-LI E> RAR.Y OF THE UN IVLRSITY OF ILLINOIS 630. T cop. N.O.N CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY Immunization Against Pox in Domestic Fowl BY ROBERT GRAHAM AND C. A. BRANDLY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Bulletin 470 CONTENTS PART I: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4 Chemically and Physically Treated Virus 6 Virulent Fowl Virus 8 Virulent Pigeon Virus 13 Pigeon and Fowl Viruses Passed Thru Heterologous Host 16 Mixed Fowl- and Pigeon-Pox Virus 19 Vaccine Virus and Fowl-Pox Virus 20 Immunization of Pigeons 22 Factors Bearing on Vaccine-Host Relationship 24 PART II: ILLINOIS EXPERIMENTS 34 Fowl-Pox Immunization With Pigeon-Pox Virus 34 Source and preparation of virus 34 Application by feather-follicle method 38 Application by stick method 45 Parallel tests by feather-follicle and stick methods 48 Antidiphtherin Vaccination Against Fowl Pox 51 Vaccine Virus in Vaccination Against Fowl Pox: Feather-Follicle Method 57 Chemically Treated Pigeon and Fowl Viruses in Vaccination Against Fowl Pox 58 Fowl-Pox Immunization of Day-Old Chicks With Fowl-Pox Virus 62 Pigeon-Pox Immunization With Fowl-Pox Virus 63 Fowl-Pox and Pigeon-Pox Viruses in Vaccination of Ptillorum- Exposed Chicks 67 SUMMARY 69 BIBLIOGRAPHY.. . 72 Urbana, Illinois October, 1940 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station Immunization Against Pox In Domestic Fowl By ROBERT GRAHAM and C. A. BRANDLY' FOR MANY YEARS fowl pox has caused serious losses in Illinois farm flocks. Lowered egg yield, impaired development, and loss of flesh, together with high death rate, as the result of the generalized type of the disease, have been noted. In fact, pox often recurs on many premises, and in some districts has even as- sumed endemic proportions. The predominating type of the disease in chickens in Illinois is characterized by the development of diph- theritic patches on the mucous membranes of the mouth, while in turkeys the infection is characterized by epithelioma-like lesions of the comb and wattles. Fowl-pox immunization procedures have been studied at the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station since 1926. In these studies an op- portunity has been afforded to employ different pox viruses in ap- praising the limitations of immunization. To aid flock owners and veterinarians in the control of pox in domestic fowl, suggested methods were outlined in Circular 430 (1935). The monograph presented here gives a partial exposition of the results of fowl- and pigeon-pox immunization studies at the Station from 1926 to 1936, together with a review of available literature on fowl-pox immunization. Investigations on pox control in domestic fowl at the Illinois Station have centered about the development of an active virus that might consistently induce immunity, yet be incapable of inducing unfavorable reactions. Numerous favorable reports on pox control by artificial immunization have appeared in the world's literature during the past quarter of a century. These investigations, tho conducted NOTE. The term fowl pox, as employed here, refers to a group of so-called pox infections which attack various species of Aves, accompanied by the syn- drome and lesions of the character considered grossly or microscopically typical of avian poxes. A distinction is made between strains of fowl-pox and pigeon- pox virus. Fowl-pox virus (also called fowl virus) usually attacks only chickens and turkeys. Pigeon-pox virus (also referred to as pigeon-strain virus or pigeon virus) is common only to pigeons, and, like fowl virus, is dis- tinct from other bird-pox viruses such as Kikuth's canary-pox virus and mourning-dove virus. ROBERT GRAHAM, Chief in Animal Pathology and Hygiene; and C. A. BRANDLY, formerly Associate Chief in Animal Pathology and Hygiene. 4 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, in different countries under a variety of conditions and with different strains of fowl- and pigeon-pox viruses have, in the main, reported progress in the suppression of pox with modified active virus; yet certain limitations are generally acknowledged in immunization pro- cedures. The investigations at the Illinois Station, herein reported, were prompted by limitations encountered in employing viable fowl and pigeon viruses with the object of more completely eliminating irregu- lar or unfavorable results in pox prophylaxis. Prior to 1902 efforts to find a dependable method of immunizing susceptible fowls against pox were largely fruitless. These failures may probably be attributed to the confusion which existed regarding the etiology of the disease. Hopeful progress was not recorded in immunization against pox in domestic fowl until it was recognized that cutaneous pox (so-called epithelioma) and the mucous-membrane type of the infection (diphtheria) were caused by the same infective agent. The identification of the common etiology of the two types of the disease was followed by convincing evidence that inactivated or killed pox virus failed to stimulate more than a transient or negligible pox immunity. This information prompted extensive studies on the im- munizing value of viable pox virus; and, as a result of applying this virus in various ways, the dermatropic character, as well as the immunizing value, of living pox virus was established. PART I: REVIEW OF LITERATURE As early as 1869 Rivolta described "inclusion" bodies as etiologic factors of fowl pox. Later (1880) the same author ascribed mycotic characters to the "inclusion" bodies and reported flagellates associated with dipththeria in young fowls and pigeons. Silvestrini (1873), Per- roncito (1886), Pfeiffer (1889), Babes and Puscariu (1890), and Mazanti (1896) ascribed causal significance to various protozoa en- countered in diphtheritic or pox-like lesions of chickens and other birds. Bellinger (1873) called attention to the microscopic changes in fowl-pox lesions. Later Krajewski (1887), Babes and Puscariu (1890), Loir and Ducloux (1894), Sanfelice (1897), Harrison and Streit (1902-04), Fally (1908), Jowett (1909), Bordet and Fally (1910), Gallio-Valerio (1925), and others reported bacteria, yeasts, and molds in the role of causative agents of avian diphtheria and pox-like lesions in various birds. The various conceptions of the etiology of pox were not clarified until Marx and Sticker (1902) demonstrated that the etiologic factor of fowl pox was capable of passing a Berkefeld filter. The filtrable character of the etiologic factor, together with evidence that specific 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 5 cytologic changes were produced by the filter-passing agent, was accepted as identification of fowl pox as a virus disease. Subsequently Carnwarth (1908), Von Betegh (1913), Von Ratz (1913), and Van Heelsbergen (1920) demonstrated the etiological identity of cutaneous fowl pox and avian diphtheria, while Panisset and Verge (1923) de- scribed pox lesions on the skin, the mouth, and the oculonasal mem- branes and found them all to be associated with the virus of pox. Doyle and Minett (1927) confirmed these observations and, in ad- dition, called attention to so-called "no-lesion" cases of fowl pox characterized by chronic emaciation; while the observations of Borrel (1904) on the morphological structure of pox inclusions were followed by studies of Woodruff and Goodpasture (1929) establishing patho- genesis of a single elementary (Borrel) body. The early reports on the use of "vaccines" prepared from pox- lesion material treated by chemical and physical means suggest that these products in many cases were not true vaccines but suspensions of inactive or dead virus rather than the attenuated active virus. Variations in the effect of the "attenuating" agent due to temperature, nature, and concentration of chemicals employed, to the virus as well as the concentration of the virus, bacterial flora, etc., might account for marked differences in antigenic properties. When the chemical or physical treatment of the lesion material was so severe as to in- activate completely or destroy the virus, the tissue and immunity re- sponses appeared negligible. In cases where chemical or physical treatment resulted in attenuation by inactivation or destruction of only a part of the pox virus, a "true" antigenic vaccine was apparently obtained. Such pox vaccines appeared capable of inducing a localized reaction recognized as a vaccination infection or "take" in susceptible birds. Such reaction, in view of present knowledge, is followed by an active-immunity response. In many investigations on immunization procedures the actual potency or infectivity of the virus content of the vaccines was not determined, and it seems obvious that an accurate appraisal of anti- genic properties thus would be impossible. In numerous instances physical and chemical attenuation of a significant degree probably occurred in the preparation and handling of the virus, altho this altera- tion was not fully recognized. Furthermore, some reports fail to indicate definitely the source of the pox virus employed, designating it as fowl-pox virus, altho it appears that virus of pigeon source might have been employed. Biological variation and strain differences, par- ticularly in so far as various fowl and pigeon strains are concerned, were in some instances apparently overlooked or incorrectly inter- preted. Furthermore, vaccines were often employed in pox-infected flocks; and the results, if any, could not be ascertained accurately. 6 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, In an attempt to analyze fowl-pox immunization procedures Reiz and Nobrega (1936) classified the vaccines into four principal types according to source or origin; namely, original chicken (unmodified fowl pox) virus; original (unmodified) pigeon virus, monopathogenic ; chicken (fowl) virus (bipathogenic) adapted to pigeons; and mixed virus of the chicken and pigeon. To these may be added pigeon virus (bipathogenic) unmodified, or modified by serial chicken passage, par- ticularly since monopathogenic pigeon strains may not be considered pathogenic or antigenic for chickens. More recent findings suggest that a classification of original or unmodified, as well as biologically modified, strains may warrant recognition, tho earlier workers em- ployed principally the unmodified fowl-pox lesion material treated by chemical and physical means, with the object of bringing about a satisfactory degree of attenuation. Later, virulent unmodified fowl- and pigeon-pox viruses were widely used, while attempts to effect de- sirable modification of bipathogenic viruses by passage thru the heterologous species have received attention. Chemically and Physically Treated Virus The non-antigenic properties of dead fowl virus were reported by Burnet (1906), Beach (1920), Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Rasch (1929), and Kligler (1930), while Doyle (1930) reported that fowl virus modified or attenuated by chemical means produced only incon- stant results. Manteufel (1910) reported success in immunizing fowls by injecting subcutaneously and intravenously lesion virus from the skin or mucous membranes, suspended in physiological salt solution and heated at 55 C. for one hour. Successful attenuation of the virus by admixture with rabbit bile was also claimed. Manteufel further claimed marked curative value for this product and stated that chickens treated with it were immune for one and one-half to two years. Hadley and Beach (1913), Mack and Records (1915, 1916), Upton (1918), Klose (1921), and Glover (1931) concluded that vac- cine of the Manteufel type was highly effective in preventing fowl pox and exerted a curative effect on diseased fowls. Immunity was obtainable by subcutaneous injection of pox material, both heated and unheated. However, Boerner and Stubbs (1921), as well as McNutt (1926), Pyle (1926), and Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Rasch (1929), failed to obtain satisfactory results in the control of outbreaks of fowl pox by means of heated vaccines of the Manteufel type and concluded they were of little value. The use of fowl-pox vaccines of this type in controlling outbreaks of pox was regarded favorably by Fuller (1923, 1924) and Gwatkin (1925). Panisset and Verge (1923) inoculated in- tradermally the barbs of the comb, using .1-cc. quantities of skin virus 1940} IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 7 treated with .5-percent phenol. The local or cutaneous immunity in- duced lasted at least four months. Pyle (1926) found only a poor or low grade of immunity of very limited duration after as many as three subcutaneous injections with several heat-treated commercial fowl-pox vaccines; while Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Rasch (1929) concluded that no immunity was obtainable from the use of virus weakened by for- malin or carbolic acid. According to Beach (1929), .1-percent formalin, 1-percent liquid chloroform, and the passage of chloroform vapor thru the fowl-pox vaccine destroyed it rapidly; while Kligler (1930) concluded that fowl- pox virus relatively free of protective protein when heated to 56 C. for one hour or treated with .5-percent formalin solution for four days no longer produced lesions in susceptible chickens and also failed to induce immunity. Phenolized vaccine (.25-percent phenol) still con- tained active virus fifty days after preparation ; the survival of viru- lence depended on the concentration of the virus suspension. One in- jection of a phenolized vaccine which no longer produced active lesions was sufficient to produce immunity. Heated phenolized virus failed to produce immunity, thus indicating that the immunity obtained with the unheated phenolized vaccine was induced by the surviving live virus. Glover (1931), in a survey of work upon heated and chemically treated fowl-pox vaccines, concluded that two inoculations with virus suspensions rendered inert by heat, formalin, or chloroform are capable of inducing only a fleeting immunity which was weakened by the eighth week and disappeared entirely by the twenty-fourth week following treatment. Phenol appeared less injurious to fowl-pox virus than various other chemicals, according to Kligler and Olitzki (1931), in both "protein-containing" and "protein- free" preparations of fowl- pox virus. The virus was apparently much less sensitive to the action of phenol and ether than to other agents, such as formalin, mercuric chlorid, hydrogen peroxid, and sodium bisulfite. In this connection Zwick (1930) pointed out that when .5-percent phenol is added to fowl-pox virus it may "weaken" the virus but still leave it antigenic. With this product a sufficient amount of virus may survive for a protracted period to induce a high degree of resistance, but there still remains the danger of "inoculation pox." In a com- parative study of pigeon-pox and phenol-attenuated fowl-pox vaccines, Kligler, Komarov, and Fiat (1933) found that cutaneous vaccination with the fowl-pox vaccine produced lesions of longer duration and was often associated with secondary lesions in the mouth and comb. The risk of secondary lesions with the fowl-pox virus was said to be relatively small in healthy birds but more serious in unhealthy flocks. The duration as well as the degree of immunity produced by the attenuated fowl-pox vaccine was found to be greater than that pro- 8 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, ducecl by pigeon vaccine. Morcos (1931) reported that pigeon-pox virus treated with .25-percent formalin and kept at room temperature for two days protected both pigeons and fowls against the homologous virus. Komarov and Kligler (1936) obtained results with phenol- treated fowl-pox virus which confirmed the limitations previously observed and, in addition, suggested the inadvisability of using fowl- pox vaccine in flocks of late hatch. Picard (1931, 1931 A), working with formalized fowl-pox vaccine in the Dutch East Indies, reported unsatisfactory results. According to Goodpasture (1928), Lipschutz found that 1 percent of saponin had.no effect in one hour but after 24 hours there was apparently some diminution in infectivity of the virus. Graham and Barger (1936) added 2 percent of saponin to a 1-percent aqueous sus- pension of fowl-pox virus which was used for cutaneous vaccination of chickens. The infectivity of the virus suspension was destroyed by the saponin after 45 hours at 12 to 15 C, and the feather- follicle method of application of this material did not protect against artificial exposure. Virulent Fowl Virus Recognition that the immunizing value of so-called pox vaccines attenuated by chemical and physical means, as reported in numerous independent investigations, was subject to wide variations, directed attention of investigators to the use of fresh pox-lesion material not treated with chemical or physical agents. De Blieck and Van Heels- bergen (1923) were perhaps the first to employ, on a significant scale, fully virulent fowl-pox virus for cutaneous vaccination against fowl pox. The virus was applied to the scarified skin in a manner similar to Jennerization in man. Basset ( 1924) inoculated unattenuated fowl- pox virus into the pectoral muscles of fowls and reported the produc- tion of a satisfactory immunity. This route was favored over intra- cutaneous or subcutaneous introduction, and Basset (1924) stated that only local lesions were induced unless the dosage of virus was very large. Waite (1924) applied live pox virus in the form of comb- lesion material to a small scarified area of comb and reported a high percentage of takes with apparent immunity as determined by absence of subsequent outbreaks of pox. Beach (1927) claimed fowls were immunized against pox by subcutaneous injection of fresh lesion and sublesion as well as other tissue, from artificially infected cockerels, suspended in a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and 1 -percent phenolized saline. It was inferred that attenuation of the virus was not necessary to make the vaccine safe for use and that the develop- ment of lesions at the point of inoculation of the virus was apparently not essential to the production of immunity. Johnson (1927) used unattenuated virus applied to a scarified area of defeathered skin or 194ff] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 9 to open feather follicles and concluded that fowl-pox virus vaccina- tion may be successfully used in commercial flocks to prevent fowl pox. Weaver (1927) inoculated dried fowl-pox virus into 6 to 10 feather follicles of the skin of the legs of pullets. Danger of general- ization of pox from vaccination was observed. Upon contact exposure after 6 weeks all showed a high degree of immunity. Sawyer (1928) stated that "fowl pox virus vaccination by the feather follicle method produced no apparent bad results in fowls three to four months old and the immunity lasted at least two years." Pyle (1928) concluded that a marked local skin response or take following vaccination was necessary in establishing a high degree of cutaneous immunity. Edging- ton and Broerman (1928) reported that results from vaccination with fresh fowl-pox scabs applied by skin scarification or by the removal of 1,5, or 10 feathers appeared about the same. A measurable immun- ity which prevailed for at least four months was induced in birds show- ing a satisfactory take. The so-called stick, or puncture, method of cutaneous vaccination with fowl-pox virus was advocated by Johnson (1929) with the object of overcoming certain disadvantages of the feather-follicle method ; that is, irregular or excessive dosages and loss of time and material. Results indicating that cutaneous vaccination of chickens with living fowl virus was in general quite satisfactory were reported sub- sequently by Beach (1929), Beaudette (1929), Gildow and Bottorff (1929), Gildow, Schilling, Moore, and Lampman (1929), Jones (1929), Sawyer (1929), Smith (1930), Stafseth (1930), King and Trollope (1930), Glover (1930), and others. Altho the results of this and subsequent work revealed that vaccination of chickens with un- modified fowl-pox virus could be relied upon to produce a high grade of immunity which persisted for an extended period of time, certain potential hazards were emphasized. Severe post-vaccination reactions manifested by constitutional disturbances, as well as considerable mortality, were frequently encountered in flocks suffering concurrently from parasitism and other diseases, according to Johnson (1927) and Stafseth (1931). Factors of environment and management tending to affect adversely the vitality of the flock have also been found to favor undesirable reactions subsequent to active virus vaccination. In fact, serious impairment of production almost universally contraindi- cates vaccination of laying flocks with unmodified fowl-pox virus. Johnson (1927) and other workers recommended that cutaneous vaccination of young stock with unattenuated fowl virus be carried out during the summer and early fall when weather conditions were generally more favorable and the birds were three to five months old. The importance of vaccination at least several weeks prior to the onset of production, to avoid serious interference therewith, was recognized by Edgington and Broerman (1928), Beach (1929), and Glover 10 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, (1930). The minimum age at which vaccination could be carried out safely was generally accepted as being about four weeks, tho Johnson (1929) suggested that fowls probably showed a less marked systemic effect after the age of three months. However, Johnson (1930) reported satisfactory results in vaccination of 30-day-old chicks by the stick method. According to Sawyer and Hamilton (1930), the results of a questionnaire on cutaneous vaccination with unattenuated fowl virus in the state of Washington during the preceding season suggested that the use of fowl-pox virus vaccine was justified on three- to four-month-old chickens. Pyle (1929) observed that cutaneous vaccination did not cause a retardation of weight gains on birds treated at 80 days of age or older, but that weight gains were slightly retarded in birds 68 days of age. The results of a careful study of the effect of unmodified fowl-pox virus vaccination on chickens of different ages were reported by Lubbehusen and Ehlers (1932). Groups of birds were vaccinated by the feather-follicle and stick methods at ages ranging from 30 to 156 days. The conclusion was reached that "vaccination of birds be- tween 30 to 90 days is to be recommended, since the systemic reaction incident to vaccination during this period does not appreciably affect normal growth and development." In birds vaccinated between 90 and 120 days of age, normal weight gains were inhibited while vaccination of birds older than 120 days produced a distinct post-vaccination shock. Banks (1931) conducted experiments w r ith a small number of chickens and turkeys to ascertain whether very young chicks could be successfully vaccinated. A 2-percent suspension of virulent fowl-pox scabs (powdered) in liquid paraffin was used to inoculate plucked areas as well as plucked and scarified areas on the thighs of 1- to 8- day-old chicks and turkey poults. Vaccination takes were produced consistently, and complete immunity to artificial exposure was dem- onstrated at two months but not at three months after vaccination. Since generalization and considerable mortality occurred in one lot of chicks after vaccination, Danks concluded that it is inadvisable to vaccinate chicks less than one month old except under unusual circumstances. Subsequently Sherwood (1932) reported the vaccination of day- old chicks and 2-week-old turkey poults with virulent fowl-pox virus by a combined feather-follicle and scarification method. Later Dunn and Sherwood (1933) concluded that healthy, vigorous, day-old chicks and poults can be safely and successfully vaccinated against fowl pox with fowl-pox virus (1 part to 250 parts of 40-percent glycerin-saline) without causing an apparent constitutional disturbance. Slight scari- fication of the plucked skin was deemed necessary to effect successful inoculation because the feather follicles are quite small at this age. Seddon, Hutcheson, and Murphy (1932) reported excellent results 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 11 from field vaccination work in Australia extending over three seasons. Birds 6 to 20 weeks of age were vaccinated, and it was concluded that, other conditions being favorable, the optimum age for vaccination was between 12 and 16 weeks. They used freshly collected scabs from fowl-pox comb lesions, dried at 37 C. for 24 hours, then powdered and stored for four to twelve months in the refrigerator. A .1 -percent virus suspension in saline was used. However, in the observations of Zwick (1930) and others the potentialities of generalized inoculation pox could not be eliminated under all circumstances with active virus. Hinshaw (1933) stated that "observations made over a period of four years have shown that turkeys have none of the post-vaccination difficulties often observed in chickens." Bice (1933) concluded from the results of three and one-half years' experience with fowl-pox virus vaccination in Hawaii that the proper age for vaccinating chickens was 4 to 12 weeks. Heavy mor- tality occurred following vaccination of younger birds by the routine method, while the vaccine was considered unsuitable for adult fowl. He also reported the successful vaccination of turkey poults ranging from 3 to 16 weeks of age, but used a smaller knife for the stick vaccination and a different dilution of the virus. The importance of proper nutrition and management, including protection against mosquito vectors prior to and for three weeks following vaccination, was empha- sized. Martin (1933) concluded, from vaccination of chickens with unattenuated fowl virus by the feather- follicle method over a seven- year period, that a solid life protection was induced by inoculating 3 to 6 feather follicles on each bird. Vaccination was seldom fatal, but mature birds which had not molted were thrown into a molt and pro- duction in pullets was greatly reduced. Johnson (1934) considered vaccination with fowl virus very successful for turkeys and chickens not in production. Coronel (1934) employed for vaccination of chickens a strain of pox virus from the turkey which, when first collected, was virulent for chickens but after two months at to 5 C. was said to be suffi- ciently attenuated not to cause serious generalized infection and at the same time conferred immunity. He suspended 11 mg. of the virus in 2 cc. of saline and made a single scratch scarification on the comb with a knife previously dipped in virus. Brunett (1934) employed virulent pox virus from the chicken, turkey, and pigeon to vaccinate turkeys by the follicle method. A marked focal reaction, or take, was ob- tained from all viruses but no generalized effect was observed. The chicken and turkey viruses gave immunity, but no apparent immunity \vas induced with the pigeon virus against the turkey or chicken virus. Lubbehusen and Ehlers (1934) observed from comparative vaccina- tion experiments with fowl and pigeon virus that: "Altho its im- munizing efficiency is unquestioned, fowl-pox vaccination has definite 12 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, limitations. Birds should be vaccinated when the systemic reaction incident thereto is less apt to be followed by undesirable sequelae." Basset (1935), in reporting further on vaccination of fowls with virulent fowl-pox virus, recommended inoculation with a measured dose of the homologous virus into the pectoral muscles. Brandly ( 1936) found fowl-pox virus propagated in pure culture in the developing chicken egg a satisfactory substitute for the comb- or skin-lesion virus in common use for vaccination of chickens. Brandly and Dunlap (1939) found that pigeon- and fowl-pox viruses grown in vitro in tissue cultures also were suitable for use in immunization of chickens. In a preliminary report on fowl-pox virus vaccination in day-old chicks, Lubbehusen, Beach, and Busic (1936) stated: "The controlled experimental data indicate that a vaccination take, even in vigorous day-old chicks, is accompanied by a systemic reaction which manifests itself by at least a temporary inhibition of normal weight gains and a lowering of vitality, the degree of which is influenced by the severity and duration of the local reaction and which in the presence of unfavorable environment and con- current disease may contribute to excessive mortality In measuring the post-vaccination reaction in terms of growth gains and mortality, there are indi- cations that this reaction occurs but that it is less pronounced in chicks vaccin- ated at the age of three weeks and is entirely absent at eight weeks." Contact exposure of vaccinated day-old chicks indicated an ade- quate resistance for at least five months (the longest period tested), but the degree of reaction to artificial exposure suggested that the immunity in these chicks was less stable than that in the chicks vac- cinated at a later date. In a second report Lubbehusen and Beach (1937) confirmed the observations regarding post-vaccination reactions in chicks vaccinated at one day of age and stated that their data "also indicate that a systemic reaction followed vaccination at the ages of 13, 21, 28, and 42 days but it was of slower onset and progressively less severe as the age increased than that observed in day-old vac- cinated groups." In both of the immediately foregoing reports attention is directed to the results which indicated that vaccine concentrations greater than 10 mg. of powdered virus material per cc. were undesirable, some- times causing unnecessarily severe reactions. Vaccination was done by the stick method in the skin of the flank, and the special instrument recommended for this procedure was said to insure application of uniformly small amounts of virus. Komarov and Kligler (1936) in Palestine concluded from the results of an experiment on the effect of age on the incidence of secondary lesions: " .... it is apparent (a) that it is dangerous to vaccinate baby chicks with fowl-pox vaccine; (b) that healthy birds, two to three months of age may be vaccinated with fowl-pox vaccine without serious risk." From the results of comparative tests of vaccination in early and late hatches 1940~\ IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 13 of chickens the same authors also stated that "it becomes obvious that fowl-pox vaccine cannot be recommended for use in flocks of late hatch." Virulent Pigeon Virus In 1926 Saito drew attention to the immunological relationship between fowl-pox and pigeon-pox viruses, suggesting that either type of virus produced immunity in both species of birds. Doyle and Minett (1927), unaware of Saito's work, made similar observations. Zwick, Seifried, and Schaaf (1928) reported that vaccination of chickens with pigeon-pox virus gave, after three weeks, immunity to artificial and natural infection with fowl pox. With pigeon virus un- favorable results such as generalization and death were not encoun- tered. Lahaye (1928) vaccinated thirty fowls with pigeon virus and later found that they were protected against artificial and natural infection with both fowl and pigeon strains of pox virus. Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Rasch (1929) reported that pigeon-pox virus was capable of inducing considerable resistance against fowl pox. Doyle (1930) found that pigeon-pox virus conferred a solid immunity against natural infection with fowl pox and that the im- munity was fully established in 14 days after inoculation and persisted for about six months. Considerable but not complete protection was obtained to artificial fowl-pox exposure. W. T. Johnson (1930, 1931), in comparative tests of fowl- and pigeon-pox virus, observed that fowl- pox virus caused a drastic drop in production during the three to four weeks after vaccination, while other pullets in the same flock receiving pigeon virus showed only a slight reduction during the same period. Lerche (1931) reported that pigeon virus was effective for immuni- zation of chickens by cutaneous vaccination. Danks (1931) recorded little, if any, protection against subsequent fowl-pox inoculation ex- posure following vaccination w r ith a 2-percent suspension of pigeon virus in liquid paraffin. Glover (1931) reported that pigeon-virus vaccination protected fowls against severe artificial exposure to fowl pox two months later. Stafseth (1931) recommended that pigeon- pox virus be used for vaccination of mature birds because of the danger of systemic reactions with fowl-pox virus. Ramazzotti (1931) concluded that injection of the fowl with pigeon-pox virus confers an immunity to fowl pox. Cominotti and Pagnini (1931) claimed from their researches that pigeon-pox virus proved an excellent mate- rial for vaccinating chickens against fowl pox, the resulting immunity enduring for longer than one year. In healthy fowls the local reaction resulting from intradermal inoculation of pigeon virus was never followed by generalization. In some infected birds vaccination may cause a fibrinous exudate on the oropharyngeal mucosa attributed to the action of homologous virus which, under considerations of succes- 14 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, sive allergic reactions to heterologous virus, passes from a latent state to a pathogenic explosion at the elective sites. These localizations of homologous virus are, in the majority of cases, of brief duration and usually tend to rapid dissolution without repercussion (emaciation) on the general state of the organism. E. P. Johnson (1931, 1932, 1932A) reported that vaccination with pigeon-pox virus of chickens in the field conferred resistance to natural exposure to fowl pox for at least one year, and there was no systemic reaction or decrease in egg production. However, it was not 100-percent efficient in protecting cockerels against artificial exposure. W. T. Johnson (1931) noted a marked improvement in health of hens affected naturally with fowl pox after they had been treated with pigeon-pox vaccine. Canham (1932) observed from experimental work that pigeon-pox vaccine in 1 -percent suspension in 80-percent glycerol-saline produced immunity against natural infection but only a partial immunity against artificial infection with fowl pox. It was found that birds a week old could be vaccinated safely with pigeon virus. None of the birds was observed to show any constitutional symptoms. In tests on commercial pox vaccines for chickens the California Agricultural Experiment Station (1933) found that the pigeon-pox virus vaccines did not protect chickens against fowl pox. Michael (1932) reported the results of experiments in which increased resist- ance of fowl to natural or artificial infection could not be demon- strated after vaccination with pigeon-pox virus by the feather-follicle method. Crawford (1932) found that a pigeon-pox vaccine for the prevention of fowl pox in chickens was well adapted to Ceylon, while Broerman and Edgington (1932) vaccinated chickens with 1-percent suspensions of powdered pigeon-virus scabs by inoculating one "stick" and one feather follicle. Most fowls were not immune to severe fowl- pox exposure 90 days later, and 60 percent of the fowls exposed to natural fowl-pox infection four months later contracted the disease. Pyle (1932) stated: "Fowl-pox vaccine (prepared from pigeon-pox virus) does have an im- portant use in preventing the spread of pox and canker in a flock of chickens in which the disease has appeared. "The vaccine made from pigeon pox can be administered to fowls in full lay without any subsequent diminution in egg production other than that caused by mere handling of the birds. Neither will it cause any loss in condition nor produce any constitutional disturbance. But until such time as more is known about the degree of protection which it produces, its use should be confined to preventing the spread of the infection in a flock, especially if the birds are in a state of production." Brunett (1933) found that pigeon-pox vaccine failed to protect fowls against artificial infection, altho some degree of resistance to severe natural exposure was manifested, and that pigeon-pox virus does not disturb egg production, while field observations made by 19401 IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 15 Brunett indicated that pigeon-virus vaccine has value in checking pox among mature laying chickens. He concluded that "pigeon virus has a place in the control program it remains to learn how and when to use it." Orr and Emmel (1933) vaccinated fowls in an egg-laying contest with pigeon-pox virus by the stick method. No decrease in egg production after vaccination was observed and, in comparison with previous years, the incidence of fowl pox was greatly diminished. Bayon (1933) concluded from a review of the work of others that pigeon-pox vaccine gives uniformly good results, and that by vac- cination with this agent fowl pox can be checked for a period of six to twelve months. Delaplane and Stuart (1933) tested a commercial pigeon-pox vaccine, employing the feather- follicle method of vaccina- tion. Chickens vaccinated at 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 weeks of age proved susceptible to artificial and natural fowl-pox exposure when tested four months later. Kligler, Komarov, and Fiat (1933) in Palestine compared the results with pigeon- and fowl-pox virus vaccines and con- cluded that the former does not involve the risk of secondary lesions. The duration and degree of immunity produced with attenuated fowl- pox virus was found to be greater than that secured with pigeon virus. With the latter, immunity was less solid and approximately 10 percent of the birds remained unimmunized, as judged by the occurrence of fowl pox in field flocks during four to six months subsequent to vaccination. Balling (1933), in discussing fowl-pox vaccination, pointed out the superiority of pigeon virus over fowl virus under prevailing condi- tions in England as a means of avoiding certain dangers incident to the use of the latter, but suggested that if fowl-pox virus is "weakened" somewhat a highly efficient and satisfactory vaccine may be produced. Furthermore, this investigator suggested that the results of further work will probably cause such a vaccine to be largely used in England. From the results obtained in applying pigeon-pox virus (Illinois strain) to 5,000 chickens one to three months old, Graham and Barger (1935) concluded that pigeon virus is harmless ; that the feather-follicle method of inoculation (8 to 10 follicles) is preferred; that the stick- method is of no value ; and that only a partial resistance to fowl pox is induced by feather- follicle application, as judged by artificial ex- posure, while the duration of the modified protection was not deter- mined. In a subsequent report (1936) evidence of some protection was noted in chicks vaccinated at 4 to 14 weeks of age when they were exposed to severe artificial infection at periods as long as six months after vaccination. Edgington (1934) cited additional experiments which he interpreted " .... to confirm observations previously reported ; viz., that the immunity conferred by pigeon-pox vaccine was not so complete as that resulting from vaccination with fowl-pox vaccine." In comparative experiments with fowl- and pigeon-pox viruses Lubbe- 16 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, husen and Ehlers (1934) observed that "pigeon-pox virus vaccination does not produce an immunity sufficiently adequate to warrant its exclusive use in the control of fowl-pox infection. It may be substi- tuted for fowl-pox virus as a vaccine when a short-interval protection is desired and where the advantages of a less pronounced systemic reaction outweigh the potential hazards of inadequate protection against fowl-pox infection." Johnson, in the same year (1934), stated: "It is apparent from results in America that pigeon-pox virus cannot be recommended for vaccination in this country as a sole source of pox control, if at all." Bierbaum (1935) reported that in vaccination of a limited number of three-month-old chickens with two different pigeon-pox vaccines, part of the birds were completely resistant and the balance partially so, when tested one, three, six, and twelve months later. His results indicate that the degree of resistance had diminished progressively with each succeeding test interval. Gaede (1935) inoculated cockerels cu- taneously and intramuscularly with large doses of pigeon virus. He reported that only a partial immunity was produced against subsequent inoculation with pigeon virus, whereas the fowl-virus vaccination con- ferred a solid and lasting immunity to the homologous virus. Basset (1935) stated that if pigeon virus is inoculated into fowls on a large area (of skin) a complete immunity results, but that this sort of in- oculation is not practicable. He considered that the immunity produced is in direct proportion to the pathogenicity of the vaccine. From their work in Palestine, Komarov and Kligler (1936) con- cluded that in order to protect chickens against the ravages of pox they must be vaccinated as soon as possible after hatching. Their ex- perience with pigeon-pox virus emphasized that vaccination would confer protection against natural outbreaks for periods of only five to six months, and hence it was tentatively concluded that vaccination with pigeon-pox virus at least twice a year would most likely reduce the incidence of the disease. Pigeon and Fowl Viruses Passed Thru Heterologous Host The serial passage of fowl- and pigeon-pox viruses thru heterolo- gous hosts has been attempted by various workers as a means of study- ing the relationship of strains of bird-pox viruses, as well as with the object of bringing about desirable modification which might enhance their value for immunization purposes. Lahaye (1927) stated that pigeon virus passed thru fowls did not undergo attenuation and would still produce typical lesions in the pigeon. Doyle and Minett (1927), altho unsuccessful in previous attempts, were able to adapt a fowl strain of virus to the pigeon. Lesions were not produced in pigeons of the first passage but the exposed skin from these birds killed on the 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 17 sixth day was ground and applied to the plucked skin of a second series of pigeons. Slight swellings of the feather follicles were ob- tained. There was a progressive increase in size of the swellings with subsequent passages ; and, from the fifth passage on, the lesions were well defined and similar to those seen in fowls inoculated by the same route. Doyle and Minett (1927) also observed that the passage of pigeon virus thru the fowl causes a change which prevents ready readaptation to the pigeon. Zwick, Seifried, and Schaaf (1928) and Zwick (1930) reported that fowl-pox virus passaged repeatedly in pigeons became attenuated for the chicken or lost its virulence entirely and, when used as a vaccine, stimulated an immunity that was similar in nature and duration (about one year) to that induced by the pigeon virus. Doyle (1930) passaged pigeon-pox virus by comb inoculation thru nine series of fowls at 10-day intervals. As a rule, the lesions of the first few passages were scanty, but there was a gradual adaptation which after the fourth passage was manifested by good reactions. Experiments with the pigeon virus after various passages on the fowl indicated a progressive increase in virulence for the fowl and, as shown by generalization and mortality of fowls inoculated intravenously, the pigeon virus apparently acquired "all the properties of fowl-pox virus." Morcos (1931) reported that fowl-pox virus when passed thru pigeons, regardless of the number of serial passages, confers an im- munity to fowls. Picard (1931, 1931A) reported that pox virus from turkeys, ducks, and pigeons, as well as formalized fowl-pox virus, was unsatisfactory for use in vaccination against fowl pox. Cutaneous vaccination with turkey and pigeon virus gave a strong local as well as a general reaction but an incomplete immunity. An efficient vaccine was at last obtained by passing the fowl virus thru pigeons. After 54 passages, over a period of two years, on the plucked breasts of pigeons, the original highly virulent virus had become attenuated to a lower but fixed or constant degree of virulence for fowls. According to the California Experiment Station (1933) the value of pigeon-pox virus as a vaccine in fowls was not increased by chicken passage. Hartwigk (1933) made comparative tests on various vaccine prepara- tions and found that fowl-pox virus passed thru pigeons gave im- munity in 100 percent of the chickens and pigeon virus in about 50 percent. Doralp (1936) obtained pox virus from a severely affected turkey and "passaged" it four times on pigeons during a 10-day period. He claimed that two intracutaneous inoculations (.2 to .3 cc. dose) with this agent during an interval of 7 to 10 days resulted in successful immunization of fowls. Lubbehusen (1937) reported upon four years' experimentation to produce a modified virus vaccine for fowl pox, which possessed the immunity effect of fowl-pox virus and the non- 18 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, depressant properties of pigeon-pox virus. Three series of passages of two pigeon-pox strains were made with a gradual adaptation of the pigeon virus to chickens and a corresponding decrease in virulence for pigeons. In one series the adaptation to chickens was complete after 30 serial passages; in the two subsequent series the adaptations were slower and still incomplete after 70 passages. The experimental data, as interpreted, would suggest that the fowl-passaged pigeon virus possesses advantages over both types of vaccine (unmodified chicken virus and pigeon virus) now in use. The virus known as antidiphtherin, prepared and introduced by De Blieck and Van Heelsbergen (1925), has been distributed and used quite extensively. Van Heelsbergen (1925) described "anti- diphtherin" as: " .... a fully living vaccination material which is attenuated neither physically nor chemically, which always causes a local pox eruption and never gives rise to generalization, which is constant for all these properties and which protects for a long time against the experimental as well as against the spon- taneous infection. "After having experimented for over three years we have prepared such a virus." Van Heelsbergen also reported the vaccination of 200,000 fowls with antidiphtherin in the winter of 1924-25 without a single "acci- dent." Good results were recorded, also, from vaccinating affected birds. Vaccination during August and September was advised. An active immunity was claimed to persist for one to two years and the observation was made that the number of eggs from fowls vaccinated during the laying season was not diminished. Doyle (1926) concluded that antidiphtherin was not uniformly attenuated, being weak or dead or sufficiently active to give rise to secondary lesions. According to his observations, the scabs produced by antidiphtherin could contaminate the premises, and hence the vac- cine should be used only in infected flocks. Hoi (1927) claims to have had marked success with antidiphtherin. He vaccinated quite a number of one-month-old chickens, which he deemed the youngest age at which vaccination could be done safely. That systemic disturbances from vac- cination were obtained with the antidiphtherin is indicated by reference to dangers from vaccination under certain conditions. Leynen ( 1927) reported that he had been practicing vaccination with antidiphtherin since 1922 and stated that his results confirmed those of De Blieck and Van Heelsbergen. In 1923 cases of pox actually due to the vaccination and ascribed to an excessive virulence were seen but this defect of the vaccine was believed to have been overcome, as determined by later re- sults. Vaccination between June and August was recommended. While it is stated that the vaccine does not affect egg production, preproduc- 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 19 tion vaccination is recommended and a systemic reaction after vacci- nation is recognized. The importance of proper handling of the vaccine and proper technic for vaccination is stressed. According to Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Rasch (1929), antidiph- therin proved to be a mixture of fowl- and pigeon-pox viruses. Zvvick (1930) stated that antidiphtherin, originally virulent, had been so attenuated that there was no danger to hens. Baumann (1926) was of the opinion that it was a pigeon virus. Glover (1931) concluded that "the vaccine of De Blieck and Van Heelsbergen is indistinguish- able from pigeon virus. Both are of value in the production of an active immunity and are without danger when employed under suitable conditions." Later De Blieck and Van Heelsbergen reported that they had succeeded in standardizing their antidiphtherin so that it was always constant in composition and action, and that it neither caused generalization nor produced any injurious effect upon the vaccinated fowls. At that time antidiphtherin had been used with no untoward effects to vaccinate over one million fowls. Such vaccination afforded a degree of immunity which protected the fowls for at least one year. Van Heelsbergen ( 1934) stated that antidiphtherin was not a pigeon-pox virus but fowl virus modified by passages thru another animal, the species of which was not given. De Blieck (1934) defined antidiphtherin as an original fowl-pox strain which thru pigeon pas- sage was suitably modified for the fowl. Graham and Barger (1936) stated that antidiphtherin behaves like pigeon-pox virus. Mixed Fowl- and Pigeon-Pox Virus Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Rasch (1929) claimed excellent results from the use of a mixture of pigeon- and fowl-strain viruses in vac- cination against fowl pox in chickens; while Zwick, Sei fried, and Schaaf (1928) recommended that double or mixed virus (fow r l and pigeon) be employed for immunization of fowls. Rasch (1930) be- lieved that the vaccine of Lahaye was a mixture of fowl and pigeon virus, the latter predominating. Leyhausen (1933), however, cited one example of a flock in which fowl pox, with considerable mor- tality and potential stunting of growth, occurred six to eight weeks after the use of a vaccine which, the producer said, consisted of pigeon virus to which a small quantity of fowl virus had been added. Komarov and Kligler (1936) reported that no advantage could be found in using a double or mixed vaccine or a double method (pigeon- pox virus followed in two weeks or later by fowl virus) of vaccination. However, it was suggested tentatively that late hatches of chickens be vaccinated with pigeon pox and two months later with fowl pox. 20 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, Vaccine Virus and Fowl-Pox Virus The question of the relationship between the viruses of vaccinia and fowl pox has attracted the attention of numerous investigators. Im- munological and cytological studies have led to highly divergent views, but in spite of the opinions of Toyoda (1924), Pandit (1927), Van Nederveen (1926), Matsumura (1934), and others, as expressed by Zwick (1930), that the viruses of the various animal poxes are varie- ties of an original pox, probably variola, present opinion largely holds that fowl-pox virus and vaccine virus differ distinctly in immunological and certain other characters. The original view of Jenner (1789) that the virus of vaccinia is a form of variola modified by cow passage in its virulence for man is now universally upheld. Van Heelsbergen (1920) reported that vaccine virus produced vesicles in fowls with a subsequent greater tendency to suppurate than did fowl-pox lesions. It is stated that an apparent local but not a general immunity to cow- pox virus after fowl-pox infection was demonstrated. Levaditi, Harvier, and Nicolau (1922) were unable to demonstrate any cross- immunity between vaccinia and fowl pox. Gwatkin (1925) was unable to induce lesions on the combs of fowls with vaccine virus ; and the birds were later found to be susceptible to fowl-pox infection. Toyoda (1924), however, claimed to have passaged fowl-pox virus thru rab- bits, and with this material to have protected a child, sheep, and fowl against cow pox. He also claimed that calf lymph gives protection against fowl pox in man. Ledingham (1924) and Lusena (1925) failed to show any cross-immunity between fowl pox and vaccinia. Loewenthal, Kadowaki, and Kondo (1925) found that fowl passage of vaccine virus did not increase its virulence for fowls, nor did the lesions show any tendency to assume the appearance of fowl pox, as reported by Van Heelsbergen. Reciprocal immunity was not demon- strated between cow- and fowl-pox virus. Andervont (1926, 1926A) reported that altho the fowl is susceptible to vaccinia, an immunity is produced only to vaccinia and not to fowl pox. Fowl-pox infection failed to induce resistance to vaccine virus, and hence Andervont con- cluded that these two viruses are not identical nor even closely related. Blanc and Melanidi (1926) state that the two viruses are different and do not manifest a reciprocal immunity in fowls. Pandit (1927) claimed to have succeeded in transforming the virus of fowl pox to that of cow pox by successive passages on calves and monkeys. Doyle and Minett (1927) found that vaccine virus applied to the scarified combs of fowls produced well-developed lesions by the fifth day. These consisted of small, white, discrete pustules easily distinguishable from the dry, yellow, or brown granulating lesions of fowl pox. They were unable to infect pigeons and ducks with vaccine virus. Similar negative results, as reported by Van Heelsbergen (1920), were obtained from 1940~\ IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 21 intravenous injection of vaccine virus into fowls. Continued fowl passage of the vaccine virus was accomplished by Doyle and Minett (1927) thru five series only with difficulty, the reactions becoming progressively less pronounced until the sixth transfer was negative. Reciprocal immunity was not demonstrated between the two viruses in fowls. Lahaye (1928) reported that the pigeon was quite refractory to vaccinia, and that this virus did not induce immunity to pox in this species. The fowl was found more susceptible to vaccinia but did not develop immunity from infection. He concluded that vaccinia and contagious epithelioma are entirely distinct entities. Findlay (1928) failed in attempts both to convert strains of vaccinia to fowl-pox virus by passage upon the fowl, and to induce in chickens inoculated with vaccinia an immunity such as that resulting from inoculation with any one of three strains of fowl virus. He concluded that no evidence was obtained to show any relation between the virus of vaccinia and the three strains of fowl-pox virus investigated. Findlay also confirmed the observation of Andervont (1926, 1927) regarding the greater susceptibility of young chickens (one week old or less), by finding that vaccinia in the skin or comb of adults pro- duced only small distinct papules, but in the skin of the young chick induced large yellowish growths indistinguishable from fowl-pox lesions. The histological changes of the skin were observed to be identical with both viruses. Zwick (1930) states that vaccination of chickens with vaccinia against fowl pox gave negative results. How- ever, reference is made to immunizing hens by using a mixture of fowl pox and vaccinia virus previously passed in cattle. Ludford (1928) observed that the virus bodies produced by vaccine virus in the epi- dermal cells of the skin and cornea of the chick were the same as those induced by fowl-pox virus ; that their structure was the same ; that they originated in the same manner and underwent the same development. Furthermore vaccine virus failed to produce virus in- clusions in the skin of the pigeon, whereas a bipathogenic virus of fowl origin induced this specific change. Doyle (1930), in discussing the relationship of fowl pox and vac- cinia, commented upon the negative results of cross-immunity tests. Woodruff (1930) offers additional evidence of a histological nature that the viruses of vaccinia and fowl pox differ greatly. Fortner (1931) concluded that it is impossible to protect chickens against fowl pox by variola-vaccine inoculation. Neither does fowl-pox in- fection increase resistance to vaccinia. Brunett (1933) did not obtain protection against fowl pox in chickens after infection with vaccinia. Matsumura (1934) concluded from his studies that variola, vaccinia, and fowl-pox virus are merely types of the same virus, as previously claimed by Toyoda (1924). Vaccinia virus was apparently altered 22 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, by fowl passages not only in the nature of the lesion which was pro- duced but in immunological specificity for the original virus. After the second fowl passage, the virulence of the strains employed was considerably modified, and after the third to fourth passage the lesions induced were said to be indistinguishable from fowl pox. Matsumura ( 1934) stated that the Korean and American strains of fowl-pox virus employed were not so readily adaptable to rabbits as was the Japanese strain. Irons (1934) failed to demonstrate cross-immunity of vaccinia and fowl pox on chickens. He observed that the strain of vaccine virus employed was pathogenic for the chicken but not for the pigeon and sparrow. The lesions produced by vaccinia were not altered appreci- ably by repeated chicken passage, while the lesions of vaccinia and bird pox on the chickens were considered to be readily distinguishable by staining reaction of the inclusion bodies. Graham and Barger (1936A) vaccinated chicks varying in age from 7 days to 17 weeks, and altho obtaining takes in 45 percent of the vaccinated birds, concluded that no resistance was induced to subsequent artificial exposure to fowl pox. Findlay (1928) pointed out that the variable results re- ported would not, in view of observed differences in various strains of fowl-pox virus, exclude the possibility "that certain strains of fowl- pox virus may have some affinity with the virus of vaccinia." Never- theless, it was suggested that the results by Toyoda, Pandit, and Van Nederveen may be explained by the possibility that the hens from which the virus was originally obtained were infected not with fowl pox but with vaccinia. Additional evidence beyond criticisms as to methods and means of test and maintenance of purity of the virus or viruses employed would seem desirable, altho it would appear that few, if any, strains of fowl-pox virus have a significant affinity for various mammals. Immunization of Pigeons In the earlier references pertaining to the susceptibility and reaction of the pigeon to pox the sources of the virus that is, whether pigeon or fowl are not indicated. Nevertheless, the more recent reports dealing with immunization generally specify the immediate source of the strain of virus, altho in most of these a determination of the bi- pathogenic and mixed properties of the virus employed has not been made. Loewenthal (1906) claims a partial or complete immunity fol- lowing intraperitoneal injection of the virus ; while, according to Goodpasture (1928), Lipschutz found that subcutaneous injection of 1 cc. of a fairly thick suspension of virus immunized some but not all pigeons. Findlay (1928) reported that after "vaccination" with a bi- pathogenic virus of pigeon origin some slight immunity was still present 150 days later; two monopathogenic fowl strains which did 1940~\ IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 23 not produce significant lesions gave only slight protection after 10 to 20 days. Rasch (1930) reported that of six pigeons inoculated cutane- ously in the skin of the leg with the Lahaye vaccine (pigeon strain according to Lahaye), all showed well-marked lesions which persisted for three to five weeks. When inoculated later (time not given) with virulent pigeon virus all of these birds, together with two controls, developed extensive pox. Fowls were also inoculated with this vaccine and inoculation reactions were produced, but when tested 37 days later with virulent fowl-pox virus all became infected. Rasch stated the belief that the Lahaye vaccine was a mixture of pigeon- and fowl- pox viruses, the former predominating. Stafseth (1931 A) described an outbreak of pox in pigeons in Michigan and recommended vaccination of all pigeons used for show purposes and those which may be exposed to birds returning from shows. Glover (1931) stated that chickens were not appreciably protected with heated or chemically treated fowl-pox virus, as were pigeons with similarly treated pigeon virus. Morcos (1931) reported that pigeon virus treated with .2-percent formalin and kept at room tem- perature for two days protects both pigeons and fowls against the homologous virus; tests for immunity to the heterologous virus were not made. Pyle ( 1932) stated that the vaccine made from pigeon virus is efficient as an agent in protecting pigeons against pox and diphtheria, or "canker" ; and that pigeons as young as six weeks may be vacci- nated with safety. The vaccine is rubbed into three or four open feather follicles on the thigh with a stiff brush. In 1937 Pyle observed that "experience has shown that pigeon-pox vaccine must be used rather cautiously on pigeons." The Illinois Station Report for 1934 (Graham and Barger, 1935) records that both the stick and feather-follicle methods of application of pigeon virus (Illinois strain) to pigeons produced severe local re- actions. In 58 pigeons treated with fowl virus by the feather-follicle method, 90 percent showed a mild folliculitis after one week. No im- munity to the homologous virus could be demonstrated after one, two, and three months. Irons (1934) stated that pigeons inoculated with a strain- of fowl-pox virus latently bipathogenic and adapted to the pi- geon by serial passage showed as marked protection as those inoculated with the pigeon virus. He observed that with pigeon passage there was an increase in the virulence of the pigeon virus and a decrease for the chicken virus, the latter, however, being restored by serial passage in chickens. Basset (1935) reported that it is necessary to use homolo- gous virus to induce a strong degree of resistance in the pigeon. Of five young pigeons inoculated intramuscularly with pigeon-strain virus, three developed complete protection and two a partial protection against subsequent artificial exposure. 24 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, Wittmark (1937) found that pigeon virus treated with bile, phenol, or formol produced quantitative attenuation but no qualitative change. Such vaccines sometimes caused intense vaccination reaction or no response whatever. Cutaneous infection with the virulent virus confers absolute immunity in pigeons; but many of the pigeons, particularly those under three months of age, may die as a result of vaccination infection. Factors Bearing on Vaccine-Host Relationship Measures used with the object of securing satisfactory immuni- zation against pox in various species of birds have apparently fallen short of the goal, as judged by reports of different investigators. These irregularities seem to be largely related to factors of biological varia- tion. Even where suitable modification of virulence of a certain virus has been effected and "fixed" in an apparently narrow range, with retention of desirable antigenic characters, the fluctuations in sus- ceptibility of the host occasionally may vary considerably beyond the limits of safety and even lead to "accidents" or undesirable reactions. Among factors having an important bearing upon the vaccine- host relationship are: (a) method of applying the viruses and vac- cines, including dosage; (b) age of the bird as related to post-vac- cination reactions, as well as inadequate immunity responses; (c} de- gree and duration of immunity as influenced by kind of vaccine or virus; and (d) criteria for interpreting the results from vaccination with various viruses and vaccines. Methods of application. The "vaccines" of early workers (skin or mucous-membrane lesion material subjected to physical or chemical treatments, or both) were applied largely by injection into the sub- cutaneous tissues. Loewenthal ( 1906) claimed that cutaneous immunity was produced after intraperitoneal injections of virus, presumably that of fowl pox. Lipschutz (1908) claimed that the intravenous inocula- tion of virus suspensions immunized some but not all pigeons. Man- teufel (1910) recorded successful results from injection of vaccine intravenously or subcutaneously. Van Heelsbergen (1920) reported that three intravenous injections of virus suspensions (apparently of pigeon origin) immunized fowls. Beach (1920A) reported that im- munity was obtainable by intracutaneous injection of both heated and unheated pox material. Panisset and Verge (1923) introduced vac- cine intradermally and reported successful results in both hens and pigeons. With the introduction of virus vaccination, application to the skin via the methods of scarification, of open feather-follicle instillation, or a combination of the two, and by skin puncture (stick or scab), as employed by various workers already mentioned, came into general usage. The scarification and feather- follicle methods seem to lend 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 25 themselves particularly well where relatively large exposures or inocu- lations of the cutaneum seem desirable, as with the use of unmodified pigeon virus or certain biologically modified fowl or pigeon viruses. The stick method seems better adapted for use with highly virulent homologous virus where only a very limited exposure or a small dosage of inoculum is desired. Basset (1924, 1928, 1935), in advo- cating intramuscular inoculation of unmodified homologous virus, emphasized proper gradation of dosages to avoid vaccination sequellae. He contended that the cutaneous and subcutaneous routes, whereby the more susceptible tissues were exposed primarily or more directly to the virus, favored the occurrence of subsequent difficulty. Beach (1927) encountered undesirable reactions following subcutaneous ap- plication of virulent fowl virus, not unlikely associated with the ex- cessive dosage of the virus injected and low vitality of birds. In introducing the stick method Johnson (1929) specified its ad- vantages over the feather- follicle method in vaccinating birds in molt, and stated that it obviously would allow more uniform and rapid vac- cination in other birds regardless of whether or not they showed fol- licles satisfactory for vaccination by the older method. In 1930 John- son stated that "no difference in the degree of immunity has been apparent between one stick vaccination per fowl followed by a mild lesion unaccompanied by scab formation at the point of take and more extensive vaccination reactions followed by scab formation." Martin (1933) and Johnson (1934), from experience in the field, listed a number of advantages of the stick over the feather-follicle method. Komarov and Kligler (1936) observed that with phenolized fowl- pox vaccine the size and intensity of the primary take have an im- portant bearing on the occurrence of secondary lesions and confirm Johnson's observations (1929) that the stick method reduces to a great extent the incidence of secondary lesions. Van Heelsbergen (1925) stated that intradermal injection as practiced by Verge and Panisset, even tho only small quantities were injected, did not prevent gener- alization. Cutaneous vaccination by scarification was found by this author and De Blieck to offer desirable advantages over other routes. Doyle and Minett (1927), after comparing the effect of the route of the introduction of fowl virus upon the subsequent severity of the reaction in fowls, found that inoculation of the mucous membrane was almost invariably followed by generalization and death, while such results were much less common after inoculation of the plucked skin. Subcutaneous inoculation appeared to exert a milder effect than the intravenous route, while intramuscular introduction of the virus was followed by a similar but less severe reaction than that from sub- cutaneous inoculation. The work of Findlay (1928) indicates that the route of injection influences the degree and extent of ultimate involve- ment of the epithelium, particularly in so far as the participation of 26 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, the reticulo-endothelial system is concerned, in clearing the system of virus. Other observations would also suggest that the immediate as well as ultimate fate of the virus introduced into the body determines whether or not immunity is produced; for, if the infective agent is phagocytized and removed without localization and "colonization" in epithelial tissue rendered susceptible to the virus as a result of recent injury, a demonstrable immunity is not induced. With full devel- opment and subsequent resolution of lesions, the escape of virus and its appearance or disappearance in the circulation have been repeatedly demonstrated. However, the development of detectable focal pocks is apparently not needed to stimulate immunity, according to conclusions of Zwick (1930), who stated that "the appearance of local phenomena is not necessary for the creation of immunity. Intravenous, subcutane- ous, and intramuscular inoculation can all produce immunity." That antiviral immunity, altho it may represent "isolation" of the susceptible tissue or cells (in this instance, primarily the epithelium), must originate chiefly in the reticulo-endothelial system is not inconsistent with present opinion in immunology and would seem to clarify the preceding observation. Of interest in this connection is the observation of Beach (1927) that following subcutaneous injection of virulent fowl-pox lesion material, "the percentage of fowls that became com- pletely immunized will be greater among those that have developed vaccination-point lesions (of the skin) than among those that have not." It is commonly recognized that great variation in general and specific resistance among vaccination subjects is a serious hazard in the use of vaccines. Nevertheless, uniform dosage and proper im- pregnation of a titrated dose of virus or vaccine would seem of primary importance. In application of the stick method of vaccination with fowl virus, Johnson (1934) suggested that certain newer instruments devised for the purpose may complicate the procedure and defeat the simplicity and efficiency of the earlier methods. Regarding dosage and virulence, Beach (1927) concluded, in con- nection with subcutaneous injection of fowl-pox virus, that "the immunizing value of vaccine has been shown to depend upon and to vary according to the amount and virulence of the virus it contains. No method has yet been devised, however, by which less than marked differences between the virus content of vaccines can be detected." In 1936 Lubbehusen, Beach, and Busic reported that in using regular commercial fowl-pox vaccines, the regular concentration of these products (1 -percent virus suspensions) was suitable for chicks, and that a special chick vaccine of greater concentration was undesirable. A special inoculating needle for stick vaccination was devised and recommended. Later Lubbehusen and Beach (1937) tested virus con- 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 27 centrations of 1, 2, and 3 percent and found that the 3-percent virus vaccine tended to cause more extensive and persistent takes, and a greater but temporary retardation of growth, than vaccines of lower virus concentrations. With potent vaccines, however, there appeared to be no differences in the certainty with which these virus concen- trations produced takes. Broerman and Edgington (1928), referring to the quantity or dosage of fowl virus administered to chickens, as determined by the number of feathers plucked, observed a greater percentage of immunity in fowls treated with pigeon virus by a single feather-follicle inoculation than by the single-stick method. The criti- cisms of Doyle (1933 and 1935) of the work of Michael (1932) and of Delaplane and Stuart (1933) with pigeon-pox vaccination in fowls is apparently directed toward the factor of inadequate dosage pre- sumably associated with the unsatisfactory methods of preparation and application of the vaccine. Johnson (1930) claimed satisfactory takes with both the one-stick method and the scarification method of vaccinating fowls with pigeon-pox virus, but did not record any de- terminations for subsequent immunity to fowl pox. Analysis of the reports herein cited reveals that the use of unmodi- fied homologous pox virus for vaccination represents an effort to induce an active immunity without inducing undesirable disturbances. Success of the method apparently depends on securing, under highly variable conditions, the proper dose of the infective agent, which obviously may not be the same for all fowls. The hazards of such a procedure have been suggested in practice. Hence it is recognized that safer prophylaxis against fowl pox may lie in the use of a virus with negligible disease-producing characters (heterologous virus) or a homologous virus modified in virulency but not in antigenicity by pas- sage adaptation to a different species of host. Influence of age upon immunity. Attho birds of all ages are known to be susceptible to fowl pox, it appears that very young chickens are more susceptible than older growing birds or mature fowls and, furthermore, that other infections and management meth- ods may alter or lower vitality and thus influence susceptibility to pox as well as the immunity induced by vaccination. Findlay (1928) found chickens one day to one week old much more uniformly sus- ceptible than mature birds, not only to fowl pox but also to vaccinia virus; and it is highly probable that this greater susceptibility is reflected in the more frequent occurrence of serious post-vaccination sequellae in chicks vaccinated when very young. Irons ( 1934) reported that baby chicks proved much more susceptible to pigeon-pox virus than did adult chickens, the former showing lesions more nearly like mild fowl-pox lesions in which Bellinger bodies could be readily identified. These bodies were absent or difficult to find in pigeon-virus lesions in adult fowl. From field observations Johnson (1929) believed it inad- 28 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, visable to vaccinate fowls under three months of age because younger birds appeared to be more severely affected. Later Johnson (1934) reported that day-old poults and 2-day-old chicks vaccinated with one needle stick on the second day after hatching showed slight but dis- tinct protection against inoculation about eight and one-half months later. In vaccinating 1- to 8-day-old chicks Danks (1931) encountered generalization of inoculation pox infection as well as stunted growth and considerable mortality, and hence concluded that it is seldom advisable to vaccinate chicks less than one month old. The immunity induced was found inadequate to protect against artificial exposure to fowl virus two months later. Dunn and Sherwood (1933) reported immunization of day-old chicks and poults with dilute fowl-pox virus applied by scarification without causing an apparent constitutional disturbance. However, the degree and duration of immunity induced by such vaccination were not determined. Because of high mortality following vaccination of chicks less than 4 weeks of age, Bice (1933) undertook to prepare a vaccine which would be suitable for use in chicks 2 weeks of age. Lubbehusen and Ehlers (1932) reported evi- dence of post-vaccination systemic reaction manifested by interruption of growth gains in normal birds vaccinated when older than 120 days. This reaction, however, was not observed in birds vaccinated at 30 to 90 days of age. Birds vaccinated when less than one month old were not included in the observations. Devolt, Moulthrop, and Davis (1936) vaccinated 73 12-day-old chicks against fowl pox by the stick method. Severe systemic reactions developed during the third and fourth weeks after vaccination. In testing the degree and duration of immunity following fowl-pox virus vaccination of day-old chicks, Lubbehusen and coworkers (1936) re- ported that the data, altho still incomplete, indicated that the severity and duration of the take, as determined by growth gains and mortality associated with vaccination, were less severe in chicks vaccinated at 3 weeks than in those treated at one week. In 8-week-old chicks the systemic reaction was apparently absent, yet chicks showing a satis- factory take after vaccination at one day were reported resistant to contact exposure as long as eighteen months later. In conclusion these authors called attention to the possibility that reaction and mortality immediately attributable to vaccination may tend to eliminate at an earlier age birds of low vigor and vitality and hence contribute to de- creased losses during the later growing or adult periods. Immunity influenced by type of virus. An important aspect of the problem of immunization against pox in chickens and pigeons concerns the fact that the majority of strains of pox virus derived from pigeons are infective for chickens (bi pathogenic). On the other hand, most strains presumed to be of fowl origin appear to be infec- tive for chickens only (monopathogenic). The significance of this 194ff\ IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 29 circumstance is apparent since it is highly probable that active im- munity to avian poxes is induced only on introduction of active virus and then only if infection, even tho inappreciable, occurs. As early as 1873 Bellinger recognized that pigeons are generally resistant to infection with fowl-pox virus. Doyle and Minett (1927) reported that after previous failures they were able to adapt a strain of fowl virus to the pigeon by frequent serial skin passage. On the second series of pigeons the feather follicles were slightly swollen. There was a progressive increase in the swellings with succeeding pas- sages, and from the fifth series on the lesions were well denned and similar to those in fowls inoculated by the same route. These authors cited the negative results of Jowett (1909) and Carnwarth (1907-08) in attempts to infect pigeons with fowl-pox virus. Gallic- Valerio (1925) also reported transmission of fowl virus to pigeons. Zwick, Seifried, and Schaaf (1928) and Bierbaum, Eberbeck, Rasch, and Kayser (1931) recognized monopathogenic and bipathogenic strains of fowl and pigeon viruses, of which only the latter were cross- infective. Brunett (1933) stated that fowl-pox virus could not be propagated readily in pigeons, while Irons (1934) employed five strains of pigeon virus in his studies and found all infective for chickens. Bierbaum (1935A) found a strain of pigeon virus that was not infective for chickens. This strain may have represented an original sparrow or other wild bird strain which, according to the studies of Irons (1934) and others, may possess greater potential infectivity for pigeons than for fowl. References to cross-infectivity or pathogenicity of pox viruses of poultry other than chickens, and of pigeons as well as various wild birds, suggest that among these strains marked variations may prevail. As a source of modified virus potentially suitable for vaccination in chickens, turkeys, or pigeons, the pox derived from or adapted to other species of birds has been given little attention. Ward and Gallagher (1920) stated that pox occurs naturally among geese, ducks, and guinea fowl, and that pheasants and various wild birds are also susceptible. According to Goodpasture (1928), pox occurs in pheasants and hawks. Gallagher (1916) described an outbreak of pox in quail, transmissible to fowl. Te Hennepe (1926) reported pox in 17 of 268 ducks received for diagnosis. Doyle and Minett (1927), Findlay (1928), and Irons (1934) were unable to infect ducks with fowl pox. One seagull was tested by Doyle and Minett and proved refractory also. Findlay (1928) identified lesions of pox in partridges but could not infect chickens with the lesion material. Tietz (1932) concluded that ducks could not be infected with fowl or pigeon viruses; that turkeys and guinea fowl are susceptible only to fowl-pox virus, not to pigeon virus, but that the crow is susceptible to both; furthermore, that monopathogenic fowl and pigeon virus is nonpathogenic for 30 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, canaries, finches, siskins, sparrows, starlings, and thrushes. Irons (1934) likewise obtained negative results in attempting to infect pigeons with a turkey virus and also failed to infect crows, hawks, owls, ducks, guinea fowls, starlings, and several other species with fowl and pigeon strains. One strain of pox from a wild pigeon proved infectious for the English sparrow and certain related species. Brunett (1934) found the turkey susceptible to turkey, fowl, and pigeon virus, the latter producing a more severe focal reaction than in the chicken but without establishing demonstrable subsequent im- munity. The general opinion exists that turkey strains of pox virus are very similar, if not identical, in infectivity or pathogenicity to those of fowl origin. Coronel (1934) used for vaccination of chickens a strain of turkey-pox virus which prior to aging at to 5 C. was apparently quite virulent for chickens. However, Irons (1934) found that a turkey strain of virus did not produce lesions typical of fowl pox in chickens until after several serial passages on chicks. A turkey strain which apparently was not infective for chickens came to the attention of the Illinois Experiment Station during 1937. Present knowledge of pox in birds suggests that pathogenic or infective characters are apparently requisite for the manifestation of antigenic function and consequent stimulation of the immune state. However, marked differences in antigenic efficiency have been demon- strated among various strains of pox viruses from birds, particularly immunization experiments with cross-species. The fact that infection, with marked focal reaction, may occur with pigeon virus in the turkey without engendering a demonstrable immunity, as reported by Brunett (1934), suggests that similar results may be expected with other viruses employed in heterologous hosts. A number of workers, including Doyle (1930), Stafseth (1931), Brtmett (1933), Delaplane and Stuart (1933), Kligler, Komarov, and Fiat (1933), Edgington (1934), Lubbehusen and Ehlers (1934), and Graham and Barger (1935), have observed that the immunity induced by vaccination of chickens with homologous virus is more profound and durable in nature than that procured with heterologous virus or vaccine. Basset (1935) cites experiments to show that vaccination with homologous virus is necessary to produce a solid and lasting immunity in pigeons and chickens to the homologous virus. With reference to the use of homologous and heterologous virus on pigeons, the results of Findlay (1928), Pyle (1932), Irons (1934), and Graham and Barger (1935), already cited, support the greater efficiency of homol- ogous virus for immunizing this species. Irons (1934) pointed out that bipathogenic fowl-pox virus adapted to the pigeon produced an immunity equally as strong as that obtained with pigeon virus. Doyle and Minett (1927) were unable to show any immunological distinction, in fowl-protection tests, among eleven strains of fowl-pox 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 31 virus used in the course of their work. Lahaye (1929-30), in a study of pox in fowls, turkeys, and guinea fowls, did not find any immuno- logical differences. Findlay (1928) reported two strains of fowl origin antigenically alike. A third bipathogenic strain apparently of pigeon origin manifested evidence of bi-antigenic types. Immune serum pre- pared with this strain neutralized both components, while antiserum for monopathogenic fowl strains neutralized only the factor infective for chickens. Bierbaum and Kayser (1933) showed that two strains of pigeon virus were identical by cross-immunity tests and did not show evidence of plurality. Finkelstein (1934) studied the immuno- logical relations of fowl and pigeon pox by means of macroscopic agglutination tests. Hyperimmune sera were prepared from fowls treated with fowl- and pigeon-pox viruses over a long period. Fowl- pox antiserum agglutinated pigeon as well as fowl-pox elementary bodies, but to a lower titre than the homologous corpuscle suspensions. On the other hand, pigeon-pox antisera were not found to agglutinate fowl-pox bodies. In general, passage thru heterologous species appears to effect, sooner or later, alterations in the virulence of the virus. Whether or not attenuation in virulence by such a procedure may cause also a loss or modification of antigenic quality and efficiency is not fully deter- mined. Marx and Sticker (1903) observed that a single passage of pigeon virus on the chicken frequently rendered it avirulent for the pigeon. Irons (1934) reported that after a single chicken passage the virus of pigeon pox was greatly attenuated but further passages failed, with one possible exception, to destroy the infectivity for the pigeon. The virulence of pigeon virus for fowls was greatly enhanced by chicken passages ; whereas the bipathogenic fowl virus was temporarily attenuated for the chicken when passaged in pigeons but was increased in virulence for the pigeon. However, Findlay (1928), as well as Bierbaum, Eberbeck, and Kayser (1931), found only a slight and temporary reduction in virulence of pigeon virus for pigeons after numerous passages on chickens. Lahaye (1927) reported that passage of pigeon virus on fowls did not attenuate it for the pigeon. Saito (1926) recorded a loss of virulence of pigeon virus for chickens with repeated chicken passage, while this property remained constant for the pigeon. Serial passage of fowl virus on the pigeon was said to render it more virulent for the pigeon and less virulent for the fowl. Doyle and Minett (1927) observed that passage of pigeon virus on chickens thru nine series caused the production of lesions identical with those induced by strains of fowl virus and effected a change which prevented ready readaptation to the pigeon. Lubbehusen (1937) reported gradual adaptation of pigeon strains to chickens, with a corresponding decrease in virulence for pigeons .and with immunological advantages over unmodified fowl or pigeon 32 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, virus. Banks (1931), California Experiment Station (1933), and Michael (1932), working with original pigeon virus, reported little or no immunity in contrast with the lasting immunity to natural or artifi- cial infection of a year or more, as reported by Lahaye (1928), Com- inotti and Pagnini (1931), and E. P. Johnson (1931, 1932). The fact that a partial but definite immunity to artificial as well as severe natural exposure to fowl pox may be obtained for periods of two to six months and occasionally longer is apparent from the findings of various other workers, including Doyle (1930), Glover (1931), Broerman and Edgington (1932), Brunett (1933), Delaplane and Stuart (1933), Graham and Barger (1935), Bierbaum (1935), Basset (1935), and Komarov and Kligler (1936). Altho Basset states that complete pro- tection may be obtained by inoculation of a large area of the chicken skin with pigeon virus (practically not feasible), he does not state the period of duration of such an absolute immunity. In vaccination of chickens with homologous virus, even a mild take apparently induces a strong and durable immunity (Johnson, 1930). This author has recorded a distinct, altho incomplete, degree of pro- tection against artificial exposure as long as 967 days following vac- cination. Johnson (1934), however, expresses the conclusion, appar- ently consistent with findings and observations of numerous investi- gators on this point, that "chickens seldom if ever maintain complete immunity for extended periods, following vaccination with fowl virus." The results obtained with pigeon and fowl viruses adapted to heterol- ogous species suggest that the eventuality of continued serial passage will be the development of characters closely resembling or typifying the homologous virus. The observations of De Blieck and Van Heels- bergen on antidiphtherin, which is said to represent a fowl virus adapted to pigeons, emphasize its similarity to pigeon-pox virus ; that is, in so far as gross appearance of the lesion and degree and duration of immunity are concerned. Picard (1931 and 1931 A) reported similar changes resulting in fowl virus after fifty-four passages in pigeons, while Lubbehusen's report (1937) on adaptation of pigeon virus to fowls indicates that protracted serial passage is essential for modifi- cation and fixation of these characters. The literature on vaccination of pigeons lends support to the opinion that, in general, homologous virus vaccination induces a sub- stantial immunity of considerable duration. Findlay ( 1928) found that exposure to monopathogenic virus obtained from fowls failed to provoke more than an atypical transient reaction and the protection, if any, may be only nonspecific in nature and apparently insignificant. On the other hand, pigeon-virus (bipathogenic) vaccination resulted in a slight but demonstrable immunity 150 days later. Basset (1935) em- phasized the necessity of homologous virus for vaccination of pigeons for production of strong resistance. According to Irons (1934),. 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 33 pigeons inoculated with a bipathogenic fowl strain of virus adapted to the pigeon by limited passages gave as marked protection as did the pigeon virus. Criteria for interpreting results. The reported results from fowl- pox vaccination are often difficult or impossible to interpret accurately because of failure to recognize or employ satisfactory criteria. In many cases, the effect of vaccination on subsequent growth and vitality has been entirely or largely overlooked, altho the more apparent factor of mortality associated with vaccination has been generally appreciated. The common and erroneous deduction that complete immunity persists for long periods also has led to much confusion. The importance and significance of determining the effect of vac- cination of chickens of various ages upon subsequent weight gains are illustrated particularly well in the reports of Lubbehusen and co- workers (1932, 1934, 1936, and 1937). The occurrence following vac- cination of generalized systemic reactions, with or without secondary skin or mucous-membrane foci or pocks, has been encountered and recognized quite frequently as an undesirable sequel. The possibility of using the weight at maturity as a criterion for evaluating the influ- ence of vaccination has been suggested by Johnson (1934) and others. The effects of fowl-pox vaccination on egg production have been noted by Johnson (1927 and 1930), Sawyer (1928 and 1929), Pyle (1928), and others. Capability to produce a satisfactory take or reaction is considered a primary requisite for the virus material to be used for cutaneous pox vaccination. In birds of apparently normal susceptibility and previ- ously unexposed to pox, the severity of the local lesion produced by vaccination would seem to be largely dependent on the extent and degree of exposure as well as on the virulence of the virus. Consider- able variations associated with age and individual susceptibility are, of course, frequently encountered. According to Loewenthal (1906), cited by Goodpasture (1928), secondary pox infection in pigeons showed no diminution in intensity up to the time the scab resulting from primary infection fell off. According to Goodpasture (1928), Burnet in 1904 found that response to reinoculation within five days was equivalent to that in the control. The lesions of subsequent reinoculations gradu- ally diminished in extent until those made on the twelfth day aborted completely. The lesions of reinoculation healed concomitantly with the primary lesions. Johnson (1930) referred to a quick reaction response to skin reinoculation of fowls which is frequently apparent in 24 hours, while Findlay (1928) found a certain degree of immunity in both chickens and pigeons 4 days after inoculation with homologous virus, and a complete immunity after 20 days. He states that Henseval and Convent (1910) noted a degree of immunity in 4 days following 34 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, cutaneous inoculation. More recent investigations on the mechanism of response and protection to foreign proteins, bacteria, and viruses appear to have clarified the role of fixation and inflammation in aug- menting resistance and immunity. The findings of Opie (1924), Menkin (1931), Cannon et al (1929, 1930, 1932), and Kahn (1933, 1936) would suggest that reinoculation with pox virus during the interval of several days to about three weeks subsequent to original infection results in a variable degree of focal or regional fixation of the virus. It is therefore conjectured that incorrect evaluations of immunity derived from vaccination have been made because of failure to recog- nize states of partial immunity by proper determination and interpreta- tion of the response to reinoculation, particularly in the case of severe artificial exposure. In addition, other criteria among those mentioned must be established if the significance and value of any vaccine or virus or procedure are to be assessed properly. PART II: ILLINOIS EXPERIMENTS Fowl-Pox Immunization With Pigeon-Pox Virus From the foregoing review of pox immunization in fowls it is evident that a diversity of opinion exists as to the efficacy of pigeon- pox virus as a vaccine for immunization against fowl pox in chickens. The results of studies at the Illinois Experiment Station over a period of five years (1932-1936) include observations on several thousand fowls vaccinated with pigeon-pox virus and subsequently exposed by artificial inoculation to fowl pox. Source and preparation of virus. The pigeon virus employed was one obtained in 1930 from a natural outbreak of pigeon pox in an Illinois aviary (Fig. 1) and which was subsequently maintained by serial passage thru pigeons. Various methods have been used by investigators for preparing pigeon-pox virus for vaccine. The following technic was employed at the Illinois Station: healthy mature pigeons were plucked over the ventral surface of the breast and a freshly prepared 1-percent aqueous suspension of powdered skin-lesion virus swabbed over the entire area without scarification (Fig. 2). The time required for the development of typical scabs was found to vary within rather wide limits, being as long as 20 days in some cases and as short as 12 days in others, with an average of about 16 days. In 24 to 48 hours after inoculation the pigeons displayed a definite systemic reaction. The eyes were closed, the feathers were ruffled and often the bird showed slight tremor. A rather rapid loss of 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 35 FIG. 1. NATURAL CASE OF PIGEON Pox FIG. 2. APPLYING PIGEON-POX VIRUS TO FEATHER FOLLICLES ON BREAST OF PIGEON 36 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, llesh usually accompanied the development of lesions, and an impair- ment of appetite was noted. The inoculated follicles showed a definite swelling in 48 hours and the entire inoculated epiderm presented a diffuse, swollen, congested appearance. The reaction progressed until the 8th to the 10th day, while definite scab formation developed from the 12th to the 18th day (Fig. 3). At this stage the entire area was covered with a diffuse, hard, dry, brownish scab. Death often occurred FIG. 3. LESIONS OF PIGEON Pox 20 DAYS AFTER INOCULATION WITH 1 -PERCENT SKIN-LESION PIGEON-POX VIRUS in the inoculated pigeon at about the 16th to the 18th day following application of the virus. The scab mass on inoculated pigeons was removed just before death, altho death of the bird did not appear to alter the virulence of the virus, if the scabs were harvested within 12 to 15 hours. As a routine practice, inoculated pigeons were destroyed when in a moribund condition, usually at about the 16th day. During the period of scab development, a growth of new feathers occurred. These were plucked with a pair of thumb forceps before removal of the skin. Little diffi- culty was encountered in removing the skin and scabs en masse. The indurated skin was separated from the adjacent unaffected skin by means of a sharp scalpel. The entire piece of scabby indurated skin was then placed at room temperature in open Petri dishes and dried in 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 37 D FIG. 4. PREPARING SKIN-LESION PIGEON-POX VIRUS (A) Drying virus, (B) grinding, (C) sifting thru clean gauze, (D) weigh- ing in gelatin capsules, (E) mixing with distilled water. a desiccator containing calcium chlorid and sulfuric acid (Fig. 4). After 4 days in the desiccator, the skin lesions were dehydrated and suitable for grinding. By means of scissors the dried skin was cut into small bits and then ground in a mortar to a fine powder. Coarse particles were removed by sifting the powder thru a single thickness of ordinary gauze onto clean or sterile filter paper. The powder was then placed in clean brown-glass bottles which were stoppered with 38 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, rubber corks, or in hard gelatin capsules and kept at ice-box tempera- ture (10 to 15 C.). The powder constituted the stock vaccine used in the experiments described herein and, unless otherwise indicated, a freshly prepared 1-percent aqueous suspension of the powder was em- ployed in experimental studies. Application by feather-follicle method. Reports on the results of vaccinating chickens with pigeon-pox strains of virus indicate that, in general, more extensive takes and a somewhat greater degree of immunity are obtainable with the feather- follicle method than with scarification or puncture methods. The immunizing property of the Illinois strain of pigeon virus against fowl pox in chickens was determined by applying pigeon virus to the open feather follicles and later exposing the birds artificially to fowl-pox virus by a single skin puncture. Procedure. In the experiments summarized in Table 1 a freshly prepared 1 -percent aqueous suspension of pigeon virus was used for vaccination (with the exception of Lot 3). The site of vaccination was the upper lateral aspect of the tibial region of the leg, from which 10 to 20 feathers had been plucked. The virus was applied by rubbing the defeathered area with a cotton swab that had been dipped in the virus suspension. Observations for reactions were usually made at 7, 14, and 21 days after vaccination. Artificial exposure of vaccinated and control birds consisted, except where otherwise indicated, of swabbing a freshly prepared 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus over both sides of the scarified comb and over a plucked area on the leg opposite that used for vaccination. Natural exposure consisted of placing several fowls severely affected with fowl pox in the same pen with the vaccinated birds for a period of one month. Vaccinated birds and unvaccinated controls were simultaneously exposed to fowl pox by the same methods. The control birds were of the same age, breed, and hatch as the vaccinated birds, and tho isolated from them received the same rations and care. The vaccinated and unvaccinated birds of each lot were kept separate, and in the majority of cases were isolated in small houses with concrete floors. Each house was surrounded by range (40 by 100 feet) to which the fowls had access at all times. During cold w r eather the smaller chickens were removed to houses equipped with heating units. When facilities permitted, chickens to be exposed to fowl pox were brought inside the laboratory and placed in special isolation pens. The unvaccinated control lot corresponding to each lot of vaccinated birds is designated by the lot number plus the letter C; that is, the controls of Lot 1 are identified as Lot 1C, those of Lot 2 as 2C, etc. The development of mild lesions of fowl pox (folliculitis) at the point of inoculation without perceptible systemic reaction during the 14-day period following artificial exposure to fowl-pox virus was 1940} IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 39 TABLE 1. RESULTS OF PIGEON-VIRUS VACCINATION AGAINST FOWL Pox IN CHICKENS: FEATHER-FOLLICLE METHOD Lot Number of chickens Breed" Age Vaccination reaction Number exposed Days from vaccination to exposure 1 * Results 1 . . 22 RIR weeks 18 Folliculitis 22 21 Partial immunity 1C 21 RIR 18 21 2 81* RIR 3 Indefinite 5 14 No immunity 2C 81 C RIR 3 5.5,5 ' 5 25 21,70,98 112 Partial immunity No immunity 3 . 18 BR 8 Folliculitis 9, 7 25,51 3C 6 BR 8 6 4 21 WL 4 Folliculitis 10, 7 27,53 4C. . . . 6 WL 4 6 5 d 20 BR 16 17 d 21 5C d 22 BR 16 22 d 6. . 18 RIR 12 Folliculitis 17 35 Partial immunity <>C 2 RIR 12 2 7 65 BR 4 Folliculitis 5 30 Partial immunity 7C 57 BR 6 13 51 180 Partial immunity in 53% No immunity 8 . 10 RIR 14 10 60 Partial immunity 8C. . 3 RIR 14 3 No immunity 9. . 100 RIR 8 Folliculitis 24, 24, 24, 24 30,60,90, 120 Partial immunity <>C. 12 RIR 8 12 No immunity 10 68 RIR 4 Folliculitis 30 70 Partial immunity IOC 67 RIR 4 in 69% 15 7 59 120 150 Partial immunity in 60%, none in 26% Complete immunity in 42%, partial in 28%, none in 28% Severe pox 11 237 BR 6 Folliculitis 28, 25, 15, 15 30,60,90, 180 Partial immunity 11C 80 BR 6 in 97.5% 80 No immunity 12 116 RIR 14 Folliculitis 30, 30, 15 30, 60, 90 Partial immunity 12C 30 RIR 14 in 91.3% 30 No immunity 13 ... 58 WL 5 21,31 27,53 No immunity 13C 10 WL 5 in 27% 10 No immunity BR = Barred Rock; RIR = Rhode Island Red; WL = White Leghorn. b ln all the experi- ments involving control groups, a comparable number of unvaccinated birds were exposed at the same time as the vaccinated birds. Only 50 of 162 survived until exposure. d Natural exposure, all others artificial. interpreted as an indication of a definite and significant partial im- munity and in Table 1 is so recorded. These partial-immunity reactions were characterized by early benign pocks which receded quickly with- out systemic reaction, in contrast to marked and persistent pocks ac- companied by systemic reactions following exposure to fowl-pox infection. Results: Lots 1 and 1C, Rhode Island Reds 18 weeks of age (Table 1). All 22 birds in Lot 1 showed definite but mild takes, signifying 40 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, partial immunity. The 21 controls in Lot 1C proved uniformly sus- ceptible on exposure to fowl pox. Lots 2 and 2C, Rhode Island Reds 3 weeks of age. Each lot con- sisted of 81 birds at the beginning of the experiment. The occurrence of an outbreak of coccidiosis in Lot 2, with a high death rate, pre- cludes accurate interpretation of the results. However, the birds exposed at 21 to 70 days following vaccination manifested definite evidence of a partial immunity. At 98 days, two of five vaccinated birds developed severe pox. All five of the vaccinated birds exposed at 112 days, as well as the controls, developed severe pox lesions, thus indicating that any significant resistance which may have been derived from vaccination had waned. Lots 3 and 3C, Barred Rocks 8 weeks of age. The results in Lots 3 and 3C, comprising 18 and 6 birds respectively, indicate that a measurable but incomplete degree of resistance was present at about 25 and 51 days following vaccination with a .5-percent suspension of pigeon virus. Lots 4 and 4C, White Leghorns 4 weeks of age. Only one of the 17 vaccinated birds in Lot 4 developed severe fowl pox following exposure, the latest exposure being made 53 days following vac- cination. The six control birds in 4C manifested typical severe pox reactions. Lots 5 and 5C, Barred Rocks 16 weeks of age. Lot 5 of 20 birds and Lot 5C of 22 birds were the only lots in this experiment which were subjected to natural exposure. Both lots were placed in a house in which pox-infected fowls had been kept continuously for the pre- ceding three months without cleaning or disinfection during that time or following the removal of the affected fowl. In addition 10 hens showing severe fowl pox were introduced into the group to favor con- tact exposure. Failure of the vaccinated fowls in Lot 5 to contract infection for 30 days after exposure would seem to indicate at least a partial immunity to natural infection during 21 to 51 days following vaccination. The low percentage of infection in the controls cannot be definitely explained, but according to the experience of Doyle (1930) probably may be attributed in part to the roomy quarters, which did not favor close contact of test birds with affected birds. Lots 6 and 6C, Rhode Island Reds 12 weeks of age. All 18 birds in Lot 6 developed satisfactory takes and, on exposure, a definite par- tial immunity was manifested. The two birds of control Lot 6C were found uniformly susceptible on exposure to fowl pox. Lots 7 and 7C, Barred Rocks 4 and 6 zveeks of age respectively. Lot 7 was originally comprised of 65 birds, but after heavy mortality resulting from coccidiosis and extremely cold weather, only 13 vac- cinated birds survived for exposure at 180 days. However, only 6 of 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 41 the 13 vaccinated fowls developed a severe form of pox such as that occurring in the 51 unvaccinated controls. Lots 8 and 8C, Rhode Island Reds 14 weeks of age. Sixty days following vaccination with pigeon virus the 10 vaccinated birds and 3 controls were exposed to fowl pox. All the vaccinated birds showed partial resistance, while the controls developed a severe form of pox. Lots 9 and 9C, Rhode Island Reds 8 weeks of age. All vaccinated birds from the 100 originally constituting Lot 9, including those ex- posed at 120 days, appeared to possess a significant partial immunity to severe artificial fowl-pox exposure. The 12 birds of Lot 9C showed a natural susceptibility. Lots 10 and IOC, Rhode Island Reds 4 zveeks of age. In Lot 10, containing 68 birds, definite evidence of a waning resistance was manifested upon exposure at 120 days following vaccination. How- ever, at 150 days the natural infection in 14 control birds of the original 67 in Lot IOC was about equal to that in the vaccinated group, thus invalidating any attempt at interpretation of the results. Lots 11 and 11C, Barred Rocks 6 weeks of age. In Lot 11, com- prising 237 birds at the outset, the plan to expose some birds vaccinated for a period longer than six months was disrupted by an outbreak of laryngotracheitis which decimated the remainder of the Hock. Similar difficulty also interfered with further exposures in Lot 12, originally composed of 116 birds. Lots 13 and 13C, White Leghorns 5 weeks of age. To determine whether or not aging of the powdered pigeon-pox virus decreased its immunizing value, the 58 birds in Lot 13 were treated with virus harvested 14 months previously and stored in the ice box at 12 to 15 C. Since severe lesions and systemic reactions developed in practically all the vaccinated birds as well as in the control group, it appeared that the period of aging under the conditions prevailing resulted in partial or complete loss of infective or antigenic activity of this strain of virus. Preliminary experiment. In a preliminary experiment involving 24 Barred Rock chicks treated at one month of age (not included in Table 1), it was found that two methods of effecting uniform aqueous suspension of the powdered virus were equally effective, in so far as the percentage of vaccination takes and the immunity to fowl pox 28 days later were concerned. One method of effecting suspension con- sisted of adding the vehicle slowly to the powdered virus material in a glazed mortar while stirring the mixture continuously with a glazed pestle. In the other method the suspending fluid was added to the powdered virus in a vial ; then the vial was stoppered and shaken vigorously for several minutes until uniform suspension was accomplished. 42 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, FIG. 5 PROTECTIVE CHARACTER OF PIGEON-POX VIRUS AGAINST FOWL Pox IN CHICKENS (A) Receding lesions on thigh of vaccinated fowl two weeks following exposure to a 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus, feather-follicle method. Six months before exposure this bird had been inoculated with a 1-percent aqueous suspension of skin-lesion pigeon-pox virus via feather-follicle method. (B) Typical progressive lesions of fowl pox on thigh of unvaccinated bird (right) exposed in parallel with fowl at left. Both fowls were of the same age group and were kept under the same conditions. (C) Barred Rock chickens two weeks following exposure to 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus via feather-follicle method. Note absence of lesion on thigh of chicken at left, inoculated 34 days preceding exposure to fowl pox with a .5-percent aqueous suspension of skin-lesion pigeon-pox virus, feather-follicle method. Unprotected control at right was kept under same conditions as inoculated bird and was exposed to fowl-pox virus by the same method at the same time. (D) Rhode Island Reds two weeks following exposure to 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus by feather- follicle method. Note apparent degree of protection afforded bird at left which had been inoculated by feather-follicle method with a .5-percent aqueous suspension of skin-lesion pigeon-pox virus 34 days preceding exposure to fowl pox. Unprotected control at right was kept under same conditions and exposed to fowl pox at same time as vaccinated bird. (E, F) Photographs taken 20 days after exposure to a 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus. Thirty days before exposure to fowl pox the bird at left was inoculated with 1-percent aqueous suspension skin lesion pigeon- pox virus by feather-follicle method. Note absence of lesions as compared with inoculated bird at right, which was kept under same conditions, was of same age and weight, and was exposed to the fowl-pox virus by same method at same time. 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC Fowi. 43 44 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, Summary. In this group of experiments, a total of 858 chickens ranging from 3 to 18 weeks of age were vaccinated with pigeon-pox virus by the feather- follicle method. In all groups but one, subsequent exposure to fowl pox was artificial and consisted of liberal application of a 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus to the scarified combs and feather follicles. The pigeon-pox vaccinated fowls were exposed at periods varying from 14 to 180 days following vaccination. A 'definite folliculitis at the site of application of the pigeon-pox virus was regarded as a take. These reactions reached their height at about the 6th to the 9th day following vaccination, no scabs were formed, and none of the chickens displayed any detectable systemic reaction which might be attributed to the pigeon virus. The conditions under which these experiments were conducted simulate, to some extent, those which might prevail upon premises potentially harboring fowl-pox infection. Consequently the possibility that an unobserved mild type of natural fowl-pox infection occurred in some of the experimental fowls must be considered, altho the marked lesions and systemic reactions observed in the controls, as compared with the mild receding lesions and the absence of systemic disturbances in the vaccinated birds, do not lend support to this hypothesis. In several of the experiments the control fowls were left in the same pen with those which had received pigeon-pox virus and in only a negligible number of instances were the controls refractory to artificial infection with fowl-pox virus. The significant results of these tests may be summarized as follows: 1. Chicks ranging from 3 to 18 weeks of age when vaccinated by the feather- follicle method with a 1-percent aqueous suspension of pigeon virus (Illinois strain) displayed a measurable but incomplete degree of protection when artificially exposed to fowl-pox virus at varying periods of time following vaccination (Fig. 5). 2. The resistance induced in young chickens by the pigeon strain of virus appeared to be of a uniform nature during the first two months following vaccination. Beginning about two months after vaccination, there appeared to be a gradual diminution in the degree of resistance in many of the fowls, as judged by the results following artificial exposure to fowl virus. 3. In one experiment a }/2-percent aqueous suspension of pigeon- pox virus induced a degree of resistance in 8-week-old chicks compar- able to that observed following the use of a 1-percent suspension of the same virus. 4. The pigeon virus, stored at ice-box temperature (12 'to 15 C.) for 14 months in the form of powdered scabs, induced few takes and no measurable resistance when a 1 -percent aqueous suspension was applied by the feather-follicle method. 1940~\ IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 45 5. Chickens vaccinated at 16 weeks of age with 1-percent aqueous pigeon-pox virus and naturally exposed to fowl pox 21 days after vaccination showed no evidence of becoming infected over a period of 30 days. 6. There appeared to be no difference in the degree of resistance to fowl pox induced in chickens of different breeds by the use of pigeon virus. 7. No undesirable results were observed in any of the chickens as a result of vaccination with pigeon virus. 8. Some fowls appeared measurably resistant to artificial exposure to fowl pox for as long as six months following vaccination with the pigeon-strain virus applied by the feather- follicle method. 9. As determined by a single experiment, there appeared to be no difference in the results of two methods of "mixing" the pigeon-pox virus with the vehicle or suspending medium so I6ng as a fairly uni- form suspension was effected. Application by stick method. Reports on the use of pigeon virus in chickens show that the feather- follicle method of application has been used almost exclusively. In a few instances, however, the stick method has been employed. Johnson (1930) vaccinated chickens with pigeon virus by the stick method and reported the production of consistent takes. This was interpreted to favor the use of the stick method, but later Johnson (1934) concluded that pigeon virus applied by one stick per fowl gave slight, if any, protection against artificial or natural exposure to fowl virus. Furthermore, he obtained evidence that a considerable increase in the number of vaccination points, both stick and follicle, failed to give desired projection. Broerman and Edgington (1932) stated that pigeon-virus vaccination by one stick and by one feather follicle failed to produce immunity in chickens to fowl virus administered three to four months later. Orr and Emmel (1933), however, used pigeon virus by the stick method for vaccinating 80 pens of chickens in an egg-laying contest, and concluded that the results were generally satisfactory. As previously reported by Graham and Barger (1935), evidence has been obtained to suggest that the feather- follicle method may have advantages over the stick method as a means of applying pigeon virus to chickens. Table 2 gives the data on this phase of the experiments with the Illinois strain of pigeon pox. Procedure. In every case a freshly prepared 1 -percent aqueous sus- pension of powdered pigeon-pox virus was used. A long narrow-bladed scalpel with a sharp point was used for piercing the comb or the under- surface of the patagium. In a few instances a 14-gauge hypodermic needle was employed as the piercing instrument. The puncture of the patagium was made with the tip of the scalpel after it had been dipped in the virus suspension. In a few cases the virus was applied to the 46 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, comb. After numerous scarifications had been made on both sides of the appendage, the virus was rubbed on with a cotton swab dipped in the virus suspension. It was found difficult in many instances to determine whether or not a reaction to the virus had occurred. Small scabs were present in a majority of cases, but unless there was a characteristic reaction at the site of puncture, the scabs were attributed to traumatism and were not considered to be true responses to the virus (Fig. 6). Swellings and scab formations regarded as virus reactions were found to vary in the length of time they persisted, but as a rule there was complete subsidence within 15 days after application. All of the surviving chickens treated with pigeon virus in these experiments were ultimately exposed to fowl pox. Unless otherwise indicated, exposure to fowl pox was severe and consisted of applying a 1-percent aqueous* suspension of fowl virus to the scarified combs, or to the feather follicles on the leg, or to both areas. Results. Four of the five chickens from Lot 1, exposed at 30 days, developed moderate lesions (Table 2). The survivors at 180 days de- veloped lesions as severe as those in the controls. The latter group consisted of birds which served also as controls on another experiment. The controls were exposed with the same suspension of virus as used for the vaccinated fowls. The results indicate that very little, if any, protection to severe pox exposure was afforded by the application of pigeon virus by the stick method as herein employed. Coccidiosis was responsible for heavy mortality in Lot 2. Of the survivors only 8 birds were used at each exposure interval. Evidence of protection against fowl virus was not observed. The possibility that TABLE 2. RESULTS OF PIGEON-VIRUS VACCINATION AGAINST FOWL Pox IN CHICKENS: STICK METHOD Lot Number of chickens Breed* Age Vaccina- tion reaction Number exposed Days from vaccina- tion to exposure Results 1 1C 61 54 BR Mixed 4 wks. 3-6 wks. Doubtful 5 19 54 30 180 Partial immunity in 4 No immunity 2 142 BR-RIR 1-2 days Doubtful 888 26 60 90 2C. . . 8 RIR 1-2 days 8 3. . . 30 RIR-BR 5-9 wks. 20 takes 30 16 4. . 6 WL-C WL-C 5-9 wks. 5-9 wks. 10 negative Doubtful 6 70 No immunity 5. . . 50 WL-C 5-9 wks. Doubtful 50 112 6 29 WL-C 5-9 wks. Doubtful 29 133 7. ... 282 RIR-BR 3-5 wks. Doubtful 20 20 30 60 7C. 13 BR-RIR 3-9 wks 20, 20, 15 13 90,120,150 Partial immunity BR = Barred Rock; RIR = Rhode Island Red; WL = White Leghorn; C = Cornish. 1940} IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 47 FIG. 6. TRAUMA, OR NEGATIVE TAKE, ON INNER SURFACE OF RIGHT WING OF Two CHICKS VACCINATED AT ONE MONTH OF AGE, STICK METHOD A 1-percent aqueous suspension of skin-lesion pigeon-pox virus was used. Photograph was taken eight days following inoculation. failure to develop immunity was the result of coccidiosis was not excluded, altho other observations indicate that an attack of coccidiosis concurrent with the use of fowl-pox virus in chicks may not prevent the development of immunity. Furthermore, coccidiosis-free young birds (Lots 3, 4, and 5) treated by the same method also failed to develop significant immunity to artificial exposure. The chickens in Lots 3 to 6 inclusive were taken at random from a flock of 2,549 birds treated with pigeon virus at 5 to 9 weeks of age. The reactions to the pigeon virus were doubtful in most cases, altho slight swellings were occasionally observed at the point of puncture. The birds removed at intervals up to 112 days did not show appreci- able resistance to severe artificial exposure ; and of the birds in Lot 6, removed for testing at 133 days, over half contracted fowl pox as a result of exposure to pen infection. In Lot 7 the results in birds exposed at 30 to 60 days following treatment with pigeon virus are excluded from consideration because of the high mortality from coccidiosis and because of failure of the controls in these groups to develop fowl-pox lesions. In the other three groups of this lot, exposed at 90, 120, and 150 days, there was evi- dence of partial resistance, since the lesions and reactions were mild as compared with those in the control birds. However, the possibility that the birds in Lot 7 had acquired resistance as the result of unrecognized infection cannot be entirely disregarded. 48 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, Summary. Pigeon virus, as applied by the single-stick method in these experiments to more than 3,000 chickens ranging from 1 day to 9 weeks of age failed to induce an appreciable or measurable resistance in 675 fowls later exposed to fowl pox at intervals of 16 to 180 days. In the majority of cases it was difficult to determine satisfactorily whether the local reactions following treatment by the stick method were true takes or merely the result of traumatism. In only one instance was evidence suggested that the virus had possibly induced a measurable degree of resistance to fowl pox. In that group, however, the reactions were so irregular as to render doubtful any assumption that the virus was responsible for the resistance manifested upon later exposure. In one flock of more than 2,500 young fowls the pigeon virus failed to induce any resistance, as judged by the severe lesions and reactions in fowls later artificially exposed to fowl pox at varying intervals of time. Parallel tests by feather-follicle and stick methods. To check the results in the tests reported in the preceding sections, the stick and feather-follicle methods of applying pigeon-pox virus were em- ployed in parallel for comparative purposes. Chicks of the same breed, age, and source were utilized. The results of these and subsequent experiments conducted in this laboratory would seem to indicate that the method of feather- follicle vaccination employed resulted almost invariably in a greater degree of exposure, with a corresponding greater response, than did the stick method of application. The results of these parallel experiments with pigeon virus are given in Table 3 and illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8. Vaccination of Lots 1 and 3 by the stick method and Lots 2 and 4 by the feather-follicle method was done with the same freshly pre- pared 1 -percent suspension of pigeon virus and according to the pro- cedure previously described. Exposures to fowl pox consisted of the application of 1-percent aqueous suspensions of fowl virus to the scarified combs and the open feather follicles of the leg. Results. Upon examination for takes in Lot 1 (stick method), all reactions were recorded as doubtful or questionable. In contrast, all birds except 2 in Lot 2 (feather-follicle method) showed definite takes following application of pigeon virus. Upon exposure to fowl pox at 30 and 60 days following treatment, evidence of immunity was not demonstrated in 20 birds each from Lot 1 and Lot 1C, the control group, while all the birds from Lot 2 manifested a definite partial immunity. At 225 days after vaccination a partial immunity, prob- ably acquired, was demonstrated in the treated birds as well as in the controls. The birds of Lots 3 and 4 yielded virtually the same results upon exposure to fowl pox as did Lots 1 and 2, and the birds in Lots 3C and 4C, like most of those in Lots 1C and 2C, showed no immunity. IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 49 TABLE 3. RESULTS WITH PIGEON VIRUS APPLIED BY THE STICK AND THE FOLLICLE METHODS Lot Number of chicks Breed Age Method Vaccination reaction Number exposed Days from vaccina- tion to exposure Results 1 70 BR weeks 4 Stick Doubtful 20 30 No immunity 2 70 BR 4 Follicle 20 6 20 60 225 30 No immunity Partial immunity 1C, 2C 70 BR 4 20 6 20 60 225 Partial immunity Partial immunity 3.. . . 100 BR 4-6 Stick Negative 20 17 20 30 No immunity Partial immunity 4 100 BR 4-6 Follicle Folliculitis 20 30 3C, 4C 100 BR 4-6 20 No immunity FIG. 7. EFFECT OF VACCINATION WITH A I-PERCENT AQUEOUS SUSPENSION OF SKIN-LESION PIGEON-POX VIRUS SIMULTANEOUSLY APPLIED BY FEATHER-FOLLICLE AND STICK METHODS Thirty days after vaccination the two inoculated birds and the control bird were exposed to fowl pox by applying a 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl- pox virus to the scarified comb. Twenty-one days following exposure to fowl- pox virus this photograph was made. Note protection induced by lesion pigeon-pox virus applied feather-follicle method (1) in contrast with failure of pigeon virus to protect when applied stick method (2). The control bird is at the right (3). (Numbers on photograph do not coincide with lot numbers in Table 3.) 50 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, c -c c C o C. rt ?> X ~ o. t; X be we O 5 X |o5.rt C .2 -2 .8 > 2 a w rt -^ C S ST.2 i_ m - o * a ^ S g _Q S W tX .= c > rj CO K ^H z > -I. M t/5 -^ O o > w X t_ C "'tf O Q o S o OH " * fS a-E u. < o 5 5 U - ^ O 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 51 Conclusions. The temporary partial immunity to fowl pox induced by the feather-follicle method of vaccination with pigeon virus, as con- trasted with the doubtful or negative immunity response following the stick method, may be attributed largely to the larger area of inocula- tion and increased degree and extent of reaction following the feather- follicle application compared with the smaller area of inoculation and mild reaction induced by the stick method. The findings in this experi- ment, together with those in other experiments conducted in this laboratory, appear to lend support to the opinion expressed by De Blieck (1925), Johnson (1934), Basset (1935), and others, viz., that in general the degree and duration of immunity to fowl pox resulting from pigeon-pox virus vaccination are directly dependent upon the degree or extent of the cutaneous reaction induced by the vaccination, or to both these factors. Antidiphtherin Vaccination Against Fowl Pox Source of antidiphtherin. In 1933 two vials of antidiphtherin were obtained from De Blieck for the purpose of studying its value as an immunizing agent against fowl pox in chickens. The substance was a flaky light-brown powder which produced a somewhat milky solution when suspended in water. No directions for its preparation accom- panied the product. De Blieck had stated (1927) that "antidiphtherin contains living matter, which, however, perishes in a few days when out of the re- frigerator ; the vaccine can, however, be preserved for months at minus 10 C." The viability of the 1933 shipment of vaccine after it was received in the United States was therefore considered question- able, as the temperature of the product en route was doubtless un- favorable. The exact time during which the antidiphtherin was out of refrigeration en route is not known, but probably it was about two weeks. Immediately upon receipt of the antidiphtherin, a 1-percent aqueous suspension was prepared and swabbed over the plucked breasts of pigeons in an effort to propagate the virus. It was found that the virus was active and could readily be maintained by serial passage thru pigeons. It was subsequently propagated by pigeon passage over a period of two years with no detectable loss of virulence. Some of the results obtained in applications of this virus to pigeons and chickens are shown in Figs. 9, 10, and 11. Application. When applied to the open feather follicles of pigeons, antidiphtherin induced a reaction indistinguishable at first from that characteristic of pigeon-pox infection. There was hyperemia of the skin over the treated area, accompanied by severe folliculitis and the formation of crusts and scabs. After 8 to 10 days there was a tendency 52 BULLETIN No. 470 [October, FIG. 9. INFECTIVE AND ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF ANTIDIPHTHERIN APPLIED TO WING AND BREAST OF PIGEON (A) Note progressive pox lesions on undersurface of pigeon wing 7 days after application of a 1-perceht aqueous suspension of antidiphtherin, stick method. (B) Diffuse lesions on pigeon breast 21 days following application of a 1-percent aqueous suspension of antidiphtherin, feather-follicle method. 1940] IMMUNIZATION AGAINST Pox IN DOMESTIC FOWL 53 FIG. 10. INFECTIVE PROPERTIES OF ORIGINAL ANTIDIPHTHERIN APPLIED TO THIGH (A) Local reaction on right thigh of chicken 9 days following application of a 1-percent aqueous suspension of antidiphtherin via feather-follicle method. (B) Local reaction on thigh of 5-week old White Rock chicken 10 days following application of a 1-percent aqueous suspension of antidiphtherin via feather- follicle method. FIG. 11. FAILURE OF ANTIDIPHTHERIN TO PROTECT AGAINST ARTIFICIAL EXPOSURE TO FowL-Pox VIRUS EIGHT MONTHS AFTER VACCINATION Chicken at left (A) was vaccinated with a 1-percent aqueous suspension of antidiphtherin via feather-follicle method. Eight months later this bird and the control (B) were exposed to a 1-percent aqueous suspension of fowl-pox virus by scarification of the combs. Photograph taken two weeks after exposure. 54 BULLETIN No. 470 [October,. A.S c ^^ 3 * 8 _g .| | |J '0 O *> ^ -2 1! 1*5 X 1 'm > EEEE-g Illll i. d Moderate 1 5 groups of Vc u. c Ji 5 z 2 Id 1 ' og ^ - o ^ *o ^^ * "" 33 S O Q Q, ?N CS CN cs cs ' o ^J ; [ c _ E rt ^'*^.JJ vO -Si *- 5 Q ^ H _T3 z < 11 E 2 ~CS 'S'C : ^ : o. g os OH .So u a u o> Illl 3 3 ' o o QQ : 1 ; !! O z 2 fa j M M ' c c ; H tn ^* of N CI w 3 5 .2 UJSJffl I^I> J D 1 V U} s (U y ^ > " i 5 s . ~^ ' "y .2=5 II ffi V 5 '5 "o "3 y ^3 ; >. g H n la O c c trt 0) 5 .2 c < S v v v _g Tfrf -t TC * J.2 ^ c y s 3 "O oJ X c E l U 1 J J J g conn 25 33 if o D Ms - g V) H U lM Q D c c c c c c e c S E (A O 11 4) C 0> U U II U U 3 - 15 12 15 .2? - ~ " rt_0 1 1 MfS,>,>>>. >,>.>.>.>.>,>, |i 3 a CC See CB C C C C . 33 333 33 3 3 3 3 j= "5 EE EEE EE E E E E (-1 E.E EE E E E E E _E E -- OE ~a OO OOO OO O O O O ^M (8 w o-g E , 4, ts 2 rt 2 3 ''i si OO OO O O O O O O 4-. 'S |Pt If 11 O (N OO OXOCl^XOOOO I-g X-- 5 x <5-^ -o c Jo V 01 O) 0) Ol O> Ol c o ot 1 rt M Ol rt rt ts rt rt '-3 60 bC M M M "S be t c > > 01 sj > c pS ^ c '5 rt O o " c 1 l "S'S > OJ .S"" Is Jw Jj V V V V t> o c c c r "3 U. ~o "o "o "o "o "o U, (z. fc. (x, fc. fe nation reactic Jj 0) C_|_ e + _1_ I i I + C rt S . . c c > ll Jl 4) c 5.5 III 4J ^* l- a"S o % C g Ki 3 fc? > *o e.S c^ c.S c 3"g c o o g o o g o E o cE c^ cE e u c,o c Qji-' QjJ q^fc- QjO QJ aj O, O c. O. ^ O.**" 1 QfK$> C iately after suspension. 6S 01 o g" g" g" ^ q g q g o O) EMJ o U > |1 CC CQ PQ CQCQCQDQCQCQPQCQ PQ "3 t; > c o 3 g-S O O 4_t K 2^ S * s m V || t-i XI o OOOONN 'o 01 S.2 *r tt i^ 5 <^