±\: O/I B RAR.Y OF THE UN IVLR.SITY OF ILLINOIS 016.7114 C73e no. 1-20 CITY PLANNING AND LANDSCAPI Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/plannedindustria17vanc THE Li, | f JUL 21 1361 Council of Planning Librarians... EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY UNlV "$ 6318 Thornhill Drive, Oakland 11, California January 1961 $ 1.00 7 1 / PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Mary Vance, Librarian, City Planning and Landscape Architecture Library, University of Illinois BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ♦American Society of Planning Officials. Information Report no. 68 ; Zoning Details, Part 2; Industrial Research Laboratories . N ovem- ber, 1954. *- - - - Information Report No. 120: Planned Industrial District Zoning . March, 1959. ♦Baldwin, William Lee. Dartmouth College Conference on Industrial Parks Report . Cambridge: Arthur D. Little, Inc., 1958. Barton Trading Corporation. Harborside Park; a Planned Industrial De- velopment . Providence: 1951? Blair Associates. Using Urban Renewal to Create New Sites for Indus- trial Development . Frankfort: Kentucky Department of Economic Development, 1957. Blakeley, Gerald W. , "The Development of Planned Industrial Parks," American Industrial Development Council. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference , April, 1958. Bredo, William. Industrial Estates: Tool for Industrialization . Chicago: Free Press, 1960. (Stanford Research Institute International Indus- trial Development Center Publication.) Comparative study of industrial estates in various countries. **Calif ornia. University — Real Estate Research Program. Industrial Location Bibliograp hy. Los Angeles: 1959. *Chapin, F.' Stuart, "Planned Industrial Districts," Urban Land Use Plan- ning. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957. p. 321-313. * Indicates references which, in the compiler's judgment, are especially significant. ** Indicates a bibliography. CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 Clarke, Jack, "Planned Industrial Districts," Proceedings of the Loui - siana Development Conference (1957), p. 77-81. Cleveland— City Planning Commission. Looking Ahead for the Goodrich Area an Area in Transition . 1956. *"The Community and Industrial Development," Urban Land Institute. Technical Bulletin , No. 21, (1953). Dade County, Fla. — Development Department. Community Net Worth Analysis for Applicants to Conditionally Zoned Industrial Areas . Miami : n.d. Davis, Mendell M. Planning Industrial Districts; What, Why, How? Atlanta: South-East Industrial Development Workshop. (February, 1956). Delaware County, Pa. — Planning Commission. Industrial Land and Facili- ties . Media: 1958. Detroit ; — City Plan Commission. Industrial Redevelopment; West Side In- dustrial District . 1958. ♦Douglass, Paul, and Alice .McMahon, Ed. Ind ustrial Parks : Development and Man agement . Winter Park, Florida: Center for Practical Politics, Rollins College, 1959. Fogarty, M. P. Plan Your Own Industries . London: Blackwell, 1947. *Forth, Milburn J. and J. Ross McKeever, "Planned Industrial Districts," Urban Land Institute. Technical Bulletin , No. 19, (October, 1952). Garden Grove, Calif. — City Council. An Informational Digest of the C entr al Indu s trial District, the City of Garaen Grove and the~ "County of Orange, by Earne W. Moeller. Garden Grove: 1959. Garrabrant, Robert B., "The Hew and Why of Industrial Districts," Great L akes S tates Industrial Development Council Third Annual MeetT F", (1C55), p. 106-110. Great Lakos Properties, Inc. Palos Verde s Research Park . Rolling Hills, Calif., 1957? *Hackett, Charles W. An Analysis of Planned Industrial Districts . Seattle: Bureau of Business Research, University of Washington, 1956. _ . - - A Selective Study of Organi zed In d ustrial Districts . (Univer- sity oi 7faZh>.:.tgton dissertation, 1954). Hockenbergev, Phil R. Pl anning the Indust ri al District . DesMoines, la.: Midwest Industrial Dovelopment Workshop, (February, 1955). CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 Joint Committee on Industrial Standards, City of Campbell, Town of Los Gatos. CM, Controlled Manufacturing Zone . 2d printing. Camp- bell, Calif.: 1958. Kansas City— City Planning Commission. Locational Costs in Industrial Districts of Greater Kansas City . 1950. Kock, Walter, "Planned Industrial Districts," Proceedings of the Loui - siana Development Conference (1957), p. 72-76. Lipman, William P. The Development of Planned Industrial Districts in the Boston Metropolitan Area . (Massachusetts Institute of Technology thesis, 1954). Little (Arthur D.) Inc. Tampa Industrial Park . Cambridge: 1957? Logie, Gordon. Industry in Towns . London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1952. Chapter 5. Los Angeles County, Calif .--Regional Planning Commission. Uniform Zoning Ordinance Study: Landscaping of Industrial Areas . Los Angeles: 1958. ♦McLean, Mary, ed. Local Planning Administration . 3rd ed. Chicago: International City Managers' Association, 1959. p. 140-148. Metropolitan Planning Commission of Knoxville and Knox County. Zoning Standards for Shopping Centers, Industry . Knoxville; 1959. Miller, Harold V,, "Modern Plant Characteristics — and Their Relation to Industrial Zoning," Society of Industrial Realtors. Technical Supplement to SIR. 1953. ♦♦Monmouth County, N.J. — Industrial Development Department. Bibliog - raphy of Published Information on Planned Industrial Districts , by James A. Latta. Freehold, N.J. : 1958. ♦National Industrial Zoning Committee, Principles of Industrial Zoning . Columbus: 1951. New York Central. Cal-Sag Industrial Sites . Chicago: n.d. ♦0' Barrow, Dennis. Performance Standards in Industrial Zoning . Columbus: National Industrial Zoning Committee, 1954. Pasma, Theodore, "Clinic: Planned Industrial Districts," ASPO Planning , (1953), 97-109. - - - - Growth and Development of Organized Industrial Districts. 1956. CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 *Pasma, Theodore. Organized Industrial Districts, A Tool for Community Development . Washington: GPO, 1954. *- - - - Organized Industrial Districts and Plant Design . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1952 . - - - - "Planned Industrial Districts," ASPO Planning (1958), p. 108-117. Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. The Manufacturing District . Allen- town: n.d, Pennsylvania. University--Institute for Urban Studies. Industrial Land and Faoilities for Philadelphia, a Report to the Philadelphia City Planning Commission . 1956'. p. 94-96. "Planned Industrial Districts: Their Organization and Development," Urban Land Institute Technioal Bulletin no. 19. 1952. *"The Prohibition of Residential Developments in Industrial Distriots," Urban Land Institute Teohnical Bulletin no. 10. Railway Freight Traffic, Railway Industrial Development . New York: 1954. Rhode Island— Development Council. 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Land for Industry, the Pennsylvania Case, the Problem and Action Required of Municipalities^ University Park: Pennsylvania State University Institute of Local Government, . 1959. Chapter VIII. CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 The Site Selection Handbook . North Atlanta, Ga. : Conway Publications. "Small Tovms Join Race for Industrial Parks," Midwest Research In- stitute Publication no. 183 . Society of Industrial Realtors. The Development of Industrial Dis- tricts, a Panel Report , ed. by Earle Palmer Brown. Washington: 1949. South Side Chicago Planning Board. An Opportunity to Rebuild Chicago Through Industria 1 Development on the Central South Side . Chicago: 1953. ♦"Space for Industry," Urban Land Institute Teohnioal Bulletin no. 23. 1954. ♦Stanford Research Institute, Stanford University. An Analysis of Organized Industrial Districts , by James R. Lee and Gilbert K. H. Wong. Menlo Park, Calif. : 1 958 . **Texas Electric Service Company? -Area Development Division. Bibliog - raphy of Industrial Development Material Including Sources of Information for Assembling Industrial Development ?a.terial . Newark: American Industrial Development Council, 1957. Chapter IV. ■, Supplement, 1958, Chapter IV. Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc. Ramo Wooldridge Laboratories . Canoga Park, Calif.: 1959. Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton. Preliminary Plan: Flat lands Urban Industrial Park . New York: 1959. U.S. --Department of Commerce — Area Development Division. Selective Industrial Development . Washington: 1954. - - - • Industrial Dispersion Guidebook for Communities . Washing- ton: 1952. - - - - Planning for Industrial Growth . Washington: 1954. *- - - - Checklist for a Planned Industrial Park. Washington: 1957. Washington (State)— Laws, Statutes, etc. Act Relating to Port Dis - tricts; Authorizing the Establishment, AcquJ. ' -ition, Imp rovement and Development of Industrial Development Districts . (Chapter 73, Laws 1955). "" Werthamer, S. and N. Landes, "Redevelopment for Light Industry," NAHO Publication N335. 1953. CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 Wisconsin — Division of Industrial Development. Industrial Zoning Prinoiples and Practices . Madison: 1957. Wood, H. A., "Services Offered by Industrial Districts," Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the American IndustFial Devel - opment Council i. 1952. Woodbury, Coleman, ed. The Future of Cities and Urban Redevelopment . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953. Part II, Chapter VI, PERIODICAL ARTICLES "Agreed; No Chemical Grab; Collision Between Municipal Growth and Industrial Expansion; Orange and West Orange, Tex." Chemical Week (April 21, 1956), 30. "Airport Sites: Good or Bad," Industrial Development , (March, 1957). Allen, G. R. , "The Growth of Industry on Trading Estates, 1920-1939, with Speoial Reference to Slough Trading Estate," Oxford Eoonomio Papers (October, 1951), 272-300. "Along the Industrial Front," New England Newsletter , (June, 1952). 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CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 *Boley, Robert E., "Effects of Industrial Parks on the Commu- nity," Urban Land , (November, 1958), 1, 3-6. "Bringing Industry to the Suburbs," Engineering News Record , . (October 13, 1955), 45-46/. "Calgary Invests Millions in Districts to Pace Western Canada Growth," Industrial Development , (November -December, 1955). "Central' Manufacturing District Is Pacing Progress of Tfestern In- dustry," Central Manufacturing District, Chicago CMP Magagine ( January-February, 1 951 ) . "Chicago's Clearing Industrial District Pioneers Principle of In- dustrial Zoning," Traffic World , (August 5, 1950). "Cities, Industry Learn to Be Good Neighbors," Engineering News , (July 15, 1954), 41-43. "City Buys 189 Acres as Industrial Site," Engineering News , (July 17, 1952), 57. "City of 25,000 on Drafting Boards--Suff oik City, New York," Engi - neering News , (September 2, 1954), 45. Clark, N. M., "Factories Fit to Live In; Brook Hollow Industrial District, Dallas," Saturday Evening Post , (March 2, 1957), 37/. "Columbia Industrial District," Manufacturers Record , (June, 1954), 31. "Contractor Becomes Developer — F. H. MoGraw Sets Up a 5000-Acre Industrial Park," Engineering News , (June 20, 1957), 30. Cox, George W. and others, "Economics of Industrial District ULI Symposium," Industrial Development , (June, 1958), 14-16. Cox, George W., "Planned Industrial Parks and Districts," Urban Land , (July-August, 1960), 3-4. "Dallas Area Gets New Industrial District," Manufacturers Record, (February, 1956), 48-49. "Dallas Industrial Center Records Rapid Growth," Manufacturers Record, (January, 1949). "Dallas Industrial District Grows on Former Flood Plains," Engineer - ing News , (October 23, 1952), 47-48/. Danielson, Robert P., "The Growth of Industrial Districts," Archi - tect and Engineer, (April, 1951). CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 "Developing Land for Industrial Uses," NAHB Journal of Homebuilding , (February, 1957), "Establishing and Developing an Industrial Estate," Municipal Journal , (April 5, 1957), 727. Fogarty, Frank, "Industrial Parks — City Style," Architectural Forum , (December, 1959), 94-97. Ford, Nanoy, "Factory Colonies: Industry Flocks to the Park— Like Environment of All-Planned Districts," Wall Street Journal , (April 9, 1954), 1, 6. "Fort Washington Industrial Park," Office Executive , (October, 1958), 15. Garnhart, Gordon E., "Industry Looks at the District," SIR , (Novem- ber, 1954), 16-17. Garrabrant, Robert B., "Performance Standards for Industrial Zoning'; an Appraisal," Urban Land , (June, 1956). Gladstone, Robert, "industrial Development: Home Owner's Friend or Foe? Communities Can Safely Provide for Industrial and Resi- dential Locations that ar3 Mutually Acceptable and Beneficial," Industrial Development , (April, 1960), 89-90. Gray, Edgar and William N. 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G., "Chicago's Clearing Industrial Pioneers Principle of Industrial Zoning," Traffic World , (August 5, 1950), 55-59. "In Dallas, Texas Instruments Builds a 300- Acre Industrial Park," Architectural Forum , (October, 1958), 132-135. "Industrial Areas Free Movement of Goods," Dallas , (January, 1955), 10-12. "Industrial Centers Bloom," Business Week , (August 20, 1949), 31-32. "industrial District Development for Home Builders," Urban Land , (June, 1958), 7-8. "Industrial District Planned for Jacksonville Port," Innufacturers Record , (December, 1953). "industrial Districts," Engineering Mews Record , (July 15, 1954). "Industrial Districts," Virginia Economic Review , (January, 1958), 1-4. "Industrial Estates: a Device for Development of Small Industries," Way Ahead , (No. 2, 1959), 20-21. "Industrial Heart for Metropolis; Midway between Dallas and Fort Worth," Architectural Forum , (June, 1957), 154-159. "Industrial Island, Fraser River Awaits $200 Million Development," Engineering Hews , (May 27, 1954), 49/. "Industrial Fark' Covenants: Research Triangle, North Carolina," Urban Land , (July-August, 1960), 5-9. "Industrial Parks," Barron 's ,(0ctober 10, 1955). "Industrial Park Cuts Costs," Steel , (July 23, 1956), 48-49. "industrial Plant Parking — a Recommended Practice by the Institute of Traffic Engineers," Urban Land , (May, 1959), 1, 3-7. "Industry Builds Kitimat, First Complete New Town in North America," Architectural Forum , (October, 1954). "Industry and Essentials Affecting Community Development," Fublic Works , (September, 1956). "Jackson, Mississippi Organizes Flowood Industrial District," Manu - facturers Record , (June, 1959), 52. January, Hugh, "Financing Districts," SIR, (November, 1954), 11-12.. CPL Exchange Bibliography 17 Jellicoe, G. A., "How Shall We Re-Plan Dense Industrial Areas," Municipal Journal , (May 19, 1950), 1322-1323. "Jersey Central Adds Fourth District— 265 Acre Site in Rockaway Section," Industrial Development , (September-October, 1956). *Krebs, William A. W. , "Trends in Industrial Parks," Industrial De - velopment , (June, 1959), 42-48. Labatut, J., "Environment for Business and Industry," American Institute of Architects Journal , (December, 1958), 15-17. "Land for Industry — a Neglected Problem," Harvard Business Review , (torch-April , 1954). Lincoln, Freeman, "After the Cabots--Jerry Blakeley: the Sedate Old Boston Real-Estate Firm of Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes Has Lately Been Transforming the Landscape in Several Parts of the U.S.," Fortune , (November, 1960), 171-174. "Little Rook Development Corporation Establishes Acre Planned District," Industrial Development , (March-April, 1955), 24. "Little Rock Industrial District: Result of Careful Planning," Manu - facture rs Record , (March, 1955), 27/. 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M. , "Planned Industrial Districts as a Tool for Industrial Development in Puerto Rico," American Institute of Planners Journal , (Vol. 21), 164. (Thesis abstract;) "The Role of the Railroad in Industrial District Development," Urban Land , (February, 1958), 2, 5-6. Roterus, Victor, and others. "Industrial Land Requirements in the Cincinnati Area," Annals of the Association of American Geog - raphers , (June, 1946) . Roterus, Victor, "Planned Industrial Districts," Proceedings, Ameri - can Society of Chemical Engineers , (February, 1956), 1-4. - - - - "Should Your Community Form an Organized Industrial Dis- trict?", Proceedings Area Development Institute , Edison Elec- tric Institute, (October, 1955). "Ruhr Valley Slated for British Columbia," Engineering News , (April 21, 1955), 70. 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