,j2^^%J.*l2l"^«^ .■Aii,'>' 't^' ^ s:^' -^. 1 »^ "X ' I., A "Sk^'K I :■;- ^?9 f ^V .^. "NaV -r ■"■i/y^^^^i FACTS KESPECTING THE PRESENT STATE OF THE CHURCH IN IRELAND. BY THE EEY. ALFRED T. LEE, ALA., LL.D. RECTOR OF AHOGHILI., AND RURAL DEAN, DIOCESE OP CONNOR, CHAPLAIN TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT, AND HONORARY SECRETARY TO THE CHURCH INSTITUTION FOR THE PROVINCE OF ARMAGH. " To attack without reasonable grounds, to condemn without inquiry, and to ovcrwhehn by misstatement and misrepresentation, seems to be the course taken by those opposed to us. All we can do is to invite cxiiminatiou, make knoion the truth so far as tve can, and leflve the result to the Supreme Disposer of all events." — Charge of the AncnBisnop of Aemagh, 1864, pp. 20, 21. " It is impossible to get rid of the fact, that this Church has existed for centuries, has become interwoven with the constitution of this country, and could not be subverted without a revolution." — Speech of SiE George Grey, Home Secretary of State, June 29, 1863. FORT r-FO UR TH THO USA ND. EIVINGTONS, IContJon, (?5)ifortr, anU Cambn'tJgc. HODGES, SMITH, & CO., DUBLIN. 1868. Price Twopence. PREFACE TO THIRTY-SEYENTH THOUSAND. The public at leugtli know what the demands of the Irish Roman Catholic Bishops are, with respect to the Established Church in Ireland. Headed by Cardinal Cullen, they met in Dublin during the first three days of October_, and subsequently pul^lished a manifesto declaring that " Irish (Roman) Catholics cannot cease to feel as a gross injustice and an abiding insult, the continued, eve)i partial, maintenance of the Establishment/^ In other words, the Roman Catholic Bishops openly demand that the Established Church in Ireland, which is the chief impediment to the religious and political supremacy of Rome in Ireland, should forthwith be done away. The reasons given by Cardinal Cullen, in a pastoral published with ^^ the Declaration " for this course of action, are worthy of attentive consideration. "The Ministers of an Establishment founded on injustice,^' says he, " can have no claim to the Endowments of the past ages of our Church. They teach not her doctrine : they have abandoned her discipline: they revere not the memory of her saints : they are strangers amongst us ; unlike our forefathers in the faith, they hold not the communion of the see of Peter, on whom Christ built His Church ; and to whom He gave the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Tliey have no claim to Holy Orders : the Catholic Church regards tlieir ordination as invalid, and when any of them return to her fold, they are received only as laymen ; or they are re-ordained, should they wish to be ranked among her Clergy .^^ This is plain speaking. The Cardinal hesitates not to use arguments which apply equally to both branches of the United Church. The Church in Irekmd has reformed herself; she is not in communion with the see of Rome, therefore she has no rightful claim to her endowments, and her Clergy are laymen. Mutatis mutandis, the same is true of the Church in England. Let Englishmen therefore pause before they permit the Irish Cluirch question to be treated as a mere Irish matter. It is far more A 2 IV PllEFACE. than this. It is a direct attack on our Protestant constitution in Church and State. Destroy that Constitution in Irehmd, and it will bo impossible to maintain it long in En<»'land. Roman Catholics see this clearly enough. When will those Englishmen who are helping on Rome's Supremacy see it also ? Let Englishmen also remember that the Reformed Faith in Ireland, will he desfro/jcdj ^vifh very few except'ionSj in ihree 2)rovinces in Ireland out of four, if the parochial system is removed. From the peculiar circumstances of the country, the Church cannot exist in those districts without endowment. To assist in removing the Established Church, then, is to assist in blotting out the Reformed Faith in three-fourths of Ireland, and to deliver that country, morally, socially, and politically, into the hands of Rome. The removal of the Established Church would increase and not remedy the difficulties of Ireland. The Roman Catholic Bishops and Priests do not even pretend that it will satisfy them. It is but the first step in their programme. Education and the Land question are behind. " First destroy the Church, then obtain supreme command of the religious and political education of the people, and then the land must soon be ours." This is their thinly veiled and scarcely concealed intention. Again, the destruction of the Established Church would not conciliate a single Fenian, and so would no wise remove the mainspring of Irish discontent ; but it would introduce a new and powerful, but hitherto unheard of element into Irish society, viz., that of active Protestant discontent, from which results might flow which we even shrink from contemplating. From the aboli- tion of the Irish Church the following results would ensue : 1. The religious and political supremacy of Rome in Ireland would be secured; for the Roman Catholic Priests are the poli- tical as well as the religious leaders of the people; "they exercise as vigilant superintendence over the votes as over the morals of their parishioners.''^ (Vide Lord DuflTerin^s opening address at Belfast, as President of the Social Science Congress.) 2. The Protestant population would rapidly diminish; absenteeism would increase; and the Landlords, who are mostly Protestants, would, wherever it is possible, become non-resident. 3. Ireland would be left without any National Church. As far as the state is concerned, " our scheme of government then would ^t^^ fuiuc PREFACE. V degenerate into a mere system of police/^ (Vide Mr. Disraeli's address to the Electors of Buckinghamshire, in 1865.) 4. The face of Irisli society would be changed, but not for the better. Bitter religious feuds would spring up on all sides, and Irish Roman Catholics and Protestants would be divided by a chasm tenfold wider than that which now separates them. 5. The Act of Union, in its most fundamental article, would have to be repealed, much of the Act of Settlement cancelled, and the spirit of the E-oman Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 openly violated. 6. The Constitution will have received the most violent shock it has sustained since the Reformation, and all for what ? Let every English citizen answer this question, and count the cost before he embarks on this perilous crusade. Remember, also, that this is not a mere Irish question, or one of revenue only. The dearest interests of the nation, both religious and political, are involved in this struggle. The Irish Church question does not stand alone. It cannot be settled alone. With it far weightier interests are bound up. One of our leading statesmen (Mr. Gladstone) has warned us " that the moment we touch it practically it invokes a nest of problems*of the utmost political difficulty /^ and the significant expression of opinion respecting tithe property in general, both in England and Ireland, given by a leading member of the late Government, the Duke of Argyle, in the Irish Church debate of June 21th, 1867, should clearly show to all friends of the Church, that the very existence of her property is involved in this struggle. " I ask,-'"' said the noble Duke, " what are tithes P^"* I venture to maintain, against the authority of the noble and learned Lord, (Lord Cairns,) — although I am not sure that he committed his authority upon that question, — that tithes are a fund, not strictly a tax, but rather a reserve in rent, charged upon the land of the country, which are entirely at the disposal of the supreme Legis- lature of the country. They are not private property, not even corporate property — not, as Sir James Graham argued in 1835, trust property — but a revenue at the disposal of the State, to be disposed of with those considerations of prudence, and of respect for existing rights, which Parliament ought always to follow. I maintain that tithes are the property of no one, hut VI PREFACE. ihey are at the absoliUe and free disjposal of the State, or any purjwse to which the State may think Jit to devote themT — (TinieSy June 25, 1867.) After considering' tliese clearly expressed opinions of an Ex- Cabinet ^Minister, can any one reasonably doul)t tliat the confisca- tion of Church property in Ireland must lead, before long", to the confiscation of the Church property in Eng-land also ? The Liberation Society and their friends see this plainly and distinctly. Hence their new-born zeal for the destruction of the Established Church in Ireland, and the consequent supremac}- of Rome there. Such being the gravely important jiosition which the Irish Church question now holds, it surely is the imperative duty of all who take any interest in the future welfare of the Church, to malre themselves personally acquainted with the true state and position of the Church in Ireland, and not to trust for informa- tion to the commonly received, but most erroneous and exagge- rated statements that are current respecting her. It is hoped that the following summary of " the present state of the Church in Ireland,'''' which has been compiled from Par- liamentary returns and other authentic documents, and has been more than once carefully revised, will enal^le those who are interested in this matter to obtain accuj-ate information on the subject, at a time when not to be well informed as to the true state of the Irish Church question, is to be in danger of being altogether misled respecting it. January, 1868. PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION. Since this new edition was prepared for the press, Tlic Life and Speeches of Lord Plunhet liave been published. Well known as Lord Plunkct is, as a warm defender, in his day, of the legitimate rights and privileges of Irish Pomau Catholics, liis observations as to the absolute necessity of maintaining the Established Church in Ireland are, at such a time as this, worthy of esj)ecial attention : — " I feel," says he (Vol. ii. p. 2o6), " that the Protestant EstabUsh- ment of Ireland is the very cement of tlie Union ; I find it inter- woven -vvitli all the essential relations and institutions of the two PHEFACE. VU kingdoms, and I have no hesitation in admitting tliat, if it were de- stroyed, the very foundations of pubhc security would be shaken, the connexion between England and Ireland dissolved, and the annihi- lation of private property must follow the ruin of the property of the Church." And again (Vol. ii. pp. 296, 297), he says : — " But an honest Roman Catliolic cannot choose wliether there shall be a Protestant Establishment or not. That is not the question which an honest man asks himself. What an honest (Roman) Catliolic says is — " ' I find the Protestant Church Establishment a part of the State for these 300 years — it has embedded itself in the Constitution, and is so amalgamated with it, that it cannot be overturned without overturning the State itself, and the valuable privileges, rights, and liberties which we enjoy, and which we expect our families and pos- terity to enjoy under it. The English Church Establishment is intimately connected and bound up with the Established Church in Ireland ; and neither the English Establishment, nor the State autho- rities in England and Ireland, will ever peimit the Church of Ireland to be injured, or the Protestant ascendancy, in the proper sense of the word, to be destroyed.' " My Lords, I say, sure I am, that if the alternative were put to him, the Roman Catholic would prefer the Protestant Establishment in Church and State under which security is afforded to his pro- perty, his family, and his life, to the wild and bad and chimerical attempt to uproot the Protestant Establishment, ivhic^i could only he done hy shaking the foundation of the Empire. " The two countries must be separated before the Establishment can be abandoned. It should not be supposed that the Roman Catholics entertain any wish for the accomplishment of such an object." Let it then be clearly understood that the present movement to get rid of the Church Clergy of Ireland is but preliminary to a movement for getting rid, in due time, of the Protestant landlords also. Indeed, both movements are, to a certain extent, now pro- ceeding pari jmssu. No one, who has carefully observed what has been going on of late in Ireland, will be disposed to deny that, with an energy, perseverance and unity worthy of a better cause, an earnest effort is now being made to secure that the religion, the education, and finally, the property of Ireland, shall be under the control of those who now openly proclaim that "the (Roman) Catholic Church as a spiritual cor})oration is the rightful owner of the Ecclesiastical property" of Ireland, and that " no prescription" or " statute of limitation can bar her claim." It is but one step further to declai-c, that the descendants of the old Irish clans are the rightful owners of the landed property of Ireland, which the present proprietors ol)tained, at what Bishop Moriarty, of Keriy, appro])riately styles "the great spoliation." (See his " Letter to his Clergy," pp. 9 and 26). March, 1867. CONTENTS. PAGE I. The Established Church is the old Catholic Church of Ireland . . 9 II. The Established Church in Ireland the rightful Pbssessor of the Tithes of Ireland 10 III. The Church of England and the Church of Ireland Ecclesiastically one before the Act of Union 11 IV. The Temporalities of the Church in Ireland placed on the same footing as those of the Chui-ch in England by the Act of Union . . .12 V. The attack on the Church in Ireland is virtually an attack on the Church in England also .13 VI. The Church in Ireland has not lost ground in that Country since the Census of 1834 14 Protestant Dissenters in Ireland have decreased since 1834, not in- creased, as stated by the Census Commissioners of 1861 . . 15 VII. Difference between a Benefice and a Parish in Ireland . . . .16 VIII. Difference between the Gross and Church Population of Parishes . . 17 IX. Necessity of maintaining the Pai'ochial System 18 X. Present Revenues of the Church in Ireland ...... 19 XI. Effect of the Church Temporalities Act 20 XII. The Established Church in Ireland a great benefit to the Country . 21 XIII. Present Position of the Church in Ireland 22 XIV. Irish DiflBculties originally political, not religious . . . .22 XV. Abohtion, not Reform, the object of the present attack . . .23 Conclusion 24 The Roman Catholic Bishops of Ireland on the Established Church in 1826 and 1864 24 A Roman Catholic definition of " The Root of the Irish Evil " . . .26 Appendix (A).— Increase of Clergy, &c., from 1730 to 1863 . . . .27 Appendix (B). — Remarkable Eras in Irish Church History . . . .27 Appendix (C).— Glebe Lands in Ireland and Educational Statistics . . .28 Appendix (D). — Roman Catholic Church in Ireland — Number of Protestants and Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom — Classification of Benefices 30 Appendix (E). — Summary of Present Position of Established Church in Ireland 31 THE CHUECH IN IRELAND. The importiiuce of an accurate knowledge of the true condition of the Church in Ireland at the present time Avill be allowed by all. For several sessions a parliamentary attack has been impending over her. Of late, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Ireland have formed a National Association, one of the aA'owed purposes of which is the abolition of the Church Establishment ; and Ave are assured from time to time by those who seek for its destruction that it is the true cause of the political difficulties that exist in that country. The following brief narrative has therefore been put together in the belief that there are many who will be glad to become acquainted with some of the principal facts respecting the Church in Ireland, which they have no leisure to investigate for themselves. I. — The Established Church is the old Catholic Church of Ireland, The Church in Ireland is the only religious body hi that country Avhich can rightly claim to be the true successor of the Church of St. Patrick. It was more than 700 years after Christianity was first established in Ireland before the supremacy of the PojDe was fully exercised there ^ St. Patrick landed in Ireland a.d. 432, but the Papal supremacy was first formally acknowledged in the Synod of Kells, A.D. 1152. At the time of the Reformation the continuity of Episcopal succession was not broken ; the bisho])s then in possession of the Irish sees continued to exercise their function in the Reformed Church, and thus the regular and ancient succession of bishops from St. Patrick has descended continually in the Church in Ireland to the present day. The ecclesiastical ancestors of the present Roman Catholic Bishoi)s of Irehmd were not consecrated by Bishops of Ireland. They were not of Irish creation ; thoy derive their orders from Italy and Spain, and not from the Irish Church". The present Roman Catholic hierarchy in Ireland is therefore a new episcopate introduced from abroad, and set up in that country in tlic 16tli century in o})position to its ancient and lawful ci)iscopate, and has no connexion with the Church fouiuled by St. Patrick '. The Established 1 King's Irish Church History, pp. 579—581, and Appendix, pp. 23, 24. 2 Sec VV'ordsworth's History of Irish Churdi, p. 227 ; Pahncr ou the Church, ii. 567 ; King's Irish Church History, p. U03 ; iilso especially E. P. Shirley's Original Letters on the Church of Ireland, ])p. vii. and viii. ^ An attempt has recently been made by J)r. Brady and some others to controvert this statement ; but, after a careful investigation of the whole question, I sec no 10 FACTS RESPECTING THE TRESENT STATE Church, therefore, is not a new Church introduced into Ireland from Ent^hind in the 16th century, as is commonly, but most erroneously, believed, but is the only old Catholic Church of Ireland. II. — The Established Church in Ireland the riyhtftd Possessor of the Tithes of Ireland. All property in Ireland is the creation of some English King ; and the iirst property so created was that of the Church. Since the synod of Cashel, A.D. 1172, by which tithes were first authorized in Ireland, every foot of Irish territory has been again and again forfeited to the Crown. The title of the present landlords of Ireland to their property, when traced to its original source, is the bounty of the Crown of England ; and when they received their estates it was with a reservation of the original grant to the Church. Tithes, therefore, were never tart of any lay property NOW IN EXISTENCE. The Churcli is paid by the tithe rent-charge, which was a commutation for the tithes on tei-ms that are very Ijeueiicial to the landowner. The late lamented Sir G. Cornewall Lewis will be an unexceptionable witness on this subject. " The grievance is commonly stated to be that the Roman Catholics are compelled to contribute by the payment of tithes to the support of a Church from the creed of which they differ. Now, in fact, the Roman Catholics, cdthongh the// ma// paf/ tithe, contribute nothing, inasmuch as in Ireland tithe is of the nature, not of a tax, but of a reserved rent, ichich never belonged either to the landlord or the tenant \" Moreover, the Church of Ireland, when it submitted to the Pope, in A.D. 1172, was invested by Henry II. with certain temporalities. The same Church of Ireland, on renouncing the Papal Supremacy, was confirmed in its temporalities by Henry YIII. If the investiture was valid, there is no reason to object to the reinvestiture. As regards the glebe lands of Ireland, many of them (exclusive of those in Ulster) were granted to the clergy of the Church of Ireland for ever by the native princes and lords of Ireland during their primitive independence of all foreign supremacy. 2Vie>/ ivere never granted for the benefit of the Church of Home". She claimed no reason for altering in any way the statement of the text. For fuller information see Archdcaeon Stopford's "Unity of the Anglican Church," and the author's "Irish Episcopal Succession, in rei)ly to Mr. Froudc and Dr. Brady." And also an article of great research on Mr. Fronde's recent statements respecting the Irish Bishops, in the Contemporary Eevieio, for April, 1867, by Mr. Richard Nugent. * The Irish Church Question, p. 351, ed. 183G. ' A gi-eat portion of the lands now held by the Bishop of Meath were granted to Kieran of Clonmacnoise (now united to Meath) in the sixth century, nearly six centuries before Home had any jurisdiction in Ireland. (Archdeacon Stopford's Reply to Serjeant Shee, p. 95). And the Archdeacon remarks, infra, 97, "no pro- perty to which the Church of Rome could show an original title has passed into the hands of the Church at the Reformation." The property of the monasteries of modem foimdation— i. e. since the twelfth century — is not possessed by the Irish Church, but by lay impropriators, who now receive over dE81,000 a year from this source. OF THE ciiuncii ix ikkland. 11 jurisdiction in Ireland till many centuries after the time when these grants began to be made^ ; and by far the most valuable of them, which lie in the North, were original grants from the Crown to the Refonned Church at the time of the plantation of Ulster in 1609 ■. In that year a Royal Commission was issued, in which it was ordered that the Commissioners " should assign to the incumbent of each parish a glebe, after the rate of threescore acres for every thousand acres within the parishes, in the most convenient ])laces or nearest the churches, and for the more certainty to give such glebe a certain name whereby it may l)e known ; and to take orders, that there be a proviso in the Letters Patent for forming the glel)es to restrain alienations thereof." — ("Concise View of the Irish Society," p. 14, ed. 1822.) It will thus be seen who have the legal right to the tithe rent-charge and glebes of Ireland. III. — The Church of England and the Church of Ireland Ecclesias- tically one BEFORE the Act of Union. The Synod of Casliel, held a.d. 1172, was " a plenarj^ Council, both national and ecclesiastical," and was held for the express pur- pose of " bringing the Irish Church into exact conformity with the English^." Its seventh Canon enacted, that "all divine matters shall in future, in all parts of Ireland, be regulated after the model of Holy Church, in accordance with the observance of the Anglican Church." Romanism was thus fully developed in Ireland, and " the Sarum Ritual " came into common use there, although a long series of years elapsed before the ancient Irish clergy could be induced altogether to submit to its decrees^. At the time of the RefoiTuation, the Church of Ireland received " the Book of Common Prayer," and in the public documents of that period, e.g., the Injunctions of Edward VI., A.D. 1547, "the Chirch of England and Ireland" is spoken of^ In a bidding prayer, included in the Injunctions of Queen Elizabeth, in 1559, a like expression is used ; and the title of the Ist of the Irish Canons of 1634 (which accepted verbatim et literatim the English Articles) is " Of the agreement of the Chvrch of England and Ireland, in the possession of the same Christian religion ;" and the Canon itself declares their agreement, " in the confession of the same Christian faith and the doctrine of the Sacraments." Since 1 King's Irish Church History, pp. 1058, 1059. 2 See page 20. 3 Gerald. Camb. Expug. Hibcrn. i. 33; Wilkins, Coucil. i. 471; Cox, Hib. Angl. i. 22 — 21. It will thus be seen that the Anglican faith was introduced into Ireland centuries before the Reformation. ■^ It is a reinarka])le fact, tliat in the Council of Constance held in A.D. 1 IH, the English Church was declared to be entitled to vote as a separate National Church, on tbe ground that the English and Irish were 07ie Kafional Church. And it is worthy of observation, that in all committees, &c., of the Council, the Anglican Church was represented by *' Patrick, ]^isho]i of Cork." Labbe and Cossart's Concilia Geiieralia, vol, xii., Col. 1727, ed. 1G72, as quoted by Ai'chdcacon Stopford — Reply to Serjeant Shee, p. 09. * Sparrow's Collections, p. 18. ■to FACTS RESPECTING THE PRESENT STATE 1634, the Articles of the Church in Ireland have been the same as those of the Church in England. The Liturgy has been the same since the Koforniation. Their Canons ditfer in sonic minor points ; but this no more ])rcvents tlic provinces of the Irish Ciuuch being in perfect union witli those of the English, than tlie difference of the Canons of the })rovince of York in foi-mcr times prevented its being considered one Church with tlie province of Canterbury. IV. — The Temporalities of the Church in Ireland placed on the same footing as those of the Church in Enrjland hy the Act of Union. The words of the 5th Article of the Act of Union are as follows : — " That the Churches of England and Ireland, as now hy law esta- hlishedj be united into one Protestant Episcopal Church, to be called ' The United Church of England and Ireland,' and that the doc- trine, worsliip, discipline and government of the said United Church shall be, and shall remain in full force for ever, as the same are now by law established for the Church of England ; and that the continu- ance and preservjition of the said United Church as the Established Church of England and Ireland shall be deemed and taken to be a7i essential and fundamental iiart of the Unions To attack the Established Church in Ireland, then, is to attack the Established Clmrcli in England, for the legal status of both branches of the United Church is exactly the same ; and, as Sir Robert Peel said in the House of Commons ', " an attack upon the Established Church in Ireland is but a necessary preliminary to an attack on the Established Church in this country The endowments of Ireland cannot be dealt with alone ; if you wish to deal with the revenues of the Irish Church you must enter into a wider field and deal with all endowments given by the State." Moreover, it should be remembered that the Act of Union would never have been j)assed by a Parliament exclusively Protestant, unless the fjiitli of England had been first ])lcdgcd to the maintenance of the Established Church in Ireland. What said Lord Castlereagh, the mouthpiece of the Go- vernment at the time of the Union ? — " One State, one Legislature, one Church, these are the leading features of the system, and without identity with Great Britain in these three great points of connexion, we can never hope for any real and permanent security. The Church, in particnlar, while we remain a separate country, will ever be liable to be imi)eached on local grounds. When it shall once be completely incorporated with the Church of England, it will he placed vpon such a stronj and natural foundation as to he above every aj)prehension ' It is impoi'tant to observe that an Established Church aud an Endowed Church, though often confounded, are not synonymous terms. The EstabUshed Church of England and Ireland has certain legal rights which a simply Endoioed Church would not possess. Moreover, whilst the Irish Clergy arc supported by their own ])roperty, the endowment annually paid to the Presbyterian Ministers in Ireland, connnonly called the Regium Doniim, is voted each year by the House of Coiinnoiis, and is jjaid out of the annual I'cvcnue of the country. It amounted in lbJ7 to 11,178/. '6s. (jd. OF THE CHURCH IX IRELAND. 13 and fear frovi adverse interest, and from all the fretting and irri- tating circumstances connected with our colonial situation. As soon as the Church Establishments of the two kingdoms shall be incor- porated into one Church, the Protestant will feel himself at onqe identified with the population and property of the Empire, and the Establishment will be placed on its natural basis." — (See Quarterly Review, vol. xlvi. p. 425.) Therefore, it was that in the 5th Article of the Act of Union, the continuance and preservation of the Esta- blished Church was declared " to be an essential and fundamental jiart of the Union.'''' And if we do away with an essential and fun- damental part of the Act of Union, what will that which remains be worth ? V. — The attach on the Church in Ireland is virtually an attack on the Church in England also. The upholders of the Voluntary System know well that if they can insert the thin edge of the wedge in any part of the Established Church, they will have gained a great step towards destroying the whole. Their motto is " Divide et impera." They think the weak point of the Established Church at present is the Church in Ireland, and therefore it is against it that their attacks are first directed. If they succeed in persuading the Legislature that because the members of the Church in particular parishes in Ireland are in a numerical minority, therefore the Established Church should be ^.bolished, how unanswerable an argument will they have when they come to deal with England and Wales ! There is no argument that can be ad- duced against Ireland that cannot be brought with greater force against Wales. The benefices in Wales are about 1,000. The population of each benefice on an average is about 1,300 ; of these about 400 belong to the Established Church, and 900 to tlie Dis- senters ; and if the Church in Ireland is to have her revenues redis- tributed or confiscated because she is not the Church of the majority, the same principle must in all justice in due season be applied to the Church in the Principality. Besides, whilst in Ireland there are only 752 benefices (of which 60 are suspended or disappropriated, «&;c., so that 692 would be the truer number), in which there are less than 200 members of the Church', in England and Wales there are 4,149 parishes where the gross population (Churchmen and Dis- senters) is less than 200, of which 1,864 (a far larger number than all the benefices in Ireland) contain fewer than 100 inhabitants'. Of both branches of the United Church, then, it may be said — ** Qu6 res cunque cadent, unum et commune perielum, Una salus ambobus erit." ' Thorn's Almanac for 18G5, p. 775. - See Report of Committee of Council on Education, for 1863-i, pp. xxv — xxvi. 14 FACTS RESPECTING THE PRESENT STATE VT. — The Church in Ireland has not lost f/round in that Country since the Census of 1834. The returns of the Census Commissioners in 1834 and 1861, as regards the religious population, were as follows: — 1834. 18G1. Decrease. In- Per crease. Cent, Establishod Church . . ."| inckuliiig ' Methodists . . . .J Roman Catholics Presbyterian .... and other Protestant Dissenters Corrected return of Protestant "1 Dissenters (see below) . ./ 853,160 6,436,060 613,058 21,882 693,357] 45,399/ 4,505,265 523,291 76,661 114,404 1,930,795 119,767 54,839 13-4 30-4 18-6 251-3 7,954,160 21,882 5,798,967 16,990 2,164,966 4,892 54,839 224 The whole population of the country has thus decreased, in 27 years, 27*1 per cent., or more than a fourth, or one \>ev cent, per annum. All the religious bodies therefore have necessarily decreased, but by no means in the same proportion. The Roman Catholics in this period lost nearly a third of their whole number ; the Presbyterian body between a fifth and a sixth, whilst the Church lost only between a seventh and an eighth. Nor should this important fact be lost sight of, — viz. : That in twenty-one out of the thirty-two Irish dioceses the proportion per cent, of the members of the Established Church to the general population has risen since 1834 — has remained stationary in two — and, notwithstanding the large total decrease of population, has fallen only in nine. This shows that in spite of many adverse circumstances the Established Church has been quietly making its way m all i^arts of the country ^ (See Census Report for 1861, p. 33.) In 1834 the Methodists were reckoned with the Church, in 1861 they were reckoned separately. This is overlooked in many of the calculations founded on the late census : and the Church is said to have decreased by 159,803 ; whereas the absolute decrease, as shown above is only 1 1 4,404, whilst, in the same period, there is a relative increase of two per cent. ^ During the same period the Roman Catholic population diminished in every Diocese in Ireland, except two — viz., Dublin and Connor (see Thorn's Official Irish Directory, for 1866, p. 768). In a country Kural Deanery in a northern Diocese, with which the author is well ac<|uainted, the Rural Dean at his last inspection found that, out of the nine jiarishes in the Kural Deanery, in three new Churches were being built, and in three others, that the churches were about to be enlarged, a pretty conclusive proof of the increase of Church popul .tion in those parts. OP THE CHURCH IN IRELAND. 15 Protestant Dissenters in Ireland have decreased since 1834, not in- creased, as stated by the Census Commissioners 0/I86I. Much luiB been said of the increase of Protestant Dissenters in Ire- laud (exchisive of the Presbyterians) since 1834, which the Census Commissioners of 1861 (Report, page 28) have stated to be at the rate of 251*3 per cent. Tliis is utterly fallacious, as is clearly shown by the Archl)ishop of Armagh in his Charge of 1864 (pages 17, 18, and 31). The truth is, there has been an absolute decrease of 4,892 *' other Dissenters" since 1834. The return of the Census Commissioners is as follows : — 1834. 1861. Increase. Other Protestant Dissenters . . 21,822 76,661 54,839. Rate per cent. 251*3. This total of 76,661 is formed as follows (Report, p. 6) : — Methodists 45,399 Independents 4,532 Baptists 4,237 Society of Friends 3,695 Other Persuasions 14,695 Unascertained 4,103 76,661 In 1834, as stated above, the Methodists were Enumerated as members of the Established Church ; in 1861 they are classed as "other Dissenters." Thus, in the return of 1861, the Methodists are classed as if they had all sprung into existence since 1834, and their existence at that time is entirely ignored. In addition to this, 4,103 persons, whose religion was "unascertained," are classed as " other Persuasions ;" and 156, who are clearly members of the Esta- blished Church, arc enumerated us Dissenters. The correction of these mistakes reduces this increase of " other Protestant Dissenters " from 54,839 to 5,181 ; but, in addition to this, in 1861 various sub- divisions of Presbyterians, returned as such by this enumeration, were transferred by the Census Commissioners to " other Persua- sions," these having been included amongst Presbyterians in 1834 ; and so also were the Unitarians, amounting to 3,800 ; and as the Primate justly remarks in his Charge (p. 18), from which these calculations are taken, " in a Gomparative table of two different periods, they cannot be attached to a class different from tlie one under which they were reckoned. They are not Dissenters coming into existence since 1834, but only Presbyterians differently classed." If, therefore, we deduct these 10,073 Presbyterians, we shall find that, so far from there having been an increase of " other Protestant Dissenters" since 1834, there has been an actual decrease of 4,892. After this, we hope we shall hear no more of the large increase of Protestant dissent in Ireland within the last thirty years. 16 FACTS RESPECTING THE PRESENT STATE VII. — Difference hetiueen a Benefice and a Parish in Ireland. The CenBus Commissioners of 1861, in their Report, page 21, mention three classes of parishes in Ireland. 1. The parish of the Established Church. 2. The Civil parish. 3. The Roman Catholic parishes — veiy often differing from both. The Census Commissioners have adopted the second classification in their reports*, and the results of the Census thus appear in the most disadvantageous light possible as regards the Established Church. In Ireland a parish is not conteiminous with a benefice. A bene- fice is often a union of several parishes under one incumbent ^. Thus, whilst there are 2,428 civil parishes in Ireland, there are only 1,510 benefices ; from which it follows, that there are 918 more civil parishes in Ireland than benefices. If we remember this important fact, the statement (Table ix. Census Report, 1861, p. 36) of which we have lately heard so much, viz., that there are 199 parishes in Ireland without any Church population, loses all its significance ; for whilst it may be perfectly true that there are some portions of benefices (called in the Report civil parishes) in this state, there is but a single benefice in all Ireland to be found ^, and that one jiar- ticularly circumstanced, in which there are not several members of the Established Church. These civil parishes arose in several ways — in many cases from the consolidation of separate chapelries — and since 1662 all the acts by the Lord Lieutenant in council have provided that parishes united by certain statutes should be one j^arish. Several Acts of Parliament state that, in some parts of the country parishes are " so small, that five or six lie together within a mile or two." (See Dr. Hume's Analysis of the Census, p. 62.) There are certain benefices in the Irish Church, in number less than a thirteenth part of the whole, in which the Church popula- tion is very small, numl)ering from twenty-five downwards. These ^ Ireland is divided into 2,428 districts or civil parishes, for facilitating: the collection of county rates ; some of these districts liave for more than two centuries ceased to be parishes in the ecclesiastical sense of the term, and many of tliem arc of very small area ; e. g., the parish of St. Doologcs, in Ferns, is only forty yards square. For other instances, see Archbishop of Armagh's Charge of 1864, p. 14. 2 E. g. — the union of Listowell, diocese of Ardfert, contains ten parishes under one incuml)cnt, net income £27G ; Kilcolgan, diocese of Kilmacduagh, nine parishes, net income £413 ; Donanaughta, diocese of Clonfert, seven parishes, net income £254. Thus, in three unions, we find twenty-six parishes, total income £943, or on an average £36 5.v. for each parish. Other simihir instances may be found in Captain Stacpoole's Keturn, from wliicli this is taken. ^ Mansfieldtown, diocese of Armagh, net value £191 10*. per annum. There is a church, liowevcr, in which Divine service is performed, and a congregation attends from the adjoining ]iarisli, which is conveniently situated for that purpose. (See Primate's Charge, 1864, p. 29). OF THE CHURCH IX IRELAND. 17 parishes arc sifcnated in all parts of the country, being found in every diocese, except Down and Connor, and Derry and Raphoe. They average about three and a half to each of the thirty-two dioceses into which Ireland is divided. These are the parishes which form the stock-in-trade of the opponents of the Irish Church. Upon them their chief assault is based. They are brought before us again and again in pamphlet after pamphlet, in speech after speech, in lead- ing articles, in quarterlies, in monthly and fortnightly magazines. Sinecures, pluralities, non-residence, have passed away — no attacks can be made on these points. Therefore these i:)arishes are con- tinually kept before the public eye. These benefices number altoge- ther 114\ The average proportion of net income of each Incumbent, without making any allowance for Curates, is £164 Qs. 10 J. Now, if the Irish Church is to be maintained in the remote districts as an Establishment at all, on what smaller pittance than this could a Clergyman exist ? If the Churchmen of these parishes are not to be left without any spiritual ministrations whatever, on what more economic system could the Clergy be maintained ? We may be told that in places where the Church population is small the parish should be annexed to the neighbouring one, and a Curate should be placed in care of it. But siu'cly no Curate coidd be expected to undertake the sole charge of a widely-scattered district as most of these parishes are, and to visit which effectually a horse is a necessity, on less than £150 a year ? And what do the Clergy of these much-abused parishes now receive ? — on an average £164 6s. 10c/. per annum. So that the net gain by the proposed reform is £1^4 Qs. \0d. per parish, a goodly sum indeed ! And to gain this the foundations of all Church property are to be rooted up ; and we are told that because of this " monstrous abuse " large reforms are imperatively demanded in the Irish Church. VIII. — Differences between the Gross and Church Pojmlation of Parishes. It is customary in England, when speaking of the population of a parish, to mention the gross population as under the charge of the Incumbent, including Dissenters of all denominations ; but when speaking of Ireland, the same person speaks of the Church popula- tion of the parish only. This gives a most unfair estimate of the parochial work of an Irish Clergyman, as in many parts of the country, and especially in the north, the very poor of other denomi- nations would often be left Avithout any spiritual ministrations, were it not for the exertions of the Incumbent. All the inhabitants of the parish are considered by the Irish Clergy to be their parishioners as much as by the Clergy in England. ' Sec Archdeacon Hincks' Synoptical Table of the Irish Church, 1866. Only nineteen of these parishes are in the Province of Armagh ; the remaining ninety- five are in the Province of Dublin. 18 FACTS RESPECTIN(r THE PRESENT STATE IX. — Necessity of inaintaining the Parochial System. It is c^:scntilll to the miiiutciuuicc of the Estahli.^hcd Church in Ireland that the principle on which the parochial system is based should 1)C ])rcscrvcd in all its integrity. Surrender this, and the Church of Konie obtains an easy and permanent triumph'. Tliereforc one of the chief objects of her opponents is to disconnect the Church from the jiarochial system, and make her clerg}'' merely the ministei's of j)artic\dar congregations-. It may seem paradoxical , hut in many parishes in Ireland the smaller and the more icidely scattered the Church population, the more necessary it is to maintain the Church there. How- ever small the Church population of a parish may be, as long as the l)arochial system is preserved, there is always a nucleus of cliurch- manship and loyalty in the parish, to which accretions can be con- tinually made. Remove the Church and the Clergyman, and in many cases the Church landlords will soon follow, and the inevitable result will be that in a few years the parish will become religiously and politically Romish ; for without the ministrations of the Church large tracts of country would bo left without a Protestant place of Avorship or a Protestant Clergyman^. The few Protestants left could not provide ministrations of the Church for themselves and their families, and tliey must soon be absorbed in the Romanism by which they are surrounded. In the three provinces of Muuster, Connaught, and Leinster (including Dublin) the whole Protestant j^optdation not belonging to the Established Church does not exceed 40,000 ; whilst all the Presbyterians in these three jirovinces only number 1 9,4.56 ^ At present the only spiritual ministrations which many Protestant Dissenters scattered throughout these provinces receive is from the Clergy of the Established Church ; and if they were removed, the voluntary system would be totally unable to supply their place, and the Church of Rome would be virtually left in undisturbed possession of the greater part of the country. Apart, then, from the question of truth and error, sound policy would dictate that the Established Church should Ijc maintained in all its integrity, even in districts ^ Let it never be forgotten that the Church of Eomc has a powerful Diocesan and Parochial System in Ireland which overspreads the whole counti'y. (Sec Ap- pendix D.) 2 "In the circumstances of Ireland, where the great population do not belong to the J]stal)lislied Church, the conyreyational is the fight, lyroper, and fitting system'* (Speech of Mr. Bernal Osborne in House of Commons, June 26, 1863.) If sucli a system was adopted, large tracts of the country would be at once con- demned to perpetual spiritual barrenness. 3 " To sweep away the Protestant Establisbment would, in most cases, increase absenteeism, by compelling the Protestant families who desired to attend the rites of their own Church to seek them in England. In many parishes of the poorer districts in Ireland, it ivould remove the only resident gentleman, and the best friend of the poor when in want or sickness." (The Irish Difficulty, by an Irish Peer, 1867, p. 83.) ^ See Census Report, 1861, p. 10. If Dublin is excluded, the Protestant popu- lation of the three provinces not 1)clonging to the Established Church does not exceed 29,000. OF THE CHURCH IN IRELAND. 19 where the Church poi)iilation is at present but small ; for, in the words of Mr. Speucer Perceval, " Tlic example of the Clerj!;y of the Established Church in Ireland is of more force than all the penal laws in Christendom." X. — Present Revemies of the Church in Ireland. Parliamentary returns enable us to calculate with some degree of certainty tlie present Revenues of the Established Church'. The total net income of the Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland amounts to £00, 110 per annum. Of this the Archbishop of Armagh receives £8,328, the Archbishop of Dublin £6,569, the Bishop of Deny £5,939, the Bishop of Kilmore £5,246, and each of the other eight Bishops on an average £3,628". The net income of all the beneficed Clergy, arising both from tithe rent-charge and glebe land (considerable deductions not being made from 1,070 livings under £300 a year), is £393,833 12s. Id. ; or making allowance for these probable deductions, the average net income of the 1,510 beneficed clergy would only be £245 each*. Nor should the following facts be forgotten : — The actual rent- charge of Ireland (gross value) is £401,114 a year, or in round num])ers £400,000 per annum^ ; for eight-ninths of this Protestant landlords arc responsible, and only a ninth comes to the Clergy through Roman Catholic landlords. The whole is a sum less than the annual income of at least one English nobleman, and consider- ably less, as Sir Robert Peel lately remarked, than the cost of one of our ironclads. * This tithe rent-charge is a composition for tithe, and is of the nature of a reserved rent, ichich never helomjed either to landlord or tenant. By the Act of 1838 the landlord, indeed, is bound to ]iay the rent- charge to the Incumbent, but for bearing this responsibility the hand- some allowance of £25 per cent, is made to him, so that when this Act came into operation the Clergy in future only received £75 for every £100 of their former income. The tithe rent-charge therefore is paid neither by Protestants nor Roman Catholics, l)ut is the produce of property which has always belonged to the Cluirch since its first esta- blishment in Ireland. Moreover, the Church in Ireland owes a consideralde portion of 1 See especially Capt. Stacpoole's Return, No. 267, May 4, 186 1-, and Sir Fred. Hcyf^atc's, No. 56 (Feb. 16, 1864), No. 273 (May 6, 1861). 2 From this, however, an average deduction of £ 100 a year from each bishopric is to be made for agents' fees, &c. See Primate's Charge of 18(5 1, p. 6. 3 Dr. Brady has recently endeavoured, without success, to controvert the accu- racy of the statement contained in the text. It is wholly taken froni parliamentary returns, and no better authorities exist at present on this subject. An able expose of Dr. Bi*ady's fallacies respecting the revenues of the Irish Church, called *' Observations on Dr. Brady's Letter to The Times," prepared, it is understood, with the sanction of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Ireland, has recently been issued. * The whole of the tithe rent-charge possessed by ecclesiastical persons is less than a hundredth part of the produce of the soil. » See Sir G. C. Lewis's testimony to this, at page 10. B 2 20 I'ACrs IlKSrECTING THE TKESEXT STATE her present eiulo-winents to the exertions and munificence of her Bishops since the Reformation. Dr. Hook, in his Life of Archbishop Braniliall (Eccles. Biog. vol. iii. p. 52), i-ehitcs that in four years that indefatigable Primate recovered about £40,000 a year to the Church, which liad been wasted or impropriated. Primate Boulter ^ left £30,000 for the augmentation of small benefices and for the purchase of glebes for the Clergy. Primate Robinson left a smaller sum for the same purj^ose. Both funds are still available. It has already been noticed that most of the glebe-lands in Ulster have been spe- cially granted to the Church since the Refonnjition". The income of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners arises from the following sources (1864) :— Suppressed See Estates £58,127 Suspended Benefices and Dignities .... 19,162 Tax on Bislioprics and Benetiees and annual cliarge) ^^ ,q^ on the Sees of Armagh and Derry . . / ^' »J-o« Interest on Government Securities . . . 7,460 £111,936 of this, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners pay £12,500 a year in lieu of Ministers' money, and also some £8,000 a year in augmentation of small livings, and for disproportioned tithes — both of tliese items are included in the return of the annual income of these Incumbents. In estimating, then, the annual income of the Church, they cannot again be counted. This leaves £91,436 a year, which, if added to the net income of the Bishops and Clergy, viz. £448,943, would give £540,379 as the annual available income of the Irish Church — out of which the salaries of clerk and sexton, church requisites, grants for the repairs and building of churches, &c. (in addition to the incomes of the Bishops and Clergy) have to be provided ; so that the greater part of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners' fund goes in relief of the Laity, and not for the use of the Clergy, these items being formerly paid by Church Cess. XI. — Effect oj the Church Temporalities Act. By this Act all sinecures, except those in piivatc patronage, were abolished. On their next avoidance two archbishoprics Avere reduced to the rank of bishoprics, ten bishoprics were suspended, and the sees annexed to other existing dioceses. A tax, payable to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and varying from 2^ to 15 per cent., was placed ou the incomes of the Clergy, whilst their foniier incomes were sub- sequently (by the Tithe Act of 1838) reduced by 25 per cent. Vestiy cess or Church rates, amounting to about £60,000 a year, was abolished ; and the expenses formerly paid by means of it, such as repairs of churches, salaries of clerk and sexton, &c., were placed upon the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The result has been that the ' ITc died in 1742, and Piimate Robinson in 1794. =» See p. 28. OF THE CHURCH IN IRELAND. 21 Bishops and Clergy of Irelaiul receive now £240,000 per annum less than they did in 1834 ; and in 1854, the Church's revenues were further diminished by £12,500 a year ; Ministers' money (hitherto paid by the inliabitants of other towns) being ordered, by 17 & 18 Vict. c. 11, to be paid in future out of the funds of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. XII. — Tlie Established Church in Ireland a rjreat henejit to the Couhtry. The memorable words of the great Lord Plunket on this subject should be borne in mind by all wlio are now seeking to undermine its influence. He said^ : " He had no l^sitatiou in stating that he considered it (the Esta- blished Church) the great bond of union between the two countries ; and if ever tliat unfortunate moment should arrive when they should rashly lay their hands on the property of the Church, to rob it of its rights, that would seal the doom and separate the connexion between the two countries." To this testimony of an experienced and far-sighted statesman, let that of a Roman Catholic layman, the late Anthony Richard Blake, well acquainted with Irish interests, and delivered by him on oath before a Parliamentary Committee, be added : " The Protestant Church," said he, " is rooted in the constitution ; it is established by the fundamental laws of the realm ; it is rendered, as far as the most solemn acts of the legislature can render any insti- tution, fundamental and perpetual ; it is so declare* by the Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland. / tliink it could not now he disturbed ivithout danger to the general securities ive possess for liberty, property, and order — without danger to all the blessings we derive from beiug under a lawful government and a free constitution. Feeling thus, the very conscience which dictates to me a determiued adherence to the Roman Catholic religion would dictate to me a determined resistance to any attempt to subvert the Protestant Establishmeut, or wresting from the Church the possessions which the law has given it"." We will only add the following remarkable declaration of Dr. Sleviu, a Roman Catholic Professor at Maynooth, given in evidenco before the Commissioners of Education in 1826 : "I consider that the present possessors of Church property in Ireland, of whatever description they may be, have a just title to it. They have been bond fide possessors of it for all the time required by any law for prescription : even according to the pretensions of the Church of Rome, which require 100 years ;" and even an opponent will respect the testimony of Lord Macaulay when he says, " This lU'inciple of prescription is essential to the institution of ])roperty itself, and if you take it away it is not some or a few evils that must follow, ^ Quoted by Sh* Hugli (now Lord) Cairns in debate, June 29, 1863. ' O'SuUivan and Phelan's Digest of Evidence before Committees of bo'.h Houses of Parlia-.nent, 1821-25, vol. ii. pp. 21G, 217. 22 FACTS RESPECTING THE FltESENT STATE — not some or a few evils, but geuenil eonfusiou." (Si^eech on Dissentei-H' Clmpel Bill \) XIII. —Present Position of the Church in Ireland. The Estjiblislicd Chnrcli in Ireland now is the sa7ne Chnrch as that which has existed there for fourteen centuries. In the 12th century it was first formally established by the State, in the 16tli century it reformed itself; no new Church was introduced in Ireland at the Reformation, that was done by the Roman Catholics in the succeeding century. The Bishops of the Irish Church before the Reformation became the Bisliops of the Irish Church after the Refonnation ; they enjoyed the same rcAenues, they discharged the same or similar duties. The Church that noiv j^ossesses the tithes and glebe-lands of Ireland is the same body corporate as possessed them before the Reformation. According to the law both of Chnrch and State, the continuity of succession has never been brolcen. The Bishoj)s of the Church in Ireland now are the only legitimate suc- cessors of the Irish Bishops before the Refonnation, and therefore the Clergy of the Church in Ireland now are the only legitimate and rightful possessors of its property ; moreoAer, the revenues they enjoy are not sutlieient for the work they have to do. To give every bene- ficed clergyman in Ireland only £300 a year would require £60,000 to be added to the present yearly revenue of the Church. It is true that the members of the Established Church are in a minority, but they are such a minority as comprehends the great majority of those upon whom the present and future welfare of every country must depend -. A very great proportion of the nobility, gentry, landed jH'oprietors, and members of the learned professions, and of the skilled artisans, belong to the Established Church ; and 90 per cent, of the land of Ireland is tlie j^roperty of Protestants (see Dr. Hume's Analysis of the Census of 1861, p. 56 — 59). The disestablishment of such a Church, bound up with the dearest interests of such classes of the community, could not be accomplished without a revolution. The foundations of the Established Church are coeval with those of the Constitution itself, and the destruction of the one would soon lead, in Ireland at least, to the subversion of the other ; and is it not esj)ecially significant that the most earnest supporters of the right of universal suffrage are also the most active and noisy opponents of the Irish Church ^? Surely, it will be a sad day for our country, in more ways than one, if ever great principles like these are left to be decided by merely numerical majorities. ^ ]Jut now (Murcli, 1867), Bishop Moriarty of Kerry (Letter to his Clergj-, p. 26), boldly and openly uses langua<^e such as this : " We aoknowledi^e no pre- scription in this case. The Church does not allow a statute of limitation to bar our claim. The title of the Protestant Chiirch has not even a colour of validity. Our right is in abeyance, but it is uninipaii>ed." " " If ever tliere was a case in which a minority should be weighed after it is counted, it is this." (Right Hon. Sir Jos. Napier's Letter to Lord Monteagle, p. 4L) 3 Vide Mr. Bright's Letter of Dee. 22, 1864, to the Lord Mayor of Dublin, and Mr. W. E. Forster's speech at Bradford on Jan. 10, 1865. OF THE CHURCH IN lUELAND. 23 XIV. — Irish Difficulties originaUi/ Political, not Iteligions. The dislike to Eiig'Iaiid, "wliieli luis for so many centuries rankled in the native Irish heart, was not at first created hy difference in religion ; nor ivould it he in any tcay softened if the Church in Ireland icere disestablished to-morrow. It orij^inated more than ten centuries ago, when the Chnrcli of the English Pale was more thoroughly Ultramontane than the Chnrch of the aboriginal Irish. (See Todd's St. Patrick, p. 242.) It arose from political, not religions differences : it is per])ctuated throngh them \ The following testimony to the state of Ireland in the times of Edward III., from the pen of Thomas Moore, himself a Koman Catholic, cannot be too carefully pondered over at this time : — " Much of the oi)position thus shown to the Government by the Irish Clergy proceeded donbtless from ])«litical differences witliin the Chnrch itself; as even at that period, icheii all ivere of one faith, the Church of the Government and the Chnrch of the people of Ireland were almost as much separated from each other by difference in race, langnage, jiolitical feeling, and even ecclesiastical discijiline, as they have been at any period since by difference in creed Dis- heartening as may be some of the conclusions too plainly dedncible from this fact, it clearly shows at least that the establishment of the Reformed Chnrch in that kingdom was not the first or sole cause of the bitter hostility between the two races." — Hist, of Ireland, vol. iii. p. 114. XV. — Abolition of the Church as cm Establishment, not its Refomn, the object of the 'present attacJc. Let no friend of the Church in Ireland for a moment be deceived by the idea that the present attack on its temporalities is merely with a view to reform in order to increase its efficiency, and not with the object of obtaining its abolition as an Establishment. A few internal reforms may from time to time be necessary, a few anomalies may demand to be safely and wisely remedied, bnt these require to be effected by proper authority after due thought and discussion, and not in haste and excitement at the pressnre of an hostile faction, nor should it be foigotten that reform in times ])ast has already been carried to snch an extent, that, as the Primate observed in his Charo-e of 1864, p. 11, "the incomes of the Irish Clergy have been pared do"VNni to the lowest sum com])atible with the existence of the Church in this country." No. Abolition and not reform will alone satisfy the leaders of the present movement. " We demand the disendow- ment of the Established Chnrch in Ireland," says Archbishop Culleu, * I am iiulc'l)tctl to my friend the I\ev. Robert King, the author of our best Irish Church History, for the foUowiuf;^ valuable remarks on tlie subject : — " A curious iUustration of this is to be found in the fact that there is actually in the native Irish tongue no word for Protestant ; indicating the total absence from the native's mind of any idea of a religious enemy as distinct from a national one; or at least the all-absorbing character of the latter notion. In the South the object of enmity is the ' Sassenach ' or Saxon ; while in the North, similarly, all Protestants are indiscriminately 'Albauachs' or Scotchmen." 24 FACTS RESPECTING THE PRESENT STATE the Pope's Legate, to his cotuljutors ' : Jind the Liheration Society heartily join in tlie cry. The real end Avhich all alonjr the oppo- uents of the Irish Chinch have had in vieAV, however skilfully they may have managed hitherto to deceive the pnhlic with respect to it, was clearly pointed out hy Sir G. Cornewall Lewis in his work ou tlic Irish Church Question, puhlished in 1836, to which we have before referred. "It is ever to be remembered in discussing the ecclesiastical state of L-eland," said he, " that the objections of the Roman Catholics to the Established Church of that country are not of more or less ; THAT TIIKY WOULD NOT BE REMOVED BY THE ABOLITION OF A FEW BLSIIOPKICS OR THE PARING DOWN OF A FEW BENEFICES, BUT THAT THEY LIE AGAINST ITS VERY EXISTENCE. No improve- ments in the internal economy of the Established Church, in the distribution of its revenues, in the discipline of its Clergy, tend to lessen the sense of grievance arising from this source : the objection is of principle, not of degree, and nothing short of ])erfect equality in the treatment of all religious sects will satisfy the persons whose discontentment springs from this source." — " The Irish Church Ques- tion," pp. 351, 3o2. Conclusion. From the foregoing it will be seen that the Established Church in Ireland is the Old Church of the country : that it is the same iu doctrine, discipline and government as the Church founded by St. Patrick ; that it is the rightful possessor of the tithes of Ireland ; that it has been ecclesiastically one with the Church in England for nearly eight centuries ; that the two as now by law established must stand or I'all together, for that an attack on the one is virtually an attack on the other ; that the Church in Ireland has not lost groimJ in that country since 1834, but has relatively increased ; and that, if it has absolutely lost in number, it has lost much more of its revenues in proportion ; and that, instead of being a source of weakness or discontent to the Irish people, as is stoutly but most erroneously asserted by those who seek her destruction, the Established Church is in reality the strongest bond of union between the two countries ; and, in the words of Edmund Burke, "a great link towards holding fast the connexion of religion with the state, and preserving the connexion between England and Ireland." — Burke's Works, vol. vi. p. 72. Bohn's Ed. 1861. The Roman Catholic Bishops of Ireland in 1826 and 1864. Dr. Doyle, Roman Catholic Bishop of Kildare and Leighliu, in his Essaif on the Catholic Claims, p. 302, in order to prove the sin- cerity of the Romish Bishops in disclaiming all interference with the ^ " And the coadjutors cclio the cry, ' No tinkering, no patching, no efforts to make this detestable nuisance less unpahitable, by softening down its particular or minor scandals, can ever be accepted as a final settlement.' " Letters of an Irish Catholic, in The Times of Nov. 15, 1865. OF THE CIIURCn IN IRELAND. 25 Established Chnreli in Irclniul, p^ives the following; oaths signed hy the Roman Catholic Archbishops of Armagh, Dublin, and Tuam,and twenty-seven other Irish Bishops, numbering thirty in all. " The Catholics of Irclnnd, far from claiming any right or title to forfeited lands, resulting from any right, title, or interest Avhich their ancestors may have had tlierein, declare upon oath, ' That they will defend to the utmost of their power the settlement and arrangement of property in this country, as established by the huvs now in being.' They also ' disclaim, disavow, and solemnly abjure any intention to subvert the present Chui'cli Establishment for the purpose of sub- stituting a Catholic Establishment in its stead. And further, they SWEAR that they will not exercise any j^J'iviler/e to ivhich they are or may he entitled to disturb and ivealcen the Protestant religion and Protestant Government in Ireland.' " This declaration was made by the Roman Catholic Prelates, not as individuals, but in their corporate capacity as Bishops of the Romish Church in Ireland, and would therefore, in all ordinary cases, be considered binding on their successors : but what is now the language of the Romish hierarchy in Ireland, headed by Archbishop Cullen ? The second resolution of the meeting of December, 29, 1864^, at which seven Roman Catholic Bishojis were present, speaks for itself. It is as follows . — "That we demand the dlsendowment of the Established Church in Ireland as a condition without which social peace and stability, general respect for the laws, and vnity of sentiment and of action for national objects, can never prevail in Ireland." The words in italics are significant, especially when we consider what these national objects are ; and the first resolution, moved by Archbishop Cullen himself, concluded thus : — " This singular institution (the Established Church) was originally established, and has always been maintained by force, in opposition to reason and justice, and in defiance of the will of the great majority of the Irish people. That we therefore resent it as a badge of national servitude, offensive and degrading alike to all Irish- men, Protestant as well as Catholic "." We see, then, that before the passing of the Emancipation Act in 1829, the Roman Catholic Bisho])s solemnly and on oath disclaimed all intention of subverting the Church Establishment, and declared " they would defend to the ntmost the arrangement of ])ro])erty in Ireland, as established by the laws then in being," one of whicli was the Act of Union. ^ For the more recent demands of the Irish Roman Catholic Hierarchy, headed by Cardinal Cullen, see Preface, page iii. " Plow little right the Irish lloman Catholic Bishops have to speak thus in the name of the Irish people, maybe gathered from tlie following extract from a leading article of The Times of September 27th. 18G5. l^eferriug to the Fenian movement it says, " Equally explicit is The Irish People about the Irish Church and Tenant Right. About the former it frankly admits that Irishmen * care very little' Of the latter one of its correspondents says that whoever ]iroposes it, nmst think the Irish little better than dogs to be appeased with a bone ! Neither the abolition of the Irish Church, therefore, nor the establishment of Tenant Right, would have prevented Fenianism." ♦ 26 FACTS RESPECTING THE PRESENT STATE, ETC. In 1864 tliey demand the diseudowment of the Church Estahlish- nieiit as a condition Avithoiit whicli social peace and general respect for the Jaw cannot exist in Irchind, Such proceedings can only be justified on the pi'inciple asserted in the Bull of Pope Innocent III., when excoinmunicafin^ the Count of Toulouse, "Juxta sanctorum })atrum canonicas sanctiones ei qui fidem Deo non servat, fides servanda non sit." — Catel. Hist, des Comtes de Toulouse, p. 242. A Boman Catholic definition of "the Hoot of the Irish Evil." We desire to call special attention to the following remarkahle ex- tract from The Tablet, one of the chief organs of Konian Catholic opinion. It openly asserts that "the wound of Ireland" is — (1). That such a large proportion of the soil of Ireland belongs to Protestants. (2). That Protestants form such a large portion of those classes Avhose social station in Ireland is above the rest. The disendowment of the Church would abate neither of these evils, and therefore, if the Church Establishment was removed "the Irish grievance" would still remain. The extract is as follows : — "We have ahvays thought that it could be shown that, if the Irish Church Estal)lishmeut were abolished to-morrow — if its churches, lands, and rent-charges were applied to secular purposes or even to Catholic purposes — or if, leaving the Protestant Establishment alone, the Catholic Church were endowed by the State, and put on a footing of perfect equality of wealth and privilege with the Piotestant Church, we should only have dealt with one feature, with one symptom of the disease, and should not have reached the seat of the disorder. The wound of Ireland is, that whereas the great majority of the population of Ireland arc Catholics, such a large jrrojwi'tion of the soil of Ireland belongs to Protestants, and that Protestants form such a large portion of those classes which, by superior wealth and superior advantages, are raised in social station higher than the rest. " This we l)elieve to be the root of the Irish Evil, and it lies deeper, far deeper, than the Irish Protestant Church Establishment. We are perfectly convinced, and on evidence than which demonstra- tion could scarcely bo more conclusive, that if the Legislature were to confiscate to-morrow every acre of land and every shilling of tithe rent-charge now l)elonging to the Protestant Church Establishment in Ireland, and were to deprive the Protestant Bishops and Clergy of every legal privilege which they now possess by virtue of their be- longing to the State Church, they would not have abated the Irish grievance, or cured the Irish disease ; they Avould only have caused a change in the form of words l)y which the conq)laiuts of those who feel aggrieved now find expression." APPENDIX. 27 APPENDIX (A). Progressive increase of Clerg}', &e., in Ireland from 1730 to 18G3. Clergy. Churches. 1730 1 800 400 1806 - 1,253 1,029 18263 1,977 1,192 1864'' 2,172 1,579 Income of Irish Benefices 5. Under £100 a year, 200 „ . . . 300 „ . . . Benefices i. Glebe Houses, , , 141. 1,181 295. 1,396 768. 1,510 ES^. 276 353 426 978. 1,055 Over tliat average .... 455 ^ Total number of Benefices . . 1,510 Patronage of Irish Benefices '^. In the gift of the Crown . . . 165 In Ecclesiastical Patronage . . 1,095 In La}' Patronage .... 250 Total J^i? APPHXDIX (B). The following dates in Irish Church history are Avorthy of special notice at this time ; for it will be seen from tliem that there is little difficulty in tracing the origin and subsequent development of Romish power in Ireland, a.d. Landing of St. Patrick in Ireland .... 432 The Jirst Bishop resident in Ireland who acknowledged sub- jection in spiritual matters to any but an Irish Primate was Patrick, second Archbishop of Dublin . . . 1074 The first assertion of the Pope's supremacy as extending to Ireland was made b}^ Pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand) . 1084 The ^rst Romish Legate in Ireland was Gillebert, Bishop of Limerick . ...... 1106 The Jirst Irish Council at which a Pope's Legate presided was that of Rathbreasil . . . . . .1110 The first Palls bestowed on an}' Bishop of the Irish Church were sent over in . . . . . .1151 (More than 700 years after the foundation of the Irish Churcli by St. Patrick-.) The j^r.9^ Irish Council which regulated the Church ritual and discipline of Ireland in conformity with tlie Chureh of England, then in communion with Rome, Avas that of the Synod of Cashel . . . . . .1172 The first Primate of Armagh appointed by a Pope was Eugene M'Gillivider 1206 ^ Charles' Irish Church Directory for 18G5. 2 KeiJOi't of Commissioners of Ecclesiastical Inquiry, 1807. 3 I. C. Erek's Eeclesiastical Register. * Parliamentary Returns, 1861. * Primate's Charge in 1861, p. 10. " Of these, according to a Parlia\nentary return, No. 273 (1864), 226 are under £100 a year, leaving: only 229 benetices in all Ireland above that annual value. '' Thom's Directory for 1868, p. 751. 28 APPENDIX. A.D. Tlie Papal Supremacy was renounced by the Church of Ireland 1534^ The first Prcsuyterian congregation formed in Ireland (Mant. i. 367) . . . . . . . . 1611 The Convocation which accepted the English Articles of 1562 and ordained the Irish Canons was held in . . . 1634 Tlie Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland received the Koyal Assent, August 1 . . . . . 1800 The Roman Catholic Emancipation Act was passed in . . 1829 The Church Temporalities Act (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 37), by which ten Irish Bishoprics were suspended, Avas passed in . . 1834 The Tithe Commutation Act, by Avhich tlie incomes of the Clergy were diminished 25 per cent., was passed in . . 1838 jMinisters' money (amounting to £12,500 a year), hitherto paid by certain towns, abolished and placed on the Ecclesiastical Commissioner's Fund ..... 1854 Irish Church History may be divided into the following periods : — yeaes. The Church existed in Ireland without acknowledging the Papal Supremacy from a.d. 432 to a.d. 1152, a period of . 720 The Supremacy of the Pope was exercised in Ireland from a.d. 1152 to A.D. 1534, a period of .... 382 The Reformed Church in Ireland has renounced the Supremacy of the Pope since a.d. 1534, a period of . . . 334 Total period of Christianity in Ireland .... 1^136 Total period during which the Church in Ireland has not acknowledged the Supremacy of the Pope . . . 1054 APPENDIX (C). Glebe-Lands in Ireland. Area of Ireland in Statute acres. . . . 20,815,460 * Glebe-lands in the hands of the Beneficed Clergy . 132,756| 20,682,703^ These Glebe-lands are distributed as follows : — A. R. p. Province of Armagh „ Tuam 111,151 3,067 3 293 2i 114,218 3 32 Province of Dublin „ Cashel 9,475 9,062 1 1 36§ 13f 18,537 2 lOi 1 " When these historical facts can be annihilated, and not until then, the Chm-ch of Rome may boast of the antiquity of the i-cccption of her doctrines and system in this country ; for the ancient religion of Ireland cannot he that ichicli com- menced its development 000 i/ears at least after the arrival of St. Patrick in this island. And wliosocvcr, tlicrefore, is disposed to look upon submission to the Pope as the supreme head of tlio Church on earth, as a necessary sign of a good Catholic Christian, will find very little traces of such Catholics in Ireland before the close of the 11th century." — R. King's Irish Church History, ii. 581. " Thorn's Official Directory for 1868, p. 713. 3 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry in 1833. APPENDIX. 29 It will be observed, that 111,151 acres (or o-Gtlis of the whole) lie within the ancient province of Ai-mac^h, and were granted to the lleformed Church in the 17th century, and therefore never were in the possession of the Church of Kome. £ Total value of Crops in Ireland in 1806 .... 30,217,776 Poor Law Valuation of Property in 1866 .... 12,989,026 43,206,802 ^ A tithe of that would be 4,320,680 Gross Income of all the Irish Bishops and Clergy . . 586,428 Net Income *. . . 448,943 The above returns are taken from Thorn's Official Directory for 1868. Educational Statistics ". Trinity/ College Diihlln : — 1864 (last return published). Students on the Books .... 1,166 Entered in 1864 353 Degree's conferred 1864-65 . . . 441 Quee^is Colleges : — No. of Students, 1864-65 : Belfast 403 Cork 263 Galway 169 835 National Board :— 1864. 1865. 1866. No. of Schools . . 6,263 6,372 6,453 Pupils on the Roll . . 870,401 922,084 910,819 Parliamentary Grant .£251,016 £325,582 £380,583 Church Education Society :— 1864. 1865. 1866. No. of Schools . . . 1,504 1,498 1,510 Pupils on the Roll . . 69,038 68,856 67,227 Income .... £45,160 £45,155 £45,619 1 This is exclusive of the Live Stock in Ireland, which, in 1866, was valued at £50,453,522. See Thorn's Directory for 1868, p. 787. 2 Thorn's Official Directory for 1868, p. 827, 828. 27 30 APPENDIX. APPENDIX (D). SUMMAEY OF TJie Roman Catholic Church in Ireland^. Archbigliops ..... Bishops ...... Total number of Priests, including Regu lai-s and Private Chaplains, &e. . . 3,120 Parishes ....... I.07I Churches and Chapels .... 2,329 Protestants and Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom. It is believed that the following will be found to be neariy an accurate Statement of the number of Protestants and Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom in 1861 -. Protestants. Roman Catholics. Endand . . 19,497.316 707.188 = 20,205.504 Ii-eiand . . 1,293,702 4,505,265 = 5,798,967 20.792.018 5.212.453 = 26.004.471 Scotland . . 2.938.Sul 122,4.5n = 3.061,251 Total. . 23,730,819 5,334,983 = 29,566,732 Classification of Benefices, 1834 and 1861 ^. Having no member of the Established Church . „ I and not more than 20 20 50 100 200 500 „ 1,000 ,, 2,000 „ o,0<'J0 and over . 1834. IS6I. Number. Number. Sus- Not pended. suspended. 41 20 19 1 an 20 99 137 44 93 50 124 161 1(X> 161 214 200 224 220 b(y) 286 '2S(y l,ro^ 210 160 2.000 139 107 5,000 91 12 56 11 1,387 1,372 The Ecclesiastical Commissioners return the number of benefices at 1510, but thev include 138 Perpetual Curacies. In the Census of 1861, the Com- mi.ssionei's took no notice of Perpetual Curacies, or district parishes. ^ These returns are taken from the Roman Catholic Directory for 1866. - It is too often forgotten that the disestablishment of the Irish Church is an Imperial question, which intimately concerns the whole of the United Kingdom. Disendow the EstabUshed Church in Ireland, and on what principle can the Esta- blishment in Scotland be maintained ? ^ Great misapprehension seems to prevail in some quarters respecting the number of Vjenefices in Ireland in which the C^lurch population is less than 50. The Pall Mall Gazette of Dec. 21, 1867, in a leading article, stated that in 1834 there were 860 benefices with fewer than 50 Protestants, and suggested " there are probably now close on 1000." The real number in 1834 was 264, and in 1861, 224 (not including the suspended parishes). K these are included, the number is 318, leaving 1192 benefices out of the 1510, with a Church population of more than 50. APPENDIX. 31 o a o =3 < 1 .s ^•K X o o ,^ r^. .^^ ^^ -0 t>. i> t«» f "S =^ 5 ro ?i i3 CO — -• ^-« s X ^ X »o ?i cc ?! Ol 01 01 01 01 01 01 OJ 01 Ol "^ >l ^ =^ ■?i _ii CO lO lO _ ^^ .^ 01 t>. 1-^ ,_ ,_ ^ «T ^ » t> w Ci ^ 1— 1 X to »— 1 o o o ^•O T? 00 ;s o \a Tf* t> oc 1-^ t> X »-t TTt l>- o o of ^ ■»* l< ~c ^ x O OJ ©» "ca \a CO CO CO oi 1— 1 rs »7I CO 01 01 £5 CO 9 ^ M =f^ ^ » iS S , o ^ o 1 «?^-* t> o 30 o o X CO CI CJ OJ -* t^ Ci *»• ^ X 3C x» o O o o CO X o Ol lO X »o 00 o o ■-( t^ ^ -> l-- tc ^ -^ CO X — . i> Ci -— -S t>. o «o ^^^ 30 lOi o Sk to o Ol o tO t^ ^ ti t> Si ^T«i — Ol ^ i^ 30 -I w^ CO t> — "x o o CC ^ to t> Ol 1.0 CO to ^ to CO t> i :F -" o :o o i^ ^ — ^ J^ r-( I-I '^ Ol c* to - rH 1— * ;c _• 1^ t^ ^. ^'l 01 ^ -- _i OJ -« _ X Ol •w •«»-l to ^ O 70 ^ lO to lO oi -^ t* X si .^ C^ 1— ( 01 Tl —1 — - 01 Ol — ^ -H 01 ^ 1— i r^ 1 ^ of . O : 5 i ^^ "tS ir: 2 t^ -— t^ ^ X 7^ to 7^ .M -^ 72. to ! s£ r- t> o 3C 01 01 X X ~5 t-- oi o 1 " ll =-■ o ri V.O X lOl Ol o rH • t>- CO o vO o i to 1 KN . — "If l> 3 ■-T" ^i^ o l^ :o t* o ^ t> X CQ I M ■" .—I "^ 1— ( ^^ i—t I-H I— 1 l—i 5 r-l 1 ' i rs CO ,^ ,^ .^ ^ i-H ^_^ ^__ )— t Ci 1 w x>. -^ t^ 7C — ^ i>^ I> ^ X ^ X to ©i 1 zz I— I .-1 I— I ^ — r-l 1— I — to f-l 1 ^ r_ 1 o « as 1 1 ^ o rs o 3^ iO 01 uO __ 5;^ ~; ^ to o » ' *? t>. o -7* o t^ ^ t>- ^ t^ X 1-f Ol , ii — i i-i -H 1— i "^ ^—■ ^^ r^ !— i to 1-1 1 Z i-T ' ~" i-f ^ -^ c-i 01 t-- t> o O o X M o OJ 1 t^ ■^" o *^ ^ »-f f-l t^ ^^ CO CO o Zi t^ i. ? "o r3 30 30 :^ o CO l> M fH o o« O CO 1 >-_ S O t> cs o oi" ^ l> o CO Ci o ^ tO < = = "^ I— 1 I— t r^ — '"' f— 1 f-i I— 1 Ol 1—1 J 1 M .-^ -^ o vO lO ^ t>. -^ !> -^ „ --. — C; O rS l> N Si ^ ^ — ^ r^ r^ w to is — •^ X X) 00 C5 o ^- t* !-^ Ol t^ O Ol 30 CO 1 3-= fe X o CS Ci -^ T^. OJ 2 O cT •— r t>r w^ i r^ :; w 1 <7.< o Ti| M lO O X X o t>. -i^ o ^ t> ri T? OS 3*1 o OJ t> "^ t> t* t* t* 1 ^^ r-i r-T r-T — * ^^ f— » r-T r-T 1—1 r-T -H Ol J_, , , . , , ^ . , • ^ c> _** ^ 1 M) • O * * • • • • • • ^ ^ • 3 OQ 5 3 ■ * ' o 30 -a :j V a /•^ 9 C5 ^ u •3 3 "5) < >> = '^ s 1 J >1 i "3 2 i5 .9 5 r-5 ?i rs -T* V-O -o t^ X — =i oi — ( 1 > < JO aouiAOJj JO dOUlAOJJ 9 00 ^ X ^ 1—1 j" J* to > ^ o .2 ^ o s to O I— I o S « X C4 ^'atcln Dublisljri) iu l|jc mu Sulbor. The IlUSir CHUKCII QUESTION : Letter to the Ki^rht Hon. Lord Dufrerin, K.P., on somo Kcmarks of his respecting the Irish Church, in liis recent AtUlress deUvercd at Belfast, as President of tlie Social Science Confess, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 18G7. Second J£ditio)K Price G^' ;^' N5»