}! W. 03.*) j ■v.3 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/systemofphysical03betz UltUre — BY — C-ZaIEBILj BETZ, Director and Supervisor of Physical Culture, Public Schools, Kansas City, Mo. BOOK TBZIBBIO, SECOND (REVISED) EDITION. )LES, DUMB-BELLS, WANDS, RINGS AND INDIAN CLUBS. With Original Illustrations by William Weber, KAlTSiLS CITY, MO, 1892 , ^ ^ t H city PRESSE PRT., 303 E. i 2TH ST. . • 4 . COPYRIGHT BY CARI, BETZ, MARCH 1892. «L- Y^O/ith Physical Culture we aim to untold the natural and symmetrical beauty of the human body,' making it fit and capable, in every phase of moral life, to obey and carry out the will of its supreme master, the mind. author ’ s works are based upon the principles of the German System of Gymnastics. But the use of the essentials of this system, their classification, the gradation of exercises, the system of commands, the grand divisions of the whole subject-matter, and all that pertains to the adaptation of Gymnastics to the Public School System of the United States, is the original work of the author. Definition Explanatory Classified Index CLASSIFIED I MISCELLANEOU Miscellaneous The Poles - The Dumb-Bells The Rings The Wand The Indian Clubs Remarks - Criticism - Commands - Description of Apparatus, Racks, etc. Poles Dumb-Bells Rings Wand Indian Clubs Arrangment of the Class. Poles Dumb-Bells Rings Wand Indian Clubs Breathing Marking Time Halting Marching Marching with Gymnastics Stepping Facing Wheeling Posing Grouping Fancy Marches Gymnastic Compositions. A Pole Exercise A Dumb-bell Exercise A Ring Exercise A Wand Exercise ' - An Indian Club Exercise Title Page Illustrations. Poles Dumb-bells Rings Wand Indian Clubs Compositions 6 CLASSIFIED INDEX. v-w| THE POLES. General Positions. Fundamental Position Resting Position Positions of the Arms. Hands on hips Hands under shoulders f Hands over shoulders f Hands over head ) Hor'zontal Positions ( Parallel Positions j " Vertical Positions Diagonal Positions Angular Positions Oblique Positions Arm Movements. Raising Arms, Lowering Arms, Moving Arms, Trunk Movements. Bending trunk sideways, right and left Rocking trunk sideways, right and left Bending trunk forward and backward Turning trunk sideways, right and left Foot Movements. Raising heels Sounding heels Bending knees Knee Movements. Steppositions. Direct stepposition forward, right and left ) Direct stepposition, backw. right and left Direct stepposition sideways, right and left j Oblique stepposition, forward, right and left ) Oblique stepposition, backward, right and left f Cross stepposition, forward, right and left ) Cross stepposition, backward, right and left j Cross stepposition, bending both knees Balance steppositions Longes. Direct longe, forward, backward, sideways right and le't Oblique longe forward, backward right and left Cross longe forward, backward, right and left - Charging Longing and stepping Longing and letting go of one pole Longe Reverses. Direct longe-reverse forward, backward, sideways, right and left Oblique longe-reverse forward, backward right and left - Cross longe-reverse forward, backward, right and left Balance longe-reverses PAGE. 20 23 22 23 25 26 27 29- Thrusting Arms 24 24 29 34 - 36 26 26, 35 28 25 28 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 7 . THE DUMB-BELLS. Positions of the Bells. r-O In position forward of the arms “ outward ££ “ “ upward ££ ££ A/OIS. Fundamental positions Resting position General Positions. Positions of the Arms. 39’ 4 1 42 Hands on hips £t under shoulders £ ‘ over t£ “ “ head “ at sides. Horizontal positions Parallel “ Vertical ££ Slanting ££ Oblique ££ Diagonal ££ Angular ££ Raising arms Lowering arms Moving arms Thrusting Turning arms Swinging arms Striking bells Rolling arms Bending trunk Turning trunk Rocking trunk Bowing trunk Raising heels Sounding heels Bending knees Kneeling Direct Oblique Cross Balance Direct j Oblique > Cross ) Direct Oblique Cross Balanc ; Arm Movements. Trunk Movements. Tout Movements. Knee Movements. Steppositions, Longes . Longe-Reversks . 41 42 45 46: 48 52 53 43 54 - - 56 47, 52, 57, 58 54 47 - 58 52 55 43 - 59 ' 47 - 59 49- - 50 55 - 54 55 56. 58 59* 60 8 CLASSIFIED INDEX. THE RINGS. Positions for Exercising. Front position - Facing “ - Reverse “ In Front Position. Positions of the Arms. Inner Arms. f Downward ] j Forward J Upward Slanting backward ** forward-downward I “ forward-upward Outer Arms r Hands on hips kk over shoulders “ “ head Downward Outward Upward Oblique downward kk upward In Facing Positions. Downward 'I Outward | Upward Oblique downward J» “ upward Diagonal Angular In Reverse Position. Downward ^ Outward j Upward ! Oblique j Diagonal | Angular J Free Gymnastic Movements. Step-positions - Stepping ...... Raising heels - Bending and turning trunk .... Turning and bending head .... Longes - Lon ge-re verses - - ... Resting portion ..... 64 - 65 66 64 6 S 66 67 6 7 - 68 67 - 68 69- 69 70 72 7i - 6 S CLASSIFIED INDEX 9 THE WAND. GRASPS OF THE HAND. Ordinary, Reversed, Combined, Twisted. Positions of the Wand. Horizontal Positions: Downward, in front Tv .< ► - ,8 Page. 77 Forward, upward; downward, in back; forward-downward, forward upward - 78 Vertical Positions: Oblique Positions: Slanting Positions: Diagonal Positions. Resting positions Steppositions Longes Longe-reverses Raising heels Turning trunk Pending trunk Bending knees On shoulders - - - - 78 On chest - 79 On shoulders side-right, side-left; on chest, side-right, side-left, 79 On back, hands fast; on back, fists on chest - - 81 At right side, downward; at left side, downward Over head, right hand forward; left hand forward Reverse-forward (twisted) At right shoulder At left shoulder 77 79 Forward, right hand upward I Forward, left hand upward f Side-right, right hand upward I Side-left, left hand upward f Side-right, left arm overhead ) Side-left, right arm overhead f Side-right, in back, right hand upward I Side-left, in back, left hand upward f At foot 82 82 82 84 83 Side-right, downward, upward; side-left; downward, upward. 80 Forward-downward, right hand forward; left hand forward ) „ Forward-upward, right hand forward; left hand forward \ a ° Backward-downward, right hand backward ) Backward-downward left hand backward j ' ^o- Forward downward, side-right ) Forward-downward, side right Forward-upward, side-right t Forward-upward, side- left ; Side right, upward Side-right, downward Side- left upward Side-left downward Reverse- forward-downward side-right ( Reverse-forward-downward side-left f Forward, right hand upward \ Forward, left hand upward f Side-right, left hand upward I Side-left, right hand upward f 85 87 86 88 88 79> 83 80, 8 1, 85, 86 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 83 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 - 84, 86 85 IO CLASSIFIED INDEX. Oblique positions. THE INDIAN CLUBS. Positions of the Clubs. Clubs on floor Clubs in first position Clubs in second position Clubs under shoulders Clubs on shoulders Clubs crossed over head Clubs crossed in parallel position Resting position Positions of the Arms. Position outward, forward, upward Position side-right, side-left Slanting position . ~ Vertical positions, Angular positions, Grouping Free Gvmnastic Movements Cv”™ StePP0Slti0nS ’_ Lon ^. Longe-re verses. Raising heels. Bending knees-. Composition . " CIRCLES. Half circles . . Fkont Ar « Circles . Back Arm Circles. OUter th,S^ OUterIeft ’. Wrleft ’ — . dinner, Oouble Side Arm Circles. Forward right. Backward right. Forward left, Backward left Front Hand Circles. Outer forward right, Inner forward right, Out-r backward r'urht t , , , . Outer forward left, Inner forward left, Do'uble^bTckTLrd^^- . ^ ° U ‘! r Double inner forward" Sjde Hand Circles. Back Back inne : ,eft ’ — — Wrist Circles. Back-outer right^ uiner n ght , outer left, inner left, double outer, double inner (In front of Same circles in back of the arms. * " “ . Combinations . ► 112, 113, 114 PAGE. 94 95 94 96 - 96 95 96 92 98 99 98 99 100 IC2 103 104 107 108 I. •* IO9 I REMARKS. In the spring- and fall, when the weather is pleasant, the children should enjoy the benefit of an out-door drill. A few vigorous arm, foot and trunk movements will bring- the life-blood to the cheeks of all. Reg-ular out-of-door drills will, in a short time, do away with most school head-aches. During- the season of fires, every precaution ag-ainst the children taking- cold, should be observed. Where no perfect system of ventil- ation exists, the school-room is best ventilated in the following- way: AL windows are slightly opened at the top, and only one or two from the bottom, but so as not to let a draught strike any of the pupils. le °ors ma) remain closed. Monitors open the windows after the first exercises and close them before the last. Insist on pupils taking- off their wraps and overshoes while in the school-room. A vacant class-room or a large corridor should always be used in preference to the school-room. Taking- the class out of the school- room gives the pupils a change of air and while the children are out, 1 1T m thC * Ch °f 1 ' room is & re atly improved. As soon as possible, let the general order of exercises in the daily drill be as follows: 1. A short drill on pcsitior.sof the arms. 2 . A foot exercise. 3. A breathing exercise. 4 A trunk exercise. 5. An arm, a shoulder, or a hand exercise. 6. A head exercise. 7. A combination exercise. 8. A marching exercise. 9. A short drill on the positions bl e arms. ™^r p “ y ,he wi,h m “* ,c - Do not have musical accompaniment oftener than once a week Familiarize yourself with all the positions and movements used cTmMn r atfons t0 COmmit t0 “7 of the Remember that all of the combination exercises in the manual are intended merely as illustrations of how gymnastic movements may be combined The number of such possible combinations is infinite diligent work and perseverence you will soon learn to compose vour own exercises. impose Do not use gymnastics as a means of punishment. *»>■ G^ h LS.T ks °“ p,r " “• 22 ' 32 “ d 36 POINTS OF CRITICISM ii. hi. IV. V. VI. VII. FOR LIGHT GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. ARRANGING AND DISMISSING THE CLASS. 1 . Rising and sitting in the class-room should be done quickly, quietly and uniformly. 2. Taking and replacing the apparatus: This should be done quietly and without interfering with, or interrupting in any way, the ranks of the class. 3 . Arrangement of the class: The boys and girls should be placed in separate rows, and graded according to size, the shorter ones in front. The different rows should be arranged according to some definite plan, so that the whole arrangement of the class will be symmetrical in every particular. STILLNESS OF PERSON. 1. Stillness of the body in the positions. — After the command of execution has been given, the head, arms, hands, trunk and feet must remain fixed in the required position until relieved, or changed to an other position by another command. 2. Stillness of the body while exercising. — During an exercise, those members of the body, not effected by the command, must be held still in their fundamental positions. STEADINESS OF FEATURES. 1. During the entire drill the features should remain calm and undisturbed. 2. Whispering, talking and laughing, 3. All grimaces, whether intentional, or from habit, and 4 . Exercising with the mouth open, are considered as faults. PROMPTNESS IN OBEYING COMMANDS. 1. Taking positions. 2 . Beginning and stopping exercises 3. Starting and halting in marching. CORRECT POSITIONS AND MOVEMENTS. 1. All positions and movements of the arms, head, trunk, limbs and feet, must be exact and true. 2 . The positions of the apparatus must be correct. UNIFORMITY OF MOTION. While exercising ar.d marching. QUIETNESS. There must be no unnecessary, or undue noise, in connection with the movements of the feet when exercising, or marching. CRITICISM. iJ viii. —ENERGY. 1. Positions of the arms should be taken with vim. 2. Movements should be executed forcibly. 3. Step-positions, the longes, and the steps in marching, should be firm and vigorous. ix. — GRACE. 1. All positions should be free from restraint. 2. The movements of the head and trunk, feet and limbs, while vigorous r should be easy and graceful. 3. In marching, the body should be carried proudly and the step shoulcb be elastic. x. — MARCHING. 1. Correct position of the body: a. Chin raised. b. Shoulders back. c. Trunk erect on the hips. d. Feet turned outward. 2. Keeping time. 3. Keeping step. 4. Keeping straight ranks. 5. Turning square corners. 6. While marching, the body should be held still. 7. The steps, while vigorous, should be quiet. xi. — USING CORRECT COMMANDS. The commands for all positions and exercises should be given? accurately. xii. — DIFFICULTNESS OF EXERCISES. 1. Exercises of a lower grade are not to be rated as high as those required*. 2. There are easy and difficult combinations of the movements occuring; in the work outlined for each grade . xiii. — VARIETY OF EXERCISES. The drill should include: a) a drill on some of the important positions; b) a head, arm, trunk and foot exercise, in the lower grades separate, in the upper grades in combinations; c) a breathing; exercise, and d) a short drill on marching and facing. xiv. — MANNER OF CONDUCTING THE DRILL. 1. When you are conducting the exercise, be composed and stand still) in your place. 2. While conducting the exercise do not talk to the class more than is absolutely necessary. Giving lengthy explanations, scolding, threatening, etc., are signs of weakness. 3. Make yourself independent of the manual as soon as possible. 4. Counting, tapping, etc., should be done softly. 5. Give the explanatory command in your natural pitch of voice, laying stress only on the command of execution. There are four kinds:’ Command of Caution, of Explanation, of Execution, and of Discontinuation. 1. The Command of Caution is used when the attention of the pupils has been diverted. Commands of Caution : 2. The Command of Explanation gives a short but clear and definite description of the position that is to be taken, or the exercise that is to be executed. It is given distinctly and slowly in the natural tone of voice. 3. The Command of Execution, invariably containing but one word, calls for the execution of the exercise demanded, and is spoken with emphasis. Commands of Execution : Between the commands of Explanation and Execution there is a slight pause, in order that the pupils may have time to think and get ready. It is represented by a line, thus: 4. The Command of Discontinuation also contains but one short word, and is spoken loudly and sharply. Commands of Discontinuation : Attention ! Ready ! Stand ! Rest ! Peace ! Down ! Begin ! March! Stop ! Haet! Rest ! THIRD GRADE AND UPWARDS. THE POLES. Tttt? Appap atttq* Material : Pine, maple, or cherry wood. Length : 12 feet. The poles may be made longer, or shorter, if desired. Thickness : launches in diameter. Color: Black, brown, yellow, or any color, or stain to suit. Cost: From $1.00 to $1.50 a set. Two POLES CONSTITUTE A SET. The pu*pils are arranged between the poles, one behind the other, evenly graded in size, and boys and girls- in separate rows. As many as eight, or nine pupils- can exercise with one set of poles. The pupils exercising with one set of poles, form a section , and two or more sections exercising in common, a division. Place for keeping the apparatus when not used: A rack of some kind is fastened to the wall, on which the poles are placed. The poles should be so placed, that they can easily be taken and replaced. The accom- panying cut gives an illustration of a suitable rack for the poles. It is made of wood and is inexpensive. The drill can not be given- BETWEEN THE DESKS unless the aisles are sufficiently wide. An. < empty room, the corridor, or a hall should be used, if there be one at hand. Of course the drill can be given in the school-yard; in fair,, mild weather, the open air is the ^most desirable of all places. The class-room should be the last resort. Fig. 2. Pole Rack. Two drills A week at least should be given. The exercises may be given with' musical accompaniment. However, this shculd not be done, un 1 the class has been thoroughly drilled. The exercises learned during t e week, may be put together, arranged in groups, sy metrically, ai d given o> the accompaniment of music on Friday. I do not advise to have music, oftener than once a week. POLES. i7 LESSON I. ARRANGING THE CLASS. iNote. — While the class is arranging in the class-room, several boys, appointed by the teacher, place the poles upon the floor of the hall, or room, where the exercise is to be given. At the command “gymnastics!” the pupils move to the edge of the seats, sit erect, place their hands, clasped, upon the desks, and their feet, heels closed and toes apart, squarely upon the floor, under the desks. Next, three taps are given; at each tap the pupils move quickly, quietly and uniformly. First tap: The pupils turn outward, place their feet in the aisles, heels closed, toes apart, and their hands, clasped, in their laps. Second tap: All rise, (without moving the feet) facing the aisles, and place the hands at the sides of the body, letting the arms hang naturally. Third tap: The pupils walk to their places, keeping step and time and arrange for the exercise, or for marching out of the room, as the case may be. The boys arrange and grade themselves on one side of the room, the girls do the same on the other side. If the pupils are to march out of the room into the hall, the next com- mand given is: Mark time — March! Marking time is a sham walk. The feet are moved as in walking, but without gaining ground. At the command “march !” all begin promptly with the left foot. The feet are turned downward and outward. The heel of the advancing foot is raised, and the knee and ankle straightened, while the toe is held slightly from the floor. The body should be held still and erect upon the hips, and the whole position should be free from restraint. The movement of the limbs should be energetic, but • elastic and noiseless. The weight of the body is over the standing limb. Then give the command : Forward — March ! All, the last as well as the first pupil, start off promptly with the left foot. The elass marches into the hall and each section between its two poles, where they mark time. When all have arranged, give the command: Class — Halt ! At the command “halt! ” given the instant the left foot touches the floor, the pupils cease marking time with the step of the right foot. (See Fig. 3, page 18). (Lesson i continued on page 19.) LIGHT GYMNASTICS. Fig. 3. Class Ready for the Poles. Fig. 4. Taking the Poles. POLES. ! 9 LESSOR I. (Continued.) ARRANGEMENT OF THE CLASS. The class may be arranged in one, two, three, four, or more sections, and in as many divisions as is necessary to place all the pupils. Let us take, for example, a class composed of 28 girls and 14 boys. Then supposing the hall, or room large enough to place one section beside the other, and two divisions, one behind the . other, the arrangement of the class would be as shown in the diagram. DIAGRAM. Div. B. Div. A. Sec. iv 7 ~ 6 — 5 4 — 3 — 7 6 — 5 4 3 T 2 — Sec. v. Sec. vi. Sec. i. Girls, Sec. il Boys. N £ O & Sec. in. Girls. It is evident, from this, that the arrangement of the class depends upon the number of pupils, the size and shape of the hall, or class-room and the taste of the instructor. *20 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON I. (Continued.) TAKING THE POLES FROM THE FLOOR. The class is now ready to take the poles. (Fig-. 3, pag-e 18.) The fol- lowing- command is given: Poles in position — Place ! (Two motions.) At the first tap: The first and la=>t pupils in each section, stoop and grasp the poles. (Fig. 4, page 18.) At the second tap: The first and last pupils in each section rise, holding the poles loosely, but carefully in their hands, knuckles turned outward, and all the other pupils grasp the poles. INo pupil should bear upon the poles, which are to be held still at the sides of the body. At the first tap: All between the first and last pupils let go of the poles, the first and last pupils stoop and place the poLs carefully upon the floor. (Fig. 4, page 18. At the second tap : The first and last pupils rise. (Fig. 3, page 18.) Practice taking- the poles from, and placing- them upon the floor, several times in succession. PLACING THE POLES UPON THE FLOOR. Poles upon floor — Place ! (Two motions.) POLES. 21 LESSORS I. (Concluded) DISMISSING THE CLASS. The class should march into the class-room in a definite order. Supposing the class to be arranged as shown in the diagram, page 19, rows 2 and 3 would face about; row 2 march behind row 1; row 1 behind row 3, and the last pupil of row 3 lead the class into the class-room. The following are the commands to be given : Row 2 and 3, rigdit-about — Face ! At the command “face!” the weight of the body is thrown upon the left heel, both toe 5 are slightly raised, and a half-turn executed by turning on the left heel After the turn the toes are lowered and the weight of the body rests equally on both feet. Mark time — March ! Forward (after having- explained the order of the march) — March ! The class marches into the class-room and as the pupils enter, they walk directly to their seats, and stand still, with their backs to their seats. After all are standing, the following signals are given for sitting : At the first tap : The pupils sit down, and place their hands, clasped, in their laps. At the second tap: The pupils turn, facing front, place their hands, clasped, on their desks, and thei-r feet in the proper position on the floor. MARCHING. iln'marching, careful attention should be given to the carriage of the body. The ollowing are the points to be observed : 1. Chin raised. 2. Lips closed. 3. Head still. 4. Shoulders back. 5. Arms hanging naturally; knuckles turned slightly forward. The arms swing slightly in alternate movements with the limbs 6. Knees without stiffness. 7. Feet turned outward. In placing the foot upon the floor (ground) the heel is put down first. 8. The step should be firm, quiet and elastic. 9. The body should be erect, still and free Irom restraint. When marching in flank rank (one behind the other) the following points should be observed: 1. Keeping time. 2. Keeping step. 3. Keeping apart at proper distance. 4. Keeping the rank straight. 5. turning square corners. IKeep time in the school room by tapping with a pencil, or muffled bell; out-of-doors, with a drum. Fig. 5. Fundamental Position. 22 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 2. Note: The following lessons begin after the class h is been arranged, and the pupils have taken the fundamental position. (Fig. 5.) The poles are to be held perfectly still in the positions. POSITIONS OF THE ARMS. 1/ Hands on hips — Place ! At the command “place ! ” i. e. the instant after the word has been spoken, the pupils place their hands (the poles) on their hips, at the sides of the b)dy, very quickly. The wrists are bent and the knuckles placed upon the hips, (see Fig. 11 .) 2. Arms down — Place ! The arms are placed in positions downward. 3. Hands under shoulders — Place ! The wrists are berft, and the hands placed under the shoulders. Arms down — Place ! The arms are raised outward and the hands placed over the shoulders. The elbows are on a level with the shoulders, the knuckles are turned downward. (Fig. 6 .) Arms down — Place! The arms are lowered as they were raised. 5. Hands over head — Place ! The arms are raised outward, and the hands placed over the head. The knuckles are turned toward the head. The hands do not quite touch each other and do not quite touch the head. The wrists and elbows should be gracefully curved. The arms ar± lowered as they were raised. CHANGING FROM ONE POSITION TO ANOTHER. Hands on hips — Place ! Hands under shoulders — Place ! Hands over shoulders — Place ! Hands over head — Place ! Hands under shoulders — Placel Hands over shoulders — Place ! Hands on hips — Place ! Arms down — Place ! 4. Hands over shoulders — Place ! Arms down — Place ! POLES. O LESSOIM 3. HORIZONTAL AND PARALLEL POSITIONS OF THE ARMS. Review the pDsitions of Lesson 2. 1. Right arm in (horizontal) position side-right — Place! The right arm, held perfectly straight, is raised sideways to a level with the; shoulders. The movement is in the shoulder joint. The knuckles are turned upward. Arm down — Place ! 2. Left arm in (horizontal) position side-left — Place! Same as position at the left side. ’ Arm down — Place ! 3. Arms (both) in (horizontal) position outward — Place! Positions i and 2, taken simultaneously, (Fig. 8.) Arms down — Place ! 4. Right arm in (vertical) position upward — Place ! The right arm is raised sideways through the horizontal position into the vertical position upward. The knuckles are turned to the left. The elbow should be held as straight as possible. Arm down — Place ! The arm is lowered sideways through the horizontal position . 5. Left arm in (vertical) position upward — Place ! Same as position 4, at the left side . Arm down — Place ! 6. Arms (both) in (vertical — parallel) position upward — Place ! Positions 4 and 5, taken simultaneously. Arms down — Place ! THE RESTING POSITION. The resting position is used whenever the pupils are fatigued from exercise or when a lengthy explanation is given From the fundamental position the resting position is taken in the following manner : a. The right foot is moved one normal step backward. b. The body, held perfectly still, is slightly moved backward and its entire weight thrown upon the right limb. The right knee is kept straight and rigid. c. The left kneeis slightly bent. d. The hands are placed upon the hips. These four movements are taken simultaneously at the command : In place — Rest ! When changing from the resting to the fundamental position, these four move- ments are reversed : a. The right foot is moved forward, b. The body is moved forward, c. The left knee is straightened, d. The arms are lowered. And taken simultaneously at the command : In (the fundamental) position — Stand ! 24 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 4. ARM EXERCISE. Note. — Repeat each exercise several times. . To cease the exercise give the command, “halt !” or “stop ! ” 1 Raise right arm into position side-right, twice — and left arm into position side-left, twice — in 8 counts — Begin ! One: Right arm in position side-right . Two: Right arm in position downward Three and Four : The same. Five: Left arm in position side-left. Six: Left arm in position downward. Seven and Eight: The same. 2. Arms in position outward — hands on hips — hands under shoul- ders — arms down — and repeat — in 8 counts — Begin ! 3. Raise right and left arms into position upward, alternately, twice. — in 8 counts — Begin ! One; Right arm in posit on, upward. Two: Right arm in position, downward. Three: Left arm in position, upward. Four: Left arm in position downward. Five: Same as one. Six: Same as two Seven: Same as three. Eight: Same as four. 4. Arms in position outward — in position upward — in position out- ward — arms down — and repeat — in 8 counts — Begin ! 5. Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4, successively — in 32 counts — Begin ! In place — Rest ! Note. — Invent new combinations of the positions of lessons 2, and 3. TRUNK EXERCISE. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place ! 1. Bend trunk side-right, in two counts — Begin ! At One: The trunk is bent directly sideways to the right as far as possible; the feet remain firmly on the floor, the knees straight and together. The head is also slightly bent to the right, but the movement must be gradual and not noticeable apart from the movement of the trunk. The left flank of the body, from the crown of the head to the foot, should be a graceful curve. At Two: The head and trunk are raised into the upright position. 2. Bend trunk side-left, in 2 counts. 3. Bend trunk side-right — and side-left, alternately — in 4 counts. In place — Rest ! TRUNK AND ARM EXERCISE. In position — Stand ! 1. Arms in position outward — in position upward — bend trunk side-right (two counts) — bend trunk side-left (two counts) — arms in position outward — and arms down — in 8 counts — Begin ! (Fig. 7) 2. The same, except beginning trunk move- ment at the left — in 8 counts. 3. Fxercises 1 and 2, — in 16 counts. IFig. 7. — Trunk in position side-left, arms in position upwards. POLES. 2 S’ LESSON 5. VERTICAL POSITIONS OF THE ARMS. Note: Begin each lesson with a short drill on the positions of the arms, reviewing all familiar positions Hands on hips — Place ! 1. Vertical position, right arm upward, left arm downward — Place ! The right arm is thrust into position upward, the left arm into position downward, simultaneously. 2. Arms in opposite position — Place ! The right arm is lowered through the side right position into position downward,. — the left arm is raised through the side-left position into position upward — simultaneously . 3. Hands on hips — Place ! Arms down — Place ! In place — Rest ! FOOT EXERCISE The Direct Step-Positions Note: The foot is placed in the position of stepping; the step, however, is not taken, the foot is brought back again and the heels closed. Hence the term step-position. There are six direct step-positions. In position — Stand ! 1. Right foot in step-position forward — Place ! The weight of the body is thrown upon the left foot; the right foot is moved forward, and placed in the step-posicion : the heel is raised, the ankle straight- ened and the toe touches the floor; the toe ds turned outward as in the funda- mental position; the knee is straight and rigid. The body is kept straight and still. Note: In all of the step-positions the relative position of the feet is not changed. Heels closed — Place ! The foot is brought back and the heels closed. The weight of the body is now again equally over both feet. 2. Heft foot in step-position forward — Place ! Heels closed — Place ! 3. Right foot in step-position backward — Place ! Heels closed — Place ! 4. Heft foot in step-position backward — Place ! Heels closed — Place ! 5. Right foot in step-position side-right — Place ! Heels closed — Place ! 6. Heft foot in step-position side-left — Place ! Heels closed — Place ! Arms down — Place ! In place — Rest 1 ARM AND FOOT EXERCISE. In position — Stand ! 1. Arms in position outward — step-position side-left (2 counts)* — and arms down — in 4 counts — Begin! (Fig. 8.) One: The arms are placed in position outward Two: The left foot is placed in step-position side-left. Three: The heels are closed. Four: The arms are lowered. 2. Arms in position upward — step-position side-right (2 counts) — andarms down — in 4 counts. 3. Exercises 1, and 2, — in 8 counts. Arms in position outward, left foot in step-position side-left. 2 6 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 6. The Diagonal Positions of the Arms. Note. — In the diagonal position of the arms outward, both arms are fully entended, forming a straight line drawn diagonally sideways, through the shoulders Arms in position outward — Place ! 1. Arms in diagonal position outward, right arm upward — Place ! (Fig-. 13.) The right arm is placed midway between outward and upward, palm turned downward, the left arm is placed midway between outward and. downward, the palm turned downward. Arms in position outward — Place ! Both arms are placed horizontally outward. 2. Arms in diagonal position outward, left arm upward — Place ! The opposite of the first position. 3. Arms in opposite position — Place ! Position No. i, Arms in position outward — Place! Hands on hips — Place ! In place — Rest ! ARM, TRUNK, AND FOOT EXERCISE. In position — Stand ! 1. Hands on hips — arms down — arms in position outward — hands over shoulders — arms in position upward — hands over shoulders — arms in position outward -- and arms down — in 8 counts — Begin ! ;2. Hands on hips — bend trunk side-right, and step-position side-left (two counts) — and arms down — in 4 counts. One: The hands are placed upon the hips. Two: The trunk is bent into position side-right, and the left foot is placed in step-position side-left. Three: The trunk is raised and the heels closed. Four: The arms are lowered, 3. Hands on hips — bend trunk side-left and step-position side-right — and arms down — in 4 counts. 4. Exercises 1, 2, and 3, — in 16 counts. In place — Rest ! FOOT EXERCISE. Raising Heels in Two Counts. Hands on hips — Place ! Raise both heels, in 2 counts — Begin ! One: The body, being kept straight and still, is raised onto the toes as high as possible; the heels remain closed, the knees rigid and closed. Two: The heels are lowered energetically, but silently. Raising Heels in One Count. Raise heels — in 1 count — 8 times — Begin The heels are raised quickly and immediately lowered again, the count being on the second movement. The body is held straight and still and is raised onto the toes as high as possible; both movements are to be executed energetically; the heels are lowered silently. The exercise is repeated eight times. Arms down — Place ! POLES. 27 LESSON 7. The Right-Angular Position's of the Arms. Hands on hips — Place ! Arms in angular position outward, right arm downward — Place ! Right arm in position downward (palm inward.) Left arm in position outward (palm downward.) Hands on hips — Place ! 2. Arms in opposite position — Place ! Left arm in position downward (palm inward.) Right arm in position outward (palm downward.) Hands over shoulders — Place ! .3. Arms in angular position outward, right arm upward — Place ! Right arm in position upward (palm outward.) Left arm in position outward (palm downward,) Hands over shoulders — Place ! 4. Arms in opposite position — Place ! Left arm in position upward (palm outward.) Right arm in position outward (palm downward.) Hands on hips Place ! In place — Rest ! STEPPING. Forward, Backward and Sideways. Note: In stepping, with the exception of sideways to the right, the left foot is invariably advanced. In tactic exercises, the command of execution is invariably: march\ that of stopping: halt ! In position — Stand ! 1. One step forward (two counts) — March ! One, The left foot is advanced forward and placed upon the floor. Two, The right foot is brought forward and placed beside the left. 2. One step backward (two counts) — March ! One, The left foot is moved backward. Two, The right foot is moved back- ward and placed beside the left. 3. One step side-left (two counts) — March ! One, The left foot is movecl sideways to the left and placed upon the floor. Two, The right foot is moved sideways to the left and placed beside the left foot. 4. Two steps side-left (four counts) — March ! Same as two single side-steps. 5. One step side- right (two counts) — March ! One, The right foot is moved sideways to the right and placed upon the floor. Two, The left foot is moved sideways to the right, and placed beside the right foot. 6. Two steps side-right (four counts) — March ! Same as two single sidesteps. Angular Positions. 28 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 8. THE OBLIQUE STEP POSITIONS. The oblique step-positions are midway between the forward and side, and the backward and side direct step-positions. In all other particulars they are the same as the direct step-positions Rig-ht foot in oblique step-position forward — Place! In position — Stand ! (the heels are closed.) Heft foot in oblique step-position forward — Place ! In position — Stand ! Rig-ht foot in oblique step-position backward — Place! In position — Stand 1 Heft foot in oblique step-position backward — Place!: In position — Stand ! In place — Rest ! ARM AND FOOT EXERCISE WITH STEPPING. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place ! 1. One step forward (2 counts) and thrust arms downward (2 counts) — in 4 counts — Begin ! 2. One step side-left (2 counts) and raise heels (2 counts) — in 4 counts. 3. One step backward (2 counts) — and thrust arms outward (2 counts) — in 4 counts . 4. One step side-rig-ht (2 counts) — and raise heels (2 counts) — in 4 counts. 5. Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4, in 16 counts. In place — Rest ! BENDING KNEES. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place! 1. Bend knees, in two counts — Begin ! One, Both knees are bent equally midway between forward and outward; the feet remain firmly on the floor. The trunk and head are held erect on the hips. The knees when bent are directly over the toes. Two, The knees are straight- ened and closed. Note: Bending the knees is an important exercise and should be given frequently in connection with, arm, leg and trunk movements. In place — Rest ! ARM AND KNEE EXERCISE. In position — Stand ! 1. Arms in position outward — bend knees (2 counts) — and arms down — in 4 counts — Begin! (Pig-. 9.) 2. The same except arms in positon upward — in 4 counts. 3. Exercises 1, and 2 — in 8 counts. Fig. 9 Knees bent, arms in position outward. CL A/\ ' taken as described on page 23. In position — Stand ! (Fig*. 49.) See page 23. HORIZONTAL POSITIONS (Continued.) Wand on chest — Place! The wand is placed on the chest, the hands fully grasp t&«? wand, and are slightly turned back. Wand on chest side-rig-ht — Place! Fig. 53 * — Resting position. The right arm is extended', the wand resting between the thumb and forefinger. The hand is open and the palm turned to the front. The left arm is bent, th$r grasp is loosened somewhat and the hand bent still more backward. Wand on chest side-left — Place! (Fig-. 54.) The opposite of the foregoing position. Wand on shoulders side-left — Place! The light hand raises the wand over the head and places it on the- shoulder The left hand and the left end of the wand remain stationary. Wand on shoulders side-rig-ht — Place! The opposite of the foregoing position, Wand at right shoulder (2 counts) — Place! 8o LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 4. ARM AND FOOT EXERCISE. Wand in position downward (2 counts) — Place! 1. Wand in position forward — upward — forward, and downward — in 4 counts — Begin! In order to guard against the movement being too fast, and to insure percision, it is best to give two taps to each count or movement, i. e., one tap for the movement, and one for the position following the movement. 2. Wand on chest side-right, and step-position side-left, in 2 counts. and foot movements. Fig. 54. — Wand on chest side-left, foot in step-position side-right. First count: The wand is placed in position on chest side- right, and the left foot in position side left. Second count: The wand is placed in the starting position and the heels are closed. 3. Same, except opposite positions. (Fig. 54.) Wand on chest side-left, and right foot in position side- right. Exercises 2 and 3 in 4 counts. Exercises 1 and 4 in 8 counts. In place — Rest! Invent new combinations of familiar wand positions OBLIQUE POSITIONS. In the oblique positions of the wand the arms are, as a rule, in the angular positions. In position — Stand! j 1. Wand in oblique position side-right, downward — Place! f, Left arm downward, right arm outward. < 2. Wand in oblique position side-right, upward — place! \ Left arm in position upward, right arm in position outward (Fig. 59 ) 3. Wand in opposite position — Place! Oblique position side-left upward. 4. Wand in oblique position side-left, downward — Place! Wand at right shoulder (2 counts) — Place! There are also forward and backward oblique positions. The following are some of them. 1. Oblique position: Forward-downward, right arm at right side, left arm in position forward. 2. The same except left arm at left side and right arm in position forward. 3. Oblique position forward-upward: right arm upward, left arm forward. 4. The same except left arm upward, right arm forward. 5. Oblique position backward-downward : left arm at right side, right arm in horizontal position backward. 6. The same, except right arm left side and left arm in horizontal position backward. WAND. 81 LESSON 5. HORIZONTAL POSITIONS. Wand in position downward — Place! 1. Wand in horizontal position side-right-down — Place! 7'he wand, without changing its position or the grasp of the hands, is swung around to the right side of the body. The direction of the wand is forward and backward. The grasp is loose. Wand in position downward — Place! 2. Wand in horizontal position side-left-down — Place! The opposite of position No. i. 3. Wand in position forward — Place! Wand in reverse position forward, right (or left) arm upward — Place! The right end of the wand is moved upward and to the left. The left end down- ward and to the right . The arms are twisted, the grasp is loose, the wand horizontal, resting between and against both arms at the elbow. Wand in position downward — Place! 4. Wand in horizontal position over head, right (or left) hand forward — Place! The direction of the wand is forward. 7'he arms are slightly bent; the grasp loose. Wand in position downward — Place! Wand in position backward, letting go right hand (2 counts) — Place! 7'he wand is in horizontal position behind the body, ordinary grasp. -5. Wand on back, hands fast — Place! The wand is moved upward, the arms are bent, the grasp loosened. The wand is held between the thumbs and forefingers. 'J he fingers are straight and turned outward; . the palms of the hands are turned to the iront. The wand, rests securely against the back, in the elbows ard along the forearms. 6. Wand on back, fists on chest — Place! 7'he hands let go the wand and the fists are placed on the chest. The wand rests between the back and the eibows. Wand in position backward, reversed grasp — Place! 7'he arms are straightened, the wand dropped and caught in the hands, the palms turned to the front. Wand in position downward, ordinary grasp, letting go right hand (3 counts) — Place! First count: 7'he right hand lets go, and the wand is placed in front of the body Second count: 1 he right hand grasps the wand with ordinary grasp. 7'hird count: 7'he left hand takes the ordinary grasp. In place — Rest! ARM AND FOOT EXERCISE. In position — Stand! 1. Wand on shoulders side-right, and cross-stepposition forward-right simultaneously — in 2 counts — Begin! Cross-stepposition, page 30 . 2. Wand in position upward (arms straight) and raise heels, simul- taneously — in 2 counts. 3. Exercises 1 and 2 in 4 counts. 4. Wand on shoulders side-left, and cross-stepposition forward-left, simultaneously — in 2 counts. 5. Exercises 4 and 2 in 4 counts. 6. Exercises 3 and 5 in 8 counts. Wand at right shoulder — Place! LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 6 a v VERTICAL POSITIONS. Wand in position downward — Place! 1. Wand in vertical position forward, right hand upward — Place! The wand is placed in vertical position in front of the body, the right hand being opposite the forehead. The arms are slightly bent; the wand is held loosely between the thumb and the open hand The palm of right hand is turned outward, that of the left hand towards the body. Wand in position downward — Place! 2. Wand in vertical position forward, left hand upward — Place! (Fig. 55.) The oppos : te of position No. i. Wand in opposite position — Place! Wand in position downward — Place! 55 — Vertical position forward, left hand upward. 3. Wand in vertical position side-right, right hand upward, (left arm down in front) — Place! (Fig^. 56.) The wand is p’aced in a vertical position at the right side of the body. The lower left end of the wand rests against the right hip; the upper part of the wand rests against the upper right arm. The right arm is in position upward, but bent; the left arm is also bent. The grasp is loose, the palm of the open right hand is turned outward, the left hand is just above the right hip , W 7 and in position downward — Place! W and in vertical position side-left, left hand upward, (right arm downward in front) — Place! The opposite of position No. 3. Wand in position downward — Place! Wand in vertical position side-right, left arm over head — ^ Place! Fig 56. — Vertical position side-right, right arm upward, left arm downward in front*; The position of the wand is the same as position No. 3. The right arm an<| hand remain at the right side. The left hand and end of the wand are raised arid’ the bent arm placed over head The grasp is loose, the left hand is open and the| palm turned outward. Wand in opposite position — Place! Opposite of position No. 5 Wand in position downward — Place! In place — Rest! ARM AMD LEG EXERCISE. In position — Stand! Wand in vertical position forward, left hand upward (1 count) longe side-right and wand in position forward (1 count) — recover and wand in vertical position forward, left hand upward (1 count) — and wand in position downward (1 count) — in 4 counts — Begin! Longe movement, page 31. The same, except opposite wand and longe positions — in 4 counts. Exercises 1 and 2 — in 8 counts. Wand at right shoulder — Place! 4. 5 . 1 . WAND. 8 3 LESSON 7. VERTICAL POSITIONS. 1. Wand at foot (2 counts) — Place! (Fig- 57.) First count: The right arm is bent, and the wand let drop (sliding through the fingers) until the upper end is just above the shoulder, at the same time the left arm is carried to the right side and the palm of the hand pressed against the v and at the shoulder groove. Second count: The right arm is straightened; the lower end ot the wand touches the floor and the left arm is placed at the left side (Fig 57.) 2. Wand at (rig-ht) shoulder (2 counts) — - Place! First count: The wand is thrown upward to the proper heighth passing through the fingers of the right hand; the right arm slightly bends, the left arm is carried to the right side and the palm of the hand pressed against the wand at the shoulder groove; _at the sune time the right arm is straightened. All three n*.ovememts are carried out in rapid succession. Second count: The left arm is placed at the left side. Wand at foot (2 counts) — Place! In place — Rest! (1 count) (Fig-. 58.) The position of the body is taken as described on page 23. In taking the position the upp°r end of the wand is carried backward an< slightly to the left; the lower end remains on the floor; the right hand retain: its position while the left h nd is placed upon the upper end of the wand (Se< Fig. 58.) In position — Stand! The position of the body is taken as described on page 23. The right hanc places the wand in its vertical position; the left arm is placed at the left "side. LEG AND ARM EXERCISE. Wand at (rig-ht) shoulder (2 counts) — Place! Fig 5 S — Wand in horizontal position downward (2 counts) — Place! 1. Wand in (horizontal) position upward — -wand on shoulders, and longue-reverse side-right — wand in position upward and recover — wand in position downward — in 4 counts — Begin! 2. The same, except longe-reverse side-left — in 4 counts. 3. Fxercises 1 and 2 in 8 counts. Invent newcombinations of familiar wand positions, adding steppositions, longes, longe-reverses, bending knees, etc. Fig. 57 -Wand at foot Wand at shoulder — Place! 8 4 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 8. LEG ANI) ARM EXERCISE. Longe side-right, wand in oblique position side-right downward — wand in oblique position side-rig-ht up- ward (Fig-. 59) — wand in oblique position side-rig-ht, downward — and recover to starting- position — in 4 counts — Begin! The same, except to the left — in 4 counts. The same, right and left — in 8 counts. In place — Rest! TRUNK. ARM AND FOOT EXERCISE. 2 . 3 . 4. 5. In position — Stand! Wand on chest — wand in horizontal position upward and raise heels — wand on chest and lower heels — and wand down — in 4 counts. VERTICAL POSITIONS. In position — - Stand! Wand in position backward down, letting go left hand (2 counts) — Place! 1. Wand in vertical position side-right — Place! The wand is placed at the right side of the body. The wand rests against the shoulder-groove. The right arm is curved, the palm, hand open, is turned to the front. 1 he left hand, grasping the wand is placed just over the right hip, the knuckles turned to the front. 2. Wand in opposite jDOsition — Place! The wand passes through the horizontal downward position (in back) into the opposite vertical position. Wand in horizontal position backward-down — Place! Wand in horizontal position forward down, letting go . left hand (2 counts) — Place! Wand at right shoulder (2 counts) — Place! Turn trunk side-right, step-position side-right, and wand in hori- zontal position upward — and recover to starting position — 1 in 2 counts. The same to the left — in 2 counts. Fxercises 2 and 3 — in 4 counts. Fxercises 1 and 4 — in 8 counts. In place — Rest! WAND. 85 LESSON 9. SLANTING POSITION. Wand in position downward — Place! 1. Wand in slanting- position forward side-right upward — Place! The right end of the wand is placed at the right shoulder groove. The right hand grasps the wand loosely, the back of the hand turned forward. The right elbow is lowered and placed against the side of the body. The left arm is curved gracefully, the hand grasps the wand loosely, the palm is turned upward. The wand slants midway between forward and upward. Wand in position downward — Place! 2. Wand in slanting position forward side-left upward — Place! Wand in position downward — Place! 3. Wand in slanting position forward side-right downward — Place! Same as position one with the exception of the wand slanting downward. Wand in position downward — Place! 4. Wand in slanting position forward side-left downward — Place! Wand in position downward — Place! In place — Rest! LEG, FOOT AND ARM EXERCISE. In position — Stand! 1. Wand in vertical position side-right, right hand upward and cross- stepposition forward-right (1 count) — longe side-left and wand in vertical position side-left, left hand upward (1 count) — and reverse order (2 counts) — in 4 counts. Reverse order: Recover to cross-stepposition forward-right, wand in vertical position side-right, right hand upward (i count) — and close heels and place wand in position downward. 2. The same, except beginning at the left — in 4 counts. 3. Exercises 1 and 2 in 8 counts. In place — Rest! TRUNK, LEG AND ARM EXERCISE. In position — Stand! Wand in position backward, letting go left hand (2 counts) — Place! Change to reversed grasp, right hand fast (2 counts.) 1. Wand in position on back, hands fast (1 count) — longe position backward-right (1 count) — remaining in longe position bend trunk backward twice — (4 counts) — recover (1 count) — wand down (1 count) — in 8 counts. 2. The same except longe backward left — in 8 counts. 3. Exercises 1 and 2 in 16 counts. Wand in position downward, letting go right hand (2 counts) — Place! Change to ordinary grasp, left hand first (2 counts) — Place! Wand at shoulder (2 counts) — Place! 86 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. LESSON 10. Wand in position downward — Place! 1. Turn trunk side-right, stepposition side-right, and wand in vertical position forward (towards the right) right hand upward — and recover to start- ing position — in 2 counts — Begin! (Tig. 60.) 2. Longe backward-left, wand on shoulders — and recover to starting position — in 2 counts. 3. Same as exercise 1 except to the left — in 2 counts.) 4. Same as exercise 2 except right — in 2 counts. Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4 — in 8 counts. In place — Rest! 5. Fig. 6o — Trunk turned in position side-right — stepposition side-right — wand in vertical position \ forward, right arm upward. SLANTING POSITIONS. In position — Stand! Wand in reverse slanting position forw. side-right downw. — Place! The right end of the wand is turned downward and the left hand placed under ; the right shoulder Both hands grasp the wand loosely; the palm of the right hand upward. Wand in position downward — Place! W^and in reverse slanting position forw. side-left downward — Place! | Wand in position downward — Place! In place — Rest! LEG, FOOT AND ARM EXERCISE. and In position — Stand! 1. Wand on shoulders side-left, and stepposition side-right recover to starting position — in 2 counts. 2. Longe position backward-right, and wand in reverse slanting position downward side-right — and recover to starting position — - in 2 counts. 3. Same as exercise 1 except opposite wand and stepposition — in 2 counts. 4. Same ets exercise 2 except opposite longe and wand positions — in. 2 counts. 5. Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4 — in 8 counts. Wand at right shoulder — Place! WAND. 87 LESSON II. SLANTING POSITIONS. Wand in position downward — Place! 1. Wand in slanting- position side-rig-ht upward — Place! The left end of the wand is placed at the left shoulder and the wand slants upward to the right Both hands grasp the wand loosely, the palm of the left hand is turned towards the body, that of the right hand to the front. The left elbow is on a line with the wand. 2. Wand in slanting- position side-rig-ht downward — Place! The right end of the wand is turned downward to a point midway between downward and outward. Wand in position downward — Place! 3. Wand in slanting- position side-left upward — Place! Opposite of position No. 1. 4. Wand in slanting- position side-left downward — Place! Opposite of position No. 2. right upward. Trunk bent slightly side left. Wand in position downward — Place! I 11 place — Rest! LEG AND ARM EXERCISE. In position — Stand! Fonge position side-left, wand in slant position side-rig-ht, upward (1 count) (Fig-. 61.) — chang-e to longe position backward right, and wand in slanting position side-left, upward (1 count) — and reverse order — in 4 counts. The left foot is not moved throughout the exercise. Reverse order: Change to longe position side-left, and wand in slant position side-right upward (1 count) (Fig. 60 - and recover to starting position (1 count.) 2. The same, except opposite longe and wand positions — in 4 counts. 3. Fxercises 1 and 2 — in 8 counts. Wand at shoulder — Place! 88 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. 1 . LESSON 12. DIAGONAL POSITIONS. Wand in position downward — Place! W and in horizontal position forward — Place! Wand in diagonal position forward, right hand upward — Place! The right hand is placed above the level, the left hand below the level of the shoulders. 4. Wand in opposite position — Place! Left hand above, right hand below the level of the shoulder. Wand in position downward — Place! Wand in diagonal position side-right — left hand upward — Place! The trunk is slightly turned to the right. The wand is placed in a diagonal position at the side of the body, the left end pointing to the front. Wand in position downward — Place! Wand in diagonal position side-left, right hand upward — Place! Wand in position downward — Place! In place — Rest! LEG, KNEE, FOOT AND ARM EXERCISES, In position — Stand! Fonge forw. -right, wand in slant position forw. side-right, downward (Fig. 62) — in 2 counts — Begin! Wand raised into position upward and raise heels <— in 2 counts. Fxercise 1 forward left — in 2 counts. Wand raised into position upward and bend knees -- in 2 counts. Fxercise 1, 2, 3, and 4 — in 8 counts. In place — Rest! Fig, 62. — Longe forw.-right, wand in slant position forward side-right downw. trunk bent slightly forw. LEG AND ARM EXERCISE. In position — Stand! Wand in reverse position forward right arm upward (arms twisted) (1 count) — wand in reverse slanting position downward side- right, and longe position backward (1 count) — and reverse order (2 counts) — in 4 counts. Reverse order: Close heels, and wand in reverse position forward right arm upward (1 count) and ward in position forward down (1 count.) Same as exercise 1 except opposite longe and wand positions. Fxercise 1 and 2 — in 8 counts. Wand at shoulder — Place! 1 . 3 . A number of the wand positions especially those in which only one hand is used are not given in this manual for want of space. They are also, for the most part, complicated and require more room for their execution, than Public Schools are in possession of at this time. Neither was it possible to give as many examples of combinations as in some of the other parts of the book. The manual, however, was written on the supposition that the teacher attempting these exercises with appliances . has mastered the fi.st part of the system “Free Gymnastics.” In this case it will be a comparitively easy matter to use the free gymnastic movements together with the movements of the wand. For fancy marches, grouping, etc., see the author’s second book. “Tactics,” also pages 73, 74, and 75 of this book. A wand exercise arranged for musical accompaniment on page 124. 4 THE INDIAN CLUBS. FIFTH GRADE AND UPWARDS. THE INDIAN CLUBS. The Apparatus : Material : Wood. Height : 20 inches. Thickness-. 3^ inches. Weight: 1^ lbs each. The parts of the clubs are: The ball. The handle. The body. The base. Place for Keeping the Clubs: A wooden bracket with notches, similar to J the dumb-bell rack, is attatched to the wall. (See the accompanying cut.) The clubs should be in easy reach ot the pupils. Taking the Apparatus: The class is arranged in one flank line. Each pupil in passing in front of the rack, takes a pair of clubs, holding them by the handles (in position downward.) The clubs may also be carried under shoulders or on shoulders. The clubs are replaced in a similar manner. The drill should be given at least twice a week. In the higher grades, when no other apparatus is at hand, the exercise may be given daily. Musical accompaniment should not be attempted, until the class has been thoroughly drilled. Fig. 64. — Indian Club Rack. INDIAN CLUBS. Before teaching club-swinging proper it is advisable to give the class instruction in the positions of the clubs, and in free gymnastic positions and movements with the clubs. These preliminary drills are particularly helpful in exercising the wrist, for upon the flexibility of the wrist depends much of the gracefulness in club-swinging. .Teachers familiar with the author’s first book 8 counts. 8 counts. 8 counts. 8 counts. Interlude 8 measures. PART V. Ranks I and III together. 1. Longe outward, outer arms in position outward, inner hands on hips, head turned inward, simultaneously, in 2 counts — 4 times .... Rank II alone: 2 . Longe forward left, arms in position outward, simultaneously in 2 counts — 4 times / Ranks I and III, exercise 1. Rank II: Longe backward right, hands over head, head slightly bent forward, simultaneously, in 2 counts — y 4 times. See illustration page 15. 52 . 1 Ranks I and III, Exercise I . g -j Rank II Exercises 2 and 3, each once, alternately. Finale ------- All 3- in B All 4. 8 counts 8 counts. 1 . 8 counts. | 8 counts. 8 measures. LIGHT GYMNASTICS. 3 1 8 A DUMB BELL EXERCISE. (Arranged for musical accompaniment.) Music: Even time: 2-8, 4-16 etc., notes = one gymnastic count. Triple time: One measure = one gymnastic count. See Note, page ii6. Arrangement of the Class. Fundamental position. Prelude 8 measures. PART I. Positions. I- 2 . a (75 All : Arms in position outward — rest 2 counts and arms down — in 4 counts. / Ranks II and III: Hands over head — rest 'I 2 counts — and arms down. I jS [ Rank I: Arms in slant position side-right. ! g j upward — rest 2 counts and arms down. [ o Rank IV: Same as Rank I except opposite | ^ [ slant position. J J 8 counts. f Ranks II and III: Arms in oblique position ' I downward — rest two counts and arms down. X j Rank I: Arms in diagonal position outward, | right arm upward — rest 2 counts — and arms > £ down. Rank IV: Same as Rank I except opposite diagonal position. 4. f Ranks II and III: Arms in oblique position 'j upward — rest two counts — and arms down* £ I Rank I- Arms in diagonal position outward, 2 left arm upward — rest 2 counts — and arms }- •5 | down. ^ Rank: IV: Same as Rank I, except opposite diagonal position. J Interlude - - - ! 8 counts. V 8 measures DUMB-BELLS. 119 PART II. Posing. 3. All: Longe position side-right, arms in diagonal position outward, right arm upward — rest in position 3 counts — in 4 counts. A11: Change to opposite longe and arm positions, with- out moving the feet — rest in position 3 counts — 4 counts. 8 counts. Ranks III and IV: change to opposite longe and j arm positions — 4 counts. r , Ranks I and II retain their positions. ) All change to opposite longe and arm positions 4 counts 8 counts. 5. Ranks I and IV: Change to opposite longe and arm positions. Ranks II and III: Retain their positions. 6 . All change to opposite position —4 counts. Interlude ------ 8 counts. 8 measures. PART III. GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. All. 1 . a , Hands on hips — arms in oblique position ' downward — hands over shoulders — arms in oblique position upward — hands over shoulders — arms in oblique position downward — hands on hips and arms down in ------ 8 counts Repeat la ----- 8 counts. All: 2 . a , Arms in position outward — longe position side-right — arms in position upward — arms in position out- ward — arms in position upward — arms in position outward — recover — and arms down — in - 8 counts 3. W / Exercise 2 a to the left - Rank I: Arms in position outward — longe \ position side-right and arms in position up- ward — arms in position outward — arms in position upward — arms in position outward — arms in position upward — recover and arms in position outward — and arms down — in 8 counts. Rank IV : Same as Rank I except opposite longe. Rank II: Same as exercise 2a except longe forward left. Rank III: Same as exercise 2a except longe for- ward right. S Repeat exercise 3 8 counts 8 counts. 8 counts 1 . 120 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. POSING. 5. GG B s r+ P 2 a> o ss / Rank I: Longe position side-left; trunk turned \ side-left, left arm in slant position side-left, up- ward, rig*ht hand on hip — rest seven counts — in 8 counts. Rank IV: The same except opposite positions. Rank II: Longe posi. backw. left, hands over head — rest 7 counts — in 8 counts. Rank III: Same as Rank II except longe backward right. 8 counts.. All: 6. Recover — and rest seven counts Interlude 8 counts. 8 measures. PART IV. GROUPING. All: 1. Breaking ranks and keeping step and time arrange as shown in. following diagram facing front — 8 measures. Fig. i. 1,4 1,3 * n, 4 IV, 4 III, 4 IV , 3 11,3 111,3 11,2 ill, 2 1,2 IV, 2 I, I ’ II, I III, I ’ IV, 1 All: 2. Longe with inner feet forward towards the center of the figures, arms in diagonal position outward, inner arms upward, and inner bells meeting over the center of the figures. (See page 37.) All remain in position through 8 measures. 3. a, Recover, and march to original places Finale - 8 measures* RINGS. Music. Fven time: %, 2-8, 4-16, etc., notes = One gymnastic count. Triple time: One measure = One gymnastic count. See Note, page 116. Arrangement oe the Ceass. Girls. Boys. Girls. Fundamental position. PART I. Front Position. 1. a , Raise inner arms forward, and stepposition forward, inner feet, simultaneously (2 counts) — and raise inner arms upward, and stepposition sideways outer feet, simultaneously^ counts) — in 4 counts. b , Repeat la. > 8 counts. 2. a, Fonge forward, inner feet, inner arms in slant position forward- upward simultaneously (2 c) — and longe sideways, outer feet, inner arms in oblique position downward, simultaneously (2 counts) — in 4 counts. Repeat 2a. 1 8 counts. J 3. a , Same as exercise la, substituting longe reverse for stepposition. b, Repeat 3 a. 8 counts. 4. Repeat exercises 2 a and 2b 5. a, Facing position (1 count.) b, Rest 7 counts 8 counts. 8 counts. Interlude 4 measures. L }22 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. PART II. FACING POSITION 1. «, Arms in position outward, front feet in step-position sideways — arms in position upward, and close heels — arms in position outward, and rear feet in stepposition sideways — arms down and close heels — in 4 counts. Longe sideways to the front, and arms in position outward — recover and arms down — longe sideways to the rear, and arms in position outward — recover and arms down — in 4 counts. 2. a , Front position — sound heels — longe sideways outer feet, inner arms in oblique position downward, outer hands over shoulder (1 count) — recover — repeat the third movement — recover — sound heels — facing position — in 8 counts. b, Same as 2a , except Front Position to the rear — in 8 counts. 3. Repeat la and lb — in 8 counts. 4. Front position (1 count) — rest 7 counts — in 8 counts. b, Interlude — 4 measures. PART III. GROUPING. Note: — The signal for makirg the changes should be a tap of some kind distinctly heard by all. 1. Form front circle, facing inward — 8 measures. AH begin the march with the left foot. The number of steps need not be counted, but the circle should be completed, before the 8 measures of music have expired. The rings and arms form a continuous chain. When the circle is complete: all Mark time. 2. Form hank circle, facing left and march forward in circle — in 16 measures. Each member places her (his) right hand with the ring on her own left shoulder, the V left hand grasping the ring on left shoulder in front. 3. When the circle has rotated once all (at the signal) march to their original places, halting and stand in the “reverse position” the number ones facing the instructor — 8 measures. Simultaneous. RINGS. 123 A PART IV. REVERSE POSITION. Arms in position outward — longe sideways to the 'j instructor’s left, and arms in position upward | — recover and arms in position outward — and \ arms down — in 4 counts. f Same as 1#, except longe to the instructor’s right | — in 4 counts . J Longe forward right, arms in slant position back- 1 ward — recover and arms down — longe for- I ward left and arms in slant position backward r — recover and arms down — in 4 counts. Repeat 2a. J No. 2 : half turn around No. 1, in four steps which brings the pairs into the front position — in j 4 counts . }> Facing position (1 count) — Rest (3 counts) — in | 4 counts. ) 8 counts. ! counts . 8 counts. 1 a , No I’s: Longe obliquely forward to the front, placing right hand with ring over right shoulders, retaining grasp on other ring, placing left arm in position obliquely forward to the rear, and turning head to the rear, (1 count). No. 2’s: Longe obliquely forward to the rear, place r 2 c. t.8 c. right hand over right shoulder (letting go the ring) grasp rear ring with left hand, place left arm in | position obliquely forward to the front, and turn I head to the front (1 count). Recover to facing position (1 count). j b , Repeat 4a three times. .... 6 counts. J 5. r, Exercises \a and b reversed - - - - 8 counts. 6. Front position (1 count) — Rest 7 counts - 8 counts. Interlude - - - 8 measures. PART V. Grouping. 1. At the signal, all march to their places according to the following diagram, face the center of the circle or square and halt. 81 8 lit \ Si 11 X / In 2 ir 6 1 V 10 1 5 11 /. 6 11 # \ \ / 6 in 10 in 10 11 4 1 V 3 11 V 4 11 4 hi 00 . ,8 measures 00 / 4 3 in V III q 1 1 \ 1 nr / 2 m Ranks 1 and 3 form in four circles. Rank 2 forms in one square in the middle and two pyramids one on each side of the square a n d outward from the circles. 124 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. 2 * f At the next signal : > a, b, c, Those in the circles cross arms backward (with next boys) right arms over left arms, grasping the other ring. The arms, hands and rings now form a complete chain. All in the circles bend trunk and head slowly backward, as far as possible. Knees straight and closed, feet firmly on the ' floor. r Ihose in the square and pyramid, longe obliquely forward with inner feet, towards the center, inner arms in oblique position upward, all grasping one ring, outer arms in oblique position downward. (See illustration page 61) 8 measures. 3 a, All recover, rather slowly to the fundamental position, march to ) original places in the columns, face front and halt. 1 8 measures. b, Finale. ) A WAND EXERCISE. (Arranged for musical accompaniment.) Music: Even time : %, 2 8, 4-16, etc. notes =One gymnastic coun% Triple time: One measure = One gymnastic count. Arrangement of the Class. I II III IV. Wand in position forward, down. Prelude - 8 measures. PART I. 1. 2. a, c, 4 a , b, c, di /, Wand in position forward — in ; position upward — in " position forward — and down — in 4 counts. Wand in position forward and raise heels — wand in position upward and lower heels — wand in position forward and raise heels — wand down and lower heels — in 4 counts. Repeat ia 4 counts. Wand in position forward and bend knees — wand in position upward and straighten knees — wand in position forward and bend knees — wand down and J straighten knees — in 4 counts. Wand in position on chest side-right, and stepposition ^ side-right — wand down and close heels — in 2 counts. Repeat 2a — 2 counts. Exercises 2a and 2b to the left — in 4 counts. Wand in position side-right, and stepposition side-left — wand down and close heels — in 2 counts. Repeat 2d — in 2 counts. Exercises 2d and 2e reversed — in 4 counts. 16 counts. 16 counts. Interlude ------ 8 measures* WAND. i 2 5 PART II. All: 1. a, Wand in vertical position forward, left hand upward \ and cross-stepposition forward right — longe side- right and wand in position upward — recover to cross-stepposition forward right, and wand in vertical position forward, left hand upward — wand down and close heels — in 4 counts. b , Bepeat la in 4 counts. <•, All: Exercise la reversed — in 4 counts. d , Repeat exercise 1 c — in 4 counts. / 2. a , Ranks II and III alone: Rank II exercise 1 c \ Rank III exercise la. ) b , Ranks I and IV alone: Rank I exercise 1 c. ) Rank IV exercise la. j c, All simultaneously: Ranks I and II exercise la ) Ranks III and IV exercise lc ) d , Repeat exercises 2c \ - in 4 counts. in 4 counts. in 4 counts, in 4 counts. 16 counts- 3. a , Ranks I and IV alone: Rank I exercise la. \ Rank IV exercise 1 c. j Ranks II and III alone: Rank II exercise 1 c ) Rank III exercise la. j All simultaneously: Exercise 3 a and 3d, twice - 4 counts. \ - 4 counts. — 8 counts. / 16 counts. 4. a , Wand at right shoulder in 2 counts. b, Rest 6 counts. c, Interlude - 8 counts. 4 measures, Simultaneous. LIGHT GYMNASTICS. 126 PART III. GROUPING. 1. At the signal (a tap) all march to their places accord- ing- to the following diagram face front and halt. Ill 4 At the signal (a tap). , Rank I, kneel on right knee, and place wand \ in slanting position upward at right side. , Rank IV same as rank I except kneel on left knee and wand at left side. , Rank II same as Rank I except longe forward left. r , Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Rank III same as Rank II except longe forward right. , No. 4 of Rank III, raise on toes, place right arm in position upward and wand in vertical position (extention of the arm.) j See illustration page 75. 8 measures. At the signal (a tap.) 3. All rise, place wand at right shoulder and march ) ^ to their original place, face front and halt. b. Finale. Simultaneous. Simultaneous. Simultaneous. INDIAN CLUBS. 127 AN INDIAN CLUB EXERCISE. (Arranged for musical accompaniment.) Music.— Triple time: One measure=One count or swing-. ARRANGEMENT OF THE CLASS, o' Si 7 — 6 — 5 — 4 — 3 — Clubs in first position. Prelude ------- 8 measures.. PART I. POSITIONS. All : 1. Raise arms forward-upward — through the first count ) and cross clubs over head at the second count — pause 4 counts., in this position two counts. j I. / Ranks I and ill : Move arms outward through the first count and place them in position outward at the second count — pause in this position two counts. j \ Rank II clubs crossed over head . 8 counts. / Rank I: Move arms towards diagonal position outward \ left arm upward through the first count — and place them in this position at the second count — pause in this position two counts. Rank hi : Same as Rank I except opposite diagonal pos. Rank II : Move arms outward through the first count — and place them in oblique position upward at the \ second count — pause in this position two counts . J / Rank I and III move arms towards opposite diagonal position through the first count — and place them in this position at the second count -- pause in this position two counts. Rank II: Move arms outward towards oblique position downward through the fi>*st count — and place them in this position at the second count — pause in this position \ two counts. y 4 counts. 4 counts. Move clubs towards second position through the first count — and place them in the second position at the second count — pause 2 counts — in 4 counts. interlude 4 measurers .. Simultaneous. 5 28 LIGHT GYMNASTICS. PART II. a, Arms in position upward — double front arm circle to the right — arms in position upward — and clubs in second positiou — in 4 counts. b, Repeat I a in 4 counts c, Exercise 1 a to the left, 4 counts. d , Repeat exercise 1 c in 4 counts. 8 counts. 8 counts. 2 * 2 f Rank I, Exercise la. Rank III, Exercise 1 c. Rank II arms in position upward — double front outer arm circle — arms in position upward — and clubs in second position. b, Repeat exercise 2 a — 4 counts. /Rank 1, Exercise 1 c, twice. Rank ill, Exercise 10, twice. Rank II, Arms in position upward — longe forward, and arms in position outwsrd — pause in this . position four counts — recover, and arms in position \ upward — and clubs in second position. 4 c. 8 c. 8 counts. Interlude 8 measures. PART III. GROUPING. 1 . At the signal (a tap) all march forward lowering the clubs in the first position, form in five squares, facing inward as shown in the diagram. No. 6 of Rank II standing in the middle of the center square, and halt. 1.7 ni. 7 1,5 | • ♦ [ 6,1 fii,5 | . | in , 6 1-4 11,7 111,4 * 11,6 n, 4 I * — -I ii,5 | 8 measures. 1.3 ii,3 m , 3 1,2 I • 1, 1 n,2 | • • I hi , 2 hi, 1 INDIAN CLUBS. 129 At the next signal: 2 . / The four outer squares: \ All place outer clubs over outer shoulders, the inner arms (and clubs) in slant position for- ward-downward, the base of the four clubs \ meeting over the center of the square. ' No. 6 standing within the center square places the right arm (and clubs) in vertical position upward, the left arm in vertical position down- \ ward. ^ The center square: All place outer clubs over outer shoulders, the inner arms (and clubs) in slant position forward-upward, the base of the four clubs being over the head and touch- J \ ing the arm of No. 6. Simultaneous. All remain in this position through 8 measures. At the next signal: ) All resume the fundamental position, clubs in first [ 8 measures, position and march to their places, face front and halt. ) PART IV. At the first beat of the fifth measure of the foregoing eight measures all place clubs in second position. (2 counts.) I. All : a Simult 1 arm: Outer half-front arm circle j (pausing at the left.) ’ * J Left arm: Inner half-front arm circle ( one count. Simult ^ Right arm: Inner half- front arm circle j (slight pause at the right.) * ( Left arm: Outer half back arm circle ( one count. Simult -I ^ ’&ht arm: Outer half front arm circle j (no interruption at the left.) * j Left arm: Inner half front arm circle j one count. Both clubs in second position b , Repeat la. / 1 count. 8 counts. J 3° LIGHT GYMNASTICS. 2. All Exercise la reversed, repeating once — in 8 counts. / Rank i, exercise i — 8 counts. I Rank III, Exerc.se 2—8 counts. Rank II: Double inner half front arm circle (slight pause £ in position outward.) 8 Double outer half front arm circle (slight pause — £ j right arm in position side-left ) 3 ( left arm in position sideright ( B r /3 Double inner half front arm circle (no interruption in position outward) and both clubs in second position — in 4 counts. \ bj Repeat 3«. Interlude - - - PART V. POSING. 1. /Rank I : a , Double inner half front arm circle — (1 count) — longe side-right, turn head side right — right club in oblique position upward — left club on left shoulder — (t count) — remain in this position through 5 counts — recover and double inner half front arm circle — (1 count) — clubs in second position (1 count) — all in 8 counts. b , Rank III: Same as Rank I in opposite direction — in 8 counts. c , Rank II : Double inner half front arm circle (1 count) — longe forward right and arms in position outward — (1 count) — remain in this position through 5 counts — recover and double inner half front arm circle (1 count) — clubs in second position (1 count) — all in 8 counts. / a 00 V Rank I. Exercise la. Rank III, Exercise 1 a Rank II, Same as exercise ic, except longe backward left and cross clubs over head. Interlude 8 counts. 8 measures.. 8 counts. 8 counts. 8 measures. INDIAN CLUBS. i 3 i PART VI. At the signal: GROUPING. 1. All march to their places as shown in the diagram, face front and halt- 3 ii 4 ii 2 ii 1 1 At the next signal: Fig. 86. a , All of Rank I : Longe obliquely \ / forward right, arms in slant pos - tion forward- upward (to the right.) b, All ot Rank III: Same as rank I except opposite longe and arm * positions. C, Rank II: No. 6: Arms in oblique position upward (heels closed.) No. 5. Right arm in vertical position upward, left ai m vertical position downward (heels closed.) No. 4. Longe side-right, arms in slant positi( n side-right, upward (see Cut Fig. 86. diagram of clubs of Rank II.) No. 3. Same as No. 4 except op- posite longe and arm position. The upper clubs of Nos 3 and 4 cross at the handle; the lower clubs meet at the base. No. 2: Longe forward right, arms in position outward. No 1: Kneel on left knee, clubs/ \ cross on the breast. (See Fig. 86. At the next signal: 3. All resume the fundamental position, clubs in first ) position, march to their original' places, face -8 measures, front and halt. ) 8 measures. a S ystem of P hysical C ultu re For the Public Schools of America. 3T Cael Director and Supervisor of Physical Culture, Public Schools, Kansas City, Mo. PUBLISHED. First Book — Free Gymnastics ( E F d °“oL - Price , postpaid , So First Book — Free Gymnastics , abridged. Price , postpaid Second Book — Tactics , First Edition. Price , postpaid Third Book — Light Gymnastics, ( Dumb- Bells, Indian Clubs, etc.) Illustrated, Pd “o'!?. > Price, postpaid, p Grouping with Flags, A gymnastic Com- position. ----- Price, postpaid, zc Awarded the Silver Medal at the Paris Exposition, 1889 READY FOR THE PRESS. Fourth Book — Popular Gymnastics ( Out Door Sports . ) Illustrated - Price, postpaid 0 * IN PREPARATION. Second Book — Tactics , Illustrated. ( | d f,°"„ > Price, postpaid, Fifth Book Heavy Gymnastics. (Stationary Apparatus, Illustrated.) Sixth Book — Plays and Games. Seventh Book — Fancy Gymnastics , ( For Entertainments , e'~ 23HTA11 Gymnastic Appliances furnished at market prices. For particulars address: Carl Betz Educational Company, 430 Bellefontaine Avenue, KANSAS CITY, M f I __ FRAGILE PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE The flaps, wrap, or container is for preservation of the contents. ♦ CAREFULLY OPEN FLAPS TO USE MATERIALS. ♦ PLEASE HANDLE MATERIALS WITH CARE TO MINIMIZE DAMAGE. ♦ CLOSE FLAPS CAREFULLY AFTER USE. + PLEASE RETURN THIS ITEM TO THE ATTENDANT FROM WHICH IT WAS BORROWED. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS ITEM VIA A BOOKDROP ♦♦ Conservation Department , University of Illinois Library C/C/1992