V i i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/listofspecimens2728brit_0 LIST OF THE SPECIMENS OF LEPIDOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY . FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S., &c. PART XXVII. CRAMBITES & TORTRICITES. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1863. 1 LONDON I PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, Devonshire Street, Bishopsftate. P> 6 v£2 "it v: P REFACE. The object of the present Catalogue is to give a complete list of all the genera and species of Crambites and Tortricites known to exist in the different collections. The letters a , b , c, &c., after the species, denote the specimens now contained in the British Museum, followed by the habitat and the mode in which each of them was obtained, and the absence of these letters indicates the species which are desiderata, and therefore desirable to be procured for the collection. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, March 2, 1863. CATALOGUE OF LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. SIXTH SERIES. CRAMB1TES. Crambites, Sta. Fam. 1. GALLERIOE. Galleridse, Sta. Note . — Some of the exotic genera that are here included in this and in the following families hardly agree with the characters which will combine the European genera in their respective families. The classification of these tribes has been founded on European species, and will probably soon be much altered by the formation of new families of exotic genera. Genus 1. GALLERIA. Galleria, Latr . 1. Galleria mellonella. mellonella, L. — cereana, L. — cerella, F. — cerealis, Hb. a — g . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h — 1. England. Genus 2. APHOMIA. Aphomia, Hb. — Lithosia, F. — Crambus, F. — Galleria, Latr . — Itythyria, Latr. — Herminia, Sam. — Melia, St. B 2 CATALOGUE OP 1. Aphomia SOCIELLA. sociella, L. — colonella, L. — socia, F. — coloneum, F. — tribunella, W. V . — sociana, Hw. — colonina, Hw. — colonatus, Hiv . — socialis, Hw. — colonalis, Hb. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i — n. England. o, p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Genus 3. MELISSOBLAPTES. Melissoblaptes, Zl. — Melia, St . Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Melissoblaptes bipunctanus. bipunctanus, Ct. — anellus, Zk. 2. Melissoblaptes anellus. anellus, W. V. — sociella, Hb. a—g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. . 3. Melissoblaptes ecedellus. fcedellus, Zl. Genus 4. ACHROEA. Achroea, Zl. — Meliphora, Gn . { 1. Achroea gei sella. | grisella, F . — alvearia, F . — cinereola, Hb . — cerea, Hw . — alveariella, ' Gn. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j, k. England. Genus 5. MASCHANE. Mas. — Corpus crassum, dense vestitum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi oblique ascendentes, caput non superantes ; articulus 3us acutus, minimus. Antennae setulosae, longiusculae. Abdomenjalas poslicas paullo superans ; fasciculus apicalis, parvus, quadratus. LEPIDOPTEEA HETEROCERA. 3 Pedes breves, robusti. Alae anticae elongatae, acutae, costa convexa, margine exteriore longissimo subangulato. Male . — Body very stout, thickly clothed. Proboscis distinct. Palpi obliquely ascending, applied to the head, not rising so high as the vertex ; third joint conical, acute, very minute. Antennae setulose, rather long. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small, quadrate. Legs smooth, short, stout; hind tibiae with four spurs; one spur in each pair short, the other long. Fore wings elongate, acute, extending much beyond the hind wings ; costa convex ; exterior border very long, forming a rounded angle at one-third of the length, extremely oblique hind- ward ; fringe very long towards the interior angle; interior border very short. 1. Maschane erratipennis. Mas. Purpurascente-ferruginea , subtus ochracea ; antennae albce sabtus albce ; thorax antice et abdomen ochracea ; alee anticae vitta antica lata pallidissime ochracea , lineis duabus cinereis nigro marginatis , la angulata , 2 a subarcuata perobliqua, punctis duobus discalibus et quinque marginalibus albis ; posticce pallide cinerece marginibus obscurioribus. Male. Reddish brown, with a purplish tinge, ochraceous be- neath. Antennae white beneath at the base. Thorax in front and abdomen ochraceous. Fore wings with a broad very pale ochraceous stripe on the fore part of the disk ; two cinereous transverse black- bordered lines ; first line forming a very acute and prominent out- ward angle, accompanied in front by two white points; second line very oblique, slightly curved inward ; fore part of the exterior bor- der with five whitish points which diminish in size hiudward ; hind part with the fringe white in front; discal point black, very small. Hind wings pale cinereous, except towards the borders. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 2. Maschane simplex. Mas. Ferrugineo-rufa , subtus pallide rufescens ; palpi ascend - entes , breves; antennae subsetosae , subpubescentes ; abdomen ochraceum , basi cristatum , alas posticas longe superans ; alae anticae linea recta obliqua chalybaea , plaga antica pallide purpurascente , marginis interioris angulo fimbriato bene determinato ; posticce pallide rufescentes . B 2 4 CATALOGUE OF Male. Ferruginous-red, pale reddish beneath. Palpi as- cending, applied to the head, not rising near so high as the vertex. Antennae minutely setose and pubescent. Abdomen ochraceous, tapering, crested at the base, extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Fore wings with a straight chaly- beous dark-bordered line, which extends from the tips towards the inner part of the interior border ; a diffuse pale purplish patch along the outer fore part of this line ; exterior border very oblique hind- ward ; angle of the interior border distinct, furnished with a fringe. Hind wings pale reddish. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 34 lines. a. Nanta, Amazon Region. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 6. EGONE. Fcem. Corpus rohustum, laeve. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, longiusculi, lati, fimbriati, articulo 3o conico minimo Antennae subsetulosae. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes validi, squamosi ; tibice posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticse elongates, apice subquadratae, costa subconvexa. Female. Body stout, smooth. Proboscis distinct. Palpi por- rect, broad, fringed, about as long as the breadth of the head; third joint conical, very minute. Antennas very minutely setulose. Abdo- men not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, squamous ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings subquadrate at the tips ; costa slightly convex ; exterior border hardly convex, slightly oblique. 1. Egone bipunctalis. Fcem. Ferrugineo-fasca, nitens ; alee anticce punctis duobus dis - calibus albis nigro marginatis ; postica albido-cinerece. Female. Ferruginous-brown, shining, brownish cinereous be- neath. Abdomen whitish cinereous. Fore wings with two white black-bordered discal points, one interior, the other exterior. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. Genus 7. DAULIA. Fcem. Corpus crassum, dense vestitum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi porrecti, pilosi, angulati, capitis latitudine non longiores; LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 5 articulus 3us 2o brevior. Antennae breviusculae, sat graciles. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes breves, robusti, dense pilosi. Alee elongat®, spissae; anticae acutae, costa subconvexa. Female . Body very stout, densely clothed. Proboscis ob- solete. Palpi porrect, angular, as long as the breadth of the head, clothed to the tips with long hairs ; third joint shorter than the second. Antennae smooth, rather short and slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs short, stout, densely clothed ; hind tibiae with four stout spurs, one in each pair much longer than the other. Wings elongate, dense, not broad. Fore wings acute ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter very oblique. 1. Daulia indecora. Foera. Cinereo-f usca ; alee lituris nullis ; anticce aspere squa- mosce ; posticee fimbria cinerea. Female . Grayish brown, without markings, a little paler beneath. Fore wings with minute rough scales. Hind wings with a cinereous fringe. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a . St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Genus 8. TORONE. Foem. Corpus robustum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, disjuncti, subrostriformes, capitis latitudine non longiores; articulus 3us 2o brevior. Abdo- men alas posticas non superans. Pedes robusti ; tibiae posticag cal- caratae, basi apieeque cornu armatae. Alae anticae amplae, elongatae, subfalcatae, costa subconvexa, margine exteriore subangulato pos- tice coucavo. Female. Body stout. Head with a prominent frontal tuft. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, nearly rostriform but not con- nected, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint rounded at the tip, much shorter than the second. Antennae smooth. Abdo- men not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, not long; hind tibiae without spurs, but with a stout apical appendage which is as long as the tarsus; another and a still longer appendage ex- tends from the base of each hind tibia. Wings ample, elongated. Fore wings quadrate and subfalcate at the tips ; costa slightly con- vex; exterior border forming a round angle, not ubliqne in front, oblique and excavated hind ward. B 3 6 CATALOGUE OF TORONE HYBLiEOIDES. Fcem. Rufescenie-fusca ; corpus cyaneo -nigrum, subtus rufum ; caput subtus album ; alee antica nigro punctata , purpuras- cente suffusa , basi schistacece, lineis duabus nigris , \a angu- lata , 2a nebulosa antice interrupta apud costam dilatata strigis duabus exterioribus nigris , costa subtus rufa, fascia subtus lutea ; posticee plaga rufa , subtus rufee nigro punc- tata . Female. Dark reddish brown. Body bluish black, red be- neath. Head and fore part of the thorax brown, white beneath. Fore wings with a purplish tinge, dark slate-colour towards the base ; many black points, which are mostly on the veins ; interior and ex- terior lines black, rather diffuse ; interior line forming an outward angle ; exterior line clouded, interrupted in front, forming a trian- gular patch on the costa; two more exterior black streaks, one extending from the costa to the fore part of the exterior border, the other extending along the hind part of the exterior border ; under side red along the costa, with a broad regular exterior bright pale luteous band. Hind wings with a large bright red patch ; under side bright red, brown along the border, with black dotted veins. Length of the body 8 — 9 lines ; of the wings 20 — 22 lines. a — c. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Far. Body and fore wings fawn-colour, excepting the luteous band beneath. d. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Genus 9. PROPACHYS. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis valida. Palpi porrecti, crassi, clavati, squamosi, capitis latitudine longiores, articulis arete conjunctis. Antennae validae, subsetulosae, subpubescentes. Pedes robusti; pedes antici incrassati; tibiae dense fimbriatae. Alae elon- gatse; anticae apice subrotundatae. Male. Body stout. Proboscis robust. Palpi porrect, mas- sive, clavate, smooth, squamous, longer than the breadth of the head; joints closely compacted together. Antennas stout, very minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs very stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs; fore legs incrassated, squamous; tibiae densely fringed. Wings elongate. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; costa LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 7 very slightly convex; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 1. Propachys nig riven a. Mas. Lcete rosea ; caput ochraceum ; palpi , abdomen subtus et pedes cyaneo-nigra ; alee anticee venis nigris. Male. Bright rose-colour. Head ochraceous. Palpi, abdo- men beneath and legs metallic bluish black. Fore wings with black veins. Length of the body 7 — 9 lines; of the wings 18—20 lines. a — e. North China. From Mr. Fortune’s collection. /. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforth’s collection. g. North Hindostan. From the Entomological Society. k . — - ■ ? Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 10. DERCHIS. Fcem. Corpus crassum. Caput pilosissimum. Proboscis obso- leta. Palpi quatuor subaequales, porrecti, lanceolati, pilosi, capitis latitudine longiores ; articulus 3us 2o brevior. Antennae graciles. Thorax squamosus. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes leeves, sat robusti ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticse latae, apice subrotundatae, costa subconvexa, margine exteriore subobliquo; marginis interioris fimbria longissima. Female. Body thick. Head very pilose. Proboscis obsolete. Maxillary and labial palpi porrect, lanceolate, pilose, longer than the breadth of the head, almost alike; third joint shorter than the second. Antennae slender. Thorax squamous. Abdomen not ex- tending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, rather long, pilose, squamous; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings elongate, stout, moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings with a very long fringe on the interior border. 1. Derchis horridalis. Fcem. Fusca ; alee anticee nigricante conspersee , macula discali fusca , striga postica e squamis nigris ; posticae subobscuriores. Female . Brown, cinereous-brown beneath. Fore wings minutely blackish-speckled ; discal spot brown ; a streak of black scales towards the base of the interior border. Hind wings a little 8 CATALOGUE OF darker than the fore wings. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Genus 11. LAMACHA. Fcem. Corpus crassum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Pro- boscis robusta. Palpi lahiales porrecti, squamoso-hirsuti, sub- decuinhentes, capitis latitudine fere duplo longiores ; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio longior. Palpi maxillares brevissimi. An- tennae graciles. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Aloe anticae latae, acutae, costa convexa, margine exteriore subconvexo sub- obliquo. Female. Body thick. Frontal tuft prominent. Proboscis Tobust. Palpi porrect, slightly curved downward, squamous-hir- sute, parallel to each other, not contiguous, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head; third joint lanceolate, much more than half the length of the second. Maxillary palpi very short. Antennae slender. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings broad, acute; costa convex; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. 1. Lamacha bilineolata. Fcem. Pallide cinereo-viridis , subtus rufescenie-cinerea ; caput rufescens ; alee anticce lineis duabus pallide cinereis , 1 a sub- recta , 2 a undulata. Female. Pale cinereous-green, reddish cinereous beneath. Head and palpi reddish. Fore wings with two pale cinereous transverse lines, which are rather remote from each other ; first line almost straight, slightly oblique ; second undulating. Length of the body 6^ lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Fortune’s collection. Genus 12. DIBOMA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi por- recti, compressi, fimbriati, obtusi,thorace paullo longiores; articulus 3us 2o valde brevior. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes laeves; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae latae, apice rectangulatae, costa subcon vexa, margine exteriore vix obliquo. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 9 Female . Body rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi por- rect, compressed, obtuse, fringed, a little longer than the thorax; third joint much shorter than the second. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather broad, not long. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter hardly oblique. 1. Diboma abscissalis. Fcem. Cervina ; palpi rufeseentes ; thoracis latera antica sub - rosea ; alee anticce fascia informi lineisque duabus angulosis e atomis roseis , puncto basali nigricante , annulis duobus dis - calibus punctisque marginalibus roseis . Female. Fawn-colour. Palpi reddish. Thorax with a rosy tinge on each side in front. Fore wings irregularly rosy-speckled ; the speckles mostly forming an irregular band and two zigzag lines ; two minute discal ringlets and marginal points rosy; a blackish basal point. Hind wings beneath with rosy speckles in front, and with two zigzag lines and marginal points of the same hue. Length of the body \\ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 13. ACBJPIA. Mas . Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi validi, squamosi, snberecti, verticem paullo superantes; articulus 3us longi-conieus, 2i dimidio brevior. Abdomen attenuatum, alas posticas perpaullo superans, fasciculus apicalis minimus. Alae latae ; anticae subacutae, costa basi subconvexa, margine exteriore undulato; posticae truncatae, margine exteriore subundulato. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi stout, squamous, nearly erect, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen tapering, extending very little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Wings broad, not long. Fore wings slightly acute; costa slightly convex towards the base; exterior border undulating. Hind wings somewhat truncated at the tips; exterior border very slightly undulating. 1. Acripia subolivacea. Mas. Pallidissime cinereo- cervina ; alee anticce olivaceo sub - tinctce , nigro subconspersce , plaga costali subapicali fusca magna diffusa ; posticce fusco subconspersce . 10 CATALOGUE OF Male. Very pale cinereous fawn-colour. Fore wings with a very slight olive-green tinge, and with some black speckles, which are placed transversely and are obliterated hindward ; a large dif- fuse brown patch about the apical part of the costa. Hind wings very minutely brown-speckled. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Genus 14. HIBITA. Mas . Corpus crassum, pilosissimum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi porrecti, crassi, pilosissimi, capitis latitudine breviores. Ab- domen alas posticas superans; fasciculus apicalis minimus. Pedes robusti, femoribus tibiisque pilosis, calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae elongatae, spissae, latiusculae, costa margineque exteriore perparum convexis, margine exteriore subtruncato. Male . Body thick, very pilose. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, thick, very pilose, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint minute, concealed by the hairs. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Legs stout; femora and tibiae pilose ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, dense, comparatively broad. Fore wings hardly acute, very slightly truncated along the interior border ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. 1. Hibita arcturella. Mas. Ferruginea , sublus cinerascens ; alee antiece fusco con - spersce , costa nigricante conspersa , fascia media fusca obliqua , punctis luarginalibus nigricantibus ; posticce fusete. Male. Ferruginous. Abdomen and hind wings brown ; under side more cinereous. Fore wings with transverse brown speckles, the latter blackish along the costa ; a brown oblique incomplete middle band ; marginal points blackish. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 15. ORYBA. Mas . Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi por- recti, lanceolati, capitis latitudine vix duplo longiores; articulus 3us 2o non brevior. Antennae glabrae, graciles. Abdomen alas LEPIDOPTERA ELETEROCERA. 11 posticas non superans; fasciculus apicalis parvus. Pedes laeves, longi, validi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae elongatae, amplae, vix falcatae, margine exteriore subcouvexo sat obliquo. Male. Body rather slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi por- rect, lanceolate, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint full as long as the second. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Legs smooth, long, stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs, one of each pair much longer than the other. Wings elongate, ample. Fore wings hardly falcate ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. 1. Oryba flaviplaga. Mas. Rosea ; alee anticae purpurascente-rosece, plaga subcostali Jlava rufo marginata , linea obliqua subrecta nigra , plaga sub - tus diffusa nigricante . Male. Rosy, mostly yellowish cinereous beneath. Abdomen yellowish cinereous. Fore wings purplish rosy, with a yellow red- bordered subcostal patch, and with a nearly straight black line, which extends from near the base of the subcostal vein to the inte- rior angle; underside with a diffuse blackish patch beyond the yel- low patch. Hind wings pale cinereous along the interior border. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. Genus 16. MURGISCA. Fcem. Corpus laeve, crassum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi longi, porrecti, disjuncti, subdecumbentes, articulo 3o conico. An- tennae glabra?. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes validi, laeves; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae elongatae, latiusculae; anticae subfalcatae, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo. Female. Body smooth, very stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, pubescent, slightly inclined downward, remote from each other, much longer than the breadth of the head; third joint coni- cal, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. An- tennae smooth. Abdomen tapering towards the tip, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings elongate, rather broad. Fore wings subfalcate; costa straight; exterior border convex, very slightly oblique. 12 CATALOGUE OF 1. Murgisca ceryinalts. Foem. Pallidissime cervina ; alee anticis fascia obliqua subpal- lidiore antice dilatata lineis duabus subobscurioribus margi- nata ; alee posticee albidis cervino vix su (fusee. Female. Very pale fawn-colour. Fore wings with an oblique slightly paler band ; this is broadest in front, and is bordered by two lines, which are a little darker than the ground hue. Hind wings whitish, with a very slight fawn-coloured tinge. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. Var. Foem. Pallide cervina ; alee anticee roseo subtinctis , lituris nullis ; posticee pallidissime cervinis . Var. Female. Pale fawn-colour, much paler beneath. Fore wings slightly rosy-tinged, without markings. Hind wings very pale fawn-colour. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a , b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Genus 17. MOTINA. Foem , Corpus sat robustum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis bene determinata. Palpi oblique ascendentes, verticem vix superantes ; articulus 2us latissimus ; 3us minimus. Antennae graciles. Abdomen lanceolatum, alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes breves, sat graciles ; tibiae posteriores late fimbriatae ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae latiusculae, breviusculae ; anticae acutae. Female. Body rather stout. Frontal tuft prominent. Pro- boscis distinct. Palpi obliquely ascending, hardly rising higher than the vertex; second joint very broad ; third conical, extremely minute. Antennae slender. Abdomen lanceolate, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs short, rather slender ; posterior tibiae broadly fringed ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings rather broad and short. Fore wings acute ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 1. Motina jequalis. Foem. Pallide cervina ; alee anticee lineis tribus e punctis nigris , punctis marginalibus nigris minimis ; posticee subfuscescentes. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 13 Female. Pale fawn-colour. Fore wings with three transverse lines of black points, of which the submarginal line is the most complete ; marginal points black, very minute. Hind wings slightly brownish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 11 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 2. Motina? disparalis. Mas. Cervina ; fasciculus frontalis non productus ; palpi verti- cem non superantes , articulo 2 o fimbriato , 3o parvo ; antennae sat robustce , subpubes centes, basi incrassatce ; al<£ anticce pos- tice cinerece , puncto discali nigro , linea submarginali albida denticulata fusco submarginata , costa subconvexa ; posticce fuscescente-cervince, Male. Fawn-colour, brownish cinereous beneath. Frontal tuft not prominent. Palpi not rising higher than the vertex ; second joint moderately broad, with a short thick fringe ; third conical, small. Antennae rather stout, minutely pubescent, incrassated at the base. Fore wings mostly cinereous along the interior border, with a black point in the disk hindward before the middle ; submar- ginal line whitish, denticulated, obsolete in front, retracted hind- ward, slightly brown-bordered ; costa very slightly convex. Hind wings brownish fawn-colour. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 18. CAPHYS. Fcem. Corpus laeve, sat gracile. Proboscis breviuscula, sat gracilis. Palpi decumbentes, subpilosi, sat robusti, capitis latitu- dine paulio breviores ; articulus 3us longi-conicus. Antennae gra- ciles. Abdomen attenuatum, alas posticas superans; oviductus exsertus. Pedes vix robusti ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae elongatae, apice rotundatae, costa recta, margine exteriore vix convexo. Female . Body smooth, rather slender. Proboscis rather short and slender. Palpi decumbent, rather stout, slightly pilose, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomen attenuated, extending somewhat beyond the hind wings ; oviduct exserted. Legs smooth, hardly stout ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, comparatively broad. C 14 CATALOGUE OF Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border hardly convex, slightly oblique. 1. Caphys biline a, Foem. Rosea; abdomen pallide cinereo-cervinum ; alee anticee lineis duabus albidis rectis parallelis vix obliquis ; posticee subflavescente-cinerece , margine antico roseo. Female . Rosy. Abdomen pale cinereous fawn-colour. Fore wings with two whitish transverse straight parallel hardly oblique lines, which are remote from each other. Hind wings pale cine- reous, with an indistinct yellowish tinge, rosy along the costa and about the tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. Brazil. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 19. TOCCOLOSIDA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi por- recti, capitis latitudine multo longiores; artieulus 2us latiusculus ; 3us parvus. Antennae subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes robusti, longiusculi, laeves ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alaeanticae elongatae, amplae, apice rectangulatae, costa subrecta, margine exteriore subflexo ; posticae subacutae. Male. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, ex- tending rather beyond the head, very much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint rather broad; third conical, minute, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae extremely minutely pubescent. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth, rather long ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings elongate, ample. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly bent. Hind wings slightly acute. 1. Toccolostida rubriceps. Mas. Fusca ; caput et thorax lecte rosea; abdomen cinereum , basi roseo varium ; alee anticee linea cinerea subrecta , costa basi cyanescente-cinerea ; posticee aurato-Jlavee , fusco mar - ginatee. Male. Brown. Head and thorax bright rosy. Abdomen cinereous, partly rosy towards the base. Fore wings with a cine- reous almost straight line, which extends from near the end of the exterior border to two-thirds of the length of the interior border ; costa bluish cinereous towards the base ; under side cinereous hind- JLEPJLDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 15 ward. Hind wings gilded yellow, brown-bordered, brown towards the tips and about the adjoining part, of the costa, and along the exterior part of the interior border. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. Silhet. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 20. ORATHA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Fasciculus frontalis productus, acutus. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, lanceolati, sub- arcuati, dense fimbriati, sat graciles, capitis latitudine longiores ; articulus 3us 2i dimidio brevior. Abdomen alas posticas non superans, fasciculo erecto penicillato munitum. Pedes longi, gra- ciles. Alse anticae longae, arnplae, acutae, costa basi convexa, mar- gine exteriore subflexo. Female . Body rather {slender. Frontal tuft acute, very pro- minent. Proboscis moderately long and stout. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, slightly curved, thickly fringed, rather slender, longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennas smooth, slender. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings, with an erect penicillate tuft on the third segment. Legs long, smooth, slender ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings elongate, ample. Fore wings acute ; costa straight, convex and dilated towards the base; exterior border slightly bent, very oblique hindward. 1. Oratha significata. Fcem. Cinerea ; thorax fascia antica atomisque nigris ; alee gutia discali nigricante ; anticce nigro subconspersce , rufo subtinctce , cano varice , vitta discali cervina nigro bilineata , punctis mar - ginalibus nigris ; posticce linea marginali nigricante . Female . Cinereous. Thorax black-speckled, with a black band in front. Wings with a diffuse blackish discal dot. Fore wings thinly black-speckled, slightly tinged with red, partly hoary, with an irregular fawn-coloured discal stripe which contains two black lines, and is concisely bordered hindward with hoary, the lat- ter hue also limiting the two black lines ; marginal points black. Hind wings with a blackish marginal line. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Chili. From Mr. Cuming’s collection. c 2 ]6 CATALOGUE OF Genus 21. MASOGA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Fasciculus frontalis subproductus. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi oblique ascendentes, subarcuati, valde compressi, verticem superautes ; articulus 2us fimbria tus ; 3us lan- ceolatus, 2i dimidio longior. Antennae setosae, sat graciles. Tho- rax squamosus. Alae anticae latae, acutae, subfalcatae, subelongatae, costa vix convexa, margine exteriore flexo. Male. Body stout Frontal tuft slightly prominent. Pro- boscis distinct. Palpi much compressed, slightly curved, obliquely ascending, rising higher than the vertex ; second joint with a short thick fringe on each side; third lanceolate, a little more than half the length of the second. Antennae setose, rather slender. Thorax squamous. Wings broad, slightly elongated. Fore wings acute, subfalcate ; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border bent in the middle, rectangular to the costa in front, very oblique hindward. Hind wings with the exterior border very slightly bent. 1. Masoga panagralis. Mas. Pallide cinereo-cervina ; alee punctis marginalibus higris ; anticce subiridescentes , nigro subcon spersce, linea exteriore e punctis f err ugineis et nigris, punctis duobus discalibus punc~ toque interiore f err ugineis , punctis marginalibus albo signatis . Male. Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Wings with black mar- ginal points.^ Fore wings slightly iridescent, thinly and minutely black-speckled ; an exterior line indicated by a few ferruginous points, which towards the costa are succeeded by black points ; two yellowish ferruginous-bordered discal points placed transversely in the disk; a ferruginous point in the disk nearer the base ; marginal points marked with white. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. Bio Janeiro. In Mr. Fry’s collection. Genus 22. MAKISBA. Mas. Corpus vix robustum. Caput bifasciculatum. Pro- boscis mediocris. Antennae graciles, filiformes, subserratae, sub- pubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans; fasciculus apicalis minimus. Pedes laeves, sat graciles ; tibiae posticae quad- ricalcaratae. Alae anticae subelongatae; anticae acutae, costa recta, margine exteriore convexo. LEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 17 Male. Body hardly stout. Head with two very prominent frontal tufts. Proboscis moderately long. Antennae slender, fili- form, very minutely serrated and pubescent. Abdomen hardly ex- tending beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft extremely small. Legs smooth, rather slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings slightly elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute; costa straight ; exterior border convex, hardly oblique in front. 1. Marisba undulifera. Mas. Fusca ; abdomen cinereum ; alee apud marginem exteriorem nigro-fuscce ; anticce linen plurimis approximatis subundu- latis ; posticce subtus cinerece. Male. Brown. Body beneath and abdomen ciuereous. Wings blackish brown about the exterior border. Fore wings with many approximate transverse minutely undulating cinereous lines. Hind wings cinereous beneath. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 1 4 lines. Bio Janeiro. In Mr. Fry’s collection. Genus 23. MAPETA. Mas. Corpus subeylindrieum, vix robustum. Frons plana. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, lteves, graciles, lanceolati, disjuncti ; articulus 3us 2o paullo brevior. Antennae glabrae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans; fasciculus apicalis parvus. Pedes laeves, longiusculi, sat graciles ; tibia? posticae quadrical- caratae. Alte anticae elongatae, latiusculae, vix acutae, costa sub- recta, margine exteriore convexo. Male. Body hardly stout, nearly cylindrical. Front flat. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, smooth, slender, lanceolate, apart from each other; third joint a little shorter than the second. An- tennae smooth. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small. Legs smooth, rather long and slender; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings elongate, rather broad. Fore wings hardly acute; costa almost straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. 1. Mapeta xanthomelas. Mas. Lcete ochracea ; caput albidum ; oculi nigro cincti ; palpi pedesque nigri subtus albidi ; alee anticce apice albidce venis nigro marginatis ; posticce apice a tree. c 3 18 CATALOGUE OF Male. Bright orange. Head whitish, black about the eyes. Antennae, palpi and legs black ; palpi, femora aud tibiae whitish be- neath. Apical part of the] wings beneath and of the fore wings above whitish, with black-bordered veins and with a black fringe. Hind wings deep black towards the tips. Length of the body 6 — 8 lines ; of the wings 16 — 20 lines. a , b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection, c. Bogota. From Mr. Stevens' collection. d—f. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 24. AUDIA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris/ Palpi laeves, porrecti, lanceolati, approximati, capitis latitudine paullo breviores ; articulus 3us 2i dimidio paullo longior. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes sat graciles; tibiae posticae quadrical- caratae. Alae anticae latiusculae, subacutse. Female . Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi smooth, porrect, lanceolate, approximate, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, a little more than half the length of the second. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather broad. Fore wings slightly acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 1. Audia mixtalis. Foem. Cana , subtas pallide Jlavescens ; caput antice rufescens ; alee anticae nigro subcompersce , fasciis duabus rufescentibus , 2 a latissima , lineis duabus intermediis nigricantibus sub - rectis , gutta discali rufa nigro marginata , lituris duabus cos - talibus diffusis nigricantibus , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce flavescentes, fusco conspersce subtus rufescentes. Female . Hoary, pale yellowish beneath. Head in front and palpi brick-red. Wings thinly black-speckled. Fore wings with two brick-red bands, of which the second is very broad and extends to the exterior border ; two blackish nearly straight lines between the bands, the outer one connected with a large red black-bordered discal dot ; two diffuse blackish marks on the costa towards the tip; marginal points black ; under side reddish towards the tips. Hind wings yellowish, with brown speckles, some of which form two patches on the exterior border ; under side reddish, minutely LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 19 black-speckled. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Genus 25. BURATHEMA. Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porrecti, lan- ceolati, squamosi, capitis latitudine breviores, articulis indistinctis. Antennae glabrae, crassae, subcompressae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes lasves, sat graciles ; tibiae posticae quadri- calcaratae. Alae anticae breviusculae, sat angustae, apice subrotund- atae, margine exteriore perobliquo. Body hardly stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, lanceo- late, squamous, shorter than the breadth of the head ; joints indis- tinct. Antennae smooth, very stout, slightly compressed. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather short and narrow. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; costa hardly con- vex ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 1. Burathema divisa. Pallide cervina ; alae anticae vitta discali alba postice fusco marginata, linea interiore obliqua fusca , lunula discali alba , linea sub tus fusca exteriore subundulata ; posticae linea exte- riore fusca. Pale fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Wings beneath with a brown exterior slightly undulating line. Fore wings with a white discal stripe, which extends from near the base of the interior bor- der to near the tip of the costa, and is bordered on the hind side by a brown line ; an oblique brown line traversing the white stripe near the base, and a white exterior discal lunule. Hind wings with an exterior brown line. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 26. BANASSA. Fcem. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi longi, ob- lique ascendentes ; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2o non brevior. An- tennae graciles. Alae anticae apice rectangulatae, costa recta, mar- gine exteriore subconvexo, subobliquo. 20 CATALOGUE OF Female . Body stout. Proboscis short. Palpi obliquely as- cending, full as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceo- late, as long as the second. Antennae slender. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; costa straight ; exte- rior border very slightly convex and oblique. This genus has much resemblance to some of the Noctuites. 1. Banassa rutilans. Fcem. Fusca , subtus albicla ; alee anticce intus chalybceo extus cu- preo tinclce , lineis duabus interioribus coccineis , tinea exte- riore undulaia argentea intus nigro marginata , lunulis margi- nalibus nigris coccineo marginaiis , strigulis quatuor costalibus albidis ; posticce albido fimbriatce . Female. Brown, whitish beneath. Fore wings tinged with chalybeous, and exteriorly with cupreous ; two slightly oblique ver- milion lines before the middle ; an exterior undulating silvery line, which on its inner side is bordered with black, and towards the costa with vermilion also ; marginal lunules black, bordered with vermilion ; four minute oblique white streaks towards the tip of the costa. Hind wings with a whitish fringe. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 27. PHAZACA. Fcem. Corpus laeve, vix robustum. Proboscis brevis, gracilis. Palpi porrecti, graciles, capitis latitudine multo breviores; articulus 3us linearis, acutus, 2o brevior. Antennae valid®. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes laeves, brevissimi ; tibiae posticae latiuscul®, calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae antic® apice rotundat®, margine exteriore perobliquo vix convexo ; posticae margine exte- riore subangulato. Female. Body smooth, hardly stout. Proboscis short, slender. Palpi porrect, smooth, slender, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint linear, acute, shorter than the second. An- tenn® stout, smooth. Abdomen slightly tapering, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, very short ; hind tibi® rather broad, with four long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; costa straight ; exterior border hardly convex, very oblique. Hind wings with a much rounded angle on the exte- rior bolder. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 21 1. Phazaca erosioides. Fcem. Schistaceo-cinerea ; vertex albas ; alee anticce nigricante conspersce , linea submar ginali ferruginea angulata , guttis dua- bus poslicis nigris , punctis marginalibus atris ; posticce al - bido-cinerece , marginibus subochraceis, punctis tribus mar- ginalibus atris. Female. Slaty -cinereous. Vertex white. Abdomen whitish ci- nereous. Fore wings with blackish speckles, which are thick and partly confluent along the costa and towards the exterior border ; submarginal line ferruginous, forming an outward angle in the middle, retreating from the exterior border in front; two black dots near the hindward part of the inner side of the submarginal line ; marginal points deep black. Hind wings whitish cinereous, slightly tinged with pale ochraceous towards the borders ; a few blackish speckles near the interior border ; three marginal minute deep black points. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 28. MIDEA. Fcem . Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi por- recti, lati, dense pilosi, capitis latitudine breviores ; articulus 3us brevissimus. Abdomen alas paullo superans. Pedes laeves, graciles, breviusculi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alee breviusculae, latiusculae; anticae acutse, margine exteriore recto sub- obliquo, margine exteriore vix excavato. Female . Body slightly stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi por- rect, broad, with short thick-set hairs, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very short. Antennae smooth. Abdomen slightly tapering, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, slender, rather short ; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings rather short and broad. Fore wings acute ; costa and exte- rior border straight, the latter slightly oblique ; interior border hardly excavated. 1. Midea rectalis. Fcem. Ferrugineo-rufa ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticce linea recta obliqua cinerea intus nigricante nebulosa ; posticce ci - nereo-fuscce . Female. Ferruginous-red, brownish cinereous beneath. Ab- domen cinereous. Fore wings with a straight cinereous line, which 22 CATALOGUE OF extends from beyond one-third of the length of the interior border nearly to the tip of the costa, and has a blackish tinge along its inner side. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Phycidae, Gn. Semnia, H. S. Fam. 2. PHYCIDiE. Genus 1. SEMNIA. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Semnia punctella. punctella, TV. Genus 2. ANERASTIA. Anerastia, Hb. — Araxes, St. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Anerastia lotella. lotella, Hb. — pulverella, Hb. — miniosella, Zk. — Var. ? Farrella, Ct. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. / — i. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. j. England. From Mr. Scotland’s collection. 1 . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Anerastia arenosella. arenosella, Std. 3. Anerastia transversariella. transversariella, Zl. 4. Anerastia vulneratella. vulneratella, Zl. venosa, Zl. 5 . Anerastia venosa. LEPIDOPTERA HETERQCERA, 23 pudicella, ZJc. ablutella, Zl. limbella, ZL 6. ANERASTIA PUDICELLA. 7. Anerastia ablutella. 4 8. Anerastia limbella. 9. Anerastia ichorella. ichorella, Ld. 10. Anerastia delicatella. delicatella, Mchl . Africa. 11. Anerastia sabulella, sabulella, ZL South Africa. Genus 3. EPHESTIA. Epliestia, Gn . — Nephopteryx, lib. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Ephestia elutella. elutella, Hb. — ablutalis, II b. — elutea, II tv. — rufa, Hw. — angusta, Hiv. a — o. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p — r. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. s. England. t—w. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Ephestia semiruea. sernirufa, Hw. a , b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, c, d. England. I 24 CATALOGUE OF 3. Ephestia ficella. ficella, Dgl. 4. Ephestia abstersella. abstersella, Zl. 5. Ephestia incane lla. incanella, Ev. 6. Ephestia xanthotricha. xanthotricha, Std . 7. Ephestia cinerosella. cinerosella, ZL 8. Ephestia parasitella. parasitella, Std . 9. Ephestia bigella. bigella, Zl. — stenoptycha, H. S. 10. Ephestia biviella. biviella, Zl. 11. Ephestia labeonella. labeonella, Std . 12. Ephestia oblitella. oblitella, ZL 13. Ephestia ephedrella. ephedrella, H. *S'.— oblitella, var. P 14. Ephestia vapidella. vapidella, Mann . 15. Ephestia pinguis. pinguis Hw. — pinguedinella, Gn. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, d, e. England. From Mr. Turners collection. /, g. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. 16. Ephestia artemisiella. artemisiella, St. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 25 Genus 4. PLODIA. Plodia, Gn . — Euclita, Hb. 1. Plodia interpunctalis. interpunctalis, Hb. a. England, From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b . England. Genus 5. HOMCEOSOMA. Homceosoma, Ct. — Latria, Gn. — Nephopteryx, Hb. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Homceosoma nebulella. nebulella, W. V . a , b. Germany. From M. Himmighofen’s collection. 2. Homceosoma nimbella. nimbella, Zl. a — c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 3. Homceosoma bin^evalis. binaevalis, Hb. — petrella, H. S. 4. Homceosoma hispanicella. hispanicella, H. S. 5. Homceosoma sinuella. sinuella, JF.—sinuatus, F. — gemina, Hw. — elongella, TV. — flavella, Dp, a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. m — p. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. q — s. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. t— v. England. 6. Homceosoma eluviella. eluviella, Gn. — binaevella, St. — nebulella, St. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e , g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h-~ j. England. B 26 CATALOGUE OF Asia. 7. Homceosoma gratella. ^ Mas et foem. Flavescens ; caput et thoracis iegulce rufa ; palpi graciles , suberecti , verticem superantes , articulo 3o lanceolato ; antennee maris robustee , basi incrassatce ; alee anlicee angustee , apice subrotundatce , rw/o strigatee et guttatce , apwd costam nonnunquam nigricante-rufce ; posticee cinerece , subiridescentes , subhyalinee . arcd female. Yellowish. Head and tegulae of the tho- rax mostly red. Palpi slender, nearly erect, rising higher than the vertex ; second joint slightly curved ; third joint lanceolate, more than half the length of the second joint in the female, shorter in the male. Antennae stout and incrassated at the base in the male. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, slightly rounded at the tips, more or less streaked and dotted with red, sometimes irregularly blackish red along the costa. Hind wings yellowish cinereous, slightly iridescent and hyaline. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a — e . Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Mas. Albido-cinerea,subtusfuscescente-cinerea; palpi porrecti, articulo 2 o subfasciculato , 2o conico longiusculo ; alee anticee apice rectangulatce , tinea discali nigricante , punctis margi - nalibus nigris ; posticee fuscescente- cinerece. Male. Whitish cinereous, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, not longer than the breadth of the head; second joint slightly tufted above ; third acutely conical, about half the length of the second. Antennae stout. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather long. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; exterior border rather oblique ; interior angle much rounded ; a blackish line at one-third of the breadth from the costa ; marginal points black. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. Mas. Pallidissime cervina ; palpi porrecti , lanceolati , articulo 3 o conico ; alee anticee apice rectangulatce , tinea discali basali 8. Homceosoma? Getusalis. 9. Homceosoma?? Lincusalis. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 27 lineaque exleriore obliqua nigris , reniformi albida , strigapos- tica lanceolata punctisque marginalibus nigris ; posticce albiclo- cinerets. Male. Very pale fawn-colour, whitish cinereous beneath: Palpi porrect, lanceolate, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; exterior border hardly oblique; a slight black line in tbe disk near the base, and another extending from the renifonn mark towards the exterior border; reniform mark whitish, accompanied by a black point; a lanceolate black streak in the disk behind it; marginal points black. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body on- lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. Genus 6. ACROBASIS. Acrohasis, Zl. — Rhodophaea, Gn . — Nephopteryx, Hb. — Zophodia, Hb. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Acrobasis tumidella. tumidella, Zk . — verrucella, Hb. — verrucea, Hw . — tumidana, St. advenella, St. a — Jc. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. /, m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection, w— r. England. $, t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. v. Germany. From M. Himmighofen’s collection. 2. Acrobasis rubrotibiella. rubrotibiella, F. R. — tumidana, W. V. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b . c. England. Presented by R. M‘Lachlan, Esq. 3. Acrobasis consociella. consociella, Hb. — tumidella, Dp. — fascia, Hw., Yar. ? a , b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. c. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. d. England. e. f. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. D 2 28 CATALOGUE OF 4. Acrobasis sodalella. sodalella, ZL 5. Acrobasis cLusinella. elusinella, ZL 6. Acrobasis bithynella. bitbynella, ZL 7. Acrobasis pyrethrella. pyretbrella, H.-S . 8. Acrobasis obliterella. obliterella, Std . 9. Acrobasis glycerella. glycerella, Std . 10. Acrobasis obliqua. obliqua, ZL * 1 1. Acrobasis glaucella. glaucella, Std . 12. Acrobasis fronticornella, fronticornella, H.~S. 13. Acrobasis porphyrella. porpbyrella, Dp . 14. Acrobasis obtusella. obtusella, Hh. North America. Sect. 1. Mas . Palpi maxillares breves, dense fimbriati. Palpi labiales erecti, sat validi, verticem longe superantes ; articulus 2us subtus firabriatus ; 3us lanceolatus, parvus. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; fasciculus apicalis subquadratus. Al® lat®, non long® ; antic® apice quadrat®, costa subrecta, margine exteriore subcon- vexo subobliquo. LEPIDQPTERA HETEROCERA. 29 Male . Maxillary palpi short, densely fringed. Labial palpi erect, rather stout, rising much higher than the vertex ; second joint fringed beneath ; third joint slender, lanceolate, less than one- fourth of the length of the second. Antennae not incrassated at the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft subquadrate. Wings broad, not long. Fore wings quadrate at the tips ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. 15. Acrobasis latiorella. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; alee punctis marginalibus nigris ; anticoe nigro conspersce, fascia interiore cana , linea exleriore denticu- lata undulata , puncto discali punctisque tribus interioribus nigris , linea submarginali pallida undulata indistincta , costa extus nigra punctis tribus pallidis ; posticce cinereo-fusca. Male . Wings cinereous-brown ; marginal points black, obso- lete above in the hind wings. Fore wings minutely black-speckled ; interior band hoary ; exterior line black, denticulated, undulating ; submarginal line undulating, indistinct, a little paler than the ground hue ; a black discal point ; three black points nearer the base ; costa mostly black exteriorly, where there are three pale points. Hind wings cinereous-brown, with a cinereous fringe. Wings beneath with a brown exterior denticulated line. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. West Indies. 16. Acrobasis translucida. Mas et feem. Rufescente-cervina ; palpi erecti , verticem super- antes ; ala anticce angusta , apice rotundatce, punctis discali - bus nigris , linea submarginali rufescente diffusa ; posticce albidce , semihyalina , linea marginali fusca. Male and female . Reddish fawn-colour, moderately stout. Front prominent. Palpi erect, rising higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical in the male, longer and more linear in the female. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, with a few black discal points ; submarginal line reddish, diffuse. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, semihyaline ; marginal line brown. Length of the body lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. St- Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection, c. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. D 3 30 CATALOGUE OF Ceylon. 17. ACROBASIS 1NFICITA. Mas et foem. Pallide straminea , palpi verticem paullo superantes ; alee anticce angustce, apice rotundatce , fuscescente-cinereo ne - bulosee , linea submarginali pallida denliculata ; posticce palli- diores , subhyalince. Male and female . Pale dull straw-colour. Palpi ascending a little higher than the vertex ; third joint conical in the male, longer and lanceolate in the female. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, mostly clouded with brownish cinereous ; submarginal line pale, denticu- lated. Hind wings paler, slightly hyaline. Length of the body 3 — 3| lines ; of the wings 8— 9^ lines. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Borneo. 18. Acrobasis derogatella. Foem. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi lanceolati, suberecti , caput super - antes ; tibice Jimbriatce ; alee punctis marginalibus nigrica?iti- bus albo marginatis , 2 a diffusa strigam emittente , guttis dua - bus costalibus nigris albo marginatis , fimbria nigricante strigata ; posticce fusco suffusce . Female . Cinereous fawn-colour, stout. Proboscis robust. Palpi lanceolate, nearly vertical, rising much higher than the head ; third joint very acute, full one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth, very slender. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs rather long and stout ; tibiae fringed ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings with marginal blackish points. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with two irregular dentate blackish lines ; first line broadly bordered on the outer side with white ; second line diffuse, slightly bordered with white, emitting a diffuse streak in front ; two black white-bordered dots near the costa be- tween the two lines ; fringe with blackish streaks ; exterior border very oblique ; under side broadly bordered with brown. Hind wings overspread with brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 15 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 31 19. Acrobasis inductalis. Fcem. Cervina ; palpi robusti,erecti, arcuati , verticem superantesT; tibice posticce apice fasciculatce ; alee punciis maryinalibus fuscis indistinctis ; anticce o.pice rectanyulatce , fascia ferru- ginea , lineis duabus anyulosis pallide cinereis ; posticce cinerece , subhyalince . Female. Fawn-coloured, stout. Proboscis short. Palpi verti- cal, curved, stout, compressed, rising much above the head ; third joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae smooth. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs short, stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs, and with a com- pressed apical tuft. Wings stout, with indistinct brown marginal points; fringe long. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with two pale cinereous zigzag lines ; first line interior ; second submarginal ; a ferruginous band along the outer side of the first line ; costa slightly convex ; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline, with a hardly perceptible fawn-coloured tinge. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 20. Acrobasis funerea. Mas. Atra , subtus nigricante-cinerea , proboscis rufescens , basi nigra ; palpi erecti , arete applicati , articulo 3 o minimo ; alee posticce albido-cinerece , semihyalince , nigricante marginatce. Male . Deep black, under side and abdomen blackish cine- reous. Proboscis pale red, black at the base. Palpi stout, erect, rising a little higher than the head, to which they are closely applied; third joint very minute. Antennae smooth, rather stout. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small. Wings rather broad, with a pale cinereous marginal line. Fore wings hardly acute ; exterior border hardly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous, semihyaline, diffusedly blackish about the exterior border. Length of the body 4 — 5 lines ; of the wings 11 — 13 lines. a , b, Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 32 CATALOGUE OF 21. Acrobasis? XANTHOME LALIS. # Foem. Anthracina , robusta; proboscis apice fulva ; palpi validi, erecti , verticem paullo superantes ; abdomen nigro-fuscum , segmentis lutescente marginatis ; alee anticce latiuscula, f asciis tribus saturatioribus indistinctis guttularibus ; posticce lutece, margine lato nigro-fusco. Female . Coal-black, stout, cinereous-black beneath. Probos- cis tawny towards the tip. Palpi stout, erect, applied to the head, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, very minute. Abdomen brownish black, hardly extending beyond the hind wings; hind borders of the segments pale luteous. Wings rather broad. Fore wings glossy, slightly rounded at the tips, with three deeper black guttular indistinct bands ; exterior border con- vex, slightly oblique. Hind wings luteous, with a broad brownish black border. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. ft, c. Australia. From Mr. Stutchbury’s collection. Genus 7. GLYPTOTELES. Glyptoteles, ZL 1. Glyptoteles leucacrinella. leucacrinella, Zl. Genus 8. CRYPTOBLABES. Cryptoblabes, Zl. 1. Cryptoblabes bistriga. bistriga, Hw . — rutilella, Fsch. ? a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. /. England. Presented by W. R. H. Jordan, Esq. g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Genus 9. ALIPSA. Alipsa, ZL 1. Alipsa angustella. angustella, Hb . Genus 10. NYCTEGEETIS. Nyctegretis, Zl. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCEEA. 33 1. Nyctegretis achatinella. achatinella, Hb . 2. Nyctegretis? albiciliella. albiciliella, Std. Eccopisa, Zl. effractella, Zl. Genus 11. ECCOPISA. 1. Eccopisa eeeractella, Genus 12. MYELOIS. Mvelois, ZL — Myelophila, Tr. — Rhodophaea, Gn. — Eurhodope, Hb.— Zophodia, Hb. Europe and the neighb6uring regions. 1. Myelois rosella. rosella, Sc. — pudoralis, W. V. 2 . Myelois incensella. incensella, Sid. 3. Myelois cirrigeeella. cirrigerella, Zk. 4. Myelois euscicostella. fuscicostella, Mn. 5. Myelois incompta. incompta, Zl. 6. Myelois rhizobiella. ibizobiella, Std. 7 . Myelois rhodochrella. rhodochrella, H.-S. — delicaiella, Msch. 8 . Myelois ramosella. ramosella, II. -S. 9. Myelois cribrum. cribrum, L. — cribviformis, JEsp. — cribrella, Hb. — cardui, Hw . — medullalis, Hb. 34 catalogue of a—;. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k , L England. Presented by C. S. Gregson, Esq. m—p. England. q , r. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. s. Nice. From Di\ Leach’s collection. t — u. P cribratella, Zl. 10. Myelois cribratella. 11. Myelois flaviciliella. flaviciliella, H.-S. 12. Myelois cjrcumdatella. circumdatella, Ld. Sedakovella, Ev. 13. Myelois Sedakovella. umbratella, TV. 14. Myelois umbratella. 15. Myelois crudella. crudella, Zl . — cruentella, H.-S. 16. Myelois contectella. contectella, ZL 17. Myelois infuscatella. infuscatella, H.-S. 18. Myelois rubricetella. rubricetella, H.-S. 19. Myelois luridatella. luridatella, H.-S. — rufella, Dp. — impurella, Dp. ?— advenella, Dp. 20. Myelois Altensis. Altensis, Wck. — annulatella, Zit. P terebrella, Zk. 21. Myelois terebrella. dulcella, Zl. 22. Myelois dulcella , LEPXDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 35 23. Myelois legatella. legatella, Hb. 24. Myelois suavella. suavella, Zk. — porphyrea, Ct. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 25. Myelois advenella. advenella, ZJc. — palumbea, II w. — rhenella, St. — recurvella, Gn. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 26. Myelois marmorea. marmorea, Hw. — epyly della, Zl. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d,e. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. /. England. From Mr. Foxcroit’s collection. g. England. Mr. Bouchard’s collection. strictella, Mn. * biflexella, Ld. couvexella, Ld. corcyrella, H.-S. Welseriella, Zl. furcatella, H.-S. 27 . Myelois strictella. 28. Myelois biflexella. 29. My t elois convexella. 30. Myelois corcyrella. 31. Myelois Welseriella. 32. Myelois furcatella. 33. Myelois tetricella. tetricella, L. — chrysorrhoella, Zk. 34. Myelois ceratoni^e. ceratoniae, Zl. a j b. England. From Mr, Stephens’ collection. 36 CATALOGUE OF 35. MYELOIS AEG YROGR AMMO S. argyrogi-ammos, Zl . 36. MYELOIS CANDIDATE LLA. candidatella, Ld. 37. Myelois transversella. transversella, Dp, 38. Myelois afflatella. afflatella, Mn, 39. Myelois conyolutella. convolulella, Hb. — grossulariella, Zk, 40. Myelois Cassandrella. Cassandrella, Std, 41. Myelois centunculella. centunculella, Mn, 42. Myelois circumdatella. circumdatella, Ld, cinerella, Sta. Madeira. 43. Myelois cinerella. Africa. 44. Myelois Bohemanni. Bohemanni, Zl, South Africa. Ceylon. 45. Myelois bkactiatella. ^ Fcem. Cinereo-rufescens , crassa ; palpi oblique ascendentes, bre- viusculi , articulo 2 o subarcuato , 3 o lanceolato ; antennce validce ; alee elongate, sat angustce 9 lineis duabus undulatis albidis, fascia basali lata nig ric ante ; anticce apice rotundatce , puncto discali nigricante , punctis iribus costalibus albidis , spatio marginali cano-rufo ; posticce spatio marginali cano , lituris submar ginalibus nigricantibus. LEPIDOPTEBA HETEROCERA. 37 Female. Cinereous-reddish, very stout, more cinereous be- neath. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex; second joint slightly curved ; third lanceolate, much shorter and more slender than the second. Antennae stout. Wings elongate, rather narrow ; abroad blackish band near the base, bordered on the outer side by an undulating whitish line; marginal space darker reddish and tinged with hoary in the fore wings, hoary in the hind wings, divided from the middle part by an undulating whitish line. Fore wings rounded at the tips; middle part with a blackish discal point, and with three whitish costal points. Hind wings with some blackish submarginal marks, which successively increase in size hindward. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 46. Myelois Ligeralis. ~ Mas. Cana , robusta ; palpi oblique ascendentes , verticem non superantes, articulo 2 o robusto subarcuato , 3o longi-conico ; antennae robustae , articulis lo et 2 o dilatatis , 2 o inciso ; pedes fernoribus tibiisque lads ; aloe anticce vix acuta, fusco sub - nebulosoe , nigro subconspersce, lineis duabas nigris undulads non obliquis , punctis marginalibus nigris elongads ; posdcce albidce , iridescentes , semihyalince. Male. Hoary, stout. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; second joint stout, slightly curved ; third elongate-conical, much more slender than the second, apd not more than half its length. Antennae very stout; first and second joints dilated ; second joint notched. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings ; apical appendages large. Legs stout; femora and tibiae broad. Fore wings hardly acute, slightly clouded with brown, thinly black-speckled ; middle and submarginal lines black, undulating, not oblique ; marginal points black, elongated ; exterior border very slightly oblique. Hind wings whitish, irides- cent, semibyaline. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 47. Myelois ? Marsyusalis. Mas. Fusca ; palpi ascendentes , supra verticem arcvati , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; antennae pubescentes ; alee anticce apice ro- tundatoe , tinea media testacea subundulata , punctis submar - ginalibus teslaceis , margine exteriore vix obliquo. E 38 CATALOGUE OP Male. Brown, much paler beneath. Palpi curved over the vertex ; first joint moderately long ; second stout ; third lanceolate, about half the length of the second and much more slender. An- tennae stout, minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; spurs very long; fore tibiae very short. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; exterior border hardly oblique; middle line testaceous, slightly undulating; submarginal points testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. 48. Myelois? basifuscalis. Fcem. Cinerea ; palpi porrecti , capitis latitudine breviores, arti - culo 3o lanceolato ; alee antic ce triente basali fuscescente, lineis duabus pallidis ex parte nigro marginatis , la undulata , 2 a denticulata , punctis marginalibus nigris ; anticce reniformi parva maculisque duabus discalibus nigricantibus. Female . Cinereous. Palpi porrect, not so long as the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, shorter and more slender than the second. Antennae much more than half the length of the body. Abdomen elongate-conical, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings brownish for nearly one-third of the length from the base, this hue bounded by a pale undulating partly black-bordered line; exterior line pale denticulated, partly black-bordered ; reni- form mark of the fore wings small, blackish ; two blackish spots on the inner side of the exterior line in the fore wings ; marginal points black. Length of the body 3— 3£ lines ; of the wings 7 — 8 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. Genus 13. TRACHONITIS. Trachonitis, Zl. — Nephopteryx, Hb. Europe. 1. Trachonitis cristella. cristella, Hb. — christella, Fr. a . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. b. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 2. Trachonitis amcenella. amoenella, Zl. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 39 West Indies. Sect. n. Mas . Corpus sat validum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi la- biales erecti, pubescentes, verticem superantes ; articulus 3us longi- conicus, 2i dimidio brevior. Palpi maxillares porrecti, breves, squamoso-hirsuti. Antennae subserratae, subpubescentes, basi sub- incrassatae. Abdomen alas posticas superans ; fasciculus apicalis parvus, quadratus. Pedes validi, laeves ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae longae, angustse, apice rotundatae, mar- gine exteriore convexo. Male . Body moderately stout. Proboscis distinct. Labial palpi erect, pubescent, rising higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Maxil- lary palpi porrect, short, squamous-hirsute. Antennae very mi- nutely serrated and pubescent, slightly incrassated at the base. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small, quadrate. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips ; costa straight ; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. 3. Trachonitis lucidalis. Mas. Cinerea ; alee anticce nigro consper sis, f asciis duabus, linea exteriore abbreviala lineaque submarginali dentata duplicata nigricantibus postice ferrugineis, punctis marginalibus nigris ; alee posticce iridescentes subhyalince . Male . Cinereous. Fore wings hoary, minutely black-speckled, with blackish markings, which become ferruginous towards the inte- rior border ; a basal band, another band before the middle, an oblique exterior line which is abbreviated in front, and a double dentate submargiual line ; marginal points black. Hind wings nearly hyaline, very iridescent ; fringe whitish, interlined with pale brown near the base like that of the fore wings. Length of the body 6 — 7 lines ; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Borneo. 4. Trachonitis dilaticornis. Mas. Cervina ; palpi lati, erecti , subarcuati , verticem superantes ; antenna dimidio basali incrassatce et dilatatce ; thorax punctis E 2 40 CATALOGUE OF nigris ; tibia: late Jimbriatce ; alee anlicce nigro conspersce , ci- nereo varice , apice subrotundalee , linea submarginali arcuata e punctis nigris ; posticce semihyalinee,fuscescente-cinerece . Male . Fawn-colour, stout, brownish beneath. Proboscis dis- tinct. Palpi compressed, broad, slightly curved, rising high above the vertex ; third joint more than half the length of the second. Antennae much thickened and dilated for nearly half the length. Thorax with several black points. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Legs rather stout ; tibiae broadly fringed ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings irregularly black- speckled, somewhat rounded at the tips, with some cinereous spurs and with a curved submarginal line composed of black points ; ex- terior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous, semihyaline. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Sect. n. Mas . Corpus sat robustum. Caput hirsutum. Proboscis ob- soleta. Palpi squamosi, validi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; articulus 3us conicus, minimus. Antennae triente ba- sali incrassatae. Abdomen lineare, alas posticas superaus. Alas anticae acutae, costa vix convexa, margine exteriore subcon vexo per- obliquo. Male. Body rather stout. Head hirsute. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi squamous, stout, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, very minute. Antennae incrassated to one-third of the length from the base. Abdomen linear, rather flat, extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, not long. Fore wings narrow, acute; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 5. Tbachonitis nigkicostalis. Mas. Ochraceo-cervina ; caput et thorax anticus nigricantia ; alee anticee vitta costali nigricante, punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce albidce , punctis marginalibus fuscis. Male . Ochraceous fawn-colour, dingy cinereous beneath. Head and fore part of the thorax blackish. Fore wings with a blackish costal stripe; marginal points black. Hind wings whitish, LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 41 shining, with brown marginal points. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 6. Trachonitis OPPOSITALIS. Mas. Nigricante-cinerea ; palpi robusti , verticem superantes , articulo So conico minimo ; antennce robustce, basi dilatatce ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee anticce vix acuta , plagis duabus discalibus canis , striga exteriore costali cervina , punctis marginalibus nigris ; poslicee cinereee. Male . Blackish cinereous. Palpi robust, rising much higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, hardly one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae robust, dilated towards the base. Abdo- men cinereous, extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, hardly acute, with two hoary discal patches, cine- reous with a slight fawn-coloured tinge hindward, and with an ex- terior costal streak of the same hue ; marginal points black, distinct ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings cine- reous, with a slight aeneous tinge. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a, Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 7. Trachonitis sublignalis. Mas. Pallide cinereo-cervina ; palpi robusti , erectly verticem longe superantes , articulo So conico minimo ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee anticce apice rotundalce , striga exteriore obliqua diffusa, punctis apud strigam punctisque marginalibus nigris; poslicce ceneo sublinctce. Male . Pale cinereous fawn-colour, rather slender. Palpi erect, stout, rising much higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, hardly one-eighth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, dilated towards the base. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather long. Wings narrow; fringe long, pale cinereous, interlined near the base. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a diffuse darker streak, which extends from beyond the middle of the exterior border to the tip, and is accompanied by a few black points ; marginal points black, distinct; exterior border E 3 42 CATALOGUE OF slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings with a slight aeneous tinge. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. Country unknown. 8. Trachonitis decoloralis. Mas. Subcervino-cinerea ; palpi oblique ascendentes, verticem paullo super antes ; articulo 3 o conico minimo ; alee anticce cinereo conspersce , apice rotundatce , litura discali, litura mar- ginali punctisque marginalibus nigris; posticce pallide cinerece. Male . Cinereous, rather slender, with a tinge of fawn-colour. Palpi stout, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the ver- tex ; third joint conical, hardly one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae dilated at the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, with two lanceolate apical appendages. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, irregularly powdered with pale cinereous; a black mark on the exterior border before the middle, and two or three minute indistinct black marks in the exte- rior part of the disk ; marginal points black ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, with an aeneous tinge. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. — ? 9. Tkachonitis erectalis. Mas. Ferrugxneo-rufa ; palpi validi , erecti , verticem longe super antes, articulo So longi -conico minimo ; antennae robustce, basi dilatatce ; abdomen cinereum , alas posticas sat super ans ; alee anticce vix acutee , f asciis quatuor cinereis angulatis , 2 a Saque nigricante submar ginatis, 3 a abbreviata , costa cinerea , punctis marginalibus nigricantibus ; posticce pallide cinerece , ceneo tinctee. Male. Ferruginous-red, rather slender. Palpi stout, erect, rising much higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical, about one.sixth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, smooth, dilated towards the base. Abdomen cinereous, extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, hardly acute, with four angular cinereous bands; second and third bands slightly and partly blackish-bordered ; third band very incomplete hindward ; costa mostly cinereous ; marginal points blackish, minute; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings LEPIDOPTERA HETERQCERA. 43 pale cinereous, with an ameous tinge. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. — — — ? Genus 14. ASARTA. Asarta, Zl. 1. Asarta ^ethiopella. aethiopella, Dp.—helveticella, Zl, — Var. monspesulalis, Dp . 2. Asarta alpicolella. alpicolella, ZL Genus 15. RATASA. Ratasa, H.-S, alienalis, Ev. allotriella, H.-S. 1. Ratasa alienalis. 2. Ratasa allotriella. Genus 16. HYPOCHALCIA. Hypochalcia, Hb. — Onocera, St.— Auerastia, //£.— Catastia, Hb. Europe and the neighbouring regions, 1. Hypochalcia melanella. melanella, Tr. — germanella, Dp. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Hypochalcia ahenella. ahenella, W. V. — seneella, Hb. — obscuratus, Hw. — tetriar, Hw . — bistrigella, Dp. — fuliginella, Dp.— hxv'i della, Schlg. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g—j. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. k 1 1. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 3. Hypochalcia rubiginella. rubiginella, Tr. 44 CATALOGUE OF disjunctella, Zl. 4. Hypochalcia disjunctella. 5. Hypochalcia lignella. lignella, Hb. 6. Hypochalcia dignella. dignella, Hb. — lignella, Hb. 7. Hypochalcia decorella. decorella, Hb. — indeoralis, Hb. 8 . Hypochalcia Germ are lla. Germarella, ZJc. — melanella, Dp. 9. Hypochalcia chalybeella. chalybeella, Ev. 10. Hypochalcia affiniella. affiniella, H.-S. 11. Hypochalcia candelisequella. candelisequella, Ev. — propinquella, Ev. brunneella, Ev. 12. Hypochalcia brunneella. 13. Hypochalcia vesperella. vesperella, Ev. 14. Hypochalcia marginea. marginea, W. V. — atrella, F. — marginalis, Hb. — antiopella, Zk, marginella, Dp. 15. Hypochalcia auriciliella. auriciliella, Hb. — auricella, Ztt. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 45 West Indies. 16. Hypochalcia ceryinistrigalis. Fcern. Cinerea ; pa/pi validi , disjuncti , capitis latitudine multo longiores ; thorax subroteus ; alee linea marginali fusca, fim- bria interlineata ; anticce nigro conspersce , costa liturisque discalibus albidis , basi vittisque tribus roseis , punctis submar - ginalibus nigris. Female. Cinereous, paler beneath. Front rather prominent. Palpi porrect, stout, remote from each other, much longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, a little shorter than the second. Antennas slender. Body whitish beneath. Thorax some- what rosy. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings with a brown marginal line ; fringe with two brown lines, one of which is basal. Fore wings narrow, hardly acute, minutely black-speckled ; costa and some discal marks whitish ; base arid three irregular stripes rosy ; first stripe in the exterior part of the disk ; second hindward, nearly connected with the third, which is marginal ; submarginal points black, minute. Hind wings with a whitish cinereous fringe. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. 17. Hypochalcia pyralina lis. Fcem. Cinereo-fusca , subiridescens ; corpus subtus albidum ; palpi porrecti , lanceolati , disjuncti , capitis latitudine bre - viores , articulo So minimo ; alee anticce latiusculce , subacutce , macula discali guttisque duabus interioribus nigricantibus , linea exteriore cinerea denticulata intus fusco marginata ; posticce linea exteriore vix conspicua . Female. Cinereous-brown, shining, slightly iridescent, cinereous beneath. Body whitish beneath. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, apart from each other, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae slender. Abdomen hardly extending be- yond the hind wings. Wings rather broad. Fore wings slightly acute, with a blackish discal spot, and with two less conspicuous in- terior blackish discal dots; exterior line cinereous, denticulated, brown-bordered on the inner side. Hind wings rather paler, with slight indications of the exterior line. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. 46 CATALOGUE OF Borneo. 18 . Hypochalcia inferalis. Foem. Cervina ; proboscis conspicua ; palpi laves , longi, porrecti, articulo 2 o subarcuato , So lanceolato ; alee antica acuta , sub - elongata , fascia interiore diffusa lineaque submarginali den - ticulata indistincta cinereis ; postica aneo-cinerea , subhya - Una, Female, Fawn-colour, moderately stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi smooth, porrect, much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly curved ; third lanceolate, about one-third of the leugth of the second. Abdomen rather paler than the thorax, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings moderately broad, slightly elongated. Fore wings acute, with an interior dif- fuse cinereous band ; submarginal line cinereous, denticulated, in- distinct ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous, tinged with aeneous, slightly hya- line. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Sect. n. Foem. Corpus sat robustum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrecti, validi, capitis latitudine longiores ; articulus 2us supra dense vestitus ; 3us minimus. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes validi, breviusculi ; tibiae pcsticae calcaribus duobus apicalibus. Alas antieae apice rotundatae. Female. Body rather stout. Frontal tuft prominent. Pro- boscis short. Palpi porrect, stout, longer than the breadth of the head; second joint with a short thick fringe .on the upper side; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, rather short ; hind tibiae with two apical spurs, one of which is very long. Fore wings narrow, somewhat rounded at the tips ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 19. Hypochalcia perlignealis. Foem. Pallide lignicolor ; thorax maculis duabus humeralibus nigricanlibus ; ala antica postice fusca , gultis quatuor ni- gricantibus , linea submarginali albida angulosa } punctis mar- ginalibus nigris ; postica fusca. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 47 Female. Pale wood-colour. Thorax with a blackish spot on each shoulder. Fore wings irregularly brown along the interior border; four blackish dots, of which two are discal and two are sub- apical ; submarginal line whitish, zigzag ; marginal points black, elongated. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 4j lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Sect. n. Feem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi longi, ascendentes, verticem longe superantes, articulo 2o arcuato, 3o lanceolate. Pedes breviusculi, sat graciles. Alae anticae elon- gate, vix acute, costa recta. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi squa- mous, ascending, a little longer than the breadth of the head, rising much above the vertex ; second joint curved ; third lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Antennae slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather short and slen- der ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings elongate, mode- rately broad, hardly acute ; costa straight ; exterior border convex, rather oblique. 20. Hypochalcia repugnalis. Fcem. Subcervino-cinerea ; alee lineis paucis fuscis dentatis , spatio marginoli fuscescenle lineam submarginalem cineream denticulalam includente , lunula discali nigricante . Female . Cinereous, with a slight and partial tinge of fawn- colour. Wings with a blackish discal lunule, and with a few indis- tinct dentate brown lines ; marginal space brownish, especially so in the fore wings, including the denticulated cinereous submarginal line. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 21. Hypochalcia tritalis. Mas. Fuscescente-cinerea , nilens ; palpi porrecti , lanaeolati , vix arcuati, capitis latitudine paullo longiores , articulo 3 o elon- gato ; alee linea marginali fusca ; anticce angustce , vix acutce , margine exteriore perobliguo ,• posticce vix hyalinee . 48 CATALOGUE OF Male. Brownish cinereous, shining. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, very slightly curved, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, shorter than the second. Antennae smooth. Ab- domen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Wings with a brown marginal line. Fore wings narrow, hardly acute; exterior border convex, very oblique. Hind wings a little paler than the fore wings, very slightly hyaline. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. New Zealand. 22. Hypochalcia submakginalis. Fcem. Fusca ; palpi porrecti , pilosi , longiusculi ; alee anticce chalybceo suffusce , atomis lineisque duabus albidis , linea 1 a undulata , 2 a marginalia striga discali strigisque marginalibus nigricantibus ; posticce ceneo-cinerece , margine lato aneo-fusco. Female . Brown, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, pi- lose, as long as the breadth of the head. Abdomen aeneous-cine- reous. Fore wings shorter and broader than those of H . in dis- tinct alis, mostly suffused with chalybeous-blue ; exterior part with whitish speckles, which mostly form two lines, one undulating, the other marginal ; discal streak and marginal streaks blackish. Hind wings aeneous-cinereous, with a broad aeneous-brown border. Length of the body 5^ — 6 lines; of the wings 13 — 14 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. b — d. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 23. Hypochalcia indistinctalis. Foem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; palpi porrecti , longiusculi, supra fimbriati , articulo So acuto ; alee anticce vitta discali nigri- cante diffusa interrupta , punctis marginalibus fuscis ; posticce aneo-cinerece. Female . Brownish cinereous, more cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, fringed above, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint acute, not half the length of the second. Tarsi with brown bands. Fore wings with a blackish longitudinal diffuse in- terrupted discal streak ; marginal points brown. Hind wings cine- reous, with an aeneous tinge. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 13 — 15 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 49 Genus 17. EUCARPHIA. Eucarphia, Hb , 1. Eucarphia vinetella. vinetella, F. — vinetorum, F, Genus 18. ZOPHODIA. Zophodia, Hb, Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Zophodia Rippertella. Rippertella, Zl. — prodromella, Dp. 2 . Zophodia pumicosa. pumicosa, Ld. 3. Zophodia ilignella. ilignelja, Zl, — dilucidella, Dp, 4 . Zophodia confiniella. confiniella, Zl, — chalcedoniella, H.-S. 5. Zophodia Saxeella. Saxeella, Zl, 6. Zophodia antiquella. antiquella, H.-S. 7. Zophodia Cantenerella. Cantenerella, Dp. — ravella, H.-S . 8. Zophodia osseatella. osseatella, TV. 9. Zophodia gilveolella. gilveolella, TV. 10. Zophodia centunculella. centunculella, Mn, F 50 CATALOGUE OP 11. ZOPHODIA COMPOSITELLA. compositella, Jr. Genus 19. EPISCHNIA. Epischnia, Hb. Europe and the neighbouring regions, 1. EPISCHNIA 1LLOTELLA. illotella, Zl. 2. Epischnia Sareptella. Sareptella, H.-S. 3. Epischnia leucoloma. leucoloma, H.-S. 4. Epischnia PRODROMELLA. prodromella, Hb. — umbraticella, Dp . 5. Epischnia adultella. adultella, Zl. a> b . Germany. From M. Himmighofen’s collection. soritella, Ld . 6. Epischnia soritella. Genus 20. ANCYLOSIS. Ancylosis, ZL Europe. 1. Ancylosis cinnamomella. cinnamomella, Dp . — dilutella, Tr . 2. Ancylosis anguinosella. anguinosella, Zl. — Ledereriella, H.-S. Gynancyla, Zl. Genus 21. GYNANCYLA. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 51 1. Gynancyla canella. canella, W, F.— depositella, ZJc. — Hornigii, Ld . Genus 22. NEPHOPTEEYX. Nephopteryx, Hb. — Phycis, F. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Nephopteryx gregella. gregella, Ev . 2. Nephopteryx serraticornella. serraticornella, Zl. 3. Nephopteryx cgenulentella. ccenuleutella, Zl, 4. Nephopteryx abietella. abietella, W. V. — decuriella, Hb. — splendidella, H.-S. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. d. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 5. Nephopteryx mendacella. mendacella, Std. 6. Nephopteryx pine^e. pine®, Std . 7. Nephopteryx roborella. roborella, W. V. — spissicella, F. — spissicornis, F. — legatea, Hw . — cristea, Hw. — legatella, St. — cristella, St. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j, k. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. Z— r. England. s. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. F 2 Metzneri, ZL 8. Nephopteryx Metzneri. 52 CATALOGUE OF 9. Nephopteryx RHENELLA, rhenella, Zk. — palumbella, Hb. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 10. Nephopteryx Poteriella* Poteriellay ZL 11. Nephopteryx albilineella. albilineella ? Std. 12. Nephopteryx sublineatella. sublineatella, Std. 13. Nephopteryx bimilella. similella, Zk. 14. Nephopteryx albicilla. albieilla, H.-S. — leucaerinella* H.-S. 15. Nephopteryx janthinella. janthinella, Hb. — Yar. saltuella, Mn. b . Germany. From M. Mimmighofen ? s collection. 10. Nephopteryx albigenella. albigenella, Dp. — Wagnerella. Frr. — albariella, H.-S. 17. Nephopteryx Dahliella. Dahliella, Tr. — bifasciata, Dp. 18. Nephoptaryx vacciniella. vaccinieila, ZL 19. Nephopteryx uucella. ulicella, H.-S. 20. Nephopteryx argyrella. argyrella, W. V. 21. Nephopteryx subochrella. subochrella, H.-S. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 53 North America. 22. Nephopteryx mcestella. Mas et fcem. Cana,fusco nehulosa ; alee anticce fusco trilineatee , posticee sordide cinerece. Var. — Alee anticce nigricante li- neatce. Male and female. Hoary. Head and thorax thickly speckled with brown, or mostly brown. Palpi stout, obliquely rising, very little higher than the vertex; third joint conical, acute, minute, much less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae of the male much incrassated towards the base. Abdomen of the male extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings nar- row, rounded at the tips, thickly speckled with brown ; these speckles are partly confluent and form three lines, ?of which the third is complete and undulating ; marginal line brown, interrupted by the veins; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings dingy cinereous. Var. — Fore wings with blackish lines. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a — c. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d— h. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. i. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 23. Nephopteryx finitella. Mas et foem. Obscure cinerea ; alee anticce lineis tribus deviis interruptis nigro squamosis , linea submarginali undulata pal - lide cinerea , linea marginali nigricante, Male and female. Dark cinereous. Abdomen and hind wings paler. Palpi erect, rising much higher than the vertex; third joint lanceolate, nearly half the length of the second. Fore wings nar- row, rounded at the tips, with the basal, interior and exterior lines irregular, incomplete, composed of black scales ; sub marginal line- pale cinereous, undulating ; marginal line blackish, interrupted by the veins. Length of the body 5 —5^ lines ; of the wings 13 — 14 lines. The length of the third joint of the palpi is the only character which seems to distinguish this species from N, mcestella, a — d. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. e,/. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. F 3 54 CATALOGUE OF 24. Nephopteryx metagrammalis. Mas. Cinereo-cana ; alee anticce lineis paucis obscurioribus den » ticulatis subobsoletis , linea submarginali pallida vix undu - Zata, punctis duobus discalibus nigricantibus , punctis mar - ginalibus nigricantibus , macula postica basali nigra ; posticce. albidce . MaZe. Cinereous-hoary. Frontal tuft prominent. Proboscis distinct. Palpi straight, stout, nearly erect, rising higher than the vertex; third joint extremely minute. Antennae stout, smooth, in- crassated towards the base. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, with a few darker denticulated nearly obsolete transverse lines ; submarginal line paler than the ground hue, hardly undulating ; two discal transversely-situate blackish points; marginal points blackish ; a black spot near the interior border towards the base. Hind wings whitish, iridescent; fringe white. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 25. Nephopteryx transitella. Foem. Cinerea ; alee anticce cance y postice cinerece, lineis duabus nigricantibus undulatis dentatis sat diffusis , gutta discali nigricante elongata y punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce eeneo subtinctce. Female. Cinereous. Proboscis distinct. Palpi slightly de- cumbent, pubescent, rather stout ; third joint elongate-conical, full half the length of the second. Antennas rather stout. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind win.gs. Fore wings rather nar- row, hardly acute, mostly hoary, except towards the interior border; interior and exterior lines blackish, undulating, dentate, rather dif- fuse ; discal dot blackish, elongated ; marginal points black ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings with a slight aeneous tinge. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 26. Nephopteryx clarioralis. Fcem. Cinerea , caput et thorax anticus nigricante- cinerea ; alee anticce nigro subconspersce, ferrugineo varice , apice rotundatis , LEPIDQPTERA HETEROCERA. 55 lined duahus pallide cinereis undulatis nigro marginatis 9 spatiis duobus nigro nebulosis , punctis marginalibus' nigris ; posticee fuscescente-cinereee. Female . Cinereous. Head and fore part of the thorax blackish cinereous. Palpi obliquely ascending, pubescent, not rising higher than the vertex ; second joint curved ; third conical, minute, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rather narrow, some- what rounded at the tips, slightly black-speckled, here and there fer- ruginous, with two pale cinereous irregularly undulating black-bor- dered lines ; space on the inner side of the first and discal space between the two lines more or less clouded with black ; marginal points black ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wiDgs brownish cinereous ; fringe pale cinereous, interlined. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the 14 wings. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 27. Nephopteryx intractella. Foem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; alee anticee apice rotundatce , lineis duabus fuscis denticulatis undulatis , gutta discali punctisque marginalibus nigricantibus. Female. Brownish cinereous. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rather narrow’, rounded at the tips ; interior and exterior lines brown, denticulated, undulating ; discal dot blackish, rather large; marginal points blackish; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 28. Nephopteryx rubiginella. Mas et foem. Sordide cinerea ; caput et thorax anticus plus minusve ferrugineo-rufa ; alee anticee canee , postice ferrugineee, gutta discali punctisque marginalibus nigricantibus. Male and female. Dingy cinereous. Head and fore part of the thorax more or less rusty red. Maxillary palpi short, porrect. Wings with a long pale cinereous slightly interlined fringe. Fore wings hoary, narrow, somewhat rounded at the tips, mostly over- spread hindward with a rusty hue ; discal dot and marginal points blackish ; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately 56 CATALOGUE OF oblique. Male, — Labial palpi with a long penicillate tuft of testa- ceous hairs. Antennae incrassated towards the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Female , — Labial palpi erect, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Length of the body 5— b\ lines ; of the wings 13 — 15 lines. a — g, United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 29 . Nephopteryx subcanalis. Cana ; alee anticce latiusculce , vix acutce , nigro subconspersce , lineis duabus nigris ferrugineo marginatis , 1 a subarcuata , 2 a undu - lata , linea marginali interrupta punctoque discali nigris ; posticce ceneo-cinerece. Hoary, rather stout. Proboscis robust. Wings comparatively broad. Fore wings hardly acute, thinly and irregularly black- speckled, with two transverse black lines ; first line nearly upright, slightly and irregularly curved outward: second line undulating; space about the second line and along the interior side of the first line ferruginous; marginal line black, interrupted; discal point black ; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border convex, mode- rately oblique. Hind wings pale brownish, with an aeneous tinge ; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 30. Nephopteryx rufinalis. Mas. Rufescente-cinerea ; palpi crassi , pubescentes , oblique as - cendentes , v erticem paullo superantes , articulo So minimo ; antennee validce , basi incrassatce ; alee anticce angustce , costam versus et apud marginem exteriorern cance , lineis tribus canis denticulatis nigro submarginatis , linea media nigra denticu- lata, punctis marginali bus nigris ; posticce cinerece , Male. Reddish cinereous, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi thick, pubescent, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex; third joint extremely minute. Antennae stout, incras- sated towards the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings with a broad fringe. Fore wings narrow, somewhat rounded at the tips, mostly hoary about the costa and about the exterior border ; three hoary transverse denticulated partly black-bordered lines ; first line dilated, abbreviated ; a black LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 57 denticulated line between the second and third hoary lines, much abbreviated hindward ; marginal points black; exterior border con- vex, slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines, a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 31. Nephopteryx semifuneralis. Fcem. Nigricante-cinerea ; palpi graciles , vix arcuati , oblique ascendenles , verticem non superantes , articulo So longo lanceo- lato ; abdominis segmenta pallido marginata ; alee anticce vix acuta , lineis duabus arcuatis lituraque discali arcuata cine - reis nigricante marginatis , punctis marginalibus nigris ; pos - ticce obscure cinerece , linea marginali fusca. Female. Blackish cinereous, dingy cinereous beneath. Palpi smooth, slender, hardly curved, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, nearly as long as the second. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings ; hind borders of the segments pale cinereous. Wings moderately broad; fringe long, cinereous. Fore wings hardly acute ; middle and ex- terior lines cinereous, undulating, blackish-bordered ; discal mark cinereous, curved; marginal points black; exterior border convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous, very slightly hyaline; marginal line brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. West Indies. 32. Nephopteryx notatalis. Cana ; palpi validi , subsecuriformes , oblique ascendentes , verticem vix superantes , articulo So longi-conico ; antenna basi incras - satce ; ala antica angusta , nigricante conspersa , apice rotun- data , basi nigricantes, plaga costali , gutta discali lineaque exteriore undulata nigricantibus , punctis marginalibus nigris ; postica albida , fere hyalina y striga costali apicali cervina. Hoary. Palpi stout, obliquely ascending, slightly curved and securiform, not longer than the breadth of the head, hardly rising higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical, half the length of the second. Antennae incrassated at the base. Fore wings nar- row, rounded at the tips, minutely black-speckled, blackish at the 58 CATALOGUE OF base, and with a blackish costal patch at a little before the middle ; a blackish discal dot near the inner side of a blackish undulating exterior line, which is obsolete hindward ; marginal points black ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, nearly hyaline, with a fawn-coloured streak near the tip of the costa. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. 33. Nephopteryx rufescentalis. Fcem. Rufescente-fulva; palpi sat graciles , suberecti , verticem superantes , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; alee anticce angustce , apice rotundatce , punctis panels discalibus nigris , costa pallida , margine exteriore perobliquo ; posticce albidce, fere hyalince , apice subfulvescentes . Female. Reddish fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi smooth, rather slender, nearly erect, rising higher than the vertex; third joint lanceolate, nearly half the length of the second. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, with four or five black discal points; costa pale; exterior border convex, very oblique. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, nearly hyaline, with a slight fawn-coloured tinge at the tips. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. 34. Nephopteryx fissuralis. Fcem. Cana, robusta ; palpi vix ascendentes, caput perpaullo superantes , articulo 3o minimo ; pedes validi ; alee anticce angustce , apice rotundatce , fusco substrigatce, vitta discali apice furcata punctisque exterioribus punctisque marginalibus nigris ; posticce albidce, fere hyalince . Female. Hoary, stout. Palpi very slightly ascending, ex- tending very little beyond the head ; third joint very minute. Ab- domen cinereous, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout. Fore wings narrow, diffusedly streaked with brown, somewhat rounded at the tips ; a black discal stripe, which is forked at the tip, and has beyond it a few black points which indi- cate the submarginal line ; marginal points black, exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, nearly hyaline. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. LEPIDOPTEBA HETEROCERA. 59 South America. 35. Nephopteryx indistinctalis. Fusca ; corpus subtus album; palpi breves , subascendentes ; an - tennce longiusculce ; abdomen cinereum , alas posticas longe superans ; alee anticce angustce , subacutce , conspersce , f asciis tribus nigricantibus nigro marginatis , punctis mar - ginalibus nigricantibus ; posticce ceneo^cinerece. Brown, white beneath. Palpi short, slightly ascending. An- tennae rather long. Abdomen cinereous, extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, slightly acute, speckled with black, with three blackish black-bordered bands ; marginal points blackish ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings aeneous- cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Brazil. In Mr. Saunders' collection. 36. Nephopteryx btfascialis. Fcem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; corpus subtus album; palpi lan - ceolati , subascendentes , sat breves; abdomen alas posticas paullo superans , segmentis pallido marginatis ; alee anticce acutce , sordide ochracece , fasciis duabus fuscis albo sabulosis , la basali , 2a cinereo marginata antice dilatata , nebulis mar- ginalibus f uscis , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce aneo- cinerece , subhyalince , punctis marginalibus fuscis. Female. Brownish cinereous, pale beneath. Body white be- neath. Proboscis distinct. Palpi lanceolate, very slightly ascend- ing, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint cine- reous, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; hind borders of the segments pale. Fore wings acute, dull ochraceous, with two dark brown bands, which are sprinkled with white; first band basal; second much di- lated in front, bordered with pale cinereous ; marginal space partly clouded with brown ; marginal points black. Hind wings aeneous- cinereous, slightly hyaline ; marginal points brown. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Brazil. In Mr. Saunders' collection. 37. Nephopteryx squalida. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; palpi oblique ascendqntes , verticem per - paullo superantes , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; antennee basi incras - 60 CATALOGUE OF sates ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; ales anticce an - gustce, acutce , lineis daabus fuscis indistinctis subdentatis , linea submarginali cinerea , punctis marginalibus nigricanti - bus, spatio costali cano ; posticce cinerecs , subhyalince . Cinereous-brown, moderately stout. Palpi obliquely ascending, rising very little higher than the vertex; third joint lan- ceolate, less than half the length of the seebnd. Antenna stout ; first and second joints incrassated. Abdomen extending much be- yond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, acute, with two brown indistinct slightly dentate lines, the second bordering the cinereous submarginal line ; costal space diffusedly hoary ; marginal points blackish, indistinct. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Rio Janeiro. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 38. Nephopteryx minualis. Foem. Pallide cervina ; palpi lanceolati, graciles, subascendentes, sat longi , fusco trifasciati , articulo 2 o subarcuato , 3o Ion - giuseulo ; ales anticce angustce , subacutce , nigro subconspersce , punctis duobus nigris , linea submarginali nigricante indis - tincta ; poslicce alba, fere hyalines . Female. Pale fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi lanceolate, slender, slightly ascending, with three brown bands, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint very slightly curved ; third acute, about half the length of the second. Fore wings narrow, slightly acute, thinly and irregularly black-speckled ; two black points, one near the interior border, the other in the interior disk ; submarginal line blackish, indistinct. Hind wings white, nearly hyaline. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 39. Nephopteryx deprivalis. Subcervino-cinerea ; alee anticce angustce , nigricante subconspersce » apice subrotundatee , linea submarginali subundulata pallide cinerea , punctis marginalibus nigris , margine exteriore ob~ liquo subconvexo ; posticee albidce , fere hyalines , linea mar - ginali fusca tenui. Cinereous, with a slight tinge of fawn-colour. Fore wings narrow, slightly rounded at the tips, indistinctly blackish-speckled ; a pale cinereous slightly undulating submarginal line ; marginal LEPIDQPTERA HETEROCERA. 61 points black, minute ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately Oblique. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, nearly hyaline ; marginal line brown, slender. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 40. Nephopteryx Extensa. Foem. Alhida , viruli conspersa ; palpi oblique ascendentes, ver- ticem paullo superantes , articulo So lanceolato ; abdomen sub - tus nigro rufoque conspersum ; alee anticee lineis duabus inte - rioribus undulatis e atomis viridibus , fascia exteriore rufes- cente nigro submarginata lineamque denticulatam nigram et albidam includente , puncto discali punctisque marginalibus nigris ; posticee fuscescente-cinereee. Female . Whitish. Palpi obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, slender, about one- third of the length of the second. Antennae with black rings. • Thorax and fore wings speckled with green. Abdomen speckled beneath with black and red, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, speckled with black and red. Wings elongate, mode- rately broad, with elongated blackish points on the fringe. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with two undulating trans- verse interior lines formed of green speckles, and with an irregular reddish exterior band, which is partly bordered with black on the inner side, and is intersected by a black and whitish denticulated line ; discal point and marginal points black ; exterior border con- vex, moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous, with a brown marginal line. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. Rio Janeiro. In Mr. Fry’s collection. Group n. Mas et foem. Palpi pubescentes, sat graciles, oblique ascend- entes, verticem paullo superantes; articulus 2us subarcuatus ; 3us lanceolatus, parvus. Antennae maris basi incrassatae. Abdomen alas posticas perpaullo superans. Alae anticae vix acutee ; costa per- parum convexa, margine exteriore convexo subobliquo. Male and female. Palpi pubescent, rather slender, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex ; second joint slightly curved ; third lanceolate, about one-fourth of the length of G 62 CATALOGUE OF the second. Antennse of the male incrassated towards the base. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings moderately broad, hardly acute ; costa very slightly convex ; exte- rior border convex, slightly oblique. 41. Nephopteryx reductella. Mas et fcem. Cinerea ; caput et thoraxque rufescente-cinerea ; alts anticce nigro subconspersce , fascia interiore fusca nigro sub - marginata , line a exteriore fusca denticulata subundulata , spatio medio cano ; posticce ceneo-cinerece. Male and female. Cinereous. Head and thorax reddish cine- reous. Fore wings thinly black-speckled, with a brown partly black -bordered interior band, and with a brown denticulated slightly undulating exterior line; middle space hoary. Hind wings seneous-cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a, b. Honduras. From Mr. Miller’s collection. Africa. 42. Nephopteryx rubiginalis. Fcem. Rufescente-cinerea ; palpi lati , breves , subdecumbentes , subtus fimbriati , articulo 3 o minimo ; alee anticce latiusculce , subacutce , nigro subconspersce , rufo -purpuras cente varice , lineis duabus nigricantibus , la postice arcuata , 2a subundulata , costa nigro guttata , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce albido-cinerece. Female . Eeddish cinereous, stout. Palpi broad, pubescent, slightly decumbent, fringed beneath, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely minute. Antennae rather stout. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings com- paratively broad. Fore wings slightly acute, thinly black-speckled, partly tinged with purplish red ; interior and exterior lines blackish ; first iine upright, curved hindward ; second oblique, slightly undu- lating; costa straight, with black dots; marginal points black; ex- terior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a . Port Natal. From M. Guienzius’ collection. b . Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 63 Sect. n. Fcem. Corpus crassum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi robusti, porrecti, laeves, caput paullo superantes ; articulus 3us conicus, mi- nimus. Antennae sat validae. Pedes laeves, sat validi. Alae anticae elongatae, sat latae, apice rotundatae. 43. Nephopteryx ? spoliata. Fcem. Cervina ; alee anticee fuscescente conspersee , cinereo nebu- losce , vitta subcostali obscuriore , vitta discali pallide cinerea apicem versus arcuala ; posticce pallide cinereee , semihyalince. Female . Fawn-coloured. Body thick. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi robust, porrect, smooth, extending a little beyond the head ; third joint conical, very minute, hardly one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae rather stout. Legs smooth, rather stout; hind tibiae with four long V spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, brown-speckled, minutely mottled with cinereous, with a darker subcostal stripe, which is limited hindward by a pale cinereous stripe, the latter curved towards the tip of the wing ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous and semihyaline towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Asia. 44. Nephopteryx pallicostalis. Foem. Sordide rufescens ; palpi sat graciles , subarcuati , oblique ascendentes , verticem non superantes , articulo So lanceolato ; alee anticce angustee , apice rotundatee , costa pallide cinerea , margine exterior e convexo perobliquo ; posticce albidee , fere hyalinee . Female . Dull reddish, cinereous beneath. Palpi rather slen- der, slightly curved, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, half the length of the second. Ab- domen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips ; costa pale cinereous ; exterior border convex, very oblique. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, nearly hyaline. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. South Hindostau. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. G 2 64 CATALOGUE OF 45. Nephopteryx meridionalis. Mas. Rufescente-cinerea ; caput albidum ; antennas validce, se- tulosce, pubescentes ; abdomen alas posticas super ans ; alee an- ticas nigro subcojispersce, apice subrotundatce, lineis exteriore el submarginali nigris , la valde abbreviata , 2aundulata , linea ad hue exteriore fusca denticulata, litura discali informi , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticas cinerecs , linea marginali fusca . Male, Eeddish cinereous. Head whitish. Antenna stout, minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings moderately broad, thinly black-speckled, slightly rounded at the tips ; exterior and submarginal lines black, the first extending from the costa nearly to the middle, the second undulating, with a brown denticulated line on the outer side; dis- cal mark composed of a few diffuse brown and black points, close to the inner side of the exterior line ; marginal points black ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline ; marginal line brown ; fringe interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Hindostan. From Archdeacon Clark’s collection. 46. Nephopteryx ? Etolusalis. Foem. Fusca; palpi oblique ascendentes, verticem vix super antes, articulo 3 o conico longiusculo ; abdomen alas posticas sat su- per ans ; pedes robusti ; alas anticce angustae , apice rotundatce , lineis e punctis nigris pallido marginatis , plaga postica albido- cinerea , reniformi subquadrata pallido marginata ; posticas fusees cen te-cinerece. Female . Brown, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, hardly rising above the vertex ; third joint acutely coni- cal, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous, extending some distance beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; spurs very long. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, extremely oblique along the exterior border ; lines indistinct and incomplete, represented by black pale-bordered points; a subquadrate whitish cinereous patch extending from the interior border to the reniform mark, which has a pale incomplete subquadrate border. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 65 47. Nephopteryx? Harpaxalis. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi oblique ascendentes , articulo 3o longo li - neari ; abdomen alas posticas fere dimidio superans ; aloe an- ticee subacutce , lineis fuscescentibus undulatis denticulatis indistinctis valde obliquis pallido marginatis , linea marginali nigricante , punctis costalibus subapicalibus albidis , margine interiore basi subconvexo ; posticce linea submarginali pallida indistincta. Male. Cinereous, a little paler beneath. Palpi obliquely as- cending; third joint linear, rounded at the tip, more than half the length of the second. Abdomen extending for nearly half its length beyond the hind wings. Fore wings a little broader than those of N. Etolusalis , more acute at the tips, and slightly convex towards the base of the interior border; lines brownish, very oblique, undu- lating, denticulated, indistinct, pale-bordered ; marginal line black- ish ; costal subapical points whitish. Hind wings with an indistinct pale submarginal line. Length of the body 5^ lines ; of the wings 11 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. 48. Nephopteryx? Cyllusalis. Fcem. Cinereo-fusca , N. Etolusali affinis ; aloe anticce lineis ni- gris deviis rugosis cinereo marginatis , linea exteriore valde jlexa , reniformi e punctis nigris , plaga poslica cinerea indis- tincta lineam nigram angulaiam includente, strigis submar - ginalibus cinereis , linea marginali nigra interrupta ; posticoe hyalinoe,fusco late marginatce. Female. Cinereous-brown, more cinereous beneath, like N. Etolusalis in structure. Fore wings with black irregular cinereous- bordered partly raised mostly complete lines ; exterior line much bent, its hind part more distinct than the other lines ; reniform mark indicated by a few black points ; an indistinct cinereous patch by the middle of the interior border, traversed by an angular black line, whereas the corresponding line in N. Etolusalis is straight ; submarginal streaks cinereous ; marginal line black, interrupted. Hind wings vitreous, with broad brown borders. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. 66 CATALOGUE OF 49. Nephopteryx ? Acisalis. Mas. Fusca , N. Etolusali affinis ; palpi por recti ; alee antic ce lineis nigris punctulan bus cinereo marginatis , linea. marginali interrupta , reniformi cinerea strigam nigram includente . Male . Brown, brownish cinereous beneath, in structure like N. Etolusalis and N. Cyllusalis, excepting: the exterior border of the fore wings, which is hardly oblique in the fore part. Palpi por- rect. Fore wings with black irregular cinereous-bordered lines, which are partly composed of black points ; marginal line inter- rupted ; reniform mark cinereous, including a black streak. Hind wings as dark as the fore wings. Length of the body \\ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Neitner’s collection. 50. Nephopteryx? Argiadesalts. Mas. Fusca, N. Acisali affinis; alee antic ce cano tine tee, lineis punctularibus plagaque postica nigris. Male. Brown, brownish cinereous beneath, in structure like N. Acisalis. Fore wings tinged with hoary, more especially along the black lines, which are much like those of N. Acisalis ; a black patch by the interior border at a little before the middle. Hind wings brown. This may be a variety of N. Acisalis, but the latter species has no trace of the patch. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. 51. Nephopteryx? jEolusalis. Fcem. Cana ; caput et thorax anticus nigro-fusca ; palpi por - recti , articulo 3 o conico ; abdomen fuscescente-cinereum ; alee anticee apice rotundatee , lineis fuscis denticulatis subobsoletis , spatio exteriore fusco, linea submarginali cana denticulata, lunulis marginalibus obscure fuscis cano marginatis , margine exteriore perobliquo. Female . Hoary. Head and fore part of the thorax blackish brown. Palpi porrect ; third joint conical, not more than one-third of the length of the second. Abdomen, hind wings and under side brownish -cinereous. Fore wings with indistinct traces of denticu- lated brown lines ; exterior part mostly brown ; submarginal line hoary, denticulated ; marginal lunules dark brown, hoary-bordered ; LEPIDQPTERA HETEROCERA. 67 tips rounded ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Ceylon c In Mr. Layard's collection. 52. Nephopteryx? mundellalis. Mas. Fuscescente-cinerea , sat gracilis ; fasciculus frontalis sub - procluctus ; proboscis nulla ; palpi robusti , oblique ascendentes , verticem non superanles ; antennae basi incrassatce ; aloe an- tic ae angustae , apice rotundatae , fascia media spatioque margi- nali fuscis lineas duas cinereas includentibus , punctis margi- nalibus nigris ; posticce linea subtus fusca submarginali indistincta. Male. Brownish cinereous, rather slender. Frontal tuft slightly prominent. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi robust, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint extremely minute. Antennae smooth, rather stout ; first and second joints incrassated. Abdomen tapering, extending much beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft very small. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips; middle band dark brown, including a cinereous angular line ; marginal space dark brown, enclosing the cinereous denticulated submarginal line; marginal points black. Hind wings shining; under side with an indistinct brown submarginal line. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society's collection. Australasia. 53. Nephopteryx mundalis. Foem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; palpi subarcuati , oblique ascendentes , verticem non superantes , articulo 3o lanceolato ; aloe anticce angustae , apice subrotundatae , lineis duabus e guttis quatuor nigricantibus , linea submarginali cinerea subrecta , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce albidce , semihyalince . Female . Brownish cinereous. Palpi slightly curved, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, more than half the length of the second. Abdomen tapering, ex- tending a little beyond the hind wings ; oviduct exserted. Fore wings narrow, slightly rounded at the lips, with two transverse lines, each of which is hardly visible, with the exception of two diffuse blackish dots ; submarginal line cinereous, nearly straight ; 68 CATALOGUE OF marginal points black, minute. Hind wings whitish, semihyaline. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ceram. From Mr. Wallace's collection. 54. Nephopteryx validella. Foem. Cinerea ; palpi erecti , arcuati, lanceolati ; antennce ro - bustee ; alee anticce rufescente subtinctce , apice subrotundatce , lineis undulatis albido-cinereis , gutta discali elongata nigri- cante , punctis marginalibus nigris. Female. Cinereous, moderately stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi smooth, vertical, curved, lanceolate, rising rather higher than the head, to which they are applied ; third joint less than half the length of the second. Antennae stout. Thorax smooth. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with a reddish tinge, and with three undulating whitish cinereous lines ; an oblong blackish discal dot between the first and second lines ; marginal points black ; costa somewhat rounded ex- teriorly ; exterior border convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings semi- hyaline. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 55. Nephopteryx proximalis. Foem. Rufescente-cinerea ; palpi oblique ascendentes ; alee anticce ferrugineo varies, apice subrotundatce , lineis duabus subun- dulatis pallide cinereis , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticee pallide cinereee f semihyalinee . Female . Reddish cinereous, rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi robust, obliquely ascending, rising higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, hardly one-fourth of the length of the second. Thorax smooth. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs thick, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, partly overspread with ferruginous, which hue is traversed by two pale cinereous slightly undulating lines, one interior, the other towards the exterior bor- der ; marginal points black ; exterior border convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, semihyaline. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOi»TERA HETEROCERA. 69 56. Nephopteryx signifera. Mas. Pallide cinerco-cervina , robusta ; palpi ascendentes , arcuati , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; antennae subpubescentes , basi incras- satae ; pedes validi , tibiis posticis subjimbriatis ; alee anticce subacutae , costa interiore albida , fascia exteriove lata pallide cervina strigam nigram arcuatam includente , /iwca submar- ginali arcuata pallide cinerea , punctis marginalibus nigris , costa interiore incrassata ; postica pallide cinerece , subhyalinae , costa fuscescente. Male. Pale cinereous fawn-colour, stout. Palpi ascending, curved over the front, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, minute, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antenna? minutely pubescent, incrassated at the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; hind tibiae slightly fringed. Wings elongate, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly acute, whitish along the interior part of the costa ; a broad pale fawn-coloured exterior band, which contains a curved black discal streak ; submarginal line pale cinereous, curved out- ward ; marginal points black ; interior part of the costa incrassated, containing a tuft of long hairs ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, slightly hyaline, brownish along the costa. Length of the body 5£ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 57. Nephopteryx indecisa. Fcem. Pallide cinerea ; palpi erecti , subarcuati , verticem per - paullo superantes , articulo So longi-conico ; aloe anticce sub - acutce , nigro ex parte conspersae , extus ferrugineae, linea media nigra ; posticce cinerece , subhyalinae . Female. Pale cinereous, slightly brownish beneath. Palpi erect, slightly curved, rising very little higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Wings elon- gate, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly acute, mostly ferruginous exteriorly, with a few black speckles towards the base, and with a black transverse middle line ; exterior part with very few black speckles ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline, with an a?neous tinge. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 70 CATALOGUE OF 58. Nephopteryx? rudisella. Foem. Cinerea , ferrugineo varia ; ala antica subelongata , vix acuta, nigro conspersa, fascia media pallidiore subangulata , margine exteriore rotundato subobliquo ; postica fuscce , apud costam interiorem pailide cinerea. Female . Cinereous, varied with ferruginous. Wings slightly elongated. Fore wings hardly acute, irregularly speckled with black, with a broad paler slightly angular middle band ; the speckles are mostly along the borders of this band or along the ex- terior border ; exterior border slightly oblique, slightly protuberant in the middle. Hind wings brown, pale cinereous along the basal half of the costa. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 8 lines. The specimen here described is so mutilated that its generic characters cannot be well ascertained. It may form a new genus. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 59. Nephopteryx patulalis. Foem. Ferruginea ; palpi porrecti , vix ascendentes, caput super- antes, articulo 2 o piloso , 3o lineari ; antenna basi robusta ; ala antica latiuscula , a pice rotundata, cano varia , punctis duobus discalibus nigricantibus , punctis marginalibus nigris postica cinerea . Female. Ferruginous. Palpi porrect, hardly ascending, extend- ing somewhat beyond the head ; second joint stout, pilose ; third linear, full half the length of the second. Antennae stout at the base. Abdomen cinereous, extending rather beyond the hind wings. Wings rather broad ; fringe broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips, irre- gularly varied with hoary ; two blackish discal points ; marginal points black, distinct ; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. Genus 23. PEMPELIA. Pempelia, Hb. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 71 Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Pempelia Zinckenella. Zinckenella, Tr. — colonellus, Cta. — majorellus, Cta. — etiella, Tr. fumella, Ev. 2. Pempelia fumella. 3. Pempelia euphorbiella. euphorbiella, Zl. — albiricella, H.-S . sororiella, Zl, thymiella, Zl. 4 . Pempelia sororiella. 5. Pempelia thymiella. 6. Pempelia hostilts. hostilis, St. — adelphella, F. R. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 7. Pempelia Formosa. formosa, Hw.— perfluella , Zk. a—c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — g. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. 8. Pempelia betul^s. betulse, Goeze. — obtusella, Zlc. — tristrigella, St.— Christella, Frr . — holosericella, F. R. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b — e. England. /, g. Germany. From M. Himmighofen’s collection. 9. Pempelia subornatella. subornatella, Bp. — serpylletorum, Zl. a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 72 CATALOGUE OF 10. Pempelia HISPANELLA. hispanella, Std. — hispaniella, H.-S. 11, Pempelia adornatella. adornatella, Tr. 12. Pempelia ornatella. ornatella, W. V. — criptella, Hb. — criptea, Hw. a , c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, d, e . England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. f—h. England. i,j. Germany. From M. Himmighofen’s collection. k. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 13. Pempelia integella. integella, Std . 14. Pempelia cistella. cistella, Mill. 15. Pempelia obductella. obductella, F. R. — dilutella, Dp. — inscriptella, Dp. — origanella, Schlg. a—f England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h , i . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 16. Pempelia f^ecella. faecella, Zl. 17. Pempelia fusca. fusca, IJw.—janthinella, Dp. — carbonariella, F. R. — posticella, Ztt. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. / — k. England. From Mr. King’s collection. I — o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 18. Pempelia combustella. combustella, H.-S. 19. Pempelia palumbella. palumbella, TV. F.-r-contubernella, Hb. — comubernea, Hw. — cine- rea, Wtw. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 73 a— i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j — L Eugland. From Mr. Chant’s collection. m, n, England. 20. PEMPELIA ALBARIELLA. albariella, Zl. 21. Pempelia nucleolella. nucleolella, Msch . 22. Pempelia geminella. gerainella, Ev. 23. Pempelia turturella. turturella, ZL 24. Pempelia cingillella. cingillella, Zl. 25. Pempelia Dionysia. Dionysia, Zt . 26. Pempelia leucochrella. leucochrella, H.-S. Asia. 27. Pempelia cautella. Fcem. Cervina ; palpi erecti , verticem vix superantes, articulo 2 o arcuato, 3o lanceolate ; antennee graciles ; alee anticce angustce , apice rolundatee, punctis marginalibus nigricaniibus , margine exteriore perobliquo ; posticce cinerece , semihyalince , linea marginali fusca. Female. Fawn-colour. Proboscis stout. Palpi erect, hardly rising higher than the vertex; second joint curved ; third lanceo- late, shorter than the second. Antennae slender. Fore wings nar- row, rounded at the tips; marginal points blackish ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cinereous, semihyaline, with a brown marginal line. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton, H 74 CATALOGUE OF 28. Pempelia? adaptella.^^ 7 ^ 1 Mas. Cervina ; fasciculus frontalis productus ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; pedes leeves , sat graciles ; alee anticee longee , perangustee , sordide flavescentes , conspersce , a/nce subrotundatce, margine exteriore perobliquo ; posticce albidce , semihyalince. Male . Fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Frontal tuft promi- nent. Abdomen cinereous, extending much beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Legs smooth, rather slender; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings long, very narrow. Fore wings dingy yellowish, minutely black-speckled, slightly rounded at the tips; exterior border extremely oblique. Hind wings whitish, semi- hyaline. Length of the body 4J lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Genus 24. EURHODOPE. Ilithyia, Latr . — Eurhodope, Hb . 1. Eurhodope semirubella. semirubella, Sc. — carnella, Z.— sanguinella, Hb. — carnea, Hw . a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — p. England. q — t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. v. North Hindostan. Presented by Capt. Strachey. u , w. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. x — z. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 2. Eurhodope lateritialis. ~ Fcem. Lateritia ; palpi graciles , subfimbriati , oblique ascend- e7it.es , verticem non superanles, articulo 2 o arcuato , 3 o lanceo- lato ; alee anticee anguslee , vix acutee , nigricante plus minusve strigatee aut nebulosee , costa albida ; posticce cinereee , subhy- aline , linea marginali nigra. Female. Brick-red, moderately stout, cinereous beneath. Palpi slender, obliquely ascending, slightly fringed, notrising higher than the vertex ; second joint curved ; third lanceolate, hardly half the length of the second. Antennae slender. Abdomen cinereous. Wings with a pale cinereous fringe. Fore wings narrow, hardly LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 75 acute, more or less streaked or shaded with blackish; costa whitish. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline ; marginal line black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a — d . Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Genus 25. PROSMIXIS. ? H ■ f Prosmixis, Zl. — Pempelia, Hh . 1. Prosmixis quercella. quereella, W. F. — noctuella, Hh. — neglectella, Hh . Genus 26. POGONOTROPHA. Pogonotropha, Zl. 1. Pogonotropha Wahlbergi. Wahlbergi, ZL South Africa. Genus 27. EPICROSIS. Epicrosis, Zl. / 8 us .8}* ■ 1. Epicrosis festi vella. festivella, Zl. South Africa. Java. Co-w. JvJD Genus 28. SURATTHA. Fcem. Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi labiales porrecti, validi, dense vestiti, capitis latitudine non bre- viores ; articulus 3us longi-conicus. Palpi maxillares brevissimi. Antennae robustae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pe- des longiusculi, sat graciles. Alae anticae elongatas, acutae, mar- gine exteriore subconvexo, vix obliquo. Female. Body hardly stout. Proboscis obsolete. Labial palpi porrect, stout, densely clothed, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, hardly one-third of the length of the second. Maxillary palpi very short. Antennae stout. Abdo- men extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather long and slender ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, very slightly oblique. H 2 76 catalogue of 1. SuRATTHA INVECTALIS. Fcem. Cinereo-rufescens ; ala antic a nigro substrigata et sub - nebulosa , lineis duabus pallidis , la abbreviata , 2a denticulata bene determinata , lunula discali albida , punctis marginalibus nigris ; postica cinerea. Female . Cinereous-reddish, cinereous beneath. Fore wings slightly streaked and clouded with black ; two slightly paler reddish lines, of which the first is incomplete and the second is denticulated, more strongly marked and nearly complete ; a whitish lunule be- tween the lines ; marginal points black, very distinct. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a C * rCL . C . Genus 29. STANTIEA. ikfas. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrectb lanceolati, longiusculi, latiusculi ; articulus 3us longi-conicus, 2o brevior. Antennas glabrae. Abdomen alas posticas longe superans. Pedes laeves, validi. Alae anticae elongatse, sat angustae, vix acutae, costa recta, basi subconvexa. Male. Body rather slender. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, rather broad, nearly contiguous, hardly acute, longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, shorter than the second. Antennae smooth. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, rather narrow. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa straight, slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. 1. Stantira variegata. Mas. Rufescente-cinerea , capite et thorace nigricante-cinereis , alis punctis marginalibus nigris , alis anticis apud costam nigricante-cinereis, punctis costalibus exterioribus nigris , alis posticis albido-cinereis , gutta discali nigricante. Male. Reddish cinereous, whitish cinereous beneath. Head and thorax blackish cinereous. Wings with black marginal points. Fore wings irregularly blackish cinereous along the costa, which has black points towards the tip. Hind wings whitish cinereous, with a blackish discal dot. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 77 Genus 30. NIG11AMMA. Fcem. Corpus sat crassum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis brevis, gracilis. Palpi laeves, ascendentes, verticem su- perantes; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio non brevior. Abdo- men alas posticas superans. Pedes laeves, longiusculi, sat graciles ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alas lorigae, angustae ; anticae acuta?, margine exteriore subconvexo perobliquo. Female. Body moderarely stout. Frontal tuft rather promi- nent. Proboscis short, slender. Palpi smooth, erect, longer than the breadth of the head, and rising much above the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, abont half the length of the second. Antennae smooth. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Eegs stnooth, rather long and slender ; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings long, narrow. Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. This genus is nearly allied to Stenopteryx , and the latter is probably one of the Phycidce. 1. Nigramma quadrattfera. Fcem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; alee anticre fascia interiore extas dilatata fasciaque basali tenui niyris , fitura discali e strigis tribus nigris , linea submarginali nigra denliculata interrupta , punctis marginalibus nigricantibus . Female. Brownish cinereous. Fore wings with an interior black band, which is dilated into a patch on the outer side, and with a slender black band near the base ; discal mark composed of three short transverse black streaks ; submarginal line black, denticulated, incomplete; marginal points blackish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 17 lines. a. ? Genus 31. SEBUNTA. Mas. Corpus vix robustum. Palpi porrecti, lati, breviusculi, subrostriformes ; articulus 3us brevissimus. Antennae basi non incrassatae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; fasciculus apicalis parvus. Alae anticae elougatae, vix acutae, costa recta, mar- gine exteriore convexo. Male. Body hardly stout. Palpi porrect, broad, subrostri- form, much shorter than the breadth of the head^ not acute; third joint extremely short. Antennae not incrassated at the base. Ab- H 3 78 CATALOGUE OF domeu extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Wings elongated, moderately broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa straight ; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. 1. Sebunta guttulosa. Mas. Cinerea , fusco conspersa ; caput subtus pectusque albida ; alee anticce lineis duabus incompletis nigris fusco nebulosis. Male . Cinereous. Head and thorax speckled with brown, or mostly brown. Head beneath and pectus whitish. Wings slightly iridescent. Fore wings largely and transversely brown-speckled; two dentate incomplete black lines, which are more or less shaded with brown. Hind wings speckled like the fore wings. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b , c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. d Orilla, West Canada. From Mr. Bush's collection. Genus 32. TRISIDES. Mas . Corpus gracile. Frons producta. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi sat graciles, oblique ascendentes, verticem paullo superantes ; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2o paullo brevior. Antennae pubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas superans; fasciculus apicalis parvus, sub- compressus. Pedes laeves, graciles ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae elongatae, 'angustae, apice subrotuud- atse, margine exteriore valde convexo vix obliquo. Male. Body slender. Front prominent. Proboscis distinct. Palpi rather slender, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, a little shorter than the second. Antennae pubescent. Abdomen tapering, extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small, slightly compressed. Legs slender, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings narrow, slightly rounded at the tips ; exterior border very convex, hardly oblique. 1. Tbisides bisignata. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; alee anticce macula apud marginem interio- rem albida magna oblonga ; posticce cinereee , semihyalinee. Male. Cinereous-brown. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings Vuh a large oblong whitish spot on the inteiror border at a little LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 79 before the middle. Hind wings cinereous, semihyaline, with a slight aeneous tinge. Length of the body 4£ lines ; of the wings 11 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 33. UFA. Mas. Corpus sat validum. Caput penicillis duohus lateralibus. Proboscis couspicua. Palpi quatuor lanceolati, capitis latitudine paullo breviores ; articulus 3us parvus ; labiales porrecti ; max- illares oblique ascendentes.; Antennae validae, glabrae ; articuli lus et 2us incrassati. Alae anticae longae, angustae, apice subro- tundatae, margine exteriore obliquo subconvexo. Male . Body moderately stout. Head with a small penicil- late tuft on each side at the base of the palpi. Proboscis distinct. Palpi lanceolate, a little shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint minute. Labial palpi porrect. Maxillary palpi obliquely ascending, a little longer than the labial palpi. Antennae stout, smooth, incrassated towards the base. Fore wings long, narrow, slightly rounded at the tips ; exterior border slightly convex, mode- rately oblique. 1. Ufa Venezuelalis. Mas. Pallidissime cervina ; palpi apice nigricantes ; alee anticae strigis duabus aut tribus fasciaque submarginali nigricantibus diffusis , punctis tribus discalibus nigris ; posticce albidce , iridescentes, fere kyalince. Male. Very pale fawn-colour. Palpi with blackish tips. Fore wings with two or three diffuse blackish streaks, and with a diffuse straight oblique blackish submarginal band ; three black discal points, two of which are in a longitudinal line, and the third is hindward. Hind wings whitish, iridescent, nearly hyaline. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. Genus 34. ASSARA. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi arcuati, ascendentes, caput posticum attingentes; articulus 3us lanceolatus. Antennae robustae, glabrae. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes validi, laeves ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae sat latae, apice rotundatae, costa recta, margine exteriore subconvexo subobliquo. 80 CATALOGUE OF Male. Body rather slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi curved, ascending, extending to the hind part of the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Antennae stout, smooth. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings comparatively broad. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. (j> 1. Assara albtcostalis. Mas. Fuscescente-cinerea ; pedes alhidi; al'ce antics ferruginece, vitta costali alba , lituris posterioribus nigricanlibus , tinea submarginali cinerea denticulata ; posticce subhyalinee. Male . Brownish cinereous, shining, rather slender. Palpi slender, curved, ascending higher than the vertex; third joint lan- ceolate, much shorter than the second. Antennae stout at the base. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs whitish, stout, rather short; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings comparatively short and broad ; fringe pale cinereous. Fore wings ferruginous, with a white costal stripe, which does not extend to the base nor to the tip, and has an irregular hind border, the latter is accompanied by a few minute blackish marks ; submarginal line cinereous, denticulated. Hind wings very slightly hyaliue. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 35. GUASTICA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Palpi arcuati ; articulus 3us lan- ceolatus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae validae, basi incrassatae. Ab- domen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes validi, laeves ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor sat longis. Alae anticae apioe vix ro- tundatae. Male. Body moderately stout. Palpi curved ; third joint lan- ceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae stout, incrassated at the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stput, smooth ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings moderately broad ; fringe long, full. Fore wings hardly rounded at the tips. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 81 1. Guastica semilutea. Mas. Ferrugineo-rufa ; alee anticce apud costam purpurascentes , basi lutece , lineis duabus submar ginalibus denticulatis pallide purpuras centibus ; posticce cinerece , semihyalince. Male . Ferruginous-red, shining. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings irregularly pale purplish along the costa, luteous towards the base ; two denticulated submarginal pale purplish lines. Hind wings cinereous, semihyaline, with a slight aeneous tinge. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 36. ADDYME. Mas . Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi la- biales subarcuati, subascendentes, capitis latitudine paullo longiores ; articulus 2us latus ; 3us longi-conicus, parvus. Palpi maxillares breves, ascendentes. Antennae glabrae; articuli lus et 2us valde incrassati. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes breves, validi ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae, basi fasciculatae. Alae anticae elon- gatae, angustae, acutae ; costa basi subtus dense fimbriata. Male. Body hardly stout. Proboscis obsolete. Maxillary palpi short, ascending. Labial palpi slightly curved aud ascending, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint broad ; third elongate-conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth ; first and second joints much incras- sated. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs short, stout ; hind tibiae with a tuft of long hairs at the base and with four long spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings narrow, acute, densely fringed beneath along the costa towards the base. 1. Addyme occultans. Mas. Cervino-cinerea ; antennee basi palpique maxillares nigri- cantia ; alee anticce vitta subtus lata nigra , costa basi convex a ; posticce cinerece , subhyalince . Male. Cinereous, tinged with fawn-colour. Antennae blackish towards the base. Maxillary palpi blackish. Fore wings beneath with a broad black costal stripe, which extends along half the length from the base ; costa convex towards the base ; exterior border hardly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 82 CATALOGUE OF Genus 37. AllllADE. Fcem . Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrecti, vix arcuati, capitis latitudine non breviores ; articulus 2us subfim- briatus ; 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennte graciles. Ab- domen lanceolatum, alas posticas superans. Pedes longi, graciles, tarsis anticis basi tibiisque anticis dense fimbriatis. Al® antic® angustae, elongat®, apice subrotundata?, margine exteriore antico subconcavo, margine interiore apicali fimbria excavata. Female. Body smooth, rather slender. Front somewhat hir- sute. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, hardly curved, as long as the breadth of the head ; 2nd joint with a short fringe above ; third lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae slen- der, not stout at the base. Abdomen lanceolate, extending some- what beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, long, slender ; fore tarsi towards the base and fore tibiae densely fringed ; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings narrow, elongate. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border mode- rately oblique, slightly concave in front ; apical part of the interior border with a fringe, which is excavated in the middle. 1. Arrade Erebusalis. Foem. Cervina ; alee anticee lineis tribus e punctis elongatis wi- gris intus cinereo pallido marginatis , la subrecta , 2 a valde flexa, 3 a undulata , linea marginali nigra ; posiicee sordide cinerece . Female. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Wings with a short fringe. Fore wings with three black lines, which are composed of elongated points, and are bordered with pale cinereous on the inner side ; first line oblique, nearly straight ; second very deeply bent outward; third submarginal, undulating; marginal line black. Hind wings dingy cinereous; marginal line brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a, b . Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 38. MODIANA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis gracilis. Palpi validi, lanceolati, oblique ascendentes, capitis latitudine paullo longiores ; articulus 2us penicillatus ; 3us minimus. Antennae valid® ; arti- culi lus et 2us incrassati ; 2us dense fasciculatus. Abdomen alas LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 83 posticas longe superans. Pedes validi. Alae anticae longae, an- gustae, acutae, margine exteriore perobliquo. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis slender. Palpi stout, lanceolate, obliquely ascending, a little longer tban the breadth of the head ; second joint enclosing a penicillate tuft ; third extremely small. Antennae stout; first and second joints incrassated ; second thickly tufted. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Legs stout, smooth. Fore wings elongate, narrow, acute ; exterior border very oblique. 1. Modiana scitivittalis. Mas. Sordide ochracea ; abdomen cinereum ; alee cinerece, fim- bria albida ; anticce costa alba ; posticce subiridescentes , sub - hyalince. Male. Dull ochraceous, cinereous beneath. Abdomen cine- reous. Wings cinereous, with a whitish fringe. Fore wings with a white costa. Hind wings slightly iridescent and hyaline. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles collection. Genus 39. CALGUIA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Caput penicillis duobus erectis. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi decumbentes, capitis latitudine breviores ; articulus 2us arcuatus; 3us parvus. Antennae serratae, setosae, basi incrassatae. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes breviusculi, sat robusti ; tibiae posticae quadriealcaratae, supra fimbria tae. Alae anticae breviusculae, sat angustae, subacutae, costa vix convexa, mar- gine exteriore subobliquo. Male. Body rather stout. Head with two erect penicillate tufts. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi prominent, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint much curved downward ; third conical, minute. Antennae serrated, setose, much incrassated towards the base. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs rather short and stout ; hind tibiae fringed above, with four long spurs. Fore wings rather short and narrow, slightly acute ; costa and exte- rior border hardly convex, the latter very slightly oblique. 1. CALGUIA DEFIGURALIS. Mas. Cervina ; antennee basi nigra:; ala anticce fascia media lata fusca intus concisa extus diffusa , spatio marginali 84 CATALOGUE OF fuscescente lineam submarginalem pallidam denticulatam in- cludenie ; posticce cinereo-fuscce . Male. Fawn-colour. Antennae black towards the base. Fore wings with a broad brown middle band, which is concise and slightly oblique on the inner side, and is diffuse on the outer side ; marginal space brownish, intersected by the pale submarginal den- ticulated line. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Length of the body 4£ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 40. MODUNGA. Mas . Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevissima, gracillima. Palpi longi, subascendentes ; articulus 2us validus, subfimbriatus ; 3us linearis, gracilis, 2o brevior. Antennae subsetulosae. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans. Pedes laeves, longiusculi, sat graciles ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae breves, latiusculae ; anticae vix acutae, margine exteriore subflexo. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis very short and slender. Palpi slightly ascending, much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint stout, with a short fringe ; third linear, slender, shorter than the second. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather long and slender ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings short, rather broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; exterior border slightly oblique, indistinctly bent in the middle. 1. Modunga palpigera. Mas. Cervina ; alee anticce f asciis duabus latis obscurioribus lineas duas pallidas denticulatas includentibus, 2 a marginali ; posticce lineis duabus pallidioribus indistinctis . Male. Fawn-colour. Abdomen, hind wings and under side cinereous, slightly tinged with fawn-colour. Fore wings with two broad darker bands, the one interior, the other marginal, each in- cluding a pale denticulated line. Hind wings with two indistinct paler lines. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. XEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 85 Genus 41. NANAGUNA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi erecti, sat graciles, verticem multo superantes ; articulus 2us subarcuatus ; 3us linearis, 2o non brevior. Abdomen lanceolatum, alas posticas perpaullo superans. Pedes laeves, breves, sat validi ; tibiae posticse calcaribus quatuor longis. Alas latae, breves ; anticae vix acutae, costa subconvexa, margine exteriore subobliquo. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis short. Palpi erect rather slender, as long as the breadth of the head, rising much higher than the vertex ; second joint very slightly curved ; third linear, rounded at the tip, as long as the second. Abdomen lan- ceolate, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, short, rather stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings broad, short. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter very slightly oblique. Fcem. Pallide cervina ; abdomen ceneo-cinereum ; alee anticez plagis duabus fuscis, pun do basali , pnnrto discali pundisque exterioribus nigris , line a exteriore pallide cinerea valde Jlexa ; posticce pallide cinerea , subcervino marginatee. Female . Pale fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Abdomen aeneous-cinereous. Fore wings with two irregular brown patches, one costal before the middle, the other on the interior angle ; two black dots, one basal, the other discal ; exterior line pale cinereous, much bent, accompanied by black points. Hind wings pale cine- reous, tinged with fawn-colour along the borders. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Fcem. Cervino-cinerea , robusta ; abdomen alas posticas vix su- perans ; ala anticce latiuscules , nigro subconspersce , cinereo pallido varies , lineis duabus discalibus cervinis apice /lexis , gutta discali nigra irigona , linea exteriore fusca undulata indistinda , lineis duabus submar ginali bus e strigis nigrican- tibus , pundis marginalibus nigricanlibus intusalbo marginatis. Female. Cinereous, stout, tinged with fawn-colour. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint 1. Nanaguna breviuscula. 2. Nanaguna? stipata. ~ I 86 CATALOGUE OF conical, minute. Antennae slender. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Wings rather broad. Fore wings partly pale cinereous, thinly black-speckled, with two pale fawn-coloured parallel lines, which extend from the base to the disk, and are there bent forward, the fore one bordering the outer side of a triangular black discal dot; exterior line brown, undulating, indistinct; a double row of submarginal blackish streaks ; marginal points blackish, bordered with white on the inner side. Hind wings brownish cinereous ; marginal line brown. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wiugs 10 lines. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 42. MALIATTHA. Mas. Corpus vix robustum. Palpi oblique ascendentes, ver- ticem non superantes ; articulus 2us subarcuatus ; 3us longi-coni- cus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae basi validae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans, apicem versus subtumidum ; fasciculus apicalis longijisculus. Tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor parvis. Alae anticae breviusculae, latiusculae, vix acutae, margine exteriore convexo. Male. Body hardly stout. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; secend joint slightly curved ; third elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Antennae stout at the base. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, slightly tumid towards the tip ; apical tuft rather long. Hind tibiae with four rather short spurs. Wings rather broad and short. Fore wings hardly acute; exterior border convex, mode- rately oblique. 1. Maliattha separata. Mas. A Ibid a, fas co conspersa ; alee anticee fascia media cervina nigro submarginata postice dilata extus excavata lituram albi- dam includente , plaga subapicali cervina nigro strigata , spatio marginali cervino linearn albidam undulatam subrnarginalem includente ; posticee fuscescente-cinereee. Male. Whitish, brown-speckled. Fore wings with a fawn- coloured slightly black-bordered middle band, which is much di- lated hindward, and is deeply notched on the outer side in front, where it contains a whitish figure of 8 discal mark ; a fawn-coloured black-streaked subapical patch ; marginal space fawn-coloured, in- cluding a whitish undulating submarginal line ; fringe cinereous, LEP1D0PTERA IIETEROCERA. 87 interlined with blackish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 43. CALINDCEA. Fcem , Corpus robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi por- recti, caput sat superantes, vix angulati ; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2i diinidio non brevior. Antennas sat valid*. Abdomen subcari- natum, alas posticas vix superans. Pedes validi ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae elongatae, angustae, spissae, acutae, margine exteriore subconvexo. Female . Body stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi por- rect, extending somewhat beyond the head ; third joint lanceolate) about half the length of the second, with which it hardly forms an angle. Antennae smooth, rather stout. Abdomen slightly keeled, hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four spurs, one of the apical pair very long. Wings elongate, narrow, dense. Fore wings acute; costa straight; exte- rior border slightly convex, extremely oblique. 1. Calindcea cumulalis. Foem. Ferruginea ; tarsi albo fasciati ; alee punctis nonnullis chalybceis ; anticce f asciis duabus obscurioribus obliquis ; posticce disco nigricoMe . Female . Ferruginous. Tarsi with white bands. Wings with some chalybeous points. Fore wings with two obliqne darker bands, one near the base, the other in the middle. Hind wings with the disk mostly blackish. Length of the body \\ lines ; of the wings 14 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 44. LAMORIA. - ^ v ^ Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Caput bifasciculatum. Pro- boscis brevissima. Palpi lanceolati, validi, subdecumbentes ; arti- culus 3us 2i dimidio non brevior. Antennae basi robustae. Abdo- men alas posticas superans, apicem versus attenuatum et compressum* oviductus exsertus. Pedes laeves, sat validi ; tibiae posticae calcari* bus quatuor longis. Alae anticae elongatae, angustae, apice rotund* atae, margine exteriore perobliquo. I 2 88 CATALOGUE OF Female. Body rather stout. Head with two slightly promi- nent tufts. Proboscis very short. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, rather stout, slightly curved downward ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Antennae smooth, stout at the base. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings, attenuated and some- what compressed towards the tip ; oviduct exserted. Legs smooth, rather stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips; costa straight ; exterior border convex, very oblique. 1. Lamoria planalis. Fcem. Cervina ; alee anticce fusco substrigatce et subnebulosce , annulis duobus discalibus fuscis ; alee posticce cinereee . Female . Fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Abdomen cine- reous, with a testaceous tinge. Fore wings slightly streaked and clouded wdth brown ; orbicular and reniform represented by two brown ringlets, of which the second is much larger than the first. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 45. MARACLEA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi graciles, vix ascendentes, caput paullo superantes; articulus 3us gracillimus. Antennae glabrae, graciles. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes sat robusti ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae acutae, margine exteriore postico valde rotundato ; pos- ticae margine interiore fimbriato. Female . Body rather stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi slen- der, hardly ascending, extending a little beyond the head ; third joint extremely slender. Antennae smooth, slender. Thorax smooth. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border not oblique in front, much rounded hindward. Hind wings with very long hairs along the interior border. 1. Maraclea inostentalis. Fcem. Albido-lignieolor ; alee anticce punctis duobus discalibus e squamis nigris. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 89 Female . Whitish wood-colour. Fore wings' with some black scales, a few of which are confluent and form two black points in a line on the disk. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 46. EVIA. Fccm. Corpus robustum. Fasciculus frontalis trigonus; Pro- boscis gracilis. Palpi porrecti, brevissimi. Antennae graciles. Ab- domen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes robusti ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Female. Body stout. Frontal tuft triangular. Proboscis slender. Palpi porrect, very short, concealed by the hairs. An- tennae slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings rather broad. Fore wings slightly acute ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. 1. Evja ferrinalis. Foem. Obscure ochracea , subtvs cinereo-fusca ; palpi nigri ; ab- domen purpurascente-fuscum ; alee anticce pv rp uras cente- ehalybcece , lineis nonnullis e lunulis ferrugineo-fuscis , vitt.a postica lata ochracea , striga exteriore aurato-ochracea ; posticce ceneo-fuscce, fimbria extus albida. Female . Dark ochraceous, cinereous-brown beneath. Fore wings purplish chalybeous, with several transverse ferruginous- brown lines, composed of lunules ; a broad ochraceous stripe along the interior border; a gilded ochraceous streak along the hind part of the exterior border. Hind wings aeneous-brown, with a purplish bloom ; fringe whitish exteriorly. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 47. GFRTONA. Fcem . Corpus robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi por- recti, subangulati, sat graciles, caput superantes ; articulus 2us subfimbriatus ; 3us conicus, parvus. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes vix robusti ; tibiae subpilosae. Alae antic® sat angust®, apice subrotundatae. Female . Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, rather slender, extending somewhat beyond the head ; second joint slightly I 3 90 CATALOGUE OF fringed ; third conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second, with which it forms a slight angle. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs hardly stout; tibiae slightly pilose ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips. Type G. proximalis. This genus and the preceding one have much affinity to Ga- dirika in the Hypogrammidee . 1. Gy t RTONA PROXIMALIS. Fcem. Ferruginea y subtus cinereo-fusca ; alee anticce cervino varice , lineis nonnullis cinereis indistinctis undulatis , duabus aut tribus postice albis , basi lineaque proximo, albis , punctis marginalibus obscure fuscis ; posticee cinereo-fuscce. Female . Ferruginous, cinereous-brown beneath. Fore wings partly fawn-colour, with several indistinct somewhat undulating cinereous transverse lines, of which two or three are white bind** ward ; a white line near the base, which is also white ; marginal points dark brown. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 1 1 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 2. Gyrtona ferrimissalis. Fcem. Cinereo-ferruginea , subtus cinereo-fusca ; alee anticce al - bido varice chalybceo nitentes , lineis nonnullis nigricantibus vix denticulatis , tinea \a punc toque discali atr is, fimbria fus- cescenle punctata ; posticee cinereo-fuscce . Female . Cinereous-ferruginous, rather stout. Proboscis short, slender. Palpi broad, compressed, somewhat decumbent; third joint elongate-conical, about one-third of the length of the second. An- tennae slender, smooth. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, moderately stout ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings beneath cinereous-brown. Fore wings rectan- gular at the tips, with chalybeous reflections, partly whitish, with several hardly denticulated blackish lines; first line and discal point deep black ; margiual line slightly interrupted ; fringe with brownish points ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately ob- lique. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 91 3. Gyrtona divitalis. Fcem. Ferruginea , robusta ; palpi porrecti , sat longi , articulo 3 o minirno ; alee anticce vix elongatce , chalybceo varicp, apice subrotunda tee, lineis duabus nigris indr ter minatis ex parte duplicatis , plaga costali subapicali pallida , /wea submargi- nali cinerea denticulata, punctis marginalibus fuscis, margine interiore subexcavato ; postiece fuscce , cinerece , margine exteriore antico subexcavato . Female . Ferruginous, stout. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, very minute. Abdomen and under side brownish, the former extending beyond the hind wings. Wings moderately broad, hardly elongated. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, partly tinged with chalybeous ; two transverse irregular incomplete partly double black lines; a pale costal subapical patch; submarginal line cinereous, denticulated ; marginal points brown; exterior border convex, moderately oblique; interior horder slightly excavated. Hind wings brown, cinereous towards the base ; exterior border slightly excavated in front. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders collection. 4. Gyrtona pardalina. Foern. Pallide cervina ; caput albidum; palpi oblique ascendentes , verticem paullo superantes , articulo 2 o arcuato lineari, 3 o minima ; antennee. breviusculee , basi incrassatce ; abdomen alas posticas non superans ; pedes validi ; aloe anticce subnebulosce , apice rotundatce , strigis fasciaque submarginali obscure fuscis ; postiece obscure fuscce. Female . Pale fawn-colour. Head whitish. Palpi obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex ; second joint curved, linear; third conical, not more than one-eighth of the length of the second. Antennae rather short, incrassated at the base. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth, with blackish bands ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips, partly tinged with darker fawn-colour, with irregular dark brown streaks, and with an irregular dark brown submarginal band ; marginal line dark brown. Hind wings dark brown. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 15 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders collection. 92 CATALOGUE OF 5. Gyrtona CONGLOBALIS. Fcem. Cinereo-ferruginea , robusta ; palpi subascendentes , sa£ longi , articulo 2o lato subfimbriato, 3 o parvo ; alee anticee subelon - gat.ee, cinereo variee, apice rotundatee , lineis subdenticulatis fuscis aut nigris, striga discali nigra, linea submarginali cinerea angulosa , lunulis marginalihus nigricantibus ; posticee fusete. Female . Cinereous-ferruginous, stout ; brown beneath. Palpi slightly ascending, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint broad, slightly fringed ; third conical, minute, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennse slender. Abdomen extend- ing a little beyond the hind wings. Wings slightly elongated, moderately broad ; fringe long. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, partly pale cinereous, with a few transverse slightly denti- culated brown or black lines and with a transverse black streak on the interior part of the disk ; submarginal line cinereous, zigzag; marginal lunules blackish ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Hind wings brown; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 6. Gyrtona semicarbonalis. Cinerea , robusta, ferrugineo varia ; palpi porrecti ; alee anticee angustee , apice rotundatee , chalybeeo subnitentes, lineis non- nullis ferrugineis angulosis , linea submarginali albido sub - marginata, fascia interiore latissima nigra , punctis margin- alibus fuscis elongatis ; posticee cinereo-fuscee. Female . Cinereous, stout, varied with ferruginous. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head; third joint conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth; spurs long. Wings narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, tinged with chalybeous ; some ferruginous zigzag lines, of which the submarginal one is slightly whitish-bordered ; a very broad black band which extends nearly to the base; marginal points dark brown, elongated ; costa straight; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cinereous-brown, slightly hyaline towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 93 7. Gyrtona rotundalis. Foem. Pallide cinerea , ferrugineo varia ; palpi porrecti , rostri - formes ; tibiarum calcaria breviuscula ; alee anticce angustce apice rotundatce , lineis ferrugineis undalatis plus minusve de - terminatis nigricante punctatis , punctis marginalibus nigri - cantibus ; posticce cinereo-fuscce. Female. Pale cinereous, stout, varied with ferruginous. Pro- boscis distinct. Palpi porrect, rostriform, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint minute, conical. Antennas smooth. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, stout; spurs rather short. Wings narrow. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with several more or less complete ferruginous undulating lines, some of which are marked by blackish points ; marginal points blackish ; costa straight ; exterior border convex, very oblique hindward. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Length of the body lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 8. Gyrtona Hylusalis. Foem. Cinereo-fusca ; palpi robusti , pilosi , subascendentes ; alee anticce angustce , fusco conspersce, apice rotundatce , antice pur - purasccnte-cinerece , postice pallide cinerea, lineis tribus nigris undulatis denticulatis , lineola nigra flexa subcostali , linea submarginali denticulata pallide cinerea , punctis marginalibus nigricantibus elongatis ; posticce fuscescentes. Var. — Thorax pallidissime cervinus , tegulis fuscis ; alee anticce busi costaque interiore pallidissime cervinis. Mas ? — Palpi ascendentes y articulo So brevissimo ; alee anticce rufescente-fuscce , angus- tiores . Female . Cinereous-brown, rather stout, more cinereous beneath. Palpi stout, pilose, slightly ascending, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, hardly one-third of the length of the second. Thorax with a purplish cinereous tinge. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Wings narrow, elongated. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, minutely brown-speckled, mostly purplish cinereous in front, mostly pale cinereous hindward ; three black, transverse, slight, irregularly undulating and denticu- lated lines ; a looped black line extending from the costa between the second aud third lines; submarginal line pale cinereous, denti- culated; marginal points blackish, elongated ; costa straight; 94 CATALOGUE OF exterior border convex, rather oblique. Hind wings brownish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. Var. Third joint of the palpi pale cinereous. Thorax, except the tegulae, very pale fawn-colour. Fore wings very pale fawn-colour towards the base and along the adjoining part of the costa. Male p Palpi more ascending; third joint much shorter. Fore wings narrower, reddish brown, with indistinct black cinereous- bordered lines. a — c. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 9. Gyrtona nigrocinerea. Foem. Nigricante-cinerea , robusta ; palpi porrecti , caput paullo superantes , articulo 2 o Jimbriato ; alee anticce elongates, angustce , subacutce , venis nigro punctatis , macula magna postica ferrugineo-cinerea nigro marginatafinea submar ginali cinerea angulosa , punctis marginalibus nigris . Female. Blackish cinereous, stout. Abdomen and hind wings somewhat paler. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth. Wiugs elongate, narrow. Fore wings slightly acute, with some black points on the veins, and with a large ferruginous-cinereous black-bordered spot on the interior border before the middle ; submarginal line cinereous, zigzag ; marginal points black ; exterior border much rounded, hardly oblique in front, very oblique hindward. Hind wings with a pale cinereous fringe. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. 10. Gyrtona inclusalis. Foem. Cinerea; palpi porrecti , caput longe superantes; alee anticce angustce , subacutce , lineis nonnullis fuscis undulatis albido marginatis , macula interiore magna transversa punc - tisque marginalibus f uscis ; posticee margins exteriors sub- ex cavato. Female . Cinereous, rather stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, compressed, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; third joint elongate-conical, more than half the length of the second. Antenna? smooth. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, slender ; spurs moderately long. Wings narrow. Fore wings slightly acute, with several undulationg brown LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 95 whitisb-bordered lines, and with a large transverse discal interior brown spot ; marginal points brown ; costa straight ; exterior border convex. Hind wings with the exterior border slightly excavated before the middle. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 11. Gyrtona costella. Fcem. Albido-cinerea ; palpi porrecti , caput longe superantes ; alee anlicce ferrugineo conspersce , apice quadratce , macula basali , striga discali lineisque nonnullis ferrugineis , punctis marginalibus fuscis ; posticce subobscuriores. Female. Whitish cinereous, rather stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, compressed, extending much beyond the head; third joint about half the length of the second. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings quad- rate at the tips, with ferruginous speckles ; a spot near the base of the costa; discal streak and several transverse lines of the same hue; marginal points brown; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings a little darker than the ground hue of the fore wings. Length of the body 4^ lines; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 12. Gyrtona dorsifascialis. Fcem. Fuscescenle-cinerea , sal robustec ; palpi validi , porrecti , fusci , articulo So cinereo ; thorax fusco fasciatus ; alee anlicce fusco conspersce et nebulosce , spatio subcostali chalybceo , plagis paucis subochraceis , lineis tribus nigris denticulatis , linea marginali nigricante interrupta; posticce fuscce , fimbria cinerea. Female. Brownish cinereous, rather stout. Palpi brown, por- rect, stout, pubescent, not longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint cinereous, conical. Thorax with a broad brown band. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings speckled and partly clouded with brown, mostly tinged with chaly- beous along the costa; a few dull ochraceous patches; interior, exterior and submarginal lines black, denticulated; marginal line blackish, interrupted by the veins. Hind wings brown ; exterior 96 CATALOGUE OF border slightly excavated in front; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. Var. Fore wings with the brown, chalybeous and ochraceous markings obliterated. Fcem. Fusca , robusta ; fasciculus frontalis productus ; palpi porrecti , sat validi, caput paullo superantes , articulo So longi - conico ; thorax nigro bifasciatus , postice testaceo-cinereas ; abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; alee anticce cinereo , nigro conspersce , apice subrotundatce , spatio costali nigricante- cinereo , spatio basali testaceo -cinereo, spatio marginali fusco interlineato , lineis quinque punctularibus nigris, fascia nigri - cante-cinereo ; posticce basi cinerece. Female . Brown, stout, brownish cinereous beneath. Frontal tuft prominent. Palpi porrect, rather stout, extending a little beyond the bead ; third joint elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennas slender. Thorax testaceous- cinereous except in front, with two black bands. Abdomen ex- tending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings narrow, cinereous, black-speckled, slightly rounded at the tips; costal space blackish cinereous; marginal space brown, interlined with cinereous ; basal part testaceous-cinereous; five slight irregular black lines, mostly composed of points; second and third lines including a blackish cinereous band. Hind wings cinereous towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a — c. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Fcem. Cana , crassa ; palpi oblique ascendentes , verticem non superantes , articulo So longi-conico ; thoracis tegulce apice chalybceo nigricantes ; alee anticce angustce , testaceo cance , nigro conspersce , apice rotundatce , lineis nonnullis dentatis nigricantibus aut ferrugineis , fascia interiore latissima plagaque apud angulum interiorem chalgbco-nigricantibus , linea, submarginali denticulata cinerea , litura discali obliqua lunulisque marginalibus nigricantibus ; posticce ceneo- cinerece, vix hyalinee. Female . Hoary, very robust. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; third joint elongate-conical, less than 13. GVBTONA STRENUAL1S. 14. Gyrtona thoracia. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 97 half the length of the second. Tegulae of the thorax chalybeous, blackish towards the tips. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, testaceous-tinged, minutely black-speckled, with some blackish den- tate partly ferruginous lines ; a very broad band near the base and a large patch by the interior angle chalybeous-blackish, the latter forming a submarginal band which includes a cinereous denticulated line ; discal mark blackish, elongated, oblique ; marginal lunules blackish. Hind wings aeneous-cinereous, very slightly hyaline. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 15. Gyrtona monilialis. Fcem. Ferrugineo-fusca , strenuali proximo, ; palpi longi , oblique ascendentes , articulo 3 o brevissimo ; alee anticce chalybeeo tinctce , lineis nonnullis fuscis denticulatis , lineis duabus e punctis nigris cinereo marginatis , litura discali e strigula obliqua cinerea punctisque tribus nigris , punctis marginalibus nigricantibus elongatis ; posticce fuse ce. Female . Ferruginous-brown, closely allied to G. strenualis . Frontal tuft very prominent. Palpi obliquely ascending, full as long as the breadth of the head, rising a little higher than the vertex; third joint very short. Fore wings chafybeous-tinged, with several denticulated brown lines ; interior and exterior lines com- posed of black cinereous-bordered points; discal mark consisting of a little oblique cinereous streak and three black points ; marginal points blackish, elongated. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 4^ — 5 lines ; of the wings 9 — 10 lines. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 16 . Gyrtona spilalis. Foem. Subferrugineo-cinerea ; palpi oblique ascendentes ; pedes breviusculi ; alee anticce angustee , subiridescenles, apice rotun- daUe , lineis nonnullis ferrugineis sub denticulatis nigricante punctatis , lituris duabus nigricantibus guttaque alba posticis ; posticce eeneo-fuscee, fimbria pallide cinerea . Female. Cinereous, stout, with a ferruginous tinge. Proboscis distinct. Palpi obliquely ascending, extending somewhat beyond the head ; third joint conical, hardly one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomeu extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs rather short and stout ; hind tibiae K 98 CATALOGUE OF with moderately long spurs. Wings narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, slightly iridescent, with several ferruginous slightly den- ticulated lines, which contain some blackish points; two larger blackish marks by the interior border, on which there is a more exterior white dot; costa straight; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings aeneous-brown; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Sect. N. Mas. Palpi porrecti, capitis latitudine non breviores; articu- lus 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae dense setulosae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; fasciculus ajdcalis mini- mus. Pedes laeves, sat validi. Alae anticae elongatae, vix acutae, margine exteriore convexo perobliquo. Alae posticae margine exte- riore antico excavato. Male. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head; second joint slightly broader towards the tip ; third lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae thickly setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Legs smooth, rather stout. Wings elongate, mode- rately broad. Fore wings hardly acute; costa straight; exterior border convex, very oblique. Hind wings with the exterior border concave in front. 17. Gyrtona dorsalis. Mas. Ferrugineo-fusca ; thorace fascia atra ; alis anlicis cinereo tine tis, fascia maculari interiore , litura discali , lineis duabus exterioribus interruptis punctisque rnarginalibus elongatis nigris ; alis posticis cinereo-fuscis, fimbria pallide cinerea, Male . Ferruginous-brown. Thorax with a deep black band in front. Abdomen and under side brownish cinereous. Fore wings with a cinereous bloom and with black markings, which con- sist of an interior macular band, of a discal mark, of two exterior interrupted lines, and of elongated marginal poinis. Hind wings cinereous- brown ; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Ceylon. Discovered by Dr. Templeton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 99 Sect. N. Mas. Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis brevissima, gracil- lima. Palpi porrecti, latiusculi, sat longi, articulo 3o longi-conieo. Antennae graciles, subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas non su- perans. Pedes laeves, validi ; tibiae posticas calcaribus quatuor lon- gissirnis. Alae anticae subelongatae, acutae. Male. Body hardly stout. Proboscis very short and slender. Palpi porrect, rather broad, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, about half the length of the second. Antennae slender, minutely pubescent. Abdomen not ex- tending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, stout, not long ; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings moderately broad, slightly elongated. Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 18 . Gyrtona suffusa. Mas. Ferruginea , subtus fuscescente-cinerea ; alee nigro subcon - spersce , fusco subtinctee , lineis duabus undulatis punctisque marginalibus nigris ; antic ce linea interior e lituraque discali lata nigris. Male. Ferruginous, brownish cinereous beneath. Wings slightly black-speckled, partly brown-tinged, with two irregular un- dulating black lines; marginal points black. Fore wings with an interior irregular black line, and with a broad black transverse discal mark. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders* collection. Genus 48. NECLA, Fcem. Corpus robustum. Palpi latissimi, porrecti, pubes- centes, capitis latitudine breviores; articulus 3us minimus. An- tennae basi incrassatae. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Alae anticae latae, breves, vix acutae, costa subconvexa, margine sat obliquo. Female. Body stout. Palpi porrect, pubescent, very broad, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae incrassated at the base. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Wings broad, short; fringe long. Fore wings hardly acute; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter rather oblique. K 2 100 CATALOGUE OF 1. Necla CANIORALIS. Foem. Cana; aloe antic oe lineis quatuor fuscis undulatis angula- tis, lituris duabus ferrugineis transversis subcostalibus ; pos- tiece fuscescente-cinerece , basi pallidiores, quatuor sublus fuscescentes , litura discali fusca. Female. Hoary, with four brown undulating angular trans- verse brown lines ; two transverse ferruginous subcostal marks between the second and third lines. Hind wings brownish cine- reous, paler towards the base. Wings brownish beneath, with a transverse brown discal mark ; fringe hoary, interlined. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Sect. n. Foem . Corpus robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi as- cendentes, verticem non attingentes ; articulus 2us arcuatus; 3us linearis, 2i dimidio non longior. Abdomen suberistatum. Pedes validi, breves. Alae anticas vix acutae. Female. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi ascending, not rising so high as the vertex; second joint stout, curved; third linear, rounded at the tip, hardly half the length of the second. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomen with slight crests, not ex- tending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, short; hind tibiae with four long stout spurs. Wings short, broad, stout. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa almost straight ; exterior border convex, mode- rately oblique. 2. Necla? concinnula. Fcem. Sub cervino -albida ; aloe anticoe cervinoe , triente basali albida punctum basale nigrum lineasque tres cervinas denticu- latas includente , fascia exteriore albida interrupta lineam cervinam denticulatam includente , litura discali albida ellip - tica nigro signata , strigis exterioribus et submarginalibus punctisque marginalibus nigris , linea submarginali albida denticulata ; postiece cinerece , basi albida , lunulis marginali- bus fuscis elongatis. Female . Whitish, slightly tinged with fawn-colour. Fore wings fawn-colour; basal third part whitish except along the costa, including a basal black point and three denticulated fawn-coloured LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA, 10J lines; an exterior irregular and interrupted whitish band, which in- cludes a denticulated fawn-coloured line ; discal mark whitish, elliptical, including a small transverse black streak ; exterior streaks, submarginal streaks and marginal points black; submarginal line whitish, denticulated. Hind wings cinereous, except towards the base ; marginal lunules brown, elongated ; fringe whitish, interlined. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi erecti, sat graciles, verticem longe superantes; articulus 2us subarcuatus ; 3us linearis, apice rotundatus, 2o vix brevior. Antennae laeves, bre- viusculae, basim versus robustae, basi crassae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; fasciculus apicalis parvus, quadratus. Pedes validi, breves; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticae breviusculae, latiusculae, costa margineque exteriore vix con- vexis ; posticae costa dilatata, fasciculo costali penicillata. Male . Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi erect, smooth, rather slender, rising much higher than the vertex ; second joint very slightly curved; third linear, rounded at the tip, hardly shorter than the second. Antennae smooth, rather short, stout for one-fourth of the length from the base; first joint thick. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small, quad- rate. Legs stout, short; hind tibiae with four very long (spurs. Wings rather short and broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings with the costa dilated along most of the length from the base, and furnished with a large penicillate tult of hairs; interior border slightly dilated and folded. Mas. Cervina ; alee anticce subnebulosee , strigis duabus posticis latis fuscis nigro marginatis , striga antica obliqua pallidiore y linea exteriore jlexa pallide cinerea , punctis discalibus elon- gatis nigris ; posticoe albido-cinerece , subcervino marginatce. Male. Fawn-colour. Fore wiugs slightly clouded, with two irregular hroad brown black-bordered streaks along the interior border; first streak basal; second about the interior angle ; a broad paler brown oblique streak proceeding outwards from the costa, dis- Genus 49. CLETTHARRA. 1. Clettharra valida. K 3 102 CATALOGUE OF appealing in the disk, where there are a few elongated black points ; an exterior much-bent pale cinereous line ; two brown points near the tip of the costa. Hind wings whitish cinereous, slightly tinged with fawn-colour along the borders ; costal tuft fawn-colour. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 50. MOCA. Mas. Corpus laeve, crassum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi ascendentes; articulus 2us valde arcuatus ; 3us acutus, minimus. Antennae breves, subpubescentes, basi incrassatae. Abdomen alas posticas superans, cornubus duobus apicalibus lanceolatis. Pedes laeves, breves, validi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis, Alae spissae, latiusculae, subelongatae ; anticae apice rotundataj, costa margineque exteriore perparam convexis. Mule. Body smooth, very stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi ascending to the vertex ; second joint very much curved ; third acute, extremely small. Antennae short, minutely pubescent, incrassated at the base. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings, with two lanceolate apical appendages. Legs smooth, short, stout ; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings dense, slightly elongated, rather broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter very slightly oblique. 1. Moca velutina. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; thorax vittis quinque pallidioribus ; alee anticce slrigis diffusis pallide cinereis , strigis submarginali- bus nigris, punctis marginalibus nigris connexis , striga brevi lunulaque exteriore discalibus nigris . Male. Cinereous-brown. Thorax with five paler stripes, of which the inner pair are abbreviated in front. Abdomen more cinereous. Fore wings with several diffuse pale cinereous streaks, with black submarginal streaks, and with black connected marginal points ; discal mark consisting of a short black streak and an exte- rior black lunule. Hind wings cinereous along part of the exterior border. Length of the body 5^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 103 2. Moca? dentjlinea. Fcem. Viridescens , fusco conspersa ; palpi ochracei , articulo 2 o arcuato , 3o longo lanceolato ; abdomen cupreo-cinereum ; alee cupreo tinctee ; anticee lineis tribus viridibus dentatis , litura discali albida ; posticee fuscee. Female. Greenish, thickly speckled with brown, brownish ci- nereous beneath. Palpi dull ochraceous, rising higher than the vertex ; second joint curved ; third lanceolate, almost as long as the second. Abdomen cinereous, with a cupreous tinge. Wings rather broad, tinged with cupreous ; fringe brown, with a cinereous basal line. Fore wings rounded at the lips ; brown speckles partly confluent ; three deeply dentate green lines ; a whitish discal mark between the first and second lines ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 51. ORTHAGA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis bene determinata. Palpi erecti, lanceolati, verticem superantes; arliculus 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae pubescentes. Thorax squainosus. Ab- domen longi-conicum. Pedes robusti ; tibia? postieae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticae squamosae, apice rolundatae. Male. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi erect, lanceo- late, applied to the head, rising somewhat higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, rather less than half the length of the second. Antennae pubescent. Thorax squamous. Abdomen elongate-conical. Legs stout; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Fore wings squamous, moderately broad, rounded at the tips. Type O. acontialis. This ‘genus is placed with the Deltoidites in the B. M. List Lep. Het. Pt. 16, p. 191. The tribe above mentioned and the Pyralites have several con- necting-links with the Pkycidce. 1. Orthaga acontialis. Mas. Albida , cervino subtincta ; palpi cervini ; alee fimbria m- gricante strigata ; anticee litura discali elongata transverse sul- cata , macula costali nigra oblonga , spatio apicali ferrugineo 104 CATALOGUE OF strigam latam nigram includente , punctis marginalibus nigris subquadratis ; posticce nigricantes , bad cinerece. Male . Whitish, slightly tinged with fawn-colour. Palpi fawn-colour. Wings with a blackish-streaked fringe. Fore wings with an elongated discal concavity, which is transversely furrowed ; an oblong black costal spot near the base ; apical part ferruginous, with a broad diffuse longitudinal black streak ; marginal points black, subquadrate. Hind wings blackish, cinereous in front towards the base ; fringe with broader blackish streaks than those of the fore wings. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace’s collection. 2. Orthaga Philiasalis. Fcem. Ochraceo-viridis , squamosa, robusta ; caput album ; palpi albi , subretracti, caput superantes , viridi bifasciati , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; abdomen album , basi ovhraceum , apice cer- vinum ; alee anticce apice rotundatce , fascia alba latissima informi nigro marginata plagam ochraceo-viridem includente; posticce ceneo-fuscce , basi albce. Female . Ochraceous-green, squamous, robust. Head white. Proboscis very stout. Palpi slightly reverted, white, with two ochraeeou -green bands, rising higher than the head; third joint lanceolate, less than one-third of the length of the second. Antennae slender. Abdomen mostly white, ochraceous at the base, fawn- coloured at the tip, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, stout; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings elongate, with an aeneous tinge. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a very broad irregular white band, which is bordered with black, and contains in front an ochraceous-green patch with two black dots; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings aeneous- brown, white towards the base in front. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 18 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 3. Orthaga mixtalis. Mas. Subochracea ; palpi suberecti , verticem non attingentes y articulo 3 o conico minimo ; antennee subpubescentes ; alee an - ticee vix acutee , albo bifasciatee , nigro quadrilineatee , linea 4a denticulata extus pallido marginata , guttis marginalibus ni- gris elongatis y fimbria nigricanle punctata ; posticce cinerece. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 105 Male . Dull ochraceous, clingy cinereous beneath. Palpi nearly erect, not rising so high as the vertex; third joint conical, very minute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae minutely pubescent. Abdomen cinereous. Wings mode- rately broad ; fringe interlined. Fore wings hardly acute, with two white bands and with four black lines ; first band basal ; second very broad, thinly black-speckled, partly extending to tbe costa ; first, second and third lines diffuse, composed of speckles ; fourth concise, denticulated, pale-bordered on the outer side ; marginal dots black, elongated ; fringe with blackish points. Hind wings cinereous, tinged with aeneous towards the exterior border. Length of the body 4j lines; of the wings 11 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 4. Orthaga pyralisalis. Mas. Rufescente-cervina ; palpi verticem paullo super antes, articulo 3o lanceolato longiusculo ; alee anticce apice rotund - atce , nigro conspersce , basi fascia media lineaque subrnarginali flexa denticulata jlavescente-cinereis , spatio marginali exparte pallido, lunulis marginalibus nigris ; posticce cinerece, fusces- cente marginatce. Male. Reddish fawn-colour, stout. Palpi erect, rising a little higher than the vertex; third joint lanceolate, a little less than half the length of the second. Abdomen with black speckles hind- ward, not extending beyond the hind wings. Wings rather broad; fringe cinereous, interlined with reddish. Fore wings rounded at the tips, minutely black-speckled ; base, middle band and denticu- lated bent submarginal line pale yellowish cinereous ; marginal space partly pale ; marginal lunules black. Hind wings cinereous, brownish towards the exterior border ; submarginal line pale, denti- culated, incomplete. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace’s collection. 5. Orthaga tegulalis. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi recurvi , pilosi , antice albi , caput super antes, articulo 3o lanceolato ; antennee setulosce ; femora fimbriata ; alee anticce apice rotundatce, apud costam virides, spatio medio postice albo, guttis duabus discalibus nigris , fascia fusca exterior e indistincta ; posticce spatio marginali postico albo . 106 CATALOGUE OF Male. Cinereous fawn-colour, stout, pale cinereous beneath. Proboscis rather stout. Palpi recurved, pilose, white in front, applied to the head, and rising somewhat above it ; third joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae setu- lose. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings; apical appendages large. Legs stout; femora thickly fringed; spurs long. Wings elongate. Fore wings rounded at the tips, irregularly green along the costa ; middle part white hindward ; two black discal dots and some black speckles about the interior border before the middle; an indistinct irregular exterior brown band; exterior border extremely oblique. Hind wings white about the hind part of the exterior border. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 15 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders* collection. 6. Orthaga rotundalis. Foem. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi erecti, sat graciles , verticem paullo superanles, articulo 3 o longiusculo ; alee anticee cinereee , nigro subconspersce, apice rotundatee , fasciis quatuor nigris valde diffusis , punctis marginalibus nigricantibus , costa vix convexa ; posticce ceneo tinctce. Female . Cinereous fawu-colour, cinereous-brown beneath. Palpi erect, rather slender, rising a little higher than the vertex ; second joint curved ; third lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Wings rather broad. Fore wings cinereous, rounded at the tips, thinly and irregularly black-speckled, with four very diffuse and irregular fawn-coloured bands; marginal points blackish, diffuse; costa hardly convex. Hind wings tinged with aeneous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a, Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace’s collection. Genus 52. CHABACOMA. Fcem. Corpus crassum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi recurvi, pilosi; articulus 3us 2o non brevior. Antennae breviusculae. Ab- domen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes breviusculi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis, Alae anticae laliuscula;, apice subrotundatae, costa basi subconvexa, inargine exteriore subconvexo vix obliquo. Female. Body very stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi curved, pilose, closely applied to the head, retracted to the fore border of LEPIDOPTEBA HETEROCERA. 107 the thorax; third joint as long as the second. Antennae rather short. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather short; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings stout, rather broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa slightly convex towards the base; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. 1. Characoma albulalis. Fcem. Cinerea, subtus fusca ; thorax fusco fasciat.us ; abdomen ceneo-cinereum ; alee anticce albido et cervino varice , lineis quatnor nigricantibus dentatis albo marginatis , striga brevi lata nigricante, punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticee fuscce, fimbria cinerea . Female. Cinereous, brown beneath. Thorax with a brown band in front. Abdomen with an aeneous tinge. Fore wings partly whitish, partly tinged with fawn-colour ; four irregular transverse dentate blackish lines, mostly white- bordered ; a short broad blackish streak in the disk between the second and third lines ; marginal points black. Hind wings brown; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 4 i lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 53. SALMA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Vertex fasciculo brevi erecto. Palpi squamosi, suberecti, sat graciles, verticem paullo superantes; articulus 2us linearis; 3us minimus. Antennae sat valid®. Abdo- men alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes squamosi, robusti. Alae antic® elongatae, latiusculae, apice subrotundatae. Female. Body rather stout. Vertex with a short erect tuft. Palpi squamous, nearly erect, rather slender, rising a little higher than the vertex; second joint linear; third conical, very minute. Antennae rather stout. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs squamous, stout. Wings elongate, rather broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips. 1. Salma recurvalis. Fcem. Cana; proboscis ferruginea, basi cana squamosa; alee anticce nigro viridique conspersce , spatio exteriore ceneo-fusco, puncto discali nigro , lineis duabus fuscis angulosis , 2a valde fiexa ; posticee apud marginem exterior em fuscescentes. 108 CATALOGUE OF Female . Hoary. Proboscis ferruginous, hoary and squamous towards the base. Fore wings speckled with black and with green, aeneous-brown along most of the exterior border; discal point black ; interior and exterior lines brown, zigzag, the latter deeply bent outward. Hind wings diffusedly brown along the exterior border. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. Genus 54. ALATA. Mas . Corpus vix robustum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis longiuscula. Palpi recti, lanceolati, subascendentes, sat graciles ; articulus 2us subtus sulcatus, penicillo basali ; 3us brevis, gracilis. Antennae robustae ; articuli lus et 2us dilatati ; 2us peni- cillatus. Abdomen alas posticas longe superans. Pedes laeves, sat robusti ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor parvis. Alae anticae elon- gate, perangustae, subacute, margine exteriore subcon vexo sat obliquo. Male. Body hardly stout. Frontal tuft very prominent. Pro- boscis rather long. Palpi straight, lanceolate, rather slender, very slightly ascending; third joint acute, slender, about one-fourth of the length of the second ; the latter is furrowed beneath for the re- ception of the penicillate tuft of hairs at its base. Antennae stout ; first and second joints dilated, the latter with a penicillate tuft^of hairs. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small, elongated. Legs smooth, rather stout; hind tibiae with four short spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings very narrow, slightly acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. 1. Alata antic alis. Mas. Cervina ; antennee basi subtus albce ; abdomen cervino-al - bidum ; alee anticce subhyalince , postice cinerece, costa alba ; posticee albido-hyalinee, ceneo subnitentes. Male. Fawn-colour, whitish beneath. First and second joints of the antennae white beneath. Abdomen whitish, with a slight tinge of fawn-colour. Fore wings slightly hyaline, cinereous hind- ward ; costa white. Hind wings whitish hyaline, with a slight aeneous tinge. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . St. Jago. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D, F. Morgan. LEPIDOPTEEA HETEROCERA. 109 Genus 55. IAMBIA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustuin. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi validi, squarnosi, suberecti, verticem non superantes, articulo 3o minimo. Antennae validae. Abdomen, lanceolatum, alas posticas perpaullo superans. Pedes robusti, squarnosi ; tibiae posticae cal- caribus quatuor longis. Alae latissimae, fimbria brevi ; anticae apice subrotundatae, costa vix convexa. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi robust, squamous, nearly erect, applied to the head, not rising higher than the vertex; third joint conical, very minute. An- tennae stout. Abdomen tapering, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs robust, squamous ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings very broad ; fringe short. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly couvex, moderately oblique. 1. Iambia inferalis. Fcem. Sordide cinerea ; alee punctis marginalibus nigris ; anticae nigro conspersae , fascia exteriore lata obliqua obscure fusca antice interrupta inlus diffusa extus nigro marginata , spatio exteriore postico albido ; posticae fuscescenle-cinerece. , Female. Dingy cinereous. Wings with black marginal points. Fore wings irregularly speckled with black ; the speckles here and there clustered ; a broad oblique exterior dark brown band, which is interrupted in front and diffuse on the inner side, and bordered on the outer side by a black line ; hindward space beyond the band whitish. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Guienzius’ collection. Genus 56. ZIA. Mas . Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi longi, porrecti, lanceolati, squamoso-hirsuti, articulo 3o parvo. An- tennae pubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; fasci- culus apicalis brevis, quadratus. Pedes sat graciles ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor parvis. Alae anticae elongatae, acutae, costa vix convexa, margine exteriore perobliquo. L 110 CATALOGUE OF Male. Body hardly stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, squamous-hirsute, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint minute, conical. Antennae minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft short, quadrate. Legs smooth, rather slender ; hind tibiae with four short spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter very oblique. 1. ZlA TACTALIS. Mas. Cinerea ; alee anticce fusco subnebulosce , lineis nonnullis indeterminatis e squamis nigris , striga basali postica albida , disco antic o exterior e cano. Male. Cinereous. Fore wings partly shaded with brown, with a few incomplete lines composed of black scales ; a whitish hindward streak proceeding from the base ; fore part of the exterior disk hoary. Hind wings a little paler; fringe hoary. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. Genus 57. ALLATA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Caput et thorax crassa. Proboscis brevis. Palpi crassi, angulati, verticem longe superantes ; articulus 3us subtus sulcatus, penicillo basali ; 3us conicus, subtus concavus. Antennae glabrae, breviusculae, sat graciles. Thoracis tegulae elon- gatae. Abdomen lanceolatum, alas posticas paullo superans ; fasci- culus apicalis minimus. Pedes validi ; tibiae posticae subfimbriatae. Alae anticae elo^gata?, apice subrotundatae. Male. Body stout. Head and thorax very robust. Proboscis short. Palpi thick, rising high above the vertex, converging towards each other; second joint furnished at the base with a cir- cular fan-shaped tuft of hairs, longer than the first, with which it forms an angle, furrowed beneath for the reception of the tuft; third joint conical, concave beneath, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth, rather short and slender. Tegulae of the thorax elongate. Abdomen tapering, extending a little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very small. Legs stout; hind tibiae slightly fringed, with four long spurs. Fore wings elon- gate, slightly rounded at the lips ; costa and exterior border Straight, the latter moderately oblique. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. Ill 1. Allata penicillata. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; palpi albo penicillati ; abdomen vitta dor - sail nigricante ; alee anticce nigro conspersce , plaga basali , linea exteriore flex a guttaque discali subquadrata nigricanti- bus ; posticce subvestilce , antice iridescentes. Male . Cinereous-brown, more cinereous beneath. Plume the palpi delicate, white, shining. Abdomen with a blackish dor- sal stripe ; hind borders of the segments pale cinereous. Fore wings black-speckled, with a blackish patch near the base, and with a bent exterior blackish line, of which the middle part is almost obsolete ; a blackish subquadrate dot in the fore part of the disk. Hind wings thinly clothed, iridescent in front ; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. Hindostan. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 58. VOLOBXLIS. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Caput fasciculis duobus late- ralibus penicillatis. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi crassi, lanceolati, oblique ascendentes, verticem superantes ; articulus 3us minimus. Antennae validae ; articulus lus incrassatus ; 2us dilatatus, longi- ovatus. Pedes longiusculi, sat validi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus duobus apicalibus. Alae anticae angustae, elongatae; anticae vix acutae, costa vix convexa, margine exteriore vix obliquo. Male. Body moderately stout. Head with a fan-shaped tuft of hairs diverging from each side at the base of the palpi ; frontal tuft prominent. Proboscis distinct. Palpi thick, lanceolate, ob- liquely ascending, rising higher than the vertex; third joint acute, very minute. Antennae stout ; first joint incrassated ; second di- lated, elongate-oval. Hind legs rather long and stout ; hind tibiae with apical spurs only. Wings narrow, elongated. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. 1. VoLOBILIS BIPLAGA. Mas, Rufescente-cervina ; alee subtus fusco-cinerece ; anticce di- midio basali nigro conspersce , plaga exteriore costali nigra elongata , lineis duahus dentatis pallide cinereis ; posticce obscure cinerece, fimbria pallida. L 2 112 CATALOGUE OP Male. Reddish fawn-colour. Wings dark cinereous beneath, brown towards the base and along the costa. Fore wings black- speckled along the costa from the base to the middle, beyond which there is a large black elongated costal patch ; this is bounded by two pale cinereous dentate lines, of which the outer one is accom- panied by some black speckles. Hind wings dark cinereous ; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 4? lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders 1 * * * * * 7 collection. Genus 59. BENT A. Corpus sat robustum. Vertex fasciculo suberecto. Proboscis robusta. Palpi validi, subarcuati, veriicem longe superantes ; arti- culus 3us linearis, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae basi robustae. Pedes sat graciles ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae latae, acutae, sulco brevi discali, costa subconvexa, margine exteriore subobliquo. Body moderately stout. Vertex of the head with a nearly erect tuft. Proboscis robust. Palpi stout, slightly curved, closely ap- plied to the head, rising high above the vertex ; third joint linear, less than half the length of the second. Antennae stout at the base. Legs rather slender; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings broad. Fore wings acute ; a short furrow with tumid bor- ders in the fore part of the disk; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. 1. Benta expandens. Cinerea ; alee antiece lineis quatuor undulatis dentatis postice ap- proximate e squamis nigris , punctis marginalibus nigris elon - gaiis , striga poslica brevi lafa fasciaqve submarginali cervinis ; posiicce fuscescente-cinerere, linea marginali fusca . Cinereous. Fore wings speckled with black scales of various size ; some of these form four irregularly undulating and dentate lines, which are most approximate on the interior border ; marginal points black, elongated ; a short broad streak along the basal part of the interior border and a submarginal band fawn-colour. Hind wings brownish-cinereous, with a brown marginal line ; fringe pale cinereous, interlined. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LEPIDQPTERA HETEROCERA. 113 Genus 60. MEDAVA. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrecti, caput vix superantes; ariiculus 2us supra fasciculatus ; 3us mini- mus. Antennas breviusculae, subsetulosae ; articulus lus robustus. Abdomen alas posticas longissime superans, fasciculo apicali elon- gato. Pedes breves, sat validi. Alse anticae subelongatae, sat an- gustae, apiee subrotundatae, margine exteriore perobliquo. Male. Body rather slender. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, hardly extending beyond the bead ; second joint tufted above to- wards the tip; third extremely minute. Antennae rather short, very minutely setulose ; first joint robust. Abdomen extending very far beyond the hind wings; apical appendages and tuft elongate. Legs short, rather stout; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings slightly elongated, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 1. Mkdava diminuens. Mas. Cinerea ; thorax fusco bifasciatus ; alee anticce lineis plu- rimis fuscis denticulatis indistinctis, fascia basali fusca antice dilatata , macula basali alba , punetis marginalibus nigricanti - bus ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece, fimbria albido-cinerea . Male. Cinereous. Thorax with two brown bands. Fore wings with several acutely denticulated mostly indistinct brown lines ; a white basal spot succeeded by a brown band, which is dilated along part of the costa; marginal points blackish. Hind wings brownish cinereous ; fringe whitish cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Genus 61. NACHABA. ^ Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi validi, porrecti, capitis latitudine vix breviores; articulus 2us supra fasciculatus ; 3us conicus, parvus. Antennae glabrae, breviusculae, sat graciles. Abdomen lanceolatum, alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes laeves, breviusculi, sat validi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticae subelongatae, apice subrotundatae. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi stout, porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second L 3 114 CATALOGUE OF joint with a short dense tuft above ; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth, rather short and slender. Abdomen tapering, extending a little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft very short. Legs smooth, rather short and stout; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings slightly elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; costa straight ; exterior border very convex, moderately oblique. , XT . CLU a eic CL 1. Nachaba transversal Mas. Cervino-cinerea, subtus pallida nitens subiridescens ; palpi basi fits ci ; alee anticce lineis sex obscurioribus variis vix ob- liqais , tinea 6a strigisque tribus obliquis submar ginalibus extus cinereo pallido marginatis , punctis mar ginalibus nigris elongatis. Male. Cinereous, tinged with fawn-colour, paler, shining and slightly iridescent beneath. Palpi brown towards the base. Fore wings with six hardly oblique blackish lines, which are reddish brown in some aspects, and are more or less broad and denticulated and complete; sixth line and three broad oblique submarginal streaks bordered on the outer side with pale cinereous ; marginal points black, elongated ; under side and hind wings with indistinct lines. Length of the body 3£ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. } , ' Genus 62. ADRICARA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis gracilis. Palpi ar- cuati, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; articulus 3us apice rotundatus, 2o valde brevior. Antennae glabrae, breviusculae, sat graciles. Pedes validi, breviusculi. Alae anticae latae, apice rotundatae, costa vix convexa. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis slender. Palpi curved, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint tapering, rounded at the tip, much shorter than the second. An- tennae smooth, rather short and slender. Legs smooth, stout, rather short; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 115 1. Adricara albodiscata. Mas. Nigricante-fusca, subtus argenteo-alba ; thorax testaceo bivit- tatus; alee anticee disco testaceo-albido subhyolino, fascia sub - marginali cinerea diffusa interrupta, costa cinereo varia , punctis marginalibus nigris, Male . Blackish brown, silvery white beneath. Thorax with a testaceous stripe on each side. Fore wings with a whitish tes- taceous-tin ged and slightly hyaline disk ; a cinereous diffuse and interrupted submarginal band ; marginal points black ; costa mostly cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a . Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Genus 63. JOCARA. Fcem . Corpus laeve, vix robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi graciles, erecti, verticem longe superantes; articulus 2us apicem versus subfimbriatus ; 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio vix brevior. An- tennae graciles, breviusculae. Pedes sat graciles. Alas anticse sub- acutae, margine exteriore sat obliquo. Female . Body smooth, hardly stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi slender, erect, rising much higher than the vertex ; second joint slightly tufted above towards the tip ; third lanceolate, hardly half the length of the second. Antennae slender, rather short. Legs smooth, rather slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings moderately broad, not or hardly elongated, with a very short fringe. Fore wings slightly acute; costa straight; exterior border very slightly convex, rather oblique. 1. JoCARA FRAGILIS. Foem. Alba ; caput et thorax fusco suffusa ; alee antics basi margineque interiore fuse is, plaga cos tali fasciaque submar - ginali fuscis nigro conspersis , punctis marginalibus nigris elongatis , subtus fusees cent e- drier eee lilura costali subapicali alba ; posticce subhyalinee , subiridescentes , margine exteriore fuscescente. Female. White. Head and thorax tinged with brown. Fore wings brown at the base and about the interior border; a costal patch and a diffuse submarginal band brown, black-speckled ; marginal points black, minute, elongated ; under side brownish 116 CATALOGUE OF cinereous, with a white costal suhapical mark. Hind wings slightly hyaline and iridescent, tinged with brown along the exterior border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a . St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Genus 64. PSEUDOCERA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi ereeti, verticem longe superantes; articulus 2us gracilis, subarcuatus ; 3us setiformis, 2o brevior. Antennae sat graciles ; ariiculus lus robus- tus, cornu emittens rectum reflexum corporis dimidio longius. Ab- domen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes longiusculi, sat gra- ciles. Alae anticae angustae, elongatae, subacut®. Female . Body rather slender. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi erect, very much longer than the breadth of the head; second joint slender, slightly curved ; third extremely slender, seti- form, shorter than the second. Antennae rather slender ; first joint stout, furnished at the tip with a long straight linear reflexed squa- mous-hirsute appendage, which extends over part of the abdomen. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather long and slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Fore wings narrow, elongated, slightly acute ; costa straight ; exterior border very slightly convex, rather oblique. 1. PSEUDOCERA INCONCISA. Fcem. Cinerea , subtus cervina; caput et thorax anticus cervina ; alee an ticce fascia latissima fusca lineam cineream subrectam includente , fascia exteriore fusca postice abbreviata , spatio submar ginali rufescente , spatio marginali nigricante lineolas argenteo-cinereas includente ; posticce cinereo-cervince , lituris minus determinate . Female. Cinereous, fawn-colour and shining beneath. Head and fore part of the thorax somewhat fawn-colour. Fore wings with a very broad dark brown band, which includes a nearly straight cinereous line ; a narrow exterior brown band, which is much abbre- viated hindward, and is contiguous to an irregular reddish submar- ginal space ; marginal streaks silvery gray on a blackish ground, each straight streak between two oblique streaks. Hind wings cinereous fawn-colour, with markings much like those of the fore wings, but less distinct. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 117 Genus 65. MADOCE. Sect. 1. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi porrecti, longiusculi; articulus 3ns linearis, gracilis, 2i dimidio bre- vior. Antennae graciles; articulus lus robustus. Pedes graciles; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticae latius- culae, vix acutae, margine exteriore subflexo, margine interiore fasciculato. Female . Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; se- cond joint stout ; third linear, slender, rounded at the tip, less than half the length of the second. Antennae slender; basal joint stout. Legs smooth, slender; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings rather broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa straight; exterior border very slightly bent in the middle ; fringe slightly notched be- hind the bend ; interior border with a very prominent squamous tuft. 1. Madoce leucocosmalis. Fcem. Rufescente-cervina ; abdomen flavescens ; pedes albidi ; alee anticce lineis tribus albis , la 2aque undulatis , 3 a valde angulata , litura discali nigricante diffusa, linen marginali nigra , margine interiore litura basali alba fasciculoque nigro ; posticce pallide rufescentes. Female. Reddish fawn-colour, pale beneath. Abdomen yel- lowish. Legs whitish. Fore wings with three white lines ; second more undulating than the first ; third deeply angular, dilated on the angle, traversing a blackish diffuse discal mark ; marginal line black, slender ; interior border with an angular white mark at the base, and with a black tuft. Hind wings pale reddish. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles* collection. Sect. 2. Fcem. Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi compressi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; articulus 2us pubescens, latiusculus; 3us lanceolatus, gracilis. Antennae graciles. Abdomen alas posiicas vix superans. Pedes laeves, 118 CATALOGUE OF graciles; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae latiusculae, margine exteriore subinciso ; anticae acutae* margine exleriore fasci- culato extus subexcavato. Female. Body hardly stout. Frontal tuft prominent. Pro- boscis distinct. Palpi compressed, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; second joint pubescent, rather broad ; third lanceolate, much more slender than the second, and less than half its length. Antennae slender. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather broad, not long; exterior border with very slight excavations. Fore wings acute; interior border with a penicillate tuft, beyond which it is slightly excavated. 2. Madoce lineatula. Fcem. Pallide cervina , subtus cinerea ; alee anticce liners tribus denticulatis albidis , gutta discali pallide flavescente , lunulis marginalibus nigricantibus ; posticce cinerece. Female. Pale fawn-colour, mostly cinereous beneath. Fore wings a little darker along the exterior border ; three whitish denti- culated lines; discal dot pale yellowish ; marginal lunules blackish ; tuft on the interior border tipped with black. Hind wings cine- reous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders collection. Genus 66. ZIZA. Mas. Corpus gracillimum. Proboscis brevis, gracilis. Palpi squamoso-hirsuti, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; artieulus 3us lanceolatus, gracilis, 2i dimidio non longior. Antennae glabrae, graciles ; artieulus lusrobustus, squamoso-hirsutus. Ab- domen cylindricum, alas posticas longe superaus. Pedes longi, graciles ; tibiae anticae dilatatae ; tarsi antici articulis subclavatis. Alae anticae elongatae, vix acutae, margine interiore fasciculato. Male. Body very slender. Proboscis short, slender. Palpi squamous-hirsute, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; third joint lanceolate, much more slender than the second and hardly half its length. Antennae smooth, slender ; first joint stout, squamous-hirsute. Abdomen long, cylindrical, extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft quadrate, very small. Legs long, smooth, slender; fore tibiae dilated, squamous-pilose; LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 119 fore tarsi with slightly clavate joints ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex, mo- derately oblique: interior border with a squamous tuft in the middle. 1. ZlZA OSTENTALIS. Mas. Cinereo-ferruginea ; alee anticce nigro substrigatee , lineis duabas albis flexis subduplicatis , gulta discali alba nigro mar g inala, lanulis marginalibus nigris exparte albido mar - ginatis , punctis tribus costalibus subapicalibus albis ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece. Male . Cinereous-ferruginous. Fore wings slightly and irre- gularly streaked with black ; interior and exterior lines white, irre- gular, bent, mostly double; marginal lunules black, some of them whitish -bordered on the inner side ; a white black-bordered discal dot on the inner side of the exterior line ; three white costal points near the lip ; tuft on the interior border mostly black. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 67. SYRBATIS. Fcem . Corpus laeve, gracile. Proboscis bene determinata. Palpi robusti, arcuati, oblique ascendentes, verticem non super- antes ; articulus 3us brevissimus. Antennae longiusculee, sat validae. Abdomen longissimum, apicem versus compressum, setis nonnullis longis apicalibus. Pedes longi, graciles ; tarsi longissimi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus duobus apicalibus. Alae anticae longae, angustae, acutae, angulo interiore valde rotundato. Female. Body smooth, slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi stout, curved, obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex; third joint very short. Antennae smooth, rather long and stout. Abdomen extremely long, attenuated and compressed towards the tip, with a few long and slender apical bristles. Legs smooth, long, slender; tarsi very long ; hind tibiae with only one pair of spurs, which are apical and of moderate length. Wings long, narrow, thinly clothed. Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border extremely oblique ; interior angle extremely rounded. 120 CATALOGUE OF 1. SYRBATIS TIPULIFORMIS. ✓ Fcem. Fusees cente-cinerea ; caput , thorax et alee anticee apud costam fuscescente-cer vince. Female . Brownish cinereous. Head, thorax and fore wings along the costa brownish fawn-colour. Wings without markings. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 68. THIALLELA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi va- lidi, pilosi, subascendentes, capitis latitudine breviores, penicillis duobus basalibus; articulus 3us minimus. Antennae robustse, sub- serratae ; articuli lus et 2us longi, incrassati. Abdomen alas pos- ticas vix superans, apice subcompressum. Pedes validi, squamosi, calcaribus breviusculi. Alae anticae angustse, apice rotundatae, margiue exteriore convexo subobliquo. Male. Body moderately stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi stout, pilose, slightly ascending, shorter than the breadth of the head, furnished on each side at the base with a penicillate tuft of hairs; third joint extremely short. Antennae stout, very minutely serrated ; first and second joints long, incrassated. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings, slightly compressed at the tip; apical tuft small. Legs stout, squamous, not long ; hind tibiae with four rather short spurs. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips ; costa straight; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. 1. Thiallela signifera. Mas. Pallide cervina ; alee anticee vix nigro conspersee , linea sub - marginali nigricante undulata indeterminata , punctis mar - ginalibus nigris ; posticee albidee , subhyalinee , costa cervina , linea : marginali fuscescente. Male . Pale fawn-colour. Fore wings with very few black speckles ; submarginal line blackish, undulating, very indistinct ; marginal points black, very minute. Hind wings whitish, slightly hyaline; costa pale fawn-colour ; marginal line brownish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 121 Genus 69. LUMA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi compressi, verticern superantes ; articulus 2us arcuatus, sat latus; 3us lanceolatus, 2o brevior. Antennae glabrae, sat longae. Abdo- men alas postieas paullo superans. Pedes laeves, longiusculi, sat graciles, calcaribus longis. Alas anticae elongatae, acutae, costa fas- ciculo medio parvo, margine exteriore subconvexo. Male . Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi vertical, compressed, rising higher than the head ; second joint curved, rather broad ; third lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Antennae smooth, rather long and slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute, with a minute tuft on the middle of the costa, which is straight ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 1. Luma anticalis, n.s. Mas. Albida , opalina ; corpus subtus argenteo -album ; alee sub - hyalince ; thorax et alee anticee testaceo subtincta . Male. Whitish, with pearly lustre. Body silvery white be- neath. Thorax and fore wings with a slight testaceous tinge. Wings semihyaline. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders collection. Genus 70. PYLARTES. Mas . Corpus laeve, sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi porrecti, lati, capitis latitudine inulto breviores ; articulus 3us bre- vissimus. Antennae laeves sat graciles. Abdomen alas postieas paullo superans, apicem versus subincrassatum ; fasciculus apicalis parvus. Pedes laeves, longiusculi, sat validi ; tibiae posticae quadri- calcaratae. Alee anticae elongatae, subacutae, costa subexcavata. Male . Body smooth, shining, moderately stout. Proboscis moderately long and stout. Palpi porrect, broad, very much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short, hardly visible. Antennae smooth, rather slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, slightly tumid towards the tip ; apical tuft small. Legs smooth, rather long and stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, shining, moderately broad. M 122 CATALOGUE OF Fore wings slightly acute; costa indistinctly excavated in the middle ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 1. Pylartes subcostalis. Mas. Alba ; palpi ochracei ; thorax antice et postice ochraceus ; abdomen apicem versus flavescens ; alee anticce ochraceo - cinerece , vitta subcostali alba , costa ochracea ; posticce flaves- centes. Male. White/ Palpi ochraceous. Thorax ochraceous in front and hindward. Abdomen yellowish towards the tip. Fore wings ochraeeous-cinereous, iridescent, with a white subcostal stripe; costa ochraceous. Hind wings yellowish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 71. AURANA. Fcem. Corpus robustum. Palpi oblique ascendentes, verticem vix superantes; articulus 2us subarcuatus ; 3us subacutus, 2o vix hrevior. Antennae sat graciles. Abdomen alas posticas paullo su- perans. Pedes breves, femoribus tibiisque posterioribus dilatatis. Alae anticae elongatae, sat angustae, vix acutae, margine exteriore subobliquo. Female . Body stout. Palpi obliquely ascending, hardly rising higher than the vertex, a little shorter than the breadth of the head : second joint slightly curved ; third slightly acute, nearly as long as the second. Antennae rather slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs short ; posterior femora and tibiae dilated ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, rather narrow. Fore win^s hardly acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. 1. Aurana Actiosella. Fcem. Cinereo-ccrvina, sultus albida ; pedes fasco fasciati ; alee anticce playis duabus costalibus albis , 2 a nigro bipunctata , linea submarginali fusca subrecta extus albido marginata , spatio marginali diffuse albido , punctis marginalibus nigri - cantibus ; posticce cinerece , subhyalince , fimbria albida . Female. Cinereous fawn-colour. Body beneath and legs whitish, the latter with brown bands. Fore wings with two white costal patches, the first extending nearly to the interior border, the LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 123 second longer and containing two black points; submarginal line brown, nearly straight, whitish-bordered on the outer side ; marginal space diffusedly whitish ; marginal points blackish. Hind wings cinereous, slightly hyaline; fringe whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Colombo, Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Fcem. Corpus cvassum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi por- recti, lanceolati, disjuncti, capitis latitudine vix breviores ; articulus 3us conicus, parvus. Antennae graciles. Abdomen lanceolatum, alas posticas superans. Pedes longiusculi, sat graciles. Alae breves, sat latae ; anticae acutae, margine exteriore postico perobliquo. Female. Body thick. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, lanceolate, nearly as long as the breadth of the head, apart from each other ; third joint conical, minute. Antennae slender. Abdomen lanceolate, extending beyond the hind wings. Legs rather long and slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings short, rather broad. Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border convex, very oblique hindward. Fcem. Sordide cinerea ; caput et thorax pallide cervina ; alee anticce basi pallide cervince , lineis duabus albidis , la obliqua subrecta, 2 a subundulata . Female. Dingy cinereous, more dingy beneath. Head, palpi and thorax pale fawn-colour. Fore wings pale fawn-colour towards the base ; this hue bounded by an oblique nearly straight whitish line, which is nearly parallel to an exterior slightly undulating whitish line. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; articulus 2us arcuatus ; 3us linearis, apice obtusus, 2o brevior. Antennae robustae, setulosae. Pedes laeves, mediocres ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Genus 72. BOSTRA. 1. Bostra illusella. Genus 73. SACATIA M 2 124 CATALOGUE OF Alae anticse elongate, apice subrotundatse, margine exteriore sub- convexo perobliquo. Male . Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; second joint curved ; third linear, obtuse at the tip, shorter than the second. Antennae stout, setulose. Legs smooth, moderately long and stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 1. Sacatia laudatella. :r « f/, s \jtJU Mas. Fusceseente-cinerea ; alee fusco conspersce , tinea exteriore denticulata cinerea, punctis marginalibus fuscis ; anticce tinea interiore cinerea undulata, spatio basali fusco. Male. Brownish cinereous. Wings speckled with dark brown ; an exterior cinereous denticulated line, with confluent speckles along its inner side ; marginal points dark brown. Fore wings with an interior undulating cinereous line, which diffusedly borders the dark brown basal space. Length of the body 84- lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 74. DAPHA. Fcem. Corpus robustum. Palpi porrecti, compressi, disjuncti, capitis latiludine paullo longiores ; 3us dense fimbviatus ; 3us linearis, apice truncates, 2i dimidio non longior. Antennae bre- viusculae. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes sat validi; tibiae posticae subdilatatae ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor parvis. \ Alae anticae latiusculae, non longae, apice rectangulatae, margine | exteriore vix obliquo. Female. Body stout. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, com- pressed, apart from each other, a little longer than the breadth of the head; second joint broadly and thickly fringed above; third linear, truncate at the tip, about half the length of the second. An- tennae rather stout. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather stout ; middle tibiae slightly dilated ; hind tibise with four short spurs. Wings rather broad, not long. Fore wings rectangular at the tips; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 125 1. Dapha Valeusalis. Fcem. Cinereo-cervina ; palporum articulus 3 us et thorax fusco fasciati ; alee anticce lineis sex fuscis , 4 a nigricante uni • guttata, 6a valde denticulata, fasciis tribus viridescentibus , punctis marginalibus nigric antibus. Female . Cinereous fawn-colour. Third joint of the palpi with a brown band. Thorax with a brown band. Fore wings with six brown lines, of which the sixth is more denticulated than the others; fourth line interrupted by a blackish dot; three greenish bands, first basal, third submarginal ; marginal points blackish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 75. CISSE. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Frons plana, producta. Pro- boscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, validi, angulati; articulus 3us lanceolatus, decumbens, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae robustae, se- tulosae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans, fasciculis duobus lateralibus apicalibus. Pedes laeves, validi, breviusculi. Alae an- ticae non elongatae, vix acutae. Male. Body rather stout. Front flat, prominent. Proboscis distinct. Palpi stout, porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, decumbent, less than half the length of the second, with which it forms a distinct angle. Antennae stout, setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, with two lateral diverging apical tufts. Legs stout, smooth, rather short. Wings moderately broad, not elongated ; fringe long. Fore wings hardly acute; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 1. Cisse NIGRIVITTA. Mas. Cervina ; palpi nigric antes ; alee anticce vitta costali nigra squamosa nitente . Male. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi blackish. Fore wings with a black costal squamous shining stripe, which is blackish and diffuse on the under side. Hind wings not paler than the fore wings. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. M 3 126 CATALOGUE OF Genus 76. COBUBATHA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi validi, squamosi, verticem paullo superantes; articulus 3us lon^i- conicus, 2i dimidio longior. Antennae breviusculae, sat validae. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans. Pedes sat rob us ti ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae breviusculae, latiusculae, sub- acutae, margine exteriore convexo subobliquo. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi stout, squamous, erect, shorter than the breadth of the head, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint elongate-conical, more than half the length of the second. Antennae smooth, rather short and stout. Abdomen slightly tapering, hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather stout ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather short and broad. Fore wings slightly acute ; costa straight; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. 1. COBUBATHA M ETAS PILARIS. Foein. Fuscescente-cinerea ; alee anticce spatiis costali et mar - ginali cervinis , plaga postica lineolisque duabus anticis flexis nigris , linea submarginali albida dentata undulata , margine exteriore fimbriaque exparle nigris. Female . Brownish cinereous. Fore wings fawn-coloured ex- teriorly and along most of the costa; a large black patch on the interior border, connected in front with two slender bent black lines which proceed from the costa; submarginal line whitish, den- tate, undulating ; exterior border and fringe partly black. Hind wings brownish ; fringe whitish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Genus 77. OLULTS. » Fcem . Corpus vix robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Antennae graciles. Abdomen cylindricum, alas posticas perpaullo superans. Pedes laeves, longiusculi, sat graciles ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae lata;, acutae, costa vix convexa, mar- gine exteriore subangulato antice subconcavo. Female . Body hardly stout. Proboscis distinct. Antennae LEP1D0PTERA JIETEROCERA. 127 slender. Abdomen cylindrical, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather long and slender ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings broad, not long. Fore wings acute ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly angular in the middle, slightly concave and not oblique in front, rather oblique hindward. 1. Olulis puncticinctalis. Fcem. Pallide cinerea ; caput et thorax vix rufescentia ; alee lineis denticulatis subrufescentibus diffusis vix conspicuis , punctis marginalibus obscure fiuscis. Female . Pale cinereous. Head and thorax slightly tinged with pale reddish. Wings with very indistinct and diffuse pale reddish denticulated lines ; marginal points dark brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 78. PHASGA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi por- recti, crassi, lanceolati, capitis latitudine vix breviores ; articulus 3us minimus. Antennae breves, valutas, setulosae, pubescentes. Ab- domen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes robusli, breviusculi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae elongatae, sub- acutae, margine exteriore convexo sat obliquo. Female. Body rather stout. Front prominent. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, thick, lanceolate, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; third joint very minute. Antennae short, stout, setu- lose, pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, rather short; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings slightly acute; costa straight ; exterior border convex, rather oblique. 1. Phasga diffusalis. Fcem. Pallide cinerea ; alee anticce strigis diffusis cervinis , lineis duabus denticulatis cervinis , lunulis marginalibus nigris , fimbria fiasco guttata ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece , fiasco bi - lineatce. Female. Wood-colour, or pale cinereous diffusedly streaked with fawn-colour, somewhat dingy and black-speckled beneath. 128 CATALOGUE OF Wings with two denticulated fawn-coloured lines ; fringe with dark brown dots. Fore wings with a few black speckles and with black marginal lunules. Hind wings brownish cinereous ; lines brown. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 79. HAMAXIA. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi gra- ciles, arcuati, lanceolati, oblique ascendentes, verticem longe super- antes ; articulus 2us subfimbriatus ; 3us acutus, 2o brevior. An- tennae subsetulosae. Abdomen alas posticas superans, apicem versus subcompressum ; fasciculus apicalis minimus. Pedes laeves, graciles, longiusculi ; tibiae anteriores breves, validi, fimbriatae ; tibiae posticae calcaribus duobus interioribus longissimis. Alae anticae subelongatae, subfalcatae, costa perparum convexa, margine exteriore angulato. Male. Body rather slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi long, slender, curved, lanceolate, obliquely ascending, rising much higher than the vertex ; second joint slightly fringed ; third acute, shorter than the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen ex- tending rather beyond the hind wings, slightly compressed towards the tip ; apical tuft very small. Legs smooth, slender, rather long ; anterior tibiae short, stout, fringed ; hind tibiae with the first pair of spurs very long. Wings slightly elongated, moderately broad. Fore wings acute and subfalcate ; costa very slightly convex ; exte- rior border forming an acute angle in the middle, concave in front, very oblique hiudward. 1. Hamaxia lignulina. Mas. Pallidissime lignicolor ; alcz apud margines fuscescente subconspersce , punctis marginalibus nigris ; anticce vitta dif- fusa angulata pallide fusca. Male. Very pale wood-colour. Wings slightly speckled with pale brown about the borders ; marginal points black. Wings with a diffuse obtusely angular pale brown stripe, which extends from rather before the middle of the costa to the middle of the exterior border. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. LEPIDOPTERJl heterocera. 129 Genus 80. TIPASA. Fcem. Corpus gracile. Frons producta. Proboscis brevis- sima. Palpi porrecti, sat longi ; articulus 2us latiusculus, subarcu- atus, supra fimbriatus ; 3us linearis, gracillimus. Antennae graciles. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes laeves; tibiae posticae cal- caribus quatuor longis. A\x subelongatae ; anticae acutae, margine exteriore convexo. Female. Body slender. Front prominent. Proboscis very short. Palpi porrect, much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint rather broad, very slightly curved, fringed above ; third linear, very slender, less than half the length of the second. An- tennae slender. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, moderately long and stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. 1. TlPASA NEBULOSELLA. Foem. Pallide cervino-cinerea ; oice anticce fusco aut nigricante subcons per see, lineis exteriore et submarginali albidis , la in- complete, 2 a apud costem dilatata , punctis marginalibus ni- gricantibus. Female . Pale cinereous, tinged with fawn-colour. Fore wings slightly and irregularly brown or blackish-speckled ; exterior and submarginal lines whitish, the former incomplete, the latter di- lated towards the tip into an oblique streak ; marginal points blackish. Length of the body 4 ^ lines; of the wings 9 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 81. BUZALA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi an- gulati, sat graciles, capitis latitudine vix breviores ; articulus 2us subascendens ; 3us decumbens, longi-eonicus. Antennae subsetu- losae, subpubescentes. Abdomen attenuatum, alas posticas superans. Pedes laeves, sat validi ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae an- ticae elongatae, sat angustae, subacutse. Male. Body moderately stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi nearly as long as the breadth of the head, rather slender ; second joint very slightly ascending; third decumbent, elongate-conical, about half the length of the second, with which it forms a nearly right angle. Antennae minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen attenuated, extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Legs 130 CATALOGUE OF smooth, moderately long and stout; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly acute; costa straight ; exterior border convex, very oblique. 1. Buzala fuscicosta. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; caput et thorax anticus fusca ; alee linea exteriore pallidiore subundulata valde indistincta ; anticce apud costam fuscce, subtus cinereo-f uscee . Male. Cinereous fawn-colour. Head and fore part of the thorax brown. Wings with an exterior paler slightly undulating very indistinct line. Fore wings brown along the costa, cinereous- brown beneath. Length of the body 4\ lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 82. PENA. Fcem. Corpus sat gracile. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrecti, laneeolati, disjuncti, capitis latitudine multo breviores ; articulus 3us parvus. Antennae sat graciles. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes sat graciles; tibiae posticae quadricalearatae. Alae anticae elongatae, acutae, margine exteriore suboonvexo perobliquo. Female. Body rather slender. Proboscis short. Palpi por- rect, lanceolate, separate from each other, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, minute. Antennae rather slender. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather slender ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 1. Pena costalis. Fcem. Albida , subtus sordide cinerea ; caput palpi et thoracis margo anticus rufescentia ; alee lineis fuscis subundulatis per - obliquis , linea marginali e lunulis fuscis ; alee anticce apud costam rufescentes. Female. Whitish, dingy cinereous beneath. Head, palpi and fore border of the thorax reddish. Wings with several brown slightly undulating very oblique lines ; marginal line brown, com- posed of elongated connected lunules. Fore wings reddish along the costa ; one of the exterior lines shaded with reddish on the outer side. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 11 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTEKA HETEEOCERA. 131 Genus 83. SILDA. Fcem. Corpus robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi ob- lique ascendentes, verticem non attingentes ; articulus 2us arcuatus ; 3us conicus, parvus. Antennae subpubescentes. Pedes breves, va- lidi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus longissimis. Alae anticae breviusculae, latiusculae, vix falcatae, margine exteriore subangulaio ; posticae an- gulo subapicali. Female. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex ; second joint curved ; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae minutely pubescent. Abdomen elongate-conical, not ex- tending beyond the hind wings. Legs short, stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with very long spurs. Wings short, rather broad ; fringe long, full. Fore wings hardly falcate ; exterior border forming a rounded angle beyond the middle, very oblique hindward. Hind wings with the exterior border forming a rounded subapical angle. 1. SlLDA TRU NCATALIS. Mas. Cincreo-cervina ; alee fasciis duabus rufescentibus , 2 a la - tiore magis delerminata costam versus retracta , gutta discali nigra , lineis quatuor e punctis nigris , fimbria saturate rufa cinereo interlineata . Female. Cinereous fawn-colour. Wings with two reddish bands, of which the second is broader and more distinct than the first, and is abruptly retracted towards the costa of the fore wings ; four lines of black points; third or submarginal line more distinct than the others ; discal dot black, small ; fringe deep red, inter- lined with cinereous. Fore wings with black costal points. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 84. MIROBRIGA. Fcem. Corpus gracile. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi porrecti, caput superantes ; articulus 3us lanceolatus. Antennae graciles. Abdomen alas posticas superans ; oviductus exsertus. Pedes bre- viusculi, sat validi ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticae elongatae, acutae, margine exteriore antico inciso. Female. Body slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi porrect, extending beyond the head, shorter than the breadth of the latter ; 132 CATALOGUE OF third joint lanceolate, shorter than the second. Antennae slender. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings ; oviduct exserted. Legs smooth, rather short and stout ; hind tibia with four very long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute; costa straight ; exterior border notched in front, moderately oblique hind ward. 1. Ml ROB RIGA ALBICANS. Fcem. Albida , nitens , subiridescens$ fuscescente subtincta ; alee gutta discali elongata punctisque marginalibus nigricantibus , linea exteriore albida subundulata subdenticulata. Female. Whitish, shining, slightly iridescent, partly and slightly tinged with pale brown, the latter hue most prevalent along the exterior border of the wings. Wings with blackish marginal points ; discal dot blackish, elongated near the costa ; exterior line whitish, slightly undulating and denticulated. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 85. LCETRINA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi la- biales capitis latitudine paullo breviores ; articulus 2us porrectus, fimbriatus ; 3us gracilis, lanceolatus, oblique ascendens, 2i dimidio brevior. Antennae graciles. Abdomen subdepressum, sat latum, alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes sat robusti ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae elongatae, margine exteriore subundulato ; anticae apice subtruncatae. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Labial palpi a little shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint stout, porrect, fringed ; third slender, lanceolate, obliquely ascending, less than half the length of the second. Maxillary palpi shorter. An- tennae slender. Abdomen rather broad and flat, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather stout; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately broad ; exterior border slightly undulating. Fore wings slightly truncated at the tips ; costa straight. 1. LGETRINA FLEXALIS. Fcem. Cinereo-fusca ; alee cinereee , fusco nebulosee et conspersce , gutta discali lineaque marginali obscure fuscis , linea exteriore pallide cinerea ; anticce punctis costalibus pallide cinereis 9 linea exteriore jlexa. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 133 Female. Cinereous-brown, more cinereous 'beneath. Wings cinereous, clouded and speckled with brown ; discal dot and mar- ginal line dark brown ; exterior line pale cinereous. Fore wings with some pale cinereous costal points ; exterior line deeply retracted in the middle. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 86. EBPIS. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis, gracilis. Palpi sat validi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; articulus 2us subarcuatus ; 3us linearis, obtusus, 2i dimidio non brevior. Antennae sat validae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pe- des robusti ; tibiae posticae calcaribus quatuor longis. Alae anticae vix acutae, costa margineque antico subconvexis. Female. Body moderately stout. Proboscis short, slender. Palpi rather stout, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; second joint slightly curved; third joint linear, obtuse, about half the length of the second. Antennae rather stout. Abdo- men extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. 1. Erpis macularis. Fcem. Albido-cinerea ; thorax nigricante guttatus ; alee anticce albidce , macula discali fasciisque quatuor macularibus nigri- c antibus. Female . Whitish cinereous. Thorax with some blackish dots. Fore wings whitish, with a blackish discal spot and with four black- ish macular bands ; first and second bands interior, less complete than the third and fourth bands, which are exterior; a few small intermediate blackish speckles. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 87. ZUNACETHA. Mas et fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis elongata. Palpi validi, fpubescentes, verticem non superantes ; articulus 3us brevissimus. Antennae maris pubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas N 134 CATALOGUE OF longe superans. Pedes laeves, sat graciles ; tibiae posticae cal cari- bus quatuor breviusculis. Alae longae, sat angustae ; anticae apice rotundatae. Male and female. Body moderately stout. Proboscis elon- gate. Palpi stout, pubescent, applied to the head, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint extremely short. Antennae pubescent in the male, smooth in the female. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather slender ; hind tibiae with four rather short spurs. Wings long, rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border very slightly convex, rather oblique. 1. ZUNACETHA BIPARTITA. Mas et fcem. Alba; caput luteum ; thorax nigro fasciutus , an - tice luteus ; alee anticce costa basi , annulo magno , linea ob - ligua angulata radiisque exterioribus nigris , striga costali basali macula que discali luteis ; posticce apud marginem exte- riorem plus minusve fuscescentes. Male and female . White, shining. Head and thorax bright luteous. Thorax with a slender black band in front. Fore wings with a luteous streak along the base of the costa, which is black at the base; a large irregular black basal ringlet, contiguous on the outer side to a luteous spot which adjoins an oblique slightly angu- lar black line, whence nine black lines proceed to the exterior bor- der. Hind wings more or less brownish about the exterior border. Length of the body 6^—7 lines ; of the wings 16 — 17 lines. a, b. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. Genus 88. PINDICITORA. Mas et fcem . Corpus robustum. Fasciculus frontalis pro- ductus. Proboscis brevis, gracilis. Palpi porrecti, validi, pilosi, capitis latitudine non breviores ; articulus 3us parvus, longi-conicus. Antennae breves. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes laeves, longiusculi ; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae elongatae, angustae, apice rotundatae, margine exteriore convexo subobliquo. Mas. — Minor. Alae breviores. Antennae late pectinatae. Fcem . — Antennae glabrae. Male and female. Body stout. Frontal tuft rather prominent. Proboscis short, slender. Palpi porrect, stout, pilose, as long as the LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 135 breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, acute, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae short. Ab- domen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, rather long; hind tibiae with one spur in each pair much longer than the other. Wings elongate. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips ; costa straight; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Male . — Smaller than the female. Wings shorter. Antennae broadly pecti- nated. Female . — Antennae smooth, simple. 1. PlNDICITORA THYSBESALIS. Mas et foem. Subochraceo-cinerea ; alee anticee nigro subcon - spersce, fusco bifasciatee , fascia 1 a informi interrupta , 2a lata lituram discalem albam sublunulatam includente , strigis submarginalibus fuscis , punctis marginalibus nigris ; alee posticee pallide cinereee . Male and female. Cinereous, with an ochraceous tinge, paler beneath. Fore wings thinly black-speckled, with two brown bauds ; firsthand near the base, irregular and interrupted; second broad, regular, including a white sublunate discal mark ; submarginal streaks brown ; marginal points black. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 6 — 7 lines ; of the wings 10 — 15 lines. «,5. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. c—f. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. 2. PlNDICITORA? ZeUXOALIS. Foem. Rufescente-fusca , cinereo exparte suffusa ; alee anticce breviusculee , albo bilineatee , linea 1 a fiexa abbreviata , 2 a exte - riore undulatd ; posticee linea exteriore albida indistincta sub- recta. Female. Reddish brown, partly tinged with cinereous. Ab- domen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs not long. Wings rather short ; fringe long. Fore wings with two white lines ; first line extending from the exterior border to the disk, where it is bent outward and terminates in a lanceolate streak ; second line exterior, undulating. Hind wings with an exterior indistinct nearly straight whitish line. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 136 CATALOGUE OF 3. PlNDICITOEA ACREONALIS. Mas et fcem. Cinereo-fmca ; alee anticce lineis duabus cinereis diffusis undulatis , 1 a media , 2 a submarginali , reniformi parva cinerea ; posticee pallide cinerece. Male and female . Cinereous-brown. Abdomen, hind wings and under side pale cinereous. Fore wings with two more or less diffuse undulating cinereous lines, one in the middle, tlie other sub- marginal; reniform mark small, cinereous. Length of the body 3 ^ — \\ lines ; of the wings 9—12 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. 4. PlNDICITOEA? ANNUSALIS. Mas. Cinerea; palpi fusci, por recti , apice cinerei ; antenncelate pectinatee ; pedes anteriores fusci ; alee anticce fusco con- spersee , apice rotundatce , margine exteriore perobliqno. Male . Cinereous. Palpi porrect, brown, cinereous towards the tips ; third joint acute, not more than one -third of the length of the second. Antennae broadly pectinated. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft rather long. Anterior legs brown. Fore wings speckled with brown ; costa convex ; tips rounded ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings with the inte- rior border broadly fringed. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. Genus 89. MELITARA* Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi maxil- lares breves, decumbentes. Palpi labiales validi, porrecti, pilosi, longiusculi, articulo 3o brevi. Antennae vix pectiualae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans, fasciculo apicali subquadrato. Pedes validi, longiusculi, subpilosi; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae angustae, apice rotundatae. Fccm . — Antennae glabrae, gra- cillimae. Male. Body stout. Proboscis obsolete. Maxillary palpi short, declining. Labial palpi stout, porrect, pilose, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint short. Antennae hardly pectinated. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 137 subquadrate. Legs stout, slightly pilose, rather long; hind tibiae with four ^moderately long spurs. Wings elongate. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips ; costa straight; exterior border con- vex, hardly oblique. Hiud wings semihyaline. Female. — An- tennae smooth, very slender. 1. Melitara prodenialis. Mas. Pallide cinereo-cervina ; alee anticce nigro subconspersis antice albido-cinereee , Uriels duabus nigris angulosis remotis , 2 a cinereo marginata , puncto discali punctisqne marginalibus nigris ; postiece albce, semihyalinte apud coslam pallide cer- vince , linea marginali fusca. Male. Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Fore wings very thinly and minutely black-speckled, mostly whitish cinereous in front ; interior and exterior lines black, zigzag, remote from each other, the latter bordered with pale cinereous; discal point and marginal points black. Hind wings white, semihyaline, pale fawn-coloured along the costa ; marginal line brown. Length of the body 6 — 9 Hues; of the wings 16 — 20 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 90. ADRA. Mas . Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi por- recti, caput paullo superautes ; articulus 2us subtus pubescens; 3us gracilis, acuius, minimus. Antennae breviusculae, pectinatae. Ab- domen alas posticas superans, apice subeompressum vix fascicula- tum. Pedes laeves,*sat validi; tibiae posticae quadricalcaratae. Alae anticae angustae, elongatae, apice subroiundatae, margine exte- riore perobliquo. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head ; second joint moderately stout, pubescent beneath ; third acute, very much more slender than the second, and not more than one-sixth of its length. Antennae rather short, moderately pectinated. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings, slightly compressed at the tip ; apical tuft extremely small. Legs smooth, rather stout ; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings narrow, elongated. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa straight ; exterior border convex, very dblique. N 3 138 CATALOGUE OF 1. ADRA ARGENTILINEA. Mas. Cervina ; alee anticce fasciis quatuor indeterminatis e ne- bulis fuscis , vitta discali argentea ; posticce cinerece , fimbria albida. Male. Fawn-colouv, mostly cinereous beneath. Fore wings partly clouded with brown, which hue forms irregular and incom- plete bands ; a silvery stripe along the fore part of the disk. Hind wings cinereous; fringe whitish. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 91. LACIPEA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes; articulus 3us minimus. An- tennae valid®, breves. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes robusti, femoribus tibiisque posticis dilatatis. Alae anticae sat an- gustae, apice subrotundat®, margine exteriore vix obliquo. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis short. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising above the vertex ; third joint very minute, not so much as one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, not more than half the length of the body. Thorax smooth ; tegulae long. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, bare ; hind femora and hind tibiae dilated, especially the latter. Wings rather narrow; fringe broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; exterior border hardly oblique. 1. Lacipea muscosella* Mas. Fusca ; alee anticce testaceo substrigata ?, litura discali nigra angulata maculam pallide testaceam includente ; posticce ci - nerascentes. Female. Brownish. Abdomen, hind wings and under side more cinereous. Thorax and fore win^s irregularly streaked with testaceous. Fore wings with a black angular discal mark, which includes a pale testaceous spot in its angle. Length of the body 4% lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 139 Fam.3. CBAMBIDiE. Crambidae, Sta. Genus 1. CHILO. Chilo, Zk. — Topeutis, Hb. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Chilo mucronellus. mucronellus, Sc. — acuminella, Hb. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. c — h. England. From Mr. King’s collection. i. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Chilo eorficellus. forficellus, Thnb. — consortella, Hb. — consorta, Hw. — lanceolella, Hb. — hirta, Hw. — fumea, Hw. — caudea, Hiv. — caudellus, St. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I, m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. n — q. England. r — v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. u, Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. w. ? 3. Chilo gigantellus. gigantellus, W. V. — punctigerellus, St. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 1. England. From Mr. King’s collection. m — o. England. 4. Chilo phragmitellus. phragmitellus, Hb. — rhombea, Hw.— gigantea, Hw.— gigantellus, St. a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q,r. England. Presented by — Longley, Esq. s. England. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. t. England. From Mr. King’s collection. v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. u—y. ? 140 CATALOGUE OF 5. Chilo cicatricellus. cicatricellus, Tr. — Treitschkeella, Frr. — amplella ? Hb. South America. 6. Chilo porrectellus. Mas. Pallide cervinus ; palpi labiates capitis latiiudine fere duplo longiores ; antennce setulosce ; abdomen alas posticas dimidio superans ; alee anticce postice flavescente-cinerece , punctis paucis discalibus lineaque submarginali recta obliqua postice obsoleta fuscis , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece. Male. Pale fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Labial palpi nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint less than one-third of the length of the second. Maxillary palpi about one-fourth of the length of the labial palpi. Antennae setulose. Abdomen extending for full half its length beyond the hind wings. Legs very long. Fore wings narrow, acute, yellowish-cinereous hindward, with a few brown discal points and with a straight ob- lique brown submarginal line, which is obsolete hindward; mar- ginal points black. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a . Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 7. Chilo subcervinellus. Mas et foem. Auratus ; caput et thorax cervina ; palpi labiales capitis latitudine non breviores ; abdomen albidurn ; aloe an- ticce apud costam cervince ; posticce albidce . Male and female. Gilded. Head, thorax and costal space of the fore wings fawn-colour. Labial palpi as long as the breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi nearly half the length of the labial palpi. Abdomen, hind wings and under side whitish. Wings elon- gate, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly acute ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a, 6. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 8. Chilo? infusellus. Rufescente-testaceus , sat robustus ; pedes validi ; alee anticce apice rotundatce. atomis nonnullis punctoque discali niqris : posticce albce . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 141 Testaceous, tinged with red, rather stout. Legs stout, smooth, moderately long. Fore wings moderately broad, slightly rounded at the tips, with a black discal point and with a few black speckles, the latter indicating an oblique exterior line ; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Hind wings white. Length of the body 6? lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Africa. 9. Chilo discellus. Mas. Albido-stramineus ; caput album ; thoracis latera cervina ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans , lateribus fasciculatis ; alee anticce nigro conspersce , vitta discali diffusa nigricante , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce albce. Male. Whitish straw-colour. Head white. Labial palpi fawn-colour beneath, much longer than the breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi obliquely tufted, much less than half the length of the labial palpi. Thorax fawn-coloured on each side. Abdomen white, slightly tufted along each side, extending very far beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, minutely black-speckled, with a dif- fuse discal blackish stripe ; marginal points black, the hindermost one elongated; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Hind wings white. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c. South Africa. Presented by It. Trimen, Esq. d, e. Port Natal. From M. Guienzius’ collection. Madagascar, &c. 10. Chilo carnifex. carnifex, Cyl. Madagascar. 11. Chilo mauriciellus. Fcem. Testaceo-cinereus , sat robustus ; palpi capitis latitudine fere duplo longiores ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee anticce acutce , sat angustce , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce albido-cinerece. Mas. — Palpi labiales breviores^cras- siores , minus acuti ; antennae glabrae ; aloe anticce breviores , obscuriores ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece. 142 CATALOGUE OF Female. Testaceous-cinereous, rather stout, whitish cinereous beneath. Labial palpi nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi very short. Abdomen extending much be- yond the hind wings. Legs moderately long and stout. Fore wings acute, rather narrow ; marginal points black ; costa slightly convex ; exterior border nearly straight, moderately oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 16 lines. Male. Labial palpi a little shorter, stouter and less acute than those of the female. Antennas robust, smooth. Fore wings shorter, darker and less acute than those of the female. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 5-| lines; of the wings 12 — 13 lines. a — e. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke’s collection. Asia. 12. Chilo nivellus. nivellus, Kir. Caschmir. 13. Chilo excerptalis. Mas. Albus ; palpi breves ; antenna valid#, pnbescentes ; abdo- men testaceum , basi album ; pedes longissimi , gracillimi ; ala anlica acuta , sat angusta, margine exterior e per obliquo. Male. White. Labial palpi porrect, slender, apart from each other, much shorter than the breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi obliquely ascending, very short and slender. Antennae stout, pu- bescent. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings, testaceous, except towards the base. Legs very long and slender. Fore wings acute, rather narrow ; exterior border hardly convex, very oblique. Length of the body 6 liues ; of the wings 14 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 14. Chilo spurcatellus. Mas. Cervinus ; palpi breves , oblique aseendentes ; antenna sub- setulosa ; abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; pedes postici lo?igissimi , femoribus brevissimis ; ala fascia submarginali diffusa fusca , punctis marginalibus nigricantibus ; antica vitta subcostali fusca lata guttas nigricantes includente , spatio postico pa Hide cinereo . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 143 Male. Fawn-colour. Palpi short, obliquely ascending. An- tennae minutely setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Hind legs with short femora and very long tibiae and tarsi. Wings with a diffuse brown submarginal band ; marginal points blackish. Fore wings acute, with a broad irregular brown subcostal stripe, which contains some blackish dots ; space along the interior border and hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. Australasia. Sect. Mas. Corpus sat gracile. Fasciculus frontalis subproductus. Proboscis obsoleta. Palpi ascendentes, brevissimi. Antennae sub- serratae, subpubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas longe superaus. Pedes longi, graciles. Alae antica? angustae, acutte, costa recta, mar- gine exteriore subconvexo perobliquo. Male. Body rather slender. Frontal tuft slightly prominent. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi ascending, very short. Antennae indis- tinctly serrated, very minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Legs long, smooth, slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, narrow. Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 15. Chilo incertulas. Mas. Pallidissime cervinus ; alee anticce fusco conspersce , puncto discali punctisque margin alibus nig r is, tinea exteriore e stri- gulis diffusis nigricantibus ; posticce albidce. Male. Very pale fawn-colour. Fore wings minutely speckled with brown; discal point black ; an exterior oblique blackish line composed of diffuse short streaks; marginal points black. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 14 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. This species has much resemblance to C. forficellus. 144 CATALOGUE OF Sect. N. Mas, Corpus sat validum. Palpi porrecti ; maxillares bre- ves ; labiales capitis latitudine duplo longiores, articulo 3o sat brevi. Antennae robustae. Pedes longiusculi, sat graciles. Alae anticae acutae, costa vix convexa, margine exteriore obliquo subcon- vexo. Male. Body rather stout. Palpi porrect. Maxillary palpi less than half the length of the labial palpi. Labial palpi lanceo- late, about twice longer than the breadth of the head; third joint less than half the length of the second. Antennae stout. Legs smooth, rather long and slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, moderately hroad. Fore wings acute ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 16 . Chilo venosatus. Mas. Cervinus ; alee albidce , punciis marginalibus fuscis ; an- ticae lineis plurimis cervinis , litura discali e punctis duobus fuscis, Male. Fawn-colour. Wings whitish, with brown marginal points. Fore wings with numerous fawn-coloured lines, which are mostly along the veins;; discal mark composed of two brown points. Length of the body 6? lines ; of the wings 14 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Country unknown. 17. Chilo repugnatalis. Mas. Fitscus , subtus argenteo-albidus ; antennae pubescentes ; abdomen cervinum, alas posticas plus dimidio superans ; pedes longi , sat graciles ; alee anticae cinerece , angustee , apice subrotundatce, dimidio antico fuscescente , puncto discali punctisque marginalibus nigricantibus ; posticee albidce . Male . Brown, silvery whitish beneath. Labial palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi more than half the length of the labial palpi. Antennae pubescent. Abdomen very long, fawn-colour above, extending for much more than half its length beyond the hind wings. Legs long, smooth, rather slen- der. Fore wings cinereous, narrow, slightly rounded at the tips, thickly speckled with brown on half the breadth from the costa and LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 145 about the exterior border ; discal point and marginal points blackish ; exterior border convex, rather oblique. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 16 lines. Genus 2. SCIRPOPHAGA. Scirpophaga, TV. — Topeutis, Hb . 1. Scirpophaga pr^elata. praelata, Sc. — alba, Hb . — gigantella, Dp. — phantasmella, Tr . — phantasmatella, Hb. Genu*3. ANCYLOLOMIA. Ancylolomia, Hb. Europe and the neighbburing regions. 1. Ancylolomia palpella. palpella, Hb. 2 . Ancylolomia pectinatella. pectinatella, Zl. 3. Ancylolomia tentaculella. tentaculella, Hb. — tentaculea, Hw. 4. Ancylolomia contritella. contritella, Zl. 5. Ancylolomia disparella. disparella, Hb. Genus 4. CRAMBUS. Crambus, F. — Argyroteuchia, Hb. — Eucarphia, Hb.— -Caloptria, Hb. — Agriphila, Hb. — Pediasia, Hb. — Chrysoteuchia, Hb Exoria, Hb. — Thisanotia, Hb. O 146 CATALOGUE OF Europe and the neighbouring regions, 1. CRAMBUS ALPJNELLUS. alpinella, Hh , — alpicolalis, Hb, a, b, Europe. From M. Beckers collection. c, Germany. From M. tiimmighoffen’s collection. 2. Crambus caractellus. caractellus, ZL 3. Crambus caudiellus. caudiellus, H.-S, 9 » 4. Crambus coesicellus. corsicellus, Dp, 5. Crambus hamellus. hamellus, Tknb . — baecsestria, Hw. — ensigerella, Hb . ©— -/. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — i. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. j. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. k. England. 6. Crambus malacellus. malacellus, Dp, 7. Crambus dumetellus. dumetella, Hb, — pratella, Hb, a — d, England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e, England. 8. Crambus lucellus. lucellus, H,-S, 9. Crambus Alfacarellus. Alfacarellus, Sid, LEPXDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 147 10. Crambus pratorum. pratorum, F. — pratella, F. — pratea, Hw. — angustellus, eri- cellus, Wd. a—m. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection, n. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. o, p. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. q, r. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. $—u, England. 11. C RAMBUS NEMQRELLUS. nemorella, Hb. — enemoralis, Hb. 12. C RAMBUS ULIGINOSE LLUS. uliginosellus, ZL b . England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, i. England. From Mr. King’s collection. 13. C RAMBUS PASCUELLUS. pascuellus, Zl. a — k . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I , m. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, n, o. England. From Mr. Foxcrofl’s collection. p. England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. q — s. England. t , v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. u. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. w. x . ? 14. Crambus extinctellbs. extinctellus, Std. 15. Crambus silvellus. silvellus, Hb. — adippellus, Zk. a — c . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — h. England. From Mr. King’s collection. i,j. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. O 2 148 CATALOGUE OF 16. C RAMBUS ERICELLUS. ericellus, Hb. a — Co England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, d, e. Scotland. From Mr. Stevens 31 collection. 17. Crambus Heringiellus. Heringiellus, H-S. 18 . Crambus alienellus. alienellus, ZL—ocdlellus, Ztt. — tigurinellus, Dp . — Zinckenellus, Sod, 19. Crambus hortuellus. hortuellus, Hb.— strigellus, F. — strigatus, F.— cespitella, Hb . — hor- tuellus, var. Dp. — caricetalis, Hb. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. n , o, England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p — t . England. u—z. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 20. Crambus cerusellus. cerusellus, W. F.— quadrella, W. V. — auriferella, Hb.— aurifera, Hw. — harhella, Hb . — cerusellus, Cl. — pygmseus, Sl n—e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. /, g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. i. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. j. England. k . l. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 21. Crambus orientellus. orientellus, H.-S. 22. Crambus rorellus. rorellus, L. — chrysonucbella, Hb. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i — l. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m , n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. o, p. Germany. From M. Himmighoffen’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETERQCERA. 149 23. C RAMBUS CASSENTINXELLUSe cassentiniellus, ZL 24. Crambus chrysonuchellus. chrysonuchellus, Sc. — campella, Hb. — campea, Hw . a — d. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 25. Crambus catalauniellus. catalauniellus, H.-S. 26. Crambus maculalxs. maculalis, Ztt . — cacuminalis, ZL 27. Crambus verellus. yerellus, Zk . 28. Crambus falsellus. falsellus, W. V— falsa, iTw.—abruptella, Wenner. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, /, g. England. From Mr. King’s collection. k — o. England. p, q. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 29. Crambus xncertellus. incertellus, Zk. 30. Crambus pauperellus. pauperellus, TV. 31. Crambus conchellus. conchellus, W. V. — stentziellus, Zl. a. Germany. From M. Himmiglioffen’s collection. 32. Crambus pinetellus. pinetellus, L . — pineti, Hw. — conchella, Hb. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j— o. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. O 3 150 CATALOGUE OF p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q , r. England. s. Europe. From M. Himmighoffen’s collection, t . ? 33. Ceambus mytilellus. mytilellus, Hb. 34. C RAMBUS MYELLUS. myellus, Hb. — conchella, Dp.— pinetella, Sc. — hercyni®, Heine - mann . 35. Ceambus speculalis. speculalis, Hb. — pinetella, Hb. — conchella, Dp. — myellus, Zk. 36. Ceambus peemutalellus. permutatellus, II.-S. 37. Crambus luctifeeellus. luctiferellus, Hb.— luctellus, H.-S. 38. Crambus pyeamidellus. pyramidellus, TV. 39. Crambus margaritellus. margaritellus, F. — eumargaritalis, Hb. a—e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. / — l. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m—o. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. p. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. q — s. England. t , v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 40. Ceambus latistrius. latistrius, Hw. — Leachellus, Zk. — Gueneellus, Dp . a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. _■ / v d U r * - / 3. Earias vernana. yernana, Hb. 4!‘e« C*A ' i -t? ', 4. Earias? chro mat aria. Mas et fcem. Lcete viridis ; caput , thorax anti cus et alarum anticarum costa basalis flavo aut ochraceo tincta ; frontis latera rufa ; alee anticce punctis duohus discalibus fuscis aut rufescentibus , fascia marginali informi rufescente ; posticce albce . Male and female. Bright grass-green, pale cinereous beneath. Head, fore part of the thorax, and interior costal space tinged with yellow or with ochraceous. Front on each side and palpi red. An- tennae red at the base. Third joint of the palpi short and conical in the male, long and lanceolate in the female. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings with two brown or reddish discal points, and with an irregular and variable marginal brown band. Hind wings white, iridescent. Length of the body 3^ — 4^ lines; of the wings 7 — 10 lines. a . Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. b — e. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. /, g. North Hindostan. From Mr. James’ collection. h. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. i, j. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. • 5. Earias ? frondosana. Fcem. Lcete viridis; abdomen albidum ; alee posticce albce , iri- descentes, margine diffuse fusco. Var. /3. — Caput et thoracis latera albida ; alee anticce vitlis duabus albidis. Female. Bright grass-green, whitish beneath. Palpi porrect ; third joint linear, a little shorter than the second. Abdomen whitish. Hind wings white, iridescent, with a diffuse brown border. Length of the body 4i — 5 lines; of the wings 9 — 10 lines. Var . j3. Head and sides of the thorax whitish. Fore wings * with two broad whitish stripes, one costal, the other along the inte- rior border. LEPIDOPTEEA HETEEOCEBA. 205 a . Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. b. Cape. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c — e. Mauritius. From Dr. Becke’s collection. /, g . North Hindostan. Presented by the Secretary of the India Board. h. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. i. Punjaub. Presented by Sir J. Hearsay. j. South Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. k. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. l . - ? Genus 4. THAGORA. Fcem. Corpus robustum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis brevis. Palpi decumbentes, subarcuati, capitis latitudine paullo breviores ; articulus3us lanceolatus. Abdomen alas posticas perpaullo superans. Alae anticae vix acutae ; costa vix conveva, margine exteriore subrecto vix obliquo. Female. Body stout. Frontal tuft prominent. Proboscis short. Palpi decumbent, slightly curved, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs moderately stout ; spurs long. Fore wings moderately broad, hardly acute ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border almost straight, very slightly oblique. 1. Thagoea fig ur ana. Fcera. Subochracea; abdomen sub cervino-albidum ; alee anticce Icete virides , basi , costa , vittis tribus obliquis macularibus fim - briaque subochraceis ; posticus ceneo-albidce. Female. Dull ochraceous, mostly whitish-cinereous beneath. Abdomen whitish, tinged with pale fawn-colour, the latter hue most prevalent towards the tip. Fore wings bright grass-green ; base, costa and fringe dull ochraceous; three oblique irregular macular dull ochraceous bands. Hind wings whitish, with an aeneous tinge. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. T 206 CATALOGUE OF Genus 5. SARROTHRIPA. Axia, Hb. — Sarrothripa, Ct. 1. Sarrothripa Revayana. Revayana, W. V. — undulana, Hb. — dilutana, Hb. — degenerana, Hb. — punctana, Hb. — ramosana, Hb. — ramulana, Ct. — rus- siana, Dp. a — q. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. o — v. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. u — ii. England. Fam. 2. TORTRICID.E. Tortricina, Sta. Tortricidae, Penthinidee, Spilonotidae, Sericoridae, Sciaphilidae, Gra- pholithidae, Gochylidae, Aphelidae, Gn. Tortricidae, Plicatae, Anchyloperidae, Peroneidae, Stigmonotidae, Carpocapsidae, Cnephasidae, Sericoridae, Lozoperidae, Sta., Wilk . Tortricodidae, Sta. In this list, for the better facility of reference, the exotic Tortri- cidce are not intermixed with the European species, but are recorded after the end of the latter. Genus 1 . RHACODIA. Rhacodia, Hb. 1 . Rhacodia caudana. caudana, F. — emargana, F. — effractana, FZ7>.--rexcavaoa, Hw . — ochracea, St. a — ee. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. ff — gg. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. hh . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. ii — pp. England. qq. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Rhacodia effractana. effractana, Frocl. — caudana, Hb. — torquana, Ztt. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 207 Genus 2. TEEAS. Teras, Tr. — Rhyacionia, Acleris, Lopas, Eclectis, Teleia, Aphania, Oxigrapha, Sparganothis, Nephodesme, Hb . — Peronea, Ct . — Dictyopteryx, Cheimatophila, Paramesia, St. 1. Teras cristana. cristana, W. V. — ephippana, F. — Rossiana, F. — profanana, F— Desfontainana, F. — sericana, Hb. — spadiceana, Hw. — Lefe- buriana, Dp. — ruficostana, Ct. — albipunctana, St. — subvittana, St. — insulana, Ct. — eombustana, Dp. — consimilana, St. — albo- vittana, St. — fulvocristana, St. — substriana, St. — brunneana, St. — vittaua, St. — striana, St. a — aaaaa. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. bbbbb — Ulllll. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. mmmmmmm — cccccccc . England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. dddddddd. England. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. eeeeeeee. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. ffffffff—tttttttt . England. 2. Teras hastiana. hastiana, L. — coronana, Thnb. — scabrana, W. V. — elevana, F. — sparsana, Froel. — sponsana, W. V. — apiciana, Hb. — aquilana, Hb. — radiana, Hb. — divisana, Hb. — eombustana, Hb. — By- ringerana, Hb.— Buringerana, Hb. — eximiaua, Hw. — albis- triana, Hw. — obsoletana, St. — centrovittana, Hw. — ramo- striana, St. — Mayrana, Hb. — suberistana, St. — autumnana, St. a — sss. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. ttt — vvvv. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. uuuu — dddddd. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. eeeeee — vvvvvv. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. uuuuuu — tttttttt. England. Var. Scabrana. a—.f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g, h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i — n . England. 208 CATALOGUE OF 3. Teras abietana. abietana, Hb. — ©onfixana, Hb. 4. Teras umbrana. umbrana, Hh.— radiana, Dp. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h— p. England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. q — v. England. 5. Teras maccana. maccana, TV. — marmorana, Btl . — Var. basalticola, Std . (Iceland). a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i 9 l . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m. England. 6. Teras Caledoniana. Caledonians, St. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. ijj. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 7. Teras mixtana. mix tan a, Hb. — hyemana, Hiv . — caslaneana, St. a — u. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, a?, y. England. 8. Teras fimbriana. fimbriana, Thnb. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. /, g. England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. 9. Teras arcticana.] arcticana, Gn. 10. Teras Comariana. Comariana, Zl. 11. Teras tristana. tristana, Hb. — logiana, W. V. — boscana, Hw.— plumbosana, Hw. — falsana, Hb. — trigonana, St. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 209 a-—n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. o — v. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. u — z. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. aa. England. 12. Teras variegana. variegana, W. V. — Abildgaardana, F. — Osbeckiana, Thnb. — cris- tana, Hb . — borana, Hw . — Var. asperana, F . — nycthemerana, Hb. a — w. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. x. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. y. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. z. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. aa — mm. England. nn — ss. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. tt — ww . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 13. Teras termutana. permutana, Dp. — permutatana, H.-S. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j. Englaud. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. k. Eugland. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. l . m. England. n , o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 14. Teras insignana. insignana, H.-S. 15. Teras Boscana. Boscana, F. — cerusana, Hb. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e — g. England, 16. Teras Farisiana. Parisiana, Gn. — ulmana, Zty?.— spectrana, Dp. 17. Teras Lite ran a. literana, L.— squamana, F. — asperana, W. V. — squamulana, Hb .— Romanana, F. — Var. irrorana, Hb. — Var. tricolorana, Hw. — squamulana, Hb . — serugana, Hb . — fulvo-mixtana, St.— Var. suavana, H.-S. T 3 210 CATALOGUE OF a — bb. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. cc — hh. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. ii — uu. England. ivw, xx. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. yy — zz . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 18. Teras Scotana. Scotana, St. a — d. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. e — i. Scotland. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. j — 1. England. 19, Teras niveana. niveana, F. — Treueriana, Hb. — cerusana, Dp. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. c, d. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 20. Teras roscidana. roscidana, Hb.— nebulana, Hb. a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. " b. Hungary. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 21. Teras lipsiana. lipsiana, W. V. — ^sudariana, Hb . — strigulana, Froel . — leporinana, Ztt. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e — h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i,j. England. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. 22. Teras pulverana. pulverana, H.-S . — obtusana, Ev. 23. Teras Lacordairana. Lacordairana, Dp. — obtusana, Ev . — dissonana, H.-S. 24. Teras sponsana. sponsana, F. — favillaceana, Hb. — reticulana, Hw. — lividana, Tr. — tristana, St. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 211 a—l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. m, n. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 0 — t. England. v — s'. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. aa. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 25. Ter as rufana. rufana, W. V. — autnmnana, Hb. — bistriana, Hw . — lucidana, TV. — densana, Frr. — crassana, Dp.— albicostana, St. — similana, St. — erutana, H.-S. a—g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h—k. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 1 — t. England. 26. Teras Schalleriana. Schalleriana, L . — latifasciana, Hw . — labeculana, Frr. — erutana, H.-S. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p — s. England. t , v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 27. Teras comparana. comparana, Hb. — rufana, Hw. — costimaculana, St. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. k — m. England. 28. Teras aspersana. aspersana, Hb. — adspersana, Froel. — ferrugana, var., TV. — subtri- punctulana, Wd. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. j — m. England. 29. Teras ferrugana. ferrugana, W. V.— tripunctana, Hb . — gnomana, Hiv. — tripunctu- lana, St. — bifidana, St. — brachiana, Frr. — rufana, Froel . — gil- vana, Froel. — ochreana, Froel. — conspersana, Froel . — Modeeri- ana, Ztt. — Proteana, Gn . — rubidana, H.-S. — Yar. ? testaceana, Zl.— selasana, H.-S . 212 CATALOGUE OF a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q , r. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection, s — u. England. w, x. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. y — cc. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Var. tripunctana. a — n . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, o, p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. q — w. England. y, 2 . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 30. Teras lithargyrana. lithargyrana, H.-S . — rufana, II b. 31. Teras quercinana. quercinana, Zl. 32. Teras uliginosana. uliginosana, Up. and Wtw. — atrosigmana, H.-S. 33. Teras Protean a. Proteana, H.-S. 34. Teras Lorquiniana. Lorquiniana, Dp. a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 35. Teras contaminana, Hb. contaminana, Hb . — ciliana, Hb. — obscurana, Dn . — dimidiana, Froel. a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. aa. England. bb — ii. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. jj y kk. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Genus 3. PANDEMIS. Pandemis, Hb. 1. Pandemis Corylana. Corylana, F.— textana, Hb. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 213 a—i. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. j — o. England. p, q. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, r — v. ? 2. Pandemis chondbillana. chondrillana, H.-S. 3. Pandemis ribeana. ribeana, Hb. — grossulariana, St. a — cc. England. From Mr. Stephens’s collection. dd — oo. England. pp — rr. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 4. Pandemis cerasana. cerasana, Hb. — avellana, Froel. 5. Pandemis cinnamomeana. cinnamomeana, TV. — croceana, Froel. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. d , e. England. Presented by W. W. Walcott, Esq. /. England. Presented by B. PifFard, Esq. g — l. England. From Mr. Meek’s collection. 6. Pandemis he pa ran a. heparana, W. V. — pandana, Schr. — carpiniana, Hb.— Pasquayana, Froel. a — r. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. s — y. England. z — aa. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 7. Pandemis vulpisana. Yulpisana, H.-S. 8. Pandemis dumetana. dumetana, Tr. — cratasgana, Frr. a. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. 214 CATALOGUE OF Genus 4. CACOECIA. Cacoecia, Hb . — Philodone, Hb. — Lozotaenia, St. 1. Cacoecia piceana. piceana, L. — oporana, L. — Hermanniana, W. V. — xylosteana, Hb. dissimilana, Bent. a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, o — t. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. ,, v. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. u—y. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. z. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. aa — gg. England. 2. Cacoecia podana. podana, Sc. — fulvana, W. V. — pyrastrana, Hb. — gerningana, IIw. congenerana, Hb. — oporana, Hw. — rosana, Froel. — ameriana, Tv. — fuseana, St. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. n — r. England. s — v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 3. Cacoecia testaceana. testaceana, Ev. 4. Cacoecia decretana. decretana, Tr . 5. Cacoecia xylosteana. xylosteana, L. — characterana, Hb. — obliquana, Hw. — Westrinana, Zt. a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q — u. England. w y x. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 6. Cacoecia rosana. rosana, L. — Irevigana, W. V. — variana, F. — acerana, Hb. — oxycan- thana, Hb. — nebulaua, St. a — v. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. u — z. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 215 aa—ff. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. gg — ii. England. jj — mm * Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. nn. Germany. From M. Heminghoffeu’s collection. 7. Cacoecia CRAT.EGANA. crataegana, Hb . — roborana, Hb. — piceana, Froel. — xylosteana, var. Tr. — Branderiana, St. a~~f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g . England. 8. Cacoecia sorbiana. sorbiana, Hb. — avellana, II w. a — Jc. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — 7i. England. o, p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 9. Cacoecia histrionana. histrionana, Froel. 10. Cacoecia dumicolana. dumicolana, ZL 11. Cacoecia musculana. musculana, Hb. — trifasciana, Hw. a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. m. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. n. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p — v. England. u — Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 12. Cacoecia unifasciana. croceana, Hw.— Havana, Dp. — unifasciana, Dp.— prod uc tana, Zl . — ohliterana, Il.-S. a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 77i, n. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. o — s. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection, f, v. England. From Mr. Meek’s collection. u — x. England. / 216 CATALOGUE OF 13. Cacoecia semtalbana. Modeeriana, Hw . — consimilana, Tr. — semialbana, Gn. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. j — l. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m, n* Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 14. Cacoecia gilvana. gilvana, Ev. 15. Cacoecia costana. costana, F . — vinculana, Tr. — spectrana, Tr . a—j . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k, l. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. m — o. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. p. England. From Mr. Kind’s collection. q . England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. r — t England. 16. Cacoecia strigana. strigana, HI— gnomana, W. V. — Var. stamineana, H.-S. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, c. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Genus 5. BATODES. Batodes, Gn. — Ditula, St, 1. Batodes angustiorana. angustiorana, Hw. — rotundana, Hw. — Dumerilana, Dp. a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q — r. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, s. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. t — z . England. 2. Batodes reticulana. reticulana, Hb. — orana, Fr . а. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. б. England. c — -f. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 217 Genus 6. PTYCHOLOMA. Panoplia, Hb. — Ptycholoma, Lcli. 1. Ptycholoma Lecheana. Lecheana, L . — obsoletana, St. a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. o — q. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, r— - v. England. u y w. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. x. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Ptycholoma magnificana. magnificana, H.-S . 3. Ptycholoma ^eriferana. aeriferana, H.-S. Genus 7. IDIOGRAPHIS. Idiograpliis, Ld. 1. Idiographis centrana. centrana, H.-S. Genus 8. CAPUA. Capua, St. — Teratodes, Gn. 1. Capua fayillaceana. favillaceana, Hb. — vulgana, Froel . — marcidana, Froel . — terreana, Tr. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. I, m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection, n — p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Genus 9. CHORISTONEURA. Choristoneura, Ld. U 218 CATALOGUE OP 1. Cheexstoneuea DIVEBSANA. diversana, Hb. — acerana, Hw. — aceriana, St. — viduana, Frocl . — transitana, Gn . a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. q — t. England. v — x. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. Genus 10. AMPHYSA. Amphysa, Ct. 1. Amphysa geeningana. gerningana, W. V. — pectinana, Hb. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. Z, m. England. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection, w, o. England. jt?, q. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 2. Amphysa peodromana. prodromana, Hb. — Walkerana, Ct. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection, c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Genus 11. ONECTBA. Onectra, Gn. 1. Onectra pilleeiana. pilleriana, W. V. — pillerana, F. — vitana, F. — vitis, Bose. — luteo- lana, Hb. a — d. England. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Genus 12. DICHELIA. Dichelia, Gn. 1 . Dichelia aetificana. artificana, H.-S. a. Germany. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 219 2. Dichelia Treitschkeana. Treitschkeana, TV. 3. Dichelia grqtiana. grotiana, F. — Havana, Hb. — Var. ochreana, St. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. n — p. England. Presented by B. Fiffard, Esq. q — v. England. и, w. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 4. Dichelia gnomana. gnomana, L. — betulana, Dn. a. Germany. From M. Herainghoffen’s collection. 5. Dichelia Shepharoana. Shephardana, St . a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b — g. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. h—j. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. 6. Dichelia rubicundana. rubicundana, H.-S. 7 . Dichelia cinerana. cinerana, Ztt. Genus 13. TORTRIX. Tortrix, L. — Croesia, Epagoge, Amelia, Aphelia, Aleimma, Hb . — Argyrotoza, Lozotaenia, St. — Clepsis, Gn. — Heteroguomon, Ld. 1. Tortrix holmiana. liolmiana, L. a — h . England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. i,j. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. к , t. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m — o . England. u 2 220 CATALOGUE OF p — s. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. t, Germany. From M. Heminghoffen's collection. 2. Toktrix bifasciana. bifasciana, Hb. — Audouinana, Dp . — apicalis, Hp. and Wtw . a— f. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. g — k. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. /, m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. n, o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p — s. England. 3. Toktrix Conwayana. Conwayana, F . — Hofmanseggana, Hb . — Spixiana, Froel. — Hoff- xnanseggiana, Hw. — aurantiana, St. a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. m. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. n, o. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. p. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. q — t. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. v, u. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. w — z. England. aa — dd. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. cc. Germany. From M. Hemiflghoffen’s collection. 4. Tortbix Bergmannxana. ' Bergmanniana, L. — rosana, Hb . a — rn. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. 7i— p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. q — v. England. u, w. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. x , y. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen's collection. 5. Tortkix Lcefflingiana. LoefBingiana, L.— plumbana, Hb. — ectypana, Hb . a — t. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. v , w. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. x,y. England. ^ — aa. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTEEA HETEROCERA. 221 6. Tortrix Forskaleana. Forskaeleana, L. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k , /. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. n — v. England. 7. Torteix viridana. viridana, L. — Var. Suttneriana, W. V . — Havana, St. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — s . England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. t — w. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. x. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 8. Torteix pronubana. pronubana, Hb. — ambustana, Hb . — Hennineana, Dp. 9. Torteix neglectana. neglectana, H.-S. 10. Tortrix ceoceana. croceana, Hb. — ochreana, var., Dp.— cupidinana, Sid. 11. Tortrix perochreana. perochreana, H.-S. 12. Tortrix Forsterana. Forsterana, F. — reticulana, Froel. — adjunetana, Tr. — sineana, Frr, laviceana, Dp. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 1. Eugland. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. m — p. England. q . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. r. Germany. From M. Hemingboffen’s collection. 13. Tortrix viburnana. viburnana, W. V. — rhombana, W. V. — unitana, Hb. — galiana, Ct. — brunneana, Ztt. — argillaceana, Ztt. — pillerana, Hp. and Wtw. — Var. scrophulariana, H.-S . — porcana ? Ztt. U 3 222 CATALOGUE OF a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, o — *r. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. s — aa . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. lb — ee. England. From Mr. Rogers’ collection. ffy 99- England. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 14. Tortrix rhombicana. rhombicana, H.-S. 15. ToRTRIX UNICOLOEANA. unicolorana, Dp . — asphodelana, H.-S. ]6. Tortrtx flay ana. Havana, HI. — viridana, var., Froel. — Var. icterana, Froel. — pal- leana, TV. — Var. intermediana, H.-S . a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j — L England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. m — s. England. 17. Torteix Hyerana. Hyerana, Milliere. 18. Tortrix stigmatana. stigmatana, Ev. 19. Tortrix am plan a. amplana, Hb. — peramplana, Hb. — chrysitana, Dp. 20. Tortrix imperfectana. imperfectana, Ld. 21. Tortrix Steinkriana. Steineriana, W. V. — chrysitana, Hb. — Var. lusana. H.-S. — Var. Dohrniana, H.-S. a , b. Alps. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 22. Tortrix unipunctana. unipunctana, Tgstr. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA, 223 23. Tortrix rustic ana. rusticana, Tr . — helvolana, Hb. — strarnineana, Ztt . a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, o, p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 24. Tortrtx Rolandriana. Kolandriana, L. — obsoletana, Ztt. 25. Tortrix aerosana. aerosana, Ld. Genus 14. LOPHODERUS. Lophoderus, St. — Eulia, Hb . — Cnephasia, Ct. 1. Lophoderus ministranus. ministrana, L. — ferrugana, Hb. — subfascianus, St. a — q. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, r, s. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. t. England. From Mr. Foxcrofi’s collection, v, u. England. From Mr. King’s collection. w — cc. England. dd — ee. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. ff—gg • Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Lophoderus ochreanus. ochreana, Hb. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 3. Lophoderus hastianus. hastiana, W. V. — torridana, Ld. 4 . Lophoderus formosanus. formosana, Hb. 5 . Lophoderus cupressanus. cupressana, Dp . — ? nobiliana, Std. 224 CATALOGUE OF 6. Lophoderus POLITANUS. politana, Hw , — pulchellana, II w. — sylvana, TV. — lepidana, Ct. a — z. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. aa, ee. England. From Mr. Chant's collection. ff. England. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. gg — ii. England. Presented by B. Cooke, Esq. jj, kk. England. //, mm . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 7. Lophoderus cinctanus. einctana, W. V. — cretana, F. — albidana, Hb. a — c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 8. Lophoderus rig anus. rigana, Sodojfshy .• — horridana, Hb. — modestana, TV. Genus 15. ZELOTHERSES. Zelotherses, Ld . 1. Zelotherses albociliana. albociliana, H.-S. Genus 16. SCIAPHILA. Syndemis, Ablaba, Hb. — Sciaphila, Tr. — Cnephasia, Aphelia, Ct. 1. Sciaphila osseana. osseana, Sep.— pratana, Hb. — quadripunctana, Hw. — cantiana, Ct. * — boreana, Ztt. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. # — 0 . England. From Mr. Chant's collection. p — r . Scotland. Presented by Sir C. Lyell. s — v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Sciaphila blandana. blandana, Ev. 3. Sciaphila gouana. gouana, L. — argentana, W. F. — magnana, Hb . — margaritalis, Hb. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 225 Loewiana, ZL 4. Sciaphila Loewiana. 5. Sciaphila stratana. stratana, ZL — Var. insolutana, H.-S . — Var. luridalbana, H.-S. 6. Sciaphila segetana. segetana, Zl. 7 . Sciaphila fragosana. fragosana, ZL 8. Sciaphila canescana. canescana, Gn. 9. Sciaphila Penziana. Penziana, Hb. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e,f. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g. England. A, i. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 10. Sciaphila styriacana. styriacana, H.-S. 11. Sciaphila bellana. bellana, Ct. — diurneana, Gn . 12. Sciaphila octgmaculana. octomaculana, Ct. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — o. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. p — s. Scotland. Presented by H. Colquhoun,. Esq. asinana, Hb. 13. Sciaphila asinana. 14. Sciaphila chrysantheana. chrysantheana, Dp. — asinana, Hw. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. f—h. England. 226 CATALOGUE OF 15. SciAPHILA COMMUNANA. communana, H.-S. 16. SciAPHILA WAHLBOMIANA. Wahlbomiana, L. — Var. alticolana, H.-S. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 17. SCIAPHILA INTERJUNCTANA. interjunctana, II w. — -Virgaureana, Tr. a — j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. I — o. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. p — r. England. 18. SCIAPHILA INCERTANA. incertana, 7V. * 19. SCIAPHILA PUMICANA. pumicana, Zl. 20. SciAPHILA SUBJECTANA. logiana, II w. — subjectana, Gn. a — x. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. y. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. England. 21. SciAPHILA MIN ORAN A. minorana, minusculana, Zl. a — c. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 22. SciAPHILA PASIVANA. pasivana, Hb. — obsoletana, St. — sinuana, Wd. a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p , q. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, r — t. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. v , u. England. w, x. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. . 23. SCIAPHILA ABRASANA. abrasana, Dp. LEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 227 24. SCIAPHILA NUBILANA. nubilana, Hb. — glareana, Froel. — hybridana, Dp. a — r. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, s— y. England. x — aa. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 25. SCIAPHILA PERTERANA. perterana, Gn. — conspersana, Dgl. 26. SCIAPHILA OXYACANTHANA. Oxyacanthana, H.-S. 27. SCIAPHILA POLICOLANA. policolana, Gn . nodulana, Mslr. 28. SCIAPHILA NODULANA. Genus 17. DOLOPLOCA. Doloploca, Hb. 1. Doloploca punctulana. punctulana, W. V. — Schlernerella, Hb. — punctulella, Tr. Genus 18. OLINDIA. Olindia, Gn. — Anisotaenia, St. 1. Olindia albulana. albulana, Tr. — nemorana, Froel. — stramentana, Gn. 2. Olindia hybridana. hybridana, Hb. — rectifasciana. Hw. — aurifasciana, St. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, w, o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p — r. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. s — z. England. aa. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 228 CATALOG OE OF 3. Olindia ulmana. ulmana, Hb. — areolana, HI. — hastiana, St. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. j. Eugland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. k — q. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Genus 19. OPORINIA. Oporinia, Hb.— Cheimatophila, St. — Tortricodes, Gn. 1. Oporinia tortricella. tortricella, Hb. — hyemana, Hb. — abietana, Froel. — nubilea, Hw . a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. q, r. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. s — u. England. Genus 20. SPHALEROPTERA. Sphaleroptera, Gn. 1. Sphaleroptera alpicolana. alpicolana, Hb. 2. Sphale roptera longana. longana, #w.-^ictericana, Hw. — capillana, Gn. a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. r — u. England. 3. Sphaleroptera diniana. diniana, Gn. Genus 21. CONCHYLIS. Euxantbis, Comophila, Phalonia, Chlidonia, Dapsilia, Eugnosta, Hb. — Conchylis, Tr. — Argyrolepia, EupaEcilia, Lozopera, Ar- gyridia, Xantbosetia, St. — Chrosis, Gn. LEPIDOPTEBA HETEROCEEA. 229 1. CoNCHYLfS PaRREYSSIANA. Pan*eyssiana ? Dp. — insequana, Ev. — Var. hydrargyrana, Ev. 2. CONCHYLIS LOCUPLETANA. locupletana, Hh. 3. CONCHYLIS MARGARITANA. margaritana, Hb. 4. CONCHYLIS LaTHONIANA. Lathoniana, Hb. a, b. Europe. Erom M. Becker’s collection. 5. CONCHYLIS HAMA N A. harnana, L. — diversana, Hb. — trigonana, Hb. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i — m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, o — s . England. 6. CONCHYLIS INOPIANA. inopiana, Hw. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e — h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i. England. 7. Conch ylis Zoegana. Zoegana, Z.— ferrugana, Hw. a—j . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — n. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. o, p. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. q — t. England. v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 8. Conch ylis fulvana. ful van a, Tr. X 230 CATALOGUE OF 9. CONCHYLIS EXSULANA. cxsulana, Ld. 10. Conch ylis Baumann tana. Baumanniana, W. V. — Hartmanniana, Hb. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — n. England. From Mr. Rogers’ collection. o — v. England. u. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 11. CONCHYLIS LUTULENTANA. lutiilentana, H.-S. 12. CONCHYLIS AMIANTANA. amiantana, Hb . a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. c. Hungary. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 13. CONCHYLIS LIMBATANA. limbatana, H.-S. — purana, Gn . incretana, Ld . cultana, Ld . 14. Conch ylis incretana. 15. CONCHYLIS CULTANA. 16. CONCHYLIS ZEBRANA. zebrana, Hb. a . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. b. Germauy. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 17. CONCHYLIS DIPOLTELL4. dipoltella, Hb. — dipoltana, Tr . — zebrana, Dp. a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. A — v. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s colleotion. u — w. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. x — z. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. LEPXDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 231 Germany. From M. Hemiughoffen’s collection. 61. Conchylis flavidana. flavidana, Gn. 62. Conchylis languidana. languidana, Mn. 236 CATALOGUE OF 63. CoNCHYLIS EXTENSANA. extensana, Std. 64. Conchylis Richteriana. Richteriana, Fr. 65. Conchylis Heydeniana. Heydeniana, H.-S. 66. Conchylis coercitana. coercitana, Std. 67. Conchylis pudorana. pudorana, Std . 68. Conchylis implicitana. implicitana, H.-S. 69. Conchylis ciliella. ciliella, Hb. — rubellana, Hb. — ruficiliana, Hw. — ruficiliella, St. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e—j. England. From Mr. Rogers’ collection. 70. Conchylis anthemidana. anthemidana, Ct. 71. CoCHYLIS NANA, nana, Hw. — carneana, Gn. a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h — k. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. l,m. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. n. England. From Mr. Foxcrofi’s collection. n 72. Conchylis epilinana. epilinana, Zl. 73. Conchylis flammeolana. flammeolana, Tgstr. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 237 74. CONCHYUS PHALERATANA. phaleratana, H.-S. 75. Conch ylis flaviciliana. flaviciliana, Dbl. a . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b y c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection* 76. CoNCHYLIS CARPOPHILANA. carpophilana, Std. 77. CONCHYLIS ROSEANA. roseana, Hw. — subroseana, Hw. — rubellana, Hw. — dipsaceana, Dp. a—v. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. u — aa. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. bb , cc. England. Presented by B. Pifiard, Esq. dd — ff. England. gg, hh. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 78. CONCHYLIS ROSEOFASCIANA. roseofasciana, Mn. 79. CONCHYLIS OSTRINANA. ostrinana, Gn . 80. CONCHYLIS PURPURATANA. purpuratana, H.-S. 81. CONCHYLIS CONTRACTANA, contractana, Zl. 82. CONCHYLIS DEFESSANA, defessana, Mn. 83. CoNCHYLIS RUPICOLA. rupicola, Ct.— margin an a, St . — humidana, H.-S . a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h—j. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 238 CATALOGUE OF 84. CONCHYLIS CANCELLANA. cancellana, Zl . 85. Conchylis Mussehijana. Mussehliana, Tr. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Geyeriana, H.-S. Manniana, Fr. 86. Conchylis Geyeriana. 87. Conchylis Manniana. 88. Conchylis notulana. notulana, ZL a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 89. Conchylis gilvicomana. gilvicomana, Zl, — flavicapulana, H.-S. 90. Conchylis pumilana. purailana, H.-S. — ambiguana, Froel. — pallidana, H.-S. 91. Conchylis hybridella. hybridella, Hb. — carduana, Zl. — dissolutana, H.-S. a—i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. k. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. L England. 92. Conchylis frigidana. frigidana, Gn. 93. Conchylis pallidana. pallidana, ZL 94. Conchylis posterana. posterana, Zl. — ambiguana, Tr. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 239 95. CONCHYLIS DUBITANA. dubitana, Hb. a 5 b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 96. CONCHYLIS ATRICAPITANA. atricapitana, St. a , b. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c. England. 97. Conch ylis molliculana. molliculana, Zl. 98. Con chylis lugubrana. lugubrana, Tr . Genus 23. PHTHEOCHROA. Phtheochroa, St. 1. Phtheochroa rugosana. rugosana, Hb. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g. England. 2. Phtheochroa Duponchelana. Duponchelaua, Gn . — gloriosana, H.-S. 3. Phtheochroa amandana. amandana, H.-S. 4. Phtheochroa pulvillana, pulvillana, H.-S. 5. Phtheochroa singulana. singulana, H.-S. Genus 24. PYGOLOPHA. Pygolopha, Ld. 1. Pygolopha trinacriana. \ trinacriana, Ld. 240 CATALOGUE OF Genus 25. RETINIA. Retinia, Gn . — Evetria, Hb. 1. Retinia piniana. piniana, H.-S. 2. Retinia rubiginosana. rubiginosana, H.-S . 3. Retinia pinivorana. pinivorana, Zi. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. n. England. 4. Retinia duplana. duplana, Hb. — spadiceana, Dp. a. Scotland. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. 5. Retinia sciurana. sciuvana, Tgstr. 6. Retinia sylyestrana. sylvestrana, Ct . a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b — L. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. 7. Retinia posticana. posticana, Ztt. 8. Retinia turionana. turionana, Hb. a — g, England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 9. Retinia buoliana. buoliana, W. V. — turionana, H. W. — gemmana, Hb. — Var. thurifi- cana, Ld . — Var. pinicolana, Dbl. — turionella, Ct. — concinnana, St. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 24! a — r. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. s, t. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. v. England. u. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. Var. pinicolana. a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p. England. From Mr. Kings collection. q — s. En gland. 10. Retinia margarotana. margarotana, H.-S. 11. Retinia resinella. resin ella, L. — resin ana, F. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j, k. Scotland. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. / — n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Genus 26 . PENTHINA. Eucosmia, Argyroplace, Apatormis, Limma, Phlaris, Celvpha, Episagma, Hb . — Penthina, Sericoris, TV. — Brachy taenia, Antithesia, Roxana, Euchromia, St. — Mixodia, Gn. 1. Penthina salicella. salicella, L . — salicana, W. V. a — England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p — . 9 . England. t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. v, u, Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Penthina inundana. inundana, W. V, 3. Penthina Hartmanniana. Hartmanniana, L . — linearia, W. V. — scriptana, Hb. a — /. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — i. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. Y 242 CATALOGUE OF j — l. England. From Mr. Meek’s collection. m — p. England. q, r. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 4. Penthina semifasciana. semifasciana, Hw. — acutana, Frr. — elutana, Dp. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k—o. England. p , q . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 5. Penthina corticana. ^corticana, Hb. — capreana, Hb. — picana, Froel . a— i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. k, 1. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. m. England. n — q. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 6. Penthina Betul#:tana. Betulaetana, Hw. — capraeana, Dp. — sororculana, Zlt. — leucomelana, Gu. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. k, l. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. m y n England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. o — t. England. v. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 7. Penthina variegana. variegana, Hb. — pcecilana, Froel. 8. Penthina pr^elongana. praelongana, Gn, a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e. England. From Mr. FoxcrofVs collection. /, g. England, From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h. England. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 243 9. Penthina pruniana. pruniana, Hb. — Var. pruneticolana, Zl. a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens 1 collection. o — r. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. s — u. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. w , x. England. y — bb. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. cc. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 10. Penthina mcestana. mcestana, Wick. 11. Penthina ochroleucana. ochroleucana, Hb. — gentianana, Dp. — tripunctana, Wd. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. Z, m. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection, ft, o. England. 12. Penthina dimidiana. dimidiana, Sdfky. — ochromelana, Gn. 13. Penthina sauciana. sauciana, Hb. — atropunctana, Ztt. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. scitulana, Ld. 14. Penthina scitulana. 15. Penthina Grevillana. Grevillana, Ct. 16. Penthina sellana. sellana, Hb. — Gentianana, var., Tr. — pullana, St. a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 17. Penthina sororiana. sovoriana, H.-S. Y 2 244 CATALOGUE OF 18. Penthina oblongana. oblongana, Hw. — margaritana, Hw. — sauciana, Dp. — sellana, Gn. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. / — n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. o, p. England. 19. Penthina ustulana. ustulana, Hw . — carhonana P Dbl. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d—f. England. From Mr Bouchard’s collection. g. England. Presented by B. PifFard, Esq. 20. Penthina gentianana. gentianana, Hb. a—h . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i — n. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, o, p. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. q, r. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. s. England. t , v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. u: Germany. From M. Hemingboffen’s collection. 21. Penthina lapideana. lapideana, H.-S . 22. Penthina noricana. noricana, H.-S. 23. Penthina postremana. postremana, Zl. — Heydeniana, H.-S . 24. Penthina Schreberiana. Schreberiana, L. 25. Penthina roseomaculana. roseomaculana, H.-S. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 245 28. Penthina Le DIANA. Lediana, L. — Westsvoodiana, Ztt. — Lienigana, ZL — Dalecarliana, Gn. 27. Penthina pyrolana. pyrolana, fVck. 28. Penthina ricinctana. bicinctana, Tgstr . 29. Penthina Mygindana. Mygindana, W. V.~~ flam mean a, Hb. — fulvipunctana, Hw. — fonno- sana, Cl. — undulana, Sdfky. a — g. England. Froin Mr. Stephens’ collection. h. England. 30. Penthina arbutella. arbutella, L. — arbutana, Hb. a — e . England. From Mr. Stephens collection. / — k. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 3L. Penthina rufana. rufana, Sc.— rosetana, Hb. — Var. purpurana, Hw. — pudorana, Froel. rosaceana, Schlg. — erythrana, Tgstr . a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. /. England. 32. Penthina Boisduvaliana. Boisduvaliana, Dp. 33. Penthina arcuana. arcuana, Clk. — Lambergiana, Sc. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. e — i. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. j. England. From Mr. King’s collection. k — p. England. From Mr. Meek’s collection. q— v. England. Y 3 246 CATALOGUE OF w, w. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. x. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 34. Penthina metalliferana. inetalliferana, H.-S. — metallicana, Dp. a , l. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, c. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 35. Penthina Siderana. Siderana, Tr. 36. Penthina astrana. astrana, Gn . 37. Penthina penthinana. pen thin an a, Gn. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 38. Penthina Branderiana. Branderiana, L. — fuscana, Cl. — maurana, Hb. — plebeiana, Froel. yiduana, Dp. — Donzelana, Gn. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j, k. England. 39. Penthina striana. striana, W. V. — rusticana, Hb. — fasciolana, Hb. — fasciana, Hw. a—j . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k , /. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. m. hmgland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. n — p. England. q , r. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. capreolana, H.-S. sudetana. Sdtf. irriguana, H.-S. 40. Penthina capreolana. 41. Penthina sudetana. 42. Penthina irriguana. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 247 43. Penthina stibiana. stibiana, Gn. — micana, Tr. 44. Penthina metallicana. metallicana, Jib. — metallana, Froel. — nebulosana, Ztt. 45. Penthina olivana. olivana, Tr. — mieana ? Froel. — pinetana, IJw . — Haworthana, St. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 46. Penthina Daleana. Daleana, Dbl. — alternana, Cl. 47. Penthina palustrana. palustrana, Zl.— cespitana, Ct . — disertana, H.-S. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 48. Penthina turfosana. turfosana, H.-S . 49. Penthina concretana. concretana, Wck. 50. Penthina rivulana. rivulana, Sc. — riveliana, F. — conchana, Hb . a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i,j. England. From Mr. Cham’s collection. k — p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q — t . England. v — Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. aa, bb. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 248 CATALOGUE OF 51. Penthina UMBROSANA. umbrosana, Zl. a , b. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 52. Penthina urticana. urticana, Hb. — undana, Froel. — semulana, Hb. a — j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. / — o. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. p, q. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, r. Scotland. From Mr. Foxcrolt’s collection. s — v. England. u , tv. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. x. Germany. From M. Herainghoffen’s collection. 53. Penthina lacunana. lacunana, W. V. — micana, Hw. — decussana, Ztt. a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h — h. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. I — n. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection, o, p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q — x. England. y — aa. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Var. micana. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — g. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 54. Penthina rupestrana. rupestrana, Dp. 55. Penthina herbana. herbana, A. S. F. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d . England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. 56. Penthina bifasciana. bifasciana, Hw. — decrepitana, H.-S. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 249 57. Penthina cespitana. cespitana, Hb. — gramineanu, Ct. a—h. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. i — /. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 58. Penthina flavipalpana. flavipalpana, IL-S. 59. Penthina lucivagana. lucivagana, Zl. — lucana, Gn. 60. Penthina bipunctana. bipunctana, F. 61. Penthina glaciana. glaciana, Mscir. 62. Penthina tenerana. tenerana, Schlg. — infirmana, Ld. 63. Penthina Tiedemanniana. Tiedemanniana, ZL 64. Penthina Charpentierana. Charpentierana, Hb. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, c. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. . 65. Penthina gigantana. gigantana, H.-S. — •lulgidana, Gn. — textana, Dp. 66. Penthina furfurana. furfurana, Hw. — fuscana, Hp. and Wtw. — Schtefierana, H.-S. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. / — A. Scotland. From Mr. Fox croft’s collection. i,j. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. A, L England. 250 CATALOGUE OF 67. Penthina Schulziana. Schulziana, F . — pinetana, Hb . — Ahrensiana, Hb. — Bentleyana, Da. — Zinckenana, Froel . a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. n — p. England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. q — t. Scotland. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. v. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. v, — ee. Scotland. From Mr, Stevens’ collection. ff, gg. Scotland. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. hh. England. ii, jj. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 68. Penthina Hercyniana. Hereyniana, Tr . — Clausthaliana P Ratz . a—/. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — j. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. k — n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, o. England. From Mr. Kin n’s collection. p — v. Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. u — x . England. z. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 69. Penthina Schmidtiana. Schmidtiana, H.-S. 70. Penthina fuligana. fuligana, Hb. a , b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 71. Penthina nigricostana. nigricostana, Hw — squalidana, H.-S. — Remyana, H.-S. a — li. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i — L England. 72. Penthina Euphorbiana. Euphorbiana, Fr. Genus 27. CYMOLOMIA. Cymolomia, Ld. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 251 1. Cymolomia Hartigiana. Hartigiana, Rtz . Genus 28. ECCOPSIS. Eccopsis, Zl. 1. Eccopsis latifasciana. latifasciana, ffw. — aurofasciana, St. — Dormoyana, Dp. — venustana, Idb. — grapholithana, Gn . a , b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. c — /. England. y, h. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. Genus 29. LOBESIA, Gn. Lobesia, Gn. 1. Lobesia botrana. botrana, W. V. — reliquana, Tr. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. l. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. m, n. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. o — t. England. 2. Lobesia permixtana. permixtana, //^.—reliquana, Hb . — Fischerana, Tr. lugdunana, Gn. Gueneana, Dp. 3. Lobesia lugdunana. 4. Lobesia Gueneana. 5. Lobesia Artemisiana. Artemisiana, Zl. — trifasciana, H.-S . 6. Lobesia littoralis. littoralis, Ct. — dubitana, Wd. — venustana, Dgl.— hibernana, Std. a — e . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. /. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. 252 CATALOGUE OF 7. Lobesia Anderreggiana. Anderreggiana, H.-S. 8. Lobesia fuligana. fuligana, Hiv. — abscissana, Gn . a , 6. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. c. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. porrectana, Zl. iudusiana, ZL 9. Lobesia porrectana. 10. Lobesia indusiana. 11. Lobesia quaggana. quaggana, Mn. Genus 30. ACROCLITA. Acroclita, Ld . 1. Acroclita consequana. consequana, H.-S. — subsequana, H.-S.— arctana, Std. Petalea, Gn. Klugiana, Frr. festivana, Hb. Genus 31. PETALEA . 1. Petalea Klugiana. 2. Petalia festivana. Genus 32. P2EDISCA. Paedisca, Coccyx, Tr. — Notocelia, Epiblema, Astatia, Hb . — Spilo nota, Lithographia, Halonota, St. — Pardia, Phaeodes, Catop tria, Cartella, Gn. 1. Pjedisca infidana. infidana, Hb. — Var. umbraculana, Ev. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 253 radiolana, Ev . 2. PiEDISCA RADIOLANA. 3. PiEDISCA Huebneriana. Huebneriana, Zl . 4. P^DISCA AGRESTANA. agrestana, TV. — fultana, ZL 5. P^DISCA ALBUNEANA. albuneana, ZL 6. PiEDISCA LACTEANA. lacteana, Tr. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 7. P^edisca albidulana. albidulana, H.-S. 8. P^edisca Hornigiana. Hornigiana, Ld. 9. PiEDISCA FERVIDANA. fervidana, ZL 10. PiEDISCA OBUMBRATANA. obumbratana, ZL 11. P^DISCA IBICEANA. ibiceana, H.-S . 12. PiEDISCA Hohenwartiana. Hohenwartiana, W. V. — monetulana, Hb. — fulvana, St. — Var. pu- pillana, Hb. — cana, Hw. — jaceana, H.-S. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. n — t. England. Var. pupillana. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. England. Z 254 CATALOG CE OF 13. PjEDISCA LATIORANA. latiorana, H.-S. — aemulana, Schlg . Ber. a — n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 14. PiEDISCA C&CIMACULANA. caecimaculana, Hb . — Kollariana, H.-S. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b — e. England. From Mr. Bouchards collection. /. England. 15. PjEDISCA expallxdana. expallidana, II w. — rufana, St. — Westwoodiana, Gn . a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. *,/. England. 16. PjEDISCA CUM U LANA. cumulana, Gn. 17. PjEDISCA DECOLORANA. decolorana, Frr. 18. PjEDISCA MODICANA. modicana, Z/.- — modestana, H.-S . 19. PiEDISCA HEPATICANA. hepaticana, Tr. — Yar. confusana, H.-S. 20. PjEDISCA HEPATARIANA. hepatariana, H.-S. 21. PjEDISCA MOLLITANA. mollitana, Zl. 22. PjEDISCA FUSCULANA. fusculana, Zl. — crustulana, Ld. 23. PjEDISCA BINOTATA. binotata, Wck. — himaculana, Sehlgr. a. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA, 255 24. PiEDISCA RAVULANA. ravulana, H.-S. 25. PiEDISCA NEMORIVAGA. nemorivaga, Tystr . 26. Pasdisca graphana. grapbana, TV. — Pierretana, Dp. a ? &. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 27. P^edisca Kochiana. Kochiana, H.-S . 28. PiEDISCA NIGRICANA. nigricana, H.-S. 29. P^sdisca rhododendrana. rhododendrana, H.-S. 30. PiEDISCA COMITANA. comitana, W. V. — piceana, Hh. — hercyniana, Beckstein . — cembrana, Hb. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 31. PiEDISCA PROXIMANA. proximana, H.-S. 32. PiEDISCA FINITIMANA. finitimana, Sta. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e — h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 33. PIEDISCA DEMARINANA. deraarniana, Fr. — naevana, St. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. L England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m — o. England. 34. PiEDISCA TROCHILANA. trochilana, Froel. — Couleruana, Dp. — riseana, H.-S . 256 CATALOGUE OF 35. Pjedi sca campoliliana. campoliliana, W. V. — equitana, Froel. — subocellana, Dn.— Var. decorana, Hw. — asseclana, St. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’s collection. Z, m. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection, rc, o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p, q . England. r, s. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Var. asseclana. a, b . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 36. PiEDISCA nisella. nisella, L. — Boeberana, F. — pavonana, Dn. — rhombifasciana, Hw. — siliceana, Hb.— petrana, Hb. — cuspidana, Hw. — decorana, Hw. — stictana, Hw . — cinerana, Hw. — lepidana, Froel . a — q. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. r — hh. England. 37. PiEDISCA USTULANA. ustulana, Hb. 38. PIEDISCA Penkleriana. Penkleriana, W. V. — tenerana, W. V. — tergorana, Froel. — Roese- lana, Froel. — Mitterpacberiana, TV. a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q — u. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. w — z . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. aa . England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. hb , cc. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. dd, ee. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 39. PIEDISCA OPHTHALMIC ANA. ophthalmicana, Hb. — ophthalmana, Froel.-— maculana, St. a — c England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Z— r. England. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 257 40. P.&DISCA SINUANA. sinuana, W. V . — trapezana, F . — parmatana, Hb . — ratana, Hb . — Sparmanniana, Hw. — sylvana, Dp. — funalana, St. — Var. se- mimaculana, Hb. — semilunana, Froel. — Solandriana, St.— parmatana, Fr. a—ff. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. gg. England. From Mr. King’s collection. hh — xx. England. W — bbb. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. ccc. Germany, From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 41. PiEDISCA SCIURANA. sciurana, H.-S.— divellana, Hb. — Var. melaleucana, Dp. — sernifus- cana, Hw. 42. P.EDISCA SORDIDANA. sordidana, Hb. — piceana ? Hw. 43. PiEDISCA STABILANA. stabilana, St. 44. P^EDISCA BILUNANA. bilunana, Hw. — Var. cretaceana, Froel. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. n . England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. o — w. England. Var. cretaceana. a — g. England. F’rom Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h — m. England. From Mr. Bogers’ collection, n, o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p. England. From the Zoological Society’s collection. q — t. England. 45. P.EDISCA TETRAQUETRANA. tetraquetrana, Hw. — fruletaua, Hb. — Var. angulana, Hw. a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p , q. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. r. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. s — v. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. Z 3 258 CATALOGUE OF и. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, w, x. England. y, Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 46. PjEdisca immundana. immundana, FV.-—triquetrana, Hw. — amentana, Rtz. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. к, l. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. m. England. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. n , o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p. England. 47. P^disca Estreyeriana. Estreyeriana, Gn . 48. PjEdtsca crenana. creuana, Hb. — monachana, Fr. 49. PiEDISCA externana. externana, Ev. 50. P^IDISCA BIMACULANA. bimaculana, Ztoi.— similana, Hb. — strcemiana, Hw. — dissimilana, Fr. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. k. England. From Mr. King’s collection. l. England. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. m—t. England. 51. PjEDISCA biscutana. biscutana, Wck. 52. PiEDISCA THAPSIANA. tliapsiana, Zl. 53. PiEDISCA INCARNATANA. imcarnatana, Hb. — amcenana, Hb. a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h — k. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. /. England. m. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. JLEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 259 54. P iEDISCA SUFFUSANA. suffusana, Zl. — trimaculana, Hw. — cynosbana, Dp . a — p. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, r— t. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. v — x . England. 55. PjEdisca cynobastella. cynobastella, L . — tripunctana, W. V. — ocellana, Hb . — cynosbana, Hw. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — 5. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. t. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. r, u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. w — aa. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 56. P.EDISCA ROBORANA. roborana, W. V. — cynosbana, F. — aquana, Hb. a — Jc. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, l — n. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. o — t. England, v — u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 57. PiEDISCA SIMILANA. similana, W. V. — strcemiana, Frocl. — asseclana, Hb. — scutulana, Dp. 58. Pjedisca junctana. junctana, H.-S. 59. P^EDISCA MENDICULANA. mendiculana, TV. 60. PjEdisca scutulana. scutulana, W. V . — fluidana, W. V . — Pflugiana, Hw. — stictana, var., Hw. — sticticana, St. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. j — p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 260 CATALOGUE OF q — s. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. t — u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. novana, Gn. 61. P.EDISCA NOVANA. 62. PiEDlSCA CIRSIANA. cirsiana, Zl. — stictana, var. /3., Hw . — scutulana, Fr. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. l. England. m, n . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 63. P^edisca cnicicolana. cnicicolana, Zl. 64. P.edisca Simploniana. Simploniana, Dp . 65. P/EDISCA TRIGEMINANA. trigeminana, St. — argyrana, St. — poecilana, Gn. a — m. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, w, o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p, q. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. r — u. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, 66. PiEDlSCA OBSCURANA. obscurana, H.-S. 67. PiEDlSCA TETRAGONANA. tetragonana, St. — luctuosana, Dp. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. /. England. 68. PiEDlSCA SUBLIMANA. sublimana, H.-S. 69. PiEDlSCA Brunnichiana. Brunnichiana, W. V. — rusticana, Hw. — quadrana, St. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCEEA. 261 l — n. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. o. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. p — r. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. s , England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. t, v. England. u, w. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. x. Germany. From M. Hemingboffen’s collection. y, z. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 70. PaSDISCA TU RBI DANA, turbidana, TV. — Zelleriana, Schlg. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. f,g. England. A, i . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 71. Paedisca Fcenella. Fcenella, L. — Scopoliana, W. V. — Pflugiana, F. — tibialana, Hb. — interrogationana, Dn. — Foeneana, Tr. a — -j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. q , r. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. s. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 72. Pas disca grandaivana. grandaevana, ZL — tussilagiana, H.-S . 73. Paahsca Uddmanniana. Uddmanniana, L. — rubiana, Sc. — achatana,/fA. — Solandriana, TV. a— j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. q — s. England. t, v. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 74. Pa:disca Pieteuskii. Pietruskii, Nowicki. Genus 33. PELOCHRISTA. Pelochrista, Ld. 262 CATALOGUE OF 1. Pelochrista mancipiana. mancipiana, Mn. 2. Pelochrista griseolana. griseolaua, Zl. 3. Pelochrista sordicomana. sordicomana, Std. Genus 34. GRAPHOLITA. Hedya, Eucelis, Asthenia, Epicharis, Epinotis, Laspeyresia, Eude- inis, Acalla, Thiodia, Hb. Grapholita, Ancylopera, Bactra, Pcecilochroraa, Heusimene, Ortho- tasnia, St. Hypermecia, Siderea, Opadia, Stigmonota, Orthotaenia, Eriopsela, Gn . Calosetia, Wilk. 1. Grapholita Messingana. Messingana, Fr. 2 . Grapholita citrana. citrana, Hb. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. c — n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. o. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. p . Emiland. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. g y r. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. s. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 3. Grapholita obliquana. obliquana, Ev. 4. Grapholita discopunctana. discopunctana, Ev. 5. Grapholita arabescana. arabescana, Ev. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 263 6. Grapholita Metzneriana. Metzneriana, TV. 7. Grapholita pu pill ana. pupillana, L . — absintbiana, Hb. a . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 8. Grapholita Wimmerana. Wimmerana, 7V. — maritimana, Dale . a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. /, g. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. 9. Grapholita parvulana. parvulana, Wilk. 10. Grapholita Scopoliana. Scopoliana, Hw. — Carduana, Gn. a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. A, l. England. From Mr. Ghaut’s collection. m — p. England. 11. Grapholita incana. incana, Zl. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. A — m. England. n — p. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 12. Grapholita conterminana. con term in ana, 13. Grapholita aspediscana. aspidiscana, Hb— aspidana, Froel.— Dahlbomiana, Ztt. — nebritana, H.-S. a — d. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, e. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 264 CATALOGUE OF 14. Grapholita HYPERICANA. hypericana, Hb. a — -j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p — x . England. y, z, Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. aa , bb. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 15. Grapholita albersana. albersana, Hb.— rhediana, llw. — lhediella, St. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q — t. England. Presented by B. Pi Hard, Esq. v. England. 16. Grapholita proximana. proximana, Hw . — pisana ? Gn. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 17. Grapholita nebritana. nebritana, TV. — nigricana, St. a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i — m. England. 18. Grapholita yiciana. viciana, Gn. 19. Grapholita gilyiciliana. gilviciliana, Std. 20. Grapholita roseticolana. roseticolana, Zi. — tristana, Schlg. a — h . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i, j. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. k , /. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 265 21. Grapholita Lerneana. Lerneana, Tr. 22. Grapholita Zebeana. Zebeana, Ratz. 23. Grapholita funebrana. funebrana, Tr. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 24. Grapholita gemmiferana. gemmiferana, Tr. 25 . Grapholita succedana. succedana, W. V. — asseclana, Hb. — ulicetana, Hw. — lanceolana, St. a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, m, n. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. o. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q . r. Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection, j. Scotland. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. t — x. England. y. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 26. Grapholita gallicana. gallicana, H.-S . 27. Grapholita Herrichiana. Herrichiana, Heinemann . 28. Grapholita Seryillana. Servillana, Dp. — Paykulliana, Up. and Wtw. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b , c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 29. Grapholita delitana. delitana, Fr . 2 A 266 CATALOGUE OF 30. Graph olita consequana. consequana, Zl. 31. Grapholita microgram man a* microgrammana, H.-S. 32. Grapholita pudicana. pudicana, H.-S. 33. Grapholita Pharaonana. Pharaonana, Kir. 34. Grapholita strabiella. strabiella, i. — strobilana, Hb. — Kollarana, Hb. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens* collection. i — q . England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection, r. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. s — x . England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. a. 6. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, c. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 35. Grapholita splendidulana. splendidulana, Gn. — strobilana, Hw. — fraternana, St. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. h—j. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. &, l. England. 36. Grapholita cgrollana. corollana, Hb. 37. Grapholita scopariana. scopariana, H.-S. — lathyrana, Froel. — divitana, Froel. 38. Grapholita cosmophorana, cosmophorana, 7Y. — dalecarliana, Ztt. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, c— /, England, From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 267 39. Grapholita juniperana. juniperana, Mill. 40. Grapholita coniferana. coniferana, Ratz . — separatana, H.-S. a,b. England. Presented by the Rev. 0. Fisher, c — h. England. 41. Grapholita illutana. illutana, H.-S. 42. Grapholita pinetana. pinetana, Schlg. 43. Grapholita pactolana. pactolana, Zl. 44. Grapholita Wceberiana. Wceberiana, W. V. — ornatana, Hb. a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. m — o. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. p y q. England. From Mr. Meek’s collection, r — v. England. u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 45. Grapholita textana. textana, Froel. 46. Grapholita rufillana. rufillana, Sta. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — k. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. l r m. England. 47. Grapholita amygdalana. amygdalana, Dp. — Kokeilana, Frr. 48. Grapholita internana. internana, Gn. 2 A 2 268 CATALOGUE OP a — d . England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. e,f. England. Presented by W. W. Walcott, Esq, g — l. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. m — t. England. From Mr. Meek’s collection. v, u. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. w, England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 49. Graph olita ligulana. ligulana, H.-S. 50. Grapholita We i ran a. Weirana, Dgl, a— c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d, e a England. From Mr. Meek's collection. 51. Grapholita nitidana. nitidana, FV—redimitana, Gn. a — e . England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. / — o . England. 52. Grapholita compositella. compositella, F. — gundiana, Hb. — composana, Hw. — dorsana, Hw. a — j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k...m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. n — p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q — tv . England. x, y. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. z. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 53. Grapholita capparidana. capparidana, Zl. — Leplastriana, H.-S . 54. Grapholita Leplastriana. Leplastriana, Ci. — Guerineana, Dp. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. n. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. o— r. England. LEPIDOPTERA HETEEQCERA. 269 55. Grapholita duplicana. duplicana, Ztt . — geminana, Ztt. — interruptana, Ztt. — dorsana, Ratz. 56. Grapholita perlepidana. perlepidana, Hw. — Schrankiana, Froei. — Loderana, Kir. —dorsana, Dp. — lathyrana ? Hb. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. j — m. England. 57. Grapholita? Fackiana. Fackiana, Scldg. 58. Grapholita pallifrontana. pallifrontana, ZL — filana, H.-S. 59. Grapholita incursana. incursana, H.-S. 60. Grapholita fissana. fissana, Froei. — dorsana, Tr. — divisana, Dp. — diffusana, H.-S. 61 . Grapholita discretana. discretana, Wck. — dorsana, Hb. 62. Grapholita inquinatana. inquinatana, Hb. 63. Grapholita leguminana. leguminana, Zl. — deflexana, H.-S. 64. Grapholita dorsana. jungiella, L. — dorsana,^. — lunulana, W. V. — Megerleana, Froei. — jungiana, Tr. — concinnana ? St. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, c — k. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. I — o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Pi q. Germany. From M. Heminghoffeu’s collection. 2 A 3 270 CATALOGUE OF 65. Graph olita orobana. orobana, TV. — arcigera, Tystr. 66. Grapholxta selenana. selenana, Zl.-— conspectana, Ld . 67. Grapholita coronillana. coronillana, ZL 68. Grapholita aureolana. aureolana, Tgstr. 69. Grapholita efpusana. effusana, Ld. 70. Grapholita aurana. aurana, F. — mediana, W. V. — aurantiana, Kir. a — j. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. h — n. England. 71. Grapholita cruciana. crucian a, L. — exccecana, H.-S. — viminiana, Gn . 72. Grapholita angustana. angustana, Hh. — cruciana, Ztt. — pullana, Ev. a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens 5 collection. o — y. England. z. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 73. Grapholita Gimmerthaliana. Gimmerthaliana, Zl. 74. Grapholita mercurian a. 75. Grapholita spuriana. mercuriana, Hb. spuriana, H.-S . abiegana, Dp. 76. Grapholita abiegana. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 271 77. Grapholita pygsleana. pygmgeana, Hb. — antennana, Froel . — subsequana, Hw. 78. Grapholita nan ana. nanana, Tr . — tenebrosana, Dgl. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. g , h. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. i — 7c. England. From Mr. Bouchards collection. L Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m — r. England. 79. Grapholita usto macula n a. ustomaculana, Ct . — dorsivittana, Zl. a — e . England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. /. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g — i. England. 80. Grapholita distinctana. distinctana, Btl . — piceana, Wtw. 81. Grapholita hyrciniana. hyrciniana, Uslar — comitana, St. 82. Grapholita Bouchardana. Boucbardana, Dbl. 83. Grapholita rueimitrana. rufimitrana, H.-S. 84. Grapholita Ratzeburgiana. Batzeburgiana, Zl . — tenerana, Dp.— pinetana, Hp. and Wtw . — errana, Gn. — abietisana, Frr. 85. Grapholita Hawkerana. Hawkerana, Sta. a — d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, e,/. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. g. England. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. h y i. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 272 CATALOGUE OF 86. Grapholita pinicolana. pinicolana, Zl. — occultana, Dgl. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. f. Scotland. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. 87. Grapholita signatana. signatana, Dgl. — padana, Zl. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, c, d . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 88. Grapholita oppressana. oppressana, Tr. a . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. % 89. Grapholita pauperculana. pauperculana, Std. 90. Grapholita corticana. corticana, Hb. — adustana, Hb . — communana, St. a — ee. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. ff — ii. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. jj — vv . England. 91. Grapholita profundana. profundana, W. V. — nebulana, Dn . — porphyrana, Hb . — Wellensi- ana, Hb. — aethiopana, Hw. — asseclana, Hw. — sylvana, Hw . — Alphonsiana, Dp. — nubilana, Dp. a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, o, p. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q — t. England. v , u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 92. Grapholita altheana. altheana, Mn. 93. Grapholita ramella. ramella, L . — Paykulliana, F . — sesquilunana, Hw . — triquetrana, Hb. — fimbriana, St. — costana, Dp. — ramana, H.-S. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 273 a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 0, p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. q , r. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, s— x. England. y . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 94. Grapholita reconditana. reconditana, H.-S . a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 95. Grapholita simplana. simplana, F. 12.— -ambiguana, Dp. a — e . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 96. Grapholita aceriana. aceriana, Dp . — sociana, a ., a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. q. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. r. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. s — aa. England. bb. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 97. Grapholita neglectana. neglectana, Dp. — sociana, 0., Hw. — dealbana, var., Gn . a — -c. England, From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. e — k. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 1. England. 98. Grapholita alnetana. alnetana, Gn. a — d . England, From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 99. Grapholita incarnana. incarnana, Hw. — dealbana, Froel. — minorana, Tr. — sociana, St.— Paykulliana, Wd. a — n. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. o — r. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 5 — u. England. 274 CATALOGUE OF 100. GRAPHOLITA PAUPERANA. pauperana, Dp. — Paykulliana ? Hw. a. Englaud. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b , c. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 101. Grapholita trimaculana. trimaculana, Dn. — Mitterbachiana, Hw. — lithoxylana, Dp . — ulma- riana, Zl. a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p — s. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. t — z. England. aa> bb. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 102. Grapholita minutana. minutana, Hb. — achatana, Froel. — paediscana, Std. a, b. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. d , e . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. /, g . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 103. Grapholita sparulana. sparulana, Std. 104. Grapholita obtusana. obtusana, Hw.— derasana, Dp. — distortana, Gn. — consebrinana, Ct . — segmentana, H.-S. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. / — l. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m. Scotland. From Mr. Dove’s collection. n, o. England. 105. Grapholita Mitterbacheriana. Mitterbacheriana, W. V . — Mitterbachiana, F . — retusana, Hw . — Penkleriana, Tr. — subuncana, Hw. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — q. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. r — v. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 275 u — z . England. aa — cc . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 106. Grapholita harpana. harpana, Hb. — lsetana, F, — ramana, Froel, 107. Grapholita upupana. upupana, Tr. — ustulana, 7V. a. England. Presented by W. W. Walcott, Esq. b , c. England. From Mr. Bouchards collection. 108. Grapholita nigromaculana. nigromaculana, Hw. — Freyeriana, F. R. — albana, Hw . a — l. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. n — p . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. q. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. r — t. England. 109. Grapholita a ch a tana. achatana, W. V. — marmorana, Hb. — similiana, Cu a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i 9 j. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. k — n . England. 110. Grapholita vacciniana. vacciniana, Zl.— myrtillana, Up. and Wtw. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 111. Grapholita nitidulana. nitidulana, ZL 112. Grapholita collicolana. collicolana, Hnmn. 113. Grapholita ericetana. ericetana, H.-S . — flexulana, Dp . 276 CATALOGUE OF 114. Grapholita QUADRANA. quadrana, Hb . a , b . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, c, d. England. Presented by W. W. Walcott, Esq. e — h. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 115. Grapholita lanceolana. lanceolana, Hb . — dibeliana, Hb. — egenana, Hw. — pauperana, Hiv. — egestana, Hw . — plagana, Hw. — lanceana, Froel . — signana, H.-S. a — i. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection.] j, k. Scotland. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. I . England. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. m — o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p — r. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. s — x. England. y,z. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 116. Grapholita antiquana. antiquana, Hb. — quadrimaculana, Hw. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — q. England. From Mr. King’s collection, r. England. Presented by B. Pi Hard, Esq. 117. Grapholita trifoliana. trifoliana, H.-S. — ericetana, Btly. — bistrigana ? St. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. f. England. v 118. Grapholita nigrovittana. nigrovittana, Stp . a—g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i, j. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. k. Guernsey. Presented by Dr. Lukis. 119. Grapholita venosana. venosana, Zl. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 277 120. Grafholita lamana. lamana, Zl. — pauperana, H.-S.-— scirpana, H.-S. 121. Grapholita granitana. granitana, H.-S. 122. Grapholita sareptana. sareptana, H.-S. 123. Grapholita hungaricana. hungaricana, H.-S. 124. Grapholita fractifasciana. fractifasciana, Hw. — vepretana, Froel. — cuphana, Dp. — Quequefcana, Dale. — caricana, Gn. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 125. Grapholita cuphulana. cuphulana, H.-S. 126. Grapholita comptana, comptana, Froel. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 127. Grapholita lunosana. lunosana, Wck. — selenana, Gn. 128. Grapholita unguicella. unguicella, L . — unguicana, F.—falcana, Hb. — fractifasciana, St. — erieeana, Dp. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i — m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, n — r. England. s 9 t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2 B 129. Grapholita uncella. uncella, W. V. — uncana, Hb. — geminana, Dn . 278 CATALOGUE OF a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. /, g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. A. England. 130. Grapholita biarcuana. biarcuana, St. — cuspidana, St. — crenana, Dp. — fluctigerana, H.-S. — Var. subarcuana, Dgl. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. k — m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. n. England. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. o — q. England. Presented by W. W. Walcott, Esq. r. England. From Mr. Turner’s collection. s. Englaud. 131. Grapholita diminutana. diminutana, Hw. — cuspidana, Tr. — Var. inornatana, H.-S. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e — j. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. A, L. England. From Mr. Turner’s collection, wi, n. England. o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 132. Grapholita curvana. curvana, H.-S. 133. Grapholita tineana. tineana, Hb. 134. Grapholita apicella. apicella, W. V. — siculana, Hb. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. l y m. England. n, o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 135. Grapholita myrtillana. myrtillana, Tr. — Lyellana, Ct. — derasana, St. — badiana, Ztt. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 279 j. England. k , 1. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. m. Germany. From M. HeminghofFen’s collection. 136. Grapholita badiana. badiana, W. V. — lundana, F. — corylana, Hb. a — h. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. i,j. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. Jc. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. I — s. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. t — x. England. 3 /, z. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. «a, bb. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 137. Grapholita derasana. derasana, Hb. — unculana, Hw . a — y, England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. h , i. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. j — m . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. n — r. England. s, t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. v. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Genus 35. RHOPOBOTA. Rhopobota, Ld. — Steganoptycha, St. 1. Rhopobota naivana. nasvana, Hb. — unipunctana, Hiv. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I, m. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection, n. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. o — t. England. v, u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Genus 36. CROCIDOSOMA. Crocidosoma, Ld. 2 B 2 280 CATALOGUE OF 1. Crocidosoma plebeiana. plebeiana, ZL Genus 37. TMETOCEBA. Tmetocera, Ld. 1. Tmetocera ocellana. ocellana, W. F.— luscana, F. — comitana, Hb. a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection, p. England. From Mr. King's collection. q, r. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. s — Vo England. w . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Genus 38. CABPOCAPSA. Carpocapsa, TV. — Pamplusia, Gn . — Ermamonia, Cydia, Hemi- mene, Hb . 1. Carpocapsa pomonella. pomonella, ZL — pomonana, W. F. — pomana, F. — Far. putaminana, Std. a—j. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. k , l. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. m — o. England. p, q . Europe. From M. Beckers collection. 2 . Carpocapsa grossana. grossana, Hw . — fagiglandana, Zl. a — do England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e>fo England. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 3. Carpocapsa splendana. splendana, Hb . a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. / — Jc. England. L Europe. From M. Beckers collection. mo Germany. From M. Hemiughoffen’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 281 4. Carpocapsa amplana. amplana, Hb. Genus 39. DICHRORAMPHA. Dichrorampha, Gn . 1. Dichrorampha sequana. sequana, Hb . a — d . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e . England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. f—j. England. From Mr. Meeks collection, k. England. From Mr. Foxcrolt’s collection. I — n. England. 2. Dichrorampha gemellana. gemellana, Zl. 3. Dichrorampha Petiverella. Petiverella* L. — montana, Hb. — Petiverana, Froel. — stelliferana, Ct. — sequana, Wd. a — q. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. r — v. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. u. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. w — aa. England. bb, cc. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. dd, ee. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 4. Dichrorampha alpinana. alpinana, Tr. — strigana, Hiv. — Jacquinicana, Hw . — politana, Gn. a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 5. Dichrorampha simplictana. simpliciana, Hw. — caliginosana, TV. — atropurpurana, Wd. — arte- mesiana, Btl . — obscurana, Hp. and Wtw. a-*-f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. A, i. England. 6. Dichrorampha subsequana. subsequana, Hw. — montieolana, Dp. — montanana. Dp.— alpestrana, H.-S. 2 B 3 282 CATALOGUE OF a—f. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. h — m. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, 7. Dichrorampha alticolana. alticolana, St. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 8. Dichrorampha plumbagana. plumbagana, TV. — salicetana, Prtw. — strebilana, Dp . a. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. 9. Dichrorampha cinerosana. cinerosana, H.-S. 10. Dichrorampha Bugnionana. Bugnionana, Dp . 11. Dichrorampha Gruneriana. Gruneriana, H.-S. 12. Dichrorampha agit.ana. agilana, Tgstr. — consortana, St. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. b— j. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. k. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 13. Dichrorampha tanaceti. tanaceti, Sta. 14. Dichrorampha plumbana. plumbana, $c.— Zachana, TV. — ulicana, Gn.— blepharana, H.-S. a — e. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. f—h. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. i — l. England. m — p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 283 15. Dichrorampha Saturnana. Saturnana, Gn. a — d. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. e — i. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 16. Dichrorampha senectana. senectana, Gn. a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d—f. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g — i . England. 17. Dichrorampha cacaleana. cacaleana, H.-S . 18. Dichrorampha immundana. immundana, Ev. Genus 40. COPTOLOMA. Coptoloma, Ld. 1. Coptoloma Janthinana. Janthinana, Dp. — lediana, Hw. — incisana, H.-S . a—/. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g . England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i. j. England. Genus 41. HEMEROSIA. Pammene, Hb. — Heinerosia, Semasia, St. — Ephippiphora, Dp. — Endopsia, Pyrodes, Gn.— Phtoroblastis, Ld. 1. Hemerosia fimbriana. fimbriana, Hw. 2 . Hemerosia argvrana. argyrana, Hb. — atromargana, Hw. — melaleucana, Frocl.— lathy- rana, Dp. — strobilella, St. a — t. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. v. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. u. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. w — ee. England. 284 CATALOGUE OF plumbatana, Zl. 3. Hemerosia plumbatana. 4. Hemerosia salvana. salvana, Std. 5. Hemerosia juliana. j uliana, Ct . — nimbana, H.-S. a — q . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection, r, s. England. Presented by H. Longley, Esq. t. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. 6. Hemerosia costipunctana. costipunctana, Hw. — gallicolana, Zl. a. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. 7. Hemerosia suspectana. suspectana, Zl. 8. Hemerosia acuminatana. acuminatana, Zl. — Gennarana, TV.-— germana, Dp. — caliginosana. Dp. a — ■/. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g. Scotland. Presented by A. White, Esq. h — 1. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. m. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. n. England. o. p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 9. Hemerosia Heegeriana. Heegeriana, Dp. a — ? England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 10. Hemerosia regiana. regiana, ZL — trauniana, Hw. — lionorana, H.-S . a — o. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. p — s . England. From Mr. Foxcrofi’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 285 /, v. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. u — y. England. 11. Hemerosia trauniana. trauniana, W. F.—floricolana, Froel . — conjugana, ZL a — g. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. A, i. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. j—o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p , q. England. 12. Hemerosia cytisana. cytisana, ZL 13. Hemerosia mqtacillana. motacillana, ZL 14. Hemerosia populana. populana, F. — ephippana, Hh. — sticticana, Froel. a — c . England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. e . England. /, g. Europe. From Mr. Becker’s collection. 15. Hemerosia insulana. insulana, Gn . 16. Hemerosia spiniana. spiniana, Dp. — trigonana, St. — ephippana, St. a — /. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. g — o. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. p — v . England. 17. Hemerosia alruginana. albuginana, Gn. — argyrana, Dp. 18. Hemerosia stragulana. stragulana, Tgstr. 19. Hemerosia ovulana. ovulana, Tgstr. 286 LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 20. Hemerosia PUNCTICOSTANA. puncticostana, St. — immaculana, Gn . a — c. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. d — /. England. 21. Hemerosia viGELiANA. vigeliana, H.-S. — flexana, Zl. 22. Hemerosia germmana. germmana, Hb . — Germarana, Hb. — atropurpurana, Hw. — proxi- mana, St. — fulvifrontana, Zl. — germana, H.-S . 23. Hemerosia Ochsenheimerlana. Ochsenheimeriana, Zl. — loxiana, H.-S. 24. Hemerosia Blockiana. Bloekiana, H.-S . 25. Hemerosia rhediella. rhediella, L. — Daldorfiana, F. — dimidiana, Dn . — aurana, Hb. — rhe- diana, TV. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection. I — o. England. From Mr. Stevens collection. p , q. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. r — w. England. 26. Hemerosia christophana. christophana, Msclr. PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPS GATE. L I S t OF JHE SPECIMENS OP LEPIDOPTEROUS INSECTS IN THE COLLECTION OP THE BRITISH MUSEUM. FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S., &c. PART XXVIII. TORTRICITES & TINEITES. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1863. LONDON : PRINTED EY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate. PREFAC E . The object of the present Catalogue is to give a complete list of all the genera and species of Crambites, Tortricites and Tineites known to exist in the different collections. The letters a , b , c , &c., after the species, denote the specimens now contained in the British Museum, followed by the habitat and the mode in which each of them was obtained, and the absence of these letters indicates the species which are desiderata, and therefore desirable to be procured for the collection. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum , October 19, 1803. ■ i _ ' ■ CATALOGUE OF LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. SIXTH SERIES. Fam. TORTRICID.F. (Continued). EXOTIC TORTRICIDiE. Genus TERAS. North America. 36. Teras vicariana. Mas. Pallide cervina ; alee anticce strigulis plurimis indistinctis sububscurioribus , fascia media obliqua marginata postice di- latata plagaque costali exteriore cervinis ; posticce albido- cinereee. Male. Pale fawn-colour, much paler beneath. Palpi nearly erect, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, mi- nute. Antennae very minutely setulose. Fore wings with indis- tinct minute transverse slightly darker streaks, and with an oblique middle fawn-coloured band, which is bordered with still darker fawn-colour, and is dilated hindward ; an exterior costal fawn- coloured patch ; costa convex, except towards the rectangular tips ; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. B 288 CATALOGUE OF 37. TERAS ALBAN IAN A. Mas. Pallide testacea ; alee anticce slrigulis plurimis transversis , fascia media obliqua plagaque apicali cervinis ; posticce pal- lide cinerece. Male. Pale testaceous. Abdomen, hind wings and under side pale cinereous. Palpi porrect, rather slender, extending very little beyond the head ; third joint conical, minute. Antennae very minutely setulose. Fore wings with numerous little transverse fawn-coloured streaks, with an oblique fawn-coloured middle band, and with a fawn-coloured apical patch ; costa convex towards the base ; exte- rior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 38. Teras obsoletana. Mas. Pallidissime cervina ; abdomen flavescente-cinereum ; alee anticce sericeee , vix acutee , slrigulis plurimis transversis pla- gisque duabus costalibus cervinis ; posticce pallide cinerece. Male. Very pale fawn-colour, mostly pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, hardly extending beyond tbe head; third joint coni- cal, very minute. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen yel- lowish cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical valves large, densely pilose. Fore wings sericeous, hardly acute, with numerous little transverse fawn-coloured streaks ; two fawn- coloured costal patches, one before the middle, the other at three- fourths of the length ; costa convex, except towards the tip ; exte- rior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings pale cine- reous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 39. Teras reteactana. Mas. Rufescente- cervina ; palpi articulo So lanceolato ; alee an- ticce a pice rectangulatce, gutta discali interiore obscure fusca , gulta exteriore nigricante , striga adhuc ex teriore fusca obliqua extus cinereo diffuse marginata ; posticce cinerece , basi pallide ochracees , strigulis subtus plurimis transversis obscurioribus. Male. Reddish fawn-colour. Abdomen and under side much paler. Palpi full as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 289 lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae mi- nutely pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings sharply rectangular at the tips, with a dark brown dot in the disk near the base, and with a blackish dot in the exterior disk near the costa ; this dot is near the inner side of an oblique brown streak which proceeds from the costa to the disk, and is diffusedly bordered with cinereous on its outer side ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter very slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous, pale ochraceous towards the base, with minute transverse streaks on the under side. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 40. Teras subauratana. Mas. Aurato-flava ; abdomen albidum ; alee anticee acutee , ochra- ceo reticulates , spatio costali ochraceo , linea flexa furcata purpurascente ; posticee pallide aurato-Jlavce . Male. Gilded yellow, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed above; third lanceolate, about one-third of the length of the second. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings acute, closely and diffusedly reticulated with ochraceous, wholly ochraceous along the costa, adorned with a purple mark which extends along the costa for some space, then descends obliquely to the interior border, and emits a discal forked streak ; the fore branch of the streak joins the costa, extends along it, and is then bent obliquely towards the exterior border ; the hind branch of the fork extends towards the interior angle; costa slightly convex near the base; ex- terior border straight, hardly oblique. Hind wings pale gilded yel- low. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Kedman’s collection. h. Georgia. From Mr. Milne’s collection. c. ? 41. Teras tinctana. Mas. Cervina aut rufescens ; palpi capitis latitudine paullo Ion - giores , articulo 3o lanceolato ; alee anticee disco nigro-nebu- losee. Male. Fawn-colour or reddish. Palpi porrect, fringed, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, full half the length of the second. Antennae rather long and stout, minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind B 2 290 CATALOGUE OF wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, mostly clouded with black, except towards the base and towards the exterior border, the black hue most prevalent near the costa ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter hardly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a — c. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 42. Teras rostrana. Fcem. Cervina , subtus ochracea ; palpi capitis latitudine duplo longiores ; alee anticce lineis quatuor strigulisque plurimis transversis pallide cinereis nigro interlineatis ; posticce ochra - cece . Female . Fawn-colour, ochraceous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lan- ceolate, nearly half the length of the second. Fore wings sharply rectangular at the tips, with many pale cinereous shining transverse streaklets, which are interlined with black ; some of these streaks form four variously oblique transverse lines ; costa very convex towards the base ; exterior border straight, not oblique. Hind wings ochraceous, indistinctly tessellated with darker ochraceous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. d. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 43. Teras xanthoides. xanthoides, Cat . Lep. Het. xxvii. 190 (Begunna). a . Vancouver’s Island. Presented by Dr. Lyall. 44. Teras hudsoniana. Mas. Nigricante-cinerea ; abdomen obscure cinereum , fasciculo apicali pallide cervino ; alee anticce subacutce , macula discali subquadrata pallide cinerea , strigulis paucis transversis exte - rioribus nigris ; posticce cinerece, fimbria longissima. Male . Blackish cinereous, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, not fringed, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae minutely pubescent. Abdomen dark cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft pale fawn-colour. Fore wings slightly acute, with a pale cinereous subquadrate discal spot, and LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 291 with a few small transverse black streaks towards the exterior bor- der ; fringe cinereous, darker towards the base ; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous ; fringe long, very long towards the interior border. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines, a, b . St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 45. Teras pulverosana. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; alee anticee subacutee , nigricanie con- spersee , strigulis transversis indislinctis fuscis , lineis duabus nigricantibus obliquis dijfusis denticulatis ; posticce pal- lidiores , strigulis valde indistinctis. Male. Dark cinereous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, less than one fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly acute, thickly and minutely blackish speckled, with minute indistinct transverse brown streaks and with two blackish oblique diffuse denticulated lines, the second extending from the costa to the hind part of the exterior border ; costa convex towards the base ; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Hind wings paler, with very indistinct transverse streaks. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. West Indies. 46. Teras Jamaicana. Rufescens , subtus testacea ; alee anticee vix acutee , cinereo-nigri - cante subtessellatee , fasciis duabus latis indistinctis sub- obscurioribus cinereo-nigricante marginatis ; posticce fuscee. Reddish, mostly testaceous beneath. Third joint of the palpi very short. Fore wings hardly acute, indistinctly tessellated with blackish cinereous; two broad indistinct bands, which are slightly darker than the ground hue, and are bordered with blackish cine- reous; costa convex, except towards the tip; exterior bolder straight, not oblique, except towards the anterior angle. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 5 ? lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Jamaica. 292 CATALOGUE OF 47. Teras restttutana. Foem. Pallide cervina , subtus ochracea ; palpi capitis latitudine valde longiores ; ala anticce cinereo subtessellatce , lineis quatuor cinereis indistinctis nigricante punctatis ; posticce ochracece. Female . Pale fawn-colour, ochraceous beneath. Palpi por- rect, very much longer than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed above; third elongate-conical, not more than one-third of the length of the second. Fore wings shining, rectangular at the tips, very indistinctly tessellated with pale cinereous; four slender oblique indistinct pale cinereous lines, which are accompanied by some blackish points; third line not extending far from the costa ; fourth submarginal, approaching the third towards the interior angle; costa slightly convex along the basal half; exterior border straight, not oblique. Hind wings ochraceous. Length of the body 3 ? lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. 48. Teras repandana. Foem. Rufescente-ferruginea ; palpi capitis latitudine longiores, articulo 3 o lineari nigricante ; antenna apice subcrenulatce ; thorax nigricante fasciatus ; alee tessellatce ; anticce fascia media latissima nigricante subexcavata , fimbria subnigri- cante. Female . Bed dish ferruginous. Palpi porrect, longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short fringe ; third linear, blackish, about half the length of the second. Antennae stout, minutely crenulated towards the tips. Thorax with a blackish band. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings rather narrow, tessellated with a slightly darker hue. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with a very broad middle blackish band which occupies more than half the surface, and is somewhat ex- cavated; fringe with a blackish tinge; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a . St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 293 South America. 49. Teras connexana. Mas. Cervina; alee anticee apice rectangulaf.ee, atomis nonnullis fascis et nigricantibus , fasciis duabus fuscis obliquis in - distinctis nigro-fusco marginatis , 2 a valde abbreviata, punctis costalibus nigricantibus ; gosticce pallide ochraceo-cervince , subtus strigatee. Male . Fawn-colour, pale ochraceous and fawn-colour beneath. Palpi porrect, much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above; third elongate-conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Fore wings sharply rectangular at the tips, with a few brown and blackish speckles, and with two indistinct oblique brown bands, which are partly and concisely bordered with dark brown; second band almost obsolete, except towards the costa; costa convex towards the base, very straight and with a few blackish points exteriorly ; exterior border straight, not oblique. Hind wings pale ochraceous fawn-colour; transverse streaklets darker, hardly apparent above ; fringe cinereous, interlined with brownish towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 50. Teras excerptana. Fcem. Pallidissime cervina; palpi capitis latitudine non bre- viores ; alee conspersee ; anticee striga postica fusca diffusa latissima lineam anticam nigram obliquam ex parte in - cludente; posticee subcervino-albidee . Female. Very pale fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, stout, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, hardly one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings elongate, with many minute darker speckles. Fore wings acute, with a diffuse very broad brown streak, which proceeds from beyond the middle of the disk to the exterior border, and is partly traversed by a black line, which proceeds outward from two-thirds of the length of the costa to the disk; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Hind 294 CATALOGUE OF wings whitish, hardly tinged with fawn-colour. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. Brazil. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 51. Ter as saturatana. Foem. Cervina; caput ferrugineum ; palpi fimbriati, capitis latitudine longiores , articulo So lanceolato ; alee anticce asperce , vix acutce , costa lineisque duabus subarcuatis submarginali - bus ferrugineis , costa subrecta ; posticce obscure Jlavescentes , ferrugineo tessellatce . Female . Fawn-colour. Head and palpi ferruginous. Palpi porreet, fringed, longer than the breadth of the head; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Abdomen ex- tending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, somewhat rough with small clusters of slightly ascending scales, ferruginous along the costa, with two slightly curved ferruginous submarginal lines; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique ; under side and hind wings dull yellowish, tessellated with fawn-colour. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Honduras. Presented by H. T. Stainton, Esq. 52. Teras? negatana. Mas. Cinereo-ferruginea ; alee anticce acutce, subfaleatee, puncto discali exteriore albo, fimbria albida , margine exteriore fiexo ; posticce cinerece. Male. Cinereous-ferruginous, more cinereous beneath. Ab- domen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, very slightly falcate, with a white costal point at three- fourths of the length ; fringe whitish ; costa very slightly convex along more than half the length from the base; exterior border forming a rounded angle in the middle, slightly curved inward in front. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3J lines; of the wings 9 lines. Rio Janeiro. In Mr. Fry’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 295 South Africa. 53. Teras capensana. Mas. Pallide cervina ; alee anticce acutce , strigulis plurimis trans- versis fuscescentibus ; posticce pallide cinerece . Male. Pale fawn-colour, mostly pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, ratlier slender, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed above; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth the length of the second. Antennae setulose. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with very numerous transverse minute brownish streaks ; costa con- vex towards the base ; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 4. lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. 54. Teras reciprocana. Fcem. Pallide testacea ; palpi capitis latitudine paullo longiores , articulo 3 o longi-conico ; alee tessellatce ; anticce costa basi subconvexa ; posticce albido-cinerece. Female. Pale testaceous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, a little longer than the breadth of the head; third joint elongate- conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Wings tessellated, with numerous transverse darker speckles. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border hardly oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous, indistinctly tessel- lated. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. 55. Teras meridionana. Mas. Pallide cervina; alee strigulis plurimis transversis indis - tinctis obscurioribus ; anticce acutce ; posticce albido-cinerece. Male. Pale fawn-colour, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi por- rect, subrostriform, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed above; third conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose. Abdomen hardly extending 296 CATALOGUE OF beyond the hind wings. Wings with numerous little indistinct transverse darker streaks. Fore wings acute; costa especially con- vex towards the base; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3^—4 lines ; of the wings 9 — 10 lines. a, b. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Ceylon. 56. Teras divisana. Fuscescenle-cinerea ; palpi fimbriati ; alee strigulis plurimis fuscis ; anticce plaga costali maxima trigona fuscescente , squamis asperis discalibus punctisque marginalibus nigris. Brownish cinereous. Palpi much compressed, very slightly ascending, thickly fringed above and beneath ; third joint very short. Wings with numerous minute transverse brown streaks. Fore wings with a brownish patch, which occupies much more than half the exterior part of the costa, and forms an angle in the middle of the disk, whence it is narrowed to the tip of the costa; a few black erect scales here and there in the disk, and some black minute marginal points ; costa convex, except towards the tip ; exterior border convex, rather oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. i a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. j 57. Teras extensana. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi late fimbriati , capitis latitudine vix bre- viores ; alee longiusculce, fusco conspersce ; anticce vix acutce , nigricante subconspersce , vitta costali lata obscuriore , lituris costalibus quatuor nigricantibus. Cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, broadly fringed, nearly l as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, very minute. ' Wings brown-speckled, rather long. Fore wings hardly acute, with a darker fawn-coloured costal stripe, which occupies more than half \ of the exterior length of the wing, and nearly half its breadth ; speckles here and there blackish ; costa almost straight, with four blackish marks along its exterior part; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 297 Australia. 58. Teras responsana. Mas. Pallidissime cervina ; palpi sat graciles, caput vix super- antes; thorax cervino fasciatus ; alee anticce macula costali basali , lituris quatuor posticis fasciaque exteriore ohliqua fer- rugineis , punctis exterioribus transversis mgricantibus . Male. Very pale fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, rather slender, hardly extending beyond the head ; third joint extremely small. Antennae minutely pubescent. Thorax with a dark fawn-coloured band. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with a ferruginous spot near the base of the costa, and with four ferruginous marks along the basal part of the interior border ; an exterior oblique ferruginous band, which is concise and slightly undulating on the inner side and diffuse on the outer side ; several transversely elongated blackish points towards the exterior border ; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous- brown ; fringe pale cinereous ; under side pale cinereous, trans- versely speckled with brown. Length of the body 5 ? lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Australia. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 59. Teras postvittana. Foem. Flavescens ; abdomen flavescente-cinereum , alee anticce acutce, punctis nonnullis vittaque postica extus dilatata rufes- centibus ; posticce cinerece. Female. Yellowish, yellowish cinereous beneath. Palpi por- rect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed above; third conical, very minute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen yellowish cinereous. Fore wings acute, with several reddish points and with a reddish stripe ; the latter extends along the interior border, and is dilated towards the exterior border, which it occupies to the tip ; costa convex for half the length from the base; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 298 CATALOGUE OF 60 . Teras dotatana. Fcem. Subochracea , subtus pallide fuscescens ; abdomen pallide cinereum ; alee strigulis plurimis tramversis obscurioribus; anticee apice rectangulatce , fimbria fusco punctata ; posticce pallide subflavescente-cinerece. Female . Dull ochraceous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed ; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Ab- domen pale cinereous. Wings with numerous minute transverse darker streaks. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; fringe with brown points; costa convex towards the base; exterior border oblique and convex hindward. Hind wings pale cinereous, with a slight yellowish tinge. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Tasmania. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 61 . Teras mersana. Foem. Ferruginea ; palpi fimbriati, capitis latitudine non brevi- ores ; articulo So conico ; alee fusco subtessellatee ; anticee apice subrotundatee , macula costali maculaque discali interiore obscurioribus indistinctis , costa convex a ; posticce cinereee. Female. Ferruginous. Palpi porrect, fringed, about as long as the breadth of the head ; third conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen and hind wings dark cinereous, pale cinereous beneath. Wings tessellated with brown, the streak- lets indistinct, except on the under side of the hind wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with an indistinct darker discal spot near the base, and with another spot on the costa at one-third of the length ; costa convex along most of the length ; exterior border slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2-J Hues ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. 62 . Teras scitulana. Mas. Pallidissime cervina ; alee anticee subacutee , cervino con - spersee , lituris quatuor saturate cervinis , 1 a parva costali , 2a e fascia obliqua intus concisa extus diffusa, So, e striga exte- riore costali , 4 a e fascia obliqua submarginali, spatio mar - ginali punctis fuscis trilineato ; posticce cinereee, fuscescente strigatee . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 299 Male. Very pale fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed above ; third conical, very minute. Antennje very minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly acute, speckled with fawn-colour ; four deeper fawn-coloured marks ; first mark small, near the base of the costa ; second forming an oblique middle band, which is diffuse on the outer side, and is concisely bordered on the inner side by a pale line, the latter partly marked with black ; third mark forming an exterior costal streak ; fourth forming an oblique submarginal band, joining the first band on the interior border ; costa convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique; marginal space with three lines of brown points. Hind wings cinereous, with minute brownish streaks, which are most distinct on the under side. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 63. Teras basialbana. Mas. Pallidc rufescens ; palpi porrecti , articulo 2 o fimbriato ; alee anticce apice subrotundata, fusco nigroque strigatce , dimi - dio basali albido, fascia fusees cente lata obliqua extus diffusa, costa basi nigro punctata , punctis marginalibus nigris ; pos- ticce albce , strigis plurimis pallide fuscescentibus. Male . Pale reddish, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above ; third conical, very minute. Abdomen pale ci- nereous, extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Fore wings thinly and transversely streaked with brown, and exteriorly with black, somewhat rounded at the tips ; nearly half the basal surface whitish, concisely divided from the exterior half by a broad oblique brownish band, which is diffuse on the outer side ; marginal points black ; costa slightly convex, with two or three black points near the base ; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. H iud wings white, with numerous transverse minute pale brownish streaks. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. C 300 CATALOGUE OF 64. Teras similana. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; alee sericeee , strigulis plurimis tramversis fuscis ; anticce apice rotundatce , plaga subapicali trigona ni- gricante ; posticce jlavescente-cinerece. Male. Cinereous fawn-colour, more cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head ; third joint linear, ob- tuse, not more than one-third of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen with large apical fringed valves. Wings sericeous, with numerous little transverse brown streaks. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with a triangular blackish patch near the tip ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter very slightly oblique. Hind wings yellowish cinereous. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 65. Teras secretana. Fcem. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi capitis latitudine paullo breviores , articulo So conico ; alee anticee fusco nigroque tessellatee , costa basi subconvexa , margine exteriore poslico perobliquo ; pos- ticce pallide cinereee, fuscescente tessellatee. Female. Cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, rather slen- der, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint coni- cal, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular, at the tips, with numerous minute transverse brown and black speckles ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border very oblique hind ward. Hind wings pale cinereous, tessellated with pale brown. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Hunter’s collection. 66. Teras solana. Mas. Pallide cervina , subtus cinerea ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis fuscis ; anticce. vix acutee , f asciis tribus obliquis fuscis, la basali in deter minata, 3 a antica brevissima ; posticce disco basali nigricante-fusco. Male. Pale fawn-colour, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, rather shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint thickly fringed above ; third conical, less than one-fourth of the LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 301 length of the second. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen ex- tending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings with numerous minute transverse brown streaks. Fore wings hardly acute, with three brown oblique bands ; first band basal, incomplete ; second entire ; third very short, extending from the costa to the fore part of the disk ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings with the disk towards the base blackish brown. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 6J lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 67. Ter as miserana. Foem. Cinerea ; alee anticee acute , strigulis transversis obscuri- oribus valde indistinctis , strigulis costalibus et submarginali- bus nigris , maculis duabus costalibus unaque postica obscure cinereis. Female . Cinereous. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed ; third joint elongate-coni- cal, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Fore wings acute, with darker transverse and very indistinct streaks, and with black streaks along the costa and towards the exterior border; two darker cinereous costal spots, the first forming, with another spot on the interior border, an incomplete oblique band ; costa con- vex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 68. Teras canigerana. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi capitis latiludine paullo longiores , articulo 3o brevissimo ; abdomen albidum , fasciculo denso apicali ; alee anticce elongate, sat angustee , apice subro tun date, e stri - gulis nigris transversis sublineate, costa pilosa basi convexa ; posticce albidee. Male . Cinereous. Palpi porrect, fringed above, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. An- tennae smooth. Abdomen whitish, stout, linear, with a thick short apical tuft extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings elon- gate, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with some black transverse streaks, which mostly form a few incomplete 302 CATALOGUE OF lines ; costa pilose, convex and prominent towards the base ; exte- rior border extremely oblique hindward. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a . Australia. Presented by E. Bakewell, Esq. 69. Teras immersana. Mas. Subcervino-cinerea ; alee anticce striga ohliqua basali , vitta costali exteriore , vitta postica maculisque duabus discalibus exterioribus fuscis nigro marginatis ; posticce strigulis pluri- mis transversis fuscescentibus. Male. Cinereous, slightly tinged with fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, diverging, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe ; third elongate-conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Hind tibiae slightly dilated and fringed ; spurs long. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with a brown oblique streak extending from near the base of the costa to the disk, with a brown exterior costal stripe, which is attenuated at each end, with an irregular brown stripe along the interior border, and with two irregular brown spots in the exterior disk ; these marks are slightly black-bordered ; costa very slightly oblique ; exterior bor- der convex aud oblique hindward. Hind wings with numerous minute transverse brownish streaks, which are most distinct on the under side. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. New Zealand. 70. Teras obliquana. Fcera. Cervina ; abdomen cinereum , linea dorsali nigricante , sub - tus punetis nigris bilineatum ; alee elongate, latiusculee , stri- gulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus ; anticce acutee , pane - tis marginalibus nigricantibus , striga costali oblique lata fusca , vitta postica fasciaque submar ginaii fuscis interrupts ; posticce cinereee. Female . Fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Frontal tuft pro- minent. Palpi porrect, full as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third linear, slender, rounded at the tip, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous, LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 303 with an interrupted blackish dorsal line ; under side with two rows of black points. Wings elongate, rather broad, with numerous little transverse darker streaks ; these are obsolete on part of the fore wings. Fore wings acute, with some blackish points, which are mostly marginal, with a broad oblique brown costal streak, and with some other broad brown streaks, which form an incomplete stripe along the interior border, and an incomplete submarginal band; costa convex towards the base; exterior border slightly con- vex and oblique, except towards the tip. Hind wings cinereous ; under side with darker streaks. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 71. Teras excessana. Mas et fcem. Cervina ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticce strigulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus ; anticce apice rectangulatce , pnneto discali diffusa nigricante ; posticce cinerece. Male and female. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, full as long as the breadth of the head ; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose. Abdomen cinereous. Wings with numerous minute transverse darker streaks. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with a blackish diffuse diseal point ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exte- rior border very slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings cine- reous. Male . — Antennae setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 — 14 lines. a—c. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 72. Teras oblongana. Fcem. Cinereo-cervina ; alee elongatee , strigis plurimis transversis indistinclis obscurioribus ; anticce apice rectangulatce , strigis duabus discalibus unaque subcostali strigulisque nonnullis nigris ; posticce cinerascentes. Female . Dull cinereous fawn-colour, hardly paler beneath. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Wings elongate, with numerous transverse minute indis- tinct darker streaks. Fore wings acute, rectangular at the tips, with three short black streaks, of which two are discal and one is c 3 304 CATALOGUE OF subcostal; a few little black streaks amongst the others; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique hindward. Hind wings more cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a . Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 73. Teras inaptana. Mas. Fuscescente-cinerea ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis ob- scurioribus ; anticee apice rectangulatee,f asciis duabus obliquis abbreviatis subobscurioribus , 1 a intus nigro marginata , 2 a sub- in terrupta costam versus valde dilatata , punctis apud mar- ginern interiorem nigris. Male. Brownish cinereous. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third conical, about one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae minutely setulose and pubescent. Wings with numerous minute transverse darker screaks. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with two slightly darker oblique bands; firsthand much abbreviated hindward, con- cisely bordered with black on the inner side ; second much dilated towards the costa, nearly interrupted in the middle, abbreviated hindward ; interior border with black points ; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings hardly paler than the fore wings. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 74. Teras incessana. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; abdomen cinereum ; alee strigulis pluri- mis transversis fuscescentibus ; anticee apice rectangulatce, lineis quatuor transversis fuscis, la lata cinereo pallido mar- ginata; posticee pallide cinereee . Male. Dark cinereous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed ; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose, pubescent. Abdomen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings with numerous minute trans- verse brownish streaks. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with four irregular brown more or less complete transverse lines; first line much broader than the others, bordered with pale cinereous ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter slightly LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 305 oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body lines; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. c. New Zealand. Presented by CoL Bolton. 75. Ter as spurcatana. Mas. Cervina ; thoracis discus nig ricante-cinereus ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus ; andcee acutce , cruce fusca e fasciis duabus lads obliquis , puneds coslalibus et marginali- bus nigris ; posdcce cinereee. Male . Fawn-colour. Palpi porreet, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed ; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae setose. Disk of the thorax blackish cinereous. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Wings with numerous minute transverse darker streaks, which are most distinct on the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with two broad oblique brown bands, which intersect each other, and form an irregular cross; costal and marginal points black; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3J lines; of the wings 10 lines. ft. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 76. Teras biguttana. Mas et foem. — Ferrugineo-rufa ; alee elongates , strigulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus; andcee acutce, macula discali punctisque apud marginem interiorem pallidis ; posdcce cinereee . Mas. — Alee andcee macula flava. Foem. — Alee andcee macula alba , strigulis paucis nigris . Male and female. Ferruginous-red, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi porreet, almost as long as the breadth of the head; second joint densely fringed above ; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Wings elongate, with very numerous little transverse darker streaks. Fore wings acute, with a pale spot in the disk before the middle, and with a few pale points along the interior border; costa slightly convex; exterior border convex, except in front, oblique hindward. Hind wings cinereous. Male. — Antennae setulose. Abdomen yellowish cinereous, extending beyond the hind wings; appendages large, densely pilose. Spot and points of the fore wings yellow. Female. — Fore wings with a few little 306 CATALOGUE OF transverse black streaks; spot and points white. Length of the body 3^ — 4J lines; of the wings 9 — 11 lines. a, b. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley's collection. 77. Teras conditana. Mas. Cervina , subtus pallide cinerea ; alee anticce apice redan- gulatce, plaga costali elongata nigricante- cinerea ; posticce albido-cinerece , strigulis plurimis transversis obscure cinereis. Male, Fawn-colour, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, full as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate- conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose and pubescent. Abdomen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with a blackish cinereous costal patch, w'hich is narrower exteriorly and extends nearly to the tip ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter not oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous, with numerous transverse dark cinereous streaklets. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 78. Teras servana. Foem. Subcervino-cinerea ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis ob - scurioribus ; anticce apice rectangulatoe ; posticce cinerece. Female, Cinereous, slightly tinged with fawn-colour. Wings with numerous minute transverse darker streaks. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wdngs cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 79. Teras semiferana. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi capitis latitudine vix breviores , articulo So conico ; alee anticce acutce , fascia obliqua postice abbreviata gutiaque subcostali subapicali nigricantibus ; posticce pallide cinerece, fuscescente conspersce, Male, Cinereous fawn-colour, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; second joint fringed above; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. LEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 307 Fore wings acute, with a short obiique blackish band, which extends from the middle of the costa to the disk ; a blackish dot on the costa near the tip ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, with pale brownish speckles. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. > 80. Teras priscana. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi capitis latitudine valde longiores , articulo So longi-conico ; alee anticce a, pice subrotundatee , strigulis plurimis transversis nigricantibus , gutta discali nigra ; posticce cinerece, fusco tessellatce . Allied to T. servana. Male . — Cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi porreet, very much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short fringe above ; third elongate-conical, hardly one- fourth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with numerous transverse blackish speckles, and with a small black dot at the end of the discal areolet; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings cinereous, tessellated with brown. Length of the body lines; of the wings 12 lines. a . New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 81. Teras ant iguana. Foem. Cana; palpi capitis latitudine non breviores, articulo So longi-conico ; alee anticce apice rotundatce , nigricante sub- iessellatce , lituris duabus discalibus transversis nigricantibus ; posticce pallide cinerece. Allied to T. servana. Female . — Hoary, pale cinereous and shining beneath. Palpi porreet, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly pilose; third smooth, slender, elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips, very in- completely tessellated with blackish, the transverse streaks most apparent along the costa and along the interior border; a black transverse mark at the tip of the discal areolet, and another at the base of the third inferior vein ; marginal points blackish ; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings 308 CATALOGUE OF pale cinereous, shining. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a , b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 82. Teras congestana. Mas. Fusco-cinerea ; palpi fimbriati , capitis latitudine multo longiores , articulo So lanceolato ; alee anticee subconspersee , fascia basali interrupta strigaque subcostali fuscescentibus ferrugineo marginatis ; posticce cinerece , conspersce. Male. Brownish cinereous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, much longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae setulose. Fore wings hardly acute, with indistinct and minute darker speckles; an irregular ferruginous-bordered brownish band near the base, interrupted in the middle; an irregular brownish ferruginous-bordered sireak, which extends outward from the middle of the costa, and rejoins the latter near the tip ; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border convex, very oblique. Hind wings cine- reous, with numerous darker speckles. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 83. Teras? maoriana. Mas. Cinerea ; alee anticee apicee rotundatee , strigulis plurimis fus- cescentibus diffusis ex parte indistinctis,f asciis quatuor fusces- centibus valde indeterminolis nigro substrigatis ; posticce lituris nullis. Male. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed above ; third conical, shorter than one- fourth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with numerous minute diffuse and partly in- distinct brownish streaks; four indistinct and very irregular and incomplete brownish bands, in which the streaks are partly black ; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings without markings. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 309 Country unknown, 84. Teras directana. Mas. Ochracea ; caput et thorax anticus fusca ; from producta ; abdomen pallide ochraceum ; alee anticce apice rectangulatce , strigulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus , fasciis duabus obliquis fuscis, 1 a apud costam dilatata , 2 a valde abbreviata , strigulis exterioribus fuscis ; posticce pallide ochracece. Male . Ochraceous. Head, palpi and fore part of the thorax hrown. Front prominent. Palpi porrect, a little longer than the breadth of the head; second joint thickly fringed above; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, very minutely setulose. Abdomen pale ochraceous, extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with numerous minute transverse darker streaks and with two oblique brown bands; first band narrowest in the middle, dilated towards the costa; second forming a costal patch which emits a streak to the disk ; exterior transverse streaklets brown ; exterior border slightly convex, not oblique. Hind wings pale ochraceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. ? 85. Teras caliginosana. Mas. iy igricante-cinerea, subtus pallide cinerea ; alee anticce apice rectangulatce , strigulis transversis obscurioribus supra vix conspicuis ; posticce pallide cinerece, strigulis transversis pallide fuscescentibus. Male. Blackish cinereous, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above; third conical, hardly one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdo- men extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rect- angular at the tips ; transverse streaklets hardly apparent above, distinct beneath, except in the disk, which is dark cinereous ; costa slightly convex; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous ; transverse streaklets pale brownish, mostly distinct. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. 310 CATALOGUE OF Genus PANDEMIS. Asia. 9. Pandemis eductana. Rufescens ; alee anticce purpurascente subtinctce , strigulis plurimis transversis indistinctis obscure cinereis , spatio marginali cinereo rufescente-consperso , lituris subcostalibus nigris , lituris costalibus elongatis fuscescentibus , margine exteriore exciso ; posticce fuscce. Reddish. Fore wings acute, partly purplish tinged, with many indistinct minute transverse dark cinereous streaks; space along the interior and exterior border mostly cinereous, with reddish speckles ; a few small black marks near the interior part of the costa; costa straight, with some elongated brownish marks, very convex towards the base ; exterior border deeply excavated in front ; under side and hind wings brown. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a . Hindostan. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. 10. Pandemis Menciana. Fcem. Pallide cervina , subius ochracea ; alee anticce chalybceo subtinctce , cervino subtessellatce , apice rotundatce ; posticce pallide ochracece . Female. Pale fawn-colour, bright ochraceous beneath. Fore wings rounded at the tips, indistinctly tessellated with fawn-colour, with a slight chalybeous tinge ; costa straight, very convex towards the base ; exterior border excavated in front, convex and oblique hindward. Hind wings pale ochraceous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. Australia. 11. Pandemis secundana. Fcem. Cinereo-cervina ; thorax guttis nigricantibus fasciatus ; abdomen subtus punctis latcralibus fuscis ; alee anticce stri- gulis plurimis transversis nigricantibus scepissime indistinctis , maculis duabus subcostalibus duabusque marginalibus nigri- cantibus ; posticce cinerece,fusco conspersce. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 311 Female . Cineveous fawn-colour, more cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; second joint with a short fringe ; third elongate-conical, about one-fourtli of the length of the second. Thorax with a band of blackish dots. Abdomen with brown points along each side beneath. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with numerous but mostly indistinct minute transverse blackish streaks; two blackish very incomplete bands, indicated by two subcostal spots and by two spots on the interior border; costa very slightly convex towards the base; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings cinereous; speckles brown, larger and fewer than those of the fore wings. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. 12. Pandemis mediana. Rufescente-cervina ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis fuscis ; an - ticce aentee , plaga elongata nigricante apud marginem interi- or em, costa ferrugineo guttata extus rejlexa. Reddish fawn-colour, paler beneath ; fringe ferruginous. Wings with numerous minute transverse brown streaks. Fore wings acute, with a large elongated blackish patch along the interior border ; costa with ferruginous dots, slightly concave and reflexed exteriorly, convex towards the base; exterior border straight, hardly oblique. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. 13. Pandemis consocian a. Fcem. Testacea ; palpi porrecti, articulo 2 o dense pubescente ; alee strigulis plurimis fuscis ; anticce nigro subconspersce , fascia media obliqua fusca nigro marginata , dimidio exteriore rufes- cente-cervino , lituris costalibus nigricantibus ; posticce pallide cinerece . Female. Testaceous. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly pubescent above ; third conical, slightly declining, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Wings with numerous minute transverse brown streaks. Fore wings acute, thinly speckled with black; more than half the exterior surface reddish fawn-colour, divided from the interior part by an oblique brown band, which is mostly bordered D 312 CATALOGUE OF with black ; costa with some blackish marks, slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. New Zealand. 14. Pandemis gavisana. Flavescens ; caput ct thorax anticus ochracea ; palpi porrecti , arti - culo 2 o fimbriato ; alee anticce rufescente conspersce , fascia strigaque apud costam dilatata rufescentibus obliquis con - nexis , l\nea marginali rufescente-fusca ; posticce albce , sub - iridescentes . Yellowish, mostly yellowish white beneath. Head and fore part of the thorax ochraceous. Palpi porrect, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above ; third joint acute, very minute. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings hardly acute, minutely and transversely reddish-streaked ; a reddish oblique band extending from before the middle of the costa to three-fourths of the length of the interior border, connected in the disk with an oppositely oblique reddish streak, which is dilated along the costa ; a reddish brown marginal line ; costa convex towards the base ; exterior border straight, moderately oblique. Hind wings white, slightly iridescent. Length of the Jbody 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. Genus CACOECIA. North America. 17. Cacoecia transiturana. Mas et foem. Rufescenle-cervina ; alee anticce rufescente suhtes- sellatce, plagis tribus nigricantibus diffusis nonnunquam sub- obsoletis , 1 a 2aque costalibus , 3 a poslica ; posticce testacece. Male and female. Reddish fawn-colour. Palpi obliquely ascending; third joint of the palpi small, conical. Abdomen, hind wings and under side testaceous-cineieous. Fore wings slightly tessellated with reddish ; three diflfu e sometimes nearly obsolete blackish patches, two costal, the tb rd near the middle of the interior border ; costa convex and prominent towards LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 313 the base. Length of the body 4J— 5 lines ; of the wings 10 — 12 lines. a, b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection, c. ? 18 . Cacoecia? velutinana. Mas. Pallide cervina , subtus obscure cinerea ; abdomen cine - reum ; alee anticce velutince , apice rotundatce , squamis raris nigris , fascia latissima e plagis quataor ferrugineis , /ineis iransversis indeierminatis subargenteis ; posticce obscure ci- nerecey fimbria albida interlineata . Male. Pale fawn-colour, mostly dark cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, very much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third extremely short. Antennae stout, setu- lose. Abdomen cinereous, hardly extending beyond the hind wiugs. Fore wings velvety, rounded at their tips, with a few black speckles, and with a very broad band formed by four nearly-connected ferru- ginous patches ; some transverse irregular incomplete slightly sil- very lines ; fringe pale ; costa slightly convex, except towards the tip ; exterior border almost straight, moderately oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous ; fringe whitish, interlined. Length of the body 2i lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a , b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 19. Cacoecia fervidana. Mas et feem. Lcete ochracea ; alee anticce purpurascente tinctce , fasciis tribus e guttis strigisque rufescentibus, costa convexa subrecurva ; posticce aurato-lutece. Male and female. Bright ochraceous. Abdomen, hind wings and under side gilded luteous. Palpi almost vertical ; third joint extremely short. Antennae stout. Fore wings purplish- tinged, with three reddish irregular interrupted bands, which are composed of dots and streaks ; costa convex and slightly recurved, except towards the tip. Length of the body 4 — 5 lines ; of the wings 9—12 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Milne’s collection. 314 CATALOGUE 01? 20. Cacoecia trieerana. Mas. Cervina , subtus cinerea ; pedes albi ; alee anticee acuta , squamis sparsis spatioque exteriore argenteis , fascia latissirna plagaque postica inter ior e ferrvgineis ; posticce obscure cinerece , apud marginem interiorem pallidiores conspersce . Male. Fawn-colour, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi por- rect, shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed ; third extremely short. Antennae minutely setulose. Legs white. Fore wings acute, with silvery speckles, wholly silvery towards the exterior border ; a very broad ferruginous band, which is obliquely divided from a patch of the same hue near the base of the interior border ; fringe reddish cinereous ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border very slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous, pale cinereous with some |darker speckles along the interior border; fringe whitish cinereous, interlined with dark cinereous near the base. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter's collection. Asia. 21. Cacoecia micaceana. Mas. Ochracea ; alee anticee chalybceo squamosee , f asciis duabus interruptis fimbriaque ferrugineis , costa extus subconcava ; posticce late ochraceee , costa apicem versus nigricante. Male. Ochraceous. Abdomen, hind wings and under side brighter ochraceous. Palpi slender, obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex ; third joint very minute. Abdomen extend- ing beyond the hind wings. Fore wings spangled with chalybeous scales ; two ferruginous interrupted bands, the first broader than the second ; fringe ferruginous, except towards the interior angle ; costa convex towards the base, slightly concave exteriorly tips rounded, but prominent; exterior border not oblique, except by the interior angle. Hind wings with the costa blackish towards the tip. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Hong Kong. Presented by Major Champion. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 315 Australia. 22. Cacoecia metaxanthana. Mas. Ochraceo-cervina ; palpi capitis latitudine non breviores, articulo So conico ; alee anticce acutce , lineis transversis ar - genteo-cinereis , spatio exteriore saturatiore lituras atras inclu- dente , lineis duabus argenteo-cinereis adhuc exlerioribus pos- tice approximate ; costa subapicali fimbriuque nigro guttalis ; posticce lutece , fusco late marginatce. Male. Ochraceous fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, fringed, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout. Fore wings acute, with glistening transverse silvery cinereous lines ; most of the exterior part darker lawn-colour, with several deep black irregular marks ; two more exterior transverse silvery cinereous lines, which extend from the costa to the exterior border, where they are nearly contiguous ; two black dots on the costa near the tip, and a few on the fringe ; costa convex towards the base ; exte- rior border hardly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings luteous, with a broad brown border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 23. Cacoecia chrysophilana. Foem. Ochracea ; palpi capitis latitudine vix breviores ; alee anticce vix acutce , fasciis saturatioribus argenteo squamosis , fimbria pallida aurata posticce auratce, apice fuscce. Female . Ochraceous. Palpi porrect, not fringed, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one- fourth of the length of the second. Fore wings hardly acute, with some irregular deeper ochraceous bands, which are accom- panied by glistening silvery scales ; fringe pale, gilded ; co>ta slightly convex towards the base; exterior border hardly convex, very slightly oblique. Hind wings brightly gilded, silvery whitish along the costa, brown towards the tips. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 316 CATALOGUE OF Genus BATODES. North America. 3. Batodes bipustulana. Mas et foem. Pallide cervina , subtus obscure cinerea ; caput albidum ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticce subacutce , atomis nonnullis nigris , plaga costali magna elongata ferruginea , costa nigro punctata vix convexa ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece, fimbria pallide cinerea . Male and female . Pale fawn-colour, dark cinereous beneath. Head and palpi whitish. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed ; third acute, extremely small. Abdomen cinereous, shining, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly acute, with a few black speckles, paler in front towards the base, with a large elongated ferruginous patch, which is broadest in its hind part, where its hind border is convex; costa hardly convex, with black points; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cine- reous ; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a, b . North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. i ' . . H Mauritius. 4. Batodes incultana. Foem. Cinerea; thoracis discus fuscus, nigro marginatus ; alee anticce acutce,fusco conspersee , lituris quinque variis concisis fuscis , la obliqua interiore postica , 2 a 3a 4 aque mediis , 5a obliqua antica exteriore ; posticce cinereo -f us cee f fimbria pal- lida . Female. Cinereous. Palpi decumbent, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Disk of the thorax brown, black-bordered. Fore wings acute, brown-speckled, with some large concise irregular brown marks; first mark extending obliquely to the disk from near the base of the interior border; second, third and fourth forming a broad and much interrupted band ; fourth very concave in front ; fifth oblique, attenuated from near the costa to the middle of the exterior border ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter slightly LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 317 oblique. Hind wings cinereous-brown; fringe pale. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke’s collection. Borneo. 5. Batodes serpentinana. Mas. Rufescente-cervina , subfus ferruginea ; alee anticce dimulio apicali ferrugineo vitta subcostali arcuata rufescente-cervina. Male. Reddish fawn-colour, stout, ferruginous beneath. Body beneath and legs mostly silvery cinereous. Abdomen and hind wings brown, the former extending a little beyond the latter. Fore vvings hardly acute; apical half ferruginous, with a curved subcostal stripe, which extends to the tip; costa hardly convex; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. New Zealand. 6. Batodes jactatana. Mas et foem. Cinereo-fusca ; alee anticce vix acuta, vitta brevi undulata atra , lineis duabus nigris punctularibus exterioribus , costa nigro punctata; posticee cinereee , strigulis plurimi $ transversis obscurioribus. Male and female. Cinereous-brown. Palpi porrect, a little shorter than the breadth of the bead ; second joint with a short fringe; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the secoud. Fore wings hardly acute, with a deep black short undula- ting stripe; two lines composed of black points and abbreviated hind ward, one exterior, the other submarginal ; costa almost straight, with black points; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with numerous minute transverse darker cinereous streaks. Length of the body 3 — 4 lines ; of the wings 10—11 lines. a, b. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection, c. New Zealand. Presented by the Rev. W. Coleuso. 318 CATALOGUE OF Genus AMPHISA. 3. Amphisa lurid an a. Mas. Nigricans; antennae setosae ; alee anticae vix acutae, spatio exterior e subcupreo , lineis indistinctis fasciaque lata cinereis diffusis; posticae cupreo -fus cae , Ji mbria obscure cinerea fusco inlerlineata. Male. Blackish. Palpi porrect, slender, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint extremely minute. Antennae setose, not pectinated. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, cupreous-tinged towards the ex- terior border; some indistinct transverse lines composed of cinereous speckles and a broad diffuse exterior cinereous baud; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cupreous-brown ; fringe dark cinereous, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 7 lines. a—c. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. Genus DICHELIA. North America. 8. Dichelia inconclusana. Mas. Pallide cervina , subtus cinerea; aloe anticae acutce , apud marginem interior em saturations , strigulis transversis cervinis , f asciis duabus cervinis obliquis nigro notatis , striga discali brevifusca; posticae cinereae. Male . Pale fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, very much shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed above ; third extremely short. Antennae very minutely pubescent. Abdomen cinereous, extending beyond the hind^vings. Fore wings acute, mostly fawn-coloured along the interior border; transverse streaklets fawn-colour, mostly obsolete ; a short brown streak on the disk bindward, near the base; two fawn-coloured oblique black-marked bands ; first band concise and straight on the inner side, irregular on the outer side; second marginal; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length ol the body 2^ lines; of the wings 5 lines. a, b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 319 9. DlC H ELIA FURCATANA. Mas. Pallide aurato-fiava, subtus alba ; alee anticce acutee, stri- gulis plurimis transversis ochraceis , strigulis nonnullis basali- bus , fascia media undulata strigam emiltenle fasciaque obliqua exteriore strigam emitlente ochraceis fusco marginatis ; posticee albee. Male . Pale gilded yellow, white beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely minute. Antennae minutely setulose. Thorax with an ochraceous band. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings; appendages rather long, very pilose. Fore wings acute, with many minute transverse ochraceous streaks, and with some brown-bordered ochraceous marks; these form a few little streaks at the base, an oblique undulating band that emits a streak from its inner side to the interior border, and is connected on the interior angle with a more slender oblique band ; the latter emits a short streak on its inner side; costa convex; exterior border hardly con- vex, hardly oblique. Hind wings white. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. South America. 10. Dichelia Venezuelana. Mas. Pallide cinereo-cervina ; alee elongates, strigis plurimis transversis obscurioribus ; anticce acutce , punctis nonnullis nigris, macula costali elongata trigona cervina punctisque tribus nigris contiguis, fimbria cervina; posticee pallide cinereee . Male. Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed above ; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Ab- domen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Wings elongate, with numerous transverse darker streaks. Fore wings acute, with black points on several of the streaks, and with an elongated triangular fawn-coloured costal spot, which has three black points on its inner side; fringe fawn-colour; costa very slightly convex towards the base; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 320 CATALOGUE OF 11. Djchelia PRODUCTANA. Mas. Cervina , subtus pallide aurato-flava ; alee subtus rufescentq- cervince ; anticee vix acuta, bistriente nigro-fusca , strigulis nonnullis transversis obscure fuscis ; posticee antice sub - strigatce. Male. Fawn-colour. Pale gilded yellow beneath. Frontal tuft very prominent. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; second joint thickly fringed above; third conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, thickly setulose. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Wings reddish fawn-coloured beneath. Fore wings hardly acute, blackish brown from near the base to two-thirds of the length, beyond which there are some dark fawn-coloured transverse streaklets; costa slightly reflexed, very slightly convex; exterior border not oblique. Hind wings slightly streaked in front ; veins very robust. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a . Honduras. Presented by H. T. Stainton, Esq. Asia. 12. Dichelia privatana. Mas. Pallide flavescens ; abdomen fasciculo apicali maximo ; alee anticee apice rectangulatee , atomis nonnullis nigris, f asciis duabus indeterminatis cervinis, guttis quatuor costalibus cer- vinis obscurioribus . Male. Pale yellowish. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely pubescent. Abdo- men extending rather beyond the hind wings; apical tuft extremely large. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with a few black speckles, and with two irregular oblique fawn-coloured bands; four various darker fawn-coloured costal dots ; costa straight, very convex towards the base; exterior border not oblique, rounded hindward. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a . Hindostan. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. 13. Dichelia congruana. Mas. Pallide sub cervina ; abdomen sordide cinereum ; ala anticee acutce, strigis plurimis transversis obscurioribus, f asciis duabus obliquis fuscescentibus, la media , 2 a subapicali. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 321 Male . Pale dull fawn-colour. Abdomen, bind wings and under side dingy cinereous. Abdomen with a long apical tuft, extending somewhat beyond the bind wings. Fore wings acute, with numerous minute darker transverse streaks, and with two oblique brownish bands ; first band extending from one-third of the length of the costa to beyond two-thirds of the length of the interior border; second extending from near the tip of the costa to the exterior border ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a — c. Shanghai, From the Entomological Society’s collection. Australia. 14. Dichelia reversana. Mas. Pallide cervina , subtus cinerea ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus ; anticce acutce , dimidio apicali obliquo rufescente-cervino,strigis nonnullis exterior ibus nigris ; posticce cinerece . Male. Pale fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed above; third extremely short. Antennae minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings with numerous minute transverse daiker streaks. Fore wings acute; apical half obliquely deep reddish fawn-colour; some transverse black streaks towards the exterior border; costa and ex- terior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3£ lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. 15. Dichelia fiedana. Fcem. Cervina; alee anticce acutce, nigricante conspersce, macula postica interiore , fascia media subinterrupt a plagaque mar - ginali nigricantibus ; posticce cinerece , strigulis plurimis obscurioribus. Female. Fawn-colour, a little paler beneath. Palpi porrect, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Fore wings acute, blackish speckled, with a blackish spot on the interior border near the base, and with a blackish middle band, which is nearly 322 CATALOGUE OF interrupted in the middle, and is continued along; the border till it joins a blackish patch on the fore part of the exterior border; costa convex near the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with numerous darker speckles. Length of the body 3£ lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles* collection. 16. Dichelia sobriana. Foem. Cervina ; alee anticce strigulis plurimis transversis fasciisque tribus obliquis obscurioribus , fascia la basali , 3 a informi intus obscuriore concisa ; posticce cinerece, strigulis transversis plurimis obscurioribus . Var. — Alee anticce pallid lores, f asciis la et 2a subobsoletis. Female . Fawn-colour, much paler beneath. Palpi obliquely decumbent, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; second joint hardly fringed ; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Fore wings with numerous minute transverse darker streaks, and with three darker oblique bands; first band basal, most distinct near the interior border ; second least regular on the inner side ; third very incomplete, but with a concise darker inner border; costa slightly convex before the middle; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, with the usual minute transverse darker streaks. Var. — Fore wings paler; first and third bands almost obsolete ; interior border quite straight on the inner side. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 10 lines. t a, b. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. 17. Dichelia retractana. Foem. Cinerea , cervina suffusa ; alee strigulis plurimis transversis fuscis ; anticce acutee , maculis duabus costalibus fuscis nigro notatis, fascia intermedia obliqua fusca ex parte nigro mar - ginata strigam extus emittente, punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece, fimbria albido- cinerea. Female . Cinereous. Head, thorax and fore wings tinged with fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above ; third very minute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Wings with numerous minute transverse brown streaks, which are most apparent on the under side. Fore wings acute, with two brown black-marked costal spots, one near the base, the other at two- LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 323 thirds of the length ; an intermediate oblique brown partly black- bordered band, which joins the interior border at two-thirds of the length of the latter, and thence emits a streak to the submarginal disk; two rows of transverse black points along the exterior border; costa convex towards the base ; exterior border hardly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous; fringe whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. Genus TORTRIX. North America. 26. Tortrix algidana. algidana, Mslr. Labrador. 27. Tortix frigidana. Obscure cinerea ; pedes untici dense pilosi ; alee an tic a? lineis non - nullis nigricantibus transversis angulosis, lineis duabus nigris angulosis bene determinate cinereo inter lineatis, spatio inter - medio ex parte subfusco , punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce cinerece. Dark cinereous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, obtuse, very pilose, longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae minutely setulose and pubescent ; first joint densely pilose. Fore femora and fore tibiae densely pilose. Fore wings with several transverse zigzag blackish Hues, and with two more distinct zigzag black lines; the latter are double, and thereby include two pale cinereous lines ; intermediate space partly and slightly tinged with brown ; marginal points black ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border con- vex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 28. Tortrix conflictana. Masetfcem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; alee anticce fusco tessellatce , fascia media obliqua lata fuscescente nonnunquam indistincta aut subobsoleta ; posticce fimbria cinerea . E 324 CATALOG OE OP Male and female. Brownish cinereous, paler cinereous be- neath. Palpi nearly vertical ; third joint conical, minute. Fore wings tessellated with brown, the transverse lines varying in breadth and distinctness ; a broad oblique brownish middle band, which is sometimes indistinct or nearly obsolete ; costa convex and promi- nent towards the base. Hind wings with a cinereous fringe. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a — e. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. f—j- ' ? 29. Tortrix scriptana. Foem. Schistacea , chalyhceo subtincta ; palpi pilosi , capitis lati- ludine paullo longiores , articulo So brevissimo ; alee anticce lineola angulata, basali , linea transversa undulata duplicata , linea exleriore indistincta angulosa , plaga postica , gutta pos- tica lineaque submarginali angulosa diffusa nigricantibus ; posticce subtus albidce. Female. Slaty cinereous, slightly tinged with chalyheous, whitish cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, pilose, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; marks blackish; a double® transverse undulating line before the middle; an exterior indistinct zigzag line ; a short angular line near the base of the costa ; a small patch near the interior border and con- tiguous to the outer side of the double line ; a dot on the fore part of the exterior disk ; submarginal line zigzag, diffuse, incomplete ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings whitish beneath. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Massachusetts. From Prof. Sheppard’s collection. 30. Tortrix concursana. Obscure cervina , subtus fuscescens ; palpi rostriformes ; alee an- ticce acutce , sat angustce , punctis costalibus nigris , fasciis duabus latis diffusis nigricantibus ; posticce fuscescentes t margine exteriore rufesccnte. Dull fawn-colour, brownish beneath. Palpi porrect, rostri- form, as long as the breadth of the head. Fore wings acute, rather narrow, with black costal points, and with two broad diffuse LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 326 blackish bands ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings brownish, reddish along the exterior border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. Mexico. 31. Tortrix”patula\a. Cinereo-cervina ; alee anticce subfalcata , nigro et rufescente tessel- latce, fascia media obliqua cervina postice obsoleta , costa extvs concava nigro punctata , margine exteriore antico excavato ; posticce pallidiores. Cinereous fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi obliquely ascend- ing ; third joint extremely short. Fore wings subfalcate, tessellated with black and with reddish ; an oblique fawn-coloured middle band, which is quite obsolete hindward ; costa very convex, concave and wiih black points beyond the middle ; exterior border convex, concave in front. Hind wings paler. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Oajaca, Mexico. From M. Salle’s collection. South America. 32. Tortrix? Marriana. Marriana, Cr. Surinam. 33. Tortrix? Walchiana. Walchiana, Cr. Surinam. 34. Tortrix? Thunberghiana. Thunbergbiana, Cr. Surinam. 35. Tortrix? (N. G. ?) Gerningiana. Gemingiana, Cr. Surinam. 36. Tortrix? (N.G. ?) Gladbaghiana. Gladbaghiana, Cr. Surinam. E 2 326 CATALOGUE OF 37. Tortrix ? (N. G. ?) funerana. funerana, Anon . Surinam. Madeira. 38. Tortrix subcostana. subcostana, Stn. Madeira. 39. Tortrix retiferana. retiferana, Stn. Madeira. 40. Tortrix ? reticulata. reticulata, Stn . Madeira. Africa. 41. Tortrix insolatana. insolatana, Gn . Oran. 42. Tortrix stagnicolana, stagnicolana, Zl. South Africa. Madagascar. 43. Tortrix insulana. insulana, Bd. Isle of France. Mauritius. Madagascar. 44. Tortrix neriana. neriana, Bd. Isle of France. Mauritius. Asia. • 45. Tortrix detractana. Mas. Pallide cervina ; alee antic# vix acutcc , cervino subtessel- laUe, fascia media obiiqua subobscuriore fere obsoleta , maculis duabus costalibus fuscis nigro notatis ; posticce basi cinerece. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 327 Male. Pale fawn-colour. Palpi obliquely ascending ; third joint very minute. Fore wings hardly acute, indistinctly tessellated with fawn-colour; a slightly darker nearly obsolete oblique middle band ; two brown black-marked costal spots. Hind wings cinereous towards the base. Length of the body '2\ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 46. Tortrix invalidana. Mas. Pallide cinereo-cervina ; palpi breves , oblique ascendentes , articulo So minima ; alee fusco tessellatee ; anticce apice rec- tangulatce, f asciis duabus obliquis fuscis postice obsoletis , costa basi convexa ; postice subcervino-cinerece. Male. Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi obliquely ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely small. Antenna? minutely pubescent. Wings tessellated with brown. Fore wings concisely rectangular at the tips, with two brown oblique bands, which are most distinct on the costa and are obsolete hindward ; costa convex towards the base ; exterior border straight, hardly oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with a slight tinge of fawn-colour ; markings indistinct. Length of the body S lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 47. Tortrix Shanghainana. Mas. Pallide cervina ; alee anticce apice rectangulatce , strigulis plurimis obscurioribus transversis , fascia media obliqua pla- gaque coslali exteriore fuscescentibus ; posticcc pallide cinerece , cervino sub tine tee. Male . Pale fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi porreet, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short fringe above ; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with numerous minute transverse darker streaks, with a brownish oblique middle band, which is dilated on the costa, and with an exterior brownish costal patch ; costa convex, except towards the tip ; exterior border almost straight, hardly oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, with a slight fawn-colfiured tinge. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. E 3 328 CATALOGUE OF 48. Tortrix affinisana. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi capitis latitudine breviores, articulo 3o longi-conico ; alee anticee acutes , cervino conspersee , gutta costali interiore fasciaque obliqua postice angustata fuscis ; posticce fuscesccnte-cinereee . Male. Cinereous fawn-colour, more cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate- conical, about half the length of the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with fawn- coloured speckles, with a brown dot on the costa before the middle, and with a brown oblique band, which extends from the costa to the hind part of the exterior border, and is narrower hindward ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 2£ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 49. Tortrix pusillana. Fcem. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi subdecumbentes , late Jimbriati , capitis latitudine breviores ; alee anticee acutee , cervino con- spersee , fascia obliqua postice dilatata maculaque costali sub - apicali cervinis ; posticce cinereee , conspersce. Female . Cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi slightly decumbent, shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint broadly fringed ; third conical, minute. Abdomen cinereous, not extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, speckled with pale fawn-colour ; a fawn-coloured oblique band, which is concisely bordered on its inner side, and is widened hindward ; a costal subapical fawn- coloured spot; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with darker speckles. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Borneo. 50. Tortrix moderatana. Mas. Atbido-ochracea ; palpi vix ascendentes , capitis latitudine rnulto breviores , articulo So conico ; alee anticee strigala basali fuscescente fasciisque duabus obliquis exterioribus fuscescen- tibus ; posticce cinereee. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 329 Male . Whitish ochraceous. Palpi rather slender, hardly ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint conical, minute. Antennae very minutely pubescent. Abdomen cinereous, extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with a longitudinal brownish streak near the base, and with two oblique brownish bands ; first band a little beyond the middle; second submarginal; costa slightly convex; exterior border slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 51. ToRTRIX ? FIMBRIPEDANA. Mas. Pallide cervina , sericea, squamosa ; caput pilis erectis ves- titum ; pedes late jhnbriati ; alee antics atomis nonnullis nigris fuscisque , striga costali lata alba , striga exteriore obliqua lata fusca. Male . Pale fawn-colour, squamous, silky. Head with some erect hairs. Antennae very stout, smooth. Femora and tibiae broadly and thickly fringed ; spurs very long. ' Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a broad white streak, which extends along more than half of the middle length of the costa, and is convex towards the disk; a few black and brown speckles, and a broad brown streak, which extends from near the tip of the white mark to the interior angle; costa convex towards the base; exterior border slightly con- vex and oblique. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 52. TORTRIX ? CONCLUSANA. Mas. Nigricans; antennae setulosce ; alee anticce cinereo subcon- spersce ; poslicce obscure fusece, apud marginem obscuriores . Male . Blackish, brown beneath. Abdomen and hind wings dark brown, the latter paler towards the exterior border. Antennae stout, setulose. Fore wings slightly and minutely cinereous-speckled, rectangular at the tips; costa very slightly convex along half the length from the base ; exterior border straight, hardly oblique. Length of the body 3J lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace’s collection. 330 CATALOGUE OF Australia. 53. Tortrix magnana. Cana , subtus fiavescem ; caput et thorax fusco conspersa ; alee anticce fusco nebulosce , strip is plurimis undulatis nigro-fuscis y plaga posiica fasciaque maculari submarginali canis ; posticce Jtavescenles , strigis indistinctis pallide fuscescentibus . Hoary, mostly yellowish beneath. Head and thorax thickly brown-speckled. Palpi stout, pilose, porrect, extending beyond the head, but much shorter than its breadth; third joint very minute. Fore wings partly shaded with brown, adorned with many undula- ting transverse somewhat confused blackish brown streaks ; these are almost obsolete in a large hoary patch near the interior angle and in a hoary macular submarginal band ; costa slightly convex; exterior border forming a right angle with the costa, slightly oblique hindward. Hind wings yellowish, slightly acute, with indistinct pale brownish transverse streaks; fringe very long towards the interior angle. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 54. Tortrix polygraphana. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; caput f us cum ; alee latce, strigulis pluri- tnis transversis obscurioribus ; anticce apice subro tun data, gutta basali punclisque marginalibus nigricantibus , striga subcostali obliqua fusca nigro marginata, lituris quinque cos- talibus exlerioribus fuscis ; posticce cinerece. Male. Cinereous fawn-colour, more cinereous beneath. Head and palpi brown. Palpi porrect, broad, pubescent, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; third joint conical, minute. Antennae stout, pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings broad, with very numerous little transverse streaks ; these are blackish on the fore wings, brownish and more complete on the hind wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with a blackish subcostal dot near the base, with a large oblique brown black-bordered subcostal streak, and with five small exterior brown costal marks; marginal points blackish ; costa convex towards the base. Hind wings cinereous; marginal points brownish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 331 55. Tortrix canana. Albida ; alee anticee strigis plurimis indistinctis pallide fuscis strigisque nonnullis nigris, costa perparum convexa , margine exteriore postico obliquo ; poslicce albido-cinerece, lituris nullis. Whitish. Palpi stout, porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Fore wings with numerous indistinct transverse pale brown streaks, and with some transverse black streaks, these are regular along the costa, irregular and various in the disk; tips rectangular; costa very slightly convex; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings whitish cinereous, without markings. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles collection. 56. Tortrix impletana. Mas. Obscure schistacea ; antennee subserratee ; abdomen sordide » cinereum ; tibiee posticce fimbriates; alee anticee strigulis plurimis transversis fuscis nigrisque ; posticee sordide cinereee , strigulis fuscescente-cinereis. Male and female . Dark slaty cinereous, stout, paler beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; second joint hardly fringed ; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae of the male minutely serrated and setulose. Abdomen dingy cinereous, extending very little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft of the male rather long. Hind tibiae fringed, with long spurs. Wings with numerous transverse darker streaklels. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with brown and black streaklets ; some of the latter forming five or six lines; a dark reddish discal mark; costa slightly convex; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings dingy cinereous; si reaklets brownish cinereous. Length of the body 5—6 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Australia. Presented by Major-General Hardwicke. b , c. Tasmania. Presented by B. Butler, Esq. 57. Tortrix dolosana. Foem. Nigricante-cinerea ; palpi fimbriati, capitis latitudine rnulto breviores ; alee anticee elongates , a pice subrotundatee , atomis strigulisque atris ; poslicce sordide cinereee , atomis obscurioribus. 332 CATALOGUE OF Female . Blackish cinereous. Palpi porrect, fringed, contiguous, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Abdomen, hind wings and under side dingy cinereous. Wings elongate. Fore wings slightly rounded at the lips, with many deep black transverse speckles, and with short deep black streaks; first and second streaks extending obliquely outward from the costa towards the disk ; third discal, longitudinal ; fourth and fifth trans- verse, submarginal; costa hardly convex; exterior border rather oblique hind ward. Hind wings speckled with dark cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by Dr. Milligan. 58. Tortrix velutinana. Foetn. Cinereo-nigra ; abdomen pallide cinereum ; alee anticce apice subrotundatce , alro conspersce , fasciis daabus indeter- minatis atria, punctis tribus costalibus exterioribus albidis , fimbria albido bipunctata . Female. Cinereous-black. Abdomen pale cinereous. Wings elongate. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with transverse deep black speckles, some of which are nearly contiguous and form two bands, of which the second is much broader than the first; three whitish points on the exterior part of the costa ; fringe with two whitish points; costa very slightly convex towards the base; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a . Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 59. Tortrix si g niger ana. Fcem. Cinerea ; palpi pilosi , capitis latitudine breviores, articulo So conico ; thorax nigro notatus ; alee anticce spissce , apice subrotundatce , strigulis plurimis transversis nigris, plaga discali cervina postice atro marginata , gutta exteriore atra, nebulis tribus fuscescentibus ; posticce pallide cinerece , strigulis fmcescentibus late mar gin alee. Female. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, pilose, not fringed, rather shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, about one- fourth of the length of the second. Thorax with a transverse black mark. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings densely clothed, slightly rounded at the tips, with numerous transverse black streaklets ; a fawn-coloured oblong discal patch, bordered on LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 333 the hind side by a deep black streak, which is in a line with a more exterior deep black dot; a brownish tinge behind tlie streak, and another beyond the patch along the costa, and a third near the bind part of the exterior border ; costa almost straight ; exterior border very slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, transversely streaked with pale brown along the costa and towaids the exterior border. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Australia. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 60. Tortrix australana. australana, Lewin. Sydney. New Zealand. 61. Tortrix? innotatana. Focm. Cinereo-fusca ; alee anti cce vix acuta, atomis indistinct™ obscurioribus , macula punc toque exteriore costalibus albis ; posticce pallidiores , subtus conspersa. Female. Cinereous-brown. Body beneath and legs cinereous. Fore wings hardly acute, with indistinct darker speckles; a white costal spot beyond the middle and a white costal point nearer the tip ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings more cinereous, speckled beneath. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. Country unknown. , Lmx - 62 - Tortrix indicatana. - Fcem. Albido-cinerea ; palpi basi fuscescentes, capitis latitudine non breviores , articulo So lanceolato ; alee antica fusco con- spcrsce et nebulosce , lineis quatuor transversis fuscis , 1 a abbre- viata , 2 a 3 ague angulosis duplicate, |4a angulosa diffusa, puncto discali nigro , punctis marginalibus obscure fuscis ; posticce cinerece. Female . Whitish cinereous, dingy beneath. Palpi porrect, pubesceut, brownish towards the base, full as long as the breadth of the head; third joint lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. 334 CATALOGUE OF Hind tibiae slightly fringed. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, partly shaded and speckled with brown ; four transverse brown lines ; first line short, extending outward from near the base of the costa to the disk; second and third zigzag, double; fourth submarginal, zigzag, diffuse: discal point black, elongated; marginal points dark brown, minute, elongated; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 4J lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. -N * 63. Tortrix favillana. Mas. Schistacea , subtus pallide cinerea ; thorax nigro fasciatus ; alee anticee albido-cinereo varies , plagis duabus flavescente albis , litura basalt lineisque duabus duplicatis angulosis nigris , litura discali rufescente , linea submarginali albida angulosa , punctis marginalibus nigris; posticce pallide cinereee. Male. Slaty cinereous, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, pilose, rather broad, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae smooth. Thorax with a black band. Abdomen pale cinereous, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, partly whitish cinereous, with two irregular yellowish white patches, one in the disk near the base, the other near the tip of the costa ; a black mark near the base and two black zigzag transverse double lines; submarginal line whitish, zigzag; marginal points black; a slight reddish discal mark; costa convex near the base; exterior border slightly oblique hindward. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . ? Genus LOPHODEBUS. North America. 9. Lophoderus vestitanus. Mas. Suboehraceus , subtus albus ; alee anticee albidee , velutinee , vix aculee , f asciis duabus ] basalibus lineisque tribus exterioribus subochraceis, fascia lata subochracea cinereo nebulosa , macula costali subapicali cinerea . Male. Dull ochraceous, white beneath. Head paler in front. Palpi porrect, pubescent, hardly extending beyond the head ; LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 335 third joint short. Fore wings whitish, velvety, hardly acute, with two dull ochraceous bands; one basal, the other near the base; an exterior dilated band, which has a cinereous disk ; three more exte- rior dull ochraceous transverse lines; a cinereous costal subapical spot. Hind wings cinereous, whitish in front. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Kedman’s collection. 10. Lophoderus melaleucanus. Mas et fcem. Albido-cinereus ; thorax fuscescens ; alee anticce vitta postica latissima cinereo-fusca. Mas. — Abdomen supra fuscescens . Male and female. Whitish, sericeous. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, very mi- nute, much less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Thorax brownish. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with a very broad cinereous-brown stripe, which extends along the whole length of the interior border; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Male. — Antennae setulose. Abdomen brownish above ; apical tuft large. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8J — 11 lines. a , b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. South America. 11. Lophoderus xanthophilanus. Foem. Leete ochraceus ; palpi graciles , Iceves , breves ; alee anticce apice subrotunda tee, f asciis tribus flavescenlibus diffusis , la basali , 2 a obliqua , 3 a apicali. Female. Bright ochraceous. Palpi porrect, smooth, slender, extending very little beyond the head ; third joint extremely short. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with three yellow bands ; the two hues somewhat blended ; first band basal ; second exterior, oblique; third apical ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. F 336 CATALOGUE OF Australia. 12. Lophoderus l^tifeeanus. Mas. Purpura scente-ruf us ; abdomen pallide oehraeeum ; alee anticce peracutce ; postice subochracece fasciis duabus roseis postice connexis , 2 a marginali lineam cineream includente ; posticce pallide ochracece . Male. Purplish red. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen pale ochraceous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings very acute ; bind part pale ochraceous, with two rosy bands, which are united towards the end of the interior border; second band marginal, intersected by a transverse cinereous line; costa very slightly convex; exterior border straight, rather oblique. Hind wings pale ochraceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. Country unknown. 13. Lophodeeus? semiferanus. Mas. Flavescente-cinereus ; thorax antice rufescens ; alee anticce rnfescente -ochracece^ fasciis obliquis interruptis maculisque quatuor costalibus exterioribus argenteis^ fimbria albida ; pos- ticce pallide rufescentes. Male. Yellowish cinereous. Thorax reddish in front. Ab- domen extending beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather long. Legs stout. Fore wings reddish ochraceous, rectangular at the tips, with oblique irregular interrupted silvery bands, and with four exterior costal silvery spots of various size ; fringe whitish, shining ; costa very slightly convex along the basal half; exterior border slightly oblique hindward. Hind wings pale reddish. Length of the body 4 ^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. ? Genus SCIAPHILA. North America. 29. Sciaphila PEIMAEIANA. Mas. Cinereo-nigricans ; alee anticce cinerece, acutce,lineis non - nullis transversis fuscis apud costam dilatatis, fascia media fusca lata informi ; posticce cinerece. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 337 Male. Cinereous-blackish, cinereous beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, thickly fringed, rising a little higher than the vertex ; third joint very short. Antennae stout, very minutely setulose. Fore wings cinereous, acute, with several transverse irregular brown lines, which are dilated on the costa; a middle broad irregular brown band ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter mode rately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 30. SciAPHILA 1MPR0BANA. Mas. Nigricans , subtus cinerea ; alee anticce elongatce , sericece , apice subrotundatce , nigricante strigatce et conspersee , plagis duabus obliquis nigricantibus ; posticce ceneo tine tee, fimbria pallide cinerea inter lineata. Male. Blackish cinereous. Abdomen, hind wings and under side dark cinereous. Palpi shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. * Antennae very minutely setulose. Wings elongate. Fore wings sericeous, slightly rounded at the tips, mi- nutely and transversely streaked and speckled with blackish ; two blackish oppositely oblique patches; one extending from the disk to one-third of the length of tbe interior border, concise on the outer side ; the other in the exterior disk, extending towards the interior angle ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings tinged with aeneous; fringe pale cinereous, interlined. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 31. SciAPHILA? AFFLICTANA. Mas. Obscure cinerea; alee anticce acutce,nigro transverse stri- gatce , fascia media nigricante subobliqua , lituris discalibus interioribus nigris. Male. Dark cinereous. Palpi porrect; third joint conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen extend- ing somewhat beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, minutely and transversely streaked with black, with a blackish regular slightly oblique middle band ; a few small black marks in the disk near the F 2 338 CATALOGUE OF base; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter rather oblique. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 32. SciAPHILA DIREPTANA. Fcem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; alee anticce sat angustce , apice rectan - gulatcc , fusco subconspersce , fasciis tribus obliquis fuscis , 3a valde excavata marginem exteriorem attingente ; posticce nigri- cante-cinerece . Female. Brownish cinereous. Palpi porrect, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, about one-sixth of the length of the second. Fore wings rather narrow, rectangular at the tips, slightly speckled with brown, and with three oblique brown bands; third band much excavated, extending to the exterior border; costa very slightly convex; exterior border straight, not oblique. Hind wings blackish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 33. SciAPHILA IMPLEXANA. Foem. Nigro-cinerea ; alee anticce nigro conspersce , vix acutce , fasciis duabus obliquis subdentatis nigricantibus , la exteriore , 2 a submarginali ; posticce cinerece. Female. Blackish cinereous. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; third joint extremely short. Fore wings hardly acute, minutely speckled with black, with two blackish oblique slightly dentate bands, one exterior, the other submarginal ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 34. SciAPHILA VILISANA. Fcem. Albida, subtus sordide cinerea; alee anticce acutce, fasciis tribus fuscis obliquis subundulatis , la antice abbreviata , 3a LEPTDOPTEKA HETER0CERA. 339 indeterminata , strigis intermediis transversis fuscis ; posticce fuscce, fimbria cincrea . Female. Whitish, dingy cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, rather shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint slightly fringed; third extremely short. Fore wings acute, shining, with three brown oblique slightly undulating bands, and with a few inter- mediate transverse brown streaks; firsthand abbreviated in front ; third incomplete; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings brown ; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a . St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 35. SciAPHILA? UESTITUTANA. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; fasciculus frontalis procluctus ; palpi an - gulaii , articulo So lanceolato defiexo ; alee anticce fasciis tribus indeterminatis e atomis nigricantibus ; posticce fusees - cente-cinerece . Male. Dark cinereous, dingy cinereous beneath. Frontal tuft prominent. Palpi shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint pilose ; third lanceolate, decumbent, less than half the length of the second, with which it forms an angle. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with blackish transverse speckles, some of which are confluent, and form three very irregular bands; costa and exterior border straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6J- lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 36. SciAPHILA PUNCTICOSTANA. Mas et feem. Fusca , sublus cinerea ; alee anticce apice rotundatce , sirigulis transversis nigris , lineis transversis guttularibus ar- genteis, fasciis tribus , macula post ica maculaque apicali fuscis , punctis costalibus et marginaiibus nigris ; posticce pallide cinerece . Male and female. Brown, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed; third extremely short. Antennae of the male minutely F 3 340 CATALOGUE OF pubescent. Fore wings rounded at the tips, transversely and mi- nutely streaked with black, with some transverse lines of silvery dots, and with three brown bands ; first band basal ; second irregular, accompanied by a brown spot on the outer exterior border ; a brown apical spot ; marginal points black ; costa nearly straight, with black points; exterior border slightly convex and oblique; fringe with blackish points. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 3^ — 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 37. SciAPHILA CONFIXANA. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; tibia postica alba, fimbriata ; ala antica cinerea , acuta , strigulis plurimis transversis fasciisque tribus fuscis , fascia 1 a basali , 2 a 3 ague postice abbreviatis , linea marginali fusca antice dilatata ; postica fusca, fimbria cinerea fusco inter lineata . Male. Cinereous-brown, cinereous beneath. Palpi porreet, extending very little beyond the head; third joint extremely small. Antennae extremely minutely setulose. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae white, thickly and broadly fringed. Fore wings cinereous, acute, with many little transverse brown streaks, and with three irregular brown bands; first band near the base ; second and third abbreviated hind ward ; marginal line brown, broadest in front; costa very slightly convex; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings brown ; fringe cinereous, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 38. SciAPHILA DECISANA. Mas et foem. Fusca ; palpi albi , supra f us ci ; abdomen cinereum ; ala antica apice subrotunda ta, ochraceo conspersa, chalybao notata , f asciis duabus albis fusco strigatis , 1 a interiore , 2 a marginali oblique interrupta ; postica fusca aut fuscescente- cinerea . Male and female. Brown, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi porreet, broadly fringed, white beneath and on each side, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 341 several small chalybeous marks, and with two white bands, which are transversely streaked with brown ; first band before the middle ; space beyond it speckled with dull ochraceous ; second band mar- ginal, obliquely interrupted by a broad streak of the ground hue; fringe more or less tinged with chalybeous ; costa and exterior bor- der slightly convex, the latter hardly oblique. Hind wings brown or brownish cinereous. Male. — Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae slightly dilated. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a — d. North America. From Mr. Carter's collection. 39. Sciaphila Meanderana. Mas. Ferrugineo-fusca ; palpi cinerei , punctis tribus apieeque nigris ; abdomen cinereo-fuscum ; alee antic ce acu tee, s trig ulis transversis nigris, f asciis quatuor indeterminatis cinereis fusco interlineatis , la basali postice abbreviate, 3a quadrirarnosa , 4a brevi apicali ; posticee fuscee , fimbria cinerea fusco inter - lineata. Male. Ferruginous-brown, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi cinereous, broad, slightly ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with three black points on the outer side; third joint black, very minute. An ten me extremely minutely setu- lose. Abdomen cinereous-brown, extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with transverse black streaklets, and with four very irregular cinereous bands, which are interlined with brown ; first band nearly basal, abbreviated hindward ; second contracted in the middle; third oblique, emitting two streaks from its inner side ; the hind streak forked ; fourth short, oblique, occupying the apical space ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the latter hardly oblique. Hind wings brown; fringe cinereous, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 40. Sciaphila ? perductana. Mas. Ruf escente-cinerea ; pedes albi, tibiis posticis dense fimbri- atis ; alee anticee apice rotundatee, nigro conspersee , lituris cos - talibus nigris, fasciis tribus fuscis , la interrupta , 2 a 3 aque abbreviate ; posticee fuscee, fimbria albida fusco inter lineata. 342 CATALOGUE OF Male . Bed dish cinereous. Abdomen extending 1 somewhat beyond the hind wings. Legs white ; hind tibiae thickly fringed. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, minutely speckled with black, with black marks along the costa, and with three short irregu- lar brown bands ; the second and third extend from the costa to the disk, and the first, which is basal, is continued interruptedly across the wing ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings brown ; fringe whitish, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 41. SciAPHTLA HEBESANA. Mas. Fuscescente-cinerea ; caput nigro-fasciatum ; alee anticce sat angustee , apice rotundatce , lineis fuscis transversis in - distinctis indeierminatis , linea basali postica , plaga costali exteriore lineisque duabus exterioribus antice connexis fuscis nigro conspersis , lituris costalibus subapicalibus late ferru - gineis . Male. Brownish cinereous. Head with a black band in front. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint thickly fringed; third very short. Antennae stout, very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rather narrow, rounded at the tips, with some indistinct and irregular transverse brown lines, with a brown black- speckled line along the basal part of the interior border, with a brown black-marked costal patch beyond the middle, and with two distinct exterior lines, which are connected in front, and are bor- dered with black speckles ; some bright ferruginous costal marks between the patch and the tip; costa straight; exterior border hardly convex, slightly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 42. SCIAPHILA LUCTIFERANA. t Fcem. Nigricanle-cinerea ; palpi pilosi , capitis latitudine bre - viores , articulo So conico ; alee anticce f asciis duabus argenteo - cinereis , la postice dilatata , 2a apud costam dilatata nigro notata strigam nigram posticam includente ; posticce cinerece . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 343 Female. Blackish cinereous. Palpi porrect, pilose, shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint conical, not more than one- fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with two irregular silvery cinereous bands, which are much straitened in the middle; first band dilated hindward; second containing a black streak hindward, dilated along the costa, where it contains some small black marks; fringe silvery cinereous; costa and exterior border straight, the latter hardly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2 \ — lines ; of the wings 6 — 9 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 43. SciAPHILA ? FERRIFERANA. Mas et fcem. Obscure argenteo-cinerea ; caput et thorax saturate ferrugineo-rufa ; alee anticce basi, plaga obliqua rhomboidali punctoque apicali saturate ferrugineo-rujis , plaga strigam emittente ; posticce ceneo subtinclce, fimbria albida. Male and female. Deep ferruginous-red. Palpi ascending, stout, short; second joint pilose ; third very minute. Wings, abdo- men and under side dark silvery cinereous. Fore wings indistinctly blackish tessellated, with the base, an apical point, and an oblique intermediate rhomboidal patch deep ferruginous-red, the patch emitting a broad streak to the middle of the exterior border; costa straight, except towards the base ; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings with an aeneous tinge; fringe whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a— d. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 44. SCIAPHILA PERSTRUCTANA. Fcem. Nigricans; alee anticce f asciis quinque chalybceis indeter- minatis ex parte interlineatis ; posticce cenece. Female. Blackish, dark cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, broadly fringed, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Fringe of the wings cinereous, with a blackish line near the base. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with five irregular partly interlined chalybeous bands; costa straight; exterior border 344 CATALOGUE OF hardly oblique. Hind wings aeneous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a, St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Ray. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 45. SciAPHILA INDIVISANA. Mas. Obscure ceneo-cinerea ; alee anlicee nigricante conspersce . Male. Dark aeneous -cinereous. Palpi porrect, a little shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed above; third conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, indistinctly blackish-speckled ; costa nearly straight; exterior border very slightly oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. South America. 46. SciAPHILA INCLUSANA. Mas. Fusca ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticee acutee , f asciis tribus cinereis obliquis fuscescente interlineatis apud angulum interiorem connexis, 3 a arcuata ; posticee cinereee , fuscescente substrigatee . Male . Brown. Palpi porrect, longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, about one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae minutely setulose. Pectus and abdomen cinereous, the latter extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with three cinereous oblique brownish-interlined bands ; first band extending outward from the costa ; second and third extending inward from the costa ; second connected with the first near the interior angle; third curved; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings cinereous, indistinctly brownish-streaked. Length of the body 4^ lines; of the wings 9 lines. Brazil. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 345 47. SciAPHI LA BoGOTANA. Fcem. Albida ; thorax J asciis tribus nigro-cinereis ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticce apice rotundatce , lineis nonnullis cinereis transversis latis guttularibus , dimidio basali obliquo nigricante-cinereo lituras air as plagamque basalem albidam includente , linea marginali cinerea nigro marginata ; posticce sordide albidce , strigulis plurimis f us cescentibus. Female. Whitish, mostly cinereous beneath. Thorax with three blackish cinereous bands. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with several broad transverse irregular guttular cinereous lines, of which the exterior one is partly bordered with black; basal space to one-third of the length and hind space to two-thirds of the length and to half the breadth blackish cinereous, marked with deep black and including a basal whitish patch ; mar- ginal line cinereous, irregularly bordered with black ; fringe cine- reous; costa straight; exterior border hardly convex, very oblique. Hind wings dingy whitish, with numerous minute brownish streaks, which are most distinct on the under side. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a . Bogota. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. Africa. 48. SciAPHILA SABURRANA. saburrana, Zl. South Africa. Asia. 49. SciAPHILA FLEX I LINE ANA. Fuscescente- cinerea ; palpi porrecti , articulo 2 o arcuato piloso ; alee anticee cinereee , apice rotundatce, fusco nebuloste , strigulis indistinctis fuscis , squamis paucis nigris , vitta subcostali fusca , linea nigra lineaque cana anterioribus , linea marginali fusca angulosa nigro varia , costa nigro punctata; posticce fuscee, fimbria obscure cinerea. Brownish cinereous. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head, shorter than its breadth ; second joint curved, pilose ; third conical, not one-fourth of the length of the second. Fore wings cinereous, rounded at the tips, partly clouded with brown, 346 CATALOGUE OF with minute and indistinct transverse brown streaks, and with a few black scales; a brown subcostal stripe, limited in front by an irregular black line, the latter bordered in front by an irregular hoary line ; marginal line brown, zigzag, here and there black ; costa slightly convex, with black points ; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Hind wings brown; fringe dark cinereous. Length of the body 4f lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a — c. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 50. SciAPHTLA? STOLIDANA. Fcetn. Fuscescente-cinerea ; ala elongata , sat angusta , subacuta ; antica fusco conspersa , spatio medio obliquo fuscescente. Female. Brownish cinereous, paler beneath. Abdomen ex- tending beyond the hind wings. Wings elongate, rather narrow, slightly acute. Fore wings speckled with brown and more thinly with black; middle part broadly and obliquely shaded with brown ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter very oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 51. SCIAPHILA MESOMELANA. Mas. Argenieo-albida ; caput et thorax fusca ; ala antica sat angusta , apire rotunda tee , cinereo snbnebulosa , nigro subcon - spersce , fasciis tribus fuscis nigro notatis , la basali, fimbria fusca ; posticce fuscescente-cinerea . Male. Silvery whitish, mostly cinereous beneath. Head and thorax brown. Fore wings rather narrow, rounded at the tips, slightly clouded with cinereous and speckled with black, with three brown irregular black-marked bands; first band basal; second middle; third extending from four-fifths of the length of the costa to the interior angle ; fringe brown ; costa straight ; exterior border hardly convex, slightly oblique; under side brownish. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 347 52. SciAPHILA SINICANA. Mas. Fnsca ; ala antica acuta, strigis costalibus obliquis argenteo- cinereis , striga postica lata angulata plagaque marginali argenteo-albis ; postica fuscescente-cinerea. Male. Brown, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed; third extremely short. Antennae stout, very minutely setulose. Fore wings acute, with oblique silvery cinereous streaks on the exterior part of the costa, with a broad angular silvery white streak extend- ing from the disk to the interior border, and with a silvery white patch, which joins the hind part of the exterior border ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings (> lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 53. SCIAPHILA ? MOLLISANA. Foem. Purpurascente-cinerea ; palpi capitis latitudine multo breviores , articulo 3 o minimo ; ala antica vix acuta , lineis nonnullis interruptis saturate fuscis , macula liturisque parvis costalibus atris. Female . Purplish cinereous. Palpi porrect, fringed, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint extremely minute. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with some transverse irregular and interrupted deep brown lines, and with a deep black costal spot beyond the middle ; costa slightly convex, with small oblique deep black marks ; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wiugs 6 lines. a . China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 54. SciAPHILA ? PERFECTANA. Mas. Argenteo-alba ; palpi atro vittati; thorax macula trans- versa air a ; abdomen nigricans ; ala antica lituris transversis angulosis punctisque atris, svbtus nigricantes ; postica nigri- cante-cinerea, fimbria alba. G 348 CATALOGUE OF Male. White, slightly silvered. Frontal tuft slightly promi- nent. Palpi porrect, striped with deep black, extending very little beyond the head; second joint pilose; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Thorax with a deep black transverse spot. Abdomen mostly blackish, extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings with several zigzag deep black marks, and with a few deep black points; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter hardly oblique; under side blackish, excepting the fringe and some costal points. Hind wings blackish cinereous; fringe white. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Nilghiri Hills. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. Borneo. 55. SCIAPHILA? DITIORANA. Cinereo-fusca ; palpi arcuati , oblique ascendentes ; alee anticce postice albidce, fascia informi fusca, lineis transversis chaly - bceis , striga posiica atra chalybceo tumido quadrifasciata. Cinereous-brown. Palpi curved, obliquely ascending, rising a * little higher than the vertex; third joint conical, minute. Antennae smooth. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, mostly whitish hind- ward, this hue interrupted by an irregular brown band ; some chaly- ? beous lines extending from the costa to the disk; subapical line longer than the others, joining near the interior angle a deep black oblique streak, which is traversed by four embossed cupreous bands ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders collection. * Australia. 56. SciAPHILA CONJUNCTANA. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; alee anticce argenteo-cinerece, vix aculcc, \ spatio costali et marginali obscure cinereo strigulis transversis nigris , lituris costalibus fasciaque interrupta ferrugineis, striga lata atra ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece , strigulis transversis indistinctis fuscis. Male. Dark cinereous, paler beneath. Palpi nearly erect, not rising higher than the vertex; third joint conical, not more LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 349 than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, mi- nutely crenulated and pubescent. Fore wings hardly acute, silvery cinereous; the space towards the base and near the exterior border dark cinereous, with some transverse black streaklets; some ferru- ginous costal marks and a broad irregular interrupted ferruginous band, which is accompanied by a large deep black streak; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous, with indistinct little transverse brown streaks; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 9 lines. a . Tasmania. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 57. SciAPHILA DISPUTANA. Mas. Cervino-cinerea ; alee anticee acuta , fasciis tribus obliquis fuscis , 2 a informi, 3 a trigona antice lata ; posticce cinereee , strigulis plurimis transversis obscurioribus. Male. Cinereous, tinged with fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae minutely pubescent. Fore wings acute, with three brown oblique bands; first band concise on the outer side; second concise, irregular; third triangular, broad in front; costa and exte- rior border almost straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with numerous minute transverse darker streaks. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. 58. SciAPHILA RUDISANA. Mas. Cinerea , subtus albida ; abdomen subtus fusco trivittatum ; alee anticee angustee , nigro conspersce , apice sub rotund atce, fasciis duabus obliquis fuscis , litura subcostali intermedia diffusa pallide cervina , striga discali interrupta nigra ; posticce fuscescenle-cinerece , linea marginali pallide cinerea. Male. Cinereous. Body whitish beneath. Head and thorax minutely black-speckled. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed; third elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Antenna? setulose. Abdo- men extending somewhat beyond the hind wings; underside with three brown stripes; apical tuft rather large. Fore wings narrow, slightly rounded at the tips, speckled with black ; two oblique G 3 350 CATALOGUE OF brown bands, between which there is a pale fawn-coloured diffuse subcostal mark; a black streak behind the latter, extending inter- ruptedly to the exterior border; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings brownish cine- reous ; marginal line pale cinereous. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, Tasmania, Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 59. SciAPHILA BASIFERANA. Fcem. Alba; caput et thorax nigra ; palpi caput vix superantes ; antennce basi albo fasciculatce ; alee anticce apice subrotundalce , basi , fasciis duabus , gutta costali guttaque postica guttisque tribus marginalibus nigris ; posticce cinerece. Female . White. Head and thorax black. Palpi black, por- rect, hardly extending beyond the head. Antennae black, with a white tuft on each at the base. Abdomen cinereous. Anterior legs blackish; joints of the tarsi with whitish tips. Wings with a long fringe. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, black at the base, with two black bands, of which the second is abbreviated near the interior border; a black dot on the costa between the bands, and another on the interior border; three black dots on the exterior border, which is rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2% lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 60. SciAPHILA EJECTANA. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; palpi [atissime fimbriati, capitis latitudine non breviores , articulo 3 o conico ; alee anticce angustce , vix acutcBj ferrugineo varice , guttis duabus strigaque exteriore , costa liturisque costalibus parvis obliquis nigris . Male. Dark cinereous. Palpi porrect, very broadly fringed, as long as the breadth of the head; third joint conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout. Fore wings narrow, hardly acute, partly ferruginous-tinged, with two black dots on the exterior disk, and with a more exterior black longitudinal streak, which extends to the tip; second dot near the interior angle; costa straight, with a few minute oblique black marks ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. LEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 351 61. SCIAPHILA ABSCONDITANA. Foem. Cana , subtus cinerea ; alee anticce vix acuta, strigulis plurimis transversis diffusis indistinctis pallide fuscescenti- bus , strigulis paucis nig r is, vitta postica fuscescente , lituris duabus posticis interioribus obscure fuscis ; posticce fuscce. Female. Hoary, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, full as long as the breadth of the head; second joint with a short thick fringe above; third conical, very minute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Fore wings hardly acute, with numerous minute transverse diffuse indistinct pale brownish streaks and with a few transverse black streaks; a brownish stripe extending from the middle of the base to three-fourths of the length of the interior border, where the fringe is black ; two small dark brown marks hindward near the base; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Hind wings brown; costa white, except towards the tip ; exterior border slightly excavated in front. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 62. SciAPHILA DEBILIANA. Mas. Cinerea; alee strigulis plurimis transversis fuscis ; anticce apice subrotundatce, f asciis tribus obliquis fuscis, la e macula postica , 2 a ex parte vacua , 3a e plaga costali. Male. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed; third extremely short. Antennae setulose. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Wings with numerous minute transverse brown streaks. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with indications of three brown oblique bands; first band represented by a large spot near the base of the interior border; second wiih its disk partly void; third forming an exterior costal patch; costa very slightly convex; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. G 3 352 CATALOGUE OF 63. SoiAPHILA SIDNEYANA. Mas. Cinerea ; al<£ anticee subargenteee, acntee, strigulis plurirnis transversis nigricantibus ex parte obsoletis , macula discali interiore nigricante , fascia fusca nigro marginata antice abbreviata , tinea marginali nigricante interrupta. Male. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint extremely short. Antennae setose. Fore wings acute, slightly silvery, with many but partly obsolete minute transverse blackish streaks, with a blackish spot in the disk near the base, and with a brown black-bordered band, which is abbreviated in front, where its fore border is excavated ; marginal line blackish, interrupted; costa slightly convex ; exterior border straight, moderately oblique. Length of the body 3J ? lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 64. SciAPHILA INCONCISANA. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi pilosi , capitis latiiudine breviores , articulo 3o parvo ; alee anticee apice rectangulaUe.fusco nigroque sub- conspersce , f asciis duabus fuscis obliquis diffusis inde ter- minate^ tinea discali nigra. Male. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, pilose, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antenna? minutely setulose. Abdo- men extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, slightly speckled with browu and black; two irregular oblique diffuse brown bands; a black line extending from the middle of the interior disk to the exterior border ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the former with a row of small brown dots. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 65. SciAPHILA PROJECTANA. Mas. Cinerea , fusco conspersa ; palpi pallidi , longissime fim - briati ; alee anticee plaga basali argenteo-albida fuscescente strigata maculamque fuscam includente, fascia sub marginali Jiexa argenteo-albida, plaga costali ferruginea , strigulis non - nullis nigris ; posticee flavescentes . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 353 Male. Cinereous, speckled with brown. Head with a short thick tuft. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; covered to the tips with a pale thick and very long fringe. Antennae minutely pubescent. Fore wings hardly acute; a silvery whitish patch near the base, transversely streaked with pale brown and including a brown spot; a ferruginous costal patch intersected by a curved silvery whitish band, which extends obliquely towards the exterior border, and is there bent to the interior angle; a few small trans- verse black streaks; costa slightly convex ; exterior border almost straight, slightly oblique. Hind wings yellowish; fringe silvery cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 66. SciAPHTLA COMPTANA. Mas. Chalybcea ; abdomen ceneum ; alee anticce ferrugineo - nigroque strigatce , lituris duabus basalibus , fasciis ditabus, punctis duobus costulibus exterioribus lineaque submarginali albis ; posticce cupreee, basi tenece. Male. Chalybeous. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head, with a very short fringe; third joint conical, minute. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen aeneous, extending very little beyond the fore wings. Tarsi with whitish hands. Fore wings rectangular at the lips, with transverse ferruginous and black streaks, and with two white bands; two small white marks near the base of the costa; two white costal points between the second band and a white submarginal line ; costa straight ; exterior border very slightly curved, hardly oblique. Hind wings cupreous, aeneous towards the base. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles' collection. New Zealand. 67. SciAPHILA FLEXIVITTANA. Mas. Nigro-einerea ; caput et thorax anticus ferruginea ; abdo- men cinereum ; alee anticce vix acutee , lituris indistinctis vittaque postica lata ; jlexa interrupta nigro submarginata ferrugineis, puncto discali albido ; posticce cinerece , fusco subtessellatce. Male. Blackish cinereous, paler beneath. Head, palpi and fore border of the thorax ferruginous. Palpi porrect, stout, shorter 354 CATALOGUE OF than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, very minute. Antennae very minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen cinereous, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with indistinct ferruginous marks, which are most apparent along the costa; a broad ferruginous stripe which occupies most of the interior border and forms an angle towards the disk, where it is interrupted, and is partly and it regularly bordered with black; a whitish discal point; costa nearly straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous, iudistinctly tessellated with brown. Length of the body 4\ lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 68. SciAPHILA TRANSTRIG ANA. Mas. Cinerea ; alee anticce subacutce , striyulis plurimis trans - versis fuscescentibus nonnullisque nigris , striya basali vix obliqua antice abbreviuta playaque costali obliqua anyulata niyricantibus , playis quatuor parvis pallide fuscescentibus ; posticce fuscescentes, fimbria cinerea . Male. Cinereous. Front prominent. Palpi decumbent, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae minutely setulose. Wings elongate. Fore wings slightly acute, with numerous minute transverse brownish streaks, which are very in- distinct in the interior part of the disk, and are accompanied by some black streaks in the exterior part and along the borders; a blackish hardly oblique streak near the base, abbreviated towards the costa; an angular blackish patch extending obliquely outward from the costa to the disk, broadest near the costa ; four small pale brownish patches, two behind and two beyond the angular one ; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border convex and oblique hindward, slightly impressed in front. Hind wings brownish ; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 355 69. SCIAPHILA TURBULENTANA. Mas. Pallide cervina , subtus cinerascens ; alee antic a apice rectangulatce , strigulis plurimis transversis fuscis, fascia basali obliqua abbreviata n igri cante -fuse a , plaga magna pallide cinerea , macula exteriore costali strigaque adkuc exteriore obliqua subundulata liturisque nonnullis costalibus nigricante - fuscis ; posticce cinerece , strigulis plurimis obscurioribus . Male. Pale fawn-colour, somewhat cinereous beneath. Palpi slightly decumbent, full as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed above; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennas setulose. Fore wings rect- angular at the tips, with minute transverse brown streaks, and with a blackish brown oblique band near the base ; this band is abbrevi- ated towards the costa, and borders a large pale cinereous patch, which is contiguous on the outer side to a large irregular blackish brown costal spot; an exterior oblique slightly undulating blackish brown streak, which proceeds inward from the costa to the disk ; some small blackish brown marks along the exterior part of the costa; costa hardly convex; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with numerous minute transverse darker streaks. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxleys collection. 70. SciAPHILA FUSIFERANA. Fcem. Cinerea ; palpi capitis latitudine vix breviores , articulo 3 o conico ; thorax litura discali fusca ; alee anticce sat angustce , vix acut.ce , fusco subtessellatce , lineis daabus trarisversis inde - terminatis e punctis nigris. Female . Cinereous. Palpi porrect, nearly as long as the breadth of the head : second joint with a short fringe ; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Thorax brownish cinereous, with a brown transverse discal mark. Fore wings rather narrow, hardly acute, indistinctly tessellated with brown; two transverse lines of black points on the veins; exterior line indicated by only two points; costa almost straight; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 356 CATALOGUE OF 71. SciAPHILA DETRITANA. Foeni. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi capitis longitudine non breviores , articulo 3 o minima ; alee anticce subacutce , sat angustce, fusco subtessellatce, pun do discali nigro ; posticce cinercce . 4 Female . Cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, broadly fringed, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly acute, rather narrow, minutely and indistinctly tessellated with brown ; a black point in the middle of the disk ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 72. SciAPHILA SERVILISANA. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; palpi capitis latitudine paullo breviores , articulo So minima ; alee anticce acuta, sat anguslce , nigro conspersce , strigis duabus latis diffusis nigricantibus , 1 a trans- versa, 2 a obliqua , lituris costalibus obliquis nigricantibus ; posticce pallidiores . Male . Dark cinereous. Palpi porrect, fringed, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very small. Antennae stout. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, rather narrow, speckled wuh black ; two broad diffuse blackish streaks; one transverse, in the disk beyond the middle; the other extending obliquely from the disk to the tip; costa almost straight, with oblique blackish marks ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton, 73. SciAPHILA SPOLIATANA. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi capitis lalitudine vix breviores , articulo So longi-conico ; alee anticce elongaUe, sat angustce, apice subro - tundatce,jusco aut nigricante conspersce , punctis marginalibus fuscis. Male. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, not fringed, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, about one- third of the length of the second. Antennae minutely pubescent. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 357 Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the bind wings. Wings elongate, rather narrow ; fringe long. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, minutely and diffusedly brown or blackish-speckled ; marginal points brown; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings IQ lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 74. SciAPHILA INFIMANA. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi albidi , capitis latitudine paullo longiores , articulo So longi-conico ; antennae articulis la et 2 a longis robuslis ; alee anticce angustce, vix acutce, strigulis transversis diffusis fuscis. Male. Cinereous. Palpi whitish, porrect, a little longer than the breadth of the head; second joint with a short fringe; third elongate-conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennie smooth; first and second joints long, stout; second subclavate. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Wings narrow, elongate. Fore wings hardly acute, transversely and diffusedly speckled with brown ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter moderately oblique. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 75. SciAPHILA SAXANA. Fcem. Cinerea ; palpi subdecumbentes, supra jimbriati ; alee sat angustce , tinea marginali albida ; anticce strigulis ferruyineis non transversis , strigulis coslalibus obliquis nigricantibus. Female. Cinereous. Palpi slightly decumbent, with a short thick fringe on the upper side, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Tibiae and tarsi with whitish bands. Wings elongate, rather narrow, with a whitish marginal line. Fore wings acute, with many various minute longitudinal ferruginous streaks; costa almost straight, with minute oblique blackish streaks. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 358 CATALOGUE OF Genus OLINDIA. 4. OLINDIA ? VETUSTANA. Fcem. Albida , subtus cinerea ; alee anticce sal angustce , vix acutce , fasciis duabus fuscis denlatis in de term in at is, lituris tribus exterioribus fuscis ; posticce albido-cinerece. Female. Whitish, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly as long: as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed ; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings hardly acute, with two very irregular dentate brown bands; three small exterior brown marks indicating a third band; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 4 ? lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a . New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. Genus CONCHYLIS. North America. 99. CONCHYLIS FLOCCOSANA. Mas. Pallide fiavescens ; alee anticce sub lanuginosa, apice subro- tundatfs , dimidio basali ochraceo . Male . Pale yellowish, sericeous. Palpi broad, porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed ; third extremely short. Antennae setulose, pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings somewhat lanuginose, slightly rounded at the tips ; basal half irregularly ochraceous, this hue interrupted by a subcostal stripe; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Length of the body — 3 lines ; of the wings 7—8 lines. a, b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection, c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 100. CONCHYLIS INVEXANA. Fcem. Pallide cervina , subtus albida ; caput albidum ; alee anticce apice subrotund a Ice, fascia interiore obliquafusca costam versus abbreviata , lituris nonnullis anterioribus el exterioribus parvis pallide fuscis, fimbria pallide cinerea; posticce nigricante- ciherece, fimbria pallide cinerea. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 359 Female . Pale fawn-colour. Head, palpi, legs and under side of the body whitish. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the bead ; second joint fringed ; third extremely short. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with a brown band, which proceeds outward from one-third of the length of the interior border, and is abbreviated towards the costa ; a few small pale brown marks near the exterior part of the costa and towards the exterior border ; fringe pale cinereous; costa straight; exterior border hardly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings blackish cinereous; fringe pale cine- reous. Length of the body Splines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Nova. Scotia. From Lieut. Bedman’s collection. 101. CONCHYLIS GRATANA. Mas. Aurato-fiava , subtus cinerea ; aloe antiece vix acutce , lituris quatuor costalibus, dineis duabus obliquis postice connexis lineaque submarginali rufis ; posticce cinerece . Var. ft . — Alee antic ce rufo tessellatce . Male. Gilded yellow. Abdomen, hind wings and under side cinereous. Palpi porrect, reddish on the outer side ; third joint conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennas seiulose, pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with four elongated red marks along the costa, with two oblique red lines, which are united near the interior border, and with a submarginal red line; costa nearly straight; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Var. /3. — Fore wings tessellated with red. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a—d. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 102. CONCHYLIS CRETIEERANA. Foem. Subtestaceo-albida ; palpi fuscescentes ; aloe latiusculce ; antiece apice rotundatee , linea exteriore alba transversa undu - lata ; posticce testaceo strigatce . Female. Whitish, very slightly tinged with testaceous. Palpi porrect, brownish, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Wings rather broad. Fore w'ings somewhat rounded at the tips, with an exterior transverse white undulating line; costa hardly convex; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Hind wings with minute testaceous H 360 CATALOGUE OF speckles, which are most distinct on the under side. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redmans collection. 103. CoNCHYLIS SCISSANA. Mas. Subochracea ; caput , pectus et abdomen albida ; thorax antice cervinus ; alee an tic ce striga interiore lata obliqua cer- vina , lituris parvis marginalibus fuscis ; posticce cinerece . Male. Dull ochraceous. Head, palpi, pectus, abdomen and legs whitish. Palpi porrect, fringed, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae very minutely pubes- cent. Fore border of the thorax fawn-colour. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with a broad fawn-coloured streak, which extends obliquely outward from near the base of the interior border to the disk ; a row of small oblique brown marks along the costa and along the exterior border; costa straight; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2 \ lines; of the wings 7 lines. a . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. South America. 104. Conchylis?? Holthusana. Holthusana, Cr. Surinam. 105. Conchylis ? Demareiana. Demarriana, Cr. Surinam. 106, Conchylis ? Meyeriana. Meyeriana, Cr. Surinam. 107. Conchylis? Seppiana. Seppiana, Cr. Surinam. 108. Conchylis ? leucana. leucana, Anon . Surinam. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 361 109. Conchylis ? Burmaniana. Burmaniana, Cr. Surinam. Africa. 110. Conchylis loriculana. loriculana, Gn . Oran. Hindostan. 111. Conchylis flavicostana. Mas. Pallide flava ; abdomen schistaeeum , fasciculo apicali cer- vino ; alee anticce purpurascente-fuscce , apice rotundatce , ban, costa margineque exteriore pallide fiavis ; posticce fuscescente- cinerece, fimbria pallide cinerea . Male. Pale yellow, stout. Palpi very short and slender, not extending beyond the head ; third joint extremely minute. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen slaty cinereous, hardly extending beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft large, dull fawn-colour. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, purplish brown, irregularly pale yellow at the base, along the costa and along the exterior bor- der; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous ; fringe pale cinereous. Length of the body 3|- lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Hindostan. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. Borneo. 112. Conchylis ? metaph^eana. Foern. Cinereo-cervina , robusta ; palpi caput sat superantes , articulo 3 o conico ; alee breviusculee , cinereo fimbriates ; anticce apice subrotundatee ; posticce fuscescente-rufce. Female . Cinereous fawn-colour, stout, shining. Palpi stout, porrect, extending somewhat beyond the head; third joint conical, minute. Antennae slender. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Wings rather short, with a cinereous fringe. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings brownish red. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. H 2 362 CATALOGUE OF 113. CONCHYLIS ? FLEXILISANA. Mas. Pallide ocliracea ; palpi laves , graciles , caput non super- antes; alee anticce sat angust.ee , op ice rotundatee , atomis non - nnllis guttisque duabus discalibus ?iigris, fascia obliqua strigaque exteriore cervinis. Male . Pale ochraceous, silky. Palpi smooth, slender, porrect, not extending beyond the head. Antennae smooth. Abdomen whitish, extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rather narrow, rounded at the tips, with a few minute black speckles, and with an oblique fawn-coloured band, which extends from a little beyond the middle of the costa to the interior angle, and is dilated hindward ; a fawn-coloured discal streak connecting two blackish dots ; inner dot near the costa ; outer dot in the middle of the exterior disk ; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 114. CONCHYLIS? SICCANA, Mas. Pallide ochracea ; palpi subfimbriati, capitis latitudine vix breviores , articulo 3 o minimo ; abdomen fuscescente-cine - reum , apice pallidum; alee anticee latiusculee, nigro con- spersee ; lineis transversis angulosis diffusis punctisque mar - ginalibus elongatis nigricantibus ; posticee fuscescente-cinereee. Male . Pale ochraceous, cinereous beneath. Palpi nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly fringed above; third very minute. Antenuae smooth, slender. Abdomen and hind wings brownish cinereous, the former pale at the tip. Fore wings rather broad, nearly rectangular at the tips, with three transverse zigzag diffuse indistinct blackish lines, and with diffuse minute brown speckles; marginal points blackish, elongated ; costa arid exterior border hardly convex, the latter moderately oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEEOCERA. 363 Australia. 115. CONCHYLIS INCQNGRUANA. Foem. A/bida, subtus pallide cinerea; alee antic a ochraceo con- spersee , f asciis duabus obliquis dentatis ferrugineis , fimbria basi oc/iracea ; posticee albido-cinereee. Female. Whitish, shining-, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, more than half the length of the second. Fore wings thickly and minutely speckled with ochraceous, with two ferruginous dentate oblique bands; fringe ochraceous at the base ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. b. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 116. Conch ylts ligniferana. Mas. Cinerea; thoracis latera subcervina ; alee anticee acutee , vitta media discali nigro strigata fasciaque obliqua cervinis , strigis costalibus obliquis cervinis ex parte nigro notatis ; posticee fuscescente-cinereee. Male. Cinereous. Palpi porrect, acute, thickly and broadly fringed, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, very minute. Antennae minutely setulose. Thorax with a tinge of fawn-colour on each side. Fore wings acute, with an irregular fawn- coloured middle stripe and an irregular oblique fawn-coloured band, the former slightly streaked with black ; costa almost straight, with oblique fawn-coloured streaks, which are marked with black towards the base ; fringe with two brown streaks ; exterior border moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 2-J lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a , Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 364 CATALOGUE OF 117. CONCHYLIS DIVULSANA. Fcem. Pallide flavescens ; caput et thorax subochracea ; alee anticce acutce, f asciis duabus obliquis indistinctis subochraceis nigro subconspersis , striga exteriore transversa diffusa fus - cescente, costa fusco punctata; posticce cinerece . Femile. Pale yellowish, shining. Head slightly ochraceous in front. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Thorax slightly ochraceous. Fore wings acute, with two indistinct incomplete oblique slightly ochra- ceous bands, which are accompanied by a few black speckles; first band middle ; second exterior ; a diffuse brownish streak along the apical part of the interior border; costa with some brown points, slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border straight, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. 118. CONCHYLIS FUSCICEPSANA. Mas. Pallide flavescens , sublus sordida ; caput et thorax anlicus fusca ; alee anticce apice rectangulatce , macula postica inter iore, fascia media obliqua maculaque costali subapicali fuscis , strigis nonnullis posticis cervinis ; posticce pallide Jlavescente- cin erect. Male. Pale yellow, shining, somewhat dingy beneath. Head and fore border of the thorax brown. Palpi pale yellow, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae very minutely crenelated. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with some slight fawn-coloured streaks towards the exterior border, with a brown spot on the interior border near the base, with a brown oblique middle band, and with a brown spot on the costa near the tip ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter very slightly oblique. Hind wings pale yellowish cinereous. Length of the body 2J lines; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. JLEPIDOITERA HETEROCERA. 365 119. CoNCHYLIS TASMANIANA. Mas. Obscure fusca ; caput , thorax anticus, pectus et abdomen subtus luteo-flava ; abdomen cinereo-fuscum ; alee anticee apice subrotundatre, f asciis tribus luteo-Jlavis , 1 a 2 aque postice connexis , 3 a postice abbreviata , puncto costali subapicali Jim - briaque luteo-Jlavis ; posticee cinereo-fuscee. Male. Dark brown. Head, palpi, fore part of the thorax, pectus and abdomen beneath luteous-yellow. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very short. An- tennae minutely crenulate, thickly setulose. Abdomen cinereous- brown, hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with three luteous-yellow bands ; first band basal, largely connected with the second on the interior border; third abbreviated hindward ; a costal subapical luteous-yellow point; fringe luteous-yellow, except at each end. Hind wings cinereous- brown. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by Dr. Milligan. 120. CoNCHYLIS NOTATANA. Mas. Albido-cinerea ; palpi brevissimi, frontem non attingentes ; alee anticee upud apices subnigricantes , costa basi cinerea , punctis duobus discalibus punctisque marginalibus nigris , plaga magna postica viridescente-ochracea ; posticee pallide Jlavescentes. Male. Whitish cinereous, stout, smooth. Palpi very short, not extending so far as the front of the head. Antenna? smooth. Abdomen pale yellowish, extending rather beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae slightly fringed; spurs very long. , Fore wings rounded at the tips, tinged with cinereous towards the base of the costa, tinged with blackish towards the tips; marginal points black; a large concise greenish ochraceous patch resting on the interior border; two black points in the disk; marginal points black; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter very oblique. Hind wings pale yellowish, shining. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 366 CATALOGUE OF 121. CONCHYLIS CEPSANA. Mas. Pallidissime cervina ; caput et thorax anticus nigro-fusca ; palpi pallidi , porrecti , breves ; alee omticee strigis tribus fuscis , la basali obliqua,2a longiore costali obliqua,3a brevi costali ; posticce pallide cinereee. Male . Very pale fawn-colour. Head and fore border of the thorax blackish brown. Palpi pale, porrect, short, stout, diverging, extending a little beyond the head; third joint extremely short. Antennae smooth. Abdomen pale cinereous, hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with three brown marks; first mark extending obliquely outward to the disk from near the base of the interior border ; second longer, extending obliquely outward from near the costa ; third short, costal, exterior. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 2\ lines; of the wings 7 lines. a . Sydney. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. 122. CONCHYLIS HUMERANA. Pallidissime luiea ; alee anticee vitta costali brevi lineaque exteriore transversa subdentata fuscis; posticce fuscescente-cinerece , costa jimbriaque pallidissime luteis . Very pale luteous. Fore wings with a brown costal stripe extending nearly one-third of the length from the base ; a transverse brown slightly dentate line beyond the middle, not extending to the interior border; costa and exterior border convex, the latter mode- rately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous; costa and fringe very pale luteous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a . South Australia. Presented by E. Bakewell, Esq. 123. CONCHYLIS? AMCENANA. Fcem. Alba; caput et abdomen pallide lutea ; palpi extus fusci ; thorax fusco bistrigatus ; alee anticee f asciis sex transversis cupreo -fuscis, 4 a interrupta , 5a antice furcata , 6a marginali postice abbreviata ; posticce pallide luteee . Female . White, rather stout. Head, abdomen and hind wings pale luteous. Palpi porrect, brown on the outside ; second joint EEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 367 fringed above; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Thorax with a brown streak on each side in front. Fore wings shining, hardly acute, with six transverse cupreous- brown bands ; fourth band interrupted in front, where it is con- nected with the fifth, the latter forked in front; sixth marginal, abbreviated hindward. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a , b. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection, c. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. 124 . CoNCHYLIS VACUANA. Mas. Pallide testaceo-cinerea ; palpi late fimbriati , capitis lati- tudine multo breviores , articulo So minimo ; antennae sub - serratae ; aloe anticce fascia, obliqua cinerea nigricante submar - ginata lineolam nigricantem extus emittente , linea exteriore obliqua, cinerea apud costam f areata, striga costali lineaque submarginali nigris ; posticce albidce , cinereo conspersce. Male. Pale testaceous-cinereous. Palpi porrect, broadly fringed, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely small. Antennae stout, very minutely serrated. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings elongate. Fore wings acute, with a few blackish points near the base, and with an irregular oblique cinereous band, which is incompletely blackish bordered, and emits on its outer side a short blackish streaklet towards the costa ; an exterior oblique cinereous line, which is forked near the costa, where it includes a cinereous spot; a short and more exterior blackish oblique costal streak, and a black line, which is parallel and almost close to the exterior border, but recedes from it towards the costa; costa and exterior border straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings whitish, indistinctly speckled with cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 125. CoNCHYLIS DECISANA. Mas. Alba , subtus lutea ; caput antice nigrum ; palpi caput non superantes , articulo So minimo; thorax niger ; alee anticce basi fasciaque nigris , fascia exteriore cervina apud costam nigricante, plag a adhuc exteriore fusca ; posticce l utece, fimbria antica nigricante . 368 CATALOGUE OF Male. White, pale luteous beneath, Head in front and palpi black. Palpi porrect, not extending beyond the front; third joint extremely small. Thorax black. Fore wings hardly acute, black at the base; a black middle band, broader hindward, brown towards the interior border; a fawn-coloured exterior band, blackish towards the costa; a brown patch between the second bind and the exterior border; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique ; under side shaded with blackish. Hind wings pale luteous ; fringe blackish in front. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 126 . CoNCHYLIS MUNDULANA. Fcem. Paltide flava ; capitis vertex et thoracis margo anticus saturate ferrugineo-fusca ; ala antica sat angustce , apice rotundalce , litura basali , fascia obliqua strigaque costali obliqua exteriore saturate ferrugineo-fuscis. Female. Pale yellow. Vertex of the head and fore border of the thorax dark ferruginous-brown. Palpi porrect, obtuse, rather broad, very much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint extremely short. Antennae smooth, dark ferruginous-brown. Abdo- men extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with three dark ferruginous- brown marks; first mark short, on the interior border near the base; second oblique, extending from the costa nearly to the interior border; third oblique, short, on the costa near the tip. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. 127. CoNCHYLIS ? SUBFURCATANA. Mas. Subochracea ; palpi sat graciles , caput paullo superantes , articulo 3 o conico ; ala anticae nigricante squamosa , fasciis tribus argenteis fusco marginalise 3 a postice angusla apud costam subfurcata ; postica fuscescentes. Male. Dull ochraceous, yellowish beneath. Palpi porrect, rather slender, extending a little beyond the head; third joint conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout. Abdomen whitish, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Wings with a whitish fringe. Fore wings with many blackish scales, rectangular at the tips, with three silvery white slightly LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 369 brown-bordered bands; second band narrower than tbe first; third narrow hind ward, slightly foiked on tbe costa ; costa slightly convex towards tbe base ; exterior border almost straight, baldly oblique. Hind wings brownish. Length of the body — 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. b. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 128. CoNCHYLIS? SPARSANA. Mas. Alba ; caput subtus, pectus et alee anlicce subtus nigricantia ; thorax nigro late fasciatus ; abdomen pallide luteurn ; alee anticee J asciis duabus nigris , la antice furcata , 2 a antice ex - cavata postice guttulari, gutta postica punctisque marginalibus nigris ; posticce pallide luteee . Male. White. Head beneath, pectus and fore wings beneath blackish. Palpi smooth, slender, porrect, hardly extending beyond the head. Antennae very minutely setulose. Thorax with a broad black band. Abdomen pale luteous, not extending beyond the hind wings. Wings slightly elongate. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a few minute black speckles, and with two black bands; a black dot hind ward near the inner side of the first band, which is forked in front; second band broad, irregular, and excavated in front, gut- tnlar hindward; marginal points black, very minute; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, tbe latter very oblique. Hind wings pale luteous, blackish at the tips. Length of the body 24 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 129. CoNCHYLIS BIMACULANA. bimaculana, Dn t New South Wales. 130. CoNCHYLIS UNIPUNCTANA. unipunctana, Dn. New South Wales. 370 CATALOGUE OF Few Zealand. 131. Conch ylis plagiatana. Mas. Pallide jl a ves cente-cin ere a ; alee anticce strigis * ran fiver sis ochraceis , striga postica lata obliqna , fascia obliqna postice abbreviata fasciaqve svbmarginuli informi sn bin term pta ochraceis; posticce apud marginem interioretn cinereo stri- gatce. Male . Pale yellowish cinereous. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third conical, extremely minute. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen extend- ing a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings with transverse ocbraceous streaks, which are almost obsolete, except along the basal and apical parts of the costa, and along the interior border ; a broad ocbraceous oblique streak near the base of the interior border, an oblique ocbraceous band, which is abbreviated hindward, and a broad irregular nearly interrupted submarginal ocbraceous band ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly excavated in front. Hind wint*s with some cinereous streaks, which are least indistinct along the interior border. Length of the body 3J lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 132. CoNCHYLIS LEUCANIANA. Mas et fern. Albido-straminea ; palpi pilosi, capitis latitudine paullo breviores ; alee anticce vents obscurioribits, vittis duabus discalibus abbreviate fuscis, puncto exteriore obscuriore ; pos- ticce albido-cinerece . Male and female. Whitish straw-colour, shining. Palpi por- rect, a little shorter than the breadth of the bead ; second joint pilose; third conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae of the male minutely setulose. Abdomen extend- ing a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with slightly darker lines along the veins; two brown abbreviated discal stripes ; a darker brown point at the end of the fore stripe ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a — d. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. e. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 371 133. CONCHYLIS RECUSANA. Mas. Albida ; palpi subfimbriati , capitis latiludine paullo bre - viores , articulo 3 o minimo ; alee anticce subfaleatee , linea obliqua postice dilalata , plaga postica , guttis costalibus guttis - que submarginalibus cervinis nigro sqvamosis , fimbria inter - lineata ; poslicce strigulis paucis cinereis. Male. Whitish. Palpi porrect, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a very short fringe; third very mi- nute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings subfalcate, with fawn-coloured marks, which are accompanied by some black scales ; a row along the costa and a submarginal row of small dots; a line extending obliquely outward to the interior border from one-third of the length of the costa, dilated hindward, where it is connected with the end of a brown patch on the interior border; fringe interlined; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly curved inward in front. Hind wings with a few transverse cinereous streaklets. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 134. Conch ylis marginana. Foem. Pallide fiava ; palpi cervini , subfimbriati , capitis latitudine longiores , articulo So minimo; alee anticce lituris basalibus , fascia obliqua postice dilatata et excavata , plaga costali exte- riore lineaque submarginali ochraceis , linea marginali nigri- cante. Female . Pale yellow, mostly white beneath. Frontal tuft prominent. Palpi porrect, fawn-colour, with a short fringe, rather longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen and hind wings whitish. Fore wings acute, with some ochraceous marks towards the base, and with a very oblique ochraceous band, which is dilated and excavated hindward; an exterior ochraceous costal patch and an irregular submarginal ochraceous line ; marginal line blackish, broad, concise ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; I 372 CATALOGUE OF exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 135. CONCHYLIS QUINQUENOTATA. Fcem. Pallide lutea, subtus rufescente-ochracea ; thorax antice fusco fasciatus ; pectus argenteum ; abdomen rufescente-ochra- ceum , subtus aureo- argenteum ; alee anticce fascia obliqua cinereo-fusca , line a submarginali ferruginea. Female . Pale luteous, smooth, reddish ochraceous beneath. Palpi smooth, slender, porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Thorax with a brown band in front. Pectus silvery. Abdomen reddish ochraceous, gilded silvery beneath. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with an oblique dark cinereous-brown band, which proceeds from the costa to the disk and there terminates ; a ferruginous submarginal line, much abbreviated hindward, dilated to the exterior border in front; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter not oblique. Hind wings reddish ; fringe ochra- ceous. Length of the body 2% lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a . Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Genus RETINIA. 12. Retinia Georgiana. Mas. Subcervino-argentea ; caput et thorax rufescente-cervina ; abdomen cinereum apice cervinum ; alee anticce vix acutce , lineis octo transversis deviis variis ochraceis ; posticee ceneo- cervince, fimbria albida. Male. Silvery, sericeous, tinged with fawn-colour, more cine- reous beneath. Head and thorax reddish fawn-colour. Palpi por- rect, stout, hardly extending beyond the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae stout, very minutely setulose. Abdomen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings ; tip fawn-colour. Fore wings hardly acute, with eight various irregular transverse ochra- ceous lines; first and second lines slender; third broader in the middle; fourth still broader; fifth and sixth slender, dilated towards the costa; seventh obliquely connecting the sixth with the eighth, which is marginal and incomplete. Hind wings aeneous fawn- LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 373 colour; fringe whitish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Milne’s collection. Var. Male and female . Fore wings with the fourth line broader, its disk paler in front and of the ground hue hindward ; fifth and sixth lines interrupted, the sixth broader. b, c. ? 13. Retinia argyrospila. Foem. Rufescens ; caput ochraceum ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticae apice rectangulatce , strigis nonnullis nigris transversis subundulatis , spatio postico fasciisque indeterminatis argenteo- cinereis , lituris tribus costalibus argenleo-albis ; posticce fus - cescente-cinerece . Female . Reddish, cinereous beneath. Head ochraceous. Palpi porrect, broad, extending very little beyond the head; third joint extremely short. Abdomen cinereous, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with several transverse slightly undulating black streaks ; space along the interior border and some incomplete irregular bands silvery cinereous; costa straight, with three large silvery white marks; ex- terior border slightly oblique hindward. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 3J- lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Milne’s collection. 14. Retinia septentrionana. septentrionana, Curt. a , bP Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. Genus PENTHINA. North America. 73. Penthina similisana. Mas. Fusca , subtus pallide cinerea ; alee anlicce albidce , acutce, f asciis duabus latis nigricante-fuscis , lituris nonnullis inter- media fuscis, lituris parvis costalibus nigricantibus ; posticce sordide cinerece . 374 CATALOGUE OF Male. Brown, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint much fringed; third conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extend- ing a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings whitish, acute, with two broad blackish brown bands, and with a few slight transverse intermediate brown marks; first band basal; a few small blackish costal marks between the bands ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings dingy cinereous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 74. Penthina contrariana. Fcem. Cinereo-nigra ; palpi albidi ; thorax albidus, nigro bifas- ciatus ; alee anticce atro transverse strigatce , spado postico spatioque exteriore albidis , lituris posticis , gutds costalibus punctisque discalibus nigris ; posdcce albce. Closely allied to P. corticana , Female . — Cinereous-black, whitish beneath. Palpi whitish, extending a little beyond the head ; second joint broadly fringed ; third very small. Antennae stout. Thorax whitish, with two narrow black bands. Abdomen and legs whitish. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, transversely streaked with deep black ; space along the interior border towards the base mostly whitish, with black marks; apical third part white, with three blackish costal dots and a few black discal points ; exte- rior border hardly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings white. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. P. pruniana also inhabits Nova Scotia. 75. Penthina deal ban a. Mas. Albida, robusta ; abdomen crassum, apice quadratum ; alee anticce apice rotundatce , fusco subnotatce et subconspersce , lineis transversis fuscis indistinctis undulatis , gutta discali nigra elongala , punctis marginalibus nigric antibus, Male, Whitish, stout, dingy beneath. Palpi slender, obliquely ascending, not rising near so high as the vertex ; third joint elongate- LE FIDO PTE BA HETEBOCEBA. 375 conical, less than half the length of the second. Antennae slender, smooth. Abdomen very stout, quadrate at the tip, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth ; spurs rather short. Fore wings rounded at the tips, slightly marked and minutely speckled with brown, this hue forming two or three transverse indistinct incomplete undulating lines ; discal dot black, transverse, elongated ; marginal points blackish ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter rather oblique. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. 1 a — d . North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 76. Penthina tbans MIS SANA. Mas . Albida ; palpi nigro bifasciaii ; thorax fascia nigro-fusea ; alee anticee fuscee , litums albidis, fascia interiore strigisque duabus exterioribus connexis albidis fusco conspersis , striga 1, 2a ramulum apad angulum interiorem emittente , linea mar - ginali albida ; posticce cinereee. Near P. dealbana. Male. — Whitish. Palpi porrect, with two black bands, shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint broadly fringed; third conical, very minute. Thorax with a blackish brown band. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Tibia? and tarsi with brown bands. Fore wings brown, hardly acute, with various whitish marks ; a whitish brown-speckled baud before the middle, and two exterior broad whitish brown-speckled streaks, which are con- nected towards the costa ; first streak extending along the costa and containing some brown oblique costal marks ; second extending to the interior angle and emitting a branch to the interior border; mar- ginal line whitish; exterior border hardly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Bedman’s collection. 77. Penthina ochueoalbana. Fcera. Cinereo-nigra ; caput albidum ; alee anticce strigis trans- versis latis atris , lituris coslalibus basi albidis dimidio apicali albido nebulas ochraceas iituras costales niqras liturasque mar - ginales subochraceas includente ; posticce cinerece. Allied to P. ochreoleucana. Female.— Cinereous-black. Head whitish. Palpi whitish, slightly decumbent, not extending beyond I 3 376 CATALOGUE OF the head ; third joint conical, very minute. Antennae slender. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with broad deep black transverse streaks ; a few whitish marks on the costa near the base, and two dull ochraceous marks on the interior border ; nearly half the apical part whitish, shining, clouded with ochraceous, containing three or four black costal marks. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 78. Penthina resumptana. Mas. Schistaceo-cinerea ; caput , pectus et abdomen albido - cinerea ; alee antic ce f us co subconspersce , macula discali in- teriors fasciaque obliqua fuscis , spalio exterior e fusco strigulas nigras includente , punclis costalibus obscure fuscis ; posticce fuscescentes . Male. Slaty cinereous. Head, pectus, abdomen and legs whitish cinereous. Antennae rather stout, very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips, thinly and transversely brown-speckled, with a brown spot in the disk near the base, and with an exterior oblique brown band ; space beyond the band mostly brown, including two or three minute black longitudinal streaks; costa straight, with dark brown points; exterior border moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish, pale cinereous along the costa. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 79. Penthina subnivana. Mas. Alba; palpi fimbriati , obtusi ; alee anticee apice sub- rotundatee , strigulis transversis fuscis nig risque, plaga. exieriore elongata ferruginea nigro notata , costa basi subconvexa extus incurva; posticee pallide cinereee , strigulis transversis ob - scurioribus . Male. White, dingy cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, obtuse, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above; third extremely short. Antennae stout. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with some transverse brown and black streaklets, which are most conspicuous towards the exterior border ; costa slightly convex towards the base, concave exteriorly, where LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 377 there is an elongated ferruginous black-marked patch ; fringe some- times brownish; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings pale cinereous, with transverse darker speckles. Length of the body 3 — 3^ lines; of the wings 9 — 10 lines. a, b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman s collection. Africa. 80. Penthina scabellana. scabellana, ZL South Africa. Australia. 81. Penthina trifasciana. Foem. Albido-einerea ; thorax fusco conspersus ; alee anticce apice rotundatce, guttis nonnullis nigris, f asciis quatuor inde- terminatis fuscis , la basali , 4a valde divisa marginem exte- riorem attingente ; postica fuscescente-cinerece. Female . Whitish cinereous. Thorax speckled with brown. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with several black dots, and with four irregular brown bands ; first band basal; second more regular than the others; fourth very irregular, much divided, extending to the exterior border; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. 82. Penthina? indecretana. Foem. Sordide cana , subtus teslaceo subtincta ; alee anticce acutce , latiusculce, nigricante conspersce et punctata, fasciis duabus nigricantibus late interrupts ; posticce fuscescente-cinereoe. Female . Dingy hoary, with a slight testaceous tinge beneath. Wings elongate, rather broad. Fore wings acute, very minutely blackish speckled, with several blackish points, which are mostly on the veins; two incomplete oblique bauds; first widely interrupted, much abbreviated hindward ; second narrower and less regular than the first, obsolete hindward; costa slightly convex; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 378 CATALOGUE OF Genus P^DISCA. North America. 75. P^UISCA INQUIETANA. Foem. Fusca ; abdomen cinereum; alee antica cinerece, apice rotundatce , at.omis fasciisque quatuor indeterminatis diffusis fuscis ; posticce fuscescente-cinereoe. Female . Brown, cinereous beneath. Palpi cinereous, porrect, slightly fringed, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; third joint elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings cinereous, somewhat rounded at the tips, with brown speckles, and with four irregular, excavated, and diffuse brown bands ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 76. PiEDISCA DIFFINANA. Foem. Nigricante-cinerea ; abdomen cinereum; alee antiece ob- scure argenteo-cinerece , oxutce, slrigulis transversis plurimis fuscis , f asciis duabus fuscis indeterminatis ex parte nigro marginatis ; posticce ceneo -fusca, fimbria cinerea fusco inter- lineata . Female . Blackish cinereous, dingy cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; second joint fringed above ; third conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings acute, dark silvery cinereous, with numerous little transverse brown streaks, and with two brown very irregular partly blackish-bordered bands ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings seneous-brown ; fringe cinereous, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 77. PiEDISCA CATACLYSTIANA. Foem. Pallidissime cervina ; abdomen albidum ; alee antiece acuta , vix falcala, lineis longitudinalibus subargenteis , strigis LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 379 costalibus obliquis argenteis , spatio marginali cinereo atomis nigris lituram angulatam argenteam punctaque tria nigra in - cludente ; pusticce strigis nonnullis costalibus subapicalibus cinereis . Female . Very pale fawn-colour. Abdomen, under side and hind wings whitish. Palpi pilose, very short ; third joint extremely minute. Fore wings acute, hardly falcate, with several slightly sil- very longitudinal lines, and with some blighter silvery oblique cos- tal streaks ; marginal space cinereous, very minutely speckled with black, including an angular silvery mark, which is accompanied by three black points; costa very slightly convex; exterior border rather oblique. Hind wings with a few transverse cinereous streaks on the apical part of the costa. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 78. PiEDISCA ALBICEPSANA. Cervina ; caput , thorax anticus , pectus et abdomen subtus alba ; alee anticce angustce , acuta , vittis tribus albis , la costali ab- breviata , 2 a discali extus furcata et interrupta , 3a postica tenui , strigis costalibus exterioribus obliquis argenteo -albis , strigulis duabus submarginalibus atris ; posticee cinereo- fusca, fimbria albida. Fawn-colour. Head, palpi, fore part of the the thorax and under side of the body white. Palpi porrect, pilose, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Wrings elou- gate, rather narrow. Fore wings acute, with three white stripes ; first stripe costal, extending from the base to half the length, where it is succeeded by oblique silvery white streaks ; second stripe dis- cal, forked and interrupted towards the exterior border, where it is accompanied by two deep black streaklets ; third line slender, near the interior border; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous-brown ; fringe whitish, shining. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a , b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 79. Pasdisca procellariana. Cinereo-nigra ; palpi pilosi , capitis latitudine vix breviores , arti- culo So conico ; tarsorum articuli apice albidi ; alee anticce fimbria obscure cinerea. 380 CATALOGUE OF Nearly allied to P. ophthalmicana. Black. Head and thorax with some cinereous hairs. Palpi porrect, pilose, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, minute. Joints of the tarsi with whitish tips. Fore wings with numerous cinereous hairs ; fringe dark cinereous; costa and exterior border straight; the latter hardly oblique. Length of the body 4 ? lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Bichardson. Australia. 80. PiEDISCA IMMERSANA. Mas. Straminea; ala antic ce acutce, f asciis trihus obscurioribus subobsoletis , atomis 7ionnullis nigris , costa margineque exte- riore subochraceis ; posticce sordide cinerece . Male. Straw-colour. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed ; third extremely small. Antennae minutely setulose and pubescent. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with three almost obsolete darker bands, which are indicated by some black speckles ; an ochraceous tinge along the costa, except towards the base and along the exterior border ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings dingy cine- reous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. 81. PiE DISCA LIGNIGERANA. Mas. Fuscescente-cinerea , nigro conspersa ; alee anticce maculis strigis lineaque longitudinalibus plagaque discali lineam undulatam emittente nigris . Male. Brownish cinereous, speckled with black. Palpi por-, rect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed ; third conical, about one-sixth of the length of the second. Antenna? minutely pubescent. Fore wings with some black longitudinal streaks and blotches; a blackish patch in the hinder middle disk, emitting an undulating line towards the base, and con- nected in front with the base of an interrupted black line, which proceeds to the exterior border ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 381 convex, hardly oblique. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles collection. 82. PiEDISCA CONFUSANA. Mas et foem. Cinerea ; palpi pilosi, capitis latitudine non brevi- ores, articulo 3 o brevissimo ; alee anticce apice subrotundatce , nigro subconspersee, ferrugineo nebulosce , puncto discali nigro , plaga postica strigisque tribus costalibus obliquis fuscis. Male and female. Cinereous. Palpi stout, porreet, pilose, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint very short. Antennae of the male rather stout. Abdomen, hind wings and under side whitish. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, thinly speckled with black, slightly and partly clouded with ferruginous ; three broad brown costal streaks extending obliquely outward to the disk, a brown patch near the base of the interior border and a black discal point ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter rather oblique. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a, b . Sydney. From Mr. Diggles* collection. New Zealand. 83. PiEDISCA LUCIPLAGANA. Foem. Cervina ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticce acutee , vitta antica brevi arena ta ferruginea maculam costalem elongatam argenteo-albam includente ; posticce cinereee. Female . Fawn-colour, cinereous beneath. Palpi porreet, fringed, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, minute. Abdomen and hind wings cinereous. Fore wings acute, with a broad short curved ferruginous stripe, which joins the costa at each end and incloses a large semioval silvery white costal spot ; costa slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border slightly excavated in front. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 382 CATALOGUE OF 84. P iRDISCA MOROSANA. Foem. Cinereo-fusca ; abdomen cinereum ; alee anticce sat an - gustce , apice rotundatce , strigulis plurimis transversis fuscescen- tibus ; posticce cinerece. Female. Cinereous-brown, more cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, rather slender, slightly fringed, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous. Wings Tather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with numerous little trans- verse brownish streaks, of which a few are darker and more distinct than the others ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter very oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 10 Hues. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 85. P iE DISCA PRIVATANA. Foem. Fuscescente-cinerea ; palpi pallide cinerei ; alee anticce aculce, fusco conspersce el strigatce , lineola nigra discali obliqua inter iore , litnra discali exteriore nigricante posticce cinerece , strigulis plurimis transversis fuscescentibus. Female . Brownish cinereous, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, pale cinereous, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Fore wings acute, speckled with brown, minutely and transversely streaked with brown ; a short black oblique line in the disk before the middle, arid a blackish mark in the exterior part of the disk; costa almost straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous, with numerous trans- verse brownish streaklets. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a., New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. Genus GKAPHOLITA. North America. 138. GRAPHOLITA REFUSANA. Mas. Cinereo-fusca , subtus cincrascens ; alee anticce cinerece , apice rotundatce , disco fusco, lineis tribus transversis chalybceis sub - LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 383 marginalibus , punctis atris submarginalibus ; posticce fusees - cente-cinerece, fimbria albido-cinerea. Male. Cinereous-brown, more cinereous beneath. Palpi por« rect, as long as the breadth of the head; third joint conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings cinereous, rounded at the tips, with very minute brown speckles, which are confluent in most of the disk ; three irre- gular transverse shining chalybeous lines towards the exterior bor- der ; a few deep black points between the first and second lines ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique Hind wings brownish cinereous ; fringe whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a , St. Martin's Falls, Albany Kiver, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 139. Grapholita strenuana. Mas. Nigro-fusca , subtus fusco-cinerea ; alee antiece acutco, fascia media cinerea lata subundulata antice nigro-fuseo nebulosa , plaga marginali postica cinerea nigricante notata , costa exte- riore cinerea strigulis nigricantibus , margine exteriore antico subexcavato ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece. Male . Blackish brown, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex ; third joint extremely short. Antennae stout, very minutely crenulated. Abdo- men extending much beyond the bind wings. Foie wings acute, with a broad middle slightly undulating cinereous band, which is clouded with blackish brown in front ; a cinereous blackish-marked patch along the hind part of the exterior border; costa almost straight, cinereous exteriorly with oblique blackish streaks ; exterior border hardly oblique, very slightly excavated in front, slightly con- vex hindwafd. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a . North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 140. Grapholita exvagana. Nigricante- fusca ; alee antiece cinereo eonspersce , plagis duabus maximis cinereis , costa subehalybcea cinereo punctata nigro s trig u lata. K 384 catalogue of Blackish brown, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi slightly- ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Thorax and fore wings very minutely speckled with cinereous. Fore wings acute, with two very large cinereous patches ; one on the middle of the interior border, the other on the hind part of the exterior border, partly bordered with black ; a chaly- beous tinge and cinereous points and oblique black streaklets along the costa, which is nearly straight ; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 141. Grapholita discigerana. Mas. Alba; palpi Jimbriati, caput non superantes , articulo So vix conspicuo ; alee anticce extus cervince aut cinerece , striga postica lata interiore strigaque antica obliqua fuscis , guttis quatuor costa libus exterioribus trigonis lineolisque duabus discalibus nigris ; posticce cinerece. Male. White. Palpi porrect, fringed, not extending beyond the head ; third joint hardly visible. Antennae smooth. Disk of the thorax brown. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, fawn-coloured or cinereous exteriorly, with a broad brown streak along the basal part of the interior border, and with a brown streak extending obliquely from the middle of the costa to the disk ; four triangular black dots along the exterior part of the costa ; first, second and third each accompanied by an elongated black point ; fourth apical ; two little black discal lines near the end of the costal streak ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body — 3 lines ; of the wings 8 — 10 lines. Allied to G. lundiana and to G. derasana. a — d. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 142. Grapholita conflexana. Mas. Fusca ; palpi sublus late fimbriati , caput non superantes , articulo So minim o ; alee anticce vitta obliqua undulata stri- gisque tribus obliquis costalibus exterioribus argenteis , costa basi cinerea nigricante punctata ; posticce cinerece . Nearly alied to G. Myrtillana. Male . — Brown, cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, broadly fringed beneath, not extending LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 385 beyond the bead ; third joint extremely minute. Antennas stout. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with a silvery undulating stripe, which extends from the costa to the middle of the exterior border ; costa towards the base cinereous, with oblique blackish points ; exterior costa with oblique silvery streaks, of which the first is elongated to the exterior border ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter rather oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 143. Grapholita divisana. Mas. Cervina ; caput albido-testaceum ; palpi subfimbriati , caput vix superantes , articulo So vix conspicuo ; alee anticce basi cinereo-ferruginea, plaga basali ferruginea , costa exterior e ferruginea lituris obliquis albis ; posticce fuscescente-cinerece , fimbria albida . Allied to G. Mitterbachiana. Male . — Fawn-colour. Head and under side whitish testaceous. Palpi porrect, hardly extending beyond the head; second joint with a short fringe; third hardly visible. Fore wings acute, ferruginous and tinged with cinereous towards the base, where there is an elongated ferruginous patch ; a few minute white oblique marks near the tip of the costa, which is ferruginous exteriorly. Hind wings brownish cinereous ; fringe whitish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a, b . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 144. Grapholita metamelana. Fcem. Albida ; vertex fuscus , subtristatus ; palpi subtus late fimbriati , capitis latitudine breviores, articulo So minimo ; alee anticce striga costali ferruginea lata obliqua , striga exteriore fusca lituras albas obliquas includente , striga postica lata concisa nigricante , spatio marginali cinereo ; posticce nigri - cante-cinerece. Female . Whitish. Vertex of the head brown, slightly crested. Palpi porrect, broadly fringed beneath, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely small. Fore wings acute, cinereous towards the exterior border, with a broad ferruginous very oblique costal streak, and with an exterior brown streak, which extends K 2 386 CATALOGUE OF along 1 the costa to the tip ; the latter includes some oblique minute white marks; a broad blackish concise streak extending along the interior border from near the base, and two minute longitudinal streaks in the disk near the exterior border ; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border rather oblique. Hind wings blackish cine- reous ; fringe paler. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter's collection. 145. GRAPHOLITA DISCOFERANA. Mas. Albida ; caput supra ochraceum , subfasciculatum ; palpi subfimbriati , capitis latitudine vix breviores , articulo 3 o minima ; thoracis discus nigricans ; abdomen nigricans, fasci- cido albido ; alee anticee falcatee , luteo varies , macula postica maxima extus dilatata fasciaqae exteriore obliqua angulata fuscis ; posticee nigricante-cinerece . Male . Whitish. Head above dull ochraceous, slightly tufted. Palpi slender, slightly declining, slightly fringed, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely minute. Disk of the thorax blackish. Abdomen blackish, extending beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft whitish. Fore wings falcate, partly tinged with luteous, with a very large brown spot, which extends from the base along half the length of the interior border and widens outward ; an exterior slightly oblique brown band, which has a prominent angle on its outer side ; costa slightly convex, with minute black marks along its exterior half ; exterior border convex, except in front, very oblique hindward. Hind wings blackish cinereous. Length of the body 2J- lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a . North America. From Mr. Carter's collection. 146. Grapholita sagittana. Cervina ; alee anticee lineis apud venas obscurioribus , triente apicali saturate cervina , strigulis costalibus exteriuribus obli- quis albidis , strigis duabus costalibus subapicalibus argenteis ; posticee fuscescente-cinerece. Nearly allied to G. lanceolana. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Fore wings acute, with darker lines along the veins ; apical third part mostly darker fawn-colour ; a few oblique whitish streaklets along the exterior part of the costa, and two silvery transverse costal LEPIDOPTE RA HETEROCERA. 387 subapical streaks ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter hardly oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 147. Grapholita solicitana. Glauco-cinerea ; palpi subdecumbentes, fimbriati, capitis latitudine vix breviores ; alee antica fusco tessellata , plagis duabus nigro- fuscis , 1 a discali , 2 a apud angulum interiorem , spatio apicali cervino , lituris costalibus parvis obliquis fuscis , strigulis cos- talibus quatuor exterioribus albidis ; postica pallide cinerea . Glaucous-cinereous. Palpi slightly decumbent, nearly as long as the breadth of the bead ; second joint with a short thick fringe ; third hardly visible. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, tessellated or transversely streaked with brown ; a brown black-marked patch by the interior angle, and another in the disk before the middle ; apical part fawn-colour ; costa straight, with small oblique brown marks, ancf with four exterior white oblique streaklets ; marginal line black ; fringe white at the base. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body 2| lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a . Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 148. Grapholita Parryana. Parryana, Ct . Arctic America. West Indies. 149. Grapholita? subapicana. Fcem. Nigricans, subtus cinerea; palpi laves, articulo 3o longi- conico ; abdomen cinereum ; ala antica dimidio basali cinereo nebulosa, gutta costali subapicali trigona alba ; postica fuscescente-cinerea, fimbria albida interlineata. Female . Blackish, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, smooth, extending a little beyond the head; third joint elongate- conical, about one-third of the length of the second. Abdomen cinereous. Fore wings hardly acute, varied with cinereous for full half the length from the base ; a white triangular costal subapical dot; costa and exterior border straight, the latter rather oblique. K 3 388 CATALOGUE OF Hind wings brownish cinereous ; fringe whitish, interlined with brownish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. This species bardly'belongs to Grapholita , but its state does not afford sufficient characters for the establishment of a new genus. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. spissana, ZL Natal. South Africa. 150. Grapholita spissana. Asia. 151. Grapholita obtusana. Fcem. Cervina ; palpi securiformes , ohtusi , fimbria ti, caput vix supemntes ; alee antiece vix acuta, macula discali fasciaque exteriore obliqua fuscescentibus , punctis nigris discalibus adhuc exterioribus , linea submarginali albida > slrigulis cos- ta libas fuse is a Ibidisque . Female. Fawn-colour, mostly cinereous beneath. Palpi se- curiform, obtuse, hardly extending beyond the head ; second joint with a short thick fringe above ; third extremely short and minute. Fore wings hardly acute, with a brownish discal spot, and with a brownish oblique exterior band, beyond which there are some black points in the fore part of the disk ; a slender whitish submarginal line ; costa hardly convex, with oblique brown and whitish streak- lets ; exterior border hardly oblique. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 152. Grapholita confertana. Fcem. Fusca, sat robust a ; palpi subdecumbentes, albido bifasci - ati ; alee anticce apice rectangulatce , lineis plurimis transversis cinereis jlexis aut deviis,pfagis duabus cervinis , la subapicali , 2a marginali, strigulis costalibus obliquis albidis . Female . Brown, rather stout, with a cinereous tinge beneath. Palpi slightly decumbent, shorter than the breadth of the head, with two whitish bands ; third joint conical, less than half the length LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 389 of the second. Antennae rather stout. Abdomen extending* a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with many transverse cinereous lines, of which those on the basal half are bent, and those on the exterior part are very irregular ; a fawn- coloured patch near the tip of the costa, and another on the hind part of the exterior border ; costa very slightly convex, with oblique whitish streaklets ; exterior border oblique hindward. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, h. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 153. Grapholita clavxgerana. Mas. Fusca.' robusta ; palpi capitis latitudine multo breviores , subtus fimbriati, articulo 3o minima ; antennee subcrenulatce ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee antics vitta discali subargentea antice angulata nigra tripunctata , strigis costali- bus exterioribus obliquis cinereis ; posticce drier e a -fuse os. Male . Brown, stout. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed beneath ; third very mi- nute. Antenna? stout, indistinctly crenulated. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with a slightly silvery discal stripe, which forms a prominent angle towards the costa and terminates in a round spot; this spot contains three black points, and rests on the interior angle; costa straight, with some oblique cinereous streaks beyond the middle; exterior border very oblique hindward. Hind wings cinereous-brown ; fringe ciuereous. Length of the body 3J- lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 154. Grapholita deli ne ana. Fcem. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi albi , capitis latitudine breviores , articulo 3 o minimo ; alee anticce spatio costaii alhido strigulas nigras obliquas includente , striga discali nigricante , strigis exterioribus transversis fuscis , strigis quatuor posticis obliquis albis ; posticce fusece. Female. Cinereous fawn-colour. Body white beneath. Palpi white, porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint ex- tremely minute. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute ; costal space whitish, with short oblique black streaks, which are most numerous along the exterior 390 CATALOGUE OF part ; a blackish longitudinal discal streak and some exterior trans- verse brown streaks ; four white streaks extending obliquely outward from fthe interior border to the disk ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 2 — 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 — 6 lines. a, b . China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 155. Grapholita apicatana. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; caput album ; palpi sat graciles , capitis latitudine non breviores , articulo So minimo ; alee anticce an - gustce , apice rotundatce, strigis apud tnarginem interiorem pallide cinereis , quatuor obliquis , costa alba strigulis obliquis fuscis , gutta discali atra . Male. Dark cinereous. Head and palpi white. Palpi porrect, rather slender, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae rather stout. Wings narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with four pale cinereous oblique streaks, and with some more pale cinereous not oblique streaks on the interior border; costa white, straight, with oblique minute brown streaks; a deep black apical dot; exterior border rather oblique. Length of the body 2f lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. Borneo. 156. Grapholita responsana. Mas. Subochracea ; palpi oblique ascendentes , articulo So conico ; abdomen fusco-cinereum ; alee anticce albido consper see, f asciis duabus cervinis , 1 a angusta undulata , 2 a obliqua exlus fusca cinereo marginata , strigulis subapicalibus nigricantibus et albidis , lineis submarginali et marginali albidis nigricante marginalise punctis costalibus nigris ; posticce fuscescente- cinereee. Male. Dull oehraceous, brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi obliquely ascending, not rising so high as the vertex ; third joint conical, minute. Antennas robust, smooth. Abdomen and hind wings brownish cinereous, the former extending much beyond the latter. Fore wings acute, transversely whitish-speckled, with two fawn-coloured bands; first band narrow, undulating; second LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 39 i oblique, diffuse on the inner side, brown exteriorly, where it is con- cisely limited by a cinereous line ; subapical space with blackish and whitish longitudinal strealdets, these are limited by a whitish curved line, which is blackish -bordered outward ; marginal line whitish, blackish-bordered exteriorly ; costa very slightly convex, with well-defined black points ; exterior border slightly oblique* Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 157. Grapholita mortuana. Fcem. Cinereo-fusea ; palpi subfimbriati , caput vix superantes , articulo 3 o brevissimo ; alee antica cana , sub falcata, fiasco subconspersa, villa discali aneo-fusea, lineis duabus arcuatis e punctis nigris , spatio apud angulum interior em schistaceo , punctis costalibus nigris elongalis . Female . Cinereous-brown. Palpi porrect, slightly fringed, hardly extending beyond the head ; third joint very short. Antennas rather stout. Abdomen extending a little beyond the bind wings. Fore wings hoary, subfalcate, slightly brown-speckled, with an aeneous-brown discal stripe, which extends from the base to the tip ; two transverse curved lines towards the tip, composed of black points ; space about the interior angle slaty cinereous ; costa straight, with oblique elongated black points ; exterior border slightly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings tinged with aeneous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 1 158. Grapholita parvulana. Foe m. Subcervino-albida,subtus sordide cinerea ; ala antica acuta, fuscescente s trig a ice-, fascia informi marginem inleriorem non atlingente , plaga postica spatioque apicali fuscescentibus ; pos- ticce obscure cinerea, fimbria albida intcrlineata. Female . Whitish, slightly tinged with pale fawn-colour, dingy cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed above ; third extremely short. Fore wings acute, transversely and minutely brownish-streaked, with an irregular brown baud, which does not extend to the interior border; 392 CATALOGUE OF a brownish patch near the interior angle ; apical space irregularly brownish ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique; interior border convex, except towards the tip. Hind wings dark cinereous ; fringe whitish, interlined with cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 159. Grapholita extrusana. Mas. Fuscescenle-cinerea ; palpi fusci; alee anticee subacutee, fusco conspersce , plagis duabus fuscis ex parte nigro margin - atis , 1 a postica , 2 a apicali strigam obliquam cineream inclu - dente, fascia basali interrupta fuscescente nigro notata ; posticce fuscescente-cinere<£y fimbria pallide cinerea . Male. Brownish cinereous. Palpi brown, porrect, broad, fringed, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly acute, with transverse brown speckles, and with two brown partly black-bordered patches, one on the interior border, the other occupying the apical part and including an oblique cinereous streak ; an interrupted brownish black-marked band near the base ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings brownish cine- reous ; fringe pale cinereous, interlined with brownish near the base. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. 160 . Grapholita decolorana. Mas. Subcervino-albida ; abdomen fasciculo apicali magno ; alee anticce apice rotundatee , macula basali , fascia obliqua plaga- que costali exteriore cervinis nigro subrnarginatis. Male. Whitish, with a slight tinge of fawn-colour. Palpi porrect, a little shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint broadly fringed ; third elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings ; apical tuf t large. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with three fawn-coloured partly and slightly black-bordered marks ; these consist of an oblique spot in the disk near the base, of an oblique band which extends from the costa to the interior angle, and of a few points and an exterior patch LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 393 on the costa; a few black marginal speckles; fringe long; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter moderately oblique. Length of the body lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles collection. 161 . Grapholita mutatana. Mas. Albido-testacea ; caput obscure cinereum ; palpi pilosi , capitis latitudine breviores, articulo So minimo ; thorax nigro bipunctatus ; alee anticce fascia obliqua maculaque costali ex- terior e fuscis nigro submar gin atis, punctis basalibus et costali - busque lineaque mo.rginali nigris ; posticce albidce . Male . Whitish testaceous, whitish cinereous beneath. Head and palpi dark cinereous. Palpi porrect, pilose, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Thorax with two black points on each side. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute ; an oblique band and an exterior costal spot brown, slightly black-bordered; four black points in the disk near the base ; three black costal points towards the tip ; marginal line black, slender, interrupted ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings whitish. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 5J- lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 162. Grapholita perspectana. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; palpi subtus late jimbriati , capitis lati- tudine breviores, articulo So lanceolalo ; alee anticce angustee , strigulis plurimis transversis vitta maculisque duabus fuscis ; posticce semihyalince. Male. Dark cinereous. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint broadly fringed beneath ; third lanceolate, less than half the length of the second. Antennae stout. Wings narrow, elongated. Fore wings acute, with many minute transverse brown streaks, and with a brown stripe, which extends from one- third of the length of the interior border to three-fourths of the length in the disk ; two brown spots, one near the interior angle, the other near the fore part of the exterior border ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly oblique. Hind wings semihyaiine. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings b\ lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 394 CATALOGUE OF Genus CAEPOCAPSA. North America. 5. CAEPOCAPSA DISTIGMANA. Mas. Obscure schistacea ; alee anticce acutce , strigulis transversis indistinctis fuscis , maculis duabus maximis guttaque nigri - canle-fuscis cinereo marginatis ; posticce cinereo-fuscce . Male. Dark slaty cinereous. Palpi porrect, pilose, as long as the breadth of the head; third joint acute, very minute, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with indis- tinct little transverse brown streaks, and with two very large blackish brown cinereous-bordered conical spots ; first spot with its base on the interior border ; second larger than the first, extending from the costa, nearly connected with a dot of the same hue which rests on the interior border ; costa and exterior border straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a . North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 6. Carpocapsa inexpert an a. Fcem. Nigri can te-cin erea ; palpi nigricantes ; alee anticce vix acutce , cinereo-viridescente subiinctce , strigulis nonnullis trans- versis atris, lituris costalibus et marginalibus ochraceis , lineolis transversis undulatis cinereis ; posticce nigricantes , fimbria pallide cinerea fiasco interlineata . Female . Blackish cinereous, a little paler beneath. Palpi blackish, porrect, fringed, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, slightly tinged with greenish cinereous; a few transverse deep black marks; some ochraceous marks along the costa and along the exterior border ; a few pale cinereous incomplete undulating transverse lines ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings blackish ; fringe pale cinereous, interlined with brown. Length of the body 3^- lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 395 7. Carpocapsa ferrolineana. Mas. Subochracea ; caput et thorax nigro conspersa ; alee anticce apice rolundatce , fasciis tribus latis e atomis nigris , lineis transversis quingue guttularibus duabusque integris chalybeis ; posticce obscure fuscce, fimbria albido-cinerea . Male. Dull ochraceous, stout, mostly cinereous beneath. Head and thorax speckled with black. Palpi porrect, broad, pilose, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely minute. Antennae stout, minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with three broad irregular bands composed of black speckles, and with seven shining chalybeous transverse lines, of which the five first are interrupted and guttular ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the latter very slightly oblique, Lind wings dark brown ; fringe whitish cinereous. Length of the body 3J- lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 8. Carpocapsa clavana. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi albi. apice nig ri ; tibice posticce fimbriates ; alee anticce obscure ochracece , strigulis plurimis nigris , vitta discali cinerea extus dilatata marginem exteriorem non attin- gente ; posticce cinereo-fuscce , fimbria albida fusco inter - lineata. Male. Cinereous. Palpi white, stout, smooth, nearly erect, hardly rising higher than the vertex ; third joint black, conical, not more than one-sixth of the length of the second. Antennae stout. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft rather long, slightly radiating. Hind tibiae fringed. Fore wings dark ochraceous, with numerous transverse black streaks, and with a pale cinereous discal stripe, which widens much beyond the middle and terminates near the exterior border, and extends to the interior angle; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique hindward. Hind wings cinereous-brown ; fringe whitish, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. L 396 CATALOGUE OF Mexico. 9. Carpocapsa saltitans. saltitans, Wtiv. — Dehaisiana, Lucas . a, b. Mexico. Presented by Prof. Westwood. South America. 10. Carpocapsa semicirculana. Fcem. Ferrugineo-fusca , subtus nigro-fusca ; caput anticum pectusque albida ; alee anticcc nigro strigatce , apice subro- tundatce , basi et apud marginem interiorem cinereo tinctce , striga postica arcuata punclisque interioribus nigricantibus , strigulis costalibus obliquis ferrugineis ; posticce nigro-fusece . Female. Ferruginous. Wings beneath blackish brown. Head in front, palpi and pectus whitish. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint striped with brown on the outer side ; third extremely short. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, tinged with cinereous towards the base and along the interior border, with minute longitudinal black streaks, which are most dis- tinct towards the exterior border ; a broad blackish curved streak joining the exterior border, and forming with the corresponding one a horse-shoe mark ; a few blackish points nearer the base ; costa straight, with some oblique ferruginous streaks. Hind wings blackish brown. Length of the body 3^- lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Honduras. Presented by H. T. Stainton, Esq. 11. Carpocapsa terminana. Mas. Chalybceo-nigra ; caput , thorax anticus et abdomen apice ochracea ; alee anticce apice rectangulatce , strigulis plurimis transversis nigris , fascia ynedia cinerea interrupta subflexa, macula discali fasciaque marginali ochraceis ; posticce ceneo - nigricantes , fimbria ochracea . Male. Chalybeous-blackish. Head and fore part of the thorax ochraceous, dark cinereous beneath. Body pale ochraceous beneath. Palpi porrect, obtuse, not extending beyond the head ; second joint clavate ; third extremely short. Antennae smooth. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings ; tip ochraceous. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, with LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 397 many little transverse black streaks ; an ochraceous band along the exterior border ; an ochraceous spot in the fore part of the disk near the band; a slender middle interrupted and slightly bent cinereous band; costa straight; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings aeneous-blackish, with an ochraceous fringe. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a, b . Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 12. Carfocapsa plenana. Mas. Ferruginea , subtus fusca ; thorax cinereo irifasciatus ; tibiae posticae dilatatae ; aloe anticae vix acutae, fusco tessellatce , fasciis quinque chaiybaeis interlineatis subundulatis , 4 a baque abbreviatis , linea rnarginali interrupta chalybea , fimbria ni- gricante notata ; posticae fuscae , fimbria apud marginem inte- riorem albula penicillata longissima. Male. Ferruginous, brown beneath. Palpi porrect, very much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae very minutely pubescent. Thorax with three cinereous bands. Abdomen brown, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae dilated. Fore wings hardly acute, tessellated with brown ; five interlined slightly undulating chalybeous bands ; third band less regular than the first and the second ; fourth abbreviated in front; fifth extending obliquely from the costa to the fore part of the exterior border ; a chalybeous interrupted marginal line ; fringe with blackish marks; costa and exterior border slightly convex, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings brown, with a large whitish penicillate fringe along the interior border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 13. Carpocapsa atrorueana. Mas. Nigricans ; abdomen maris alas posticas longe superans ; aloe anticae acatce , guttis punctisque plurimis o c hr aceis, fascia interrupta punctisque submarginalibus atris. Male and female. Blackish, blackish cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, short, extending very little beyond the head ; third joint extremely short. Antennae of the male stout, very minutely pubes- cent. Abdomen of the male extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings acute, with very numerous ochraceous dots and points, which are partly confluent, and with a widely interrupted L 2 398 CATALOGUE OF deep black band, which is composed of two patches, one costal r the other on the interior border, and nearer the base ; a few deep black submargiual points ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Length of the body 2^ — 3 lines ; of the wings 6 — 6| lines. a—c . Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 14. Carpocapsa transferrana. Mas. /Eneo-cinerea ; caput et thorax pa Hide cinereo-cervina ; caput fascia nigro-chalybcea ; thoracis discus nigro-chalybceus ; alee anticce chalybeeo-nigrce , apice rotundatce , strigis plurimis transversis pallide cervinis , macula magna postica punctisque submarginalibus elongatis atris , spatio marginali ochracec. Male. iEneous-cinereous. Head and thorax pale cinereous fawn-colour. Head with a chalybeous-black band. Palpi clavate, black at the base, whitish beneath, extending a little beyond the head; third joint extremely short. Antennae stout, smooth. Thorax with a chalybeous-black disk. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings chalybeous-black, somewhat rounded at the tips, with numerous transverse pale fawn-coloured streaks, which are limited by a patch beyond the middle of the costa, and by a more exterior band ; a large deep black spot on the interior border before the middle, and three elongated deep black submar- ginal points; apical space ochraceous ; costa straight ; exterior bor- der slightly oblique hindward. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ega, From Mr. Bates’ collection. 15. Carpocapsa strigulana. Foem. Obscure cervina ; corpus subtus argenteo-albidum ; palpi albidi , cinereo bifasciati ; thorax fusco bifasciatus ; alee sub- ius pur pure o-viridique nitentes ; anticce apice subrotundatce , strigis plurimis transversis fuscis , punctis exterioribus cervi- nis , fascia submarginali strigulas quatuor atras includente annuloque postico cervinis connexis ; posticce nigricante-fuscee, fimbria cinerea. Female. Dark fawn-colour. Body silvery whitish beneath. Palpi obtuse, porrect, whitish, with two blackish cinereous bands on the outer side, hardly extending beyond the head ; third joint ex- tremely short. Thorax with two brown bands. Wings beneath LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCE RA. 399 with purple and green reflections. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with numerous transverse brown streaks for more than half the length from the base ; exterior part with fawn-coloured points, and with a short brighter fawn-coloured submarginal band, which contains four deep black streaks, and terminates hindward in a fawn-coloured circle ; costa and exterior border very slightly con- vex, the latter very slightly oblique. Hind wings blackish brown; fringe cinereous. Length oi the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 16. CARPOCAPSA ATROCHALYB.EANA. Mas. Nigra , subtus alba ; thorax lineis transversis chalybceis ; tibice posticce subdilatatce ; abdomen f us cum ; alee anticce apice subrotundatce , lineis nonnullis chalybceis transversis undulatis ex parte connexis , strigis costalibus chalybceis ; posticce f us cce, chalybceo fimbriatce. Male. Black. Body beneath, femora and hind tibiae white, the latter slightly dilated and fringed. Palpi porrect, obtuse, hardly extending beyond the head ; third joint extreinly short. Antennae stout, minutely setulose. Thorax with chalybeous transverse lines. Abdomen brown, extending somewhat beyond the hind wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with several irregular undulating partly connected chalybeous lines ; costa very slightly convex, with three groups of oblique chalybeous streaks ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings brown ; fringe chalybeous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9^ lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 17. Carpocapsa descriptana. Mas. Albido-cinerea, cervino pallido subtincta; alee sat angusUe , subtus nigricante-cinerece ; anticce nigricante strigatce , apice rectangulatce, plagis duabus posticis nigricantibus ,vitta costali rufescente-cervina , strigulis costalibus obliquis albidis , lineola submarginali postica c/ialybcea ; strigulis duabus submar- ginalibus atris ; posticce nigricante-cinerece . Male. Whitish cinereous, slightly tinged with pale fawn- colour. Antennae smooth. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Wings rather narrow, blackish cinereous beneath. Fore wings rectangular at the tips, minutely and transversely blackish L 3 400 CATALOGUE OF streaked, two blackish patches on the interior border; a reddish fawn-coloured costal stripe, which disappears towards the base ; a row of minute oblique whitish costal streaks ; a short hindward chalybeous submarginal line, which is accompanied by two or three deep black longitudinal streaklets ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, hardly oblique. Hind wings blackish cinereous, with an aeneous tinge. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a . Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 18. Carpocapsa decretana. Foem. Ferrugineo-fusca , subtus pallide cinerea ; alee anticce pallide cinerea ?, fmeo conspersce , apice rectangulatce , fasciis duabus latis ferrugineis posiice abbreviatis , 2 a valde indeter- minata, fasciola submarginali ferruginea ochraceo marginata, lituris costalibus parvis obliquis nigris ; posticce nigricante - cinerece. Female. Ferruginous-brown, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint conical, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Fore wings pale cinereous, brown-speckled, rectangular at the tips, with two broad ferruginous-brown bands, which are abbreviated hindward ; second hand much abbreviated and incomplete; submarginal band of the same hue, bordered with dull ochraceous, which colour ex- tends along the exterior part of the costa; costa with small oblique black marks; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter hardly oblique. Hind wings blackish cinereous. Length of the body 2i lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 19. Carpocapsa selectana. Cervina y subtus argentea ; thorax rufescenle conspersus ; alee anticce rufo strigatce , apice rotundatce , plagu marginali nigricante excavata , punctis tribus submarginali bus nigris. Fawn-colour. Abdomen, fore wings beneath and hind wings blackish brown. Body silvery beneath. Thorax reddish-speckled. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings; Fore wings rounded at the tips, longitudinally streaked with red ; an excavated blackish patch on the hind part of the exterior border; three black submarginal points ; a short whitish marginal line accompanied on the LEPIDOPTERA HETEEOCERA. 401 inner side by a shorter chalybeous line; costa straight, with oblique pale streakiets; exterior border oblique hindward. Hind wings with the fringe fawn-coloured about the tips. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bales’ collection. 20. Carpocapsa transductana. Mas. Nigricante-fusca, subtus fusca ; thorax nigro-chalybceus ; pectus albidum ; pedes postici albidi , tibiis dilatatis Jim - briatis ; alee anticce apice subrotunda tee, f 'asciis quatuor chalybceis angulosis inter lineatis, 4 a informi interrupta , strigulis costalibus obliquis pallide cinereis ; posticce obscure fuscce v fimbria cinerea. Male. Blackish brown, brown beneath. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint extremely short. Antennae minutely pubescent. Thorax chalybeous-black. Abdo- men extending much beyond the hind wings. Pectus and hind legs whitish; hind tibiae dilated and fringed. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with four zigzag interlined chalybeous bands; third band irregular; fourth still more irregular, interrupted; costa slightly convex, with minute oblique pale cinereous streaks; exte- rior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings dark brown ; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 4\ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 21. Carpocapsa rubiginosana. Mas. Nigricante-fusca , subtus pallide cinerea ; abdomen rufescens ; alee anticee apice subrotundatce , punctis strigulisque plurimis ockraceis,f asciis tribus indeterminatis , lineola interiore litu - risque exterioribus chalybceis , his basi albidis ; posticce rufescentes , Male . Blackish brown, pale cinereous beneath. Palpi paler, slightly ascending, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint slightly curved ; third conical, brown, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae indistinctly setulose. Abdo^ men reddish. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with numerous and various ochraceous points and transverse streaks, of which latter there is a continuous undulatiug exterior line; three 402 CATALOGUE OF incomplete irregular chalvbeous bands ; a cbalybeous exterior sub- costal line and a few cbalybeous exterior costal streaks, each of which is whitish at the base; costa hardly convex ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings reddish. Length of the body 2£ — lines ; of the wings 6 — 6J- lines. a, b. Ega. Erom Mr. Bates’ collection. 22. Carpocapsa conclusana. Foera. Obscure ochracea , subtus cinerea ; alee anticce apice rectangulatee, triente basali oblique cinerea strigulis plurimis fuscis , fascia obliqua informi interrupta atra , litura plurimis exterioribus parvis purpureo-nigris , strigis nonnullis sub- marginalibus atris; posticce nigricante-cupreee, fimbria obscure cinerea . Female. Dark ochraceous. Body cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint extremely short. Fore wings rectangular at the tips; basal third part obliquely cinereous, with numerous brown speckles; a deep bla b. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 8. SlMAETHIS CONFLUXANA. Mas. Cupreo-nigra , subcinerascens ; corpus subtus album ; palpi porrecti; pedes albi , nigro fasciati ; alee lituris submarginali- bus cyaneis et purpureis , annulo discali oblongo transverso strigisque duabus posdeis albidis , macula exteriore alba ; posticce macula discali fasciaque submarginaii abbreviata albis , fimbria albo bistrigata . Male. Cupreous-black, tinged with cinereous, like £. depul - sana in structure. Body white beneath. Palpi white, porrect, not ascending. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Legs white, with black bands. Wings with blue and purple submarginal marks, like those of S. depulsana. Fore wings with a whitish oblong transverse discal ringlet, and with two short whitish transverse streaks on the interior border ; a white spot in the exterior disk, corresponding to the fourth LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCEKA. 453 white spot of S. depulsana. Hind wings like those of the above species. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. This may be the male of S. depulsana. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 9. SlMAETHIS PLUTUSANA. Fcem. Nigro-fusca ; caput anlicum viride mic ans ; palpi albidi, caput paullo super ante s ; antennae albo annulalce ; pedes albidi ; alee anticae latiusculce , fasciis quatuor guttularibus viridibus micantibus ; posticae obscure cinereo-fuscce. Female. Blackish brown. Head in front and pectus brilliant green. Palpi whitish, porrect, slender, extending a little beyond the head. Antennae with white rings. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs whitish, shining. Wings rather broad. Fore wings hardly acute, with four very incomplete brilliant green bands composed of dots ; first band basal, forming two dots ; second with three dots ; third and fourth more irregular; costa and exterior border nearly straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous-brown ; interior angle prominent. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 4 lines. a , b. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 10. SlMAETHIS RUTILELLA. Cvpreo-nigra ; caput pectusque viridi micante ornatce ; palpi laeves , caput paullo superantes ; antennae albo annulatce ; alee anticae punctis discalibus et submar ginalibus nigris , guttis duabus costalibus , una discali jimbriaque antica albis. Cupreous-black. Palpi porrect, smooth, extending a little beyond the head. Antennae with white rings. Head, pectus and legs adorned with brilliant metallic green. Fore wings acute, W'ith a few metallic blue points in the disk, and with a row of submarginal points of the same hue ; two white costal dots, the second one oppo- site to a white dot in the disk ; fringe white in front. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 454 CATALOGUE OF 11. SlMAETHIS SCINTILLANA. Fcem. Obscure cupreo-fusca ; antennce albo annulate; thorax guttis duabus viridibus micantibus ; abdomen apice viridi micans; ala antica punctis basalibus viridibus punctisque exterioribus chalybao-albis. * Female. Dark cupreous-brown. Palpi smooth, slender, much shortei than the breadth of the bead ; second joint slightly curved ; third linear, shoiter than the second. Antenna? with white rings. Thorax with a metallic green brilliant dot on each side. Abdomen with metallic green lustre towards the tip. Fore wings acute, with some brilliant metallic green points towards the base, and withsome exterior cbalybeous white points ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter moderately oblique. Hind wings a little paler than the fore wings. Length of the body lj line; of the wings 5 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Asia. 12. SlMAETHIS BuTHUSALIS. Mas. Nigricans; corpus subtus album; palpi laves , graciles , breves, sub arcuati, subascendentes , articulo 3 o parvo ; pedes albi, nigricante fasciati ; ala antica apice rotundata , f asciis tribus indeterminatis albidis , guttis marginalibus atris chaly- bao punctatis; postica maculis duabus albidis , macula exte- rior e magna pallidissime cervina , linea margin ali albida . . Male. Blackish. Body white and shining beneath. Palpi smooth, slender, slightly curved and ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint acute, minute. Antenn® minutely setulose. Legs white; tibiae and tarsi with blackish bands. Wings rather short and broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips, , with three irregular whitish bands ; second band broader than the first, composed of three spots, of which the hindmost is the largest ; marginal dots deep black, each accompanied by a glittering chaly- beous point; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings with two whitish spots, which form a widely interrupted band ; a large exterior very pale fawn-coloured spot ; marginal line whitish. Length of the body 1J line; of the wings 4 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 455 13. SlMAETHIS ELATELLA. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; alee linea exteriore abbreviata alba , punctis marginalibus purpureis aut cvpreis, fimbria albo varia ; anticee lineis cinereis , reniformi e striga fuscescente obliqua albo mar- ginal ; poslicee striga discali alba. Male. Cinereous-brown. Antennae slender, more than half the length of the body. Wings with an abbreviated exterior white line ; marginal points metallic purple or cupreous ; fringe partly white. Fore wings with some slight transverse cinereous lines ; reniform mark represented by an oblique brownish white-bordered streak, having a little longitudinal white streak behind it. Hind wings with a large discal white streak. Length of the body If line; of the wings 4f lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard’s collection. 14. SlMAETHIS EXCUSANA. Mas. Cupreo-fusca ; corpus sub ius album ; palpi leeves, graciles, albidi , articulis apice nigris , 2 o elongato ; pedes albi , nigro fasciati ; alee anticcc apice subrotunda tee, guttis duabus discali- bus unaque subapicali albidis , lituris subcostalibus punctisque subrnarginalibus purpureis micantibus ; posticce guttis duabus albis, fascia submarginali purpurea. Male . Cupreous-brown. Body white beneath. Palpi porrect, smooth, slender, whitish, extending very little beyond the head ; tips of the joints black ; third joint as long as the second. Antennae slender, minutely setulose. Legs white, with black bands. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with two whitish discal dots, one interior, the other exterior ; a white more concise subapical dot ; some glittering purple subcostal marks and a submarginal row of glittering purple points; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter slightly oblique. Hind wings with two white spots and with a submarginal purple band. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Q 456 CATALOGUE OF New Zealand. 15. SlMAETHIS COMBINATANA. Cupreo-ferruginea; palpi capitis latitudine paullo longiores , arti- culo 3o sublineari ; antennae albo annulatce ; alee anticce lineis quatuor iransversis albidis diffusis undulatis , fimbria albido binotata . Cupreous-ferruginous. Body cinereous beneath. Palpi porrect, squamous, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint almost linear, nearly half the length of the second. Antennae with white rings. Fore wings with four whitish transverse diffuse irregu- lar undulating lines ; two of these are near the base, and two near the exterior border, and each pair is accompanied by numerous minute whitish speckles ; fringe with two whitish streaks. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a — d. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. Genus 2. CHOREUTIS. Choreutis, Hb. — Porpe, Hb . 1. Choreutis dolosana. dolosana, H.-S. 2. Choreutis Bjerkandrella. Bjerkandrella, Thnb . — Bjerkandrana, F. — vibrana, Hb.— vibralis, Tr . 3. Choreutis pretiosana. pretiosana, Dp. 4. Choreutis australis. australis, ZL 5. Choreutis Myllerana. Myllerana, jP. — angustana, Hb. — Scopoliana, Pz . — scintilulana, Hb. — scintilulalis, Tr. a — k. England. From Mr. Stephens’ collection. I — q. England. From Mr. Stevens' collection. r. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. s — w. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. x , y. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 457 6. Choreutis stellaris. stellaris, Zl. Genus 3. JONACA. JFcem. Corpus robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi validi, pubescentes, arcuati, oblique ascendentes ; articulus 3us brevis, conicus. Antennae breves, valid®, pubescentes. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans. Pedes laeves ; tibiae posticae calcaribus qua- tuor elongatis. Alae anticae elongatae, apice subrotundatae, costa fere recta, margine exteriore subeonvexo subobliquo. Female. Body stout. Proboscis distinct. Palpi stout, pubes- cent, curved, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae short, stout, pubescent. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, ‘moderately stout ; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings elongate, not broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. 1. JONACA COMPULSANA. Foem. Obscure cervina ; corpus subtus flavescente-album ; abdo- men nigricans , segmentis flavescente marginatis ; alee anticce macula basali postica, fascia lata, lituris quatuor exterioribus lineo.que marginali nigricantibus ; posticce nigricantes , maculis tribus pallide Jlavis, fimbria albida. Female. Dark fawn-colour. Body yellowish white beneath. Abdomen blackish; hind borders of the segments pale yellowish. Fore wings with a blackish spot at the base of the interior border, and with a broad blackish band, which is irregular on the outer side, where it emits an oblique streak to the interior angle ; three irregular blackish spots between the band and the exterior border; marginal line blackish. Hind wings blackish, with a line formed by three pale yellow’ spots, the third joining the interior border near the base ; fringe whitish. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. Genus 4. MTSCEBA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi validi, por- recti, pubescentes, capitis latitudine vix breviores; articulus 3us QS 458 CATALOGUE OF longi-conicus. Antennae crassae, pectinatae, apices versus simplices. Pedes breviusculi ; tibiae pilosae. Alae aniicae angustae, apice rotun- datae, margine exteriore convexo obliquo, fimbria longa. Male . Body stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi stout, porrect, pubescent, nearly as long as the breadth of the head; third joint elongate-conical, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae thick, pectinated, except towards the tips; branches short. Legs rather short; tibiae pilose; hind tibiae with four moderately long spurs. Wings narrow; fringe long. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. Mas. Nigricante-cuprea ; tarsi pallido annulali ; alee anticce cinereo pulverosce, gutta discali alba elongata obliqua ; posticce villa latajlava apud costarn dilatata, fimbria cineroa. Male . Blackish cupreous. Tarsi with pale bands. Fore wings very minutely speckled with cinereous; discal dot white, elongated, oblique. Hind wings with a broad yellow stripe, which extends from the middle of the interior border, and is much dilated towards the costa; fringe mostly cinereous, except at the tips of the wings. Length of the body 3 ? lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi porrecti, capitis latitudine multo breviores; articulus 2us dense fim- briatus ; 3us linearis, 2o valde brevior. Antennae glabrae. Abdomen lanceolatum, alas posticas non superans. Pedes laeves; tibiae posticae calcaribus quaiuor longissimis. Alae anticae latae, subacutae, margine exteriore obliquo subconvexo. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with a long dense fringe beneath ; third linear, rounded at the tip, much shorter than the second. Antennae smooth. Abdomen lanceolate, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, moderately stout; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings broad. Fore wings slightly acute ; costa straight; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. 1. Miscera resumptana. Genus 5. OKOSANA. EEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 459 tf'C&otfcdu Igf 1. Orosana ophideresana. ' j ^ Foem. Nigricans , subtus albida ; abdominis segmenta ochraceo marginala ; alee anticce apice subrotundatee , lineis nonnullis transversis indeterminatis punctisque marginalibus atris , squamis nonnullis chalybceis , macula costali exteriore alba; posticce leete lutece , macula discali fasciaque marginali lata nigris. Var. /3. — Minor ; alee posticce macula discali fasciaque marginali lalioribus. Female. Blackish. Body whitish beneath. Palpi porrect, pilose, hardly ascending:, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very short. Hind borders of the abdominal seg- ments ochraceous. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with some chalybeous spangles, and some indistinct and incomplete deep black transverse lines ; marginal points deep black ; a white spot on the costa at two-thirds of the length ; exterior border slightly con- vex, moderately oblique. Hind wings bright luteous, with a black discal spot and a broad black marginal band, which is undu- lating on the inner side. Var. /3. — Smaller. Hind wings with a broader black margin and a larger black spot, which extends almost across the luteous disk. Length of the body 2 — 2J lines ; of the wings 5 — 6 lines. a — c. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. d. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. e. North Hindostan. From Capt. Boyes’ collection. /. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 2. Orosana persumptana. Fcero. Nigra ; vertex luteus ; abdominis segmenta flavescente marginata; pedes albido fascia, ti ; alee anticce cupreo-nigree , lituris sex transversis flavescente-albis , fimbria antice albido notata ; posticce lutece , margine latissimo nigro-cupreo. Female . Black. Vertex luteous. Abdomen with pale yel- lowish bands on the hind borders of the segments. Tibise and tarsi with whitish bands; hind tibiae whitish, except towards the base. Fore wings cupreous-black, with five yellowish white transverse marks, forming three incomplete lines ; first line abbreviated towards the costa ; second line composed of two spots, one of them joining the interior border ; third line of two spots, one of which joins the costa and is near an outer yellowish white costal dot ; fringe with a Q 3 460 CATALOGUE OF whitish mark in front. Hind wings luteous, with a very broad cupreous-black border. Length of the body 3 — lines ; of the wings 8 — 9 lines. a. Australia. Frtn Mr. Darnel's collection. b. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. Orosana desumptana. Cupreo-nigra , subtus cinerea ; palpi laves , graciles, verticem non super antes , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; aloe anticce vix acuta , basi atomisque exterioribus flavescente- cinereis, lineis transversis interrupts cyaneis et purpureis , striga costali subapicali obliqua Jlavescente -cinerea , linea marginali obscure cervina ; poslica lutea , margine lato nigro-cupreo . , Cupreous-black, cinereous beneath. Palpi smooth, slender, nearly erect, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceo- late, a little shorter than the second. Fore wings hardly acute, yellowish cinereous towards the base, and with some yellowish cinereous exterior speckles ; some transverse irregular interrupted metallic blue and purple lines ; an oblique costal subapical yellowish . cinereous streak ; marginal line dark fawn-colour, irregular ; fringe metallic ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings luteous, with a broad cupreous-black border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. Genus 6. PLOTHEIA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi porrecti, compressi, obtusi, fimbriali, caput paullo superantes ; arti- culus 3us minimus. Antennae glabrae, graciles. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes laeves, sat graciles ; tibiae pos- ticae pilosae, calcaribus quatuor longissimis. Alae anticae latiusculae, acutae, costa recta, margine exteriore subconvexo. Female . Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, compressed, obtuse, with a thick short fringe, extend- ing a little beyond the head; third joint extremely short, hardly visible. Antennae smooth, slender. Abdomen slightly tapering, not extending beyond tbe hind wings. Legs smooth, rather slender ; hind tibiae pilose, with four very long spurs. Wings rather broad. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 461 Fore wings acute ; costa straight ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique ; second inferior vein as far from the first as from the third ; third more than twice further from the fourth than from the second. 1. PlOTHEIA 1NN0TABILIS. Foem. Cinereo-fusca ; alee tinea marginali obscure fusca; anticee atomis diffusis fuscis , macula discali nigricante , punctis cos- talibus exterioribus quinque pallide cinereis , punctis margin - alibus nigris albulo notatis ; posticce fuscce. Female. Cinereous-brown. Wings with a dark brown mar- ginal line. Fore wings with diffuse minute brown speckles, and with a blackish discal spot; a row of black whitish-marked marginal points ; exterior costa with five pale cinereous points. Hind wings brown. Var. /3. — Discal spot brown. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Tribe TINEITES. Tineites, Nwm. — Tineacea, Zl. — Tineina, Sta. Tineidse. Sta . Fam. 1. TINEIDiE. Genus 1. DISSOCTENA. Dissoctena, Std . 1. Dissoctena granigerella. granigerella, Std. Genus 2. LYPUSA. Lypusa, Zl. — Galanthia, Hb. ' 1. Lypusa maurella. maurella, W . V, — aesthiopella, Ztt. Genus 3. DIPLODOMA. Diplodoma, ZL 46 2 CATALOGUE OF 1. Diplodoma MARGINEPUNCTELLA. marginepunctella, St. — siderella, Zl. a , b. England. Genus 4. XYSMATODOMA. Xysmatodoma, Zl. 1. Xysmatodoma melanella. melanella, Hw. — atrella, St. — stelliferella, F. R. a. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. b — 1. England. m. Europe. From M. HeminghofTen’s collection. 2. Xysmatodoma astrella. astrella, H.-S. 3. Xysmatodoma argentimaculella. argentimaculella, Sta. Genus 5. HAPSIFERA. Hapsifera, Zl. 1. Haps fee ra luri della. luridella, Zl. 2. Hapsifera parcella. parcella, Ld. 3. Hapsifera ljsvigutella* lasvigutella, H.-S. Genus 6. EUPLOCAMUS. Euplocamus, Ltr. — Epichysia, Fib. 1. Euplocamus Ophisa. Ophisa, Cr .—aurantiella, Tr. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 463 2. Euplocamus anthracinalis. anthracinalis, Sc. — Fuesslinella, Sulz. — anthracinella, W. V. — anthracina, Bkh. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Genus 7. SC AUDI A. Scardia, Tr.— Phycis, Hb. Europe. 1. Scardia polypori. polypori, Esp. — boletella, F. — gigantella, Hb. — boleti, Och. 2. Scardia boletr boleti, F. — mediella? Hb. — choragella, W. V. a, b. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection, c, d. England. €y f. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 3. Scardia tessulatella. tessulatella, Zl. Africa. 4. Scardia yastella. vastellus, Zl. South Africa. Genus 8. MOROPHAGA. Morophaga, H.-S. 1. Morophaga morella. morella, Dp. Genus 9. OCHSENHEIMERIA. Ochsenheimeria, Hb. 464 CATALOGUE OF 1. OCHSENHE1MERIA TAURELLA. taurella, W. V. a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. OCHSENHEIMERIA BUBALELLA. bubalella, Hb. 3. OcHSENHEIME RIA HIRCULELLA. birculella, Tgstr . 4. OCHSENHEIMERIA SCABROSELLA. scabrosella, Tgstr . 5. OCHSENHEIMERIA BISONTELLA. bisontella, Zl. — taurella, C^.—vaculella, St. a — c. England. 6. OCHSENHEIMERIA URELLA. urella, F. R. — Birdella, Ct. — Var. porphyrella, Tgstr. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b — Jc. England. 7. OCHSENHEIMERIA VACULELLA. vaculella, F. R. — taurella, Hb. a. England. 8. OCHSENHEIMERIA CAPELLA. capella, Mschl. Genus 10. ATELIOTUM. Ateliotum, Zl. 1. Ateliotum hungaricellum. bungaricellum, Zl. Genus 11. DYSMASIA. Dysmasia, Hb. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 465 1. Dysmasia petrinella. petrinella, H.-S. Genus 12. TINEA. Tinea, L.— Abebeea, Hb — Monopis, Scythropia, Hb.— En- drosis, Hb.— Prays, Hb.— Symmoca, Hb.— Phycis, Hb.— Di- aphtbirusa, Hb. — Autoses, Hb. — Acedes, Hb. immella, Hb. Europe. 1. Tinea immella. 2. Tinea truncicolella. truncicoleila, Tgstr. 3. Tinea ferruginella. ferruginella, Hb. — splendelia, Hb. — ustella, Hw. a—f. England. g, h. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 4. Tinea rusticella. rusticella, Hb. — saturella, Hw. — vestianella, St. — spilotella, Tgstr . a— i. England. jf, k. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 1. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 5. Tinea fraudllentella. fraudulentella, H.-S. 6. Tinea monachella. monachella, Hb. 7. Tinea fulyimitrella. fulvimitrella, Sdfy. — rupella, Hw. — Bohemanella, Ztt. a — h. England. i y j. Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 466 CATALOGUE OF 8. Tinea tapetzella. tapetzella, L . — tapetiella, Zl. a — k . England. I , m . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. n. Arctic America. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. o. Madeira. Presented by the Entomological Club. p . q . Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton, r. Ceylon. From M. Neitner’s collection. s — v. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. w, w. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. 9. Tinea arcella. arcella, jF.— nivella, F. — repandella, Hb. — clematea, Hiv. a . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b — j, England. 10. Tinea picarella. picarella, L. — rigaella, Sdky— acerella, Tr.— riganella, HrS. a . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 11. Tinea arcuatella. arcuatella, ^.—picarella, Hb. a—f. England. g , h . Scotland. From Mr. Stevens* collection. 12. Tinea corticella. corticella, Ct. — emortuella, ZL— granella, var ., Dp.— cloacella, H.-S. K a—f. England. 13. Tinea pakasitella. parasitella, Hb. a — i. England. m, n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. nigralbella, Zl. 14. Tinea nigralbella. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA 467 15. Tinea quercicolella. quercicolella, H.-S. 16. Tinea granella. granella, L . a — l. England. m, n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, o. Germany. From M. HeminghofFen’s collection. 17. Tinea cloacella. cloacella, Hw — granella, var., Dp. — infimella, H.-S. a—e. England. Var. ruricolella, Sta . a — k . England. 18. Tinea cochylidella. cockylidella, Sta. 19. Tinea relicinella. relicinella, H.-S. 20. Tinea albipunctella. albipunctella, Hw. 21. Tinea caprimulgella. caprimulgella, Sta. a. England. 22. Tinea Panormitanella. Panormitanella, Mann. 23. Tinea nigripunctella. nigripunctella, Hw. — parietariella, H.-S . 24. Tinea angustipennis. angustipennis, H.-S. R 468 CATALOGUE OF ignicomella, II. -S.- 25. Tinea ignicomella. -corticella, Tgstr. i 26. Tinea albicomella. albicomella, H.-S. — albieapilla, Zl. a. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection flavicapilla, ZL 27. Tinea flavicapilla. 28. Tinea fuliginosella. fuliginosella, ZL 29. Tinea misella. misella, ZL — Knockiella, Sta. 30. Tinea spretella. spretella, W. F,*— fuscipunctella, Hiv. a~~n. England. pellionella, L. 31. Tinea pellionella. a — g. England. h, i. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. j. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 32. Tinea dubiella. dubiella, Sta. 33. Tinea pallescentella. pallescentella, Sta. a — e. England. 34. Tinea murariella. murariella, Std. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 469 35. Tinea flavescentella. flavescentella, Hw. — spretella, var. ? Sta . a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 36. Tinea cubiculella. cuhiculella, Std . 37. Tinea inquinatella. inquinatella, Zl. 38. Tinea merdfxla. merdella, ZL 39. Tinea lapella. lapella, Hb. — ganomella, Tr. — tripunctella, Dn. a. England. From Mr. King’s collection. b—j. England. 40. Tinea paradoxella. paradoxella, Std. 41. Tinea casanella. casanella, Ev. 42. Tinea lutosella. lutosella, Ev . 43. Tinea bisellieEla. biseiliella, Hml . — crinella, Tr. — destructor, St. a — k. England. 44. Tinea crassicornella, ZL crassicornella, ZL 45. Tinea simplicella. simplicella, II.- S. a. England. b~~ e. Ireland. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. /. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. r 2 470 CATALOGUE OF 46. Tinea semifulvella. semifulvella, Hw. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. b — g. England. 47. Tinea chrysopterella. chrysopterella, H.-S. — vitellinella, Std. 48. Tinea bistrigella. bistrigella, Hw. — abalienella, Ztt . — dilorella, H .-& . a, b . England. 49. Tinea subammanella. subammanella, Sta. 50. Tinea argentimaculella. argentimaculella, Sta . a . England. 51. Tinea niyeistrigella. niveistrigella, Hum. 52. Tinea vinculella. vinculella, H.-S. 53. Tinea vinctella. vinctella, H.-S. 54. Tinea granulatella. granulatella, H.-S . 55. Tinea confuse lla. confusella, il.-S. 56. Tinea pustulatella. pustulatella, Zl. LBPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 471 North America. 57. Tinea insignisella. Foem. Nigro-cuprea ; caput pectus et abdomen albida ; palpi ob- lique ascendentes , capitis latitudine breviores ; antenna sat valuta ; tibia postica fimbriata ; ala antica sat angusta , chalybao varia , apice rotundata , strigis duabus latis albidis , punctis marginalibus albis ; postica anea. Female . Blackish cupreous. Head, palpi, pectus, abdomen and legs whitish. Palpi obliquely ascending, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical. Antennae rather stout, much shorter than the fore wings. Hind tibiae fringed. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, varied with chaly- heous ; a broad whitish streak along the middle part of the costa and another along the outer part of the interior border ; some white points along the exterior border and along the apical part of the costa ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings aeneous ; fringe long, cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a — d. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 58. Tinea suBxTunctella. Mas. Cinerea ; caput flavo-cinereum densissime pilosum ; palpi supra nigricantes , capitis latitudine paullo longiores ; tibia postica dense fimbriata ; ala sat angusta , subtus nigricantes ; antica vix acuta , villa lata subundulata punctisque nigris ; postica anea, fimbria cinerea. Male. Cinereous. Head yellowish cinereous, very thickly clothed. Palpi diverging, blackish above, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Antennae smooth, rather stout, much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen attenuated, extending for half its length beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae thickly fringed. Wings rather nar- row, blackish beneath. Fore wings hardly acute, with a broad blackish irregular slightly undulating stripe, which extends to the costa near the base, and is accompanied by black points exteriorly ; costa very slightly convex ; exterior border slightly convex, mode- rately oblique. Hind wings aeneous ; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 2f lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. 472 CATALOGUE OP 59. Tinea Martinella. Mas. Nigro-cinerea ; caput nigro pilosum ; palpi brevissimi ; antennae subsetulosce ; alee anticce nigro subconspersce , plaga disci fuscescente. Male. Blackish cinereous. Head with short thick-set black hairs. Palpi very short. Antennae rather stout, minutely setulose, shorter than the fore wings. Wings narrow ; fringe long. Fore wings thinly speckled with black ; a brownish patch in the middle of the disk. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnstcn. South America. 60. Tinea Molinella. Molinella, Cr. Surinam. 61. Tinea?? Petronella. Petronella, Cr. Surinam. 62. Tinea pristinella. Fcem. Cinereo-rufescens , robusta ; palpi pilosissimi ; alee latius - culce, fusco conspersae ; anticce apud costam fusco strigatce , slrigis tribus discalibus latis diffusis obscure fuscis ; posticce cinereo-fuscce. Female. Dull cinereous-reddish. Body stout. Palpi very pilose, shorter than the breadth of the head. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Wings comparatively broad, very minutely speckled with brown. Fore wings transversely streaked with brown along the costa ; three dark brown broad diffuse irregular streaks in the disk ; exterior border moderately oblique. Hind wings cine- reous-brown. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a, b. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 63. Tinea flectella. Fcem. Fusca ; caput pallide flavum ; palpi breves ; abdomen cinereum ; alee acutce , perangustce ; anticce vitta apud mar - ginem interiorem fasciaque exteriore obliqua interrupta pallide fiavis , punctis posticis exterioribus nigris ; posticce cinerece , LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 473 Female . Brown. Head pale yellow. Palpi short, smooth ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Antennae as long as the body. Abdomen cinereous ; oviduct exserted. Wings acute, very narrow. Fore wings with a pale yellow stripe along the interior border ; this stripe is somewhat jagged on its inner side, and it is accompanied by a few black points beyond the oblique in- terrupted and irregular band which proceeds from it to the apical part of the costa. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Venezuela. Prom Mr. Dyson’s collection. 64. Tinea abscensella. Mas. Albido-testacea ; palpi pubescentes , decumbentes , deflexi , capitis latitudine multo longiores ; antennae glabrae ; aloe an - ticae fusco subconspersae , apice rotundatae , guttis quatuor cos- talibus , striga brevi lata obliqua , macula postica punctisque marginalibus nigris ; posticae albidae. Male . Whitish testaceous. Head slightly tufted above. Palpi stout, pubescent, decumbent, diverging, much longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, a little shorter than the second. Antennae stout, smooth. Abdomen extending much be- yond the hind wings. Legs rather stout. Wings narrow, rounded at the tips. Fore wings thinly speckled with brown ; four black costal dots ; a short broad oblique black streak between the first and second dots ; some black points along the exterior border ; a black spot on the interior border in a line with the costal streak. Hind wings whitish ; fringe long. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a . Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. Africa. 65. Tinea damnificella. damnificella, Zl . Natal. 66. Tinea farraginella. farraginella, Zl. South Africa. 474 CATALOGUE OF 67. Tinea speccjlella. Blabophanes speculella, Zl. South Africa. 68. Tinea lucidella. Foem. Pallidissime aurato-ochracea ; caput ochraceum, fascicu- latum ; palpi porrecti, pubescenles ; tibia posticce subjimbri- ata ; ala antica angusta , subacutce ; posticce purpureo-cine- rea. Female. Very pale gilded ochraceous, shining. Head ochraeeous and tufted above. Palpi porrect, pubescent, extending a little be- yond the front, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Abdomen extend- ing much beyond the hind wings. Legs rather long ; hind tibite thinly fringed ; spurs very long. Wings long, narrow ; fringe rather long. Fore wings slightly acute; exterior border very oblique; under side and hind wings purplish cinereous, excepting the fringe. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. 69. Tinea horridella. Foem. Testacea ; palpi porrecti, pubescenles, subarcuati ; antenna robustce ; tibia posticce dense Jimbriata ; ala antica squamosa , aspera , squamis nigris plagisque diffusisfuscis ; postica pallide cinerea, fimbria albida. Female. Testaceous. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head; second joint pubescent, slightly curved; third slender, not more than one-third of the length of the second. Antennse stout. Legs stout; hind tibia densely fringed. Fore wings squamous, rough, shining, rounded at the tips, with some irregular diffuse brown patches and with many black scales ; interior angle prominent, rounded. Hind wings pale cinereous; fringe whitish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. i S \ i i I a . Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius’ collection. 70. Tinea inconcisella. Mas. Subochracea ; palpi porrecti, articulo 2o subtus jimbriato, 3o sub linear i ; antenna subpubescentes ; ala antica apice LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 475 rotundatce , plagis fusees ceniibus nigricante albidoque mar - ginatis , atomis nonnullis nigris , costa subfuscescente guttis quatuor albidis ; posticce nigro-fuscce. Male . Dull pale ochraceous, paler beneath. Head with short erect hairs. Palpi porrect, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly fringed beneath; third nearly linear, much shorter than the second. Antennae stout, minutely pubescent. Abdomen brown above, extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with some brownish patches, which are more or less blackish-bordered ; some little irregular whitish lines along the borders of the patches ; a few black speckles ; costa slightly brownish, with a whitish dot on its middle, and three whitish dots near its tip. Hind wings blackish brown, acute. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection.* 71. Tinea erinacea. Mas. Cinerea ; caput pilosum ; palpi porrecti , breves , pilosi ; tibice posticce late fimbriates ; alee anticce nigricante strigatce , lituris basalibus apicibusque ochraceis , fasciculis albidis; posticce cenece , subtus purpurascentes. Female . Cinereous. Head and palpi pilose. Palpi porrect, extending very little beyond the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae long. Abdomen lanceolate ; oviduct exserted. Hind tibiae broadly fringed. Wings with a long fringe. Fore wings rounded and ochraceous at the tips, minutely and transversely blackish streaked; some small basal ochraceous marks; several discal tufts of long whitish bristles. Hind wings aeneous, purplish beneath; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. “ This moth carries the bristles of the wings erect when alive.” — MSS. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius* collection. 72. Tinea concolorella. Fcem. Fusca ; caput pilosum; palpi graciles , breves; alee anticce cinereo conspersce , litura concava fusiformi; posticce cinerece . * Inserted by mistake among the African species. 476 CATOLOGUE OF Female. Brown, cinereous beneath. Head pilose above. Palpi slender, not extending beyond the head. Abdomen and hind wings cinereous. Fore wings minutely speckled with cinereous; a longitudinal fusiform depressed mark in the disk at a little before the middle. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. 73. Tinea atomosella. Mas. Testaceo-cinerea ; palpi laves , caput super antes, articulo 3 o lineari ; alee anticce angustee , apice rotundatce , atomis guttaque discali nigris ; posticce cinerece. Male . Testaceous-cinereous. Palpi smooth, extending rather beyond the head ; third joint linear, less than half the length of the second. Abdomen and hind wings cinereous. Hind tibiae slightly pilose; spurs very long. Wings narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with numerous minute black speckles ; a black dot in the disk beyond the middle; under side purplish aeneous. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. 74. Tinea abligatella. Fosm. Pallide cinereo-cervina ; abdomen alas posticas longissime superans ; pedes validi , calcaribus longissimis ; alee anticee angustee , apice rolundatee , nigro conspersee , gutta discali exte- riore nigra ; posticce cinereee . Female . Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Under side, abdomen, legs and hind wings cinereous. Abdomen extending for nearly all its length beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, stout ; spurs very long. Wings narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, minutely speckled with black ; a black dot in the disk at two-thirds of the length. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. 75. Tinea abactella. Fcem. Pallidissime cervina ; abdomen alas posticas longissime superans; alee lanceolatee , angustee ; anticce peracutee , nigro suheonspersee , apices versus valde attenuate. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 477 Female. Very pale fawn-colour. Abdomen extending for its whole length beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth. Wings lan- ceolate, narrow, acute. Fore wings much attenuated towards the tips, very acute, very minutely speckled with black. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a . Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. 76. Tinea despectella. Pallide cinerea ; caput albidum; palpi nigricante trifasciati , aril - culo 3 o lanceolato ; tarsi nigro fasciali ; caput albidum ; palpi nigricante trifasciati , articulo So lanceolato ; alee anlicce sub- acutce , venis nigro subconspersis ; posticce cinerece . Pale cinereous-brown. Head and palpi whitish. Palpi slightly diverging, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint with a blackish band near the tip; third lanceolate, much shorter than the second, with two blackish bands. Antennae slender. Legs whitish ; joints of the tarsi with black tips. Fore wings slightly acute, very minutely speckled with black on the veins. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 1 \ line ; of the wings 4J lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Mauritius. 77. Tinea Borboniella. Borboniella, Bd. Mauritius. Isle of France. 78. Tinea subcervinella. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi capitis latitudine longiores , articulo 3o lineari ; tibiae posticce fimbriatce ; alee anticce anguslce , acutce , nigricante conspersce , ceneo chalybceoque subtinctce^gutta discali nigra ; posticce paliide ceneo-cinerece . Male. Cinereous fawn-colour. Body beneath, abdomen and hind wings pale cinereous. Palpi smooth, rather longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint linear, rounded at the tip, a little more than half the length of the second. Abdomen extending for more than half its length beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae with a long fringe. Wings narrow, acute. Fore wings slightly tinged with aeneous and chalybeous, minutely blackish-speckled ; a black 478 CATALOGUE OF dot in the disk at three-fourths of the length ; exterior border ex- tremely oblique. Hind wings pale cinereous, with aeneous reflections ; fringe very long. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke’s collection. 79. Tinea acquisitella. Fcera. Cinerea , robusta; palpi porrecti, articulo 2 o porrecto sub - arcuato ; alee anticce fusco nebulosce , nigro conspersce , spatio apicali albido , strigula postica nigra ; posticce ceneo-cinerece , subhyalince . Female. Cinereous, stout, paler beneath. Palpi porrect, slightly curved, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint with short hairs beneath. Fore wings rounded at the tips, shaded with brown ; speckles black, most distinct and regular along the costa ; apical fifth part whitish, very minutely speckled with brown, concisely and obliquely divided from the brown part; a black streak- let along the apical part of the interior border. Hind wings seneous- cinereous, slightly hyaline. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke’s collection. Asia. 80. Tinea glabrella. Fcem. JEneo-cervina , nitens ; caput pallide ochraceum ; palpi fusci, porrecti, articulo So conico ; pedes robusti ; aloe anticce sat latoe , nigricante quadrilineatce . Female . iEneous fawn-colour, shining. Head pale ochraceous, pubescent. Palpi brown, porrect, not extending beyond the head ; third joint conical, minute. Antennae slender, rather shorter than the fore wings. Legs stout, smooth. Wings moderately broad, iridescent beneath ; fringe with four blackish lines. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. LEP1D0PTERA HETEROCERA. 479 81. Tinea receptella. Mas. Ferruginea ; caput pilosum ; palpi pilosi, breves ; antennce gracillimce ; alee anticce subf alcalde , atomis plagisque qualuor discalibus parvis nigris ; posticce purpureo-fuscce. Male. Ferruginous. Head and palpi pilose. Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint very minute. Antennae very slender. Fore wings acute, subfalcate, with black speckles, some of which are contiguous and form four small discal patches ; costa hardly convex ; exterior border very oblique ; under side and hind wings brown, tinged with purple. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. b . Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Alba ; caput subfasciculatum ; palpi porrecti ; tibice posticce fim- briat.ee ; alee anticce nigro-chalybece, sat angustce , apice rotun- datce , striga lata costali alba biangulata ; posticce obscure ceneo-cinerece. White. Head slightly tufted. Palpi porrect, extending very little beyond the head ; third joint elongate-conical, much shorter than the second. Antennae rather stout, much shorter than the fore wings. Hind tibiae fringed. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings blackish chalybeous, rounded at the tips, with a broad white costal streak, which extends from before the middle nearly to the tip, and forms two slight angles on its hind side ; exterior border extremely oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous, with an aeneous tinge. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. Foem. f Pallide cinereo-cervina ; caput niveum , lanuginosum ; palpi subdeflexi , articulo 3o parvo ; antennce sat robustce ; alee anticce angustce , subacutce , plaga discali subexcavata ; posticce cinerece. Female. Pale cinereous fawn-colour. Head lanuginous, snow- white. Palpi porrect, slightly deflexed, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint acute, minute. Antennae rather stout. Fore 82. Tinea 83. Tinea imp res sell a. S 480 CATALOGUE OF wings narrow, slightly acute, with an aeneous tinge ; a small paler impressed patch in the middle of the disk ; exterior border almost straight, very oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a , bo Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 84. Tinea eissella. Foem. — Pallide jlava ; palpi deflexi ; antenna satrobusta ; thorax fuscus ; alee anticce vix acuta , macula discali , costa dimidio- que exteriore fuscis ; postica cinerea . Var. (3 . — Thoracis discus fuscus . Female. Pale yellow. Head pubescent. Palpi diverging, shorter than the breadth of the head. Antennae rather stout, hardly more than half the length of the fore wings. Thorax brown. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa and exterior half brown ; a brown spot contiguous to the oblique outline of the yellow part. Hind wings cinereous. Far. /3. — Border of the thorax pale yellow’. Length of the body 2 — 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 — 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. c. Ceylon. Presented by S. H. K. Thwaites, Esq. 85. Tinea amandatella. Mas. Cinerea ; caput albidum , lanuginosum ; palpi deflexi , ar - ticulo So lanceolato ; ala antica angusta , nigricante con- spersa , apice rolundata , macula discali oblonga albida semi - hyalina. Male . Cinereous. Head whitish and lanuginous above. Palpi smooth, slender, diverging, not longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Antenna? smooth, more than half the length of the fore wings. Abdomen ex- tending very much beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth. Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips, thickly blackish-speckled, with a whitish oblong semihyaline discal spot ; exterior border extremely oblique. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a , b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 481 86. Tinea parvulella. Mas. Pallide cinerea ; caput lanuginosum ; palpi subdejlexi , articulo So longi-conico parvo ; antennce subpubescentes ; alee anticce angustce , apice subrotundata strigulis plagaque sub - apicali ceneis. Male . Pale cinereous. Head somewhat lanuginous above. Palpi slightly diverging, a little shorter than the breadth of the head; third joint elongate-conical, minute. Antennae very mi- nutely pubescent, about half the length of the fore wings. Legs smooth. Fore wings narrow, slightly rounded at the tips, with some small aeneous streaklets and with an aeneous subapical patch ; fringe long; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body line; of the wings 3J lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Borneo. 87. Tinea robustella. Foem. Subeeneo -cinerea , robusta , nitens ; caput pubescens ; palpi leeves , graciles , breves ; pedes validi ; alee anticce angusice , vix acutce. Female . Cinereous, stout, shining, slightly tinged with aeneous. Head pubescent above. Palpi smooth, slender, porrect, not extend- ing beyond the head. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Legs stout. Wings narrow. Fore wings hardly acute. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 88. Tinea australasxexxa. australasiella, Dn. — cossuna, Leivin. a , b. Moreton Bay. Presented by — Gibbons, Esq. c , d. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. e. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. f — h. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. i,j. Australia. From Mr. Milne’s collection. k. 482 CATALOGUE OF Var. 0. Fore wings with the white hue more prevalent, and forming more numerous bands, which are sometimes entire, some- times interrupted by the branches of the purple bands. Z, m. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 7t. Swan River. Presented by Capt. Grey. 89. Tinea Ethelella. Ethelella, Nwm . Australia. 90. Tinea celsella. Fcem. Cinereo-fusca ; caput pallide cinereum , articulo So li - neari ; antennae subserratce ; oviductus productus ; pedes fusco fasciati ; alee anticce fusco conspersce , guttis marginali- bus et sub apicalibus fuscis, fimbria fusco interlineata. Female. Cinereous-brown. Head and under side pale cine- reous. Palpi ^smooth, slightly streaked with black, nearly as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint linear, rounded at the tip, a little longer than the second. Antennae minutely serrulated. Ovi- duct long. Legs smooth ; tibiae and tarsi with brown bands. Fore wings rounded at the tips, brown-speckled ; brown dots along the costa and along the exterior border, and iu the apical part of the disk ; fringe incompletely interlined with brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 91. Tinea rectella. Fcem. Pallide flava; palpi nigri , apice flavi ; thorax nigro bimaculatus ; alee anticce nigree , costam versus cinereo con- spersce, macula discali cinerea , vitta postica denticulata costaque fiavis; posticte obscure cinerece. Female. Pale yellow. Palpi black, pale yellow towards the tips. Thorax with a large black spot on each side. Fore wings black, slightly speckled with cinereous towards the costa, which is yellow ; a cinereous discal dot, wdiich is whitish beneath ; a yellow denticulated stripe along the interior border; under side blackish a3neous. Hind wings dark cinereous. Length of the body 3 — 4 lines ; of the wings 10 — 12 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by Dr. Milligan. b , c. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection a d . New Zealand. Presented by Capt. J. C. Ross. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 483 92. Tinea maurella. Foem. Nigricans , robusta ; palpi porrecti, articulo 2 o subtus fimbriato ; antennce graci l limce ; pedes albido fasciati ; ala anticce nigro subconspersce , punctis tribus costalibus elongatis albidis . Female. Blackish, stout, dark brown beneath. Head pubescent Palpi porrect, shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint fringed beneath; third lanceolate, much shorter than the second. Antennae very slender, less than half the length of the fore wings. Tibiae and tarsi with whitish bands. Wings rather broad. Fore wings minutely black-speckled, rounded at the tips, with three elongated whitish points along the exterior part of the costa; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 93. Tinea anticella. Foem. Fusco-cinerea ; caput pallide flavum ; palpi brevissimi , subdecumbentes ; antenna validce, breviusculce ; pectus et ab- domen pallide cinerea ; ala anticce apice rotundatce. Female. Brownish cinereous, smooth, shining. Head pale yellow. Palpi very short, slightly decumbent; third joint very minute. Antennae stout, not more than half the length of the fore wings. Pectus, abdomen and legs pale cinereous. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Length of the body 4^ lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Pamplin’s collection. 94. Tinea meliorella. Foem. Ferrugineo-fusca ; caput niveum , dense vestitum ; pectus et abdomen aurato-jiava ; palpi extus nigri ; tibice dense fim- briates ; alee ajiticce nigro punctatce , apice subrotundatoe , plaga basali maxima , plaga costali liturisque nonnullis minimis albis, fimbria obscure fusca albo uninolata; posticce purpureo- cuprece. fimbria auralo-fiava . S 3 484 CATALOGUE OF Female . Ferruginous-brown. Head pure white, densely clothed. Palpi, pectus, abdomen and legs gilded yellow. Palpi diverging, black on the outer side, except at the tips; third joint much shorter than the second. Antennae much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Hind tibia? thickly fringed ; tarsi with brown rings. Wings mode- rately broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with several black points and speckles ; a very large white patch near the base, and a smaller one extending from the middle of the costa to the disk ; some very small and irregular white marks behind the second patch and towards the tip of the wing; fringe dark brown, with a white mark in the middle; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings purplish cinereous; fringe long, gilded yellow. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. Hew Zealand. 95. Tinea certella. Fcem. Fusco-cinerea ; palpi pallide cinerei, capitis latitudine non longiores ; alee anticce acutce , albido-cinerece , fusco con - spersce , vitta lata subcostali bis incisa lineaque submarginali denticulata fuscis ; posticce purpureo-eeneee . Female . Brownish cinereous. Palpi pale cinereous, diverging, not longer than the breadth of the head; third joint very much shorter than the second. Antennae slender, smooth, much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen extending for half its length beyond the hind wings. Wings long, narrow, aeneous beneath. Fore wings acute, whitish cinereous, minutely brown-speckled, with a broad brown stripe, which extends along the costa to nearly three-fourths of the length, and occupies more than half the breadth ; two ex- cavations on the hind side of the stripe, which terminates abruptly ; a denticulated submarginal brown line ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings purplish aeneous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. LEPIDOPTERA HETERQCERA. 485 96. Tinea plagiatella. Mas. Subockraceo-albida ; abdomen fusco-cinereum ; alee anticce angustce, vix acutce, fusco conspersce, striga basali maculisque quatuor nigricantibus , macula postica alba , maculis tribus costalibus strigisque duabus exterioribus fuscis , plagis duabus discalibus ochraceis ; posticee cenece. Male . Whitish. Head and thorax slightly tinged with ochra- eeous. Abdomen brownish cinereous above, extending much beyond the hind wings. Wings long, narrow. Fore wings hardly acute, irregularly speckled with brown ; a blackish streak extending from the base ; two blackish spots in the disk, opposite two others on the interior border ; a white spot behind the second blackish spot ; three brown costal spots ; two brown exterior streaks, one extending to the fore part of the exterior border, the other to the interior angle ; two diffuse ochraceous discal patches ; exterior border extremely oblique. Hind wings aeneous. Length of the body 2j lines; of the wings 8 lines. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 97. Tinea admotella. Mas. Cinerea , sat robusta; palpi decumbentes , capitis latitudine paullo longiores , articulo 3 o lanceolato ; antennee glabrae ; pedes validi ; aloe anticce angustce , sat acutce, fusco conspersee. Male . Cinereous, rather stout. Palpi decumbent, smooth, a little longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Antennae smooth, not more than half the length of the fore wings. Abdomen extending very much beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, smooth. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings acute, thickly speckled with brown ; exterior border slightly curved, rather oblique. Length of the body 2J- — 3 lines ; of the wings 6 — 8 lines. a- — c. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 98, Tinea ? derogatella. Foem. Cinerea; caput albidum ; palpi decumbentes , articulo So longi-conico ; alee anticee alhee , slrigulis transversis nigris , fascia maculisque quatuor inarginalibus aurato-cervinis nigro marginatis ; posticce fimbria subaurala. 486 CATALOGUE OF Female . Cinereous. Head whitish, pubescent. Palpi decum- bent, rather longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate- conical, nearly half the length of the second. Antennae a little more than half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings white, rounded at the tips, minutely and transversely black-streaked, the streaks most numerous on the apical part ; a gilded fawn-coloured black- bordered band ; two costal spots of the same hue nearer the base, and three exterior spots, one of these on the costa, the other two on the exterior border, which is very oblique. Hind wings with the fringe slightly gilded. Length of the body 1J line ; of the wings 4^ lines. a . Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley's collection. Genus 13. MYRMECOZELA. Myrmecozela, ZL 1. Myrmecozela ochraceella. ochraceella, Tgstr. a — /. England. From Mr. Bouchards collection. g — n. England. o, p. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. Genus 14. ERIOCOTTIS. Eriocottis, ZL 1. Eriocottis fuscanella. fuscanella, Zl. Genus 15. LAMPRONIA. Lampronia, Esperia, Hb. — Denisia, Hb. Europe. 1. Lampronia Standfussiella. Standfussiella, ZL 2. Lampronia morosa. morosa, ZL— quadripunctella, Dp. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 6—/. England. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 487 3. Lampronia FLAVIMITRELLA. flavimitrella, lib. 4. Lampronia re dimite lla. redimitella, Zl. 5. Lampronia luzella. luzella, Hb. — flavipunctella, Hw, a—-g. England. 6. Lampronia prallatella. praelatella, W. V . — luzella, Tr . — mcestella ? lib . — flavimitrella ? Dp. a — c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. d — n. England. 7. Lampronia rubiella. rubiella, Bjkd. — variella, F. — corticella, Hw. — multipunctella, Dp. a — o. England. Australia. 8. Lampronia discistrigella. Mas. Obscure cuprea ; palpi porrecti ; antennce flavce , dense setu- losce , nigro annulatce ; abdomen subtus albidum ; tarsi albidi , cupreo fasciati ; alee anticce apice rotundatce , lituris tribus costalibus transversis flavis ; posticce striga discali lutea. Male. Dark cupreous. Palpi porrect, extending a little beyond the head ; third joint very minute. Antennte yellow, densely setu- lose, with black rings. Abdomen whitish beneath, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs whitish beneath ; tarsi whitish, with cupreous bands on the upper side. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with three yellow transverse costal marks ; middle mark much larger than the others ; exterior border hardly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings with an irregular luteous discal streak. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. Teichobia, H.-S. Genus 16. TEICHOBIA. 488 CATALOGUE OF 1. Teichobia VERHUELLA. verhuella, Sta . a, 6, England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. Genus 17. INCUBVAMA. Incurvaria, Hw. — Esperia, Hb. Europe. 1. Incurvaria musculella. musculella, F. — masculella, Hb . — muscula, Hw. — spuria, Hw. a — m. England. w, o . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Incurvaria pectinea. pectinea, Hw. — pectinella, aS 7.— -Zinckenii, Zl. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 3. Incurvaria Korneriella. Korneriella, Zl. — rufimitrella, H.-S. — flavicostella, Zl. 4 . Incurvaria tenuicornis. tenuicornis, Sta. 5. Incurvaria angusticostella. angusticostella, F. R ., Zl. 6. Incurvaria argillella. argillella, Kollar , Zl. 7 . Incurvaria vetulella. vetulella, Ztt. — circulella, Ztt. — pallid ulella, H. -S. LEPIDQPTERA HETEROCERA. 489 8. Incurvaria Oehlmanniella. Oehlmanniella, Hb. a—g. England. 4, i. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 9. Incuryaria Schonherrella. Sebonherrella, Ztt. 10, Incurvaria capitella. capitella, L. a. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. b — l . England, m. Lerwick. Presented by A. White, Esq. ft, o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. p. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 11. Incuryaria rupella. rupella, W. V.— capitella, TV. — Naezenella, Ztt . a y b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. |12. Incuryaria trimaculella, trimaculella, H.-S. — mesospilella, H.-S. Australia. 13. Incuryaria magnella. Mas. Obscure cuprea ; caput supra pallide luteum ; antenna: pu - bescentes ; abdomen luteum , apice cupreum ; alee anticce ma- cula basali postica , fascia , macula exteriore postica fasciaque submarginali interrupta aurato-flavis ; postica: basi aurato- flavee. Male. Bark cupreous. Head above pale luteous. Palpi porrect, extremely short. Antennae pubescent. Abdomen luteous beneath, except at the tip. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with gilded yellow marks ; these consist of a large spot on the interior border close to the base, of a band, of an exterior spot on the inte- rior border, and of a submarginal band ; this band is composed of 490 CATALOGUE OF two spots, of which the hind one is about one-fourth of the size of the fore one. Hind wings gilded yellow towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 14. Incuevaria basiplaga. Mas. Cuprea ; caput fiavum ; antennce pubescentes , articulo lo valido elongato subtns fiavo ; alee anticce vix acutee , purpureo subtinctce , macula basali postica maxima lineaque exteriore transversa vix arcuata flavis. Male . Cupreous. Head yellow. Antennse pubescent ; first joint stout, elongated, yellow beneath. Fore wings slightly tinged with purple, hardly acute, with a very large yellow spot, which rests on the interior border and extends nearly to the base and to the costa ; an exterior transverse yellow line, which is hardly curved invrard. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. b. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. c. Sydney. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. j 15. Incuevaria peoximella. i Mas. Cupreo -purpurea ; caput luteuvn ; palpi albidi , breves , de- cumbentes ; antennce pubescentes ; alee anticce plaga postica basali fasciaque exteriore interrupta atomaria aurato -flavis, costa Jlava ; pG Stic ce fimbria postica pallide lutea . Male . Cupreous-purple. Head luteous. Palpi whitish, short, decumbent. Antennse pubescent. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with gilded yellow patch on the interior border close to the base ; an exterior gilded yellow band, which is interrupted hindward, ab- breviated towards the costa, and composed of speckles; costa mostly yellow ; fringe cinereous-brown. Hind wings with the fringe pale luteous, except towards the tips. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Higgles’ collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 491 16. Incuryaria CONJUNCTELLA. Mas. Obscure citprea ; antennae dilatatae ; aloe anticae purpureo tinctae , spatio basali pallide luteo , lineis quatuor exterioribus transversis arcuatis chalybceis ; posticce subaeneo-lutescentes, margine exteriore ceneo-fusco . Male , Dark cupreous. Palpi pale luteous, short, decumbent. Antennae dilated. Fore wings tinged with purple, rounded at the tips ; basal space pale luteous, except along the costa ; four curved chalybeous lines, of which two are exterior, one submarginal and one marginal. Hind wings pale luteous, with a slight aeneous tinge ; exterior border and fringe aeneous-brown. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 17. Incurvaria purella. Fcem. Purpurascens ; caput pubescens ; palpi graciles , breves ; antennae flavescentes ; aloe anticae fascia latissima flava ; pos- ticce auratae. Female. Purplish, cinereous beneath. Head pubescent. Palpi slender, not extending beyond the head. Antennae yellowish. Fore wings with a very broad oblique yellow band before the middle ; this band is straight on its outer side, convex on the inner side, and is much narrower on the costa ; fringe long. Hind wings gilded ; fringe very long. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. 18. Incurvaria? abditella. Aurato-ochracea , subtus pallide cinerea ; alee anticae elongatae ; posticce fimbria longissima . Gilded ochraceous, pale cinereous beneath. Wings elongate. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; exterior border very oblique ; fringe long. Hind wings with the fringe very long towards the interior angle. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Higgles' collection. T 492 CATALOGUE OF New Zealand. 19. Incurvaria basella. Mas. Cupreo-fusca ; antennce subpubescentes ; ala antica striga basali postica pallide jlava. Male. Cupreous-brown. Antennae minutely pubescent, less than half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a short broad pale yellow streak along the basal part of the interior border ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. Genus 18. MlCROPTERYX. Mieropteryx, Zl— Antispila, lib . — Esperia, Hb . Europe. 1. MlCROPTERYX CALTHELLAo calthella, L. a — d. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. e. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. f—m. England. n, o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Micjropteryx aruncella, aruncella, Scop. a. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. 3. MlCROPTERYX SEPPELLA. Seppella, F.— frodevinella, Dp. — eximiella, ZL a. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. agluella, Dp. 4. MlCROPTERYX AGLiELLA. 5. MlCROPTERYX MANSUETELLA. ! t i mansuetella, Zl. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 493 a — c. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. d — -j. England. 6. Micropteryx myrtetella. myrtetella, Zl . 7. Micropteryx tmperfectella. imperfectella, Std . 8. Micropteryx Rothenbachii. Rothenbachii, Frey. 9. Micropteryx Paykullella. Paykullella, F&.— sicanella, Zl, 10. Micropteryx Anderschella. Anderschella, H.-S, — ammanella, Dp. — allionella, Zl, , var. 11. Micropteryx aureatella. aureatella, Sc. — allionella,F — Paykullella, Thnb.— ammanella, Hb. a — d. England. e. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 12. Micropteryx Thunbergella. Thunbergella, F. — rubrifasciella, Hw. — Anderschella, Tr— Hel- wigella, St. — depictella, H.-S. 13. Micropteryx Sparmannella. Sparmannella, F— auro-purpurella, Hw. — cicatricella, Ztt. a — g . England. 14. Micropteryx subpurpurella. subpurpurella, Hw. «, b . England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. c — v. England. u. Lerwick. Presented by A. White, Esq. w — z. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 494 CATALOGUE OF 15. MlCROPTERYX FASTUOSELLA. fastuosella, Zl . 16. MlCROPTERYX UNIMACULE LLA. unimaculella, Ztt. — purpurella, var., Zl. — Salopiella, Sta. a — Jc. England. 17. MlCROPTERYX CHRYSOLEPIDELLA. cbrysolepidella, Kir . 18. MlCROPTERYX SEMIPURPURELLA. semipurpurella, St. — Solierella, Dp . — amentella, Zl. — violacella, H.-S. a — i. England. 19. MlCROPTERYX PURPURELLA. purpurella, II w. a—d. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. e. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. / — l. England. 20. MlCROPTERYX SUBAMMANELLA. subammanella, Sta. North America. 21. MlCROPTERYX LUTEICEPS. Purpurea , viridi cyaneoque varia ; caput luteum , pubescens ; an - tennce robustce ; alee posticce purpureo-cinerece. Purple, varied with blue and green. Head luteous, pubescent. Antennae stout, not more than half the length of the fore wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips. Hind wings purplish cinereous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redmans collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 495 South America, 22. Micropteryx selectella. Mas. Aurea, micans ; antenna •pallida ; ala anticce cupreo et purpureo varies , fascia interiors aurato-Jlava , line a cyanea exteriore transversa abbreviata ; postices anea. Male . Brilliant gold-colour. Palpi and antennae pale. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; disk partly cupreous or purple ; a gilded yellow well-defined interior band, and a chalybeous-blue transverse exterior line, which is much abbreviated hind ward. Hind wings aeneous. Length of the body line; of the wings 3£ lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. South Africa. 23. Micropteryx? electella. Mas. Cuprea ; antenna alba, graciles, alis anticis paullo longi- ores ; ales anticce apices versus purpurea, fascia media angusta flavescente-alba . Male. Cupreous. Antennae white, slender, a little longer than the fore wings. Fore wings purple towards the tips, which are rounded ; a narrow yellowish white middle band. Length of the body If line ; of the wings 4^ lines. a . Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius’ collection. Hindostan. 24. Micropteryx? acutipennis. Mas. Cinerea ; ala aureo jimbriata ; antica fusiformes , acuta , aureo conspersa ; postica purpurea. Female. Cinereous. Fringe of the wings gilded. Fore wings elongate-fusiform, acute, thickly covered with minute gilded span- gles; under side and bind wings purple. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. South Hindustan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. T 3 496 CATALOGUE OF 25. Micropteryx ? unicella. Mas. Cervina ; caput ochraceum , pilosum ; palpi pilosi , oblique ascendentes ; antennce breviusculce ; alee anticce punctis mar - ginalibus indistinctis nigricantibus ; posticce purpurascentes . Male . Fawn-colour. Head ochraceous, pilose. Palpi pilose, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint very minute. Antennae smooth, rather short. Abdomen linear, extending rather beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth ; spurs long. Wings rather broad. Fore wings with indistinct diffuse blackish points along the exterior part of the costa and along the exterior border ; under side and hind wings purplish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a . North Hindostan. Presented by Capt. Strachey. Genus 19. NEMOPHORA. Nemophora, Hb. Europe. 1. Nemophora Swammerdamella. Swammerdamella, X. a — i. England. j- — m. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. n f o. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Nemophora sericinella. sericinella, ZL 3. Nemophora Schwarziella. Schwarziella, ZL a — k. England. 4. Nemophora Panzerella. Panzerella, Hb, a—e. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Carteri, St a. 5. Nemophora Carteri. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 497 6. Nemophora pilulella. pilulella, Hb . — pileila, TV. 7, Nemophora pilella. pileila, W. V . a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection, b . c. Germany. From M. HeminghofFen’s collection. 8. Nemophora metaxella. metaxella, Hb . a—/. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. g. England. /i, Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. j, k. Germany. From M. HeminghofFen’s collection. South Africa. 9. Nemophora crinigerella. erinigerella, Zl. CafFraria. 10. Nemophora turpisella. Mas. Cana ; alee anticce atomis punctisque discalibus fuscis , lineis tribus indeterminatis , punctis marginalibus fuscis ; pos~ ticce fuscescentes, fimbria cana, Male. Hoary, rather stout. Antennse more than thrice longer than the fore wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with brown speckles and points, the latter forming three irregular oblique brown lines; a row of brown marginal points. Hind wings brownish; fringe hoary. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a , b. South Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c. South Africa. From M. Drege’s collection. Australia. 11. Nemophora sabulosella. Mas. Cinerea ; caput et thorax subjlavescentia ; antennee albidce , fuscescente annulatce ; pedes validi ; alee anticce cervino red- culatce. 498 CATALOGUE OP Male, Cinereous. Head and thorax with a slight yellowish tinge. Antennae whitish, very long, with very numerous brownish rings. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs stout. Fore wings thickly and minutely reticulated with fawn- colour, darkest along the costa. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, Australia. From Mr. Damel’s collection. Genus 20. ADELA. Adela, Latr, — Epityphia, Hb.— Nemotois, Hb — Capillaria, Hiu . Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Adela fibulella. fibulella, W. V.— Frischii, Hiv. — Latreillela, St,-- pulchella, Ev. a — i . England. j — k. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. £. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Adela leucocerella. leucocerella, Sc.— bimaculella, F. R. — conformella, Zl 3. Adela rufifrontella, rufifrontella, Tr — aurifrontella, Dp. a. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. cyanella, Mn. canalella, Ev. 4. Adela cyanella. 5. Adela canalella. 6. Adela kufimitrella. rufimitrella, Sc. — Frischella, Hb.— Reaumurella, St.— purpura tella, Mn. a . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b — m. England. n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA, 499 7. Adela yiolella. violella, Tr. — tombacinella, F. R. a — e. Europe. From M. Beckers collection. 8. Adela Mazzolella. Mazzolella, Hb. 9. Adela paludicolella. paludicolella, Mn. 10. Adela albicinctella. albicinctella, Schl. 11. Adela homalella. homalella, Std. 12. Adela repetitella. repetitella, Mn. 13. Adela australis. australis, H.-S. 14. Adela basella. basella, Ev. 15. Adela associatella. associatella, F. R ., Zl. 16. Adela Sulzella. Sulzella, W. V. — fasciata, Naturf. — Degeerella, Sc. — Podaella, Dn. — Sultzii, Hw. — Sultzella, Dp. — Sultzeriella, Zl. — laqueatella, Zl. a — c. England. From Mr. Foxcrofts 5 collection. d — n. England. o — r. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. s. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. t. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 500 CATALOGUE OF 17. Adela RELIGATELLA. religatella, Zl. 18. Adela Degeerella. Degeerella, L. — striatella, F. — Sulzella, Schr. — Croesella, Sc.— phryganoides, Retz . — Geerella, Hb. — Degeeri, Hw. a. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. b — k. England. Z, m. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. n, o. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 19. Adela congruella. congruella, F. R., Zl. 20. Adela Ochsenheimerella. Ochsenheimerella, Hb. 21. Adela viridella. viridella, Sc. — Keaumurella, Clk. — Sphingiella, Hb. — viridis, Hw. a — m. England. w, o. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen s collection. 22. Adela cuprella. cuprella, W. V. — aeneella, Ztt. — crinitella, Ztt. a. England. b. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Speyeri, Zl. adamantella, Kin. pantherella, Gn. Algiers. 23. Adela Speyeri. 24. Adela adamantella. 25. Adela pantherella. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 501 North America, 26. Adela purpurea. Mas. Obscure purpurea ; caput pilosissimum ; antennce alis an - dels plus duplo longiores ; alee andcee cupreo consperste , fascia exteriore angusta lineaque submarginali transversa arcuata albis ; posticce cupreee . Male. Dark purple. Head very pilose. Antennae much more than twice longer than the fore wings. Fore wings with cupreous spangles ; a narrow white band beyond the middle, and with a sub- apical transverse curved white line. Hind wings cupreous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Ray. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 27. Adela belle la. Fcem. Purpureo-cuprea ; caput luteum ; antennce corpore multo longiores , apices versus albidce ; alee anticce fascia aurato-flava cyaneo marginata , spado interiore auralo lineis cyaneis aut purpureis , lineis exterioribus auratis . Female. Purplish cinereous. Head luteous. Antennae stout, whitish towards the tips, much longer than the body. Fore wings with a bright gilded yellow exterior band, bordered with blue ; inte- rior space gilded, with four blue or purple stripes ; exterior space with eight gilded stripes. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Closely allied to A. Degeerella. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. South Africa. 28. Adela albicornis. Mas. Cupreo-purpurea ; palpi pilosissimi , capitis ladtudine paullo longiores ; alee andcee fascia media guttaque costali exteriore flavis. Male. Cupreous-purple. Palpi black, thickly clothed with long hairs, a little longer than the breadth of the head. Antennae white, more than twice longer than the fore wings. Fore wings with a yellow middle band, and with a yellow costal dot beyond 502 CATALOGUE OF three-fourths t of the length. Length of the body 3£ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a — c. Natal. From M. Guenzius’ collection. 29. Adela laurella. Laurella, Nwm. Australia. Australia. 30. AdELA CLERULEELLA. Mas. Saturate cyanea , purpureo-varia ; antennce alis anticis triplo longiores , apices versus albce ; tarsorum articuli apice argentei . Male . Dark blue, varied with purple. Head dull ochraceous. Antenna; white towards the tips, about thrice longer than the fore wings. Joints of the tarsi with silvery white tips. Length of the body — 3 lines ; of the wings 6 — 7 lines. a. Australia. Frrn Mr. Darnel’s collection, ft, c. — — ? Genus 21. NEMOTOIS. Nemotois, Hb. — Epitypkia, Hb . — Adela, Gn. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Nemotois scabiosellus. scabiosella, Sc. — Frischella, Schr. — viridella, Hb. — sphingiella, Hb . cuprea, Hw. — cuprella, St. — aerosellus, F. R. a — f. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. g—j. England. A, l. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. m, n. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Nemotois Peeieferellus. Pfeifferella, Hb. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 503 3. Nemotois Latreillellus. Latreillella, F. a , b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. c. Sicily. 4. Nemotois Raddellus. Raddella, Hb. 5. Nemotois pantherellus. pantherellus, Gn. Algeria. 6. Nemotois cupriacellus. cupriacella, Hb.~- cypriacella, Hb. a , b. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. c — i. England. Presented by B. Piffard, Esq. j, k. Germany. From M. HeminghofFen’s collection. 7. Nemotois istrianellus. istrianellus, H.-S, 8. Nemotois violellus. violella, W. V. 9. Nemotois Ann^e. Ann®, Mn. (MSS.), Zl. 10. Nemotois prodigellus. prodigellus, ZL Brussa. 11. Nemotois Schiffermillerellus. Schifferraillerella, W . V . — fasciella, i 7 .— fascia, Hw. a. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. b — d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. e — h. England. /, m. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. n, o. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. V 504 CATALOGUE OF lenellus, Zl . mollellus, Hb. 12. NEMOTOIS LENELLUSc 13. Nemotois mollellus. 14. Nemotois minimellus. roinimella, W . V. a — h . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i — 1. England. 15. Nemotois barbatellus. barbatellus, ZL 16. Nemotois chalcochrysellus. chalcochrysellus, Mn . v » 17. Nemotois albiciliellus. albiciliellus, Std. 18. Nebiotois Dumerilellus. Duinerilella, Dp. — inauratella, Dp. Africa. 19. Nemotois parvella. Mas. Aurea, ynicans ; oculi connexi ; alee anticce macula costali trigona fasciaque submar ginali luteis nigro marginatis. Male. Brightly gilded. Eyes connected above. Antennas very long. Fore wings with a luteous triangular spot, which rests on the costa and extends to the disk, and is bordered with black on each side; a luteous submarginal band, widening hindward and bordered with black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sierra, Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Asia. 20. Nemotois inbica. Mas. Aurea , micans ; oculi fere conligui ; aulennee alis anlicis plus cluplo longiores ; alee anticce fascia aur at a nigro marginata , LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 505 spalio exterior e atomis aureis. Var. p. — Major ; alee anticee strigis duabus basalibus Jlavis, fascia latiore pallidiore chaly- bceo marginata. Male. Brightly gilded. Eyes nearly contiguous. Antennae more than twice longer than the fore wings. Fore wings with a gilded band beyond the middle, bordered with black on each side ; exterior space purple, with numerous gilded speckles. Hind wings purple. Var. (3. — Larger. Fore wings with two yellow streaks near the base ; band paler, broader, bordered with ebalybeous on each side ; exterior space with fewer gilded speckles. Length of the body 3 — 3J lines ; of the wings 7 — 8 lines. a— c. South Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. 21. NeMOTOIS SINfCELLA. Mas. Pallide aurata, ; antennae alis antieis plus duplo longiores ; alee anticee dimidio exteriore cupreo purpureoque micante , striga coslali arcaata flava ; posticee purpurascente-cupreee. Male. Purple. Eyes large and prominent, connected above. Hind tibiae broadly fringed. Wings rather broad. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, thickly covered with minute gold spangles; a yellow hardly oblique band, which is broadest hind- ward, and is divided on each side by a hardly undulating black line from a narrow ebalybeous band. Hind wings with a cupreous fringe. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sumatra. From Sir Stamford Baffles’ collection. 22. Nemotois decisella. Mas. Purpurea ; alee anticee latiusculee , aureo conspersee , fascia media flava vix obliqaa nigro marginata , fasciis duabus an- gustis chalybeeis ; posticee cupreo jimbriatee. Male. Pale gilded. Antennae more than twice longer than the length of the fore wings. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; exterior half brilliant cupreous, varied with purple ; a yellow curved streak in front, joining the costa at each end. Hind wings purplish cupreous. Length of the body 2 \ — 3 lines ; of the wings 7 — 8 lines. a— d. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 506 CATALOGUE OF Australasia. 23. Nemotois aurisparsella. Mas. Lcete purpureo-cuprea ; antennce nigrce, longissimce ; tho- rax auratus ; alee anticce dimidio basali Jlavo guttis quatuor auratis tumidis ; posticce basi Jlavescente-cinerece subhyalince. Male . Bright purple-cupreous. Eyes large, prominent. An- tennae black, very long. Thorax gilded. Wings comparatively broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; more than half the surface from the base yellow, with four small tumid gilded dots, one basal, the other three in the middle of the wing. Hind wings yellowish cinereous and slightly hyaline towards the base. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 24. Nemotois sparsella. Mas. Cuprea , micans ; antennce nigree , alis anticis duplo Ion - giores ; alee anticce fascia nigra lata obliqua albido conspersa ; posticce purpurece . Male . Brilliant cupreous. Antennae black, twice the length of the fore wings. Fore wings with a broad oblique black band, which is thickly covered with whitish elongated very minute speckles. Hind wings purple. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. Genus 22. CEROMITIA. Ceromitia, Zl. 1. Ceromitia Wahlbergi. Wahlbergi, Zl. Var. ? Mas. Alba ; antennce alis anticis quadruplo longiores ; alee anticce fasciis quinque , punctis exterioribus lineaque mar- ginali cupreis ; posticce jlavescente-cinerece . Var.P Male. White. Antennae four times the length of the fore wings. Abdomen, hind wings and under side yellowish cinereous. Fore wings with five cupreous bands ; first band basal ; second ob- lique ; third and fourth united towards the costa ; fifth straightened LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 507 or interrupted hind ward ; a few exterior points and the marginal line cupreous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius’ collection. Genus 23. SENTICA. Mas et foem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porreeti, graciles, lanceolati, caput perpaullo superantes, subtus pilosi. Anteonse glabrse, gracillimae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes validi, calcaria longa. Alae anticae latiusculse, apice rotundatae. Mas. — Abdomen lateribus apicem versus fascicu- latis. Foem. — Oviductus exsertus. Male and female. Body rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi slender, lanceolate, porrect, extending very little beyond the head, pilose beneath ; third joint less than half the length of the second. Antennae smooth, very slender. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, thickly pilose on each side in the male; oviduct of the female exserted. Legs stout; spurs long. Wings rather broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; costa and exterior border hardly convex, the latter moderately oblique. 1. Sentica oppositella. Mas et foem. Nigro-viridis ; caput subtus album; antennae albo annulatce ; abdominis latera apicem versus luteo pilosa ; alee anticce f asciis quatuor guttularibus albis , 1 a integra postice abbreviata , puncto apicali albo; posticce purpureo-cupreoe, punctis tribus marginalibus albis , venis fimbriaque viridi- nicjris. Var. Mas. — Alee anticce punctis duobus intermediis albis. Male and female. Deep greenish black. Head beneath and fore coxae white. Antennae with very numerous white rings. Ab- domen of the male with black hairs on each side, except towards the tip, where the hairs are luteous. Fore wings with four irregular bands composed of elongated white dots ; first band entire, abbrevi- ated hindward ; second composed of two dots ; third of three dots ; fourth of four dots; a white apical point. Hind wings purplish cupreous; veins and fringe greenish black; a white dot at the end of the interior border ; two white points near the exterior border, one towards the interior angle, the other towards the tip. Length of the body 3—3^ lines ; of the wings 7 — 8 lines. u 3 508 CATALOGUE OF a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. b , c. Australia. From Mr. Argent’s collection. d. Australia. From Mr. Stutchbury’s collection. e. Australia. Presented by the late Earl of Derby. Var . Male. Two white points between the second and third bands of the fore wings ; second and third dots of the fourth band connected and forming a streak, which extends over the fringe. /. Java. From the East India Company’s collection. 2. Sentica? punctiferella. Mas. Cuprea ; caput Jlavescens ; palpi brevissimi , gracillimi ; antennce cinereee , pubescentes ; alee anticee basi lutescentes cupreo consper see, f asciis duabus angustis punctisque margin - alibus albidis, fascia 2 a valde abbreviata; posticce aurato - Jlavce , cupreo late marginatce. Male. Cupreous. Head yellowish above. Palpi cinereous, porrect, very short and slender. Antennae cinereous, pubescent. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, pale luteous, and speckled with cupreous at the base and along part of the interior border ; two narrow whitish bands, one interior, the other exterior and much abbreviated hind ward ; a row of whitish points along the exterior border and along the adjoining part of the costa and of the interior border. Hind wings gilded yellow, broadly and diffusedly bor- dered with cupreous. Length of the body ? lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 3. Sentica? glabrella. Mas. Obscure cupreo -purpurea ; vertex cinereus ; palpi brevis- simi , gracillimi; antennce gracillimce ; abdomen fasciculo apicali lutescente ; alee anticee longiusculee , sat angustee, f asciis duabus , maculis tribus strigaque transversa apicali albis . Male. Dark cupreous-purple. Vertex cinereous. Palpi ex- tremely short and slender. Antennae very slender. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft large, pale luteous. Wings rather long and narrow. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with two white bands, one interior, the other exterior ; three white spots between the bands, two on the costa, the LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 509 third on the interior border ; a white interrupted transverse streak on the exterior border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. Genus 24. SEZERIS. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porrecti, acuti, caput perpaullo superantes, articulo 3o minimo. Antennae validae, setis pubescentibus. Abdomen alas posticas vix superans, fasciculo apicali minimo. Pedes breves, robusti, laeves, calcaribus longis validis. Alae anticae latiusculae, apice rotundatae, margine exteriore perobliquo. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, acute, extending very little beyond the head ; third joint very mi- nute. Antennae stout, tapering, with pubescent bristles. Abdomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft very small. Legs short, stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with four long stout spurs. Wings rather broad. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique; fourth inferior vein remote from the other three. 1. Sezeris conflictella. Mas. Nigra ; antennae subtus ferruginece ; thorax flavo binotatus ; alee anticae atomis maculisque quinque costalibus jlavis ; pos- ticaflavce, margine latissimo jlavo maculas sex Jlavas inclu *» dente. Male . Black. Antennae ferruginous beneath. Thorax with a yellow mark on each side in front. Tibiae and tarsi with yellow bands. Wings with a whitish fringe. Fore wings with yellow speckles and with five yellow costal spots. Hind wings yellow, with a very broad black border, which contains six yellow spots ; two of these are costal, two apical, and two near the end of the interior border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Tasmania. From the Entomological Society’s collection. 510 CATALOGUE OF Genus 25. TORTYRA. Mas . Corpus squamosum, sat gracile. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi porrecti, squamosi, capitis latitudine breviores, articulo 3o conico. Antennae setulosae, dimidio basali dilatatae squamosae. Abdomen alas posticas non superans. Pedes laeves, calcaribus longis. Alag anticae latae, apice subrotundatae, margine exteriore vix obliquo. Male . Body squamous, smooth, rather slender. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, squamous, shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint conical, minute, not more than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae setulose, dilated and squa- mous for more than half the length from the base. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth ; spurs long. Wings broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the lips ; costa straight ; exterior border hardly oblique. 1. Tortyba spectabilis. Mas. Laete purpurea; antennae albo fasciatce, apice nigrce; aloe anticae dimidio basali cinereo conspersae , striga basali air a , fascia exteriore metallica versicolori atro marginata , spatio exteriore cyaneo submarginata ; poslicce cupreae. Male . Bright metallic purple. Antennae purple, with a white band towards the tips, which are black. Abdomen and hind wings cupreous. Fore wings very thickly and minutely speckled with cinereous on more than half the length from the base ; a minute deep black streak on the base of the costa ; two deep black lines before the middle, including a band which varies in hue from purple to green and to pale chalybeous-blue ; exterior part tinged with blue along the speckled part and along the fringe. Length of the body lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a — e. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. /. Santarem. From Mr. Bates’ collection. 2. ToRTYRA AURIFERALIS. Mas. Cuprea ; thorax cinereo conspersus , lateribus auratis ; aloe anticae laete auratae , spatio medio cinereo consperso fasciam auratam atro marginatum include nte. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 511 Male . Cupreous. Thorax thickly and minutely cinereous- speckled, brightly gilded on each side. Fore wings brightly gilded; middle space very thickly and minutely cinereous-speckled, including a bright gilded band, which is bordered by two deep black lines. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. Genus 26. SABATINCA. Mas. Corpus gracile. Caput dense hirsutum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi pilosi, brevissimi, decumbentes. Antennae breves, incrassatae, fasciculo basali longo. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes validi, subpilosi ; calcaria longa. Alae anticae angustae, apice ro- tundatae, margine exteriore valde obliquo. Male. Body slender. Head densely pilose ; hairs erect. Pro- boscis obsolete. Palpi decumbent, pilose, very short. Antennas short, incrassated, with a long dense basal tuft. Abdomen extend- ing beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, slightly pilose; spurs long. Wings narrow; fringe broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa and exterior border nearly straight, the latter extremely oblique. 1. Sabatinca jncongruella. Mas. Obscure ochracea ; antenna nigro bifasciala ; abdomen nigricans ; alee anticee nigro subconspersa , punctis costalibus nigris , lituris costalibus aurato-flavis , 2 a lata elongata ; pos- ticce nigro -purpurea. Male. Dark ochraceous.. Antennae with two black bands ; second band apical. Abdomen blackish. Fore wings with a few black speckles; costa with black points and with some gilded yel- low marks ; of these the secund forms a broad oblique streak, which extends to the disk and is much more conspicuous than the others ; fringe yellow; under side and hind wings blackish purple. Length of the body 2 — 2f lines ; of the wings 4 \ — 5 lines. a, b. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. Genus 27. NIGILGIA. Fcem. Corpus robustum, glabrum, squamosum. Proboscis valida. Palpi porrecti, caput non superantes, articulo 3o minimo. Antennae robustae, thorace non longiores. Pedes breves, validi. 512 CATALOGUE OF Alse anticae breviusculte, latiusculae, vix acutae, margine exteriore subobliquo. Female.. Body stout, smooth, squamous. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, not extending beyond the head; third joint extremely minute. Antennas stout, smooth, not longer than the thorax. Legs short, stout. Wings rather short and broad. Fore wings hardly acute ; exterior border slightly oblique. 1. Nigilgia adjectella. Lcern. Capreci ; corpus subtus albidum ; alee anticce lineis plu- rimis e atomis cinereis, f asciis duabus atris cupreo Imeatis. Female. Cupreous, shining. Body whitish beneath. Proboscis tawny. Fore wings with numerous transverse lines composed of minute cinereous speckles; two deep black bands; first band with two cupreous lines; second band with a cupreous line, which emits a streak from its middle to the tip of the wing ; two short cupreous streaks, one oblique, in front of the apical part of the first streak, the other transverse, proceeding from the costa and parallel to the line of the second band. Hind wings with a white fringe. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. \ a. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. Genus 28. TIRASIA. Mas. Corpus robustum, hirsutum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi hirsuti, squamosi, breves, subascendentes. Antennae glabrae, breves, validae. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes robusti, breviusculi ; tarsi postici pilosi. Alae antiege dense vestitae, apice subrotundatce, margine exteriore recto sat obliquo. Male. Body stout. Head and thorax hirsute, squamous. ; Proboscis obsolete. Palpi hirsute, squamous, slightly ascending, not >. longer than half the breadth of the head; third joint extremely • short. Antennae smooth, rather stout, not longer than the thorax. Abdomen pilose, extending rather beyond the hind wings. Legs | stout, rather short, densely pilose; spurs long, stout; hind tarsi with long hairs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings densely clothed, rounded at the tips; exterior border straight, rather oblique; first, second and third inferior veins approximate; fourth remote. Hind wings with the fringe very long along the interior border. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 513 1. Tirasia granulatella. Mas. j Ferrugineo -fusca ; alee anticce nigro conspersee , nigro-fusco slrigalce. Fcem. ? — Palpi dense pilosi, caput longe superantes ; tarsi postici non pilosi ; alee anticce margine exteriore minus obliquo . Male . Ferruginous-brown, cinereous-brown beneath. Abdo- men and bind wings brown. Fore wings minutely speckled with black, minutely and transversely streaked with blackish brown. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Villa Nova. From Mr. Bates 5 collection. Female P Palpi porrect, densely pilose, extending much beyond the head, nearly as long as the breadth of the latter. Abdomen shorter, less pilose. Hind tarsi not pilose. Fore wings less ferru- ginous ; exterior border less oblique. Length of the body 5J lines ; of the wings 13 \ lines. b. Santarem. From Mr. Bates’ collection. c. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. Genus 29. TISSA. Mas. Corpus robustum, squamoso, hirsutum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porrecti, robusti, lanceolati, capitis latitudine non breviores. Antennae subpeetinatae. Abdomen alas posticas longe superans. Pedes robusti ; tibiae posticse piiosae, calcaribus longis. Alae anticae squamosae, angustae, apice rotundatae, margine exteriore perobliquo. Male. Body stout, squamous, hirsute. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, stout, lanceolate, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint lanceolate, a little shorter than the second. Antennae slightly pectinated, more than half the length of the body. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft lage. Legs stout; hind tibiae pilose ; spurs long. Wings narrow. Fore wings squamous, rounded at the tips; costa quite straight; exterior border convex, very oblique. 1. Tissa. inquinatalis. • Mas. Ferrugineo-fusca ; pedes cinereo fasciati ; alee anticce nigro conspersce , f asciis tribus cinereis interrupts indeterminatis , fimbria cinerea fusco strigata ; posticee purpureo-fuscce. 514 CATALOGUE OE Male. Ferruginous-brown, purplish brown beneath. Abdominal tuft cinereous towards the tip. Legs with cinereous bands. Fore wings with black speckles, and with three irregular and interrupted cinereous bands ; fringe cinereous, with six brown streaks. Hind wings purplish brown ; fringe cinereous, interlined with brown near the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Trimen’s collection. 2. Tissa? connexalis. Mas. Obscure cinerea ; caput et abdomen argenteo-cinerea ; palpi pubescentes , arliculo 3 o conico ; antennce late peclinaice ; alee anticee punctis marginalibus nigris , maculis duabus strigaque exteriore undulata furcaia obscure fuscis nigro et argenteo marginatis , fimbria argenteo strigata ; posticce fuscescente - cinerea. Male. Dark cinereous, paler beneath. Head and abdomen silvery cinereous. Palpi pubescent ; third joint conical, less than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae broadly pectinated. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Fore wings with a few black points near the base, and with three dark brown marks, which have black and silvery borders ; these marks consist of two interior spots and a broad exterior undulating streak, which is forked towards the costa ; marginal line silvery, with an exterior blackish border, which is interrupted by some silvery streaks on the brownish cinereous fringe. Hind wings brownish cinereous ; fringe whitish, interlined with biwnish cinereous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Trimen’s collection. Genus 30. ALAVONA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi validi, breves, subpilosi ; articulus 3us longi-conicus. Antennae pectinatae. Abdo- men alas posticas superans ; fasciculus apicalis sat magnus. Pedes robusti ; tibiae pubesceutes, calcaribus longissimis. Alae anticae sat angustae, vix acutae. Male. Body stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi stout, porrect, slightly # pilose, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, about half the length of the second. Antennae moderately pectinated. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft rather large. Legs stout; tibiae pubescent; LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 515 spurs very long. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings hardly acute ; costa straight; exterior border moderately oblique ; third inferior vein rather more distant from the fourth than from the second. 1. Alavona indecorella. Mas. Cinereo-fusca ; caput subcervino-cinereum ; alee anticee nigricante conspersce ; posticce fusco conspersce . Male. Cinereous-brown, more cinereous beneath. Head and apical tuft of the abdomen cinereous, with a slight tinge of fawn- colour. Fore wings very minutely blackish-speckled. Hind wings more cinereous, very minutely brown-speckled. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. South Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhouse, Esq. 2. Alavona barbarella. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; palpi caput vix sup er antes ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee anticee f asciis duabus obliquis interruptis indeterminatis e squamis nigris ; posticce cinerece. Male . Cinereous fawn-colour. Palpi hardly extending beyond the head. Thorax and fore wings with many black scales. Abdo- men cinereous, extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather large, tinged with fawn-colour. Fore wings with two oblique very incomplete and much interrupted bands formed by the speckles. Hind wings cinereous; fringe very long towards the interior angle. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Hindostan. Presented by the Secretary of the India Board. 3. Alavona cossusella. Mas. Cinerea , crassa , fusco conspersa ; palpi subtus fusci , articulo 2 o crasso , So parvo acuto ; tibiee posticce pilosce ; alee anticee strigis transversis , plagis quinque costaque basi fuscis , fimbria fusco interlineata. Male. Cinereous, speckled with brown, very stout. Palpi brown beneath, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; second joint thick; third acute, minute. Legs stout; hind tibfce pilose. Fore wings rounded at the tips, transversely streaked with dark brown ; four connected and very irregular brown patches in the exterior disk, and a fifth contiguous to the base of the interior X 516 CATALOGUE OF border; costa brown towards the base; fringe interlined with brown ; exterior border slightly convex, moderately oblique. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Nepaul. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 4. Alavona? ursulella. Mas. Cinerea ; palpi porrecti , laves , sat graciles , articulo 3o lanceolato ; antenna ramis Ion gius cults ; alee anticce nigro conspersa , apice subrotundatce. Male . Cinereous. Palpi porrect, smooth, rather slender, extending very little beyond the bead; third joint lanceolate, hardly half the length of the second. Antennas rather broadly pectinated. Fore wings with diffuse black speckles, slightly rounded at the tips. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Genus 31. TOXALIBA. Mas . Corpus sat robustum. Caput hirsutum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porrecti, graciles, pilosi, acuti, caput perpanllo super- antes, articulo 3o minimo. Antennae crassae, squamosae, setosae. Pedes validi. Alae anticae elongatae, apice rotundatae, margine exteriore perobliquo. Male. Body moderately stout. Head hirsute. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, slender, acute, pilose, extending very little beyond the head; third joint very minute. Antennae thick, squamous, with short thick bristles. Legs stout. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter very oblique; three inferior veins; second as far from the first as from the third. 1. Toxaliba reductella. Mas. Obscure cupreo-fusca ; caput ochraceum ; alee venis nigro - viridibus . Male. Dark cupreous-brown. Head ochraceous. Wings with greenish black veins. Hind wings more cupreous than the fore wings. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 17 lines. a . Nepaul. Presented by Major- Geu. Hardwieke. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 517 Genus 32. TORN A. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi sub- erecti, pubescentes, verticem perpaullo superantes; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2i dimidio non brevior. Antenna? pectinatae. Abdomen alas posticas superans; sexualia magna. Pedes validi; calcaria longa. Alae anticae elongatae, sat angusta?, apice rotundatae. Fcem . — Antennae glabrae. Oviductus exsertus. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi nearly erect, pubescent, rising very little higher than the vertex ; third joint lanceolate, about half the length of the second. Antennae rather broadly pectinated. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings; apical appendages large. Legs stout; spurs long. Wings elongate, rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight ; exterior border very oblique ; second inferior vein as near to the third as to the first; third nearly twice further from the fourth than from the second. Female. — Antennae simple. Abdomen with a protuberant oviduct. 1. Tgrna invariella. Mas. Cinereo-cervina ; ala posticce pallidiores. Fcetn. — Alee anlicce obscuriores, fusco conspersce. Male. Cinereous lawn-colour. Abdomen and hind wings paler and more cinereous. Female . — Fore wings darker than those of the male, with numerous minute diffuse brown speckles. Length of the body lines; of the wings 19 lines. a, b. North Hindostan. Presented by Capt. Stracbey. Genus 33. EDDARA. Mas. Corpus crassum, dense pilosum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porrecti, pilosi, capitis latitudine multo breviores; articulus 3us longi-conicus, 2o brevior. Antennae glabrae, graciles, breviusculae. Abdomen alas posticas superans. Pedes robusti, pubescentes; calcaria longa. Alae anticae densae, latiusculae, apice rotundatae, margine exteriore convexo sat obliquo. Male. Body thick, densely pilose. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, pilose, much shorter than the breadth of the head ; third joint elongate-conical, shorter than the second. Antennae smooth, slender, about half the length of the fore wings. Abdomen extending x 2 518 CATALOGUE OF rather beyond the hind wiugs. Legs stout, pubescent ; spurs long. Wings dense, rather broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; exterior border convex, rather oblique. 1. Eddara xylinella. Mas. Fusca ; abdomen fusco-cinereum ; alee anticce punctis costalibus obscure fuscis , vitta discali fusca lata undulata nigro marginata ; posticce fusco-cinerea. Male. Brown. Body beneath and legs cinereous. Abdomen, fore wings beneath and hind wings dark brownish cinereous. Fore wings with indistinct dark brown costal points, and with a broad serpentine brown slightly black-bordered discal stripe. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse’s collection. Genus 34. CASMARA. Fcem. Corpus crassum. Proboscis nulla. Antennae sat valid®. Abdomen alas posticas longe superans. Pedes robusti ; tibiae ante- riores dense pilos® ; tibiae posticae bifasciculatae ; tarsi postici crassi, pilosi. Alae antic® long®, subacut®, margine exteriore perobliquo. Female. Body thick. Proboscis obsolete. Antenn® smooth, rather stout. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs stout ; anterior tibi® densely clothed with long hairs ; hind tibi® with two thick tufts of hairs, the second apical; spurs mode- rately long ; tarsi thick, pilose. Wings long. Fore wings slightly acute; costa and exterior border nearly straight, the latter very oblique. 1. Casmara infaustella. Fcem. Cinerea , fnsco conspersa ; alee anticce atomis strigaque interrupta nigris , spatio marginali purpureo-fusco , lunulis submarginalibus albidis , guttis marginalibus nigris. Female. Cinereous, thickly speckled with brown. Hairs of the legs mostly tipped with black. Fore wings with some black speckles, a few of which form an interrupted streak in the disk ; space along the exterior border purplish brown, including a submar- ginal line of whitish lunules, which are contiguous to black marginal dots. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. North Hindustan. From Mr. James’ collection. LEPiBOPTERA HETEROCEKA. 519 Genus 35. TIQUADRA. Fcem. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi porrecti, laterales, pilosi, capitis latitudine longiores; articulus 2us arcuatus; 3us rectus, linearis. Pedes antici brevissirni. Tibiae posticae fim- briatae. Alae anticae longae, angustae, apice subrotundatae, disco fasciculato, margin e exteriore perobliquo. Female. Body rather stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi pilose, porrect on each side of the head, longer than the breadth o! the latter; second joint curved; third straight, linear, a little shorter than the second. Legs rather stout; fore legs very short; posterior tibiae fringed ; spurs very long. Wings long, narrow ; fringe long. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with some small tufts of erect hairs ; exterior border extremely oblique. 1. TlQUADRA INSCITELLA. Fcem. Cana ; alee anticae nigro conspersce, fusco guttatce. Female. Hoary. Wings with an aeneous tinge beneath. Fore wings with very minute black speckles, and with brown dots, which are most distinct along the borders. Hind wings rather paler than the fore wings. Length oi the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Mexico. From Mr. Argent’s collection. Genus 36. DROSICA. Mas . Corpus robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi defiexi, capitis latitudine non breviores ; articulus 2us dense pilosus ; 3us acutus, parvus. Antennae validae, setulosae. Abdomen attenuatum, fascicule apicali parvo. Pedes validi ; tibiae posticae pilosae. Alae anticae acutae, angustae. Male. Body stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi diverging, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint thickly pilose ; third acute, m indie, not longer than one-fourth of the length of the second. Antennae stout, setose. Abdomen tapering, extending for its whole length beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft small. Legs stout; hind tibiae pilose ; spurs long. Wings narrow, acute ; fringe long ; exte- rior border of the fore wings extremely oblique. x 3 520 CATALOGUE OF 1. DrOSICA ABJECTELLA. Mas. Albida ; alee anticce maculis pallide cervinis , atomis plaga- que costali exteriore nigris ; posticce cenece, fimbria albida. Male. Whitish. Fore wings with very minute black speckles, some of which form a diffuse patch, which extends from the exterior part of the costa to the disk ; several pale fawn-coloured spots. Hind wings asneous ; fringe whitish. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. 2. DROSICA ? DEVIELLA. Fcem. FI avescente-cervina, subtus fusees cens ; palpi defiexi , sub - ascendentes , articulo 2 o subarcuato , 3o longi-conico ; alee anticce punctis subobscurioribus valde indistinctis , striga exte- riore arcuata cervina ; posticce fuscee. Female . Yellowish fawn-colour, stout, brownish beneath. Palpi diverging, slightly ascending, as long as the breadth of the head ; second joint stout, slightly curved ; third elongate-conical, slender, about one-fourth of the length of the second. Abdomen brown, extending for half its length beyond the hind wings. Legs stout. Fore wings hardly acute, with many very indistinct slightly darker points, and with a curved fawn-coloured streak, which extends along the exterior disk to the tip ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings brown. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. Genus 37. TIMiEA. Fcem. Corpus gracile. Caput pilosissimum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi sublineares, laeves, acuti, gracillimi, vix ascendentes; artieulus 3us 2o brevior. Antennae graciles. Abdomen alas posticas longe superans. Pedes longi, graciles; tibiae subpubescentes, calcaribus longis. Alae anticae longas, acutae, perangustae ; posticae fimbria longissima. Female. Body slender. Head very pilose. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi smooth, acute, very slender, nearly linear, hardly ascending, extending rather beyond the head; third joint shorter than the LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 521 second. Antennae smooth, slender, about half the length of the fore wings. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs long, slender ; tibia? slighily pubescent ; spurs long. Wings long. Fore wings acute, very narrow ; costa straight ; exterior border ex- tremely oblique. Hind wings with the fringe very long. 1. Timjsa bivittatella. Fcem. Argenteo-alba ; alee anticce costa vittaque discali ceneo - cervinis , striga subtus apicali fusca . Female . Pure silvery white. Fore wings with the costa and a discal stripe aeneous fawn-colour ; under side with a slightly aeneous disk and with an apical brown streak. Length of the body 4 J lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles’ collection. b. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. % 2. Tim^a costella. Mas. Alba , subtus ceneo-cinerea ; caput fasciculatum , vertice fusco; palpi gracillimi , capitis latitudine non longiores , a rti- culo 3o lineari ; abdomen cinereum ; tibice posticce fimbriatce ; alee anticce lanceolatce , argentece , costa fusca ; posticce cinerece. Male. White, aeneous-cinereous beneath. Head with a thick prominent tuft, brown between the eyes. Palpi smooth, very slender, as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint linear, as long as the second. Antennae smooth, slender, very much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen cinereous, extending for half its length beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiae fringed. Wings long, rather narrow. Fore wings lanceolate, silvery; costa brown; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cinereous ; fringe very long. Length of the body 3J lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. Genus 38. TOPIRIS. Mas . Corpus robustum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi brevissimi. Antennae subpectinatae, apice setulosae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans, fasciculo apicali magno. Pedes laeves; ealcaria longissima. Alae anticae breviusculae, latiusculae, apice sub- rotundatae. 522 CATALOGUE OF Male . Body stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi extremely short. Antennae slightly pectinated for three-fourths of the length from the base, setulose from thence to the tips. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft large. Legs smooth, moderately long and stout; hind tibiae with four very long spurs. Wings rather short and broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter rather oblique; first and second superior veins united towards the base ; first forked; second and third inferior veins united towards the base. 1. Topiris candidella. Mas. Argenleo-alba ; antenna nigra. Male. Silvery white, without any markings. Antennae black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 1 1 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mi. Saunders’ collection. Genus 39. TIPANASA. ' Mas . Corpus gracile. Fasciculus apicalis productus. Pro- boscis nulla. Palpi graciles, subpilosi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superantes, articulo 3o minimo. Antennae setulosae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans. Pedes laeves, longissimi, gracillimi ; calcaria longissima. Alee anticae latiusculae. Male. Body slender. Frontal tuft prominent. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi slender, slightly pilose, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the vertex; third joint very minute. Antenna? minutely setulose. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, very long and slender; spurs very long. Fore wings rather broad ; costa and exterior border almost straight, the latter moderately oblique; first and second inferior veins con- tiguous at the base ; third about twice further from the fourth than from the second. 1. Tipan^ea patulella. Mas. Nivea ; ala antica subtus pallide fuscescentes ; postica subtus apud costam pallide f uscescentes, Male. Pure white. Fore wings tinged with pale brown beneath. Hind wings tinged with pale brown beneath towards the costa. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 523 a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. b-— d. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. e . Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. lIPANiEA INNOTATA. — » I. „ ^ s ptfstici abdomen alas posticas sat *// Mas. Alba; antenme breviusculce } superans ; alee nitenles. Male. White. Antennae rather short. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hind wings; apical tuft quadrate, moderately large. Wings pure white, shining. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 3. Tipan^ea bipunctifera. ^ Mas. Albida ; alee anticce ochraceo pallidissimo subtinctce , gutta discali exteriore nigra elongata. Male. Whitish. Fore wings slightly tinged with very pale ochraceous; an elongated black dot in the exterior part of the disk. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. 4. Tipan^a? intactella. Foem. Argenteo-alba ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans; pedes longi, graciles, coicaribus longis ; alee anticce latiusculce , subacutce , margine exteriore perobliquo. Female . Pure silvery white. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hind wings. Legs long, slender; hind tibiae with four long spurs. Wings rather broad. Fore wings slightly acute ; costa almost straight ; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique ; third inferior vein very near the second ; fourth very remote from the third. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Genus 40. RUPELA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrecti, graciles, caput perpaullo superantes, articulo 3o minimo. Antennae laeves, corporis dimidio vix longiores. Thorax pilis longis erectis. Abdomen alas posticas longe superans, apice quadralum, lateribus 524 CATALOGUE OF apicem versus subfasciculatis. Pedes longissimi, gracillimi, cal- caribus longissimis. Alae anticae longae, latiusculae, acutae. Male . Body stout. Proboscis short. Palpi slender, porrect’ extending very little beyond the head ; third joint very minute* Antennae smooth, hardly more than half the length of the body* Thorax with long erect hairs. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings, slightly tufted on each side towards the tip, which is quadrate. Legs smooth, very long and slender ; spurs very long. Wings long, rather broad. Fore wings acute; costa and exterior border straight, the latter moderately oblique. 1. Rupela nivea. Mas. Nivea ; corpus subtus cinereum ; abdomen apice oc/ira - ceum. Male . Pure white. Body cinereous beneath. Abdominal segments beneath with white hind borders ; tip with short ochraceous hairs. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Santarem. From Mr. Bates’ collection. b . Honduras. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. c . — ? From Mr. Milne’s collection. d-f. ? 2. Rupela occidentella. Mas. Alba , nitens ; palpi graciles , piiosi , articulo 3 o brevissimo ; abdominis fasciculus apicalis longius cuius ; alee anticce vix acuta , margine exteriore perobliquo. Male. White, shining, slender. Palpi porrect, slender, pilose, much shorter thau the breadth of the head; third joint very short. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather long. Wings narrow. Fore wings hardly acute; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. 3. Rupela? degenerella.^^^ 3 4 ^^^ Mas. Alba; palpi caput superantes , articulo 3 o longi-conieo ; thorax pilis nullis erectis ; abdomen cinereum , alas posticas longe superans, fasciculis nullis later alib us ; alee anticce sat angustce . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 525 Male. White. Palpi extending rather beyond the head ; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Thorax without erect hairs. Abdomen cinereous, not tufted, ex- tending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft short, quadrate. Tibise with moderately long spurs. Fore wings rather narrow ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a — c. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. Genus 41. SALAPOLA. Mas. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis longa. Palpi ascend- entes, brevissitni. Antennae subsetulos®. Pectus fasciculatum. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans, subtus dense lanuginosum. Pedes laeves, sat validi; calcaria parva. Alae antic® lata?, subacut®, costa basi subdilatata, disco subtus fasciculato ; postic® disco antico fasciculato. Male. Body rather stout. Proboscis long. Palpi ascending, very short. Antenn® minutely settilose. Pectus tufted. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings, densely lanuginous beneath; apical valves large. Legs smooth, rather stout; spurs short. Wings broad. Fore wings slightly acute, with a large woolly tuft in the disk on the under side; costa hardly convex, slightly dilated towards the base; exterior border slightly convex, very oblique ; discal areolet and superior veins irregularly formed ; fourth inferior vein very remote from the others, descending abruptly to the interior border. Hind wings with a tuft on the fore part of the disk. 1. Salapola argentea. Mas. Argenteo-alba ; thorax fuscescente-cinereus ; abdomen vix flavescens ; alee anticce fasciculo subtus nigro ; posticce fasciculo testaceo . Male. Silvery white. Thorax pale brownish cinereous. Abdo- men with a very slight yellowish tinge. Fore wings with a black curled discal tuft on the under side. Hind wings with a woolly testaceous tuft above, corresponding to an ochraceous patch on the underr side. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Bio Janeiro. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 526 CATALOGUE OF 2. Salopola TINCTELLA. Foem. Argenteo-alba ; thoracis pili longi, ascendentes ; abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee cervino vix suffusce ; anticce acuta . Female. Silvery white. Thorax with long erect hairs. Abdo- men extending much beyond the hind wings. Wings with a very slight tinge of fawn-colour on most of the disk. Fore wings acute; costa and exterior border straight, the latter rather oblique. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 3. Salopola minuella. Mas. Argenteo-alba ; palpi fere erecti , articulo 3 o brevissimo ; antennee setulosce ; abdomen alas posticas perpaullo superans ; calvaria parva; alee subtus fasciculo discali testaceo pubescente ; posticee fasciculo discali piloso testaceo . Male. Silvery white. Palpi nearly vertical, not rising so high as the vertex; third joint very short. Antennae setulose. Abdomen extending very little beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth; hind tibiae with four short spurs. Wings with a pubescent elongated discal testaceous tuft on the under side. Fore wings acute; exterior border hardly convex, rather oblique. Hind wings with a pilose testaceous tuft on the upper side. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wiugs 13 lines. Colombia. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 42. BONDI A. Bondia, Nwm . 1. Bondia nigella. i nigella, Nwm . Australia. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. Fam. 2. HYPONOMEUTID.E. Hyponoraeutidse, Sta. Genus I. SWAMMERDAMIA. Swammerdamia, Hb. 1. Swammerdamia simplicella. simplicella, H.-S. — ruficeps, Hum. 2 . Swammerdamia apicella. apicella, Dn. — comptella, Hb. — aurofinitella, Dp. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b , c. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. d — m. England. n. Germany. From M. HeminghofFen’s collection. 3. Swammerdamia caesiella. caesiella, Hb. — Heroldella, Hb. — lutaria, var. y, Hw. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard s collection. b — t. England. 4. Swammerdamia compunctella. compunctella, H.-S . 5. Swammerdamia conspersella. conspersella, Tgstr . 6. Swammerdamia fasciapennella. fasciapennella, Sta.— alpicella, H.-S. 7 . Sw'AMMERDAMIA nubeculella. nubeculella, Tgstr. 528 CATALOGUE OF 8. Swam meed amia griseocapitella. griseocapitella, Sta. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b , c. England. 9. SwAMMERDAMIA OXYACANTHELLA. oxyacanthella, Dp. a. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 10. SWAMMERDAMIA PYRELLA. pyrella, Vlrs, — cerasiella, Hb. — csesia, Hw, a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b — m. England. n, o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. p. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 11. SwAMMERDAMIA EG REG I ELLA. egregiella, Dp. Distagmos, H.-S. Ledereri, H.-S. Calantica, Zl. albella, H.-S. Genus 2. DISTAGMOS. 1. Distagmos Ledereri. Genus 3. CALANTICA. 1. Calantica albella. 2. Calantica dealbella. dealbella, Zl. Genus 4. SCYTHBOPIA. Scythropia, Hb. 1. Scythropia craTjEGElla. crataegella, L . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. a . England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. b — n. England. o, p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. q y r. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. Genus 5. HYPONOMEUTA. Hyponomeuta, ZL— Nygmia, Hb Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Hyponomeuta Stannellus. Stannellus, Wnr. — rufimitrellus, ZL 2. Hyponomeuta vigintipunctatus. vigintipunctatus, Rtzs. — sedella, TV. a — d. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. e. England. 3. Hyponomeuta plumbellus. plumbellus, W. V. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b. England. From Mr. Foxcroft/s collection. c — k . England. I — o. Europe. From M. Beckers collection. 4. Hyponomeuta irrorellus. irrorellus,~Z76. a — c . England. 5. Hyponomeuta yariabilis. variabilis, ZL — psedella, Zl. — evonymella, Dn. a — m, England. 6. Hyponomeuta rorellus. rorellus, Hb, 7. Hyponomeuta malinellus. malinellus, Zl. a, b. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 530 CATALOGUE OF 8. Hyponomeuta EVONYMELLUS. evonymellus, Sc. — cagnagella, Hb. — caguatella, Hb. — cognatelia, Tr. a. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. b — k. England. I — o. Europe. From M. Beckers collection. p, q. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 9. Hyponomeuta Padi. evonymella ? L. — evonymella, Hb. — padi, Zl . a—j. England. North America. 10. Hyponomeuta ordinatellus. Mas et fcem. Niveus ; thorax punctis cluobus anticis quatuorque posticis nigris ; alee anticce nigro punctato quadrilineatce. Mas. — Abdomen alas posticas longe superans ; alee posticce nigri- cante-cinerece, fimbria alba. Male and female. Pure white. Thorax with a black point on each side in front, and with four black points hindward. Fore wings with four regular lines of black points along nearly three-fourths of the length, and with irregular black points from thence to the exte- rior border. Male. — Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Hind wings blackish cinereous ; fringe white. Length of the body 4 — 5 lines ; of the wings 10 — 12 lines. Canada. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. West Indies. 11. Hyponomeuta pauoellus. Mas. Pallide schistaceus ; caput, album; palpi articulo 3o nigro apice albo ; thorax nigro quinque guttatus ; abdomen nigricans , segmentis albo marginatis, fasciculo apicali luteo ; alee anticce nigro guttatee, punctis marginalibus nigris ; posticce alba, apice ceneo-fuscce. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 531 Male . Pale slate-colour, with an aeneous tinge. Head white. Third joint of the palpi black, except at the tip. Thorax with five black dots, one in front and two on each of the tegulae. Abdomen blackish; hind borders of the segments white ; tip luteous. Fore legs with black bands. Fore wings with twelve black dots ; exte- rior border with a row of black points. Hind wings white, with Eeneous-brown tips. Length of the body 4| — 5 lines ; of the wings 13 — 14 lines. a , b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie’s collection. 12. Hyponomeuta coneusellus. Mas. Albus ; palpi nigro quadrifasciati ; thorax pallide schista- ceus , nigro quadriguttatus ; alee anticce strigis nigris, strigulis vittaque postica pallide schistaceis, punctis marginalibus atris ; postiece albce , semihyalince , apice fuscescentes. Male . White. Palpi with four black bands. Thorax pale slate-colour, with two black dots on each side. Abdomen cinereous ; apical tuft pale yellow. Anterior tibite and tarsi with black bands. Fore wings with blackish and with smaller pale slate-coloured streaks, and with a broad stripe of the latter hue along the interior border; marginal points deep black. Hind wings white, iridescent, semi- hyaline, with pale brown tips. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedies collection. South Africa. 13. Hyponomeuta strigillatus. strigillatus, Zl. South Africa. 14. Hyponomeuta fumigatus. fumigatus, Zl. Natal. 15. Hyponomeuta perficitellus. Fcem. Albus ; palpi nigri , albo unifasciati ; thorax nigro sex gut - talus ; abdomen nigricans , e punctis nigris trilineatum , apice album; alee subtus nigricantes ; anticce punctis plurimis elongatis nigris ; postiece nigricantes. Y 3 532 CATALOGUE OF Female . White. Palpi black, with a white band. Thorax with four black discal clots, and with a black dot on each shoulder. Abdomen blackish, with three rows of black points; tip white, Tibiae and tarsi with black bands. Wings blackish beneath. Fore wings with above forty black points, which are elongated and form incomplete transverse lines ; a few of these in the disk near the base are more contiguous to each other than the rest. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 — 14 lines. a— c. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius’ collection. 16. Hyponomeuta circumdatellus. Fcem. Schistaceus ; caput et abdomen pallide lutea ; palpi nigro trifasciati; abdominis latera nigro guttata; alee anticce guttis discalibus punctisque marginalibus nigris luteo marginatis ; posticce margine interiore fimbriaque flavis. Female . Slate-colour. Head, palpi, abdomen and legs pale luteous. Palpi with three black bands. Thorax with a black dot on each side. Abdomen with black dots along each side. Tarsi with black bands. Fore wings with black luteous-bordered marks ; these consist of seven dots in the disk and of points along the exte- rior border and along the adjoining part of the costa. Hind wings yellow along the interior border ; fringe yellow. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege’s collection. Asia. 17. Hyponomeuta alienellus. Mas. Obscure cinereus; caput nigro quadripunctatum ; thorax nigro septem punctatus ; femora libieeque anteriora nigro unipunctata ; alee anticce punctis plurimis nigris parvis ; posticce subpallidiores . Male . Dark cinereous. Head with four black points. Thorax with seven black points. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings, with a rather large apical tuft and with two long narrow apical appendages, which are curved downward. Legs with a black point on each of the anterior femora and tibiae. Fore wings with numerous minute black points. Hind wings a little paler than the fore wings. Length of the body lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 533 18. Hyponomeuta minuellus. Foem. Albus ; thorax nigro sex punctatus ; alee sublus nigricantes , fimbria alba; anticce punctis plurimis nigris minimis; pos- ticce nigricantes. Female. White. Thorax with six black points. Wings blackish beneath ; fringe white. Fore wings with numerous very minute black points. Hind wings blackish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Nepaul. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. b , c. Shanghai. From the Entomological Society’s collection. d , e . North China. From Mr. Fortune’s collection. 19. Hyponomeuta internellus. Mas. Canus ; palpi nigri , articulo 2 o apice albo ; thorax guttis duabus discalibus plagisque duabus lateralibus nigris; abdo- men fuscum , punctis lateralibus nigris , segmentis albo mar - ginatis ; alee anticce punctis plurimis nigris; posticee obscure cinereee , margine interiore fimbriaque apud unguium interiorem albis. H. pustulella , var. ? Male. Hoary. Palpi black ; tip of the second joint white. Thorax with a black patch on each side in front and with two black discal dots. Abdomen brown, extending much beyond the hind wings, with black points along each side ; hind borders of the seg- ments white. Fore wings with about thirty black points, which are arranged differently from those of H. pustulella ; a few of them form an apical cluster. Hind wings dark cinereous, white along the interior border and along the adjoining part of the exterior border ; fringe white towards the interior angle. Length of the body 6^- lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Sydney. 20. Hyponomeuta fustulellus. Fcem. Canus; caput nigro bipunctatum ; palpi nigro bifasciati ; thorax lituris duabus ayiticis transversis punctisque duabus posticis nigris; abdomen fuscescens, punctis lateralibus nigris , segmentis albo marginatis 9 fasciculo apicali albo ; alee anticce 534 CATALOGUE OF punctis plurimis plagaque submarginali nig r is, margine exte- riore fimbriaque nigricantibus ; posticce obscure cinerece , fim- bria apud angulum interior em alba. Female. Hoary. Head with a black point on each side in front. Palpi with two black bands. Thorax with two black trans- verse marks on each side in front and with two black discal points hindward. Abdomen brownish, with black points along each side ; a narrow white band on the hind border of each segment ; apical tuft white. Tarsi with white bands. Fore wings with about thirty- five black points ; a few of these are larger than the others and form two subquadrate clusters hindward ; a black submarginal patch, which is contracted hindward ; exterior border and fringe blackish. Hind wings dark cinereous ; fringe white towards the interior angle. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a, b . New South Wales. From Mr. Wood’s collection. Genus 6. PSECADIA. Psecadia, Hb . — Erminea, Hw. — Anesychia, Hb. — Prays, Hb. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Psecadia funerella. funerella, F. a . England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. b. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. c—f. England. 2. Psecadia luctuosella. luctuosella, II.-8. 3. Psecadia decemguttella. decemguttella, Hb.— dodecea, Hw . a—i. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. j 9 k. England. 4. Psecadia sexpunctella. sexpunctella, Hb. 5. Psecadia fumidella. fumidella, Wck . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 535 pusiella, Rmr .- ZL 6. PSECADIA PUSIELLA. -sequella, W. F.— - lithospermella, Hb .- a, 5. England, c, d. - — - ? 7. PSECADIA BIPUNCTELLA. bipunctella, F. — echiella, W. V. a — c. England. d. -? 8. PSECADIA? LARDATELLA. lardatella, Ld . Damascus ? 9. PSECADIA QUADRINOTELLA. quadriuotella, Mn. 10. PSECADIA QUADRIPUNCTELLA. quadripunctella, Ev. 11. PSECADIA HiEMORHOIDELLA. baemorrhoidella, Ev. 12. PSECADIA FLAVIANELLA. flavianella, TV. 13. PSECADIA CHRYSOPYGAo chrysopyga, Zl . — flavianella ( fcem .), TV. 14. PSECADIA PYRAUSTA. pyrausta, Pis. — atropunctella, Wnr. 15. PSECADIA FLAVITIBIELLA, flavitibiella, H.-S . — flavianella, Ev. scalella, 536 CATALOGUE OP 16. PSECADIA AURIFLUELLA. aurifluella, Hb . — pyrausta, Hb . West Indies. 17. PSECADIA NOTATELLA. Nivea ; thorax nigro sex guttatus ; pedes nigro fas ciati ; alee anticce guttis discalibus punctisque margiualibus nigris. Pure white. Palpi and antennae black. Thorax with six black dots in front, with two on the disk and with two hindward. Tibiae and tarsi with black bands. Fore wings with about twenty black dots of various size and shape ; costa and adjoining part of exterior border with black points. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Hearse’s collection. South America. 18. PSECADIA? HEMICHRYSELLA. Aurato-flava ; pedes posliei longi , tibiis fimbriatis ; alee anticce punctis tribus discalibus punctisque margiualibus nigris , vitta postica eeneo-fusca ; posticee nigricantes, apice aurato-flavee. Gilded yellow. Head somewhat tumid. Tarsi brown above. Hind legs long; tibiae fringed, brown above, except towards the base. Fore wings hardly acute; an ameous-brown stripe along the interior border, contiguous to three black points in the disk; mar- ginal points black, very minute; exterior border convex, not oblique ; under side and hind wings blackish, with gilded yellow tips. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates collection. 19. PSECADIA? ABSCESSELLA. Pallide flavo-cinerea ; pedes postici longi , tibiis subpilosis ; alee anticce pallide cervinee , subacutee , strigulis interruptis apud venas punctisque marginalibus nigris ; posticee cinerece. Pale yellowish cinereous. Head prominent. Antennae slender. Hind legs long ; tibiae with very short hairs. Fore wiugs pale fawn- colour, slightly acute, with a few slight interrupted black streaks on LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 537 the veins; marginal points black, minute; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cinereous; fringe whitish. Length of the body 2J lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates’ collection. South Africa. 20. PSECADIA LANGUIDA. Coptoproctis languida, Zl. South Africa. 21. PsECADIA LI VIDA. livida, ZL Natal. 22. PSECADIA RUEIVENTRIS. Gymnogramma rufiventris, ZL South Africa. Borneo. 23. PsECADIA EVOCATELLA. Mas. Argenteo-alba ; palpi fusci , apice albi, articulo 3 o longo lineari ; antennae graciles ; aloe anticae angustce, apice rotun - datce , punctis anticis maculisque qnatuor posticis ceneo-fuscis ; posticce aeneo-fuscae. Male. Silvery white. Palpi smooth, brown, slightly curved, with white tips ; third joint linear, conical at the tip, nearly as long as the second. Antennae slender. Wings narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with some aeneous-browm points in front, and with four elongated aeneous-brown spots along the interior border; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings aeneous- brown. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders’ collection. Australia. 24. Psecadia Stella. Stella, Nivm. a. Australia. Presented by T. R. Oxley, Esq. 538 CATALOGUE OF 25. PSECADIA PRET10SELLA. Mas. Ochracea ; alee antic ce auratee , costa fusca , vitta cos tali argentea, vitla subcostali ochracea, fimbria purpurea; posticce argen teo -cinerece, Male . Ochraceous. Abdomen, bind wings and under side silvery cinereous. Abdomen tinged with pale yellow*. Fore wings gilded ; costa brown ; costal stripe silvery ; subcostal stripe ochra- ceous ; fringe purple ; exterior border very oblique. Length of the body \\ lines; of the wings 14 lines. a, Australia. From Mr. Darnel’s collection. 26. PSECADIA DORSIVITTELLA. Mas. Nigricans ; caput et thorax albido vittata ; antennee pubes - centes ; pectus et abdomen albida ; tibiee posticce subjimbriatce ; alee anticce latiusculce, vix acutce , costam versus cinerece , striga subcostali strigisque posticis nigris , vitta postica cinerea ferru- gineo maryinata , costa rosea . £ Male . Blackish. Head with a whitish stripe, which extends from the mouth to the back of the vertex. Antennse pubescent, not more than half the length of the fore wings. Pectus, abdomen, legs and hind wings whitish. Thorax with a whitish stripe. Hind tibiae slightly fringed. Fore wings rather broad, hardly acute, dark cinereous towards the costa, which is rosy and hardly convex ; a black subcostal streak in the exterior half of the wing and some less dis- tinct black streaks hindward ; a cinereous stripe along the interior border, emitting a curved whitish streaklet towards the disk and bordered with ferruginous-red ; fringe ferruginous, with cinereous streaks ; exterior border straight, slightly oblique. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. 27. PSECADIA CONDUCTELLA. Mas. Cano-fusca ; antennee setulosee ; abdomis segmenta albido marginata ; tibiee posticce Jim briatee ; alee anticce subacutee , punctis discalibus nigris ; posticce fusco-cinereee . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 539 Male. Brown, with numerous hoary hairs, paler beneath. Antennae minutely setulose. Abdomen brownish cinereous, extend- ing 1 rather beyond the hind wings; hind borders of the. segments whitish; apical tuft yellowish cinereous. Hind tibiae fringed. Fore wings slightly acute, with a few black points in the disk ; costa very slightly convex towards the base ; exterior border extremely oblique. Hind wings brownish cinereous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a . Tasmania. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. 28. PSECADIA DOLOSELLA. Fcem. Schistacea ; tibia posticce fimbriatce ; ala anticce acuta , punctis discalibus indistinctis nigris ; posticce obscure cinerece* Female. Slaty cinereous. Antennae slender. Legs pale cine- reous ; hind tibiae fringed. Fore wings acute, with a few indistinct black points in the disk ; exterior border extremely oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. 29. PsECADIA? RADIOSELLA. Mas. Alba ,* thorax fusco bivittatus ; ala anticce longce, apice ro- tundutce , vittis duabus slrigisqne nonnullis ceneo-fuscis , vitta 2 a nigro submarginata , venis nigrieantibus ; posticce cinerece . Male. While. Antennae brown, stout, minutely serrated and setulose. Thorax with a brown stripe on each side. Anterior legs mostly brown. Wings long, rounded at the tips. Fore wings with two aeneous-brow'ii stripes; first stripe subcostal, joining the costa beyond the middle ; second extending to the tip of the wing, partly bordered with black in front; some aeneous-brown streaks between the veins, which are blackish ; fringe interlined with pale brown ; under side brown ; exterior border very oblique. Hind wings cine- reous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. Tasmania. From the Entomological Society’s collection. Z 540 CATALOGUE OF Country unknown. 30. PSECADIA HCMERELLA. Mas. Pallidc aurato-jiava ; antenna subserrala ; ala antica sub - acuta , vitta costali abbreviata fusca, Male. Pale gilded yellow. Antennae brown, minutely serrated and setulose, shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings; apical tuft rather long. Anterior legs mostly brown ; bind legs long, their tibiae slightly fringed. Fore wings slightly acute, with a brown costal stripe, which is attenu- ated exteriorly and terminates at three-fourths of the length of the wing. Hind wings with the fringe very long towards the interior angle. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. ? Presented by the Entomological Club. Prays, Mb. Genus 7. PRAYS. 1. Prays Curtisellus. Curtisellus, Dn. — maculella, F. — caenobitella, Mb. — rustica, Hw. a—d. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. e — n. England. Asia. 2. Prays ? PLAGIEERELLA. Mas. Testaceo-albida , robusta ; palpi articulo 2 o late fimbriato , 3 o lan ceolato. fascia subapicali nigra ; antenna subsetulosa ; ala antica vix acuta , nigro conspersa , plagis duabus cemnis , la elongata, 2a marginali, maculis duabus cinereis . Male. Testaceous-whitish, stout. Head pubescent. Palpi a little longer than the breadth of the bead ; second joint broadly fringed beneath; third lanceolate, shorter than the second, with a black subapical hand. Antennae stout, minutely setulose, shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen extending for full half its length beyond the hind wings. Fore wings hardly acute, with some minute black speckles, a few of which form two or three small dots near the base; two fawn-coloured patches, one forming an oblique incom- plete band, the other extending along the exterior border ; two cine- LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 541 reous discal spots, one on each side of the first patch ; first spot elongated, oblique; second nearly round. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nietner’s collection. Australia. 3. Prays caste lla. Foem. Alba; tarsi nigricantes , albo fasciati ; alee anticce vix a.cutce , vittis duabus ceneis , plagis quatuor discalibus e atomis nigris ; posticce cenece, fimbria albida. Female . White. Head with erect hairs on the vertex. Palpi slender, obliquely ascending, much shorter than the breadth of the head. Tarsi blackish, with white bands. Fore wings hardly acute, with two irregular aeneous stripes, one costal, the other along the interior border; some black speckles, most of which form four patches ; two of these are contiguous to the costal stripe and two to the hind stripe. Hind wings aeneous ; fringe whitish, shining. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Biggies’ collection. Genus 8. AZINIS. Mas. Corpus robustum, laeve. Proboscis brevis. Palpi laeves, arcuati, oblique ascendentes, verticem paullo superantes; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 2o vix brevior. Antennae glabrae. Abdomen alas posticas paullo superans ; fasciculus apicalis subquadratus. Pedes laeves, robusti; tibiae posticae fitnbriatae. Alae spissae, elongatae ; anticae apice subrotundatae, costa vix convexa, margine exteriore vix obliquo. Male. Body stout, smooth. Proboscis short. Palpi smooth, curved, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the venex ; third joint lanceolate, almost as long as the second. Antennae bare. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings ; apical tuft sub- quadrate. Legs stout, smooth ; hind tibiae with a short thick fringe ; spurs very long. Wings robust, elongate. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips ; costa and exterior border very slightly convex, the latter very slightly oblique. This genus is very closely allied to Hyponomeuta. z 2 542 CATALOGUE OF 1. Azinis HXLARELLA. Mas. Pallide schistacea ; caput postice nigro uniguttatum ; palpi albi , nigro quadrifasciati ; thorax nigro quadriguttatus ; abdomen pallide cinereum , basi luteum ; alee anticee guttis plurimis nigris albido marginatis , guttis parvis submarginali- bus nigris ; posticce lutece , apice nigree. Male. Pale slate-colour. Head with a black clot on the bind border. Palpi white, with four black bands. Thorax with four black dots. Abdomen pale cinereous, luteous at the base. Fore wings with eighteen black whitish-bordered dots, and with a row of small submarginal black dots ; five of the eighteen are smaller than the others, and are near the submarginal row. Hind wings luteous, black at the tips; fringe cinereous towards the tips. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 9. CORINEA. Mas et feem . Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis gracilis. Palpi Iseves, ascendentes, verticem non superantes ; artieulus 3us linearis, acutus, 2o non brevior. Antennae maris subsetulosae. Abdomen alas posticas longissime superans. Pedes laeves; calcaria brevis- sirna. Alee anticae longs, apice rotundatae, margine exteriore vix obliquo. Male and female. Body rather stout. Proboscis slender. Palpi smooth, ascending, not rising higher than the vertex ; third joint linear, acute, as long as the second. Antennae of the male very minutely setulose. Abdomen extending very far beyond the hind wings. Legs smooth ; spurs very short. Wings long. Fore wings rounded at the tips ; exterior border very slightly convex, hardly oblique. Very nearly allied to Hyponomeuta and to Azinis. 1. COEINEA NIVIGUTTELLA. Mas et feem. Aurato-ochracea ; caput album; palpi fusci , albo bifasciati ; thorax albo bimaculatus ; abdomen subtus albo fasciatum ; tibiee albo bifasciatce ; alee anticee albo guttatee . lepidoptera heterocera. 543 Male and female. Gilded ochraceous. Head white. Palpi brown, white at the base, and with a while band. Antennae brown, white at the base. Thorax with a white spot on each side in front. Abdomen with white bands beneath. Tibiae with two white bands. Fore wings slightly purplish-tinged, with many variable white dots and points. Hind wings a little paler than the fore wings. Length of the body 6 — 7 lines ; of the wings 16 — 18 lines. a. Hindostan. Presented by Sir John Hearsay. b. North Hindostan. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. c. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Temple tbn7~~> d. Java. From the East India CompanTscollection. Z*/U/ e . Australia. From Mr. Hunter’s collection. 2. CoRINF.A EMISSELLA. Mas. Alba ; palpi supra nigricantes ; thorax fascia aurato- ocliracea ; alee anticcc aurato-ochracece, albo guttatce ; posticce cinerea ?. Male. White. Palpi blackish above. Thorax with a gilded ochraceous band. Fore wings gilded ochraceous, slightly purplish- tinged, with many white dots ; costa with white points along half the length from the base. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. Wallace’s collection. Fam. 3. PLUTELLID^E. Plutellidae, Sta. Genus 1. EIDOPHASIA. Eidophasia, St. 1. Eidophasia Messingiella. Messingiella, F. R. — transversella, St. a — c. England. 2. Eidophasia Syenitella. Syenitella, H.-S. 3. Eidophasia Hufnagelii. Hufnagelii, Zl. z 3 544 CATALOGUE OF Genus 2. PLUTELLA. Piutella, Schr,— Euota, Hb. — Anadetia, Hb. — Anesychia, Hb. 1. PLUTELLA CRUCIFERARUM. cruciferarum, ZL — harnatus, F. — xylostella, Hb, — maculipennis, Ct. — niveella, Zt, — annulatella, H.-S, a — L England. 2. Plutella porrectella. porrectella, L . — hes peri della, Hb . a — b. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. c — ~j • England. k , l. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 3. Plutella geniatella. geniatella, ZL 4. Plutella annulatella. annulatella, Ct. — bicingulata, ZL — Schmaltzella, Zt . — horticola, Tgstr . — immaculicornella, Gn, «, b» England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c — e. England. 5. Plutella Dalella. Dalella, $ta.— marmorosella, Wck. — vittella, Hb, a—f. England. g. Scotland. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. h, Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. 6. Plutella septentrionum. septentrionum, Std, — Dalella, var. P 7 , Plutella albiramella. albiramella, Mn . Amasia. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA, 545 8. Flutella trichonella. trichonella, Mn. Amasia. 9. Flutella semitessella. semitessella, Mn. Amasia. Genus 3. THERISTIS. Theristis, Hb. 1. Theristis caudella. caudella, L. — Panzerella, Dn — eultrella, Hb. — acinacidella, Hb. a — d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. e — h. England. 2. Theristis excisella. excisella, Ld. Genus 4. CEROSTOMA. Ypsolophus, F. — Cerostoma, Ltr. — Hvpsolopha, Hb.—~ Harpipterix, Hb. — Abebaea, Hb. — Oxybelia, Hb. Europe. 1. Cerostoma asperella. asperella, L. — Clairvellela, F. — faicatella, Dn. a , b. England. c , d. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. CER0ST03IA scabrella. scabrella, L. — bifissella, W. V.— pterodactylella, Hb. a — c. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. d— t j. England. 3. Cerostoma horri della. horridella, Tr. — falcella, St. — subfalcatella, Ct. a. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. b—g. England. 546 CATALOGUE OF 4. Cerostoma NEMORELLA. nemorella, L.— hamella, Hb . — cultrea, Hw. a — *j. England. A, l. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 5. Cerostoma xylostella. xylostella, L. — dentella, i\— harpella, W. V. — caprifolii, Rtz. a. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. b — /. England. m — p. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. q. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. r. North America. From Mr. Carter’s collection. s. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany Elver, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 6. Cerostoma falsella. falsella, W. F.— dorsella, F. 7. Cerostoma persicella. persicella, W. V. — nemorella, F. a — b. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. c. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. 8. Cerostoma lucella. lucella, F. — antennella, IV. V . — lucorum, F.— mueronella, Hb. a — h. England. i,j. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 9. Cerostoma alpella. alpella, W. V. — alpinus, F. 10. Cerostoma sylyella. sylvella, L. — sylrarum, F. — bifasciatus, Hw. a — k. England. I — o. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 547 11. CEROSTOMA. COSTELLA. costella, F . — fissella ( fcem .), Dp. — ermineus, Hw. — ochroleucus, Hiv. a. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. b — m. England. n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 12. Cerostoma radiatella. radiatella, Dn. — variella, Hb. — fissella, Hh. — byssinella, Hb. — paral- lel, Pz . — quinquepunctatus, Hiv . — lutosus, Hw.— fiavicillatus, Hw. — unitella, TV. — rufimitrellus, St. a — n. England. o — t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection . 13. Cerostoma coriacella. coriacella, H.-S. 14. Cerostoma semitessella. semitessella, Mn. 15. Cerostoma sculptcrella. sculpturella, H.-S. 16. Cerostoma sequella. sequella, Cl . — nyctemerella, W. V . — var . leucophsea, Zl. a , b. England. Presented by the Rev. A. Matthews. c — e. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. f—j. England. 17. Cerostoma vittella. vittella, L. — sisymbrella, W. V . — var. carbonella, Hb. — maurellus, St. a, b. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c — m. England. n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 548 CATALOGUE OF 18. CEROSTOMA TRICHONELLA. triehonella, Mn . 19. CEROSTOMA ? ALBIRAMELLA. albiramella, Mn. New Zealand. 20. Cerostoma terminella. Mas. Fusca ; caput pilosum , albido-cinereum ; abdomen cine - reum ; alee anticce longce , angustce, apice rotundatce , uifte discali albida strigam costam versus strigamque exteriorem posticam rejiciente , macula submarginali albida guttam strigulasque duas obscure fuscas includente ; posticce cinerece. Male. Brown, shining, brownish cinereous beneath. Head and fore border of the thorax whitish cinereous, the former pilose. Abdomen cinereous, extending much beyond the hind wings. Fore wings long, narrow, rounded at the tips, 'with a whitish discal stripe, which rejects a streak to the costa, and an exterior, longer and more oblique streak to the interior border; this stripe terminates near the exterior border, where it is contiguous to a whitish spot, which con- tains an oblong dark brown dot and two exterior minute curved dark brown streaks. Hind wings cinereous ; fringe very long. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a — i . New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton, 21. Cerostoma fulguritella. Fcem. Albida ; alee anticce vitta discali indeterminata obscure fusca apicem versus dilatata strigulas nigras includente ; pos- ticce cinerece. Female. Whitish. Head slightly tufted. Oviduct long. Wings narrow, acute. Fore wings with a dark brown irregular discal stripe, which is dilated to the apical part of the disk and con- tains some black lanceolate streaks. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a $ b. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 549 Fam. 4. GELECHIDjE. Gelechidae, Sta . Exapate, Hb . Genus 1. EXAPATE. 1. Exapate congelatella. congelatella, Cl. — gelatella, L.~ paradoxa, Slz. a , b. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. c — l. England. m, n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Genus 2. DASYSTOMA. Dasystoma, Ct. — Cheimophila, Hb. 1. Dasystoma salicella. salicella, Hb. — rufocrinitalis, Zt. a. England. From Mr. King’s collection. b . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. d. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. e — t. England. Genus 3. CHIMABACHE. Chimabache, Hb. — Chimabacche, Zl. Europe. 1. Chimabache phryganella. phryganella, Hb. — novembris, Hw. a , b. England. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection, c — /. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. g — s. England. t , v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Chimabache fagella. fagella, W. V. — Dormoyella, Dp. 550 CATALOGUE OF a — j. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. h — n. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. o — r. England. s, t. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. v , u . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 3. CHIMABACHE ? SYRIACA. syriaca, Ld. Australia. 4. Crimabache Cinderella. Cinderella, Nwm. a. Australia. Presented by T. R. Oxley, Esq. Genus 4. SEMIOSCOPIS. Semioscopis, Hb. 1. Semioscopis avellanella. avellanella, Hb. a — e . England. /, g. Europe. From M. Beckers collection. 2. Semioscopis strigulana. strigulana, W . V. — atomella. Hb. 3. Semioscopis antiquella. antiquella, Zt . 4. Semioscopis anella. anella, Hb. — alienella, TV. Genus 5. EPTGRAPHIA. Epigraphia, St. — Semioscopis, Hb. 1. Epigraphia Steinkellneriana. Steinkellneriana, W. V. — characterella, Hb LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 551 a. England. Presented by B. Cooke, Esq. b . England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. c. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. d — t. England. v, u. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. Genus 6. ORTHOTELIA. Orthotelia, St . — Agoniopteryx, Tr . — Caulobius, Dp . — Hoemylis, 1. Orthotelia sparganiella. sparganiella, Thbg. — tostella, Hb . — Boiella ? Freyer — venosa, Hw, — nervosa, Ent. Mag. a, b. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. c — p. England. Apiletria, Ld. luella, Ld. Genus 7. APILETRIA. 1. Apiletria luella. Genus 8. PHIBALOCERA. Phibalocera, St. — Carcina, Hb. 1. Phibalocera quercana. quercana, F. — fagana, W. V. — cancrella, Hb. a, b. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. c — u. England. w — s'. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. aa. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 2. Phibalocera luticornella. luticornella, Zl. — nigrana, Dp. 3. Phibalocera tallicornella. pallicornella, Std . 2 A 552 CATALOGUE OF Genus 9. EX&RETIA. Exaeretia, Sta. — Depressaria, H.-S. 1. ExjEretia Allisella. Allisella, Sta. a , b. England. Presented by S. Carter, Esq. c — g. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. Genus 10. DEPRESSARIA. Depressaria, Hw. — Pinaris, Hb. — Agonopterix, Hb. — Epeleustia, Hb.— Acornpsia, Hb. — Haemylis, Tr. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1. Depressaria costosa. costosa, Hw. — depunctella, Hb.— spartiana, Hb. — Boieella, Frr. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b — Jc. England. 1. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection, w, n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2. Depressaria comitella. comitella, Ld. 3. Depressaria Sparmanniana. Sparmanniana, F . — bipunctosa, Ct. — liturella, var. /3, Zl. a , b. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. 4. Depressaria liturella. liturella, W. V. — flavella, Hb. — flavosa, Hw. — Sparmanniana, St. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b—j. England. k , l. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 553 5. Depressaria straminella. straminella, Std. 6. Depressaria quadripunctata. quadripunctata, Wck. 7 . Depressaria pallorella. pallorella, Zl.-~ Sparmaniella, H.-S. a — d. England. 8. Depressaria culcitella. culcitella, H.-S. 9. Depressaria doronicella. Schmidtella, Mn. — doronicella, Wck . 10. Depressaria LiETELL a. laetella, H.-S. 11. Depressaria umbellana. urabellana, St. — umbellarum ? Hw. — alicetella, Sta. a — e. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. f. England. From Mr. Chant’s collection. g — i. England. 12. Depressaria assimilella. assirnillella, Tischer (MSS.), Tr. — arenella, Reuti — irrorella, St. a. Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. b — e. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. / — h. England. 13. Depressaria nanatella. nanatella, Sta. — assimitella, Zl. olim . 14. Depressaria putridella. putridella, W. V. 2 A 2 554 CATALOGUE OF 15. DEPRESSARIA ATOMELLA. atomella, W. V . — atomosa, Hw.— pulverella, Hb . — respersella, F. R. a , b. England. 16. Depressaria rotiferella. rotiferella, Kir. 17. Depressaria arenella. arenella, W . V. — Yeatiana, Th. — gilvella, Hb. — gilvana, Hw . — immaculata, St. «, b. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. c, d. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. e — /. England. m , n. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 18. Depressaria petasitis. petasilis, Stdf. 19. Depressaria rhodochrella. rhodoehrella, H.-S. — Himminghofenella, H.-S . 20. Depressaria thoracica. thoracica, Ld. 21. Depressaria propinquella. propinquella, TV. — gilvosa, var ., Hw. — Yeatiella, Hb. a. England. From Mr. King’s collection. b , c. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. d — k. England. 22. Depressaria subpropinquella. subpropinquella, Sta. — heraclella? Dp. — intermediella? Sta . a — k. England. 1. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 555 23. Depressaria Alstrcemeriana. Alstroemeriana, L. — monilella, W. V. — puella, Hb. — alhidella, Eo. a , b. England. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. c—e. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. /. England. From Mr. King’s collection. g— -j. England. k. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 24. Depressaria purpurea. purpurea, Hw. — vaccinella, Hb. a. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. b — m. England. n , o . Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 25. Depressaria hypericella. hypericella, 7V. — liturella? Hb. — liturosa, Hw. a—f. England. g , h . Germany. From M. Heminghoffeu’s collection. 26. Depressaria conterminella. conterminella, F. R. ( MSS .), Zl. — hypericella? Hb.— curvipunc- tosa ? Hw. a. England. From Mr. Fuxcroft’s collection. b — l. England. 27. Depressaria Ledereri. Ledereri, Zl. 28. Depressaria ocellana. ocellana, F . — characterella, W . V. — signella, Hb.— signiferella, Hb. — signosa, Hw. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b , c. England. From Mr. King’s collection. d — k. England. /, m. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 2 a 3 556 CATALOGUE OF 29. Depressaria atricornella. atricornella, Mn . 30. De press aria Ye atiana. Yeatiana, F. — albidana ? Dn. — Yeatsii, Hw. — putrida, Hw. ~ Yeat- siana, St, — putridella, St, — ventosella, Reutti, a , b. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c — k, England. 31. DePRESSARIA CINIFLONELLA. ciniflonella, Lienig, a , b, England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c, Scotland. From Mr. Foxcroft’s collection. */, e. Scotland. From Mr. Stevens’ collection. f—i- England. 32. Depressaria impurella. impurella, Metzn, (MSS.), Tr, 33. Depressaria adspersella. adspersella, Kir. 34. Depressaria thapsiella thapsiella, Zl. — thapsiae, H.-S. 35. Depressaria laterella. laterella, W. V. — heracliella, Tr. 36. Depressaria carduella. carduella, Hb. a , b. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c — e. England. 37. Depressaria incarnatella. iucarnatella, Zl. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 557 38. Depressaria sublutella. sublutella, Std. 39. Depressaria applana. applana, F. — applanella, F. — heracliana, Dg. — cerafolii, Retz .— cicutella, i/6.—heracleella, Zt. — ciliella, Sta. a — i. England. j. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 40. Depressaria Amasina. Amasina, Mn . 41. Depressaria ciliella. ciliella, Sta. a — h. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. i,j. England. k . Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 42. Depressaria capreolella. capreolella, Zl. — caprella, Sta . — depressella, H.-S . a, b . England. 43. Depressaria granulosella. granulosella, Sta. a . England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. b — A. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. 44. Depressaria rotundella. rotundella, Dgl. — peloritanella, Zl. a — d. England. e. Germany. From M. Herainghoffen’s collection. 45. Depressaria angelicella. angelicella, Fib. — parilella, Reuti— rubidella, Dp. 558 CATALOGUE OF a — -f. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 46. DEPRESSARIA PARILELLA parilella, Tr. — humerella, Dp. furvella, Tr . cnicella, Tr. a , b. Germany. 47. DEPRESSARIA FUR\ ELLA. 48. DePRESSARIA CNICELLA. From M. Heininghoffen’s collection. 49. DePRESSARIA HEPATARIELLA . hepatariella, Lienig. 50. DePRESSARIA EERULiE. ferulse, Zl. 51. DEPRESSARIA DEPRESSELLA. depressella, Hb . — depressana, Zl. olim . — Bluntii, Ct . — collarella, Zt. —depressana ? F. — depressella P F. a — d. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. e . England. /, g. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 52. DePRESSARIA HeYDENII. Heydenii, Zl. 53. DEPRESSARIA PIMPINELLiE. pimpinellae, Zl . — characterosa, Hw. — pulverella, Ev. — libanotidella, Reutti. a—f. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g. England. 54. DEPRESSARIA LIBANOTIDELLA. libanotidella, Schlg . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 559 55. Depressaria velox. velox, Sid. 56. Depressaria. veneficella. veneficella, Zl. — veneneficella, H.-S. 57. Depressaria badiella. badiella, Hb. — pastinacella, Dp. a, b. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. c — i. England. j. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. k y l. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 58. Depressaria altaica. altaica, Zl. 59. Depressaria cervicella. cervicella, H.-S. 60 . Depressaria heracliana. heracliana, Dg. — heraclei f Retz. — pastinacella, Dp. — umbellella, Zt. — uinbellana ? F. a. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. b—j. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. h—s. England. t, v. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 61. Depressaria Weirella. Weirella, Sta. — apiosa? Hw. a. England. From Mr. Bouchard^ collection. by c. England. 62. Depressaria discipunctella. discipunctella, H.-S. — pastinacella, Sta. Andalusia. 560 CATALOGUE OF 63. DEPRESSARIA ALBIPUNCTELLA. albipunctella, Hb. — albipuncta, Hw . — aegopodiella, Hb. a — e . England. /. Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 64. Depressaria emeritella. emeritella, Hyd . (MSS.) Sta. a , b. Europe, From M. Becker’s collection, c. Germany. From M. Heminghoffen’s collection. 65. Depressaria tenebricosa. tenebricosa, Zl. 66. Depressaria corticinella. corticinella, Zl. 67. Depressaria pulcherrimella. pulcherrimella, Sta. a. England. 68. Depressaria ch^erophylli. cbseropbylli, Zl . — badia ? Hw. — daucella ? W. V. — chserophyllinella, H.-S. a, b . England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection, c, d. England. 69. Depressaria Douglasella. Douglasella, Sta. — miserella, H.-S. 70. Depressaria olerella. olerella, Zl. 71. Depressaria nervosa. nervosa, Hw — daucella, Tr. — rubricella? W. F.~-apiella? Hb . — ultimella ? Sta. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 561 a. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. b — i. England. j — l- Europe. From M. Becker’s collection. 72. Depressaria ultimella. ultimella, Sta. a—f. England. From Mr. Bouchard’s collection. g—k . England. 73. Depressaria hirtipalpis. hirtipalpis, Zl. Spalato. 74. Depressaria dictamnella. dictamnella, Tr. 75. Depressaria hystriceela. hystricella, Msclr. 76. Depressaria venosulella. venosulella, Msclr. 77. Depressaria cachritis. cachritis, Std. 78. Depressaria Hofmanni. Hofmanni, Sta . 79. Depressaria Jug urthella. Jurgurthella, Gn. Constantina. PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. \ \ i 1 ’ t