A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE HYDROLYSIS OF CERTAIN ESTERS BY LIPASE By ELIZABETH CHARLOTTE HYDE B. A. Mt. Holyoke College, 1909 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1922 URBANA, ILLINOIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/comparativestudyOOhyde UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE GRADUATE SCHOOL .,ar 23 __ .192 ° I HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY Izajaal ii. Chari ott e I£.dj3 ttxttttt .ff> A COMPARATIVE STUDY Off THE HYDROLYSIS OF CBR MIIL ESTERS BY LIPASE BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF ...ASTER OF SCIEN CE Recommendation concurred in* Committee on Final Examination* ^Required for doctor’s degree but not for master’s 499016 ■ I The writer is glad to have this opportunity to acknowledge her indebted- ness to Dr. Howard B • Lewis for his kind, assistance in this research. TABLE OS’ CONTENTS I GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 II HISTORICAL ... ..... 2 III EXPERIMENTAL, PART I ..... 4 IV EXPERIMENTAL, PART II 15 V SUMMARY 32 VI BIBLIOGRAPHY 34 I INTRODUCTION Enzymic reactions are important in physiological processes. It is possible to trace most processes of anabolism and catabol- ism to enzyme action, but there our knowledge ceases because the nature and mode of the action of enzymes is not thoroughly understood. To explain physiological processes from a chemical standpoint it is necessary to understand the kinetics of the various enzyme reactions. It has been the ©eject of this study to investigate under carefully controlled conditions the mode of action of the fat-splitting enzymes or lipasis on certain types of esters. The results reported here are concerned, with the action of liver lipase on certain esters of the dicarboxy- lic acid 3. II HISTORICAL Certain facts have been obtained regarding the phenomena j of the hydrolytic action of lipase 021 esters of dicarboxylic j acids. Kastle(l) in 1902 found that diethyl succinate was read-' ily hydrolysed by liver lipase but he offered no quantitative data as to the extent or products of hydrolysis. He also ob- served that the metallic salts of the monoethyl esters such as potassium ethyl succinate and sodium ethyl succinate were not split by lipase. The inactivity of lipase toward this class of compounds was explained by Kastle as being due go the ionization of the metallic salts. He believes that ionized compounds are stable toward lipase. In 1903 Doyen and Morel(2 ) observed that serum lipase could hydrolyse diethyl succinate. However they did not isolate the products of hydrolysis. Morel and Terronie( 5 ) undertook a comparative study of the hydrolysis of the diethyl esters of malonic, succinic, glutanic, suberic and sebacic acids by the pancreatic juice of the dog and concluded that the ease of hydrolysis increased with the increase of the molecular weight of the acid up to glutaric acid. The maximum hydrolysis obtained by them for diethyl mal- onate and diethyl succinate were 2.6 per cent and 12.9 per cent respect ively • Christman and Lewis(6) made a careful study of the action of liver lipase on various esters, including ethyl succinate and - / I * - 3 - ethyl malonate. Kastle's observation regarding the stability of the metallic salts of the monoethyl esters of the dicarboxy- lic acids was confirmed by their experimentation. Their results also seem to snow that the hydrolysis of the diethyl esters of malonic and succinic acids can proceed only to the removal of one ethyl group and that the monoethyl esters as well as their ! metallic salts are relatively stable toward lipase. - 4 ™ ITT EXPERIMENTAL Lipase may act in three ways in the hydrolysis of an ester of a dicar'box 3 r lic acid. One ethyl group my be removed and the second ethyl group left intact. One ethyl group may be removed first and the second ethyl group subsequently attacked, or both ethyl groups may be removed simultaneously by the lipase. It seems quite probable that lipase attacks different esters in a different manner. To determine the mode of lipolytic hydrolysis it is nec- essary to find out what products result from the reaction. This research has been divided into two main problems, the first being a study of the time required for the diethyl esters of dicarboxylic acids to attain an equilibrium in their hydro- lytic reaction with liver lipase under varying conditions of acidity, and the second an attempt at the isolation of the products of these reactions. The esters studied in this manner were diethyl malonate, diethyl succinate, diethyl glutarate and diethyl adipate. A study of the hydrolysis of ethyl propinnate by liver lipase was made in order co determine to what extent the hydrolysis of a simple ester could be effected under the conditions of these experiments. The lipase extract which was used in this research was prepared from a liver taken from a hog immediately after the death of the animal. According to the method of Kanitz( 3 ) - 5 - two parts of glycerol were added to one part of the finely cnop- ped tissue. After a thorough shaking the mixture was allowed to stand at least a week and then filtered through cheesecloth when needed. The extract retained its constant lipolytic action unimpaired for several months. Trie diethyl propionate, diethyl malonate, and diethyl succin- ate used were commercial products. The diethyl glutarate was made in the organic laboratory while the diethyl adipate was prepared from adipic acid made by the method of Bouvealt and Locquin(4) in the laboratory in which this research was carried on. The purity of the esters used was determined by means of saponification values. To obtain optimum conditions for the action of lipase it is necessary that the concentration of the ester be such that complete solution is effected, therefore ■JT ^T, and concentrations were used. 5cc portions of the glycerol extract were measured by means of a pipette into 200 cc Erlenmeyer flasks. To each flask was added 25 cc of the standard ester solution. These flasks were . incubated at room temperature for varying periods of time. The acidity developed by the reaction was then titrated with ^ NaOH, using phenolthaiein as an indicator. The flasks were ar- ranged in pairs and one pair was titrated after 15 minutes and a second pair after minutes, etc. Each pair of flasks was also retitrated at the intervals shown in the tables. The fig- ures given in the tables represent the total volume of Ha OH required for neutralization and are the averages of check deter- - 6 - minations from which the blanks due to the acidity of the ester solution and lipase extract have been subtracted. The total acidity of the blank was at no time equivalent to more than .3 cc of yy II a OH. The left hand figures in each line of the tables represents the average acidity developed in two flasks which were first titrated at the end of the time stated at the head of the column in which the figures are found. All figures to the right represent the total acidity which had developed during the interval of time stated at the top of the column in which the figures are found. TABLE I Hydrolysis of 0.025 F ethyl propionate by lipase. 25 cc por- tions of ester were used. Bor the complete saponification of this amount of ester 5*3 cc of 0,09872 F FaOH were required. Time 30 ’ 1 hr 2 hr e 3 hrs 4 hrs 9 hrs 6 hrs 10 hrs 11 hrs Standard FaOH required for neutralizat ion of acidity 3-05 4.7 5.05 5 .O 7 5 .O 7 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 3,72 4.7 4.8 4,8 4.8 4,8 4.8 4.8 4.27 4,45 4.55 4.59 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.35 4.55 4.95 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.92 9.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 4.97 5.02 5.09 5.02 5.05 5.00 5.02 5.05 5,00 5 .15 —3- TABLE II Hydrolysis of 0,05 IT diethyl malonate by lipase. 25 cc portions) of ester were used. For trie complete saponif ication of this amount of e ster 12 .6 c c 0 •b 0 • 09872 IT Ha OH were required . Time 30’ 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 5 hrs 6 hrs 7hrs 8 hrs 9 hrs Cone . of Ester 2.0 3.62 5*52 6.0 6.25 6. 3 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 3*3 5*57 6.07 6.22 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6*3 4.75 5*75 6.1 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6,3 5*20 5.82 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12 .05 H 5*55 6.02 6.22 6.55 6.55 6.4 5.6? 6.1? 6.45 6.47 6.52 5*3 6.0 6.3 6.35 5*9 6.1 6.1 6.1 Hydro 29 ec tion were -9- TA3LE III lysis of 0,05 and 0.023 11 diethyl portions of ester were used. For of this amount of ester 12.2 and 6 respectively required. succinate hy lipase, the complete saponifica- .00 cc of 0.09872 N Ha OH L Time Cone of 30’ 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 9 hrs 7 hrs 9 hrs Ester j Standard Ha OH required for neutralization of acidity : 2.67 5-15 5.70 9.72 9.72 S.72 3 . 73 5-75 4.32 5.97 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.07 6,07 5.7 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.03 6.09 5.9 6 . 09 6.03 6 . 03 6,03 0.09 u 6.07 6.1 6.1 6.1 6. '03 6.19 6.19 6.13 6.13 6.2 Time Cone, of 30» 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 6 hrs 8 hrs 9 hrs Ester Standard Ha OH requir ed for neutralization of acidity 1*95 “2T73 ~1T 2 2,8 2.8 2,8 273 — 1 2.61 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2,91 2.91 2.82 2.8? 2.87 2.87 2. 8? 2.87 2.9? 2.97 2,97 2,97 2.97 C.023 IT 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 1 2.9 2,9 2.9 3.07 3.07 3*09 VM - 11 - TABLE V Hydrolysis of 0,025 H solutions of diethyl adipate by lipase. 25 cc portions of the ester soluttion were used, saponification of this amount of ester 6.35 cc 0 HaOH were required. Bor complete f 0.09872 IT I Time 30' 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 5 hrs 7 hrs 9 hr s 11 hrs Standard NaOH required for neutral izat i on of aci dity 2.7 3*97 4, 12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4,12 4.12 4,12 3.95 4. 45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4,45 4.45 4.45 5. «S5 3.55 5*55 5*55 5*55 5*55 5*55 5 . 7 O 5.70 5*70 5.70 5.70 5*70 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.30 6,30 6.30 6.15 6.15 6.15 Time 15’ 30 . 45 • 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hr s 4 hrs 8 hrs 10 hrs Standard ITaOH recxuired for neutralizati on of acidity 1.32 2,70 3* 7 3.82 3.82 3.86 3*85 3*85 3*85 1.90 3. 0 3.15 3*2 3.25 3*3 3*3 3*32 3- 82 4 , 32 4.40 4.40 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.87 4.62 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 5*0 5 ..12 5*12 5.12 5 . 12 5*85 5.85 5.83 5.85 5*9 5*9 5*9 6,03 6.03 - 12 - TABLE Y-c ont inu ed Hydrolysis of 0.0125 i\ r solution of diethyl adipate by lipase. 25 cc portions of the ester solution were used. Ecr complete saponification of this amount of ester 3*2 cc of 0,09872 ]J KaOH were required , Time 30 * 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 5 hrs 6 hrs 8 hrs 9 hrs Standard NaOH required f or neutralization of acidity 1.425 2.10 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 *6? 2 7 2.32 2 .32 2,32 2.32 2,32 2.32 1.05 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.4S 1.85 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.1 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.25 2.35 2*35 2.35 3*075 3*075 3*35 -13- Ethyl propionate .-Data presented in Table I show that ethyl propionate can be h3 r drolysed by lipase to the extent of 90 per cent under the conditions of this experiment. Diethyl malonate .-The results of the experiment with di- ethyl malonate as substrate, Table II, are in harmony with those of Christman and Lewis( 6 ) in that they show that the hy- drolysis by lipase proceeds only half way to completion under the conditions of this experiment. A later experiment of a different type indicates that the extent of hydrolysis can be increased about 5 ° per cent by an increase in the dilution of the reaction mixture, whether the dilution herein represented by the addition of 6 cc of NaOH or a 25 per cent increase is comparable to the 200 per cent increase in the later exper- iment would have to be determined by further study. Diethyl succinate .-The results of the hydrolysis of di- ethyl succinate b3 r liver lipase, Table III, also correspond to those obtained by Christman and Lewis(6). An equilibrium was reached at the end of one or two hours when the acid produced by the reaction had been neutralized at varying intervals. The rate of hydrolysis increased up to the point of equilibrium i, 1 ; and after that time no increase was noted. In both “7 and 43 concentrations of diethyl succinate the hydrolysis was no greater than 50 per cent of the theoretical. 1 Diethyl glutarate.-The 0.025 N solution of diethyl glutar- a.te, Table IV, was completely hydrolysed by lipase, while the hydrolysis of the 0.05 N solution, Table IV, went only about three fourths of the way to completion. It would also appear - 14 - from these data that when the acid produced by the reaction was neutralized an equilibrium was reached when the hydrolysis had proceeded about halfway to completion and beyond this point hydrolysis was very slight* Diethyl adipate. -The observation which stands out most prominently in regard to the hydrolysis of diethyl adipate, Table V, is that lipase can completely hydrolyse this ester. From these data it may also be observed that when the acidity produced by the reaction was neutralized an equilibrium was reached after the hydrolysis had proceeded two thirds of the way to completion and beyond this point there was apparently no further hydrolysis. - 15 - IV EXPERIMENTAL, PART II Isolation of Products of Hydrolysis. The second type of experimentation was an attempt to iso- late the products of the hydrolysis of the esters "by lipase . In order to isolate amounts of acid and ester sufficient for identification it was necessary to ca rvy out the hydrolysis of much larger amounts of the esters. 4 cc portions of pure ester were measured into 700 cc Eflenmeyer flasks. 100 cc of HsO and 5 cc of liver lipase were added. Two flasks were set up for each ester studied. Toluene was added as a preservative and care was taken to shake each flask frequently in order to maintain an emulsion of the toluene. These flasks were incubat- ed at room temperature for a period of two weeks or more. Dur- ing this time the acidity' developed in one flask was neutraliz- ed daily while the acid in the second flask was not neutralized until the end of the period of incubation. In order to determine the extent of hydrolysis of an ester of a dicarboxylic acid it is necessary to separate the diethyl ester if any remains from the monoethyl ester and the salts. At the beginning of this investigation isolation of the products of hydrolysis was effected by means of the method of Christman and Lewis(6). The filtrate from the digestion mixture was care- fully extracted several times with ether. This should have re- moved any unchanged ester which would have been present in con- siderable quantities if the hydrolysis of the esters studied 16 - had attacked both ethyl groups simultaneously. The ether ex- tract was evaporated at room temperature and after solution of the residue in water aliquots we re titrated to determine acid- ity and saponified to determine the amount of saponifiable mat- erial. The solution which remained after the ether extraction was acidified with H2SO4 and repeatedly extracted with ether. The combined ether extracts were washed several times and the ether was removed by evaporation at room temperature. The re- sidue was dissolved in HaO and aliquots were titrated and sapon- ified. This portion should have contained the amid and any monoethyl ester produced by hydrolysis. If the hydrolysis had simply removed one ethyl group the amount of yw Ha OH necessary to neutralize the acid and to saponify the monoethyl ester should have been equal'. Table VI gives the results of digest ior experiments in which this method of isolation of the products was followed. -17- TABLE VI The isolation of the products of hydroly sis of diethyl succ inat e and diethyl glutaraoe "by the method of Christman and Lewis. Duration of hydrolysis 17 days. 0.09872 N NaOH ased for neutral- ization and saponif ica t ion. Standard NaOH re- quired for complete sap on if ic ac- tion Standard ITaOH ac- tually re quired Ether extract of filtrate Before scidi- - fication After acidi- f ication Remarks Standard ITaOH to Standard to NaOH Neutral- Sap- ize Neutral- ise Sap- onify 231 105.4 None 1.88 20.0 23 .I 2 c c of diethyl succinate neutral is ed at end 231 126.2 None 1,12 28.0 28.8 2 cc of diethyl succinate neutraliz- ed dally 463 144,4 None None 18.8 24.32 4 cc of diethyl succinate, neutraliz- ed at end 463 231.75 None None 68.8 69.44 4 cc of diethyl succinate neut raliz- ed dally 430 149.2 None 14.4 32.48 44.2 4 c c of d i diethyl glutarate neutraliz- ed at 1 430 309*1 None 25.2 41,20 40,0 4 cc of - " diethyl 6 lu tar ate neut raliz- 430 257*8 None 1.2 45*6 47.2 4 cc of diethyl glut a rat e neutraliz- ed daily -18- Diethyl succinate, -The data on Table VI are of value in that they show the extent hydrolysis of the esters under dif- ferent conditions of acidity* The data regarding the products of the hydrolysis point to inaccuracies in the recovery of acid and ester. If lipase can remove only one ethyl group from di- ethyl succinate then the reaction represented which was neutral- ized daily had gone to completion. If both ethyl groups can be removed by the lipase the same reaction has gone only half way to completion. This fact cannot be determined from these data. Th@ retardation of the hydrolysis reaction when the acid produc- ed was not neutralized may have been due to the concentration of the solution. Later experiments of the same type seem to show that hydrolysis proceeds farther when K2O is added daily, Diethyl glutarate.-It may be observed that under the condi- tions of this type of experiment the hydrolysis of diethyl glu- tarate proceeded only about half way to completion even when the acid produced was neutralized frequently. The figures represent- ing the daily titrations show that the hydrolysis proceeded very rapidly at first and that an equilibrium was approximately reach- ed at the end of the third day. It appears that when the acid produced by the react! 021 was neutralised the hydrolysis readily proceeded half way to completion while after that point was reached the hydrolysis proceeded relatively slowly. As the investigation progressed certain errors were suspect- ed and therefore modifications were made in the method of re- covery. TablesVII and VIII give the results of the hydrolysis - - , . - 19 - of diethyl succinate and the products isolated n oy modifications of the method of Christiaan and Lewis(6)» “ 20 - TABLE VII Isolation of the products of hydrolysis of 4 cc of ethyl suc- cinite by a slight modification of the method of Christman and Lewis which consisted in salting cut with (NIU )aS04 before ex- traction with ether. Duration of hydrolysis 40 days. 0.09872 N NaOH used for neutralization and saponification. Standard NaOH re- quired for Standard NaOH ac- tually Ether ex tract c >f Filtrate Before acid- ification After acid- ification Remarks complete saponif i- c at ion required Standard to NaOH Standard to NaOH Neutral- ise Sap- onify Neutral- ize Sap- onify 463 231 None 1.08 76.8 ?8,8 Neutral- ised daily 463 165 None 14.4 61.6 6l,6 Neutral- ized at end -21- TABLE VIII Isolation of the products of hydrolysis of 4 cc of diethyl adipate by a modification of the method of Christman and Lewis (6). This modification consisted in evaporating the filtrate to dryness before extraction which was done with warmed ether. Duration of hydrolysis IS days. 0.098/2 N La OH was used for neutralisation and saponification. Standard HaOH re- quired for complete saponifi- cation Standard La OH ac- tually required Ether Extract of filtrate Remarks Before acid- . ification After acid- ification Standard NaOE to neutral- ise Sap- onify 400.1 401.2 Hone Hone Contained a quantity of white cr 3 T - stals LLP. 14?. 6° H.E. ?6 and no saponiif ia- ble material neutralized daily 400.1 152.5 Hone Hone Contained a quantity of white cry- stals. M.P, 146° and sap- onifiable mat- erial equiva- v lent to 6 HaOH Neutralised at end 400.1 209 4.0 Hone Contained a quantity of white cry- stals. M. P. 147 and sapon- ifiable mater- ial equivalent to 34.4 cc — £ HaOH Neutralised daily and re- action stop- ped when hydro l 3 r sis he.d gone half way 1 0 complexion - 22 - Results presented in Table VIII are of interest in as much as they show that diethyl adipate may be completely hydrolysed b 3 T liver lipase when the acidity produced by the reaction is neutralized daily*. The fact that the hydrolysis was greatly re- tarded when the acid produced by the reaction was not neutral- ized may have been due to the concentration of trie solution. It is interesting to note that when the hydrolysis of 4 cc of di- ethyl adipate had proceeded half way to completion as indicated by the amount of standard HaOH which had been used to neutralize the acid produced cryst als of adipic acid were obtained which shows that the second ethyl group was attacked before the first had been entirely removed* Since the, theoretical yield of acid or ester had not been obtained by ary modification of the method of Lewis and Christman( 6 ) it was decided to try tc recover acid and ester from known amounts of each under the same conditions as existed J ^ ^ - digestions . Table IX contains the results of these trials. 17 o quantitative recovery of either acid or ester was i obtained , It was thought that the solid portions of the enzyme ex- tract may ha., o adsorbed some of the ester and therefore if fil- tration could be omitted one source of error would be eliminat- ed. It also seemed advisable to eliminate the second ether ex- -ractioii. To make this possible the solution from the first ef.aer extraction was acidified with an excess of HC1 and evapor- ated lc dryness on the steam bath. The residue was dissolved in - 23 - HaO and aliquots wer titrated and saponified with stand trd itfaOH to determine the amount of dicarboxylic acid and monoeth ester present. The next thought that suggested itself was the use of CHCls as a solvent in place of ether. Tables X, XI, and XIT give the results of some preliminary experiments carried out in an effort to find a suitable method of isolation. <.A -24- TABLE IX The isolation of succinic acid and succinic ester from a neu- tralized solution containing 2.4 grams of the acid and 1.6 grams of the ester by means of salting out with (HIU)2S04 and extract- ing with ether before and after acidification. 2.4 grains of succinic acid are equivalent to 410. 3 cc O. 09 S 72 H Ha OH 1.6 grams of succinic ester are equivalent to 182 cc 0,09872 H IT a OH Number of Exper- iment Ether Extract of Solution B ef or e ac id if i c at i on After acidi: f ication Standard Ha 0E to Standard Ha OH to __ Neutralize Saponify Neutralize I y at. Hone 48 cc 2,4 Hone II Hone 29.2 15.0 18 V. - _0 £ „ CL.sJ Solutions of with CKCls . of 0.098^2 IT TAB IT 3 ; XT diethyl succinate and succinic acid were extracted 1 gram of succinic acid is equivalent to 171 cc ITaOH. 1 gram of diethyl succinate is equivalent to 114 cc of O.O 8872 N NaOH. Number of Exp er- iment TT 30 Extraction CKCls Extraction Remarks Standard ITaOH to Standard NaOH to — Neutral- ise Sapon- ify Neutral- ize Sap on- 5 f 7 T 280.0 188.0 None 16.0 1 cc diethyl succinate 1.5 grams suc- cinic acid II 185 . 0 102.0 Lost Lost 1 cc ethyl suc- c inat e 1 gr . succinic acid III 236 .O 214.0 2 cc 51.0 2 cc diethyl succ inate 1.5 grams suc- cinic acid -28- As is apparent from a reading of the data given these methods of isolation had not proven satisfactory. The greater acidity obtained when the filtrate was acidified with HC1 and evaporated to dryness may have been due to some residual HC1. The larger amounts of saponifiable material obtained in the H3O soluble portion when chloroform was used as a solvent may have been due to decomposition of some dissolved chloroform in alka- line reaction. It was also thought that during evaporation of the chloroform on the steam bath steam distillation of the ester may have taken place. It seemed worth while to try vacuum distillation as a means of separating the partially hydrolysed from the unhydrolysed ester* Preliminary experiments using solutions of ester and acid were carried out which proved that any diethyl ester present in solution a neutral /was carried over almost quantitatively in the distil- late and that the monoethyl ester and the salts were left in the residue apparently unchanged. In an attempt to obtain the acid and monoethyl ester, the residue was acidified and extract- ed with ether. Tables XTTI and XIV give the data obtained from the preliminary experiments and Table XV the data ol • ined from the use of this method in the isolation of the products of a digestion b3 r lipase. - 30 - TABLE XIV One gram of diethyl succinate and one gram of succinic acid and 5 cc of boiled enzyme were neutralized aud distilled in vacuo. The residue was acidified and extracted with ether. 1 gran of diethyl succinate is equivalent to 114 cc 0 . 09872 IT Ha OH 1 gram of succinic acid is equivalent to 171 cc O.O 9872 H Ha OH Distillate Ether Extract of Residue Standard Ha OH to Standard Ha OH to neutralize Saponify neutralize Saponify Hone 93. 8 Lost ' Lost One gram of potassium ethyl malonate and one gram of malonic ester and 3 cc of boiled enzyme were dissolved in HaO and dis- tilled in vacuo. The residue was acidified and extracted with ether . 1 gram of potassium ethyl malonate is equivalent to 58.8 cc 0,09872 H Ha OH 1 gram of malonic ester is equivalent to 150 cc of 0 . 09872 N HaO?) Distillate Ether Extract of Residue Standard Ha OH to Standard Ha OH to neutralize Saponify neutralize Saponify Hone 144.0 4 cc 32.0 - 1 1 . . * - 31 - table XV Isolation of products of hydrolysis of diethyl malonate and diethyl succinate hy distillation in vacuo and ether extraction of acidified residue. Duration of hydrolysis 3 ° days. O.Q9872 IT ITaOH was used for titration and saponification. Standard ITaOH re- quired for complete sap on if i ca- tion Standard NaOH ac- tual lv required Diethyl ester in equiva- lents of 0.09872 IT ITaOH Ether Extract of Ac id if i ed He s idue Remarks Standard ITaOH to neutral- ire . Standard ITaOH to Baponi— L_£sl. , , 510 300 4.0 8.0 26.0 4 cc diethyl malonate neutral ized daily 510 120 93.0 Undetermined 4 cc diethyl malonate H 2 O added daily to keep volume equal to neutraliz- ed mixture neutralized a t end 510 340 12.0 2 0.0 30. c 4 cc diethyl malonate used 5 cc lipase extract added when equili- brium reached neutralized daily 463 300 3.0 128.0 102.0 4 cc diethyl succinate neutral ized daily 4^3 230 66 . 0 Undet g s mined 4 cc diethyl succinate F 2 O added daily to keep volume equal 'gg that of neutralized mixture .neu- tralized at end . - 32 - V DULMARY I«A study of the hydrolysis of the diethyl est the dicarboxylic acids 'ey liver 1 ij: ' of hydrolysis changes with a., increase, in the molecular weight of bhe ester. Under the sane experimental conditions lipase app n\ removed both ethyl groups from diethyl adipate an diethyl glutarate while the hydrolysis of diethyl r.aicnat e and of diethyl succinate progressed only half way to completion. II. * Crystals of pure adipic acid and no saponifiable material were obtained from the hydrolysis of diethyl adipate cy liver lipase when the acid produced by the reaction was neu- tralized daily. III. men the hydrolysis of diethyl adipate by liver lipase was stopped half way in its progress, crystals of pure adipic acid were obtained as one of the products of the hydro— lysis* J ' v * ; - n cases when 4 cc of ester was incubated with liver lipase for a period of time the hydrolysis progressed farther wren me acid, produced by the reaction was neutralized daily . ■ . u all cases when 4 cc of ester was incubated with liver lipase over a period of time and the acid produced by the reaction wcm not neutralized daily the extent of the hydrolysis was greater when HsO was added daily than under otherwise simi- lar conditions. VI. The addition of 5 cc of enzyme to a reaction mixture . - 33 - which had apparently reached an equilibrium had very little ef- fect on the extension of the hydrolysis* VII*With the exception of the experiments with diethyl adipate complete recovery of the products of hydrolysis - as not attained however, while the results of the methods employed in general point to the conclusions of Lewis and Christman regard- ing the hydrolysis of diethyl maloriate and diethyl succinate they also open up various possibilities of research.