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1.0 C ^Voo'Oo^. Y'^-A.
Deuifcs, furniflicd, and adorned with Emhkmes
and Im^refds of fundry natures. Newly devifcd ,
moralized^ aftd publ^fhed y
^l,\^ .\^.\^aV x.v /a
By HENRY PEACHAM^Mr.of Artes, f
aiAWLM.'^A^m vjl.AVAWiJ-'WA'Ji^-'AjA'W'A'Av;^
Printed in Shoe-lane at the figne
of the Faulcon by Wa : Dight .
ICH DIEN./. (Cjcrmanice,^ ^yervio
Eptgramma Authoris .
^^ dicit Seryum modo patre fuperjlite Trin-
h I c H DIEN Trimus at Imperio Serous Ct>^ H I C, IN-
U tj regit •
^^^*^Our Soveraigne Lord the KING , Prince of Wales,
a?id Knight of the mojl noble order of
Hailing by more then ordinarie fig-
ncs 5 tailed hecretofore of your gra-
tious favour : and evidently knowen
your Trimely and Generous inclinati-
on ^ to all good Learning and excel-
lencic . I am emboldened once aga-
ine 3 to offer vp at the Altar of your
gratious acceptance thefe mine Em-
hlemes : a weake ( I confeffe , ) and a
worthTelTe Sacrifice , though an affured pledge , of that Zeale
and Duetie , I fhall for ever mofl Religiouflie owe vnto your
Highnes: lliewing herein rather a will to defire, then worth
to defer ue , fo peerelefTe a patronage . Howfoever the world
lliall efteeme them in regard of their rude and homely attire ,
for the mort part they arc Roially difcended , and rcpaire into
your owne bofome ( farre from the reach of Envie ) for their
protedion . For in truth they are ofrightyour owne, and no
other then the fubftance of thofe Divine Inilrudions, his Ma-
iejiie your Royall F^**/?^/ praefcribed vnto you , your guide ( a«
that golden branch tOz/£ N EASy)t02. vertuous &: true hap-^
py lite . It is now two yeares fince I prefcted vnto your High-
nes fomc of them ^ then done by me into Latine vcrfe , with
their pidures drawen and limned by mine owne hand in their
liuely coulours , wherein jas neere as I could , I obferued the
Method oi his Maieftes BASILICON VORON ^ but by
reafon of the great number I had fince that , newiy invented :
with fome others collected , ( ticnj^ my invention to no one
\ 2,' Svbicd
itneid • <^ ,
Spiftic to the Trince
Subicvfl as before ) I am here conftrained afwell of Neceflitic
as for varietie fake , to iatermixe ( as it were promifciie) one
v.'ith the other in one entire vohime , the rather becaufe of
their aftinitie &: end , which is one and the felfe fame , that is ,
thefafhioningof avertuous minde. I dare not difcourfe at
large vnto your Highnes , of the manifold Vfe ^Nature ^Li-
bertie , and ever cfteemed exellencie of this kind of Poejie : it
being the rareft5andof all others the moft ingenious, and
wherein , the greateft Princes of the world , inany times haue
mofthappily exercifed their Invention: becaufeldoubtnot,
but your Highnes already knoweth whatfoevcr I might fpeak
herein . Onely what I haue done , I moft humbly offer vp the
fame vnto your gratious view, and protection . Defiring of
C7 O D to beautifie and enrich your moft hopeful! & Hcroiquc
minde , with the divineft giftes of his grace , and knowledge ,
heartily wifhing , there were any thing in me , worthy of the
Icaft favour , and refped of fo exellent a Prmce .
To your Highnes ,
The moft fincerely and affedionately
in all dutie and iervice .
To the ^ader .
haue hecre ( kind Reader ) fent abroad vnto thy
view , this volume oi Emblemes , whether for
greatncs of the chardge , or that the Invention
is not ordinaric ; a Subie^S: very rare . For except
the collections of Mafter PFhit»ejr ^and the tranf-
lations of fome one or tv\'o elfc befide , I know
not 2i\\Engli(l}7nan in our age, that hath publ idl-
ed any worke of this kind : they being ( I doubt
not ) as ingenious , and happy in their invention , as the beft French or
Italian of them all . Hence perhaps they terme vs Tramontani Sempii ,
Simple and of dull conceipt , when the fault is neither in the Climate ,
nor as they would haue it , in the conftitution of our bodies , but truely
in the cold & frozen refpedt of Learning , and artes, generally amongft
Ys : comming far fhorte ^f them in the iuft valewing of well deferuing
qualities . To begin at the foote of their Alfes, and fo difcend by Ger-
mame(\\\\\c\\ Bodine truly termeth o^cinam hominum^t ilioppe of ab-
folute men for all Artes ) how flie hath excelled in this , as in all other
rare Invention , w itneffe the many volumes fhe hath fent vs over of this
Subie6l . With what excellent Bodies , z.v\A Motto s ^\\'3Mt the Nether-
landes cfpecially Holland , and Zealand ^ vpon fundry occafions ( as the
recoverie of their Libertie, the overthrow in eighty eight , and the like)
commended their Invention to the world? as wefindeinyl/ to feede at once both the minde, andeie , by exprclTingmiiti-
nidJ . <^^y and doubtfully , our difpofition , either to Lo/^e, Hatred, Clemen-
cie , luiiice , Pictte , our l^tclories , Miffortunes , Gricfes , and the like :
which perhaps could not haue beene openly , but to our pra:iudice re-
vealed . And in truth the bearer hecrein doth but as the Travailcr , that
changeth his Silver into Gold , carry about hisaftcition in a narrow
roome , and more fafely ; the valevv rather bettered then abated .
Accept I pray thee in good worth, what I haue heere done, no: for a-
ny hope of reward , or gainc , but oncly for thy pleafure , and recreati-
on , Imagining thou art delighted ( as I liauc ever be cnr niy fclfe ) with
thcfe ever eftecmed , honcit , and moft commendable Dcvifcs .
Tluno affuredly ,
Paulns lovius .
Sambucus .
Carmen Panegyricum.
Qua? damns ifta novis excufa EMBLEM AT A formis ,
. ( Do6la fbnare priiis numeuis fua verba Latinis 5)
Accipe quo foleas vultu , votifq, (ecundis
Aiinue, parva licet, nee fint te Principe digna .
Cum rabidus late torreret S IR IF S arva ,
Flavaque anhelantis premeret Sol terga LEON IS^
Fronde Tub vmbrofa patula? requievimus vlmi,
Adripas GRENOVICA tuas5(vbi THAMESISwida
Alluit ANGLIGEN VM regalia teda Monarchee . )
Hie vbi follicita dum plurima mente revolvo y
Adflitit infbmni coram pulcherrima Virgo ,
Te6la caput galea, gemmis auroque nitentc :
Pone fuas diffufa comas, clypeusque finiftra ,
GORGON IS oftendens argenteus ora ^£ D FSt/£::
Vndique fraxineam dum dextra viriliter haftani
Torquetjetincerto circumaeraverberatidu .
Obftupui, et gelidus tremor inde per offa cucurrit ,
Cum Dea facunda extemplo fie ora refolvit .
Pone metum Vates^animos timor vrgetinertes,
Confilijque venit fani notilfimus hoftis :
Hinc citus exurgas et fummi Principis Aulam
IpetCjquafilvasNymphcE coluere virentes :.
Qiiz D Rr AD FM kdes THAMESIDOS vndafalutaty
Turrigerumque caput iadat RICH MFN VIA coelo .
b ArcUurum .
Qarmen panegyricum .
E(\: HE N RICrs ibi , quo non cicmeiitior alter,
Quoqiie Dcus noftro dcdcrit nil dulcius a?vo ;
Aemiilus Heroum vetcrum ac virtutis avi'tse ;
(Et mea fiquid habent vnquain pra:(agia veri )
P/ER/orM patcr5Ctdo(Si:is dcciis omne futurus -
Excipietlongos hicla?tafrontelaBofesy
AfJMccvthuicdefintprovcdti Iiidicis ora, * *
Nee fiilcat facicm minitantis ruga Tyranni ;
Candor inefl: vultu placidus , mens concolor i{\i •
Infuper invitct te Bibliotheca referta ,
Artibus omnigcnis Mf^S e/£ quam ftruxit Afylum :
Namque feros toto compefcuitorbe tumultus
Candida P //JTjCoelo Isetis invcda triumphis .
Non furit indomitus MARS ferro ct ca^de nefanda ,
Buccina non orbis exofaquc matribus arma;
Infeftant noftras fubitis terroribus eras .
lainpofucre NOT I immites , crcberquc procellis
j^FRICFS^ctBOREAS folito funt carcere vin<5li :
Occidui fpirant Z EP HYRI ^ nunc omnia Tellus
Parturit,atqucnovo ridentanimalia Vere.
Dum Nymph:^ ducunt circum per opaca choreas ,
Et Rofa verna viret, filvis dum mille fonoras ,
Gutture multiplici renovat PHILOMELA querelas :
Ad gelidos fontes , vel forte Icgaris in vmbra ,
Gratior aut hofpes fis ( poft convivia ) fnenfa? .
Vix ego fervo librum , properantem viferc teda
Rcgia ^QX. HEN RICI notos pietate Penates .
Iftetibi veniatniodo qualifciinque libellu^.,
Inconcinna5lcvis5maleculta3incomprayW/7Vf RK A ^ ,
Hanc precor excipias placide, ( DignliSme P R IN CEP S,)
Maiori interca nitctur c jrmiiie Mura ,
( Pone Icgcns return veftigia lata tnatum )
Vt magnum refonent G "JNO E TIC A lictora tiofncn ;
Et reducem (b) H FRO EM liorrcfcant graiTantia late ,
(Sacrilege Ac II METES) olim tua caftra B RIT ANNVM^
Cum tua non tantum tibi fervict \4tinia tUVL E
.Ml 'J \ :i i^i-y.X :uqi;o : Vacicinor,
Qarmen panegyrkum .
Vaticinor , toto rcgnabis latiiis orbe ,
Et reditura tuis fiint aiirea fecla BRIT AN NIS*
' Tuveroincereavive,^AiigLifliflime PRINCEPS^)
Ducat et ad feros CLO TH O tiia fila ncpotes :
Vttiiate longum, BRIT ANNl A tea fniaturj
Immenfumque tuis replcas virtutibus orbem .
Prodiit «t ccrebro lOVIS, alma MINE R VA profundo ;
Vt quondam cecinit P IND A R VS ore fluens .
Prodiit aft idu VVL CAN I emifla fecuri :
Dum caput t^EGIO C/f/percutit ille lOVIS*
Prodiit e coelo R HO D IIS dum depluit aurum ,
Aureus eft in quo nata MINERVA dies;
Prodiit et cataphradla : caput bene caflide te^^£,/Or/^cerebrumtibi,prodiitillinc
Hie liber, ingenii vera MINERVA tui.
Singula funt in eo quamvis extempore nata ,
VVL CAN I liber hie totus habebat opem ,
De fummo {PEAC HA ME ) polo , tibi depluet aurum^
Illico et incipient , aurea fecla tibi .
Armatur galea , clypeo , enfe , MINERVA BRITAlstNAy
Etcontra -^O^O.y,efteatutaratis„ ,
lEx furis Iamb Is . Ad eundem .
Iniquiis xftimator illc diicitiir _,
Suomctitur omncqui modo ac pcdc;
Snpitquc pcrparum illc , cui nihil fapit ,
Nili quod approbatur afua nota .
At arquus iDc, quilquis addic ipfius
Opinioni , acudoris arbitri
Probationcm , ct acre tcflimouium ,.
Et cius , ct fuis vidcns occllulis,
Peritiorum arnica teftimonia
Habcs , laborc dc tiio probiirimo ;
Ncc ilia pauca , laudc te fcrcntium
Ad aiba ^ licuthociiicretur indituiti
Opus . Mihi ncc cit opus quid amplius
Loqui J quail addercm mari mcas aquas j
Tamen quod ipfe poilulas , ego libcns
Eos fequor , mcumquc iiingo calculuni .
F EC 11 A ME pcrgc fauflo vt incipis pcde
Et cdc plura, lividumque Z O IL P' Af ^
Malumque virus huius invidcntia:
Tcruntio valcto , cundla qui potcil ,
Placcrc non potcil: ei, ipfe IVP ITERi
Nihil morare candidum lapillulum ,
Nigrumque fecis infima:, places quibus
Sat eft placer e, do6lioribus viris .
* Minervam Britnnnam,
XTcndo tiilit palmam dc ftiiltd PALL AS Arachn^
-•-^ Ingcnij 5 cum lis inter utramquc foret :
Ncc fatis. offcnlam fado illam habuifle MINERVAM
Lcp^iimis, ctpoenasindcdedilTcDca:.
Tela tua eft opus hoc ipsa vcl P A L L A D E dignum
Ingenio , et do(flx fada labore manus
Quam ciilpare velit quifqiiis , vel viiicere certet ^
Fata fcrct ftolid^ M O M V S araneo la: ,
Neapolitanu^ ,
ODE. ::^t'^C'
^ I ^cflo ch ' almondo apparse
^ QueHa PALLA nouelky
Tulminb d' ifA^ed* xrsc .. ,
G 10 VE d' invidia. , e sdegno ,' _ *^
Trem'o I a terra ^ e h Uelknte regno I
r\ o
Stupido i^POL LOfijfe
Le luci riverente
NelPadre ,ecosi dijjh
Mentre la terra lieta
x^lhellume di hi ^ tor no quiet a ,
EspoHo ha fuor dalseno
^ LaBRITANNA GirNONE l;t^^^ ^^
Parto : nongia terreno 5
^^ Ma quelnovello MAR TE;
Prornesso almondo in non "^mentite carte .
T>a vn franco D A A^O altiero ,
Rttratto illuUre , et vero
D ' ARTr . cui forte accerha
Tolfe quelle 3 chi a cmslti ilCielriferha .
* Gi]dam et ?.''<*-
linur.i fo.rr.ffe
inceili^'ic .
ViBd I novello farto y
Illum'mAr U terra :
Invito ddcielfArto,
BrAmando dar in luce
Altrofmo chiservi dnovo Duct .
Lieto discopro al/nondo
Quelche cot ant o hramo ,
Che quegli vfci d' ANN A
QiteHt produce MINERS A BRIT ANN A
Ciovan • Batifta, CasclU .
/^n cognoit des grands Dieux on 1 ' aife ou la doleur ,
^^ A ces pourtraids aftrcs , que le Ciel nous figure :
Et leurs fils , ces Heros de leur noble valeur ,
En leurs riches blafons touiiours ontquelque Augurc.
Tel fuft 1 ' ancien dcvis , qui premier fuft parleur
Des Mifteres plus beaux , la voix et 1 * efcriture ,
Luy fcrvoient come aux Dieux , d' un servile M E R C VR E
Truchemcns a qui manque et le vray fens et 1 ' heur .
PEACHAM5CC beau devis eft ton choix , et ta Mufe 5
Lcs points Hebreux J letraidsdontle memphitiqjve vfe,
Ains Diuc mcfme , et le Ciel , t ' apprend ce ftilc vieux
Qiie tu peux bien nommcr jla MINERVE eretonnej
Car par dcfTus laGrccque , on luy doibt Couronne 5
Si Ic filer n ' eft plus , que le fcavoir dc. Dieux .
N . M . Fortnaius .
P A L L A S thou haft a fecond champion bred ,
•■' As great in Artcs, as was ftoiit D I O M E D
In Armes ; that gainft enraged MARS could ftand ,.
And dar'd to wound faire V E N V S in the hand :
The A R G I V E fleete his fole Arme could defend ,
And with the Gods he durft alone contend ;
All this thy influence gaue , and more defired.
Like power thou haft into this braine infpired :
Thy champion too , whofe Artes are fam'd as farre ,
As was T Y D I D E S for his deedes of warre .
We know thou art M I N E R V A that alike
Hold' ft Artes and Armes ^ canft fpeake as well as ftrikc .
The: Heywood.
f A II eies behold , and yet not all alike ,
XVEftedls , and defers, both are in the eie ,
As when an obied gainft the eic dothftrike ,
Th ' imagination ftraightwaies doth implie
Shapes ,or what elfe the obied doth prefent ,
Weaker or ftronger, as the fight is bent.
V^thin the minde two eies there are haue fight',
To iudge ot thinges interioui* hauing fence j
Forefight ,and Infight, ludgment makes them bright.
And moft perfpicuous through intelligence .
Forefight, forefeechharmes ^that may enfue:
Infight 5 dothyeild to reafon what is due.
B3. Then
Tlieii let not men deeme all with corp'rall ei *nc ,
Eies may deluded be by talfeillufions :
Eies may be partiall , eicllght may decline
By weakenes ,agc , or by abulions .
Pride , envie , tolly , may die fight pervert ,
And make the eie tranfgreffe againtl the heart .
With outward ei 'ne firft view , and marke tnis booke >
Variety of obieds much will pleafe ;
With inwarei ei 'nc then on the matter looke ,
Forefee the Authours care , and little eafc
T ' invent , t' imprint , and publifli for delight ,
Andfor reward but cranes your good inlight.
Peacham my friend , I mull: confeffe to thee ,
My Inlightis but weake ; fudi as it is ,
T verdi(5i: thus , no better Vv orke I fee
Of tliis fame knide , nothing I finde amifle ,
It any fault there be , itis not thine ,
The tault fliall rert in mens imperfed ci 'ne .
WilUam Seg/ir
All others labours ^ in rcfped of them.
* Quodvolumus
fanftiim eft .
Augultiii •. contra
Grammat :
Bafili : DoroB
lib: 2 .pag: «W
np" he ^Ethiopian Princes at their feaftcs ,
-■- Did vfe amid their cates , and cofUy cheere
A deadmans head , to place before their gueftes ,
That it in minde might put them what they v^cre ;
And PHILLIP dayly oaufed one to lay.
Oh King remember that thou arc but clay *
If Pagans could bethinke them of their end ,
And make fuch vfe of their mortalitie ,
With greater hope their courfe let chriilians bend ^
Vnto tnc haven of heavens foelicitie 5
And fo to liuc while hecre we drawe this breath ^
We haue no caufe to feare , or wifh for death .
Pcrge tuo laute gcnio indulgere Philippe,
Impcrium cernis quam brevis hora manet t
Non properans timeo Icthum mens confcia rcdli
Inculcat quovis teriipore c h R i s t e veni ,
Sed hoc me^tatum ab adolcfcentiaerte debet > mortem vt negligamus j fine qua mcditatione i
tianquillo cffe aaimo nemo poteft «
Mcmorare ftoviA
firaa ecnon pec-
cabis in eter-
num. Eccknaih .
Timor futur»
mortis quafi cla-
vis carais omnes'
motus fupcrbia?-
ligno erucis atfi-
sir. Aiig: lib : %
flc doft : chrifti-
Bafil t^Doron .
lib : I. pag : 17-.
Mortem opure
malum timere
pcius . Seneca in
Oedipo .
Cicero in lib 4 de
fenc^ute .
a PfalmiVAvidfci,
To the right Reverend Father /;i c o d , i o h n Bi^p ofLondo» .
lib : I . pag : 1 1 .
* Liber onr-i;
Pfalniorura fim'
lis eft vrbi pul -
chrs, atque msg-
U£e, cui xdes c6 -
plurcs di^-erfequc
fint , cjuaruiT! fo -
rC5 propriis cla -
vibus divcififquc
claudantur, quie
ctini itt vfiXtm lo -
curf). cogc'ftse'pcr
mixt^nuc fini.3:c
Hilar: in prolog":
pfalmor cxplanat
fj.r^l }'<(■■)}> iXAV 01,
hi J^i-v mt^t-
\^.7fi ■ 01 j% iy
J^a( iv il'yti.
hi Ji ftW L^]
Athanafius toaio
Marcellinuni dc
intcrprcta : pfal -
nioi-um .
TO fiindry keies doth "^ h i l a r i e compare
The holy Pfalaies.of that prophctique King ,
Caufc in their Natures fo difpof'd they are ,
That as it were , by fiindry dores they bring.
The foulc of man , oppreft with deadly finnc ,
Vnto the Tlirone ^ where he may mercy winne .
For wouldft thou in thy Saviour "^ ftill reioyce ,
Or for thy fumes , with teares lament and pray ,
Or fui!^ his praifes with thy heart and voice ,
Or for his mercies giuc him thankes alway >
Set DAVIDS Pfalmes , a mirrour to thy mind ,
But with his Zcalc , and heavenly fpirit ioi-ii 'd .
Clavibu? inncxishymnos httarivs n^>iat,
Icff«i cccinic quos pia Rlufa fenis ,
F-- ri'vc, intuimcros aditus hi quippe rccJudant
Wens quibtis a;i:herci pulfat AfyU d r r .
Vriu^ ahlue fordcs .
ctV •ivi'/lcti.
X/W" H O takes in hand to tiirne this facred booke,
^ ^ And heavenly wifedome , doth from hence require ,
His handes be cleane , I wifh him firfl: to looke ;
No Dog or Swine , that walloweth in die mire ,
Let dare to come, this pretious lewellnigh.
The foe to filth , and allimpuritie .
But if thou needes wilt launch into this fea ,
Where Lambes may wade, and Elephants may fwimmc ,
Call all vncleane affcdions away ,
And firft with heartie prayer call on him ,
Whofe holy Spirit muft guide thee in the fence ,
A tjioufand times elfe better thou wert thence .
Sacra tuis manibus quicunque volumina vcifas
Soidibus immunis qui-re falutis iter :
Quoque volutaras carnis prius exue ccenum,
Aut Sus confilium linque lutofa d e i .
^ * Ad Divos caltc adeunto . « Qif^^f,
D I . Sic
lafil : DoroB .
lib : I. pag : lo.
1 1 sic f deem habemus •
To the High and mightie JAMES, King of greate Britainc,
np WOO Lions ftout the Diadem vphold ,
stiL" k V Of famous Britaine, in their armed pawcs ;
cr se«tici»! ^' Tlif One is Red , the other is of Gold ,
And one their Prince , their fea , their land and lawcs 5
Their loue , their league : whereby they ftill agree.
In concord firme , and friendly amitie .
B E L L o N A henceforth bounde in Iron bandcs ,
Shall kifle the foote of mild triumphant peace,
'Nor Trumpets fterne^be heard w ichin their landcsj
Envie fhall pine , and all old grudges ceafe :
Braue Lions , fince, your quarrcll's lai 'd afide ,
On common foe , let now your force be tri *dc .
Vnum fuftentanr gemini niadema Leones ,
Concordes vno Principe , mente» fide .
Focderc inngnntur fimili, coeJoquc^lo^ii^
Nata (^uibui P^x hac inviolanda manec .
Qu^pla^tavf irrigaho . ' '^^-^^t- ih jp-" 1 2
T^ HE Thiftlearm'd with vengeaunce for his foe,
-*- And here the Rofe , faire cytheraeas flower ;
Together in perpetuall league doc growe.
On whome the Heavens doe all their favours power;
" For what * th' Almighties holy hand doth plant ,
'^ Can neither coft , or catefull keeping want .
Magnifique prince, the fplendoiir of whofe face y
Like brighteft p h oe b v s vertiie doth reviiie ;
And farre away , light-loathing vice doth chafe ,
Thcfe be thy Kealmesj that vnder thee doe thriue ,
And which vnite , gods providence doth bleflfe ,
With peace~ with plentie ^ and all happines .
Terror hie hoflilis , Cyprise facra ilia puell^ ,
Ccrduus vnanimes , ct rofa vcrna virent ,
Quse gelidus coelo foecundans imbcr ab alto
Omina dat regnis ( sumiiie Monarcha) uiis .
* t . Cm } . ^*
Anagiamma D :
In ANNA rcgnantiiim arbor.
ANNA Britmnorum Regina. .
N Oliue lo, with brauiiches faire difpred ,
Whofe top doth reach vnto the azure skie >
Much feeming to difdaine , with loftie head
The Cedar , and thofe Pines oFthessalie,
Fairefl; of Queenes, thou art thy felfe the Tree ,
The fruitc * thy children, hopefull Princes three.
?ibcronun7 Ta- \A/hich thus I gheffe , fhall with their outftretcht amies ,
In time o relpread buropa s continent ,
pareeic fubiec- ^ To fhield and fhadc , the innocent from harmes ,
But overtop the proud and infolent :
Remaining 5 raigning , in their glories greene ,
While man on earth 3 or Moone in heauen is fccne .
• Non claffes ,
no" Lcgiones ,
] eri iiic im-
tciii muniinenta
oi'.am numcrum
Fatnm fubfcribat EUza .
To the moft excellent Princefle Elizabeth, oncly Daughter to
oiir Sovcraigne Lord King i a m e s , King of great britaine.
ELiSABETHA Stcuarta . Has Artes beata velit .
AaagramoM ,
17 A I R E Princefle , great , reli gioiis , modeft , wife 5
-■- By birth , by zeale , behauiour , iudgment found ^
By whofe faire arme,my Mufe did firfl arile ,
That crept before full lowly on the ground ,
And durfl not yet from her darke (hade afpire ,
Till thou fweete Sunne, didft helpe to raife her higher »
Thus fince by thee, fhee hath her life and fappc.
And findes her growth by thy deere cherifhmcnt.
In thy faire eie confiftes her future hap ;
Heere write her fate , her date , her banifhment ^
Or may fhe that day-lafting Lillie be ,
Or"*" soLi-sEQvivMC'reto follow thee .
D 3 . Aufpice
* The flower'
of the Sunne
i fome take it
for the Mari-
gold ) continu-
ally following
the fame .
15 Aufpice ecefo ,
To thi mojl ChriHian King l o v i s , XIII . King of
iiii.occifia * HenricusIVGalliarumRex.
R^t^IST^g"? ^^ HemmexttrgisJiavillac.
A /I O S T Chriftian King , if yet haft tiirn'd away ,
IVl xhofe kindly rivcrs^froni thy royall eies
For Fathers loffc , this Httle view I pray
Our iVtufe referues from his late Exequies:
The leaft of littles , yea though leffe it be ,
It's thine, and figne, of her loues loyaltie .
Which , wherefoe're prefented to thy view,
* Trh 1,-iia call- ( For all thinges teach vs ) thinke a lieavenly mind
ttir uelata .Si-r i i i 11 t>1.
ciidioveo. Is meant vnto thee , by that cuUour Islev/ ,
The Gold 5 the golden plcntie thou doft find s
The number of thy "^ Heavcn-fcnt Lillies , three ,
Is concord 's ground , the fwcetcft harmonic .
Vmtavalebuftt* j$
^o the high arfdmightie p h i l l i p King of Sfdne ^Co
^T^ O you great Prince 5 ftrong ftay , and powerfullprop
'*' Of Chriftian ftate , who by thy feared might ,
And rcftles care ; the fame fiipportefl vp ;
From neighbour mahovnds vndermining ^ight j
From thy cade's pillars , to the weft as farrc^
As THETIS leades vs to the Southerne ftarre.
I offer vp thefe Arrowcs , with the Tree
Of thy * Grenade 3 the 5ymboIe long agoc
Of great fernando's famous * vi4^L£^
C W E E T E Diike^that bear'ft thy Fathers Image right
^ Afwell in'^bodie5asthy tov/ardlymindj
Within whofe cheeke * me thinkes in Red and white
Appcare the Roles yet againe conioind j
Where , howfoe're their warres appeafed be.
Each, ftriiies with each , for Soveraignitie .
Since Nature then in her faire - Angell mould ,
Hath framd thy bodie , fhew 'd her beft of art :
Oh let thy mind the -^ faireft virtues hold ,
Which are the beautie of thy better part :
And which5( braue charles) fhall make vs * louc thee more.
Then all thy ftate we outwardly adore .
vjtietur roihiV»-
Hus quxpiam , ae
gratia concomi'
tari principcm .
Xcnoph: in HicB
* Et divitiaram ,
«tform* gloria»
lis eft, vircus ela -
bccur . Salttil :
Menander .
Aaaptaamx All
. \ A >i \r. ■ TRE A SOR5R1 0>F^ V^r$rA (f o s, .«fCTi/^ ;/ o T
Js coelebs , Trit cnra .
H ' Arabian- p h oie m i x heers , qF goldqii plumcS; j..
Anid^^biciebreft^vpoiiafacredpile ;;;
Of fweeteft odors , thus himfelfc contumes ; ^,
By force of p m oe b v s fiery bcames , the while ,
From fborth the afhes of the former dead 5,
A faire, or fairer , by and ty is bred ,
iAiiiecaiiiscu- Voa3you(Gr^atLord)this wondrous phoenix arc,
rafatigat, Tcxat Who Waft vour fclfe in Zcalc , and whot dcfire ,
aHunos nova _ ^ ^^ < 1 •11 • 1 i v
tempcAas.scnc- Of Coiintrics good-, till intos cnd ^ your care
Shall workeyoiirend ^as doth this p h oe n rx fire .
But while you are confunting inihc£uriey : '
You breccie .i fecond ^ your inimortall rair.e .
Uis [ervire. lo
7*t? the Right Bcncurdble andmyfingnler good Lord henry
H o V V A K D EAYle oj NoYtlh^mfton , Lordfrivie SeaU . e^r.
HENRICVS HOV.VARDVS Comes Northamptonicnfis . Anagramnu k»
r. Pttis , Caffus hnic mentis honor , were honor andm . :. «1>«m .
•^^ ( Whereoii ot tertupare:th^ Symbolcs piac't^V ' ''^^•-''/.
Wbich day and night , full c^rcfiilly he keepes"',"^'^ ^\^[ "" fr^/^ '
Leaftthat fo facrcd thine mouffht be defac't \ ''/' ^^^ '^''-^''^''
By Tunc , or Eiivie , who notfarre away ^ '^a-^'^
Doc lurke to bring the faine ynt'p.ckcay.q "io ?.ionolD 35fi?i
GrcatLordjbyth* Altar PietieismeafV^^^
Thus , wherevpon is virtue featedfure ;;;? ^"-^^^ ^^frtmsO alori ;
Which thou prorcaeft withde^rc cherifflrtitft'^^'^' S ■'^^''•^?
And doft thy beft: > thcit rafetic:co procure '^ ^' ' ■ ""'^'■^\ ^dX
By howerly cal^, n^ d'oth tliis tiou white ■ - ' '^ ^-^
Tipc of thy mildncs ^ and thy feared might' ^
♦ ,.,^ E2i QloYt$
if 'GldrikPrihbipum .
To iVe rkrjifruetj Nobte , and mofi Honourable Lord
WILLIAM, EarU ofPenbrooke .
f«n,cd:Adriani A LADIE fairc^whowithMaicftiquegracCj,
i»p ► /\ Supportes a huge5aiid (lately Pyramis .
( Suchis th*oI
Fadti Duels vivcnt operofaquc gloria rerum
Hjecmaaethajcavidoseffugic vnarogos.
To the right Honourable Sir lytiws caesak. Knight*
H O fits at fterne of Common wealth , and ftatc
Of s chardge and office heere may take a view ,
And fee what daungers howerly mult amate ,
His A T L A s-burden , and what cares accrew
At once , fo that he had * enough to bearc ,
He muft be ttrongly arm'd againft his iocs
Without , within , with hidden Patience :
Be feru'd with * eies , and liftening cares of thofc.
Who from all partes can giue intelligence
To gall his foe , or timely to prevent
At home his malice , and intendiment .
That wand is figne of high Authoritie ,
* The Poppie heads , that wifdome would betimc,
* Cut of ranke weedes , by might, or poUicic ,
As mought nioleft , or over-proudly clime :
The Lion warnes , no thought to harbour baft ,
The Booke , how lawes muft giue his proie6les place ,
-,(,:i -'■
♦ Princcpsfwi
: fcientia nonpo»
I tcft cunda como
, plc^i . Tacitu*
Annal : j . Nec-
vn usmcntem
molis tantz cflc
Xenophon . is
• Rf X Telat lieli*
berabundus in
horcum cdiun
tranHc &c .
livi : ]ib : prim»
Decad : i .
* Ne padatur he=
bclccre aciem
Anna}: I.
His ormrl aut wwrl .
To.the right Honourabk , itri^ mofi mhh Lord., y f n r t ,"
E/irl: of South/iV7pton . '^^■^'^^- -••*'«»
-•oqnon ;
• :;:ocT
'(•-■J,;;.:) J
hioaol ; ■ ' •
?. :'iuif ^ 'T^ H R E E Girloiidcs once , c o l o n n a did deviitc
oifini| : \[-^m
^cn not be learned , valiant , and wife . ,:-,-, ^^.^
How fewealas , doc novv^ adoies W|3 findc; ^ ^ijr:?ri o\f\Hr-^ DfTT *
« ( Great Lord ) that bearc y th^ priiely noble mindinr: *^o juD '
^ .. ,. b i .: d .jmgpljs fix) j; 3ft:>i;orirQi:j , £Dn-ir. v.- n n i J ^/{1'
■5:)tl<] aofioiotq M c.-jjg ii:;rti a;) vvsL 7/0x1 c ^-^o^'X/i^^t»'^/
. I : be»'
i:ix5 ira rttv»*-"^**'*^'^ ifi.^
*\ /T 7" HEN Troian youth v^ent out into the field ,
^ ^ With courage bold , againft the Greekcs to fight 5
With^ naked Sword they marched , and their Shield
Devoide of charge , faue only painted white :
Herein the Captaine with his hand did write ,
( The Battaiie done ^ ) fomc Enfigne of his fame ,
Who had by valour ,beft dcferu'd the fame ,
Oh Age of lufticc , yet vnlike to this
Wherein wee Hue , where m o.m e and m i d a s iharc
■* In vertues merit , and th ' inglorious is
Allow 'd the place fometimes in Honours chairc ,
Wherein Armes , ill ^ but worfer ^ Artes doe fare ,
Times haft ^be gone ^ with all the fpeede ye may.
That thus we liu 'd ^no after Age may % •
* Enfe levls tmi*
rius alba . Virg^
* Vlrtuds Hona»
vberrimnm ali -
tnennun . Valer*
Max : lie vS^SSi
if fcpficitasfuhtfCM .
To my Honour Able Lord OLIVER Lord Saint iOHlf
.<,iiaM,mm«. V OE L I C I T I E by 1 V L I A oiice devif'd
-■- This fhape doth bcare , a Ladie lonely bright
""" ' "i With Mercuries Caduceus ^ enthroniz'd ,
Her golden hairc with flowery girlonds dight :
The home of plentie^ th'other hand doth hold
With all the friiites, and dainties may be told •
For why? content, fhc raigneth like a Qiieci\c 5
Richell: in Qui^t , and the Nlu^es skill.
Without the which, wee moft vnhappie becnc
* Qu» c t»men ) The "^ plcutie that her horned cup doth fill ;
JcJcrkfUro"s Out labours fruitCj the which when we poflcfle
5citTs?Fr:t!" Wee haue attaind our worldly happines .
ILJ E E R E Learning fits , a comely Dame in yeares 5
"*■ ^ Vpon wliof: head , a heavenly dew doth fall :
Within her lap , an opened bookc appeares :
Her right hand iTiewes , a funne that fliines to all 5
* Blind Ignorance, expelling with that* light;
The Scepter iliewcs , her power and foveraigne might •
Her out * fpread Armes , and bookc her readines ^
T ' imbrace all men , and entertaine their loue ;
The fhowcr, thofe facred graces doth exprellc
By Science , that do flow from heaven abouc .
Her age declares t!ie ftudie , and the paine ;
Of many yeares , ere we our knowledge gaine .
ViaadDcutneft Scicntia quasad inftitutionem re£lc ct
honettc viyendiperiinct ,
■Exempla om-
h iacerenc ifi.
tenebris nifi ]ite-
raruin lumen Hif-
tori^ acccvleret.
Cicero, pro Ar-
chia Poeca .
* Studiis ncli're-
ris res fecund* '
ornantur adverfi
iuvantur : Cic: asl
Luceium Epi^ . 5
famihvide plura
in orat : pro Ai-
diia poeta .
yt SlnereflnxiL
TO the honottrahie Lord, the L : UmnTton .'
B ! Piiiiippi syd - n~^ HE C A S P I A N Sea, as Hiftories do fliow ,
"'^' • -*- (Whome Rocky Shores, on every fide furroiind, )
Was never (eene by man, to ebbe and flow :
But ftill abides the fame, within his bound ;
That drought no whit, diminillicth his ftore ,
Nor neighbour ftreamcs , au2;mcnt his ercatnes more.
Thus fhould we beare, one and the felfe-fame faile ^
In what ere fortune , pleafeth God to fend ,
In rnid'ft of trouble , not of courage faile ,
Nor be to proude, when fortune is our frend:
And in all hcneft a6tcs, we take in hand ,
Thus conftant, in our refolutions (land .
Stauis 5 {\\^is'. K
Nec txmen hic'i/nutdta qu'tes , probitapue fectmdis
Jntumult^ tenor idem Animo , more fa modejii
Fortimacrefcer/te manefft, —
His alt} or a,
TO the honourable the LordPVootton .
"V/" E E Nobleft fprightes, that with the bird of i o v e ,
•^ Haiie learnt to Icaue, and loath ^ this bafer earth ,
And mount, by your infpired thoughtes aboue ,
* To heaven-ward, home-ward, whence you had your birth ;
Take to you this , that Monarches may envie ^
Your heartcs content , and high foelicitie .
You, you, that over-looke the cloudes of care ,
And fmile to fee a multitude of Antes ,
Vppon this circle, ftriuing here and there ,
For THINE and mine, yet pine amid their Wantesj
While yce your felues , (it as fpedators free ,
From adion , in their follies tragardie .
* virtus reclu-
dcns immentis
CcElum , ncgata
tentat iter via
Coctusque yiiJga-
res, ct vdain foct-
fugiente penna:
Horac : 3 carm j
ode . a .
2 ^ Sol alter , ver'ttn <• .
To the Honourable Sir e d w ar d coke. Lord chcifc
luftice of the common Picas .
^T^ H E fiery Coales , that in the filent night ,
-*- ( When vaile of darknes , all had overlpred)
With glowing heate , about did gine their light ,
Since glorious ? h oe b v s hath difcovered
Doe loofe for>rthwith their fplcndor . at his fight ;
And of themfelues , doe fall to Cinders quite .
So * traiterous proiccles , while they lie obfcure ,
L'tuHacn-ic-''' They clofcly fecdc theplotter , with their light ,
gis foknt. Who thinkes within , he hath the matter fiire ,
Not dreaming how 5 the Truth that fhineth bright \
. Will foonercveale the fccret of his thought V
And bring his ripeft pradifes to nought .
Nu!k effepotefi in tumifccler'ti immmitnte piniendd crudelhas ,
Cicero. 4. inCatilin.
Rex medicmfatrt.ti^
Quoc^g^ ftiit vitmm, defmit efse^ mora. ,
* Ingenia tiomx.
vt mobiles cc gc-
nerofi cqui , me-
lius facili frccno ,
regunrur : Sene-
ca ae cleinenda.
"* VcUem inaiiO -
lefcenBc quod ,
• ampuccm.
Cicero j de oii-
Ovid:i. de'arte
amandi .
•i J Labor viris comjcnit .
TO themofl Honor Me Lord, the L: Dfnrccell,
• primus rump-
!)ri:r.ui iter fHrnp-
ifle pedes. Sil: i.
* Ipfe manu fua
pila geres profce-
dit aniieJi milicis
orapedes moftrac
tolerarc labo-
rcm, noniuber.
Mundirias mulic-
ribus laborem vi.
ri? convenire .
Marius apud Sa -
liiltium . ;
Virgil AEneid : i
WH O tliii ftcch afrer Honor , and renowne ,
By variant ad , or lafting woikc ofwir ;
In v:;ine he doih expetfi , her glorious crowne ,
Except by labor, he archei veth it 3
And fv. c Jtie brow , for never merit may ,
To droufie (loath, impart her living bay .
^ H AMILC ARS fonnc , hence fliallthy glory line.
Who or'e the Alpes , didftforcmoft lead the way ,
' With Cscfars eeke , that v/ould the onfet giue ,
And firft on footc , the 'deepcfb foor.ds affay :
Let Carpet Knightes, of Ladies favours boall.
The manly hart , brave A6lion loveth moft •
Difcefuer virt litem ^xme vertimq^ laborem
Forttin^am ex dins ': nunc te men- dexter a bello
Defenfumdabit , et magna inter frdtnia ducet,
£xntaliitHorihpts hoH£ leges, jiji
To the mofl: ludicious , and learned , Sir FRANCIS BACON, Knight .
np H E Viper here, that ftiing the fliccphcard fwainc ,,
-■- (Whilecarelcsof hiiiifelteafleepehelay,)
With Hyfopc caught , is cut by him in twaine ,
Her fat might take , the poifon quite away ,
And heale his wound , that wonder tis to fee ,
Suchfoveraignehelpe, fhouldin a Serpent be.
By this fame Leach , is meant the virtuous King ,
Who can with cunning, out of manners ill ,
Make wholefome lawcs , "^ and take away the fting ,
Wherewith foule vice , doth greeue the virtuous ftill :
Or can prevent, by quicke and wife forefight ,
Infection ere, it gathers further might .
Afra venenato pupugit qiicin vipcra moiTu ,
Dux Gregib antidotum Ixlus ab hofte petit ;
Vipereis itiiem leges ex moribusaptas
Doftus Apollinca conficit arte SOLON.
» riciornai emea*
«[arricem legem
tflc oportct Cie t
I . dc iegibus .
IcgiUis . Arift :
Yitiis qua» pliirimi mcnti
Idem in libro «Ic
vtilitate agcndi
poeniccntiam .
Ovid: I He rCRI©>
loH . }« .
"F llmplelookCjWith countenance demure.
In golden coate , lo hjcre DECEIVE dodi flaiid.
With eies to heaiien vpcaft, as he were pure ,
Or never yet , in knau 'ry had a hand ,
Whofe nether partes , refcmble to our fight.
The figure of a fcarcfail Scrpciit right.
And by his fide , a Panther clofe vou /ee ,
Who when he cannot eailly catch his pray ,
Doth hide his head, and ^ict , with either icnee ,
And llicw his back , withTpots beTpeckled gay
To Bcaftes : which while they, gaze vpon ^
Are vnawares , furprized every one .
Simulatores ct callidi pfovocant Iram Dei
Nequc clam'abunt cum vi iivB-'^fuerint , niori Jtur in tcmpcflace* aniraa
corum , ct vita corum inter cffceiiiinatos .
^Abhominatio Domino dt cninis iliufor ,
Crmimgra.vtjsima .
\ / P O N a Cock , heere Gmimede doth fit ,
^ Who erft rode mounted on lOVE S Eagles back^
One hand holdes Circes wand , and ioind with it ,
A cup top-fil *d with poifon , deadly black :
The other Meddals , of bafe mettals wrought ,
With fundry moneyes , counterfeit and nought .
Thefe be thofe crimes , abhorr'd of God and man ,
Which luftice fhould corre^fl, with lawes fevere ,
In * Gammed ^^Q. foule Sodomitan :
W'lthin the Cock , vile inceft doth appeare :
Witchcraft , and murder , by that cup and wand ,
And by the rcft^falfe coinc you vnderfland .
Ilia a te puniantur ( o Rex ) ne tu pro illis puniaris , Ciprian ,
. i ""
^ ^ And lead a life ^ from cares «xenipt and freey'' ^-
See that thy mind , iPeand irremoou'd alwaies , ■
Through reaibn o;rounded on firme conftancie.
For whom opinion doth ^ vnftaiedly fvv^ay ,
To fortune fooncil: , fiich become a pray . -
Ycloftie Pines , that doe fupport the ftate
Of common weakhes , and mightie government ,
Why ftoope ye foon'ft , vnto the blaft of fate 5
And fawne on Envie , to your mine bent :
Be taught by iiic , to Icornc your worfer happe ,
TliC wane by Sea , or land the Thunderclap ,
* Maximum inHi-
ciam malje tnea-
ti'>flaAaatio . Se-
neca in proverb :
In alijf tempeUive confulentes nonfihL
np H E Y tell me Tufar^ when thou wert aliue ,
-*- And hadft for profit , turned cuery ftone.
Where ere thou cammcft , thou couldft never thriue ,
Though heereto beft, couldft counfel every one ^-
As it may in thy Husbundry appeare ,
Wherein a frelli , thou Uu'ft amongft vs hecrc ..
So hke thy felfe , a number more are woont.
To iliarpen others ,.\vith advice of wit ,
When they thcmfelucs , are like the whetftone blunt y
And httlc care , tokcepc or follow it :
Eeke hccre I muft , the careles Paftor blame ,
That tcacheth well , butfoUowcs not the fame .
Quicqmd delirmt Reges —
T was the Cuftome of the Thracians once.
Ere they wouldore a frozen river pafTc ,
To take a Fox jaiid turne him for the Nonce ,
Vpon the Ice , to try how thick it was ,
Who to the ftreame, by laienp^ downe his care.
Could heare the noife , and know the thickncs there .
Which if he found to tender for his weight ,
He back returnd , and thankt them , he would none ^
Which fheweth vs of fome , the fubtile fleight ^
Who hazard firft , the po.ore , and weaker onc)
To ferue their turnes , whome God prelcrueth oft 5
When they themfelues ^ within the pit are caught ...
In ttmidos et i.xEi antes .
H E Fenny Bitter , that delightes to b'reede
In thickeft iedge , by moore , and river fide ,
By thrufting low his bill into a reedc ,
All fummer long ^ at mornc and eventide ;
Though neere ,yet makes farre feeming fiich a foaod /'
That oft it doth 5 the Paircngcr aitouiidi. .
This Figure fits , two forts of people bafe ,
The Coward one ,that will v/ith wordes affright.
When dares not looke , true Valor in the face : .
The other is , the proudevaine-glorious wight,
Who where he comes , will make a goodly fhow
Of wit , or wealth , when it is nothin,;^ fo .
^i^'^^^*^^sr Q^Oj^
Deos infrimis ^UcAnios ,
np H E Romane Ladies , yearely did prefent
-*- Their Jewells , and the beft attire they wore
To Velphos , which were by comniandemenc
Into a Goblet turnd , and plac't before
The Pythiw God , as otfling for the finne
Of loathed pride , they fear'd they lined in .,
A mirror for fuch wightes , as will allow
Religion , or the church , the leaft of all ,
Nay , from the fame purloine they care not how ,
Till Church perforce , hath ftript them out of all;
This alfo tells our gallant Dames befide ,
No vice cffendes the Lord , fb much as pride .
Quo^in dtvims rehm fumas fumpm fipienti lucroeH,
•Plutarch in Syroi
Plautus ia Mllite
Auguflin t fupcf
P&Im : 74 .
If 5 Detis vltftnum refugium ,
To the right VDor^ipfull^Mr: D : Laifeiid ^fofWt'tmes my
Tutor in Trinitie Colledgs in Cambridge .
HEN Priam faw his Citie fct on fire ,
At once and drowned , in his Peoples blood.
To pacifie the heavens enkindled ire ,
( Since humane helpc , doth faile to do him good : )
Creufa warnes him to the Altar flie ,
Although he Were affured there to die ,
The cafe is every chriftians in diftrcffe ,
Who to the Lord, himfelfe Hiould recommend ,
As who can bed the wronfi;fLjll caufe redrefTc ,
And patiently t' abide , v/hat he ill all fend ;
Fall'n into handes of foes , onr frecdome thence ,
Or elorious death , to crowne our innocence .
Non ejl quofugias a Deo irato , mfiadDeumpUcAtam ,
Allah 1' ere, i. Deusdabit.
p R O VD E EiiiprelTe , of the prouder Tyrant mind ,
-*- Of S&liman's high boundles-fweUing thought :
When hke the Ocean, boyhng with the wind, .... r^mSs'T
Of viiine Ambiiion , all in raine he wrought , . :C^ br A «""^»"^ Auftiia:
To vndermme our.Cnriltian liappie itate , orij onooi Ov.. obfiaebat/onjter
And drowne her in , a dekige of his hate,
Br.t as our God , hath giu'n the Sea his bound :
So(P.T^^//)fcai'i;erdhc,thyfro3thyIrc: -
And while thou dreanVft , of cGinpailing this round ^
Thy Snuffe went5>tif b and ye-^ ^Q\] vv^iiit'ft no fire;^ fl^rjoiflT t^^^'^S,^.
Not'thatramevVliieh,thyfat Aml>jt.ipnfed, - ■■■■ '■'> :
But that of Hell ^ that ca.tesithee , huing-dead .
tamen vi ct virtu-
te Caroliquinri
ct Gennanoruin ^
re itifefta .
To vnknownc Fate , muft be my fureft guide ;. r ar ?. yd T
ii§ ibiy.
vis magna men-
tis, Seneca.
TH/^W P, Colamries (irong , heere little Loue doth I>cajc '- - ' j / ^ H P
And would erea t^eni , in a dee[^^dcfpie«'^l oi j\iol -(M -*-
Of thatC^A]?^;^3a)f^;t^^jflerybrig-ht i-' -^'Ofb, nofhaliriW
Th' Egypti^nVilcs , ^ro^JtdeMsufeleu^- fe^ombcT^'^ fta>lKJ -iC>
SpAmes Pillars ^ or- great T^^^/^^j yet m Roome .
Nor may you lefle 'imdiq^iiittiipms might' :
Though ( Ladjrs;) ke ', mil ffcernciixfihiiB ui» Oiovo^nov; i : . w /
Since hand to hab(f^hiiiTil55lfe:iiil5iig.!.edtght-iOT lo"- -.-iZ v>n\r^?.
Hath giuen the greaCft /feybrj^herti oxfcrthroW-f •
Necould thewtfeiiinas^avoidcfeboW.-srjG.-i /;;. ..,;.!:>{. , v
<> iMjoIeafin^phees^fSc braiic c^iiiiB^hes.vwere they ffe n A
Thy Sonne •2M6mefia..^ii!£Mm bddlbceockriowneofr/lfr/ oT
Seneca in Medea
Cxcus eft ignis , ftimulacus ira
Nee rcgi curat , patituive froenos
Haud uinec mortem , cupit ire in ipfos
Obvius enfes .
Erit altera merces.» , 74
Ad anilcum fuum loHanncm Doulandum Muficcs pcritiflimum .
lohannesDoulandus .
jinnoi Indendo hattfi .
T T E E R E VhUomel^m filence fits alone ,
■^ -'■ In depth ot winter 5 on the ba^ed brier ^
Whereas the Rofe , had once her beautie fhowcn 5
\^ hich Lordes , and Ladies , did fo much defire :
But fruitles now , in winters froft , and fiiow ,
It doth defpiPd , and vnregarded grow.
So fince ( old frcnd , ) thy ycares hauc made thee white
And thou for others , hail conium'd thy fpring ,
How few regard thee , whome thou didil dehght ,
And farre , and neere ^ came once to hcare thee fing :
Ingratefull timesv^ and worthies age of ours ,
That let's vs pine , when irhath cropt our flower's ,
Anagramma Au-
thoris .
Cut c/tndcr morte rede?nptus.
^" f ' HE £r;??/>2 heere,whome eager houndes doc chafe, '
-*- And hunters haue , around cnviron'd in ^
( As foinc doe write ) will not come neere the place ,
.That may with dirt , defile his daintie skinne :
But rather choofeth , then the (xmc fhould foilc.
Be tornc with dogges ^.or taken with the toile ,
Me thinkes even now , I fee a number blufh ,
To heare a beaft , by nature fliould haue care ,
To keepe his skinne , themfelues not care a rufh ,
With hov/ much filth , their mindcs befpotted are :-
Great Lordcs , and Ladies , turnc your coft and art ,
From bodies pride, t' enritch your better part .
Stdtu-s humnniu .
T7 O W E R Captiue Kinges , proud SefoHris did tie ^
-■• And.them compeld his cbarnot to draw ^
Whereof the one , did ever caft his eie
Vnto the wheele : which when the Tiratit laW ^
And ask'd the caiife , the chained King rcpli'de ,
Beca.ifc heerein , my flate I haue cfpi 'de .
For Uke our feliics ,the Ipokc that v/as on high ,
Is to the bottoms , in a moment caft ,
As faft the loweft , rifeth by and by ,
All humane thinges , thus find a change atlaft :
The Tyrant fearing , wliat his hap mightbe ,
ReleaPd their bandes forthwith , and fet them free ^
itduat ambjguis vitahjec agitata procellis ,
Fertquc refcrtque vices fors male fida fuas ;
Hunc de pkbc cieat . rcgnantcm deprimit Ulum :
Vcl rota tot cafus vna SESOSTRIS habct .
In tranquiMlmis rebus intcrduin cxiflit pcriculuin quod nemo cxpedat ,
Viu Fortuna rcgicur , tion Sapicntia .
TortHti«rn rnaia
( Princeps ) pies-*
fiv man:bu . tcnc
" lubrica eft ncc in-
vita tencri potcft
Curl : lib : 7 .
WA{ cruentos
carcerc includi
Duces , ct irppo»
tenci'> rerg» plc-
beiamanu fcindi
Tyranni- Sencc»
Badt : Doroa .
SrftTmas <
Cic: in Turculafit
Cum fever it ate lemt^ts.
Quintil : dcclam:
13 .
Clauiian :
OF orient hew 3 aRaiiiebow doth containe.
All hideous iTiower , within her Circlet round ,
Refembling that great punifhment of raine ^
The Lord inflided when the world was drown'd :
The Rainebow , of his Mercy , heere a figne ,
Which with his lufticc , he doth ever ioine .
For though we howerly , doe the Lord provoke ,
By cricng Sinncs , to bring his vengeance downc ^ "
The faille he tempers , while he ftrikes the ftroke ^
And ioines liis favor , with a bitter frowne :
To let vs know, that wrath he keepes in ftore ,
And grace for fuch , as will offend no more .
Oh quam difficile hominibus mifercri et faperc .
Pcragit tranquilla potcftas
Quod violcnta neqiiit, mandataque fortius vrgct
Imperiofa quics — -
T^ HIS warlick Helmc , that naked doth appeare ,
"*• Not gold-etichafed , or with Gemmes befet.
Yet doth the markcs , of many a battaile bearc ,
With dintes of bullets , there imprinted yet ,
No featherie creaft , or dreading doth defire ,
Which at the Tilts , the vulgar moft admire .
For beft defcrt , ftill liveth out of view ,
Or foone by Envie , is commaunded downc,
^ Nor can her heaucn-bred fpirit lowly fue.
Though t'werc to gainc , akingdome, and a crownc :
Befide it tells vs^ that the valiant heart ,
Can liue content , though wanteth his dcfert .
* — Iraitutfola
virtute potciUs*
VmhrA tmtum .
H E PUtaneTxtc , that by the b.inkes of P O ,
With gentle fhade refrcrfieth man and beafl; ,
Of other Trees , doth beare the goodlieft (how ,
And yet of all , it is the barrencff :
But Nature though ,this tree of fruitebcreaues ^
It makes amendes , in cooling with the leaucs .
This PUtme Tree , are fuch as growe aloft ,
* Ore-droppiuCT others , with their wealth or might ,
bii'taTcnTum: And yet, they of themfelues , are barren oft ,
sai«ft: lugurth t Wanting th' endowments , of tlie meaner wight :
Who many times , in vertue doth excell ,
When thefe but haue , the fhadow , or the fhell .
* Cootcraptor
JiBimusec lupcr-
/^ F all our life 5 behold the very' fujiime ,
^^ \^^hich as this flower , eoiitiniies but a day :
Our youth is morue , our middle age is come
By noonc , at night as faft.v/e doc decay ,
As doth this Liliie flowriiig with the Sunne ^
But withered ere , his race be fully runne .
Wherefore our life's refcmiblcd to a (liippe ,
Which paiTeth on ^ though we doe what wc pleafe
A fhade , a flower y that every froil doth nippc ,
A dreame , a froath ^ a wane vpon the Seas ,
Which hath a while his being , till anon y
Some elfe intrude , and hee's forgot and gon .
Cun;5ta mortalium incerta , quantoque plus adcptus /is , tanto te ilaagis Tacitus i Aanal,
in lubrico ccnfeas .
Brcvis'dt vita , et breyitas ipfa fsmpcr incerta .
Aagufi 1 dc ^t%'
bis Demini ,
Vhiti^ .
* Caducahac
fragilia , pucrili-
bufque conienta-
neacrcpundiis ,
qui vires arque
opcshumanx vo-
cantur : Valerius
lib (, capvlrimo.
^T^ HE country Swaines, at footebaliheere are feene, .
-*- Which each gapes after 3 for to get a blow 3
The while fome one , away riinnes with it cleane ,
It mectes another , at the goale below
Who never ftirrd , one catchetli heere a fall ,
And there one's maimd , who never faw the ball .
This worldly wealth , -^ is tolTcd too and fro ,
At which like Brutes , each ftriues with might and mainc ,
To get a kick , by others overthrow ,
Heere one's fetch't vp , and there another flaine ,
With eager hall: , and then it dotii atfront
Some ftander by , who never thought vppn't .
Arbiter rpfe met ,
N T O his life , who lookcs with heedie cie ,
And labors moft to kecpe a confcicnce pure ^
And doubtcs to trcade , in errors pathes awrie : "
That man is blcft , and deemed happic fure :
When vicious pcrfons , even vnto their graues ,
Arc lewdc affcdions , and their vices flaues .
For as the Lion , that hath dipt his band ,
Or fhear'd the chaine , that did his courage hold ,
Doth not in awe, of churHfh keeper ftand ,
But fince is waxen , more couragious bold :
The righteous man ^ fo from hells bondage free ,
Hath hcartes content , ioind with his libertie •
lafil t Doron .
Ardua res C*fiir gcntf s «lomuifle rebellcs ,
Fcrrc» Sauromatum ct colla dedifle iugo :
* Duo advcrfiffi-
Latius rcgnes avidum domando
Spiritum j quam fi Lybiam lenioti»
Gadibus iungas ct vterque Panus
Servxat vni .
Vcf ;us at vincis tua cum vindiika Iac«ffii ,
* Peftora, cc banc poceris fumcrc nolle tarnen . ma'rc^* menti
Celeritas ct Ira >
Thucididcs .
Horat . carm :
lib : s . Ode s
Ba(il : Doron .
Augaft ; de vcr«
bit Apoft :
Vulnerai, Hie me demur •
np HIS Sword , a Symbolc of the Law , doth threatc
-*• Perpetiiall death , to all of Adams race :
But yet th' Ahnightie , of his mercie greate ,
Sendes , after fentcnce , pardon of his grace :
For when he found vs, maimed on the ground ,
With wine , and oile of grace , he he.ald the wound .
Our partes it is , fince by the Law we fee ,
The fearefuli ftate , and daunger we are in ,
To doe our beft , then to his mercie flee ,
And new againe , our finfuU Hues begin :
Not truflin^ to our deedes , and merits vaine ,
Since nought but death , doth due to thcfe rcmainc •
lafla licet fcros Ad« fub lege ncpotci
Iinpcuca tcrgo vinHicis Ira Dei,
Vniushic prjeflatineJicainina gratia Chrlfti
Vulncrc nc pcreas quam redivivus habcf .
Si Icvii moibus effet , medicus non qu.Treretur , fi medicus non quarrerccur , morbus n«n
fiaiictur : idco rbi abundaYic peccacum , fuperabundavit ct gratia :
fupcr Cane • 5*. Gr*"* balfamum puriflimum eft , et idco punun , folidum ct profundum vas rc^ulric :
'T^ HE watry willow, growing by the fliore, '
"^ Of trees the formoft, forth her fruite doth fend.
But laden with her bec-defired ftorc , ^^^^^ ^^p - '^ '^ XHv/.io^I ^^^^^^^ _ ^ .^
Ere ten daies fully come vnto an end , -• ^'^ « ^^'^^^ ^^ -Jilgima briA ^M^fH-j i\^ni-y
Her Palme's fo fwccte 5 \ve louMatidlook't Vp:dh\^ Yf^^J3'-'H : ^
With 5orf^^ breath J arc blownea^vay'andgonci iit):;77 •''-
To this fame tree , did Homer once compare , r . M *^**^i < ^
Such heires as ftraight , their Patrimonie waft , ^^7?^^^! ^i^. "'"''"' '
In ri'tous wifb ; and Artiftes ^x^'-''^ '''''' Wucrll jT'/
lunA <;u:J5iT
5 much , doc let itfly as&I^'-' ^^ ^^ '^'''^'!i'''% .Ci?^^- " '
of wit J or Wealth , that makeainoWa » q- .T.i,nr.obiv.T - .
Infubftanccwhcn.weftnditnothinefo/ ''''^^^^^^'^^^"'^'^^"^•''='- •
Who getting
Eekc fuch
— ;. ..:;•. , nd o:, r-Ii/ r'jrljpiV.Ti'jni?.
Dilapidare cave nummos ceu ncfcius vti
Pelle tamenfordes, modus optima regularcrum ,
TV Vuce.
Pcrdices femin»
Tocetn fcquntur.
Xenophon .
Nunquam dccep-
tus eft princeps
nifi qui prius ipfc
dcccpcnr . Livi :
lib: 4. in pancgyr:
*vnius invidia ct
culpaabomni- .
bus pcccatur ,
Tacitus Annal 3 .
* Hxc conditio
principii vcquic-
«juid faciant prx-
Q.utntilia : deda*
inat : 4 .
* Tyranni Dei
lerem : 17 . 8 .
Baitl : Doron «
np H E Partrkh young , in Foulers net ycaught ,
■*• Too late the error of their damme repent ,
For why ? her call them into daunger brought.
And taught at firft , the heedcles way they went ;
Heereby are kinges our common niirfes ment ,
When to their luftes , thcmlelues become a pray ^
And by * example , thoufandes caft awaie .
Not heerevpon ^ as may of moft be thought ,
We fhould our Prince ^^like Rebells difobey ,
When they be Tyrants , or with -^ vices nought ,
Dohaften others , and' their owne decay :
But to the Lord , like Chriftians rather pray
For mercie , who hath in his anger fent
* Such wretches vile , to be our puniihipcnt .r
Dum tua qua ducis Icgimts vcnigia palTIm
Alma parens , capimur prxda tnifelia plagis >
; i.
Pioh dolor, innncuos qua multos perdis,ab V»»
Te , modo didu^nni principe crimen eric.
In falo fine fak *
To the Hon : and moH Worthy Ladie, E : L :'
^ V
np H E frcndly Dolphin , while within the maine ,
■■- At Ubertie delightes , to fport and play ,
Himfelfe is frefh , and doth no whit retaine
The brinifh faltnes of the boundles Sea
Wherein he liues . Such is the fecret skill ,
Of Nature working , all thinges at her will .
So you great Ladie , who your time hauc fpcnt ,
Within that place , where daungcrs oft abound 5
Remaine vntainted of your Element ,
And to your praife , yet keepc your honor found
^ D iana-ltke yVjho^c brightncs didexcell ,
When many ftarrcs , within your climate fell .
^7 Vnx dolo Divum ,
To the moH Honorable andvoorthie Ladie the Lxdfe Alicia, D :
A N D ye great Ladie , that are left alone ,
-^*- To merc'les mercie , of the worldes wide fea ,
Behold your faire, though counterfeited ftone ^
So much you ioi'd in , on your wedding day-.
And tooke for true , how after it did prooue ,
Vnworthy lewell , of fo worthy louc .
Ah how can man , your fexe ( faire Ladies ) blame ,
VVhofe brefts , are vertues pretious Carcanets ,
When he himfelfe , firft breakes the boundes of fhame ^
And deareft loue , and loialtie forgets ;
Yet heerein happie , ye abouc the reft ,
Bclou'd of Hcauen , and in your children bleft .
Tmhtim ,
"D Y violence who tries to tunic away ,
-*-' Strong natures current , from the proper courfe ,
To mooue the Earth jhe better were aflay ,
Or wreft from loue jhis thunderbolts perforce ,
Bid the Spha^res ftay ,or ioine by art in one ,
Oux Thames "^ii^Tyber jFrndc^ithPelidrf,
For nought at all heercin prevailes our might ,
With greater force fhe doth our ftrength withftand ,
The River ftopt 5 '^ his bankedowne-beareth quite.
And feldome boughes , are bent with ftabbornc hand i
When gentle vfage , feircenes doth allay ,,
And bringes in time ,. the Lion to obay .
vior ibar Ovid»
Mcumer t
S^ sic vos non vobh ,
To my xiporfhfpfu/i and kindfrend Mr, fvilliam StalUnge ^
fearcher of the Port of London, andfirH Author of
making Silke in our Land,
H E S E little creatures hecrc , as white as niilke ,
That fhamc to (loth , are bufic at their looine .
All fummer long in weaning of their their Silke ,
Doe make their webs , both winding fheete and toombe ,
Thus toi th* ingratefuU world , bequeathing all
Their lines hauc gotten , at their fnnerall .
Even (o the webs , our wits for others weaue ,
Even from the higheilto the meaneft , worne ,
But Siren-like it'h end , our felucs decciue ,
Who fpend our time , to fccuc anothers turnc :
Or painte a foole , with coate , or cullors gay ,
Tot giuc' good wordcslj or thankes , fo goe his Way .
Tyranm morhm fuf^icio
H EN valiant Richmond, gaiie the overthrow
T 'vfurping Richard, at that fatall feild
Of Bofoorth , as our Hiftories doe rtiow ,
This ■*" Embleme he devifed for his fheild 5
( For when the battaile , wholly was his ownc ,
He found his crownc , within a Hawthorne thrownc . )
Whereat he figh'd they fay , and vttered this ,
A * Kinedome eaieth not , the guiltie mind.
Nor Crowne contents , where inward horror is,
Withall it fhowes , how I am like to find ,
With Honor , and this dignide I beare ,
My part of greife , and thornes of heavie care .
" Pailim in (encr-
tris verereg'')ilJ>
us open's apud
Wcftmon : inve-
* Mu1ta»i!li mi-
nus tibivna cer-
vix. Ex diito Ca-
Iigiil« .
Innocent k wumnem uitipmum ,
■ f— III I M P MyjML -l
'T^ H E Lion once , whome all the Beaftes did dread ,
., , . ■*- Doth in a thicket deadly wounded lie,
flutirch:t>tRhello -. ir i rilJJ
dc vHiix,ttecai>-adx Aoout whoic carkas , yet not tuUy dead ,
Doe flock the Fultur , Puttock , and the Tie ,
And where the woundcs are greene ;, and frcfhly blecde ,
They light thereon ^ and moft of all doe feede..
Such carrion Crowe , thinke thou thine enimie ,
Who feldomc dare affault thee being found ,
But where he doth thy guiltines efpie ,
With eager hate , he praties vpon thy wound :
But wifely if thou lead'ft thy life vpright ,
He Icaues thee then with flerued appetite .
Iniioccntia eft puritas animi omiiem iniuriaj illationem abhojrrens .
Amor comugdis tdernm . p2
To my Loulng and molt kind frcndes , Mr ChriMophcr Collarde , and
Mrs Mabcll Collarde his \vife , of St Martines in the fcildcs .
BelLi , alntd corde .
Anagramma Au-
thor! i .
r^\ E A R E S T of frendes , accept this fmall device,
-^-^ Whcreulth I would vour curtefies requite ,
Biit that your loues invaluable price ,
Muft hold me debter , Vv'hile I view this light ,
Nor can my heires , thefe papers dead and gone ,
Repay the favors for me , you hauc done .
A * Turtle heerc 5 vpon an Oliuc fits ,
Vpon whofe branch , depends ailing of gold ,
As beft the loue of Matrimonie fits ,
Thus ever endles , never waxing old ,
The branch and bowes , the fruite that from you Spring ,
The Doue your felfe , your wife that golden ring.
02» TemfemntU
* Exempio lunc-
t£ tibi (incina-
niorc Columbar ;
Aaium rubigine
noii conumpiciir
mo pretio fempcf
tsfili Doron,
T T EERE T^;^/'^;'4;^f^Iftand,of virtiics^Queene,
"*• -'' Who moderate all humane vaine defires ,
Wherefore a bridle in my hand is feene ,
To Giirbe aflPedion , that too farre afpires :
I 'th other hand , that golden cup doth fhow 3
Vnto exceflfe I am a deadly foe •
For when to luftes , I loofely let the rainc ,
And yeeld to each fuggefting appetite ,
Man to his ruine , headlong runnes amaine ,
To frendes great greife , and enimies dehght :
No conqueft doubtles , may with that compare.
Of our aifedes ^ when we the vidors are .
Qux rego virtutes placido moderaminc cunftas
AlFediifque potens fum Dea sophrosyne:
Eflfraenes animi docco cohibcre furores ,
Suftmeo , abftinco , difplicet omne niniis .
Nihil eft cam prxclarum, tamque magnificum j quodnon modcrationc
tempcrari dcbeac .
Servire nefcit •
' I * H E Princely Fmlcon , that hath long bccne man'd
-*- And taught to floope , vnto the toffcd lure ,
Is now efcaped from his Maifters hand ,
And will no more fuch fervitude endure ,
But better likes the feilde , and forreftes fpray ,
And for himfelfc ^ in elder age to pray .
The virtuous mind ,and truely noble fpri^ht.
Can feldome brooke , in bondage bafe to ierue ^
But moft doth in his libertie delight ,
Still rather chooling , by himfelfe to fteruc ,
Then cate fbme caterpillar's envied bread ^
Or at anothers curtefie be fed .
^■^tcxtt ipfa gra-
ciofi liberti , a«t
ftrvi dignitatenB
Dnrtim^ invifum^ et grave eB, ServitU ferre .
Stntta in Troiuk
Vis Amor is.
A LCIDES heere jhaththrdwnehisCIiibbeaway,
•^*" And w<^ares a Mantle , for his Lions skinnc ,
Thus better liking for to pafTe the day.
With Omphaie, and with hermaides to fpinnc ,
To card 5 to recle , and doe (lich daily taske ,
What ere i t pleafcd , Omphde to aske ,
cefTeric Venus no ,^^ ,, , . ^ . . ^ . —
aiiaDea eft adco 1 hat all his concuelts wonne him not inch r atnc ^
Sst,tedSf^'" For which as God , the world did him adore ,
As Loues affedion , did difgrace and iname
His virtues partes . How many are there more ,
Who hailing Honor , and a worthy name ,
By a<^ions bafc , and lewdnes loole the fame .
Quicquid amor iufHt , noii ell contcrancrc tutuin ,
Rcgnat et in fuperos ius habet iiic Decs .
vim vis •
E E R E Bacchic winged , midft his cups doth fjt ^
With Mercurtes Caduccus in his hand ,
As God of wine no more , but God of wit ,
And Eloquence , which he hath at commaund ,
( Since he hath drawne ^his bowles and bottles drie ,)
Wherewith he feemes ^ to mount aboue the skie .
For when his liquor hath poffefT'd the brainc ,
The foole himfelfe , the * wileft thinkes to be ,
And then fo giues his lavi{h tongue the raine ^
You' Id Avcareyc heard another * Mercuric ^
For hes of Ladies loues^or travailes farre ,
His birth , his woundes , or fervice in the warrc .
* Ad vinii diftrti,
Cic I [iro M ; Ccclia
* Foecundi cali-
ces &c .
Horns vertAlis .
HO feekft Promotion through infr dclerr ,
And thinkft by gift , of bodie , or of mind ,
To raifc thy fortune, whofoere thou art ,
This new ImfrcfA. take to thee aflignd ,
To warne thee oft , fnch labour is in vaine,
If heereby thinkft , thy merit to obtaine .
For now the golden time's r<^tiirned back ,
And all 's kep t vndcr , by th' Athmian Cat ,
VVhofc helpe , and favour , whofoere doth lack,
«Teh : S^ci e-" May coole his hecles , with Homer at the gate ;
Such is our age , where virtue's fcarce regarded ,
And artes with armes ,muft wander vnrewarded .
Fa« vbi maxima
merccs . Lucan :
N iimorum Fcli j
nim (code teftc)
huius cBigie iiia
numifmata cudc
banc .
To the thrtcefamoHs andfarre renoxcned Vniverfitie of Oxford .
T~> E ARE Sifter of my cver-loiied "*- Mother,
•*-^ From whome this little that I haue I drew ,
Ingratefnlly greate light I cannot flnother ,
Some lefTer fparkes , which I deriii'd from you ,
Which firft enflam'd to this , my duller fpright ,
And lent in darke , my Mufc her candle light .
Fairc Academe , whome Fame and Artes confpirc ,
To make thee mirror to all mortall eine ,
Within our Spha^re , that Europe may admire ,
The gratious Lampe that on thy brow doth (hine :
And fhewes the t r v t h around by land and fea,
Dircding thoufandes erring , in their way .
Cambricfge and
heerein Trinicie
€ollc«!ire .
^ I ^ H E Atheijl vile , that Giant-like attcmptes ,
-■- To bandie fadion with Almightie lOVE ,
And thinkes this fraile worlds priviledge exemptes >
All Faith 5 and Feare , due vnto heaucn aboiie :
Vnto his terror , let him heere behold ,
What Hiftories o^IVL I AN haue told .
For after that he had his Lord defi'de ,
And wounded deadly lay in deepe difpaire ,
Thou ^G A LILtAi AN novo or'ecom'Jly he cri'dc.
Wherewith he cait his blood into the Aire ;
A fit example jfor the faithles wight ,
And fuch as in prophancnes doe delight .
Sk et Ingenimn
np H E Rofes fweete , tjiat in the Garden grow ,
■^ If that not often dreft where they abide ,
Become as wild as thole , we fee doe blow
In every feild, and hedge-row as we ride :
And though for beautie, once they did exccll ,
They now haue loft , both cullor and the fmell .
So many men , whome Nature hath endii'de ,
With rareft partes , of bodie , or the mind ,
Do in themfelues by Sloth , grov\^ rancke and rude ,
Not leaning any memoric behind ,
Saue that they lined heere., and lometime were ,
* A necdeles burthen which the Earth did bcarc .
Cernis vt ignavum corrumpanc otia corpus Et milii fiquis erat , diccndi casminis vfus
Vt capiant vicium ni movcantar aijua: , Dcficic , cftquc minor feSut incrtc fitis.
Ice nunc fortes vbi ce]fa magni
Ducjt exempiis via , cui nertes
Terga nudatis ? Superata ccljus
Sidera donat .
* TcUuris Inucilc
pondus .
C AL Devices: tamiihed, and adorned vsidi Em-
blemes , and Impn-fa'soi' fundry natures . Newly devifed ^
moral/zed J a/jdpuh//fhedy
BT HENRT P EACH AM, Mr, of Artes..
The Author to his Mufe .
fvflrike wee Saile , andthrovo ajide our oxu^.
My xveane Mufe, the xvorji is xffeliniepajl :
And t. the a. xokiie , cnrpleafure on the (bore,
!iecount/n7 vchat voee overcame at Lifi :
To what deepe danger were our fortunes caji :
'^hat Rocks, the great e/}, cr vnknowenfhelues ,
J^ve dar'dto touch, and yet did fane our Je lues •
HE N RT , who art both Load-fton.% anci thejiarre,
of He arte s and Eies , our w/jhedLoue and Light :
By thee conduced , we arriue thmfarre ^
That now OPINIONS vttermoji dejpight.
Nor ENf^IE, that the iuftejl one doth bite ,
We doubt at ali-i hut forth into the maine ^
With doubled courage ,put our fe lues againe .
And you great PRINCESSE, through whofe Chrijiallhrefi ^
ELIZAS Zeale , andPietie doefhine ,
Heire of her Name , and Virtues , that mvejl
Tou in our Heart es , and Loues immortall j^hrine :
oh fend from that pure Maiejlie of thine ,
Thoje beames againe ,from whence ( asP H OE B FS bright)
Our feeble Mufe, deriues her life and light .
Eeke pardon ( P EERES ,) that heere my ruder verfe ^
Vntoyoul worthes , and great nes dares ajpire 5
Or out of courfe , if I your rankes reherfe :
But as i 'th Pre fence, twixt the Lord and Squire ,
( He neere the fate , the other by the fire , )
Small difference feemes '^fo heere mofl HonordtYAtne ^
Te take your lots about your Soveratgne .
And whatfoever EIE fhalt elfepertife ,
Thefe ruder lines , devoid of skill and Art 5
Refer ue thy good opinion of our Mufe ,
That may heereafter worke of worth impart .♦
And though [he taftes of Count rey and the Cart ,
( Js that DICTATOR) allm time^oe may ,
Within the Citie beare a greater fwey .
a noble aomatic »
cald troin his
plough , to the
DiAacoiAiip .
loi Prejtdium et duke deem .
lUuflripmo etfotenti^imo Principl ac Domino ^ D: Mauri tlo Heftjz
LantgraviOyComiti in Catz^enelkn bogen Dietz.^Zigenhain^ct Niddu c^c
Thismoft no-
ble Prince bc-
fide his admira
ble knowledge
in all learning,
& the langua-
ges, hath exel-
lent skill in mu
fick . Mr Dou-
land hath ma-
ny times {hew-
ed me 10 or iz
feverallfets of
owne compo-
'"P O you great Prime , who little neede be knownc ,
■*• By me or by my worthies Poefie ,
Since thofe admired virtues of your owne ,
Haue made you obiedt of the worldes wide eie ,
Your bounteous mihd , your matchles Pietie ,
Your languages 5 and learning in all artes ,
That gaine.yon millions of remoteft heartcs .
Iconfecrate in gentle Mufes name
This Monument , and to your memorie ,
Which fliall outwearc the vti\ioft date of Fame ^ '
And wi eftle with the worldes Eternitic ;
For as Artes glorie is your G E RMAN IE ,
For rar*ft invention , and defigne of wir ,
So ye braue Maurice are the pride of it .
J>ifia»tUiungif* 102»
To the. thrice Noble , and cxellent Prince : tudorvickj^vkc oi Lennox*^
O R may my Mufe greatc D«Zy , with pt6uder faile ,
Ore-palTe your name , your birth , and beft dcferts^hr/^/
But lowly ftrikc ^ andto thefe cullors vailc ,co ^ ;)iii«^ iiA ojnV
That make ye yet belou'd in forrein partes , ' ■ /] ^rh o3 bn A
In memorie of thofc difioined hcartes : .'. :■ ^oWom^i tjH
Of two great kingdomes, whom your grandfire wrought ,
Till Bucide-Iike ^ them both in one he brought •
^ Mild Peace heerein , to make amendes againc ,
Ordaines your daies ye fhall difpend in reft ,
While Horror bound , in hundred-double chainc y
At her faire feetc , tliall teare her fiiakie creft ,
And Mars in vainc , with Trumpet ftcrne moleft
OurMufe jthitiTiallherloftiellniimbers frame 5
To eternize your STE WA R TS Roiall name .
* — Paxoptim»
Quas homini no*
viffc datum eft ,
pax vna triiiphis
Immeritis potioi"
Siliutlibt II*
NoJIro ekcefcis danino \
THE Steele and Flint , doc hecre with hardic ftrokcs ,
And mutuall hewing 5 each the other waft ;
While vnderneath the open Tinderhoxe ,
Vnto his gaine , confumcs them both at laft :
And to the backs , when they are (pent and wornc ,
He throwes them by , for he hath feru'd his turne •
So 3 when the Paifant with his neighbour warres ,
They weare awaie themfelues , in golden fparkes 5
The Boxe , are Pettifoggers from their larres ,
Who walke with Torches , vfhcr'd by their Clearkes :
While blind by Owle-light , Hoidon ftiimbling goes ,
To feeke his Inne , xhcfVindmlll , or the Rofe .
^AT AvArhiaBeHum ,
,1 >; ir»,-_
nn H E hand that gripes jfo greedily and hard ,
"*- WhatithathgotbylongvnlawfuUgainej
Withall for Battaile ready is prepard ,
S till to d efend , what it doth faft retaine :
( For wretches fome, v>'ill fooner fpend their bloods, ' \
Then Ipare we fee, one penworth of their goods . )
Of Avar ice , fiich is the nature ftill ,
Who hardly can endure , to hue in Peace j
But alwaie preft , to quarrell , or to kill ,
When fober mindes , from fuch contention ceafe :
And fceke no more , then quiet and content ,
With thofe good blcfUngcs, which the Lord hath fent .
Eiif yji^.v'9'
B/f vli^v^ 15 ^ .
•Arduti fcmper
fiodem loci , po*
tentiam ctcon-
cordiam cfTc :
np H E glorious Snnne , that cheercs vs with his light ,
■*■ And giucth hfe , and growth to every thing :
* Can brooke no pcere , to check his fbveraignc right 3
But onely will remaine , the Heaucns fble king :
When lefler ftarrcs , that borrow from his light ,
Doe keepe their courfe , in numbers infinite .
So fares it with the vulgar that doe goc ,
In loue , and mutuall concord mofl fecure ,
*^hi Jh' When P^r/>/> procures the overthrow 5
lA/w &c Si duo Of Monarchies , that elfe might well endure :
Soles vciinteflc , Y j^j^j \i]^q moc Sunucs in skie , portendeth ftill ,
pcnculum ne in- ^, ,-v . • r -fi
ccndio omnia per The Ptinces ruuie , or a worler ui .
liancur. Strmus»
Tacitus I .Hift « EtPacis iiitercft , poteftatem omnem ad vnum conferri .
%apSc X Dtren . Nulla ferat ccelo prater fua lumina Titan ,
Innumeris gnudcnt aftra minora chcris .
Infima picbs hominum melius numerola vagatur :
Cum raaneant Rcges invida fata pares .
TomySchollefMr. hannibal baskervile.
^T^ HIS Indun beaft , by Nature armed (o ,
-■- That fcarce the Steele can peirce his fcalie (idc :
Affaultcth oft the f//?/?/'^»/ his foe 5
And either doth the conqueror abide , . ^{(jjj'j f^ .
Or by his mightie combatant is flaine ,
For never vanquifht , he returncs againc .
So you that muft encounter Want , and Care ,
To overcome your hard , and crabbed skill ,
Take courage , and treade vnder foorc difpairc ^
For better hap , attendcs the vcnt'rous ftili :
And (boner leaue , your bodic in the place ,
Then back returne , vnletter'd with difgracc . .
This Emblem*
was dcvifcd at
A Khinocerot
was fee to Rome
by Emanuel king
of Porringal who
fought with it co-
ming on land tho <
rough Provence:
but by thewaic, ,
by hard fortune
it was drowned
uecre Pono Ve«
nere : feeking «
long time to fane
icfclfc amoothe
Rocks. PoKMW
leviut .
Non JionoSyfed Onus •
*\ / A I N E man who think'ft , that happincs confiltes ,
^ In great commaimd , and Roiall dignitie ;
AndKinges with Scepters hold within their Fiftes, - -
The perfedfummeof allFoelicitie : ^ '^'^
No no 3 their Crownes are lin'd with pricking thornc ,
And fable cares , with crimfon Robes are worne •
" Who lift defcribc the motion of the Sph sere 3
Another , fomc rare , beauteous modell draw j
With Eloquence , let him goe charmc the earc-^
Thy onely art , muft be to keepe in aw-iifrfxnov i;.
And curbc with /«/?/f^, the vnrulie crew ,
To favor skill ^ and giue the good their due .
Excndaotalii fpirantiamoliius XTXyvky ■
Credo equidem ct vivos ducent de marmorc vultus
Orabunt caufas melius &c .
Quern Htnttijli ,tiwet .
// iH'.r\.
'\j\r I T H haire difhevel'd j and in mburnefuU wife ,
^ ^ Who fpiirncs a fhippe , with Scepter in her hand.:
Thus BRiTAlNE's drawen in old Antic[uities ,
What time the iJe?;»^;;^'/, overran her land :. ' '' "* ':
WTio firft devif'dhcr , fitting in this pligRt , ' " ^
As then their captiiie , and abandon*d quite .
Butwhatcanlongcontinueat allay ^ - ^- r -, •» r.
To all thmges being 5 Bates a change decree: r . -j. r r-,. a . y .^.'r^
Thrice-fanious//^,whomeerftthoudidftobey,': :j-,./,'^rJ '^ ^ '
Vfurping Rop?ne, ftandes now in aw of thee : ' ;
* And trembles more , to heare thy SoVeraignes name ^
Then thou her Drummes , when valiant Cafar came •
.ifioi /.;ii,rfi:;H
Inter Claudijnt^'
ro f»vu$ imperio
regie Timet ni
tncntcs , mctui ■
in auSorctn redil
-. '■ I
Bo magh calig/tt i
* Compcfcat fc
Humana tcmcri-
tas cticicjuovicH:
noji qiii:rar,nc il-
lu.l cjuocf ell non
inveoiaf. ^ug:if-
th ■■ deGcnt: cm-
tra idauk : Jtt : I .
Mu!to f icili'ut
invcnit f/dcntm
conditoiem hu-
milis pictas , qua
fydcrum ordincm
fupf rba curioHtas
• ImOjDcus
melius iicfcicnda
lib I iide erii ,^
rafh attempt dciire ,
WH Y doth vaincman , with "^ rafh attemi
, . jQ-fearch the depth ^of Miftcries divine
Which like the Simne vpon his earthy fire ,
With gloric iuaccefliblc do fliine :
And with the radiant fplcndor of their ray ,
Chafe all conc.eipted Ignorance.away.^'^;:;:'^^ ;|
What mortall man might ever comprehend ^
Gods facred cffence , and his fecret will ,
Or his foules fubftance , or could but intend ,
Lead while to view , this glorious creature ftill :
* Be wife in what the word doth plaihcly teach ,
But meddle notij^'with thinges aboue thy reach .
i jQoid volucri tentas humana fcicntia pcnna
Quxrcre inacccffi Myftica facra Dei :
Caligans oculis , obtufx et aciimine mentis,
Dum petis ignieuJis alta ncgata tuis .
riorum vita luCfuofa.
To the modcft and virtuous muidcd, Mrs. Elizabeth Apflcy, attending
Ypon the moll excllcnt PrinccfTe , the Ladie Elizabeth her grace ,
X I\ 7" H I L E that the Mavis , and the morning LarkCy
^ ^ Doe cheerely warble their delicious ftraines.
The Turtle likes the fiiade , and thickets darke ,
And Iblitarie by herfclfe reaiaines.
Recording in moft doleful! wife her woe.
Letting the pleafures ,of thefeafon goe.
The godly wight , whome no dehght of Sinnc ,
Doth with vaine pleafure draw : or worldly care ,
Efteemeth not , thcfe fleeting loies a pinne :
But to the Lord , in private doth repaire ,
With quiet Confcience s when the wicked oft.
Are in the mid 'ft , of all their pleafures caught -
Deus vitam annuntiavi tibi , pofuifti lachrymas meas in conipe6lu tuo . vfM'.^%.
R I . Coniugfj
Con'mgij Symholum I
"O EHOLD a ^/^r/'^jbetweenc two Torches plac'd,
■^ Of milkie hew ^ with winges abroad difplaide 5
In aunchient time , the marke of wedlock chaft ,
Bccaufc this Bird , a deadly foe is faid
T' Adulterie , andfouleft foule Iiiceft ,
The r'^rf/maide , the fire befeeme th beft •
Chaft Lofie , the band of everlafting Peace ,
The beft content we haiie , while here we line ,
ThatblefTeft Mariage , with thy fweete encreafe.
And doft.a pledge y of that coniiindion giiie
Twixt Soule , and Body , eke the mutual Loue,
Betweene the Church ^ and her fweete Spoufe abouc .
Foelices ter , ct amplius ,
Quos irrupta tenet copula : nee malls
Divulfis quasrimoniis
Suprema citius folvct amor die .
In eos qtii cum Ammsfrumtur , vti mfcimt , 112
np HIS fimple Foole , that here befiridcs the bow ,
-■- And knowing well , the daungcr vnderneath ,
Yet bufilie doth fiw the fame in two ,
Like idle Ape , though to his prefent death : ., ' ;^^^ '
Which if he had forborne , and let it grow ^
He free from harme , had fcapt the pikes beloW .
To this i^me Idiot , fuch we liken may ,
Of truftie Frendes as doe not know the vfe ,
But while they are their props ^ and onely flay ,
Wiil cut them off, by this , or that abufe \
Or loofe their favor, by behaviour ill ,
Who otherwife , might haue vpheld them ftill ,
Carol! Vrffm
Symbolum Gno-
me vera muuta .
* Dijnos homi-
nes quafi pilas ha
bent . Plautus .
phers hjue here-
tofore dyd .
'T"^ H E Tefinis-hally when flruckea to the ground ,
-■- With Racket , or the gentle Schook-boies hand ,
With greater force , doth back againe rtboiind ,
His Fate , (though fenccles ) fecming to wuhftand ;
Yea 3 at the inftant of his forced fail ,
With might.redoubled , mountes the higheft of all ,
So when the "^ Gods aboue , haiie ftruck vs low ,
( For men as balls , within their handes are laid , )
We cheifly then , fhould manly courage fhow y
And not for every trifle be afraid :
For when of Fortune , moft we ftand in feare ,
Then Tyrant-like , {he mo ft will domineerc .
fxr nulU figtirx dolori .
The device of the late Honorable , Barle of E(Jex .
X X 7 EE eaf'lylimme jfomelouely-Virginfacc,
^ ^ AndcaiitolifejaLantfcipreprefenCj
Afford to Antiques , each his proper grace ,
Or trick out this , or that compartement ;
But with the Pencill , who could ere exprefic ^
The face of griefe ^ and heartie penfiuenes .
For where the minde's with deadly forrow wounded ,
There no proportion , can effed delight ,
For like a Ch^os , all within's confounded ,
Relembling nothing ,faue the face of night ,
Which in his l"heild , this noble Earledidhc^ve^
The lail Imprefa'y of his greife ^and care .
iHrepetmdos , et adulatores \
Ovid i Mctam ;
Mb: 6,
* Hinidincs sra-
tW.CKiad .4tu-
mm I .
* Nihil in penati-
bus cms ficrsna-
le , autambi:ioni
pcrvium. Tacitus
^nnal; it»
Baftlic : Dor»» .
B : Mamuau : ia
,AEg[«g :
OF Virgins face , with win ges , and tallants ftrong
Vpon thy table ,P HJNEf^S here behold ,
A monftrous Harpie jthat hath praeied long ,
Vpon thy meateSj while thou art blind, and old.
And at all times , his appetite doth ferue ,
VVhile vnregarded , thou thy felfe doft fteriie .
The Courtes of Kinges , are (aid to keepe a crew
Of thcfe * ftill hungry for their private gaine ;
The firft is he , that carries tales vntrue ,
Thefecond jWhomebafe "^ bribing doth maintained
The third and laft, the Paralice I find ,
VVho bites the worft , if Princes will be blind .
Infi.lit dapibus vo!ucri, thus devoid of coft ,
In flowery feildes , is clothd by power divine ,
In pureft white, fair'fl: obie6t of the eie ,
f Rehgions weede , and badge of Ghaftitie .
Why fhould ye then as flaues to loathed pride ,
And frantique fooles, thinke ye are halfe vndonc 3
When that ye goe not in your cuUors pide ,
Or want the grace , of neweft fafhion :
When even the Lillie , m glorie doth furpafle , .
The rich ^ and roiallft King , that ever was .
Splcndida flu6livagos quid iadlitat Aula lapillos?
Intumct et Rhodopis bombycis arte levis ?
Rcgibus anteferor, mcdiis quod vcftit in agri»
Vita oculi candor, virgineumque decus ,
Matb:S. 34*.
Al^jcdo obie&una
Ex^fopifebu 1
Ciccropofl recSt : in
Soiatura .
np H E Husbandman , in depth of winter feld ,
^ An aged fV///orx> , fewell for to burne ,
But wanting wedges , Grandfire was compeld ,
To rend with bowes , the bodie for his tiirne :
And while the m^'///ovp , now was rent in tw.
In muram cic?ii-
cum inclin;uiw
Si .
T>ijlahorthm vendunt .
'T^ H E flothfull man , that loues in idle feat ,
-■■ And wanton pleafurcs , to difpcnd his daies :
The Scripture plaine denieth for to eate ,
And lawes fevere , doc piinifh many waies :
And never Heavens 3 with their boimtie blcfle.
The handaddidedvnto Idlenes .
On th'other fide , when for our fweatic painc g
Tofale they fetvs, all the preriousthinges ,
The Earth within her bofome , doth containe ,
Gemmes ^Herbes of virtue , Diadems of Kingcs 5
All fortes of Girlondes , and the Quill of Fame ,
To keepe aHue , the honor of our name .
H O V G H liFc be fhort , and man doth as the Sunnc ^
His iourney finilli , in a little Ipace ,
The way is wide , an honeft courfe to runne ^
And great the glories of a virtuous race ,
That at the laft, doe our iuft labors crowne ,
With threefold wreath ^ Loue , HoKor , and Remx^ne .
Nor can Nights fhadow , or the Stygian deepe ,
Gonceale faire Virtue , from the worldes wide eie ,
The more oppreft, the more fhc ftriues to pccpe ,
And raife her Rcfe-boimd ool(Jien head on hi^h :
When Epicures , the wretch y and worldly flaue ,
Shall rot in fhame , aliue , and in the graue .
Th contra audentior .
nn HE valiant heart 5 that feeles the vtmoftfpieht,
-*- Of envious Fortune , who with Sword and fire ^
Awaites his ruine , with redoubled might..
Takes courage to him , and abates her ire^
By refolution , and a conftant mind ,
To deede of virtue, evermore inclin'd .
VVhofe {p'rite , a {parke of heavens immortal! fire ,
Inglorious Sloth , may not in embers keepe ,
Butfpiteofhclljitwillatlengthafpire ,
And even by ftrawes , for want of fewell creepe :
When fearefuU natures , and the mind vnfound ^
At every blaft , is beaten to the ground .
TJufCfje credere tut! Ipmum .
C WEETE Bird, who taiighr thee here to build thy neft?
^ ( In greater fa P tie then M E D E A's fhrine , )
Did Hap , or that thou knevv'lla Crowne the beft ,
From iniufie to ilielter thee and thine ?
How much I did thy happines cnvic ,
When firft I faw thee iinging , hither flie . ,
Your glories Type , even (b yefacrcdKinges ,.
In highefl: place , the weaker one to fheild ,
Thus vnder that iweete fliadow of your winges-, ,
Befl: loues the Artes ^ and Innocence to build :
And thus my Mufc , that never fiCtie knew ,
With Weary wing , great H EN R /E flies to you .
125 T* the Honorable , Sir Thomas Ridgewaie , Ktiight , tmd
Baronet : Treaftirer at warres in Ireland , and
one of his JMaieflies Privie Conn fell there cfrc .
Thomas Ridgewaie .
Aiihi ffravato Dem .
TH E Camell ftrong , with burthen great oppreft ,
Is forc'd to yeeld vnto his loade at iaft ,
And while he toiles ^himfelfe enioies the leaft ,
Of all the wealth , that on his back is caft :
For why ? he mull: the fame , to thofe impart,
VVhofc due it is , by Fortune , or defert .
So honor'd Sir , you , as your Camell, beare
A Treafures charge , that pulls you on your knee ,
And though that thoufandcs, askc it here, and there ^
To thofe that ought , and beft deferuing be ,
You only giuc, their wages , and their due ,
The while the care , and peril! lies on you .
T T E E R E MeUncholly mufing in his fits ,
•■' -'' Pale vifag'd 5 of complexion cold and dric,
AUfolitaric ^ at his ftiidie fits ,
Within a wood J devoid of companie :
Sauc Madge the Owle , and melancholly Piiflc ,
Light-loathing Creatures , hateful! , ominous .
His mouth , in figne of filence , vp is bound ,
For Mela.'iiholly loues iwt many wordcs :
One foote on Cube is fixt vpon the ground ,
The which him plodding Confiancie alfordes :
A fealed Purfe he beares , to fhew no vice ,
So proper is to him , as Avarice .
nn H E Aicrie S Anguine , in whofe yoiithfull cheeke ^
•*- The Veflme Rofe , and Lilly doe contend r
By nature is benigne , and gentlie ineekc ,
To Mufick 3 and all merriment a frend 5
As fcemeth by his flowers , and girlondes gay ,
_ Wherewith he dightes him , all the merry May .
And by him browzing , of the climbing vine ,
The hiftfiill Goate is feene, which may import ,
His pronenes both to women , and to wine ,
Bold 3 bounteous 3 frend vnto the learned fort 5
For ftudies fit , beft louing , and belou'd ,
Faire-lpoken ^ baflifull , fcld in anger moou'd .
cholera .
'^T EXT Cholkr ftandes , refcmbling moft the fire ,
-*- Of fwarthie yeallow , and a meager face s
With Sword a late , vnflieathed in his Ire :
Neerc whome , there lies , within a httle fpacc ,
A fterne ei'de Lion, and by him a flieild ,
Charg'd with a flame , vpon a crimfon feild •
We paint him young, to fliewthatpaffioiisraignc,
■The moft in heedles, and vnftaied youth :
That Lion fhowes , he feldomc can refrainc , .
From cruell dcede , devoide of gentle ruth ;
Or hath perhaps , this beaft to him alTign'd ,
As bearing moft , the braue and bounteous mind *
T T EERE P^/^^;»(?{lts coughing on a Marble featc,
•*■ ''' As Citie-vfurers before their dore :
Of Bodie grofTe , not through exceflc of meate ,
But of aDropfiejhe had got of yore :
His flothfuU hand , in's bofon;ie ftill he keepes ,
Drinkcs , (jpits , or nodding , in the Chimney lleepes ,
Beneath his feete ^ there doth a Tortoife crall ,
For flowcft pace , Sloth's Hieroglyphick here ,
For Phlegmatique , hates Labour moft of all ,
As by his courfe arainient , may appearc :
Nor is he better furnifhed I find ,
With Science , or the virtues of the mind .
Ad lefum Chrifium opt : Ma>c ;
Xnnvf .
St> w (Tk. Thou art that rticcpe ,
nn HE fiUie Z^;;?^^, on Altar lieth bound 5
-^ Prepared readie 3 for the Sacrifice 5
Who willingly awaites his mortall wound ,
Without refiftance , or hclpe calling cries ,
To mooue the tender hearted to relent ,
Or heauens to heare a dieng Innocent .
Thou art ( deere Lord ) this Lambe , who for our guiltj
Forfbok'ft the Throne , of highefl Maieftie ,
And gau'ft thy blood , for finners to be (pilt ,
Frend to thy foes , high in humilitie :
And is this creature innocent , and dumbe ,
Till Lion-like , thou ("halt to Judgment come .
Redcmptor noftcr homo nafcendo, agnus moriendo , Leo rcfiirgcndo,
c: ad ccelos afcendcndo ^ aquila fa6la eft .
T 3 . Net
A;-3gramma G :
C.'nidcni aut in-
ceiti cuiiifpiain.
Nee amkis , nee cognAtisfidendHm .
Vl-M. IKMlnaOL ucw
t<^^ .,.I L
'' I ' H E P/ir/r/V/? building in the ripened whcate ,
^ Did charge her young ,( while fheabroade did ilie.
With tender care , to fearch about for meate , )
To marke the talke ^ of tTiofe that pafTed by :
■; Ere long there came , the owner of the cornc ,
Who faid by frendes ^ next day it fliould be (hornc .
There is no daunger , quoth the old one yet ,
Be ftill a while , I once abroadc againc ,
Then heard they , he his kinfmen would intrcate ,
Without delay, to fell that feild of graine :
Some fcare there is , quoth Damme , but if he faies ,
Hec'le come himfelfe , then time to 'ypz our waies .
\j\r HO loucthhcO: jtoliucin Hyme/7sh^ndes y
^ ^ And better likes , the carefull married ftate ^
May here behold , how -Mutrimonie ftandcs ^
In woodden ftocks, repenting him too late :
The fervile yoake , his neck , and fhoulder wcares 3
And in his hand , the friiitefiill Quince he bcares <» .
The ftocks doe fhew , his want of libertie ,
Not as he woont , to wander where he lill: :
The yoke's ;in enfigne of fervilitie ;
The fruitefLiilnes , the Quince within his fift.
Of wedlock tells , which * 5 a L O jV did prefent ,
T 'Athenian Brides ^ the day to Church they went o
Sedfrigida pu/chra
Ad Lefbiam .
E S B I A 5 that doft th' Elyfian Rofe excel! ,.
Or CyfrtAn Goddejfe , for a beauteous grace 5
Forgiue me , here that I fo plaiiiiie tell ,
Oum licet iniufto ]\/[y Iqucs long ctrors , wandrine in thy face :
lubtrahc colla m- / i i i-i 1 ; /
g» ?«/«t ; » . J. Thy face that takes , like that Dctaai/tw maze ,
All eics thereon , that fliall mth wonder gaze .
Though faireft faire , thou beeft yet like the Snow ,
Or fhamefaft Rofe , thou inwardly art cold ,
Nor can the beames , that gentle Lone doth throw ,
Exhale the fwecte ,thy bofome doth enfold :
As thou art fairc , fo wert thou Lefhia kind ,
My wronges had di 'de , and none had knownc thy mind
Ovid: E«t/l:ij
Sive latet ?hoshtis ^feu tents dtior extet ,
Th mihi luce dolor ytu mihi mcie venis .
Veritas .
1 34
A BEAVTEOVS maide, in comly wife doth ftand:
-^*- Who on the Sunnes bright globe , doth call her eie;
An opened booke, fhe holdeth in her hand ,
withallthe Palme , in figne ofvi6torie ^ .[ .,^1 ■ _,;io^ \^i\h
Her Dght foote trcadeth downc the world Dclowe :.
Her name is t r v t h, of old depainted fo .
Her nakednes belcemesfimplicitic:
The Sunnc, how (he is grcateft frend to light :
Her booke, the ftrcngtii fhe holds by * hiftoric :
The Palme, her triumphcs over Tyrants fpite :
The world (he treads on, how in heaven ihe dwcis.
And here beneath all earthly thing excelis .
) nt
Hiftoria caftos
illuflriuin virn-
rum yjrtutis, tcft«
is inalorum $ce-
leris , bcncfic.i in
otnne humanum
Genus : Diodarui
Sicuius, i.Siiiff^
TtUm hopfervanda .
Inrcr Argufli
Nunuiaiaca .
Vide hiftoriam
M :A:rilii Reguli
in Cic : oERciis.
Ficfes ctiam pcr-
fidis pr*rtanda,
Card : lalianus:
vide Bohemorfi
Antiales .erFox-
ium ill fuo Mar-
tyrolog :
Nee reqnis poft
fcrte fiJe-n .
Siliut ii6: It.
— oDcimiisiHe
Milicii cu! pof.
tremutn eft pri-
mumquc tucri
Inccr Bella fidem
Idem Hi) : 14.
Ex Bar : .
F CONCORD firmc , the Romans in their coinc yA
This fymbole gaiie, their peace about to make^
That as their hands, in one their hearts fhould ioine ,
And fooner firft , they would their lines forfake ,
Then treachr'oufly, their vow and promife breakey
Though to their foe, if they the word did fpeakc .
For lo, the Lord who fecrets all doth knowe ,
With vengeance moft, doth plague the faithlcs wight :
As that fame ^^- Card' nail ^ prou'd not long agoe.
Who in the feild againft his faith would fight :
With God ami man , the truth accepted is 5
Oh ! let not heathen, vs excell in this .
Nam illis promfTus ftandum qiiis non vidct ? qux coadus quis metu , aut dcccprw
dolo piomifcrit . Cicero in offic ;
Publica Romulidcs pnfturi foedera iungimt
Concordes geminas orcque coide manus ,
Inpcns crcdc nefashoftilcs fallere dc^:tras,
Quod panas meruit vindicc fxpc Deo .
luJlitU militarts.
HEN SC AVRVS forth the Roman youth did lead>
To prone their valour on the common foe:
Within his Campe , in authors as I read ,
A peare tree laden with the fruit did grow,
V\ hich at*s departure , kept the wonted (lore.
As full remaining as it did befor-; .
A mirror for commaunders in our age ,
Who deeme it honour , and a fouldiers guife ,
To vfe on foes all * viilanous outrage :
Rapes, murders J rapines , burnings robberies :
And greateft part of valour to confift.
Like favage bruitcs, in fpoy ling what they lift .
derit Scauif-s po-
irifcram arbore
quamin pede crf-
trornm fuerat c6-
plexj merjrio
poftero die abeu»
te excrcitu intic-
tif fruSibus rc-
liSjm Fronr,
Sraia^an:ttij> 3 .
* In omne fes
Bcfaique avidi
aut va:nalLS, nctn
lacro non ^ro^ha-
no abftincntcs.
Nemo pullum ra-
pia% ovem nemo
contingat, fcgc tc
nemo dcTcrar, o-
lentn, fal, ligaum
nemo cxigat, an-
no -.2 (ua cor.tcn-
tus (it .
Foiifc. la ^ur:
"Re gum Makjlatem non immitJuendam .
T^ H E auntieiit Romans by their Temples vf d ,
■■- To paint a ferpcnt , or fuch hideous thing i
That holy places, might notbeabufd
By children, whom they told, that thefe would fting :
And madebeleue they liu'd, to that intent.
To Sacred things they fhould be reverent ..
Vile Traytor, of fomc Hyrcane Tiger bred ,
Such Serpents ftill , thy Soveraignes crowne do guard
lovi cura eft ve- '^"^ think not as the other, thefe are dead ,
aeranda principis Like child or foolc : but that they are prepar'd ,
\\Jii\i mortal flings , to be reueng'd on them ,
That fliall abufe, tha'nointed Diadem.
pmgo mc«J an
{jucs: Pfr/j
Teiitut. I ,^M'
Proditorcs etiam iisquos ante ponuntinvifi fimt
Dolis wmimeJideHdum .
np H E Cat and Foxc , while that a lone they fate
^ Confulting , Regnard thus began to boaft ,
And foberlie to tel vnto the Cat,
His fhiftes, when danger did afTaile him moft^
The Cat faid, one is proper vnto me
If worft (hoiild come 5.that is to take a tree .
Meane time of hounds , there came a yolping crew.
Who found the Foxe : PufTe trufting to her clawes 3
And feeing him torne in peeces, in her view.
Said to her felfe, after alitle paufe ;
One honeft fhift is better now I fee ,
Then all thy cunning in extremitie .
£x M(o^ fab I
Vi'gllvtrinqttf .
A BEACON {landing on the Reeky iliore ,
"^^ Vpon whofe top, a cock to fin you fee :
Gods Minifters doth fhev/jfliould evermore ,
n"^ini cT'«- ^"'"^" Sentincll ; and howcrly watchfull be ,
lb s luac^r pci- Vpon their flock , defending everv port ,
Whereto the foe, is Lkelicft to rcfort.
For many are the Itratagems of finne ,
And Sathan labors ftill with might and maine ,
Within our foules , a landing place to win :
It is your partes, with fervent prayer againe j
And faith the fpirits fWord, and all yee may ,
To kcepe his malice, from your flocks away •
Diem .£i^ ch j
Specular-re dc-
dice. £/i(/ 21.
Ex BjijV • iioftro
Gnfi'-r . Horn, 19.
in Et^ch:
Pcccatis totos ne vos fopor opprimat altu >,
Excubias perago nofte dicque pias :.
CumqucgrcgiDrmoii Martc infidietar apcrto ,
Littorc ab xquoreo rzda caYcre iubet . ■
Qjifquispopuli fpeculator ponitur, in alto dcbcc ftarc per rium, vtpoffit
pioddVepcr providcntiam .
*\ "\ 7 H I L E (infull Sodome dreades the heavenly firCj 2«w.' 3 .
'^^ ^ And Nero trembles at his fhadGWcs fight: - -
This booke, the Herald of ^th'AhnightiesIrc, *
Doth on the howfe, of every fwearer light :
To pimjfh iiiftly , fo prophane a finnc ,
With all the plagues, that arc containd therein.
A warning good for fwearers, and for thofe 5
That think (iich finnc , their adions only grace :
And him the man , that can with fearefull oathcs,
Blafpheme the Lord of heaven vnto his face: oi\i
' . But know prophane, ere many yeares be pad,
A plague will come, with winged fpeede at laft .
DuvtSodom.timmif^oshorret fibicvlJtmigncty
TergA fua et Nemefi dat i arid da, A ero :
Advolftaf7S ccelo liber htc rrqmevit m ilium 5
Nummafcri^ra qui vocat ore Da .
Periuriipana d&
vina cxi'ium ,
humana deHecul
Cictr» , I it Itgh-
In pfolem dilatt
luunt periuria
patris .
Et poenam mcri-
Co films ore luit«
Cittua'iati :
Ex Bajiike K0f
VIRGIN fairc, purtraided as you f&e y
Withhairedifpred, in comelie wife behind ; '
Within whofe handes , two golden balls there be :
But from the breft jthe nether partes are twin'd
Within a ftarrie circle , do exprefTc ,
c -n Eternitiey or EverUfiingnes .
ET ERN IT IE is young, and never old :
I» ttcno nihil The circle wantes * beginning and the end :
prztcritum eft , ^j^^ vncomiDt for cvcr lies the cold :
rhkimdatf. The heaven her lightcs ror evermore did lend ,
The Heathen thought, though heauen &: earth muft palfe.
And all in time decay that ever was .
Fuitquxdim ab infinito tempore xtcrnitas , quam nulla circumfcrlptio tera-
porum meriebacur, (patio tamen qualis ca fueut xntelligi non poteft.
Helmihi quodvidi.
T O O K E how the Limbeck genthc downc diftil's ,
•■-^ III pearlie drops , his heartes deare qiiintcfcciice :
So I J poore Eie , while coldcft fbrrow fiUs ,
My breft by flames, enforce this moifture thence
In Chriftall floods 5that thus their Hmitsbreake ,
Drowning the heart, before the tongue canfpeakc .
Great Ladic , Teares haue moou'dthc favage feircc.
And wrefted]?itcie3 from a Tyrants ire :
And drops in time 5 do hardeft Marble pcircc s
But ah I fearc me ,1 too high afpire , ' r; /.• oh •
Thenwifh thofebeames ^fo brighthad never (Tim'd V
Or that thou hadft5beenG from thy cradle blind .
InccrtJ. Expert
gaU Kegia i
Sic Attdaces fortuna ,
LYSIMACHVS adiudged once to die ,
By fentence iufl , for that he poifoned ,
C AL I S T H E N E S \{\smz\^QTL privilie ,
And lieng long in dungeon fettered
To end his daies , did in the end requeft ,
He might be throwne , vnto a favadgc beafi .
The which was llraight of ALEX AND ER graunted.
And naked he vnto a Lion caft ,
But hauing one arme clofely arm^d , vndaunted.
By th'vpper law , he holdes his foe fo fajft.
That downe his throate , that armed arme he fendes ,
And even the heart-ftringes , firom the bodic rcndcs.
Which bold attempt , when ALE XAND E R kncw^^
Thy life is thine, i:r 5 /^^CT/ri-^quoth he,
Befides I giue , ( as to thy valour due , )
My frcndlliip here , my Scepter after me :
For thus the virtuous , and the valiant fpright ,
Triumphcs o'rcFate , and Fortunes deadlicft ipite»
Et minimi vindif^am •
WE E doe adore by nature , Princes good ,
And gladly as our Parents , them obey ,
But loath the * Monftcrs, that delight in blood.
And thinke their People fent ihem for a prey ;
To whome the Lord, doth in his ludgmentrend,
A loathed life , or elfe a fearefuU end .
Once NERO'S name, the world did quake to heare.
And R O ME did tremble , at P O MITIAjVs fight:
But now the Tyrant , caufe of ail this feare ,
Is laid full low , vpon whofe toombe do light ,
To take revenge , the Bee , and fummer * Elie ,
Who not cfcap't fometime his crucltie .
Spontc pios Reges revcremur,at arte Tyranos, Vcllicar exrinAum cum turba togata njrokeM,
Arcc rcgunt jtidem , funere cc arte cadunt : Mufcula etiJludit , domitianb tibi.
PS Tyrftuno I O B loquens , fonicurn air tcrrorii fempcr eflc in auribus iilius .
— foIJicito bibunc
Auro fiipcrbi ; qaara iuvat nuda Hianu
Captafle fontem
Ad generum Cercris fine ciede ec fanguine pauci
Defccndant Ileg;s , cc iicca mo;tc Tyraniu .
X 2 . Ex
* L€0 nigicns et
Vrfus emriens >
princeps impiMS
paupercm : Vro ;
Nihil tarn firmii
eft , cui non fit
periculuin etiam
ab invaJido. Cur-
iiusUb.j .
* Otiofiis enim
Mufcas necarc
filler :hincillud:
NeMufta quide
cum Imperatore.
Bapl'tCiHoro», .
luvtua: Sd^v. m
145 Bx vtroe^ue Im?nortal/tas .
Adfijfftmum lacohum magn^e BritannU Reg
* Haiac animam
inrerea ca:fo de
corporc raptam
Fsc iiibarvtlem-
noftia ftsrumquc
Divus abcxcha
pro{pciflet lulius
«dc . Ovid: MetH'
mor : 1$ .
* Pictate, ecluf-
titia ,Piincipcs
Dij fmm.^uguf'
t/ d'SIuvi, ajiud Sc'
n:ccim in Lu ik .
T> VT thouwhoregoodnes^PietiejandZealc,
^^ Hauccauf'dthcerOjtobebeloLi'dofthine,
( VVheii envious Fates , iTiall robbe the Common wcalc^
Of fiich a '^ Father , ) fhalt for ever fhine : .
Notturn'das "^ C^/^r , to a fained ftarre ,
But plac'd a ^ Saint , in greater glory farre .
With whome mild Peace , the niofl of all defir'd;
And learned Mufe fliall end their happic daycs s -
While thou to all cternitie admir'd ,
Shalt line a freili 5 in after ages praife :
Or be the Loade-ftarre , of thy glorious North ,
Drawing all eies ^ to wonder at thy worth .
Tc tua fed Pictas omni memorabilis xvo ,
Sidus ad 2temi Cjefaris vfque fcret ;
luftitia occuHibet tecum , quia Mufa , Fidcfquc
In patriam , raris pax ct habenda locis ,
Jcpn Peceati ,
A Y O V N G mail: blind , naked here is feene ,
'**' Ore Mountaine fteepe , and Thornie Rock to paffe 5
Whofe heart a Serpent gnawes with fiirie teene y
Another's wound about his waft , alas ,
Since ADA M'S fall, fuch our eftate hath bin ^
Thcliuely pidurc of our guilt and finne .
His age denotes youthes follies and amifte,
HisblindnesflieweSjOurwantof wifedomesfight;
Sinnes deadly waies ,thofe dang'rousftepps of his ,
His nakednes , of grace depriued quite :
Hell's powerthe Serpent ^which his loines doth girt,
A * Confcienccbadjthe other eates his heart .
fcro pceax raei^$
con{cia^ , dedicates to you .
Adhuc me A mejps in herba . 1 50
Ad D . M . L . nobikm quandam Icalam Mcdiolanenfcm quinquage-
nariam , qux puero vix 1 5 . annos nato non itapridcm nupfit,
locofiim . Pafquini .
A D M I R E D Ladie , I haue miifed oft ,
-^*" In filent night, when you hauebeene in bed, .
With your young husband , wherevpon you thought ,
Or what conceiptpofTeft your carcfull head ,
Since hewe know 5 as yet had never fcene.
His tendreft yeares , amounted to fifteene :
No queftionbut you grieued inward much ,
As doth the Mifer , in a backward yeare :
When others reape , to fee your harveil fuch ,
And all your hopes , but in their blade appeare :
Ladie , let henceforth nought diieafe your reft ,
For after-crops doe fometime prooue the befl .
Somniorum Dea .
^Jon augBrablmi-
ni, noil oblcrva-
biris fomnia.
Livstic'. 1^.
SaJ/lic : Dor^ ,
\j\r HAT lonely GoddefTe do mine eies behold ?
-^y That powers fuch plentie with her bounteous hand :
Her name is B RTSrs. , whome the Greekes of old ,
As Queene of dreames ador'd v/ithin their land :
Whome if they feru'd, devoutly as they fhould ,
They made no doubts of hauing what they would •
And well may BRYSrS,h€^ Goddefle thought ,
So many who with fancies vaine deceiues :
Whome when fhe to fooles Paradice*hath brought.
For golden Apples ^ fcarcc fhe giucs them leaucs :
To vifions vaine , and dreames then take no heede ,
Which had in Chrift , their ending as you reade .
Sonmia fallaci ludunt tcmciaria node ,
Et pavidas nicntcs falla timeic lubct .
CcrnoDcx cflfigicm , cuius fed diciro ? p u y s v s ,
QMam numcn credunt fomnia vana fuum :
Funciit opes varias . ftukos fpe laftat inani ,
Quos buUis dicat craflina lufa dies .
^r^ H E Fiper when he doth engender , loc ,
^ Thus downe the females throate , doth put his head ,
Which of {he bites 5 as learned Authours fhow.
And ne're conceiues , before the male be dead :
Eke when fhe forth , her poifbnous broode doth fend ,
Her young ones likewife, bring her to her end .
Of Beaftly lufl , th* effedes herein perceiue ,
How deadly , and how dangerous they be.
Of life and foule, that doe at once bercaue ,
Turning abundance into beggery :
Daughter of Sloth , vile cancker of the mind ,
Leauing repentance , and foule fhame behind .
SeEvus criminum ftimulus libido eft , qux nunquam manere
quietum patitur aflfedlum , nodle fcrvet _, die anhelat .
cbcg I
et Ctt»,
Sors •
Ex Epigrammate A W O F V L L WTCtch , that hn guifht in difpaire ,
grsco vcmfto : iV VVithoutcn frcndcs 3 and mcanes of living here ,
A halter tookcjto make an end of care ,
The while beneath hid treafiire doth appcare :
Which to his lot aflTign'd , by fortunes doome ,
He takes , and leaues his halter in the roome .
The owner after milTing of his pelfe 5
For deadly greife , his hcapes and hopes were gon ,
The others halter takes 3 andhangeshimfclfe;
Fmunavitrea Fottunc thus dalHcs evct 3 and anon
ft^siurSt» ^ 're-fwaieng all , with Scepter in her fift ,
And bandieth vs , like balls which way fhc lift .
Jtjani imfetii .
nn H E Crocodile along th* ^giptian NILE^
-*- That liirkes to make the pafTenger his pray ,
The moft of all delightcs , to robbe and fpoilc
The Hunny-hiues 5 were he not kept away
By Saffron planted , round on every fide ,
Which this (lie theife ^ could never yet abide .
This Crocodile , I count the Ghoftly foe ,
Who evermore lies watching , to dcvourc ^
Our Hopes encreafe , that in the foule doth grow ,
Did not the grace divine , this Saffron flower
( Moft wholefome herbe ) prevent his deadly fpight
And guard the Garden , fafely day and night .
Vnde Crocodili
Bomen habec ■
i.quod Crocmn
maxime timcat»
Nam Apiarij in
/E^pto ( tcfte
PJinio,) circnm
alvearia Crocuna
conferunt ne a
prxdone iAo di«
Secundtu deter tor a dies .
* Caninnm Icgis
ftu'Jjuni dixit .
CoLumelU ItO. i .
vis moiboruni
cacis feit . Tacims
\\T HEN as fiBERirS C^SAR paft along
^ ^ Theftreetesof ^^«;^,bychauncehedidclpie
A Lazar poore , who there amid the throng ,
Did full of fores , and loathfome vlccrs lie ,
About the which , fo bufie was the flie :
That moou'd with pittie^ C v/£S AR willed fbme 5
Stand by to kill them^ as they faw them come .
Whereat the wretch , did fiiddainely replie ,
Thefc flies arc full , pray let them yet alone ,
For being kill 'd , a freflier companie ,
More hunger pincht , would bite m^:; to the bone :
So when the wealthy Judge , is dead and gone :
Some ftarued one fucceedes, who ^ bitcthmorCj
A thoufand times , then did the full before .
Sikntij digmtas .
T OE 1? O -LOiV here th' Athenian fage doth fland 3
^ The giorie cioXXGREC I A to this day ,
With courage bold who taketh knife in hand ,
And with the fame , doth cut his tongue away :
But being ask'd of fome , the reafon why ^
By writing thus he anfwer'd by and by .
Oft haue I heard , that many haue fuftained ,
Much lolfe by talke , and lavifhncs of tongue 5
Of filcnce never any yet complained ,
Or could fay iuftly , it had done him wrong :
Who knowes to fpeake , and when to hold his peace \
Findes fewefl daungers , and Hues bcft at cafe .
Angciona Dea
proles filcntij a»
pud Romanes,
obfignato ore a-
tiquicus cfHAa eft
Res omnium dif-
ficillima filcrc et.
audire : GMui
Quingennium ff-
Icntium in Pyrha-
gorx (chola quS
t^lMjBta» vo-
cabanr, tcficLa-
crtio indiccbatnr.
LMtrtiittlib i »».»
Kmi tnergh
'T"' H E husbandman , laid fometime to his vine, ^
"*- To makeitbeare jthc donge of fiindry beaflcs ,
Whofe virtue fince 5hath quite polTeft the wine.
As may appeare ,31 many drunken fcaftcs :
One * Lion-Hke , doth quarrell with his hoft ,
Stares , fweares ^breakes windowes , or behacks the pofi: •
Ape-Hke you fee , the fecOiid merry ftill ,
-.gcminau libi- Or whot with Uift 5 he never thinkes of flecpe ;
dmcfurgic«i^^f«. Another * fwinifh,feelcshisfl:omachill:
* - -Affigit humo 'j-j^g fourth is fofc , awd fimple as the flieepc ;
^yax.H»rax'.ub'. AKomanc lage , did lomeame thus cxprellc ,
In briefe th' cffedcs , of loathfome Drunkencs ,
• Vinadabanta
nimos — Ovii:
S(rm; i.Sittj/r',
Nee igne , nee vnda .
A M I D the wanes , a mightie Rock doth ftand ,
-^*" Whofe ruggic brow , had bidden many a fhower ,
And bitter ftorme ; which neither fea,nor land ,
Nor 10 FE S rharpe-Hghtening ever could devourc :
Thisrameis^^A^Z,/£ CONSTANCIEo^mmd,
Not eafly moou'd , with every blaft of wind .
Neere which you fee , a goodly (hip to drowne ,
Herewith bright flaming ina pitteous fire ;
This is O P IN ION, tofTed vp and downe ,
Whofe Pilot's PRIDE,&c Steerefman VAINE DESIRE,
Thofe flames HOT P AS SIGNS ySc thcWORLD the fca,,
God bleffe the man , that's carried thus aWay .
vide Lipfium de.
Conftantia .
TracocU mn Mutftma ,
\j\r HILE gentle Zeph/re, warmes the tender ipring ,'
^ ^ And Flora glads all creatures at her fight :
The Almof7d-tr/;es , ere any leaues they bring ,
Vnfold their pride , their blollbmes red and white :
But withered foone , vnto th e ground they fall ,
Or yeild their friiite , the leaft and laft of all .
So many children in their tender ycares ,
Doe promife much by towardhnes of wit ,
From fuch , yet feldome any fruite appeares t
When as fome plodder , that below doth fit ,
Of whonie both frendes , and maiffcer did difpaire ,
As hindmoft hound doth fooneft catch the Hare .
Ira. TrMpum : Quccunj^ ferar .
"D Y rafh attempt, who iniiires mightie men ,
"*-' Or by bafe deedc , incurres the Princes Ire ,
Doth often wifh 5 it were to doe agen 5
And that his hand , perhaps were in the fire ,
That fought againft him, or with Libell bafe ,
Sedition fow'd , or {launder in difgrace .
For as this Engine , where the fame doth hght ,
Like lOTE'S rwift-thunder,mercilesitftrikes3
And by the roote , rends vp rebellion quite :
The wifer man , \A'ill then aware the pikes ,
And frame himielfe , to line without oflfence ,
Firft * God to ferue , and afcerwardes his Prince .
Prlncipes nonir-
ritides . Trtvtrb j
» Let the firft
care, be of God,
& divine thingef .
^nfi.poUuc-.j ,
Zz .
Vttmus durahit .
geminz f rangcti-
tiu-ecauram ,
Carmina qucm
perennis crir :
Oviii ^mor: £-
leg : lo.
" Exitio terras
cum dabit vna
dies. Ovid :
OvdiLlc^ '.vltini'.
HE Monuments that mi ghtie Monarches reare,
COLOSSO'S ftatiies , and Pyramids high ,
In trad o{ time , doe moulder downe and weare ,
Ne leauc they any Uttle memorie ,
The PalTenger may warned be to fay ,
They had their being here , another day ,
But wile wordes taught , in numbers fweete to runne ,
Preferued by the liuing Mufc for aie ,
Shall ftill abide ,\v hen date of thefe is done ,
Nor ever fhall by Time be worne away :
Time , Tyrants , Envie , World affay thy worft ,
Ere HOMER die , thou fhalt be " fired firft.
Ergo cum filices , cum dens patiatur aratri
Depereant xvo , carmina morte carcnt .
,Cedant canninibus Rcges , Regumquc Triumphi ^
Cedat et auriferi ripa beata Tagi .
Pro Regno , et ReUgione .
1^2 Hetinci 4 . An'
qlia: Regij, Sym-
' I ^ HE Monarches good, that doe deferiie the name
-*' Of '' Countrie Parents , by their Joii,t aiid care - }.
Of common-wealth , and to defend the fame , . , ,» ^ . ty
From pubhcque harmes, by wife forefight, prcp4f <^,i,-^, . fr -V ,
* By lolling heartes ^ are guarded furcr farrc , • ",'/;.
Then fome vnweldie S wi'Z Z E , oj: JJN IZ 4R^
HfiV^r this once, thy Royall Imprefeftoodj
To fhcw 3 thy foe fhoiild find thee readie preft ,
For Church , and Country , to difpend thy bloud^
When daunger , or occafion did requeft ,
And further 3 though the Trumpet fternc did ccafc 5
Thus evermore , to goeprepar'din FEACE .
^ Patrcs Pauia
* Nob fie exeu-
bia> , nee circmi-
ftantja ccla,qnain
tutatur atner .
€i4Htlittn: tihtnty,
Nfftf NnhiU UHgantl
TH E godly mind, that hath fo oft aflfaid ,
The perils that our frailtie here amate ,
Through heauenly wifedome , is no more afraid
Of Fortunes frowne ,and bitter blaftes of Fate :
For though in vale of woes , her dwellin g be ,
Her nobler part' s aboue vntouch't and free .
For mortall thinges doe find their change below ,
And nought can here defend vs from the fhower ,
Now grcateft windes doe threate our overthrow ^
Our golden morne anon begins to lowre :
And while^ pUr hopes , are yet but in their fap ,
Their buds are blafted by the Thunderclap .
Ordo *
np H E Common-wealth , whofe Bafe is firmely laid
-*- On evenefl ground , of luftice and the right ,
By time or chaunge , in vaine we fee aflaidc ,
But where affedion overfl\^aies with might:
Confufion there , all vnto havock bringes ,
And vndermines , the thrones of mightieft Kingcs •
Our Englifh 5 T£ P H £ iV , did take vnto him this
Faire falling Plume jrefembling bed of all ,
The new eftablfti't goverment of his ,
Whereas each feather keepes his ranck and fall :
So fhouid that ftate ^ ( let Fortune doe her worft ^)
As fairc ^ and firme , as ever at the firft .
The Imprefcof
King Scephcn •
His graviora .
* O paflS graviora
Dcusdabit his
quoqiie fincm .
nn H E valiant mind y whome nothing can difinay , .
•■- ThelolTeoffrendes, of goods 5 or long exile
From natiue countrie , perils on the Sea ,
Night-watchings , hunger , third , and howcrly toile.
Takes courage , and the fame abideth faft ,
With refblution , even vnto the laft .
Ex anitnis cecidit vel quod "^ Cyiiareius Heros ,
Aut his quod non fit lufibus aptus amor , '
To my Father , M r , Henry Peacham * of Levee ton in ,
Holland, in the Countie of Line ;
\j\7' ITH Breaftenflam'djandlongingheartcsdcfirc,
^ ^ Thus winged Zeale , to heauen-ward cafles her cic •
And loathing what the world doth moft admire 3
Vpborne by Faith , afcendes aboue the skic :
Whereby Oh God , thy mifteries wc learne.
And all beyond 3 our reafons fight difcernc .
And as the Ban embof't , doth long to taft
The pearly-trickUng ftreame , or Chriftall fount ^
Even fo the foule , by Sinne purfu'de and chaf'd ,
Thee , thee , ( oh Lord } defires , who doft furmount
All treafures , plcafurcs , which we here pofTefle ^
The fumme and fubftance , of our happines .
Nullum omnipoteRtiDeo tale eft lacrincium_, quale eft zelus aninianim, *»»» Ei^thiei:
Animi acrimonia cum ad Pietatem accefferit, zelum parit, zelus ifa7jan\en : orax
autem fidei prafidiumeft, aj.
A n c» . SAn[iitas
Ssn^itas ftmuUta. \
Tberc is more
pride , vndcr one
of their black
Bonnets , the vn-
dcr Alexanders
Diademe . King
laines in his Bih-
licon Doron :
Earlc Gouric
one of the grca-
tell Puritanej of
his time in Scot-
Ian d, in his tra-
vailes thorough
Frauncc and It:-
lic , vied with his
Diamond , ( for
themofipart) to
draw in his Cha-
ber windowe, a
man in armour,
with a Sword in
his right hand ,
pointing towards
a Crowne>adding
this or the like
word , Tefolunif
which yet reaines
in many places to
be feene , what
he meant hereby
it might cafily
haucbm gheflcd.
onis mater. ^«-
VPON aCrowne withpretiouslcmmesbefet.
Say what's the reafon thus a hat we fee ,
SinceDiadcm's of Princes ever yet ,
From bafe controule , haue bcene exempt and free :
There is a fe^t , whome PVRITANS they call ,
Whofe pride this Figure fitteth beft of all .
Not fuch I meane , as are of Faith fincere ,
And to doe good endevour all they can ,
Would all the world of their religion were ^
We taxe th* afpii'ing fadious Puritan :
Whofc * Paritie, doth worftconfufion brings
And Pride prefumes to overlooke his King .
D e\MorU , et Cttptdine ".
T^ EATH meeting once 5 with CTP ID inanlnne, .
-■^ Where roome was fcant , togeither both they lay .
Both wearic , ( for they roving both had beene ^ )
Now on the morrow when they lliould away ,
cyp ID Death's quiver at his back had throwne ,
And DEATH tooke CTPIDS^ thinking it his owne •
By this o're-fight , it fhortly came to paffe ,
That young men died ^ who rcadie were to wed:
And age did revell with his bonny-lafle ,
Compofing girlonds for his hoarie head :
Invert not Nature , oh ye Powers twaine ,
GiucCFPID'S dartesj and D-E^TH take thine againc.
Hoc Idem habet
Whitnius ia i)
Embl- quod bona
ab Auchore etiam
mutuatus' ivm ,
HcFculis ad poft^
fixii hut akdtnu
agr». Hvtt:
" Latet Ahditus agro .
np HE valiant mind that once had moft delight,
•*- By Tea and land to make his prowefTe knowne ,
And in defence of King , and countries right.
So much his valour , and his vertue fhowne ,
Some wifhed port , doth at the laft defirc ,
And home whereto in age he may retire ,
For infinite's the fummc of world aifaires ,
K V, ,.., . . ,. * Nor new , nor ftraunge , that doe afflid the mind ,
* Nihil novii fub a , -, y r 1 iri 1 •
Sole, saiomonm And 1 ficw Detore the day our iilver haires ,
« M'- Yea even before we can experience find :
That fraileft man , by courfe of nature die» , .
* Even at his firft beginning to be wife .
rMp«7x« '**/«'
if^Q- . Solon .
she Cerere et JBaccho •
C AY C^/y^^r^f^^maidaWhywiththyfonnc,
^ Both handes and feetc thon warmeft at the fire ?
Who wont your fellies , t'enkindle many a one ,
> Vith gentle flames, of kindlv loues defire :
I ghefTe caiife B ACC H rs is not prefcnt hccrc ,
With mirthfiill wine, nor CERES with her chccrc •
Where Temp'rancc and Sobrietie do raignc.
There luftfull vice , and pleafure frozen are :
And vertiie bcft, there liketh to remaine ;
V\ hen oftentimes th* effedes of daintie fare ,
And drunken healthes, are quarrcllcs and debate,
Blafpheming 3 whoredome, oathcs and deadlic hate»
17 J Ldboris ejfe^a.
To the no Icffc vcrtuous then f aire , M rs , Aniic Dudlcie •
Anna Diidlcia .
DIANA chaft, doth eagerly purfiie
With fwiftcft houndes , the aiery-footed Stagge :
And while they keepe , the merry chafe m view ,
The woodcs with Eccho's thundring , Lone doth iagge
Behind the thickets , and with arrow keene ^
Doth lie in waite , to wound this maiden Quccnc .
But all in vaine he doth his fhaftes bcftow ^
For Labout did this Goddeffc faire defend ,
And fau'd her harmelelfe from his deadly bow ,
And poif'nous dartes : fo if thou doft intend ,
To overcome the force of Cufids might ,
Hie IdlenefTe, and then he leaues thee flreight.
Gratis fervire lihertas*
np HE gentle Merlion, wearied long with flight,
-*- While on the ipray in fhadie groue (he fleepes,
With tender foote , a Larke fhe holdeth light ,
Which till the morning carefully fhckecpes ,
Then lets it goe , and leaft fhe fhoiild that day
Pricie on the fame , (he flies another way .
Such thanckfuUncs in bird and beaft we find j
By Natures firfl; inflindt obferued ftill ,
When worfer, man in benefits is blind ,
Nay ofi:entimes , for good will render ill :
And rather fecke ingratefiiUy his blood ,
That fau^d his life , or daily gaue him foode .
Fallitur egrcgio quifquis fub principe credit
Scrvitium , nunquam libertas gratior extat ,
Quam fub Rcge pio — -
AatgKWima No- 17^
fOmfuffer h^e , Mufs .
Heiiricus Pcachamus ,
"O ID now my Mufe, thy lighter taskc adieu J
-*-' As fhaken bloffome of a better fruitc ,
And with ^/J /^A^//^ thy Creator view.
To (ing of him , or evermore be mute :
Let muddy Lake , delight the fenfuall thought.
Loath thou the earth , and lift thy felfe aloft .
Repent not (though ) thy time fo idlely fpent ,
The cunning'ft Artifl ere he can , (we fee)
Some rareft ModcU bring to his Intent ,
Much heweth off in Superfluirie :
A id many a prctious howcr, I know is lofl ,
Ere ought is wrought to countervail the coft .
Movhekvlpmnfenfum ,
C O quickc of fcnfc as hath experience taught ^
*^ The Tortoije lines within her armed fhell ,
That if wee lay the lightcft ftraw aloft ,
Or touch that Caftle wherein fhe doth dwell ,
Shee fecles the fame and quickly doth retire,
A worke of Nature wc do moft adniirc ,
So many men arc in thcire Nature prone ,
To make the worft of matters vaine and light >
And for a ftraw will take occafion ,
In choller moou*d to quarrell and to fight ,
Thea meddle thou the Icaft for feare of wrong ,
But moft of all beware a lavifti tongue .
Negatur vfrum£
WHAT fhall wc do e ? now tell me gentle Mufe ,
For we wclnigh haiie finifhcdoiir taskc.
Thy tender hand could never Mattock vfe ,
Full well I w ot 5 nor canft thou humblie aske
At greatnes gate , or for reverfions Cik ,
As beggars 5 and the bafely minded doe ,
Defire of God but this , when thou art old ,
To haue a home , and fomewhat of thine ownc ,
To keepe thy felfe from hunger and the cold ,
And where thou maieft in quiet fing alone :
* Aiterius non fie for th lakc it hcU , * to Huc as bird in cage ,
?eft: frcaucn7pa' At othcrs curt'fic, in thy latter a ge ,
ucelio allium.
Bcne paupcrtas humili tc6lo contc6la latet ,
Quatiunt o.hx fa'pc proccllar ,
Aut cvertit fortuna Domos .
SorUyaut Lahore .
T F neither art 3 by birth 3 nor fortune blbft 5
•*■ With meancs to line 5 or anfwcre thy defire ,
With cheerefuU heart, on labour fet thy reft ,
To bring to palTe the thing thou doft require ,
For lot, or labour, muft our calling giue ,
And find the word , that all doe feeke ^TO L IVE .
Though thoufands haue beene raifed by their frendcs ,
By death , by dowries , even when leaft they thought y
The Lord a blefling , ftill to labour fendes ,
When lightly come , doth lightly goe as oft :
And goodes ill got , by vfe , and wicked gaincy
Doe feldome to the fecond heirc remainc .
AmicitU effigies ,
■nn HERE was in Rom c a coodlic ftatiie fram'd
-*- Of youthfull hew , arraicd all in grecne , .
Which of the people vfOisT RVB-F REND S HJF nam'd:
fVfnterandSommer^owhishio^^trz feene:
Within his breaft , his heart did plaine appeare.
Whereon thefe wordes were written, f a rr b, and n ee r e,
Vpon his skirt, ftoode LrFE and DEAT Hhdo^\
To teftifie in life and death his loue ,
That farre and nccre, with open heart d« lliow ,
lictu quV^mi- Nor place , nor fpace, true frendfhip fhould remoue :
eorum foElicicate
fcqainir: Huron:
fuptr MUh: Pr»-
* Winter and fommer , whatfoever came ,
In faire or foiile , wc fhould be ftill the fame ,
ObCecro te ne tumicum qui dm quarimr, vixinveftitti'r, dijficUe fervatuy,
Hieran : W Eplfl; ■' i-
€i fu^num. panter cum eenlu, mente amtttas .
NulUfenetrMis •
A SHAD IE VVoodjpourtrai^lcdtothcfight,
•*^ With vncouth pathes , and hidden waics vnknownc
Refcmbling C H // O .S , or the hideous night.
Or thofe lad Groues , by banke oi ACHERON
With banefull Evoe , and Ebon overgrowne :
Whofe thickeft boughes , and inmoft entries arc
Notpeirceable , to power of any ftarre .
Thy Imprcfe SIL VIVS , late I did dcvifc.
To warnc the what (if not ) thou oughtft to be.
Thus inward clofe, vnfearch'd with outward eies ,
With thoufand angles , light fhould never fee ;
For fooles that moft are open-hearted free ,
Vnto the world , their weakenes doe bewray ,
And to the net , the firft themfelues betray .
Wnum, etfemcL
A GARDEN thinkc this fpatious world to be,
•*^ Where thou by God the owners leauc doft waikc
And art allow'd in all varietic ,
One only flower to crop from tender ftalke ,
( As thou thinkfl: good) for bcautic or the fmell ,
Or fome one elfe , whofe beautie dothexell ,
This only flower, is fomconc calHng fit.
And honed courfe wherein to leade'^thy life y
Thy felfe applieng carefully to it ,
Or clfe the heedic chooiing of thy wife :
Wherein thou wifely doft thy felfe prcferrc ^
Or to thy ruine ever after, crre .
JnR4//?, leachcthlowlines.of mind ,
The Camomilly we fhould be patient ftill, • " ' t- ' -^
The Rue , our hate of vices poifon ill , ' ^^^ ^ "' ^ ;
The Woodbine , that we fhould our frendChip hold I
Our Hope , the Sa.v*rie , in the bitterft cold ,
Yetloue the Citie , as the kindly Nurfc
Of all good Artes , and faire Civillitie ; '
Where though with good , be intcrmix't the worfe ^
That moft diftiurbe our fweete Tranquillitie :
Content thy felfe , till thine Abillitie ,
And better hap , (liall anfwere thy defirc,
* But Mufe bev/are , leaft we too high afpirc .
Omnis 41 De» Sapemi/t ,
THE Poets faigtie, 10 FE tohaue bcene with child.
But very ftraunge, concciu'd within his head.
And knowing not, liis burthen how to yecid ,
Lo! AiVLCIBER dothbring the God abed.
By cutting with an Axe _, his skull in two ,
When ifliiedi ? ALL AS forth , with much adoc ,
By TALLAS/xszVi heavenly wifdome ment ,
Which not from Nature , and our fclues proceedes.
But is from God , immediately Tent ,
(For in our felues , how httlc goodncs breedes)
That threefold power of the Soule againc
Refembling God, refideth in our braine ,
Some wits of men , fo dull and barren arc ,
That w ithout heipe of Art , no fruitc they bring ,
Whofe Midwife muft be toile , and endleffe care ,
And Conftancie , effecting every thing :
And thofe who wanting Eloquence , arc mute ,
Some other way like J OFE, muftyecld their fruitc.
Divmd miferkordi/.
ivfaea the Oakc'j
«^wnccTcrv enc
gathers (\ickes .
Sthvl: Theociit:
Minimum debet
liberc , cai nimi-
um libct. Seneca
in T road:
* I^nofccndo
auxit mannitiidi-
nus .Sxlufli
* Sevcritas amit-
tit adiduitate au>
choritatem . Sckc-
r* I At Clem'.nVK .
S'tecrifi Ociavto,
nr^ HE grecdieEagleherCjVponthctrec,
^ PRO ME T HE rs heart with tcenc doth prsey vpon ,
But this example doth admoniili thee
On wretches poore to haiie compallloii :
To pitie thofe , on whome doth fortune frowne ,
And Tyrant-like , not more to crufh them downc.
This plcafeth God , this Pietie commaundes.
Nature, and Reaibn, ^ bidsvs doe the like.
Yea though our foes , doe fall into our handes ,
Wee (liould * hauc mcrcie , not in malice flrike :
Who helpes the fick, and pities the oppreflfed.
He liues to God , and doubtleiTe dieth biefTed .
' Pulclirum eft emincrc inter illuftres viros ,
Confulcre patria: , parccre affiiftis ,
Fcia c^sdc abftulcrc , tcmpus atquc ira: dare ;
Orbi quictem , S^culo paccm fuo ,
Hxc fumma virtus , pctitur hac Coelum via ,
Homo Mkrocofmm .
HE A R E what's the reafon why a man we call
A little world ? and what the wifcr ment
By this new name? two lights Coeleftiall
Are in his head , as in the Element :
Eke as the wearied Sunne at night is Ipent,
So feemeth but the life of man a day ,
At morne hce's borne , at night he flits away ,
Of heatc and cold as is the Aire compofed ,
So likewife man wc fee breath's whot and cold ,
His bodie's earthy : in his lunges inclofed ,
Remaines the Aire ; his braine doth moifture hold ,
His heart and liver , doe the hcate infold :
Of Earth, Fire, Water, Man thus framed is.
Of Elements the threefold Qualities .
And zswcBily TNF A NCIE compare
Vmoihe SPRING Jo TO FT II we liken may
Tolazie SVM MER , whot devoid of care:
His middle Age to A FTP^ MNE , his decay
To fVlNTE R , fnowie white , and frofHc gray ,
For then his vigor failes , his hcatejs cold 3
And like the rapIefTc Oake he dictli old .
BEST 5 ACCHFS Ivie thy faire brow befits.
Thy winges withal! jthat proud Gorgonean horfe
Bccaufe thou addeft vigor to our wits ,
Heate to our blood 5 vnto our bodie force :
Mirth to our licartes , vnto the dullard fpright
A quick Invention, to the Sence delight .
f^num dam .
'^ H E Husband good y that by experience knowes ,
^ With cunning skill , to prune , and \\'hen to plant ,
Muft lop the Tree where ranck abundance growes ,
Afwell as helpe the barren in her want :
Elfe happilie 5 when Summer feafon'spaft, .
With leaues he may goe fatisfic his taft . '^ ^^^"^
Even fo the wit , that ranckly doth abound ,
With many fancies but it felfc dcceiucs :
And while it feemes in fiindry Artes profaimd ,
In no one goodit's fruitfull , but in leaues :
Then fomc one calling choofe , whence good may growc ,
And let the reft, as * needelefTe branches goe .
* VcUemlnAdaJ
Iclcente quod a»
pucem. Cieero i d«
Orsfvre ,
StnL^i^f: A PILLAR high, ereded was of done,
mi quod licet -^^ In former times , which TEKMINV £ they nam'd
Crambea Poetis * , n . i ^ i r
nofiris roties re- Aiid was elleem d 5 a God oi every one ;
poEo memo- Thc vpper part , was Hke a woman framed ,
riar dedico confe- Q<1 comelv fcature downe vnto the breft ,
CfOQUC • J -^ •
Of Marble hard a Pillar was the reft .
Which when lOVE paffedby jWithftemeafpcd,;
He bad this God reraoouc , and get him gone ^
^wx.T'ERMlNrs asftoutlydidnegled
His heftc , and anfwer'd , I giue place to none : ^. - -
Virro. I am the bound of thinges , which God aboucafol «-;: ■
Hath fixt . and none is able to remooue .
FoytUK/t m/tior.
Tjr EERE Povertie 5 doth conquered Fortune bind,
■*■•*- And vnder keepes 5 like H£i2C rZ£ 5 in aw.
The meaning is, the wife and valiant mind.
In Povertie eftcemes not Fate a ftraw :
* And though a while this angry GoddefTe frownc ,
She vtterlic fhall never caft him downe .
If Wifdome haue but w^hat the corpcs doth crauc »
Convenient foodcand raiment for the back :
And libertic to liue , not like a flauc
Here in this world , (he little elfe doth lack :
But can contented in her cottage fing.
In gtcater fafetic , then the greateft King .
izpiur tentanila .
Nee m vmfede morantur.
^T^ HE awfiiU Scepter though it can compel!
-*■ By powerfull might , great'ft Monarches to obay
Loue, where he lifteth , liketh heft to dwell ,
And take abroade his fortune as he may :
Ne might , or gold , canwinne him thence away ,
Whereto he is through ftrong alfedionled ^
Be it a Pallace , or the iimplclt fheddc .
But VBNVS Infant , dred of all beneath ,
Imperious fcarc from my fwcete Saint remooue,
And with thy foft Ambrofial kiffes , breath ■ ■
Into her bofome meeke 3 and mildeft Loue
With melting Pitie , from thy Quecne aboue :
That flie may reade , and oft remember this ,
And learne to loue ^ who mod beloued is .
Sufer terram fengfmans .
XT OR houfe 5.nor home , hath wretched man on earth ,
"*- ^ Ne ought he claim eth iuftly as his owne :
But as a "^ Pilgrim wandring from his birth
In Countries flraunge , and Deferts wild vnknowne ,
Like * i^ £CHy^ 5 /r£, or thofe Tartarian* HOi^D£
Whofe vafteft Region but a Tent affordes .
Be time hence learne we wifely to fupplie
Our inward wantcs , ere hence we flit away :
And hide in Heauen , that treafure carefully ,
Which neither Moth , nor Canker fliall dccaie :
In * following ftate, eke not to fpend our flock ^.^
Where oft for merit , we but gaine a mock .
* i P«: dp; Sit
* Ifcmiiejf. 7,
Sj * Compaaics of
Tattars,and fuS-
iefts of the great
CHAM, luiing
in Tentcs in the
wiJdcrnes , with-
out Civilitie ■%•
«viucs , chiltlrcn »
and cattle , neves
akbiding in one
place , but ran-
ging and robbing
vp and downe
♦vhere they Hit .
* Scquor nil con-
fcquor. diftum
SMfientiam , Avarhkyet Ddtu , dscifiunt
A H pitie P ALLAS y who hath thee enwrapt >
•^*' And in a fiiare , thus brought thee to diflreffe :
The wifcft now I fee may be entrapt ,
And Vertue floope to Fortunes ficklencflc:
Nor SchoUer-fhip , or wit ^at all times can
From fad difafter , keepc a mortall man .
The louc of Money , and Diffiimulation ,
Hold thee MIN ERTA tangled in their fnarc:
For now the world , is growne to fuch a falhion ,
That thofe the wifeft , that the richeft arc ,
And fuch by whome the fimpler fliould be taught ,
Are in the net , like PALLAS fooneft caught .
ferfomm mn Animnm \
nn HE Hypocrite,thatdoth pretend in fhoWj
A feigned Zealc of Sanftitie within 5
Efchew betime, nor hauc with fuch to doe ,
Whofe hoodes are but the harbour of their Sinnc,
And humbleft habits , but a falfe difguife.
To clokc their hate , or hidden villanies .
No HIRC AN Ty^cv ,E Rr M A NT ffl AN Bc^tCf,
So arm'd with maUce , thirftie after blood ,
To high eftatc afpiring 5 as they arc 5
The wcril of men , nay man it is too good .
Where LFC/F ERdid openly rcbell
To God 5 thefe Traitors even within the Cell .
Honor es ifii aliuftdg .
H E cheifeft good , ( ah would fo good It were )
That moft imagine Honours bring with them g.
Wc pick from others praifes here and there ,
So parch herewith an Indian Diadem
Of Parrats feathers, vocall favours light, , .
And Plumes indccde , whereto we haue no right .
He is not honourd that Difccnts can Hiow ,
Nor he that caacommaunda numerous trainc ,
Nor he to whome die vulgar lout fo low ,
Nor he thatfoliowcs Fafhion light and vaine ,
Saluting windowcs , and around doth whcele ,
Like rRSA MAIOR, Ihrrcs from head to hecle
We honour him , whofc Ailions not deface y
The Glories which his Anceftors haue wonne ^
By Cowardife , or vicious liuing bafe ,
Nc wrong for PafTion , or Affeiirt hath done :
In whome at once , Artes , Bountie , Valour , dwell ,
Contending each which other fhould excell .
Non alft, enecAt,
H E Laurel s^vctnz , that long in fafetie ftood
By PEN E rs ilrcamc , the Mufes chaft delight^'' ' '^
Oft vvatcr'd by the NAIAD' S of the flood ,
And oftrcviiiedby her '^ Loner bright.
The Wane affaileth with her fvveliing might ^
And ovcrthrowes in time, (but who doth know
Their miferie , that neere to Greatncs grow . ) ' ^
This facred Bay , is Learning and the Artes ,
In formertimes that fiourifhed atwill, ?, .
Now wafh'd and worne by fome , e veii to tlic jj^artcs , > , r ,. • , r-
Who fhoiild haue jfuccour'd and vpheld thciii ftill',. .^l \ ^- ^
Who eate th e Corne , but throw the Chaffe tp Skill ;
And what the Church had once to holy vfes 5
Serucs them to pride , and all prophane abufes •
whomc the Poet»
/eigne to ha uc
'loued 'he Bay»
vmler tnc name
£e 2.
Minimus in Cummo ,
T F that; thy Fortimeshavie their heigthattai^'4^^^^ yg -^
-■- And bid thee not on greatness /^»S£ to fcarc^ '. :';
Let not with that preferment thou haft gain*d 5
Vnwonted Pride , or Infolence appearc : ,
But how much higher thou art plac'd in fight ynrfo br. A
So much the lefle affed thy ftate and might .
For Honors 3 know 3 but lend Ambition winge 5
And Uke falfe mirrours , make vs feemc too greate y ,
Vpborneby vulgar breith 3 (the vaineftthingV) i ,, , /■
Till all be mcltecl by the Soveraigne Heate^| ..^^ hi'iodi odV-/
That left abahdoh'd, in a traftlelTe aire , '.^^ - •' -•
We drowrle within an Ocean of difpairc . . >
Nil virihm imp^r .