V. Address. R Univ - of m. Lib. Cal, Sir Slip THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY THE INTERNATIONAL HYTOGEOGRAPHIC EXCURSION (I.P.E.) IN AMERICA, 1913. BY A. G. TANSLEY, M.A., University Lecturer in Botany, Cambridge, ■ PRICE TW O S HU . MH 68. BY - POST B/ g- THE NEW PHYTOLOGIST, BOTANY SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE: BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS V- ,fy / C V A' V' WESTERN WYOMING, NOTICES OF RARE PLANTS DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES COLLECTED ON THE ROUTE OF THE NORTH WESTERN WYOMING EXPEDITION UNDER CAPTAIN W. A. JONES, U. S. Engineer Corps , Department of the Platte. BY DR. C. C. PARRY, SALEM : PRINTED AT THE SALEM PRESS. 1874. Reprinted from the American Naturalist, Vol. Viii, 1874. 58A . < ns%G ^> VA .V BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. Having been connected with the exploring expedition of Captain W. A. Jones into Northwestern Wyoming during the past season (1873), the botanical results have proved of such unexpected in- terest that I have obtained the permission of Captain Jones to __ anticipate the more detailed official report by preparing for imme- diate publication a brief sketch of the general botanical features of the region passed over, with notices of rare plants and descrip- tions of new species collected on the route. Fort Bridger to Camp Brown. Leaving the point of rendez- vous at Fort Bridger on the 12th of June, our route followed a w ^ northeasterly course over Green River basin, thence skirting along the southern spurs of the Wind River range. The main conti- ^ nental divide was crossed at South Pass. From this point fol- T lowing a more direct northerly course we reached Camp Brown the Wind River valley on Jul} r 1st. The chief botanical interest on this portion of our route was xH comprised in the many suggestive associations with the early dis- coveries of Nuttall nearly forty years previous. Though this HT route has been repeatedly traversed by exploring parties, lying in fact on the well beaten track of western emigrant travel pre- 4 vious to the construction of the Pacific Railroad, not a few of the plants then collected and described have remained up to this £ time desiderata in herbaria. Unusually copious spring rains previous to our journey had freshened the vegetation of these usually arid tracts, so that our necessarily slow and tedious marches, encumbered by a heavily laden wagon train, were enlivened (at least to the botanist) by unwonted verdure. Even the repulsive “ sage plains” and u grease wood” flats, so monotonous and forbidding to the ordinary trav- eller, yielded up unexpected treasures of rare plants. Among these the evanescent annuals were in great profusion, including Gleome aurea Hook., Calyptridium roseum S. Watson, CEnothera Andina Nutt., CEnotliera scapoidea Nutt., Astragalus Geyeri Gray, Astragalus pictus Gray, Cliomactis Douglasii H. & A., Plantago [INTiiiTiber 1. ( 9 - 10 ) 4 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. Patagonicq Jacq., Gilia inconspicua Dougl., and Oxytheca dendro- idea Nutt. In the moist grassy valley of Little Sandy were also found quite abundantly Capsella divaricata Walp. and Gentiana humilis Stev., heretofore overlooked by collectors in this region. Of perennial plants, serving somewhat to relieve the prevalent and monotonous growth of Artemisia , Tetradymia and Linosyris , comprising what is popularly known as “wild sage,” and the equally forbidding Chenopodiaceous shrubs confounded under the common term of “ grease-wood,” may be noted several species of Astragalus including A . Purshii Dougl., A. lotiflorus Hook, A. glareosus Dougl., A. junceus Nutt., and now collected for the first time since Nuttall’ s original discovery, A . pubentissimus Nutt, and A.flavus Nutt., the former a not uncommon roadside plant, and the latter quite abundant along the margins of dry water- courses, at the foot of steep clay buttes. On gravelly knolls adjoining Green River still another inter- esting Nuttallian plant was rediscovered, Tanacetum Nuttallii Torr. & Gray, and growing in close proximity with this was found Vesicaria Alpina Nutt., both probably near the original station of Nuttall. Nearly everywhere over this district in exposed situations we meet with Eriogonum ovalifoHum Nutt., forming dense silvery cushions, its close globular heads of flowers exhibiting a great variety of tints from pure white to dark brown. Almost equally abundant on gravelly slopes also occur Aplopappus acaulis Gray, and Astragalus simpUcifolius Gray, presenting a neat contrast of colors in their bright yellow and blue flowers, resting in mats of dark green and silvery foliage. Quite constantly associated in growth with Astragalus flames Nutt, is a showy asteroid plant with large white flowers, disposed in flattened summits surmounting the dull colored tomentose leaves. This plant, according to Dr. Gray, is closely allied to or perhaps identical with the Xylorhiza villosa Nutt. ( Aster Xylorhiza Torr. & Gray). In view of the discrepancy in many respects between this plant and that described by Nuttall, Dr. Gray has thought proper to characterize it as a new species, Aster Parry i . Among other plants worthy of note in this district may be enumerated Delphinium Menziesii DC., Sisymbrium junceum Bieb., Viola Nuttallii Pursh, Cymopterus montanus Nutt., Gym - opterus Fendleri Gray, Antennaria dimorpha Nutt., Artemisia (10-11) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. 5 pedatifida Nutt., Phlox longifolia Nutt., Phlox canescens Torr. & Gray, Castilleia parviflora Bong., Pentstemon humilis Nutt., and Gilia pungens Benth. On reaching the higher ground forming the eastern rim of the Green River basin, which leads by an easy pass, at an average ele- vation of seven thousand feet above the sea level, from the Pacific to the Atlantic slope, the prevalent desert growth gives place to a vegetation partaking of a sub-alpine character. This district comprises the botanical localities designated by Nuttall as “ dry and lofty hills in the central range of the Rocky Mountains.” Here accordingly we again come within the range of these early discoveries in re-collecting such choice plants as Draba Alpina L., var. den A folia, Lepidium montanum Nutt., Trifolium Andinum Nutt., Trifolium gymnocarpon Nutt., Astragalus campestris Gray, Oxytropis lagopus Nutt., and Phlox bryoides Nutt. Here also we meet for the first time, probably near its south- eastern limits, the interesting Lewisia rediviva Pursh. This becomes much more abundant farther north in the Wind River valle}', and we were thus afforded an opportunity to observe this plant through its flowering and fruiting stages, extending from the latter part of June to the middle of July. After this latter period its matured capsules are detached and blown away, leaving no trace of the plant exposed to view, till the following spring develops the rosette of radical leaves, by which the Indians are guided in procuring their supplies of this palatable and nutritious root. Recent attempts have been made to introduce this showy plant into our gardens, where it would prove quite an acquisition. Shrubbery is here represented mainly by Rosacece , including Amelancliier Canadensis Torr. & Gray, Potentilla fruticosa L., Parshii tridentata 1)0., Ribes cereum Dougl., but we look in vain, in apparently favorable localities, for the forms so well known in the mountain range farther south in Colorado of Ribes deliciosus Torr., Oercocarpus parvifolius Nutt., or Jamesia Americana Torr. & Gray. The scanty pine growth includes chiefly Pinus flexilis James, with an occasional clump of Abies Douglasii Lindl., and Juniperus Virginiana L. The southeastern spurs of the Wind River range present a suc- cession of steep, grassy slopes agreeably interspersed with pine- clad ridges. Through numberless channels the mountain streams ( 11-12 6 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. collect their summer tribute of melted snow, and cleave their way to the lower valleys through deep gorges, disclosing in steep mural faces the structure and succession of the underlying, highly in- clined, rocky strata. The lower undulating slopes, forming the natural divides between the numerous watercourses tributary to the main valley of Wind River, form irregular ridges often pre- senting smooth tabled summits, bedded with rich grasses inter- spersed with gaily colored flowers. Conspicuous among the latter are the bright golden-yellow heads of Balsamorhiza Hooker i Nutt., and Balsamorhiza sagittal a Nutt., growing promiscuously, the close similarity of their flowers being curiously contrasted with their diverse foliage ; even in the latter case, however, a ten- dency to assimilate (perhaps due to hybridization) is occasionally observed, in which the sharply hastate leaves of the latter species are irregularly gashed to resemble forms of the other. Besides these everywhere obtrusive forms, we may also note as character- istic of this district Geranium Fremontii Torr., Arenaria cougesta Nutt., Arenaria Hookeri Nutt., Astragalus campestris Gray, Oxy- tropis campestris L., Lupinus sericeus Pursh, Hedysarum Mack - enzii Rich., Eriogonum flavum Nutt., and Calochortus Gunnisoni Watson. On all the high rocky ridges of this section a charming variety of Phlox Douglasii Hook, is met with, forming close, flat- tened cushions, and a profusion of pure porcelain-white fragrant flow r ers. Along the borders of streams, with the prevalent willow growth, we And Betula occidentals Hook., Alnus incana Willd., and in the larger valleys Elceagnus argenteus Nutt. On the steeper mountain slopes, before alluded to as presenting an agreeable alternation of meadow' and woodland, the smooth grassy expanses of the higher elevations, reaching an altitude of nine thousand feet above the sea level, reveal a distinctly subal- pine vegetation. We accordingly here encounter such well known forms as Saxifraga nivalis L., Eritrichium aretioides DC., Pole- monium confertum Gray, Lloyd ia serotina Reich., while appar- ently more distinctly characteristic of this particular range we note Townsendia spathulata Nutt., Townsendia scapigercc D. C. Eaton and Bupleurum ranunculoides L. In the wooded districts Pinus flexili.s is irregularly mingled with Pinus ponderosa and Abies Douglasii , wdiile 1'inus contorta forms the almost exclusive growth of the interior ridges and alpine ( 12 - 13 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. valleys. After passing the first series of steep ridges, which gen- erally present an abrupt escarpment towards the main axis of the range, the interior valleys are spread out in the form of irregular basins, bordered by deep pine woods. Within these timbered recesses we occasionally encounter small grassy parks, or alpine bogs occupied by a close, clumpy growth of willows. Through these, course clear mountain streams generally hidden from view by overhanging vegetation. During the season of melting snow in the early summer months, these meadows frequently conceal treacherous bogs greatly impeding travel, while small ponds and occasional permanent lakes are not infrequent. In this variety of surface exposure, limited in every direction by irregular, rocky ridges, variously set off with extensive snow drifts, w r e have all the conditions of a most attractive mountain flora. We accordingly find here in somewhat confused association the following plants : — Draba Alpina L., Lupinus coespitosus Nutt., Hedysarum boreale Nutt., Astragalus Alpinus L., Oxytropis cam- pestris L., Oxytropis viscida Nutt.? (or a species near it), Sedum stenopetalum Ph., Sedum rhodanthum Gray, Actinella grandiflora T. & G., Antennaria dioica L., Senecio lugens Rich., Kalmia glauca L., Synthyris plantaginea Benth., Mertensia paniculata Dough, Gilia nudicaulis Gray, Androsace septentrionalis L., Prim- ula Parry i Gray, Oentiana humilis Stev., Phacelia sericea Gray. In succeeding articles the flora of the Owl Creek range and of the high mountain district between the Big-Horn and Yellowstone basins will be noticed. (13-14) ^Nriiriber S. Wind River, which in pursuing a general southeast course drains the entire eastern slope of the Wind River range, also receives from the east and north the drainage of an extensive mountain district, to which, as a whole, no distinctive name has yet been applied. To the most southeastern extension of this moun- tain system the name of Owl Creek range has been locally applied. At the lowest point, where this merges into the open and elevated plains, the main stream, turning sharply to the north, loses the name of Wind River to assume that of the Big Horn, tributary to the Lower Yellowstone. Thus it happens that the same stream, under another name, in doubling on its upper course from south- east to north, receives lower down the eastern drainage of the Owl Creek range, and the broken mountain district to the northwest, through the little known Big Horn tributaries of Owl Creek, Gray Bull and Stinking Water. Our route, instead of following down the main valley, crossed Wind River some distance above the sharp bend above referred to, thence crossing a low spur of the Owl Creek range, and skirt- ing near the base of the high mountains to the west, passed Owl Creek, Gray Bull and several southern tributaries of Stinking Water, to ascend a main branch of the latter stream to its source ( 102 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. 9 in the high divide separating its waters from those of the Yellow- stone basin. On this route the chief point of botanical interest centred in the comparatively little explored district of Owl Creek range, the valleys of Owl Creek, Gray Bull and Stinking Water, and the high mountain region at the sources of the last named stream. We accordingly note briefly in their order of passing the features of botanical interest presented on our route. The valley of Wind River, as its name suggestively implies, is especially subject to the sweep of fierce northwest winds, which necessarily leave their impress upon the native vegetation. Thus everywhere on the uplands and low open valleys there is a close uniform growth of stunted grasses, or the dull moorish aspect presented by the constantly recurring Artemisia. On saline flats the view is hardly improved by a ranker and more verdant growth of the spine-clad Sarcobcitus ; everywhere there is a monotonous recurrence of the same forms of vegetation, comprising such only as are capable of withstanding the combined unfavorable influ- ences of a parched soil during the season of summer growth, followed by an early and rigorous winter. Only in moist, shel- tered bottom-lands do we meet with anything like a rank vegeta- tion, made up of dense willow thickets, occasional copses of Shepherdia argenteci Nutt., with irregular scattering groves of Populus balsamea. Especially abundant in all damp, rich, alluvial tracts in this region we meet with the “ wild licorice” ( Olycyrrhiza lepidota Nutt.), here very commonly infested with a parasitic fun- gus, Trichobasis leguminosarum Link. In the series of steep bluffs bounding the main river bottoms, the deep gullied ravines offer a greater variety of soil and expos- ure favorable to a diversified and peculiar vegetation. Here, accordingly, among other rarities we meet with a well marked new species of Astragalus, distinguished by its loose straggling habit, growing in light loamy soil, and sending up a loose spike of white flowers which rarely mature fruit. Prof. Gray has characterized this species (No. 65 of the distributed collection) as A. ventorum , n. sp. (see appendix). Here also along the slopes of high gypseous ridges we meet quite abundantly with a new composite, Sclikuhria (Platyschkuhria) integrifolia Gray, n. sp. (see appendix, No. 150) ; of a habit and foliage quite unlike any other species of this genus. On reaching the broken foot-hills of the Owl Creek range, both (103) 10 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. the scenery and vegetation became much more diversified ; and rounded slopes of disintegrated metam orphic rocks, sharp crests of upheaved strata, and extensive exposures of the brick-red Tri- assic formation, present in their varied exposures all the condi- tions for a varied flora. We accordingly here meet with such choice plants as Stanley a viridijlora Nutt., Oxytropis campestris L., var. ? (No. 88), Aplopappus multicaulis Nutt., Tanacetum capi- tatum Nutt. Farther up on the mountain slopes the increased elevation is evidenced by greater freshness of vegetation, the dull brown of the lowlands giving place to a rich soft verdure. Constant run- ning streams, however, are still rare, as the altitude is not suffi- cient to afford heavy deposits of winter snow to keep up a supply of water through the dry summer months. As we again encounter pine woods composed mainly of Abies Douglasii and Pinus flexilis , the associated undergrowth is again brought to view in thick, matted growths of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi , and occasional patches of Berberis Aquifolium . Still there is a characteristic absence of many forms such as one would naturally look for in such local- ities, neither scrub oak, Rubus nor Symphoricarpus being here represented. Very common and attractive over all this district are the bright, showy flowers of a species of Lupinus (No. 54) allied to L. sericeus Ph.? but difficult to refer to any described species ; here also Hedysarum boreale Nutt, is conspicuous, with its slender spikes of nodding pink flowers, occasionally inclining to a dull pinkish-white. On the crests of the dividing ridge at- taining an elevation of nine thousand feet there are extensive exposures of an arenaceous limestone, presenting tabled summits and perpendicular mural faces, with irregular broken talus at their bases. These localities offer not only very attractive points of view of the adjoining country, but afford a rare field for the bota- nist. Here in rock crevices was found the charming dwarf colum- bine, which, in compliment to the enterprising commander of the expedition, and its first actual discoverer, I have named Aquilegia Jonesii , n. sp. (see appendix, No. 3). This species, which is most nearly allied to A. vulgaris L., is sufficiently distinguished by its dwarf size and close ctespitose habit, as well as other well marked characters indicated in the description referred to. It would no doubt prove highly ornamental in cultivation, but unfortunately at the period of our collection (in July) the fruit was just maturing, ( 104 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. 11 and it was only by diligent search that sufficient late flowering specimens were met with to complete the description. Besides this choice addition to our native florae other plants worth} 7 of note may be enumerated, viz : Anemone mnltiftda DC., Arenaria arctica Stev., Arenaria Rossii It. Br., Lupbms minimus Dough, Oxytropis campestris L., Spircea ccespitosa Nutt., Saxifraga Jamesii Torr., Saxifraga debilis Engel., Phlox Douglasii Hook., Polemonium confertum Gray, Androsace ehamcejasme L., Castilleia pallida Kth., Lloydia serotina Reich. The peculiarities of the timber growth in this section will be more fully dwelt on in a subsequent article ; it is sufficient here to note the regular order of succession everywhere noticeable as dis- tinct zones of arborescent growth. Thus the lower mountain slopes are occupied by scattered groves of Pinus ponderosa and Abies Douglasii , succeeded higher up by Pinus flexilis and Pinus eontorta , while the highest ridges support a dense forest of Abies Engelmanni. In descending the northeastern slope of the Owl Creek range, forming the western edge of the Big Horn basin, we come upon principal tributary streams draining the high mountain region to the west. In all these valleys, including Owl Creek, Gray Bull and Stinking Water, a uniform character of vegetation is observ- able, constituting a very distinct botanical district. On the steep gravelly ridges bounding the valley of Owl Creek was first noticed a very remarkable species of Stanley a, distinguished from all other known species of this interesting genus by the dense tomentose covering of its stem and foliage, and the sharply hastate form of its leaves. I have accordingly named it Stanleya tomentosa , n. sp. (see appendix, No. 13). This plant, then (July 20), in the full glory of its dense spike of cream-colored flowers, formed a con- spicuous feature in the floral landscape. In this same locality was also found a new species of Phelipcea , which on account of its bright yellow color I have named Phelipcea lutea , n. sp. (see ap- pendix, No. 202). This plant, which is met with growing in close proximity to the allied species, Phelipcea faseiculata Nutt., fur- nished an opportunity for a direct comparison of fresh living speci- mens, thus affording a more satisfactory means of distinguishing specific difference than could be derived from the dry faded plants. Along the borders of a dry ravine was collected a yellow flowered Astragalus with nearly mature fruit. This, on a cursory view, I ( 105 ) 12 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. noted as a form of A. flavus Nutt., previously collected on Green River. Prof. Gray, to whom specimens were sent under the above name, recognized its distinct character. I have therefore ventured to compliment the actual discoverer, as well as the chief elucidator of this difficult genus of western North American plants, by nam- ing it Astragalus Grayi , n. sp. (see appendix). A side trip by a detached topographical party to the rugged peak named by Capt. Jones u Washakee’s Needles ” revealed, in a few fragments brought back by the party, a more distinct alpine flora than any yet seen, including TJouglasia montana Gray, and a most singular depressed Townsendia , wfltli its large single heads immersed in a globular mass of lanulose coated leaves. This, as far as the imperfect material affords the means of judging, is probably an undescribed species, to which the name of Townsendia condensate i, n. sp., may be provisionally applied. In the lower mountain ranges there is a succession of charming subalpine meadows, set off with limpid lakes and traversed by clear ice-cold brooks, which, among other well known plants, furnished the following additions to our list, viz : Astragalus oroboides Hornem., (Enothera breviflora Ton*, and Gra} r , Aplopappus inuloides Torr. and Gray, Artemisia incompta Nutt., and the singularly neat European species Myosotis alpestris L. In the valley of Stinking Water (a most inappropriate name for a clear mountain stream abounding in the finest trout), at a single locality, was collected the rare Chenopodiaceous plant character- ized by Dr. Torrey as Enclolepis Suckleyi Torr. This, in the un- published revision of- this family by Mr. S. Watson, is to be included in the genus Atriplex ( A . Endolepis Watson, ined.). The excellent figure of this plant in Vol. xii, pi. 3, of u Pacific Railroad Reports,” only fails to represent the straggling habit, densely divaricate branches and the blistered, mealy-dusted leaves of this species. It seems to affect a peculiar soil, so strongly impreg- nated with saline ingredients as to be entirely bare of all other vegetation. In our course up the valley of Stinking Water there was little of botanical interest to attract the attention. The prevalent rocks were composed of a coarse igneous conglomerate, which weathered into the most fantastic shapes, presenting on either hand sharp pinnacles, toppling columns and chimney peaks ; but the uniform- ity of soil derived from its disintegration was unfavorable to a rich development of floral forms. We accordingly note briefly the ( 106 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. 13 following as most abundant and characteristic : Arenaria pun- gens Nutt., var. Astragalus microcystis Gra}^, Heuchera cylindrica Doug]., Bahia leucophylla DC., Steplianomeria paniculata Nutt. On reaching the upper portion of this valley, becoming more densely wooded, and frequently spreading out into open, grassy parks, a much more attractive and varied flora is brought to view. The pine woods, composed almost exclusively of Pinus contorta , with scattering trees of Abies grandis , and in the drier mountain slopes of Abies Douglasii , overshadow thick moss-bedded festoons of Linncea borealis , associated with Pyrola minor L., and occa- sionally the more peculiar western form of Pyrola dentcita Hook. Here too occurs abundantly Antennaria racemosa Hook., with sterile and fertile plants growing in distinct plots ; scanty speci- mens were also collected of what is probably the little known An- tennaria luzuloides Torr. and Gray. Everywhere on the moist, wooded* slopes is a thick undergrowth of Vaccinium myrtilloides Mx. Rhamnus is represented by the well known northern form of Rhamnus alnifolius L. Her., and on the margins of ice-cold springs we meet with Mimulus moscliatus Dougl. In ascending the higher mountain peaks, the rocky crags are brilliantly adorned with clumps of Pentstemon deustus Dougl., or the more showy Pentstemon Menziesii Hook. Along the borders of alpine brooks, together with the wide-spread Mertensia Sibirica Dougl., we meet with the showy Mimulus Lewisii Ph., so interesting in its associa- tion with the early explorer Lewis. Mitella trijida Gray is here found associated with the more common Mitella, pentandra Hook. In similar localities, strangely remote from their original habitat, we meet with Zauschneria Californica Presl and Kellogia galioides Torr. ! Near the bald alpine summits, where the ground is satu- rated from the recent melting of snow-drifts, grows the “Cali- fornia heath,” Bryantlius empetriformis Gray, and here also at the most eastern locality yet noted was found a dwarf form of Spraguea umbellata Torr. The occurrence of so many peculiar Californian forms in such an isolated locality on the Atlantic slope is very suggestive. On the high alpine crest at the head of Stinking Water, over- looking to the west the Yellowstone basin and its magnificent lake, a more alpine flora is exhibited, though composed mainly of dwarfed forms of plants met with lower down, as may be seen from the following list, noted down August 2, viz : Arabis Drum- ( 107 ; 14 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. mondii Gray, Arab is canescens Nutt., Draba alpina L., SmelowsTda calycina C. A. Mey., Arenaria arctica Stev., Ivesm Gordoni Torr. and Gray, Potentilla dissecta Pursh, Astragalus alpinus L., Astrag- alus Kentrophyta Gray, Lupinus minimus Dougl., Sedum stenope- talum Ph., Townsendia (not determined as to species. No. 145), Erigerpn compositum Ph., Senecio canus Hook., Achillea millefolium L., Phlox Douglasii Hook., Polemonium humile var. (P. parvifolium Nutt.), Mertensia alpina Dougl., Myosotis alpestris L., Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. In a concluding article, the general botanical features of Yel- lowstone Park and the head waters of Snake and Wind Rivers will be considered. ( 108 ) 3Srnm.T3er 3. The very full botanical list contained in Hayden’s Reports for 1871-72 includes most of the plants met with in the Upper Yel- lowstone basin, being comprised within the limits of the Yellow- stone National Park. But as no attempt is made in the above reports to present the subject in its physiographical aspects, and the list as a whole embraces plants derived from other distinct botanical districts, I propose to continue the itinerary sketch of the botanical features presented on our route, noting the charac- teristic, peculiar, or undescribed plants as they are cursorily brought to view. The elevated, irregular and bare mountain ridges that bound the Upper Yellowstone basin on the east command by far the finest prospect of this remarkable district. In approaching from any other direction, the distant view is mainly shut off by the dense pine forests that almost continuously cover the adjoining country ; but from the Stinking Water divide, reaching above the timber line, the unobstructed view takes in the whole scope of adjoining woodland, the broad expanse of the lake with its deeply indented shores and rocky islets, and on a clear morning wreaths of misty fog, which, rising here and there out of the forest depths, reveal the locality of steam jets or boiling springs. On leaving these attractive heights to plunge into the sombre forests, we soon lose the peculiar subalpine flora, which gives place to more common woodland forms. Aquilegia Jlavescens of Watson is especially abundant with its loose straggling habit and light yellow blossoms, less showy than most species of this attractive genus. Ledum glandulosum Nutt, is here noticed for the first time on our route, forming bushy clumps with laurel-shaped leaves, and scant clustered heads of wdiitc flowers. Erytlironium grandijlorum Pursh here presents in form and habit an exact western counterpart, on a larger scale, of our well known eastern species. Mosses and wood lichens in greater pro- 075) (15) 16 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. fusion and variety indicate a moister climate ; and along the borders of innumerable springs and ice-cold brooks grow the ordinary forms before noticed, including species of Cardctmine , Saxifraga , Mitella , Mimulus , Mertensia , Habenaria , etc., etc. The absence of any well-marked trails, and the annoying ob- struction of fallen timber, obliging frequent detours, are apt to confuse the sense of direction even in those most experienced in wood-craft, and frequent reference to the compass is necessary to maintain a direct course. It is therefore a great relief, both to man and animals, to emerge occasionally into open grassy valleys, which offer something else to engage the e}^e and thought more pleasantly than dodging the scraggy branches of overhanging pine trees, or devising the best way of escape from a perfect maze of fallen trees. To the botanist especially these little open parks afford the most satisfactory field for observation and collection, however seriously interfered with by the persistent annoyances of insect pests. The Graminese here brought to view comprise the ordinary northern forms, including Plileum alpinum L., Vilfa as- per i folia Nees and Meyen, Agrostis scabra Willd., Muhlenberg ia Mexicana Trin., Calamagrostis Canadensis Beauv., Calamagrostis Lapponica Trin., Kceleria cristata Pers., Melica bulbosa Geyer., Poa Andina Nutt., Festuca ovina L., Bromus breviari status Thur- ber, Triticum cegiopoides Turcz, etc., etc. The Cvperaceae are represented by Eriophorum polystachyon L., Carexrigida Good., C. Jamesii Torr., C. Douglasii Boott, C. aquatilis Wahl., C. Ray- noldsii Dewey, C. leporina L. and (7. tenuirostris Olney, ined. On reaching the shore of Yellowstone Lake the great variety of exposure bordering this magnificent body of water, at an eleva- tion of seven thousand four hundred feet above the sea level, added material attractions to the native flora. High bluff banks here alternate with stretches of sandy or gravelly beach, while numerous inland lagoons, frequently heated by boiling springs, maintain a local temperature often too high for the ordinary phae- nogamous plants. When, however, this source of internal heat is properly tempered, there is induced a profuse hot-bed growth. But the specific forms are not materially different from those else- where exhibited. Strikingly conspicuous among less showy plants were the profuse blossoms of Oentiana detonsa Fries, presenting flowers of unusual size, and streaked with the most delicate shades of azure blue. A peculiar form of Pentstemon secundijlorus Behth. ( 176 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. 17 was equally distinguished by its brilliant colors and cultivated style of growth. Of other plants affecting such locations we may men- tion Spraguea umbellata Torr., Chcenactis Douglasii Hook., E una- nus Fremontii DC., and, more singular in its associations with neglected fields and gardens, Brunella vulgaris L. and Scrophularia nodosa L. Another peculiar plant of this district is that characterized by Dr. Torrey in Hayden’s Report as a new genus of Lobeliacese, viz : Porter ella carnulosa Torr. By some inadvertence the syno- nym of the original plant, described in Botany of Beechey’s Voyage, page 362, under the name Lobelia carnosula H. and A, was quoted as Lobelia carnulosa H. and A., and the changed name adopted for the typical species of this proposed genus. It is still doubtful whether the distinguishing characters are sufficient to entitle this plant to generic rank as distinct from Lobelia. The localities in which it was invariably found were recently exsiccated pond-holes in open grassy valleys, which it adorned profusely with its deli- cate blue flowers ; it was here quite constantly associated with Nasturtium curvisiliqua Nutt. While searching in similar localities near the falls of the Yel- lowstone for fruiting specimens of the latter plant, my attention was directed to a dense subaquatic growth, occupying the basin of a shallow muddy pond. This proved to be Isoetes , which Dr. Engelmann, who has assiduously studied this difficult genus, has characterized under the name of Isoetes Bolanderi var. Parryi. (See Appendix, No. 307.) The numerous additions to this genus, lately made under the inspiring influence of Dr. Engelmann’s researches, show how largely dependent is the introductory work of the botanical collector on the supplementary labors of the herbarium botanist. On the elevated grassy slopes, which at different points afford an agreeable relief to the uniform forest growth, we invariably encounter a well marked subalpine flora in the prevalence of such attractive forms as the following, namely: Caltha leptosepala DC., Oxytropis nana Nutt.? Astragalus Kentropliyta Gray, Bu- pleurium ranunculoides L., Aster pulchellus DC. Eaton, Erigeron ursinum DC. Eaton, Aplopappus suffruticosus Gray, and Senecio amplectens Gray. At lower elevations the same open character of country, agreeably set off with copses of Abies grandis Lindl., afford a still larger number of interesting forms, including Ribes ( 177 ) 18 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. viscosissimum Pursh, Peucedanum leiocarpum Hook., Ligusticum scopulorum Gray, Lonicera ccerulea L., Aster conspicuus Lindl., A . integrifolius Nutt., A. elegans Torr. Gray, A . Engelmanni Gray, Senecio triangularis Hook., S. Andinus Nutt., Hieracium Scouleri Hook., Gaultheria myrsinites Hook., Ortliocarpus Parry i n. sp. Gray (see Appendix, No. 218), Echinospermum dejlexum Lehm., Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Cham., Fritillaria pudica Spreng., Calochortus eury carpus S. Watson, Botrychium simplex Hitchcock. At the head of Yellowstone Lake, fringing the muddy shores of one of its numerous inlets, was found in great abundance the well known European plant, Subidaria aquatica L. This has been regarded as one of the rarities on the American continent, and has been termed by Dr. Gray one of “the late lingerers” which has just managed to maintain its foothold in a few isolated New England lakes : but it seemed to be quite at home on the banks of the Yellowstone. While it is by no means unlikely, as sug- gested by Dr. Gray, that from its diminutive size and mode of growth, it may have been overlooked in intermediate localities, its occurrence here, in such profusion, so remote from any recognized connection with an ancestral source, is very suggestive in its bear- ing on the question of geographical distribution, and derivative origin of species. Certainly the localities on this continent where it might have persisted, if originally spread round the northern hemisphere, are sufficiently numerous not to leave such wide gaps as that between Maine and Wyoming ! Doubtless, as in other apparently unaccountable cases, future discovery either east or west will help to fill up this chasm. In the numberless ponds and lagoons which occur near the head of Yellowstone Lake only the usual forms of northern aquat- ic plants were noticed, including Ranunculus aquatilisJj ., Nuphar advena Ait., Utricularia vulgaris L., Lemna trisulca L., Typha lati- folia L., Sparganium simplex Huds., Zannichella palustris L., Potamogeton perfoliatus L. In none of these promising localities was I able to detect the Nuphar poly sepalum Engel., which seems singularly to affect iso- lated localities. The various confervoid growths and obscure vegetable organ- isms in connection with the numberless hot springs of this region will no doubt reward the special researches of the microscopical ( 178 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. 19 botanist with new and peculiar forms. Before taking final leave of the Yellowstone Park district, it may be proper to allude briefly to the character of the forest growth, so obtrusively forced on the attention of the traveller. Not less than ninety-nine per cent, of the pine growth of this district is made up of the single species, Pinus contorta Dougl. Mile after mile of continuous forest may be traversed without seeing any other arborescent species, and their tall, straight, uniform trunks and scattering foliage w T ill be always associated with the monotonous and dis- agreeable features of the park scenery. Only where the blazing camp-fire sends forth its grateful warmth to relieve the ordinary chill of a night temperature, where the thermometer in August ranges between 36 C F. and 14°F., do we realize a manifest utility in this wide-spread forest production. Occasionally, in low moist ground, the balsam {Abies grandis) comes in to vary the sombre scenery, and add a deeper gloom to these shaded recesses. On higher mountain ridges, Abies Engelmanni Parry makes its ap- pearance, always indicating an elevation of between eight thou- sand and nine thousand feet above the sea. With this latter is associated, as in the higher mountains farther south, Pinus flex ilis Torr., but at no point was seen in this district the more exclusively alpine form, Pinus Balfouriana Murray. Abies Menziesii LindL, which is credited to the park district in Prof. Porter’s list, was not seen by me, and as my attention was particularly directed to this subject of forest distribution, it could hardly have been overlooked. It is possible that some of the pe- culiar forms of Abies Engelmanii , in which the cones with their lengthened scales approach Abies Menziesii (though still plainly distinct), may have been mistaken in herbarium specimens for this latter species, which was not met with on our route after leaving Wind River valley. Our route from the southern head of Yellowstone Lake passed by an almost insensible grade to one of the numerous eastern branches of Snake River ; thence, skirting along the irregular mountain range to our left, we passed in full view of the Grand Tetons on our right, from which, making a sharp detour to the east, we reached a low divide at the head of Wind River. On this part of our route, being late in the season and on a hurried march, but little opportunity w r as afforded for botanizing. The general aspect of the flora, 'as judged from the autumnal forms, v r as ( 179 ) 20 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WTOMING. not materially different from other districts passed over in our previous route. Of plants not elsewhere noticed may be men- tioned Splicer alcea acerifolia Nutt, and Rudbeckia occidentalis Nutt. Near the summit of the high rocky peak overlookingl$nake and Wind River valleys was found a new species of Draba char- acterized by Dr. Gray, under the name of Draba ventosa n. sp. (see Appendix, No. 15) : also Aster montanus Rich, the latter only known from high northern collections in British America. From this accessible pass, by which the Yellowstone Park can be reached on a very direct route, we passed rapidly down the open valley of Wind River and reached our previous rendezvous at Camp Brown, on September 12th, after just two months’ absence. (180) Number -4r. The numbers are those affixed to the tickets in the distributed collection, and referred to in the preceding articles. 1 he charac- ters or descriptions which follow are by the botanists respectively whose names are appended to their several contributions, — in which the collector, having been summoned to a remote frontier, is able to take only a small part. 3 Aqhilegia Jonesii.— Acaulescent, minutely soft-pubescent; leaves all crowd- ed, and the persistent scale-like dilated bases of their petioles imbricated on the stout ascending branches of the rootstock, biternately divided; the primary divisions with very short if any partial petioles, and the secondary ones sessile or confluent at base, so that the nine small and ohovate entire leaflets or divisions are m a dense cluster; scape from one to at length three inches high, naked, exceeding the leaves, one-flowered, sepals and petals blue; the former oblong, exceeding the gradually tapering straightish spurs; styles long, exserted; pods turgid, reticulated, smooth.- In crevices of loose arenaceous limestone, on the summit of Phlox Mountain, forming close clusters. A remarkable and most distinct, very dwarf species, collected July 18 mostly out of flower, and with full-grown fruit; but a few blossoms were se- cured. The species is dedicated to Capt. W. A. Jones, U. S. Engineer, who first detected this interesting species, and to whose efficient aid as Commander of the expedition the botanical collection is largely indebted for its most valuable results. C. C. Parry. , . ^ 13. Stahleya tomentosa. — Very stout, white-villous or hirsute throughout (espe. cially the foliage and lower part of the stem) ; radical and lower leaves lyrate-pinnatifld in the manner of S. pinnatifida, the upper ones entire and hastate, passing into Ian- ( 211 ) ( 21 ) 22 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. ceolate and finally into subulate bracts for the lower flowers; raceme very dense and thick, cylindrical (becoming a foot or a foot and a half long), of almost innumer- able pale cream-colored flowers; pedicels in fruit about the length of the filiform stipe. — Owl Creek on dry slopes in gypseous soil. Biennial, perhaps sometimes peren- nial by offshoots, one to three feet high. Petals lanceolate, oblong, narrowest in the centre. Stigma green. — C. C. Pakry. Draba ventosa.— Depressed and ctespitose, branching from slender rootstocks, canescently tomentose throughout, the pubescence stellate; leaves crowded on the mostly tufted branches, spatulate oblong or obovate, entire, not rigid; peduncle in fruit exserted beyond the leaves, corymbosely 3-5-flowered ; petals golden yellow; silicle oval or orbicular, tomentulose-hirsute, tipped with a short distinct style. — On a high rocky peak overlooking Snake and Wind River valleys. The larger and laxer leafy shoots are an inch and a half or more in height; the denser shorter and in a close tuft. Leaves 3 to 5 or even 6 lines long, of soft and herbaceous texture, obtuse and pointless, tapering to the base; the pubescence wholly soft and stellate, the stellular tuft generally slender-stipitate. Scape or peduncle half an inch to nearly an inch in length when fully developed. Petals obovate or spatulate, 2 lines long. Silicle fully 2 lines wide, 2£ to 3£ lines long; the abrupt style half a line to nearly a line long. The foliage is not unlike that of the imperfectly known D. eurycarpa Gray, of the Sierra Nevada. — A. Gray. 65. Astragalus (Onobrychoides) ventorum Gray ms.— Somewhat canescent with short appressed hairs; the stems from a subterraneous perennial rootstock, erect, 4-6 inches high, flexuous, simple; stipules large and scarious, free from the petiole, united and amplexicaul; leaflets 4-8 pairs, broadly obovate, 4-6 lines long, rounded or retuse at the apex; racemes loose, short peduncled, equalling the leaves; flowers 5-6 lines long, light yellow, the tubular-campanulate calyx 3 lines Jong, with short setaceously tipped teeth ; legume sessile, slightly pubescent, turgid, oblong, 6-9 lines long, slightly curved, completely 2-celled, the ventral suture somewhat promi- nent and the dorsal slightly impressed.— Collected on Wind River; differing from the other species of the section in its habit, which is that of A. succumbens, in its yellowish flowers and larger legumes. — S. Watson. 75a. Astragalus (Pectinati) Grayi Parry ms— Distinguished from A. pectinatus by the broader leaflets, which are l-l^ inches long by H-2^ lines broad, quite strongly veined, and by the somewhat thinner pod, ascending instead of deflexed. The flowers are “ light yellow.” — On the gravelly ridges bordering Owl Creek valley. — S. Watson. 126. Aster (Ortiiomeris) Parryi.— A span high, hoary, with a thin loose tomen- tum; stems several from a rather woody rootstock, simple, the naked peduncle-like summit bearing a single large head; leaves spatulate, cuspidate; scales of the invol- ucre in two series, oblong-lanceolate, very much acuminate, cinereous-pubescent; rays numerous, white, over half an inch in length; akenes very white-villous. — A. Gray. 144. Townsendia Parryi. — Perennial, canescently pubescent; the caudex very short; leaves rosulate, obovate-spatulate, often apiculate, tapering into a petiole of about an inch in length; peduncles stout (2-4 inches long), solitary or several, some- what leaf-bearing below, naked above and bearing single large heads; scales of the in- volucre in 3 or 4 series, lanceolate, acute, herbaceous, with scarious lacerate-ciliate margins, the inner ones acuminate; rays bright blue, double the length of the invol- ucre; pappus the same in rays and disk, persistent, of stout and unequal barbellate bristles, a little longer than the akenes. — In the Wind River Range at 9,000 feet alt. (referred to as T. scapigera on p. 13). This very beautiful daisy is closely related to T. scapigera , and has much the same foliage and a similar pappus and achenium, but the heads are fully as large as those of T. grandiflora (1£ to 2 inches broad), are sup- ported on very stout stalks, and have the rays bright blue. The involucral scales are more pointed than in T. scapigera , and the leaves are usually apiculated, as they are not in the latter. With very fine specimens of the above, Dr. Parry has also collected T. spathulata Nutt. (Nos. 142 and 145), and a single plant of a very different species which he pro- poses to call ( 212 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING, 23 T. condensata (no number. See p. 108). — It has a proper caudex two inches long, marked with the scars of former leaves, and at the top bears a dense mass of small, oblong-spatulate, white-hairy leaves, and, buried among them, a single sessile head rather larger than that of T. sericea. The involucre is composed of numerous very narrow acuminate scales, which are lacerate-ciliate along the scarious margin. The pappus consists of rather long barbellate bristles, that of the (infertile?) rays similar but scantier. The rays are pale pink, and about eight lines long, and the disk-florets exceedingly numerous. Not having seen a specimen of Nuttall’s T. incana , I have some doubt as to whether this may not be his plant of that name. If not, it may prop- erly bear the name which Dr. Parry has proposed. It grew on a high peak in north- western Wyoming. — D. C. Eaton. 184. Aplopapplts (Stenotus) multicaulis.— Stenotus multicaulis Nutt., Torr. and Gray, Flora. Wind River. — An interesting rediscovery of this species, which seems to hold truly distinct from A. acaulis , which is also in the collection (157).— A. Gray. 150. Schkuhria integrifolia.— Hoary-puberulent, becoming glabra te ; scapiform flowering stems a span high from a branching caudex, leafy only at base, bearing one to four or flve loosely corymbose heads ; leaves alternate, thickish and coriaceous, oval or sometimes oblong, entire, lightly 3-nerved, abruptly narrowed into a slender peti- ole; scales of the hemispherical involucre 10-14, oblong-lanceolate, acute, shorter than the disk; floxyers yellow; rays 6-9, exserted, oblong, often 3-toothed ; akenes linear- cuneate and 4-angled; paleas of the pappus linear-lanceolate, hyaline, mucronate or short-awned by the excurrence of the stout midrib or else in the outermost flowers oblong and pointless. — Wind River valley, on high gypseous ridges. A narrow-leaved form of this ambiguous composita (var. oblongifolia) was collected by Prof. Newberry in McComb’s expedition several years ago, at “ San Juan ” (either in Utah or New Mexico); and Dr. Parry has now found it much farther north. The character here given is copied from a still unpublished revision which I have recently made of the genus, as now extended according to the views of Bentham in the Genera Plantarum, where it is made to include Achyropnppus (of which section we have S. NeO’Mexicana , S. Bigelowii , S. Woodhousei , S.pedata , and S. biternata , all but the first published by me under Bahia or Achyropnppus; and now the present species adds a peculiar section, Platy sclikuhria , with perennial root, peculiar foliage and habit, but the head and flowers of Achyropnppus. — A. Gray. 153. Arnica ParrYi. — About a foot high, hirsute and glandular ; stem simple, naked above, bearing (excepting bracts) only one or two pairs of cauline leaves and l w 5 rather small heads; radical and lowest cauline leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate with obtuse or acute base tapering into a short margined petiole, lightly 3-5-pliveined, acutely denticulate ; the others small and sessile or bract-like; lateral peduncles short; involucre somewhat turbinate; rays none; akenes almost glabrous: pappus densely barbellate in the manner of A. mollis. — A. angustifolia , var. discoidea latifolia Gray in Sill. Jour. 33, p. 238. A . angustifolia , var. eradiata Gray in Proc. Acad. Philad., 1863, p. 68. Mountains of Colorado (Parry, Hall and Harbour, Greene), and now found by Dr. Parry in Wyoming. Rev. Mr. Nevius sends a specimen from the mountains in Oregon. Allied on one hand to A. mollis, on the other to broad leaved forms of A. alpina. Seemingly a well marked species in a genus the species of which are hard to limit.*— A. Gray. 156. Arnica foliosa Nutt— A. Chamissonis Torr. and Gray, in part. This is a dwarf and less downy form of a species which abounds from the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, in the latter region passing into var. incana , a densely white-tomen- * Our North American species throughout appear to have yellow anthers and more or less hairy corolla-tube, — except the two peculiar to Unalaska and the other Aleutian Islands, which have blackish anthers. Both were collected by Harrington and Dali in the exploration under the command of the latter; and they seem to be distinct, although Herder has lately combined them. A. Unalaschkensis has the tube of the corolla wholly glabrous. This is said to be the case in the original description of A. obtusifolia Less., but in our specimens the many jointed hairs common in the genus certainly occur. The A. Chamissonis of Schmidt’s Flora Sachaliensis has the same dark anthers, and in foliage also differs considerably from the original A. Chamissonis. — A. Gray. ( 213 ) 24 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING. tose variety. It is Nuttall’s A.foliosa , which I had referred to A. Chamissonis, incor- rectly, as I am now convinced, but all these species seem to run together inextricably. NuttalPs name is a good one, and so, on the whole, is the species which on a survey of the genus it seems necessary to revive. — A. Gray. 202. Phelipjea (Aphyllon) lutea. — Resembles P. fasciculata; but the whole plant is of a light yellow color and more glandular-hairy; peduncles only about twice the length of the flower; corolla sulphur-yellow.— Dry and sandy hillsides, Owl Creek; parasitic on roots of grasses — C. C. Parry". 215. Pedicularis Parryi Gray, var. purpurea. — Abundant in pine woods at the foot of Yellowstone Lake. I do not find any marked characters to distinguish this from Pedicularis Parryi of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, except the larger dull purple flowers, the lanulose-ciliate bracts, filaments slightly hairy, and leaves more sharply serrate, with the divisions broader and less divaricate. — C. C. Parry". 218. Orthocarpus Parryi. — Differs from O. pallescens Gray in somewhat greater height (almost a foot high) and in the close and shoit cinereous pubescence; corolla broader and yellowish, its more decidedly trlsaccate lower lip equalling in length the broad galea, its 3 lobes equal, oval, obtuse, about the length of the saccate portion.— Pacific Springs, etc. Flowers 7 lines long; the lower rather distant, in the axils of green and foliaceous laciniate-pinnatifid bracts; calyx 2-cleft to the middle, nearly equalling the yellowish corolla and apparently slightly yellowish.— A. Gray. Carex tenuirostrts Olney.— Spike ovate or nearly round (8-11 mm. long, 7-10 wide), composed of 5-10 or more spikelets in a dense head staminate at the base; bracts short, leafy, lower margins hyaline; stigmas 2; perigynium narrow, ovate, lanceolate (3*2 mm long, *8 mm. wide), tapering to a very slender beak with an obliquely cut mem- branous orifice fringed at top, faintly nerved, doubly serrate and winged on the margins from the base of the oblique cut to half way down, longer than the entire ovate acute hyaline green nerved scale (2-2*1 mm. long, 1-1*5 broad), never hispid ; achenium straw colored, oblong, stiped (1*4 mm. long, *6 mm. wide). — Stipe 4 mm. long; achenium 1*4 mm. ; style 2*2 mm. ; stigmas *8-4*8 mm. ; root fibrous, culm 6-8 cm. high, leaves flat ; margin finely serrated, rough and pointed at top, narrow, and shorter than culm. It resembles Carex Haydeniana in size, leaves and general aspect. It differs in the color of its spikes, its bracts, but principally in its perigynium Which is narrower, and in its orifice fringed at top, and in this differing from its other close ally C. leporina and from C.festiva more remote. From C.festiva it differs as indicated, and in the wings and serratures of the perigynium not extending to the base.— S. T. OlnEY. 307. Isoetes Bolanderi Engelm.— 1 Trunk deeply 2-lobed ; leaves (5-20, 2-4£ in. long) 4-angled, slender, tapering to a very fine point, bright green, soft; epidermis cells elongated; with stomata, but without peripherical bast bundles; sporocarp mostly oblong, covered about \ or \ by the velum, unspotted; macrospores (0*30-0*45 mm. wide) beset with minute points and wrinkles; microspores (0*026-0*31 mm. long) more or less papillose or spinulose, deep brown.— In ponds and shallow lakes on the Sierra Nevada of California, at an altitude of 5,000-10,000 feet, “ scattered or rarely in small patches ” (Tuolumne, Mount Dana, Mono-trail, Cisco, Mary’s Lake, H. Boland er, 1866 and 1870), and on the Rocky Mountains, “densely csespitose (Yellowstone Lake 7,400 feet alt. C. C. Parry, No. 307, 1873). - This species represents in the western mountain regions our eastern wide-spread Isoetes echinospora var. Braunii , and the very local I. sacdharatct. Both collectors found it growing in soft mud covering gravel, and always submerged, but the abun- dant stomata would seem to indicate that the plant, at times, vegetates out of water. Leaves very slender, lines in diameter in the lower third, very broad winged below and towards the base. The minute, mostly pointed warts on the macrospores are often confluent, and then represent short wormlike wrinkles; in some specimens I find them almost obliterated. The specimens from Yellowstone Lake are characterized by rather smaller macrospores (O-2S-0 38 mm. wide) and a little smaller (0 026 -0*029 mm.) almost smooth microspores, and may be distinguished as var. Parryi. The only other species of Isoetes, thus far found in the western mountains and on the Pacific slope, are: Isoetes pygm^a Engelm.— Very submerged, few (5-10), short (| to 1 inch), stout, ( 214 ) BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMING, 25 rapidly tapering dark -green leaves, with very short, often even square epidermis cells, without stomata or bast-bundles; circular sporocarp with a very narrow velum; ma- crospores 0*36-0*50 mm. wide, marked with smaller and more regular, rarely confluent, rather sharp points; microspores (0 024-0 027 mm. long) brown, very minutely papillose or almost smooth.— In large patches in mud, covering gravel, deeply submerged in running water, on the Mono-trail, eastern declivity of the Sierra Nevada, 7000 feet alt., H. Bolander, 1866. Closely allied to the last species, distinguished by its stout, short leaves without stomata, and the markings of the larger macrospores, etc.; in many respects near I. lacustris. Isoetes Nuttallii A. Eraun in litt. — Terrestrial, trunk scarcely lobed; leaves (20-60, 3-7 in. long) 3-angled, slender, Arm, erect, light-green, with numerous stomata and 3 peripherical bast-bundles; sporocarp mostly oblong, entiVely covered by the ve- lum; macrospores (0*35-0*52 mm. wide) densely covered with minute but prominent, rounded warts; microspores (0 025-0*028 mm. long) papillose, deep brown.— On damp flats or springy declivities in Oregon; on the Columbia, Th. Nuttall. 1833; Camass Prairies of the Coeur d’Aleines, Clis> Geyer , 1843; Willamette valley, E. Hall , No. 693, 1871. Thin but firm leaves, as most land Isoetes have, with three strong bast-bundles corresponding to the 3 angles. Trunk rhombic in transverse section, only super- ficially divided by a shallow groove into two lobes. Closely allied to I. melanopoda of the Mississippi Valley, which Mr. Hall lately discovered also in Texas, but resem- bling in the velum the two Florida species I.Jlaccida and I. Chapmani. Isoetes echinospora Dur., var. Braunii Engelm.— In the Uintah Mountains, at 9500 feet alt., S. Watson. The westernmost and the highest known locality of this species.— ‘G. Engelmann. iEciDitiM PsorAle^e.— Spots none; peridia abundant, generally occupying all the lower surface of the leaf, rarely a few on the upper surface, short margin crenulate; spores sub-globose and sub-elliptical, brownish yellow when fresh, yellowish when dry, *0007-* 0008 inch long.— Parasitic on leaves of Psoralea jloribunda, Colorado Ter- ritory.— C. H. Pec!K. iEciDiUM Parryi.— Spots none; peridia usually occupying all the lower surface of the leaf, prominent, bright-colored, margin subentire; spores subglobose, bright chrome yellow, *0008-*0009 inch in diameter.— Parasitic on leaves of SmelowsJcia calycina Meyer. Wyoming Territory.— C. H. Peck. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 581 97386P24B C001 BOTANICAL OBSERVATIONS IN WESTERN WYOMIN 3 0112 009952737