65G.25-6 e \94 UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 656.256 C 194 CARLISLE JOINT STATION, AND ?OACHES FROM NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, & WEST, INCLUDING SAINT NICHOLAS LEVEL CROSSING AND CROWN STREET JUNCTION. GNALMEN, DRIVERS, GUARDS, BREAIiSMEN, & OTHERS. JANUARY, 186 5. % CONTENTS. Diagram of Signals appended. Speed within limits of Joint Station KULE. 1 PAG! Signalmen's Instructions for Checking Speed 2 Signals of Danger, and for Line Clear 3 Head and Tail Lamps after Dusk ... 4 u Foggy Weather 5 o Engine Smoke in Passenger Shed ... 6 DOWN TRAINS— SAINT NICHOLAS LEVEL CROSSING GABIN. Distant and Stationary Signals, N. S. E. and W. ... 7 Steam Whistle from Newcastle to Citadel Station and to the North 8 2 Steam Whistle on Passing Saint Nicholas Cabin 8a 3 Gongs in Newcastle Gate and Saint Nicholas Cabin for Passenger Trains ... 9 & 10 3 Steam Whistle East to West and West to East 11 Gong, East to West and West to East 12 & 13 Government Inspector's Special Notice, West to East 14 Steam Whistle for all Down Trains or Engines after passing Upperby Junction 15 -I Steam Whistle for Passenger Trains on passing Saint Nicholas Crossing 16 5 Steam Whistle for Luggage Trains on passing Saint Nicholas Crossing 17 DOWN TRAINS AND FROM WEST.— CROWN STREET SIGNAL CABIN. Distant Signal on Down Line ... ... ... ) 18 5 Distant Signal on Maryport Branch ... ...) > 'fMru-H-y TALMADGE ■(eifb.ZfCo- Cl^ Goods Trains not to pass until proper signal be given Steam Whistle — Goods Trains passing Crown-st. Cabin Steam Whistle — Passenger Trains approaching Crown Street Junction from West Steam Whistle — Goods Trains approaching Crown . Street Junction from West Gong — Trains from West — Passenger and Goods ... Stationary Signals for Goods and Passenger Trains described Passenger Trains not to pass until proper signal be given RULE. PAGE. 18a 5 19 6 20 6 20a 20b 6 20c 6 21 21a 21b 7 21c 7 NORTH-END SIGNAL CABIN. Note — North British Trains lt Up” from Carlisle ... Distant Signal — Down Goods Line ... Signal for North End of New Carriage Shed Stationary Signals for Goods and Passenger Trains described Goods Train — Ten Minutes Interval PASSENGER SHED -DEPARTURE TRAINS. Steam Whistle not to be used in Shed Gong instead for Signal to Start Passenger Train Engines from South, &c., returning I ^ UP TRAINS - STEAM WHISTLES FROM NORTH ON PASSING CALDEW BRIDGE. [ Caledonian Passenger Trains I Glasgow and South-Western Passenger Trains North-British Passenger Trains Steam Whistle — Luggage Trains or Engines to South or East ... Steam Whistle— -To Maryport Goods Yard . . 22 22a 22b 23 23a 23b 23c 24 24a 24b 25 26 27 28 29 29a 30 30a 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 iv NORTH-END SIGNAL CABIN. North-End Distant Signal on Up Line RULE. 31 PAGE. 11 Note — North British Trains u Down” to Carlisle ... 31a 11 Stationary Signals for Goods and Passenger Trains described 31b 11 Exception to Bnle provided for 31c 31d 12 GROWN STREET CABIN. Distant Signal on Up Goods Line ... 32 12 Signals — New Carriage Shed, and D and E, and A B C Sidings 32 12 Stationary Signals for Passenger and Goods Trains described 32a 32b 32c 13 Goods Train — Ten Minutes Interval 32d 32e 14 PASSENGER SHED— DEPARTURE TRAINS. Steam Whistle not to be used in Shed 33 14 Gong instead for Signal to Start 33a 33b 14 Passenger Train Engines from North returning 34 14 TRAINS PASSING GROWN STREET BRIDGE. Steam Whistle — Passenger Trains to South 35 15 Steam Whistle — Luggage Trains to South 36 15 Steam Whistle — Passenger Trains to Newcastle 37 15 Steam Whistle — Luggage Trains to Newcastle 37 15 Gong — Saint Nicholas Cabin and Newcastle Gates Cabin for Passenger Trains 38 16 CARLISLE JOINT STATION. Instructions to Signalmen, Engine Drivers, Guards, Breaksmen and others. gsf See Diagrams of the System of Signals on the Joint Line and approaches. The number of distinct Steam Whistles required for Passenger Trains and Engines, and Goods Trains and Engines, is denoted in Red Letters upon the several Signals shewn in the Diagrams, as well as printed herein. The attention of Engine Drivers is especially directed to the rule regarding Speed, as follows : — 1 Speed. That no Engine, with or without Train, must enter or pass over any part of the Joint Line, that is , between Saint Nicholas Level Crossing and the Raised Signal Cabin at the North End of the Passenger Station , at a greater Speed than Four Miles an hour. 2 Signals within Limits of Joint Station. The Signalmen are specially instructed to work the Signals in their charge, so as to check the speed by not lowering the Danger Signals within the Limits of the Joint Station too soon. 2 3 Signals of Danger, and for Line Clear. The Danger Signal is shewn by the Red Arm being raised to the horizontal position, invariably on the left hand side of the post, as seen by the approaching Engine Driver during Daylight — and the Red Light on the same post for Night. For Line Clear — By Day the Red Arm is lowered; by Night the Red Light is changed to Green. 4 Head and Tail Lamps. Every Engine or Train Passing over the Joint Line after Dusk must have the proper Signal Lamps lighted in front and rear. 5 Foggy Weather. In Foggy Weather extra Caution must be used to insure the safe passage of Engines and Trains. 6 Engine Smoke. Engine Drivers are required to prevent smoke within the Passenger Shed. 7 Signals.— St. Nicholas Level Crossing. The Signalman must keep the Distant and Stationary Signals, North, South, East and West, always set at Danger, and no Engineman must pass until the Danger Signal against him is lowered by Day, and Green Light shewn by Night. 8 Steam Whistle.— From Newcastle to Citadel Station, and to the North, The Drivers of all Trains and Engines on approaching from Newcastle must give Four Distinct Whistles before Arriving at the Red Signal on that 3 Line ; and all Engines or Trains requiring to pass to the Citadel Station, or to the North, must if necessary be brought to a Stand clear of the Through Crossing on the East Side of the Newcastle Gates and Public Road, and not proceed further until the Junction Signal (which stands at those Gates) is lowered by Day, or Red Light changed to Green by Night. 8a On passing Saint Nicholas Cabin* On passing Saint Nicholas Cabin from Newcastle, Passenger Train Drivers must give Three Distinct Whistles, and Goods Train Drivers One Distinct Whistle, to warn the Crown Street Signalman of their approach. 9 Gongs.— Saint Nicholas Cabin, and Newcastle Gates Cabin. For indicating between the Saint Nicholas Cabin Signalman and the Newcastle Gates Signalman, of the Signals required to be lowered for Trains or Engines to pass, a Gong is fixed in each Cabin, to be used as follows, viz. : — 10 Gong— Passenger Trains from Newcastle to Citadel Station, For a Passenger Train or Engine coming from Newcastle going to the Citadel Station, the Newcastle Gateman must give Two Strokes on the Gong in the Saint Nicholas Crossing Cabin, for the proper Signal to be lowered. 11 Steam Whistle*— From East to West, and West to East Engines approaching from East to West, or from West to East, must give Three Distinct Whistles before arriving at the Red Signals on the Newcastle Line. 4 12 Gong.— From East to West. For a Train or Engine from Newcastle going West, the Newcastle Gateman must give One Stroke on the Gong in Saint Nicholas Cabin for the proper Signal to be lowered. 13 Gong.— From West to East. For a Train or Engine from the West or Maryport going towards New- castle, the Saint Nicholas Crossing Signalman must give One Stroke on the Gong in the Newcastle Gateman’s Cabin for the proper Signal to be lowered. 14 Government Inspector’s Special Notice. Saint Nicholas Level Crossing. West to East. The Government Inspector, on inspecting the London and North- Western Line of deviation at Saint Nicholas, recommended that a Notice Board be fixed on the Newcastle Line, 30 yards West of the London and North-Western Down Line, as follows, viz. : — “ No Engine to pass this point until the Crossing Signal is lowered.” That Notice is fixed accordingly. 15 Steam Whistle.— For all Down Trains or Engines from South, after passing Upperby Junction. On approaching Saint Nicholas Crossing from the South, the Drivers of all Down Trains or Engines must give Two Distinct Whistles immediately after passing Upperby Junction, for the Signalman at the Crossing to lower his Signal if the Line is clear. 5 16 Steam Whistle.— Passenger Trains or Engines from the South on passing Saint Nicholas Crossing to Citadel Station * Drivers of London and North Western Passenger Trains on passing over Saint Nicholas Crossing, must give Two Distinct Whistles to warn the Signalman at Crown Street Junction of their approach. 17 Steam Whistle— Luggage Trains or Engines from South to North on passing Saint Nicholas Crossing. Drivers of Luggage Trains or Engines from South to North on passing over Saint Nicholas Crossing, must give One Distinct Whistle to warn the Signalman at Crown Street Junction of their approach. 18 Crown-street Signal Cabin.— Distant Signals. Signals for Down Trains from South, East, and West, to North and to Citadel Station. The Crown Street Cabin Signalman has charge of the single Semaphore Distant Signal, No. 5, on Down Line, for both Goods and Passenger Trains ; Also Distant Signal, No. 6, on the Maryport Branch. The Distant Signal on the Maryport Branch has Two Pied Arms for Day and Red Lights by Night. The Upper Arm and Light are for Passenger Trains only. The Lower one for Goods Trains only. 18a Goods Trains and Engines from South or East. No Goods Train or Engine from the South or East must pass on to the Crown Street Junction until the proper Signal above the Cabin for the Down Goods Line is lowered. 6 19 Steam Whistle— Goods Trains from South and East passing Crown-street Bridge. On passing Crown Street Bridge the Drivers of Goods Trains or Engines must give One Distinct Whistle to warn the North-End Signalman of their approach. 20 Distant Signals on Maryport and Carlisle Branch.— Trains approaching Crown-street Junction. Drivers of Passenger Trains and Engines from Maryport must before ar- riving at this Signal, give Two Distinct Whistles to warn the Signalman at Crown Street Junction Cabin for the Uppermost Arm to be lowered, or Eed Light changed to Green by Night. 20a Steam Whistle —Goods Trains from the West. Drivers of Goods Trains and Engines must Whistle Once before arriving at the Signal for the Undermost Arm to be lowered, or Red Light changed to Green by Night. 20b No Goods Train or Engine from the West must pass on to Crown Street Junction until the proper Signal above the Cabin for the Down Goods Line is lowered, or Red Light changed to Green. 20c Gong.— Trains from West. The Maryport Signalman must Strike the Gong in Crown Street Signal Cabin, as follows : — for Passenger Train or Engine Two Strokes, for Goods Train or Engine One Stroke. 7 21 Right Hand < Post. Stationary Signals,— Crown Street Cabin, On the Right-hand Post , looking from Saint Nicholas, there are Five Red Arms by Day and Red Lights by Night. The 1st or Uppermost Red Arm and Red Light are for the Down Main Goods Line, 21a For Passenger Trains from South and East. The 2nd Reel Arm and Red Light are for the Main Platform. 3rd do. do. M. & C. Dock No. 1. 4th do. do. Newcastle Dock No. 2. 5th do. do. Wallside Dock No. 3. 21b For Trains from the West. Left Hand << Post. On the Left-hand Post , which is for the Maryport Branch only, there are Three Red Arms for Day and Red Lights by Night. The 1st or Uppermost Red Arm and Red Light is for Goods Trains to Down Main Goods Line. „ 2nd for Passenger Trains to Main Platform. „ 3rd do. No. 1 Dock. 21c Page 7 r* r ? *>, *• « the Passenger Shed, which done, the Crown Ste^t 0^71^ Vt M ° Uth of Points and then lower the corresponding Skmal^hnt wf “ us * first tum the b, Jars. — Disc Signal in Crown Street Cabin- into the Through Platform* Line, 1 w^h^Tno^be cl that ar ® intended to run Arrival Train from the North the Platform Cal,;, Q- ear ^ the P recedln g Train, or of an > Crown Street Cabin, anTtten lower thTs^^ ^m a nm Ust r^ e the Disc Signal the Crown Street Cabin SignalmanTnust hW w ‘he South-end of the Shed, when above his Cabin at Danger until the speed of an 1> * n ^. er , Sl = ual > hut ^ep that four miles an hour, and then lower Puu pouching J rain be reduced to three or four miles an hour, and then lower it . and exhibitTndTo Z ~r „ » - Through Platform”— that is to enter the <5+.t ;e„" rt '-Vr'"““ s i i,ttm «> sl °w train, to part of the Through Platform Line TiieLme ruT^tn f rea f ;er cau . tl ‘ ln ’ :lnd sto P at any a Dock Line pre-oocupied. the same mle to be -j, served for a Train entering 8 22 Worth-End Cabin Note. — The North British Company advertise their Trains as “Up” from Carlisle, but that arrangement does not affect the Rules, inasmuch as their Trains depart to the North in the same direction as those of the Caledonian and Glasgow and South-Western. 22a Distant Signal on Down Goods Line The North-End Cabin Signalman has charge of the Distant Signal, No. 9, on the West-Side of the New Shed on the Down Goods Line to Main Down Line. 22b He has also charge of the Signal at the North-End of the New Carriage Shed, to stop Engines from leaving that Shed. — N.B. The Drivers must give Two Distinct Whistles for the North-End Signalman to lower this Signal or change Red Light to Green if the Line he clear . 23 Stationary Signals.— Worth-End Cabin. On the Left-hand Post (looking from Saint Nicholas or Citadel Station) there is one Red Arm for Day and Red Light by Night for the Down Goods Road. On the Right-hand Post (looking Northwards from Passenger Shed) there are Three Red Arms for Day and Three Red Lights for Night. 23a For Departure Passenger Trains- The 1st or Uppermost Red Arm and Red Light are from Through Platform. „ 2nd or Middle do. do. G. & S. W. Dock No. 1. „ 3rd or Lowest do. North British or Dock No. 2. Left Hand Post. Right Hand S Post. 9 23b Ten Minutes Interval. No Goods Train to be allowed to pass the North-End Signal Cabin within Ten Minutes previous to the Departure of any Passenger Train to the North. 23c Nor any Goods Train or Engine from South, East, or West to pass on to the Down Main Line until the proper Signal above the Cabin is lowered by Day, or Bed Light changed to Green by Night. 24 Steam Whistle not to be used in the Shed. The Steam Whistle must not be used within the Passenger Shed for the Signals to be lowered for Departure Trains or Engines, or for Shunting from the Platform or Dock Lines. 24a Gong instead for Signal- When a Passenger Train or Engine is ready to Start or Shunt, the Platform Signalman must strike the Gong in the North-End Cabin for the proper Signal to be lowered. 24b No Passenger Train or Engine must move until the North-End Cabin Signalman has lowered the proper Signal for the Train to start. 25 Passenger Train Engines entering Through Platform Line from South, East, and West. The North-End Signalman must lower the Signal at the Mouth of the Passenger Shed from Through Platform Line for the Engine to go out of the Station and to return on the Up Goods Line to the South , without lowering the Uppermost Red Arm on the Right-hand post above his Cabin by Day, or changing the corresponding Red Light to Green by Night. 10 26 Steam Whistle s from the North- Caledonian Passenger Trains. Drivers of Caledonian Passenger Trains on passing Caldew Bridge must give two Distinct Whistles to warn the Signalman at the North-End Cabin of their approach. 27 Glasgow and South-Western Passenger Trains- Engine Drivers of Glasgow and South-Western Passenger Trains on passing Caldew Bridge must give Three Distinct Whistles to warn the Signalman at the North-End Cabin of their approach. 28 North British Passenger Trains from Edinburgh, or Silloth Engine Drivers of North British Passenger Trains on passing Caldew Bridge must give Three Distinct Whistles to warn the Signalman at the North-End Cabin of their approach. 29 Steam Whistle —Luggage Trains or Engines from North to South and East, passing Caldew Bridge- Engine Drivers of all Luggage Trains or Engines from North to South and East, on passing Caldew Bridge must give One Distinct Whistle to warn the Signalman at the North-End Cabin of their approach. 29a Passing North-End Cabin. The same Signal on passing the North-End Signal Cabin to warn ^the Crown Street Signalman of their approach. 11 30 Steam Whistle. —Luggage Trains or Engines from the North to Maryport Goods Ifard, passing Caldew K ridge. Engine Drivers of Luggage Trains or Engines from the North to the Maryport Goods Yard immediately after passing Caldew Bridge must give One Distinct Whistle to warn the North-End Cabin Signalman. 30a Passing North-End Cabin. And on passing the North-End Signal Cabin give Two Distinct Whistles to warn the Crown Street Cabin Signalman of their approach, and to lower the Signal if the Line is clear. 31 North-End Distant Signal for all Up Trains. The North-End Cabin Signalman has charge of the Distant Signal, No. 1, on the Caledonian Proper Up Line for both Goods and Passenger Trains. 31a Note. — The North British Company advertise their Trains as “Down” to Carlisle, but that arrangement does not affect the Buies, inasmuch as their Trains arrive from the North in the same direction as those of the Caledonian and Glasgow and South Western. 31b Stationary Signals.— North-End Cabin, Fight \ ^ n P^ lt ~^ anc ^ Post (looking from the North) there is Hand orth side of and clear of the Newcastle Line, and not proceed further itil the Newcastle Gateman lowers the proper Signal by Day, or shews ' 0 Green Light by Night. / 16 38 Passenger Trains from Citadel Station to Newcastle. Gong.— Saint Nicholas Cabin and Newcastle Gales. For a Passenger Train or Engine leaving the Citadel Station going towards Newcastle, the Signalman at Saint Nicholas Cabin must give Two Strokes on the Gong at the Newcastle Gates Cabin for the proper Signal to be lowered. C. THURNAM AND SONS, PRINTERS, CARLISLE. RIDER TO INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR CARLISLE JOINT STATION. Notice regarding Hand Signals* The practice of the several Railway Companies varies in the use of Hand Signals. One system must be observed on the Joint Line and Station at Carlisle, viz. : — With Coloured Hand Signal Lamps the Red Light means “ Stop” — The Green Light requires “ to proceed with Caution” — The White Light indicates “ All Right.” But when it is not practicable to use Coloured Lights , it is to be understood by Signalmen, Shuntmen, Engine Drivers, Stokers, Guards, and Brakemen, that a White Light waved from side to side (horizontally) requires to “ Proceed Cautiously,” and moved “ upwards and down- wards” (vertically) it means u Stop.” THOMAS JONES, Sec. March , 18(5iT ' CARLISLE JOINT STATION. RIDER TO INSTRUCTION BOOK. Notice regarding Signals from West to East. A separate Semaphore Signal is fixed on the post above the Cabin at Saint Nicholas Crossing, which works along with the Distant Signal for the Maryport and Carlisle Line — that is, when the Distant Signal is lowered, the Signal above the Cabin lowers simultaneously therewith, for Engines to pass from the Maryport and Carlisle Line to the New- castle Line. The Signals for the Canal Branch continue to work as heretofore. THOMAS JONES, Sec. & Supt. December , 1807. CITADEL ST; System of 5/1 Corrunejicuig at fhA Cali EMCMAVED BY W S TION CARLISLE. rials HortJv to South, Distant Signal cls stem from ’w Bridge 1. Turn.' Over For South to horthi < JOHMSTON, EDINBURGH AND LONDON