fpeak herein . Onely what I haue done , I moft humbly offer vp the fame vnto your gratious view, and protection . Defiring of C7 O D to beautifie and enrich your moft hopeful! & Hcroiquc minde , with the divineft giftes of his grace , and knowledge , heartily wifhing , there were any thing in me , worthy of the Icaft favour , and refped of fo exellent a Prmce . To your Highnes , The moft fincerely and affedionately devoted in all dutie and iervice . HENRT PEACHAM, To the ^ader . haue hecre ( kind Reader ) fent abroad vnto thy view , this volume oi Emblemes , whether for greatncs of the chardge , or that the Invention is not ordinaric ; a Subie^S: very rare . For except the collections of Mafter PFhit»ejr ^and the tranf- lations of fome one or tv\'o elfc befide , I know not 2i\\Engli(l}7nan in our age, that hath publ idl- ed any worke of this kind : they being ( I doubt not ) as ingenious , and happy in their invention , as the beft French or Italian of them all . Hence perhaps they terme vs Tramontani Sempii , Simple and of dull conceipt , when the fault is neither in the Climate , nor as they would haue it , in the conftitution of our bodies , but truely in the cold & frozen refpedt of Learning , and artes, generally amongft Ys : comming far fhorte ^f them in the iuft valewing of well deferuing qualities . To begin at the foote of their Alfes, and fo difcend by Ger- mame(\\\\\c\\ Bodine truly termeth o^cinam hominum^t ilioppe of ab- folute men for all Artes ) how flie hath excelled in this , as in all other rare Invention , w itneffe the many volumes fhe hath fent vs over of this Subie6l . With what excellent Bodies , z.v\A Motto s ^\\'3Mt the Nether- landes cfpecially Holland , and Zealand ^ vpon fundry occafions ( as the recoverie of their Libertie, the overthrow in eighty eight , and the like) commended their Invention to the world? as wefindeinyl/ to feede at once both the minde, andeie , by exprclTingmiiti- nidJ . <^^y and doubtfully , our difpofition , either to Lo/^e, Hatred, Clemen- cie , luiiice , Pictte , our l^tclories , Miffortunes , Gricfes , and the like : which perhaps could not haue beene openly , but to our pra:iudice re- vealed . And in truth the bearer hecrein doth but as the Travailcr , that changeth his Silver into Gold , carry about hisaftcition in a narrow roome , and more fafely ; the valevv rather bettered then abated . Accept I pray thee in good worth, what I haue heere done, no: for a- ny hope of reward , or gainc , but oncly for thy pleafure , and recreati- on , Imagining thou art delighted ( as I liauc ever be cnr niy fclfe ) with thcfe ever eftecmed , honcit , and moft commendable Dcvifcs . Tluno affuredly , HENRT TEACH AM, Paulns lovius . Sambucus . MVM AD AVGVSTISSI ET LONGE NOBILISSI- MVMHENR/crMWALLlJE PRIN- CIPEM. Carmen Panegyricum. Qua? damns ifta novis excufa EMBLEM AT A formis , . ( Do6la fbnare priiis numeuis fua verba Latinis 5) Accipe quo foleas vultu , votifq, (ecundis Aiinue, parva licet, nee fint te Principe digna . Cum rabidus late torreret S IR IF S arva , Flavaque anhelantis premeret Sol terga LEON IS^ Fronde Tub vmbrofa patula? requievimus vlmi, Adripas GRENOVICA tuas5(vbi THAMESISwida Alluit ANGLIGEN VM regalia teda Monarchee . ) Hie vbi follicita dum plurima mente revolvo y Adflitit infbmni coram pulcherrima Virgo , Te6la caput galea, gemmis auroque nitentc : Pone fuas diffufa comas, clypeusque finiftra , GORGON IS oftendens argenteus ora ^£ D FSt/£:: Vndique fraxineam dum dextra viriliter haftani Torquetjetincerto circumaeraverberatidu . Obftupui, et gelidus tremor inde per offa cucurrit , Cum Dea facunda extemplo fie ora refolvit . Pone metum Vates^animos timor vrgetinertes, Confilijque venit fani notilfimus hoftis : Hinc citus exurgas et fummi Principis Aulam IpetCjquafilvasNymphcE coluere virentes :. Qiiz D Rr AD FM kdes THAMESIDOS vndafalutaty Turrigerumque caput iadat RICH MFN VIA coelo . b ArcUurum . Qarmen panegyricum . E(\: HE N RICrs ibi , quo non cicmeiitior alter, Quoqiie Dcus noftro dcdcrit nil dulcius a?vo ; Aemiilus Heroum vetcrum ac virtutis avi'tse ; (Et mea fiquid habent vnquain pra:(agia veri ) P/ER/orM patcr5Ctdo(Si:is dcciis omne futurus - Excipietlongos hicla?tafrontelaBofesy AfJMccvthuicdefintprovcdti Iiidicis ora, * * Nee fiilcat facicm minitantis ruga Tyranni ; Candor inefl: vultu placidus , mens concolor i{\i • Infuper invitct te Bibliotheca referta , Artibus omnigcnis Mf^S e/£ quam ftruxit Afylum : Namque feros toto compefcuitorbe tumultus Candida P //JTjCoelo Isetis invcda triumphis . Non furit indomitus MARS ferro ct ca^de nefanda , Buccina non orbis exofaquc matribus arma; Infeftant noftras fubitis terroribus eras . lainpofucre NOT I immites , crcberquc procellis j^FRICFS^ctBOREAS folito funt carcere vin<5li : Occidui fpirant Z EP HYRI ^ nunc omnia Tellus Parturit,atqucnovo ridentanimalia Vere. Dum Nymph:^ ducunt circum per opaca choreas , Et Rofa verna viret, filvis dum mille fonoras , Gutture multiplici renovat PHILOMELA querelas : Ad gelidos fontes , vel forte Icgaris in vmbra , Gratior aut hofpes fis ( poft convivia ) fnenfa? . Vix ego fervo librum , properantem viferc teda Rcgia ^QX. HEN RICI notos pietate Penates . Iftetibi veniatniodo qualifciinque libellu^., Inconcinna5lcvis5maleculta3incomprayW/7Vf RK A ^ , Hanc precor excipias placide, ( DignliSme P R IN CEP S,) Maiori interca nitctur c jrmiiie Mura , ( Pone Icgcns return veftigia lata tnatum ) Vt magnum refonent G "JNO E TIC A lictora tiofncn ; Et reducem (b) H FRO EM liorrcfcant graiTantia late , (Sacrilege Ac II METES) olim tua caftra B RIT ANNVM^ Cum tua non tantum tibi fervict \4tinia tUVL E .Ml 'J \ :i i^i-y.X :uqi;o : Vacicinor, Qarmen panegyrkum . Vaticinor , toto rcgnabis latiiis orbe , Et reditura tuis fiint aiirea fecla BRIT AN NIS* ' Tuveroincereavive,^AiigLifliflime PRINCEPS^) Ducat et ad feros CLO TH O tiia fila ncpotes : Vttiiate longum, BRIT ANNl A tea fniaturj Immenfumque tuis replcas virtutibus orbem . HBNRICFS VEACHAMVS. AD D.HENRICVM PEACHAMVM DE SVA MINERVA. Prodiit «t ccrebro lOVIS, alma MINE R VA profundo ; Vt quondam cecinit P IND A R VS ore fluens . Prodiit aft idu VVL CAN I emifla fecuri : Dum caput t^EGIO C/f/percutit ille lOVIS* Prodiit e coelo R HO D IIS dum depluit aurum , Aureus eft in quo nata MINERVA dies; Prodiit et cataphradla : caput bene caflide te^^£,/Or/^cerebrumtibi,prodiitillinc Hie liber, ingenii vera MINERVA tui. Singula funt in eo quamvis extempore nata , VVL CAN I liber hie totus habebat opem , De fummo {PEAC HA ME ) polo , tibi depluet aurum^ Illico et incipient , aurea fecla tibi . Armatur galea , clypeo , enfe , MINERVA BRITAlstNAy Etcontra -^O^O.y,efteatutaratis„ , fAT^ .^l lEx furis Iamb Is . Ad eundem . Iniquiis xftimator illc diicitiir _, Suomctitur omncqui modo ac pcdc; Snpitquc pcrparum illc , cui nihil fapit , Nili quod approbatur afua nota . At arquus iDc, quilquis addic ipfius Opinioni , acudoris arbitri Probationcm , ct acre tcflimouium ,. Et cius , ct fuis vidcns occllulis, Peritiorum arnica teftimonia Habcs , laborc dc tiio probiirimo ; Ncc ilia pauca , laudc te fcrcntium Ad aiba ^ licuthociiicretur indituiti Opus . Mihi ncc cit opus quid amplius Loqui J quail addercm mari mcas aquas j Tamen quod ipfe poilulas , ego libcns Eos fequor , mcumquc iiingo calculuni . F EC 11 A ME pcrgc fauflo vt incipis pcde Et cdc plura, lividumque Z O IL P' Af ^ Malumque virus huius invidcntia: Tcruntio valcto , cundla qui potcil , Placcrc non potcil: ei, ipfe IVP ITERi Nihil morare candidum lapillulum , Nigrumque fecis infima:, places quibus Sat eft placer e, do6lioribus viris . THO: HARDINGFS. IN CLARISSIMI VIRI D. HENRICI PEA, CHAMI POETAE ANGLI CANTABRIGI- E N SI S * Minervam Britnnnam, m XTcndo tiilit palmam dc ftiiltd PALL AS Arachn^ -•-^ Ingcnij 5 cum lis inter utramquc foret : Ncc fatis. offcnlam fado illam habuifle MINERVAM Lcp^iimis, ctpoenasindcdedilTcDca:. Tela tua eft opus hoc ipsa vcl P A L L A D E dignum Ingenior IN MINERrAM AVTHORJS. Ingenio , et do(flx fada labore manus Quam ciilpare velit quifqiiis , vel viiicere certet ^ Fata fcrct ftolid^ M O M V S araneo la: , Neapolitanu^ , SOPRA LA MINERVA BRIT ANNA DEL SIGr: HENRICO PEAjCHAMO. ODE. ::^t'^C' ^ I ^cflo ch ' almondo apparse ^ QueHa PALLA nouelky Tulminb d' ifA^ed* xrsc .. , G 10 VE d' invidia. , e sdegno ,' _ *^ Trem'o I a terra ^ e h Uelknte regno I r\ o C I Stupido i^POL LOfijfe Le luci riverente NelPadre ,ecosi dijjh Mentre la terra lieta x^lhellume di hi ^ tor no quiet a , EspoHo ha fuor dalseno ^ LaBRITANNA GirNONE l;t^^^ ^^ Parto : nongia terreno 5 ^^ Ma quelnovello MAR TE; Prornesso almondo in non "^mentite carte . T>a vn franco D A A^O altiero , Ftontoe'l PRENCE HENRICO Rttratto illuUre , et vero D ' ARTr . cui forte accerha Tolfe quelle 3 chi a cmslti ilCielriferha . gina * Gi]dam et ?.''<*- linur.i fo.rr.ffe inceili^'ic . ODE. ViBd I novello farto y Illum'mAr U terra : Invito ddcielfArto, BrAmando dar in luce Altrofmo chiservi dnovo Duct . VaUapoMPEACHAMO* Lieto discopro al/nondo Quelche cot ant o hramo , Che quegli vfci d' ANN A QiteHt produce MINERS A BRIT ANN A Ciovan • Batifta, CasclU . AVTRES- EXCELLENT ET TRES-DOC TE POETE MONS«. HENRY PEACHAM. SONNET. /^n cognoit des grands Dieux on 1 ' aife ou la doleur , ^^ A ces pourtraids aftrcs , que le Ciel nous figure : Et leurs fils , ces Heros de leur noble valeur , En leurs riches blafons touiiours ontquelque Augurc. Tel fuft 1 ' ancien dcvis , qui premier fuft parleur Des Mifteres plus beaux , la voix et 1 * efcriture , Luy fcrvoient come aux Dieux , d' un servile M E R C VR E Truchemcns a qui manque et le vray fens et 1 ' heur . PEACHAM5CC beau devis eft ton choix , et ta Mufe 5 Lcs points Hebreux J letraidsdontle memphitiqjve vfe, Ains Diuc mcfme , et le Ciel , t ' apprend ce ftilc vieux Qiie tu peux bien nommcr jla MINERVE eretonnej Car par dcfTus laGrccque , on luy doibt Couronne 5 Si Ic filer n ' eft plus , que le fcavoir dc. Dieux . N . M . Fortnaius . .VPON VPON THE AVTHOVR AND HIS MINERVA. P A L L A S thou haft a fecond champion bred , •■' As great in Artcs, as was ftoiit D I O M E D In Armes ; that gainft enraged MARS could ftand ,. And dar'd to wound faire V E N V S in the hand : The A R G I V E fleete his fole Arme could defend , And with the Gods he durft alone contend ; All this thy influence gaue , and more defired. Like power thou haft into this braine infpired : Thy champion too , whofe Artes are fam'd as farre , As was T Y D I D E S for his deedes of warre . We know thou art M I N E R V A that alike Hold' ft Artes and Armes ^ canft fpeake as well as ftrikc . The: Heywood. VPON THE AVTHOVR AND HIS MINERVA. f A II eies behold , and yet not all alike , XVEftedls , and defers, both are in the eie , As when an obied gainft the eic dothftrike , Th ' imagination ftraightwaies doth implie Shapes ,or what elfe the obied doth prefent , Weaker or ftronger, as the fight is bent. V^thin the minde two eies there are haue fight', To iudge ot thinges interioui* hauing fence j Forefight ,and Infight, ludgment makes them bright. And moft perfpicuous through intelligence . Forefight, forefeechharmes ^that may enfue: Infight 5 dothyeild to reafon what is due. B3. Then VPON THE ArTHOVR, Tlieii let not men deeme all with corp'rall ei *nc , Eies may deluded be by talfeillufions : Eies may be partiall , eicllght may decline By weakenes ,agc , or by abulions . Pride , envie , tolly , may die fight pervert , And make the eie tranfgreffe againtl the heart . With outward ei 'ne firft view , and marke tnis booke > Variety of obieds much will pleafe ; With inwarei ei 'nc then on the matter looke , Forefee the Authours care , and little eafc T ' invent , t' imprint , and publifli for delight , Andfor reward but cranes your good inlight. Peacham my friend , I mull: confeffe to thee , My Inlightis but weake ; fudi as it is , T verdi(5i: thus , no better Vv orke I fee Of tliis fame knide , nothing I finde amifle , It any fault there be , itis not thine , The tault fliall rert in mens imperfed ci 'ne . WilUam Seg/ir All others labours ^ in rcfped of them. * Quodvolumus fanftiim eft . Augultiii •. contra Crerconium Grammat : Bafili : DoroB lib: 2 .pag: