I % TC'l 6 TUli^JNjL, PvjJV, Co, 4o C4Z.J A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE LAKE SUPERIOR REGION. BY L. S. CHENEY. During the summer of 1891, through the kindness of Mr. F. F. Wood, I had the pleasure of doing some collecting at various points in northern Wisconsin, along the north shore of Lake Superior, and along the boundary between Minnesota and Ontario,—the last a region comparatively little known, botan- ically. It is with the permission of Mr. Wood that I make use of the material obtained at that time, in this brief paper. Excluding the small portion in Wisconsin, the region under consideration is a heavily timbered one, made up in greater part of a series of parallel ridges running east and west, and separated by deep narrow lakes, or tamarack or cedar swamps. Geologically, the rocks of the region belong to the Algonkian age. Along the course of the Pigeon river and boundary to Gunflint Lake, the Huronian appears. Between Gunflint Lake and Lake Seiganagah the Archaean breaks through, giving the name Granite River to the short stream connecting the two bodies of water. From Lake Seiganagah west to Tower, the Huronian is again the surface formation. To the southwest of Gunflint Lake, the Archaean again appears as a long narrow ridge running away a hundred or more miles to the southwest. This ridge is known as the Mesabe range. Adjoining this range on the south is ^another narrow strip of Huronian. Over the remainder of the 2 region, the Keweenawan forms the surface formation. Q Collecting was done at Fond du Lac, on the St. Louis river; 1 along the lake shore from Grand Marais to Grand Portage; along j the old Dawson Canoe route (a line almost identical with the t Bb?49 234 Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Legion. boundary between Minnesota and Ontario) from Grand Portage to Basswood Lake; from this lake, along the canoe route com¬ monly travelled, to Ely and Tower; and in the vicinity of Bar¬ ron, Wisconsin. The work was begun June 16th, at Fond du Lac. We were detained ten days at Grand Marais, awaiting the construction of a canoe. At Rove Lake we were obliged to wait four days for provisions. With these two exceptions, we never stopped longer than thirty-six hours at a place. We generally travelled ten to twelve miles each day, collecting on the way. We reached Tower August 3d, and went from there to Barron, where collecting was done a few days longer. The list of plants appended include four new to the region covered by Gray’s Manual (last edition). Of these Ribes Hud- sonianum has not, I think, been previously reported from far¬ ther east than Montana; Carex obesa var. minor 1 has not been found before south of the Saskatchewan. Ranunculus Lapponicus * is new to the United States. Deplophyllum DicJcsoni is the fourth. The distribution of an introduced plant, Ranunculus acris, seems worthy of special mention. It was observed at all old fishing stations along Lake Superior. At Grand Portage it literally covered the land occupied by the village, and also the adjoining fields,—perhaps fifteen acres in all. From this vil¬ lage the plant has been carried westward along the canoe route to the portage between North Lake and South Lake, a distance of sixty miles. It was observed at most of the portages be¬ tween the two points, usually at the landings. This distribu¬ tion was evidently effected either by travellers carrying the flowers or seed, intentionally or otherwise, or by the seed ad¬ hering to the hair of dogs or other animals. A similar distri¬ bution from the village may be looked for along other trails, or canoe routes. No attempt was made to collect specimens of the larger shrubs or trees; or in most cases, other plants known or sup¬ posed to be widely distributed. Such of these, however, as were identified have been inserted in the list. I desire to ac- 1 See “Notes on Carex.” L. H. Bailey, Bot. Gaz., Vol XVII, No. 5. 2 See “ New and Noteworthy North American Plants.” John M. Coulter and Elmon M. Fisher. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XVII, No 8. Distribution of Species. 235 knowledge my obligations to Dr. L. M. Underwood, of De Pauw University; Dr. J: M. Coulter, of Lake Forest University; Dr. L. H. Bailey, of Cornell University; Dr. C. R. Barnes, of the University of Wisconsin; and Mr. R. H. True, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, for aid kindly rendered. 1. Anemone nemorosct , L. Grand' Marais. 2. Coptis trifolia , Salisb, Grand Marais. 3. Ranunculus acris , L. At all old fishing stations along the north shore of Lake Superior and on most of the portages along the boundary between Canada and Minnesota west to North Lake. 4. Ranunculus'aqualitis, L., var. trie hop hyllus, Gray. Granite River. 5. Ranunculus Flammula , L., var. reptans , E. Mayer. Partridge Falls. 6. Ranunculus hispidus , Hook. Devil’s Track River. 7. Ranunculus Lapponicus , L. On the Duluth and Port Arthur trail, three miles west of Mawshequawcawmaw River. 8. Ranunculus Pennsylvanicus, L. f. Granite River, one and a half miles below Gunflint Lake. 9. Nuphar advena , Ait. f. Rove Lake. 10. Nuphar Kalmianum , Ait. Daniels Lake and Basswood Lake. 11. Nymphcea odorata , Ait. Gunflint Lake. 12. Nymphcea odorata , Ait., var. minor , Sims. Small lake on portage between Moose Lake and Mountain Lake. 13. Corydalis aurea , Willd. Grand Marais. 236 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 . • ( v Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. Corydalis glauca , Pursh. Grand Marais and Devil’s Track River. Arabis lyratg , L. Grand Portage. Barbarea vulgaris , R. Br. Grand Marais. Cardamine hirsuta, L. Grand Marais. Sisybrium canescens , Nutt. Grand Marais. Viola rotundifolia , Michx. Fond du Lac. Elodes campamdata , Pursh. Portage between Mud Lake and Rat Lake. Tilia Americana , L. Fond du Lac. Oxalis Acetosella , L. Grand Marais. Acer saccharinum, Wang. Fond du Lac and Basswood Lake. Acer spicatum , Lam. Portage at east end of Sucker Lake. Rhus glabra , L. Northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. Lathyrus maritimus , Bigelow. North shore of Lake Superior, at Scott's Creek. Lathyrus venosus, Muhl. On portage from Pigeon River to South Fowl Lake. Geum rivale , L. Portage between North Fowl Lake and Moose Lake. .Potentilla fruticosa , L. Grand Marais, and on many rocky points along the north shore of Lake Superior. Potentilla tridentata, Ait. Usually found with the preceding. Prunus pumila , L. Island at east end of Lake Seiganagah. Prunus serotina, Ehrh. Fond du Lac and Grand Marais. \ 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Distribution of Species. 237 Primus Virginiana , L. Grand Marais. Rubus Nutkanus , Mocino. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, and portage at east end of Sucker Lake. Rubus occidentalism L. Fond du Lac. Rubus strigosus, Michx. Common on all clearings and burnt districts. Rubus villosus , Ait. Fond du Lac. Saxifraga Aizoon, Jacq. South Fowl Lake. Mitella nuda , L. Fond du Lac and Grand Marais. Heuchera hispida , Pursh. Grand Marais. Ribes Gynosbati , L. Grand Marais. Ribes lacustre , Poir. Grand Marais. Ribes prostratum , L’Her. Grand Marais. Ribes Hudsonianum , Richards. Grand Marais. Ribes rubrum , L., var. subglandulosum , Maxim. Grand Marais. Drosera rotundifolia, L. Barron, Mountain Lake and Burntside Lake. Drosera intermedia , Hayne, var. Americana , DC. Barron. Hippuris vulgarism L. Grand Marais. Epilobium angustifoliumm L. Abundant everywhere on burnt lands. CEnothera biennis , L. West of Brule River. CEnothera pumilam L. Granite River and Oshkosh Lake. 18—A. & L. 238 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66 . 67. Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. Circaea alpina, L. Partridge Falls, Pigeon River. Aralia hispida , Vent. Red Rock, north shore of Lake Superior, and west, end of portage between Rove Lake and Mud Lake. Cornus Canadensis, L. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, Grand Portage, and Granite River. Sambucus racemosa, L. Fond du Lac and Grand Marais. Viburnum pauciflorum , Pylaie. Grand Marais and near Brule River. Linnaea borealis, Gronov. Common and abundant. Lonicera hirsuta , Eaton. On the portage between Grand Portage and Pigeon River. Aster macrophyllus , L. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, Grand Portage, Gran¬ ite River and Basswood Lake. Erigeron Phil a delp hicus, L. Portage between Pigeon River and South Fowl Lake. Antennaria plantaginifolia , Hook. Grand Marais. Anaphalis margaritacea , Benth. & Hook. Eastern extremity of Hunter’s Island and Grand Marais. Lobelia Dortmanna , L. Rove Lake. Vaccinium Canadense , Kalm. Grand Marais, Granite River, and Gunflint Lake. Vaccinium uliginosum, L. On rocks north shore of Lake Superior ten miles* west of Grand Portage. Vaccinium Vitis-Ldcea, L. Grand Marais. Vaccinium Oxycoccus, L. Grand Marais. Distribution of Species. 23a l * 68 . 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. ' 84 . 85. 86 . Arctostciphylos Uva-ursi , Spreng. Grand Marais. Along the lake shore at Red Rock. Andromeda polifolia , L. Grand Marais. Kalmia glauca , Ait. Grand Marais. Chimaphila umbellata , Nutt. Granite River, and on an island at the east end of Lake Seiganagah. Moneses grandiflora , Salisb. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, and Rove Lake. Pyrola minor , L. South Fowl Lake. Pyrola secunda , L. Rove Lake. Pyrola chlorantha , Swartz. Pigeon River near Partridge Falls. Pyrola elliptica, Nutt. Portage between Mud Lake and Rat Lake. Pyrola rotundifolia, L., var. incarnata, DC. Partridge Falls on Pigeon River. Primula Mistassinica, Michx. Grand Marais’. Trientalis Americana , Pursh. Grand Marais. Steironema ciliatum , Raf. Island at the east end of Lake Seiganagah. Lysimachia stricta 4 Ait. Mud Lake, Cook County. Halenia deflexa , Grisebach. Grand Marais. Phacelia Franklinii , Gray. Thompsonite Bay, six miles west of Grand Marais. Mertensia paniculata , Don. Fond du Lac. Physalis grandiflora , Hook. Ely. Mimulus ringens , L. Portage between North Lake and Gunflint Lake.. 240 Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 87. Castilleia pallida, Kunth., var. septentrionalis, Gray. North shore of Lake Superior, five miles west of Grand Portage. 88. Euphrasia officinalis, L., var. Tatarica, Benth. Grand Marais. 89. Melampyrum Americanum, Michx. North shore of Lake Superior, five miles west of Grand Portage. 90. Utricularia vydgaris, L. Granite River. 91. Pinguicida vulgaris, L. At Grand Marais and other places on rocks along the lake shore east to Grand Portage. 92. Lycopus sinuatus, Ell. 93. Calamintha Clinopodium, Benth. Portage between Lake Seiganagah and Oshkosh Lake. 94. Lophanthus anisatus, Benth. Portage between Burntside Lake and Mud Lake. 95. Scutellaria lateriflora, L. On an Island at the west end of Lake Seiganagah. 96. Scutellaria galericulata, L. With S. lateriflora. 97. Brunella vulgaris, L. Grand Portage and Tower. 98. Plantago major, L. At the mouth of Devil’s Track River. 99. Polygonum tenue, Michx. At Grand Marais and Devil’s Track River. 100. Polygonum amphihium, L. Granite River and Basswood Lake. 101. Polygonum viviparum, L. Grand Marais. 102. Asarum Canadense, L. Fond du Lac and Grand Marais. 103. Ulmus Americana, L. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, and occasional along the boundary between Minnesota and Ontario. Distribution of Species. 241 104. Myrica asplenifolia , Endl. 'Large island in the west end of Lake Seiganagah 105. Betula lenta , L. Common throughout the region. 106. Betula papyrifera, Marshall. Common and more abundant than B. lenta . 107. Betula pumila, L. Borders of lakes along the boundary between Minne¬ sota and Ontario. 108. Betula glanclulosa, Michx. Rat Lake. 109. Alnus viridis , DC. Grand Marais, Scott’s Creek and Brule River, 110. Alnus incana, Willd. Grand Marais. 111. Corylus Americana, Walt. Fond du Lac. Grand Portage. 112. Corylus rostrata, Ait. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, Grand Portage, and everywhere along the route to Tower. 113. Quercus macrocarpa, Michx. On portage between Lake Seiganagah and Oshkosh Lake. 114. Populus tremuloides, Michx. Common. 115. Populus grandidentata, Michx. Common. 116. Populus balsamifera, L. Mountain Lake and Moose Lake. 117. Pinus Strobus , L. This species, with P. resinosa, common throughout the region. 118. Pinus Banksiana, Lambert. Brule River, Red Rock, and along the boundary be- . tween Minnesota and Ontario west to Basswood Lake. 119. Pinus resinosa, Ait. f 242 Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 120. Picea nigra , Link. Common in the swamps. 121. Abies balsamea, Miller. Observed at all points along the route. 122. Larex Americana , Michx. North Lake. 123. Thuya occidentalism L. A common tree in swamps. 124. Juniperus Virginiana, L. Observed at several points along Lake Superior. 125. Taxus Canadensis , Willd. Fond du Lac. 126. Calypso borealis , Salisb. G-rand Marais. 127. Corallorhiza innata , R. Brown. Fond du Lac. 128. Listera cordata , R. Brown. Rosebud Creek, Brule River, and Rove Lake. 129. Listera convallarioides , Nutt. Brule River. 130. Spirantlies Romanzoffiana , Cham. Portage between Long Lake arid Burntside Lake, and on a the large island at east end of Lake Seiganagah. 131. Spircmthes gracilis , Bigelow. Portage between Long Lake and Fall Lake. 132. Goody era repens , R. Br. Collected at many points along the route. Common 133. Habenaria liyperborea , R. Br. Portage between Rat Lake and South Lake. 134. Habenaria obtusata , Richardson. Common everywhere. 135. Habenaria Hookeri , Torr. Granite River and at the east end of Knife Lake. 136. Habenaria crbicidata , Torr. * Rove Lake. 137. Habenaria psycodes , Gray. Granite River and Otter Track Lake. 138. Cypripedium acaule , Ait. Granite River. Distribution of Species. 243 A 139. Iris versicolor, L. Grand Marais. 140. Sisyrinchinm angustifolium , Mill. Grand Marais. 141. Smilacina trifolia, Desf. Near Brule River. 142. Maianthemum Canadense, Desf. Fond du Lac and Grand Marais. 143. Streptopus amplexifolius , DC. Grand Marais. 144. Streptopus roseus, Michx. Grand Marais. 145. Clintonia borealis , Raf. Fond du Lac and Grand Marais. 146. Lilium Philadelphicum, L. Observed at two or three points along Lake Supe¬ rior between Grand Marais and Grand Portage. 147. Tofieldia palustris , Hudson. Grand Marais. 148. Luzula spadicea , DC., var. melanocarpa, Meyer. Devil’s Track River. 149. Sparganium minimum , Fries. South Fowl Lake and Sucker Lake. 150. Sagittaria variabilis , Engelm. Fall River and Fall Lake. 151. Sagittaria heterophylla , Pursh. With S. variabilis. 152. Potamogeton natans , L. Common in all inland waters. 153. Potamogeton Pennsylvanicus , Cham. Rove Lake. 154. Potamogeton amplifolius, Tuckerm. Rove Lake. 155. Potamogeton heterophyllus , Schreb. Rove Lake. 156. Potamogeton pauciflorus , Pursh. Rove Lake. 157. Eriocaulon septangulare , Withering. Lake Seiganagah and small pond east cf Sucker Lake. 244 Cneney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 158. Scirpus fiuviatilis, Gray. Island at . the east end of Lake Seiganagah. 159. Carex paucifiora, Lightf. Rove Lake. 160. Car ex intumescens , Rudge. South Fowl Lake. 161. Carex lupulina , Muhl., var. pedunculata, Dewey. Pigeon River. 162. Carex utriculata, Boott. Mosquito Bay, Gunflint Lake. 163. Carex monile , Tuckerm. South Fowl Lake. 164. Carex Tuckermani , Dewey. Ely and Barron. 165. Carex retrorsa , Schwein. Mosquito Bay, Gunflint Lake. 166. Carex Pseudo- Cyperus, L. Portage at east end of Otter Track Lake. 167. Carex JLoughtonii, Torr. Grand Marais and Mosquito Bay, Gunflint Lake. 168. Carex jiliformis, L. Grand Marais and Mountain Lake. 169. Carex riparia , W. Curtis. Grand Marais. 170. Carex alpina, , Swartz. Grand Marais. 171. Carex f usca, All. Grand Marais. 172. Carex stricta , Lam. Grand Marais. 173. Carex crinita, Lam. Barron. 174. Carex Magellamca , Lam. Island at the east end of Lake Seiganagah. 175. Carex limosa , L. Grand Marais and Daniels Lake. 176. Carex arctata , Boott. Shore of Lake Superior near Brule River. Distribution of Species. 177. Carex flava, L. Island at the east end of Lake Seiganagah. 178. Carex flava, L., var. viridula , Bailey. Island at the east end of Lake Seiganagah. 179. Carex livida, Willd. Grand Marais. 180. Carex aurea , Nutt. Granite River near Pine Lake. 181. Carex varia , Muhl. Grand Marais. 182. Carex obesa, All., var. minor, Boott. South Fowl Lake. 183. Carex polytrichoides , Muhl. Mawshequawcawmaw River. 184. Carex tenella, Schkuhr. Rove Lake. 185. Carex canescens, L. Rove Lake. 186. Carex canescens, L., var. polystachya , Boott. Mosquito Bay, Gunflint Lake. v 187. Carex trisperma, Dewey. Rove Lake. 188. Carex tribuloides, Wahl., var. Bebbii, Bailey. Grand Marais. 189. Carex scoparia, Schkuhr. Mosquito Bay, Gunflint Lake. 190. Carex adusta, Boott. Mosquito Bay, Gunflint Lake. 191. Carex straminea, Willd. -Grand Marais. 192. Panicum depauperation, Muhl. Mud Lake, Cook County. 193. Panicum dichotomum, L. Knife Lake. 194. Zizania aquatica, L. Fall Lake. 195. Phalaris arundinacea, L. Gunflint Lake. 246 Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 196. Hierochloe borealis , Roem. & Schultes. Grand Portage. 197. Oryzopsis Canadensis , Torr. Gunflint Lake. 198. Muhlenbergia glomerata , Trin. Portage between Burntside Lake and Mud Lake. 199. Brachyelytrum aristatum , Beauv. Rove Lake. 200. Phleum pratense , L. At all old settlements. Introduced. 201. Alopecurus geniculatus , L. At the east end of Basswood Lake. 202. Agrostris scabra , Willd. Falls on Granite River one and a half miles below Gunflint Lake. 203. Calamagrostis Canadensis , Beauv. South Fowl Lake. 204. Calamagrostis strictd, Trin. Along the shore of Lake Superior four miles west of Grand Portage. 205. Deschampsia ccespitosa , Beauv. Grand Portage. 206. Deschampsia ccespitosa , Beauv., var. Vasey. Grand Marais. 207. Trisetum subspicatum , Beauv. Grand Marais. 208. Arena striata , Michx. Scott’s Creek. 209. Danthonia spicata , Beauv. Gunflint Lake. 210. Poa nemordlis , L. Grand Portage. 211. Poa nemoralis . L., var. Vasey. North shore of Lake Superior ten miles west of Grand Portage. 212. Poa serotina , Ehrhart. South Lake Portage. 213. Poa pratensis, L. South Lake Portage. it ) Distribution of Species. 247 214. Poa pratensis, L., var. Vasey. G-rand Marais. 215. Glyceria Canadensis , Trin. Portage between Burntside Lake and Mud Lake. 216. Glyceria nervata , Trin. Ely, Fall Lake, Gunflint Lake and G-rand Marais. 217. Glyceria grandis , Watson. Ely. 218. Glyceria Jluitans, R. Br., var. minor , Vasey. Portage at western extremity of Gunflint Lake and North Lake Portage. 219. Festuca tenella , Willd. South Fowl Lake. 220. Festuca ovina, L. Grand Marais. * 221. Bromus ciliatus, L. Scott’s Creek. 222. Bromus Kalmii, Gray. Portage between Burntside Lake and Mud Lake. 223. Agropyrum tenerum , Vasey.(?) Rove Lake. 224. Elymus Canadensis , L. Grand Marais and portage at east end of Sucker Lake. 225. Aspidium fragrans , Swartz. Parttidge Falls on Pigeon River, and at the falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 226. Osmunda regalis, L. Partridge Portage. 227. Botrychium Lunaria , Swartz. At the mouth of the Brule River, on the west bank. 228. Lycopodium annotinum , L. This, with the three following, were observed throughout the region. None, however, were col¬ lected. 229. Lycopodium obscurum , L., var. dendroideum , Watson. 230. Lycopodium clavatum , L. 231. Lycopodium complanatum , L. 248 Cheney — Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 232. Selayinella spinosa, Beauv. Grand Marais. 233. Selayinella rupestris ,. Spreng. Grand Marais, South Fowl Lake, and Rove Lake. 234. Sphagnum cymbifolium, Ehrh. Burntside Lake. 235. Sphagnum fimbriatum, Wils. Burntside Lake. 236. Sphagnum acutifolium , Ehrh. x Grand Marais. 237. Sphagnum Girgensohnii , Russ. Burntside Lake. 238. Sphagnum Wuljianum , Girgens, Burntside Lake. 239. Sphagnum intermedium , Hoffm. Burntside Lake. 240. Cynodontium polycarpum , Schimp. Grand Marais. 241. Cynodontium polycarpum , Schimp., var. strumiferum r Schimp. Grand Marais. 242. Cynodontium virens, Schimp., var. Wahlenbergii, Bruch. & Schimp. Grand Marais. 243. Dicranum montanum , Hedw. Ely. 244. Dicranum flagellare , Hedw. Rat Lake and Barron. 245. Dicranum fuscescens, Turn. Grand Marais. 246. Dicranum scoparium, Hedw. Fond du Lac. 247. Dicranum Drummondi, Muell. Grand Marais. 248. Dicranum unduldtum , Turn. Rove Lake. 249. Fissidens incurvus , Schwaegr. Grand Marais. Distribution of Species. 249 250. Fissidens adiantoides , Hedw. G-rand Marais and Basswood Lake- 251. Fissidens adiantoides , Hedw., var. hnmarginatus , Lindb. Gunflint Lake. 252. Ceratodon purpureus, Brid. Collected at Grand Marais. Very common. 253. Distichium capillaceum , Bruch. & Schimp. Brand Marais. 254. Distichium inclinatum , Bruch. & Schimp. Grand Marais. 255. Blindia acuta , Bruch. & Schimp. Grand Marais. 256. Leptotrichum glaucescens , Hampe. Grand Marais. 257. Grimmia apocarpa , Hedw. Grand Marais. 258. Grimmia apocarpa, Hedw., var. rivularis , Nees & Hornsch. Grand Marais. 259. Grimmia unicolor , Grev. Grand Marais. 260. Racomitrium fasciculare, Brid. Grand Marais. 261. Hedwigia ciliata , Ehrh. Grand Marais. 262. Amphoridium Lapponicus , Schimp. Brule River. 263. Hutchinsice, Schimp. Grand Marais. 264. Ortliotrichum speciosum , Nees. Grand Marais. 265. Encalypta ciliata , Hedw. Grand Marais. 266. Tetraphis pellucida , Hedw. Grand Marais. 267. Tetraplodon mnioides , Bruch. & Schimp. Lake shore five miles west of Grand Marais. Near the Mawshequawcawmaw River. 268. Funaria hygrometrica , Sibth. Common. Collected near Grand Marais. 250 Cheney—Flora of the Lalce Superior Region. 269. Bartramia pomiformis , Hedw. Grand Marais, Partridge Falls on Pigeon River, and falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 270. Philonotis fontana , Brid. Grand Marais. 271. Leptobryum pyriforme, Schimp. Burntside Lake. 272. Weber a polymorpha , Schimp. Lake shore three miles east of Grand Marais. 273. Weber a nutans , Hedw. Ely. 274. Bryum bimum , Schreb. Grand Marais. 275. Bryum roseum , Schreb. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais, and Barron. 276. Mnium cuspidatum , Hedw. Grand Marais. 277. Mnium affine , Bland. Fond du Lac. 278. Mnium orthorhynchum , Bruch. & Schimp. Knife Lake. 279. Mnium subglobosum , Bruch. & Schimp. Fond du Lac. 280. Aulacomnium palustre , Schwaegr. Granite River. 281. Atrichum angustatum , Bruch. & Schimp. Barron. 282. Pogonatum alpinum , Roehl. Lake shore one mile west of Grand Marais. 283. Pogonatum alpinum , Roehl., var. arcticum , Brid. Granite River. 284. Polytrichum gracile , Menz. Burntside Lake. 285. Polytrichum junipermum, Willd. Grand Marais. 286. Fontinalis antipyretica , Linn., var. gigantea , Sulliv. Mud Lake, Cook County. 287. Meeker a pennata, Hedw. Fond du Lac and Weyerhauser. Distribution of Species. 251 288. Neckera oligocarpa , Bruch. & Schimp. Grand Marais. 289. Leucodon sciuroides , Schwaegr. Falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 290. Myurella julacea , Bruch. & Schimp. Rove Lake. 291. Leskea obscura , Hedw. Falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 292. Anomodon rostratus , Schimp. Falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 293. Anomodon obtusi/olius, Bruch. & Schimp. Fond du Lac. 294. Pylaisia polyantha , Bruch. & Schimp. RoveLake and Grand Marais. 295. Pylaisia intricata, Bruch. & Schimp. Rove Lake. 296. Pylaisia velutina, Bruch. & Schimp. Ely. 297. Climacium dendroides, Web. & Mohr. Brule River near where it empties into Lake Supe¬ rior. 298. Hypnum gracile y Bruch. & Schimp. • Barron. 299. Hypnum recognitum , Hedw. Fond du Lac. 300. Hypnum delieatulum , Linn. Barron. 301. Hypnum loetum , Brid. Burntside Lake and Barron. 302. Hypnum salebrosum , Hoffm. Falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 303. Hypnum plumosum, Swartz. Grand Marais. 304. Hypnum strigosum , Hoffm. Grand Marais. 305. Hypnum recurvans, Schwaegr. Gunflint Lake. 252 Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 306. Hypnum serrulatum , Hedw. Burntside Lake. 307. Hypnum turfaceum , Lindb. Ely. 308. Hypnum denticulatum , Linn. Granite River. 309. Hypnum sylvatieum , Huds., var. orthocladium , L. & J. Granite River. 310. Hypnum serpens , Linn. Ely. 311. Hypnum orthocladon , Beauv. Falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 312. Hypnum irriguum , Hook. & Wils. Falls at the northern outlet of Lake Seiganagah. 313. Hypnum hispidulum , Brid. Barron. 314. Hypnum ehrysophyllum , Brid. Barron. 315. Hypnum stellatum , Schreb. Burntside Lake. 316. Hypnum aduncum, Hedw., var. Mawshequawcawmaw River. 317. Hypyium uncinatum , Hedw. Ely. 318. Hypnum uncinatum , Hedw., var. plumulosum , Bruch. & Schimp. Burntside Lake. 319. Hypnum crista-castrensis , Linn. Fond du Lac, Grand Marais and Brule River. 320. Hypnum reptile , Michx. Burntside Lake. 321. Hypnum impo?iens, Hedw. Gunflint Lake. 322. Hypnum arcuatum , Lindb. Barron. 323. Hypnum pratense , Koch, Ms. Burntside Lake. 324. Hypnum Ilaldanianum , Grev. Barron and Fond du Lac. 325. IFypynum palustre, Huds. Grand Marais. 326. Hypnum palustre, Huds., var. hamulosum, L. & J. Grand Marais. 327. Hypnum cordi/olium, Hedw. Barron and Burntside Lake. 328. Hypnum Schreberi , Willd. Grand Marais. 329. Hypnum splendens , Hedw. Fond du Lac. 330. Hypnum triquetrum , Linn. Barron and Fond du Lac. 331. Fru,llemia Eboracensis , Lehm. Fond du Lac. 332. Radula complanata , Dumort. Fond du Lac. 333. Porella platyphylla, Lindb. Fond du Lac. 334. Ptilidium ciliare , Nees. Grand Marais and Mawshequawcawmaw River. 335. Blepharostoma trickophyllum , Dumort. Grand Marais. 336. Cephcdozia multiflora , Spruce. Grand Marais. 337. Diplophyllum Dicksoni , Dumort. Grand Marais. 338. Plagiocliila ctsplenoides , Dumort. Grand Marais. 339. Jungermannia barbata , Schreb. Lake Seiganagah. 340. Scapania exsectet , Aust. Grand Marais. 341. Pellia epipliylla , Raddi. Brule River. 342. Pellia endivicefolia , Dumort. Barron. 19 A & L 254 Cheney—Flora of the Lake Superior Region. 343. Preissia hemisphcerica, Cogn. Grand Marais. 344. Riccia fluxions , L. * Barron. 345. Riccia natans, L. j Ely. Madison, Wis., Feb. 22, 1893. \