4 A(SM€(15LT@EAL €(DILL1 mrW^m LEADER SHIR All courses of study at the Oregon Agricultural College are open to anyone who is qualified to pursue them to advantage. Regular college courses, now offered in units of twelve weeks each, may be pursued by any student who is prepared to do the work, whether he is studying for a degree or training for a vocation. The experience of the War showed clearly the benefit derived by mature workmen from the short, intensive courses. The three-term system makes it possible to adapt many of the regular college courses to the needs of farmers, mechanics, home-makers and all who need scientific training in their life work. Soldiers who desire to continue their education will find this plan admirably adapted to their needs. While the plan enables any mature, purposeful individual to undertake work at the College and to pursue it as far as he is qualified to do so, it does not permit the acceptance of regular high school students before they graduate, except for purely vocational courses, and it does not in any way impair or diminish the requirements for graduation in any of the degree courses. It means simply this: if there is any training at the College that any citizen can use to his advantage, that training is open to him. S^^J^^< LEADERSHIP '''The real need of the -icorld today is not for men and zc'omen in Clumbers merely; the supreme need is for trained leadership — leadership zvhich demands college education, economic and business efficiency, qualities of real, self-sacrifici^ig manhood and woman- hood, leadership imperative in leading the nations of the world from darkness, the appalling wastages of this zvorld war, i^ito the light of the newer and more enduring civilization required in the democratization, iii the enlightenment, in the amelioration of mankind.'" — President W . J . Kerr. The position seeks the graduate The season Is now at hand when the newspaper paragrapher was formerly wont to lampoon the college graduate as an impractical dreamer, out of tune with all the essential work of the world. His co-partner, the cartoonist, also took delight in picturing the affronts that hard-headed business men heaped upon the graduate as he crept disconsolately from office to office seeking a forlorn chance to earn his living. But this type ot caricature is now out of date. The college graduate is not looking for positions; the positions are looking for him. Long before his sheepskin is handed to him he is "signed up" for work at a good salary. Indeed he is fortunate if he is able to stay for graduation, so insistent is the call for his services. The reason for this is not primarily that times have changed. Education has changed. Boys and girls are not simply educated today; they are educated for something. When they graduate they are ready to.undertake a definite task and know how^ to attack it. Even before graduation the majority of them have had practical experience — "field work" — in the occupation they have chosen for their life career. The president and the deans of the Oregon Agricultural College have been literally besieged for the past few^ years by requests to supply to the industries and professions represented by training at this institution, young men andw^omen, from graduates to freshmen, who have technical training. In many The war exposed instances graduates have had a choice of a score of positions. real worth Undergraduates have in hundreds of instances been offered positions at incomes which formerly were regarded as attainable only by men in the so-called higher professions. The problem has become a question not of finding suitable positions for college students but of keeping them at their studies, in the face of substantial and most alluring calls, long enough to give them the fullest training for higher technical service. The cause of all this is the tremendous shaking up of the war, which jostled many traditions off their pedestals, and threw into bold relief the real pillars of national power. SCIENCE THE KEY TO LEADERSHIP The World War showed the dominance of industry, and the dependence of industry on science. The glare of bursting shells revealed the expert behind the crashing campaign. The awful power of chemistry and physics applied to the creation of engines of destruction disclosed the possibilities of science in the functions of peace. The college professor, the research expert, was everywhere in demand. The laboratory worker was diligently sought out and his services commandeered by the military or civil authorities. The great manufacturing industries that furnished the sinews of war made capital bids for the graduates of technical colleges. One concern employed 1200 graduate chemists, about ten percent of the total number in the United States. New industries, indispensable to the country, depended absolutely on the research laboratory. The doors of opportunity leading to the application of science to the industries and to public welfare, that men of constructive leadership had been pleading in vain to have opened for the good of the people, were suddenly The technical college given unprecedented leadership #1.-' V.>v: &.«.%Xw-v^, THE MADISON STREET ENTRANCE TO THE CAMPUS ■ssss^a^^i^R^^s burst asunder b\' successive blows of the World War. Technical education has been given a new and tremendous impetus. The university and the technical college have been assigned an unprecedented leadership. Expert service is rapidly displacing the haphazard, rule-of-thumb methods that so long discredited American industrial life. The specialist is now generally consulted. The research laboratory is an adjunct of every progressive industry. The experiment station expert and the college professor are Wonder authorities whose advice intelligent people are glad to follow, workers of since that advice is based on scientific investigations. Out of *°^^y the college laboratories, indeed, have sprung many of the greatest blessings of our age. In the judgment of thousands of readers of a great journal devoted to mechanics, which recently polled a vote of these readers, the following were considered to be the seven wonders of the modern world: (i) wireless telegraphy, (2) the telephone, (3) the airplane, (4) radium, (5) antiseptics, (6) antitoxins, (7) spectrum analysis and the X-ray. Each of these seven wonders of the modern world, declares Mr. W. R. Whitney, director of the laboratory of the General Electric Company, was the discovery of a college professor. Every one of the greatest agents for the enlargement and enrichment THE NEW LIBRARY FROM HOME ECONOMICS WALK of modern life was thus the product of the trained brain and skilled hand of a college man working in his laboratory. Is not this a healthful atmosphere in which to train the youths who will lead democracy? Faculty leadership at the College is not limited to the classroom, laboratory' or technical field plots. The intimate and earnest contact that the instructor has with his students in working at technical problems is, of course, a fruitful source of leadership. After two to four years of such contact student and teacher come to be mutually helpful, and mutually dependent. Each stimu- Faculty lates the other, and as the student goes forth to his appointed leadership work in the world, he refers back to his instructor not only his problems but his field discoveries also, knowing that he will have a sympathetic and stimulating advisor. The deans of schools have wonder- ful opportunities of exemplifying leadership; and out of the maturity of their scholarship and knowledge of men, they exert a lasting influence on their students. The Student Affairs Committee, concerning itself particularly with the problems /--- -1 MECHANICAL HALL FROM MONROE STREET ENTRANCE 4 :>i^Kii; of student actix'itics, and surxcyiiig the whole field in a broad ua)', is able to secure the fullest cooperation from student leaders in establishing principles for the conduct of student affairs. The faculty Chairman of the Board of Control of Associated Students, the Freshman Adviser, and the several fraternit)-, club, and sorority advisers, all have their peculiar functions of Icadershijx 'I'he Dean of Women, whose privilege it is to administer the women's institutions at the Col- lege, to supervise the social and general activities of women students, and to maintain a friendly and advisory relation with the women of the College com- munity, is one of the strongest factors for promoting good citizenship on the campus. The President, finally, who is always accessible to the student needing his counsel, who is first of all devoted to the task of implanting in the hearts and brains of his students the highest ideals of service to the commonwealth, is a constant influence for dynamic leadership — energizing, sympathetic, and ennobling. This technical leadership not only keeps pace with the advancement of the educated individual as a leader in serving his commonwealth, but even outstrips this advanced standard. Positive and general, therefore, as is the realization of the thinking public that education is indispensable to an out- Two facts to standing service to society, even more positive, especially since bear in mind the war, Is the conviction that technical education, supported by liberal culture, is the key to highest leadership in the present generation. Young people now in the schools or of school age, parents of these young people, and all friends of young people who have at heart not only the success of these youths but the welfare of the communities in which they live, should keep in mind, and should make widely known, these two significant facts: First, that education is indispensable to leadership in the world today; and second, that technical education is essential to highest leadership in the complex industrial age wdiich we are now entering upon. ''''The leadership upon zvhich zve must rely in America zvill be that of specialized expert service.''^ — President Henry Suzallo. ^''Old conditions are disappearing. Science is dethroning chance. Business is conducted on so vast a scale that the broadefiing effect of higher education gained through proper application, zirites a large figure. Whatever may have been true in the 'past., there is no doubt that industrial conditions favor ihe college man."" — Charles M. Schwab. ''''Communities everywhere are longing for a larger a7id loftier community life ^ and are reaching out for the means to attai?i it. They need a- program and leaders. Com- petent and devoted leaders versed in the problems of rural and industrial life, is the great need of America today ^ to fit her for her task of enlightening the zvorld. Many of these leaders are to be found in the communities themselves. The task is to discover them and place them in charge.'' — President W. J . Kerr. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SUPPLY LEADERS Proof that education makes for leadership, in earning power for the individual? in production of the essentials of life, in accumulated wealth to the State, in advancement to larger responsibility, and in service to civilization, is afforded by data collected from widely different sources, under auspices Proof that with widely different purposes, but all actuated by a motive of education pays discovering the truth. Equally convincing proof, even aside from the amazing evidence of the war activities, is to be found for the conspicuous leadership that springs from technical training. Certain of these proofs, evolved by institutions, groups of people, or individuals, readily recognized as authoritative, are offered in the following paragraphs. The concrete advantages in earning power of a high-school education as com- pared with no education at all, and of a high-school education as compared with a grammar-school education, were recently shown by investigations conducted by the Gary Public Schools, Gary, Indiana. From the data collected in these investigations it appears that every day a boy spends oney va ue o (^ilJprently in school is worth ten dollars to him in life income. education ... This conclusion is deduced as follows: The average yearly income of the man with a high-school education was found to be $i,ooo. In forty years, an average earning period, he therefore earns $40,000. The average yearly income of the uneducated man was found to be $450. In forty years, therefore, he earns $18,000. The difference between the two earning powers, which is $22,000, represents the value of a grammar-school and high-school education as compared with no education at all. To obtain this education requires twelve years of schooling, nine months per annum, or 2160 days. Twenty-two thousand dollars divided by 2160 equals approximately $10, the value of each day's schooling. The value of a high-school education as compared with a grammar-school education is illustrated in the Gary investigations as follows: The boy who leaves school at the close of the eighth grade, or at about fourteen years of age, to go to work, earns in the United States, on the average, $26,000 up Value of high to the time he is sixty-five years old. The boy who remains at school and his studies until he completes the high school, earns on the average grade training $65,000 up to the time he is sixty-five years old. The difference between the earnings of the two ($65,000 minus $26,000) is $39,000. This is equivalent to the income on $12,000 at five percent for a period of sixty-five years. In other words, a boy's four years in high school are equivalent in earning power to a capital of $12,000. The value of each day's schooling during the four years of secondary education therefore is about $16. Investigations conducted by the State of Massachusetts arrived by different means at parallel and almost identical conclusions. These investigations revealed the fact that the boy who '^jy»:t- o , ■ii.,M i n , ■ left scliool al fourteen IkkI an average prospect of receiving an income during his life of ^^26,667, while the boy that stayed in school until he was eighteen had a prospect of receiving ^58,900. I lis gain, therefore, as a result of his four years training in high school is $32,223 — not an insignificant reward for the period of eflort that most men look back upon as "the happiest time of my life." Schooling and production go hand in hand in the complex civilization of the modern world. When the average schooling for the whole United States was 4.4 years, with average production at $170 per capita, Tennessee, with only three years of schooling, had a per capita production of only $116, while Massachusetts, offering seven years of schooling, had a per capita production of $260. The reason for this dependence of production on school training is obvious. The satisfaction of people's wants becomes constantly more dependent upon the arts and sciences. Transportation, becoming more and more complex and rapid, requires a higher degree of skill in its management. A score of sciences are involved today in the relatively simple processes of successful production, where a few years ago rule-of-thumb was the sole consideration. The farmer of today, no Schooling increases production THE MEN'S GYMNASIUM longer a nomad, roaming as he once did from a region of exhausted soil fertility to a new Eden of virgin resources, indifferent to all records and bookkeeping, must now give his days and nights to a study of chemistry, crop rotation, and cost accounting. There is no other way to keep off the wolves of competition, waste, high prices of land and materials, and the glut of markets at harvest time. That state leadership in wealth as well as production is dependent on the commonwealth's investment in education was the recent conclusion of Dr. A. Caswell Ellis after extensive investigations. Thus, while the accumulated wealth of Texas is $2,826,000,000, Wisconsin, with only two-thirds of her population and about one-fifth of her area, has an equal amount of wealth; California, with only two-thirds of her popu- lation and a little more than half her area, has $4,115,000,000 in accumulated wealth; and Massachusetts, with a slightly smaller population and less than one-fortieth of her area, has an accumulated wealth of $4,956,000,000. The difference is due in a large measure, declares Dr. Ellis, who is himself a Texan, to the fact that for years all three of the richer states have spent two or three times as much on education as Texas. Investment in education makes wealth THE LIBRARY ON A WINTER EVENING THE READING ROOM IN THE NEW COLLEGE LIBRARY Collegians win out in business Many of the country's leading commercial concerns have in recent years expressed a very positive preference for college-trained men, even at proportionately higher salaries. One of the great electrical companies, which established a policy of employing college men as far as possible about ten years ago, reports that about 90 percent of the collegians made good as compared with only 10 percent of its employees who. had come directly from grammar or high school. Further evidence of the same kind is furnished by statistics of 100 business houses covering a period of four years, showing that about 90 percent of college men rose to higher salaries and more responsible positions, as compared with only 25 percent of men without college training. Testimony of the efficiency of men with advanced technical training is offered from many and widely divergent sources. The investigations of James M. Dodge, manufacturer, former president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, are notable. By capitalizing a man's income at the peak of his earning capacity on the basis of five percent, he estimated the potential value of the individual workman. In this way he found the value of the untrained laborer to be $10,200; that of the shop-trained workman, with a ready skill and resourceful ideas, to be $15,800; that of the trade-school graduate, $25,000; and that of the graduate of a technical college, with a standard four-years course, $43,000. Thus, four years of training in a technical college makes a man, by the time he is at the Fourfold value of technical education WINTER TWILIGHT ON THE EAST QUADRANGLE 10 maxinuim of his earning capacilv, or about lliirl) -Ivvo > cars ol age, \uur Luncs as valuable as the untrained laborer, three times as valuable as the shop-trained workman, and seventy-two percent more valuable than the trade-school graduate. As showing the value of technical education solely as a money investment, this is striking enough, but there are other compensations of even greater moment that will be considered later. Evidence supplied by "Who's Who in America" shows the leadership of the college-bred man or woman. Out of live million "uneducated" men and women in the United States, only 31 have developed the qualities of leadership necessary to win a place among the 8000 leaders whose records are included in Who's Who. Of the thirty-three million people having only a common-school education, 1245 have been honored by a place in the publication. But of the one million people in America with a college education, 5,768 have so conspicuously served their fellow men as to deserve this distinction. The list of names included in Who's Who in America was not determined, moreover, by a group of college professors, or by others who might be biased in favor of college-trained people. It was made up by business men, who chose leaders in all lines of industry as well as in the learned professions. Their judgment, which may be taken as that of the average citizen, shows the relentless fact that only one child in 150,000 in the United States has been able, without the training of the schools, to be a factor in the progress of his generation, while children with a common-school education, in proportion to numbers, have accomplished this four times as often, those with a high-school education, eighty-seven times as often, and those with college training eight hundred times as often. The collegian's chances for Who's Who THE FORESTRY BUILDING 11 THE WAR'S LESSONS ON LEADERSHIP "0/ the men who have achieved eminence in American life, two thirds have been students in American colleges. Where the open opportunities of life have permitted one non-collegian to rise to influence and high station, two collegians have shouldered a similar load of responsibility ^ — President Henry Suzallo. Among the lessons taught by the war none Is of greater significance to young people than the fact that education, especially technical education, makes for leadership. Men of science have solved the problems that threatened to over- throw us. Educated men have headed the great movements that Education's have mobilized the nation's resources. Trained specialists have part in the war safeguarded the heaich and increased the efficiency of men in the service. Technical experts have evolved superior devices and machinery for overcoming the infernal fury of the enemy, and learning and research have helped to crystalize the issues of the conflict and state them in terms that are convincing to the civilized world. \ A FROSTY LANDSCAPE 13 A RARE ATTRACTION ON THE CAMPUS 12 Most imporlanl of all, however, to the man in llie army is the lesson that only through education has the individual been able to render his best service tcj the countr\', and hence to advance from lower to constantly higher positions. Ivducation alone has often been the determining factor in the Often the , ^ r i a • • i i , . . advancement oi one man over anotlier. Acquaintance with the determining ' factor essential sciences, and the accumulated wealth of knowledge that the college affords a man, give him a command of the problems of life which in an emergency constitutes an undoubted advantage over another man, equally gifted but lacking this larger training. Technique, mastery of certain fundamental principles, skill in analyzing essentials, and contact with the methods and machinery of the three great fields of production, manufacture, and commerce, distinguish the man who has exercised a real and constructive leadership during the war. This will be true in even larger measure during the period of recon- struction, which is now upon us, and which will widen to vast proportions as soon as peace is definitely determined. WALDO HALL ENTRANCE 13 ^:^^m^ It helped young men to rise Youths in the war who had the advantage of an education in a technical college have been frank to ascribe to their higher training the ease with which they have been able to rise from one position of leadership to another. An officer in France writes that none of his major college courses has failed to bring him immediate practical help in handling the problems that have confronted him. An officer at Camp Lewis declares that not only his studies in a technical college, but his sports and recrea- tions, all directed by experts, have been of unfailing service to him in his military career. These courses, as well as the sports and recreations, were designed primarily for the walks of peace. How much more effective, therefore, must their service be to a man when applied to the peculiar purposes for which they were designed. "// a person has common sense he consults a specialist; if he has uncommon sense he consults two^ — President Henry Suzallo. ''''The social philosophy of the twentieth century places a heavy responsibility upon those zvho have stiperior natural gifts and opportunities.^' — Richard T. Ely. THE TULIP BED IN FRONT OF ADMINISTRATION HALL 14 ::P?^R Enlisted men from (). A. C, graduates and undergraduates, have manifested in service, especially in action during the campaigns in France, the same qualities of leadership that the)' developed through their studies and their campus activities here at College. The engineer who had the ready resource to O. A. C. men ^PPb' ^^ ^ practical problem in the field the teachings of the class- make good room and the laboratory, has been mentioned in the dispatches. The forester who took an active interest in student activities and during vacations made himself a useful factor in the lumber camps, has electrified his men over there by the congeniality and competence of his leadership. The man who not only kept his studies way above the average but managed the junior annual and took the initiative in other departments of student enterprise enlisted as a second lieutenant and before the Armistice was signed had risen to the rank of major in the regular army. Sixty-one percent of the 2000 O. A. C. men enlisted in military service were officers. These men in general were not military "sharks." They trained primarily for the walks of peace. But the intensive business of war gave them opportunity to apply their training more quickly and decisively than would the usual business of normal times. In the critical days of reconstruction that we are now facing they will not be found wanting. THE ARMY "Y" HUT IS A WORD TO ENLISTED MEN And you, enlisted men who are being mustered out in large numbers to take your accustomed places in civil life, do you realize that the country feels that it owes you a peculiar debt of gratitude, which it would repay by giving you every opportunity for advancement and leadership of which you are Enlisted men, capable? This will be true not for this year only or for the next what next? few years, but for the next generation, perhaps for the next half century. The question of how far you will advance in the esteem and service of your countrymen, rests solely with you. By preparation and high purpose you can make yourself premanently worthy of the high tasks your grateful fellow countrymen would willingly put into your hands. By neglect, indifference, or false pride, at this critical turning point in your career, you can wreck not only your own prospects buu the noble confidence of Americans in the men they would honor and exalt. At the close of the Civil War the "veterans," — young men, for the most part, like yourselves, — controlled the country. Whether they would or not they could RECREATION VISTAS NEAR THE COLLEGE not escape the obligations their contemporaries thrust upon them. Some were unworthy, and by their ignorance or mischievous purposes plunged The Civil War the country into exasperating difficulties. Many were worthy, showed "what" and in positions of prominence served the country and civilization in a large way. Of the first eight presidents following the Civil War, six were ex-officers — Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, and McKinley. What, then, are you going to do.'^ Accept one of the easy and perhaps lucrative positions that offer immediate advantage but give no positive assurance of a future.^ Or, acting in a truly military fashion, will you "get a correct grasp of the situation as a whole" and then fit yourself for one of the really constructive industries or professions.^ In view of the unprecedented demand for trained men in engineering, in mining, in chemistry, in forestry, commerce, scientific agriculture, pharmacy, and industrial educa- tion, you can better afford to borrow the money to complete your education in these fields than to pass them by for a more glittering, but far less permanent and less satisfying field of effort. Today, as perhaps never before, you are master of your fate. Lay your plans for a large future. Choosing the low road or the high AGRICULTURAL HALL 17 'THINGS THAT ARE MORE EXCELLENT' The higher attributes of leadership This booklet has aimed to show that in the life of today and tomorrow the college graduate, man or woman, will have both the opportunity and the duty to lead in the wc-k of the world. Certain emphasis has been laid upon the money value of an education. No apology is needed for this. Thrift is a new national virtue; and the money value of an education can be more readily demonstrated than other less tangible but far more satisfying rewards. Let no one infer, however, that the aims and ideals of a technical college like O. A. C. do not include the reverence for things of the spirit, the thirst for music and the drama, the joy in literature and painting, and the longing for a lovelier and more altruistic social life — and the means of promoting them — that all recognize as the highest attributes of leadership. Students of O. A. C. have these attributes. Through their contact with an educated and helpful faculty, through their remarkably efficient organization for student self government, and through their many and delightful associations in the technical forums,- the social and literary clubs, the music societies, and the fraternities and sororities, that exemplify the amenities of life, they acquire training and develop qualities that constitute the finer influence of any leader. The College stands pre-eminently for efiiciency in the industries and professions of life; it stands for democracy; but it stands also for essential culture, and encourages in its students the type of leadership that hews straight by technical principles but respects and exalts the humanities. A STEAMBOAT EXCURSION ON THE WILLAMETTE 18 NEW ARRIVALS AT THE REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION QUARTERS, 1918 19 AGRICULTURE Leadership In agriculture during the past two years has resulted In the most amazing accomplishment In the production of food that the world has ever known. Dependent upon America for feeding not only their armies but a considerable percentage of their civil population as well, the Allies put It up Speeding up to the U. S. Government to save the situation by an unprecedented production production of food. As a consequence, record crops of practically all staples were the rule throughout the country, while many states, at the urgent request of the Government, produced crops that were new to them, and produced them In abundance. The whole campaign was thrown into the hands of the organized agencies of scientific agriculture, including the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the Experiment Stations, the Agricultural Colleges, and the Extension Services with their agricultural agents and farm bureaus. The success of the campaign, together with the general alertness con- cerning the value of science In industry, has resulted In a wide-spread endorsement of modern farm management. The endorsement is none too early. The food situation is serious. Even before the war the average per-caplta production of most staples of food had been steadily decreasing for a decade. Population, In other words, had been Increasing faster than the average production of food. Exceptions were found in Expert those staples only where Improved methods of management had service made Increased production profitable. Raw lands are no longer necessary available. The farmer, therefore, cannot depend upon the old exploiting practice of exhausting the fertility of the home farm, and then deserting it for virgin soil. He must depend upon a wise system of management to restore and to maintain the fertility of his soil. He must resort, In short, as does the modern business man, to the counsel of experts. Experts In modern agriculture are the product of the experiment stations and agricultural colleges. From them leadership has sprung up. This leadership Is daily gaining in approval. Yet it is only at the beginning of Its potential service to mankind. The graduates of all the agricultural colleges of the country comprise only a very small fraction of the total number engaged In agriculture. Indeed, Great things the U. S. Bureau of Education Is authority for the statement that done by few the total number of agricultural students In all the colleges is only about one-tenth of one percent of all the agricultural workers, or about 13 In 10,000. This small group of people Is not enough to affect the agricultural production of the country by their personal labor, but enough to affect it Immensely by their directive power when they go forth as leaders In scientific farm management. Already great things have been accomplished by the few isolated graduate leaders who have taken the field. But the field Is vast, and-the call for leaders Is Insistent. •ir<^iykk> [NAUGURATION EXERCISES OF THE S. A. T, C. OCTOBER 1, 1918 21 COMMERCE Accounting and Business Management The School of Commerce trains for leadership in all the essentials that concern the organization and accounting of modern business and in those humanitarian fields that concern the problems of labor, economics, and government. Success in modern business is largely dependent upon a proper utilization of the small savings and possible wastes that escape the attention of commercial rivals who fail to practice rigid economy. The complexity of modern business has no use for the "under-your-hat'^ method of remembering facts. Efficiency in management, and system in recording transactions, are recognized essentials of success. These essentials the department of Accounting and Business Management aims to give the student in a thorough and practical manner. The department renders service to practically every school in the College organization. To the School of Agricul- ture through a course in farm accounts and business management. To the School of Engineering through studies in shop accounts and cost accounting. To the School of Home Economics through household accounts and business management for women. To the School of Forestry through lumber-manufacturing accounts, and so on through the various technical courses. The department of Economics and Sociology has the broad aim of fitting its students to be of service in helping others to realize the full round of business development. In a world disturbed to its foundations by war, and restless in its period of readjustment, the study of Economics and Sociology is imperative to a sane analysis of public problems. The thinking man only is a safe leader, and principles are the surest guide to right judgments. On the technical side the department offers courses in the marketing of the various products with which the different technical departments deal. The economic principles of efficient production, transportation, and marketing, are studied in connection with the practical problems of the State of Oregon. Government and Business Law, the third department in the School of Com- merce, teaches the essentials of government in order to fit students as citizens. Stenography and Office Training has as its department aim to prepare College students to do the highest type of office work, to develop not only the manual dexterity necessary, but to acquire the power to initiate — the power of commercial leadership. That there is wide demand for this type of work was manifested during the war. But the demand has not ceabcd there. In spite of expectations of a decline in the demand for skilled clerical and secretarial workers following the close of the war, the call for expert workers is even more vigorous today. So is the call for trained teachers of commercial subjects, a call which the College strives to answer by its course in special methods conducted cooperatively by the schools of Commerce and Vocational Education. Economics and Sociology Stenography and office training I, rv^*^^; V ^y,. ■r \ i J ' ■ ■. \ -■ • ; MASS SINGING AND ATHLETIC BOUT ON RECREATION NIGHT FOR THE S. A. T. C. 23 ITHE LIBRARY, LOOKING WEST ENGINEERING "Colossal" is the word that rises in the mind as one contemplates the massive machinery and prodigious volume of modern industry. "Coordination" is the word that lingers there as one follows the vast processes of production on through the equally vast processes of transportation and distribution, and thence through the system of marketing to the ultimate consumer. Where the work is efficient a master hand moves it. He is possessed of a power more subtle than magic and more compelling than big guns. He is the engineer. He is trained in the technical college, and his field varies with different natural and industrial conditions. At the Oregon Agricultural College training Is offered in those fields that are necessary to the Northwest — civil engineering, highway engineering, structural engineering, irrigation engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, experimental engineering, logging engineering, chemical engineering and mining engineering. All courses are standard and all credits and degrees are accepted by other technical institutions at their full value. Engineers are wanted as never before in our history — civil engineers for the tremendous work of reconstruction and for the delayed enterprises that had to be suspended when the Government put the ban on private Initiative; highway engineers to push the big road programs of the various states and Big field counties; irrigation engineers to manage the projects of reclamation for engineers and drainage; mining engineers to help restore the depleted minerals of the nations; chemical engineers to foster our new efforts of manufacture and production; mechanical engineers, to keep pace with the new epoch of motor machinery; and logging engineers to harvest and safeguard our great timber resources. Consulting engineers are urging competent young men everywhere to study engineering, declaring that they can see no hope of supplying the demand for the next ten or fifteen years. "Engineering, for the next ten years or more," declares J. A. L. Waddell, Consulting Engineer, of New York, well known in Oregon as supervising engineer of the Columbia interstate bridge and of the O.-W. R. & N. railway bridge across the Willamette, "will be the most lucrative of all professions." ARCHITECT'S ROUGH SKETCH OF NEW ENGINEERING LABORATORY 26 THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL LABORATORIES, WHERE THE MEN PUT IN PRACTICE THEIR ENGINEERING TRAINING FORESTRY An industry without leadership is as surely doomed as a rudderless ship. Of all the industries of the Pacific Northwest the timber and lumber business is richest in exclusive worth. One-fifth of all the standing timber of the country is in Oregon. The harvesting of this great wealth so as to conserve essential values and serve the public to best advantage, is a task S e ialists ^^^ thoughtful men who are specialists in handling forest products. These men must have the aid of modern science and modern engineering methods. Hence they must have training in a tech- nical school of forestry. The war crisis revealed to the world how essential to the nation is the timber wealth of the Northwest. It revealed also the necessity of a far-seeing and con- sistent effort to conserve our forests as a permanent resource at the same time that we harvest the timber that is ripe and accessible for market. The new activi- ties in ship building and the revived interest in private construction, as well as the extensive programs for public construction that have been commenced through- out the country, all give assurance of great activity in the lumber business. Hence the need of live and resourceful youths to go out from the School of Forestry as future leaders of approved principles of harvesting, manufacturing, and marketing timber products. Such men are few and far between in practical lumbering operations today; since forestry is comparatively new in technical education. They will be needed, however, and demanded with greater emphasis, from year to year. The call is already insistent. The largest and most efficient companies are the ones who are keenest for employing technically trained men. They rec- ognize the permanent worth qf scientific leadership. PHARMACY. The constant tendency to raise the requirements for the practice of pharmacy, makes leadership in the profession more and more dependent upon college training. Technical instruction in modern laboratories is essential. Where these laboratories are associated with the study of the new developments in industrial chemistry, bacteriology, and hygiene, the training they offer is doubly effective. This is the situation at the Oregon Agricultural College, where standard courses in chemistry, as well as special investigations in agricultural chemistry, and the work in chemical engineering all afford a wide field of inquiry. These are factors that have doubtless had their effect in the uniform success of the students of the School of Pharmacy in passing the examinations of the State Board of Pharmacy. They have helped also in placing the school in the American Conference of Phar- maceutical Faculties and among the standard schools of pharmacy in America. :>i&l-^=r: RADIO OPERATORS IN THE FIELD AND IN THE LABORATORIES HOME ECONOMICS Women's leadership a fundamental need The country is looking to the great co-educational colleges and to the women's colleges, especially those offering technical work, to supply the skilled workers and social and technical leaders who will help solve the problems of reconstruc- tion and strive for future peace. In the tremendous readjust- ment of labor incident to the re-establishment of soldiers in the industries that for a year or more have been conducted by women to an extent hitherto unkown in America, the women must exercise a vigorous and far-reaching influence. The fundamental need in this readjustment of effort, is for intelligent understand- ing of the problems involved, efficient leadership, and a keen appreciation of the long and devoted labor that must ensue if our social solidarity as well as our in- dustrial efficiency is to be maintained. Nothing so completely fits a young woman for these duties as a thorough course in home economics. It combines an appreciation of the duties of the home and family with those of American social and civic institutions; and it gives train- ing in the fundamental sciences and technical industries that are essential to the interests of the modern woman. Whether the young woman desires no other distinction than that of being a consummate artist in the conduct of a modern home, with all its internal refinements and responsibilities, and its external excursions into^lre field of social service and community organ- ization, or aspires to a professional career as teacher, extension worker, dietitian, institutional manager, or expert in the various fields of household art, she can take no college course so rich in subject matter as a broadly organized course in home economics. Home Economics training is best O. A. C. a pioneer in Home Economics The School of Home Economics at the Oregon Agricultural College was not only one of the first regularly organized schools of this character in the country, but it has always been a pioneer in offering new and approved phases of home economics work under competent instruction. It was one of the first schools to occupy an adequately equipped building devoted exclusively to home economics work; one of the first to establish a ^actice house, an institutional boarding house^ and a department of experimental research;, and to carry out a broad program of extension work throughout the State. It is obvious, therefore, that the young women of Oregon have the opportunity to receive at their State College an education in home economics thoroughly standard among the institutions of higher learning in America. Add to this the attractions of college life in modern dormitories, sororities, or clubs, where the atmosphere of comradeship between instructors, headed by the 30 PARADE OF THE S. A. T. C. IN CELEBRATION OF THE ARMISTICE 31 Student Activities attractive Dean of Women, and students, makes for a happy and dignified social spirit- where athletics and physical education are a lively community interest; where a student health service is accomplishing ex- cellent results; where music, dramatics, campus journalism^ social occasions, and religious exercises give ample opportunity to express all youthful aspirations for leadership — this is what O. A. C. is offering the high-school girls of Oregon who are eager for college train- ing. MINING Leadership in mining engineering is passing rapidly and finally from the type of men who gained their knowledge of geology, mining, and metallurgy from "experience in the ranks" without the aid of the technical schools, to the graduates of technical institutions who have enriched their college training by practical contact with mining operations. This implies a larger vision and a more con- structive program of work. As a consequence, Oregon's mineral future looks bright. Her mineral industries are still in their childhood. They await the leaders who can develop them. The School of Mines, training men under Oregon conditions year by year, will provide ultimate leaders. Oregon's geological conditions are essentially the same as those of California, Washington, and Idaho. Yet Washington has turned out four times the mineral wealth that Oregon has produced and California has turned out twenty times as much. This is due to the fact that our neighbors to the north and south of us have for years invested vastly more money than Oregon in investigating their mineral resources and making known their scientific value. Oregon has in recent years made a splendid beginning in this direction, and through authentic sur- veys of her mineral resources and the training of men who have the knowledge and leadership to develop these resources, she seems on the eve of a great awaken- ing in mining operations. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING A new science that talks of nitrates, potash, sulphuric acid, acetones, and medical chemicals, in their relation to Industry and manufacture, has sprung up in America. It has been especially noticeable since the beginning of the great war in 1914. This science is chemical engineering. It is the chief agent in an industrial revolution that has taken place In America in the past four or five years. As indications of that revolution in industry here are a few figures. Up to 1914 America was a heavy importer of chemicals from Germany and manufactured few chemicals herself. In 1914 the value of American-made explosives was $6,272,000; in 191 8 it was $400,000,000. Before the war there was practically no phenol industry. For war purposes in 1917, 15 plants produced $23,715,805 32 FARM TRACTOR AND GAS ENGINE LABORATORIES Large funds for vocational education worth of phenol, most of It from American-made benzol. Mercury increased in production ioo%. In 1914 there were 5 manufacturers of dye stuffs in America. Today there are 81 established manufacturers of coal-tar dyes, and 118 firms manufacturing intermediates. This year America is producing 300% more nitrates than before the war. Sulphuric acid was produced in America to the amount of 4,000,000 tons in 1914, but to the amount of 7,000,000 tons in 1917. These and many other wonders were accomplished by chemical engineering. A new degree course to teach this Important scientific subject was established at the College in 1917. It is proving fascinating to many youths, and can train many more beginning in September. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION No field of education today oifers larger opportunities for leadership than that of the departments Included In the Smith-Hughes federal plan of promoting industrial education in the several states. Oregon is receiving large sums of money from the U. S. Government for the promotion of Industrial education, and will continue to receive money in still larger amounts as the work develops and the school population Increases. A total of over $40,000 will be expended by the Federal Govern- ment and a like amount by the State of Oregon for the next two years in support of Smith-Hughes types of vocational education, and an equal amount will be expended by the local communities where this work is maintained. The funds are devoted partly to the training of vocational teachers and partly to the maintenance of Instruction In those secondary schools of the State that under- take the Smith-Hughes work. Teachers to carry on the work in agriculture, trades and industries, commercial subjects, home economics, and manual training, are already very difficult to find. The work requires technical training combined with pedagogical qualifications. The new laws raising the age of compulsory education to eighteen Many teachers years will require many more teachers in the states of the North- will be needed west. Hence there will be need for even a larger number of teachers than in the past, and the College has never yet been able to supply all the teachers it has been asked to supply. Three classes of students will be especially adaptable for leading positions in this new field: (i) Normal graduates who add shop training to their pedogogical training, (2) Craftsmen, who add to their technical training the pedagogical training offered in the School of Vocational Education, and (3) Graduates ypes o ^£ technical schools who add the study of psychology and pedagogy make true , . , . , . . , \ ^/ . . ^ * *.. leaders ^° their technical training and acquire the requisite amount 01 practice teaching. There will be no limit to the demand for teachers with such qualifications, and their opportunities for leadership are un- paralleled. 34 ->^i^J-\'^ Li..[^f!±^*'.«^^-^mmnm*T !m ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE FIRST TRAINING DETACHMENT 35 LEADERSHIP AMONG O. A. C. ALUMNI The real test of an educational institution is its ability to turn out graduates who have the resources for sober, responsible leadership. Instances cited in the following paragraphs are those of recent graduates only; since their mccess is obviously more immediately a result of their college training than of their individual experience. Of the recent graduates from the School of Agriculture so many have moved rapidly into positions of leadership that an adequate record would cover many pages of this booklet. A few examples will suffice. Graduates of the department of Horticulture now head the state horticultural extension work Agriculture in eight states of the Union at salaries up to $3,000, and other graduates head the state horticultural work in three states at salaries as high as $6000. Ten graduates of the department have been taken into the national Bureau of Markets; one is director of the Bureau of Plant Industry in the state of Idaho; four have been taken into the faculty of the University of Virginia; five into the faculty of Iowa State College; and one is com- missioner of horticulture in the state of Washington. Many are owners or superintendents of large orchard properties, a recent graduate being superintendent of the largest peach orchard in the world, with rows of trees three miles long. Many graduates of the poultry department are not only making a great success in practical poultry work for themselves, but several are giving splendid service in the experimental and instructional work in poultry husbandry in state univer- sities and colleges in this country and Canada, one young man already receiving a salary of $3,000. Graduates of the Farm Crops department generally take up practical farming and usually make modest protests that they are doing nothing deserving of notice. Since the income tax went into eifect, however, we have observed that as a rule they are paying nice little sums to swell Uncle Sam's war budget. In the production of seed, livestock, and standard farm products, more- over, they are recognized as leaders by their neighbors, who are glad to take lessons from them in farm management. Three recent graduates of the depart- ment are superintendents of branch experiment stations, two in Washington, and one in Oregon. Two recent graduates hold responsible positions with the Depart- ment of Agriculture. A 191 5 graduate of the department of Botany and Plant Pathology, who has made extensive investigations in pine blister rust, after being employed by the Government in the East has recently been placed in charge of the scouting work and investigations in pine blister rust throughout the entire West beyond the Mississippi. He will direct the activities of a large number of men. A 1916 graduate, who showed unusual initiative as a student leader, after two years of instructional work in the University of Minnesota, was given important executive work by the U. S. Government in the investigation of wheat rust in seven western states. The work involves cooperative relations with many 36 sr:;^^?S!K FIELD MANEUVERS IN WHICH THE bOLDIERS TRIED OUT ON THE MARCHSAND_IN SHAM BATTLE THE STRATEGY LEARNED IN THE CLASS ROOM. 37 scientific workers. A 191 7 graduate of the department, after proving his resources in heading a state campaign in barberry eradication for protection against wheat rust, has been appointed as permanent leader of this work in the state of South Dakota. One of the first men to speciaHze in irrigation farming, having served as field agent in irrigation investigations, returned to receive his master's degree. He has since acted as Agriculturist for the Eastern Oregon Land Company and is now Assistant Agronomist in the University of Nevada, at Reno. Another grad- uate in this work served three years as Superintendent of the Goose Lake Valley Irrigation Company's project in Lake County, where he helped to lay out and supervise the construction of the lateral system for this project of 47,000 acres. He has been in the military service the past year and is now County Agricul- turist for an Eastern Oregon county. Another man specializing in soils, having served as County Agriculturist, is now Assistant State Leader for County Agents^ Of the many young graduates of the School of Commerce whose careers already distinguish them as leaders in their field of effort mention can be made of only a few. One, who began his career as assistant secretary of the Portland Com- mercial Club, later became business manager of The Oregon Commerce VoTER, and is now a prominent mercantile man in Portland. One is business manager and buyer in a large department store in Vancouver. Two recent graduates are now rising in business influence in Newberg, one as a bank official, and the other as an official in a chain of department stores. Two prominent attorneys of Detroit, Michigan, began their special training in the School of Commerce, where they gained experience and recognition in leader- ship. A student who acquired the essential principles of business management in the School of Commerce, is now rapidly becoming one of the most influential cattle buyers in the Pacific Northwest. A Chinese student, who developed special proficiency in commerce courses, is general manager of a chain of stores extending through British Columbia and China. The list of leaders among recent graduates could be multiplied, not only among the men but among the women students of commerce. Graduates of the School of Engineering, owing to the extremely technical character of their work, usually rise more gradually to positions of leadership than students finishing the less severely technical courses. So numerous are the examples of responsible leadership even among recent graduates, however, Engineering that only a brief mention can be made of those who are exercising constructive engineering skill in the State of Oregon alone. A recent graduate, after serving an efficient apprenticeship in a subordinate capacity, is now State Engineer. Two others are district engineers of the state department of Highway Engineering. One is a surveyor general. One is city engineer of La Grande. Another is chief engineer of a leading lumber com- pany of Mill City. Six men who graduate in June, 1919, are already holding 38 ;^T^K: THE BLUE JACKETS IN REVIEW 39 :i::^^^^^^ responsible engineering positions at good salaries. A 1916 graduate in electrical engineering, in the employ of one of the largest- electrical manufacturing com- panies of the country, is in charge of' the installation of all their steam tur- bines in the Pacific Northwest, including those used on turbine-driven ships. An electrical engineering graduate of 1918, is local manager in a coast city for one of the largest electrical companies of the Northwest. This list of en- gineering leaders among recent graduates could be greatly extended by in- cluding men in the employment of other states and of the Federal government. Though only recently established as a school at the College and training only a few men as compared with the hundreds in Agriculture and Engineering, the School of Forestry already has an enviable record as a laboratory for educating men of leadership. A graduate of 1910 is president of a bank at Forestry Linnton that is doing constructive service for its community. Another 1910 graduate, who holds a responsible position with the Inland Empire White Pine Association is an authority on timber cruising and scaling methods. A graduate of 1914, a captain during the war, is an expert entomologist who has gained wide recognition and approval as an investigator of methods of forest-insect control. A graduate of 1916, whose record as an officer of the regular army has already been mentioned, was at the time of his appoint- ment as major In the Tank Corps the youngest man in the service holding the rank of major. A iqiy graduate of the School is holding a responsible position with the Portland Lumber Company at a salary of ^52400 a year. There are other youths of equally competent leadership. A score or more of young women who recently graduated from the School of Home Economics occupy positions of such conspicuous leadership that many educated women would regard their attainments and income as a professional life goal. Yet the young women themselves, at least six of whom Home ..,.,, , . Economics ^^^ receivmg salaries 01 ^2000 or more, count their present achievements as only a beginning. A few examples follow. Five young graduates are employed as home demonstration agents in other states, including Massachusetts, Delaware, Iowa, Colorado, and Idaho, and six are employed in the same capacity in Oregon. Seven are employed on the faculties of state universities or colleges or as supervisors of home economics work in large city school systems. Seven are professional dietitians in hospitals, military estab- lishments, or Y. M. C. A. cafeterias. Two are in charge of Y. W. C. A. cafeterias. One is in the mission field in Korea, and one in social service work in New York City. These are examples of professional leadership only. If civic, social, and general educational interests were considered, this brief list of recent graduates would be expanded to hundreds, who are exercising leadership as a consequence of their training at the College. The School of Pharmacy numbers its leaders in the profession by the score. 40 ^>i^^ MAKING MOLDS IN THE FOUNDRY. THE CASTINGS THAT WERE MADE IN THESE MOLDS Especially encouraging is the number of recent graduates who have become owners of pharmacies, many of them by their own efforts alone. Equally encouraging is the fact that most of the graduates of the School take an active Pharmacy and constructive part in the promotion of civic and social interests in their communities. Many of the recent graduates have specialized in peculiar fields of pharmaceutical work. One is consulting chemist for the City of Portland. Another, who is City Milk Chemist for Portland, has helped not only to regulate the city milk supply so that the metropolis has made an enviable record in clean milk, but also to insure clean and pure food products in general. One, who has specialized in internal medicine and public health, after graduating from the Medical College of the University of Michigan, became Director of the Health Service at Pennsylvania State College, and is now Director of the Health Service at the University of Michigan. Four recent graduates who while in military service showed their resourcefulness as pharmacists, are still retained by the Government doing special research or executive work. Examples of leadership could easily be multiplied by reference to the records of other graduates of Pharmacy, both men and women. Though physical education is offered only as a minor in connection with other courses — Home Economics, Commerce, or Pharmacy for women — the instruction offered, especially in community games and sports, and in public-school exercises in folk dancing and playground activities has in recent years Physical equipped many a young man or woman for leadership in socializing Education . ^j^g school or community. New courses planned to meet the needs of the new laws requiring physical education in the schools, are already proving very attractive to students. SERVICE DEPARTMENTS English, modern languages, art and architecture, physics, chemistry, mathe- matics, and all the various courses that furnish the essentials of a complete education, are part of the College curriculum and taught by competent instructors. In addition, there are certain special fields of training or agencies for the accom- modation of the student that deserve a word of comment. Physical Education for both men and women is highly developed at the College. Specialists with good training and valuable experience direct the work. Courses designed to provide the training necessary for directing and teaching the work required in public schools will be offered in the summer session and continued throughout the regular sessions of the college year. The College Health Service provides the services of a resident physician and a resident trained nurse for the benefit of all students, without cost to th im except through the regular fees collected at the beginning of each term. 42 ^ m o i zr^^^I^T^ MESS IN WALDO HALL AND AT THE ARMORY. S. A. T. C. 43 REVIEW IN CELEBRATION OF THE DEMOBILIZATION OF TFE S. A. T. C. LOWER CAMPUS 44 ^^^SFWb REVIEW IN CELEBRATION OF THE DEMOBILIZATION OF THE S. A T. C. UPPER CAMPUS 45 The Student Loa7i Funds provide a convenient and authoritative means of helping worthy and needy students to meet obligations that otherwise might involve their discontinuance of College work. The loans, which aggregate many thousands of dollars, draw interest at only four percent. Industrial Journalism^ which aims to fit students to prepare copy for the press, especially from the point of view of the industries, such as engineering, farming, etc., is a regularly established course at the College which may be pursued as a minor in connection with any of the degree courses. The Reserve Officers^ -Training Corps provides the most approved type of military training designed to supply officers for the army. All students who join the corps have their military uniforms provided by the Government, and all juniors and seniors who pursue the work beyond the first two years receive $12.00 a month for subsistence. As part of the R. O. T. C. a unit of field artillery, with an equipment valued at $300,000, is established at the College beginning this fall. Music is taught by a corps of accomplished musicians whose special pedagogical and technical training, under distinguished masters, makes them efficient instructors of their art. Training in the band, orchestra, glee club, and madrigal club is free to all qualified students. For information concerning terms for private and class instruction consult the College Catalogue. "^ wise and great leader lifts his whole community and may lift an entire nation.'''' — Richard T. Ely. ^^ Business has made good in the development of leadership., and this leadership is helping to save the Government and the world for civilization.''^ — Ely. ^^The more strongly we advocate extended functions of government, or believe a vast extension inevitable, the more strongly must we insist on sound leadership and a broad scope for sound leadership.^'' — Ely. ^'In the gigantic struggle the great need at this time is for trained leadership, leadership not only in the fighting forces, but also in the war industries back of the lines. It is for this leadership that you are being prepared.^'' — President W. J. Kerr. ''''Nations, like other spiritual institutions, are built down from the top. In the strengthening of our country we must put our reliance in strong moral leadership. This fostering and choosing of leaders is, therefore, more important under our form of government than under others. It is a function which is prior to the choice of political platforms." — President Henry Suzallo. ^''The world is calling as never before for wise, intelligent leadership. For this leadership she is looking largely to the young men and women who are graduating from our institutions of higher learning. What account will you give of yourselves in taking and maintaining these positions of leadership as you go out into the world? To what extent will you justify the investment that has been made in you?" — President W. J. Kerr. 46 ^-<^i^^v^-. — ^ GUARD MOUNT, A DAILY CEREMONYj IN WHICH THE BAND AND THE BUGLE CORPS PARTICIPATED A TRAINING DETACHMENT READY TO MARCH, AND AT "RETREAT' 48 C()URS1<:S OF STUDY The Oregon Agricultural College oifers the following courses of study, each of which extends over four years and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science: (Arranged alphabetically by schools and departments.) IN THE School of Agriculture, major courses in — (a) Agriculture (general) (h) Farm Crops (b) Agricultural Chemistry (i) Farm Management (c) Animal Husbandry (j) Farm Mechanics (d) Bacteriology (k) Horticulture (e) Botany and' Plant Pathology (1) Poultry Husbandry (f) Dairy Husbandry (m) Soils (g) Entomology (n) Zoology and Physiology IN THE School of Commerce, major courses in — (a) Accounting and Business Management (c) Government and Business Law (b) Economics and Sociology (d) Stenography and Office Training IN THE School of Engineering, major courses in — (a) Civil Engineering (b) Electrical Engineering Highway Engineering (c) Mechanical Engineering Irrigation Engineering (d) Industrial Arts Structural Engineering IN THE School of Forestry, major courses in — (a) General Forestry (b) Logging Engineering in the School of Home Economics, major courses in — (a) Household Art (c) Household Administration (b) Household Science (d) Institutional Management IN the School of Mines, major courses in — (a) Ceramic Engineering (c) Mining Engineering (b) Geology IN the School of Pharmacy, a course in — (a) Pharmacy in the School of Vocational Education, major courses in — (a) Agricultural Education (c) Home Economics Education (b) Commercial Education (d) Industrial Education in the department of Chemical Engineering, a course in — (a) Chemical Engineering In addition to the above baccalaureate courses, provision has been made for the following: 1. A two-years course In Pharmacy leading to the degree of Ph. G., and 2. Vocational courses, varying in length from very short courses In tractor operation (four to thirteen weeks) and auto mechanics (twelve to thirty-six weeks or more) to the more extended courses In business, dietetics, and mechanic arts, which extend to two years or more. The object of all this training Is to enable students to get from the College, In the shortest time consistent with efficiency, such practical help as will enable them to go back to their work with enlarged resources and power to advance. Vocational work Is offered In Agriculture, Commerce, Dairying, Dietetics, Home-Making, and Mechanic Arts. Write for Information. The SCHOOL OF MUSIC, an affiliated self-supporting department, offers Instruction In voice, piano, pipe-organ, violin, orchestra, and band Instruments. THREE TERMS OF STUDY. The college year Is now divided Into three terms of twelve weeks each. The fall term begins September 22, 1919. BIRDSEYE VIEW OF CAMPUS OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BULLETIN NO. 305. ISSUED SEMI-MONTHLY. MAY 1, 1919 Entered as Second Class Matter May 9, 1916, at the Postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, under the Act of Aug. 24, 1912 JAMES, KERNS & ABBOTT CO., PORTLAND, ORE.