"LIB R.AR.Y OF THE U N IVE.R.SITY OF ILLINOIS $17.381 7838 IIUNOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY RECORD i^lr OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies of all the lovernors nhe Itate, and f ie Iresidents OF= THE UNITED STMTES. LAKE CITY PUBLISHING CO. CHICAGO: 1893 97 T. }HE greatest of English historians, MACAULAY, and one of the most brilliant writers ot the present century, has said : "The history of a country is best told in a record of the lives of its people." In conformity with this idea the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD i0 f ^is county has been prepared. Instead of going to musty records, and taking therefrom dry statistical matter that can be appreciated by but few, oui corps of writers have gone to the people, the men and women who have, by theii enterprise and industry, brought the county to rank second to none among those comprising this great and noble State, and from their lips have the story of their life struggles. No more interesting or instructive matter could be presented to an intelli- gent public. In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, and records how that success has usually crowned their efforts. It tells also of many, very many, who, not seeking the applause of the world, have pursued "the even tenor of their way," content to have it said of them as Christ said of the woman performing a deed of mercy "they have done what they could." It tells how that many in the pride and strength of young manhood left the plow and the anvil, the lawyer's office and the counting-room, left every trade and profession, and at their country's call went forth valiantly "to do or die," and how through their efforts the Union was restored and peace once more reigned in the land. In the life of every man and of every woman is a lesson that should not be lost upon those who follow after. Coming generations will appreciate this volume and preserve it as a sacred treasure, from the fact that it contains so much that would never find its way into public records, and which would otherwise be inaccessible. Great care has been taken in the compilation of the work and every opportunity possible given to those represented to insure correctness in what has been written, and the publishers flatter them- selves that they give to their readers a work with few errors of consequence. In addition to the biograph ical sketches, portraits of a number of representative citizens are given. The faces of some, and biographical sketches of many, will be missed in this volume. For this the publishers are not to blame. Not having a proper conception of the work, some refused to give the information necessary to compile a sketch, while others were indifferent. Occasionally some member of the family would oppose the enterprise, and on account of such opposition the support of the interested one would be withheld. In a few instances men could never be found, though repeated calls were made at their residence or place of business. November, 1893. LAKE CITY PUBLISHING Co. 775679 GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS, AND OF THE ft* Llbrirj of th I IMi FfJtST PRESIDENT. HE Father of our Country was born in Westmorland Co., Va., Feb. 22, 1732. His parents were Augustine and Mary (Ball) Washington. The family to which he belonged has not been satisfactorily traced in England. His great-grand- father, John Washington, em- igrated to Virginia about 1657, and became a prosperous planter. He had two sons, Lawrence and John. The former married Mildred Warner and had three children, John, Augustine and Mildred. Augus- tine, the father of George, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, two of whom, Lawrence and Augustine, reached maturity. Of six children by his second marriage, George was the eldest, the others being Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles and Mildred. Augustine Washington, the father of George, died in 1743, leaving a large landed property. To his eldest son, Lawrence, he bequeathed an estate on the Patomac, afterwards known as Mount Vernon, and to George he left the parental residence. George received only such education as the neighborhood schools afforded, save for a short time after he left school, when he received private instruction in mathematics. His spelling was rather defective Remarkable stories are told of his great physica strength and development at an early age. He was an acknowledged leader among his companions, and was early noted for that nobleness of character, fair- ness and veracity which characterized his whole life. When George was 1 4 years old he had a desire to go to sea, and a midshipman's warrant was secured for him, but through the opposition of his mother the idea was abandoned. Two years later he was appointed surveyor to the immense estate of Lord Fairfax. In this business he spent three years in a rough frontier life, gaining experience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 1751, though only 19 years of age, he was appointed adjutant with the rank of major in the Virginia militia, then being trained for active service against the French and Indians. Soon after this he sailed to the West Indies with his brother Lawrence, who went there to restore his health. They soon returned, and in the summer of 1752 Lawrence died, leaving a large fortune to an infant daughter who did not long survive him. On her demise the estate of Mount Vernon was given to George. Upon the arrival of Robert Dinwiddie, as Lieutcn- ant-Governor of Virginia, in 1752, the militia was reorganized, and the province divided into four mili- tary districts, of which the northern was assigned to Washington as adjutant general. Shortly after this a very perilous mission was assigned him and ac- cepted, which others had refused. This was to pro- ceed to the French post near Lake Erie in North- western Pennsylvania. The distance to be traversed was between 500 and 600 miles. Winter was at hand, and the journey was to be made without military escort, through a territory occupied by Indians. The GEORGE WASHINGTON. trip was a perilous one, and several times he came near losing his life, yet he returned in safety and furnished a full and useful report of his expedition. A regiment of 300 men was raised in Virginia and put in com- mand of Col. Joshua Fry, and Major Washington was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Active war was then begun against the French and Indians, in which Washington took a most important part. In the memorable event of July 9, 1755, known as Brad- dock's defeat, Washington was almost the only officer of distinction who escaped from the calamities of the day with life and honor. The other aids of Braddock vere disabled early in the action, and Washington alone was left in that capacity on the field. In a letter to his brother he says : " I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet I escaped unhurt, though death was leveling; my companions on every side." An Indian sharpshooter said he was not born to be killed by a bullet, for he had taken direct aim at him seventeen times, and failed to hit him. After having been five years in the military service, and vainly sought promotion in the royal army, he took advantage of the fall of Fort Duquesne and the expulsion of the French from the valley of the Ohio, to resign his commission. Soon after he entered the Legislature, where, although not a leader, he took an active and important part. January 17, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Custis, the wealthy widow of John Parke Custis. When the British Parliament had closed the port of Boston, the cry went up throughout the provinces that "The cause of Boston is the cause of us all." It was then, at the suggestion of Virginia, that a Con- gress of all the colonies was called to meet at Phila- delphia,Sept. 5, 1774, to secure their common liberties, peaceably if possible. To this Congress Col. Wash- ington was sent as a delegate. On May 10, 1775, the Congress re-assembled, when the hostile intentions of England were plainly apparent. The battles of Con- cord and Lexington had been fought. Among the first acts of this Congress was the election of a com- mander-in-chief of the colonial forces. This high and responsible office was conferred upon Washington, who was still a member of the Congress. He accepted it on June 19, but upon the express condition that he receive no salary. He would keep an exact account of expenses and expect Congress to pay them and nothing more. It is not the object of this sketch to trace the military acts of Washington, to whom the fortunes and liberties of the people of this country were so long confided. The war was conducted by him under every possible disadvantage, and while his forces often met with reverses, yet he overcame every obstacle, and after seven years of heroic devotion and matchless skill he gained liberty for the greatest nation of earth. On Dec. 23, 1783, Washington, in a parting address of surpassing beauty, resigned his commission as Commander-in-chief of the army t< to the Continental Congress sitting at Annapolis. Hi retired immediately to Mount Vernon and resumec his occupation as a farmer and planter, shunning all connection with public life. In February,i789, Washington was unanimously elected President. In his presidential career he wa: subject to the peculiar trials incidental to a new government ; trials from lack of confidence on the pan of other governments ; trials from want of harmonj between the different sections of our own country trials from the impoverished condition of the country owing to the war and want of credit; trials from the beginnings of party strife. He was no partisan. Hi; clear judgment could discern the golden mean ; anc while perhaps this alone kept our government front sinking at the very outset, it left him exposed tc attacks from both sides, which were often bitter anc very annoying. At the expiration of his first term he was unani mously re-elected. At the end of this term mani were anxious that he be re-elected, but he absolute!) refused a third nomination. On the fourth of March 1797, at the expiraton of his second term as Presi- dent, he returned to his home, hoping to pass then his few remaining years free from the annoyances o public life. Later in the year, however, his repos( seemed likely to be interrupted by war with France At the prospect of such a war he was again urged t( take command of the armies. He chose his sub. ordinate officers and left to them the charge of mat ters in the field, which he superintended from hi; home. In accepting the command he made tht reservation that he was not to be in the* field unti it was necessary. In the midst of these preparation; his life was suddenly cut off. December 1 2, he tool a severe cold from a ride in the rain, which, settling in his throat, produced inflammation, and terminatec fatally on the night of the fourteenth. On the eigh- teenth his body was borne with military honors to it; final resting place, and interred in the family vault at Mount Vernon. Of the character of Washington it is impossible tc speak but in terms of the highest respect and ad- miration. The more we see of the operations o; our government, and the more deeply we feel the difficulty of uniting all opinions in a common interest the more highly we must estimate the force of his tal- ent and character, which have be*n able to challenge the reverence of all parties, and principles, and na- tions, and to win a fame as extended as the limits of the globe, and which we cannot but believe will be as lasting as the existence of man. The person of Washington was unusally tan, erect and well proportioned. His muscular strength was great. His features were of a beautiful symmetry, He commanded respect without any appearance o) haughtiness, and ever serious without V>*ingr dull. DM library f tk Wi SECON'D 'PRESIDENT. OHN ADAMS, the second President and the first Vice- President of the United States, was born in Braintree ( now Quincy ),Mass., and about ten miles from Boston, Oct. 19, 1735. His great-grandfather, Henry Adams, emigrated from England about 1640, with a family of eight J> sons, and settled at Braintree. The parents of John were John and Susannah (Boylston) Adams. His father was a farmer of limited means, to which he added the bus- iness of shoemaking. He gave his eldest son, John, a classical educa- tion at Harvard College. John graduated in 1755, and at once took charge of the school in Worcester, Mass. This he found but a ''school of affliction," from which he endeavored to gain relief by devoting himself, in addition, to the study of law. For this purpose he placed himself under the tuition of the only lawyer in the town. He had thought seriously of the clerical profession but seems to have been turned from this by what he termed " the frightful engines of ecclesiastical coun- jils, of diabolical malice, and Calvanistic good nature,'" of the operations of which he had been a witness in his native town. He was well fitted for the legal profession, possessing a clear, sonorous voice, being ready and fluent of speech, and having quick percep- tive powers. He gradually gained practice, and in 1764 married Abigail Smith, a daughter of a minister, and a lady of superior intelligence. Shortly after his marriage, (1765), the attempt of Parliamentary taxa- tion turned him from law to politics. He took initial steps toward huldir. B a town meeting, and the resolu- tions he offered on the subject became very populai throughout the Province, and were adopted word for word by over forty different towns. He moved to Bos ton in 1768, and became one of the most courageous and prominent advocates of the popular cause, and was chosen a member of the General Court (the Leg- lislature) in 1770. Mr. Adams was chosen one of the first delegates from Massachusetts to the first Continental Congre&s, which met in 1774. Here he distinguished himsell by his capacity for business and for debate, and ad- vocated the movement for independence against tb majority of the members. In May, 1776, he moved and carried a resolution in Congress that the Colonies should assume the duties of self-government. H$ was a prominent member of the committee of vive appointed June n, to prepare a declaration of inde- pendence. This article was drawn by Jefferson, but on Adams devolved the task of battling it through Congress in a three days debate. On the day after the Declaration of Independence was passed, while his soul was yet warm with ths glow of excited feeling, he wrote a. letter to his wife which, as we read it now, seems to have been dictated by the spirit of prophecy. "Yesterday," he says, "the greatest question was decided that ever was debated in America; and greater, perhaps, never was or wil be decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, ' that these United States are, and of right ought to be, free and inde- pendent states.' The day is passed. The fourth of July, 1776, will be a memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be solemnized with pomp, shows JOHN ADAMS. games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward for ever. You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, and blood and treasure, that it will cost to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States; yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; and that posterity will triumph, although you and I may rue, which I hope we shall not." In November, 1777, Mr. Adams was appointed a delegate to France^ and to co-operate with Bemjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, who were then in Paris, in the endeavor to obtain assistance in arms and money from the French Government. This was a severe trial to his patriotism, as it separated him from his home, compelled him to cross the ocean in winter, and ex- posed him to great peril of capture by the British cruis- ers, who were seeking him. He left France June 17, 1779. In September of the same year he was again cliosen to go to Paris, and there hold himself in readi- ness to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britian, as soon as the British Cabinet might be found willing to listen to such proposels. He sailed for France in November, from there he went to Holland, where he negotiated important loans and formed important commercial treaties. Finally a treaty of peace with England was signed Jan. 21, 1783. The re-action from the excitement, toil and anxiety through which Mr. Adams had passed threw him into a fever. After suffering from a con- tinued fever and becoming feeble and emaciated he was advised to goto England to drink the waters of Bath. While in England, still drooping and despond- ing, he received dispatches from his own government urging the necessity of his going to Amsterdam to negotiate another loan. It was winter, his health was delicate, yet he immediately set out, and through storm, on sea, on horseback and foot,he made the trip. February 24, 1785, Congress appointed Mr. Adams envoy to the Court of St. James. Here he met face to face the King of England, who had so long re- garded him as a traitor. As England did not condescend to appoint a minister to the United States, and as Mr. Adams felt that he was accom- plishing but little, he sought permission to return to his own country, where he arrived in June, 1788. When Washington was first chosen President, John Adams, rendered illustiious by his signal services at home and abroad, was chosen Vice President. Again at the second election of Washington as President, Adams was chosen Vice President. In 1796, Wash- ington retired from public life, and Mr. Adams was elected President,though not without much opposition. Serving in this office four years,he was succeeded by Mr. Jefferson, his opponent in politics. Wh\\e Mr. Adams was Vice President the great French Revolution shook the continent of Europ and it was upon this point which he was at issue wit the majority of his countrymen led by Mr. Jeffersoi Mr. Adams felt no sympathy with the French peopl in their struggle, for he had no confidence in the power of self-government, and he utterly abhored th class of atheist philosophers who he claimed caused i On the other hand Jefferson's sympathies were strongl enlisted in behalf of the French people. Hence o iginated the alienation between "these distinguishe men, and two powerful parties were thus soon orgar ized, Adams at the head of the one whose sympathi were with England and Jefferson led the other i sympathy with France. The world has seldom seen a spectacle of moi moral beauty and grandeur, than was presented by th old age of Mr. Adams. The violence of party feelin had died away, and he had begun to receive that jui appreciation which, to most men, is not accorded ti after death. No one could look upon his venerabl form, and think of what he had done and sufferec and how he had given up all the prime and stren^t of his life to the public good, without the deepe; emotion of gratitude and respect. It was his peculij good fortune to witness the complete success of th institution which he had been so active in creating an supporting. In r824, his cup of happiness was fille to the brim, by seeing his son elevated to the highe; station in the gift of the people. The fourth of July, 1826, which completed the ha century since the signing of the Declaration of Ind< pendence, arrived, and there were but three of tb signers of that immortal instrument left upon th earth to hail its morning light. And, as it i well known, on that day two of these finished the earthly pilgrimage, a coincidence so remarkable a to seem miraculous. For a few days before M Adams had been rapidly failing, and on the mornin of the fourth he found himself too weak to rise froi his bed. On being requested to name a toast for th customary celebration of the day, he exclaimed " Ii> DEPENDENCE FOREVER." When the day was ushere in, by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannon he was asked by one of his attendants if he kne' what day it was? He replied, "O yes; it is the glo: ions fourth of July God bless it God bless you all In the course of the day he said, "It is a great an glorious day." The last words he uttered wer "Jefferson survives." But he had, at one o'clock, r< signed his spirit into the hands of his God. The personal appearance and manners of M Adams were not particularly prepossessing. Hisfaci as his portrait manifests,was intellectual ard exprei sive, but his figure was low and ungraceful, and h> manners were frequently abrupt and uncourteou! He had neither the lofty dignity of Washington, nc the engaging elegance and gracefulness which marke the manners and address of Jefferson. the THIRD PRESIDENT. 1P1I DMAS JEFFE IRS OK HOMAS JEFFERSON was born April 2, 1743, at Shad- well, Albermarle county, Va. His parents were Peter and Jane ( Randolph) Jefferson, the former a native of Wales, and the latter born in Lon- don. To them were born six daughters and two sons, of whom Thomas was the elder. When 14 years of age his father died. He received a most liberal education, hav- ing been kept diligently at school from the time he was five years of age. In 1760 he entered William end Mary College. Williamsburg was then the seat of the Colonial Court, and it was the obode of fashion and splendor. Young Jefferson, who was then 17 years old, lived somewhat expensively, keeping fine horses, and much caressed by gay society, yet he was earnestly devoted to his studies, and irreproacha- able in his morals. It is strange, however, under such influences,that he was not ruined. In the sec- ond year of his college course, moved by some un- explained inward impulse, he discarded his horses, society, and even his favorite violin, to which he had previously given much time. He often devoted fifteen hours a day to hard study, allowing himself for ex- ercise only a run in the evening twilight of a mile out of the city and back again. He thus attained very high intellectual culture, alike excellence in philoso- phy and the languages. The most difficult Latin and Greek authors he read with facility. A more finished scholar has seldom gone forth from college halls ; and there was not to be found, perhaps, in all Virginia, a more pureminded, upright, gentlemanly young man. Immediately upon leaving college he began the study of law. For the short time he continued in the practice of his profession he rose rapidly and distin- guished himself by his energy and accuteness as a lawyer. But the times called for greater action. The policy of England had awakened the spirit of resistance of the American Colonies, and the enlarged views which Jefferson had ever entertained, soon led him into active political life. In 1769 he was chosen a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. In, 1772 he married Mrs. Martha Skelton, a very beauti- ful, wealthy and highly accomplished young widow Upon Mr. Jefferson's large estate at Shad well, there was a majestic swell of land, called Monticello, which commanded a prospect of wonderful extent and beauty. This spot Mr. Jefferson selected lor his new home; and here he reared a mansion of modest yet elegant architecture, which, next to Mount Vernon became the most distinguished resort in our land. In 1775 he was sent to the Colonial Congress, where, though a silent member, his abilities as a writer and a reasoner soon become known, and he was placed upon a number of important committees, and was chairman of the one appointed for the draw- ing up of a declaration of independence. This com- mittee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. Jefferson, as chairman, was appointed to draw up the paper. Franklin and Adams suggested a few verbal changes before it was submitted to Con- gress. On June 28, a few slight changes were made in it by Congress, and it was passed and signed July 4, 1776. What must have been the feelings of that 28 THOMAS JEFFERSON. man what the emotions that swelled his breast Who was charged with the preparation of that Dec- laration, which, while it made known the wrongs of America, was also to publish her to the world, free, Boverign and independent. It is one of the most re- markable papers ever written ; and did no other effort of the mind of its author exist, that alone would be sufficient to stamp his name with immortality. In 1779 Mr. Jefferson was elected successor to Patrick Henry, as Governor of Virginia. At one time the British officer, Tarleton, sent a secret expedition to Moniicello, to capture the Governor. Scarcely five minutes elapsed after the hurried escape of Mr. Jef- ferson and his family, ere his mansion was in posses- sion of the British troops. His wife's health, never very good, was much injured by this excitement, and in the summer of 1782 she died. Mr. Jefferson was elected to Congress in 1783. Two yeirs later he was appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France. Returning to the United States in September, 1789, he became Secretary of State in Washington's cabinet. This position he resigned Jan. i, 1794. In 1797, he was chosen Vice Presi- dent, and four years later was elected President over Mr. Adams, with Aaron Burr as Vice President. In 1804 he was re-elected with wonderful unanimity, and George Clinton, Vice President. The early part of Mr. Jefferson's second adminstra- tion was disturbed by an event which threatened the tranquility and peace of the Union; this was the con- spiracy of Aaron Burr. Defeated in the late election to the Vice Presidency, and led on by an unprincipled ambition, this extraordinary man formed the plan of a military expedition into the Spanish territories on our southwestern frontier, for the purpose of forming there a new republic. This has been generally supposed was a mere pretext ; and although it has not been generally known what his real plans were, there is no doubt that they were of a far more dangerous character. In 1809, at the expiration of the second term for which Mr. Jefferson had been elected, he determined to retire from political life. For a period of nearly forty years, he had been continually before the pub- lic, and all that time had been employed in offices of the greatest trust and responsibility. Having thus de- voted the best part of his life to the service of his country, he now felt desirous of that rest which his declining years required, and upon the organization of the new administration, in March, r8og, he bid fare- well forever to public life, and retired to Monticello. Mr. Jefferson was profuse in his hospitality. Whole families came in their coaches with their horses, fathers and mothers, boys and girls, babies and nurses, and remained three and even six months. Life at Monticello, for years, resembled that at a fashionable watering-place. The fourth of July, 1826, being the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Declaration of American Independenc great preparations were made in every part of tl Union for its celebration, as the nation's jubilee, ar the citizens of Washington, to add to the solemni of the occasion, invited Mr. Jefferson, as the frame and one of the few surviving signers of the Declar; tion, to participate in their festivities. But an il ness, which had been of several weeks duration, ar had been continually increasing, compelled him decline the invitation. On the second of July, the disease under whic he was laboring left him, but in such a reduce state that his medical attendants, entertained r hope of his recovery. From this time he was perfect! sensible that his last hour was at hand. On the ne; day, which was Monday, he asked of those aroun him, the day of the month, and on being told it w the third of July, he expresied the earnest wish th; he might be permitted to breathe the airof the fiftiet anniversary. His prayer was heard that day, whos dawn was hailed with such rapture through our lam burst upon his eyes, and then they were closed fo ever. And what a noble consummation of a nobl life! To die on that day, the birthday of a nation,- the day which his own name and his own act ha rendered glorious; to die amidst the rejoicings an festivities of a whole nation, who looked up to hin as the author, under God, of their greatest blessing was all that was wanting to fill up the record his lifi Almost at the same hour of his death, the kir dred spirit of the venerable Adams, as if to be; him company, left the scene of his earthly honor: Hand in hand they had stood forth, the champions ( freedom; hand in hand, during the dark and despei ate struggle of the Revolution, they had cheered an animated their desponding countrymen; for half century they had labored together for the good c the country; and now hand in hand they depar In their lives they had been united in the same gres cause of liberty, and in their deaths they were nc divided. In person Mr. Jefferson was tall and thin, rathe above six feet in height, but well formed; his eye were light, his hair originally red, in after life becam white and silvery; his complexion was fair, his fore head broad, and his whole countenance intelligent an thoughtful. He possessed great fortitude of mind a well as personal courage ; and r.:s command of tem per was such that his oldest and most intimate friend never recollected to have seen him in a passior His manners, though dignified, were simple and un affected, and his hospitality was so unbounded tha all found at his house a ready welcome. In convei sation he was fluent, eloquent and enthusiastic ; an his language was remarkably pure and correct. H was a finished classical scholar, and in his writings i discernable the care with which he formed his styl upon the best models of antiquity. if the of I FOURTH PRESIDENT. AMES MADISON, "Father of the Constitution," and fourth President of the United States, was born March 16, 1757, and died .at his home in Virginia, June 28, 1836. The name of James Madison is inseparably con- nected with most of the important events in that heroic period of our country during which the founda- tions of this great republic were laid. He was the last of the founders of the Constitution of the United States to be called to his eternal reward. The Madison family were among the early emigrants to the New World, landing upon the shores of the Chesa- peake but 15 years after the settle- ment of Jamestown. The father of James Madison was an opulent planter, residing upon a very fine es- tate called "Montpelier," Orange Co., Va. The mansion was situated in (i&jffl the midst of scenery highly pictur- esque and romantic, on the west side of South-west Mountain, at the foot of Blue Ridge. It was but 25 miles from the home of Jefferson at Monticello. The closest personal and political attachment existed between these illustrious men, from their early youth until death. The early education of Mr. Madison was conducted mostly at home under a private tutor. At the age of 18 he was sent to Princeton College, in New Jersey. Here he applied himself to study with the most im- prudent zeal ; allowing himself, for months, but three hours' sleep out of the 24. His health thus became so seriously impaired that he never recovered any vigor of constitution. He graduated in 1771, with a feeble body, with a character of utmost purity, and with a mind highly disciplined and richly stored with learning which embellished and gave proficiency to his subsf - quent career. Returning to Virginia, he commenced the study of law and a course of extensive and systematic reading. This educational course, the spirit of the times in which he lived, and the society with which he asso- ciated, all combined to inspire him with a strong love of liberty, and to train him for his life-work ot a statesman. Being naturally of a religious turn of mind, and his frail health leading him to think that his life was not to be long, he directed especial atten- tion to theological studies. Endowed with a mind singularly free from passion and prejudice, and with almost unequalled powers of reasoning, he weighed all the arguments for and against revealed religion, until his faith became so established as never to be shaken. In the spring of 1776, when 26 years of age, he was elected a member of the Virginia Convention, to frame the constitution of the State. The next year (r777), he was a candidate for the General Assembly. He refused to treat the whisky-loving voters, and consequently lost his election ; but those who had witnessed the talent, energy and public spirit of the modest young man, enlisted themselves in his behalf, and he was appointed to the Executive Council. Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson were Governors of Virginia while Mr. Madison remained member of the Council ; and their appreciation of his JAMES MADISON. intellectual, social and moral worth, contributed not a little to his subsequent eminence. In the year 1780, he was elected a member of the Continental Congress. Here he met the most illustrious men in our land, and he was immediately assigned to one of the most conspicuous positions among them. For three years Mr. Madison continued in Con- gress, one of its most active and influential members. In the year 1784, his term having expired, he was elected a member of the Virginia Legislature. No man felt more deeply than Mr. Madison the utter inefficiency of the old confederacy, with no na- tional government, with no power to form treaties which would be binding, or to enforce law. There was not any State more prominent than Virginia in the declaration, that an efficient national government must be formed. In January, 1786, Mr. Madison carried a resolution through the General Assembly of Virginia, inviting the other States to appoint commis- sioners to meet in convention at Annapolis to discuss this subject. Five States only were represented. The convention, however, issued another call, drawn up by Mr. Madison, urging all the States to send their delegates to Philadelphia, in May, 1787, to draft a Constitution for the United States, to take the place of that Confederate League. The delegates met at the time appointed. Every State but Rhode Island <*as represented. George Washington was chosen president of the convention ; and the present Consti- tution of the United States was then and there formed. There was, perhaps, no mind and no pen more ac- tive in framing this immortal document than the mind and the pen of James Madison. The Constitution, adopted by a vote 81 to 79, was to be presented to the several 'States for acceptance. But grave solicitude was felt. Should it be rejected we should be left but a conglomeration of independent States, with but little power at home and little respect abroad, Mr. Madison was selected by the conven- tion to draw up an address to the people of the United States, expounding the principles of the Constitution, and urging its adoption. There was great opposition to it at first, but it at length triumphed over all, and went into effect in 1789. Mr. Madison was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in the first Congress, and soon became the avowed leader of the Republican party. While in New York attending Congress, he met Mrs. Todd, a young widow of remarkable power of fascination, whom he married. She was in person and character queenly, and probably no lady has thus far occupied so prominent a position in the very peculiar society which has constituted our republican court as Mrs. Madison. Mr. Madison served as Secretary of State under Jefferson, and at the close of his administration was chosen President. At this time tbe encroach- ments of England had brought us to the verge of war. British orders in council destioyed our commerce, and our flag was exposed to constant insult. Mr. Madison was a man of peace. Scholarly in his taste, retiring in his disposition, war had no charms for him. But the meekest spirit can be roused. It makes one's blood boil, even now, to think of an American ship brought to, upon the ocean, by the guns of an English cruiser. A young lieutenant steps on board and orders the crew to be paraded before him. With great nonchal- ance he selects any number whom he may please to designate as British subjects ; orders them down the ship's side into his boat ; and places them on the gun- deck of his man-of-war, to fight, by compulsion, the battles of England. This right of search and im- pressment, no efforts of our Government could induce the British cabinet to relinquish. On the 1 8th of June, 1812, President Madison gave his approval to an act of Congress declaring war against Great Britain. Notwithstanding the bitter hostility of the Federal party to the war, the country in general approved; and Mr. Madison, on the 4th of March, igi3> w as re-elected by a large majority, and entered upon his second term of office. This is not the place to describe the various adventures of this war on the land and on the water. Our infan'. navy then laid the foundations of its renown in grap- pling with the most formidable power which ever swept the seas. The contest commenced in earnest by the appearance of a British fleet, early in February, 1813, in'Chesapeake Bay, declaring nearly the whole coast of the United States under blockade. The Emperor of Russia offered his services as me ditator. America accepted ; England refused. A Brit- ish force of five thousand men landed on the banks of the Patuxet River, near its entrance into Chesa- peake Bay, and marched rapidly, by way of Bladens- burg, upon Washington. The straggling little city of Washington was thrown into consternation. The cannon of the brief conflict at Bladensburg echoed through the streets of the metropolis. The whole population fled from the city. The President, leaving Mrs. Madison in the White House, with her carriage drawn up at the doer to await his speedy return, hurried to meet the officers in a council of war. He met our troops utterly routed, and he could not go back without danger of being captured. But few hours elapsed ere the Presidential Mansion, the Capitol, and all the public buildings in Washington were in flames. The war closed after two years of fighting, and on Feb. 13, 1815, the treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. On the 4th of March, 1817, his second term of office expired, and he resigned the Presidential chair to his friend, James Monroe. He retired to his beau- tiful home at Montpelier, and there passed the re- mainder of his days. On June 28, 1836, then at the age of 85 years, he fell asleep in death. Mrs. Madi- son died July 12, 1849. of (lib*. '* s 'FIFTH PRESIDENT. AMES MONROE, the fifth Presidentof The United States, was born in Westmoreland Co., Va., April 28, 1758. His early life was passed at the place of nativity. His ancestors had for many years resided in the prov- ince in which he was born. When, at 17 years of age, in the process of completing his education at William and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate upon the un- just and manifold oppressions of Great Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of that celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among the patriots. He joined the army when everything looked hope- less and gloomy. The number of deserters increased from day to day. The invading armies came pouring in ; and the lories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- tending with an enemy whom they had been taught to deem invincible. To such brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, the United States owe their pclitical emancipation. The young cadet joined the ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, with a firm determination to live o. lie with her strife for liberty. Firmly yet sadly he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heights and White Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fled before its foes through New Jersey. In four months after the Declaration of Independence, the patriots had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle of Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of charg- ing upon the enemy he received a wound in the left shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was pro-| moted a captain of infantry ; and, having recovered, from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, however, receded from the line of promotion, by becoming an officer in the staff of Lord Sterling. During the cam- paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brandy wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continued aid-de-camp ; but becoming desirous to regain his position in the army, he exerted himself to collect a regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme failed owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upon this failure he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, at that period Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, however, entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. In 1782, he was elected from King George county, a member of the Legislature of Virginia, and by thai body he was elevated to a seat in the Executive Council. He was thus honored with the confidence of his fellow citizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, which were afterwards employed with unremitting energy for the public good, JAMES MONROE. he was in the succeeding year chosen a member of the Congress of the United States. Deeplyas Mr. Monroe felt the imperfections of the old Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, ihinking, with many others of the Republican party, that it gave too much power to the Central Government, and not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, and who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its adoption. In 1789, he became a member of the United States Senate ; which office he held for four years. Every month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the Federal and the Republican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a strict construction of the Constitution as to give the Central Government as little power, and the State Governments as much power, as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists sympathized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much power to the Central Government as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more Jure patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and ames Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to eclipse all Grecian and Assyrian greatness,Jthe com- bination of their antagonism was needed to create the tight equilibrium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples of the French Revolution. All Europe was drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality be- tween these contending powers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberties. All the despotisms of Europe were now combined to prevent the French from escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured. Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than prudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in magnanimity. Washington, who could appreciate such a character, developed his calm, serene, almost divine greatness, by appointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the policy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention in France with the most enthusiastic demonstB^tions. Shortly after his return to this country, Mr. Mon roe was elected Governor of Virginia, and held th office for three years. He was again sent to France t co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtainin the vast territory then known as the Province c Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob tained from Spain. Their united efforts were sue cessful. For the comparatively small sum of fifteei millions of dollars, the entire territory of Orleans an< district of Louisiana were added to the United States This was probably the largest transfer of real estat which was ever made in all the history of the world From France Mr. Monroe went to England to ob tain from that country some recognition of ou rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate afiinst thos odious impressments of our seamen. But Eng land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng land on the same mission, but could receive n< redress. He returned to his home and was agaii chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resignet to accept the position of Secretary of State unde Madison. While in this office war with England wa declared, the Secretary of War resigned, and durin] these trying times, the duties of the War Departmen were also put upon him. He was truly the armor bearer of President Madison, and the most efficien business man in his cabinet. Upon the return o peace he resigned the Department of War, but con tinned in the office of Secretary of State until the ex piration of Mr. Madison's adminstration. At the elec tion held the previous autumn Mr. Monroe himself hac been chosen President with but little opposition, anc upon March 4, 1817, was inaugurated. Four year later he was elected for a second term. Among the important measures of his Presidenc] were the cession of Florida to the United States ; th< Missouri Compromise, and the " Monroe doctrine.' This famous doctrine, since known as the " Monro< doctrine," was enunciated by him in 1823. At tha' time the United States had recognized the independ ence of the South American states, and did not wisl to have European powers longer attempting to sub due portions of the American Continent. The doctrim is as follows : " That we should consider any attempl on the part of European powers to extend their sys- tem to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety," and "that we could noi view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation by European powers of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." This doctrine immediately affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the approved sentiment of the United States. At the end of his second term Mr. Monroe retired to his home in Virginia, where he lived until 1830. when he went to New York to live with his son-in- law. In that city he died,on the 4th of July. 1831, SIXTH PRESIDRNT. OHN QUINCY ADAMS, the sixth President of the United States, was born in the rural home of his honored father, John Adams, in Quincy, Mass., on the nth cf July, 1767. His mother, a woman of exalted worth, watched over his childhood during the almost constant ab- sence of his father. When but eight years of age, he stood with his mother on an eminence, listen- ing to the booming of the great bat- tle on Bunker's Hill, and gazing on upon the smoke and flames billow- ing up from the conflagration of Charlestown. When but eleven years old he took a tearful adieu of his mother, to sail with his father for Europe, through a fleet ot hostile British cruisers. The bright, animated boy spent a year and a half in Paris, where his father was associated with Franklin and Lee as minister plenipotentiary. His intelligence attracted the notice of these distinguished men, and he received from them flattering marks of attention. Mr. John Adams had scarcely returned to this country, in 1779, ere he was again sent abroad. Again Tohn Quincy accompanied his father. At Paris he applied himself with great diligence, for six months, to :,tudy; then accompained his father to Holland, where he entered, first a school in Amsterdam, then the University at Leyden. About a year from this time, in 1781, when the manly boy was but fourteen yea-s of age, he was selected by Mr. Dana, our min- ister to the Russian court, as his private secretary. In this school of incessant labor and of enobling culture he spent fourteen months, and then returned to Holland through Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg and Bremen. This long journey he took alone, in the winter, when in his sixteenth year. Again he resumed MS studies, under a pri"*te tutor, at Hague. Thence, in the spring of 1782, he accompanied his father t; Paris, traveling leisurely, and forming acquaintance with the most distinguished men on the Continent examining architectural remains, galleries of j aintings and all renowned works of art. At Paris he again became associated with the most illustrious men ol all lands in the contemplations of the loftiest temporal themes which can engross the human mind. After a short visit to England he returned to Paris, and consecrated all his energies to study until May, 1785, when he returned to America. To a brilliant young man of eighteen, who had seen much of the world, and who was familiar with the etiquette of courts, a residence with his father in London, under such cir- cumstances, must have been extremely attractive but with judgment very rare in one of his age, he pre- ferred to return to America to complete his education in an American college. He wished then to study law, that with an honorable profession, he might be able to obtain an independent support. Upon leaving Harvard College, at the age of twenty, he studied law for three years. In June, 1794, be- ing then but twenty-seven years of age, he was ap- pointed by Washington, resident minister at the Netherlands. Sailing from Boston in July, he reached London in October, where he was immediately admit- ted to the deliberations of Messrs. Jay and Pincknty, assisting them in negotiating a commercial treaty with Great Britian. After thus spending a fortnight ii, London, he proceeded to the Hague. In July, 1797, he left the Hague to go to Portugal as minister plenipotentiary. On his way to Portugal, upon arriving in London, he met with despatches directing him to the court of Berlin, but requesting him to remain in London until he should receive his instructions. While waiting he was married to as American lady to whom he had been previously en- gaged, Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughter of Mr. Joshua Johnson, American consul in London a lady endownd with that beauty and those accom- plishment which eminently fitted her to move in tl{ elevated sphere for which she w^s JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. He reached Berlin with his wife in November, 1797 ; where he remained until July, 1799, when, having ful- filled all the purposes of his mission, he solicited his recall. Soon after his return, in 1802, he was chosen to the Senate of Massachusetts, from Boston, and then was elected Senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1804. His reputation, his ability and his experience, placed him immediately among the most prominent and influential members of that body. Especially did he sustain the Govern- ment in its measures of resistance to the encroach- ments of England, destroying our commerce and in- sulting our flag. There was no man in America more familiar with the arrogance of the British court upon these points, and no one more resolved to present a firm resistance. In 1809, Madison succeeded Jefferson in the Pres- idential chair, and he immediately nominated John Quincy Adams minister to St. Petersburg. Resign- ing his professorship in Harvard College, he embarked at Boston, in August, 1809. While in Russia, Mr. Adams was an intense stu- dent. He devoted his attention to the language and history of Russia; to the Chinese trade; to the European system of weights, measures, and coins ; to the climate and astronomical observations ; while he kept up a familiar acquaintance with the Greek and Latin classics. In all the universities of Europe, a more accomplished scholar could scarcely be found. All through life the Bible constituted an important part of his studies. It was his rule to read five chapters every day. On the 4th of March, 1817, Mr. Monroe took the Presidential chair, and immediately appointed Mr. Adams Secretary of State. Taking leave of his num- erous friends in public and private life in Europe, he sailed in June, 1819, for the United States. On the r8th of August, he again crossed the threshold of his home in Quincy. During the eight years of Mr. Mon- roe's administration, Mr. Adams continued Secretary of State. Some time before ;he close of Mr. Monroe's second term of office, new candidates began to be presented for the Presidency. The friends of Mr. Adams brought forward his name. It was an exciting campaign. Party spirit was never more bitter. Two hundred and sixty electoral votes were cast. Andrew Jackson re- ceived ninety-nine; John Quincy Adams, eighty-four; William H. Crawford, forty -one ; Henry Clay, thirty- seven. As there was no choice by the people, the question went to the House of Representatives. Mr. Clay gave the vote of Kentucky to Mr. Adams, and be was elected. The friends of all the disappointed candidates now :ombined in a venomous and persistent assault upon Mr. Adams. There is nothing more disgraceful in he past history of our country than the abuse which was poured in one uninterrupted stream, upon this high-minded, upright, patriotic man. There never wa; an administration more pure in principles, more con- scientiously devoted to the best interests of the coun try, than that of John Quincy Adams ; and never, per haps, was there an administration more unscrupu- lously and outrageously assailed. Mr. Adams was, to a very remarkable degree, ab- stemious and temperate in his habits; always rising early, and taking much exercise. When at his hcmeir Quincy, he has been known to walk, before breakfast seven miles to Boston. In Washington, it was saic that he was the first man up in the city, lighting hi: own fire and applying himself to work in his library often long before dawn. On the 4th of March, 1829, Mr. Adams retiree from the Presidency, and was succeeded by Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun was elected Vice Presi- dent. The slavery question now began to assume portentous magnitude. Mr. Adams returned tc Quincy and to his studies, which he pursued with un- abated zeal. But he was not long permitted to re- main in retirement. In November, 1830, he was elected representative to Congress. For seventeen years, until his death, he occupied the post as repre- sentative, towering above all his peers, ever ready tc do brave battle' for freedom, and winning the title ol " the old man eloquent." Upon taking his seat in the House, he announced that he should hold him- self bound to no party. Probably there never was a member more devoted to his duties. He was usually the first in his place in the morning, and the last tc leave his seat in the evening. Not a measure could be brought forward and escape his scrutiny. The battle which Mr. Adams fought, almost singly, against the proslavery party in the Government, was sublime in its moral daring and heroism. For persisting in presenting petitions for the abolition of slavery, he was threatened with indictment by the grand jury, with expulsion from the House, with assassination , but no threats could intimidate him, and his final triumph was complete. It has been said of President Adams, that when his body was bent and his hair silvered by the lapse of fourscore years, yielding to the simple faith of a little child, he was accustomed to repeat every night, before he slept, the prayer which his mother taught him in his infant years. On the 2 1 st of February, r848, he rose on the floor of Congress, with a paper in his hand, to address the speaker. Suddenly he fell, again stricken by paraly- sis, and was caught in the arms of those around him. For a time he was senseless, as he was conveyed to the sofa in the rotunda. With reviving conscious- ness, he opened his eyes, looked calmly around and said " This is the end of earth /'then after a moment's pause he added, "/ am content" These were the last words of the grand "Old Man Eloquent." f the IIHlHM. ^z- SEVENTH PRESIDENT. NDREW JACKSON, the seventh President of the "United States, was born in VVaxhaw settlement, N. C., March 15, 1767, a few days after his father's death. His parents were poor emigrants from Ireland, and took up their abode in Waxhaw set- tlement, where they lived in deepest poverty. Andrew, or Andy, as he was universally called, grew up a very rough, rude, turbulent boy. His features were coarse, his form un- gainly; and there was but very Httle in his character, made visible, which was at- tractive. When only thirteen years old he joined the volun- teers of Carolina against the British invasion. In 1781, he and his brother Robert were captured and imprisoned for a time at Camden. A British officer ordered him to brush his mud-spattered boots. " I am a prisoner of war, not your servant," was the reply of the dauntless boy. The brute drew his sword, and aimed a desperate Dlow at the head of the helpless young prisoner. Andrew raised his hand, and thus received two fear- ful gashes, one on the hand and the other upon the head. The officer then turned to his brother Robert with the same demand. He also refused, and re- ceived a blow from the keen-edged sabre, which quite disabled him, and which probably soon after caused his death. They suffered much other ill-treatment, and were finally stricken with the small-pox. Their mother was successful in obtaining their exchange, and took her sick boys home. After a long illness. Andrew recovered, and the death of his mother soon left him entirely friendless. Andrew supported himself in various ways, such as working at the saddler's trade, teaching school and clerking in a general store, until 1784, when he entered a law office at Salisbury, N. C. He, however, gave more attention to the wild amusements of the times than to his studies. In 1788, he was appointed solicitor for the western district of North Carolina, of which Tennessee was then a part. This involved many long and tedious journeys amid dangers of every kind, but Andrew Jackson never knew fear, and the Indians had no desire to repeat a skirmish with the Sharp Knife. In I79T, Mr. Jackson was married to a woman who supposed herself divorced from her former husband. Great was the surprise of both parties, two years later, to find that the conditions of the divorce had just been definitely settled by the first husband. The marriage ceremony was performed a second time, but the occur- rence was often used by his enemies to bring Mr. Jackson into disfavor. During these years he worked hard at his profes sion, and frequently had one or more duels on hand, one of which, when he killed Dickenson, was espec- ially disgraceful. In January, 1796, the Territory of Tennessee then containing nearly eighty thousand inhabitants, the people met in convention at Knoxville to frame a con- stitution. Five were sent from each of the eleven counties. Andrew Jackson was one of the delegates. The new State was entitled to but one member in the National House of Representatives. Andrew Jack- son was chosen that member. Mounting his horse he rode to Philedelphia, where Congress then held its ANDRE W JACKSDN. sessions, a distance of about eight hundred miles. Jackson was an earnest advocate of the Demo- cratic party. Jefferson was his idol. He admired Bonaparte, loved France and hated England. As Mr. Jackson took his seat, Gen. Washington, whose second term of office was then expiring, delivered his last speech to Congress. A committee drew up a complimentary address in reply. Andrew Jackson did not approve of the address, and was one of the twelve who voted against it. He was not willing to say that Gen. Washington's adminstration had been " wise, firm and patriotic." Mr. Jackson was elected to the United States Senate in 1797, but soon resigned and returned home. Soon after he was chosen Judge of the Supreme Court of his State, which position he held for six years. When the war of 1812 with Great Britian com- menced, Madison occupied the Presidential chair. Aaron Burr sent word to the President that there was an unknown man in the West, Andrew Jackson, who would do credit to a commission if one were con- ferred upon him. Just at that time Gen. Jackson offered his services and those of twenty-five hundred volunteers. His offer was accepted, and the troops were assembled at Nashville. As the British were hourly expected to make an at- tack upon New Orleans, where Gen. Wilkinson was in command, he was ordered to descend the river with fifteen hundred troops to aid Wilkinson. The expedition reached Natchez ; and after a delay of sev- eral weeks there, without accomplishing anything, the men were ordered back to their homes. But the energy Gen. Jackson had displayed, and his entire devotion to the comrfort of his soldiers, won him golden opinions ; and he became the most popular man in the State. It was in this expedition that his toughness gave him the nickname of "Old Hickory." Soon after this, while attempting to horsewhip Col. Thomas H. Benton, for a remark that gentleman made about his taking a part as second in a duel, in which a younger brother of Benton's was engaged, he received two severe pistol wounds. While he was lingering upon a bed of suffering news came that the Indians, who had combined under Tecumseh from Florida to the Lakes, to exterminate the white set- tlers, were committing the most awful ravages. De- cisive action became necessary. Gen. Jackson, with his fractured bone just beginning to heal, his arm in a sling, and unable to mount his horse without assis- tance, gave his amazing energies to the raising of an army to rendezvous at Fayettesville, Alabama. The Creek Indians had established a strong fort on one of the bends of the Tallapoosa River, near the cen- ter of Alabama, about fifty miles below Fort Strother. With an army of two thousand men, Gen. Jackson traversed the pathless wilderness in a march of eleven days. He reached their fort, called Tohopeka or Horse-shoe, on the 27th of March. 1814. The bend of the river enclosed nearly one hundred acres of tangled forest and wild ravine. Across the narrow neck the Indians had constructed a formidable breast- work of logs and brush. Here nine hundred warriors, with an ample suply of arms were assembled. The fort was stormed. The fight was utterly des- perate. Not an Indian would accept of quarter. When bleeding and dying, they would fight those who en- deavored to spare their lives. From ten in the morn- ing until dark, the battle raged. The carnage was awful and revolting. Some threw themselves into the river; but the unerring bullet struck their heads as they swam. Nearly everyone of the nine hundred war- rios were killed A few probably, in the night, swam the river and escaped. This ended the war. The power of the Creeks was broken forever. This bold plunge into the wilderness, with itsterriffic slaughter, so appalled the savages, that the haggard remnants of the bands came, to the camp, begging for peace. This closing of the Creek war enabled us to con- centrate all our militia upon the British, who were the allies of the Indians No man of less resolute will than Gen. Jackson could have conducted this Indian campaign to so successful an issue Immediately he was appointed major-general. Late in August, with an army of two thousand men, on a rushing march, Gen. Jackson came to Mobile. A British fleet came from Pensacola, landed a force upon the beach, anchored near the little fort, and from both ship and shore commenced a furious assault. The battle was long and doubtful. At length one of the ships was blown up and the rest retired. Garrisoning Mobile, where he had taken his little army, he moved his troops to New Orleans, And the battle of New Orleans w hich soon ensued, was in reality a very arduous campaign. This won for Gen. Jackson an imperishable name. Here his troops, which numbered about four thousand men, won a signal victory over the Briiish army of about nine thousand. His loss was but thirteen, while the loss of the British was two thousand six hundred. The name of Gen. Jackson soon began to be men- tioned in connection with the Presidency, but, in 1824, he was defeated by Mr. Adams. He was, however, successful in the election of 1828, and was re-elected for a second term in 1832. In 1829, just before he assumed the reins of the government, he met with the most terrible affliction of his life in the death of his wife, whom he had loved with a devotion which has perhaps never been surpassed. From the shock of her death he never recovered. His administration was one of the most nic-mcrabie in the annals of our country; applauded oyone party, condemned by the other. No man had more bitter enemies or warmer friends. At the expiration of his two terms of office he retired to the Hermitage, where he died June 8, 1845. The last years of Mr. Jack- son's life were that of a devoted Christian man. f the y of IHIno,, EIGHTH PRESIDENT. ARTIN VAN BUREN, the ^eighth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782. He died at the same place, July 24, 1862. His body rests in the cemetery at Kinderhook. Above it is a plain granite shaft fifteen feet high, bearing a simple inscription about half way up on one face. The lot is unfenced, unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. There U uut Utle in the life of Martin Van Buren of roman! t interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though his life was stormy in political and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, his days passed uneventful in those incidents which give zest to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of Dutch origin, and were among the earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His father was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and exemplary piety. ,-fe was decidedly a precocious boy, developing un- usual activity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of fourteen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law. As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-office were required of him Before he could be admitted to the bar. Inspired with JL lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he pur- sued liis studies with indefatigable industry. After spending six years in an office in his native village, he went to the city of New York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1803, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years of age, commenced the practice of law in his native vil- lage. The great conflict between the Federal and Republican party was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He had, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listening to the many discussions which had been carried on in his father's hotel. He was in cordial sympathy with) Jefferson, and earnestly and eloquently espoused the cause of State Rights ; though at that time the Fed- eral party held the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led him after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, th/ county seat of his county. Here he spent seven years, constantly gaining strength by contending in th* courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of his State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson, Mi. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty and accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the victim of consump. tion, leaving her husband and four sons to weep ovei her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was an earnest, successful, assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In 1812, when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and gave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adminstration. In 1815, he was ap-' pointed Attorney-General, and the next year moved to Albany, the capital of the State. While he was acknowledged as one of the most piominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had MARTIN VAN BUREN. the moral courage to avow that true democracy did not require that '' universal suffrage" which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles, he contended that, while the path leading to the privilege of voting should be open to every man without distinction, no one should be invested with that sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of the State. In 1821 he was elected c. member of the United States Senate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his native State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In the Senate of the United States, he rose at once to a Conspicuous position as an active and useful legislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams beirg then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to the Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- termined opposer of the Administration, adopting the "State Rights " view in opposition to what was Meemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Governorof the State of New York, and accordingly resigned his ^eat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. \dams from the Presidential chair, and placing in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Buren. Whether entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded throughout the United States as one of the most skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians. It was supposed that no one knew so well as he how to touch the secret springs of action; how to pull all the wires to put his machinery in motion ; and how to organize a political army which would, secretly and stealthily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these powers it is said that he outwitted Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which few thought then could be accomplished. When Andrew Jackson was elected President he appointed Mr. Van Buren Secretary of State. This position he resigned in iSjr, and was immediately appointed Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, refused to ratify the nomination, and he returned home, apparently untroubled ; was nominated Vi< President in the place of Calhoun, at the re-electic of President Jackson ; and with smiles for all an frowns for none, he took his place at the head of th; Senate which had refused to confirm his nominatic as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal < President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favo ite ; and this, probably more than any other caus secured his elevation to the chair of the Chief Execi tive. On the 2oth of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren n ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gei Jackson as President of the United States. He wj elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of th retiring President. " Leaving New York out of th canvass," says Mr. Parton, "the election of Mr. Va Buren to the Presidency was as much the act of Gei Jackson as though the Constitution had conferre upon him the power to appoint a successor." His administration was filled with exciting event The insurrection in Canada, which threatened to ir volve this country in war with England, the agitatio of the slavery question, and finally the great comme: cial panic which spread over the country, all wei trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was a.' tributed to the management of the Democratic part; and brought the President into*such disfavor that h failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for th Presidency by the "Free Soil" Democrats, in 184! Mr. Van Buren lived quietly upon his estate unt his death. He had ever been a prudent man, of frugal habit and living within his income, had now fortunately competence for his declining years. His unblemishe character, his commanding abilities, his unquestione patriotism, and the distinguished positions which h had occupied in the government of our country, s< cured to him not only the homage of his party, bi the respect ot the whole community. It was on Ih 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired frot the presidency. From his fine estate at Lindenwak he still exerted a powerful influence upon the politic of the country. From this time until his death, o the 24th of July, 1862, at the age of eighty years, h resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, c culture and of wealth; enjoying in a healthy ol age, probably far more happiness than he had befoi experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active lift fe library of tht of II!!- tfTNTH PRESIDENT. WJ&M&M mm* mmmsk ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- SON, the ninth President of the United States, was born at Berkeley, Va., Feb. 9, 1773. His father, Benjamin Harri- son, was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, vv as early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the British crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Governor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, i William Henry, of course enjoyed in childhood all the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- ing received a thorough common-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soon after the death of his father. He then repaired to Philadelphia to study medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of Robert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, ligners of the Declaration of Independence. Upon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- withstanding the 'emonstrances of his friends, he abandoned his medical studies and entered the army, .laving obtain^ a commission of Ensign from Presi- dent Washington. He was then but 19 years old From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then ap- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory was then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that position. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided by Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called " The Territory north-west of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wil- liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was ap- pointed by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over almost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the now rapidly increasing white population. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to this office first by John Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presu dent Madison. When he began his adminstration there were but three white settlements in that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and traffic. One of these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Wabash, and the third a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrisoii reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians. Abou' WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. the year 1806, two extraordinary men, twin brothers, of the Shawnese tribe, rose among them. One of these was called Tecumseh, or " The Crouching Panther;" the other, Olliwacheca, or "The Prophet." Tecumseh was not only an Indian warrior, but a man of great sagacity, far-reaching foresight and indomit- able perseverance in any enterprise in which he might engage. He was inspired with the highest enthusiasm, and had long regarded with dread and with hatred the encroachment of the whites upon the hunting- grounds of his fathers. His brother, the Prophet, was an orator, who could sway the feelings of the untutored Indian as the gale tossed the tree-tops beneath which they dwelt. But the Prophet was not merely an orator : he was, in the superstitious minds of the Indians, invested with the superhuman dignity of a medicine-man or a magician. With an enthusiasm unsurpassed by Peter the Hermit rousing Europe to the crusades, he went from tribe to tribe, assuming that he was specially sent by the Great Spirit. Gov. Harrison made many attempts to conciliate the Indians, but at last the war came, and at Tippe- canoe the Indians were routed with great slaughter. October 28, 1812, his army began its march. When near the Prophet's town three Indians of rank made their appearance and inquired why Gov. Harrison was approaching them in so hostile an attitude. After a short conference, arrangements were made for a meet- ing the next day, to agree upon terms of peace. But Gov. Harrison was too well acquainted with the Indian character to be deceived by such protes- tations. Selecting a favorable spot for his night's en- campment, he took every precaution against surprise. His troops were posted in a hollow square, and slept upon their arms. The troops threw themselves upon the ground for rest; but every man had his accourtrements on, his loaded musket by his side, and his bayonet fixed. The wakeful Governor, between three and four o'clock in the morning, had risen, and was sitting in conversa- tion with his aids by the embers of a waning fire. It was a chill, cloudy morning with a drizzling rain. In the darkness, the Indians had crept as near as possi- ble, and j'ist then, with a savage yell, rushed, with all the desperation which superstition and passion most highly inflamed could give, upon the left flank of the little army. The savages had been amply provided with guns and ammunition by the English. Their war-whoop was accompained by a shower of bullets. The camp-fires were instantly extinguished, as the light aided the Indians in their aim. With hide- ous yells, the Indian bands rushed on, not doubting a speedy and an entire victory. But Gen. Harrison's troops stood as immovable as the rocks around them until day dawned : they then made a simultaneous charge with the bayonet, and swept every thing be- fore them, and completely routing the foe. Gov. Harrison now had all his energies taski to the utmost. The British descending from the Ca adas, were of themselves a very formidable force ; b with their savage allies, rushing like wolves from tl forest, searching out every remote farm-house, bur ing, plundering, scalping, torturing, the wide fronti was plunged into a state of consternation which evi the most vivid imagination can but faintly conceh The war-whoop was resounding everywhere in ti forest. The horizon was illuminated with the conflagi tion of the cabins of the settlers. Gen Hull had ma the ignominious surrender of his forces at Detro Under these despairing circumstances, Gov. Harris was appointed by President Madison commander-i chief of the North-western army, with orders to reta Detroit, and to protect the frontiers. It would be difficult to place a man in a situati demanding more energy, sagacity and courage; b General Harrison was found equal to the positic and nobly and triumphantly did he meet all the i sponsibilities. He won the love of his soldiers by always shari with them their fatigue. His whole baggage, whi pursuing the foe up the Thames, was carried in valise; and his bedding consisted of a single blank lashed over his saddle. Thirty-five British office his prisoners of war, supped with him after the batt The only fare he could give them was beef roasti before the fire, without bread or salt. In 1816, Gen. Harrison was chosen a member the National House of Representatives, to represe the District of Ohio. In Congress he proved ; active member; and whenever he spoke, it was wi force of reason and power of eloquence, which arrest the attention of all the members. In 1819, Harrison was elected to the Senate Ohio; and in 1824, as one of the presidential electc of that State, he gave his vote for Henry Clay. T same year he was chosen to the United States Senai In 1836, the friends of Gen. Harrison brought hi forward as a candidate for the Presidency again Van Buren, but he was defeated. At the close Mr. Van Buren's term, he was re-nominated by \ party, and Mr. Harrison was unanimously nominal* by the Whigs, with John Tyler for the Vice Presidenc The contest was very animated. Gen. Jackson ga^ all his influence to prevent Harrison's election ; b his triumph was signal. The cabinet which he formed, with Daniel Webst at its head as Secretary of State, was one of the mo brilliant with which any President had ever bei surrounded. Never were the prospects of an admi istration more flattering, or the hopes of the count more sanguine. In the midst of these bright at joyous prospects, Gen. Harrison was seized by pleurisy-fever and after a few days of violent sici ness, died on the 4th of April ; just one month aft- his inauguration as President of the United State of th of a TENTH PRESIDENT. m OHN TYLER, the tenth Presidentof the United States. He was born in Charles-city Co., Va., March 29, 1790. He was the favored child of af- fluence and high social po- ' sition. At the early age of twelve, John entered William and Mary College and grad- uated with much honor when but seventeen years old. After graduating, he devoted him- self with great assiduity to the study of law, partly with his father and partly with Edmund Randolph, one of the most distin- guished lawyers of Virginia. At nineteen years of age, ne commenced the practice of law. His success was rapid and aston- ishing. It is said that three months had not elapsed ere there was scarcely a case on the dock- et of the court in which he was iot retained. When but twenty-one years of age, he was almost unanimously elected to a seat in the State Legislature. He connected himself with the Demo- cratic party, and warmly advocated the measures of Jefferson and Madison. For five successive years he wiis elected to the Legislature, receiving nearly the unanimous vote or his county. When but twenty-six years of age, he was elected a member of Congress. Here he acted earnestly and ably wuh the Democratic party, opposing a national bank, intern-,! improvements by the General <^ovem- ment, a protective tariff, and advocating a strict con- struction of the Constitution, and the most careful vigilance over State rights. His labors in Congress were so arduous that before the close of his second term he found it necessary to resign and retire to his estate in Charles-city Co., to recruit his health. He. however, soon after consented to take his seat in the State Legislature, where his influence was powerful in promoting public works of great utility. .With a reputation thus canstantly increasing, he was chosen by a very large majority of votes, Governor of his native State. His administration was signally a suc- cessful one. His popularity secured his re-election. John Randolph, a brilliant, erratic, half-crazed man, then represented Virginia in the Senate of the United States. A portion of the Democratic party was displeased with Mr. Randolph's wayward course, and brought forward John Tyler as his opponent, considering him the only man in Virginia of sufficient popularity to succeed against the renowned orator of Roanoke. Mr. Tyler was the victor. In accordance with his professions, upon taking his seat in the Senate, he joined the ranks of the opposi- tion. He opposed the tariff; he spoke against and voted against the bank as unconstitutional ; he stren- uously opposed all restrictions upon slavery, resist- ing all projects of internal improvements by the Gen- eral Government, and avowed his sympathy with Mr. Calhoun's view of nullification; he declared that Gen. Jackson, by his opposition to the nullifiers, had abandoned the principles of the Democratic party. Such was Mr. Tyler's record in Congress, a record in perfect accordance with the principles which he had always avowed. Returning to Virginia, he resumed the practice of his profession. There was a rplh in the Democratic JOHN TYLER. (arty. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- fersonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon him. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His career had been very brilliant. In con- sequence of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again took his seat in the Legislature of Virginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisburg to nominate a President in '839. The majority of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment of the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig party in the North : but the Vice President has but very little power in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In 1841, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- Jent of the United States. In one short month from that time, President Harrison died, and Mr.- Tyler thus .cund himself, to his own surprise and that of the whole Nation, an occupant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Tyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the unexpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of April was inaugurated to the high and responsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and difficulty. All his long life he had been opposed tc the main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con- sistent, honest man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig cabinet. Should he retain them, and thus surround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own ? or, on the other hand, should he turn against the party which had elected him and select a cabinet in har- mony with himself, and which would oppose all those views which the Whigs deemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? This was his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Haorison had Delected to retain their seats. He reccommended a day of fasting and prayer, that God would guide and bless us. The Whigs carried through Congress a bill for the incorporation of a fiscal bank of the United States. The President, after ten days' delay, returned it with his veto. He suggested, however, that he would approve of a bill drawn up upon such a plan as proposed. Such a bill was accordingly prepared, privately submitted to him. He gave it his appro It was passed without alteration, and he sent it t with his veto. Here commenced the open rupt It is said that Mr. Tyler was provoked to this m ure by a published letter from the Hon. John Botts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who seve touched the pride of the President. The opposition now exultingly received the Pi dent into their arms. The party which elected denounced him bitterly. All the members of cabinet, excepting Mr. Webster, resigned. The W of Congress, both the Senate and the House, hel meeting and issued an address to the people of United States, proclaiming that all political allia between the Whigs and President Tyler were an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate, appointed a new cabinet of distinguished Whigs Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong p men. Mr. Webster soon found it necessary tores forced out by the pressure of his Whig friends. T the four years of Mr. Tyler's unfortunate adminii tion passed sadly away. No one was satisfied, land wa,s filled with murmurs and vituperation. W and Democrats alike assailed him. More and rr however, he brought himself into sympathy with old friends, the Democrats, until at the close of his t> he gave his whole influence to the support of Polk, the Democratic candidate for his successor On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from harassments of office, to the regret of neither party, probably to his own unspeakable relief. His first i Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in i! and in June, 1844, President Tyler was again man at New York, to Miss Julia Gardiner, a young lac many personal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his days Mr. Tyler passed mi in retirement at his beautiful home, Sherwood est, Charles-city Co., Va. A polished gentlemai his manners, richly furnished with information i books and experience in the world, and posses brilliant powers of conversation, his family circle the scene of unnsual attractions. With suffic means for the exercise of a generous hospitality might have enjoyed a serene old age with the friends who gathered around him, were it not for storms of civil war which his own principles policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the Si rights and nullifying doctrines of Mr. John C. ' houn had inaugurated, President Tyler renounced allegiance to the United States, and joined the Con crates. He was chosen a member of their Congr and while engaged in active measures to destroy force of arms, the Government over which he once presided, he was taken sick and soon d of tfci of l ELE VENTff 'PRESTDEtfT. ' AMES K. POLK, the eleventh ^President of the United States, was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C.,Nov. 2, 1795. His par- ents were Samuel and Jane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first pioneers, in 1735. In the year 1806, with his wife and children, and soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of the Polk farnly, Samuel Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their log huts, and established their homes. In the hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James K. Polk spent the early years of his childhood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit of a surveyor to that of a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until he became one of the leading men of the region. His mother was a superior woman, of strong common sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain a liberal education. His mother's training had made him methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty principles of morality. His health was frail ; and his father, fearing that be might not \>c able to endure a ess than two and a half sntered the sophomorel h Carolina, at Chapell sedentary life, got a situation for him behind the counter, hoping to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James a bitter disappointment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when at his earnest solicitation his father removed him, and made arrangements for him to prosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. With ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than two and a half j years, in the autumn of 1815, er class in the University of North Ca Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 1818, with the highest honors, be- ing deemed the best scholar of his class, both in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Folk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had prosecuted his studies. After a short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here Mr. Polk renewed his acquaintance with Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but a few miles from Nashville. They had probably been slightly acquainted before. Mr. Folk's father was a JefTersonian Republican, and James K. Polk ever adhered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a popular public speaker, and was constantly called upon to address the meetings of his party friends. His skill as a speaker was such that he was popularly called the Napoleon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genial and fAMES K. POLK. courier us in his bearing, and with that sympathetic nature in the joys and griefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1823, Mr. Polk was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong influence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackson, to the Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah 'Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of him, a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a member of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinued in that office. He then voluntarily withdrew, only that he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. In Congress he was a laborious member, a frequent and a popular speaker. He was always in his seat, always courteous ; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House. Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr. Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on the 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the 1 4th of Octo- ber, 1839, took the oath of office at Nashville. In 1841, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4th of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the countryin favor of the annexation of Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of the administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, approving of the annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded his passports and 'Jaft the country, declaring the act of the annexation lo be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message, President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into the Union on the same footing with the other States. In the meantime, Gen. Taylor was sent with an army into Texas to hold the country. He w sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said was t western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent nea: two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Gram where he erected batteries which commanded t Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and fl was declared against Mexico by President Polk. T war was pushed forward by Mr. Folk's administrati with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was fi called one of " observation," then of " occupatioi then of " in vasion, " was sent forward to Monterey. T feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopeles; ana awfully slaughtered. The day of judgeme alone can reveal the misery which this war caus< It was by the ingenuity of Mr. Folk's administrati that the war was brought on. 'To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico w prostrate before us. Her capital was in our ham We now consented to peace upon the condition tli Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Tex all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower C ifornia. This new demand embraced, exclusive Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. Tl was an extent of territory equal to nine States of t size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighte majestic States to be added to the Union. There w( some Americans who thought it all right : there wt others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecuti of this war, we expended twenty thousand lives a: more than a hundred million of dollars. Of tl money fifteen millions were paid to Mexico. On the 3d of March, 1849, Mr. Polk retired frc office, having served one term. The next day w Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugural as his successor. Mr. Polk rode to the Capitol in t same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same eve ing, with Mrs. Polk, he commenced his return Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of aj He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habi and his health was good. With an ample fortur a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic ti of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long yea of tranquility and happiness were before him. But tl cholera that fearful scourge was then sweeping i the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracte and died on the 151)1 of June, 1849, in the fiftv-four year of his age, greatly mourned by his countryme Tfc Library of the of HIM ff TWELFTH PRESIDENT. ACHARY TAYLOR, twelfth President of the United States, was born on the 24th of Nov., 1784, in Orange Co., Va. His father, Colonel Taylor, was Virginian of note, and a dis- tinguished patriot and soldier of the Revolution. When Zachary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Kentucky, where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years of age he attended a common school, and was then regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bluntness and decision of char- acter He was strong, feailess and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter the army to fight the Indians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to be recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood on his father's large but lonely plantation. In 1 808, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Orleans under Gen. Wilkinson. Soon after this he married Miss Margaret Smith, a young lady from one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, in 1812, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been promoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison,on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, ;ed by Tecumseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken company of infantry numbering fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of 1812, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved upon the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plumed savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down ; the savages disappeared, the garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war-whoop burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post. Every man knew that defeat was not .merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. The savages suc- ceeded in setting fire to one of the block-houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every point, and gnashing their teeth with rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, Major Taylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depths of the wilderness, to Fort Crawford, on Fox River, which empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as ono best could. There were no books, no society, no in- ZACHARY TAYLOR. tellectuai stimulus. Thus with him the uneventful years rolled on Gradually ne rose to the rank of colonel. In the Black-Hawk war, which resulted in the capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty-four years Col. Taylor was engaged in the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and in 'employments so obscure, that his name was unknown t>eyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. Jn the year 1836, he was sent to Florida to compel the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, iiac 3 promised they should do. The services rendered tieie secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of ihe Government; and as a reward, he was elevated ic ;he rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon ifter, in May, 1838, was appointed to the chief com- nand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of such wearisome employment imidst the everglades of the peninsula, Gen. Taylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, ;nd was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Establishing his headquarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Hi.-re he remained for five years, buried, as it were, fiom the world, but faithfully discharging every duty jnvposed upon him. In 1846, Gen. Taylor was sent to guard the land bolween the Nueces and Rio Grande, the latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed "by the United States. Soon the war with Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la PaJma, Gen. Taylor won brilliant victories over the Mexicans. The rank of major-general by brevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name was received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came the battles of Monterey and E uena Vista in which he won signal victories over 5c jrces much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected simplicity, secured for Gen. Taylor among his troops, ti/e sobriquet of "Old Rough and Ready.' The tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista El/read the wildest enthusiasm over the country. The name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's lips. The W hig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- fu/ popularity in bringing forward the unpolished, un- " -.''?red, honest soldier as their candidate for the Pi esidency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- ncuncement, and for a time would not listen toil; de- cbiring that he was not at all qualified for such an oft ice. So little interest had he taken in politics that, fot forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not wnhout chagrin that several distinguished statesmen w'ho had been long years in the public service found 'l.:flr claims set aside in behalf of one whose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Pa Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buer Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in his haste n marked, " It is a nomination not fit to be made." Gen. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fir writer His friends took possession of him, and pr< pared such few communications as it was needfi should be presented to the public. The popularity < the successful warrior swept the land. He was tr umphantly elected over two opposing candidates,- Gen. Cass and Ex-President Martin Van Burei Though he selected an excellent cabinet, the goo old man found himself in a very uncongenial positioi and was, at times, sorely perplexed and harassec His mental sufferings were very severe, and probabl tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery part was pushing its claims with tireless energy, exped tions were fitting out to capture Cuba ; California wa pleading for admission to the Union, while slaver stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor foun the political conflicts in Washington to be far moi trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans c Indians. In the midst of all these troubles, Gen. Taylo after he had occupied the Presidential chair but littl over a year, took cold, and after a brief sickness < but little over five days, died on the pth of July, 1851 His last words were, " I am not afraid to die. I ai ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He die universally respected and beloved. An honest, ur pretending man, he had been steadily growing in th affections of the people ; and the Nation bitterly h mented his death. Gen. Scott, who was thoroughly acquainted wit Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthfi description of his character: " With a good store ( common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been er larged and refreshed by reading, or much convers with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the const quence. The frontiers and small military posts ha been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for hi rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sm plicity was child-like, and with innumerable prejii dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to th tender age. Thus, if a man, however respectablt chanced to wear a coat of an unusual color, or his ha a little on one side of his head; or an officer to leav a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out side pocket, in any such case, this critic held th offender to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse' whom he would not, to use his oft repeated phrase 'touch with a pair of tongs.' "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Dil worth's spelling-book, on the part of one wearing ; sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utte unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. In short few men have ever had a more comfortable, **+ saving contempt for learning of every kind. 15 Ffc. LltHr; ( th THIRTEENTH PRESIDENT. ILLARD FILLMORE, thir- teenth President of the United States, was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on the 7th of January, 1800. His 'father was a farmer, and ow- ing to misfortune, in humble cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the daughter of Dr. Abiathar Millard, of Pittsfield, Mass., it has been dd that she' possessed an intellect of very high order, united with much personal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- quisite sensibilities. She died in 1831 ; having lived to see her son a 1 young man of distinguished prom- ise, though she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. In consequence of the secluded home and limited means of his father, Millard enjoyed but slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, which he occasionally attended were very imperfect institutions; and books were scarce and expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain farmer's boy ; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then wilds of Livingston County, to learn the trade of a clothier. Neai the mi'l there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village library. This proved an inestimable blessing to young Fillmore. His evenings were spent in read- ing. Soon every leisure moment was occupied with books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate; and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read history; biography, oratory, and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his hands; and he was be' coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and of gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened thai there was a gentleman in the neighborhood of ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, Judge Walter Wood, who was struck with the prepossessing ap- pearance of young Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so much impressed with his ability and attainments that he advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, no friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him that he kindly offered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion about)* a collegiate education. A young man is supposed to be liberally educated if he has graduated at some col- lege. But many a boy loiters through university hul' > vil ran the gauntlet in entire safety. From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantty, to aid Gen. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In preparation for the march to the city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dallas, in Oregon, for the protection of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year 1860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, "Uncle Sam has educated me for the army: though I have served him through one war, I do not feel that I have yet repaid the debt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle on my tword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a cempany of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services were offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the, volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the 15'^ ol ULYSSES S. GRANT. June, 1 86 1, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- 'General and was placed in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the mouth of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star and stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrender of Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a Major-General, and the military District of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains, Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately pushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow which the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the Mississippi from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. Grant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid jf Gens. Rosecrans and Thomas at Chattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and technical meas- ures put the Union Army in fighting condition. Then followed the bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon th duties of his new office Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed Nation troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nomin capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to d stroy the rebel armies which would be promptly sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whc continent seemed to tremble under the tramp of the majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle fiel Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trai were burdened vith closely packed thousands. I: plans were comprehensive and involved a series campaigns, which were executed with remarkable e ergy and ability, and were consummated at the si render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was saved. T almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Ge Grant to be the most prominent instrument in its si vation. The eminent services he had thus render the country brought him conspicuously forward as t Republican candidate for the Presidential chair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicaj, May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for t! Presidency, and at the autumn election received majority of the popular vote, and 214 out of 2. electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican par which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 187 placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second ter by a unanimous vote. The selection was empha cally indorsed by the people five months later, 21 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term, Gen. Gra started upon his famous trip around the world. P visited almost every country of the civilized worl and was everywhere received with such ovatioi and demonstrations of respect and honor, priva as well as public and official, as were never befo bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. He was the most prominent candidate before tt Republican National Convention in 1880 for a n nomination for President. He went to New York an embarked in the brokerage business under the fin nameof Grant & Ward. The latter proved a villair wrecked Grant's fortune, and for larceny was sent t the penitentiary. The General was attacked wit cancer in the throat, but suffered in his stoic-lik manner, never complaining. He was re-instated a General of the Army and retired by Congress. Th cancer soon finished its deadly work, and July 2 1885, the nation went in mourning over the death c the illustrious General. ffc Llbfir, I the of NINETEENTH PRESIDENT. UTHERFORD B. HAYES, the nineteenth President of the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the death of his father, Rutherford Hayes. His ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as far back as 1280, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Baliol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, 1 and had a large following. Misfor- rane ovwtaking the family, George Hayes left Scot- land in 1680, and settled in Windsor, Conn. His son George way born in Windsor, and remained there during his life. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah Lee, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until his death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was born in 1724, and was a manufac- turer of scythes at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel and grandfather of President Hayes, was born inNew Haven, in August, 1756. He was a farmer, blacksmith and tavern-keeper. He emigrated to Vermont at an unknown date, settling in Brattleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 1813, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt, whose ancestors emi- grated thither from Connecticut, they having been among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back to 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The father of President Hayes was an industrious frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a me- chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock^ ing, or do almost anything else that he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 1812, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day when there were no canals, steamers, noi- railways, was a very serious affair. A tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr, Hayes deter mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a victim of malarial fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver- mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some time before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. subject of this sketch was so feeble at birth that he was not expected to live beyond a month or two at most. As the months went by he grew weaker and weaker, so that the neighbors were in the habit of in- quiring from time to time " if Mrs. Hayes' baby died last night." On one occasion a neighbor, who was on fiiniliar terms with the family, after* alluding to the boy's big head, and the mother's assiduous care of him, said in a bantering way, " That's right ! Stick to him. You have got him along so far, and I shouldn't wonder if he would really come to something yet." " You need not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. " You vait and see. You can't tell but I shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1825, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother. The boy was seven years old before lie w<;nt to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and ; ister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being Ins sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doubt, to foster that gentleness of dispo- sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings of others, which are marked traits of his" character. His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest k'n his education ; and as the boy's health had im- proved, and he was making good progress in his studies, he proposed to send him to college. His pre- paration commenced with a tutor at home; but he was afterwards sent for one year to a professor in the Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Conn. He en- tered Kenyon College in 1838, at the age of sixteen, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the office of Thomas Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limited, he determined to enter the Law School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In 1845, after graduating at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law with Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited practice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his pro- Cession. \n 1 849 he moved to Cincinnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his progress was slow. Two events, occurring at this period, had a powerful influence upon his subse- quent "ife. One of these was his marrage with Miss Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of Dr. James Webb, of Chilicothe; the othev was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary Club, a body embracing among its members such men as^hief Justice Salmon P|hase v Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. NoyeS, and ma others hardly less distinguished in after life. T marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, everybody knows. Not one of all the wives of o Presidents was more universally admired, reverenc and beloved than was Mrs. Hayes, and no one c more than she to reflect honor upon American woma hood. The Literary Cluu brought Mr. Hayes ir constant association with young men of high ch; acter and noble aims, and lured him to display t. qualities so long hidden by his bashfulne^s a modesty. In 1856 he was nominated to the office of Judgj the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to s cept the nomination. Two years later, the office city solicitor becoming vacant, the City Coin elected him for the unexpired teim. In 1861, when the Rebellion broke out, he was the zenith of his professional lif .. His rank at t bar was among the the first. But the news of t attack on Fort Sumpter found him eager to take arms for the defense of his country. His military record was bright and illustrious. October, 1861, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, ai in August, 1862, promoted Colonel of the 7gth Ol regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrad and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the bat! of South Mountain he received a wound, and wh faint and bleeding displayed courage and fortitU' that won admiration from all. Col. Hayes was detached from his regiment, aft his recovery, to act as Brigadier-General, and plao in command of the celebrated Kanawha divisic and for gallant and meritorious services in the battl of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, he w promoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetti Major-General, "for gallant and distinguished f ervic during the campaigns of 1864, in West Virginia." the course of his arduous services, four horses we shot from under him, and he was wounded four tim< In 1864, Gen. Hayes was elected to Congress, fro the Second Ohio District, which had long been Dei ocratic. He was not present during the campaig and after his election Was importuned to resign 1 commission in the army ; but he finally declared, ' shall never come to Washington until I can come 1 the way of Richmond." He was re-elected in 1866. In 1867, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Ohi over Hon. Allen G. Thurman, a popular Democn In 1869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleto He was elected Governor for the third term in 187 In 1876 he was the standard bearer of the Repu lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after hard long contest was chosen President, and was augurated Monday, March 5, 1875. He served h full term, not, hcwever, with satisfaction to his part but his administration was an average orv TfcUbrwy TWENTIETH PRESIDENT. AMES A. GARFIELD, twen- tieth President of the United States, was born Nov. 19, 1831, in the woods of Orange, Cuyahoga Co., O His par- ents were Abram and Eliza (Ballou) Garfield, both of New England ancestry and from fami- lies well known in the early his- tory of that section of our coun- try, but had moved to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, early in its settle- ment. The house in which James A. was born was not unlike the houses of poor Ohio farmers of that day. It ,ifls about 20x30 feet, built of logs, with the spaces be- vween the logs filled with clay. His father was a nard working farmer, and he soon had his fields cleared, an orchard planted, and a log barn built. The household comprised the father and mother and ;heir four children Mehetabel, Thomas, Mary and Tames. In May, 1823^ the father, from a cold con- -racted in helping to put out a forest fire, died. At chis time James was about eighteen months old, and Thomas about ten years old. No one, perhaps, can fell how much James was indebted to his biother's toil and self-sacrifice during the twenty years suc- ceeding his father's death, but undoubtedly very much. He now lives in Michigan, and the two sis- ters live in Solon, O., near their birthplace. The early educational advantages young Garfield enjoyed were very limited, yet he made the most of them. He labored at farm work for others, did car- penter work, chopped wood, or did anything that would bring in a few dollars to aid his widowed mother in he' =tmggles to keep the little family to- gether. Nor was Gen. Garfield ever ashamed of bis origin, and he never forgot the friends of his strug- gling childhood, youth and manhood, neither did they ever forget him. When in the highest seats of honor the humblest friend of his boyhood was as kindly greeted as ever. The poorest laborer was sure of the sympathy of one who had known all the bitterness of want and the sweetness of bread earned by the sweat of the brow. He was ever the simple, plain, modest gentleman. The highest ambition of young Garfield until hi was about sixteen years old was to be a captain of a vessel on Lake Erie. He was anxious to go aboard a vessel, which his mother strongly opposed. She finally consented to his going to Cleveland, with the understanding, however, that he should try to obtairi some other kind of employment. He walked all the way to Cleveland. This was his first visit to the city After making many applications for work, and trying to get aboard a lake vessel, and not meeting with success, he engaged as a driver for his cousin, Amos Letcher, on the Ohio & Pennsylvania Canal. He re- mained at this work but a short time when he wen^ home, and attended the seminary at Chester for about three years, when he entered Hiram and the Eclectic Institute, teaching a few terms of school in the meantime, and doing other work. This school was started by the Disciples of Christ in 1850, of which church he was then a member. He became janitor and bell-ringer in order to help pay his way He then became both teacher and pupil. He soon " exhausted Hiram " and needed more ; hence, in the fall of 1854, he entered Williams College, from which he graduated in 1856, taking one of the highest ho..- ors of his class. He afterwards returned to Hiram College as its President. As above stated, he early united with the Christian or Diciples Church at Hiram, and was ever after a devoted, zealous mem- ber, often preaching in its pulpit and places where" he happened to be. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Yale College, says of him in reference to his religion : JAMES A. GARFIELD. " President Garfield was more than a man of strong moral and religious convictions. His whole history, from boyhood to the last, shows that duty to man and to God, and devotion to Christ and life and faith and spiritual commission were controlling springs of his being, and to a more than usual degree. In my judgmenc there is no more interesting feature of his character than his loyal allegiance to the body of Christians in which he was trained, and the fervent sympathy which he ever showed in their Christian communion. Not many of the few 'wise and mighty and noble who are called' show a similar loyalty to the less stately and cultured Christian communions in which they have been reared. Too often it is true that as they step upward in social and political sig- nificance they step upward from one degree to another in some of the many types of fashionable Christianity. President Garfield adhered to the -hurch of his mother, the church in which he was trained, and in which he served as a pillar and an evangelist, and yet with the largest and most unsec- 'arian charity for all 'who loveour Lord in sincerity.'" Mr. Garfield was united in marriage with Miss Lucretia Rudolph, Nov. 1 1, 1858, who proved herself worthy as the wife of one whom all the world loved and mourned. To them were born seven children, five of whom are still living, four boys and one girl. Mr. Garfield made his first political speeches in 1856, in Hiram and the neighboring villages, and three years later he began to speak at county mass-meet- ings, and became the favorite speaker wherever he was. During this year he was elected to the Ohio Senate. He also began to study law at Cleveland, and in 1861 was admitted to the bar. The great Rebellion broke out in the early part of this year, and Mr. Garfield at once resolved to fight as he had talked, and enlisted to defend the old flag. He re- ceived his commission as Lieut.-Colonel of the Forty- second Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 14,1861. He was immediately put into active ser- vice, and before he had ever seen a gun fired in action, was placed in command of four regiments of infantry and eight companies of cavalry, charged with the work of driving out of his native State the officer 'Humphrey Marshall) reputed to be the ablest of those, not educated to war whom Kentucky had given to the Rebellion. This work was bravely and speed- ily accomplished, although against great odds. Pres- ident Lincoln, on his success commissioned him Brigadier-General, Jan. 10, 1862; and as "he had been the youngest man in the Ohio Senate two years before, so now he was the youngest General in the army." He was with Gen. Buell's army at Shiloh, in its operations around Corinth and its march through Alabama. He was then detailed as a member of the General Court-Martial for the trial of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. He was then ordered to report to Gen. Rose- crans, and was assigned to the "Chief of Staff." The military frstory of Gen. Garfield closed with his brilliant services at Chickamauga, where he w< the stars of the Major-General. Without an effort on his part Ge? Garfield w, elected to Congress in the fall of 1862 from tl Nineteenth District of Ohio. This section of Oh had been represented in Congress for sixty yea mainly by two men Elisha Whittlesey and Joshi R. Giddings. It was not without a struggle that 1 resigned his place in the army. At the time hee tered Congress he was the youngest member in th body. There he remained by successive r< elections until he was elected President in 188 Of his labors in Congress Senator Hoar says : "Sim the year 1864 you cannot think of a question whic has been debated in Congress, or discussed before tribunel of the American people, in regard to whi( you will not find, if you wish instruction, the arg 1 ment on one side stated, in almost every instani better than by anybody else, in some speech made the House of Representatives or on the hustings 1 Mr. Garfield." Upon Jan. 14, 1880, Gen. Garfield was elected the U. S. Senate, and on the eighth of June, of tl same year, was nominated as the candidate of h party for President at the great Chicago Conventio He was elected in the following November, and c March 4, 1881, was inaugurated. Probably no ai ministration ever opened its existence under bright auspices than that of President Garfield, and eve day it grew in favor with the people, and by the fir of July he had completed all the initiatory and pr liminary work of his administration and was prepa ing to leave the city to meet his friends at Willian College. While on his way and at the depot, in con pany with Secretary Elaine, a man stepped behir him, drew a revolver, and fired directly at his bac The President tottered and fell, and as he did so tl assassin fired a second shot, the bullet cutting tl left coat sleeve of his victim, but inflicting nofurth< injury. It has been very truthfully said that this w; " the shot that was heard round the world " Nevi before in the history of the Nation had anything 01 curred which so nearly froze the blood of the peop, for the moment, as this awful deed. He was smi ten on the brightest, gladdest day of all his life, an was at the summit of his power and hope. Foreighi days, all during the hot months of July and Augus he lingered and suffered. He, however, remaine master of himself till the last, and by his magnified bearing was teaching the country and the world tl noblest of human lessons how to live grandly in tl very clutch of death. Great in life, he was surpas ingly great in death. He passed serenely away Sep 19, 1883, at Elberon, N. J.,on the very bank of tl ocean, where he had been taken shortly previous. Tl world wept at his death, as it never had done on tl death of any other man who had ever lived upon i The murderer was duly tried, found guilty and exi cuted, in one year after he committed the foul dee< Th Library of the Untonfty of Ill TWENTY-FIRST PRESIDENT. HESTER A. ARTHUR, twenty-first Presi'i-iu of the United States, was bom in Franklin Courty, Vermont, on thefifthofOdober.iSao, and is the oldest of a family of two * sons and five daughters. His father was the Rev. Dr. William Arthur, aBaptistd'-rgyman,who emigrated to tb.s country from the county Ant.im, Ireland, in his 1 8th year, and died in 1875, in Newtonville, neai Albany, after a long and successful ministry. Young Arthur was educated at Union College, S< henectady, where he excelled in all his studies. Af- ter his graduation he taught school in Vermont for two years, and at the expiration of that time came to New York, with $500 in his pocket, and entered the office of ex-Judge E. D. Culver as student. After I being admitted to the bar he formed a partnership with his intimate friend and room-mate, Henry D. Gardiner, with the intention of practicing in the West, and for three months they roamed about <"n the Western States in search of an eligible site, Out in the end returned to New York, where they hung out their shingle, and entered upon a success- ful career almost from the start. General Arthur ;^oon afterward nvrr ; < > d the daughter of Lieutenant Herndon, of the United States Navy, who was lost at sea. Congress voted a gold medal to his widow in recognition of the bravery he displayed on that occa- sion. Mrs. Arthur died shortly before Mr. Arthur's nomination to the Vice Presidency, leaving two children. Gen. Arthur obtained considerable legal celebrity in his first great case, the famous Lemmon suit, brought to recover possession of eight slaves who had been declared free by Judge Paine, of the Superior Court of New York City. It was in 1852 that Jon, athan Lemmon, of Virginia, went to New York with his slaves, intending to ship them to Texas, when they were discovered and freed. The Judge decided that they could not be held by the owner under the Fugitive Slave Law. A howl of rage went up from the South, and the Virginia Legislature authorized the Attorney General of that State to assist in an appeal. Wm. M. Evarts and Chester A. Arthur were employed to represent the People, and they won their case, which then went to the Supreme Court of the United States. Charles O'Conor here espoused the cause of the slave-holders, but he too was beaten by Messrs Evarts and Arthur, and a long step was taken toward the emancipation of the black race. Another great service was rendered by General Arthur in the same cause in 1856. Lizzie Jennings, a respectable colored woman, was put off a Fourth Avenue car with violence after she had paid her fare. General Arthur sued on her behalf, and secured a verdict of $500 damages. The next day the compa- ny issued an order to admit colored persons to ride on their cars, and the other car companies quickly CHESTER A. ARTHUR. followed their example. Before that the Sixth Ave- nue Company ran a few special cars for colored per- sons and the other lines refused to let them ride at all. General Arthur was a delegate to the Convention at Saratoga that founded the Republican party. Previous to the war he was Judge-Advocate of the Second Brigade of the State of New York, and Gov- ernor Morgan, of that State, appointed him Engineer- in-Chief of his staff. In 1861, he was made Inspec- tor General, and soon afterward became Quartermas- ter-General. In each of these offices he rendered great service to the Government during the war. At the end of Governor Morgan's term he resumed the practice of the law, forming a partnership with Mr. Ransom, and then Mr. Phelps, the District Attorney of New York, was added to the firm. The legal prac- tice of this well-known firm was very large and lucra- tive, each of the gentlemen composing it were able lawyers, and possessed a splendid local reputation, if not indeed one of national extent. He always took a leading part in State and city politics. He was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, Nov. 21, 1872, to suc- ceed Thomas Murphy, and held the office until July, 20, 1878, when he was succeeded by Collector Merritt. Mr. Arthur was nominated on the Presidential ticket, with Gen. James A. Garfield, at the famous National Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, 1880. This was perhaps the greatest political convention that ever assembled on the continent. It was composed of the fading politicians of the Re- publican party, all able men, and each stood firm and fought vigorously and with signal tenacity for their respective candidates that were before the conven- tion for the nomination. Finally Gen. Garfield re- ceived the nomination for President and Gen. Arthur for Vice-President. The campaign which followed was one of the most animated known in the history of our country. Gen. Hancock, the standard-bearer of the Democratic party, was a popular man, and his party made a valiant fight for his election. Finally the election came and the country's choice vvas Garfield and Arthur. They were inaugurated March 4, 1881, as President and Vice-President. & few months only had passed ere the newly chosen President was the victim of the assassin's bullet. Then came terrible weeks of suffering, those moment* of anxious suspense, wher the hearts of all civilized na- tions were throbbing in unison, longing for the i covery of the noble, the good President. The remar able patience that he manifested during those hou and weeks, and even months, of the most terrible si fering man has often been called upon to endure, w seemingly more than human. It was certainly Go like. During all this period of deepest anxiety M Arthur's every move was watched, and be it said to t credit that his every action displayed only an earne desire that the suffering Garfield might recover, serve the remainder of the term he had so ausj ciously begun. Not a selfish feeling was manifest' in deed or look of this man, even though the me honored position in the world was at any mome likely to fall to him. At last God in his mercy relieved President Ga field from further suffering, and the world, as nev before in its history over the death of any oth man, wept at his bier. Then it became the duty the Vice President to assume the responsibilities the high office, and he took the oath in New Yor Sept. 20, 1881. The position was an embarrassii one to him, made doubly so from the facts that i eyes were on him, anxious to know what he would d what policy he would pursue, and who he would s lect as advisers. The duties of the office had be< greatly neglected during the President's long illnes and many important measures were to be immediate decided by him ; and still farther to embarrass him 1 did not fail to realize under what circumstances \ became President, and knew the feelings of many r this point. Under these trying circumstances Preside] Arthur took the reins of the Government in has o\v hands; and, as embarrassing as were the condition < affair.-- he happily surprised the nation, acting s wisel) .hat but few criticised Ais administratioi He served the nation well and faithfully, until tli close of his administration, March 4, 1885, and wa a popular candidate before his party for a secon term. His name was ably presented before the cor vention at Chicago, and was received with grej favor, and doubtless but for the personal popularit of one of the opposing candidates, he would hav been selected as the standard-bearer of his part for another campaign. He retired to private life cai rying with him the best wishes of the American pec pie, whom he had served in a manner satisfactor tr them and with credit to himself. lb Llbr.rj of th of HIl &. TWENTY-SECOND PRESIDENT. TEPHEN GROVER CLEVE- LAND.thetwenty-second Pres- ident of the United States, was born in 1837, in the obscure town of Caldwell, Essex Co., N. J., and in a little two-and-a- half-story white house which is still standing, characteristically to mark the humble birth-place of one of America's great men in striking con- trast with the Old World, where all men high in office must be high in origin and born in the cradle of wealth. When the subject of this sketch was three years of age, his father, who was a Presbyterian min- ister, with a large family and a small salary, moved, by way of the Hudson River and Erie Canal, to Fayetteville, in search of an increased income and a larger field of work. Fayetteville was then the most straggling of country villages, about five miles from Pompey Hill, where Governor Seymour was born. At the last mentioned place young Grover com- menced going to school in the "good, old-fashioned way/' and presumably distinguished himself after the manner of all village boys, in doing the things he ought not to do. Such is the distinguishing trait of all geniuses and independent thinkers. When he arrived at the age of 14 years, he had outgrown the capacity of the village school and expressed a most emphatic desire to be sent to an academy. To this his father decidedly objected. Academies in those days cost money; besides, his father wanted him to become self-supporting by the quickest possible means, and this at that time in Fayetteville seemed to be a position in a country store, where his father and the large family on his hands had considerable influence. Grover was to be paid $50 for his services the first year, and if he proved trustworthy he was to receive $100 the second year. Here the lad com- menced his career as salesman, and in two years he had earned so good a reputation for trustworthiness that his employers desired to retain him for an in- definite length of time. Otherwise he did not ex- hibit as yet any particular " flashes of genius " or eccentricities of talent. He was simply a good boy. But instead of remaining with this firm in Fayette- ville, he went with the family in their removal to Clinton, where he had an opportunity of attending a high school. Here he industriously pursued his studies until the family removed with him to a point on Black River known as the " Holland Patent," a village of 500 or 600 people, 15 miles north of Utica, N. Y. At this place his father died, after preaching but three Sundays. This event broke up the family, and Grover set out for New York City to accept, at a small salary, the position of " under-teacher " in an asylum for the blind. He taught faithfully for two years, and although he obtained a good reputation in this capacity, he conduced that teaching was not his S. GROVE R CLEVELAND. calling for life, and, reversing the traditional order, he left the city to seek his fortune, instead of going to a city. He first thought of Cleveland, Ohio, as there was some charm in that name for him ; but before proceeding to that place he went to Buffalo to *sk the advice of his uncle, Lewis F. Allan, a noted stock-breeder of that place. The latter did not speak enthusiastically. " What is it you want to do, my boy?" he asked. "Well, sir, I want to study law," was the reply. "Good gracious!" remarked ih old gentleman ; " do you, indeed ? What ever put that into your head? How much money have you got?" "Well, sir, to tell the truth, I haven't got any." After a long consultation, his uncle offered him a place temporarily as assistant herd-keeper, at $50 a year, while he could "look around." One day soon afterward he boldly walked into the office of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, of Buffalo, and told Ihem what he wanted. A number of young men were already en- gaged in the office, but Grover's persistency won, and he was finally permitted to come as an office boy and fiave the use of the law library, for the nominal sum of $3 or $4 a week. Out of this he had to pay for his board and washing. The walk to and from his uncle's was a long and rugged one; and, although the first winter was a memorably severe one, his shoes were out of repair and his overcoat he had none yet he was nevertheless prompt and regular. On the first day of his service here, his senior em- ployer threw down a copy of Blackstone before him with a bang that made the dust fly, saying "That's where they all begin." A titter ran around the little circle of clerks and students, as they thought that vras enough to scare young Grover out of his plans ; Out in due time he mastered that cumbersome volume. Then, as ever afterward, however, Mr. Cleveland exhibited a talent for executiveness rather than for chasing principles through all their metaphysical possibilities. " Let us quit talking and go and do it," was practically his motto. The first public office to which Mr. Cleveland was eiected was that of Sheriff of Erie Co., N. Y., in which Buffalo is situated; and in such capacity it fell to his duty to inflict capital pi>r.ishment upon two criminals. In 1881 he was elected Mayor of the City of Buffalo, on the Democratic ticket, with es- pecial reference to the bringing about certain reforms in the administration of the municipal affairs of that city. In this office, as well as that of Sheriff, his performance of duty has generally been considered fair, with possibly a few exceptions which were fer- reted out and magnified during the last Presidential campaign. As a specimen of his plain language in a veto message, we quote from one vetoing an iniqui- tous street-cleaning contract: "This is a time foi plain speech, and my objection to your action shall be plainly stated. I regard it as the culmination of a mos' bare-faced, impudent and shameless scheme to betray the interests of the people and to worse than squander the people's money." The New York Sun afterward very highly commended Mr. Cleve- land's administration as Mayor of Buffalo, and there- upon recommended him for Governor of the Empire State. To the latter office he was elected in 1882, and his administration of the affairs of State was generally satisfactory. The mistakes he made, if any, were made very public throughout the nation after he was nominated for President of the United States. For this high office he was nominated July n, 1884, by the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, when other competitors were Thomas F. Bayard, Roswell P. Flower, Thomas A. Hendricks, Benjamin F. Butler, Allen G. Thurman, etc.; and he was elected by the people, by a majority of about a thousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub- lican statesman, James G. Elaine. President Cleve- land resigned his office as Governor of New York in January, 1885, in order to prepare for his duties as the Chief Executive of ihe United States, in which capacity his term commenced at noon on the 4th of March, 1885. The silver question precipitated a controversy between those who were in favor of the continu- ance of silver coinage and those who were opposed, Mr. Cleveland answering for the latter, even before his inauguration. On June 2, 1886, President Cleveland married Frances, daughter of his deceased friend and partner, Oscar Folsom, of the Buffalo Bar. Their union has been blessed by the birth of one daugh- ter, Ruth. In the campaign of 1888, President Cleveland was renominated by his party, but the Republican candidate, Gen. Benjamin Harrison, was victorious. In the nominations of 1892 these two candidates for the highest position in the gift of the people were again pitted against each other and President Cleveland was victorious by an overwhelming majority. f the Of Illi TWENTY-THIRD PRESIDENT. 'O+o-gfrW Mai V* ENJAMIN HARRISON, the twenty-third President, is the descendant of one of the historical families of this country. The head of the family was a Major General Harrison, one of Oliver Cromwell's trusted follow- ers and fighters. In the zenith of Crom- well's power it became the duty of this Harrison to participate m the trial of Charles I, and afterward tc sign the death warrant of the king. He subse- quently paid for this with his life, being hung Oct. 13, 1660. His descendants came to America, and the next of the family that appears in history is Benja- min Harrison, of Virginia, great-grand- father of the subject of this sketch, and after whom he was named. Benjamin Harrison was a member of the Continental Congress during the years 1774-5-6, and was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. He W three times elected Governor of Virginia, ^cn William Henry Harrison, the on of the distinguished patriot of the Revolution, after a suo. cessful career as a soldier during the War of 1812, and with -a clean record as Governor of the North- western Territory, was elected President of the United States in 1840. His saroer was cut short by death within one month after liis inauguration. President Harrison was born at SToi*!i Bend. Hamilton Co., Ohio, Aug. 20, 18S3 His life up to the time of his graduation by the Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, was the uneventful one of a coun- try lad of a family of small means. His father was able to give him a good education, and nothing more. He became engaged while at college to the daughter of Dr. Scott, Principal of a female schoo at Oxford. After graduating he determined to en- ter upon the study of the law. He went to Cin cinnati and then read law for two years. At the expiration of that time young Harrison received tt:. only inheritance of his life ; his aunt dying left him a lot valued at $800. He regarded this legacy as & fortune, and decided to get married at once, take this money and go to some Eastern town an '. be- gin the practice of law. He sold his lot, and with the money in his pocket, he started out witn hia young wife to fight for a place in the world He 108 BENJAMIN HARRISON decided to go to Indianapolis, which was even at that time a town of promise. He met with sliglit encouragement at first, making scarcely anything the first year. He worked diligently, applying him- self closely to his calling, built up an extensive practice and took a leading rank in the legal pro- fession. He is the father of two children. In 1860 Mr. Harrison was nominated for the position of Supreme Court Reporter, and then be- gan his experience as a stump speaker He can- vassed the State thoroughly, and was elected by a handsome majority. In 1862 he raised the 17th Indiana Infantry, and was chosen its Colonel. His regiment was composed of the rawest of material, but Col. Harrison employed all his time at first mastering military tactics and drilling his men, when he therefore came to move toward the East with Sherman his regiment was one of the best drilled and organized in the army. At Resaca he especially distinguished himself, and for his bravery at Peachtree Creek he was made a Brigadier Gen- eral, Gen. Hooker speaking of him in the most complimentary terms. During the absence of Gen. Harrison in the field the Supreme Court declared the office of the Su- preme Court Reporter vacant, and another person was elected to the position. From the time of leav- ing Indiana with his regiment until the fall or 1864 he had taken no leave of absence, but having been nominated that year for the same office, he got a thirty-day leave of absence, and during that time made a brilliant canvass of the State, and was elected for another term. He then started to rejoin Sher- man, but on the way was stricken down with scarlet jever, and after a most trying siege made his way to the front in time to participate in the closing Incidents of the war. In 1868 Gen. Harrison declined r, re-election as reporter, and resumed the practice of law,, In 1876 be was a candidate for Governor. Although de- feated, the brilliant campaign he made won i'or him a National reputation, and he was much sought, es- pecial.y in the East, to make speeches. In 1880, as usual, he took an active part in the campaign, and wai elected to the United States Senate. Here ic served six years, and \jas known as one ox the Ablest men, bebt lawyer' and strongest debaters in that body. With the expiration of his Senator: term he returned to the practice of his professio becoming the head of one of the strongest firms the State. The political campaign of 1 888 was one of tl most memorable in the history of our country. Tl convention which assembled in Chicago in June ai named Mr. Harrison as the chief standard bear of the Republican party, was great in every parti ular, and on this account, and the attitude it a sumed upon the vital questions of the day, chi among which was the tariff, awoke a deep intere in the campaign throughout the Nation. Short' after the nomination delegations began to visit M Harrison at Indianapolis, his home. This movi ment became popular, and from all sections of tl country societies, clubs and delegations journeye thither to pay their respects to the distinguishe statesman. The popularity of these was great! increased on account of the remarkable speechi made by Mr. Harrison. He spoke daily all throug the summer and autumn to these visiting delegi tions, and so varied, masterly and eloquent wei his speeches that they at once placed him in tl foremost rank of American orators and statesme; On account of his eloquence as a speaker and h: power as a debater, he was called upon at an ui commonly early age to take part in the discussio of the great questions that then began to agital the country. He was . an uncompromising ant: slavery man, and was matched against some of t~ most eminent Democratic speakers of his Stat. No man who felt the touch of his blade derred t be pitted with him again. With all his eloq -i enc as an orator he never spoke for oratorical effec but his words always went like bullets to the marl He is purely American in his ideas and is a spier did type of the American statesman. Gifted wit quick perception, a logical mind and a ready tongue he is one of the most distinguished im prompt speakers in the Nation. Many of these speeche sparkled with the rarest of eloquence and containei arguments of greatest weight. Many of his ters statements have already become aphorisms. Origl nal in thought, precise in logic, terse in statement yet withal faultless in eloquence, he is recognized a th sound statesman and briiuan orator o- tac di Ik* Librtr/ of tli f ^9*+*' ~ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. HADRACH BOND, the first Governor of Illinois after its organization as a State, serving from 1818 to 1822, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, in the year 1773, and was raised a farmer on his father's plantation, receiving or.ly a plain English education. He emigrated to this State in 1794, when it was a part of the "Northwest Territory," continuing in the vocation in which he had been brought up in his native State, in the " New Design," near Eagle Creek, in what is now Monroe County. He served several terms as a member of the General Assembly of Indiana Territory, after it was organized as such, and in 1812-14 he was a Delegate to the Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses, taking his seat Dec. 3, 1812, and serving until Oct. 3, [814. These were ihe times, the reader will recollect, when this Gov- ernment had its last st r uggle with Great Britain. The year 1812 is also noted in the history of this State as that in which the first Territorial Legislature was held. It convened at Kaskaskia, Nov. 25, and adjourned Dec. 26, following. While serving as Delegate to Congress, Mr. Bond was instrumental in procuring the right of pre-emp- tion on the public domain. On the expiration of his term at Washington he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Kaskaskia, then the capital of I lie Territory. In company with John G. Comyges, Thomas H. Harris, Charles Slade, Michael Jones, Warren Brown. Edward Humphries and Charles W Hunter, he became a proprietor of the site of the initial city of Cairo, which they hoped, from its favor- able location at the junction of the two great rivers near the center of the Great West, would rapidly develop into a metropolis. To aid the enter- prise, they obtained a special charter from the Legis- lature, incorporating both the City and the Bank of Cairo. In 1818 Mr. Bond was elected the first Governor of the State of Illinois, being inaugurated Oct. 6 that year, which was several weeks before Illinois was- actually admitted. The facts are these: In January, 1818, the Territorial Legislature sent a peti- tion to Congress for the admission of Illinois as a State, Nathaniel Pope being then Delegate. The petition was granted, fixing the northern line of the State on the latitude of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan ; but the bill was afterward so amend- ed as to extend this line to its present latitude. In July a convention was called at Kaskaskia to draft a constitution, which, however, was not submitted to the people. By its provisions, supreme judges, pros ecuting attorneys, county and circuit judges, record- ers and justices of the peace were all to be appointed by the Governor or elected by the Legislature. This constitution was accepted by Congress Dec. 30. At that time Illinois comprised but eleven counties, namely, Randolph, Madison, Gallatin, Johnson, Pope, Jackson, Crawford, Bond, Union, Washington and Franklin, the northern jxmion of the State be- ing mainly in Madison County. Thus it appears that Mr. Bond was honored by the naming of a SHADRACH BOND. county before he was elected Governor. The present county of Bond is of small limitations, about 60 to 80 miles south of Springfield. For Lieutenant Governor the people chose Pierre Menard, a prominent and worthy Frenchman, after whom a county in this State is named. In this election there were no opposition candidates, as the popularity of these men had made their promotion to the chief offices of the Slate, even before the constitution was drafted, a foregone con- clusion. The principal points that excited the people in reference to political issues at this period were local or "internal improvements," as they were called, State banks, location of the capital, slavery and the personal characteristics of the proposed candidates. Mr. Bond represented the " Convention party," for introducing slavery into the State, supported by Elias Kent Kane, his Secretary of State, and John Mc- Lean, while Nathaniel Pope and John P. Cook led the anti-slavery element. The people, however, did not become very much excited over this issue until 1820, when the famous Missouri Compromise was adopted by Congress, limiting slavery to the south of the parallel of 36 30' except in Missouri. While this measure settled the great slavery controversy, so far as the average public sentiment was tempor- arily concerned, until 1854, when it was repealed under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas, the issue as considered locally in this State was not decided until 1824, after a most furious campaign. (See sketch of Gov. Coles.) The ticket of 1818 was a com promise one, Bond representing (moderately) the pro-slavery sentiment and Menard the anti-slavery. An awkward element in the Sta.te government under Gov. Bond's administration, was the imperfec- tion of the State constitution. The Convention wished to have Elijah C. Berry for the first Auditor of Public Accounts, but, as it was believed that the new Governor would not appoint him to the office, the Convention declared in a schedule that " an auditor of public accounts, an attorney general and such other officers of the State as may be necessary, may be appointed by the General Assembly." The Constitution, as it stood, vested a very large appoint- ing power in the Governor ; but for the purpose of getting one man into office, a total change was made, and the power vested in the Legislature. Of this provision the Legislature took advantage, and de- clared that State's attorneys, canal commissioners, bank directors, etc., were all " officers of the State '' and must therefore be appointed by itself independ- ently of the Governor. During Gov. Bond's administration a general law was passed for the incorporation of academies and towns, and one authorizing lotteries. The session of 1822 authorized the Governor to appoint commis- sioners, to act in conjunction with like commissioners appointed by the State of Indiana, to report on the practicability and expediency of improving the navi- gation of the Wabash River; also inland navigation generally. Many improvements were recommended, some of which have been feebly worked at even till the present day, those along the Wabash being of no value. Also, during Gov. Bond's term of office, the capital of the State was removed from Kaskaskia to Vandalia. In 1820 a law was passed by Congress authorizing this State to open a canal through the public lands. The State appointed commissioners to explore the route and prepare the necessary sur- veys and estimates, preparatory to its execution; but, being unable out of its own resources to defray the expenses of the undertaking, it was abandoned until some time after Congress made the grant of land for the purpose of its construction. On the whole, Gov. Bond's administration was fairly good, not being open to severe criticism from any party. In 1824, two years after the expiration of his term of office, he was brought out as a candi- date for Congress against the formidable John P. Cook, but received only 4,374 votes tc 7,460 for the latter. Gov. Bond was no orator, but had made many fast friends by a judicious beciowment of his gubernatorial patronage, and these worked zealously for him in the campaign. In 1827 ex-Gov. Bond was appointed by the Leg- islature, with Wm. P. McKee and Dr. Gershom Jayne, as Commissioners to locate a site for a peni- tentiary on the Mississippi at or near Alton. Mr. Bond was of a benevolent and convivial dis- position, a man of shrewd observation and clear ap- preciation of events. His person was erect, stand- ing six feet in height, and after middle life became portly, weighing 200 pounds. His features were strongly masculine, complexion dark, hair jet and eyes hazel ; was a favorite with the ladies. He died April n, 1830, in peace and contentment f the of Kiln* GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. DWARD COLES, second Governor of Illinois, 1823- 6, was born Dec. 15, 1786, in Albemarle Co., Va., on the old family estate called "Enniscorthy," on the Green Mountain. His fath- er, John Coles, was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War. Having been fit- ted for college by private tutors, he was sent to Hampden Sidney, where he remained until the autumn of 1805, when he was removed to William and Mary College, at Williamsburg, Va. This college he left in the summer of 1807, a short time before the final and graduating examination. Among his classmates were Lieut. Gen. Scott, President John Tyler, Wm. S. Archer, United States Senator from Virginia, and Justice Baldwin, of the United States Supreme Court. The President of the latter college, Bishop Madison, was a cousin of President James Madison, and that cir- cumstance was the occasion of Mr. Coles becoming personally acquainted with the President and re- ceiving a position as his private secretary, 1809-15. The family of Coles was a prominent one in Vir- ginia, and their mansion was the seat of the old- fashioned Virginian hospitality. It was visited by such notables as Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, the Randolphs, T azewell, Wirt, etc. At the age of 23, youno Loles found himself heir to a plant- ation and a considerable number of slaves. Ever since his earlier college days his attention had been drawn to the ques'.io i of slavery. He read every- thing on the subject that came in his way, and listened to lectures on the rights of man. The more he reflected upon the subject, the more impossible was it for him to reconcile the immortal declaration "that all men are born free and equal" with the practice of slave-holding. He resolved, therefore, to free his slaves the first opportunity, and even remove his residence to a free State. One reason which de- termined him to accept the appointment as private secretary to Mr. Madison was because he believed that through the acquaintances he could make at Washington he could better determine in what part of the non-slaveholding portion of the Union he woulc prefer to settle. The relations between Mr. Coles and President Madison, as well as Jefferson and other distinguished men, were of a very friendly character, arising from the similarity of their views on the question of slavery and their sympathy for each other in holding doc- trines so much at variance with the prevailing senti- ment in their own State. In 1857, he resigned his secretaryship and spent a portion of the following autumn in exploring the Northwest Territory, for the purpose of finding a lo- cation and purchasing lands on which to settle his negroes. He traveled with a horse and buggy, with an extra man and horse for emergencies, through many parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, determining finally to settle in Illinois. At this time, however, a misunderstanding arose between our Government and Russia, and Mr. Coles was selected to repair to St. Petersburg on a special mission, bear- ing important papers concerning the matter at issue The result was a conviction of the Emperor (Alex- ,-,6 EDWARD COLES. ander) of the error committed by his minister at Washington, and the consequent withdrawal of the the latter from the post. On his return, Mr. Coles visited other parts of Europe, especially Paris, where he was introduced to Gen. Lafayette. In the spring of 1819, he removed with all his negroes from Virginia to Edwardsville, 111., with the intention of giving them their liberty. He did not make known to them his intention until one beautiful morning in April, as they were descending the Ohio River. He lashed all the boats together and called all the negroes on deck and made them a short ad- dress, concluding his remarks by so expressing him- self that by a turn of a sentence he proclaimed in the shortest and fullest manner that they were no longer slaves, but free as he was and were at liberty to proceed with him or go ashore at their pleas- ure. A description of the effect upon the negroes is best desciibed in his own language : " The effect upon them was electrical. They stared at me and then at each other, as if doubting the ac- curacy or reality of what they heard. In breathless silence they stood before me, unable to utter a word, but with countenances beaming with expression which no words could convey, and which no language can describe. As they began to see the truth of what they had heard, and realize their situation, there came on a kind of hysterical, giggling laugh. After a pause of intense and unutterable emotion, bathed in tears, and with tremulous voices, they gave vent to their gratitude and implored the blessing of God on me." Before landing he gave them a general certificate of freedom, and afterward conformed more particu- larly with the law of this State requiring that each individual should have a certificate. This act of Mr. Coles, all the more noble and heroic considering the overwhelming pro-slavery influences surrounding him, has challenged the admiration of every philan- thropist of modern times. March 5, 1819, President Monroe appointed Mr. Coles Registrar of the Land Office at Edwardsvihe, at that time one of the principal land offices in the State. While acting in this capacity and gaining many friends by his politeness and general intelli- gence, the greatest struggle that ever occurred in Illinois on the slavery quesiion culminated in the furious contest characterizing the campaigns and elections of 1822-4. In the summer of 1823, when a new Governor was to be elected to succeed Mr. Bond, the pro-slavery element divided into factions, putting forward for the executive office Joseph Phillips, Chief Justice of the State, Thomas C. Browne and Gen. James B. Moore, of the State Mil- itia. The anti-slavery element united upon Mr. Coles, and, after one of the most bitter campaigns, succeeded in electing him as Governor. His plural- ity over Judge Phillips was only 59 in a total vote of over 8,000. The Lieutenant Governor was elected by the slavery men. Mr. Coles' inauguration speech was marked by calmness, deliberation and such a wise expression of appropriate suggestions as to elicit the sanction of all judicious politicians. But he compromised not with evil. In his message to the Legislature, the seat of Government being then at Vandalia, he strongly urged the abrogation of the modified form of slavery whn-.h then existed in this State, contrary to the Ordinance of 1787. His posi- tion on this subject seems the more remarkable, when it is considered that he was a minority Governor, the population of Illinois being at that time almost ex- clusively from slave-holding States and by a large majority in favor of the perpetuation of that old relic of barbarism. The Legislature itself was, of course, a reflex of the popular sentiment, and a majority of them were led on by fiery men in denunciations of the conscientious Governor, and in curses loud and deep upon him and all his friends. Some of the public men, indeed, went so far as to head a sort of mob, or " shiveree " party, who visited the residence of the Governor and others at Vandalia and yelled and groaned and spat fire. The Constitution, not establishing or permitting slavery in this State, was thought therefore to be defective by the slavery politicians, and they desired a State Convention to be elected, to devise and sub- mit a new Constitution; and the dominant politics of the day was "Convention" and "anti-Conven- tion." Both parties issued addresses to the people, Gov. Coles himself being the author of the address published by the latter party. This address revealed the schemes of the conspirators in a masterly man- ner. It is difficult for us at this distant day to esti- mate the critical and extremely delicate situation in which the Governor was placed at that time. Our hero maintained himself honorably and with supreme dignity throughout his administration, and in his honor a county in this State is named. He was truly a great man, and those who lived in this State during his sojourn here, like those who live at the base of the mountain, were too near to see and recognize the greatness that overshadowed them. Mr. Coles was married Nov. 28, 1833, by Bishop De Lancey, to Miss Sally Logan Roberts, a daughter of Hugh Roberts, a descendant of Welsh ancestry, who cam .J to this country with Wm. Penn in 1682. After the expiration of his term of service, Gov. Coles continued his residence in Edwardsville, sup- erintending his farm in the vicinity. He was fond of agriculture, and was the founder of the first agri- cultural society in the State. On account of ill health, however, and having no family to tie him down, he spent much of his time in Eastern cities. About 1832 he changed his residence to Philadel- phia, where he died July 7, 1868, and is buried at Woodland, near that city. f the GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ' u INIAN EDWARDS, Governor from 1827 to 1 830, was a son of Benjamin Edwards, and was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, in March, 1775. His domestic train- as well fitted to give his mind strength, firmness and honorable principles, and a good foundation was laid for the elevated character to which he afterwards attained. His parents were Bap- tists, and very strict in their moral principles. His education in early youth was in company with and partly under the tuition of Hon. Wm. Wirt, whom his father patronized and who was more than two years older. An intimacy was thus formed between them which was lasting for life. He was further educated at Dickinson College, at Car- lisle, Pa. He next commenced the study of law, but before completing his course he moved to Nelson County, Ky., to open a farm for his father and to purchase homes and locate lands for his brothers and sisters. Here he fell in the company of dissolute companions, and for several years led the life of a spendthrift. He was, however, elected to the Legis- lature of Kentucky as the Representative of Nelson bounty before he was 2 1 years of age, and was re- lected by an almost unanimous vote. In 1798 he was licensed to practice law, and the following year was admitted to the Courts of Tennes- see. About this time he left Nelson County for Russellville, in Logan County, broke away from his dissolute companions, commenced a reformation and devoted himself to severe and laborious study. He then began to rise rapidly in his profession, and soon became an eminent lawyer, and inside of four years he filled in succession the offices of Presiding Judge of the General Court, Circuit Judge, fourth Judge of the Court of Appeals and Chief Justice of the State, all before he was 32 years of age! In addition, in r8o2, he received a commission as Major of a battal- ion of Kentucky militia, and in 1804 was chosen a Presidential Elector, on the Jefferson and Clinton ticket. In 1806 he was a candidate for Congress, but withdrew on being promoted to the Court of Appeals. Illinois was organized as a separate Territory in the spring of 1809, when Mr. Edwards, then Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals in Kentucky, received from President Madison the appointment as Gover- nor of the new Territory, his commission bearing date April 24, 1809. Edwards arrived at Kaskaskia in June, and on the i ith of that month took the oath of office. At the same time he was appointed Superin- tendent of the United States Saline, this Government interest then developing into considerable proportions in Southern Illinois. Although during the first three years of his administration he had the power to make new counties and appoint all the officers, yet he always allowed the people of each county, by an informal NINIAN EDWARDS. vote, to select their own officers, both civil and mili- tary. The noted John J. Crittenden, afterward United States Senator from Kentucky, was appointed by Gev. Edwards to the office of Attorney General of the Territory, which office was accepted for a short time only. The Indians in 1810 committing sundry depreda- tions in the Territory, crossing the Mississippi from the Territory of Louisiana, a long correspondence fol- lowed between the respective Governors concerning the remedies, which ended in a council with the sav- ages at Peoria in 1812, and a fresh interpretation of the treaties. Peoria was depopulated by these de- predations, and was not re-settled for many .years afterward. As Gov. Edwards' term of office expired by law in 1812, he was re-appointed for another term of three years, and again in 1815 for a third term, serving until the organization of the State in the fall of 1818 and the inauguration of Gov. Bond. At this time ex-Gov. Edwards was sent to the United States Senate, his colleague being Jesse B. Thomas. As Senator, Mr. Edwards took a conspicuous part, and acquitted himself honorably in all the measures that came up in that body, being well posted, an able de- bater and a conscientious statesman. He thought seriously of resigning this situation in 1821, but was persuaded by his old friend, Wm. Wirt, and others to continue in office, which he did to the end of the term. He was then appointed Minister to Mexico by President Monroe. About this time, it appears that Mr. Edwards saw suspicious signs in the conduct of Wm. H. Crawford, Secretary of the United States Treasury, and an ambitious candidate for the Presi- dency, and being implicated by the latter in some of his statements, he resigned his Mexican mission in order fully to investigate the charges. The result was the exculpation of Mr. Edwards. Pro-slavery regulations, often termed "Black Laws," disgraced the statute books of both the Territory and ;he State of Illinois during the whole of his career in :his commonwealth, and Mr. Edwards always main- tained the doctrines of freedom, and was an important actor in the great struggle which ended in a victory for his parfy in 1824. In i826--7 the Winnebago and other Indians com- mitted some depredations in the northern part of the State, and the white settlers, who desired the lands and wished to exasperate the savages into an evacu- ation of the country, magnified the misdemeanors of the aborigines and thereby produced a hostility be- tween the races so great as to precipitate a little war, known in history as the "Winnebago War." A few chases and skirmishes were had, when Gen. Atkinson succeeded in capturing Red Bird, the Indian chief, and putting him to death, thus ending the contest, at least until the troubles commenced which ended in the " Black Hawk War " of 1832. In the interpre- tation of treaties and execution of their provisions Gov. Edwards had much vexatious work to do. The Indians kept themselves generally within the juris- diction of Michigan Territory, and its Governor, Lewis Cass, was at a point so remote that ready cor- respondence with him was difficult or impossible. Gov. Edwards' administration, however, in regard to the protection of the Illinois frontier, seems to hava been very efficient and satisfactory. For a considerable portion of his time after his re- moval to Illinois, Gov. Edwards resided upon his farm near Kaskaskia, which he had well stocked with horses, cattle and sheep from Kentucky, also with fruit-trees, grape-vines and shrubbery. He estab- lished saw and grist-mills, and engaged extensively in mercantile business, having no less than eight or ten stores in this State and Missouri. Notwithstanding the arduous duties of his office, he nearly always pur- chased the goods himself with which to supply the stores. Although not a regular practitioner of medi- cine, he studied the healing art to a considerable ex- tent, and took great pleasure in prescribing for, and taking care of, the sick, generally without charge. He was also liberal to the poor, several widows and ministers of the gospel becoming indebted to him even for their homes. He married Miss Elvira Lane, of Maryland, in 1803, and they became the affectionate parents of several children, one of whom, especially, is well' known to the people of the " Prairie State," namely, Ninian Wirt Edwards, once the Superintendent c' Public Instruction and still a resident of Springfield Gov. Edwards resided at and in the vicinity of Kas- kaskia from 1809 to 1818; in Edwardsville (named after him) from that time to 1824; and from the lat- ter date at Belleville, St. Clair County, until his death, July 20, 1833, of Asiatic cholera. Edwards County is also named in his honor. of the of GO VERNGRS OF ILLINOIS. OHN REYNOLDS, Governor 1831- 4, was born in Montgomery Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, Feb. 26, 1788. His father, Robert Reynolds and i mother, nee Margaret Moore, were both natives of Ireland, from which country they emigrated to the United States in 1785, land- ing at Philadelphia. The senior Reynolds entertained an undying hostility to the British Govern- ment. When the subject of this sketch was about six months old, his parents emigrated with him to Tennessee, where many of their relatives had already located, at the base of the Copper Ridge Mountain, about 14 miles northeast of the present city of Knoxville. There they were ex- posed to Indian depredations, and were much molest- ed by them. In 1794 they moved into the interior of the State. They were poor, and brought up their children to habits of manual industry. In 1800 the family removed to Kaskaskia, 111., with eight horses and two wagons, encountering many Hardships on the way. Here young Reynolds passed the most of his childhood, while his character began to develop, the most prominent traits of which were ambition and energy. He also adopted the principle and practice of total abstinence from intoxicating liquors. In 1807 the family made another removal, this time to the " Goshen Settlement," at the foot of the Mississippi bluffs three or four miles southwest of Edwardsville. On arriving at his 2oth year, Mr. Reynolds, seeing that he must look about for his own livelihood and not yet having determined what calling to pursue, concluded first to attend college, and he accordingly went to such an institution of learning, near Knox- ville, Tenn., where he had relatives. Imagine his diffidence, when, after passing the first 20 years of his life without ever having seen a carpet, a papered wall or a Windsor chair, and never having lived in a shingle-roofed house, he suddenly ushered himself into the society of the wealthy in the vicinity of Knoxville! He attended college nearly two years, going through the principal Latin authors ; but it seems that he, like the rest of the world in modern times, had but very little use for his Latin in after life. He always failed, indeed, to exhibit any good degree of literary discipline. He commenced the study of law in Knoxville, but a pulmonary trouble came on and compelled him to change his mode of life. Accordingly he returned home and re- cuperated, and in 1812 resumed his college and law studies at Knoxville. In the fall of r8i2 he was admitted to the Bar at Kaskaskia. About this time he also learned the French language, which he practiced with pleasure in conversation with his family for many years. He regarded this language as being superior to all others for social intercourse. JOHN REYNOLDS. From his services in the West, in the war of 1812, he obtained the sobriquet of the " Old Ranger." He was Orderly Sergeant, then Judge Advocate. Mr. Reynolds opened his first law office in the winter and spring of 1814, in the French village of Cahokia, then the capital of St. Clair County. In the fall of 1818 he was elected an Associate Justice upon the Supreme Bench by the General Assembly. In r825 he entered more earnestly than ever into the practice of law, and the very next year was elected a member of the Legislature, where he acted independently of all cliques and private inter- ests. In 1828 the Whigs and Democrats were for the first time distinctively organized as such in Illi- nois, and the usual party bitterness grew up and raged on all sides, while Mr. Reynolds preserved a Judicial calmness and moderation. The real animus .if the campaign was " Jackson " and " anti-Jackson," 'he former party carrying the State. In August, 1830, Mr. Reynolds was elected Gov- anor, amid great excitement. Installed in office, he did all within his power to advance the cause of edu- cation, internal improvements, the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal, the harbor at Chicago, settling the coun- try, etc.; also recommended the winding up of the State Bank, as its affairs had become dangerously complicated. In his national politics, hr was a moderate supporter of General Jackson. But the most celebrated event of his gubernatorial admin- istration was the Black Hawk War, which occurred in 1832. He called out the militia and prosecuted the contest with commendable diligence, appearing in person on the battle-grounds during the most critical periods. He was recognized by the President as Major-General, and authorized by him to make treaties with the Indians. By the assistance of the general Government the war was terminated without much bloodshed, but after many serious fights. This war, as well as everything else, was materially re- tarded by the occurrence of Asiatic cholera in the West. This was its first appearance here, and was the next event in prominence during Gov. Reynolds' term. South Carolina nullification coming up at this time, t was heartily condemned by both President Jackson and Gov. Reynolds, who took precisely the same grounds as the Unionists in the last war. On the termination of his gubernatorial term in -834, Gov. Reynolds was elected a Member of Con- gress, still considering himself a backwoodsman, as e had scarcely been outside of the State since he became of age, and had spent nearly all his youthful iays v. the wildest region of the frontier. His first nove in Congress was to adopt a resolution that in all elections made by the House for officers the votes should be given viva wee, each member in his place naming aloud the person for whom he votes. This created considerable heated discussion, but was es- sentially adopted, and remained the controlling prin- ciple for many years. The ex Governor was scarcely absent from his seat a single day, during eight ses- sions of Congress, covering a period of seven years, and he never vacillated in a party vote; but he failed to get the Democratic party to foster his " National Road" scheme. He says, in "My Own Times" (a large autobiography he published), that it was only by rigid economy that he avoided insolvency while in Washington. During liis sojourn in that city he was married, to a lidy of the place. In 1837, while out of Congress, and in company with a few others, he built the first railroad in the Mississippi Valley, namely, one about six miles long, leading from his coal mine in the Mississippi bluff to the bank of the river opposite St. Louis. Having not the means to purchase a locomotive, they operated it by horse-power. The next spring, however, the com- pany sold out, at great sacrifice. In 1839 the ex-Governor was appointed one of the Canal Commissioners, and authorized to borrow money to prosecute the enterprise. Accord' ngly, he repaired to Philadelphia and succeeding in obtaining a million dollars, which, however, was only a fourth of what was wanted. The same year he and his wife made at our of Europe. This year, also v JMr. Reynolds had the rather awkward little responsibility of introducing to President Van Buren the noted Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, as a " Latter-Day Saint!" In 1846 Gov. Reynolds was elected a member of the Legislature from St. Clair County, more particu larly for the purpose of obtaining a feasible charter for a macadamized road from Belleville to St. Louis, a distance of nearly r4 miles. This was immediately built, and was the first road of the kind in the State. He was again elected to the Legislature in 1852, when he was chosen Speaker of the House. In 1860, aged and infirm, he attended the National Democratic Convention a'. Charleston, S. C , as an anti-Douglas Delegate, where he received more attention from the Southern Delegates than any other member. He supported Breckenridge for the Presidency. After the October elections foreshadowed the success of Lincoln, he published an address urging the Demo- crats to rally to the support of Douglas. Immedi- ately preceding and during the late war, his corre- spondence evinced a clear sympathy for the Southern secession, and about the first of March, i86r, he urged upon the Buchanan officials the seizure of the treasure and arms in the custom-house and arsenal at St. Louis. Mr. Reynolds was a rather talkative man, and apt in all the Western phrases and catch- words that ever gained currency, besides many cun- ning and odd ones of his own manufacture. He was married twice, but had no children. He died in Belleville, in May, 1865, just after the close of the war. f th, of I GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. a fn ILLIAM LEE D. EWING, Governor of Illinois Nov. 3 to 17, 1834, was a native of Kentucky, and probably of Scotch ancestry. He had ne education, was a gentle- man of polished manners and refined sentiment. In 1830 John Rey- nolds was elected Governor of the State, and Zadok Casey Lieutenant Governor, and for the principal events that followed, and the characteristics of the times, see sketch of Gov. Reynolds. The first we see in history concerning Mr. Ewing, in- _ forms us that he was a Receiver of Public Moreys at Vandalia soon after the organization of thin State, and that the public moneys in his hands v.'ere deposited in various banks, as they are usually r,r UK /resent day. In 1823 the State Bank was obbed,. by which disaster Mr. Ewing lost a thousand- dollar deposit. The subject of this sketch had a commission as Colonel in the Black Hawk War, and in emergencies nrt. In 1829 Gov. Edwards appointed him Prosecuting Attorney, and in 1831 he was re-appointed by Gov. Reynolds, and after that he was four times elected a Judge by the Legislature, without opposition, twice a Circuit Judge, once a Judge of Chicago, and as As- sociate Judge of the Supreme Court, when, in 1841, the latter tribunal was re-organized by the addition of five Judges, all Democrats. Ford was assigned to the Ninth Judicial Circuit, and while in this capacity he was holding Court in Ogle County he received a notice of his nomination by the Democratic Conven- tion for the office of Governor. He immediately re- signed his place and entered upon the canvass. In August, 1842, he was elected, and on the 8th of De- cember following he was inaugurated. All the offices which he had held were unsolicited by him. He received them upon the true Jefferson- ian principle, Never to ask and never to refuse office. Both as a lawyer and as a Judge he stood deservedly high, but his caU of intellect fitted him rather for a writer upon law than a practicing advo- cate in the courts. In the latter capacity he was void of the moving power of eloquence, so necessary to success with juries. As a Judge his opinions were "jound, lucid and able expositions of the law. In practice, he was a stranger to the tact, skill and in- sinuating address of the politician, but he saw through :he arts of demagogues as will as any man He was plain in his demeanor, so much so, indeed, that at one time after the expiration of his term of office, during a session of the Legislature, he was taken by a stranger to be a seeker for the position of door- keeper, and was waked upon at his hotel near mid- night by a knot of small office-seekers with the view of effecting a " combination ! " Mr. Ford had not the " brass " cf the ordinary politician, nor that impetuosity which characterizes a political leader. He cared little for money, and hardly enough for a decent support. In person he was of small stature, slender, of dark complexion, with black hair, sharp features, deep-set eyes, a pointed, aquiline nose having a decided twist to one side, and a small mouth. The three most important events in Gov. Ford's r.dir.inistration were the establishment of the high financial credit of the State, the " Mormon War "and the Mexican War. In the first of these the Governor proved himself to be eminently wise. On coming into office he found the State badly paralyzed by the ruinous effects of the notorious "internal improvement" schemes of the preceding decade, with scarcely anythi,:.; {-. show by way of "improvement." The enterprise that seemed to be getting ahead more than all the rest was the Illinois & Michigan Canal. As ilvis promised to be the most important thoroughfare, feasible to the people, it was well under headway in its construction. Therefore the State policy wa; almost concentrated upon it, in order to rush it on te completion. The bonded indebtedness of the State was growing so large as to frighten the people, and they were about ready to entertain a proposition for repudiation. But the Governor had the foresight to recommend such measures as would maintain the public credit, for which every citizen to-day feels thankful. But perhaps the Governor is remembered more for his connection with the Mormon troubles than for anything else; for it was during his term of office that the " Latter-Day Saints " becam? so strong at Nauvoo, built their temple there, increased their num- bers throughout the count-y, committed misdemean- ors, taught dangerous doctrines, suffered the loss of theirleader, Jo Smith, by a violent death, were driven out of Nauvoo to the far West, etc. Having been a Judge for so many years previously, Mr. Ford of course was non-committal concerning Mormon affairs, and was therefore claimed by both parties and also accused by each of sympathizing too greatly with the other side. Mormonism claim! ag to be a system of religion, the Governor no doubt was ".between two fires," and felt compelled to touch the matter rather " gingerly," and doubtless felt greatly relieved when th.it pestilential people left the State. Such compli- cated matters, especially when religion is mixed up with them, expose every person participating in them to criticism from all parties. The Mexican War was begun in the spring of 1845, and was continued into the gubernatorial term of Mr. Ford's su.cessor. The Governor's connection with this war, however, was not conspicuous, as it was only administrative, commissioning officers, etc. Ford's " History of Illinois " is a vay readable and entertaining work, of 450 small octavo pages, and is destined to increase in value with the lapse of time. It exhibits a natural flow of compact and forcible thought, never failing to convey the nicest sense. In tracing with his trenchant pen the deviousoperations of the professional politician, in which he is inimit- able, his account is open, perhaps, to the objection that all his contemporaries are treated as mere place- seekers, while many of them have since been judged by the people to be worthy statesmen. His writings seem slightly open to the criticism that they exhibit a little splenetic partiality against those of his con- temporaries who were prominent during his term of office as Governor. The death of Gov. Ford took place at Peoria, 111., Nov. 2, 1850. Ik Library f the of Uth GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. Augustus c. French. -K- : UGUSTUS C. FRENCH, Governor of Illinois from 1846 to 1852, was born in the town of Hill, in the State of New Hampshire, Aug. 2, 1808. He was a descendant in the fourth generation of Nathaniel French, who emigrated from England in 1687 and settled in Saybury, Mass. In early life young French lost his father, but continued to receive in- struction from an exemplary and Christian mother until he was 19 years old, when she also died, confiding to his care and trust four younger broth- ers and one sister. He discharged his trust with parental devotion. His education in early life was such mainly as a common school afforded. For a brief period he attended Dartmouth College, but from pecuniary causes and the care of his brothers and sister, he did not graduate. He subsequently read law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1831, and shortly afterward removed to Illinois, settling first at Albion, Edwards County, where he established him- self in the practice of law. The following year he removed to Paris, Edgar County. Here he attained eminence in his profession, and entered public life by representing that county in the Legislature. A strong attachment sprang up between him and Ste- phen A. Douglas. In 1839, Mr. French was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office at Palestine, Craw- ford County, at which place he was a resident when elevated to the gubernatorial chair. In 1844 he was a Presidential Elector, and as such he voted for James K. Polk. The Democratic State Convention of 1846, meet- ing at Springfield Feb. 10, nominated Mr. French for Governor. Other Democratic candidates were Lyman Trumbull, John Calhoun (subsequently of Lecompton Constitution notoriety), Walter B. Scales. Richard M. Young and A. W. Cavarly, an array of very able and prominent names. Trumbull was per- haps defeated in the Convention by the rumor that he was opposed to the Illinois and Michigan Canal, as he had been a year previously. For Lieutenant Governor J. B. Wells was chosen, while other candi- dates were Lewis Ross, Wrn. McMurtry, Newton Cloud, J. B. Hamilton and W. W. Thompson. The resolutions declared strongly against the resuscita- tion of the old State Banks. The Whigs, who were in a hopeless minority, held their convention June 8, at Peoria, and selected Thomas M. Kilpatrick, of Scott County, for Governor, and Gen. Nathaniel G. Wilcox, of Schuyler, for Lieutenant Governor. In the campaign the latter exposed Mr. French's record and connection with the passage of the in- ternal improvement system, urging it against his election ; but in the meantime the war with Mexico broke out, regarding which the Whig record was un- popular in this State. The war was the absorbing and dominating question of the period, sweeping every other political issue in its course. The elec- tion in August gave Mr. French 58,700 votes, and Kilpatrick only 36,775. Richard Eells, Abolitionist candidate for the same office, received 5,152 votws. AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH. By the new Constitution of 1848, a new election for State officers was ordered in November of that year, before Gov. French's term was half out, and he was re-elected for the term of four years. He was there- fore the incumbe.it for six consecutive years, the only Governor of this State who has ever served in that capacity so long at one time. As there was no organized opposition to his election, he received 67,- 453 votes, to 5,639 for Pierre Menard (son of the first Lieutenant Governor), 4,748 for Charles V. Dyer, 3,834 for W. L. D. Morrison, and 1,361 for James L. D. Morrison. But Wm. McMurtry, of Knox County, was elected Lieutenant Governor, in place of Joseph B. Wells, who was before elected and did not run again. Governor French was inaugurated into office dur- ing the progress of the Mexican War, which closed during the summer of 1847, although the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not made until Feb. 2, 1848. The policy of Gov. French's party was com- mitted to that war, but in connection with that affair he was, of course, only an administrative officer. During his term of office, Feb. 19, 1847, the Legisla- ture, by special permission of Congress, declared that all Government lands sold to settlers should be im- mediately subject to State taxation; before this they were exempt for five years after sale. By this ar- rangement the revenue was materially increased. About the same time, the distribution of Government -and warrants among the Mexican soldiers as bounty threw upon the market a great quantity of good lands, and this enhanced the settlement of the State. The same Legislature authorized, with the recom- mendation of the Governor, the sale of the Northern Cross Railroad (from Springfield to Meredosia, the first in the State and now a section of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific). It sold for $100,000 in bonds, although it had cost the State not less than a million. The salt wells and canal lands in the Saline reserve in Gallatin County, granted by the general Govern- ment to the State, were also authorized by the Governor to be sold, to apply on the State debt. In 1850, for the first time since 1839, the accruing State revenue, exclusive of specific appropriations, was sufficient to meet the current demands upon the treasury. The aggregate taxable property of the State at this time was over $100,000,000, and tha population 851470. In 1849 the Legislature adopted the township or- ganization law, which, however, proved defective, and was properly amended in 1851. At its session in the latter year, the General Assembly also passed a law to exempt homesteads from sale on executions This beneficent measure had been repeatedly argery that by 1850 his large Congressional District, extending from Morgan and Sangamon Counties i orth to include LaSalle, unanimously tendered him trie Whig nomination for Congress. His Democratic opponent was Maj. Thomas L. Harris, a very pop- lar man who had won distinction at the battle of Cerro Gordo, in the Mexican War, and who had aeaten Hon. Stephen T. Logan for the same position, two years before, by a large majority. Yates wa? elected. Two years later he was re-elected, over John Calhoun. It was during Yates second term in Congress that the great question of the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise was agitated, and the bars laid down for re- opening the dreaded anti-slavery question. He took strong grounds against the repeal, and thus became identified with the rising Republican party. Conse- quently he fell into the minority in his district, which was pro-slavery. Even then, in a third contest; he fell behind Major Harris only 200 votes, after the district had two years before given Pierce 2,000 majority for President. The Republican State Convention of r86o met at Decatur May 9, and nominated for the office of Gov- ernor Mr. Yates, in preference to Hon. Norman B. Judd, of Chicago, and Leonard Swett, of Blooming- ton, two of the ablest men of the State, who were also candidates before the Convention. Francis A. Hoffman, of DuPage County, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. This was the year when Mr. Lincoln was a candidate for President, a period re- membered as characterized by the great whirlpool which precipitated the bloody War of the Rebellion. The Douglas Democrats nominated J. C. Allen cf Crawford County, for Governor, and Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton County, for Lieutenant Governor. The Breckenridge Democrats and the Bell-Everett party had also full tickets in the field. After a most fear- ful campaign, the result of the election gave Mr. Yates T72,i96 votes, and Mr, Allen 159,253. Mr. Yates received over a thousand more votes than did Mr. Lincoln himself. Gov. Yates occupied the chair of State during the RICHARD YA TES. most critical period of our country's history. In the fate of the nation was involved that of each State. The life struggle of the former derived its sustenance from the loyalty of the latter; and Gov. Yates seemed to realize the situation, and proved himself both loyal and wise in upholding the Government. He ha* a deep hold upon the affections of the people, won by his moving eloquence and genial manners. Erect and symmetrical in person, of pre- possessing appearance, with a winning address and a magnetic power, few men possessed more of the ele- ments of popularity. His oratory was scholarly and captivating, his hearers hardly knowing why they were transported. He was social and convivial. In the latter respect he was ultimately carried too far. The very creditable military efforts of this State during the War of the Rebellion, in putting into the field the enormous number of about 200,000 soldiers, were ever promptly and ably seconded by his excel- lency ; and the was ambitious to deserve the title of "the soldier's friend." Immediately after the battle of Shiloh he repaired to the field of carnage to look after the wounded, and his appeals for aid were promptly responded to by the people. His procla- mations calling for volunteers were impassionate appeals, urging upon the people the duties and re- quirements of patriotism; and his special message in 1863 to the Democratic Legislature of this State pleading for material aid for the sick and wounded soldiers of Illinois regiments, breathes a deep fervor of noble sentiment and feeling rarely equaled in beauty or felicity of expression. Generally his mes- sages on political and civil affairs were able and com- prehensive. During his administration, however, there were no civil events of an engrossing character, although two years of his time were replete with partisan quarrels of great bitterness. Military ar- rests, Knights of the Golden Circle, riot in Fulton County, attempted suppression of'the Chicago Times and the usurping State Constitutional Convention of 1862, were the chief local topics that were exciting during the Governor's term. This Convention assem- bled Jan. 7, and at once took the high position that 'he law calling it was no longer binding, and that it ad supreme power; that it represented a virtual assemblage of the whole people of the State, and was sovereign in the exercise of all power necessary to effect a peaceable revolution of the State Government and to the re-establishment of one for the " happiness, prosperity and freedom of the citizens," limited only by the Federal Constitution. Notwithstanding the law calling the Convention required its members to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State as well as that of the general Government, they utterly refused to take such oath. They also as- sumed legislative powers and passed several import- ant "laws!" Interfering with the (then) present executive duties, Gov. Yates was "revoked to tell them plainly that " he did not acknowledge the right of the Convention to instruct him in the performance of his duty." In 1863 the Governor astonished the Democrats by " proroguing " their Legislature. This body, after a recess, met June 2, that year, and soon began to waste time upon various partisan resolutions ; and, while the two houses were disagreeing upon the question of adjourning sine die, the Governor, having the authority in such cases, surprised them all by adjourning them " to the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in January, 1865 ! " This led to great excitement and confusion, and to a reference of the Governor's act to the Supreme Court, who decided in his favor. Then it was the Court's turn to receive abuse for weeks and months afterward. During the autumn of 1864 a conspiracy was de- tected at Chicago which had for its object the liber- ation of the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, the burning of the city and the inauguration of rebellion in the North. Gen. Sweet, who had charge of the camp at the time, first had his suspicions of danger ;iroused by a number of enigmatically worded letters which passed through the Camp postoffice. A de- tective afterward discovered that the rebel Gen. Marmaduke was in the city, under an assumed name, and he, with other rebel officers Grenfell, Morgan, Cantrell, Buckner Morris, and Charles Walsh was arrested, most of whom were convicted by a court-martial at Cincinnati and sentenced to imprisonment, Grenfell to be hung. The sentence of the latter was afterward commuted to imprison- ment for life, and all the others, after nine months' imprisonment, were pardoned. In March, 1873, Gov. Yates was appointed a Gov eminent Director of the Union Pacific Railroad, in which, office he continued until his decease, at St. Louis, Mo., on the 27th of November following. Tk. Ubw, of the GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ,63 ilCHARD J. OGLESBY, Gov- ernor 1865-8, and re-elected in 1872 and 1884, was born July 25, 1824, in Oldham Co., Ky., the State which might be considered the " mother of Illinois Governors." Bereft of his parents at the tender age of eight years, his early education was neglected. When 12 years of age, and after he had worked a year and a half at the carpenter's trade, he removed with an uncle, Willis Oglesby, into whose care he had been committed, to Decatur, this State, where he continued his ap- prenticeship as a mechanic, working six months for Hon. E. O. Smith. tn 1844 he commenced studying law at Spring- field, with Judge Silas Robbins, and read with him one year. He was admitted to the Bar in 1845, and commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Sullivan, the county seat of Moultrie County. The next year the war with Mexico was com- menced, and in June, 1846, Mr. Oglesby volunteered, was elected First Lieutenant of Co. C, Fourth Illinois Regiment of Volunteers, and participated in the bat- tles of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. On his return he sought to perfect his law studies by attending a course of lectures at Louisville, but on the breaking out of the California "gold fever " in 1849, he crossed the plains and mountains to the new Eldorado, driving a six-mule team, with a com- pany of eight men, Henry Prather being the leader. In 1852 he returned home to Macon County, and was placed that year by the Whig party on the ticket of Presidential Electors. In 1856 he visited Europe, Asia and Africa, being absent 20 months. On his return home he resumed the practice of law, as a member of the firm of Gallagher, Wait & Oglesby. In 1858 he was the Republican nominee for the Lower House of Congress, but was defeated by the Hon. James C. Robinson, Democrat. In 1860 he was elected to the Illinois State Senate ; and on the evening the returns of this election were coming in, Mr. Oglesby had a fisticuff encounter with " Cerro Gordo Williams," in which he came out victorious, and which was regarded as " the first fight of the Rebellion." The following spring, when the war had commenced in earnest, his ardent nature quickly responded to the demands of patriotism and he enlisted. The extra session of the Legislature elected him Colonel of the Eighth Illinois Infantry, the second one in the State raised to suppress the great Rebellion. He was shortly entrusted with important com- mands. For a time he was stationed at Bird's Point and Cairo ; in April he was promoted Brigadier Gen~ eral ; at Fort Donelson his brigade was in the van, being stationed on the right of General Grant's army and the first brigade to be attacked. He lost 500 men before re-inforcements arrived. Many of these men were from Macon County. He was engaged in the battle of Corinth, and, in a brave charge at this place, was shot in the left lung with an ounce ball, and was carried from the field in expectation of ina- i6 4 RICHARD J. OGLESBY. mediate death. That rebel ball he carries to this day. On his partial recovery he was promoted as Major General, for gillantry, his commission to rank from November, 1862. In the spring of 1863 he was assigned to the command of the i6th Army Corps, but, owing to inability from the effects of his wound, he relinquished this command in July, that year. Gen. Grant, however, refused to accept his resignation, and he was detailed, in December follow- ing, to court-martial and try the Surgeon General of the Army at Washington, where he remained until May, 1864, when he returned home. The Republican, or Union, State Convention of 1864 was held at Springfield, May 25, when Mr. Oglesby was nominated for the office of Governor, while other candidates before the Convention were Allen C. Fuller, of Boone, Jesse K. Dubois, of Sanga- mon, and John M. Palmer, of Macoupin. Wm. Bross, of Chicago, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. On the Democratic State ticket were James C. Robinson, of Clark, for Governor, and S. Corning Judd, of Fulton, for Lieutenant Governor. The general election gave Gen. Oglesby a majority of about 31,000 votes. The Republicans had also a majority in both the Legislature and in the repre- sentation in Congress. Gov. Oglesby was duly inaugurated Jan. 17, r865_ The day before the first time set for his installation death visited his home at Decatur, and took from it his only son, an intelligent and sprightly lad of six years, a great favorite of the bereaved parents. This caused the inauguration to be postponed a week. The political events of the Legislative session of 1865 were the election of ex-Gov. Yates to the United States Senate, and the ratification of the 131)1 amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery. This session also signalized itself by repealing the notorious " black laws," part of which, although a dead letter, had held their place upon the statute books since 1819. Also, laws re- quiring the registration of voters, and establishing a State Board of Equalization, were passed by this Leg- islature. But the same body evinced that it was cor- ruptly influenced by a mercenary lobby, as it adopted some bad legislation, over the Governor's veto, nota- bly an amendment to a charter for a Chicago horse railway, granted in 1859 for 25 years, and now sought to be extended 99 years. As this measure was promptly passed over his veto by both branches of the Legislature, he deemed it useless further to attempt to check their headlong career. At this session no law of a general useful character or public interest was perfected, unless we count such the turning over of the canal to Chicago to be deepened. The session of 1867 was still more productive of private and special acts. Many omnibus bills were proposed, and some passed. The contests over the .ocation of the Industrial College, the Capital, the Southern Penitentiary, and the canal enlargement and Illinois River improvement, dominated every- thing else. During the year 1872, it became evident that if the Republicans could re-elect Mr. Oglesby to the office of Governor, they could also elect him to the United States Senate, which they desired to do. Accordingly they re-nominated him for the Execu- tive chair, and placed upon the ticket with him for Lieutenant Governor, John L. Beveridge, of Cook County. On the other side the Democrats put into the field Gustavus Koerner for Governor and John C. Black for Lieutenant Governor. The election gave the Republican ticket majorities ranging from 35'334 to 56,174, the Democratic defection being caused mainly by their having an old-time Whig and Abolitionist, Horace Greeley, on the national ticket for President. According to the general understand- ing had beforehand, as soon as the Legislature met it elected Gov. Oglesby to the United States Senate, whereupon Mr. Beveridge became Governor. Sena- tor Oglesby 's term expired March 4, 1879, having served his party faithfully and exhibited an order of statesmanship beyond criticism. During the campaign of 1884 Mr. Oglesby was nominated for a "third term" as Executive of the State of Illinois, against Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, nominated by the Democrats. Both gentlemen " stumped " the State, and while the peo- ple elected a Legislature which was a tie on a join': ballot, as between the two parties, they gave the jovial " Dick" Oglesby a majority of I5,or8 for Gov- ernor, and he was inaugurated Jan. 30, 1885. The Legislature did not fully organize until this date, on account of its equal division between the two main parties and the consequent desperate tactics of each party to checkmate the latter in the organization of the House. Gov. Oglesby is a fine-appearing, affable man, with regular, well defined features and rotund face. In stature he is a little above medium height, of a large frame and somewhat fleshy. His physical appear- ance is striking and prepossessing, while his straight- out, not to say bluff, manner and speech are weli. calculated favorably to impress the average masses. Ardent in feeling and strongly committed to the pol- icies of his party, he intensifies Republicanism among Republicans, while at the same time his iovia. and liberal manner prevents those of the opposite party from hating him. He is quite an effective stump orator. With vehe- ent, passionate and scornful tone and gestures. tremendous physical power, which in speaking he exercises to the utmost ; with frequent descents to the grotesque; and with abundant homely compari- sons or frontier figures, expressed in the broadest vernacular and enforced with stentorian emphasis, he delights a promiscuous audience beyond measure, TWUbrary of the GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '.'t'.'i '. 'i '. v.i'i '. 'i '. '< '. ''.'.' .' Y : i 1 .' v : >'.',' ; i 1 ; >' : .' ; \< : >' : '.. i' ..I 1 ..' i' i 1 ; i 1 ; ,' : ,' ; ,' ;. ,' : .' ; ,' ; ,' : ,' : ,' ; i. ., '. ', . ', : ', . '. . >, '. ', . ', : ', . <, :<> .,',..',. . much opposition that the bill was several times " laid on the table." Also, this session authorized the location and establishment of a southern peni- tentiary, which was fixed at Chester. In the session of 1879 Mr. Hamilton was elected President pro tern. of the Senate, and was a zealous supporter of John A. Logan for the U. S. Senate, who was this time elected without any trouble. In May, 1880, Mr. Hamilton was nominated on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor, his principal competitors before the Convention being Hon. Wm. A. James, ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Judge Robert Bell, of ^abash County, Hon. T. T. Fountain, of Perry County, and Hon. M. M. Saddler, of Marion County. Reengaged actively in the campaign, and his ticket was elected by a majority of 41,200. As Lieutenant Governor, he presided almost continuously over the Senate in the 32d General Assembly and during the early days of the 33d, until he succeeded to the Governorship. When the Legislature of 1883 elected Gov. Cullom to the United States Senate, Lieut. Gov. Hamilton succeeded him, under the Constitution, taking the oath of office Feb. 6, 1883. He bravely met all the annoyances and embarrassments incidental upon taking up another's administration. The principal events with which Gov. Hamilton was connected as the Chief Executive of the State were, the mine dis- aster at Braidwood, the riots in St. Clairand Madison Counties in May, 1883, the appropriations for the State militia, the adoption of the Harper high-license liquor law, the veto of a dangerous railroad bill, etc. The Governor was a Delegate at large to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in June, 1884, where his first choice for President was John A. Logan, and second choice Chester A. Arthur; but he afterward zealously worked for the election of Mr. Elaine, true to his party. Mr. Hamilton's term a* Governor expired Jan. 30, 1885, when the great favorite " Dick " Oglesby was inaugurated. Tit library of the of (HIM,, t f GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. SEPH WILSON FIFER. This distinguished gentleman was elected Governor of Illinois November 6, 1888. He was popularly known during the campaign as "Private Joe." He had served with great devotion to his country during the Re- bellion, in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry. A native of Virginia, lie was born in 1840. His parents, John and Mary (Daniels) Fifer, were American born, though of German de- scent. His father was a brick and stone mason, and an old Henry Clay Whig in polities. John and Mary Fifer had nine children, of whom Joseph was the sixth, and naturally, with so large a family, it was all the father could do to keep the wolf from the door, to say nothing of giving his children any- thing like good educational advantages. Joseph attended school for a while in Virgina, but it was not a good school, and when his father removed to the West, in 1857, Joseph had not ad- vanced much further than the "First Reader." Our subject was sixteen then and suffered a great misfortune in the loss of his mother. After the death of Mrs. Fifer, which occurred in Missouri, the family returned to Virgina, but remained only a short time, as during the same year Mr. Fifer came to Illinois. He settled in McLean County and started a brickyard. Here Joseph and his brothers were put to work. The elder Mr. Fifer soon bought a farm near Bloomington and began life as an agriculturist. Here Joe worked and attended the neighboring school. He alternated farm- work, and brick-laying, going to the district school for the succeeding few years. It was all work and no play for Joe, yet it by no means made a dull boy of him. All the time he was thinking of the great world outside, of which he had caught a glimpse when coming from Virginia, yet he did not know just how he was going to get out into it. He could not feel that the woods around the new farm and the log cabin, in which the family lived, were to hold him. The opportunity to get out into the world was soon offered to young Joe. He traveled a dozen miles barefoot, in company with his brother George, and enlisted in Company C, Thirty-third Illinois Infantry, he being then twenty years old. In a few days, the regiment was sent to Camp Butler, and then over into Missouri, and saw some vigor- ous service there. After a second time helping to chase Price out of Missouri, the Thirty-third Regi- 184 JOSEPH W. FIFER. ment went down to Milliken's Bend, and for several weeks "Private Joe" worked on Grant's famous ditch. The regiment then joined the forces oper- ating against Port Gibson and Vicksburg. Joe was on guard duty in the front ditches when the flag of surrender was run up on the 4th of July, and stuck the bayonet of his gun into the embank- ment and went into the city with the vanguard of Union soldiers. The next day, July 5, the Thirty-third joined the force after Johnston, who had been threatening Grant's rear; and finally an assault was made on him at Jackson, Miss. In this charge "Private Joe" fell, terribly wounded. He was loading his gun, when a minie-ball struck him and passed entirely through his body. He was regarded as mortally wounded. His brother, George, who had been made a Lieutenant, proved to be the means of sav- ing his life. The Surgeon told him that unless he had ice his brother could not live. It was fifty miles to the nearest point where ice could be obtained, and the roads were rough. A comrade, a McLean County man, who had been wounded, offered to make the trip. An ambulance was secured and the brother soldier started on the journey. He re- turned with the ice, but the trip, owing to the roughness of the road, was very hard on him. Af- ter a few months' careful nursing, Mr. Fifer was able to come home. The Thirty-third came home on a furlough, and when the boys were ready to return to the tented field, young Fifer was ready to go with them , for he was determined to finish his term of three years. He was mustered out in Oct- ober, 1864, having been in the service three years and two months. "Private Joe" came out of the army a tall, tan- ned, and awkward young man of twenty-four. About all he possessed was ambition to be some- body and pluck. Though at an age when most men have finished their college course, the young soldier saw that if he was to be anybody he must have an education. Yet he had no means to ena- ble him to enter school as most young men do. He was determined to have an education, however, and that to him meant success. For the following four years he struggled with his books. He en- tered Wesleyan University January 1, 1865. He was not a brilliant student, being neither at the head nor at the foot of his class. He was in great earnest, however, studied hard and came forth with a well-stored and disciplined mind. Immediately after being graduated, he entered an office at Bloomington as a law student. He had previously read law a little, and as he continued to work hard, with the spur of poverty and prompt- ings of ambition ever with him, he was ready to hang out his professional shingle in 1869. Being trustworthy, he soon gathered about him some in- fluential friends. In 1871 he was elected Corpora- tion Counsel of Bloomington. In 1872 he was elected State's Attorney of McLean County. This office he held eight years, when he took his seat in the State Senate. He served for four years. His ability to perform abundance of hard work made him a most valued member of the Legislature. Mr. Fifer was married in 1870 to Gertie, daugh- ter of William J. Lewis, of Bloomington. Mr. Fifer is six feet i n height and is spare, weigh! ng only one hundred and fifty pounds. He has a swarthy com- plexion, keen black eyes, quick movement, and pos- sesses a frank and sympathetic nature, and natur- lly makes friends wherever he goes. During the late gubernatorial campaign his visits throughout the State proved a great power in his behalf. His faculty of winning the confidence and good wishes of those with whom he comes in personal contact is a source of great popularity, especially during a political battle. As a speaker he is fluent, his lan- guage is good, voice clear and agreeable, and man- ner forcible. His manifest earnestness in what he says, as well as his tact as a public speaker, and his eloquent and forceful language, make him a most valuable campaign orator and a powerful pleader at the bar. At the Republican State Convention, held in May, 1888, Mr. Fifer was chosen as its candidate for Governor. He proved a popular nominee, and the name of "Private Joe" became familiar to everyone throughout the State. He waged a vigorous campaign, was elected by a good majority, and in due time assumed the duties of the Chief Executive of Illinois. !* Library of the of Iflh GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. I 1 . )HN P. ALTGELD, the present Governor of Illinois, is a native of Prussia, born in 1848. Shortly after his birth his parents emi- grated to America, locating on a farm near Mansfield, Ohio. When but a mere lad, young Altgeld had to walk from the farm to Mansfield with butter, eggs and garden produce, which he peddled from house to house. About 1856, his parents moved to the city of Mansfield, and for a time our subject was engaged morning and evening in driv- ing cattle to and from the pas- ture, a distance of eight miles. When fourteen years of age he hired out as a farm hand, and con- tinued in that avocation the greater part of his time until he was sixteen years of age, when he enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Sixty- fourth Ohio Infantry, and served until the close of the war. On being mustered in, the regiment was sent to Washington and was actively engaged in the various campaigns in and around that city until the surrender of Lee. In the fall of 1864, young Altgeld was taken sick, while with his regi- ment in the front, and the surgeon desired to send him to a hospital iu Washington; but he asked to be allowed to remain with the regiment, and soon recovering from his sickness was actively engaged until the close of the war. He was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, in the spring of 1865. The succeeding summer he worked with his father on a farm, during which time he became connected with the Sunday-school and was given charge <)i the Bible class. Before entering the army he had but very limited educational advantages, having attended school but a part of two summers and one winter. He had at home, however, studied the German language and had become familiar with some German authors. Determining to fit himself for a useful life, he resolved to attend a select school at Lexington, Ohio, and in a little eight-by-ten room, meagrely furnished, he kept "bachelor's hall," and in time was so far advanced that he secured a certificate as teacher, and for two years was engaged in that profession. At the end of that time he left home and traveled exten- sively over the country, working at odd jobs, un- til he finally reached Savannah, Mo., where he en- tered a law office, and in 1870 was admitted to the Bar. In the fall of 1872, he ran as .. rosecuting Attorney for Andrews County, Mo., and was de- feated by four votes. He ran again in 1874 and was elected. But life in the small town of Savan- nah was a little too monotonous for him, and he determined to locate in Chicago. In October, JOHN P. ALTOELD. 1875, be resigned the office of Prosecuting Attor- ney, moved to Chicago, and at once commenced the practice of law. For some years after he had but little to do with politics, confining himself to his practice and dealing in real estate. One year after his arrival in Chicago he found himself with- out a dollar, and in debt some $400. By a streak of good luck, as it might be termed, he won a case in court, from which he received a fee of $900, and after paying his debt he had $500 left, which he invested in real estate. This venture proved a successful one, and from that time on the profits of one transaction were invested in others, and to-day he is numbered among the millionaire resi- dents of the great metropolis of the West. In 1884, Mr. Altgeld was nominated for Con- gress, but was defeated by three thousand votes. In 1886, he was nominated and elected Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. His services as Judge were such as to commend him to the peo- ple. Early in the year 1892, by the solicitation of many friends, he announced himself as a candi- date for Governor. At the convention held April 27, he received the nomination and at once en tered upon an active canvass. Alon e, he traveled all over the en tire State, and visited and consulted with the leading politicians of every section. lie made few public speeches, however, until near the close of the campaign, but it was very evident that he was master of the situation at all times. When the votes were counted at the close of election day, it was found that he had a majority of the votes, and so became the first Democratic Governor of Illinois since 1856. Born in poverty, alone, single-handed and un- aided, he faced the world, and with a determina- tion to succeed, he pressed forward, until to-day he has a National reputation, and is the envied of many. The lesson of his life is worthy of careful study by the young, and shows what can be done by one who has the desire in his heart to attain a front rank among the noted men of the country. CHRISTIAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. INTRODUCTORY JHE time has arrived when it becomes the duty of the people of this county to per- petuate the names of their pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and relate the story of their progress. The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age and the duty that men of the pres- ent time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In bio- graphical history is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this country from its primitive state may be preserved. Surely and rapidly the great and aged men, who in their prime entered the wilderness and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number re- maining who can relate the incidents of the first days of settlement is becoming small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preser- vation of events without delay, before all the early settlers are cut down by the scythe of Time. To be forgotten has been the great dread of mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgotten soon enough, in spite of their best works and the most earnest efforts of their friends to perserve the memory of their lives. The means employed to prevent oblivion and to perpetuate their memory has been in propor- tion to the amount of intelligence they possessed. Trn pyramids of Egypt were built to perpetuate the names and deeds of their great rulers. The exhu- mations made by the archeologists of Egypt from buried Memphis indicate a desire of those people to perpetuate the memory of their achievements The erection of the great obelisks were for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period, we find the Greeks and Romans erecting mausoleums and monu- ments, and carving out statues to chronicle their great achievements and carry them down the ages. It is also evident that the Mound-builders, in piling up their great mounds of earth, had but this idea to leave something to show that they had lived. All these works, though many of them costly in the ex- treme, give but a faint idea of the lives and charac- ters of those whose memory they were intended to perpetuate, and scarcely anything of the masses o< the people that then lived. < The great pyramids and some of the obelisks remain objects only of curiosity ; the mausoleums, monuments and statues are crum- bling into dust. It was left to modern ages to establish an intelli- gent, undecaying, immutable method of perpetuating a full history immutable in that it is almost un- limited in extent and perpetual in its action ; and this is through the art of printing. To the present generation, however, we are in- debted for the introduction of the admirable system of local biography. By this system every man, thougr he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his life, his history, through the coming ages. The scythe of Time cuts down all ; nothing of the physical man is left. The monument which his chil- dren or friends may erect to his memory in the ceme^ tery will crumble into dust and pass away; but his life, his achievements, the work he has accomplished, which otherwise would be forgotten, is perpetuated by a record of this kind. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits, for the same reason we col- lect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone: to do this we are ashamed only to publish to the world the history of those whose live? are unworthy of public record. Til* Library of th 0< Illlr BIOGRAPHICAL. &ILLIAM W. ANDERSON, whose name is intimately connected with every interest tending to advance the financial, social or moral condition of the community in which he lives, whose personality is closely interwoven with local affairs, and whose counsel has in many re- spects shaped the course of events in Christian County, is President of the First National Bank of Ta3'lorville and is a prominent figure in many other busness enterprises; besides which he is closely identified witli public affairs and every en- terprise calculated to promote the general welfare. A man of high character, his thousands of warm personal friends will find pleasure in close inspec- tion of the excellent steel engraving of him found in this volume. The pleasant expression of coun- tenance is faithfully reproduced in most artistic lines, and the indication of years of development, of the generous manhood, and of the warmth of friendship and love of right-dealing and justice that have endeared him to every resident of Chris- tian County, are all found preserved in such del- icate and yet permanent form that lapse of time cannot efface them. The Anderson family is of Scotch-Irish origin, and was established in the South, probably in Vir- ginia, in early Colonial days. It is known that both the paternal and maternal grandfathers of William W. were soldiers during the memorable struggle for the independence of the Colonies, and that his father, George II. Anderson, served un- der Gen. Jackson in the later conflict with Great Britain and was present at the battle of New Or- leans. He was married in Tennessee, not many years after the return of peace, to Miss Nancy- Mann. They soon after migrated to Henderson County, Ky., where they resided for ten years, and where our subject was born October 27, 1825. When he was a lad of five years, the family came to Illinois, and settled two miles east of Hillsboro, Montgomery County. There George Anderson reared his family, developed a comfortable home, and acted his part in the growth of the new coun- try. He was honored by the most responsible local offices of the time, being a man of varied experience, well read for his time, and he is re- membered by the pioneers as a man of generous impulses and strong character. He died at the age ot sixty -one. His widow, a woman whose impress was early stamped upon the minds of her children, survived her husband about twelve years. Their family numbered twelve children, of whom William is the sixth in order of birth, and one of four yet living, all residing in this county. The days of his boyhood were noted for their meagre privileges for education, and what education he received was in one of the first log schoolhouses built in Montgomery County. The demands of the farm were such that he was required to assist in the labors of the field when but a lad of nine, and his attention was almost constantly given to home duties until he had reached his seventeenth year. He then entered the employ of Judge Hiram Rountree, of Hillsboro. He remained in the em- 200 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ploy of Judge Rountree for eight years, first work- ing on the farm, then in the store, and assisting in his office while he was Circuit Clerk of Montgom- ery County. He was married to Miss Nan B. Rountree, a daughter of Judge Rountree, in Aug- ust, 1850. The following year they came to Christian County, and Mr. Anderson assumed charge of a farm four miles east of Taylorville. The farm did not satisfy his nature, as his tastes led in the di- rection of mercantile life, he being educated in that direction while in the store of the Judge in Hills- boro. Accordingly, after three years, when har- vests were not sufficiently abundant to satisfy his business sense, he left the farm, removing to Tay- lorville, and we soon find him installed as a sales- man in the dry-goods store of Shumway & Cheney. Mr. Cheney died in January, 1854, and his broth- er-in-law, Albert Sattley, whose figure is still a fa- miliar one on the streets of Taylorville, succeeded to the Cheney interest, and he in turn was suc- ceeded by Mr. Anderson. The firm of Shum- way ILLIAM EUGENE HAYWARD, Mayor of Pana. It affords the compilers of this work much pleasure to present to their readers a brief sketch of a gentleman and of a family whose interests are so prominently identi- fied with the early growth and advancement of Christian County. The Hay ward family in this country originated during the misty period of Colonial history, and various branches from the parent stem are now found in several States, and in many instances men of the name have exerted a substantial influence in advancing civilization. There is a natural sturdiness of manhood and re- finement of character found in numbers of those who have borne the name, so that to one familiar with the family history they have certain charac- teristics easily recognizable as belonging to them. There appears a natural reticence in individuals bearing the name, which often prevents them from reaching those public positions of honor so frequently obtained by other men of less ability. There is also a marked steadfastness of purpose in them, which rarely fails to carry to a successful issue any venture undertaken; and a natural ten- dency of mind for matters of advanced intellectual thought. It is also noticeable that the family has furnished a large quota of finely educated men. In the early days of Harvard University one of its famed graduates was Beza Hayward, the grand- father of our subject. He embraced the ministry, but did not make that his life work, having preferences for a political career. For years he held the responsible position of Register of Deeds in Plymouth, Mass., and later he became a repre- sentative of the people of his district in the Upper House of the General Assembly. Entirely at home in debate, his abilities especially fitted him for forensic battle, and he is remembered as a man of brilliant intellect and one not easily conquered in the discussion of public questions. He was a leader of men, his abilities and training giving him a power and eloquence that made him well known in whatever field his lot was cast. He died at Plymouth at the advanced age of seventy-eight years. John S. Hayward, father of our subject, inherited many of the family traits and became a man of wealth and influence in this and adjoining coun- ties of Illinois. He was an extensive land operator and one of the representative men of the Prairie State. His birth occurred at Bridgewater, Mass., in 1803. . Further mention of him is found on an- other page of this work. He married Harriet F. Comstock, and of their family of six children, our subject is one of three who arrived at years of maturity. John Augustus and Harriet are both deceased, and our subject is the only one now surviving. The education of W. E. Hayward was acquired in the public schools at Hillsboro, and was supple- mented by a course at Autioch College, in Ohio, and the Williston Seminary, in Easthampton, Mass. The outbreak of the war coming before his college course was completed, he, at the age of nineteen, enlisted in Battery I, Second Illinois Artillery, in which he became Second Lieutenant and did val- iant service with his brigade for two years. In 1865, he became Captain of Company F, Second Regiment United States Volunteers, with which command he operated until the close of the war. His father having large interests in Pana, he then located here, and soon embarked in the banking and real-estate business, which he conducted with unvarying success until 1878, when he discontinued his banking business and has since devoted his attention more particularly to real estate and loans. As will be seen by reference to his father's sketch, large landed properties had been obtained, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 209 and the improvement of these demanded much of his time. His interests in real estate extend over various States, including Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, and his management has resulted most satisfactorily. Mr. Hayward was married November 26, 1868, to Miss Clara M. Turnbolt. Of six children born to them, Beza T., Lucian P., Clara T. and Eugenia are deceased. Susan L. and Evadne, two lovely and charming little girls, are the joy of their parents' home. The Hayward residence is a beau- tiful roomy brick structure, standing conveniently near the business centre of Pana, and is widely known as the abode of hospitality and refinement. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward have traveled exten- sively, and every country and every clime has contributed not only to their general information and culture, but has supplied many articles of virtu and beauty for the elevation and adorn- ment of their pleasant home. Being devoted to masterpieces in art and literature, elegant volumes of the standard poets, historians, philosophers and novelists are found on the shelves of their library, which is one of the finest and most elaborate pri- vate collections in central Illinois. Here are found the best thoughts of the ablest men, and human nature, as depicted by the pens of the brightest writers, in the " LesMiserables" of Victor Hugo, or the no less interesting study of the " Wandering Jew," by Eugene Sue. To one absorbed in living with these men who have painted in brilliant colors all phases of human life, this library would be a never-failing source of enjo3'- ment. The studios of the most famous painters have contributed in finest reproductions of their choicest .gems, and almost every first-class art pub- lication in America is found on these shelves. To no less a degree have other lines of art furnished beautiful productions in artistic and valuable vases from domestic and foreign artists, in exquisite and intricate hammered brass from Benares, and deeply engraven shells from the best workmen of Italy. One noticeable and beautiful gem, a mas- ter-piece of marble, is the bust of a handsome woman, chizeled with such naturalness and delicacy that the beholder expects each moment to see the bosom heave. It comes from an Italian sculptor, and stands upon a pedestal of delicate Mexican onyx, the whole making a work of art that leaves a sense of lasting pleasure. While selecting works of art for the adornment of his home, Mr. Hayward has not neglected the beautiful and far more wonderful works of nature, the greatest artist of all. He has extensive cabi- nets filled with choicest gems, well illustrating all the various stages of geological formations, especi- ally those wherein Nature as a painter and design- er most distinctly shows. Having ample means to supply all desires of his mind, Mr. Hayward has not hoarded his wealth, but has poured it out with a lavish hand to secure those things that contribute so much toward the elevation and advancement of humanity. He has gathered these rare gems around him not to appease the base vanity of a shallow mind, but to gratify an innate love of the beautiful and ennobling, and to exert an influence on the lives of those around him that no other expenditure of wealth would secure. He has been ably seconded in these tastes by his estimable wife, whose gracious presence adds a charm to the home circle which rounds out and completes a most interesting family. eHARLES GREB is one of the German-born citizens of Christian County, and has been no small factor in her development and present prosperity. His farm is located on sec- tions 5 and 16, Stoniugton Township. The birth of our subject occurred in Hessen, Germany, Oc- tober 24, 1853. His father, John Greb, was born and reared to manhood in Germany, where he married Miss Katie Pope. After the death of his wife he crossed the broad Atlantic to try his for- tune in the United States, and made a settlement in Cass County, 111. There his remaining years were passed, and there he died at a good old age. In the family of six children, Charles Greb was the second-born. He acquired a good education in his native land, and made his own livelihood from the time he was sixteen years of age. He 210 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. was twenty years old when he left his native land, and on his arrival in New York he went to work at the carpenter's trade, which he had mastered in Germany. He continued to reside in the Eastern metropolis for about three years, when he set his face Westward and arrived in Cass County, 111., in 1876. Four years later he came to Christian County, where he has since made his home. In the same year in which Mr. Greb settled in this county, he was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Brauer, who was born and grew to womanhood in Cass County. Her parents, how- ever, were natives of Germany, and became respected settlers of Cass County. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed with two bright children, John F. and Alice. The beautiful and fertile farm of Mr. Greb consists of two hundred acres located on section 16. He also owns another good farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 5, of Stoning- ton Township. In politics, he is identified with the Democratic party, and fraternally is associ- ated with the Modern Woodmen of America. Both himself and wife are members of the Luther- an Church, and rank high in the friendship and esteem of all who know them. The many broad acres now owned by our subject have been ac- quired in a very few years, but it is owing to the unusual energy, industry and business ability which are his native characteristics. In addition to the farm owned by him, his good wife, besides giving him great assistance and loving counsel, has brought him an inheritance of two hundred acres from her father's estate. R. VALENTINE, who is engaged in farming on section 20, of Taylorville Township, is one of the native sons of this county, where he was born June 4, 1860. He is a son of George W. and Mary M. (Clark) Valentine, early and respected settlers of this community. The father was born October 14, 1818, in what was then the Territory of Illinois, near Greenville, Bond County, and has lived here ever since. His father and mother were natives of South Carolina, who removed to Tennessee, where they were mar- ried, and later came to Illinois, in 1817. George W. Valentine was married September 2, 1845, in Christian County, 111., to Miss Mary M. Clark, who was born in 1825, in the same county, and of their union were born fourteen children, as follows: Cordelia S., born in December, 1846; Cyrena A., in 1848; Hannah F., in 1849, who is de- ceased; William E., born in 1851; James C., in 1853; L. L., in 1855; Emma L.,in 185J; George R., in June 1860; Mary Bell, in 1861; Albert H. and Lizzie I. (twins), in 1863; Jennie P., in 1865, who is deceased; Martha H., born in 1867; and Eddie, U., in 1869. The subject of this sketch received a practical training in carrying on a farm, and remained with his parents, assisting in operating the old home- stead, until he was twenty-four years old. He re- ceived a good common-school and business educa- tion, thus fitting him for the practical duties of life. In 1884 he located on his present farm, which com- prises one hundred and twenty acres, and has since been engaged in general farming and stock-raising, in which he has met with good success. He is con- sidered one of the enterprising and progressive young farmers of the township, and he uses mod- ern and practical methods in conducting his farm work. - On the 1st of May, 1883, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Valentine and Miss Lula Slater, daughter of Dr. and Sarah (Stockwell) Slater, who are well known in this community. Three children have been born to our subject and wife, Lyman G., Maria and Hiram. The father of Mrs. Valen- tine has been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession for many years in Taylorville. Our subject is active in the ranks of the Repub- lican party and is greatly interested in its success. He and his estimable wife hold membership in the Methodist Church, and are active in the work of that denomination. Mr. Valentine is a man who is known to be just and honorable, and is entirely worthy of the high regard and confidence which is accorded him by his friends and neighbors. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 211 SILAS W. CULP has been engaged in the drug business in Morrisonville since 1882, having resided here since 1876, and for the last six years. has also been proprietor and publisher of the Morrisonville Times, a. weekly independent newspaper, which has an extensive local circulation and is ably conducted. In 1889 Mr. Gulp also engaged in the jewelry business, and is still carrying on the three distinct enter- prises. Our subject is a son of Jacob W. and Eliza (Branch) Culp, natives of Ohio. He is one of eleven children, four sons and seven daughters, eight of whom are yet living, two having died in infancy, and Martha, the fourth in order of birth, and formerly the wife of Horace Kilton, of Tupper's Plains, Ohio, is also now deceased. The others in order of birth are as follows: Maria, wife of Lewis Worthen, of Arkansas: Silas W., who was born April 22, 1845, in Meigs County, Ohio; Phoebe, wife of Henry ,Runge, of Nokomis, 111.; Mary, wife of John Anderson, a resident of Monticello; Caroline and Calvin, who reside in Nokomis; Douglas, of Sioux Kails, S. Dak.; and Lowis, of Nokomis. Our subject's paternal grandfather, Adam Culp, who was of German parentage, was a native of Pennsylvania, but removed to Ohio, where he fol- lowed farming. He lived to be sixty-three years of age, and reared a family of sixteen children. The maternal grandfather, Cyrus Branch, who was also a farmer, was born in Massachusetts, and at- tained a good old age in his Ohio home. Jacob W. Culp was for many years engaged in farming near Nokomis, 111. lie came to this State from Ohio in the fall of 1865, locating on the farm where he still resides near the town of Nokomis. His wife died in 1880, at the age of fifty-seven years. Both parents have been for many years members of the Christian Church. Silas W. Culp, whose name heads this sketch, was reared to manhood in Meigs County, Ohio, there receiving a good education. lie pursued his higher studies in Blackburg University, at Carlinville, graduating from that institution of learning in 1873. For nine successive years he engaged in teaching school successfully, and after- 9 ward embarked in the drug business in Morrison- ville, coming here in 1876. As a business man he has met with good success, and merits the ex- tensive patronage which he receives on account of his correct methods and honorable manner of con- ducting his affairs. On the 27th of January, 1886, Mr. Culp was united in marriage with Miss Nina Maxon Dun- ning, a daughter of Andrew J. and Sarah J. (Hale) Dunning, well-known residents of Chris- tian County. She was reared to womanhood in Sangamon County, and presides over the home of our subject with womanly grace and hospi- tality. Mr. Culp owns some eighty acres of land in Da- kota, and had in former years a slight acquaint- ance with farming, as during the years from 1865 to 1871, when he was engaged in teaching school during the winter season, he carried on a farm the remainder of the year near Nokomis. He owns a good home property in Morrisonville in addi- tion to his store building. For one term he held the office of Township Collector, is the present Township School Treasurer, and for six years ac- ceptably filled the position of School Trustee. So- cially, he is a member of Morrisonville Lodge No. 681, A. F. & A. M., of Taylorville Chapter, and belongs to St. Omar Commandery, of Litch field. He is also connected with the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics, he is a supporter of the Democratic party. 1EORGE DEAL is a well-to-do farmer resid- ing on section 1, King Township. He was born in Luzerne County, Pa., February 25, 1842, and is a son of George Deal, who died in Pennsylvania when our subject was a little over ten years of age. For further particulars of the life of the father, see sketch of William H. Deal, which ma}' be found in another part of this work. Our subject's early years were passed on the 212 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. farm and he had but little chance to obtain an ed- ucation, as he only went for two terms to a sub- scription school. After his father's death he was obliged to make his own living, and worked in the coal mines near Wilkes Barre, Pa., driving a horse attached to a coal car. In August, 1862, he en- listed in the army at Greenfield, Greene County, 111., whither he had gone with his mother and the family. He became a member of Company K, Ninety-first Regiment of Illinois Infantr}', under Capt. Newman and Col. Day. He was sent to Louisville. Ky., and thence dispatched after Mor- gan. At Elizabethtown he was taken prisoner by Morgan's men after a hard fight and was kept un- der guard in a store building. After passing for- ty-eight hours without anything to eat, he was pa- roled and sent to the parole barracks in St. Louis, where he was finally exchanged. He then took part in the engagements at Vicksburg, Ft. Pillow and New Orleans. At the latter place he was stationed for two months on provost-guard duty. He was afterwards for fourteen months in Texas and was obliged to do a great deal of marching. On the march oC one hundred miles to Salt Lake, Tex., in deep sand, he received an allowance of only one pint of water a day, as it had to be transported and it was impossible to obtain it in the desert. -He was in the fight at White's Ranch, on the Rio Grande, and on the voyage to New Orleans was eleven days on the Gulf, when a severe storm de- stroyed two vessels of the fleet. Many of the men were taken sick with scurvy, and our subject nearly died after his arrival in the Crescent City. From New Orleans he went to Spanish Fort and took part in the siege for thirteen days, and then supported the charge on Ft. Blakely. Re- turning to Spanish Fort, he participated in the battle of Whistler. From New Orleans he went on boat to Ship Island, in charge of a detail of men, to exchange prisoners. From Mobile his company proceeded to the Tombigbee River and captured Gen. Taylor and ten thousand men. He was within a-quarter of a mile of the magazine ex- plosion in Mobile that destroj-ed four blocks of the city and killed many persons, and in the fight at Elizabethtown the rim of his hat was shot off. In 1865, he was mustered out, having served nearly three years. For his valiant services, pri- vations and sufferings he is justly entitled to the pension which he now receives. In South Fork Township, of this county, Mr. Deal married Miss Sarah, daughter of Jo Meredith, of Sangamon County, and formerly of Ohio. Unto our subject and his wife have been born three children, Amy, Stella O. and Nonia, who have been educated in the public schools. On returning from the army our subject went to work on a farm, and continued for two years after his arrival in Christian County. He bought eighty acres of land at the rate of $30 per acre, this being unimproved prairie. He has put up good buildings, a substantial residence, and made other improvements on the farm, the boundaries of which have been extended until they now com- prise one hundred and sixty acres. Mr. Deal is a Grand Army man, belonging to the Morrisonville post. For about twenty-three years, he and his wife have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Shiloh, and he has been Trustee and Treasurer of the church. His first Presidential vote was cast for Gen. Grant in 1868, since which time he has still voted the Re- publican ticket. He is a good citizen and an in- dustrious farmer. ffiL_, UGH C. LAWLER, a brick mason and con- iTjV tractor, is recognized as a wide-awake and ifftj? enterprising young business man of Tay- (^) lorville. It is to such men as our subject that the prosperity of the city is due, for their en- ergy and industry form the foundation upon which the successful structure is reared. Mr. Law- ler has the honor of being a native of Illinois. He was born in McLean County, near Blooming- ton, and is one of three children whose parents were Jonathan and Adeline (Campbell) Lawler, both natives of Kentucky. His paternal grand- father, Gibbon Lawler, was a native of North Carolina. He afterward became a resident of Terre PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 213 Haute, Ind., and was a contractor on the National Plank Road. His death occurred in 1834. The maternal grandfather, Hugh Campbell, was born in 1812, and was a farmer by occupation. He be- came one of the earl}' settlers of Illinois, locating in Morgan County about 1830. His last days were spent in Bloomington, he having gone to Mc- Lean County in 1855, where he died in 1888, at the age of seventy-six years. The father of our subject was in early life a farmer, and followed that pursuit until his removal to Illinois, after which he became a brick mason and contractor. To that business he still devotes his time and at- tention. He and his wife make their home in Tay- lorville, whore they are widely and favorably known. With the Christian Church they hold membership. Their three children were Mary Alice, now deceased; Hugh C., of this sketch; and Clar- ence E. In the county of his nativity, our subject passed the days of his boyhood under the parental roof, and in the public schools acquired a good practi- cal education. His life has been a busy and use- ful one, devoted to the work which he now car- ries on. He learned the trade of brick-laying with his father, and in time became a contractor. He first began contracting in 1883, since which time he has erected many of the fine buildings in Bloom- ington, including several store buildings and the Jewish S3 r nagogue. He also built a schoolhouse in Clinton and one in Carrollton, and the Antlers Hotel in Taylorville. Under his supervision the Gephart Block of Decatur and the St. Nicholas Hotel of Decatur were built, and the fine new Christian Church of Taylorville is now being erected. Mr. Lawler is also building two public school buildings and the Huber Block atPana. He is an expert workman and has a high reputation in various parts of the State for doing fine work and living up to his contract. Although only a young man, he has had a large experience as a contractor and builder of masonry. On the 22d of November, 1882, Mr. Lawler was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Amelia West, a daughter of Andrew C. and Etta (Schaum) West, of Bloomingtoii. Five children have graced their union: Ida May, Hugh M., Alma L., Henrietta A. and Alice A. The parents are members of the Christian Church, and in social circles where true worth and intelligence are received as the passports into good society they hold an enviable position. Mr. Lawler exercises his right of fran- chise in support of the Republican party, but has never been an aspirant for political preferment. He is a pleasant, genial gentleman, and the high regard in which he is held has been won by an upright and honorable life. >ILLIAM B. DAVIS is a noted agricultur- ist and stock-raiser of Taylorville Town- ship, and owns a good farm on section 6. He was born in what is now South Fork Township, Christian County, on the 4th of March, 1836, and is a son of Barnett and Sophronia (Vandeveer) Davis. The father was a native of Kentucky, and the mother is a sister of Judge Vandeveer, who is well known in this and adjoining counties. Barnett Davis was a carpenter by trade and was also engaged in farming in his native State. In middle life he removed to Indiana, and from there to Sangamon County, 111., in 1829. He located on land which is now comprised within South Fork Township,, in this county. He took up a Govern- ment claim and was one of the earliest settlers of the locality. His nearest trading point for many years was Springfield or Alton, where he had to drive his stock in order to obtain a market for them. He erected a log cabin, which was the home of his family for many years. He was born in 1802, and continued to live in this county until his death, in 1857, when he was buried in the Hill Cemetery. His wife is still living at the advanced age of eighty-two years. Our subject is one of ten children, whose record is as follows: Nancy is the wife of James Brooks, a resident of Taylorville, and Justice of the Peace; Aaron is engaged in farming in Taylorville Town- ship; William B. is the third of the family; John is a farmer of Nebraska: Horatio M. lives in Edin- 214 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD burgh, Christian County; Mary J. became the wife of Francis Perry, who carries on a farm in Taylor- ville Township; Monroe is deceased; Freeland is also deceased; Jerome lives in Taylorville Town- ship; and one died in infancy. William Davis was born and reared on the old homestead in South Fork Township, where his father settled in 1829. When ten years of age he removed to Taylorville Township with his parents, and attended the subscription schools of the neigh- borhood for two or three months during the win- ter time. A part of the time he was obliged to walk nearly three miles to the nearest school, which was held in a log schoolhouse of the most primi- tive fashion. Since arriving at years of maturity his education has been mainly acquired. When fifteen years of age he decided that he was old enough to make his own livelihood, and as he was one of the elder children it seemed best that he should do so. He commenced working on a farm by the month, receiving at first forty cents per day- For the succeeding eight years he was em- ployed at farm work, and was so industrious and gave such good satisfaction to his employers, that he worked for only three farmers during that time. He had saved his earnings carefully and commen- ced farming on his own account on rented land. With wise foresight he continued as a renter until he found it would be to his benefit to purchase the farm on section 6 where he now lives. This place comprises one hundred and ninety-two acres of fertile land, on which the owner raises abundant crops. In 1859, Mr. Davis married Miss Maria E. Potts. Four children have been born of their unio n. Flora E. resides with her parents; George is deceased; Joel J. is married and is an enterprising young farmer of Buckhart Township; and Julian E. has passed away. Mr. Davis has always used his influence in the support of the Democratic party. Religiously, he holds membership with the Universalist Church and takes an active part in church and ben- evolent work. His assistance can always be re- lied upon in the furtherance of public enterprises, for he is progressive and broad-minded in all things. He is a practical farmer and has met with great success in his commercial ventures. Socially, lie holds membership with Blue Lodge No. 647, Edinburgh, Christian County, and is also a member of Taylorville Chapter No. 102. ILL! AM LAFAYETTE IGOU, who owns and operates a farm of two hundred and thirty-seven acres on section 34, adjoin- ing Grove City, is one of the substantial citizens of Mt. Auburn Township. Pie is a native of the Prairie State, and has passed nearly his entire life in Christian County. His birth occurred August 11, 1851. His parents, Joseph and Frances (Day) Igou, were natives of Ohio and Virginia, respect- ively. The father was born in Champaign County, and when a young man came to Illinois with his father, becoming one of the pioneers of Christian County. It was in this State that his marriage with Miss Day was celebrated. She was only a child when she came to this locality, and here she was reared and educated. For a number of years Mr. Igou devoted himself to farming, but in 1885 he went to Dakota, where he spent the remaining years of his life, passing away in 1891. His wife is still living and now resides Oshkosh, Oklahoma, I. T. The subject of this notice spent his youth in the county of his birth, and on account of limited educational facilities was obliged to rely upon his own resources in the acquisition of an education. At the age of eighteen years he left home and went to work on a farm, continuing to hire out by the month for over three years. During this time he carefully kept his means and purchased a small tract of land. For ten years he rented a farm, after which lie bought a farm of forty acres, on which he located. He still continued as a renter also, and in a few years was able to pur- chase an adjoining forty acres. This property he still owns and occupies and has greatly improved and placed under good cultivation. He has erected a good substantial house and set out a thrifty PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 215 orchard. In the fall of 1892, he became the owner of one hundred and fifty-seven and a-half acres, adjoining Grove City. This is a well-improved :ui(l valuable farm, both on account of its situa- tion and fertility. There are a pleasant residence, large barns and a well-trimmed osage hedge upon the place. It is also divided into forty-acre fields by means of this same useful hedge. The 24th of August, 1875, was an eventful day in the life of Mr. Igou, for at that time Miss Martha Jane Gideon was united in marriage with him. Mrs. Igou is a native of the Old Dominion, but was reared in this county. Her father, Frank Gideon, is now a resident of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Igou are consistent members of the Grove City Methodist Episcopal Church, of which the former is one of the Trustees. In regard to the question of politics, Mr. Igou is well known as a true friend to the Republican party, and is a patriotic citizen, in all that term implies. He is a member of the School Board, and upholds all educational measures to the ex- tent of his ability. He is a public-spirited man, and takes an active part in everything calculated to serve the good of the people. ISAAC N. WARD, a successful agriculturist of Mt. Auburn Township, owns and operates a good farm on section 36. For upwards of a quarter-century he has made his home in this im- mediate vicinity, and is one who has endeavored in every possible manner to promote the good of this community. Our subject is a son of John and Mary Ann (Smith) Ward, and was born September 14, 1840, in Guernsey County, Ohio. His father was a na- tive of the Old Dominion, who passed his youth in that part of the country, but removed to Ohio in his young manhood. In the Buckeye State was celebrated his marriage with Miss Smith, a native of England. After his marriage, Mr. Ward en- gaged in farming in Guernsey County for a few years, later removing to Washington County, where he cleared and developed a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, and reared his family in the fear of God. During his residence on th'is farm he lost his wife, and after'a few years he sold the property, returning to Guernsey County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Isaac N. Ward is one of a large family, compris- ing ten sons and four daughters. Of this number all lived to maturity and were married with one ex- ception. Eleven are still surviving, and during the late war three of the brothers were soldiers. One of the latter, James, was taken sick and died at Carthage, Tenn. Our subject's boyhood days were passed on the old homestead in Washington County, and his services were dutifully given to his father un- til he had attained to his majority. On the 13th of August, 1862, Isaac N. Ward donned the blue and went in defense of the Union. He became a member of Company H, Ninety-second Ohio Infantry, and saw considerable active service. With his regiment he -took part in a number of important campaigns, and participated in the bat- tles of Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Buzzard's Roost, and went through the Atlanta campaign. He was on the march with Sherman to the sea, and at the close of the war marched with the victorious army in the Grand Review at Washington, where he was mustered out. Returning to his Ohio home after the storm clouds of war had rolled away, Mr. Ward resided there for about three years. It was. in the fall of 1868 that he determined to try his luck in Illi- nois, where he arrived in October. Having pur- chased a team, he engaged in farming on rented laud for a number of years in this county, and in 1880 became the owner of the farm on which he still makes his home. This place once belonged to three heirs, Mrs. Ward being one of the num- ber, and after buying out the others she succeeded to the place. Like many of the farms in this lo- cality, it is fenced with osage hedge and divided into forty-acre sections. Mr. Ward has erected a good residence, substantial barns and granaries and has set out an orchard. 216 POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. In 1867, in Washington County, Ohio, occurred the first marriage of our subject. The lady of his choice was Miss May Jane Hupp, who was born in Noble County, of the same State. She departed this life in 1873, leaving two children. The elder, Laura, is the wife of Lewis Hurlbutt, who is en- gaged in farming in this vicinity. The younger daughter, Mary A., became the wife of William C. Brubeck, now of Oklahoma. In Springfield, on the 8th of April, 1880, at the St. Nicholas Hotel, Mr. Ward and Miss Amanda Montgomery were united in marriage. The lady was born on the farm where she now resides, and is a daughter of Ira Montgomery, an honored pioneer of Christian County, who died in 1858. By this union six children have been born: Ida Pearl, James N.,Eva Grace and Ella Myrtle (twins), Jessie and Tilhe Belle. Socially, Mr. Ward is a member of Grove City Odd Fellows' lodge, and is Noble Grand. He also belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, and is greatly interested in these organizations. He ranks high in the estimation of all his friends and neighbors as a man of excellent business abil- ity and true worth of character. He has been an ally of the Democratic party for many years, sup- porting its nominees and measures in Presidential elections, but he prefers to be independent at local elections. He has served as a member of the School Board, but has declined other official hon- ors, choosing to give his entire time to the super- vision of his farm. flUj, ELVILLE W. STAPLES, M. D., of Grove I \\\ City, is one of the active and successful j 1ft professional men of Christian County. He is a native son of this State, having been born in Tazewell County, September 8, 1850, and has passed nearly his entire life in the Prairie State. Rev. John J. Staples, the father of the Doctor, was born in the Old Dominion, and was a lad of only nine years when he came with his parents to Illi- nois. The family settled in Peoria County, about 1825. The marriage of Mr. Staples occurred in Springfield, 111., his wife being an adopted daugh- ter of Erastus Wright, one of the early settlers and pioneer teachers of Illinois. After his marriage, Mr. Staples settled in Tazewell County, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1859,when he emigrated to Missouri and took up his residence in Carrollton, where he remained for a few years. In 1861, he returned to Illinois, settling in Deca- tur. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was placed on the Decatur Circuit. At the end of two years he was transferred to the Har- ristown Circuit, and in 1865 came to Taylorville, where he engaged in pastoral work until 1874. At this time he retired from the conference and went to Kansas on account of his health. After a short time, this being partly restored, he returned to the pulpit and was afterward made Presiding Elder, acting as such until his death, which occurred May 3, 1882. Under the careful guidance of his father, Dr. Staples grew to manhood and received a good edu- cation. He attended the Bloomington Normal af- ter leaving the common schools, and for six months taught school quite successfully. That avocation not being to his taste, however, he learned the painter's trade, following that business for several years in order to obtain the means whereby to pur- sue a thorough course of medical study. During the winter of 1881-82, he took his first course of lectures in the St. Louis Medical College, returning the two following winters. He was graduated in the Class of '84, after having spent seven years in his medical studies. He had come to Christian County as early as 1865, and his first practice in the line of his future work was in Edinburgh, 111., but he soon removed to Grove City, arriving here on the 4th of June, 1885, and has since continued ac- tively engaged in practice. His efforts have been crowned with success and he is kept busy all the time, his practice being quite extensive. In Edinburgh, 111., on the 1st of March, 1874, oc- curred the wedding of Dr. Staples and Miss Mary Ida Johns, who was born at Columbus, Ga., but grew to womanhood in Illinois. To our subject and wife have been born five children: Arthur, of the of Illirn. \ ^njk v o( the PORTEAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 217 Gertie, Roy, Altha,and Lizzie, who died in infancy. The family move in the best social circles of the place, and are active workers in the Grove City Methodist Episcopal Church, to which the Doctor and his wife belong, the former being one of its officers. Our subject is greatly interested in civic soci- eties, is a member of the Odd Fellows' Lodge of this place and has passed all the chairs. He is Past Grand and has represented the lodge in the Grand Lodge. He is now Deputy Grand Master, and is also a member of the Taylorville Encampment. He is a true-blue Republican, having voted for every Presidential nominee of that party since the elec- tion of 1872. He has been alwa3 r s a hearty sup- porter of public schools, and one of the prime movers in securing the graded schools of which the citizens of this place are so justly proud. CHENEY, one of the enterprising [M and successful farmers of Christian County, Ijbz?' whose home is just outside the corporation |H limits of Taylorville, claims Ohio as the State of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Coshocton County, on the 30th of November, 1842. His parents, Abraham and Jeannette (Evans) Che- ney, were both natives of Pennsylvania. In 1824, the father left the State of his nativity and removed to Ohio, where he remained until 1843, when he em- igrated to Illinois. Locating in Sangamon County, he there made his home until 1870, which year witnessed his arrival in Taylorville. His death occurred in that city September 22, 1887, at the age of eighty-nine years, six months and ten days. By occupation he was a farmer, and followed agri- cultural pursuits during the greater part of his life. His wife had passed away several years pre- vious to the death of her husband, dying Septem- ber 26, 1875, at the age of seventy-eight. The family numbered eight children, of whom Harry is seventh in order of birth. John, the eldest, has made his home in Colusa, Cal., since 1852; Thomas died in Taylorville; Amon died at the age of thirty-two, leaving a family, and his son, Thomas H. Cheney, of Springfield, is now Court Stenographer; Talitha became the wife of Dr. W. J. Chamblain, of Mason City, 111., and both are now deceased; Rebecca C. is the wife of Alpheus Lewis, and resides in Roscville, III.; Elizabeth, wife of J. R. Johnson, is now keeping house for her brother Harry, who is the next younger in the family; and Margaret Ellen is the widow of J. E. Bradley, of Springfield. The subject of this sketch acquired a good English education in the schools of Springfield. He was reared to manhood in Sangamon County, having been only a year old at the time of his parents' removal thither. His education was com- pleted by a course in a commercial school at St. Louis, and when he had completed his studies in that line he secured a position as clerk in the post- office of that city, serving for four years under Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln. Subsequently he was made Deputy Marshal for St. Louis County, and in a prompt and faithful manner discharged the duties of that office for two and a-half years. On his return to Springfield, Mr. Cheney em- barked in the drug business, which he carried on for several years, and in the spring of 1870 turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, whicli he has since followed. The farm which he now owns was mainly improved by his brother Amon, and after his death was carried on by the father, until he too departed this life, when our subject purchased it. It comprises one hundred acres of rich and val uable land and lies just west of the corporation limits of Taylorville. The fields are well tilled, and the neat and thrifty appearance of the place indicates the careful supervision of the owner. Mr. Cheney has made a specialty of breeding, rais- ing and selling fine stock and now has a fine herd of about twenty Jersey cows. He supplies cream to the restaurants of the city and has upon his farm a cold storage warehouse, in which to keep his cream and milk. He also raises hogs, and has some fine horses. His land is a beautiful tract, and j the place is one of the model farms of the county. Mr. Cheney has always been a supporter of the j Democratic party, having been a war advocate of 218 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. its principles. His first Presidential vote was cast for George B. McClellan in 1864. In 1880, he was elected Township Supervisor by a handsome ma- jority, and discharged his duties with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents, being a prudent and painstaking officer. Socially, he is connected with Mystic Lodge No. 64, K. P. For almost a quarter of a century, Mr. Cheney has now lived in Christian County, and through- out the community in which he now makes his home he is widely and favorably known. il/ATTEN GASKINS is an old resident and W jlj prominent farmer, who makes his. home on ill^ section 16, King Township. He is a native (|S^ of Illinois, having been born in Saline County, May 6, 1835, to Wilson G. Gaskins, whose birth occurred in Howard County, Ky. The fa- ther grew to manhood in his native State, and came to Illinois at an early day, becoming a resi- dent of Gallatine County, afterward a part of Sa- line County, in 1812. He was one of eleven chil- dren. In 1818 he married Lydia Bracken, who was a native of North Carolina. He died at the age of seventy-seven years, about 1872, on the farm where he had resided for so many years. Both he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church, and in politics he was a Democrat. Hatten Gaskins is one of eleven children, and passed his boyhood and youth at his birthplace. He received a limited education in the subscrip- tion schools of the day, but as the family was large lie was early set to work, and at the age of eigh- teen commenced to be self-supporting. His ambi- tion was to possess a good farm, but though he was industrious it was man}' years before his wish was fulfilled. In 1861 Mr. Gaskins came to this county from Montgomery County, where he had married Miss Delia Davis, who was born on the Lamoille River, twelve miles from Burlington. Her father, Davis, was a native of Vermont, and her grand- father was under Ethan Allen at the capture of Ticonderoga. Mr. Davis had the contract for furnishing the first telegraph poles in the United States. He died in Fremont, Neb., in 1872. In 1857 our subject purchased eighty acres of land in this county, and four years later settled permanently upon it. He bought two hundred and forty acres at the rate of $12 per acre. The land was in a wild condition, and often herds of from thirty to forty deer were seen grazing near his home. He has converted his land, which was mainly a swamp, into its present condition. Mr. Gaskins has considerable inventive genius, and in October, 1892, received a patent on a pump of an improved type. He also has invented a windmill, which is so constructed that it is better able to re- sist wind storms than most on the market. The marriage of our subject was celebrated on Christmas Day, 1857, and by the union have been born the following children: Henry, who died at the age of nine years; Fannie, wife of Samuel Balsley, a farmer of King Township; Rosa May, who lives in Ellis, Kan., and is the wife of Lewis Morton; Berry, who is at home on the farm; and Betsy, wife of Edwin Vigal, of this township. They are all well educated and have made a good start in life. Our subject and his wife have seven grandchildren, of whom they are very proud. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and were among the charter members of the church, which formerly convened in the little log schoolhouse of the neighborhood. Mr. Gas- kins himself built the first schoolhouse in King Township, in 1867. The first ballot of our subject was cast for Buchanan and he was one of the Democratic party until two years ago. He is now a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and as the author of the Farm- ers' Alliance Song Book is well known in all parts of the Union. He has attended all of the principal meetings of the organization, and was at the Omaha Convention, which was composed of sixteen hundred and forty delegates. He is a member of the local Alliance and is a leading man of his party. A good singer, his voice has been often heard in the meetings and he is the chief ex- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 219 ponent of the Alliance in this neighborhood. He is a natural poet, and lias been called the poet of the county. It is his intention to rent his farm and devote himself to making known the merits of his inventions. During the thirty-two years he has lived in this county he lias been a witness of the great changes that have taken place. Taylor- ville was then a small place, with only one church. He was often several weeks on the journey to and from the nearest trading point, and the roads were so bad that it took two days to go fifteen miles to the mill. In 1859 he went to the Rocky Mount- ains, across the plains by team, and was twenty- four days going to the Missouri River and twen- ty-one days on the return from that point. He spent seven months in the mountains and was one of the second part}' to enter the region. He made considerable out of his venture, and his wife has a ring which was made from the gold he obtained. Everything in the West was extremely high, and he has paid as high as $24 for a small sack of flour. ffi SABEL (BAKER) BERRY, who lives on sec- || tion 11, Johnson Township, came with her /i. parents to Christian County in her young womanhood and has since' passed her life in this county. Her husband was for many years a promi- nent and respected citizen of this county, which in his death met with a severe loss. The birtli of Mrs. Berry occurred in York County, Pa., on the 14th of November, 1830. Her father, Henry Ba- ker, was born in the same county in 1802. He has now passed away and lies buried in Clark Cemetery, of Johnson Township. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Klinefelter, was born in 1804, and grew to womanhood in York County, Pa. Our subject is the second in order of birth in a family of ten children. Alexander, the eldest, is deceased; Matilda is the wife of Richard Johnson, a resident of this township; Surilla is deceased; Jacob, William, Hester Ann and Samuel have also passed away; Eliza is the wife of Henry Ebert, and lives in California; and Mary, who was the wife of Matthew Stone, is deceased, and with her husband lies buried in Oak Hill Cemetery. The father of this family died in 1880. He followed the life oc- cupation of farming, and carried on a farm in this county. His wife died in the prime of life, in the year 1849. The marriage of Mrs. Berry was celebrated in 1850, when she gave her heart and hand to Thomas H. Berry, who was born in Montgomeiy County, 111., in 1828. To them were born three children. Henry H. is an enterprising carpenter and builder, a resident of Taylorville; John T. is a well-to-do agriculturist of Johnson Township; and Mary Jane, wife of Allen Raiborn, lives on the old homestead with her mother. Mrs. Berry has five grandchildren, namely: John, Eunice, Grace I., Daisy and Goldie May. John Berry has resided for several years with his grandmother, and has been of great assistance to her in carding on the home farm. He is a young man who is very am- bitious, and who fully realizes of what benefit a thorough education is to a man in the battle of life. This winter he expects to teach school and af- terwards attend the business college at Springfield, 111. He is a young man who is bound to suc- ceed and who has a future of great promise before him. The homestead owned and operated by Mrs. Berry is one of the best in the township. Of this, one hundred and sixty acres are situated on the prairie, and forty acres are timber-land. During his lifetime Mr. Berry served in various local po- sitions of responsibility and honor to the satis- faction of his friends and neighbors. Among others he was Highway Commissioner, and also served as one of the School Directors. His influence and ballot were used in behalf of the Democratic party. For a period of over twenty years he was a faith- ful and consistent member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. In 1873, he was called from his labors, being stricken with malarial fever. He lies buried in the United Brethren Church Ceme- tery. During his entire life, which was spent in the Prairie State, he followed agricultural pur- suits,and was an honorable, upright man, whom to 220 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. know was to love. His name deserves to be placed among the worthy pioneers who did so much in the development and preparation of the State for the prosperity and success which have now be- come assured. Mrs. Berry is well and favorably known in this community as a lady of good ed- ucation, right judgment and business ability. Since her husband's death she has managed the farm most creditably, and has shown herself most capable to direct the management of a large farm. JOHN GORE is one of the early pioneers of Christian County, having arrived here with his parents in 1830. He is an honored resi- dent of Taylorville Township, and cul- tivates his valuable farm on section 7. He was born in Trigg County, Ky., near Cadiz, August 9, 1825, and has consequently passed all but five years of his life in the community where he yet makes his home. Our subject's parents, John and Sophia Gore, were natives of Kentucky, who made their home for several 3'ears after their mairiage in the Blue Grass State. Believing that they could do better in a newer country, they started with their family and earthly possessions by ox-teams to Illinois, where the father took up one hundred and sixty acres of Government land on the present site of Taylorville. This property, for which he paid $1.25 per acre, was situated where the Baxter Ele- vator now stands. Our subject grew to manhood in this county and obtained his education in the subscription schools, which were held in log schoolhouses from three to four miles from his home. He can well remember when there was not a house in Taylor- ville. Remaining with his parents until he had reached his majority, he then purchased forty acres of land, for which he paid $150,150 of the amount down and the rest to be paid in several years. This land was entirely wild and a portion was heavily timbered. In order to pay the remainder, our subject began working for $10 per month at farm labor and continued thus employed for sev- eral years. In the mean time he made many sub- stantial improvements upon his place, which he afterward sold and then bought a Mexican land warrant for one hundred and forty-five acres on section 7, Taylorville Township. This place has since been his home. It was mostly prairie and unimproved. He built a log cabin, which in later years was supplanted by his substantial resi- dence. In his boyhood the nearest trading point was Springfield. He was always an incfustrious worker and was many times employed at cutting and splitting rails. This occupation was not very remunerative, but he was economical and managed to board himself while receiving only twenty-five cents per hundred rails. In July, 1862, Mr. Gore enlisted in the Union service for three years as a private of Company A, One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. His brother William also enlisted on the same day in the same company, while his brother Joseph joined the company a few days afterward. They were mustered into service at Camp Butler, and their first engagement took place at Franklin, Tenn. Mr. Gore was for three days in the battle of Chickamauga, was in the engagement at Resaca and the battles of Bull's Gap, Nashville and many others of less note. He was never taken prisoner or wounded, though he served until the close of the war and was often in the front of the battle. He suffered many privations and was often sent on forced marches. During his service he lived for a day and a-half on eighteen grains of coffee) being otherwise entirely without food. He re- ceived an honorable discharge in 1855, after hav- ing made a record of which he may well be proud. He was a soldier on whom his superiors could safely rely, and ably defended the Nation in her hour of need. Returning to his home, Mr. Gore took up the work on his farm and has since devoted his entire attention to its improvement. He was married in 1870 to Miss Harriet Welch, who died about a year later, and was placed to rest in Buckhart Cemetery. Mr. Gore has been a Republican since the organization of the party, but though PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 221 interested in politics has never been an office- seeker. He is a member of the Methodist Church, and a Grand Army man. His success in life is justly merited, for he began at the very bottom round of the ladder, as did many of this Nation's brave sons, and has steadily progressed in fortune and the esteem of his fellow-citizens. JOHNSON is one of the influen- IWf tial farmers of Johnson Township, his home tfc fli being on section 14. He is a native of the Buckeye State, born May 14, 1830, in Cadiz and is a son of William and Elizabeth (Orr) John- son, who were both natives of Washington County, Pa., where they grew to manhood and womanhood. Richard Johnson is one of six children, of whom he is next to the youngest. His eldest brother, James, is deceased, and was buried in Louisville, Ky.; Margaret, who was next in order of birth, and was formerly a resident of Waterbury, Conn., is now deceased; Albert was one of the devoted missionaries to India and was killed in the mutiny in 1848, about seven hundred miles from Calcutta; Junius C. died in Ohio; William, who was in In- dia for a few years, is now President of the Biddle Institute in North Carolina, and is a man of supe- rior attainments. The father of these children died in 1837, and was buried in Cadiz, Ohio. His wife died three years later and was placed in her last resting-place in Washington County, Pa., which was also the county of her birth. Our subject was early deprived of his father's guidance and mother's loving care, for he was only a child of seven years on the death of the former, and three years later occurred his mother's death. He was therefore early obliged to strike out and make his own livelihood. He obtained employ- ment in a tannery and worked at that business for six years in Ohio. In 1859 he wedded Matilda Baker, who was born in Pennsylvania, and with her parents removed to Clarke County, Ohio. With her parents, she later settled in Christian County, 111. They were natives of Washington County, Pa., and were of Scotch and Irish descent. They became residents of these parts in 1854, when the county was a wilderness. Our subject and wife be- came the parents of eight children. Margaret mar- ried James Hawkins, of Johnson Township; Will- iam, who is deceased, lies buried in the Taylorville cemetery; Mary became the wife of Henry Dappert, a farmer of Johnson Township; Drusilla and 80- phronia are at home; Rebecca is married and re- sides on the homestead; Matthew is also at home; and Rachel died in infancy. The farm belonging to our subject is well improved and comprises four hundred and seventy acres. The owner is one of the enterprising farm- ers of the township and is thoroughly familiar with the duties pertaining to farm work. He is a stanch Republican, prior to the organization of which party he affiliated with the Whigs. His first vote in a Presidential election was cast for Winfield Scott. For many years after coming to this county, the father of our subject was well known as one of the pioneer plrysicians. In everything pertaining to the upbuilding of the community in which he dwells, Mr. Johnson is active and interested, and is a believer in giving the rising generation the best possible advantages in the way of an educa- tion. He has served as one of the School Directors, and is ever to be found on the side of progress. ICHARD KIMBALL is one of the enterpris- ing merchants of Mt. Auburn, and has i resident of Christian County for three decades. He carries a well-selected stock of general merchandise and has a well-estab- lished business. He is accounted one of the sub- stantial citizens of the county, and by his methods of fair dealing has established an enviable reputa- tation. Mr. Kimball is a native of Vermont, born near Montpelier, Washington County, May 21, 1846. 222 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. His grandfather, Richard Kimball, was born in Boston, Mass., and was of Scotch parentage, his ancestors having lived in the Highlands of Scot- laud. Coming to the United States, they settled in New England prior to the War of the Revolu- tion. For a number of years, Richard Kimball was engaged in business in Boston. Nathan Allen Kimball, the father of our sub- ject, was born and grew to manhood in Vermont. He there married Sarah Stagg, also a native of the Green Mountain State, and after that event he engaged in milling and merchandising for many years. In 1855, he concluded to seek his fortune in the West, and, coming to Illinois, settled in Rochester, where he engaged in the same business. He died in 1860. His wife, who survived him for a number of years, passed away in Missouri. In the family, comprising three sons and three daughters, Richard Kimball is the second in order of birth. One sister has since passed to the home beyond. Our subject was only nine years old when his parents brought him to Illinois. He was given good school advantages, and in 1863, when in his seventeenth year, he came to this county and entered the employ of M. Stafford & Co. as a clerk. He continued with this firm for ten years and received a thorough, practical business train- ing. In 1873, Mr. Kimball bought out the old firm and succeeded to the business. Since that time he has carried it on alone and has been fort- unate in his management of the enterprise. In Christian County, on the 26th of February, 1873, a marriage ceremony was performed which united the destinies of Mr. Kimball and Miss Frances J. Henderson. Her father, John A. Hen- derson, is one of the earliest settlers of this county, and is a son-in-law of old Gen. Whitesides, of southern Illinois. Mrs. Kimball was born in Mad- ison County, 111., and by her marriage has become the mother of four children. The eldest, John A., is a talented young man. The younger mem- bers of the family are called respective^-: Pearl, Grace and Cora. The parents hold membership with the Christian Church. Mr. Kimball is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of Illiopolis Chapter. The political support of Mr. Kimball is given to the Democratic party on all national issues. He has found his time and energies necessarily devoted to his business interests, and has therefore never accepted official honors. He is well known to be a man whose word is as good as his bond, and in all his dealings with his fellow-men his course has been marked by a high sense of honor and justice. *p NDREW J. TAYLOR is a native Virgin- (^O| ian, and from his earliest years has been Ij It engaged in agricultural pursuits. He has (fjj a well-improved farm on section 23, Green- wood Township, where in addition to general farming he devotes considerable attention to stock- raising. He has seen much of the development of this county, to which he came when only seven- teen years of age. Our subject was born in the eastern part of Vir- ginia, in Rockbridge County, June 3, 1850, being a son of Gabriel and Catherine (Smith) Taylor. The former was a son of Sinclair Taylor, who was a farmer and was also a native of the Old Domin- ion. John Smith, our subject's maternal grand- father, was probably born in Germany, as he spoke very broken English. He was also a farmer in Virginia, and lived to be about eighty-five years of age. Gabriel Taylor owned and operated a farm in his native county, and was called from this life in early manhood. He and his wife were members of the United Brethren Church. They were the parents of five children, only two of whom are now living: Mary, wife of John Suther- land, of Brownsburg, Va.; and Andrew J., whose name heads this sketch. The boyhood and youth of our subject were passed on his father's farm in Virginia. He re- mained on the old homestead until seventeen years of age, when he started out to make his own way in the world. He came directly to Christian County, arriving here when Taylorville was a very small town, having no railroads. For four years he lived five miles west of Edinburgh,, nt ter which, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 223 in the spring of 1871, he moved into Greenwood Township, where he rented and operated a farm for six years. By carefully husbanding his means, he acquired enough money to purchase a farm of eighty acres, which is located on section 23. He has made substantial improvements and has thus materially increased its value. For a number of years he has raised horses, sheep and hogs exten- sively, and is now one of the leading farmers of the township. In this county, Mr. Taylor was united in mar- riage with Miss Elmira V. Orr, on the 1st of De- cember, 1870. She is a daughter of Thomas and Caroline (Suddith) Orr, who are well known in Christian County. Seven children have been born to our subject and his estimable wife. They are as follows: Rena C., William A., Thomas O., John W., Charles A., Jesse and a baby boy. Mr. Taylor is a member of the Modern Wood- men of America and is identified with the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. The cause of educa- tion finds in him a warm friend, and for a period of three years he served as a School Director. At the present time he is acting in the capacity of Supervisor of the township. In politics he sup- ports the men and measures of the People's party. Whatever fortune he now possesses is the result of his industry and untiring energy, for be started out in the battle of life without a dollar capital, and has made his way unassisted by the money or influence of others. He is therefore deserving of great respect, and is held in high regard by his friends.and neighbors. JULIUS A. WOLFF is one of the energetic business men of Morrisonville, being a dealer, packer and shipper of poultry and eggs. During the summer season he gives employment to about twelve men, and in the win- ter to about fifty hands. He has been engaged in this branch of business for a number of years and has become fairly conversant with its details. The birth of Mr. Wolff occurred in Davenport, Iowa, May 2, 1864, his parents being Joachim and Julia (Hensen) Wolff, who were natives of Ham- burg, Germany. The former was a merchant tailor in the Fatherland and came to America about 1840. He settled in Davenport, Iowa, where he died in 1886, at the age of about seventy-five years. During the late war he served as a mem- ber of the Davenport regiment, and in one en- gagement was badly wounded. His father, Mi- chael D. Wolff, died in Germany when over ninety years of age. The mother of our subject passed from this life in Burlington, when she had attained the age of seventy years. Both parents were members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Julius A. Wolff is one of five children, three daughters and two sons, only two of whom arc now living. His only sister, Carolina, is the wife of Nicholas Lau, and is a resident of Burlington, Iowa. Our subject was only five years of age when his parents removed from Davenport to Bur- lington, where he was reared to manhood and re- ceived his education. Upon completing his stud- ies he obtained a position as book-keeper for the Orchard City Packing House, of Burlington, and remained in the employ of that firm for eight years and a-half. Going to Chicago, Mr. Wolff became a commercial traveler for the firm of Op- penheimer, Casing & Co. The first commercial venture of our subject was in 1886, when he entered into partnership with C. E. Hensen, and opened a poultry and produce shippers' office in Virden, 111. In time they en- larged their business and opened branch houses at Carlinville, Farmersville and Morrisonville. At the end of a year they dissolved partnership, Mr. Wolff taking the Morrisonville and Farmersville houses, and Mr. Hensen keeping the other two branches. In addition to his business interests, Mr. Wolff has money invested in good property in Farmersville and Morrisonville. He possesses good business ability and is making a success of his various enterprises. On the 24th of September, 1887, a marriage cer- emony was performed by which Miss Augusta Hensen became the wife of Mr. Wolff. She is a daughter of Frederick and Magdalene (Westphall) 224 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Ilensen. In politics, Mr. Wolff is a Democrat and is greatly interested in the success of that party. Since casting his lot with the citizens of this place he has been active in promoting her best interests and is a public-spirited man. He is upright and exact in his business dealings, and for that reason makes friends of his patrons. ELIJAH A. MILLER is one of the respected old settlers of Taylorville Township, hav- ing lived on his present farm since 1850. This property is situated on section 16, and has been developed from the wild prairie to its present thrifty and well-improved condition by our sub- ject, who -has acquired a good farm and a com- fortable competence for his remaining years. He is a native of this county, having been born in South Fork Township, which was then a part of Sangamon County, on the 10th of March, 1825. His parents were Samuel and Hannah (Hainen) Miller, who were of German and Scotch-Irish de- scent, respectively. The former was a native of Virginia, and the latter of South Carolina. They were the parents of the following children: Sal- lie, Melinda, Isaac, Daniel, Martin, Levi, Elijah, Jane, Eli, Charles, and two who died in infancy. Only three of the number are yet living. Martin and Jane are residents of Saline County, Neb. The former is a retired farmer. Samuel Miller removed from his native State to Kentucky, and grew to manhood in Christian County of that State. He was a farmer and maker of weaver's reeds. In 1822, he came to Illinois and settled in South Fork Township, this county, the trip overland being made on horseback. He pre-empted a piece of Government land, for which he paid Si. 25 per acre. In the early days he gave as high as one hundred per cent, on borrowed money. On his farm he erected a small log cabin, 16x20 feet. The nearest trading point was at Springfield. He was born in 1790, and passed away in October, 1833, having been a member of the Universalist Church. His wife was born in 1799, and died in 1866. The subject of this sketch was born and reared on his father's farm in this county, and his educa- tion was obtained in the early subscription schools. The first one he ever attended was taught by Judge Vandeveer and was situated nearly a mile and a-half from his home. He obtained a good business education largely through his own study and diligence. When about sixteen years of age, he began teaching school, and continued during the winter months in that occupation until in his twenty-eighth year. From, the time he was a youth of sixteen years he took charge of his mother's old homestead, which he continued to manage until 1850. The farm on which Mr. Miller still lives was purchased by him in 1850. This property of one hundred and sixty acres was school land and was purchased at the rate of $1.75 per acre. He has since extended its boundaries until it now comprises two hundred and seventy acres, where he carries on general farming and stock-raising. At the same time that he settled on this place he married Miss Jane S. Bishop, who was born in Rochester, N. Y., August 6, 1830. Six children have been born to our subject and wife. Ada, whose birth occurred in April, 1855, is the wife of H. J. Huffman, who is a school teacher in Seward County, Neb.; Henry died November 30, 1866; Annie died in infancy; Jennie, born October 22, 1862, became the wife of O.E. Badger, a Methodist minister; Fannie, wife of A. J. Ha}'- ward, a farmer of Taylorville Township, was born July 6, 1864; and Alice, the youngest of the family, born JulyS, 1866, died September 19, 1869. The first vote cast by Mr. Miller was for Frank- lin Pierce, and he has supported the Democratic party ever since that time. A number of times he has been honored with various township offices, and among others we mention that of Town- ship Collector, School Director and Trustee. Mrs. Miller holds membership with the Presbyterian Church. The family is highly respected and have always been warmly received in the social circles ' of the neighborhood. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 225 |J UGUSTUS M. SMITH. One of the exten- @/Llli sive land-owners of Christian County, jr* and one of the early settlers, is the gentle- ^j/ man whose history we will proceed to briefly trace. His home is located on section 15, South Fork Township. His birth occurred in Washington, D. C., January 11, 1836, his parents being Justus and Catherine (Hartner) Smith, who were both natives of Germany. In 1828 the father crossed the Atlantic on a sailing-vessel, which con- sumed nine weeks in making the voyage. He was a baker by trade, and after his arrival in America located in Washington, where he worked at his calling for a few years. In 1835 he came to Illi- nois by stage and located in Greene County, where he began working on a farm by the month, receiving $8 or $9 for his services. He continued to make his home in Greene County until 1844, when he came to Christian Count3' and bought an eighty-acre tract of school land in South Fork Township. He erected a log cabin and proceeded to develop a good farm from the wild prairie. Though he commenced life without any capital, he was in good circumstances at the time of his death, which occurred in March, 1877. His wife, who died two years previous, lies buried by her husband in Bethany Cemeteiy. Our subject is one of a family of six children and is the only son. His sister Johanna is the widow of Thomas Melugin, and is a resident of Edinburg, 111.; Mary is deceased; Catherine is the wife of John Jysey, a farmer of this township; Elizabeth became the wife of Charles Hanna, who is also engaged in farming in South Fork Town- ship; and Polly is deceased. Mr. Smith of this sketch was only an infant when he was brought by his parents to Illinois, and with them came to Christian County when eight years of age. He grew to manhood on his father's farm in South Fork Township, and at- tended the winter term of school in the nearest schoolhouse, which was about a mile and a-half from his home. The school advantages of that early day were extremely meagre, and his education has been mainly acquired since reaching adult years. He remained with his father until twenty- two years of age, when he started on his own ac- count as a farmer on forty acres of raw prairie land, which was given him by his father. On this place he lived for about eight years, and, having made many improvements upon it, he then sold it to good advantage and moved to Taylorville, where he made his home for a year. His next business venture was the purchase of one hundred and sixty-four acres on section 15, South Fork Township, the farm on which he now resides. He has extended his possessions considerably in later years, and is now the fortunate owner of nearly seven hundred acres of well-cultivated and valuable land. He is engaged in raising general farm products, and also deals considerably in stock. The marriage of Mr. Smith took place on the 20th of May, 1863, when Miss Elmira Adams be- came his wife. Two children have been born of their union: Lizzie, the wife of William Taylor, a well-to-do farmer of South Fork Township; and Bessie, who died when three years of age. Polit- ically, Mr. Smith is a Democrat, and takes a great interest in political and general affairs. Though not desirous of official honors, he has served his township as Supervisor. He is a worthy man and patriotic citizen, who is devoted to the promotion of all enterprises which have for their object the good of the community and the progress of his fellow-men. JA. WHITECRAFf. This gentleman is well known as one of the most extensive land- owners of Christian County and as a prom- inent citizen who is always to be found in the front ranks of improvement. His well- equipped farm is situated on section 25, Soutli Fork Township. He is a native of Bath County, Ky., born January 11, 1819, and is a son of John Whitecraft. His grandfather, who was of Irish descent, was reared in Lancaster, Pa. Thence he removed to Tennessee, and later to Kentucky, where his death occurred. The father of our subject was a native of Ten- 226 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. nessee and was eight years of age when his parents settled in Kentucky. His early education was limited, and he was early inured to farm work. On arriving at suitable years he married Rachel Arnick, a native of Bath County, Ky. On the loth of September, 1835, the family left Kentucky and started for the Prairie State, reaching Spring- field at the end of thirty days. Central Illinois was still in a nearly wild condition, and wolves and deer yet roamed over the prairies. On the 6th of April of the following year, the father came to this county and made a settlement on the farm which is now owned by our subject. lie bought a claim of one hundred and sixty acres, paid $4 per acre, and entered a large tract of land at $1.25 per acre. The prairie was without fences, and there was only a small house, containinga large fireplace, upon the farm by way of improvement. John Whitecraft became the owner of nearly eight hundred acres, all of which is in the family. He died in 1847, aged sixty-two years, seven months and twenty da3's, and was buried on the farm. His wife lived to reach four-score years and was killed in Springfield by a runaway team. They were both members of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics the father was a Whig. He was greatly opposed to secret societies. Our subject is the eldest child born to his par- ents. Harvey died in this county, as did also Ahisah, the next younger; Jane, who is deceased, became the wife of a Mr. Williams, of Brush Creek; John lives retired from business and resides in Taylorville; Silas lives in Springfield; and George, who is also retired from active business, lives at Berry Station. The early years of J. A. Whitecraft were passed in Kentucky, and at the time of the family's emi- gration to this State he was a youth of sixteen years. His education was obtained in the sub- scription schools of that early day, and he learned to be an expert with the rifle, cradle, axe and scythe. He continued to reside at home until his father's death, when he inherited a portion ,of the old homestead, a tract of three hundred acres. He has since greatly extended the boundaries of his farm and may well be proud of his broad estate, for he owns in one body fourteen hundred acres. He is engaged in general farming and stock-raising and has met with unusual success. Mr. Whitecraft is a good citizen and has been identified with the progress of this region for fifty-seven years. His first Presidential ballot was cast in 1840 for W. H. Harrison. He has seen thir- teen elections since that day, and the last time voted for the grandson of the Tippecanoe hero. He was well acquainted with President Lincoln and had the pleasure of voting for him. His father was always an anti-slavery man and left the South on that account. OSCAR F. MORRISON, a well-known citizen of Taylorville, claims New Hampshire as the State of his nativity. The place of his birth is in the city of Keene, and the date May 22, 1837. His parents were David and Betsy Ann (Wilson) Morrison. His boyhood days were quietly passed, and the public schools afforded him his educational privileges. Since the age of fifteen he has made his own way in the world. At that time he began learning the printer's trade, serving a three-years apprenticeship. When a young man of twenty years he determined to seek a home and fortune in the West, for he believed that better privileges were here afforded than in the older and more thickly settled States of the East. In consequence he arrived in Pana, Christian County, on the 22d of July, 1857, and in that place and in Clinton he was engaged in newspaper work until 1866. In connection with Mahlon De Levis he founded and published the Clinton Pub- lic, which he carried on during the war. On the 3d of October, 1861, Mr. Morrison was united in marriage with Miss Sarah A. Frink, the ceremony being performed on the site of their present home. The lady is a daughter of Judge W. S. and Sarah G. (Grant) Frink. Her father died September 12, 1887, of paralysis, in his nine- ty-seventh year. Pie was the last survivor in a famity of twelve children. Throughout Christian County he was recognized as a prominent citizen. Tke Library of the Untartlty of Illlnoh PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 229 He laid out Frink's Addition to the city, consist- ing of eighteen lots, and was prominent in all pub- lic affairs. For seventy-five years he was a member of the Masonic fraternity, having been made a Mason in North Stonington, Conn., in 1821. He was always an active member of the society, was a charter member of Mound Lodge, and took the Knight Templar degree. Further mention is made of Judge Frink on another page of this work. After the death of her mother Mr. and Mrs. Morrison came to Taylorville, in 186(5, to make their home with the Judge, she being his only liv- ing child. The family numbered six children, but one died at the age of fifteen, one at seven years, another at twenty-one, and two in early childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison have two children: Mary Emma, who is employed as a teacher in the sixth grade in the Taylorville public schools; and Lor- etta Frink, wife of Nathaniel Gandy, of Taylor- ville. After coming to this city, our subject spent six years in the store of C. E. Barnes u engaged in cultivating the farm on which he makes his home for thirty years, and turned much of the soil upon the place him- self. He has brought it from its original state to what it now is, a well-improved and fertile tract of land. He is a native of Ohio, born in Pickaway County June 4, 1836, his father, Jared Malin, being a native of Virginia, though his an- cestors were early settlers of Pennsylvania. The father grew to manhood in Virginia and went to Pickaway County, Ohio, where he married Elizabeth McDonald, who was born and grew to womanhood in the Buckeye State, but whose par- ents were from Virginia. Mr. Malin improved a timbered farm, and in the fall of 1838 proceeded by team to Illinois with his wife and six children. He settled in Shelbyville, where he rented laud for a year and then entered a tract in the neigh- borhood. He never lived upon this farm, how- ever, but came to Christian County in 1840 and took up a claim, on which he settled the following year. This farm was just east of Pana, and there he passed his remaining days, dying in 1871. His good wife also passed away on the same farm, and both were buried near Pana. In their pioneer days they suffered many hardships, but accomplished a great deal, as, though coming here poor, they left a good property and plenty to their children. Mr. Malin was a Democrat all his life, was a just man, and one who attended strictly to his own affairs, He was an active and faithful member of the Old- school Baptist Church. Our subject is one in a family composed of Til* bt>i.j of the of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 239 the following children: Lucinda; Denton, who lives in Rosemond; William, who was a farmer and died near Pana; Thomas, deceased; Amy Ann, now Mrs. Cox, who resides near Pana; Elisha, whose death occurred in this county; Josiah, a farmer, who also makes his home in this county; Jared, a resident of Kansas; John, who lives near Pana; Ann E. and Sarah E., the latter of whom is deceased. The boyhood days of Jeremiah Malin were passed in this neighborhood, and he has been a witness of most of the development of this county. In the early days the wolves often howled around the cabin and wild game was abundant. He saw the town of Pana grow from the start, and helped with an ox-team in grading the Illinois Central Railroad. His education was limited, as he could attend school only a few days at a time and would then be obliged to work for a number of days to- gether on the farm. What education he obtained was during a six-months term of school held in a log house, which was used as a blacksmith shop. He remained at home until his majority, and learned to swing the scythe and cradle and hew out rails. When he embarked in business for himself he first worked for a year on a farm, and then rented land for one season. In the spring of 1860 our subject was married in this neighborhood to Mrs. Amanda C. Pierce, a native of Sangamon County. Her father was born in Tennessee, and was an early settler of San- gamon and Christian Counties. She died in the spring of 1870, leaving three sons, and also a daughter by a former marriage. Asa B. resides in Guthrie, Okla.; James F. is a farmer of Kansas; and Jared N. is engaged in farming in North Dakota. The daughter is Mrs. Mollie Wilkerson, of Kansas. The present wife of our subject, who was form- erly Mrs. Miller, became Mrs. Malin on the 13th of December, 1874. Mr. Miller was killed while in the army. The maiden name of Mrs. Malin was Bicmer, and her birth occurred in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. She grew to womanhood in Van Wert County, the same State, and after the war came with a sister to Illinois. Our subject and his wife have one daughter, Minnie B., who is an ex- ceptionally intelligent young lady and is pursuing her studies in the public schools, where on nine of her studies she recently made an average of nine- ty-five and three-fourths. The first Presidential ballot cast by Mr. Malin was in favor of Douglas in 1860, and since that time he has been a leading Democrat in this region, having been a delegate and committeeman in the conventions of his part}'. He supports churches and is foremost in all public advancement. His farm is Bnely improved and comprises some eighty acres, which are under good cultivation. In this county, where he has spent nearly his entire life, he has won the respect and regard of all. JOHN WEISER, one of the prominent and representative agriculturists of Christian County, who is now practically living a re- . tired life in Sharpsburg, Buckhart Town- ship, was born in Darmstadt, Germany, November 30, 1828, and is a son of Philip and Mary M. (KimbeiTmg) Weiser, who were also natives of the same locality. The father was a farmer by oc- cupation, and carried on that business in his na- tive land until 1838, when he crossed the briny deep to the New World, locating in Pennsylvania, where he spent two years. In 1841 he came to Illinois, locating in Cass County, where he entered land from the Government and began the devel- opment of a farm. His death there occurred at the age of sixty-two years. His wife survived him for a number of years and reached the ad- vanced age of eighty-four. This worthy couple had a family of nine chil- dren, numbering five sons and four daughters, of whom our subject is fourth in order of birth. His earliest recollections are of the Fatherland, but when he was a lad of ten summers his parents left the Old Country, and he has since known no other place of abode than his American home. Since his thirteenth year he has lived in Illinois. Upon his father's farm in Cass County he was reared to 210 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. manhood, acquiring his education in the public schools of the neighborhood. As a companion and helpmate on life's journey, Mr. Weiser chose Miss Anna D. Musch, a native of Germany. Their union was celebrated in 1852, and has been blessed by four children, of whom only two are yet liv- ing: Louis P. and Otto N. Mr. Weiser's residence in Christian County dates from 1859. On his arrival he located upon a par- tially improved farm on section 33, Buckhart Township, and began its further development and cultivation. He labored with untiring zeal, and his industrious efforts soon transformed* it into a tract of rich fertility. It now comprises three hundred and forty-five acres, of which iwenty- n've acres are timber-land, while the remainder is divided into fields of convenient size for raising the cereals adapted to this climate. Recently Mr. Weiser has removed to Sharpsburg, 'where he is living retired in the enjoyment of the rest which should follow years of active labor. Through his own efforts he has acquired a handsome compe- tency, which now enables him to lay aside business cares and surrounds him with all the comforts that go to make life worth the living. In politics he is a supporter of Republican principles, but has never sought or desired public office, preferring to devote his time and attention to business interests and the enjoyments of the home circle. JH. MARTIN, who carries on farming and stock-raising on section 34, Buckhart Town- ship, is numbered among the early settlers of the community, and for more than twenty years he has resided upon the farm which he now makes his home. He was born in Law- rence County, Ind., November 3, 1838, and is the sixth in order of birth in a family of eight chil- dren. His paternal grandfather, Abram Martin, who was of English descent, was born in Kentucky, and served in the War of 1812. The father of our subject, Lewis Martin, was a native of the Hoosier State. He married Rachel Garrison, who died when J. H. was quite a small lad, after which he again married. Mr. Martin whose name heads this record came with his father and step-mother to Illinois when a youth of ten summers, and remained with them until he had attained his majority. In 1861, a marriage ceremony was performed which united his destiny with that of Lucy J. Jones. She was born in Illinois, and is of Welsh descent. Her parents were natives of Tennessee. They began their domestic life upon a rented farm in Sanga- mon Count}', and in 1862 came to Christian Coun- ty, Mr. Martin renting land near Edinburgh. He afterward purchased a farm, which he subsequently sold, and in 1871 he became owner of his present place of residence. It was then but slightly im- proved, but a great transformation has taken place in its appearance in the years which have since passed. It now comprises three hundred and twenty acres, all under a high state of culti- vation. It is supplied with three houses, good barns and all the other necessary buildings. All the equipments of a model farm are there found, and the place seems complete in all its appoint- ments. Eleven children were born of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of whom nine are yet living: Isaac; James M.; Leona Belle, wife of Henry Mil- ler, of Oklahoma; Lucretia, wife of Frank Brown, a farmer of Buckhart Township; Charlie; Emma, wife of Irvin Donner, of Buckhart Township; Mar- tha, of Chicago; Pearl, at home; and Grover, who completes the family. Mr. Martin started out in life for himself empty-handed. His possessions consisted only of a team of horses and a wagon, and he had gone in debt for these to the extent of $ 150. With the ex- ception of five years spent in Edinburgh, he has always followed agricultural pursuits. He also en- gages in stock-raising, owning an imported Eng- lish Shire stallion and several standard-bred trot- ting horses, including "Mandett," a Hambleton- ian. He also has a fine colt, "May wood." Hisgood management, careful attention to the details of his business, and his perseverance and industry have brought him a high degree of success, which PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 241 now places him among the substantial farmers of the community. In politics he votes with the Democratic party on questions of National im- portance. He has long been a resident of Chris- tian County, has watched with interest its progress and upbuilding, and has aided materally iu its ad- vancement. eORNELIUS B. KELLER, a respected agri- culturist and farmer, residing on section 22, Johnson Township, is a member of a pioneer family who took up their abode in Chris- tian County in 1850. He was born in York County, Pa., on the 19th of June, 1827, and was consequently only twenty-three years old when he came to the West. His father, John Keller, was long numbered among the best residents of this community. He was also a native of York County, where he grew to manhood and was un- ited in marriage with Miss Lydia Baker, of the same county. Mr. and Mrs. Keller departed this life in Christian County, on their old homestead, and were buried side by side in the Clark Ceme- tery, of Johnson Township. The subject of this sketch is one of eight chil- dren, five sons and three daughters, and is the eldest of the family. His youth was spent on his father's farm, to the cultivation of which he gave his energies until reaching his majority. He de- termined to learn a trade, and accordingly became master of the art of manufacturing paper. Desir- ing to see something of the world and particu- larly of the great West, he went in 1855 to Kan- sas with a party of Government surveyors. The twelve years following he traveled in Arkansas, Nebraska and Kansas, visiting all parts of those States. It was in 1867 that Mr. Keller returned to Christian County to settle down for life, and since that time he has made his permanent home in Johnson Township. His entire attention has been given to general farming and stock-raising, and as the reward of his industry he now finds himself the owner of a valuable tract of land, comprising several hundred acres. His farm is well adapted to stock-raising, being well sheltered from storms of wind and rain by heavily timbered lands, sit- uated along a branch of the Sangamon River, which borders his farm. He makes a specialty of stock-raising, and usually from twelve to fifteen head of horses, fifty to one hundred head of hogs, and upwards of fifty head of cattle can be seen feeding in his beautiful meadow lands. Mr. Keller is a man of intelligence and keeps well informed on the leading questions of the day. He is congenial and friendly in his social relations, and stands high in the respect of his neighbors and fellow-citizens. He has chosen to remain single, but his home is so well kept and pleasant that one would hardly imagine it was not presided over by a lady. His course in life has been ever strictly upright and within the lines of justice and truth. He is the architect of his own for- tunes, having started out empty-handed in the battle of life. In politics, he is a Democrat. EV. ALOYSIUS TEPPE has been located in Morrisonville since the fall of 1877, succeeding the Rev. Father Klaus. There ! are about sixty families in his parish, and he has ministered to their wants as an adviser and friend for about fifteen years. The birth of Rev. Mr. Teppe occurred at Volk- marsen, Germany, on the 27th of November, 1854. He is son of Louis and Regina (Belzer) Teppe, both natives of Germany, and is one of four chil- dren, and the eldest of the family. Father Teppe was a lad of only eleven years when he entered Fulda Seminary, where he in- dustriously pursued his studies for eight year,-'. At the expiration of that period he entered thu University at Louvain, Belgium, and there com- menced his study for the priesthood. At the end 212 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of three and a-half years lie graduated from that institution and was ordained a priest, this being in 1877. . Soon after his ordination, Father Teppe came to America, and, as we have said before, was immedi- ately placed in charge of the parish at Morrison- ville. The old church edifice, which has been built for a number of years, will soon be converted into a school for the use of the families of the church. It is the intention of Rev. Mr. Teppe and his par- ishioners to erect a handsome church building in the near future at a cost of about $12,000, and the plans for it are now well under way. /^|j) APT DAN DE CAMP, one of the most (l(^~ prominent citizens of Edinburgh, and an ^^/ early settler of Christian County, was born in Giles County, Va., August 31, 1824. His fa- ther, David De Camp, was a native of New Jersey, from where he removed to Virginia. By trade he was a hatter. The grandfather, Zachariah De Camp, was born in New Jersey, and his father was a native of France and the founder of the family in America. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Ford. She was born in the Old Dominion, and was a daughter of Lewis Ford, a native of the same State. The parents of our subject were married in Virginia, and located in Pearisburgh, Giles County, where Mr. De Camp worked at his trade. His wife died in that place, after which he came to Illinois, spending his last days in Galena. They were the parents of eight children, six sons and two daughters, namely: Elizabeth, Henry, Lewis, Daniel, John D., William, Sarah A. and Napoleon. The subject of this sketch remained in the county of his nativity until eighteen years of age, and when a youth of fifteen started out in life for himself, since which time he has been dependent upon his own resources. He served an apprentice- ship to the hatter's trade, and then for three years and a-half drove a team for one company, driving fifty-three miles each day from Salem to the Nat- ural Bridge. In 1842, Capt. De Camp emigrated Westward, taking up his residence in Springfield. He drove a stage from Taylorville to Shelbyville for about a year, also engaged in staging from Taylorville to Springfield and from St. Louis to Springfield. Subsequently he established himself in the livery business in the capital city and con- tinued in that line for about four years, when he purchased a farm in Christian County, comprising two hundred acres of partially improved land. At that time there was but one house at Buckhart Grove. The county was wild and undeveloped, and he lived in true pioneer style. During one winter he shot forty-four deer with forty-two shots from a small rifle. Wild game was very plentiful and kept the table supplied with meat. The Captain at once began the development of a farm, and soon transformed the unimproved tract into rich and fertile fields. In 1862, our subject entered the service of his country as a member of Company D, One Hun- dred and Thirtieth Illinois Infantry, and for two years served as Captain, He was sunstruck at Al- exandria, La., in 1864, and being thus disabled for duty resigned his position. He participated in thirteen hard-fought battles and the siege of Vicks- burg, was always found at his post and proved himself a valiant defender of the Union. After being mustered out, Capt. De Camp re- turned to his home, purchased more land, and de- voted his energies assiduously to farming. In 1870, lie laid off the town of Edinburgh, which was built on his farm and has laid off the fourth addi- tion to the place. Within the corporate limits are now comprised eighty acres. He has been in- strumental in the upbuilding of the county from an early day, and has ever borne his part in the work of public improvement and advancement. He has seen the many changes that have taken place, and has watched with interest the onward march of progress that has placed Christian Coun- ty in the front rank in Illinois. On- the 7th of October, 1847, Capt. De Camp was united in marriage with Pernecy Langley, a native of Kentucky, who in early childhood was brought to Christian County, in 1828. She is a PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 243 most estimable lady and presides with grace over the hospitable home where their many friends de- light to gather. In politics, the Captain has been a Republican since the organization of the party. He voted that ticket when he and William George were the only Republicans in the precinct. He was elected Justice of the Peace, filling the office eight years, and was the first Postmaster of Edin- burgh. He established the office and named it Blueville. While in the war he resigned the posi- tion, in 1863. He again was Postmaster under Gen. Grant, and during that time changed the name to Edinburgh. The Captain was one of the organizers of Mother Bickerdike Post No. 402, G. A. R., at Edinburgh, was Commander of the same for three terms, and largely through his instru- mentality a good hall was built for the society. He is now engaged in dealing in fine horses, and is a true lover of the noble steed. He owns sev- eral of the best horses that can be found in this part of the State. The Captain is a gentleman in the truest and best sense of the word, is genial and pleasant in manner, kindly and generous in dispo- sition, and has the warm regard of all who know him. eHARLES WALTER SIBLEY, residing on section 6, Pana Township, was born in the Bay State, the place of his birth being Spencer, Worcester County, Mass., and the date July 2, 1826. His grandfather, Paul Sibley, was a native of the same town, was of English descent and was a farmer by occupation. The father, Wal- ter Livermore Sibley, was born in Spencer, where he followed farming and was a prominent and in- fluential citizen. He served as Colonel in the State militia, was Justice of the Peace, and filled many offices of honor and trust, and was a Deacon, Choris- ter and Sunday-school Superintendent for many years. He married Ruth Watson Ryan, who was born in Spencer, of Irish parentage. Her father, Samuel Ryan, was born in the Bay State and had a family of fourteen children, thirteen of whom attended school at one time. Mr. Sibley, father of our subject, died at the age of forty-five, and his wife, who long survived him, passed away in Christian County, 111., at the age of ninety-four. Their family numbered three sons and two daugh- ters: Mary, who died in infancy; R. Eliza, of Pana Township; William Evans, who is living in the same township; and Henry Nelson, who was drowned at the age of sixteen. Two nephews, David and Nelson Scott, late prominent and suc- cessful druggists in Worcester, Mass., were reared in the family. Mr. and Mrs. Sibley stood with David Scott, the father, in three marriages, and in 1851 Mrs. Sibley stood alone with Mr. Scott, the fourth time as his wife, and died his widow. The subject of this sketch remained upon the home farm until nineteen years of age and at- tended the district and high schools. He then en- tered Leicester Academy, graduating in 1850, and later became a student in Yale College. When his education was completed, he became clerk for the Ryan Manufacturing Company, of Norfolk, Conn., and continued his connection with that firm for four years. On the day of his marriage the firm made an assignment, and he lost nearly all he had, but he managed to open a general store in Norfolk, where he carried on business for two years. On the ex- piration of that period, he sold out and emigrated Westward, locating in Louisiana, Mo., where he carried on merchandising until 1859. That year witnessed his arrival in Pana, where, with G. P. Lawrence, he carried on a general store until the breaking out of the war. In 1861, Mr. Sibley donned the blue as a de- fender of the Union, becoming a member of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry. He enlisted as a private, but was promoted to be Commissary Sergeant and clerk of the regiment. After a year, on the reor- ganization of the regiment, he was tendered a com- mission as Quartermaster, but declined. Return- ing to Pana, he secured a position as clerk in. the office of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, where he remained for a year, and then removed to Pleasant Mound, his present home, in 1855. Within the boundaries of his homestead are com- prised four hundred and fifty acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. 244 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. In November, 1855, Mr. Sibley wedded Susan Pettibone Lawrence, daughter of E. Grove Law- rence, of Norfolk, Conn., where the lady was born and reared. They have adopted four children.' Elizabeth, who came to them at the age of twelve, is a graduate of the Protestant Hospital of St. Louis, and is now a professional nurse in that city. Josie, eighteen years of age, William Michael, also eigh- teen years of age, and Rose Michael, a maiden of sixteen, are still with Mr. and Mrs. Sibley. Our subject was reared a Whig, became a Free Soiler, and then a Republican. He now votes with the Prohibition party. He has always been a strong temperance man and has never even used tobacco in any shape. He gives his support to whatever lends to upbuild the moral interests of the com- munity and prove of public benefit. The cause of education finds in him a friend; and as a member and Secretary of the Educational Board, he was ac- tive in organizing the graded system of Pana and in building the- first school building. Afterward for fifteen years he was School Trustee. He is a mem- ber of the Good Templars' Society and the Grange, and is a faithful and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. He served both as Deacon and Elder from 1860 until 1885, and bore a prom- inent part in promoting the work and interests of the Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as Superintendent of the District Sunday-school. His life has been well and worthily spent, and he can look over the past with little regret. \F_^ T. GARDNER, a genial, popular and highly rjV esteemed gentleman, who follows general &%? farming on section 16, Buckhart Township, ((^) is a native of Maury County, Tenn., born June 12, 1841. His father, Nathan Gardner, was born in the same State in 1817, and his mother, who bore the maiden name of Frances Harris, was born in Virginia, in 1818. Their marriage was celebrated in the State of his nativity, where they resided until 1841, which year witnessed their emigration to Illinois. They took up their resi- dence m Fayette County, where they made their home until 1856, when they came to Christian County, locating in Buckhart Township. Here Mr. Gardner carried on agricultural pursuits until his death, which occured on the 22d of January, 1889, at the age of seventy-two. His wife still survives him and is now living in Sharpsburg. The subject of this sketch is the third in order of birth in a family of eleven children, of whom four sons and two daughters are now living. It was during his infancy that his parents came to Illinois, so that he has no recollection of his native State as a place of residence. He remained under the parental roof until he had attained his ma- jority, and his boyhood days were quietly passed midst play and work. He attended the district schools during the winter season, thus acquiring a good English education, while his time in summer months was devoted to farm labor. In August, 1864, Mr. Gardner led to the mar- riage altar Miss Clarinda Doak, who died the same year. For his second wife he chose Miss Harriet Ward, a native of Macon County, 111., and by their union has been born a family of three sons, William, Lewis and Frank, who arc still living with their parents and aid their father in his farm- ing duties. Since 1864, Mr. Gardner has resided upon the farm which is now his home. He first purchased eighty acres and began its development, but as his financial resources have increased lie has added to his landed possessions from time to time, until he now owns two hundred acres of rich and fertile farming land. In connection with its cul- tivation, he also raises some good stock, making a specialty of the breeding of Shorthorn cattle. Mr. Gardner has several times been called upon to serve in positions of public trust by his fellow- townsmen, who have recognized his worth and ability. He was Road Commissioner for the long period of fifteen years, and is now Trustee of the school funds. Socially, he is connected with Edin- burgh Lodge No. 647, A. F. INSTON LEANDER LONG has been en- gaged in the mercantile business in Mor- risonville for a number of years, being a junior member of the firm of Hewitt & Long. A. M. Hewitt, of the firm, is a brother-in-law of our subject, and they have been in business together since 1885. Mr. Lqng was born in Christian County, Ky., where the village of Herndon now stands, January 15, 1851. John Culbertson Long, father of our subject, was born in Muhlenburg County, Ky., June 19, 1779. His mother, Rebecca Stevenson (McCormick) Long 252 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. was born in Lincoln County, N. C., September 18, 1812. Her parents removed from North Carolina to Missouri when she was six months old, and from Missouri to Kentucky when she was two years of age. She was married to Mr. Long in Christian County, Ky., in 1837. Five sons and four daughters blessed their home. The eldest, Andrew McCormick Long, died in in- fancy. John Turner Long, the second child, now living in Danville, Ten u., is a mechanic; he was married in 1862 to Mrs. Elvira R. Luck, whose maiden name was McCraw, and they have one son, Lucian Clyde. The third in order of birth, Sarah Ann Long, married Benjamin Scott Pickard in 1859, and four children came to them: Herschel W.,Ida May, Minnie Lee and Benjamin Scott. Mr. Pickard died in 1866, and some ten years later Mrs. Pickard married John A. Myers, of Dan- ville, Tenn. Two children, Hattie Belle and Dora Pearl, were the result of this union. Mrs. Myers died in 1888, and Mr. Myers is now living in Christian County, Ky. James Marion Long, the fourth child, was married to Miss Carrie McCraw, a niece of Mrs. John Turner Long, in 1867; they have four children: Drucilla Ann, Jhumie L., Oscar Woodson and Birch. The greater part of James Long's life has been spent in merchandising, but a few years ago he removed to his farm near Bennettstown, Christian County, Ky., where he re- sides. Eliza Long, the fifth child, died at about three years of age. Isabella Washington Long, the sixth in order, married James B. Radford in 1867; they had two children, Edgar Clarence and Viola Mattie. Mrs. Radford died in 1874, and some years later Mr. Radford married Miss Amelia Park, and now resides in Christian County, Ky. Eudora Clem- entine Long, the seventh child, married William G. Williams in 1877, and died the year following. Mr. Williams died about a year later. Fidelia M. Long, the ninth child, died at about one year of age. Winston Leander Long, the eighth child and the subject of this sketch, passed his boyhood in Christian County, Ky., being reared to agricultural pursuits. After his father's death, which occurred when Winston was only ten years old, he worked on his mother's farm, getting such advantages as the country schools afforded. At the age of fifteen it became necessary for him to take charge of the farm, his elder brothers having gone from home. The war coming on the year of his father's death, the freeing of the slaves, and the depreciation of values generally, consequent upon the war, brought his mother to very straitened circum- stances, which financial embarrassment made it trying for so young a farmer. His opportunities were very limited until the age of eighteen, when he entered the male academy at Garrettsburg, Ky., his teacher being no less a personage than that most profound scholar and instructor, Q. M. Tyler, whose name is dear to so many men who were boys in southern Kentucky and northern Tennessee. Af- ter continuing here two years, he returned to the farm. For several j'ears after this, our sub- ject aspired to the medical profession, but his ed- ucation not being entirely satisfactory, and his mother and two sisters still being unprotected, he remained at home. He, however, began to make arrangements to enter the mercantile business, and in 1874 bought an interest in his brother James' grocery store, at Roaring Spring, Ky., his brother retaining almost entire control. A year or so later it became necessary, according to the terms of his father's will, to sell all real estate belonging to deceased. Winston bought the homestead, but soon sold to his brother James, and in the spring of 1877 he came to Christian County, 111., and entered into the dry-goods business in partnership with A. E. Boyd, of Palmer, 111. On June 19, 1878, our subject was married to Miss H. Lou Hewitt, of Taylorville, by the Rev. E. P. Rankin, a Presbyterian minister of Morrison- ville. Miss Hewitt was the third daughter of William T. and Anna (Gibson) Hewitt. Her eld- est brother, Francis M., died in 1872. Olive C., the second child, married Joseph S. Wallace. Aurelius M., the third, married Miss Florence An- derson. James Byron, the fourth, died in 1869. Laura J., the fifth, married J. L. Boyd. Mrs. Long, the sixth, was born in Christian County, 111., Sep- tember 23, 1856. Her mother died when she was eight months old. Some three years later her fa- ther married Miss Mary R. Wilcockson, a very estimable lady, and daughter of Col. John H. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 253 II. Wilcockson, of Sangamon County, 111. Three children were the result of this union, William T., Lee D. and Homer B. William T., Jr., died in 1872. Lee D. married Miss Ella Russell. William T. Hewitt, Sr., was born in Stafford County, Va., January 15, 1816. He removed to Christian County, Ky., when yet a young man, and was married there. He moved to Christian County, 111., in 1842, and became a prosperous stock-raiser, farmer and a man of wealth. He was a good and learned man, and a man of sterling integrity. He died November 24, 1890. Mrs. Long's mother, Anna (Gibson) Hewitt, was born in Christian County, Ky., in 1821. She was a wo- man of piety, and was noted for her benevolent and amiable disposition, and for her charity to the poor. She died June 8, 1857. Mrs. Long is a Christian lady, being an earnest worker and an ac- tive member of the Presbyterian Church. She is of high social standing, a kind and affectionate wife and mother, and makes home pleasant and happy for her husband and little son. In the fall of 1878 the firm of Boyd & Long dis- solved, the former partner retiring and the latter continuing in business. In 1884, Mr. Long sold out and moved to Sully County, S. Dak. In 1885, he returned to the Prairie State, and has since been located in Morrison ville. Socially, he is connected with Morrison ville Lodge No. 681, A. F. & A. M., and is a member of Mound Lodge and Chapter of Taylorville. In politics he is a Democrat, first, last and all the time, and is at present serving as Supervisor of Ricks Township. Mr. Long is quiet and retiring in manner, but he has a host of friends and acquaintances who consider him a man of integrity and of a high sense of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Long had only two children, the elder of whom died in infancy. The other, Troy Lovell, was born December 27, 1881. He is now a lad of twelve, healthy, but of a delicate frame. John Culbertson Long, the father of our subject, was the eldest of ten children, the second being William; the third was Robert F., who married Lu- cretiaBoyd; the fourth Joseph; the fifth William; the sixth Isaac, who married Sarah Vincent; the seventh Agnes A.; the eighth Mary, who married Collins Calvert; the ninth Rebecca, who married Wilson Cates; and the tenth Elizabeth, who mar- ried Jacob Gish. John Culbertson Long was a temperate man and a Christian, being an Elder in the Presbyterian Church for a number of years, or up to the time of his death, which occurred July 11, 1861. The grandfather of our subject, Samuel C. Long, was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and married Joanna Culbertson. Rebecca S. (McCormick) Long, the mother of our subject, was one of a family of six children. The eldest, Joseph Manson McCormick, married Miss McKenzie. Immediately after their mar- riage, in Christian County, Ky., they moved to Texas, which was not yet admitted into the Union. The opportunities being favorable, he -became a wealthy man. They had only one son, Andrew Phelps McCormick, who is now United S.tates Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit in Texas. He also sits in the Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans from the middle of November to the fol- lowing June of each year. Eliza McCormick, the second, married Joseph Causey. Juliet McCor- mick, the third, married James Boyd. Zillah A McCormick, the sixth, married Alfred Boyd, a brother of her sister Juliet's husband. Both of the Boyds and their families moved from Christian County, Ky., and settled in Christian County, 111. They reared large families, many of whom are well-known and prominent business men of this county and State. Rebecca S. McCormick, the mother of our subject, had a twin brother, whose name was John, but he did not survive infancy. She was a very large lady, and at one time weighed nearly three hundred pounds. She was a woman of considerable force of character, was a great reader, and was a Christian, having joined the Presb}'- terian Church when quite young, and she remained in it until she died, March 16, 1881. Mrs. Long's father, Andrew McCormick, was born in Lincoln County, N. C., in 1780, and mar- ried Sarah Steele, who was born in the same coun- ty in the year 1775. The latter's family were people of wealth for their time, and had great force of character. For some cause they opposed their daughter Sarah's marriage to Mr. McCor- mick, hence little is known of her ancestors. She had three brothers, however, one of whom was 254 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. named Henry. Andrew McCormick having died in Christian County, Ky., in 1822, she married a man by the name of Howard. He died some four years after their marriage, and she went to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Long, where she spent her declining years. She died at the age of eighty. Andrew McCormick had an older brother, Joseph, who moved from North Carolina to Washington County, Mo. One of his sons, James Robinson McCormick, now lives at Farming- ton, St. Francois County, Mo. He is a physician by profession, and has twice been elected State Senator, has three times been elected to Congress, and was a General in the Union army. He is a wealthy man and has retired from public life and from active business. Andrew had two other brothers, David and John, who died without heirs. He had three sisters, Elizabeth, Catharine and Mary. Elizabeth married Enos Sherrill. Cathar- ine married John Alexander. Mary married A. T. Alexander, a brother of Catharine's husband. The families belonging to these three sisters were peo- ple of prominence. The great-grandfather of our subject was also named Andrew McCormick. He emigrated to this country from Ireland some time between 1746 and 1750. Information is not definite as to where he was born, but the impression is that he was born in Scotland. But if not born in Scotland, it may be stated with some degree of certainty that he was of Scotch descent. He met and married Catharine Adams in Pennsylvania. She, Catharine Adams, had three brothers, John, Peter and Jacob, and two sisters, Mary and Hannah. Mary married a man named Groves. Hannah married Mr. Low- ranee. Catharine (Adams) McCormick 's father, John Adams, is the earliest of the common ances- tors, so far as the knowledge of the subject of our sketch, or family tradition, reaches. This John Adams was born in Holland or. in one of the Ger- man Stales. While still a youth, he and a sister of his came with a colony of Calvinist Protestants to New Jersey. He married and settled on or near the Delaware Rivet, not far from Philadelphia. Here he resided with his family until the fall of 1776. He was an early and ardent supporter of the patriot cause, and when Earl Cornwallis overran the Jerseys in 1776, John Adams moved his fam- ily into Pennsylvania, then into Virginia, and about the close of the next year, 1777, reached and permanently settled in what is now Rowan County, N. C. The McCormicks, kindred of our subject, have been farmers, stock-raisers, merchants, bankers and lawyers, with an occasional physician and Presbyterian preacher, but few office-holders, either civil or military. Very many have been Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church. EDWARD BUGG, a well-known agriculturist of Christian County, has spent his entire life in May Township, having been born March 31, 1848, on the same farm where he now resides. This place was entered from the Govern- ment by his father, who was among the pioneers of the county. The home of our subject is lo- cated on section 23, where he owns a well-im- proved farm. Edward Bugg was the seventh child in a family of eight children born to Joseph and Susanna (Peck) Bugg. Four of the family are now de- ceased. John, the eldest living, is a retired far- mer, and now a resident of Assumption; William is a prosperous agriculturist of this township, as is also Joseph R., the only other survivor. The fa- ther was born March 12, 1810, at Levin, Yorkshire, England, where he continued to reside until his marriage, which occurred February 27, 1833. In June, 1834, the young couple set sail for America and landed in Quebec, Canada, where they spent the winter. In May of the following year they removed to Indiana and settled on a farm three miles northeast of Terre Haute, where they made their home for four years. At the end of that time they came to this county and made a settle- ment on section 4, May Township, north of Flat Branch. Their location was on the open prairie, half a mile from the timber. At that time all the settlements had been made along the timber-land, and they were the only ones who had yet ventured PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 255 out on the prairie, which people in those days lit- tle expected could be developed into good farms. lu 1844, the family removed to the places where our subject now resides and built a log house. To the eastward the prairie stretched for eighteen miles without a single house or improvement of any kind. Though they were much annoyed by the depredations of wolves and had much sickness, they remained on this tract of land and improved a farm of three hundred and eighty acres. Mr. Bugg was called from this life May 10, 1865, and was laid to rest in the Harris Cemetery in May Township. He was an active man and numbered many friends in the county. Religiously, he held membership with the Methodist Church. His wife was born in Yorkshire, England, August 10, 1812, to Simon and Jane (Butledge) Peck. Her death occurred October 28, 1882, at Terre Haute, Ind., where she was visiting. She had for many years previously made her home with our subject. Edward Bugg, whose name heads this sketch, resided at his birthplace on the same farm he now cultivates until he was of age. His education was such as was afforded by the country schools of those days. On reaching man's estate he rented a part of the home farm for a number of years, and on the 10th of February, 1874, was united in mar- riage with Miss Christina Bailey. She was born in Oneida County, N. Y., March 7, 1841, and was a daughter of M. S. and Lydia (Taylor) Bailey. The former was a native of Massachusetts, who re- moved with his parents to Oneida County, N. Y., when a small boy. There occurred his marriage, and in that county he resided until his death, which occurred when he had reached an advanced age. He was of English descent, and was one of the early settlers of Oneida County. His father participated in the War of the Revolution. The mother of Mrs. Bugg was born in Steuben County, N. Y., where she is still living, now well advanced in life. Her father was a native of Scotland, and came to America in his boyhood. Three children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Bugg, but two died in infancy. Gracic Fidelia, who lives at home, is an accomplished musi- cian and has received a superior education. Though not a member of any church, Mr. Bugg contrib- utes to their support, especially to the Presbyte- rian Church, of which his wife is a member. In politics, he uses his influence in behalf of the Re- publican party. His farm now numbers two hun- dred and fifty acres, which are fertile and well cul- tivated. It is a desirable piece of property and bears little resemblance to the wild prairie which it was at the time of his father's location upon it. JOHN LEWIS TURNER, a carpenter and manufacturer, ranks high in the business cir- cles of this communit_y and well deserves mention in the history of Christian County for the prominent part he has taken in all the public affairs that tend to benefit and upbuild the com- munity. The record of his life is as follows: A native of Indiana, he was born in Greene County on the 2d of September, 1844. He is of P^nglish and Scotch descent, the paternal grandfather hav- ing been a native of England, who died in Ten- nessee. He is also descended from one of the Revolutionary heroes, his maternal grandfather, Benjamin Phillips, a native of Scotland, having served as a soldier in the War of Independence. He lived to quite an advanced age, and died in Greene County, Ind. The parents of our subject, Archelaus and Susan (Phillips) Turner, were both natives of Tennessee. The father was a farmer and mechanic. His death occurred in 1846, of brain fever, in Greene County, Ind., but his wife lived until the 3d of April, 1883, surviving her husband about thirty-seven years, and died at the home of the subject of this sketch. They were both members of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church and were highly respected peo- ple. Their family numbered ten children, five sons and five daughters, of whom seven grew to mature years. Nancy is now the widow of William Anderson; Delphia, who is the second in order of birth, lives with her brother Thomas; William is a minister of the Gospel, residing at Lincoln and is the father of President Turner of Lincoln Uni- 256 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. versity; Jane is the wife of Rev. R. J. P. Lemmoii, of Benton County, Ark.; James Riley died at Owaneeo, this county, June 21, 1893; Thomas J. makes his home in Taylorville; and John L. is our subject. Those who died in early childhood were. Elizabeth, Benjamin and an infant. John L. Turner, whose name heads this record, was only two years old when his father died, and when he was a lad of ten summers his mother re- moved with the family from Indiana to Shelby County, 111. This was in 1854. There he was reared to manhood upon a farm, remaining with his mother until he had attained his majority. His education was acquired in the district schools of the neighborhood, and no event of special im- portance occurred during his boyhood and youth. After arriving at man's estate he was united in marriage, on the llth of April, 1867, with Miss Lizzie, a daughter of William and Mary Haskins, of Dubois County, Ind. Foui'children have been born of their union: Benjamin Archelaus, John Ellis, William Ezra and Docia Mae. The eldest son married Miss Lydia B. Sweigert, and resides in Edinburgh, 111., and is cashier of the banking house of George P. Harrington. One child graces their union, Homer A. In the winter of 1865-66, Mr. Turner removed to Christian County and located in Taylorville, where lie has since made his home. For the first ten years after his arrival he engaged in carpen- tering, which he then abandoned to enter upon the manufacture of brick and tile. This business he followed for a number of years. He made the first drain tile in this section of the country, and that branch of his business was his specialty. Al- though he began on a small scale, the demand for his product constantly increased, and in conse- quence his facilities were enlarged. This is one of the leading industries of the community, and adds greatly to the prosperity of Taylorville and surrounding community, as it furnishes employ- ment to a number of men and insures good crops on lands that are well tiled. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and their children are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he serves as Deacon. In politics, he is a supporter of the Republican party. Mr. Turner has had a successful career, which is due entirely to his own business ability and sagacity, combined with well-directed energies and persistent effort. His prosperity, therefore, is well merited, and he may truly be called a self-made man. He owns a good home and other city property, and, having disposed of his manufacturing business, he and his good wife are at this lime living rather retired, devoting themselves to the education of their children, trying to prepare them for useful lives. EPHRAIM BOLLINGER was for long years one of the highly respected and truly worthy citizens of Stonington Township. The whole community was deeply shocked on learning of his death, which occurred in March, 1893. While attempting to cross the railroad track to look after some business near the crossing by the Stonington Station, he was run down and instantly killed by the train. He was laid to rest in Grove City Cemetery. The birth of Mr. Bellinger occurred in Balti- more County, Md., October 24, 1832, and he grew to manhood near his birthplace. He was of German descent, though his father and mother were born and reared in Baltimore County. The family re- moved to Christian County, 111., in 1869. Our subject worked at his trade of a millwright until the commencement of the late Civil War. For three years during that struggle he was employed as a teamster in and near Baltimore. After his arrival in Illinois, he gave his whole time and energy to farming. When he started out to fight life's battles, he had his own way to make from the first, and even at the time of his marriage he was only in moderate circumstances. He was the eldest of thirteen children, eight of whom were sons. The marriage of Mr. Bellinger occurred in Bal- timore County, Md., his wife being Miss Mary Ann Street, who was born in that county August POKTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 257 23, 1832. They have become the parents of eight children: Oliver, who is now deceased, and James M., deceased, both of whom were buried in Balti- more County; Mary E., who died in Christian County, and lies buried in Grove City Cemetery; Henry C., John T., William E., Daniel S. and Samuel W., who arc respected citizens of this count}'. Henry C. married Miss Keziah Coffee, who was born and educated in this county. They are residents of Stonington Township. John T. married Miss Caroline Cooner, of this county, and lives near the old homestead. The three younger brothers are at home with their mother and lend their dutiful assistance in carrying on the home- stead. The farm is one hundred and twenty acres in extent, located on section 14, and has good improvements upon it. In his political faith Mr. Bellinger was a Repub- lican and was a worthy example of the agricult- ural class. He bore a high reputation for integrity of purpose and justice in the various walks of life. Both himself and wife for many years held mem- bership with the German Reformed Church, to which the latter still belongs. J^j& UGUST CAZALET, a retired merchant of (JJyLJj Assumption, was born in France on Ipfc Christmas Day of 1828. He spent his ^gj youth and grew to manhood in his native country, where he received fair school privileges. He then served an apprenticeship at the stone ma- son's trade, which he followed for some years, af- ter which he engaged in contracting and building for a few years. Ere leaving the land of his birth, Mr. Cazalet was married to Miss Julia Galliac, a most estimable young lady. Their union was celebrated in 1853, and for five years they continued in France, our subject being engaged in contracting and building from that time until 1858, when with his wife he emigrated to the New World, taking passage from Havre on a Westward-bound sailing-vessel, which at length dropped anchor in the harbor of New York, in the month of December, and the young couple found themselves in the New World. Mr. Cazalet at once came to Illinois, and made a location in Ottawa, La Salle County, where he established a stoneyard and engaged in contract- ing and building for three years. On the expira- tion of that period, in 1862, he removed to El Paso, Woodford County, where he engaged in merchandising in connection with his brother, un- der the firm name of Cazalet Bros. They con- tinued in the dry-goods business at that place, en- joying a good trade, until 1865, when our subject sold out his interest and came to Assumption. Here he built a storeroom and embarked in gen- eral merchandising. For about fifteen years he was actively engaged in business and then sold out. During that time he purchased land at vari- ous intervals and opened up several farms. Since disposing of his mercantile interests, he has pur- chased more land from time to time and now owns ten farms, one in Shelby County and the others in Christian County. His landed possessions aggre- gate about one thousand acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation and well improved. These properties yield to the owner a good income. Mr. Cazalet has also done much toward improving the town of Assumption, and has built fourteen business houses in the place, five of them being good brick structures. He has also built two residences. In 1881 he engaged in the grain and lumber business, and was actively connected with that industry for ten years. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Cazalet have been born two children. Leona is the wife of Joseph H. Staple- ton, a prominent grain-dealer and business man of Assumption; and Leon is a leading farmer, who is connected with his father as a dealer in fine im- ported horses. In 1887 Mr. Cazalet made a trip to France and visited his boyhood friends and the scenes of his youth, spending about three months in his na- tive land. While on the way he made a purchase of a number of Percheron and French Coach horses. The following year he again crossed the Atlantic to purchase more horses, and he and his son have since been engaged in importing and 258 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. dealing in Hue stock. In 1892 he made a third trip, spending about three months. Since his resi- dence here, Mr. Cazalet has been one of the most active, enterprising and successful business men, and probably has done more for the upbuilding of Assumption than any other of her citizens. His aid is never solicited in vain for the promotion of worthy enterprises, and his support and co-opera- tion are heartily given for the benefit all public improvement. ?ILLIAM D. COFFMAN, who owns and operates a good farm on section 20, Ma}' Township, is cue of the early settlers of Christian County, to which he came when only five years of age, in 1 850. He has the esteem and respect of all who know him, and his word is con- sidered as good as his bond. The birth of our subject occurred on the 9th of July, 1845, in Ohio County, Va., and he is a son of James D. and Margaret (Settle) Coffman. The former was born in Virginia, and in his youth learned the blacksmith's trade. This avocation he pursued until 1850, when he emigrated to the West and made a settlement in this county. He became the owner of land on the same section where our subject now resides, and devoted him- self to its improvement and cultivation until his death, which occurred November 1, 1885. He was of German descent, and was much respected by the early settlers as well as by the later arrivals in this region. His wife was also a native of the Old Dominion, born in Lancaster County. She came from one of the old families of Virginia, her ancestors having settled there in Colonial days on coming from their native land, England. A num- ber of the family participated in the War of the Revolution. Mrs. Coffman was called from this life in Christian County, July 9, 1872. In the family of five children our subject is the eldest. Two of the number are deceased. Josephine became the wife of Leonard F. Peak, a well-known agriculturist of this county; and Sarah married Isaac Corzine, who also owns a farm in this county. The parents removed here in 1850, and reared their children to lives of usefulness. Until his twentieth year our subject remained on the home farm, attending the common schools of the neighborhood. In 1865, he went to Peoria, and there pursued his studies for about one year. Re- turning, lie worked for his father on the farm for the two succeeding years, after which he rented land, which he engaged in cultivating for himself. His father then gave him the use of forty acres of land, which had been little improved and only had a small log house upon it. With undaunted en- j ergy he began to clear the place, which was cov- I ered with brush and stumps. For nine years he kept house for himself, most of the time in his little cabin, and brought the land into good shape. The maniage of Mr. Coffman was celebrated January 19, 1881, with Miss Lillian II. Fraley, who was born December 17, 1857, in Christian County. She is a daughter of John S. and Sarah J. (Wiley) Fraley. The father was a native of Ohio, and became a resident of this county in 1847, being one of the honored pioneers. He was prominent in those early days and was widely known, as he lived on the old Terns Haute and Springfield stage road, and a great many travelers were hospitably entertained at his home in those days. He was of German descent, and died on the 1st of March, 1888. His wife, who was also born iu Ohio, died in April, 1869. Five chil- dren blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Coffman, namely: Mabel E., Minnie, Roy, Mary, and one who died in infancy. In regard to the question of politics, Mr. Coff- man is a Prohibitionist and is a strong temper- ance man. He holds membership with the United Brethren Church, while Mrs. Coffman is a mem- ber of the Methodist denomination. Our subject has been at various times called upon to fill town- ship offices, which he has filled acceptably, but still prefers to give his time and attention to his busi- ness interests. He served for nine years success- ively in the capacity of Township Clerk, at the end of which time he declined being re-nomina- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 259 ted. lie is giving his children good educational advantages and is a strong supporter of the most advanced educational methods. For fourteen years he has been School Treasurer of the town- ship, and has used his influence in the erection of many schoolhouses. The well-improved farm of Mr. Coffman now contains within its limits two hundred and sixty- five acres, which are all under cultivation and have many substantial improvements upon them. Our subject is well informed on general topics and is especially posted on all matters pertaining to ag- ricultural pursuits. He takes a number of leading farm journals, and keeps fully abreast with the times, though still standing by the old and tried methods. He has the respect of all who know him, for he is a man of unblemished reputation and sterling integrity. ^7-"lIOMAS BRADLEY is one of the early set- f/^\ tiers of Christian County, and during the V.L/ late war saw much active service in the Union army. His birth occurred in Hard in Coun- ty, Ky., September 23, 1823. His parents were William and Elizabeth (Crowder) Bradley, who were natives of Virginia and North Carolina, re- spectively. They were the parents of fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters. Thomas Bradley is the seventh child in his fa- ther's family, and with his parents removed from Kentucky to Sangamon County, 111., in 1832. He received his education in this State, remaining under the parental roof until reaching his major- ity. For one year he engaged in driving a stage from Springfield to Vandalia. In 1850 he em- barked in his life occupation of farming and stock-raising, but in 1859 worked for a short time at the furniture business. On the 20th of May, 1845, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Martha Morris. She is a daughter of Achilles Morris, and was born and reared to womanhood in Macon County. By this marriage three children have been born: G. W., a resident of Pana, 111., and an engineer by occupa- tion; Mary Ann, wife of J. W. Handel, of Owan- eco, 111.; and Lunetta Lora, wife of M. Danford, of Locust Township, who has retired from active business. In 1844 Mr. Bradley located in Christian County, and two years later purchased seventy acres of land, for which he paid $1 per acre, and on which he made a settlement. He continued run- ning a stage from Decatur to Springfield for two years. He enlisted in Company A, Tenth Illinois Cavalry, in September, 1861, and was sent to St. Louis and fiom there proceeded to Springfield, Mo., where he was stationed for a time. He was next sent on an expedition with Gen. Curtis, after which he remained in Helena, Ark., until the spring of 1863. He served in the bodyguard of Gen. Fisk at the time he was at the head of the Yazoo siege, near Vicksburg. After taking Ft. Pemberton he returned to Yazoo, thence went to Helena and from there to Vicksburg and Milli- kin's Bend, remaining on duty until June 6, 1863, when twenty-three of the number were captured by the enemy. He was held as a prisoner until October 1 of that year, when he was paroled and sent to St. Louis. He rejoined his regiment at Lit- tle Rock, Ark., and acted as a scout in Mississippi and Louisiana. He was sent to New Orleans just before the assassination of President Lincoln. A gunboat undertook to run the blockade, and Mr. Bradley assisted in its capture. During the en- gagement large quantities of cotton were set on fire, and eight men were taken prisoners. Our sub- ject was next sent to Mobile on the ship "Tilla." and landed a few days before Taylor surrendered. After ten days spent at that place he went to Baton Rouge under Gen. Bailey. He took part in the Red River expedition, and finally arrived in San Antonio, Tex., where he staid until September, 1865. He was mustered out at San Antonio, and, returning to Springfield, received an honorable discharge January 8, 1866. On his return from his valiant service in the South, Mr. Bradley again engaged in farming, and has since given his attention to the cultivation of his place. His wife died in 1876 and was buried 260 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in Doner Cemetery, two miles west of the old homestead. In June, 1878, Mr. Bradley married Mrs. Mary E. Phelps, of Bear Grove, Gutbrie County, Iowa. She was born and grew to woman- hood in Pennsylvania and Ohio, ajid is of English descent. Our subject and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Bradley is a champion of the Repub- lican party. R. BENJAMIN F. OWEN was a native of Kentucky, having been born in that State May 20, 1835, and was reared on a farm. His parents were natives of the Old Do- minion, having emigrated from Virginia in an early day to Kentucky. His mother dying when he was quite young, our subject left home and began life for himself. He first engaged in carpentering and in such work as pertained to outdoor construction labor; afterward he worked at cabinet-making, but having a desire for the study of medicine and surgery, he subjected himself to the most rigid economy until he bad saved money from his bard earnings sufficient to enable him to attend the University of Medicine at Louisville, Ky. He was graduated with honors from that institution March 1, 1860. On commencing bis professional career, Dr. Owen at once became associated in partnership with Dr. Yarndell, one of the professors of the university. Beginning his practice of medicine in Louisville, he continued there for six years, hav- ing all the advantages arising from the general work of the dispensary practice, of which Dr. Yarndell had charge. The manner of Dr. Owen's coming to Illinois was somewhat curious, and it was most certainly providential for many whose lives he saved. Prof. Yarndell had been sent for to visit Mrs. Robert Davis, of Hillsboro, Montgomery County, 111. She was of a very wealthy and prominent family, and bad been suf fering from a chronic disease for several years, a disease which had baffled the skill of physicians far and near. She had been to New York City and other places, but had found no one who could cure her. Prof. Yarndell, relying on the ability of Dr. Owen, sent him in bis place. So great was the confidence of the husband in Dr. Owen, that he offered to give him $1,000 if be would stay until she was either better or worse. Though our subject and his partner had made all arrangements to en- ter the Southern army as surgeons, having even purchased their surgical instruments, Dr. Owen consented to remain, and after two weeks the lady was able to walk to the dinner table, and the treatment resulted in her complete restoration to health. The husband gladly paid the $1,000, and the Doctor returned to Louisville, expecting to enter the army, as Prof. Yarndell had already gone and had written him to follow. Petitions had been circulated among the citizens of Hills- boro to have Dr. Owen remain among them, but he felt bound by his agreement and partnership. On reaching Louisville he found that be could not get through the lines, and be therefore at once returned to Hillsboro. The Doctor continued his practice for some time alone in Hillsboro, having his office there, and then formed a partnership .with Dr.F. M. Stratton, who had his office at Litcbfield. At the time of the gold excitement in Montana, both parties were influenced to enter the list as gold-hunters. While on the way, Dr. Stratton was severely bitten by a bear, which disabled him so that be could not walk. This made a double burden for our subject, but, nothing daunted, he nursed his partner and kept up the journey until Dr. Stratton recovered. After returning from the West, our subject found what gold cannot buy, an estimable and congenial helpmate and wife. Meeting first on the cars they were attracted to each other, and not long afterward the lady, who was well and favorably known as Miss AddieDunn, became the happy wife of our subject. The wedding ceremony was celebrated on the 27th of Septem- ber, 1870. Five children were born of their union: Delia, on November 14, 1874; Laila, February 14, 1877; Fairy, October 16, 1878; Browder Gail, March 25, 1883; and Benjamin F., February 5, 1888. Tfe Library I the of tlllnoif .CX/, ^ or ff ?< 4 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 265 After an illness of only three days Dr. Owen passed from this weary life unto the care of the Great Physician, who had healed his soul from the malady and sting of sin, and who now called him to rest. His work was well done, and he could gladly answer the call. He died on the 24th of Oc- tober, 1888, in Morrisonville. Some years before, his health had failed, and he was compelled to quit practicing for two years. Had it not been for the skillful attention and sympathetic helpfulness of his faithful wife, who was at once physician, nurse and companion to him while traveling in search of health, he would not have recovered, but hav- ing fully regained his health he returned to Litchfield, thence went to Illiopolis, and finally to Morrisonville. Few physicians find such sweet fellowship in Christ and Christian work as did Dr. Owen, whose faithfulness and knowledge of the Scriptures caused him to be chosen as an Elder in the Church of Christ at Litchfield, where he labored; and the genial nature and spiritual cul- ture of his wife caused her to be chosen the teacher for the advanced class in the Sunday- school. Their home was the preacher's home, and the generosity they displayed will be richly re- warded in the future as surely as it has devel- oped such beautiful characters in this life. J^pf 1 LLEN CORZINE is one of the extensive IsO land-owners and wealthy agriculturists of I Is Christian County. His broad and fertile @j acres lie on sections 11 and 13, May and Stonington Townships, respectively. Our subject was born November 27, 1854, in Guernsey Coun- ty, Ohio, and he is a son of Allen and Mary Ann (Warren) Corzine. The father was born in 1816, in Pennsylvania, and settled in Guernsey County, Ohio, in boyhood. He continued to re- side in the Buckeye State until 1868, when he made a settlement in Christian County, and be- came the owner of a farm. He is now retired from active care and is a resident of Assumption, 12 111. His grandfather came from Holland to Amer- ica when a young man, and at one time owned sixty acres of land where Wall Street in New York City is now located. Our subject's mother was born in 1819, and is still living in this county. Her grandfather was an officer in the War of 1812. Mrs. Corzine reared a family of nine children, the eldestof whom, Jon- athan, is engaged in farming near Hendricks, Neb.; Martha Ann is the wife of S. D. Moore, of As- sumption; Lavina died at the age of twenty-nine years; Rebecca became the wife of David Ridge, a farmer of this county; Allen is the subject of this notice; Warren is engaged in the lumber bus- iness in Stonington; Benton is a well-to-do farmer of this county; and the twin brothers, Jacob and Isaac, are also prosperous farmers of Christian County. Living with his parents on the homestead farm until seventeen years of age, Allen Corzine then concluded to make his own livelihood. For a year he worked for neighboring farmers, after which he went to Chicago and there drove an ex- press wagon for six months. Returning to this county, he worked on a farm for two years, care- fully husbanding his resources during all this time. Subsequently for several years he rented land, and then became the owner of one hundred and twenty acres, which has since been his home and which was the beginning of his landed pos- sessions. On the 12th of March, 1879, our subject and Miss Janet A. Burdick were united in marriage. Mrs. Corzine was born October 13, 1860, in May Township, and is the second child of Benjamin M. and Rebecca (Boyd) Burdick. Of her four broth- ers and sisters, only one is now living, Minerva E., wife of Warren Corzine, of Stonington. Her father was born in Connecticut in 1824, and after obtaining a good education engaged in teaching school in his native State until some time in the '40s, when he came to Christian County, and for a number of years engaged in teaching during the winter months and farming the remainder of the year. lie was of Irish descent and lived to be fifty-five years of age. His wife, who was born in Kentucky, came to this county with her parents 266 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. when she was only two years old. Her death oc- curred in 1879. The pleasant home of our subject and wife is graced by the presence of two sons and two daugh- ters: Roy Allen, Bertha May, Clarence Glenn and Gracie Adelaide. The parents are consistent mem- bers of the Methodist Church. In regard to the question of polities, our subject is on the side of the Prohibition party. For six years he has been one of the School Directors in his district and has been Road Commissioner in the township. During the passing years he has added extensively to his farm, which now comprises five hundred and forty acres within its boundaries. This is one of the choicest pieces of farm property in May Township, and with the exception of one hundred and thirty acres that his wife inherited from her father's es- tate, it is the result of his years of honest effort and industry. He is one of the most upright and honorable of men, and well merits the high esteem and kindly regard in which he is held by his friends and neighbors. ,j|r^ AMUEL M. PEABODY. Few men are ^& better known in this section than he whose VVL,j| history we will now proceed to trace. He is one of the pioneer settlers in Stoning- ton Township, and has here spent the greater part of his life. His farm is located on section 35 and is one of the best-conducted and best-equipped places of the neighborhood. The youngest in a family of ten children, Mr. Peabody was born January 21, 1820, in North Stonington, Conn. His parents were Samuel and Lucy (Bread) Peabody. The father was born in the same place in 1774 and was reared on a farm in Connecticut. Our subject relates that he can remember his father's telling about the battle of Stonington Point, during the Revolutionary War, in which he was a participant. Samuel Pea- body, Sr., was married in his native State, where he remained until 1839. At that time he came with his family to Christian County. At the same time about fifteen other families emigrated from Con- necticut and settled near one another in this coun- ty, forming what was called the Stonington Col- ony. Our subject's father, who was a Deacon in the Baptist Church, was of English descent. His great- grandmother, Elizabeth Starr, was the first female child born in New England. He passed away when seventy-eight years of age. His wife was born in 1776 and died in 1842, a short time after coming to this county. She was the first person buried in the old Stonington Cemetery, and by her side now reposes the earthly remains of her husband and deceased children. Of the children of Samuel and Lucy Peabody the following is recorded: Ellen B. died in Christian County when thirty-five years old. William A., who died in his seventy-ninth year, came with one of his brothers to this county in 1837. He was called by the title of Captain, as for a number of years he was Captain of a military company here. Dr. Elias, born in 1812, is still living, and is one of the oldest physicians in the county, though he has now retired from professional life; Amos P., a resident of Taylorville, was born in 1815; our subject is the next in order of birth; Mary died when about twenty -eight years of age; Elvira and Lore died in Connecticut; Martha died at an advanced age; and Nancy died in the Nutmeg State, after having reached four-score years. Samuel Peabody, whose name heads this sketch, passed his boyhood on the old farm in his native State, and received his education in the common schools there. In 1839. he came with the family to this county, making the greater part of the journey by water. After becoming of age, he farmed a part of his father's estate until the latter, on his death, left him a farm of one hundred and sixty acres. This has since been the home of Mr. Peabody. In the early days of his residence in this county, Decatur was a very small town and Taylorville was unknown. In 1846 our subject married Miss Jane Burnam, of this county, who died about eight years later. In 1857 Mr. Peabody married Miss Maria Park- hurst, a native of Connecticut, who is still living. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 267 For twenty years our subject served as a School Trustee and was a School Director and Township Trustee for a number of years. For nearly a-half century lie has been a Deacon and Trustee in the Baptist Church. In his political views he is a Re- publican. The confidence of one and all is fully bestowed upon him, and he well merits the good- will and friendship which are freely his. He is an honorable and upright man and his course in life is one of which he may justly be proud. JOHNSON BROTHERS are the prosperous proprietors of Maple Farm, Assumption Township, their residence being on section 21, and they are well known in this and neighboring counties, as they have been resi- dents of Illinois for forty-three years, and for a third of a century their lot has been cast with the inhabitants of Christian County. They are num- bered among the honored old settlers and most worthy citizens, and their many friends will be pleased to read the history of their lives in this record. Benjamin Johnson, the father of the gentlemen who are the subjects of this sketch, was born in Lon- don, England, June 8. 1799. He early learned the cabinet-maker's trade, and in 1823 emigrated to the New World, first locating in Baltimore, Md., where he followed his trade for a few years. Re- moving to Ohio, Mr. Johnson first located in Bel- mont County, in St. Clairsville, afterward going to Guernsey County, where he resided for a number of years, still working at his trade. While in Bel- mont County, Ohio, .in 1826, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Foote, who was a native of County Cork, Ireland, and emigrated to America the same year Mr. Johnson came to this country. In 1849, he removed to Illinois, and settled in Greene County, where he and his sons entered into part- nership with a Mr. Harden, and engaged in farm- ing and stock-raising for ten years. In 1860, the family removed to Christian County, and pur- chased a tract of land located in Assumption Township. Here the father spent the last years of his life, dying in January, 1876, at the age of seventy-seven years. His wife, who survived him and passed away March 12, 1891, reached the ad- vanced age of ninety years. The family of Benjamin Johnson comprised seven sons and two daughters, who lived to ma- turity. The eldest, Robert G. Johnson, was born in Belmont County, March 10, 1827; Wade F. was born in the same county, September 13, 1828; Margaret died in 1878; Edward was a partner with his brothers for several years, and after his marriage was a successful farmer of this county until his death, in 1882; Martha lives with her brothers; Walter was also in partnership with the brothers until his marriage, and engaged in farm- ing until his demise in 1890, when he left a wife and two sons; William L. is next in order of birth; and Benjamin and Leo, both well-to-do farmers, complete the family. The firm of Johnson Brothers originally com- prised the father and seven brothers. They bought land, farmed and raised stock, and carried on an extensive business for years. As the brothers mar- ried, they withdrew their interests from the firm, and at the present time it consists of the follow- ing: Robert G., Wade F. and William L. They own about eighteen hundred acres of valuable land in this county, besides other real estate and personal property. They first entered a tract of nine hundred acres of raw land, which they im- proved, and set out maple and other forest trees. This beautiful grove, so well known in the local- ity, stands near the home, and many of the trees now measure from twenty-four to thirty inches in diameter. The substantial residence, barns and outbuildings are kept up in good shape, and, sur- rounded as they are by the noble trees, make a most pleasing picture of a model farm. Three of the Johnson brothers served in the Union army during the late Civil War. Edward F. and Will- iam L. both enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, in 1862, and served until the close of hostilities. They were with Sherman, and took part in all the engage- ments in which that army participated, including PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the celebrated march to the sea. Benjamin J. en- listed May 14, 1864, for the one hundred-day service, but served about five months. Wade Johnson was only a lad when he planted one and a-half acres of corn, and cared for it until it was harvested. He has taken quite an active part in local politics of late years, and served for ten consecutive years as Highway Commissioner. During that time eighty miles of township roads were laid out and opened on the section lines. He also served for thirty years as Township Trustee, and for live years was President of the Assump- tion Fire Insurance Company, at the same time serving as Treasurer. Since locating in this coun- ty, the brothers have given their attention more especially to the raising of stock, and have a large portion of their land devoted to pastures. In politics they are all true-blue Republicans, and active in local politics. Robert Johnson, like his brother, has also held numerous local positions of responsibility, the duties of which he has dis- charged satisfactorily. AVID M. MOORE. It is a special plea- sure to trace the history of one of the honored veterans of the Civil War, who fought and suffered untold hardships in the defense of this fair and now prosperous land. The gentleman of whom we write was one of the soldier boys who donned the blue early in the war and did valiant service under the Stars and Stripes. Mr. Moore has only been a resident of Christian County for some twelve years, during which time he has been engaged in farming on section 25, Stonington Township, but since casting his lot in this neighborhood he has become thoroughly inter- ested in its prosperity. The birth of Mr. Moore occurred in Licking County, Ohio, July 8, 1833. He is the eldest in a family comprising three sons and three daughters. His parents are Samuel and Jane M. (Gaughy) Moore. The next younger in the family is Jane, wife of Henry Safford, who resides in McLean County, 111. Anna is the wife of Henry Morris, a retired farmer, now residing in Kankakee, 111. Eliza became the wife of E. H. Roberts, of Ottawa, 111. Hugh B. is a farmer, residing near Jamestown, N. Dak. One child died in infancy. Samuel Moore was born in Adams County, Pa., August 18, 1802. His father, David Moore, was also a native of that county, and was one of its Trustees in 1799, when the county was organized, prior to which time it was a part of York County. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, and was a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church. The father of our subject was only two years old when his parents took him to Licking County, Ohio, where he was reared to manhood on a farm. After his marriage, he carried on a farm and oper- ated a gristmill. He was a prominent man in the Whig party at that time, and was Justice of the Peace for a number of years. In 1856, he emi- grated to La Salle County, 111., where he resided until his death, in February, 1863. His wife was also a native of Adarns County, Pa., born in 1810, and was of Scotch descent. She was called from this life in Livingston County, 111., when in her seven ty-cighth year. David M. Moore passed his early years on his father's farm in Licking County, Ohio, and re- mained with his parents until twenty-nine years of age, being given a good common-school educa- tion. On the 25th of September, 1861, he joined Yates' Sharp-shooters, Sixty-fourth Regiment Illi- nois Infantry, and served with them for two years and three months. He enlisted as a private, but before two months had elapsed he was elected Sergeant, while at Camp Butler. A short time afterwards he was promoted to the Second Lieu- tenancy, and after valiant service in the battle of Resaca, in which the Captain of his company was killed, he was promoted to fill the position. He was a participant in the noted engagements of Atlanta, Corinth, Resaca, Island No. 10, and in a great many other battles of more or less note. He received an honorable discharge on the 26th of November, 1864, being obliged to leave the army on account of much trouble he was experiencing with his eyes. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 269 Returning to La Salle County, 111., he was there wedded on the 19th of November, 1866, to Miss Nellie Briggs, of that county, who died in 1872, leaving two sons, David E. and James B., who are both engaged in farming in this county. After living for some years in La Salle County, Mr. Moore removed to Livingston County, where he continued to reside until 1877, then going to Ne- braska. At the end of four years spent in the West, he returned, in 1881, and bought land in Christian County, the farm which he still operates. In 1874, occurred the union of Mr. Moore and Miss Sarah E. Peabody. She is the daughter of Capt. M. M. Peabody, one of the early settlers and most worthy citizens of this county. Our sub- ject's farm comprises eighty acres, on which are substantial improvements and a fine orchard. In politics, Mr. Moore is an active Republican and is now one of the School Trustees of this district. In his social relations, he is a member oC the Ma- sonic order and belongs to Post No. 392, G. A. R., of Taylorville. bEE SCHRANTZ. Among the many men who have contributed to the building up of Stonington Township, stands the name of our subject, whose farm is situated on section 18. Like many of the residents of Christian County he hails from the Buckeye State, having been born in Stark County, December 16, 1855. He is one of four sons and a daughter born to Ephraim and Nancy (Mohler) Schrantz, whose record may be found in another portion of this work, in the his- tory of Sylvester Schrantz. The early years of our subject were passed on his father's farm in Ohio, and at the age of eleven years he attended his parents on their removal to Christian County. Until reaching his majority he gave his time to assisting his father on the home- stead and acquiring a good common-school educa- tion. When he was twenty-one years of age, his father gave him a good start in life by deeding to him an eighty-acre farm. On this place he has continued to reside up to the present time and has made quite a success of agricultural pursuits. Although he follows general farming, he makes a specialty of breeding thoroughbred Jersey cattle, in which he deals quite extensively. On the 28th of December, 1876, Mr. Schrantz married Miss Emma Wood, who was born in Octo- ber, 1854, in Piatt County, 111. She is a daughter of George and Sarah (Hodge) Wood, who were old and respected settlers of Piatt County. Three bright children have blessed the union of our sub- ject and wife. In order of birth they are as fol- lows: Ross, Roy and Claude. They are all at home and are being given good educations. A patriotic citizen at all times, Mr. Schrantz endeavors to the extent of his ability to promote the general welfare, and believing that the meas- ures of the Republican party are best adapted to that end he deposits his ballot in favor of its nom- inees. He has in his possession a secretary which was made for his father's family in 1840, a pocket- book of his grandfather's, which was purchased in 1836, and a letter written to Hans Schrantz from Germany and sent to Pennsylvania May 22, 1761. He has been a witness of much of the development of this county and has done his share in assisting in her prosperity. He is an up- right and honorable man, one whose fairness of dealing and good judgment have won for him the confidence and high regard of his friends and neighbors. OZ. HOUSLEY is senior member of the firm of Housley & Drake, who are engaged in general merchandising in Grove City, and have a branch house at Stoninglon. Mr. Housley is well known as one of the successful business men of Christian County, of which he is one of the honored early settlers, his residence here dat- ing back to 1856. He is a man of recognized 270 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ability as a business man, and is truly self-made, as he started out to carve his career without means or assistance. As the years have passed he has suc- ceeded in adding to his property, until he is now one of the substantial and well-to-do men of the county. The birthplace of Mr. Housley was near Akron, Ohio, and the date of that event was July 15, 1851. His father, Henry Housley, was a native of the Old Dominion, who went with his parents to Ohio when only a child. On arriving at man's estate, he was wedded in the Buckeye State to Miss Charlotte Uhrich, a native of Pennsylvania. For a number of years he followed agricultural pursuits in Ohio, and in 1856 located in Mt. Au- burn Township, Christian County, where he pur- chased a farm and devoted himself to its cultiva- tion for a number of years. He then rented his farm and removed to Grove City, where he has since lived a retired life, honored and respected by all. lie was a strong Republican, and during the Lincoln and Douglas campaign, our subject, who was then a lad, took sides with Douglas. He raised a hickory pole in his honor, being doubtless influenced thereto by his grandfather Uhrich, who read to him the Democratic papers. The father, not knowing what else to do, decided to place an ash pole beside the hickory pole, both remaining during the campaign. O. Z. Housley has passed nearly his entire life in this county, as he was only five years old when his parents located here. For those days he had good school advantages, as, in addition to his district- school education, he went for one term to a High School near Des Moines, Iowa. After leaving the parental roof, he worked for about a year at the carpenter's trade, and at the expiration of that time found he had a surplus of $40. This money he carefully invested in a small stock of shelf hardware and tinware, with a few agricultural implements, selling the latter on commission. Though this beginning was extremely small, he was not discouraged, but kept manfully adding to his stock of goods as fast as possible. When a few years had passed he added a stock of groceries, and in time drugs and dry goods. During the past twenty years the firm lias been changed sev- eral times, the present partnership being formed in 1881. The firm of Housley & Drake have a large store building, and carry an immense assortment of dry- goods, groceries, drugs, hardware, boots and shoes. Handling as much money as they have for many years, they have found it convenient for their patrons to establish an exchange bank, and do considerable local banking. They have built up a large trade, which has been increasing for years. In the spring of 1893, their branch business house at Stonington was established. There they have put in a good stock of groceries and hardware, and also an exchange bank, which is under the su- pervision and management of Mr. Drake, the junior partner. The prospects for this branch store appear to be very encouraging. When we consider from what a small beginning these two large business houses have grown, it can but be a matter of surprise. It is simply an example of what strict attention to business and the wants of patrons can accomplish. Mr. Housley is a stanch supporter of the Demo- cratic party, having voted for its nominees in every Presidei*t**i campaign since 1872, and was one of the first supporters of Hon. Mr. Springer in this district. He has also been active in local politics, and has filled various township positions, among which we mention that of Highway Commissioner, Township Treasurer and Clerk. During the ad- ministration of President Hayes, he was appointed Postmaster, and was again appointed during Cleve- land's administration. His successor was Mr. Drake, who served also for four years. Mr. Hous- ley was then again appointed to the position, and at the present time is the efficient incumbent of the office, which has been in his hands now for some fourteen years. The marriage of Mr. Housley and Miss Victoria Reese was performed in this county in October, 1873. The lady is a native of Pennsylvania, where she grew to womanhood. The family com- prises four children: Maud, who is employed in her father's store; Frances C. and Flora B., twins; and Carrie May. The eldest child died in in- fancy. The parents with the elder members of the family are members of the Methodist Episco- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 271 pal Church of Grove City, of which Mr. Housley is one of the active members, having served in various offices. He is a Mason, belonging to Grove City Lodge, in which he held the office of Worshipful for some seven or eight years, and is now acting as Secretary. For several years he was called upon to represent his lodge in the Grand Lodge of Illinois. He also holds member- ship with the Modern Woodmen of America. JUDGE ALEXANDER McCASKILL, one of Christian County's prominent lawyers, who is engaged in practice in Taylorville as the senior member of the firm of McCas- kill & Son, has been prominently identified with the judicial interests of central Illinois. Both on the Bench and as an advocate he has won a high reputation, and his abilities, both natural and ac- quired, have placed Jiim in the front rank among his professional brethren. The Judge has spent nearly his entire life in this State. He was born in Sanaramon County, near Rochester, January 23, 1833, and is a son of Rev. Daniel and Esther (Turner) McCaskill, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Virginia. They were married in Sangamon County, 111., and in 1834 removed with their fam- ily to Brown County. The father was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was also a medical practitioner. He died in Brown County about 1846, at the age of fifty years. His wife survived him some time, and passed away in 1861. The subject of this sketch was the fourth child in his parents' family. He was only about a year old at the time of their removal to Brown County, and was a youth of only thirteen when his father died. lie remained with his mother and aided in the labors of the home farm until twenty-three years of age, with the exception of the time spent in school. He attended school in Mt. Sterling, the county seat of Brown County, and was afterward a student in the school of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, in Cass County, Va. His tastes were in the direction of a professional life, and while still on the farm he began reading law. Sub- sequently he pursued his literary studies for two years, and then entered the law office of Bailey, VanVleck & Wells, of Macomb, 111. He passed an examination in Mt. Sterling and was admitted to the Bar in 1856. In December of the same year, in Prairie City, 111., Mr. McCaskill was united in marriage with Miss Elvira Medcalf, who died in 1862, leaving two children: William H., who for the past ten years has carried on farming and stock-raising near Rocky Ford, Otero County, Colo.; and David, who is also a ranchman. In 1863, the Judge was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Elizabeth Head, widow of Dr. Head, of Macomb, 111. They have one son, who is now the junior member of the firm of McCaskill & Son. On the same year of his admission to the Bar Judge McCaskill began practice in Prairie City, where he remained for about a year. In 1857 he came to Christian County and opened an office in Taylorville. Here he found Judge H. M. Vande- ver, Benjamin Mason, A. McWilliams, Judge An- drew Simpson, Judge Moon, the Circuit Clerk and Harrison Havens. None of these gentlemen are now in practice at this place, although Judge Moore is now proprietor of a hotel in Morrisonville. Mr. McCaskill suspended his professional labors in 1859, going to Pike's Peak. He spent about two years at Russell's Gulch, near Pike's Peak, where, in connection with his brother, Dr. John McCas- kill, he purchased and operated some mines. The Judge also engaged in practice. In 1861 he re- turned to Christian County and once more opened a law office, forming a partnership with his brother Daniel. The latter served throughout the late war, went with Sherman on the celebrated Atlanta campaign, and after the struggle studied law and then entered into partnership with his brother, as above stated. This connection was continued until some ten years ago, when the health of the brother failed and he went to Pueblo, Colo. Judge McCaskill then admitted to partnership with him Kleber E. Willcockson, now of Oakley, Kan., and later the present firm was formed. 27, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. In his political views Judge McCaskill is a stal- wart Democrat; he has taken an active part in cam- paign work and has made hundreds of speeches in support of his party. From the beginning his ca- reer as a legal practitioner has been one of success. He is a clear reasoner, a logical thinker, carefully weighs evidence, and his deductions therefore are generally correct and have weight with the jury. He has been employed on nearly all of the murder cases of the county, usually on the defense, and was one of the counsel for the'defense in the fam- ous Emma Bond case. Frequently he has been called upon to fill public offices. In 1864 he was appointed County Superintendent of Schools for one year, and on the expiration of that period was elected for a four-years term, serving until 1869. He was then elected and served for four years as State's Attorney, after which he was placed upon the Bench as County Judge, filling that office for five years. For two years he served as Master in Chancery, his term expiring in January, 1893. Socially, the Judge was made a Mason in Mound Lodge No. 122, A. F. & A. M., of which he served as Worshipful Master for some years. He has filled the principal offices in Taylorville Chapter, R. A. .M. Judge McCaskill is well fitted to be a leader of men and has therefore been prominent in pub- lic life. He possesses more than ordinary ability, yet his success is due in no small degree to his ap- plication and earnest efforts. Respected by his colleagues and honored by all, he well deserves prominent mention in the history of his adopted county. ARION C. BRENTZ, who resides just out- side the city limits of Taylorville, where he is engaged in the culture of small fruits, has spent his entire life in this community, Christian being his native county, and he is a worthy representative of one of the pioneer families. His father, William C. Brcntz, was born in Kentucky, April 16, 1814, and was the sixth of seven sons. His father died in Ken- tucky, and his widowed mother with her seven sons and one daughter came to Illinois, locating in Christian County at an early day. Upon the home farm William Brentz was reared to man- hood, and there spent his entire life. He was married July 10, 1853, to Patience Durbin, but lost his wife on the 29th of May, 1854. He was then married, on the 16th of November, 1856, to Mary A. Martin, also a native of Kentucky. They continued to reside on the old homestead until the death of Mr. Brentz, which occurred February 3, 1861. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Brentz were born four chil- dren: Alice, who died at the age of fourteen; Alma, who died in infancy; William A. and Marion C. William A. was born August 26, 1858, and died on the old homestead in September, 1879, soon after his twenty-first birthday. His death resulted from a knife-cut inflicted by Frank Trailer, a cousin, who later on was convicted for the offense. A quarrel arose between them over a collision of buggies, and the result was as above stated. It was thought that companions of Trailer bore an old grudge against Y^illiam and took this opportunity to get even. His cousin served one year in the penitentiary and died soon after his release. After Mr. Brentz's death his widow became the wife of Dennis O. Johnson, of Sangamon County, who came to Christian County and here died Sep- tember 21, 1873, at the age of fifty years. The mother of our subject was called to her final rest on the 7th of December, 1876. By her second marriage she had eight children, four of whom were living at her death. Thomas, a young man of nineteen years, now resides in Taylorville. In taking up the life record of Marion Brentz, we give to our readers the history of one who is widely and favorably known in this community. He was born on the old home farm April 14, 1861, after his father's death. Midst work and play his boyhood days were passed, and after the death of his brother he carried on the farm, keeping the family of three children together. The farm is located just south of Taylorville, and comprises two hundred and twenty acres cf land. They also owned two other tracts of forty acres each , PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 273 but these were sold. On the death of Mrs. John- son, her brother, A. S. Martin, was appointed guardian, and continued to superintend the estate until our subject became of age. In 1888, Mr. Brcntz left the old homestead, but he still owns a part of the farm. He has eleven acres of rich land where he now lives and forty -six acres of the old place. About seven acres are planted in small fruits, and he is giving his special attention to horticulture. On the 1st of May, 1882, Mr. Brentz was united in marriage with Miss Helen Killman, daughter of George Killman, of Kentucky. Her mother, who bore the maiden name of Matilda Newman, is now a widow, and resides in Tay- lorville, where she has made her home since 1880. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Brentz was born a son, Francis Marion, who died January 14, 1889, at the age of three and a-half years; another little son, whom they call Herman, was born May 28, 1893. This worthy couple are highly respected citizens of the community, and their many excellencies of character have gained them numerous friends. In politics, Mr. Brentz is a Democrat, and himself and wife hold membership with the Christian Church. PRANCIS STEWART. This gentleman, who is well known in Christian County, where he has made his home since 1860, is en- gaged in farming on section 32, Mosquito Town- ship. He was born in 1837, in County Down, Ire- land, and grew to manhood in the home of his parents. He was early inured to farm duties and became thoroughly conversant with everything pertaining to the successful management of the farm. This practical information has been of great use to him in his agricultural pursuits, and in his youth he formed habits of industry and perseverance which have been the foundation of his prosperity in later years. The parents of our subject were James and Dorothea (Brown) Stewart, who were both natives of County Down, where they passed their entire lives, both dying after attaining an advanced age. Our subject is the youngest in the family of seven children. When he was eighteen years old he bade adieu to the friends and scenes of his youth and went to Scotland. For two years he worked in the city of Glasgow, after which he determined to try his fortune in America. In 18o7, Mr. Stewart crossed the broad Atlantic, and after arriving in New York City first settled in New York State, where he obtained work on a farm. In the fall of 1860, he came to Illinois and purchased the nucleus of his present farm, a tract of forty acres, on which he has ever since made his home. At the time of his coming here there were few settlers in the township. His farm is fertile and well tilled, his broad acres yielding an abundant income to their fortunate The year after his arrival in Christian County, Mr. Stewart was united in marriage to Miss Isa- bella Irvine. She is a native of Ontario, Canada, and has become the mother of seven children: James, who is engaged in farming in this county; Dorothea and Maggie, twins, the former of whom died in infancy, and the latter at the age of twen- ty years; Belle, the wife of William Black, a pros- perous farmer of Macon County; William, an agriculturist of this county; Charles, who is now attending Knox College, in Galesburg, 111.; and Rutherford B., who died in infancy. The farm owned by Mr. Stewart has been ex- tended from the forty-acre tract he originally pur- chased to one covering two hundred and forty acres. Many valuable improvements have been made upon the place, and waving fields of golden grain have for many years yielded him an abun- dant income as the reward for his untiring care and cultivation. In politics, our subject is a thorough Repub- lican, having always voted for the nominees of that party since casting his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. As all true American citizens should be, he is interested in educational matters and has served for twenty years as one of the School Directors in his district. Fora period of six years 274 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. be was one of the Commissioners of Highways. In religion, lie is a Reformed Presbyterian. His wife holds membership with the Methodist denom- ination, lie has seen the prairie, which in former years was covered with rank grass, become a fertile and beautiful farming country, and has taken his share in its happy transformation. He was also in the service of his country in the late war, hav- ing enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-second Illinois Infantry for one year, and served till the war ended. PRED WHEELER, a leading photographer of Tnylorville, and one of the progressive and public-spirited business men of the county, claims New York as the State of his na- tivity. He was born in Waterloo, on the 26th of August, 1845, but when only a year old was taken by his parents to Washington Ccunty, Ohio, and in Beverly grew to mature years. No event of special importance occurred during his early boy- hood, which was passed midst play and work and in attendance at the public schools, where he ac- quired his education. Mr. Wheeler's connection with photography be- gan when he was sixteen years of age. At that time he commenced learning the business, which he has since followed, and after two years of thor- ough preparation and practice he embarked in business for himself at the age of eighteen, Zanes- ville, Ohio, being the scene of his labors. From that time he has engaged in business, first in Park- ersburg, W. Va., and later in Bement, 111. The year 1877 witnessed his arrival in Taylorville, 111., where he opened a gallery. For five or six yews he carried on operations in Taylorville, but at length left this city, in 1882. Before his removal, however, Mr. Wheeler was married, on the 28th of March, 1882, the lady of his choice being Miss Alice Simpson, daughter of J. L. and Isabel Simpson, of Taylorville. The same year he removed with his young wife to Nebraska, locating in Teoumseh,and subsequently went to Marion, Kan., where he remained until his return to Illinois. In 1888, we again find him in Taj r lorville, where he once more opened a gallery. He leased the ground and erected the building in which he is now located, a structure suitable for his business, and supplied with all modern equip- ments and accessories. From the beginning a lib- eral patronage has been accorded him. In connec- tion with photographing, Mr. Wheeler does all lines of portrait work, crayon, pastel, India ink, water colors and oil portraits. He is an artist of no mean merit, in fact his work ranks favorably with that of our large cities, and in consequence of its excellence he is now doing a good business. Mr. Wheeler exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party and is a stalwart advocate of its principles, but has never sought or desired political preferment. He manifests an active interest in all that pertains to the welfare of the community, and gives -his support for the advancement of those enterprises calculated to prove of public benefit. JOY K. KESTER is a public-spirited citizen and enterprising farmer, who is engaged in agricultural pursuits on section 3, Stoning- ton Township. He is a native of Indiana, having been born in Washington County, Sep- tember 8, 1846. His father, William Kester, was also a native of the Hoosier State, and there mar- ried Miss Rebecca Hall, a native of the same State and county. At an early day Mr. Kester came West to purchase land, and was taken sick and died in this State. He was taken back to Indiana for interment, and was buried in Posey Creek Cemetery, Washington County. His death oc- curred in tfce year 1852. His wife is still living and is yet a resident of Indiana. They were the parents of four children, who are all living. Maria E. is the wife of Peter Hauger, of Washington PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 275 County, Ind.; our subject is the next in order of birth; May is the wife of Joel P. Grubb; and William D. completes the family. The two last- named are residents of Washington County, Ind. Until reaching his twentieth year, Joy K. Kes- ter was employed upon his father's farm in the usual manner of country boys, his time being di- vided between work on the farm and in attend- ance at the district school. On the llth of Oc- tober, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah A. Smith, who is a daughter of George M. and Sarah (Cathcart) Smith. Mrs. Kester was born in Washington County, Ind., where she grew to womanhood. When in his twenty-seventh year our subject came to Christian County and first located in Tay- lorville. After living there some years, he settled on section 3, where he still continues to make his home and owns a valuable farm of two hundred acres. It is well equipped with substantial build- ings, good fences and other improvements. It is especially adapted to stock-raising, though a large share of it is under cultivation. The owner is numbered among the most practical farmers of the vicinity, and keeps fully abreast with the times in modern methods of farm management. He numbers many friends in this locality, and is con- ceded by all to be a man of merit and unblem- ished character. The union of our subject and wife has been blessed with a family of five children. Lorena is the wife of William McCloskey, who resides on sec- tion 3 of this township; William died at the age of four years, and was buried in Sharpsburg Ceme- tery; John is married and making his home in Taylorville; Charles, the youngest son, is at home; and Ida is the baby. In his political views, Mr. Kester is a Democrat. He has held the office of School Director, Township Treasurer and Com- missioner of Highways, and in each of these posi- tions he has shown himself devoted to the inter- ests of the public, and has tried in every possible way to promote their welfare. Also he holds the office of Treasurer of the Mosquito Township Mu- tual Insurance Association. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and, relig- iously, both he and his wife are faithful members of the Christian Church. It is to such enterpris- ing men that the county owes her prosperity and development from her former wild state, and Mr. Kester, as one of the early settlers, deserves a rep- resentation in the records of the pioneers. OBERT A. GRAY, Supervisor of Mosquito Township, is engaged in carrying on his farm, which is situated on section 33. He is one of the well-to-do and influential agriculturists of this vicinity, and has been a res- ident of the county for some twenty years. He has served in many public positions of honor with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents, and has represented this district in the State Legislature for two terms and served on a number of important committees. Our subject was born in County Donegal, Ire- land, October 16, 1835. His father was likewise a native of the same country, descended from an old Scotch family that settled in Ireland in 1542. The Grays of Castle Torras, though Protestants, were always celebrated for their liberal political views, which won them the love and esteem of their Catholic fellow-countrymen. There he grew to man's estate and was married in 1834 to Miss Elizabeth Patton. In 1836, the father, Joseph Gray, came to the United States on a visit to friends in Maryland and was taken sick and died in Philadelphia the same year. His wife survived him several years, and died in 1845. Our subject was only ten 3'ears of age when he was left an orphan by the death of his mother, and he was placed in charge of a guardian, who robbed him and his family of everything. When only eighteen years of age he commenced teaching, and for the past twenty-five years has been engaged as an educator in this State. In 1860 he was united in marriage with Miss Martha Blackburn, who was born in Ireland. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gray comprises eleven children, as follows: William A., who lives PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in Blue Mound; John K., who is at home; Annie, wife of William Wallie, of Stonington Township; Joseph, Maggie I., Lizzie M., Robert H., Sarah, James M., Frank and Edna, who complete the family. Robert H. and Mary are deceased. The parents and several of their children are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Since 1874 Mr. Gray has been a member of the Christian County Board of Supervisors and Chair- man of the Board. He has filled many local offi- ces, and in 1885 was elected to the State Legisla- ture. He was re-elected to that important posi- tion two years later, and was a member of the Com- mittees on Claims, Education and Elections. He is a well-educated man and is posted on all public topics, is broad in his views, and in addition to his other accomplishments is a poet of no mean degree. He is from the county in Ireland that produced such men as Gens. Montgomery and Carleton, and the fathers of Presidents Polk and Buchanan, and also John C. Calhoun. In politics, our subject is a Democrat, and socially is a member of the Masonic fraternity. His farm consists of two hundred acres, which are well culti- vated and upon which is a substantial residence. He is at present one of the Board of Trustees of the State Historical Library, associated with Judge Lambert Tree and Hon. J. N. Pen-in. JOSIAH T. BAUER is one of the wide-awake business men of Stonington, owning and carrying on a good drug store, which is well equipped, and in connection with this he operates a general merchandise store. He mer- its the large and remunerative trade which is given him, for he is just and honorable in his deal- ings with his many patrons. Mr. Bauer is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Northampton County November 13, 1851, his parents being William and Lydia (Miller) Bauer. He is next to the youngest in a family of eight children. Two of the number are deceased, Polly and Marietta, the former of whom died in in- fancy. James E. still resides on the old homestead in Pennsylvania; Aaron is engaged in the boot and shoe business in the same State; Lucy became the wife of Frank Kunkel, a boot and shoe dealer of Nazareth, Pa.; Charles R.. a retired farmer, re- sides in Blue Mound, 111.; and Andrew F. is en- gaged in general merchandising in Butler County, Neb. The father of these children, who was born in the Keystone State, was a weaver by trade. He died in Pennsylvania, at the age of fifty-four years. He was a fine workman, and in addition to his trade owned a small farm. His father emi- grated to the United States from Germany. The mother of our subject was also born in the same State, and her death occurred at about the age of sixty-four. Like her husband, she was of German extraction. Josiah T. Bauer remained with his parents on their farm until fifteen years of age, attending the schools of the neighborhood. As the home was broken up at that time, he worked for two years by the month for farmers during the summer, and during the winter was given the privilege of at- tending school by working morning and eve- ning for his board. He was ambitious and made the most of his opportunities. He attended the Keystone State Normal School of his native State, at Kutztown, for one, term, after which he began teaching, and continued thus engaged fora period of eight years in Pennsylvania. In 1877 he came to Christian County, where he taught school for one year. In the spring of 1878, he engaged in business, opening a drug store and general mer- chandise store in Stonington, which he has since conducted successfully. The marriage of Mr. Bauer was celebrated No- vember 8, 1882 ; with Miss Katie Smith, whose par- ents, George and Catherine (Bowman) Smith, now deceased, were early pioneers of this county. Two children bless the union of our subject and his wife, Ralph Stanley and Effle Lucy, who are bright and interesting children. As Mr. Bauer was well known for many years as an educator and promoter of good schools, it was eminently fitting that he should be elected to serve in the capacity of School Treasurer, which PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 277 office lie held for nine years in this district. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, in good standing, and in politics, is a stanch Republican. The store of Mr. Bauer is well stocked with a gen- eral line of drugs and merchandise, in which he has a large trade. In addition to this business he owns two hundred and thirteen acres of valuable farm land adjoining the corporate limits of Ston- ington, besides several valuable business lots and residences in Stonington. Mrs. Bauer inherited one hundred acres of her father's estate. In ad- dition to carrying on his business, our subject manages and operates his farm. OSCAR J. OWEN is well known in Stoning- ton Township as an enterprising agricul- turist and good citizen. He owns a well- improved and desirable farm on section 5, which has been his home for many years. During the late war he enlisted under the old Stars and Stripes, and suffered much in the cause of freedom. The birth of Mr. Owen took place in Washing- ton County, Ohio, on the 27th of June, 1843. His father, James Owen, was also a native of Washing- ton County, born March 22, 1808. His life work was that of a farmer, and he continued to reside in his native State until his death, which occurred in his sixty-fifth year. His father was one of the early settlers of Ohio, going there when quite a young man, and was one of the brave de- fenders of the fort at Marietta during the In- dian War. The Owen family is of Irish ancestry, but they have long been residents of the United States. Our subject's mother, whose maiden name was Catherine Baldwin, was of German extraction, and was born in Washington County, Ohio, May 3, 1813. She was sixty-four years old at the time of her death, and lies buried by her husband in the cemetery at Lowell, Ohio. James and Catherine Owen were the parents of eight children, two sons and six daughters: Vesta, who died in infancy; Jane, who died when about ten years of age; Lorinda, wife of James Wilson, an Ohio farmer; Catherine, who became the wife of Benjamin Shattick, a resident of Washington County, Ohio; Beulah, deceased, wife of Charles Davis, of Ohio; our subject, the. next in order of birth; Angelina, wife of Amos Wilson, a farmer of Nebraska; and Charles, who is teaching school in Washington County, Ohio. Oscar J. Owen remained under the parental roof until eighteen years of age, when, fired by patriotism, he enlisted as a member of Com- pany A, Thirty-sixth Ohio Volunteers, enteiing the service July 29, 1861. In the battle of Chick- amauga, he received a wound in the left shoulder and was taken to the Nashville hospital. Thence he was transferred to Louisville, Ky., and at the end of three months returned to his regiment. He took part in the battles of Louisburg, Va., Antietam, Winchester, Bull Run, and many lesser engagements. On the expiration of his three- years term of service he received an honorable discharge at Columbus, Ohio, September 10, 1864, and returned to his home. During the winter of 1865, Mr. Owen engaged in teaching school, and in the spring moved to Christian County. He engaged in farming and teaching for several years, since which time he has given his whole attention to the carrying on of his farm, which has two hundred and forty acres within its limits. The owner has developed into a practical farmer and has made many substantial improvements upon the place, which is considered one of the best in the township. A marriage ceremony was performed October 5 , 1865, by which Miss Mary Wickens became the wife of our subject. She was born February 25, 1844, in Washington County, Ohio, where sho grew to womanhood. Her parents were George and Rebecca Ann (Carlin) Wickens. The former came from England when sixteen years of age, and was one of the early settlers of Washington County, Ohio. The mother was of Irish and English descent, and was also born in the Buckeye State. Four children have been born to our sub- ject and wife. The eldest, Henry M., is principal 278 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of the Decatur Business University, of Decatur, 111.; Joseph Irving has just graduated from Shurt- leff College, at Alton, 111., and is now at home on the farm, but expects to secure a professorship soon; Jesse Bell is a student in Shurtleff College; and Harry Roach is still at home. Mr. and Mrs. Owen and their three eldest chil- dren are members of the Missionary Baptist Church and valued workers in the same. Our subject takes quite an active part in local politics, being a true Republican. For a number of years he has served in the capacity of School Director, and has also been Commissioner of Highways. Fraternally, he belongs to Francis M. Long Post No. 392, G. A. R., of Taylorville. He is honored and respected by his friends and neigh- bors and deserves the high esteem in which he is held by all having the pleasure of his acquaintance. JOHN NELSON WADDELL, an honored veteran of the late war, and a retired farmer now residing in Taylorville, was born near Wheeling, Ohio County, W. Va., April 4, 1841, on the day on which William Henry Harri- son passed from this life. His parents, James and Jane (McDonald) AVaddell, were also natives of the same county. In 1867, they removed to Wash- ington County, Iowa, where their last days were spent. They had a large family of children, the eldest of whom, Rev. William, came to Illinois about 1853, and preached for the Spring Creek church of the United Presbyterian denomination. He did much to establish the present church, but died while engaged in this work in his twenty- seventh year, and was buried in Hall Cemetery, one mile east of Taylorville. Archibald came to the Waddell farm in Christian County in 1850, and there made his home until 1860, being exten- sively engaged in stock-dealing. In 1860, how- ever, he returned to Virginia, but is now living in Bureau County, 111. Joseph B. was a student in the Theological Seminary of Allegheny, Pa., but left the college to join the Christian Com- mission with the Army of the Potomac during the late war. He afterwards finished his course of study, and died while engaged in ministerial work in Midway, Pa., at the age of forty-eight. James V. enlisted in the Twelfth West Virginia Infantry during the late war, but was rejected, and then joined the Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He rose from the ranks to be first Sergeant, and at the age of twenty-three was killed while making a charge at the battle of White Sulphur Springs, August 26, 1863. The three daughters of Ike Waddell family are Elizabeth, wife of Alex Duff, of Washington, Iowa; Maggie, Widow of Rev. A. Conner, of Washington, Iowa, and now a resident of Minneapolis. Minn.; and Belle, wife of Rev. Ferris Brown, of New Concord, Ohio. All came to Christian County in the '50s, and all were teachers in May Township. At one time nine families of Waddells lived in that township. We now take up the personal history of our subject, who remained upon the home farm until twenty-one years of age, when, on the 14th of August, 1862, he entered the service of his country as a member of Company D, Twelfth West Vir- ginia Infantry, under Col. W. D. Curtis. He did service in the Shenandoah Valley, and in front of Petersburg and Richmond. He went to Appo- mattox, and continued in active service until after the close of the war. For a while he was on de- tached duty in the'hospital as clerk at Annapolis, Md., and at Parkersburg, W. Va., and was clerk in the Provost-Marshal's office in Martinsburg, W. Va., for four months. On the 15th of March, 1865, he reported to his regiment at Richmond, and was with the troops during the battles of Hatchie's Run, Fort Gregg, Farmville and Appomattox. In June, 1865, He was honorably discharged, after about three years of faithful service, for the war was now over and the Stars and Stripes proudly floated over a united Nation. Mr. Waddell at once returned to his home, but in 1866 came to Christian County. He, how- ever, went back to his old home, and on the 17th of January, 1867, near Wheeling, was celebrated his marriage with Adessa Wilson, a native of that State. He brought his bride to Illinois, and was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 279 also nccompanied by his two brothers, Benjamin E., now of Willey Station, and Thomas J., of Taylorville. Each had a farm of two hundred acres in May Township, which had been purchased in 1850 by their father. Mr. Waddell at once be- gan the development of the land, and his arduous labors soon transformed it into a valuable farm. In connection with its cultivation, lie also engaged extensively in raising and breeding stock. Pros- perity came to him as the years passed, and though he began life empty-handed he is now enabled to live retired in the enjoyment of a comfortable competence. He still owns one hundred and twenty acres of the home farm. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell are the parents of four children: Millie, now the wife of Charles Hunter, a farmer of Locust Township; Anna; J. Clark and Jennie. In politics, our subject is a Republican and takes an active interest in the success of his party. Socially, he is a member of Francis M. Long Post No. 392, G. A. R. He has long been a member of the Presbyterian Church, and for ten years has served as Elder. True to his country in her hour of peril, he is alike faithful in times of peace, and in Mr. Waddell the community finds a valued citizen. &jjj LBERT T. KINNEY, State Agent of the .(?/ I I'hcnix Insurance Company, is one of |/iii Taylorville's leading citizens. To her ^j prominent business men the prosperity of a city is always due, for their enterprise and energy are the materials of which it is built. Our subject is connected with several of the most important concerns of the county seat, and besides his insur- ance business he is a member of the Taylorville Coal Company, and is an extensive stock dealer. Mr. Kinney is a native of the Empire State, having been born in St. Lawrence County, on the 18th of October, 1846, and in the usual man- ner of farmer lads he spent his boyhood days midst play and work. His education was acquired in the country schools and supplemented by study in the academy at Ft. Covington. At the age of seventeen years he began teaching in Franklin County, and was there employed in that capacity until 1866. The year just mentioned witnessed his arrival in ^ Illinois, where he determined to seek a home and fortune. For a time he taught school in Whiteside County, and in 1867 began his connection with the fire insurance business. He became an agent for the Rockford Company, of Rockford. 111., and made that city his home un- til 1871, when he came to Taylorville as solicitor for that company and established their business at this place. He continued his connection with the Rockford Company until July, 1879, having a district agency with some eight or ten men under his charge. On the expiration of that period lie severed his connection with the Rockford, and be- came special agent for the Phenix Fire Insurance Company, having charge of all the farm business in the State. He has about one hundred and fifty local agencies in Illinois and several district agencies. The company receives from $250,000 to $300,000 annually in premiums from his de- partment of the business in Illinois. Under the able management of our subject the business is in- creasing each year. A large part of his time is spent on the road, and he does all of the adjusting in his department. He employs about thirty-five men in the office and as solicitors. The interests of his fire insurance company will never suffer at the hands of Mr. Kinney, for his employers will ever find him most trustworthy and efficient. In June, 1870, in Clinton, 111., our subject was united in marriage with Miss Frances Barnett, a native of Clinton. She died July 29, 1892, leav- ing three sons: Will, who is engaged in stock- dealing and in the insurance business with his fa- ther; Fred and Lloyd. Mr. Kinney is a Mason, belonging to the Blue Lodge and Chapter of Taj'- lorville, and to Elwood Commandery, No. 6,.K. T., of Springfield. In politics he is a stalwart sup- porter of Republican principles, and is not afraid to let the people know where he stands. Firm in his convictions, he supports his opinions of what he believes to be right or wrong without fear or favor. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. In his business affairs, Mr. Kinney has met with success. He is now the owner of three good farms, one of one hundred and forty, and two of one hundred and sixty, one of the latter being in De Kalb County. On his farms he engages in breeding standard-bred horses, but the business is practically managed by his eldest son. He was also connected with the Taylorville Coal Compan}', of which he was one of the originators, and of which he served as President for two years. It is characteristic of Mr. Kinney that whatever he undertakes he carries forward to a successful com- pletion, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles in his path by determined energy and enterprise. He has frequently served as a member of the City Council, is at present representing his ward in that body, and is Chairman of several important committees. JOSEPH SIMONS, one of the enterprising and public-spirited citizens of Assumption, Christian County, has been a resident of this locality for twenty-eight years. He has retired from commercial life and now only looks after his various investments in real estate. He is a self-made man, having started out in life almost entirely without capital, and he has made a considerable fortune. Mr. Simons is a native of Prussia, his birth hav-' ing occurred August 20, 1832. His youth was spent in his native land, where he received a good education in his mother tongue. He has acquired the English language since coming to the United States. He served an apprenticeship and learned the baker's trade in Germany, where he afterwards followed the business for two years. Being an ambitious young man, he concluded to try his fortune in the New World, and in 1857 took pass- age in a sailing-vessel, going from Antwerp to New York. He arrived at his destination after the lapse of five weeks, during which time the vessel encountered a very severe storm fortweuty-! two days. Mr. Simons at once proceeded to Illi- nois, and at first found work at Aurora, on the seminary, which was then in course of construction. The following few months of his life were spent on the farm, as he hired out for the winter to a neighboring farmer. In 1858, Mr. Simons went to Sangamon County, where he spent four years also working on a farm. In August, 1862, our subject enlisted in de- fense of the country of his adoption, becoming a member of Company C, One Hundred and Four- teenth Illinois Infantry, and was in the service until lie received an honorable discharge at the close of the war, in July, 1865, being mustered out at Camp Butler, Springfield, 111. Mr. Simons saw much active service, and with his regiment took part in a number of very important engage- ments. He was all through the Vicksburg cam- paign, and was present at the surrender of the stronghold, July 4, 1863. He was in the two battles at Jackson, Miss., and met with a severe accident in the battle of Guntown, June 12, 1864, when his arm was shattered by a musket ball. The member was amputated above the elbow a few days later. On account of being disabled he was taken prisoner a few days after the battle, and the operation was performed by a Confederate surgeon in the hospital at Mobile, Ala. After his partial recovery he was sent to Cihaby, and after- wards to Audersonville Prison, being confined in the last-named until the close of the war. Upon being released he made his way back to Vicksburg, in which city he was on the night of President Lincoln's assassination, April 14, 1865. Mr. Simons embarked in the restaurant business soon after his return from the South, in Assump- tion, which was then only a small village. From year to year he increased the business and was very successful for many years. In 1880, he sold out his interest, and since that time has attended to investments in real estate. In addition to his restaurant, he was for a few years also engaged in the grocery business. A number of years ago Mr. Simons purchased a tract of land near the village, comprising two hundred and sixty-six acres. Upon this place he has made many improvements and has since bought another farm of one hundred and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 281 sixty acres, which he has also placed under good cultivation and improved. Thus he is the owner of four hundred and twenty-six acres of valuable farm land in Assumption Township. He has also erected four business houses in the village, two of them being substantial brick buildings. He also owns a fourth interest in the Opera House, and a neat modern residence which he occupies. The marriage of Mr. Simons was celebrated November 6, 1867, when Miss Flora Bickner became his wife. She is a native of New York, and came to Illinois when a child with her father, Edward Bickner, who was one of the earliest settlers of this county. By the union of Mr. and Mrs. Simons have been born five children. Jennie is the wife of Michael Donovan, of Assumption; Joseph holds a good business position in Chicago; Jacob lives at home; and Eliza and Willie complete the family. Our subject, his wife and children are all members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Simons cast his ballot in favor of the Dem- ocratic party, and has been several times elected to fill local positions of responsibility and trust. He is weil known in this and neighboring counties, and well merits the reputation he bears as a man of unblemished honor and upright character. - He has ever been found on the side of progress, and lias been no small factor in the development of Christian County. eHARLES H. STOCKON. For over twenty years Mr. Stockon has been identified with the progress of Christian County, and has long been accounted one of her best citizens. For the past eleven years his home has been in Bear Creek Township, where he is engaged in general farming and stock-raising. Chautauqua County, N. Y., was the place of our subject's birth, which occurred July 10, 1838. His parents were Charles II. and Jane (Winchell) Stockon. The paternal grandfather is believed to have emigrated to America from tlie northern part 13 of Ireland, and lived to an extreme old age. The mother of our subject was the daughter of Albert Winchell, a native of Connecticut, who also lived to a good old age, being ninety-one years old at the time of his death. Charles H. Stockon was born in Connecticut, while his wife was a native of Lowell, Mass. In 1845, the father removed to Ohio, and en- gaged in the mercantile business at Hagerstown. This enterprise he conducted successfully for about fifteen years in that location. Thence he removed to Moscow, Iowa, there engaging in the same line of trade until he was cut down by the hand of Deatli in the prime of manhood, being only forty- four years of age. The date of his demise is 1862, and after surviving her husband nearly three de- cades, Mrs. Stockon passed from the scenes of this life, in 1891. when nearly eight3'-three years of age. She was a faithful wife and mother, and was for years a member of the Baptist Church. Of her three sons and two daughters, three are yet liv- ing: Martha I., who married Dr. James Cottor, now deceased, and formerly of Sacramento, Cal.; Mary J., who is now Mrs. John Williams, and also lives in Sacramento; and Charles H., our subject, who is the youngest of those living. In his seventh year the subject of this sketch re- moved from the Empire State with his parents to Ohio, and lived in Hagerstown until he arrived at mature years. In 1857, he went to Iowa, and en- tered the store conducted by his father, with whom he remained for four years. In April, 1861, he was among the first to enlist for his country's defense. He became a member of Company A, First Iowa Infantry, serving with them for four months. He participated in the battle of Wilson Creek, and the engagement of Bryce Springs. In the former he was wounded and returned home. He was again emplo3 r ed in his father's store until 1872, when he came to this county. Some ten years later he became the owner of ninety acres of land in Bear Creek Township, on which is still his home. He has extended his domains, adding a tract of twenty acres to his original farm. On the 27th of August, 1861, Mr. Stockon mar- ried Miss Mary L. Slaton. Three children were born of this union: Ernest E., Charles H., and oue 282 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. who died in infancy. The eldest son, Ernest E., married Miss Annie Stamm, and resides on a part of his father's farm. He is the father of five chil- dren: Ophelia, Walter, Golda, Cora and Myrtie. Socially, Mr. Stockon is a member of Higgins Post No. 400, G. A. R., at Palmer. For seven years he served as Supervisor of his township, to the satisfaction of his friends and neighbors, and also occupied the position of Assessor for two years. In his various business enterprises, Mr. Stockon has been very successful and has been of late years dealing considerably in live stock. SYLVESTER SCHRANTZ, one of the most enterprising agriculturists of Stonington Township, is the owner of one of the best- improved farms in the county and which is situated on -section 8. His earliest ancestors in America were natives of Switzerland, who emi- grated in 1745. Since that time the descendants have been stanch and true patriots of their adopted country. The birth of Mr. Schrantz occurred February 28, 1847, in Canton, Ohio, his parents being Ephraim and Nancy (Mohler) Schrantz. The father was a native of Lancaster County, Pa. His great-grand- father, John Schrantz, was a native of the canton of Berne, Switzerland, and, as previously stated, lo- cated in America in Colonial days. With his pa- rents our subject's father removed to Ohio, and settled on a farm near Canton, where he remained until 1867. He then made a settlement in this count}', and purchased seven hundred acres of wild land in Stonington Township, paying at the rate of $7 per acre. The remainder of his life he de- voted to the cultivation and improvement of this land. He died June 24, 1892, at the age of sixty- nine years, and lies buried in Oaklawn Cemetery, in Taylorville. In politics, he was a Republican and was a much respected early settler of these parts. His land and property he divided among his children. His father was an Advocate Judge of Stark County, Ohio, at the time of his death and was a Captain in the Mexican War. Our sub- ject's mother was also born in Lancaster County, Pa., and is still living, her home being in Stoning- ton. Sylvester Schrantz is one of five children. The others are still living and are as follows: Sy villa, the wife of B. F. Young, a well-to-do farmer of Stonington Township; Wilson, Lee and John, who are also engaged in farming in the same township. Remaining witli his parents on the home farm, our subject's time was occupied until his seventeenth year iu farm duties and in attending the common schools. On the 29th of February, 1864, he joined Company A, Nineteenth Ohio Infantry, and served until May 27, 1864. He was captured at the bat- tle of New Hope, and was taken to Andersonville Prison, where he was held until the 13th of Sep- tember. He was then transferred to the Charles- ton prison, there kept until October 15, and thence removed to Florence. In the latter prison he re- mained until December 1, when he was paroled at Charleston. He was then so weak that he could not walk, and was left lying in a lumber-yard with the dead and dying. The Sisters of Charity had him taken to a hospita!,where he partially regained his health and strength. With about sixty others he was then taken by the rebels and placed upon boats to be sent to their parole ship. These poor soldiers, still weak and exhausted, were exposed all night to the weather, and with the exception of fifteen they all died from the result. Only a few days had passed when there were none living of the number with the exception of our subject and one comrade. Mr. Schrantz was next taken to the St. John's College Hospital, at Annapolis, Md., where he stayed for about two months. After a furlough of ninety days at home, he went to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he received an honorable dis- charge June 25, 1865. Returning to the old farm, our subject attended school at Greensburg Seminary until the fall of 1866, when he came to Christian County. He continued to live at home until the fall of 1870, when he came to the farm on which he now re- sides, a portion of which had been given him by PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his father. The farm now comprises one hundred and sixty acres, which are well managed and thor- oughly cultivated by the owner, who has practical and progressive ideas on farm work. On the 4th of September, 1873, Mr. Schrantz and Miss Lovine Waltz were united in marriage. The lady was born in Medina County, Ohio, and by her marriage has become the mother of two children, a son and a daughter. Brace D. is a highly educated young man and has taught school in this community. Jessie M. has also been given a superior education and is an accomplished musician. The family is well received in social circles of the neighborhood. In politics, Mr. Schrantz is a loyal Republican, and, fraternally, holds membership with Francis M. Long Post No. 392, G. A. R., of Taylorville. (fpN& AMUEL M. NEEL is one of the early set- ^^ tiers of Stonington Township, and has re- llL^j| sided on section 15 for a quarter of a century. At the time of his arrival in the township the place was a swamp and in a nearly wild condition. During the lapse of time this has been changed, until to-day it is one of the best agricultural districts in the county. The birth of our subject occurred April 1, 1831, in Lancaster County, Pa. His parents were Hugh and Mary (Neeper) Neel. The father was also a native of Lancaster County, his birth occurring in the same house in which occurred the birth of our subject. In the Keystone State he was engaged in farming, and there made his home until forty-seven years of age. He removed to Baltimore County, Md., at that time and purchased a farm, which he cul- tivated until his death, when in his sixt3'-eighth year. He is buried in the Reisterstown Cemetery, in Baltimore County, Md. In politics, he was an Old-line Whig. His father served in the War of 1812, and was also a native of Pennsylvania, but was of Scotch parentage. The mother of our subject was born and grew to womanhood in Lancaster County, where her marriage was celebrated. Her father was a native of Pennsylvania, and participated in the War of 1812. She passed from this life in Baltimore County, at the age of eighty-five years, and lies buried by the side of her husband. By her mar- riage she became the mother of six children, four sons and two daughters. Thomas died when thirty 3'ears of age; Samuel M. is next in order of birth; Martha Jane became the wife of Washington Gore, who is a farmer of Baltimore County, Md.; Bcckie, John and Jo are unmarried and living on the old homestead in Maryland. The boyhood of our subject was passed on his father's farm, and his education was that of the common schools of the neighborhood. He con- tinued to make his home with his parents until about thirty years of age, when, in October, 1861, he chose for his life companion Miss Sarah Ann Streveg, who has been the mother of three chil- dren: Thomas, who died at the age of eight years; Mary, wife of Henry Bloom, a farmer of this county, who has one son, Samuel Neel; and one child who died in infancy. After his marriage Mr. Neel continued to work for his father for some seven years, receiving for his services $100 per year. He was careful and sav- ing of his means, for it was his intention to invest his money in Western land. Accordingly, in 1868, he came to Illinois and after looking about for a suitable place of settlement came to the conclusion that it would be well to settle in Christian County. He invested his little capital in one hundred and sixty acres of wild prairie land. His prospects were rather discouraging, for the country was little better than a swamp and bore little promise of the great future which was in store for it. He was not daunted by the hardships and hard work he saw before him, but went to work with energy and fortitude to overcome the obstacles in his pathway. He has risen to a position of compara- tive independence and now takes rank with the prosperous farmers of the county. His farm, which yields abundant crops, covers two hundred and forty acres and has had many improvements placed upon it. A true patriot and loyal citizen, Mr. Neel dis- 284 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. charges his duties as such, but has never been pre- vailed upon to accept official honors. In his polit- ical faith he is a firm Republican. His first ballot was cast for Fremont. Religiously, he has been for many years a member of the Methodist Church, and is a man who is respected by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance as one of true worth and sterling manhood. S ETER MICHELS, who is now living a re- tired life in Taylorville, was born Decem- ber 26, 1824, in Polch, in the Rhenish province of Prussia, between the Rhine and Moselle Rivers. His brother Anthony came to America in 1843 and established himself in business as a carpenter in Taylorville. Nine years later Peter followed him to the New World, and on the 25th of May, 1852, arrived in Springfield. He at once came to Taylorville, where he joined his brother. He had been reared to agricultural pursuits, but for two years he worked with his brother at the carpenter's trade and also engaged in well-digging. Thomas Cheney, who could ob- tain no one to dig a well, finally asked Mr. Mi- chels to perform the task. Our subject consented to undertake it, and finding it to be a paying bus- iness continued it for fifteen years. Mr. Michels had about $300 when he came to this county, which he invested in one hundred and twenty acres of land northwest of the city. While engaged in well-digging he made from $6 to $14 per day, and with the capital he acquired he also made other purchases of real estate. He erected a business house on the north side of the square, now used as a saloon, and also the store occupied by Allmau's meat-market. Altogether he has four dwellings and two business houses in Taylorville. His own residence, a fine brick struc- ture, is in the midst of a half-block of ground. Mr. Michels also has two hundred acres of land in May Township, and sixty acres of timber-land. On the 25th of May, 1852, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Weiler, who was reared in the same locality as her husband, their homes being only two miles apart, and on the same vessel, the "Eastern Queen," crossed the Atlantic with him. They sailed from Havre, France, and after twenty-six days reached the shores of the New World. Their marriage was celebrated the day after their arrival in Spring- field. Mrs. Michels was born near Coblentz, June 27, 1831, and by her marriage has become the mother of five children, who are yet living. Amelia Louise is now the wife of Anthony Wog- getzer, of Taylorville, by whom she has five chil- dren; Margaret is the wife of Sylvester Patterson, of Taylorville, and they have one child; William Sebastian Julius, County Surveyor of Christian County and a resident of Taylorville, married Miss Nellie Sheehan, and they have one child; Katie was educated in the public schools and in St. Ur- suline's Convent of Springfield; and Joseph com- pletes the family. They also lost six children in early childheod. Mr. Michels is a stalwart Democrat in politics and a warm supporter of President Cleveland. He and his wife are faithful members of the Cath- olic Church and have reared their children under its auspices. Mr. Michels need never regret his emigration to America, for here he has found a comfortable home, and his labors have been blessed with a handsome competence. TEPIIEN WILLEY, deceased, was a prom- inent man and pioneer citizen of Christian Count}'. For nearly a quarter of a century was active in everything pertaining to the good of the community in which he dwelt, and was devoted to the advancement of every measure tending to benefit his fellow-men. The birth of our subject occurred June 7, 1827, in Hamilton County, Ohio, where he grew to man- hood. With his parents he came to Illinois in 1843, and at once located in Christian County. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. He was of French and English descent. On the 26th of December, 1849, he married Miss Nancy Blunt, who was born March 10, 1831, in Tennessee, and came to this county with her father in her girlhood. Mr. Willey began life without means, but possessed of determination and energy, and made a grand success of his various enterprises. After his marriage he devoted himself to the culti- vation of a farm during the remainder of his life. He accumulated a valuable estate, and at the time of his death, which, occurred December 10, 1873, possessed seven hundred and twenty acres of the choicest land in the county. He was enterprising and ahead of the times in his methods of con- ducting his farm, and was the first man to intro- duce Shorthorn cattle into the county, and was also the first to purchase the McGee hogs. The wife of Mr. Willey was of English and Irish extraction and by her marriage became the mother of two children, both of whom are still living. Mary was born March 15, 1851, in Chris- tian County, and here received a good education. On the 20th of February, 1871, she gave her hand in marriage to William Ettinger, who was born October 17, 1841, in Dauphin County, Pa. For a number of years lie was engaged in the harness business in Taylorville. His death occurred May 11, 1882, and he lies buried in the Taylorville Cemetery. During the late Civil War, he served for nearly' four years as a member of a Pennsyl- vania regiment which participated in forty-two engagements. He was in the cavalry service, being attached to the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. By the union of Mr. and Mrs. Ettinger was born a family of three children, all living. Hayden, who was born July 1, 1873, is a highly educated young man and is now assisting his mother in managing the home place; Jessie was born July 10, 1877; and Allen's birth occurred May 6. 1881. Mrs. Ettinger still resides on the farm of four hundred and forty acres, two hundred and forty of which formerly belonged to her hus- band. It is one of the best farms of the county, and in addition to this she owns eighty acres in Taylorville Township and a good residence prop- erty in Taylorville, where the family reside during the winter. In 1870, on the death of her father, she inherited two hundred and forty acres of land, and at this writing she is the owner of five hun- dred and twenty acres. Anthony Willey, the only son of our subject, is a progressive and well-to-do farmer of Christian County. The town of Willey Station was laid out by Stephen Willey, who built and owned the station house. The village is now quite a thriving place, numbering a good many inhabitants. In politics, our subject was a stanch Republican and was much interested in the success of his part} 7 . SlL ENRY KIRK, a retired farmer of Taylor- ifj) ville, claims Ohio as the State of his nativ- ub/?' ity, his birth having occurred near Fulton, (H) in Stark County, December 19, 1829. His father, Jacob Kirk, was a native of Centre County, Pa., and married Ann Furst, who was also born in the Keystone State. HP became one of the pio- neer settlers of Ohio, locating there in 1808. He and his wife both spent their last days in Stark County, where they had so long resided and where the}' were numbered among the most highly es- teemed citizens. The subject of this sketch was reared to man- hood in the usual manner of farmer lads, and the public schools afforded him his educational privi- leges. He remained at home until 1851, when, on the 16th of October of that year, he was joined in marriage with Miss Hannah B. McFarland, a na- tive of Wayne County, Ohio. His father made him a present of one hundred and seventeen acres of land, upon which was a small clearing but no house. He hewed the logs for a cabin and lived upon that place for six years, during which time he cleared and improved sixty acres. It was in 1857 that Mr. Kirk sold his farm in Ohio, and traveled Westward until he had reached Christian County, 111., when he made a settlement in Buckhart Township. He was accompanied by John Harmon, now of this county. Mr. Kirk had PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. previously visited this locality and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon which a crop had been planted, at $25 per acre. In Nov- ember following his arrival, he was joined by his family. Turning his attention to the develop- ment of his land, he devoted himself assiduously to its cultivation and improvement until 1891. He had made other purchases, becoming the owner of four hundred and ten acres, which were divided into two farms. In connection with general farm- ing he also engaged in fee'ding stock for ten years, and in breeding heavy draft horses. His farms are both well improved and are valuable and de- sirable places, being supplied with all modern con- veniences and equipments. Mr. Kirk has recently also purchased a section of wheatland in Furnas County, Neb. In 1891 he left his country home and came to Taylorville, where he erected a fine residence and is now living a retired life. In 1869 our subject was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 31st of De- cember. On the 18th of August, 1870, he was married in Pana to Miss Margaret Bell Orr, a sis- ter of Prof. Orr, County Superintendent of Schools. Seven children were born of the first marriage and three of the second. Four of the number are now deceased, three having died in infancy. Thad- deus David, the eldest, who had been a student in Lexington, Ky., died at the age of nineteen years. Charles Dwight is now a farmer of Buckhart Township, and School Treasurer. Emma Cora is the wife of R. F. Oplinger, book-keeper and cash- ier in a store in Taylorville. Arthur Burton operates a part of the old homestead. Hattie is the wife of Irving Baughman. a farmer of Buck- hart Township. Grace graduated as a stenog- rapher and type-writer from the Springfield Busi- ness College. Josie Pearl is a student in the High School. Since the age of sixteen Mr. Kirk has been a member of the Christian Church, and his wife is also a member. He was made a Mason in Grove City Lodge No. 585, A. F. &. A. M., and belongs to Taylorville Chapter No. 99, R. A. M. He was initiated into the mysteries of the Odd Fellows' fraternity in 1854. In politics, he is a Republican, and for eighteen years served as Treasurer of the school fund in his township, although it is a strongly Democratic district. Through well-dir- ected efforts, Mr. Kirk has acquired a handsome property and is now numbered among the sub- stantial citizens of Taylorville. where he is now living retired in the enjoyment of the rest which he has so truly earned and richly deserves. ICHARD McCLELLAN POWEL was born in Parkersburg, W. Va., September 2, 1846, and died- November 1, 1892, respected by all who knew him. In his death the community lost one of its best citizens and one who will be I6ng mourned by a large circle of friends. He came of a family of English origin, which was founded in America by his grandfa- ther, Richard Powel, in Colonial days. During the War for Independence the grandfather ob- tained letters of marque, and as Captain of a pri- vateer sailed from these shores. It is supposed that all on board perished, for no news was ever received of them. Richard Powel left a little son of six months, who also bore the name of Richard, and became the father of our subject. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa., December 9, 1801, and was a cabinet-maker by trade. He married Sarah Firth, and in 1841 removed to Parkersburg, W. Va., where he remained until September, 1851, when he emigrated to Springfield, I II. In 1853 he came to Taylorville, and his death here occurred September 11, 1875. Our subject was only about six years of age when the family came to this city, and with the history of Christian County he was identified un- til his death. When quite young he began the study of surveying, and mastered the profession almost entirely through his own efforts, being as- sisted to some extent by Charles Manners, who was then County Surve3 r or. For a time Mr. Powel followed surveying in Indiana, with headquarters at Indianapolis, locating railroad lines in Indiana, Ohio, Iowa and Missouri. In 1869 he was elected PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 287 County Surveyor of Christian County for a term of two years, was re-elected in 1871, 1875 and 1879, his term of office expiring in 1884, after a period of fifteen years spent in that position. Although the county is Democratic and life was a Republican in political faith, he was elected by very large majorities, a fact that indicates the con- 'fldence placed in him, his personal popularity and his excellent ability. He laid out several drain- age systems, and that a large area of the country surrounding Taylorville is now fine farming land is due entirely to the labors of Mr. Powel. On the 17th of December, 1885, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Ernma Catherwood, daughter of Jarnes and Lydia (Tussey) Cather- wood, the former a native of Ireland and the lat- ter of Pennsylvania. For some years they made their home in Guernsey County, Ohio. The fa- ther died when Mrs. Powel was only two years old. Mrs. Catherwood removed to Shelby County, 111., about 1857, and from there came to Taylor- ville. She is still living in this city, at the age of eighty-nine years. Of her family of ten children seven are now living. Mrs. Powel was only six years of age when she came to Christian County. By her marriage she has become the mother of two children: Ellen C. and Ruth Firth, aged six and three years respectively. In addition to his other business interests, Mr. Powel was one of Hie incorporators and a Director of the First National Bank of Taylorville. He was also the owner of two farms, comprising four hundred and forty acres of land, which yielded to him a good income. An indefatigable worker, he possessed a robust constitution and spared himself not in the least when he thought his work de- manded his attention. He worked up to within a few days of his death, being anxious to complete a drainage system before winter set in. His ad- vice and counsel were often sought by business men, who placed the utmost confidence in him. His woid was as good as his bond, his integrity unquestioned. lie was a firm, kind friend and a loving and tender husband and father. Honor- able and upright in all things, he won the esteem of everybody with whom business or social rela- tions brought him in contract. Mrs. Powel is still living in Taylorville, where she has a pleasant home that she has recently erected on the old Powel homestead. She is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and through her many ex- cellencies of character has gained a large circle of warm friends. JOSEPH F. MILLER, M. D., who is engaged in the practice of his profession in Palmer, has a large practice in this place and the surrounding country. He is a native of Illinois, having been born in Fayette County April 28, 1857, to Jacob and Mary Jane (Stapp) Miller. The father is also a native of that county, while his wife was born in Kentucky. Their fam- ily comprised five children, three of whom died in early childhood. Those surviving are John H., who is a physician at Pana, 111.; and Joseph F., our subject. Dr. Miller, of Pana, married Miss Laura Thiele. They have two children, Lewis Henry and Cora. After the death of our subject's mother, his fa- ther married Elizabeth Forester, by whom he had three children. Two died in infancy, while the third child, Andrew D., is still living. The third wife of Mr. Miller bore the maiden name of Cath- erine Sanford. She became the mother of a son and daughter, Lewis A., and Addie M., who died at the age of thirteen years. After the death of Mrs. Catherine Miller, the husband wedded Lytha J. Burns, and to them were born two children, Lola and Gertrude. Mr. Miller has been for a period of forty years a minister in the Christian Church. He was a valiant soldier during the war with Mexico. Dr. J. F. Miller, whose name heads this sketch, was reared on his father's farm in Fayette County, and lived at home until he had attained his sev- enteenth year. He received his early education in the district schools, and while still quite young determined to become a physician. He therefore 288 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. entered the Missouri Medical College of St. Louis, and after pursuing his studies there for several years, was graduated from that justly noted insti- tution in March, 1889. In the following July he located in Palmer, where he began the practice of his profession. He lias already acquired a large practice, as he is well informed and well read on all matters pertaining to the science of medicine, and keeps fully abreast of the times. The Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Henrietta Lowe on the 8th of June, 1890. The lady is a daughter of Milton and Priscilla (Hin- ton) Lowe, of Shelby County, 111. By her mar- riage she has become the mother of a bright little boy, who was given the Christian name of his grandfather, Jacob, and whose middle name is Clyde. Socially, the Doctor is a member of Palmer Lodge No. 501, 1. O. O. F., and also holds mem- bership with the Modern Woodmen of America. He casts his ballot in favor of the nominees of the Republican party, and has served for one term as a member of the Village Board of Trustees, and always takes an active part in educational matters. He owns a pleasant and desirable home properly, where he has his office. In addition to this he has ten acres of land which is situated one mile from Palmer. By those who know him well he is held in the highest regard, and is a man of justice and upright character. JESSE HANON is one of the pioneers of Christian County, his birth having occurred April 14, 1830, about ten miles from Tay- lorville. He is a farmer, now residing in Morrisonville, and is the owner of a number of fine farms. His father, Martin Hauon, was the first settler in this county, having settled near Tay- lor ville in 1818. He was a nativeof Tennessee, and was a farmer by occupation. He took up about eighty acres of land, but afterward bought a lum- ber mill, which was located on the farm where our subject was born. This mill was subsequently known as the Elgin Mill, and this lie operated for a number of years. From there he removed to the present site of Taylorville, before the town was laid out, His father, Michael Hanon, was born and reared in Ireland, and came to America when a young man. He was a farmer in Tennessee, and died while still in the prime of life. The name of the family was originally spelled Hening. Michael Hanon reared a family of four daughters and five sons. Our subject's father died April 5, 1879, aged seventy-nine years. The wife of Martin Hanon, whose maiden name was Sarah Miller, was born in Pennsylvania, her people being of German birth. Her parents came to America after their marriage, settling in Penn- sylvania, -where the father died in middle life. To Mr. and Mrs. Hanon were born ten children, only four of the number now living: .Jesse; Jo- seph; Susan, wife of G. R. Sharp, of Sharpsburg. 111.; and Elijah, who is a resident of Lamed, Kan. Joseph lives at Willow Springs, Mo. The parents were members of the Predestinariau Baptist Church. The subject of this sketch has spent his entire life in this county with the exception of three years, when he was absent during the late war. His early education was obtained in the old-fash- ioned subscription schools, but in later years he enlarged his knowledge by wise reading and thoughtful observation. His life work lias been mainly that of farming and stock-raising, though for about four years he carried on a sawmill. He has been very successful in his enterprises and now with his three sons, William, John and Cyrus, owns eight hundred acres of land in Clay County, near the town of Flora. This land is operated by them under the firm name of J. Hanon ILLIAMM. PROVINE,an attorney-at-law of Taylorville, 111., was born in McDon- ough County, 111.. August 22, 1841. His father and mother are now living, at the age of seventy-seven, in Vermont, 111., where the boyhood days of the subject of this sketch were mostly spent. His education was acquired in the com- mon schools, supplemented by a few months in an academy at Macomb, 111. After a short expe- rience as a clerk and school teacher successively, he enlisted on July 30, 1862, in Company B, Eighty-fourth Regiment of Illinois Infantry, and was elected Sergeant on the organization of the company. He was afterward elected First Ser- geant, and in 1863 First Lieutenant. He served in the Army of the Cumberland in all its campaigns until July 20, 1864, when he was taken prisoner at Peach Tree Creek, in front of Atlanta, Ga. Shortly afterward he was one of six hundred Un- ion officers who were placed by the Confederates in the city of Charleston under fire of the Union PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 325 guns on Morris Island. From Charleston the prisoners were removed to Columbia, S. C., and on March 1, 1865, were exchanged at Wilmington, N. C. Upon the expiration of his thirty days' leave of absence, the war being over, he was ordered to Ben ton Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., where he was assigned to duty as adjutant of paroled prisoners, who were then coming North in large numbers. He was discharged- from the service May 15, 1865. After a brief visit to his home, our subject en- tered Mayhew's Business College, at Albion, Mich., where after completing the.course of study he re- mained two years as Principal of the "theory de- partment," reading law in the mean time. On severing his connection with the college, Mr. Pro- vine entered the law office of Palmer & Hay, of Springfield, and was admitted, upon examination, to the Bar of the Supreme Court in the fall of 1868. He was tendered and accepted the position of Cashier of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Galesburg, 111., but, preferring the law, resigned his position there after a year's service. Since 1872 he has resided continuously in Taylorville, and devoted his energies assiduously to his chosen profession. His attention is chiefly devoted to commercial and chancery laws. He is an able ad- vocate, and receives from the public a liberal pat- ronage, which is well deserved. In politics, he was long a supporter of the Republican party, but in 1888 and again in 1892 he voted for Mr. Cleveland for the Presidency, on account of his views on the tariff question. Other interests have found in Mr. Provine a supporter. He was one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Taylorville, and since its organization has been one of its Directors. He has served on the Township Board of Education since its organization and is President of the Board, which numbers five members. Under their super- vision and through their instrumentality the fine High School building of Taylorville was erected in 1890, the building and grounds being valued at $32,000. Mr. Provine takes a commendable in- terest in educational matters and in every enter- prise calculated to prove of public benefit. On the llth of May, 1869, in Vermont, 111., was celebrated the marriage of William M. Provine and Mary Murray. They have two children. Bertha graduated from Oxford College of Ohio, in the Class of '91, and is now a teacher of litera- ture and languages in the High School of Taylor- ville. She is a cultured and refined young lady, and has marked ability as an instructor. Walter is now a student in the High School. The parents are members of the Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Provine is connected with the Masonic fraternity. ENJAMIN H. HAILEY, who is engaged in the grocery business in Palmer, is one of the veterans of the late war, having en- listed for the defense of the Old Flag when he was only twenty years of age. He saw much active service, taking part in many of the impor- tant battles and skirmishes. He may justly be proud of his army record, for few men were called upon to do more active duty and suffer more hardships. In local affairs he has been prominent for many years, and has always been esteemed as one of the most public-spirited citizens of the place. He was the genial and efficient Postmaster for four years under Harrison's administration, retir- ing from that office in June, 1893, of his own ac- cord. Born in Sangamon County, 111., January 9, 1841, Mr. Hailey is a son of Thomas J. and Mel- venia M. (Higgins) Hailey. They were the parents of two children, our subject, and Edward, who died in 1864, shortly after being discharged from the army, on account of disease contracted while in the service. He had enlisted and was a mem- ber of Company A, Third Illinois Cavalry. Thomas J. Hailey learned the trade of a carpen- ter and followed that occupation in early life. He was bora in Virginia, and removed to Tennes- see when a boy, with the family of the man to whom he was apprenticed. In 1830, he came to Illinois, and settled in Sangamon County. He as- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sisted in putting on the first shingled roof in Springfield, and served in the first Black Hawk campaign, in 1832. In 1871, he came to this county and made his home in Palmer until his death, which occurred in 1887, at the age of eighty-two years, lacking one month. His first marriage -was with a lady by the name of Narcissa Moore, by whom he had two children, only one of j whom is now living, Emeline E. Thomas, who is j now a widow. Mr. Hailey afterward married Miss Melvenia Higgins, whose death occurred in 1885, at the age of sixty-eight years. Our subject's pa- ternal grandfather, Edmund Hailey, was a native of the Old Dominion and participated in the War of 1812. He was twice married, and lived to be about seventy-six years of age, dying in Virginia. William Higgins, the maternal grandfather, was also born in Virginia, and served in Anthony Wayne's campaign. He was twice married, and was the father of eighteen children. He emigrated to Illinois in 1831, and died when sevent3 r -five years of age, in Sangamon County. Benjamin H. Hailej 1 , whose name heads this sketch, lived until his twentieth year on a farm in Sangamon County, six miles from Springfield. He enlisted in Company A, Third Illinois Cavalry, and served three years and fourteen days. He participated in the battles of Pea Ridge, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Champion Hills, Big Black Ridge, the sieges of Vicksburg and Jackson, and participated in over forty skirmishes. For thirteen successive days he was engaged in the skirmishes of Green's cavalry. He was very fortunate in never meeting with injury and was never in a hos- pital. Indeed, he has always been extremely healthy and robust, and perhaps to this fact is due much of his success in life. Returning to Sangamon County after the war, our subject engaged in farming for one year, and, feeling the need of a better education to qualify him for his future life work, he attended the Illi- nois State University at Springfield for three terms and also took a commercial course in the Bryant & Stratton Business College of that city. In partnership with George E. Stake, he next opened a general store at Cotton Hill, and was soon afterward appointed Postmaster, acting as such for a year and a-half. In 1869, he came with his partner to Palmer, where they did business to- gether for about two years, at the end of which time our subject bought the interest of Mr. Stake and has since continued in business alone, with the exception of a year and a-half during the panic of 1873. He was soon on his feet again financially, and has an extensive trade. Mr. Hailey was united in marriage on the 29th of June, 1871, with Miss Mary E. Wood, whose birth occurred in Ohio. Mrs. Hailey is a daughter of George and Sarah (Hodge) Wood, of Blue Mound, 111. Mr. Wood is a native of Virginia, while his wife claims Ohio as her birthplace. Two children born to our subject and his wife died in infancy, Frances E. and Eleanora E. They have three daughters living, namely: Lilian C., Stella M. and Cora E. Jn his social relations, Mr. Hailey holds mem- bership with William A. Higgins Post No. 400, G. A. R., Department of Illinois, and has served as Commander of the post for seven years. He is a Republican in politics and has filled several lo- cal positions of trust and honor. He was Town Clerk for two years, and was President of the Vil- lage Board at one time. In 1887, he was made a candidate for the position of Sheriff, and only missed the nomination by one vote. For several years he has been Notary Public. In the various capacities of his public life his work has been con- ducted with fidelity and zeal. In addition to his business and store in Palmer he owns a pleasant modern residence. EORGE ROSS, a native of Scotland, was born in Sterlingborough on the 27th of [ay, 1865. Having learned the tailoring business thoroughly in all its branches, and hav- ing heard of the fine facilities for enterprising men to acquire wealth, or at least a competency, in the New World, he embarked for America in the fal of 1887, being then only twenty-two years of age PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 327 yet his proficiency will be readily acknowledged, when it is known that he learned his trade in Lang- holm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He first located at the capital of Illinois, but in March, 1891, came to Christian County. Having previously formed the acquaintance of his life partner in Macon County, on Christmas Eve of 1889, in Decatur, Mr. Ross was united in marriage with Miss Ada F. Boaz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boaz. The father was long known as Lieut. Boaz, having been promoted from the ranks for his valiant service in the Civil War. He displayed more than ordinary merit, and hence received from the Governor of Missouri the posi- tion of Officer of the Guard in the Jefferson City Peniteutiar}'. From the Governor of Illinois, he received a like appointment for the Joliet Peni- tentiary, which position he held when he died, having acted in the same capacity for a period of eighteen years in the two States. He was buried at Decatur, 111., in 1889, with military honors. His wife bore the maiden name of Nancy E. Murphy, and she, with Ada, the only child, born January 1, 1868, are the only survivors of the family. They mourn the loss of a kind and de- voted husband and loving father, and the com- munity remembers him with gratefulness as a brave soldier and valiant officer, both in war and peace. Our subject's parents were John and Catherine (Cuthbert) Ross, both natives of Scotland. He is the fourth in order of birth in a family of ten children. John was born in 1861; William, in 1863; James, in 1864; Maggie, in 1867; Annie, in 1868; David, in 1870; Jessie Jane, in 1873; Nellie, in 1875; and Robert in 1879. They all reside in the Fatherland with the exception of the eldest son, eldest daughter and our subject. On embarking for the United States, George Ross took passage in the vessel '"Lake Nepigon," a Canadian liner. After they had been on the ocean for about fourteen days, a dense fog settled down on the vessel, and they were unable to sight anything for six days. When the fog lifted they found that they were near the coast of Newfound- land. Mr. Ross is one of those genial gentlemen whom America may be proud to receive, and he has chosen for his companion a lady of rare merit and goodness. The children that have come to share their home are Roxie, born October 1, 1890; Ed- ward, February 10, 1892; and Robert, May 6, 1893. This is one of the well-respected families of Taylorville, and Mr. Ross may well be proud of the enviable position he has alreadj' achieved among his fellow-citizens. He ranks first as a practical tailor, and the variety and extent of the patterns which he is enabled to give the customer are gaining for him a liberal patronage, and it is a pleasure to number him with the enterprising business men of this community who are entitled to representation in this record. ;ILLIAM AUGUSTUS GOODRICH. The public offices of Taylorville and Christian County have found no more efficient in- cumbent than the gentleman whose name heads this record. He has long been prominently iden- tified with public interests, and his name is inse[ - arably connected with the history of this com- munity. Genial and pleasant in manner, he is quite popular, and we feel assured that this sketch will be received with pleasure by his many friends. The Goodrich family from which our subject sprang were long prominent in Great Britain. Fre- quent mention is made of land-holders of the name at the time of the Norman conquest, in 1066. In the Tower of London is a cannon, the inscrip- tion upon which tells us that it was presented to King Charles I. by Sir Maurice Goodrich; while history tells us that Thomas Goodrich became Bish- op of Ely and Lord High Chancellor of England, under Henry VIII. Goodrich Castle stands on the Wye River, in Herefordshire, Wales, and was the seat of the late Sir Samuel C. Rush Meyrich, LL. D., the famous antiquarian. This castle is now a ruin, but it is a grand and gloomy one. An authentic account of the family says that a Goodrich mar- ried a sister of the Duke of Marlborough,and had two sons: John, named for the Duke, and William. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. The father dying, his brother brought the two boys to New England. John afterward started back to the Old Country in accordance with a re- quest .of the Duke, who desired to make him his heir, but died en route. In 1640 the uncle pur- chased a farm for William in Weathersfield, Conn. The family had come directly from Suffolk and Bury St. Edmunds, England. From William Goodrich just mentioned our subject is descended. He was born near Bury St. Edmunds, and his marriage in 1648 to Sarah Marvin is the first mention of him in the records of Connecticut. He died in 1676. His son Eph- raim, who was his eighth child, continues the suc- cession. He died in 1739, his home having been in Rocky Hill, Conn. He married Sarah Treat, and after her death wedded Jerusha Treat. The sev- enth child of that family, Gideon Goodrich, was born in 1705, and died in 1769. He was a sea- captain, and lived in Weathersfield and Upper Middletown, Conn. His sixth child was Lieut. Caleb Goodrich, who was born in 1731, and died in 1777. He was a Revolutionary soldier, was present at Burgoyne's surrender, and died just three weeks after returning home. Orin Good- rich, the fifth child of his family, and the fifth in succession, was born January 15, 1771, and died July 17, 1855. For more than a quarter of a cen- tury he served as a magistrate, and served in each branch of the State Legislature. In 1793, he mar- ried Lydia Sackett, and after her death wedded Mary Bagg. He was a prominent and influential man, and had the respect of all who knew him. We now take up the personal history of our subject, who was born in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Mass., November 24, 1818, and remained in his native State until nineteen years of age, when, in November, 1837, he emigrated to Spring- field, 111., where his sister Frances was living. For two years he engaged in railroading. The day after the Presidential election of 1840, at which he cast his first vote for Martin Van Buren, he came to Christian County. His father had purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land in Mt. Auburn, for which he paid $10 per acre, and Will- iam and his brother Montgomery settled upon that tract. The}' had a span of horses and possi- bly about $200 in money. For ten years our sub- ject resided upon that farm, devoting his energies to its cultivation, and was quite successful in his undertakings. After two years the land was di- vided between himself and his brother. On the 24th of December, 1841, Mr. Goodi-ich married Miss Nancy Auger, sister of A. L. Auger, now of Mt. Auburn. Unto them were born the following children: Charles F., who carries on farming two and a-half miles west of Taylorville; Henry A., a farmerof the same neighborhood; and Julia B., who became the wife of I. N. Richard- son, and died three years later. The mother of this family was called to her final rest November 29, 1854, and June 17, 1855, Mr. Goodrich mar- ried Miss Martha A. Ryan, of Springfield, Ohio, ;i daughter of James H. Ryan. Their only child, William R., died in infancy. In August, 1843, while living on his farm, Mr. Goodrich was elected Surveyor of Christian Coun- ty, and filled that office until 1850, in which year he was elected County Sheriff 011 the Democratic ticket. In order to fill the position, he removed to Taylorville, and six years later he sold his farm. His first term comprised two years, after which he served as Deputy for two years under William C. Brentz. In 1854, he was again elected Sheriff, but before his two years' term had expired he was ap- pointed to take charge of the County Clerk's office, filling theunexpired term of his predecessor, John Hinton, who had died in office. He was then four times elected to the position, serving in all for seventeen years. At length he retired, in 1873. Mr. Goodrich has also been interested in the real-estate business, buying, selling and trading lands. For two years he was associated in this en- terprise with his son-in-law, I. N. Richardson. He has also built a number of residences, and laid out a forty-acre addition to Taylorville in 1853. In 1868 he was elected as Representative on the Re- publican ticket. In his earlier life he had been a Democrat, but in that year he supported Gen. Grant, and joined the ranks of the Republican party, with which he has since been identified. Mr. Goodrich takes some interest in civic socie- ties. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and became con- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 329 nected with that fraternity in Mound Lodge No. 122, A. F. & A. M., of Taylorville, in 1852. He has passed the chairs, served as Worthy Master one year, and was also a member of the Grand Lodge. In the same year he also became a mem- ber of the Baptist Church. His public and private life are alike above reproach, and the faithfulness with which he has discharged his official duties is equalled only by the fidelity with which he has performed private trusts. From the early days of its history he has been identified with Christian County, and its best interests have ever found in him a friend. Good words and works make up his well-spent life. PHINEAS LEECH DODGE, a grain dealer, and proprietor of the elevator in Rosemohd, was born in the village of Glenn, Mont- gomery County, N. Y., June 10, 1843, and is the second in order of birth in a family of ten children, whose parents were Asa P. and Mary J. (Faulkner) Dodge. The paternal great-grandfa- ther, Asa Dodge, was of Scotch-Irish descent, and died at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. The grandfather, Phineas Dodge, and the father of our subject were both born in Montgomery County, N. Y. The latter was a cooper by trade, and also followed the occupation of farming. He married Miss Faulkner, a native of Glenn, N. Y., and a daughter of Daniel Faulkner, who was born in Connecticut, and was of English lineage. The parents of our subject celebrated their marriage in their native county, and there began their domestic life,and in 1891 they celebrated, their golden wed- ding. The mother survived her husband a few months and died August 30, 1893. The father died May 14, 1893, at the age of seventy-four years. Of their seven sons and three daughters, six grew to manhood and womanhood, and are still living. Under the parental roof Phineas L. Dodge was reared to manhood, remaining at home until his removal to the West, in'1865. His education was acquired in the common schools, which he at- tended through the winter season, while in the summer months he worked on a farm. In the year above mentioned he became a resident of Hills- borough, 111., and in that neighborhood worked by the month as a farm hand for a short time. On the 4th of June of the same year he came to Chris- tian County, where he followed farm work until 1866, when he became clerk for the firm of Cope- land & Bros., dealers in general merchandise, and grain buyers, with whom he remained about one year. He then became messenger for the Ameri- can Express Company, running from St. Louis to Indianapolis, Ind., on what was then the Indian- apolis & St. Louis Railroad, but is now the Big Four. After nineteen months he returned to Rosemond, and began clerking for B. M. Schermer- horn, in which capacity he served for a year and a-half. In 1869 he became station agent at Rose- mond, and for more than ten years served in that capacity, filling the position until December 16, 1880, when he became a dealer in hay, buying and shipping that commodity. He also added dealing in grain, and now uses four buildings in his busi- ness, two hay barns, a building for grain and the elevator. Mr. Dodge was married in 1869, to Marie A. Chase, who was born in Schuyler County, 111., and is a daughter of William A. and Mary M. (Cook) Chase, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter of Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Dodge is the eldest of seven daughters. With her parents she catne to Christian County in 1857. Her mother is still living with her children. Unto our subject and his wife have been born three daughters: Mary Agnes, who became the wife of H. W. Wad- dington, a farmer of Rosemond Township, Febru- ary 24, 1892; Mabel Reed, who on the 6th of Sep- tember, 1893, married A. B. Smith, and resides in Chicago; and Grace E., who is at home. In his political affiliations, Mr. Dodge is a Re- publican, and for six successive years served as Tax Collector. He is School Treasurer of the township, and has filled the position for twenty- one years, his faithfulness and fidelity insuring his continuance in office. He is a member and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Treasurer of the First Congregational Church of Rosemond, and belongs to the Masonic lodge and to the Modern Woodmen of America. Besides his business, he owns a valuable farm of seventy-five acres, adjoining the corporate limits of Rosemond. He is a wide-awake and enterprising business man, and the community in which he lives recognizes in him a valued citizen. jjUfc.ON. JOHN L. DRENNAN, the founder of if))) the Drennan family in Christian County, /.^^ is a native of Kentucky, his birth having (jjy) occurred in Caldwell County, November 14, 1836. His grandfather, John Drennan, was a resident of South Carolina at the time of the Revolutionary War, and served in the Colonial army. About the year 1802, he removed from that State to Kentucky, settling in Caldwell, then Livingston County, and was one of the pioneers of that part of the State. The location in which he took up his residence was a wilderness and still inhabited by the Indians. The father of our sub- ject, Eli Drennan, was born in South Carolina in the year 1800. From 1802 he resided in Caldwell County, Ky., until his death, which occurred in 1872. He married Margaret McDowell, of the same county, about 1824. She was descended from an Irish family that had also settled in South Carolina and removed from there to Kentucky at an early day. John L. Drennan, whose name heads this record, was the eldest of nine children. The family was poor, work plentiful and schools scarce. The re- sult was he only attended school for about three months, and for the education he received he is indebted entirely to his own efforts. On the 13th of March, 1850, he married Henrietta Wimburley, only daughter of Moore and Emily Wimburley. Her father was of French and German descent, and his wife was a daughter of Isaac Rucker, who was a soldier iu the Revolutionary War, and be- longed to the distinguished Rucker family so numerous in Kentucky. Moore Wimburley was captain of a boat on the Mississippi in an early day. He lost his life from a relapse after measles, brought about from exposure on the river. His widow afterwards married Henry Sanders. She was the mother of five children and is still living, her home being now in Taylorville. She is a wo- man of powerful intellect and great force of char- acter, which qualities she transmitted to her daugh- ter Henrietta. John L. Drennan, with his wife and four chil- dren, Alfred M., Frank P., John G. and Adelia J., removed from Kentucky to Mt. Auburn Township in the fall of 1856, and thence to the present homestead of the family in Mosquito Township in 1862. The other children are Laura A. E., M. Emily, Henry E., George R., Henrietta A., Cora A., James L., Thomas M., Oscar W. and Charlotte O. These were born in Christian County. Alfred M. now resides in Taylorville. Frank P. is an able and painstaking lawyer of Taylorville, and is re- garded as one of the safest counselors, as well as one of the most careful business men, in the coun- ty. He has been quite successful. In 1881. he married May, youngest daughter of Judge W. S- Moore, and has two charming daughters. He served one term as Master in Chancery, and has always taken a prominent part in the councils of the Democratic party. John G., now residing in Springfield, 111., is the junior member of the well- known law firm of Palmer, Shutt & Drennan, the first-named being now United States Senator, while Mr. Shutt is United States District Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois. He married Mag- gie, daughter of Dr. L. B. Slater, May 26, 1881, and has two promising boys. Adelia J. is the wife of John F. Cole, and with their seven children they reside in Edinburgh, this county. Laura is the wife of James George, of Caldwell County, Ky., and they have three children. Emily is the wife of Clayton Clements, of Decatur, 111., by whom she has four children. Henry E., now of Denver, Colo., has been twice married and has one daughter. George R., who married Miss Hignight and has three children, is a successful farmer and resides on the old homestead in Mosquito Township. of the itv of MRS. Jos. A DAMS. I lie Libfirj l the o< IW PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 335 Henrietta A. is the wife of Lewis Wilson, by whom she has four sons, and they reside on their farm near Greeley, Kan. Cora A. married Miles Scott, and lives in Kansas. They have four bright lit- tle boys to gladden their home. James L. mar- ried May, daughter of Richard Jones, of Mt. Au- burn. He is a law student of much promise, and has displayed much capacity and tact as a trial lawyer, although he has not yet been admitted to the Bar. Thomas M. is a young man of promise. He is also studying law and gives evidence of suc- cess. Oscar W., an amiable young man of twenty, died a few months ago in Texas, where he had gone in the hope of regaining his health. Al- though he was too young for a business career, he displayed all the family qualities of a useful citi- zen. Charlotte A., now a young lady, resides with her mother in Taylorville. The father of this family, John L. Drennan, died at his home in Mosquito Township, Septem- ber 5,1882, of typhoid fever. He always com- manded the confidence and respect of the people, and creditably filled several positions of public trust. He was several times Assessor of Mosquito Township, and also represented his township as Supervisor for nine years. Political!} 7 , he was al- ways a Democrat and cast his first vote for Gen. Cass. A man of good habits and much force of character, he was devoted to his family and used every effort to promote habits of industry and integrity in his children. The family is one of prominence throughout the county, and well de- serves representation in this volume. jlL_ ON- JOSEPH ADAMS is one of the worthy ifjV citizens of Christian County whose home uhgr is situated on section 11, Prairieton Town- (^) ship. He served his district in the Legis- lature in the winter of 1891, and is one of the memorable one hundred and one who stood firmly by and voted for Hon. John M. Palmer until he was triumphantly elected on the one hundred and 16 fifty-fourth ballot. He has also occupied nearly all of the local positions within the gift of the people, and his discharge of the duties pertaining to whatever office he has filled has been marked by fidelity and a realization of the trust be- stowed in him. He is one of the honored pioneers of this county, with whose welfare he has been connected since 1836. Mr. Adams was born in Montgomery County, Ky., January 17, 1833, and is a son of Ellington and Elizabeth (Gordon) Adams. The father was also born in Montgomery County, Ky., coming from one of the early pioneer families of that State. His father was of English descent and a native of the Old Dominion. Our subject's mother was a daughter of Randel Gordon, who was also from Virginia, and one of the early settlers of Ken- tucky. Ellington Adams removed to Illinois in 1833 and first made a settlement in Sangamon County. After a residence there of three years lie finally located in what is now Christian County, the date.being 1836. He entered land in Prairie- ton Township and proceeded with industry to de- velop a farm in the wilderness. He reared his family and spent the remainder of his life on this farm, dying in 1875, aged seventy-two years. The wife and mother survived him for several years, passing away in 1885. Joseph Adams is one of a family of ten chil- dren, namely: Rachel, who died in her thirty- fifth year; Isom, a well-known farmer of this township, whose sketch may be found elsewhere in this work; Joseph, the subject of this sketch; Richardson, who is engaged in farming in the same township; G. W., who was formerly a promi- inent farmer of the county, but met his death by accident in July, 1893; James Martin, deceased; Robert, whose death occurred at the age of four- teen; Martha, wife of Benjamin Bramlett, of this county; and Lucy, who died at the age of sixteen years. Our subject's boyhood was passed in Christian Count}', and in those early days, as educational advantages were of the most limited description, he was not able to obtain much assistance, and therefore has had to depend upon his own study and resources. The nearest school was situated PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tlyee miles from his home, but the subscription school which he attended, and which was kept only three months during the year, was six miles distant from his home, and he made the distance on foot. On reaching his majority, Mr. Adams bought a tract of three hundred and sixty acres of railroad land and one hundred acres of other land ad- joining. On this farm he located in 1856, at which time only about thirty acres had been cleared for cultivation, and a small frame building was the only improvement. This was the home of himself and family for a few years, during which time he rapidly developed the farm, and as the years rolled by the income of his industry and energy was invested in more land, until he now owns sixteen hundred acres. Much of this is rich bottom land, and on these various farms are six large and substantial residences, good barns and other buildings. The success of Mr. Adams shows what can be done on these fertile Western prairies by a man who is able and willing to do his utmost in their development. In Decatur, Macon County, Mr. Adams and Miss Nancy Widick were married, June 9, 1856. The lady was born in Macon County and is a daugh- ter of Samuel Widick, who was one of the original settlers of Kentucky and participated in the War of 1812. He also fought valiantly for the Old Flag during the late Civil War, and at the end of three years died in the service. Our subject and his wife have reared a family of nine children. Millie became the wife of John Myers, now de- ceased; George A. is married and is engaged in business in Moweaqua, Shelby County; Wheeler, a farmer, lives in Shelby County; Florence is the wife of Henry Harpool, also a farmer, of Christian County; Iva is the wife of Leonard Cazalet, a fanner of Assumption Township; Eva is the wife of Frank Johnson, of Shelby County; Bettie and Annie are at home. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have twelve grandchildren, one of whom, Johnnie Myers, resides with them. Mr. Adams is well known as a supporter of the Democratic party and has supported its candidates since 1856, when he voted for Hon. James Bu- chanan. He has also taken an active part in lo- cal politics, and for a great many years has served his friends and neighbors in various positions, among which we mention that for twenty years he was Supervisor of Prairieton Township, and was for thirty-four years one of its School Trus- tees. It is very fitting that to one who is faithful over a few things greater honors should be added, and it was with this idea in view that his many friends chose him as their Representative in the Legislature. Mrs. Adams is a member of the Christian Church, while our subject, though not a member of any church organization, is very liberal in the support of this and other denomina- tions, as well as of all general benevolent enter- prises. JOHN L. SANDERS, one of the honored old pioneers and representative farmers of Ston- ington Township, resides on section 26. For over half a century he has been identified with the history of Christian County, and has seen its development from a wilderness to the garden spot of Illinois. He well remembers when the family were obliged to go to Springfield for their mail and to do their trading, although that city was thirty-two miles distant. The birth of our subject occurred February 11, 1831, in Voluntown, Conn. He is the third in a family of five children born to Nicholas and Sarah (Douglass) Sanders. Louisa, the eldest, died only six weeks after the family's arrival in Illinois, when she was ten years of age. Nicholas D. is now one of the active farmers and stock-dealers of this count} 1 . Lydia married Tyler Chapman, a re- tired farmer and one of the pioneers of Christian County. Julia became the wife of Alfred Briggs, also engaged in farming in this locality. The father was born and reared in Connecticut on a farm. For several years after his marriage he con- tinued a resident of the Nutmeg State, but believ- ing that he could better his fortune in the West, he came in 1837 with several other families to Illi- nois, and founded what was known as the Ston- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 337 ington Colony. He was one of the most respected citizens of the township and for a number of years was Justice of the Peace. Here he continued to reside until called from his labors by death in Sep- tember, 1878. His wife, who was also born in Con- necticut, is still living, though she is eighty-nine years of age. John L. Sanders was a child of only six years when his parents brought him to the West. They made the journey by water to St. Louis, proceed- ing from that city to Christian County by ox- teams. They found the country sparsely settled and wild animals still numerous. Mr. Sanders re- sided with his parents until he had reached his ma- jority, and received but limited educational oppor- tunities, as the schools of the early days, which were poor, were only kept for a couple of months in a year and were conducted on the subscription plan. When he was thirty years of age he purchased a farm of eighty acres, which he has improved and lived upon ever since. On the 19th of February, 1860, Mr. Sanders was united in marriage with Achsah F. Palmer, who was born in the same county in Connecticut as her husband, and came to this county with her parents when about twelve years old. Nine children have been born of this union. Mary became the wife of William Bugg, who is a well-known agricul- turist of Christian County; Nicholas is carrying on the home farm; Laura lives at home; Ernest is assisting his brother in managing the homestead; Katie Pearl is the wife of Edward D. Moore, who is a progressive farmer of the county; Oliver is still at home; and three children died in infancy. The homestead belonging to Mr. Sanders com- prises at the present time four hundred acres of valuable farm land. The property is located four miles southeast of Stonington and is well improved. Until 1892, our subject affiliated with the Repub- lican party, but at that time joined th'e ranks of the Prohibition party. He has no desire to fill of- ficial positions and has ever declined to serve. For about thirty-six years he has been a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and is active in all good works. He is well posted on all of the lead- ing topics of the day, and is largely self-educated, as he is also a self-made man in financial matters. He has a large circle of friends and probably not an enemy, as he is upright and a man of integrity, who makes friends wherever he goes. AMUEL MILLIGAN, deceased, who was prominently identified with the growth and upbuilding of Taylorville, was born in Champaign County, Ohio, August 10, 1827, and died at his home in this city on the 21st of April, 1884, respected by all who knew him. His parents were William and Eliza (Pollock) Milligan. The former, a native of Pennsylvania, died November 7, 1850, and the death of the lat- ter occurred in 1865. No event of special importance occurred during the youth of our subject, which was quietly passed in his parents' home. It was in 1856 that Mr. Milligan left the State of his nativity and re- moved to Taylorville, 111., where he made his home until his death. He was a butcher by trade, and in this place opened a meat-market, which he car- ried on continuously for many years. From the beginning his business constantly increased, and he enjoyed a liberal patronage, which was well de- served, for his dealings were ever characterized by the strictest honor and integrity. Our subject was married in Taylorville, in 1866, the lady of his choice being Mrs. Rebecca Mc- Arthur, widow of Thomas McArthur, who was a member of Company H, Thirty-sixth Ohio Infan- try, during the late war, and died in the service in 1864. The following year his widow came to Taylorville, and on the 18th of November, 1866, occurred her marriage with Mr. Milligan. She bore the maiden name of Rebecca Snuffln,and is a native of Champaign County, Ohio, her girlhood being passed in the same community in which our subject was reared. By her first marriage she had five children: Duncan, who is engaged in the dairy business; Levi, who is a jeweler of Taylor- ville; Walter, who is connected with a coal mine 338 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of this city; and two who died in childhood. Mr. Milligan's family numbered the following children: Mary, who became the wife of William Fousnacht, and died at the age of nineteen; William, who died at the age of three years; David F., who car- ries on the business formerly conducted by his fa- ther; Anon C., Charles II. and Walter, who died at the age of fifteen, seven and two years, re- spectively; Amos, who died at the age of eighteen months; Rosa May, who is engaged in the milli- nery business; and Nellie, who is pursuing a course in music. Mr. Milligan came to Taylorville a poor man, but by his industry, perseverance and well-directed efforts he accumulated a handsome competency, and left his family in comfortable circumstances. He platted five acres of ground, known as Milli- gan's Addition to Taylorville, and erected thereon a number of desirable residences, the greater part of which he had sold before his death. In politics, he was a supporter of the Republican partv, but was never an aspirant for the honors or emolu- ments of public office. His death resulted from blood poisoning, and occurred three weeks after sus- taining an injury, the point of a small saw pene- trating his foot. He lived a quiet, unassuming life, yet was a public-spirited and progressive citi- zen, and had the esteem of all who knew him. Mrs. Milligan is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and is a most estimable lady. Since her husband's death she has continued to make her home in Taylorville. ,EV. WILLIAM W. WEEDON, pastor of the 'Christian Church of Taylorville, was born in Columbiana Count}', Ohio, Decem- ! ber 23, 1846, and his parents, Samuel and Letitia (Farr) Weedon, were natives of the same State. The paternal grandfather, James Weedon, however, was a native of Virginia, and was a farmer by occupation. In an early day he emi- grated to Illinois and located in Wayne County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Samuel Weedon has always been an agricultur- ist. Although in early life he learned the cooper's trade, lie followed that pursuit for only a short time. In Ohio he married Miss Farr, daughter of William Farr, a native of Virginia, who in an early day removed to Ohio, living for many ye'ars in Columbiana County, where his last days were speut. Mrs. Woedon died in 1854. She was a member of the United Brethren Church. In her family were four children, two sons and two daughters, but Teresa C., the eldest, is now de- ceased. William W. is the next in order of birth; Rachel A. is the wife of Lindley W. Rossiter, of St. Louis; Leven H. completes the family. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Weedon was mar- ried, in 1856, to Sarah A. Casebeer, daughter of Samuel Casebeer. She too was a member of the United Brethren Church, and her death occurred in 1876. The present wife of Samuel Weedon was formerly Mrs. Joan Hood. They were mar- ried in 1879, and arc now living near Fairfield, in Wayne County, 111. Mr. Weedon came to this State in 1860, and has since lived in Wayne Count} 7 , where he owns a farm of forty acres. He is a member of the Christian Church, and a highly respected citizen. The subject of this sketch was a youth of four- teen years when he came to Illinois. He acquired his early education in the public schools of Ohio, afterward attended in Wayne County, and com- pleted his studies in the High School in Fairfield. He lived at home until the war broke out, when he entered the service as a member of Company G, Eighth Illinois Infantry, in which he served one year, participating in the battles of Spanish Fort and Ft. Blakeley and the engagements of the Mobile campaign. After the war he spent one year at home, and then went back to Ohio, where he farmed and worked at carpentering. In June, 1867, Mr. Weedon was united in mar- riage with Miss Julia A. Morlan, a daughter of Salathiel and Minerva (Burson) Morlan, of Ohio. Three children were born unto them, a son and two daughters, but all are now deceased. They were Edwin S., who died in childhood; Lettie M., who PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 339 became the wife of William Darnell, of Kansas City, Mo., where she died in her twenty-third year; and Lillie, who died in her eighteenth year. The mother of this family died in June, 1872, in the faitli of the Christian Church, of which she was a consistent member. Two years after the death of his wife, Mr. Weedon left Ohio, and in 1874 | came to Illinois, locating in Cisne for a short time. On the 24th of December, 1874, he married Miss Carrie Van Fossen, of Cisne, daughter of Dr. T. and Christina (Lamp) Van Fossen. Their union .has been blessed with four children, two sons and two daughters: Fred O., Lulu Mabel, Frank L. and Sarah Edna, all at home. Feeling a desire to enter the ministry, in 1876 .Mr. Weedon began studying to fit himself for what he now makes his life work, and in 1878 passed his ordination, and in 1879 accepted a pastorate at Brownstown, Fayette County, 111. Since then he has preached at Edinburgh, South Fork, Assumption, Blue Mound, Barnett and Tay- lorville. He has occupied the last-named pastorate for about seven years. The weak congregation of which he took charge is now a strong one, and during his work here he has received about two hundred and fifty into the church, besides receiv- ing hundreds of others while working in the .evangelistic field. Through the instrumentality of Mr. Weedon, a fine new church building is now being erected, costing about $15,000, the Davis Memorial Christian Church. Hois untiring in his labors, and his example, as well as his precept, lias led many to walk in the right path. Our subject is a member of the Odd Fellows' fraternity, and is at present serving his third term as Grand Chaplain of the State of Illinois. He has lectured frequently to Odd Fellows, and has filled all the subordinate .offices in the lodge, be- ing Noble Grand for three terms, "and representa- tive to the Grand Lodge. He is at present Past Chancellor of Mystic Lodge No. 64, K. P., and is Chaplain of the Second Regiment, Uniformed Rank. With Francis M. Long Post No. 347, G. A. R., he also holds membership. In politics, he is a Republican. He was honored with an elec- tion to the Thirty-seventh Illinois General Assem- bly, being the nominee of the Republican party, though a minority candidate. He had a position on five important committees: Insurance, Libraries, Sanitary. Soldiers' and Orphans' Homes, and Mili- tary, and made one of the nomination speeches in favor of Richard J. Oglesby against John M. Palmer. Mr. AVeedon enters with enthusiasm and energy into any work that he undertakes, and his progressive spirit has no doubt been an important factor in much of his success. That he is loved by the people of his church is well indicated by his long-continued service, and outside of his own denomination he is also held in high regard. yiLLIS H. SKELTON, the efficient and well- known agent of the Wabash Railroad at Taylorville, has occupied his present posi- tion since the spring of 1887, and has been con- nected with railroad work throughout his entire business career. His life record is as follows: A native of West Virginia, he was born in Parkers- burg on the 25th of September, 1856, and is a son of William M. Skelton, who was born in the same State. His mother bore the maiden name of Ellen S. Douglas. His parents remained in the South until 1866, when, with their family, they emigrated to Illinois, taking up their residence in Litchfield. As will be seen, our subject spent the first ten years of his boyhood in the city of his birth. In the public schools he acquired his education, and at the age of fourteen he started out to make his own way in the world. Since that time he has been dependent entirely upon his own resources. At that time he secured a position as telegraph messenger in the Western Union Telegraph office at Litchfield, on the Big Four Railroad, where he remained two years. When a youth of sixteen he began braking for that road, with which he con- tinued his connection until 1885. During the last year he served as conductor. On leaving the old company, he entered the employ of the Wa- bash Road, with which he continued as conductor for two years, his run being between St. Louis and 340 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Decatur. On account of meritorious and faithful service, he was placed in charge of the office in Taylorville in September, 1887, and has since filled that responsible position. He now has five employes under his care. A.n important event in the life of Mr. Skelton occurred on the 25th of March, 1883, when was celebrated his marriage with Miss Clara Yates, of Gillespie, 111. Their union has been blessed with three children, a son and two daughters: Anna, Earl and Lottie. The parents are highly respected citizens, and although their residence here is of comparatively short duration, they have already won many friends. In politics, Mr. Skelton is a supporter of Republican principles, but has never been an aspirant for office. Socially, he is con- nected with Mystic Lodge No. 64, K. P. He is a trusted and faithful employe of the Wabash Com- pan3', and the interests of his employers will never suffer at his hands. ^^ EORGE ARMITAGE is a practical farmer |f| (_, of Bear Creek Township, and has lived on '^Jjj his farm, which is located on section 5, for thirty years. This is a well-improved piece of property, known by the name of Pleasant View ( Farm. The owner has of late years engaged in stock-raising extensively, making a specialty of fine grades of cattle and hogs. He has been a witness of much of the development of the county, and has seen its transformation from an unculti- vated prairie to its present condition of thrifty farms and enterprising villages. Our subject's paternal grandfather, Thomas Ar- mitage, was a native of England, and was an agri- culturist. His family consisted of four sons and one daughter, and after living a long and 'useful life he was called to the home beyond. His son, Arthur, who became the father of our subject, was reared to the life of a farmer, but in later years was a manufacturer. He married Elizabeth Stead, daughter of Benjamin M. Stead, who was a fore- man in a shoe manufactory. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and was over seventy years of age at the time of his death. The pa- rents of our subject passed their entire lives in England, where they died within two weeks of each other. They had a family of three sons and three daughters, and of the number George is probably the only one now living. Like his father, our subject was reared on a farm, and when nineteen years of age he con- cluded to try his fortune in the United States. This was in 1841, and lie was born March 1, 1822. On his arrival, he at once turned his face toward the West, going to live witli an uncle in Macoupin County, 111, near the village of Harris Point. After remaining with him for a year, he went to Zanesville, where he spent one winter. About this time he undertook to learn the tanner's trade, but on account of sickness was obliged to give up the idea, and in a short time resumed agricultural pursuits. In 1844 he rented a farm of thirty-five acres, and thus got his first start in business life. After his marriage, in 1845, he purchased a farm of thirty acres, adjoining a tract of fifty acres in Sangamon County which belonged to his wife. As his resources allowed, he added land until their joint possessions comprised three hundred acres. The marriage of Mr. Armitage and Miss Frances M. Crow was celebrated January 27, 1845. She is. a daughter of Robert and Margaret (Cashner) Crow, the former a native of Ireland, while the mother was a native of Maryland and of German descent. Four children have been born to our subject and his wife. Uriah G. married Miss Eliza Loveless, and is engaged in farming one mile west of the old homestead. They have two sons, Clarence E. and Homer. Margaret A. resides with her parents. Robert B., who wedded Miss Jane Craig, has two children, Roy and- Bessie, and is a resident of Willow Ford, this county. Edward C., who married Miss Alice Prime, and is the fa- ther of two children, Bertha and Ray, is a res- ident of Virden, 111. Selling his farm of three hundred acres in San- gamon County, Mr. Armitage removed to this county in November, 1863, and invested his PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 341 means in a place of two hundred and seventy acres, where he still continues to live. He has since added more land, and now owns three hun- dred and sixty acres. He raises fine Durham cat- tle and Berkshire and Poland-China hogs. He has held a number of local offices, such as School Di- rector, Road Commissioner, etc., and has used his influence in securing good roads and other im- provements beneficial to the people and county at large. He is a Mason of longstanding, and, polit- ically, is a Democrat. With his family he holds membership with the Presbyterian Church. G. RICHARDS, who carries on general farming on section 10, Rosemond Town- ship, where he owns and operates one liun- . dred and twenty acres of good land, is a native of the Buckeye State, his birth having occurred near Canton, in Stark County, on the 21st of March, 1839. His father, Abraham Richards, was a native of Pennsylvania, and was a farmer by occupation. The paternal grand father of our sub- ject died in Albany, N. Y. Abraham Richards, having attained to mature years, was united in marriage with Miss Anna Gerber, a native of Ohio and a daughter of John Gerber, who was born in Pennsylvania, and became one of the pioneers of the Buckeye State. He settled in the midst of the forest and hewed out a farm, one hundred miles from Pittsburgh, and sixty miles from Cleve- land. The latter was the nearest trading-post, and they had to obtain many of their supplies from the Indians. The father of Mr. Gerber was a slave-holder of Maryland, and removed from that State to Pennsylvania. The parents of our subject were married near Canton, Ohio, and located upon a farm in Stark County, where they reared their family. The fa- ther died at the age of sixty-four years. He was a prominent agriculturist of the community and one of the honored pioneers. He was a member of the Methodist Church. His widow, who was born in 1812, is still living, and makes her home near Lincoln. Neb. The family of this worthy couple numbered five children, four sons and a daughter, all of whom are still living. Lydia is the wife of Samuel Grove, of Stark County, Ohio. John is living on the old homestead in Stark County. C. G. is the next younger. David is living in Nebraska, and Joseph lives in Canton, Ohio. The subject of this sketch is the only represent- ative of the family in Illinois. He was reared in the county of his nativity, and acquired the greater part of hiseducation in the district schools, but for one year was a student in Greenbush, Ohio. Under the parental roof he remained and to his father gave the benefit of his services until twenty- five years of age, when he started out in life for himself. Going to Noble County, Ind., he worked on a farm for $14 per month, and after a year re- turned to his native State, where he ran an en- gine for a year. He then again went to Indiana, and worked for his old employer for $20 per month. With the money which he could save he would purchase stock, and did considerable trad- ing in horses and cattle. In 1865 we again find him in Stark County, Ohio, where he spent one year, operating a sawmill south of Canton, in which he purchased a half-interest. On the 3d of October, 1867, Mr. Richards was united in marriage with Miss Lucy Yant, who was born in that county and is a daughter of Daniel Yant, a native of Pennsylvania. They became the parents of four children, but two are now de- ceased, the eldest having died in infancy, while Arthur died at the age of six years. Maud and Blanche are still at home. In the year following his marriage, Mr. Rich- ards brought his young wife to Christian County, 111., and purchased the farm on which he now re- sides. It was an unimproved place, the land was wild, there were no fences, and the only building was a small frame house. The many improve- ments now seen thereon are the handiwork of our subject. The well-tilled fields and good buildings all indicate his thrift and enterprise, and he is justly classed among the representative and progressive agriculturists of the community. He has made a 342 POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. specialty of the breeding of Jersey cattle, and has some fine stock now on hand. In politics, Mr. Richards is a stalwart Republi- can. He was elected Supervisor in 1890, and again in 1892, and is now holding that office. He has been School Trustee for fifteen years, and was Assessor for six years. He is a member of the Congregational Church of Rosemond, and has served as Trustee and Deacon. No man is more highly esteemed in the community than the sub- ject of this sketch. GILBERT BURNETT HANKINS, wh6 for )me years was connected with the agri- cultural interests of Christian County, is now living a retired life in Taylorville. He is a self-made man, and his business career of strict honor and integrity is well worthy of emulation. He has been successful, yet his prosperity is not the result of good fortune, it being the legitimate out- come of toil and energy. Mr. Hankins is a native of Kentucky. He was born April 12, 1828, in Shelby County, and comes on the maternal side from a family of German origin, which was founded in America by his grandparents. His father, Gilbert Hankins, Sr., was a native of Virginia, and when a young man went to Kentucky, where he spent his remaining days.' His wife, who bore the maiden name of Re- becca Caress, was born in that State. Under the parental roof our subject spent his boyhood days midst play and work, no event of special importance occurring during his child- hood. In 1856, he left the State of his nativity with the determination to try his fortune on the broad prairies of Illinois, and located near Roch- ester, in Sangamon County. The following year he came to Christian County, and when a young man he followed the carpenter's trade. In this way he secured sufficient money to purchase a farm, and became the owner of a slightly im- proved tract of land in South Fork Township, nine miles west of Taylorville, for which he paid $12.50 per acre. With characteristic energy he began the development of his land, and in the course of time abundant harvests rewarded his la- bors, the wild prairie being transformed into rich and fertile fields. For a companion and helpmate on life's jour- ney, Mr. Hankins chose Miss Mary Mason, the daughter of John and Isabella (Clemens) Ma- son. Her father was a native of England, and when a young man came to Illinois, entering land near Springfield. He is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Sangamon County. Up- on his farm he was married when about twenty- one years of age. His wife was a native of Vir- ginia, was reared in Kentucky, and at an early day came with her parents to Illinois. In 1856, Mr. and Mrs. Mason removed to Christian Coun- ty, where they lived until called to the home beyond. His death occurred in South Fork Town- ship in 1878, at the age of eighty-one; and she died in Taylorville, in 1892, at the age of eighty- four, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hankins. Of their family of eleven children, all grew to mature years, and nine still survive at this writ- ing, in the fall of 1893. Mr. Mason was an exten- sive farmer and land-owner in Christian and Macon Counties, and his possessions were all acquired through his own efforts. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hankins was cele- brated in South Fork Township, February 11, 1864. They have no children of their own, but have reared two: William Kelley, who came to them at the age of thirteen, and is now living in Twin City, Tex.; and Mary Prince, who made her home with them from the age of four years until her marriage to R. S. Peck, of Taylorville. They now reside in Ft. Smith, Ark. These children received good educational advantages and were carefully and tenderly reared. In 1875, Mr. Hankins left his farm and came to Taylorville, since which time he has engaged quite extensively in selling nursery stock. He still owns his home farm of one hundred and sixty acres of valuable land, and another tract of eighty acres in this county, besides some fine city prop- erty, including four lots where he now ' lives, POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 343 upon which are two good residences. Mr. Han- kins has never taken a very prominent part in public affairs, yet always faithfully performs his duties of citizenship. He was formerly a Republi- can in politics, but is now a stalwart supporter of the Prohibition party. He was made a Mason in Shelby County, Ky., about 1854, and now holds membership with Mound Lodge No. 122. A. F. & A. M., of Taylorville. JOSEPH C. PHINNEY is engaged in busi- ness in Taylorville as a contractor and builder. He began operations in this line in 1872, and during the greater part of the time since has been a leading member of the trade. As he is widely and favorably known, both in bus- iness and social circles, we feel assured that this record of his life will prove of interest to many of our readers. A native of New York, Mr. Phinney was born in Lewis County, on the 18th of July, 1836, and there spent his first thirteen years. His father, Clark Phinney, then emigrated with the family to Lake County, 111., settling in Hainesville. He was a carpenter by trade, and under his instruc- tion our subject began learning the business. His father died when Joseph was twenty years of age, after which our subject went to Lowville, N. Y., his native town, and further perfected himself in his knowledge of carpentering. After finishing his trade, he continued to follow the business in the East for a year. He began contracting im- mediately after his father's death, but on going to the Empire State, he found that he could ad- vance in his business, and in consequence de- voted himself to further improvement along that line. While in New York, our subject was married, on the 17th of September, 1861, the lady of his choice being Miss Mary Ellen Phinney, his cousin. Their union has been blessed with two children: Charlie C., who is now working with his father; and Grace, wife of Frank Martin, agent for the Adams Express Company of Taylorville. The family is one of prominence in the community and its members rank high in social circles. Returning with his young wife to Illinois, Mr. Phinney began contracting in McLean Countj', where he remained until his removal to Taylor- ville, in 1872. Since coming here, however, he spent one year in Independence, Iowa, and for two years, in 1888 and 1889, he was foreman in White's lumber-yard. With the exception of these short periods, he has continuously carried on business for himself in Taylorville. He em- ploys from six to twelve men, and as he always lives up to his contracts, fulfilling his part of the agreement, he has received a liberal patronage, which has constantly increased from the begin- ning. In connection with contracting and build- ing, he has, to some extent, carried on farming, and has improved property in his own interest, erect- ing and selling a number of residences. He now owns seven and a-half acres of land, lying adjacent to the village, which he expects soon to plat and add to Taylorville. Straightforward and honorable in all his business dealings, he is a man of un- swerving integrity, and has the confidence and high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact x^APT. JOHN EDWARD HOGAN, one of ((( r Ta y lorville ' s popular and representative ^^^7 citizens, is here engaged in the practice of law, as a member of the firm of Drennan ILLIAM EDGAR MORRISON is a promi- nent attorney of Morrisonville and comes from a pioneer family of this State. His grandfather, Robert Morrison, came West about 1792, settling in Kaskaskia, 111., where he became a leader in commercial enterprises and one of the influential men of the times. Our subject's fa- ther, James L. D. Morrison, was born in Kaskaskia, April 12, 1818. He was also a lawyer, and was actively engaged in practice at Belleville, 111., and St. Louis for many years, his specialty being real- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. estate titles. He was u prominent man and was one of the principal supporters of Stephen A. Douglas in the West, but after the defeat of that statesman for the Presidency in 1860, he aban- doned his political career. During the Mexican War, the father of our sub- ject was a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Regiment, and was .in command of the regiment at Buena Vista. His services were fittingly recog- nized on his return from the war by the Legisla- ture of Illinois, which presented him with a sword suitably inscribed. He succeeded Lyman Trum- bull as a member of Congress when the latter was elected to the Senate, and was afterward elected to fill the full term. On returning from Mexico, he devoted his attention to his law practice and in- vestment in lands. In 1842, James L. D. Morrison wedded Miss Mar} 7 A., daughter of Ex-Governor Thomas A. Carlin. The lady was also a native of Illinois, and by her marriage became the mother of five children, namely: J. L. D., William Edgar, Eugene M., Guy R. and Mary E. Only two of the number are now living, our subject and his sister, who is the wife of Joseph P. Carr, of St. Louis. The parents were devoted members of the Roman Catholic Church. The father died in St. Louis, August 17, 1888, and his wife passed away many years before, on the llth of September, 1855. Ex- Governor Thomas A. Carfin, our subject's maternal grandfather, entered land in Christian County in 1852. The Wabash Railroad Company named the village of Morrisonville in honor of the father of our subject. The boyhood of our subject was mainly spent at Belleville, and his education was chiefly ob- tained at the Christian Brothers' College in St. Louis. He was only sixteen years old when, in 1862, he entered the United States navy as a mid- shipman, his first service being on board the good ship "Constitution." He was on the sea for about two years, when, at the request of his father, who wished him to enter the legal profession, he re- signed from the navy, February 16, 1866. Return- ing to Belleville, he entered the law office of Judge William II. Snyder, now deceased. At the end of two years he was examined by a committee appointed by the Supreme Court, who pronounced him qualified for the practice of the legal profes- sion. As he was then less than twenty-one years of age, he could not be admitted to the Bar ac- cording to the law, and was therefore given the oath on his twenty-first birthday, April 13, 1867. The succeeding fall he embarked in practice at Springfield in the office of Stuart, Edwards & Brown, and afterward in that of McLernand, Broadwell & Springer. He remained in Spring- field until May, 1871. Mr. Morrison has always taken an active inter- est in politics, and from boyhood has been a stanch advocate of the Democratic party. During the campaign of 1868, in which Seymour was the Dem- ocratic candidate for President in opposition to Grant, he made the canvass of seven counties in this State at the request of the State Central Com- mittee. He inherited a talent for oratory, and his speeches have always been received with favor. In this part of the State Mr. Morrison has been very influential in shaping the policy of his party. In 1876 he received the Democratic nomination for Representative to the Legislature, and was elected by a majority of several hundred votes in excess of that received by the general ticket. On taking his seat he was, with one excep- tion, the youngest man in the House. He was placed on the Committee on Railroads, and took an active part in the work of that session. The resolution for the appropriation of 850,000 for the completion of the Douglas monument was introduced in 1877, and his speech in favor of its acceptance, and in answer to the bitter speech of Mr. Merritt, was greeted with tremendous ap- plause, and was afterward conceded to be one of the finest oratorical efforts ever made in the House. October 20, 1869, Mr. Morrison married Miss Annie C. Perkins, a native of Springfield and daughter of Joseph Perkins, an old resident of Sangamon County. Her death occurred March 20, 1874, and she left one child, James L. D. Morrison, Jr., who is now at the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, completing his law studies, and will graduate in the Class of '94. Our subject, having gone to Iowa in 1882, was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 353 active in the canvass of that State for Cleveland, and afterward was one of the first to bring Mr. Boies into prominence as the Democratic candi- date for Governor in Iowa. JAMES MONROE SIMPSON, one of the old settlers of Christian County, has been for long years engaged in farming in Bear Creek Township, and is one of the mos* substantial and prosperous agriculturists of the lo- cality. He is especially interested in stock-raising, and introduced the first thoroughbred horse into the county. He has handled some of the finest racehorses in America, and has won a national reputation in that line. Many of the business con- cerns and enterprises of Palmer have been furth- ered by the influence and means of Mr. Simpson, who is public-spirited to a marked degree. The parents of our subject were Thomas and Caroline (Badger) Simpson. The former, who was born in Virginia, was a son of Andrew Simpson, also of the Old Dominion, who was one of the early settlers of Kentucky, where he made his home for many years. He followed agricultural pursuits for a livelihood, and was the owner of a large number of slaves. In 1835 he went to Springfield, 111., where he died at the age of fifty- six years. His family consisted of six daughters and two sons. Mrs. Simpson, whose birth occurred in Kentucky, was oneof ten children, eight daugh- ters and two sons, whose father was David Badger. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, born in Virginia in 1777, and died in Indiana in 1849. He followed the life of a farmer and was a man of considerable wealth. At the time of his death he was sixty-six years of age. The family of Thomas and Caroline Simpson consisted of two daughters and four sons, namely: Andrew, David, James M., Emily, Mary and Ham- ilton. James M. is the only survivor. In 1835 the father brought his family to Illinois, spending his first winter in the Prairie State in Springfield. Afterward he settled in Mechanicsburg, where he made his home until 1846. He then removed to this county, buying a farm of two hundred and sixty-two acres in Bear Creek Township, one mile northeast of the present site of Palmer. For this property lie paid $800 and made a good bargain, as the place was improved and had a good house, barns and fences upon it. At that time it was the best-improved farm in the county. The owner afterward extended his possessions, until at the time of his death he owned four hundred and forty-four acres. One tract of one hundred and sixty acres he secured by paying only $125. On this farm he made his home until his demise, which occurred in December, 1856, at the age of fifty-six years. His wife died in 1842, and was buried in Sangamon County. Mr. Simpson was a promi- nent Mason, and during the early days held vari- ous township offices, both in Sangamon and Chris- tian Counties, once serving as County Commis- sioner. The birth of our subject occurred near Sharps- . burg, Ky., October 3, 1834, and he was just a year old on the day when his father set out for Illinois. He was a lad of eleven years when he came to this county, which has since been the scene of his life career. Though his educational advantages were limited, he improved what opportunities he had, and by observation and study has become a well- informed man. In 1853 he crossed the plains to California, taking five months to make the trip. For the succeeding six years he was engaged in mining much of the time, but also raised, bought and sold cattle in partnership with his brother David. In December, 1858, he returned to his old home, which he inherited. He has made great im- provements on the place since it became his, and now owns one thousand acres. For the property which he has purchased in addition to the old home place, he has paid from $1.25 to $40 per acre. His place he has turned into a stock farm, and he makes a specialty of breeding fine horses. For his first thoroughbred horse he paid $1,025 when he was only a year old. At the present time there are from sixty to seventy head of horses on the farm. Mr. Simpson is constantly raising, buying and 354 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. selling high-grade horses and has made a decided success of the business. A marriage ceremony was performed on the 29th of March, 1860, uniting the fortunes of Mr. Simpson and Miss Margaret Ricks, who is a daughter of William S. and Margaret (Bond) Ricks, natives of Christian County, Ky. Of the children born to our subject and his wife, An- drew, Nellie, Eva and Katie are deceased. Cyrus D. married Miss Mary Dietz and lives near the old homestead. Quintas I. married Miss Rosa Miller, and resides near Palmer. Andrew is the next in order of birth. Thomas L. married Miss Effie May Chapel and lives in Oklahoma. Jessie P., Caroline, Eugene, Emma and Hamilton complete the family. In politics, Mr. Simpson is a stanch supporter of the Republican party. Besides his extensive farm and stock-raising interests he is a partner in the firm of Simpson & Boyd, dealers in hardware, ag- ricultural implements and furniture in Palmer. JAMES PARKER WALKER, who after a successful career is now living a retired life in Taylorville, was born near Almira, in Tioga County, N. Y., July 23, 1828, and is a son of Daniel E. and Rachel (Miller) Walker, the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Pennsylvania. In 1835, the family removed to Champaign County, Ohio, and in 1839 came to Illinois, locating in Springfield. The father was a farmer and stock-raiser. In 1847 he came with his family to Christian County, and settled in Greenwood Township, where he secured eight hundred and eighty acres of land, of which only- sixty acres had been improved, paying $1.25, $5 and $10 per acre. He also obtained a part of it on land warrants, and the cost of that was about ninety-two cents per acre. Here he carried on farming until 1862, when he went to Montgomery- County, and there carried on agricultural pursuits. His death occurred February 14, 1882, in his eighty-third year. He had improved the greater part of his land, was an extensive farmer, and be- came quite wealthy. P\>r a number of years before his death he lived retired. His wife passed away in 1872, at the age of seventy-six years. Their family numbered eight children, five of whom are now living. Charlotte, widow of George Comp- ton, is living in Christian County; two members of the family reside in Montgomery County; and one brother is living in Texas. The first seven years of his life our subject spent in the State of his nativity, and then accom- panied his parents to Ohio. He was a lad of eleven years at the time of the removal to Illinois. Upon the home farm he remained, and to his fa- ther gave the benefit of his services, until nine- teen years of age, when he left the parental roof, and became overseer on a farm six miles south of Springfield, receiving from $12 to $20 per month | for his services. In connection with his brother William, he then began improving Congress land, as he had not enough money to enter land from the Government. He soon, however, managed to purchase a land warrant of one hundred and sixty acres for $150, and thus secured a farm. Upon it he built a cabin and with his brother kept "bach- elors' hall." They lived in primitive style in this rude and hastily constructed log cabin, their table being a dry-goods box, and their chairs rude benches. They did their cooking at a fire place. He again entered land, in 1851 and 1852, in Johnson and Greenwood Townships, and de- voted his energies to its cultivation during the summer months, and also engaged in breaking prairie for $2.50 per acre, his team being made up of five yoke of oxen. In winter he would pur- chase hogs and drive them to the St. Louis market. In this way he secured money with which he pur- chased land warrants, and in time he and his brother became owners of six hundred acres. On the 14th of March, 1854, Mr. Walker wedded Nancy, daughter of John and Margaret (Randall) Bowman, who had settled in Johnson Township in 1852. Unto them were born two sons: Joshua Bowman, who is book-keeper for the First Na- tional Bank, of Taylorville; and Charles Henry, who is at the head of a large publishing house in Houston, Tex. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 355 Mr. and Mrs. Walker began their domestic life upon the farm, the young husband devoting him- self to the improvement of his land, while the wife cared for the household. He grew corn, wheat and oats exclusively for a few years, and then be- gan feeding and shipping cattle and hogs, which business he carried on until 1870. During the three last years of the war, especially, he had an extensive and profitable trade in that line. In 1870, he left his farm, removing to Pana, where for three years he engaged in the grocery business under the firm name of Walker & Vandever. They had two stores in that place and did an ex- tensive business. After disposing of his interest, Mr. Walker engaged in stock-dealing for two years in connection with Messrs. Miller & Abel, owning two farms near Pana. He then embarked in the dry-goods business with his old partner of the grocery trade. They carried a stock of $23,- 000, and from the beginning they enjoyed a lib- eral patronage, which yielded them excellent re- turns. Again he sold out after three years, and for two years dealt in stock with his former part- ners, Messrs. Miller and Abel. In 1881 he began dealing in real estate. The following year he dis- posed of all his businss interests in Pana, includ- ing a bank, with which he had been associated and which had proven quite a successful venture, and came to Taylorville, where a year later he opened a grocery store, which he carried on for three years, his sou Joshua being his partner. The firm of Walker & Son also carried on a mar- ble-yard for eighteen months. To quite an ex- tent our subject has dealt in real estate all along his business life, and he still owns three hundred acres of land, a part of which he had entered from the Government at a cost of about ninety-two cents per acre. He holds the reputation of a care- ful, shrewd financier, and no man in the county stands higher among business associates. In politics, Mr. Walker and his sons are Demo- crats. For forty-three years he has been a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and has served as Trustee and in oth- er official positions. He has been active in raising money for the building of a new church in Tay- lorville, and does all in his power for the cause of Christianity. The cause of temperance finds in him a true friend, and socially he is connected with the Masonic fraternity and the Ancient Or- der of United Workmen. Mr. Walker may truly be called a self-made man, for he started out in life without a cent, and all that he has acquired has been gained through his own efforts. He car- ries forward to a successful completion whatever he undertakes, and his prosperity is the just reward of his labors. He is numbered among Christian County's representative and honored citizens. ILLIAM GRIMES, a farmer residing on section 30, Rosemond Township, claims Maryland as the State of his nativity. He was born in Baltimore County, seven miles east of the city of Baltimore, January 30, 1811. His fa- ther, Nicholas Grimes, was born in the same State, was of English descent, and was a farmer by occu- pation. He married Keziah Rolland, who was born in the same State and is of German lineage. Our subject, who is their eldest child, was reared in the county of his nativity until seventeen years old. He then began learning the blacksmith's trade, at which lie served a three-years apprenticeship, and then worked at that business in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Mississippi. In 1835 he came to 111- nois, locating in Macoupin County, where he suc- cessfully followed his chosen occupation for some years, and later engaged in farming until his re- moval to Christian County, in 1873. Since then he has devoted his time to farming, and he now owns eight hundred and fifty acres of valuable land in the home farm in Rosemond Township, besides other tracts elsewhere in the county. In 1837 Mr. Grimes was married to Nancy Wag- ner, a native of Madison County, 111., who died many years ago, leaving three children, a son and two daughters: Elizabeth K., wife of F. M. Adams, of Macoupin County; Mary Ann, widow of John Kessinger; and Stephen N., who now operates the home farm. 356 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mr. Grimes cast his first Presidential vote for Andrew Jackson, and has since been a supporter of the Democracy, the principles of which he warmly advocates. He was once a member of the Blacksmiths' and Mechanics' Society, of Balti- more, Md. All that he has he has made by his own efforts, and he may truly be called a self-made man. When he became one of the pioneer settlers of Macoupin County, 111., he was in quite limited circumstances, having nothing to depend upon but his own exertions. He has led an industri- ous, busy and useful life, and as the result of his labors, good management and business ability he has risen to a position of wealth and affluence. He is one of the largest land-holders of Christian County, his possessions aggregating some two thousand acres in Christian, Montgomery and Macoupin Counties. His children now manage part of his land and the remainder is rented. Mr. Grimes is now practically living a retired life, and his rest is certainly well earned after the years of arduous toil which have preceded it. His exam- ple may well serve to encourage others who like himself have been dependent upon their own ex- ertions from an early age. Success is not the result of chance, but is the reward of labor and may come to all. ( ANIEL K. CORNELL, M. D., has been continuously engaged in the practice of the medical profession in Taylorville since the spring of 1877, and is recognized as one of the leading and successful practitioners of the county, his ability being attested by the liberal patronage which he receives. The Doctor comes from the far East. He was born in Providence, R. I., on the 18th of January, 1840, and the Cornell family traces its ancestors back two hundred years. His parents, Serril and Eliza (Hopkins) Cornell, were also natives of Rhode Island, and the mother was a direct descendant of Stephen Hopkins, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. In 1858 the family came to Illinois, locating in Bloomington, and two years later removed to Cen- tralia, where the mother is still living, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-three years. The father, who was born in 1812, was called to his final rest No- vember 23, 1889. He was a tanner by trade, and established a tannery in Centralia. Almost up to the day of lus death he carried on business, his last illness covering only a week. In the city of his birth, Dr. Cornell spent the days of his boyhood and youth, and at the age of eighteen was graduated from the High School of Providence. He then came with his parents to the West, and at the age of nineteen began teach- ing, following that profession through the winter season. His choice of a life work falling upon the practice of medicine, he began reading in the office of Dr. D. H. McCord, in Centralia, 111., and subsequently, in order to further perfect himself, entered the St. Louis Medical College, from which institution he was graduated in 1866, with the de- gree of M. D. In October, 1861, he had enlisted in the late war as a musician in the Twenty-sev- enth Illinois Infantry, becoming cornetist in the band of that regiment, but as the full number of musicians was not secured, he was discharged, af- ter being stationed at Cairo for three months. Dr. Cornell began practice in Centralia, as a partner of Dr. McCord, his old preceptor, and for three years the connection was continued. He then removed to St. Anne, Kankakec County, 111., where he spent the succeeding seven years of his life, after which he came to Taylorville. Dr. Kitz- miller and Dr. Fiery are the only physicians now in practice who were here on his arrival. Having ever been a close student of his profession, the Doctor is abreast with all the discoveries and theo- ries connected with the science, and his skill and ability have gained him an excellent reputation. On coming to Taylorville, lie was made surgeon of the Ohio ILLIAM A. NEWELL. The business in- terests of Pana are well represented by the jentleman whose name heads this sketch. He is one of the leading grocers, having estab- lished himself in business in this line some twelve years since. By his earnest desire to please his customers and fair dealings he has won the confi- dence and good-will of all, and has secured a lib- eral share of the public patronage. Mr. Newell is a Canadian by birth. He was born in Peterboro, Ontario, March 30, 1857, and is one of twelve children whose parents were Alfred and Harriet (Ryan) Newell. The paternal grand- father, John Newell, spent his entire life in Eng- land, his native land. He was long a soldier, continuing in the service for twenty -seven years. His death occurred at the age of eighty-seven. The maternal grandfather, Thomas Ryan, was a native of Ireland, an inn-keepei of that country. He was called to his final rest at the age of fifty. The father of our subject was born and reared in England, and throughout the greater part of his life devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits, which he followed many years in Canada and Michigan. He came to the United States in 1857, and made his home in Michigan until 1878, when he came to Pana, where he lived retired until his death, which occurred January 3, 1886, at the age of seventy-two years. His wife survived him a few years and passed away on Christmas Day, 1890, also at the age of seventy-two. They were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and their lives were in harmony with their pro- fession. Of their five sons and seven daughters, Ann Jane is now the wife of Robert Bennett, of Marshall, Mich.; Maggie is the wife of James C. Essick, of Chicago; Julia is the wife of John Mur- dock, of Ft. Worth, Tex.; Bessie is the wife of James Limer, of Rosemond, 111.; Eva is the widow of Preston W. Smith, of Chicago; Robert is living in Roseraond; and William A. and Thomas C. complete the family. William A. Newell, whose name heads this rec- ord, was still in his infancy when his parents left Canada. He was reared on his father's farm, and acquired his education in the schools of Kalama- zoo, Mich. He may truly be called a self-made man, for at the age of fourteen he began to earn his own livelihood and has since been dependent upon his own resources. In 1880, he came to Pana, where he has since made his home, and em- barked in the bakery business, which he conducted for a year, and then opened a grocery store, which he has successfully carried on continuously since. An important event in the life of Mr. Newell occurred October 31, 1883, when was celebrated his marriage with Miss Arabella Higgins, daughter of L. D. and Cordelia (McDaniels) Higgins, of Pana. Four children have been born unto them, a son and three daughters: Cordelia, June, Creigh- ton and Pearl. The family has a pleasant home, 372 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and the parents are prominent people in the com- rnunity. Mr. Newell is a member of the Tonti fraternity, and in politics is a supporter of Repub- lican principles, but has never been an aspirant for public office, preferring to devote his time and attention to his business interests, in which he has met with prosperity. Working his way upward from an humble beginning, he has now reached a place among the substantial citizens of the com- munity. BARREN CORZINE is one of the leading merchants and business men of Christian County, and has been successfully en- in the lumber and coal business in Ston- ington for several years. In addition to this, he owns a half-interest in a general merchandise store in the village, and a good farm of one hundred and twenty acres in this county, which is well im- proved, besides one hundred and twenty acres in- herited by his wife. The birthplace of Mr. Corzine is in Guernsey County, Ohio. He was born January 24, 1857, to Allen and Mary Ann (Warren) Corzine. They were the parents of nine children, six sons and three daughters, of whom our subject is the sixth child. All but one of the family are' still living. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, where he lived until reaching manhood. Going to Guern- sey County, he bought a tract of wild land, which he cultivated until 1868. Then, com- ing to this county, he located on a farm, which he carried on for a number of years, but is now living a retired life in Assumption, being eighty- seven years of age. His grandfather was a na- tive of Holland, and was killed during the War of 1812, while he was in the service. Our sub- ject's mother, who was born in the Buckeye State, is of German descent, and, though nearly eighty years of age, is still living. The early years of Warren Corzine were passed on his father's farm, where he remained until reaching his majority. He acquired a good edu- cation in the common schools, and, on starting out to carve his own fortune, rented a farm for a short time. The first land he ever owned was located in Otoe County, Neb., near the village of Douglas. After a couple of years spent in cul- tivating his Western farm, Mr. Corzine returned to Christian County and engaged in farming until 1888, when he sold his property in Nebraska and became a resident of Stonington. Since that time he has been engaged in the lumber and coal busi- ness, of which he has made a good success. Only a few years ago he was a poor boy, but now he owns the leading lumber and coal yard in Ston- ington, and has money invested in various other profitable business enterprises. The marriage of Mr. Corzine and Miss Emma Burdick was celebrated in October, 1881. The lady is a native of this county, and by her mar- riage has become the mother of five children, all of whom are now living. They are as follows: Maud E., Charles J., Jessie M., Lutie Pearl and Edith. Mr. Corzine-is a member of the Presby- terian Church, while his wife belongs to the Meth- odist denomination. For two terms our subject served as Tax Collector of the township, and for a like period has acted in the capacity of Trustee of Stonington. He is a stanch Republican, being a firm believer in a high protective tariff. JACOB KAUFFMAN EBERLE, M. D, who is engaged in the practice of medicine in Pana, was born in Petersburg, Huntingdon County, Pa., May 17, 1824, and is the fourth son and seventh child born of the union of Jacob Eberle and Catherine Hewitt. The Eberle family emigrated to Pennsylvania from Switzerland with the Kauffmans, Neffs, Freylingliuysens, Muhlen- burgs and Newcomes. Nicholas Hewitt, the mater- nal grandfather of our subject, was a Revolution- ary hero and served under Washington. The pa- ternal grandfather, Henry Eberle, accompanied by PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 373 his two older brothers, emigrated from Switzer- land and settled in Lancaster County, Pa., where he carried on a large gun factory in the interest of the State during the Revolutionary War. It is said that he was one of the most ingenious men in the working of iron in Pennsylvania, and his sons all inherited this trait. Jacob Eberle, father of our subject, was born in 1782, at about the time of the close of the struggle for independence. A prominent relative of our subject was Prof. John Eberle, one of the founders of Jefferson Medical College, and who, with Prof. Drake, founded the first medical college in Ohio. He was the author of several standard medical works, and his untir- ing mind and industry marked out a way for many a befogged allopathic student to reach his mooring. He was also a thorough linguist, be- ing familiar with eight languages. He died in Lexington, Ky., in 1836. Dr. Eberle, whose name heads this record, spent four years in Alleghany College, of Meadville, Pa., with the intention of entering the ministry, and on returning home in July, 1850, was licensed as a local preacher. In Jauuarj 7 , 1851, he was recommended to the Baltimore Conference, which would convene in February, but during the in- terval he visited a young lady friend who was at the point of death, and after conversing with her and her cousin the thought flashed through his mind that he could do much greater good as a local preacher and doctor. Telling this to his friends, they at once advised him to withdraw his recommendation to the conference and begin the Mtidy of medicine. In April, 1851, he entered the otliee of Dr. John D. Ross, an eminent physi- cian of Williamsburg, Pa., and fitted himself to enter the medical college of Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1854. He also grad- uated at the Warrington Obstetrical Institute, of Philadelphia. Not long after, Dr. Eberle entered the office of Dr. Bishop, of that city, but as sum- mer came on he left for Salladasburgh, Lycoming County. While there he received a letter asking him to go to Upper Canada and take a practice which an old physician wished to give up. He, however, refused, and in the fall returned home, and from there he went to Martinsburg, Pa., where he spent the winter. It was his intention to re- move to the West, but he was urged to go to Rays Hill and enter upon the practice of Dr. Hudson, who had just died. After a year and a-half, how- ever, he came West and located in Sterling, I1L, but there was no need there for more physicians, so he spent the succeeding summer in Grand De- tour, Ogle County, removing thence to Amboy, Lee County. After a year, however, he emigrated South. Dr. Eberle married Miss Marab, daughter of Henry Shipley, of Baltimore. She lived in Cherry Grove, Carroll County, and was a niece of Gen. Win field Scott. She was a woman of great force of character, determination and ability, and bore a strong resemblance to Gen. Scott, having the same firm mouth, indicating great decision, and her other features as shown in her portrait re- call at once the fine physique and similar tem- perament of the old hero of the Mexican War. She died September 26, 1888, in her fifty-seventh year. Beloved by all, a wide circle of friends mourned her loss. She was very beautiful ill youth, and her loveliness of feature was an index to her greater beauty of character. Unto the Doctor and his wife were born the following chil- dren: William Winfield Scott, who engaged in law practice in Bloomington and Chicago, but is now an attorney of Portland, Ore.; Homer J., a railroad employe living in Mattoon, 111.; and Grant, a jeweler of Portland, Ore. After his marriage, Dr. Eberle removed to Louis- ville, Ky., but, on account of the excitement pre- ceding the war, after a year removed to Terre Haute, Ind., where he remained for seven years, enjoying a large practice. He also preached each alternate Sunday, and was Superintendent of the Sunday-school, but his arduous duties affected his health and he went to Chicago. Finding there was no lack of physicians there, he went -to Rock- ford, 111., where he engaged in office practice, but his friends in Sterling requested his return, and he acceded, and there he remained till June, 1880, when he came to Pana, where he has since made his home. The Doctor was trained in the allo- pathic schools, but becoming convinced that the practice of the homeopathic line of the science is 374 PORTKAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the only correct one, he made a special study of it. and has since given his patrons the benefit of his researches in that direction. He has had a wide practice, and for thirly-nine years has met with most excellent success a well-deserved tribute to his skill and ability. He is a member of the Stale Medical Society, and attended the World's Medi- cal Congress in Chicago. His life has been an honorable, upright one, and he has been a healer of the mind as well as of the body, for his words of encouragement and Christian influence have aided many. EV. EDGAR WARNER CLARKE, who is now pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Pana,Ill., is widely known among his den- ominational brethren, and in the county where he makes his home is held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. The history of the community would be incomplete without his sketch, for although he has resided here for a com- paratively short time only, he has done much to mold public opinion, and his influence will long be felt after he is no longer numbered among the citizens of the neighborhood. He was born on the old Clarke homestead, near Milton. N. Y., May 29, 1825, and is the fifth child of Nathaniel and Han- nah Clarke. He received excellent educational privileges, and after a four-years course grad- uated from Williams College, of Berkshire County, Mass., August 16, 1848. He then spent three years in the Union Theological Seminary of New York City, from which he was graduated on the 18th of June, 1851. He had been licensed to preach by the Presbytery of North River at Freedom Plains, Dutchess County, N. Y., on the 16th of April previously, and delivered his first sermon in the church of Dr. Pennington, D. D.,of New York City, who, a colored man, was then a fugitive in England from his master. The same year, on the 9th of October, 1851, Rev. Mr. Clarke was united in marriage by Rev. W. T. Eustis, of Chapel Street Church, of New Haven, with Miss Martha A., daughter of Luther Northrop, of New Haven, Conn., formerly of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. She was a native of Con- necticut, born in Bethjehem, Li tch field County, on the 4th of August, 1824. Her education was ac- quired in the Pouglikeepsie Female Academy and Leroy Seminary, now Ingham University. She possesses excellent ability as an instructor and has been a teacher in Poughkeepsie, Marlboro and New Haven, Conn., and in Riverside Seminary, of Milton, N. Y. She early became a member of the First Dutch Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie. Of the children of this worthy couple, Herbert Marsh, an adopted son, who was born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 5, 1853, died in North Evans, Erie County, N. Y., September 2, 1853. Charles Na- thaniel, an adopted sou, who was born in Aurora, N. Y., May 21, 1853, died of consumption in North K vans, September 21, 1855. Emma Northrop, who was born in North Evans November 10, 1854, died of consumption in Medina, N. Y., September 27, 1858, and was buried in North Evans. Walter Hopkins, who was born in North Evans, on the 25th of October, 1855, there died January 4, 1856. Sophia Adelia, who was born in Medina on the 12th of October, 1856, died in that place June 14, 1857. Edg:ir Luther, who was born in Medina on the 25th of January, 1858, was Professor of Mathematics in Irvington 'College for five years, but is now a fruit-grower of Pana, residing with his parents. Albert Oscar, who was born in Me- dina on the 23d of May 1859, was a teacher, in Irvington College, but is now an architect of St. Louis, a member of the firm of Matthews & Clarke. He was married September 27, 1888, to Grace Emma Brownlec. Frances Elizabeth was born in Rochester, N. Y., August 29, 1854, adopted from the "Home of Rochester" in February, 1859, educated at Riverside Seminary, at Milton, N. Y., and on February 3, 1873, became the wife of Clark- son Jennings. They now reside in Baltimore, Md., witli their three children: Lora Marian, Amy Louise and Arthur Edgar. Louise, born in River- side Seminary, Milton, N. Y., December 2, 1864, was educated at Washington Seminary, Irvington College and Knox College. She taught in the POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 375 High School of Pana for two years and two years iij Blair, Neb., where she is now the Principal of the High School. After being licensed to preach, Rev. Mr. Clarke spent one year at Yale University as a resident graduate. His first call was to the Congregational Church of North Evans, where he went in May, 1852, being ordained and installed by a council December 9, 1852. In March, 1856, he accepted a call from the church in Medina, N. Y., but left that place with broken health in May, 1861, and spent one year on the old Clarke homestead. He then established the Riverside Seminary at Milton, which he and his wife conducted untilJune, 1869, and then sold. Removing to Cornwall, N. Y., he there preached for the Presbyterian Church for two and a-half years, but declined to be installed. He has served as Commissioner to four General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church. On the llth of June, 1868, he received the degree of A. M. from Williams College. Receiving a call from the Congregational Church of Sterling, 111., he be- came its pastor September 1, 1872; there remain- ing for a year and a-half, when he removed to Richview, 111., in April, 1874, having purchased the Washington Seminary at that place. Five years later he sold the seminary and removed to Irvington, 111., in April, 1880, to take charge of Irvington College. Irvington College had been established as an agricultural school. Mr. Clarke conducted it for five years as a boarding-school with marked success, in fact he has met with an excellent degree of success in all his educational labors. He preached in Richview from 1876 to 1881, also in Nashville for two summers, and for two years in the Methodist Church of Irvington. The location of his Cornwall seminary in New York was a popular summer resort. Near there was the old home of N. P. Willis, and it was at that time the home of E. P. Roe, the novelist. Rev. Mr. Clarke frequently visited "Idle Wild," the old home of Willis, with whom he was on intimate terms, and was familiar with all the places of note in that locality, one of the most interesting spots in New York. His work there was of a very en- tertaining character, and on leaving that church his successor was the Rev. Lyman Abbott. On the 1st of March, 1885, our subject began pastoral work for the First Presbyterian Church of Pana. He would at first agree to remain but five months at this place, but from year to year he yielded to the earnest solicitation of his friends, and consenting finally, on the 29th of May, 1893, on his sixty-eighth birthday, he was formally in- stalled as pastor. The church has flourished un- der his able ministration and he has added to it about one hundred and fifty new members. The house of worship has been remodeled and painted, and a pipe organ has been secured. This church stands at the head for its liberality toward mis- sionary work. Mr. Clarke is a member of the Board of Home Missions and has the oversight of the churches in Christian, Shelby and Moultrie Counties. Rev. Mr. Clarke and his family reside upon a fruit farm, a mile west of Pana, which is con- ducted by his son. In politics, he has always been on the side of reform, and is a supporter of the Republican party. The cause of temperance finds in him a stanch advocate. His life has been de- voted to Christian service, and he has followed in the footsteps of the Master, preaching and tench- ing wherever he has gone. He has the love not only of his entire congregation, but of all who know him in this community. JOHN N. MARION is one of the foremost agriculturists of Stonington Township, and owns a valuable farm on section 27, ad- joining the corporation of Stonington. He has acquired a fortune since coming to this county when a young man. at which time he was entirely without means. The birth of Mr. Marion occurred in Knox County, Ohio, March 26, 1831. His fa- ther, John Marion, was of German descent, and was born in Newton, N. J., in 1803. His father was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. Mr. Marion remained in New Jersey until arriving at 376 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. manhood, when he removed to Knox County, Ohio, and there engaged in farming until his death, in 1849. His wife, who was also of Ger- man descent, was born in Knox County in 1805, and had the honor of being one of the very first white children born in that county. Her parents were among the first settlers of that region, and suffered many hardships, both from privations and from the Indians. Our subject is one of seven sons and two daugh- ters, of whom he is the fourth child. Jacob H. is now living a retired life in Clarence, Mo.; Frank W. is editor of the Plant City Courier, of Plant City, Fla.; Lodenia is the widow of Henry Howe, and makes her home in Omaha, Neb.; and Elizabeth is the wife of John I. Trimmer, an agriculturist residing near New Point, Mo. Until his twenty-second year John N. Marion assisted his father in carrying on the old home- stead. He then married Miss Lizzie Coleman, who was born October 18, 1829, in Knox County, Ohio. She is a daughter of Ichabod and Barbara (McKirmot) Coleman. The former was born in Washington County, Pa., in 1802, and the latter was a native of Ireland. Her father was only a year old when his parents located in Knox Coun- ty. In early life he was a machinist, but later turned his attention to farming. He died in that county at the age of seventy-five years. His fa- ther, who came from Germany, took part in the Revolution. Mrs. Coleman was only three months old when her parents came from Ireland to Amer- ica. Her father was a highly educated man and taught school in Dublin, and in Harlem, N. Y. The death of Mrs. Coleman occurred in Knox County, when she had attained to fifty-three years of age. The only son and child of our subject and his wife, Frank H., was called from this life at the age of thirty-three years. After his marriage Mr. Marion emigrated to Holt County, Mo., making the trip by team. He rented a farm for five years, after which he bought a tract of land, to the cultivation of which he gave his attention until 1860, when he left the State on account of the imminence of the Civil War. Coming to Christian County, he rented a farm for three years, after which he purchased a place of forty acres. As the years passed he greatly extended his domain, and is now the owner of four hundred and sixty acres of highly fertile land. Mr. Marion was not given much advantage in the way of an education in his youth, and was quite a young man when he attended the district schools for three months in the year in order to increase his knowledge.. He has been an exten- sive reader and is mainly self-educated. In poli- tics he casts his ballot for Democratic nominees, and, though not a member of any church, contrib- utes liberally to churches and benevolent work. For a number of years he has served as one of the School Directors. In this community, where he is so well known, he is universally respected. E MANUEL T. LEIGH is one of the honored pioneers of Illinois, having been a resident of this State for seventy years. He has made his home for fifty-four years of this time in Bear Creek Township, his place of residence being situated on section 21, where he owns a valuable farm. Mr. Leigli experienced many hardships during his early years in the Prairie State, and well remembers when wolves, rattlesnakes and wild animals of various kinds were very numerous. The birth of our subject occurred in Prince Ed- ward County, Va., July 27, 1816. His parents, Emanuel J. and Martha (Thomason) Leigh, were likewise natives of the Old Dominion, where their marriage was celebrated. The father was a soldier during the War of 1812, entering the service as a Captain, and being later promoted to the rank of Major. Afterward he followed merchandising at Prince Edward Court House for main' years. His store having been destroyed by fire, he moved to Indiana in October, 1822, and remained there during the winter. In the springof the following year he took his family to Illinois and made a set- tlement on a farm three miles southeast of Ed- wardsville, Madison County. For this place, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 377 which is now valued at over $100 per acre, he paid $3 an acie, after having lived upon it for seven years. For a period of eleven years he engaged in cultivating the farm, and during his residence in that county was Commissioner for eight years. Later he removed to Brushy Mound, in Macoupin County, living on a farm there for five years. In 1839, he permanently located on land which is now comprised within the limits of Bear Creek Township, and which is the present home of our subject. The father was much respected in this community and with his wife held membership in the Methodist Church. He passed from this life February 15, 1848, when in his seventy-third year. Mrs. Leigh survived him three years, dying at the age of sixty-eight. The Leigh family is of Eng- lish descent. The family of which our subject is a member numbered eleven children, as follows: Albert G., Jane, Emanuel T., John, Martha A., Daniel I)., Indiana, James M., David, Mary, and one who died in infancy. Of this large family only one, Emanuel, yet survives. His boyhood was passed in his native county and in Madison County, 111. His educational privileges were of a limited de- scription, as schools were few and poorly conducted in those early days. In fact, many hardships were necessarily endured by those early pioneers who paved the way to the present prosperity of this State. Until he was thirty years of age, Mr. Leigh never boasted the possession of a pair of boots or an overcoat. He remained with his par- ents until separated from them by death. On the 5th of February, 1842, was celebrated - the marriage of Mr. Leigh and Miss Mary Ann, daughter of John and Betsey (Reed) Hill, the former born in Virginia, and the latter in Lexing-' ton, Ky. Eleven children graced the union of our subject and wife. Martha A. became the wife of James Boyd, now of Palmer. They have had a family of ten children. Benjamin F. is the second in order of birth and lives on the old homestead. William T. wedded Miss Jennie Simpson, now de- ceased, who became the mother of three children, Noah, Ross and Flora. David G. is living with his father. James W. married Miss Angle Curvy, and makes his home in Palmer. They have one child, a daughter, Cora. John H. took for his wife Miss Minnie Heuffner, and they have one daughter, Bessie. Their home is three miles northwest of Palmer. Elizabeth, who is now de- ceased, was the wife of John Kline, and was the mother of a son, Elmer. Julia, who is now Mrs. William Clark, has one child, Maude. The fam- ily lives three miles east of Palmer. Lydia Marga- ret, who lives in Raj r mond, 111., is the wife of William Starr. Clara resides at home, and one child who died in infancy completed the family. The faithful wife and mother of these children died in 1886, iu her sixty-eighth year. For some years Mr. Leigh was connected with the Odd Fellows' fraternity. He has never de- sired office, but served for one term as Supervisor of his township. In former years he was a Whig, and has acted with the Republican party ever since its organization. He has been a witness of vast changes in Christian County, in the develop- ment of which he has taken an active share. On his arrival here there were no fences, and grain was reaped with a scythe or a small sickle. PR. GEORGE FRINGER, who is engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Pana, is one of the well-informed physicians of the county, holding an enviable reputation among his professional brethren. Thorough preparation and study in various colleges have well fitted him for his life work, and his deep researches have gained him a skill and ability that now win him a liberal patronage. The Doctor was born in Carroll County, Md., March 24, 1834, and his parents, George and Susan (Null) Fringer, were natives of the same State. Their family numbered six sons and a daughter, as follows: Alice Ann, now the wife of Samuel Bow- ers, of Baltimore, Md.; George W., Nicholas, Mi- chael M., Jacob, Worthington and Ephraim J. The father of this family was a miller by trade and fol- lowed that business near Taneytowu, Md., where PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. he died in 1847, at the age of forty-three years. He was a member of the German Reformed Church, and his wife is a Lutheran in religious belief. She is still living, at the advanced age of eighty-four. The Friuger family is of German descent, and was founded in America by the paternal grandfather of our subject, who for many years resided in Mary- land, and died at the age of eighty. He reared a family of four sons and two daughters. The ma- ternal grandfather, Michael Null, was also a native of Germany, and died in Maryland when past the age of eighty years. The Doctor was reared in the State of his na- tivity and acquired his literary education in its public schools and in the seminary of Taneytown. At the age of seventeen he started Westward and spent one year near Tiffin, Ohio, after which he returned to Maryland. A year later he removed to Indiana,and thence to Shelbyville, 111., where he made his home from 1859 until 1866. His next place of residence was Tower Hill, where he con- tinued to reside until 1889, since which time he has made his home in Paua. At the age of twenty-eight, Dr. Fringer began the study of medicine in Shelbyville, where he was at that time engaged in the drug business. He af- terward took a course of lectures in the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis, in 1863 and again in 1869. In 1865, he was a student in Rush Medical College of Chicago, but four years later was grad- uated from the Missouri Medical College. In 1889, he received a diploma from the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of St. Louis. He has ever been a close student of his profession and has done all in his power to perfect himself in the science. On the 13th of February, 1862, near Gettysburg, Pa., Dr. Fringer wedded Miss Martha V. Cover, a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Jones) Cover. Three children have blessed this union: William R., Mol- lie V., and Erfie S. Tue elder daughter is now the wife of John F. Cover. They reside in Toulon, 111., and have one son, Gus D. During the late war, the Doctor enlisted in the service as a member of the One Hundred and Fif- teenth Illinois Infantry, and continued at the front until December, 1862, when he was discharged at Paducah, Ky., on account of physical disability. He and his wife are members of the Presbyteris Church, and are ranked among the prominent anc influential citizens of this community. Besides his pleasant home in Pana he owns two hundred acres of improved land in Shelby County, which 3'ields to him a good income. He is surgeon for the Illinois Central Railroad Company and for Penwells Coal Mining Company of Pana. In poli- tics, he is a Democoat. He holds membership with the State and District Medical Societies, and is a member of Pana Lodge No. 226, A. F. & A. M., and the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Tower Hill. OAPOLEON B. CHALFANT is one of the most prominent and leading stock-dealers of Pana Township. He resides on section 30, where he has a good farm. A native of Ohio, he was born near Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Coun- ty, on the 9th of December, 1846, and is a son of Abner and Rachel (McDonough) Chalfant. The father was born in Brownsville, Pa., and the mother in Tuscarawas County. The paternal grandfather, Charles Chalfant, was also a native of Pennsylvania, but was of French descent. By trade he was a wheelwright. Hugh McDonough, the maternal grandfather, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, and was of Irish lineage. He served in the War of 1812 under Gen. Harrison, and the father of our subject also bore arms in that strug- gle. Abner Chalfant was a farmer and speculator. He came to Illinois in 1863, and settled in Clay County, where he died in 1865, in his seventy- ninth year. His wife died in her fifty-second year. They were the parents of four sons and a daughter. Our subject was the third child and second son, and is the only one of the family now living. He was reared in the county of his nativity, and the common schools afforded him his educational priv- ileges. During the late war he abandoned his text books and the plow to shoulder the musket in his country's defense, and became a member of Com- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 379 pan}- E, Fifty-first Ohio Infantry, under Capt. David Chalfant, his brother, and Col. Stanley Matthews. Our subject was then only in his four- teenth year. He was not regularly mustered in, but went as a drummer-boy and remained with the regiment for two years without pay. After his brother was killed at the battle of Stone River he returned home and re-enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Fifty-second Illinois Infantry, in which he served until the close of the war, be- ing mustered out in Springfield, 111., September 16, 1865. Mr. Chalfant then returned to his father's home in Clay County, 111., and carried on his farm until 1876. January 13, 1876, he was united in mar- riage with Caroline Bourquin, a native of Tusca- rawas County, Ohio. Her parents were natives of France, who, emigrating to America, located in the Buckeye State in an early day. She died very suddenly on the 15th of June, 1881, leaving two children, Edward and Otto. Mr. Chalfant was again married, October 17, 1887, his second union being with Miss Am'anda Speke, a native of San- gamou County, 111. Three children grace this union, Leon, Garred and Mary. Mr. Chalfant continued in Clay County until 1877, when he came to Christian County, locating on a farm in Rosemond Township, where he re- mained until the 2d of March, 1880, when he re- moved to his present farm. He owns one hundred and sixty acres of good land, which is highly cul- tivated, but he is now making a specialty of the breeding of Jersey cattle, having a fine herd of thirty head. In politics he is a Republican, and is a member of Pope Post No. 411, G. A. R., and served for some years as Aide de-Camp on the staff of the Department Commander. He attends all the State and national encampments, has been a delegate to these, and in 1893 was a delegate to the National Encampment in Indianapolis. Mr. Chalfant is practically a self-made man, his possessions hav- ing all been acquired through his own efforts. He is also a self-educated man, and is one of the best- informed citizens of the community. He has al- ways been a great reader of standard works and has been a special student of history and biogra- phy. He has a fine library, and his familiarity with the thoughts of our best writers has not only made him an intelligent man, but an entertaining and interesting conversationalist as well. EM. ALVERSON, M. D., the popular and only physician of Stonington, has been suc- cessfully engaged in practice at this point for a period of about fourteen years. He numbers a great many friends and patrons in this commu- nity who hold him in high esteem. He is a na- tive of Schuyler County, Mo., where his birth oc- curred August 27, 1851. He is the eldest child of L. M. and Margaret (Gates) Alverson. Of their family of five sons and three daughters, only four still survive. M. D. is engaged in farming near Armstrong, Mo.; P. H. is also a farmer of Mis- souri; and Mary became the wife of William Ros- well, an agriculturist of Missouri. The father of the Doctor, L. M. Alverson, was born in Madison County, Ky., and was taken by his parents when quite young to Howard County, Mo., where he grew up on his father's farm. He remained at home until he was of age, being given a common-school education. After his marriage he removed to Schuyler County, Mo., where he engaged in farming for a few years, later returning to Howard County, where he still resides. He is greatly interested in politics, using his influence in support of the Democratic party. His ancestors were from Scotland, while those of his wife were natives of England. She was also a native of Kentucky, and is still living. The early years of Dr. Alverson were passed on his father's farm in Missouri, where he attended I the common schools until nineteen years of age. He then engaged in teaching in the district schools for two years, after which he for a year pursued higher studies in the State Normal School at Kirksville, Mo. After teaching for three years longer in order to obtain sufficient means to pur- i sue the study of medicine, the Doctor entered the 380 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Missouri Medical College of St. Louis, from which institution he was graduated in 1879. He at once located in Stonington, and has continued in prac- tice up to the present time, and as he is the only physician in the town, has the field all to himself. On the 4th of October, 1881, Dr. Alverson wed- ded Miss Amelia Weiser, of Stonington. They have had four daughters, namely: Grace, Eva, Maud and Verna. The mother is a member of the German Reformed Church, and is a lady who is universally beloved. Like his father before him, the Doctor supports the Democratic party, and is an active worker in the ranks. For a number of years he has been a member of the Democratic Central Committee, representing Stonington Township. For two terms he served as Supervisor of the township, and has been City Clerk for about five years. He is inter- ested in educational matters, as he has always been from early years, and has acted as School Director. Fraternally, he is associated with the Odd Fellows, belonging to Lodge No. 695, of Stonington. He is examining physician, and a member of Camp No. 334, M. W. A., of the same place. He is a Notary Public, and also writes up fire insurance. During his residence here the Doctor has made many friends, and is very popular. He is a self- made man, having acquired his medical education and success in professional life by earnest en- deavor and perseverance. JOHN N. NELMS, M. D., who has been en- gaged in the practice of medicine in Tay- lorville since August, 1889, was born in Grimes County, Tex., October 6, 1856, and at the age of four years went to Illinois with his parents, the family settling in Christian County. His father, James D. Nelms, is a carpenter, and for man}' years has followed that trade, and is now residing in Edinburgh. He isa native of Kentucky, and first came to Christian County in 1830 with his father, Thomas Nelms, who for some time fol- lowed farming near Mt. Zion, 111., and was killed by a tree falling upon him. In 1852 James Nelms went to Texas, where he remained until 1860. As before stated, he and his wife are now living in Edinburgh. She bore the maiden name of Sallie L. Neely, and is a native of Tennessee. The subject of this sketch remained with his parents until eighteen years of age. Since that time he has earned his own livelihood, and what- ever success he has achieved in life is due entirely to his own efforts. He acquired his education in the district schools, and by private study. In 1878 lie began teaching school, and followed that profession in Christian and Macon Counties for ten years, being employed at Blue Mound, Palmer, Owaneco, Stonington, and in the district schools. For one year he read law, and while engaged in teaching began the study of medicine with the firm of Toby & Harvey, of Blue Mound. In the terms of 1888 and 1889 he was a student in the medical department of the University of Wooster, at Cleveland, Ohio, and was graduated from that institution on the 24th of July of the latter year, with the degree of M. D. On the 8th of April, 1880, the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Charlotte Yockey, who was born in Bartholomew County, Ind.,and isa daugh- ter of John and Lydia (Baughman) Yockey, of Stonington Township. They have a daughter, Luella Pearl, now a maiden of ten summers; they also lost one child, Minnie Irene, who died at the age of fourteen months. Immediately following his graduation, Dr. Nelms located in Taylorville, where he has since engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery. Although quite young in his chosen work, he has already gained a reputation whicli many an older prac- titioner might well envy. Several very difficult cases have come under his care, and have been successfully treated. He is a member and Sec- retary of the Central Illinois District Medical So- ciety, having held that position since April, 1893, and is also a member of the State Medical Society. He takes an active and prominent part in these organizations, and has been a frequent contributor to medical journals, especially to the Cleveland Medical Gazette. Socially, he belongs to Mystic PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 381 Lodge No. 64, K> P., has been Keeper of the Rec- ords and Seals and is now Vice-Chancellor. In politics, he is a supporter of the Democratic party, and takes an active interest in its success and growth. The Doctor is a pleasant, genial gentle- man, very popular, and has a host of friends throughout the community. ENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARPER is one of the most prominent and enterprising farmers and stock-raisers of Christian County. He resides on section 23, Rose- mond Township, where he owns two hundred and thirty-four acres of valuable land. In return for the care and labor he bestows upon it, it yields to him a golden tribute, for much of it is highly cultivated. He makes a specialty of the breeding of fine Jersey cattle, horses and sheep. Upon his farm may be found seven head of Jersey cows, one hundred and forty head of Shropshire sheep, and eight fine Percheron horses. No man lias done more to advance the grade of stock in this community than our subject, and no finer speci- mens of stock can be shown in Illinois than may be found on his place. Mr. Carper was born in Upshur County, W. Va., January 7, 1849. His paternal grandfather, Abram Carper, a native of Pennsylvania, was of German descent, and was a hatter by trade. Daniel Car- per, the father, was born in West Virginia, and became an extensive farmer. He married Sarah J. Squires, a native of the same State, and a daugh- ter of Asa Squires, an agriculturist, who was born in Maryland. Our subject is the second in order of birth in a family of five sons and one daughter who graced the union of his parents. His early education was acquired in the district school, and lie after- ward attended Morgantown University. He en- gaged in merchandising in Buckhannon, W. Va., which was his first business venture. After two years he sold out, and in 1869 he came to Chris- tian County, locating in Rosemond Township, where he purchased a farm. In February, 1 871, he married Amelia Hutton, who died leaving a daughter, Amelia, who is now with her grand- mother in West Virginia. For his second wife Mr. Carper chose Clarissa Childs, who died leav- ing two children, Daniel and Clara. The lady who now bears the name of Mrs. Carper was Catherine B. Cowgill, daughter of Alfred and Sarah Cowgill. In 1884, Mi-. Carper went to Rockford, Mich., where for three years he engaged in the manu- facture of paper. He then returned to his pres- ent home and has since extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising, meeting witti good success in his undertakings. In politics, he is a supporter of Democratic principles, and socially belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America of Rosemond. He also belongs to the Congrega- tional Church. His home, a commodious and beautiful two-story irame dwelling, is the best residence in Rosemond. Mr. Carper has made his way in life unaided by financial assistance, and from a humble position has worked his way up- ward to one of wealth and affluence. His busi- ness career has been a profitable and prosperous one, and for his success he certainly deserves much credit. He is a public-spirited and progressive citizen, and manifests a commendable interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the com- munity and its upbuilding. GEORGE HUTCHINSON, a well-known mer- chant and the efficient Mayor of Assump- tion, is numbered among the leading and influential citizens of this place, and well deserves representation in the history of his adopted county. It is with pleasure that we add his sketch to those of other men of prominence in this community. Mr. Hutchinson is a native of Canada. lie WMS born in Phillipsburg, Province of Quebec, Canada, 382 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in 1844, and is a son of William Hutchinson, who is supposed to have been killed in the Rocky Mountains while on his way to California, in 1849. Our subject came to the United States when a lad of twelve years, and was reared on a farm in Vermont, being early inured to hard labor. In early life he attended the common schools, and his education was completed in the High School of New St. Albans, Vt. He then worked as a farm hand in the Green Mountain State until, when a young man of twenty-five, he came Westward to Illinois, in 1869, and took up his residence in Assumption, then a small village of about four hundred inhabitants. For some years he was em- ployed as a salesman, but in 1876 embarked in business for himself as a dealer in groceries and restaurant-keeper. His store he has since car- ried on, and it is now well stocked with every- thing found in a first-class establishment of the kind. On account of his straightforward and honorable dealings, his courteous treatment and his desire to please his customers, he has built up a good trade. In 1870, Mr. Hutchinson was united in marriage with Miss Siloma Hall, a native of "Ohio, who came to Illinois in early girlhood and was reared and educated in Christian County. By their union have been born six children:, William R., who is married and resides in Assumption; John F., Mary, Lulu, Myrtle and Florence Belinda. The family is widely known throughout the commun- ity, and its members rank high in social circles. . Mr. Hutchinson has voted with the Democratic party since attaining his majority, and is a warm advocate of its principles. He takes quite an active part in politics and has held a number of local positions of honor and trust. He was first elected City Marshal, and served in that office for five consecutive years. He has also been Col- lector and Constable, and is now serving his third term in the office of Mayor of Assumption. In whatever position he has been elected he has proved a capable and efficient officer, prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duties. By many elections his fellow-townsmen have manifested their trust in him, and it has never been betrayed. Mr. Hutchinson is a member of the Odd Fellows' society and is a Royal Arch Mason, belonging to Pana Chapter No. 115, R. A. M., of Pana. He has represented the Blue Lodge in the Grand Lodge. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He started out in life empty-handed, but though he had no capital he was ambitious and energetic and determined to win success. A wish to succeed and well-directed efforts are all that are necessary to gain success, and as Mr. Hutchinson possessed these he has worked his way upward to a position of affluence. He and his estimable wife well deserve the high regard in which they are held throughout the community, and it is with pleasure that we present to our readers this record of their lives. NDREW T. MICHAELS, who holds the position of freight agent on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad at Pana, claims Mary- land as the State of his nativity. He was born in Frederick County, May 28, 1841, and is a son of Samuel A. and Sarah A. (Jenkins) Michaels, who were also natives of the same State. The paternal grandfather also bore the name of An- drew Michaels. He was born in Maryland, and was of German parentage. Throughout his life he followed agricultural pursuits, and died on his farm in his native State at the age of seventy- seven. The maternal grandfather, Theodore Jen- kins, was of Irish lineage, and he too was a Mary- land farmer. Samuel Michaels, however, followed other pur- suits. He served as freight and ticket agent for the Illinois Central Railroad for many years, and was then on the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad, now the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago >t3 IF^ICHARD LARGE, a retired farmer resid- |Ufj^ ing in Taylorville, has lived a busy and ^>\. useful life, and now in his declining years is enjoying a well-earned rest. He claims the Emerald Isle as the land of his birth, which occurred on the 19th of September, 1821, in Queens County, thirty miles from Dublin. His father, George Large, was twice married. In 1824 he started with his family for Canada, crossing the Atlantic in a sailing-vessel, and three weeks after reaching his destination died, leaving his widow with six children. The family located near Ni- agara Falls, in Canada, where they remained until 1828, when they removed to what is now Noble Count}-, Ohio, where Mrs. Large had a sister liv- ing. They purchased a tract of timber-laud, and in the midst of the forest hewed out a farm. Henry Large, the only survivor of the family be- sides our subject, is still living on the old home- stead, and is now worth $300,000. Richard Large aided his mother in the cultiva- tion of her land, and remained under the parental roof until eighteen years old, when he started out in life for himself. At that time he became an ap- prentice lo Robert Adair, of Guernsey County. Ohio, serving a three-years term at cabinet-mak- ing. During the first two years he received $33 412 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. a year, and for the last year $66. When his term expired lie followed carpentering during the sum- mer months, and in the winter season worked for his old employer. Mr. Large was married in Senecaville in the fall of 1844, the lady of his choice being Mar- garet McGinnis. 'There they began their domes- tic life, but in 1846 they removed to Whigville, and there, building a shop and home, Mr. Large earned on business until 1856. However, in the latter part of 1852, he went by water to Califor- nia, where for a few weeks he engaged in mining, and then resumed his trade, carrying on a sasli and door factory in Nevada, Cal., until 1855, when he returned to his home in the Buckeye State. The same fall he came to Illinois and pur- chased seventy acres of land at $6 per acre on Buckeye Prairie, in Christian County. A few years later he bought another seventy-acre tract at $15 per acre, and in 1856 lie brought his fam- ily to Christian County. For a year he worked in Taylorville at cabinet-making, but in the spring of 1857 removed to the farm, which he operated successfully until the death of his wife, which oc- curred February 9, 1876. The family of Richard Large numbered seven children. Elizabeth Ann, who became the wife of Frank M. Winters, of Locust Township, died in 1890; Noah H., of Millersvillc, is a dealer in horses and cattle, and is now Supervisor of Lo- cust Township; Eveline C. is the wife of E. W. Cleary, who is now living on the old homestead in Locust Township; Samuel Lewis and Henry Melchior are now in the West; Alfred Bronson died in 1879, at the age of twenty-one; and Cora Illinois is the wife of Clarence Hunter, of Rose- inond Township. Mr. Large was again married, in Noble County, Ohio, February 24, 1878, his second union being with Mrs. Martha A. Hobaugh. She is a daughter of James W. and Henrietta S. (Round) Shankland, and in November, 1843, be- came the wife of William O. P. Hobaugh. They made their home in Monroe County, Ohio, until April, 1866, when they removed to St. Louis, where the husband died of cholera in September. 1866. They had a family of live children. Eliza C. is now the wife of B. F. Brua, a photographer of Lyons, Kan.; Emma F. is living in New York; and the others are deceased. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Large re- turned to Illinois and located upon a farm, where they made their home until 1882. In that year they removed to Taylorville, where they have since resided. Their home is beautifully located, and their residence is a neat and tasty dwelling, comfortably furnished. Mr. Large still owns his farm of one hundred and forty acres in Locust Township, and it yields him a good income. His successful management of business in former years, and his well-directed efforts, have made him one of the substantial citizens of the community, and he is therefore now enabled to live a retired life. In politics, he was a Democrat prior to the war, but on the organization of the Republican party he joined its ranks, and continued one of its sup- porters until 1884, since which time he has been an advocate of the Prohibition party. &m NDREW B. CHAPMAN, whose commodi- @/u[, ous home is on section 19, Prairieton I Is Township, has been for nearly half a cen- ^jj tury an honored citizen of Christian County. He claims Connecticut as his native State, his birth having occurred in New London County, on the 29th of February, 1824, and while he is nearly seventy years, of age, he has never witnessed but seventeen birthdays. He is of the fourth generation, all bearing the name of Andrew, removed from John Chapman, who was an English sailor, who founded this family in New England. Our subject's great-grandfather was the founder of the town of Stonington, Conn., while his son Andrew won honors in the Revolutionary War. The father of our subject, Andrew Chapman, was born at Stonington, Conn., November 27, 178'5, and served as a soldier in the War of 1812. He was married to a Connecticut lady, and reared his family and spent his entire life in his native State. Our subject is one of twelve children, six PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 413 sons and six daughters, all of whom grew to ma- ture years. He is the youngest of the four brothers and sisters who are yet living. The early years of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch were spent in the county of his birth, where, in spite of limited school privileges, he became quite a scholar, and while still j'oung taught in the common schools. He was always especially fond of mathematics, and became an adept in the higher branches. For a number of years he followed teaching as a profession, both in Connecticut and Rhode Island. In 1848, he con- cluded to try his fortune in the West, and decided to locate in Christian County, III. His first pur- chase was a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of wild prairie land. This he fenced and placed under cultivation, and as his means increased he invested from time to time in more land, until at the present time he owns about twelve hundred acres of valuable and well-cultivated land. When the law restraining stock from run- ning at large came in force, our subject had already made rails and built forty miles of fencing. Dur- ing the first winter of his settlement here he taught a country school, and for the two succeed- ing years was principal of the Taylorville school. For a number of years he was the leading teacher and educator in the county, and met with flat- tering success as a pedagogue. Returning to Stonington, Conn., Mr. Chapman wedded Miss Elizabeth Williams, on the 18th of March, 1852. Mrs. Chapman is a native of Con- necticut, and was herself a successful teacher be- fore her marriage with our subject. During the years he was teaching in Taylorville she was his assistant, and rendered material aid. This worthy couple have two sons, the elder of whom, John W. H., is at present ably serving as Supervisor of Prairicton Township, and in company with his younger brother, Andrew B., has charge of his father's farms. The parents are active members " oT"the Stonington Baptist Church, and our sub- ject has been a member of that denomination for over fifty years. Since the organization of the Republican party Mr. Chapman has used his influence and vote in favor of its nominees, and assisted in organizing the party in this county in 1856. Prior to that time he was a Jackson Democrat. In local poli- tics he has played an important part, and has served as a delegate to numerous County Con- ventions. It has been forty-five years since he cast in his lot with the pioneers of this county, and he has not regretted the step he then made. Few men are better known in this part of the State, and he has for years possessed the confidence of all to a flattering degree. M C. PONTING, a prominent stock-dealer and breeder of Prairieton Township, owns a well-equipped farm on section 36, and for forty-three years has been intimately connected with the march of progress in this county. He is recognized as a man of unusual business ability and force of character, for lie has acquired a for- tune through the exercise of his superior abilities. He is very well known in this portion of the State, and we feel sure that his many friends will take pleasure in perusing the history of this worthy pioneer. The birth of Mr. Ponting occurred in Somerset- shire, England, near the cit}' of Bath, on the 26th of August, 1830. He is the son of John and Ruth (Sheron) Ponting. On his father's side the de- scent of the family is traced from the time of William the Conqueror. Until his seventeenth year, our subject's time was passed in his native land. Since reach ing years of maturity he has ac- quired an education, as he had no opportunities in that direction during his youth. It was in 1847 that Mr. Ponting emigrated to the United States. Going to London, he took passage in a sailing-vessel, and after being tossed two and fro on the broad Atlantic for five weeks and three da3 r s. arrived in New York City in Sep- tember. He first went to Worcester County, Ohio, joining some friends at Frederickstown. His first experience in a business way in this country was at Columbus, Ohio, where he engaged in buying 414 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and butchering cuttle for the markets. In the spring of 1848 he went to Chicago, then but a small, straggling town, without railroads. For the first year he engaged in buying and selling cattle, after which he went to Milwaukee, continuing in the same line of business and shipping stock to Chicago. His next venture was to go to Texas, where he purchased cattle and started to drive them to the North. On his way to Illinois, he arrived in this township, and, as the custom was in those days, stopped for a night at a hospitable farmer's. He was entertained at the home of the Adams family, and here received his first ideas of this county. Since that date (July, 1853,) lie has made his home here and is still engaged in the stock business. In September, 1856, Mr. Ponting was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Snider, the ceremony being performed in the home where he still resides. Mrs. Ponting is a native of this county and has passed all her life in her present home. In 1856 our subject purchased his first land in Stonington Township, and to its cultivation devoted himself for many years. He commenced his career in Illi- nois empty-handed, but, with the assistance of his estimable wife, has accumulated a large and valu- able estate. The wife of our subject is a daughter of Michael Snider, who was of German birth, and one of the first settlers of this county. He is living at the home of his daughter, and though over eighty years of age is still strong and robust. To our sub- ject and wife have been born the following chil- dren: Jessie, who is the wife of Wheeler Adams, a well-to-do farmer of Shelby County; Everett A.; Earl Wayne; Theophilus, who died in the fall of 1882, aged fourteen years; and three who died in infancy. Soon after his marriage Mr. Pouting embarked more extensively in the stock business, and has made a great success of this occupation. In 1882 he purchased a farm adjoining the corporate lim- its of Moweaqua. He relates that the horse he rode to Christian County was afterward owned by a Mr. Bradley, and was used by Abraham Lincoln the last time he attended court at Urbana. Polit- ically, Mr. Ponting was formerly an old-line Whig, supported Abraham Lincoln in 1860, and has since been a Republican. In local elections he is inde- pendent, casting his ballot for the one whom lie thinks best qualified, regardless of party. Relig- iously, Mr. and Mrs. Ponting are not identified with any church organization, but attend the dif- ferent churches of the neighborhood and contrib- ute to their support. They are well thought of throughout this region, and are always active in benevolent enterprises, as well as in all movements tending to advance the public good. eUARLES F. ELLIOTT, who is engaged in the livery business in Pana, claims Ohio as the State of his nativity. The place of his birth is in New Holland, and the date is April 3, 1866. He is a son of John A. and Elizabeth (Vin- cent) Elliott, both of whom were also born in the Buckeye State. The grandparents also lived in Ohio. The paternal grandfather was a farmer by occupation and reared a family of six children. His death occurred in Ohio, when about sixty years of age. The maternal grandfather also spent his last days in that State. John A. Elliott has followed the carpenter's trade during the greater part of his life. lie came to Illinois in 1869, locating in Pana, where he still makes his home. He served during the late war as a member of one of the one hundred-day regiments. Himself and wife are highly respected people and both hold membership in the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Their family numbers four children, two sons and two daughters: Me- lissa J., Charles F., Frederick M. and Annie B. Our subject was only three years of age when he came with his parents to Pana, where he has since made his home. He was here reared, spend- ing his boyhood days midst play and work, and in the public schools acquired his education. After arriving at years of maturity, he was united in marriage with Miss Annie Fanner, of Pana. Their PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 415 union was celebrated on the 22d of December, 1891, and has been blessed by one child, a son, Clarence M., who is the light of tlie household. In his social relations Mr. Elliott is a member of the Knights of Pythias, belonging to Lytha Lodge No. 159, K. P., also to Mystic Circle. He has fol- lowed in the political footsteps of his father, and exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party. "His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Both have many friends throughout the community where they have now resided for a quarter of a century. As stated at the beginning of this sketch, Mr. Elliott is en- gaged in the livery business. He owns a large livery barn, and in connection with this has a feed and sales stable. His barn is supplied with a large line of carriages, buggies, etc., and a number of fine horses, in fact it is complete in all its appoint- ments and from the public Mr. Elliott receives a liberal patronage. He is a wide-awake and enter- prising young man, and his ambitious and pro- gressive spirit will no doubt make his business ca- reer one of success. YRON TRAVIS, a well-known hardware merchant of Assumption, is one of the re- liable business men of the town, and has spent almost his entire life in this county. It is with pleasure that we place his name among the pioneers and representative men of Christian County, as he has taken so large a part in the up- building of this section. He is a native of Pennsyl- vania, his birth having occurred near Pittsburgh, July 31, 1855. His parents areT. M. and Jane G. (Barrett) Travis. The former is also a native of the Keystone State, and on arriving at manhood was married there. His wife was a daughter of M. L. Barrett, who was one of the pioneers of Christian County, locating here in 1858, and is now one of the worthy citizens of Assumption, though about ninety years of age. Our subject's father was a carpenter and joiner by trade, and followed that business in Pennsylvania. In 1855, he came West to Illinois, locating in Shelby County, where he worked at his trade and also engaged in farming. He later removed to Assumption, where he now resides. Here he devotes some time to working at his trade, and is also engaged as an insurance agent. Byron Travis was brought by his parents to Illi- nois while in his infancy, and grew to manhood in Shelby County. He was given good common- school advantages, and is an intelligent and well- informed gentleman. Corning to Assumption when a young man, he learned the tinner's trade, which occupation he followed for several years. In 1875 he went West to the Black Hills, Colora- do, Dakota and Montana, and spent about two years very pleasantly in the picturesque West. In July, 1877, Mr. Travis returned to Illinois and started a tin shop in this village. The following year he put in a small stock of tin and hardware, and as business increased enlarged his stock from time to time. In 1892 he built a neat and sub- stantial business house, in which he now has a large and complete line of shelf and heavy hard- ware, tinware and an assortment of fine cutlery, lie has built up a reputation for reliable goods and honorable dealing, and therefore justly de- serves the large patronage which he receives. His life plainly shows what may be done by an enter- prising young man who possesses ability and the traits of industry and perseverance. Our subject was united in marriage Novem- ber 19, 1879, with Miss Emma E., daughter of W. G. Henry, of this place. Mrs. Travis was born and grew to womanhood in Christian County, and is a granddaughter of the Rev. Mr. Clokey, a pio- neer minister of the United Presbyterian denomin- ation. He established the church at Spring Creek, and was well known to the pioneers of this part of the State. Two children graced the union of Mr. and Mrs. Travis: Edna, who died in July, 1889, aged five years; and Roy, a bright little lad. The mother is a member of the Presbyterian Church, which our subject also attends and to which he is a liberal contributor. Socially, Mr. Travis is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity, belonging to Lodge No. 451, 416 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. A. F. & A. M., of Assumption, in which he has served as Master and as Representative to the Grand Lodge of Illinois on several occasions. He also belongs to Pana Chapter, R. A. M. The' first Presidential ballot cast by him was for Rutherford B. Hayes, since which election he has voted for every nominee of the Republican party at the Presidential elections. \IL_ ENRY J. YARNELL is one of the old set- [[j! tiers and representative farmers of Christian /iv^ Count}", his home being on section 22, (||| Mosquito Township. He was born Jan- uary 8, 1844, near Carlinville, Macoupin County, 111, and was the fourth in a family of seven chil- dren, whose parents were Isnac A. and Rebecca (Bonharn) Yarnell. Our subject has only two sis- ters living, namely: Olive Caroline and Sophronia B. The former is the wife of Francis J. Miller, a farmer of Nance County, Neb. The younger sis- ter married James A. Piper, a grain-dealer of Greenfield, 111. Isaac A. Yarnell was born December 13, 1810, near Knoxville, Tenn., and has been engaged in farming all his life. He came to Illinois and en- tered land in Macoupin County in 1833. He there remained until 1845, when he sold his farm and purchased a tract of land in Greene County, 111. In the fall of 1867, he came to Christian County, becoming the owner of a farm, which is now the property of our subject. He was called from this life August 7, 1887. Politically, he was first a Whig and later a Republican, and relig- iously was a member of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. He was of Irish ancestry, his fore- fathers having located in this country at a very early day. His father, Mordecai Yarnell, was born April 17, 1767, was a farmer, and died July 30, 1846. The father of the latter was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The mother of our sub- ject was a daughter of Benjamin and Olive Bon- ham, and was born November 10, 1811, in Blount County, Tenn. She died in the faith of the Meth- odist Church, August 16, 1852, in Greene County, 111. Like her husband, she was of Irish descent. Henry J. Yarnell was reared on his father's farm in Illinois, and during the winter terms attended the country schools until nearly eighteen years of age. On the 8th of September, 1862, he became a private of Company K, Ninety-first Illinois Infan- try, having enlisted for a term of three years. He served for two years and ten months, when he re- ceived his discharge, as Lee had surrendered. He had been a soldier for about four months when he was taken prisoner at Elizabethtown. Ky. With his company, he was obliged to surrender to John Morgan on December 27, 1862. He was sent to the parole camp at Benton Barracks, near St. Louis, and was exchanged June 5, 1863, with his regiment, and newly equipped. On the 7th of the following July he went to Vicksburg, and with his regiment was attached to the Thirteenth Army Corps, remaining as a part of that body until Sep- tember. He was sent to Morganza, on the Missis- sippi River, and later to Point Isabel, Tex., where he arrived November 3, 1863. For several months he did provost duty in New Orleans. On the 17th of March, 1865, with his company placed in ad- vance, he started for Mobile and had to march forty miles. On the 27th of the same month they met the enemy, and our subject was under fire for fourteen days. His regiment was in the last en- gagement East of the Mississippi River, at a point called Eight-Mile Creek. Being mustered out July 12, 1865, he returned home, having escaped with slight injuries. Feeling the need of a better education than he yet possessed, Mr. Yaruell went for one term to a private graded school at Scottville, Macoupin County. Afterward he assisted his father on the farm, and during the winter six-months term he taught for sixteen years. On the 4th of Apiil, 1872, Mr. Yarnell and Miss Jane A. Wilkinson were married. The lady was born in April, 1844, in Macoupiu County, her parents being Thompson and Mary A. Wilkinson, early settlers of that county. The father was bora in England, and settled in Virginia with his par- ents. When a young man, he came to Illinois, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and is now a resident of Nebraska. His wife, who was a native of Vermont, is also living. Our sub- ject and his wife have two children: Oscar, a young man of good education, who has taught school and is now reading medicine; and Maud, who is a bright little girl of four years. In politics, Mr. Yarnell supports the Republican party. He resides in a Democratic township, but has so far won the friendship and confidence of his neighbors and friends that he has been honored by them with various positions of trust and honor. For two terms he was the efficient Supervisor of the township, and in 1889 was a candidate for nomination as Representative of Christian County, and had the support of nine of the seventeen townships in the county. He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Lodge No. 682, of Blue Mound, of which he is a charter member. He and his worthy wife are members of the Bap- tist Church, in which he is one of the Deacons. The property of Mr. Yarnell comprises one hun- dred and forty acres, which are cultivated and improved. Here the owner carries on general farming and stock-raising with ability and si C. BUTTS, the popular and effl- cient Postmaster of Pana, is an honored veteran of the late war, who entered the service as a valiant defender of the Union, and throughout the struggle was always found at his post of duty, guarding the Stars and Stripes. He was born in New Philadelphia, Ohio, July 17, 1837, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Cryder) Butts, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Ohio. When a lad of eight years the father removed to the Buckeye State with his father, William Butts, formerly of Somerset County, Pa. The mother of our subject died when he was eleven years old, and for about seven years he lived with an uncle near New Philadelphia. Prompted by patriotic impulses, he enlisted July 26, 1861, as a member of Company G , Forty-first Illinois Infantry. 21 In 1850, he had accompanied his uncle to Bureau County, III., and after a year went to Ogle Coun- ty, 111. Three years later he went to Iowa, and in 1857 to Kansas, residing in Lawrence, Douglas County, for a time, and later in Coffey County. In 1860, he removed to Missouri. During these various removals he lived with his father. In 1861, he returned to Illinois and settled on Buck- eyc Prairie, Christian County, where he remained until he entered the service. Three sons of the Butts family served in the war. While at Padu- cah, our subject was visited by his father, who then returned home and resided in Locust Township until his death, which occurred May 24, 1865, at the age of sixty-three. His second wife, whom he married in Virginia, is still living in Somerset County, Pa., and their daughter makes her home in the Old Dominion. Dies Butts, the brother of our subject, served in the same company and regiment as Gabriel, and is now a teacher in Pana. Elisha, who had been a sailor in early life, enlisted in Philadelphia in the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Infantry, and served through the war. He had previously been in the regular army for three years on a man-of-war. He made his home in Christian County from 1865 until 1871, then removed to Nebraska, and is now living in Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Butts whose name heads this record en- listed at Taylorville, and joined the regiment which was organized at Decatur, with F. M. Long as Captain and Col. I. C. Pugh at the head of the troops. They were ordered to St. Louis, then to Biid's Point, and on to Paducah, which was then under the immediate command of Gen. Grant. In February, 1862, they went on the steamer "Minnehaha" to Ft. Henry, and the Forty-first 111- nois was the first to open the battle at Ft. Donel- son, where they lost about two hundred men. Proceeding to Pittsburg Landing, they were the first to set foot on that historic field. They be- came a part of the famous Fourth Division under Stephen A. Hulburt, and as such took part in the battle of Shiloh. They held the key to that bat- tle, having been stationed at Peach Orchard, where charge after charge was repulsed. The For- ty-first did good service in that terrible encounter, 418 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and was in the last line of defense when the final charge was made by the enemy. Mr. Butts was wounded on the first day by a minie-ball, and by the aid of a comrade made his way to the rear. He was forced to remain in Savannah, Tenn., for four weeks, was then sent to the hospital in Quincy, 111., for five weeks, and subsequently to Paducah. After an absence of four months, he rejoined his regiment at Memphis. With his command, Mr. Butts then took part in the siege of Vicksburg, and while making a charge at Jackson, Miss., was captured by the enemy. He was incarcerated at Atlanta and Columbus, S. C., spent one day and night in Libby Prison, and was later sent to Belle Isle, remaining for one hundred days. He w.is then paroled and sent to City Point and Annapolis, and thence to Benton Barracks, Mo., where he was exchanged six months later. In the spring of 1864, he rejoined his reg- iment in Nashville, and took part in the Sherman campaign up to the time of the killing of Gen. McPhersou, when his regiment was detailed to es- cort the remains back to Louisville, Ky. Our sub- ject then went to Springfield, III., where he re- mained until mustered out, September 26, 1864, af- ter three years and three months of service. He was detailed for special service at Vicksburg with the Fifth Ohio Battery, having charge of a twen- ty-six pound gun and two field pieces. He carried a one hundred and sixty-four pound shell to the gun, which was stationed upon a high elevation, about half a mile from the court house. After his return home, Mr. Butts engaged in op- erating a threshing-machine, and in November, 1864, went to St. Louis, where he spent two years learning photograph}'. He then spent some six months in Bureau County, 111., after which he re- turned to Christian County, and in the succeeding fall located in Pana, where he entered a drug store as clerk. He was afterwards with Mr. Coyner, a druggist, and subsequently with Sumner, Brown 1LLIAM KNOTT, who carries on farming on section 30, Pana Township, was born in the county of Hereford, England, De- cember 5, 1820. His father, Richard Knott, was a native of the same locality, and there spent his entire life, his death occurring at the age of sixty- three years. The mother bore the maiden name of Ann Lem. She. too, was born in the same community, and her death occurred at the age of forty. They were the parents of five children, four sons and a daughter, all of whom grew to mature years, while four of the number are yet living. The subject of this sketch, who was third in order of birth, was reared in the county of his na- tivity as a shepherd boy and received such educa- tional privileges as the common schools of that dav afforded. Having arrived at man's estate, he was married in England to Ann Gwilharn, of Hereford. The wedding tour of the young couple was a long one, consisting of a trip to America. On the day of their marriage they boarded a Westward-bound vessel, which sailed for the New World, and on the 6th of August, 1851, they landed in New York. On they came to Peru, 111., and soon after his arrival Mr. Knott was robbed 420 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of all he possessed, about $400. He awoke in the morning to find that he had only an English six- pence with which to start in life. He and his wife both began working in order to make a beginning, Mr. Knott following any pursuit whereby he might earn an honest dollar. He sawed wood for seventy-five cents per cord, and did various labor for two years, when, with the assistance of Mr. Coffin, a banker of Peru, who bought a team for him, he was enabled to begin farming for himself. He rented eighty acres near Peru, and for four years engaged in its cultivation. At the end of that time he had enougli capital to buy a team and wagon, and rented a farm on the Illinois River bottoms, but the floods came and over-ran the place and he lost all of his hard-earned savings. He then did what he could for a living until the following spring, when he again rented a farm. In 1861 he entered one hundred and sixty acres in Bureau County, where he remained until 1866, when he came to Christian County and pur- chased eighty acres where he now resides. It was all prairie and unimproved, and he at once began its development. The boundaries of the farm have since been extended, until it now comprises two hundred and eighty acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. Many improvements he has placed upon it, and it has become one of the valuable farms of the neigh- borhood. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Knott have been born five children and they have an adopted daughter. Thomas W. is now living in Pana Township; John aids in carrying on the home farm; Henry is liv- ing in Kansas; Sarah is the wife of Samuel Hawk- enbury, of Iowa; Eliza is' the wife of Isaac Brand, of Polo, 111.; and the adopted daughter is Lottie, who has been with them since her fifth year. Mr. Kuott was formerly a Republican in politics but is now a supporter of the Greenback party. He aided in the organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Millerville, and has been one of its prominent members and influential workers. He served as Steward of the church and Superin- tendent of the Sunday-school, and is found in the foremost rank of every good work connected with the organization. Many reverses and difliulties has Mr. Knott encountered, but with wonderful per- severance and enterprise he. has overcome these obstacles and has achieved a high degree of suc- cess, which is certainly well deserved. He may truly be called a self-made man. OSIAH H. DODGE, M. D., who enjoys a large and lucrative practice in Pana, being recognized as one of the leading physicians of this part of the county, was born in Montpelier, Vt., April 26, 1821, and is a son of Winthrop and Luceba (Dodge) Dodge. His par- ents, though of the same name, were not of the same family. They were natives of the Green Mountain State, and when our subject was a lad of ten years they emigrated to Ohio, locating in the Western Reserve, where they spent their re- maining days. The Doctor remained upon the home farm until nineteen years of age, but his tastes led him to seek some other pursuit than that of agriculture, and he began reading medicine in Ohio with Dr. W. Streeter, now of Cleveland. He afterwards pursued a course of study in the Medical College of Willoughby, Ohio, and then engaged in prac- tice with his old preceptor for a year. Thinking that the West was a better field for the labors of a young and ambitious physician, he removed to Indiana in 1840, and engaged in teaching and in practicing for two years. In 1844, during the high water, he took two flatboats, loaded with pork, down the river to New Orleans, and then went to the lead mines of Galena. He was engaged in mining at Shellsburg, Mineral Point and Dodge- ville for four years with most excellent success, and then returned to Ohio on a visit. After a short time, however, he started to Galena by way of St. Louis. While in the latter city, the Doctor went up to the lecture rooms of the McDowell College, and meeting an old friend he there remained and at- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 421 tended a course of lectures, in the winter of 1848- '49, graduating the following spring. The cholera was then in progress,and the Doctor went to Vanda- lia, 111., where he arrived with only two five-franc pieces in his pocket. These he paid out to a man who drove him to Bowling Green, Ky. He had been there only a few days when he had twelve cases of pneumonia, and doctored one hundred for that disease before lie lost a single patient. Dr. Dodge there remained for five years, enjoying an extensive practice, and then located at Oconee, where he practiced his profession for two years, and also engaged in merchandising as a member of the firm of Roberts & Dodge. He then sold to his partner and established a separate store, which he continued for three years. In the fall of 1857, the Doctor came to Pana, where he opened a store and office, but the finan- cial panic followed, and he was forced to sell his store; however, he had gained a good practice in the mean time. In 1862, he was appointed Assis- tant Surgeon for the Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry, with Maj. York as superior, and went with the regiment to Washington and Tennessee, under Gens. Davis and Dodge, of Iowa. He was with the troops at the battle of Merriweather's Ferry, but in the fall of 1862 he was compelled to resign on account of ill health. He assisted in recruiting two companies of the regiment at Pana. In 1852, in Bowling Green, Ky., the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Mary A. McClanahan, who died September 9, 1892, having been his faith- ful companion and helpmate for forty years. Five children were born unto them: Eugenia, wife of Jesse Reese, of Pana; Louisa, wife of David Owens, an operator of Mattoon; Laura, wife of J. O. Gurney, superintendent of the roundhouse of Pana; Josephine, wife of A. II. Miller, a machinist of Se- dalia, Mo.; and Josiah, who died in his twenty-sec- ond year. The Doctor was married May 4, 1893, to Miss Oclava B.iteman, of Pana, a friend of his earlier years. On his return from the war, Dr. Dodge resumed practice in Pana, and for five years was engaged in partnership with Dr. Armstrong. Later Dr. Dem- ing, now of Chicago, became his partner, and the connection was continued until about live years since. For the past three years, Dr. Dodge has been engaged in office practice, treating chronic diseases. His professional career has been one of excellent success. He possesses both skill and ability, and lias done all in his power to perfect himself in his chosen vocation. He has ever been a close student of the science, and his deep re- searches have placed him in the front rank among his professional brethren, a position which is justly merited. JC. Me BRIDE, one of Christian Coun- ty's most prominent attorneys, was born on the 16th of July, 1845, near Palmyra, Macoupin County, 111. The ancestors of the McBrides were Scotch, and the family was founded in America at a period long prior to the Revo- lutionary struggle. They were a patriotic and country-loving people, and the family has fur- nished gallant soldiers for nearly every war that has taken place in this country. Two brothers fell at the bloody battle when Braddock was de- feated, during the French and Indian War. It fur- nished heroes for the struggle for independence; and its sons were in the War of 1812, and in the Mexican and other wars. The family of McBrides were to some extent pioneers of three States: Vir- ginia, Tennessee and Illinois. Thomas W. McBride, father of our subject, was born in Tennessee, and thence came to this State as a pioneer. He was then only a boy, and the greater part of his life was spent in Macoupin County. His wife, the mother of our subject, Margery A. McBride, was the daughter of Sandy and Melvina Wiggins, and came to Illinois from Kentucky when but a child. She lived here prior to the memorable winter of the deep snow, and often around the fireside told her children tales of the many hardships and experiences of pioneer life. In the family were three sons and five daugh- ters, all of whom are still living. The subject of our sketch spent his boyhood 422 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. days on the farm near Girard, 111., working in the fields during the summer and attending school during the winter. Anxious to secure a good edu- cation, in the winter of 1865-66 he attended Earl- ham College, of Richmond, Ind.,and in the fall of 1866 began a course of study at Lincoln Univer- sity, of Lincoln, 111., where he remained for three years, being graduated June 17, 1869, with the degree of Bachelor of Science. He was a thorough and diligent student, in fact was always at the head of his classes. He took a great delight in the Literary Society, and did much to make the Athenian Society, of which he was a member, a great success. Mr. McBride was always a fine de- bater, for he presented his views in a clear, able and earnest manner. In the winter of 1869-70 he taught school, and read "Blackstone's Commen- taries," and other noted works of law during his leisure hours. The following spring he entered the law office of Judge W. R. Welch, of Carlin- ville, 111., with whom he read until his admission to the Bar the following fall. About the 1st of January, 1871, he moved to Taylorville and opened an office. On the 17th of May, 1871, Mr. McBride was married to Mattie Wheeler, a former schoolmate, then living in Lincoln, 111. She has aided him in bearing the misfortunes and disappointments experienced by so many young lawyers in begin- ning practice, and has, indeed, proved herself to be a true helpmate. She is a daughter of Aaron and Elmira (Stockwell) Wheeler. Her father died many years ago, but her mother is still living in Lincoln on the old homestead, and is remarkably well preserved for one of her years. During the present summer (1893) she spent ten days at the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. McBride have four children: Willis Brammer, born September 9, 1872; Horace C., December 26, 1874; Elma, March 8, 1879; and Marcella, July 12, 1890. The eldest son is now engaged in teaching school in this county, and the next two children are attending school. Christian County recognizes in Mr. McBride one of its leading and influential citizens, and every one speaks well of him. It is such men as he that make the dignity of the law and are an honor to the profession. He takes a great interest in his clients, and spares neither time nor labor in working for those by whom his services are en- gaged. He has been connected with some of the most important cases of the county, including the famous Emma Bond case, in which he was associ- ated with Judge McCaskill and Judge Thornton, of Shelbyville, 111. This trial lasted four weeks and excited great interest all over the country. Mr. McBride has an excellent law library, and his familiarity with the contents of these works has made him a most excellent and successful practitioner. He is a most enterprising citizen, and is connected with various interests. He is President of and owns nearly a-fourth interest in the mines of the Taylorville Coal Company, in which enterprise he has taken an active and lead- ing interest from its inception. He is also a stock- holder in the First National Bank and one of its Directors. He owns three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land. Mr. McBride takes quite an active part in politics and campaign work, but has never sought official preferment for himself. He is a member of the Board of Education of the High School, being associated with Messrs. Pro- vine, Vanderveer, Jayne and Adams. This board planned and erected at a cost of over $30,000 the High School Building, which adds greatly to the beauty of Taylorville and to its literary influence. UTTON WOOD, a retired lumber dealer of Pana, has been prominent in business circles, and is recognized as one of the valued citizens of the community in which he makes his home. -He was born in Ban- gor, Me., on the 17th of January, 1821, and is a son of Henry and Mary (Radicker) Wood, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter of New Brunswick. Our subject comes from one of the old families of the Bay State. His paternal grandfather was a native of Concord, Mass., and spent his entire life in his native State. He reared PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 423 a family of fourteen children. The father of our subject was a painter by trade, and followed that business for many years. Removing to Bangor, he there spent the remainder of his life, and was called to his final rest at the age of fifty. His wife, who survived him five years, passed away at the age of forty-five. They had a family of six children, four sons and two daughters, of whom four are yet living, as follows: Calista, wile of Gilbert Emerson, of Bangor, Me.; Dutton, of this sketch; Peleg, of Pasadena, Cal.; and Henry, of Van Buren County, Ark. We now take up the personal history of the gen- tleman whose name heads this sketch, knowing that it will prove of interest to many of our read- ers, for he is widely and favorably known in this locality. The days of his boyhood and youth were passed in the Pine Tree State. His parents died when he was quite young, and after his moth- er's death he left Bangor and went into the coun- tiy. When he became a man he began operating a sawmill, and in some way or other has been con- nected with the lumber business since that time. His education was acquired in the common dis- trict schools, and through experience and observa- tion he has become a well-informed man. On the 1st of October, 1850, Mr. Wood was un- ited in marriage to Miss Rosanna, daughter of Timothy and Laura (Twitchell) Adams, of Massa- chusetts. Seven children graced the union, but Ellen, Osborn, Clarence D. and Othello are now de- ceased. Flora A. is the widow of Charles Dawdy, by whom she had two children, Eugene and Lora. Charles married Miss Nellie Kennedy, and with their two children, Lottie and . Dutton, they reside in Vera, 111. Eva completes the family. In 1855, Mr. Wood came from Massachusetts to Illinois, and located twenty miles north of Cairo, where he carried on a sawmill. After a residence of ten years he came to Christian County, where he has since made his home. He now owns two hundred and seventy acres of land in Fayette County, III., besides his comfortable home in Pana, and his sawmill on his farm. In politics, he is a supporter of Republican men and measures. His business career has been one of prosperity. By careful attention to all the details of his business, by industry, enterprise and upright dealing, he has met with a high degree of success as the re- sult of his labors. For twenty-seven years he has lived in Pana, and during all this time as been found in the front ranks in support of every en- terprise calculated to benefit the community and promote the general welfare. It is with pleasure that we present this record of his life to our read- ers. OHN HEDGES resides on section 32. Pana Township. Among the prominent and rep- tative farmers of this county our sub- ject certainly deserves mention. He is not only a leading agriculturist, but is also an honored veteran of the late war, who in her hour of peril gave to his country his services, faithfully de- fending the Old Flag and the cause which it rep- resented. Mr. Hedges was born in Berkshire, Eng- land, December 13, 1841, and is a son of James and Ann (Stratten) Hedges, who were also natives of Berkshire. In 1857 they came with their fam- ily to the New World, and located near Griggs- ville, in Pike County, 111., where they made their home until 1869, coming from there to Christian County. Here the father died in his eightieth year, and his wife passed away in her eighty- fourth year. Their family numbered six children, who grew to maturity. Our subject, who was the third in order of birth, was a youth of fifteen when he crossed the broad ocean with his parents and came to Illinois. He began his education in the schools in Eng- land, and completed it by study in his own room after the hours for out-door work were over. He began work as a farm hand at $12 per month, and gave his wages to his parents to help them buy the little farm in Pike County which was their home for a number of years. He remained w'ith them there for seven years faithful and true to the interests of his employer, as his long service well shows. In 1862, however, he entered the service of another master. In that yeaf Mr. 424 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Hedges became a member of Company H, Seventy- third Illinois Infantry. He enlisted as a private, but was made Sergeant, and after three years was honorably discharged, in 1865. He participated in all the battles of his regiment, including the engagements at Stone River, Chattanooga, Mis- sionary Ridge and Knoxville. During all his service he never received a wound. He was struck on the knee by a spent ball, a bullet passed through his clothing, and one struck his gun, but never penetrated his flesh. He participated in all the battles of the Atlanta campaign under "Sher- man, and when the war was over was honorably discharged in Nashville, in June, 1865. Mr. Hedges at once returned to Pike County, 111., and resumed fanning. He was married Feb- ruary 18, 1869, to Miss Hattie A. Dean, who was born in Pike County February 9, 1846, and is a daughter of Henry E. and Mary A. (Coughenour) Dean. In their family of nine children she was second in order of birth. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Hedges has been blessed with a family of four sons and three daughters, as follows: Charles A:, who is married and resides in Pana Township; Alice, John A., Mary E., Arthur J., Alvin R. and Mabel A. Mr. Hedges' residence in this county dates from 1869. On his arrival he located upon the farm which is yet his home, and at once began its devel- opment. It now comprises one hundred and thir- ty-three acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. His first home, a small frame house, has been i-eplaced by a two-story resi- dence of eight rooms, built in a modern style of architecture. There are good barns and outbuild- ings, surrounded by well-tilled Qelds, which yield to the owner a golden tribute in return for his care and labor. Mr. [ledges has led a busy and useful life, yet has found time to devote to public interests. In politics, he is a Republican. He served as Path- master, School Trustee and School Director for many years. He holds membership with Pana Post No. 744, G. A. R.,and belongs to Pana Lodge of the Modern Woodmen. The Methodist Epis- copal Church of Millersville finds in him an ac- tive worker and leading member, and he is now serving as Steward and Trustee. With the work of that organization he has been prominently iden- tified, and his aid is always given to all objects calculated to prove of public benefit. AVID LACHARITE, a merchant of As- sumption, has been a resident of this place for three decades, and is too well known to the business men of this and adjoining counties to require a special introduction. He is numbered among the'most esteemed citizens and public-spirited men of this region, and is well worthy of representation among the pioneers and foremost business men of Christian County. The birth of Mr. Lacharite occurred near Mont- real, Canada, November 12, 1839. He spent his youth and grew to man's estate in his native land, and at that time had meagre educational advan- tages. Since arriving at mature years his educa- tion has been mainly acquired. While still a lad, he commenced learning the carpenter's and join- er's trade, and it was in the pursuit of that voca- tion that he first crossed the border to the United States. For some time he worked in Minnesota, from there going to Louisiana, where he remained until 1863. At that time he came to Illinois and joined some friends in Assumption. After loca- ting here he engaged in contracting and building for a number of years with good success. In 1868, he entered into partnership with A. Cazalet and embarked, in the general mercantile business. Af- ter continuing together for about ten j'ears, our subject purchased his partner's interest and suc- ceeded to the whole business, which he carried on for several years by himself, but now has asso- ciated with him Joseph Lambert. The firm carries a large, well-selected and complete stock of gen- eral merchandise, and has built up a very large trade in this locality. They have established a reputation for fair dealing and honorable treat- ment of customers which is truly enviable. The PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 425 building in which is located their stock is large, well constructed and finely lighted. This proper- ty and his residence belong to our subject. It is said that while doing a business of $50,000 annual- ly, he would countermand a $15 order if he con- sidered it not to his advantage, yet his biographer feels inclined to question the truth of this state- ment, as Mr. Lacharite is considered one of the foremost business men of Assumption. February 14, 1865, Mr. Lacharite and Miss Ella Lambert, were married in Assumption. The lady is a daughter of Benjamin Lambert, one of the pioneers of Christian County. Like her husband, Mrs. Lacharite is a native of Canada, and was a child of only five years when brought by her par- ents to this county. Seven children have graced this union, namely: Mary, Clara, Arthur A., Henry, Ella, Herman C. and Leah. Arthur A., an enterprising business man, has entire charge of the books of his father's business. The family are members of St. Marie's Catholic Church. In local politics our subject has taken quite an active part, and has been elected to several official positions. Among others he has served as Super- visor of the township, and has been a member of the County Board. For ten years he was a Coun- ty Commissioner, and to that fact is due in a large measure the excellent roads of this locality. He supports the nominees of the Democratic party, and is quite an active worker in the ranks. Fora period of ten years he was a School Trustee, and has done much to advance the cause of education. In whatever position he has been called upon to fill, he has been ever found a faithful and efficient officer. yiLLIAM GUDEHUS, who is successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits in Pana Township, owns and operates a fine farm of one hundred and eighty acres on section 31. He also has two hundred acres of land in Shelby County, and twenty acres of timber-land in Mont- gomery County, his possessions therefore aggregat- ing four hundred acres. All has been acquired through his own industrious efforts, and is there- fore a monument to his thrift and enterprise. Mr. Gudehus was born in Brunswick, Germany, September 19, 1819, and is a son of Henry and Augusta (Lehman) Gudehus, who were also na- tives of the same locality. His father was a team- ster, and engaged in freighting with teams. His death occurred in his eighty-third year, and his wife passed away at the age of fifty-eight years. Unto them were born seven children, five sons nnd two daughters, and all grew to mature years. Our subject, who was the third in order of birth, remained in the place of his nativity until twenty- six years of age. When a youth of fifteen years he commenced learning the shoe-maker's trade, at which he served as an apprentice until eighteen years of age. When he had arrived at man's es- tate, in accordance with the laws of his native land, he entered the army and served as a private for five years. Immediately after his discharge, he bade adieu to friends and Fatherland and sailed for the New World. This was in 1845, and he located first in Philadelphia, Pa., where he re- mained for four years working at the shoemaker's trade. During that time, Mr. Gudehus was married. Miss Hannah Butt becoming his wife in 1847. She was born and spent her maidenhood days in Ger- many. In 1849. they removed to Louisville, Ky., where our subject carried on the shoe business for ten years. He was also proprietor of a hotel in Elizabethtown, Ky., during that period. While in Louisville, his wife died, in 1858. Five chil- dren were born of that marriage, of whom four are still living: William, Henry, Charlie and Jo- hanna. In Louisville, Mr. Gudehus was again married, May 8, 1859, his second union being with Miss Victoria Zix, who was born in Baden, Germany. They became the parents of eleven children: Augustus, now deceased; Victoria; Min- nie, wife of Frank Beyers; Theodore, who mar- ried Dora Shutt; Frank, who wedded Maggie Rel- ligar; Matilda, wife of Ed Beyers; Emma, wife of Frederick Sliuchs; Edward, Martha, Katie and Oscar. Four of the children are still at home. 426 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. During the war, Mr. Gudehus lost everything that he had at Elizabethtown, Ky., and in Feb- ruary, 1863. lie came to Christian County a poor man with eight children to support. He located upon his present farm, which was then an unim- proved place with a log cabin upon it. He began its cultivation with characteristic energy, and in course of time his labors were rewarded with abundant harvests. In the years that followed he regained his lost- possessions, and is now very com- fortably situated, having a handsome competence. Having laid aside business cares, he now rents his land and is living retired in the enjoyment of a well-earned rest. In politics, he is a supporter of the Democracy. Although he has met witli some reverses since coming to America, it was not an unfortunate venture when he left his native land to seek a home in the New World. eHRISTOPHER C. HOLLIER is one of the honored early pioneers of Christian Coun- ty, and is a native of the Prairie State, having been born February 13, 1825, in Belleville, 111. His farm, which he is engaged in operating, is situated on section 14, Mosquito Township. It is within his recollection when this county was a wild prairie, having very few settlements upon it, and when he arrived here there were only five families within a radius of twelve miles. The country abounded with wolves, deer and other wild game, and our subject has seen as many as sixty deer in one herd. Decatur was onl}' a small town, having one store, and the early settlers had to do their trading at Springfield. Our subject has resided here longer than any man in the town- ship, and lias the acquaintance and friendship of many people in this and adjoining counties. Christopher C. Hollier, Sr., the father of our subject, was born in England, and on his arrival in America settled in southern Illinois. He was a tinner by trade and peddled, and when our subject was a small child the father left home on a ped- dling trip, and they have not since heard from him. His wife, whose maiden name was Clara Osborn, was born in Dayton Count}-, Ohio, and came to Illinois with her uncle when young. She married for her second husband Asa Reed, of Rock Island, and removed to Sangamon County in 1830. Three years later the family settled at the head of Mos- quito Creek, in Macon County, where they contin- ued to reside for a score of years. In 1853, they purchased land in Mosquito Township, where Mr. Reed died only two years later. By the second union were born ten children, who are all deceased but Clara, who is the wife of Al McKinney, a resi- dent of Taylorville. The mother died at the home of our subject, at the age of fifty-five years. One of her sons, Edmond R., was killed at the battle of Ft. Donelson. Mr. Hollier whose name heads this sketch was only a small child when his parents located in Ma- con County, their home being just across the line from his present place of residence and only two miles distant. When eighteen years of age he left home and went to Sangamon County, where he worked for farmers for a time, but still continued to return to the old home from time to time. He enlisted in Company D, Fourth Illinois Infantry, under the command of E. D. Baker, during the Mexican War, and was in the service for one year. On his return to Sangamon Countj', Mr. Hollier worked on a farm until December 10, 1849, at which time was celebrated his union with Miss Nancy McKinney, of that county. Coming to Christian County soon after, our subject purchased forty acres of raw land, for which he paid $3 per acre. He had previously entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in Macon County, in 1848, on an old Mexican land warrant. His property now comprises two hundred and sixty-one acres, which represent his own unassisted efforts and years of honest industry. Twelve children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Hollier, four sons and eight daughters, but six of the children died in infancy. Samuel is a resident of Bozeman, Mont.; Mary is the wife of Jicob Bliler, a prosperous farmer of Montana; Edmund is also a resident of Bozeman; Alice be- came the wife of Eli Bliler, a farmer of Mosquito PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 427 Township; Ida is the wife of William Cormony, who farms a part of the old homestead; and Lucy is Mrs. James Harris, her husband being engaged in farming in the same township. In his social relations, Mr. Hollier belongs to the Masonic order, and is a member of Lodge No. 682, of Blue Mound, III. For a number of years he has been one of the School Directors, and has served as Town Clerk for two years. He stands by the Republican party and nominees in general elections. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church, and are active in religious and benevolent work. PHILIP B. KEMMERER, who is now living a retired life in Assumption, is one of the honored early settlers of the county, who dates his residence here from April, 1857. He is recognized as one of the enterprising and substantial men of the community and this work would be incomplete without a record of his life. A native of Ohio, he was born in Fail-field County January 16, 1826. His father, Joseph Kemmerer, was born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1796, while the grandfather, Philip Kemmerer, was also a na- tive of the Keystone State. John Kemmerer, the great-grandfather, was a native of Scotland, and was one of the Huguenots who came to America with William Penn. Philip Kemmerer served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In 1801 he removed with Ids family to Ohio, locating in the forests of Fail-field County, near Lancaster, where he cleared and opened up a farm. The father of our subject was there reared to manhood and married Siloma Bowser, a native of Switzerland, who came to the New World when a child of two years with her father, John Jacob Bowser, a pioneer of Fail-field County of 1812. After his marriage Mr. Kemmerer located upon a part of his father's farm, which he purchased, and began its development and improvement, for it was then wild land. There he reared his family and spent his remaining days, dying at the age of fifty- four yeais, on the 1st of September, 1847. The family numbered six sons and four daughters, all of whom grew to mature years. The eldest brother, Emanuel, however, died in 1845, when a young man studying for the ministry. The sur- vivors of the family are Philip B., of this sketch; John, who is now living in Assumption; Mrs. John Harper, of Shelby County, 111.; and Mrs. P. L. Myers, of Assumption. The subject of this sketch, who was the fourth in order of birth, grew to manhood in Fail-field County, Ohio, and in the common schools acquired his education. At the age of eighteen he began teaching, and while following that profession also pursued a course of study. He taught in Ohio for eleven years and in Illinois for two years. In 1855 lie came to Christian County and purchased two hundred acres of land, which he still owns, but he did not make a permanent location until 1857. At that time he settled on land in Assump- tion Township, and devoted his time and atten- tion to its cultivation, lie continued agricultural pursuits until 1870, when he rented his land and came to Assumption. He had made all necessary improvements upon his place, had erected a good residence and outbuildings, and in fact had made his place one of the model farms of the county. On the 13th of January, 1876, our subject mar- ried Miss Sarah A. Kemmerer, a daughter of Mar- tin and Sarah Kemmerer, of Allentown, Pa., where the wedding was celebrated. The lady was born in Upper Milford Township, Lehigh County, Pa., and was there educated. Mr. and Mrs. Kemmerer have always made their home in this community. In politics, our subject has been a Democrat since casting his first Presidential vote for Frank- lin Pierce in 1852. He has taken quite an active part in local politics, was elected the first Assessor of Assumption in 1872, was re-elected and served for four consecutive years. He was then elected Justice of the Peace and is now serving his second term as Police Magistrate. He has frequently served as delegate to the conventions of his party. Since coming to Assumption he has lived a retired life, yet has improved fourteen residence proper- ties in the village. He now owns about one thou- 128 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sand acres of land, two hundred and sixty-three acres in one farm in Clay County, and seven hun- dred and thirty-two acres in Assumption Town- ship, divided into four well-improved and highly- cultivated farms. lie is one of the industrious and successful business men of the county. Him- self and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, and ho belongs to Brownwell Lodge No. 451, A. F. & A. M. His public duties have been discharged with a promptness and fidelity that have won him the commendation of all concerned. For thirty-six long years he has been a resident of Christian County and has witnessed its growth and development. He is well known throughout its borders and is a man of upright character and worth, who in connection with his estimable wife holds an enviable position in the regard of their many friends. /jtjsi IIARLES H. HILL, who is Justice of the A\ r Peace an0 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD wife, son and daughter, he is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He has belonged to the Masonic fraternity for many years; is a Master Mason and has passed nearly all the chairs of that order. He is President of the Fair Association, having served as such since its organization, and having always taken a leading part in its success. He is also President of the Building and Loan Association, and, in short, there are few local movements or enterprises with which he has not been identified. EDMUND B. BILYEU, a farmer residing on section 21, Prairielon Township, is one of the well-to-do and enterprising agricultur- ists of the community, and one of the early set- tlers, his residence dating from 1841. Numbered among Illinois' native sons, he was born in Sanga- mon County, February 15, 1839. His father, John H. Bilyeu. was born and reared in Kentucky. He was twice married, his second union being with Elizabeth Workime, a native of Kentucky. Re- moving'to Illinois, he located in Sangamon Coun- ty, becoming one of its first settlers. Subsequent- ly he went to Miller County, Mo., but after four years spent in that place ho came to Sangamon County, 111., once more, and made it his home un- til March, 1841, when he removed to Christian County. Here he opened up a large farm and spent his remaining days, his death occurring in May, 1867. His wife still survives him, and has now reached the age of eighty years. Mr. Bih'eu had a family of twelve children, eight of whom are yet living: Peter, a farmer of this county; John S., whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Sampson B., deceased; Lydia, wife of Isom Adams, whose sketch is also given elsewhere; Ed- mund, of this sketch; Josiah, deceased; George and Isaac, who are living on the old homestead; Hiram C., who is now in the West; Sarah Ann, who died in Loekwood, Mo., leaving four chil- dren; and David Bilyeu, of Blue Mound The subject of this sketch spent his youth in this county, being reared amid the wild scenes of the frontier. He remained with his father until after he had attained his majority, and then set- tled upon an eighty-acre farm, where he resided until February, 1864. It was a tract of raw prai- rie, but the first season he broke forty acres and planted it in corn. He built a little house, fenced the entire farm, and in course of time placed it all under cultivation. He has since purchased two hundred and eighty acres, and now has about three hundred and sixty acres, of which two hun- dred and forty are in the home farm. This is a fine body of land, under a high state of cultiva- tion, and improved with all the accessories of a model farm. The owner has erected a commo- dious and substantial residence, good barns and outbuildings, and may well feel a just pride in this valuable homestead. On Christinas Day of 1861, Mr. Bilyeu married Miss Percy Reed, a native of Christian County, who died July 5, 1889. There were nine children born of that union: John H., who is married and follows farming in this county; Lydia Ann, wife of Thomas Barnett; Edmund, who is married, and follows farming; Elizabeth; Sarah; Linda, wife of George Jacobs; Peter C., Isom and Wilbur P. Mr. Bilyeu was again married, September 29, 1891, his second union being with Mrs. Nancy Easley, daughter of John Finn. She is a native of this State, and by her former marriage has three chil- dren. The second union has been blessed with one son, Earl, who is the joy and light of the household. Mr. Bilyeu is a member of the Christian Church and his wife belongs to the Baptist Church. Since casting his first vote for Stephen A. Douglas in 1860, he has supported each Presidential nominee of the Democratic party, but has never sought or desired public office, preferring to give his entire time and attention to his business interests. He has met with excellent success in his undertak- ings and by his own enterprise and industry has accumulated a handsome competency, which numbers him among the well-to-do fanners of Christian County. For the period of fifty-two years, he has made his home in this county, and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 451 has witnessed almost its entire growth and devel- opment. He has seen its wild land transformed into beautiful homes and farms, and hamlets have become thriving towns during his residence here. In the work of public improvement he has ever borne his part, and in the history of his adopted c'.unty he well deserves mention. TEPHEN WILLEY, deceased, was born on the 7th of June, 1827, in Hamilton Coun- ' Ohio, and came to this county with his parents about 1843. Here he grew to manhood. No event of special importance occur- red during his boyhood and youth, but after arriving at years of maturity he was married, on the 26th of December, 1849, to Miss Nancy Blunt, a native of Tennessee, born March 10, 1831. She came to this county with her father when quite a small child, and it has since been her home. Mr. Willey began life for himself a poor boy, but he possessed an indomitable will, energy, courage and perseverance, and made the most of his opportunities. Steadily he worked his way upward, and at the time of his death he left a valuable estate of seven hundred and twent\ r acres of choice land. He was a very prominent farmer and stock-dealer, and brought the first herd of Shorthorn cattle to this county, also in- troduced some fine hogs. Mr. Willey was of German descent, and possessed the excellent traits of character of that people. He was progressive and public-spirited, and the community found in him one of its valued citizens, who always gave his support and co-operation to those enterprises calculated to prove of public benefit. He took quite an active interest in political affairs, and was a stanch supporter of the Republican party and its principles. His death occurred on the 2d of August, 1870, and he was laid to rest in Tay- lorvillj Cemetery. His wife passed away July 5, 1890, and was placed by his side. She was of English and Irish extraction. Both of the children of the Willey family are yet living. Mary, the elder, was burn March 15, 1851, in Christian County. She acquired a good education, and remained at home until twenty years of age, when, on the 20th of Febiuary, 1871, she became the wife of William J. Ettinger, who was born October 17, 1841, in Dauphin County, Pa. He became a harness- dealer of Tay- lorville, and there carried on that business for a number of years previous to his death, which oc- curred May 11, 1882. He too was buried in Tay- lorville Cemetery. During the late war, he vali- antly served for three years and nine months in the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and took part in many important engagements. Mr. Ettinger left three children. Hayden, who was born July 1, 1873, is a highly-educated young .man, who now aids his mother in managing the home farm; Jessie was born July 10, 1877; and Allen on the 6th of May, 1881. Mrs. Ettinger is still living upon her farm of four hundred and forty acres, which is one of the best in the county. It is improved with all modern conveniences and accessories, being complete in all its appointments. She also owns an eighty-acre farm in Taylorville Township, and a residence in the city of Taylor- ville, where she spends the winter seasons, while in the summer months she again goes to the farm. On her father's death, in 1870, she inherited two hundred and forty acres of land, to which she has added, from time to time, until she now has five hundred and twenty acres. She possesses most excellent business and executive ability, and her property has been increased through her own good management and well-directed efforts. She pos- sesses many excellencies of character, and is a most estimable lady, whose friends throughout the community are many. Her brother Anthony is a progressive farmer of this county. The family is honored in the town of Willey, which bears their name. ZRA M. MILLER, who resides in Assump- tion, is numbered among the honored early pioneers of this part of Illinois. He lo- cated in Shelby County, near the present town of 452 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Assumption, when this region was an undeveloped wilderness. In many places the grass grew as high as a man's head while sitting on his horse. The few settlements were widely scattered, and the work of progress and development seemed hardly begun. Mr. Miller is a native of Fail-field County, Ohio, born on the 9th of December, 1832. His father, Christian Miller, was a native of Germany, and when a child came to the New World with his parents, the family locating in Pennsylvania. There he grew to manhood, and when a young man went to Ohio, locating in Fairfleld County, where he was married. He was a cooper, carpen- ter and millwright, and followed all three trades in the Buckeye State. In 1842 he emigrated Westward to Illinois, locating in Shelby County, where he bought a tract of land and opened up a nice farm. There he reared his family and spent the last years of his life. He was called to his final rest February 24, 1893, at the advanced age of eighty- nine years and four months. He was twice mar- ried, his first wife dying in 1837, and his second in February, 1879. Two children were born of the former marriage, Ezra M., and James C., now de- ceased, and by the latter union there were seven children. We now take up the personal history of our subject, who was a lad of only ten summers when he came to Illinois, where Ins boyhood and youth were passed. He had but limited school advant- ages in liis early life and is almost wholly self- educated. He remained with his father until he had arrived at years of maturity, when he began to earn his own livelihood by hauling rails. Af- ter one winter spent in this way lie engaged in trading in stock, and the succeeding year em- barked as a dealer in hedge plants. For fifteen years his energies were devoted to the raising and setting out of hedge fences. He has planted miles and miles of hedge in Shelby and Christian Counties. In 1862 he turned his attention to farming, and was actively and successfully en- gaged in agricultural pursuits for twenty years. He first purchased forty acres of land, to which he added from time to time until he now owns four hundred acres of valuable and well-improved land about six miles east of Assumption, and also another tract of forty acres just east of the cor- poration limits. He is also the owner of a fine residence property in Assumption, in which he now makes his home. lie is a worthy example of a self-made man, who commenced life for himself at the lowest round of fortune's ladder, and has steadily climbed upward to a position of affluence, being now numbered among the substantial citi- zens of the county. On the 8th of December, 1849, in Shelby County, Mr. Miller was united in marriage with Miss Alice McSherry, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of John W. McSherry, who died in the Hoosier State. Four children have been born of their union: Eva L., wife of George Dickson, a merchant of Finley. III.; Lillian, wife of Lon Milligan, a railroad en- gineer, residing in Amory, Miss.; Rose, wife of W. L. Ilinto, a merchant of Decatur; and Maud A., a young lady at home. They also lost three sons and a daughter in early childhood. The par- ents have given all their daughters good educa- tions. Politically, Mr. Miller has been identified with the Republican part}' since casting his first Presi- dential vote for Hon. John C. Fremont, in 1856. He always votes the Republican ticket at State and national elections, but in local -elections votes independently, supporting the man whom he thinks best qualified for the office, regardless of party affiliations. Mr. Miller has spent almost his en- tire life in Shelb} 7 and Christian Counties, and is well known here and in adjoining counties. He possesses good business ability and is an excellent financier, hence his success in life. He is a man of upright character and sterling worth, and he and his estimable wife have the respect and esteem of all who know them. GEORGE E. MAXON.a resident of Morrison- ville, is one of the large land-owners of Christian County, where he has lived since 1878. In 1881 he located in this village, where he has a fine residence properly. lie was born in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 453 Watertown, X. Y.. January 9. 1838, and is the son of George W. and Julania (Moore) Maxon. The father was a fanner in the Empire State, and re- moved to Wisconsin about the year I860, locating near Princeton, where lie earned on farming. His death occurred in 1885. at which time he was sev- enty-six years of age. His father was a native of Scotland, and emigrated to America when very young with his father, who settled in New York, lie was a farmer and died while still in the prime of life. He had a family of five sons and three daughters. Our .subject's mother died when sev- enty-four years of age, in 1882, in the faitli of the Methodist Church, to which she had belonged for many years. Her father, Verannis Moore, was a native of New York State, and lived to be nearly four-score years of age. His life was also de- voted to agricultural pursuits. George E. is the youngest of four children, the others being Ellen, wife of Warren Baker, a resi- dent of Marcellus, N. Y.; and Orin and Clark, both deceased. The early years of our subject were passed in the Empire Slate, and until he was seventeen years of age he continued to live with his parents on the farm, receiving his early educa- tion in the district schools. In 1855 he removed to Chicago, where he entered the employ of a firm dealing in hides, wool and leather. At the end of six years, or in 1861, he purchased the interest of J. C. Coe, of the firm of Coe & Van Duyn, of Spring- field, III. The firm then became G. A. Van Duyn & Co., Mr. Maxon being the "Co." Two years later the firm bought twelve hundred acres of land in th is county, near Morrison ville. Mr. Maxton'schief reason for becoming a farmer was on account of his poor health. He still, however, retained his interest in the business in Springfield until 1878, when he made an arrangement by which Mr. Van Duyn became proprietor of his interest in the Springfield concern, and he the exclusive owner of the land in this county. In 1891, he sold the land and first located in Christian County, and in the same year, in company with Messrs N. D. Ricks and William Provme, of Taylorville, purchased tin' Tuse interest in what is known as the Darcv tract of land, lying near Morrison ville and com- prising nearly six thousand acres, all of which is under cultivation and among the best corn lands of the State. Mr. Maxon now devotes his time to the care of these lands for the firm. In all his life our subject has only made three changes of loca- tion from the East to Chicago, from Chicago to Springfield, and from Springfield to this county. The marriage of Mr. Maxon and Miss Lina H. Potter was celebrated on the 10th of October, 1862. She is the daughter of Caleb M. and Harriet (Part- ridge) Potter, natives of the Empire State, and residents of Skaneateles. Mr. and Mrs. Maxon are the parents of three children: Adelbert P., Nina II. and Howard L. The two first-named are now- deceased. Fraternally, Mr. Maxon is a member of the Ma- sonic order, and in politics is a Republican. In 1890 he was elected a. member of the Board of Supervisors, and has also served for two terms as a member of the Village Board. The one thousand acres of land which he owns in this county are all well improved and very valuable. Mrs. Maxon, who is a well-educated and most agreeable lady, is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Morrison- ville. The success which our subject has achieved is entirely due to his own native characteristics and business talent, as he started out to make his fortune without possessing a dollar as capital. His example as a financier is well worthy the emula- tion of young men. S. GARDNER, Supervisor of the Poor i, and a prominent and influential cit- izen of Christian County, resides on sec- tion 3, Rosemond Township. He was born in Fayette County, 111., February 5, 1852, and is a son of Nathan Gardner, who was born in Knox County, Ohio, August, 10, 1817, and was 'reared in middle Tennessee. The grandfather, Britton Gardner, was a native of Germany, and when a small boy came with his parents to America. He served in the Revolutionary War. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Frances T. Harrison, and was born March 2, 1818, near Rich- 454 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. mond, Va. When a maiden of sixteen, she went to middle Tennessee, and on the 1st of June. 1831, became the wife of Mr. Gardner. In 1840 they emigrated to Fayette County, 111., and in 1856 came to Christian County. Here the father died in 1893, but the mother is still living, and throughout the county is known as "Aunt Fan- nie." The Gardner family numbered eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, of whom seven grew to mature years. Our subject is the sixth in order of birth. He was a lad of four summers when he came with his parents to this county, and the first school he attended was taught by the present County Superintendent of Schools, Prof. R. W. Orr. After attending the district schools, he became a student in the High School of Taylor- vilic. At the age of nineteen he began teaching, and in 1862 he attended the State Normal School, of Normal, 111., to fit himself for becoming a pro- fessor, but on account of ill health he was forced to abandon this plan. He then turned his atten- tion to the carpenter's trade, which he followed for some time. Mr. Gardner was married in this State on the 31st of January, 1883, to Miss Hettie Little, daugh- ter of James and Eliza (Seaton) Little, and a na- tive of Fayette County. Her father was a native of Tennessee, and was of Scotch-Irish descent. He became one of the early settlers of Fayette County, and there took up land from the Govern- ment. Mrs. Gardner is the fifth in order 'of birth in a family of seven children. Her mother died when she was eight years of age, after which her father married Frances Beck, and they became the parents of five children, four sons and a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner began their domestic life upon a farm. Subsequently they removed toTay- lorville Township, where they spent six years, and in 1890 our subject assumed the management of the Poor Farm, of which he still has charge. Their home has been blessed with a little daughter, Emma Ethel, who was born on the 3d of Septem- ber, 1885. In his political affiliations, Mr. Gardner is a Democrat. Socially, he is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity of Edinburgh, and also of the Anti-Horse Thief Association. He likewise holds membership with the Baptist Church. He is giv- ing excellent satisfaction as manager of the Pool- Farm, for he is a man of sterling worth, true to every trust reposed in him. A well-spent life has won for him universal confidence and esteem, and gained for him the high regard of all. |X ORICE DWIGIIT SHUMWAY, of Taylor- I ) ville, is a native of Christian County, and Q / y was born on a farm about four miles east of the city December 19, 1845. He is the second son and third child of D. I), and Emily R. A. (Rountree) Shumway, of whom extended men- tion is made in another part of this work. Mr. Shumway spent the first few years of his life on the farm where he was born, and his edu- cation began in the country school. After the family removed to Taylorville he attended school for a short time in this place, and spent two years at an academy in Hillsboro. In the spring of 1857, he entered the employ of W. W. Anderson, as clerk in a general store, and served until the fall of 1860, during which time he was also Dep- uty Postmaster of Taylorville. In the winter of 1860-61 he attended the Normal School at Nor- mal, Hi., when failing health caused him to aban- don his studies and return to Taylorville. The following winter he taught a country school, after which he spent a few years working on his father's farm and attending the public school. In 1866 he practicalh' commenced his business career on his own account, when he went to Hills- boro and engaged in merchandizing in partner- ship with his uncle, A. A. H. Rountree. This con- nection continued. until January 1, 1869, when he sold his interest to his partner. Returning to Taylorville, he became a member of the firm of Shumway