1557.73 Gr-2 c. 3 / STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION A. M. SHELTON. Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON. Chief REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF NORTHEASTERN WILLIAMSON AND WESTERN SALINE COUNTIES BY GILBERT H. CADY IN COOPERATION WITH U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1925 if (sO \ DATE DUE 3t?ty b 1395 L IS GAYLORD PRINTED IN U S A. STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION A/M. SHELTON, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON. Chief REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF NORTHEASTERN WILLIAMSON AND WESTERN SALINE COUNTIES BY GILBERT H. CADY IN COOPERATION WITH U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1925 ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY JEFFERSONS PRINTING CO. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 1925 25215-2000 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF NORTHEASTERN WILLIAMSON AND WESTERN SALINE COUNTIES I3y Gilbert H. Cady OUTLINE Page Introduction . 5 Importance of the area. 5 General statement of results of investigation. 6 Regional geology . 6 Stratigraphic succession . 6 Structure . 7 Geology of the local area. 7 Surficial geology . 7 Bed rock . 8 Structure . 9 Description of the structural map. 9 Method of showing the altitude of No. 6 coal. II Principal structural features . 11 Method of showing variation in the thickness of coal. 11 Plate ILLUSTRATIONS I. Structural map of parts of northeastern Williamson and western Saline counties, showing contours on No. 5 coal and the inter¬ val between No. 5 and No. 6 coals.In pocket II. A. Graphic section of strata encountered in a number of diamond drill borings in the area. B. Index map upon which the thicknesses of and interval between Nos. 5 and 6 coals are indicated .In pocket III. Property map of the area showing the location of the drill holes with reference to ownership of land at the time of drilling. In pocket Figure 1. Index map showing location of area covered by report. 5 2. Photograph of specimens of Gertyina ventricosa. 9 TABLE 1. Tabulated data on the No. 5 and No. 6 coals 3 13 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/structureofpartsOOcady INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to discuss the special structural features which materially affect the value of the coal deposits in portions of northeastern Williamson and western Saline counties. The location of this area is shown in figure 1. This report is not designed to present the details of the stratigraphy of the area nor to describe the mineral re¬ sources. A forthcoming report to be published as a folio of the Geologi¬ cal Atlas of the U. S. Geological Survey involving a larger area, the Galatia and West Frankfort quadrangles, will contain descriptive data in regard to the geological succession and the mineral resources. The coal beds and associated rocks have already been described in bulletins of the Illinois Coal Mining Investigations. 1 2 Fig - . 1. Index map of southern Illinois showing location of area covered by the report. IMPORTANCE OF THE AREA The area herein reported upon is about midway between the main Williamson County mining district lying between Herrin and Marion, and the Harrisburg district of Saline County. Development is encroaching 1 Cady, G. H., Coal resources of District VI: Ill. Mining- Investigations Bull. 15, 1916. 2 Cady, G. H., Coal resources of District V: Ill. Mining- Investigations Bull. 19, 1919. 5 6 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES upon the area and already three mining operations are located within its boundaries. Further interest attaches to the area in that the line of the Illinois Central cut-off through southern Illinois is reported to be pro¬ jected across it. Two beds of workable coal are known to underlie the area; one other workable bed is probably present and possibly a fourth. On the conservative assumption of an average thickness of five feet for both No. 5 and No. 6 coals, the total amount of coal in the beds within this area amounts to about 675,000,000 tons. It is not improbable that there is at least one-third as much more coal present in lower beds, par¬ ticularly in the No. 2 bed. GENERAL STATEMENT OF RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION 1. The formations of the area are variously inclined and flexed, resulting in a considerable variation of level at which the coal beds may be encountered in drilling or sinking shafts. 2. Remarkable displacements or faults occur along certain lines or zones which produce offsets that must be taken into account in correlat¬ ing the coal beds and in plans for the recovery of the coal. 3. The interval between Nos. 5 and 6 coals increases eastward from 80 feet in the western part to 130 feet in about the middle part of the east half, east of which the interval slightly decreases. 4. Variations in the thickness of No. 5 coal correspond with the variations in the interval between No. 5 and No. 6 coal. That is, No. 5 coal thickens; eastward to about the middle of the east half of the area, east of which it is somewhat thinner. There is no regularity in the varia¬ tions of No. 6 coal. REGIONAL GEOLOGY STRATIGRAPHIC SUCCESSION The region lies a few miles north of the southern border of the Illinois coal basin. Southward toward this border, because of the gen¬ eral northward dip of the strata, successively older and older series of rocks or formations belonging to the Pennsylvanian system or “Coal Measures” outcrop in belts running parallel to the edge of the basin. The upper and hence innermost formation of the Pennsylvanian system is the McLeansboro formation, which includes all Pennsylvanian strata above the top of No. 6 or Herrin (Blue-band) coal. Underlying the Mc¬ Leansboro formation and forming an intermediate belt of outcropping rocks is the Carbondale formation which includes all strata from the top of No. 6 coal to the base of No. 2 or Murphysboro coal. Within this for¬ mation is also No. 5 or Harrisburg coal. The lowermost portion of the STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES 7 Pennsylvanian outcrops at the border of the coal basin and includes all Pennsylvanian strata below No. 2 coal. These strata constitute the Potts- ville formation. The resistance to erosion of several Pottsville sandstone beds outcropping in southern Illinois is largely responsible for the relief of the belt of elevated country known as “The Mountains’ which lies within view a few miles to the south. STRUCTURE These strata are all characterized by the gentle northward dip toward the center of the Illinois Coal Basin which lies fifty miles or more to the north. Here and there, however, are found local interruptions of this northward dip where the strata lie horizontally or are locally inclined more steeply in other directions than to the north, or where they have been broken by faults. Of these' irregularities in the lay of the rocks in the coal basin of southern Illinois, the most important is without doubt the structure known as the Duquoin anticline which separates a relatively shallow portion from a relatively deep portion of the basin along a line running north from a point between Carbondale and Duquoin to a point north of Centralia. Across the deeper portion of the basin which lies to the east of the Duquoin anticline there are at least two important zones of structural irregularity, in each of which faulting is a conspicuous element. One zone extends northward between Marion and Herrin and is encountered in mining operations northwest of Marion, west of Johnston City, at Orient and elsewhere. The other zone begins on the east near Equality, Gallatin County. It passes about two miles north of Harris¬ burg, and continues slightly north of westward crossing the area de¬ scribed in this report. Thence it passes about two miles north of John¬ ston City and possibly terminates along the Williamson and Franklin county line between Bush and Royalton. It is with the efleet of earth movements along this latter fault zone within the local area described in this report that we are chiefly concerned. GEOLOGY OF THE LOCAL AREA SURFICIAL GEOLOGY The local area is a region of moderate relief and the hills composed of sandstone are dissected by streams commonly with flat-floored valleys such as characterize parts of the glaciated interior lowlands of southern Illinois. A thin covering of glacial drift lies on most of the hills, but is not universally distributed. Above the drift or upon the rock surface where the drift is absent there is almost everywhere a thin coating of yellow silt or loess commonly two to three feet in thickness and probably of aeolian origin. This material is more widely distributed than the 8 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES drift, being found at practically all levels, either as original deposit or as wash, therefore generally obscuring rock outcrops. Here and there thicker deposits of glacial drift fill depressions in the rock surface which probably were portions of the preglacial valley system that have not yet been cleaned out by the present streams. BED ROCK Outcrops of bed rock are found for the most part along channels of streams and in road cuts. Here and there on hillsides an especially hard ledge of rock will protrude through the thin covering of silt, loess, or till, but the continuous tracing of any formation for more than a short dis¬ tance, say a quarter of a mile, is impracticable. The similarity of the rocks in different stratigraphic horizons, together with the discontinuity of outcrop and irregularity in the structure, makes definite correlation of outcropping strata generally impossible. Invaluable for purposes of cor¬ relation of outcropping strata and interpretation of the structure are the records of scores' of drill holes scattered over the area. The Pennsylvanian rocks outcropping in this area are probably all of McLeansboro age, that is, they belong to that part of the Pennsyl¬ vanian section above Xo. 6 coal. In one locality and possibly in two. both in the S. J4 sec. 35, T. 8 S., R. 4 E., there may be exposed a few feet of Carbondale strata, including part of XT. 6 coal, its underclay, and a few feet of underlying rock. X T o attempt is made to show on Plate I the area underlain by the various outcropping members of the McLeansboro formation, because of the uncertainty that attaches to the correlations. It, however, shows the general distribution of outcropping rocks in the valleys and on the flanks of some of the hills. The various formations are designated on the map by appropriate patterns, and where the limestone is known to contain a fusulinoid shell, the limestone pattern is accompanied by the letter “F." Such limestones may not everywhere be the same, but it seems probable that they occur in the lower 100 feet of the McLeansboro formation. The form which is rather abundant and the most prevalent in the limestones of the lower part of the McLeansboro near XT. 6 coal is commonly about 1/10 of an inch in diameter and % of an inch long, tapering to a point at both ends, the whole fossil having a shape resembling a very thick and short grain of wheat (fig. 2-A). It is known as Gertyina ventricosa (Meek). As commonly seen in cross section (fig. 2-B) it shows a concentric cellular structure. Its stratigraphic range has not been fully determined. The section of the McLeansboro formation present and presumably outcropping in the area is indicated in the graphic sections reproduced STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES 9 from several coal test diamond drill borings in the area (Plate II). Out¬ cropping strata probably include no beds below No. 6 coal. Underlying the exposed rocks are the lower portions of the Penn¬ sylvanian section, the Carbondale and Pottsville formations, to a known thickness in one locality (sec. 8, T. 9 S., R. 5 E.) of about 1340 feet. 1 he Carbondale formation has a relatively small variation in thickness in southern Illinois, but the extent to which the thickness of the Pottsville A B Fiji. 2. Photograph of specimens of Gertyina ventricosa. A Enlarged approximately twice. B. Cross section enlarged approximately 32 times. formation may vary is unknown since only a very few drill holes have penetrated the formation. Beneath the Pennsylvanian strata are the formations belonging to the Chester series of the Mississippian system, attaining a known thick¬ ness of about 900 feet. Rocks of still deeper formations have not been penetrated within the area except for about 100 feet, so that the thick¬ ness of the sedimentary strata above granite or crystalline rock is un¬ known but probably amounts to many hundred feet. Structure DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURAL MAP In order to clearly present the information which is of utmost value to exploratory work a structure contour map has been made. Attention 10 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES is directed to the method of portraying- these structural features on the structural map, Plate I. Plate I shows the position and dip and strike of observed faults and rock outcrops, and the location of drill holes and mine shafts. The sur¬ face elevation of each boring and shaft, the depth and altitude of the bottom of No. 5 and No. 6 coals, and the thickness of each bed where this information can be g-iven without violating confidential data, are given in Table I, page 13. Plate III is essentially a copy of part of a familiar field map pre¬ pared by the Guarantee Trust Company showing the location and num¬ ber of holes drilled by several companies in western Saline and eastern Williamson counties before 1910. The original map showed depth and thickness of the coal, but this information is omitted as unnecessary for purposes of identification of the holes. In addition to data on the orig¬ inal map, Plate III shows by circles the location of holes drilled since 1910, and the company number of each hole. For some of the borings, corrected locations were obtained in the field. Such necessary changes are indicated by arrows pointing to the symbols representing revised locations. Identification on Plate I of holes shown on Plate III is readily made by reference to Table I where the original company number of each hole is given in column 4 listed by township and section. Then by reference to column 5, the map number can be found, by which the hole can be located on Plate I, if direct identification from map to map is uncertain. The structure of the area is delineated by red contour lines which refer to the altitude of the base of No. 5 coal, relative to sea-level datum. The upper surface of a coal bed is more commonly used as a datum in structure maps appearing in publications of the Illinois State Geological Survey, but in this special report it seems advisable to conform to local engineering practice and use the base of the coal bed as datum. Reference to Plate I reveals the undulatory structure of the No. 5 coal ; it reaches an altitude of 350 feet above sea level in the NE. : 4 ol sec. 1, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. and an altitude of 25 feet below sea level in the S. J4 sec. 24, T. 8 S., R. 5 E. In areas of outcrop, the map shows the direction of dip by small blue arrows accompanied by figures denoting the amount of dip. In addition to being tilted, the strata are in places displaced or faulted. Such faults are designated by heavy continuous or interrupted blue lines. Where the blue lines are unbroken, there is no doubt as to the existence and position of the fault. Fault structures are exposed where fault lines are shown crossing an area of outcropping rock. Else¬ where the fault lines are projected in the general direction of the trend STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES 11 of the outcrops of the faults or are indicated where they seem to be the proper explanation for differences in the elevation of the coal as de¬ termined by drilling. METHOD OF SHOWING THE ALTITUDE OF NO. 6 COAL Since exploitation of the coal on the west side of the area is in No. 6 (Herrin or Blue-band) coal, it is important to show the altitude of that coal with reference to the altitude of No. 5. This is done by the use of broken red lines, commonly called convergent contours, which indicate the vertical interval between the two coal beds, as shown on Plate I. The altitude of No. 6 coal at any place may then be obtained by adding the amount of the interval between the two coals as indicated by the convergent contours to the altitude of No. 5 coal as indicated by the structure contours. Inspection of the map shows that there is a gradual increase eastward in this interval to 1 about the middle of the east half of the area beyond which there is a slight decrease in the interval. PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL FEATURES The main features of interest in the structure are: (1) the Corinth fault which runs N. about 60 degrees E. from the Williamson-Saline county line; (2) the Brushy anticline in secs. 4, 5, 8 and 9, Brushy Town¬ ship (T. 9 S., R. 5 E.) ; (3) the trough running parallel with and south of the Corinth fault and Brushy anticline; (4) Brushy Creek fault run¬ ning about N. 25 degrees E. about mile west of Bankston Fork Church (sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 5 E.) ; (5) Bankston Fork fault crossing the NW. J4 sec * 12, Brushy Township. This last named structure is possibly a continuation of the Harrisburg fault which crosses secs. 2 and 3, and possibly secs. 4 and 5, Harrisburg Township (T. 9 S., R. 6 E.). For all these structures, except the last one! mentioned, surface evidence is known. Faulting across Bankston Fork in sec. 12, Brushy Township, is thought to be the most probable explanation of the differences in the altitude of the coal as shown on the map in secs. 1 and 12, Brushy Town¬ ship, and secs. 6 and 7, Harrisburg Township, as revealed by drilling. This interpretation of the structure was reached after a study of the drill records in the office at the close of the season’s field work. No outcrops were observed which threw light on this interpretation. METHOD OF SHOWING VARIATION IN THICKNESS OF COAL Inasmuch as Table I includes figures showing the thickness of the coals, relationships of additional interest but not of a structural character may readily be indicated. Thus, by drawing lines separating areas in 12 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES which the coals are of different thickness, the variations in the thickness of the coals can be indicated (Plate II-B). Inspection shows that there is apparently no regularity in the varia¬ tions in the 1 thickness of No. 6 coal, whereas the variations in the thick¬ ness of No. 5 coal are regular, the coal increasing in thickness from west to east to about the middle of the east half of the area, east of which there is a slight decrease in thickness. It will doubtless be noted that the variations in the thickness of No. 5 coal and the variations in the interval between No. 5 and No. 6 coals as previously noted have a similar geographic distribution, a similarity which holds not only in this area but which has been worked out for a much larger area in the Franklin and Williamson county fields. 3 3 Cady, G. H., Coal Resources of District VI: Illinois Mining Investigations Bull. IS, pp. 26-36, 1916. Table 1 —Location and level data for borings located on Plate I. STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES 13 a g o P4 <73 03 r> O c3 O O >o o Z 03 m 03 G >> 03 Eh O O CO 1C H A) 03 G S o 5 2 13 13 M ^ M M C ^ OO iO *-> CM ’t CO 00 ^ I CM ° CO I' -P • o L >cc CO 00 t>» -f •*f CO CM i—' X CM ■+-> o a o 5 il) Q 2 13 13 00 *“* CO CM O C CO Tf CO CM — -r t , '0‘ T + | co , d H ''+ lT + | ''+ | X Ol CO CM X '-f X CO ^ CM O X X CM o3 O o CO d Z 03 03 03 ■> 03 03 r O —> o -t -3 n-l Js C- o 03 •*-* Q *+•0 X X CM LO iQiOiOUOiOCCDiO 13 13 HCOCC3>-C3HO X’-hC 3 COCO 0 OXC 3 ® 00 ^ ^ H >0 10 10*0 >o • c >o c O O to C3 i—i >0 Tt* LO O X LO X ^t 1 X -+ CM 13 i^C 3 XOtH^-*xo,-v_. >oo®c;ncc->o- CMOCCC-^Xh^ iOXC3CO©X^C300 X CO CO CM X CO CO X CM CM CM CM X Cl CO Cl X X HfH f HH X r/A t-H X /-yA hr* X —I I—I MH cH l-H HH 3—) U >—3 HH HH '-A I—I HH H>H i—I i—I •— — XCM'^ftOiOOCOCOOCMO’—'XXXtOtOOl^ OCMOXOOCCO’-H^XXCMXXX'X^fCl '^CCCCCX'^C^XCCCCCCCC o > -G o ^ — - >OCD^NCMCM-HrH rK T'K rK r-K r"K r-K v w w O' O w CXiOOINHiOO c ci x cr. ^ x t- 7i X (_3 Q_3 1_3 H-i L3 w C_3 O 03 cn O -t-2 X Z w ^ LO /“S W o HH H x Z x X - ZZxxZZZx^ZxZZxxxZZZ rj^ r ’I rjl fVI r —^ rai xZxZOxUZZZZxZZUZxx X X C!Cl©OOOOO> 0 i 0 i 0 fflOfflO(SNNN rArHr-^ClMClClOlOlOlClClNClClClCIM , Explanatory footnotes are given at the end of the table, page 21. Table 1 —Location and level data for borings located on Plate 1 — Continued. 14 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES O 3 Vi¬ co 5-1 3 £ o 4* 3 _ x • C X5 L- £ o $ & , W o x >> ,H M O /h ’"0 y j S ' ^ “ cj y o r>° « cn K CC o X 04 CO 45 lO rJ g to • to 45 4 10 • * 4- 45 C_| * * * • ^ < W\J o o £ £ 0 **o "3 00 0 X 04 Q) , 4 1 X “N iC 05 fcj 04 tQ -4-> -*—i tj r-H i-H 4" Tf 04 CO — -s* 04 04 LO ^ -4— ' 1 /■s K * l *l • • 55 ^r 1 *S rC C "3 4 (•O 0 X 4^',- _ CO^ 4 00, i—4 r—1 ct i-H O 04 0 O^ O 4— H-i 4 4- £Y0 CO 45 3 v ?i 4 1 4- X *». ■*** r-0 C^ n 0 • • rr> \C4 X w \ 2^ ^0 i-H • O • 45 04 • ^O 04 4 1 CO t0 V k *-« 1“H * — **—t lO 1C . 0 . lO iC *0 ■ LO CO CO LO LO LO r , ><. * • 0 A o "S £ 35 •3 T3 TT 03 0 **<) I- 05 O 04 04 r- X ct Ct W ^ 45 LO to 4—- 04 CO to uO CO 0 4 1 0\j ^0 CO y*) - — — > - — Q £ ,3 03 **o IQ r-H ^0 X CO X 04 — 03 04 4- t-h o 3J ot t- to .^s T— Ct X X 0 03 O 4-- 04 oi 04 04 04 04 30 04 04 04 X 04 CO 03 04 Q — j2 ■X3 > o -£ r-r-i >—H ■4 ■4 f- 4 r 1 r 4 4 4 4 r 4 T ^ Q r£] y • • • • • • • . • <*s — — /4 ■ 1 0\ <4 -4^ 1—H HH —- —H •-H HH _ ~ x to 4 1 X — • **0 4- 4 1 00 04 -v> r-H 10 O 04 04 X 04 rs*> LO LO t0 04 ^0 cn CO 04 i-H CO 04 4* 1 —^ ^ -4^. “ 4 |_0 30 4“ 4 4 1 45 45 4* 4 1 4 45 4 1 Th 45 4 1 4^ 4 03 ^00 lO 14 X — 04 CO 45 — 04 CO 4- LO ^H ( lO 4- f 0 Q 04 LO 04 45 05 -j- 4 >> 0 1 X 1 O 3 1 X X X 1 30 O f- CO X c o w — r-j Q h*1 02 c3 *—i o a r ■n — r- *< jr *, t-rH —■ — rb — v'H f ^ T-H *■ ^ W Jh w w mh HH MH w w 'w^ ^ ^ w w w w £ sec. 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GO 03 GO 00 if rH d CO CO d rH d rH rH rH rH rH rH rH d rH rH d rH rH rH rH rH rH o d CO 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 O-. 13 03 00 to CO 00 to GO d 00 00 CD to rH rH CD CD if d 00 CO o rH 03 CO d tO «o rH 00 If rf 03 GO if if if d d 00 if d d 03 CO CO if d o CO if d rH rH d d d CO CO CO CO CO CO CO d CO CO d d CO CO CO CO CO o d d d d d eh d hH EH CH EH eh eh ch EH eh H eh eh eh EH eh EH d EH EH hH d eh w ffi W d k ffi P-i Cl; d Ch Ph Pf PH d m Hh d d PH PH PLh M CH d d d Ph d rH 03 If 00 03 u- 00 if CO 00 CD GO 00 CO CO to if CO CD 00 L- d d CD 03 to d CO CD o CD CD o to to o o b- CO 03 i- to if d rH o 03 o CD 00 00 o d if CD o d d d 03 03 d 00 to tO If ©f to if if to to to if to If If if to to if if to to to to If If to if to H H M H N CO i—i i—i 05 ©A CO I - 3 Ol rH OI i-H Ol 1 —I d CO 1 ~I rH i—H CO --I if if CO GO H © M Cl M CO ©NiOMO®COCOOI^COHHCO(NffiHO)© T-ll-ldr-ldi-l003 d d'd d i-H go go O go go OOOOOOOOMOOOoOO cp cp M £ EH CH ^ ^ ^ 12 ; ^ CH ^ > pP & M £ go go £ £ £ go ci os d d d EH CH a £ CH CP L .— CH CH CP CH CH CH c if <5 & GO zn Zfl & GO & £ GO CO GO O d d CH CH CH CH CP CH CH pp CH CH GO m & m GO Z CO GO GO GO GO GO 00 CH go CH rvi _ r-Ti H M ^ H OhhC^CO^^O^iOOONNOOQOOJOJOJOh^ o *■0 ,o r3 . Explanatory footnotes are given at the end of the table, page 20. Table 1 —Location and level data for borings located on Plate I — Concluded. 20 STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF WILLIAMSON AND SALINE COUNTIES co W 30 O r*-. rv-. • • S tv; * CM 01 10 CM LO rf a A (• ^ •—• • 'V' AA -f ■A • o fe. < < c3 o OJ O 'O H a O-. CM T) I- 05 f o cc to l> 05 05 >0 CM o O -4_ T—^ T-^ Ol 6 <1 (<. < B •« ^5 k5 CM LO CO C LO LO po O C ^ ci GO F- IQ C5 CO AA AA ^ -4-s AA CO CO A^ ol Q r“\ < k_ < m m rO fj Ci CO CO c • • rv. • 3 LO CO • iO C3 —■h cS o <1> O w o-. ^ pc LO o 3 r— ■ft Ol X co '3 3S o I- X Cl ft CM s CM 6 -4-> W -4—) o CM CM CM — OI CM AA CM H •H-o W -sF o rf C5 rf ft LO X -A 3 I s * ft A^ T-H o> 4-> CM CM CM CM CM AA CM D o > o w a r_n ft rvi hH M ft rvi r—i a a r_n ft r_ri A-1 a o • w s r\ HH A a A ft A ft a >—H a a A ft A ft a o -^ l—J X *3 1C LO LO LO rf to LO LO a i**S c (M CM CM AA rf — CM AA ( rf) 00 ro . o 1^ CO X f- LO ft LO >> o CO CM LO CO LO LO LO O CO ft ft rH ci 1-1 i—I r —1 Oh rH H ci o O O WSJ CM CM CM o O o O C o c w o o (A a El £ £ x£x x£x £ a; X a rai rvi rai ra-i r-*-: ^ a —i ^ o a> X CC CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO si d Q« O >5 _ 5 b a -a> ci 2 otis.cS o S £ 5 £ h&Eos •la ou § >.o o §_ cf°§ 1 CO GQ ci 3 o' ou ,2.2^0 o £ rt ® u ^ C ' ci _ ? c3 X ci X i i-ru#j § a.2 cO E = Cr° GQ a © o tl C. ci C o «3 C OrN 5-30° 05 C o 50 O'O >3n® -5§? >P o« a 1 ' 2 ^ x 0, cc a.a rv^.S O p- £■ *o 3 S os ► *•< ci H E"<5Q © fc€ © *- a ci a t£ O 0* ^ ci o C ^ a c © a -a *— p2 © W ^ .2 § a £2 © 'i 5 © 0-3 a ^5 ci © . © ci ci c © C Q © r— ' *5 >> c.- c3-3 t-« C5 p Mg S 0-2 ,2 fto c3^ 5 C - -u - s ® c 6-i 0 2 O *£ o.2 w ~0 53 ci — C > 0.2 © ^ ■*" 5 "In © GQ © ~ ® .2 C“U -3 5P C5 -I -— u . o to I I „ CCOOOS r^. ^ ft © X O © O 3-0 _ ci o © -a -a CQ S.S 3 Cl c3 O 13 ■** fx O - o 3 o o ci •p- o © ci O CQ . *c ~ ci © 2 ’S O o © u >> ^ — ci g © •2 © o CQ © o o © © u % o ^ ^ —> CQ — pi o - 2* ^ © o 3 C 12 o - ■w « — A © O CQ 2 *° ci 3 © O or S « ci lO 05 o c o S -b> o o o « '5^ "H ■** 1 o t •g 1 sc 3 o o £ 13 5 p 13 w o M _ .5 § x ■— W i, « « T3 o "O O I 5 =* ^ o o ^ > © ^ 00 X REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2, PLATE I. 1 T. 8 S. LEGEND Scale In miles (J !/4 v 2 3 a JMw Shale Sandstone Shale and sandstone Black shale and coal Black shale Shale,sandstone,and coal Limestone *f[g Micaceous sandstone Shale and coal Siliceous shale Fusulina limestone diaili» Shale .limestone,and coal o 'X X •500 Diamond drill hole Churn drill hole Coal mine Quarry Surface contours 200 Contours on base of No. 5 coal 120——~ Interval between base of No.5 and base of No. 6 coals Fault. side indicates downthrow —-— Probable fault ■ X */- s i {f • s \ \ ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2, PLATE I. LEGEND Soils In inlln CSSS* Sl'Blo Sandstone Shulo and sandstono Ulnuk shalo and ooal Black ahala Shulo. sundstonu, and coal Llineatona rllTlP c:C'> Miouoooua sandstono Shalo and coal Slllooous shale I usullna llmostono .t i l I ' Shulo.limestone,ond coal • Diamond drill hole ° Churn drill hole V Coal mlno X Quarry -■ mni Surluoe oontours 200 * Contours on bo so of No 6 coal ItO——-* intorval bolwoun bata ol No.6 and buee ol No 0 coals sldo Proboblo luult REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2, PLATE NO. II 10 Elevation in feet 600 r 500 400 300 200 100 — Elevation in feat 600 r 500 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2, PLATE NO. II Elevation in foot 1 600 500 400 300 - 200 too Elevation In foot 1 600 500 400 300 200 - 100 A. Graphic section of strata encountered in a number of diamond drill borings in the area. Correlation limestones above No. 6 coal is indicated by broken lines 1, 2 and 3, as designated. B *■"* \ __ y Thickness of No. 5 Coal In inches / _ y Thickness of No. 6 Coal In inches Interval between base of No 5 and base of No 6 Coals 1° le«t y — Tnickness in excess of figure ( — Thickness less than frgure Index map upon which the thicknesses of and intervals between Nos. 5 and 6 coals are indicated. Elevatlen in feet 600 r 500 400 300 200 100 - Elevation In feet 600 r 500 400 300 200 “ 100 and numbers jrf 7 ' 7 ? Gr-T- - 1 REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2. PLATE NO. Ill R. 5 E. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS NO. 2. PLATE NO. III. ® Drill holes of Peabody Coal Co. O Drill boles of Saline Co. Coal Co. B Cham drill holes O Diamoud drill holes drilled since 1910 Copy of field map of Guarantee Trust Company showing location of borings of Peabody Coal Company and Saline County Coal Company drilled before 1910 and location of hole* drilled since l^H). N 'JJ .' dicated by arrows pointing to the symbols representing revised locations. The numbers accompanying the symbols refer to company numbers \v 11 c are iste in locations of some borings are in- jr>5 773 C- r ~ 2 - e- * ? ‘ ' h- r i >.* - . W' at • : EL.-, g& . - »„ " ‘ , v- - •> - > • •- • . M&V-- ^ - • * * j ! ^^^■aoir ?» T - , > • l y* V . - * •; ;. ■ . , - •;, • a I - V r * -«‘. , > r, ; ;> , -.. , ‘