THE INSTITUTE OF Chartered Accountants OF ONTARIO. Incorporated by Act 46 Victoria , Chapter 62, Of Ontario. Charter of Incorporation and By-Laws 1902 The Monetary Times Printing Co., of Canada, Limited, 62 Church Street, Toronto. CONTENTS PAGES Past Presidents and Vice-Presidents .... 3 Council and Officers, 1902-03 4 Act of Incorporation 5 to 8 By-Laws 9 to 20 Forms . . . , 21 to 23 List of Members 24 to 26 Affiliated Colleges . . * 27 Honorary Members 27 Students’ Association 28 Information for Candidates 29 to 31 Text Books for Students 32 to 33 Regulations Respecting Examinations . . . • 33 to 34 Institute Meetings 34 \