LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN XSHaY C.oO.% /n^j^ T HO^^ >"^ Report No . 382 ^' PARALIxEL SIMULATION OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS ■by Chiyozi Tanaka April 30, 1970 ILLIAC rV Document No. 211 Report No. 382 PARALLEL SIMULATION OF DIGITAL SYSTMS* Chiyozi Tanaka April 30, 1970 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urb ana- Champaign Urbana^ Illinois 618OI -X- This work was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency as administered by the Rome Air Development Center under Contract No. USAF 30(602)-Ul44 and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science^ January 1970- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 11 ABSTRACT The paper describes the method used to generate the parallel simulator developed for the ILLIAC IV Project, University of Illinois. The basic approach to achieve an efficient simulator system is parallel logic simulation, package-level simulation, the use of a high level language (ALGOL) and a flexible simulation control language (TESLA)- This paper analyzes the problems associated with the ideas and gives the algorithms used to generate the simulator. Emphasis is placed on the algorithms and the implementation of the simulator generator system. Ill ACKNOWIJ]D(MENT The author would like to express his deep appreciation to Professor Kenji Naemura for his guidance and many helpful suggestions in the writing of this thesis. Also, many thanks to Mr. Arthur B. Carroll and to Mr. Luther C. Abel for their advice and criticisms. The author is also indebted to his co-worker, Prathima A. Agrawal, who wrote part of the programs of the system. Thanks are also extended to the Diagnostic Group personnel for their helpful discussions. Furthermore, many thanks go to Mrs. Kay Flessner, who did such a fine job of typing this thesis. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. CONSIDEE^TION OF A SIMULATOR DESIGN 1+ 3. ORGANIZATION 10 3.1 Simulator Generator Group 10 3.2 Simulator 11 3-3 Result Display Group 12 3.^ Simulator Control Language 12 h. ALGORITHMS FOR THE SIMULATOR BODY GENERATOR I7 4.1 Definitions I7 k.2 Level Assignment I9 4.2.1 Level Assignment for a Link Graph I9 4.2.2 Determination of All Nodes Bounded by- Maximal Strongly Connected Subgraphs 24 4.2.3 Level Assignment for Any Graph 24 4.3 Loop Detection 26 4.3-1 Determination of R Matrix 26 4. 3 '2 Determination of Maximal Strongly Connected Subgraphs 28 4.4 Ordering 33 4.4.1 Determination of the Longest Paths in a Graph [6] . . .36 4.4.2 An Algorithm to Find the Longest Paths 39 4.5 Algorithm for Generating the Simulator Body 4l V Page 5. SIMULATION CONTROL LANGUAGE (lESLA) ^8 5.1 Declaration kQ 5.1.1 Program kQ 5.1.2 Declarations kQ 5.2 Control Statement 50 5.2.1 Input Control Statements 50 5.2.2 Storage Element Control Statements 50 5.2.3 Output Control Statements 51 5.3 A Sample Program 52 6. SIMULATOR CONTROLLER 56 7. IMPLEMENTATION 58 7.1 TESLA Compiler 58 7.2 Simulator Generator Group 58 7.3 Simulator 62 7.4 Result Display Program 62 8. CONCLUSION 6k APPENDIX A A Sample Update Listing of CUBC/UPDATE 66 B A Sample Signal Sort Listing of CUBD/WEDTRl 67 C Listings of CUBD/WEDTR2 69 D Listings of CUBD/LEVELER 7!+ E Listings of CUBD/REDUCE 78 F Listings of CUBD/HSKEEP 80 G Listings of CUBD/SIMGEN 81+ H A Sample Output Listing of /SIMULA ' . 86 LIST OF REFERENCES . . . .' 9I VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. General Flow of Logic Simulator System ik 2. Flow of Simulator Generator System 1^ 3' The Fionction of Simulator l6 k. An Example of Ascending Level Assignment 22 5- Level Assignment of Any Directed Graph 25 6. An Example of the Determination of Maximal Strongly Connected Graphs in G 29 7- An Example of Node Ordering and its Logical Connections .... 3!^ 8. The Modified Order and Its Logical Connections 35 9' An Example of the Determination of the Longest Paths 38 10. An Example of a Graph for the Simulator Body Generator i+3 11. Extracted Graph Bounded by Loops kk 12. Condensed Graph of the Example k6 13' An Example of TESLA Program 5^ lU. A Sample Format of TESLA Object Command 57 15- Program System of Simulator 63 1. INTRODUCTION The introduction of integrated circuitry and large scale integration is changing the trend in logical design and simulation of computers [4], Elec- trical and mechanical limitations on semiconductor and packaging technology place significant restrictions on logic design and the partitioning and logic design must be an iterative process to arrive at a completed design. Because of the nature of the fabrication, the logic of a machine must be described in several levels such as a) the logic in an IC package, b) the interconnection of IC's within a printed circuit board (on which 20 ~ 150 IC packages can be mounted in general), c) the connection among printed circuit boards within one section, d) the connection among sections. From the view of the manufacturing processes, the logic in an IC package or printed circuit wiring on a printed circuit board cannot be changed as easily as the discreetly wired connection within a section; therefore, de- bugging an original design before the design is committed to hardware is being increasingly emphasized. Additionally, as the design of computers has become more complicated and more sophisticated, it has become almost impossible for a designer to design an error-free computer without the assistance of some tool to examine his design. One of the purposes of the logic simulator system is to provide the designer with more inmiediate design help by which he can exercise ample test programs on his logic and obtain detailed information to determine if his design is correct. After the logic design is debugged, the machine will be constructed and checkout of the machine follows. In this stage, failure detection or iso-^- lation of faulty components is required. The simulator can be used not only for debugging the logic of a com- puter, but also for the generation of diagnostic test patterns, i.e., if the simulator is modified so that a description of failiires of each element is in- corporated in the simulator, it can calculate the output pattern for a certain failure (fault insertion) and certain input pattern; and if this output pattern is different from the correct output pattern, which is calculated by the orig- inal (correct) simulator, then the input pattern which produced these outputs, can detect the above failure. Thus, if the simulator is modified so as to simulate failures in the logic, the simulator can be used to generate fault detection tests [9]. In order to generate fault test patterns, the simulator must basically be executed for each failure by applying input patterns until some input pattern detects a given failure. In general as the input patterns are randomly chosen, the simulator must be executed many times to find the patterns for all possible failures. For this purpose, the speed of execution of the simulator is very important. Many efforts in the field of logic simulation have already been made. The most frequently used technique for a logical simulation is a so- called gate -level simulation, which means that a set of logical equations is compiled into a string of executable computer instructions and the simulation is accomplished by executing the resulting program a given number of clock times. However, the disadvantage of the gate level logic simulator is that regardless of mechanical organization of the logic, the logical equations of the whole machine to be simulated must be specified in one single description to the simulator; therefore, if a machine is too big to be simulated at one time, the logical designer must partition the whole system into several blocks by hand and write all the equations for each block, which in turn causes extra work and less accuracy of logic debugging. In this paper, a simulator system is presented which is generated from the interconnection list (wire list) and preserves the mechanical organization of the logic. Although it is necessary to have several simulators of various levels, such as a printed circuit board simulator, a section simulator and a machine simulator, only the printed circuit board simulator is described, which is used extensively for ILLIAC IV printed circuit board debugging and test pattern generation, because the other simulators are designed in the same way. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A SIMQLATOR DESIGN The requirements for a simulator should vary according to the organ- ization and the fabrication of a computer. Desirable specifications for a logic simulator including fault test generation can be described as follows: l) The construction of the simulator should conform as closely as possible to mechanical organization of the logic. The logical description of a computer will be partitioned to IC package^ printed circuit board, section and system, and the only available information from the design process will be the logic description of IC packages, the connection list within a printed circuit board, the connection list within one section and the connection list among sections within a system. Therefore, the logic equations of a whole system will not necessarily be produced for the production process. From this point of view, it is desirable to design a logic simulator which requires as input a description of the IC packages used in the design and the wire-list. In addition, once a basic simulator - a printed circuit board simulator - is designed, it is desirable to construct the other simulators using the same procedures as the basic simulator by just collecting each printed circuit board simulators. 2) The simulator should be easily updated. The logic internal to an IC package may not be changed as easily as the connections on a board (during the design phase) or the backplane connections among boards. The con- struction of the logic simulator should have the same nature. It is desirable that any change in design may be reflected in different ways in the simulator; therefore, the simulator can be much more easily updated if those different connections can be distinguished one from the others. 3) The logic described in the simulator should be easily under- standable to a designer. In general logic debugging may be done by reviewing logical equations and/or logic diagram. If the simulator gives a designer a complete set of logical equations, the designer can directly work with the simulator to find input patterns for the simulator or to debug his logic and to change the logic. h) Failure insertion to the simulator should be achieved with minimum effort. After completion of logic debugging, the simulator will be used for generation of failure detection tests. This is achieved by inserting additional information for each element which specifies the failure modes of the elements into the simulator; therefore, this modification should be as easily as possible. 5) The speed of the simulator should be fast. One of the most important points for a simulator is how fast the simulator is. Since a computer performs Boolean operations on full data words, it is possible to associate a different test case with each bit in one word. Those test cases in one word will then be calculated in parallel; there- fore, the effective speed of the simulation will be increased as many times as the number of usable bits of one word. In order to accomplish those objectives, four major ideas are em- ployed in the simulation system. They are parallel processing logic simula- tion, package-level simulation, the use of a high level language (ALGOL) and a flexible simulation control language called TESLA (TEst Simulator LAnguage). Package level simulation is similar to gate-level simulation. How- ever, input data to the simulator generator is a logic description of each IC package and the connections between those IC packages in the case of a printed circuit board simulator, therefore, the designer need not write all the Boo- lean equations for input to the simulator. If the wirelist and the logic description of the IC packages are correct, the simulator can be generated automatically. The idea of package-level simulation is that the logic of each IC package is described in one subroutine and the simulator body which means the simulator program without its control program for controlling it or com- municating with its user is a well-ordered sequence of subroutine call state- *The computer used for this simulation system is Burroughs -5500. One word consists of U8 bits and k'J bits are usable. Hence, ^7 different test cases can be evaluated in parallel by this system. merits and the associated parameters correspond to the signals among those IC packages. Hence, only the logic of a package is described by a set of Boolean equations. This technique can be easily utilized to a section simulator in which one subroutine described the logic on one printed circuit board and the simu- lator body is again a sequence of subroutine calls and the parameters correspond to the interface signals between those printed circuit boards. Therefore, it is advantageous to use a high level language so that a subroutine can define the connection between packages. Besides, the logic of the simulator is more easily understood when written as a single high-level language statement rather than a series of assembly code statements. To modify the simulator to permit failure insertion, it is then only necessary to modify the sets of logic equa- tions which describe the logic of each IC package type. This approach, however, gives rise to several problems to be solved as follows : 1) How to order the packages involved in loops. 2) To which level to assign packages containing storage elements. 3) The requirements for parallel processing. k) How to obtain better efficiency of the simulation. The subroutine calls must be ordered properly so that the propaga- tion of control and data signals can be followed. The order is defined by the assigned levels and the simulation of packages is executed in accordance with the levels. However, as the assignment of levels is not originated from the logic equations of packages but from the wiring between packages, there may exist loops for which the level cannot be assigned. This loop means that the input to some package is dependent on the outputs from a previous package whose input is in turn dependent on the outputs of the package before that and so on until the package whose inputs are dependent on the output of the original pack- age, assuming that there is no logical loop but a physical loop. For the first problem, since the level cannot be assigned to those packages, one level is assigned to a set of looped packages and the simulation is performed iteratively for these packages until all of the logical values within the loop have sta- bilized. The second problem can be solved by duplicating a storage package into two nodes. Since this simulator evaluates logic at one clock time and the out- put of a storage element does not change its value during the period and its input value is transferred to its output only at the end of one clock time simulation; hence it can be divided into two parts; the output part having no incoming signal and the input part having no outgoing signal. If a storage package is thus partitioned, the level of the output part is assigned to the first level and the level of the input part to the last level. For the third problem, each signal occupies one word whose bits correspond to test cases. Binary Boolean operations are executed on full word on the Burroughs -5500, but if the Boolean value of one word is interro- gated, only the forty- seventh bit is evaluated; and if this bit is locial one, its entire value is true and otherwise false. Therefore, if tests of entire Boolean values are required, such as the stabilization test, comparison with each bit in a word should be made. The other case is when a signal is always a constant value, such as a constant voltage connected to a pin. If logical one is assigned to some signals, this corresponding signal should be filled with all ones instead of being assigned with true, in which case only the forty- seventh bit is set to one. Therefore, arithmetic expressions are used instead of Boolean. In order to obtain better efficiency, several improvements can be considered. As already stated, the package level simulation is based on a sequence of subroutine calls, however, the linkage of those subroutine will take considerable time. Hence, instead of generating the subroutine calls, it is more efficient to generate a sequence of sets of logical equations ex- plicitly, in which case each pin of a package is replaced by a signal name. The second point of the improvement is that if the loop consists of many packages, the efficiency of the simulation - how fast the values of looped packages will stabilize - depends on the order of the packages within a loop. The efficient iterative order of simulation of the packages is along the longest path within the loop which does not pass through any package twice. The third improvement is that if there are more than one independent loops within unassigned packages, more efficient simulation can be obtained by assigning each loop to a different level although the original level assign- ment program may assign those independent loops to the same level in order to minimize the number of packages within a program loop. However, the second and third improvements are not implemented in the current system because the number of looped package is so few that significant advantages cannot be achieved. The level assignment, loop detection and ordering algorithms are described in the following section in detail. 10 3. ORGANIZATION The logic simulator system consists of four major groups of programs: the simulator generator group, the simulator itself, the result display group and simulator control language compiler. The general flow of this system is shown in Figure 1. [l] 3.1 Simulator Generator Group The input to this group is a wirelist which describes package inter- connections and descriptions of each IC package used on printed circuit board. First, the wirelist is edited so that it contains only logical signals for the simulation and is updated if necessary, and each signal is classified to input, output and internal signal with respect to the connector of a board so that these signals may belong to proper corresponding arrays in the simulator. Then a representation of the board in the form of a directed graph is produced; in which a node of the graph corresponds to each IC package and an arc of the graph to connections from a package's output to another package's input. Be- fore generating the directed graph, a package of storage element is split into two nodes, one corresponding to the package's output and the other to the pack- age ' s input . During these processes signal sort listing and pin sort listing are generated; and if there are errors in the wirelist, error messages are printed for reference to a designer. The directed graph representation is used for input to the level assignment program. Ascending and descending level assignment are carried out as far as possible. The remaining nodes will be either members of loops or 11 bounded by loops. For those remaining nodes, loop detection Is carried out and each loop is replaced by a pseudo node. Once all loops are replaced by pseudo node, no loop exists in this subgraph of the remaining nodes, therefore, level assignment is again carried out for this subgraph so that all packages and pseudo-nodes are assigned to proper level. Each loop is examined to be ordered for efficient simulation and then the final determination of the order of simulation is made. With this output in which each package is ordered properly for the correct and efficient simulation and signal array list gen- erated by the first part of this group, ALGOL codes are generated to simulate the logical function of each IC package associated with the node. • In case of looped packages, before generating sets of Boolean equa- tions a program loop statements and stability test statements are added. The variables used in these Boolean equations are the simulation variables asso- ciated with the signals connected to those packages. Those sets of logical equations in ALGOL coding called the simulator body is merged with manually prepared simulator control program called "head and tail, " and a complete simulator program will be produced automatically. The flow of this group is shown in Flg-ure 2. 3.2 Simulator The simulator consists of three major sections: the simulator head, the simulator body, and the simulator tail. The simulator body consists of properly ordered sets of logical equations which describe the function of all packages within a printed circuit board generated by the simulator body generator group whose function is that given inputs to a board and the states of all storage elements on the board 12 at any particular time, the simulator body will calculate the outputs from the hoard and the next states of all storage elements. The simulator head consists of control routines which pass interface signal values and storage element states to the simulator body and translate various control commands generated by the TESLA compiler to control the execu- tion of the simulation with a given set of signal values. The simulator tail governs the creation of an output file which con- tains the simulation results and also controls the simulation such as the ter- mination and, in conjunction with the simulator head, controls looping or iteration through the simulator in simulation of sequential clock pulses. The function of the simulator is shown in Figure 3- 3.3 Result Display Group The result display program processes the simulation result file and decompose this parallel simulation output to the output of each test case. The outputs are then edited and printed in a desired form which is specified by the print commands of the simulator control language. 3.^ Simulator Control Language To permit a designer to utilize the full range of simulation capa- bilities, a simple simulator control language ('TESLA) is used for various control of the simulation. TESLA is fundamentally an assembler-like language. Statements in the language consist of declarations and test steps. Declara- tions are used to associate lists of interface and storage signal names with single identifiers (internally array elements), and similarly to associate bit patterns with identifiers. 13 A Test Step is defined to be the simulation of one clock interval. During a test step the following actions will occur in the order indicated, a) Adjust the input values and storage element contents; h) Simulate the action of the combinational logic during the interval; c) Store the output values and next storage element states. For the control of these actions, a test step with respect to TESLA consists of a step label followed by a series of input, storage element and output control statements. One prominent feature of this language is that a declaration or a statement can specify simultaneous generation and control of many simulations. The further description of the language is described in Section 5- Ik / INPUT WIRELIST a IC PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TESLA COMPILER I SIMULATOR BODY GENERATOR SIMULATOR I RESULTS DISPLAY I SIMULATION RESULTS Figure 1. General Flow of Logic Simulator System. 15 WIRELIST AND SIGNAL ARRAYS ORDER OF SIMULATION ORDER OF SIMULATION LOGIC PACKAGE DESCRIPTION SIMULATOR BODY GENERATOR SIMULATOR PARAMETERS MERGE (simulator j SIMULATOR HEAD a TAIL Figure 2. Flow of Simulator Generator System. 16 NO CHANGE STORE n 1 r -DATA- •ZERO NO CHANGE — PRESET — I CLEAR INPUT CONTROL 'IL II II TRANSFER STORAGE CONTROL INPUT ARRAY INTERNAL ARRAY STORAGE STATE COMMENT LEVEL =0 A029 (DIL008) c [092] •-NOT (c [093] "•— [1 e] ) ; 0q[i6] ■•— (C[095] AND c[o9l]) OR (c[090] OR q[i6]); b[04o]*-NOT (b[04|] -•— q[|7]); 0q[|7] *— (C[095] AND c[09l])0R (c[o9o] OR o[l7]); COMMENT LEVELS AI02 (DIL022) c[026]*-N0T (C[025] <•— (a[033] AND a[03o] AND VTRUE)); c[0l4]-«— NOT(0EMPTY ♦- (a[030] AND VTRUE AND VTRUE)); COMMENT LEVEL = 100 A066 (DIL008) 0EMPTY «— NOT (b[085]— q[|0]); Qq[|0] ••— (a[0I5] AND c[l65]) OR (c[l64] AND q[io]); tr o ^^ 1 o (?) I Figure 3* The Function of Simulator. 17 h. ALGORITHMS FOR THE SMUMTOR BODY GENERATOR The problems of level assignment, loop detection and the ordering can be clearly defined in term of directed graph [3]^ [5]^ C?]^ [8]. In order to convert from a wirelist to the graph, the wlrelist must be changed to a directed branch list in which a node in the graph corresponds to a package and a directed branch to a connection between packages so that there is no parallel lines between any two nodes since parallel lines cannot be distinguished from each other in a graph. The following definitions are necessary to establish those algo- rithms: k.l Definitions A directed graph is a set of nodes connected by directed branches. A path is a sequence of directed branches connected in series between two nodes without passing a node twice. A loop is a sequence of nodes such that a path exists from a node to Itself. Node j is said to be reachable from node 1 if there Is at least one directed path from node 1 to node j. A subgraph of a given graph is defined as a subset of nodes with all branches between these nodes retained. A graph consisting of a set of nodes and branches is said to be strongly connected if and only if any nodes are reachable from any others. The maximal strongly connected subgraph is a strongly connected subgraph which includes all possible nodes which are strongly connected with each other. A link graph is a graph which has no loops. Mathematical definition of a graph can be stated as follows: 18 A graph, which is denoted by G = (X, P) is the pair consisting of the set X of nodes and the function P on X. If x and y are two nodes such that Y e P X, they are joined by a branch pointing from x to y. The following oper- ations of P are defined: i) P^ X = P (P x) p" X = P (P^""^ x) = P P P X li) The transitive closure of P is a function P defined by rx={x} U{Px} U{P^x} UfP^x} U P "" X = { X } U {P X } U (P^ X ) U U [P"" X } iii) The inverse of P is a function defined by r'"'" y = { X I y G P X } If B is a subset of X in a given graph G = (X, P) r"''"B= [x|PxnB+(p) A graph can also be represented by a square matrix of order n, where n is the number of nodes iv) An adjacency matrix A(G) of a graph G is defined by 19 A(G) = [a ] a. . = r 1 if X. G r X. IJ / J 1 if X * r X. ,1 ^ 1 v) A reachability matrix R(g) of a graph G which indicates whether node x. is reachable from node x. is defined bv 3 X ■^ R(G) = = f^io-l 7 ij r if X. € r X. J 1 lo if X i r X. 3 ^ 1 I L 4.2 Level Assignment 4.2.1 Level Assignment for a Link Graph The level assignment is to assign integer values to the nodes of a link graph G. The graph G has an ascending level assigranent, and the in- tegers are levels if for each branch (a., a.)* (a- ^ T a.) in G the correspond- ing integers satisfy n., n. . The assignment of levels to a given link graph is defined by the following : Let X be a set of all nodes in a link graph G. Let a. (i = 1, 2, ... p) be the node of the graph G. 20 a) Ascending level assignment i) The set A(0) of level zero nodes is defined "by A(0) = { a. I r"^ a. = cp ) ii) The set A(n) of level n nodes is defined by A(n) = { a. I r'"- a. c U A(j)} j=o b) Descending level assignment i) The set D(0) of level zero nodes is defined by D(0) = { a^ I r a^ = op} ii) The set D(n) of level n nodes is defined by n-1 D(n) = { a. I r a. ^ U D( j)} From these definitions the following theorem results: Theorem 1 . The following properties of a directed graph G are equivalent. (1) G has no strongly connected subgraph, i.e., a link graph. (2) It is possible to order the nodes of G so that its adjacency matrix is upper triangular. (3) It is possible to assign levels n. to the node a. in such a way that if a. e P a. in G, then n. > n.. (This assignment is of ascending order and the same argument is also true for descending level assignment.) Proof: (1) - (2) Since G has no strongly connected subgraph, there exists at least one node which has no incoming branches. Let those nodes be A(0). 21 If B is a subset of the nodes of G^ we define G-B as the subgraph obtained by deleting the nodes of B and all branches of the graph originating in B. . Since G has no strongly connected subgraph, G - A(0) also has no strongly connected subgraph, therefore G - A(0) also has at least one node which has no incoming branches. Let those nodes be A(l). By continuing the process, all nodes of G can be partitioned to one of A(i). With the nodes of G ordered in this way, let A(g) = [^. .] be its adjacency matrix. Since by the construction of this matrix, there is no branch from a node of A(i) to a node of A(j) in G if i > j. Hence the corresponding entry a. . =0. -'-J (2) - (3) Suppose the nodes of A(G) have been ordered so that A(G) is upper triangular. A(i) can be assigned to level i since a. . = o if i > j , i.e. , there is no branch from a node of one level to one of a lower level. (3) - (1) If G satisfies (3)^ then all nodes in G must be assigned levels. However, suppose there is a strongly connected subgraph in G and let the mem- ber of the node be ^2_' ^2' "' \' ^^ - ^^ Then a. e T a, and a € r a. (i, k=l, 2, . . . n) and n. > n^ and n. < n, which contradicts (3) therefore G has no strongly connected subgraph. This completes the proof of theorem 1. Example 1. Ascending level assignment of Figure k. 22 Figure h. An Example of Ascending Level Assignment 23 A(g) = a. h ^2 ^3 % S % ^ 10 10 110 10 1 10 10 1 Using above mentioned process, A(G) can be rearranged as the following ; A(G) = a 2 % ^3 3-]_ ^■ir 3-2 ^g ^[|. ^O ^ 110 10 110 10 1 11 21+ From this matrix, A(0) = C a^, a^ ) A(l) = { a^, a^ ) A(2) = { a^ ) A(3) = { a^, a^ } 4.2.2 Determination of All Nodes Bounded by Maximal Strongly Connected Subgraphs . From the definition of ascending and descending level assignment, the set L of nodes which are bounded by maximal strongly connected subgraph is obtained by n m LC X - U A(i) U U D(i)) i=o i=o where n and m are the largest level in ascending and descending level respectively. 4.2.3 Level Assignment for Any Graph In general, a directed graph may have some strongly connected sub- graphs and some nodes may be bounded by strongly connected subgraphs. In this case, as stated in Section 4.2.2, the levels cannot be assigned to these nodes. However, the idea of the level assignment can be generalized from link graph to all directed graph. Theorem 2 . Every node in any directed graph can be assigned a level if the nodes of a maximal strongly connected subgraph are all assigned the same level. 25 Proof: If the nodes of maximal strongly connected subgraph are assigned the same level^ these nodes can be treated as one node. When this is done_, the resulting condensed graph has no loops; therefore all nodes can be assigned to a level by the definition of the level assignment. Example 2. Level assignment of any Directed Graph. (a) Example of a directed graph having maximal strongly con- nected subgraph. 8 (18) 5 (b) The condensed graph of the example . Figiire 5- Level Assignment of Any Directed Graph 26 In Figure 5a, nodes 9, 10, 11 and nodes 1^^-, 15 constitute maximal strongly connected subgraphs and nodes 12 and 13 are bounded by these maximal strongly connected subgraphs. In the corresponding condensed graph, the first maximal strongly connected subgraph is replaced by the node L and the second by L . Those represented by double circles is shown in Figure 5b, in which the integer next to a node represents level. Figure 5a shows the com- plete ascending level assignment derived from Figure 5b. k.3 Loop Detection In order to assign the levels for any directed graph, it is necessary to condense the graph to a link graph. The condensation can be achieved after maximal strongly connected subgraphs are detected. Determination of these subgraph can be made from using the reachability matrix. ^.3.1 Determination of R matrix Theorem 3 . The Reachability matrix is described by the following recursion relationships: R^(G) = A(G) R^(G) = (A(G) X R^_^ (G)) U R^_^ (G) R(G) = Rp(G) n = 2, 3, .... p. where p is the number of nodes in a graph G. Multiplication and inclusive or in Theorem 3 is defined by the fol- lowing formula, where X and Y are matrices of order n. X X Y = [X. .] X [y. .] = [y^^ x.^ . y^.] XUY = [x,.]U[y,.] = [X,. uy ] 27 Proof: The proof of Theorem 3 is divided into two parts. The first is to show that the equation represents a process for obtaining the reach- ability matrix. The second is that the number of repetitions, p, is a sufficient condition for obtaining the reachability matrix. Part 1. The recursion formula can also be represented by R (G) = A U A U A^ U U A^ P Since A 2 [a.. ] = [Ua . a], element a . . =1 ij _-, ik k j ■ k=l ij if there is at least one path of length 2 from a. to a. i.e., (2) ij if a. € r^ ) : if a. G r a. Therefore, A represents a matrix whose elements a. . indicate whether or not there is at least one path of length n from a. to a. depending upon whether a. . = 1 or a. . =0, respectively. J -'-J -Q -"-J Hence, the element of 7. . of R(G) = U A. is 1 if and only if i=l there exists at least one path of length equal to or less than p from a . to a . . 1 J Part 2. Whenever a. is reachable from a. in a given graph with p nodes, J there must be a path of length at most p from a. to a.. 1 J 28 In other words, since there are only p nodes available, any path cannot be of length greater than p, thus proving the theorem. From the Theorem 3, the following corollary is obtained: Corollary 1. Let k be the minim-um value of n such that R (G) = R ^ (G) for n < p with p nodes graph. Then n n-1 — \ (G) = R(G). ^^oof: If the length of all possible paths is less than or equal to k in graph G, R^(G) includes all possible paths. Hence A(G) X R^^ (G) = R^ (g) \+l(G) - \ U (A(G) X R^(G)) = R^(G)U R^(G) = R^(G) = R(g) 4.3.2 Determination of Maximal Strongly Connected Subgraphs By definition, a maximal strongly connected subgraph is a subgraph with the maximal nodes which are mutually reachable. Hence the following theorems follow: T Theorem k . If an element s. . of the elementwise product R(G) . R (G) is 1, nodes a. and a. are members of a strongly connected subgraph. J T Proof: The elementwise product of R(G) . R (G) is defined by: S(G) = R(G) . R^(G) = [7..] • [7..] = [7.. • 7..1 -L J J -1- -L J J -L This equation means that an element s. . of S(G) is 1, if a. is -'-J J reachable from a. and a. is reachable from a.. 11 J 29 Theorem 3 . S(G ) is symmetric. This is clear from the definition of S(G). Theorem 6 « In the S matrix, if a diagonal element is non-zero, then the cor- responding node is a member of a loop. The maximal loop, which is equivalent to the set of nodes of a maximal strongly connected sub- graph, can be obtained from all distinct non-zero elements in a row. Proof: If a diagonal element s. . of the S matrix is 1, then the cor- 11 responding node is a member of a loop since there exists a path from node a. to a.. The members of a maximal strongly connected subgraph are those nodes whose corresponding elements in S(g) are 1. th If S. . =1, non-zero elements in the i row must have a path both to and from node a., while no such path-pair exists for zero elements. Hence, all distinct non-zero elements in a row constitute a maximal strongly connected graph. Example 3» Determination of a maximal strongly connected graph. A(G) = y 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8. 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 k 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 8 ^ 0. Figure 6. An Example of the Determination of Maximal Strongly Connected Graphs in G 30 A (g) = A(g) X A(g) = R^Cg) = A(G) U A^(G) = 1 2 3 k 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 123^5678 00101110 00010110 01000100 00101011 00000111 00000101 00000011 00000000 123^+5678 01101110 00111110 01010101 01101111 00000111 00000111 00000111 00000000 / a^(g) = A(G) X a(g) X a(g) = 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 123^5678 00010111 01000111 00101011 00010111 00000111 00000011 00000111 00000000 31 R^Cg) = a3(G)UR2(G) = R^(G) = R(G) = 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 123^5678 01111111 01111111 01111111 01111111 00000111 00000111 00000111 00000000 32 o o Ci EH m 1 CO o o o o o o o O O O H r-i H o o O O o rH rH H o o O O o H H r-i o iH r-\ iH H rH rH r-i o H H rH r-i rH r-i r-i o H rH rH r-i rH r-i H o rH rH rH rH r-i r-i / 1 r^ rH rH H r-i r-i H o r-i H rH rH H rH H o r-i H H r-i rH H rH o r-i rH rH r-\ O O O o rH H r-i r-i O O O o H rH rH r-i O o O o H H rH H O o O o o o o o o o o / \ CO o o o o O o o o I-- o o o o O rH ,-i o vO o o o o o r-i r-i o u-\ o o o o o O o o J- o r-i H r-i O o o o ro o H r-i rA O o o o OJ o rH r-i rH o o o o rH O \ H O O O O O O OJ en -d- Lpv vD IT— CO OJ OO J- UA ^D [--CO 0) -d o fl V si -p V) o 03 ■P 03 •H W c3 o o a; a o 5 rH o -p w 03 •P 03 •H K rH S IH 0) o -p 0) -p K) nzi CC H Xi o 4:5 1 w 00 . 1 13 Ik 2 21 23 2k 3 31 35 k k2 43 45 5 54 / P^^^(G) = P^^^(G) X P^°\'g) 1 2 3 4 5 y 135 N 1 l42 l43 145 2 231 213 243 2l4 ai4 235 245 3 421 354 4 Ml 423 435 5 542 5^3 / P^3)(G) = p(2)(G) ^ p(0)(G) ^ / 1 2 3 4 5 V 1 1423 1354 1435 2 2431 2143 231-^ 2354 a?^ 3 3142 3542 3145 4 4231 4213 4235 5 5421 5^31 5423 39 p(^)(G) P^3)(G) ^ p(°)(G) 1 2 135^2 3 k 5 1U235 2135^^ 21U35 231^5 35^21 U2135 5^231 !)U213 In this example^ nine longest paths can be obtained; they are 135^12, 1^235, 2135^, 2lif35, 231^5, 35^21, 1^2135, 5^231, 5^213. Although this method is quite clear, it is not suitable for a com- puter. From this idea, however, a suitable algorithm for a computer can be obtained. h.h.2. An Algorithm to Find the Longest Paths . An algorithm suitable for a computer can be stated as follows, assuming that each node is represented by a distinct integer: Step 1. Step 2. Establish P*^°''(G) matrix. Construct a table of paths of length 1 so that each path row is in numerical order. Step 3« Execute the following procedure for each row of the table. Examine each element from the row of P (G) which corresponds to the right- most integer of a path. For all non-zero elements in the P^°'^(G) 1+0 matrix, compare the value of the element with each integer of the path, and if the value does not agree with any of the elements of the path, put it into the next colimm of the path. If another path can he found, place the entire new path in the empty row of the table. If, however, the matrix value already appears in the path, then cross out that path. Step k. Repeat Step 3 until all rows are crossed out or the number of iterations becomes equal to the number of nodes in a given graph minus one. Step 5- If the termination is made by all rows crossed out, extract those paths which were crossed out at the last iteration. If the ter- mination is made without all rows crossed out, extract paths which were not crossed out. These paths are the longest ones. Using this algorithm, the previous example can be solved as follows Example 5- 1 2 3 h 5 < 1 3 k 2 1 3 k t'^U) = 3 1 5 k 2 3 5 5 k PATH TABLE Paths of Leng th 1 2 3 k 21 3 5 k 31 k 2 X h2 ' 1 3 5 13 5 k 2 23 1 k 5 h3 1 X Ik 2 3 5 2h 3 1 X 5^ 2 1 3 35 k 2 1 i^5 X 21 k 3 5 h2. 3 1 X 23 5 k X h-i 5 X \h 3 5 X \h 5 X 2k 5 X ^k 3 1 X 31 k 5 X 2k 3 5 X 5k 2 3 1 21 k 5 X k2 3 5 X i^l From the table, the longest paths are: 2135^, ^2135, 135^2, 231^5, 1^235, 5^213, 35^21, 21^^35, and 5^231. Those are the same as in Example h. ^,5 Algorithm for Generating the Simulator Body The algorithm for generating the simulator body, which consists primarily of level assignment, loop detection and longest paths determination is defined by the following steps. Before starting from Step 1, it is assimied that the wirelist has been converted to a graph description, i.e., a branch list is provided. Step 1. Assign levels to packages in an ascending order as far as possible. Step 2. Assign levels to packages in a descending order as far as possible. Step 3. Extract the unassigned packages (these are bounded by loops). Step h. Construct the adjacency matrix for the packages extracted above. Step 5- Get the reachability matrix. Step 6. Get S matrix and determine all maximal strongly connected subgraphs. Step 7« Get the longest path in each maximal strongly connected subgraph and get a sequence of packages so that the first package of the sequence has inputs fron outside of the loop. Step 8. Get the condensed graph, in which the packages of maximal strongly connected subgraphs are represented by one pseudo -package so that the modified graph has no loops. Step 9* Assign a level to each package in the condensed graph in ascending order. Step 10. Expand the pseudo -packages to the original ones using the sequence obtained in Step 7 and reassign a level to all packages in an as- cending order such that i) The level of packages which were assigned by Step 1 are less than the levels of looped packages. k2 ii) The levels of loop packages are less than the level of the packages which were assigned in Step 2. Step 11 Using the sequence obtained above, generate a set of logical equations for each package by the following rules: i) Referring to the levels assigned to the packages and to the connection list, generate sets of logic equations whose in- dependent variables are elements corresponding to signals in the connection list. ii) For a storage package of the first level, generate only equations which correspond to the output part. iii) For a storage package of the last level, generate only equations which correspond to the input part. iv) For each loop, add program loop statements and statements which test for stability by recognizing stabilized output values from the equations. i^3 One example of these steps is shown in Example 6. Example 6. Step 1 . Ascending level assignment. level nodes 1. 2, 3, h 1 5, 6 2 8 3 7 k 10 5 20 6 21 7 27 Step 2 . Descending level assignment level nodes 27, 28, 29, 30 1 26 2 2l+, 25 3 21, 22, 23 k 20 Figure 10. An Example of a Graph for the Simulator Body Generator. kk step 3- Extracted nodes are shown in Figure 11. A(G) Step k . Adjacency Matrix A(G) 9 11 12 13 1^ 15 16 17 18 19 9 1 1 11 1 1 1 12 1 1 13 1 1 11+ 1 15 1 16 1 1 17 1 1 1 18 1 1 19 1 / Figure 11. Extracted Graph Bounded by Loops Step 5 . Reachability Matrix R(G) R(G) = R^(G) = Rg(G) 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 11 12 13 Ik 15 16 17 18 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h^ step 6. S(G) = R(G) X R (G) = 9 11 12 13 Ik 15 16 1? 18 19 9 11 12 13 lU 15 16 17 18 19 1011000000 0100000000 1011000000 1011000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000001111 0000001111 0000001111 0000001111 / By S(G), the graph has three loops: loop 1 - (9, 12, 13} loop 2 = {11} loop 3 = {16, 17, 18, 19} Step 7. a) The longest path for loop 1. 9 12 12 13 13" 1 2 f^°\g) = 9 9,12 X The longest 12 9 9,13 X paths are 13 9 12,9 13,9 13 12 12, 9, 13 and 13, 9, 12. b) The longest path for loop 2. Since the loop is formed from only one node, there is no path. k6 c) The longest path for loop 3. 16 17 18 19 P^^^G) = 16 17 18 17 16 18 19 18 16 17 19 16 18 The longest paths are: 16, 18, 17, 19; 17, 19, 16, 18 18, 16, 17, 19; 19. 16, 17, 18 19, 18, 16, 17; 16, 17, 19, 18 17, 19, 18, 16; 18, 17, 19, 16 19, 16, 18, 17; 19, 18, 17, 16 1 2 3 16,17 18 X 16,18 17 19 17,16 18 X 17,18 16 X 17,19 16 18 18,16 17 19 18,17 16 X 19,16 17 18 19,18 16 17 16,17 19 18 17,19 18 16 18,17 19 16 19,16 18 17 19,18 17 16 The sequence of the nodes for loop 1 is thus 12, 9, I3. The sequence of the nodes for loop 3 is I6, I8, I7, I9 (or I6, I7, I9, I8) Step 8 . The condensed graph is shown in Figure 12. Step 9 . Ascending level assignment Level = (LI) Level 1 = {L2} Level 2 = {1^,15} Level 3 = {L3} Figure 12. Condensed Graph of the Example. hi step 10 . The total level assignment and the order of nodes within a level can "be obtained as follows: We assume that the nodes assigned by the ascending ordering are leveled starting from level 0. The nodes bounded by loops start from level 50, and the nodes from the last level are assigned to level 100. level 1, 2, 3, h 1 5, 6 2 8 3 7 k 10 5 20 6 21 7 27 50 11 51 12, 9, 13 52 Ih, 15, 53 16, 18, 17, 19 96 20 97 21, 22, 23 98 2k, 25 99 26 100 27, 28, 29, 30 Step 11. The logical equations will be generated in the above order. Program loops and test statements will be inserted in levels 50, 51 and 53. For the actual logic equations, see Appendix Gl. k8 5. SIMUIATION CONTROL LANGUAGE (TESLA) lESLA - TEst Simulator LAnguage - is a fairly general logic simula- tion input, output and control language. Language statements consist of two categories: declarations, and test step commands. Statements are written in free-field fonnat separated by semicolons. This section presents a short de- scription of the language and a sample program to provide an introduction of the language. The complete syntax and semantics of this language are described in [2]. 5.1 Declaration 5.1.1 Program A TESLA program starts with the word BEGIN. The first declaration must be a case limit declaration, which specifies the range of test cases. The other declarations may be freely written in a program, provided that all quantities are declared before they are used. Redeclarations are permissible. A step label followed by a series of statements assigns values to signals and controls the simulation in one clock interval. A program must end with the word END. 5.1.2 Declarations a) Case limit declaration CASK [n:m] - this specifies the number of test cases to be executed in parallel, m and n are integers and < m - n < 46. k3 b) Group declarations SIGNAL GROUP - used to associate an identifier with a group of signals. Any signal name may "be used in the list. STORAGE GROUP - used to associate an identifier with a group of storage signals. In this case, the next state of storage element is assigned to the signal. A mult i -signal identifier, which is written by using *'s as "don't cares" in place of characters, specifies a group of signals whose names match the non-asterisked portions of the multi-signal identifier. Group declarations may be nested to any depth. c) Data declarations DATA - associates bit patterns with an identifier. Bit patterns may be expressed either in octal or binary form. If bit patterns are case dependent, case dependent digits (A ~ Z) may be used in the bit pattern, provided they have been declared. d) Digit Declaration DIGIT - associates digit patterns with an identifier which must be single letter of the alphabet. The digit is called a case dependent digit. This declaration is used to declare digits whose value varies with the test case. The first digit of the digit .list is associated with the lower limit of the simulation cases declara- tion, the next digit is associated with the next case, etc. This case dependent digit may be declared in octal or binary fonii. 50 5.2 Control Statement There are three categories: input control statements, storage con- trol statements and output control statements. A step label followed by any control statement and/or declarations specifies values of signals and control of the simulator and its output. 5.2.1 Input Control Statements Three simulation input control commands may be used. These commands may adjust input variables of specified test cases among those being generated in parallel by specifying case limit. INSET - causes each of the input variables associated with the list of input signals following the command to be set to a logical "one". INCLR - causes each of the input variables associated with the list of input signals following the command to be set to a logical "zero". INPUT - causes the input variables associated with the list of input signals to be modified by a specified data pattern. INOUT - permits input signal values to be set to the values of the values of signals calculated during the previous test step. The identifier ALL and the (default) empty word both cause the specified action to be applied to all input variables. 5.2.2 Storage Element Control Statements Three commands can be used to control simulated storage elements. Case limits can be used to restrict storage element control statements to apply to speicified test cases. 51 FFX - causes the storage elements to be set their next states in accordance with values calculated during the previous test step. This corresponds to the actual operation of the physical storage element. Therefore, unless other- wise specified by an explicit storage element control statement, the transfer (FFX) condition is assumed to apply to all storage elements. FFIN - similar to the INPUT command. It causes sets of storage elements to assume the states given by an associated bit pattern. This bit pattern is used instead of the normal next storage element states. FFOLD - this inhibits the transfer of calculated next storage element states into the present states and causes the storage element states to remain unchanged from those held during the previous test step. It is assumed that at the start of simulation_, all storage elements will be initially cleared to logical zero. 5.2.3 Output Control Statements These statements are used to print the simulation results with various formats. These commands may include case limits to selectively print- out the results of only some of the many test case results which have been generated in parallel. PRINT2 or PRINTS - causes printing of the simulation output in binary or octal form for the list of output signals and/or storage elements following the command. PRAC2 or PRAC8 (PRint And Compare) - causes the printing (in binary of octal) of ' not only the simulation output for each member of the list following the command, "but also an expected output pattern which has been associated with each of these lists. If differences exist between this expected output and the actual out- put, a marker is printed which directs the observer's attention to the location of the differences. PRID2 or PRID8 (PRint If Different) - has the same statement format as PRAC and causes the same type of output but only if there are differences between the actual and expected outputs. If the simulation output is as expected, no printout occurs. 52 5.3 A Sample Program An example of a TESLA program is given in Figure 13 which simulates the logic of one of Control Unit boards. The following descriptions will hope- fully clear up some of the confusion of the previous sections. line 2 The first declaration must be the number of test cases which are generated in parallel. 3-6 The group identifier TOM is associated with sixteen input connector signal names which are written with- in a pair of parenthesis. 7-8 These group declarations associate multi-signal identifiers with TGM, ABT, AGT, and AGO respectively. The group identifier TOM could also have been de- clared using a multi-signal identifier as follows: SIGNAL GROUP T0M(T0M-**--G1) ; 9 This declaration is for storage element group FF. IO-I3 These are the same as in line 3-8 except they associate output connector signal names with the identifiers which are used for print statements. 1^-17 These digit declarations associate the given letters with the case dependent digit patterns. The letter D, for example, is associated with a case dependent digit whose value is zero in the odd ninnbered test cases and one in the even numbered ones. 18 PAT 1 is a sixteen-bit pattern. The first four pins are set to different values for the different par- allel test cases according to the digit declaration A. The second four pins are set according to the digit declaration B, the third four to C and the last four to D. For example, the first pin is set to zero for test cases 1 through 8 and one for test cases 9 through 16. 19-20 PAT2 and PAT3 are eighteen bit patterns and declared using octal notation. 21-22 PAT4 and PAT5 are declared using binary notation. 53 23 The first test step of this simulation is called STEPl. The values of the group of storage elements identified with FF are all set to zero for test cases 1 through k^ all ones for test cases 5 through 8 and first eight signal values are set to ones and second eight signal values are set to zeroes for test cases 9 through 12 according to PAT3 and so on. 2k Since there are no case limits, for all cases the sig- nals CLK CO is set to one and CLK CI is set to zero. 25 The first statement prints the values of the members of FF in binary form and the second statement prints the values of all output connector signals. 28 The members of TOM and T(M are set according to the pattern PATl. 29 The values of the members of TRO, COMP, TGC and FF are printed in binary form. 35 "NOT PATl" means the Boolean complement of the values of PATl. Therefore, the members of ACT are set to the inverses of the values of PATl. 36 The third statement is a print-if-different in binary form. If the expected values of FF for all cases are one, no printout occurs. However, if there is difference, the expected and actual values and the points of differ- ence are printed out. 37 The first statement prints all output connector signal values. This is equivalent to PRINT2 ALL. The second is a print -and-compare in binary form. The values of the members of COMP for test case sixteen are compared with ones and the expected (in this case all ones) and actual values and the points of difference (which are indicated by X's under the differences) are printed out. ^1 By this statement STEPIO is repeated twice. k'J END. terminates the program. 5i+ IILIAC IV TPAMSLATO* WRITING SYSTEM Tf^LA CnrPlLFR - VFRSinN 1 DECFMBTP 2?> 1969 AT Ol ?l'»«,9 PPPGPAM OTOritND/TFSLA PEGI^ 1 CASE sr 1 I1^]^ 2 SIGNAL r^'fc'^ T( > ( Tri'-1 ?--(;i .THK'-l 3--f.l ,TnM-M"-r.1 »Tn^-i 5--G1 » 3 Tn"-?p--r, i»TnM-?9--r. i,TPM-3o--Gi»TnM-3i--Gi» « •rr( -4i-.f>, ^,jnM-as--r-i#Trn-'tf--Gi.TnM-a7--ni, 5 Tf'-ftc--r-i*Tnk'-^i--M»Trw-t.?--f, i,Tn»'-(<,3--Gn. 6 Tf ( TCI -**--Gr ), A«Tf APT-**--r.Ol# 7 Ar T(A(-T-«*--GO), AGn(/lf.r-**--GO)i 6 STPPAGF rfTliP r h ( TPf'-**--! O » 9 Sir.MAL f PPi-P IPC ( TP('-**--l 0) » 10 ri't P(T-r( Mr**pf»TC'^f'PCH>'-7»TfnN'PrHK-p,T-rnMPn-Gn» 1 1 Trc (Tf.(-?f--r-l>Tr,r-?9--ri»Tr.r-30--r, i,TGr-3l--Gl» 12 7rf-/,/j--f, J ,T'-,r-/j5--ri»Tfr-'»6--f, 1 .Tr.r-a7--Gn) 13 f'TGTT fir?f pprrrxM ni ". 11 m n» 1** f-z?( r^'rv^ 1 1 1 n(( ui i 1 M • 15 r = ? ( f^ 1 J P L n ( 1 1 r (i 1 n » 1 fc psPfpinrioioKMrion: 17 rAlAt-ATlsPfAAAiJtPPffCrCT'Pr"*, 18 F/sT;- = pf roor(ipi, 19 HAT3ePf 777777)/ 20 ^'AT«r?f1lnn11(.;ufo^n^^^, 2i F A T b = ? C '' C P H! P P ' 1 11 1 1 1 1 n J 22 STFPIJ FFl^ FT fitit] PAT?,r^|Pi PAT3#r<;«1?] PATit, r 131 1 •*] FATbl 23 U«FT riK-----(;p) I ► P | fi flK-----ci; 24 HPI^ TP r F : ( py* T? al i : 25 Figure 13 • An Example of TESLA Program 55 STFP?! USrr T-TPOE -Kr,j ,T-TPnf^i-Kr,l ,T-rLIN--Rl »rLK-----ri,T-TRn«-i'Gl» 26 T-Cr»>f^C-r,i HNTl P rLK-----rO) 27 IMPUT TTM KAT1»T0K' PATlJ 28 PRINT? TKr*CnMF,Tr,r»FF; 29 STFPfll USFT TGITFOFN-U 30 INPUT AtiT fATi; Uri P TPMJ 31 HPUT? Tf,r,CfHP.Tf.C»FF » 32 STTP^i UFUT *f'T MTi: UClP A ■" y ! 33 PRitT? TPr.( nMf,Tr,C 'FF > 3ft ^TFP*i UFUT flr.T ^r,T PtTi: pf.TM? rf , rOMP; 35 STFP7: U'MiT API ^l.T Poll; T'Tir ahtj PRI^? f^ 2 f 11 M 11 1 1 11 1 U 1 1 M J 36 PPT NT?? yftC? ff-Mp ri^8161 9(1111111111111111111)1 37 «TrPff UFUT Tf,M h|!T P/M1; ^^^lR ART! 38 PPTM? rPfP; PkaC? rrr^'^^ [ISslSl ?M 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 11 OOOr 1 rO ) t 39 PP/>(? rpMr (16:1^1 ? r 11 1 11 n 1 OOfO 1 1 1 1 oto ) } 40 prpfAl :? 41 STFPin iNFt'T Af^f' t- ATI : 42 U «F T Ar[}TRPr -! ; 43 PPU7? rfi».'f .FF .TPC^Tcf ; 44 STFPl 1 I UF UT ACL ' ( T ";T1 : 45 PPTN'T? rrrf ,rf * I^ . tt SFf"nNnS. TI^F row TMTIAi 17^11^ ; r mtmitF« 3,? SFrpK'nS, TTfF rnr t;t«^^I^(;. f.'TMHTF.t ?.fl ^FCPNnS. TT^-F rPt- ^AK,«;T^^: f MTMiTF*^ 5.3 SFCPNrS. nvt rnc crf.A^Tir ArTTrnss r mtmitf^ a.? SFcpNnS. Tl>-F rfu ThhPP (.FcP^FPV, p MyriiTF^ 0.0 fiFcrNnS. TT>F fPF rr.i'r, ^PT-.TUG. p MMiTF? 0.0 SFCOMpS. /i7 rAPfc KTAf' AT lf3 fAH'\S PFR MTMiTF, Figure 13 . An Example of TESLA Program - Cont. 56 6. SIMULATOR CONTROLLER The function of the simulation controller is to translate TESLA. object code and to pass input and storage element values to the simulator body, to con- trol the simulation execution, such as program termination and to place the out- puts on an output file without editing for the purpose of obtaining fast simu- lation. In order to obtain high speed and efficient execution of the simula- tor, TESLA source statements are decomposed into several simple commands so that any tasks which can be performed within the compiler are performed there, rather than in the controller. The controller accepts four input commands, three storage element com- mands and two miscellaneous commands. Obviously output commands do not affect the controller, so another file having only output commands is generated by the compiler. This is not used for the controller but rather by the separate re- sults display program. The basic function of input commands is to set the specified array elements to be set to a logical one, logical zero or to specified patterns. These input patterns are masked by bits which are generated from the case limits at the beginning of each one-clock simulation. Storage element commands cause the storage elements to assume their normal next state, to retain their present states, or to set the states given by associated bit patterns. Miscellaneous commands consist of End of Input and End of TESLA Program. The End of Input is used at the end of each test step to initiate simulation, i.e., whenever the controller recognizes the End of Input command. 57 it jumps to the simulator body to execute one clock time of the simulation. The simulated data is placed on an output file for printing. The End of TESIA Program command is used to indicate the end of the simulation. When controller recognizes this, it stops the execution and terminates the program in an orderly manner. A typical format of TESLA's object comman is shown in Figure l4, in which INI means the command name, n is the ni;imber of pairs of words where SYMBi presents input interface and signal array subscript and Datai presents the data which is put to the subscript. The detailed description of those commands is also described in [2]. 26 3^ ^7 Data 1 '/, 71 SYMB 2 Data 2 y///////////A^-^ i Data 3 Figure \h. A Sample Format of TESLA Object Command 58 7 . IMPLEMENTATION The set of programs for this system is divided into three major groups: the TESLA compiler, the simulator generator group and the results display program. The whole program sequence is shown in Figure 15. 7.1 TESLA Compiler In order to compile a TESLA program, two programs must be executed; TESLA/MERGE and TESLA/DISK. a) TESLA/MERGE reads a list of all signal names and their associated array subscripts which has been generated by the simulator generator programs and fonns a table of signal names and array subscripts including storage element subscripts. b) TESLA/DISK is the compiler itself. Referring to the output of TESLA/ MERGE, each signal name in a source program is verified and if all signals in the program are valid, the source code is compiled and two object files are created; one contains the simulator control code which specifies all control information and signal values used in the simulator and the other contains the print control object code which specifies the format of printout of the results display program. 7'2 Simulator Generator Group This group of programs consists of seven subprograms and generates a simulator for each CU or PE printed circuit board automatically. Each sub- program has the facility to call the next program without manual intervention 59 so that all of these programs are executed automatically in correct order. Each subprogram also generates a history file for tracing the history of the simulator. The ordering program is not currently incorporated in this group because the number of looped packages in the printed circuit boards is small enough to not affect the execution time of the simulation. Each subprogram of this group has the following functions: a) CUBD/UPDATE accepts an original netlist file and, if necessary, the net- list is updated with correction cards. A reformatted, updated net- list is produced. A sample of update listing is shown in Appendix A. On the left hand side of the listing, four records are shown as inserted and on the right, four records are deleted. b) CUBD/WEDTRI - the main job of this program is a signal name sort and assignment of an array element to each signal name. This program also checks for simple wirelist errors, such as signals having no source or having no destination, or having more than eight fan-outs. A part of this signal sort listing is shown in Appendix B. The Symbol names in the listing correspond to the array subscripts which are used in the simulator. The A array contains all input interface signals, B contains the output interface signals and C and D are for internal signals. Each array has up to 512 elements. c) CIJBD/WEDTR2 accepts the signal sorted file and sorts by package location and pin. In the process of sorting, an arc-list which describes the directed graph of the board is also generated. In this program, storage elements and connectors are divided into two nodes and each package location is converted to a unique niuneric value for effi- cient execution of the level assignment. Appendix C-1 shows a 60 part of the listing of a package and pin sort. In it, the four characters at the extreme left show a package location, with the associated package type in parentheses. The three n-umeric charac- ters to the right of each signal name show the pin to which that signal is connected. A source package and pin is shown in parenthe- ses if a pin of the package is a load, otherwise blanks are put in this position. Appendix C-2 shows the arc-list corresponding to Appendix C-1. Appendix C-3 shows numeric value for each package location and its package type. Note that each flip-flop (type DILOO8) has been split in two. d) CUBD/LKVELER - the arc-list is converted to a source-destination list as shown in Appendix D-1. In this, the integer in parentheses right to the package location is the symbolic name of a package and integers in the source or destination row correspond to other package locations. Using this list, the level assignment procedure assigns a level to each package in ascending and descending order until no more packages can be assigned. The output listing of this procedure is shown in Appendix D-2. The flag bit is set if a package has been assigned a level. Therefore, if both the FWD and BKWD flag bits are zero, the corresponding package is a member of a loop or bounded by loops. In this example, A0l4, AOI5, etc. as unassigned. e) CUBD/REDUCE - the first part of this program prints a listing of assigned packages and unassigned packages and generates the arc-list of only the unassigned packages as shown in Appendix E-1. A loop detection procedure separates each loop and converts each loop to one pseudo package. Finally, a source-destination list using pseudo packages 61 is produced. In Appendix E-2, the meiribers of each loop are listed. For example, a loop called CHNOl consists of AOlU and A015. In this example, there are six loops and one non -looped package (AI39) which is bounded by loops. Using these pseudo packages (CHNOl through CHN06 and A139)^ "the source -destination list is printed. f) CUBD/HSKEEP - using the previous source-destination file, an ascending level assignment is done by the same procedure as in CUBD/LEVELER. This is shown in Appendix F-1. Finally, all packages are reassigned so that the levels of the looped packages starts from level fifty and the last level becomes one hundred, as shown in Appendix F-2. g) CUBD/SIMGEN - referring to the levels just assigned to the packages and to the package-pin sorted netlist generated by CUBD/WEDTR2, this pro- gram generates sets of logic equations whose variables are array elements corresponding to signals in the netlist. For looped pack- ages, a iterative statement and test statement for the stabilization are inserted so that if the outputs of the packages have not stabil- ized after thirty repetitions, a message is printed out to indicate a. possible race condition. Because of the nature of the B-5500 ALGOL compiler, some redundant words such as BEGIN, DEFIKE, and END are inserted to force program segmentation since no more than 1022 words of object code may be in any segment. In addition to generating the simulator body, this program creates a small para- meter file which contains the mmiber of input, output, internal and storage signals and the name of a board to be simulated, etc. Also, all signal names are printed, partitioned into their respective input, output, and internal arrays signal as shown in Appendix G-2. 62 In Appendix G-1, a part of simulator 130(3^ is shovm. In this, VTRUE stands for logical one, FALSE for logical zero and OEMPIY for any empty output pin. For looped packages (for example, level 53^ -^137)^ a WHILE statement is used for the iteration. The Y array stores the current values of outputs and Z array stores the previous output values. After the evaluation of each set of logic equations, the elements of the Y and Z arrays are compared. If the comparison disagrees, STABLE will be set to false and the evaluation will be repeated, h) CUBD/MERGE - reads the parameter and simulator body file and the head and tail (which were written manually) and combines them into a complete simulator program. The head and tail program is common to all boards. 7- 3 Simulator /SIMULA is generated by the above simulator generator group. The simulator accepts the simulation input file which is created by the TESLA compiler and generates a file which contains necessary information for the results display, including the simulator history. During a simulation, if there are no errors, only step numbers and the time used is printed (Appendix H). The print-out of the simulation results is done by the Results Display program. 7* ^ Result Display Program CUBD/PRINTER reads a print control file generated by TESLA compiler and makes a listing of each test case in the requested format. A sample list- ing is shown in Appendix I. 63 Q« 30ARO>/OUPDT «» (11 (1) CUBD/WEDTRl Q /1SSRT«« (21 Q /1IARY«« (6| Q /10ARYiJ i (6| Q / ITARYh (6) Q / ISGNLo (8) (2) CUB0/WE0TR2 Q /2PSRT.i (6| Q /2PSYBi. (3] Q /3SARC«« (4) Q /3FLVL»» (4) (4) CUBO/ REDUCE Q /4MLVm (5) Q /4CHIN «i (5) Q MEANS BOARD NAME tg. TOFUNA 2. >i MEANS RUN NUMBER 3. INTEGER TO THE LEFT OF THE PROGRAM NAME GIVES THE PROGAM NUMBER 4. INTEGER TO THE RIGHT OF A FILE NAME GIVES THE PROGRAM NUMBER WHICH USES THE FILE. (61 CUBO/SIMGEN Q< B0ARD>/6 PARAxi (7| 0< B0ARD>/6 BODYk i (71 Q< BOAR0>/6 STOS« « (8) (71 CUB0/MER6E Q< B0ARD>/1 SGNLn (8) 0/6ST0S«« (8 1 TESLA/MERGE Q< a0ARD>/ SYMBOL (9) TESLA COMPILER TESLA/SINPUT (101 TESLA/PRINTC (111 SIMULATOR Q/0UTPT«» (II) (111 CUBO/PRINTEfl SIMULATOR RESULTS Q <60ARDV5TLVL«i (6) Figure I5. Program System of Simulator. 8. CONCLUSION The description of this paper focused on what was originally to have been the ILLIAC IV Control Unit printed circuit board simulator system. This system is quite general, however, and was quickly and easily modified to also produce Processing Element printed circuit board simulators and the fault test pattern generation system for both CU and PE printed circuit boards. Both CU section simulators and PE simulators are being developed based on most of those programs described here. This simulator system is extensively used for test pattern generation, in which the simulator body generator (CUBD/SIMGEN) is modified so that it can generate sets of failure inserted logical equations, as well as correct logical equations. The detailed method of test pattern generation is described in [9]- The differences between PE printed circuit boards and CU printed circuit boards are as follows: PE CU Number of IC packages (max) 20 I65 Number of interface pins (max) 100 500 Logical value representation Positive voltage Negative voltage = Logic "1" = Logic "1" From a programmatic point of view, the CU board simulator system can treat PE boards since the size of a PE board is much smaller than that of a CU board. However, because the logical value representations are different (even though the same IC's are used), there are two different simulator body generators. In the case of PE generator, AND and OR elements in the CU representation are changed to OR and AND elements and logical zeroes and ones in CU representation 65 are changed to logical ones and zeroes. The PE board simulator body generator is called CUBD/PESIM and has been operational for almost a year. The simulator has been used for two purposes; first, for understanding and debugging the logic of boards and second, for verifying manually prepared test patterns written in TESLA for the boards. Both of these uses have been applied to CU boards, particularly the latter since it is sometimes difficult to find test patterns within a reasonable time for some types of logic using the test pattern generation system. The FE board simulator system has not been used extensively for the first purpose since the logic of the PE boards is so simple that there is no difficulty in understanding and to debugging them. It has, however, proven quite useful for correct simple, but basic errors in manually written netlists by simply looking at the error listings which are produced while generating the simulator. The PE board test generation system has been very successively used to quickly produce diagnostics for all 35 PE board types. Although the CU board simulator has been used for debugging, more extensive use of a simulator will be made when a section simulator is con- structed. Execution time for the generation of a typical CU board simulator is less than ten minutes; for a typical PE board simulator, it is less than five minutes. The execution time for a typical CU board simulator itself is about fifty miliseconds per clock per set of up to h'J test patterns. It has also been proven that this method of generating simulators is quite general, since almost all of the programs can be used for various simulators, such as, PE and CU boards, CU sections, and the whole PE, and test pattern generation for each of them. 66 APPENDIX A A SAMPLE UPDATE LISTING OF CUBD/UPDATE IIIIIC IV B0« D lg« E.T FUNL llf Lt TEI). TAH It-UK TlCLKOnrND BUFf 008 CLtiCKS S TOrUKt- "tMUP IKLKOirNO iliFF 007 CLOCKS S TOFIINC DFLFTfD TICLkOiFND *n7» 013 nILOZZ I TOFUND OfLUfD Trie H «0B? no? 1,11013 S TliriiNP ^^SFRTE'^ 1-C.IN---H PtFt nU ClKfliF L TCFpNO I^SFRTEn lULtOCFSU PUFF ('06 CLkHIiF S Tl'fliNn I^SFHTfP lUll-OlFM; NLiff 007 ClKbUf S InFimri iKSFRTf" rmriuai MiMHfR nF PFrnpps" 972 MiMiFP ii( ntcnonn u THE iiPn»Tfr file* »7? M.^i fu iiF I^S£B^ c»POs • ? M'MlfP rr PFLETF f«PUS« 1 MiMIFP OF fH«Nr,F CApDS" 2 TIME liStn It t'BT»IN THIS PF SUl T 1 H-lifFSSlh TH'Fl MM'TFS ?9 SFCP'TS. 1/(1 TIMFI I U'UTtS 79 SFCONPS, \^ 1 3?3 I IM TIS ?2 SFfO^PS, PJTI I MPMjtY. 1/ ''/7(. Ifil 3 PM. 67 APPENDIX B A SPiMFLE SIGML SORT LISTING OF CUBD/WEDTRI RFM*RK <;iG K/*MF PKGE ID PJK Fff-E TYPF S/L SYMBHL NAME SFO riK----bC1 PUFF 016 fLKPUr I r[ pj 1 1 ClK----fiCl A?00 OP? riL013 S <■[ p] 1 2 f I K-----f A200 016 rlL^13 I Af r] 2 3 ClK-----rO P-02 A03 PIN S *[ f] 2 1 C|K-----ri A?CO OM rlL013 I Af ll 3 ^ flR-----Cl P-0? A07 PIN S A[ n 3 6 Gf^PUhn-'io AO?ft 003 runiY i r[ n a 7 f.pnu^n--lO ao?« 001 riintv s rr n 4 b f.PGiiKr--ii AO?s 006 runiY L rt ?i 5 9 Gi:(iUKn--ii AO?s 007 runiY s r[ p] 5 10 r,KoiiNn--i2 A0?b 003 runiY 1 rr ^] 6 11 f.P[a)Nn--i2 A0?5 ooj riinLY s ri o 6 12 r-p^u^^-•lJ ao?7 oc6 runiY i r[ /, ] 7 13 GFc.UK.n--i3 A027 007 riiPiY s rr ill 7 14 GByuNn--lA Ap?7 P03 nHniY I (■[ "^l B 15 GPCl)^p--l« A0?7 opi rilniY s ft ^^1 e 16 r•fiUll^n•-lb AC?fl op6 riiniY i Pr ^] 9 i7 Gf'OllK'P--lb AC26 007 PIIPIY S P[ 6] 9 1« rpniiKn--i6 ao?« 003 riLniy l Pt 71 10 19 PPLUK'n--16 A0?8 001 rllPLY S P[ 7] 10 20 GJ;Lll^n•-17 A036 OOh TTIPLy L P[ P] 11 21 P''fll^^--l7 A036 00^ runiY s rr «] Ij H GP[iUKr--lf< A036 003 PILOlY I P[ ol 12 23 Gf>liUMr--ld A036 0(^1 rlinLY S Pf o] 1? 24 GF{>U^n--1S' A046 006 niLnLY L P[ Ir) 13 ?b Gf AOC? (PILOOS) 2 007 T-TFC0«-L1 ( ) 01? T-TO — -Gl («01« 00?) 007 T-TrC05-Lt ( ) Pt3 T-TFC--K01 (AOOl 002) on 014 T-TFC--K60 TTFC05-D1 (*001 (*007 00«) 013) *003 (riLOOR) 3 0P2 T-TFC02-L1 ( ) 012 T-TFC0«-01 (»0P7 01*) 007 T-TrC03-Ll ( ) 013 T-TFC--KG1 (*001 002) on 1-TFC--HG0 (AOOl 01* T-TfC03-01 (A006 00«) U13) »0C« (r>U00») • 00? T-TFCOO-Ll ( ) C|? T-TFC02-01 (AOOe 016) 007 T-TreOt-Ll ( ? 013 T-TrC--KG3 (AOOl 005) on 014 T1FC--KG2 (AOOl T-TFC01»0> (AOlO 007) 013) AOCb (rUOOB) 5 00? T-TPR06-LI < ) 01? T-TFCOO-01 (AOlO P16) PP7 T-TDB07-L1 013 T-TFC — KG3 ( ) (AOOl 005) on 014 T-tf C--K62 T-TDh07-Dl (AOOl (AOll 007) 013) A0C6 (riL007) (, 001 T-TFC0?-61 ( ) 008 T-TFC05-C1 ( ) 013 7-TFC03-LI (A0P3 r07) 004 T-TFCOJ-Gl ( ) 009 T-TFC05-L1 (AOO? 007) 014 T-NVOLT"! (PI 004) 005 TTFC04-G1 ( )■ 012 TTfC04-Ll (A002 00?) 016 T-TFC02-L1 (A003 002) At07 {riLPLV) 7 Oil T-TFC05-G1 (A006 rn«) OU T-TFC04-D1 ( ) fiPOllKD SIGNALS APE rELFTFI). T-TfC05-Dl 014 TTFC04-G1 (A006 005) "»• on "1t9^)'33.Gl (i!006 004) Cit T-TFC02-D1 ( ) fiPOUNO Slr.NALS ARE PFLFTFl). AtOO (riLn07) 9 001 1-TDP0*-Gt ( ) OOP T-TFCOI-Gl ( ) tl3 1-TPR07-L1 (A005 O07) 013 T-TFC03-01 004 T-TPROT-Gl ( ) 009 T-TFC01-L1 (Aoo;r 007) 014 T-NV0LT--1 (DI 004] 014 T-TFC02-GJ (A006 001) 005 T-IFCOO-Gl ( ) 012 T-Tf tOO-Ll (A004 002) 016 T-TUK06-L1 (A005 002) 70 o o o o o o o o l/t lA 1 I oi 1/1 I J. a. t- OO -I a. a. o i/i i/> » a o ^ • • • o •• •« >• ^ I I X W I • t >- •• t- 1 u o ^ X M X O O 2 -1 » »« « -• « K. *« « • • '^ •* ♦ lA X « « a M « O •• '• o o •< O •• M o o •• - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o • — o — «- ^ «- *M ^ ^ — -- c ^ C\. *- *« 1 O S IT CL (9 ■ t -1 U O I i O O 1 l£ ■ III ■ III 1 H. 1 I 1 X ^ 1 U: • 1 i 1 1 1 »- »- a. a. • 1 >- »- 1 1 • CVJ 1 1 _l -I o c O J _1 1 1 -J u. i i t- 1 >- 1 c o 0. a o c o (r a o to — C. _1 c _ Cr =. > */. ^/ a > > C C > 2 1 I- •« a « K 2 2 c c ►- 2 Q. >->-*»- »^ « K « ir\ » '^ rv. o <\> 'C K »*» « o- m <\. ►. -> • o - o — o o — c o — — O w o o — o c. — ^ o c o o o o c c c c o o c Oct o o o o « cv. « o o o c. o & O O o c (\ 9 3 1 1 ■ 1 *s • 1 o 1 I I III! a «/) 1 1 1 tA lull 1 Jk 1 1 — c. ^- ^. « ^- 1 I ■ ■ Ill • (LI ^ O. O. — a. 1- — •- 1 »- ^ '»0 o m «o o w. ^—1 '> «« '"I - 1 — '« 1 O 1 ^ ^sO o '^O O _( o '^-i 1 _. o >-c» *- >-ir a u 1 1 c: ■ i>-l I ■- I Cu •> a. ■ c; oo. a. — 13 a. c o c\.o a C le _tU. kfc o _IO o a o ^ rsi c: a (V -*a o ^ o (Ni _) tn « C»/) */■• — oc tA > a C\i^ o » ^ c.»- »- ^ o*- *- 2 O ¥- t o a. 1 OCT >- « a. o « c a. 2 oc c ct- C 2 «- 02 ^ 2 W -Jl 1 :^ _JI ■ 3 -1 I O -1 1 o _<• 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -.1 1 -11 1 1 1 ■"■*" *~ o ►-•^- ^ o •-• ►- ^ •-• ^ (T •-•- »— ►- ^- •-I ►- »- ►- ►- 9 rs. c — O w « a. cv o c o *- — o o o o — iT — « O O — — o o o o o -* ^ o Ou ^ <\. A0030 SOURCE DESTINATION PACKAGE*A304T SOURCE DESTINAt ON PACKAGE«A0O<(n SOURCE DESTINAt ON PACKAGE«A005I SOURCE DESTINAt'-ON PACKAGE«A0050 SOURCE DESTINAT ON PACKAGE>A306 SOURCE DESTINATION PACKA6E»A0O7 SOURCE DESTINAt on PACKAGE'AOOA SOURCE DESTINATION ( 0) NO OF SOURCE" 3 NO OF DFSTlNATIONi 176 Itr 175 13 5 7 r 1) NO OF SOURCE* 3 Np Or DrSTlNATlON* 17 10 f ?) NO nr SOURCE" o Nn nr otstinationb a 9 43 95 98 ( 3) Nn nr source* 3 no nr nrsTiNATlON. o IP 11 r A) Nn nr source* o Nn nr prsTINATlON* i 5"S 95 f 5) Nn nr souRcr* 3 Nn or nrsTiNATinN« o 11 13 f f) Nn nr snuRcr* o Nn nr nrsTiNATlON* a 12 ^7 90 95 ( 7) Nn nr source* 3 Nn nr nrSTlNATiON« o 13 lA r P) Nn nr source* o Nn nr nrsTiNATiON* a 1? 3« fl(S 90 9) Nn nr snuRCE* 3 Nn nr nrsTiNATiON* ? ? A 176 10 11 f IP) Nn nr snURcr* j Nn nr nrSTlNATlONi 9 1 3 f 11) Nn nr source* i Nn nr nrsTiNATlON* 2 9 3 5 7h APPEKDIX D. LISTINGS OF CUBD/LEVELER D-2 A SAMPLE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT LISTING OF CUBD/LEVELER LFVri' ASSI^.►'^E^T I 1ST rii bdaRObTDISP oKCKAfif *002n A003n AOO«n AOObn A01 6n A019n AO?On AO?ln A0?2n A03?n A03!>n AOaOn A0a5n AOSOn AOSbn AO^On AOPbn A0f6n AOP/'n A fl 9 n AlOlr A man A 1 nfln « 1 1 ?n All 6p Al ?0n Al ?«n Al Ibn purr F - n 1 n F-n?n F-OJn F-nin r-Obn ftooft f (lOV A 1? API 3 AC?? AO?ft A (' 3 U A031 «()3ft A03'' A04 UJ H- 3 Z Z V4 c c z z c c o o UI UI (/> «/] cv. o «/} t/) UJ Ui ►- »- 3 3 Z Z ^■^ ^t Z 2 O CV • z CL in < c c o c c o c UJ ir •-« I UJ Z V CD » >- >- u< cr z «/) Z 3 »i^ Ui »-« I « u ►- ►- ►- u ^x ^ ^- »» ^- ^• ^- or c c «CM >oo « tn m* o (T >k z o ^ ^ CM CVi f»» o ■ a. o ►- c Uj a. ^i* ^- Ui Ui APPENDIX E. LISTINGS OF CUBD/REDUCE E-1 A SAMPLE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT EXCLUDING LOOPED PACKAGES AND ARC LISTINGS OF LOOPED PACKAGES OF CUBD/REDUCE IMTIAt LEVEL ASSIr^i^fM ITST fU PrAPOsTTISP 78 t FVf I I EVrLx 1 *oo?n A03SC^ AlOlP P-0?ti A006 A109 A003r AO'iOr A 1 r « r p-c3r * r, (, V « (i 4 6 Alio Ai/fl'-n A1 OfO (■-000 ACI? A047 A 1??* AOOSr AO^fir Ai i?n AOl ^ AO^? A13? AOl^n A0l9r »055r aOi^OO Aii6r Ai?on «r?3 ao?6 a05* AOfl A1 3fl Alai AOPon AOPe^n Ai?Ar AO?in AoetP A1350 A02PO A0H7n DI A032U AObVU P-OIO A03r A Of 3 AI "? A031 A065 A153 A036 A067 A155 A037 A103 A2C0 I f VFl.s I f V F I r L E \ F L = I E Vf I = I E V r I = 1 F vri « I E V r I s I EVf I = I f \/M = I t V f L = It 9b I E \ K = K ' A007 A057 A1?7 Ari)3 A120 A071 A07? A10«5 Af'93 A09fi A017 Ar3f tOOl A09S P-0^ ] A c ? r, I A 1 ?i I ACt^ Alio ACIDS' AU7"> A 9 1 A C 3 3 A^--( 31 A03?T A OJ^PT Ar?« A095 A0?7 Af.68 a07iS A117 A0?0 A0«1 A05l Al?l A12S A126 AC7« A09C «(i99 if 39 A1?3 A CO? I Af 35T fl077 A07H A 1 nft A I AC be I AOP? i0b9 AOl 6 T A05M Al?b A 1 1 I A U' 1 I A 1 P I A 1 1 «^ I A 1 1 M AUP" A0191 AOfcOI AUOI I [ f f F r I- « c . A c, F = ATI <4 Allb A 1 '1 A lit ^f S3 M 19 A'lPl AI 3(1 AI 31 A('97 A 133 i( 98 f 1 3" AlO? A136 AI 1 1 A137 k\ l3 fH^03 «oei *o«6 *ov7 aovb »10? All! AnC Am An3 An" Al3ft CHkO* All* Allb fHKOS Allfl A119 CHrOf A137 IOI'PfD packagFi 7 rt-ff1 CHrr? chnos ruMOi r^NOb rUNOft ai3v PACK/>r,K.r^ Noi ( r) mi rr s(it.rr« c mp of nrsTt ? rt ST I 7 6 PAf^ ACf »f t-^^? f 1) ^( f.f «f||^ff1 ( Kn nr ntsTr P S('i kr f I rt ST I FAf k /(,f rf t.f.C.^ f ?) li( p( Sni'CCr= ? KH OF ''EsTr ? Sl'i'kr r I c fr ni ST I 3 b PACK/.(,f tr^.^rll r 3) tt a sfnccF* 3 kh nf rfsie o SUlil-f II ? b ^ 'M ST I nisT I ^ PACMof «f I'NOf ( s) ^'l' fF Sfi'frfi 3 ^ f rr rfsTr i SfMlpf f t 7 U I- nfST » 3 p*fM(,E»A) J9 r ^) K' n sfl'^^r« i >t pf tfsTc « SUl'KFl f rfST I ? 3 a •• TI^'F iSfO Tn CPTAIN THTS KFSlilTt FhOfFSSPP TTFFI ( tiM'TFS 3« «FCni-rS, 1/P TIMfi tlMiTfS i'O tFrniTS, !►' ? I IM.,TF t M SF ( fTS. 80 APPENDIX F. LISTINGS OF CUBD/HSKEEP F-1 A SAMPLE LEVEL ASSIGMENT LISTING FOR LOOPED PACKAGES OF CUBD/HSKEEP SCURrF CHN N«RC S« 0. N«Rf(i« 0»LVO»l»LVL« OtSTUATIr^ N*ffl"^ '"*"lsi?SrSc 1, NARfUs I.IVO.I.LVI' ? PtSTUAITfN KARfSr t. NARCn= 1 . 1. vQs 1 , t V I a ? ^fiCtsff '"^(!l86cS« 3. NAwrr= 3.LV[le1 .I.Vl « 3 ? 'I ^ P^STl^ATTf^ H«RfS= 1. NfwfPs 1 » L>'n= 1 > I VI e 1 rE?.iUAntN NABcs= t ? PACK«GK , ^ARrpx i»n.p=i .1 VL = 1 , N A k r P s 3 f l^ 1 1 V 1 f I AG ,LVL = 3 FkP LvI Ct-f 01 A139 Ct'K03 c^•^ OS ChKOA C^^l/ AOO«n »0l 5p *oi«n «oi9n AOZon AbZlp Ab220 A03?n *03bn »o«or A0«5P A050P *055fi AC60n AOeMi Aoe6r A0A70 A0*9P Aioin Aio«n A10«P AllJr «ii6n »J20p A124n AU&O UI P-OIO M-ozn F-03M p-o«n p-05r IFVFl. J »P06 AOfiS API? A013 A023 An?6 A030 Abil tvit AU37 *C«2 A0«* A0A7 A0S7 A05H A061 A063 AC6!i *o«r AlOJ AIOV AlUl Al?? A 13? A13e A141 Al4? Alb3 Al^!> A^OO l(VFI« ? *oo^ AOCfl API () Aon A0?4 A02S A027 AOJ *t36 AOVft AllH AP97 AllV A09*> Ain? Atn A130 A131 A133 A134 1 (^Fl ■ ^3 *137 If \ri* Sll Al 14 AllS IE vri « ^« A105 1 IVFl ■ <;b Arv3 1 EVFL« «6 A0«4 If VFl ■ 97 AOW A (-3 3 If VFl « ?h A0 3e A (1 '1 X A()«>B AO»e A099 AlOA lEVFlt. ev AOOl AOIH AP?» A03« A039 A0«4 A049 AOi« 4U5V r.OHU AOVb Alf A107 AM} A123 A15? Al5« P-Ob) ^•r>?^ F-04I F»03t AOP?I A003t^ A004I (0051 Abl61 oOlVl AP^'OI r()?n AP??I A03JI A035I AP«OI aO«5I ACbOI AUSbl AO^OI Arfcbl Allt**! ArH7I A0fi9l AlPlI AlbAT AlOPI Allii Aiiei Al?OI A1<>41 AISSI H-01 t Tl^-t liSlr T(l rpTAlN Thl« hf SUI Tl FKOCFSSPti II>'tt P I lUiTFS 4 ^fCPKPS, I/n TIMFl r I^liTFJ 1? SFfP»>'rS» IN ■■ il^llTFS 41 ^FlPKTSi P*Tfi UPMlAYi 1/ S/7P» M?« P).i, 82 APPEKDIX G. LISTINGS OF CUBD/SIMGEN G-1 A SAMPLE SIMULATOR BODY LISTING OF CUBD/SIMGEN OEMPTV ♦ NnT(Ctl89J *■ (C[099J ANO Ct063] AND Cn69] AND CtlB31))J 00567300 Ctl92l ♦ NOT(C[195J ♦ {Ctl901 AnD Ctuej AND CtlSn AND Cf$551))l 00567400 V[000]*Cll931)Yr00l]»C[19?]»Yt0021«-Ctl«?JI 00567500 FOR J*P SirP 1 UNTIL ? DO BEGIN 00567600 TFHP*REAL(NOT Z[l3#Jl FOV YtJJ)l 00567700 IF TFMP K'EO OR TFHP.tllB] MEO THEN BEGIN 00567600 STABLE*FALSE| Z[ 1 3# J]«-Yr J) JFNDiENpi 00567900 t 00566000 % COMMENT LFVFL« 52 Al 36( P IL022 ) i 00566100 C[122] «• NnT(Ctl23] ♦ (AC0151 AND WTRUF AND VTRllE AND VTPUE))! 00568200 OEP'PTY 4- NrT(Ctl7n ♦ (CtC67] AMD Cri73] AND VTRuE AND VTRUE))j 00566300 Yt0001*Ctl7njYt00n«-Ct 123] «Yt0021«-Ctl221J 00566400 FOR J*0 STEP 1 LiNTIL ? DO PFGIN 0056^500 TFMP4-REAL(N0T Ztl«»J] FOV Y[J])i 00568600 ir TEMP KEO OR TEMp.rilP] NEC THEM HEr.JN 00566700 STABLF«-FALSE> Z r 1 1 » J)«-Y t J ) I END) F NT J 00568600 f 00568900 t COMMENT LEVEL* 52 AHPCDUOU)) 00569000 OEMPTY «• MPT(f[199] «• (CC203] AkO Cmi]) HP (fr204l AKP VTRUf));^ O0569J00 PEMPTY ♦ NPT(fr346] *■ ( VTRI'E AkP A[014]) PR (Crll61 AWP Cr219]))| 005a9?00 YtOOO]«-Ct 346])Y[00l3*Ct 199] > 0056V300 FIR J«-0 STEP 1 UNTIL 1 PO PFGIK 00569400 TFMH«-fiEAt (^'0T Z[lb#J] FOV Y[J])I 00569500 IF TFf'P NFO OR TEMp.rliS] MEO THEN BFGJN 00569600 STABLF«-EALSEJ Z [ 1 5* J ]<-Yt J Ji ENP; E^P) 00569700 » 00569800 % CIMMEkT LFVFLs 5? AJ 19(PTlO??)) 00569900 C[?00] ♦• KPT(fr20n *■ (r[199] AMD CfOCT] ANP VTRuE ANP VTRUE))| 00570000 OEKPTY ♦ NPT(Cr?04] «. (CtP99] AK'D Cr?20] ANP cr?0?] ANP Crl30])); 0057010C Yl0C0]«-C[?041)Yf00l]«-Cr201 ] I Y [ Op? ] ♦ C [ 2P0 ] I 00570200 FOR J«-0 STFP 1 UNTIL 2 PO PF6TN 00570300 TFMP«.PtAI (NOT Z[16*Jl FOV Y[J]H 00570400 IF TF^-P NFO PR TFMp.CltSl Nf THFM HFGTN 0057G500 STaBLF^FALSEJ Zrlf »J]«-Yt J];FNn;FMn> 00570600 FNP» IF I f,FO 30 THfN wR I TF ( PR I K'TER. T I Mf PVFP # 52 ) I 00570700 FNPj PEGIK Off INF NPNEeTRuktl 00570800 I«-0) K> COMMtKT IFVFL. 53 A 1 37 ( P 1 1 OPi" ) J 00571200 C[1t<7] «• NPKPFMPTY ♦■ (C[19?] AND Cr09«1 ANP A[P2n ANP VTKUE))! 00571300 CCP94] » KnT(frP95] ♦■ (r[131] A^D Cr220l AND VTRuE ANP Cr3fl03))l 00571400 Y[roo]«-cro95]rYropi)*rro94i;Y[oo2i«-rrie7]i oo57i5oo Ftp J*r STEP 1 OMTIl 2 Pn HFGTN 00571600 TFKP«-fEAl (^OT ?{17,J] FOV V[J1)) 00571700 IF TFMP MFC OR TFMp.ritPl M.O THEM HFGlN 00571B00 STaBi F»F»LSEJ 7f 1 7* J]«-V[ ji)F Nr)>F^PI 00571900 FNPJ TF I GfO 30 THEN wP T TF r PP I ^TER . T I MFPVF b»53 ) ; 00572000 ENP; PEGU OFF INF NPNEeTPliE** 00572100 I«-0| VH'ILF (Ul + 1) I SS 30 AfP NfiT «TAF.IF OP I IFO 2 op 00572200 Btr.IN flAPl F leTRlF) 00572300 » 00572400 i CPMKFM IFVFL* 54 Al 14((!ll 01 n; 00572500 PFK'PTV «• KrT{rrl2l) «■ (rt35''l A^P ''TPI^F ) Vh (Ar0l3l ANO VTRUE))j 00572fc00 Ptt-FTY «■ NPT(ffl65] «■ ( VtRI'F A^P tri70]) np ( WTHUF AK'O CCP95]))| 00572700 Y[P(0]«-C[Ub)iYrOPn«-rfl2ni 0057?600 FCJP J«-r STFP 1 bNTll 1 pn OFf.lM 00572900 lFNP»PtAI (^OT 2rie#Jl FOV Y[J])I 00573000 IF TF^'P t^FP PR TLMp.rilPl NF THEN' PEGTN 00573100 STAbl F*EAl SE) Z t 1 P » J ] * Y r J 1 J END > E ►T ; 00573200 f 00573300 83 COMMENT LFVrL* 54 AU5(DllO?2)J . , , . OtMPTY «• NPT(Ctl70) ♦ (CI099) A^O Cfl2n AND Ctl3l] ANn Ctl66] «• NnT(Crl67] <• (Ctl65) A^D VTRUE ANP Ct09l] ANP Y(OOO)*Ctl67)JYtO0l)«-cri66]IYr00?3<-C[iron FOP J*0 STFP 1 UNTIL 2 DO BFGIN TFMP^fJEAKNOT Ztl9*J] FOV YtJl); IF TFMP NFO OR TEMp.rii«l NEO THEN BF6TN STABLF*FAISE) 7 t 19* Jl^Yf JllFNOIENDl ENDl IF T GEO 30 THEN WR ITFf PPINTFP#TIME0VFP#54 )l ND) PEGU DFFINE NnNE»TRUF«l COMMENT LFVEL« 94 Al 05(DIl 022) I CtlftS) * NPT(crH6J ♦ {Ct099) AkD Cr202] ANP Cn68] ANP OEMPTY «• NPT(crl5Pl ♦ (CtOftSl AkO Cfl30] ANP Ct2l9] ANP C[2l9J))) VTRllF))j VTRUE))! VTRUE))! COMMENT LFVFLi CtP5fl] «■ rro62) * CtC66] «. C[2in ♦ COMMENT f(070] 4. Ct210] «■ LFVFLs Ct06f cr2ii Ct'MMENT LFVFL« OEt"PTY ♦ NrT(f[096 CC2C8] *■ ^rT(Cf?09 CtiMMthT LFVFL« OtMPTY «• NrT(rro33 Pf^-PTY «• NOKrrair COMMENT LFV'FLe PEMPTY <■ NrT(C[345 PEMFTY «■ ^nT(rr344 CCMKENT LFVFLs PEMFTY ♦ KPT(rr34? PEf'PTY ♦ KPT(r[34r CIMMEnT LFVELx PFKFTY «• NPT(rr339 PEKPTY «• NPTfCr337 CPMMENT LFVFLr OEMPTY *■ NrTfrr04S PE.^pTY «. NrT(rro7fl CL'M^t^^ lmtl* PE^PTY *■ Nf 1 (r r5P5 PE^'PTY «• NnT(rr?i/i Cl'MMM |.FVFL« PF^pTy ♦ KfTccrib? COMMEM LfVFL« rc?753 «• hrT(fr?7(^ f.C?73) 4. NPT(fr?74 95 96 ; ! A093(PI| 0P7)! CC06P) And Ctl45] ccob") And cri45] C(068] ArD C[145] Ct2l3) AkD C[145) A090(PI| Dl Y)! 97 A017(PT|0in! *■ {C[09'>] A^P VTMiF ) *■ ( VTRIT AKD FAl ?F) 97 AP33(P1I 0?7)i «• C[0341 «■ rro35] *■ Cr34P) ♦ CC3491 96 AC3PCPllOini ♦ ( VTRl'F AfP C[033n «■ (r[3a7] A^D Cr329]) 98 AP«8(PI| 01 1 )) *■ ( VTHUF AKP Cr034]) *■ (C[3aP] A^P C(343l) (IF- PR (f rioi ] f \/TRUF AMP ANP VTRUE))J CC2101))! rr i6p] Cr2l9) ANP ANP Crl31 D! criP4]); Of PR OR OR { VTPUF {Cr033l (rr34i 1 (rt034i AMP AND Ct^«7]))t VtRUF)) AMP rr.i'*8i)) ANH VtNUF)) 98 AObP(PI| 0115! «■ ( VTRDF AkD Cr035l) np (rr3361 A*.D rt?*9])) ♦ (f(340) AK'P C[33«)) PR (Cr035l ANP VtRUF)) 96 APftftCPTl Oil)! ♦ (CtC7P1 A^P VTRl'F) OR (rrl46l ANP VtRUF)) «■ { VTHi F A^^ cri?4)) PF (rr220i ANP rtfi72))) Vfl Af9O(pli0in) ♦ (cf??n akp rr?09i) oR (rr2??i ♦ (rtpopi AhP f,r?iP]) OR (fr209i AMP rt?08))) AMP Ct217l)) 96 AlOf f Pll 0P«1! «• (ctiais] AKD \'TRiir) OR (("risoi anp vtruf) or f([i?'n A»n cr25ai) or (Cf07?i amp rti7i]))*7 9 9 ACOHPll 0??)! *■ (C[l?fl1 A^P VTFHF A^P VTRllE ANP fr0f7)))! «■ (C[0671 AfP Cri?[ list (:!■ l(Ukr«TlI<.( Af'fttV HAffmUfX*} 31 CLi.-----fO T-«| I...<1 T-TPIH3-I 3 I CI ►- ri T-f CI---I I T-Pf f FO-I (1 T'VU *"S) I en-,..... T.f yr ) i-Pf T---r 1 irr-?----- in«li-f--- l-SXl h--r.t T-Tl-f-Sl 5 LU»ri-?..-- T-INIT.-I 1 T-T(iI5(>-l3 H,-l 1-KS«---I 1 1-TI-I6( -I J ir-i-"--- II,-?------ 1-HKH.M 1-I-MJS5-03 l-Ti.161-1-3 1-1H6S-I 3 rul'M ) T-H If (I. I ? T-> 5,.fi..rMi 1-kf M -•"! 1 -iri-po-i- 1 1, r-,. TrP-3«--: I Tf p-i.r--i 1 l.ri.1 -..I 1 I - > f H t- • - r ft T-rJKf'.rl ! . T f 1. 1 . . 1 tF p.lp.-F T F F - •> J - - 1 (I 1-1 • 1 l--r I T-k sr ( .-( 1 1 -Tl Hjft-i 1 F-A-;'------ Tf f.1H--pl TF P-«.*--P 1 T-irp---ri ■t-n,! c--r>3 T-pF'«s*-rl 1-1f'F-U7-F I F-n-i------ TFP-3r--pn Trp-tP'-bo T-l'SP»--00 T-M^F C-.C5 T-pr T---|]| TS-I-- MD-? - TrR-3c--r-i irB-?ip--F'i T-MSf»--(.'2 T-«SHC--(>? T-^ni>r--r,i IS-? t-S-l------ U K-3U--I0 1-MSb*--lnl 1-HSH)--01 I s- IF (■-3L--I I UF'-''t.--i 1 l-> Sl>---( ( 1-kSi I --r i l-U.i-l I -I 1 1«-| 1FF>-'A--| I Uh-M --t (. I-F t. r •-( !i I-li 1 IJ-i 1 1»-7------ TrF^-«B--i 1 n h-Ml--! 1 l-^S(-n--l ? 1-F SF C--C 7 1-TI F-03-F 1 IMFINJI ^ir.'Al NAlt II^T fll F'f nH'.lr I.St^ «fF:»Y F A I'f e f ( « > » ; ;;' T • 7 r 1. r /i - ■ 1 , hr 1 i"i>.-i ( i.FTl 1.P--V3 l-Il 1 (!■;-. 1 „ F |i.-1 il ,,l,fl,kl,..^(l T-TPtOf -c t , K'lii n-.i •> , Hpl.* Fi--'5>. f kc f r---l (.F/PHF 1'---? , HF „F l'--.3 1 F r 1 1 Fir «r j l-t MF 0-1 1 IF riF I-F AT". !-• 1 If f ^M •-M T-.-. (1 T-1'IT( l-t 1 1 - 1- 1 1 F 3 - r. 1 T-' Mf "i-l 1 T - r M - • I ri I-l 1 1-- .rl 1-1 MF 1-1 1 '-1 niA-i I 1 - F: I T . . k , 1 T-r «F I- S 1 - ( 1 1-F F |.S9-rl i-I»SrTrr.i 1-1. t| [ .-r 7 I-r F 1-K--I 1 1 - 1 f 1 - 1 - F t 1 - M s I - • . ( r 1-FI F A.3-r 1 1-1 F P-?-F 1 ,-F SI ---( 1 l-f r irM« 1 T-l f trl-l 1 l-rAi-cT-i y T-PACF TPt I T-PAF;m Cf t 1 - F I I 1 T - - 1 I-tf-.F .r,) T-ti, ---^CO ?i 1 i-<.i 1 nr-ri T « F 1 V A - <-, 1 l-H .-.,r 1 1 . '. ( F 1 r <. r 1 T . « F. 1. V F - r 1 1 -Cl •.•.! 1 1 -<> F n -r 1 i-'i-l tf -r 1 ? 1 1 TT»--.^r, 1 l-TK.fl?F f.l T-l FijCI F r 1 T-TH(.r?.r.n T - 1 1 (. p 1 . r r T-Ti r.P?.rl ?M T-ir K03-I 1 l-TtiHCf-l 1 I-Tl |.(i«.('l T-Ti.ini-r 1 i-Tf-tpt-ri ?«-l l-TPK07-ri I-TIC07-f 1 T-i( cri7-i ) ?7I ?P1 T-Tr----r,l T-1F ( 03-r 1 T-TF t--lir.l T-TF cor-r 1 T-TKl'3-r.1 T-Tf r--i'r? T-TF roi. -r 1 1-TF re j-i 1 T-TF r--»ri l-Trit07-r1 ( unt Ci.-ift f fcPlik D--?* r.PPli" li.-.n T-Al T---W1 T-pin 1-1 n T-i-nr 3Sf 1 1-rlTFf-i T-plT-.i.r.',' T-ri V 17--I T-r^rdpKrd l-Fi'Fi?-ri T - F F' T B I « r P T - 1 f r - . - r, 1 T-Fl. -.-p? T-PAPHTF r? T-PAfFf-PF ) T-F A--.>r1 \.f, -i.-r I T-cr roF fcr.i T-cpi vi>-r.i T-TFPOIKf 1 T-TFr07-l n T-TPI dl-Pt T-TPtou-l 1 T-THl---hf T-TF r(JO-l 1 1 - T F r - p 1 T-TF cCPFfP TS-I------ TS-? (.Lr----1,( 1 .Kll M --1 U i.hLli' 1 •• 1 1 f F.(.l'F.O--l? pppin n--i7 r,RpiiF.o--iP 1 f( liH)--3? pfiPi Nn---s (,RriiNn---f l,HUliK0---7 .KUl.F b " oKLl ^ 1---9 Tf CIF !<( !.( 1 T-AI T---hO T-Al T — -I-l I-bUU»TAl -l-n J-i-f 1 1-1 1 IF 1 -(.1 I-IITtP-lP T-oiTt 1-1 1 T-RIT( isr.l 1-bl Tti-Ol -t-nn'-i (1 T-l tlf i-l 1 I - (• IT I 7 S (, 1 T-rnCH-cl T-PITl 4-1 T-bltf 1-1 1 -(■lltftSf 1 I-l inb-( 1 I-l ITk?-l P T-PlTt6-l 1 T-Pl Tf ASl. 1 T-blIE^S(il -II U 3-1 1 1-l-M-l II 1 T-PIT-ll I 1 T-plT--»G3 T-CAF^RyII 1 T-I.ABf 1 T-F-AFHT-l r T-PAfFPF 01 T-PAPF pi.|,0 l-F-APthK,! -FAfl ' -. 1 T - PA 1- F 1- - I 1 T-FA|.( hSl 1 T.I;A....tO 1-PA----1 1 1-F-( 1 T-ll i.C.3-1 1 I-1PF.0J-(,1 T-TI pCi-l 1 T-TlrFiCS-Pl I-lflF-Ob-l 1 -Tl hOA-l 1 T-ll Fl/f-ll I-IPPOA-L 1 T-Trp--I'(,| T-TPP--l<(,<' l-)Ul'--l'l.3 -1L-1--H I-1l-?--l 1 T-ir----i P T-T( f Ol-I 1 T-Tf C01-f,l T-IF roi-i I -U fl V-r 1 I-IFtli-( 1 1-Tf (0?-l. 1 T-TF rO«-Gl T-TfCO«-l 1 TTfC05-|.l -IF ('(.'■■-CI I-1F ( (.^-l 1 T-TFt-->(.n T-Tf pOO|if,n T-TFfinf.i.,.1 1-If ROL-l'O - 1 F 1- 1' 1 - f ( I-lFFUl -I t T-IFhOO-Cl 85 w^O «• •• o •• o >*0 (9 ^ _< v« X . M I I I I ••« m « ^ u I oo o o o « s OLft & at 4£ OL UJ ^O ^ _< kS o o • >A « t • I • OO o o o m I a.x X jt a. X I ^U. U. ^ U u. I/) i I • I I I III I I I I ^i\j »*» « in «j I 30 O O O "^ I X j: IK X K (Z m i ( I I I i ( I I I I I I I •*(>* <*» ■• i/\ ^ in oo O O O CM (M KX K X OC X «/> t • I • I I •-fy m « in ^ I oo o o c -• ( irix a: K K (C a: U-l^ u. u. u. u. u. ill I I I I o»> o »" c — m oo 3 III II i » »*CM «^ « in *-* I oo c oo •« I u.a a u. a u. u. Ill I I I I -"««>^'C'0«tn oocc^*v«CM « in- ^^ w ^ oo o o o o « *-• axactaaa • III I I I I I I I I I I i (V lllllllll «c\iO'Ca.«cv-o> in«<**CM»-o*"'"iin'C OCOOOOCOa OOOOOOU^i*;ujUJ U.U.UrOtAOOO-4 u.l*.u.i*.U.^^^-^i-t^» oo •- o o — -• o oo o o c o o o U.X K X u. I >- »^CM 'H « in in jt "-i 00 o o o om •£ U.W i^ tk l^ Ik Ifc 3 1 I I I I I I i z «• inin in m m m u iT' IT. in in in in iT iT »"0 o o »•»«-> »« oo o Ci o _j o a, l/)UJ X Uj ^ I i • ocM f^ « « in x I oc o o o o « s XX X K X X X 1^ llllllll— lllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll inm^i>.a.inm^>-^in«mcv.>-cocM«'0>-CM^xi i i • «n« mcM">Of-«.Q. o-ir. « i»i(\,^ ooooooooxxoooooouju-UiUiOOauji i i o oo ccoocoocoooco ouuxa.xKXx^-xxxxxx*-»-*-^v30XXi I ic o(^ ot^i^oxxa.a.xxxxx lllllllllllllllllllillllllll lllllllllllllll ^o^'CM^win * 86 APIENDIX H A SAMPLE OUTRJT LISTING OF / SIMULA ILLIAC IV CONTROL UNIT CARD LOGIC SIMULATOR TOFUND SIMULATOR VFRSIUN 1 SnUJLATinN NliMFER 9 fONDAV.- l/05/70# 9l«9 PM SIMUl ATCR HlfTORYt PRt.GHAM MM LI ST CUhnAHD/llPnATF CUROARO/wfnTRl CURPAPD/wf DTP? ClIBOARD/LF VFLFR tUBPAPD/RFOliCF CUBPARO/HSKf FP CURPAPD/SIHGFn DATE AND TIhF RIIN fl/0e/«9, 1?|00 AM 10/17/69, 2|?3 pM 10/17/69, 10/17/6V, 10/17/69, 10/17/69, 10/17/69, 10/J7/6V, ?l?4 pM 2l?6 pM 2l?7 pM 2l?7 pM 2128 pM 2j28 PM RUN f LATEST SIK'llATlllK Cn^TF^nlLfD FY IFSiA PPHGRAM NiiMpER 10 cRMTED 11/09/69, llibb AM SIMULATIPN LOG 87 I STEP NUMBrR STrP LABFLrO I STFPOl 2 STrP02 3 STFPOS 4 STFP04 5 STFP05 6 STFP06 7 STrP07 8 STFPOP 9 STFP09 10 STFPIO 11 STFPll 12 STFPl? 13 STFP13 14 STFP14 15 STFP15 16 STFP16 88 CPU TIMF USFD » MiN 3 STC I/n TIMr USED ■ MiKt 13 SEC TOTAL TIME USED ■ MiK' 12 SEC 16 STEPS SIMULATED AT 76 STEPS PEP MINUTE 89 APIENDIX I A PORTION OF M OUTHJT LISTING FROM CUBD/ PRINTER SIMULATION STrP NUMBFP 10 — STEP LABELED "STE'r.'!!" 10. Oil COMPf ACTUAL 00000000 00000000 000 (2> FFl ArTUAL 00000000 00000000 (2> TROt ACTUAL 00000000 11111111 (2) TfiCt ACTUAL 00000000 (2) 10.021 COMPI ACTUAL 00000000 OOOOllll 000 (2) FFl ArTUAL 00000000 00000000 (2) TpOt ArTUAL 00000000 lUlllll (?) TGtl ArTUAL OCOOOOOO (2) 10.C3I COMPf ACTUAL 00000000 lUlOOOO 000 (2) FFl ArTUAL OCOOOOOO 00000000 (2) ThCJi ACTUAL 00000000 lUlllll (2) TGtl ACTUAL OCOOOOOO (2) 10.04 1 ooMpi Actual oooooooo iiiniii oic (?) FFl Actual oooooooo oooooooo r2) TPOi Actual oooooooo iiiiini r2) TG*-! Actual oooooooo (2) lO.CSl ccMPi Actual ooooiiii oooooooo ooo (?) FFl actual OOOOllll OOOOOOOO (2> TpU| ACTUAI ncOOllU lllllUl (2) TGt| ACTUAL OOOOOOOO (2) 10,061 fOMPI ACTUAL OCOOnil OOOOllll 000 (?) FFl ACTUAL OOOOllll OOOOOOOO (?) TPUi ACTUAL OOOOllll lUlllll (2) 90 SIMULATION STFP NUMBER 2 — STEP LABELED "STEP2" ?.Olt TROi ACTUAL 11111111 lUllUl (2) COMPI ACTUAL 00000000 00000000 000 (2) TGti ACTUAL 00000000 (2) rn ACTUAL lUlltll 00000000 (2) 2.021 TROi ACTUAL UllUll llllllll (7) COMPt ACTUAL 00000000 00001111 000 (2) TGi'l ACTUAL 00000000 (?) FFI ACTUAL llllllll 00000000 f2? 2.031 TPbi ACTUAL llllllll 11111111 (2^ COHPI A'-TUAL 00000000 lUlOOOO 000 (2) TGCt ACTUAL 00000000 (2) FFI ArTUAL 11111U1 OOOOOOOO (2> 2,f4t TptJt AcTllAl lllllin llllllll (2t CCMPI ArTUAL OOOOOOOO llllllll OIC (2) Tr,Ct ACTUAL OOOOOOOO (2) FFI ACTUAL llllllll OOOOOOOO (2) 2.C5I TPUt ArTUAL OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO (2^ COMPi ACTUAL OOOOllll OOOOOOOO 000 (2) TgCi ACTUAL OOOOOOOO (2) FFI ACTUAL llllllll OOOOOOOO (2^ 2.C6t TRUl ACTUAL OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO (2^ CCHPl ACTUAL OOOOllll OOOOllll 000 (2) TGti ACTUAL OOOOOOOO (2) 91 LIST OF REFERENCES [1] Abel, L.C, Tanaka, C "Proposal for Control Unit Board Logic Simulator System." Diagnostic Group Memorandum (DM-O31) • Department of Com- puter Science, University of Illinois, November I968. [2] Allegre, N.G. "TESLA, A control Language for Logic Simulations of Digital Circuits." Report No. 3^7* Department of Computer Science, Univer- sity of Illinois, August 1969. [3] Berge, C "Theory of Graphs and Its Applications." John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1962. [k] Carroll, A.B., Kato, M., Koga, Y., Naemura, K. "A Method of Diagnostic Test Generation." SJCC I969, pp 221-228. [5] Harary, F., Norman, R.Z., Cartwright, D. "Structural Models: An Intro- duction to the Theory of Directed Graphs." John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965. [6J Kaufman, A. "Graphs, Dynamic Programming, and Finite Games." Academic Press. 1967. [7] Ramamoorthy, CV. "Analysis of Graphs by Connectivity Considerations." JACM Vol. 13, No. 2, April I966, pp 211-222. [8] Tanaka, C "Level Assignment Problem for Test Simulator Generator," Diagnostic Group Memorandum (DM-035) ♦ Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, October I968. [9j Abel, L.C, Naemura, K., Tanaka, C "Parallel Logic Simulator and its Use for Test Generation." Workshop on Reliability and Maintain- ability of Computer Systems at Lake of the Ozarks. October 1969* UNCLASSIFIED S«curity CU»«ific«tion DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA • R & D (Sturitr elmflliemtlmt ot llllt, borfy o/ mbattmel mnd IndmmHit mmotmtlon mumi b0 mntmnd whan tff ovmrmll fport lu claa»IH»d) I. OMICINATINO ACTIVITY fCofpor*(« author) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urt ana- Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6180I 2a. NEPONT SECUMITV C L A isi Fl C A TIOM UNCLASSIFIED 2b. ONOUP 1. MCPOMT TITLE PARALLEL SIMULATION OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS 4. DEScniPTivE NOTES C7>pa o/r«por( anrfinclualFa dalaaj Research Report t- AUTHON(S) (Flntnamf, mIMt* Initimt, Immt nmmm) Chiyozi Tanaka «. NEPONT DATE April 30, 1970 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PACES 99 7b. NO. OF NEFS M. CONTNACT ON SNANT NO. USAF 30(602)-Ul44 b. PNOJECT NO. 46-26-15-305 •a. ONICINATOR'S NEPORT NUMBENO) DCS Report No. 382 •b. OTHEN REPORT NO(SI (Any oCftar nuBtb«n that may ba aaalfnad thia raport) ILLIAC IV Document No. 211 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Qualified requesters may obtain copies from DCS. n. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES None 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Rome Air Development Center Griffiss Air Force Base Rome, New York 13^40 IS. ABSTRACT The paper describes the method used to generate the parallel simulator developed for the ILLIAC IV Project, University of Illinois. The basic approach to achieve an efficient simulator system is parallel logic simulation, package-level simulation, the use of a high level language (ALGOL) and a flexible simulation control language (TESLA). This paper analyzes the problems associated with the ideas and gives the algorithms used to generate the simulator. Emphasis is placed on the algorithms and the implementation of the simulator generator system. DD '^'..1473 UHCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification KEY WORDS logic design logic simulator design automation diagnostics diagnostic generation ILLIAC IV UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification %^^ ^9- ^