/ 1 1 Published by ^ Authority of the City Council 1 REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE ' CITY OF URBANA ILLINOIS ' 1898 Revised and Arranged by F, M. Snyder, 5, M. White and O, B. Dobbins m W^^ W^' ^' :^ "^^c^'^-^s^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume •55S,0T7^ "Ut2 ^ -r y- P 11-20M >^ '^j; /f- w r* f^ ■kr .^ &-^^m w ^ Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library ¥- APR ;^ ^ ^979 APn ;^79 v-rr-. .- ., .. I L161— H41 2^ REVISED ORDINANCES OF THK CITY OF URBAINA ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF URBANA, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 3, A. D. 1898. REVISED AND ARRANGED BY F. M. SNYDER. SPENCER M. WHITE AND OLIVER B. DOBBINS THE GAZETTE PRESS ^ Champaign, III 1898. 3^ c. 077 1) STATUTES For the Incorporation of Cities and Villages, Act of April 10th, 1872, the following of which is an Index or Digest so far as seenn appropriate and useful. ARTICLE II. OF THE MAYOR. Section 1. Mayor and his qualifications; term of office two years. Sec. 2. Filling- vacancy in office of Mayor — when filled — election. Sec. 3. When not filled by election. Sec. 4. Temporary absence; Mayor pru ton. Sec. 5. Becomes vacant by removal from city. Sec. 6. Mayor presides at all meeting's; has casting- vote only. Sec. 7. Power to remove his appointees — mode of pro- cedure. Sec. 8. In citv limits has power of sheriff to suppress disorder. Sec. 9. Power to release prisoners committed for breach of ordinances, and shall report to the Council said release and cause thereof, at first session thereafter. Sec. 10. Isjield to execute laws and ordinances. Sec. 11. Power to inspect books, records and papers of officers, employe or agent of city at all times. Sec. 12. Annual and other messages to City Council. Sec. 13. Power to suppress riots and other disorderly conduct and to enforce ordinances. Sec. 14. Penalty for misfee^sance and other violation of duties. 188849 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. ARTICLE III. OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Section 1. Is composed of Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 2. Number of Aldermen apportioned to popula- tion. Sec. 3. Aldermen to hold office for two years. Sec. 4. Vacancies to be filled by election. Sec. 5. Must be qualified elector; live in ward for which he is elected; shall not be interested in any contracts either individually or as a member of firm with city throug^h Mayor, officers, or ag-ents where money is to be paid directly or indirectly. Sec. 6. Council judg-e of the election and qualifica- tions of its members. Sec. 7. May make its own rules; punish for disorderly conduct and may expel once for offense named. Sec. 8. Majority of Aldermen constitute quorum; minority may adjourn from time to time and compel attend- ance of absentees by ordinance. Sec. 9. May by ordinance fix time and place of meet- ing-; define mode of calling- special meeting-s. Sec. 11. Shall transact business with open doors. Sec. 12. Shall keep journal of proceeding-s. Sec. 13. Yeas and nays called on passage of all ordi- nances; also all propositions to create any liability against city for expenditure or appropriation of any money, and when requested by any member, yeas and nays shall be taken and enrolled. Sec. 14. Former vote of Council not rescinded at spe- cial meeting unless as large number of votes present as when passed. Sec. 15. Report of committee shall be laid over till next regular meeting at request of two members. Sec. 16. Territorial jurisdiction for purposes of en- forcing health and quarantine ordinances. Sec. 17. Mayor or any three Aldermen may call special meetings. Sec. 18. Ordinances to be deposited in City Clerk's office before they take effect; Mayor's approval and veto; ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. may veto a portion of aa ordinance and the residue shall be in force. Mayor's objections in writings must be returned to Council with ordinance. Sec. 19. Passing- over veto. Upon reconsideration two-thirds necessary by yeas and na3's. ARTICLE IV. BISECTIONS. Section 1. Election third Tuesday in April. Sec. 2. Election of, biennially, Mayor, City Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney, No Treasurer to be elected two terms successively. Sec. 3. Voters for any state officers having- resided thirty days in election precinct may vote. Sec. 4. Wards, half as many as members of Alder- men. One Alderman in each ward elected annually for two years. Sec. 6. Minority representation. Sec. 7. Aldermen under minority plan. Sec. 8. Aldermen when minority plan not adopted. Sec. 9. Places of election; appointment of judges and clerks; notice. Sec. 10. Manner of conducting elections. Sec. 11. Result; lots cast for office in case of tie. Sec. 12. Notice to persons elected within five days; must qualify in ten days or office becomes vacant. Sec. 13. When no quorum in office of City Council vacancies filled by election; manner of holding- same. ARTICLE V. OF THE POWERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Section. 1. The municipal government has the power, conferred by this section, as defined, in ninety-six para- graphs, giving- specific authority of a legislative character, to do acts of a corporate nature, and in addition the ninety- sixth paragraph confers a g-eneral power to pass all neces- sary ordinancjs to carry these specific powers into effect. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. This article is amended by laws of 1887, Kurd's Statutes (1897), p. 272, so that cities are empowered to "license, tax, regulate or prohibit itinerant merchants and transient venders of merchandise." Sec. 2. Style of ordinances: "Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana." Sec. 3. Requires publication of all ordinances impos- ing- any fine, penalty or forfeiture, or making- any appro- priation of money, in one month after passage. When ordinances to take effect. Sec. 4. Relates to manner of proving ordinances. Sec. 5. Suits for violation of ordinances brought in name of city as plaintiff. Sec. 6. Fines and license fees paid to Treasurer. Sec. 7. Mode of procedure in suits for violation of ordinances and mode of inflicting punishment under con- viction. (Note — Repealed by paragraph 299, Kurd's Stat- utes, 1897, page 312). Sec. 8. Jurisdiction given to all police and other jus- tices of the peace in such suits. Sec. 9. Process may be served by any Constable or by Sheriff as well as city officers. ARTICLE VI. POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 1. Provides for electing a Mayor, City Coun- cil, a City Clerk, City Attorney and Treasurer. Sec. 2. Two-thirds of the Council may by ordinance provide for election, or appointment by the Mayor, of a City Collector, a City Marshal, a Superintendent of Streets, a Corporation Counsel, a City Comptroller, and such other officers as the Council may deem necessary to perform such duties as the Council may prescribe. Sec. 3. Appointments, vacancies, duties and powers of officers. Sec. 4. All officers to take oath bonds. Sec. 5. Commissions of officers, certificates of election. Sec. 6. Qualifications of officers, must be an elector and not a defaulter to the city. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 7. Prohibits all officers being- directly or indi- rectly interested in any contract in any manner which re- quires money to be taken from the city treasury. Note. — A violation of this provision of law may be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for not less than one, nor more than five years, or by a fine of not less than two hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars, or both, to be followed by vacancy in office, and disqualifica- tion to hold any office in the State for two years. Revised Statutes 1897, chap. 102, sec. 4. Sec. 8. Bribery, penalty, Criminal Code, chap. 38, Revised Statutes, sec. 31. Sec. 9. No officer to hold any other office. Sec. 10. Duties of clerk, have seal, papers and records. Sec. 11. Ordinances to be recorded, and memorandum of passage, publication or posting-. Sec. 12. Names of officers who shall be conservators of the peace, and g-ives authority to make arrests. Also g-ives policemen statutory powers of constables for such purposes, as amended by laws of 1883, p. 58. Sees. 13, 14, 15. Relates to the salaries of officers. Sec. 16. Mayor and City Clerk to have power to administer oaths. ARTICLE VII. OF FINANCES OF CITY. Section 1. Fiscal year to beg-in at date of annual elec- tion of officers, unless otherwise fixed by ordinances. Sec. 2. Annual appropriation bill to be passed in first quarter of fiscal year. Sec. 3. Relates to expenditures under appropriation bills. Also relates to manner of borrowing- money for necessary improvements. Sec. 4. Appropriation ordinance must precede all con- tracts or the incurring- of any liability. Sec. 5. Treasurer to receive all moneys. Sec. 6. To keep separate accounts of each appropria- tion or fund. Sec. 7. To g-ive receipts for all money paid to him. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. specifying date of payment, and on what account paid, copies filed with Clerk. Sec. 8. To make monthly statements, warrants, vouchers, register. Sec. 9. Deposit of money, security of funds given, funds to be kept separate and not mingled with his own money ; forbidden to use corporate money for his own use, under penalt}- of immediate removal from office. (See Criminal Code, chap. 38, sees. 80 and 81). Sec. 10. Make annual report and publish same. Sec. 11. All money to be paid on warrants ; warrants to be sisftied by Mayor, countersigned by Clerk, and state particular fund. Sec. 12. Funds from special assessments to be kept separate and used for no other purpose. Sec. 13. Defines duties of City Collector. Sec. 14. To make annual report, and City Clerk to publish or post same as in case of Treasurer's report. Sec. 15. Must not detain money ; penalty, immediate removal from ofl&ce. Sec. 16. Books always open to examination ; must pay over all money collected every two weeks, or oftener,'as di- rected. Sec, 20. All ofl&cers connected with receipts or expend- iture of money may be required to perform other duties when specified. Sec. 21. Appeal to Finance Committee to adjust dif- ferences in accounts of financial officers, and decision final unless Council otherwise directs. Sec. 22. Each officer to appoint his subordinates in office. Sec. 23. Par. III., Starr & Curtiss, vol. 1, page 733, relates to tax of foreign insurance companies. This section seems inoperative, as repealed by sec. 30 of the statute con- cerning insurance in force July 1st, 1879. Insurance Company vs. Chicago, 126 111. 276. In lieu of above section, see laws of 1895, Brad. ed. page 69, which repeals prior statutes, and is in force. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. ARTICLE VIII. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. Section 1. Provides method for ascertaining" amount of revenue to be raised, and when ; by ordinance specifying" purpose for which levied. Sec. 2. To be collected as State and county taxes are, and by same officers. Sec. 3. Collecting" officer to settle every two weeks. Sec. 4. Special taxes to be set apart for payment of intended debt. Sec. 5. Uniformity required in all general taxes. Constitution 1870, art. 9, sec. 9. Note. — The foregoing refers to Kurd's Revised Stat- utes of Illinois, of 1897. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA AN ORDINANCE For Revising and Consolidating the General Ordinances of the City of Urbana, Illinois. Whereas, It has become expedient to consolidate, ar- rang-e in appropriate chapters and sections, index and revise the g-eneral ordinances of the City of Urbana, Illinois, and supply defects therein, and to that end to adopt an ordi- nance in revision of said ordinances; therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City oj Urbana., Illinois., in manner follozving — that is to say: CHAPTER I. ADDITIONS, MAPS AND PLATS. SECTION- 1. Additions to correspond with streets. 2. Plats must be submitted to Council. 3. I'enalty for recording plat before approval, etc. 4. Penalty for selling lots, etc. 5. Certificate of approval. Section 1. Any addition which may hereafter be made to the City of Urbana, or any lands adjoining- or within the same, which may be laid out into lots or blocks, shall, where practicable, be so laid out, surveyed and platted, that the blocks or other subdivisions thereof shall conform to the regular blocks of the original town plat, or with the regular blocks of the additions adjoining such lands or ad- ditions so proposed to be laid out, and the streets and alleys shall correspond with and conform to the previously estab- lished streets and allej^s with which they may connect, and continue the same. 14 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 2. Any person who shall survey or plat any addi- tion to the City of Urbana, or any lands adjoining- or with- in the same, into lots, blocks or other subdivisions, or shall re-subdivide any block, lot, sub-lot, out-lot, or part thereof, within said city, shall submit the map, plat or subdivision thereof to the City Council for its approval ; and no such map, plat or subdivision shall be valid, or be admitted to record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Champaig-n county until the same has been so submitted and approved by the City Council. Sec. 3. Any person who shall, as owner of the land so surveyed or platted, or as the agent of any such owner, cause to be recorded in the Recorder's office of Champaign county any such map, plat or subdivision mentioned in sec- tion 2, without having the same submitted to and approved by the said City Council before filing the same in said Re- corder's office for record, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 4. Any person who as owner of the land so sur- veyed or platted, or as the agent of any such owner, shall sell, or offer for sale, any lot, block, subdivision or part thereof, in any such addition, division or subdivision of lands as mentioned in section 2 hereof, before the map, plat or subdivision thereof has been approved by said City Council, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. If the City Council approve any map or plat of any addition or subdivision submitted to it, as herein pro- vided, a certificate of such approval shall be endorsed upon said map or plat, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 15 CHAPTER II. AMUSEMENTS. SECTION— 1. Classification of amusements. 2. License for, required. 3 Licenses and fees. 4. How license obtained. 5. License subject to ordinances in force. 6. Entertainments prohibited where lifjuors sold. 7. Indecent plays. Section 1. For the purpose of providing" for the licens- ing- of theatricals, shows, amusements, and all public exhi- bitions for g'ain, the same are hereby divided into three classes, which shall be known as first, second and third class, viz : First. Entertainments of a reg-ular or dramatic or op- eratic character and neg-ro minstrels, g-iven in theaters or opera houses, shall be known as entertainments of the first class. Second. Concerts or other musical entertainments, public reading^s, exhibitions of painting^s and statuary, per- formance of feats of jug-g-lery, sleight-of-hand or necro- mancy, exhibitions of natural or artificial curiosities, vari- ety shows, and other entertainments of every kind and character not mentioned in this section, which may be g-iven in theaters, opera houses or public halls, shall be known as entertainments of the second class. Third. Circuses, menag-eries, caravans, hippodromes, side-shows and concerts, minstrel or musical entertainments g"iven under a canvas, exhibitions of freaks of nature or monsters, and all exhibitions that may be g-iven in the open air or under a canvas, not herein specifically mentioned, shall be known as entertainments of the third class. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall g-ive any entertain- ment mentioned in this chapter, within the corporate limits of the city, for g-ain, without a license therefor, first had and obtained from the City Clerk, under the corporate seal, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Provided, that for concerts, exhibitions, musical entertainments, lectures or dramatic entertainnents g-iven by or for some lodg-e, associ- 16 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. ation, society or church, or entertainments for charitable purposes, no license shall be required. Sec. 3. Each license shall express on its face for what it is g-ranted, and the time for which it is granted, and the following- fees shall be charg-ed for each license g-ranted, and shall be paid to the City Clerk in advance by the per- son, persons or corporations applying- for such license, viz : First. For entertainments of the first class, the sum of three dollars for a sing-le exhibition or performance ; for two exhibitions, five dollars ; for three exhibitions, seven dollars ; for six exhibitions, twelve dollars, and for more than six exhibitions the sum of two dollars for each exhibi- tion thereover. Second. For entertainments of the second class, the sum of two dollars for each exhibition or performance. Third. For entertainments of the third class, the fol- lowing- suras shall be paid as license fee : For each three- ring-ed circus, or raenag-erie, or circus and menag-erie com- bined, or hippodrome, the sum of twenty-five dollars per day ; for each two-ring-ed circus or menag-erie, or circus and menag-erie combined, or hippodrome, the sum of fifteen dol- lars per day; for each one-ring-ed circus or menag-erie, or circus and menag-erie combined, or hippodrome, the sum of ten dollars per day ; for each side show with any circus, menag-erie or hippodrome, five dollars per day. For each concert, musical or minstrel show or entertainment g-iven under canvas, the sum of three dollars per day for each day. For any other entertainment of the third class not herein specified, the sum of two dollars per day for each and every day shall be paid. Sec. 4. Any person desiring- a license fi^r any of tlie purposes specified in this chapter s'.all make a written application therefor to the City Clerk, stating for what purpose, and the time said license is desired, the place where such entertainment is to be held, and shall accom- pany the same with the license fee, and the City Clerk shall issue such license to'such person or persons for the time the same shall be paid for in advance, 'which said license shall also be sig-ned by the Mayor. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 17 Sec. 5. Every license granted under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the ordinances of the city existing- when the same shall be issued, or which shall thereafter be passed so far as the same shall apply. Sec. 6. No person shall be allowed to g"ive any concert, musical entertainment, dramatic or variety show, or enter- tainment of any kind or character, in any licensed saloon or places where intoxicating- liquors are sold, or in any place the entrance to which shall be throug-h a saloon. Anj^ person violating- this section shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each violation. Sec. 7. No license shall be g-ranted for, or if g-ranted the same shall not be held to authorize the enacting- or per- formance of any indecent or lewd plays, exhibitions or entertainments of any kind or character whatsoever; and any person g-iving-, exhibiting- or taking- part in any such play, exhibition, performance or entertainment, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. 18 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER III. ANIMALS AND POUNDS. SECTION— 1. Animals prohibited at large. 2. Penalty for stock being at large. 3. Pound and poundkeeper. 4. Poundkeeper to take up same. 5. Duty of policemen. 3. Citizens may take up animals. 7. Redemption of animals from pound. 8. Proceedings where owner is known. 9. Proceedings where owner is unknown — form of notice. 10. Trial after notice — judgment. 11. Proceedings against non-resident owner. 12. Order of sale. 13. Poundkeeper's notice of sale — sale. 14. Poundkeeper's book — proceeds of sale. 15. Surplus paid to owner. 16. Breaking pound — hindering the impounding of animals. 17. Wrongful taking up of animals. 18. Report of poundkeeper. 19. Fees of marshal and policeman. 20. Geese. 21. Fees of poundkeeper and magistrate. 22. Driving animals through the streets. 23. Herding or staking animals on streets, etc., forbidden. 24. Suffering animals to walk over parking or sidewalks. Section i. That, hereafter, the running at large of any animals of the species of cattle, horse, mule, ass, swine, sheep, goat or goose, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, is hereby declared a nuisance, and is prohibited. Sec. 2. Whoever being the owner or possessor of any snch animal or goose shall suffer or permit the same to run or be at large shall be liable for the costs of taking up and impounding, and all expense of sustenance for such animals v-hen impounded, as heretofore provided. Sec. 3. The City Council shall provide a suitable pound or pounds, which shall be under the care and control of the poundkeeper of said city. The 2^Iayor may, by and with the consent of the City Council, appoint a suitable person, poundkeeper, who shall, before entering upon the duties of hi? office, execute a bond, with security to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 19 office, and for the payment of all moneys received by him ac- cording to law and the ordinances of said city. Or, the City Council, in the absence of any appointment of a poundkeeper by the Mayor as aforesaid, may, by resolution, direct that the City Marshal or any police officer shall act as poundkeeper, m which case he shall be the poundkeeper of said city, and siiall have all the powers and emoluments, and shall perform all the duties belonging to said office, as herein provided. The said Marshal or police officer shall also give a bond as poundkeeper in like sum, with the same conditions, as here- IV. provided. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the poundkeeper to take up and impound all animals found running at large in viola- tion of the ordinances of said city; and also to receive and im- pound any such animals when lawfully taken up by any other person. During the stay of any animal in the pound, he shall feed and water the same. Sec. 5. Every police officer of- said city shall forthwith take up and impound any animal known by him or creditably reported to him to be unlawfully at large within the city, and to cause suit to be instituted against the owner or possessor of such animal for violation of this ordinance in so permitting such animal to be at large. Sec. 6. It shall be lawful for any citizen of said city to take up any animal unlawfully at large, and either drive the same to the pound or confine the animal in some safe and convenient place, and immediately notify the poundkeeper, or some police officer of the city, and the officer so notified snail forthwith take charge of such animal and impound the s;.,me. Sec. 7. At any time before the sale of any impounded animal, the owner or person entitled to the possession there- of may redeem the same by paying to the poundkeeper the si ms following: In all cases where no judicial proceedings have been commenced, as herein provided, the fees for tak- ing up and impounding, and the cost for feeding and sus- tenance up to date of redemption, shall be the redemption money; in any case where a judicial proceeding has been commenced, but no judgment rendered, then the redemption 20 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. H'oney shall be the said fee for taking up and impounding, costs of sustenance and feed, and the costs accrued in such judicial proceeding; where such judicial proceeding has been commenced and judgment rendered, then such judg- ment, the costs of such proceeding, together with subse- quently accrued costs, and charges for sustenance, shall be the redemption money to be paid. Sec. 8. When any impounded animal is not redeemed within twenty-four hours after the same is impounded, the pcundkeeper shall forthwith make complaint before a Police Magistrate or some Justice of the Peace against the owner o] possessor of such animal, if known, and thereupon a sum- mons shall be issued, as in other cases for the violation of the ordinances of said city, and upon the return of such suin- mons, or the defendant having appeared, it shall be the duty of the Magistrate to incjuire whether the defendant has been guilty of permitting such animal to be at large contrary to the provisions of this chapter; and if the defendant be found guilty, judgment shall be rendered against him for the im- pounding fee and costs of sustenance herein prescribed, and the costs of suit, and an order shall be entered that the animal shall be sold to satisfy said judgment, in case the same shall not be paid forthwith. Such order shall describe the animal, with reasonable certainty and state the time and place of im- pounding the same. Sec. 9. When the owner of any animal impounded is unknown, the poundkeeper shall make complaint as provided in the last section, against the unknown owner of such ani- mal, describing the same, and thereupon the Magistrate be- fore whom such complaint shall be made shall docket the case in the name of the City versus the unknown owner of such animal, describing it with reasonable certainty, and shall issue a notice in substance as follows, viz: POUND NOTICE. Whereas, complaint has this day been made before me, that the un- known owner of the following described animal, to-wit: (here describe animal particularly) impounded at on the day of A. D has permitted the same to run at large con- trary to the ordinances of the City of Urbana. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to the owner ofsuchanima/ ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 21 and all persons interested in the same, that a trial will be had upon the said complaint at my office, in the City of Urbana, on the day of A. D , at the hour of m., when and v/herethe owner or other persons interested may appear and defend, if he sees fit so to do. Witness my hand and seal this ..day of A. D P. M. (or J. P.) [SEAL] The day named in said notice for trial shall not be less than five days nor more than ten days from the time of is- suing the same, and it shall be the duty of the poundkeeper, city marshal or any policeman, forthwith to post three copies cf said notice in three public places in said city. The ofiticer posting said notices shall return a copy thereof to the office of the Magistrate issuing the same, with his return, showing the time and places of such posting, indorsed thereon. Sec. 10. When the notice has been given as required b;, the last section, then upon the day and hour named in such notice, if the said animal has not been redeemed, the Justice or Magistrate issuing such notice shall proceed to hear the case, as in the case of personal service of summons; and if he finds that such animal has been lawfully and justly impounded, he shall render judgment accordingly, and shall also render judgment for the amount of fees, costs, expenses and charges incurred in the taking up, impounding, feeding ard sustenance of such animal, including the co:ts of said suit, and he shall enter upon his docket an order for the. sale ct such animal to satisfy said judgment. Sec. II. If the name of the owner or possessor of any impounded animal is known, but he resides or his agent has gone out of the city, so that summons cannot be served upon him as provided by Section 8 hereof, then like proceedings shall be had and like judgment rendered, as in the case of unknown owners, as provided in Sections 9 and 10 hereof, except that the notices provided for in Section 9 shall be ad- dressed to such owner or possessor by name, and an addi- tional copy of said notice shall be issued and sent by mail, acdressed to such owner or possessor, at his postoffice ad- dress. If his postoffice address is not known, and upon dili- gent inquiry cannot be ascertained, then such fact shall ap- pear in the return of the officer executing said notices, upon the copy of said notice by him filed in the office of the Magistrate. 22 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 12. Upon the rendition of any judgment as pre- scribed in Sections 8, lo and ii of this chapter, the Magi- strate rendering the same shall issue to the poundkeeper an order of sale, which shall be substantially in the following form: The People of the State of Illinois to.. Poundkeeper: 'A e command you, that the following described goods and chattels, to-wit: (here describfi animal,) the property of (here insert the name of the owner if known, if not, thea say; "some person unknown") you make the sum of dollars and cents debt, and dollars and cents costs, which the City of Urbaua lately recovered before me, against the said and hereof make due return in what manner you execute the same. Given under my hand and seal this day of A. D P. M. (or J.' P.) [seal] Which order shall be returned by such poundkeeper within thirty days from its date, to the office issuing the same, with his return endorsed thereon, showing when and how the same was executetd. Sec. 13. Upon the receipt of such order, the pound- keeper shall immediately post ten notices in ten several pub- lic places in said city, which notices may be in substance as follows: POUND NOTICE. Taken up and impounded in the city pound of the City of Urbana, at (here state place of pound), the following animal; (here describe animal), which, unless redeemed, will be sold at public auction for cash to the high- est bidder, at at the hour of o'clock m., on the day of A. D Poundkeeper. The day of sale mentioned in said notices shall not be less than three nor more than five days after posting the srime, exclusive of Sundays, holidays and election days; and if the said animal is not redeemed, the poimdkeeper shall sell the same in accordance with said notice, to the highest and btst bidder for cash in hand. Said sale shall be made be- tween the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. Said poundkeeper shall not sell two or more animals at one bidding. Sec. 14. The poundkeeper shall keep a book, to be provided by the City, which shall be open to the inspection of the public, in which he shall record a description of all ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 2^ animals impounded, with the date of impounding each, the owner's name if known, the name of the person or officer by whom the animal was taken up, also what disposition was made of such animal, when and by whom redeemed, or, in CHse of sale, the date of sale, the name of the purchaser and the amount received therefor; and said poundkeeper shall, within ten days after sale of animals, as herein provided, pay into the City Treasury all moneys received by him in excess of the fees, costs and charges accruing to him, and the costs accruing in the judicial proceedings, which last named costs he shall pay over to the magistrate issuing the order of sale. Sec. 15. If any surplus proceeds of any sale shall have been paid into the City Treasury, the owner of the artimal '.o sold shall be entitled to receive such surplus, less all costs and charges which may have accrued to the officers of the City, upon presenting to the City Council, or the proper committee thereof, satisfactory proof of his ownership, to- gether with a certificate of the poundkeeper of the amount of such surplus. Sec. 16. Whoever shall break open, or in any manner, dnectly or indirectly, aid or assist in, or counsel or advise the breaking open of any city pound, or shall take or attempt to take therefrom any impounded animal without the pound- keeper's consent, or whoever shall hinder, or delay, or obstruct the taking of any animal found unlawfully at large *^o the pound, or shall attempt to prevent the impounding tl ereof, in any manner, shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hun- fired dollars. Sec. 17. Any person who shall take or diive any ani- mal from any enclosed lot or tract of ground, or from any stable or other building, or from outside of the city limits, tc any pound in said city, or with intent that such animal may be impounded, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for every animal so taken or driven as aforesaid. Sec. 18. The poundkeeper shall, at each regular meet- ing of the City Council, make a full and complete report, under oath, of all animals impounded, the names of the 24 Ordinances of the; city of urbana. owners thereof, the disposition made of such animals, and all receipts and expenditures of and for his pound, and shall file therewith the receipt of the treasurer for all money paid into the City Treasury. Sec. 19. When the City Marshal or any Policeman of the City is, by order of the City Council, directed to act as pcamdkeeper, then the fees and charges allowed the pound- keeper under and by this chapter, shall be considered as compensation as poundkeeper, and shall be allowed in ad- dition to the regular salaries allowed him as City Marshal or policeman, respectively. Sec. 20. All the provisions of this chapter wherein geese are not specifically mentioned shall be construed to ap- ply to the taking up and impounding of geese, as well as animals. Sec. 21. There shall be allowed the poundkeeper of said city the following fees for services under the provisions cf this chapter: For taking up animals and putting them in pound, as follows: For each hog (except sucking pigs), twenty-five cents; for each sucking pig, goose, goat or sheep, ten cents; for all other animals taken up, fifty cents each. For providing feed and sustenance for impounding ani- mals, the following fees shall be allowed for each day, or part of a day; For each hog (except sucking pigs), sheep or goat, twenty-five cents; for each sucking pig or goose, ten cents; for all other animals, fifty cents each. There also shall be allowed and charged as an impound- ing fee, for receiving and taking animals into the pound, the following fees: For each hog (except sucking pigs), sheep, or goat, twenty-five cents; for each sucking pig or goose, ten cents; for all other animals, fifty cents. For posting, advertisements, under this ordinance, to owners of animals, the following fees shall be allowed: For each hog, goat or goose, ten cents; for all other animals, tv^enty-five cents. For selling any impounded animals under any order of sale issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, the follow- ing fees shall be allowed: For selling hogs (sucking pigs ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 25 excepted), sheep or goats, twenty-five cents each; for each sucking pig or goose, ten cents; for all other animals, one dollar each. Police Magistrates or Justices of the Peace shall be al- lowed, in all cases under this chapter, the same fees for dock- eting suits and issuing process of all kinds, and for other services, as are now provided by statute in civil cases, to be taxed and collected as is now provided by ordinance and statutes. Sec. 22. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any mules or horses through the streets or alleys of said city, unless they are securely haltered and controlled and led by some person having charge thereof. Any person vio- lating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than twenty dollars for each of- fense. Sec. 23. No person or persons whomsoever shall herd or stake out any cattle, horse, hog, sheep, goat or goose upon any street, alley, public ground, park or commons within said city. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each ofTense. Sec. 24. No person or persons driving cattle, horses or other animals upon or along the streets of said city shall suf- kr or permit such animal or animals to walk over or pass alcng or upon the parking in said streets or the sidewalks thereof, nor drive the same thereover. Any person or per- sons violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty c'ollars for each and every ofTense. 26 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER IV. AUCTIONS AND AUCTIONEERS. SECTION— 1. License required for auctioneers. 2. License fee and bond. 3. License — how obtained — not transferable. 4. Clerks. 5. Revocation of license. 6. Selling on streets, permit required. 7. Substitution of articles— penalty. 8. Penalties for permitting unlicensed persons to sell without permit. Section i. It shall not be lawful for any person or per- sons to pursue the business of auctioneer or outcry the sale of any goods, wares or merchandise or other property at auc- t.on, except such as are made under and by virtue of legal pjocess, judicial orders or sale under chattel mortgage, with- out a license therefor: and any person, whomsoever, violat- ing the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars. Sec. 2. Any person may become an auctioneer, and be licensed to sell personal property at public auction, at a place to be named in the license, upon payment to the City Clerk a license fee of ten dollars for six months or twenty dollars for one year, and executing a bond to the city, with suieties to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of ont thousand dollars, conditioned for the due observance of the ordinances of said city, for the prompt payment to the c:ty of all moneys belonging to the same, and for the prompt payment of all moneys and the delivery of all goods that may come into his hands in his business, to the persons entitled to receive the same: Provided, that the licenses may be issued under the provisions of this chapter for three months, upon the payment of the sum of seven dollars: but no such license shall be issued for a longer period than the municipal year, nor less than three months. And ptozjded further. ti.at any person permanently embarked in the busi- ness of auctioneer and having auction rooms may employ an auctioneer to sell for him at his rooms: or in case of his ina- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 27 bility from sickness or other cause, without taking out any additional Hcense. Sec. 3. Any person who may wish to obtain a Ucense under this chapter, shall apply in writing for the same to the Mayor, setting forth in such application his proposed place ( f business, the names of any partner or clerk, who will be engaged in such business, the length of time for which such Kcense is desired and the names of his sureties. If the ilsyor grants such license, he shall make an indorsement to that effect upon such application, and the same shall there- upon be presented to the City Clerk. In no case shall such 1!< cnse be tiansferable, nor shall any other person, partner or fi-m do business under the same, other than the person therein named, nor shall the place of business therein named O' changed without the consent of theMayor indorsed there- o;. Sec. 4. The said license shall designate who are per- n itted to do business under and by virtue of the same, either ar principal, agent or cleik, and if any other person is em- ployed as agent or clerk, to do business under such license, tlic consent of the Alayor shall be first had and obtained and indorsed on said license. Sec. 5. All licenses shall be subject to revocation by the Mayor, or the City Council, whenever it shall appear to his or their satisfaction, that the party so licensed, his agent or clerk, has violated any of the provisions of any ordinance re- latmg to auctions or auctioneers, or any of the conditions of the bond aforesaid. Sec. 6. Any auctioneer having a license, as aforesaid, c. his clerk may sell at public auction within any of the streets or alleys, squares or commons of the city, any horses, mules, cattle or any w-agon, carriage or other vehicle, or any article too cumbrous to be removed to his place of business, by obtaining written permission from the Mayor; but, ex- cept as herein provided, no articles shall be sold at public A endue by such persons, on the streets, alleys, public squares 01 commons as aforesaid. Any auctioneer violating the pro- virions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 28 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA, Sec. 7. Any auctioneer who shall exhibit and offer for sale at auction any article, and induce its purchase by any bicMer, and shall afterwards substitute any other article in lieu to that offered to, and purchased by the bidder, or who- ever shall, while engaged in or about making any auction sale, beg-uiltj of any device, trick or fraudulent practice with i-.itent thereby to deceive or defraud any bidder, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and the license of such person shall be revoked at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 8. Any licensed auctioneer who shall permit any o'"her person than such partner, agent or clerk, whose names are designated in his license, to sell any article at auction at the place designated in such license, without having permis- sion from the Mayor for such person to sell, indorsed on his 1-cense, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars, and such person so selling as partner, agent, clerk or otherwise, without such permission from the Mayor, shall also be subject to a penalty cf not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dol- lars for each offense. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 29 CHAPTER V. BICYCLES. SECTION— 1. Riding on sidewalks where street is oaved. 2. Riding on sidewalks where street is not paved— speed. 3. Rights of pedestrians, etc. 4. Carry bell or whistle, etc. 5. Must keep to the right on all streecr^ etc., when passing others. 6. Must carry lighted lamp or lantern at night. Section i. Whoever shall ride a bicycle upon or along, the sidewalks of any public street in the City of Urbana, where the said public street has a pavement laid thereon, or of any street which may hereafter have a pavement laid thereon shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three d(jllars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 2. Whoever shall ride a bicycle upon or along any sidewalk of any of the public streets of said city, wheie the stieets have not been paved at a speed to exceed six (6) miles per hour, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 3. That any person or persons riding a bicycle upon any sidewalk of the public streets of the City of Urbana, where the street or streets have not been paved, shall do so subject to the rights of all pedestrians upon said walks, and such persons shall give the pedestrians the absolute right to said walks and shall keep out of their way and avoid such pedestrians, and shall pass all pedestrians upon the outside of the walk. Whoever shall violate the provisions of this sec- tion shall be subject to a, penalty of not less than three dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 4. That any person or persons riding upon the sidewalks of any of the public streets of the City of Urbana, any bicycles or wheels, shall have and carry upon their wheel a bell or whistle and shall sound the same when approaching any pedestrian at a distance of not less than one hundred (100) feet from said pedestrian, and continue sounding such whistle or bell until such pedestrian's attention is called to the approach of said bicycle. Any person violating the pro- 30 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A. visions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 5. All persons meeting upon any street or public ground within said city, shall seasonably turn to the right, vl ether in vehicles, or upon motors, bicycles, or animals, so as to permit passing without interference or interruption. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section si all be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, Hc r more than fifty dollars. Sec. 6. \\^hoever shall within said city between the time of dusk and daylight, ride upon or along any of the public streets or sidewalks of said city a bicycle, unless the same shall be provided with and carry a lighted lamp or lantern thereon, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fiftv dollars for each offense. CHAPTER YI. BILLIARDS, TEN-PINS, ETC. SECTION— 1 License required— penalty. 2 License fees. 3. Billiard rooms, etc.— when closed. 4. Minors playing or loitering, etc., in billiard rooms, etc. Section i. Whoever shall keep within the City of Ur- bana for gain any billiard, pool, bagatelle or pigeon-hole table or any ball or ten-pin alley, to be used or played by others, without a license therefor, shall be subject to a pen- a;ty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each time any person may be permitted to play thereon or therewith; Provided, that this article shall not apply to any such article above named kept in private houses for private use or in club rooms for the use of the chib members. Sec. 2. There shall be taxed and collected for a Hcense to keep a bilhard or pool table for one year or less, five dollars for each table. There shall be taxed and collected for a license to keep a ten-pin alley or ball alley for one year ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 31 or less, ten dollars for each alley. There shall be taxed and collected for a license to keep a bagatelle table or a pigeon- hole table ten dollars each for one year or less. Sec. 3. All billiard rooms and ten-pin or ball alleys shall be kept closed by the proprietor thereof on Sunday, and on week days they shall be closed by thirty minutes after ten o'clock in the evening of each day, and be kept closed until five o'clock in the morning of the next day following. Any person violating this section shall, for each ofifense, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 4. No keeper, agent or servant of any billiard room, bagatelle or pigeon-hole table or ten-pin or ball alley, kept and maintained in said city, shall allow any minor to play at any game upon such tables or alleys kept by him, nor shall he permit any such minors to frequent or loiter about or remain in the same premises, unless upon the written con- sent of the parent or guardian of such minor, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol- L'.r? for each violation of this section, and upon conviction t! treof shall forfeit his license at the discretion of :he Mayor. 32 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA. CHAPTER VII. BOARD OF HEALTH. SECTION— 1. Board of Health to be appointed. 2. Term of office— compensation. 3. Duties of board. 4. Powers of board. 5. Hospitals— nurses 6. Removing persons to hospitals. 7. Orders of the board— how made — penalty for disobeying. 8. Small-pox notices. 9. Unlawful for persons to go abroad — when. 10. Duty of Mayor to give notice— when. 11. Orders — penalty for violating. 12. Report of physicians. 13. Order vaccination— penalty. 14. Notice to cleanse premise.^;. 15. Changing wearing apparel. 16. Bringing person or clothing infected into the city— penalty, 17. Removal of infected c'othing from city. Section i. That a Board of Health be appointed by the Mayor of Urbana, by and with the consent of the City Coun- cil, consisting of three reputable citizens of the city, one of whom shall be a physician, who shall constitute a Board of Health in and for the City of Urbana. And they shall elect from among their own number a president and secretary. Sec. 2. The term of office for the members of said board siiall not extend beyond the municipal year in which they arc appointed; and the City Council may by a two-thirds vote, at any time during the year, discharge any or all/mem- bers from further service. The several members of the board shall be entitled to receive a reasonable compensation for such time, as they shall necessarily devote to the duties of their office. Sec. 3. The board shall exercise a general supervision ever the health of the city, and shall make general and dili- gent examination and inquiry into all matters affecting the same. It shall cause all nuisances to be abated and removed which it may deem prejudicial to the public health, and it may make such sanitary rules and regulations as it deems necessary or expedient to preserve and promote the public ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 33 1-calth or prevent the introduction or spreading of any con- tpgious, malignant, infectious or pestilential disease. Sec. 4. Each member of the board shall have the right ?t all times during daylight to enter any house, store, stable or other building or premises, and to examine and inspect the same, and if he deems necessary, to cause the floors to be raised in order that he may examine any cellar, vault or drain; and to cause all privies, water closets, dry wells and swill barrels to be cleaned, renovated or removed; and to cause all dead animals, or nauseous or unwholesome thing ac substance to be removed or disposed of as they may di- rect; and to cause any and all premises within the city to be cleaned, and all nuisances removed therefrom. In cases of pestilence or epidemic disease, or of danger from anticipated or impending pestilence or disease, or in case the sanitary condition of the city should be of such character as to war- rant it, the said board can take such measures, and do, order, or cause to be done, such acts for the preservation of the public health as it may deem the public health and safety df^mand. Sec. 5. The Board of Health ma}-, when the sanitary condition or preservation of the public health of the city shall render it necessary, establish such temporary hospitals, and piovide such necessaries therefor, as the public exigency n]ay require; and said board shall be authorized to employ such nurses and assistants for such hospital or hospitals as may be deemed necessary, and shall see that all persons so employed by them faithfully perform their several duties. Sec. 6. The Board of Health may cause any person having infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, or who has been exposed thereto, to be quarantined, or to be remove^ to such hospital, and there provide the necessary medical at- tention, nurses and other provisions for such person, at his expense. Sec. 7. x\ll orders of the board when in session shall be made in writing and certified to by the secretary, and the Board of Health shall cause them to be executed by the City Marshal. Whoever shall refuse or neglect to obey any order 01 the said Board of Health, or any member thereof, whether 34 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. general or special, verbal or written, shaH be deemed guilty of a misdeameanor, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 8. If any person in the city shall have the small- pox, or other like malignant and infectious disease, the Board of Health shall, upon information thereof, cause notices thereof to be prepared for that purpose on which shall be printed or painted the name of the disease in large let- ters, the same to be posted in some' conspicuous place on the house or premises occupied by such person and it shall be the duty of such occupant or occupants of such house to keep such notices so posted up as long as directed by said board, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than filty dollars. Sec. 9. It shall not be lawful for any person connected V. ith any family, or an inmate of any house infected as afore- said, to visit, frequent or go into the business or inhabitated portions, streets or thoroughfares of the city, while such in- fectious or contagious disease shall exist or be in the city, and every person who shall be connected with any family, or an inmate of any hoijse infected, as aforesaid, who shall visit or frequent or go into the business or inhabited portions, stieets or thoroughfares of the city, shall be subject to a p< nalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dol- k rs for every time he or she shall leave the infected piemises for the purpose of going into the business or in- habited portions, streets or thoroughfares of the city afore- said, without obtaining a permit from said Board of Health. Sec. 10. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Mayor that any infectious or contagious disease has broken out or exists in the city, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to give notice to the persons occupying the house or premises in which the disease exists, that the provisions of mis ordinance will be enforced, and shall give notice that the persons mentioned in Section Nine of this ordinance are re- quired to keep within the bounds prescribed, and the Mayor is further authorized to see that the families thus kept with- in bounds are furnished with all necessary food and medicine. Sec. II. All orders and regulations of the Board of ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 35 Health shall be obeyed by all persons in the city; said board may order the abatement of any nuisance existing contrar}^ to any city ordinance, which may be prejudicial to the public health. Whoever shall neglect or refuse to obey any order of said board, as herein required, shall, for every such of- ionse be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 12. Every practicing physician of the City of Ur- bcina, who shall have any patient therein, laboring under any cc-ntagious, infectious or pestilential disease, shall forthwith r ake report thereof, in writing, to some member of the Hoard of Health, stating the name and describing the locality oi such patient, so that he may be easily found; and for any neglect or failure to so report, such physician shall incur a p*.nalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than fiftv dol- Ic'-rs. Sec. 13. The Board of Health may take such measures ss they may from time to time deem necessary to prevent the spread of small-pox, by issuing an order requiring all per- sons in the city or any part thereof, to be vaccinated within 5uch time as they shall prescribe; and all persons refusing or neglecting to obey such order shall be liable to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 14. The Mayor shall annually, during the month of May, cause printed notices to be pasted up, in at least fifty of the most public places in said city, commanding all per- sons in said city, within fifteen days from the date of said notices, to thoroughly cleanse and purify their yards, barn lots, pig styes, cellars, privies, and the alleys and streets adjacent, of all trash, filth, manure and other noisome sub- stances likely to occasion disease, or prove offensive to any person in said city, under penalty of failure so to do, of rigid prosecution under the ordinances of said city; and it is hereby declared the duty of the City Marshal and City Super- intendent of Streets to inspect the yards, barn lots, pig styes, cellars and privies of every person in said cit}', as well as all the streets and alleys of said city, and shall make complaint and cause to be prosecuted every person who fails to comply with such notices. Provided, That the notices aforesaid 36 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. shall not be construed as a condition precedent to fixing the bability of any person for the violation of any of the provis- ions of this chapter, and whoever shall refuse or neglect to cleanse and purify their premises as aforesaid, or shall refuse or neglect to obey the order of the Mayor or City Marshal given in pursuance of this section, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 15. Any physician, nurse or servant, attending or being about any person having the small-pox, or like infec- ticns or contagious disease, who shall not change or purify his wearing apparel before going upon any street or into any public place, or shall otherwise conduct himself as to en- dr'.nger the spreading of the disease, shall, for each and every oflense be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 16. Whoever shall bring into said city any per- son having the small-pox or other like infectious or conta- gious disease, or any clothing, bedding, or other article or thing infected with small-pox, or other infectious or conta- gious disease, shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dcllars. Sec. 17. Said Board shall cause any wearing apparel or bedding which they may deem infectious or likely to endan- ger the public health or safety, to be removed beyond the city hmits of the city and destroyed. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 37 CHAPTER VIII. CITY ATTORNEY. SECTION— 1. Duty of. 2. Compensation. Section i. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prosecute all suits for the recovery of f.nes or penalties, be- fore any court, for the violation of any of the laws or ordi- nances of said city, to furnish his written opinion upon any legal questions submitted to him for such opinion by the City Council, and to attend all meetings of said Council, when re- quested so to do by a majority of the Council; and he shall also make any reports concerning any suits to which the city may be a party, whenever directed so to do by the Council. He shall also prosecute any suits brought by the City against any person or corporation, or defend any suit brought by any person or corporation against the city, whenever requested so to do by the City Council. He shall also assist the Corpora- tion Counsel in any suits brought against the City or by it; whenever called upon so to do by the City Council. Sec. 2. The City Attorney shall receive for his services the sum of one hundred dollars per annum, and in addition thereto he shall be entitled to twenty per cent of all fines assessed and collected in city cases for a violation of any of the city ordinances, and two dollars in addition in each case as Attorney's fees to be taxed as costs of conviction. Provided, That in such cases the City Attorney shall be pres- ent and prosecute said cases. The said Attorney shall re- ceive no other compensation than as herein provided except, in the event of said Attorney being compelled to incur any expense in attending the Appellate or Supreme Courts of the State in behalf of the City, he shall be allowed and receive his reasonable expenses therefor. 38 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OE URBANA. CHAPTER IX. CLAIMS AGAINST CITY. SECTION— 1. Claims sworn to and referred, etc. 2. When to be presented to clerk — duty of committee. Section i. No claim or account against the City of Tjibana, except for the salaries of its regularly elected or ap- I'finted and commissioned ofificers, or for the payment of a special contract made by the City Council, oi some officer of the City authorized by ordinance to make contracts, shall be crnsidered, audited or allowed, nor shall any warrant -issue frr the payment thereof, unless the person presenting the same or some credible person for him, shall make oath that such claim or account is true, just and correct, and that the charges therein are reasonable; nor shall such warrant issue imtil such claim or account has been examined by at least two of the committee of the department to which such claim or account shall appropriately belong, which committee shall repoit such claim back to the Council, with its recommenda- tion indorsed thereon, signed by the members thereof. Sec. 2. All claims against the City shall be filed with the City Clerk by the morning of the days on which the regu- lar meetings of the City Council are held, and it will be the duty of the chairman of each committee of the City Council to apply to the City Clerk at such times for all claims appro- priately referred to such committee, and examine into the correctness of the same and make report to the City Council. No claims not filed with the City Clerk at the time specified herein shall be considered at the regular meeting of said Council on such day but shall be laid over until the next regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBANA. 39 CHAPTER X. CORPORATION COUNSEL. SECTION— 1. Office created. ?,. Appointment — term of office. 3. Oath— bond. 4. Duties of officer. 5 To deliver to successor all papers, etc. e. Compensation. Section i. There is hereby created the office of Corporation Counsel. Sec. 2. He shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council upon this ordinance going into effect, and thereafter at the beginning of the municipal year, or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in such office, and he shall hold his office for such municipal year, or remainder thereof, or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. The Corporation Counsel, before entering upon the duties of his said office, shall take and subscribe the fol- lowing oath or affirmation: "I do solemny swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will support the constitutiOQ of the United States and the constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Corporation Counsel according to the best of ray ability." And shall execute a bond with security to be approved by the City Council, payable to said city, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his said office. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel to furnish his written opinion upon any legal question sub- mitted to him for such opinion by the City Council, and to regularly attend all meetings of said City Council ; to draft all ordinances, bonds, contracts, leases, conveyances and other instruments of writing, as may be required by the business of the City ; he shall prosecute all proceedings brought in the proper courts for the levy and assessment of special taxes or assessments for any local improvements or the opening and laying out of any street or alley in said city; he shall assist the City Attorney, when directed so to do by the City Coun- cil or Mayor, in instituting or defending any suit which may 40 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. be brought in any court by or against the city, or which may be brought by or against any of its officers on account of any of their official acts; he shall also make any reports concern- ing any suits to which the City may be a party, whenever diiected so to do by the City Council. Sec. 5. Upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation thereof, or removal therefrom, the Corporation Counsel shall forthwith, on demand, deliver to his successor in office all deeds, leases, contracts and other papers in his hands belonging to the Corporation, or delivered to him by the Corporation or any of its officers, and all papers in actions prosecuted or defended by him, then pending undertermined, tu'gether with his register thereof, and of the proceedings thereon. Sec. 6. The Corporation Counsel shall receive an an- nual salary of one hundred and fifty dollars, payable quarter- ly; said compensation to be in full for all service rendered by him, including services rendered in County, Circuit or Appel- late Courts. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 41 , CHAPTER XL CITY COLLECTOR. SECTION— 1. Office of city collector created— aDDointment. 2 Bond of city collector. 3. Duty of city collector. 4. Pay over to city treasurer all moneys, etc. '. To keep books of account. 6 Compensation of collector. Section i. Tliere is hereby created the office of City Co!lector of special taxes and special assessments. The term o^' said officer shall be one year and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. The said Collector of special taxes and special assessments shall be appointed annually by the Mayor bv and with the advice and consent of the City Council. Sec. 2. Said Collector shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for City Officers and shall execute a bond to the City of Urbana in the penal sum of three thousand dollars with such securities as the City Council shall approve, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such Collector and the payment of all moneys received by him according to law and the ordinances of the said city. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Collector, into whose hands any warrant for the collection of any special assessments or special tax shall come, as far as practicable to call upon all persons resident within the city, whose names i'ppear on the assessment roll or the occupants of the prop- erty assessed, and personally or by written or printed notice left at his or her usual place of abode, inform them of such assessment or tax, and request payment of the same, and when payments of special assessments are made to him, to promptly pay the same into the City Treasury. If any of said special assessments or special taxes shall not be col- lected upon the warrants issued therefor, then the Collector shall make return of the warrant or warrants, as provided by law. Sec. 4. Said Collector shall pay over to the City 42 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Treasurer all moneys collected by him, weekly, or oftener if rrquired by the City Council, taking the Treasurer's receipt therefor, which receipt he shall immediately file with ihe City Clerk, who shall at the time on demand give the Col- lector a copy of any such receipt so filed. He shall make "re- port quartely in writing to the City Council, showing the amount of money collected, from whom received and on what account received; said Collector shall also make report of any other matter in connection with his office, when re- quired by the City Council, or by any ordinance of said city. He shall also annually, between the first and tenth of April, file with the City Clerk a statement of all the moneys col- lected by him during the year, the particular warrant, special assessment or account on which collected, the balance of moneys uncollected on all warrants in his hands and the bal- ance remaining uncollected at the time of the return on all warrants which he shall have returned during the preceding fiscal year to the City Clerk, Sec. 5_. Said Collector shall, under the direction and supervision of the finance committee, keep books and ac- counts which shall show all leceipts and moneys collected by him, and other matters pertaining to his office, such books ?nd accounts to be kept in a clear and methodical manner. Sec. 6. The City Collector shall receive for his services a compensation of one per cent, of all moneys collected by h.im and paid into the City Treasury. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 43 CHAPTER XII. CITY CLERK. SECTION— 1. Duties of the city clerk. 2. City clerk to issue all licenses, etc. Section i. The City Clerk shall keep the corporate seal of said city and all papers belonging to said city. He shall attend all meetings of the City Council, and keep a full and correct record of its proceedings in the journal. The Clerk shall also record in a book to be kept for that purpose all ordinances passed by the City Council, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded shall make a memo- randum of the date of the passage and of the publication or posting of said ordinance. He shall also keep full and com- plete accounts and exhibits of all financial transactions of the city to be entered upon such books as are provided for that purpose, including in such accounts all claims against the city as the same may be allowed and all orders for the pay- ment of money granted and on what account. He shall pre- serve in his office all bills on which any money niay be paid out by the City, which shall be neatly folded and endorsed with the name of the payee thereon, and when and how the said bill was disposed of. He shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by the ordinances of said City or the laws of the State of Illinois. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall issue all licenses in accord- ance with the ordinances of the City and shall keep a record in a suitable book of each license granted, to whom granted, for what purpose, for what length of time granted, the loca- tion of the place of business for which the license was ob- tained, and the amount of the license fee paid. He shall monthly, or oftener if required by the City Council, pay over to the Treasurer all license money received by him and take tiie Treasurer's receipt therefor. He shall at the first meet- in|; of the City Council in each month make a report of all license money collected, from whom received and for what purpose. 44 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER XIII. CITY TREASURER. SECTIOX— 1. Bond. 2 Receive and disburse moneys, etc. 2. Prohibited from using public moneys for own use, etc. 4. Render monthly account of treasury under oath. I Render a detailed account of receipts and expenditures annu- ally, etc. 6. "Warrants drawn on treasurer signed by mayor and clerk. Section i. The City Treasurer, before entering upon the duties of his ofifice, shall execute a bond with good sureties, to be approved by the City Council, in a sum not less than the estimated tax and special assessments for the current year. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer: First, To receive all moneys belonging to the City, to uisburse the same upon warrants signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk and to cancel all warrants as soon as redeemed by him by writing or stamping upon the same the word "paid." Second, He shall keep proper books in such manner tl at they may be readily understood and investigated, which shall contain a separate account of each fund or appropria- tion, and debits and credits thereto belonging and a general and accurate account of all moneys received by him, from whom received, and to whom disbursed, and on what account received and disbursed. He shall keep all moneys received from any special assessment in a separate fund to be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made and shall disburse the same for no other purpose, except to reimburse the City for money expended for such im- provement. Third, He shall deliver to every person paying money imo the City Treasury a duplicate receipt therefor specify- ing the date of payment, upon what account paid, and he shall also file copies of such receipts with the City Clerk at the date of his monthly report. Sec. 3. The Treasurer is hereby expressly prohibited from using either directly or indiiectly the public moneys or ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 45 uirrants in his custody or keeping for his own use or benefit or that of any other person or persons whomsoever; and for any violation of this provision he shall be liable on his bond fo) the amount of money thus misapplied, and be subject to removal from office by the City Council. Sec. 4. lie shall on the first Monday of each month, and oftener if required, render an account to the City Coun- cil, under oath, showing the state of the Treasury at the date of such account, and the balance of the money in the Treasury, with a statement, showing all moneys received into the Treasury and on what account, and what warrants have been redeemed by him, and at the same time he shall file with the Clerk with his said account all vouchers held by him, and warrants by him redeemed or paid and stamped or irarked "paid" upon every day of such settlement. He shall Keep a register of all warrants redeemed and paid, which shall describe such warrants and show the date, amount, number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom and when paid. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall, annually, between the first and tenth of April make out and file with the Clerk a full and detailed account of all such receipts and expenditures, and of all his transactions, as such Treasurer, during the pre- ceding fiscal year, and shall show in such account the state or the treasury at the end of the fiscal year, which account the City Clerk shall immediately cause to be published in a newspaper printed in said city. Sec. 6. All warrants drawn upon the Treasurer must be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, Slating the particular fund or appropriation to which the same is chargeable, and the person to whom payable; and no money shall be otherwise paid than upon such warrants so drawn, except as provided by law. 46 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER XIV. CITY WEIGHERS. SECTION— 1 License. ?. Known as city weighers — fee. ?. Bond. ■i. Scale — adjustment of. 5. Deputy weighers. 6 Attending scales during business hours. 7. Fee — register and certificate of weights. S. Record. 0. Weight of vehicle. 10. Alteration, etc., of certificate — penalty. 11. Inspection of books. Section i. No person or persons shall use or keep any scale in any public place, street or alley within the City of Urbana, for weighing any art'cle, substance or thing for the public, without having first obtained a license therefor. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every ofTense. Sec. 2. Every person obtaining a license for the pur- poses as specified in Section one of this chapter, shall be known as City Weighers. Every person desiring a license as city weigher, shall pay for the same, to the City Clerk, the sum of five dollars per annum upon each of his scales used b} him in such weighing. Sec. 3. Every city weigher shall, for the faithful per- frrmance of his duties, execute a bond to the City of Urbana in the sum of five hundred dollars, with sureties to be ap- proved by the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of his duties. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all city weighers so li- ce nsed, to have their scales adjusted and sealed by the sealer of weights and measures at least once in every six months, and oftener if required. It shall further be their duty to weigh any coal, hay or any other article, when so requested, by the person or persons bringing the same. An city weigher vio- lating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 47 Sec. 5. All city weighers shall have power to employ all necessary deputies to attend said scales, and the official bond of said weigher shall be holden and answerable for the acts of said deputies. Sec. 6. Said weigher shall, either in person or by such deputy, be present at their individual scales during all rea- sonable hours each day, Sundays and public holidays ex- cepted. Sec. 7. The said weighers shall be allowed to charge and receive ten cents for every load or part of a load, or other articles of any kind or nature whatsoever weighed by them, except coal, and five cents for every load of coal, and they shall keep an account of the weight of every load by them weighed, and shall furnish to the person having such loa^ v.'cighed, a certificate, written with ink, for each load, which certificate shall contain the gross and net weight of each load weighed by him. Any such weigher who shall charge a higher rate or price for weighing any load, part of a load or other article of any kirid whatsoever, than that prescribed in this section, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every ofiiense. Sec. 8. The said city weighers shall, severally, provide themselves with, and each shall keep a book in which he shall enter the amount of each load, and the name of each person foi whom, and the date when the same was weighed, and when the vehicle and load shall be weighed, together with the city weigher's certificate, shall state the gross weight thereof, and upon the sale or delivery of such load, the vehicle shall again be weighed, without charge, by the city weigher who v.tighed the original load and thus the net weight of the load ascertained. Any city weigher violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each oflfense. Sec. 9. In no case shall any city weigher state in his said certificate the weight of any vehicle which may have been weighed with any load until such city weigher shall have ascertained the weight of such article by personally weighing the same on his said scales. Any city weigher vio- 48 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. lating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each ofifense. Sec. lo. No person shall alter any certificate of any city weigher, or use or attempt to use the same for any other load or parcel than the one for which the same was given; nor after the weighing, and before the sale and delivery of any load or parcel diminish the quantity thereof; any person vio- lating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. II. Any police officer and all persons interested shall be permitted, by themselves or their agents, to examine at their pleasure the books required as aforesaid, to be kept bv the city weighers. CHAPTER XV. CURFEW. SECTION— 1. Minors not permitted on street after certain hours. 2. Penalty. Section i. No minor person under the age of sixteen years shall be found loafing or loitering in or upon any pub- he street or alley of the City unaccompanied by a parent or lawful guardian, after the hour of eight o'clock p. m. from November first to May first, or after nine o'clock p. m. from May first to November first of each year hereafter. Sec. 2. Any minor person or pers^ons violating the pro- vi.'^ions of the preceding section of this chapter shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 49 CHAPTER XVI. DILAPIDATED BUILDINGS. SECTION— 1. Dilapidated or unsafe buildings a nuisance. 2. Report of existence of such building referred to committee, etc. 3. Mayor to furnish city marshal with notice — what notice shall contain. 4. Service of notice, etc. — penalty. Section i. Any building or part of building which may te so situated in said city or in such condition as to be in di.nger of becoming on fire or setting on fire any contiguous building, by reason of being dilapidated, out of repair or un- tenantable, or by reason of any iire-place, grate, stovepipe, furnace or chimney, or any other structure or apparatus therein used or intended to be used for the purpose of hold- ing, conducting or securing any fire, or being insufftcient or being improperly or insul^ciently secured, and any such building or part of building which shall become and remain so dilapidated by fire, decay or otherwise as by reason there- of to be in danger of falling, or otherwise in such condition as to endanger the safety or lives of persons passing under or near the same, or residing adjacent thereto, or to endanger any property contiguous thereto, is hereby declared a nui- sance. Sec. 2. Whenever any such building or part of building shall be reported to the City Council, the matter shall be re- f^^rred to some committee of the City Council, who shall ex- amine such building or part of building, and report the con- dition thereof; and if the City Council shall be satisfied that such building is so situated or in such condition as to be in danger of becoming on fire or setting fire to any contiguous building, by reason of any of the causes mentioned in the last preceding section of this chapter, or that such building or part of building is so dilapidated by fire, decay or otherwise as by reason thereof to be in danger of falling, or otherwise in such condition, as to endanger the safety or lives of per- sons passing under or near the same, or residing adjacent thereto, or to endanger any property contiguous thereto, thty may by the passage of an ordinance or resolution de- 50 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. clare such building or portion thereof to be a nuisance, stat- ing the causes thereof, and require the owner or occupant of such building or part of building, or other person liable tiierefor, to remove such building or part thereof as the case may be without the city limits, or demolish or tear down such building or part thereof, or to make good and properly se- cure any such fire-place, grate, stove, stove-pipe, funnel or cliimney, or other structure or apparatus in such building or part of building, used or intended to be used for the purpose of holding, conducting, or securing any fire, or require him, her or them otherwise to abate such nuisance within such Vme as they may deem necessary. Sec. 3. The Mayor shall, without delay, after the pas- sage of such ordinance or resolution mentioned in the last pieceding section of this chapter, make out, sign, and deliver to the City Marshal a notice containing a copy of such ordi- nance or resolution, directed to the owner of such building or part of building, requiring him to remove the said build- ing or part thereof as the case may be without the city limits, or to demolish and tear down such building or part thereof, or to make good and properly secure any such fire-place, grate, stove, stove-pipe, funnel or chimney, or other struc- ture or apparatus in such building or part of building, used or intended to be used for the purpose of holding, conduct- ing or securing any fire, or require him otherwise to abate such nuisance, in compliance with said notice. The Marshal siiall, without delay, serve such notice upon the owner of such building or part of building, or his agent, and the per- son in actual possession thereof, if any, retaining a copy tnereof; but if the owner is a non-resident of the city and has no known agent residing in this city, the Mayor shall send or cause to be sent the notice by mail, by registered letter, diiected to him at the postoffice at which he usually receives his letters, if known, retaining a copy thereof. If no owner or his agent can be found in the city, and the owner's place of residence is unknown, or if the owner is unknown, the Mayor shall cause the notice to be published at least twice in some newspaper printed and published in the city, which shall be deemed a suiificient notice to all persons concerned- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 51 If any such building or part of building shall not be removed, dc^molished or torn down, or such fire-place, stove, grate, stove-pipe, funnel or chimney, or other structure or ap- paratus therein, used or intended to be used as aforesaid shall iict be made good and properly secured, or said nuisance is not otherwise abated in compliance with such notice at the expiration of the time therein named, the Mayor shall order the City Marshal or other police ofificer to remove, demolish or tear down such building or part of building, or so much tnereof as may be necessary, or other structure or ap- parat'.is mentioned in said ordinance or resolution, or in some other manner to remedy such danger and abate such nuisance. Sec. 4. Any owner of any such building, who shall, when notified as provided in Section 3 of this chapter so to dc. neglect or refuse to remove, demolish or tear down the same, or any such owner or any occupant thereof who shall neglect or refuse to make good or perfectly secure any fire- place, grate, stove, stove-pipe, funnel or chimney, or other structure or apparatus therein, used or intended to be used for the purpose of holding, conducting or securing any fire, or otherwise to abate such nuisance in compliance with such notice, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every day he shall fail to comply with said notice after the expira- tion of the time therein mentioned. 52 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER XVII. DOGS. SECTION— 1. Tax imposed — register kept. 2. Metal badges provided. 3. Badge to be put on dogs. 4. Dogs without badges to be liilled. 5. Owner of unlicensed dog to be fined. 6. Marshal to procure list of owners. 7. Term "dog" defined. 8. Danger of hydrophobia — proclamation of mayor. 9. Dogs a nuisance — when. 10. Bitch at large in heat. 11. Dangerous dogs. Section i. Every person owning, keeping or harboring any dog within the City of Urbana, shall forthwith, after the publication of this ordinance, or upon acquiring such dog, if not now owned, register the same with the City Clerk, who shall keep a book for that purpose, and it sTiall be the further duty of such person to pay to said City Clerk annually, dur- ing the month of January, in each year, or upon the ac- quiring of any unlicensed dog, thereafter, a tax of one dol- lar for each male dog as well as all spayed female dogs and two dollars for each female dog not spayed, so owned, kept or harbored by such person. Sec. *2. The City Clerk shall provide each and every year, such number of metal badges as may be necessary, of such size and shape as he shall deem expedient, having stamped thereon the words "Dog License," and the numbers indicating the year for which the tax is paid, and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to deliver one of such metal badges to the person so paying a tax upon any such dog at the time ol such payment. Sec. 3. Every person keeping or harboring any dog so licensed, shall keep and maintain a collar around the neck of each dog with the metal badge, aforesaid, securely fas- tened thereto, and every dog found in the city without such badge shall be deemed an unlicensed dog, and shall be dis- posed of by the City Marshal, or other police officer of the city, as hereinafter provided. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 53 Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to make inquiry for and cause to be prosecuted every owner or pos- sessor of any dog who has not paid the tax upon any such clog, as herein required, and all dogs found lunning at large ir. the city, for the space of forty-eight hours and wearing no badge, and for which no owner can be found, upon reason- able inquiry, shall be killed by the City Marshal or other police officer, and removed from the city. Sec. 5. Every owner, possessor or person who harbors or keeps any dog within the city, who neglects or refuses to comply with any of the provisions or requirements of Sec- tions one and three of this chapter shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and if any such person persists in refusing to pay such tax aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to kill any such dog so owned or possessed, wherever found, upon which the tax is so refused to be paid. Sec. 6. The Marshal shall from time to time examine the township assessor's books and make a copy or memoran- dum therefrom of all dogs kept in the city and not on the city register, and use such other means as will enable him to pro-, cure a list of all owners or keepers of dogs m the city upon which a tax is hereby required to be paid. Sec. 7. The word "dog," wherever used in this ordi- nance, shall be deemed to include every animal of the dog kind, female as well as male. Sec. 8. Whenever the Mayor of the City of Urbana sliall deem it advisable, for the prevention of hydrophobia, he may issue his proclamation requiring all the dogs within the city to be safely confined, or to be securely muzzled with a good and sufficient muzzle, for such time as may be desig- Uo'ted, or until otherwise ordered, and during such time it shall be unlawful for any dog to go or be at large un- muzzled. Sec. 9. All dogs running at large within the city, con- trary to the provisions of the preceding sections of this chap- ter, are declared a nuisance, and shall be killed by the City Marshal or any policeman of said city. And the owner or kteper of any such dog, who shall knowingly permit the 54 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. same to run at laige, contrary to the provisions of the pre- ceding section, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than tl'.ree dollars, and not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. lo. Any bitch running at large while in heat is hereby declared a nuisance, and shall be killed by the City Marshal or any policeman of said city. And the owner or keeper of any such bitch, who permits the same to run at large when in heat, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. II. Any owner or keeper of a fierce or dangerous dog or bitch, who shall knowingly permit the same to run at large, to the danger, annoyance or damage of any person within the city, shall be deemed guilty of* keeping and main- taining a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding one hundred dol- lars; and upon such conviction the City Marshal or any policeman shall destroy, or cause such dog or bitch to be destroyed. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 55 CHAPTER XVIII. druggists' permit. SECTION— 1. May sell intoxicating liquors. 2. Restriction placed on the right to sell. 3. Not to include the sale of beer, except, etc. 4. Not to be drunk on premises. 5. Permit to be granted— length of permit. 6. Permit may be revoked. 7. Penalty. Section 1. Subject to the reg"ulations and restrictions hereinafter contained, persons eng-ag-ed in the business of vending- drugs, commonly called druggists, may sell intox- icating liquors in less quantity than one g-allon for medi- cinal, sacramental, mechanical and chemical purposes only. Sec. 2. Such permission shall only extend to and authorize the sale of intoxicating liquors for the purposes aforesaid, when the same shall be sold upon the prescrip- tion of a practicing physician; or when the said liquor shall be a necessary ingredient in the preparation of a pre- scription prepared by said druggist, or when the same shall be sold for other medicinal, or any mechanical, chemical or sacramental purpose: Provided, however, that said druggist so selling such intoxicating liquors for any of the aforesaid purposes, shall be held to exercise g-ood faith, to ascertain and know that such liquors so sold for any such purpose was in good faith purchased for that purpose and no other. Sec. 3. Such permission shall not be held to include the sale of malt or fermented liquors, commonly called beer and ale, whether sold by the bottle or otherwise, except such sale be made upon the written prescription of a prac- ticing physician furnished said drug-g-ist at the time of said sale. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any druggist, either by himself, servant, clerk or agent, to sell any intoxicating liquor in any quantity, or for any purpose whatsoever, which shall be drunk upon the premises where sold; and no 'A permit granted under this chapter shall extend to, or pro- Id tect any such sale. 56 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 5. The permission to sell intoxicating- liquors herein provided for shall be evidenced by a written or printed permit, g-ranted by the City Council, sig-ned by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk under the corporate seal of the city. The granting of such permit shall be duly entered upon the records of the city kept by said Clerk, and such record shall be a protection to such druggist in the sale of intoxicating liquors allowed by this ordinance so long as such permit holds good and said druggist com- plies with the terms of this chapter. No permit shall issue for a longer term than the municipal year in which the same was granted. Sec. 6. The Mayor shall have power, and it is hereby made his duty to revoke any permit granted by him for any palpable violation of the provisions of this chapter by any such druggist. Sec. 7. Any druggist who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofifense, and shall forfeit all rights he may have under and by virtue of such permit. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 57 CHAPTER XIX. FIRE LIMITS. SECTION- 1. Boiindarios of fire limits. 2. Permits for wooden buildings within lire limits. 3. Council may grrant permit by two-thirds vote at regular, ad,journed or special meeting. 4. No wooden building enlarged or removed, etc. 5. Penalty for building, enlarging, f tc , wooden buildings in lire limits. 6. Wooden buildings declared a nuisance— abatement. 7. Damaged buildings to be removed. 8. Procedure for condemnation of building. 9. Removal of damaged buildings— penalty. 10. Fire Wardens— duties of, etc. 11. Stovepipes— chimneys — hearths. 12. Carrying fire, etc. 13. Deposit of ashes. 14. Stacking hay, straw, etc.— penalty. 1.5, Burning shavings, straw, hay— boiling pitch, tar, etc.— penalty. IG. Burning out chimneys. 17. Fire Wardens to see that ordinance is enforced. 18. Application of chapter from section 10 to 18. Section 1. All that part of the said city embraced within the following^ described boundaries is hereby fixed and established as the fire limits of said city, viz: Begfin- ning- at the south end of the west pier of the iron bridge over the creek known as Bone Yard branch, on Main street, in the City of Urbana, and running- thence in a southerly direction to the center of Broad street; thence south, on a line with the center of Broad street to the center line of Cherry alley; thence east, on a line with the center of Cherry alley to the center of Market street; thence north, on a line with the center of Market street to the center of Elm street; thence east, on a line with the center of Elm street to the center of Grape alley; thence north, in a line with the center of Grape alley to the center of Goose alley: thence west, in a line -^ith the center of Goose alley to the center of Walnut street; thence north, in a line with the center of Walnut street to the south line of the right-of- way of the Wabash Railroad Company; thence in a westerly direction, in a line with the south line of the right-of-way of the Wabash Railroad Company to the creek known as 58 ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OP URBANA. the Bone Yard Branch; thence following- said creek known as Bone Yard Branch in a southerly direction to the place of beginning-. A.11 of which territory shall hereafter be known and desig-nated as the fire limits of the City of Urbana. Sec. 2. That within said fire limits no wooden build- ing-s shall be erected or placed or repaired, except as in this ordinance provided, and that the exterior walls of all build- ing-s, barns, stables, sheds, houses or structures (except privies, coal-houses or wood-sheds for private use) hereaf- ter built or erected within the aforesaid fire limits, shall be constructed of brick, stone, iron, g-lass, concrete or g-ranite, or a combination of one or more of such materials; and that the use of wood, plank or lumber, or wooden material cov- ered with sheet iron or tin, in the construction or building- of any such exterior walls, without permission first having- been obtained from the City Council, is hereby expressly prohibited; and that the roofs and skylig-hts of all such building-s, houses or structures (other than privies, coal- houses or wood-sheds) hereafter built or erected within said fire limits, shall be covered outwardly with iron, g-lass, slate or some other non-combustible substance; and that the use of shing-les, boards, wooden material, or any other combustible material in the outer covering- of such roofs is hereby expressly prohibited. Sec. 3. The City Council by a two-thirds vote at any reg-ular, adjourned, or special meeting- called for that pur- pose, may, upon 'application, grant permission to the per- son or persons making- such application, to erect a wooden building- if deemed expedient, when it will not endang-er contig-uous building-s. Provided, such building-s to be erect- ed are of a g-ood and substantial character. Sec. 4. No wooden building- or part of building- with- in the fire limits shall be enlarg-ed or removed to any other place within said limits; nor shall any such building- be re- moved from without into the fire limits. Sec. 5. Any owner, builder or other person who shall own, build or aid in the erection of any building- or structure or any addition to any building- or structure within said fire ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 59 limits contrary to the provisious of this chapter, or shall remove or assist in removing an}' wooden building- within said limits from one place to another therein, or shall remove or assist in removing any wooden building within said limits from one place to another therein, or who shall remove or assist in removing any such building from with- out said limits into the same, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. And the owner or owners of said buildings shall be subject to a like penalty for every forty-eight hours that he, she or they shall fail to remove the same, after be- ing notified by the Mayor, or City Marshal, from within the said fire limits. Provided, That any building in part destro3'ed by fire, or on account of a conflagration, is not damaged to the extent of fifty per cent, of the total value, the same may be repaired. Sec. 6. Any wooden building which may be erected, placed or repaired within said fire limits, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, is hereby declared a nuisance, and it is hereby made the duty of the Mayor to notify in writing the owner, occupant or builder of any wooden building erected, placed or repaired within said fire limits, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, to abate such nuisance within forty-eight hours from the service of such notice, and in case such owner, occupant or builder shall fail' to abate such nuisance within the time specified in such notice, it is hereby made the further duty of said Mayor to cause such nuisance to be abated by razing such wooden building to the ground. Sec. 7. When any wooden building within said fire limits shall have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise, to the extent of fifty per cent, of the original value of the same, such building shall be torn down or removed beyond said fire limits, after the extent of the damages thereto caused as aforesaid has been ascertained in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 8. Whenever any member of the City Council, policeman, member of the Fire Department or other person 60 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. shall make complaint in writing- under oath to the Police Magistrate that any wooden building- within the fire limits of the city has been damag-ed by fire, decay or otherwise to the extent of fifty per cent, of its orig-inal value, describing- the premises and g-iving- the owner's name and address, such Mag-istrate shall issue a notice to such owner, embodying- the substance of such complaint, and deliver the same to some constable or policeman of the city to be served by him upon such owner, commanding- such owner to appear before such Mag-istrate at a time therein specified, not less than five days nor more than ten days from date of such notice, and at the time and place fixed in such notice; provided^ that the return of such notice shall show that such owner had been -served with said notice by reading- the same to him or by leaving- a true copy of the same at the place of residence of such owner with some member of the family over the ag-e of twelve years, three days before the time fixed for the hearing-; provided, that in case the owner of any such building- is a non-resident of the county of Cham- paig-n, Illinois, the officer having- the notice shall send the same to such owner by mail, by registered letter, directed to him at the postofiice at which he usually received his letters, if known, and also deliver a copy to his ag-ent, if known, retaining- a copy thereof, not less than ten days prior to such hearing-. If no owner or his ag-ent can be found in the county aforesaid, and the owner's place of residence is un- known, or if the owner is unknown, then such officer shall cause such notice to be published at least twice in some newspaper published in the city, which last publication shall be not less than ten days prior to such hearing-, which shall be deemed a sufficient notice to all persons interested; and at the time fixed for said trial, the Police Mag-istrate shall impanel a jurv of twelve disinterested freeholders of the county of Champaig-n and State of Illinois, who after being- duly sworn fairly and impartially to ascertain if the building- in issue shall have been damag-ed by fire, decay or otherwise to the extent of fifty per cent, of its value, hear the evidence and view the building- at issue, and, hearing- the arg-uments of counsel, bring- in a verdict according- to ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 61 the facts and evidence in the case; and in case the jury find a verdict that such building- has been damaged by fire, de- cay or otherwise to the extent of fifty per cent, of its value, the Police Magistrate shall record a judgment and direct such owner to remove from the fire limits aforesaid, or tear down such building within thirty days from the entry of such judgment and order; and the Police Magistrate shall make out a certified copy of such judgment and order and deliver the same to some constable or policeman, who shall deliver the same to such owner of said building immediate- ly; provided, where such owner is a non-resident of the county, service of said certified copy of said judgment and order shall be made in like manner as is hereinbefore pro- vided for service of said notice in case of non-residence, and that in default of such owner in removing such building from out the fire limits, or tearing down the same within the said thirty days, that the City Marshal of the city shall remove said building from the fire limits aforesaid, or tear down the same, the cost or expenses of which removal or tearing down shall be charged to such owner, and if not paid by such owner the same shall be collected by suit in the name of said city against such owner. At the impan- eling of such jury the said owner and the prosecutor shall have a right to three peremptory challenges each, and to challenge any juror for prejudice, interest or any other just cause. Sec. 9. Whenever any building has been ordered to be torn down or removed in accordance with the provisions of sections 7 and 8 of this chapter, and the owner thereof re- fuses, neglects or fails to tear down or remove the same within thirty days from the date of the entry of such order upon the docket of the Magistrate, then such person shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every day, or part of a day, that such owner may permit or suffer such building to remain after the expiration of the time within which such building was ordered and adjudged to be torn down or removed. Sec. 10. There shall be appointed by the Mavor, with 62 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. the approval of the City Council, one Alderman from each ward as Fire Wardens, whose duties it shall be to see to the enforcement of all ordinances for the prevention and extinguishment of fires; and to visit all buildings within their respective wards as often as may be required by the City Council, and report all violations of the provisions of this chapter. And the said Fire Wardens shall receive such compensation for their services as the City Council may direct, not to exceed three dollars each per day, for such time as necessarily employed. Sec. 11. All stovepipes shall be securely put up, so as not to be in danger of falling, and shall be separated at least three inches from any wood or other combustible materials by a double circle of tin, zinc or sheet iron, con- nected with like metal, with airholes through the connect- ing metal between the pipe and the wood or stone cylinder. All stoves put up or used without secure aprons or hearths shall be placed upon a platform of brick, zinc or other in- combustible material extending far enough around the same to prevent the fire from falling upon the floor, and if set within eighteen inches of the woodwork of any wall the same shall be protected with zinc or other incombust- ible covering, so as effectually to prevent fire from the stove. All chimneys or flues shall be four inches thick, built of brick or stone, well laid in mortar and well plas- tered inside, and shall be constantly kept in good condition, so as to be safe and secure against fire. Whoever shall put up, erect or build any stove, stovepipe, chimney or flue con- trary to the requirements of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars; and whoever shall use any such stove, stovepipe, chimney or flue so put up or erected contrary to the requirements of this section shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, and not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars in addition thereto for each day the same may be used after notice shall have been given, either verbally or in writing, by the Mayor or any Alderman, or the City Marshal, or any Policeman of said city, that such stove, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA. 63 stovepipe, chimney or flue is put up, built or erected con- trary to the provisions or the ordinances of said city. Sec. 12. Every person who shall carry or use any lighted candle, lamp, or fire, in any part of any building, woodshed, or stable where any hay, straw, shavings, or other like combustible materials are kept or allowed to accumulate, without securing the same in a lantern, or other secure casing, so as not to endanger the taking of fire thereby, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 13. No person shall deposit or keep any ashes in any building or in any place within twenty feet of any building, shed, fence, or other combustible materials, unless within a secure metallic or earthenware, or other fireproof ash vessel, or ash house; and whoever shall violate the pro- visions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 14. No person shall stack or deposit hay, straw, or other like combustible materials within fift}' feet of any dwelling house or other building in which lire may be kept, without being so secured and enclosed as to be protected from sparks of fire; and every person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than ten dollars for each and every ofifense; and also not less than two nor more than ten dollars for each and every forty-eight hours the said hay, straw, or other combustible material may remain so stacked or deposited, after notice to remove the same. Sec. 15. No person shall set fire to, or burn any shav- ings, hay, straw, or other combustible materials, or boil any pitch, resin, tar, or other inflammable liquid or sub- stance in any open place within thirty feet of any building or other property likely to be endangered or damaged thereby, or use any fire in any building unless in a secure stove, fur- nace, or fire place. And every person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of 64 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 16. No person shall set fire to or burn out any chimney, flue or stovepipe, except in the daytime, nor then when wind or weather may be such as to endang-er other buildingfs or property, and the person or persons occupying- any building- shall prevent and remove all dang-erous accu- mulations of soot, under a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding- one hundred dollars. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Aldermen of the different wards who may be selected as Fire Wardens by the City Council to see that the provisions of the foreg-oing sections are complied with on such days as may be desig-- nated by resolution or order of the City Council, to examine all building-s and premises within their respective wards to ascertain if they are in a safe condition, and if the require- ments of this chapter have been complied with; and for this purpose the said Aldermen, or Fire Wardens, shall have power and authority to enter into and upon all build- ings and premises in the said city. Sec. 18. All of the sections of this chapter after and including section ten (10) shall apply to and be in force in all parts of said city, both within and without the fire limits. CHAPTER XX. FISCAL AND MUNICIPAL YEAR. SECTIONS— 1. Fiscal year. 3. Municipal year. Section 1. The fiscal year of the City of Urbana shall commence on the fifteenth day of May in each and every year, beginning May fifteenth, A. D. 1899. Sec. 2. The municipal year of the City of Urbana shall commence on the fifteenth day of May of each and every year, beginning May fifteenth, A. D. 1899. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA, 65 CHAPTER XXI. INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SECTION— 1. State standard adopted. 2. Appointment. 3. Oath and bond. 4. Standard to be procured by clerk. 5. Yearly inspections. 6. Special inspections. 7. Condemnation by inspector. 8. To keep record. 9. Penalty for using scale, etc., not inspected, etc. 10. Access to building for inspection 11. Office — turn books over to successor. 12. Penalty for using scales not according to the standard. 13. Fees. Section 1. There shall be a reg-ulation of weights and measures in said city, and the standard adopted by the State of Illinois shall be the test by which they shall be compared and determined. Sec. 2. There shall be annually appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent and advice of the City Council, at the time of appointing- other city officers, one inspector of weights and measures in and for the City of Urbana, who shall hold his office for the term of one year, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. Said inspector shall, before entering- upon the duties of his office, take the oath required by law for city officers, and shall g-ive bond to the corporation in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall procure, at the expense of the city, correct and approved standards of weig-hts and measures, comprising- a full set thereof, of the standard adopted by the statutes of the State of Illinois; and he shall cause each of the weig-hts, measures, scales and beams so procured to be tested and sealed by the County Sealer, and the same shall be used by said Inspector of Weig-hts and Measures for testing- the weig-hts and meas- ures of said city. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of 64 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 16. No person shall set fire to or burn out any chimney, flue or stovepipe, except in the daytime, nor then when wind or weather may be such as to endanger other building-s or property, and the person or persons occupying- any building- shall prevent and remove all dangerous accu- mulations of soot, under a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Aldermen of the different w^ards who may be selected as Fire Wardens by the City Council to see that the provisions of the foregoing sections are complied with on such days as may be desig- nated by resolution or order of the City Council, to examine all buildings and premises within their respective wards to ascertain if they are in a safe condition, and if the require- ments of this chapter have been complied with; and for this purpose the said Aldermen, or Fire Wardens, shall have power and authority to enter into and upon all build- ing-s and premises in the said city. Sec. 18. All of the sections of this chapter after and including section ten (10) shall apply to and be in force in all parts of said city, both within and without the fire limits. CHAPTER XX. FISCAI, AND MUNICIPAL, YEAR. SECTIONS— 1. Fiscal year. 2. Municipal year. Section 1. The fiscal year of the City of Urbana shall commence on the fifteenth day of May in each and every year, beginning May fifteenth, A. D. 1899. Sec. 2. The municipal year of the City of Urbana shall commence on the fifteenth day of May of each and every year, beginning May fifteenth, A. D. 1899. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 65 CHAPTER XXL INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SECTION— 1. State standard adopted. 2. Appointment. 3. Oath and bond. 4. Standard to be procured by clerk. 5. Yearly inspections. 6. Special inspections. 7. Condemnation by inspector. 8. To keep record. 9. Penalty for using scale, etc., not inspected, etc. 10. Access to building for inspection 11. Office — turn books over to successor. 12. Penalty for using scales not according to the standard. 13. Fees. Section 1. There shall be a regfulation of weig-hts and measures in said city, and the standard adopted by the State of Illinois shall be the test by which they shall be compared and determined. Sec. 2. There shall be annually appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent and advice of the City Council, at the time of appointing- other city of&ceis, one inspector of weights and measures in and for the City of Urbana, who shall hold his office for the term of one year, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. Said inspector shall, before entering- upon the duties of his office, take the oath required by law for city officers, and shall g-ive bond to the corporation in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall procure, at the expense of the city, correct and approved standards of weig-hts and measures, comprising- a full set thereof, of the standard adopted by the statutes of the State of Illinois; and he shall cause each of the weig-hts, measures, scales and beams so procured to be tested and sealed by the County Sealer, and the same shall be used by said Inspector of Weig-hts and Measures for testing- the weig-hts and meas- ures of said city. Sec. B. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of 68 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. beams, weig"hts and measures in his possession, belonging- to said city. Sec. 12. Whoever shall use in weighing- or measuring- anj article for sale, within said city, any weight, measure, scale, beam, balance, or other instrument, which does not conform to the standard adopted and prescribed by the statutes of the State of Illinois; or whoever shall give a less quantity of any article or thing sold that is contracted or paid for by the purchaser, computed by the standard and mode of weighing or measuring prescribed in the statutes aforesaid, for the articles so sold, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars for each offense. Sec. 13. The Inspector of Weights and Measures of the city shall be entitled to charge and receive fees as fol- lows, to be paid by those requiring his services, to-wit: First. For inspecting and stamping platform scales, including weights, one dollar each. Second. For inspecting and stamping beams of one thousand pounds capacity, or more, including weights, twenty-five cents each; those of smaller capacity, fifteen cents each. Third. For inspecting and stamping counter scales and balances, including weights, fifteen cents each. Fourth. For inspecting and stamping a full set of dry measures, twenty-five cents; for a less number, each measure five cents. Fifth. For inspecting and stamping a full set of liquid, wine or beer measures, twenty-five cents; for a less number, each measure five cents. Sixth. For inspecting and stamping lineal measures, each yard, five cents. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 69 CHAPTER XXII. ITINERANT MERCHANTS. SECTION— 1. License required — penalty. 2. Rates of license fees. 3. How license obtained. Section 1. No person or persons, or corporations, shall carry on or conduct the business of itinerant merchant or transient vendor of merchandise within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, without having- first obtained a license therefor. Any person or corporation violating- the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars for each and every offense, and every day or part of a day such person or corporation shall carry on or conduct said business without a license therefor shall be deemed a separate offense. Sec. 2. Every person or corporation desiring- a license as itinerant merchant, or transient vender of merchandise, shall pay to the City Clerk, in advance, for the same at the following- rates: First. Where said business is to be conducted in any room in any permanent building- for the purpose of selling- or bartering- drj- g-oods, clothing-, men's furnishing- g-oods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, or other articles of wearing- apparel, the sum of ten dollars for one week or less, twenty- five dollars for one month or less, and twenty-five dollars for each month thereafter. Second. Where said business is to be conducted in any room in any permanent building- for the purpose of selling- or bartering- hardware, groceries or drugs, the sum of five dollars for one week or less, fifteen dollars for one month or less, and fifteen dollars for each month thereafter. Third. Where said business is to be conducted in any room in any permanent building for the purpose of selling- or bartering books, stationery, jewelry, bric-a-brac, holiday goods, wall paper, paints, oils, artists' supplies and ma- terials, furniture and household goods, millinery goods, harness or saddlery goods, the sum of six dollars for one 70 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. week or less, twenty dollars for one month or less, and twenty dollars for each month thereafter. Fourth. Where said business is to be conducted in any room or any permanent building- for the purpose of selling- or bartering any goods, wares and merchandise not herein- before enumerated or specified, the sum of two dollars for one week, or less; ten dollars for one month, or less; and ten dollars for each month thereafter. Fifth. Where said business is to be conducted at any temporary stand or uninclosed place, the sum of three dol- lars for two weeks, or less; five dollars for one month, or less; and three dollars for each month thereafter. Sec. 3. Any person or corporation desiring a license, as itinerant merchant or transient vendor of merchandise, shall make a written application therefor to the City Clerk, stating for what time the license is desired, what goods, wares or merchandise are to be sold or bartered, and the place where said business is to be located, and shall accom- pany the application with the license fee. And it will be the duty of the said Clerk to issue the same; but no license shall be issued to extend beyond the municipal year. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 71 CHAPTER XXIII. JANITOR FOR CITY BUILDING. SECTION— 1. Office created. 2. Appointment — term. 3. Duty of janitor. 4. Ex-officio policeman and prison keeper. 5. Bond of janitor. 6. Salary of janitor. 7. When may be removed, etc. Section t There is hereby created the ofifice of Janitor for the City Building. Sec. 2. The Mayor, with the approval of the City Coun- cil, shall appoint a janitor for the city building, at the first regular meeting of the City Council after this ordinance shall take effect, and thereafter whenever a vacancy occurs in said office, and the term of ofifice of said janitor shall be for such time as in the judgment of the Mayor and City Council will best subserve the interests of the city, provided said term of ofifice shall not exceed the municipal year of such appointment. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Janitor of the city building to keep the grounds and walks of the city building in good condition; to carefully attend to the heating of the rooms of the said building, and shall keep up the fires of the steam boiler and see that the pipes and radiators connected with the same are kept in good condition. He shall keep the rooms of said building and all of its furniture, windows, doors and interior finish in a neat and clean condition; and in the absence of the librarian he shall permit no person to carry away any books, papers or other property belonging to the city library. Sec. 4. Tlie Janitor of the city building shall be ex- officio a policeman and shall have all the powers appertaining to the office of policeman. He shall also perform the duties of keeper of the city prison, and shall have, under the direction and command of the City Marshal, the charge, care and cus- tody and keeping of the prison and all persons legally com- mitted to or confined therein, subject to the supervison of the City Council and the Mayor. He shall attend at the prison at all times,and when required shall receive into his custody and safely 72 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. keep and confine therein all persons who may be legally comit- ted to his custody or charge by any proper officer, police magis- trate or justice of the peace, until they shall be legally taken or discharged therefrom. He shall not discharge any person legally committed to the said prison before the expiration of the time for which such person may be so committed, unless by the order of some court or officer having the power or authority to order such release. He shall furnish to all per- sons who may be confined or kept in the city prison under his charge (when the person himself shall not do so) at proper times, suitable, necessary and plain, wholesome food and drink. Sec. 5. The Janitor of the City Building shall before en- tering upon the duties of his office execute a bond to the City of Urbana, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars condi- tioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, herein named. Sec. 6. The said janitor shall receive the sum of thirty- five dollars per month, which salary shall be paid monthly. Sec. 7. In case the Janitor of the city building shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, or neglect or fail to perform any of his duties, or be found incompetent, the Mayor shall have power to remove said janitor from his said office, and said janitor shall not be entitled to any portion of the unearned salary for such unexpired term. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 73 CHAPTER XXIV. LICENSE. SECTION— 1. Mayor to receive application. 2. Application — how made. 3. Terms of license — how signed. 4. Subject to ordinances — may be revoked, etc. 5. Not assignable without permit, etc. 6. Clerk to keep register — fee for issuing licenses. 7. Form of license. 8. Duty of marshal. Section i The Mayor shall receive applications for li- cense and grart the same in all cases where it is not otherwise expressly provided, upon the terms and conditions specified by ordinance. But if he shall not feel authorized to grant any application for a license for any purpose, he may report such application to the next meeting of the City Council for their action thereon. Sec. 2. Any person desiring a license under the ordinances of the city for any purpose shall make a written application to the Mayor therefor, stating the purpose for which the same is desired, for what length of time, and specify the place where his business is to be carried on, and, if required by ordinance, to file bond before being licensed. He shall also name his proposed sureties on his bond in his application. If the Mayor shall grant such application, he shall indorse the same thereon, together with the amount taxed for the license, and upon the filing of the application, so indorsed, with the City Clerk, and the payment of the amount specified, the City Clerk shall issue to such applicant a license for the purpose and time specified. Sec. 3. No license shall be granted for a longer period than the municipal year, and all licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk, under the corpo- rate seal. No license shall be valid until signed and counter- signed as aforesaid, nor shall any person be deemed licensed until a license be duly issued to him. Each license shall be dated the day of the issuing thereof; but if the applicant has been acting without a license, then it shall be dated from the time he commenced acting. 74 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 4. All licenses granted shall be subject to all or- dinances relating to license which may be in force at the time of the issuing thereof, or which may be subsequently adopted by the City Council; or, if any person licensed shall violate any provision of any ordinance in relation to his license, he may be proceeded against for any fine or penalty imposed thereby, and his license may be revoked or forfeited, in the discretion of the City Council, or in any other manner pro- vided by ordinance. Sec. 5. No license granted shall be assignable or trans- ferable, nor shall any person bc/ authorized to do business or act under such license but the person to whom it is granted, or in any other place than the place specified therein, without the consent of the City Council, to be certified on such license by the City Clerk, nor shall any license authorize any person to act under it at more than one place at the same time, nor at any other time than is herein specified. Whoever shall violate any of t he provisions of this section shall be deemed to be acting without license, and shall be subject to the same penalty as is prescribed for acting without license. Sec. 6. The City Clerk sEall keep a license register, in which he shall enter the name of each person licensed, for what purpose licensed, the places of business, the date of the license, the amount paid, and the date of the expiration of the same. He shall pay into the city treasury, on the first Monday of each month, ill money received by him on account of licenses. He may charge and receive a fee of fifty cents for each license issued by him where the fee charged is ten dollars or less, and one dollar where the fee charged is more than ten dollars, and a fee of fifty cents for certifying the consent of the City Coun- cil to the assignment or transfer of any license or change of place of business specified in such license. Sec. 7. Licenses may issue, as near as may be, in the fol- lowing form, to-wit: A. B.,of the City ol Urbana, toall to whom these presents may come greeting : Know ye, that C. D. having made application in due form, filed bond and paid into the city treasury dollars, and in all other respects complied with the ordinance of the city in this behalf; Therefore I, A. B., Mayor of the City of Urbana, for and in behalf of said city, do hereby authorize, empower and license the said C. D. (here set forth the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 75 business or purpose of the license), at for from Nevertheless, thislicenseis granted upon the express condition: That if the C. D. shall observe and obey all ordinances of the city which are or may be in force regulating or relating to said business, then this license shall be valid for the said period; otherwise it maybe annulled, revoked or forfeited, at the option of the City Council, or in any other manner provided by ordinance. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the corporate seal of said city to be afiBxed, at the City of Urbana, this day of A. D. 18 [seal] a. B., Mayor. Countersigned and registered: E. F., City Clerk. Sec. 8. The City MarsTial shall enforce all ordinances in relation to licenses, and shall from time to time examine the license register, and prosecute all persons who may be acting without licen<^e. CHAPTER XXV. LIQUORS. SECTION— 1. LiiQuors — license required. 2. Committee on license — duties. 3. Council to grant — rate of license — not to be granted to minor. 4. Bonds required. 5. Written application — what it shall state. 6. Applications to be presented by mayor to council — disqualifi- cations. 7. Clerk to issue license. 8. License only granted to person making application. 9. License not to be granted — when. 10. When license may be revoked. 11. May be revoked for keeping restaurant in connection with. 12. At what time to be closed. 13. Liconse not assignable. 14. License to be kept posted. 15. Shifts forbidden. 16. Selling on Sunday forbidden. 17. Drunkenness — gambling — chairs, tables, etc. 18. Employm2nt of minors forbidden — selling to intoxicated per- sons forbidden. 19. Sale to minors forbidden. 20. Minors obtaining liquors by false pretenses. 21. Sale to habitual drunkards forbidden. 22. Lewd "omen not permitted in dram shoo. 76 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 23. Boisterous conduct not permitted. 24. Duty of police ofRcers. 25. Pool and billiard tables, etc., in saloon forbidden. 26. License for sale of liquors in quantities of five gallons or over, etc. Section i. No person shall, within the city, by himself, his servant or clerk, except for purposes purely medicinal, mechanical, chemical or sacramental, as otherwise provided in this ordinance, directly, sell, barter, exchange or deliver or otherwise dispose of any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, in a less quantity than one gallon, to be carried away at one time from the place of sale or delivery, or in any quantity whatever to be drank upon the premises, or in, or upon any adjacent room, building, yard or premises, or place of public resort, without a license therefor in accordance with the requirements hereof, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars, and not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. The Ma3^or shall appoint, at the beginning of each fiscal year, or as soon thereafter as may be, a standing com • mittee, known as the committee on license, to which com- mittee shall be referred all applications, together with the bonds, for dramshops. It shall be the duty of said committee to examine the same with reference to their legal sufficiency and the sufficiency of the sureties upon the said bonds, and particularly in regard to the qualifications of the several appli- cants, as prescribed by the ordinances, and especially in regard to the fitness of the person for the business sought to be car- ried on by him, and the fitness and propriety of the place at which he seeks to carry on such business. The said com- mittee shall make report of their action without unnecessary delay, and shall endorse upon each application, if favorable: "We recommend that license be granted;" otherwise, "We recommend that license be not granted." Said committee may be granted further time to make report upon any and all applications. Sec. 3. The City Council may grant license to such per- son or persons as may apply therefor in writing, to retail in- toxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, in any quantity less than one gallon, upon such person or persons ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 77 paying therefor to the City Clerk in advance, at the rate of five Iiundred dollars per annum, and entering into bonds as re- quired by the fourth section of this chapter; but no license shall be granted to extend beyond the municipal year in which it is issued, nor for a less period than six months, except in the last six months of the municipal year; nor except upon condition therein written that the same shall be null and void from and after the time that the City Council of said city shall find by vote of two-thirds of the members thereof, that the party to whom such license has been granted, since the issuing thereof, has been guilty of a violation of an ordinance of said city regulating, affecting or concerning the sale of intoxicating liquors; Provided that no license shall be issued to a minor. Sec. 4. Before a license shall be granted to keep a dram- shop for the sale of intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fer- mented liquors under the provisions hereof, the person or per- sons applying for such license shall execute a bond in the penal sum of three thousand dollars, payable to the People of the State of Illinois, with at least two good and sufficient sureties, freeholders in the county in which the license is to be granted, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned that the person to whom such license is granted shall pay to all persons all damages that they may sustain, either in person or prop- erty or means of support, by reason of the person so obtaining a license selling or giving away intoxicating liquors, as re- quired by law. And such persons shall also execute a bond to the City of Urbana, in the sum of one thousand dollars li- quidated damages, signed by at least two freeholders of the county of Champaign, Illinois, each to the value, over and al)ove their homestead exemption, of at least the penalty of the bond as sureties, to be approved by the City Council, and con- ditioned that the person to whom such license is granted shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances now in force, or such as may hereafter be in force, regulating and governing keepers of dramshops, and for the payment of all fines and penalties, and costs thereof which may be adjudged by any court against such person for any violation of the provisions of this chapter or any amendment thereto during the time for which said li- cense was granted. And any breach of its conditions shall 78 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. work a forfeiture of the whole penalty thereof, the amount of which shall be recovered before any court having jurisdiction. Any person offered as security upon the first of the herein named bonds, payable to the People of the State of Illinois, may be required by the Mayor to appear in person before him, and he may examine him under oath, and require him to sub- scribe and swear to his statement in regard to his pecuniary ability to become such security. Sec. 5. Any person desiring a license under the or- dinances of the city to keep a dramshop for selling at retail intoxicating, malt, Acinous, mixed or fermented liquors, in less quantities than one gallon, shall make a written application to the Mayor, stating the length of time for which he desires such license, the place where his business is to be carried on, and the names of the persons who will become his sureties on the bond required by ordinance. Sec. 6. When application is made for a license to keep a dramshop as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to re- ceive and present the same at the next meeting of the City Council, and the City Council may grant the same upon the terms and conditions specified by ordinance, amless the appli- cant or one or more of the applicants shall be a minor, or shall have been convicted of some crime which by the laws of this State would render him, her or them infamous, or shall have been twice convicted of violating the ordinance of said city concerning, regulating or governing keepers of dramshops or retailers of liquors, or unless such applicant or applicants or some one or more of them shall have failed or refused, after liaving been once convicted of any violation, to pay the fine or penalty, or the cost of some part thereof assessed therefor. If the application be granted, the Mayor shall endorse the grant thereof on such application, together with the amount taxed for such license. Sec. 7. Upon the filing of the application so endorsed as aforesaid in the City Clerk's office, together with the bonds aforesaid, conditioned as aforesaid, with such securities and approved as aforesaid, and the approval thereof endorsed thereon, and paying to the City Clerk the amount required for such license, a license to retail intoxicating, malt, vinous, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 79 mixed or fermented liquors in any quantity less than one gal- lon, at the place named in the application, shall be issued to such applicant, in the general form and manner prescribed by the ordinances of said city for other license. Sec. 8. Whenever any person shall make application for a license to keep a dramshop for retailing intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, and the City Council shall be satisfied that the application is made for the benefit of any other person, who is not entitled to a license under the pro- visions of this chapter of this ordinance, or that any such per- son not entitled to a license is to be in any manner interested in the business to be carried on under such license or in any manner employed therein, or that such application is made for the purpose of avoiding the tenth section of this chapter they shall refuse to grant such license, and if any person shall make such application for the benefit of any other person not entitled to such license under the provisions hereof, or if any person not entitled to such license shall be in any manner interested in the business to be carried on under such license, or shall be employed as an agent, clerk or servant in such business, then any license which may be granted on such application shall be absolutely null and void. Sec. 9. Whenever any person licensed to keep a dram- shop, as aforesaid, shall be convicted of violating any ordi- anace of the city concerning, regulating or governing keepers of dramshops or retailers of liquors, it shall be the duty of the City Council to refuse to grant such person any other or fur- ther license to retail intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or ler- mented liquors in the city, until the fine or penalty adjudged against such person for such violation shall have been fully paid and satisfied, together with all costs therein, or in the case wherein such fine or penalty was adjudged shall have been duly appealed. And whenever any person licensed to retail intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, as aforesaid, shall have been twice convicted before any court of competent jurisdiction of violating any such ordinance of the city, it shall be in the discretion of the City Council to refuse such person so convicted, any other or further license to keep a dramshop in said city, and whenever any person so licensed 80 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. as aforesaid, shall have been three times convicted before any such court for violating any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of the City Council forever thereafter to refuse to grant such person so convicted any license to sell intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors in said city: Provided^ howevc7\ That if any of the cases v^herein the person licensed as aforesaid shall have been convicted as afore- said shall be appealed, and upon the hearing of such cause on appeal such person shall be found not guilty of the violation or violations for which he was con- victed in the court below, or if the fine or penalty adjudged for fuch violation whereof he may be convicted shall be remitted by the city council, then such conviction shall not be con- sidered from and after the reversal thereof, or the remission of the fine or penalty assessed therefor, as a conviction within the meaning of this section so as to bar such person of his right to such license. Sec. lo. Any license granted as provided in the preced- ing sections hereof may at any time be revoked whenever the City Council shall be satisfied that the person so licensed keeps a disorderly or ill-governed house or place, or has vio- lated any of the provisions of the ordinances of the city, or permits his place or house to become a resort for idle or dis- solute persons, or allows any illegal gaming in his place of business, or in any house, room or place adjacent thereto, or rents, hires, sub-rents or permits the use of^any room or place under his control to be used for gambling, or for the purpose of prostitution, or congregation of dissolute or disorderly per- sons, or who permits any door, window or stairway, to open into, or other means of communication to be had between his place of business and any room, rooms or places used for gaming, prostitution or disorderly assemblies. Sec. II. No license shall be granted under the provis- ions, of this chapter to any person or persons who keep or operate a restaurant or eating room in connection with their plice of business where said liquors are to be retailed; and in case any person or persons, after having been granted a license in accordance with the provisions of this chapter of this or- dinance, shall keep, have or operate a restaurant or other eat- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 81 ing room in connection therewith, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to immediately revoke said license so granted to such person or persons. Sec. 12. No keeper of a dramshop shall keep open or suffer to be kept open his place of business, or sell any liquor therein, or therefrom, or suffer any person not belonging thereto or connected therewith, to remain in any part thereof, before the hour of five o'clock in the morning, or after the hour of eleven o'clock sharp in the evening of each day. Any person violating this section or any part thereof, shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 13. No license granted under any charter of the city for the sale of intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fer- mented liquors shall be assignable or transferable, nor shall any person be authorized to do business or to act under such license but the person to whom it is granted, or at any other place than the place specified therein, without the consent ofthe Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, to be certified on such license under his hand and the seal of the City, and countersigned by the City Clerk; nor shall any such license authorize any such person to act under it at more than one place at the same time, nor at any other time than therein specified. Whoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed as acting without a license and be subject to the same oenalty as is prescribed for selling without a license. Sec. 14. Every dealer in liquors, licensed under the pro- visions hereof, shall keep a copy of this ordinance posted up in some conspicuous place in his place of business. Sec. 15. The giving away of intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors or other device or shift to evade the provisions or requirements of this chapter of this ordi- nance are hereby declared to be within the meaning and in- tent and shall be deemed violations hereof. Sec. 16. No keeper of a dramshop, licensed under the provisions hereof to retail intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, shall on Sundays keep open or suffer or peimit to be kept open any part of his place of business, nor shall, on Sundays, in any manner sell or deliver any intoxicat- 82 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA. mg, inalt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, or suffer or per- mit any such liquors to be used or drunk in his place of busi- ness or on his premises or in any place adjacent thereto under 1-is control, under a penalty of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 17. No dealer in liquors shall, by himself, his agent, servant or clerk, suffer or permit any person to drink to excess ov drunkenness on his premises, nor suffer or permit any sf. ecies of gambling in any part thereof, or plaving at or with crrds, dice or dominos; nor have or permit any chairs, stools, sittees, tables or articles of furniture for persons to sit down or recline upon therein, or in places adjacent thereto and under his control; nor shall he allow the windows of his place of business to be painted, stained or otherwise obstructed so as to impair a good view of the bar from the street, under a pen- alty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than ont hundred dollars for each violation hereof. Sec. 18. No keeper of a dramshop licensed under the provision hereof to sell intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, nor his agent clerk or servant shall employ any minor as a servant or clerk in his place of business without the written permit of the parents or lawful guardian of such minor nor shall sell, give or deliver either by himself or another any intoxicating malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors to any intoxicated person, nor shall harbor or entice, or suffer any intoxicated person or minor to remain or loiter in or about his place of business, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 19. No dealer in liquors, or any other person, shall sell, give or deliver any intoxicating liquors to any minor with- out the written order of his parent, guardian or family phy- sician nor then unless he shall receive and retain said order, nor to any person intoxicated, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, Provided, That no more than one sale shall be per- mitted to any minor under such written order as aforesaid. Sec. 20. Any person being a minor, who shall obtain from the proprietor of any saloon or grocery, or from his or ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA. 83 her agent or servant, any intoxicating liquors under the false pretense of being then of age, shall, upon conviction, be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 21. No keeper of a dramshop licensed under the pro- visions hereof, by himself, or his agent or clerk, nor any other person, shall sell, give or deliver any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors to any person who is in the habit of getting intoxicated, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 22. No keeper of a dramshop within this city or his agent, clerk or servant shall permit or allow any prostitute or lewd woman or women of ill report, to frequent, loiter in, or purchase or drink li(|uor of any kind in his dramshop or in any place adjacent thereto under his control. Any such woman who shall when requested not to enter any such dram- shop, by any person in charge of the same, persist in entering such dramshop, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and any keeper of a dramshop, or his agent, clerk or servant who shall knowingly violate the provisions of this section shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 22,. No dealers in liciuors shall suffer or permit any loud or boisterous talking, obscene or profane language, sing- ing, fighting, or other disturbance in or about his place of business, or in any place adjacent thereto, under his control, to the annoyance or disturbance of any persons passing along any street or public place in the vicinity thereof, or to the dis- turbance of the peace and quiet of persons doing business or residing in the neighborhood thereof, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each violation thereof. Sec. 24. The City Marshal and Policemen shall see that the provisions hereof are strictly observed and enforced, and shall prosecute all violations of the same, and any person may make complaint of any violation before the Police Magistrate and have the offender prosecuted as in other cases, and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and all Policemen to arrest or 84 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. cause to be arrested and prosecuted without delay all persons who may be found intoxicated or riotious in any public place. Sec. 25. No person engaged in the sale of liquors, shall keep or maintain in his place of business, or any room con- nected therewith under his control, any billiard, pool, bagatelle or pigeon-hole table, or any ball or ten-pin alley, for the pur- pose of playing games thereon. Any person violating the pro- visions of these sections, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofifense, and a further penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every day such persons keeps or maintains any or either of said tables or alleys in his said place of business or room connected there- with as aforesaid. Sec. 26. That a license for the sale of malt liquors in quantities of five gallons or over may be issued to any person of good moral character applying for the same in the discre- tion of the City Council upon such person paying in advance to the City Treasurer the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, or a proportionate sum for six months; but no li- cense shall issue for a less time than six months; and, provided, that the person applying for such license, shall first execute a bond in the penal sum of three thousand dollars, payable to the People of the State of Illinois, with at least two good and suf- ficent securities, freeholders of the County of Champaign and State of Illinois, to be approved by the Mayor of said city, and conditioned that such person will, pay to all persons all damages whicli they may sustain, either in person or property, or means of support, by reason of such person so obtaining said license, selling or giving away intoxicating liquors; and in addition thereto, shall also execute a bond payable to the City of Urbana in the penal sum of one thousand dollars with two good and sufficient securities, freeholders of the County of Champaign, Illinois, said bond to be approved by the City Council of said city, and conditioned that the person to whom such license is granted, will obey all laws and ordinances of the City of Urbana, then or thereafter in force, relating to or governing the sale of intoxicating liquors. Ordinances of the city of urbana. 85 CHAPTER XXVI. i^ung-testers, galvanic batteries, etc. section— 1. Must obtain license. 2. License fee. Section i. No person shall use or exhibit, for profit or gain, any lung-tester, lifting apparatus, galvanic battery, strik- ing machine, swing or other machine, instrument or device, \\ithout first having obtained a license therefor, under a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dol- lars for each oflfense. Sec. 2. The license therefor for any such apparatus as named in the preceding section shall be one dollar for each day. CHAPTER XXVH. MAYOR. section— 1. Shall preside at all meetings of the council, etc. 2. Perform all duties prescribed by law or ordinance, etc. 3. May inspect and examine all books, etc. 4. Has power of sheriff or peace officer in city limits, etc. 5. May release person from prison, etc. — shall release no fin". 6. "Vacancy in office of mayor — how filled. 7. Ma/ remove officer appointed by him, etc. 8. Messages to council. Section i. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council, and shall have no vote, except in case of a tie, when he shall give the deciding vote. Sec. 2. He shall perform all duties that are or may be prescribed by law or the city ordinances, and shall take care that the city ordinances and the laws are faithfully executed. Sec. 3. He shall have power at all times to examine and inspect the books, records and papers of any agent, employe or officer of the city. Sec. 4. He may exercise within the city limits the powers conferred upon sheriffs or peace officers to suppress disorder and keep the peace. 86 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF tJRBANA. Sec. 5. He may release any person imprisoned for the violation of any city ordinance and shall report such release and the cause therefor to the City Council at its next meeting; but he shall have no power to remit or release the fine or costs of any person convicted under the city ordinances. Sec. 6. Whenever a vacancy shall happen in the office of the Mayor, when the unexpired term shall be one year or over from the date when the vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by election. If the vacancy is less than one year, the City Coun- cil shall elect one of its members to act as Mayor, who shall possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor until the next annual election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. Sec. 7. He shall have power to remove any officer ap- pointed by him, on any formal charge, whenever he shall be of the opinion that the interests of the city demand such removal, but he shall report the reasons for such removal to the City Council, at a meeting to be held not less than five days, nor more than ten days after such removal; and if the Mayor shall fail or refuse to file with the City Clerk, a statement of the rea- sons for such removal, or if the City Council by a two-thirds vote of all its members authorized by law to be elected, by yeas and nays be entered upon its record, disapprove of such re- moval, such officer shall thereupon become restored to the office from which he was removed, but he shall give new bonds and take a new oath of office. Sec. 8. The Mayor shall, annually, and from time to time, give the City Council information relative to the affairs of the city, and shall recommend for their consideration such measures as he may deem expedient. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 87 CHAPTER XX\'III. MEATS AND PROVISIONS. SECTION— 1. Penalty for killing diseased animals. 2. Selling flesh of diseased animals. 3. Other unwholesome provisions. 4. Displaying fruit, etc., on benches. 5. Inspectors of meat and provisions. Section i. Whoever shall slaughter within said city, or within one mile of the limits thereof, any emaciated, sick, sore, bruised, wounded, diseased or disordered animal, or any ani- mal which has been within twenty-four hours next before the time of slaughtering- excessively driven, so as to become heated, or any calf under four weeks old, or any female animal far gone with young, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 2. Whoever shall sell, ofifer to sell, or keep or ex- pose for sale within said City, any emaciated, sick, crippled, sore, bruised, wounded, diseased or disordered animal, with in- tent that the same shall, while in such condition, be slaughtered for food, or shall sell, ofifer to sell, keep or expose for sale within said City the flesh of any such animal, or any tainted or unwholesome fresh meat, or the flesh of any animal coming to its death naturally, or by any means other than the usual mode of slaughtering animals for food or the flesh of any calf slaughtered under the age of four weeks, or any fe- male animal which at the time of slaughtering was far goqe with young, shall for each or either of said offenses be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Whoever shall sell, expose or ofifer for sale any sick or diseased fowl, bird, game, poultry or fish after the same has become tainted, decayed or unwholesome from any cause, or the flesh of any animal, fowl, bird, game or fish not used or deemed wholesome for food, or any tainted, decayed, unsound or unwholesome provisions or articles of food of any kind whatever, or any adulterated or pernicious drink or liquors, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars for each ofifense. Ordinances of the; city of urbana. Sec. 4. Whoever, as a merchant, grocer, butcher or huckster, shall display, exhibit or temporarily store in front of his place of business any fruit, vegetable or farinaceous article of commerce, unless the same be so exhibited, displayed or temporarily stored upon a bench or platform erected at least one foot and eight inches above the level of the sidewalk, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 5. Every member of the police department, and all members of the board of health of said city, are hereby made and constituted ex-ofBcio inspectors of meat and provisions, in and for said City. Every such officer shall be entitled on demand made by him, to see and inspect any fresh meat which any butcher or other person may keep or have on hand within the city, as well as any live animal obtained or designed by any butcher or other person for slaughter. Such officer shall also have the right to see and inspect all fowls, game, birds, poultry or fish, as well as all other kinds of meat and all kinds of provisions, including fruits and milk, which shall be kept on hand or exposed or offered for sale by any butcher, huckster, grocer, milkman, dealer or other person. And any person who shall refuse to permit such inspection, on demand made on him, or shall hinder or delay such officer in making the same, or shall give false answers to any questions asked by such officer touching any fresh meat or any animal intended for slaughter, shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. And upon such inspection, if such officer shall find any of the articles enumerated in this section unwholesome or unfit for use as icod, it shall be the duty of such officer to condemn the sanie and notify the owner thereof, or the person having charge of the same, to remove or withdraw the same from sale, and upon the failure or refusal of such person to withdraw such article from the market, it shall then be the duty of such cfficer to prosecute such person for a violation of this chapter. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A. 89 CHAPTER XXIX. MILKMEN. SECTION— 1. Provides for licensing the sale of milk. 2. Provides penalty for violation of section one. 3. Requires name of milkman on wagon. 4. Selling by employe — penalty. 5. Selling milk adulterated or from sick or diseased cow. Section i. It shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, to sell, expose for sale, or deliver milk from any wagon, cart or other vehicle, unless he or they shall have first obtained a license to carry on such business. The Mayor is hereby authorized to isrsue a license for such purpose to any person applying for the same, which said license shall also be signed by the City Clerk who shall affix the seal of the city thereto. Such application shall specify the number of wagons, carts or other vehicle in- tended to be employed in the sale or delivery of milk, and the applicant shall pay to the City Clerk a license fee of ten dollars per annum for each and every such wagon, cart or other ve- hicle, and for each hand cart the sum of five dollars per annum. The number of wagons, carts or other vehicles authorized by any license to be so employed may be enlarged upon a further written application to the Mayor, and the payment of the above named sum of ten dollars for every such additional wagon or other vehicle, and five dollars for each additional hand cart, per annum. Sec. 2. Any person who violates the provisions of section one of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Every person licensed to sell milk shall cause his name to be legibly painted or placed on each wagon or other vehicle used by him in said business. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each day he shall neglect or refuse to place his name on such wagon or vehicle, after being requested so to do by the Mayor or any police officer. Sec. 4. Whoever, as driver, agent or employe of the 90 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. owner of any such wagon, cart or other vehicle used in the sale or delivery of milk as aforesaid, or as the employe or agent of the owner of the milk so sold or delivered, shall drive any such wagon, cart or other vehicle or shall sell or deliver milk aforesaid, without his employer having a license as required by section one of this chapter, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. Whoever shall sell or offer to sell any milk adulterated with water, or with any other liquid or substance, or any milk produced from any sick or diseased cow, shall for each offense be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Any police officer is here- by authorized and empowered to seize and destroy any and all such milk sold or offered for sale. ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF URBANA. 91 CHAPTER XXX. MISDEMEANORS. SECTION— 1. Unlawful assemblies. 2. Assaults — fighting. 3. Disorderly conduct. 4. Drunkenness. 5. Disturbing funeral. 6. Disturbing school, etc. 7. Open lewdness. 8. Disturbing peace of neighborhood or family. 9. Disturbing religious assembly. 10. Giving false alarm of fire and cry for assistance. 11. Abet or encourage unlawful act. 12. Obscene writing or figure. 13. Obstruction of pul ic or private ways. 14. Advertising wares on fences or other private property with- out permit. 15. Gambling. 1§. Obscene books, pictures, etc. 17. Visiting, patronizing bawdy house, or house of ill fame. 18. Disturbing peace on Sunday by amusements, etc. 19. Keeping open billiard rooms, shooting galleries, or otht • lil ; place, etc. 20. Injury to telegraph, telephone poles or ele ;tric lights. 21. Posting bills, etc., on telegraph and other poles. 22. Injuring public or private property. 23. Carrying away cap or lid of gas, water systems, etc. 24. Leaving horse or team unhitched. 25. Fast driving. 26. Indecently exhibiting stallion, etc. 27. Lottery — lottery ticket. 28. Keeping house of ill-fame, disorderly house, etc. 29. Inmate, or supporting house of ill-fame. etc. 30. Soliciting, hiring females for prostitution. 31. Permitting gambling on premises owned, occupied, etc. 32. Indecent exposure. 33. Leaving cellar-door, cistern, etc., open. 34. Contractor leaving excavation unguarded. 35. Vagrants. 36. Selling diseased flesh, fish, milk, etc. 37. Permitting unlawful assembly. 38. Hitching horses to trees, fences, etc. 39. Vehicles turn to right. 40. Swindling device— sleeping in barn, etc.— vagrancy. 41. Sale of poison. 42. Injuring public buildings, fences, etc., or carrying away or in- juring plants, etc., in parks or parking. 43. Using false weights and measures. 44. Drinking in public. 45. Obstructing thoroughfares. 46. Keeping common gaming house, etc. 92 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA, 47. Causing or maintaining a nuisance— offal, filth, etc. 48. Firing cannon, guns, etc. 49. Cruelty to animals. 50. Aiding, abetting rescue or escape of prisoner. 51. Falsely representing an officer. 52. Refusal of citizen to act when deputized. 53. Removal of dirt from street, alley or avenue. 54. Practicing sleight-of-hand, etc. 55. Removing stake, post or corner stone. 56. Burning waste paper, etc. 57. Concealed weapons. 58. Giving or selling concealed weapon to minor. 59. Gunpowder. 60. Building not to obstruct street, alley or sidewalk. 61. Removal of building encroaching on street, etc. 62. Written permit to remove building across street, etc. 63. Obstructing street, alley or sidewalk with goods, etc. 64. Contractor not to obstruct street or alley. 65. Steam engines on paved streets. 66. Obstructing street crossing. 67. Water from buildings upon sidewalk. 68. Unloading coal on sidewalk. 69. Boys climbing on wagons, etc. 70. Bonfires, etc. 71. Throwing stones, etc. 72. Loitering about railways or grounds. 73. Obstructing water course. 74. Jumping, climbing upon or catching hold of any railroad car or street car. 75. Scaring horses. 76. Weighing of gunpowder — kerosene or gasoline. 77. Orange peel, banana, etc. 78. Bill boards — when a nuisance. 79. Accessories, etc. 80. Prostitutes loitering on streets, etc. 81. Prohibits boys from loitering about churches, etc. 82. Driving unhaltered horses or mules through the streets. 83. Dog fighting— cock fighting— prize fight. 84. Rubber slings, etc. 85. Throwing glass, tacks, nails, cans and rubbish on street, etc. 86. Driving over gutters, curbing, parking and walks of Univer- sity of Illinois. 87. Resisting an officer. Section i. Any two or more persons who shall assemble for the purpose of disturbing the peace, or of committing an unlawful act, and who shall not disperse when commanded or requested by any peace officer, shall each and severally be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 2. Whoever shall assault, strike or fight another, or ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 93 shall be guilty of any conduct calculated to provoke a breach of the peace, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Whoever shall disturb the peace, or shall be guilty of any violent, tumultuous, offensive or disorderly con- duct, or shall make any loud or unusual noise or disturbance, or shall use obscene, offensive, profane or unseemly language, to the annoyance, disturbance or vexation of othe'rs, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 4. Whoever shall be found in a state of intoxication in any .street, alley or other public place, or so found, disturb- ing the peace of the public, or of his own or another family, in any private building or place, shall, for the first offense be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. And upon any subsequent conviction shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 5. Whoever willfully interrupts or disturbs a funeral assembly or procession shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 6. Whoever willfully interrupts or disturbs any school or other assembly of people met for a lawful purpose, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 7. Whoever shall be guilty of open lewdness, or other notorious act of public indecency, tending to debauch the public morals, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than tin-ce dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 8. Whoever willfully disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or family by loud or unusual noises or of- fensive carriage, threatening, traducing, quarreling, challeng- ing to fight or fighting, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 9. Whoever by menace, profane swearing, vulgar language, or any disorderly or unusual conduct, interrupts or disturbs any assembly of people met for the worship of God, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. 94 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. lo. Whoever shall make a false alarm of fire, or any false cry for assistance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. II. Whoever shall aid in. abet or encourage any unlawful act, or any violation of any ordinance of the city, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than_one hundred dollars. Sec. 12. Whoever shall in any place open to public view, write, mark, draw or cut any obscene, lewd or indecent word, sentence, design or figure, or shall paste, paint or exhibit any lewd, obscene or indecent sign or bill, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 13. Whoever shall obstruct or encroach upon any public highway, private way, street, alley or any way to any burying place within the corporate limits of the City of Ur- bana, shall be deemed guilty of keeping and maintaining a public nuisance and shall for the first offense be subject to a penalty of not exceeding one hundred dollars, and shall for each succeeding offense be subject to a penalty of not exceed- ing two hundred dollars. Sec. 14. Whoever shall advertise his wares or occupa- tion by painting notices of the same on or affixing them to fences or trees or other private property, or on rocks or other natural objects, without permission of the owner thereof or the proper authorities, shall be deemed guilty of erecting and maintaining a public nuisance and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars. Sec. 15. Whoever shall play for money, or other valu- able thing, or at any game with cards, dice, checks, or billiards, or with any other article, instrument or thing whatsoever, which may be used for the purpose of playing or betting upon, or winning or losing money or any other thing or article of value, or shall bet on any other game which others may be playing, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 16. Whoever shall exhibit, sell, or offer to sell any indecent, obscene or lewd book, picture, statue or other thing. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 95 or shall exhibit or perform any indecent, obscene or lewd play, exhibition or other representations, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 17. Whoever shall visit, patronize or frequent any disorderly, gaming or bawdy house, house of ill-fame, house of assignation, or any place for the practice of fornication, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 18. Whoever shall, on Sunday, disturb the peace or good order of society by any play or amusement, or loud or unusual noises, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 19. Whoever shall on Sunday keep open any bill- iard room, shooting gallery, ball or pin alley, house, ground, or other place of amusement or play, or shall suffer or permit persons to assemble therein for the purpose of amusement or play, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 20. Whoever shall cut, break, mark, or in any man- ner damage or injure any telegraph post or telegraph wire, or any telephone post or wire, electric light and street car poles or wires, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 21. That any person who shall, without permission from the City Council attach in any manner any bill, advertise- ment, notice or sign to or upon any telegraph, telephone or electric light pole within the limits of the City of Urbana, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 22. Whoever shall willfully, or maliciously break, deface, destroy, or otherwise injure any public property of the city, or any private property of any person, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars. Sec. 23. Whoever shall willfully remove, destroy or carry away any cap or lid, connected with or attached to the water service, or sewerage or drainage system of the city or placed upon the service box of gas companies, upon sidewalks 96 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. or public grounds of the city, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 24. Whoever shall leave any horse or mule, or any team, in any uninclosed or public place without being fastened, guarded or secured so as to prevent its running away, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 25. Whoever shall rapidly or immoderately ride or drive, or race any bicycle, horse or mule, or other like ani- mals, or any team in or upon any street or alley in the in- habitated part of the city, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 26. Whoever shall indecently exhibit any horse, bull, jackass or other animal, in any public place open to pub lie view, or shall let any such animal perform service except in some inclosed place out of public view, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 27. Whoever shall set up any lo|tery or game of chance, or shall sell or dispose of for gain any ticket, chance or share in any lottery or game of chance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 28. Whoever shall keep or maintain any disorderly, gaming or bawdy house, or house of ill-fame, house of assig- nation, or any place for the practice of fornication; or who shall knowingly rent or lease to another, suffer or permit any premises owned or controlled or occupied by him or her for and such purpose, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 29. Whoever shall be an inmate of, or connected with or contribute to the support of any disorderly, gaming, or bawdy house, or house of ill-fame, or house of assignation, or any place for the practice of fornication, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars. Sec. 30. Whoever shall solicit, or shall coax, hire, per- suade or induce, any female or any prostitute, to go to his sleeping-room, or into any business house, or office, or other place of business, or to go into any park or public ground, or ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 97 into any car, or into any alley way or street, or to any private or secluded place for the purpose of fornication, adultery or prostitution, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 31. Whoever shall knowingly suffer or permit any species of gaming for money or any other thing or article of value, or for any check or other thing or article intended to represent the same, in any house or premises owned or occu- pied bv him, under his control, or shall keep or have in his possession any gaming implements for the purpose of gaming therewith, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each of- fense. Sec. 32. Whoever shall publicly make any indecent ex- posure of his or her person, or shall appear in a dress not be- longing to his or her sex, or in any indecent or lewd dress, or in a state of nudity, or shall be guilty of any other indecent or lewd act or behavior, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 33. Whoever shall leave open any cellar, cellar- door, vault, well, cistern, excavation, ditch or other like hole upon or a Ijoining any street, alley or sidewalk, without pro- tecting and securing the same, so as not to endanger the safety of persons or animals passing thereby, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 34. Any contractor for any public or private work, officer or other person, making any excavation upon or ad- joining any street, alley or sidewalk, or having the same in charge, who shall in the night time leave the same open and unprotected so as to endanger the safety of persons or ani- mals passing thereby and falling therein, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dol- lars. Sec. 35. Any person able to work and maintain himself in some honest and respectable calling, not having visible means of support, wh6 shall idly without employment, loiter or stroll about begging, or frequent gaming houses, tippling houses, or places where intoxicating liquors are sold, or shall 98 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Otherwise lead an idle or profligate course of life shall be deemed a vagrant and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 36. Whoever shall knowingly sell, expose or ofifer for sale any sick or diseased animals, poultry or fish, to be used or eaten for food, or the flesh of any sick or diseased or otherwise unwholesome dead animal, poultry or fish, or the flesh of any animal, fowl or fish, not usually used or deemed wholesome for food, or any unwholesome provisions or ar- ticles of food whatever, or any adulterated or pernicious milk, drink or liquors, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars in each case. Sec. 37. Whoever shall knowingly suffer or permit any assemblage for the purpose of disturbing the peace, or of com- mitting any unlawful act, or any breach of the peace, or any riotous, tumultuous, offensive or disorderly conduct, or any loud or unusual noise or disturbance, or obscene, oflfensive, profane or unseemly language, to the annoyance, disturbance or vexatijn of others, in or upon any premises owned or oc- cupied by him, under his control, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 38. Whoever shall, without the consent of the owner or occupant of the premises, fasten any horse or other animal to any fence, railing or tree, or to any boxing placed around any tree, or shall willfully, maliciously or negligently in any manner injure or destroy any ornamental or shade tree, or boxing around the same, or any shrub, fence, railing, gate or sign upon any public grounds, sidewalk or private premises or shall trespass upon any private or public grounds, and injure, carry away or destroy any tree, fruit, vegetable, plant, shrub or other thing which may be therein for ornament or otherwise, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 39. All persons meeting each other in vehicles in the streets or alleys, or in any public place, or upon or near any bridge, shall, unless the nature or state of the roadway or passway rhall render it impracticable, each turn and drive to the right side, so as to pass each other without accident or in- jury. Whoever shall violate the requirements of this section ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 99 shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 40. Any person who shall have in his possession any implement or device used for cheating or swindling, with- out being able to give a good account of his possession of the same, or who shall trespass upon private property in the night time, sleep in stables, outhouses or in the open air without be- ing able to give a good account of himself or herself, shall be deemed a vagrant, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 41. Whoever shall keep, sell or deliver any poison usually known or used as deadly poison, without legibly marking the name thereof, or the word "poison" upon the vial, wrapper or other enclosure containing the same; or whoever shall sell or deliver any arsenic, strychnine, prussic acid, or other poison actually known or used as a deadly poison, to any person known to him without registering the name of such person and the kind and quantity of the poison sold or de- livered, and the purpose for which the same was obtained; or, whoever shall sell or deliver any such poison to any person to him unknown, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars in each case. But the sale or delivery of any such poison as a medicine, upon the pre- scription of a practicing physician, shall not be deemed a violation of this section. Sec. 42. Whoever shall willfully or carelessly break any street lamp, or city pump, well or cistern, or in any manner damage the same, or shall cut, carve, peel, bark or deface, or in any manner injure any tree, shrub, plant or flower in any street, park or public ground, or in any manner cut, mark, carve, deface or damage any pavilion, or any building of any kind or nature in any park or public ground, or any building belonging to the City of Urbana, or shall in any manner cut, mark, carve, deface, injure or damage any church or school house, or any fence enclosing any church or school grounds, or any paik or public ground, or damage or destroy, or take, or carry away any tree, shrub, plant, flower, or any vase of statuary, in any public ground or park, shall be subject to a 100 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA. penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars. Sec. 43. Whoever shall knowingly use any false scales, beam, weight or measure, in the purchase or sale, receipt or delivery of any goods, article or property, purchased or sold, received or delivered, by weight or measure; or shall use any weight or measure for the purchase or sale, receipt or delivery of any goods, article or property, purchased or sold, received or delivered, by weight or measure, knowing the same to be ma- terially inaccurate and dififerent from the standard prescribed by the laws of the State of Illinois, or shall sell or deliver any goods, article or property, sold or delivered by weight or meas ure, and purporting to be a certain weight or measure, know- ing the same to be materially less than the true weight or measure for which the same was sold or delivered, shall be subject *^o < penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 44. If two or more persons shall assemble together, or who, being together, shall in any public place, or in any place open to public view, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, drink any vinous, spirituous, fermented, mixed, malt, or other intoxicating liquors of any kind what- ever, they shall be deemed and hereby declared guilty of creat- ing a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each ofTense. Sec. 45. No person shall incumber or obstruct any street, alley or sidewalk so as to hinder, delay or render pas- sage along the same difficult or unsafe, either by piling up boxes, building materials, or in any other manner whatsoever, except by permission of the Mayor or Superintendent of Streets. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. ^6. Whoever keeps a common gaming house or in any building, booth, yard or garden either by him or his agent used and occupied, procures or permits any person to fre- quent or to come together for the purpose of playing for money or other valuable thing, at any game, or keeps or suf- fers to be kept any tables or other apparatus, for the purpose ORDINANCE'S OF THE CITY OF URBANA. lOl of playing at any game or games of sport, for money or other valuable thing, or knowingly rents any such place for such purposes shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 47. Whoever shall cause or sufifer the carcass of any animal or any ofifal, filth or noisome substance to be collected, deposited or remain in any place, to the prejudice of others; or whoever shall throw or deposit ofifal or other offensive matter, or the carcass of any animal in any water course, lake, pond on spring, well or common sewer, street or alley, shall be guilty of keeping and maintaining a nuisance, and upon con- viction tliereof shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 48. Whoever within the inhabited portion of the city, shall fire or discharge any cannon, gun or pistol, or other fire arms, or shall set off or explode any torpedo, fire- crackers, fire-ball, or rocket, or other fireworks, what- ever, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. But the setting or exploding off of any fireworks upon national holi- days, and the celebration of other public and general events, and upon rally days, or the discharge of firearms by any mili- tary company when on parade and in accordance with the command of the commanding officer, or by the command or permission of any city officer, or person in the discharge of any legal duty or lawful act, when the same may be required as a necessity or act of usefulness, and is done in such a manner as not to endanger the safety of any person, or the injury of any property, or any officer in discharge of his duties, shall not be deemed violations of this chapter. Sec. 49. Wheoevcr shall be guilty of cruelty to any ani- mal by overloading, overdriving, overworking, cruelly beat- ing, mutilating, or cruelly killing any animal, or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done; or cruelly working any old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animal, or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done; or by unneces- sarily failing to provide any animal in his charge or control as 102 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. owner or otherwise, with proper drink, food and shelter, or abandoning any old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animal, or by driving, or by causing to be driven, or kept, any animal in an unnecessary or cruel manner, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 50. Whoever shall aid, abet, or encourage the res- cue or escape from prison of any person legally committed thereto, or shall supply or attempt to supply, any such person with any weapon or intoxicating liquors, or with any imple- ment or means of escape while in prison or in the legal custody of any officer of the City of Urbana, shall for each and every ofifense be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 51. Whoever shall falsely represent himself to be an officer of said city, or shall, without being duly authorized, ex- ercise, or attempt to exercise any of the duties, functions or powers of a city officer, or shall hinder, obstruct, resist or otherwise interfere with any city officer in the discharge of his official duties, or attempt to rescue from any such officer any person in his custody, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every ofifense. Sec. 52. Any police officer of the said city shall have the power to call upon any male person over the age of eighteen years to aid him in the arrest or in retaking or taking into cus- tody of any person having committed any unlawful act, or to aid in preventing the commission of any unlawful act, and whoever shall neglect or refuse to give such aid or assistance as aforesail when so requested by any such officer, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 53. No person or persons shall plow, dig up, or re- move any dirt from or excavate, strip, sap or undermine any street, alley, or avenue or public ground in the City of Urbana, without the written consent or license so to do ofthe City Coun- cil, over the signature of the Mayor. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each ofifense. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 103 Sec. 54. Any person who shall manage, use or practice any trick, sleight-of-hand game or device whatever with intent of winning or procuring the property or money of another per- son or with intent to defraud another person, by inducing him or her to bet, loan or deposit, or stake money or other prop- erty upon the result of such game, trick or device, shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 55. Whoever shall willfully change or remove any stake, post or stone placed or set to designate the corner or line of any lot or tract of land, street, alley or sidewalk, or to show the grade of any street, alley or sidewalk, shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 56. The burning of waste paper or other rubbish within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, between the hours of eight o'clock p. m. and six o'clock a. m., is hereby prohibited. Any person violating the provisions of this sec- tion shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 57. Whoever shall, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, carry any concealed weapon, revolver, pis- tol, dagger, dirk-knife, metalic knuckles, billy, slung-shot, or any razor, as a concealed weapon, upon or about his person, or whoever, in a threatening or boisterous manner shall dis- play or flourish any deadly weapon, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 58. Whoever, not being the father, guardian or em- ployer of a minor, by himself or agent, shall sell, give loan, hire, or barter to any minor within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, any pistol, revolver, derringer, bowie-knife, Guk or other deadly weapon of like character, capable of being secreted upon the person, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dol- lars for each offense. Sec. 59. Any person who shall keep on hand, in or about any premises used or occupied by him in any one place of busi- ' ness, for sale or for any other purpose, a greater quantity of 104 ORDINANCES O^ THE CiTY OF URBANA. gunpowder than twenty-five pounds, within the corporate Hmits of the City of Urbana, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 60. No person shall make or cause to be made any building obstruction or enclosure encroaching in whole or in part upon any street, alley or sidewalk, under a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and an addi- tional penalty of not less than five dollars for each day the same shall remain after notice from the Mayor or Superinten- dent of Streets to remove the same. Sec. 61. The owner of any building, erection or encloseure already erected or placed or encroaching upon any street or alley or sidewalk who shall not remove the same after thirty days' notice by the Mayor so to do, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, and an additional penalty of not less than five dollars for each day any such person shall fail to remove the same after such notice so to do. Sec. 62. No person shall remove, or cause to be re- moved, or aid in removing, any building through or across any street or alley of the City of Urbana, without the written per- mit of the Mayor; nor shall, in removing such building, un- necessarily obstruct any street or alley, nor shall any such per- son encumber or obstruct any such street or alley for a longer time than shall be necessary in the prompt and diligent re- moval of such building, under a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 63. No person shall obstruct or encumber any street, alley or sidewalk or any portion thereof with merchan- dise or other property for a longer time than may be reason i- bly necessary for the purpose of loading or unloading any such merchandise or property or removing the same therefrom, under a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 64. No contractor or other person shall encumber or obstruct any street or alley with materials of any kind or character for the construction of any building, without the consent or permit of the Mayor in writing; nor shall except in Ordinances oif the city of urbana. 105 case of urgent necessity for a short time obstruct more than one-third of any alley or street, or one half of any sidewalk; nor shall any such obstruction continue, in any case for a lon- ger time than shall be necessary in the diligent and prompt construction of such building or execution of such work. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and an additional penalty of not less than five dollars for each day he shall continue in violation of any provisions of this section. Sec. 65. No person shall propel or move any steam en- gine through any portion of any paved street except to cross said paved street within the limits of the City of Urbana with- out first procuring a special permit from the Mayor, and shall then move or propel said engine only as specified in said per- mit. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 66. Whoever shall obstruct any street crossing by unnecessarily stopping thereon with any team, vehicle or ani- mal, so as to hinder or delay persons crossing the same, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 67. Whoever shall suffer or permit the water falling or draining from any building owned by him, or under his control, to fall upon or spread over the sidewalk adjoining thereto, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars, and a like penalty for each day he shall not remedy the same, after notice to do so by the Mayor or the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 68. No person shall unload, throw or place any coal upon any sidewalk of said city. Whoever shall be guilty of a violation of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dc liars no more than twenty five dollars. Sec. 69. Any boy who shall get into or upon, or cling to, any wagon or other vehicle, without the consent of the owner thereof, or shall otherwise purposely annoy or molest any other person, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars in each case. 106 ORDINANCEvS OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 70. No boy or person shall, in the inhabited part of the city ('^xcept on national holidays or other public and gen- eral celebrations) make or kindle any bonfire, or fire, explode or set off any fire-arms, fire-balls, fire-crackers, torpedos, rcckets, or other fire-works, or shall otherwise pursue any amusement or exercise calculated to impede travel or frighten animals, or injure or annoy persons passing along the streets, or sidewalks, imder a penalty not exceeding five dollars in each case. Sec. 71. No boy or other person shall purposely or heedlessly cast or throw any stone or other missile from or into any public place, or at any person, or at, upon, against, ( r into any building, premises, tree or other property, or shall walk upon the top or capping of any fence or railing, or climb upon the same, or into any shade or orna- mental tree upon any sidewalk or elsewhere, without the con- sent of the owner thereof, or shall in any manner injure, de- face, or destroy any building, fence, railing, tree or other prop- erty, or shall meddle with any public well, cistern or pump, under a penalty of not exceeding ten dollars in each case. Sec. 7^' Any boy or other person who shall, by idling around the depot of any railway, or the grounds adjoming thereto and used in connection therewith, impede, molest, or obstruct the officers or employes, or any of them engaged in running cars or locomotives on such railroad, or in prosecuting their or his lawful business or duties connected therewith, and shall not, on being requested so to do by any such officer or employe, or any policeman of this city, immediately leave such depot or grounds, shall be subject to. a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 73. Whoever shall, within the City of Urbana, dam up or obstruct or change the natural current of any water course, or shall dam up or obstruct any ditch, sewer, drain or culvert, established by authority of the City Council, to the detriment or damage of any street, sidewalk or alley, or other premises, shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 74. Any boy or other person who shall jump or climb upon or catch hold of and hang to any railroad car or ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF URBANA. 107 locomotive, or street car while the same is in motion, or who shall by clinging to the outside of or climbing or getting upon any such car or locomotive, or street car whether in motion or not at the time of the clinging to or climbing or getting upon the same, attempt to ride thereon from one place to another within the city, not being or intending to become a passenger on such railroad, by the train with which such car or locomotive is con- nected or by such street car beyond the limits of the city, or from one station to another on such railroad, and not being an ofificer or employe of the person, company or corporation operating and controlling such railroad, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 75. Whoever shall, by riding any bicycle in the streets or or. the sidewalks of the City of Urbana, or shall by any other means willfully or negligently frighten any horse, mule or other animal being at the time ridden by any person or attached to any vehicle, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 76. Whoever shall, by gaslight, lamplight or any artificial light, weigh any gunpowder or gun-cotton, or draw any kero.sene oil or gasoline, from any cask or barrel, shal! be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more tb in fifty doll irs. Sec. yj. Whoever shall throw, cast, lay or place on any sidewalk in the City of Urbana the rind or peel of any orange, banana, apple or other fruit, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 7S. Whoever shall erect, keep or maintain any bill- board or board for advertising upon, in any public ground or place, or upon any private premises adjacent to any sidewalk, street or footway, the same being so erected as to occasion danger or inconvenience to the public, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 79. Whoever aids, abets, assists, advises, or en- courages the commission of any act prohibited by ordinance, or by any indirect means procures any such ofTense to be com mitted, or whoever commits an offense through the interven- 108 ORDINANCES OF 'THE CITY OF URBANA.- tion of an agent, servant, employee or person under his con- trol, shall be deemed guilty to the same extent, and may be proceeded against in the same manner as though said offense had been ccmmitted by him directly and with his own hand. And any such agent, servant or other person, doing any pro- hibited act foi and on behalf of another shall be deemed guilty of such act equally with Ins employer or principal, and be sub- ject to the s?.me penalty, except in such cases where a different or other i(nalty is provided by ordinance for such agent or employee. Sec. So Any lewd woman or prostitute who shall in any manner plv her vocation in or upon the streets, alleys, stair- ways or halls of public buildings, parks or in other public places of laid city by loitering or in any manner soliciting to acts of lewdness, or who shall be found loitering on the streets during the night-time, shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty oi i ot less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 81 It shall be unlawful for any boys or other per- sons to loiter or congregate in or near any stairway or hall opening upon any street, in the City of Urbana or loiter or congregate upon any street, sidewalk or alley in said city or in the vicinity of any church, school house, hotel, railroad depot, store, factory, city building", engine house, buildings of the University of Illinois or other public places to the annoy- ance or disturbance of other persons; and any two or more boys or other persons loitering or congregating in or near any stairway or hall opening upon any street in said city or who shall loiter or congregate upon any street, sidewalk or alley in said city u: in the vicinity of any church, school house, hotel, railroad depot, store, factory, city building, engine house, buildings of the University of Illnois or other public place in said city and who shall refuse to disperse and go to their re- spective homes when requested so to do by any member of the police force of said city or by any person annoyed thereby shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twe iry dollars for each offense. Sec. 82 It shall be unlawful to drive any horses or mules through the streets and alleys of this city unless they be ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 109 securely trltered or controlled and led by any person who is competent and having control thereof. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than thirty dollars. Sec. 83 Any person who shall instigate, cause, procure or in any way aid, abet, or encourage or assist any dog-fight, prize-fighr, cock-fight or main, either in a public or private place, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dol- lars nor rnorc than two hundred dollars. Sec. 84 Any boy who shall use, or have in his posses- sion any sling, rubber-sling or other implement or device whatsoever for the casting or throwing of stones, bullets or any article whatsoever, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 85. No person or persons shall throw or deposit any glass, bottles, crockery or earthen-ware, tacks, nails, tin cans or other rul)bish whatsoever, in or upon any sidewalk, street, alley or other public place within said city. Any person violat- ing the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars for each offense. Sec. 86. Any person or persons who shall ride upon or across or drive or cause to pass over or across any improved or unimproved sidewalk or any paved gutter or any curbing or parking in said city with any horse, mule, ass, cattle, team, wagon, cart, dray, sled, carriage, or other vehicle, or whoever shall pass over, ride or drive over or across any paved walk within the grounds of the University of Illinois with any horse, mule, ass, cattle, team, wagon, cart, dray, sled, carriage, or other vehicle, except at the proper crossing places or where t le alleys intersect the streets, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense: Provided, that any occupant of any lot or ware- house may have access thereto by placing in front of the same at his or her expense, with the consent and direction of the Superintendent of Streets, over such gutter, curbing, parking or sidewalk, a bridge, in such manner as will preserve the same from injury or obstruction. Sec. 87. Whoever shall wilfully hinder, delay, resist or 110 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. obstruct any city officer, or any person legally authorized by him, in the discharge of his duty, or shall aid, abet or encour- age any such hindering, delaying resisting or obstructing, or shall neglect or refuse to obey any lawful order or directions of any such officer, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each oftense. CHAPTER XXXI. NUISANCES. SECTION— 1. Pens and stables. 2. Accumulation of manure. 3. Animal matter, when. "■:,*■ , 4. Unsafe scaffolding. 5. Obstructing sidewalk. 6. Sheds or awnings, when. 7. Building unsafe. '. -" . Lcl;' ;i 8. Privy, vault, slop drain. 9. Privies, when. 10. Barbed wire fence. 11. Barbed wire. 12. Thistles, etc. 13. Suffering premises to become foul. 14. Depositing offensive matter in any creek or stream. 15. Green and salted hides a nuisance, when. 16. Removal of offensive matter. IT. Carts and vehicles carrying offensive matter. 18. Slaughter houses, other offensive establishments. 19. Operating slaughter houses, etc. 20. Permits for slaughter houses, etc. 21. Revocation of permits for slaughter house, etc. 22. Stagnant water. 23. Washing buggies on street or walk, 24. Not to erect pig-sty, privy, etc.. near street. 25. Statutory. 26. Penalty for nuisance where not otherwise provided. 27. Keeping chickens and other poultry on sidewalk and f treet. 28. Stables not to be nearer than 4 feet to street, etc. Section i. Any pen, stable, lot, or premises in which any animal or poultry may be kept or confined, and which shall become nauseous, foul or offensive, or from any cause be- come an annoyance to the neighborhood, family or person, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Ill shall be deemed a nuisance. And the owner or keeper of any such animals or poultry, or the owner or occupant of such premises, who upon being- notified by any police or other officer of said city to abate, remedy or remove such nuisance, within a time to be specified in said notice, shall neg-lect or refuse so to do, within the time specified, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, and he shall be subject to a like penalty for each day he shall suffer or permit such nuisance to remain after the expiration of the time fixed by said notice for the abatement of the •same. Sec. 2. It shall be a nuisance for any persou to permit or suffer to accumulate on any premises owned or controlled by him, any heap or stack of manure, in said city in such manner as to emit noxious, disag-reeable or offensive smells, to the annoyance or detriment of any person or family. Whoever shall place any such manure, or the contents of any privy vault in or upon any public place within said city shall be deemed g"uilty of maintaining- a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance to deposit or place in or upon any premises, public or private, enclosed or common within said city any veg-etable or animal matter or slops, or any filth of a character likely to affect the public health, or to produce smells, or the carcass of any dead animal, or to suffer the carcass of any dead animal, which at its death belong-ed to him, to be or remain in or upon any such place more than twenty-four hours after its death. Any person violating- the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense; and an ad- ditional penalty of not less than two dollars and not more than one hundred dollars for each day such person shall con- tinue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such nuisance. Sec. 4. Whoever shall erect or use, or shall cause to be erected or used within said city any insecure or unsafe scaf- fold, whereby the safety of persons working- thereon or passing- thereunder maybein any manner endangered, shall be deemed 112 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBA.NA. g-uilty of maintaining- a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars for each offense and an additional penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person shall continue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such nuisance. Sec. 5. Whoever shall erect, suspend, keep or maintain any sig-n, awning-, goods, clothing- or other structure or thing over or across any street or sidewalk of the city, or any tree or shrub with branches overhanging the same, in such man- ner as to obstruct such sidewalk or street, or render travel thereon inconvenient or unsafe; or whoever shall suffer any awning", sign or structure over any street or sidewalk, to be out of repair, or in an insecure or unsafe condition shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance and shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than live dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and an additional penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such persons shall continue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such nuisance. Sec. 6, Whoever shall construct, repair, keep or main- tain within said city any wooden awning- or shed over any sidewalk or foot-way with supports reaching down to such sidewalk or to the ground, shall be deemed guilty of main- taining- a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and an additional penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person shall continue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such nuisance. Sec.7. No person shall within said city erect or maintain any insecure or unsafe building, stack, wall, chimney or other structure, which from situation, mode of construction or other cause, may be dangerous to persons or property. Any per- son violating this section shall be deemed g-uilty of maintain- ing- a nuisance and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and an additional penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 113 shall continue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such ni'isance. Sec. 8. It shall constitute and is hereby declared a nui- sance for any person to construct or maintain any privy vault, privy, drain or slop drain, within thirty feet of any well furnish- ing v^ater for drinking or general family purposes, in the City of Urbana, without such vault or water drain is water tight. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section sliall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense and an addi- tional penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person shall continue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such nuisance. Sec. 9. All privies, any part of the contents of which are above the surface of the earth or within two feet of the surface of the earth are hereby declared nuisances and any person who shall permit such privies to so remain after notice to remove the same, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 10. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance to build, construct, maintain, keep or use any barbed wire fence, or any fence of which barbed wire is a part, along the line of, or in, or upon, or along any street, alley, lawn, sidewalk, crossing or public place within the City of Urbana. Sec. II. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance for any merchant or other person to place, or permit or suffer to be placed, upon or near any sidewalk in said City of Urbana, any barbed wire, unless '^nu1 barbed wire is so covered as to in no way be liable to injure the person or clothing of any person passing upon or along such sidewalk. Any person violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 12. Cockle burs, thistles, burdocks, sweet clover, jimpson weeds and wild lettuce are hereby declared to be nui- sances, and whoever shall suffer or permit any such weed or plant to grow to maturity in or upon any premises in the City of Urbana owned or controlled by him, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars 114 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. for each offense and an additional penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person shall continue to keep, maintain, suffer or permit such nuisance. Sec. 13. Whoever shall suffer or permit any cellar, vault, drain, pool, privy, sewer, yard, ground or premises owned, oc- cupied or controlled by him, to become foul or offensive, or in- jurious to public health, or unpleasant and disagreeable to ad- jacent residents, or to any person passing along any street or alley near the same, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance; and if such person, upon being notified by any police or other officer to abate, remedy or remove such nuisance, within a time to be specified in said notice, shall neglect or refuse so to do, he shall be subject to a penalty of not less than tiiree dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and he shall be subject to a like penalty for each day he shall suffer or per- mit such nuisance to remain after the expiration of the time fixed by said notice for the abatement of the same. Sec. 14. Whoever shall deposit, throw, discharge, or leave any nauseous, foul, offensive or putrid liquor, substance, or excrement, or any liquid or substance likely to become nauseous, foul, offensive, putrid, or cause the same to be done, upon the margin, banks, or into the waters of any creek or stream, within the limits of said city, or upon any premises, or upon the banks or in the waters of any of said streams, within one-half mile of said city, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 15. Whoever shall keep in store in any building, cellar or place within said city, any green or salted hides, pelts or skins, for such a length of time, or in such a manner that they shall become foul, nauseous or offensive by reason of their bad odor, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nui- sance. And if such person, upon being notified by any poHce or other officer of said city, to abate, remove or remedy such nuisance, within a time to be specified in such notice, shall neglect or refuse to do so, he shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and he shall be subject to a Uke penalty for each day after the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 115 expiration of the time specified in said notice, he shall permit such nuisance to remain. Sec. i6. All putrid or offensive matter, and all night soil, and the contents of sinks, privies, vaults, cess-pools, and all noxious substances in said city shall, before their removal or exposure, be disinfected and rendered inoffensive, by the person who removes, or is about to remove the same. Any person violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 17. The beds, boxes, tubs, or other receptacle on any cart, wagon or other vehicle, used for the purpose of re- moving any offal, swill, slops, garbage, or the contents of any privy, vault, or cess-pool, or any other putrid or offensive liquid or substance, shall be so constructed and maintained, so that no part of the contents thereof shall fall, leak or spill therefrom ; and shall be tightly covered so as to prevent the same from being offensive. Any person violating this section or any part thereof, either as owner or employee, shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 18. Whoever shall locate, erect, carry on, occupy or use any slaughter house for slaughtering animals, or any packing house, soap factory, tallow chandlery, bone factory, or any establishment for rendering lard, tallow, offal, dead animals, or other substances of like nature, within the limits jf said city, or within the distance of one mile without the city li'iiits, without the permission of the City Council, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 19. Whoevci shall conduct, keep, maintain or operate .nny slaughter house, packing house, soap factory, tal- low chandlery, bone factory or other establishment for ren- dering lard, .allow, offal, dead animals or other substances of a like nnture, within the limits of said city, or within one mile of said limits, in such a manner that the said premises shall be- come foul or offensive, or shall emit or give out bad, offensive or unwholesome smells or odors to the annoyance or detri- ment of any community, family or person, shall be deemed 116 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. guilty of jnaintaining a nuisance. And if such person, upon being notified by any police or other officer of said city, to renovate or cleanse said premises, or to abate, remedy or re- move such nuisance, within a time to be specified in said notice, shall neglect or refuse so to do, he shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; ^nd he shall be subject to a like penalty for each day he shall suffer cr permit such nuisance to remain after the time fixed in said notice for the abatement of the same. Sec. 20. Any person desiring to obtain a permit to lo- cate or operate a slaughter house, or any of the establish- ments enumerated in section 18 of this chapter, within the limits of said city or within one mile without said limits, shall make a written application therefor to the City Council, stat- ing the busine.'^s he is desirious of pursuing, and specifying the location or premises where the same is to be conducted. Said C'ity Council may thereupon grant the said permit, in its discretion, and if such permit is granted the applicant, before he can do Lusiness under the same, shall execute to the city a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with one or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned that the said applicant will comply with all ordinances then or thereafter in force regulating such establishments or such business, and that he will pay all fines or penalties or judg- ments recovered against him by said city before any court of competent jurisdiction, for the violation of any ordinance of said city relating to said business, and that he will also pay all costs, charges or expenses incurred by said city, or any of its officers, in cleansing or renovating the premises, or removing any nuisance theron, where the said business shall be carried on. Sec. 21. Where any person to whom any such permit shall be granted, as specified in sections 18 and 20 of this chap- ter, shall be convicted of a violation of any ordinance of the city regulating such establishments before any court of com- petent jurisdiction, then the City Council, in its discretion, may revoke such permit and declare the same null and void. Sec, 22. Any lot or premises upon which stagnant water may be standing, and which is, or is likely to become foul and ORDINANCES OP YHE CITY OP URBANA. Il7 offensive to any person residing near the same, or to persons passing by the same, is hereby declared a nuisance. And the owner, occupant, or person having control of such lot or premises, who shall not abate, remedy or remove such nuisance, when notified so to do, by the marshal or other police officer of said city, within the time in such notice speci- fied, shall be deemed guilty of keeping and maintaining a nuisance, and be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and he shall be subject to a like penalty for each day he shall permit such nui- sance to remain after the expiration of the time fixed in said notice for the abatement of the same. Sec. 23. The washing or cleaning of any carriage, buggy, gig, wagon, cab or other vehicle in or upon the streets or sidewalks of the city is hereby declared a nuisance, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 24. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any lot, part of lot or parcel of land within the city to erect, build or locate thereon any pig-sty, privy or water closet nearer than twenty feet to any street, avenue or park in said city. Any per- son who sliall violate the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 25. In all cases where no provision is hereby made defining what are nuisances and how the same may be re- moved, abated or prevented, in addition to what may be de- clared such herein, those offenses which are known to the common law of the land and the statutes of Illinois as nui- sances may, in case the same exist within the city limits be treated as such, and proceeded against as in this chapter pro- vided, or in accordance with any other law which shall give the court trying the same jurisdiction. Sec. 26. Any person who shall keep, suffer or permit, create or maintain any or either of the nuisances heretofore enunciated in this chapter, where no other penalty is named, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense, and a fur- 118 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UrBANA. ther penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each week such person shall continue to keep, suffer, permit or maintain such nuisance. Sec. 27. Whoever shall keep, suffer, permit or maintain any chicken coops or box for the purpose of confining or dis- playing live chickens or other kinds of live poultry along or upon any sidewalk or street in said city, shall be deemed guilty of keeping and maintaining a nuisance and shall for each offense be subject to a penalty of not less than three dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 28. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any lot or parcel of land within the City of Urbana to erect, build or locate on any such lot or parcel of land any barn or stable nearer than four feet to any public street, avenue or park within said city. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not more than two hundred dollars; and a fur- ther penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each day any such person persists in such violation after conviction for a violation of this section. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UrBANA. 119 CHAPTER XXXIL OFFICERS. SECTION— 1. Officers appointed. 2. Oath of office. 3. Official bonds. 4. Sureties — city attorney to prepare bond — new bond. 5. Commissions, etc. 6. Officers to pay money over. 7. Salaries payable — when. 8. Records of city open to inspection. 9. Removal or absence from city. 10. Liability for damage. 11. No officer to be directly or indirectly interested in contract, etc. Section i. There shall be appointed annually and when- ever vacancies occur in said offiqe, by the Mayor, with the ap- proval of the City Council, the following city officers, viz: A city marshal, corporation counsel, night policeman, chief of fire department, janitor of city building, a superintendent of streets and city collector, and such number of police and fire- men as the City Council may by resolution deem necessary and expedient, and the term of office for which either of said officers shall be appointed, shall be for any period of time not exceeding the municipal year of their appointment in all cases not otherwise provided for by the ordinances of said city or the laws of the state of Illinois. 2. All officers, whether elected or appointed, shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: '•I do solemnly swear (or al3Qrm, as the case may be) that I will sup- port the constitution of the United States and the consitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability." Which oath or affirmation so subscribed shall be filed in the office of the Clerk. Sec. 3. All officers, whether elected or appointed, ^hall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, execute a bond, with security to be approved by the City Council, payable to the City of Urbana, in such penal sum as may by resolution or ordinance be directed, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and the pay- 120 ORDINANCES OF THg CITY OF UrBANA. ment of all moneys received by such officer, according to law and the ordinances of said city: Provided^ however^ That in no case shall the Mayor's bond be fixed at a less sum than three thousand dollars ($3,000), nor shall the treasurer's bond be fixed at a less sum than the amount of the estimated tax and special assessments for the current year; which bonds shall be filed with the Clerk (except the bond of the Clerk, which shall be filed with the Treasurer). Sec. 4. No member of the City Council or officer of the city shall be received as surety on the official bond of any city officer hereby created and provided for, and herein required to execute bond as city officer. All official bonds shall be drawn by the city attorney, or submitted to him after being drawn up. for his approval of the form thereof, and shall then be submitted to the City Council for their approval, which, when given, the City Clerk shall certify thereon, and shall file and preserve the same in his office (except '.he bond of the City Clerk, which shall be filed with the treasurer). The City Council may at any time require a new bond to be executed by any city officer, if from any cause they shall deem the old bond insufficient, or the securities thereon; but the execution of such new bond shall not in any manner affect any^ liability, loss or damage incurred under the old bond, or release the sureties from any liability incurred thereon. All bonds or con- tracts shall be written or printed, or partly both, in a plain, legible manner. Sec. 5. All officers (except the Clerk, Aldermen and Mayor) shall be commissioned by warrant, under the corporate seal, signed by the Clerk and Mayor, or presiding officer of the City Council. The Mayor shall issue a certificate of ap- pointment or election, under the seal of the city, to the Clerk thereof, and any person having been an officer of ihe city shall, within five days after notification and request, deliver to his successor in office all property, books and effects of every de- scription in his possession belonging to the city, or appertain- ing to his said office, and upon his refusal to do so shall be liable for all damages caused thereby, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars and not exceed- ing two hundred dollars. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 121 Sec. 6. All officers collecting or receiving any moneys on account of the city shall pay the same, as fast as collected, into the city treasury in the same kind of funds as received by them, and shall, on the first Monday of each month, report to the City Council an accurate statement of all the moneys received by them for the "preceding month, specifying the amount, from whom and on what account received. No officer shall retain any moneys received or collected by him toward the payment of any salary or fees which may be coming to him from the city, but shall pay the same into the treasury. Any officer violating any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars. Sec. 7. The salaries of the city officers, unless otherwise especially provided, shall be payable monthly, on the first Monday of each month, and they shall present their accounts to the City Council for adjustment or payment, but no war- rant shall be drawn in favor of any officer for his salary until he shall have filed his report as herein required, nor shall any warrant in any case be drawn in favor of any officer who shall be in default or arrears with the city. Sec. 8. The records, books and papers pertaining to any city officer shall, at all reasonable times be subject to the in- spection and examination of the Mayor, the City Council or any of its committees, or any person interested in the same; and all city officers shall, when requested, give all the informa- tion in their power pertaining to their respective offices, to the City Council or any of its committees, or any other department of the city government. Sec. 9. If any city officer shall remove from the city, or absent himself therefrom for one month without permission of the City Council first had and obtained, his office shall be va- cated. Sec. 10. All officers shall be liable to the city for all loss or damage which may arise from their negligence or willful misconduct in the discharge of any official duty, and the City Council may, in its discretion, by order, withhold the salary of any such officer, in order to secure the city from loss. And if any officer shall fail, neglect or refuse to discharge or perform 122 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. any duty required of him, the Mayor may employ or appoint some competent person to perform such duty, and the costs and expenses of doing the same shall be charged to such offi- cer and deducted from his salary, or if his salary shall be in- sufficient to pay the same, they may be collected from him and recovered by suit in the name of the city, before any court hav- ing jurisdiction. Sec. II. No officer of the City of Urbana shall be di- rectly or indirectly interested in any contract work or business of the city, or the sale of any article, the expense, price or con- sideration of which is paid from the treasury of said city, or by any assessment levied by any act or ordinance; nor in the pur- chase of any real estate or other property belonging to the cor- poration, or which shall be sold for taxes ar assessments, or by virtue of any legal process at the suit of said city. CHAPTER XXXIII. PAWNBROKERS. SECTION— 1. Pawnbroker defined — license required, etc. 2. Mayor may grant license — rate— bond. 3. Pawnbrokers' book. 4. Property of minors, stolen property, etc. — intoxicated persons, etc. 5. Time of receiving property. 6. Inspection of premises and property. 7. Not to remove or sell property for five days after receipt ex- cept to owner. 8. Principal liable for violations' of clerks, etc. Section i. Whoever shall loan money on deposit or pledge of personal property, or shall carry on the business ot purchasing such property on the condition of selling the same back at a stipulated price, without taking a chattel mortgage thereon, duly executed and recorded, as required by law, shall be deemed to be a pawnbroker within the meaning of this chapter; and any person who shall pursue or carry on tl-.e busiticss of a pawnbroker in said City of Urbana without first having obtaining a license therefor, and executed a bond, as hereinafter provided, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofifense. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 123 Sec. 2. The Mayor may from time to time grant licenses to persons applying for the same to carry on the business of pawnbroker. Pawnbrokers shall pay for a license at the rate of fifty dollars per year or a proportionate sum for any less time; no such license, however, shall extend beyond the muni- cipal year. Every such applicant for a license shall, before lec iving the same, execute to the city a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, residents of the city, which bond shall be conditioned for the strict observance of all ordinances of the city respect- ing pawnbrokers as may be passed or in force at any time dur- ing the existence of the license, and further conditioned that he will pay all damages resulting to any person by reason of his wrongfully purchasing or taking in pledge any stolen prop- erty, or the property of any minor. Sec. 3. Every pawnbroker shall keep a well bound book, suitably ruled for the purposes herein designated, in which shall be legibly written in ink, at the time of each loan or pur- chase, an accurate account or description in the English lan- guage, of the goods, article or thing pawned, pledged or pur- chased, the amount of money loaned thereon or paid therefor, the time the same was pledged, pawned or purchased, the rate of interest to be paid on such loan and the name and residence of the person pawning, pledging or selling the goods, article or thing, which book shall be kept clean and legible. No en- try made in such book shall be erased, obliterated or defaced. The said book shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the in- spection of the mayor, marshal or any police officer of the city. Any pawnbroker violating this section or any part thereof, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofifense, and shall forfeit his license in the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 4. Any pawnbroker who shall purchase, take or re- ceive in pledge, or on deposit, any article or property of or from any minor, or being owned by a minor, or any stolen property, or any person known to be a notorious thief, or any property which from any cause he may have reason to believe cannot be lawfully or rightfully pawned, pledged or sold, by the person offering it, or from any person intoxicated, shall, in 124 OftDINANCKS OF ^TH^ CITY OF URBANA. either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, and shall in addition thereto forfeit his license. Sec. 5. No pawnbroker shall purchase, take or receive, nor pledge or deposit, any article of property, after the hour of nine o'clock in the evening, or before the Rour of seven o'clock in the morning, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 6. Every pawnbroker shall at all reasonable times during business hours, allow the mayor, city marshal, or any policeman of the city, to enter the place of business of such person and examine and inspect the stock or property on hand in such place of business, or search the said premises for stolen property, or make such examination of the same, as such officer may desire in the discharge of his official duty. Any pawnbroker who shall refuse to permit such officer to make such search or inspection, or shall hinder or obstruct him in making the same, or shall refuse to show such officer any property, article or thing in the possession of such pawn- broker, when requested so to do by such officer, shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and shall forfeit his license in the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 7. No pawnbroker shall sell or permit the removal (unless returned to the owner) of any property, article or thing received in pawn by him, his agent, servant or clerk for the full period of five days after the receipt of the same by such pawnbroker. Any pawnbroker violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 8. Evevy licensed pawnbroker shall be subject to any of the penalties prescribed in this chapter for a violation of the same, or any part thereof, whether such violation is done by himself, or by his clerk, agent or employe; and such clerk, agent or employee of any licensed pawnbroker who shall vio- late this chapter, or any part thereof, shall also be subject to the same penalty herein prescribed for such violation when done by a licensed pawnbroker. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 125 CHAPTER XXXIV. PEDDLERS. SECTION— 1. Shall obtain license. 2. Rate of license. 3. Produce may be sold without license. 4. Peddlers not to annoy other persons. Section i. No person, persons or corporations shall sell 01 attempt to sell any goods, wares or articles of merchandise V hatsoever by peddling, hawking or public outcry at any temporary or uninclosed stand or place of business in said city, without having first obtained a peddler's license therefor. Any person, persons or corporations violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every offense. And every day or part of a day any such person or corporation shall engage in such business without a license therefor shall be deemed a separate offense. Sec. 2. Every person or corporation desiring a license as a peddler or hawker shall pay for the same at the following rates : First. For a license to sell by foot peddlers the sum of six dollars for one month or less, and one dollar for each month thereover. Second. For a license to sell by peddlers using a one- horse vehicle, the sum of eight dollars for one month or less and two dollars for each month thereover. Third. For a license to sell by peddlers using a two- horse vehicle, the sum of ten dollars for one month or less and two dollars for each month thereover. Fourth. For a license to peddlers to sell by hawking or public outcry at any temporary or unincLsed stand or place of business the sum of five dollars per day for one week or less and one dollar per day for each day thereover. Sec. 3- No license shall be required of any farmer, fruit or vine grower or gardener for the purpose of selling the pro- duce of his farm, orchard, vineyard and garden in said city, nor from any person to sell cakes, nuts or other like refreshments. Sec. 4. No peddler shall vex, harrass or annoy any per- 126 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. son by importuning such person to purchase or look at his or their goods, or otherwise annoy or harrass any person, nor shall any such person enter any private house without being in- vited so to do. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and in addition to such penalty a forfeiture of his license in the dis- cretion of the Mayor of said city may be had, and at no time thereafter shall such person be licensed unless for good cause shown the City Council shall remove such -'isability. CHAPTER XXXV. PI^UMBING, SEWER DRAINAGE AND EXCAVATION. SECTION— 1. Application for plumbing permit — specifications — inspection fee 2. Approval of specifications— permit— penalty for plumbing with- out permit. 3. Inspection— inspector may require plumbing tested. 4. No use to be made of plumbing if not in accordance with or- dinance. 5. To connect with sewer — construction inside and outside — main house sewer drain. 6. Y connections to be used — damage to sewer. 7. After drain laid, sidewalk and parking to be replaced— all filling made. 8. Soil and waste pipes. 9. Diameter of waste pipe and trap for any fixture. 10. Joints and connections— how made— no cement or putty to be used. 11. Closets, urinals, sinks, bath-tubs, etc,— traps. 12. Waste pipes and fixtures to have metallic strainers, except water closets. 13. "Ventilation of soil pipes. 14. Vent pipes. 15. Drains from safe under basin, bath, etc.— refrigerators not to connect with house drain, soil or waste pipe or sewer. 16. Water closets— ventilation, flushing, etc. 17. Boiler exhaust blow-off, drip pipe shall not connect with sewer. 18. Drains for surface — storm and roof water not to connect with sewer. 19. Offal, garbage, filth, etc., not to be drained into sewer. 20. Connections of cess-pools, privies, etc., with sewer, etc., to have flushing apparatus. 21. Penalty for making connections without inspection. 22. Provisions of chapter to extend to plumbing now in use. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 127 23. Damage to sewers, manholes, tanks, etc. — penalty. 24. Breaking of water pipes, hydrants, etc., a nuisance — proceed- ings for repairing damage to same — notice — city to repair on failure of owner. 25. Excavations— gas and water companies to lay pipes before paving. 26. Notice to gas and water companies— property owners to lay all pipes before paving — service of notice — duty of city clerk. Wl. Permit for excavations — bonds — conditions of bonds — fee for permit. 28. Trenches not to impede travel— gutters— planks to be laid at sidewalk crossings. • 29. Lights and barricades. 30. No delay in excavation work. 31. Deep trenches and In treacherous soils to be braced. 32. Refilling and tamping, etc. 33. Paving to be replaced— settling— surface of street, etc., to be kept In good condition for twelve months — penalty. Section i. Before the construction, re-construction or alteration of any portion of the pkimbing or sewer drainage system of any building is begun, there shall be filed in the office of the city inspector a written application for a sewer or plumbing permit, made on blanks prescribed by the city in- spector, together with a written description of all work pro- posed to be done, with description of lot or tract of land and all other things pertaining thereto; said application to be signed by the owner of the property and the Hcensed plumber who is to do the work. All plumbing specifications shall state clearly the size and kind of every pipe, fixture, trap, grease trap, venti- 1< ting pipe, etc. Specifications must be written with ink on suitable paper. Such specifications and descriptions shall be- come the property of the City of Urbana when filed and ap- proved, to be retained as a part of the records of the city in- spector's office. Accompanying the application for a permit shall be a fee of $i .00 which shall be the charge made for ex- penses of inspecting the specifications, filing the same, issuing the permit and inspecting the work. Sec. 2. No work shall be done on the plumbing or sewer drainage of any building until the application has been ap- proved and a permit issued by the city inspector. After the specifications have been approved no alterations shall be made except upon the written approval of the city inspector. Any person, or persons, who shall violate this section or any part 128 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. thereof, or who shall in any manner tamper with the house connection or sewer drainage of any building in the city of Urbana without having first procured a written permit as herein provided, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 3. The city inspector shall be notified promptly by the plumber when the plumbing or sewer drainage system or any portion thereof is ready for inspection; and inspection shall be made as soon thereafter as possible. No part of the work shall be covered or concealed until after it has been examined by the inspector. Any part of the work put in and covered without the said inspection must be uncovered for examination at the direction of the inspector. When required by the city inspector the owner or agent or plumber of any building shall have the entire sewer drainage system tested, including all soil, waste and anti-syphon pipes and traps inside of new building, and also of the entire system when alterations are made in old buildings, by having all openings stopped and all pipes filled with water to the highest point. Such test shall satisfy the inspector that there are no leaks or flaws in the work. Defective pipes or joints discovered must be removed and replaced with perfect ones and every part of the work in which defects are found must be made to conform to these rules and regulations. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 4. In case the city inspector decides that any plumbing or sewer drainage work is not in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance as hereinafter set forth, no use shall be made of such plumbing or sewer drainage; nor shall the owner allow any sewage to enter the house drain or any public sewer of this city. Any person, persons or corporation violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and a further penalty of not less than five dollars for each day any sewage is permitted to enter said house drain or sewer system in violation of this section. Sec. 5. The main sewer drain of every house or building shall be separately connected with the sewer where one is ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 129 provided, and where there is no sewer in the street, and it is necessary to connect with one in an adjacent street, such sew- er plans must be used as are approved by the city engineer. That part of the main sewer drain which is inside the building and extending to a point four feet outside of the foundation wall shall be of cast iron soil pipe of size approved by the city inspector. If laid beneath the ground or* cellar floor it shall be of extra heavy cast iron soil pipe and if above the floor it shall be of standard or extra heavy cast iron soil pipe or lead pipe. That part of the main sewer drain which is outside ol the building and not nearer than four feet from any foundation wall or air inlet and where the soil is of sufficient solidity for a proper foundation may be of first-class, salt-glazed, vitrified sewer pipe of the hub and spigot pattern, free from flaws, splits, cracks or other defects. The pipe must be laid to an even grade of not less than one-fourth (1-4) of one inch to the foot. Each pipe must have a solid bearing throughout its entire length, except that a groove must be cut in the bottom of the trench under each bell so that no part of the weight of the pipe is borne by the bell. The pipe shall be laid with hub end up grade — the joints to be completely filled with cement mortar, composed of one part best hydraulic cement, and one part clean sharp sand, thoroughly mixed dry before wetting. The cement must be mixed in small quantities and used as soon as mixed. All surplus cement must be immediately re- moved from the inside of the pipe. The hub and spigot ends must be concentric. After the pipe is laid the fillings shall be well rammed on each side of the pipe. All changes in direc- tion, either horizontal or vertical, must be made with curved pipe. Sec. 6. Connections with the sewer must be made with "Y" connections and the sewer must not be broken into in making connections. Any damage to the sewer must be paid for by the person having the connection made. Sec. 7. After the drain has been laid across any part of street or parking the backfilling must be well and faithfully done, and all sidewalk, curbing and parking prevously taken up must be replaced in as good condition as it was previous to the opening of the trench. 130 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Sec. 8. The arrangement of soil and wasle pipes shall be as direct as possible, and they shall be exposed to view or placed so as to be readily accessible for inspection and repair- ing. When necessarily placed within partitions or recesses in wall, soil and waste pipes must never be covered except with wood-work, said wood-work to be so fastened with screws (never nails) as to be readily removed. Every vertical soil pipe and main waste pipe must be of cast iron or wrought iron, either galvanized or covered inside and out with coal tar, pitch, or other suitable covering, applied hot by immersion. No earthenware or sheet metal pipes shall be used in any part of the plumbing or drainage system of any building. Every ver- tical soil and main vent pipe must extend at least two feet above the roof of said building, except where said roof of said building is lower than the roof of an adjoining building, then in such case said pipe shall extend at least two feet above the roof of said adjoining building. Sec. 9. No waste pipe or trap for any fixture shall be of less diameter than the following schedule: Wash basin i 1-4 inch. Bath tub I 1-2 inch. Urinal i 1-2 inch. Kitchen sink i I-2 inch. Slop sink I 1-2 inch. Laundry tub i 1-2 inch. Water closet 4 inches. Sec. 10. All joints in cast iron drain pipes, soil pipes, and waste pipes shall be so filled with oakum and lead and hand caulked so as to make them gas tight. Wrought iron pipes must be connected by proper couplings with screw joints ce- mented with red or white lead. All connections between lead and cast iron pipes must be made with suitable brass or com- bination ferrules connected to the lead pipe with wiped solder joints and caulked into the bell of the iron pipe with lead and oakum. Wrought iron pipes by means of brass solder nipples or solder unions wiped to the lead pipe. All connections of lead, waste and vent pipes shall be made by means of wiped joints. No putty or cement joints shall be made. Sec. II. Every water closet, urinal, sink, basin, wash tray, bath and every tub or set of tubs shall be effectually ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 131 trapped. In no case shall the waste from a bath tub or other fixture be connected with a water closet trap. Traps must be placed as near the fixtures as possible and in no case shall a trap be more than two feet from the fixture. Each and every trap shall be provided with a suitable opening for cleaning pur- poses. Slop sinks, kitchen sinks and pantry sinks in all restaurants, hotels, eating houses and boarding houses must be provided with and connected to a grease trap of approved pattern. Sec. 12. All waste pipes and fixtures other than water closets must be provided at the outlet of such fixtures with strong metallic strainers to exclude from such waste pipes all substances likely to obstruct them. Sec. 13. Every branch or horizontal line of soil pipe to Vv'hich a group of two or more water closets is connected and every branch line of horizontal soil pipe either eight feet or more in length, to which a water closet is to be connected, shall be ventilated, either by extending said coil pipes undi- minished in size to the same height as provided for soil and main vent pipes in section eight of this chapter, or by extend- ing said soil pipe and connecting it with the main soil pipe above the highest fixtures, or by ventilating pipe connected to the crown of each water closet trap, not less than two (2) inches in diameter and connecting to a special air pipe which shall not be less than four (4) inches in diameter or by con- necting said ventilating pipe with the main soil pipe above the highest fixture. Sec. 14. All traps must be protected from syphonage and waste pipes leading from them ventilated by vent pipes of galvanized iron or lead, never of sheet metal; such vent pipes to be in no case less than two inches in internal diameter for water closets traps and for other traps in no case less than one size smaller than the waste pipe from the fixture to which the trap is attached, but in no case shall the vent pipe be less than one and one-quarter (i 1-4) inches in internal diameter. All vent pipes shall be carried to the same height as provided for soil and main-vent pipes in section eight of this chapter, and open into the open air or connected to a vertical line of four (4) inch soil pipe above the highest fixture, and no vent pipe 132 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. shall be less than two (2) internal inches diameter from a point eighteen (18) inches below roof. Anti-syphon traps may be used without vent pipes, subject to the approval of the city in- spector. No vent pipe shall be used as a waste or soil pipe. Sec. 15. Every safe under a wash basin, bath, water closet or other fixture must be drained by a special pipe not directly connected with any soil pipe, drain or sewer, but dis- charging into an open sink upon the cellar floor or upon the outside of the house. The drain pipe from refrigerators shall not be directly connected with any soil or waste pipe or with the drain or sewer. It shall discharge into an open and water supplied sink. Sec. 16. Water closets must never be placed in an un- ventilated room or compartment. In every case the com- partment must open into the outer air or be ventilated by means of a shaft or air duct, which shaft shall not also be used to ventilate habitable rooms. All water closets must be sup- plied with water from special tanks or cisterns and shall be adequately flushed. Pan, and all kinds of valve and plunger closets are strictly prohibited, provided, however, that closets necessarily placed in places where they are liable to freeze, may be provided with a flushing apparatus to be approved by the inspector. Sec. 17. No steam exhaust, blow-off, or drip pipe from a steam boiler shall connect with or discharge into the sewer. Such pipes must discharge into a tank or condenser having a suitable outlet. Any person, persons, or coiporation violat- ing this section, or any part thereof, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and a further penalty of not less than five dollars a day, for each day such connection is permitted to remain. Sec. 18. Whoever shall make any connections by open- ing into any sewer drain, or sewer, directly or indirectly, for drain or surface water, storm water or roof water from any building, street or alley, or from any lot or other place, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars and a further penalty of not less than five dollars per day for every day on which such connection re- mains in use. Ordinances o-e The ciYy op urBana. l^S Sec. 19. No person, persons or corporation shall, di- rectly or indirectly, use any house connection with sewer by discharging into such house connection with sewer any offal or garbage, straw, dead animals, vegetables, table or other garbage, cloth or rags. Any person, persons or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofifense. Sec. 20. Whoever shall directly or indirectly make or cause to be made connection of any house drain or sewer with any cess-pool, privy vault, or with any fixture or arrangement not having adequate flushing appliances shall, upon convic- tion, be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and a further penalty of not less than five dollars per day for every day during which such connection may be used. Sec. 21. Whoever shall directly or indirectly make or cause to be made connection with any sewer in the City of Ur- bana, now or hereafter established by ordinance of said city, without having first had such connection approved by the city inspector as provided by this ordinance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars and a further penalty of not less than five dollars per day for every day on which such connection remains in use. Sec. 22. The provisions and regulations of this chapter shall apply to the connections of buildings now equipped with plumbing; and the plumbing and drainage of said building must conform to these requirements before a permit will be granted to connect with sewer or such connections made. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty Df not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, with a further penalty of not less than five dollars for each day which such connection remains in use. Sec. 23. Whoever shall in any manner damage any sewer, house connection thereto, or any manhole, lamphole, flush tank, outlet, separating tank or embankment of any sewer now or hereafter established by any ordinance of the City of Urbana, shall, upon conviction be subject to a penalty 134 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 24. The breaking, or bursting, or leaking of any water pipe or hydrant or other fixture at or near any street or alley so as to cause a flow of water into, upon or under such a street or alley, shall be and hereby is declared a nuisance. In case of a flow of water in any street, alley or public ground caused by the breaking, bursting or leaking of any water pipe, hydrant or other fixture in such guantity as to in any manner injure ihe same, it shall be the duty of the city inspector to notify the lot owner, agent or lessee, or water company owning the pipe to cause the same to be repaired at once. In the event of the refusal or neglect of the lot owner, agent or lessee, or owner of said pipe to repair the same, or if such lot owner, agent, lessee or owner of said pipe cannot be found, then it shall be the duty of the city inspector to employ a licensed master plumber to turn ofi the water at the corpora- tion cock and leave the same turned ofT until the lot owner, agent, lessee or owner of said pipe or some person or persons representing the same shall make all necessary repairs there- for. In case of the continued neglect or refusal of said lot owner, agent, lessee or owner of said pipe to repair or cause to be repaired such break or injury in the water service, as is herein or hereby contemplated, the city inspector shall at once proceed to repair and replace said break, and any or all injury or damage caused by the same, by competent workmen which he shall employ for that purpose. On completion of said work or repairs he shall render or cause to be rendered to the lot owner, agent, lessee of the pipe an itemized bill for such work and repair for the payment of which said owner, agent or lessee of lot or owner of said pipe shall be held liable; and in case of refusal or neglect for thirty days to fully pay or adjust the same, suit shall immediately be brought against such person or persons for the collection of the cost of said re- pairs and work. Sec. 25. Where gas or water pipes shall be laid or re- paired in any street, alley or public ground of the city by gas or water companies, such work shall be done only under special permit as provided for in regulating excavations or ORDINANCES OI? THE CITY OF URBANA. 135 trenches in the streets, avenues, alleys or public places. The city engineer shall designate the location of such pipe lines and specify the time when such work shall be done. It shall be, and hereby is, made the duty of any and all gas companies and water companies owning, using or operating any pipe line or main in any street within any paving district, now or hereafter created upon the same being ordered paved or re- paved, and before the time fixed for commencing such paving or replacing, to cause gas and water connections to be made in front of each lot abutting upon that portion of the street ordered paved or replaced, from such pipe line or main to a point within the curb line, so as to furnish and provide each lot in such block with a sufficient supply of gas and water and in such a manner as to do away with the necessity of there- after opening or tearing up the pavement in the street to ob- tain such supply of gas or water. Sec. 26. Whenever any street, alley or public ground, or any part thereof, shall be or is about to be put under con- tract for paving or repaving, the city clerk of said city shall make out and deliver to the superintendent of streets, a notice notifying all persons interested of the purpose to pave or re- place such street, alley, or public ground or part thereof, and require the owners of property abutting upon said proposed improvement, and also all gas and water companies, that all gas, water and sewer connections and drain tile connections in, through or under such street, alley or public ground, must be made prior to such paving or replacing. Said notice shall state at what date such connections shall be made, and shall be served upon the resident owner, or agent, or tenant of any non-resident owner, and upon the proper officer, agent or manager of any gas company, by delivering a copy of said no- tice at least ten days prior to the commencement or work under the contract for paving or repairing. The superin- tendent of streets shall return to the city clerk the originals of all notices so served by him, with a certificate thereon under his hand, showing the date and manner of service of the same. And no permit to make any excavation, or trench, or to re- move any portion of the pavement in any street, alley or public ground so paved shall be granted to any person whomsoever, 136 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF tJRBANA. for the use or benefit of any property owner, gas or water company, or individual supplying gas or water to said city or the inhabitants thereof, or to any tenant upon whom said no- tice has been served, and who has failed or neglected to make such connections before such paving was done as required by this section, except by consent of the city council, and upon such terms and conditions as it shall prescribe. Sec. 27. No excavations or trenches in any street, ave- nue, alley or public ground in the City of Urbana for sewer, drain, water or gas pipes or for any other purposes shall be made by any person or corporation without a special permit. Permits to make such excavations or trenches shall be issued by the city clerk only to such persons, firms, companies or cor- porations as have executed to the City of Urbana a bond with two or more sureties which shall be approved by the city coun- cil. Said bonds shall be in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for all gas and water companies, and one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for all other persons, companies, firms or corporations, and shall be conditioned that said persons, com- paines, firms or corporations will indemnify and save harmless the City of Urbana from all accidents and damages caused by negligence, either in the execution or protection of the work, or from unfaithful or inadequate work, or from the defective nature of the materials used in the work, or from violations of any of the provisions of the ordinances of the City of Urbana, and which shall also provide that the said person, firm, com- pany or corporation shall keep any pavement or street surface which may be removed by them in making said excavations or trenches, in as good condition as it was before being re- moved, for the space of twelve months thereafter, and shall re- pair said pavement or street surface when required by the city inspector, and in such manner as he may direct. No appli- cant for a special permit of this kind shall be released from his obligation to the city until the permit is returned to the office of the city clerk bearing the endorsement of the street superin- tendent, certifying that the excavation or trench permitted to be made has been refilled and pavement, if any, replaced to his satisfaction. For this supervision and issuance of permit the city clerk shall collect from the applicant a fee of one dollar ORt)INANC]ES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 13^ ($i.oo) to be paid when permit is issued, fifty cents of which shall be retained by said clerk as his fee and the balance there- of shall be paid to the city treasurer to reimburse said city for the cost of such supervision. Sec. 28. Trenches in public streets or alleys shall be ex- cavated so as to impede the public travel as little as possible. The crossing of gutters and all water-ways shall be left in such shape as to admit of the ready escape of water during storms. Planks shall also be provided where sidewalks or crossings are open so as to faciliate easy crossing over the trenches. Sec. 29. Red lights shall be kept around all unfinished work at night, and fences or other suitable and sufficient bar- ricade against accident shall be placed around excavations at all times. Sec. 30. Work in public streets must not be unneces- sarily delayed, and when directed by the city engineer, street superintendent, or inspector, the number of workmen shall be increased to hasten work, as shall be deemed necessary for public interest. Sec. 31. Trenches in depth of six feet or over, and in all made or other treacherous soils, or near large brick building walls, shall be properly braced, and the party excavating, and his bondsmen, shall be liable for all damages by reason of ne- glect in this respect. Sec. 32. The refilling of all trenches, if in unpaved streets or alleys, shall be well and thoroughly done in uniform layers of not exceeding nine inches, and tamped with a tamper of not less than forty-pound weight, or with puddled earth, as may be decided by the officer having charge of such work, or the inspector assigned to such duty, so as to replace all ex- cavated material and leave the surface in as good condition as found before the commencement of the work. Sec. 33. The refilling of all trenches on paved streets or alleys shall be carefully and thoroughly done, to the satis- faction of the city engineer, and all paving material shall be renewed or replaced in as perfect and substantial condition as before excavating, and in the event of settling within twelve months after being refilled, such officer shall have the right, and it shall be his duty, to demand and require its restoration 138 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA. by the party who made such excavation, and it shall be the duty of the party making such excavation to proceed to make good such work within twenty-four hours after such a de- mand, and to complete the same within a reasonable time thereafter. All surplus material in all cases of excavation shall be taken off the street at once, delivered at such points as such officer may direct. It shall be the duty of any party making any excavation in any paved street or alley, imme- diately upon the completion of the work of said excavation, to cause the same to be repaved. Any person, persons or corpor- ation violating the provisions of any section of this chaptei where no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. CHAPTER XXXVI. POLICE DEPARTMENT. SECTION— 1. Police departn-L-nt shall consist of whom. 2. Appointment of policeman. 3. Bond and oath of policemen. 4. Duties of mayor. 5. City marshal, chief of police — have central station, etc. 6. Marshal custodian of property. 7. Reports of city marshal monthly and annually. 8. Absence of maishal. 9. Day and night force — beats, etc. 10. Police record. 11. Special police. 12. Temporary police. 13. Duties of police. 14. Power to arrest, serve warrants, etc. 15. Search warrant. 16. Policemen not to enter dram shop when on duty, etc. 17. Neglect of duty, etc. 18. Causes for removal. 19. Prisoners drunk when arrested. Section i. The Police department of the city shall con- sist of the Mayor, the Aldermen, Police Magistrate, City Marshal and such Policemen and Watchmen as may be ap- pointed by the Mayor and City Council. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 139 Sec. 2. The Mayor shall, at the beginning of each municipal year, or within a reasonable time thereafter, and by and with the consent of the City Council, appoint a City Mar- shal and such a number of policemen as the City Council shall by ordinance or resolution authorize, who shall be duly commissioned as other city oiBcers are by law required. Sec. 3. Each policeman or watchman shall, before en- tering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe to the same oath required by other city officers, and shall also exe- cute a bond, payable to the city, with security to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of two thousand dol- lars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and the payment of all moneys received by him, according to law and the ordinances of said city. Sec. 4. The Mayor shall exercise a general supervision and control over the police department, and shall see that the various police officers are prompt and efficient in the discharge of their duties, and he shall from time to time take such measures for the preservation of the public peace and good order, and for the prompt and efficient execution of the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city as may be deemed most expedient and the best to accomplish the purposes con- templated. Sec. 5. The city marshal shall be the chief of police, and all policemen and watchmen, except otherwise provided by ordinance, shall be subject to his direction and control. The marshal and each policeman shall have a station in some cen- tral location where he shall attend at all reasonable hours, ex- cept when absent on duty; and all police officers shall render prompt and effi^cient aid to each other in the discharge of their duties. Sec. 6. The city marshal shall be the custodian of all property provided by the city for the use of the police depart- ment. He shall also be the custodian of all stolen goods or other property received and retained under the police au- thority. Sec. 7. The city marshal shall make to the City Council, at each regular meeting thereof, and also at the end of each ■ nunicipai year thereof, a report in writing of the doings of his de- 140 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF tJRBANA. partment since the last report. Said report shall set fortn the number of arrests, by whom made, and on what charges; the number of prosecutions for the recovery of fines, before what magistrate brought, how disposed of, the amount of fines and costs assessed, and the amount collected in money or la- bor, together with a statement of all property received by him during the period covered by such report, by virtue of his ofifice. Sec. 8. The city marshal shall not absent himself from the city without permission^ from the Mayor; and in case of such absence the Mayor shall designate some member of the police force to assume the duties of marshal, who shall be the acting city marshal, and shall possess all the power and au- thority of the city marshal. Sec. 9. The city marshal shall divide the police force into two classes, to be respectively known as the day and night force. In making such division, provision may be made for the interchanging of the different members of the force from one class to the other, as he may deem best. He shall also locate and establish beats and stations throughout the city to be occupied by the different members of the force when on duty, and shall fix the hours for each relief or class. He shall also rp'^ort his action under this section to the City Council, and the same shall be subject to the approval thereof. Sec. 10. The city marshal shall provide a suitable police record, which shall be kept at the police station, and in which each officer making an arrest shall enter the name of the per- son arrested, where arrested, on what charge, what property, if any, was taken or found on such person, and how disposed of, and shall also record his own name as the officer making the arrest. Sec. II. The Mayor may, by and with the consent of the City Council, and upon the application of any corpora- tion, association, firm or individual, appoint any suitable per- son in the employ of such applicant, a special policeman in and for said city; such special policeman shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the same oath and execute a bond to the city in the same amount, and with like condi- tions as required of other police officers, except, that in such ORDINANCBS OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 141 commission, he shall be designated as a special policeman. Such appointment shall not extend beyond the municipal year, and when such special policeman has been duly qualified as aforesaid, he shall possess all the power and be obeyed the same as members of the regular police force; Provided, such special policeman shall not receive any compensation from the city for his services. The Mayor may revoke such ap- pointment at any time he may deem proper. Sec. 12. Whenever it may be deemed necessary for the preservation of public order or private or public property, the Mayor, by and with the advice of the City Council, may ap- point such a number of temporary policemen as the City Council may direct, to serve for such period as the Council may determine. Such policemen shall take the same oath as required of other ofificers, and give a bond in the same amount as required of other police officers, conditioned as by law required, with surety to be appioved by the Mayor. They shall also be commissioned the same as other policemen; and when so qualified they shall possess the same power, per- form the same duties, and be subject to the same obligations as the regular police force. Such policemen shall receive such compensation as may be agreed upon, or as may be pro- vided by the City Council. Sec. 13. The several members of the police force, when on duty, shall devote their time and attention to the discharge of the duties of their office according to the ordinances of the city and the rules and regulations of the police department. They shall, to the best of their ability, preserve order, quiet and peace throughout the city, and enforce all the ordinances of the city. Every policeman shall report to the marshal or Mayor, all persons known or suspected to be gamblers, re- ceivers of stolen goods, thieves, burglars or disorderly per- sons,, and also all unlawful or disorderly houses or places, within said city, coming to his knowledge, as well as all vio- ations of the laws of the state or the oidinances of the city, re- ported to him or of which he may be cognizant; and when it shall come to the knowledge of any policeman that any city ordinance has been violated, such member shall forthwith cause a complaint to be made before a police magistrate, or 142 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. justice of the peace within the city, and the proper witnesses to be subpoened and evidence procured for the successful prosecution of the offender. Sec. 14. The city marshal and each policeman of said city shall have power to arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, all persons who shall be found in the act of committing a breach of the peace, or be found violating any ordinance of the City of Urbana, or any criminal law of the State of Illinois, or found under suspicious circumstances and unable to give a satisfactory account of their doings, and may commit such persons so arrested for examination, and if neces- sary detain them in custody over night or Sunday, in the city prison or other safe place, or until they can be brought before the proper magistrate. All warrants for the violation of ordi- nances, and all criminal warrants to whomsoever directed; may be served and executed within the corporate limits of said city by any policeman thereof. [See laws, 1897, State of Illinois.] Sec. 15. Whenever the city marshal or any police officer is satisfied that there is reasonable cause for searching any house, building, apartment, room or place, for property that has been stolen, embezzled, or fraudulently obtained by false tokens or pretenses; or for counterfeit or spurious money, or tools, machinery or materials for making the same; or for gaming apparatus, or implements used or kept and provided to be used in unlawful gaming, it shall be the duty of the mar- shal, or policeman, to swear out a search warrant for the search of such premises, as by the statute of the State of Illi- nois provided. Sec. 16. No policeman, while on duty, shall enter any dram shop or place where intoxicating liquors are sold, except to quiet a disturbance or to make an arrest, or when officially called. Sec. 17. Any member of the police force who shall neg- lect or refuse to perform any duty required of him by the ordinances of the city, or the rules and regulations of the police department, or who shall, in the discharge of his official duties, be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, favoritism or willful wrong or injustice, shall forfeit and pay a penalty ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 143 of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and shall be subject to removal from office. Sec. 1 8. The following offenses shall be deemed suffi- cient causes for removal of the city marshal or any member of the poHce force: First. Disobedience of the orders of the Mayor, City Council or Marshal. Second. Drunkenness. Third. Holding familiar conversation on the streets wiMi prostitutes, or associating with rowdies or gamblers. Fourth. Violent, insolent or abusive language to a superior officer, or to any citizen, resident or stranger. Fifth. Drinking intoxicating liquor, wine or beer, while on duty, or entering any saloon, gambling house, or house of ill-fame, while on duty, except in the discharge of the duties of his office. Sixth. Accepting or receiving from any person, while w custody, or after he shall have been discharged, or from i'ny of such person's friends, any gratuity, gift, pay or reward. Seventh. Communicating to any person any infor- m.ntion which may lead to the escape from arrest or punish- \reut of persons accused of any crime, misdemeanor, or viola- tion of any city ordinance. Eighth. Leaving the city without permission, in writing, from the Mayor, unless in pursuit of offenders fleeing from arrest. Ninth. Leaving his beat or post, during his hours of duty, except in the discharge of the duties of his office; or going to sleep during his hours of service. Tenth. Charging or receiving any fee or compensa- tion, other than his legal salary, or receiving or accepting any present or reward for police services rendered, or to be ren- dered, unless with the written permission of the Mayor, first had and obtained. Eleventh. Failure to inforce the ordinances of the city. ■ Sec. 19. Whenever any person arrested for any offense shall, at the time of his arrest be drunk or intoxicated, the offi- cer making the arrest shall take such person to the police headquarters and confine him in the city prison until he shall become sober; and he shall then be taken before a police magistrate for trial as provided in other cases. 144 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A. CHAPTER XXXVII. POLICE PRACTICE. SECTION— 1. Police magistrate— term four years— bond— fees. 2. Actions brought in corporate name of city, etc. :. Summons — warrant. 4. Trial of person arrested— continuance— bail. 5. Arrests at night, Sunday, etc. 6. City attorney r.le written statement, etc. 7. Arrests without warrant. 8. Giving recognizance. 9. Officers as witnesses. 10. Witness and jury fees. 11. Malicious suits — costs against prosecutor. 12. Commitment of prisoner, etc. 13. Magistrate to acsess fine for violation of ordinance, etc. 14. Person convicted required to work — when 15. City marshal to deliver prisoner to street superintendent, etc. 16. Person refusing to work, etc. 17. Payment of fine — entitled to discharge. 18. Officer to report to council names, days, labor, etc. 19. Police magistrate to pay cash collected monthly, and make re- ports monthly and annually. Section i. Every four years there shall be elected in and for the City of Urbana, a police magistrate, at the time, and in the manner provided by the statutes of the State of lUinois, for the election of such oi^cer, who shall hold his office for four years. The police magistrate shall file such bonds as re- quired by law and take the same oath as other city officers. He shall have the same fees in all city cases as are provided by law for justices of the peace. Sec. 2. All actions brought to recover any fine, or to en- force any penalty under any ordinance of said city shall be brought in the corporate name of said city as plaintiff. No prosecution, recovery or acquittal for the violation of any such ordinance shall constitute a defense to any other prosecution of the same party for any violation of the same ordinance or section, although the different causes of action existed at the same time, and if united would not have exceeded the jurisdic- tion of the court or magistrate. Sec. 3. In all actions for the violation of any ordinance or section, the first process shall be a summons; Provided, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 145 however^ that a warrant for the offender may issue in the first instance upon the affidavit of any person that any such ordinance has been violated, stating in substance the manner of the violation, and that the person making the complaint has reasonable grounds to believe and does believe the party charged is guilty thereof; and any person arrested upon such warrant shall, without unnecessary delay, be taken before the proper court to be tried for the alleged offense. Sec. 4. Whenever any person shall be arrested for any offense, it shall be the duty of tlie police officer making the arrest, to take the prisoner to the police headquarters, and a record of the arrest shall be made in the book kept for that purpose. If any police magistrate is at his office, the prisoner shall be immediately taken before such magistrate, and if the city and the prisoner are both ready, a trial may at once be had, but either party may have a continuance for a reasonable time to procure witnesses, or for other good cause shown; and the prisoner shall enter into a recognizance, with surety to be approved by the magistrate, for his appearance, at the time of trial; and in default of such recognizance, he shall be con- fined in the city prison until the time fixed for trial, and until the further order of the court. Sec. 5. All prisoners arrested in the night time, or at any other times when no police magistrate's court shall be open, shall be taken to police headquarters, and a like record made as before provided, and the prisoner shall be confined in the city prison until the next morning, or until a trial can be had, or, if arrested on Saturday night, or on Sunday, then he shall be confined as aforesaid until Monday morning, when the prisoner! shall be taken before a police magistrate and a trial had, or the case continued as provided in the preceding section. Sec. 6. When any suit shall be commenced by summons in the name of the city before any court or magistrate for any fine or penalty, the city attorney shall file a written statement, signed by him, stating the title of the case, the name of the defendant, the ordinance or section of ordinance violated, the manner of violation and the time and place where violated. Sec. 7. Whenever any person shall be lawfully arrested 146 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. without a warrant, and brought before any court for trial, no process shall be necessary, but the statement required by the preceding section hereof shall be made and filed as therein provided, and the magistrate before whom such person is brought shall enter the case on his docket as in other cases. Sec. 8. Any person who may be arrested by, or in the custody of any officer, for the violation of any ordinance of the city, may release himself from custody or imprisonment Tby enterinp- into bail or recognizance before such of^cer or before any poHce magistrate or other court in such reasonable amount and with such sureties or surety as may be required cl him, and conditioned that he will appear before the magis- trate or court named therein, at the time named therein, and from day to day thereafter or until the determination of said cause and remain and answer the oiifense with which he stands charged and await his trial thereon, and not depart the court without leave. The amount of the penalty of the bond or recognizance shall be proportioned to the offense charged, and such bond or recognizance shall be filed with the magis- trate of the court named therein, by the officer taking the same; and if the offender shall fail to appear or shall otherwise fail to comply with the conditions thereof, the same shall be adjudged forfeited, and suit shall forthwith be brought there- on against the offender and his surety or sureties, for the full amount of the penalty thereof, and judgment shall be rendered by the court for the same and all costs, or for so much of said penalty as may be adjudged just and proper upon examination of the facts in the case. Sec. 9. All officers making arrests shall attend as wit- nesses before the court where such trial shall be had, and shall procure all necessary evidence in their power, and furnish a Hst of all witnesses to the court or to the city attorney. Sec. 10. Witnesses and jurors attending before any police magistrate or other court in any suit or action for any fine or penalty arising under the ordinances of the city shall, in case judgment is obtained against the offender and collected from him, be entitled to the same fees as in like cases before justices of the peace. But no costs of any kind shall be taxed against or collected of the city. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 147 Sec. II. The city attorney shall not be compelled to bring or prosecute any suit in any case where he and the court may be satisfied that the complaint is instituted maliciously or vexatiously, and without any probable cause, and that the in- terests of the public or of the city will not be subserved there- by. And if any person charged with any offense shall, upon his trial therefor, be acquitted, and it shall satisfactorily appear to the court that the complaint or prosecution was instituted maliciously or vexatiously, and without probable cause, judg- ment may be rendered against the complainant or prosecutor for the costs arising in the case, and execution issued for the collection of the same. Sec. 12. Any person upon whom any fine or penalty shall be imposed, may, by order of the court, or magistrate before whom the conviction is had, be committed to the county jail, city prison, workhouse, or other place provided by the city for the incarceration of ofifenders until such fine, penalty and costs shall be fully paid; Provided^ That no such imprisonment shall exceed six months for any one offense. Sec. 13. If, upon the hearing of any suit or proceeding for the violation of an ordinance of the city, the defendant is found guilty, the court shall impose such fine as may be pro- vided by said ordinance, or as may be fixed by the jury, when tried by jury, and its judgment may be, "That the defendant be fined in the sum of dollars and costs of said suit, taxed at dollars and that the defendant stand com- mitted until such fine and costs are fully paid ; and if such costs and fine are not fully paid, that the defendant be imprisoned in the city prison not exceeding six months, or labor on the streets days;" which number of days labor exclu- sive of his board shall not exceed one day for each fifty cents of such fine and costs. Sec. 14. When any person shall be so committed by any court for a fine or penalty he shall be required to work for the city upon the streets and alleys thereof at such labor as his strength will permit, or at such other labor or employment as may be provided by the City Council, within and without the place of his confinement, not exceeding ten hours each work- ing day, and for such work he shall be allowed, exclusive of 148 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. his board, fifty cents for each day's work on account of the fine and costs adjudged against him. Sec. 15. Whenever any person against whom judgment for violation of any ordinance of the City of Urbana is ren- dered by any court or magistrate, and such person is by the order of such court or magistrate required to stand committed or labor upon the streets of said city until such fine and costs are fully paid, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of streets of said city to take and receive such person from the city marshal and work him upon the streets not to exceed ten hours each working day until such judgment and costs exclu- sive of his board shall be fully satisfied according to law; and it shall be the duty of the city marshal in the morning of each day following such conviction to take and deliver such person or persons to the superintendent of streets, at such place as he may be then working or superintending work on the streets of said city; and it shall be the duty of the city superintendent cf streets to accept and put to work such person or persons dur- ing the working hours of said day, and at noon and evening of such dav it shall be the duty of the city marshal to present himself to the city superintendent of streets for the purpose of taking and receiving such person or persons and to place such person or persons in the city prison until after the dinner hour, and during the night time of such day. And it shall be the duty of the city marshal at the time of delivering such prisoner or prisoners, to put a ball and chain upon the leg of such per- son or persons whenever it shall be necessary to secure the safe keeping of such prisoner, to be kept fastened so long as said person or persons are laboring upon said streets. And for each day that such person shall so labor upon the streets he shall be allowed the sum of fifty cents per day, exclusive of board, to be credited upon such fine and costs. Sec. 16. Any person so committed who shall refuse to labor, shall not be entitled to any credit on his fine or costs, and may be recommitted to the city prison, county jail, or other safe place of confinement until he shall consent to labor; Provided^ such imprisonment shall not exceed six months. Sec. 17. Any person committed may, at any time, pay the amount of the execution and costs, and upon the payment ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF tjRBANA. 149 being made, or upon his woiking out the amount of the fine and costs against him, or otherwise being entitled to his dis- charge, the chief of pohce, having him in custody, shall, set him at liberty. Sec. i8. The superintendent of streets, the chief of police, or other ofBcer having such person in custody, shall, from time to time, report to the city council the names, the amount of the fine, the manner of discharging the same, and the number of days' labor performed. Sec. 19. The police magistrate or other ofHcer collect- ing fines or money on account of the city shall pay the same into the city treasury, in cash, at the end of each month. The police magistrate shall report to the city council, at each regular meeting thereof, and also at the end of each municipal year, a list of all suits brought in the name of the city since his last report, with the disposition made of each case, the amount of fine imposed, if any, the name of the officer charged with the collection of the same, the amount collected and by whom, and also the amount collected on old fines. 150 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER XXXVIII. RAILROADS. SECTION— 1. Crossings, compelled to construct. 2. Repair crossing or culvert upon notice, etc 3. Neglect to build, repair, etc. — city may build, etc. 4. Keep good and sufficient lights at street crossings, etc. 5. Cars obstructing street. 6. Speed of cars, etc. 7. Whistles not to be blown. 8. Flagmen. 9. Duties of flagmen. 10. Lights on backing trains, ring bells, when — penalty. 11. Penalty. Section i. All railroad companies or corporations own- ing, using or controlling any track or tracks which now or may hereafter, enter or pass through the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, shall respectively construct, maintain, repair and keep good, safe and sufficient culverts and crossings, with suitable and secure approaches thereto on all public alleys, streets and highways, where the respective tracks, owned, used or controlled by such company, pass under across or over any alley, street or highway within said city. Sec. 2. Whenever the city council directs the construc- tion of any crossing or culvert upon the line of any railroad, within the city, or whenever any such crossing or culvert shall need repairing it shall be the duty of said railroad corporation after receiving notice in writing of the work to be done, and the place where required, to proceed immediately to construct or repair such crossing or culvert. Sec. 3. In case of the failure or refusal of any railroad company or corporation to construct or repair any crossing or culvert within thirty days after having been duly notified by the city council or any authorized officer so to do, the city council may order such crossing or culvert to be constructed or repaired, as may be needed, at the expense of the city, and such railroad company or corporation shall be liable to the city in an action of debt, for the cost thereof. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all railroad companies, whenever in pursuance of a resolution of the city council they ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBANA. 151 shall be notified, to keep good and sufficient lights at any point on its track crossed by public streets, alleys or highways in said city or to take any other measure or precaution which said council may direct, as conducive to public safety or con- venience, to promptly comply with such notice; and any such company or corporation failing or refusing to do as directed, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars, and each day of foilure or refusal to comply, shall be deemed a separate ofifense. Sec. 5. No railway company, railroad engineer, train conductor or other person shall cause or allow any locomotive, car or cars, or train of cars to stop in or remain upon any street or railroad crossing within said city for a longer period than ten minutes. Any railroad company or person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Provided, tha.t when any such street, alley, sidewalk,crossing or thoroughfare has been so obstructed for five minutes or more it shall then be kept clear by such railroad company a sufficient time to allow all persons to pass, who may be wait- ing, and for any violation of this section the company offend- ing shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofifense; and Provided further, that where such obstruction is the result of some unavoidable accident, disaster or emergency beyond the control of such company or its agents, this section shall not apply. Sec. 6. No railway company, railroad engineer, railroad conductor, or any servant of any railway company or other person shall run any locomotive, freight or passenger car, or any train of cars, upon or along any railroad track, side track or switch within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana at a greater rate of speed than ten miles an hour. Any railway company or person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 7. No railroad company shall cause or allow the whistle of any locomotive engine, belonging to such company 152 ORDINANCES OF THE ClTY OF URBANA. or under its control, to be sounded within the limits of said city with the exception of necessary station and brake signals, and such signals as may be absolutely necessary to prevent in- jury to persons or property, and in such cases only with the limitation that such whistle shall not be sounded more than five seconds at one time, nor with more than necessary loud- ness, and every violation of this section shall subject the rail- road company offending to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of all companies or corpo- rations owning, using or operating any railroad whose track oi tracks cross any public streets, avenues or highways in said city to place and retain at their expense a flagman at each crossing where the city council may or shall by a resolution deem a flagman necessary. And any such company or corporation refusing or ne- glecting to place, maintain and keep flagmen when and where so required, within sixty days after receiving a written notice of the action of the city council from the Mayor, requiring the same, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every day they shall neglect or refuse so to do. The notice above referred to may be served upon any agent or officer of such company or corporation. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the flagman to signal per- sons traveling in the direction of any or either of said cross- ings, and warn them of the approach of any locomotive en- gine or car or of impending danger. Sec. 10. The bell of each locomotive engine shall be rung continually while such engine is running within said city, and every locomotive engine, railroad car or train of cars run- ning in the night time on any railroad track in said city shall have and keep while so lunning a brilliant and conspicuous bright light on the forward end of such engine, car or train. If such engine, car or train of cars be backing, it shall have a conspicuous light in the rear car or engine so as to show the direction said engine, car or train is running. Any failure or neglect to comply with this section shall subject the railroad company or corporation controlling, using, owning or running ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 153 such engine, car or train to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars nor to exceed two hundred dollars for each and every oflfense. Sec. II. Any railroad company or railroad corporation who shall, of themselves or by their agents or employees, vio- late or fail to observe any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter, or any agent, engineer, conductor or other employee of any such railroad company or corporation, who shall violate or fail to observe the same, shall, for each violation or failure to observe the same, where no other penalty is imposed, be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars. CHAPTER XXXIX. REPEALED ORDINANCES. SECTION— 1. Repealed ordinance in force till when. 2. Word "Court" defined. 3. Certain words construed. 4. Repeal of repealing ordinance. 5. Repeal of ordinance not to release fines, etc. 6. All general terms, etc., to be liberally construed. 7. Power of acting mayor — policemen to exercise powers of mar- shal. Section i. Hereafter when any ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be repealed, modified or changed by a subse- quent ordinance, the ordinance or part thereof thus repealed, modified or changed shall continue in force until the ordi- nance repealing, modifying or changing the same takes eflfect, unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided. Sec. 2. The word "court" when used in any ordinance, shall be construed to mean any court of competent jurisdic- tion, whether police magistrates' courts, justices of the peace, or courts of record. Sec. 3. Whenever in any ordinance words importing the singular number are used in reference to any person or sub- ject-matter, such words shall be deemed to extend to and em- 154 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. brace several persons, matters or subjects, and words used im- porting the plural number shall be deemed to extend to and embrace any singular person, matter or subject as well as to several; and when any person or subject-matter shall be named, referred to or described by words importing the mas- culine gender, or by general terms, females as well as males shall be deemed included in the meaning and terms thereof, and the words "person" or "persons," or words importing any person or persons shall be deemed to include corporations as well as individuals. The word "month," when used in any or- dinance, shall be construed to mean a calendar month; and the word "sworn" to mean sworn or affirmed. Sec. 4. No ordinance or part of any ordinance repealed by any other ordinance shall be revived by the repeal of the re- pealing ordinance, unless it shall be therein otherwise ex- pressly provided. Sec. 5. No fine, forfeiture, penalty, right, action, debt, suit or other liability whatever, created, instituted, incurred or accrued by or under any ordinance prior to its repeal or modi- fication, shall be released, dischargea, amended or repealed, or in anywise afifected by the passage of such repealing or modi- fying ordinance, but the same shall be prosecuted, recovered O! enjoyed, or any suit or other proceeding commenced there- on as fully and in the same manner in all respects as if such or- dinance or part thereof had remained in full force, unless it shall be otherwise expressly provided in the ordinance making such repeal or modification. Sec. 6. All general provisions, terms, phrases andexpres- sions used in this ordinance or any ordinance passed hereafter, shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent and meaning of the city council may be carried out. Sec. 7. Whenever any power shall be vested in or any duty required of the Mayor, the same shall be deemed to ex- tend to and embrace, and may be exercised by the acting mayor also; and when any power shall be vested in or duty required of the city marshal, the same shall be deemed to ex- tend to and may be exercised by any of the policemen of said city, unless such construction would be contrary to the terms of the ordinance vesting such power or requiring such duty. ORDINANCES OF THK CITY OF URBANA. 155 CHAPTER XL. ROLLER SKATING RINKS. SECTION— 1. License required. 2. Amount of license. 3. Penalty. 4. Clerk to issue license. 5. Mayor may revoke license. Section i. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to engage in the business or running a roller skating rink or skating school in the City of Urbana without first having obtained a license so to do, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Every person, persons or corporation who shall hereafter engage in or rent any room or building in said city for the purpose or running a roller skating rink, skating school, or for the purpose of teaching persons how to skate on roller skates shall pay a license fee of five dollars per month to said City of Urbana, payable in advance for each and every month they shall run said rink. Sec. 3. Any person, persons or corporation running a rol- ler skating rink, skating school or school for learning to skate on roller skates, without first having obtained a license so to do, under the provisions of this chapter of this ordinance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person, persons or corporation engage in or run said roller skating rink or skating school without a license. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to issue said license upon a payment to him of the above license fee, to all persons applying for the same. Sec. 5. The Mayor or the city council shall have power to revoke any such license, at any time, for any good or suf- ficent cause, or upon the failure of such person, persons or corporation to comply with any of the city ordinances. 156 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A. CHAPTER XLI. RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. SECTION— 1. Meetings of council — special meetings. 2. Rules of city council. 3. Standing committees. 4. Duties of committees. 5. Streets and alleys committee. 6. Public grounds and buildings committee. 7. Fire and water committee. 8. Finance committee. 9. Police committee. 10. Claims committee. 11. Printing committee. 12. Markets committee. 13. Bridges committee. 14. License committee. 15. Sewers committee. 16. Contracts not authorized by council forbidden. Section i. A regular meeting of the City Council shall be held, hereafter on the first Monday evening of each month during the year, and also on the evening of the fifteenth of May in each year except when the fifteenth day of May falls on Sunday, when said meeting ;hall be held on the Saturday evening last preceding. Said meetings shall be convened at the hours of 7 o'clock p. m. from November first to April first, and 7:30 o'clock p. m from April first to November first. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor, or by any three m.embers of the Council, whenever, in his or their discretion, it may be deemed necessary; in which event it shall be the duty of the city marshal to cause each member of the Council to be personally served with a notice of such special meeting, or by leaving a copy thereof at his usual place of business or resi- dence. Said notice shall state the object of such meeting, and no business shall be transacted at any special meeting except such as is stated in said notice. Sec. 2. The following rules for the government of the deliberations of the Council are hereby adopted, viz: I. The Mayor shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the Council to meet, and immediately call the Council to Older, and at the instance of any two members present, com- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 157 pel the attendance of absent members. And in case of non- attendance of the Mayor at any meeting, the board of alder- men shall appoint one of their own members chairman, who shall preside at that moeting-, and shall be Mayor pro ton. II. A majority of the members elect shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. III. The order of business of all regular meetings of the City Council shall be as follows: 1. Reading of the minutes of the proceedings of regular and special meetings. 2. Report? of standing committees. 3. Reports of special committees. 4. Reports of officers. 5. Petitions and communications to the Council. 6. Presentations of claims and accounts. 6. Unfinished business. 8. New and miscellaneous business. IV. The Mayor shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council. Appeals to the Council shall be decided without debate. V. No member shall speak more than twice upon the same question, nor more than once upon the "previous ques- tion," without leave of the Council, nor more than once in any case, until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken. VI. Any member called to order shall immediately take liis seat until the point of order is decided. VII. All questions as to the priority of business shall be decided without debate. VIII. While any member is speaking no member shall er gage in conversation with others, or pass between the speaker and the Mayor. IX. When two or more members shall address the Mayor, he shall decide who is first to speak. X. Every member previous to his speaking, shall rise and address "Mr. Mayor," — but shall not proceed until recog- nized and named by the Mayor. XL No personalities or reflections injurious to the feel- ings of any member or the harmony of the Council, shall be 158 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. tolerated, and every person indulging in such personalities shall be called to order by the Mayor. XII. When a motion or resolution has been stated by the Mayor, it shall be deemed lo toe in possession of the Coun- cil, but may be withdrawn at any time before a decision or amendment, by consent of the Council. XIII. A member called vo order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted by the Council to explain. If he ap- peals, the Council shall decide the matter without debate. If ro appeal is taken, the decision of the Mayor shall be conclu- sive. XIV. When a question is stated, every member present shall vote, unless excused by the Council, or unless directly interested in the question, in which case he shall not vote. XV. No motion shall be entertained unless seconded; vs/hen seconded it shall be stated by the Mayor, and if any member requires it, reduced to writing. XVI. If a question under consideration contains more than one distinct proposition, it may be divided on the request (.if any member. XVII. When a blank is lo be filled and different sums or times proposed, the question shall first be put upon the largest sum, or the longest time. XVIII. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, unless for the previous question, to postpone mdefinitely, to adjourn to a certain day, to lay on the table, to amend, or to adjourn the Council. XIX. A motion foi the "previous question," to lay the question on the table, or to commit it, until decided, shall pre- clude all amendments or debate of the main question; and a motion or postpone a question indefinitely, or to h Ijourn tJ a certain day, shall, until it is decided, preclude all amend- ments to the main question. XX. The "previous question" shall be put as follows: "Shall the main question be now put?" XXI. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. XXII. In all cases the name of a member offering a resolution or motion, shall be entered with it, upon the journal. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 159 XXIII. No ordinance shall be repeale'd or passed, or contract or appropriation made, unless by a vote of a majority of the board. XXIV. All committees shall be appointed by the Mayor, unless otherwise directed by the Council, in which case they shall be appointed by ballot. XXV. The yeas and nays shall be taken on the passage of every ordinance, and on all propositions to create any liability against the city, or for the expenditure or appropri.".- tion of its money, and be entered upon the journal; and if any member require it, upon any other question before the Coun- cil. XXVI. Committees to whom any subject nay be re- ferred, shall report in writing, addressed to the City Council ;)t the City of Urbana, and the reports shall be filed away and preserved by the clerk. XXVII. The city clerk shall forward all papers to the appropriate committees and olificers, as nearly as the next day after the reference shall be made, by the city marshal, who shall deliver them. XXVIII. Every proposition involving the expenditure .>f money, shall be referred to an appropriate standing commit- tee, and a report thereon made to the Council by said com- mitte before the council vote upon the expenditure. XXIX. Any report of a committee of the Council shall be deferred, for final action thereon, to the next regular meet- ing of the same after the report is made, upon the request of any two aldermen present. (See Section 15, Article III, Act of Incorporation). XXX. No petition for the remission of a fine under any c^dinance of the city, shall be granted without a vote of two- thirds of the Council, or without said petition is signed by the police magistrate, or the jury imposing the fine, or the city attorney. XXXI. The city marshal, or some one appointed by him, at his own cost, shall attend all meetings of the CityCoun- c'.l, and execute all their orders, and shall keep the council room in order. He shall, when required by the Mayor, or any two aldermen, deliver notice of any special meeting to each 160 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. member of the Council, or leave the same at his usual resi- dence. XXXII. On all points of order not herein specially pro- \ided for, Robert's Rules of Order is adopted, and made the law governing the deliberations of said Council. XXXIII. The foregoing rules, or any of them, shall not be repealed or annulled, amended, abridged, modified, or sus- pended, except by a vote of the majority of the Council. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Mayor, at the beginning cf each year for which members of the City Council are elected, to appoint the following named standing committees, the first named member of each committee to be the chairman thereof, and each committee to consist of not less than three members, viz: First. Committee on streets and alleys. Second. Committee on public grounds and buildings. Third. Committee on fire and water. Fourth. Committee on finance. Fifth. Committee on police. Sixth. Committee on claims. Seventh. Committee on printing. Eighth. Committee on markets. Ninth. Committee on bridges and lights. Tenth. Committee on license. Eleventh. Committee on sewerage. Sec. 4. It shall be the dut} of the standing committees to keep a close watch over the affairs of their respective depart- ri'dts, and to promorly investigate and report in writing upon all matters referred to them by the council, and perform such ot]:ei duties as may be from time to time assigned them. Sec. 5. The committee on streets and alleys shall have charge and direct all improvements on public thoroughfares, the opening, laying out, widening, extending and vacating the came, and all additions to the city. Sec. 6. The committee on public grounds and buildings shall have charge of all buildings and grounds, including the parks, belonging to or occupied by the city, and the preserva- tion, repair and improvement of the same, and shall also have charge of all public cemeteries. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 161 Sec. 7. The committee on fire and water shall have gen- eral supervision over the fire department, water supply of the city, and all matters pertaining to water works. Sec. 8. The committee on finance shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the financial condition of the city; audit and examine the treasurer's report; receive estimates from the other committees for annual appropriations, and pre- sent the annual appropriation bill, and shall report to the City Council, at each regular meeting thereof, the amount of ex- penditures made in each regular meeting thereof, the amount cf expenditures made in each department of appropriations, and the balance unexpended. Sec. 9. The committee on police shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the peace and good order of the city, and the general supervision and direction of all police officers, prisons and workhouses, of the cleansing of the city, the re- moval and abatement of all nuisances. Sec. 10. The committee on claims shall investigate and examine all claims and contracts against the said city which may be referred to them, and report the same back to the Council, with their recommendations indorsed thereon in writ- mg, signed by at least two of the committee. Sec. II. The committee on printing shall have charge of all matters pertaining to printing, and the furnishing of sta- tionery and blanks to the different officers and departments of the city, and the making of contracts pertaining to the same. Sec. 12. The committee on markets shall have charge of all public and private scales, weights and measures; the vend- ing of all commodities in the streets of the city; the weighing of coal and the measurement of wood and lumber, and shall i'ave charge of matters pertaining to markets. Sec. 13. The committee on bridges and lights shall have charge and control of all bridges within the City of Urbana and the lighting of the streets and public buildings. Sec. 14. The committee on license shall investigate all applications for dramshop license, together with the bonds therefor, and shall examine the sufficiency of such bonds and the sureties thereon, and particularly in regard to the quali- fications of applicants, as prescribed by the ordinances, and 162 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. the fitness and propriety of the place where the business is to be carried on. Said committee shall also hear and determine any charges made against any dramshop keeper, unless other- wise especially ordered by the council. Sec. 15. The committee on sewerage shall have charge of all matters pertaining to sewers and sewerage, and all public drains of the city. Sec. 16. No committee of the city council, nor any member of said council, or other officer of said city, shall ex- pend or contract for the expenditure of any moneys belonging tr the city for the improvement of any street, sidewalk, alley, building or other property belonging to or under control of said city, unless authorized so to do by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. CHAPTER XLII. SEAL SECTION— 1. Corporate seal. 2. Clerk to keep seal and affix same when necessary. Section i. That the corporate seal of the City of Ur- bana, shall be circular in form, withthe word "City of Urbana, Illinois" on the outer circle, and in the interior and center of said circle the word "Seal," engraved on the face thereof; and it shall be used as such seal in all cases that have or here- after shall be provided by law, or the ordinances of the city, and in all other cases in which by law and custom it is usual ?nd necessary for the city to use a seal. Sec. 2. The seal shall be and remain in the custody of the city clerk. The city clerk shall prepare all commissions Oi other official documents required to be issued, and affix the corporate seal thereto, and attest or countersign the same. He shall affix the corporate seal to all official acts of the Mayor requiring it, and if necssary, attest or countersign the same. He shall certify, under the corporate seal, copies of all records, documents or papers in his office, when required by any offi:er or other person. But in no case shall the impression of the corporate seal be binding upon the city, unless it be authorized by the ordinances of the city, and is attested by the signa- tf.re of the city clerk. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 163 CHAPTER XLIII. SEWERS AND TII,E DRAINS. SECTION— 1. Permit to :oer;,ons outside sewer system to connect — fee. 2. How connections shall be made. 3. Penalty ^or connecting without permit. 4. Permitting others to connect to private drains connected with sewer — penalty. 5. Permit to connect with tile drains — fee. 6. How connection shall be made. 7. Penalty for connecting without permit. 8. Permitting others to connect with private drains — penalty. Section i. That all persons, whose lots, parcels of lots or tracts of land, situated within the corporate limits of the C.'ly of Urbana, do not abut or adjoin the line of any public sewer and which is so situated as not to be included A'ithii. any one of the districts, composing the sewer system of said city, and who may desire to avail themselves of the benefits of said cewer system and connect their house plumbing and wa^cx* f ^osets therewith, shall have the right to do so, upon firstpayinie; tj the City Treasurer the sum of ten dolllars for each and every such connection, and taking his receipt therefor; and upon presentation of such receipt to the City Engineer, he, the said Engineer, shall thereupon issue a permit to such person to make such connection; Provided^ nevertheless^ that such per- mit so granted shall not authorize any connection with any public sewer of said city, unless said connection, house plumb- ing and drainage, all plumbing of water closets and all exca- vations therefor shall be done in accordance with the existing ordinances regulating plumbing and drainage of buildings and excavations in force at the time when said connection shall be made. Sec. 2. All connections made under the jjrovisions of section one of this chapter shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of said city regulating plumb- ing and drainage of buildings and excavations therefor exist- ing and in force at the time when such connection is made. Sec. 3. No person, persons or corporations whose lot.^, parcels of lots or tracts of land do not abut or adjoin the line 164 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. of any public sewer and which is so situated so as not to be in • eluded within any of the districts composing the sewer systen\ of said city shall make any connection of Tiouse drainage or the drainage of any water closet from such premises with any pub- lic sewer of said city, without having first obtained a permit so to do from the city engineer as provided in the first section of this chapter. Any person or corporation violating the pro- visions of this section shall for each and every offense be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor moie than two hundred dollars. Sec. 4. No person, persons or corporations shall permit or suffer any person, persons or corporation whose lots, par- cels of lots or tracts of land do not abut or adjoin the line oi any public sewer and which is so situated as not to be included within any one of the districts composing the public sewer sys- tem of said city to make any connection of any house drainage ot any water closets from off said lots, parcels of lots or tracts of land with any private sewer drains on any premises owned controlled or occupied by them so as to permit or suffer any sewerage to flow into any public sewer of said city, unless such person, persons or corporations has first obtained a written permit from the city engineer so to do, as provided in the first section of this chapter. Any person or corporation violating the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. Any person, persons or corporations, owning any lot, parcel of lot or tract of land adjoining or abutting upon any tile drain owned and controlled by said City of Urbana and within said city desiring to connect their cellar drains from off such premises with any such tile drain shall first pay to the treasurer of said city the sum of five dollars therefor and take his receipt, and upon presentation of said receipt to the City Engineer of said city he shall issue a permit to such person to so cotmect with said tile drain. Sec. 6. Said connection as provided for in the preceding section of this chapter shall be made in accordance with the ordinances of said city regulating tile drains and excavations in force at the time when such connection shall be made. ORDINANCES Oli* THE CITY OE tTRBANA. 165 Sec. 7. Any person, persons or corporations who shall make sny connection of their drains with any tile drain owned or controlled by the said City of Urbana without having first obtained a written permit from the City Engineer of said city so to do, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each of- fense. Sec. 8. Any person, persons or corporation who shall peimit or sulTer any other person, persons or corporation to connect their drains, with any drains owned or controlled by them which connect with any tile drain owned or controlled by the City of Urbana, so as to permit water to be discharged Into said tile drains, without having first obtatined a written permit from the City Engineer so to do, as provided in section live of this chapter, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each ofTense. 166 ORDINANCES OP THE CiTY OP URBANA. CHAPTER XLIV. SHOOTING GALLERIES. SECTION— 1. License required. 2. Rate of license. 3. Not to be set up in street, alley or other uninclosed place. 4. Grades for sidewalks. Section i. No person shall manage, keep or run any shooting gallery or place for target shooting without first having obtained a license therefor. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of nj: less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars. Sec. 2. The rate of license for shooting galleries and places for target shooting shall be, for one year, twenty dollars; ten dollars for six months and five dollars for three months or less. No license shall be issued for a less period than three months. Sec. 3. No person shall keep, maintain or use any shoot- ing gallery or place for target practice in any street, alley, or in any open or uninclosed place in said city, nor shall any per- son set up any target in any such open or uninclosed place, or shoot at the same, under a penalty or not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 4. No license issued for maintaining a shooting gal- lery shall be construed so as to authorize or permit the firing ol any gun or other firearm contrary to any ordinances of the city. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 167 CHAPTER XLV. SIDEWALKS. SECTION— 1. Sidewalks built and constructed of material approved by council, etc. 2. Petition for sidewalk, etc. 3. Sidewalks kept in repair by street superintendent. 4. Grades for sidewalks. 5. Laying walks contrary to grade. 6. Pavements and sidewalks to be uniform in width and line. 7. Pavements and sidewalks out of line. 8. Sidewalks out of line or grade — a nuisance. 9. Old and unsafe sidewalks — a nuisance. Section i. That hereafter all sidewalks and pavements in said city, shall be btiilt, constructed and repaired in such man- ner and of such materials, and of such width as the City Coun- cil shall order in each case. And no person or persons shall construct, build, lay or repair any sidewalk or pavement with- out the consent and approval of the City Council first had and obtained. Any person violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for erch offense. Sec. 2. When any person or persons owning any prop- city in the city shall desire a sidewalk to be built along or in front of their propertv, they shall petition the City Council to build the same. Said petition shall state where said sidewalk is desired to be built, the material of which the same is to be corstructed, and the width thereof; and if the City Council shall order the same to be built, the said parties desiriiig such w?lk constructed, shall first purchase at their own expense all the materials necessary to build the same, including all sand, cinders and gravel and deliver the same where such walk is to be built, and also make all filling necessary to bring the surface of the ground to the required grade, or pay in cash to the su- perintendent of streets the full amount of the cost of such ma- terials, and thereupon the superintendent of streets shall build such sidewalk, in such manner as the City Council shall have ordered; Provided^ the City Council may, when they shall think proper, order sidewalks to be built and paid for out of 168 ORDINANCES OF THE) CITY OF URBANA. the general fund, or pass an ordinance for the building of the same by special assessment or special taxation. Sec. 3. All sidewalks shall be kept in repair by the su- perintendent of streets, and the expense thereof be paid out of the general fund. Sec. 4. All sidewalks or pavements shall be laid or con- structed to the grade established by the city therefor. Where no grade has been established, the sidewalk or pavement shall be laid or constructed to such grade as may be fixed by the city engineer. All persons desiring to build a sidewalk or lay a pavement in front of their premises shall first apply to the City Council for the grade for the same; and it is hereby made the duty of the city engineer, when ordered to do so by the City Council, to designate, by proper lines and stakes, for all persons desiring to^ build sidewalks or lay pavements, the grade established for such street or sidewalk, and if there be no such grade established by the City Council, then he shall designate and affix a temporary grade for the purpose afore- said. Sec. 5. If any person shall build or assist in building any pavement or sidewalk where no grade has been estabhshed, without first obtaining a grade therefor from the city engineer, or contrary to any grade which may be fixed by said engineer, or shall build or assist in building any pavement or sidewalk contrary to any grade which may have been or may be estab- lished by the City Council, or contrary to any of the pro- visions of this chapter, or contrary to any ordinance hereafter passed, providing for any pavement or walk, he shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and to a penalty of one dollar for each day he shall fail to remove or reconstruct the same, after notice from the committee on streets and alleys, or other officer of the city, to remove or reconstruct the same. Sec. 6. All pavements or sidewalks hereafter laid or con- structed in the city upon any one side of any street shall be laid and constructed of uniform width, and in a uniform line, where practicable, the whole length of such side of the street. Any person desiring to build a sidewalk or pavement in front of his premises, where there is no ordinance locating and fixing ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 169 the line of the same, shall apply to the City Council for the proper location and line of such sidewalk or pavement; and it shall be the duty of the engineer, when directed so to do by the City Council, to locate for such person, such proposed pavement or sidewalk. Sec. 7. If any person shall build or assist in building any pavement or sidewalk, and shall build and locate the same over or out of line, or beyond the width, as fixed by any ordi- nance heretofore or hereafter passed, providing for such walk or pavement, or as fixed by the city engineer, he shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and to a penalty of not less than one dollar for every day he shall fail to remove or relay the sam-?, after notice so to do, given him by the committee on streets and alleys of the City Council, or other officer of the city. Sec. 8. Any sidewalk or pavement that may be hereafter laid or constructed, which shall be constructed contrary to any grade established by the City Council, or contrary to any grade fixed by the city engineer, or which shall be constructed or located contrary to the lines or width prescribed therefor by any ordinance of the city, or contrary to the line or width prescribed therefor by the city engineer, are hereby declared ic be a nuisance, and the street superintendent is hereby au- thorized to remove or take up the same, when directed to do so by the City Council. Sec. 9. Whenever any sidewalk or pavement shall be- come dilapidated, and out of repair to such an extent as to be dangerous or unsafe for the passage of persons walking over the same, and to such an extent that the same cannot be economically repaired, then such sidewalk or pavement shall be considered a nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the street superintendent to take up or remove the same, when directed to do so by the City Council, 170 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. CHAPTER XLVI. STREET SUPERINTENDENT. SECTION— 1. Appointment — term of office. 2. Superintend all city improvements, etc. 3. Streets cleaned by street superintendent. 4. Employ needed help, etc. — oversee laborers and prisoners. 5. Mark implements— purchase tools, etc. 6. Keep accurate account of expenditures in book provided for that purpose. 7. Examine accounts of contractors and others for work, etc. 8. Keep street-crossings clean and free from mud, ice, snow, etc. 9. Report monthly. 10. Report yearly. 11. Enforce ordinances in relation to streets, alleys and sidewalks — removal from office. Section i. There shall be a city superintendent of streets, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, and his term of office shall be for any period of time not exceeding the municipal year of his ap- pointment and until hi- successor is duly appointed and quali- fied. Sec. 2. The city superintendent of streets shall superin- tend all improvements ordered by the City Council upon the streets, alleys and public grounds. He shall have charge of the improvements, repair and cleaning of all streets and alleys and street crossings in the city, except where other parties have contracted with the city to do the same, but no repairs or improvements, except where actually necessary, shall be made by him without the order of the City Council; he shall without delay cause all breaks in any planked street or alley, bridge, culvert, sidewalk, street crossing, or other insecure or unsafe place, to be repaired and report the cost thereof to the City Council for allowance. Sec. 3. He shall annually, in the spring of the year, under the direction of the City Coyincil, cause the streets and alleys, where needed, to be cleaned, and the gutters opened, so far as practicable keep them in that condition. He shall from time to time examine into the condition of the streets and alleys, bridges, culverts, cross-walks, sidewalk., and street crossings and report the same to the City Council, and recom- mend such improvements or repairs as he may deem needed. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A. 171 Sec. 4. He may. by the authority of the City Council, employ such number of assistants, laborers, teams, wagons and carts as shall be necessary for the work in his department, and at such prices as shall be fixed by the City Council. He shall oversee and direct the street laborers and workmen and all prisoners working out fines on the streets, alleys and shall keep, or cause to be kept in a suitable book, a correct account of the time of each laborer. Sec. 5. He may by the authority of the City Council pu»^- chase needed tools, implements or materials for the use of the City in his department. He shall cause all tools and instru- ments belonging to his department to be legibly niarked or branded with the letters "C. U." and shall cause them to be properly housed, yarded or kept and protected from the weather when not in use. Sec. 6. He shall keep in an appropriate book, and in such manner as may be required by the committee on streets and alleys, a plain and accurate account of all expenditures made under his supervision, specifying to whom made, for what purpose and to what ward chargeable. He shall in a suitable book provided by the city for that purpose, make and keep a complete record of all sidewalks constructed or re- paired, giving full and complete information in reference to each piece of sidewalk constructed or repaired from the date of the passage of the ordinance authorizing its construction or re- p< iring, to the date of tht final completion of the same, and Jt all payments made by the owners of abutting property. He shall keep a correct list and account of all implements, ma- terials and other property of the city in his charge and shall be accountable therefor, and shall deliver the same to his suc- cessor in office, taking his receipt therefor, which he shall file with the city clerk, who shall credit him with the same and charge his successor therewith. When he shall purchase any implements on account of the city, he shall immediately re- port the bill thereof to the city clerk, who shall charge him for the same at cost. Sec. 7. He shall examine all accounts of contractors and others for work pertaining to his department, or for imple- 172 ORDINANCSS OF THE CITY OP URBANA. ments and materials furnished therefor, and, if correct, certify the same to the City Council. Sec. 8. The city superintendent of streets shall, as far as practicable, see that the crossings on the streets are kept clean and free from mud, ice and snow, and that the walks about the public parks, city buildings and lots are properly cleaned whenever necessary. Sec. 9. He shall on the first Monday of each and every month, make a written report to the City Council, showing the name of each person employed by him, the time worked, and kind of labor performed, and the amount due each person for such labor and the locality where such labor was performed. Sec. 10. He shall, annually, at the last regular meeting of the City Council of each fiscal year, prepare and present to the City Council an annual report, summarizing the work dore in his department for the year, and a statement of the tools, implements, materials and property in his depahment belong- ing to the city, with such other information and suggestions as he may deem proper to embody in such report. Sec. J I. The city superintendent of streets shall cause all ordinances in relation to streets and alleys and sidewalks to be enforced, and shall prosecute all violations thereof. He shall obey all such orders, general or special, as he may receive from the City Council, the Mayor or the committee on streets and alleys, and for a willful neglect or refusal to perform any duty required of him by the ordinances or the laws of this state, shall be subject to removal from office. CHAPTER XLVn. SUPPLIES. SECTION— 1. Supplies let by advertising to lowest bidder. 2. Requisition for supplies, presented by officers. 3. Who shall purchase — order — bill. 4. Claims for goods not ordered. 5. Bill — what to contain. 6. Board of prisoners. Section i. All supplies or materials for the City of Ur- bana, where practicable, shall be purchased on contracts, cov- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 173 ering a special period of time, the same to be let, upon adver- tisement, to the lowest and best bidder, as the City Council may determ-ne. The committee in charge of the different departments shall, so far as possible, prepare estimates and specifications for supplies. No time contracts to furnish sup- plies or Ti..i-erials shaP cover a longer period than the munici- pal year. Sec. 2. Any off.cei or person having charge of any de- partment shall, whenever any supplies or materials are needed in his department for the furnishing of which the city does not hold a contract, make out and present to the City Council in session a written requisition setting forth the article or ar- ticles needed and the price thereof, if known. Sec. 3. The City Council shall, at any time of ordering the purchase of any supplies, designate who is authorized to make the purchase; and every officer or person ordering any article from a distance from the city shall file with the city clerk a copy of the order sent by him, and also the bill of the article so ordered, as soon as the same is received. Sec. 4. No article or claim for any article furnished the city shall be allowed unless such article was ordered to be pur- chased by the Council, or unless the purchase thereof was the result of an emergency which could not reasonably have been foreseen in time to prevent a requisition to the Council. Sec. 5. Every bill presented to the City Council for al- lowance shall contain an itemized statement of the articles for which payment is asked, and shall be certified to by the officer under whom the liability was incurred. Sec. 6. The City Council shall, at the beginning of each municipal year, make a contract with some reasonable party for the feeding of any and all prisoners confiend in the city calaboose or prison. 174 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Cl.f \PTER XLVIII. URBANA FREE LIBRARY. SECTION— 1. Prohibits disturbance — penalty. 2. Prohibits loitering on stairway or in hal! — penalty. 3. Return of books — fines — penalty. 4. Mutilating books, etc. 5. Person not entitled to privileges to remain away. 6. Taking property from without right. 7. Persons excluded from, to stay away — penalty. Section i. Any person who shall, while in the -ooms of the Urbana Free Library create any disturbance, (re who shall be guilty of any conduct calculated to annoy or disturb itiiers ir. said room, and who shall not cease said conduct vvh^-n -e- quested so to do by the librarian or other person in charge of said room, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person c^r persons to loiter or sit upon the stairway, or loiter in che hall leading to said library rooms ; and any person so found loitering i^ sit- ting upon snid stairway, or loitering in said hall, shall be sub- ject to a p.enalty of not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars. Provided, that this section shall not take efifect until there has been placed in said stairway and hall, in a conspicr- :)us place, a notice that loitering or sitting upon said stairway or loitering in said hall is prohibited. Sec. 3 Any person who shall fail to return any book or books, ta' ss City of Urbana. ) I, C. B. Holmes, City Clerk of the City of Urbana, Champaig-n County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the above foreg-oing- ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance for Re- vising- and Consolidating the General Ordinances of the City of Urbana, Illinois," was passed and adopted bv the City Council of said City at a regular meeting thereof, on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1898; that the same was duly deposited in the office of the said City Clerk, of said City, on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1898, and was duly signed and approved by the Mayor of said City on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1898. And I do further certify that the above foreg-oing ordi- nance is a true and correct copy of the original ordinance, which was deposited and is on file in my office as said City Clerk, and that the same is published and printed in book or pamphlet form under the direction and by the authority of the City Council of said City of Urbana, Illinois. It witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the City of Urbana, Illinois, this 7th day of November, A. D. 1898. [corporate seal.] C. B. Holmes. APPENDIX. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 183 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois : Section 1. All corporations, companies and associa- tions not incorporated under the laws of this state, and which are eng-ag-ed in the City of Urbana in effecting- or so- liciting- fire insurance, shall pay to the Treasurer of the City of Urbana on July 15, 1898, and annually thereafter upon the fifteenth day of July of each and every year fol- lowing-, a sum equal to two per cent, of the g-ross receipts of premiums received by such corporation, company or asso- ciation, or their ag-ency or ag-ents, for business effected or transacted for fire insurance within the said City of Urbana, for the year ending- July 1st, preceding- said dates. The sum above named shall be as a tax or license fee upon all such corporations, companies or associations transacting- such business within the said City of Urbana. Sec. 2. Every person acting- as ag-ent or otherwise, for or upon behalf of any such corporation, company or associ- ation, shall on or before the ISth day of July, 1898, and the 15th day of July of each and every year thereafter, render to the Clerk of the City of Urbana, a full, true and just account, verified by oath of all the premiums which during- the year ending- on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1898, and the 1st day of July of each and every year succeeding, shall have been received by him, or any other person for him, in behalf of any such corporation, company or association, and shall fully and specifically set out in said report the amount or amounts received as premiums for fire insurance. Sec. 3. The said ag-ent or ag-ents shall also at the time of the making- of the above mentioned report, pay to the Treasurer of the City of Urbana the sum of two per cent, upon the g-ross receipts of such corporation, company or association, obtained as premiums for effecting- fire in- surance in the City of Urbana, as specified in section 1 of this chapter. Sec. 4. If such account be not rendered on or be- fore the day herein desig-nated for such purpose, or if the above mentioned rates for the said tax or license fee shall 184 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBANA. remain unpaid after that day, it shall be unlawful for any such corporation, company or association to transact any business of fire insurance in the said City of Urbana until the requirements hereof have been fully complied with, nevertheless this provision shall in no way affect the valid- ity of any risk that may be taken in violation hereof be- tween such corporation, company or association, and the person so insured. Sec. 5. If any such corporation, company or associ- ation fail to render the report or account herein desig-nat- ed by this chapter, or if the above mentioned rates, as a tax or license fee shall remain unpaid after the day desig-- nated, to-wit, July 15th, every such corporation, company or association shall forfeit and pay to the City of Urbana, the sum of two hundred dollars upon conviction, for each and every offense, and in addition to such penalty, the City of Urbana shall recover, in an action, in its name, for its use, against such corporation, company or association so failing- to make such report, or pay such license fee or tax, the full amount of such license, which would be due under the provisions thereof. Sec. 6. Any and all sums so received under the provisions thereof, shall form and constitute a fund to be kept separate by the Treasurer of the said City of Urbana for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Fire Depart- ment of the said City of Urbana. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passag-e and due publication. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, August 14th, 1897. C. B. Holmes, City Clerk. Approved by the Mayor, who signed the same August 16th, 1897. G. W. Hubbard, Mayor. State of Ili^inois, j County of Champaign, Vss City of Urbana. ) I, C. B. Holmes, City Clerk of the City of Urbana, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an ordi- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBANA. 185 nance passed by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, Aug-ust 14th, 1897, approved August 16th, 1897, and that said ordinance is published by authority of said City Council and is on file and of record in my office. Witness my hand this 2-5th day of Aug-ust, 1897. C. B. Holmes, City Clerk. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 187 RECORDED ORDINANCES LOCAL ORDINANCES, WHERE RECORDED, Appropriations Since Last Revision. Annual, September 8th, 1879 Annual, September 6th, 1880 Annual, September 5th, 1881 Annual, August 7th, 1882 Annual, September 3rd, 1883 Annual, September 1st, 1884 Annual, September 7th, 1885 Annual, September 6th, 1886 Annual, September Sth, 1887 Annual, September 3rd, 1888 Annual, September 2nd, 1889 Annual, September 1st, 1890 Annual, Aug-ust 3rd, 1891 Amended August 10th, 1891 Annual, September Sth, 1892 Annual, August 7th, 1893 Annua], July 30th, 1894 Annual, August 16th, 1895 Annual, August 10th, 1896 Annual, August 2nd, 1897 Annual, August 3rd, 1898 Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book B, Book C, Book C, Book C, Book C, Page 40 Page 112 Page 129 Page 148 Page 157 Page 159 Page 177 Page 183 Page 189 Page 190 Page 197 Page 204 Page 241 Page 242 Page 265 Page 290 Page 356 Page 23 Page 64 Page 102 Page 129 188 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Annual Tax Levy Since Last Revision. Tax Levy, September 8th, 1879 Book B, Pag-e 108 Tax Levy, September 6th, 1880 Book B, Pag-e 112 Tax Levy, September 5th, 1881 Book B, Pag-e 129 Tax Levy, Aug-ust 7th, 1882 Book B, Pag-e 148 Tax Levy, September 3rd, 1883 Book B, Pag-e 157 Tax Levy, September 1st, 1884 Book B, Pag-e 159 Tax Levy, September 7th, 1885 Book B, Pag-e 177 Tax Levy, September 6th, 1886 Book B, Pag-e 183 Tax Levy, September 5th, 1887 Book B, Pag-e 189 Tax Levy, September 3rd, 1888 Book B, Pag-e 190 Tax Levy, September 2nd, 1889 Book B, Pag-e 197 Tax Levy, September 1st, 1890 Book B, Pag-e 204 Tax Levy, Aug-ust 3rd, 1891 Book B, Pag-e 242 Tax Levy, September 5th, 1892 Book B, Pag-e 265 Tax Levy, Aug-ust 7th, 1893 Book B, Pag-e 290 Tax Levy, September 14th, 1894 Book B, Pag-e 370 Tax Levy, September 12th, 1895 Book C, Pag-e 31 Tax Levy, Aug-ust 10th, 1896 Book C, Pag-e 64 Tax Levy, September 6th, 1897 Book C, Page 118 BONDS. Ordinance providing- for refunding- of $3,000 of Nich- olson Pavement and $5,000 of I. B. & W. Railway, June 6th, 1881, Book B, Pag-e 120. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 189 BONDS ISSUED, GENERAL FUND. Reg-istered Bonds, $12,000, six per cent., June 6th, 1881, Book B, Pag-e 120. City Building-, $12,000, five per cent., June 13th, 1892, Book B, Pag-e 261. Amended for $14,000, five per cent., October 3rd, 1892, Book B, Page 269 Repeal of above. Book B, Page 270. City Building, $14,000, five per cent., March 7th, 1893. Book B, Page 271. Street Improvement, $6,000, five per cent., April 2nd, 1894, Book B, Page 319. Sewer Outfall, $4,000, six per cent., July 30th, 1894, Book B, Page 354. Amended as to place of payment, October 1st, 1894, Book B, Page 372. BONDS, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, STREET IMPROVEMENT. For deferred installments South Race Street pavement, February 1 3th, 1894, Book B, Pag-e 307. For deferred installments Green Street pavement. Book B, Page 310, March 12th, 1894. For deferred installments West Main and Elm Street pavement, January 7th, 1895, Book B, Page 394. Amendment for $6,000 Main Street, and $1,800 Elm Street, six per cent., February 4th, 1895, Book B, Page 399. Second Amendment as to date, A^pril 1st, 1895, Book B, Page 402 For deferred installments, Ninth Special Assessment, 190 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA, White Street, January 6th, 1896, Book C, Page 41. (Re- pealed March 6th, 1896.) For deferred installments, Ninth Special Assessment, White Street, March 2nd, 1896, Book C, Page 53. For deferred installments, Tenth Special Assessment, East Main Street, February 11th, 1896, Book C, Page 49. For deferred installments. Eleventh Special Assess- ment, Romine Street and University Avenue pavement, December 6th, 1897, Book C, Page 125. BONDS ISSUED, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, SEWERS. For deferred installments, Sevier Assessments, January 7th, 1895, Book B, Page 391. Amended February 4th, 1895, Book B, Page 401. For deferred installments, Eleventh Special Assess- ment, Sewers, January 6th, 1896, Book C, Page 37. For deferred installments. Thirteenth Special Assess- ment, Sewers, January 6th, 1896, Book C, Page 39. CITY BUILDINGS, REAL ESTATE, ETC. Ordinance for Construction of City Building, June 13th, 1892, Book B, Page 261. Ordinance conferring power on City Council to sell real estate, March 7th, 1893, Book B, Page 272. Ordinance for sale of Engine House Lot on Market Street, July 24th, 1895, Book C, Page 10. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 191 Ordinance providing- for the erection of a Fire Depart- ment Building-, July 25th, 1895, Book C, Page 12. Amended September 16th, 1895, Book C, Pag-e 33. Ordinance for sale of the east half of Lot No. 2, Origi- nal Town of Urbana, on which is located the Bevis Planing Mill, September 7th, 1895, Book C, Page 25. Ordinance for the sale of 13x99 feet of Lot 37, Original Town of Urbana, November 6th, 1896, Book C, Page 80. CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS. Ordinance for the construction of lines of sewer and the purchase of ground for the same, July 3d, 1894, Book B, Page 344. Amendment to above, August 13, 1894, Book B, Page 365. Ordinance to extend sewer system, June 28th, 1895, Book B, Page 418. Ordinance granting to Champaign City the right-of- way for a sewer system, July 8th, 1895, Book C, Page 5. Ordinance to extend sewer system (District) August ISth, 1895, Book C, Page 17. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET PAVEMENTS. Ordinance for paving west side of Main Street, from west line of Walnut Street to bridge over Boneyard branch, August 15th, 1890, Book B, Pag-e 202. Ordinance for paving- Main Street and part of Bloom- 192 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBANA. ing-ton Road, from east line of the alley between Walnut and Vine Streets to the iron bridge over Boneyard branch, July 18th, 1891, Book B, Pag-e 234. Amended (to leave out sewer) September 7th, 1891, Book B, Page 244. Ordinance for paving- Market Street from Big- Four Railway to Green Street, and Race Street from Main Street to Green Street, April 6th, 1892, Book B, Page 250. Amend- ed May 16th, 1892, Book B, Pag-e 257. Ordinance for paving- Green Street from east line of Race to the terminus of said Green Street, and South Race Street from Green Street to south line of Oregon Street, June 15th, 1893, Book B, Pag-e 279. Amended August 7th, 1893, Book B, Page 287. Ordinance for paving Bloomington Road from the iron bridge to Lincoln Avenue, and White Street from Lincoln Avenue to Romine Street, and Elm Street from Race Street to Market Street, April 11th, 1894, Book B. Page 323. Ordinance for paving East Main Street from alley be- tween Walnut and Vine Street to the City Limits, June 26, 1895, Book B, Page 406. Amendment to Bloomington Road and White Street, August 10th, 1895, Book C, Page 15. Ordinance for paving Romine Street from Main Street to University Avenue, and University Avenue from east side of Romine street to City Limits, February 1st, 1897, Book C, Page 85. Ordinance for paving- California Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Mathews Avenue, Aug-ust 14th, 1897, Book C, Page 107. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 193 OPENING, EXTENDING OR CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS. Ordinance extending- Grig-g-s Street to Race Street, May 15th, 1883, Book B, pag-e 156. Ordinance for opening-, extending and improving- Green Street from Grove Street to Lynn Street, September 7th, 1891, Book B, pag-e 245. Ordinance for vacating- part of Blooming-ton Road and opening- Clark Street from Babcock Street to Goodwin Avenue, April 2nd, 1894, Book B, pag-e 317. Ordinance for purchase of land to extend Central Ave- nue, December 3rd, 1894, Book B, pag-e 389. Ordinance extending- Maple Street from Elm Street to Main Street, November 4th, 1895, Book C, pag-e 34. NUMBERING HOUSES, MARKING STREETS, ETC. Ordinance for numbering- houses and marking- streets, February 9th, 1892, Book B, pag-e 249. NAMING AND CHANGING THE NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS, ETC. Ordinance chang-ing- name of Somers Street and Nelson Avenue to Mathev^s Avenue; and Eads Street to Goodwin Avenue; and extension of Harvey Street and Grove Street in" Northwest portion of City to Eads Street; and Grove Street, between Grig-g-s and Locust Street, to Wood Street; and the road on south end of Lincoln Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; May 16th, 1892, Book B, pag-e 268. 194 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Ordinance changing- name of Dry Street to Illinois Street, September 7th, 1895, Book C, page 24. Ordinance changing name of Main Street, occupied by right-of-way of Street Railway Company, to name of Rail- road Street; and the street named Bloomington Road to Main Street, and White Street to Main Street; January 11th, 1896, Book C, page 43. Ordinance laying out a street along north side of Street Railway right-of-way, from Main Street to North Street to be called Railroad Street, September 10th, 1897, Book C, page 120. RAILROADS. To Champaign and Southeastern Railway, to construct tracks across certain streets, July 6th, 1881, Book B, page 122. To A. Barr, to construct switch-tracks, etc., August 22nd, 1894, Book B, page 368. STREET RAILROADS. Franchise to Urbana and Champaign Street Railway Company, December 2nd, 1890, Book B, page 213. (Void on account of not having been accepted in writing as re- quired by ordinance). Franchise to Urbana and Champaign Street Railway Company for 20 years, June 1st, 1891, Book B, page 227. Amended October 6th, 1893, Book B, page 300, and second amendment October 4th, 1897, Book C, page 124. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. 195 TELEPHONES. Franchise to Central Union Aug". 2nd, 1881, Book B, pag-e 127. Franchise to P. S. Replog-le (Phoenix Tel. Co.) July 10th, 1895, Book C, pag-e 6. WATER. Franchise to Union Water Supply Co., 30 years, June 15th, 1885, Book B, page 165. Contracting- with Union Water Suppl^^ Co. for 38 hy- drants for 10 years, with privileg-e of 30 years, Sept. 7th, 1885, Book B, pag-e 169. Amendment to ordinance adopted Sept. 7th, 1885, April 1st, 1889, Book B, pag-e 192. Amended Sept. 12th, 1893, Book B, page 297. Extension of contract with Union Water Supply Co. for 20 years, May 15th, 1894, Book B, pag-e 333. Amendment July 2nd, 1894, Book B, pagfe 343. Ordinance contracting with Union Mfg-. Co. for fire hydrants, Sept. 12, 1895, Book C, page 30. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Franchise to Western Klectric Co. Aug-. 3rd, 1885, Book B, pag-e 168. Franchise to Thos. Wright & Son for 20 years, Decem- ber 2nd, 1890, Book B, pag-e 220. Sale of city plant to B. F. Harris, Jr., Aug-. 14th, 1893, Book B, pag-e 291. 196 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA. Franchise to B. F. Harris for 7 years — (Aug-. 8th, 1900. ) Aug-. 14th, 1893, Book B, pag-e 291. For electric light at Springfield and Harvey Streets, Sept. 12th, 1895, Book C, pag-e 32. NATURAL GAS WORKS. Exclusive privilege to construct for 30 years, Dec. 7th, 1885, Book B, page 180. (Void account of exclusive con- tract.) Privilege to construct for 30 years. May 6th, 1889, Book B, page 193. (Void account not commencing- work within time limit.) To lay pipes, etc., for natural g-as, to J. T. Pearman, Thomas Naug-hton and C. B. Smith for 25 years, Oct. 23, 1890. Book B, page 268. GAS. Franchise to I. R. White, 20 years, July 8th, 1895, Book B, pag-e 429. (Void account of not accepted in writing- within time specified.) INDEX. INDEX. V)9 INDEX. A ACCOUNT-;^ SECTION PAGE City collector to keep, books of 5 12 Against city, sworn to, except 1 38 Treasurer to keep, of each separate fund .• 2 44 ACCESSORIES— To an offense 79 .07 ACTIONS— Complaint against owners of impounded animal — sum- mons, etc 8 20 To recover fines or penalties, brought in "orporate name of city 2 144 Afllidavit — summons — warrant 3 144 ADDITIONS— Streets of, must correspond with established streets 1 13 Plat of, must be submitted to council 2 14 Not valid unless approved by council 2 14 Penalty for recording plat of, not approved 3 14 Penalty for selling lots in addition not approved 4 14 Plat of, to have certificate signed by mayor and clerk 5 14 ADVERTISEMENTS— Advertising wares or occupation on fences or private property without permit 14 94 ALDERMEN— One from each ward as fire wardens — duties of, etc 10 61 Members of police department 1 138 AMUSEMENTS— Classification of 1 15 License required 2 .5 License and fees 3 16 Written application for license required 4 16 License subject to all ordinances 6 17 Entertainments where liquor sold, prohibited 6 17 License not to issue to or authorize an indecent play 7 17 ANIMALS AND POUNDS— Prohibited from running at large 1 18 Penalty for permitting to run at large 2 18 Pound and poundkeeper 3 18 May be impounded 4 19 Private citizen may impound 6 19 Care of animals impounded 4 19 Police to take up and impound 5 19 200 INDEX. ANIMALS AND POUNDS- rontiniied section page Redemption of impounded animals 7 19 Proceeding when not redeemed 8 20 Wrongful taking up of animals 17 23 Driving loose animals through streets 22 25 Geese 20 24 Herding or staking on streets 23 25 Driving, over parking or sidewalks 24 25 Killing diseased, for meat 1 87 Selling diseased, for food 2 87 Indecent exhibition of 26 96 Cruelty to '. 49 101 Leaving unfastened 24 96 Dead, becoming offensive a nuisance 47 101 APPEALS— From decision of mayor, decided without debate 2 156 APPENDIX— (see pages 183 to 196 inclusive). APPOINTMENTS— Of corporation counsel • 2 39 Of board of health 1 32 Of city collector 1 41 One alderman from each ward as fire wardens, by mayor, etc 10 61 Of inspector of weights and measures 2 65 Of janitor of city building 2 71 Of standing committee on dramshops 2 76 Of superintendent of streets 1 170 Of poundkeeper 3 18 ARRESTS— Marshal or policeman to, for violation of ordinances 24 83 ASHES— Deposit of 13 63 ASSEMBLAGES— Permitting unlawful 1 92 ASSAULT— Punishment of 2 92 ATTORNEY— CITY— Duties of 1 37 Compensation 2 37 AUCTIONEERS— License required, except 1 26 License fee — bonds 2 26 Application for license — license not transferable 3 27 Designation in license of persons to do business 4 27 License may be revoked 5 27 Sales on streets — permit required 6 27 Substituting one article for another — penalty 7 28 Unlicensed persons not to sell without permit 8 28 INDEX. 201 AWNINGS— SBCTION PAGE Obstruction of street or sidewalks by— penalty 6 112 B BADGES— City clerk to furnish metal badges for dogs 2 u2 Persons keeping or harboring dog, must put on 3 52 BAWDY HOUSE— (See house of ill-fame.) BAGATELLE— (See billiard tables). BICYCLES— Riding on sidewalk where street is paved 1 29 Riding on sidewalk where street is not paved — speed.... 2 29 Rights of pedestrians 3 29 Carry bell or whistle, etc 4 29 Must keep to right when passing others 5 30 Must carry lighted lamp at night 6 30 BILLIARD TABLES— License required— penalty for keeping without 1 30 License fee 2 30 Rooms to be closed Sunday— time of opening and closing 3 31 Minors not allowed to play or visit rooms — license re- voked — when 4 31 Not allowed in saloons 25 84 BOARD OF HEALTH— Board crealed, appointed 1 32 Term of office — compensation 2 32 Duties of board 3 32 Powers of board 4 33 Hospitals — nurses 5 33 Removal and care of persons with contageous disease.. 6 33 Orders of board — penalty for violating 7 33 Small-pox notice 8 34 Spreading of small-pox 9 34 Duty of mayor to give notice 10 34 Orders to be obeyed — abatement of nuisances 11 34 Report of physicians 12 35 Order of vaccination — penalty 13 35 Notice to cleanse premises 14 35 Changing wearing apparel 15 36 Bringing person or clothing infected into city 16 36 Removal of infected clothing from citj-, etc 17 36 May order abatement of any nuisance, etc 11 34 BONDS— Of city weighers 3 46 Of city auctioneers 2 26 Of pawnbrokers 2 .^23 Of inspectors of weights and measures 3 65 Of liquor dealers 4 77 For selling liquors in quantities of iive gallons or over.. 26 84 202 INDEX. BONDS— Cont'nued section paob For operating slaughter house, etc 20 116 Of person or corporations, etc., to make excavations, etc 27 136 Treasurer liable on, for misappropriation of money 3 44 BONDS— OFFIOIALr— Of city treasurer to be approved by city council 1 44 Of corporation counsel 3 39 Of city collector 2 41 Of janitor of city building 5 72 Of city marshal 3 119 Of superintendent of streets 3 119 Of night policeman 3 119 Of chief of fire department 3 119 Of special policemen 11 140 Of temporary police 12 141 Of police magistrate 1 144 Of city clerk to be deposited with treasurer 3 119 BONFIRES— Prohibited 70 106 Burning hay, shavings, straw, trash, etc 15 63 BUILDINGS— Dilapidated, a nuisance 1 49 Report of existence of unsafe building referred to com- mittee, etc 2 49 Procedure for condemnation of 2 49 Mayor's notice to abate nuisance — service of same 3 bO Neglect or refusal of owner to obey notice — penalty 4 51 Construction of, in fire limits, etc., — penalty 2 58 Wooden buildings a nuisance, etc. — abatement 6 59 Damaged, to be removed from Are limits 7 59 Penalty for failure to remove damaged building 9 CI c CARTS— (See vehicles). Carrying offensive matter to be tightly covered 17 11', CELLARS- Leaving open, etc., without protecting, etc 33 97 CHIMNEYS— Burning out 16 64 How constructed 11 62 CIRCUS — (See amusements). CITY ATTORNEY— Duty of 1 ?7 Compensation 2 37 Official bonds to be drawn by, etc 4 120 To file written statement in suit before any magistrate, etc 6 145 CITY CLERK— General duties of 1 48 INDEX. 203 CITY CLERK— rontinued. sbction paob To issue all licenses 2 43 Shall attest mayor's signature to approvals of plats 5 44 Shall receive the fee and issue license for shows, etc 3 16 To issue license to auctioneers, when 2 26 Claims against city filed with, when 2 38 To countersign city warrants 2 44 To provide badges for dogs 2 52 Shall keep register of dogs — receive tax, etc 1 52 To report to council license money collected, etc 2 43 To attest mayor's signature to druggists' permit 5 56 To procure full set of approved standards of weights and measures 4 65 Shall attest mayor's signature to all licenses 3 73 To certify on license council's permit to assign, etc 5 74 To keep license register — fee for issuing license 6 74 To pay to treasurer all moneys received for licenses 6 74 To certify, under seal, permit to change location of dram- shop 13 81 To sign license to milkmen 1 89 Bond of, deposited with treasurer 3 119 To certify to official bonds, etc 4 120 To deliver to superintendent of streets, notice to owners, etc., to make water or gas connections, etc 26 136 To issue permit to make excavations, etc., on streets, etc 27 136 To sign all communications of officers 5 120 To issue roller skating rink license 4 155 To have the custody of the corporate seal 2 162 CITY COLLECTOR— Office created — term of 1 41 Bond of 2 41 Duties of 3 41 Pay all moneys to treasurer, make reports quarterly — file statements with clerk 4 41 To keep books of account 5 42 Compensation of 6 42 CITY COUNCIL— Maps, plats and additions approved by 2 14 Recording plat before approval of 3 14 Penalty for selling lots, etc., which have not been ap- proved by etc 4 14 Certificate of approval endorsed on book of plat, etc.... 5 14 To provide and consent to appointment of poundkeeper and approve bond 3 18 Proof of ownership of impounded animal made to coun- cil 15 23 Discretionery with, to revoke any license, etc 4 74 May by a two-thirds vote discharge any or all members of board of health 2 32 To approve bond of city collector 2 41 204 INDEX. CITY COUNCIL — '"oDt'Dued. section page To approve bond of city treasurer 1 44 Refer to committee, report of existing of unsafe build- ing-s, etc 2 49 May require o'mier to remove same 2 49 By two-thirds vote, etc.. may .^ant permit to erect ■wooden building in fire limits 3 58 May grant permit to assign license, etc 5 74 May grant dramshop license 3 73 To approve bond of city of dramshop keeper 4 77 May remit fine 9 79 May elect mayor pro tem — when 6 S6 May grant permit to operate slaughterliouse, etc 20 116 May revoke permit to operate slaughterhouse, etc 21 116 To approve appointment of officers by mayor 1 119 No member of, to become surety on official bond 4 120 To approve all official bonds — may require new bonds etc 4 120 To approve bond of persons, etc., for digging trenches. etc 27 136 To consent to appointment of marshal and policemen . . 2 139 To consent to appointment of special policemen 11 140 To consent to appointment of temporary policemen.... 12 141 May revoke roller skating rink license 5 155 Any three members may call special meeting 1 156 To consent to appointment of superintendent of streets.. 1 170 CITT ENGINEER— Sewer plans to be approved by 5 128 To designate Ic^ration of pipe lines, etc 25 134 To issue permit to connect private drains with public sewer 3 163 May grant permit to connect private drain with city tile drain 7 165 Written permit required from, to allow any person, etc., to connect "vviih private drains S 165 To fix grade and locate line for sidewalk on application, when ordered, etc 4 16S CITT MARSHAL— Required to serve notice on owner of dilapidated building 3 50 To enforce dog ordinance 4 53 To kill dog running at large unlawfully, without badge.. 4 53 To examine assessor" s book, and make copy of dogs kept in city, etc 6 '3 Comi>ensation when acting as poundkeeper 19 24 To execute orders of board of health 7 33 To inspect yards, barn-lots, pig-stys, etc 14 35 To enforce all ordinances relating to licenf e S 75 To enforce ordinance relative to dramshops, etc 24 SS To serve notice on owner, etc., to remove stagnant water 22 116 Appointed by mayor annually 1 119 To giva bond 3 119 May inspect pawnbroker's premises and property 6 124 INDEX. 205 CITY MARSEIAL-Continuftd. section page Member of police department 1 138 Not to be absent from city without permission of mayor 8 140 Is custodian of property 6 139 Reports required from 7 139 To divide police force into day and night force 9 140 Must provide a police record.. 10 140 May arrest with or without process, violators or ordi- nances 14 142 To keep a record of arrests made, etc 5 145 Confine prisoners arrested on Saturday night or Sunday in city prison, etc 5 145 To receive from and deliver prisoners to street superin- tendent, etc 15 148 To put ball and chain on prisoner when necessary, etc.. 15 148 To serve notice on members of council of special meeting 1 156 Penalty for neglect of duty 17 142 Causes for removal from office 18 143 CITY PRISON— (See janitor of city building). CITY TREASURER— All special taxes to be paid to 4 41 Bond 1 44 Duties of 2 44 Not to use city funds 3 44 Liable on bond for money misapplied, and subject to re- moval from office 3 44 Render monthly statement to council under oath 4 45 Make annual statement 5 45 Pay warrants signed by mayor and clerk 6 45 CITY WEIGHER— License 1 46 Known as city weigher — fee< 2 46 Bond 3 46 Scales, adjustment of, etc 4 i6 Deputy weighers 5 47 To be present during business hours 6 47 Fees — register and certificate of weights 7 i7 Record to be kept by 8 47 Weight of vehicle 9 47 Altering certificate of — penalty 10 4S Inspection of books of 11 48 CLAIMS AGAINST CITY— Must be sworn to — to be referred to committee 1 38 Filed with the clerk — when — duty of committee 2 38 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 179 COAL OIL— (See gasoline). COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS— Not to be deposited within fifty feet of any building without, etc 14 63 206 INDEX. PAOB COM M ISSIONS— SECTION Marshal and policemen to be commissioned 2 30 All city officers, except, to be commissioned 5 120 COMMITM ENTS— Of person arrested for want of recognizance 4 14B Prisoners under ordinances, until, etc 12 147 Not to exceed six months •. 12 147 Of prisoners till fine and costs are paid 13 14? Of persons arrested when drunk 19 143 COMMITTEES— (See rules of city council). To report on all claims against the city, to council 1 38 On dramsihop, all applications, bonds, etc., for, referred to— duty of 2 V6 Appoint -nent of standing 3 160 Duty of standing 4 160 Reports of, to be deferred till next meeting on request of two aldermen present 2 156 CONCEALED WEAPONS— Carrying, punishment for 57 10b Selling, loaning, etc., of weapons to minors prohibited.. 58 103 CONDEMNATION— Procedure of, of building in fire limits 8 59 Of unwholesome food, etc 5 86 CONSTRUCTION OF WORDS— "Court" defined 2 153 "Dog" defined 7 53 Certain ether words defined and construed 3 153 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES— Removal of persons with 6 33 Notice of pestilence 8 34 Report 0I, by physician to some member of board of health 12 35 Vaccination of persons with 13 35 Removal of Infected clothing from city 17 36 CONTINUANCES— May be had by either party, etc 4 145 CONTRACTS— All must be authorized by the city council 16 162 CORPORATION COUNSEL^ Office created 1 39 Appointed by mayor — term of office 2 39 Oath and bound of— form of oath 3 39 Duties of 4 39 To deliver all papers, etc., to successor 5 40 Compensation of — when paid 6 40 COSTS— Owner of animal running at large, liable for, etc 2 18 Owner of impounded animal liable for all accruing 7 19 INDEX. 207 COSTS-Co!itinued. section page In certain cases taxed against prosecutor 11 l-iT Prisoner may be released by paying or working out fine and costs 1^ ^'■'^^ Prisoner may be committed until fine and costs are paid. 12 147 Not to be taxed against or collected from the city 10 14C COURT— Definltion of as used In ordinances 2 minutes 153 CROSSINGS— Railroad companies to construct 1 150 Railroads to construct, after notice 2 150 City may build, and recover costs of 3 150 Railway companies must keep lights at, when required 4 150 Railway companies not to obstruct, longer than ten 5 151 Flagman at, to be kept when council requires 8 r.52 Duty of flagmen at 9 1^2 CURFEW— Minors not permitted on streets after certain hours 1 48 Penalty 2 48 D DEAD ANIMALS— Permitting to become offencive 3 111 DEPOTS— Congregating about, prohibitec' 81 108 Idling about, prohibited 72 106 DISCHARGE OF PRISONERS— On payment cf fine, etc 1'^ DISORDERLY CONDUCT— Punishment for 3 93 Disturbing peace of neighborhood or family 8 hi Disturbing congregation 9 93 Indecent exposure of person 32 97 Throwing stones at persons or property 71 106 DISORDERLY HOUSES— Keeping house of ill-fame— punishment 28 96 Inmates of, or supporting house of ill fame, etc 29 96 Visiting or patronizing 17 95 Permitting premises to be used for 28 96 DISTURBANCE— Disturbing peace of neighborhood or family 8 93 Disturbing funerals 5 ^3 Disturbing ochool, etc 6 Disturbing religious assemblies 9 Disturbing peace on Sunday by amusements 18 Boys loitering about churches, etc., or stairways etc—.. 81 In library prohibited 1 ^74 148 93 93 95 108 208 INDKX. DOGS — SECTION PAGE Tax imposed — register kept 1 52 Metal badges provided 2 52 Badge to be put on dogs 3 52 Dogs without badges to be killed 4 53 Owner of unlicensed dog to be fined 5 53 Marshal to procure list of owners 6 53 Term "dog" defined 7 53 Danger of hydrophobia — mayor's proclamation 8 53 Dogs a nuisance — when 9 53 Bitch in heat running at large — a nuisance — penalty 10 54 Dangerous dogs not to run at large — penalty 11 54 DRAMSHOPS LICENSE— (See liquors). DRAYS, CARTS, VEHICLES— (See vehicles). I, RUGGISTS' PERMIT— May sell intoxicating liquors 1 55 Restrictions on right to sell intoxicants..' 2 55 Not allowed to sell beer, except, etc 3 55 Not to sell, to be drunk on premises 4 55 Permit — how to be granted — length of permit 5 56 Permit may be revoked when 6 56 Penalty for violation of 7 56 I)RUNKENNESS— In a public or private place 4 93 Drinking in public , . 44 WO Drinking to excess 17 82 Sale of liquor to persons intoxicated 18 82 Selling liquor to habitual drunkard 21 83 Cause of removal of police 18 143 E EXCAVATIONS— Gas and water companies to lay pipes before paving.. 25 134 Notice to gas and water companies 26 135 Permit for — bonds — fees 27 136 Not to impede travel — gutters — planks at crossings 28 137 Lights and barricades 29 137 No delay in 30 137 Tl-enches to be braced, when 31 137 Refilling and ttamping, etc 32 137 Paving to be replaced — settling of earth, etc....'. 33 137 Leaving cellar, vault or other excavation open 33 97 Contractor leaving excavations unguarded 34 97 Removal of dirt from street, alley, etc 53 102 EXHIBITIONS— (See also amusements) Indecent of person 32 97 Indecent of animals 26 96 EXPENDITURES— Not to be incurred unless authorized by council 16 162 INDEX. 209 EXPOSURE— INDECENT— section page Indecent of person 32 97 F FALSELY CLAIMING TO BE AN OFFICER— Punishment for 51 102 FALSE REPRESENTATIONS— By driver of licensed vehicle 8 177 By auctioneers 7 28 Of certificates of weights 10 48 FAST DRIVING— Punishment for 25 96 FEES AND SALARIES— (See also salaries). Poundkeeper's fees for feeding animals • 21 24 For taking up animals and receiving same 21 24 Of justices end magistrates in pound cases » 21 24 For selling impounded animals 21 24 pf city weighers 7 47 Of inspector of weights and measures 13 68 Witness and jury fees in city cases 10 146 Of police magistrate 1 44 FENCES— Advertising wares, etc., on 14 94 Hitching horses to, without owners consent 38 98 Injuring fences 42 99 Barbed wire fence, a nuisance, when 10 113 FINES— (See cenalties). City council may remit 9 79 Not released by repeal of ordinances 5 154 To be paid into treasury — report of I9 149 FIREARMS— Punishment for discharging, except 48 101 License for shooting gallery not to permit shooting of, contrary or ordinances . . 4 166 FIRE DEPARTMENT— Appointment of chief of, and firemen 1 119 Commission of chief of 5 120 Injuring property of 22 95 FIRE LIMITS— Boundaries of '. 1 57 Permits for wooden buildings in 2 58 Council may grant permit, etc 3 58 No wooden building enlarged or removed, etc 4 58 Penalty for building, enlarging wooden buildings in, etc. G 58 Wooden buildings declared a nuisance — abatement 6 59 Pamaged buildings to be removed from 7 59 Procedure for condemnation of building 8 59 210 INDEX. FIRE LIMITS— Continued. shctiom page Removal of damaged building — penalty 9 61 Fire wardens — duties of, etc 10 61 Stovepipes, chimneys, hearths 11 62 Carrying fire, etc 12 63 Depositing ashes 13 63 Stacking of hay, straw, etc. — penalty 14 63 Burning straw, hay, shavings, etc. — penalty 15 63 Boiling pitch, tar, etc. — penalty 15 63 Burning out chimneys 16 64 Firewardens to see to the enforcement of ordinance.. 17 64 Application of chapter from section 10 to 18 18 64 FIRES AND FIREWORKS— (See bonfires). Exploding fireworks, etc 48 101 Giving false alarm of fire 10 94 FISCAL YEAR— Fixed 1 64 FALGM'EN — (See crossings — railroads). FOODS — (See meats and provisions). FOUL MATTER— (See nuisances). Not to be drained into sewer 19 133 Suffering, to be accumulated, or d.-^j'C siting— a nuisance.. 47 101 FORMS— Of statement filed with magistrate 6 j.4o Poundkeeper's notice 13 22 Poundkeeper's notice where owner unknown 20 Of order of sale in pound cases. 12 22 Of pound notice 13 22 Of license 7 74 Of small-pox notices and other contagious diseases 8 34 Of claims against city 1 38 Of mayor's notice in case of diplidaled buildings 3 50 Of notice in condemnation of building 8 59 Of application to keep dramshop 5 78 Of liquor license 7 78 FRAUDULENT DEVICES AND PRACTICES— (See false representations). G GAMING AND GAMING HOUSES— Forbidden in dramshop 17 82 Drt.mshop license may be revoked for permitting gaming 10 80 Punishment for gambling To 94 Keeping or maintaining a gambling house 46 100 Inmate of gaming house 29 96 Permitting gaming on premises 31 97 Lotteries prohibited 27 96 Frequenting or patronizing gaming houses 17 95 Renting premises for gaming 28 96 INDEX. 211 SECTION P AE GARBAGE! — (See misdemeanors and nuiBances). GASOIJNB— Measuring of by artificial light prohibited 76 107 GEKPE— (See animalB). GCATF— (See animals). GRADES— To be fixed by city engineer 4 168 Laying walks contrary to 6 168 Sidewalks out of, a nuisance 8 169 Pel alty for removing stakes, etc., to show 55 103 GROCERIES — (See meats and provisions). GUNPOWDER— Persons not to keep on hand more than twenty-five pounds 59 10.3 Yi'eighing, by gaslight — punishment for 76 107 H HACK MEN AND HACKS— (See vehicles). HAXDEILLS— (See advertisements). HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS— (See peddlers). HA^- Must not be stacked within fifty feet of building, etc.... 14 63 Must not be burned within thirty feet of building, etc... 15 63 HEALTH DEPARTMENT— (See board of health). HIDES— Allowed to become foul, a nuisance — abatement — notice.. 15 114 HORSES— Not to be hitched to trees, fences, etc., without consent, etc 38 98 E'rightened, etc 75 107 Driving unRaltered, etc., though streets, etc . /iZ 108 Driving over walks, parking, etc 86 109 Leaving, unhitched 24 96 Obstructing crossings with 66 105 Fast driving 25 96 Cruelty of 49 101 Driving over sidewalks, etc 24 25 HOSPITALS— Board of health may establish, etc., — employ nurses, etc 5 33 HOUfc'ES OP ILL-FAME— (See disorderly houses). HOUFfe; CONNECTIONS— (See plumbing). HYDRANTS— A nuisance, when '. 24 124 I IMPRISONMENT— Prisoner may be released from, by giving bail 2 146 212 INDEX. IMPRISON V!ENT—"oiitinued. section page Of prisoners till fine and costs are paid 12 147 Prisoner discharged from, by paying fine and costs.... 17 148 Of prisoners arrested at night, Sundays, etc 5 145 Of prisoners drunk when arrested 19 143 INI'ECENCY — (See exposure — indecent). INJURY— To public buildings, fences, etc., plants, etc 42 ;)9 To public or private property 2 95 To telegraph poles, etc 20 95 To gas service boxes or water system 23 9b INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES— State standard adopted 1 t'B Appointment of 2 65 Oatl. and bond of 3 65 Standards to be procured by clerk 4 65 Yearly inspection 5 65 Special inspection 6 66 Condemnation by inspector 7 66 To keep record 8 67 Using scales, etc., not inspected, etc — penalty 9 67 Access to building for inspection 10 67 Ofhce — turn books over to successor 11 67 Using scales not according to standard 13 68 Fees 13 68 INflPECTOR OF MEATS AND PROVISIONS— Policemen and members of board of health, ex-officio,etc 5 S8 INi-'URANCE COMPANIES— (See appendix). ISSUING WARRANTS— Warrants may be issued when and how 3 174 INTOXICATION- (See drunkenness). ITINERANT MERCHANTS, ETC— Prohibited from selling without license 1 69 Rate of license— fees ?. 69 How lincense obtained 3 70 J JANITOR OF CITY BUILDING— Office created 1 71 Appointment — term 2 71 Duty of 3 71 Ex-officio policeman and prison keeper 4 71 Bond of 5 72 Salary of 6 72 May be removed, etc 7 72 JURORS— Fees of 10 i46 INDEX. 213 L LABOR — SECTION PAGE Prisoner to labor on streets, etc 14 147 Allowance of, on fine and costs 15 148 Street superintendent to work prisoners on streets.... 15 148 LAWS — (See Statutes, pages 3 to 9 inclusive). LIBRARY— Disturbance in, prohibited — penalty 1 1T4 Loitering on stairway or in hall — penalty 2 174 Return of books — fines — penalty 3 171 Mutilating books, etc 4 174 Persons not entitled to privileges to remain away 5 175 Taking property from, without right C 17b Persons excluded from, to stay away — penalty 7 175 LICENSES— (See also liquors). Mayor to receive application for 1 73 Application— how made 2 73 Terms of license — how signed 3 73 Subject to ordinances — revocation of 4 74 Not assignable without permit 5 74 All, to be registered by clerk — fees for issuing « 74 Form of license 7 74 Marshal to enforce all ordinances relating to 8 75 City clerk issue all — keep record of 2 ^3 City clerk shall pay over license money to treasurer, etc. 2 43 LIGHTS— Railroads required to keep, at street crossings, etc 4 l.')0 On backing trains, etc 10 152 LIQUORS AND LIQUOR DEALERS— (See druggists' j jrmit). Druggist may sell on permit 1 55 License required < 1 76 Committee on license — duties 2 76 Council to grant license — rate — not to minors 3 76 Bonds required 4 77 Application for license must be in writing to mayor, etc. 5 78 Application must be presented to council by mayor 6 78 Certain persons disqualified to sell 6 78 License to be issuecj by clerk ^ 7g License only granted to person making application 8 79 License not to be granted — when 9 7i License may be revoked — when 10 SO License may be revoked for keeping restaurant, etc in connection with dramshop 11 80 Dramshop to be closed between certain hours 12 81 License to sell, not transferable 13 81 License and ordinance to be posted 14 81 Shifts or devices forbidden 15 81 Selling on Sunday prohibited 16 SI 214 INDEX. Liquors and liquor dealers— continued. SECTION PAGE Drinking to excess on premises prohibited — penalty 17 82 Gambling — chairs, tables, etc., forbidden — penalty 17 82 No minor to be employed in dramshop IS 82 No sale to be made to intoxicated person — penalty 18 82 Sale to minors forbidden — penalty It 82 Minors obtaining liquors under false pretenses — penalty 20 82 Selling, to habitual drunkard forbidden 21 83 Lewd women not permitted in dramshop — penalty 22 83 Boisterous conduct not permitted in dramshop — penalty 23 83 Duty of police officers 24 83 Pool and billiard tables, etc., in saloon prohibited 25 84 License for sale of liquors in quantities of Ave gallons and over 26 hi LOCOMOTIVES— (See railroads). LOTTBRrES— Running or maintaining — penalty 27 96 LUNG TESTERS, GALVANIC BATTERIES, ETC— Must obtain license — penalty 1 SB License — fee 2 85 M MAPS— (See additions— plats). MANURE— Accumulation of, a nuisance 2 111 MARSHAL— (See city marslial). MAYOR- To sign certificate of approval of maps, plats, etc 5 14 To sign license for entertainments, etc 4 16 May appoint poundkeeper 3 18 To approve bond of auctioneer 2 26 To pass on auctioneer's application for license 3 '7 Consent of, to change place of business of auctioneer re- quired 3 27 Consent of, for other person than endorsed on auction- eer's license required 4 27 May revoke license of auctioneer 5 27 Give permission to auctioneers to sell on streets, etc.... 6 27 To appoint board of health 1 32 To issue notice to cleanse premises, annually 14 35 To give notice where infectious or contagious disease exists, etc 10 34 To appoint corporation counsel 2 St" To appoint city collector 1 41 To sign city warrants drawn on treasurer 6 45 To approve bond of city weigher 3 46 To make out notice to owner of dilapidated buildings, etc 3 50 To issue proclamation for prevention of hydrophobia.. 8 53 To sign druggists' permit 5 56 INDEX. 215 PAGE MAYOR— Continued. section May revoke druggists' permit g 55 To notify owner of wooden building in fire limits to re- move, etc 6 5;> May cause wooden building in fire limits to be razed, owner failing to abate nuisance C 5 eral misdemeanors see chapter XXX PERMITS— (See druggists' permit). Druggists must have, of council, signed by mayor and clerk 5 56 Council may grant, to erect wooden building in Are limits 3 58 Licenses not assignable without 5 74 Plumbers must have 2 127 To connect with sewer, not to be granted until, etc 22 133 Special, must be had to make excavations, etc 27 136 Must be had to connect private drains with public sewer 3 162 Must be had to connect private drain with public tile drain 7 165 For allowing connection with private drains, etc., with- out permit 8 165 PESTILENCE— (See contagious diseases). Notice of, to be posted on house 8 34 Physicians to report to board of health 12 35 PIN ALLEYS— (See billiard table). PLATS— (See additions). PLUMBING, SEWER DRAINAGE AND EXCAVATIONS. Application for permit — specifications — inspection fee.... 1 127 Approval of specifications — permit — penalty 2 127 Inspection— inspector may require plumbing tested S 128 Not to be used if not in accordance with ordinance 4 128 Main sewer drain to connect with sewer, etc 5 128 "Y" connections to sewers to be used — damage to, etc.... 6 129 After drain laid, sidewalk, etc., to be replaced — all filling made 7 129 Soil and waste pipes, etc 8 130 Diameter of waste pipe and trap for any fixture 9 130 Joints and connections — how made — no cement, etc., to be used 10 130 Closets, urinals, sinks, bath-tubs, etc. — traps 11 130 Waste pipes, etc., to have metallic strainers, except water closets 12 131 Ventilation of soil pipes 14 131 Vent pipes 14 1?1 Drains from safe under basin, bath, etc. — refrigerators, etc 15 132 Water closets — ventilation, fiushing, etc 16 132 Boiler exhaust blow-off, etc., not to connect with sewer.. 17 132 Drains for surface water — storm and roof water, not to connect with sewer 18 132 226 INDEX. PLUMBING, ETC —Cnntinned. section page Offal, garbage, filth, etc., not to be drained into sewer 19 1?3 Connections of cess-pools, etc., with sewer, etc., to have flushing apparatus 20 133 Making connections without inspection — penalty 21 133 Provisions of, etc., to extend to plumbing now in use.... 22 133 Damage to sewers, etc. — penalty 23 133 Breaking of water pipes, etc., a nuisance 24 134 Proceedings for repairing damage to same — notice — city to repair, etc 24 134 Excavations — gas and water companies to lay water pipe, etc 25 :34 Notice to gas and water companies — service of notice — duty of city clerk 26 135 Property owners to lay all pipes before paving 26 135 Permit for excavations — bonds — conditions of bonds — fee for permit 27 136 Trenches not to impede travel — gutters, etc. — sidewalk crossings 28 137 Lights and barricades 29 137 No delay in excavation work 30 137 Deep trenches and in treacherous soils to be braced 31 137 Refilling, tamping, etc 32 137 Paving to be replaced — settling — surface of street, etc., to be kept in good condition, etc. — penalty 33 137 PHYSICIANS— To be a member of board of health 1 32 To make report of contagious disease to board of health 12 ?5 Required to change wearing apparel in certain cases 15 C6 POLICE DEPARTMNET— Shall consist of whom 1 138 Appointment of policemen 2 139 Bond and oath of policemen 3 139 Duties of mayor 4 139 City marshal, chief of police — have central station, etc.. 5 i?.9 Marshal custodian of property 6 ]39 Reports of city marshal monthly and annually 7 139 Absence of marshal 8 140 Day and night force — beats, etc 9 140 Police record 10 140 Special police — not to receive compensation from city.... 11 140 Temporary policemen 12 141 Duties of policemen 13 141 Power to make arrests, serve warrants 14 142 Search warrant 15 342 Policemen not to enter dram shop when on duty, except.. 16 142 Neglect of duty by policemen 17 142 Causes for removal of policemen from office 18 143 Prisojier drunk when arrested 19 143 POLICE~(See also police department). INDEX. 227 POLICE— Continued. section page Shall take up animals unlawfully at large 5 19 Any police officer may inspect books of city weigher.... 11 -IS Janitor of city building, ex-offlcio policeman 4 "1 To enforce all ordinances relating to licenses 8 75 To enforce liquor ordinances 24 83 May call to his aid persons — posse comitatus 52 102 To inspect pawnbrokers' books 3 123 To inspect pawnbroker's premises 6 124 Duties of 4 139 Power to make arrests and serve warrants 14 142 May swear out search warrants 15 142 Causes for removal 18 143 Duty of, when making arrasts at night, Sunday, etc 5 145 Shall attend all trials as witnesses, when 9 146 POLICE MAGISTRATE— Member of police department 1 138 To pay all fines to treasurer monthly 19 149 To report to council monthly 19 149 POUNDS — (See animals and pounds). POUNDKEEPER— (See animals and pounds). POWDER- Not more than twenty-five pounds to be stored 59 103 Not to be weighed by artificial light 76 107 POLICE PRACTICE— Police magistrate — term of ofllee — bond — fees 1 144 Actions brought in corporate name of city, etc 2 144 Summons — warrant 3 114 Trial of person arrested — continuance — bail 4 145 Arrests at night, Sunday, etc 5 145 City attorney to file written statement, etc 6 145 Arrests without warrant 7 145 Recognizance 8 146 Officers as witnesses 9 146 Witness and jury fees 10 146 Malicious suits — costs taxed against prosecutor 11 147 Commitment of prisoner, etc 12 147 Magistrate to assess fine, etc 13 147 Persons convicted required to work — when 14 147 City marshal to deliver prisoner to street superintendent, etc 15 148 Refusal of prisoner to labor 16 148 Discharge of prisoner 17 148 Report of labor performed to council, etc 18 149 Report of police magistrate — pay moneys to treasurer.... 19 149 POSTING BILLS— On telegraph and otHe'r poles, etc., prohibited 21 95 POULTRY— House becoming foul, a nuisance 1 110 Keeping, on sidewalks 27 1I8 228 INDEX. PROCESSIONS— SECTION page Interrupting funeral processions 5 193 PROSTITUTES— (See disorderly houses). Lewd women, etc., not allowed in dram shop 22 !-3 Loitering on streets prohibited 80 lOS PROVISIONS— (See meats and Drovisions). Q y c R QUORUM— A majority of members of city council constitute a 2 56 RAILROADS— Crossings— compelled to construct 1 150 Notice given to repair crossing, culvert, etc 2 150 Neglect to build, repair, etc., city may build, etc 3 150 Keep good lights, at street crossings, etc 4 iSO Cars obstructing street 5 1.51 Speed of cars, etc 6 151 Whistles not to be blown 7 151 Flagmen 8 152 Duties of flagmen 9 152 Lights on backing trains — ring bells — when— penalty 10 152 Penalty for violating ordinance 11 '53 RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLIES— Punishment for disturbing 9 03 REMOVAL— Of officer from city to vacate office y i21 REPEALING 178 REPEALED ORDINANCES— (Sei^ ordinances). REPORTS OF COMMITTEES— (See committees). REPORTS REQUIRED— Of poundkeeper 18 13 Of physicians to board of health 12 35 Of city attorney 1 37 Of corporation counsel 4 ?9 Of city collector, quarterly and annually 4 -^1 Of city clerk 2 43 Of city treasurer, monthly 4 45 Of city treasurer, annually 5 45 Of city marshal, monthly and annually 7 139 Of amount of fines and costs collected in labor 18 149 Of police magistrate, monthly and annually 19 149 Of street superintendent, monthly 9 172 Of street superintendent, annually 10 172 RESISTING OFFICER— Punishment for 87 109 RESOLUTIONS— Council to declare by, unsafe building a nuisance 2 49 INDEX. 22y RESOLUTIONS— Continued. section page In pursuance of a, railroad companies to keep lights at crossings, etc 4 150 In pursuance of a, railroad companies to keep flagman at crossings, etc 8 152 Upon a, by city council, fire wardens shall examine buildings, etc 17 64 ROLLER SKATES— (See skating rinks). RULES OF CITY COUNCIL— Meeting of council — special meetings 1 156 Rules governing city council 2 156 Standing committees 3 160 Duties of committees 4 160 Streets and alley committee 5 160 Public grounds and buildings committee 6 160 Fire and Water committee 7 161 Finance committee 8 161 Police committee 9 161 Claims committee 10 161 Printing committee 11 161 Markets committee 12 161 Bridges committee 13 161 License committee 14 161 Sewers committee 15 162 Contracts not authorized by council forbidden 16 162 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION— Of city ordinances 6 154 s SALARIES— (See fees and salaries). Of corporation counsel 6 40 Of city collector 6 42 Of janitor of city building 6 72 Of city attorney 2 37 SALOONS — (See liquor and liquor dealers). SCALES^ — (See city weighers — inspector of weights and measures). SCAFFOLDS— (See nuisances). SCAVENGERS— Foul or offensive matter removed, to be disinfected 16 115 Carts of, to be closed tightly 17 115 SEAL— Kept by city clerk 1 43 Clerk to attach to druggist's permit 5 56 To be attached to all licenses 3 73 To be attached to all certificates of appointment to office, etc 5 120 To be attached to all commissions of officers ?, 120 Corporate seal 1 162 Clerk to affix, when 2 162 230 INDEX. SEARCH WARRANT— section page When may issue — how 15 142 SEWERS AND DRAINS— (See also plumbing, etc.) Sewer drain of house or building, to be separately con- nected, etc 5 128 "Y" connections to be used— damage to sewer 6 129 Permits to persons outside sewer system to connect — fee 1 163 How connections shall be made 2 163 Penalty for connecting without permit 3 - 163 Permitting others to connect to private drains connected with sewer — penalty 4 164 Permit to connect with tile drains— fee 5 164 How connections shall be made 6 164 Penalty for connecting without permit 7 165 Permitting others to connect with private drains— penalty 8 165 SHOWS— (See amusements). SHOOTING GALLERIES— License required 1 166 Rate of license 2 166 Not to set up in street, alley or other uninclosed place 3 166 Construction of ordinance 4 166 SIDEWALKS— Built and constructed of material approved by council, etc 1 167 Petition for sidewalk, etc 2 167 Kept in repair by street superintendent 3 168 ' Grades for 4 168 Laying walks contrary to grade 5 168 Pavements and sidewalks to be uniform in width and line 6 168 Pavements and sidewalks out of line 7 169 Out of line or grade — a nuisance 8 169 Old and unsafe — a nuisance 9 169 Obstruction of, by building or enclosure..... 60 104 Obstruction of, with goods and merchandise 63 104 Water from buildings on 67 105 Not to unload coal on 68 105 Throwing orange or banana peels on 77 107 Throwing tacks, nails, glass, etc., on 85 109 Driving or riding upon 86 109 Poultry displayed on, a nuisance. 27 118 SIGNS— Attaching to telegraph, telephone or other poles, etc 21 95 Over street or sidewalk, to as to obstruct or endanger travel, a nuisance 5 112 SKATING RINKS— License required 1 155 License fee 2 155 Penalty S 155 i Clerk to issue license 4 155 Mayor may revoke license 5 155 iNttKX. 231 SLAUGHTER HOUSES— (See nuisances). section page Must have permit from city council to operate, etc 20 116 Operating, in offensive manner, a nuisance 19 115 Revocation of permit for 21 116 In city limits, or one mile therefrom, without permit, a nuisance 18 115 SOAP FACTORY— (See nuisances). SPECIAL, ASSESSMENTS— City collector to collect 3 41 SPECIAL POLICE— (See police department). STAGNANT WATER— (See nuisances). STOVES AND STOA/EPIPBS— In unsafe or dangerous condition, a nuisance 1 49 Owner of unsafe building to properly secure 2 49 To be securely put up — how to be constructed 11 62 Not to be burned out except in daytime IC 64 STREETS AND ALLEYS— Obstruction of, by building materials 45 100 Removal of dirt from 53 102 Obstruction of, by building or enclosure 60 104 Removal of obstructions on 61 104 Permit required to remove building across 62 104 Obstruction of, by merchandise, etc 63 104 Contractor not to obstruct, without permit, etc 64 104 Steam engines on paved streets, not permitted 65 105 Obstructing street crossings with team 66 105 Damaging, TDy obstructing or changing water courses 73 106 Throwing glass, tacks, nails, etc., on 85 109 Washing buggies in, a nuisance 23 117 Erection of pig-sty, privy, etc., nearer than twenty feet of, a nuisance 24 117 Erection of stable or barn nearer than four feet of. a nuisance 28 118 SUMMONS— May issue for violation of ordinance 3 144 SUNDAY— Billiard rooms must be kept closed 3 31 SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS— Appointment — term of office 1 170 Superintend all city improvements, etc 2 170 Streets cleaned by 3 170 Employ needed help — oversee laborers and prisoners 4 171 Mark implements — purchase tools, etc C 171 Keep accurate account of expenditures, etc 6 171 Examine accounts of contractors, etc., for work, etc.... 7 171 Keep street crossings clean, etc 8 172 Report monthly 9 1*^2 Report annually 1*^ 1^2 232 INDEX. SUPRRINTENDENT OF STBEETS— -"ontinued. section page Enforce ordinance in relation to streets, alleys and side- walks 11 172 To remove sidewalks out of grade 8 169 To remove langerous and dilapidated sidewalks 9 169 To inspect streets, alleys, barn lots, etc 14 35 To receive grisoners to work on streets, etc 15 148 SUPPLIES— To be purchased on contract 1 172 Requisition fo issue for 2 173 Who shall purchase — order — bill 3 173 Claim for goods not ordered by council 4 173 Bill, what to contain 5 173 Board of prisoners 6 173 SURPLUS— Of money, from sale of impounded animal paid to owner 15 23 T TARGET SHOOTING — (See shooting galleries). TEMPORARY POLICE— (See police department). THEATRES— (See amusements). THROWING STONES- (See misdemeanors). TIE VOTE— (See mayor). TREES— Posting bills on 14 94 Hitching horses to — injuring or destroying trees 38 98 Injury to, in street, park or public ground 42 99 Branches of, obstructing sidewalks 5 112 TRESPASS— Upon private property — sleeping in barns, etc 40 99 TRIAL — (See police practice). V VACANCY— In office of mayor — how filled 6 86 In office caused by removal of officer from city 9 121 VACCINATION— (See board of health). VAGRANTS— Defined — punishment of 35 97 Sleeping in barns — trespassing on private property, etc.. 40 99 Not allowed to loiter in dramshops 35 97 VEHICLES— Must turn to thef right when passing others 5 30 For carrying persons, to be licensed 1 175 Rate of license for 2 176 License to puL'sue business of carrier, etc 3 176 Rate of license for carriers, etc 4 176 Uity clerk to write in license number of dray, etc. — number to be placed on 5 176 Charges for carrying passenger-s, etc 6 177 INDEX. 233 VEHI<"LES— Continued. section page Charges for bauling trunks, loads, etc 7 177 False representations, extortions, etc 8 177 Licensed persons to keep copy of sections 6 and 7 9 177 w WARRANTS— (See also city treasurer). Drawn on treasurer to be signed by mayor and clerk.... 6 45 Treasurer to keep register of, deliver to clerk, etc 4 45 May issue for violation of ordinance 3 L44 Y YEAS AND NAYS— Required on passage of ordinance — to create liability and for the expenditure of money. (See rules of city council, rule XXV) 2 156 To be entered on journal. (See rule XXV) 2 156 Any member may require the — (See rule XXV) 2 156 'Wl # ,,:^.M :^^^ ^^-^ ^^cS^S0!^^^m^ %' J-- rf^ ^:>- /^^•^i - /^^:*^ /;:*/r.^-' /'^^-t^. ■r- -J ,A. %'->.<> 1^,. 4^?^ 'T^' MS ^^r^^lL^ m ^ ^""^^^'^ # :W m UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 084210316