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Department of Energy under grant US ENERGY/ EY-76-S-02-2383. Acknowledgements Several people contributed In various ways to the develop- ment of this device. Early ideas including principally the stor- ing of device registers in semiconductor memory came from Greg Chesson, and grew out of his discussions on the same subject with the late D. B. Gillies. The idea of using a priority matrix in- stead of a linear scheme is due to Lawrence Lopez. Implementa- tion of my sometimes less than specific architecture and careful working out of the failsafe system was done by Bruce Artwlck who also deserves credit for making sure the prototype actually got constructed. Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Functions and Capabilities 4 3 Physical Structure, Functional Components 6 4 Multiplexor States and Functions 8 4.1 Idle loop, SO and SOA 8 4.2 I/O state, SI 9 4.3 Delay for active, S102 10 4.4 Active error, S101 10 4.5 Read state, S3 11 4.6 Save input character ,S12 12 4.7 Transfer word of input data, Sll 13 4.S Transfer single byte, S13 13 4.9 Increment address, length, S24 14 4.10 Check for transfer complete, S15 16 4.11 Complete transfer at device, S16 17 4.12 Store device registers, S5 17 4.13 Wait for device to reset, S5A 18 4.14 Write state, S4 18 4.15 Transmit saved byte, S18 19 4. 16 Fetch from memory, S19 19 4.17 Register operation, S2 20 4.18 Load register from CPU, S2F 21 4.19 Register write, wait for completion, S2A 21 4.20 Register write, completion detected, S2C 22 4.21 Register read and wait for completion, S2B 22 4.22 Register read, completion detected, S2D 23 4.23 Transfer leftover byte, S2E 23 5 Data Registers 25 5.1 Data paths, RAMS 25 5.2 Slow access to by computer 25 5.3 UTRAP, shared resources concept 26 5.4 Addressing 27 6 Device Control Signals 32 6.1 Set request 32 6.2 Echo 32 6.3 Set active 33 6.4 Reset 33 6.5 Zap 33 6.6 Quit 33 6.7 Final 33 7 Protocol at Devices 34 8 Priority Select Matrix 36 8.1 Design choices 36 8.2 Matrix structure 36 9 Software Compromise 39 9.1 Definition of ASCII Control Characters 39 9.2 Delayed data store 39 9.3 Delay before echo 39 10 Data Transfer on UiilKUS 41 11 Interrupts 43 12 Lrror Lights 44 13 Automatic Lcho 45 14 Proposals 46 15 Kinds of Interfaces 48 15.1 Speed Select LIA 4S 15.2 Busy Interlock 43 15.3 Telephone Dialer 48 15.4 Clock 49 15.5 Paper Tape Readers 49 15.6 FIFO Card 49 16 Conclusions 50 Appendix A — cost breakdown 51 Appendix B — failsafe system 55 Appendix C — address plugs 57 Appendix D — HIA interface diagrams 60 Appendix E — Tables 66 Figure 1. Physical layout 7 Figure 2. Data flow of transmitted character 28 Figure 3. Data flow of first device register 29 Figure 4. Data flow of second device register 30 Figure 5. Data flow of received character 31 Figure 6. Timing of main control signals to device 35 1 Introduction In recent years, inexpensive hardware has been proliferating. At the same time more complicated hardware has been proliferating as well, as complex hardware may now be built more cheaply, compactly, and reliably. Multiplexors are now becoming quite common on minicomputers, but they are almost exclusively specialized for serial applications. This report describes a multiplexor that offers a slightly higher per terminal add-on cost than serial multiplexors, though still inexpensive, and which provides almost complete freedom in the type of equipment that may be supported. This multiplexor in essence is a bus converter. The philosophy used in design was to have the multiplexor provide a wealth of difficult functions, converting a very general minicomputer bus into an extremely simple bus to which greatly simplified peripheral interfaces could be attached. Devices do transactions of eight bit bytes of data, one at a time, and are told when to be quiet. They are given a few option signals (which they must store) to control their behavior. All the difficult tasks are performed in the main multiplxor unit by one set of circuitry which serves all. This circuitry exists once, rather than being duplicated for each of the 256 devices. Although features are included to facilitate handling of terminals with human typists seated in front of them, the design of the multiplexor is quite general, and its characteristics quite versatile. This report does not discuss the circuitry of the multiplexor extensively, instead giving an overview of its nature and some of the rationale for design. l_ Functions and Capabilities As designed, the multiplexor was to have several characteristics, defined primarily in terms of the external properties it should exhibit. Many of the properties may be seen from the nature of the device registers. It was decided that the computer should be presented with separate device registers for each device. With two words - four bytes - for each device, and 256 devices, a total of one thousand bytes of address space are used. The format of a device register for each device is: write: +2 +0 read: +2 +0 ctrap opl opZ actv adr 17, 16 length 9-0 aduress 15 - U ctrap opl op2 actv adr 17, 16 length 9 - ** undefined ** sense 1 sense 2 Of the obvious features which may be seen from the registers are a full eighteen bit memory address, and a single transfer length of up to 1023 bytes (actually 1024 if the transfer is initiated with length already set to zero). With the address and length maintained separately for each device, up to 256 transfers direct to memory are allowed to operate concurrently. ACTV is the active bit; setting it from the CPU causes a transfer to start, and the transfer is forced to stop if the bit is cleared from the CPU at any time. The bit is cleared by the multiplexor automatically if the length register becomes zero when decremented after transfer of a byte to or from a device. The bit is also cleared if CTRAP (control trap) is set, if the transfer in question is a read operation, and if the character received is an ASCII control character. CTRAP does not affect output transfers. Direct communication to the device is provided in both directions. 0P1 and 0P2 are set by the computer and interpreted individually as the device sees fit. The computer may read bits SENS1 and SENS2. As each interface has both an even-numbered device for input and an odd-numbered device for output, four options and four sense bits are available for any purpose within each interface. Internally, nine bits are saved per device, eight to buffer a single character and one to remember whether a character is being saved. These nine bits with the thirty two in the two device registers described above, bring the total of bits saved for each device to forty one. For 256 devices this represents a formidable amount of information; it is kept in semiconductor memory. In addition to allowing access to device registers, and transferring data, the multiplexor contains an interrupt facility. When the multiplexor chooses to reset ACTV on its own initiative (at the end of a transfer), the device number of the device in question is entered into a queue. The queue then independently attempts to cause an interrupt. When a special multiplexor device register (not one of those previously memtioned) is examined, the computer is given the oldest device number in the queue and that entry is discarded. Clearly the queue must not be examined capriciously. Since an interrupt does not identify the causing device, the computer must examine this special register to determine which device completed a transfer. The queue continues to cause interrupts until it is empty. The interrupt queue contains sixty four positions. Clearly, if sixty five transfers complete simultaneously, there is every chance that the last will be forgotten because the queue will overflow. Not only is this extremely unlikely in practice (it has never been observed to occur), but an error condition is preserved for this event so it would not go undetected. The size of the queue can be easily expanded, if necessary. A special echo control signal is provided by the multiplexor during input transfers to help devices echo input automatically at their option. The signal is not generated for control character codes. One last feature provided is that of initialization. When the computer sets the INIT line, not only does the multiplexor properly reset itself, but it also enters a loop of selecting each device in turn and resetting it individually. _3 Physical Structure , Functional Components The multiplexor comes in several packages. The main unit interfaces to the minicomputer bus and is contained in the usual package used by the manufacturer for the purpose (a "system unit"). A cable identical to that used for the minicomputer bus goes from the main unit to a distribution rack, a standard nineteen inch by 5 1/4 inch rack with four printed circuit cards and room for nine bus cables to device racks, liach device rack resembles the distribution rack and may contain fifteen device cards except the ninth which contains only eight (see figure 1). Standard components from the manufacturer have been used throughout for printed circuit card racks, bus cables, and the system unit. The printed circuit cards are from a large independent supplier. The wirewrapping is done by a large reliable company, Datacon Inc., of Woburn, Massachusetts. The electrical layout is similar to the physical layout. The multiplexor handles transactions on the minicomputer bus and communicates with the devices via a much simplified "device bus". The distribution rack drives the signals to the many device racks at a sufficiently higher power level and also converts an eight bit port number into individual select lines for each of the 256 devices. The modules have all been designed so that they may be unplugged from each other without causing damage to components. The device racks and interface cards may be unplugged without installing terminators and the unit will still operate correctly. UNIBUS Device rack 0, 15 devic Device rackl, 15 devic Device rack 8, 8 device Distribution rack Device bus Figure 1 4_ Multiplexor States and Functions The multiplexor control circuitry may be said to resemble a program or a state diagram. Each state or program step performs a specific function. A state has associated with it a state flipflop, a state time during which the state flipflop is turned on (and all others are turned off) and a state signal, the output of the logical one side of the flipflop. The state signal is therefore a short pulse for the duration of the state, useful for activating whatever circuitry is supposed to be used during the state. One of the uses of each state signal is to activate the next state one state time hence. The states constitute steps in a wired program. Usually the program is executed synchronously for simplicity, each state having the same duration, but there are important exceptions. One side effect of the program-like structure is a fairly long processing time for multiplexor functions. This can be an advantage, since the processing time is still much faster than needed, but prevents the multiplexor from creating memory interference more than every few microseconds. This fact can help prevent overruns on faster devices such as disks and drums. Interesting characteristics of the program are an interrupt facility called UTRAP (more closely resembling abandonment than an interruption), and a devices lockout for read-modify-write computer interrogations called DATIP. These peculiarities will be discussed elsewhere in this report. This chapter is concerned with the functions of the states themselves. 4.1 Idle loop , SO and SQA The two states SO and SOA form a state machine loop waiting for something to do: Device Transaction Interrogate DSETREQ Device Register Operation There are two kinds of requests that could occur. One kind is that given by a device to perform some transaction (read, write, terminate). The other is that given by the central processor to operate on the device registers. These two operations must be mutually exclusive as the device registers are stored in a single port memory; the port may not be shared by two functions simultaneously. State SOA is used as an interrogation signal to determine whether any requests are outstanding. A one-bit register (called USELF) is set to one if the CPU is attempting to access a device register. In addition, the interrogation signal is sent to all devices under the name DSETREQ. Each device has a one-bit register it loads on this command with its requesting/not requesting status. Each device uses the output of this register to allow itself to enter its request into the priority selection matrix. Thus, no device will make a request (or stop making an old request) except synchronously on receipt of the signal from SOA. State SO does nothing whatever. This allows time for the signal from SOA to reach all devices, and to permit the priority selection matrix to settle on a choice among the requesting devices. The major delay is caused by the round trip cable transmission delays to and from the main multiplexor unit. At the end of state SO, some simple gating returns control to SOA to repeat the interrogation process unless a request has been found. In that event, control proceeds instead to SI or S2 as appropriate. State S2 has priority by necessity since it implies that the CPU has control of the computer bus, thus preventing the multiplexor from transferring data. 4 . 2 I/O state , SI After SO determines that a device request is being made, control proceeds to SI. The main purpose of SI is to load a set of easily accessible device registers from the RAMs (solid state memory) where they are stored. By the time state SI begins, the exact number of the device making the request must be available from the priority selection matrix. A register is loaded witli the device number in the priority select system during SI. This prevents the number from changing while the request is being honored, an event which would cause chaos (for example, if the device register contents for one device were written back later into the RAMs in the position for some other device). The output of the priority select matrix in fact could not change anyway if all devices behaved correctly, i.e. altering their requesting status only on receipt of the set request signal (SOA) . Devices are considered to be of much lesser integrity, however, due to their large numbers and sometimes experimental nature. It is in any case considered good design practice to have a self contained module assume a healthy skepticism for the "outside world." Devices are also to be constructed at a later date by the users of the multiplexor, placing them in the "customer domain." The multiplexor should, therefore, protect itself against particularly hard to analyze errors. 10 4.3 Delay for active , S102 State SI loads a set of device registers with the appropriate contents from a fast memory. The state time is considered to be reserved for memory access delay, and the device registers are loaded at the end of the state. Since the next state to be executed, either S3, S4, or S101, depends in part on a bit in the device register (the active bit), a race condition exists testing a bit just as it is being made available. State S102 was inserted merely to avoid this condition, by marking time for one clock cycle. State S102 also does a sample and hold on signals DOUIT and DFINAL for use in later states. read from device write to device device not active error 4.4 Active error, S1Q1 One of the more difficult errors to detect would be that of a byte being transferred to an inactive device. This would cause data on a read device to be placed in the computer memory at a completely erroneous location, using an address that merely happened to reside in the address register. When a supposedly inactive device makes a request S101 is 11 entered, which retransmits the correct contents of the active bit and option bits to the device in an attempt to convince the device to cease. An error light is also turned on (one of two lights), and continues to be on until the computer is restarted (INIT condition). Quite a few kinds of errors in a device or in the priority selection matrix can appear to the main multiplexor unit as this kind of error in the active bit. The ease with which this error can occur and the potentially disastrous nature of the results make this simple test a must. 4.5 Read state , S3 This state is present merely to provide additional conditional branching to three other states. Before S102 was added, S3 and S4 also provided a useful delay function, but they could probably now be eliminated, with state SI performing a larger multi-way conditional branch. The conditional branching depends completely on buffering considerations. When possible, the multiplexor accumulates pairs of bytes to be sent to the computer memory as words, thus halving the memory contention. This is possible everywhere except potentially on the first or last byte of a block of data. If, when state S3 is entered, the data being transferred is just beginning a word boundary and more data will follow (transfer length greater than one), then the byte from the device is saved in the device register (state S12) . If the byte is to be stored in memory by itself, state S13 is entered for this purpose. If a byte was previously saved so that with the currently available byte a complete word is to be stored in memory, state Sll is entered. 12 read transfer two bytes (a word) to memory save a byte for later transfer a byte to memory State Conditions for Entering Sll Save bit on 512 save bit off; transfer not terminating; on word address boundary 513 save bit off; state S12 not being entered Actions transfer a word, clear save bit save byte; set save bit transfer byte 4.6 Save input character , S12 As mentioned above, S12 is entered if it is appropriate to save the byte just made available in the device register for transfer later. Loading the "save" part of the device register automatically also sets the ninth (save) bit in the device register indicating that a byte has been saved. State S12 also sets a flipflop called MUX3CTRL which controls the source from which data is loaded into the save portion of the device register (in this case from the device character bus). The flipflop is not reset until S5 in order to avoid a race condition at the precise end of state S12 at which time the actual device register loading is performed. The loading must be performed at the end of the state in order to allow the multiplexor controlled by MUX3CTRL to establish itself. If DQUIT is not present, DECHO and the address increment signal are 13 generated as discussed for state S24. 4.7 Transfer word of input data , Sll As discussed, state Sll usually transfers a current and a previous byte of data into a word of computer memory. If signal DQUIT is present only the prvious SAVE byte is transferred. As one of three states doing data transfers onto the computer bus, its timing is complex (see the section on bus data transfer). Sll also resets the save bit indicating data is no longer being saved. This might be considered to be an error since execution can be suspended at Sll and restarted from SOA later (see UTRAP). However, when execution is suspended, the contents of the device registers are discarded and later reloaded afresh from solid state memory, so resetting of the save bit would also be discarded. UTRAP interrupt 4.8 Transfer single byte , S13 The single byte transfer, S13, differs from state Sll in three main ways. It causes the bus signal CO to be set during data transfer, telling memory only one byte is being transferred. It also enables sending tne lowest (even/odd) address bit to the address portion of the bus. This bit is forced to zero otherwise. It further guarantees that the byte to be transferred is available in both halves of the data word sent to the bus. This follows the PDP11 bus convention that during a byte store, the data must still be in the correct halfword position depending on the even/odd address bit. If signal DQUIT is present, no transfer takes place at all. 14 1 . UTRAP interrupt 4.9 Increment address , length , S24 State S24 increments the address and decrements the length after a data transfer. The increment must be performed after the data transfer so that the proper address is used in the transfer; states Sll, S13, and S19 cannot therefore perform the increment themselves. This same state signal is also used to form DECHO, if appropriate, and is suppressed for both functions if DQUIT is present. The signal to the address and length counters causes an increment on the positive going edge, so the state signal for S24 itself was originally used for increment. State S24 increment performed Because of the design of the integrated circuit used for the counter however, loading part of the counter caused spurious data to appear in the other part. Following the manufacturer's recommendations led to the employment of a one-shot to generate a pulse: 15 S24 one-shot S24, inverted The inverted S24 signal has the right shape but cannot be used since the increment must be performed well before the end of state S24, not at the end. This is to avoid a race condition as the next state tests the incremented result. The duration of the one-shot may be shortened to barely what is required by the particular counter (74193) used, and will not depend on any other timing. Currently a lengthy 100 nanoseconds is being used. DQUIT generate DECHO if appropriate I 100 ns increment address decrement length 16 4.10 Check for transfer complete , S15 Lnd of transfer is considered to be a remaining transfer length of zero, or a control character on a read operation with CTRAP enabled in the device register or eitiier of signals DQUIT or DFINAL is present. These conditions are gated with S15 to generate two signals, one to reset the active bit and one to cause an interrupt indirectly by pushing the current device number into the interrupt queue (FIFO). s DQUIT 17 4.11 Complete transfer at device , S16 This state generates the signal DRESET, which is sent to all devices on the device bus. Supposedly, only the device currently selected by the device bus is paying any attention to DRESET. If the device is a read device, it causes the device to abandon the character it is sending to the multiplexor on the device bus data lines and to prepare for another character. Since the previous state, S15, is testing the character, the potential removal of the character in S16 is the basic obstacle preventing the two states from being combined. DRESET is not issued if DQUIT is present. 4.12 Store device registers , S5 After a transfer has been completed, various parts of the device registers have been changed or updated. State S5 writes those registers back into the solid state memory in the position reserved for this device. The device number was originally loaded in state SI or S2 into a register located in the priority selection hardware. This is important if execution comes from state S2, as the device number would definitely not still be available otherwise. From state SI the device number would still be available barring errors in the devices. Another function of S5 is to generate the device bus signal DSETA (or "set active") which is intended to inform the selected device to load in a new fresh contents of its active bit and two option bits. If the transfer has just finished, the new contents of the active bit will be zero. The option bits will be identical with the previous bits stored in the device if S5 is entered from SI, but may or may not be changed if from S2. Note that execution from S2D does not go through S5 as S2D is used only to display device registers to the central processor, and no modification takes place. State S5 also resets the save bit in the device registers if the active bit is no longer present; this is done only as a safety measure. 18 4.13 Wait for device to reset , S5A Without this state the DSETA signal from S5 would be followed immediately by the DSETREQ in SOA, and some devices might not have reset their active bits in time to cease making requests. State S5A merely provides a delay. 4.14 Write state, S4 S4 performs the same function for writes as does S3 for reads. Two following states are selected, state S19 for byte or word fetch from memory, or state S18 for transmitting a previously saved byte to the device. If DQUIT is present, execution proceeds immediately to S15, bypassing data transfer. In addition, a flipflop S4H0LD is set (not reset until state S5) which causes the bidirectional character data bus to the devices to be outputting a character rather than receiving one. This prepares some data routing even though the actual data may not be available yet. 19 transmit saved byte W 19 I byte/word fetch 4.15 Transmit saved byte , S18 State S18 is entered if the buffered byte saved in the device registers is to be output. The main function is to set another flipflop (switch) called MUX9CTRL (reset by state S5) that prepares data routing between the saved byte and the character output transmitters on the device bus. State S4 has already caused the transmitters themselves to be energized. State S18 also causes the transmit register to be loaded. See figure 2. The save bit is, of course, also reset by state S18 so that the saved byte is not resent over and over. The address and length are also suitably updated as in, and with the same restrictions listed for, state S24. 4.16 Fetch from memory , S19 When no saved character is available, a word is fetched from memory. If only a single byte is required from this word (as when, for example, the transfer is begun on the second byte in a word), the appropriate byte is extracted and loaded into the transmitter register. 20 If both are eventually to be transmitted, the low order byte is loaded into the transmitter register, and the high order byte into the save byte in the device registers. See figure 2. State S19 also sets MUX3ACTRL and MUX3CTRL which control loading of the save byte from the computer bus rather than from its other source, the device bus (used in read operations). The control flipflops are not reset until state S5 to avoid a race condition as the transmitter register and saved character register are loaded exactly at the end of state 19. The saved character register is part of the per device registers; MUX3 controls loading from either the solid state memory or the output of multiplexor MUX3A. UTRAP inte rrupt \ / 4.17 Register operation , S2 When an access by the computer to the device registers is detected in state SO or via a UTRAP from states Sll, S13, or S19, control proceeds directly to S2. State S2 is largely similar to state SI, loading the device registers with the information on the device selected by the computer. The same signal loading the device registers is also sent to the priority select matrix to load the device number register contained therein. Loading of this register from the computer bus address lines rather than from the output of the priority select matrix is controlled by a signal called DOUTREQ. This signal is generated by a flipflop set by S2 and reset by SOA. DOUTREQ also enables the selection matrix to select the device whose number is in the device number register. Control proceeds after S2 to either state S2B for a computer read of the device registers, or S2F for a computer write into the device registers. 21 write read A. 18 Load register from CPU t S2F The state signal S2F causes either the first or the second word of the device registers to be loaded from the computer bus data lines. Which word is loaded is controlled by one of the address bits (bit 1) of the computer bus. 4.19 Register write , wait for completion , S2A The register write is completed at the end of state S2F. Immediately, state S2A sends a slave synch (SSYN) signal back to the computer indicating completion. Slave synch is held until master synch, which originated the transaction, disappears. Master synch disappearing causes an abrupt transition from state S2A to state S2C, rather than by a normal clocked synchronous state transition. The synchronous clock is also disabled during the wait. State S2A also resets the DATIP flipflop set signifying the end of a read -mod ify-write cycle. by state S2B, thus 22 4.20 Register write , completion detected , S2C This state serves little purpose except to participate in the abnormal state timing mentioned for state S2A. Execution proceeds normally from this state to S5 to store the modified device registers. 4.21 Register read and wait for completion , S2B The action of this state is nearly the same as that for For a read, however, the computer interprets slave synch this state) as also meaning the data to be read is available lines of the computer bus. State S2B is also included in for multiplexor MUX7A which controls which data is routed to data lines. The control is furthur modified by the signal allows reading the FIFO in state S2B if the appropriate referenced by a byte instruction (see table 12). Execut from S2B to S2D analogously as it does from S2A to S2C. state S2A. (supplied by on the data the control the UNIBUS UFIFO which address is ion proceeds A flipflop called DATIP is set if the computer read is the start of a read-modif y-write cycle wherein the computer expects no modifications to be made to the device register just read. Consequently, DATIP prevents the multiplexor from honoring any device requests, achieving the desired effect. This means a transition from state SO to Si is 23 temporarily impossible. DATIP is reset by S2A. The delay between the read and write cycle is so short that it is unlikely that any device request could be honored anyway. 4.22 Register read , completion detected , S2D State S2D performs the analogous service for state S2B that S2C does for S2A. Since during a read operation the device registers are not modified, execution bypasses state S5 and proceeds directly to SOA. 4.23 Transfer leftover byte , S2E Writing into the second device register can cause state S2E to start up independently and simultaneously with state S2A if a read transfer is being forced to terminate by rewriting the active bit with a zero, and if a buffered save character were being held ready for transfer to memory. State S2E stores that character ±f_ possible immediately after the computer releases control for the present register write operation. As state S2E must be terminated by state SOA, storing of the save byte relies on the computer not immediately attempting to access the device registers again. Only a short delay of one or two instructions is necessary in the computer program in order to honor this stipulation. If the stipulation is not honored, the last byte is discarded. While the access reveal poor planning invoked only when the software system, and situations, where the avoid the restrictio data, which would th programming in a high- almost impossible to v restriction imposed for , it is actually quite multiplexor is being then typically only timing consideration may n would require a very en be stored when it level language (such as iolate this timing restr state S2E may seem to reasonable. State S2E is used with an elaborate in a few well controlled be easily observed. To elaborate queue to retain became possible. When in our UNIX system), it is iction anyway. 24 It is interesting to note one of the effects of continuously monitoring the device registers during a data read transfer. The length register is correctly decremented at the receipt of each character from a device, but the data does not appear in the memory buffer until the receipt of each second byte or until the transfer is stopped. 25 5 Data Registers 5.1 Data paths , RAMS One of the basic concepts used in this multiplexor is that of storing the device registers for each device in solid state memories called RAMS. In order to perform any service for a device, whether initiated by the computer or the device itself, the appropriate forty- one bit word in the RAMS is loaded into a set of (device) registers. Different fields within the device registers have different connections according to their purposes, although there are great similarities. See, for example, the save byte used for character buffering, Figure 2. Figure 3 indicates many of the data paths corresponding to earlier descriptions under "Functions and Capabilities." MUX1 allows loading word one of the device registers from solid state memory or the computer bus; MUX2 likewise for word two. The RAMS used here employ a tristate bus for packaging reasons with input and output on the same wire. Forty one tristate multiplexors are used, one with each device register bit, as follows: external — ^- >-Y £ RAMS DEVICE REGISTER "^ output Note that this composite system always allows two-way communication between the device register and RAM, and allows the device register to be loaded from one external source. The only path to the RAM is through the device register. 5. 2 Slow access to by computer The program-like nature of the states controlling the multiplexor results in a relatively slow response to outside requests. This means the access of a device register by the computer takes 2 or 3 microseconds rather than a more conventional one-half microsecond found in simpler devices. In an interrupt driven DMA environment, however, such accesses are relatively infrequent, so this is not a significant disadvantage. Care was taken that DMA cycles are as fast as computer bus protocol permits. 26 Slow execution of states also has the interesting effect of lowering the maximum repetitive transfer rate of all devices combined. While still quite high (two or three microseconds), the transfer rate is low enough to avoid causing disk or drum overruns, an attractive feature. 5.3 UTRAP, shared resources concept For simplicity the computer is not permitted to do a device register access at the same time that the multiplexor is honoring a device request. To allow the two to occur at the same time would require separate device registers for the two functions. This in turn would create the possibility of two different copies of the registers for one device, only one copy being retained (the one stored last in the RAMS). The use of the device registers as a modifiable resource must, therefore, be serialized. Serialization creates a new difficulty since the computer bus cannot be shared. If the multiplexor decides to perform a memory transfer (state Sll, S13, or S19) just as the computer attempts to access a device register, the multiplexor will be deadlocked attempting to acquire control of the computer bus. The computer, which we are assuming has control, will be deadlocked also waiting for a response. In a busy timesharing system, this situation while relatively unlikely can still occur every few minutes. In special purpose stand-alone programs (test programs, bootstrap programs, etc.), a frequent technique is to examine a device register in a loop rather than rely on interrupts. In such a program, the deadlock is wholly unavoidable. Avoiding this problem was the most difficult of the early design considerations. It was resolved by allowing a device register select to cause execution of states Sll, S13, or S19 to be abandoned and execution to begin immediately at state S2. This constitutes a form of interrupt. Because execution is abandoned (and DRESET not issued), the device will still be making its request which will, therefore, be honored normally at a later time as though it were a new one. This strategy implies that no action be taken until after states Sll, S13, or S19 unless the action may be repeated. Echoing is therefore decided upon, and a flipflop set to remember the decision, in state S3. The echoing is not performed until the address is incremented in states S24, S12, or S18. Modifications to the device registers prior to an interrupt are unimportant as the registers are never stored back into the solid state memory (state S5 is not executed). While the UTRAP concept was quite troublesome initially, it did not create much additional circuitry or make the multiplexor design excessively complex. The basic functions performed by UTRAP are restarting the synchronous state clock, resetting states Sll, S13, and S19, and causing 27 execution to begin at state S2. The UTRAP flipflop is reset by state S2 having started successfully, and also by state S2E. State S2E performs memory transfers, but only if convenient. Of necessity, state S2E cannot delay, and UTRAP is therefore held reset, not permitted to occur. 5.4 Addressing The current scheme is to give each device register for each device its own address. The address structure is as follows: bits Y Z X As each device has two words for its registers, the single bit X is used to determine which is being accessed in a given reference. Z is eight bits, allowing 256 different devices to be separately addressed. An option allows this to be changed to six bits for 64 devices in order to use less address space for device registers, although there seems typically to be little need to do so. If Z is odd the device is an output device. Y may be established by some changeable wires in the multiplexor, allowing the 1024 bytes of device registers to be relocated in the computer's address space. If 64 devices are in use, the top two bits of Z may be set as well, and the address space required is 256 bytes. By convention the device registers of all devices are usually placed somewhere in the highest 8192 bytes (4096 words) of memory, but this still leaves some choice in the value of Y. An alternative addressing scheme is discussed in the chapter on new proposals. A special piece of hardware detects byte-only read references to location: Y 1 In response to the read, the byte with the address of an interrupting device is supplied from the hardware queue of such device addresses. The readout from this queue is destructive. Such reads from this location should, therefore, be in one-to-one corresondence with interrupts. If the queue is empty, the address of the most recently interrupting device is supplied. 28 computer bus low order byte high order byte low order address bit S4H0LD transmitter register transmitter if V MUX3A receiver bus transceiver MUX3A control MUX3 MUX3 control < > device reg./ saved char. RAMS/ saved char. to control character detector and MUX7A & B multiplexor bus to power booster in distribution rack Figure 2. Data flow of transmitted character 29 adr incr ^ X t: T" > DEVICE REGISTER ONE ADDR UNIBUS DATA RECEIVERS S13 minor other uses of the low order (even/odd) bit ±- M ADDR 15-0 ADDR 15-1 / UNIBUS ADDR TRANSMITTERS Figure 3. Data flow of first device register 30 adr incr len deer set reset' reset ^> DEVICE REGISTER TWO J 1 SAVE ^ ACTIVE V myriad uses of all bits UNIBUS DATA RECEIVERS V MUX7A & B Figure 4. Data flow of second device register 31 UNIBUS DATA TRANSCEIVERS HIGH BYTE c T -5s, high transmitter enable LOW BYTE < T ^> low transmitter enable SAVE CHAR RAM DEV REG 2 DCHAR RECEIVED • FIFO output interrupt vector plug MUX7 CONTROL GATES X^ MUX3A <. ZZL S, < MUX3 ^ *" P SAVE CHAR REGISTER Figure 5. Data flow of received character 32 6 Device Control Signals All outgoing control signals are always sent to all devices. Each device is supposed to gate these signals with its select signals (both vertical and horizontal) so that only the selected device responds. The number of control signals is kept small. They are DSETREQ, DECHO, DSETA, DRESET, DZAP. Incoming control signals are all similarly bussed, and must be given only when the device is selected. These are DQUIT and DFINAL. Other control signals for row and column request and select are handled differently and are discussed in the section on the priority matrix. Timing on all control signals is very generous in order to eliminate all possible race conditions. Signals are typically not adjacent, being generated by nonadjacent multiplexor states, or are adjacent in a noncritical situation. The CTRAP function is implemented in the main multiplexor unit and hence there is no associated device control signal. Table 2 lists all the control and data signals on the device bus. 6.1 Set request The DSETREQ signal is unusual in that it is to be honored immediately by all devices rather than only when the device is selected as for the other outgoing control signals. This signal does not take part in the data transfer cycle; it is used to tell devices that they may commence requesting or cease requesting data transfer. It is the state signal SOA, amplified. In each device a flipflop or buffer is loaded with the binary value of the devices' desire to communicate or not. Transitions of intent are therefore visible to the priority matrix only when this signal is issued. Obviously the multiplexor does not use polling. Such a technique is an extreme bottleneck, and would slow down the operation by more than two orders of magnitude. 6.2 Echo The DECHO signal is used only by interfaces which employ hardware automatic echo. The signal is produced during a read operation (as requested by the device) just before the reset signal. It is not issued if the received character is a control character. Typically, a terminal interface will use this signal to activate its transmitter device which will then transmit the character on the device bus data lines supplied by its own receiver device. Obviously, if an output transfer is active on this transmitter, some data may be lost. One should be able to see that the implied restriction is reasonable. 33 6.3 Set active The DSETA signal causes the selected device to load a new active status from the DACT line and new option bits from the D0P1 and D0P2 lines. The latter two may, of course, be ignored if the device has no options. The data will usually represent no new information as the DSETA signal is generated at the drop of a hat. Devices should, therefore, be sensitive to the value of these three items rather than to the fact of their being recently loaded. Devices should make no requests when their active bits are off. 6.4 Reset The reset signal DRESET denotes the successful completion of the device's request. For a read operation it means the character has been removed from the device bus data lines and has been or will be transmitted to main memory in the computer. For transmit operations, DRESET indicates the presence of the desired character on the device bus data lines ready for the transmitting device to remove and store it. 6.5 Zap This signal (DZAP) is generated whenever the computer is being initialized (INIT is present on the computer bus). Devices may use this signal to reset themselves if they so desire. 6.6 Quit A special feature of the multiplexor uses the DOUIT signal. When a device makes a request, if this signal is present, no data request takes place, and the transfer is completed, the computer being appropriately notified. 6.7 Final Similar to DQUIT is DFINAL. This signal also indicates completion of the data transfer, but a byte of data is transferred during the request cycle in which the DFINAL signal Is seen. 34 7 Protocol at Devices Priority arbitration occurs in state SOA. The state signal SOA is equivalent to DSETREQ. On the leading edge of this signal, each device is supposed to set its request flipflop if it chooses to perform a cycle. A device formerly doing a data cycle which is now finished should clear its flipflop. The request flipflops are used by the device to drive row and column request lines to ground (see the chapter "Priority Matrix"). These lines are translated into an eight bit device number of the highest priority request in the distribution rack by a set of priority encoders. The device number register is being continuously loaded from the priority encoders. A settling effect takes place, due to cable delays, transition times of request flipflops, delays in the priority selection matrix, etc. This activity limits the shortening of the duration of the multiplexor states, although it is not the only limit. State SO merely waits for the now stored device number register output to be carried through the multiplexor bus to the main multiplexor unit. Figure 6 shows the typical timing diagram for device control signals. For the selected device, at the end of DSETREQ, the row and column select signals will be asserted (zero volts on the device bus). DSETREQ may be repeated if the multiplexor is interrupted during its data transfer (see UTRAP) . Sometime later the DECHO signal will be issued, if appropriate, then DRESET to note the completion of service. Options and active bits are reissued then (DSETA) . Only the active bit could have changed, going off if the transfer is ending. The effect on request flipflops contained within each device may be noted as well. Even though DRESET clears the request internally (such as resetting a UART receive flag), the condition is reflected in the request flipflop only at the next DSETREQ. 35 DSETREQ Signals on the four main device bus control lines DSETREQ DECHO DRESET DSETA DSETREQ I __ J -J Column select to selected device (not inverted) Row select to selected device (not inverted) Request flipflop within non-selected device wishing service Request flipflop within selected device Figure 6. Timing of main control signals to device. 36 8 Priority Select Matrix 8.1 Design choices The priority select matrix is one of two ways to solve the select/request problem. In some ways the other (linear) method seems preferable. With the matrix each device has to worry about both a row and a column select, and both a row and a column request, rather than a single wire for each. The alternate (linear) method would require a special circuit card in each device rack to handle linear priority selection for that rack. This has the advantage that bus receivers could be located in this special circuit card for device bus signals supplying that rack, rather than being duplicated within each interface card. Proper termination resistors could also be added to this circuit card, probably allowing the device to operate faster. Speed of the device bus and speed of the RAMS are the two factors influencing the speed limitation of the multiplexor. Counter considerations are that the multiplexor was faster than needed by far, an extra circuit card per rack seemed to me unaesthetic (a purely personal reaction), and the circuit card would force the number of interfaces per rack down from 15 to 14. Having the device bus cable enter the rear of this special circuit card would have prevented losing an extra interface slot, but this would not have been feasible with components available. As is typical for many multiplexors, most of the cost of this multiplexor when many devices are being interfaced is in the per-port add-on cost, specifically in the interface cards. While the cost of this unit is less than that of commercial units of vastly less capability, the cost probably could be lowered still further by simplifying the devices through the linear priority selection scheme. Nevertheless, I chose the matrix scheme, and it worked out well. Indeed, it has a desirable simplicity and lack of complications that was preferable in a prototype construction. 8.2 Matrix structure An interface may perform two basic functions on its own initiative: read and write. A typical interface contains two logical devices. The logical port assigned to an interface is comprised of two device numbers. A read is a data cycle by the even device and a write is a nearly identical data cycle by the odd device. 37 r 1 read 1 write i 1 device 1 device I 1 40 1 41 1 J Logical composition of port 20 An interface appears in the priority matrix as follows: REQ ROW X REQ COL Y GRANT COL Y REQ COL Y+l I GRANT COL Y+l GRANT ROW X Both the read and the write device are in the same row. In this drawing, Y must be an even number. The port number would be X * 8 4- Y/2 (see Table 5). The two device numbers are X * 16 + Y and X * 16 + Y + 1 (see Table 3). As may be seen from the tables, there are 256 devices arranged in a 16 x 16 matrix (table 3) and therefore 128 interfaces may be accommodated. To perform a r voltage applied), at five volts. Dur device may drive withdrawn and then device must issue When both GRANT COL in the multiplexor, data onto the bidir multiplexor indica abandoned. ead, the REQ COL Y wire is driven to ground (a zero A resistor usually keeps the voltage, on this wire, ing the appearance of the GRANT COL Y signal, the REQ ROW X to ground. The GRANT COL Y signal may be reissued if a higher priority device appears. The the row request only while column grant is present. Y and GRANT ROW X are present, the data cycle begins At this point the device gates its eight bit byte of ectional data lines. The signal DRESET from the tes the cycle is over, and the request may be A write cycle is identical except that data is taken from the bidirectional data lines rather than being put on them, and except that it is performed by an odd numbered device. In the above figure, column Y 4- 1 and row X are used for the write request cycle. The request is handled in the priority matrix by priority encoder 38 integrated circuits. The lowest numbered column is selected first, then of the row request signals thus activated by the column grant, the lowest row number is selected. The output of the priority encoders is an eight bit device number. This number, or one from the main multiplexor unit may be loaded into a register controlling the grant circuitry. A device may therefore be selected directly, ignoring outstanding requests. This feature allows the computer to communicate option bits and the active bit directly with the devices (state S2 and subsequent states) . The priority of devices can be used to advantage. If one wished to build a byte parallel device for communicating with another computer, one could construct it to operate asynchronously as rapidly as possible, and plug it into a low priority slot to avoid blocking other devices. Despite the matrix design, a strict linear ordering of priority exists. 39 9 Software Compromise In this section, some decisions involving both hardware and software design are noted briefly. In some cases, the hardware design was compromised for the software. In others, the reverse is true. 9.1 Definition of ASCII Control Characters The most significant compromise is the definition of ASCII control characters. The CTRAP option uses the octal codes for ASCII control characters to stop an input data transfer, and the same control code definition is used to decide whether or not to echo. More flexibility could be obtained by using a microcomputer inside the multiplexor at the expense of speed, and with a probable increase in cost. The CTRAP feature makes a very convenient way to send variable length blocks of data back and forth with a foreign computer which possesses only a serial interface. This requires that the data be encoded to avoid control characters before the end of the block. This exact scheme is now in use. Another implication of this compromise is that programs desiring to perform some action on receipt of a printing ASCII character must cause reads of one character at a time to be performed. 9.2 Delayed data store As noted elsewhere, due to the buffering of characters into words, the length register may be examined and the deduction made that a character has been received, although no character has yet been placed in memory. If, however, the computer forces the transfer to stop at this point, the saved character will be stored into memory. 9.3 Delay before echo A peculiarity arises from the type of UART used on our device cards, and the way they are used. It has nothing to do with the multiplexor design. A UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) is a single integrated circuit that performs serial/parallel conversion in both directions. Because on output the UART buffers up to two characters the transfer appears to be done too early from the computer's viewpoint. If automatic echoing is then enabled and a user types a character, the device will fail to output through its busy UART the character typed, and it will not be echoed. Although this is a low probability event, it will occur occassionally. My solution is to delay activation of hardware echo for one-fifth second (two character times of the slowest device, a teletype) after any data is output. Since echoing must be done by software anyway while output is sent to the terminal, this merely extends the period by one- fifth second. Because of some laziness in my implementation, if one types fast enough, an interesting (though not offensive) jerkiness occurs in the echoing. A human cannot type fast enough to sustain this effect for more than a few characters. 40 The UART provides a completion signal independent of this buffering, and my interface could have used this signal instead (in fact, I believe I have some of each type). This is not as desirable, however, since the early completion signal gives the UNIX timesharing system some time to get another buffer of data ready to send, thus smoothing out the apparent flow of data. At 9600 band this assistance is quite useful since the UNIX system does not respond rapidly to interrupts. 41 10 Data Transfer on UNIEUS Bus control on DEC devices is typically handled by a DEC M7821 bus control card which manages both data transfers as bus master and interrupts. Willing to take on any challenge, I have designed my own circuits for this purpose. Mine are perhaps marginally faster. The M7821 is not as fast as bus protocol allows; however DEC processors are not as optimal and asynchronous as they might be either. The exercise of building my own bus control was nevertheless necessary as I needed one special ingredient: the ability to cleanly have a change of heart and cancel an attempt to do a data transfer cycle. This need comes from the special nature of the device registers in the multiplexor. Since they are located in RAMS (solid state memory) and a single holding register exists to access the registers for one device at a time, a scarce resource is created with two competing factors. The multiplexor may decide to transfer data on the UKIBUS and be locked up (e.g., in state S13) waiting for access to the UNIBUS. At the same time, the multiplexor may never be able to gain control because the processor has bus control and is attempting access to a device register. The multiplexor can not handle a device register access in state S13. This problem is discussed elsewhere in this report. A simpler device has no trouble since device register accesses are handled by a simple set of independent circuitry. The device registers in a simple device are always accessible in some TTL register. The bus control circuitry, despite the difficulty of design, is straightforward and not complex. For the most part it implements meticulously the bus protocol described in the DEC peripherals handbook [1]. One fine point of protocol is not forcefully presented in the DEC document and caused some grief. The solution of the problem is due (alas) not to myself but C. W. Gear. The difficulty arises from a passage with more than one interpretation. At first glance, bus control appears to be obtained by the bus having been successfully arbitrated for (via iJPR and NPG) and bus busy (BBSY) being off. The processor may however decide to do another data cycle. The gimmick used to indicate this decision is to require waiting after the arbitration grant (NPG) until MPG is removed. If the processor decides to swipe an extra bus cycle, it continues to assert its arbitration grant (NPG) until some time during the last BBSY cycle. A peculiar but working protocol. This makes the operation of the processor as bus master different from all other devices, which are supposed to hold BBSY continuously to perform multiple data cycles. The two main input control signals for bus control are REQ (an OR of S2E, Sll, S13 and S19) and UTRAP. REQ is asserted by any state wishing to do a data cycle. The cycle then takes place automatically. UTRAP is very simply the address decoding of an access to the device registers; it resets everything in sight in the data transfer logic. 42 UTRAP can occur during some portion of arbitration but never in the middle of an actual data transfer, as the processor (or some other bus master) is clearly itself in a data transfer, trying to access the device registers. Hopefully no one would ever initiate a multiplexor data transfer into its own device registers. The bus control circuitry emits a signal called TMASTER which controls gating of information onto the address and data lines of the UKIBUS. The remainder of the data transfer logic is understandable from the protocol and needs no further illumination. 43 11 Interrupts The interrupt bus control logic is a much simpler version of the data transfer bus control logic. Incoming request signal IREQ is driven by the FIFO "data available" signal. There is no other connection to the FIFO. IMASTER controls gating the interrupt location onto the data portion of the UNI1JUS. This location is a full sixteen bit address. Interrupts are completely isolated from any connection to other multiplexor circuitry except for the IREO signal. There is no interaction. Given the bus protocol, the bus control circuitry is completely transparent. Interrupts may be disabled by setting the processor priority too nigh (such as priority seven) . In addition, a RESET instruction or the depression of the front panel START key will reset the multiplexor and clear all data transfer active bits. Programs which do not use the multiplexor are therefore indirectly guaranteed freedom from interrupts. Interrupts may not be disabled during operation (there is no device register for the multiplexor as a whole) except by processor priority manipulation. This scheme has not been particularly troublesome. Standalone test programs may simply set priority seven and wait for transfers to finish by looping on the active bit in an individual device register. 44 12 Error Lights Two error lights are mounted on the printed circuit cards of the main unit. One, on the control card is for indicating that state S101 has been executed since the computer was last restarted or powered up. This typically means that a device does not correctly realize that its active bit should be off and is making requests. The other light on the data board indicates that the FIFO has overflowed at least once since the computer was restarted or powered up. Neither condition has ever been observed to occur except when testing the correct operation of the error detecting circuitry. 45 13 Automatic Echo As previously mentioned, data transfer is direct to memory. The advantages of DMA (direct memory access) are well known and are of great benefit for any kind of output and for input from other than terminals. Use of DMA input from a computer terminal, however is of more questionable value. The difficulty is that the multiplexor must echo the typed characters (all civilized systems being full duplex). There are reasons why this added complexity may not be worthwhile. Although the overhead for interrupting on every character, especially in a large installation, is certainly noticeable it is not overwhelming. An echo control signal has been made available to each device pair by the multiplexor for hardware echo. A very slight additional amount of hardware is required in each interface using this option to utilize the signal. The extra hardware, while not extensive, is still a negative factor associated with automatic echo. This feature could be moved into the multiplexor proper (see Proposals). The worst complications arise in software control of the hardware echo feature. It is generally not appropriate to automatically echo control characters, and the echo control signal is therefore not generated for these characters. Fortunately, control signals are already being tested for in the multiplexor, and not echoing them is not difficult. The software, nowever, must be aware of this furthur complication. It is not useful to employ automatic echo without the control trap feature to allow the computer to gain control and decide whether software echo or some other action is appropriate. Other software difficulties include some strange timing considerations discussed in the chapter about software peculiarities, and the fact that echo must be disabled anyway and done later by software while normal computer output is being sent to the terminal. To put forth the effort in hardware and software that hardware echoing required, for a single not very large installation, was probably worthwhile only in the name of research. Without this excuse, and foreseeing the complexity, it would not be worthwhile. Having already gone to the trouble of solving the difficulties and developing the techniques required, automatic echo is desirable marginally. It is more efficient, but the code is more complex, and therefore larger. This type of code is usually required to be resident in the computer, making its size an important issue. 46 14 Proposals Inevitably, after construction, there are second thoughts and wishful thinking. All improvements that were thought of were added (and are described in this report) except in the area of device register changes. The current arrangement gives two words of address space to each device, thus taking up a large amount of space for 256 devices: 1024 bytes. This is only 12,5% of the available device register area, which is good considering that 128 interfaces can be handled with it. Still, it would not be practical to enlarge the per device register area beyond two words, and this limits expansion. As it happens, however, an expansion could be desirable, and would not be particularly costly in multiplexor design or parts. A better arrangement might be: 174000 174002 174004 174006 174010 IDN EMPTY ADR LENGTH CURRENT DEV ERRORS SENSE OPTIONS In the new scheme, ADR and LENGTH correspond to the two words currently used for each device, except that the option bits could be eliminated from the LENGTH register (or retained if desired) because of the new separate field at 174010 (these addresses are for illustration purposes only) . The registers being examined by an access to ADR (174002) or LENGTH (174004) are those for the device whose number is in CURRENT DEV. CURRENT DEV may be changed to any device number. IDN is the interrupting device number similar to the previous facility, popped from a FIFO each time it is read. An EMPTY bit could be added to indicate that the FIFO is empty, a convenience for test programs or special purpose programs, though not strictly necessary. The ERRORS field would allow examination of the error conditions 47 now indicated only with indicator lights (FIFO overrun, S101 entered). In addition, this field could contain interrupt enable bits for the whole multiplexor, a feature not currently available, though not particularly important. The SENSE field would allow reading of a full eight sense bits (through the DCHAR lines on even numbered devices only is one possibility). The OPTIONS field would allow a full eight options to be set (through the DCHAR lines on odd numbered devices only for the analogous possibility) . Clearly an extra word can now be added per device (like ADR and LENGTH and SENSE/OPTIONS) if more features are to be added to the multiplexor. Even without adding another word, the option field of LENGTH could be freed if the new SENSE/OPTIONS feature was added and the old scheme with two option bits and two sense bits was abandoned. This would allow addition of multiplxor implemented functions. Possibilities for new functions are 1. have the ECHO function be controlled completely in the main multiplexor. 2. selectable alternate definition of control character codes. 3. disable interrupts on individual devices (probably not too useful). 4. more option bits of the conventional type rather than using eight bits on the DCHAR lines, (preferable) 5. indicator bits indicating whether a transfer was stopped by CTRAP, QUIT, or FINAL. The only feature I have ever really felt the need for was extended option bits, although this may be gotten around. One extra conventional option bit per device would be be quite sufficient. 48 15 Kinds of Interfaces In order to illustrate the kinds of flexibility possible within an interface, a brief description follows of some of the interfaces that have been thought of. Appendix D contains the complete circuit diagram of the first interface described (EIA, speed selectable), so that anyone trying to puzzle out the working of the device bus in detail will have a straightforward, specific example. 15.1 Speed Select EIA Although at first we used only teletype interfaces, the most common interface on our system and the most commonly needed interface on most systems is a speed selectable serial interface with EIA level shifters. Three option bits are used to select speeds of 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400 baud. The fourth option bit is used to control hardware echo. Serial parallel conversion is done by a UART. The data received (DR) and transmitter empty (THRE) signals are used for the internal read and write request signals, and are blocked respctively if their active bit is off. 15.2 Busy Interlock The busy interlock interface resembles the previous interface except for having four EIA speeds selected by two option bits, with one option bit enabling the interlock. When enabled, the transmitter empty (THRE) sinal may not be reissued after the first occasion unless the EIA signal BUSY goes on and then off again. This restriction applies equally between the last character of one output transfer and the first character of the next as it applies to adjacent characters within a single transfer. A timeout of a few seconds is provided to avoid hangups due to malfnctions in the equipment being served or programming errors. This interface is useful for driving terminals with various kinds of delays such as for carriage return, form feed, storage tube screen erase, and other functions where a signal can be made available for use as BUSY. The Computek graphic display terminal which has extremely variable display times for different length vectors and different characters is ideally suited to this type of interface. The interface is also being used to drive several output only devices such as printers and selectric typewriters with somewhat erratic output needs due to their particular mechanical construction. Commercial equipment vendors sometimes discuss a technique of raising and lowering request to send (RTS) in order to produce such an effect with their terminal equipment, which would be just what this interface is designed for. 15.3 Telephone Dialer 49 As it is quite convenient to dial the phone by entering a simple command at the terminal and have the computer look up the phone number and dial, this very simple interface has been built. Only one of the eight output bits is used, being loaded into a flipflop each time a one-shot expires, and makes a data request. The flipflop output drives a reed relay in the vicinity of the phone, whose contacts are in series with the dial contacts. This interface has almost no parts. 15.4 Clock When a read transfer is initiated, the clock immediately provides the current value of an integer of four bytes, thirty-two bits. The integer is incremented once each second and may also be loaded by an output transfer of four bytes. The integer represents UNIX format time, the number of seconds since midnight January 1, 1970. A standby oscillator and rechargeable battery assist its accuracy. 15.5 Paper Tape Readers A thirty-two by eight FIFO with a half-full flag happens to be a paper tape controller, at least given some thought. The photocells, via some bus receivers used as threshold detectors feed the FIFO inputs; the output feeds the device bus. The half-full flag operates the magnetic capstan drive, tending to keep sixteen bytes in the FIFO. The amount is perfect to handle uneven data requests by the computer and mechanical sluggishness in disengaging the capstan. 15.6 FIFO Card This is a variation of the EIA interface in section 1 with a FIFO on the receiver side to avoid losing characters while a read transfer is not in progress. In addition, a timeout facility is activated when hardware echo is deactivated that uses the DQUIT signal to terminate the transfer when a break of more than 1.6 character times appears in the receipt of consecutive input characters. This interface is intended for communication with another computer installation where the data is being received at high speed, but is completely unformatted on a character basis. One such interface for instance is connected to a regular terminal line on the CYBER 175 and permits any timesharing terminal on our UNIX installation to become a CYBER terminal by running a program that "connects" the two together. The timeout allows gaining the efficiency of block transfer DMA with the freedom of not having to know how much data is about to be received. Naturally, hardware echo is always disabled, and is merely provided because it makes this interface interchangeable with the regular speed selectable version for use in terminal applications. 50 16 Conclusions It is disappointing to note that computer manufacturers do not today provide a cheap vehicle for accommodating easily a large number of interfaces. In most computer installations, the number of interfaces that should go on a simple device bus greatly exceeds the number that need to be attached to the main computer bus. When a large number can be connected simply, the improvement that occurs is not just one of quantity, but is a fundamental change of the quality of service that the computer can perform. Functions that were previously (and justifiably) considered frivolous, become inexpensive enough that there is almost no point in not doing them. This multiplexor appears to break a significant cost barrier that allows the minicomputer to become more directly involved with the total environment and the needs of those using it. Another accomplishment of the multiplexor is to shift the bottleneck on the computer from terminal I/O to that of computing resources. Even on machines like the DEC 10 and the CYBER 175, used at this campus, system administrators severely restrict terminal I/O rates, usually to 3U characters per second, and always at least to 120 characters per second. By contrast, our PDP 11/40 can easily maintain 15 people in the editor or some other very low compute function at 960 characters per second without difficulty. Other of the multiplexor ' s ports may be simultaneously communicating with many other computers at speeds of 120, 960, and 3840 (approximately, this speed is not a constant) characters per second without impact. These capabilities are due to the obvious (but impressive) advantages of DMA I/O and low cost. Nevertheless, the best value has been in flexibility. Any device requiring uneven data rates or even slightly unconventional control signals usually is a burden on the budget (to purchase a special, costly interface) or a burden on someone's time (to build same). The very simplified device bus of this multiplexor has made this kind of custom work the real strength of this unit. 51 Appendix A — cost breakdown What follows is a crude and somewhat out of date cost estimate for a multiplexor with 3U serial interface cards. It is not necessarily as complete or well organized as it should be, but is included to give a rough estimate for those interested. Cost for device racks : h914 rack with sockets power bussing unibus cable power barrier strip wirewrapping total for 30 device cards: 1.25 125.00 10.00 115.00 .61 51.20 301.81 603.62 Cost for distribution rack: distribution rack: rack 15.00 h803 sockets 14.00 5 70.00 power bussing 1.25 4 5.00 unibus cable to main unit 130.00 power barrier strip .61 wirewrapping 48.20 rack subtotal 268.81 cost for row, col, clock, and driver cards may be guessed as: 250.00 total 518.81 Cost for speed select EIA interface card : prices are for a quantity of 30 device cards descr each // total 16 pin sockets .46 6 2.76 14 pin sockets .40 10 4.00 1 40 pin socket 1.48 1 1.48 52 1 pc board 15.50 wirewrapping 16.50 wrap stakes .10 subtotal 40.34 ics: uart 9.00 8t09 1.30 7403 .45 8t380 1.50 3 4.50 7474 .65 7403 .43 8t34 2.90 2 5.80 7400 .43 7410 .43 74151 1.43 mcl489 3.10 75150 2.80 subtotal 30.32 miscellaneous: 1/4 watt 5% resistor (estimated) .10 capacitor ,25 8 2.00 5 feet cord for tty .28 jones plug on cord .81 2 miniature cable ties at card .04 subtotal 3.23 total 73.89 cost for 30 device cards: 2216.70 Cost for main system unit : system unit pricing: h933cb frame and sockets 75.00 power bussing 1.25 4 5.00 wirewrapping 18.30 subtotal 98.30 data card: 53 pc board 16 pin sockets 14 pin sockets wirewrapping filter caps small caps led (est) 12 volt zener (est) 2 resistors (est) delay lines (wild guess) 25 nanoseconds 150 nanoseconds subtotal .46 .40 .25 .15 64 21 46 2 37.50 29.44 8.40 57.80 11.50 .30 1.00 1.50 .20 5.00 5.00 157.64 ics: 9112apc 74157 74s257 7475 74175 74193 74153 2841dc 8t38 8t34 8t09 7427 8t380 7400 7474 7408 7410 7432 7430 7486 74hll subtotal total for data card 3.70 11 40.70 2.00 7 14.00 1.91 10 19.10 1.15 2 2.30 2.75 2 5.50 3.30 9 29.70 2.25 8 18.00 9.50 2 19.00 3.63 9 32.67 2.90 2 5.80 1.30 2 2.60 .30 3 2.40 1.50 .43 4 1.72 .65 4. 1.30 .45 3 1.35 .43 .80 .55 2 1.10 .85 1 .85 .90 201.72 359.36 control card: pc board 16 pin sockets 14 pin sockets wirewrapping (est) filter capacitors small caps 37.50 .46 9 4.14 .40 56 22.40 40.00 .25 37 9.25 .15 6 .90 54 resistors (est) led (est) subtotal .10 11 1.10 1.00 116.29 ics: 8t38 74175 74123 74h21 7420 7410 8t09 7400 74hll 7474 7408 7437 7404 7432 7403 7425 74107 7412 7409 7430 3.63 4 14.52 2.75 4 11.00 1.15 1 1.15 .90 .55 2 1.10 .43 2 .86 1.30 2 2.60 .43 9 3.87 .90 1 .90 .65 16 10.40 .45 9 4.05 1.15 .70 4 2.80 .80 .43 2 .86 .80 .88 .55 .60 .55 2 1.10 subtotal 60.89 total for control card 177.18 total for system unit 634.84 55 Appendix B — failsafe system The memory (RAMS) used in this multiplexor use a tristate bus on their four input/output lines to conserve pins and thereby package size. At the time of construction, 256x4 RAMS were very difficult to find and expensive but for these. In order to make proper use, a tristate multiplexor is used in conjunction with them as described elsewhere in this report. In order to provide maximum reliability, it was decided to have a special circuit to prevent conflicts and thereby avoid burning out chips or cause errors. The usual approach might be simply to attempt to guarantee absence of conflicts by making sure the much larger control circuitry never attempted to cause any. That approach would be more difficult since the chips in question have some special timing considerations. In addition the unit would be more prone to failure from component failure in the control circuitry, misplaced oscilloscope probe, or even from unplugging the control circuitry while the power was on, as the control is not on the same printed circuit card. The circuitry described here is all on the data C3ri ■i/^c-r' L/fi)v rrx/ZlCvc \ 4 r \ / -^ ftcQucJ^T MWa tNnpci \ e \ 4. /25*s C?/^jlyl cmACj fT — ^DF KflM ENH&Lk "A \ > / J MUX ENPtBLE - ; ms CONTROLS RAM | V//A mux VA RAM BUS f mux ' tory\o€f" c yH<*-> tea s so OX lou) 25ias 57 Appendix C — address plugs Two address plugs are provided on the data board to permit, as on most computer equipment of modern design, changing the address of the device and the address of the interrupt vector. The interrupt plug specifies where in the bottom 256 bytes of memory the new ps and pc are to be fetched from on interrupt. Since four bytes are required for the ps and the pc, the two bottom bits of the interrupt vector address must be zero, so they are not included in the address plug. Currently all multiplexor installations are using an address of 300 octal. The Unibus address plug specifies field Y as discussed in chapter 5. The sixty four device addressing option may also be specified by appropriate connection on this plug. For 64 devices, connect pin 6 to pin 10 and pin 7 to pin 11. Bits 8 and 9 of the device address may then be specified. Cround on pin 14 would require bit 9 to be a one, five volts would require a zero. Pin 15 would specify bit 8 similarly. For 256 devices, pins 10 and 11 should be connected to five volts. Bits 10 and 11 are always be specified by pins 13 and 12 respectively. 58 TNTER^VPT PLUS BiT2j 0O4 BIT 3, B\ Bit 5, B/r 7, o/o ozo 040 2 3 4- 7 8 16 If 13 YL I! /t? ■*- GROOND 59 MUiTlPtfcXOfc. Utt\60S ftVPR^ZS plug U SEL ADR |T APR /5 /)£# if ADR JZ 60 Appendix D — EIA interface diagrams Enclosed are diagrams for the speed select EIA interface discussed in chapter 15. The diagrams are provided to give a concrete example of how the circuit design looks for a typical interface. The interface is known internally by the name EIAD. Sublogic one is a circuit used in most of the interfaces built so far to communicate with the device bus. The telephone dialer and paper tape reader do not share sublogic one circuitry as they require only a subset of the circuitry. Sublogic two goes with sublogic one and is used to add a UART for serial communications. Sublogic three adds circuitry to sublogic two to allow hardware echo. This is known as half duplex in some circles, but as used in the UNIX software, it is enabled and disabled appropriately in order to provide full duplex communications at increased efficiency. The final diagram shows the speed select and EIA level shifting circuitry, as well as stop bit selection and cable plug wiring. In sublogic one, requests for data transfers are made through the Dl chips which are open collector. Grants are received by Bl chips. The 4.7k resistor prevents devices from thinking they are selected if the device rack is unplugged from the distribution rack. Without the resistor, since the inputs float at zero, all the 8T34 chips would transmit with smoky results. Requests obviously can not be made if the active bits in chips B2 and C2 are off, as this holds the request flipflops in C3 off. When device bus signal DSLTREQ is issued, C3 is loaded with receiver request (RREO) and transmitter request (TREQ) if the active bits are on. Transmitting and receiving are clearly totally independent. The signal DZAP causes the active bits and option bits to be cleared. No attempt was made to clear the UART in sublogic two as a matter of taste. The signal DSETA clearly loads the active bits and option bits on the selected device which may be one of the two devices in this interface or one outside of this interface. The sense outputs are not generally used, and the sublogic one circuit make provision for only two of the possible four. Two more could be provided with the same transmitters when the odd device was selected. There are eight data lines entering (TCHAR) and eight leaving (RCHAR) this sublogic for use elsewhere in the interface. Subblogic two incorporates a UART rather straightforwardly. The device bus signal DRESET respectively clears the input flag for input or loads the output character for output. Connection of signals CLOCK, SERIAL IN, SERIAL OUT, are left for later diagrams. Other UART signals such as word length select, parity, etc. are hardwired to ground or five volts. Sublogic three adds DECHO capabilities. This is an extra way to load the output side of the UART. The character transmitted is the received character as chips El and E2 are enabled. 61 The last drawing shows the speed select multiplexor, and the use of commercial EIA level shifters. One stop bit is selected for all but 110 baud in chip B3. 62 63 2 * XjjgHi w l/l O o r => E3J 'X 13 64 /-> G V t * VJ 8 It t «l i UJ Uj c s ! V > o 2 u ■ 5 j - x k 3 - ; " J « 5 to 65 a^* s ui U-^ a - at aatQQD co < O-O-o-o - Ob o O — oq - - u O o OO Ul Ui a j > ul K