973.7L6? Gamrnans, Harold Lincoln Names and Epithets LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/lincolnnamesepitOOgamm LINCOLN NAMES AND EPITHETS Lincoln Names and Epithets By HAROLD GAMMANS Author of "Spirit of Ann Rutledge' BOSTON BRUCE HUMPHRIES, INC. PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1955, by Harold W. Gammans Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 55-7624 >OON\ To CARL SANDBURG 5 or FOREWORD Only a list of names and epithets of Abraham Lincoln from the cradle to the grave and eighty-five years after— some used countless times, some a few times, and a fair number just once as far as I have seen in going over several hundred thousand books, broadsides, pieces of sheet music, pamphlets, news- papers, manuscripts, cards, micro-films, etc. Only one user of a name or one source is given. Four years' work on a bibli- ography of the songs on Lincoln and one of poems connected with Lincoln has aroused the question, "To what limits do you go?" and this list gives a sort of an answer. The librarians who have assisted, checked lists or supplied data on rare items, the thousands of books analyzed, bibliographical sources, etc., will appear in my main works. As Lincoln now leads in the nineteenth century, the number of expressions of exaltation and condemnation applied to him seem to proclaim him the first human of the Christian era, and an extended study could be done on his names, but this ele- mentary list may be an aid to Lincoln scholars and collectors, and to politicians, cross-word puzzle devotees, and quiz fans. H. G. Lincolniana mines which have been dug and dug RPB John Hay Library, Brown University RP Providence Public Library MB Boston Public Library MBA Boston Athenaeum MWA American Antiquarian Society HUL Harvard University Libraries HY Harkness Library, Yale University FR Fall River Public Library NB New Bedford Public Library Lincolniana mines which have sent nuggets IHS Illinois State Historical Library LC Library of Congress HEH Henry E. Huntington Library CHS Chicago Historical Society MHS Maryland Historical Society NP New York Public Library DU Duke University Library IU Indiana University Library HP Houston Public Library LLF Lincoln Life Foundation LM Lincoln Memorial University ABBREVIATIONS Ar. Armenian Ara. Arabic BLS Blaine & Logan songster BOB Bungay, G. W. ed., Bobolink minstrel Bs. Broadside (after the Civil War) BUR Burleigh, W. H., ed., Republican campaign songster CB Confederate broadside CEJ Chicago Evening Journal CHI Chicago Hebrew Institute COP Copperhead minstrel COX Cox, J. H., ed., Folk songs CWB Civil War Union broadside DJS Douglas & Johnson songster Dut. Dutch DYM Dale, P. P., ed., Young men's Republican campaign songster Fr. French FWS Fagan, W. L., ed., War songs of the South Ger. German Gr. Greek Haw. Hawaiian Heb. Hebrew HOS Hooley's opera house songster HRS Hutchinson's Republican songster for the campaign of 1863 HT Holyoke Times Hun. Hungarian Ital. Italian Jap. Japanese LJS Tremaine Bros. Lincoln and Johnson campaign songster LMC Little Mac campaign songster M Monaghan, Jay, Lincolniana bibliography MM Macmillan's Magazine (London) Ms. Manuscript notes of memorials in New York City windows, April 15, 1865. RPB NYW New York World NYSM New York Sunday Mercury NOD New Orleans Delta OUT Outlook Pol. Polish Port. Portuguese PRS Lieb, Charles, ed., Pictorial Rail Splitter pseud, pseudonym RGW White, R. G., ed., Poetry, lyrical, narrative, and satirical of the Civil War Rus. Russian SH Shilling songster. No. 3 Slo. Slovak SLM Southern Literary Messenger Span. Spanish SRL Saturday Review of Literature SS DeLeon, T. C, ed., South songs Tur. Turkish UAS Uncle Abe songster VF Vanity Fair (London) WAV Wide-Awake vocalist WC War Cry WLS War lyrics and songs of the South. London, 1866 WLP Walsh, W. E., ed., Abraham Lincoln and London Punch Yid. Yiddish 10 LINCOLN NAMES AND EPITHETS A. Lincoln, reformer A. Linkin Abe Abe-Abe-Abe Abe-L Abe Doodle Dandy Abe Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln Abe Lincoln, the honest Abe Lincoln Abe Linkum Abe in the White House Abe, king of all Abe of Illinois Abe of the West Abe, the gay deceiver Abe, the joker Abey Abolition "fry" Abolition king Abraam "Abraham' 1 Abraham Africanus Abraham, auctionarius Abraham Lincoln, attending physician Abraham! My Abraham! Abraham! Our Abraham! Abraham the first, repudiator Abraham, the nigger's king Abraham, the great Abraham Lincoln, Esquire Calderwood, W. C. Ward, Artemus, pseud. Lincoln, Thomas PRS p. (4) PRS p. (4) LMC p. 71 Bungay, G. W. DRS p. 51 SH p. 56 Starkweather, L. B. COP p. 44 LMC p. 57 Scott, Walter Burleigh, W. H. Company 's own Poet, Bayou City Guards Million, M. J. (Rutledge, Ann?) Kentucky, pseud. B. (Ridgely, N. G.) RP CWB RPB Story, H. L. M no. 267 (Ridgely, N. G.) RP CWB O'Donoughue, W. K. Sherwin, W. F. COP p. 29 LMC p. 52 Bishop, T. B. FSW p. 250 13 Abraham Lincoln strangulatus pro patria Abraham, the joker Abram Abram, lover of my — smell AV ram Abr'am Abra'm Abra'm, the blest Abr'm Abram Linkon Abram Lin/cum Abrahamo Lincoln (itai.) Abramo Lincoln (itai.) Abramo Lincoln avvocato Abstainer Ah-my President Cooke, R. T. (Ridgely, N. G.) RP A Young Rebelle, pseud. LMC p. 21 Clarke, D. W. C. Clark, W. H. Anderson, A. Almon, Benedict LMC p. 47 SH p. 56 Bland, H. L. Guidi, A. F. (Bernardi, Jacopo) Addeo, Piero Russell, H. H. (Root, G. F.) Almighty, exalted Commander-in-chief Crawford, Capt. jack American American Bayard American boy, our Abe America's greatest citizen An Abraham Ancient, The Angel of mercy Anointed one Another Washington Anybody's neighbor Ape from Illinois Ape Lincoln Apostle of charity Lowell, J. R. Cummings, Robert Coon, R. E. Andrews, O. M. FWS p. 27 Hay & Nicolai Botsford, Mrs. Russel (sic) Piatt, J. J. Benton, Joel Bynner, Witter Georgia, pseud. H., J. J. OUT 14 Architect of his own fortunes Ass Assassins victim Attorney Athlete August baboon "Auld Abe" Awful sacrifice Awkvjardest feller on Pigeon Creek Babe Backwood's boy Backwood's lawyer Bare-foot boy Base Lincoln Beklagter obersten beamte (Ger.) Befreier der negersklaven (Ger.) Belongs to the ages Beloved of the Nation Benefactor of a race Best loved man that ever trod this continent Biddy Big brother Big Buck of the Link Black gorilla chief Black Republican Black Republican bandit Blackguard Bleeding wangled heart Blend of mirth and sadness Blessed Savior 15 Nicolai, J. G. CB Tolman, B. H. Leland, C. G. Rogers, J. F. NOD Murdoch, J. E. Whittier, J. G. Dorey, Milner SS p. 43 Alger, Horatio Cross, J. C. Coon, R. E. Big sergeant, pseud. Graeter, Abraham Hoffman, Wilhelm Stanton, E. H. A Veteran's daughter Stoddard, R. H. Cuyler, Rev. Dr. Silsbee, Sam Douglass, Frederick Lincoln, Abraham Julien, pseud. Barnstable (Ridge ly , N. G.) RP CB CB Hagedorn, Herman Malone, Walter Pittsinger, E. A. Bloody and perjured usurper Blossom of the South Boatman Bob (and Abram) Lincoln Bold and gallant Lincoln Bold as a lion, gentle as a child Bold Western pioneer Book-maker President Born of star and sod Boy to split a rail Boy to split the rails Boy to take another glass of brandy Brave Lincoln Brave old Abe Brai;e old Lincoln Brave Uncle Abe Brother Brother of mankind Buffoon Butcher] Tyrant! Cabin-born Caesar Caesar imperator Calling every man his neighbor Captain Abraham Lincoln Captain Lincoln Captain! My Captain! Captain of the ship Columbia Champeen rassler of Old Illinois Champion of humanity Champion of Liberty 16 Holcomb, Dr. W. H. Colbraithe, J. D. WAV p. 30 RGW p. 153 DYM p. 13 Goff, J. B. CWB RPB Cushman, E. C. Malone, Walter DRS p. 15 DYM p. 30 FWS p. 15 Kriton, Karl Cutter, G. W. CB RGW p. 155 Thurber, C. H. (Schell, Stanley) Doster, W. E. Guiterman, Arthur Lannin, W. H. Vallandingham, C. L, WLP p. 17 BOB p. 34 Barton, W. E. Thomas, B. F. Whitman, Walt Myers, Raphael Anthony, Edward Venier, Valdo Taylor, George Champion of the West Champion of Universal History Champion of universal liberty Chief Chief of the Nation Chief of the People Chief of the West Chieftain Child of the Forest Child of the wilderness Child of the woodland Children's friend Choice of the Nation Chopper Chosen of God Christian Christ of the bondman Citizen of San Marino Citizen of very small renown Clarum et venerabile nomen Clown Columbia's cherished son Columbia's martyr Coming man Commander-in-chief Comrade lustrous with silver face in the night Conqueror (trans, from Span.) Conquistador (Span.; Counselor Cousin Lincoln WAV P . 57 Smith, W. D. Jr. McKeller HRS p. 42 Washington, L. H. Stewart, James BOB p. 33 Haskell, Rev. T. N. McCook, H. C. Choate, J. M. Clark, T. C. Jordan, C. B. HRS p. 71 Emerson, R. W. Barker, H. E. Johnstone, W. J. CWB MB Hertz, Emanuel McRebel, J. B., pseud. Bliss, T. E. Clark, T. C. Taylor, I. M. Cowgill, F. B. Ackerman, I. Mc Clure, A. K. Whitman, Walt Perry, M. P. Coronado, C. P. WAV p. 54 Bungay, G. W. 17 Cowardly chieftain Cynosure of all the earth Dear benefactor of a race Dear brother Lincoln Dear Commander Dear father Dear Lincoln Dear old brudder Lincoln Dear President Dear to democracy Democrat Despot Despot Lincoln Despotic Abe Dewitt Clinton of Illinois Dictator Lincoln Diuinely prepared rule Doctor Lincoln Edel menchenfreund (Ger.) Em grosser mann (Ger.y Emancipator Emancipator of a race Emancipator of the Nation (trans, into Ger., Rieder, H. R. I.) Emancipator of the slaves (trans, of Rus.) Emancipator of the human race Emancipator-President Emperor at the other end of the avenue Eucharist of Liberty 18 CB Barnhart, J. 0. Stoddard, R. H. HRS p. 10 Whitman, Walt Whitman, Walt Dunn, Rev. S. B. T., Miss V. Piatt, J. J. Whitman, Walt Clark, T. C. Randall, J. G. "OleSecesh" (Ridge ly, N. G.) RP CB Schurz, Carl Rocchietti, Joseph Nelson, H. A. BLS p. 31 Grube, A. W. Precht, V. Goff, John McKinney, William Hall, Frederick Kemensky, A. V. Tomes, Robert Goff, John (Schell, Stanley) MS [jit 763 Broadway ^\ Everybody grown a little tall Fader Abraham Faithful leader (trans, of Tur.) Fallen chieftain Fallen prince Famed for splitting rails Farmer Farm-laborer Farmer's boy Father Father Abraham Father Abr'am Father Abram Father Abraham Father Abraham Lincoln Father of his country Father of the faithful Fastest walker Fearless man Federal phoenix Federal vandal Fils de la liberte (Fr.) First American First railroad president First ray of the dawn First typical American Flat-boatman Fodder Abraham Fond and true defender Fox populi Fool 19 SRL HRS p. 11 Herrick, Prof. Ladd, M. B. Randolph, Warren LJS p. 13 HRS p. 35 Choate, J. H. Marsh, J. B. Watson, W. H. (Gibbons, W. S.) CWB RPB Clark, W. H. (Gibbons, W. S.) CWB RPB Bryant, J. (sic) Cullen (Gibbons, W. S.) Thompson, Edward Emerson, R. W. WAV Coonley, L. M. BUR p. 65 WLP p. 86 CB Lusine, J. C. Lowell, J. R. Henneford, E. Merritt, G. F. Grady, H. W. Devere, M. S. CWB RPB Bickerstaff, Miss E. M. VF (Ridgely, N. G.) Forest boy Forgotten a hundred years hence Forgotten man Free-thinker Freedom's great high priest Freedom's martyr Freedom's Western son Friend Abraham Lincoln Friend of God Friend of man Friend of the oppressed Frontier boy Fule Gallant lover Gallant old Abe Gallant old splitter of rails Gallant son of the West Gaunt man Gaunt, patient Abraham Gaunt scraggly pine (trans, into Span., "Alto, descanard pino ! General-in- chief Genio (Por.) Genius without alloy Gentlest and most merciful of rulers Gentlest memory of the world Giant-killer Giant-killer of the West Giant of mankind Gift of Illinois 20 Mudge, Z. A. Pastor, Tony Kelland, C. B. Lewis, Joseph Pease, T. C. Duganne, A. J. H. HRS p. 65 Bramwell, H. P. H. Crossley, Eliza Korngold, Ralph Clark, T. C. Stevenson, Augustus Confederate girl to her imprisoned lover Cary, Robert Stedman, E. C. (Schell, Stanley) WAV p. 8 Agee, Bob (Schell, Stanley) Fletcher, J. G. HRS p. 31 DeBomsuccesso, Dr. A, Raymond, C. W. Schurz, Carl Ingersoll, R. G. Bungay, G. W. DYM p. 30 Ditmars, R. van B. M no. 1630 Glorious old Abe Great heart Great heart of the Republic Great leveller Great Lincoln Great man (trans, of jap.) Great meek man Great Oak Great old man Great president Great reformer Great wrestler Greatest American humorist Greatest man of the nineteenth century Greatest of all despots Greatest President of American history Greatest President of the Republic Green pine Gross mann (Ger.) Gross staatsman (Ger.) Guardian Hair-brained hero llarmonizer Helmsman Hercules Hero Hero from the West Hero gaunt and border-born Hero new Hero of hoosicrdom Hero of his times 21 Dale, W. P. Stryker, M. Roosevelt, Theodore Hertz, Emanuel Henry, M. W. Susuyami Gunichi Clark, T. C. Chappie, J. M. Cook, Seth A. Carroll, Benjamin Edgar, C. H. Goff, John Whipple, Wayne Brown, C. R. Kentucky, pseud. Abbott, Lyman Barton, W. E. Benet, Rosemary and S. V, Precht, V. Grube, A. W. Dawn, L. M. Kentucky, pseud. Hertz , Emanuel Piatt, J. J. CEJ CA Coates, F. E. Root, G. F. Pattee, F. L. Lowell, J. R. HRS p. 71 HRS p. 54 Hero of the Nation Hero of time Heroic soul Hessian of the lowest grade Hideous baboon at the other end of the avenue High Old Abe Highest jumper His excellency, Abraham Lincoln Homely hero Homme du peuple (Fr.) Homme honnete (Fr.) Honest Abe ft Honest Abe" Honest Abe Lincoln Honest Abe of the West Honest Abraham Honest Cousin Lincoln Honest Lincoln Honest Old Abe Lincoln Honest "Old Abe of the West" Honest Uncle Abe Honest Uncle Abraham Honored chief Hoosier Hope of the Nation Ideal Christian Illinois baboon Illinois lawyer Illinois' undaunted son Illustrious martyr Illustrious memory 22 Burke, J. F. Lindsay, N. V. Trowbridge, J. F. CB Schauffler, R. H. 3ungay, G. W. Coonley, L. M. Julien, pseud. Malone, Walter Moras, Aug. Louis Phillipe, Due d'Orleans LJS p. 49 Lowe, Bert MacMaster, J. B. Stedman, E. C. Sanford, W. S. HRS p. 15 BOB p. 41 LSJ p. 55 Stedman, E. C. UAS p. 10 HRS p. 70 Humanitas, pseud. Frankenberg, T. T. Money, S. S. Rudeen, E. F. Peck, H. T. Schurz, Carl HRS p. 37 Boylan, William Scotus, Edmundus Illustrious patriot Immortal Abe Immortal American Immortal Lincoln Inborn gentleman Incomparable Lincoln Inquirer Inventor Investor "Jackson" Lincoln Jester Jew Jolly Old Abe Jolly old fellow Just combination of head, conscience, and heart Kangaroo Ke keiki paionia (Haw.) Kentuckian Kentucky boy Kind, amiable, and intelligent man Kind, good President Kindly earnest, brave foreseeing man Kindly spirit King King Abe King Abraham King Abraham the first King Linhum, the first King of men Klinkon Knight of the wilderness 23 Collins, William (Selby, Paul) Bonhajo, Louis Norman, James Boker, G. H. Shaw, Leslie M. Ingersoll, R. G. Foster, B. G. Croy, Homer (Ridgely, N. G.) RP Doster, W. E. MET CWB IHI Bynner, Witter Herndon, W. H. (Ridgely, N. G.-) RP Andrew, Samuel Mercer, S. C. M no. 3300 Douglas, S. A. Myers, S. H. M. Lowell, J. R. Brownell, H. H. Bangs, E. M. (Ridgely, N. G.) RP FWS p. 27 Hewitt, J. H. Hewitt, J. H. Marden, O. S. K., O. pseud. MB Gale. O. M. Knight without stain La (sic) Abe Lincoln La (sic) honest Abe Laboring man with horny hands Laborer Lamplighter Lank Abraam Last martyr of Freedom Laughing man of sorrows Lawyer Lincoln Leader Leader of his people Leader of the free Leader of the land Leader of the people Leader of slaves (trans, of Rus.) Liberator of millions of slaves (trans, of Heb.) Liberatore-Unificatore (ital.) Liberty's Saviour Lincoln, "Honest man" Lincoln immortal Lincoln litigant Lincoln of the West Lincoln the false Lincoln, the glorious Lincoln the honest Lincoln the liberator Lincoln, thou boatman of the Sangamo (sic) Lincoln triumphant 24 Cummins, Robert Lieb, Charles Russell, C. L. Stoddard, R. H. Stoddard, R. H. Tarshish, Jacob CWB RPB CWB RP Black, W. L. Weber, J. R. Phillips, Edgar Newton, Wilberforce DYM p. 13 Work, H. C. Depew, Chauncey Kemensky, A. V. CHI Gay, H. N. Proctor, E. D. RSP p. 2 Watterson, Henry Townsend, W. H. WAV p. 57 Kentucky, pseud. Wallace, W. R. Machin, C. H. Buckley WAV p. 30 Markham, Edwin LinCOtn (in "Kingdom Comin' " as sung by Mrs. Henri) Lingk'un Linkin Lincon Link-on Linkwn (in most printings of "Kingdom Comin ,,, ) Linka-Doodle Living legend Living Lincoln Lining man Long Abe Long-armed husky Long Lincoln Long man Longshanks Long 'Un Lord Lincoln s., o. Lord of himself Lofe impartial as the sun Lover Loyal soldier of the Christ Maetyr der heiligsten sache (Ger.) Maker of history Man against the sky Man born for his time Man called of God Man for the ages Man for the people Man from Sangamon Man from the West and man for the East 25 Alden, J. B. Ward, Artemus, pseud. Blanchard, W. S. SH p. 59 MH FWS p. 15 Smith, T. V. Kaufman, M. S. WAV p. 54 Byron, Richard Merrill, M. S. HRS p. 13 Benet, S. V. Meader, Stephen Day, S. J. H. (Ridgely, N. G.) RP Boker, R. H. Thompson, Maurice Loring, B. M. MM Abbott, A. A. Reid, Whitelaw Robinson, E. A. Waite, M. B. Thornton, E. Bacheller, Irving Wilson, William Young, E. G. R. WAV p. 41 Man of destiny Man of God Man of letters Man of men Man of peace Man of shadows Man of sorrows Man of storms Man of the ages Man of the people Man of the prairie Man of the West Man to guide tlie child Man to hold against the world Man we love Man who aspired in the White House to dwell Man who freed the slaves Mian who kissed the Testament Man without a precedent Many-sided Lincoln Marse Linkum Martyr Martyr, The Martyr Abe Lincoln Martyr beloved Martyr Noster Martyr of Liberty Martyr of the free Martyr President Martyr prince 26 Staples, E. L. Aked, C. F. Mabie, H. W. vanNoppen, L. C. Carman, Bliss Lampton, W. I. Chafin, E. W. Hagedorn, Herman Hart, H. D. Markham, Edwin M no. 2902 Cutter, F. L. Stoddard, R. H. Markham, Edwin Lieb, Charles CB CWB RPB Spenser, E. Stoddard, R. H. Hamilton, J. G. D. Child, Mrs. M. F. Work, H. C. Melville, Herman Warner, Joe Benton, Joel Gardette, G. D. Clark, J. G. Taylor, George Newell, R. H. Baldridge, S. C. Martyr to liberty Martyr to the cause of man Martyred Abraham Martyred Father Martyred one Martyred patriot Martyred President Martyred son Mass a Abe Massa Jonathan Massa Lincoln Massa Lincum Massa Linkin Massa Linking, Massa Linkum Master, The Master Lincoln Master-man Masterpiece of God Matterhorn of men Merry man Mighty fallen Mighty llouer of the lyre of war Mighty master Mighty master of the mighty lyre Mighty peak among the lesser hills Military hero Miller of New Salem Mr. Lincoln Mr. Lincoln, honest man Mdsther Lincoln 27 Eddy, Richard Halpine, C. G. (Schell, Stanley) BS RPB Meredith, Gula Smith, E. S. Wheelock, O. Winner, Septimus Peters, A. C. WLP p. 63 Gammans, H. W. Converse, F. B. COP p. 31 COP p. 32 Gordon, M. S. Robinson, E. A, Langenschvvartz, M. Tyrell, Henry Malone, Walter Gilber, A. COP p. 30 Massey, G. F. Dunbar, P. L. Martling, James Dunbar, P. L. Allen, Townsend Lincoln, Abraham Thompson, L. M. Roden, R. F. WLS p. 125 Halpine, C. G. Mohammed of the modern Hegira More than conqueror Mother Lincoln Moses in this Israel of ours Most individual man that ever lived Most lied about man in the world Most perfect ruler of men Mountain cedar Mountain White Murdered President My Abraham My boy Abe My friend Abe Lincoln My neighbor Nancy Hanks' Boy Narrow-minded squirt Nation's chieftain Nation's honored dead Nation's martyr Nation's mighty heart Nation's prophet Nation's purest man Nation's sacrifice Nation's seer Naughty Jonathan Neighbor New birth of our new soil Newfound king New World hero Nigger Lincoln Noble Abraham Lincoln Noble chieftain 28 NOC Gilber, A. SLM Love, Charles Morse, J. T. Jr. Moner, H. W. Stanton, E. M. Markham, Edwin M no. 1674 Monair, John HOS p. 28 Lincoln, Sarah Bush Burner, D. G. Bynner, Witter Greel, G. CB MS at 763 Broadway Bishop, Miss M. J. Hills, E. M. Vansandvort, Mrs. B. Allen, L. W. Cook, J. H. Whittier, J. G. Bell, G. W. WLP p. 19 Miller, M. M. Lowell, J. R. LMC p. 53 Hope, Eva CB Phillips, H. I. Arthur, C. Noble heart Noble Lincoln Noble self-made man North, the South, the West, the East, Northern despot Northern President Northern sun Oberon (Mr. President Lincoln) Old Abe Old Abe Lincoln Old Abe Linfcen Old Abe, my jolly Jo Old Abe of Illinois Old Abe of the West Old Abe, the brave Old Abe, the honest Old Abe the miller Old Abe the President Old Abe, the rail-splitter Old Abey Old Abra'm Old Abraham Old Abraham, my jolly Abe Old blacfc Abe Old chap in the west countries Old chieftain Old hero Old honest Abe Old joker Old Lincoln Old Lincoln, the blower Old Lincoln, the true 29 Brownell, H. H. Henrietta, pseud. LJS p. 29 The Thompson, Maurice Gray, Miss Maria CB RP Oilier, Edmund WLP p. 49 Birch, E. P. Smith, Leslie 1847 COX p. 260 COP p. 46 BOB p. 19 Lieb, Charles PRS p. 2 D(ale), W. P. M no. 334 von Rambourg, Bruno Clement, Jesse LMC p. 11 M.,E. Jr. Lozier, J. H. COP p. 46 CB LSJ p. 26 Henry, Edwin WAV p. 41 song arr. by G. D. S. 1860 Luola, pseud. Smith, M. B. Smith, M. B. WAV p. 58 Old man 'bout fifty-two Old man Old massa Lincoln Old man, Abe Lincoln Old Mr. Lincoln Old statesman Old stwnp-speaker Old Uncle Abe Old Uncle Abraham Old Uncle Aby Ole Abe Ole Abe (God bless ( is ole soul) Ole massa in "Kingdom Com Ole massa Lincoln Ole Massa Linkum One Abra'm One of America's immortals One of God's noblemen One of Plutarch's men One of the People Only a man Our Abraham Our beloved American Our beloved President Our big, gaunt, homely brother Our country's loss Our country's martyr Our country's noblest son Our cyclone in a storm Our David Our dear father 30 HRS p. 57 Benet, S. V. Ward, Charlie T. Cook, S. A. Gordon, M. S. DYM p. 24 Hertz, Emanuel Collins, G. F. Cooper, George Haney, B. P. FWS p. 218 Chant of Negro troops n' " arr. by Osgood, E. F, Partridge, W. W. Gordon, M. S. DYM p. 16 Bryan, W. J. Sheldon, R. L. Lowell, J. R. Stoddard, R. H. Greenwood, Grace, pseud. Sherwin, W. F. M no. 3162 Cooper, E. G. Oppenheim, James Buechel, Augustus Hayden, Mrs. C. A. McNally, James C. Oppenheim, James HRS p. 72 Brownell, H. H. Our deeply beloved martyred President Our deeply lamented President Our father who art in Washington Our first hero Our generahin- chief Our great leader Our greatest Our huge Atlantic coast-line in a sliawl Our ideal Our Lincoln Our Lincoln, good and wise Our man, the hero of the Nation Our man from Illinois Our martyr Our martyr chief Our martyr hero, Lincoln Our martyr President Our martyred chieftain Our most lovable hero Our nation's captain Our nation's hero Our noble chief Our noble chieftain Our noble President Our own Abe Lincoln Our own Lincoln Our pastoral captain Our pilot Our President from Illinois Our prophet Our second Washington Our standard bearer 31 Wheelock, O. Wentworth, O. CWB RP Howe, J. W. HRS p. 31 Duffield, N. H. Gilder, R. W. Oppenheim, James Lee, T. O. Benoni-Benjamin Allen, Mrs. Mary Ellis, E. M. Danforth, Rev. Lavely, H. A. Lowell, J. R. Dunn, M. H. Bancroft, George MS [>t 632 Broadway ]] Jackson, C. T. Haynes, Charles Clark, T. C. Cooper, George Haynes, Charles Coonley, L. M. Murray, J. A. Potter, H. C. Cheney, J. V. (Schell, Stanley) Danforth, Rev. Benjamin Barnhart, J. D. Peterson, Henry HRS p. 48 Our veteran chief Nichol, R. B. Our watchword B. (Bungay, G. W.) Patient Lincoln Talmadge, F. D. Paternal Soul Stoddard, R. H. Patriot Lincoln D(ale), R. M. Patriot Martyr Eaton, M. J. Patriot without pride of self Raymond, C. W. Patron saint; honest Abe Botkin, B. Patron saint of aviation Mazet, W. E. Peace-lover McNally, J. C. Peasant-prince Malone, Walter Peerless American Swift, R. H. People's boast HRS _ p. 10 People's candidate Githen, Charles People's choice Dale, R. M. People's friend Crosley, L. W. People's king Allen, L. W. People's man Ballard, H. C. People's nominee Kriton, Karl People's President Scotus, Edmundus People's pride HRS P. 37 People's leader Putnam, G. H. (trans, into Span., Jefe del pueblo) Perfect exemplar of democracy (Schell, Stanley) Perfect flower of chance Ditmars, R. W. B. (Pillars of Hercules: Washington & Lincoln) Longaire, W. F. Pilot Piatt, J. J. Pilot of the storm-tossed bark Holmes, 0. W. Pioneer Piatt, J. J. Pioneer boy Thayer, W. M. (trans, into Gr. "apoikos pais": Konstantinon, G.) 32 Plain and lonely man Poet among poets Politician Poor Abe Poor Lincoln Poor Mr. Lincoln Poor old Abe Lincoln Poor old Lincoln Poor thing Prairie king Prairie lawyer Prairie poet Preserver of the Union (trans, of Heb.) President North Pride of Illinois Pride of the Nation Pride of the Suckers Pride of the West Prime hero of the nineteenth century Prophetic American Prophet Proto-martyr noster Proudest of all earth's heroes Pure and noble patriot Purest of men Puritan and cavalier Quaint knight-errant of the pioneers Raihmaker statesman Rail-er Rail-splitter Ransom of a race 33 Clark, T. C. Miller, M. M. Holden, Raymond Summers, Helen DJS p. 17 Clifton, Ernest Clifton, Ernest Clifton, Ernest Kentucky, pseud. Bungay, G. W. Cleveland, Phillip J, Jordan, C. B. CHI CB RPB Rice, W. T. HRS p. 71 Burleigh, W. R. Burleigh, W. R. Beidler, J. H. Griggs, E. H. Jordan, C. B. Gardette, C. D. Wells, Frank Davis, E. C. Foster, Charles Grady, H. W. Malone, Walter HRS p. 73 HRS P . 13 Newman, N. Dunn, S. B. Rebel Lincoln Red orb Redeeming presence Republican Ring-tail snorter Right man in the right place Royal Ape Ruler of a race like ours Sad humorist Sad life Saddest among kings on earth Sage of Springfield Saint Saint Lincoln ("Saint Abraham of Assyria" does not refer to Lincoln) Savior Savior of his country Savior of our country Savior of the only free country among men Savior of the race Savior of our Union Savior of the freedom of mankind Scamp Seer (trans, into Ar., Ara., Ger., Gr., Heb., Hun. Pol., Rus., Slo., Span., Yid.) Sectional President Seeker after knowledge Self -made man Self'illumdned star Self-learned (trans, of Pol.) Sent of God 34 Howard, Frank Cheney, J. V. Bell, G. W. UAS p. 7 WAV p. 35 Warner, Joe (Smith, W. R.) Stoddard, R. H. Jones, R. L. Taylor, Tom Robinson, E. A. Goff, J. B. Trowbridge, J. T. Heaven, Alice Holmes, S. N. Charleton, M. M. Wheelock, Oliver McKinley, William Hosmer, F. D. Bullard, F. L. M 2398 (Ridgely, N. G.) RP Hertz, Emanuel McKee, Oliver Ingersoll, R. G. WAV p. 30 Richmond, H. H. Kozak, Thomas Finney, R. L. Servant of God Servant of the people Shepherd of his people Shepherd of mankind Silent bronze reviewer (Lincoln statue) Single-handed youth (trans, of Per.) Slow to smite, swift to spare Slow to threaten, strong to move Sly old 'coon Smut-musheen Soldier Soldier of Christ Soldier of his captain Christ Soldier of light Son of a poor settler (trans, of Pol.) Son of Kentucky Soul akin to all the solitudes (anon, clipping) Sorti des classes laborieuses (Fr.) Splendid man South-bom son South's child Spirit mastering fate Spirit of tolerance and compassion Splitter of the rails Spotted Abe with kinky hair Star of Sangamon Statesman of the West Statesman prophetic Statesman, ruler & liberator Steadfast in the strength of God Strategist-opportunist JO HT Walstrom, C. E. Brooks, Phillips Lowell, J. R. Harte, Bret Mohamed Bryant, W. C. Howe, J. W. WAV p. 32 LMC p. 57 Lewis, Joseph Merritt, G. F. MM Cone, H. G. Kozak, Thomas Lieb, Charles RPB Millot, Henri Underhill, Ann Herndon, T. H. Tyrell, H. H. Allen, L. W. Farnum, G. F. NYIV DJS p. 15 Allen, L. W. (Schell, Stanley) Romig, E. D. Nicolai, J. G. Lowell, J. R. Mcintosh. T. M. Strong boy of Gentryville Sturdy hero of the Free Sublime emancipator Supporter of John Brown Swiftest runner Sympathetic, The Tactless boor Tad Lincoln's father Tall Lincoln (trans, into Span., "alto Lincoln") Tall man from the West Tallest of all from the West Te Abraham Tender-hearted, The Titan of freedom Toiler Tottering form Traitor Lincoln Traitorous Lincoln Treacherous chief Treason's masterpiece True representative of this continent Truly great Tu hombre que la vencido (Span.) Tycoon Type of American genius Tyrant Tyrant Lincoln Typical American Unassuming woodsman's son Uncle Abe Uncle Abra'm 36 Sandburg, Carl Cruikshanks, Rev. James Hart, F. M. Carter, M. D. Coonley, L. M. WC Clark, T. C. Bayne, J. T. Benet,S. V. Bungay, G. W. Bungay, G. W. NYM RPB Bolton, H. W. Langdon, W. C. Deland, C. V. Ballard, H. C. B. (Ridgely, N. G.) RP FWS p. 94 Julien, pseud. Vanderhoff, George Emerson, R. W. Dale, VV. P. Coronado, C. P. Hay & Nicolai Blanchard, Rufus MacCarthy, Harry CB RP Brooks, Phillips Bell, J. M. Hawthorne, Nathaniel French, D. A. Uncle Abraham Uncle Aby Uncommon commoner Uncrowned king Unfathomed Lincoln Unknown, The Unschooled scholar Un figlio del populo (Span.) Un grand Americain (Ft.) Un homme du peuple (Fr.) Union Saver Union's Savior Usurper "Valiant for truth" Valiant shepherd Very Christ Very good man Very normal man Veteran chieftain Victorious, The Voice from the wilderness Volksmann (Ger.) Warrior of the wild heart Western country lawyer Western man in the White House Western prairie pioneer Western star Wet nurse Wiedersteller de Nordamerikanischen Union Wisest of statesmen 37 CWB RPB Hanby,B. R. Cooke, E. V. Hosmer, F. L. Sandburg, Carl Carnegie, Dale Cooke, E. V. Mondadori, A. Monod, Eugene Moras, Aug. Bungay, G. W. Dunn, S. R. Julien, pseud. Lodge, H. C. Auslander, Joseph M'Kie, Radcliffe 0., E. C. H. MH Wilson, Woodrow Nichol, R. B. RPB Bird, M. B. Sumner, Charles Conrad, C. F> Loveland, Roelif Roosevelt, Theodore Schurz, Carl DYM p. 13 Backman, Charles Silsbee, Sam Grube, A. M. Foster, Charles Woodchopper of the Sangamo (sic) Wood-chopper of the West Woodsman World emancipator World light World's greatest commoner World's greatest martyr World's Lincoln World's noblest hero Yankee 'coon Yankee despot Yankee Doodle Yankee President Yankee juggernaut Young poet, Abraham Lincoln loon van den Pionier (Dut.) WAV p. 23 Bungay, G. W. Pratt, F. E. Drinkwater, John Ross, R. E. Arthur, S. J. Backman, Charles Drinkwater, John Fisher, H. M. WLP p. 45 Degarre, Henry HRS p. 10 Spenser, E. Kentucky, pseud. Gernon, B. B. Zwart, A. A. C. de 38 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 973.7L63B3G14L C001 LINCOLN NAMES AND EPITHETS. BOST 3 0112 031796607