I/I B RAR.Y OF THE UN IVLRSITY OF ILLINOIS Co30 AGfflCULTUtf NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161 O-1096 ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS . . . 1939 University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 463 In cooperation with the Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant In- dustry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the Illinois State Natural History Survey CONTENTS PAGE DESCRIPTION OF TESTS AND SEASONAL PROBLEMS Scope of Tests 171 Soil Characteristics of Fields 171 Method of Planting 172 Seasonal Conditions 174 Insect Problems 174 Disease Prevalence 175 Dropped Ears 179 Measuring Performance of Entries 180 RESULTS OF TESTS (Text) Results of 1939 Performance Tests . 181 Four-, Three-, and Two- Year Summaries 184 Soil Adaptation Tests 209 Summary 214 RESULTS OF TESTS (Tables) Northeastern Illinois: Liberty ville 188 Northern Illinois: Kings 190 West North-Central Illinois: Cambridge 192 East North- Central Illinois: Reddick 196 West-Central Illinois: Littleton 198 East-Central Illinois: Paxton 201 South-Central Illinois: Sullivan 203 Southern Illinois: Shobonier . . : 205 & Southeastern Illinois: Albion -. , 207 IF Southwestern Illinois: Modoc/. . . . 208 Soil Adaptation Tests: Central Illinois 210 H Summary of Hybrid Superiority, Nine Fields, 1936-1939 215 SOURCES OF SEED Contributors of Seed for the 1939 Tests 186 Pedigrees of Illinois, U.S., and Iowa Hybrids 187 Acknowledgment is due the following farm advisers lor their collaboration in these tests: H. C. GILKERSON, Lake county; D. E. WARREN, Ogle county; H. K. DANFORTH, Henry county; G. T. SWAIM, Kankakee county; R. T. NICHOLAS, Schuyler county; H. D. TRIPLETT, Ford county; P. M. KROWS, Moultrie county; J. B. TURNER, Fayette county; W. D. MURPHY, Edwards county; and E. C. SECOR, Randolph county. Urbana, Illinois January, 1940 Second printing, with corrections Sixth Annual Illinois Corn Performance Tests 1939 By R. R. COPPER, G. H. DUNCAN, A. L. LANG, J. H. BIGGER, BENJAMIN KOEHLER, and OREN BoLiN 1 ORE THAN five and a half million acres of Illinois corn land were planted with hybrid seed in 1939, or 69 percent of the total corn ^acreage of the state. In central and northern Illinois the percentage of hybrid corn was even higher. A favorable season, combined with the extensive use of hybrid seed corn adapted to the locality and to the soil where planted, re- sulted in an average yield over the entire state of 52 bushels an acre, the highest ever reached in Illinois. SCOPE OF THE TESTS A total of 331 hybrids and 29 open-pollinated varieties were in- cluded on the ten Illinois corn-performance test fields in 1939. This was the largest number of entries on record. On the central and north- central fields the number of entries was increased from 60 to 73 or 75, owing to demand on the part of producers for the opportunity to enter their crosses. The other fields included 61 entries or less. Five open- pollinated varieties were used as a check on each field. Forty-eight companies and individuals entered hybrid seed and 27 companies and individuals furnished the open-pollinated varieties. Seed samples were taken from the warehouses of the producers entering the corn. Samples which were taken from less than five dif- ferent bushel lots are marked with a star (*) in the tables. Whenever possible, the grade sampled was that known as "regular flat." Not only were records made of the yields of the various entries, but measurements were also made of lodging resistance and soil adaptability. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS OF FIELDS The fields chosen for the 1939 tests were, on the whole, medium to high in productivity. In locating a field, effort was made to select a soil type that occurs extensively in the region represented by the field. Furthermore care was taken to have each field as nearly uniform J R. R. COPPER, Assistant in Crop Production, G. H. DUNCAN, Chief in Crop Production, A. L. LANG, Assistant Chief in Soil Experiment Fields, BENJAMIN KOEHLER, Chief in Crop Pathology, and OREN BOLIN, Associate in Plant Genetics, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station; J. H. BIGGER, Associate Entomologist, Illinois State Natural History Survey. 171 172 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, as possible, both in soil type and in drainage conditions. At Shobonier small "slick spots" occurred thruout the testing field. The general location of the ten test fields is shown by the map on page 216. General information on soil characteristics and soil-man- agement practices is indicated in Table 2. 1 Drainage is described as rapid, moderate, and slow. When applied to the surface, rapid drainage indicates a tendency to erode, moderate indicates satisfactory runoff with minimum erosion, while slow indi- cates practically no natural surface movement. When applied to un- derdrainage, rapid indicates the existence of a drouthy condition, moderate indicates relatively free movement of excess ground water to tile but retention of sufficient moisture for normal plant growth, and slow indicates a nearly impervious subsoil. Table 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Illinois Cooperative Corn Performance Tests, 1939 Location of field County Cooperator Number Date of planted entries Date harvested Average acre-yield all entries Total Sound NE Libertyville Lake Lewis Mills 59 May 19 May 12 May 19 May 11 May 20 May 11 May 3 May 15 May 16 May 18 Oct. 12 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 19 Oct. 26, 27 Oct. 31 Oct. 11 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 5 fru. 65.6 88.1 116.3 77.2 93 1 72.2 95.9 55.4 69.1 69.2 feu. 65 4 87.5 114.4 76.5 92.3 70.0 94.2 54.7 66.5 67.5 N Kings WNC Cambridge. . . ENC Reddick . Ogle . Henry . . Elmer Hayes . 60 . . EarlCollis . 75 E. S. Boyer 73 WC Littleton Schuyler 75 EC Paxton . . . Ford Arthur Stevenson 75 SC Sullivan . Moultrie. . . Masonic Home Farm . . . . 61 . 58 S Shobonier. . . . SE Albion . Fayette Edwards . . Henry Opfer Ernest Schmidt 53 SW Modoc Randolph. . . . Bernard Naeger . . . . 57 METHOD OF PLANTING Each test field was planted as described in Bulletin 427 (1936). On all but the Modoc field, each entry (variety or hybrid) was planted in 10 plots, each plot being 12 hills long and 2 rows wide. At Modoc 45 of the 57 entries were planted in 9 plots instead of 10. All plots were planted 3 kernels to a hill, and the only correction made for imperfect stand was to adjust the yields for missing hills. All seed was treated with organic mercury dust before planting. Entries were arranged in the controlled random order, as de- scribed in Bulletin 427. With the few exceptions indicated in the tables of results, all plots of each entry were harvested. 'HERMAN WASCHER, Assistant Chief in the Soil Survey, determined the soil type, uniformity, and physical characteristics of each field. H. J. SNIDER, As- sistant Chief in Soil Experiment Fields, made the chemical analyses. 19401 ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 173 Table 2. TESTING FIELDS: Soil Characteristics and Management Practices a Surface color and drainage b Subsoil texture, and underdrainage pH values Surface* Subsoilf Organic matter Surface* Subsoilt Total nitrogen Surface* Subsoilt Available Available phosphorus potassium Surface* Subsoilt Surface* Subsoilt Previous crops and soil management Northeastern LiberiyviUe Saybrook silt loam (light) perct. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. a Brown to light brown, moderate ..... 5.1* 6.5* 6420* 15* 350* bSilty clay loam, moderate ........... 5.4t 4.0t 3760t 4t 220t Kings Tama silt loam (dark) Brown, moderately rapid ............ 5.3* 5.6* 5210* 127* 340* bSilty clay loam, moderate ........... 5. It 4.5t 4720t 20t 190t B! j Cambridge Muscatine silt loam a Brown, moderate .................. 5.0* 5.7* 5870* 25* 430* bSilty clay loam, moderate ........... 5 . 2t 4 . 5t 4360t 8f 310t Reddick Lisbon day loam a Black, slow ........................ 6.4* 6.0* 5800* 173* 280* bSilty clay loam, moderate ........... 6.5t 3.3t 3200t 95t 250t Littleton Ipaw silly day loam to day loam a Black, moderately slow to slow ...... 5.7* 4.0* 4520* 220* 325* b Clay loam, moderate ............... 5 . 8t 4 . It 4800t 240t 450t Paxton Drummer day loam a Black, slow ........................ 5.6* 5.7* 5710* 123* 420* b-Clay loam, moderate ............... 6.0t 2.9t 3160t 140t 450t SvUitan Flanagan silt loam (light) a Brown to light brown, moderate ..... 5.5* 4.6* 4370* 19* 230* bSilty clay loam, moderate. .. . 5.5t 2.9t 3160t 8t 270t Shobonier Cisne tilt loam (slick spots) a Gray, slow ......... . 5.2* 3.0* 2790* 23* 130* b Clay, very slow .................... 4.9t 1.9f 2000t 8t 190t Albion Potion silly day loam x- Brownish gray, slow ................ 5.7* 3.6* 3830* 166* 285* bSilty clay loam, moderately slow ..... 6.6t 2. It 2480t 130t 230t \fodoc Beancoup day loam (bottom) a Drab, moderately slow ............. 6.3* 3.4* 3360* 500* b Clay loam, moderately slow ......... 6.6t 2. It 2680t 500t Corn 1936, wheat 1937, sweet clover 1938; manured 1936, 1939 spring-plowed Northern Small grain 1936, corn 1937, barley 1938; limed 1938; rock phosphate 1938, spring- plowed West north-central Corn 1936, oats 1937, red clover 1938; manured 1938, fall- plowed East north-central Corn 1936, soybeans 1937. wheat (Hubam clover) 1938; rock phosphate 1938, spring- plowed West-central Oats 1936, wheat 1937. mam- moth clover 1938; limed 1927, fall-plowed East-central Small grain 1936, sweet clover 1937, corn 1938; spring- plowed South-central Corn 1935, oats 1936, sweet clover and timothy pasture 1937, 1938; limed 1938, fall- plowed Southern Corn 1936, oats 1937, rye 1938; manured 1939, limed 1933 Southeastern Oats (sweet clover) 1936, corn 1937, oats (sweet clover) 1938; limed, spring-plowed Southwestern 655* Corn 1936, wheat 1937, red 650t clover 1938; no treatment. fall-plowed *tThese symbols are used to remind the reader that the first figure in these columns refers to surface conditions, the second to tub- turface conditions. 174 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, SEASONAL CONDITIONS At Kings, Cambridge, and Littleton the north, west north-central, and west-central fields growing conditions in 1939 were more favor- able than at the other fields. Temperatures during the growing season were satisfactory for all of the test fields, but rainfall distribution was not favorable on some of them. All the fields were planted in good moisture except the Albion field, which was rather dry. However, after the first cultivation at Albion there was an overabundance of rain, which slowed up the growth of the plants. All but the Shobonier field had ample moisture after planting, and the corn made an excellent start. The Shobonier field was dry until about the second week in June, but had plenty of rain for the main part of the growing season. The abundance of rain early in the season on a few fields made for a slightly shallow root system, the effects of which appeared later during the long dry spell in August. The Paxton and Reddick fields in particular appeared to suffer on this account, and corn matured a little earlier than usual on these fields. The Libertyville field suffered the most from the late summer drouth and hot weather, the corn on this field showing some tendency to be light and chaffy. The corn on the Littleton and Cambridge fields remained green longer than on the other fields in the test, maturing at a more nearly normal time than on the other fields. The abundance of moisture during July favored the development of ear rots and damaged corn, but the hot dry weather in August checked this condition. The Paxton and Albion fields had a greater amount of Diplodia ear rot than any of the others. None of the test fields suffered any damage from hail or windstorms. INSECT PROBLEMS The Illinois corn crop suffered the minimum of damage from in- sects during the 1939 growing season. Just as this season was the most favorable one for corn on record, it was the least favorable one for insect development. Furthermore when plants are grown under condi- tions conducive to their maximum development, they can better with- stand the attack of such insects as may be present. At none of the test fields were there enough chinch bugs to produce measurable differences in the condition of the crop, nor was there any grasshopper problem in 1939. There are no records, therefore, of the relative ability of the different entries to withstand attack by these two insects. The southern corn rootworm, Diabrotica duodecimpunctata Fab., was abundant enough on only two fields (Cambridge and Littleton) 194Q~\ ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 175 to produce measurable effects on the corn plants. Even on these two fields the damage was not great, the average amount of lodging (plants leaning 30 degrees or more) of the hybrids being 14.4 percent at Cambridge and 13.6 percent at Littleton. Rootworms attacked the plants only in the early part of the season ; and much of the corn that lodged because of this damage later elbowed and straightened up, so that the lodging was not noticeable on casual observation. It was measured, however, at harvest time, and is recorded in Tables 6A and 8A on pages 193 and 199. Another type of insect damage appeared during the 1939 season. The corn leaf aphid, Aphis maidis Fitch, attacked the field near Libertyville at tasseling time. Damage was not extensive, a survey showing that only 1.2 percent of the plants were severely affected. However, a few entries were very susceptible to the aphid. The open- pollinated varieties were more susceptible than the hybrids, indicating that plant breeders are successfully producing hybrids resistant to this aphid. DISEASE PREVALENCE Disease losses were low in 1939 compared with those of 1938. But in spite of general high yields, certain diseases took a toll. Unquestion- ably some entries ranked low mainly because of injury from stalk rot. Diplodia Stalk Rot. Premature dying of plants was first noticed in some hybrids in mid-August. By mid-September some stalks had died prematurely on nearly all the test fields and in most of the corn- fields of the state. On one day the leaves of the plant would be alive and on the next day they would be dead, as tho they had been frosted. A few days later they would change to straw color and the main stalk would be blanched. Where such plants were scattered thruout the field among the green plants some dying one day, others the next, etc. the stalks of all prematurely dead plants were invariably rotted severely by Diplodia (page 178). Usually some of the green plants also showed Diplodia stalk rot infections but to a less extent. A count of the prematurely dead plants at a selected time was used as a measure of the degree of susceptibility of a hybrid to damage by Diplodia stalk rot. All the hybrids on a given field were checked for prematurely dead plants on the same day, and without knowledge by the checker of the identity of the entries. Three fields Sullivan, Littleton, and Cambridge were best suited for the comparison of stalk-rot susceptibility (Table 3). Test fields farther south had the least stalk rot. All test fields in central and northern Illinois had considerable stalk rot, but as a number of the fields began drying up early in September regardless of stalk rot, the basis for judging stalk-rot susceptibility was obliterated. This general drying of fields was attributed partly to the late-season drouth. 176 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, Table 3. DISEASE DAMAGE: Premature Dying of Corn Plants Caused Principally by Diplodia Stalk Rot, at Three Locations in Illinois (Observed September 12-20, 1939) Extent of premature dying Extent of premature dying Hybrid Cam- bridge WNC Little- ton we Sulli- van SC Hybrid Cam- bridge WNC Little- ton we Sulli- van SC Bear OK-30 perct. perct. perct. 29.5 Illinois 863 perct. perct. perct. 40.2 28.2 19.9 Bear OK-49 2 Illinois 877 Bear OK-60 28.7 is. 7 50.9 Illinois 885A Bear OK-63 12 Illinois 936 18 51.3 Bear OK-72 Illinois 944 . 22 Bear OK-74 21.8 Illinois 947 Bear OK-79 8.8 Illinois 960 . 26 58.8 32.5 Bear OK-80 29.1 49 '.6 Illinois 972 7.5 Illinois 976 63.8 Crow 602 . . . 44 Independent Hyb. Prod. D5 . . . 16 Independent Hyb. Prod. D6 . . . 20 Independent Hyb. Prod. D7. . . 16 Independent Hyb. Prod. D8A . . . Independent Hyb. Prod. D10 Independent Hyb. Prod. 411 Independent Hyb. Prod. 420 lowealthAQ 10 40 '.6 '27.5 28^8 46.3 33.8 32.5 42'.5 31.5 57.4 Crow 603 Crow 607 Crow 608 31.3 Crow 618 22 65.6 Crow 640 Crow 701 (W) Crow 804 10.9 32.5 13.9 39.2 52.8 Crow 806 DeKalb 606.... 32 2o'.i) 23.8 37.5 41.3 10.0 lowealth CI 2 30 DeKalb 615 44 lowealth 20B 16 DeKalb 628 22 lowealth 25 14 DeKalb 639 48 lowealth 28N DeKalb 800 lowealth 30 DeKalb 816 Kelly K-99... 71.3 DeKalb 825 10 DeKalb 827 14 Kelly K-100 15 DeKalb 888 14.4 22.8 Kelly K-374 22.4 69! 8 DeKalb 891 46.3 DeKalb 892 7.5 DeKalb 899 2.9 24.6 25.0 DeKalb 918 (W) Moews-Lowe 520 Doubet E W CR-46 30 i 6 ; 3 Moews-Lowe 523 4 41 3 Doubet E. W. CR-47 30 31.5 42.7 Doubet, E. W., CR-114. Moews-Lowe 850 25.0 75 '.6 51.3 12.5 Doubet, E.W..CR-117. 61.3 FunkG-32 6 13.8 36.3 T.3 10.4 '3.6 16 Funk G-46 Morgan 62 . 61 FunkG-53 10 Morgan 82 Mountjoy 2120 FunkG-63 FunkG-80 20 FunkG-81 FunkG-83 8.8 3.2 National 119i 48.7 FunkG-94 20.0 National 119a 24 46.3 Funk G-123 15.8 3.3 55.1 15.6 31.4 9.7 National 124j 46 Funk G-167 National 126j FnnkfJ-lfiQ ., 51.3 National 131 . 38 38 ;4 Funk G-212 16 National 132i FunkG-235 Funk G-527 (W) NullN-16... 18.8 Funk G-571 (W) Hahn 151 10 32 27.5 2.5 10.0 11 3 NullN-43 Null N-54 13.8 22.1 Hahn 153 22 Null N-61 33.0 14.2 40.7 Illinois 126 NullN-92 4 Illinois 200 Illinois 201 2 4 Null-Vollmer 10. . . Illinois 206 Null-Vollmer 20 Illinois 374 14 46'9 61.7 51.0 59.0 111 H 19.3 Null-Vollmer 97 35.0 Illinois 432 Null-Vollmer 98 28.8 Illinois 499 Illinois 582 40.0 Pfister360 .'. . 26 43.8 65.0 47.8 58.9 Illinois 614 Illinois 710. . 55.0 Pfister360A Pioneer 307 40 14 Illinois 751 26 Pioneer 313 2 Illinois 784 Pioneer 314 40 Illinois 805 ... Pioneer 317... 20 (Table it concluded on next page) 1940~\ ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 Table 3. Concluded 177 Hybrid Extent of premature dying Extent of premature dying Cam- bridge WNC Little- ton we Sulli- van SC Hybrid Cam- Little- bridge ton WNC WC Sulli- van SC Pioneer 330 perct. 10 perct. perct. U.S. 35 perct. perct. 36 9 perct. Pioneer 331 8 37.5 5.0 U.S. 44 19 5 52 5 78.4 Pioneer 501 (W) 1.5 6.4 17.6 U.S.45 38 Pioneer 502 (W) Sass, L. A., 50 ... 42 Open-pollinated Sass, U. G., 305 8 Seeber 9 Bunning White Dent 18.3 29.0 28.0 Seeber 11A 8 48.8 22.5 Stiegelzneier 38 Canterbury Yellow Dent Doubet Yellow Dent 10.0 12 32 5 Stiegelmeier 90 Stiegelmeier 100 22 'k'.s Hunt White Dent 38 24 Stiegelmeier 701 Stiegelmeier 702 Stiegelmeier 802 12 18 33 '.8 McKeighan Yellow Dent. . Mount joy Utility Dent Rice White Dent . . 20 36.3 Stiegelmeier 905 U.S. 5 6 32.5 21.3 30.0 43.1 2J'.& Roeschley Yellow Dent Shuman Golden Beauty 18 27 5 4L5 U.S. 13... Station Yellow Dent 33 8 U.S. 14... 10 Wilson Yellow Dent... 30.6 Reduction in Yield From Stalk Rot. The appearance of stalk rot and the dying of plants occurred in 1939 at about the same dates as in 1938, but the damage to yield was considerably less. One probable reason for this fact was the unusually fast growth of the corn plants and the development of the ears earlier than in a normal season; another reason was that Stewart's disease caused less damage than in 1938. None of the entries, however, in which a large number of stalks died prematurely ranked very high in yield or in general performance, suggesting that significant damage was caused by stalk rot. While it is not true that hybrids that are resistant to stalk rot are always high yielding, nevertheless correlations between yield and resistance to stalk rot are fairly good. At Cambridge the correlation was .466, at Littleton .752, and at Sullivan .409. Stalk Rot and Stalk Breaking. There is considerable interest in the question to what extent stalk breaking indicates stalk rot. Data taken this year showed a very close relationship in some crosses and very little relationship in others. In a field of single crosses at Urbana the correlation between stalk breaking and stalk rot was only .123, which is not significant. Two tests with more single crosses conducted by the Independent Hybrid Producers of Illinois, Inc., gave correla- tions of .307 and .423; these figures are statistically significant, but here also some striking exceptions occurred. Stewart's Disease. Stewart's disease did not cause as much damage to field corn in 1939 as was expected, considering the heavy infection that occurred in 1938 and the moderate winter that followed. True to predictions, however, early sweet corn was more damaged 178 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, 1940] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 179 than it had been for several years. Leaf infections in dent corn (page 178) could be found in late summer in nearly every field as far north as Joliet and Mendota but severe damage like that in 1938 failed to materialize. The very severe infection at Sullivan caused a loss of 20 percent of the leaf surface by September 12. Ear Rots. Frequent moderate rains during the first half of summer made conditions ideal not only for corn growth but also for Diplodia infection. When the ears were in the milk stage, an alarming number of plants died from Diplodia rot in some fields. Unusual losses in yield, resulting from ear rot, were expected but a change to dry weather after early August checked this tendency, making state losses somewhat below the average of the last fifteen years. The amount of ear rot in the performance tests is indicated in the tables under the heading "Damaged corn in shelled sample." The rot damage in 1939 was caused principally by Diplodia. While the exact significance of each one of those percentage figures is admittedly uncertain, there is no question that some hybrids are distinctly more resistant to ear rots than others. In seven of the test fields the hybrid corn had less rot than the open-pollinated corn. The average damage from ear rot on all the fields was 1.67 percent for the hybrids and 1.76 percent for the open- pollinated varieties. These figures do not show a significant advantage for hybrids. The low losses in Illinois from ear rots during the last few years must be attributed in large part to seasonal conditions and other environmental factors rather than entirely to the planting of a greater acreage to hybrids. It is feared that this low point in the cycle of rots has led some to forget the seriousness of the ear-rot threat; and consequently that there will be much disappointment and com- plaint when, by the return of weather conditions favorable to ear rot, farmers are again faced with this problem. Other Diseases. Moderate but adequate moisture and spring temperatures above normal resulted in good corn stands and little damage from seedling diseases. "Purple corn," a discoloration and stunting of young corn plants associated with phosphorus deficiency, was reported by farmers at numerous places in the state but did not appear on the test plots. Smut was of minor importance except in those inbreds and crosses especially susceptible to it. DROPPED EARS While a count was made of the dropped ears on all the test fields, there were too few such ears for any significant conclusions to be reached. They were reported very extensively in August in farmers' fields where Diplodia had done considerable damage and where high winds had occurred. 180 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, MEASURING PERFORMANCE OF ENTRIES The entries in 1939 were rated, as they were each year since 1935, on the basis of two measures of performance erect plants at harvest (lodging resistance) and yield of sound corn. Erect Plants. The percentage of erect plants in each entry on each field was estimated at the time of harvest. The rating for erect plants of an entry is the ratio of erect plants of that entry to the average number of erect plants on the field, multiplied by 100. There were three types of lodging on the test fields that due to rootworm damage, to broken stalks just below the ear, and to broken stalks toward the base of the plant. Photographs on page 183 show the two latter types of lodging. Sound Corn. To determine shelling percentage, the entire yield from one replicate of each entry was shelled. From this shelled corn one sample was taken to determine the percentage of moisture at har- vest, and another to determine the percentage of damaged kernels, by weight. The moisture determinations were made with a Tag-Heppen- stall moisture meter. The percentage of damaged corn was determined according to the Federal Grain Standards. The total acre-yield was calculated as shelled corn carrying 15.5 percent moisture, the upper limit allowable for No. 2 corn. The yield of sound corn was computed by deducting the amount of damaged corn from the total yield. The rating on sound yield is the ratio, expressed as percentage, of the yield of sound corn for that entry to the average yield of sound corn for all the entries on the field. General Performance. In computing the general-performance rating of an entry, the ratings for erect plants and sound corn were averaged, but the sound-corn rating was given three times the weight of the rating for erect plants. When two or more entries tied in the general-performance rating, the ties were given the same numerical ranking, but they were listed in the order of their descending yield of sound corn. If the two entries had the same yield of sound corn, then they were listed on the basis of total corn. Chance Differences. Too much confidence must not be placed in the exact ranking of a hybrid in the following tables, for chance has played a part in determining the placing of many of them. Unmeasured differences in soil and in prevalence of insects and diseases, and un- accountable variability in stand will cause differences in yield that are not inherent in the hybrids or varieties. The part played by chance in the 1939 tests has been calculated by the mathematical procedure known as ''analysis of variance." At the bottom or side of each table is stated the approximate difference 1940~\ ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 181 which there must be in the 1939 yields to show a true inherent differ- ence between any two entries. Unless this difference exists there is no assurance that one entry is inherently higher yielding than the other. Readers are urged to note the difference necessary for significance, as shown for each test field, and to keep that difference constantly in mind in all comparisons of entries on that field. RESULTS OF 1939 PERFORMANCE TESTS Northeastern. At Liberty ville 51 of the 54 hybrids exceeded the general-performance rating of the best open-pollinated variety. The five best hybrids produced an average of 15.9 more bushels of sound corn than the average of the five open-pollinated varieties, while the five poorest hybrids averaged only 1.2 more bushels of sound corn an acre. In lodging resistance the five best hybrids were much better than the open-pollinated varieties, averaging 13.4 more erect plants per hundred ; and the five poorest hybrids were better by 10 plants per hun- dred. The field was harvested October 12, a very early date for the region, but owing to the dry weather during the latter part of the season the corn averaged only 16.9 percent moisture content, with a range from 20.1 percent to 12.9 percent. Northern. On the Kings field the five best hybrids exceeded the five open-pollinated varieties by an average of 23.8 bushels of sound corn an acre and 20.8 erect plants per hundred. The five poorest hybrids outyielded the five open-pollinated varieties by an average of 5.3 bushels of sound corn an acre and were much more resistant to lodging, having 18.4 more erect plants per hundred. These differences in favor of the five poorest hybrids were larger than those on any of the other test fields, and would seem to indicate that the hybrids were, as a whole, better adapted to this field than they were to the other fields. Fifty-four of the 55 hybrids on this field had a higher general- performance rating than any open-pollinated variety. West North-Central. The average production of all entries on the Cambridge field was 114.4 bushels of sound corn an acre, the best yield for any field in the six years of the Illinois corn-performance tests. This field is also credited with the highest yielding individual entry, the best hybrid producing 129.3 bushels of sound corn an acre. With these high yields the five best hybrids surpassed the five open- pollinated varieties by an average of 27.6 bushels of sound corn an acre and they had 17.6 more erect plants per hundred. The five poorest hybrids exceeded the open-pollinated varieties by an average of 2.4 bushels of sound corn an acre and 9.8 erect plants per hundred. Sixty- nine of the 70 hybrids in the test exceeded the average general per- formance of the open-pollinated varieties. 182 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, East North-Central. On the Reddick field 65 of the 68 hybrids in the test had higher general-performance ratings than the average of the open-pollinated varieties, and 61 hybrids had higher ratings than any individual open-pollinated variety. The five best hybrids out- yielded the open-pollinated varieties by an average of 16.0 bushels of sound corn an acre and had 11.6 more erect plants per hundred. The five poorest hybrids averaged 2 bushels less of sound corn an acre than the open-pollinated varieties and had 1.4 fewer erect plants per hun- dred. Corn on this field matured very early and had very little moist- ure when harvested. West Central. On the Littleton field the five best hybrids averaged 15.6 bushels more of sound corn an acre than the open- pollinated varieties, and the five poorest hybrids averaged 5.5 bushels less than the open-pollinated varieties. Both the five best hybrids and the five poorest hybrids surpassed the open-pollinated varieties in lodg- ing resistance, the hybrids having 17.6 and 10.8 more erect plants per hundred respectively. Sixty-four of the hybrids had a higher general- performance rating than the average of the open-pollinated varieties. East Central. The Paxton field had 68 hybrids with higher general-performance ratings than the average of the open-pollinated varieties. The five best hybrids outyielded the open-pollinated vari- eties by an average of 15.6 bushels of sound corn an acre, and were much more resistant to lodging, having 14.6 more erect plants per hundred. The open-pollinated varieties, however, outyielded the five poorest hybrids by an average of 3.7 bushels of sound corn an acre, tho they were not nearly so resistant to lodging, having 15 fewer erect plants per hundred. Some of the entries on this field were badly dam- aged by Diplodia ear rot. South Central. Along with the higher yield that was produced on the Sullivan field in 1939 compared with 1938, more hybrids had higher general-performance ratings than the average of the open- pollinated varieties 51 hybrids in 1939 against only 26 in 1938. The five best hybrids averaged 14.2 more bushels of sound corn an acre than the average of the open-pollinated varieties, while the five poorest hybrids averaged 5.8 bushels less. In lodging resistance the five best hybrids were superior to the open-pollinated varieties, averaging 12.9 more erect plants per hundred ; the five poorest hybrids had a better average by 9 plants. Southern. In the 1938 tests at Shobonier the open-pollinated varieties clearly surpassed the hybrids, but in 1939 this situation was completely reversed, the five best hybrids averaging better than the six open-pollinated varieties by 12.2 bushels of sound corn an acre, and the five poorest hybrids averaging better by 1.3 bushels. Also in resist- ance to lodging, both the five best and the five poorest hybrids averaged 194Q-] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 183 Two types of lodging on the test fields Left, lodging caused by Diplodia stalk rot near the base of the plant. Right, lodging caused by stalk breaking below the ear of the plant. better than the open-pollinated varieties, each group of hybrids having 5.7 more erect plants per hundred. The greater superiority of the hybrids over the open-pollinated varieties in 1939 was due in part to the more favorable growing conditions of 1939. Both hybrids and open-pollinated varieties had higher percentages of erect plants in 1939 than in 1938. Southeastern. On the Albion field 46 of the 48 hybrids in the test had a higher general-performance rating than the average of the open-pollinated varieties. The five best hybrids outyielded the open- pollinated varieties by an average of 13.1 bushels of sound corn an acre, while the five poorest hybrids produced 1.6 bushels less than the open-pollinated varieties. In lodging resistance the five best hybrids and the five poorest hybrids were superior to the open-pollinated corn, averaging respectively 6.0 and 5.8 more erect plants per hundred. Considerable rootworm damage occurred on this field ; and had there been rain with strong wind during the last part of the season there would have been considerable lodging of plants. Southwestern. At Modoc the five best hybrids outyielded the open-pollinated varieties by an average of 20.6 bushels of sound corn an acre and the five poorest hybrids outyielded the open-pollinated varieties by 2.8 bushels. In lodging resistance the five best hybrids were superior to the open-pollinated varieties, averaging 7.2 more erect plants per hundred ; the five poorest hybrids were superior by 4 plants per hundred. In general-performance rating 51 of the 52 hybrids in the test exceeded the average of the open-pollinated varieties. 184 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, FOUR-, THREE-, AND TWO-YEAR SUMMARIES One obstacle in the corn- improvement program is the tendency for commercial producers of hybrid seed corn to base their evaluations of some inbred combinations on too limited tests. More thoro testing thru several seasons will later disclose weaknesses that were not apparent in the more limited tests. Obviously then the more seasons thru which a corn has been tested, the more certain a grower can be of its value. The tables giving the yield and performance of entries that have been included in these tests for two or more years are therefore of special interest. Such a table for each field except Modoc follows immediately after the table giving the 1939 results for the field. Because of the rapid introduction of new hybrids and the dropping of less desirable ones, there are relatively few entries in the four-year summaries and this of course lessens their value. To get the most out of these data the four- and three-year averages will have to be studied along with the two-year and current year's results. For seven of the ten fields operated in 1939 four-year summaries are presented. For nine fields both three-year and two-year averages are available. Data obtained in 1939 from the Modoc field in extreme southwestern Illinois are not averaged with those obtained at Golconda and Elizabethtown in 1937 and 1938 because of the widely different soil and climatic conditions represented by these two fields Modoc being in the Mississippi valley and the other two in the Ohio valley. One of the goals toward which plant breeders have been working This particular plot on the Paxton field stood 100 percent. 1940] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 185 NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1 1 Mill 1927 '28 '29 *3O *31 '32 '33 *34 '35 '36 '37 '38 1939 CENTRAL ILLINOIS __ hllllll 1927 '28 29 30 31 '32 33 34 35 36 37 '38 1939 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS ll. I i i 1927 '28 '29 *3O '31 '32 '33 '34 '35 '36 '37 '38 1939 Differences between yields of hybrids and open-pollinated varieties 1927-1939 The above bars show the amounts by which the yields of the five best hy- brids have exceeded (black) or have fallen below (crosshatch) the five best open-pollinated varieties, in three sections of Illinois. A further summarizing of the four-year, three-year, and two-year data for nine fields is shown in Table 17 (page 215). On most fields the four-year average yield of sound corn by the hybrid entries ex- ceeded that of the open-pollinated varieties by a greater margin than did the hybrids that have been tested for the past two or three years only. On the northern and west north-central fields the average superi- ority of the hybrid yields over the open-pollinated yields in the four- year period was a little less than the corresponding figure for the three- year and two-year averages. The differences, however, were only slight. Thus even tho a few hybrids in the shorter-term averages may be superior to those in the four-year tests, it is evident that those in the four-year tests are not only high yielding but consistent in performance. 186 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED FOR THE 1939 TESTS Entry Contributor Address Bear Hybrids A. 'Linn Bear Decatur Beckerle Yellow Dent Elmer Beckerle Columbia Blackhawk Otto Kreutzberg Alhambra Banning White Dent Henry Bunning Moweaqua Canterbury Yellow Dent C. E. Canterbury Cantrall Champion White Pearl F. V. Wilson & Son Edgewood Crow Hybrids Crow Hybrid Corn Co Milford DeKalb Hybrids DeKalb Agr. Assoc DeKalb Doubet Yellow Dent E. W. Doubet Hanna City E. W. Doubet Hybrids E. W. Doubet Hanna City Funk Hybrids Funk Bros. Seed Co Bloomington Furr Hybrid 77 Kenneth Furr Genoa Gunn Western Plowman DeKalb Agr. Assoc DeKalb Hahn Hybrids Hahn Seed Company Dwight Hoosier Crost Hybrids Ed. J. Funk & Sons Kentland, Ind. Huebsch- Murdock L. A. Huebsch & Son Mundelein Hunt White Dent Chester A. Hunt Morris I.H.P. Hybrids (except 333 and 420) . .Ind. Hyb. Prod, of 111., Inc.. .Pekin I.H.P. Hybrid 333 L. A. Huebsch & Son Mundelein I.H.P. Hybrid 420 Huey Seed Company Carthage Illinois Hybrids 99, 387 L. A. Huebsch & Son Mundelein Illinois Hybrid 126 Harold Oakes Bluffs Illinois Hybrids 200, 201, 208, 805, 838, 972, 976 Charles Holmes Edelstein Illinois Hybrids 200, 784, 960 Geo. Pfeifer Arcola Illinois Hybrids 200, 885A Thomas Henley Arcola Illinois Hybrids 206, 499, 582, 863 Burrus Bros Arenzville Illinois Hybrids 219, 1092 Nichols Bros Hebron Illinois Hybrids 374, 944, 972 Sibley Farms Sibley Illinois Hybrids 432, 877 John H. Livengood Atwood Illinois Hybrids 448, 450, 499, 863 Myron Whisnand Arcola Illinois Hybrid 571 Charles Mosgrove Mansfield Illinois Hybrids 582, 960 Producers' Crop Improve- ment Association Piper City Illinois Hybrid 614 C. E. Canterbury Cantrall Illinois Hybrid 710 Nickel Bros Concord Illinois Hybrids 751, 960 L. A. Sass Ancona U. G. Sass Streator Illinois Hybrid 936 Mohr Bros East Moline Illinois Hybrid 944 Harry Johnston Danvers Illinois Hybrid 947 Harry Koch Bluffs Iowa Hybrid 3342 Nickel Bros Concord lowealth Hybrids Michael-Leonard Seed Co. . . . Chicago Kelly Hybrids Kelly Seed Co San Jose Krug Krug Bros Minonk Learning H. C. Neville Harrisburg Maland Yellow Dent John Maland Leland Mangelsdorf Hybrid XX-1 Ed. Mangelsdorf&Bros., Inc.. St. Louis, Mo. McKeighan Yellow Dent J. L. McKeighan Yates City McLurkin White Dent Theodore Brown Coulterville Miller Hybrid 470 Bert A. Miller Forrest M-L Hybrids B. E. Moews Granville L. L. Lowe Aroma Park Mohawk Martin Schaeffer Hoyleton Moore Yellow Dent Illinois Station Urbana Morgan Hybrids Morgan Bros Galva Mount joy Hybrids Oscar Mount joy Atlanta Mount joy Utility Dent Oscar Mount joy Atlanta National Hybrids Joe Brooks Forreston 194G\ ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 187 Contributors of Seed for the 1939 Tests (Concluded) Null Hybrids Null Seed Farms Colchester Null-Vollmer Hybrids L. H. Yollmer Liberty Pfister Hybrids Associated Pfister Growers. . .Geneseo Pfister-Lazier Hybrids Lazier Seed Company Rochelle Northern Seed Company .... Garden Prairie Pioneer Hi-Breds Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co. . . . Princeton Rice White Dent J. R. Rice Blue Mound Roeschley Yellow Dent Leo Roeschley Graymont Sass Hybrids L. A. Sass & Son Ancona U. G. Sass Streator Sager Hybrid 33A(W) Troy Sager Kell Seeber Hybrids Seeber Bros Champaign Shuman Golden Beauty Charles Shuman Sullivan Sibley Farm Hybrids Sibley Farms Sibley Sommer Yellow Dent Geo. Pfeifer Arcola St. Charles White E. H. Isenberg Kauffman Station Yellow Dent Illinois Station Urbana Stelford's White Cap H. J. Stelford Hampshire Stiegelmeier Hybrids H. L. Stiegelmeier Normal U. S. Hybrid 5 Oscar Mountjoy Atlanta U. S. Hybrid 13 Thomas Henley Arcola U. S. Hybrids 13, 35 Charles Holmes Edelstein U. S. Hybrids 13, 35, 44, 63 Producers' Crop Improve- ment Association Piper City U. S. Hybrid 14 H. H. Ferris Princeton U. S. Hybrid 35 Huey Seed Co Carthage U. S. Hybrids 35, 44 U. G. Sass Streator U. S. Hybrids 35, 45 L. A. Sass & Son Ancona U. S. Hybrid 44 Carl Frey Gilman U. S. Hybrid 44 B. E. Moews Granville L. L. Lowe Aroma Park U. S. Hybrid 44 Morgan Bros Galva \Vaddell Utility Dents Elmer Waddell Taylorville Webb Will County Favorite Russell Webb Plainfield Wilson Yellow Dent Edward Wilson Winchester Wisconsin Hybrids Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta Madison, Wis. PEDIGREES OF ILLINOIS, U. S., AND IOWA HYBRIDS 111.99 (CC5xCC7)(WF9xCCl) 111.784.. .. (Hyx 5120) (K4x 317) 111. 126 (WF9x38-ll) (Trx317) 111. 805 (187-2 x 38-11) (K4x 317) 111. 200 (WF9x38-ll)(K4x317) 111. 838 (38-11 x Pr) (K4x 317) 111. 201 (WF9 x 38-11) (187-2 x 317) 111. 863 (R4 x Hy) (K4 x 317) 111. 206 (WF9x 38-11) (5120x317) 111. 877 (R4x Pr) (K4x317) 111. 208 (B2x38-ll) (K4x317) 111. 885A (R4x38-ll) (K4x317) 111. 219 (CCS x CC7) (WF9 x Hy) 111. 936 (A x Hy) (90 x 317) 111. 246 (WF9 x Hy) (187-2 x 317) 111. 944 (Hy x WF9) (R4 x 317) 111. 247 (187-2x38-11) (Hyx317J 111. 947 (R4x Pr) (Tr x317) 111. 374 (R4 x Hy) (187-2 x 317) 111. 972 (WF9 x Hy) (701 x 317) 111. 387 (CCS x CC7) (R4 x Hy) 111. 976 (R4 x WF9) (Hy x 540) 111. 432 (5120x4211) (K4x317) 111. 960 (R4xHy) (701 x 317) 111. 448 (38-1 1 x Kys) (K4 x 317) 111. 1092 (A x 90) (WF9 x CC1) 111. 450 (R4 x Kys) (K4 x 317) U. S. 5 (R4 x 317) (WF9 x 38-11) 111. 499 (Hyx 5120) (701 x 317) U. S. 13 (Hyx 317) (WF9x 38-11) 111. 566 (187-2 xHy)(K4x 317) U.S. 14 (Hyx 317) (WF9x R4) 111. 571 (Trx90)(Hyx540) U. S. 35 (R4xHy) (WF9x 38-11) 111. 582 (R4 x 317) (Hy x 540) U. S. 44 (4-8 x 187-2) (Hy x 540) 111. 614 (Tr x 5120) (701 x 317) U. S. 45 (461-3 x 4-8) (Hy x 540) 111. 710 (R4xHy)(Trx317) U.S. 63 (R4 x WF9) (Hy x 540) 111. 751 (Ax90)(WF9xHy) Iowa 3342. . .(701 x 317) (345 x 401) 188 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, Table 4. NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS: Libertyville Damaged Mois- Rating for Ron L. r. -,. shelled t Pie- r> 1 Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 M-L Hybrid 13 (Moews-Lowe) 74. 6 74.6 .05 18.5 100 103 8 114.0 111.5 2 DeKalb Hybrid 240 74. 74.0 .03 13.8 96 99 .6 113.1 109.7 8 DeKalb Hybrid 421 72. 6 72.6 .05 15.7 100 103 8 111.0 109.2 4 Illinois Hybrid 972 (Holmes) 72 71.9 .08 19.0 99 102 7 109.9 108.1 fi Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 374 (Northern Seed Co.) . . 71. 2 71.2 .05 16.5 98 101 .7 108.8 107.0 6 Wisconsin Hybrid 645 70. 2 70.0 .28 15.2 100 103 .8 107.0 106.2 7 Wisconsin Hybrid 696 70. 1 70.0 .13 15.8 98 101 .7 107.0 105.7 8 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 371 (Northern Seed Co.) . . 69. 8 69.6 .26 18.5 99 102 .7 106.4 105.5 9 DeKalb Hybrid 404A 69 4 69.2 .31 16.0 100 103 8 105.8 105.3 10 Illinois Hybrid 99 (Huebsch) 69. 68.8 .26 15.8 100 .8 105.2 104.9 11 Pioneer Hi-Bred 330 69. 2 68.3 1.33 17.5 99 102 .7 104.4 104.0 12 DeKalb Hybrid 225 69. 68.7 .42 16.4 97 100 .6 105.0 103.9 13 Funk Hybrid G-18 68 7 68.5 .31 16.9 97 KM) .6 104.7 103.7 13 I.H.P. Hybrid 122 68 5 68.3 .25 19.8 98 101 .7 104.4 103 7 15 Funk Hybrid G-12 68 3 67.8 .80 16.6 99 102 .7 103.6 103.4 16 DeKalb Hybrid 433 67 .9 67.7 .26 15.8 99 102 .7 103.5 103.3 17 M-L Hybrid 15 (Moews-Lowe) 67 6 67.6 18.2 99 102 .7 103.3 103.2 18 I.H.P. Hybrid 666 67 6 67.5 .12 17.3 99 102 7 103.2 103.1 19 Funk Hybrid G-15 67 9 67.8 .12 17.3 97 100 6 103.6 102.9 20 lowealth Hybrid A 67 6 67.5 .13 16.1 98 101 .7 103.2 102.8 20 Illinois Hybrid 219 (Nichols Bros.) 67. 2 67.0 .23 18.5 100 103 .8 102.4 102.8 22 DeKalb Hybrid 204 67 ,4 67.2 .24 16.9 99 102 7 102.7 102.7 23 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 368 (Northern Seed Co.) . . 67. 9 67.8 .08 20.1 96 99 .6 103.6 102.6 23 Funk Hybrid G-l 14 67 (I 66.9 .09 18.8 100 103 8 102.2 102.6 25 Wisconsin Hybrid 531 67. 3 67.2 .18 14.2 98 101 .7 102.7 102.5 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 324 68. 1 68.1 .04 14.8 93 96 .5 104.1 102.2 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 322 67. 6 67.0 .83 16.5 98 101 .7 102.4 102.2 28 DeKalb Hybrid 201 68. 1 67.8 .41 15.2 94 97 .5 103.6 102.1 28 Pioneer Hi-Bred 355 67 66.4 .92 12.9 100 103 .8 101.5 102.1 30 DeKalb Hybrid 493 68. 1 67.9 .35 14.9 93 96 .5 103.8 102.0 31 National Hybrid 112 (Brooks) 66. 3 66.3 17 9 100 103 8 101.3 101.9 32 I.H.P. Hybrid Dl 65 5 65.4 .14 19.4 99 102 .7 100.0 100.7 33 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 366 (Northern Seed Co.) . . 66 3 66.2 .18 18.8 95 98 .6 101.2 100.6 33 Funk Hybrid G-16 65 ,2 65.1 .19 15.7 100 103 .8 99.5 100.6 35 M-L Hybrid 11 (Moews-Lowe) 65 4 65.3 .20 16.0 99 102.7 99.8 100.5 36 Pioneer Hi-Bred 349 65 4 65.0 .58 14.8 97 100 .6 99.3 99.6 36 lowealth Hybrid 12 65 2 65.0 .28 17.3 97 100 .6 99.3 99.6 38 DeKalb Hybrid 498 64 6 64.5 .17 19.8 98 101 .7 98.6 99.4 39 Funk Hybrid G-27 65 ,0 64.8 .24 17.1 96 99 e 99.0 99.2 40 Pioneer Hi-Bred 335 64 9 64.5 .54 14.9 97 100 .6 98 6 99.1 41 Funk Hybrid G-30 64 .4 64.4 16.9 97 100 .6 98.4 99.0 42 Funk Hybrid G-532(W) 65 ,1 64.9 .28 13.8 93 96 .5 99.2 98.5 43 Funk Hybrid G-14 64 8 64.6 .26 17.9 94 97 .5 98.7 98.4 44 National Hybrid 110A (Brooks) 64 .1 64.0 .10 15.5 96 99 .6 97.8 98.3 45 Illinois Hybrid 976 (Holmes) 63 3 63.1 .27 17.3 98 101 .7 96.4 97.7 46 Illinois Hybrid 1092 (Nichols Bros.) 62 5 62.4 .21 16.9 98 101 .7 95.4 97.0 47 lowealth Hybrid AQF 62 .2 61.4 1.22 16.3 98 101 .7 93.8 95.8 47 I.H.P. Hybrid 211 61 6 61.4 .32 17.9 98 101 .7 93.8 95.8 49 lowealth Hybrid 10 60 7 60.7 .06 15.7 96 99 .6 92.8 94.5 50 I.H.P. Hybrid D2 60 5 60.4 .13 19.9 97 KM) .6 92.3 94 4 51 Pioneer Hi-Bred 352 59 8 59.7 .22 16.6 96 99 .6 91.2 93.3 S3 Huebsch-Murdock Yellow Dent 61. 3 61.2 .14 15.5 85 88 2 93.5 92.2 53 Illinois Hybrid 387 (Huebsch) 58.6 58.2 .60 17.9 94 97 .5 89.0 91 1 54 Stelf ord's White Cap 60 8 60.5 .57 16.2 80 83 .0 92.5 90.1 55 I.H.P. Hybrid 333 (Huebsch) 56 8 56 6 .33 23.0 96 99 .6 86.5 89.8 56 Wisconsin Hybrid 606 56 ,1 55.9 .33 15.8 93 96 .5 85.4 88.2 57 Maland Yellow Dent. .. 56 .8 56.6 .34 18.3 88 91 .3 86.5 87.7 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 57.2 57.0 .31 16.7 85.2 88 ,4 87.1 87.4 58 Gunn Western Plowman 54 .5 54.4 .20 15.7 90 93 4 83.1 85.7 9 Webb Will County Favorite 52 .4 52.3 .28 17.9 83 86 .1 79 9 81.5 Average of all entries 65 .6 65.4 .29 16.9 86.5 Less than 5 bushels of seed sampled. A difference of less than 8.6 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1940] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 189 Table 4A. Two-, Three-, and Four- Year Summaries at Libertyville, Northeastern Illinois Di Acre-yield o iinag jrn ii hell* rapt ed Mois- i ture in i grain at ] s harvest Rating for plants Erect plants Sound yield General perform. Total Sound s: Average yield of entries grown in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 1 DeKalb Hybrid 421 bu. 70.8 65.2 65.0 63.8 56.5 55.2 51.8 62.2 bu. perct. 70.5 .37 64.9 .39 64.4 .91 63.3 .81 56.1 .72 54.7 .96 51.4 .79 61.8 .67 perct. 25.7 25.4 25.5 28.6 25.4 26.1 24.4 25.8 perct. 89.1 86.6 84.9 86.9 72.6 70.0 68.6 81.5 perct. 109.4 106.3 104.2 106.7 89.1 85.9 84.2 perct. 114.1 105.1 104.3 102.5 90.8 88.6 83.2 112.9 105.4 104.3 103.6 90.4 87.9 83.5 2 DeKalb Hybrid 433 3 DeKalb Hybrid 493 4 Funk Hybrid G-30 5 Gunn Western Plowman Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 6 Huebsch-Murdock Yellow Dent Average yield of entries grown in 1937, 1938 , 1939 1 DeKalb Hybrid 421 71.3 70.1 67.1 65.6 64.8 65.9 63.0 58.4 58.2 58.2 58.0 56.7 63.6 71.2 70.0 67.0 65.3 64.5 65.2 62.7 58.2 57.8 57.8 57.8 56.2 63.3 .26 .15 .19 .45 .48 1.04 .42 .33 .82 .65 .49 1.09 .62 22.3 22.5 23.4 21.7 24.2 22.5 25.6 21.2 24.6 22.6 18.7 24.7 22.9 93.7 91.5 94.8 91.0 93.7 88.5 92.8 79.8 79.5 77.5 75.5 78.3 87.2 107.5 104.9 108.7 104.4 107.5 101.5 106.4 91.5 91.2 88.9 86.6 89.8 112.5 110.6 105.8 103.2 101.9 103.0 99.1 91.9 91.3 91.3 91.3 88.8 111.3 109.2 106.5 103.5 103.3 102.6 100.9 91.8 91.3 90.7 90.1 89.1 2 Funk Hybrid G-27 3 DeKalb Hybrid 204 4 DeKalb Hybrid 433 5 Funk Hybrid G-30 6 DeKalb Hybrid 493 ... 7 DeKalb Hybrid 498 9 Maland Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 10 Huebsch-Murdock Yellow Dent 1 1 Webb Will County Favorite Average yield of entries grown in 1938 and 1939 1 DeKalb Hybrid 421 73.0 72.4 71.9 72.7 71.3 71.2 69.3 68.5 69.6 68.2 68.0 67.1 67.1 66.4 65.2 65.7 65.8 65.0 65.3 61.2 59.7 58.3 58.8 58.6 67.0 72.9 72.2 71.7 72.0 70.8 70.0 69.1 68.4 69.0 68.1 67.3 66.9 66.8 65.7 65.2 65.3 65.5 64.8 65.1 61.0 59.4 58.1 58.8 58.2 66.6 .20 .29 .25 .92 .73 1.64 .31 .22 .85 .13 .89 .29 .41 1.05 .10 .52 .62 .40 .82 .88 .45 .34 .14 .73 .61 21.9 22.5 25.4 21.9 22.8 22.3 23.2 22.6 21.0 23.5 22.0 23.5 20.9 23.2 23.0 22.7 20.1 25.4 20.4 23.4 22.2 21.4 23.5 20.3 22.5 98.5 99.0 99.8 96.8 98.8 97.5 97.8 97.8 94.8 97.0 98.0 98.3 97.0 98.5 99.3 98.0 95.5 97.8 95.8 89.3 86.2 87.8 84.5 86.3 95.8 102.8 103.3 104.2 101.0 103.1 101.8 102.1 102.1 98.9 101.2 102.3 102.6 101.2 102.8 103.6 102.3 99.7 102.1 100.0 93.2 90.0 91.6 88.2 90.1 109.4 108.3 107.6 108.0 106.2 105.0 103.7 102.6 103.5 102.2 101.0 100.4 100.2 98.6 97.8 98.0 98.3 97.2 97.7 91.5 89.1 87.2 88.2 87.3 107.8 107.1 106.8 106.3 105.4 104.2 103.3 102.5 102.4 102.0 101.3 101.0 100.5 99.7 99.3 99.1 98.7 98.4 98.3 91.9 89.3 88.3 88.2 88.0 2 DeKalb Hybrid 404A 3 Funk Hybrid G-l 14 4 Pioneer Hi-Bred 349 5 Funk Hybrid G-12 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 322 7 Funk Hybrid G-15 8 Funk Hybrid G-27 9 DeKalb Hybrid 493 . . 10 Funk Hybrid G-30 11 Pioneer Hi-Bred 335 12 DeKalb Hybrid 204 13 DeKalb Hybrid 433 14 lowealth Hybrid AQF 15 National Hybrid 112 16 lowealth Hybrid 12 17 lowealth Hybrid A 18 DeKalb Hybrid 498 19 lowealth Hybrid 10 20 Maland Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 21 Gunn Western Plowman 22 Webb Will County Favorite 23 Huebsch-Murdock Yellow Dent 190 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, Table 5. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Kings Damagec 1 Mois- Rating for h 11 1 ture ln . a j _ . Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 *I.H.P. Hybrid 66 . 97.3 97.1 .18 16.5 99 104.0 111.0 109.3 2 *Hahn Hybrid 150 . 98.6 96.7 1.88 17.4 98 102.9 110.6 108.7 3 Illinois Hybrid 976 (Holmes) . 97.5 97.4 .09 16.9 92 96.6 111.4 107.7 4 Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 . 95.4 95.1 .30 14.7 99 104.0 108.7 107.5 5 Pfister Hybrid 260 . 95.9 95.6 .29 16.4 95 99.8 109.3 106.9 6 Furr Hybrid 77 . 93.6 93.3 .31 16.9 98 102.9 106.7 105.8 6 U. S. Hybrid 35 (Holmes) . 93.0 92.7 .37 15.9 100 105.0 106.0 105.8 8 DeKalb Hybrid 615 . 92.6 92.6 .02 16.5 100 105.0 105.9 105.7 9 *Pioneer Hi-Bred 331 . 93.4 92.5 .95 16.4 100 105.0 105.8 105.6 10 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . 93.3 92.3 1.03 16.2 100 105.0 105.5 105.4 1 1 Illinois Hybrid 751 (U. G. Sass) . 92.0 92.0 17.0 99 104.0 105.2 104.9 12 *Bear Hybrid OK-41 . 92.7 92.7 .05 15.1 96 100.8 106.0 104.7 12 *M-L Hybrid 13 (Moews-Lowe) . 91.7 91.5 .25 16.4 100 105.0 104.6 104.7 14 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 371 (Lazier Seed Co.)... . 91.9 91.7 .25 16.4 98 102.9 104.9 104.4 15 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 368 (Lazier Seed Co.) . . . . 92.3 92.1 .18 16.9 96 100.8 105.3 104.2 16 Pioneer Hi-Bred 330 . 90.8 90.8 .05 18.4 100 105.0 103.8 104.1 17 Pioneer Hi-Bred 324 . 93.0 91.8 1.27 15.9 95 99.8 105.0 103.7 18 *Funk Hybrid G-37 . 91.9 90.2 1.83 16.0 100 105.0 103 .'1 103.6 19 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 374 (Lazier Seed Co.) . . . . 90.9 90.7 .18 14.3 97 101.9 103.7 103.3 20 DeKalb Hybrid 404A . 91.1 89.9 1.28 16.1 99 104.0 102.8 103.1 21 DeKalb Hybrid 444 . 90.0 89.6 .49 16.1 99 104.0 102.5 102.9 22 National Hybrid 116 (Brooks) . 89.9 89.8 .16 16.3 98 102.9 102.7 102.8 23 *Funk Hybrid G-22 . 90.4 90.1 .28 14.4 97 101.9 103.0 102.7 24 Funk Hybrid G-l 14 . 89.4 89.2 .25 16.9 99 104.0 102.0 102.5 24 'I.H.P. Hybrid D3 . 90.0 88.9 1.26 17.7 100 105.0 101.7 102.5 26 DeKalb Hybrid 422 . 90.5 90.1 .44 15.5 95 99.8 103.0 102.2 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 349 . 90.0 89.5 .60 14.3 97 101.9 102.3 102.2 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 322 . 90.7 89.2 1.61 15.3 98 102.9 102.0 102.2 29 DeKalb Hybrid 421 . 93.3 91.1 2.32 15.7 91 95.6 104.2 102.1 30 Pf.-Laz. Hyb. 366 (Lazier Seed Co.) . . . . 91.9 90.9 1.11 16.4 91 95.6 103.9 101.8 30 Moews Hybrid 10 (Moews-Lowe) . 89.9 89.6 .35 16.1 95 99.8 102.5 101.8 30 lowealth Hybrid 16 . 88.4 88.4 15.9 99 104.0 101.1 101.8 33 M-L Hybrid 15 (Moews-Lowe) . 89.8 88.6 1.30 15.9 98 102.9 101.3 101.7 34 lowealth Hybrid AQF . 87.9 87.9 14.8 100 105.0 100.5 101.6 34 M-L Hybrid 14 (Moews-Lowe) . 88.2 87.8 .45 15.9 100 105.0 100.4 101.6 36 lowealth Hybrid AQ . 88.3 88.1 .22 15.6 99 104.0 100.7 101.5 37 National Hybrid 117 (Brooks) . 88.8 88.4 .44 15.2 97 101.9 101.1 101.3 38 DeKalb Hybrid 433 . 91.4 88.4 3.24 15.3 95 99.8 101.1 100.8 39 'Morgan Hybrid 106A . 88.3 88.3 16.0 93 97.7 101.0 100.2 40 lowealth Hybrid 25 . 88.8 86.9 2.17 15.3 96 100.8 99.4 99.8 41 *I.H.P. Hybrid D4 . 87.8 86.7 1.27 17.2 95 99.8 99.1 99.3 42 Funk Hybrid G-30 . 86.2 86.0 .29 16.5 97 101.9 98.3 99.2 42 DeKalb Hybrid 430 . 85.9 85.7 23 15.4 98 102.9 98.0 99.2 42 'Illinois Hybrid 219 (Nichols Bros.) .... . 85.7 85.0 .81 16.1 100 105.0 97.2 99.2 45 Funk Hybrid G-15 . 86.4 84.5 2.20 17.2 100 105.0 96.6 98.7 46 Illinois Hybrid 1092 (Nichols Bros.) . . . . 85.3 85.3 17.8 97 101.9 97.5 98.6 47 Morgan Hybrid 52 . 86.9 86 4 .56 16.9 93 97.7 98.8 98.5 48 'Morgan Hybrid 32 . 84.9 84.7 .21 15.5 97 101.9 96.9 98.2 49 Funk Hybrid G-19 . 86.4 85.6 .88 17.5 94 98.7 97.9 98.1 50 DeKalb Hybrid 604 . 85.5 85.1 .48 17.7 94 98.7 97.3 97.7 51 Funk Hybrid G-27 84.1 83.1 1.18 14.9 99 104.0 95.0 97.3 52 'Illinois Hybrid 387 (Huebsch) . 83.9 82.1 2.16 14.6 96 100.8 93.9 95.6 53 'Morgan Hybrid 42 . 81.1 81.1 17.6 98 102.9 92.7 95.3 54 lowealth Hybrid 15 74.7 73.9 1.06 18.0 96 100.8 84.5 88.6 55 Gunn Western Plowman , 75.6 75.3 .34 15.5 79 83.0 86.1 85.3 56 Maland Yellow Dent , 76.3 76.2 .14 16.9 75 78.8 87.1 85.0 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties . . 73.2 72.6 .74 17.2 75.8 79.6 83.0 82.2 . Stelford's White Cap . 74.1 71.9 2.98 17.2 76 79.8 82.2 81.6 58 Webb Will County Favorite 71.8 71.8 17.0 75 78.8 82.1 81.3 59 National Hybrid 1 18 (Brooks) 71.9 69.3 3.56 17.6 82 86.1 79.2 80.9 60 Hunt White Dent 68.1 67.9 .26 19.2 74 77.7 77.6 77.6 Average of all entries 88.1 87.5 .77 16.3 95.2 Less than 5 bushels of seed sampled. A difference of less than 4.3 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1940} ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 191 Table 5A. Two-, Three-, and Four- Year Summaries at Kings, Northern Illinois Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage corn in _ aWolloJ d Mois- ture in grain at harvest Rating for plants Erect plants Sound yield General perform. Total Sound sample Average yield of entries grown in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 1 1 Pfister-Lazier Hybrid 368 . . . bu. . 82 8 bu. 81.8 83.0 79.3 80.6 80.3 67.8 66.0 66.3 77.0 perct. 1.40 1.59 1.26 1.42 1.57 .90 1.87 1.77 1.42 perct. 19.5 19.1 20.4 18.8 20.6 18.4 19.5 19.9 19.5 perct. 80.7 76.3 83.1 77.0 77.3 65.6 61.5 58.5 74.1 perct. 108.9 103.0 112.1 103.9 104.3 88.5 83.0 78.9 perct. 106.2 107.8 103.0 104.7 104.3 88.1 85.7 86.1 106.9 106.6 105.3 104.5 104.3 88.2 85.0 84.3 2 DeKalb Hybrid 421 . 84.2 3 Illinois Hybrid 751 80 1 4 DeKalb Hybrid 433 . 81.8 S'^Pfister-Lazier Hybrid 366 . 81.3 6 Gunn Western Plowman . 68 5 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . 7 Webb Will County Favorite . 67.0 67 3 Average of all entries . 78.0 Average yield of entries grown in 1937, 1938, 1939 1 Pioneer Hi-Bred 322 . 93.2 92.5 91.0 92.2 89.2 88.9 86.6 90.4 87.7 90.4 89.6 86.0 88.5 82.7 76.3 75.6 72.4 70.7 86.1 .77 .63 .65 .35 .25 .25 .52 .71 .92 .42 .50 1.16 .89 .32 .32 .96 .94 .60 17.4 20.1 18.2 19.1 18.8 19.4 19.1 18.9 19.3 19.7 17.7 18.2 18.0 17.4 18.9 19.2 19.9 18.8 77.0 76.3 70.7 78.0 78.7 82.2 71.7 75.2 67.7 69.8 74.8 67.8 77.0 60 5 57 56.6 52.8 71.1 108.3 107.3 99.4 109.7 110.7 115.6 100.8 105.8 95.2 98.2 105.2 95.4 108.3 85.1 80.2 79.6 74.3 107.4 105.7 107.1 103.6 103.2 100.6 105.0 101.9 105.0 104.1 99.9 102.8 96.0 88.6 87.8 84.1 82.1 107.6 106.1 105.2 105.1 105.1 104.4 104.0 102.9 102.6 102.6 101.2 101.0 99.1 87.7 85.9 83.0 80.2 2 Moews Hybrid 10 . 91.6 3 Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 . . . 92 8 4 National Hybrid 117 . 89.5 4 lowealth Hybrid AQ 89 2 6 Illinois Hybrid 751 . 86 8 7 Pfister-Lazier Hybrid 368 . 90.9 8 Funk Hybrid G-19 . . 88 3 9 DeKalb Hybrid 421 . 91.3 9 J Pfister-Lazier Hybrid 366 89 9 11 Funk Hybrid G-27 86 4 12 DeKalb Hybrid 433 . 89.5 13 Funk Hybrid G-30 83 4 14 Gunn Western Plowman . 76 5 15 Maland Yellow Dent . 75.8 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . 16 Webb Will County Favorite . 73.1 . 71.4 86 7 Average yield of entries grown in 1938 and 1939 1 Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 . 94.1 93.4 93.5 91.7 92.9 90.5 90.9 89.4 91.6 90.6 87.9 90.9 91.3 88.3 88.0 88.6 86.8 85.8 86.3 85.7 83.8 81.7 81.9 81.0 75.8 75.6 72.6 72.0 69.3 86.1 .77 .72 .77 .95 .20 1.07 .28 .64 .34 .76 .28 1.31 .74 .53 1.62 .19 .20 1.07 .69 1.34 2.68 .75 1.94 .45 .34 1.25 1.31 1.18 .86 16.4 17.2 19.2 17.3 16.3 16.6 18.9 18.0 17.8 17.4 18.2 16.9 17.0 17.0 16.2 17.6 17.3 17.9 18.6 16.8 17.9 16.4 18.6 16.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 19.4 17.5 89.0 87.5 91.8 88.0 90.5 87.5 91.3 84.3 87.0 94.8 84.8 82.5 90.5 89.0 83.3 88.5 89.3 87.3 86.5 91.0 96.3 91.3 79.0 71.8 67.5 66.9 62.8 64.5 85.1 104.6 102.8 107.9 103.4 106.3 102.8 107.3 99.1 102.2 111.4 99.6 96.9 106.3 104.6 97.9 104.0 104.9 102.6 101.6 106.9 113.2 107.3 92.8 84.4 79.3 78.6 73.8 75.8 108.5 108.6 106.5 107.9 105.1 105.6 103.8 106.4 105.2 102.1 105.6 106.0 102.6 102.2 102.9 100.8 99.6 100.2 99.5 97.3 94.9 95.1 94.1 88.0 87.8 84.3 83.6 80.5 107.5 107.2 106.9 106.8 105.4 104.9 104.7 104.6 104.5 104.4 104.1 103.7 103.5 102.8 101.7 101.6 100.9 100.8 100.0 99.7 99.5 98.2 93.8 87.1 85.7 82.9 81.2 79.3 2 Pfister-Lazier Hybrid 368 . 94.2 3 M-L Hybrid 14 (Moews-Lowe) 92 4 4 Moews Hybrid 10 . 93.8 5 lowealth Hybrid AQF . 90.7 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 322 . . . 91 9 7 Illinois Hybrid 751 . 89.7 8 2 Pfister-Lazier Hybrid 366 92 1 9 lowealth Hybrid 16 . 90 9 10 M-L Hybrid 15 (Moews-Lowe) . 88.6 1 1 Morgan Hybrid 52 . 91 2 12 DeKalb Hybrid 421 . 92.5 13 DeKalb Hybrid 404A . 89.0 14 National Hybrid 117 . 88 5 15 DeKalb Hybrid 433 90 1 16 lowealth Hybrid AQ . . . 86 9 17 National Hybrid 116 . 85.9 18 Funk Hybrid G-19 87 3 19 lowealth Hybrid 15 . 86.1 20 Funk Hybrid G-30 84 9 21 Funk Hybrid G-15 84 22 Funk Hybrid G-27 82 5 23 National Hybrid 118 . 82 4 76 2 25 Maland Yellow Dent 75.8 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. 26 Webb Will County Favorite . 73.5 73 27 Hunt White Dent . 70.1 86 8 Entered as Illinois Hybrids in 1936. 'Entered as Pfister-Stiegelmeier Hybrids in 1937 and 1938. O CO TJ C .3 192 BULLETIN No. 463 Table 6. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: [January, Cambridge Damaged Mois- Rating for ? n ii.ui . O J n i Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. l Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 130 .7 129.3 1 .06 18.4 93 102.1 113.0 110.3 2 Seeber Hybrid 11A 126 ,2 125.3 .70 18.4 96 105.4 109.5 108.5 3 Illinois Hybrid 201 (Holmes) 126 .7 121.6 3 .99 17.7 100 109.8 106.3 107.2 4 U. S. Hybrid 44 (U. G. Sass) 126 8 125.2 1 .10 16.3 90 98.8 109.4 106.8 6 M-L Hybrid 120 (Moews-Lowe) 123 .0 122.7 .27 16.6 95 104.3 107.3 106.6 6 lowealth Hybrid 25 . 126. 123.2 2 .25 15.3 93 102.1 107.7 106.3 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . 125.0 123.2 1 .45 16.8 93 102.1 107.7 106.3 8 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Moews-Lowe) 124 123.1 .76 15.8 93 102.1 107.6 106.2 8 M-L Hybrid 523 (Moews-Lowe) m ,9 120.9 1 .64 18.3 98 107.6 105.7 106.2 10 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Frey) 126 .7 124.6 1 .62 15.9 89 97.7 108.9 106.1 11 lowealth Hybrid CI 120 .1 119.6 .44 16.4 98 107.6 104.5 105.3 12 DeKalb Hybrid 800 119 .4 118.4 .86 17.8 100 109.8 103.5 105.1 13 I.H.P. Hybrid D6 m ,7 124.6 1 .68 16.6 85 93.3 108.9 105.0 13 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 120 9 120.3 .46 16.6 95 104.3 105.2 105.0 15 Bear Hybrid OK-49 118 .6 118.5 17.0 99 108.7 103.6 104.9 16 Funk Hybrid G-169 120 .9 118.8 1 .73 17.1 98 107.6 103.8 104.8 17 I.H.P. Hybrid D7 121 .9 121.5 .36 16.8 90 98.8 106.2 104.4 18 Sass Hybrid 305 (U. G. Sass) 121 .9 119.8 1 .74 17.1 94 103.2 104.7 104.3 19 M-L Hybrid 514 (Moews-Lowe) 120 4 118.5 1 .55 16.1 96 105.4 103'. 6 104.1 20 Funk Hybrid G-32 1?? .3 120.0 1 .86 17.3 92 101.0 104.9 103.9 20 DeKalb Hybrid 827 121 .1 119.9 .97 16.3 92 101.0 104.8 103.9 22 Illinois Hybrid 960 (U. G. Sass) 123 4 121.6 1.48 16.7 87 95.5 106.3 103.6 22 Pfister Hybrid 360 121 .6 120.8 .56 16.6 89 97.7 105.6 103.6 22 *M-L Hybrid 20 (Moews-Lowe) 121 3 119.4 1 .57 17.6 92 101.0 104.4 103.6 26 Illinois Hybrid 374 (Sibley Farms) .... . 122 ,4 118.2 3 .46 16.6 94 103.2 103.3 103.3 26 Sass Hybrid 50 (L. A. Sass) . 122 .7 121.2 1 .24 17.2 86 94.4 105.9 103.0 26 National Hybrid 119 3 (Brooks) . 119.0 118.5 .38 16.1 92 101.0 103.6 103.0 28 U. S. Hybrid 5 (Mountjoy) 120 .4 120.0 .31 16.6 88 96.6 104.9 102.8 28 Morgan Hybrid 52A 120 .7 118.8 1 .57 17.4 91 99.9 103.8 102.8 30 I.H.P. Hybrid D5 119 .2 118.9 .22 16.3 90 98.8 103.9 102.6 30 U. S. Hybrid 14 (Ferris) 120 .5 117.2 2 .70 17.6 94 103.2 102.4 102.6 30 DeKalb Hybrid 606 117 .6 116.7 .79 16.1 95 104.3 102.0 102.6 33 Pfister Hybrid 360A 119 .9 119.6 .22 16.2 88 96.6 104.5 102.5 34 Funk Hybrid G-212 117 .7 116.8 .78 17.4 94 103.2 102.1 102.4 36 Null Hybrid N-631 121 .7 118.3 2 .78 17.4 90 98.8 103.4 102.3 36 Funk Hybrid G-63 121 .7 117.2 3 .66 16.9 92 101.0 102.4 102.1 37 Null Hybrid N-92 116 .6 115.3 1 .02 16.1 96 105.4 100.8 102.0 38 Pioneer Hi-Bred 331 115 .2 113.8 1 ,19 16.1 99 108.7 99 5 101 8 39 U. S. Hybrid 45 (L. A. Sass) 121 ,1 120.2 .72 17.2 83 91.1 105.1 101.6 39 lowealth Hybrid AQ . 113 .8 113.1 .59 16.3 100 109.8 98.9 101.6 41 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Morgan) 117 .7 116.4 1 .12 16.7 92 101.0 101.7 101.5 42 Crow Hybrid 618 118 .2 116.3 1 .59 17.2 91 99.9 101.7 101.3 42 DeKalb Hybrid 615 117 6 112.7 4 .16 15.3 100 109.8 98.5 101.3 42 Pioneer Hi-Bred 330 117 .3 112.6 3 .99 16.3 100 109.8 98.4 101.3 46 Crow Hybrid 602 116 4 114.7 1 .48 17.2 93 102.1 100.3 100.8 45 Illinois Hybrid 200 (Houses) 114 .9 114.0 .80 20.0 95 104.3 99.6 100.8 47 Funk Hybrid G-53 116 .0 114.4 1 .36 16.0 92 101.0 100.0 100.3 48 E. W. Doubet Hybrid CR-114 118 1 113.7 3 .75 17.4 93 102.1 99.4 100.1 49 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 702 11? .9 112.0 .81 16.1 96 105.4 97.9 99.8 50 Crow Hybrid 402 114 .5 114.1 .34 16.0 90 98.8 99.7 99.5 61 Funk Hybrid G-571 (W) 116 .9 116.4 .40 17.8 84 92.2 101.7 99.3 62 DeKalb Hybrid 628 117 .6 114.5 2 .55 16.3 87 95.5 100.1 99.0 62 DeKalb Hybrid 825 109 9 109.5 .35 15.9 99 108.7 95.7 99.0 64 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 701 11? .1 111.0 .98 17.6 94 103.2 97.0 98.6 55 Illinois Hybrid 944 (Sibley Farms) , 114 2 112.1 1 .82 17.1 90 98.8 98.0 98.2 56 Illinois Hybrid 936 (Mohr) 111 .4 108.4 2 .68 17.2 93 102.1 94.8 96.6 57 National Hybrid 131 (Brooks) 112 .2 110.9 1 .19 17.2 86 94.4 96.9 96.3 57 Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 108 .6 108.3 .25 14.5 92 101.0 94.7 96.3 59 Morgan Hybrid 52 109 .8 109.3 .47 16.6 89 97.7 95.5 96.1 59 Hahn Hybrid 153 113 ,6 108.9 4 .09 16.3 90 98.8 95.2 96.1 61 Morgan Hybrid 62 114 6 112.0 2 .31 14.7 82 90.0 97.9 95.9 62 Bear Hybrid OK-63 109 ,2 109.1 .07 18.0 88 96.6 95.4 95.7 63 Illinois Hybrid 751 (L. A. Sass) 109 9 105.5 4 .02 16.4 96 105.4 92.2 95.5 64 lowealth Hybrid 20B 110 3 107.6 2 ,48 17.0 90 98.8 94.1 95.3 65 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 90 107 .4 107.4 15.8 89 97.7 93.9 94.9 66 Hahn Hybrid 151 110 .3 108.1 2 .01 16.0 84 92.2 94.5 93.9 67 *E. W. Doubet Hybrid CR-46 109 102.0 6 .44 17.4 86 94.4 89.2 90.5 68 lowealth Hybrid 15 99 .2 98.8 .39 16.0 90 98.8 86.4 89.5 69 Roeschley Yellow Dent 106 .8 104.2 2 .45 13.4 74 81.2 91.1 88.6 70 National Hybrid 124 2 (Brooks) 101 9 99.9 1 .96 14.2 84 92.2 87.3 88 5 71 Doubet Yellow Dent 106 2 101.1 4 83 19.2 79 86.7 88.4 88.0 72 Krug 103 a 98.9 4 20 18.2 77 84.5 86.4 85.9 73 McKeighan Yellow Dent. . . . 96 6 95.0 1 .56 18.7 85 93.3 83.0 85.6 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . 100 97.2 2.70 17.2 77.2 85.1 85.0 85.0 74 DeKalb Hybrid 639 89 .7 89.0 .76 16.6 91 99.9 77.8 83.3 76 Hunt White Dent 87 ,4 87.0 .44 16.4 71 80.0 76.0 77.0 Average of all entries 116 3 114.4 1 .60 16.7 91.1 Less than 5 bushels of seed sampled. 1940\ ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 193 *o * o o o os it* o -^ eo co oo 10 * os CT> r OO OO OO OO OO t^- t^- t^- t>- l^- !> CO CO CO /3 *O l K btra fe^-2 Ifll^s t^^^i^csc^aoooooooio^coco^^o^o^^^^t^^ i ^ i ^o i ^c^oso5t^cooit--'t-'-e cc coo 10 TT rr cocoeoeococo?i i Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Funk Hybrid G-32 . 86.5 86.3 .26 11 .3 98 102 .7 112.9 110.4 a *Bear Hybrid OK-69 . 85.7 85.3 .43 13 .8 97 101 .6 111.6 109.1 a U. S. Hybrid 14 (Ferris) . 85.8 84.0 2.07 11 .9 100 104 .8 109.9 108.6 4 'M-L Hybrid 523 (Moews-Lowe) . 85.3 83.8 1.78 13 .8 98 102 .7 109.6 107.9 8 Illinois Hybrid 972 (Holmes) . 84.3 83.4 1.10 12 .7 97 101 .6 109.1 107.2 1 lowealth Hybrid 25 . 83.3 82.9 .44 11, 5 98 102 .7 108.4 107.0 8 M-L Hybrid 514 (Moews-Lowe) . 82.8 82.6 .19 11 .7 99 103 .7 108.1 107.0 8 Seeber Hybrid 11A . 83.1 82.4 .80 13 8 98 102 .7 107.8 106.5 9 lowealth Hybrid CI . 83.5 82.7 .98 11 9 95 99 5 108.2 106.0 *Bear Hybrid OK-70 . 82.1 81.6 .58 14 3 99 103 .7 106.7 106.0 11 Funk Hybrid G-40 . 82.3 81.8 .55 11 ,9 98 102 .7 107.0 105.9 12 'I.H.P. Hybrid 233 . 83.8 82.1 1.98 14 .5 96 100 .6 107.4 105.7 12 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Frey) . 82.8 81.9 1.12 11 .4 97 101 .6 107.1 105.7 14 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 . 83.6 82.8 1.01 11 1 93 97 .4 108.3 105.6 u 'Illinois Hybrid 960 (L. A. Sass) . 82.3 82.0 .40 12 3 95 99 5 107.3 105.4 16 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 702 . 80.7 80.5 .24 11 4 100 104 ,8 105.3 105.2 17 "Morgan Hybrid 82 . 81.8 81.7 .18 12 . 94 98 .5 106.9 104.8 17 *U. S. Hybrid 13 (Holmes) . 81.9 80.9 1.24 13 1 97 101 .6 105.8 104.8 1!) DeKalb Hybrid 628 . 81.4 81.3 .18 11 .7 95 99 .5 106.4 104.7 11) Funk Hybrid G-212 . 80.7 80.5 .26 11 .9 98 102 .7 105.3 104.7 21 'Funk Hybrid G-169 . 80.9 79.7 1.43 12 .7 100 104 .8 104.3 104.4 23 'Pioneer Hi-Bred 331 . 80.5 79.7 1.00 12 .1 98 102 .7 104.3 103.9 23 *Hahn Hybrid 151 . 81.7 80.7 1.26 12 .8 94 98 .5 105.6 103.8 23 U. S. Hybrid 5 (Mountjoy) . 80 1 80.1 .05 11 .8 96 100 .6 104.8 103.8 25 "Crow Hybrid 602 . 80.6 80.5 .11 12 .9 94 98 .5 105.3 103 6 26 Sass Hybrid 50 (L. A. Sass) . 80.5 80.1 .54 12.0 95 99 .5 104.8 103.5 27 Funk Hybrid G-37 . 79.2 78.4 1.00 12 .5 100 104 .8 102.6 103.2 27 DeKalb Hybrid 615 . 78.5 78.4 .19 11 .4 100 104 .8 102.6 103.2 29 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 . 79.5 79.1 .48 11 7 97 101 .6 103.5 103.0 30 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 380 . 79.4 79.2 .20 12 .8 96 100 .6 103.6 102.9 31 'Illinois Hybrid 751 (U. G. Sass) . 80.0 77.3 3.32 12 5 100 104 8 101.1 102.0 32 Illinois Hybrid 582 (P.C.I.A.) . 78.9 78.7 .31 11 .9 94 98 .5 103.0 101.9 33 'I.H.P. Hybrid D8 . 79.5 76.9 3.28 11 .3 100 104 ,8 100.6 101.7 34 Kelly Hybrid K-374 . 78.5 77.0 1.89 13 .2 99 103 .7 100.7 101.5 38 'Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 . 77.6 76.8 1.04 10 .7 99 103 .7 100.5 101.3 36 Sibley Farms Hybrid 753B . 78.0 77.5 .67 12 .9 96 100 .6 101.4 101.2 37 *Crow Hybrid 618 . 76.9 76.8 .16 11 .9 98 102 .7 100.5 101.1 37 Hooiser Crost Hybrid 422 . 76.5 76.4 .12 10 .7 100 104 .8 99.9 101.1 39 Sibley Farms Hybrid 753A . 79.2 77.6 2.02 13 .1 95 99 .5 101.5 101.0 40 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . 77.6 77.2 .46 11 .5 96 100 .6 101.0 100.9 41 U. S. Hybrid 45 (L. A. Sass) . 78.1 77.4 .87 11 .9 94 98 .5 101.3 100 6 42 *M-L Hybrid 524 (Moews-Lowe) . 78.2 77.0 1.53 12 2 94 98 ,5 100.7 100.2 42 DeKalb Hybrid 827 . 77.3 76.0 1.68 12 .5 98 102 .7 99.4 100.2 44 U. S. Hybrid 44 (P.C.I.A.) . 77.1 76.6 .67 11 4 95 99 5 100.2 100.0 45 U. S. Hybrid 63 (P.C.I.A.) . 77.0 75.0 2.65 11 .5 100 104 .8 98.1 99 8 46 Moews Hybrid 10 (Moews-Lowe) . 75.1 75.1 11 .4 98 102 .7 98.2 99 3 47 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Moews-Lowe) . 75.7 75.2 .70 12 7 97 101 6 98.4 99.2 48 U. S. Hybrid 44 (U. G. Sass) . 75.0 74.4 .80 12 7 98 102 7 97.3 98 7 49 *U. S. Hybrid 35 (U. G. Sass) . 74.7 74.1 .76 11 .9 99 103 .7 96.9 98.6 50 *Sass Hybrid 40 (U. G. Sass) . 75.1 74.4 .87 11 7 96 100 6 97.3 98.1 51 DeKalb Hybrid 606 . 74.6 74.3 .36 13 .8 95 99 .5 97.2 97 8 52 DeKalb Hybrid 825 . 73.3 73.3 .02 11 .3 98 102 .7 95.9 97.6 S3 *I.H.P. Hybrid D4 . 73.3 72.8 .70 11 .3 98 102 .7 95.2 97.1 54 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 781 . 72.8 72.2 .80 12 ,7 98 102 .7 94.5 96.6 55 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 802 . 73.6 72.0 2.16 12 5 98 102 .7 94.2 96.3 56 Funk Hybrid G-561 (W) . 75.0 73.8 1.60 11 .5 91 95 .3 96.5 96 2 56 lowealth Hybrid AQ . 71.9 71.6 .36 11 .7 99 103 .7 93.7 96.2 58 Crow Hybrid 501 (W) . 73.4 72.8 .86 11 .5 91 95 .3 95.2 95.2 59 DeKalb Hybrid 604 . 70.8 70.7 .12 12 .9 98 102 .7 92 5 95.1 60 Pioneer Hi-Bred 330 . 70.1 69.7 .60 11 1 100 104 .8 91.2 94.6 61 National Hybrid 126i (Brooks) . 69.9 69.8 .20 11 4 99 103 7 91.3 94.4 62 Roeschley Yellow Dent . 73.0 72.8 .26 13 ,1 86 90 .1 95 2 93.9 63 'Morgan Hybrid 92 . 74.0 72.1 2.51 11 87 91 .1 94.3 93.5 64 Doubet Yellow Dent . 72.7 72.0 .94 11 .3 87 91 .1 94.2 93.4 6.5 *Hahn Hybrid 153 . 70.3 69.2 1.55 11 .3 96 100 .6 90.5 93.0 66 Krug . 70.8 70.1 1.04 15 .5 89 93 2 91.7 92.1 67 'National Hybrid 116 (Brooks) . 66.7 66.3 .62 11 9 98 102 7 86.7 90.7 68 "Crow Hybrid 402 . 67.7 67.0 .97 12 .0 93 97 .4 87.6 90 1 i Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . 69.1 68.6 .63 13 .4 86.4 90 .5 89.8 90.0 69 "Miller Hybrid 470 . 81.0 79.1 2.32 12 .7 46 48 .2 103.5 89.7 70 McKeighan Yellow Dent . 64.4 64.3 .12 15 .2 89 93 .2 84.1 86 4 71 lowealth Hybrid 15 . 63.4 60.9 3.91 11 .8 93 97 .4 79 7 84 1 72 Hunt White Dent . 64.5 64.0 .80 11 .7 81 84 .9 83.7 84.0 73 'DeKalb Hybrid 639 . 61.4 59.7 2.72 11 .4 95 99 .5 78 1 83.5 Average of all entries . 77.2 76.5 .98 12 ,2 95.4 'Less than 5 bushels of seed sampled. 'Average of 9 plots instead of 10. 1940} ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 197 Table 7A. Two-, Three-, and Four-Year Summaries at Reddick, East North-Central Illinois Damaged Mois-v Rating for J ,]] , . O A Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. Average yields of entries grown in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perd. perd. perd. 1 Funk Hybrid G-212. . . 75.4 74.4 1 .56 14.9 80.8 111.6 105.2 109.8 2 Illinois Hybrid 960 76.6 75.7 1 .25 15.5 76.4 105.5 107.1 106.7 3 Moews Hybrid 10 73.2 72.9 .53 14.8 80.6 111.3 103.1 105.2 4 U.S.Hybrid44 73.8 73.3 .83 15.6 78.9 109.0 103.7 105.0 5 Illinois Hybrid 582 74.8 74.4 .63 15.4 73.6 101.7 105.2 104.3 6 Illinois Hybrid 751 72.0 71.0 1 .27 15.3 57.3 79.1 100.4 95.1 7 Roeschley Yellow Dent 63.9 63.4 .96 17.0 63.7 88.0 89.7 89.3 8 McKeighan Yellow Dent 60.7 60.2 .95 18.2 67.5 93.2 85.1 87.1 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 61.3 60.5 1 .54 16.9 62.7 86.6 85.6 85.9 71 3 70 7 1 on 15 8 72 4 Average yield of entries grown in 1937, 1938 , 1939 1 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 74.9 74.6 .39 13.0 82.0 109.3 108.3 108.6 1 Funk Hybrid G-32 74.2 74.0 .25 13.6 84.2 112.3 107.4 108.6 3 Funk Hybrid G-212 74.2 73.2 1 .41 13.1 82.7 110.3 106.2 107.2 4 Illinois Hybrid 960 73.5 72.6 1 .'25 13.9 78.7 104.9 105.4 105.3 5 U. S. Hybrid 44 72.2 71.8 .51 14.0 80.5 107.3 104.2 105.0 6 DeKalb Hybrid 628 72.5 72.3 .34 14.2 77.5 103.3 104.9 104.5 7 Illinois Hybrid 582 71.7 71.6 .34 13.5 76.5 102.0 103.9 103.4 8 Moews Hybrid 10 70.4 70.2 .30 13.1 80.2 106.9 101.9 103.2 9 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 70.5 70.2 .34 13.7 78.7 104.9 101.9 102.7 10 Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 69.3 68.2 1 .59 12.9 81.3 108.4 99.0 101.4 11 lowealth Hybrid AQ 67.3 67.1 .31 12.5 81.7 108.9 97.4 100.3 12 DeKalb Hybrid 606 69.5 69.0 .60 14.6 74.0 98.7 100.1 99.8 13 DeKalb Hybrid 693 66.9 66.0 1 .39 13.8 74.8 99 7 95.8 96.8 14 Illinois Hybrid 751 73 3 72.3 1 .29 13.9 52.2 69.6 104.9 96.1 15 Roeschley Yellow Dent 65.1 64.8 .35 15.6 71.8 95.7 94.1 94.5 16 Krug 64.0 63.7 .46 16.5 58.8 78.4 92.5 89.0 17 McKeighan Yellow Dent 59.4 59.3 .18 17.1 69.8 93.1 86.1 87.9 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 61.1 60.6 .83 15.8 64.9 86.5 88.0 87.6 18 Doubet Yellow Dent 60.3 59.4 1 .55 14.6 64.8 86.4 86.2 86.3 69 4 68 9 73 14 1 75 Average yield of entries grown in 1938 and 1939 1 M-L Hybrid 514 (Moews-Lowe) 80.5 80.3 . 29 12.2 91.0 112.1 114.1 113.6 2 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 80.8 79.7 1 .32 12.3 84.0 103.4 113.2 110.8 3 Funk Hybrid G-32 77.1 76.8 .38 12.4 88.8 109.4 109.1 109.2 4 M-L Hybrid 523 (Moews-Lowe) 77.6 76.8 .91 13.9 85.8 105.7 109.1 108.3 5 Illinois Hybrid 960 77.5 76.2 1 .82 12.8 86.5 106.5 108.2 107.8 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 75.5 75.2 47 12.4 85.0 104.7 106.8 106.3 7 Funk Hybrid G-212 76.0 74.5 2 .03 12.2 86.5 106.5 105.8 106.0 8 lowealth Hybrid CI 74.9 74.1 1 .11 12.8 86.8 106.9 105.3 105.7 9 DeKalb Hybrid 628 74.3 74.3 .10 13.2 82.8 102.0 105.5 104.6 10 Illinois Hybrid 751 74.5 73.0 1 .87 12.5 86.3 106.3 103.7 104.4 11 Crow Hybrid 602 74.6 74.0 .90 12.8 79.3 97.7 105.1 103.3 12 U.S.Hybrid44 72.6 72.1 .68 12.9 85.2 104.9 102.4 103.0 13 Moews Hybrid 10 72.2 71.9 .37 11.9 85.3 105.0 102.1 102.8 14 DeKalb Hybrid 606 73.3 72.6 1 .40 14.1 80.0 98.5 103.1 102.0 15 Pioneer Hi-Bred 314 71.7 70.2 2 25 11.6 86.5 106.5 99.7 101.4 16 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 70.9 70.5 .45 12.5 84 103.4 100.1 100.9 17 U.S. Hybrid 35 69.1 67.9 1 .80 13.4 89.0 109.6 96.5 99.8 18 Illinois Hybrid 582 73.9 73.7 .32 12.6 60.3 74.3 104.7 97.1 19 lowealth Hybrid 15 67.6 65.9 2 .01 12.2 87.0 107.1 93.6 97.0 20 lowealth Hybrid AQ 21 Crow Hybrid 402 66.5 65.6 66.2 65.1 .47 .68 12.7 12 8 81.5 79.0 100.4 97.3 94.0 92.5 95.6 93.7 22 Roeschley Yellow Dent 66.5 66.2 40 14.6 71 8 88.4 94.0 92.6 23 DeKalb Hybrid 639 64.5 63.3 1 .96 12.9 80.8 99.5 89.9 92.3 24 Krug 63.4 63.0 7t 15.7 69.3 85.3 89 5 88 5 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 61.7 61.0 1 .15 14.5 71.3 87.8 86.7 87.0 25 McKeighan Yellow Dent 59.0 58.9 .28 16.3 76.8 94.6 83.7 86.4 26 Doubet Yellow Dent 61.0 59.8 2 11 12.8 73.3 90.3 84.9 86.3 27 Hunt White Dent 58.5 57.3 2 .30 13.2 60.5 74.5 81.4 79.7 Average of all entries 71.3 70.4 1 .09 13.0 81.2 198 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, Table 8. WEST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Littleton Damaged Mois- Rating for , II , . Q , n i Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. "c 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. n 1 Bear Hybrid OK-79 . 106.5 106.1 .42 12. 6 99 106.5 114.9 112.8 IB 2 Null Hybrid N-l 6 . 103.4 100.9 2.41 12 5 99 106.5 109.3 108.6 8 Funk Hybrid G-80 . 104.1 101.9 2.16 15 3 94 101.1 110.4 108.1 bo 4 Funk Hybrid G-46 . 101.9 101.3 .61 12 4 93 100.0 109.7 107.3 5 Null Hybrid N-54 . 101.2 100.4 .78 13 1 94 101.1 108.8 106.9 6 Funk Hybrid G-81 . 102.1 100.1 1.92 14 6 94 101.1 108.4 106.6 7 Bear Hybrid OK-72 . 99.4 98.9 .50 12 1 97 104.3 107.1 106.4 8 Kelly Hybrid K-100 . 99.4 97.9 1.50 14 2 99 106.5 106.1 106.2 CO 9 10 Mountjoy Hybrid 2121 Illinois Hybrid 200 (Holmes) 99.5 . 100.1 98.4 99.6 1.10 .46 14 13. 1 8 97 93 104.3 100.0 106.6 107.9 106.0 105.9 U 10 Pioneer Hi-Bred 501 (W) . 99.7 99.2 .47 16. 94 101.1 107.5 105.9 ,Q 10 Null-Vollmer Hybrid 97 (Vollmer) .... . 99.4 99.2 .18 12. 2 94 101.1 107.5 105.9 18 *E. W. Doubet Hybrid CR-47 . 99.6 98.3 1.27 12. 8 95 102.2 106.5 105.4 ** 14 U. S. Hybrid 5 (Mountjoy) . 98.5 97.5 .98 12. 9 97 104.3 105.6 105.3 CO 15 U. S. Hybrid 13 (P.C.I.A.) . 98.6 98.4 .22 13 3 94 101.1 106.6 105.2 J3 15 U. S. Hybrid 13 (Holmes) . 97.9 97.4 .51 12, 4 97 104.3 105.5 105.2 17 I.H.P. Hybrid 420 (Huey Seed Co.) . . . . 97.7 96.9 .82 13. 98 105.4 105.0 105.1 d 18 Illinois Hybrid 206 (Burrus) . 97.3 97.1 .18 13 3 97 104.3 105.2 105.0 18 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 38 . 97.1 96.5 .65 12. 9 99 106.5 10415 105.0 l> 20 Null-Vollmer Hybrid 98 (Vollmer) . 96.8 96.6 .17 12 9 98 105.4 104.6 104.8 21 DeKalb Hybrid 888 . 98.8 98.4 .43 13. 6 92 98.9 106.6 104.7 4-> 22 Bear Hybrid OK-60 . 100.1 99.7 .35 11. 9 86 92.5 108.0 104.1 23 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 901 . 95.7 95.5 .24 11. 4 98 105.4 103.5 104.0 24 Illinois Hybrid 201 (Holmes) . 98.3 97.8 .50 13. 3 91 97.9 105.9 103.9 25 DeKalb Hybrid 816 . 98.2 96.0 2.22 13. 2 96 103.2 104.0 103.8 26 Crow Hybrid 607 . 99.2 99.0 .20 13 4 86 92.5 107.2 103.5 27 Funk Hybrid G-94 . 94.4 94.1 .35 14 9 99 106.5 101.9 103.1 > 28 DeKalb Hybrid 827 . 95.2 94.5 .75 n 4 97 104.3 102.4 102.9 rt 29 Illinois Hybrid 126 (Oakes) . 96.3 95.7 .60 13. 93 100.0 103.7 102.8 30 lowealth Hybrid CI . 95.0 94.5 .49 12. 3 96 103.2 102.4 102.6 O 31 Seeber Hybrid 11A . 95.3 95.1 .21 11. 2 93 100.0 103.0 102.3 CO 32 lowealth Hybrid 25 . 94.9 94.3 .64 12. 2 94.5 101.6 102.2 102.1 ID 33 Funk Hybrid G-53 . 93.9 93.6 .28 12. 2 96 103.2 101.4 101.9 *4> 34 DeKalb Hybrid 892 . 96.5 94.8 1.73 13. 1 92 98.9 102.7 101.8 pj 35 Funk Hybrid G-212 . 94.6 93.4 1.24 12. 4 96 103.2 101.2 101.7 36 Null Hybrid N-27 . 94.0 93.3 .70 12. 2 96 103.2 101.1 101.6 rt 37 U. S. Hybrid 35 (P.C.I.A.) . 93.1 92.7 .47 11. 2 97 104.3 100.4 101.4 38 39 U. S. Hybrid 35 (Huey Seed Co.) Illinois Hybrid 972 (Sibley Farms) .... 93.3 . 94.0 93.0 92.8 .29 1.26 11, 12. 9 2 96 96 103.2 103.2 100.7 100.5 101.3 101.2 40 I.H.P. Hybrid D10 . 92.8 92.0 .81 13 98 105.4 99.7 101.1 V 41 U. S. Hybrid 14 (Ferris) . 93.0 92.6 .39 13. 4 96 103.2 100.3 101.0 U 42 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 100 . 93.5 92.9 .62 13. 5 94.5 101.6 100.6 100.9 S 43 Mountjoy Hybrid 2120 . 95.8 95.1 .69 13. 1 87.5 94.1 103.0 100.8 -M 44 M-L Hybrid 850 (Moews-Lowe) . 92.4 92.2 .26 13. 4 96 103.2 99.9 100.7 ,2 45 46 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 802 National Hybrid 1262 (Brooks) 94.1 . 91.6 93.5 90.7 .69 1.00 14. 12. 9 90 98 96.8 105.4 101.3 98.3 100.2 100.1 47 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . 92.2 91.1 1.24 12. 3 94 101.1 98.7 99.3 j-< 48 DeKalb Hybrid 800 . 89.2 88.4 .88 12. 3 100 107.5 95.8 98.7 n 49 Crow Hybrid 608 . 89.5 89.0 .53 12. 6 97 104.3 96.4 98.4 S 50 Illinois Hybrid 499 (Burrus) . 91.8 91.4 .39 13. 6 88.5 95.2 99.0 98.1 i*3 51 I.H.P. Hybrid D8A . 90.2 89.3 1.02 14. 2 94 101.1 96.7 97.8 t^ 52 M-L Hybrid 514 (Moews-Lowe) . 88.2 87.8 .46 12. 2 96 103.2 95.1 97.1 t^ 53 DeKalb Hybrid 825 . 86.7 86.2 .56 12. 1 98 105.4 93.4 96.4 c 54 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Moews-Lowe) . 90.0 89.6 .42 11. 9 87 93.6 97.1 96.2 55 Pioneer Hi-Bred 331 . 85.7 85.2 .56 11. 9 98 105.4 92.3 95.6 J3 56 lowealth Hybrid AQ . 85.2 84.9 .39 12. 1 97 104.3 92.0 95.1 10 57 58 National Hybrid 119j (Brooks) Kelly Hybrid K-99 85.8 . 84.2 85.3 84.0 .53 .29 12. 13. 6 3 95 98 102.2 105.4 92.4 91.0 94.9 94.6 V 59 Doubet Yellow Dent . 91.6 89.7 2.04 13. 4 80 86.0 97.2 94.4 11 60 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 . 90.6 90.2 .46 12. 3 78 83.9 97.7 94.3 o 61 *E. W. Doubet Hybrid CR-117 . 84.6 84.3 .36 13. 95 102.2 91.3 94.0 62 Morgan Hybrid 62 . 89.9 86.1 4.18 11. 9 89 95.7 93.3 93.9 {J 63 Illinois Hybrid 944 (Johnston) . 83.9 83.1 .93 13. 3 94 101.1 90.0 92.8 64 Station Yellow Dent . 87.7 86.6 1.24 14. 4 83 89.2 93.8 92.7 4> 65 Illinois Hybrid 960 (P.C.I.A.) . 85.5 83.9 1.82 12. 5 90 96.8 90.9 92.4 V 66 Illinois Hybrid 614 (Canterbury) . 85.1 84.6 .61 13. 2 86.5 93.0 91.6 92.0 67 Mouatjoy Utility Dent . 88.2 87.2 1.18 18. 77 82.8 94.5 91.6 *o < ft Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 87.5 86.5 1.13 14. 4. 78.2 84.1 93.7 91.3 68 Crow Hybrid 640 . 82.9 81.9 1.22 12. 7 91 97.9 88.7 91.0 < 69 69 Morgan Hybrid 82 M-L Hybrid 524 (Moews-Lowe) 83.5 . 82.6 82.8 81.8 .84 1.01 12. 13. 2 1 88 91 94.6 97.9 89.7 88.6 90.9 90.9 71 Canterbury Yellow Dent . 84.7 83.8 1.01 15. 3 81 87.1 90.8 89.9 72 Illinois Hybrid 960 (Pfeifer) . 82.4 81.6 .98 11. 9 87 93.6 88.4 89.7 73 Illinois Hybrid 976 (E. W. Doubet) . . . . 79.3 78.8 .69 12. 94 101.1 85.4 89.3 74 Snmmer Yellow Dent. . 85.4 85.2 .20 15. 5 70 75.3 92.3 88.1 75 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Frey) . 80.8 79.8 1.18 11. 7 85 91.4 86.4 87.7 Average of all entries . 93.1 92.3 .83 12. 9 93 'Less than 5 bushels of seed sampled. 1940} ILLINOIS CORN* PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 199 S O -^ *2 CO CO iC 5 W3 U5 He 58 ! cc t^ - co co o co oo < -^ os o t>- eo * oo o o 200 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, Table 8B. Two-, Three-, and Four-Year Summaries at Littleton, West-Central Illinois Rank Entry Acre-yield Damag corn ii sampl ed Mois- i ture in i grain at e harvest Rating for plants Erect plants Sound yield General perform. Total Sound Average yield of entries grown in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 1 Funk Hybrid G-212 bu. 75.5 74.1 63.3 62.2 61.6 68.6 bu. 74.7 73.2 62.3 61.5 61.1 67.8 perct. perct. 1.19 15.9 1.18 16.1 204 18.1 1.35 18.0 1.17 17.6 1.40 16.9 perct. 76.3 73.4 59.0 57.8 55 5 66.1 perct. 115.4 111.0 89.3 87.4 84.0 perct. 110.2 108.0 91.9 90.7 90.1 111.5 108.8 91.3 89.9 88.6 2 Illinois Hybrid 960 3 Station Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 4 Mountjoy Utility Dent Average yield of entries grown in 1937, 1938 , 1939 1 Funk Hybrid G-212 88.8 85.9 86.8 85.6 84.3 75.6 74.5 75.1 74.5 82.0 88.0 85.2 85 8 84.6 83.5 74.7 73.6 74.3 74.0 81.2 .95 1.09 1.30 1.27 1.06 1.72 1.17 .98 .77 1.17 15.6 14.9 15.8 15.4 15.8 17.7 17.4 17.8 17.5 16.3 73.5 79.7 69.5 67.7 70.3 56.2 55.0 52.6 50.3 65.3 112.6 122.1 106.4 103.7 107.7 86.1 84.2 80.6 77.0 108.4 104.9 105 .'7 104.2 102 8 92.0 90.6 91.5 91.1 109.5 109.2 105.9 104.1 104.0 90.5 89.0 88.8 87.6 2 Funk Hybrid G-53 3 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 4 U. S. Hybrid 44 5 Illinois Hybrid 860 6 Station Yellow Dent 7 Doubet Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . Average yield of entries grown in 1938 and 1939 1 U. S. Hybrid 13 83.4 79.0 78.0 78.1 78.3 78.7 78.9 78.3 78.2 74.8 76.3 76.9 72.6 72.5 73.5 67.9 66.8 66.0 65.4 65.3 74.9 82.7 78.5 77.3 77.1 77.5 77.8 77.6 77.6 77.0 74.0 75.5 76.6 71.9 71.5 72.4 66.5 65.6 65.1 64.8 64.8 74.0 .88 .79 1.17 1.46 1.14 1.11 1.74 1.00 1.54 1.29 1.12 .36 1.01 1.45 1.60 2.37 1.54 1.25 .99 .93 1.24 15.9 15.1 16.7 15.0 14.3 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.2 14.5 14.0 14.2 14.5 13.8 16.4 16.5 16.8 16.9 17.5 15.2 75.5 77.0 76.5 76.5 73.5 72.3 72.0 70.0 70.5 77.5 72.5 59.5 72.0 68.0 64.0 58.5 56.0 55.4 54.5 50.5 68.3 110.5 112.7 112.0 112.0 107.6 105.9 105.4 102.5 103.2 113.5 106.1 87.1 105.4 99.6 93.7 85.6 82.0 81.1 79.8 73.9 111.8 106.1 104.5 104.2 104.7 105.1 104.9 104.9 104.1 100.0 102.0 103.5 97.2 96.6 97.8 89.9 88.6 88.0 87.6 87.6 111.5 107.8 106.4 106.2 105.4 105.3 105.0 104.3 103.9 103.4 103.0 99.4 99.3 97.4 96.8 88.8 87.0 86.3 85.7 84.2 2 U. S. Hybrid 35 3 Funk Hybrid G-94 4 DeKalb Hybrid 827 5 M-L Hybrid 514 (Moews-Lowe) 6 Funk Hybrid G-212 7 U. S. Hybrid 5 8 lowealth Hybrid CI 9 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 10 Funk Hybrid G-53 11 National Hybrid 119s 12 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 13 lowealth Hybrid AQ 14 Illinois Hybrid 960 ... 15 U. S. Hybrid 44 16 Station Yellow Dent . 17 Doubet Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 18 Mount joy Utility Dent. 18 Soramer Yellow Dent Average of all entries (For a two-year summary of lodging-resistance on this field see page 195.) 1940] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 201 Table 9. EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Paxton Damaged Mois- Rating for k 11 A " _ . Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. 1939 bu. bit. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Sibley Farms Hybrid 753B . 80.1 79.2 1.12 14.4 95 99 2 113. 1 109.6 2 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 . 79.7 77.8 2.36 13.1 100 104. 4 Ill, 1 109.4 3 Bear Hybrid OK-60 . 78.9 78.7 .26 13.1 93 97.1 112. 4 108.5 4 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Frey) . 79.1 76.8 2.86 13.2 99 103 ,8 109. 7 108.1 6 Illinois Hybrid 201 (Holmes) . 78.8 76.8 2.52 13.6 95 99 ,2 109. 7 107.0 6 Crow Hybrid 607 . 78.9 76.7 2.83 13.1 94 98 .1 109. 6 106.7 6 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668-L . 78.8 75.8 3.76 13.6 98 102 3 108. 2 106.7 8 DeKalb Hybrid 888 . 77.3 76.8 .70 13.8 . 93 97 1 109. 7 106.5 9 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . 77.0 75.4 2.08 12.8 98 102 3 107. 7 106.3 10 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 904 . 78.2 75.0 4.04 13.7 99 103 3 107. 1 106.1 10 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Moews-Lowe) . 76.8 74.7 2.79 13.2 100 104 4 106. 7 106.1 12 Null Hybrid N-16 . 77.3 76.0 1.65 13.7 94 98 .1 108. 6 105.9 12 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 644 . 76.6 74.5 2.68 13.3 100 104 .4 106. 4 105.9 14 Seeber Hybrid 11A . 76.7 74.6 2.68 13.5 98 102 .3 106. 6 105.5 15 *M-L Hybrid 850 (Moews-Lowe) . 76.2 75.3 1.16 14.1 93 97 ,1 107. 6 104.9 16 Illinois Hybrid 206 (Burrus) . 74.7 74.2 .69 13.4 97 101 3 105. 9 104.8 17 Illinois Hybrid 960 (Pfeifer) . 76.1 74.5 2.09 13.3 95 99 2 106. 4 104.6 18 Bear Hybrid OK-64 . 74.8 73.9 1.19 14.2 97 101 .3 105. 6 104.5 18 Pioneer Hi-Bred 331 . 73.7 73.2 .63 13.5 100 104 .4 104. 6 104.5 20 Kelly Hybrid K-100 . 76.8 74.3 3.25 13.4 95 99 .2 106. 1 104.4 20 Illinois Hybrid 499 (Whisnand) . 78.6 74.0 5.79 13.4 96.5 100 .7 105. 7 104.4 22 U. S. Hybrid 14 (Ferris) . 74.9 73.1 2.46 13.2 98 102 3 104. 4 103.9 23 Kelly Hybrid K-374 . 77.2 73.4 4.87 13.4 96 100 .2 104. 8 103.7 24 Bear Hybrid OK-73 . 75.7 73.0 3.62 13.6 97 101 8 104. 2 103.5 25 lowealth Hybrid AQ . 74.1 72.1 2.70 13.4 100 104 ,4 102. 103.3 26 Funk Hybrid G-94 . 74.0 73.0 1.33 13.6 96 100 2 104. 2 103.2 27 Sibley Farms Hybrid 753 A . 77.4 73.4 5.16 14.1 94 98 .1 104. 8 103.1 28 Funk Hybrid G-212 . 72.6 71.6 1.31 13.1 100 104 4 102. 2 102.8 29 U. S. Hybrid 13 (P.C.I.A.) . 74.2 71.5 3.60 14.1 100 104 ,4 102. 1 102.7 30 Illinois Hybrid 614 (Canterbury) . 74.3 73.3 1.28 13.3 91 95 .0 104. 7 102.2 30 DeKalb Hybrid 606 . 73.5 71.6 2.57 13.4 98 102 .8 102. 2 102.2 30 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 . 72.6 71.6 1.36 13.3 98 102. 3 102. 2 102.2 30 Illinois Hybrid 976 (Doubet) . 72.6 71.3 1.85 13.4 99 103 3 101. 8 102.2 34 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 100 . 74.3 73.4 1.21 14.1 89 92 9 104. 8 101.8 35 I.H.P. Hybrid Dll . 75.5 71.6 5.16 13.8 96 100 .2 102. 2 101.7 35 *M-L Hybrid 524 (Moews-Lowe) . 73.0 71.1 2.60 13.7 98 102. 3 101. 6 101.7 37 M-L Hybrid 514 (Moews-Lowe) . 76.0 70.3 7.52 13.5 100 104 4 100. 4 101.4 38 Funk Hybrid G-71 . 73.8 71.4 3.22 12.7 95 99 .2 101. 9 101.3 39 *U. S. Hybrid 13 (Holmes) . 74.5 70.1 5.96 13.3 100 104 .4 100. 1 101.2 40 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 44 . 71.9 71.5 .57 12.8 94 98 .1 102. 1 101.1 41 Illinois Hybrid 582 (P.C.I.A.) . 72.8 71.3 2.01 13.4 94 98 .1 101. 8 100.9 42 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 38 . 72.4 69.5 4.05 13 4 100 104 .4 99. 2 100.5 43 Illinois Hybrid 200 (Holmes) . 73.3 70.5 3.81 14.3 95 99 ,2 100. 7 100.3 44. Illinois Hybrid 126 (Oakes) . 71.0 69 8 1.75 14.7 97 101 3 99. 7 100.1 44 Crow Hybrid 608 . 70.5 69.4 1.50 13.2 99 103 3 99. 1 100.1 46 DeKalb Hybrid 648 . 71.3 68.5 3.99 13.4 100 104 ,4 9V. 8 99.5 47 lowealth Hybrid 25 . 73.0 68.9 5.62 13.3 98 102 ,3 98. 4 99.4 48 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 901 . 71.7 69.0 3.71 13.5 97 101 ,3 98. 6 99.2 49 Illinois Hybrid 571 (Mosgrove) . 72.9 68.6 5.87 13.5 98 102 .3 9V. 1) 99.0 60 National Hybrid 131 (Brooks) . 71.3 68.5 3.90 13.4 98 102 .3 97. 8 98.9 51 DeKalb Hybrid 628 . 70.6 68.6 2.89 13.3 96 100 .2 97.9 98.5 52 Illinois Hybrid 944 (Johnston) . 71.4 68.3 4.40 13.0 96 100 ,2 97. 6 98.2 53 Funk Hybrid G-571 ( W) . 68.8 68.4 .58 13.6 94 98 .1 9V. 7 97.8 63 Funk Hybrid G-33 . 69.6 68.2 2.07 14.1 95 99 .2 97. 4 97.8 63 U. S. Hybrid 35 (P.C.I.A.) . 68.0 67.2 1.16 13.2 99 103 ,3 96.0 97.8 66 Funk Hybrid G-53 . 70.0 67.7 3.22 13.3 96 100 .2 96. /' 97.5 67 National Hybrid 126z (Brooks) . 69.4 66.5 4.20 13.1 99 103 3 95. 97.0 58 Pioneer Hi-Bred 502 (W) . 66.2 66.0 .23 14.4 100 104 .4 94. 2 96.8 69 Crow Hybrid 804 . 70.8 67.4 4.82 13.9 94 98 .1 96. 2 96.7 60 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 670 . 70.8 66.7 5.80 13.1 96 100 .2 95. 2 96.5 61 Kelly Hybrid K-88 . 69.5 65.1 6.33 13 3 99 103 .3 93. 95.5 62 DeKalb Hybrid 827 . 67.6 65.4 3.19 13.1 97 101 3 93. 4 95.4 62 Crow Hybrid 603 . 67.2 65.0 3.30 13.1 99 103 3 92. 8 95.4 64 Mountjoy Utility Dent . 67.0 65.9 1.69 13.4 86 89 .8 94. 1 93.0 <>4 I.H.P. Hybrid D 13 . 65.7 63.2 3.77 13.6 97 101 .8 90. 2 93.0 66 DeKalb Hybrid 821 . 65.8 64.7 1.62 13.4 90 93 .9 92. 4 92.8 67 lowealth Hybrid 30 . 64.1 62.4 2.60 13.4 96 100 ,2 89. 1 91.9 08 I.H.P. Hybrid D12 . 65.7 60.7 7.54 14.5 95 99 .2 86. 7 89.8 69 Doubet Yellow Dent . 65.0 63.1 2.88 13.7 82 85 .6 90. 1 89 70 DeKalb Hybrid 639... . 59.0 58.9 .18 13.3 96 100 .2 84. 1 88.1 Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 64.5 62.3 4.43 13.6 81.8 85 .4 88. 9 83.0 71 Canterbury Yellow Dent . 63.7 61.1 4.04 13.8 86 89 .8 87. 2 87.9 72 Crow Hybrid 605 . 61.8 57.0 7.82 13.4 97 101 ,3 81. 4 86.4 73 Station Yellow Dent . 65.4 61.0 6.68 13.7 79 82 .6 87. 1 85.9 74 Sommer Yellow Dent . 61.3 60.2 1.86 13.4 76 79 .3 86. 84.3 76 Pioneer Hi-Bred 501 (W) . 54.9 53.8 2.03 14.5 100 104 .4 76. 8 83.7 Average of all entries . 72.2 70.0 3.02 13.5 95.8 Less than 5 bushels of seed sampled. 202 BULLETIN No. 463 [January, Table 9A. Two-, Three-, and Four- Year Summaries at Paxton, East-Central Illinois Acre-yield Damag corn ii sheila sampl ed Mois- i t ure in i grain at e harvest Rating for plants Erect plants Sound yield General perform. Total Sound Average yield of entries grown in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 1 Illinois Hybrid 960 bu. 71.3 66.8 55.6 54.9 54.2 62.0 bu. 70.3 65.9 54.1 54.1 53.2 60.9 perct 1.47 1.51 2.84 2.33 2.68 2.13 perct. 15.5 15.1 17.3 16.7 16.1 16.0 perct. 83.6 61.4 69.2 67.9 64.8 69.8 perct. 119.8 88.0 99.1 97.3 92.8 perct. 115.4 108.2 88.8 88.7 87.4 116.5 103.2 91.4 90.9 88.8 2 Funk Hybrid G-212 3 Station Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 4 Mountjoy Utility Dent Average of all entries Average yield of entries grown in 1937, 1938 , 1939 1 U. S. Hybrid 44 71.2 71.0 69.6 69.9 67.5 66.3 65.0 57.2 56.5 54.8 56.7 64.9 69.3 70.0 68.7 68.4 67.0 65.4 63.9 55.6 55.6 54.0 55.5 63.8 2.90 1.49 1.32 2.42 .72 1.32 1.76 2.66 2.15 1.59 2.71 1.89 14.6 13.2 14.3 13.5 14.7 13.9 14.1 16.1 15.5 15.3 14.7 14.4 93.3 88.7 90.8 92.0 87.8 88.7 89.7 75.3 75.1 78.5 72.0 85.7 108.9 103.5 106.0 107.4 102.5 103.5 104.7 87.9 87.6 91.6 84.0 108.6 109.7 107.7 107 .-2 105.0 102.5 100.2 87.1 87.1 84.6 87.0 108.7 108.2 107.3 107.3 104.4 102.8 101.3 87.3 87.2 86.4 86.3 2 Illinois Hybrid 960 3 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 3 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 5 Funk Hybrid G-33 6 Funk Hybrid G-212 7 Funk Hybrid G-53 8 Station Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 9 Doubet Yellow Dent 10 Mountjoy Utility Dent Average yield of entries grown in 1938 and 1939 1 Bear Hybrid OK-60 69.4 70.4 69.4 66.9 66.5 64.7 65.5 64.8 64.7 62.5 62.0 61.3 62.5 59.9 58.6 56.5 50.6 52.5 51.4 51.1 50.7 61.5 68.9 69.0 66.6 65.5 64.3 63.6 64.2 62.7 63.7 60.8 61.3 60.2 60.6 58.3 57.7 55 4 49.3 50.0 51.0 50.5 49.0 60.1 .89 2.01 4.20 2.05 3.62 1.77 1.98 2.98 1.59 2.72 1.08 1.76 2.84 2.60 1.43 1.70 2.39 3.99 3.21 1.04 4.0 2.33 13.2 13.6 13.5 13.3 12.7 14.6 13.7 14.5 13.3 13.1 14.1 12.9 14.0 13.1 13.7 12.6 14.0 14.8 14.3 14.2 13.8 13.6 89.5 86.8 94.5 88.5 91.8 93.0 89.8 94.8 90.0 93.8 86.3 87.5 82.0 91.0 90.8 87.0 81.8 76.3 75.6 71.3 73.0 87.0 102.9 99.8 108.6 101.7 105.5 106.9 103.2 109.0 103.4 107.8 99 2 100.' 6 94.3 104.6 104.4 100.0 94.0 87.7 86.9 82.0 83.9 114 6 114.8 110.8 109.0 107.0 105.8 106.8 104.3 106.0 101.2 102.0 100.2 100.8 97.0 96.0 92.2 82.0 83.2 83.2 84.0 81.5 111.7 111.1 110.3 107.2 106.6 106.1 105.9 105.5 105.4 102.9 101.3 100.3 99.2 98.9 98.1 94.2 85.0 84.3 84.1 83.5 82.1 2 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 3 U. S. Hybrid 44 4 Illinois Hybrid 960 5 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . 6 Funk Hybrid G-94 7 M-L Hybrid 524 (Moews-Lowe) 8 U. S. Hybrid 13 9 Pioneer Hi-Bred 317 10 lowealth Hybrid AQ . 11 Funk Hybrid G-33 12 Funk Hybrid G-212 13 Crow Hybrid 804 .... 14 Funk HyhriH O-5S 15 Crow Hybrid 608 16 Crow Hybrid 603 17 Doubet Yellow Dent 18 Station Yellow Dent Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. . . 19 Snmmer Yellnw Dent. 20 Mountjoy Utility Dent 1940] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1939 203 Table 10. SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Sullivan Damaged Mois- ture m Rating for i .n~i _ , _ i Total Sound sample harvest plants yield perform. 1939 bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. i "Funk Hybrid G-80 .. 107.0 105.5 1 .42 15.7 96. 6 108.8 112.0 111.2 2 Funk Hybrid G-83 .. 109.1 106.9 2 .00 15.8 91 102.6 113.5 110.8 8 Illinois Hybrid 877 (Livengood) .. 105.5 104.6 .90 13.9 86 .6 97.6 111.0 107.7 4 Null-Vollmer Hybrid 10 (Vollmer) . . . . . 101.2 100.7 .46 13.2 95 107.2 107.0 107.0 6 Null Hybrid N-61 . . 101.6 101.2 .34 12.9 92 103.8 107.5 106.6 6 "Null Hybrid N-43 . . 107.0 100.4 6 .19 14.7 93 .6 105.5 106.6 106.3 7 DeKalb Hybrid 899 . . 104.4 102.8 1 .49 15.5 85 .6 96.4 109.2 106.0 7 "Bear Hybrid OK-80 . . 101.2 100.5 .67 14.0 92 103.8 106.7 106.0 9 "Illinois Hybrid 200 (Henley) . . 101.8 99.7 2 .08 13.4 90 101.5 105.9 105.8 10 "Illinois Hybrid 805 (Holmes) . . 103.3 100.6 2 .66 13.1 90 .6 102.1 106.8 105.6 11 Illinois Hybrid 863 (Burrus) . . 104.0 102.5 1 .47 14.7 84 ,6 95.3 108.8 105.5 12 Illinois Hybrid 784 (Pfeifer) . . 102.9 100.5 2 .28 15.5 89 .5 101.0 106.7 105.3 13 "Crow Hybrid 806 . . 102.2 100.9 1 .20 15.7 87 98.1 107.2 104.9 14 Illinois Hybrid 885A (Henley) .. 104.4 101.5 2 .75 12.9 85 95.9 107.8 104.8 15 "M-L Hybrid 525 (Moews-Lowe) . . 98.1 97.0 1 .14 14.0 96 108.3 103.0 104.3 16 DeKalb Hybrid 816 . . 101.0 98.1 2.92 13.2 91 .6 103.2 104.2 104.0 17 Funk Hybrid G-167 . . 102.1 99.6 2 .46 15.7 87 98.1 105.8 103.9 18 U. S. Hybrid 13 (Henley) .. 97.9 96.0 1 .90 14.0 96 108.3 102.0 103.6 19 Illinois Hybrid 432 (Livengood) . . 102.4 99.2 3 .08 14.7 86 97.0 105.4 103.3 20 "Bear Hybrid OK-74 . . 97.0 96.5 .48 12.7 92 103.8 102.5 102.8 21 U. S. Hybrid 44 (Moews-Lowe) . . 96.6 95.5 1 .15 12.9 94 106.0 101.4 102.6 22 Illinois Hybrid 126 (Oakes) . . 95.6 95.0 .63 13.1 95 107.2 100.9 102.5 23 Funk Hybrid G-123 . . 97.9 96.1 1 .84 14.4 91 102.6 102.1 102.2 23 "M-L Hybrid 850 (Moews-Lowe) .. 96.3 95.9 .40 13.5 91 .6 103.2 101.9 102.2 26 Kelly Hybrid K-374 . . 96.3 94.8 1 .56 12.9 94 106.0 100.6 102.0 26 Bear Hybrid OK-30 . . 96.7 96.4 .29 13.4 89 100.4 102.3 101.9 27 Funk Hybrid G-527 (W) .. 99.3 97.7 1 .54 14.9 83 .6 94.2 103.8 101.4 28 Illinois Hybrid 499 (Whisnand) . . 97.0 94.3 2 .76 14.4 91 .6 103.2 100.1 100.9 29 Crow Hybrid 603 . . 93.0 92.6 .42 12.7 96 108.3 98.3 100.8 30 Pioneer Hi-Bred 313 . . 96.3 95.3 1 .00 13.6 88 99.3 101.2 100.7 31 lowealth Hybrid 28N . . 95.1 94.8 .32 14.0 88 99.3 100.7 100.4 32 DeKalb Hybrid 918 (W) . . 98.9 97.4 1 .55 16.0 80 .6 90.8 103.4 100.3 38 Funk Hybrid G-46 . . 95.7 92.9 2 .87 14.6 93 104.9 98.7 100.2 34 Illinois Hybrid 947 (Koch) . . 94.8 93.9 1 .03 13.4 89 .6 101.0 99.7 100.0 88 "Seeber Hybrid 9 . . 95.3 93.8 1 .56 13.8 88 .6 99.8 99.6 99.7 86 Bear Hybrid OK-60 . . 95 . 1 94.6 .53 14.0 85 95.9 100.5 99.3 86 "I.H.P. Hybrid 411 . . 96.8 91.4 6 .62 13.3 94 106.0 97.1 99.3 88 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 905 . . 94.3 93.1 1 .24 13.8 87 .6 98.7 98.9 98.8 89 DeKalb Hybrid 888 . . 94.7 92.1 2 .71 14.5 89 .6 101.0 97.9 98.6 4(1 "Null-Vollmer Hybrid 20 (Vollmer) . . . .. 92.1 89.2 3 .12 14.0 95 .6 107.7 94.7 98.0 41 Funk Hybrid G-235 . . 94.5 91.2 8 .47 13.1 88 99.3 96.9 97.5 42 Illinois Hybrid 614 (Canterbury) . . 92.2 91.7 .61 14.4 86 .6 97.6 97.4 97.4 4:-! DeKalb Hybrid 891 . . 89.0 88.5 .51 14 4 91 102.6 94.0 96.2 44 Bunning White Dent . . 94.7 92.5 2 38 15.2 78 .6 88.5 98.2 95.8 44 Rice White Dent . . 94.3 92.0 2 40 14.4 80 90.2 97.7 95.8 44 Illinois Hybrid 710 (Nickel Bros.) .... .. 91.3 90.5 .90 14.4 84 94.7 96.1 95.8 47 Wilson Yellow Dent . . 92.8 91.4 1 51 14.4 8(1 90.2 97.0 95.3 48 lowealth Hybrid 30 . . 89.4 88.2 1 .42 14.4 88 99.3 93.6 95.0 49 Illinois Hybrid 582 (Burrus) . . 93.0 90.3 2 .92 12.7 81 .6 91.9 95.9 94.9 60 Pioneer Hi-Bred 307 . . 86.9 85.6 1 58 13.8 93 104.9 90.9 94.4 51 "Pioneer Hi-Bred 502 (W) .. 91.0 90.4 .71 15.6 78 .6 88.5 96.0 94.1 ,51 "Pioneer Hi-Bred 501 (W) . . 87.5 87.2 .35 16.9 87 .6 98.7 92.6 94.1 63 Illinois Hybrid 863 (Whisnand) .. 91.9 88.3 3 .90 14.7 83 .6 94.2 93.8 93.9 53 DeKalb Hybrid 825 . . 84.1 83.6 .SB 12.7 97 109.4 88.8 93.9 ( Average of 5 open-pollinated varieties. .. 91.3 89.6 1 .91 14.6 79 .3 89.4 95.1 93.7 66 "M-L Hybrid 520 (Moews-Lowe) . . 86.4 84.1 2 .70 12.7 95 107.2 89.3 93.7 66 DeKalb Hybrid 922 (W) . . 87.7 86.4 1 .52 16.9 87 .6 98.7 91.7 93.5 67 Canterbury Yellow Dent .. 91.0 88.7 2 .50 14.6 79 89.1 94.2 92.9 68 Crow Hybrid 804 .. 85.8 83.1 3 .07 16.4 91 102.6 88.3 91.9 59 National Hybrid 132i (Brooks) . . 82.9 82.0 1 .04 18.7 91 102.6 87.1 91.0