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Poppelbaum for suggesting the topic. He is also indebted to Mr. Fred Ore of the Antenna Laboratory. He would like to thank Miss Car la Donaldson for typing the manuscript. Particular thanks go to Mr. Fred Hancock of the Drafting Department and Mr. Dennis Reed of the Offset Department for the prompt and courteous rendering of their services. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . INTRODUCTION Page 2. A REMOTE POWER SUPPLY 3 2.1 The Need for a Remote Supply 3 2.2 Methods of Providing Power h 2.3 Requirements of the Power Supply System 2.k Initial Experimentation 6 3. THE TRANSMITTER 9 3.1 The System Proposed 9 3.2 The 216 MHz Transmitter 9 3«3 Frequency Multiplication Using Power Varactor Diodes 12 3.^ The 216 MHz to 1+32 MHz Doubler 17 3.5 The 1*32 MHz to 1296 MHz Tripler 17 3.6 The 1296 MHz Cavity Amplifier 17 k. THE ANTENNA SYSTEM 25 k.l General Considerations 25 k.2 The Transmitting Antenna 29 k.3 The Receiving Antenna 30 5. THE VOLTAGE REGULATOR 33 6. PERFORMANCE OF THE SYSTEM 3k LIST OF REFERENCES 36 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Experimental Setup 7 2. Block Diagram of the Transmitting System 10 ' 3. Schematic Diagram of the 216 MHz Transmitter 11 k. Photograph of the 216 MHz Transmitter 13 5. Multiplier Block Diagram and Signal Waveforms 15 6. Schematic Diagram of the 216 MHz to ^32 MHz Doubler 18 7. Photograph of the 216 MHz to ^32 MHz Doubler 19 8. Schematic Diagram of the i+32 MHz to 1296 MHz Tripler 20 9. Photograph of the ^32 MHz to 1296 MHz Tripler 21 10. Schematic Diagram of the 1296 MHz Cavity Amplifier 22 11. Photograph of the 1296 MHz Cavity Amplifier 23 12. Corner Antenna Configuration 26 13. Radiation Pattern of the Helical Transmitting Antenna .... 31 lk. Photograph of the System 35 1. INTRODUCTION Professor Poppelbaum's Circuit Research Group in the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois has in recent years concentrated on uncommon forms of information processing, transfer and display. A major effort has dealt with stochastic processing techniques, i.e. techniques in ■which a continuous variable is represented by the probability of occurrence of a random pulse. ' The basic concept of stochastic computing is that, if one input to an AND gate has a probability P of being a "1" and the other input a probability P of being a "1", then the output has a probability P-,P C3 of being a "1" if the inputs are independent. This a very simple way to multiply. The fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed with simple logic gates. A working programmable analog computer, RASCEL (Regular Array of (2) (3) Stochastic Computing Element Logic), has been built. This machine uses a tree structure of general computational elements, each capable of providing an output which is the sum, difference, product or quotient of its inputs. By setting each element to perform an appropriate function, the final output can be made to represent complicated combinations of the input variables. Following a suggestion by Professor Poppelbaum, a further endeavor into stochastic processing is being made by another member of the Circuit Research Group with the APE Machine (APE = Automomous Processing Element). This machine extends and generalizes RASCEL by assembling arbitrary numbers of general computation elements through radio frequency channels. It is a general programmable computer consisting of a set of APEs, a set of sensors to provide raw input data for processing, and a program control unit. There are different types of channels for data flow and control messages. The control channels are permanently established but the data channels which link various parts of the computer can be established remotely into any desired configuration through the program control unit. The distinct features of the APE machine can be outlined as follows : 1. The computer does not have to be assembled into a physically interconnected network. It is in the form of a set of small pieces arbitrarily located without any interconnections. 2. The computer has high versatility in adjusting its capacity for individual application. An increase in capacity simply means putting additional elements into the neighborhood of the other elements. 3. The APEs, which are the major building blocks of this computer, have high potential adaptability to being produced in large quantity by large scale integration technology. 2. A REMOTE POWER SUPPLY 2.1 The Need for a Remote Supply As previously outlined, the APE system is a network which is not physically interconnected: The exact placement of the APEs need not be of concern to the user. When an increase in computing capability is desired, more APEs are ordered and placed in the active region. This "active region" is the area reserved for the placement of the APEs into which the radio signals for control and data flow are directed. No elaborate mounting brackets are needed and no cables need to be used to connect the APEs. The system design is based on flexibility. To be consistent with the ideas outlined thus far, the APEs must also derive their operating power without a physical connection to a power source. The available power must be sufficient to: 1) operate the receivers which pick up the data and control information, 2) perform all the logical operations required and 3) transmit an answer to the next APE. An obvious solution would be to supply the operating power with a battery, internal to each APE. However, this solution is unacceptable for various reasons. First, a battery necessarily contains only a limited amount of energy. The battery in each APE would have to be replaced periodically. This would be a costly and time-consuming task, especially in a system with many APEs. Second, some type of switching would be necessary to "turn off" each APE when the system is not operating. A monitor circuit could be devised to determine when the system is on and to control accordingly the supply of power to the other sections of the APEs. This would still present a constant drain on the battery. Alternately, a manual on-off switch could be provided on each APE. With many APEs, however, this would be a very time-consuming task, especially if the system were operated for short and frequent intervals. Third, the physical size of the batteries is incompatible with the very small APEs to be developed in the future. It is apparent, then, that the operating power for the APEs should be from a remote source. That is, just as the data and control signals are "beamed" to each APE, the operating power must somehow be beamed into the active region from a source external to the APEs. Each APE by itself is an inert black box. When the system is activated, however, the APEs, together with the program control unit, "come alive" to form an operating computing system. 2.2 Methods of Providing Power An obvious solution to the remote powering problem is the use of solar cells. The active region could be illuminated by a light source; each APE would be equipped with a bank of solar cells. The strength of the light source and the number of solar cells required would be dictated by the power requirements of the APEs. The APE system, however, has been called the (5) "computer in a bag". It is being designed with flexibility in mind. To increase his computing capability, the user need only to order more APEs and, upon delivery, place them in the active region. It was decided that if it were possible, the APEs should work even when left unpacked in their shipping cartons. From this standpoint the solar cell solution was eliminated as it would necessitate the unwrapping of the APEs to allow light to strike the bank of solar cells. The next method considered was to transfer the energy to the APEs magnetically. The APEs could be placed in a gap, completing a magnetic circuit. This arrangement would resemble a large transformer with many windings . A primary winding would be constructed and each APE would contain a secondary winding. The magnetic path would have to be iron to carry an appreciable amount of power. Such a circuit, however, cannot have air gaps if it is to perform properly. Therefore, the AFEs would need to fit snugly in the gap to satisfactorily complete the path. Using the APEs in their "unwrapped" condition would constitute an air gap in the magnetic path. Also, the proximity of all the iron, mostly in the form of the large faceplates of the gap, would surely interfere with radio communication to the AFEs. The final method considered involves sending power to the APEs over a radio frequency channel. A transmitter would send a continuous, unmodulated signal to the APEs. Each APE would contain an antenna to receive the signal. The received signal would then be rectified, filtered and regulated to provide the voltage required to run the circuitry inside the APEs. It was concluded that with this method the APEs would not have to be unpacked to operate because the wrapping would not hinder the signal. Also, given a powerful enough transmitter, the transmitting equipment could be located a reasonable distance from the AFEs so that it would not physically interfere with the data and control signals. 2.3 Requirements of the Power Supply System One of the basic requirements of the power supply system is that it be able to provide the total power needed by the APEs. This power is used to carry out the logical functions required, to operate the receivers which obtain data and control information and to transmit data to the control (h) unit and the other APEs. Investigation of various types of circuitry has indicated that complementary symmetry metal oxide semiconductor circuitry would be most suitable for use in the APEs. This circuitry offers exceptionally low power consumption, is capable of providing long period memory, and has good reliability. It is estimated that an APE, built with state-of-the-art COS/MOS circuitry, will consume as little as lOOmw of power. This lOOmw, then, is the minimum amount of power which must be provided by the power supply system. One additional requirement of the power system is that it should not interfere with the communication channels. It was expected that low efficiencies would be realized between transmitter power and the usable power received by the AFEs . Thus, a relatively high-power transmitter was in order. It was feared that, if the power transmission frequency chosen was below the communications channels, harmonics might interfere with these communications. For that reason, initial investigations were conducted at high frequencies. 2.h Initial Experimentation As mentioned in the previous section, a relatively "high" frequency channel was needed for the power transmission. A Rhode and Schwartz transmitter was available for experimentation. This instrument offers an operating range of 275-2750 MHz in two segments. An initial frequency of 350 MHz was chosen since the power available from the transmitter was a maximum near that frequency. Two simple half -wave length dipole antennas were constructed. The transmitting dipole was connected to the output of the Rhode and Schwartz generator (see Figure 1) with a length of 50-ohm RG-8/u cable. A balun would be required to match the dipole to the cable, but to save time, a balun was not constructed. The receiving dipole was connected to a full wave bridge of 1N82 diodes. The output of the bridge was connected to a Simpson volt-ohm meter to measure DC voltage. With a transmitter power of 1.5 watts and an antenna separation of about five feet, < o -J E a. 10 UJ x < o o 2 Z -I «° HO & -p 0) CO H •P a •H I Q) the meter registered 10 volts. (The power indicated was not exact due to the previously mentioned mismatch.) With a greatly reduced antenna separation, (6 ) a 6 volt ho mi 1 .1 1 ampere bulb could be powered. The results of this initial test were encouraging since it showed that the proposed scheme might be feasible. However, the maximum physical dimension of an APE is visualized as being smaller than the size of a dipole at 350 MHz (16 inches). Therefore, further tests -were conducted at a higher frequency. 1600 MHz was chosen because this, again, was a frequency at which the power available from the transmitter was a maximum. The experimental setup was the same as at 350 MHz except that shorter dipole antennas were used. Similar results were observed. Additional tests were conducted to determine which of the available high-frequency diodes was best suited for use in the receiving bridge. Selection was based on the voltage measured across the bridge; those diodes giving the higher voltage were judged better than those giving a lower readin Of the three types tested, the 1N82s worked best. i i 3. THE TRANSMITTER 3.1 The System Proposed A brief literature search was conducted concerning power generation in the gigahertz region. Various publications of the American Radio Relay (1 \ ( P>\ League proved to be quite helpful. It was decided that the transmitter would consist of a 216 MHz transmitter, two frequency multipliers and a cavity amplifier operating at 1296 MHz (see Figure 2). This final frequency would require a dipole size of about 4.3 inches which is compatible with the size of an APE. 3.2 The 216 MHz Transmitter The construction of this unit, as well as the other three units to be described, follows the plans given in publications of the American Radio ( 7 ) (R) Relay League ' The transmitter is crystal controlled and runs with up to kO watts input to the final stage. Referring to Figure 3 5 an overtone oscillator circuit uses one half of a 12AT7 dual triode. The frequency of oscillation is 2k MHz, the crystal working on its third overtone. The second half of the 12AT7 triples to 72 MHz. This stage has a balanced plate circuit so that its output may be capacitively ^oupled to the grids of a second 12A3T, working as a push-pull tripler to 216 MHz. The plate circuit of this second tripler is inductively coupled to the grid circuit of a 636O dual tetrode amplifier, operating at 216 MHz. Similar inductive coupling transfers the drive to the grid circuit of the final stage, a 6252 dual tetrode. A small trimmer capacitor, C^, bypasses the screen to ground to help stabilize operation. A milliammeter and a selector switch were installed to permit a check on voltages and currents throughout the circuit. These checks are 10 IV e 9 y oc u> * u 3 <« o < cj 5 >- o X ^ UJ S o2 -I (M»-tf>?: to CJ § •P W >S CQ hD ■H -P -P 1 -P o •H « O O H OJ •H P=4 uj Q CJ < u z ^ "the metering circuitry has been deleted for clarity. Figure k shows a photograph of the 216 MHz transmitter. 3.3 Frequency Multiplication Using Power Varactor Diodes Frequency multiplication using power varactor diodes offers a simple means of generating high level microwave power. An oscillator operating at a lower frequency drives the multiplier. The non-linear element in the multiplier is a power varactor diode which operates as a charge- controlled switch. The switching action generates harmonics of the drive signal; the desired output is selected with a band-pass filter. The usual high power varactor diode multiplier operates in the shunt mode. That is, the diode is placed in shunt with the signal path. The shunt mode is chosen above the series mode mainly for its greater power- handling capacity. With one end of the diode grounded, a low thermal impedance path can be provided to a ground plane for heat dissipation. Varactor diodes are available in packages with a stud on one end; effective heat sinking and simple mounting are achieved by screwing the stud into the ground plane. Diodes of this type can handle several tens of watts of input power . Another reason for using the diode in the shunt mode is the isolation it provides between input and output circuits. The diode acts as a closed switch across the signal path during most of the input cycle. This action prevents harmonics of the drive frequency from feeding back into the input circuit. This inherent isolation makes the design simple, and good overall efficiency can be achieved even for high orders of multiplication. 13 0) P P •H s w Fh EH H CM 0) -P Ch O ?H t»D O -P o -4- •H 11+ A varactor diode multiplier typically consists of five major parts, as shown in Figure 5. The main purpose of the matching section is to provide a good impedance match between the source and the impulse section for maximum power transfer. It must also provide DC isolation between the source and the diode and high-frequency isolation between the impulse section and the source. The output of this section has the same form as the input, but at a lower impedance level. The impulse section is the most crucial part of the multiplier. Its | function is to convert the input sinusoid into a narrow impulse with high harmonic content. In this section the diode shunts the line and switches the current through a series inductor. The voltage transient across the inductor then forms the impulse shown in Figure 5. The charge -controlled switching action of the diode can be explained briefly. During the positive half-cycle of the drive signal, the diode is driven heavily into forward conduction. This results in the storage of charge in the depletion region by minority carriers. This charge is extracted during the reverse half-cycle of the driving voltage, resulting in low diode impedance and large extraction current. When the stored charge is depleted, the diode conduction ceases very abruptly. The drive inductor will try to maintain the collapsing current, giving rise to a large voltage spike. The amplitude of this voltage spike, or impulse, is determined by the signal source amplitude, the value of the drive inductor, the diode transition speed from low to high impedance, and the circuit losses. The shape of the impulse is determined primarily by the reverse bias capacitance of the diode and the circuit loading effects. The bias voltage applied to the diode controls the forward current through the diode during the positive half- cycle of the drive signal. This determines the amount of stored charge and hence, the point on the negative 15 St J (t? uj 9 ^t> U. U) to or o z fe9 z -»- o <-> en uj LU CO or UJ z CO O / / / / IMPUL SECTI / z CO 2 / f i i < h- ■* UJ CO \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 Z E o N MATCH SECTI 3 CL e o > 5= •H CO M o5 •H Q M o o PQ U O <> A /\ ~3 < o o I < (/) < o o CO en < O UJ u o C/> < UJ I o or o or o OJ 0) -P o 8P •H Q o •H 1 O 00 •H 21 u a> H ft •H EH VD ON CM H O -P CM m 0) 43 -P <4H O .3 Ph a5 U W o -p o ON CD bfl •rl P>H 22 a. i- \/ v OH to X < I U> ro CVJ rnpr^ — i t Hi- im- "*■ § ' Hi' Hi 5f o /\ /\ u ■H & -3 3 a. 23 •H lhor is an absolute minimum requirement. 6. REPORT DATf- Enter the date of the report as day, month, year, or month, year. If more than one date appears on the report, use date of publication. 7a. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: The total page count should follow normal pagination procedures, i.e., enter the number of pages containing information. 76. NUMBER OF REFERENCES: Enter the total number of references rited in the report. 8a. 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