973.7L63 A2An23r Anderson Galleries, Inc. Autograph Letters and Lincol' niana. 1916 •« No. 1248—1916 Important Announcement The Sporting Prints from the great Collection made by Mr. Frederic R. Halsey of New York, on Public Exhibition from Monday, November 13th, will be sold on the evenings of Thursday and Friday, November 23d and 24th. His remarkable collection of French Engravings of the Eighteenth Century, on Public Exhibition November 29th, will be sold in five evening sessions beginning Monday, December 1 1 th. Catalogues will be sent free of charge to intending buyers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York No. 1248 A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND LINCOLNIANA FROM THE LIBRARY OF A NEW YORK GENTLEMAN Including a "Lynch" Signature and all the other Signers except three, a full Set of the Presidents, remarkably fine Letters by Literary Men, Statesmen, and Soldiers, and an extraordinary Collection of Lincoln Letters and Books TO BE SOLD NOVEMBER 13 AND 14, 1916 Monday Afternoon, November 13, 2:30 O'clock .... i ots I- 236 Monday Evening, November 13, 8:15 O'clock lots 237- 549 Tuesday Afternoon, November 14, 2:30 O'clock .... Lots 550- 860 Tuesday Evening, November 14. 8:15 O'clock Lots 861-1173 On Public Exhibition from Saturday, November 4th THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Madison avenue at Fortieth Street NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and sub- ject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terras Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled accounts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. 6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good seeond-hiuul condition. If material defects are found, not men- tioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are without recourse. 7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our custom- ers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price per- mitted by other bids. Books and Autographs on I'liblic Exhibition from November 4 Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $2.00 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED ]\[.-\DisoN Avenue at ]->iktieth Street, New York. Telephone, Murray Hill 7680. Catalogues on request. Sales Conducted by Mr. Frederick A. Chapman. ayli PREFACE This is one of tlif most inteiv.sting and valuable small col- lections by autograpliic material that has come on the market in many years, while the Lincolniaua approaches the Lambert and Bnrton collections in variety and importance. With the exception of Chase. Gwinnett and Middleton, tlie sale includes a complete set of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. The Lynch is a cut signature, as a matter of course, for only one of his letters, that in the New York Public Librarj^ is known to collectors. This signature was cut from a volume of Swift 's Avorks and its genuineness is authenticated by Lyman C. Draper. Among the holograph letters by the Signers those by Franklin, Lee, Nelson, and Whipple are ex- ceedingly interesting and important for their contents, and would greatly strengthen some of the few complete collections of the Signers now in existence. The letter by Hooper is of great importance because it bears the signature of two otlitT Signers, Hewes and Penn. The Presidential Set, to be sold separately also, is one of the very best that has ever come on the market. With one or two exceptions, each President is represented by a full autograph letter signed, and in most cases the letters are extremely inter- esting from personal and historical points of view. Among the many literary' men who are represented in this collection by letters entirely out of the usual order as to con- ti-nts are Coleridge, De Quincey, Hawthorne, Holmes, Kipling, Longfellow, Poe, Scott, Southey, Tennyson, and Wordsworth — to mention only a few — and among the soldiers and sailors are Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, John Barry, Gates, Greene. Hamilton, John Paul Jones, Knox, Lafayette, Putnam, and many more. The autograph material in tlie Lincolniana includes twenty- four letters and documents in the handwriting of Abraham Lincoln, two letters by Mrs. Lincoln, a boyhood letter by "Tad" Lincoln, whose death occurred a few years after that of his father, and a large number of very interesting letters bearing on the public and private life of the great emancipator. All the books and pamphlets in the three concluding sessions of the sale relate to the life, public seiwices, and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln and comprise one of the most important collections ever gathered on this subject. Some of the items were not in the Lambert or Burton collections and are un- known to the Lincoln bibliographers. LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND LINCOLNIANA \ 1 f'ractice and as thn( appcnrs still a Greater Prospect of Teed * of a Person skilled in these Sciences and as Doctor Faij has iritli him on tlit Prrniiscs Cinisidrrnhle of a QniinHtii of Medi- cines, tic. and is n-illin;i and irell sLilled lu Continue the Cam- pain in the said Ctipacity, 1 would therefore licconunend him to be Continued by Your Honour's Appointment and Ratifica- tion thereof thro, the Campain in the Capacity aforesaid. This recommendation and request is made om the Hypothesis that Government loill send a Militarij force to maintain the Sover- anity of Lake Champlain in favour of the Colonies." The endorsement on the back is in the autograph of William Wil- liams, then Secy, to Gov. Trumbull, and later Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 3. ARNOLD (BENEDICT). A. L. S., Ip- folio. St. Pierre, Martinieo, Jan. 18, 1795. To Ward Chipman. Es(|. Por- trait. 2 pieces. "After till riiiiitil of scriicx I liner i;ii,ii Ihrniliili in Uiis Coiintrii {iirid some i,f thcni rery liir.ardoiis t . I inii preiiarinf/ to return ta l-J/ifiland. and e.rpect to emhnrk in Ainil. rather better in fortnn<. and infinitely inure in hcnUli." ftc. '< FIRST SESSION Monday Afternoon, November 13, 1916, at 2:30 O'clock LOTS 1-236 HISTORICAL LETTERS 1. ALDRICH (T. B.). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. Best., April 8, 1896. To F. M. Hopkins, regarding the preservation of the Poe Cottage. States that he has just returned from the West Indies but will be glad to sign the petition to the Legislature. 2. ALLEN (COL. ETHAN). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. [Ticon- deroga, May, 1775]. To the Hon. Jonathan Trumbull, Gov. of Conn. Recommends the roDtiiiuiiig in office of Doctor Jonas Fay as 4«^ surgeon with the force which took Ticouderoga. Interesting as "^ well as important for the quaiutness of its language and phrase- ology. "The Hazard of Takeiny Ticonderoya teas supposed to be such that the Comitce of War for the Eapadition Imploy'd Mr. Jonas Fay of Benninyton to Proeeede with the Scout to said Premises in Character of Doctor tt- Chirurgeon, which Character Mr. Fay has Merited by Ten Years of Successful } ^ 6^ 4. BAINBRIDGE (WILLIAM). A. L. S., 3 pp. Uo. Xavy Yard Chr. Mass. March 20, 1824. Portrait. 2 pieces. An interesting letter to Capt. Geo. C. Itead on naval matters. "/ have commanded on the ocean nine of our public ships. Without the least intention of an invidious comparison irith any Brother Officer, J heliere I may say it is nearly double the num- ber of any other Commander, altlm I do not claim ser rices rendered in that proportion," etc. 5. BARBER (FRANCIS, Distinguished Col. in Revolu- tion). A. L. S., 2 pp. folio. Elizabethtown, Oct. 9, 1778. To Lord Stirling [William Alexander]. War letter. Roiiorts lliat he has eoHccted ■'straglers" and invalids to guard the town on aeeonnt i)f tlie value of the pub- lic stores there. Barber was left behind to iccover from a severe w^ound received at Monmouth. 6. BARRY (JOHN). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Little Egghar- boiir, April 15, 1776. Portrait. 2 pieces. An important revolutionary letter, as it refers to the first British v^^ar vessel captured by America. To Capt. Timothy Sheler : ''You are hereby desired to take with you to Philadel- phia and there deliver the prisoners which, I have taken out of the Sloop Edward." etc. Mentions Robert Morris. 7. BLACKMORE (R. D.). A. L. S., 2 pp. 16mo. Tedd[ington], October 30, 1877. To an unnamed publisher. "IHmes are bad indeed, but their moral obliquity must be manfully toithstood. A writer of my repute, diligence, skill, & lofty conscience must not undertake a twelvemonths' work for a thousand pounds." " 'Erenia' ran out an edition in a fort- night. I am. now an established concern." etc. 8. BRADSTREET (JOHN, British officer, distinguished in the French and Indian War). A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Albany, May 10, 1766. To His Exl. General Gage. On military affairs, and justifying himself against some criticism by Gage. 9. BRYANT (WILLIAM C). A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to. New York, May 8, 1848. To Carey & Hart. With engraved portrait. 2 pieces. Relates to a plan for circulating a cheap edition of his i)oems, and explains his reluctance to proceed. He. concludes : "/ shall shortly draw for the .sum mentioned in your letter, and am glad to perceive that the book has been so successful in your hands." 10. BURR (AARON). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. New York, March 18, 1787. To Col. Jereh. Wadsworth, ordering claret. Engraved portrait. 2 pieces. 11. BURR (AARON). A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to. N. Y., Oct. 2, 1802. To E. Edwards. "(7. O. ivrit.es uk that Ji'epubUcanism has r- gained in your late election," etc. M2> CALHOUN (JOHN C). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. Wash., April 12, 1830. To A. Hamilton. .Marked "Confidential." Portrait. 2 pieces. A long political letter. M^ 13. CALIIOUX (JOHN C). A. X. S., 1 p. Svo. Senate Chamber, April 7, 1840. Portrait. 2 pieces. "/ have read 'Eqval I'Uihix' iriih a fircal deal of pleasure," etc. 14. CAMPBELL (THOMAS. Knglish Poet). Manuscript poem: "Hohenlinden." 8 verses of four lines eaeli on 2 pp. 4to. Portrait. 2 pieces. Portrait. With the following note, signed, at the end. "Transcribed for Mr. McCuiw hi/ his old friend and recior — T. Campbell."' A. L. S., 4 pp. 12mo. The Addressed to "Dear Lord ivf 1.1. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Hill, Dumfries, 10 July, 1870. Ralph." Fine and very interesting letter on hearing of the death of Lord Lothian. "/ was to behold that loved and aliroi/s beauti- ful d interestinfi Fellow-Man no more. lie honorablii rests noir. and all his heari/ and continual sorrons are done." etc. 16. CARTER (JOHN, Soldier in the Revolution). A. L. S.. 3 pp. folio. Williamsburg, June 28, 1782. To :\Ir. Peter Colt, making arrangements and provision for the supplies and forage for the army on the march from Williamsburg to Georgetown. The third page gives a list of the camp sites or / stopping places at the end of each day's march. Interesting account of the Commissary Department in action, jiroviding for the movement for an army of three divisions. 17. CHAIXCEY (ISAAC, Naval Officer). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. Navy Yard, Brooklyn. June 14, 1829. 1 To Joseph Gales. '"/ »(/.v not aware before the receipt of !/our letter that Mid. -Johnson irns a relatire of iiotu's." etc. 18. CLAY (HENRY), A. I). Signed twice. 2i/, pp. folio. Feb. 23, 1804. Legal document. Clay's opinion on "the claim of James Govens for two thousand acres of land, under an entry made ^„ ^^ the IGth day of May, ITSO." etc. 19. CLAY (HENRY). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. New Orleans, May 6, 1819. To the Rev. H. Holley, concerning Transyl- vania University. Engraved portrait and view. 3 pieces. '2(1. CLAY (HENRY). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Washington, March 24, 1832. To H. Xiles. Es>r--rp. 4to. Albany. .March 14. 1764. Affidavit of Angus Jh 32. ELIOT (GEORGE). A. L. S., 11/2 pp. 8vo. Signed ^ ^ " M. E. Lewes. " " The Priory, 21 North Bank [Regent's Park] , Jan. 17. 1871. With etched portrait. 2 pieces. I« To "My dear Mrs. Cameron." thauking liei- foi' a gift of books. V^ . ;J "^ which she says "is the more precious because it is given for the J^ sake of my books.'' ''You are happy in being away from under the London blanket with a sight of the sky a bore you." etc. 33. FARRAGUT (ADMIRAL DAVID G.). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. :\lar(^ Islan.l Navy Yard, April 28, 1857. To Philip R. 'Feudal, commending him and wishing him success in his application for a Government position. 84. FIELD fElTxENE). A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to. New Orleans, Jan. 27th, 1894. "Ihar I. dull : I hare hcin rcry lonely sinci you left, al- though * * * invitations to parties, receptions, the opera, rfc, pour in on me. and 1 am rattled. t'nless I were here in- \ cognito. I could not posxihlii do any literary irorU. f.ore to I dear Anna, and little Leigh, and sweet Dorelin. An extra kiss for our dear F.ugenc. and much love to iio\i. old man." &c. ^ %. 35. GATES (HORATIO). A. L. S., 1 p. siiiaU 4to. War- ner, Oct. 24, 1779. To Col. Sherburne, Conmiaiider at Bristol: "•/ desire the favour you will immediuiely send and supirress the Grog Shops, and any irregular Sutling Houses in Bristol.'^ etc. 36. OILMAN (NICHOLAS, Member of Continental Con- gress). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to. Washington, Dee. 8, 1808. A long and interesting political letter in which he criticises the administration in relation to the Embargo Laws. 37. GEEELEY (HORACE, Founder of ''The Tribune"). A. L. S., 4 pp. Svo. AVashington, D. C, April 9, 1856. In- structions relating to publication of cei'tain news ileitis. 38. GREENE (GEN. NATHANAEL). A. L. S., 7 pp. 4to. Trenton, Dec. 17, 1778. To Lord Stirling. l*ortrait. 2 pieces. All imiiort.-nit war letter outliniiij^- the serious situation in n\yard to the lack of forage for the army cattle, and making / suggestions of measures to be taken to relieve the situation. "General Lee and Col. La wrens lias had a duel in irliieh the former iras iiuunded in the had. 'J'he cause of the duel I have not learnt, hut if has hcen said General Lee affrnnted Mrs. \\ ashing, tan i:t ihf Assrinhh/ hrjorc Ills L.t-i-iUcncy's arrival in idirn : hiti ithclliii' if i.s true or not I i-aniiot tell." et<'. -^ i^ 39. GREENE (GEN. NATHANAEL). A. L. S., 3 pp. folio. Head Quarters South Carolina, Oct. 26, 1781. Por- trait. 2 pieces. To Col. .Jeremiah Wadsworth : "By the yapers I see Gen- eral Arnold lias heen syrcadiny death and desolation among you. How long is this curse upon the human race to go un- punished? Certainly vengence will overtake him shortly ; and oh! that it may happen in a way that his Country may he re- re nyed on him! But enough of the wretch for the present. I congratulate you upon our happy prospects in Virginia. Our Itopes and expectations are all alive here. Fortune must he very ill-natured to give the Modern Hanihal an opportunity to escape ; and if he falls as there is little douht of, the pride of Britain will tnmhlc in the dust. What a triumph to America! ]\'hat a crown of laureli^ to General Washington!'' etc. 40. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). A. L. S.. 2i/2 pp. Svo. Albany, Sept. 7, 1782. To Robert Benson — Aide to Gov. Clinton : "In obedience to Mr. Morris's instrnctions I lately wrote to His llvvellency the Governor requesting information on a variety of matters, which it is of great importance to the Financier and to the public to Inow. The Governor in his answer tells me that the returns lately made hy different public officers and on the files of the Legislature n:ill answer most of the questions stated by me. The principal ones were concerning: 'The supplies of every hind, money, provisions, forage, transportation, &g., which have been furnished by this State to the United States since the ISth of March, 17S0. The amount of the different paper Currencies in the State and the respective rate of depreciation," etc. 41. HANSON (JOHN). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Phila., Jan. 11, 1782. (Circular). Sending to Gov. Clinton an ordinance of Congress ascertaining what captures on Water shall be lawful. 10 lO . 42. HARTE (BRET). A. L. S., 21;. pp. 12uio. Oetr. 14, /^1874. To P. E. Bliss, Publisher, complaiuing of careless proof- reading. The word •'canon," he says, has been repeatedlj^ spelt "canon," in spite of his many corrections. Lacking a full font of italicised letters, he says, is not the sign of a first- class printing establishment, etc. 43. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. West Newton, March 10th. 1852. With etched portrait. 2 pieces. -f have resided hi one or two places since leaving Salem, irhither your note was directed, ft has finally reached me here. I lake plcasiii-e in coiiijiUiinn with your request for an auto- tiraph; hut as to any additional remarks. I really do not know /^^ -^ what to say — except that tee have had a very severe winter (as you are proiahly aware) and that the sprim/ seems rather backward. The frost is now cominf/ out of the ground, and the mud. I am sorry to add. is ahsolutchi hottomlcss." "P. »S. I sometimes irrite better than the ahorc and soinetiines worse." . I w- A / ^ 44. IIEXRY (PATRICK). A. L. S.. 2 pp. square 8vo. Wmsburgh. :\Iay 28, 1778. To R. II. I.ee. "/ could not gratify Loyeareti. I could not, ■\W ^ ^'io' / tryed hard for it. make him happy. While I doubt not ijkY his great zeal for America. I must his ahiUtys. — Pray try to get ^ us (■) or S heavy canon for a Fort to protect the ships of our Allys. Such a one is much wanted here." etc. 45. HOL.MES (OLIVER AV.). A. L. S., 2 pp. oblong 1(3 mo. [Bost.,] June 16, 1882. To Francis H. Underwood, appar- ently relating to an alleged plagiarism. "7 don't doubt that poem was stowed away among my old remembrances, but I did not remember that I remembered it. I am not a literary kleptomaniac, but ivhen our brain-pockets are turned inside out xoe find a lot of things which we have appropriated in some way or other."' &c. Honestly yours." 46. HOLMES (OLIVER W.). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. Bost., Dec. 27, 1888. Written on page 3 of a double sheet, page 1 of which has a printed notice that Dr. Holmes' failing eyesight obliges him to contract his correspondence. To [Francis II. 1 Uuderwood. sometime U. S. Con.sul at (ilasgow, Scotland. Holmes hopes he will write his ex- 1 criences while there. He writes of Trofessor Max MuUer and mentions that Lowell has returned, dined with Holmes the other day, and will do so again. &c. 47. HOUSTON (SAMUEL, President of Texas). A. L. S., 21/2 pp. folio. Sparta, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1826. To Maj. W. J. Worth at West Point, N. Y. Franked address on the back. Portrait. 2 pieces. Concerning clothes order(>d from Major Worth's tailor. Re- fers to his campaign for the Governorship: "The people say that I will beat from .50 to GO.OOO votes for Governor," etc. 48. HULL (COMMODORE ISAAC). A. L. S.. 2 pp. 4to. Boston. Jan. 19, 1813. To John BuUus. V Mention the fiigate "l'rcsid(Mit." '^^ n u M-- > 49. JAY (JOHN). L. S., 1 p. 4to. New York, Oct. 23, 1786. (Circular.) T(i Guv. ("liiiton'. ■/ Inni- the Honor of Iierewith transmit- tinfi to your Excellency the List directed in it. and which con- tains an account of all the Negroes belonging to your state that y appear to hare been carried ainiy by the British when they evacuated this city" etc. This refers to an order of Congress. 50. JONES (JOHN PAUL). A. L. S., 2 pp. square 8vo. L 'Orient, August 17, 1785. Portrait. 2 pieces. To Thomas Jefferson. "■/ am still waiting for a decision re- specting the rlaim of Mr. Peschilberg. But I think it my duty to inform you that one or tiro of the common sailors that serred on hoard the Alliance, irhen that Frigate was under my ordcr.i. are noir here in a Merchant Vessel, and, as I am this moment informed, they have been persuaded to tvrite to Mr. Peschilberg desiring that their share in the prizes may not be sent to America but paid to them here.'' 51. KEY (FRANCIS SCOTT, Author of "Star Spangled Banner"). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. George Town, 21 July, 1819. With address on back to Jas. H. Lane, Shepherdstown, Va. Interesting letter in connection with some property in the s.mth. He mentions that the times are very bad, and that a nominal rent was as much as could be expected from a certain negro family, and that simply to keep up possession. 52. KIPLING (RUDYARD). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. [Brat- tleboro, Vt.] Nov. 10, 1892. To Mr. Davis, [probably Richard Harding] . '•JAI:< the larkspur I've been waiting for your books, and they haven't come. T knotv and like them all, but I want them icith your name in ... T am meditating a visit to New York .wme time shortly I hope and then maybe we shall meet and I will answer the question Brander Mathews has answered and other questions and ask erer so many more." 53. KNOX (GEN. HENRY). A. L. S., 2 pp. folio. Camp Middle Brook. June 1, 1777. Portrait. 2 pieces. J To Harry .Jackson. "7 wrote you about the uujggons. arms ■A»5^ and clothing. Yon icill be allowed 3 or 4. 1 V The French gentlemar} you mention and no other person shall Kj supersede me; the instant Congress confirms his appointment I shall leave the .service. But the Genl. and all the General Officers think they cannot exhibit such a piece of ingratitude. But if thry should T retire." etc. 54. LAFAYETTE (MARQUIS DE). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. [New Jersey, Winter of 1777-78?]. To Col. [lias] Dayton. Portrait in aquatint. 2 pieces. An important war dispatch ordering movements, reconais- sance. etc portending an attack on the enemy. ''Colonel Day- ton, is requested to send every one of his spies to Staten Island and New York with orders to inquire most particularly of the situation of the enemy at these two places, of every pass on the island, piquets, patroles, d-c., the state of the ice, with orders to return to-morrow night before eleven o'clock. ••He will also aire the appointment to the guides for Staten /^ ^ Island on to-morrow night at ten o'clock; at three o'clock in the morning he iriU dismiss them irithout the air of concern and aire ihem an u iipoinfmenl for the ne.rt night. »r x^ \ ^ 12 ,^ "'J'oiHurroir iiif/lit dud I In dui/ mid iiiijlit iiftir ImiKirruic he will order the Militia at Elizabeth town to kee/j patroling partief! alony the shore and preicnt uttyhody gettiny in. Hut he is not to deliver the order at once, but, an the contrary, make their officers believe there is an expedition going on to- morrow night, and that then it has miscarried, but will he emeciiied the night after that of to-morrow. "If there is any inteUigenee. jiarticularly such as ought to alarm the pass on Xorth River, he irill s)nd it day and night to headquarters.^' 55. LAFAYETTE (MARQUIS DE). A. L. S., 1 p. -tto. Paris, Sept. 17, 1829. To [Philip Hone], introducing :\Ir. Joseph Roberts. Refers tyons in thanks for some furs he had given R. E. Lee. "7 knoiv that were it in your power you ivould ex- '^ tend the same comforts to all our Soldiers, who notioith- standing their privations, unmurmuringly bear every hardship they are called upon to endure in the defence of their country,'' etc. 59. LINCOLN (GEN. BENJAMIN). A. L. S., 1 p. folio. White Plains, Aug. 11, 1778. To Major Edward Mead. T'Ala of his return to service after recovery from his wound, which necessitated his retirement for a year. "^o news, irorth rommunicating, in camp, saving that it is I y^robable that our trooyx are landed on Rhode Isl., that ye 'r)f enemy have left ye town of Newport t§ have taken a height in ^ (7s rear: they hare burnt a number of their armed rcssels and are sinking obstructions in ye channel. They must soon, I think, fall into our hatids.^' etc. 13 \ 'i 60. LIVINGSTON (WALT5:R. Member of Continental Congress). A. L. S., 2 pp. folio. Albany. June 29, 1776. To the Rev. James Caldwell. An interesting war letter ; speaks of Gen. Thompson's de- feat and capture by the British in Canada. Gen. Sullivan's re- treat to Crown Point, etc. "A most didhnlical plot has heen discovered at ?^. York. ' The Mayor and 27 others are iinjjrisoncd for entering into a / comhination to murder Genl. Washington. The Provincial ^ Conf/ress are under an Oath of Secrecy, othericise we should " have the particulars. "There's some troops arrived at the Hool. Its e.rpccted that {t^.) Yorh will he attacked ei-ery day. My own opinion is that the lilow irill not he xiriirk at X. York. I lio/ic J iikiij he mis- taken. We arc ciceedinyly irell prepared. I imayine there is not less than 20.000 men //r/.s day at (X.) York; others daily conrinfi in.'' etc. 61. LONG-FELLOW (HENRY W.). A. L. S., 2i/2 PP- 12mo. Cambridge, September 26. 1878. Interesting letter to Osgood, the Publisher, relating to Longfellow's literary work, especially the series, ''Poems of Places," finished in 1879. "The Birth Bay Book is rather a yood idea, hut hoir suc- cessful it ivould prove in a- commercial point of vieir. you can hetter judge than I. As to ''Poems of Places.' J hardly knotc how many volumes irill he necessary to complete the tcork. It will never do to slight our oirn Country: hut I will limit myself as much as possihle. The materials for the United States are very ahundant. and to most of our people this part of the hook will prohahly he more interesting than any other. ^Oceanica' is to he the closing volume of the series. As it iras all ready. I had it put into type in advance, so as to have my hands free." etc. 62. LOWELL (J. R.). A. L. S., 3 pp. 16mo. Elmwood, n. d. To "My Dear Underwood." He very humbly apologies for not arranging to have Under- ( y^ /'O') wood meet Curtis. "/ have written a note to Curtis d- told of ^^j \ 1/ «(?/ stupidity. Pray forgive mc." etc. He adds a postscript. "/ If feci horrihly about it." 63. McCLOSKEY (JOHN. Cardinal of New York). A. L. S.. 1 p. 16mo. Feb. 19. 1882. Signed '"John, Card. A. hp. ofN.Y." 64. MORRIS (GOUVERNEUR. Member of Continental Congress). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Phila., Jinie 22, 1784. To George Clinton. Gov. of N. Y., introducing Mr. Van Berkel, ^r — ' Minister of the United Netherlands. 65. O'REILLY (JOHN BOYLE). A. L. S.. 2 pp. 8vo. Bost., 1888. regretting he will not be able to read in public "for so dear an object to me as the benefit of the blind chil- ^ dren;" Autograph poem, of 4 lines, signed; and portrait. 3 pieces. 66. O'REILLY (JOHN BOYLE). Autograph poem, of 14 lines, signed. "A soft -breasted bird from the sea," etc.: and /T) typewritten manuscript poem, of 32 lines, "A Lost Friend.' signed. 2 pieces. 14 f 67. PARKAIAX f FRANC IS) Boston. [August 11, 1877J. To A. L. S., 3 pp. square 12mo. Mv Dear Mr. Stewart." 68. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). A. L. S., 3 pp. 12ino. 50 Chestnut Street, Nov. 10, 1877. To "My Dear Mr. Stone." "With portrait. 2 pieces. ■'.S'o loufi (IS I ctni rciHciiihcr the name. 'Old French War' meant the uar of 175.>63. The name 'Old French' teas used by. our fathers to distinf/uish it from the Revolutionary War. The Ivor of 1744-.j0 was formerly knoirn in Neir York as Shir- leu's War." &('. D. S., 1 p. folio. Sept. 10, 1681. 69. PENN (WILLIAM) Portrait. 2 pieces. Iver-oi'd of the ])iircliase of Five Tho\is;iiid Acres uf Innd ill I'eiiiisyhnniji. fur the sum of Oiie Hundred Pounds. 70. PICKENS (ANDREW. Gen. in the Revolution). L. S., 1 p. folio. Long Cane, June 15, 1781. To iMaj. Greene. War letter reporting- liis arrangements for eolleoting sup- lilies and forwardin};- reinforeements to the army besieging Fort Ninety-Six. 71. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Rich- mond, Oct. 8, 1835, to Dr. R. M. Bird, Philadelphia; Mezzo- tint portrait by Sartain ; view of Poe's Cottage at Fordham. 3 pieces. \Yritten by I'oe soon after his ciigagenieiir on the "Mes- senger," and while his enthusiasm was still high. "At the rci/iicst of Mr. Thomas W. White. I'roprietor of the 'Southern Literary Messenger,'' puhlished in this city. I take the liberty of addressiny yon. and soVuitiny your aid in the iray of ocrasiotKil or regular coiitrihutions to his Magazine. Being n:ell airare that yonr time is fully ocrupied, I confess that T have little hope of being able so far to interest you in behalf of a merely Southern Journal as to ohtahi that as- sistanre irhieh you hare refused to your more immediate neigh- hours. Hut the value of any eontribution you might afford us rendered it incumbent upon me to make the attempt, at all events, in aecordancc with his desire. Veru respt. Tr. ob. st. Edgar A. I'oe." n y n^ T2. PUTNAM (ISRAEL). L. S., li/o pp. folio. Prince- ton, Jan. 27. 1777. Portrait. 2 pieces. To the ("ouneil of Safety. "Capt. Eehavd ami ('apt. Fisher of ficrks County have just informed )ne that their Companies hare run auay to a, man, etc. A foraging party of the IJnemy of about 1.000 men came yesterday as far as Somerset Court House with 100 ivagons <(■ 4 field /)iec< I am notr better, iinirh better, and hare pp. 8vo. Vailima Plantation. July 7, 1892. To [Will H.] Low. With etched portrait. 2 pieces. ''This is to introduce Tati >iitlnon. High Chief of the Teras in Tahiti, a ninch more considerable man than King Pomare. Ask him, and he will tell yon n-hich can raise most men. He is going to the States on a visit to Henry .\dams and * * * / make it my special request that you give him a good dinner, of which I owe him several. I daresay the God-Like Sculptor might like to see a real High chief for once in his life." &c. 84. STEVENSON (R. L.). A. N. S., 1 p. 16mo. Valima, Samoa, n. d. With photogravure portrait. 2 pieces. "To the deril inth autograph hunters! Robert Louis \ Stevenson." 85. STEVENSON (R. L.l. A. X. S. (with initials), 1 p., IBmo. To A. Ireland, relating to the latter's i-eminiscencos of Carlyle and Mrs. Carlyle. which Stevenson says he luul read with the greatest interest, and should he not say so. he ^vonld feel "ten-fold ungrateful." &c. 17 ^JO'^ s 86. STIRLING (LORD). L. S., 1 p. 4to. Ramapough, Oct. 4, 1779. [ To Major Burnet. "/ did make a report to his Excellency ^ ^ General Washington with regard to your behaviour relative to \ \ ^.m^ the movement of the boats from Dorr's Ferry to Powlis Hook: ■1 it ivas founded on the report made to me by Major Lee,'' etc. 87. STOWE (HARRIET B.). A. L. S., Si/o pp. 16mo. Andover, 1858. To Mr. Underwood; with autographed por- trait. 2 pieces. Requests Underwood to send copies of "Life Thoughts" to Lady Byron, Charles Kingsley, and other English friends. The weather at Andover is now much better, her health is im- proving, &c. 88. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo. [Freshwater], Nov. 1, 1863. "With engraved portrait. 2 pieces. "Let me thank you noic for your tobacco, ivhich. was pro- nounced by some friends here as super-excellent." "/ never t see Blackwood's Magazine, but would most tmllingly read the l^ 'Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence,' which you ' are good enough to offer to send me. particularly as you tell me thai the most spirited and, truthful account of the heroic strug- gle is to be found there." etc. 89. THACKERAY (W. M.). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. 36 Onslow Sq., Sunday [Feb. 1, 1854] ; envelope with wax seal; and 2 portraits, one etched by Hollyer, signed. 3 pieces. ''Dear Mrs. Arabin. T have chosen this black edged paper to denote my grief that T am unirell and can't go out to dinner. "^ Why. I think I have had to refuse 10 friends this week: and believe me the person who is most sorri/ of all is. Yours faith- fully." ^ ^7 90. THOMSON (CHARLES, American Patriot, Secy, of Congress). D. S., 1 p. 8vo., Oct. 4, 1782. Printed Resolutions of Congress, signed by Thomson as Secretary. Affirmation of adherence to the treaty of alliance between the United States and France whereby it was agreed "That neither of the contracting parties shall conclude peace nor triire with. Great Britain, without the consent of the other." etc. An important document. 91. TRUIMBrLL (JONATHAN, Gov. of Conn. 1798-1809). 7) A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Lebanon, July 12, 1799. To the Rev. Benj. Trumbull, with a draft of the latter 's reply on the second page. 92. WAYNE (ANTHONY). A. L. S., 2 pp. square 8vo. Ebenezer, April 3, 1782. Portrait. 2 pieces. To Col. Jackson, Camj) on the Line near Savannah. "/ have yet ground to think that the advance of Mr. Campbell was to cover the advance of the Indians. It is necessary for the pres- ent that you should remain on the line, d: strike if possible without risking too nniHi." Mentions the shortage of food," etc. 1.^ yO 93. WENTWORTH (JOSHUA, Soldier in Revolution. Member of Continental Congress). A. D. S., 1 p. oblong 4to. Portsmouth, June 24, 1775. Note in favor of Mr. Robert Fur- nass, Ship and Insurance Broker, London. 94. WHTTTIER (JOHN G.). A. L. S., 2 pp. Svo. Ames- bury. 1874. With engraved portrait. 2 pieces. To a friend, cxiircssing sympntliy upon the " 'passing on'' of thy dear sister.'" ''How glad I should he to see thee cf Theodore. There are so few of us left.'' &c. 95. WILLETT (MARINUS, Distinguished American Pa- ' )j triot. Mayor of New York). D. S., 2 pp. folio. Albany, Sept. 11, 1782. \ Signed Col. Commandant. Report to Maj. (icn. Lord Stirling w\ l\j /^' "of the Manner in u-hich the Troops arc posted on these L»<' ^ frontiers.'' in Tyron County. 9H. AVORDSWORTH (WILLIAIM). A. L. S., 2i/. pp. 4to. Rydal Mount, 7th Feb., N. Y. Upon the Irish and Roman Catholic questions. "Numerous engagements hare prevented niij thanking you ea/rlier for your remarlcs upon Catholic Emancipation. The Concessions are noiv to he made, hut . . . my notion is that ivithholdini/ the privilege of sitting in parliament from Papists was not the cause of the discontent in Ireland and that there- " fore, granting that privilege cannot remove them. ISIeverthe- less, I trust in the goodness of God, and as the measure is to take place. I neither repine nor murmur, hut am prepared to he- Ueve that ultimately a way imll he disclosed out of this lahy- rinth. though / am utterly unahle to discern it." &c'. 'Vj J^^ SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE A Lynch Signature and all the other Signers except four. 97. ADAMS MOHN. Signer from Mass.). L. S. li^ pp. 4to. Qnincy. },I;!y Ki. 1^19. To Mr. Xilcs of Nile's Register. (Time-stained and strengthened at folds.) A letter of great interest in connection with the Hoston Tea Party. "In one of your letters you ask me whether I can give you the names of the Mohairks, who were concerned in the escapade of the Tea in Boston Ilarhomr. J tell you now in ^ truth and upon honor that I know not, and never knew the names of any one of them. . . . I tvas in Plgmouih. When I returned to Boston the deed ivas done. The profound secret. and the lotal ahstinance from plunder are proofs of the char- acter of the men. I helieve they would have tarred and feath- ered any one of their numher who should harr hcen detected in pocketing a pound of Tyson." etc. 98. ADAMS (SAMUEL, Signei- from .Mass.). I). S., 1 p. 4to, August 9, 1778. Massachusetts Bav provincial bond for £500. H /^ ^ (^ v^ 4 >^ 99. BARTLETT (JOSIAH, Signer from N. H.). A. D. S., 1 p. folio. Kingstown, NoA^ 4, 1788. Legal document. 100. BRAXTON (CARTER. Signer from Virginia). A. D. S., 1 p. oblong 12mo. May 20, 1800. 101. CARROLL OF CARROLLTON (CHARLES, Signer from Maryland). A, L, S., 3 pp. 4to. Baltimore, 27tli Dec, 1822. To Mr. William Gibbons, his agent. Discussing business affairs, he tells of certain rents and other moneys due, ordirs for flour. &c. In addition to the sig- nature, is a postscript initialled, "C. C. of C." 102. CLARK (ABRAHAM, Signer from N. J.). D. S., 2 pp. folio. June, 1776. Signed as Sheriff of Essex Co. 103. CLYMER (GEORGE, Signer from Penn.). A. L. S., 11/4 pp. folio. Phila., July 23, 1792. To Congressman Edward Hand, on political matters. \ ^ 104. CLYMER (GEORGE, Signer from Penn.). D. S., ^^ 1 p. oblong 12mo. Phila., Feb. 8, 1803. Henry Clymer's note, endorsed by George Clymer on face and back. 105. ELLERY (WILLIAM, Signer from R. I.). A. L. S., 1 p. folio. St. Thomas, May 3, 1757. To Messrs. John Gould & Co. Reporting his condition and activities as a i>rivateer. "You may depend on my l-eepinp a r/ond look out for a fnc Inrfie sugar ship,^' etc. .,-) 106. FLOYD (WILLIAM, Signer from N. Y.). A. D. S., t-^j\ " 1 p. 4to. Feb. 13, 1795. Return of names of the Officers of \*^ the Suffolk County (Floyd's) Brigade. 107. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN, Signer from Penn.). A. L. S. (in two places), 3 pp. 4to. Craven St. [Lond.,] Jan. 12, 1774. To Hon. Thomas Walpole. With portrait. • Franklin declares that having been told that his conduct of affairs between England and the Colonies does not entitle ■^^ ■'^ him to any mark of favor from Government, such as being ""^ -/ " a Proprietor in the Grant of Lands on the Ohio, he wishes to ' i je yr say he "never considered, flic rtfirernnnt irith the Treasury for these Lands as a Matter of Farm-, unless it was such from iis to Government.'' lie wishes therefore to have his name struck from the list of Associates. This letter occupies both sides of one sheet. On one side of the second sheet is an ex- tract from a letter by Thomas Walpole (written by Franklin) wherein he (Franklin) is referred tn as "Old Moses.' Be- neath is a written statement, by Franklin, signed, that his rights to two shares still exist and he hopes his posterity may benefit from them. He concludes: "/ icrite this memorandum at Passy. France, where I am. now in the service of United States, 1778." The two sheets were fastened together by Franklin with a wafer. 20 ^' fy^ 108. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN. Signer from Penn.). L. r \^^ '^ S., 1 p. 4to. To Philip Schuyler, at Tieonderoga. '^ ^ ^ar^ Signed also by Cliarles ( "arroll of C'arroUtou aud Saimu'l £\J Chase, both Signers. The three went to Canada in 1776 bv ,V^^ \ "^ way of Lake fteoige in the hope of inducing the Canadians to' >k. ■ y^ y;^ - -'^^ join the Thirteen Colonies in their revolt. ^ f- y obL 109. GERRY (ELBRIDGE, Signer from Mass.). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Cambridge, Sept. 18, 1813. To .Jacob Gerrish. regarding certain treasonable practices of which he has written to the President. 110. GERRY (ELBRIDGE. Signer from Mass.). A. N. S., 1 p. small 4to. Boston, July 2, 1814. To I. W. Treadwell, on financial matters. Portrait. 2 pieces. 111. HALL (LYMAN, Signer from Georgia). D. S., 1 p. oblong 8vo. Savannah. Sept. 22, 1783. > Interesting document certifying that I.t. XathauicI I'earre of the Georgia line is entitled to 200 acres of land as a bounty, etc. 1 112. HANCOCK (JOHN, Signer from Mass.). A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to. Boston, Deer. 24. 1799. Business letter regarding a shipment of tea. 113. HARRISON (BENJAMIN, Signer from Virginia). D. S., 1 p. oblong 12mo. Council Chamber, April 1. 1783. Certifying that Frederick Young is entitled t<> the quantity of land allowed a Sargeant of the Virginia Line. In the hand- writing of Thomas Meriwether, and also signed by him. 114. HART (JOHN, Signer from N. J.). Signature on Continental Bill for V2 shillings, issue of 1776. /' 115. HEYWARD (THOMAS. Jr., Signer from S. C). D. ^ S., 1 p. oblong folio. Charleston, Sept. 13, 1785. Warrent I for the arrest of Francis Greaves, signed as Judge. \ 116. HOOPER (WILLIAM, Signer from N. C). A. L. S., 1 p. large 4to. New York, Feb. 6, 1776. Interesting letter to .Tnseph Hewes aud .Tohn Penn (also signers from N. C), Delegates in Continental Congress. Phila- delphia. "/ /core cfsrly to-morrov' morning. I have been de- tained here all daii irritinn. fi-fhinp for inteUifiencr of Gent. Clinton' fi diKtinntioii. What the enclosed conveys I thinl' maij he depended on. Therefore irrite all ijovr friends to stand forth & to enliM themselves. Pray press the matter on Mr. Thos. Penn : and urge him to rail forth the hack country." etc. 117. HOPKINS (STEPHEN, Signer from R. I.). D. S., 1 p. narrow 12mo. Newport, July, 1763. Order on the Treas- urer of the Colony. 118. HOPKINSON (FRANCIS, Signer from N. J.). D. S., 1 p. quarto. December 25, 1780. U. S. Bill of Exchange on the Commissioners in Paris. 119. HUNTINGTON (SAMUEL, Signer from Conn.). L. . S., 1 p. 4to. Phila., November 2, 1780. To Gov. Clinton, regarding clothing for the troops of the re- spective States. S; 21 120. JEFFERSON (THOMAS, Signer from Vkginia). L. S., 1 p. folio. Phila., March 30, 1791. Enclosing to someone he addresses as "Your Excellency," a '^l, ■ collection of the acts passed at the third session of Congress. 121. LEE (FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT. Signer from Vir- ginia). A. L. S., 2% pp. closely written folio. Menokin. April 20, 1774. To his brother, William Lee. A very long letter discussing business affairs and condi- *'\ ^ tions in the Colonies. He considers that the tobacco crop will never again be large, as it is certain that wheat at 14 shillings is more advantageous than tobacco at 2.~» shillings, &c. -" 122. LEE (RICHARD, Signer from Virginia). A. L. S., 1 p. 18mo. June 15, 1792 (repaired). To Mrs. George Hull. 123. LEWIS (FRANCIS, Signer from N. Y.). A. D. S., 1 p. small 4to. N. Y., Oct. 10, 1776. Receipt for money. 124. LIVINGSTON (PHILIP, Signer from N. Y.). D. S., ^\ p. oblong folio. Albany, Aug. 1, 1740. Signed as Clerk of Common Council of Albany, with seal. 125. LYNCH (THOMAS, Signer from S. C). Autograph signature, ' ' Lynch, ' ' cut from a volume of Swift 's Works. The signature is inlaid in a piece of contemporary paper, and this in turn is inlaid in a large folio sheet, with an A. N. S. of Lyman C. Draper, author of the Essay on the Autographs of the Signers, in which he gives the history of the present specimen and guarantees its genuineness. The signatuee of Thomas Lynch is the scarcest of all the signees. only one authenticated letter t71at to Geoege Washington — being known. V 0^ I h 126. :\IcKEAN (THOMAS, Signer from Del.). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Phila., Sept. 21, 1781. To Governor Clinton, to enclose 2 acts of Congress relating to Consular powers. (^ 127. MORRIS (LEWIS, Signer from N. Y.). A. D. S., 1 p. small 4to. Morrisania, June 19, 1792. Promissory note. 128. MORRIS (ROBERT, Signer from Penn.). L. S., 1 p. - 4to. Office of Finance, Sept. 6, 1781. To the Gov. of N. Y. regarding the supply of cattle for the southern army. 129. MORRIS (ROBERT. Signer from Penn.). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to. Phila., August 27, 1786. To Robert Gilmor & Co. Relates to the arrival of a brig with tobacco. "TFerc / to permit any hut my oini toho. to tjo in oitc of my ships it would -T' seem to eountrnance a thing that I shall viyre the loudest com- plaints against. The Farmers General . . ■ are not friendly to the measure. 1 am also determined not to sit tamelii and see the dread taken out of my mouth,'' etc. 130. MORTON (JOHN, Signer from Penn.). D. S., 1 p. folio. Ridley, Sept. 4. 1775. Signed as Judge of Supreme Court of Pennsvlvania. If 131. NELSOX (THOMAS. Jr., Signer from Virginia), ^s . S., 1 p. folio. [Sept. 15, 1781]. Portrait. 2 pieces. A line war Jctter. without address, and reading in part: "7 icrute you last eveiiiny; since then we have received an ac- count of the return of the French fleet. They have formed a junction with the ships that were at Rhode Island and brought in ttco British frigates that they have captured. I cannot too often repeat to you the necessity of sending on supplies of all kinds with all possible expedition. "Genl. Washington's troops are expected on every day and unless tee can procure large quantities of everything that is necessary our present glorious prospects may vanish." etc. 132. PACA (AVILLIA:\[, Signer from Maryland). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Wednesday, n. y. (repaired). To Mr. Aquila Brown, y»n-finaneial matters. 133. PAINE (ROBERT TREAT. Signer from Mass.). A. D. S., 31/2 pp. folio. First Tuesday of January, 1780. "A very interesting document, being the comjilaint of 'the Government and People of the Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land' 'against Sylvester Gardiner, late of Boston,' who is charged with having 'levied tear and conspired to levy tvar against the Government & people of this Province, Colony and State.' " etc. 134. PENN (JOHN, Signer from N. C). D. S., 21/2 pp. folio. Phila., Jan. 21, 1780. To Governor Richard Caswell ; signed also by Thomas Burke and Allen Jones. A very important document, reading in part : "Our apprehensions on the (irliclc of Arms made us enquire if any succors of that kind could be sent from this place, but we can derive no hope from the result. Virginia has lately hud an acquisition of five thousand stand, and we doubt not she will assist us if ice shall be iminently threatened. It tvould give us great saitsfaction to learn that the long-expected ■sup- plies of this kind are arrived, for we shall have no fears from such a force as the enemy can employ against our particular State, if the Militia were completely armed. "The Virginia Line, which is on its march to reinforce the Southern Army, icill be, toe hope, at least in time enough to come to relief of Charlestoton, should it be invested, at all events to check them in their approach to our Country. "We are ivell informed that the German Princes have re- fused Troops to Great Britain and even permission to recruit in their dominions," etc. 135. READ (GEORGE, Signer from Del). D. S.. 2 pp. folio. August, 1779. Legal document. L36. RODNEY (CAESAR, Signer from Del.i. D. S., 1 p. folio. October 28, 1783. 137. ROSS (GEORGE, Signer from Penn.). D. S., 1 p. folio. Dec. 24, 1768. Bail bond for the release of James , ■ V Webb, Jr. 138. RUSH (BENJAMIN, Signer from Maryland). D. S., 1 p. small 4to. April 17, 1786. ^^ * 139. RUTLEDGE (EDWARD, Signer from S. C). D. S., with subscription. 2 pp. 4to. Not dated; Legal Document I addressed to Wm. H. Gibby, Esq., Master in Chancery. Por- I trait. 2 pieces. "'? 140. SHERMAN (ROGER, Signer from Conn.). A. D. S., 21/2 PP- folio. Stratford. April 16. 1773. Petition of Joseph Tomlinson of Stratford, entirely in Sher- ^J/^ man's handwriting. 141. SMITH (JAMES. Signer from Penn.). D. S., 2 pp. \ folio. Jan. 8, 1745. Deed for land in Lancaster Co. 142. STOCKTON (RICHARD. Signer from N. J.). D. S., 1 p. folio. March 31, 1775. Signed as Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. 143. STONE (THOMAS, Signer from Maryland). Sig- nature on a Georgia Bill for Seventeen Spanish Milled Dollars. 16mo. 1777. ^c 144. TAYLOR (GEORGE, Signer from Penn.). D. S., 1 p. folio. Easton, Dec. 21. 1775. To the Committee of Safety. ^y '-T].' 145. THOMSON (CHARLES, Sec'y of Congress). D. S., 1 p. 4to. In Congress, Oct. 25, 1780. Extract from minutes, I'eading in part: "Recommended to the respective States to exert their utmost endeavours to furnish their qiiotos of troops in the Continental line with cloth in;/." etc. 146. THORNTON (MATTHEW, Signer from N. H.). I). S., 1 p. small 4to. Exeter, June 8, 1775. Order on tlie Selectmen of Kingstown for six barrels of gnu powder ; signed as Chairman of the Committee of Safety. 147. WALTON (GEORGE, Signer from Georgia). D. S.. 2 pp. folio. Sept. 10, 1782. Printed document, signed as Chief Justice of Ga. 148. WHIPPLE (WILLIAM. Signer from N. H.). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Exeter, August 30, 1775. An interesting letter written to his brother, reading in part : "Before this comes to your hand you'll hear that three companies raised for the defence of the frontiers are ordered j,A f p 177. GRANT (GEN. ULYSSES S., Eighteenth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S.. 4 pp. 8vo. New York, Nov. 30, 1884. To Gen. Marcus J. Wright. Portrait. 2 pieces. Ad iiniioi'tiint letter telliug ol' tlu^ nes'nii;itii)ns for the terms and conditions of surrender of the Confederate forces at Vicks- burg. "All there is of importance in the matter of the surrender of Vickshurg is contained in the correspondence heticeen Gen- eral Pemherton and myself. The fact is, Gen. Pemherton, be- ing a Northern man commanding a Southern Army, was not at the same liberty to surrender an army that a man of South- ern iirth would he. In adversity or defeat he became an object of suspicion, and felt it. Bowen was a Southern man all over, and knew the garrison of Vicksburg had to surrender or be captured, and knew it loas but to stop further effusion of blood by surrendering. He did all he could to bring about that re- $ult. "Pemberton is mistaken in several points. It was Boicen loho proposed that he and A. J. Smith should talk over the matter of the surrender and submit their views. Neither Pern- berton nor I objected; but ive ^cere not tvilling to commit our- selves to accepting such terms as they anight propose. In a short time these officers returned. Bowen acted as spokesman. What he said ivas substantially this: the Confederate Army was to be permitted to march out with honors of war, carrying toitJi them their arms, colors and field batteries. The National troops rcere then to march in and occupy the city, and retain the .siege guns, small arms not in the hands of the men, all public property remaining. Of course I rejected the terms at once. I did agree hotcever before ice separated, to write Pemherton what terms I tcould give. The correspondence is public and speaks for itself. I held no council of war. Hostilities having ceased, officers and men soon became acquainted with the reason why. Curiosity led officers of rank — most all the Gen- eral officers — to visit my headquarters with the hope of gath- ering some news. I talked with them very freely about the meeting between General Pemherton and myself, our corres- pondence, d-c. But in no sense was it a Council of War. I was very glad to give the garrison of Vicksburg the terms I did. There was a cartel in existence at that time which re- quired either party to exchange or parole all prisoners either at Vicksburg or at a point on the James River within ten days after capture, or as soon thereafter as practicable. This would have used all the transportation ice had far a month. The men had behaved so well that I did not want to humiliate them. I believed that consideration for their feelings would make them less dangerous foes during the continuance of hostilities, and better citizens after the war iras over." etc. 178. HAYES (RUTHERFORD B.. Nineteenth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. Fremont, 0. Jan. 27, 1892. To Gen. Marcus J. Wright. Engraved portrait. 2 pieces. Quoting the words of Gen. Scott: "When the War is over and peace restored there will be little difficulty in establishing harmonious and friendly relations beticeen the soldiers of the two sections. The great tro)ible will be to restore and keep the peace between the belligerent non-combatants of the War." 179. GARFIELD (JAMES A.. Twentieth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Hiram. 0.. July 28, 187L To A. H. Petti- bone, introducing A. J. Packard. 1 v^ VI 180. ARTHUR (CHESTER A., Twenty-first Pres. of U. S.). y^ A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. Executive Mansion, July 29, 1883. En- \< ^arved portrait. 2 pieces. A :i81^CLEVELAND (GROVER. Twenty-second Pres. and \ twenty-fourth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo. Executive Mansion. Wash., Dec. 9, 1886. To Gen. James Grant Wilson, 'gbucerning a biographical sketch of himself. With addressed envelope and engraved portrait. 3 pieces. Written during bis first administration. 182. CLEVELAND (GROVER, Twenty-second and twenty- fourth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo. Executive Man- sion, Wash., Oct. 6, 1886. To Prof. E. M. Gallandet. h \tP 183. HARRISON (BENJAMIN, Twenty-third Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 16. 1886. To J. B. Fraley, Esq. Political. Engraved portrait. 2 pieces. 184. McKINLEY (WILLIAM, Twenty-fifth Pres. of U. S.). Type-vvritten letter, signed. 1 p. 4to. Canton, O., April 1, 1860. To Fred. M. Hopkins. "The cjenUis of I'oe ira-s so oru/iiuil dud no hrilliant that it is world-uidc in its apprcviotion ivhercrcr the Etuilish lanfiuaye is read and spoken. He ii-ill ever rani; as one of the greatest literary characters ihal A nicricd Jms /irodiiccd." otc. 185. McKINLEY (WILLIAM, Twenty-fifth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to. Camp Union at Fayetteville, Va., Dec. 15, .^^861 . Engraved portrait. 2 pieces. .J A long letter written to his Sister and Brother wlieii a ) private in the 2r!d Regiment of Oliio Vi.ls. 186. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE, Twenty-sixth Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 2 pp. 12mo. Washington, n. d. An invita- ^ — ' tion to dine. Portrait. 2 pieces. 187. TAFT (WILLIA:\r H., Twenty-seventh Pres. of U. S.). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Cinn.. 0. Juno 16. 1892. To Maj. N. T. M. Robinson. 188. TAFT (WILLIAi\r II., Tweutv-seventh Pres. of U. S.). L. S.. 2 pp. 4to. Wash., Jan. 26. 1910. To Norris S. Lippitt. Pres. of the McKinley Clyib. Eulogizing the martyred iircsident. 189. WILSON (WOODROW, Twenty-eighth Pits, of U. S.). Typwritten note, signed. 1 p. 4to. Wash., n. d. "Ex- tra:et from a Statement of the President on American Neu- trality. Aug. 18. 1914." r^- Yt> i^' ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND LINCOLNIANA / 190. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Spring- field, Feb. 5, 1841. To Hon. J. S. Stuart, Washington City. An interesting early political letter relating to Illinois offices. ■'>S'ome oj us here have concluded that if it is agreeahle. Bat Wehh shall he our District Attorney. Ue would accept the place, hut trill not enter into a scramble for it ... I ivill add that I really have niij heart set upon Webh's appoint- ment to this place, and that 1 helieve the whole party would he frratified with it. What the Locos will do about the Congres- sional election no man can tell." etc. i/) ^ (y ^ ^ ^^ ^ 191. LINCOLN (ABRAHAi\I). Court of Christian County, 1844. A. D. S., 2 pp. Circuit A closely written brief in the case of ^'aiidevt'er vs. I'orter and others. The document is entirely in Mr. Lincoln's hand, and is signed with the lirm name of "Logan antl Lin<'olu."" 192. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM^ p., n. d. [1844.] A. D. S.. 3 pp.. folio. N. A fine long legal document. I'etition and Simmions in the case of Goodell vs. Powell. Written entirely in 1 incoln's hand, who also signs the firm namt' of "Logan and Lincoln." 193. LINCOLN (ABRAIIA^I). A. D. S., 1 p. 4to. July 8, 1845. Legal Dor-ninent in !->anganon. Cii'cuit Coui't. This (locun)eut. written entirely in Lincoln's liaud. ndates p. to the case of Hoj)e vs. Beebee. and iirovides for certain al- V lowances to be made by both sides. In this case S. T. Logan appeared for the defendant. 194. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to. Spring- field, July 19, 1857. To Hon. G. Koerner. A fine long letter in relation to a legal ca.se. and mention,? that Mr. Herndon opened the letter "'but finding it relating to busi- ly y ness with tvhich I ivas more familiar he laid it by till my re- \J ^ turn," etc, etc. 195. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. Springfield, Aug. 6, 1858. To Hon. G. Koerner. "Yesterdaii morning I found a drop letter from Gov. Bissell urging . . . that my late speeches, or some of them, shall be printed in pamphlet form both in English and German. Having had a good many letters to the same effect I went at once to the Journal office here, and set them to work to print me in English fifty dollars' worth of my last speech at Springfield Some things are passing strange. Wednesday morn' ing Douglas' paper here, the ^Register,' went out crowing over the defeat of Blair at St. Louis, and Blair's paper, the Mis- souri 'Democrat' comes back the newt day puffiyig and en- couraging Douglas." etc. 196. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM).. A. L. S., 3 pp, 8vo. Springfield, III, April 6, 1860. To Hon. R. M. Corwine. Re- garding possible Presidential Candidates. An important letter dealing with the possibilities in the com- ing campaign, "Reaching home yesterday . . . I found iioiir letter of llic 24th of March. Remembering that when o nut rcry great iiiiin begins to be mentioned for a very great /ifisilioii. hix liciiil i.'< rcrii Jikclg to be n littl'' tiirnrd. I con- cIikJciI I mil iiiif tJic fittest jX'rson to ansin r flic ijiicstionn ijou iiKk. Mukinu due ulloivance for this, I think Mr. Seirard is the y '■''','/ i!i;sT candidate ice could hare for the i\'orth of /Uinois, and lln- rrrii WORST for the South of it. The estinuite of (Jor. Chu.-ie here is neither better nor irorse than that of Seirard Mr. Bates. J think, iroiild be the best man for ilie South of our State and the icurst for the Sorth of it. . . . 1 feel nii/self disqualified to speak' of iiniself in the iiiutler." etc. 1!)7. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to. Spring- field, 111., :\Iay 2, 1860. To Hon. R. M. Corwine. Respecting the First Campaign. Marked "Private." A most intcrt'stiiis letter regarding the iiulitical situation : "First then. I think the Illinois de1e o'eloek." On the back of the invitation is Mr. Clay's signed endorsement, that he accepted the invitation. 207. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S.. 1 p. 8vo. Execu- tive Mansion. Washington. Sept. 2. 1863. To Hon. Attorney General. ''tiatisfaetory evidenee harimj been produced to me that William iV. Stephens of i^helby County, Kentucky, is under in- . dictment for treason . . . and that said Stephens . . . did . . . take the oath of alleyiance to the United States . . . / do hereby pardon him for the offense charged in the indictment.'' 208. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. N. S.. Endorsement on the back of a letter in reference to the appointment of G. Gumpert. Oct. 22. 1863. With engraved portrait. 2 pieces. "// Mr. Mellen can conveniently oblige Mr. Sireeney. 1 shall be glad, but I irould not hare him do it otheririse. A. Lincoln." 209. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). D. S.. 1 p. Ito. Wash- ington, 23d February, 1861. Signed in full, authorizing and directing the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to a w:irrant for the pardon of George Hamilton. 210. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S.. 1 p. Svo. Execu- tive Mansion. Washington, :March 21. 1864. To the Post- master General. (Slight tear repaired.) "These young ladies, Miss Bugger and Miss Beattie. are from Illinois. i{- irant employment. They are loyal and worthy, and I shall be glad indeed if places can he found for them." 211. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S.. 1 p. small 4to. Executive ^Mansion. Washington. :\larch 28. 1864. To Judge Advocate General. "7 am told that there is a man in the Old Capitol Prison hy the name of Benedict A. King on some charge of Desertion . . Report me the facts of his case, if you can." 212. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Autograph endorsement on reverse of an A. L. S. of Lt. Jas. B. Jameson informing Presi- dent Lincoln that he had been ordered to report to him with twenty men to act as an escort. July 4. 1864. With engraved portrait. 2 pieces. "/ believe I need no escort, and unless the Sler. of War directs, none need attend me. A. Lincoln."' 213. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Autograph endorsement on the back of a recommendation of G. Gumpert, applying for ap- pointment as Special Agent in the Treasury Department. Dec. 15, 1864. '^^^ill the Sevretiirji of the Treasiiri/ please sec il- hear Mr. Gumpert, so well roiiclicd irilhin?" 214. LINCOLN (MRS. ABRAHAM). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. Saturday morning, July 29. No year. To Brig. Gen. Ramsey. Signed "]Mary Lincoln." A polite letter inviting Geu. Ramsey to join Mr. L. and her- self with two or three friends on a trip to Fortress Monroe. On the back of the letter is the following endorsement : "(leneral Ramsey's compliments to the i^ecretanj and hexis to kaoir if he man l»c permitted to accept the irithin invitation." 215. LINCOLN (MRS. ABRAHAM). A. L. S.. 2 pp. 8vo. June 29, 1865. To Mr. Williamson. Signed "Mrs. A. L." ''God knoivs how much I hare the interests of all the widows and orphans in the land at heart: ire hare been so dcpchi he- reared ourselves I can deeph/ feel for all irho suffer." 216. LINCOLN (THOMAS, "TAD."). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. Washington, Oct. 6, 1864. To "Dear Gumpert." A fine early letter from "Tad"' Tiinrolu, written on the Exec- utive Mansion paper. "/ send Thomas Cross to see you, about the Carriage Bill. It iras .fcnt to me and I ant [s/c] fiot any money to pan the man uitli. And OhVuhie \sic\ Thomas Lin- coln. Your Friend Tad." 217. CAMPAIGN OF 1864. L. S., 3 pp. 4to. dated July 1, 1864. signed by 10 prominent citizens of Pennsylvania. Ad- dressed to Franklin Pierce. Mr. Pierce is informed of a recent Democratic political meet- ing held in riiiladelidiia at which "the subject under considera- tion iras the present condition of pultlir affairs resultiny from the m aladministration of the federal yorernment by Mr. l/mcoln and his advisers, and the mode best to he adopted to prerenf a continuation of executive poicer in unirorthy hands." 218. BATES (EDWARD). A. L. S.. 2 pp. 8vo. Attornev Genei-al's Office, Washington, Nov. 13, 1863. To James E. Yea tm a 71. Referring to an enterprise which Mr. Lincoln thought of ap- proving but which he was unwilling to sanction without consult- ing with Mr. Stanton. 219. BINGHAM (JOHN A.). A. L. S.. 2 pp. 4to. Cadiz, Ohio, July 13, 1865. To E. M. Davis. A fine letter from the eminent .Tiidse-Advoeate at the trial of the consi)irators against the life of President Fvincoln. He was also chairman of the managers who conducted the impeach- ment trial of President Johnson. The letter refers to his exhaustion after the trial of the con- spirators. 220. BROOKS (NOAH). Autograph Excerpt, signed. 1 p. 4to. Castine. Maine. Oct., 1902. Excerpt from "Washington in Lincoln's Time." on Lincoln's Second Inauguration. "But chirflii memorable in the midst of tliose irho sair thut second inaiif/iiration must still remain the tall, pathetic, melancholy liijiire of the man trho. then inducted into office in the midst of the f/lad acclaim of ttioiisands of lieojjle. and illumined bij the deceptire brilliance of 'TI0US men irho erer lived. GENEROUS, TRUTHFUL & JUST." 224. COLLINS (RICHARD H.). Autograph Manuscript signed. 4 pp. 8vo. La Parier Courier-Journal, 1886. A biographical sketch of Abraham Lincoln, relafing an in- stance of young I^incoln's ingenuity in getting a flat boat over a dam, and concluding with a poem on the unadorned grave of Lincoln's father in Coles County. 111. 225. DOUGLAS (STEPHEN A.). A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to. Washington, Dee. 28, 1851. To E. C. West. •7 am greatly obliged for several letters from you. Your business before Congress is before the Committee d- I rcill push it ahead as fast as possible. I am, much surprised to learn that uou will be in the Baltimore Convention d- also that our friends, .S'(V-/v-/c and Field will also be there. If I had a few more such friends elsewhere in N. Y. all would be safe." 226. EVERETT (EI)WAHD). Autograph Manuscript, signed. 3 pp. 4to. Boston, Jan. 18, 1864. Transcript by Mr. Everett of sentences from his Gettysburg Address. Witli mezzotint portrait. 2 pieces. ■■/ Kill sau that since this terrible uur /nia been loaged the women of the loijal States, if never before, have entitled them- selves to our hi(/hest udiiiiratioii inul firatifiule.'' etc. 227. HERNDOX (WILLIAM ID A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. Springfield. 111. Oct. 29. 1881. To Mr. Underwood. Referring to Mr. Ivincoln'is religion. -Mr. Lincoln was an infidel d- so died." 228. KOERXER (GUSTAVE). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. Belleville, 111. July 18, 1895. To W. E. Mitchell. Referring to Lincoln. "Holiest Ahe was liis sobri<;iui loiiij before he ivas nominated at Chicuyo. He earned it because he teas as a lamyer so very candid, statinr/ his ease truly and making no points jchich he was not satisfied of beinr/ correct." cfc. 229. MEDILL (JOSEPH). A. L. 8., 3 pp. 8vo. Tribune Office. Chicago, Dec. 8 [1894]. To W. E. Mitchell. A highlx' interesting lettei' relating liow the appellation "Honest Old Abe" eame to be applied to I'resident Lincoln. It was first used by Medill's editorial partner on the "Tribune" (who also invented the term "( 'oijperheads'") about 1857 or 1858, in that i)ai)er, and Lincoln was always so referred to in the Chicago "Tribune" from that time until he reached the White House. 230. OGLESBY (R. J.). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. Elk Hart, 111., Xov. 28, 1894. To W. E. iMitchell. Written in pencil on the back of his letter of inquiry. "There ivas no special fact, linii instance or occasion which led up to the final conclusion that Mr. Lincoln iras an honest man. . . . I knew Mr. fjincoln personalhj and iiiiiiiiately from 1840 up to the night of his assassiiiatian. . . . I ivas by his side irhen he died." 231. SMITH (CHARLES H.). A. L. S.. 5 pp. 8vo. Carters- ville, Ga., Oct. 24, 1893. To W. E. Mitchell. "My assiiiiiiii;/ the iioiii dc plume of 'Bill Arp' iras not done 11-ith 'malice aforethoiiyht'." Then follows a very humorous description of how he wrote his letter to Mr. Lincoln, after the latter's proclamation oi'dei'ing the inhabitants to disix-rse and lay down their arms, and a Southern character. Hill Arp by name, hearing the letter, requested that his name be signed to it. "Bill Arp is dead, and the moss has long since covered his grave." 232. SMITH (GREEX CLAY). A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to. Un- dated. With A. S. on a separate sheet and printed copy of the letter which relates the incident of "Lincoln and the Rebel's Boots." An interesting account of Lincoln in \vhi
  • poitraits mik! views eiijti";t\(>d and otherwise. Flue copy. 3(K1 BANCROFT (GEORGE). Eloge Funebre du Presi- dent Abraham Lincoln pronounce en seance solemnelle du Congres des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Traduction de 1' Anglais par Gustave Jottrand. 8vo. cloth, original covers l)ound in. Bruxelles 1866 Scarce. 304. [BARBER (JOSEPH).]. War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer. Frontispiece. 12mo. half levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y.1864 305. BARLER (0. L.). A Study of Abraham Lincoln. The Last and Glorified Decade of his Eventful Life. 16nio. half morocco, original covers bound in. Beatrice, Neb., I'JOo 306. . Another copy, in cloth. 307. [BARNARD (F. A. P.). J. Letter to the President of the Lnited States by a Refugee. 8vo, half red morocco, origi- nal covers bound in. N. Y. 1863 308. BARNES (ALBERT). The State of tiie Country. Discourse delivered at Philadelphia, June ], 1865. 8vo. half red morocco, original covers botiiul in. Phila. 1865 309. BARNES (.SAMUEL). Discourse on the Death of President Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Baltimore. April 19. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. ]>alto. 1865 310. BARRETT (J. II.). Life of Abi-ahaiu Lincoln (of Illinois). With a Condensed View of his most Important Speeches; also a Sketch of the Life of Hannilial Hamlin. 2 portruils. 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati: .Moore. Wilstaeh. Keys & Co.. 1860 311. BARRETT (J. IL). Life of Abraham Lincoln, and A Concise History of the War. Portrait. l'2mo, cloth. Cinn. 1864 312. 15AHKETT (.1. II. j. Life of .\braham Lincoln, pre- senting his Early History, Political Career, etc. IIl)(strated. 8vo, half brown 'morocco, gilt lop. Cincinnati 1865 313. BARRETT (J. II.). Das Leben and Werken Abraham Lincoln's. Nebst einer Darstellung der Kreigsereignisse, die wiihrend seiner Administration stattfandeii. Illustrated. 8vo, half brown calf (rubbed). Cincinnati 1866 \r, ■■iU. BARRETT (J. H.) and Brown (C. AV.). Life of Abraham Lincoln. lUust rations. Square 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1902 ;iir,. BARRETT (J. H.). Abraham Lincoln and his Presi- dency. Illustrated. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo. cloth, gilt tops, uncut. • Cinn. 1904 316. BARTLETT (D. W.). Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. Authorized edition. 12mo, cloth. Fine copy. N. Y. : Burdick 1860 317. BARTLETT (D. W.). The Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. To which is added a Biographical Sketch of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. Engraved portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cinn. 1860 Not in Fish or Boyd. 318. BARTLETT (D. W.). The Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. 12mo. cloth, front cover with portrait of Lincoln, bound in. X. Y. 1860 319. BATEMAN (NEWTON). Abraham Lincoln. An Ad- dress. Square 12mo. half crimson morocco, original covers bound in. Galesburg, 111.: Cadmus Club, 1899 320. BATES (DAVID HOMER). Lincoln in the Telegraph Office. Portraits and illustrations. First edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1907 321. BEECPIER (HENRY WARD). Oration at the Rais- ing of "The Old Flag"" at Sumter, and Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, full roan. Manchester 1865 Very .Scarce. 322. BEHIND the Seams ; by a Nigger Woman who took in work from Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Davis. 8vo, cloth, original front wrapper bound in. N. Y. 1868 Extremely scarce. 323. BEIDLER (J. H.). Lincoln; or, the Prime Hero of the Nineteenth Century. Square 12mo, cloth. Chicago 1896 Very scarce. Inserted are 2 A. L's. S. by the author to E. C. Stedman. From the Stedman library with his bookplate. 324. BELDEN (DAVID). Obsequies of President Lincoln. An Oration in Nevada City in 1865. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Marysville, Calif., n. d. Not mentioned in Fish"s bibliography. 325. BELL (JOHN T.). Abraham Lincoln. An Address before the Illinois Society of Oakland. Cal. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. n. p., n. d. 326. BENEDICT (ALMON H.). ( "Wide- Awake" Poem. In which are recounted the political death and burial of the unlamented Buchanan ... in it are also briefly set forth the merits of "Honest Old Abe."" our next President. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Cortland Village, N. Y., 1860 \'ery Scarce. 16 :-l27. BENJAMIN (S. G. W.). Ode on the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. 12mo. cloth, original wrappers l)ouml in. Bo.st. 1865 ;528. BENTON (JOEL, Editor). Greeley on Lincoln. With ^Ir. Greeley's Letters to Charles A. Dana and a Lady Fi-iend. Frontispiece and facsimile. 12mo, half green levant morocco. X. Y., n. (1. 329. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Boyd (Andrew) | Memorial Lin- coln Bibliography of Books, &c., on Abraham Lincoln. Por- trait. Royal Svo, half ernslied brown morocco, gilt top, nn- t lit. Albany: Andrew Boyd. 1870 830. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Fish (Daniel). Lincoln Litera- tnre. Royal Svo. half brown crushed morocco, gilt top, un- cut. Minneapolis 1900 331. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Fish (Daniel). Lincoln P^ibliog- raphy: A List of Books and Pamphlets relating to Lincoln. Portrait. Svo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : Francis D. Tandy [1906] 332. BINDING. Abraham Lincoln. Little Masterpieces, Edited by Bliss Perry. Portrait. 16mo. full autumn-leaf levant morocco, gilt lettered and tooled with American shields and eagles, gilt top. by Pfister. N. Y. 189!) 333. BINGHAM (J. A.). Argument at llie Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln, etc. Svo, half red morocco, original covers bound in. Wash. 1865 334. BINGHAM (J. C). The Spoiler Spoiled. A Sermon pleached at Neshanock and Hopewell, June 1. 1865. 12mo, half green moroceo (water-stained). Mercer [1865J The initli(ir"s ikiiiu- w.is mis))iiiitcil. It slnnild be I'igh;iin. 335. BINGHAM (J. F.). National Disappointment. Dis- course occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln. Delivered at Butfalo. ^lay 1, 1865. Svo. half green morocco, original covers bound in. Buffalo 1865 336. BINNEY (WILLIA:\I). Proceedings of the City Coun- cil of Providence on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, with the Oration delivered June 1, 1865. Svo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Providence 1865 337. BINNEY (WILLIA.M). Oration of the Death of A1)ra- ham Lincoln. With 2 photographic portraits, mounted, with linen guards. 4to. cloth, uncut. Providence 1S65 Large paper copy. One of 2~> (•(ii)i('s. \'er.v Srarce. 338. BIRCH (E. P., of La Grange, Ga.). The Devil's Visit to "Old Abe." Written on the occasion of Lincoln's Procla- mation for prayer and fasting after the Battle of ^lanassas. Revised and improved expressly for the La Grange Reporter, by the author. Tall narrow folio broadside, linen-backed, in clotli binding. x. p., n. d. Very Scarce. This issue not mentioned by Fisli. and nut in T.anihert i>v Wuvioii. 47 389. BIRD(M. B.). The Victorious. A small poem on the Assassination of President Lincoln. 12mo. cloth (slightly stained). Kingston. Jamaica. 1866 340. BIRTHDAY of Abraham Lincoln ^The). Speeches by Joseph G. Darlington, Hampton L. Carson and ^larcns A. Brownson at Union League Club of Phila. dinner, Feb. 13, 1899. 8vo. half red morocco, original Avrappers bound in. [Phila.] 1899 41. BLACK (FRANKS.). Abraham Lincoln. Address be- fore the Republican Club of X. Y., Feb. 12, 1903. 12mo, cloth. [N. Y. 1903] 342. BLACKBURNE (WILLIAM :\l.j. The Crime against the Presidency. Sermon preached at Trenton, April 16, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Trenton 1865 343. BLAIR (MONTGOMERY). Comments on the Policy Inaugurated by the President, in a Letter and Two Speeches. 8vo, cloth, original eoTers bound in. N. Y. 1863 344. BLAIR (MONTGO:\IERY). Speech on the Revolu- tionar}' Schemes of the Ultra Abolitionists and in Defence of the Policy of the President, delivered at Rockville, ^Id.. Oct. 3, 1863. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1 863 345. BLAIR (MONTGOMERY). Speech on the Causes of the Rebellion and in Support of the President's Plan of Pacifi- cation, delivered at Annapolis. Jan. 22, 1864. 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. Balto. 1864 346. BLAKE (JOHN FALKNER). A Sermon on the Serv- ices and Death of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Bridgeport, April 16, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1865 347. BLANCHARD (RUFUS). Abraham Lincoln. The Type of American Genius. An Historical Romance. Portrait. 12mo, half levant morocco. Wheaton, 1882 348. BLISS (T. E.). "Clarum et Venerabile Nomen." Discourse commemorative of the Life and Character of Abra- ham Lincoln, delivered at ^Memphis, Tenn.. April 23, 1865. 8vo. half blue morocco, original covers bound in. Memphis, 1865 349. BOARDMAN (GEORGE DANA). An Address in Commemoration of the Re-Establishment of the National Flag at Fort Sumter, Delivered at Philadelphia. April 14. 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 350. BOARDMAN (HENRY A.). The Peace we Need and How to Secure It. Sermon preached at Philadelphia, June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 4S 351. BOOK of the Prophet Stephen, Son of Douglas. Wherein marvellous things are foretold of the Reign of Abra- ham. 2 vols., 12mo. (vol. 1 in eloth ; vol. 2 in full roan). N. Y. [1863-64] 352. BOOKS and Pamphlets relating to Lincoln. Phila., n. d. ; Fost ell's Collection of Relics of Historical Interest; Newhall's Catalogue of Books relating to Lincoln, Xo. 7, N. Y. 1906; A Priced Lincoln Bibliography (Smith), one of 250 copies, X. Y. 1906. 4 vols., 8vo. cloth and half morocco. 353. BOOTH (JOHX WH.KES). Confession de John Wilkes Booth, Assassin fu President Abraham Lincoln. 12mo. boards, roan back. Paris 1865 Extremely scarce. 354. BOOTH (ROBERT RUSSELL). Personal Forgive- ness and Public Justice. Sermon preached in Xew York, April 23, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. X. Y. 1865 355. BOSTOX. Memorial Services in Honor of Abraham Lincoln, June 1, 1865. 4 pp. l2mo, cloth. [Bost. 1865] Contains a Hymn by Holmes. 356. BOSTOX. Sermons Preached in Boston on the Death of Abraham Lincoln; together with the Funeral Services in the East Room of the Executive Mansion at Washington. 12mo, cloth. -Best. 1865 357. BOSTOX. A Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Large 8vo. half blue calf, gilt top. Bost. 1865 358. BOSTOX. Proceedings of the City Council of Boston, April 17, 1865. on the Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lin- coln. Printed within black borders on alternate pages. 8vo_, cloth, original covers bound in. Bost. 1865 359. BOUTWELL (L.). Eulogy on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Lowell, Mass., April 19. 1865. 8vo. clotlu original wrappers l)ound in. Lowell. 186.) 360. BOYD (AXDREW). Abraham Lincoln, Foully As- sassinated April 14. 1865. A Poem with an Illustration from the London Punch for .May 6, 1865. Republished with an Introduction bv Andrew Bovd. 4to, limp cloth. Albany: .Alunsell, 1868 One of 7.1 copies issucil. I'rintcil on one side of the leaf only. 361. BOYD (LT^CIXDA). The Sorrows of Xancy. ///;^s- irated. 12mo, cloth. Richmond, 1899 A curious book alioiit I.iucoln's uiother. in which the author elaborates lli'indon's statenn'iit about parentage. 41) 362. BOYHOOD and I\Ianlioo(l of Abraham Lincoln (Alger), [1883] ; Subgenation, N. Y. 1864; Organization and Objects of the Lincoln Guard of Honor, Springfield 1880 ; and another. 4 vols., 16mo. to 8vo, cloth. 363. BRAKEMAN (N. L.). A Great Man Fallen. Sermon preached at Baton Rouge, April 23, 1865, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. New Orleans 1865 Xcvy Scarce. This copy contains the author's own correc- tions in pencil. 364. BRAMANTIP (BOCARDO). The Abraham Lincoln Myth. From the 37th Century Magazine of April, A.D. 3663. 12mo, half crushed brown morocco, original portrait wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1894 365. BRIGGS (GEORGE W.). Eulogy on Abraham Lin- coln, June 1, 1865. 4to, half morocco, original covers bound in. . Salem 1865 T.AEGE PAPER COPY. 366. BRIGGS (GEORGE W.)". The same (on small paper). 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Salem 1865 367. BROADSIDE. Fast Day. Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. A Proclamation. Signed by John A. Andrew and Oliver Warner, of Massachusetts, and Abraham Lincoln and W. H. Seward, of United States. Appointing Thursday, April 30. 1863, as a day of National Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. Size, 19 by 261/2 inches. Folding into small folio boards. " n. p., [1863] 368. BROADSIDE. Lincoln (Abraham). By the Presi- dent of the United States of America : A Proclamation. 1 p. folio, cloth. [Wash. 1863] A'ery Scarce. 369. BROADSIDE. A Workingman's Ideas of Conscrip- tion. Small folio, printed in three columns, inserted in cloth portfolio. [PMla., 1863?] Very scarce. From "Fincher's Trades' Review," the Na- tional Organ of the Prodiicing Classes. Not mentioned in biblio- graphies of Fish or Smith. 370. BROADSIDE. In Memory of Abraham Lincoln. His Farewell Address to his Old Neighbors, Springfield, Febru- ary 12, 1861. Black-bordered. 8vo, half morocco, n. p., n. d. 371. BROADSIDE. Lincoln ober McClellan? An die Deutschen in Amerika. By Franz Lieber. 4to, cloth. N. Y. : Loyal Pub. Society, n. d. r.o 372. BROADSIDE SONGS. DeWolfe (Geo. G. B.). Abe Lincoln the Rail Splitter; and Breekenridge 's Lament. 8vo sheet, with vignette. "Honest Old Abe driving to Washing- ton." Inserted in red cloth folder (margin of broadside strengthened). [Olneyfield, R. I.] ca. 1860 ^'t'ry scarce. Not mentioned iu the bibliographies of Fish. Boyd, or Smith, nor included in the lancolnia of the Library of Congress. 373. BROADSIDE SONGS. DeWolfe (Geo. G. B.). Hon. S. A. Douglas. "The Little Giant," and Hon. A. Lincoln. ' ' Honest Old Abe. ' ' Arranged in parallel lines, with vignette on top. 8vo, sheet (strengthened). Inserted in red cloth folder. [Olneyfield, R. I.] ca. 1860 X'kry scarce. Not mentioned in the Lincoln bibliographies. 374. BROCKETT (L. P.). The Life and Times of Abra- ham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. Por- trait. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top. Phila. 1865 375. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Services and Addresses at the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Oct. 21, 1869. 8vo. half crimson morocco, original front wrapper bound in. Brooklyn 1869 The principal address was bv Rev. Dr. Richard S. Storrs, Jr., D.D. 376. BROOKS (JAMES). The Two Proclamations. Speech before the Democratic Union Association, Sept. 29, 1862. 8vo, cloth. [N. Y. 1862] 377. BROOKS (NOAH). Washington in Lincoln's Time. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1896 378. BROOKS (PHILLIPS). The Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon preached in Philadelphia, April 23, 1865, 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 379. [BROOM (W. W.).] Abraham Lincoln's Character. Sketched by English Travellers. 4 pp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Caption title. N. p., n. d. Scarce. The poem "In Memoriam" signed "W. W. R." is dated "Brooklyn. April 30, 1865." 380. [BROWN (REV. NATHAN).] De Histori of Magnus ^Nlaharba and de Blak Dragun. Bai Kristofur Kadmus. 16mo, cloth, original wrappers bou.nd in (slight stain on some upper margins). Nu-York: Printed for de Filolojikal Geraana, 1866 381. BROWNE (FRANCIS F.). The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln. Nearly 100 original illustrations. Original sheep (rebacked). N. Y. 1886 382. BROWNE (ROBERT H.). Abraham Lincoln and the Men of his Time. Frontispiece portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Cinn. n. d. 51 383. BUCKINGHAM (J.. E.). Reminiscences and Sou- venirs of the Assassination of Lincoln. Illustrations. 8vo, half brown crushed morocco, gilt top. Wash. 189-4 384. BUCKLEY (REV. EDWIN A.). The Uncrowned Nation. A Discourse preached in the First Presbyterian Church. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Plattsburgh 1865 385. BUENOS AIRES. Tribute to the Memory of Ain-aham Lincoln. By the American Citizens resident in Buenos Aires. [With Sermon by Rev. Wm. Goodfellow.] 25 pp. 8vo, cloth, mourning wrappers bound in. Buenos Aires [1865] Scarce. 386. BULLOCK (ALEXANDER H.). Abraham Lincoln: The Just Magistrate, the Representative Statesman, the Prac- tical Philanthropist. Address at Worcester, June 1. 1865. 8vo. half red morocco, original wrappers bound in. Worcester, n. d. 387. BUNGENER (F.). Lincoln. Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre, et sa Mort. Small 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Lausanne 1865 First edition of the scarce little Swiss-French Life of Lincoln. 388. BUNGENER (F.). Lincoln. Zijn Leven, Werk en Dood. 12mo, cloth, original colored wrappers, with portrait, bound in. Utrecht 1866 Scarce. 389. BUNGENER (F.). Abramo Lincoln. Com'ei Visse, qual' Opera Compie, qual fu la sua Morte. 12mo, cloth, orig- inal covers bound in. Firenze 1866 Very Scarce. 390. BUNGENER (F.). Abraham Lincoln. Sein Leben, Wirken, und Sterben. 12mo, cloth. Bern 1866 Scarce. 391. BURGESS (REV. C). Life and Character of Abra- ham Lincoln, with Some Lessons from His Death. 8vo, cloth, original Wrappers bound in. Only 300 copies printed. Jamestown, N. Y. 1865 392. BURROWS (J. LANSING). Palliative and Preju- diced Judgments Condemned. Discourse in First Baptist Church, Richmond, Va. Together with Extract from a ser- mon upon the Assassination of Lincoln. 12pp. 8vo, cloth (upper margins very slightly stained). Richmond, Va. 1865 393. BURTON (JOHN E.). Abraham Lincoln. An Ora- tion [at Lake Geneva, April 1896]. Portrait. Royal 8vo. half red morocco, original wrappers bound in. [Lake Geneva, Wis. 1903] One of 26 copies on tinted paper. With- autograph of the author. 52 394. BUTLER (C. M.). Funeral Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 395. BUTLER (HENRY E.). God's Way of Leading the lilind. A Discourse at Keeseville, X. Y., April 23, 1865. 8vo, boards, roan back, original wrappers bound in. Burlington 1865 396. BUTLER (J. G.). The Martyr President. Our Grief and our Duty. 8vo, half red morocco. Wash. 1865 397. CAXISIUS (DR. THEODOR). Abraham Lincoln. Historisehes Charakterbild. 12mo, half green morocco (title repaired). Wein 1867 Rare. 398. CAXISIUS (DR. THEODOR). Abraham Lincoln [ill German]. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, original paper wrapper bound in. . Stuttgart 1878 399. [CAREY (ISAAC E.).] Abraham Lincoln. The Value to the Nation of his Exalted Character. Preached at Freeport, 111., June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth. [Freeport. 111. 1865] 400. CAREY (ISAAC E.). Discourse of Rev. Mr. Carey on the Death of Abraham Lincoln . . . preached at Free- port, Illinois. 8 pp. 8vo, cloth. N. p.. n. d. 101. CARNAHAN (REV. D. T.). Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered at Gettysburg. Pa., June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Gettysburg 1865 402. CARSON (HA:\rPTON L.). The Real Greatness of Abraham Lincoln. Union League of Phila., 1899. Royal 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. N. p. 1899 403. CATALOGUE of Books, &c., relating to Lincoln (Xewhain : Lincoln Day Program (Bolles and ]\Iaulsby), 1 1909;] and another. 3 pieces, 8vo, cloth and boards. 404. CATALOGUE of Books and Pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln (Newhall), Yonkers, n. d. ; Catalogue of Autographs, etc., relating to Lincoln. X. Y. 1904; A Priced Lincoln Bililiography (Smith), X. Y. 1906. 250 copies issued; Catalogue of the J. T. Mitchell collection of Autographs, and the entire Lincoln Memorial Collection. Phil. 1894. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth and half morocco. 405. CELEBRATION by the Colored People's Educational Monument Association in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, Fourth of July, 1865. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Wash. 1865 53 406. CENTENARY of Abraham Lincoln (MeCaskpv), [1909;] Abraham Lincoln (H. S. Boutell). 1909; First and Second Inaugnral Addresses, Message, &q. Wash. 1909; The Collector, Vol. 2, No. 15, 1888. 1 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. 407. CENTENNIAL I\IEDAL. Presenting the Medal of Abraham Lincoln by Jnles Edouard Roine. together with papers on the Medal : Its Origin and Symbolism by George N. Oleott and the Lincoln Centennial Commemoration by Richard Lloyd Jones, and Certain Characteristic Utterances by Abraham Lincoln. 12mo, fnll crimson morocco, gilt edges, with the bronze medal in black walnut mount. N. Y. 1908 Special copy. On the front cover is an inscription on white metal occupying the whole cover, stating that "T/ie wood eticfiairifi the medal in this hook icas part of the weather-honvd on the house in i>iprinf/field. TIL. occupied from 1844 to 1861 by Abraham Lincoln tihen he left to take the Oath of Office as President. March 4th. 1861, in Washingt07i, D. C." Accom- panying the volume is an affidavit from the cabinet maker regarding the wood. etc. Only Five copies were made with this black walnut mount. A letter detailing these copies is laid in. 408. CENTENNIAL MEDAL. The same, with the beauti- ful Silver Medal in cardboard mount. 12mo. cloth, silver edges. N. Y. 1908 Edition limited to 100 copies. 409. CHAFFIN (WILLIAM L.). The President's Death and its Lessons. A Discourse delivered at Philadelphia, April 23, 1865. 8vo, boards, original covei^ bound in. Phila. 1865 Scarce. 410. CHAMBERLAIN (N. H.). The Assassination of Pres- ident Lincoln. A Sermon preached at Birmingham, Conn., April 19, 1865.' 12mo, half maroon morocco, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1S65 411. CHARACTER of Abraham Lincoln and the Constitu- tionality of his Emancipation Proclamation Policy. 8vo, clotli, N. p., n. d. 412. CHASE (THOMAS). Address on the Character and Example of President Lincoln, before the Athenaeum and Everett Societies of Haverford College. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 413. CHESTER (JOHN). The Lesson of the Hour. A Discourse in the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church. 8yo. cloth, original wrappere bound in. Wash. 1865 414. CHICAGO CONVENTION. Proceedings of the Na- tional Republican Convention, held at Chicago. May 16th. 17th and 18th, 1860. 44 pp. 8vo, half green morocco. N. P. [1860] "N'erj' Scarce. Press and Tribune Documents for tSOO. No. o. 415. CHICAGO CONVENTION. Proceedings of the Re- piibliean National Convention held at Chicago. May 16, 17 and 18, 1860. 153 pp. 8vo, cloth, no title or wrappers. [Albany 1860] 416. CHICAGO Copperhead Convention (The). The Treasonable and Revolutionary Utterances of the INlen who composed it. 16 pp. 8vo. cloth. Wash. 1864 417. CHINESE. Life of Abraham Lincoln in Chinese. Portrait. 12mo, half morocco. 418. CHINIQUI (PATER). Die Ermordnng des Prasi- denten Abraham Lincoln cine That der Jesniteii. I'imo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Barmen, n. d. 410. CHITTENDEN (L. E.). Recollections of President Lincoln and his Administration. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, gilt top, nncut. N. Y. 1901 420. CHITTENDEN (L. R.). Personal Reminiscences. 1840-1800. Includino' some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the War. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1898 421. CHOATE (JOSEPH H.). The Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Chicago [1901] 422. CHOATE (JOSEPH H.). Abraham Lincoln. Por- trait. [In Japanese, with English titles.] 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. n. p., n. d. Not in Fish. 423. CLARK (ALEXANDER). Memorial Sermon, preached on the "National Funeral Day at Cincinnati. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Cinn. [1865] Autograph presentation copy from the author. 424. CLARK (DANIEL). Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, before the City Government of Manchester, N. H. 8vo, cloth. Manchester 1865 425. CLARK (HENRY). An Eulogy on the Life and Services of President Lincoln. 8vo, half blue crushed morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Rutland 1865 426. [CLARKE (JAMES FREEMAN).] Order of Services at Indiana-Place Chapel. April 16. 1865. 12mo. half maroon morocco, original covers bound in. Bost. 1865 427. CLAXTON (R. BETHELL). Sermons on the Death of President Lincoln delivered at Rochester, N. Y., April 19th and 23d, 1865. 8vo, cloth, front wrapper bound in. Phila. 1865 428. COCHIN (AUGUSTIX). Abraham Lineolu. 12nio. eloth, original covers bound in. Paris 1869 Very Scarce. 429. CODDIXGTOX (DAVID S.). Eulogy on President Lincoln, Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C. 8vo. cloth, inourning wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 430. CODDINGTON (DAVID S.). The Crisis and the ]Man. Address on the Presidential Crisis delivered before the Union War Democracy in N. Y., Nov. 1, 1864. 8vo, half morocco, original covers hound in. N. Y. 1865 431. COFFIN (CHARLES CARLETON). Abraham Lin- eolu. Numerous portraits and iltustrafions. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., n. d. 432. COOGESHALL (WILLIAM T.). Lincoln Memorial. The Journeys of Abraham Lincoln : From Springfield to Washington. 1861 . . . and from Washington to Spring- field, 1865. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Columbus, 0. 1865 433. COFAX (SCHUYLER). Life and Principles of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered at South Bend, April 24. 1865. 8vo. balf red morocco, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 434. COLLINS (WILLIAM H.). Abraham Lincoln. Speech in Hall [of] Representatives, April 15, 1887. 8vo, cloth. Quincy [III] 1887 435. COLMAN (GEO. W.). Assassination of the President. A Discourse on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Acton, ]\Iass. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 436. COLORED PEOPLE'S Educational Monument Assn. Celebration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Fourth of July, 1865, in Presidential Grounds, Washington. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Wash. 1865 437. COXAXT (ALBAX JASPER). :\Iy acquaintance with Abraham Lincoln. [From "Liber Studiorum."] Folio, half red polished morocco, gilt top. uncut. Signature of the author at the end. N. p., n. d. 438. COXCEICAO (JOSE MAXOEL DA). As Exequias de Abrahao Lincoln, Presidente dos Estados-Unidos da America. 40 pp. 16mo. cloth, original wrappers bound in. Rio de Janeiro [1865 J Fine copy of this rare little Brazilian "Obsequies." 439. COXCEICAO (JOSE MAXOEL DA). Another copy, in cloth. 440. COXFEDERATE. Liquor and Lincoln. By a Phy- sician. 4 pp. 16mo. red cloth. [Richmond?] ca. 1864 Scarce and very curious Confederate Temperance tract, un- known to Sabin. -Bettrr had irc boircd the neck to IJncohi'n !/oke iluni iiicife o,.ry'lrrf! *hc irillinr/ f^65 476. DEAN (GILBERT). The Emancipation Proclanui- tion and Arbitrarv Arrests ! Speech delivered in the Assem])ly of N. Y., Feb. 12". 1863. Svo. half morocco (stamp on title). Albany 1863 477. DEATH of Lincoln. Proceedings in the Snpreme Court of Illinois. Presentation of the Bar Resolutions in re- gard to Mr. Lincoln's Death. Svo, limp levant morocco, orig- inal black glazed wrappers bound in (stained). Chicago 1865 Scarce. Contains remarks on Lincoln by .Justices Caton and Breese. 478. DEMLNG (HENRY CHAMPION). Speech in the House of Representatives. Feb. 27. 1864, on the President's Plan for State Renovation. Svo, half morocco. [Wash. 1864] Not in r.aml)prt or Burton. 479. The same, privately printed issue. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Wash. : Gibson Bros. 1864 480. DEMOCRATIC Document No. 12. Lincoln's Treat- ment of Gen. Grant. 8 pp. Svo. half green morocco. [N. Y. 1864] 481. DEMOCRATIC Document No. 13. Mr. Lincoln's Ar- bitrary Arrests. The Acts Avhieh the Baltimore Platform Ap- proves. 24 pp. Svo, half blue morocco, gilt top. [N. Y. 1864] 482. DEMUND (ISAAC S.). Lamentation on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Svo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 483. DE NOMANDIE (JAMES). The Lord Reigneth : A Few Words on Sunday Morning, April 16, 1865. 16mo, buck- ram. " [Portsmouth, N. H. 1865] 484. DEPEW (CHAUNCEYM.). Address at the Celebra- tion of the Thirty-eighth Anniversary of the Debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Svo, cloth, orig- inal wrappers bound in. [Galesburg, 111. 1896] 485. DEPEW (CHAUNCEY :\1.). Addresses on the Occa- sion of the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln, at Burlington, Vt., Feb. 12, 1895 ; at the Commencement Exercises of the Uni- versity of Chicago. April 1. 1895. and at His Birthday Dinner in Brooklyn, April 20, 1895. Svo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. n. p., n. d. Not in Lambert or Burton. 486. DeWITT (DAVID :M.). The Judicial Murder of ]\lary E. Surratt. 12mo, cloth. Baltimore, 1895. 487. DeWITT (DAVID :\I.). The Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln and its Expiation. First Edition. Svo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y. 1909 488. DEXTER (HENRY MARTYN). What ought to be done with the Freedmen and with the Rebels! Sermon in Boston, April 23, 1865. Svo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 (in 489. DICKSON (FREDERICK S.)- "Blackwood's" His- tory of the United States. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers boiind in. Phila. 1896 490. DICKSON (W. JONATHAN). La Guerre d'Amer- ique, 1860-1865. Abolition de I'esclavage par Abraham Lin- coln. 12mo, cloth, back wrapper and advertisements bound in. uncut. Paris 1865 Autograph preseiitatiou copy from the author. 491. I)IPLO:\IATIC Correspondence for 1865 (Appendix), Wash. 1866; Abraham Lincoln (Stoddard), Covers loose. N. Y. 1884 ; Messages and Papers of the Presidents, the Lin- coln volume, n. p., 1900. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth and half morocco. 492. DIX (MORGAN). The Death of President Lincoln. Sermon preached in St. Paul's Chapel. N. Y., April 19, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Cambridge 1865 493. DODGE (DANIEL KILHA^M). Abraham Lincoln. The Evolution of his Literary Style. 4to, cloth, original wrappers bound in. [LTniversity of Illinois "Studies."] Champaign and Urbana [1900] 494. DOWNING (J. F.). Abraham Lincoln, Erie, Pa., 1908 ; Abraham Lincoln, His Religion, by R. N. Reeves, n. d. ; Mitchel Post Services, Trinity Church,' Atlanta, Ga., 1909; Abraham Lincoln, by E. M. Irish, 1907. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 495. DRAKE (CHARLES D.). The Proclamation of Emancipation. Speech delivered in Turners' Hall, St. Louis, 1863. 7 pp. 8vo, cloth. , N. p. [1863] 496. DRAPER (PRESIDENT). The Illinois Life and the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Address at the University of Illinois, Lincoln's Birthday. 1896. 16mo, cloth. N. p., n. d. 497. DRUMM (JOHN H.). Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon in St. James Church, Bristol, Pa. 16mo, cloth, original yellow wrappers bound in. Bristol [1865] 498. DUANE (RICHARD B.). Sermon preached in Provi- dence, April l5, 1865, the day appointed for the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln. 8vo, half morocco, original wrai)pers bound in. Providence 1865 499. DUDLEY (JOHN L.). Discourse on the Sabbath Morning after the Assassination of President Lincoln. 28 pp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Middletown [Ct.] 1865 500. DUPFIELD (GEORGE). The Nation's Wail. A Discourse delivered at Detroit, April 16, 1865, the day after receiving the intelligence of the brutal murder of President Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Detroit 1865 Yevy Scarce. 61 501. DUNNING (H.). The Assassination: Its Lessons to Yoimg Men, Discourse delivered at Baltimore, May 7, 1865. 8vo, cloth. Balto. 1865 502. DUNNING (H.). The Nameless Crime: A Discourse delivered in the First Constitutional Chun-li, April 23. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Balto. 1865 503. DUNNING (H.). Address delivered on the oeeasioi. of the Funeral Solemnities of the late President of the I'nited States. 8vo, half morocco, original Avrappers bound in. Balto. 1865 504. DYE (JOHN SMITH). History of the Plots and Crimes of the Great Conspiracy to Overthrow Liberty in America. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1866 505. DYER (DAVID). Discourse occasioned by the Assas- sination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Albany Peni- tentiary, April 19, 1865. Svo. cloth, original wraj^pers bound in. ■ Albany 1865 506. EATON (CHARLES H.). Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon preached in N. Y., March. 12nio, half green morocco. N. p., n. d. 507. EAVES (CATHERINE). How I Twice Eloped. The only novelette ever sketched by Abraham Lincoln. 12mo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Chicago [1901] 508. EDDY (DANIEL C). The Martyr President. A Sermon preached before the Baldwin Place Church, April 16, 1865. 18mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 Scarce. 509. EDDY (RICHARD). ''The Martyr to Liberty." Three Sermons preached in Philadelphia. Svo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila, 1865 510. EDDY (T. M.), Abraham Lincoln. A Memorial Dis- course delivered in Waukegan, 111,, April 19, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in, Chicago 1865 511. EDGAR (C. H,). Three Sermons occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln. Preached in the Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa. 20 pji. 8vo, cloth, original front cover bound in. Easton 1865 512. EDGAR (C. H.). Josiah and Lincoln. The Great Reformers. A Tribute to the worth and work of our ]\Iartyr- President, delivered at Easton. Pa., June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Easton 1865 513. EDUCATIONAL Monument Association, Constitution, Wash, 1865 ; Abraham Lincoln, His Great Funeral Cortege ( Power) , Springfield, 1872 ; Program for the Lincoln Cen- tenary for the Schools of Indiana (Cotton), Ind. 1908; and others. 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo. various bindings, 02 514. EDWARDS (IIP^XRY L.). Discourse commemorative of Our Illustrious Martyr, delivered in Congregational Clnirch, South Abiugton. 8vo, cloth, original yellow wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 515. EDWARDS (RICPIARDS). Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered at the Hall of the Normal University [Normal, Ills.]. 20 pp. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Peoria, 111. 1865 One of the scaroest of Lincoln sermons, and one continually on the want list of Lincoln collectors. 516. EGAR (JOHN IL). The Martyr-President. Sermon preached at Leavenworth. June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Leavenworth, 1865 Scarce. 517. EINHORN (DAVID). Trauer-Rede, gehalten am 19ten April, 1865. 8 pp. 8vo, cloth, original yellow wrappers Avitli vignette portrait on back cover, bound in. Phila. [1865] 518. ELLIS (C. M.). The ^Memorial Address on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Saint John, N. B., June 1, 1865. 12mo, <']oth, original covers bound in. Saint John 1865 Very Scarce. 519. Another copy, in original wrappers. 520. [ELLIS (C. M.).] The Power of the Commander-in- Chief to declare Martial Law, and decree Emancipation : as ^hown from B. R. Curtis. By Libertas. 24 pp. 8vo. cloth, wrappei*s bound. Bost. 1862 Presentation cojiy from the author to the Hon. Theophilns Parsons, with inscription on wrapper. 521. ELLIS (JAMES J.). Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16mo, cloth. Lond. [1891] 522. E:\IERS0N (RALPH). Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Emer- son's Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Medallion portrait on cover. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Rockford, 111. 1909 523. EULOGIES. Eulogy on the Character and Services of Abraham Lincoln. Bost., 1865 ; Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln. By J. G. Holland. Springfield, 1865; Abraliain Lincoln, His Life and Its Lessons. By J. G. Thompson. N. Y., 1865. 3 pamphlets, bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco, with moroc(,'0 label. V. p. 1865 Scarce pamphlets, the lirst two with orijiinal fi-ont covers. and last-named with both original covers, bound in. 524. EULOGY on Abraham Lincoln delivered in Boston, May 3, 1865, by Elias Nason, Bost. 1865 ; Abraham Lincoln. A ]\Iemorial Address delivered l)y Leonard ]\lyers in Phila- delphia, June 15, 1865, Pliil. 1865. In one vol. 8vo, lialf morocco, original wrappers bound in. 525. EULOGY of Abraham Lincoln (Deming), Hartford 1865; The National Preacher for :\ray and June. 1865; Pro- ceedings of the City Council of Providence (Minney). Provi- dence 1865; Abraham Lincoln and his last Resting-phice (Springfield), n. d. ; Abraham Lincoln in the latest Biograi)hy (Clason). n. p.. n. d. ; President Lincoln on Yallandigh.am and "Arbitrary" Arrests, n. p., n. d. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth and half morocco. 526. EULOGY OX ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Sumner), Post. 1865; The President's Hymn, N. Y., u. d. ; Lincoln the Emancipator (Love). Langston, 0. |19()9] ; Abraham Lincoln (Meese), Moline [1908]; Lincoln (.Alott), N. Y. 1908; The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. Prospectus of Federal Edition. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth and bindings. 527. EULOGY on the Occasion of the Burial of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Providence. April 19. 1S65, b3' the Rev. Sidney Dean, Providence 1865 ; Memorial Sermons, the Assas- sination of the President, etc., by Edwin B. Webb, Bost. 1865 ; A Nation's Sorrow, A Sermon preached in Providence, April 15, 1865, by Leonard Swain [Providence 1865] ; Our Solace and our Duty in this Crisis, Sermon for the Last Night of IMr. Buchanan's Presidential Administration, preached in Pough- keepsie, ]\larch 8. 1861. Pough. 1861. Bound in one volume, 8vo, half morocco, original wrai)pers l)ound in. A sf-arce collection. 528. EYERETT (CHARLES CARROLL). Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln delivered before the citizens of Bangor, June 1, 1865. ■ 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Bangor 1865 529. EVERETT (CHARLES CARROLL). A Sermon in Commemoration of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Bangor, April 16. 1865. 8vo, cloth. Bangor 1865 580. EVERETT (EDWARD). An Oration delivered on the Battlefield of Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863. 8vo, cloth, orig- inal wrappers bound in. N. Y. ^S6S 531. EVERETT (EDWARD). Address at the Consecra- tion of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Nov. 19. 1868, with the Dedicatory Speech of President Lincoln, etc. Fohl- iiiq plate. 8vo. half morocco, original wrai^pers bound in. Bost. 1861 532. FAITH of Our Fathers (Gibbons), X. Y. 1900: For the Honor of the School (Barbour). X. Y. 1905; Two Little Con- federates (Page), X. Y. 1891; and others. S vols., various sizes and bindings. o'SS. VARqVRAR (JOHN). The Claims or God to Reeog- iiitioii in the Assassination of i'resident Line-ohi. A Sermon preached in Lower Chauceford, Pa. [June 1, 1865]. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Lancaster, Pa. 1865 With a Ip. A. L. S. from the wife of the pastor, presenting this copy to Chauncey K. Williams. 5;]4. FIELD (RICHARD S.). Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered before the Legisla- ture of N. J., Feb. 12, 1866. 8vo. cloth, original wrappers bound in. ' Trenton 1866 535. FIRST Lincoln and Douglas Debalt-, al Ottawa. Old South Leaflet, 85; Some Lessons from the Life of Lincoln (Savage), 1900. 2 vols. 12mo and 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. 586. [FISKE (DANIEL WILLARDj.J On the Death of Abraham Lincoln. -Ito. cloth, original covers bound in. Florence : The Landi Press, 1903 One of 100 copies jirinterl. 537. FLEMINGTOX, X. J. Discourses Memorial of Abra- ham Lincoln delivered by Pastors of the different Churches. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Lambertville. N. J. 1865 538. FLEMING (WALTER L.). Documentary History of Reconstruction. Political, Military. Social, etc., from 1865 to the present time. With facsimiles. First edition. 2 vols.. Svo. cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Cleveland, 1907. 539. FOSTER (ERNEST). Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1885 First edition. 540. FOWLER (HENRY). Character and Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y., April 23, 1865. 8vo. cloth, original black glazed wrappers bound in. Aubui-n l'^65 541. FOWLER (JOHN). An Address on the Death of President Lincoln delivered at New Rochelle, April 20. 1865. 8vo. cloth, original wrappers bound in. X. Y. 1865 542. FRAN Nybyggarehemmet till Hvita Huset. Presi- denten loincolns Lif (Thayer), Stockholm [1886] ; Das Leben Abraham Lincolns (Crosby), Phila. 1865. 2 vols. 12mo, boards and cloth. 543. FREEMAN (GEORGE E.). . God in Our Xational Affairs, delivered in Trinity Chapel, Neponsd. 8vo, half green morocco, front Avrapper bound in (some lower margins slightly stained V. Bost. 1865 544. FRELINGHUYSEN (FREDERICK T.). Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in Newark, N. J., April 1!), 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Newark 1865 545. FRENCH (B. B.). A Letter and a Short Poem on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Medallion 'portrait on wrap- per. 16mo, cloth. Albany 1870 546. FROST (WILLIAM G.). Abraham Lincoln. An Ora- tion delivered on Washington's Birthday, 1891. 8vo, cloth, front wrapper bound in. [Oberlin 1891] Very Scarce. 547. FULLER (REV. RICHARD). A City or House Di- vided Against Itself. A Discourse. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Baltimore 1865 548. GADDIS (M. P.). Sermon upon the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, in Pike's Opera House. 8vo, boards, morocco back, wrappers bound in. Cincinnati 1865 549. GARRISON (J. F.). The Teachings of the Crisis. Address on the Occasion of the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, wrappers bound in. Camden, N. J. 1865 68 THIRD SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, November 14, 1916, at 2:30 O'clock LOTS 550-860 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO ABRAHAM LFNCOLN 550. GEAR (D. L.). The Nation's Grief for its Fallen Chief. Sermon i^reached at Philadelphia. April 23. 1865. Svo, cloth. Phila. 1865 Scarce. 551. GENERAL McCLELLAN'S Letter to President Lin- coln, 2 pp. [N. Y. 1862;] Saertryk af Samtiden; Abraham Lincoln, the Man (Snlzer), 1907; and 2 others. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. 552. GERMAN. Abraham Lincoln's Leben (Thayer), Gotha 1897; Anecdoten von Abraham Lincoln, nnd Lincoln's Erzahlungen (McClure), Chicago 1887. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 553. GERMAN LIFE. Vob der Holzaxt zmn Prasidenten- stiihl Oder Lebingeschichte der Volksmannes. Abraham Lin- coln. Portraits of Lincoln and Seward. 32 pp. 16mo, half brown morocco, gilt top. original Avrappers bound in. Berlin 1865 554. GETTYSBURG Address (Lambert); 1909; Abraham Lincoln (C. W. Fairbanks). Baltimore. Md., 1907; Lincoln Centennial Address, by Jess Holdom. 1909; Catalogue of Lin- coln Literature, N. Y. 1906. 4 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. 555. GETTYSBURG Address (Oakleaf), 1908; Sugges- tions to Preserve the House in which Lincoln Died [Hawley] 1908; How Lincoln became President (Davis), 1908; and an- other. 4 vols. 16mo and 12mo, brown cloth, gilt lettered. Two .ire iircsciit.-ition fopics froDi their authors. 556. GILLETTE (A. D.). God Seen Above all National Calamities. Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Wash. 1865 557. GTL:\I0RE (JAIMES R.). Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil "War. Portraits. 8vo, clotli. gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1898. 67 558. GLAESNER (AUGUST). Das Liueolu-Monuinent. Eine Rede des Senator Charles Sumner. Nebst einer Lebens- skizze Sumner's und der in seiner Rede erwahnten Kunstler. Bearbeitet von Aug-ust Glaeser. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Frankfurt a M 1868 559. GLIMPSES of Abraham Lincoln (Abernethy), 1909; The Immortal Fame of Lincoln (West) ; Abraham Lincoln (Storey), 1909. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 560. GLIMPSES of Lincoln in War Time (Brooks). [Ex- cerpt;] Lincoln most extreme Republican utterances re- garding slavery. 567. GREAT REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGNS, 1860-1896, Chicago, n. d. ; Lincoln's Campaign (Oldroyd), Chicago, n. d. ; Bloomington, 111., Republican Convention, May 29, 1856. Bloomington, 1900: Cliosophie Essays, Lancaster, 1908. 4 vols. 12mo and Svo, cloth. 568. GREENE (GEN. FRANCIS V.). Lincoln as Com- mander-in-Chief. Svo. cloth. [From Seribner's Magazine, July 1909.] N. p., n. d. t>JS 569. GEOLIER CLUB. Trausactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York, from February Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-four to July Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-nine. Illustrations and facsimiles. 4to, wrappers, uncut. N. Y. : The Grolier Club, 1899 Only 470 copies printed. Contains. ''Abraham Lincoln's Place in History." by Charles Henry Hart. 570. Another copy of the same. 571. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of a Collection of En- graved and other Portraits of Lincoln. 16mo, half crushed brown morocco, wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1899 572. GRUBE (A. W.). Abraham Lincoln. Eine biograph- ische Skizze. Portrait. 16mo, half brown morocco, original covers bound in. Stuttgart 1878 573. GRUBE (A. W.). Abraham Lincoln, der grosse Stats- mann und edle Menschenfreund. 12mo, cloth. Milwaukee, n. d. 574. GURLEY (P. D.). The Voice of the Rod. A Sermon preached at Washington. June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Wash. 1865 575. GUTHRIE (W. E.). Oration on the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. 16mo, cloth, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 576. HALL (CHARLES H.). A Mournful Easter. Dis- course delivered in Washington, April 19, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, front wrapper bound in. Wash, 1865 577. HALL (FAYETTE). The Copperhead; or. the Secret Political History of our Civil War Unveiled . . . How Al)raliam Lincoln came to be President, etc. Illustrations. Svo. cloth, original covers bound in. New Haven 1902 578. HALL (GORDON). President Lincoln's Death: Its Voice to the People. Discourse delivered at Northampton, April 19. 1865. 8vo. half morocco, front wrapper bound in. Northampton, Mass. 1865 579. HALL (NEWMAN). Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, at Surrey Chapel, London. Svo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top. wrappers bound in. 500 copies printed. Bost. 1865 580. HALSTED (MURAT). Caucases of 1860. A History of the National Political Conventions of the Current Presi- dential Campaign. Svo, cloth, original covers bound in. Columbus 1860 581. HAMILL (SAMUEL M.). President Lincoln, a Faith- ful Son. Address before the High School at Lawrenceville, N. J. June 1. 1865. Svo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Trenton 1865 d82. HAMMOND (CHARLES). Sermon on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, half crushed blue morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Springfield 1S65 583. HAMMOND (W. G.). Abraham Lincoln. A Eulogy delivered at Anamosa, Iowa, on the day of the State Feast, April 27, 1865. 12mo, cloth, front wrappers bound in. Davenport 1865 584. HANAFORD (P. A.). Abraham Lincoln. Sein Leben und seine offentlichen Dienste. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. original wrappers with portrait of Lincoln bound in. Cleveland n. d. 585. HANAFORD (MRS. P. A.). Our Martyred President. Engraved portrait. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 586. HAPGOOD (NORiMAN). Abraham Lincoln: The Man of the People. Illustrated. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 19UU 587. HARRIS (T. M.). Assassination of Lincoln, a History of the Great Conspiracy. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Bost. [1892] 588. HART (CHARLES HENRY). Bibliographia Lin- colniana: An Account of the Publications occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Royal 8vo, sheets, uncut. Albany: Munsell 1S70 One of 2o copies printed for private circulation. 589. HART (CHARLES HENRY). Biographical Sketch of His Excellency Abraham Lincoln. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, gilt top. Albany : Joel Munsell 1870 Presentation copy, with inscription in the author's autograph. 590. [HASTED (FREDERICK).] Copy of a Letter writ- ten from Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1860. To the Hon. Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth. n. p., x. d. 591. HATHAWAY (WARREN). Discourse preached at Coxsackie. 8vo, half crushed green morocco, gilt top, wrap- pers bound in. Albany 1865 592. HAVEN (GILBERT). Te Deum Laudamus. Cause and the Consequence of the Election of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1860 593. HAVEN (GILBERT). The Uniter and Liberator of America. Memorial Discourse. Svo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 594. HAWAIIAN. Andrews (Samuel C). Ke Reiki Paionia : or Pioneer Boy. I Lilo I Peresidena no Amerika Huipuia. Portrait. !l2mo. cloth (small worm-hole eaten through). Nu Yoka 1869 •'Scarce. Printed in the Hawaiian dialect. 70 595. HAWLEY (B.). Truth and Righteousness Triumph- ant. Discourse preached at Albany, April 20, 1865. Svo. half red morocco, original covers bound in. Albany 1865 596. HAY (EUGENE M.). Lincoln 's Message to the Twen- tieth Century. An Address delivered at ]\Iinneapolis. Feb. 12, 1902. Portrait on title. Svo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. [Minneapolis 1902] 597. HAYDEN (MRS. CAROLINA A.). Our Country's Martyr. A Tribute to Abraham Lincoln, our beloved and lamented President. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 598. HAYDEN (WILLIAM B.). A Brief Abstract of Re- marks on the Funeral of the President, April 19, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Cinn. 1865 One of 2.50 copies printed. 599. HEATH (VIRGINIA). The Story of Lincoln. Por- trait and numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth, original covers bound in. Portland 1905 600. HEERMANS (J.). War Power of the President. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1863 60L HEIST AND (COL. H. 0. S.). Abraham Lincoln. Miniature portrait of Lincoln. 18mo, cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. : Privately printed, 1909 One of 150 copies. 602. HEPWORTH (GEORGE H.). The Criminal; the Crime; the Penalty. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1865 603. HEPWORTH (GEORGE H.). Two Sermons on the Death of Lincoln. Preached in Boston, April 23, 1865. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1865 604. HERNDON (WILLIAM H.) and WEIK (JESSE W.). Herndon's Lincoln. The True Story of a Great Life. Portrait and illustrations. 3 vols. 12mo, original blue cloth, gilt tops, untrimmed edges. Chicago, n. d. [1880] Fine copy of the scarce first edition with the suppressed passages. 605. Another copy, in the original cloth. 606. HEROIC Life of A1)rahara Lincoln. (Brooks). Bost., 11. d.; The New York News-Letter for :\rarch-April. 1903; The Ballad of Abraham Lincoln, by Bayard Taylor. First Edition, Bost. 1870; Abraham Lincoln in Contemporary Caricature (Shaw), [N. Y. 1901]; Menard-Salem-Lincoln Souvenir Album, Petersburgh, 111. 1893. All illustrated, some in color. 5 vols. -Ito, to folio, various bindings. 607. HIBBARD (A. G.). In Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Discourse delivered at Detroit, Mich., April 17 [16], 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Detroit 1865 71 608. HICKS (GEORGE j. Abraham Lincoln. An Essay. 21 pp., small 4to, cloth, both original blue wrappers bound in. Kingston, Jamaica: Printed by the Educational Supply Co. (1879). Very scarce Life of Lincoln. The author was formerly a citizen of United States and took part in the Civil War, after which he became resident in Jamaica. 609. HILL (FREDERICK TREVOR). Lincoln the Lawyer. Portraits, illustrations and facsimiles. First Edi- tion. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1906 610. HINGELEY (E.). The Character and Greatness of Abraham Lincoln. Discourse delivered April 23, 1865, at Monongahela City. Pa. 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. N. p.. n. d. 611. HISTORICAL Relics of Lincoln (Emmett Fostell), 1901; Books in Boston Library, 1909; Catalogue of Books, Anderson's, Nov. 10, 1902; Souvenir of Lincoln's Birthplace, [1903]. 4 vols. 12nio to oblong royal 8vo, cloth. 612. HITCHCOCK (HENRY L.). God Acknowledged in the Nation's Bereavement. Sermon preached in Hudson, Ohio, April 19. 1865. 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. Cleveland 1865 618. HOCHHEIMER (H.). Fest-und Fasttag. Predigt am 1 juni 1865, als an dem, von dem Prasidenten der Vereinig- ten Staaten angeordneten Busz- and Bettage, zum Gedacht- nisse des ermordeten Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln. 10 pp. 12mo, cloth, wrappers bound in. [Balto. 1865] 614. HOCHHEIMER (H.). Predigt, gehalten am 19 April 1865, als am Tage des Leichenbegangnisses des Prasidenten des Ver. Staaten, Abraham Lincoln's. 9 pp. 12mo, cloth, wrappers bound in. [Balto. 1865] 615. [HODGE (CHARLES).] President Lincoln. Prom the Princeton Review. July 1865. 8vo, half blue crushed morocco. N. p. [1865] 616. HOFFMAN (B.). Abraham Lincoln, Emancipator of the Slaves. A Story for Children. Translated from the Ger- man. 12mo. boards. Petrograd: Wolff [1874] Printed entirelj in Russian. 617. HOFFMAN (EUGENE AUGS.). The Martyr Presi- dent. Sermon preached at Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., April 20, 1865. 8vo. cloth, original front wrapper bound in. N. Y. 1865 618. HOFFMAN (WILHELM). Abraham Lincoln, der Befreier der Negersklaven. Eine Erzahlung fur die JugeTid. Portrait and illustration. 12mo, boards. Breslau, n. d. 619. HOLLAND {.]. (i.). Eulogy on Ahraliain Lincoln delivered at Springfield, Mass., April liJ, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Springfield 1865 With A. D. S. of the author inserted. 620. HOLLAND (J. G.). The Nation Weepeth for Its Dead. Observances at Springfield, Mass. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Springfield 1865 621. HOLLAND (J. G.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln. llhisiniU an(juet of the Lincoln Glul). Vignette. Svo, cloth, original wrHppers bound in. Portland 1901 624. [HOPE (EVA).] New World Heroes. Lincoln and Garfield: The Life-Storv of Two Self-made men. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. " Lond. 1888 625. HOPKINS (T. M.j. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Bloomington, Ind., April 19, 1865. Svo, half green morocco. X. p., n. d. 626. HORNBLOWER (W. H.). Sermon occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln, delivered at Paterson, N. J., April 16. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original front wrapper bound in (piece cut from top). Paterson, 1865 627. HOWARD (J. Q.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln, with Extracts from his Speeches. 12mo. original covers, en- closed on a. half levant solander case. Cinn. 1860 ExTREMKT-Y RARK. A fiuc oopv of the second life of laiifoln published. 628. [HOAA^ELLS (W. D.) and Hayes (J. L.).] Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Por- traiis and view. First edition. 12mo. original cloth (Ham- lin portrait torn into). Columbus. 0.. I860 629. HOWLETT (T. R.). The Dealings of God with our Nation. Discourse delivered at Washington, June 1, 1865. Svo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. Wash. 1865 630. HUIDEKOPER (H. S.). Personal Notes and Remini- scences of Lincoln. Svo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1896 631. HUME (HARRISON). An Address in Commemom- tion of the Birth of Abraham jjincoln, delivered at the 337th Dinner of tlie New England Club. Svo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Bost. 1892 632. HUNT (A. B.). Address delivered at Alameda, Cal, Feb. 12, 1899, on the Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. [San Fran. 1899] 633. IDES OF MARCH (The) ; or, Abraham Lincoln, Private Citizen. Being a sequel to the End of the Irrepressible Conflict. By a Merchant of Philadelphia. 8vo, half blue morocco, original covers bound in. Phila. 1861 Very Scarce. 634. ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Abraham Lincoln as Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Reproductions of original documents in Lincoln's hamd writing. 4to, limp black seal leather, uncut. N. p., n. d. One of 200 copies issued. 635. ILLUSTRATED Life, Service, Martyrdom, and Fun- eral of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila.: Peterson [1865] 636. ILLUSTRATED Life, Services, :Martyrdom and Fun- eral of Abraham Lincoln. . . . With the Hon. George Ban- croft's Oration. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Phila. [1866] 637. INAUGURAL Ceremonies of the Freedmen's Memorial Monument, Washington, 1876 ; Bronze Group Commemorating Emancipation, Bost., 1879. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth and half morocco. 638. INGERSOLL (R. G.). Abraham Lincoln. An Ora- tion. First edition. 12mo, cloth. Loud. 1893 639. INGERSOLL (R. G.). Abraham Lincoln. A Lecture. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. Newspaper clippings inserted. N. Y. 1895 640. INGERSOLL (R. G.). Abraham Lincoln: A Lecture. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1909 641. INGHAM (JOHN ALBERTSON). Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered at the Commencement Exercises of the Irvington High School, June 26, 1902. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. [1902] 642. IN MEMORIAM. Abraham Lincoln Assassinated at AVashington, April 14, 1865. Being a brief account of Meet- ings at Buffalo, N. Y. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Buffalo 1865 643. IN MEMORIAM. Containing his Farewell Speech at Springfield, Proclamation of Emancipation, Address at Gettys- burg, etc. Small 4to, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. : Trent, Filmer & Co., n. d. 644. IN MEMORIAM. Gems from Abraham Lincoln. Con- taining his Farewell Speech at Spring-field, Proclamation of Emancipation, Address at Gettysburg, etc. Portrait. Each page printed within mourning borders. Small 4to. half red morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. : Derbv and ^Miller, etc., n. d. 645. IX MEMORIAM of Abraham Lincoln. Oration of George Bancroft, [Wash. 1866] ; The Dedication of Lincoln Park, Portland, Maine, Portland 1909 ; The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln (Blair), [Springfield 1908] ; Addresses before the Mil. Order of the L. L. at N. Y., Feb. 3. 1909. 4 vols.. 8vo, cloth and half morocco. 646. IX MEMORY of Abraham Lincoln, State Council of Penn., 0. of V. A. M., Portrait, Phila. 1865; Emancipation Proclamation, Phila. n. d. ; Abraham Lincoln a Reformer (Calderwood), [Minneapolis 1909] ; Abraham Lincoln (Skev- ington), [Nyack 1909]. 4 vols., 16mo, cloth. 647. INNER LIFE of Abraham Lincoln (Carpenter), 1868 ; Lincoln, the Liberator (French), 1891; Pioneer Home to "White House (Thayer), [1882] ; and another. 4 vols., 12mo, cloth and half morocco. 648. INSIDE the White House in War Times (Stoddard). X. Y. 1892 ; National Lincoln Monument Association, AYash. 1870; Miscegenation Indorsed by the Republican Party, [X. Y. 1864] . 3 vols., 8vo and 12mo, half morocco. 649. IXTERIOR Causes of the War. The Nation Demon- ized, and its President a Spirit-Rapper. By a Citizen of Ohio. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Pres. inscription on title. N. Y. 1863 Scarce. 650. IN the Boyhood of Lincoln (Butterworth), N. Y. 1908 : The Boy Lincoln (Stoddard), N. Y. 1905; The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln (Xicolay), N. Y. 1908. Illustrations. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth. 651. IRELAN (JOHN ROBERT). History of the Life. Administration and Times of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Chicago 1888 Vols. 16 and 17 of "The Republic." 652. IRVIN (WILLIAM). Sermon preached on April 16. 1865, the day after the Death of President Lincoln. 8vo, boards, morocco back, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1865 653. IVES (ALFRED E.). Victory Turned into Mourn- ing. Discourse on the Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lin- coln, preached at Castine. [Me.] 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Bangor 1865 654. JAGGAR (THOMAS A.). A Sermon at the Anthon Memorial Church, April 16, 1865. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1865 655. JANVIER (FRANCIS DE HAES). The Sleeping Sentinel. First edition. 12mo, half maroon morocco, original covers bound in. Phila. 1863 75 656. JAPANESE. Life of Abraham Liucoln. Printed en- tirely in Japanese. Portraits and illustrations. 16mo, cloth. 657. JAPANESE. Matsumura (Rev. K.). Abraham Lin- coln. Portrait. 16mo, cloth, wrappers bound in. [Fish 643.] N. p., n. d. 658. JAPANESE Life of Lincoln. Shinyaku Lincoln Idanjs. 12mo, cloth, wrappers bound in. 659. JAYNE (WILLIAM). Personal Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln : An Address delivered before the Springfield Chapter of the D. A. R. Feb. 12, 1907. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. js[ p ^ ^ 660. JAYNE (WILLIAM). Address on Abraham Lincoln delivered at Chicago, Feb. 12, 1900. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. original covers bound in. [Chicago 1900] Not in Lambert, Burton, or Fish. 661. JEFFERY (R.). The Mission of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon preached at Philadelphia. June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 662. JERMON (J. WAGNER). Abram Lincoln and South Carolina. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Phila. 1861 Scarce. 668. [JEROME (ALONZO WHEELER).] The Great De- bate. A Platform Scene in the Seven Joint Discussions be- tween Lincoln and Douglas. Folding plate of one of the relief pictures in the Dome of the State Capitol, Springfield, III Square 12mo. cloth, original covers bound in. [Springfield 1899] 66-1. JOACHIMSEN (P. J.). An Address delivered on re- quest of the Congregation, at the place of worship of the Hebrew Association, Temimi Derech, at New Orleans. April 29, 1865. 8vo. cloth, original front wrapper bound in. N. Y. 1865 Excessively bare. Not in Lambert or Burton. 665. JOHNSON (ANDREW). Message from the President of the United States transmitting a report of George H. Sharpe relative to the Assassination of President Lincoln. 8vo. half morocco. [Wash.] 1867 666. JOHNSON (HERRICK). "God's Ways Unsearch- able. ' ' Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln preached at Pittsburgh. April 23. 1865. 8vo, cloth. Pittsburgh [1865] Ver.v Scarce. 667. JOHNSON (REVERDY). An Argument to establish the illegality of ^Military Commissions in the United States, and especially of the one organized for the Trial of the parties charged with conspiring to As.sassinate the late President. 8vo. half morocco, original covers bound in. Balto. 1865 76 668. JOHNSON (WILLIA.AI M.). Our Martyred i^resi- dent. A Discourse on the Death of President LiuL-oln, preached at Stillwater, April 16. 1865. 8vo, cloth, front wrap- per bound in. Troy 1865 Scarce. Only 200 copies pi'inted. 669. JOHNSTON (HOWARD AGNEW). An Estimate of Lincoln. Sermon preached at Chicago, Feb. 9. 1896. 8vo, cloth. N. p.. n. d. Autograph presentation copy from the author. 670. JOHNSTON (E. S.). Sermon delivered June 1. 1865. at Harrisburg. 8yo. cloth, original covers bound in. [Harrisburg, Pa.] 1865 Scarce. 671. JONES. A Poetical Description of Lincoln's Assas- sination. 58 pp. 8vo. half morocco, original front wrapper bound in. Valparaiso, 1865 672. JONES (MAJOR EVAN ROWLAND). Lincoln, Stanton and Orant. Historical Sketches. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. n. d. 673. JONES (W.MARTIN). Abraham Lincoln. Address delivered at Phoenix. N. Y.. :\lay 30, 1904. Portrait. 12mo. cloth, original covers bound in. Rochester 1904 674. JORDAN (E. S.). Death of Abraham Lincoln. Dis- course delivered at Cumberland Centre. Me.. June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Portland 1865 675. JOSEPH (PHILIP). The Fame of Abraham Lincoln. Oration delivered at the Moline High School, April 16, 1904. 4to, cloth, original covers bound in. Moline. 111.. 1905 Autograph ])reseutation copy from J. B. Oakleaf. One of nO copies privately printed for Mr. Oakleaf. 676. JOUAULT (ALPHONSE). Abraham Lincoln, sa Jeunesse et sa Vie Politique. Histoire de 1 'abolition de I'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, original Avrappers bound in. Paris 1875 Fine copy. Scarce. 677. JOUAULT (ALFONSO). Abraham Lincoln, su Ju- ventud y su Vida Politica. Historia de la Abolicion de Es- clavitud en los Estados-ITnidos. 16mo. cloth, edges uncut. Barcelona 1876 678. . Another copy in cloth, original covers bound in. 679. JOUAULT (ALPHONSE). Abraham Lincoln se Jeunesse et sa Vie Politique. Histoire de 1 'Abolition de I'Es- clavage aux Etats-Unis. Portrait. Third edition. 12mo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Paris 1883 680. JOURNAL HISTORIQUE illustre for Sept. 10, 1865. AVith Portrait and Sketch of Abraham Lincoln. Royal 8vo. cloth. [Paris] 1865 Scarce. 681. JUNIUS. To Abraham Lincoln, July 1864. 8 pp. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1864 Very Scarce. 682. KAMENSKAVO (A.). Abraham Lincoln. A Biog- raphical Sketch. Portrait. 12mo, original wrappers bound in. St. Petersburg 1891 Printed entirely in Russian. 683. KAMENSKARO (A.). Abraham Lincoln: the Man "vvho Freed the Slaves. [In Jewish, translated from the Rus- sian]. 90 pp. 16mo, cloth. "Warsaw 1910 684. KAUFMANN (J. L.). Die Ermordung Abraham Lin- coln's und die Geschichte der groszen Yerschworung. Illus- trations. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Cinn. 1865 685. KECKLEY (ELIZABETH). Behind the Scenes. Portrait. First edition. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1868 686. KEELING (R. J.). The Death of ]\Ioses. Sermon preached at [Washington, D. C] April 23, 1865, as a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Wash. 1865 687. KEITH (0. B.). An Address delivered at the Fun- eral Solemnities of the late President Lincoln at JenkintoAvn, [Pa.] April 19. 1865. 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 688. KIP (WILLIAM INGRAHAM). Address delivered at Hombourg-les-Bains, Germany, June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Frankfort-on-the-Main 1865 689. KIRKLAND (CHARLES P.). A Letter to Benj. R. Curtis on the "Emancipation Proclamation" of the President, N. Y. 1863 ; A Letter to Peter Cooper on ' ' The Treatment to be extended to the Rebels Individually," etc., N. Y. 1865. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1863-65 690. KOREN (V.). Abraham Lincoln. Et Foredrag for Studenteme ved Luther- College pa a Lincolns Fodseldag den 12to Februar. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Decorah, Iowa, 1901 691. KRANS (HORATIO SHEAFE). The Lincoln Tribute Book. Appreciations by Statesmen, Men of Letters and Poets at Home and Abroad. Together with a Lincoln Cen- tenarv IMedal from the second design macie for the Occasion by Roine (silver). Portrait. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1909 78 692. KRAUTH (CHARLES p.). The Two Pageants. Dis- course preached at Pittsburgh, June 1, ISGH. 8vo. half mor- occo, original wrappers bound in. Pittsburgli 1865 693. KREBS (HUGO). Rede zum Andenken an Abi-ahani Lincoln. Gehalten in der Kirche zuni Heiligen Geiste in St. Louis. April 19. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. [St. Louis 1865] 694. KREBS (HUGO). A Sermon in Memoi-y of Abraham Lincoln delivered in St. Louis, April 19, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. [St. Louis 1865 J 695. LAMB (E. E.^. Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln preached at Rootstown [Ohio] April 23. 1865. 8vo. cloth. N. p.. n. (1. One of 200 copies. Scarce. 696. LAMBERT (WH^LIAM H.). Abraiiam Lincoln, Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Oration before the Society of the Army of the Po- tomac, at Pittsburgh. Oct. 11, 1899. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in.. [Privately printe(L 1900] One of 40 coijios issued. Sc;ir(('. 697. LAMBERT (WILLIAM 11. ). The Gettysburg Ad- dress. When Written. How Received, its True Form. Willi facsiniih of ilic on'niiial Maiiusfripl . T;ill Svo. cloth, oi'iginal covers bound in. Phila. 1!)()9 698. LAMOX (WARD H.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln; from his Birth to his Inauguration as President. Illustrations. First EDITION. 8vo. half calf, gilt (rubbed). Bost. 1872 699. LAND Mourneth (The), by W. T. Sabine, Phila. 1865; Abraham Lincoln, an Appreciation. X. Y., Tandy Co.; Lincoln Inaugurals, 1861-5. Old South Leaflet. Xo. 11. 3 vols., 18mo. and 16mo. cloth. 700. LAXGE (:\IAX). Abraham Lincoln der Wi.'d<>rher- steller der Nordamerikanischen Union, und der grosze Kampf der Nord- und Sudstaaten. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Leipzig 1866 701. LAUGHLIX (CLARA E.). The Death of Lincoln. The Story of Booth's Plot, his Deed and the Penalty. Illus- trated from photographs. First edition. 12mo. cloth. X. Y. 1909 702. LAITRIE (THOMAS). .Three Discourses in the South Evangelical Church, West Roxbury, Mass. 40 pp. Svo. half morocco, wrappers bound in. Dedham, Mass., 1865 703. LEA (J. HEXRY) and HUTCHIXSON (J. R.). The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. Tltustrated with photogravure portraits, virus and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, boards, leather back, uncut. l^ost. 1909 7!) 7(»-i. LE(iA(.'Y of Fun (A.). 1^ Ahrciliam 1 iiioln. With a Short Sketch of His Life. 16mo. eloth, original wrappers bound in. Lond. 1865 ' Scarce. 705. [LEIBER (DR. FRANCIS, Editor).] The Martyr's -Monument. Being the Patriotism and Political Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln. 12mo. cloth (covers slight spotted). N. Y. [1865] rresentation copy from R. (^. McCormack to .Tohn G. Nicolay. with inscription by the latter. 706. LELAND (CHARLES G.). Abraham Lincoln. (A Biography.) Portrait. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1879 The scarce first edition. 707. . Another copy, the same. 708. LESPERUT (A.). Abraham Lincobi. Photographic portrait. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Paris: E. Dentu, 1865 709. LETTERS and Addresses of Abraham Lincoln. X. Y. 1908; Abraham Lincoln (Lehmann)., Chic. 1908; Abraham Lincoln, an Essay (Schiirz). Bost. 1891; and others. 5 vols., 12mo. cloth. 710. LETTERS of Ma.jor Jack Dowuiug, N. Y. 1864 ; Lin- coln and Other Poems (]Markham), 1901 ; Life and Martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln, N. Y. [1865] : and another. 4 vols.. 12mo, cloth. 711. LIEBER (FRANCIS). Lincoln or McClellan. Ap- peal to the Germans in America. 8vo, half morocco. [N. Y. 1864] 712. LIEBER (FRANZ). Lincoln oder :\IcClellan .' Auf- riif an die Deutschen in Amerika. Loyal Publication Society, No. 59. 4 pp. 8vo, half green morocco. N. Y., n. d. 713. LIEBER (FRANCIS). Lincoln or McClellan? Op- roep aan die Hollanders in Amerika. Loyal Publication So- ciety. No. 71. 4 pp. 8vo, half blue morocco. N. Y., n. d. 714. LIFE and Martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln, Phila. n. d. ; History of the Administration of President Lincoln (Ravmond). N. Y. 1864; Poetical Tributes to the ilemory of Lincoln, Phila. 1865. 3 vols.. 12mo, cloth. 715. LIFE and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. Engraved portrait. Wide-awake edition. 12rao. cloth (cover soiled) . Bost. 1860 716. LIFE and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. Portraits. 16mo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top. Bost. 1860 80 717. lAFK and Public Servici's ol Abraluuii Liiu-olu. Six- teenth President of the United States, and Comiuander-in- Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Portrait on wrapper. 12mo, cloth, original front wrapper bound in. Phila.: T. B. Peterson & Hros. [1864] 718. LIFE (Illustrated), Service and Martyrdom of Abra- ham Lincoln, Phila. [1865] ; Abraham Lincoln (Cox). Chi- cago [1911]; Abraham Lincoln (R. S. Sheppard). 3 vols., 16mo. and 12rao, cloth. 719. LIFE of Lincoln for Boys (Sparhavvk), X. Y. ii. d. ; The Forest Boy (Mudge), N. Y. n. d. ; The Children's Life of Abraham Lincoln (Putnam), Chicago 1892; In the Boyhood of Lincoln (Butterworth), N. Y, 1896. Illustraiions. 1 vols., 16mo. and 12mo, cloth. 720. LIFE of Lincoln for Boys (Sparhawkj, X. Y. n. d. Stories and Speeches of Lincoln (Selby), Chic. u. d. Stories of School Days, N. Y. n. d., and others. 6 vols., 12mo, cloth. 721. LIFE Portrait of Lincoln, Quill Club of X. Y. ; Lin- coln Centennial Address (Holdom), Chicago; Abraham Lin- coln. Address by J. D. Long, Boston. 3 vols.. 8vo, cloth. V. p., 1909 722. LINCOLN. Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill; delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 20, 1848. 14 pp. 8vo, cloth. Wash. : J. & G. S. Gideon. 1848 723. LINCOLN. Speech of Mr. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the Reference of the President's Message, in the House of Rep- resentatives. January 14. 1848. 14 pp. 8vo, cloth. Wash. : J. & G. S. Gideon, 1848 724. LINCOLN. Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the Presidential Question, House ol" Representatives of U. S., July 21, 1848. 8 pp. 8vo, cloth. [Wash.]: J. & G. S. Gideon. [1848 f] Fish mentions only the edition i)rinted by Towers [18481. 725. LINCOLN. Republican Principles. Speed i of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Republican State Con- vention, held at Springfield, Illinois, June 16. 1858. Evening Journal Tracts, No. 7. 6 pp. 8vo, roan. X. v. [1858] 726. LIXCOLN. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, deliv- ered in Springfield, Saturday Evening, July 17, 1858 [upon Judge Douglas and the Coming Election.] 8 pp. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. X. p.. [1858] 727. LINCOLN. The Address of the Hon. Abraham Lin- eobi delivered at Cooper Institute, Feb. 27, 1860. Engraved portrait inserted. 8vo, half roan. X. Y. 1860 One of an edition nf 2.")(t (^ipies. .SI 728. LIN'COLN. The same. Facsimile edition of tlic fore- going, with correspondence between Lincohi and Xott. 8vo. full roan, original glazed wrappers printed in gold, bound in. X. Y. 1860 Another copy. Issued as souvenir of Republican Club Din- ner, Feb. 12, 1907. 2 vols. One of the most important addresses made b.v I-incoln. 729. LINCOLN. National Politics. Speech of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, delivered at the Cooper Institute, Monday, Feb. 27, 1860. Evening Journal Tracts. No. 5. 15 pp. Svo, roan. [Albany] : Evening Journal [1860] 730. LINCOLN. The Life, Speeches and Public Services of Abrani Lincoln. [With the Life of Hannibal Hamlin mis- bound at the end.] Frontispiece portrait and portrait on wrapper. 12mo, cloth, original wrapper bound in. N. Y. 1860 The "Wigwam Edition." The earliest biography in book form. 731. LINCOLN. The same. Another copy. 12mo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Fine copy. N. Y. I860 732. LINCOLN. Is the President of the United States vio- lating the Constitution in making Arrests? Hear the Presi- dent 's Answer. Letter from Lincoln to Erastus Corning. Svo, half green morocco. [Wash. 1863] 733. LINCOLN. The Letters of President Lincoln on Ques- tions of National Policj'. 12mo, half brown morocco, front wrapper bound in. N. Y. 1863 734. LINCOLN. President Lincoln's Views. An Important Letter on the Principles involved in the Yallandighani Case. Correspondence in relation to the Democratic Meeting at Albany. N. Y. Svo. half blue morocco, original covers bound in (water-stained). Phila. 1863 735. LINCOLN. An Address delivered before the Spring- field Washingtonian Temperance Society at the Second Pres. Church on the 22d day of Februarv. 1842. By Abraham Lin- coln. Svo. cloth. " " Springfield. 111.. 1882 736. LINCOLN. An Address delivered before the Spring- field Washingtonian Temperance Society at Springfield. 111.. Feb. 22, 1842. Portrait of Lincoln on ivrapper. Svo. half blue morocco, front wrapper bound in. Springfield 1889 737. LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln : His Book. A Facsimile Reproduction of the Original. With Note by J. ^IcCan Davis. ISmo. full autumn leaf morocco, gilt top, by Pfister. X. Y. 1903 738. LINCOLN. The War Policy of the Administration. Letter of the President to the Union Mass Convention at Springfield. 111., Aug. 16, 1863. Svo, half blue morocco. N. p., n. d. Evening .Tournal Doe. No. 1. 739. LINCOLN. Letter to the Army of the Potomae. Ex- ecutive Mansion, Washington. Dee. 22. 1862. Written after the Battle of Frederieksbnrgr. 12nio, eloth. 740. LINCOLN. The Opinions of Abraham Lincohi on Slavery and its issues. N. p., n. d. ; The same, ditferent issue ; Opinions on Slavery and Reconstruction, with Notes by Wil- liam Whiting. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth and half morocco. N. p., n. d. In the first item, Lincoln's name is spelled "Lincon," a fact which seems to have been unnoticed by bibliographers. 741. LINCOLN. Facsimile of the Gettysburg Speech of Abraham Lincoln, photographed from the original ]\Tanuscript. 4to, cloth. One of G copies printed. Bound with speciallj- printed titie- page. 742. LINCOLN. Inaugural Address of the President of the Ignited States on the Fourth of March, 1861. 8vo, half morocco. [Wash.] n. d. 743. LINCOLN. President Lincoln 's Speech at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863. 8vo, cloth. N. p., n. d. Remarks of Samuel A. Green at a meeting of the Mass. Hist. Soc. citing former uses of the "by the people" clause. 744. LINCOLN. Amnesty Proclamation and Third Annual i\Iessage, read in Congress, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1863. 8vo, cloth (a little damp-stained). N. p., n. d. 745. LINCOLN. The Republican Party Vindicated— The Demands of the South Explained. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Cooper Institute, N. Y. Citv, Feb. 27, 1860. 8vo, cloth. N. p., n. d. Issued by the Congressional Campaign Committee. 746. LINCOLN. Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Cam- paign of 1858, in Illinois. 8vo. half brown morocco. Columbus 1860 This issue has an advertisement reading: "15.000 Copies Sold." 747. LINCOLN. Message from the President . . .to the Two Houses, etc. 8vo, cloth. Wash. 1864 748. LINCOLN. Political Debates between Abraham Lin- coln and Stephen A. Douglas. 8vo, buckram, uncut (small tear in margin of title). Cleveland 1894 Limited Edition. 749. LINCOLN. Political Debates between Abraliam Lin- coln and Stephen A. Douglas. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cleveland 1895 750. LINCOLN. Complete Works. Comprising his Speeches, Letters. State Papers and Miscellaneous Writings. Edited by John G. Nir'olay and John Hay. PnrfraU. 2 vols.. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. ' N. Y. 1902 83. 751. . Another copy, the same. 752. LINCOLN. Complete Works. Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. With a General Introduction by Richard Watson Gilder, and Special Articles by other Eminent Persons. Illustrations and facsimiles. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. , N, Y. [1905] The Gettysburg Edition. 753. LINCOLN. The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. Ed- ited by Arthur Brooks Lapsley. With an Introduction by Theodore Roosevelt. Illustrated with numerous portraits, views, etc. 8 vols., three-quarter levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1905 The Federal Edition. 754. LINCOLN. The Works of Abraham Lincoln. Intro- ductions and Special Articles by Theodore Roosevelt, Charles E. Hughes, and others. Frontispiece. 4 vols., 12mo, clotli. N. Y. [1908] 755. LINCOLNIANA ; or, the Humors of Uncle Abe. Sec- ond Joe Miller. By Andrew Adderup. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, original covers bound in (water-stained). N. Y.: J. F. Peeks. [1864] Very Scarce. 756. LINCOLNIANA. In Memoriam. 4to, cloth, uncut. Bost. : William V. Spencer, 1865 < 'omi)ile(l l)y the jiublisher. CoDtains many sermons, euhigies, letters, etc.. and .i list of some :5()0 publications on Lincoln's death. . 757. LINCOLNIANA. A Catalogue of Scarce Pamphlets on the Election and Administration of Abraham Inncoln, N. Y. 1902 ; The Chicago Public Library List of Books on Abraliam Lincoln; A List of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress (Ritchie), Wash. 1903. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. 758. LINCOLN (SOLOMON). Notes on the Lincoln Fami- lies of Massachusetts, with some Account of the Family of Abraham Lincoln. 10 pp. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Bost. 1865 759. LINCOLN'S Account of the Hampton Roads Confer- ence with Facsimiles from the Original Documents in the Col- lection of Judd Stewart. Photograph from original negative, and facsimile. 4to, boards, cloth back. Privately printed, 1910 760. LINCOLN and Garfield (Hope). Lond. n. d.; Abraham Lincoln (Oberholtzer), Phila. n. d. ; Recollections of Lincoln (Lamon), Chicago 1895; Abraham Lincoln (Brooks), X. Y, 1903. Portraits. 4 vols., 12mo, cloth. 84 761. LINCOLN AT WORK (Stoddard), Bost. n. d. ; The Lincoln and Douglas Debates (Bouton), N. Y. 1905; From the Pioneer Home to the AVhite House (Thayer), N. Y. 1885; Abraham Lincoln, Ploughboy, Statesman, Patriot (Ruther- ford), Lond. n. d. : Abraham Lincoln (Stoddard), X. Y. ii. d. 5 vols., 12mo, cloth. 762. LINCOLN Catechism (The), wherein the Eccentrici- ties & Beauties of Despotism are fully set forth. Woorhiit. 48 pp. 12mo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in, gilt top. N. Y.: J. F. Feeks [1864] 763. LINCOLN-DOUGLAS. The Campaign in Illinois. Tlie Last Joint Debate. Douglas and Lincoln at Alton, &c. [Cap- tion title.] 30 pp. 8vo. crimson roan (lacks last 2 pp.). [Chicago 1858] 764. LINCOLN FELLOWSHIP. The First and Fourth Annual Meetings, etc. 4 pamphlets. N. Y. 1908-1911 765. LINCOLN FUNERAL. Official Arrangements at Washington for the Funeral solemnities of the late Abraham Lincoln. 3 pp. small 8vo, boards, blue morocco back (second page mounted). [Wash. 1865) 766. LINCOLN MEMORIAL COLLECTION. Relics collected by Julius E. Francis, Buffalo n. d. ; Abraham Lincoln Centenary, 1809-1909, Program of Exercises, Wash. 1908; Lincoln Centenary, N. Y. State Education Dept. Prospectus for Schools, Albany 1909 ; The Lincoln Centennial, The Robert Hewitt collection of Medallic Lincolniana, N. Y. 1909. 4 vols., 8vo. and 12mo. cloth. 767. LINCOLN MEMORIAL (The). A Record of the Life, Assassination, and Obsequies of the Martyred President. Por- trait, and vigyiette of early home. 8vo, cloth (front fly-leaves wanting) . N. Y. 1865 768. LINCOLN the Citizen, and Lincoln the President, 2 vols. (Whitney), N. Y. 1908; Abraham Lincoln (Herndon and Weik), 2 vols.. Illustrated, N. Y. 1901. 4 vols., 12mo, cloth. 769. LINCOLN the Lawyer, by Frederick Trevor Hill, N. Y. 1906 : Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man, by James Mor- gan, X. Y. 1902. Portraits a/nd illustrations. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. 770. LINCOLN Year Book (Hobson), [1907] ; Nancy Hanks Lincoln (Jones), [1903] ; Abraham Lincoln [Lakeside Series] ; Abraham Lincoln (D. D. Thomson), 1895. 4 vols., 16mo. and 12 mo, cloth. 771. LORING (GEORGE B.). The Present Crisis. A speech on the Assassination of President Lincoln. 12 pp. 8vo, cloth. South Danvers 1865 772. LOUISIANA'S Tribute to the :\Iemory of Abraliam Lincoln. Eesolutions, Speeches, etc. Compiled by J. S. Whitaker. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. New Orleans 1S81 With compiler's presentation inscription on wrapper. Scarce. 773. LOVE (JOHN L.). Lincoln the Emancipator: An Address delivered before the Excelsior Club. Guthrie. Okla. 8vo, cloth. N. p., n. d. 774. [LOVETT (RICHARD).] Abraham Lincoln. Por- trait. Small 4to, half blue levant, original wrappers bound in, gilt top. Lond. [1890] Religious Tract Society. Publication 73. 775. LOWE (CHARLES). Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in Charleston, S. C, April 23, 1865. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 776. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). No. 16. The Presi- dent's Policy. From the North American Review, January, 1864. 22 pp. 8vo, cloth, A^^-appers bound in. [Bost. 1864] 777. LOWREY (GROSVENOR P.). The Commander-in- Chief; a Defence upon Legal Grounds of the Proclamation of Emancipation ; and an Answer to ex-Judge Curtis ' Pamphlet, entitled "Executive Power." 31 pp. 12mo, half brown mor- occo, original wrappers bound in, gilt top. N. Y. 1 862 778. LOWRIE (JOHN M.). The Lessons of Our National Sorrow. A Discourse at Fort Wayne. Indiana, April 16, 1865. 16 pp. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Fort Wayne 1865 779. LOYAL LEGJON. Pennsylvania Commandery. Me- morial ^Meetings, 1907 and 1908. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. 780. LUDLOW (J. M.). Sermon commemorative of Na- tional Events delivered at Albany, April 23, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Albany 1865 781. LUDLOW (J. M.j. President Lincoln Self-Portrayed. Portrait. 16mo, original cloth. Lond. 1866 782. McCarthy (CHARLESH.). Lincoln's Plan of Re- construction. First edition. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1901 783. McCAULEY (REY. JAMES A.). Character and Services of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon preached June 1. 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Balto. 1865 784. McCLINTOCK (JOHN). Discourse delivered on the day of the Funeral of President, in St. Paul's Church. N. Y. 8vo, half levant morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 80 785. 3IcCLURE (J. H., Editor). Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln Stories. I'ortraH. First edition. 12mo, clotJi. Chicago .1879 786. :McCLURE (J. B.). Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln, and Lincoln's Stories. lUKsfrations. 8vo, cloth (slightly rubbed). Chicago 1880 787. 3IcC00K (HENRY C). Some Characteristics of Abraham Lincoln. Address at Union League of Phila., T^'cb. 12, 1901. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. p., n. d. 788. MACDOXALD (JAMES ^M.V President i.incoln ; His Figure in History. A Discourse in Princeton, N. J., Jnne 1st, 1865. 23 pp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, original wrap- pers bound in. N. Y. : Scribner & Co., 1865 Only 2."')() copies printed. 789. :\rAcEL'REY (J. H.). The Substance of Two Dis- courses, occasioned by the National Bereavement, the Assas- sination of the President. 12mo, half morocco, original wrap- pers bound in. Wooster, Ohio, 18()5 790. MacKENNA (B. VICUNA). Address on Abraham Lincoln. [Part of ' ' A ^Sketch on Chili, ' ' by Daniel J. Hunter.] 8yo, half green morocco (slightly stained). N. Y. 1866 Scarce. 791. McKINLEY (WILLIAM). Abraham Lincoln. An Address before the Marquette Club, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1896. 27 p]). 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. original brown wrap- pers bound in. [Chicago 1896] 792. MALTBY (CHARLES). Life and Public Services of Lincoln. 8vo, original cloth (slightly worn). Stockton, California, 1884 Scarce. 793. MANSHIP (ANDREW). National Jewels: Wash- ington, Lincoln, and the Fathers of the Revolution. Engraved portrait of Washington. 8vo, cloth. Phila. 1865 First edition. Scarce. 794. MAPLE LEAVES from Canada, for the Grave of Abraham Lincoln. By Robert Norton and Robert P. Burns, at St. Catharines, Canada West, April 23, 1865. 40 pp. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. St. Catharines 1865 Scarce. Only 300 copies printed. 795. MARAIS (AUG.). Abraham Lincoln: Histoire d'un Homme du Peuple. Portrait and ilJiistrations. 12mo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Paris 1880 796. MARAIS (AUG.). Abraham Lincoln: Histoire d'un Homme du Peuple. Illustre par A. Montader. SmaU 8yo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Charavay, Mantoux, Martin: Paris, n. d. 797. MARBLE (MANTOX). Papers from the Soe. for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge. No. 22. Freedom of the Press wantonly violated. Letter to Mr. Lincoln. 8 pp. 8vo, roan (upper margins trimmed close). N. Y. [1864] Scarce. First Issue. 798. :\L1RBLE (M ANTON). Letter to Abraham Lincoln. 25 pp. Svo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : Privately Printed, 1867 Only 99 copies printed. Contains a rabid attack on Lincoln by the editor of the World newspaper, which was suppressed for printing a bogus proclamation. 799. . Another copy, the same. 800. MARKENS (ISAAC). President Lincoln and the Case of John Y. Beall. Portrait. Small 4to, half crushed blue morocco, gilt top, wrappers bound in. N. Y.: Printed for the Author, lUll Has a signed note by the author that only .50 copies were printed. 801. MARKENS (ISAAC). Why President Lincoln Spared three lives. Small 4to, half blue crushed morocco, gilt top. N, Y. : Printed for the author, 1911 Has note in author's autograph saying only 50 copies were issued. 802. MARSHALL (JAMES). The" Nation's Grief. Death of Abraham Lincoln. Discourse delivered near Fort i\lonroe and at Norfolk, Va., April 29, 1865. 8vo, boards, morocco back, original wrappers bound in. Syracuse 1865 803. MATHER (D. D.). True Greatness. A Discourse de- livered at Zanesville. Ohio, April 19, 1865. Svo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. Zanesville [1865] 804. MAYNARD (MRS. N. C). Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist? Portraits. 12mo, cloth. Phila. 18ni 805. MAYO (A. D.). The Nation's Sacrifice. Abraham Lincoln. Two Discourses in Cincinnati, Ohio. 28 pp. Svo. half crimson morocco, gilt top. Cincinnati 1865 806. MECA (J.). Biblioteca Universal. Abraham Lincoln. Portraits and views. Royal Svo, cloth. Barcelona. 1909 807. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES delivered before the Two Houses of Congress on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and W^illiam McKinley. Prepared bv Charles R. Cushman. Portraits. 4to, cloth, uncut. Wash. 1908 Large paper copy. A handsome reprint of the three notable addresses by George Bancroft, .Tames G. Blaine, and .John Hay. 808. MEMORIAL of Abraham Lincoln, Bost. 1865; Life, Character and Services of Wm. H. Seward (Adams), Albany 1S73; Ceremonies on the 100th Anniversary of Lincoln, Phila. 1909 : one other. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. HH 809. MEMORIES of Men who Saved the Union (Piatt), N, Y. 1887 ; Abraham Lincoln, His Life and Public Services (Power), Chic. 1889; The Genesis of Lincoln (Cathey), n. p., n. d., and others. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. 810. MEMOIR of Abraham Lincoln, President Elect of the United States of America. To which is appended an His- torical Sketch on Slavery. By [R. B.] Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1861 811. MENARD-SALEM Lincoln Souvenir Album. Fme portraits, views, and facsimiles. Oblong 4to, cloth. Petersburgh, Ills., 1893 812. MEN of Our Times (Stowe), Hartford 1868; Story of Abraham Lincoln (Gridley), n, p. 1902; True Stories of Great Americans, N. Y. n. d. ; McClure's Early Life of Abraham Lincoln, N. Y. 1896; The True Story of Abraham Lincoln (Brooks), Bost. n. d. Illustrations. 5 vols. 8vo. and Ito, various bindings. 813. MILLER (S. F.). Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Memorial Oration delivered at Franklin, N. Y., June 1st, 1865. 16 pp. 8vo, cloth, original blue wrappers bound in. Delhi 1865 814. MISSOURI. Letter from the Executive Committee of the ^Missouri Delegation [C. D. Drake, Chairman] to Presi- dent Lincoln. 7 pp. 8vo, cloth. [Wash. 1863] ^>r.v Scarce. 815. [MITCHELL (JAMES).] Letter on the Relation of AVhite and African Races in the United States. Addressed to the President of the United States. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Wash. 1862 A .stroiifi; jtlea for colonization, probably drawn up at Lincoln's request. 816. MITCHELL (S. S.). Presbyterian Church of Harris- burg, April 19, 1865. In ^Nlemoriam. An Address by the Pastor. 15 pp. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, original black wrappers bound in. Harrisburg [Pa.] 1865 817. MONOD (EUGENE). Un Grand American, Abra- ham Lincoln. 12mo, cloth, uncut, wrappers bound in. Lausanne n. d. 818. MOORE (CHARLES H., of Plattsburgh, N. Y.). Abraham Lincoln. Lecture. 8vo, half blue crushed morocco, gilt top. N- P-, n. d. ■ 819. T^IORAIS (REV. S.). Address on the Death of Lin- coln, before the Congregation ]\Iik^'e Israel of Phila. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. 0)tlii 250 copies printed. Phila. 1865—5625 89 820. MOKAJS (REV. S.). A Discourse delivered before the Congregation :\likve Israel. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 821. MOREHOUSE (H. L.). Evil its Own Destroyer. A Discourse delivered at East Saginaw. April 19, 1865." 12ino cloth, original covers bound in. East Saginaw 1865 822. MORGAN (JAMES). Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man. Illustrated. First edition. 12mo. cloth. N. Y.' 1908 823. [MORGAN (WILLIAM F.).] In Memoriam. Jov Darkened. Sermon in St. Thomas' Church. New York, &c. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, wrappers bound in. ' 300 copies printed. [X. y. 1865] 824. MORRIS (B. F.). Memorial Record of the Nation's Tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations. 8vo. cloth (a few leaves slightly stained). Wash. 1865 825. MORRIS (B. F.). Memorial Record of the Nation's Tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Wash. 1866 826. MORSE (JOHN T., Jr.). Abraham Lincoln. Por- traits and map. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1893 Large Paper copy of the First Edition, limited to 2.50 copies. 827. MORSE (JOHN T., Jr.). Abraham Lincoln. Por- trait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. ' ' Am. Statesmen Series. ' ' Bost. n. d. 828. MORT de Lincoln (La). Poeme Dramatique. Sec- onde Edition, augmentee de Notes sur la vie du Carbonaro Amand Bazard. [Edited by L. Banet-Rivet.] Royal 8vo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound in. Paris 1868 Scarce. 829. MUDD (S. A.). The IJfe of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, containing his Letters, etc. Edited by his daughter. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. ' N. Y. 1906 830. ]\IUDD (S. A.). Testimony for the Prosecution and the Defence in the case of Dr. Samuel A. .Mudd, charged with Conspiracy to Assassinate the President of United States. 311 pp. 8vo, red cloth, original pale blue wrappers bound in. Wash. 1865 Fine copy. Exceemnglt scarce. 831. :\IUDD (S. A.). Argument of Thomas Ewing, Jr., on the Jurisdiction and on the Law and Evidence in the Case of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, Tried * * * on a Charge of Con- spiracy to Assassinate the President. May and June, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Washington : Polkinhorn, 1865 Fine copy of a very scarce pamplilet. 90 832. ]\IUKDER of Lincoln Planned and Executed by Jesuit Priests. Indianapolis 1893 ; Legislative Honors to the Memory of Lincoln, Albany 1865 ; Sermon on the Assassination of Lincoln (Vincent), Troy 1865. 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco and cloth. 833. .AIURDOCH (DAVID). Death of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon preached at New ]\Iilford, Conn.. April 23, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. [New] jMilford 1S65 With corrections in ink by the .author. 834. MURRAY (WILLIAM H. H.). Address delivered on the Sabbath following the Assassination of President Lincoln, in Greenwich, Conn. 8vo, original limp cloth. N. Y. 1865 835. MUSSEY (CHARLES F.). The Mighty Fallen. A Discourse in the Presbyterian Church, Batavia, 5s. Y. 14 pp. 8vo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound in (some upper margins slightly stained). Batavia 1865 Very scarce Lincoln Discourse. 836. NADAL (B. H.). National Reconstruction. A Dis- course delivered in "Washington, D. C, June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Wash. 1865 Scarce. 837. NEILL (EDWARD D.). Reminiscences of the Last Year of President Lincoln's Life. Portrait inserted. 8vo, cloth, front wrapper bound in. St. Paul 1885 With presentation inscriiition from the author on wrjipper. 838. NELSON (HENRY A.). The Divinely Prepared Ruler and the Fit End of Treason. Two Discourses. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Springfield, 111. 1865 839. [NEWELL (R. H.).l The Martyr President. First Edition. 12mo, cloth, original front cover bound in. N. Y. 1865 ExTBA-iLLUSTRATED by the insertion of 17 different portraits of Lincoln, many of which are in proof state, with portraits of Washington, views, etc. A fine copy. 840. [NEAVELL (R. H.).l The Martyr President. Printed within black borders. 12mo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 One of 500 copies. 841. NEWMAN (F. W.). The Good Cause of President Lincoln. A Lecture. 12mo, half green morocco (name on title). [Lond.] n. d. 842. NEW YORK. Obsecpiies of Abraham Lincoln, in the City of New York, under the Auspices of the Conunoii Council. By David T. Valentine. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 8vo. full brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, bv Stikeman. N. Y. 1866 ExTRA-ii.LT'STRATKi) by the insertion of 9a engraved and litho- graph iilatf's. inrhuling portraits. New York views, etc. 848. NICCOLLS (SAMIEL J.;. In .Memoriam. Discourse on the Assassination of Abraham Ldueoln, delivered at St. Louis, April 23, 1865. 8vo, original black glazed covers bound in. St. Louis 1865 844. NICHOLAS (S. S.). A Review of the Argument of President Lincoln and Attorney General Bates, in favor of Presidential Power to suspend the privilege of Habeas Corpus. 8vo, sewn. Louisville, Ky. 1861 Scarce. 845. NICOLAY (JOHN G.). Abraham Lincoln. 12mo, half crushed morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1882 Scarce. Oue of 50 copies printed for copyright purposes. 846. NICOLAY (JOHN G.). A Short Life of" Abraham Lincoln. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1902 847. NICOLAY (JOHN G.) and HAY (JOHN). Abra- ham Lincoln. A History. Profusely illustrated with portraits, views, maps, etc. 10 vols. 8vo. half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1910 848. NILES (H. E.). Address on the Occasion of Presi- dent Lincoln's Funeral Obsequies, in York, Pa. 8 pp. 8vo, half blue crushed morocco, gilt top, original brown wrappers bound in. 300 copies printed. York, Pa. [1865] 849. NOBLE (MASON). Sermon delivered in the Y. S. Naval Academy, on the day of the Funeral of Abraham Lin- coln. 16 pp. 8vo, cloth, original brown wrappers bound in (margins slightly stained). Newport 1865 • 850. NOYES (ISAAC P.). Ode on Lincoln. 7 pp. 12mo, cloth. ^ N. p. 1907 Not in Fish. Apparently a privately printed issue. 851. OBSEQUIES of Abraham Lincoln in the City of New York, under the Auspices of the Common Council. Tllnstra- tions. Pages ])7'inted within mourning borders. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 1866 852. OBSEQUIES of Abraham Lincoln in Union Square, New York, N. Y. 1865; Abraham Lincoln, Sein Leben und sein offentlichen Dienste (Hanaford), N. Y. n. d. Abraham Lincoln's Pen and Voice (Van Buren), Cinn. 1890. 3 vols. 8vo and 12mo. cloth. 853. OFFICIAL Programme connected with the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln upon the National Lincoln Monument. Springfield, Ills., October 15th, 1874. Address at Gettysburg. &c. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, original pictorial wrappers bound in. Springfield 1874 92 854. OLD ABE'S Joker, or, Wit al the AVhite House. II- lustrations. 16mo, cloth. N. Y. : Wehmaii, ii. d. Reprinted from the original plates. 855. OLD ABE'S JOKES, fresh from Abraham's Bosom. Containing all his issue, excepting the "Greenbacks," to call in some of which, this Work is Issued. Portrait. Small 8vo, cloth (trimmed close to margin, piece of margin cut from last page). N. Y. [1864] 856. OLD ABE, the Miller; or. The Campaigns of Rich- mond. A Story [in verse.] 8 pp. 8vo, half green morocco. N. p. [1864] 857. OLDROYD (OSBORN H.). The Lincoln Memorial: Album -Immortelles. Original Life Pictures, Avith Auto- graphs, etc. Portrait illustrations and facsimiles. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1882 858. OLDROYD (OSBORN H.). Words of Lincoln. With an Introduction by ]\Ielville W. Fuller and Tennis S. Hamlin. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Wash. n. d. Autogrnph presentation copy from the author. 859. ONLY AUTHENTIC LIFE of Abraham Lincoln, alias "Old Abe." A Son of the West. With an account of his Birth and Education, etc. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth, orig- inal wrappers bound in. [N. Y. 1864] 860. ORAtIoN on Lincoln (Burton), 1903; Life of Abra- ham Lincoln (Nichols). 1896. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth and half red crushed morocco. 98 FOURTH SESSION Tuesday Evening, November 14, 1916, at 8:15 O'clock LOTS 861-1173 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN 861. OUR MARTYR PRESIDENT. Voices from the Pul- pit of New York and Brooklyn, N. Y. [1865] ; J. Wilkes Booth (Jones), Chicago 1893; Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Oldroyd), Wash. 1901. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 862. OWEN (ROBERT DALE). The Policy of Emanci- pation : In Three Letters. 12mo,. half maroon morocco, orig- inal covers bound in. Phila. 1863 863. PADDOCK (WILBUR F.). A Great Man Fallen. Discourse in St. Andrew's Church, Phila. 24 pp. 8vo, half polished green morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Phil. 1865 864. PALMER (ROBERT M.). Washington and the Union. Oration delivered at Harrisburg at the Reception of President Lincoln, Feb. 22. 1861. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. N. p., n. d. 865. PARKE (N. G.). The Assassination of the President of the United States overruled for the Good "of our Country. Discoui-se preached at Pittston, Pa., June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Pittston 1865 86ij. PARKER (HENRY E.). Discourse on the Assassina- tion of President Lincoln, delivered at Concord, N. II., April 16. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Concord 1865 867. PASCAL (CeSAR). Abraham Lincoln; sa Vie, son earactere, son Administration. 12mo, cloth, original wrap- l^ers bound in. Paris 1865 868. PASSAGE of Lincoln from Harrisburg to Wash- ini^ton, 1861, 1892; Lincoln's Birthdav Exercises for Schools (Humboldt), 1900; Abraham Lincoln (Schechter), 1909. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and roan. S69. PATTERSON (ADONIRA:\r J.). Eulogy of Abra- ham Lincoln, delivered in Portsmouth, N. H., April 19. 1865. ^Ivo. cloth. Portsmouth 1865 04 870. PATTERSON (.lAMKS W.). Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Al)rahain Lincoln, at Concord, N. H. 8vo, cloth, glazed yellow wrappers bound in. Concord 1865 STL PATTERSON (R. M.). Character of Abraham Lin- coln. 8vo. cloth, wrappers l)onnd in. Phila. 1865 872. PATTOX (A. S.). The Nation's Loss and Its Lessons. 8vo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound in. 500 copies issued. Utica, N. Y. 1865 A. L. S. of the author inserted, relating to this pamphlet. 873. PATTOX (W. W.). President Lincoln and the Chi- cago Memorial on Emancipation. Before the Maryland Hist Soc, 1887. Fund Publication, No. 27. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Baltimore 1888 874. PECK (GEORGE R.). Abraham Lincoln. [At Mar- ([uette Clnb, Chicago.] Small 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt top. Chicago 1895 875. PEIRCE (J. D.). Address on the Death of President Lincoln, in Lniversalist Church. North Attleboro', Mass. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 876. PEIRPOINT (F. IL). Letters of Governor Peirpoint to his Excellency the President and the Honorable Congress of the United States, on the subject of Abuse of Military Power in the Command of General Butler in Virginia and North Carolina. 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. Wash. 1864 S77. PENNELL (ORRIN H.). Religious Views of Abra- iiam Lincoln. Portraits. 8vo. half crushed blue levant, gilt top (holes pierced on inner margin of text). Alliance, 0. 1899 878. PENNSYLA^ANIA. Addresses on the Consideration of Resolutions relative to the Death of Abraham Lincoln de- livered in the II. of R. of Penn. Jan. 23, 1866. 8vo. half green morocco. Harrisburg 1866 S79. PENNSYLVANIA. Historical Society of Penn. [Reso- lutions on the Death of President Lincoln. April 24, 1865.| 4 pp. 8vo. cloth. N. ])., n. d. 880. PENNY (A.). Abraham Lincoln. A Lecture before the Nyack Rowing Association. 18mo, cloth, original eovei-s bound in. N. p. 18S6 881. PETERSON (0. :\I.). Abraham Lincoln og bans Samtid: Barndom og Angdoin, Negerslaveriet, Praesident. Illustrated. 3 vols. ]2mo. balf brown morocco, gilt to[)s. original wrappers bound in. Chicago LS89 'X, 882. PHILLIPS (WENDELL). An Address [ou Lincoln] delivered m Tremont Temple, Boston. April 19tli, 1865. 8 pp. 8vo, half blue crushed morocco, gilt top. Worcester [1865] 883. PTERREPONT (EDWARDS). Argument of Hon. Edwards Pierrepont to the Jury on the Trial (\f John H. Sur- ratt for the ]\Iurder of President Lincoln. 8vo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Wash. 1867 884. [PINKERTON (ALLAN).] History and Evidence of the Passage of Abraham Lint-oln from Harrisburg, Pa., to Washington. D. C. on the 22d and 23d of February 186L 8vo. cloth, original wrappers bound in. 18 pp. Chicago II. d. 885. PIONEER BOY (The), by W. M. Thayer, Post. 1866: A l)raham Lincoln's Speeches (Chittenden), [1895;] Abraham Lincoln (Carl Schulz), 1899. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. 886. PIONEERS of Menard and Mason Counties: . . . including Personal Reminiscences of Abraliam Lincoln ;!iid Peter Cartright. UhisiratioHs.' 8vo. cloth. Forest City. Ills., 1902 887. PIT.MAX (BENN.. Compiler). The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators. 2 dia- grams and iiigraved frontispiece containing 9 portraits. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top. Cincinnati & N. Y. 1865 888. POETICAL Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lin- coln. Engraved portrait. 12mo, cloth. Pliila. 1865 889. POLITICAL DEBATES between Hon. Abraham Lin- coln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois. 8vo, half brown morocco, original covers bound in. Columbus 1860 Fine copy, with the printed letter from Mr. Lincoln refer- ring to the imblic-ition of the work, .iml two leaves of adver- tisements. 890. POLITICAL Speeches and Debates of Abraham Lin- coln and Stephen A. Douglas. 1854-1861. Edited by Alonzo T. Jones. Portrait. 555 pp. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. "Battle Creek, Mich.. 1895 891. POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK for 1860 . . . with Speeches of Lincoln and others. 8vo. half brown morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1860 892. POORE (BEN. PERLEY, Editor). The Conspiracy Trial for the ]\lnrdei' of the President. 3 vols. 12mo, original brown cloth. Host.: J. E. Tilton & Co.. 1865-66 Scarce. 9G S93. POKTHAITS and SkeleiiL-.s of llie iJves of All the Candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, for 1860. Finely executed engraved portraits. 8vo, half blue crushed jrioroceo. gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. N. Y.: J. C. Buttre, 1860 894. POST (JACOB). Discourse on the Assassination of President Lincoln preached in Camp at Harrison's Landing, Va.. April 23. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Oswego 1865 Scarce. S95. POTTER (WILLIAM J.). The National Ti-agedy. Four Sermons delivered at New Bedford on the Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln. Svo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. New Bedford 1865 896. POWELL (E. P.). Sermons on recent National Vic- tories and the National Sorrow. Preaclied April 23, 1865. a1 [Adrian. Mich.] 8vo, cloth, oi-iginal wrappei-s hound in. Adrian. Mich. 1865 Extremely sc;irc'(\ 897. POWER (J. C. Editor). History of an Attempt to Steal the Body of Abraham Tiincohi. Portraits and illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. [Springfield, Ill.l 1890 One of 25 copies printed without imprint, to be used as samples by agents. 898. POWER'S Life of Lincoln. Springfield. Ills., 1875; Lincoln and Men of War-Times (:\lcClure), 1892. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. 899. PRATT (SILAS G.. Editor). Lincoln in Story. The Life of the Martyr-President told in authenticated anecdotes. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, original covers bound in. Tokio & Osaka 1904 900. Another copy, the same. 90L PRESIDENT'S WORDS. Post. 1865: Life of Abra- ham Lincoln (Gray), Cinn. 1867; Life of Abraham Lincoln (Ketcham), N. Y." n. d. Lincoln in Story (Pratt), X. Y. 1901. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth. 902. PRIME (G. WENDELL). Sermon preached a1 De- troit. April 16, 1865, after the Death of President Lincoln. 8vo. clotli. original covers bound in. Detroit 1865 903. PROCEEDINGS of the First Three Republican Na- tional Conventions of 1856, 1860 and 1864. 8vo, cloth. Minneapolis [1893] 904. PULPIT and Rostrum. Extra Niinib-r. Bancroft's Oration on Lincoln, W. C. Bryant's Funera^ Ode. &c. Por- trait 12mo half brown crushed moro(^'0, jrilt top. N. Y. 1865 97 905. PUxXCH. Vol. -38, 1860, to Vol. 49, 1865. 6 vols. Lond. 1860-65; Harper's Weekly. Vols. 42 and 45. 2 vols N. Y. 1898-1901. Together 8 vols. 4to and folio, half leather. 906. PURIXTON (J. M.). On the Death of President Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered in Smithfield, Penn., Jiuie 1. 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Phila. 1865 A^ry Scarce. 907. PUTNAM (GEORGE). An Address delivered before the City Government, and Citizens of Roxbury, on occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865. 8vo, clotli. original wrappers bound in. Roxbury 1865 908. QUINT (ALONZO H.). Three Sermons preached at New Bedford, April 13 and 16, 1865. 8vo, half crimson morocco, original covers bound in. New Bedford 1865 909. RAISING the Stars and Stripes over the Lincoln Homestead. Springfield 1889; The Lincoln Monument, Edinb. 1893 ; Contributions of American Women to the Work of Abraham Lincoln (Hendrick), n. p., n. d. ; Lincoln Souvenir Book, One Hundredth Anniversary (Bancroft), n. p., n. d. 4 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth. 910. RANKIN (J. E.). ]\Ioses and Joshua. Discourse on the Death of Lincoln, preached at Charlestown, Mass.. April 19, 1865. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. Bost. [18651 911. RASMUSSEN (H.). Abraham Lincolns Liv og Gjerning. Med Lincolns Portraet. Small 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Kjobenhavn 1882 912. RAYMOND (HENRY J.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln; and of Andrew Johnson, by John Savage. 12rao, cloth, original wrappers with both portraits, bound in. N. Y.: Nat. Union Ex. Com. [1864] Scarce. 913. RAYMOND (HENRY J.). Life and Public Servir-es of Abraham Lincoln. Together with His State Papers, Speeches, &c. Steel portrait and other illustrations. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Firie copy. N. Y. 1865 914. RAYMOND (HENRY J.). The Life of Abraham Lincoln, by Henry J. Raymond, and of Andrew Johnson, by John Savage. Portrait of Lincoln on ivrapper. Issued with cover title only. 12mo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. * N. Y. : Nat. Union Ex. Com., n. d. Scai'ce. 915. REBELLION, Slavery, Peace. Address by N. G. I'p- ham, Concord 1864; An Address to King Cotton, n. p., n. d. ; Union Meeting in Raleigh, n. p., n. d. ; Reward for the Capture 98 of Booth, Report No. [)i). AVasli. 1866 ; Addl•e^ss ou Abraham Lincoln (Mac Chesney), n. p., n. d. ; Abraham Lincoln and the Jews (i\larkens), \. Y. 1909; Abraham Lincoln on Water- ways (Meese), n. p.. n. d. In 5 vols. 8vo. cloth and half morocco. 916. [REED (JOHN J.j.J The House that Jelf Luilt. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, original pictorial wrappers bound in. N. Y. [1868 J Satirical parody, illustrating- the rise and fall of tlie ("on- federacy. one verse relating to the assassination. 917. REED (S.). A Discourse delivered on the occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln, April 19, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bound in. Host. 186.") 918. REED (V. D.). The Contlict of Truth. Sermon preached at Camden, N. J., April 30, 1865. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in (slightly stained). Camden 1865 Inserted are 2 A. L.'s S. by the author, dated Feb. and Dec, 1SG6, both of which refer to the scarcity of the item. 919. RELIC of the Rebellion; or, What Happened 26 Years Ago. 8vo. cloth, front cover with portrait of Lincoln. bound in. N. Y. 1891 920. RELIGIOUS Life of Abraham Lincoln (Pritchard), 1909; Lincoln Anniversary, 1809-1898, Lincoln. Neb., 1898; Abraham Lincoln, the Man (Sulzer), Wash., 1907. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 921. RELIGIOUS VIEWS of Abraham Lincoln. By 0. H. Pennell. Portraits. First Edition. 8vo, half crushed crim- son morocco, gilt top, brown wrappers bound in. Alliance, 0. 1899 922. RELYEA (B. J.). The Nation's Mourning. A Ser- mon preached at Green's Farms, Conn.. June 1, I860. 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1865 923. REMINISCENCES about Abraham Lincoln (Ira Haworth), Kansas, [1907;] Lincoln and the New York Her- ald. New Jersey : Privately Printed, 1907 ; Lincoln Corre- spondence with Southern Leaders, From the Collection of Judd Stewart, 1909. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and boards. 924. REMSBURG (JOHN E.). Abraham Lincoln: Was He a Christian ? 12mo, half green morocco, original \vrappers bound in. N. Y. [1893] 925. REPLY to President Lincoln's Letter of 12th June 1863. No. 10. Papers from the Soe. for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge. 8vo, cloth. [Albany 1863] Relates to Vallandigham case. Signed by members of the Albany Committee. 99 926. REPUBLICAN CLUB. Abraham Lincoln's Lost Speech, ^lay 29, 1856. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1897 Scarce. The first account of this speech published in book form. Issued as a souvenir for the Republican Club dinner, Feb. 12, 1897. Printed from the notes of H. C. Whitney. 500 copies printed. 927. REPUBLICAN CLUB. Proceedings. Third, Eighth, Tenth (2), Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth Annual Dinners, with Souvenir for the Eighth Annual Dinner. 15 vols. 8vo (one in folio), various bindings. N. Y. v. d. 928. [REUSS (ROD).] Trois Conferences Strasbourgeoises. Guillaume Ic Taciturne (Sabatier), Abraham Lincoln (Reuss), Aprippa D'Aubigne (Guibal). 16mo, cloth, wrap- pers bound in. Strasbourg 1872 929. REYNOLDS (J. V.). Sermon in commemoration of the Virtues of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Meadville, June I, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, front wrapper bound in. Meadville 1865 Scarce. 930. RHODES (JACOB). The Nation's Loss. A Poem on the Life and Death of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln. Vignette of Lincoln on title and wrapper. 16mo, half green morocco, original front cover bound in. Newark 1866 Very scarce. Inscription on wrapper, and A. L. S., from W. A. Whitehead to C, H. Hart, stating that the author was a colored gardener. 931. RICE (ALLEN T.. Editor). Reminiscences of Abra- ham Lincoln. Engraved and. other portraits. Thick 8vo, three-quarter crushed brown morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1886 932. RICE (DANIEL). The President's Death— Its Ira- port. A Sermon preached in Lafayette, Ind., April 19, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. [Lafayette, Ind. 1865] 933. RICE (N. L.). Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lin- coln, preached in N. Y., April 19, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 934. RITUAL for the Centennial Celebration of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago Hebrew Inst.; Lincoln in Bronze (Cook), n. d. ; Address by Lincoln on the Death of Benjamin Ferguson, 1842. Reprinted. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 935. ROBBINS (FRANK L.). A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Philadelphia, April 22, 1865. 8vo. half morocco. Phila. 1865 100 936. ROBERTSON (J. L.). A Seruiou, commemorative of Our National Bereavement. 8vo, half green morocco, original front cover bound in (some corners slightly water-stained). Geneva 1865 937. ROBINSON (CHARLES S.). The Martyred Presi- dent. A Sermon preached in Brooklyn, April 16, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 938. ROGERS (J. W.). Madame Surratt ; a Drama in Five Acts. 12mo, cloth (one leaf torn and a few leaves stained). Wash. 1879 Scarce. 939. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Address at the Liu- eoln Dinner of the Republican Club, N. Y., 1905. 12mo, cloth. Wash. 1905 910. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Abraham Lincoln. 1909; Story of Lincoln (H. G. Reiter), [1910;] Abraham Lincoln. Lambert Letter, 1906. 3 vols. 16mo. to square 12mo, cloth. 941. ROTHSCHILD (ALONZO). Lincoln, Master of Men. A Study in Character. With portraits. First Edition. 8vo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1906 942. ROWLAND (MAJ. J. G.). Abraham Lincoln. A Paper before the Kansas Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 12 pp. 8vo, half green morocco, front cover bound in. N. p. [1900] 943. RUSSELL (PETER). Our Great National Reproach, and the Counsel of Ahithophel Turned into Foolishness. Two Sermons preached in Eckley, Pa., 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 944. SABBATH COMMITTEE. The Soldier's and Sailor's Sabbath. Doc. No. XXII. 4 pp. 8vo, cloth. [N. Y. 1862] Report of interview with the President, Nov. 13, 1862. 945. SALISBURY (S.). Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln preached at West Alexandria. Ohio. April 30, 1865. 8vo. half screen morocco, original covers bound in. Eaton, 0. 1865 Very Scarce. One of 500 copies printed. With A. N. S. of the author inserted, and A. N. S. of the author on the back wrapper. 946. SAMPLE (ROBERT). The Curtailed Throne: A Sermon suggested by the death of President Lincoln. 32 pp. Svo, half blue morocco, original wrappers bound in. 500 copies printed. Phila. 1865 947. SANBORN (R. S.). Discourse on the terrible, yet irresistible, yet sublime logic of Events as suggested by the Assassination of Lincoln; Delivprod at Ripon. Wis.. April 23, 1865. 8vo, cloth. N. P- n. d. Very Sr-arf-e. 101 948. SAREDO (GIUSEPPE). Abramo Lincoln. Lettura fatta nella Gran Saldella R. Universita di Siena. 16mo, lialf green morocco, original covers bound in. Firenze 1868 Very Scarce. "949. SAREDO (GUISEPPE). Abramo Lincoln. Lettnra fatta nella Gran Sala della R. Universita de Siena. 48 pp. 16mo, cloth. Milano 1869 950. SARMIENTO (D. F.). Vida de Abran Lincoln, decinio sesto Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Portrait. 1 2rao, cloth. Neuva York 1S66 Presentation copy from the author, inscribed: "To Jiidson B. Wilds esq. tvith the kindest regard.^ from his friend, the Author. 951. SARMIENTO (D. F.). Vida de Abran Lincoln, deeimo sesto Presidente. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Fine copy. N. Y. "1866 952. SARMIENTO (D. F.). Vida de Abran Lincoln, deeimo sesto Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Portrait. 12mo, cloth (cover stained, inside clean). Nneva York 1868 Scarce. 953. SATTERLEE (A. H.). An Arrangement of .Medals and Tokens, struck in honor of the Presidents of United States, and of the Presidential Candidates. From the Admin- istration of John Adams to that of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, red roan. N. Y. : Printed for the Author, 1862 954. SAUNDERS (ROLFE S.). An Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered on Island 40, April 25, 1865. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Memphis 1 865 955. SAVAGE (MINOT J.). Some Lessons from the Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12mo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1900 956. SAVANNAH, GA. Tribute to the Late President Lin- coln. Report of the Great IMass Meeting in Savannah, the Largest Ever held in the City, at which between Eight and Ten Thousand Persons were Present, on Saturday, April 22, 1865. 15 pp., square 12mo, half morocco, original front wrapper bound in (lower margins of some leaves slightly stained). Savannah 1865 Very scabce. 957. [SCRIPPS (JOHN LOCKE).! LitV of Abraham Lin- coln. 32 pp. 8vo, cloth (slight tear in first leaf). Chicago Press and Tribune Co. 1860 Extremely rare. The first published life of Tiincoln, with the Chicago imprint. 958. [SCRIPPS (JOHN LOCKE).] Life of Abraham Lin- coln. Tribune Tract. No. 6. 32 pp. 8vo, cloth. [N. Y. I860] A'ery scarce. Unusually fine cop> . 102 959. Another copy in clolli. 960. SCRIPPS (JOHN LOCKE). The First Published Life of Abraham Lincoln written in 1860, reprinted in 19i)0 Portrait. 4to, half vellum, uncut. [Detroit] : Cranbrook Press, 1900 Limited to 24r» coijies. Fine copy. 961. SEAMAN (L.). What Miscogenation is! What we are to expect now that Mr. Lincoln is re-elected. 8vo, half morocco, original pictorial wrappers bound in. N. Y.: Waller and Willetts. n. d. 962. SEARING (EDWARD). President Lincoln in His- tory. An Address in Congregational Church. jMilton, Wis., June 1st, 1865. Svo, cloth, yellow A\Tappers l)ound in. 30d copies issued. Janesville 1865 968. SEARS (HIRAM). The People's Keepsake. Funeral Address at Mount Carmel, Ills. Svo, cloth, original wrappers bound m (2 small pieces cut from front cover). Cincinnati 1865 Scarce. Only 500 copies printed. 964. SECOND chapter from the Secret History of the War. General Naglee's Letter about President Ivincoln. 8vo, half morocco. [Phila. 1864] 965. SECRET and Political History of the AVar of the Re- bellion (Fayette Hall), New Haven, 1890; Lincoln's Influence on American Life (Cortelyon). 1906; Religion of Lincoln (Collis-Ingersoll), 1900. 3 vols. Svo and royal Svo, cloth. 966. SEDGWICK (CHARLES B.). An Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln pronounced on the occasion of the Obsequies at Sj^racuse. April 19. 1865. Svo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Syracuse 1865 967. SEISS (JOSEPH A.). The Assassinated President, at St. John's (Lutheran) Church, Phila. Svo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1S65 968. SELECTIONS from the Works of Lincoln, N. Y. ; Re- publican Committee, 1893; Memorial Assn. of D. C. [1893;] The Real Lincoln (Minor). Richmond. Va.. 1901. 3 vols. 16mo, cloth. 969. SEAII-CENTENNTAL of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Circular 24. Sprin^eld. Ills.. 1908; Abraham Lincoln (W. H. Lninbert). Union League of Phila.. 1909; Grand Annv Flag Day. R. I.. 1909. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. 970. SERMENT (J. H.). Snr une Gravure Stances. Abra- ham Lincoln. Svo, half green morocco (title and 5 leaves re- paired and a few woi'ds supplied in MS.). Paris [1865] 1 1VA 971. SHACKFORD (SA.Ml'EL). Lineage of President Abraham Lincoln. 7 pp. 8vo, cloth. N. p., 1887 972. SHEA (JOHN G.). Lincoln Memorial: A Record of the Life, Assassination and Obsequies of the Martyred Presi- dent. Portrait and frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 1865 973. SHEPARD (MORRIS). Abraham Lincoln: Speech at Republican Club Banquet, New York, Feb. 12, 1908. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. N. p., n. d. 974. SHERMAN (S. N.). Eulogy upon President Lincoln, at the U. S. A. General Hospital, Grafton, West Va. 14 pp. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Grafton 1865 975. SHORTHAND. Testimony of Louis J. Weichmann.' Given on examination in chief in the Trial of John H. Surratt, indicted for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln. In the report- ing style of Phonography, by Benn Pittman and Jerome B. Howard. 16mo, cloth. ^ Cinn. 1910 976. SHUMWAY (G. R. H.). God's Hand in the War. Sermons preached at Funeral of Soldiers, and An Account of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 24 pp. and 10 pp. 8vo, half green morocco, original front cover bound in (a few lower margins slightly water-staiped). Newark [N. Y.l 1865 Very scarce. 977. SIMPSON (MATTHEW). Funeral Address deliv- ered at the Burial of President Lincoln, at Springfield, Illinois, May 4, 1865. 12mo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 978. SLATER (EDWARD C). The Nation's Loss. A Sermon preached at Paducah, Ky., April 19, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Paducah, Ky., 1865 979. SMITH (HENRY). The Religious Sentiments Proper for Our National Crisis. A Sermon. 8vo, cloth, original wrap- pers bound in. Buffalo 1865 980. SMITH (ISAAC). An Address delivered at Fox- borough, Mass.. April 19, 1865, simultaneously with the Fu- neral of President Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, front wrapper bound in. Foxborough 1865 981. [SMITH (TRUMAN).] Considerations on the Slavery Question, addressed to the President [Abraham Lincoln 1. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. N. p. [1862] 982. SMOOT (RICHARD MITCHELL). The Unwritten History of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 12mo. cloth, original wrappers bound in. Clinton, Mass. 1908 104 983. SiNlVELY (W. A.) and Prestou (W.). Memorial Ser- mon aud Address on the Death of President Liucohi, St. An- drew's Chnreh. Pittsburgh. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Pittsburgh 1865 984. SNODGKASS (WINFIELD C). Abraham Lincoln, the Typical American. A Sermon preached in Plainfield, Feb. 12. 1905. Portrait and illustrations. 4to. half brown morocco, original covers bound in. [Plainfield. N. J.: Privately printed, 1905J One of .50 copies privately printed. 985. SOME CHARACTERISTICS of Abraham Lincoln (McCook), Phila. 1901; Washington, Lincoln and Grant (Wil- son), X. Y. 1903; Mr. Lincoln and ]Mr. Seward, Excerpt by Gideon Welles: Lincolniura Picturettes (Onstot), Forrest City. 111., n. d. ; Lincoln (Perkins), Sioux City, 1909. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth and boards. 986. SONGSTER. The Bobolink .Minstrel: or. Republican Songster, for 1860. Edited by George W. Bungay. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in (slight repair in margins of title and few pp.). N. Y. 1860 987. SONGSTER. The Wide-Awake Vocalist; or. Rail Splitters' Song Book. Words and ^lusic for the Republican Campaign of 1860. Oblong 16mo, half green morocco, original pink wrappers bound in (copy slightly stained). N. Y.: E.A.Daggett [1860] Scarce. 988. SONGSTER. Songs for the Great Campaign of I860; comprising a Choice Collection of Original and Selected Solos, Glees. Choruses. &c., &c., from the Best Authors. Words and Music. Edited by G. W. Civis. 120 pp. 16mo, half morocco, orisrinal front cover bound in (some margins slightly stained). ' N. Y. 1860 989. SONGSTER. Hutchinson (John W.). Hutchinson's Republican Songster, for 1860. 16mo. cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1860 990. SONGSTER. Connecticut Wide-Awake Songster. Edited by John W. Hutchinson, assisted by Benjamin Jepson. 16nio. half green morocco, original covers bound in. N. Y. : 0. Hutchinson. ].s(iO Very Scarce. Fine copy. 991. SONGSTER. The Lincoln and Johnson Union Cam- paign Songster. Vignette portraits on scrapper. 16mo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. Phila.: A. Winch 11864] 992. SONGSTER. The President Lincoln Campaign Song- ster. Portrait on front ivrapper. 16mo. half green morocco, original covers bound in f water-stained). N. Y. : R. Dawlcy [1864] iqS /^?'^ Republican Campaign Songster for l»b4 (Ihe). 16mo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound m (water-stained). Cinn. : J. R. Hawley & Co 1S64 Verj' Scarce. ' ' 994. SOUTHGATE (HORATIO). The Death of Lincoln. A Sermon preached in Zion Church. X. Y. City, April 23, 1S65. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. X. Y. 1865 995. SPAXGLER (EDWARD). Testimony for Prosecu- tion and Defence in the Case of Edward Spangler. Tried for Conspiracy to Murder the President, before a Military Com- mission, of which ]\Ia.ior-General Hunter was President, Wash- ington, D. C, May and June, 1865. 66 pp. [and 2 pp.] 8vo ^lo^h. [Wash. '1865]' \ ERY RARE. Has the two uuuumWieil pages, one coiuainiiiff "Index of Witnesses." 996. SPATH (PASTOR A.). Rede bei der Begrabniszseier des Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln . . . Mit einer Zusabe aus der Osterfest-Predigt am 14 April. 8vo, half morocco (top margin a little stained). Phila. 1865 Scarce. 997. SPEAKER COLFAX, and the rnion League Commit- tee. With the Letter of President Lincoln, to A. G. llodges, of Kentucky. 8vo, half morocco. Wash. 1864 A. I.. S. of Colfax inserted. 998. SPEAR (SAMUEL T.^. The Punishment of Treason. A Discourse preached at Brooklyn, April 23, 1865. 8vo. half maroon morocco. Brooklyn 1865 999. SPEECH of William H. Seward on The Situation and the Duty, at Auburn, Oct. 31, 1868. Wash. 1868 ; Argument of John A. Bingham at the Trial of the Conspirators, Wash. 1865: Sustain the Government! — Stand by the President! n. d. In one vol. 8vo, half brown morocco. 1000. SPEECHES of Abraham Lincoln, Loud. n. d. Speeches, including Inaugurals (Adam), X. Y. n. d. Speeches of Lincoln and Douglas (Morris), X. Y. n. d. 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco and cloth. 1001. SPEED (JAMES). Oration upon the Inauguration of the Bust of Abraham Lincoln, at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 12, 1867. 8 pp. 8vo. cloth, original wrappers bound in. Louisville 1867 1002. SPEED (JAMES). Address before the Loyal Legion, at Cincinnati, ^lay 4, 1887, in response to the Toast, Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, green cloth, wrappers bound in. Louisville 1888 1003. SPEED (JOSHUA F.). Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Notes of a Visit to California. Two Lectures. 8vo. cloth, original covers liound in. Louisville 1884 lof; • 1()()4. Si'KAGL'E U- ^'.)- President Liueoiu'.s Death. A Discourse in Caldwell, N. J. 20 pp. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Newark, N. J. 1865 1005. SPKAGUE (WILLIAM B.). A Discourse delivered in Albany, April 16, 1865. 12nio. cloth, original wrappers bound in. Albany 1865 1006. SPROLE (W. T.). Our Departed President. A Ser- mon in First Preslayterian Church, April 19, 1S65. 19 pp. Svo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Newburgh 1865 1007. STARR (FREDERICK). The Martyr President. A Discourse in Penn Yan, N. Y. Svo. half blue morocco, original front wrapper bound in. St. Louis 1865 1008. STARR (JOPIN W., JR.). Lincoln as President. An Oration. 12mo, boards, morocco back, original covers bound in. [Millersburg, Pa.] 1910 One of 100 copies printed. 1009. STEELE (RICHARD H.). Victory and Mourning. Sermon in the First Reformed Dutch Church, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Svo, cloth, front wrapper bound in. New Brunswick 1865 1010. STEIXER (LEWIS H.). Abraham Lincoln: The Lessons Taught by His Life. 15 pp. Svo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 1011. Another copy, in cloth, 1012. STEINTHAL (S.). Address on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln delivered May 7, 1865. 12mo, half green morocco, original covers bound in (a trifle water-stained). Lond. 1865 Extremely scabce. 1013. STEVENS (HIRAM F.). Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered before the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, at St. Paul. Feb. 12. 1900. 12mo, cloth, original covers bound in. [St. Paul 1900] Presentation copy from the author. 1014. STEWART (DANIEL). Our National Sorrow. Dis- course on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Johns- town [N. Y.] April 16 and 19, 1865. Svo, half blue moroeco^, original covers bound in. Johnstown 186t) 1015. STEWART (JUDD). Lincoln and the New York Herald. Unpublished Letters of Abraham Lincoln from the Collection of Judd Stewart. Portrait and facsimiles. Svo, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. Plainfield, N. J.: Privately printed, 3907 1016. STEWART (JUDD). Some Lincoln Correspondence with Southern Leaders before the Outbreak of the Civil War. Svo, cloth, original covers bound in. [N. Y.] : Privately printed, 1909 107 1017. STODDARD (RICHARD HENRY). Abraham Liu- coln. An Horatian Ode. First Edition. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. ' N. Y. [1865]' 1018. Another copy, the same. 3019. STODDARD (W. 0.). Lives of the Presidents. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. Portraits. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1888 1020. STONE (ANDREW L.). A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 Large paper copy. One of 300 copies. 1021. STORIES of Abraham Lincoln, Fort Wayne, Ind.. n. d. ; Lincoln's First Love (Wright), 1901; The Memory of Lincoln, 1899; Lincoln's Addresses; and 2 others. 6 vols. 32ino to 16mo, cloth. 1022. STORRS (RICHARD S.). An Oration commemora- tive of President Abraham Lincoln. Delivered at Brooklyn, June 1, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Brooklyn 1865 1028. STREET (ALFRED B.). In Memoriam. President Lincoln Dead. A Poem. Vignette portrait on title and wrap- per. 8vo. half green morocco (stained), original wrappers bound in. Albany 1870 1024. STERLING (WILLIAM). The Martyr President. A Sermon delivered in Williamsport, April 23, 1865. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. , N. p. [1865] Scarce. With an A. L. S. of the author inserter!. 1025. STRONG (REV. J. D.). The Nation's Sorrow. A Discourse delivered in San Francisco, April 16, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original M^rappers bound in. San Francisco 1865 1026. STURZ (J. J.). Reden gehalten bei der Berliner Todtenfeier fur den Prasidenten Lincoln, Ein Auspruch der Kirche uber Sklaverei und freie Arneit. 39 pp. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Berlin 1865 1027. SITBGENATIOX: The Theory of the Normal Rela- tion of the Races; an Answer to "Miscegenation." 12mo. cloth, wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1864 1028. SUMNER (CHARLES). The Promise of the Dec- laration of Independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln de- livered in Boston, June 1, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. 61 pp. Bost.: J. E. Parwell and Co. 1865 1029. Another copy, the same. lOS 1030. SUMNER (E. A.). Abraham Liucolu. An Address at the Broadway Tabernacle, N. Y., 1902. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1910 Presentation copy, inscribed, from the author to Major Lambert. 1031. SUMNER (CHARLES). The Promises of the Dec- laration of Independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, half red morocco, front wrapper bound in. Bost. 1865 1032. SUMTER CLUB. The Trip of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C. By a Committee ap- pointed by the Passengers of the Oceanus. Illustrated. 8yo, half morocco, gilt top. Brooklyn 1865 The passengers organized as the "Sumter Club," and this \olume contains the best contemporary account of an event historically associated with the tragedy at Washington. 1033. SURRATT. Leben and Abentbeuer des John H. Surratt, seit seiner Plucht von Amerika. Portraits and illus- trations. 98 pp. 8vo, cloth, original pictorial wrappers bound in (stained copy). Phila. [1866] Mentioned by Fish [0191 as having been published, but he adds that no copy has been found. 1034. SURRATT. Life and Extraordinary Adventures of John H. Surratt, the Conspirator. A Correct Account and Highly Interesting Narrative of his Doings and Adventures from Childhood to the Present Time. Illustrations. 136 pp. 8vo. cloth, original brown wrappers bound in (wrappers frayed). Phila.: Barclay & Co. [18671 1035. SURRATT (JOHN H.). The Great Conspiracy. A Book of Absorbing Interest! Startling Developments. Full Secrets of the Assassination Plot, &c. Illustrations. 8vo, half roan. Phila. : Barclay & Co. [1866] 1036. SURRATT (JOHN H.). Career and Adventures of John H. Surratt. since his flight from America. Illustrations. 8vo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound in (wrap- pers neatly strengthened, text slightly stained in parts). Phila. [1866] 1037. SURRATT (JOHN H.). Trial of John H. Surratt in the Criminal Court for the District of Columbia. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep (one binding worn, and one re-backed). Wash. 1867 1038. SURRATT (JOHN H.). :\ressages of the President transmitting Reports relative to John H. Surratt, 39th Con- gress, Ex. Docs. No. 9 and No. 25; and Mr. Woodbridge's Report on same. Report No. 33; Awards for the Capture of Booth and others. Doc. No. 86. 4 vols. 8vo. clotli. Wash. 1866-67 1039. SUTPHEN (:\rORRIS C). Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, on April 16. 1865. 19 pp. 8yo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 Presentation copy from the author. 100 ]()4(). SWAIX (LEONARD). A Xatiou's Sorrow. Sermon preaelied in Providence. April 15, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. [Providence 1S65] 1041. SWEETER (SETH). Commemorative Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, half brown morocco, original front cover bound in. Worcester, ]\Iass. 1865 1042. SWING (DAVID). The Death of the President. Sermon preached in the Presbyterian Church at Hamilton, 0., April 16, 1865. IS pp. 18mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. [Hamilton] 1865 1043. SWING (DAVID). Address to the New Generation. Washington and Lincoln. Feb. 12 and 22, 1888. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Rockford. 111. [1888]' 1044. SYLVAIN (LEO). Les Contemporains. Lincoln (1809-1865). Portrait on title and one illustration. 4to, cloth. N. p., n. d. 1045. Another copy, the same. 1046. SYMMES (REV. JOSEPH G.). " To What Purpose is this Waste?" Address before the Loyal League, at Cran- bury, N. J., June 1, 1865. 8vo, half roan. New Brunswick, N. J. 1865 1047. SZOLD (BENJAMIN). Vaterland und Freiheit. Predigt bei der Erinnerungsfeier des verstorbenen Prasi- denten, Abraham Lincoln am 1 Juni 1865. 10 pp. 16mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Baltimore 1865 Fine cory. TIk^ author was Rabbi of Oheb-Schalom. in Baltimore. 1048. TABLE TALK of Lincoln (W. 0. Stoddard), [1894;] Children's Life of Lincoln (M. L. Putnam), 1908; Boy's Life of Lincoln (Helen Nicolay), 1906; Young People's Life of Lincoln (Harriet Putnam), n. d. 4 vols. 16mo. to small 4to, cloth. 1049. TAPLEY (RUFIIS P.). Eulogy of Abraham Lin- coln, at Saco. ]Maine. 1 2mo. half crushed crimson morocco, gilt top. wrappers bound in. Biddeford 1865 1050. TAPPAN (DR. H. P.). Abraham Lincoln. Rede bei der Gedachtnissfeier in der Dorotheenkirche zu Berlin, 2 Mai, 1865. 36 pp. 8vo. half green morocco, original wrappers bound in, uncut. Frankfurt am Main 1865 1051. TAR.BELL (IDA M.). Early Life of Abraham Lin- coln. 160 illustrations, including 20 portraits of Lincoln. Royal 8vo. half crimson morocco, gilt top. N. Y., 1896 1052. TARBELL (IDA M.). Life of Abraham Lincoln, Drawn from Original Sources. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo, half leather, gilt tops. N. Y. 1902 110 1053. TARBELL (IDAM.). The Life of Abraham Lincolu. Drawn from original sources, and containing many Speeches, Letters and Telegrams hitherto unpublished. Profusely illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1909 1054. Another copy, the same. 1055. TAYLOR (A. A. E.). Our Fallen Leader. A Dis- course at Georgetown, D. C, June 1, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 1056. TAYLOR (H. S.) and Fulwiler (D. M., Editors). Lincoln's Words on Living Questions. 12mo, half brown crushed morocco, gilt top. original blue wrappers bound in. Chicago [1906] 1057. TERMANSEN (X. T.). Abraham Lincoln. En Levnedstegning. Portrait of Lincoln. Aargangeu 1892. Nr, 189. 16mo, cloth, uncut, original brown wrappers bound in. Copenhagen 1892 Scarce. Not mentioned in the Lincoln bibliographies. 1058. TERMANSEN (R. A.). Abraham Lincoln. A biog- raphy. Portrait. Excerpt of 66 pp. from " Smaastykker " Aargangen 1892. 12mo, boards, morocco back, original covers bound in. Kjobenhavn 1892 ►Scai-ce. .\i)t in Fisli. Lambert or Riirton. 1059. . Another copy, in cloth. 1060. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY at Washington. Assassina- tion of President Lincoln. Last Hours, Death-bed Scenes, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers with medallion por- trait of Lincoln bound in. Phila.: Barclay and Co. [1865] 1061. TESTIMONY of Sandford Conover, Dr. J. B. Mer- ritt, and Richard Montgomery, before the IMilitary Court at Washington, respecting the Assassination of President Lin- coln, and the Proofs disproving their Statements and show- ing their Perjuries. 8vo, cloth. Toronto 1865 Exceedingly Scarce. 1062. THAYER (LOREN). The Assassination. A Dis- course delivered in Windham, N. H., June 1, 1865. 8vo, full roan. Bost. 1865 1063. THAYER (WILLIAM M.). Character and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and Earhj Home of Lincoln. 12mo, cloth, original pictorial wrappers, with por- trait, bound in (corner torn from wrapper). 75 pp. Bost.: Dinsmoor and Co.. 1864 I'ilst issue. 1064. The same. Second issue. 76 pp. 12mo, cloth, original pictorial wrappers with portrait, bound in. Bost. :' Walker. Wise and Co. 1864 111 1U65. THAYER (WILLIA^I M.). Frau Nybyggarehein- luet till Hvita Huset. Presidenten Abraham, Lincoln's Lif. Portrait. 12mo. boards, cloth back. Stockholm [1886] In Swedish. 1066. THxVYER (WILLIAJH M.j. Abraham Lincoln's Leben. 8vo. cloth. • Gotha 1897 1067. THAYER (W. M.). The Pioneer Boy, and How He Became President. Engraved frontispiece. 12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1864 1068. THO.MAS (A. G.). Our National Unity Perfected in the Martyrdom of the President. A Discourse. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 1069. THOMAS (J. B.). "Light Out of Darkness." A Discourse preached at Brooklyn, April 16, 1865. 8vo, lialf green morocco, original glazed covers bound in. N. Y. 1865 1070. THO:\IPSON (JOHN C). In Memoriam. A Dis- course upon the Character and Death of Abraham LincoLa, preached at Pottstown, Pa., June 1, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 1071. THOMPSON (J. RENWICKi. The National Be- reavement. Sermon in the Second Ref 'd Presbyterian Church. Newburgh. 24 pp. 8vo, half morocco, wrappers bound in. Newburgh 1865 Scarce. 1072. THO:\IPSOX (MAURICE). Lincoln's Grave. A Poem. 16 mo. boards, uncut. Cambridge: Stone and Kimball, 1894 First edition. 1073. TH0:MS0N (JOSEPH P.). Abraham Lincoln; His Life and Its Lessons. A Sermon. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. X. Y. : Loyal Publication Soc, 1865 1074. THRALL (S. C). The President's Death [and] The President's Character. A Sermon in New Orleans, on Re- quest of the Officers of the Army and Navy. Royal 8vo, cloth. New Orleans 1865 1075. TIMLOW (HE:\IAN R.). Discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Rhinebeck, N. Y., April 19, 1865. 42 pp. 16mo, cloth, original wrapper bound in. Rhinebeck 1865 1076. [TORRIE (HIRAM D.).] The Tragedy of Abraham Lincoln, in Five Acts, by an American Artist. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in (a little water-stained). Gla.sgow 1876 Very Scarce. 112 1077. TOUSEY (THOMAS). Discourse ou the Death of Abraham Lineohi, preaclied at Palmyra, X. Y., April 19, 1865. 8vo, liall" green moroeco, original front glazed cover bound in. J^ochester, N. Y. 1865 lCxtri'nit'l.\ .scarce. 1()7S. TOWNSEXD (GEORGE ALFKED). The Real Life of Abraham Lincoln. A talk with ]\lr. Herndon, his late law partner. I'orlrait. Tall 8vo. cloth, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1867 1U7U. TOWNSEXD (GEORGE ALFRED). The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes J^ooth. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, original pictorial wrappers bound in. X. Y. : Dick and Fitzgerald, u. d. The i.s.suc with G."> pages issued probably at the close of the famous trial. 1080. TOWXSEXD (GEORGE ALFRED). The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth. Illusl rated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, original pictorial wrappers bound in. N. Y. : Dick & Fitzgerald, n. d. The issue with S(i pp.. probably issued immediately after the execution. 1081. TRAIX (GEORGE FRAXCIS). Union Speeches de- livered in England during the present American War. 8vo, full blue morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Phila.: T. B. Peterson & Bros. 1862 Lincoln's own copy, with presentation, inscription on the fi'ont wrapiier. "Hi.s Exccllencii Ahrdhani Lnuohi. President In'iied Stutes. Co'iiips. of T. B. I'etersoir' (the pultlisher of the book) . 1082. TRAIX (GEORGE FRAXCIS). Great Speech on the Withdrawal of McClellan and the Impeachment of Lincoln. 8vo. half green morocco. X. Y. 1864 lOS-S. TRIAL. Le Proces des Couspirateurs de W^ashing- ton. Conlenant les depositions des temoins et les jjlaidoyers des defenseurs. Avec Les Termes de la Sentence. 87 pp. 4to, half green morocco, blue wrappers bound in (somewhat stained). X. Y. 1865 1084. TRIAL of Abraham Lincoln by the Great Statesmen of the Republic. A Council of the Past on the Tyranny of the Present. Svo, half red morocco, original covers bound in. N. Y. 1863 1085. TRIAL of the Conspirators for the Assassination of l^-esident Lincoln, etc. Argument of John A. Bingham. 8vo, half morocco, original covei's bound in. Wash. 1865 1086. TRIAL of the Assassins and Conspirators for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln, and the Attempted Assassina- tion of Vice-President Johnson and the WHiole Cabinet. Illti.s- f rat ions. 8vo, cloth botli original vcllow pictorial wrappers bound in. Phila.: P,arclay .t Co. [1865] Scarce. Unusually fine copy. 113 1087. TRIAL of tlu' Assassins and Conspirators at Wash- ington, D. C, May and June, 1865, for the Murder of Presi- dent Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated. 210 pp. 8vo. half moroeeo, gilt top. Pliila. : Peterson and liros. [18H5] Complete ami unabridged Editiou, containing the whole of the suppressed evidence. 1088. TRIBUTE to Lincoln, [N. Y.] n. d. ; Abraham Lin- coln (Beckwith), n. p., 1903; Lincoln's Cooper Institute Ad- dress. Feb. 27. I860, Old South Leaflet; Essay on Lincoln (LoMell), Bost. u. d. ; Abraham Lincoln (Smith), Cinu. n. d. ; The Early Surveyors (Enos), Springfield. 1891. and one other. 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo. cloth (one in paper). 1089. TRIBUTES to the I\Iemory of Lincoln (Bryan and Thurston I. 1907; Lincoln in the Light of His Age (Lemmon) ; and another. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1090. TROIS CONFERENCES Strasbourgeoises. Guil- laume le Taciturne, par A. Sabatier; Abraham Lincoln, par Rod. Reuss; Agrippa d'Aubigne, par G. Guibal. 12mo, half maroon morocco, original covers bound in. Strasbourg 1872 Very Scarce. 1091. TROY. N. Y. A Tribute of Respect by the Citizens of Troy, to the IMemory of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Albany 1865 1092. TROY :\IEMORIAL. Tribute of Respect by the Citizens of Troy to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Ito, half green morocco (margins stained). Albany: J. Munsell, 1865 1093. TROY. N. Y. Tribute of Respect by the Citizens of Troy to the ^Memory of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany : ]\Iunsell, 1865 r.ARGE Paper copy. 1094. TUCKER (J. T.). A Discourse in Memory of Our Late President, Abraham Lincoln. 8vo. half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Ilolliston 1865 1095. TUSTIN (J. P.). Fast Day Sermon delivered in St. ]\Iark's Church. Grand Rapids, Mich. 15 pp. 8vo. half green morocco, original wrappers bound in (lower margins some- what stained). Grand Rapids. ]\Iich.. 1865 Very Scarce. 1096. TUTTLE (JOSEPH F.^. The Assassinated Presi- dents. Lincoln and Garfield. Address at Crawfordsville. Ind.. April 19. 1865 and Sept. 26, 1881. 8vo, cloth, original wrap- pers bound in. Craw^fordsville 1881 1097. TWOMBLY (A. S.). The Assassination of Abraham Lincohi. Royal 8vo. boards, morocco back, mourning wrappers bound in. " Albany 1865 1098. TYLER (REV. G. P.). The Successful Life. A Dis- course on the Death of President Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Brattleboro 1865 114 1099. TYNG (STEPHEN H.). Victory and Re-I'nion. A Commemorative Sermon preached in St. George's Chnrch, N. Y., April 20, 1865. 18mo, half green morocco, front wrap- per bound in (water-stained). N. Y. 1865 1100. TYPICAL Americans (Castle), Minneapolis. 1901; Lincoln and Douglas (Arnold and Sheahan), Chicago. 1881; Lincoln's Birthday (Grosscup), 1907. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1101. UMSTED (JUSTUS T.). A Nation Humbled and Exalted. Discourse in Fagg's Manor Presbyterian Cliurch. ■Svo, half green morocco, original wrappers bound in. West Chester 1865 With A. L. S. of tlie author bound iu. relating to iiami)hlrt. 1102. UNION LEAGUE. Address by the Union League of Philadelphia to the Citizens of Pennsylvania in favor of the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln, Jan. 11, 1864. Signed by George H. Boker, Secretarv. Svo, half red morocco. [Phila. 1864] 1103. UNION LEAGUE CLUB, Brooklyn. Five photo- graphs from the originals in the Collection of Frederick Hill Meserve. Souvenir of the Annual Dinner, Feb. 12, 1908. 12mo, full roan. N. p. 1908 1104. UNION LEAGUE IN MEM0RIA:\1. His Excellency Abraham Lincoln. Tribute of Respect of Council Number Three, N. Y. City. Svo, full morocco, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. 1865 1105. UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia, Address to the Citizens of Pennsylvania, in favor of the Re-election of Lin- coln, Phila. 1864; Proceedings of the Union League of Phila. regarding the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Phila. 1865; Abraham Lincoln, [Union League], No. 17, n. p.. n. d. 3 vols. Svo, cloth and half morocco. 1106. UPHAM (LOUISE S.). Abraham Lincoln. "The Mourners go about the Streets." Eccl. XII. 5. A threnody of 26 lines, with portrait of Lincoln, and other figures at top. Svo, sheet, mounted and inserted in roval Svo, cloth portfolio. Published by Chas. :\laginis, 12 Frankfort St., N. Y. [1865] Vi'vy scarce iiocni. nut mentioned by Fish. HOT. VICTOR (ORVILLE J.). The Private and Public Life of Abraham Lincoln ; comprising a full account of his early years, etc. 16mo, half morocco, original pictorial wrap- pel's bound in. N. Y. : Beadle and Adams, n. d. nos. . The same, with 4 pp. "In Memoriam" pre- ceding the titl«'-pag(\ 16inn. cloth, original pictorial wrappers bound in. N. Y. : Beadle and Adams, n. d. n J 1109. . The sauu', with 4 pp. "In :\remoria)ir ' printed within mourning borders, and preceding- the title-page. 16mo, cloth, original printed wrappers, within mourning borders' and vignette portrait of Lincoln, bound in. N. Y. : Beadle and Co.. n. d. 1110. VINCENT (MARVIN R.). A Sermon on the As- sassination of Abraham Lincoln delivered at Tt-oy, April 23, 1865. 8vo, cloth, front wrapper bound in. ^ Troy ] 865 1111. VINCENT (THOMAS M.). Abraham Lincoln and Edwin M. Stanton. Address delivered before Burnside Post, No. 8, April 25, 1889. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. 26 pp. Wash. 1890 Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscrip- tion on front wrapper. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of three portraits of Lincoln, one of Stanton, and a view of Lin- coln's birth-place. 1112. VINCENT (THOMAS M.). Abraham Lincoln and Ed^^an i\I. Stanton. Paper read before the M. 0. of the L. L. of the U. S. Jan. 6, 1892. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. N. p. 1892 Contains S~> pp. and varies somewhat with the preceding issue. 1113. WALDEN(TREADWELL). The National Sacrifice. A Sermon. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Phila. 1865 1114. WALKER (R. J.). Letter of Hon. R. J. Walker in favor of the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln. Lond., Sept. 30, 1864. 8vo. cloth. N. p., n. d. 1115. WALLACE (REV. C. C). A Prince and a Great ]\Ian is Fallen. Funeral Address . . . delivered at Placerville, Cal., April 19, 1865. 8vo. half morocco, wrappers bound in. Placerville, Cal., 1865 Scarce. 1116. WAR Powers of the President (Whiting), Bost. 1862; Habeas Corpus, A Response to Mr. Binney (Nicholas), Louis- ville 1862; The Soldier's Right to Vote. Wash. 1864: Opinion on the Constitutional Power of the Military to Try and Execute the Assassins of the President (Speed), Wash.' 1865. In one volume. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. 1117. AVARWICK (CHARLES F.). Liberty and Lincoln. Addre.ss before the Young Republican Club of Germantown, Feb. 9. 1899. 8vo. elotli, original wrappers bound in. N. p. [1899] 1118. WASHBURXE (HON. E. B.). Abraham Lincoln, His Personal History and Public Record. Speech in the House of Representatives, May 29. 1860. 8 pp. 8vo, limp red leather. Wash. 1860 116 1119. WASHINGTON Despotism (The), Dissected in Articles from the Metropolitan Record. loO i)p., 16mo, clotli. original wrappers bouncl in. N. Y. LSG:? Contains a threc-ac-t jilay. entitled "Tlie Administration Telegrapli ; or How it is done." 1120. WATTERSOX (HENRY). Abraham Lincoln. An Oration delivered before the Lincoln Union. Portrait. 4to, half red morocco, original covers bound in. [Louisville 1895] Large tapeb copy. 1121. WAYMAN (JAIIES). The Passing Away of Hu- man Greatness : A Sermon in Newington (Jhapel, Renshaw Street. 8 pp. 12mo. half green morocco. Liverpool [1865] Very Scarce. 1122. WEBB (EDWIN B.). :\Iemorial Sermons. The Cajiture of Richmond. Some of the Results of the AVar. The Assassination of the President. 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Bost. 1865 1123. WELLES (GIDEON). Lincoln and Seward. With Incidents and Comments. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1874 1 1 24. -. Another copy, the same. 1125. WELLS (J. G.). Wells' Illustrated National Cam- paign Hand-book for 1860. Illustraied with portraits. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1860 Contains biographical sketches of Lincoln, Douglas, and the other candidates in this campaign. 1126. WELLS (THEODORE W.). Victory Turned to I\lourning. A Memorial Sermon on the occasion of the As- sassination of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Bayonne, April 23, 1865. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. Jersey City, 1865 With an A. L. S. of the author inserted. Very Scarce. 1127. WENTWORTH (J. B.). A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered at Buffalo, April 23, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Buffalo, 1865 1128. WESTALL (JOHN). In Memoriam. Read before the Citizens of Fall River. 8vo. boards, morocco back, original wrappers lx)und in. Fall River 1865 ExTHK.MEi.Y SCARCE. Only Is.l coijies i)rintod. 1129. WHIPPLE (WAYNE). The Story-Life of Lincoln. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Phila. 1908 1130. WHITE (ERSKJNE X. i. Tlie Personal Influence of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon preached at New Rochelle, June 1, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covei's bound in. X. Y. 3865 1131. WHITE (HORACE). Abraham Lincoln in 1854. Address before the Illinois Historical Society, Jan. 30, 1908. 8vo. clotli, 07-iginal covei's bonnd in. | Sj)ringfield, 111. 1908] 117 1132. WHITE (PLINY II.). Sermon occasioned by the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln preached at Coventry, April 23, 1865. 8vo, cloth, original covers bonnd in. Brattleboro, 1865 1133. [WHITE (RICHARD GRANT).] Revelations: A Companion to the "New Gospel of Peace."' According to Abraham. First Edition. 12mo, half brown nioroceo, original wrappers bound in. N. Y. : Feeks and Bancker, 1863 1134. . Another copy. 12mo, full calf, gilt edges, original wrapper bonnd in. N. Y. : M. Doolady, 1863 1135. [WHITE (RICHARD GRANT).] The New Gospel of Peace according to St. Benjamin. The four parts com- plete. First Editions. 4 vols., 12mo, cloth, original paper covers bound in. N. Y. [1863-66] 1136. WHITING (WILLIAM). Military Arrests in Time of War. 8vo, half roan, front cover bound in. (Hinges weak.) Wash. 1863 With author's presentation inscription on wrapper. 1137. WHITMAN (WALT.). Elegaie Ode. The Words from President Lincoln's Burial Hymn. The Music composed by C. Villiers Stanford. 8vo, half green morocco, original covers bound in. Lond. and N. Y. 1884 1138. WHITMAN (WALT). Hymn on the Death of Lin- coln. Hand-colored frontispiece, initials, and tail-piece. 12mo, Vellum. Lond. : Essex House Press, 1900 One of 135 copies printed throughout on vellum. 1139. WHITMAN (WALT). Memories of President Lin- coln and other Lyrics of the War. 16mo, parchment boards, uncut. Portland 1906 One of 100 copies on Japan paper. 1140. WHITMAN (WALT). Elegaie Ode. The Words from President Lincoln 's Burial Hymn. The Music composed by C. Villiers Stanford. Portrait. 4to, half morocco. Leipzig: Roder, n. d. Scarce. 1141. WHITNEY (HENRY C). The Lincoln Autograph Album. Embracing likewise the Favorite Poetry of Abraham Lincoln. Portraits and numerous illustrati.ons and, facsimiles. 4to, cloth. Chicago [1891] Autograph presentation copy from Lincoln's friend James W. Somers to Judge I. P. Lothrop. 1142. WHITNEY (HENRY C). A Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and facsimiles of Lfttcrs from Lincoln to Whitnei/. 4to, full roan, oi-iginal covers Iwuiid in. Chicago 1891 ns 1U;1 WHITNEY (HEXKY C.j. Life on the Circuit with Lincoln, with Sketches of Grant, Sherman, and others. Illus- trations. Thick square 8vo. cloth, gilt top. Bost. [1892] 1144. WILLCOX (G. B.) and FIELD (THOMAS P.). Funeral Obser\'ances at New London, Conn., April 19, 18H5. 8vo. half green morocco, original covers boiuul in. Niddeford 1865 1156. WIXES (FREDERICK HOWARD). Forty Years After. The Greatness of Abraham Lincoln. Svo, cloth, orig- inal wrappers bound in. Springfield, III, 1905 1157. WIXXOWIXGS for Lincoln's Birthdav (Mawson;, 1903; Extracts from Abraham Lincoln (1900); A Man of Destiny (Staples), 1902. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth. 1158. WOOD (JAMES). John Wilkes Booth der Morder Lincoln's, oder das Opfer der Rebellion. Illustrirter his- torischer Roman aus der neusten Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Numerous portraits. 4 vols. 12mo, half green morocco (a few pp. missing, slightly stained). Berlin 1867 Veky scarce. 1159. WOODBURY (AUGUSTUS). A Sketch of the Char- acter of Abraham Lincoln. 28 pp. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Providence 1865 1160. Another copy, the same. 1161. WOODBURY (AUGUSTUS). The Son of God calleth the Dead to Life. A Sermon suggested by the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Pro\ddence 1865 1162. WORCESTER (THOMAS). Abraham Lincoln. A Discoui*se delivered on the National Fast Day, June 1, 1865. Svo, cloth. N. p.. n. d. 1163. W^ORDS of Abraham Lincoln (Thomas), Chicago •[1898]; The Real Lincoln (Minor), Richmond, Va., 1904; Liberty's Martyr (Boundy), Jermyn, 1897. 3 vols. 12nio, cloth. 1164. WORDS of Abraham Lincoln (French), X. Y., 1892; The Storv of Abraham Lincoln for Young Readers, N. Y. [1896]; Choosing ''Abe" Lincoln Captain, N. Y., 1899; Abraham Lincoln (Choate), N. Y., u. d. ; The Little Life of Lincohi (Whipple), Phila. [1909], and 3 others. 8 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth and boards. 1165. WORKINGMAN'S REASONS for the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln. 8 pp. Svo, cloth. No imprint [1864] 1166. WORTMAN (REV. DENIS). A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered in Schenectady. N. Y. 22 pp. Svo, half red morocco, wrappers bound in. Albany 1865 120 1167. [Y. (R.).] Abraham Lincolu. A Study. 32 pp. ]6mo, cloth. Liverpool 1865 A very appreciative English study of r.incoln, written a few months after his death. 1168. YARD (ROBERT B.). The Providential Significance of the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Discourse delivered at Newark, N. J., June 1, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Newark, N. J., n. d. 1169. [YOUNG (EDWARD J.).] The Lesson of the Hour. [From Monthly Religious Magazine.] 9 pp. 8vo, half green morocco. N. p., n. d. Very scarce. Only 50 copies printed. A. L. S. of the author inserted, relating to this and other of his writings. 1170. YOUNG FOLK'S Library. Abraham Lincoln; Lin- coln's Speeches. Portrait. 2 vols., square 12mo, half crushed brown morocco, gilt tops. Bost. [1894-98] 1171. YOURTEE (S. L.). A Sermon on the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln. 16 pp. 8vo, cloth, original printed brown wrappers bound in. Springfield, Ohio, 1865 Scarce. 1172. ZABRISKIE (A. C). Descriptive Catalogue of the Political and Memorial Medals struck in honor of Abraham Lincoln. Royal 8vo, cloth, wrappers bound in. Only 75 copies printed. N. Y. : Printed for the Author, 1873 1173. ZWART (A. C. DE). Hoe de Zoon van den Pionier President Werd. De Levensgeschiedenis van Abraham Lin- coln. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Amsterdam, n. d. 121 To The Anderson Galleries, Inc. Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York. Please buy for me at your Auction Sale No.. on. .19 the following lots at not exceeding the prices named, which arc so much per Lot. These bids are made subject to the Conditions of Sale printed in the Catalogue of this sale. Name — Address. Shipping Directions. Lot First Word of Title Bid Lot First Word of Title Bid Make your bids on this sheet for one sale only, with full name and address. Terms Cash. References or cash deposit required with orders from strangers. I B ^o n r ^ ^^:^« « oi THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INC THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK EXTPvACT FROM THE WILL OF EDMOND DE GONCOURT [translated] CMy wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my Curiosities, my Books — in a word these things of art which have been the joy of my life — shall not be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and sub- jected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by; but I require that they shall all be dispersed under the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure which the acquiring of each one of them has given me shall be given again, in each case, to some inheri- tor of my own tastes. SALE OF THE ROBERT HOE LIBRARY Part I. April 24-May 5, 191 1 Part 11. January 8-19, 1912 Part III. April 15-16, 1912 Part IV. November 11-22, 1912 Total, $997,366.00 471,619.25 200,150.50 262,920.85 $1,932,056.60 ^w-ww^rw^f^rww^ww^rfOBf UNIVERSfTY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 072582817 Clje antierson Galleries Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York The New and Commodious Galleries afford Unequalled Facilities for Exhibitions and Sales in the World's Greatest Market, Public Sales are held almost daily. autosrap!)^ iHanustrtpte paintings aiits ©bjects of 9lrt Correspondence is invited with those having books, autographs, manuscripts, paintings, and objects of art. Expert advice is given free of charge. Catalogues of our sales and pamphlets explaining our methods of doing business are mailed on application; Clje antsersoii #allertes 3fncorporatcU "Where the Hoc Library was Sold" Telephone : Murray Hill 7680 0112 0725828