X/l fSj f k SALFORD BOROUGH ROYAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. ESTABLISHED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SALFORD, 1840. E. R. LANGWORTHY, ESQ., MAYOR. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY: WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS. MANCHESTER: PRINTED BY GEORGE FALKNER, KING STREET. MD.CCCLI. * *+ V i > o/7- )4Z 5a3^ SALFORD BOROUGH ROYAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. 1851. PATRONS: THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT. PRESIDENT : JOSEPH BROTHERTON, Esq., M.P. VICE-PRESIDENT : E. RYLEY LANGWORTHY, Esq. TREASURER : SIR BENJAMIN HEY WOOD, Bart., F.R.S. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : WM. BLAZE LEEMING, Esq., Chairman. JAMES RENSHAW, Esq., Deputy Chairman. OLIVER HEYWOOD, Esq. G.W.ORMEROD,Esq.,M.A.,F.G.S BENJAMIN JOULE, Jun., Esq. WILLIAM ROSS, Esq. N. SHELMERDINE, Esq. J. G. LEEMING, Esq. HENRY HIGGINS, Esq. With all the Officers. TOWN COUNCIL COMMITTEE : (Who are also Members of the Executive Committee,) E. R. DANGWORTHY, Esq., Chairman. MR. ALDERMAN HIGGINS, Deputy Chairman. THOMAS AGNEW, Esq., Mayor. Mr. Alderman HARVEY. Mr. Alderman WORRALL. Mr. Alderman JENKINSON. Mr. Councillor WRIGLEY. Mr. Councillor ASHTON. Mr. Councillor BROWNBILL. Mr. Councillor ACTON. Mr. Councillor DAVIES. Mr. Councillor LOMAS. Mr. Councillor LOWNDS. honorary curators : G. W. ORMEROD, Esq., M.A., F.G.S. JAMES HIGGINS, Esq. JOHN GEORGE LEEMING, Esq. HONORARY SECRETARY : MR. WILLIAM FOYSTER. CURATOR AND LIBRARIAN MR. JOHN PLANT. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN : MR. JOHN BRIERLEY. 586528 r • •■••HIM ’ ■ - ■ . • ■ . • Tl ■ • 1 ; RULES OK THE SALFORD BOROUGH ROYAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. Object. The Salford Borough Royal Museum and Library is established pursuant to the provisions of the statute 8 and 9 Victoria, c. 43, by the town council of the borough of Salford, for the purpose of providing all classes of society with the means of acquiring sound and useful knowledge gratuitously ; the property in the museum and library being permanently vested in the town council for the free use of the public. Rule I. The curator shall have the general charge of the museum and library, and shall b« in attendance during the hours the public are admitted. II. The museum and reading-room shall be provided with suitable accom¬ modation for reading and study, and shall be open to the public gratuitously every day ; the reading-room from the hour of ten in the morning until the hour of nine in the evening, and the museum from ten in the morning until dusk, excepting Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and such other days or times as the museum and library committee of the town council shall direct. III. Every person, before entering the museum or reading-room, shall write, or cause to be written, his name and residence in the book provided for that purpose, and which signature shall be taken and considered as an assent to the rules and regulations of the library. IV. No person shall be admitted who is in a state of intoxication, or uncleanly in his person or dress, nor shall any playing, gaming, betting, swearing, smoking, or refreshments be permitted in the reading-room, library, or museum; and any person offending against these rules, or otherwise misconducting himself, shall not be allowed to remain on the premises. V. No person shall be allowed to enter the library, or take any book off the shelves, or be permitted to touch any specimens in the museum, except by VI BULES. permission of the curator ; and no book or other article shall be taken out of the reading-room or library, except for use in the museum, and then only with the consent of the curator. YI. A catalogue of the library shall always be kept in the reading-room for reference, and every book in the library may be perused in the reading- room, except those marked thus * in the catalogue, which can only be inspected in the presence of the curator. VII. The curator shall enter in the book provided for that purpose, every book delivered to visitors for perusal; and each person shall sign a receipt for the book or books which he receives, and shall, before leaving the reading-room, re-deliver such book or books into the hands of the curator. VIII. The curator shall carefully examine each book returned, and if the same have received any damage or injury, or have been rendered of less value by being soiled or written in, he may require the person to whom the same was delivered to pay the amount of the damage or injury done, or otherwise to procure a new copy at his own expense, and, in the latter case, such person shall be entitled to the damaged copy on depositing the new one. IX. If any person to whom a book has been delivered shall not re-deliver the same to the curator before leaving the reading-room, or shall neglect or refuse, on the request of the curator, to pay the amount of any such damage or injury, or to procure another copy as before mentioned, then, and in any of such cases, the value of such book, or the amount of damage or injury done, shall be recoverable from such person as a debt in any action or proceeding applicable to the recovery of debts of the like amount, in which action or proceeding the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the borough of Salford shall be the plaintiffs, and the fact of their being the persons entitled shall be taken to be admitted by the defendant. X. The two last preceding rules shall likewise be enforced, so far as the same are applicable, in cases where damage or injury may be committed to any other property in the museum, library, or reading-room. XI. The curator may, at his discretion, admit or refuse admittance to children who are not in charge of their parents or friends, taking proper precautions for preventing them from doing mischief. By order of the Council, Peel Parle , Salford ,, E. R. LANGWORTHY, Mayor. 9th January, 1850. CONTENTS. CLASS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION. PAGE I.—The Holy Scriptures, Commentaries, and Biblical Dic¬ tionaries a • a . a . ... ... aaa ... a • • a • a 3 II.—Evidences and Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa a a a aaa 1 III. —Doctrinal and Controversial Works, and Works illus¬ trating the History and Doctrines of the Sects ... 6 IV. —Practical Divinity, Sermons, Charges, &c. 10 V.—General Religious and Ecclesiastical History... . 14 VI.—History of Pagan Mythology and Mahomedanism,—Mis¬ cellaneous Religious Biography,—Publications of the Religious Tract and other similar Societies . IT CLASS II. JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, &c. SECTION. I.—Treatises on Law and Government . II- —Collections of Trials, Political Pamphlets, &c. PAGE 29 31 HI- —Political Economy, Trade and Commerce, Statistics, &c. 38 IV.—Reports issued by Government, and Blue Books. 41 M* vm CONTENTS. CLASS III. HISTORY. SECTION. PAGE I.—Geography, Chronology, Atlasses, and Maps—Introduc¬ tions to History . 53 II.—Universal and Ancient History—History of the Jews, Egyptians, Persians, &c.—Grecian and Roman History ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 III.—1. Medieval and Modern History. 62 2. Europe generally . 65 3. Erance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 66 4. Northern Kingdoms of Europe, Germany, Austria, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Por- tugal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 5. British History generally . 71 6. -from the earliest to the present period 74 7. -Military and Naval. 80 8. -Heraldry and Genealogy. 82 9. -Scotland and Ireland . “ 10.-Colonies in all parts, including British India . 83 IV.—1. Voyages and Travels—Collections—Voyages of Dis¬ covery, and round the World . 86 2. -in Europe . 89 3. -in Great Britain . 93 CONTENTS. IX SECTION. PAGE IV.—4. Voyages and Travels in Asia Minor, Hindostan, and Tartary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 00 5. -the Eastern Seas, China, Aus¬ tralia, New Zealand, and the South Seas.102 6. -Palestine, Egypt, and all parts of Africa, Madagascar, and the Mauritius ... 104 7. -North and South America—the Arctic Regions.107 V.—Biography:— 1. Ct eneral ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 2. Particular.117 VI.—American History and Biographies .122 CLASS IV. SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. SECTION. PAGE 1.—General Works on Science and Art—Memoirs and Transactions of Scientific Societies.128 II.—Physics, Chemistry, Magnetism, Electricity, Meteoro¬ logy , d:c. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 132 III. —Astronomy, Optics, Mathematics, Hydraulics, Hydro¬ statics, Mechanics, and the Steam Engine ... 136 IV. —Anatomy, Surgery, Medicine, Animal Magnetism, Elec¬ trobiology, and Ethnography .141 V.—Geology, Physical Geography, and Mineralogy .144 VI. —Natural History .147 VII. —Botany and Agriculture .158 VIII. —The Fine Arts—Music—Architecture and Building... 161 b X CONTENTS. SECTION. PAGE IX.—Domestic Economy, &c.170 X.—Philosophy : — 1. Natural and Experimental .172 2. Mental and Moral—Logic—Metaphysics—Faculties of Man—Education—Manners, &c. 176 CLASS V. GENERAL LITERATURE. SECTION. PAGE I.—Language—Grammar and Rhetoric—Dictionaries— Bibliography and the Art of Printing .185 II.—Periodicals^—Newspapers—Reviews—Literary Journals and Magazines.188 III. —Translations from the Classical Writers .196 IV. —Poetry and the Drama.198 V.—Novels—Romances—Tales and all other Works of Flotion ... ... ... ... ... •«. ... ... 211 VI. —Collected Works of Standard Authors ..227 VII. —Miscellaneous : — 1. German Works .284 2. Addenda ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 28/ 3. Works for Reference in the Reading Room .239 ABBREVIATIONS. B.E.L.—Bogue’s European Library. B.A.L.—Bohn’s Antiquarian Library. B.C.L.—Bohn’s Classical Library. B.Sci.L.—Bohn’s Scientific Library. B. S.L.—Bohn’s Standard Library. C. C.—Cabinet Cyclopaedia. E. C.L.—Edinburgh Cabinet Library. F. L.—Family Library. K. W.V.—Knight’s Weekly and Monthly Volumes. L. R.T.S.—London Religious Tract Society. CLASS I. THEOLOGY. Section. I.—The Holy Scriptures, Commentaries, and Biblical Dictionaries. II.—Evidences and Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. III. —Doctrinal and Controversial Works, and Works illustrating the History and Doctrines of the Sects. IV. —Practical Divinity, Sermons, Charges, &c. V.—General Religious and Ecclesiastical History. YI.—History of Pagan Mythology and Mahomedanism,—Miscel¬ laneous Religious Biography,—Publications of the Religious Tract and other similar Societies. t A CLASS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION I. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, COMMENTARIES, AND BIBLICAL DICTIONARIES. 2028 Annotations upon the Five Books of Moses, and the Books of the Psalms, by A. H., 4to., 1622 2000 Bible, the Holy—black letter, Geneva text, 4to., 1607 2029 Bythneri, Yictorini—Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis, sivi Analysis Critico-Practica Psalmorum, 4to., 1653 435 Calmet’s Dictionary of the Bible, with the Biblical Fragments, edited by the late Charles Taylor, 5 vols. 4to., . 1847 R.R. Frey, Joseph S. C. F.—Hebrew, Latin, and English Dictionary of the Words of the Old Testament, 2 vols. 8vo., 1815 433 Henry, Rev. Mat.—An Exposition of the Old and New Testament, 5 vols. folio, 1737 434 - Ditto ditto, 6 vols. 4to., 1S41 2220 Innes, W.—Political Economy of the New Testament, 12mo, 1839 2214 Kitto, John—Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, 2 vols. ryl. 8vo. 2179 - Scripture Lands, described in a series of Historical, Geo¬ graphical, and Topographical Sketches, (B. Ill.Lib.) 2027 Manton, Thomas—Practical Commentary, or Exposition upon the Epistle of St. James, 8vo. 1657 2185 Martindale, Miles—Dictionary of the Holy Bible, 2 vols. 8vo., 1818 2048 Miles, G. R.—Scripture Geography,—Illustrations of all places mentioned in the Bible, 12mo, 1836 2130 New Testament, an Improved Version, upon the basis of Archbishop Newcbmbe’s new Translation, 8vo., 1808 419 Patrick, Bishop of Ely—Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament, Vols. 2, 3, 4, folio, 1738 Yol. 2, Joshua to Esther.—Yol. 3, Job, Psalms, to Book of Solomon.— Vol. 4, Prophets—by Dr. W. Louth. 422 Whitby, Dr. Daniel—Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament, 2 vols. folio, 1718 Vol 1, The Gospels.—Yol. 2, The Epistles. CLASS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION II. EVIDENCES AND PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. 2032 2005 2012 2186 2067 2124 2206 2208 2207 2013 2036 2221 2125 2035 Addison, Rt. Hon. Joseph—Discourses and Evidences of the Christian Religion, 1806 Brown, John—Harmony of Scripture Prophecies, and History of their Fulfilment, 8vo., 1784 Browne, Simeon—Defence of the Religion of Nature and the Christian Revelation, 8vo., 1732 Burder, Samuel—Oriental Customs, or an Illustration of the Scrip¬ tures, drawn from the Manners of Eastern Nations, 2 vols. 8vo., 1807 Burton, Rev. Charles, L.L.D.—Lectures on the Deluge, 8vo., 1840 Butler, J., L.L.D.—Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature, with Dissertations on Personal Identity and Nature of Virtue, (l. r. t. s.) Chalmers, Thomas, D.D.—Evidences of the Christian Revelation, 2 vols., 8vo., 1850 - Natural Theology, 2 vols. - Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with Modern Astronomy, &c., 8vo., 1850 Chandler, Samuel—Vindication of the Christian Religion, by a Discourse upon Miracles, &c., 8vo., 1728 Cree, Robert—Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, Religion in general, and the Authenticity of the Jewish Scriptures, 12mo., 1827 Edwards, President—History of Redemption ; being a History of the Jews, up to the Destruction of Jerusalem, 12mo. Evidences of Christianity : A Course of Lectures delivered in Dundee, in 1848-9, 12mo. Grotius, Hugo—Truth of the Christian Religion, in six books, with additions by M. Le Clerc, translated by Dr. J. Clarke, 12mo., 182,9 2178 2085 2127 2126 2008 2068 2187 2007 2188 2190 2189 2230 2122 2123 2034 2031 167 2041 2003 2203 2033 THEOLOGY. 5 Gregory, Olintlius—Letters on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion, (b. s. l.) Howard, Henry, E.J.—Scripture History, in Familiar Lectures, 2 vols., 12mo. Keith, Alexander, D.D.—Signs of the Times, as denoted in the fulfilment of Historical Predictions, traced down from the Babylonish Captivity to the Present Time, 2 vols, 12mo., 1842 - Demonstration of the Truth of the Christian Religion, 12mo. Leland, John, M.A.—Divine Authority of the Old and New Testa¬ ments, 8vo., 1739 Murray, John—Truth of Revelation Demonstrated, by an Appeal to existing Monuments, Sculptures, Gems, Coins, and Medals, 8vo., 1840 Osburn, Wm.—Antiquities of Egypt, with a peculiar notice of those which illustrate the Holy Scriptures, (l. r. t. s.) 8vo. Prideaux, Humphrey, D.D.—The Old and New Testament con¬ nected in the History of the Jews, 3 vols., 8vo., 1716 Paley, W., D.D.—Works, 5 vols., 8vo., 1845 - Works, 8vo., 1821 - Natural Theology, 8vo., 1816 --- Ditto ditto, 4 vols. (k.w.v.) - View of the Evidences of Christianity, 12mo. (l. r. t. s.) - Horse Paulinse, 12mo. (l. r. t. s.) Ray, John—The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of Creation, 8vo., 1704 Simpson, Rev. D.—Sacred Literature, showing the Holy Scriptures to be superior to the most celebrated Writings of Antiquity, 4 vols., 8vo., 1788 Smith, J. P.—Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science, 8vo., 1848 Sillery, C. D.—Essay on the Creation of the Universe, and evidences of the Existence of God, 8vo., 1830 Sturm, Christr. C.—Reflections for every day in the year, on the Works of God in Nature and Providence, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Turner, Sharon—Sacred History of the World, 3 vols. 8vo., 1840 Wilkins, Jno. Bishop—On the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion, 2 copies, 8vo., 1710 CUSS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION III. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL WORKS, AND WORKS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY AND DOCTRINES OF THE SECTS. 2063 Bogue, David, and Bennett, James—History of Dissenters from the Revolution in 1688 to 1808, 4 vols., 8vo., 1812 2057 Catholic Doctrine of a Triune God, proved from 209 Texts from Scripture, to which is annexed, Remarks on 40 Texts, said to he the Foundation of Unitarianism, by Charles D. Hope, 12mo, 1830 2318 Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Second Century, Small Books. 2319 - Ditto Twelfth Century, ditto. 2320 Christian Sects in the Ninteenth Century, ditto. 2010 Clarke, Sami., D.D.—An Exposition of the Church Catechism, 8vo., Dublin, 1730 2019 Companion to the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, with Collects and Prayers, 8vo., 1717 2030 Dwight, Timothy—Theology explained and defended, with a Memoir of the Author, 8vo., 5 vols., 1822 2222 Full, Ample, and Punctual Discovery of the Barbarous, Bloody, and Inhuman Practices of the Spanish Inquisition against Pro¬ testants, 8vo., 1625 800 Fuller, Thos.—The Appeal of Injured Innocence unto the Religious, Learned, and Ingenuous Reader, 8vo., 1840 2064 Hamilton, Lady A.—Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies of all Nations of the Universe, 8vo., 1822 2009 Ilorneck, Anthony—Crucified Jesus, ora full account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, 8vo., 1700 2223 Isaacs, Hyam—Ceremonies, Customs, Rites, and Traditions of the Jews, with Gleanings from the Talmud, 8vo., 1846 2044 Justiniani, Sacratissimi Principis Institutiones, Parisiis, 12mo, 1805 2149 Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, with Memoir of Joseph Smith, the American Mahomet, 12mo, 1851 THEOLOGY. 7 2101 Neal, Danl.—History of the Puritans or Protestant Nonconformists from the Reformation to the death of Queen Elizabeth, 3 vols., 8vo., 1732 2001 Owen, Chas.—The Validity of the Dissenting Ministry, or the Ordaining Power of Presbyters evinced from the New Testament and Church History, 8vo., 1716 2202 Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, illustrated with Texts from Scripture and Forms of Prayer, 8vo., 1735 436 Purchas, his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World, and the Reli¬ gions observed in all Ages, from the Creation to the present; being a Theological and Geographical History of Asia, Africa, and America, 4to., 1613 2017 Stanhope, Dr. Geo.—Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-days, vols. 1, 2, 4, 8vo., 1706 437 Turretino (Francisco) Institutio Theologise Elenticse, in Tres Partes distributa, 4to., (Genevse,) 1688 2103 Wilberforce, Wm.—Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the higher and middle Classes of Society, contrasted with Real Christianity, with an Introductory Essay, by D. Wilson, D.D., Lord Bishop of Calcutta, 8vo., 1838 2103 - View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, 12mo. 2180 Wheatley, Charles—Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, (b. s. l.) 2131 Whowell, Thomas—First Epistle of the Unitarians, containing earnest Exhortations to Experimental Religion, 8vo. Works illustrating the History and Doctrines of the Society of Friends. * 2159 Allen, Wm.—Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence, 3 vols. 8vo., 1846 2135 Bates, Elisha—The Doctrines of Friends, on the Principles of the Christian Religion, 8vo., 1827 2135 - Ditto ditto, 12mo., 1829 2098 Barclay, Robert—An Apology for the true Christian Divinity, being an Explanation of the Principles of the People called Quakers, 8vo., 1765 2098 - Ditto ditto ditto, 1841 2098 -i— Ditto ditto ditto, in French 1797 8 THEOLOGY. 2162 2132 2153 2138 2099 2134 2148 2133 2140 2163 2164 2151 2136 2152 2154 2155 2145 2100 2150 # 2102 2142 2144 2143 2157 Capper, Mary—Memoir of, a Minister of the Society of Friends of Birmingham, 8vo., 1847 Chalkley, Thomas—Collection of the works of, with a Journal of his Life, written by himself, 8vo., 1791 Churchman, J.—An account of the Labours and the Life of, 8vo. 1781 Claridge, R.—Life and Posthumous Works of, collected by Jos. Besse, 12mo, 1836 Clarkson, Thomas—Portraiture of Quakerism, 3 vols. 8vo. 1807 Crewdson, Isaac—A Beacon to the Society of Friends, 12mo, 1835 l)avis, Richard—An Account of, comprising some Information relative to the Spreading of the Gospel in North Wales, 12mo., 1825 Defence of the Doctrines of Immediate Revelation, in Reply to Remarks in a work entitled “ A Beacon to the Society of Friends,” 12mo, 1835 Dewsbury, W.—Life of, a Minister of the Gospel in the Society of Friends, by Edwd. Smith, 12mo, 1836 Dudley, Mary—Life of, and Extracts from her Letters, 8vo., 1825 Dymond, Jonathan—Essay on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind, 2 vols. 8vo., 1829 Edmundson, Wm.—Journal of the Life and Travels of, 8vo., 1774 Ellis, William and Alice, of Airson—Life and Correspondence of, by James Backhouse, 8vo., 1849 Elwood, Thos.—Life of, 8vo., 1765 Fothergill, John, M. D.—Some Account of the Life of, by Jno. Coakley Lettsom, 8vo., 1783 Fothergill, Samuel—Memoirs of the Life of, with Life and Travels of Jno. Fothergill, by Geo. Crossfield, 8vo., 1843 Fox, George—Journal of the Life and Travels of, 2 copies, 2 vols. 12mo, 1836 Gough, John—History of the People called Quakers, 3 vols. 8vo., 1789 Gratton, Jno.—A Journal of the Life of that ancient Servant of Christ, 8vo., 1720 JafFray, Alex.—Diary of, by Jno. Barclay, 8vo., 1834 Journals of the Lives and Gospel Labours of Wm. Caton and Jno. Burnyeat, with a brief Memoir of Jno. Croker, of Plymouth, 12mo, 1839 Letters, &c., of Early Friends, illustrative of the History of the Society, 12mo, 1841 Neale, Sami, and Mary—Some account of the Lives of, both of Ireland, 12mo, 1845 Penn, Wm.—No Cross no Crown ; a Discourse, shewing the Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cross of Christ, 8vo., 1806 2157 2144 2146 2147 2141 2104 2139 2097 2160 2137 2161 2156 THEOLOGY. 9 Penn, Wm.—No Cross no Crown ; a Discourse, shewing the Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cross of Christ, in French, 1793 - Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of, by Thomas Clarkson, M.A., 2 copies, 12mo, 1849 - Journal of his Travels in Holland and Germany, in 1677, 12mo, 1835 Penington, J.—Selections from the Works of, an eminent Minister in the Society of Friends, 12mo, 1837 Pike, Jos., of Cork—Some account of the Life of, written by him¬ self ; also of the Life of Jos. Oxley, 12mo, 1837 Rutty, Jno.—History of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers, in Ireland, from the year 1653 to 1700, 8vo., 1811 Sands, David—Journal of the Life and Labours of, 12mo, 1848 Sewel, Wm.—History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers, 2 vols. 8vo., 1834 Shilletoe, Thomas—Journal of the Life, Labours, and Travels of, 2 vols. 8vo., 1839 Storey, Thomas — The Life of, abridged by Jno. Kendall, by William Alexander, 2 vols. 12mo, 1832 Wheeler, Danl.—Memoirs of the Life and Labours of, a Minister of the Society of Friends, 8vo., 1842 Woolman, Jno.—Journal of the Life and Works of, 8vo., 1776 B 2051 2050 2039 2087 2072 2202 2201 988 2025 2045 2038 2026 2105 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 CLASS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION IV. PRACTICAL DIVINITY, SERMONS, CHARGES, ETC. Allin, T.—Discourses on the Soul. Aliquis—Retrospect or Review of Providential Mercies, 1829 Allnutt, R. L.—Course of Sermons on the 6th Isaiah, 8vo., 1840 Anderson, Rev. Robert—The Lord’s Prayer, a Manual of Religious Knowledge, 12mo., 1847 Armistead, Wilson—A Tribute for the Negro : an Enquiry into their Claims, with Biographies of Africans, 8vo. Man¬ chester, 1848 Arnold, Thomas, D. D.—Sermons on Christian Life; its Hopes, its Fears, and its Close, 5th ed., 1849 -Sermons on Christian Life; its Course, its Tendencies, and its Helps, 5th ed., 1489 Bardsley, Rev. James—Answer to the “ Reply ” to the Document entitled “ A Protestant Sentinel.” Bates, Wm., D.D.—Harmony of the Divine Attributes in Man’s Redemption by the Lord .Jesus Christ, 8vo., 1675 Baxter, J.— Young Christian’s Cyclopaedia of Christian Knowledge, 12mo., 1819 Berridge, John, A.M.—Christian World Unmasked, 12mo.,2 copies. Bradford, Samuel—Sermons Preached by, on the Credibility of the Christian Revelation, 8vo., 1708 British Reformers—Select Writings of, from Wickliif to Jewel and Fox, 12 vols. (l. r. t. s.) Yol. 1. Wickliff to Bilney. „ 2. Tindal, Firth, and Barnes. „ 3. Edward VI., Parr, Balnaves. „ 4. Latimer. „ 5. Hooper. „ 6. Bradford. „ 7. Ridley and Philpot. 2105 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2040 2119 2120 2015 2023 2209 2210 2211 2225 2224 2070 2226 2515 1418 2305 2073 2074 2216 2021 1495 THEOLOGY. 11 British Reformers—Select Writings of, from Wickliff to Jewel and Fox, 12 vols. (l. r. t. s.) Yol. 8. Cranmer, Rogers, Careless, &c. ,, 9. Knox. „ 10. Becon. „ 11. Jewel. „ 12. Fox, Bale, and Coverdale. Broadley, Robt.—Christianity ; a Defence of the Christian Religion against Infidelity, 12mo., 1831 Bunyan, J.—Pilgrim’s Progress, 12mo. (l. r. t. s.) - Lectures on the Pilgrim’s Progress, by Cheever, 12mo. (l. r. t. s.) Calumy, Edmund, D.D.—Fourteen Sermons on the Inspiration of the Holy Writings, 8vo., 1710 Canterbury, Dean of— Sermons Preached before the King and Queen by, in the years 1682, 1689, 1692, 1693, 1694, 8vo. V.Y. Chalmers, Thos., D.D.—Christian and Economic Polity of a Nation, 3 vols. 8vo., 1848 —- Discourses on the Application of Christianity to the Com¬ mercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life, 8vo., 1848 - Tracts and Essays, Religious and Economical, 8vo., 1848 Chamberlain, Rev. Thomas—Help to Knowledge, chiefly Religi¬ ous, 12mo., 1850 - Selected Letters, 12mo. 1843 Channing, W. E.—People’s Edition of his entire Works, 2 vols. 8vo., 1843 Chillingwortli, Wm.—Religion of Protestants a safe way to Sal¬ vation. (l. r. t. s.) 2 vols. Discourse of Consideration in order to a truly Religious Life laid open, 12mo., 1684 Doddridge, Doctor Philip—Lectures on the principal Subjects in PneumatolOgy, Ethics, and Divinity, and List of Authors on each subject, 4to., 1776 Dorney, H.—Contemplations and Letters of. Drew, Samuel—An Original Essay on the Immateriality and Im¬ mortality of the Human Soul, 8vo., 1811 - An Essay on the Identity and General Resurrection of the Human Body, 8vo., 1822 Feltham, Owen—Resolves, Divine, Moral and Political, 4to., 1840 Hale, Sir Mat., Knt.—Contemplations, Moral and Divine, 8vo., 1705 Hall, Robt.—Miscellaneous Works, the Duties of Christians and Ministers, Essays on Political Economy, with Life, by Olinthus Gregory and Jno. Foster, (b.s.l.) 1849 12 THEOLOGY. 1494 Hall, Robt.—Works of, with Memoir, &c., by O. Gregory, L.L.D., 6 yoIs. 12mo, 1S39 2204 Harris, Rev. Jno.—Mammon, or Covetousness the Sin of the Christian Church, 8vo., 1837 15S9 Hooker, Mr. Richard—Complete Works, with an Account of his Life and Death, by Isaac Walton, 2 vols. 8vo., 1850 2020 Kempis, Thos. A.—The Christian’s Pattern, or a Treatise of the Invitation of Jesus Christ, rendered into English by G. Stanhope, D.D., Manchester, 1840 2011 Kenn, Rev. Dr. Thomas—Crown of Glory the Reward of Righteous¬ ness, being Meditations upon the Uncertainty of Sublunary Enjoyments, 8vo., 1725 2086 - The Practice of Divine Love, with Directions for Prayer. 2313 MUombie, Wm.—Hours of Thought, 12mo. 2205 Macfarlane, Rev. J.—Jubilee of the World, an Essay on Christian Missions to the Heathen, 8vo, 1842 2304 Manual for the Aged, 12mo. 2018 Michell, Gilbert, M.A.—Laws and Liberties of the Gospel, or the Duties of Christians, 8vo., 1737 2022 Monmouth, Henry Earle of—Man become Guilty, or the Corruption of Nature, by Sinne, Translated from the French of John Francis Senhault, Svo., 1650 2157 Murray, Lindley—Power of Religion on the Mind, York, 8vo., 1810 2049 Nichols, B. E.—Help to the Reading of the Bible, 12mo. 2117 Pascal—Pensdes, Fragments, etLettresde, Fragments d’une Apologie du Christianisme, ou Pensees sur la Religion, Tome II, Svo., 1844 2082 Patrick, Simon D.D.—The Parable of the Pilgrim, 12mo., 1850 2189 Paley, Dr.—Sermons, vol. 5 of Works. 2037 Quarles, Francis—Emblems, Divine and Moral, a New Edition by the Rev. A. Toplady, and the Rev. J. Ryland, 12mo., 1839 2024 Rochester, Lord Bishop of—Sermons Preached to the Natives of the County of Dorset, in 1692, and Seventeen other Sermons, upon and before Public Bodies,—The King and Queen in 1689 to 1694, 8vo., v.y. 2516 Rolle, Sami.—Burning of London in the year 1666, 12mo., 1667 2084 Sewell, Rev. Wm.—Christian Morals, 12mo., 1849 2048 Scott, T.—Essays on Important Subjects in Religion. 2083 Sherlock, Wm. D. D.—A Practical Discourse of Religious Assem¬ blies, 12mo., 1850 2215 Simeon, Rev. Chas.—Helps to Composition, or Five Hundred Skeletons of Sermons, vol. 2, Part II, 8vo., 1802 2046 Slater, Jno.—Christian Reader, a Collection of Ideas from the most Celebrated Authors. THEOLOGY. 13 1015 Taylor, Isaac—Four Lectures on Spiritual Christianity, delivered in 1841, 8 vo., 1S40 2177 Taylor, Jeremy,—Holy Living and Dying, together with Prayers, containing the Whole Duty of a Christian, (b. s. l.) 2006 Taylor, Nathaniel—Practical Discourses on several Important Subjects, viz., “Children of Holy Parents,” “Covenant of Grace,” “Infant Baptism,” and A Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 8vo., 1703 2069 Thom, David—The Three Grand Exhibitions of Man’s Enmity to God, 8vo., 1845 2061 Thornton, Abbey—Letters on Religious Subjects, 3 vols. 2004 Wood, Ephraim—The Still Voice of Peace, or Tender Counsel to Freemen and Slaves ; in answer to some deep rooted Objec¬ tions and Prejudices, 8vo., 1818 Sabbath Day Prizes, viz. 2053 - The Light of the Week, 12mo. 2054 - The Pearl of Days, 12mo. 2055 - The Torch of Time, 12mo. 2056 - Heaven’s Antidote to the Curse of Labour, 12mo. CLASS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION V. GENERAL RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 2200 Arnold, Thomas, D. D.—Fragment on the Church, 8vo. 1845 2181 Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, and the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, 2 copies, (b. a. l.) 2339 Blunt, Rev. J.—Sketch of the Reformation in England, (f. l.) 1849 325 Bost, A.—History of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren, and Sketch of the present State of the Moravian Church. (l. r. t. s.) 1086 Burn, Rd., L. L. D.—Ecclesiastical Law, 4 vols. 8vo. 1797 1225 Burnet, Bishop, D.D. (Bishop of Salisbury)—History of the Reforma¬ tion of the Church of England, last edition, 2 vols. royal Svo. 1850 2062 Butler, Charles—Historical Memoirs respecting the English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics, 2 vols. Svo. 1819 2016 Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety, or an Impartial Survey of Christian Religion ; by the Author of the Whole Duty of Man, Svo. 1669 2014 Cave, Dr. Wm.—Primitive Christianity, or the Religion of the Ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel, Svo. 1728 2199 Chandler, S., D. D.-—The History of Persecution, from the Patri¬ archal Age to the Reign of George II., and other im¬ portant matter relating thereto ; by Charles Atmore, Svo. 2165 Church of Christ—History of the, previous to the Reformation ; or Sketches of the Lives and Writings of Christians in the Early and Middle Ages, 6 vols. (l. r. t. s.) 12mo. Vol. 1. First, Second, and Third Centuries. „ 2. Fourth and Fifth Centuries. „ 3. Sixth to the Twelfth Century, with an Account of the Waldenses to the Nineteenth Century. „ 4. The Reformation, from the Thirteenth to Sixteenth Century. „ 5. The Commencement and Progress of the Reformation „ 6. The Reformation, a. d. 1555. THEOLOGY. 15 2075 2344 2183 219S 2343 1224 2077 656 2058 1016 2342 2184 2128 2193 2196 2335 2336 2197 2345 2129 2195 Cliurton, Edward, M. A.—Early English Church. Cobbett, Win.—History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, 12mo. 1824 Cruse, Rev. PI. H.—Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphlus, Bishop qf Coesaria, in Palestine, translated, (b. e. l.) D’Aubignd, J. H. Merle—History of the Reformation in the 16th Century, 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. (l. r. t. s.) 1843 Duller, Edward—History of the Jesuits, 18mo. Fosbroke, The Rev. Thos. Dudley—British Monachism of the Monks and Nuns of England, ryl. Svo. 1843 Fox, Sami., M. A.—Monks and Monasteries ; an Account of English Monachism. History of Protestantism in France, from the Earliest Ages to the end of the reign of Charles IX., and to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, (l.r. t. s.) Howitt, Wm.—Popular History of Priestcraft, in all Ages and Nations, 12mo. 1834 Hull, Rev. Edward—Institution and Abuse of Ecclesiastical Pro¬ perty, Svo. 1831 Jameson, II.—Reformation in Navarre, 12mo. Jortin, Jno., D.D.—Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, 3 vols. Svo. 1805 Lollards, The—or some account of the Witnesses for the Truth in Great Britain, from 1400 to 1546, with a brief notice of the Reformation, (l.r.t. s.) 12mo. Massingberd, Rev. F. C.—English Reformation, 12mo. 1847 Milman, The Rev. PI. H.—The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism, in the Roman Empire, 3 vols. Svo. 1S40 Milner, Dr.—Plistory of the Church, A.D. 1—600, 12mo. - Ditto ditto A.D. 600 to 1511, 12mo. Milner, The Rev. Joseph—Plistory of the Church of Christ, from the days of the Apostles to 1520 ; continued to the present time by the Rev. Isaac Milner, and the Rev. T. Plawies, Svo. 1849 Mitclielet, M. — Priests, Women, and Families, translated by C. Cocks, 12mo, 1846 Monastier, Antoine—History of the Vaudois Church from its Origin, and the Vaudois of Piedmont to the present day, 12mo. Mosheim, J. L., Von—Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, translated by Janies Murdock, and edited by Henry Soames, 2nd edition, 4 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1.—Primitive Period. Vol. 3.—The Reformation. Yol. 2.—Medieval Period. Vol. 4.—Modern Period. 16 2337 2174 2176 2175 2078 2076 630 2517 2290 2340 2341 1137 1138 2191 2192 2194 1151 2179 THEOLOGY. Murray, Dean—History of the Church of Ireland, 12mo. 1845 Neander, Dr. Augustus—History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles, (b.s. l.) - The Life of Jesus Christ, in its Historical Connection and Developement, translated from the German by Jno. M‘Clintock and Chas. E. Blumenthal, (b.s.l.) - General History of the Christian Religion and Church, translated from the German of—by Jos. Torry, revised by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, B. A., vols. 1 to 4, (b. s. l.) Oxford, Lord Bishop of, History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, 12mo. 1846 Palmer, Rev. Vm., M.A.—Compendious Ecclesiastical History, from the earliest period to the present time, 12mo. 1850 Reformation in Europe in the Fifteenth Century, (l. r. t. s.) 1843 Ross, Rev. Andrew—Mina, a Tale of the Days of Nero and the Early Christians, 8vo. 1849 Scenes, Characters, and Incidents of the Reformation, (l. r. t. s.) Scott, The Rev. John—Luther and the Lutheran Reformation, 2 vols. 12mo. - Calvin and the Reformers in Geneva. Soames, Henry—The Anglo Saxon Church; its History, Revenues, &c., 8vo. 1838 - Elizabethan Religious History, 8vo. 1839 Stebbing, The Rev. Henry—History of the Reformation, 2 vols. (c. c.) 1834 - History of the Christian Church, 2 vols. (c. c.) 1836 Stephen, Thomas—History of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the present time, 4 vols. 8vo. 1848 Thackeray, Rev. F.—Researches into the Ecclesiastical and Poli¬ tical state of Ancient Britain under the Roman Emperors, 8vo., 2 vols. 1843 ToddjWm. G.—History of the Ancient Church in Ireland, 12mo. 1845 \ CLASS I. THEOLOGY. SECTION VI. HISTORY OF PAGAN MYTHOLOGY AND MAHOMEDANISM-RELIGIOUS BIOGRAPHY-MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF THE LONDON RELIGIOUS TRACT AND OTHER SIMILAR SOCIETIES. 1 .—History of Pagan Mythology and Mahomedanism. 1540 Bryant, Jacob—An Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 3rd edition, 6 vols. ryl. 8vo. 1807 2065 Koran, The—commonly called the Alcoran, with Notes and a Pre¬ liminary Discourse, by George Sale, 8vo. 1850 2066 - Selections from, by William Lane, 8vo. 1843 3000 Mahomet, Life of, by W. Irving, 12mo. 3001 - Lives of the Successors of, by W. Irving. 2469 - Life of, by the Bev. S. Green, (f. l.) 2288 - Life of, (l. r. t. s.) 2182 Ockley, Simon B. D.—History of the Saracens, comprising the Life of Mohammed and his Successors. 1848 81 Schlegel, F., Von—iEsthetic and Miscellaneous Works, containing an Essay on the Language and Wisdom of the Indians, (b. s. l.) 1841 2 .—Religious Biography—Miscellaneous Worics of the London Religious Tract and other similar Societies. 2042 Bible the best Teacher, Questions for Every Day in the Year, and Texts of Scripture, (l. r. t. s.) 822 Brief Memorials of Departed Saints, by the late Rev. J. M. Chapman, Rev. J. Baynes, and Dr. John Campbell, 8vo. 1842 2095 British Reformers, Lives of the, from Wickliffe to Fox, (l.r.t.s) 220 Church in the Army. 815 Clarke, Dr. Adam—Life and Labours of, 12mo. 2311 Doddridge, Dr _ Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, (l.r.t.s.) c 18 THEOLOGY. 2169 Flavel, John—Fountain of Life Opened, or a Display of Christ in his Essential and Mediatorial Glory, (l.r. t. s.) 2094 Gresley, The Rev. Wm.—Coniston Hall, or the Jacobites of 1688, 12mo. 1849 2088 - Church-Clavering, or the Schoolmaster, 12mo. 2089 - Clement Walton, or the English Citizen, 12mo. 2090 - Chas. Lever, or the Man of the Nineteenth Century, 12mo. 2091 - Bernard Leslie, or a Tale of the Last Ten Years. 2092 -. Siege of Lichfield, a Tale illustrative of the Great Rebellion of 1640, 12mo. 1848 2093 - Forest of Arden, a Tale illustrative of the English Refor¬ mation of the XVI. Century, 12mo. 1847 2218 Hunter, Henry, D.D.—Sacred Biography ; a Course of Lectures on the Principal Characters mentioned in the Old Testament, 8vo. 1840 2326 Huss, Jno.—History and Life of, translated by Mary Wyatt, 18mo. 2167 Krummacher, Dr. F. W.—Elijah the Tishbite, from the German of, revised by the Rev. R. S. Walker, (l. r. t. s.) 2166 - Elisha, from the German of, 3 vols. (l. r. t. s.) 2172 --- Glimpse of the Kingdom of Grace, (l. r. t. s.) 2317 Lectures to Young Men, delivered at Exeter Hall, in 1848-9, 12mo. 2121 Leifchild, Dr. John—Sabbath-Day Book, or Scriptural Meditations for Every Lord’s Day in the Year, (l.r.t.s.) 870 Luther, Life of, Avritten by himself, collected and arranged by Michelet ; with Copious Selections from his Table Talk. (b. e. l.) 2071 Morrison, Jno., D.D.—Fathers and Founders of the London Mis¬ sionary Society, 8vo. 1845. 851 Priestley, The Rev. Dr.—Memoirs of, to the year 1795, Avritten by himself, 12mo. 1809 2173 Sartorius, Ernest—Doctrine of the Person and Walk of Christ. 899 Sharp, Archbishop—Life and Times of, by T. Stephen, 8vo. 1839 2168 Spring, Dr. Gardiner—The Bible not of Man, or the Argument for the Divine Origin of the Sacred Scriptures, (l. r. t. s.) 2170 Stowell, Rev. H.—The Divine Panoply, or a Suit of Armour for the Soldier of Christ, with an Introduction. 939 Stephen, Sir James—Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, 2 vols. 8vo. Yol. 1. Hildebrand, St. Francis of Assisi, the Founders of Jesuitism, Martin Luther, the French Bene¬ dictines, the Port Royalists. <( 2. Richd. Baxter, the Evangelical Succession, Wm. Wilberforce, the Clapliam Sect, Historian of Enthusiasm, and the Epilogue. 214 Taylor, Rev. E. B.—Gift to a Neighbour. THEOLOGV. 19 824 Wesley, John—Life of, with an Account of the Great Revival of Religion in Europe and America, by Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore, 8vo. 1792 825 - Life of, with the Rise and Progress of Methodism, by Robt. Southey, 2 vols. 8vo. 1820 823 - Life of, by Richard Watson, 8vo. 1831 2080 Wilberforce, R. I., M.A.—Rutilius and Lucius, or Stories of the Third Age, 12mo. 1842 2219 Williams, Rev. Jno.—Memoirs of the Life of. Missionary to Poly¬ nesia, by Ebenezer Prout, 8vo. 1843 2096 Wilson, Edward—The Martyr of Carthage, a Tale, 12mo. 1840 942 Wycliffe, John, Dr.—Life and Opinions of, by Robt. Vaughan, 2 vols. in 1,8vo. % 1828 Christian Biography, 18mo., 16 vols. (l. r. t. s.) and C. Mather, 18mo. Rev. B. Gilpin, Owen Stockton, H. Grim- shaw, Jno. Janeway, Jos. Alleyne, Archp. Browne, Bishop Bedell. Rev. C. F. Schwartz, Joseph Williams, James Bonnell, Isabella Graham, M. M. Althans. Rev. Jas. Hervey, Dr. Doddridge, Henry Dorney, and James Meikle. Col. James Gardiner, Revds. A. M. Toplady, J. W. Fletcher, and Jno. Brown. ■ Jno. Rowe, Wm. Howard, Dr. Watts, and Revds. W. Romaine, and Sami. Pearce. ■ Bishop Hall, Mrs. Huntington, Revds. Jno. Elliot, O. Heywood, and Jos. Milner. ■ Archp. Usher, Revds. David Brainerd, Edwd. Payson, and Vavasor Powell. Mrs. Joanna Turner, Major-Genl. A. Burn, Revds. Jno. Howe, W. B. Cadogan, and Jno. Flavell. • Mrs. E. Walker, Revds. David Brown, Sami. Kilpin, Thos. Boston, and G. Trosse. - John Bunyan, Dr. Owen, Revds. George Herbert and Thomas Halliburton. - Viscountess Glenorchy, Dr. C. Buchanan, Jno. Howard, Mrs. M. Baxter, and Rev. Rd. Baxter. ■ Revds. George Whitefield, John Wesley, A. H. Francke, and Jonathan Edwards. 2227 Vol. 1. 2228 ,, 2. 2229 ,, 3. 2230 „ 4. 2231 „ 5. 2232 „ 6. 2233 » 7. 2234 „ 8. 2235 „ 9. 2236 „ 10. 2237 „ 11. 2238 „ 12. 2239 V* V# CO THEOLOGY. 20 Christian Biography, 18mo., 16 vols. (l. r. t. s.) 2240 Yol. 14. Lives of Col. Blackader, Alexr. Archibald, Mrs. H. Newell, Revds. Geo. Patrick and Andrew Fuller. 2241 „ 15. - Wm. Cowper, Mrs. A. H. Judson, Anna Jane Linnard, and Rev. Matthew Henry. 2242 „ 16. -— Jas. B. Taylor, Geo. Dunn Boardman, Rev. Thomas Scott, Dr. Bedell, Rev. Jos. Hughes. 2306 Assman, C. G.—Life of. 2323 Brainerd, Rev. D.—Life of. 2303 Buchanan, W. T.—Memoirs of. 2322 Buchanan, Rev. Dr.—Life of. 215 Cranfield, Thomas—Memoir of, a Useful Christian. 216 Cyprian, a Bishop in the Early Church—Life of. 2307 Farel, Wm., the Swiss Reformer—Life of. 2325 Franke, A. H.—Life of. 217 Gouthier, Rev. F. A. A.—Life of. 2324 Graham, Miss A. J.—Life of. 2287 Life’s Last Hours, or the Final Testimony. 2272 Life in Earnest. 2281 Life of Luther, and Thomas Cranmer. 2330 Milner, Dean—Life of. 2328 Martyn, Rev. H.—Letters of. 2327 -- Life of. 2276 Neff Felix—Life of. 2331 Newton, Rev. J.—Life of. 2267 Ramon, Monsalvalge, a Converted Spanish Monk—Life of. 2332 Richmond, Rev. L.—Life of. 2302 Richmond Family—Memoirs of. 213 Savage, Mrs.—Life of. 2333 Scott, Rev. T.—Life of. 2275 Smith, Mrs. S. L.—Life of. 2334 Vaughan, Rev. H.—Memoirs of. 2171 Vaughan, R.—Christian Warfare. 2254 Woman, The Excellent, as described in the Book of Proverbs. Seeley and Burn's Church Series. 2395 Ambrose, Rev. J.—The Christian Warrior. 2369 Apostolic Instruction. 2404 Ay re, Rev. J.—Liturgica. 2374 Barber, M. A. S.—Redemption in Israel. 2402 Biddulph, Rev. T.—Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration. 2352 2353 2321 2354 2355 2356 2357 2377 2418 2425 2347 2358 2382 2406 2405 2348 2428 2431 2430 2429 2432 2433 2426 2427 2415 2373 2394 2409 2424 2370 2371 2364 2398 2363 2361 2365 2366 2413 2423 2383 2391 2403 2388 2410 THEOLOGY. 21 Bickersteth, Rev. E.—Christian Truths. - Scripture Help. - Domestic Portraiture. - Treatise on Prayer. - Treatise on the Lord’s Supper. - Practical Reflections on the Gospels. - Treatise on Baptism. - Testimony of the Reformers. Book for the Cottage. Bread of Deceit. Bridges, Rev. C.—Exposition on Psalm CXIX. Brooks, Rev. J. W.—History of the Jewish Nation. Buddicom, Rev. R. P.—Emanuel on the Cross and in the Garden. Bunyan, John—Pilgrim’s Progress. Centurions, The. Cecil, Rev. R.—Remains of. Childs, Mrs.—The Week. —- House of the Thief. - Memory’s Records. - Going to Service. - My Station and its Duties. ■- Farmer Goodhall. - The Commandment with Promise. -- The Guilty Tongue. - The Nursery Governess. Charles, Rev. T_Essays, Letters, and Papers. Christ our Law. Christian’s Mirror. Christian Trials. Close, Rev. F.—Twelve Discourses on the Parables. - Book of Genesis considered. Elizabeth, Charlotte—Helen Fleetwood. - Sabbath Question Illustrated. - Personal Recollections. - Chapter on Flowers. - Glimpses of the Past. - Judah’s Lion. - The Church Visible. - Dangers and Duties. - Principalities and Powers in Heavenly Places, Essays on Romanism. Evils of Dissent. Female Visitor to the Poor, Felix de Lisle. 22 THEOLOGY. 2380 Gatherings ; a Collection of Short Pieces. 2393 Graham, Mary J.—The Test of Truth and Electing Grace. 2380 Great Commandment. 2414 Howard, A.—Mary Spencer. 2360 Holy Land, and Sketches of the Jews. 2362 Hughes, Rev. H.—Voice of the Anglican Church. 2396 Jones, Rev. T.—Fountain of Life. 2399 - Jonah’s Portrait. 2400 - Prodigal’s Pilgrimage. 2416 - True Christian. 2408 Laud, The Days of. 2390 Letters to a Dissenter. 2389 Listener in Oxford. 2384 Luther, Martin—Manual of the Book of Psalms. 2401 Mac Crindell, Miss—The School Girl in France. 2411 Malan, Caesar—Sketches for Youth. 2422 Malcolm, IT.—Dictionary to Scripture. 2412 Marryat, Rev. G.—A Believer’s Manual. 2421 Michael Cassidy. 2419 Miracles of our Lord. 2367 Misopapisticus—Letters on the Writings of the Fathers. 2407 Nun, The. 2420 Parables of our Lord. 2351 Pascal and Adam, Thomas—Thoughts on Religion. 2372 Paterson, C. J.—Remains and Correspondence. 2376 Pictet, B.—Christian Theology. 2392 Pounden, Rev. O.—Ephesus. 2378 Powerscourt, Viscountess—Letters and Papers. 2350 Series, Ambrose—Selections from the Works of. 2387 Scott, Rev. T.—The Force of Truth. 2368 - Essays on Important Subjects in Religion. 2397 Stevens, Mrs.—Scripture Doctrines. 2381 Sunday Afternoons at Home. 2379 Table of our Lord. 2375 Todd, Rev. T.—Student’s Guide. 2359 Wilkinson, Rev. M.—Sketches of Christianity in North India. 2349 Wilson, Rev. W.—The Attributes of God. 2417 Woodrooffe, S.—Stories of the Primitive and Early Church. 2385 Whytehead, Rev. R.—Key to the Prayer Book. London Religious Tract Society, Miscellaneous Works. 240 Anecdotes, Christian Graces. 241 - Christian Conduct. 320 487 322 321 323 319 190 239 189 188 254 279 499 277 749 213 766 807 466 659 636 635 621 62 618 313 748 746 8 324 185 820 299 404 327 495 192 250 2 334 349 73 71 70 THEOLOGY. 23 Anecdotes, Christian Missions. - Miscellaneous. - Social Life. - The Young. - Admonitions. - Christian Ministers. - Sunday Schools. - Interpositions of Providence. - Religious Tracts. - The Holy Scriptures. Gospel Worthy of all Acceptation. Force of Truth. Friendly Appeals. Best Match. Emily Gray. Triumph of Truth. Robert Dawson. « Catherine Howard. Young Men from Home. Lads of the Factory. Young Women of the Factory. Working Man’s Wife. Careful Nursemaid. Two Apprentices. Apprentice. Stories from Switzerland. City Cousins. Annie Sherwood. Precious Remedies. Christian World Unmasked. Young Christian. Treatise on Religious Affections. Sunday Readings for the Young. Christian Discretion. Mount Pisgah. Young Man’s Monitor. Spiritual Perfection. Discourses on Christ’s Death. Heaven Opened. Familiar Letters to a Gentleman. Guide for Young Disciples. Human Nature in its Four-fold State. Saint’s Everlasting Rest. Dying Thoughts. 24 THEOLOGY. 220 Discourse, proving Weak Grace Victorious. 558 Truth Maintained. 217 Sacramental Meditation. 624 My Schoolboy Days. 540 Book about Pictures. 596 The Country. 608 Botanical Ladder. 827 Flowers of the Forest. 372 The Traveller. 625 Trades Described. 623 Learning to Feel. 660 Learning to Act. * 589 Learning to Think. 755 Great Truths. 622 Kindness to Animals. 647 Calls of Usefulness. 547 Little Ann. 488 Aunt Upton. 555 Play Hours. 139 Present for the Young. 584 Uncle Barnaby. 789 Prize Essays. 769 Letters to Young Men. 756 Guide to the Saviour. 69 Alarm to Unconverted Sinners. 201 Discourses on Christ Crucified. 216 Living Temple. 208 A Saint Indeed. j 4 Call to the Unconverted. 251 Considerations for Young Men. 347 Parables of the New Testament. 257 Practical Letters on Education. 746 Claims of the Gospel. 343 Select Works of the Rev. John Maclaurin. 787 Christ God and Man. 393 It is Well. 665 Hints to Tradesmen’s Assistants. 631 The Religious Tradesman. 305 Grandmama Gilbert. 597 Romanism Examined. 684 Hints to the Charitable. 591 Sunday Scholars. 383 Mute Christian. 598 Thoughts among Flowers. THEOLOGY. 25 298 Letters to a Daughter. S26 Sketch of Popery. 576 William M c Gavin on Controversy. 810 Jacob’s Well. 311 Advantages of Early Piety. 382 Converse with God. 50 Persuasions to Early Piety. 14 Origin of Christianity. 690 Lucilla. 446 Self Discipline. 505 Orphan’s Friend. 491 Blossoms and Fruit. 582 Present for Servants. 167 Grandfather Gregory. 627 Almost Christian Discovered. 457 Captivity of the Jews. 269 Addresses to Christians. 632 Guide to Acquaintance with God. 6 Crook in the Lot. 648 Christian Exertion. 99 Divine Conduct. 16 Love to Christ. 40 Jesus Showing Mercy. 544 Hints on the Evidences of Christianity. 407 Treatise of Delighting in God. 545 Way of Life. 548 Israel of God. 87 History of Redemption. 348 Payson’s Remains. 341 Anxious Inquirer. 203 Christian Characteristics* 758 Life of Christ. 763 Benefits of Christ’s Death. 809 The Apostles. 218 Commentary on the Epistle of Peter, 2 vols. 193 Plain Man’s Guide to Heaven. 465 Redeemer’s Dominion. 459 Sermons on the Power and Grace of Christ. 196 Essays on the Divine Authority. 400 On Rejoicing in the Lord Jesus. 587 Thoughts on Sacramental Occasions. 594 Great Change. 403 Pleasures of Religion. 84 Scripture Doctrine. D 26 238 259 470 412 469 588 786 509 464 379 435 494 458 41 271 442 442 344 441 345 221 335 649 650 550 326 581 199 456 661 791 2271 2284 2284 2285 2285 2282 2280 2280 2283 2283 2299 2298 2268 THEOLOGY. Outline of the Evidences of Christian Religion. Discourse on Meekness. Popery Unveiled. Gospel Lever. A Dialogue. Footprints of Popery. Will Forgers. Spirit of Popery. Geography of the Bible. History of Christ’s Church. The Patriarchs. Connexion of the Old and New Testament. Council of Trent. The Evidence of Prophecy. Missionary Records of India. - West Africa. - Northern Counties. - China, &c. - Sandwich Islands. - Tahiti, &c. Missions, North America. - West Indies. - Christian. - Christian. Missionary Book. Journey to Lattakoo. People of China. Travels in South Africa. Voyages to the Cape of Good Hope. Midshipman in China. Christian Emigrant. Christian Harp. Glimpses of the Dark Ages. - and Dawn of Civilization. Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. - and our English Bible. Ancient and Modern Jerusalem. 2 copies. Jamaica Enslaved and Free. - and Tartar Tribes. Sketches of the Waldenses. - and History of Magic. Indians of North America. Eastern Arts and Antiquities. Nicodemus. THEOLOGY. 27 2254 Excellent Woman. 2255 Female Excellence. 2257 Master and Mistress. 2256 Wife and Mother. 2251 Domestic Life. 2252 Family Book, 2 copies. 2258 Faithful Servant. 2260 Young Servant. 2259 Young Tradesman. 2261 Richmond’s Young Cottager. 2265 Kind Words for Young Friends. 2263 Advice to a Young Christian. 2264 Temper, its Use and Abuse. 2266 Treatise on Afflictions. 2277 Companion to the Bible. 2267 Converted Spanish Monk. 2269 Karen Apostle. 2274 Precious Seed. For further Works relating to this Class, see Histories of Europe, the Jews, Biography, and Collected Works of English Authors. CLASS II JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, &c. Section. I.—Treatises on Law and Government. II.—Collections of Trials, Political Pamphlets, &c. III.—Political Economy, Trade and Commerce, Statistics, &c, IY.—Keports issued by Government, and Blue Books. I o : . .... , j * . CLASS II. JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, &c. SECTION I. TREATISES ON LAW AND GOVERNMENT. 1017 Bent hem, Jeremy—Elements of the Art of Packing, as applied to Special Juries, particularly in cases of Libel Law, 8vo. 1821 3000 - Works in, 11 vols. 8vo. 1084 Blackstone, Sir W. — Commentaries on the Laws of England, edited by Edward Christian, 4 vols. 8vo. 1793 1082 - Ditto ditto edited to the present time, by James Stewart, 4 vols. 8vo. 1849 1073 Brady, J. H.—Plain Instructions to Executors and Administrators, 12mo. 1835 1087 Burn John and Richard—Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, 4 vols. Svo. 1791 1083 Coke, Lord—Systematic Arrangement of the First Institute of the Laws of England, by J. H. Thomas, 3 vols. ryl. Svo. 1818 1076 Cotta, M.—Administration of Criminal Justice in England, and the Spirit of the Government, Svo. 4270 Criminal Law—On the Principles of; Small Books. 1140 De Lolme, J. L.—Constitution of England, or an Account of the English Government, Svo. 1793 4200 Gibbons, D.—Rudimentary Treatise on the Law on Contracts and Services, (w. r. t.) 1085 Hale, Judge—History of the Common Law of England, written by a learned hand, 8vo. 1713 1013 Hawley, Sir J.—Rights of Englishmen, and Juryman’s Instructive Companion, 12mo. 1790 32 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 3001 Hobbes, Thomas—Works in English and Latin, edited by Sir T. Molesworth, 16 vols.Svo. Voh 2. Philosophical Rudiments concerning Government and Society. „ 3. Leviathan, or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil. „ 4. Tripos, or Discourses on Human Nature, De Corpore Politico, Liberty and Necessity. „ 6. Dialogue between a Philosopher and Student of the Common Laws of England. 1072 Parkes, Joseph—History of the Court of Chancery, with Practical Remarks, 8vo. 1828 425 Wingate, Edmond—Maxims of Reasons, or the Reason of the Common Law of England. London, 4to. 1658 1046 - and others—Abridgement of the Statutes in Force and Use from the beginning of the Magna Charta to the Fourth Year of George III., 8 vols. 8vo. CLASS II. JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, &c. SECTION II. COLLECTIONS OF TRIALS, POLITICAL PAMPHLETS, ETC. 1044 Annals of Crime and New Newgate Calendar, being the Lives and Trials of Notorious Traitors, Thieves, &c., 4to. 2459 Charles I. and some of the Regicides—Trials of, with Biographies of Bradshaw, Ireton, &c. (f. l.) 1088 Cobbett and Howell’s complete Collection of State Trials and Pro¬ ceedings for High Treason and other Crimes and Misde¬ meanors, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1820,34 vols. royal 8vo. 1828 Yol. 1. From the 9th Hen. II., 1163, to 43d Elizth., 1600 CC 2. cc 1st James I., 1603, « 3d Chas. I., 1627 cc 3. « 3d Clias . 1 ., 1627, “ 16th cc I., 1640 CC 4. s « 16th “ I-, 1640, « 1st cc II., 1649 CC 5. cc 2d “ II., 1650, « 13th cc II., 1661 CC 6. CC 13th « II., 1661, « 30th cc II., 1678 CC 7. cc 30th “ II., 1678, “ 32d cc II., 1680 CC 8. cc 32d “ II., 1680, “ 34th cc II., 1682 CC 9. cc 34th “ II., 1682, « 36th cc II., 1684 CC 10. cc 1680, “ 1685 CC 11. cc 1680, “ 1688 CC 12. cc 1687, « 1696 CC 13. cc 1696, « 1700 CC 14. cc 1700, “ 1708 CC 15. cc 1708, « 1719 CC 16. cc 1722, “ 1725 CC 17. cc 1726, « 1743 E 34 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 1088 Cobbett and Howell’s complete Collection of State Trials and Pro¬ ceedings for High Treason and other Crimes and Misde¬ meanors, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1820, 34 vols. royal 8vo. Vol. 18. From* 1743 to 1828 1753 66 19. 66 1753 ft 1771 ft 20. ft 1771 66 1777 ft 21. ft 1778 66 1784 ft 22. ft 1783 66 1794 ft 23. ft 1793 66 1794 ft 24. * 66 1794 66 1794 ft 25. ft 1794 66 1796 66 26. ft 1796 66 1798 66 27. 66 1798 66 1800 ft 28. 66 1802 66 1803 66 29. 66 1804 66 1806 ft 30. 66 1806 66 1808 ft 31. 66 1809 66 1813 ft 32. 66 1817 66 1817 ft 33. 66 1817 66 1820 “ 34. General Index, by David Jardine. 873 Dixon, H.—London Prisons, with an Account of Distinguished Persons who have been confined in them; also a Descrip¬ tion of the chief Provincial Prisons, 8vo. 1849 874 - John Howard, and the Prison World of Europe, 8vo. 1849 1077 Hastings, Warren—Trial of, for High Crimes, &c., in the years 1786 and 1795, 8vo. 1796 2458. Jardine, David—Criminal Trials, Sir N. Throckmorton, the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Essex, Sir Walter Raleigh, Dr. Parry, and the celebrated Gunpowder Plot, 2 vols. (l.e.k.) 6050 Mutiny of H. M. S. Bounty—History of the. (f. l.) 6051 - at Spithead and the Nore. (f. l.) 1078 Peltier, John—Trial for a Libel against Napoleon Bonaparte in 1803, 8vo. 1803 1075 Report of the Proceedings on the Trial at* Lancaster in the Case of Thomas Redford versus H. Hornby, Birley and others, from the Short-hand Notes of Mr. Farquharson, 8vo. Man¬ chester. 1822 1079 Rough, W.—Sergeant at Law, Report on the Case of, Svo. 1825 941 Townsend, W. C.—Modern State Trials, revised, with Essays and Notes, 2 vols. Svo. 1850 1065 Wakefield, E. G.—Facts relating to the Punishment of Death in the Metropolis, Svo. 1834 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 35 Political Pamphlets, 10 vols. 8vo. Yol. 1. Civil Liberty Asserted—Public Rights Defended, &c.—Report of Commissioners for Trade and Plantations.—Considerations on Public Affairs. —Brief Arguments in Support of the British Legislature.—The Right of the State.—Short View of the New England Colonies.—Affairs of America. “ 2, Theatre of the War in North America.—Exac¬ tions and Impositions of Parish Fees.—Letter to the Lords and Commons.—Memoirs of the Earl of Essex.—Liveryman’s Reply to Sir Crisp • Gascoigne’s Address. “ 3. Considerations concerning the Public Funds.— Enquiry into the Conduct of the Ministry and Opposition.—Ministry and Government of Great Britain.—Letter upon the Change of Affairs.— Opposition no Proof of Patriotism. — Grand Accuser of the Greatest of all Criminals. " 4. Defence of the Enquiry upon the Change of Affairs.—Conduct of Great Britain.—View and Remarks on the State of Affairs in Great Britain-Persuasive to Impartiality and Candour in judging of the Present Administration.— Defence of the Measures of the Present Admi¬ nistration.—Opposition between the Craftsman and the People.—The Loyal.—Letter from a Member of Parliament.—Letter to the Free¬ holders of Great Britain. “ 5. Sedition and Defamination Displayed.—Reply to Sedition & Defamination Displayed.—Remarks on the Craftsman’s Vindication.—Answer to the Remarks.—Final Answer to the Remarks. —Observations on the Answer.—Answer to Mr. P., on his late Letters.—Observations on the Writings of the Craftsman.—Sequel to the Observations.—Answer to the Observations. “ 6. Address to the Freeholders of Great Britain.— Observations on those who Voted for and against the Excise Bill.—Enquiry into the Conduct of the Ministry.—Letter from a Dis¬ senter to the Craftsman.—Letter to the Crafts¬ man on the Change of Affairs in Europe.—Reply of a Member of Parliament to the Mayor of his 36 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Political Pamphlets, 10 vols. 8vo. Yol. 6. ( Continued .) Corporation.—Conduct of the Emperor and Muscovites, compared with that of France.— Letter to the Craftsman.—The Game at Chess. —Landed Interest considered.—Remarks on Fog’s Journal. 978 “ 7. Pteryplegia, or the Art of Shooting Flying.— Observations on the Life of Cicero.—Life of Sir Robt. Cochran.—State of our Disputes with Spain.—Thoughts on our Foreign and Domestic Affairs.— Survey of Westminster Bridge.— Pastoral Epistle on occasion of the Present Rebellion. 972 “ 8. Memoirs of Lord Lovat.—Experiments on the Properties of Electricity. — Apothecary Dis¬ played. — Narrative of the Proceedings of Thomas Kerridge.—Earnest Exhortation to the Jews.—Answer to the Considerations on the Bill to permit persons professing the Jewish Religion to be naturalized.—History of an Old Lady and her Family. 981 “ 9. Condition of the Working Classes Employed in the Cotton Manufacture in Manchester. — Character of the Collegiate Church, the Free Grammar School, the Blue Coat Hospital, and the Last Will and Testament of the Late Cath. Richards, with other Ancient Curiosities at Manchester.—Case of Marriages between near kindred.—Elector’s Guide.—Unlawfulness of Instrumental Music in the Worship of God. —Abolition of Slavery and Protection of Mis¬ sionaries.—Letter to the People of Lancashire. —Reply to Rev. J. Dyer’s Letter to John Broadley Wilson. 980 “ 10. Invitation Serieuse.—Abstract of the Acts repeal¬ ing the Laws against the Combinations of Workmen.—Observations on Mr. Huskisson’s Speech on the Laws relating to Combinations of Workmen.—Account of the Levant Com¬ pany.—Observations on Quarantine.—Thoughts on the present Commercial Distress.—Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Political Economy. —Letter to Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P., upon the JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 37 Political Pamphlets, 10 vols. 8vo. Yol. 10. (Continued.) Effects of Stamp Duties.—Plain Narrative of Facts.—An Enquiry into the Plans, Progress, and Policy of the American Mining Companies. —Hills, on the United Mexican Mining Com¬ panies. CLASS II. JURISPRUDENCE, GOYERMENT, POLITICS, &c. SECTION III. POLITICAL ECONOMY, Til AD E AND COMMERCE, STATISTICS, ETC. 1004 Bastiat, F.—Popular Fallacies regarding General Interests, with Notes by R. Porter, 12mo. 1849 1576 Brougham, Henry Lord—Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests, 4 vols. 8vo. 1838 1021 Burns, Richard—Statistics of the Cotton Trade, arranged in Tabular form ; also a Chronological History of its various Inven¬ tions, Improvements, &c., 8vo. 1847 1570 Campbell, Lord—Speeches at the Bar and in the House of Commons, Svo. 1842 4271 Capital and Labour, (k. w. v.) 4272 Commerce—History of British, 3 vols. (k. w. v.) 2212 Chalmers, Thomas, D.D.—Political Economy in connection with the Moral State and Prospects of Society, 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 997 Cobbett, Win.—Emigrant’s Guide, in Letters addressed to the Tax¬ payers of England, 12mo. 1830 998 - The Poor Man’s Friend, 12mo. 1010 Corn Trade and Corn Laws—Three Tracts on the, Svo. 1766 1000 Corn Laws—A Report of the Conference of Ministers of all De¬ nominations on the, 2 copies, 12mo. 1003 Cox, E. W.—Act to Amend the Law for the Registration of Voters, &c., &c., 12mo. 1843 1011 Crouch, Henry—Complete View of the British Customs or Rates of Merchandize, Svo. 1724 1014 Democracy—The Influences of, on Liberty, &c., Svo. 1835 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 39 1028 Facts and Figures—A Periodical Report of Statistics applied to Current Questions, 8vo. 1005 Fox, W. J.—Lectures to the Working Classes, 4 vols. 12mo. 1849 1026 Gaskill, P.— Manufacturing Population of England, its Moral, Social, and Physical Conditions, and the Changes which have arisen from the Use of Steam Machinery, 8vo. 1833 1012 Hayes, Richard—Negociator’s Magazine of Monies, Weights, and Measures, in all parts of the World, 8vo. 1740 1074 Hilditcli, R.—Origin and Progress of Aristocratic Taxation, &c. 8vo. 1842 1001 Hopkins, Thomas—Great Britain during the last Forty Years; being an Historical Account of its Finance, Monetary System, Economy, and Condition during that Period, Svo. 1025 Jones, Rev. R.—Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and on the Sources of Taxation, Svo. 1831 1265 Junius, including Letters by the same Writer under other Signa¬ tures, a new and enlarged edition, by Jno. Wade, 2 vols. (b.s.l.) 931 - Ditto, to which is added his Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, edited by Woodfall, 3 vols. Svo. 1812 1020 Lieber, Francis—Manual of Political Ethics, Svo. 1839 1022 Lindsay, Lord—Progression by Antagonism : a Theory involving Considerations touching the present Position, Duties, and Destiny of Great Britain, Svo. 1847 1018 M‘Diarmid, Jno.—Enquiry into the System of National Defence of Great Britain, 2 vols. Svo. 1809 1239 Macgregor, John—Commercial Statistics, &c. including all British Commercial Treaties with Foreign States, 4 vols. royal Svo. 1847 1031 M‘Culloch, J. R.—Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, with Supple¬ ment, 8vo. 1832 2346 Michelet, M.—The People, 12mo. 334 Mill, Jno. Stuart—Principles of Political Economy, with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy, 2 vols. Svo. 1849 1081 Peel, Sir R.—Speeches during his Administration, Svo. 1835 1080 Phillips, Chas.—Speeches at the Bar on various public Occasions in Ireland and England, Svo. 1817 1071 Police of the Metropolis-—Treatise on the, containing a detail of the various Crimes and Misdemeanors, &c. by a Magistrate, 8vo. 1797 1007 Porter, G. R.—Progress of the Nation, 3 vols. 12mo. 1029 - Ditto Ditto, new edition, Svo. 1847 1024 Quincey, Thos. De—Logic of Political Economy, Svo. 1844 40 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 999 Rousseau, J. J.—Inquiry into the Nature of the Social Contract, on Principles of Political Right, from the French, 12mo. 1791 2510 Salt, Sami.—Railway and Commercial Information, 12mo. 1850 2511 -- Facts and Figures, principally relating to Railway and Commerce, 18mo. 1848 1014 - Statistics and Calculations, relating to Railways and Canals, 8vo. 2514 Senior, Nassau Wm.—Treatise on Political Economy, 12mo. 1849 1030 Smith, Adam—An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by J. R. JVFCulloch, 4th edition, 8vo. 1006 - Another Copy, 4 vols. 12mo. 1805 1009 Standard Library, Cyclopmdia of Political Knowledge, 4 vols. 8vo. Yol. 1. Aban. to Cash. “ 2. Cath to Eyre. “ 3. Fac Park. “ 4. Pur “ Z. 3021 Thompson, Col. T. P.—Political and other Exercises, 6 vols. 12mo. CLASS II. JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, &c. SECTION IV. STATISTICAL AND ALL OTHER REPORTS ISSUED BY GOVERNMENT—BLUE BOOKS. 1045 Literary Panorama, being a Compendium of National Papers and Parliamentary Reports, 15 vols., 8vo. 1814 1032 Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Annual Reports of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, in England, for the years 1843, 1844,1845, 1847, 1848, 2 vols. 8vo. Quarterly Returns of the Marriages, Births, and Deaths, in England and Wales, for 1850, and continued as issued by the Regis¬ trar General. 1033 Minutes of the Committee of the Council on Education, for the years 1839, 1840, 1841-2, 1844, (2 vols.) 1845, (2 vols.) 1846, (2 vols.) 1847-8 (2 vols.) 1848, 1849, 1850, (2 vols.) 1850-1. 1033 *— Parochial Union Schools in England and Wales, for 1847, 1848, 1849. 1033 - Correspondence, &c., for 1848, 1849. 1034 Reports of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the State of Educa¬ tion, in South, Central, and North Wales, in 1847, 8vo. 1036 Reports by the General Board of Health on Cholera in 1848, 1849, Extramural Sepulture, on Quarantine, and General Report. -Report to the Board of Health of the Township of Pendleton, (pamphlet.) 1851 1035 Reports by the General Board of Health on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, 2 copies, 8vo. 1850 1040 Report on an Inquiry into the Sanatory Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, with Appendix, 8vo. 1842 F 42 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 1037 Report on the Sanatory Condition of the Labouring Population, &c.. Interment in Towns, by E. Chadwick, 8vo. 1843 577 Returns made by the Overseers of the Poor, in pursuance of an Act passed in the 16th Geo. III., folio. 1778 1038 Annual Reports of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales. Second Report 1836. Fifth “ 1839. Sixth “ 1840. Seventh “ 1841. Eighth “ 1842. Ninth “ 1843. Tenth “ 1844. Eleventh “ 1845. Tweltli “ 1846. Thirteenth u 1847. Fourteenth “ 1848. 1041 Report of the Poor Law Commissioners on Local Taxation, 8vo. Blue Booh. Inspectors of Prisons in England and Wales, Northern and Eastern Districts : 3d Report, 1838,—4th do. 1839,—6th do. 1841,—> 7th do. 1842,-8th do. 1843,—10th do. 1845,—11th do. 1846, —13th do. 1848. - Southern and Western Districts : 3d Report, 1838,—4th do. 1839,—6thdo. 1841,—7thdo. 1842,—10thdo. 1845—11th do. 1846,—12th do. 1847,—13th do. 1848. - Home District : 3d Report, 1838,—6th do. 1841,—8th do. 1843,—9th do. 1844,—10th do. 1845,—12th do. 1847—13th do. 1848,—14th do. 1848. - Midland and Eastern Districts : 13th Report, 1848. Tables of Criminal Offenders : Reports for 1835, 1836, 1837, 1840, 1842 to 1849. Gaol Returns : Reports for 1834, 1835, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1847, and 1848. Inspectors of Prisons in Scotland : 3d Report, 1838,—4th do. 1839, 6th do. 1841,—7th do. 1842,—8th do. 1843,—9th do. 1844,— 10th do. 1845,—11th do. 1846,—13th do. 1848. - General Board of Directors of Prisons : 2d Report, 1841,— 3d do. 1842,—5th do. 1844,_7th do. 1846,—8th do. 1847,— 9th do. 1848,—10th do. 1849,—11th do. 1850. -Tables of Criminal Offenders : Reports for 183S to 1842,1843, and 1845 to 1849. JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 43 Inspectors of Prisons in Ireland : 17th Report, 1838,—18th do. 1839, 19th do. 1840,—20th do. 1841,—22d do. 1843,—24th do. 1845, —25th do. 1846,—26th do. 1848,—27th do. 1849,—28th do. 1850. Tables of Criminal Offenders : Reports for 1845 to 1848. Reports in respect of Crime : No. 486, 1839, August 2. “ 486, 1839, « 3. « 486, 1839, “ 4. Revenue, Population, Commerce, of Great Britain, for 1834 and 1839, to 1849. - Table of Trade, Index to, from 1831 to 1840. - Report on Public Accounts, in 1847. Excise Inquiry : Report 4th, Brewers. 5th, Stone Bottles and Sweets. 7th, British Spirits. 8th, Starch. 9th, Vinegar. 10th, Malt, Ireland. 11th, Excise Accounts. 12th, Auctions. 13th, Glass. 14th, Paper. 15th, Malt. 16th, Hops. 17th, Soap. 19th, Excise Licenses. 20th, Excise Establishment. - “ No. 518, Tea Duties. Election Petitions and Reports of Bribery : a a u u (C « cc it a a a « a a 1834 1834 (2 parts) 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 1834 Ipswich, No. 286. 1835 Ditto, « 411. 1835 Great Yarmouth, « 521. 1835 Bribery at ditto, “ 547. 1835 Poole Borough, “ 128. 1836 Roxburghshire, “ 152. 1838 Shaftsbury, “ 290. 1838 Kinsale, “ 332. 1838 Kingston-upon-Hull, “ 433. 1838 Evesham, « 460. 1838 Carlow Borough, “ 414. (part 2) 1839 St. Alban’s, Canterbury, and Walsall, « 219. 1840-1 44 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Election Petitions and Reports of Bribery : Great Marlow, No. 174. 1842 Ipswich, « 207. tt Ditto, “ 516. u Southampton, Town, “ 239. u Ditto, Inquiry, “ 457. « Cork, County, “ 271. tt Lyme Regis, “ 285. ft Belfast Compromise, “ 431. ft Cheltenham, « 727. tt Proceedings of, “ 458. ft Votes of Electors, « 451. 1846 Fictitious Votes, Ireland, “ 259. 1838 Borough of Sudbury, 1844 Stamford, “ 532. 1848 Lyme Regis, « 162. tt Horsham, « 737. << y Reports : Railway Bills. 1836 on Railways. 1838 on Railways in Ireland. tt - Index. - Appendix. - on Railways. (Two Reports.) - Returns relating to. - Officers of Railways. - Accidents and Statistics. - Railway Labourers. - Passengers and Goods. - Metropolitan Termini. Railway and Land Amalgamation : - Glasgow Railway. - Irish Great Western. - Railway Acts Enactment. - Gauge Commissioners. -Committee on Railways. - Audit of Accounts and Appendix. - Application of Iron to Railway Structures. 1837 to 1846 1840 1841 « 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845 1844-5 1846 1846-7 1846 tt « « tt tt tt 1848-9 1849 tt Slave Trade : - Papers relative to the Abolition of Slavery. (part 5) 1838 - Ditto ditto Slave Population. 1832 - Report, West Coast of Africa, part 2, Appendix. 1842 - Correspondence, viz.:— Class A. 1834, 1841 to 1845, 1846, 1847-8, 1848, 1848-9 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 45 Slave Trade : Correspondence, viz. :—• Class B. 1834, 1839, 1841, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849. “ C. 1838-9, 1842, 1845, 1846, 1848. “ D. 1838-9, 1845, 1846, 1848. - First, Second, and Third Reports of the Slave Trade. 1848 - Instructions for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 1844 Reports of the Poor Law Commissioners for England : - Report 1834 - Answers to Rural Questions, parts 1 and 3. “ - Answers to Town Questions, " 1 “ 2. “ - Assistant Commissioners, “ 2 “ - 1st Report. 1835 - Poor Law Ammendment Act, parts 1 and 2. 1838 - “ Returns, Appendix. <£ - Report A and Appendix. 1844 - “ B Answer to Town Queries. “ - “ B1. parts 2 and 5. C. D. “ - “ E. Vagrancy. F. Foreign Communications. “ - “ Medical Charities. “ - “ Andover Union, parts 1 and 2. 1846 - “ St. Marylebone and St. Pancras’ Parishes 1847 - “ Poor, Settlement and Removal 1847 Reports of the Poor Law Commissioners for Scotland : -9th Report and Appendix. - 1843 - 10th “ 1S44 - Poor Law Inquiry and Appendix, parts 1, 2, and 3. 1844 - 12th Report. 1846 - 13th “ 1847 - Correspondence on Measures adopted for the Relief of Poor. 1847 - 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Reports, Board Relief of Poor, 1848 & 1849 Reports of the Poor Law Commissioners for Ireland. - Relief and Medical Charities. 1841 - Correspondence on Measures of Relief of Distress. 1849 - Further Returns of Poor Relief. 1843 - Report of Medical Charities. 1846 - Relief of Distress, Commissariat Series 1847 -■ Reports, Operation of Poor Law, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4tli, 5th, 6th, and 14th. 1849 - Papers, Relief of Distress, State of Unions, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th. 1847-8 - Union Workhouses 1847 - Third Report of Medical Poor Relief 1848 46 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Reports of tlie Poor Law Commissioners for Ireland : - Correspondence,— Relief of Distress—Failure of Potatoe Crops 1847 - Ditto ditto, Commissariat Series, two parts 1847 - Ditto Union Workhouses, 2d Series 1847 - Papers, Union Workhouses, 8th Series 1849 -Poor Law, Appendix, part 2d. 1849 Reports upon Ireland, viz.— - Lunatic Asylums 1845-6 - Lunatic Poor. 1834 - First Report of Commissioners of Public Works 1848 - Seventeenth Report, Public Works 1848 - Report, Colonization, and Appendix 1845, 1847, 1849 - Third Report, Valuation for Poor Rates and Elective Fran¬ chise, with Appendix 1841 - Com. Union Workhouses, with Appendix 1844 - Shannon Navigation 1834-8-9 - Orange Lodges, &c. 1835 - First and Second Reports of the Commissioners of Public Instruction, and Appendix 1835 Seventh, Eighth, and Twelfth Reports of the Committee of National Education 1840-1-6 Report, Education,—Index 1814 to 1844 Ditto, Appendix 1849 Report of the Commissioners on the Law of the Grand Jury Presentment 1842 - Dublin Jury List 1844 - Report of the Commissioners’ Central Loan Fund Board 1842 - Ministers’ Money 1848 - Receivers of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer. 1849 - Tolls and Customs 1834 - Fisheries, Fourth Report 1846 Colonies, and Foreign Reports : - Papers, West Indies, part 4. 1839 to 1841 - “ Jamaica, part 2. 1841 - « British Guiana. 1841-2, 1849, 1850 - “ Antigua, Trinadad, St. Lucia, Granada. 1841-2 - “ Jamaica, Barbadoes. 1841-2 - “ Mauritius. 1846-7-8-9 - “ West India Colonies and Mauritius. 1848 - Sickness of Troops in the West Indies. 1838 a Emigration of Labourers into the West Indian Colonies. Return, Despatches relating to Canada. 1844, 1847 1839 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 47 Colonies, and Foreign Reports : -West Indies, Correspondence, Musquito Territory. 1848 - Ordinance, Lower Canada. 1841 -Emigration to Lower Canada. 1842 - Papers, Canadas. 1838 North America and Australian Colonies.. - Report, British North America, Appendix. - Emigration, British North America. - Island of Ceylon. - Ceylon and British Guiana. - Papers, Ceylon, Map of Ceylon. - East Indian Produce. - East Indian Affairs. - Report, Indian Law. “ Indian Law Commissioners. - Infanticide, India. - Papers relating to Punjab. “ Carnatic and Kinjore Company. “ Raja of Sattara, parts 1 and 2. “ Galior. “ East India. - “ Scinde. 1839 1847 1848 1849 1849 1840 1838 1847 1842 1843 1847 to 1849 1838 1845 1844 1838 1844 “ Relative to the Treaty of 1824, by the Netherland Authorities and East Indies. 1842 Return, Hill Coolies, India. 1841 Present State of New Zealand. 1838 Report, New Zealand. 1840-1-3-4-7, 1850 Affairs of New Zealand. 1847 Papers, Aborigines, Australian Colonies. 1844 South Australia, Second Report. 1841 Conduct of General Darling, Governor of New South Wales. 1835 Cape of Good Hope, Kafir Tribes, Map of Kafir Land.1847-8 Report, West Coast of Africa, part 1. 1842 Fever, Bona Vesta. 1847 Report, Egypt and Candia, by Bowring. 1840 “ State, H. M. Colonial Possessions and the U. S. of the Ionian Islands. 1847 “ H.M. Colonial Possessions. 1845, 1846, 1848 Reports, 1, 5, 6, 8, Index—Sugar and Coffee Planting. 1848 Report, Sugar Growing Culonies. 1848 “ Colonial Military Expenditure. 1834-5 Revenue Expenditure of Colonies. 1847 Colonial Accounts. 1845 48 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Colonies, and Foreign Reports : - Report, Correspondence, Colonies, Index. 1812 •-Correspondence, Affairs of Switzerland and Italy. 1846,1847, 1848, 1849 - “ Naples and Sicily. 1848-9 -*— “ Levant, part 1. 1841 -Commercial Relations between Great Britain and France, by J. Bowring, parts 1, 2. -Report, Prussia Commercial Union, by J. Bowring. 1840 Miscellaneous Reports : -- Correspondence, Convict Discipline and Transportation. 1838, 1847, 1848-9 -Report, Commissioners, Emigration, Index. 1828 to 1847 - Correspondence, Loans to Foreign Powers by British Subjects. 1823 to 1847 — Religious Education, Scotland, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 9th. 1837-8 -Papers, Education Returns. 1841 — Report, State of Education. 1834 — “ Education, Poorer Classes. 1838 - Committee of Council on Education. 1842-5-7-8 - British Shipping. 1844 - Navy and Army Ordnance Estimates 1844 — Report, Naval Medical Fund. 1845 - “ Wealth of Navy. 1849 — a Naval Trials, Cruises. 1845 — “ Merchant Seaman’s Fund. 1840-8 - “ Shipwrecks. 1843 — Commercial Marine of Great Britain. 1848 — Report, Contract Packet Service. 1849 - “ Fishing Boats, (Scotland.) 1849 — Leith and Newhaven Harbours. 1835 - Reports, Tidal Harbour Commissioners. 1845-6-7 — Report, Commissioners, Harbour Refuge. 1845 — Paper, Harbour Dues, Shipping. 1846 — Report, Burdens upon Real Property. 1846 — Law Commissioners, Conveyancing, Scotland. — Judges’ Salary, Scotland. 1834 -— Law of Marriage. 1848 — Law Commissioners, 1st Report. 1834 — Commissioners, Exchequer Bill Forgery. 1842 to 1848 — Ditto ditto Index. 1811 to 1842 — First and Second Reports, Select Committee, Bankruptcy and Insolvency. 1849 — Report, Rating of Tenements. 1838 JURISPRUDENCE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. 49 « u a Miscellaneous Reports : - Report, Private Bill. 1846-7 - “ Court of Common Law. 1834 - « Private Bill Fees. - Sewers, Metropolis. - Police of tlie Metropolis. -— Metropolitan Police Officers. 1838 -Report of the Metropolitan District Asylum. 1846 - Tables, Metropolitan Lunacy. 1844 - Report, Assistant Hand Loom Weavers, viz.:— Scotland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and part of Austria. 1849 -— Report, Commissioners, Framework Knitters, and Appendix. -Report, Municipal Corporation, and Appendix, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. if “ Protest of Sir T. Palgrave. 1835 “ Master Printers, Scotland. 1842 “ Printing done for the House. 1828 - Second “ Printed Papers. 1835 -Tobacco Trade. 1844 -Consuls, Return, Foreign Corn. 1834 to 1839,1841 -St. Andrew’s University, Commissioners, Scotland. 1845 -State of Turnpike Roads, England and Wales. 1840 -Reading Improvement Bill. 1847 -Report, Kingstown, Holyhead Mail. 1851 - Return, Commissioners, Lunatic Asylums. 1842 -Church Patronage, Scotland. 1834 - Second Report, Official Houses. 1834 -Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Order in Council. 1847-8 -Report, Gaming. 1844 - Game Laws, part 1. 1845-6 - “ Capt. Wynnes’ Letters. - Standing Orders. u ee « 1847 1688 to 1849 -Report, Commissioners, Ordnance Memoirs, Ireland. 1844 -“ Art Union. 1845 - “ British Museum. 1835 - “ Public Libraries, 1st, 2nd. 1849 - Children’s Employment Commission. -First Report, Mines, and Appendix,—Accidents in Coal Mines,—Ventilation of Mines. 1842 -Second Report, Trade and Manufactures,and Appendix. 1843 - “ “ Payment of Wages. 1842 -Factories’ Inquiry, part 2. 1843 - Mills and Factories, 1 st to 6th. 1840 G ‘ ; ■ -• • Mr r ' • . . A . I . ' ' ; . Pi *■ WQm .. El i ■ ;> • • t '* ■'■•:■ :•' ’;" | ■ -i ■ : •■ ;•■■■.« .; ♦ • - v .3 ■ * 1 - -X 7*' • - v , 9 : ’. , ' -JjSB -— *. . . CLASS III. HISTORY. Section. I.—Geography, Chronology, Atlasses, and Maps — Introductions to History. II.—Universal and Ancient History—Histories of the Jews, Egyp¬ tians, Persians, &c.—Grecian and Roman History. III.—1. Medieval and Modern History. 2. Europe generally. 3. France. 4. Northern Kingdoms of Europe, Germany, Austria, and Prussia—Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. 5. British History generally. 6. -from the earliest to the present period. 7. -Military and Naval. 8. -Heraldry and Genealogy. 9. -Scotland and Ireland. 10.-Colonies in all parts, including British India. IY.—1. Voyages and Travels—Collections—Voyages of Discovery, and round the World. 2. -in Europe. 3. —-—— in Great Britain. 52 HISTOKY. Section. IY.—4. Voyages and Travels in Asia Minor, Hindostan, and Tar¬ tary. 5. -the Eastern Seas, China, Australia, New Zealand, and the South Seas. 6. -Palestine, Egypt, and all parts of Africa, Madagascar, and the Mauritius. 7. -North and South America — the Arctic Regions. Y.—Biography. 1. General. 2. Particular. VI.—American History and Biographies. CLASS III HISTORY. SECTION I. GEOGRAPHY, CHRONOLOGY, ATLASSES, AND MAPS-INTRODUCTIONS TO HISTORY. 1408 Anniversary Calender, Natal Book, and Universal Mirror of An¬ niversaries of Events, Institutions, Festivals, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 756 Banks, Thomas—Complete System of Universal Geography, Dis¬ covery, Voyages, and Travels, folio. 1407 Bell, James—System of Geography, 6 vols. 8vo. 1832 Vol. 1. Universal Geography, Northern Europe. w 2. Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Turkey. “ 3. British Empire, Africa. “ 4. Asiatic Russia and Asiatic Turkey, Arabia, Persia, and Hindostan. “ 5. Chinese Empire, Northern and Central America. “ 6. South America, West Indian Islands, and Aus¬ tralasia. 759 Bell, Major J.—Compendious View of Universal History and Literature, in a Series of Tables, folio. 1824 1545 Blair, Dr. John—Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the present Time, including the Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the period from the Exode to the Temple, royal 8vo. 1844 426 Bolingbroke, Lord—On the Use and Study of History, vols. 1, 2, works, 4to. 1409 Boyle, Henry—Universal Chronologist and Historical Register— part 1, from the Creation to 1700—part 2, from 1700 to 1825, 2 vols. 8vo. 1836 54 HISTORY. R.R. Bradshaw’s Map of the Railways of Great Britain, 4 feet 6 in. by 3 feet. 1438 British Almanac and Companion, from the commencement to 1851, 24 vols. 12mo. 1506 Cities and Principal Towns of the World described, (c. l.) 1830 R.R. Foster’s Chronological Chart of the Ancient and Modern History of the British Empire, 3 copies. R.R.-Charts of the Histories of Rome, France, and Britain, 3 copies. R.R. - Charts of the History of England, from b. c. 1100 to A. D. 1849, 3 copies. Geological Map of the State of New York, to illustrate the Memoir published by the State. 378 Gibbert’s Modern Atlas of the Earth, with descriptions, by R. Mudie, royal 4to. 1847 R.R. Haydn, Joseph—Dictionary of Dates, relating to all Ages and Nations, with Copious Details of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 4th edition, 8vo. 1847 1515 History in all Ages, 12mo. 3541 Hone, Wm.—The Year Book. 1848 3543 - The Table Book. “ 3542 -The Every Day Book, 2 vols. 8vo. “ 1514 Johnson, R.—Introduction to the Study of History, and the proper Method of reading Historical Works, 12mo. 1772 1507 Keightly, Thos.—Outlines of History, (c. c.) 1326 M‘Cullagh, W. Torrens—The Use and Study of History, being the Substance of a Course of Lectures delivered in 1841, 8vo. 1845 ^ Magyar, Atlas—az az Magyar Horvat es Tot. (A County Atlas to Hungary) folio, Yiennae. 1802—11 1310 Miller, G., D.D.—History philosophically considered, 4 vols. 12mo. 1508 Nicolas, Sir Harris—Chronology of History, consisting of Tables, Calculations, &c. (c. l.) 1833 359 Partington, Charles—British Cyclopaedia of Literature, Geography, and History, 3 vols. royal 8vo. 1834 948 Pinkerson, John — Modern Geography, 2 vols. 4to. and vol. of plates. 1802 1546 Rottick, Charles von—General History of the World, preceded by a Dissertation on History in general, vol. 1. 1832 1312 Schlegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of History, translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by J. B. Robertson, Esq., 2 copies, (b. s. l.) 1848 R.R. Thomson, John—New Edinburgh Universal Gazetteer and Geogra¬ phical Dictionary, 8vo. 1845 HISTOBY. 55 R.R. Walker, John, M.D., and 13. P. Capper—Universal Gazetteer, a concise Description of the Geography and Topography of the known World, 8vo. 1815 * Wyld, James, M. P.—Popular Atlas of the World, consisting of detailed Maps of the different Parts of the Globe, illus¬ trated by Geographical and Statistical Descriptions, atlas folio. 1849 R.R. - Map of the World on Mercator’s Projection. R.R.-Europe, 5 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 3 in. R.R.-England and Wales, 4 ft. by 3 ft. R.R.-Scotland, 3 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 5 in. R.R.-Ireland, 5 ft. by 4 ft. R.R.-Africa, 5 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 3 in. R.R.-South America, 8 ft. by 6 ft. R.R.-North America, 6 ft. by 6 ft. R.R.-Asia, Southern, 2 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. CLASS III HISTORY. SECTION II. UNIVERSAL ANCIENT HISTORY — HISTORIES OF THE JEWS, EGYPTIANS, PERSIANS, ETC.-GRECIAN AND ROMAN HISTORIES. 1547 Akerman, J. Y., F. S. A.—Descriptive Catalogue of rare and un¬ edited Roman Coins, from the earliest Period of the Roman Coinage to the Extinction of the Empire, under Constantius Paleologos, 2 vols. 8vo. 1834 2474 Alexander the Great—Life of, by Rev. J. Williams, (f. l.) 1529 Arnold, Thomas, D.D.—History of Rome, 3 vols. 8vo. 1848 Yol. 1. Early History to the Burning of Rome by the Gauls. <£ 2. From the Gaulish Invasion to the end of the first Punic War. “ 3. To the end of the second Punic War. 1529 - History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the second Punic War to the Death of Julius Cresar, and of the Reign of Augustus, with a Life of Trojan, 2 vols. 8vo. 1849 1541 Ancient History, containing the Assyrians, Egyptians, Chaldeans, Medes, Lydians, Persians, Macedonians, Parthians, and Carthagenians, from Rollin, &c., 8vo. (l. r. t. s.) 1842 1542 - in 3 vols. 8vo. Yol. 1. Assyrians, &c. “ 2. History of Greece. “ 3. History of Rome. 2603 Bucke, Charles—Ruins of Ancient Cities, with their Rise, Fall, and Present Condition, (f. l.) 2 vols. 1550 Bulwer, E. L.—Athens, its Rise and Fall, with Yiews of the Liter¬ ature, Philosophy, and Social Life of the Athenian People, 2 vols. 8vo. 1837 1453 Cmsar’s Commentaries, translated by Wm. Duncan, 2 vols. (f. c. l.) 1477 2468 2867 2594 2594 1223 1528 1526 1552 1536 1520 1521 1522 1537 1538 1539 1525 1443 1465 1516 1515 14S5 HISTOBY. 57 Ctesar’s Commentaries, translated by W. A. M‘Devitte and W. S. Bohn. (b. c. l.) 1851 Cicero, M. T.—Life of, by J. F. Hollings. (f. l.) Civil Wars of Rome, 5 vols. (k. w. v.) Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, 2 vols. 1849 Ditto ditto, another copy, 1 vol. only. Fosbroke, Rev. Thos. Dudley—Encyclopedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archeology, Classical and Medieval, 2 vols. royal 8vo. 1843 Gibbon, Edw.—Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 12 vols. 8vo., 2 copies. 1811 - Ditto ditto, 9 vols. 8vo. 1809 Gliddon, George R.— Otia iEgyptiaca, Discourses on Egyptian Archeology and Hieroglyphical Discoveries, 8vo. 1849 Goldsmith, Oliver—History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great, and a Continuation to the Taking of Constan- . tinople by the Turks, 2 vols. 8vo. 1812 — : -- History of Rome, from the Foundation of the City to the Destruction of the Western Empire, 8vo. 1823 - Ditto, ditto, vol. 2,8vo. 1817 - Ditto ditto, 2 vols. 8vo. 1793 Greece—History of, from the earliest Times to its final Subjection to Rome, 8vo. (l. u. k.) 1829 Grote, G.—History of Greece, vols. 1 to 8, 8vo. 1849 Vol. 1 to 2. Legendary Greece. “ 2 to 3. Early Historical Greece. “ 4. Macedonians. “ 5 to 6. From the Battle Marathon to the Peace of Nikias, b. c. 490 to 421. “ 7- From the Peace of Nikias to the Conspiracy in Athens, b. c. 421 to 410. “ 8. From b. c. 412 to Socrates. Herodotus—Translated by the Rev. W. Beloe, 2 vols. royal 8vo. 1825 - Ditto ditto, 8vo. 1830 - Ditto ditto, 3 vols. (f.c. l.) 1830 -- New and literal Translation by the Rev. Henry Cary, M.A. (b. c. l.) 1849 Hetherington, Rev. W.—History of Rome, with an Account of the Statistics of Rome, 8vo. 1839 History in all Ages, 12mo. 1214 Hobbes, Thos.—English Works of, 11 vols. 8vo. Vols. 7 and 8. History of the Grecian War, by Thucy¬ dides. H 58 1512 2602 2117 2118 1511 1507 2460 2461 1478 1523 1460 1518 1510 1519 1535 1549 1531 1532 758 2187 786 779 2007 HISTORY. Jahn, John, D.D.—History of the Hebrew Commonwealth to the Destruction of Jerusalem, with a Continuation to the Time of Adrian, 2 vols. 8vo. 1829 Jews—History of the, 3 vols. (f. l.) 1830 Jews—History of the, from the Call of Abraham to the Birth of Christ, 2 vols. (l. r. t. s.) 1841 Jewish Nation—their Manners, Customs, Rites, Worship, Laws, and Polity, (l. r. t. s.) 1848 Josephus—History and Antiquities of the Jews, edited by W. Whiston, 3 vols. 8vo. 1818 Keightley, W.—Outlines of History, Ancient, Middle Ages, and Modern History, (c. c.) 1830 Lives of Celebrated Greeks, 12mo. Lives of Celebrated Romans, 12mo. Livius, Titus—History of Rome, translated by Dr. Spillan, C. Edmonds, and W. A. M‘Devitte, 4 vols. (b.c.l.) 1850 - History of Rome, translated by G. Baker, 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 - Ditto, by G. Baker, 7 vols. (f.c. l.) —— Ditto, 2 vols. (c.c.) 1834 Maunder, Sami.—Treasury of History : comprising Universal His¬ tory, Ancient and Modern, with separate Histories of every principal Nation, 8vo. 1847 Michelet, J.—History of the Roman Republic, edited by W. Hazlitt, 2 copies, (b. e. l.) 1847 Mitford, John—History of Greece, by Lord Redesdale, 8 vols. 8vo. Muller, K. O.—History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, 8vo. 1840 Niebuhr’s Lectures on the History of Rome, from the earliest Times to the Death of Constantine, edited by L. Schmitz, 3 vols. 8vo. 1842 Niebuhr’s History of Rome—An Epitome of, by Travers Twiss, 8vo. 2 vols. 1836 Ogilby, Jno.—Asia, being an accurate Description of Persia, and the vast Empire of the Great Mogul, and other Parts of India, folio. 1673 Osborn, Wm., Junr.—Antiquities of Egypt, with a peculiar Notice of those that illustrate the Sacred Scriptures. (l.r.t.s.) 1847 Plutarch’s Lives—with Notes and Life of Plutarch, by John Lang- horne, D. D., and William Langhorne, A. M., 8vo. 1828 Plutarch’s Lives of Greek and Roman Emperors, translated and written by Jno. Dryden, 6 vols. 12mo. 1758 Prideaux, Humphrey, D.D.—Old and New Testament, connected in the History of the Jews, from the Declension of the King¬ doms of Israel and Judah, to the Time of Christ, 3 vols. 8vo. 1716 417 1319 1513 1546 2586 1517 1543 1544 R.R. 1551 1533 438 439 440 441 442 HISTORY. 59 Raleigh, Sir W.—History of the World, in Five Books, from the Creation to the Time of the Roman Empire, with the Life and Trial of the Author, folio. London. 1687 Robertson, Wm.—Historical Disquisition of the Knowledge the Ancients had of India, with its History before the Dis¬ covery of the Passage by the Cape of Good Hope, &c., vol. 9 of Robertson’s Works. Rollin, M.—Ancient History of the Medes, Persians, Egyptians, Carthagenians, Greeks, Babylonians, Alexander the Great, and his Successors, 6 vols. 8vo. 1827 Rotteck, Charles Yon, L.L.D.—General History of the World, from the earliest Times until the year 1840, 4 vols. 8vo. 1842 Vol. 1. Dissertation on History. “ 2. Middle Ages, 400 to 1500, a. d. a 3 and 4. Modern History, 1492 to 1689, and 1797 to 1840 Russell, Rt. Rev. W.—View of Ancient and Modern History of Egypt, with an Outline of its Natural History, 2 copies, 12mo. Sismondi, J. C. L. de—History of the Fall of the Roman Empire, comprising a View of the Invasion and Settlement of the Barbarians, 2 vols. (c. c.) 1834 Smith, Wm., L.L.D.—Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 3 vols. royal 8vo. 1844 Yol. 1. Abaeus to Dysponteus. “ 2. Earinus to Nyx. “ 3. Oarses to Zygia. - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, royal 8vo. 1842 - School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, abridged, 8vo. 1845 Spineto, Marquis—Lectures on the Elements of Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. 1829 St. John, J. A.—History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, 3 vols. 8vo. 1842 Swinton, Rev. J., and others—Universal History, from the earliest account of Time to the present, compiled from original Authors, 7 vols. in 9, folio. 1736 Yol. 1. From the Creation of the World to the Baby¬ lonish Captivity—The Jews—Assyrian and Babylonian Empires. “ 2. The Medes, Persians, & c. “ 3. The Islands of the Propontis — Macedonians, and the Ptolemies of Egypt. “ 4, 5, 6. The Jews—Persians—and Roman History. CO HISTORY. 438 Swinton, Rev. J., and others—Universal History, from the earliest account of Time to the present, compiled from original Authors, 7 vols. in 9, folio. 1736 446 Yol. 7. Carthage—Ethiopia—The Arabs — Spaniards— Gauls — Germans — Britain — Hungarians — Goths—The Vandals—Franks — Lombards — Astrogoths in Italy — Index to the 7 Vols.— Chronological Tables, &c. 1270 —- Universal History, Ancient and Modern, 20 vols. 8vo. Ancient History.— Vol. 1. From the Creation of the World to the Origin of Civil Government. “ 2, 3. History of Egypt and the Jews. “ 4. The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires. “ 6. Medes and Persians. “ 6. The Celts—Scythians — Fabulous and Heroic Times. “ 7. Athenians—Grecian States in Asia Minor. “ 8. Syracuse. “ 9. Macedonian History—Syrians—Armenians. w 10. Bithynia—Bosphorus, &c.—The Jews, to the Destruction of Jerusalem. “ 11. Parthians—Roman History—Persians. “ 12, 13, 14, 15. Roman History. “ 16. Etruscan History, Eastern and Western Em¬ pire, to the Death of Valeas. “ 17. Constantinopolitan History. “ 18. Carthage—Ethiopians--Arabs—Spaniards-Gauls. u 19. Germany—Britain—Northern Tribes of Europe —Bulgarians—Italy. “ 20. General Preface—List of Authors—Index—and Dissertation on the Peopling of America. 1524 Tacitus—Works of, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy, 8vo. 1831 1446 - Annals, History, and Writings of, 5 vols. (f. c. l.) 831 Theodosius the Great—Life of, 8vo. 1693 1534 Thirlwell, C., D.D.—History of Greece, 8 vols. (c. c.) 1838 1417 Traheron, Wm.—Historie of all the Romane Emperors, from Caius Julius Caesar, and Ending with Rodulph II., now Reigning. Englished from the Spanish of Pedro Mexia, and the Italian of Lodovico Dulce and Girolamo Bardi, 4to., Lon¬ don. 1604 1505 Treatiso on the Arts, Manufactures, Manners, and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans, 2 vols. (c.c.) 1834 HISTORY. 61 1479 Thucydides—History of the Peloponnesian War, by the Rev. H. Dale, 2 vols. (b. c. l.) 1849 1450 - Translated by Wm. Smith, D. D., 3 vols. (f. c. l.) 1323 Tytler, Alex. F.— Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern, with a Table of Chronology and View of Ancient and Modern Geography, 2 vols. 8vo. 1813 Vol. 1. Ancient History. “ 2. Modern History. 1323 - Another Copy, 2-vols. 8vo. 1801 2601 Tytler, Hon. A. F.—Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, 6 vols. (f. l.) 1847 2081 Wilberforce, R. J., M.A.—The Five Empires, an Outline of Ancient History, 12mo. 1850 1553 Wilkinson, Sir Gardiner—Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Religion, Agriculture, and Early His¬ tory, 5 vols., 3d edition, 8vo. 1847 CLASS III. HISTORY. SECTION III. HISTORY. I. —Medieval and Modern History. 1325 Arnold, Thos., D. D.—Introductory Lectures on Modern History, 8vo. 1849 1309 Berrington, Rev. J.—Literary History of the Middle Ages, from the Reign of Augustus to its Revival in the Fifteenth Century. (b. e. l.) 1841 1264 Chronicles of the Crusaders : Richard of Devizes, Geoffrey de Yinsaul, Lord de Joinville. (b. a. l.) 1320 Guizot, F.—History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Edited hy W. Hazlitt, 3 vols. (b. e. l.) 1321 --- Ditto ditto. Translated hy P. Beckwith, 8vo. 1837 1509 History of Maritime and Inland Discovery, 3 vols. (c. c.) 1830 1046 Letters by a Turkish Spy, giving an Account of the chief Transac¬ tions in Europe from the year 1627 to 1682,8 vols. 12mo. 1734 1196 Macauley, T. B.—Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review, 8vo. 1848 1322 Mackinnon, Alex.—History of Civilization, 2 vols. 8vo. 1846 1256 Mahon, Lord—Historical Essays, viz.: Joan of Arc—Mary, Queen of Scots—Marquis of Montrose—Last Years of Frederick II. —Letters between Mr. Pitt and the Duke of Rutland— French Revolution—Latin Inscriptions. 8vo. 1847 2453 Malkin, J. H.—Historical Parallels, illustrating the Plagues of Athens, Florence, Milan, Constantinople, London.— Sieges of Magdeburgh, Platea, Tyre, Jerusalem. — The Popish Plot—John Huss—Jerome of Prague. 2 vols. (l. e. k.) 1849 2453 - Ditto ditto ditto 3 vols. (k, w. v.) 1846 1237 1510 1310 1134 1135 2890 1308 1315 1546 1311 2868 2454 1324 1323 1271 HISTOKY. 63 Martineau, H.—Introduction to the History of the Peace, from 1800 to 1815, royal Svo. 1851 Maunder, Samuel—Treasury of History; a general Introductory Outline of Universal History, Ancient and Modern, new edition, Svo. 1847 Miller, Rev. Geo., D. D.—History philosophically illustrated from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution, 4 vols. Svo. 1849 Mills, Charles—History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land, 2 vols. Svo. 1820 - History of Chivalry ; or Knighthood and its Times, 2 vols. 8vo. 1826 Popular Tumults, (k. \v. v.) Prescott, W. H.—Critical and Historical Essays, 8vo. 1849 Robertson’s Historical Works, containing the Histories of Scotland ; the Reign of the Emperor Charles V.; of America ; and Historical Disquisition concerning Ancient India; with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, 9 vols. 1824 Rostock, C.—General History of the World, vols. 3 and 4, Modern History. Schlegel, F.—Course of Lectures on Modern History, and Essays on the beginning of our History, and on Caesar and Alexander, translated by Lyndsey Purcell and R. H. Whitelock. (b. s. l.) 1849 Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, viz. : The Assassins — The Templars—The Secret Tribunals of Westphalia. (l. e. k.) 1848 - Another Copy. (k. w. v.) Smyth, William—Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolution, 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 Tytler, Alex.—Elements of General History, vol. 2, Modern His¬ tory. 1813 Swinton, J., and others—Universal History, Ancient and Modern, 44 vols. 8vo. Modern History.— Vol. 1. Life of Mohammed—Arabian History. “ 2, 3. History of the Arabs. “ 4, 5. Turks — Moguls and Tartars — Persia. “ 6. Persia—Hindostan. “ 7- Assam — Pegu — Ava — Laos — Siam—Eastern Tartary. “ 8. Chinese History. 64 HISTORY. 1271 Swinton, J., and others—Universal History, Ancient and Modern, 44 vols. Svo. Modern History.— Vol. 9. Japan—East Indies. “ 10, 11. East Indies—Terra Australis. “ 12. Othmans. “ 13. History of the Dispersion of the Jews. “ 14. Egypt—The African Isles. “ 15. Abyssinia—The Kingdom of Monoemagi. “ 16. Kingdom of Congo and Western Africa. “ 17. Gold Coast—Guinea—Interior of Africa. “ 18. Barbary—Algiers—Tunis. “ 19. Malta—The Visigoths in Spain. “ 20. History of Castile and Leon. ik 21. History of Aragon—Spain. “ 22. Portugal—Navarre. “ 23 to 25. France and Italy. “ 26. Italy. “ 27. Venice. “ 28. Naples—Genoa. “ 29, 30. Germany. “ 31. United Provinces—Holland. “ 32. Denmark. “ 33. Sweden. “ 34. Poland—Prussia. “ 35. Russia. “ 36. History of Florence. “ 37. Bologna—Parma—Geneva—Milan—Mantua. “ 38. History of America — Discovery and Early History. “ 39. Peru—Mexico—British Possessions in North America. “ 40. Canada—Southern States. “ 41. The States—West India Islands—Hudson’s Bay. “ 42. Hungary—Swiss Cantons—Bohemia—Germanic States, &c. “ 43. Geography of the Globe and conclusion of Modern History. iC 44. Geography of America and Index. - Atlas of Plans, Maps, and Charts, folio. HISTORY. 05 2 .—History of Europe generally. 1327 Alison, Archibald, L.L.D—History of Europe, from the commence¬ ment of the French Revolution in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1814, 20 vols. 8vo. Yol. 1. Introduction and Progress of Freedom in France and England. “ 2. The Revolution of 1789. “ 3. The Republic to the Fall of the Girondists. t( 4. Reign of Terror and Campaign of 1794. “ 5. War in Poland—Rise of Napoleon.