LX- i q is Xirtcoln Hmverstts i V COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 1918 ' ! V ,■ . ; ;■ M ft • ;« Xtncoln inmversit^ COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 1918 PRESS OF ?HE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. 1918 PREFACE Up to and including the year 1907-08 it was customary to print a list of the graduates of the College and of the Theological Seminary in the annual issues of the University catalogue. In the year 1912 there was issued a Statistical Catalogue of the Stu- dents of the Collegiate and Theological Departments of Lincoln University. Of this catalogue the present publication, with the name changed to Biographical Catalogue, is a second edition, re- vised and corrected so far as possible to date. Several new features should be noticed. The students are ar- ranged not alphabetically (except in the general index at the back), nor by year of matriculation, but in their proper classes, although in some cases, especially with the first few classes, it has been impossible, owing to lack of records, to make an accurate classification. The classes have been divided into two parts, those who completed the course and received a degree, and those who did not. In the case of the latter the letter b is printed after their names in the general index at the back. A compact system of abbreviations has been adopted which it is thought will be self- explanatory. The biographical notes are printed once with each name, viz., where it is mentioned in the department, college or theological seminary, first attended. Thanks are given to the professors, alumni, and students who have helped in the compilation of the present volume. An effort has been made to make everything as accurate as possible. Cor- rections and additions should be reported at once to the under- signed. Lincoln University, Pa., April 12, 1918. John B. Rendall. TRUSTEES Incorporators of Ashmun Institute, 1854 Rev. John M. Dickey, D.D. Rev. Alfred Hamilton, D.D. Rev. Robert Peel Dubois Rev. James Latta Rev. John B. Spottswood, D.D. Rev. James M. Crowell, D.D. Samuel J. Dickey John M. Kelton William Wilson Trustees of Lincoln University, 1865 to 1916 Sleeted Resigned or 1865 Rev. John Miller Dickey, D.D 1878 Rev. John B. Spottswood, D.D 1872 Rev. William R. Bingham, D.D 1903 Hon. William E. Dodge 1886 Rev. E. P. Rogers, D.D 1867 Rev. Ezra E. Adams, D.D 1867 Rev. Thomas McCauley, D.D 1903 Rev. Richard Newton, D.D 1868 Rev. E. N. Kirk, D.D 1867 Maj.-Gen. 0. 0. Howard 1873 Hon. Edwin D. Morgan 1869 Bishop M. Simpson, D.D 1869 Rev. Howard Malcolm, D.D 1872 Rev. Samuel C. Logan, D.D 1872 Rev. Andrew Boyd Cross, D.D 1890 Rev. William M. Paxton, D.D 1867 Rev. John Chester, D.D 1872 Samuel J. Dickey 1868 John M. Kelton 1869 William C. Spruance 1870 1 2 Lincoln University i Elected Resigned or Died 1867 Rev. Frank B. Hodge, D.D. . . ' 1872 Rev. J. H. Suydam 1872 Rev. Isaac N. Rendall, D.D 1912 Rev. T. J. Shepherd 1872 1868 Rev. Francis R. Masters, D.D 1874 Alexander Whildin 1895 William A. Ingham 1872 1869 Rev. Albert Barnes 1871 Rev. George S. Mott, D.D 1903 Rev. M. C. Sutphen 1874 James W. Weir 1870 1870 James Hawley 1874 Gen. E. M. Gregory . .' 1872 1872 Ravaud K. Hawley 1885 Henry B. Harvey 1880 Rev. Samuel Dickey 1884 Charles P. Turner 1873 Rev. John L. Withrow, D.D 1876 Rev. Beriah B. Hotchkiss, D.D 1880 Henry Disston 1878 Ephraim Saunders 1873 Rev. Nathan G. Parke, D.D 1904 1873 Gen. James A. Beaver 1911 Samuel Small 1876 Theodore Strong 1876 J. S. Helfenstein 1880 1874 William G. Moorehead 1880 1875 Rev. Henry E. Niles, D.D 1901 Rev. Stephen W. Dana, D.D 1911 1876 Rev.' Charles A. Dickey, D.D 1886 Rev. Calvin W. Stewart, D.D 1892 Rev. James Roberts, D.D 1886 1879 Rev. Henry H. Welles 1895 Rev. Benjamin T. Jones, D.D 1885 1880 Hon. Joseph Allison, LL.D 1896 Henry B. Essick 1885 Adam C. Eckfeldt 1894 1885 Rev. James T. Leftwich, D.D 1894 Reuben J. Fi.ick 1891 Biographical Catalogue 3 Elected Resigned or Died Charles E. Yail 1887 1886 George E. Dodge 1892 Rev. Elliott E. Swift, D.D 1889 John M. C. Dickey 1909 1887 Rev. William A. Holliday, D.D 1888 Rev. Melanchthon W. Jacobus, D.D. 1906 1891 Rev. John M. Galbreatpi, D.D 1915 1892 Rev. George T. Purves, D.D 1899 Walter Carter 1898 1894 Rev. Robert Sample, D.D 1906 1895 Thomas W. Synnott William H. Scott Charles B. Adamson 1899 H. C. Gara 1911 J. Frank Black John P. Ammidon 1907 1900 J. Everton Ramsey 1903 Rev. John R. Davies, D.D 1913 William H. Yail, M.D 1904 Rev. F. Cornwell Jennings 1907 Rev. Howard Duffield, D.D 1911 Samuel Ralston Dickey 1906 Rev. Robert Watson, D.D James L. Twaddell 1914 1907 Rev. John B. Rendall, D.D 1908 Rev. John B. Laird, D.D Rev. W. T. L. Kieffer, D.D 1913 1909 Rev. John C. Calhoun, D.D 1910 Rev. Malcolm J. McLeod, D.D 1911 Rev. Calvin C. Hayes, D.D Henry L. Davis 1912 Rev. William L. McEwan, D.D 1913 Rev. William C. Robinson, D.D 1914 Rev. George H. Turner, D.D Arthur T. Parke Elected 1857 1860 1865 1906 Elected 1866 1868 1868 1869 1868 1871 1872 1873 1874 1883 1885 THE FACULTY Presidents Kesigned or Died Rev. John Pym Carter 1861 Rev. John Wynne Martin, D.D 1865 Rev. Isaac N. Rendall, D.D 1906 Rev. John B. Rendall, D.D Professors Resigned or Died Rev. Lorenzo Westcott, D.D 1871 Mathematics Rev. Edwin R. Bower, D.D 1883 Systematic Theology Rev. E. E. Adams, D.D 1873 Belles Lettres Rev. Gilbert T. Woodhull, D.D 1898 Greek Samuel B. Howell, M.D 1881 Natural Science Rev. John B. Rendall, D.D Latin Rev. Thomas W. Cattell, D.D 1887 Mathematics Rev. Clement C. Dickey 1878 Hebrew Rev. Casper Robue Gregory, D.D. . . 1881 Rhetoric Rev. Benjamin T. Jones, D.D 1893 Rhetoric and English Bible Rev. Eliakim T. Jeffers, D.D 1890 Systematic Theology Rev. David E. Shaw 1893 Hebrew and History Rev. Samuel A. Martin, D.D 1895 Rhetoric 4 Biographical Catalogue 5 Elected Resigned or Died 1887 J. Craig Miller, M.D Natural Science 1890 Rev. Robert Laird Stewart, D.D. ... 1913 Pastoral Theology 1893 Rev. J. Aspinwall Hodge, D.D 1901 English Bible Walter L. Wright Mathematics Rev. William D. Kerswill, D.D. ... 1905 Hebrew and History 1895 Rev. George B. Carr, D.D Rhetoric and Homiletics 1899 Rev. Malcolm J. McLeod, D.D 1900 Greek Rev. James L. Reed 1901 English 1900 Rev. Samuel Dickey 1903 Greek 1901 Rev. John M. Galbreath, D.D 1914 English Bible 1902 Rev. David A. McWilliams 1904 History and Sociology Rev. George Johnson, Ph.D Theology and Philosophy 1903 Rev. William Hallo ck Johnson, DD. Greek 1905 Rev. James Carter History and Sociology 1906 Rev. Frank H. Ridgely, PhD 1917 Hebrew 1910 Rev. William P. Finney, D.D English 1914 Rev. W. T. L. Kiepfer, D.D Pastoral Theology Harold F. Grim • Biology Rev. Samuel C. Hodge English Bible 1917 Rev. Robert M. Labaree, D.D Hebrew STUDENTS 1868 # Baker, Hiram — ’68 AB. Min Presb, Rome, G?t. Hedges, Peter P — ’68 AB. Min Presb, Baltimore, Md. Johns, Beading Beatty — ’68 AB. B, Doylestown, Pa, Ap 9 ’40, son of Israel Simon Johns (1807-1854) and Cornelia Evans. Prep, Acad, Doylestown, Pa, and under Rev Henry Edward Spayd, Solebury, Pa; Ashmun Institute, ’59-63; Prince- ton Theo Sem, ’63-66; ’68 AB. Ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, ’65-66; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 18 ’66; ss Siloam ch, Elizabeth, ’66-67; p Madison St ch, Baltimore, Md, ’67-68; p Talcott St Cong ch, Hartford, Ct, ’68-73; p 1st African Presb ch, Philadelphia, ’73-79; p Mt Zion Cong ch, Cleveland, O, ’79-80; p Shiloh Presby ch, New York City, ’82-85; p AME ch, Bristol, Pa, ’86-87; p Reading, ’87-88; p Jackson St Cong ch, Nashville and GoodlettSville, Tenn, ’88-89; p Jackson St miss, ’89-90; p Jackson, Miss, ’90-92; ev, Am Miss Ass, ’88-06; Cong state ev, NC, ’06-13; p Hope Cong ch, Am- herst, Mass, ’13- ; taught school, Princeton, NJ, Jackson, Miss, Dud- ley, NC; chaplain of Conn Legislature; moderator of Presby of Phila- delphia; president of Philadelphia Presby Ministers Meeting. Mar (1) My 2 ’65, Mary Ellen Huston (d, Dc 7 ’77), Princeton, NJ, 6 children; (2) Oc ’79, Maria C Barney, Byberry, Pa, 3 children. Add, Box 534, Amherst, Mass. Johnson, William Decker — ’68 AB. Robinson, Clement C — ’68 AB. Vanhorne, Mahlon — ’68 AB. Min Cong; US Consul, Liberia. 1869 ^Carter, John F — ’69 AB. ^Gipson, Stephen B — ’69 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Hedges, Charles— ’69 AB. Min Presb, Baltimore, Md. * Johnson, William L — ’69 AB ; DD. Min Presb, Orangeburg, SC. Miller, Wm H — ’69 AB. Tea, Lexington, Va. Biographical Catalogue 7 Morris, William H — ’69 AB; sem ’69- DD. Min Epis, Brooklyn, NY. *Nocho, Jacob R — ’69 AB. Bus, Greensboro, NC. # Schenk, Thomas Lavender — ’69 AB. B, Nv 14 ’45, Princeton, NJ; ’65-69 AB (’72 AM); ’69-71, prin, Freedman’s Sch, Columbia, Tenn; ’75-76, clerk to Finan Sec, AME ch; bus, Princeton, NJ. Add, Princeton, NJ. # Thomas, William H — ’69 AB. B, New York, NY, ’47. Prep, pub sch, New York, ’65-69, AB, AM, DD. Special stud Princeton Theo Sem; DD Wilberforce Univ; p AME ch, Brooklyn, NY, Buffalo, NY, Albany, NY, Newport, El, Providence, RI, Philadelphia, Pa (Mother Bethel AME ch) ; vice-pres Miss Bd AME ch (10 yrs). Mar Eliza Gray (1811-1902); 5 children. D, Philadelphia, Pa, Fb ’03. ^Thompson, Joseph S — ’69 AB. Min ME, Philadelphia, Pa. Adams, Garrett S — ’65-. Tea, Brooklyn, NY. Brown, George A — ’65-. Tea, Franklinton, NC. Brown, Hezekiah Melanchthon — ’65-. B, ’37, Baltimore, Md, son of Thomas Brown and Martha ; ’65. Mar Marion Jones Talbirt (d, J1 17 ’96), Mr 23 ’68, Savannah, Ga; 12 children. Add, RFD 2, Box 73, Savannah, Ga. *Stevenson, John W — ’65-. Min AME, Wilmington, Del. 1870 # Bampfield, Samuel J — ’70 AB. Clerk of court; memb Legis; Beaufort, SC. *Brooks, William F — ’70 AB. Min Presb; prof Biddle Univ. *Cole, Jacob H— ’70 AB. Min Cong, New York, NY. *Dickerson, William F — ’70 AB. Min ME; bishop; Woodbury, NJ. * Gould, Jesse — ’70 AB. Grimke, Archibald Henry — ’70 AB. B, A g 17 ’49, near Charleston, SC, son of Henry Grimke (b, ’18; AB Univ of SC; d, Sp 28 ’52) and Nancy Weston (b, Charleston, SC, ’ll (?); d, Washington, DC, Fb 23 ’95); ’66- ’70 AB; instructor, 8 Lincoln University 70-72, and part of time librarian; *70 -'74, Law Sch Harvard Univ LLB; Con Gen of USA • Sto Domingo ( ’94- *98) ; memb London Anthropological Club; Anthropological League of America; American Social Science Assn; pres Am Negro Acad; pres Fred Douglass Mem and Hist Assn; vice-pres and dir NAACiP; ’82- ’85, edit historical newspaper; ’91- ’92, special correspondent Boston Herald and Travel- ler. Author of Wm Lloyd Garrison the Reformer; Charles Sumner, the Scholar in Politics, in the American Reformer Series, published by Funk and Wagnalls; A Eulogy of Wendell Phillips; many occasional papers, mag articles and addresses. Mar, Ap 19 ’79, Sarah Eliza Stanley (d, Ag 25 *98, Santa Barbara, Cal) ; 1 child. Add, 1415 Corcoran St, Washington, DC. Grimke, Francis James — ’70 AB. B, Nv 4 ’50, near Charleston, SC; brother of preceding, ’66-70 AB; ’73-74, Law Dept LU ; Princeton Theo Sem, 75-78, grad; HU Law Dept, ’84- ’85; J1 7 78, ord, Pby Washington City; 78- ’85, p 15th St ch, Washington, DC; ’85- ’89, ss Laura St ch, Jacksonville, Fla; Mr ’89, p 15th St ch, Washington, DC; ’88 DD, LU. Author of pamphlets, The Negro: His Rights and Wrongs; The Forces for Him and Against Him; The Lynching of Negroes in the South: Its Causes and Remedy; Equality of Rights for All Citizens, Black and White alike, etc. Mar, Dc 19 78, Charlotte Forten (d, J1 23 '’14, Washington, DC), Washington, DC; 1 child. Add, 1415 Corcoran St, Washington, DC. Tembrook, Isaac B — ’70 AB. * Templeton, William R — ’70 AB ; sem ’71- Min Presb, Reading, Pa. # Waters, James C. — ’70 AB. Min ME, Germantown, Pd. Davis, James C — ’66- *Fleet, James H — ’66- Min Presb, Lynchburg, Ya. Garnett, Henry S — ’66-. Harmon, Eli S — ’66- *Henderson, George R — ’66- Phys, New York, NY. Mahan, William P — ’66-. Mills, James W P — ’66-. Moss, William T — ’66-. Bus, Chicago, 111. Murray, A A — ’66-. Price, William K — ’66-. Smith, Robert F — ’66- Biographical Catalogue 9 Thompson, Gabriel S — ’66- Min ME, Savannah, Ga. Wayman, Walter A — ’66- WORTHINGTON, C E — ’66-. 1871 *Brooks, Robert P — ’71 AB. Lawy, Bichmond, Va. *Cain, Thomas W — ’71 AB. Min Epis, Galveston, Tex; d, drowned in Galveston flood, Sp 8 ’00. Fry, Henry B — ’71 AB. Tea, Bastrop, Tex. Hill, Joshua — ’71 AB. Howard, James W — ’71 AB. Laws, William F — ’71 AB. Min ME; pres Paul Quinn College, Waco, Tex. Lynch, William A — ’71 AB. Min AME, New Haven, Conn. Morris, James W — ’71 AB. Min Epis, Boston, Mass. Mossell, Charles W — ’71 AB. Min Meth; Min of USA to Hayti ( ). Add, Norfolk, Ya. *Racks, William H — ’71 AB. Tea, Conowingo, Md. Thompson, Richard G — ’71 AB. Bishop, Joseph — ’67- Tea, Camden, NJ. Brown, Alexander H — ’67-. Bus, Pittsburgh, Pa. Coles, William — ’67- Min Presb, Aiken, SC. *Cuff, Thomas A — ’67- Min AMEB, Bridgeton, NJ. Frisby, David A — ’67- Green, George W — ’67-. Jackson, Winifield — ’67- Little, William H — ’67-. Bus, Chambersburg, Pa. Martin, Lemuel — ’67-. 10 Lincoln University Maxwell, John B — ’67- Tea, Louisville, Ky. Nelson, Lewis— ’67-. Tea, Washington, DC. Owens, Merriweather — ’67-. Paynter, James L — ’67- Polk, Willis R — ’67-. Richardson, C S — ’67-. Robinson, George W — ’67-. Sadgwar, Daniel A — ’67-. Smith, Charles D — ’67-. Smith, Prince A — ’67- Still, William — ’67-. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Still, William H — ’67-. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Swann, Jeremiah B — ’67-. Min Presb, Lothian, Md. Young, James R — ’67- 1872 Aldridge, Joshua A — ’72 AB. Phys, Charlotte Court House, Va. Brooks, Walter H — ’72 AB; sem ’73. Min Bapt; 804 22d St, NW, Washington, DC. Colder, Charles P — ’72 AB. Coles, Solomon M — ’72 AB. Min Bapt and tea, San Antonio, Tex. ^Davenport, Isaac W — ’72 AB; sem ’75. Min Presb, Newark, NJ. Gould, Joseph — ’72 AB. Green, Eustace Edward — ’72 AB. B, Fb 3 ’45, Wilmington, NC, son of and Mary Ann Sampson (b, Wilmington, N'C, Mr 1 '26; d, Charlotte, NC, Ag 8 ’02). Prep, parochial sch NiC; ’67-’72 AB, ’75 AM; HU Med, ’86 MD; postgrad Coll Phys and Surg, Chicago, 111; ’75- ’76, dept clerk Court of Gen Sessions and Com Pleas, Lawrence, NC; ’77, prin Hoge Insti- tute, Newberry, SC; ’78- ’82, prin pub sc; ’82-’83, memb low house NC Legis; lay com Gen Assbly Pres Ch in USA thrice; mod Knox Pbty, Ga; mod Syn of Atlantic; pres Ga Med Assn (col) four times; pres Nat Med Assn (col); drug bus, Macon, Ga, 18 yrs; tea LU 1 yr and HU 1 yr. Mar, J1 1 ’79, Georgia Cherry, Tarboro, NC; 4 chil- dren. Add, 405 Mathison St, Macon, Ga. Biographical Catalogue 11 Hall, Edgar P — 72 AB. Bus, Washington, DC. Harley, James — 72 AB. Harris, Charles E — 72 AB. Lawy, Charleston, SC. Hollensworth, E W — 72 AB. Tea, Atlantic City, NJ. Jackson, George H — 72 AB. James, Benjamin — 72 AB. Lewey, Mathew M — 72 AB. Lawy, mem Legis, Pensacola, Fla. Miller, Thomas E — 72 AB. Tea, Orangeburg, SO. Scott, Edward S — 72 AB. * Adams, Benjamin — ’68-. Phys, Washington, DC. Baker, David Stephens — B, Dc 13 ’38, Shippensburg, Pa, son of Richard Baker (b, Shippens- burg, Pa, Mr 23 1797; d, Sp 79, laborer) and Hannah All (b, Ship- pensburg, Pa, Jn ’03; d, Shippensburg, Pa. ’64-72; LU, 72-75; min Presb, p Davidson College, 14 yrs; Lincolnton, NO, 20 yrs; hon retir; mod Catawba Pbty. Mar, Dc 31 74, Hannah Nesbitte, Me- ehanicsburg, Pa; 3 children. Add, Lincolnton, NC. Bond, Charles R — ’68-. Min AME, Carlisle, Pa. Carter, William H — ’68-. Cassey, Joseph — ’68- *Grimke, John W — ’68- Bus, Boston, Mass. Hayes, Austin P — ’68-. Hume, Charles — ’68- Williams, Charles P — ’68-. 1873 Adams, John H — 73 AB. Ash, William H — 73 AB. Min Cong, Charlestown, SC. Bell, William H — 73 AB. Lawy, Washington, DC. Chambers, William H — 73 AB. Phys, 3312 Calumet Ave, Chicago, 111. 12 Lincoln University Clinton, Joseph N — 73 AB. Lawy, Baltimore, Md. Denny, Abraham P — 73 AB. Tea, Baltimore, Md. Halsey, James E — 73 AB. *Hargrave, William M — 73 AB; 76 STB and DD. Min Presb; prof Biddle Univ, Charlotte, NC. Henry, Lewis B P — 73 AB. Highgate, William B — 73 AB. Tea, St Charles, Mo. Hood, Solomon Porter — 73 AB ; ’80 STB. B, Jl 30 ’53, Lancaster, Pa, son of Lewis Price Hood (b, 1796, Eastern Shore, Md; min for 50 yrs; d, Dc ’73, Chesterville, Md) and Matilda Catherine Porter (b, Ap 2 ’13, Dover, Del; d, ’99, Reading, Pa). Prep, com sch and LU Prep; LU, ’69- ’73 AB; ’80 STB, AM; Living- stone Col, DD ’96; postgrad Columbia Univ, ’08; postgrad Princeton Theo Sem, ’12; tea, ’73- ’77; ord ’8b min AME; prin Beaufort Nor- mal and Indust Acad, ’83- ’87; miss in Haiti, ’88- ’98; in ’89 attache USA Legat in revolution bet Legitime and Hypolite, under cover of US flag carried message of Legitime’s surrender of Port-au-Prince to Hypolyte, who was about to bombard city; edit AME Sunday Sch Les ’09- ; organized by civil service examination under Gov of NJ Emancip Celeb, Atlantic City, NJ, ’13; appoint by Gov representative to NY Emancip Celeb, ’13, and Va Emancip Celeb at Richmond, Ya, ’15; Sp ’80, sole Negro Representat to address Pan Pres Council, Phila- delphia, Pa. Mar, ’80, Mary A Davis, New York, NY. Author Sanctified Dollars and What Every African Methodist Should Know, or A Short History of the Doctrines, Polity and Usages of the AME Church. Add, 311 North Montgomery St, Trenton, NJ. Mabry, Henry C— 73 AB; ’88 STB and DD. Min Presb, Raleigh, NC. Miller, Murdock M — 73 AB. ^Morgan, Peter A — 73 AB. Min Epis, New Orleans, La. ^Murray, Daniel— 73 AB; 78 STB. Min Presb, Anniston, Ala. Robeson, William D — 73 AB; 76 STB. Min Presb; p, Princeton, iNJ ; AMEZ eh, Somerville, NJ. Add, 81 Cliff Street, Somerville, NJ. Sanders, Edward O — 73 AB. William, J Morris — 73 AB. * Adams, James O — ’69- Phys, Washington, DC. Cook, James H — ’69- Biographical Catalogue 13 Gainney, Robert — ’69-. Primm, Peter C — ’69-. Young, William — ’69- Min Bapt, Baltimore, Md. 1874 Atwood, Louis K — ’74 AB. Bus; Miss Legislat 2 terms; bnk pres; Jackson, Miss. Bryant, William H — ’74 AB. Min Presb, Salisbury, NC. Butler, William H — ’74 AB. Min Presb, Eagletown, Okla. Docher, John H — ’74 AB; sem LU, ’75- Min Cong, Providence, RI. ^Hopkins, Moses A — ’74 AB. US Consul, Monrovia, Liberia. Miller, Jacob F — ’74 AB. Tea, Lenoir, NC. Moore, Alexander — ’74 AB. Polk, Alexander F A — ’74 AB. Bus, Paris, Tex. Scott, William A — ’74 AB. Min Presb, Laurinburg, NC. Smith, Eli N — ’74 AB. Still, William W — ’74 AB. Lawy, 1607 Bainbridge St, Philadelphia, Pa. Waugh, John H— ’74 AB. Tea, Greensboro, NC. Brown, John W — ’70- Tea, Salisbury, Md. *Bunn, Turner — ’70- Lincolnton, NC. * Colder, Walter H — ’70- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Cole, James L — ’70- Tea, , Tex. *Davis, John — ’70- Bus. Macon, Ga. ^Howard, John A — ’70- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Robert H — ’70- Keeth, Daniel — ’70- Matthews, William — ’70-. 14 Lincoln University Primm, Robert N — ’70- Rice, Ira W — ’70- Sellers, Andrew M — ’70- Smith, Thomas — ’70- Vodery, John R — ’70- 1875 Cooper, Willis W— ’75 AB. Phys, New York, NY. *Donnell, Darius L — ’75 AB ; ’78 STB. Min Presb, miss, Monrovia, Liberia. Moore, Elwood M — ’75 AB. Porter, Ellis S — ’75 AB. Phys, Louisville, Ky. Shoeber, James S — ’75 AB. Waugh, Samuel A — ’75 AB. Carter, Alexander C— ’71- Min ME, Philadelphia, Pa. Clark, John H — ’71- Tea, Wilson, NC. Clay, William R — ’71- Min Presb, Atlanta, Ga. Ed will, John H — ’71- Gordon, Alfred — ’71—. Haines, Austin P — ’71- Hilton, John T — ’71- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Jackson, Job — ’71- Tea, Winnsboro, SC. Jones, Alfred T — ’71- Jones, Oliver C — ’71-. Kelley, Jesse — ’71-. Bus, West Chester, Pa. Palmer, Boswell B — ’71-’76 STB. Min Presb, Milton, NC. *Posey, Lawrence 0 — ’71- Lawy, Washington, DC. Stephenson, S E — ’71- VanHorne, Mahlon — ’71-. Biographical Catalogue 15 1876 * Anderson, Edward F — 76 AB. Tea, Richmond, Va. * Anderson, William D — 76 AB. Tea, Augusta, Ga. Bacon, Peter J — 76 AB. Lawy, Washington, DC. Brown, William Cornelius — 76 AB-79 STB. B, Ap 28 ’49, son of John Brown, Petersburg, Ya, and Ann Eliza Riddick, Suffolk, Ya (d, Fb 1 > 72 ). ’ 72- ’76 AB; ’79 STB; min Presb; tea, Pocomoke City, Md, ’ 79 - ’ 80 ; miss for Md SS Union, ’80- ’82; p. Liberty St Presb ch, Troy, NY, ’ 82 - ’ 87 ; Knox Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, ’87- ’93; Second Presb ch, West Chester, Pa, ^93— , 97 ; Olivet Chapel Mission of First Presb ch, Goshen, NY, ’97-. Mar, Cornelia Royal Ward, Jn 16 ’15, at Newark, NJ. Add, Goshen, NY. Bryant, Joseph G — 76 AB, AM. Min Epis, Charlotte Hall, Md. *Darnes, Alexander H — 76 AB. Phys, Tallahassee, Fla. Dickerson, William H — 76 AB. Min Presb, Brooklyn, NY. Hubbard, Luther — 76 AB. Tea, Limerick, Ga. Kennedy, J W— 76 AB. Tea, once supt of pub sch, Newark, NJ. *Madella, William H — 76 AB. Tea, Alexandria, Ya. Mitchell, W H — 76 AB. Min Bapt, Elizabeth, NJ. Smith, Calvin L — 76 AB. Tea, Milton, NC. Walker, Jeremiah F — 76 AB. Weaver, William Henry — 76 AB-79 STB. B, Dc 1 ’55, Baltimore, Md, son of William H Weaver, Stevedore, North- umberland Co, Ya (d, Oc 16 ’90, Baltimore, Md) and Emily J Bunday, Tappahanock, Essex Co, Ya (b, ’27; d, Fb 14 ’06, Baltimore, Md). Prep, Howard Normal sch, Baltimore, Md; ’ 72-’76 AB; ’79 STB, AM; DD '87; min Presb; miss Md SS Union, ’79-’80; p Madison St Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, ’80- ’98; agt Bd of Miss for Freedm, ’97- ’04; ss Radcliffe Mem Presb ch, Atlanta, Ga, ’04- ’09; p Senate Ave Presb ch, Indianapolis, Ind, ’09- ’14; asst-custod US Pub Build, Baltimore, Md, , 90— ^93 ; trustee (appointed by Gov Lloyd Lowndes) Md State Industrial School for Col’d Girls, Melvale, Md. Mar (1), Oc 13 *80, Carrie T Nelson (d, ’97), (2), Oc 26 ’ 99 , Washington, DC, Emma C Jones. Add, 3214 Graceland Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. 16 Lincoln University * Webster, William P Q — ’76 AB. Tea; memb of NC Legis; Milton, NO. * Woodson, Henry F — ’76 AB. Min Bapt, Raleigh, NO. Acworth, Charles — B, '44, Quantico, Md, son of Littleton Acworth, farmer (d, ’84) and . Prep, pub sch, New York, NY; 72-; sem LU, '75-76; min ME; ord Lynn, Mass, '83, by Bishop Evans Tyree, MB, DD, of Dioc of NY; New York, NY, Bridgeport, Conn, Lee, Mass, Setauket, LI, Amityville, Babylon, Bay Shore, Boynton Ya, Worcester, Mass, New London, Conn, Stanford. Mar Mary Webb (d, '09), 78, New York, NY. Add, 12 Sixth Ave, New York, NY. Banning, Elijah J — ’72- Tea, Crisfield, Md. Fisher, Howard M — ’72-. Lawy, Philadelphia, Pa. Meredith, John E — ’72- Neeley, John M — ’72- Tea, Clarksville, Tenn. Nicholson, George W — ’72-. Min ME, Havre de Grace, Md. Roberts, John H — ’72- Smith, Thomas N — ’72- Ward, Frederick D — ’72-. Min Presb, Yonkers, NY. 1877 Armstrong, Reuben Hanson — ’77 AB-’80 STB, AM; DD. B, Nv 28 '54, Drumore Township, Lancaster Co, Pa, son of Jerome Armstrong and Mary Jane Underhill (d, '98). Prep, pub sch; 72- 77 AB, '80 STB, AM, DD; min Presb; prin pub sch, Liberty, Va, and Louisburg, NC; p Presb (South) ch, Lynchburg, Ya, 1 yr; ss Yadkin Pby, NC, 4 yrs; Wilmington, NC, 1 yr; p Capitol St ch, Harris- burg, Pa, 12 yrs; Madison St ch, Baltimore, Md, 6 yrs; Faith ch, Philadelphia, Pa; clerk Recorder of Deeds Office, Harrisburg, Pa, 1 yr. Mar Maria Louisa Shepard, Ap 15 '80, Philadelphia, Pa; 9 children. Add, 220 W Coulter Street, Germantown, Pa. Carr, William E— ’77 AB; ’81 STB, AM; DD. Min Presb; p Holbrook St ch, Danville, Ya; ss Clarktown ch, Ya; prin Danville High School, Danville, Va. Elliott, Reuben B — ’77 AB. Fortune, Arthur B — ’77 AB. Bus, Rome, Ga. Biographical Catalogue 17 *Foster, Sylvester R — ’77 AB. Tea, Baltimore, Md. Giles, Joseph D — ’77 AB. Hilton Head, SC. *Hughes, N F— ’77 AB. Jennings, George T — ’77 AB. *Kemp, Kelly M— ’77 AB ; ’80 STB, AM. Min Presto; miss, Sierra Leone, Africa. *Miller, Lawrence — ’77 AB; ’80 STB, AM. Min Presto, Newnan, Ga. *Miller, Lawrence E — ’77 AB. Min Presto, Savannah, Ga. *P otter, Francis C— ’77 AB; ’80 STB, AM. Min Presto, Cotton Plant, Ark. *Pryor, Alfred S — ’77 AB. Stevens, Alexander F — ’77 AB. Ward, Charles Burleigh — ’77 AB-’80 STB, AM. B, Ap 20, ’47, son of James Alen Ward, raftman (’21-’54), and Charlotte M Sampson (’24-). ’72-’77 AB; ’80 STB, AM; min Presto; p, Presb eh, Booneville, NC, 25 yrs; Hope Presto ch, Chester, NC; Tabernacle Presb ch, Greenville, Tenn; Hope Freedmen’s Chapel, Jonesboro, Tenn; Bethesda Presb ch, Johnson City, Tenn; Cong ch, Jonesboro, Tenn; del Gen Ass Presto Ch USA ’84. Mar Elnora An- geline Davis, Ap 20 ’87, Mocksville, NC; 7 children. Add, Lincoln University, Pa. Wood, Franklin Jasmyn — ’77 AB. B, Fb 14 ’57, Lancaster, Pa, son of Jacob Wood (b, free, ’33, Lancas- ter, Pa; laborer; d, J1 12 ’57) and Louisa Anderson (to, J1 15 ’19, Lancaster Co, Pa; d, Sp 11 ’ll). Prep, pub sch West Chester, Pa; ’73- ’77 AB; 2nd JO; AM ’80; artist and writer; clerk Rep State Com, ’96; organiz Afro-American League in Chester Co, ’96. Mar Jennie Victoria Penn (d, ’84), Jn 13 ’78, Jackson, Miss; 3 children. Add, West Chester, Pa. Barnes, George A — ’73-. Min Bapt, Wheeling, WVa. Jones, George C — ’73-. Bus, Little Rock, Ark. Jones, James — ’73- Pinckney, Henry R — ’73-. Min ME, Trenton, NJ. Read, Andrew J — ’73-. Stannard, Edward L — ’73-. Thomas, Edward M — ’73- 18 Lincoln University Twine, Lewis D — ’73-; sem ’80. Min Presb, Thomasville, NC. *Wood, Henry D— ’73-’78 STB; DD. Min Presb, Carthage, NC. 1878 Anderson, George — ’78 AB. Tea, 1317 N Calhoun (St, Baltimore, Md. Davis, Alfred G — ’78 AB. Min Presb, DD; ss Mt Pisgah Presb ch, Washington, NC. Goler, William H— ’78 AB; ’81 STB; AM; DD; LLD. Min ME; pres Livingstone Coll, Salisbury, NC. Harris, Joshua T — ’78 AB. Heritage, William J — ’78 AB. Min Epis, Asheville, NC. *Rendall, William H — ’78 AB. White, Thomas C — ’78 AB. Bus, Washington, DC. * Williams, John P — ’78 AB. Min Epis, Philadelphia, Pa. Aldridge, Thomas E — ’74- Tea, Savannah, Ga. Becks, Abraham — ’74-. Lawy, Columbus, O. ^Draper, George A — ’74- Bus, Helena, Mont. Dusenbury, Collins — ’74-. Bus, Lexington, NC. * Moore, Samuel S — ’74- Min Presb, Oxford, Pa. Moyer, Samuel — ’74-. Rock, John S — ’74- Webb, Samuel G — B, J1 2 ’60, Worcester, Mass, son of Edward Webb (b, Lowestoft, Eng, Dc 15 1819; min; d, Oxford, Pa, Ap 6 ’98) and Nancy Allyn Foote (b, Portage, NY, J1 13 1825; d, Oxford, Pa, Jn 20 >02). ’74- ’78, partial in senior year; ’78-’80, Williams College AB; Auburn Theo Sem, ’83, grad (one year in Princeton Theo Sem) ; New York Uni- versity, Med Dept, ’86 MD ; Williams College, *83 AM (in course) ; or by Pbty of Chester, Dc 5 ’86; ss Grandin and Quincy, NDak, ’82; ss Barnegat and Forked River, NJ, ’85; ss Wild Rice, NDak, ’87; p New Gretna, NJ, ’88- ’96; tea, Lakewood, NJ, ’96-. Mar Nellie Free- man, J1 19 ’93, Lakewood, NJ ; 3 children. Add, Lakewood, NJ. Biographical Catalogue 19 White, Thomas A — 74-. Williams, Isaac N — 74-. 1879 Harris, John R— 79 AB; ’82 STB. Min Presb, ss Wilson Chapel Presb, Washington, Ga. Jamison, James L — 79 AB. Phys, Wrightsville, Pa. Moore, Edward — 79 AB. Phys; tea, Livingstone College, Salisbury, NC. Mossell, Nathan F — 79 AB. Phys, 1432 Lombard St, Philadelphia, Pa. *Price, Joseph C— 79 AB ; ’81 STB ; AM ; DD. * Min AMEZ ; pres Livingstone College, Salisbury, N'C. Savage, John Anthony — 79 AB-’82 STB; AM; DD. B, Henderson, Carroll Parish, La, son of Charles Anthony William Savage and Francis Louisa Dillard. Prep, pub seh of Liberia, West Africa and Eng sch; ’ 73- ’79 AB; sem LU, ’ 79- ’82 STB, AM, DD; min Presb; p St Paul and Mt Pleasant Presb chs; prin Albion Acad- emy, Franklinton, NC. Mar Mary Dover, Philadelphia; 4 children. Add, Franklinton, NC. ^Wilson, Alexander Robert — 79 AB-’82 STB; AM; DD. Son of Prime Wilson (b, 1790; farmer; d, Ja 2 *77, Arcadia, Ga) and Leah Nora Wilson (b, 1810; d, Sp 28 >08). 73-79 AB; sem LU, 79- *82 STB, AM, ’03 DD; min Presb; p, Darien, Ga, ’82r-’86, and built Grace Chapel Presb ch and city sch, now Todd Academy; organ- ized Presb ch, Dallas, Tex; built union ch, South Prong, Tex, ’86- ’89; built Ead cliff e Mem Presb eh ($15,000), Atlanta, Ga, ’89- ’04; Old Medway ch, ’04- ’06; Columbus, Ga, ’06- ’07; organized and built Day Mem Presb ch, Arcadia, Ga, ’07-. Mar Jennie Elizabeth Bailey, Jn 7 ’87, Spring Lake, NJ ; 3 children. D, Mr 12 ’17, Arcadia, Ga. Bethel, William Leonidas — B, My 4 ’48, Clemonsville, NC, son of Jackson Bethel, slave farmer, and Caroline , slave. 74-79; sem LU, 79- ’82 STB; min Presb; organized Pby of Eendall, Oc 3 ’06; mod Pby of Eendall, NY 20 ’06; organized Synod of Canadian; mod of syn of Canadian, Oc ’07- ’09; hon retired. Mar (1) Fannie E. Martin, Nv 7 72, Greensboro, NC (d, ); (2) Nannie Brown, Dc 22 ’87, Winston-Salem, NC; 7 children, Add, 1301 W Reno St, Oklahoma City, Okla. Blackburn, Morris G — ’75- Bus, Harrisburg, Pa. Cannon, E F — 75- Davis, Francis — 75-. 20 Lincoln University "Hughes, N H— 75-. Tea, Baltimore, Md. Walton, S E — 75- Weeden, Henry P — 75-; sem 79- Min Bapt, Norfolk, Ya. 1880 Bascomb, Augustus S — ’80 AB. Tea, Beaufort, SC. Dover, William H — ’80 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Howell, Arnold G — ’80 AB. "McGuiness, J B— ’80 AB. Lawy, Baltimore, Md. Ogden, David W — ’80 AB. Phys, Philadelphia, Pa. Potter, James Thomas — ’80 AB. B, A g 27 ’53, Philadelphia, Pa, son of James Adkins Potter (b, Nv 12 ’29, Philadelphia, Pa; d, Ag 18 ’94) and Mary Ann Thomas (b, Mr 17 ’35, Wilmington, Del; d, My 5 ’96, Philadelphia, Pa). ’75- ’80 AB, Lat Salut; Bradley Medal; medical dept U of P, ’81- ’85, grad; phys; formerly in charge Clin Dispen for Dis of Infants and Children, and lecturer on mat med to nurses, Douglass Hosp, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar Sarah Hobson Anderson, Ag 27 ’94, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 1113 Lombard St, Philadelphia, Pa. Webb, Clayborne M — ’80 AB. Dobson, A M — 76- Peterson, W W — 76- Eussell, Howard A — 76-. 1881 Augusta, Charles V — ’81 AB; sem ’82. Min Presb, Jamaica, BWI. Cardwell, John W — ’81 AB. "Conyard, John N — ’81 AB. Tea, Mebaneville, NC. Lavatt, James Washington — ’81 AB-’84 STB. B, ’57, Baltimore, Md, son of James Washington Lavatt, cook (b, ’16, Queen Ann Co, Md; d, ’85, Baltimore, Md), and Maria Reader (b, ’17, Hagerstown, Md; d, ’56, Baltimore, Md). Prep, LU acad, ’74- ’77; ’77- ’81 AB; sem LU, ’81- ’84 STB; Howard Univ theo dept, ’86- ’87 BD; min ME; hon retir. Mar, ’83, Estelle Collins (d, Fb 14 ’12), Baltimore, Md. Add, 2807 Simpson St, Baltimore, Md. Biographical Catalogue 21 Logan, Frank Thomas — ’81 AB-’84 STB; AM. B, Nv 19 ’59, Greensboro, NC, son of and Marie Louise Logan (d, Nv 18 *11 Greensboro, N'C). Prep, pub scb, Greensboro, NO; ’77- ’81 AB; sem LIJ, ’81-’. 84 STB, AM; min Presb; p Oxford, Pa, ’ 85 ; Augusta, Ga, ’86; princ grad seh, Greensboro, NO, ^87— ^89 ; p Westminster ch (Scotia Sem), Concord, NC, ’89- ’93; p Belief onte Presb ch and prin grad sch, Concord, NC, ’89-; mod Pby Catawba, ’90, syn Catawba, ’95; com Gen Assemb, ’94, ’ll. Mar, Sp 12 ’85, Mary M Hargrave (d, Ap 17 ’95), Concord, NO; 5 children. Add, Concord, NO. *Moyer, Henry Charles— ’81 AB-’84 STB. B, Mr 15 ’52, Winston, NC, son of and . ’70- ’81 AB; sem LIJ, ’81- ’84 STB; min Presb; princ paroch sch, Statesville, NO, ’85; Rockingham, NO, ’86; ss Logan, Pleasant Grove, New Centre, States- ville, NO, ’95- ’16. Mar, Nv 28 ’87, Henrietta Elizabeth Henderson, Rockingham, NO; 5 children. D, Mr 17 ’16. Davis, Edward D — ’77-. Fry, Stephen G — ’77-. Bus, Bethlehem, Pa. Greenlee, Perry H — ’77- McRay, Henry A — ’77- Ramsey, Howard — ’77-. Lawy, Philadelphia, Pa. 1882 Blake, Jacob B — ’82 AB. Min ME, Chester, Pa. Freeman, John William — ’82 AB-AM. B, Pb 27 ’64, Newark, NJ, son of William Freeman, hostler (d, Mr 18 ’01, Newark, NJ), and Ellen Jackson (d, Mr 10 ’13). Prep, Hampton Institute, Va; ’77- ’82 AB; Western Theo Sem, Pittsburgh, Pa, ’82- ’85, grad (first colored grad of this sem); AM LU ’85; min Presb; min and tea, Liberty Co, G'a; organ ch and Lights Acad, Troy, SO, ’85; p Cong ch and tea Dodd’s Instit, Dudley, NC, ’87-’94; resigned (throat trouble)* and bus, Newark, NJ, ’94- ’12; estab Colored Aged Home for NJ and supt of same 18 yrs; ss Siloam Presb ch, Elizabeth, NJ, ‘12- Mar, Sp 2 ’85, Jessie Myers, Newark, NJ; 3 children. Add, 111 Pennsylvania Ave, Newark, NJ. Jones, Yorke — 82 AB-’85 STB; AM; DD. B, Je 10 ’60, near Petersburg, Va, son of Herbert, slave (nothing known of him except name since war separated him from his family) and Caroline, slave (Aunt Ca’line, d, Union Camp at Richmond, Va). Prep, pub sch Ashton Township, Del Co, Pa, and LU Prep; ’78- ’82 AB; Philosophian Med, ’79; 2d JO Med; valedictorian; sem LU, ’82- 22 Lincoln University ’85 STB, AM, DD '95; min Presb; min and tea, Petersburg, Ya; organ, '86, Central Presb eh, Petersburg, and p, '84- '93; ed Afro- American Presbyterian 15 yrs; prof Eceles Hist Biddle TJniv, '93-; Stud Evangel Biddle Univ, '99-; author The Slave Mother’s Song (words and music), '01; “The Climbers: A Story of Sun-Kissed Sweethearts," '12. Mar, J1 8 '88, Mrs Susan Celia G-rigg, Petersburg, Ya. Add, Biddle University, Charlotte, NC. Lee, William H — '82 AB. Min Bapt, Roanoke, Ya. Mahoney, Robert A — ’82 AB. Min Meth, Birmingham, Ala. Miller, Alonzo — ’82 AB. Tea, Liberia, West Africa. ^Roberts, Thomas H— ’82 AB; ’85 STB. Min Presb; miss, Monrovia, Liberia. Sevier, Samuel S — ’82 AB. Tea, Greensboro, NC. Shepard, Simon Peter — ’82 AB; AM. B, Oc 24 '52, Elmira, NY, son of John Shepard (b, near Charles- town, Ya; d, No 24 '90, Elmira, NY), and , '77- '82 AB, AM '96; min AME; ord, '86; pastor for ten yrs, Norwalk, Conn, Catskill, NY, Amityville, Glen Cove; for 21 yrs in UAME 1 , Camden, NJ, Philadelphia, Pa, West Chester, Pa, New York, NY, Wilmington, Del; elected by Gen Coun, '06, princ of Acad Sch; '14, dean of Theo Dept; '97, ed of Union Messenger. Mar Alice E. Bates, Je 26 '88, Oyster Bay, NY; 5 children. Add, 305 Kennebec St, Wilmington, Del. * Wilson, Henry B — ’82 AB. Min Presb, Atlanta, Ga. Wilson, James W— ’82 AB-’88 STB. Tea, Franklinton, NC. *Dillon, John K — ’78-. Monrovia, Lib. Eaton, John W — ’78- Fry, William P — ’78- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Greenlee, Benjamin — ’78- Skinner, J Wesley — ’78-; sem LU, ’81- Min ME, Arcadia, Ga. White, James A — ’78- Phys, Coatesville, Pa. Wright, Calvin R — ’78-. Min, Liberia. Biographical Catalogue 23 1883 Bell, George Waltham — ’83 AB-AM. B, } 57, Ancrum, Abyssinia, son of John Bell (b, J 24, Abyssinia, soldier and sailor, military service, Malta; d, *56, in war against Menelik the First, Abyssinia) and Elizabeth Theodora (b, ’27, Abyssinia; d, ’97, Pine Bluff, Ark). Prep, Southland College, Helena, Ark; ’79-’83 AB; *84 AM; , 89- , 92, National University, St Louis, Mo, MD; elected Eepresent Ark Legis '76; pres Southland College, Helena, Ark, , 83— ; State Senator, Ark, ; 90-’94; pres State Teachers Assn, *87 ; Rep Candid Pres Elector, , 88; founded Ark Colored Infirmary, *99; pres Jefferson County Med Assn, U5; auth hymn Nothing hut Dross, book The Susceptibility of Consumption. Mar (1) ’84, Mattie E Beasley (d, *85), Helena, Ark; (2) *88, Cattie Miles (d, ’89), Pine Bluff, Ark; (3) ’96, Lottie A Berry, New York, NY; 3 children. Add, Pine Bluff, Ark. Brown, Tilghman — ’83 AB-’86 STB; AM. Min ME, Oakland, Cal. Currey, William Jamison — ’83 AB. B, Je 8 ’61, Norristown, Pa, son of Benjamin Hickman Currey (b, Oc *39, Chester County, Pa; d, Oc 25 ’12, Norristown, Pa), and Marietta Williams (b, ’43, Bridgeport, Pa; d, Sp 30 ; 99). Prep, Norristown, Pa, *79- *83 AB; Howard Uni Law, ’93; Spencerian College Pen- manship one year; tea, Coffeeville, Miss, ’84; Courtland, ’85; prin Green Hill Gr Sardis, *86*- *90'; clerk in Treasury Dept, Wash, DC, *16-. Add, 1102 R St, Wash, DC, NW. *Deputie, Robert F — ’83 AB. Min Presb; missionary, Careysburg, Liberia. Draper, Edward A — ’83 AB. Bus, Washington, DC. Driver, Sebastian R — ’83 AB. Tea, Winston, NC. Eggleston, Edward Frances — ’83 AB-’86 STB; AM; DD. B, ’58 Amelia Co, Ya. Prep, LU, ’79-’ 8® AB; sem LU, ’86 STB, AM, DD; min Presb; mod Pby South Ya, *91; Pby Baltimore, *98; com Gen Ass, ’91 and ’99; p 13th Ave Presb ch, Newark, NJ. Mar, *86, lone E , Baltimore, Md; 5 children. Add, 95 Wickliffe St, New- ark, NJ. Johnson, Eugene A — ’83 AB. Min Presb, Atlantic City, NJ. Johnson, Edward B — ’83 AB. Soldier USA, medal for bravery; 9th Cavalry. Johnson, Henry T — ’83 AB. Min ME, edit Meth Recorder, Camden, NJ. King, Robert D — ’83 AB. Tea, Liberia. 24 Lincoln University Lawton, William R — ’83 AB. Min Presb, Brooklyn, NY. Mossell, Aaron A — ’83 AB. Lawy, , Africa. Neeley, Albert T — ’83 AB. Tea, Kansas City, Kansas. Paynter, John H — ’83 AB. US Navy, Washington, DC. Perry, Marion R — ’83 AB. Bus, Pine Bluff, Ark. Randolph, Lewis R — ’83 AB. Tea, Wash, DC. Smith, William L — ’83 AB. Phys, Washington, DC. Vodery, William H V — ’83 AB. Tea, Baltimore, Md. Wright, William F — ’83 AB. Pueblo, Colo. Cleggett, Benjamin F — ’79-. Davis, John D — ’79- Min ME, Sumter, SC. Hatcher, James H — ’79- Hazard, Isaac — ’79- Bus, Concordville, Pa. Johnson, William — ’79- Landrick, George E — ’79-. Bus, Washington, DC. Lawrie, Clayton — ’79-. Bus, Oxford, Pa. Ramsay, Frank G — ’79- Bus, Lower Oxford, Pa. 1884 *Banks, William H — ’84 AB. Tea, Dover, Del. ^Battle, James L — ’84 AB. Prof. Livingston College, Salisbury, NC. Blount, Frank 0 — ’84 AB ; S ’85. Boone, Harmon H — ’84 AB. Min ME, Norfolk, Ya. Bruner, George W — ’84 AB. Tea, Indian Territory. Biographical Catalogue 25 Boyden, John Allen — ’84 AB-’87 STB; AM; DD. B, A g 28, ’62, Lexington, NC, son of John Boyden (Salisbury, NC) and Mary Annah Hargrove (Lexington, NC). ’79- ’84 AB; sem LU, ’84r - ’87 STB, AM; ’04 BB; min Presb; p 9th ch, Indianapolis, Ind, ’87; Covenant Presb ch, Wilkesbarre, Pa, ’88- ’90; Grace Memorial Presb ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, ^9 0— '93 ; founder and prin Logan High School, Banville, Ky, and ss Cong ch, ’93- *03; prin Pee Memorial Institute, Camp Nelson, Ky, ’03— ^14 ; p Westminster ch, ’07- ’14; prin Logan Institute and p Concord ch, ’14- ; trustee Home for Aged, Pittsburgh, Pa; Member City Council, Banville, Ky, *97- ’OS; mod Pby of Lincoln '09, *12, ’15; member Academy of Political Econ and Soc Sci, Phila- delphia, Pa, *91. Mar (1) Mary J Clawson (d, Be 17 ’02, Banville, Ky), Ma 3 ’87, Baltimore, Md; (2) Octavia B Tennister, Ma 16 ’07, Charlotte, NC; 6 children. Add, Banville, Ky. # Cromartie, Handy, A — ’84 AB-’88 STB; AM. Min AME, Atlanta, Ga. Fowler, Charles H — ’84 AB. Phys, Baltimore, Md. *Harrison, George L — ’84 AB. Tea, Pulton, Mo. Lee, Thomas Henry — ’84 AB-’87 STB ; AM. B, Je 1 *60, Lancaster Co, Ya, son of Jasper Lee, farmer (b, *37, Lan- caster Co, Ya; d, ), and Nancy Ingrahan (b, ’39, Lancaster Co, Va; d, Je 4 ’13, Baltimore, Md). Prep, Baltimore Pub Sch; ’80- ’84 AB; Junior Orator Med, ’83; valedictorian; sem LU, ’84- ’87 STB, AM; min Presb; p Concord ch, Banville, Ky, ’87- ’88; Gilbert ch, Wil- mington, Bel, ’91- ’93; First African Presb ch, Philadelphia, Pa; Faith ch, York, Pa, ’OO^’OG; mod Pby So Ya, ’99; Comm Gen Ass, ’08; memb Acad Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar, Se 26 ’00', Mary Olivia Jackson, Baltimore, Md. Add, 552 Bolphin Street, Baltimore, Md. Miller, Horace G — ’84 AB; ’84- Min Presb, New York, NY. Bied, March 13, 1917. Me Guinn, W T— ’84 AB. Law, Baltimore, Md. McMahan, L A— ’84 AB. Tea, Fulton, Mo. Pumphrey, J E — ’84 AB. Phys, Baltimore, Md. Raney, Isham B — ’84 AB. Scott, James H — ’84 AB ; sem ’87-. Min ME, Baltimore, Md. Stephens, George E — ’84 AB. Min Bapt, St. Louis, Mo. Still, Robert G — ’84 AB. Law, Philadelphia, Pa. 26 Lincoln University Suggs, Daniel Cato — ’84 AB-AM. B, ’64, Wilson, NO, son of George Washington Suggs, brick mason (b, '34, Snow Hill, NO; d, ’14 Wilson, NO), and Esther Suggs (b, '38, Snow Hill, NO; d, ’02, Wilson, NO). Prep, Wilson pub sch; Wilson Acad; St Augustine Nor School, Baleigh, NO, ’80- ’84 AB; ’ 87 MA; stud Harvard, Cornell, and Chicago Univ; *06', PHD Morris Brown, asst prin Kinston Graded School, ’84- ’85; prin Kinston Graded School, ’86; prin Ashville Nor and Ind Acad, ’86- ’88; instr natural science and higher math, Livingstone, Col, *88- ’91; v-pres and dir natural science, Ga State Ind College, Savannah, Ga, ’91- ’15. Mar, Mamie A Nocho, Se 29 ’02; 6 children; Pres Livingstone College, Salisbury, NC, Vick, Samuel Hynes — ’84 AB-AM. B, Apr 1 *63, Castalia, NC, son of Daniel Vick (b, ’48, near Nashville, NC; d, Fb 8 ’08) and Fannie Yick (b, ’46, Nash County; d, Dc ’99, Wilson, NC). Prep, Wilson Acad; ’80- ’84 AB, AM; Prin Wilson Graded School, ’85- ’89; postmaster Wilson, NC, ’89- ’94; ’99- ’04; mem Bd of Edu Wilson Co, ’95- ’99; ss work, ’95- ’99; Notary Public Wilson Co, ’05; sec State Lodge Oddfellows, ’05- ’08; Beal Estate, Ins, and Farming, ’08- ’15. Add, Wilson, NC. Waller, Garnett R — ’84 AB. Wethington, A A — ’84 AB. Tea, New Berne, NC. Abbott, James E — ’80- Hughes, David E — ’80-. Johnson, James C — ’80- McNeely, P A — ’80-. ♦ ^Pickett, George W — ’80- Bus, Baltimore, Md. Samuels, Marshall — ’80- Smith, James — ’80- 1885 Adams, James B — ’85 AB. Bus, 1419 Tremont Ave, Baltimore, Md. Alston, Junius C — ’85 AB. Min Presb, Winston-Salem, NC. Bonner, James A — ’85 AB-’88 STB ; AM. B, Mr 7 ’64, son of Benjamin B Bonner (min, Petersburg, Ya), and Mary E Lively (b, Petersburg, Ya; d, Mr 15 ’12). Prep, pub sch, Petersburg, Ya, and Goldsboro, NC; ’81- ’85 AB; ’88 AM, STB; LU, Biddle Univ DD; prin graded school, Wilson, NC, ’05; mod Synod Catawba, ’13; com to Gen Assembly, ’94, ’09, ’15; chap Grand Lodge, K of P, ’ll- ’15; served Presb Church, Troy, SC, ’89- ’91; Lexington, NC, ’91- ’95; Wilmington, NC, ’95- ’15; Grand Orator, FA and AM, Biographical Catalogue 27 ' 15 ; associate patron, OES, WM Hanover Lodge, FA and AM. Mar Kittie S Eitchie, Dc 20 '88; 1 child. Add, 712 Chestnut St, Wilson, NO. Becks, Andrew — ’85 AB. Becks, James A — ’85 AB. Tea, Standardville, Ya. Carroll, John W — ’85 AB. Tea, Lexington, Ya. * Church, Alonzo — ’85 AB. Tea, San Antonio, Texas. Conwell, Samuel L — ’85 AB; AM. B, Nv 28 '58, Milton, Del, son of David Conwell (b, Oc 16 '16; sailor and farmer; d, Oc 21 '97, Milton, Del), and Sarah Y Milford (b, Ju '23; d, Ja 27 '97, Milton, Del). Prep LU; '79- '85 AB; AM; tea pub sch, '85- '91; instr State College, Dover, Del, '91- '14; asst agt of agriculture, extension work, '14- '15; tea hist and music; farmer. Mar Ehoda E Young, Milford, Del, Dc 26 '89. Add, College Settle- ment, Dover, Del. Creditt, William A — ’85 AB-AM; DD; LLD. B, July 14 '64, Baltimore, Md, son of Bush E Creditt (b, Ya, '09; public drayman; d, '74, Baltimore, Md), and Mary L O’Neil (b, Ya, '34; d, Baltimore, Md, '13). Prep, public schools Baltimore; '81- '85 AB, AM; Philosophical Oration at graduation; '86- '89, Newton Theo Sem, Newton, Mass, '87- '88, Boston School Expression, DD, LLD, LU; STB Newton Theo Sem; AM State Univ Ky; PhD Guadalupe College, Texas; tea State Univ Ky, '89- '90; tea State Nor School Ky '90- '91; p Corinthian Bapt ch, Frankfort, Ky, '89- '91; p Berean Bapt eh, Washington, DC, '91- '96; p First African Bapt ch, Philadelphia, '96- '15; pres Downingtown Indus and Agri School since '05; founder Eeliable Mutual Aid Ins Co, '05; pres and co-founder, Cherry B and L Assoc, '07. Mar, Stella Vessels, Ag '90, Washington, DC; 6 children. Add, 4124 Powelton Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Dusenbury, Charles B — ’85 AB; AM. Min Pres, Ashville, NC. *Earle, Henry E — ’85 AB. Washington, DC. Flanders, Charles S — ’85 AB. Bus, Washington, DC. Hunter, Edward H. — ’85 AB. B, Nv 13 '65, Ealeigh, NC, son of and Harriet Hunter (b, Dc 19 '46, Ealeigh, NC; d, My 13 '14, Washington, DC). Prep, pub sch of Ealeigh, and private study; '82- '85 AB; law course, '92- '93; post- grad course '96; sem HU, '02- '03; LLB HU, '93; LLM LU HU, '96; DD Kittrell College, '11; tea, '85- '90; govt clerk, '90- '09; p Third Street AME ch, Eichmond, Ya, '09- '11; p St Johns AME ch, Norfolk, Ya, '11- '15; del GC AME, Kansas City, '12. Mar (1) Mary L Eussel, 28 Lincoln University Dc 26 ’89 (d, Ag ’01, Washington, DC) ; (2) Jennie M Spears, Je 18 *03, Washington, DC; 2 children. Add, 539 E Bute Street, Norfolk, Ya. Isbell, Charles A — ’85 AB. B, Mr 11 ’64, Lynchburg, Ya, son of Pleasant Isbell (b, 1814, Appo- mattox Co, Ya, Cooper; d, ’77, Lynchburg, Ya), and Eliza Dixon (b, J 25, Campbell Co, Ya; d, *09, Lynchburg, Ya). Prep, Lynchburg, Ya; *81- ’85 AB; hon ment for oratory; med dept HU, *88^ *91 MD; phys; tea State Nor, Salisbury, NC, mus dir and tea Bib class for 20 yrs Lynchburg, Ya, Marion, Ya, Salisbury, NC, Berean ch, Washing- ton, DC, Paducah, Ky; US Jail Phys, Paducah, Ky, '92- *14; elected Health Officer, Paducah, Ky, *04; pres Mus & Lit Society; pres Colored Masonic Stock Co; med exam for Masons, etc; US and Accid Ins Co; WMMt Zion Lodge, Masons. Mar Addie J Gladman, Dc 26 *95, Lynchburg, Ya; 2 children. Add, 723 S 6th St, Paducah, Ky. Jackson, Moses H — ’85 AB; AM. Min Presb, 3720 Dearborn St, Chicago, 111. Lee, Chas P — ’85 AB. Bus, 2 Regent St, London, England. Hunter, Edward H — ’85 AB. Mebane, Charles S— ’85 AB; ’88 STB; AM; DD. B, J1 6 ’57, Mebane, NC, son of Ruffin Mebane (b, ’16, Mebane, NC; farmer; mar Ml; d, Mebane, Mr ’00), and Nancy J. Woods (b, *21, Mebane, NC; d, ’00). Prep, ; ’80-’ 85 AB; >88 AM, STB; >03 DD, LU ; first prize Philosophian Contest ; p and prin Monticello Acad 17 years; 9 years p and pres Normal and Industrial Institute, Hot Springs, Ark; sc White River Pby. Mar Mary L Forster (b, *58, Salisbury, NC), Mr 25 *90, Pine Bluff, Ark; 3 children. Add, 344 Amber Street, Hot Springs, Ark. Merchant, Woodson Toler — ’85 AB. B, Ma 17 *61, Lynchburg, Ya, son of Madison Merchant, stone mason (b, , Lynchburg, Ya; d, ’78), and Elizabeth George (d, *04). Prep, Hampton Institute, *77; ’Sl-’SS AB; med dep*t Howard Univ, ’85- ’88, phys; contract phys Wyant Coal and Coke Co, WYa, f 8&-’97; contract phys West Ky Coal Co, Ky, ’06- , 07; assist city phys, Louis- ville, Ky, ’07- ’09; found Red Cross Hospital and Nurses Training School, Louisville, Ky; pres med staff of same. Mar No 28 ’88. Add, 539 Lampton St, Louisville, Ky. Murray, O W — ’85 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. McAdoo, George W — ’85 AB. Tea, Greensboro, NC. McRary, Robert B — ’85 ; sem ’86. B, Nv 21 >60, Lexington, NC, son of William H. McRary (b, Dc 21 ’23 ; d, Ap 13 ’86, Wilmington, NC), and Jane McRary (b, , Lexington, NC; d, ’68). Prep, Presb parochial school and pub sch, Lexington, NC; LU Prep, ’80 ; ’81- ’85 AB ; Sem LU ’86 ; Berlitz School of Languages, Biographical Catalogue 29 Rome, Italy; address at dedication of Rendall Memorial Tablet and degree LLD *13; ’88- ’90, prin graded schools Reidsville, NO; prin normal dep.’t Livingston College, ’90; city magistrate 6 years, Lexing- ton, NC; notary public, ’13- ’15; member NC Hist and Lit Society; private secretary to Hon T C. Ford and attorney for the estate until *99; pres board trustees of Bennett College; lay delegate to General Conference of the ME Church, ’92-’04-’08>-’12 ; ’08*- ’12, only colored member board of managers of the Freedman’s Aid Society, of *the ME Church; toured Europe, Egypt and Holy Land 1907; Grand Master of Masons of NC, ’08 to ’15; thirty-third degree Mason. Mar Annie E Menderhall, Je 23 ’96, Greensboro, NC (d, Lexington, NC, Feb 7 ’03). Add, Lexington, NC. O’Kelley, Cadd G — ’85 AB. Tea Slater Industrial School, Winston-Salem, NC. Robinson, Daniel A — ’85 AB. Phys, Danville, Ya. Scott, Henry W — ’85 AB. Thomas, Joseph G — ’85 AB. Thompson, William B F — ’85 AB. Torrence, Augustus T — ’85 AB. Min Presb, Hot Springs, Ark. Vance, Ezekiel H — ’85 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Wheeler, B F — ’85 AB. Min AMEZ; 500 State Street, Mobile, Ala. Whitted, John A — ’85 AB. Min Bap, Winston-Salem, NC. Whyte, Abram E — ’85 AB. Phys, 2123 Jefferson St, Philadelphia, Pa. Winstead, B R — ’85 AB. Bus, Wilson, NC. Davis, Clayton J — ’81- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Edmondson, Robert W — ’81- Fisher, George A — ’81-. Bus, Wilmington, Del. Hall, Joseph L — ’81- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Hunt, Granville — ’81. B, Pittsylvania Co, Ya ’61, son of Louis Hunt (b, ’39, Pittsylvania Co, Ya; farmer; d, Campbell Co, ’79) and Ellen Hunt (b, Pittsylvania Co, Ya; d, Mt Vernon, NY, ’02). Prep, LU, ’81; ’87- ’88, Newton Theo Sem, DD Lynchburg Theological Sem, ’97; ’92- ’98, p Antioch 30 Lincoln University Baptist Church, NY; ’98- *13, Grace Baptist Church, Mt Vernon, NY; M4, field sec NE Missionary Con; J 08', treas NY Col Bapt Con; pres of same, , 0'5- , 08; ’05, del Baptist World Congress, London, Eng; *07, Trust Va Bapt Theo Sem and College; MO, director GUO of True Re- formers, Richmond, Va; M1-M4, inspector of election of New York City Suburban Home Company. Mar Harriet A Little, Petersburg, Va, *92 (d, Mt Vernon, NY, Ml) ; 3 children. Add, 10 Cortlandt Street, Mt Vernon, NY. Johnson, James C — ’81- Johnson, William C — ’81. Marable, Burke R — ’81- Tea, NC. # Robbins, Cicero R — ’81- Watson, Paul P — ’81- Min Bapt, Beaufort, SC. Whitis, John H — ’81- Yarboro, Lewis N — ’81- Tea, Louisburg, NC. 1886 Amos, Thomas H — ’86 AB ; AM. Min Presb, 740 E 24th St, Patterson, NJ. *Bass, Harry W— ’86 AB. B, Nv 4 *57, West Chester, Pa; son of Barcelona Bass (b, J1 4 *36, Delaware Co, Pa; bootmaker; d, Je 10 ’02) and Sarah J Clark (b, Fb 10 MO 1 , West Chester, Pa). Prep, pub sch West Chester; ^l-W AB; Harvard Univ Law School, *91- *94 grad; U of Pa Law School, *95- *96 grad; lawy; Ml- M3, Pennsylvania Legislature, first colored man to hold seat in that body; served two terms representing 6th Legislative District of Philadelphia; Odd Fellow, Mason, Knight of Pythias, Elk; Citizens Rep Club of Philadelphia; member AME 1 Church; Chairman Emancip Proc Cel Com; Ass*t City Solicitor. D, Je 9 M7. Blueford, Albert L — ’86 AB. Tea, Lynchburg, Va. Bryant, Willis — ’86 AB. Bus, Indianapolis, Indiana. Caldwell, John A — ’86 AB. Tea, Hilburn, NY. Carr, William T Jr — ’86 AB ; AM. B, Dc 27 *66, Baltimore, Md, son of William T Carr (b, J1 21 *37 ; min Presb, BD Western Theo Sem *64; AM LU; DD Biddle Univ; d, Baltimore, Md, Mr 29 M5) and Mary L. Spriggs (b, My 11 M4, Balti- more, Md; d, Oc 10 M3). Prep, High School, Elizabeth, NJ ; , 82- , 86 AB; valedictorian; *86- *89, Long Island College Hosp; *96- *99, NY School of Clin Med; ’89 MD Long Island College Hospital; ’90 AM LU; Biographical Catalogue 31 memb Clinical Society of Md; pres Provident Hosp 10 years; phys Baltimore Bay Nursery; visiting pliys Provident Hospital; memb Dental and Pharmaceutical Assoc; lecturer on medicine, Nurses Train- ing School, Provident Hpspital, Baltimore, Md. Mar Julia A Johnson, Baltimore, Md, Je 29 ’98; 2 children. Add, 515 W Mosher St, Balti- more, Md. Conwell, Richard — ’86 AB. Phys, New York, NY. Cummings, Harry S — B, Baltimore, Md, My 19 ’66, son of Harry Cummings (b, Baltimore Co, Nv 2 *39; cook; mar Nv 28 ’64; d, Nv 8 ’04, Baltimore, Md) and Elega J Cummings (b, Baltimore, Jy 5 '44; d, Baltimore, My 26 ’IS). ’86 AB, AM; '89 LLB Univ of Maryland; lawy, ; 00, elected City Council; >92 and '04, Del Rep Nat Con; '04, seconded Roosevelt's nomination; 12 yrs memb Bd of Management, House of Reformation for Col Boys; proposed city council ordinance establishing first man training school for col boys. Mar Blanche T Conklin, Dc 19 '99; 3 children. Add, 1318 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Davis, Arthur B — ’86 AB. Bus, Princeton, NJ. Durham, Charles J — ’86. Min Epis, Philadelphia, Pa. Gray, Armisted J — ’86 AB. Bus, Richmond, Ya. Greene, William C — ’86 AB; AM. Phys, Monrovia, Liberia. Hall, George C — ’86 AB; AM. B, Ypsilanti, Mich, '64; MD Bennett Medical College, Chicago '89; he has operated in nearly every large city in the East and Middle West; has held surgical clinics before various State Medical Associations in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia and Missouri; has performed hundreds of difficult surgical operations; has established ten infirmaries where none existed before; organized Civic League of Illinois '95; for 21 years active member Board of Trustees and attend- ing surgeon of Provident Hospital, Chicago; treasurer of Frederick Douglass Centre; member Western Economic Society; organizer of local Medical Association; member Chicago Chamber of /Commerce; chm of committee in charge of erection of $150,000 YMCA building; director League for Improvement of Urban Conditions; president Negro Historical Society. Phys, 533 State St, Chicago, 111. Hepburn, William G — ’86 AB. Bus, West Chester, Pa. Hill, Daniel G— ’86 AB; ’89 STB; AM; DD. B, Dc 18 '63, Hagerstown, Md, son of Richard Hill (b, '08, Washing- ton Co, Md; farmer; d, J1 11 '79, Hagerstown, Md), and Crew 32 Lincoln University (b, ; d, Ap 5 ’66). Prep, Storer College, Harper’s Ferry, WYa; ’81- ’86 AB, AM; ’86- ’89, Sem LU; STB; DD LU; min AME; p Elkton, Md; Metropolitan ch, Washington, DC; Annapolis; Trinity Bethel eh, Baltimore, Md. ; Annual Conference 7 yrs; treas 14 yrs; supt Old Folk’s Home of the Conference 7 yrs; pres Mt. Zion Cemetery Baltimore Annual Conference 2 yrs; presiding elder Baltimore Dist. Mar Margaret P Peck, Ja 1 ’90, Baltimore, Md; 10 children. Add, 417 Mosher Street, Baltimore, Md. Hines, Francis M — ’86 AB. Bus, Beaufort, SC. Holley, Lucius J — ’86 AB. Phys, Kansas City, Mo. ^Hubert, Elwood G — ’86 AB. Min Meth, Woodbury, NJ. Hull, David J — ’86 AB ; AM. Min Bapt, Palestine, Texas. Hunter, Wylie B — ’86 AB. B, Fb 13 ’63, Raleigh, NC, son of Bennett B Hunter (slave; d, Ja ’63) and Lucinda A Hunter (b, Ag 30 ’39, Raleigh, NC; d, Sp 22 ’03). Prep, Johnson High School, Raleigh, NC, ’82- ’86 AB; class orator, pres Philosophian Society; Shaw Univ Law Dep, LLB ’96; Ed The Raleigh Outlook 3 yrs; clerk postoffice 6 yrs; prin pub sch Apex, NC; memb Odd Fell, Kn of Pyth, State Tea Ass, Pres Wake Co Tea Ass. Mar Lucille M Smith, Dc 24 ’88; 1 child. Add, 316 E Cabarrus St, Raleigh, NC. Jones, B C— ’86 AB. Min Presb, Paterson, NJ. Montague, L T — ’86 AB. Min Bapt, Boston, Mass. # McLean, Fletcher R — ’86 AB, ’89 AM. Min Cong’l, Palatka, Florida. Ogburn, Thomas C — ’86 AB-’89 AM. Min Presb, Pine Bluff, Ark. ^Ogburn, William G — ’86 AB-’89 AM. Tea, Pine Bluff, Ark. Peterson, Butler H — ’86 AB, ’89 AM. Tea, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Raymond, James B — ’86 AB, ’89 AM. Bus, Harrisburg, Pa. Roundtree, Irving W L — ’86 AB ; AM. B, Sp 15 ’55, Lowndes Co, Ga, son of William Roundtree (farmer; d, ’84) and Annie Wells (d, Lowndes Co, ’84). Prep, Cookman Inst, Jacksonville, Fla, Baptist Inst, Live Oaks, Fla, HU Prep; ’83-’86 AB, AM; Drew Theo Sem, ’93 BD; Princeton Univ, ’95 AM; Princeton Biographical Catalogue 33 Theo Sem, >92- '94; *86- *87, p and tea, Farmville, Ya; p Bridgeton, NJ, '91; Princeton, ’ 92 ; Trenton, ’ 95 ; New Brunswick, ’ 97 ; pres elder NJ AME Conf, ^97 — '15 ; General Conference, , 91 — ^94 — ’98 — ? 12 ; Educational Bd, >91- *94; trust Wilberforce Univ, >94-’98; memb Hist Lit Soc AME Ch, Federation of Chs, Commission for Bordentown In- dustrial School under State Bd of Education; *92, rep AME Ch Worlds Temperance Conf, Chicago. Mar Fannie M Colson, Je 22 ’ 88 ; Peters- burg, Ya. Add, 425 Schiller Ave, Trenton, NJ. Shaw, George C — ’86 AB. B, Je 19 ’ 63 , Louisburg, NC, son of Matthew Shaw (b, Mr 5 ’ 19 , Louisburg, SC; farmer) and Mary P Thomas (b, Sp 12 *25, Louis- burg, NC). Prep, pub sch; *81- *86 AB; *86- ’89, Auburn Theo Sem, Auburn, NY; *01, LIJ DD; ^O-’IS, founder and prin Mary Potter Sch, Oxford, NC; *88^ ’15, p and organizer Timothy Darling Presb ch; , 89- , 96, Presb church Stovall, NC; *09- Ml, pres NC Tea Assn; *08- ’15, trust Biddle Univ; ’ 06 - ’ 15 , trust Scotia Sem; twice mod Catawba Syn; three times mod Cape Fear Syn; four times comm Gen Assem; ’02- U5, director Col Orph Asylum. Mar Mary E Lewis, My 14 *90, Penn Yillage, Pa. Add, Oxford, NC. *Shaw, William H — ’86 AB, ’89 AM. Tea, Kansas City, Mo. * Sumner, Albert L — ’86 AB. Min Bapt, Harrisburg, Pa. Sykes, Squire — ’86 AB. Waldron, John M — ’86 AB; AM. Min Bapt, Washington, DC. Willis, George H — ’86 AB. Cadett, James R — ’82-. Crumwell, David C — ’82-. Bus, Washington, DC. Dover, Edward C — ’82-. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Gray, D H— ’82-. *Henderson, Amos A — ’82-. Bus, Conowingo, Md. Henderson, William C — ’82-. Mitchell, William H — ’82-. Tea, Maxoi), NC. Morrow, S W — ’82- Scurlock, Robert M — ’82- Sellers, Joseph W — ’82- Waugh, James D — ’82- 34 Lincoln University Wethington, J W — ’82- Wigans, John A — ’82- Coatesville, Pa. Yates, Joseph G — ’82- 1887 Barrett, James R — ’87 AB ; ’94 STB ; AM. B, ’61, Danville, Ya, son of James I Barrett (b, J1 4 *35, Lynchburg, Ya; blacksmith ; d, Sp 18 *00, Danville, Ya) and Mary F Pinn (b, Fb 29 M3, Lynchburg, Ya; d, Nv 18 ’OS). Prep, Friends Mission School, Danville, Ya, and Hampton Inst; ’83- ’87 AB, ’91 AM, ’91- ’94, Sem LIJ, STB; ’87- ’88, tea, Aiken, SC; ’88- ’91, founded and built Danville Industrial High School; ’94- ’05, p Lynchburg, Ya; tea Morgan Col- lege Branch; ’05- ’15, p and tea Amelia Co, Ya; twice mod Pbty; ’05, Gen’l Assembly. Mar Cornelia P Gould, My 22 ’88, Darien, Ga (d, My 9 ’12) ; 5 children. Add, Danville, Ya. Butler, Henry R — ’87 AB; AM. B, Ap 11 ’62, near Fayetteville, NC, son of William T Butler and Caroline Noise (d, My ’14, age 83). Prep, night school, Wilmington, NC and LU; ’81- ’87 AB, AM; ’87- ’90, Meharry Med Coll, MD; ’94- ’95, postgrad Harvard Med Sch, Boston, Mass; dean nurses training sch Morris Brown Univ, prof pres YMCA, and member bd of manage- ment; steward Bethel AME ch, Atlanta, Ga; ’90-’98, appointed sur- geon 2d Ga Battalion, Ga Yolunteers; founder and memb bd of directors of first col bank in Atlanta; organizer Georgia Med Soc for Col Phys; sec-treas Fair Haven Infirmary; med registrar Knights of Pythias; memb trustee bd Orphan Home; Grand Master Col Masons of Georgia; pres Masonic Industrial School and Orphan Home, Ameri- cus, Ga; memb Monday Club, Citizen’s Club and Business League; phys Spellman Seminary and lecturer in Nurses Training Dep’t; has contributed many articles to med journals, also to Southern news- papers on phases of Negro activity; see Yol XIY of The National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Mar Selena M Sloan, My 23 ’93, Thomasville, Ga; 1 child. Add, 98 North Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga. Campbell, Thomas D N — ’87 AB. Chew, William — ’87 AB ; AM. Min Meth, Galena, Md. Chiles, James A — ’87 AB. Lawy, 122 N Upper St, Lexington, Ky. *Hall, James S — ’87 AB. Chatam, Canada. Hare, Willis G — ’87 AB. Tea, Louisburg, NC. Harris, Charles E — ’87 AB. Biographical Catalogue 35 Harris, William E — ’87 AB; AM. Phys, Baltimore, Md. Harrison, C A — ’87 AB. Bus, Lynchburg, Ya. ^Hedges, Charles S — ’87 AB. Min Presb, Baltimore, Md. Jefferson, Charles L — ’87 AB; AM. Min Presb, Chicago, 111. * * Johnson, Charles W — ’87 AB. Lawy, Baltimore, Md. Kerr, William A B — ’87 AB. Phys, 914 John Street, Cincinnati, O. Langhorne, Stepney T — ’87 AB. Phys, Philadelphia, Pa. Presbury, Abraham L — ’87 AB. Rector, John K — ’87 AB; AM. Lawv, Pine Bluff, Ark. Reed, Isaiah R — ’87 AB. Beaufort, SC. Slater, Thomas H — ’87 AB ; AM. B, Salisbury, NC, Dc 25 ’65, son of China Slater (b, Ag 31 ’26; farmer and laborer; Bowan Co, NC; d, Je 18 ’81, Salisbury, NC) and Nancy Davis (b, Sp 28' ’38, Fayetteville, NC; d, J1 6 ’96, Salisbury, NC). Prep, gram sch Salisbury, NC; ’82- ’87 AB, first honors, Bradley Medal; ’87- ’90, Meharry Medical College, MD, first honors, medal in obstetrics; MA LU; phys; 12 years elder Badcliffe Mem Presb ch; ’13- ’14, pres Ga State Ass Col Phys; first medical director Standard Life Ins Co, pres Monday Club. Mar (1) Marie A Taylor, Atlanta, Ga, Je 3 ’03 (d, Fb 26 ’05, Atlanta, Ga) ; (2) Mrs Celestine B Phil- lips, Omaha, Neb, J1 31 ’07; 2 children. Add, 198 Piedmont Ave, Atlanta, Ga. Smith, James H — ’87 AB. Bus, Princeton, NJ. Smith, James L — ’87 AB ; AM. Bus, Washington, DC. Stevens, Sandy W — ’87 AB. B, Fayetteville, NC, Mr 29 ’62, son of Sandy Stevens and Susan Stevens. Prep, gram sch Fayetteville, NC; ’83- ’87 AB; ’91 MD, Western Beserve Univ; phys. Add, Oberlin, 0. Tildon, John W — ’87 AB. Phys, 401£ E 9th St, Fort Worth, Tex. Toomey, Richard E — ’87 AB ; AM. Bus, Washington, DC. 36 Lincoln University *Twine, Peyton R — ’87 AB ; AM. Min Presb, Richmond, Ya. Uggams, Coyden H — ’87 AB ; ’90 STB. b, A g 22 ’64, Sparta, Ga, son of William Uggams (b, Richmond, Ya, , Drayman, d, Mr 30 ’91, Augusta, Ga) and Sarah Uggams (b, IS — d, Oe 27 *79, Augusta, Ga). Prep, pub sch Augusta, Ga; ’84- ’8'7 AB; ’87— *90, Sem BU, AM STB; ’90- ’92, prin Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; ’93- ’96, Union Acad, Gainesville, Ga; *06- ’09, State Coll, Orangeburg, SO; p, ’92- ’96, 2d Presb, Gainesville, Fla; ’92- ’00, Mt Yernon church, Palatka, Fla; ’94- ’96, Mather Perritt Mem, St Augustine, Fla; ’01- ’06, Zion Presb, Charleston, SC; ’07- ’09, St Luke Presb, Orangeburg, SC; ’09- ’ll, missionary p (Santer Cyprus Lumber Co) Ferguson, SC; ’01- ’13, 2d Presb ch, Camden, SC; ’14-, Zion Presb eh, Charleston, SC; ’07- ’08^ mod Atlantic Syn, Madison, Ga; ’94- ’00, temp clerk Pby of East Fla; ’02- ’15, temp clerk Atlantic Pby; ’06- ’09, chap State Coll, Orangeburg, SC; ’13- ’15, perman clerk At- lantic Synod. Mar (1) Mary J Hughes, My 15 ’93, Gainesville, Fla (d, Nv 27 ’97); (2) Florida M Walker, Dc 25 ’99, Palatka, Fla; 5 children. Add, 263 Ashley Ave, Charleston, SC. Wallace, William A — ’87 AB. Whitted, Calvin S — ’87 AB. Min Meth, New Haven, Conn. Womack, Thomas T — ’87 AB; AM. Phys, Philadelphia, Pa. Berry, William H — ’83-. Min ss miss, Ala. Biddle, Calvin H — ’83- Phys, New York, NY. Bowens, Leonidas E — ’83-. Carter, Beecher — ’83-. Min Meth, Plymouth, Mass. Chalmers, William T — ’83- Ccoper, William W — ’83- Daniel, William F — ’83-. Duston, William H — ’83- Ferrier, Cains C — ’83-. Tea, Columbia, SC. Garland, James A — ’83-. B, Dc 1 ’63, Danville, Ya, son of M Edward Garland (b, J1 12 ’13, Danville, Ya; janitor; d, J1 2 ’96) and Nancy Reynolds (b, Ag 10 ’10, Danville, Ya). LU, ’83-; tea. Mar Martha Fuller, Sp 10 ’87, Staten Island, NY; 3 children. Add, 518 Sycamore Street, Danville, Ya. Biographical Catalogue 37 Gray, Perry 0 — ’83- Tea, Monrovia, Liberia. Harris, William 0 — ’83- Holleman, Robert D — ’83- *Lane, Charles H — ’83-. Min Meth, Asbury Park, NJ. *Mabien, Elijah W — ’83-. Baltimore, Md. Moultrie, Jacob C — ’83-. 1888 Albouy, William A — ’88 AB ; AM. Phys, Charlotte Ct H, Ya. *Broughton, William J — ’88 AB. Brown, Arthur M — ’88 AB. Phys, Birmingham, Ala. Brown, Jacob T— ’88 AB; ’91 STB; AM; DD. B, J1 7 ’63, Hilton Head, SC, son of Prince Brown (b, ; farmer; d, Oc 12 ’97) and Mary Bryant (b, , Blufton, SC; d, Mr 1 ’13). Prep, Hampton Inst; ’84- ’88 AB; ’88- ’91, Sem LU, AM STB; DD LU; fresh and jun medals oratory; Bradley Medal; ’92- ’96, prin, then pres, Fla Baptist Academy, Jacksonville, Fla; prof Lat, math and rhet, Fla Inst, Live Oaks, Fla, ’91- ’92; p First Bapt ch, Ferdinand, Fla, ’91- ’94; p Dexter Ave Bapt ch, Montgomery, Ala, ’96- ’98; prof theo and dean theo dept, Guadulupe College, Seguin, Tex, ’98- ’00; p Mt Zion Bapt ch, Houston, Tex, ’05- ’08; pres and founder Boyds Acad, Oak- woods, Tex, ’04- ’05; state conductor Bible Institutes of General Bapt Convention, ’05- ’12; p Mt Zion Bapt eh, Miami, Fla, ’12- ’15; mod Fla East Coast Ass’n, ’12- ’15. Mar Sarah A Cashin, Ag 11 ’91; 2 chil- dren. For 18 years contributor to publishing board of National Baptist Convention; pub Theological Kernels , The Cheribin, Seven things Satan has taught Negro Baptist Churches and four annual ss commentaries on International SS Lessons ’05- ’08. Add, 214 Avenue H, Miami, Florida. Burrell, Isaac D — ’88 AB. Phys, Roanoke, Ya. Cotton, Wesley F— ’88 AB ; ’93 STB ; AM ; DD. B, My 29 ’62, Still Pond, Md, son of James H Cotton (b, Sp 18 ’37, Still Pond, Kent Co, Md, farmer) and Angeline Wright (b, Mr 12 ’39; d, Mr 11 ’02). ’84- ’88 AB, ’91 AM, ’93 STB, ’04 DD; ’04- ’05, tea Lat and math Princess Anne Acad; p 5 yrs Milford, Del; 1 yr Magnolia, NJ; 4 yrs Germantown, Pa; 3 yrs Philadelphia, Pa; 6 yrs dist supt Wilmington District; p Haven ME ch, Wilmington, Del. Mar Eliza J Caulk, Oc 10 ’94, Baltimore, Md; 1 child. Add, Worton, Kent Co, Md, RFD 2. 38 Lincoln University Curtis, Austin M — ’88 AB ; AM. B, Ja 15 ’68, son of Alexander W Curtis (b, Je 27 ’40, Raleigh, NC; carpenter, d, Fb 12 ’00) and Emma Patill (b, Ap 1 *50). Prep, pub sch Raleigh, NC; ’84- ’88 AB, AM; ’91 MD, Northwestern Univ Med Seh, Chicago, 111; *95- ’98, surg Provident Hospital, Chicago; ’96, surg, Cook Co Hospital, Chicago; ’96, Grand Med Examiner K of P of 111; ’95- ’98, lecturer Provident Hosp Training Sch; ’98- ’02, surg in chief, Freedman’s Hosp, Washington, DC; ’98- ’02, prof abdominal surgery, H U Med Sch; ’04, surg Freedman’s Hospital, assoc prof surgery, H U Med Sch; ’06, lecturer on surgical pathology, H U Med Sch; ’10, pres National Med Assn; ’10, pres Mu-so-let Club, Washington, DC; pres Freedman ’s Hospital Med Soc ; memb Masonic Frat, Civic League, Common Welfare Club, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc, Boule Club, YMCA; consulting phys, Richmond (Ya) Hosp; Provident Hosp, Baltimore, Md. Mar Nanah G Sockton, My 5 ’88; 4 children. Add, 1938 13th St, NW Washington, DC. Dennison, Franklin A — ’88 AB. Lawy, Chicago, 111; presided Republican National Convention ’00; Colonel of Eighth Regiment Illinois National Guard and secured erec- tion of Armory in Chicago; now Colonel of 370th National Guard In- fantry, Camp Logan, Texas. Dozier, John L — ’88 AB. Lawy, Baltimore, Md. Gamble, Henry F — ’88 AB. B, Ja 16 ’62, North Garden, Albemarle Co, Ya, son of Henry H Gamble (b, ’33 North Garden, Albemarle Co, Ya; farmer; d, Fb 19 ’05) and Millie A Howard (b, North Garden, Ya, ’38; d, Ap 6 ’86). Prep, LU, ’82; ’84- ’88 AB; Yale Univ Med School, MD ’91; ’04- ’09, chrmn execut bd Nat Med Assn; ’ll- ’12, pres Nat Med Soc; ’07-’08, pres WYa State Med Soc. Mar Elizabeth Gilmer Dc 6 ’94, Charleston, WYa (d, Ag 1 ’01) ; 2 children. Add, 1401 Washington St, Charles- ton, WYa. Hagler, Milford H — ’88 AB ; ’91 STB ; AM. B, Oc 21 ’62, son of (a white slave-holder and trader, Tuscaloosa, Alabama) and Isabella Gigitts (b, Ja 2 ’44; d, Nv 10 ’93, Salisbury township, Lancaster Co, Pa). Prep, Albion Acad, Franklinton, NC; ’84- ’88 AB; ’91 AM, STB; gold med soph orator contest, gold med jun contest; ’91- ’96, ss miss White River Presbytery, Ark; ’96- ’15, home missionary Westminster Presbytery, Pa; ’13- ’15, pres Isaac N Rendall Industrial Training Sch for Colored Youth, Welsh Mts, Lancaster Co, Pa. Mar Mary E Marshall, Ap 7 ’90, Oxford, Pa; 3 children. Add, New Holland, RFD 4, Lancaster Co, Pa. * Jarvis, John S — ’88 AB. Min Presb, Pine Bluff, Ark. Lane, George L — ’88 AB. B, Fb 19 ’67, Raleigh, NC, son of George L Lane (b, ’42, Raleigh, NC; Biographical Catalogue 39 d, Oc 12 ’12) and Adeline Ray (b, ’44, Neuse, NC). Prep, pub sch Raleigh; ’83- ’88 AB; Shaw Univ Law Dept LLB; ’88- ’90, tea pub sch; ’10, census enumerator; ’00- ’15, lawy, NC. Add, 728 E Davie \St, Raleigh, NC. Onque, Samuel J — ’88 AB. B, Mr 7 ’70, Jersey City, NJ, son of John M Onque (b, Ag 14 ’29, Princeton, NJ ; d, ’95, Princeton, NJ) and Martha M Fairfax (b, Fb 22 ’40, London Co, Ya; d, Oc ’91). Prep, pub sch, Princeton, NJ ; ’84- ’88 AB; ’88- ’92, Princeton Theo Sem grad; ’92- ’93, asst supt and ass p Immanuel Mission, Aiken, SC; ’93- ’95, p Mt Pisgah Presb ch, Laurens, SC, and Sloane’s Chap, Clinton, SC; ’96- ’02, p Allen’s Chap, Jetersville, Ya, and Mt Zion Presb eh, Truxville, Ya; ’02- ’07, p Shinneehnech Presb ch, Southampton, NY; tea pub sch; ’07- ’09, p Hopewell Presb ch, Morrillton, Ark, Oak Grove ch, Conway, Ark, and tea pub sch; ’09- ’12, p Richard Allen Presb ch, Pine Bluff, Ark, and prin Richard Allen Inst; ’12- ’14, Beaver Dam ch, Grant, Okla, and tea pub sch; ’14- ’16, p Oak Hill ch, Yalliant, Okla, and prin Alice Lee Elliott Sch, Yalliant, Okla. Mar Daisy Y T Reed, Ja 8 ’95, Aiken, SC; 9 children. Add, Yalliant, Okla. Outlaw, John S — ’88 AB. B, Sp 14 ’63, Windsor, NC, son of James M Outlaw (d, Windsor, NC; hotel owner) and Sarah Ryan. Prep, H U; ’83- ’88 AB; ’88*- ’91, Med sch H U MD; ’90- ’91, mortality statistician US Census Bur; since ’01, phys, Los Angeles, Gal. Mar Frances Brown, Je 28 ’99, Washington, DC; 2 children. Add, 230 W 30th St, Los Angeles, Cal. *Ponton, Mungo M — ’88 AB. Newton Theo Sem, Boston, Mass; min AME; p New England, Ohio, Ark, Ga, Miss; 5 yrs pres Campbell Col; 1 yr pres Lampton Col, Alex- andria, La; 4 yrs head Jno C Martin Ed Fund in South; 1 yr p of Bible Morris Brown Col, Atlanta, Gp • 7 yrs dean Turner Theo Sem, Atlanta, Ga. D, J1 12 ’17, Atlanta, Ga. Postles, David W — ’88 AB. Phys, Chester, Pa. Prather, John W — ’88 AB. Phys, Washington, DC. Smith, Theodore P — ’88 AB. Bus, Lynchburg, Ya. Stuart, William M — ’88 AB. Min AMEB, Clayton, Del. Sumner, David A — ’88 AB ; AM. B, Nv 5 ’62, Salisbury, NC, son of Miles Sumner (b, ’26; farmer; d, Oc 3 ’02) and Sarah A Miller (b, Je 19 ’33, Rowan Co, NC; d, Je 19 ’13). Prep, State Normal Sch, Salisbury, NC, and Shaw Univ; ’84- ’88 AB; ’91 AM, LU; ’00— ’01, med dept HU; ’88— ’89, prin York St paroch sch, Aiken, SC; ’89- ’90, tea Fla; ’91- ’92, tea, Cotton Plant, Ark; ’93- ’94, tea Dermott, Ark; ’94- ’99, tea and asst prin high sch, Pine 40 Lincoln University Bluff, Ark; ’OS-’CU, tea Norfolk Mission Col; *99, clerk Census Bureau, Washington, DC; ’94- r 97, normal conductor for Col Seh Tea; *09, commissary clerk, US Army, Transport Serv; , 02- , 03, gen man insur- ance company; *09- US wharfinger, Fort Munroe, Ya. Mar Ellen L Davis, Ag 22, ’94, Cotton Plant, Ark; 2 children. Add, 16 Booer Street, Phoebus, Ya. Wright, John T— ’88 AB, ’92 STB. Min Presb, Bock Hill, SC. Bright, Alexander A — ’84-. *Fountaine, Edward D — ’84-. Bus, Wilmington, Del. Frisby, Edward W — ’84-. Gibson, Frisby — ’84- Min Meth, Philadelphia, Pa. Given, Joshua — ’84-. Bus, Niagara Falls, NY. Henry, John B — ’84- Howard, John H — ’84-. Pres bank, Hattiesburg, Miss. James, Otwie — ’84-. * Jarvis, Isaac — ’84-. Min AME, Wilmington, Del. * Johns, George H — ’84-. Tea, Monrovia, Liberia. Johnson, Thomas A — ’84-. * Jones, William M — ’84- Pittsburgh, Pa. Keith, George M — ’84- Bus, New York, NY. Mancebo, John B — ’84- Min Presb, Calle Alta, Santiago, Cuba. Moore, Bichard E — ’84- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Moorehead, John B — ’84-. Bus, Boston, Mass. McKellup, A E Y— ’84-. Nelson, Julian — ’84- Noble, Edward D — ’84-. KiLey, Morris — ’84-. *Stanton, William H — ’84-. Oxford, Pa. Williams, Daniel — ’84-. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Biographical Catalogue 41 1889 Brown, Edward A — ’89 AB. Lawy, Birmingham, Ala. Bythewood, Daniel W — ’89 AB ; AM. Min Bapt, Beaufort, SC. Creditt, James 0 — ’89 AB. Curtis, James L — ’89 AB. U S Minister to Liberia, Lawy, 322 W 53d Street, New York, NY. Davis, Benjamin F — ’89 AB; AM. Tea, Louisville, Ky. Fairley, Leonard E — ’89 AB, ’92 AM; STB. Min Presb, Kinston, NC. Hubert, Enoch W — ’89 AB. Phys, Portsmouth, O. * James, Thornley 0 — ’89 AB. Baltimore, Md. Locklier, John H — ’89 AB ; AM. Min Presb, Newark, NJ. Long, Thomas A — ’89 AB, ’92 STB, AM. B, at Franklinton, Ky, son of Stanford L Long (undertaker and cabinet-maker) and Mariah L Long (d, *02). Prep, Christian Inst and State Norm Sch, Franklinton, NC, '85- '89 AB; '89- '92, Sem LU, AM, STB; *00, summer session U of Pa; ’01, *02, *14, summer courses Columbia Univ; '08, summer session Harvard Univ; *08, one session Music Sch, Buffalo, NY; one session NE Conserv Mus, Boston, Mass; J 10 PhD, LU; '92- '07, prin Industrial High Sch, Danville, Ya; '07- ’15, prof Biddle Univ; *05, memb Soc Psychic Research; '95- '16, sec Synod SS Con, Syn of Catawba, Ya, NC; '13, del Worlds SS Con, Zurich, Switzerland; author of Across the Continent. Add, Biddle Univ, Charlotte, NC. Rankin, William F— ’89 AB, ’92 AM; STB. Min Presb, Aberdeen, NC. Scales, Augustus IT — ’89 AB. Min Meth, Boston, Mass. *Tildon, William S— ’89 AB, ’92 AM; STB. Min Presb, Frankfort, Ky. Trusty, Charles H— ’89 AB, ’92 AM; STB. B, Dc 12 '68, Cold Spring, Ark. Prep, Cold Spring high sch; , 85- , 89 AB; '92 AM STB; '92- '95, p 2d Presb ch, Maryville; ’95, organized ch Louisville, Tenn, and ch sch Maryville, Tenn; organized Newton Norm Inst; prin 5 yrs; '07- '10, one of the founders Birmingham Presbytery and Synod East Tenn; p Jersey City, NJ; '10, p Grace Presb ch, Pitts- burgh, Pa; pres bd of directors Coleman Industr Home and Living- stone Mem Hosp. Mar Catherine Wilson; 5 children. Add, 1626 Wiley Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. 42 Lincoln University Williams, Joseph — ’89 AB, ’92 AM; STB. Min Presb, Seneca, SC. Williams, Oscar A — ’89 AB, ’92 AM; STB. B, Ag *63, Warren Co, NC, son of Thomas Williams (b, NC; brick- mason; d, ’95, Raleigh, NC) and Penny Alston. *84- *89 AB; *92 AM STB; , 98>- , 0 l 2, Leonard Med College, MD; ’92- ’95, 9th Presb church, Indianapolis, Ind; ’ 95 - * 9 - 7 , Mather Perritt Chapel, St Augus- tine, Fla; ’ 97 - ’ 98 , miss Ga and SC; ’02, phys Mass; ’03, Ark; ’03- ’15, Ind Terr and Okla; ’06- ’10 and ’14- ’16, ss Mt Olive Presb church, Okmulgee, Okla; 'OS- *06, memb Bd of Health, Okmulgee, Okla. Add, 600 E 6th Street, Okmulgee, Okla. Wolfe, William— ’89 AB, ’01 AM; ’10 STB. B, Ap 8 *64, Richmond, Ya, son of Robert Wolfe and Amelia Miner. Prep, Morristown Normal Acad, Tenn; *85- ’89 AB; *01 AM; ’10 STB; ’89- ’07, prin Langston high sch, Johnson City, Tenn; ’07-’10, tut Latin LU; ’10- ’15, dean Darby Bible Sch, Bowling Green, Ky; ’00, US census enumerator, Tenn; *14- ’15, p Morgantown, Ky. Mar Hattie M Flemming, Morristown, Ky, ’93; 10 children. Add, 419 State Street, Bowling Green, Ky. Anderson, Julius — ’85-. Phys, Plainfield, NJ. *B arret, William T — ’85-. Tea, Amelia Ct House, Ya. Bushrod, William H — ’85-. Min Meth, Bridgeton, NJ. Bynum, Charles H — ’85-. Phys, Kinston, NC. Derry, John W — ’85- Min Epis, Wilmington, Del. Downing, Lilburn L — B, My 3 ’62, Lexington, Ya, son of Lilburn Downing (b, Jacksonville, Fla, ’23; trained nurse; mar, ’53, Lexington, Ya; d, Oe 5 ’86), and Ellen Harvey (b, Lexington, Ya, ’31; d, Ja 15 ’84). Prep, pub sch Lexington, Ya, and LU; ’85 AM; Sem LU, ’91- ’94 STB; ’06 DD LU; Sabbath School Missionary in Ya ’88- ’91; ’94, p Presb church; instr Eng and Latin LU, ’91- ’92; commissioner to GA, Los Angeles, Cal, ’03; Atlanta, Ga, ’13; mod Syn of Catawba, ’00- ’01; mod Pbty So Ya, ’14-’15; chaplain Grand Staff GUOOF, ’12; pro- bation officer, Roanoke, Ya, ’15; delegate Negro National Congress, Denver, Col, ’12; only colored member of Roanoke, Ya, Rep Com, elected ’96, serving nineteenth term; ’99- ’03, Grand Master Dist Grand Lodge, GUOOF of Ya; RW Grand Master, AF and AM of Ya, ’14- ’15; v-pres Negro Organization Society of Ya since ’13; member Negro Business League and General Welfare League. Mar Lottie J Clinton, Je 10 ’88', Atlantic City, NJ ; 6 children. Add, 236 Patton Ave, NW, Roanoke, Ya. Biographical Catalogue 43 *Finlayson, Lawrence — ’85- Salston, NC. Smith, Nathaniel L — ’85-. Bus, Winston, NC. Spriggs, Charles S — ’85-. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Willis, Emory B — ’85-. 1890 Boddy, James M — ’90 AB. Min Presb, 430 Selby Ave, St Paul, Minn. Duckrey, James H — ’90 AB. Min Bapt, Boston, Mass. Duty, Maximo F — ’90 AB; AM. Min Epis, Cincinnati, O. Houston, Ebenezer A — ’90 AB, ’93 AM; STB. B, Dorchester, Georgia, son of Abram Houston (farmer; d, Fb 12 ’93, Flemming, Ga) and Margaret Bushby (d, Ap 9 ’76). Prep, pub sch, Liberty, Ga; ’84- ’90 AB; ’93 AM STB; p Allen’s Mem ch, Milledge- ville, Ga, ’93-; trust Eddy High Sch, Milledgeville, Ga; ’12, pres Baldwin Co Fair Assoc; ’02- ’03, pres Poor Man’s Union Club. Mar Rosa B Steele, Je 20 ’94; 11 children. Add, Milledgeville, Ga. Marshall, Walton H — 90 AB. Porter, Isaac N — ’90 AB; AM. Phys, 198 Dixwell Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Robinson, John R — ’90 AB. Bus, Washington, DC. Tildon, Frederick D — ’90 AB, ’93 AM; STB. B, Fb 21 ’67, Michaelsville, Harford Co, Md, son of Benjamin W Tildon (b, Ag 23 ’32, Michaelsville, Harford Co, Md; farmer) and Cecelia L Dallaw (b, Ja 28 ’32; d, Ag 16 ’ll, Michaelsville, Harford Co, Md). Prep, pub sch Michaelsville and LU; ’86- ’90 AB; ’93 AM STB; ’93- ’96, p Brook Chap, Hilburn, Rockland Co, NY, and tea dist sch; ’96- ’14, p Bethel Chap, Plainfield, NJ ; ’10, com Elizabeth Presb Gen Ass, Atlantic City; ’13- ’15, memb Scout Council Boy Scouts of America, Plainfield, NJ. Mar Ella Butler, J1 10 ’94, Baltimore, Md; 9 children. Add, 825 Richmond Street, Plainfield, NJ. Allen, Millard F — ’86-. Phys, New Haven, Conn. Brown, Samuel H — ’86- Phys, Nashville, Tenn. Gill, Joseph W — ’86-. 44 Lincoln University Hilton, Joseph — ’86-. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Jeffers, George H — ’86-. Bus, Harrisburg, Pa. Schenck, John W — ’86- Bus, Boston, Mass. *West, David — ’86-. Bus, Danville, Ya 1891 Anderson, Daniel B — ’91 AB, ’94 AM; STB. Min Presb, Plainfield, NJ. Anthony, Luke B — ’91 AB ; AM. Phys, Liberia, Africa. Baker, Benjamin H — ’91 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Brumfield, James W — ’91 AB. Min, "UP, Bowling Green, Ky. Coberth, Edward W — ’91 AB, ’94 AM; STB. Min Presb, Martinsville, Ya. Fuller, Joseph S — ’91 AB. Tea, Franklinton, NC. Gillingham, Oscar — ’91 AB. Min Presb, Darnestown, Md. Lester, Benjamin F — ’91 AB. Lawy, Baltimore, Md. Long, Albert S — ’91 AB, ’96 AM; STB. B, Oc 8 ’70, Franklinton, NC, son of Stanford L Long (b, ’36, Dan- ville, Ya; cabinet-maker) and Maria L Levister (b, A g 10 '35, Frank- linton, NC; d, J1 31 ’01, Winston-Salem, NC). Prep, Albion Acad, State Norm Sch, Franklinton Christian Coll and LU; , 87'- , 91 AB; '93- '96 AM STB; '91- ’93, prin graded sch, Franklinton, NC; '96- '98, prin Industrial Inst and Norm, Suffolk, Ya; '98-'01, instr, Albion Acad and State Norm Sch; '98- '01, asst p St Paul's, Louisburg, NC; White Hall, Kittrell, NC, and Mt Pleasant Presb eh; '01- '04, prin of the Burlington City graded sch; '04- '12, p Allen's Temple, Presb ch, Cleveland, and the 2d Presb ch, Lexington, NC; '10-'14, prin city graded and high sch, Lexington, NC; '11, mod Yadkin Pbty, Durham, NC; '14, Gen Ass, Chicago, 111; pres Dunbar Lit and Soc Club, Lex- ington, NC; pres Ministerial Union, Lexington, NC; memb Kni P; author True Dignity of Manhood, etc. Add, 14 South Church Street, Lexington, NC. Monroe, Samuel E — ’91 AB. Peabody, George B — ’91 AB. Tea, Liberia, Africa. Biographical Catalogue 45 Peden, William H — ’91 AB. Tea, Columbus, Georgia. Purcell, Herbert E — ’91 AB. Phys, Baltimore, Md. Reed, Albert S — ’91 AB. B, Ag 11 J 69, Beaufort, SC, son of Rev Harry G Reed (Beaufort, SC; clergyman; d, *86, Beaufort, SC) and Molly Gardner (d, Nv J 12). Prep, Beaufort Normal Acad and LU; ’ 87-’91 AB; , 92 - , 95 , New York Homeopath and Med Coll, MD; , 91 -’ 92 , deputy sheriff Beaufort Co, SC; ’95, phys; memb Nat Leag Urb Condit among Col People; Day Nursery of the Col Mission. Mar Daisy P Cargile, Je 25 ’05, New York, NY. Add, 316 West 52d Street, New York, NY. Roberts, Eugene P — ’91 AB ; AM. Graduated from Flower Hospital Medical School, New York; while building up largest practice of any physician of his race in the city, has been active in every movement for welfare of his people and city; Chm of Committee of Management, YMCA, to which he has contributed largely of time and means; director of National League on Urban Con- ditions among Negroes; appointed by Mayor Mitchell on Municipal Board of Education for Greater New York; Phys, 242 West 53d Street, New York, NY. Robinson, Andrew M — ’91 AB. Bus, 314 West 52d Street, New York, NY. Stanford, John T — ’91 AB; AM. Phys, 4030 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Stevens, Charles W — ’91 AB. Tompkins, Pierce B — ’91 AB. Min Presb, New York, NY. Toomey, Robert A — ’91 AB. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Wilson, James J — ’91 AB. Min Presb, Wadesboro, NC. Herndon, James P — ’87-. Jenkins, Isaac W — ’87- Mack, Thomas H — ’87-. Moore, William H — ’87-. Willie, John K — ’87-. Anderson, William G — ’92 AB. Rascomb, Lawton B — ’92 AB. Min Presb, Birmingham, Ala. *Brooks, John J — ’92 AB. Lawy, Philadelphia, Pa. 46 Lincoln University Gantt, Allen G — ’92 AB. B, A g 3, ’72, Batesburg, SC, son of Robert Gantt (b, in Miss; farmer; d, near Batesburg, SC) and Malinda Black (d, My ’79, near Bates- burg, SO). Prep, Immanuel Training Sch, Aiken, SC; ’88- ’92 AB; '92- *95, Western Theo Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa; ’98- *01, med dept Univ of Pittsburgh, MD; phys in chief Home for Aged and Infirm Col Women; head phys Davis Home for Col Children; med adviser Home for Col Children. Mar Fb 24 J 04, Constance O Catus; Thomas- ville, NC; 1 child. Add, 732 N Euclid Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hall, Edward H — ’92 AB. B, Oc 17 ’65, near Staunton, Ya, son of Philip W H Hall (b, ’25; laborer; d, *90) and Emily S Hall (b, Ap 4 *39, Staunton, Ya; d, Oc 14 ’97). Prep, pub sch Augusta Co, Ya, and Storer College, Harper’s Ferry, WVa; ’88-’92 AB; ’92-’94, Kent Law School, Chicago, 111; ’94- ’99, lawy Omaha, Neb; ’99- ’02, commercial trav; ’02- ’05, tea pub sch; ’05- ’15, prin Henessy high sch; Kingfisher Normal; ’12, pres Okla State Tea Assn; ’13, Masonic Grand Lecturer; ’12, Okla Del National Educat Assn, Chattanooga, Tenn; ’15, Okla Del Half-Century Anniver Neg Freedom, Chicago, 111. Mar Lois E Morgan, Nv 29 ’06, Watonga, Okla; 4 children. Add, Box 645, Hennessy, Okla. Holmes, Luke M — ’92 AB. Howard, Isaac W — ’92 AB. Tea, Seaford, Delaware. Jason, Howard T — ’92 AB, ’95 AM; STB. Presb miss, Corizal, Porto Rico; success in school and church work highly commended by Bd of Home Missions; enjoys confidence of people of all classes and in recent campaign was asked by both parties to be judge of election. Add, Corizal, Porto Rico. Johnson, William H — ’92 AB. B, Nv 23 ’64, Paulsboro, NJ, son of Matthew J Johnson (b, J1 4 ’31, Thoroughfare, NJ; laborer; d, Nv 20 ’ll) and Rhoda M Huggs (b, Oc 4 ’36, Philadelphia, Pa; d, Mr 20 ’12, Paulsboro, NJ). Prep by Rev J H O’Brien, Clarkesboro, NJ, and LU; ’88- ’92 AB; summer courses NJ summer school in psychology; mechanical drawing, cabinet making, woodturning, Camden Evening Tech Sch in cabinet making; ’05, perman tea certif State Bd of NJ; ’92-, tea 19 years Sch No 5, Deptford Township, Gloucester Co, NJ; ’ll-, prin sch No 7, Pensauken Township, Camden Co, NJ; ’13, asst chief organizer of the NJ Emancip Procl Celebrat; ’14, ag Summerdale Lard Co. Mar Kathryn Y Patterson, Je 30 ’99, Camden, NJ ; 2 children. Add, 751 Cherry Street, Camden, NJ. Kellog, Alexander A — ’92 AB; AM. Phys, 100 W 133d Street, New York, NY. Kelly, Charles A — ’92 AB. B, Je 15 ’67, Carthage, NC, son of Cato Kelly (b, Mr 17 ’47, Carthage, NC; bricklayer; d, Ja 6 ’07) and Dilcie A Kelly (b, Ja ’47). Prep, Biographical Catalogue 47 Albion Academy, NO; >88- ’92 AB; '93- ’97, PbG Mebarry College; ’98- ’00, Meharry College, MD; ’92- ’93, tea; ’95-, pharm and phys. Mar Mattie L Allen, Je 1 *98, Nashville, Tenn; 1 child. Add, Clarkes- ville, Tenn. Lamborn, Carey L — ’92 AB; AM. Phys, Philadelphia, Pa. Lanier, Marshall B — ’92 AB. B, Mr 16 ’69, Macksville, NC, son of Abraham Lanier and Mary J Sims. Prep LIJ; ’88- ’92 AB; '92- ’95, Western Theo Sem, Pitts- burgh, Pa; prof State Univ, Louisville, Ky; dean Theo Sem; p Corinthian Bapt ch, Frankfort, Ky; mod ministers and deacons meet- ing, Louisville, Ky. Mar Maud E Bryce, Je 18, *01, Pittsburgh, Pa. Add, 1704 W Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky. Lawrence, Isaac A — ’92 AB. B, Mr 30 ’70, Morg Neck, Kent Co, Md, son of John F Lawrence (d, Mr 1 ’73) and Mary J Jones (b, Dc 10 ’31, Morg Neck, Kent Co, Md; d, My 27 ’14, Elizabeth, NJ). Prep, South Chester high sch; ’88- ’92 AB; ’98- ’99, med sch, HU; ’99- ’02, Leonard Med Coll, MD; ’09 AM LU in course; ’92- ’93, studied law; ’93- ’95, tea, Magnolia, Del; ’95- ’98, tea Chester, Pa; ’98- ’02, med; since ’02, phys Elizabeth, NJ; 1st pres North Jersey Med Assn; ’04, pres Alpha Beneficial Assn; since ’05, pres Alpha Investment Co; ’03- ’07, supt Mt Tenian AME SS; since ’02, memb NJ State Med Soc, Union Co Med Assn; ’13-, Mason; ’13, Chanc Comm K of P; ’15, Grand Sen Ward F and AM of NJ. Mar Ardelia Matthews, Dc 24 ’02, Centerville, Md; 1 child. Add, 1086 Elizabeth Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ. Mitchell, Eugene A — ’92 AB. B, My 1 ’69, Flushing, LI. Prep, pub e sch, Griggstown, NJ; ’88- ’92 AB; ’92- ’95, Western Theo Sem, Pittsburgh, Pa; min and tea. Mar Lillian Bowers, Ap 14 ’97, Baltimore, Md; 4 children. Add, 615 Ninth Street, Little Bock, Ark. Morris, LeRoy — ’92 AB. Son of Phillip Morris (laborer, d, Ap 5 ’82) and Nancy Bright (d, Nv 22 ’81). Prep, Hampton, NI, Ya; ’88- ’92 AB; ’92-’95, med dept HU MD; ’95- ’96, phys Ya; ’96-, Atlantic City, NJ; 10' yrs city phys Atlantic City; six terms Atlantic Co Grand Jury; ’13-’15, judge of elect bd; ’12- ’14, treas Univ Club Atlantic City; ’06, v-pres Nat Med Assn for state of NJ. Mar Ella F Smith, Oc 3 ’95, Atlantic City, NJ ; 3 children. Add, 109 N New York Ave, Atlantic City, NJ. McDougald, J Fletcher — ’92 AB. Phys, Atlanta, Georgia. Parr, Selton W — ’92 AB. Min Pres, St Louis, Mo. Paul, John D — ’92 AB. Rendall, John B, Jr — ’92 AB, ’97 AM. B, Sp 9 ’73, Lincoln University, Pa, son of John B Kendall, pres LU, 48 Lincoln University and Harriet E Jones. Prep, Oxford, Pa, Acad; ’88-’92 AB; ’ 97 AM; *93- *97, Princeton Theo Sem; ’13 DD, Parsons College, la; ’14, Osca- loosa College, PhD; p, *97- '01, Atglen and Christiana, Pa; '01- '03, Mifflintown, Pa; , 04- , 06, Sharon, Pa; , 07- , 12, Greensburg, Pa; >12- U5, Muscatine, Iowa. Mar Nellie Musser, Je 24 ’08, Mifflintown, Pa. Add, Muscatine, Iowa. Rideout, Albert R — ’92 AB. Bus, .Baltimore, Md. Tucker, Charles E — ’92 AB, ’95 AM; STB. Min Presb, Chattanooga, Tenn. Turner, Robert W — ’92 AB. Phys, 68 Plain Street, Newark, NJ. Wash, Morris T — ’92 AB. Min Presb, Union, SC. Crawford, William H — ’88-. 1893 Bampfield, Samuel J, Jr — ’93 AB. Phys, Bluefield, WVa. Belcher, Fannin S — ’93 AB. Phys, Savannah, Ga. Blake, Charles S — ’93 AB. Min. Bradley, A C — ’93 AB. Brown, John W — ’93 AB. B, Ap 27 *70, Winchester, Va, son of C C Brown (b, '32, Charleston, WVa; barber; d, Sp ’08) and Maria Fairfax (b, Mr 18 ’40, Berkley Co, WVa). Prep, Hampton Inst; , 89- , 93 AB; *93- *96, Medico Chi, Philadelphia, MD; phys, memb Allegheny Co Med Assn; Med Soc of Pa; fellow American Med Assn; National Geograph Soc; v-pres Pitts- burgh Branch, NAACP; memb bd direct Coleman Home for Colored Boys. Add, 1303 Wylie Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Burnett, William H — ’93 AB. Tea, Terrel, Tex. Cannon, George E — ’93 AB, ’14 LLD. B, J1 7 ’69, Carlisle, SC, son of Barnett G Cannon (b, Nv 14 ’39; farmer; d, Oc 18 *09) and Mary Tucker (b, Ap 12 ; 44). Prep, pub sch; J 89-’93 AB; *96- *00, New York Homeopathic Med Coll, MD; ’14 LLD LU; ’00-, phys; memb North Jersey Med Assn; Acad of Med of Northern Jersey; Nat Med Assn; pres John Brown B and L Assn; pres Educational Conference of NJ. Mar Genevieve Wilkinson, Ap 10 ’01, Washington, DC; 2 children. Add, 354 Pacific Avenue, Jersey City, NJ. Biographical Catalogue 49 Clarke, William H — ’93 AB, ’96 AM. B, Ja 17 ’73, Wilson, NC, son of William H Clarke (b, ’33, Wilson, NC; d, My 12 *08, Washington, NC) and Flora Lathan (b, ’42, Wash- ington, NC; d, My 23 ’80, Wilson, NC). Prep, Wilson Gram and High Seh ; >80- ’93 AB; ’96 AM; ’96- ’97, Union Sem; ’02- ’04, prin city high sch, Jesnp, Ga; ’04- ’10, dean Kentucky Norm and Indust Inst, Frankfort, Ky; ’10- ’14, dean A1 and M Coil, Normal, Ala; ’14-, dept of nat sci, Wiley Univ. Mar Mary Ella Donegan, Ag 28 ’13, Hunts- ville, Ala. Add, West Church Street, Huntsville, Ala. Coleman, Thomas — ’93 AB, ’01 AM. B, Sp 10 ’74, Sparta, Georgia, son of Henry Coleman (b, ’28; carpen- ter) and Amanda Pinkston (b, ’27). Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; ’8>9 — ’93 AB; ’96- ’00, Univ of Pa, MD; ’99- ’01, Freedman’s Hospital, Washington, DC; ’01, adv wk in hosp, Metropolitan School of London, Eng; ’01 MA LU; memb Allegheny Co, Pa, Med Soc, American Med Assn; Lorndie Soc and Lit Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mar Daisy F Evans, Xenia, Pa, Sp 30 ’07. Add, 2137 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. D wiggins, Horace G — ’93 AB. Bus, 852 Oakland Ave, Kansas City, Mo. Freeland, Newman — ’93 AB. Tea, Mebane, NC. Freeland, William H — ’93 AB, ’96 AM; STB. Min Presb, Laurinburg, NC. Gray, Alonzo S— ’93 AB, ’96 AM; STB. Min Presb, Mullet Hall, Johns Island, SC. Hayswood, John H— ’93 AB, ’95 AM; STB. B, J1 26 ’66, Maplesville, NC, son of John Hayeswood (b, Je 6 ’44, Louisburg, NC; farmer; d, J1 25 ’65) and Catherine Perry (b, Ap 5 ’48, Maplesville, NC; d, Mr 28 ’78). Prep, St Augustine’s Sch, Raleigh, NC; ’89- ’93 AB; ’96 AM STB; ’96- ’03, Sloane’s Chapel, La Grange and Snow Hill; ’03- ’15, ss Bethany, Panthersford and Mt Airy churches, Cape Fear Pbty; ’04, founded Redstone Acad, Lumberton, NC. Mar Mattie L Johnson, Ap 14 ’97, Portsmouth, Ya. Add, Lum- berton, NC. Jeffers, B B — ’93 AB. Phys, Steelton, Pa. Jefferson, William E — ’93 AB. * Jennings, Isaac A — ’93 AB. B, J1 28 ’64, son of Jack Jennings (b, Danville, Ya) and Rebecca Jennings (b, Danville, Va). Prep, Shaw Univ, ’89- ’93 AB; ’96 PhG, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; pharm, senior memb firm of Jen- nings & Co, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mar Haddessah M Jackson, ’05, Harris- burg, Pa. D, Fb 24 ’14. * Johnson, Byron S — ’93 AB. Min. 50 Lincoln University Keech, Harry B — ’93 AB. Leneer, James S — ’93 AB; AM. La wy, Winston-Salem, NC. Long, Stephen H — ’93 AB. Tea, Pocomoke City, Md. Morris, William L — ’93 AB. Oliver, Freeman— ’93 AB. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Richie, William T — ’93 AB. B, ’69, Ashville, NC, son of William J Richie (b, Oc 11 ’33; gardener; d, Fb 10' >10) and Clara F White (b, My 1 ’44, Charleston, SC). Prep, Biddle Univ; ’89- ’93 AB; ’93— *96, Boston Univ Law Seh; clerk Boston PO; pres NE Alumni Assn of LIJ. Mar Ella William- son, Mr 6 *11, Petersburg, Ya. Add, 49 Greenwich Street, Boston, Mass. Williams, Charles N — ’93 AB. Williams, William R — ’93 AB. B, A g 16 ’75, Norfolk, Ya, son of Jordan Williams (b, ’36, Deep Creek, Ya; contractor and builder; d, Fb *14, Norfolk, Ya) and Martha A Williams (b, Fb ’04, ’40, Norfolk). Prep, Norfolk Mission Col; ’90- ’93 AB; ’95- ’96, Univ of Chicago; ’09- ’10 H U PhD; PO Dept, Washington, DC, and Norfolk, Ya; prof of food products and physiography, H Univ, concert manager Washington Conserv of Mus, chorister Metropolitan Bapt ch. Mar Emma Lee, Oc 5 ’04, Ports- mouth, Ya; 1 child. Add, 907 Tea Street, Washington, DC. Wright, Joseph C — ’93 AB. Phys, Pueblo, Colorado. Dalton, Robert M — B, Oc 15 ’69, Danbury, NC, son of Anthony J Dalton and Martha Scales (d, Ag ’73, Madison, NC). Prep, pub sch Greensboro, NC, and LU; ’89- ’91, LU; ’91- ’02, hotel work; ’02-, postoffice, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar Henrietta E Lindsey, My 24 ’92, Camden, NJ ; 8 children. Add, 773 North 37th St, Philadelphia. Edgefield, Owen J — ’89-. McAll, Feddo D — ’89- Phys, Baltimore, Md. McD Alton, Robert — ’89- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. *Middleton, Z W — ’89- Birmingham, Ala. Nicholas, Martin L — B, Mr 19 ’64, Pocohantas, Ya, son of Milton C Nicholas (b, Mr 17 ’40, Goochland Co, Ya; liveryman; d, Fb 27 ’87, Richmond, Va) and Mary Fountaine (b, J1 4 ’44). Prep, Richmond Inst and LU; ’89- ’91, Biographical Catalogue 51 LU; ’91- '93, U of P Coll Dept, PhB; '94- ’96, U of P Law Dept, LLB; ’94- ’96, asst to law librarian U of P; ’06-, lawy Philadelphia, Pa; memb Benj H Brewster Law Club of Philadelphia; memb Odd Fellow and Masonic Frat. Mar Je 17 ’92, Sadie C Campbell, Staun- ton, Ya; 3 children. Joint author of treatises on City Gov’nt with Franklin S Edmunds, Esq, published ’94. Add, 885 N 42d St, Phila- delphia, Pa. Porter, Lewis W — ’89-. Warner, George W — ’89- Williams, George W — ’89-. Phys, Charlotte, NC. 1894 Anderson, Jefferson C — ’94 AB. B, J1 20 ’68, Monticello, Fla, son of Azor Anderson and Amelia Chyler (d, ’72, Monticello, Fla). Prep, Wayland Sem; ’90- ’94 AB; ’94- ’98, New York Homeopathic Coll and Hosp, MD; phys. Mar Mary J Fossith, J1 19 ’99, Newark, NJ; 4 children. Add, 405 W 4th St, Plainfield, NJ. Berry, William M — ’94 AB. Tea, Dover State College, Dover, Delaware. Blodgett, Julian F — ’94 AB. Phys, Boston, Mass. Brabham, George R — ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. B, Ja 25 ’67, Barwell, SC, son of Elijah A Brabham (b, Ap ’47, Bam- burg, SC; wheelwright; d, Nv 23 ’89, Brunson, SC) and Ziliphia Kearse (b, ’49; d, Oc ’72, Weiner’s, SC). Prep, LU, ’90- ’94 AB; ’94- ’97 AM STB; ’97- ’00, p Hope Chap, Chambersburg, Pa; ’00- ’02, Sec ch, Maryville, Tenn ; ’02- ’05, Third ch, Carlisle, Pa ; ’05- ’07, Ninth ch, Indianapolis, Ind; ’14, ss Senate Ave ch, Indianapolis, Ind; ’09, memb Amer Political and Social Sci Soc; ’06, distributing clerk, Indianapolis, Ind. Mar Daisy S Loundes, Je 22 ’98, Chattanooga, Tenn; 6 children. Add, 3749 Graceland Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Bronough, William F — ’94 AB. Brown, Edward P — ’94 AB. Phys, 1303 Wylie Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Browne, James A — ’94 AB. Tea, Austin, Texas. Clark, Augustus S — ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. B, Je 7, ’74, Winston-Salem, NC, son of Harry Clark (farmer, d, ’08, Washington, NC) and Flora Lathan (d, ’80, Wilson, NC). ’90- ’94 AB; ’97 AM STB; ’97- ’99, p Christ’s Presb ch, Augusta, Ga; ’99- ’02, p St Paul Presb ch, Cordele, Ga; ’02- ’03, tea, Haines Inst; ’03- ’16, p St Paul’s ch and founder and prin Gillespie Norm Sch, Cordele, 52 Lincoln University Ga. Mar Sp 4 ’02, Annie Belle Williams. Add, Cordele, Georgia. Cowan, Samuel P C — ’94 AB ; AM. Phys, Greensboro, NC. Davis, William — ’94 AB. Bus, Chicago, 111. Dickerson, Edward J H — ’94 AB. Tea, Jericho, NJ. Edwards, Nathaniel L — ’94 AB. B, Ap 15 ’69, Warrington, NC, son of Aaron Edwards (b, Warrington, NC; d, ’67) and Lucinda Alston (b, Warrington, NC; d, Je 10 ’99). Prep, St Augustine Norm and Col Inst, Raleigh, NC; ’89- ’94 AB; phys; Mercer Sanitarium. Mar Nanna S Miller, Je 4 *02, Burkeville, Ya. Add, 417 Scott St, Bluefield, WVa. *Howerton, John M — ’94 AB. Hyder, Francis M— ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB; DD. B, Dc 25 ’68, Johnson City, Tenn, son of Alfred Hyder (b, ’33, Gap Creek, Tenn; mechanic; d, Nv *07) and Mary A Hyder (b, *42, Gap Creek, Tenn). Prep, pub sch Johnson City; ’89-’94 AB; ’97 AM STB; ’ll DD LU; ’97- ’03, p Christ Presb ch, Augusta, Ga; ’97- ’00, tea, Haines Inst; ’03- ’15, p Bristol, Va-Tenn; ’15- ’16, York, Pa; ’16, p St James Presb ch, New York, NY. Mar De 23 ’97, Eliza R Moton, Washington, DC. Add, St James Presb ch, 137th St, near Lenox Ave, New York, NY. Jackson, Abraham T — ’94 AB. Tea, Cape May, NJ. Jefferson, Thomas — ’94 AB, 97 AM; STB. B, Ja 3 ’70, Rockingham Co, Va, son of John Jefferson (d, ’73) and Millie Moore (b, ’49, Albemarle Co, Va; d, J1 7 ’84, Providence, RI). Prep, LH; ’90- ’94 AB; ’97 AM STB; ’99, tea Richard Allen Inst, Pine Bluff, Ark; ’99- ’05, tea Ya Theo Sem and College, Lynchburg, Va; ’05- ’08, prin; ’10-, prin Fayette Co Dist High Sch. Mar Mary E Murray, Ja 29 ’08, Cleveland, O; 2 children. Seven yrs pub and edit The Sentinel. Add, Hill Top, WVa. Johnson, Samuel W — ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. Min Presb, Oxford, Pa. Leak, Stephen D— ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. Min Presb, Ridgeway, Va. Lennon, James S — ’94 AB. B, My 1 ’71, Abbotsburg, NC, son of Edward Lennon (b, NC; d, Mr ’71) and Tamer Stevens (b, Bladen Co, NC, ’21). Prep, State Nor Sch, Fayetteville, NC, and priv instr, ’90— ’94 AB; ’96- ’00, med dept H IT, MD; ’01- ’02, chief res phys Frederick Douglass Hospital; ’04, asst surg; in charge dept pediatrics and lecturer on diseases of chil- dren, training sch for nurses; ’14, memb Phila Co Med Soc; ’04, Acad of Med and Allied Sci; ’14, Penn State Med Soc and Amer Med Assoc; Biographical Catalogue 53 ’08, memb bd of trustees, First African Presb ch. Mar Annie C Wheeler, Je 20 ’07, Camden, NJ; 1 child. Add, 747 S Seventh St, Philadelphia, Pa. Lucas, Richard L — ’94 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Marshall, George M — ’94 AB. Min Epis, Galveston, Tex. Massey, Oscar H — ’94 AB. Min Presb, Monrovia, Liberia. McClellan, Lewis T — ’94 AB. Phys, Pittsburgh, Pa. McHenry, W W— ’94 AB. Min Presb, Ashland, Ore. Morris, Robert J — ’94 AB. B, Ja 19 *70, Danville, Pa, son of Bobert H Morris (b, Ap 6 ’26, Dan- ville, Pa; d, Mr 6 MS) and Martha E Tann (b, My 22 ’39, Deer Val- ley, Pa; d, My 9 *13). Prep, Danville high sch and acad; ’91- ’94 AB; ’94- ’96, law dept H U LLB; lawy; memb Penn and Mass bars; Bound Table Club (literary), Lincoln Bepub Club of Boston; Odd Fell and Mason Frat; PO Clerk’s Mut Ben Assn; Fidelity Aid Assn; Boston Histor Lit Soc. Mar Mabel E Morris, Sp 12 ’98, Philadelphia, Pa; 2 children. Add, 39 Court St, Boston, Mass. Morton, Charles H — ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. B, ’70, Staunton, Va, son of Bichard Morton (farmer, d, ’75) and Betsy Moose (d, ’73, Staunton, Va). Prep, pub sch Staunton; ’89- ’94 AB; ’97 AM STB; ’97- ’01, tea Spiller Acad, Hampton, Va; ’09- ’12, mod Southside Bapt Assn, counties of Middlesex, Lancaster, King and Queens, and Essex; ’02- ’12, p Grafton Bapt ch, Harmony Village, Va; ’12- ’13, edit Virginian, Hampton, Va; ’ll- ’15, pres Corey Memor Inst, Portsmouth, Va; instruct Bible YMCA, Portsmouth; pres bd of trustees B I Acad, Ozeana, Va; memb Masonic Frat. Mar Estelle Smith, Dc 27 ’99, Phoebus, Va; 3 children. Add, Corey Memorial Inst, Portsmouth, Va. Murphrey, J P — ’94 AB. Tea, Bocky Mount, NC. Oliver, Charles S — ’94 AB. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Penn, Samuel A — ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. Min Presb, Martinsville, Va. Pipes, William H — ’94 AB. Phys, Wilmington, Del. Potts, Stephen A — ’94 AB. Sewell, Perry W — ’94 AB, ’97 STB. Min Presb, Washingtonville, NY. 54 Lincoln University Shanks, Walter — ’94 AB. Bus, Pine Bluff, Ark. Stanford, A P — ’94 AB. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Thomas, Thomas H — ’94 AB. Thomas, William H Jr— ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB; DD. B, Oc 22 '71, Utica, NY, son of William H Thomas (b, '47, New York, NY, min, '69, LU, AB AM DD; d, Fb 15 '03, p Mother Beth AME ch, Philadelphia, Pa) and Christianna Harbronck (b, '49, New York, NY). Prep, high sch, Albany, NY; '90- '94 AB; '97 AM STB; '97- '99, Boston Univ Sch of Theo; '11, Wilberforce Univ, DD; '13, DU, DD; '97- '00, p Chelsea, Mass; '00- '03, New Bedford, Mass; '03- '06, Newport, HI; '06- '10, Boston, Mass; '10- '14, Kansas City, Mo; '11, trust Wilberforce Univ; '14, trust Western Univ; treas Conf; memb Odd Fellow, Masonic, and Knights of Pythias Frat. Mar Margaret E Webster, Je 19 '10, New Bedford, Mass; 3 children. Add, 813 E 10th St, Kansas City, Mo. Vick, William H — ’94 AB ; AM. Phys, Atlantic City, NJ. Weeks, Richard D — ’94 AB. Bus, Wilmington, Del. Wheatley, Edward J — ’94 AB. Phys, 1230 Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, Md. White, William O — ’94 AB, ’97 AM; STB. Tea, Chelsea, Okla. Wingate, Samuel D — ’94 AB. Lawy, Seattle, Wash. Albouy, Alfred A — ’90- Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. Carter, Bassett — ’90- Lawy, Keystone, WVa. Childress, Robert L — ’90-. Duckrey, George — ’90-. Philadelphia, Pa. Matthews, GP — ’90- McPherson, R C — ’90- Bus, New York, NY. Menough, Norman — ’90- Bus, New York, NY. Nichols, Thomas S — ’90- Peck, Joseph J — ’90-. Biographical Catalogue 55 Tice, John E — ’90- Min Presb, Graham, NC. Walker, Henry R — ’90- 1895 Bird, John W — ’95 AB. B, Nv 2 ’71, son of Thomas Bird (b, Mr 4 ’46, Salisbury, Md, stove jobber) and Mary A McBride (b, My 15 *48, Salisbury, Md; d, Sp 29 ’ 79 , Princess Anne, Md). Prep, Wilmington pub seh and priv instr; *91— *95 AB; * 97 - ’00 Law School H U, LLB, LLM ; ’02- ’09, real estate, Wilmington; ’10-’12, lawy, Washington, DC; ’12-, Chester, Pa. Mar Mar C Bouyer, My 27 ’02. Add, 1700 W 2d St, Wilmington, Del. Blakey, Thomas J — ’95 AB. Brock, John C — ’95 AB. Bus, New York, NY. Brumfield, Jerry M — ’95 AB. Lawy, 6209 Loomis St, Chicago, 111. Butler, Henry P— ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. B, Mr 1 '72, Charleston, SC, son of Nelson P Butler (b, *49, Eidge Spring, SC; painter and carpenter) and Annie M Snirley (b, ’56, Charleston, SC). Prep, Schofield Norm and In dust Sch, Aiken, SC, Immanuel training and high sch, Aiken, SC, and LU; ’91- ’95 AB; ’98 AM STB; ’98- ’00, prin Immanuel high and training sch, Aiken, SC; ’00- ’02, prof natural sci, State A and M College, Tallahassee, Fla; ’04- *05, v-prin Albany Bib & Man Training Inst, Albany, Ga; ’05-, vice-pres State A & M College, Orangeburg, SC; ’98- ’00, p and founder St Luke’s Presb ch, Orangeburg, SC; ’02- ’05, p Moore’s Chap Presb ch, Albany, Ga; ’05 comm Gen Ass Presb ch, Winona Lake, Ind; memb K of P Frat. Mar Ivy D James, Dc 17 ’02, Cordele, Ga; 3 chil- dren. Add, State College, Orangeburg, SC. Calloway, Henry W — ’95 AB ; AM. Bus, Rochester, NY. Clarkson, Edward B — ’95 AB, ’98 STB. B, , son of Andrew M Clarkson (b, ’21, Orangeburg, SC; d, Oc 10 ’05) and Sarah Caldwell (b, ’25, Orangeburg, SC; d, Sp 27 ’93). Prep, Allen Univ; ’91- ’95 AB; ’98 STB; ’98-, p Lawrence Chap and, ’05-, prin Morristown Paroch Sch, Morristown, Tenn. Add, 117 Cen- tral Ave, Morristown, Tenn. Clarkson, Fillmore — ’95 AB. B, Sp 16 ’65, Coatesville, Pa, son of William D Clarkson (b, ’12, Christiana, Pa; farmer and soldier in Civil War; d, Oc 25 ’06, Ooates- ville, Pa) and Sarah A Hill (b, ’29, Hilltown, Pa; d, Ap ’99, Coates- ville, Pa). Prep, pub sch Chester Co, Pa, and LU; ’91- ’95 AB; ’03- ’07, med dept H U, MD; phys. Add, 1131 S 19th St, Phila- delphia, Pa. 56 Lincoln University Cole, Cain P— ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB; DD. B, Mr 20 '71, Aiken, SC, son of John Cole (b, ’20, Washington, DC; carpenter; d, Mr 21 >84) and Nancy Bryer (b, ’20). Prep, Schofield Norm and Indust Sch, Aiken, SC; ’90- ’95 AB; >98 AM STB; '06, Wilberforce Univ, DD; '14, LU, DD; min AME, p Lynn, Springfield, Mass; Norwalk, Greenwich, Conn; Providence, RI; New Bedford, Mass; Bridge St AME eh, Brooklyn, NY; memb Mason Frat. Mar Brittmore A Tobias, Oe 29 '01, Jersey City, NJ; 1 child. Add, 182 Duffield St, Brooklyn, NY. Coley, Mack D — ’95 AB. Tea, Mt Olive, NC. Crawford, Thomas J — ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. Min Presb, Johnson City, Tenn. Cummings, Charles G — ’95 AB. Min Meth, 1234 Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, Md. ^Dickerson, William R — ’95 AB. Washington, DC. Dunbar, Charles B — ’95 AB. Lawy, Attorney General, Commissioner to U S, Monrovia, Liberia. *Ellis, William — ’95 AB. Fields, William O — ’95 AB. B, Fb 12 '69, Tipton Co, Tenn, son of Thaddeus Fields (b, '40, Tipton Co, Tenn, farmer) and Harriett Canon (b, '39, Gibson Co, Tenn; d, Pine Bluff, Ark, Ag 4 '00). Prep, Walden Univ; '91- '95 AB; tea, Tex, Tenn, and Ark (city high sch, Richard Allen Inst and Acad, Pine Bluff). Mar Susie E Cowan, My 5 '06, Cotton Plant, Ark; 2 children. Add, 1303 Indiana Ave, Pine Bluff, Ark. Goodridge, Wallace L — ’95 AB. Bus, Wrightsville, Pa. Griffin, William E — ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. B, Nv 15 '70, Baltimore, Md, son of Charles E. Griffin (b, '47, Balti- more, Md; barber) and Virginia Smith (b, '49, Baltimore, Md; d, Mar 1 '95, Baltimore, Md). Prep, pub sch Baltimore, Md, and LU; '91- '95 AB; '98 AM STB; prof Kittrell Col, NC; '00- '07, p Presb ch, Jersey City; '07- '14, Englewood, NJ; ’14-, Central Presb Church, Philadelphia, Pa; author The Christian Sabbath and How Observed and Should Ministers study the Physical Sciences? Mar Kate Fernan- dis, Sp 21 '98; 6 children. Add, 1511 Lombard St, Philadelphia, Pa. Harper, James E— ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. Min Presb, New York, NY. ^Howard, Jacob R — -’95 AB. B, J1 4 '70, Baltimore, Md, son of Jacob J Howard (b, '39, Cockeys- ville, Md; caterer; d, Nv 28 1 '94) and Sarah J. Smith (b, Snow Hill, Md; d, Nv 1 '98, Baltimore, Md). Prep, pub sch and Morgan Col, Baltimore, Md; '91- '95; AB bus; memb of K of P Frat. Mar Biographical Catalogue 57 Susie S Matthews, Sp 14 ’96, Baltimore, Md; 9 children. Add, 1403 Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, Md. Hynson, Charles H — ’95 AB. Lassiter, Henry C — ’95 AB; AM. Phys, Norfolk, Va. Mason, Walter W— ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. Min Meth, Rochester, NY. McKenzie, William D — ’95 AB; AM. Min Meth, Mercersburg, Pa. *McNeil, James H — ’95 AB. Greensboro, NC. ^Oliver, Louis W — ’95 AB. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Potts, William H— ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. Tea, Trappe, Md. *Rankin, Albert R — ’95 AB. Tea, Natchez, Mississippi. Scott, Walter J — ’95 AB. Bus, Norfolk, Ya. Smith, Hymen C — ’95 AB. Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. Stitt, William B— ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. Min Presb, Clarkton, Ya. Thomas, Thomas M — ’95 AB, ’98 AM; STB. B, Nv 2 *67, son of John W Thomas (b SC; blacksmith and farmer; d, Mr 16 *79) and Frances A Barr (b SC). Prep, Claflin Univ, SC, and LU; ’91- ’95 AB; ’98 AM STB; ’99- ’08, Fifth Presb ch, Chester, Pa, and ’09-, prin Chester Indust Sch. Mar Mary B Nugent, Oc 10 ’06; 1 child. Add, 1706 W 2d St, Chester, Pa. Todd, William P — ’95 AB. B, Sp 10 ’68, Lexington, Ya, son of Andrew M Todd (b, My 30 ’44, Rockridge Co, Ya; d, Lexington, Ya, Mr ’82) and Matilda Hilton (d, Lexington, Ya, Fb ’12). Prep, Lexington, Ya; ’91- ’95 AB; ’95- ’96, Hamilton Theo Sem; ’96- ’98, Rochester Theo Sem; grad; ’98, tea State Univ, Louisville, Ky; ’99, prin Lexington (Ky) high school; ’99- ’02, prin and as p First Baptist Church; ’02- ’03, prin Salisbury gram and ind sch, Salisbury, Md; ’03- ’08, cl Order of Gallilean Fishermen of Va; ’08-’12, prin Sch No 62, Indianapolis, Ind; ’I2-’14, p Union Tabernacle Bapt ch; ’14, bus. Mar Elizabeth F Parker, Ja 2 ’05, Hampton, Ya. Add, 809 Fayette Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Tolbert, Albert L — ’95 AB ; AM. Tea, Calhoun, SC. Williams, Chas W M — ’95 AB. Lawy, Clerk of Juvenile Court, Boston, Mass. 58 Lincoln University Williamson, Turner G— ’95 AB, ’00 AM; STB. Min Presb, Elizabethtown, NC. Wilson, John H — ’95 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Bascomb, Calvin L — ’91- Tea, Barnwell, SC. Boddy, James A — ’91- Min Bapt, New York, NY. Branham, John F — ’91- * Coberth, Louis A — ’91- Philadelphia, Pa. Doby, Stephen C — ’91- Min AMEZ, St Louis, Mo. Fitzgerald, Charles T — ’91- Bus, Greensboro, NO. Gaskin, George H — ’91- Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Hall, Octavius D — ’91- Hyder, Bascum H — ’91- Bus, Buffalo, NY. Johnson, Sydney P — ’91- Min AMEZ, McColl, SC. Johnson, William M — ’91- Lisby, Jacob T — ’91- Mays, James M — ’91- Peters, James L — ’91- *Porter, Bichard U — ’91-. Chatham, Pa. *Boberts, Edward S — ’91—. Phys, Kittrell, NC. Smith, William L — ’91- *Tibbs, Charles H — ’91- Nashville, Tenn. 1896 Auten, Theodore A — ’96 AB, ’98 AM; STB. B, Je 25 *70, Somerville, NJ, son of James A Auten (b, ’50, Somerville, NJ, laborer) and Eliza F Schenck (b, ’56, Somerville, NJ). Prep, pub seh Plainfield, NJ; andLU; ^l-^AB; >98 AM STB; >99- >00, p Bath, NY; ’OO-’OS, Amsterdam and Johnstown circuit; ’OS-’OS, Ithaca, NY; , 08- , 12, Bath; , 12- , 15, Rush Zion AMEZ Church; 2 years pres Inter- Biographical Catalogue 59 denominational Ministers’ Union of Greater Boston; see Publicity Comm Boston Branch NAACP; mem Boston Hist and Lit Assn; Cambridge Lyceum; del three General Conferences; ’04, St Louis, Mo; ’08, Phila- delphia, Pa; ’12, Charlotte, NC; ’ll, Evangelical Conference, Toronto, Can. Mar Florence A Storey, Sp 26 ’00, Bath, NY. Add, 148 River St, Cambridge, Mass. Bampfield, Thomas R — ’96 AB. Bus, New York, NY. Benton, Julian J — ’96 AB ; AM. Phys, Los Angeles, California. Burkett, Hugh M — ’96 AB; AM. B, My 16 ’74, Howard Co, Md, son of Richard H Burkett (b, , Howard Co, Md; d, ’80, Montgomery Co, Md) and Sarah J Jones (b, , Baltimore, Md; d, Nv ’93, Baltimore). Prep, pub sch Baltimore, Md, ’92- ’96 AB AM; ’96- ’98, Law School H U; graduated; lawy and real estate. Add, Baltimore, Md. Dawkins, James W — ’96 AB. B, Mr 20 ’70, Carlisle, SC, son of Charner Dawkins (b, ’41, Carlisle, SC, farmer) and Laura A Cannon (b, Ag 24 ’41, Carlisle, SC). Prep, Biddle Univ; ’92- ’96 AB; ’97- ’ll, bus; ’97- ’04, asst postmaster Carlisle, SC; ’06- ’14, memb State Repub Execut Comm SC; ’13-, memb Execut Comm Cold State Fair Assn; prin graded sch Santuck, SC; Grand Sec Royal Arch Masons of SC. Mar Correna Gallmon, Mr 24 ’03, Carlisle, SC; 3 children. Add, Box 3, Carlisle, SC. Gibson, Coleman E — ’96 AB. Bus, Winston-Salem, NC. Harper, Lexius H — ’96 AB ; AM. Phys, Augusta, Ga. *Hawkins, Walter F — ’96 AB, ’99 AM; STB. Min Presb; prof Monrovia College, Liberia. Hilliard, James A — ’96 AB, ’99 AM; STB. Tea, Dover, Okla. Key, Morris H — ’96 AB. Phys, 108 E 17 St, St Louis, Mo. Lackland, Thomas H — ’96 AB; AM. Min Presb, Charlie Hope, Ya. Levister, Bollie — ’96 AB. Min Bapt, Newberry, SC. Randolph, William H — ’96 AB. Lawy, Lynchburg, Va. Roberts, Charles H — ’96 AB; AM. Phys, 236 W 53d St, New York, NY. Scott, Robert H — ’96 AB. Lawy, Atlantic City, NJ. 60 Lincoln University Thomasson, Aaron H — ’96 AB ; AM. Phys, 140< Boylston St, Boston, Mass. Todd, William C — ’96 AB. Lawy, Colon, Repub of Panama. Turner, James D — ’96 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Watson, Pink W — ’96 AB. Bus. Whittico, Matthew T — ’96 AB. B, Sp 26 ’66, Martinsville, Ya, son of Hezekiah Whittico (b, Henry Co, Ya; farmer) and Letitia A Whittico (b, Henry Co, Ya; d, ’00, Ridgeway, Ya). Prep, LU ; ’92-’96 AB; tea 7 yrs pub sch Patrick and Henry Counties, Ya; owner and pub McDowell Times, Keystone, WVa. Mar (1) Annie G Lamkin, Oc 19 *99, Martinsville, Ya; d, Oc 24 HI; (2) Ida E Alexander, Nv 29 ’13, Point Pleasant, WVa; 5 children. Add, Keystone, WVa. Wilson, Isaac E — ’96 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilson, William G — ’96 AB. Min U P, Camden, Ala. Banton, Cromwell — B, Je 10, ’75, Philadelphia, Pa; -’92; ’96- ’00, Med Sch Univ of Pa, MD; phys Delaware Anti-tuberculosis Soc; med direct Edgewood Sanitarium; drug-store. Add, 924 French St, Wilmington, Del. Beavers, William E — ’92- * Coles, Thaddeus J — ’92-. YMCA Sec, Aiken, SC. Dent, Peter S — ’92- Tea, Louisburg, NC. Henry, James A — ’92-. Henson, Lemuel C — ’92-. Johnson, Peter P — ’92- B, Dc 11 ’67, Franklin Co, Pa, son of Thomas Johnson (b, ’29, Frank- lin Co; farmer; d, Je ’90) and Gimima Johnson (b, ’38, Franklin Co; d, 97). Prep, Albion Acad; ’92 LU; ’98 STB; p. ’99- ’01, Chadbourn, NC; ’01- ’03, Red Springs; ’03- ’09, Maxon; ’09-, Raeford. Mar Lulu B Arme, Fb 20 ’01, Whitehall, NC; 4 children. Add, Raeford, NC. Johnson, William L — ’92- Jones, Charles H — ’92- Tea; registrar Princeton Univ, Princeton, NJ. Lones, Harry G — ’92- Murray, Robert — ’92-. Tea, Pittsburgh, Pa. Biographical Catalogue 61 Peabody, Albert K — ’92-. Tea, Liberia. Peak, James A — ’92- Porter, James W — ’92- Press, James H — ’92- Scott, John T — ’92-. Min ME, Philadelphia, Pa. Stanley, Howard F — ’92-. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Williams, Idyll C — ’92- 1897 ^Barrows, Herbert G — ’97 AB; AM. Barry, Edward E — ’97 AB. Bus, Clifton Heights, Pa. Collins, Harry M — ’97 AB. Lawy, Parkesburg, WVa. Comfort, Samuel J — ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. Min Bapt, Boston, Mass. Davis, John A — ’97 AB. B, Dc 25 ’ 72 , Winnsboro, SC, son of Joe Davis (b, *47, Winnsboro; farmer) and Sarah Blake (b, *52, Winnsboro; d, Oc 28 M3). Prep, Brainard Inst, Chester, SC; *92-’97 AB; minister Presb, ss Holmes Mem Presb eh, Ridgeway, WVa. Mar Carrie C Preston, Sp 24 ’01, Winnsboro, SC; 5 children. Add, Ridgeway, Ya. *Deveaux, James A — ’97 AB. Bus, 141 W 53d St, New York, NY. Dickerson, George E — ’97 AB. Tea, Clayton, Del. *Donnell, Darius L— ’97 AB, ’01 AM; STB. Min Presb, Kalin, Tenn. Drewry, William — ’97 AB ; AM, ’00 STB. Tea, Charleston, WVa. Edgell, Edward E — ’97 AB. Eggleton, Samuel H — ’97 AB. Norfolk, Ya. Exum, John B — ’97 AB. Min Meth, Maxton, NC. Fuller, Joel T- — ’97 AB. Tea, Louisburg, NC. Gardner, John B — ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. B, Ag 11 ’75, son of William Gardner (b, ’28, Ya; farmer and black- 62 Lincoln University smith; d, Je 10 ’98) and Evelina Taylor (b, ’43; d, My 9 ’76). Prep, pub sch Ya and Wayland Sem; ’93- ’97 AB; ’00 AM STB; ’03- ’06, 2d Bapt eh, Doylestown, Pa; ’06, Salem Bapt ch, Philadelphia, Pa, and prin Gardner’s Theo Sch, Add, 724 S 16th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Jackson, Thomas H — ’97 AB. Male, Charles H — ’97 AB, ’00 STB. B, 571, BWI, son of William H K Male (b, BWI; printer for the Danish Govt; d, ’89) and Elizabeth A Statham. Prep, BWI and Liv- ingstone Col; ’93- ’97 AB; ’00 STB; ’03, St Simon’s and St Cyprian’s Churches. Add, Oxford, NC. Miller, George S — ’97 AB. Tea, Milledgeville, Ga. Ka venn ah, Emile J — ’97 AB. Phys, Cleveland, O. Redd, Samuel T— ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. B, Nv 14 ’72, Martinsville, Ya, son of John Redd (b, Martinsville, Ya; carpenter; d, ’04) and Peggy Smith (b, Martinsville, Ya; d, ’04). Prep, Presb paroc sch, Martinsville, and LU; ’92- ’97 AB; ’00 AM STB; ’02, prin pub sch and p St James church, Decatur, Ga; ’00- ’03, mod Knox Pbty; ’12, comm Gen Assem; ’05, asst postmaster, Lim- erick, Ga; ’03-, builder and p, Butler Presb ch, Savannah, Ga. Mar Mattie G Kent, Ja 18 ’03, Atlanta, Ga; 6 children. Add, 213 E Broad St, Savannah, Ga. Richie, Lewis W— ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. Min Presb, Newberry, SO. Robinson, Clarence A — ’97 AB. Sanders, William W— ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. B, Oe 16 ’73, Figgsboro, Ya, son of Robert Sanders (d, J1 2 ’98) and Diana Lester (b, ’66, Figgsboro, Ya). Prep, LU; ’92- ’97 AB; ’00 AM STB; ’00- ’09, p Hope Presb ch, Chambersburg, Pa; ’10- ’13, tea pub sch WVa; ’13- ’14, state librarian WYa; ’14-, state supervisor of Negro Schools of WVa. Mar Florence N Fisher; 2 children. Add, Box 752, Charleston, WYa. Slowe, William M — ’97 AB. B, Jl 30 ’76, Berryville, Ya, son of Henry Slowe (b, Brick House, Ya; rural mail carrier; d, ’84) and Frances Potter (b, Je 1 ’42, Jefferson Co, WYa; d, Oc 2 ’89, Berryville, Ya). Prep, pub sch Philadelphia, and LU; ’93- ’97 AB; ’98- ’01, Harvard Dental School, DDS; ’01, dentist Wilmington, Del; ’03-, Philadelphia; ’12, chief organizer Emancipa- tion Proc Expos Commission of Pa; ’10- ’ll, v-pres Am Med Assn; pres William Jackson Dental Soc Phila; ’04-’05-’14, vestryman St Thomas PE Church ; memb Citizen ’s Repub Club of Philadelphia. Add, 1436 Lombard Street, Philadelphia. Spann, William H — ’97 AB. Min Meth, Canada. Biographical Catalogue 63 Strawbridge, Isaac R — ’97 AB. Phys, Philadelphia, Pa. Suggs, James T — ’97 AB. Phys, Birmingham, Ala. Swann, Jeremiah C — ’97 AB. Min Presb; Atlantic City, NJ. Walker, William W — ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. B, Be 17 ' 76 , Winnsboro, SC, son of Alfred W Walker (painter; d, *79, Fla) and Sophie Walker. Prep, pub sch Palatka, Fla; '92- '97 AB; '00' AM STB; '00- '02, Union Theo Sem, New York, NY; '00- '02, p Bethany Chap, Englewood, NJ; '02-'03, Presb ch, Camden, SC; '03- ’08>, Ebenezer Presb ch, Borne, Ga; ‘09- '12, 3d Presb ch, Carlisle, Pa; '08- '09, mission, Atlantic City, NJ ; '12-, St Augustine Presb ch, Paterson, NJ. Mar Laura B Taylor, Je 8 '04, Borne, Ga; 6 children. Add, 157 Governor St, Paterson, NJ. White, John A— ’97 AB, ’00 AM; STB. B, Fb 13 '70, Suffolk, Ya, son of Daniel White (brickmason; d, Je '09, Suffolk, Ya, and Mary Lavsy (b, Suffolk, Ya; d, Ap ’06). Prep, pub sch Ya and priv instr Boston, Mass; '92^ '97 AB; '00 AM STB; '00- '01, p Calvary Bapt ch, Ithaca, NY; '02- '03, tea Temperance Indust and Coll Inst, Claremont, Ya; '04-, p Shiloh Bapt ch, Trenton, NJ; organizer Emancipation Proclamat Expos of NJ Oc '13; comiss Negro Expos Bichmond, Va; '11, del World's Bapt Alliance, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar Ag 28, '01, Anna L Walker, Ithaca, NY. Add, 94 Bellevue Ave, Trenton, NJ. ^Williams, John H — ’97 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Baker, Richard G — ’93- Dent, Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, Md. Beadle, Robert S — ’93-. Phys, Monrovia, Liberia. Berry, Israel R — ’93- Bradley, Allen C — ’93-. Craig, Charles T — ’93-. Dorsey, Isaac H — ’93- Min Meth, Philadelphia, Pa. Folks, Thomas J — ’93- Freeman, William H — ’93- Green, Bruce H — ’93-. Green, David N — ’93-. Hendricks, Frank M — ’93- Phys. Philadelphia, Pa. Hill, Caesar R — ’93-. 64 Lincoln University James, Walter A — ’93- ’01 STB. Min Presb, Old Fort, NC. Jones, Frank H — ’93-. Mann, Alfred H E — ’93-. Miller, Joseph; W — ’93- Min Presb, Princeton, NJ. Morris, John E — ’93- Mulinax, Joseph D — ’93-. McGee, Fletcher R — ’93-. Newton, Amos K — ’93- Penn, Walter — ’93-. Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. Romans, Williams B — ’93-. Min Presb, Abbeville, SC. Swan, Jeremiah M — ’93-. Thompson, Ulysses V — ’93- Vaughn, Tobias — ’93- Vodery, Harry A — ’93-. Wayman, Henry H — ’93- White, Bloomer E — ’93- Bus, Macon, Ga. Wilson, John U — ’93- Bus, Pine Bluff, Ark. 1898 Alexander, Rufus L — ’98 AB. Buffalo, NY. *Blair, Johnson F — ’98 AB. Min Bapt, Brooklyn, NY. Bonfield, Oravia M — ’98 AB, ’01 AM; STB. Min Presb, Newark, NJ. Calloway, Cabell, Jr — ’98 AB; AM. Bus, Boehester, NY. Carter, James A — ’98 AB. Lawy, Beading, Pa. Cowan, Walter F — ’98 AB. Tea, Yinita, Okla. Diggs, Charles S — ’98 AB. B, Jn 14, ’73, Tallula, Miss, son of John Diggs (farmer) and Ada F. Jones. Prep, Natchez Coll and Shaw Univ; AB; ’98- *01, Meharry Medical College, MD. Mar Lillie E Alexander, Je 19 ’02, Mason, Tenn; 2 children. Add, Waxahachie, Tex. Biographical Catalogue 65 Dwelle, John H F — ’98 AB, ’01 AM; STB. B, Sp 14 '76, Americus, Ga, son of Rev George H Dwelle (b, Ja 25 ’33, Columbia Co, Ga, clergyman) and Eliza F Dickerson (b, *48', Summer- ville, Ala; d, J1 5, '91). Prep, Haines Inst and Ga State Coll; '94- ’98, AB; ’01 AM STB; 2 years tea Downingtown Ind Sch, Downingtown, Pa; built Mt Sinai Bapt cb, Lansdowne, Pa; '05, Worlds Bapt Cong, London, Eng; 2 years pres Baptist Minister's Conf Philadelphia, Pa; '07- '14, see Penn State Bapt Conv; '14, rep Bapt denom at the Emancipat Anniver Philadelphia. Mar Pearl C Sweeney, Lancaster, Pa, Ja '02. Add, 227 Oliver St, Braddock, Pa. Evans, George F — ’98 AB. Phys, Nashville, Tenn. * Fisher, Samuel — ’98 AB. Holliday, Robert S — ’98 AB. B, Je 10 '75, Fayetteville, NC, son of Robert Holliday (b, Fb 2 '52, Fayetteville, NC; horseshoer) and Armand Chestnut (b, Sp 19 '56). Prep, State Norm Sch, Fayetteville, NC; '94r-'9& AB; '01- '05, Leonard Med Sch, MD; Polyclin Sch Philadelphia, Pa, post-graduate work; phys; memb NC Med, Pharmaceut and Dent Assn; Piedmont Med Assn; National Med Assn. Add, 114 Garfield St, Statesville, NC. *Huff, John — ’98 AB. Lawy, Altoona, Pa. Johnson, Leonard Z — ’89 AB, ’01 AM; STB; DD. B, Je 17 '70, Harrisburg, Pa, son of Zachariah Johnson (b, Harford Co, Md; contractor; d, J1 12 '08, Belmar, NJ) and Ellen E Scott (b, Ag '37, Harrisburg, Pa; d, Oc 12 '84, Harrisburg, Pa). Prep, Harris- burg High Sch; '97- '93 AB; Bradley Science Medal; Valedictorian; '00- '01, tea Greek LIJ; '01 AM STB; '02- '04, Princeton Univ, AM, and Princeton Theo Sem, grad ; ' 04, Princeton Theo Sem BD ; '06 LIJ DD; '01- '05, p Witherspoon St Presb ch, Princeton, NJ; '05-, Madi- son St Preb ch, Baltimore, Md; '09, memb American Negro Acad, '12, one of the vice-presidents; Execut. Com Baltimore Branch, NAACP. Mar Louise A Pebeles, Oc 18 '05, Washington, DC; 3 children. Add, 1615 Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, Md. Matthewson, John H — ’98 AB. Boston, Mass. Mauch, Harry A — ’98 AB. Camden, NJ. McKinney, Samuel S — ’98 AB. Bus, Millersville, Pa. Mosely, Raymond W — ’98 AB. Robinson, William — ’98 AB. Bus, New York City, NY. Russell, Horatio W — ’98 AB. Lawy, Parkersburg, WVa. 66 Lincoln University Smith, Edward T — ’98 AB. Smythe, John H — ’98 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Terry, Edward B — ’98 AB. Phys, Atlantic City, NJ. Thompson, William C — ’98 AB. Bus, dist supt and presiding elder; 446 S St, Washington, DC. Ward, Beverly M — ’98 AB, ’01 AM; STB. B, Nv 3 ’72, Jenning’s Ordinary, Nottaway Co, Ya, son of Thomas Ward (b, Nv 1 >25, Nottaway Co; d, ) and Matilda Perry (b, Mr 29 ’39, d, ). Prep, pub sch Ya and Biddle Univ; Freshman Biddle Univ; ’95- ’98 AB; >01 AM STB; ’01-’02, p Westminster Presb ch, Cotton Plant, Ark; ’02- ’06, prin Presb Acad, Arkadelphia, Ark; *06- ’07, prin Normal Dept, Swift Mem Coll, Rogersville, Tenn; ’07— ’09, p Shinnecock Presb ch, Southampton, LI; ’09-’ll, Hope Presb ch, Chambersburg, Pa; ’ll- ’14, Faith Presb ch, York, Pa; ’14-, Capital St Presb ch, Harrisburg, Pa. Mar Etta M Conway, Nv 12 ’02, Yonkers, NY (d, Ja 28 ’15); 1 child. Add, 123 Balm St, Harrisburg, Pa. *Whittico, John V— ’98 AB, ’01 AM; STB. Min Presb, Keystone, WVa. Williamson, John A — ’98 AB. Lawy, Seattle, Washington. Wilson, Edward H— ’98 AB. B, Fb 13 ’77, son of Nep Wilson (b, ’48, Louisiana; farmer; d, ’05, Pine Bluff, Ark) and Ira Brewer (b, Ap ’60, Toledo, Ark). Prep, Merril high sch, Pine Bluff; ’94- ’98 AB; ’00, Ya Union Univ; druggist Pine Bluff, Ark, and St Louis, Mo. Mar Lena Robinson, Ag 8, ’04; 1 child. Add, Pine Bluff, Ark. *Wright, Alfred A — ’98 AB, ’02 AM; STB. Min Presb, Beaufort, SC. Gray, Samuel — ’94-. Gully, Emmet D — ’94, ’00 AM; STB. Min Presb, Birmingham, Ala. Jerome, O’Hagen — ’94-. Bus, Washington, DC. Keen, Alfred O — ’94-. Bus, Atlantic City NJ. Martin, John E — ’94- Biographical Catalogue 67 1899 Alexander, Walter G — ’99 AB. B, Dc 3 '80, Lynchburg, Va, son of Royall Alexander (b, Dc 7 ’44, Bedford City, Va; hotel porter) and Amalie H Terry (b, Fb 5 ’46, Bedford City, Va). Prep, pub sch Lynchburg, Va; ’95- ’99 AB; Bradley Medal in Natural Science, Latin Salutatorian ; *99— ’03, Bos- ton Col Phys and Surg, MD; memb William Pierson Med Library Assn; Essex Co Med Soc; NJ State Med Soc; Amer Med Assn; North Jersey Med Soc; sec National Med Assn; dir Building and Loan Assn; pres Frederick Douglass Film Co; pres Home Insur Co; memb Orange Civic Soc; honorary pres Col Citizen’s Union, Orange, NJ; memb executive com Repub City Central Commit; memb Repub County Commit (elective). Mar Elizabeth D Hemmings, My 3 ’04, Boston, Mass. Add, 14 Webster Place, Orange, NJ. Amiger, William T — ’99 AB, ’02 AM; STB. B, J1 16 ’70, Eggbornsville, Va, son of Rowland Amiger (b, ’44, farmer) and Margaret Alexander (b, ’55, Eggbornsville, Va). Prep, State Norm Sch Geneseo, NY; ’95- ’99 AB; ’99- ’02 AM STB; ’02- ’03, Newton Theo Sem, ’09 DD; ’12, Central Law Sch, Louisville, Ky, LLD; ’03- ’08, p 3d Bapt ch, Springfield, Mass; ’08- ’16, Pres State Univ, Louisville, Ky; ’13, memb National Geographic Soc; ’12, trust Ky Home Soc Col Child; trust Frances Ellen Harper Home for Col Girls; ’15, Ky Tea’s Life Certif. Mar Eleanor Green, Nv 30 ’92, Rochester, NY; 3 children. Add, State Univ, Louisville, Ky. Blount, Kichard H — ’99 AB ; ’02 AM; STB. B, J1 16 ’69, Monroe, NC, son of James R Blount, and Eliza MeCop- pins (b, Monroe, NC; d, ’01, Charlotte, NC). Prep, Biddle Univ; ’95- ’99 AB; ’02 AM STB; ’02- ’07, organized & conducted West Chester Ind Institute, West Chester, Pa; ’08- ’09, principal Danville (Va) high sch. Add, Box 184, Wilmington, Delaware. Carlile, James G — ’99 AB, ’02 AM; STB. Min Presb, Troy, NY. Carney, Virginius N — ’99 AB. Carter, Charles F — ’99 AB. Lawy, Columbus, Ohio. Cowan, William P — ’99 AB. Tea, Vinita, Oklahoma. Davis, George L — ’99 AB, ’02 AM; STB. Min Bapt, Nicetown, Philadelphia, Pa. Dennis, Isaac J — ’99 AB. Phys, Los Angeles, Cal. Dwelle, Thomas H — ’99 AB, ’03 AM; STB. B, Ag 19 ’78, Americus, Ga, son of George H Dwelle (b, Ja 26 ’32, Augusta, Ga; min) and Mary E Dickerson (b, ’48, Sommerfield, Ala; d, J1 ’91, Augusta, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst; ’96- ’99 AB; ’03 AM 68 Lincoln University STB; tea and min Bapt; '03- '06, prin Colored School, Thomas, Ga; *05- ’09, p Burning Grove Bapt ch, Augusta, Ga; '09-, Union Bapt ch, Augusta, Ga; *09-, mod Ebenezer Bapt Assn; '09- '11, pres Haines Alumni Assn; ’10- ’ll, vice-pres Bapt Pastoral Conference, Augusta and vicinity; '11- '12, chap Lincoln League; *12-, pres Civic Improve- ment League for Col People; ’13, memb Southern Sociolog Cong. Mar (1) Lessie A Braboy, Sp G ’05, Zeigler, Ga (d, Oc 18 'll) ; (2) Mrs Ella J Blackburne, Je 5 '12; 4 children. Add, 411 11th Street, Augusta, Ga. Feaster, William D — ’99 AB, ’02 AM; STB; DD. B, Ja 15 '08, Feasterville, SC, son of Primus Feaster (farmer; d, Ja 12 '77) and Jane Shelton. Prep, Brainard Inst, Chester, SC; '95-'99 AB; '02 AM STB; '12 DD LU; '02, prin Arkadelphia Acad, Arka- delphia, Ark; '03- '04, Brinkley, Ark; '04- '06, sabbath sch miss. Mar Ida E Roberts, My 22 '02, Chester, SC. Add, Arkadelphia, Ark. Fuller, A Harvey — ’99 AB. Garner, Joseph — ’99 AB. B, My 11 '77, Baltimore, Md, son of Edward Garner (d, Ap 14 '14, Baltimore, Md) and Martha Harriday (b, Nv 30 '59; Baltimore, Md). Prep, pub sch Baltimore; '99 AB; '06- '08, YMCA Training Sch, Chicago and Lake Geneva; '99- '02, tea pub sch Baltimore; '06- '08, phys dir, Frederick Douglass Social Center, Chicago, 111; '08- '09, phys dir, boys' dept, Hampton Inst; '09- '11, Garner Art Co; '11, solicitor, Women's and Girls' Training School; '12- '13, reporter Balti- more Times; '14-, dir of boys' work, Center Ave Branch, YMCA, Pittsburgh, Pa. Author of Somatic Vigor, the True Aim of Physical Training and The Story of my Life, Behecca J Smith. Add, 1847 Center Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gregg, Elijah J — ’99 AB. B, J1 14 '73, Sumter Co, SC; son of James Gregg (b, Sp 30 '30; farmer; d, Nv 16 '12, Sumter, SC) and Henretta McCog. Prep, Mays- ville, SC; '05- '90 AB; '99- '02, Auburn Theo Sem, Auburn, NY; '02- '03, tea Mary Potter Sch, Oxford, NC; '03- '07 p Mt Zion Presb ch, Due West SC; '07- '13, Calvary Presb ch, Newberry, SC; '09- '12, prin Hoge High Sch, Newberry, SC; '13, p Herman Presb ch, Rock Hill, SC; Mar Georgia S Thompson, Nv 21 '05, Spartansburg, SC (d, Dc 21, '09) ; 1 child. Add, Rock Hill, SC. Harper, Raymond B — ’99 AB. Bus, Augusta, Ga. Harrison, Arthur G — ’99 AB. Lawy, 2122 Schenenman Block, Seattle, Wash. Jenkins, William H— ’99 AB, ’02 AM; STB. Min Bapt, Martinsburg, WVa. Johnson, Louis R W— ’99 AB, ’02 AM; STB. Min Meth, Dean Theo Sem & Col, Lynchburg, Va. Biographical Catalogue 69 Johnson, Bichard P — ’99 AB; ’02 AM; STB. B, Sp 14 ’74, Jetersville, Ya, son of Jordan Johnson (b, ’41, Amelia co, Ya), and Nancy Holt (b, ’46, Amelia Co, Ya). Prep, Biddle Univ; *95- ’99 AB; ’02 AM STB; ’02- ’07, p Holmes Mem Presb ch, Ridge- way, Ya; ’06, mod Pbty of Southern Ya; ’07- ’09, sec Colored Men’s Dept, YMCA, Chattanooga, Tenn; ’09-, p Ebenezer Presb ch, Kimball, WYa; ’14, appointed by Gov D H Hatfield, to Nation Civ League, St Louis, Mo. Mar Lenora S Byers, My 27 ’03, Greensboro, NC. Add, Kimball, WYa. Jones, Grandison A — ’99 AB. Washington, DC. McClendon, Caesar P — ’99 AB. B, Sp 13 ’74, Egypt, Miss, son of Willis McClendon (farmer) and Agnes McClendon (d, Ap ’75, Egypt, Miss). Prep, Cotton Plant Indust Acad; ’95- ’99 AB; ’99- ’03, Univ of Mich Med Sch, MD; ’03- phys. Mar Rachel Millner, Nv 30 ’10, New Rochelle, NY. Add, 10 Winthrop Ave, New Rochelle, NY. Miller, John H — ’99 AB. Phys, Chester, Pa. Bichardson, Edward B — ’99 AB. B, Ja 21 ’74, Woodstown, NJ, son of Edward Richardson (b, ’47 ; farmer) and Fannie A Sturgis (b, My 30 ’46, Woodstown, NJ). Prep, Woodstown pub sch; ’95- ’99 AB; stud Cornell, Perdue and Ohio Univ; B of Ped, Ohio Univ; ’04- ’05, postal clerk St Louis, Mo; ’09- ’10, stationary steam engineer, Cleveland, Ohio, ’ll- ’12, professor of man-training and math, summer high sch, Parkersburg, WYa; ’12- ’13, instruct man training, night summer-sch; ’14- ’15, super- visor man-train summer and winter sessions. Mar Kathryn Roberts, Je 25 ’14, Cincinnati, O. Add, Cheyney Training Sch for Tea, Chey- ney, Pa. Bossell, John S — ’99 AB. Stark, George S — ’99 AB. Min Presb, Princeton, NJ. *Burwell, James A — ’95- Catus, William B — ’95-. Chafin, James F — ’95-. Tea, Va Theo Sem & Col, Lynchburg, Ya. Gearing, Louis — ’95-. Hudgins, Henry J — ’95- Lee, John W — B, Ap 22 ’64, Bellair, Md, son of Samuel P Lee (b, ’38, Harford Co, Md; d, ’64) and Jane L Turner (b, ’40, Harford Co, Md). Prep, pub sch of Harford Co and priv instr ; ’94, special work college LU ; ’95- 70 Lincoln University ’98, Theo Sem LU ’98 MA; ss Madison St Presb ch, Baltimore, 5 months; miss Annapolis, Md, 2 years; '01-, p African St Presb ch, Philadelphia, Pa; '09 and 'll, comm Synod of Pa; ’13, comm Gen Assem, Atlanta, Ga; chrmn Freedman 's Committee Philadelphia Pbty; '14-, treas Alumni Assn LIJ; 5 years chrmn Philadelphia Branch Alumni Assn LU; '13, rep Colored Presb ch Emancipat Proclamat Celebrat, Philadelphia. Mar (1) Lavinia Oliver, Nv 19 '91, Baltimore; (2) Mary J Murdock, Sp 26 '06. Add, 741 S 17th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Miller, G B — ’95-. Obee, George W — ’95- Bus, Omaha, Neb. Wallace, Richard H — ’95-. 1900 Booker, Charles A C — ’00 AB. B, Oe 1 '78, Deatonsville, Ya, son of Churchill Booker (b, '51, Deatons- ville, Ya; farmer) and Lucy A Johnson (b, Ja 1 '55, Deatonsville, Ya). Prep, Allen Mem and Biddle Univ, Prep Depts; '96- '00 AB; '03-, clerk Washington, DC, PO. Mar Mary C Scott, Ag 22 '02, Jetersville, Ya; 1 child. Add, 202 N Street, NW, Washington, DC. Browning, Eugene L — ’00 AB. Phys, Detroit, Mich. Burbage, James V — ’00 AB. Min Meth, Darby, Pa. Burwell, Thomas S — ’00 AB. B, Nv 16 '76, Williamsboro, NC, son of Baldy Burwell (b, Ap 14 '38, Williamsboro, NC; farmer) and Leatha Eaton (b, Mr 18 '49, Wil- liamsboro, NC). Prep, Henderson Nor Inst; '96‘-’00 AB; '01-'04, '06>-’07, Jefferson Med Coll, Philadelphia, Pa, MD; '07, memb Phila- delphia Acad Med and Allied Sciences; '09, Douglass Hosp Clin Soc; '13, Philadelphia Co Med Soc; '14, Nat Med Assn; '07-'08, resident phys Douglass Hosp; '14-, chief anaesthetist Douglass Hosp; memb Professional Club of Philadelphia. Mar Anna M Hall, Nv 3 '11, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 2008 Fitzwater St, Philadelphia, Pa. Ellison, George S — ’00 AB. B, Ja 8 '77, Stateburg, SC, son of Henry Ellison (b, Ja 14 '17, Wimsboro, SC; mechanic; d, Ag 20 '83, Stateburg, SC) and Amelia A Ellison (b, Dc 7 '37). Prep, St Augustine's Sch, Baleigh, NC; '97- '00 AB; '06-'10, Univ of Mich, AB; '01-'02, tea parish sch, Ashe- ville, NC; '02- '06, Haines Institute, Augusta, Ga; '10-, Colored high school, Kansas City, Mo; '10, Phi Beta Kappa; '09, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Add, 245 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC. Fonveille, Polk K — ’00 AB, ’03 STB. Min AMEZ, Scranton, Pa. Biographical Catalogue 71 Gibson, Alfred J — ’00 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Gill, Robert M — ’00 AB. Harper, Charles S — ’00 AB. B, Oe 14 ’79, son of Albert Wilson and Mary L Harper (b, Lexington, Ya; d, Oc 29 ’92, Lexington, Ya). Prep, Morgan Coll Branch, Lynchburg, Ya; >97- ’00 AB; AM; ’05- ’08, H U Sch of Theo, BD; tea pub sch Lexington, Ya, and Hall’s Hill, Va; ’05-, min ME; dir Negro Organisation Soc of Ya; pres Civic League of Local Com- munity; treas Ministerial Union Richmond, Ya. Mar Lessie S Brooks, Ap 19 ’02, Philadelphia, Pa; 3 children. Add, Harrisonburg, Ya. Harper, Jay B— ’00 AB, ’03 STB. Harris, Robert E — ’00 AB. Phys, Atlantic City, NJ. Harris, William A — ’00 AB. Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. Holley, Joseph W— ’00 AB, ’02 AM; STB ; DD. B, Ap 3 ’72, Winnsboro, SC, son of George Holley (b, Winnsboro, SC; whipmaker; d, ’00) and Mary Giles (b, Winnsboro, SC; d, ’02). Prep, Phillips Acad, Andover, Mass; ’98*— ’00 AB; ’02 AM STB; ’06 HD; prin Albany Bible and Man Training Inst, Albany, Ga; repre- sented Presb eh at Pan-American Alliance New York, NY, and Aber- deen, Scotland. Mar Daisie Lipsey, Ag 14 ’90, Chester, SC; 1 child. Add, Albany, Georgia. Katiya, Thomas C — ’00 AB. Miss Presb, Johannesburg, So Africa. Magaya, Edward T — ’00 AB. Miss Meth, Cape Colony, So Africa. McDonald, Samuel C — ’00 AB. Phys, Philadelphia, Pa. Neal, Peter C — ’00 AB. . B, Mr 19 ’69, Baltimore, Md, son of Spicer C Neal and Emma P Cov- ington. Prep, Wayland Sem, Washington, DC; ’96-’00 AB; Hamil- ton Theo Sem, Hamilton, NY ; tea, Clayton Williams University, Balti- more, Md; pres Maryland Bapt Co-operative Convention; trust Mary- land Bapt Orphanage; trust Clayton Williams Univ; p First Col Bapt Church. Mar Harriet A Wimbush, Je 22 ’06, Baltimore, Md. Author of Works of the Holy Spirit and Life and Character of Frederick Douglass. Add, 937 Rutland Ave. Pannill, Major N — ’00 AB. B, ’78, Chalk Level, Ya, son of Preston Parnell (b, ’54, Ya; butler; d, ’89, Chatham, Ya) and Louise Banks. Prep, Industrial High Sch, Danville, Ya; ’97- ’00 AB; ’01- ’03, Medico-Chi College, Philadelphia; ’04- ’06, College of Phys and Surg, Boston, Mass, MD; memb Acad of Med and Allied Sciences; Professional Club of Philadelphia; assistant 72 Lincoln University gynecologist, Frederick Douglass Mem Hosp, Philadelphia. Add, 1702 Christian Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips, James M — ’00 AB. Lawy, Aberdeen, Wash. Phillips, Theophilius — ’00 AB, ’03 STB. Min Presb, Lenoir, NC. Rendall, Hugh — ’00 AB. Min Presb, p, Mendham, NJ ; chaplain USA, ’17-. Ringgold, Isaac H — ’00 AB, ’03 STB. B, Sp 4 , 79, Woodstown, NJ, son of Isaac Einggold, farmer, and Mary A Pritchett. Prep, pub sch; ’96- ’00 AB; ’03 STB; tea, Miller Bible School;. *08-, sec Philadelphia Annual Conf; ’03- ’04; p Flem- ington, NJ; ’04- ’05, Payne Memorial, Philadelphia; ’05- ’07, Middle- town, Pa; ’07- ’ll, Wayne, Pa; ’ll- ’14, Bethel ch, Germantown, Pa; ’14-, Zion ch, Philadelphia. Mar Fannie C Greene, Sp 18 ’01, Woods- town, NJ. Add, AME Book Concern, 631 Pine St, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Howard M — ’00 AB. B, Sp 5 ’80, Baltimore, Md, son of John H Smith (b, Ja 29 ’37, Snow Hill, Md) and Mary F Sorrell (b, My 5 ’48, Baltimore, Md; d, Mr 5 ’84). ’96- ’00 AB; ’00- ’04, Univ of Pa Medical Dept; MD; ’04- ’05, Long Island Med Coll; ’ll- ’13, med inspector of schools, Kansas City, Mo; ’14, hygiene phys, Kansas City, Mo; ’15-, supt Jackson County, Mo, Home for Aged and Infirm Negroes; vice-pres Kansas Branch NAACP; phys Industrial Home for Negro Orphans; sec Negro Demo- cratic League of Mo. Mar Anna B Colbert, Sp 27 ’08, Crown Point, Ind. Add, 2409 Vine Street, Kansas City, Mo. Spann, McLain C— ’00 AB, ’03 STB. Min Presb and prin High Sch, Carlisle, Pa. Spearman, Henry K E — ’00 AB. B, Dc 21 ’75, Newberry, SC, son of Edward D Spearman (b, Nv ’43, Abbeville, SC; minister; d, Sp 13 ’99) and Josephine Hampton (b, Nv 7 ’43, Abbeville, SC). Prep, Biddle Univ; ’98- ’00 AB; ’00- ’03, Yale Divinity School, BD; ’14 DD Allen Univ Columbia, SC; AME; ’03- ’05, p People’s AME ch, Chelsea, Mass; ’05- ’09, Mailey Street AME Church, Lynn, Mass; ’09- ’15, Macedonia AME Church, Camden, NJ; ’12- ’16, memb General Conference. Add, Camden, NJ. Tabb, Augustus B — ’00 AB. Lawy, Jersey City, NJ. Thomas, Alexander W — ’00 AB. B, Oc 11 ’79, Newport, El, son of William H Thomas (b, Je 27 ’47, New York, NY; minister; ’69 AB AM, LU; DD LU; d, Fb 15 ’03, Philadelphia, Pa) and Christiana Hasbronck (b, ’44, New York, NY). Prep, pub sch Providence and Newport, El; ’96- ’00 AB; ’00- ’03, Boston Univ STB; ’ll- ’12, summer sessions Univ of Chicago; ’03- ’17, prof Heb, Wilberforee Univ; ’00- ’03, p Union AME Church, Narragansett Pier, El; ’14- ’17, University pastor; ’17, Chaplain, Biographical Catalogue 73 24th Inf USA; memb Religious Education Assn; hon memb XI Chapt, Alpha Phi Alpha Frat. Mar Frances A Lee, J1 20 ’12, Wilberforce University. Add, Wilberforce University. Turner, William S — ’00 AB. Wilson, William J — ’00 AB. Banks, Lemuel — ’96-. Bethel, William H — ’96-. Daves, Nathaniel — ’96-. Diamond, Frank L — ’96- Franklin, Daniel D — ’96-. Fuller, Lemuel H — B, ’70, La Grange, NC, son of Thomas Fuller (b, ’50, Kingston, NC; farmer) and Minerva Dawson (b, ’56, La Grange, NC). Prep, Albion Acad, Fanklinton, NC; ’96- ’98 (1 yr at Shaw Univ) ; prin Gould Academy, Chadbourn, NC; p three Presb churches, Cape Fear Pbty. Mar Emma Johnson, ’01, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, Chadbourn, NC. Jenkins, Thadeus G — ’96-. Martin, John H — ’96- Murray, Henry W — ’96-. Nocho, Frank P — ’96- Bus, West Chester, Pa. Terry, Ernest B — B, My 13 ’80, Columbus, Ga, son of William E Terry (b, Columbus, Ga; barber; also coal and wood merchant; d, J1 10 ’01) and Celestia Terry (b, Columbus, Ga ; d, ) . Prep, pub sch Columbus and LU ; LU 2 years; Meharry Med Coll ’02 MD; phys Cuthbert, Ga, 2 years; at Marietta, Ga, 2 years; Columbus, Ga, 9 years; ’05, Ga State Med Assn; ’10, Nat Med Assn; ’ll, Tri-State Med Assn (G'a, Ala, Fla); ’14- ’15, med inspector Columbus pub sch; proprietor People’s Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. Mar Anna M Williams. Add, 632 4th Ave, Columbus, Ga. Turner, Henry E — ’96- Webb, Arthur R — ’96- White, William J — ’96- Whitley, John F — ’96- Wilson, F Bayard — ’96- 1901 Atwood, Henry O — ’01 AB. Bethel, Martin L — ’01 AB, ’04 AM; STB. B, Oc 24 ’78, Lincoln Univ, Pa, son of William L Bethel, Min Presb, and Fannie E Martin. Prep, pub sch Winston-Salem, NC; ’97- ’01 AB; ’04 AM STB; LU; ’04- ’05, Princeton Theo Sem, Mutchmore 74 Lincoln University Scholar, BD; ’05- ’08, asst prin Albany Bible and Manual Training Inst, Albany, Ga; ’08- ’10, p Moore’s Chap, Albany, Ga, and West- minster ch, Americus, Ga, ’10- ’13, SS Miss Okla and Ark, ’13-, tea Phelps Hall Bible Training Sch, Tuskegee Inst, Ala. Mar (1) Mamie D Garborough, Je 21 ’05 (d, My 26 ’06) ; (2) Sarah B Watkins, Je 23 ’09; 3 children. Add, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Boulden, Philip A — ’01 AB, ’04 AM; STB. B, Ja 15 ’72, Elkton, Md, son of Charles H Boulden (b, J1 10 ’44, Del; min) and Annie E Boulden (b, Sp 14 ’50, Still Pond, Md; d, J1 2 ’92, Chester, Pa). ’97- ’01 AB; ’04 AM STB; ’01- ’06, p UAME West Chester, Pa; ’06- ’08, Newark, Del; ’08- ’14, Philadelphia, Pa; ’05- ’08, prin Union Indus Sch, Wilmington, Del; ’10- ’14, dean; elected bishop Union AME ch, 3d and 4th Dioceses, Ala, Miss and So Ga, Mich and Can; author Catchism of the Union Church. Mar Eleanor M Dorsey, Ap 1 ’08, Wilmington, Del. Add, 1932 Carpenter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Branch, Theodoric T — ’01 AB, ’04 STB. ’05 Auburn Theo Sem, Auburn, NY. Min Presb, Fayetteville, NC. Byers, John H — ’01 AB. Min Presb, Louden, Tenn. Clark, Noah E — ’01 AB. Colbert, John T — ’01 AB, ’04 STB. Min Presb, Baltimore, Md. Coxe, Philip J A— ’01 AB, ’04 STB. Min Presb, Mebane, NC. Creagh, Joseph J — ’01 AB, ’04 AM; STB. B, J1 2 ’74, Fredericksteel, St Croix, DWI, son of Edwin C Creagh (b, ’39, Christiansteel, St Croix, DWI; liveryman; d, ’88, Fredericksteel) and Margaret Anderson (b, ’42, Fredericksteel). Prep, sch St Croix, DWI; ’96- ’01 AB; ’04 AM STB; ’06- ’10, Meharry Dental College, DDS; ’04, ch work Norfolk, Ya, and Baltimore, Md; ’05, evangelist and ss; ’06, p Albany, Ga; pres YMCA, Waycross, Ga; ’10-, DDS. Mar Katie L Adams, Je 25 ’13, Quitman, Ga; 1 child. Add, 22 John- son Street, Waycross, Ga. Davis, Kobert — ’01 AB. Tea, Waxahachie, Tex. Davis, Taylor— ’01 AB, ’04 STB. Min Bapt, Oakland, Cal. Fitzgerald, Edward Y — ’01 AB. Phys, Baltimore, Md. Fort, John H— ’01 AB, ’04 STB. B, Nv 25 ’69, Eureka, NC, son of Philip Fort (b, Mr 12 ’32; d, Dc 27 ’09) and Elizabeth Fort (b, Sp 8 ’38, Speight’s Bridge, NC; d, Sp 6 ’01, Eureka, NC). Prep, Albion Acad and State Norm Sch, Franklinton, NO; ’98>-’01 AB; ’04 STB; ’04-, p of the Tabernacle Biographical Catalogue 75 New Hope Presb eh, Greenville, Tenn, and prin High Sch; Comm General Ass, Chicago, 111; ten yrs conducted county normals and insti- tutes, Green Co, Tenn; chmn of ss work and Bd of Educat Comm Rogersville Pbty; memb OF; AF AM; real estate broker and farmer. Mar Leetia E Sevier, Ap 10 ’13, Greenville, Tenn. Add, Greenville, Tenn. Goldthwaite, Prince E — ’01 AB. Tea, Waxahachie, Tex. Green, John H — ’01 AB. Bus, Greensboro, NC. Harleston, John H — ’01 AB. Phys, Raleigh, NC. Harper, Joseph W — ’01 AB. B, My 4 ’72, near Rome, Ga, son of Primus Harper (b, ’44, near Dalton, Ga; farmer; d, HI, Memphis, Tenn) and Elizabeth Boulware (b, about *43, Fairfield Co, SC). Prep, Brainard Inst, Chester, SC; '97-’01 AB; >03- '04, prin Albright Sch, Amelia Co, Ya; '04-H3, tea, Brainard Inst; H3-, tea Agricult, Harbison Agricult Coll, Irmo, SC; farmer and printer; pres Washington, Lincoln and Douglass Lit Mem Soc, Chester, SC. Mar Mahala M Graves, Oc 8' ’03, Blackstock, SC; 8 children. Add, Harbison Agricultural College, Irmo, SC. Jackson, William H — ’01 AB. B, Oc 22 ’ 78 , Woodward, SC, son of Wade B Jackson (b, Woodward, SC; farmer) and Elizabeth Clark (b, near Winnsboro, SC). Prep, Brainard Inst, Chester SC; , 99— , 01 AB; summer courses Columbia Univ, New York, NY, and Lake Geneva, Wis; ’02, tea McClellan Acad, Newman, Ga; ’OS-’OS, sec YMCA, Springfield, O; *08-, ss miss Cape Fear Pbty, NC. Mar Annie L Morris, Fb 25 ’03; 2 children. Add, Newburn, NC. Jacobs, James W — ’01 AB. James, Joseph G — ’01 AB. Min Meth, Philadelphia, Pa. Johnson, John A — ’01 AB. Boston, Mass. Kyles, Linwood W — ’01 AB, ’04 STB. Bishop AMEZ, Add, 4301 W Bell Place, St Louis, Mo. McCoy, Albert B— ’01 AB, ’04 AM; STB; DD. B, Nv 9 *76, son of Samuel McCoy (b, Salisbury, NC; farmer; d, My ’02, Cotton Plant, Ark). Prep, Cotton Plant Acad; , 97- , 01 AB; *04 AM STB; *13 DD LIJ; *04-, district supt ss Miss Work. Mar Alberta H Holsey, Je 23 *05, Americus, Ga; 2 children. Add, 692 W College St, Americus, Ga. McCrary, Sherman C — ’01 AB, ’04 AM; STB. B, '66, near So Packlet River, NC, son of Isham McCrary (b, Ja 1 ’24, Austin Township, Greenville Co, SC; farmer; d, My 24 ’12) and 76 Lincoln University Mahala Brockman (b, ’2 6, Austin Township, Greenville, SC; d, ’70, near Fingerville, SC). Prep, Clark Univ, Atlanta, Ga; ’ 97- ’01 AB; ’04 AM STB; *05, ordained by 1st Col’d Bapt eh, Atlanta, Ga; ’06- ’07, tea Bailey View Academy, Greer, SC; bus. Mar Mary E White, Ag 28, ’10, Greenville, SC; 2 children. Add, 230 So Teach St, Green- ville, SC. Mintess, Charles S R — ’01 AB. B, De 10 ’77, Newport, RI, son of Lewis M Mintess (b, ’40, Phila- delphia, Pa; clerk) and Sarah C Ross (b, ’60, Fort Royal, Ya). Prep, Philadelphia pub sch and St Augustine Sch, Raleigh, NC; ’98- ’01 AB; ’01- ’03, Philadelphia Coll of Pharm; ’07-, clerk office of Recor- der of Deeds; 3 yrs judge of Election; ’ll-, memb the 7th Ward Repub Execut Committ. Mar Clara Scarlett Baxter, Oc 5 ’10, Phila- delphia, Pa; 1 child. Add, 1735 Addison St, Philadelphia, Pa. "Moore, John W— ’01 AB. Gregory, Ark. Morton, James M— ’01 AB, ’04 AM; STB. B, Ja 21 ’71, son of William Morton (d, ’92, Granville Co, NC) and Margaret Taylor Morton (d, ’94, Granville Co, NC). Prep, Mary Potter Mem, Oxford, NC; ’97- ’01 AB; ’04 AM STB; ’04- ’09, stated supply Boonville-Mocksville field; ’09-, p Church St Presb ch, Salis- bury, NC; ’13, Comm Gen Ass; mod Yadkin Pbty. Mar Emma L Cundiff, Ap 16 ’05, Boonville, NC; 4 children. Add, Salisbury, NC. Noble, Dennis W — ’01 AB. Rendall, Humphrey J — ’01 AB. Min Presb, Clinton, Ta. Richardson, Clarence H — ’01 AB. B, Oc 21, ’81, Philadelphia, Pa, son of Thomas J Richardson (b, Dc ’54, Lowell, Mass ; barber) and Fannie Elsie (b, Ap 25 ’52, Bordentown, NJ). Prep, Philadelphia high sch; '97-’01 AB; ’12, Harvard Medi- cal School, MD; memb IBPOE. Add, 626 Herkimer St, Brooklyn, NY. Spearman, Benjamin F — ’01 AB. Min Meth, Lynn, Mass. Starks, William J — ’01 AB, ’04 STB. B, Mr 14 ’77; son of Joseph Starks (b, ’50, Chambersburg, Pa; laborer; d, ’90, Providence, RI) and Rachel Cato (b, ’55, Berryville, Ya). Prep, pub sch; ’97- ’01 AB; ’04 STB; ’05- ’12, p New Hope and Sandy Branch, Okla; ’12-, Garvin, Okla; tea 3 years pub sch. Mar Hettie C Bailey, Mr 22 ’06, Frogville, Okla; 3 children. Add, Garvin, Okla. Tibbs, Oscar B — ’01 AB. Lawy, Buxton, la. Washington, Joseph P — ’01 AB. Watts, George F — ’01 AB. Phys, Plainfield, NJ. Biographical Catalogue Wimbish, James A — ’01 AB. Phys, Atlantic City, NJ. Adams, John — ’97- Brisco, Samuel E — ’97-. Brown, Lucius A — ’97- Clark, Thomas Gl — ’97-. Darden, John B — ’97-. Jackson, James C — ’97- Lane, John H B — ’97- McNichols, Marion A — ’97-. Means, Cornelius R — ’97-. Newton, Garfield A — ’97-. Owens, William A — ’97-. Parker, James R — ’97- Roye, Ernest L — ’97-. Taylor, Henry 0 — ’97- Townsend, W H — ’97- Turner, Alexander W — ’97-. Wallace, Frederick D — ’97-. Wethington, F S — ’97-. Wilson, Lindsey A — ’97- 1902 Allen, William P — ’02 AB. Lawy, Danville, Ya. Bethel, Isaac N R — ’02 AB. Phys, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch, Samuel J — ’02 AB, ’04 STB. Tea, High School, St. Louis, Mo. Burton, George S — ’02 AB, ’05 STB. B, Oc 31 '79, Marietta, Pa, son of George E Burton (b, Fb G '52, Harford Co, Md; expressman) and Annie E Johnson (b, My 30 *62, Marietta, Pa). Prep, York, Pa, high sch; ’99- '02 AB; *05 STB; min Presb and tea; founder Young People's School of Music, York, Pa; '09-, asst p Faith Presb ch, York, Pa; sec Col Min Interdenom Ass; sec Negro Protective League York. Add, 31 East Jackson St, York, Pa. Carr, George J — ’02 AB. Surgeon R N, Edinburgh, Scotland. Chandler, Clarence H — ’02 AB. Bus, New York, NY. 78 Lincoln University # Cherry, Robert K — ’02 AB. B, Ap 4 ’80, Waynesboro, Ga, son of Stark O Cherry (b, Mr 4 ’58, Winston-Salem, NC; d, Mr 16 ’12, Waynesboro, Ga) and Fanny Thompson (b, Mr 15 ’57, Waynesboro, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; ’99- ’02 AB; '06, Shaw University, MD; ’06- ’ll, phys; ’ll- ’16, bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar Grace A Trower, Fb 8 Ml, Philadelphia, Pa. D, Philadelphia, 1916. Freeman. Charles S — ’02 AB, ’06 AM; STB. B, Fb 13 ’78, Ercidoun, Pa, son of Virgil Freeman (b, Wilmington, NC) and Jessie White (b, Chester Co, Pa). Prep, Inst for Col’d Youth, Philadelphia, Pa; ’98- '02, AB; '03- ’06 AM STB; '07- '08, p Liberty Street Presb ch, Troy, NY; ’08- '11, Faith ch, York, Pa; ’ll-, Lafayette ch, Jersey City, NJ ; pres Interdenominat Preachers’ Meeting (col’d) of NY and vicinity. Mar Elizabeth V White, Sp 17 ’02, Philadelphia, Pa; 2 children. Add, Jersey City, NJ. Fuller, Frederick M — ’02 AB. Golding, Russell D — ’02 AB, ’05 AM; STB. B, Mr 7 '73, Arcadia, Ga, son of Peter Golding (farmer; d, Fb 7 '01, Limerick, Ga) and Henrietta R Dunwoody (d, Ap 22 '02, Limerick, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst; ’99- '02 AB; ’05 AM STB; Min Presb; ’05, tea agriculture, Albion Acad; p White Hall NC Presb ch, ’05- ’15; '13, organized Westminster NC ch. Mar Maggie F Clarke, J1 26 '05, Wilson, NC; 2 children. Add, Franklinton, NC'. Hames, Elmore C— ’02 AB, ’05 STB. B, Mr 7 ’75, Union, SC, son of Charles Hames (b, ’48, Union, SC; carpenter; d, ’87) and Harriet McWhirter (b, ’47, Union, SC; d, ). Prep, Clark Univ, Atlanta, Ga; ’99- ’02 AB; ’05 STB; ’13 Morris Brown, DD; ’05-, ss miss; ’08, fraternal del Cumberland Gen- eral Ass (col); ’08, mod Atlantic Synod; memb Atlantic Citizen’s League. Mar Rosa M Porter, Je 25 ’02, Atlanta, Ga. Add, 199 Irwin St, Atlanta, Ga. Harris, William N P— ’02 AB, ’05 STB. B, Fb 1 ’79, Lexington, Va, son of Austin Harris (b, Dc 25 ’55, Appo- mattox Co, Va; Lexington, Va; houseman) and Nannie J Ross (b, Nv 16 ’59, Lexington, Va). Prep, Va Coll and Indust Inst, Lynchburg, Va; ’99- ’02 AB; ’05 STB; ’05- ’06, tea Va Coll and Indust Inst, Lynchburg, Va; ’07- ’08, asst prin Bristol Norm Inst, Bristol, Tenn; ’09-, prin Lexington Col Graded Sch; pres Rockbridge Co Col Teacher Assn; memb Negro Teacher’s Assn of Va; pres Rockbridge Co Col’d School Fair Assoc. Mar Geraldine E Robinson, Nv 18 ’05, August, Ga; 3 children. Add, 13 East Preston St, Lexington, Va. Henry, Richard J — ’02 AB. Tea, Atlanta, Ga. Hutchinson, Othello J — ’02 AB. Tea, Charleston, SC. Biographical Catalogue 79 Jackson, Henry H — ’02 AB. Fayetteville, NC. Lewis, Thomas N — ’02 AB. Phys, Liberia, Africa. Martin, John W— ’02 AB, ’05 AM; STB. B, Lebanon, Ya, son of Cornelius Martin (b, ’15, near Richmond, Ya; miller; d,- Sp *98, Johnson City, Tenn) and Nancy Martin (b, ’51 Russel Co, Ya; d, Ag '10, Johnson City, Tenn). Prep, Langston High Sch, Johnson City, Tenn; ’98- ’02 AB; >05 AM STB; ’05- '06, p AME Zion ch, Indianapolis, Ind; ’06- ’08, tea Atkinson College; ’08-, pres. Mar Ola M Ecton, Ja 15 ’06, Indianapolis, Ind; 1 child. Add, Madisonville, Kentucky. Mason, John J — ’02 AB. Lawy, Birmingham, Ala. Mason, William H — ’02 AB. Tea, Amelia Ct House, Ya. McClendon, Henry P — ’02 AB. McLeod, William F — ’02 AB. McNeal, James A T — ’02 AB. Miller, Thomas E, Jr — ’02 AB. Phys, Orangeburg, SC. Robeson, William D, Jr — ’02 AB. Boston, Mass. Taylor, Irvin W— ’02 AB, ’05 STB. B, Nv 16 ’79, Danville, Ya, son of Silas M Taylor (b, ’56, Lynchburg, Ya; Pullman porter) and Maria L Wilson (b, ’61, Chatham, Va). Prep, pub sch Danville, Ya; ’98- ’02 1 AB; ’05 AM STB; ’05- ’07, prin Pittsylvania Indust Acad, Ozeana, Ya; ’07-, princ pub sch Danville. Add, 206 Holbrook St, Danville, Va. Taylor, William O — ’02 AB. Phys, Boston, Mass. Williams, Joseph G — ’02 AB. Bradley, James J — ’98- Daniels, Frank L — ’98-. Todd, Roderick — ’9B-. Ukkerd, Charles J — ’98- Wilson, Eli H — ’98- Wright, George A — ’98-. 1903 Bleach, Lawrence B — ’03 AB. Prin Seldon Inst, Brunswick, Ga. 80 Lincoln University *Bullock, Frank F — ’03 AB. Min Bapt, Bristol, Pa. Bullock, Oscar F — ’03 AB, ’06 STB. Min Bapt, High Point, NC. Campbell, Henry W B — ’03 AB, ’06 AM ; STB. B, Fb 15 >78, Wilmington, NC, son of Wesley Campbell (b, ’47, Floral College, NC) and' Hannah Bussell (b, Wilmington, NC). Prep, Albion Acad, Ftanklinton, NC; ’99-’03 AB; ’06 AM STB; ’06- ’08, tea Robeson Co Sch, NC; ’08, ordained Cape Fear Pbty; ’08- ’ll, p Con- cord Presb ch, Danville, Ky; ’ll-, Ebenezer Presb ch, Borne, Ga. Add, Borne, Ga. Cardozo, Francis N — ’03 AB. B, Fb 14 ’82, Cincinnati, O, son of Isaac N Cardozo (b, Ag 24 ’56, Charleston, SC; min and tea; AB Oberlin Coll) and Elizabeth William- son (b, Ag 23 ’59, Isreenville, SC). Prep, Biddle Univ; ’99- ’03 AB; ’03- ’07 H U Med Sch, MD; phys; ’10-, pres Baltimore Branch' NAACP; ’14-, memb bd of directors NAACP; memb Md Med, Dent and Pharmaceut Assn. Mar Fannie B Alexander, Dc 25 ’09, Balti- more, Md; 1 child. Add, 1524 Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, Md. Covington, Charles E — ’03 AB. Bus, Buxton, la. Davenport, St Elmo — ’03 AB. B, Ap 11 ’78, Ya, son of Woodson Davenport (Min Bapt; d, Fb 10 ’99) and Bell Hill. Prep, pub sch Ya and Wilmington, Del; ’99- ’03 AB; ’04- ’08, Coll of Phys and Surg, Bston, Mass; MD; ’09- ’15, phys Atlantic City, NJ; ’12- ’15, med inspector pub sch. Mar Sadie O Jamotte, Oc 29 ’12, Hoboken, NJ. Add, 105 Bay Street, Atlantic City, NJ. DeBardeleben, William F — ’03 AB. Prep, Brainerd Inst; ’99-’03 AB; ’07, New York Univ; ’03-’04, tea pub sch, Tex; ’04- ’13, sec YMCA; ’13-, ss miss Presb ch Pbty of Lincoln, Ky. Add, 920 W Chestnut St, Louisville, Ky. *Douglass, James R — ’03 AB. Tea, Baltimore, Md. ^Flipping, John H — ’93 AB. Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. Frasier, William T — ’03 AB, ’06 STB. B, Mr 22 ’73, son of Hamilton Frasier, Taylor’s Creek, Ga, and Delia Stevens (d, My ’09). ’99- ’03 AB; ’06 STB; ss miss. Mar Mary Hill, Nv 1 ’06, Washington, DC; 3 children. Add, Walters- boro, SC. Griffin, William A — ’03 AB. Palatka, Fla. Griggs, Augustus C — ’03 AB, ’06 AM ; STB. B, Oc 27 ’81, Farmville, Ya, son of Nathaniel M Griggs (b, ’54; d, Biographical Catalogue 81 Mr ’ 78 ) and Fannie Evans (b, ’56). Prep, Inst for Ool Youth; ’99- ’03 AB; ’06 AM STB; ’06- ’07, tea Hardin Inst, Allendale, SO; ’07- ’13, prin Farmville (Ya) graded sch; ’13-, tea & chaplain, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; memb Negro National Organization Soc; Civic League of Augusta; ’ll- ’12, del Negro National Educational Conven- tion. Add, So Main St, Farmville, Ya. Hammie, Robert P — ’03 AB. Phys, Boston, Mass. Haywood, John W— ’03 AB, ’ll AM ; STB. B, J1 4 ’80, Maury Co, Tenn, son of Charles Haywood (b, in Tenn; farmer; d, ’83) and Jennie Kennedy (b, in Tenn; d, ’87, Italy, Tex). Prep, Waxahachie (Tex) high sch; ’00- ’03 AB; ’08-’ll AM STB; ’ll, Union Theo Sem and Columbia University, New York, NY; ’14, Wiley University, STD; ’ll, p ME ch, Brooklyn, NY; ’ll- ’12 ME ch, Milford, Tex; ’13- ’14, Ebenezer ME ch, Marshall, Tex; ’12- ’13, prof Wiley Univ, Marshall, Tex; pres-eleet College of West Africa, Me ch. Mar Lottie J Burnett, Ag 4 ’04, Waxahachie, Tex; 3 children. Add, Box 162, Marshall, Texas. Hawkins, John C — ’03 AB. B, Mr 27 ’78, Middlebury, NC, son of John Hawkins (b, ; d, ’83) and Sarah Hawkins. Prep, Henderson Norm Institute, NC; ’99- ’03 AB; ’10- ’12, New York University, LLB; ’05- ’13, clerk Dept of Regist Mail, Post-Office, NY; ’14-, lawy 80 Wall Street, NY. Mar Edith M Gilbert, Fb 15 ’10. Add 207 W 134 St, New York, NY. Johnson, Scipio S — ’03 AB. Phys, Augusta, Ga. Jones, Washington L — ’03 AB. Phys, Detroit, Mich. Kerr, John T— ’03 AB, ’06 STB. Min Bapt, Xenia, O. Lewis, William W — ’03 AB. Bus, Cuba. McLurkin, Charles P — ’03 AB, ’06 AM; STB. ,B, Dc 1 ’79, son of Samuel P McLurkin (b, ’46, Shelton, SC; cook and farmer; d, My 13 ’05) and Cornelia McLurkin (b, Je 11 ’55, Shelton, SC). Prep, State A & M Coll, SC; ’99- ’03 AB; ’06 AM STB; State Coll of SC, LI; ’06- ’07, p Faith ch, York, Pa; ’07- ’10, supt education Cumberland (Col) Presb ch; Ag ’10-Nv ’10 p. Gibson Chap, Spring- field, Mo; ’10- ’12, prof natural sci, State A & M College, SC; ’12-, prof agricult sci, Branch Normal College, Pine Bluff, Ark. Mar Katie Havis, Ja 2 ’14. Add, Branch Normal College, Pine Bluff, Ark. McLurkin, R G J — ’03 AB. Nearon, Leonard F — ’03 AB. B, J1 17 ’77, St George’s, Bermuda, son of John A Nearon (b, Ap 6 ’41, Bermuda; merchant; d, Bermuda, Sp 9 ’06) and Charlotte 82 Lincoln University Tucker. Prep, St George’s Acad; ’99- ’03 AB; ’08, New York Med College and Flower Hospital, MD; ’09, County Med Soc; ’08, Medico- CM Soc; ’ll, Aesculapian Med Soc; phys Hope Day Nursery, NY. Mar Ag 1 ’04, Theodosia Smith, Bermuda. Add, 207 W 134 St, New York, NY. ^Nugent, Richard — ’03 AB. Chester, Pa. Parker, William H — ’03 AB. Sasser, Arthur H — ’03 AB. B, My 3 ’78, Goldsboro, NC, son of Simon Sasser (b, Goldsboro, NC; carpenter; d, J1 25 ’ll) and Dolly P Goldsboro (d, Mr 12 ’07, Golds- boro, NC). Prep, Normal Sch, Goldsboro, NC; ’98^- ’03 AB; Coll Phys and Surg, Boston, Mass. Mar Ida Smith, Je 10 ’06 Boston, Mass; 2 children. Add, 1719 Arctic Ave, Atlantic City, NJ. Scott, Howard D — ’03 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. # Smith, Fred J — ’03 AB. Atlantic City, NJ. Stewart, William G — ’03 AB. Tea, Hampton Institute, Ya. Thompson, Milton L — ’03 AB, ’06 STB. Min Presb, Atlanta, Ga. Walden, Ulysses L — ’03 AB. B, Nv 7 ’79, Jefferson Co, Fla, son of Major B Walden (b, Nv 8 ’56, Jefferson Co, Fla; railroad employee) and Isabella Y Walden (b, J1 7 ’59; d, Ja 23 ’15, Jacksonville, Fla). Prep, high sch, Jacksonville, Fla, and State College, SC LI; ’99- ’03 AB; State College, SC; 2 yrs tea pub sch Duval Co, Fla; ’05-, letter-carrier; ex-pres the local Let- ter-carrier’s Assn; ex-State Yice-pres National Letter-carrier’s Assn. Mar Ada C Daniels, Mr 1 ’05, Jacksonville, Fla; 2 children. Add, 1716 Kings Avenue, Jacksonville, Fla. Avant, Frank W — B, Je 1 ’76, Southport, NC, son of Charles W Avant (b, Mr 20 ’29, Wilmington, NC; carpenter; d, Nv 28 ’03) and Sarah J Pisson (b, Oc 19 ’27). Prep, HU Acad; ’99- ’01, LU; Leonard Medical College, ’04 PhG; ’08 MD; interneship Freedman’s Hospital Washington, DC; lay-reader St Mark’s PE ch; manager Queen City Pharmacy, Char- lotte, NC; Ideal Pharmacy, Norfolk, Ya; ’08-, phys; pres Working Man’s B and L Ass; memb Bd of Charity. Mar Florence L Nichols, Dc 8 ’09, Newark, NJ; 1 child. Add, 710 Red Cross St, Wilming- ton, NC. Brooks, Edward B — ’99-. Private, 1st Class, Camp Stotsenburg, Pampanga, Phillippine Is. Biographical Catalogue 83 Griggs, Nathaniel M — ’99- Holdman, Samuel H — ’99-. Jenkins, Alfred W — ’99- Johnson, Moses W — ’99-. Jones, Joseph C C — ’99-. Laneer, Andrew J — ’99-. Lawrence, Paul H — ’99-. Sanders, John D — ’99-. Wilson, Newton M — ’99-. 1904 Bivins, Eugene S — ’94 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Brooks, William F, Jr — ’04 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Coleman, Alfred F — ’04 AB. B, Ap 10 '79, Shelton, SC, son of Alfred Coleman (b, *55; farmer) and Katherine Coleman (b, *59, Feasterville, SC; d, Fb 16 ’83, Shel- ton, SC). Prep, Immanuel Seh, Aiken, SC; , 00- , 04 AB; *05- ’08, tea Immanuel Training Sch, Aiken, SC; 'OS^'IS, tea math Swift Mem Coll, Rogersville, Tenn. Mar Eugenia Bouse, Je 21 ’10. Add, Rogers- ville, Tenn. Cotton, Norman J — ’04 AB. Phys, Paterson, NJ. Foster, Bichard A — ’04 AB. Gates, George H — ’04 AB. Phys, Baltimore, Md. Hedgman, French M — ’04 AB, ’07 STB. Min Bapt, Ardmore, Pa. Imes, George L — ’04 AB. Min Congl; prin Bible Dept, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Jones, Edwin T — ’04 AB. Phys, Bluefield, WVa. Killingsworth, William C — ’04 AB. Tea, Yorkville, SC. Lee, Benjamin F, Jr — ’04 AB. Tea, Baltimore, Md. McAvoy, James L — ’04 AB. Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. McDougald, Cornelius W — ’04 AB. Lawy, Asst District Attorney, New York, NY. 84 Lincoln University Miller, William H — ’04 AB. Phys, Raleigh, NC. Murphy, Wesley H — ’04 AB. Johnson City, Tenn. Onque, LeGrande M — ’04 AB, ’07 STB. B, Ap IS ’80, Jersey City, NJ, son of John M Onque (b, Ag 14 ’28, Princeton, NJ; nightwatchman ; d, Mr 11 ’95, Princeton, NJ) and Martha M Fairfax (b, Fb 22 ’40; d, Oc 31 ’91, Jersey City, NJ). Prep, Hampton Inst, Ya; '00- ’04 AB; ’04- '07 STB; '07- ’09, H0- Hl, tea Cotton Plant Acad, Ark; ’07- ’09, p Bethel ch, Fargo, Ark; ’09- HO, Hopewell; HO- ’15, Bethel Church, Fargo; HO- ’12, Harris Chapel, Brinkley. Mar Minnie J Houston, J1 31 HI. Add, Fargo, Arkansas. Picquett, John H — ’04 AB. Bus, Augusta, Ga. Powell, Munroe E — ’04 AB. Min 1 Presb, Lenoir, NC. Riley, William L C — ’04 AB. Tea, Creston, S ! C. Taylor, Henry V— ’04 AB, ’07 STB. Min Meth, Madisonville, Ky. ^Thompson, John W — ’04 AB, ’07 STB. Min Bapt, Williamsport, Pa. Umstead, Lewis J — ’04 AB. Upperman, Lewis M — ’04 AB, ’07 STB. Min AMEZ, New Castle, Pa. Valentine, William K — ’04 AB. Tea, Chester, Pa. Williams, James F — ’04 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. W ORTH Y, W ILLIAM — ’04 AB . B, Fb 24 *78, Forsythe, Ga, son of Taylor Worthy (farmer; d, Sp H3, Forsythe, Ga) and Basheba Wright. Prep, Jackson Acad, Forsythe, Ga; ’00- ’04 AB; ’04- ’08, Coll Phys and Surg, Boston, Mass, MD. Mar Mabel R Posey, Nv 12 H2, Boston, Mass; one child. Add, 676 Shawmut Ave, Boston, Mass. Youngue, Eugene L — ’04 AB. Phys, Clarksburg, WVa. Alexander, Wellington G — ’00- Bomar, Joseph H — ’00-. Brooks, Charles S — ’00- Coleman, Lawrence L — ’00- Biographical Catalogue 85 Dickson, Julius C — ’00- Fisher, Robert F — ’00- Flagler, Santa Anna — ’00- Fordham, George H — ’00- Gill, John D — ’00- Hawkins, William A — ’00- Kennedy, Samuel A — ’00- McCollum, Hugh — ’00- Mullins, Priestly L — ’00- Russell, Samuel M — ’00- Simons, William H — ’00-. Smith, Frederick L — ’00- Thomas, Joseph W — ’00- Thomas, Sheck D — ’00- Watson, Charles B — ’00- 1905 Alexander, John A — ’05 AB. Bethel, Allen P — ’05 AB. B, Oc 18 ’83, Spartansburg, NO, son of William L Bethel (b, My 4 *48, Clemonsville, NC; min) and Fannie Martin (b, Ja 13 ’ 56 , Madi- son, NC; d, Ap 30 ’86, Spartansburg, SC). Prep, pub sch Winston- Salem, NC; ’01- ’05 AB; >05- ’08, Philadelphia Coll of Pharmacy, PD; druggist; pres Negro Commercial Club of Oklahoma City ; memb Haywood Symphony Clubs and Rudolph Concert Band; business int a moving picture theatre, public park, and pres the Smithvale Telephone Co; owner Bethel Drug Co. Mar Je 9 HO, Rosa L Brown; 1 child. Add, 317 E 2d St, Oklahoma City, Okla. Bourne, James F — ’05 AB. B, Sp 22 *79, Island Creek, Md, son of Lewis H Bourne (b, Nv ’38, Calvert Co, Md; farmer and building contractor; d, Nv ’01) and Margaret Gray (b, Calvert Co, Md; d, ’80, Calvert Co). Prep, Inst for CoPd Youth, Philadelphia, Pa; , 02- , 05 AB; ’05- ’08, Philadelphia Coll of Pharmacy, PD; for eight months drug clerk; Fb *09-, drug business; H2, member of the Atlantic City Sch Bd; H4, reappointed for 3 yrs; H4, pres Arctic Ave Branch YMCA; memb and for one term pres University Club Atlantic City. Add, 1801 Arctic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ. Min Chstn, Durham, NC. Cherry, Stark O — ’05 AB. B, Ag 24 ; 8Q, Waynesboro, Ga, son of Stark O Cherry (b, ’61, Waynes- boro, Ga; building contractor; d, M3) and Fannie Walker (b, *62, 86 Lincoln University Waynesboro, Ga). Prep, Haines Norm Inst; ’01- ’05 AB; ’05- ’07, Leonard Med Sch; ’07- ’09, med dept Temple Univ, Philadelphia, Pa; nurse G'arriston hosp, ’07- ’09; memb Therapeutic Soc and Applegate Obstetrical Soc, Temple Univ, Philadelphia, Pa; ’09- ’10, prof anatomy and physiology Lincoln Memorial Hosp, Pittsburgh; treas Lincoln Drug Co, Pittsburgh; and member board of directors of the Coleman Home for Boys. Mar Ftancis H Trower, Oc 7 ’14, Germantown, Pa. Add, 6217 Ffankstown Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cousins, Henry C — ’05 AB, ’08 STB. B, Ja 19 *78, Henderson, NC, son of Harrison Cousins (b, Oxford, NC; farmer; d, Ja 5 ’14, Henderson, NC) and Mary A Kelly (b, ’49, Henderson, NC; d, Je 16 ’89, Oxford, NC). Prep, Mary Potter Mem Sch, Oxford, NC; ’01- ’05, AB; ’08 STB; ’09- ’13, Prin Lima High Sch, Lima, Okla; and p First Presb ch. Mar Mamie J Howell, Sp 13 ’08, Oxford, NC (d, Sp 22 ’14, Lima, Okla) ; 3 children. Add Lima, Oklahoma. Cox, Andrew M — ’05 AB. Phys, Morristown, NJ. ^Dawkins, Alphonso P — ’05 AB. Carlisle, SC. Galbreath, John A — ’05. Phys, Pottstown, Pa. Gregg, Franklin — ’05 AB. Min Presb, Palatka, Fla, Hayes, Lawrence R — ’05 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Hendricks, William E — ’05 AB. B, Ag 1 ’79, St Croix, DWI, son of George W Hendricks and Caroline Robert. Prep, St Croix, Bob’s High Sch; ’01- ’05 AB; ’08, Yale Univ, AB; ’08- ’ll, miss Epis Porto Rico; ’ll-, rector St Thomas PE eh, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar Laura Y Highgate, Je 24 ’ll, Philadelphia, Pa; 1 child. Add, St Thomas Episcopal Church, 12th St below Wal- nut, Philadelphia, Pa. *Keene, Walter — ’05 AB. Tea, Danville, Ya. Lewis, Charles A — ’05 AB, ’13 AM. B, Fb 27 ’83, son of William H Lewis (b, Washington, Ya; black- smith) and Lucy M Beckwith (b, Washington, Ya). AB ’05; ’10, Univ of Pa, MD ; ’13 AM LU ; phys Douglass and Mercy Hosp Phila- delphia; ’ll, special sociological investigator Phipps Institute, Univ of Pa; organizer Delta Sigma Frat, Univ of Pa; ’ll, special lecturer Philadelphia Acad of Med and Allied Sci; ’12, special investigator Housing, Tuberculosis, etc, Philadelphia Negro; author of Best Means of Combating Tuberculosis in the American Negro, Mousing Condi- tions among the Colored People in Philadelphia, Tuberculosis in the Biographical Catalogue 87 Negro before Emancipation, Tuberculosis in the African. Mar Vergie R Vassar, Je 12' *07, Atlantic City, NJ ; 2 children. Add, 1535 Lom- bard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. *Malloy, Fairly C — ’05 AB. Tea, Franklinton, NC. Mantanga, Harry H — ’05 AB. Min Presb, Qumba, Cape Colony, So Africa. McClane, Walter D — ’05 AB. Min Epis, Cambridge, Mass. Murray, Vanhorne — ’05 AB, ’08 STB. Min Presb, West Point, Miss. Nxiweni, Joel W— ’05 AB, ’08 STB. Min Presb, Gala, Cape Colony, So Africa. Pennington, James W — ’05 AB, ’08 STB. B, ’70 Jonesville, Va. Prep, Swift Mem Coll, Rogersville, Tenn; ’01- ’05 AB; '08 STB; min Presb and tea. Mar Armeta T McGhee, Je 30 ’09, Oxford, NC; 4 children. Add, 412 Eschals St, Greenville, SC. Rann, Emery L — ’05 AB, ’07 AM. B, Sp 8 ’74, Brownsville, Mich, son of John Wesley Eann (b, Je 16 ’47, Logan Co O; farmer) and Esther James (b, Cass Co, Mich, Dc 20 ’55; d, Brownsville, Mich, Dc 24 ’85). Prep, high sch, Racine, Wis; ’02- ’05 AB; ’07 AM; ’06, prin Gay St sch, West Chester, Pa; ’06- ’ll, prin col sch Bluefield, WVa; ’ll- ’13, prin col sch McDonald, WVa; ’13-, prin Eckman Graded Sch, Keystone, WVa; ’13- ’14, pres WVa State Teachers’ Assn; memb Mas Order, Knights of Pythias. Mar Vico M. Froe, Ja 14 ’ll, Bluefields, WVa; 1 child. Add, Key- stone, WVa. Smith, Lewis H — ’05 AB. Min Meth, Albany, Ga. Tulsie, Abraham R — ’05 AB. Min Presb, Trinidad, BWI. Tutt, John McC— ’05 AB, ’06 AM. B, Ja 14 ’86, Augusta, Ga; son of John Tutt (b, ’59, Richmond Co, Ga; cook; d, A g ’88) and Clara Clemens (b, near Augusta, Ga, ’60). Prep, Haines Inst; ’02- ’05 AB; ’06 AM; ’05-, tea math, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga. Add, Haines Institute, Augusta, Ga. Banner, Murphy W — ’01-. Lassiter, Norman — ’01- Phys, Norfolk, Va. *Lubisi, Samuel — ’01- Nelson, John F — ’01-. Norfleet, Asa C — ’01-. Rusk, William H — ’01- 88 Lincoln University Sidney, Alexander W — ’01- Tucker, Samuel T — ’01- Bus, Atlantic City, NJ. Turner, Luther R — ’01- Warren, Alvin C — ’01- Whale y, Charles H — ’01-. Min Meth, Bristol, Pa. Wilhite, Louis H — ’01- Wintzer, Norman L — ’01- 1906 Barrows, Judson C — ’06 AB. Bus, Philadelphia, Pa. Blackwell, James H, Jr — ’06 AB, ’07 AM. B, Mr 22 1 *87, Manchester, Ya, son of James H Blackwell (b, Fb 5 *•63, Marion, Ya; teacher) and Annie E Jordan (b, Sp 15 ’67, Peters- burg’, Ya). Prep, Ya Union Uni,v, Richmond, Ya; *03- ’06 AB; ’07 AM; ’07- ’ll, HU Med Sch, MD; sec Richardson Med Soc; memb National Med Assn. Add, 14 East 13th St, Richmond, Ya. Brown, James L — ’06 AB. Burgen, Warren H — ’06 AB. Phys, Buffalo, NY. Bynum, James H — ’06 AB. Phys, Central Pharmacy, Orange, NJ. Custis, John R— ’06 AB, ’09 AM ; STB. B, Ag 16 ’75, Norfolk, Ya, son of Peter Custis (gardener; d, My 10 *91, Norfolk, Ya) and Laura A Scott (d, Mr 4 ’13). Prep, pub sch and Norfolk Mission Coll; *03- ’06 AB; *09 AM STB; ’14- ’15, sum- mer sessions Univ of Pa; ’09- ’ll, tea, dept of theo, Corey Inst, Ports- mouth, Ya; ’ 12 , prin Titus (Ya) Town School; ’12- ’16, prin Lott Carey public school, Norfolk, Ya; ’09- ’16, p First Bapt ch, South Hall, Va; vice-pres Tidewater Teachers’ Assn; memb Norfolk City Teacher’s Inst and Ya State Tea Assn. Mar Esther F Keeling, Sp 9 ’07, Norfolk, Ya; 5 children. Add, RFD 3, Box 154, Norfolk, Ya. Douglass, Robert J — ’06 AB. Tea, Cuthbert, Ga. Evans, John Q— ’06 AB, ’09 AM ; STB. Son of Jacob C Evans (b, Louisburg, NC; d, Lynchburg, Ya, ’09) and Susan Patterson (b, Louisburg, NC). Prep, Albion Acad, Franklin- ton, NC; ’02- ’06 AB; ’09 AM STB; Shaw’s Chapel Presb ch, Lima, Okla; prin pub sch Beggs, Okla. Mar Susie L Maleen, Ag 31 ’14, Okmulgee, Okla. Add, Beggs, Okla. Biographical Catalogue 89 Fisher, Augustus M — ’06 AB. B, My 24 , 87, Lincoln University, Pa, son of George A Fisher (b, Baltimore, Md; business) and Pauline Oonkline (b, Baltimore, Md; d, Nv 13 ’02, Lincoln Univ). Prep, pub seh Lower Oxford, Pa; ’02- ’06 AB; ’08- ’ll, Univ of Pa, Vet Dept, VMD; 'll, Royal Vet Coll, London, England; '13, Hahnemann Med Coll, Philadelphia; '14, phys- ical director Va Union Univ, Richmond, Va; ’EL5-, Veterinarian, Bureau of Animal Industry, US Dept of Agriculture; charter memb Delta Eta Sigma Fraty. Add, 676 Shawmut Ave, Boston, Mass. Jamison, James L, Jr — ’06 AB. B, Jl 4 ’85, Wrightsville, Pa, son of James L Jamison (b, Ja 20 ’57, Wrightsville, Pa; phys; '79 LU, AB; '06 LU, AM; ’82, Jefferson Med Coll MD) and Francenia L Baldwin (b, Ap 4 ’60, Phila- delphia, Pa). Prep, high sch, Wrightsville, Pa; ’02- ’06* AB; ’13- ’14, Rutgers Coll, special work educat psyehol; ’06- ’07, prin Lincoln high sch, Carlisle, Pa; ’07- ’08, general agent Mass Mutual Life Ins Co; ’08- ’09, prin col sch, Frostburg, Md; ’09- ’15, prin Somerville, NJ, pub sch (col); ’15-’16, sec YMCA (Col) New York, NY. Mar Hattie L Gullins, Ag 27 ’07, Steelton, Pa; 1 child. Add, Wrights- ville, Pa. Kendrick, Abraham — ’06 AB. Min Presb, South Boston, Va. *King, Isaac W — ’06 AB. Tea, Muskogee, Okla. Lillard, Jasper W — ’06 AB. Tea, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga. Martin, Edward R — ’06 AB. Bus, Chicago, 111. Mason, Alvin S — ’06 AB, ’07 AM. B, Ja 18 ’83, Farmville, Va, son of Anthony Mason (b, Dc 25 ’40, Surrey Co, Va; janitor) and Mary M Bolling (b, Mr ’55, Cumberland Co, Va). Prep, Farmville, Va; ’02- ’06 AB; ’07 AM; ’07- ’ll, med sch H U MD ; memb Flat Top Med Assn ; phys Ingleside Sem, Burkes- ville, Va; partner in drug-store Pocahontas, Va. Mar Omega H Vaughn, Dc 23 ’13, Farmville, Va. Add, Pocahontas, Va. Miller, Horace R — ’06 AB. New York, NY. *Myoli, Eliam H — ’06 AB. Tea; miss Meth, Cape Colony, So Africa. Mzimba, Livingstone N — ’06 AB, ’09 STB. Min Presb, Entabini, Cape Colony, So Africa. Njikelna, Simon W — ’06 AB, ’09 STB. Min Presb, Ysomo, Cape Colony, So Africa. Noble, Floyd G — ’06 AB. Phys, Raleigh, NC. 90 Lincoln University Rice, Charles S, Jr — ’06 AB. Bus, 32 Denison St, Newport, RI. Snead, Charles G, Jr — ’06 AB. B, A g 30 *81, Augusta, Ga, son of Charles G .Snead {b, Dc 28 *51, Augusta, Ga; hotel waiter) and Ella Boyd (b, My 26* *60, Augusta, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta; ’02- ’06 AB; ’06-’09, law school Columbia Univ, LLB; lawy. Add, 108 Humboldt Boulevard, Jamaica, NY. Todd, William W — ’06 AB. Min Presb, Lafayette, Ga. Tull, Irvin C— ’06 AB. B, J1 24 ’80; son Tull and Sarah M Peters (b, Allen, Maryland). Prep, Morgan Coll; ’02- ’06 AB; ’12- ’13, summer sessions Univ of 111; ’07- ’15, tea math, Tuskegee Inst, Ala; ’15-, tea math, Southern Univ, La. Add, Southern University, Baton Rouge, La. Flegler, Wm E — ’06 Special. Mantanga, Simon T — ’06 Special. Blackstone, Thomas S — ’02- Blue, Richard A — ’02- Carey, Walter A — ’02- Chance, Julius C — ’02- Dickey, John M — ’02- Duckett, Thomas G — ’02- Fant, Samuel C — ’02- Foster, Lucius C — ’02- Franklin, William E — B, Fb 24 ’83, Oil City, Pa, son of Major W Franklin (b, Mr 10 ’52, Campbell Co, Va; policeman; d, Ag 20 ’10, Oil City, Pa) and Eliza J Henderson (b, Sp 18 ’59, Franklin, Pa). Prep, Oil City high sch and Earps Private Acad; ’02- ’05, LU; ’05- ’09, Cleveland Homeopath Med Coll, MD. Mar Bessie J Smith, De 10 ’13, Washington, Pa; 1 child. Add, 1505 Wylie Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fuller, Gilford — ’02-. Hooper, Robert O — ’02- Jones, Jacob — ’02-. *McMaster, Hugh A — ’0'2-. Miller, James P — ’02- Mtshelna, Shadrack — ’02. Miss Presb, Cape Colony, S Africa. Phillips, Alonzo R — ’02- Reese, Samuel S — ’02-. Zokufa, Jeremiah — ’02-. Biographical Catalogue 91 1907 Branch, Matthew S — ’07. Min Presb; tea, Mary Potter Sell, Oxford, NC. Burgess, William D — ’07 AB. Snow Hill, Md. Butler, Leonard C — ’07 AB. Phys, 1230 Etting Street, Baltimore, Md. Collins, Arthur A — ’07 AB. Phys, Oxford, Pa. Douglass, William H — ’07 AB. Bus, Baltimore, Md. Dula, Arthur G — ’07 AB. Min, Washington, DC. Ellison, George F — ’07 AB, ’10 AM; STB. B, Nv 26 ’85, Deaufort, NC, son of Capt Prank Ellison (sea-captain) and Rosa A Ellison (d, Nv 12 *03). Prep, Washburn Sem and Albion Acad; ’03- ’07 AB; ’10 AM; STB; HO- ’ll, Laura St Presb ch, Jack- sonville, Pla; H2-, Mt Vernon Presb ch, Palatka, Fla; city probation- officer; edit and founder Palatka Advocate; H4, mod Knox Pbty; H5, General Ass. Mar Ethel U Harrison, Ap 27 HI, Jacksonville, Fla; 1 child. Add, 108 South 8th St, Palatka, Fla. Farrison, John S — ’07 AB. Lawy, 224 West Frambles Ave, Columbus, O. Francis, Floyd D — ’07 AB, ’10 STB. B, Nv 7 ’86, Danville, Va, son of Floyd H Francis (b, Fb *38, Pittsyl- vania Co, Va; night-watchman) and Flora E Gibson (b, ’59, Winston- Salem, NC). Prep, Industrial High Sch, Danville, Va; ’03-’07 AB; HO STB; H5, appointed by Gov of NJ to Emancipation Exposit, Chicago, 111; H1-H5, magazine contributor and newspaper correspond- ent; H5, editor Atlantic Advocate (weekly newspaper). Add, Box 716, Atlantic City, NJ. Green, Seibles R — ’07 AB. Bus, Sumter, SC. Guiles, James G — ’07 AB. Book-agent, Montreal, Canada. Montgomery, James M — ’07 AB. B, My 25 *83, son of Lewis Montgomery (b, Maysville, SC; farmer) and Eliza Montgomery (b, Maysville, SC). Prep, Brainard Inst, Chester, SC; , 03- , 07 AB; H3-H4, asst instructor printing, H U, Washington, DC; H4-H5, mail-clerk; memb Washington Concert orches- tra and the Cresendo Musical Club; H7, instruct printing, H IT, Wash- ington, DC. Mar Martha Huntington, Nv 28 H2. Add, 812 12th St, NE, Washington, DC. Nelson, Middleton J — ’07 AB, ’10 STB. Min Presb, prin Rendall Academy, Keeling, Tenn. 92 Lincoln University Newman, Allen — ’07 AB, ’10 STB. B, Je 6 '83* Marple, Pa, son of Harden Newman (b, Je 22 ’45, Gardens- ville, Va) and Georgianna Givens (b, Sp 18 ’50, Charlottesville, Ya). Prep, Media High Seh; ’03- ’07 AB; ’10 AM STB; ’ll, Bible, summer Sch of Relig, Berkeley, Cal; min Bapt; dir Ch Exten Soe, San Fran- cisco; ’15, col rep Pan Pacif Internat Exposit; ’13, del from Utah Emancipation Celebration, Philadelphia, Pa; ’15, memb Executive Bd Northern Bapt Convention. Chaplain USA ’17, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Rankin, Arthur E — ’07 AB. B, Sp 2 ’79, Brown Summit, NC, son of Albert F Rankin (b, ’44, Benaja, NC; d, ’84) and Minnie F Wright (d, ’82). Prep, A & M College, NC; ’03-’07 AB; ’08- ’ll, Auburn Theo Sem, Auburn, NY; ’ll- ’13, p Smith Mem Presb ch, Crockett, Texas; ’12- ’13, mod Syn Canadian; ’13- ’14, ss Miss White River Pbty; ’15-, p Gibson Chap, Springfield, Mo. Add, Springfield, Mo. Rendall, J Hawley — ’07 AB. Min Presb, Chaplain USA ’17. Ross, Julian W — ’07 AB. B, Je 10 ’84, Albany, Ga, son of Seymour Ross (b, Lee Co, Ga; min- ister; d, ’66, Lee Co, Ga) and Clara Simms (b, ’65, Americus, Ga; d, ’09, Leliation, Ga). Prep, Georgia State Indust Coll; ’05- ’07 AB; ’07- ’11, med dept H U, MD; ’12- ’13, musician; ’13-, phys; ’14, memb visiting staff Freedman’s Hospital, gyn serv. Mar Lillian R Jefferson, My 28 ’10, Washington, DC. Add; 409 Elm St, NW, Washington, DC. Ross, Samuel J — ’07 AB. B, Brit Guiana, So America, son of Samuel J Ross (b, Brit Guiana; tea; d, Brit Guiana) and Carolina Carmichael (b, Brit Guiana; d, ditto). Prep, pub sch, Brit Guiana; ’02- ’07 AB; ’12 MD Coll Phys and Surg, Chicago, 111. Mar Pearl F Thomasson, Mr ’13, Chicago, 111. Add, Greensboro, Ga. Williams, Albert — ’07 AB. Williams, Albert Preopolis — ’07 AB. Cannon, David W — B, Ap 8, ’79, Concord, NC; son of John J Cannon (b, A g 6 ’44, Mecklinberg Co, N'C; d, Sp 21, ’00, Concord, NC) and Sarah J Walker b, My 20 ’47). Prep, Biddle Univ; ’03- ’06 LU; ’06- ’08 Princeton Theol Sem, NJ; ’08 p Ebeneezer Bapt ch; ’08- ’09 State Supt Bible Edueat Assn; ’09- ’10, p Mt Calvary Bapt ch, Plainfield, NJ; ’ll-, p 1st Bapt ch, Cranford, NJ. Mar Mary G Moody, Je 30, ’09, New Brunswick, NJ ; 2 children. Add, 62 Union Avenue, Cranford, NJ. Christian, George B — ’03- Hendrick, Jerry M — ’03- Ivey, Hardy A — ’03-. Jones, Edward — ’03- Biographical Catalogue 93 Lashley, Joseph B — ’03- Msikinya, John I — ’03- Cape Colony, So Africa. Murphy, George C — ’03- Robeson, John B R — ’03- Stewart, Reginald W — ’03- West, Marshall D — ’03-. Wilson, Samuel C — ’03- 1908 Alexander, Henry T — ’08 AB. Armstrong, David I — ’08 AB. Austin, Henry J — ’08 AB. Barnwell, Frederic R — ’08 AB, ’ll STB. Min. Bapt. Add, 1328 Louisiana Ave, Port Worth, Tex. Collins, Paul A — ’08 AB. B, Je 10 ’85, Oakland, Cal; son of Abram A Collins (b, Ag ’57, Cal; min; *01, LU, AM) and Sara E Sanderson (b, J1 ’59, California). Prep, high sch, Princeton, NJ ; ’04- ’08 AB; ’09-’13, New York Homeopath Med Coll and Hosp, MD; med inspector Trenton (NJ) pub sch; memb Mercer Co Homeo Med Soc. Add, 229 W Hanover St, Trenton, NJ. Davie, Hardee Q— ’08 AB, ’ll STB. Tea. McClelland Academy, Newnan, Ga. Downs, John C — ’08, ’ll STB. Son of Downs (b, Ml; bus; d, Nv 24 *98) and Margaret E Wells. Prep, pub sch Baltimore, Md; ’04- ’08 AB; ’ll AM STB; musician, Baltimore, Md. Mar Rosanna Harris, J1 2 ’13, Baltimore, Md. Add, 922 Leadenhall St, Baltimore, Md. Ellis, James D — ’08 AB. Min Presb, Tenn. Fowler, Richard M — ’08 AB. ’13 Med Sch, Univ. of Pittsburgh, MD. Phys, Atlantic City, NJ. Hurdle, Lilburn C — ’08 AB, ’ll STB. B, Je 24 ’82, Norfolk, Ya, son of London Hurdle (b, ’30, Gates Co, NC; farmer) and Frances Sykes (b, ’46, Norfolk Co, Ya; d, Je ’92). Prep, Norfolk Miss Coll; ’05-’08 AB; ’ll STB; ’14, Princeton sum- mer sch of theol; p Bright Hope Bapt ch, Princeton, NJ; Union Bapt ch. Elizabeth, NJ. Add, 107 High St, Cranford, NJ. Lane, Willard M — ’08 AB. Munchus, James E — ’08 AB. Phys. Waxahachie, Tex. Pritchard, James V — ’08 AB. 94 Lincoln University Rice, Allen W— ’08 AB, ’ll STB. B, ’80, Greenswood, SC, son of Mably Rice (b, *36, Greenswood, SC; farmer; d, Dc 4 ’81) and Yernie Dillard (b, ’44, Goldburg, SC). Prep, Brainard Inst; ’04- ’08 AB; ’ll STB; ’ll- ’13, tea, Atkinson College, Ky; ’14-, p Calvary Presb ch, Anniston, Ala. Mar Marie M Phelps, Sp 11 ’12, Charlotte, NC. Add, 301 South Highland Ave, Anniston, Ala. Smith, Herbert W — ’08 AB. Min Epis. Add, 647 E Spring St, Columbus, Ohio. Terry, Clifford E — ’08 AB. B, J1 27 ’85, Columbus, Ga, son of William E Terry (b, Columbus, Ga; barber; d, J1 1 ’01) and Celestia Terry (b, Columbus, Ga). Prep, pub sch Columbus, Ga, and priv tut New York, NY; ’04- ’08 AB; ’09- ’13, New York Med Coll and Flower Hosp, MD; ’13- ’14, phys, Plain- field, NJ; ’14- ’15, Columbus, Ga; memb National Med Assn; partner in People ’s Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. Add, 632 4th Ave, Columbus, Ga. Walden, Jesse A — ’08 AB. Min Bapt, Madison, Wis. Boyd, Thomas C — B, Ap 19 ’80, Montongo, Ark, son of James W Boyd (b, ’52, Amelia Courthouse, Ya; farmer) and Mary S Barker (b, ’51, Tenn). Prep, Monticell'o, Ark; ’03- ’08, Sem LU ’ll; p Harris Chapel Presb ch, Brinkley, Ark. Add, Brinkley, Ark. Brown, Thomas A — B, Je 12 ’81, Four Paths, Jamaica, BWI, son of Thomas Brown (b, Porus, Jamaica, Ap ’39; tea; d, St Mary, Jamaica, Nv ’09) and Diana B Williamson (b, ’38, Four Paths, Jamaica; d, J1 5 ’14, Porus, Jamaica). Prep, pub sch Jamaica and Calabar Normal Sch; ’04- ’05 LU; ’05- ’09, Acad H U; ’09- ’10, College HU; ’10- ’13, Clark Univ, AB; ’14, Clark Univ, AM; ’14- ’16, prof hist and econom, Philander Smith Coll, Little Rock, Ark; ’16-, prof hist and econom, Atlanta Univ; corresponding sec Atlanta Univ Conf; ’15, rep Clark Coll at inaug Pres McKenzie Fisk Univ, Tenn; ’14, memb Mas Frat. Add, Port Antonio, Jamaica, BWI. Carr, Montcrieff A — ’04- CoTTMANj Frederick M — ’04- Eggleston, Frank E — ’04- * Greene, Erie — ’04- Hyder, Raymond T — ’04- * Rawlins, Abram C — ’04- Turner, Simon R — ’04-. Biographical Catalogue 95 1909 * Alexander, Massilon M — ’09 AB. D, Mr 12, 1917. Bowser, Elmer E — ’09 AB. ’13 HU MD. Phys, Kan. Boyd, James W, Jr — ’09 AB. B, Fb 22 ’82, Bodman, Arkansas, son of James W Boyd (b, ’52, Amelia Courthouse, Va; farmer) and Sina M Boyd (b, ’51, Tenn). Prep, Montieello Sem; ’05- ’09 AB; tea, Ark. Add, Plantersville, Ark. Butler, Pinckney E— ’09 AB, ’12 AM ; STB. B, Mr 10 ’79, Easley, SC, son of Abraham Butler; farmer; d, Ja ’92, Easley, SC) and Rebeeca Bower. Prep, State Coll, Orangeburg, SC; ’09 AB; ’12 AM STB; ’13- ’14, asst prin Downingtown Indust Sch; ’14-, prin Bristol (Tenn) graded sch. Mar Je 3 ’14, to Olivia J Peters, Bangor, Me. Add, 51G College Ave, Bristol, Tenn. Cash, George W— ’09 AB, ’12 AM; STB. 1918 Ringgold St, Philadelphia, Pa. Clemons, Ewell E — ’09 AB. Cooper, Felix B — ’09 AB. ’09, Univ of Mich Dental Dept. *Coulson, William H — ’09 AB. Cuff, John T— ’09 AB, ’12 AM; STB. B, J1 26 ’82, Mercersburg, Pa, son of Finley Cuff (b, Mercersburg; farmer; d, ’83, Mercersburg) and Mary E Caution (b, Mercersburg, Pa; d, ’14 J1 17). Prep, pub sch; ’05- ’09 AB; ’09- ’12 AM STB; tea, Downingtown (Pa) Industrial School; Downingtown pub sell. Mar Estella G Butler, Je 10, ’14, Coatesville, Pa. Add, Downingtown, Penn. Franklin, James A — ’09 AB. B, Nv 17 ’86, Chattanooga, Tenn, son of Edward Franklin (b, ’54, Knoxville, Tenn; laborer; d, Ap 5 ’08) and Rosa Carter (b, ’55, Sweetwater, Tenn). Prep, Swift Mem Coll; ’07- ’09 AB; ’10- ’14 Med Dept Univ of Mich, MD; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat. Add, 713 Nelson St, Knoxville, Tenn. Garvin, Clinton A — ’09 AB. Gray, John E — ’09 AB. Philadelphia, Pa. Green, Cyrus T — ’09 AB. Hilburn, James H, Jr — ’09 AB. B, Oc 31 ’88, Waxachachie, Tex, son of James H Hilburn (b, My 15 ’63, Waxachachie, Tex; tea and freight agent; d, J1 31 ’88) and Maggie E Custard (b. My 12 ’65, Waxachachie, Tex; teacher, d, My ’92, Waxachachie, Tex). Prep, Waxachachie High Sch and Samuel Houston Coll; ’06- ’09 AB; ’10- ’12, Univ of Mich, sch of pharm, PhC; 96 Lincoln University ’12- ’16, sch of med, MD; ’09- ’10, prof Science, Samuel Houston Coll; memb Aristolochites, Honorary Pharmaceutical Frat; Alpha Phi Alpha frat; co-partner Excelsior Pharmacy, Detroit, Mich; memb National Retail Druggist’s Assn; Detroit Retail Druggist’s Assn. Mar Eliza- beth O Diggs, Sp 10 ’10. Add, 358 St Antoine St, Detroit, Mich. Jackson, Walter K— ’09 AB, ’12 AM ; STB. Add, 2107 Catherine St, Philadelphia, Pa. Jackson, Walter W — ’09 AB. Jones, Peter S — ’09 AB. Link, John L — ’09 AB, ’12 AM; STB. B, Sp 4 ’84, Milton, NC, son of Stephen Link (b, Halifax, Ya; carpen- ter) and Susan Elmore (b, Milton, NC). Prep, Kittrell Coll; ’06-’09 AB; ’12 AM STB; ’12- ’14, p AME ch, Shippensburg, Pa; ’15-, AME ch, Downingtown, Pa. Add, 1908 Carpenter St, Philadelphia, Pa. Powell, Robert J — ’09 AB. B, Ja 25 ’87, Newton, Pa, son of Lycurgus Powell (b, Dc 19 ’51, Howard Co, Mdi; laborer) and Adelaide Dorsey (b, Oc 15 ’49, Sandy Springs, Md). Prep, Newton high sch; ’05- ’09 AB; ’14, H U Med Sch, MD. Add, Newton, Pa. Ramsay, Jacob F — ’09 AB. Scranton, Pa. Rice, Richard A — ’09 AB. B, Oc 12 ’83, Rogersville, Tenn, son of Calvin Rice (d, Mr 24 ’14, Rogersville, Tenn) and Julia Barron (d, Ag 29 ’89, Rogersville, Tenn). Prep, Morristown Industrial Sch, Morristown, Tenn; ’05- ’09 AB; ’10- ’13, law dept Cornell Univ, LLB; ’14, sec YMCA, Princeton, NJ; ’15-, lawy. Add, Russellville, Tenn. Richmond, Clarence B — ’09 AB. Russell, William H — ’09 AB. Taylor, Silas F — ’09 AB. Boston, Mass. Tripp, John H — ’09 AB. *' Williams, Jesse T — ’09 AB. Yancey, Luffboro L — ’09 AB. Carter, John F — ’05- Dawley, Lewis H — ’05- Lawy, Seattle, Wash. Holland, John L— ’05- Hyder, George W — ’05- Johnson, Percival C — ’05- McDowell, Edward P — ’05-. Bus, Wheeling, WVa. Biographical Catalogue 97 Morsell, Joseph A — ’05- Nocho, Edgar J — ’05- 1910 Beck, Veo — ’10 AB. B, Ap 25 ’86, Waxahachie, Tex, son of Thomas Beck (b, Miss; d, Ag 4 HO, Waxahachie, Tex) and Cynthia Cade (b, Ga; d, ’88, Waxahachie, Tex). Prep, Waxahaehie high seh; ’06- MO AB; Oc U4, Meharry Med Coll. Add, 2516 Tuann Ave, Houston, Tex. Bennett, Augustus E — ’10 AB. B, My 25 ’ 85 , Augusta, Ga, son of Augustus E Bennett (b, Augusta, Ga; laborer) and Emaline Jennings (b, Augusta, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst; *06- MG AB. Add, 23 N Ohio Ave, Atlantic City, NJ. Berry, Samuel T — ’10 AB. Bragg, Harry G — ’10 AB. 1133 Park Ave, Baltimore, Md. Brown, Clarence A — ’10 AB. Tea, 108 Edward St, Chester, Pa. Collins, Henry C— ’10 AB, ’13 AM; STB. B, Sp 3 ’90, San Ffancisco, Cal, son of Abraham A Collins (clergyman) and Sarah E Sanderson (b, San Francisco, Cal). Prep, high sch, Princeton, NJ; ’06- M0 AB; M3 AM, STB; M5, Oberlin Theo Sem; BD; M4, tea, Wiley Univ, Marshall, Tex; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat; M6, tea, Somerville, NJ. Add, Somerville, NJ. Dana, Gorden S— ’10 AB, ’13 STB. Cape Colony, So Africa. Gipson, Reid S — ’10 AB. Glover, William H — ’10 AB. Hart, Terry M — ’10 AB. M3, Dental Sch, Univ of Penn, DDS. Americus, Ga. Hawks, Hampton B — ’10 AB, ’13 AM; STB. B, Ag 1 ’88, Macon, Ga, son of George L Hawes (d, Nv 21 '97, Macon, Ga) and Johanna Clowen (b, Clinton, Ga). Prep Fisk Univ; *07- M0 AB; M3 AM STB; p Westminster Presb ch, Los Angeles, Cal. Mar Gertrude Holman, Ag 10 M4. Add, 3532 Denker Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Issacs, John B S— ’10 AB, ’13 AM; STB. B, J1 28 ’86, Victoria, Demerara, BWI, son of Simon Issacs (cooper and contractor; d, Ja 26 MG) and Phyllis Douglass (b, Georgetown, Demerara; d, Fb 27 M0). Prep, St Andrew’s Sch; ’05- M0 AB; M0- ‘13 AM STB; M2- M3, ss, Gilbert Presb ch, Wilmington, Del; pres Wilmington Branch NAACP; sec Interdenominational Minister ’s Union ; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat; H5-, prof theo, Western Univ, Quindaro, Kansas. Mar Hill, M5. Add, Quindaro, Kansas. 98 Lincoln University Jones, William R — ’10 AB. *Lemus, Lewis B — ’10 AB. McCloud, William— ’10 AB. B, ’89 Columbus, O, son of Washington McCloud (b, Ja 4 ’63, Colum- bus, O; store-keeper; d, Ag 25 ’10, Fort Lawson, SC) and Francis Hemphill (b, Nv 20 ’70, Chester, SC). Prep, Brainard Inst; ’06- ’10 AB; ’ll- ’15 H U Med Sch, MD; memb Xi Delta Upsilon frat. Add, Fort Lawn, SC. Millen, Herbert E — ’10 AB. Miller, Edward I — ’10 AB. ’12, Haverford Coll, AB. Persley, Alonzo B — ’10 AB. Peterkin, Josiah E — ’10 AB. Pettiford, Walter R — ’10 AB. Bus, Birmingham, Ala. Raven, Emile E — ’10 AB. B, ’83, Trinidad, BWI, son of Henry E Raven (b, Mauritius, BWI; engineer) and Catherine B Raven. Prep, Richmond St sch, Trinidad, BWI; ’05- ’10 AB; ’10- ’14, Medico-Chi Coll, Philadelphia, MD; ’15- phys. Add, 230 High St, Cambridge, Md. ^Sanders, George E — ’10 AB. Scott, David M — ’10 AB. B, Sp 8 ’89, Augusta, Ga, son of George Scott (b, Fb 22 ’57, Augusta, Ga; insurance agent) and Mary E Ketch (b, Mr 15 ’67, Augusta, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst; ’07- ’10 AB; ’15, Tufts Medical Sch, MD. Add, 1237 Railroad Ave, Augusta, Ga. Showell, Isaac E, Jr — ’10 AB. B, Ap 9 ’88, Gouldtown, NJ, son of Isaac E Showell (b, Ap 1 ’55, Whaleyville, Md; clergyman) and iSarah E Wright (b, Ja 1 ’55, Salem, NJ). Prep, high sch, Millville, NJ; ’06- ’10 AB. Mar Maude V Fooks, Dc 20 ’12. Add, 1931 Watkins St, Philadelphia, Pa. Slade, Frederic G — ’10 AB. B, Mr 12 ’88, Harrisburg, Pa, son of Roman Slade (b, My 10 ’50, Salem, NC; railroad employee) and Alice Powell (b, Ja 10 ’65). Prep, Morgan Coll, Baltimore, Md; ’06- ’10 AB; ’16, Medico-Chi Med Coll, Philadelphia, Pa, MD; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat. Add, 351 Cameron St, Harrisburg, Pa. Tunnell, Harry D — ’10 AB. Walker, Charles J H — ’10 AB. Whitfield, George R — ’10 AB. Bibb, A Dennee — ’06- Collins, Eli J — ’06- Lee, Allen P — ’06- Biographical Catalogue 99 *Mann, Scott — ’06- Persley, Lewis H — ’06- Pringle, John A — ’06-. Ross, J Archibald — ’06- Thompson, James P — ’06. Waters, Paul C — ’06- 1911 Adger, Granville W — ’ll AB. B, Nv 11 >89, son of Octavius C Adger (b, Ap 17 >66, Philadelphia, Pa; upholsterer) and Mary E Potter (b, Sp 30 >66, Philadelphia, Pa). Prep, U S Grant Seh, Philadelphia, Pa; >00- >11 AB; >11- >14, shipping- clerk, Philadelphia, Pa; >14-, telephone operator. Add, 1115 Lombard St, Philadelphia, Pa. Ashby, William M — ’ll AB. B, Oc 15 >89, Williamsburg, Pa, son of William M Ashley (b, >44, James City, Ya; boatman; d, J1 10 >02, Newport News, Ya) and Sarah Gavey (b, >51, Williamsburg, Ya; d, Je 20 >13, Norfolk, Ya). >05 >11 AB ; >11— >13, bus, Elizabeth, NJ ; >13— >16, Yale Divinity School; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat; author novel Redder Blood . Add, 210 Eighth Ave, Boselle, NJ. Barnett, Charles W — ’ll AB. Batey, Thomas J — ’ll AB. Bell, John B — ’ll AB. Berry, Archibald J — ’ll AB. Bougs, John H — ’ll AB. Bullock, Thomas J — ’ll AB. B, Ja 16 >89, Henderson, NC, son of Thomas H Bullock (b, Henderson, NC) and Nannie A Henderson (d, Nv 19 >09, Henderson, NC).. Prep, Henderson Normal Inst; >07- >11 AB; prin Williston Graded Sch, Wilmington, NC; >99- >02, military service U'S in Philippines. Add, 712 Campbell St, Wilmington, NC. Coley, Robert F — ’ll AB. Cuthbert, Louis G — ’ll AB. Evans, Duvall B — ’ll AB. Garnett, John E— ’ll AB, ’14 AM ; STB. B, >88, Lampkins, Ga, son of William Garnett (b, Lampkins, Ga; farmer; d, >05, Eose Hill, Ga) and Susan Chappelean (b, Lampkins, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst; >07- >11 AB; >11- >14 AM STB; >14- >15, assist p First African Presb ch, Philadelphia, Pa; >15-, p Moor>s Chapel, Albany, Ga. Add, Albany, Ga. 100 Lincoln University * Gilbert, James A M — ’ll AB. B, Pembroke, West Bermuda, son of Harechal E H Gilbert (b, Pem- broke, BWI; mason and contractor) and Mary J Darrell (b, Devon- shire, BWI; d, Ja 4 '04). Prep, Bermuda, ’06- 'll; '12-, student Medico-Chi Coll, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 1138 S 18th St, Philadel- phia, Pa. Hinkins, LeRoy A — ’ll AB. B, Ag 22 ’86, Columbus, Ga, son of Henry W Hinkins (b, Harris Co, Ga; carpenter) and Pauline Alexander. Prep, Birmingham 1 (Ala) high sch and Biddle Univ; '07- '11 AB; '12- stud Meharry Med Coll, Nashville, Tenn. Add, 2i27 Winder St, Detroit, Mich. Johnson, Charles A — ’ll AB. B, My 22 ’90, Columbia, SC; son of Rev M G Johnson (DD, Biddle Univ and H U; Min Presb, Winnsboro, SC) and Martha A Snead (b, Greenville, SC). Prep, Howard high sch, Columbia, SC, and Mary Potter sch, Oxford, NC; '07- '11 AB; '14-, Univ of Mich PhG; '14- pharmacist, Detroit, Mich; '15-, pharmacist, Ashville, NC. Add, 2328 Hampton Ave, Columbia, SC. McLean, Willard J — ’ll AB. B, Ja 25 '89, Manchester, NC, son of James A McLean (b, Sp 12 '54, Manchester, NC) and Maggie McLean (b, Ja 27 '63, Lillington, NC). Prep, Mary Potter Sch, Oxford, NC; '07- '11 AB; '12- '13, prin rural school; '13-, prin graded sch, Lumberton, NC. Add, Manchester, NC. Morris, Richard, Jr — ’ll AB. Nichols, Theopolus — ’ll AB. B, Oc 12 '84, British Guiana, SA, son of Peter Nichols (b, Ja '60, British Guiana, SA; engineer) and Catherine E Douglass (b, Mr '64, British Guiana, SA). Prep, British Guiana; '07- '11 AB; '11- '15, Medico-Chi College, Philadelphia Pa, MD ; memb Alpha Phi Alpha Frat. Add, 1138 S 38th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Nixon, Arthur— ’ll AB, ’14 AM; STB. Pope, Aiken A — ’ll AB. B, Ja 20 '89, Augusta, Ga, son of James H Pope (bricklayer; d, My 20 '09, Augusta, Ga) and Annie M Williams. Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; '08- '11 AB; '11- '14, Divinity School Yale Univ, BD: '14- '15, tea, Georgia State College, Savannah, Ga; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat; NAACP; Inter-Collegiate Socialist Soc; '16-, stud Harvard Law Sch. Add, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. Read, George I — ’ll AB. B, Fb 7 '86, Chattanooga, Tenn, son of Isaac S Read (b, Chattanooga, Tenn; foreman on railroad; d, '87, Chattanooga, Tenn) and Mary C Smith (b, Landerdale, Ala). Prep, Swift Memorial Coll '07- '11 AB; ’ll-, prin Smallwood graded sch, York, Pa. Mar Rosa E Bradley, Ag 20 '13, Asbury Park, NJ ; 1 child. Add, 531 S Queen St, York, Pa. Shea, George H — ’ll AB. B, Pb 29 '88, Chrome, Pa, son of David E Shea (b, County Cork, Ire- Biographical Catalogue 101 land; farmer and carpenter) and Etta E Thompson (b, Ag 27 ’65; d, Ja 24 ’93, Chrome, Pa). Prep, Barnsley (Pa) high sch; ’08- ’ll AB; ’11-’13 and part of ’14, Princeton Theol Sem; ’11-’12, post- graduate work, Princeton Univ; *13- ’14, Western Theol Sem, Pitts- burgh, Pa, grad; Ja 28 1 *15-, p Middle Octorara (Pa) Presb ch; memb National Geographic 'Soe; Masonic Frat and YMCA. Add, Quarry ville, Pa, EFD No 4. Taylor, Henry D — ’ll AB. Walker, John H — ’ll AB. B, Je 4 ’87, Philadelphia, Pa, son of Louis Walker (b, Burlington, Pa, Fb 12 ’62; traveling salesman) and Mildred Willis (b, Culpepper, Ya). Prep, Philadelphia pub and high sch; ’05- ’ll AB; ’13-, Eckles Coll of Embalming, Philadelphia (Pa) ; ’13-14, chorister and organist First African Presb Church, Philadelphia, Pa; ’14-, undertaker, 1029 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 1309 S Bouvier St, Phila- delphia, Pa. White, George H, Jr — ’ll AB. B, J1 1 ’93, New Berne, NC, son of George H White (b, Be 18 ’52 ; lawy, AB, AM H U; LLD (Biddle), PhD (Agri Coll, Ala) and Cora L Cherry (b, Dc 2i5 ’64; d, Ja 19 ’05, Washington, DC). Prep, Central High Sch, Philadelphia and Downingtown, Pa; ’07- ’ll AB; ’ll- ’13, law sch, Univ of Pa; ’13- ’15, law sch, Western Reserve Univ, Ohio, LLB; lawy, state of Ohio. Add, 217 Am Trust Building, Cincinnati, O. Branch, Joel P — ’07-. Goode, George E — ’07- Hill, Darwin W — ’07- Hooks, Frederick D — ’07-. Suggs, Herman — ’07-. Taylor, Robert H — ’07- 1912 Berry, Ernest O— ’12 AB. Tea, State Norm Sch, Bowie, Md. Bird, Benjamin I — ’12 AB. Atlantic City, NJ. Bishop, William N — ’12 AB. B, Ag 22 ’90, Baltimore, Md, son of John A Bishop (b, Je 23 ’56, Baltimore, Md; funeral director) and Kate L Thomas (b, Dc 29 ’60, Pittsburgh, Pa). Prep, pub sch, Baltimore; ’07- ’12 AB; ’12- ’15, law sch Yale University, LLB. Add, 1107 Druid Hill Ave, Balti- more, Md. Bivins, Leon W — ’12 AB. 102 Lincoln University Burnett, Roscoe E — ’12 AB. ’15-, stud agr sch, Cornell Univ, Ithaca, NY. Cain, Claiborn M— ’12 AB, ’15 AM; STB. ’15-, Executive sec ’y Arctic Ave Branch YMCA, Atlantic City, NJ. Christian, Ellis A — ’12 AB, ’15 AM; STB. Min Epis, Oklahoma City, Okla. Davis, Hendrique A — ’12 AB. Son of Thomas L Davis (b, Oc 4 ’55, Lincoln Univ, Pa; barber) and Annie M Nocho (b Sp 28 ’64, Lincoln Univ, Pa). Prep, Oxford high sch, Pa; ’08-’12 AB; ’12-, tea pub sch, Oxford, Pa. Add, Oxford, Pa. Emanuel, Charles L — ’12 AB. B, Sp 7 *86, Luces, Jamaica, BWI, son of Frederick Emanuel (b, J1 31 ’44, Jamaica, BWI; merchant) and Olive A Emanuel (b, My 11 ’54, Falmouth, Jamaica, BWI). Prep, Rusea’s High Sch, Lucea, BWI; ’08- ’12 AB; ’ 15 -, Philadelphia Divinity Sch, grad and AM, Univ of Pa; min Epis, Chester, Pa. Mar ; 1 child. Add, Chester, Pa. Felton, William H — ’12 AB. Giles, Francis F, Jr — ’12 AB. B, *91, Albany, NY, son of Francis F Giles (b, Mr 9 ’GO, Raleigh, NC; lawy, AB, BD, HU ’97; ’99- ’00 LLB, LLM, New York Law Sch) and Laura Caldwell (b, ’62, Charlotte, NC). Prep, Boys High Sch, Brook- lyn, NY, ’08- ’12 AB. Add, 1603 Pacific St, Brooklyn, NY. Hayes, Albert H — ’12 AB. B, Ap 8 ’87, Harford Co, Md, son of William H Hayes (b, Harford Co, Md, Ap 7 ’35; farmer; d, J1 8 ’03, Lower Oxford, Pa) and Ellen E Milburn (b, Ap 3 ’47, Fishing Creek, Pa; d, Oc 9 ’97, Fishing Creek). Prep, Homeville (Pa) pub sch; ’08‘-’12 AB; ’13-’16, phar- macy, Medico-Chi Coll, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, Oxford, Pa. Jacobs, Perry L — ’12 AB. ’12- ’14, agriculture, Tuskegee Inst; ’14-, tea Agri, Western Uni- versity, Quindaro, Kans. Jamerson, Rufus F — ’12 AB, ’15 AM; STB. Min Presb. Kwatsha, Vice Roy — ’12 AB, ’15 AM; STB. B, Ag 26 ’80 So Africa, son of Joel Kwatsha (b, Burnshill, So Africa; d, ’97) and Mary A Mastikinca (b, Nggamakwe Transkiw, So Africa; d, Quimbu, E Griqualand, ’06). Prep, Lovedale, So Africa; Tuskegee Inst; ’08- ’12 AB; ’12- ’15 AM STB. Add, Burnshill via Middle Drift, So Africa. Lukens, John N — ’12 AB. Norris, James A — ’12 AB. Norris, Morgan E — ’12 AB. ’14- ’15, post-grad LU, Lower Oxford, Pa. B, Ag 13 ’86, Kilmarnock, Ya, son of John B Norris (b, Ag 22 ’52, Biographical Catalogue 103 Kilmarnock, Ya; farmer; d, De 11 *01) and Elizabeth J Tankley (b, Fb 17 ’54, White Stone, Ya; d, Sp 9 ’89, Kilmarnock, Ya). Prep, Hampton Inst and private tutor; ’08- ’12 AB; ’ 15 -, med sch H U. Add, Kilmarnock, Ya. Perry, Henderson T — ’12 AB. B, J1 1 *91, Cleveland, O, son of Marion R Perry (b, Sp 25 *54, Mar- vell, Ark; ’83 AB (LIJ); ’86 S'TB (Newton Theo Sem) ; d, Ag 10 ’14) and Ida B Robinson (b, J1 3 ’64, Memphis, Tenn). Prep, Mis- souri St high sch, Pine Bluff, Ark;' ’08- ’12 AB; ’12, Eckels Coll of Embalming, Philadelphia, Pa; ’14-, undertaker. Add, 600 E 17th St, Pine Bluff, Ark. Perry, Marion R, Jr — ’12 AB. B, J1 11 ’92, Pine Bluff, Ark, son of M R Perry (see preceding name) and Ida B Robinson (see preceding name). Prep, pub sch, Pine Bluff; ’08-’12 AB; undertaker. Add, PO Box 213, Pine Bluff, Ark. Price, Joseph St C — ’12 AB. ’17, Univ of Mich, AB. Rayford, Percy J — M2 AB. ’16, Cornell Univ, BS in Agri. Tea, Cheyney Inst, Cheyney, Pa. Rhetta, Joseph W — ’12 AB. Son of Elijah Rhetta (b, Charleston, SC; farmer) and Eugenia Morah. Prep, Hampton Inst; ’07- ’12 AB; ’12- ’13, sec YM'CA, Princeton, NJ. Mar Virginia B Smith, Mr 3 ’13; 1 child. Add, RED No. 3, Box 56, Fort Deposit, Ala. Robinson, George C — ’12 AB. Ross, Clarence B — ’12 AB. B, ’91, Birmingham, Ala, son of Samuel L Ross (b, ’62, Selma, Ala; min; DD (Selma Univ); d, De 1G ’00) and Emily C Ross (b, ’64, Selma, Ala). Prep, Talladega Coll; ’08^-’12 AB; ’12-’14, book- keeper Alabama Penny Savings Bank, Birmingham, Ala; ’14-, financial agent African Union Co, New York, NY. Add, 614 N 16th St, Bir- mingham, Ala. Sanders, Brooks — ’12 AB. Sandidge, Ernest P B — ’12 AB. B, Dc 26 ’92, Philadelphia, Pa, son of Charles H Sandidge (b, Vir- ginia; wholesale meat-dealer) and Sarah N Brock (b, Virginia). Prep, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa; ’07- ’12 AB; ’12- ’13, Temple Univ, Philadelphia, Pa; ’13- ’14, Philadelphia School of Pedagogy, industrial art and special work; ’12- ’13, tea pub sch, Philadelphia; ’14- ’15, Kennett Square, Pa. Add, 26 N 38th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Stewart, Robert R — ’12 AB. Thompkins, James II — ’12 AB, ’15 AM; STB. Thompson, John C — ’12 AB. Tildon, Toussaint T — ’12 AB. Ward, Henry A — ’12 AB. 104 Lincoln University Boston, Frank E — ’08- Bragg, Arthur M — ’08- Chandler, Alexander G — ’08-. Chandler, Munroe G — ’08- Chandler, William A — ’08- Davie, Bufus W — ’08- *Grossett, Charles E — ’08-. Hamlette, John B — ’08-. Knorr, Jacob F — ’08- Kunene, Samuel B — ’08- McDowell, John M — ’08- Bichie, William F — ’08- Tildon, John W, Jr — ’08- Washington, Ishmael W — ’08- Williams, George W — ’08- 1913 Anderson, John T — ’13 AB. Son of William P Anderson (b, Charlotte, NC; d, ’09) and Jane E Lyndsay (b, Charlotte NC). Prep, Biddle Univ, ’ll- ’13 AB; ’13- ’16, Medico-Chi Coll, Philadelphia, Pa, 1917, Univ of Pa, MD, 1917- In- terne, Old City Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. Add, 22 and Cherry Sts, Kansas City, Mo. Anderson, Walter G — ’13 AB, ’16 AM; STB. Add, Center St, Lexington, N'C. Bouden, Harry E — ’13 AB. Prep Kittrell Coll; ’09- ’13 AB; ’13- ’16, dental sch, Univ of Pa. Add, 904 S 19th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Bullock, George H W — ’13 AB. Caldwell, Heyward E — ’13 AB. Collins, Moses L — ’13 AB, ’17 STB. Tea, Franklin, Ya. Cooper, John C— ’13 AB, ’16 AM; STB. Dunn, Ulysses S — ’13 AB. Prep, Henderson (NC) Normal Inst; ’09-’13 AB; ’15-, College of Pharmacy, Philadelphia. Add, 241 Central Ave, Ravenna, O. Eggleston, Miner G — ’13 AB. Freeman, Clinton V — ’13 AB. Galbreath, Thomas M — ’13 AB. B, Oc 8 ’94, Chestnut Level, Pa, son of John M Galbreath (b, Dc 24 ’48, Dublin, Md; DD; d, ’15) and Jane.M Scott (b Je 21, ’56, Phila- Biographical Catalogue 105 delphia, Pa). Prep, private instruct; ’09- ’13 AB; ’13- ’15, Yale Univ, AB; bus. Add, 80 West Lacross Ave, Lansdowne, Pa. Aviation service USA. Gardiner, Robert N — ’13 AB. Green, Eustace E, Jr — ’13 AB. Hayes, Charles M — ’13 AB. B, Dc 18 ’89, Springfield, Ky, son of William T Hayes (b, Ap 2 ’59, Charlotte, N'C; min AME) and Maggie E McClain (b, My ’66, Green- ville, Ky; d, Eb 2‘2 ’94). Prep, Atkinson Coll, Madisonville, Ky; ’10- ’13 AB; ’13-, tea and dean Atkinson Coll. Add, Atkinson College, Madisonville, Ky. Holley, Robert L — ’13 AB. Son of Malinda Parker (b, Chowan Co, NC). ’06-13 AB; prin Wise High School and p Bapt ch, Trinity, NC. Add, Hertford, NC. Jamison, Francis T — ’13 AB. ’13- ’16, dental sch, Univ of Penn. Jamison, William B — ’13 AB. Jerrick, Walter F — ’13 AB. ’15-, Medico-Chi Coll, Philadelphia, Pa. Manning, Robert W — ’13 AB. Tea, Campbell Coll, Jaekson, Miss. Maxwell, Andrew D — ’13 AB. Mbengo-Nyangi, Joel D — ’13 AB. McWhirter, Roland L — ’13 AB. Muir, James W— ’13 AB, ’16 STB. ’16-, pres Atkinson Coll, Madisonville, Ky. Myers, Franklin A — ’13 AB. ’16, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, Mass. Raiford, Frank P — ’13 AB. ’14-, med sch, Univ of Mich. Redd, Wesley C — ’13 AB. B, Ja 2 ’89, Sioux Falls, SD, son of Samuel R Redd (Sioux Falls; barber) and Mollie W Ellington (b, Sioux Falls, SD; d, Ja 9 ’89, Sioux Falls, SD). Prep, Slater Normal Sch, Winston-Salem, NC; ’09- ’13 AB; ’13- ’17, Medico-Chi College, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 2219 Ox- ford St, Philadelphia, Pa. Roseboro, Fred D — ’13 AB. Shedrick, James F — ’13 AB. Shirley, Frank C— ’13 AB, ’16 AM; STB. ’14- ’16, tea LU; min Presb & ss miss, Okla. Townsend, William J — ’13 AB. B, Fb 24 ’92, Alcorn, Miss, son of William Townsend (b, ’63, Port Gipson, Miss; tea; BS Alcorn College, Miss) and Josephine Young (b, ’70, Yidalia, La). Prep, high sch, Pine Bluff, Ark; ’09- ’13 AB; 106 Lincoln University ’13- tea, Shorter College, Argenta, Ark, etc. Add, 1900 West Second Ave, Pine Bluff, Ark. Wallace, David E — ’13 AB. B, ’92, Livingston, Okla, son of David J Wallace and Ollie D Wallace. Prep, Dunbar high sch and Wiley Univ; Ml- '13 AB; M3-M4, tea Arkadelphia (Ark) Acad; M4-, dental sch, Meharry College, Nashville, Tenn. Add, Okmulgee, Okla. Williams, Oriton E — ’13 AB. ^Bullock, James S — ’09- Butler, Eevee L — ’09-. # Chaney, Eugene C — ’09- Corea, Arthur G — ’09-. Goss, Frank — ’09-. Midgette, Louis H — ’09- Praither, Frederick B — ’09- Waters, Burnett U — ’09- Williams, Benjamin N — ’09- 1914 Aiken, Clarence L — ’14 AB, ’17 STB. Anderson, Lewis J — ’14 AB. Barnum, John L — ’14 AB, ’14- ’15 sem, LU. M7-, undertaker, Americus, Georgia. Bird, George A — ’14 AB. Bridgeman, James N — ’14 AB. B, Mr 21 ’79, St Joseph’s Parish, Barbadoes, son of John W Bridge- man (b, Barbadoes; baker) and Christiana Gibbs (b, Barbadoes). Prep, Lodge Sch; ’10- ’14 AB; min ME. Add, 33 Bainbridge St, Brooklyn, NY. Brown, William V— ’14 AB, ’17 STB. Bryant, Julius C — ’14 AB. B, Ja 15 ’94, son of Abraham Bryant (b, near Quitman, Ga; d, Ja 21 ’12) and Susie L Forrest (b, Valdosta, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; ’10- ’14 AB; ’14- ’15, prin Elkridge graded sch, Algoma, WVa; memb Alpha Phi Alpha frat. Add, 714 York Street, Valdosta, Ga. Buchanan, Hays — ’14 AB. Byrd, Charles M — ’14 AB. Cooper, Henry D — ’14 AB, ’16 sem, LU. Dunn, Ralph N — ’14 AB. B, Fayetteville, NC, ‘son of Abraham H Dunn (b, Fayetteville, NC; Biographical Catalogue 107 sea-captain) and Sarah J Dunn (b, Fayetteville, NC). Prep, St Augustine’s Sch, Raleigh, NC; ’10— ’14 AB; ’14— ’16, asst-see Arctic Ave Branch YM'CA, Atlantic City, NJ; ’16- ’17, tea St Augustine’s Sch. Add, St Augustine’s School, Raleigh, NC. Garland, James 0 — M4 AB. B, Mr 30 ’90, Danville, Va, son of James A Garland (b, Dc 1 ’62, Danville, Ya; transfer business) and Martha A Fuller (b, Milton, NC). Prep, Danville high sch; ’10- ’14 AB; ’15-, Homeopathic Medical Sch, New York, NY. Add, 429 Herkimer St, Brooklyn, NY. Hawes, Earl W — ’14 AB. Farmer, NC. Hilton, Philip A — ’14 AB. B, Sp 12 ’90, Townsville, Ya, son of Peyton H Hilton (b, Hampden Sidney, Ya; carpenter) and Martha Ward (b, Farmville, Va). Prep, Va, Nor and Ind Inst and Shaw Univ; ’10- ’14 AB; ’14-, Iowa State Univ; ’15-, med sch H U; memb Kappa Alpha Nu frat. Add, 515 Appomattox St, Farmville, Ya. Hogans, Hugh A — ’14 AB. ’14- ’15 Shaw Univ. Hubert, Elwood G — ’14 AB. Jefferson, Charles L — ’14 AB. ’15-, law sch, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Jones, William T — ’14 AB. B, ’86, Moorehead City, NC, son of William H Jones (b, ’63, Moore- head City, NC; merchant) and Emmer J Shepard (b, ’66, Wildwood, NJ). Prep, St Augustine’s Sch, Raleigh, NC; ’10- ’14 AB; ’14- ’15, med sch Shaw Univ. Add, Moorehead City, NC. King, George I — ’14 AB. Lee, James E — ’14 AB. Millen, Foster W — ’14 AB. B, A g 7 ’91, son of John A Millen (b, ’63, Cornwall, Pa) and Mary E Stomps (b, ’65, Safe Harbor, Pa). Prep, Strasburg, Pa, high sch; , 10-’14 AB; ’14-, tea Swift Memorial Coll, Rogersville, Tenn. Add, 25 N Ruby St, Philadelphia, Pa. Miller, Edwin D — ’14 AB. Ogburn, William T — ’14 AB; ’14-’16 sem, LU. Parker, Everet Q — ’14 AB. B, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 10 ’80; son of Rev E E Parker and Lavinia Parker. Prep, Delaware State Coll and Morgan Coll; ’10- ’14 AB. Add, 6122 Norwood St, Philadelphia, Pa. Peppers, William L — ’14 AB. Pittsburgh, Pa. Powell, William H R — ’14 AB. Reid, John T — ’14 AB, ’16 AM; STB. 108 Lincoln University Russum, John H — ’14 AB, ’16 STB. Min Me. Sims, George T — ’14 AB. Thompson, James E — ’14 AB. Walker, William A — ’14 AB. Waller, John H — ’14 AB, ’17 AM; STB. Min Bapt. Wilson, James A — ’14 AB. Adams, Charles S — ’10-. Collins, Ernest S — ’10- Duckrey, Harry M — ’10- Fisher, Leon T — ’10- Frazier, Arthur L — ’10-. Harley, Chalmer L L — ’10- Kelly, Barnard B — ’10-. Martien, William C A — ’10- Williams, George W — ’10-. 1915 Adams, William C — ’16 AB; as of class of ’15. Barber, Jesse B — ’15 AB. >15-, Sem LU. Beasley, Albert S — ’15 AB. *15-, Harvard Med Sch, Cambridge, Mass. Beckham, Albert S — ’15 AB. B, Sp 21 ’92, Camden, SC, son of Calvin A Beckham (merchant) and Elizabeth James. Prep, Presb Acad, Camden, SC; ’ll- ’15 AB; ’17. Ohio State Univ, AB AM. Add, 811 West Laurens St, Camden, SC. Brown, Champion G — ’15 AB. Cain, Harrison H — ’15 AB. Sec YMCA, Princeton, NJ. Carson, William D — ’15 AB. Cherry, George F — ’15 AB. B, Ap 8 ’94, son of Stark O Cherry (b, Mr 4 ’58, Winston-Salem, NC; d, Waynesboro, Ga) and Annie Thompson (b, Mr 16, ’57, Waynesboro, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; ’ll- ’15 AB; ’15-, med sch, Temple Coll, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 212 W Coulter St, Germantown, Pa. Commissiong, Leo R — ’15 AB. ’15, med sch, H U, Washington, DC. Biographical Catalogue 109 Cooper, Joseph B — ’15 AB. B, Mr 8 *91, Atlanta, Ga, son of William Cooper (b, ’56, Social Circle, Ga; carpenter; d, Ap 9 HO, Atlanta, Ga) and Nancy Reid (b, Je 22 ’65, Covieter Co, Ga). Prep, Morris Brown Coll, Atlanta, Ga; ’12-’15 AB. Add, 175 E Baker St, Atlanta, Ga. Ginn, Leslie E — ’15 AB. ’15-, Sem LU. Holmes, Norman A — ’15 AB. B, Nv 7 ’92, Paoli, Pa, son of George W Holmes (b, Oe 3 ’65, Howell- ville, Pa) and Catherine E Myers (b, Ap 12 ’75, near Phoenixville, Pa). Prep, Woodbury, NJ, high sch; ’ll- ’15 AB; ’15-, Theo Sem, Oberlin, O. Add, 309' A Street, NE Washington, DC. James, Harry E — ’15 AB. ’17, Sem LU. Kiser, Moses L — ’15 AB. B, Oc 31 ’90, Cartersville, Ga, son of Moses Kiser (b, ’47, Winston- Salem, NC) and Savannah Willingham (b, Dc 5 ’67, Fairmont, Ga). Prep, Morris Brown Coll; ’12- ’15 AB. Add, Cartersville, Ga. Marlow, Henry M — ’15 AB. B, Mr 7 ’95, Washington, DC, son of William H Marlow (b, Sp 8 ’60) and Teresa Brown (b, My 30 ’72, Washington, DC; d, Nv 17 ’05, Washington, DC). Prep, Downingtown (Pa) Industrial Sch; ’11-’15 AB; ’15- ’16, State Univ of Iowa, Sch of Pharm. Add, 287 Forrest 'St, Jersey City, NJ. t Pelham, Harry L — ’15 AB. Pieters, Charles E — ’15 AB. ’15-, Tuskegee Inst, Ala. Pritchett, Robert A — ’15 AB, ’17 STB. B, My 13 ’88, Wilmington, Del, son of James H Pritchett (b, Je 17 ’60, Salem, NJ ; min) and Ella S Harris (b, My 16 ’62, Norfolk, Va; d, Fb 9 ’98, Downingtown, Pa). Prep, State Normal Sch, Manfield, Pa; ’12- ’15 AB; ’17 STB. YMCA work with the native troops in East Africa. Somerville, George E — ’15 AB. Son of Moses T Somerville (b, Ag 29 ’50, Warrenton, NC; min Bapt, ’88) and Bettie M Thornton (b, Mr 18 ’52, Warrenton, NC). Prep, Shaw Univ; ’ll- ’15 AB. Add, Warrenton, NC. Stewart, Fitzpatrick — ’15 AB. Sumner, Francis C — ’15 AB, ’17 AM. B, Dc 7 ’95, Pine Bluff, Ark, son of David A Sumner ’88 AB' LU and Ellen L Jarvis. Prep, priv instr; ’11-’15 AB; ’15-’16, Clark Univ, Worcester, Mass, AB; ’17, AM LU ; ’16- ’17, tea LU. Add, 16 Booker St, Phoebus, Ya. Taylor, Arthur H — ’15 AB. t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. 110 Lincoln University Walker, John A — ’15 AB. B, Oe 13 ’92, Augusta, Ga, son of Thomas Walker (b, My 4 ’69, Edgefield, SC; tinner; d, Dc 30 '92, Augusta, Ga) and Annie L Andrews (b, Je 13 ’72, Edgefield, SC). Prep, Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; M.1-H5 AB. Add, 1219 Jackson St, Augusta, Ga. Wallace, Andrew L — ’15 AB. ’15-, med sch, Boston Univ, Boston, Mass. Wheaton, Layton J — ’15 AB. ’15-, dental sch, H U, Washington, DC. White, Alfred F — ’15 AB. B, Nv 14 *91, King and Queens CH, Ya, son of George G White (b, K and Q CH, Ya) and Mamie Munroe (b, Bappahannock, Ya). Prep, Bappahannock Ind Acad, Ozeana, Ya; ? 11-’15 AB; H6-, Harvard Law Sch, Cambridge, Mass. Add, King and Queens CH, Ya. Willis, Alonzo M — ’15 AB. ’15-H6, med sch, H U. Wilson, Dayton H C — ’15 AB. ’15-, dental sch, Univ of Pa, Philadelphia, Pa. f Witcher, Charles W — ’15 AB. Xaba, Mdani — ’15 AB. Ewing, Robert S — ’11- *Flanders, Leon W — ’ll-. D, 15. Goldman, Oth a — ’ ll-. Green, William N — ’ll-. Moore, James H — ’11- Parker, George W — ’ll-. Walker, William E — ’ll-. *WiCKES, Ralph H — ’ll-. 1916 Anderson, Herbert F — ’16 AB. B, My 31 J 86, Jamaica, BWI, son of Henry D Anderson (carpenter and farmer) and Frances A Hales. Prep, Downingtown Ind Sch; , 12- , 16 AB; ’16-, Sem LU. Asbury, Darlington L — ’16 AB. B, My 23 ’92, Downingtown, Pa, son of Sylvester J Asbury (landscape gardener) and Isabelle Powell. Prep, Guthriesville (Pa) high sch; , 12-’16 AB. Add, Downingtown, Pa. t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. Biographical Catalogue 111 Burton, Henry B — ’16 AB. B, Dc 31 ’84, son of George A Burton (b, Mr 26 *58, Port-of -Spain, Trinidad, BWI lawy; d, Oc 14 ’07) and Charlotte Davis (b, Nv 15 >65, St Kitts, BWI; d, Dc 6 ’98; Port-of -Spain, BWI). Prep, New York Prep Seh; ’ 12- ’16 AB; ’16-, jr Sem LU. Add New York, NY. Bush, William E — ’16 AB. B, Ap 26 ’91, Alexander, Ga, son of Ella Sapps (b, Mr 16 ’58, Alex- ander, Ga; d, Nv 25 ’15, Augusta, Ga). Prep, Haines Inst; ’12- ’16 AB. Add, 1403 Reynolds St, Augusta, Ga. IEdwoods, Prince L — ’16 AB. B, My 1 ’89, Bay City, Mich, son of Cornelius Edwoods (b, Fb 19 ’57, Toronto, Ont; linotype machinist) and Rebecca A Johnson (b, Je 30 *60, Chatham, Ont). Prep, Bay City (Mich) Eastern high sch; ’12- ’14, Univ of Mich; ’14- ’16 AB. Add, 308 S Yan Buren St, Bay City, Mich. Evans, Wilmot K — ’16 BS. B, Sp 1 ’96, Oxford, Pa, son of James P Evans (b, Sp 3 ’39, Lan- caster Co, Pa) and Martha E Kelton (b, J1 9 ’57, Wilmington, Del). Prep, Oxford (Pa) high sch; ’12- ’16 BS; ’16-, tea pub sch, Minotola, NJ. Add, Oxford, Pa. Goss, Henry — ’16 AB. B, ’91, Durham, NC, son of Alfred Goss (b, Durham, NC; carpenter) and Emma Weeks. Prep, Mary Potter Sch; ’ll- ’16 AB. Add, 109 Coleman Ave, Durham, NC. Gregg, Howard D — ’16 AB. ’16-, divinity school, Yale Univ, New Haven, Conn. Henry, Adolphus — ’16 AB, ’17 STB. B, Kingston, St Vincent, BWI, son of George Henry (b, Kingston, St Vincent, BWI; farmer) and Sarah A Grant. Prep, private instruc- tion; ’14- ’16 AB; ’17 STB; p Second Presb Church, West Chester Pa, Add, West Chester, Pa. James, Emory A — ’16 AB. B, J1 21 ’92, Steelton, Pa, son of Charles R James (b, My i7 ’46, Frederick Co, Md; store-keeper) and Mary S Jones (b, A g 6 ’52, Walkersville, Md; d, Mr 20 ’07, Steelton, Pa). Prep, Steelton high sch; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, Sem LU; instructor in chemistry. Add, 256 Ridge St, Steelton, Pa t Killings worth, John W — ’16 AB. B, Sp 4 ’94, Ridgeway, SC, son of John W Killingsworth and Emma L Gladden. Prep, Brainard Inst, Chester, SC; ’12- ’16 AB. Add, Columbia, SC. Lee, John H— ’16 AB. fMuRRAY, Edward M — ’16 AB. B, Ap 20 ’92, Columbia, SC, son of Henry Murray (farmer) and Scharlatte Brown (b, Sp 22 ’74; d, Sp 12 ’ll, Sumter, SC). Prep, t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. 112 Lincoln University Shaw Univ; ’14-* 16 AB. Mar Jeanette Gordon, Ja 4 *12, Columbia, SC. Add, Sumter, SC. Parks, Stewart C — ’16 AB. B, Je 26 ’94, Savannah, Ga, son of Linton S Parks (b, Augusta, Ga; dentist) and Martha Carr (b, Camden, SC). Prep, Beach Inst, Savan- nah, Ga; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, dental seh, H U. Add, 506 E Park Ave, Savannah, Ga. t Robertson, Samuel E — ’16 AB. t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. B, Fb 4 ’95, Newberry, SC, son of Robert Robertson. Prep, Newberry high sch; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, Sem, LU. Add, Newberry, SC. Saulter, Charles R — ’16 AB. B, Mr 7 ’94, Wake Forest, NC, son of David S Saulter (min Bapt) and Martha A Saulter. Prep, High Point (NC) Inst; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, Sem, LU. Add, 606 E Washington St, High Point, NC. Smith, Samuel G — ’16 AB. B, ’94, Chester, Pa, son of Samuel S Smith (policeman; d, ’98, Chester, Pa) and Mary R Giles (b, Baltimore, Md). Prep, Downingtown Ind Sch; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, Medico-Chi College, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 604 E 14th St, Chester, Pa. Smith, William E — ’16 AB. B, Mr 6 ’93, Marianna, Fla, son of Michael Smith (laborer) and Mary A Smith (d, My 11 ’06, Marianna, Fla). Prep, Stillman Inst, Ala, and Haines Inst, Augusta, Ga; ’12- ’16 AB. Add, Marianna, Fla. Stanley, Walter P — ’16 AB. ’16-, Western Theo Sem, Pittsburgh, Pa. Suber, James W — ’16 AB. ’16-, Sem, LU. Tillery, Louis — ’16 AB. Son of Vance Tillery (barber) and Jane Baker (b, Chowan, NC). Prep, Downingtown Ind Sch; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, Sem, LU. Add, 166 Mayflower St, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilson, Alphonso R — ’16 AB. B, Je 8 ’89, Dallas, Texas, son of Alexander R Wilson (b, Nv 15 ’47, Walthoursville, Ga; min Presb; AB, AM, STB, DD, LU; d, Mr 12, ’17) and Jennie E Wilson (b, My 4 ’58, Washington, DC). Prep, Dorchester Acad and Downingtown Ind Sch; ’12- ’16 AB; ’16-, Sem, LU. Add, Arcadia, Ga. Wood, Clarence W — ’16 AB. Son of Walter W Wood (b, ’66; business) and Rosa L Holloway (b, ’67, Clarksville, Va). Prep, Pittsylvania (Va) Ind Acad; ’12- ’16 AB. Add, 200 W 133rd St, New York, NY. Wooding, Cornelius G — ’16 AB. B, Nv 29 ’91, Philadelphia, Pa. Prep, Shaw Univ; ’14- ’16 AB. Add, 1542 Christian St, Philadelphia, Pa. t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. Biographical Catalogue Bowser, Warren — ’12-. Clark, Granville Y — ’12- Cools, Gabriel Y — ’12- Denny, Harold P — ’12- Ellis, Linton E — ’12- Gillespie, Franklin S — ’12-. Hughes, Walter J — ’12-. Jones, Robert W — ’12- Lander, Thomas A — ’12- Langa, Arthur B — ’12—. Lightner, Allen P B — ’12- McNeill, Fairley E — ’12—. Martin, Joseph R — ’12-. Pollard, William A — ’12- Robison, Raymond G — ’12- Sawyer, James C — ’12- Showell, Charles C — ’12-. Simon, Hubert — ’12- Ward, Charles 0 — ’12- Werts, James M — ’12- White, Yates W — ’12- 1917 f Alston, John Henry — ’17 AB. Baltimore, Md. Barrow, James Walter — ’17 AB. Georgetown, British Guiana. Bates, Arnold Stewart — ’17 AB. Trinidad, BWI. fBouLWARE, George — ’17 AB. Charlotte, NC. IBragg, William Armstead, Jr — ’17 AB. Petersburg, Ya. t Branch, George Clayton — ’17 AB. Oxford, NC. Brown, Harold — ’17 BS. Steelton, Pa. tBYARD, Leon Abbett — ’17 AB. Atlantic City, NJ. Carper, James Shelton — ’17 BS. Charleston, WVa. t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. 114 Lincoln University Christy, William Alexander — ’17 AB. Aberdeen, Md. Clinton, George William — ’17 AB. Charlotte, NC. Creditt, James Alvah — ’17 BS. Dawson, Cornelius R — ’17 AB. Baltimore, Md. Douglas, Winston — ’17 AB. Neshanic Station, NJ. t Ellis, Joseph Henry — ’17 AB. Albany, Ga. fFowLKES, Junius Edward — ’17 AB. Richmond, Ya. Greene, Harry Washington — ’17 AB. Newbern, NC. Hill, David Grafton, Jr — ’17 AB. Baltimore, Md. Miller, Anderson Dennis — ’17 AB. Kansas City, Mo. f Perry, George Robert — ’17 AB. Pine Bluff, Ark. Price, Willis Gittens — ’17 AB. Barbadoes, BWI. Richardson, Walter Augustus — ’17 AB. Fayetteville, NC. Russell, Frederick Lawrence — ’17 AB. Augusta, Ga. Scott, Joseph Hurlong — ’17 AB. Darlington, SC. Shelton, James Alphert — ’17 AB. Sturgis, Ky. Smith, Alphonso — ’17 AB. Lynchburg, Ya. f Smith, William Edward Linwood — ’17 AB. Richmond, Ya. t W ertz, John Richard — ’17 AB. Newberry, SC. Wess, Franklin Wellington — ’17 AB. Watkins NY. Young, Ulysses Simpson, Jr — ’17 AB. East Orange, NJ. Young, William Pennington — ’17 AB. East Orange, NJ. t Diploma withheld pending complete settlement of college charges. Biographical Catalogue 115 Averie, Arthur T — ’13- Cooper, William M — ’13- Crawford, Thomas J — ’13- Curtis, Merrill H — ’13- Davis, Henry D — ’13- Ford, Orlando A — ’13- Golightly, George A — ’13- Howell, Roger C — ’13- Johnston, Stanley F — ’13- Mintess, Lewis M — ’13- Phillips, Berkley R — ’13- Rutherford, Barnard E — ’13-. Stallings, Theodore — ’13-. Thomas, Henry M — ’13- Truitt, John C — ’13- Westheimer, Frank W — ’13- Wethers, Eugene K — ’13- Williams, John E — ’13- Williams, Robert C — ’13- SEMINARY ALUMNI 1867 Brown, Hezekiah M — Tea, Savannah, Ga. Stevenson, John W — Min Meth, Wilmington, Del. 1868 Foster, Richard — Johnson, William D — DD, ’68 AB. 1869 *Cole, Jacob H— 70 AB. Davis, James C — *Dickerson, William F — ’69 STB, 70 AB. Howard, James — Johnson, William L — ’69 AB. # Miller, William H — ’69 AB. Morris, William H — ’69 AB. ^Thomas, William H — ’69 AB. ^Thompson, Joseph S — ’69 AB. Thompson, Gabriel S — Min Meth, Savannah, Ga. *' Waters, J C— DD, 70 AB. Young, James R — 1871 Coles, William R — Min Presb, Aiken, SC. Laws, William F — ’71- Nelson, Joseph A — Polk, Willis R— 71 STB. Lenoir, NC. *Templeton, William R — 70 AB. 1872 Baker, David S — Min Presb, Lincolnton, NC. Little, William H — Chambersburg, Pa. Mossell, Charles W — 116 Biographical Catalogue 11 1873 Brooks, Walter H — ’72 AB. Howard, James W — ’71 AB. Hume, Charles — ’68-. Newton, John — 1874 Treadwell, John — 1875 Ackworth, Charles — Min Meth, 682 E 155th St, New York, NY. Atwood, Lewis K — ’74 AB. ^Davenport, Isaac W — STB, ’72 AB. Docher, John H — ’74 AB. Hazelton, Jacob F — *Hopkins, Moses A— STB, ’74 AB. * Johns, William LI — Standard, Jeremiah — 1876 Hargrave, Thomas B — Min Presb, Mt Airy, NC. * Hargrave, William M — STB ; DD, ’73 AB. Palmer, Boswell B — STB. Min Presb, Milton, NC. Robeson, William D — STB, ’73 AB. White, Cyrus — 1877 Hubbard, Luther — ’76 AB. Moore, Alexander — ’74 AB. 1878 *Donnell, Darius L — STB, ’75 AB. ^Murray, Daniel — STB, ’73 AB. Norris, John W — * Scott, Allen A — Stephens, A T — Wood, Henry D— STB, ’73-. 1879 Brown, William C — STB, ’76 AB. Smith, Calvin L— STB, ’76 AB. 118 Lincoln University Walker, Jeremiah F — STB, 76 AB. Weaver, William H — STB; DD, 76 AB. Weeden, Henry P — 79-. 1880 Dickson, George W — Hood, Solomon P — STB, 73 AB. Jones, George E — STB, 77-. *Kemp, Kelly M— STB, 77 AB. Miller, Jacob F — 74 AB. *Miller, Lawrence — STB, 77 AB. *Potter, Francis C — STB, 77 AB. Twine, Lewis D — 77-. Ward, Charles B — STB, 77 AB. 1881 Carr, William E — STB, 77 AB. Davis, Alfred G — STB ; DD, 78 AB. Goler, William H— STB ; DD ; LLD, 78 AB. # Price, Joseph C — STB ; DD, 79 AB. Skinner, Wesley J — 7 82-. 1882 Augusta, Charles V — 7 81 AB. Bacon, Peter J — STB, 76 AB. Bethel, William L — STB, 79- Blackburn, Morris G — ’79-. ^Dickerson, William H — STB. Savage, John A — STB ; DD, 79 AB. ^Wilson, Alexander R — STB ; DD, 79 AB. 1883 Guy, James A — Palmer, William — Swann, Jeremiah B — 71-. 1884 Lavatt, James W — STB, ’81 AB. Lee, William H — ’82 AB. Logan, Franklin T — STB, ’81 AB. Logan, Oliver T — Miller, Horace G — ’84 AB. Biographical Catalogue 119 Moyer, Henry C — STB, ’81 AB. Sevier, Samuel S — ’82 AB. Till, Ishmael — Min Meth, Oil City, Pa. * Voder y, W H V— ’83 AB. 1885 * Anderson, William D — ’76 AB. *Blount, Frank 0 — ’84 AB. *Brooks, William F — STB; DD, ’70 AB. Jones, Yorke — STB ; DD, ’82 AB. ^Roberts, Thomas H — STB, ’82 AB. 1886 Brown, Tilghman — STB, ’83 AB. Creditt, William A — STB ; DD ; LLD, ’85 AB. Eggleston, E F — STB ; DD, ’83 AB. Hunt, Granville — ’86-. Lawton, Charles J — STB. Lawton, William R — STB, ’83 AB. McRary, Robert B — ’85 AB. Torrence, A T — 1887 Boyden, John A — STB, DD ; ’84 AB. Dover, William H — ’80 AB. Holley, Lucius J — ’86 AB. Lee, Thomas H — STB, ’84 AB. Raney, Isham B — ’84 AB. * Scott, Allen A — Stephens, George E — DD, ’84 AB. 1888 Bonner, James A — STB, ’85 AB. Carter, Beecher — ’87- Fisher, George A — STB, ’85-. ^Henderson, Amos A — ’86- Hubert, Elwood G — ’86 AB. Jackson, Moses H — STB ; DD, ’85 AB. Jarvis, Isaac — ’88-. 120 Lincoln University Langhorne, S T — ’87 AB. Long, William H — Min Presb, Greensboro, NC. Mabry, Henry C — STB ; DD, ’73 AB. Mancebo, John B — ’88- McNeil, Alexander — Mebane, Charles S — STB ; DD, ’85 AB. O’Kelly, Cadd G— STB, ’85 AB. Scott, Henry W— STB, ’85 AB. Toomey, Richard E — ’87 AB. # Wheeler, B F— ’85 AB. Wilson, James W— STB, ’82 AB. 1889 Amos, Thomas H — STB • DD, ’86 AB. Brown, Joseph A — STB. Min Epis, St Josephs, Mo. Caldwell, John A — STB, ’86 AB. Davis, Arthur B — STB, ’86 AB. Gibson, Frisby — : ’88- Given, Joshua — ’88-. Hare, Willis G— ’87 AB. Hill, Daniel G— STB ; DD, ’86 AB. Hull, David G— STB, ’86 AB. ^McLean, Fletcher R — STB, ’86 AB Moultrie, Jacob C — ’87-. Ogburn, Thomas C — STB, ’86 AB. Ogburn, William G — STB. Min Presb, Pine Bluff, Ark. Peterson, Butler H — STB, ’86 AB. Riley, Morris — ’88- *Shaw, William H— STB, ’86 AB. 1890 Chew, William — STB, ’87 AB. Dusenbury, C B — STB, ’85 AB. Jefferson, Charles L — STB ; DD, ’87 AB. Scales, Augustine H — ’89 AB. Smith, James L — STB, ’87 AB. Smith, Theodore B — ’88 AB. Biographical Catalogue 121 # Twine, Peyton R— STB, ’87 AB. Uggams, Coydan H — ’87 AB. Womack, Thomas T — STB, ’87 AB. 1891 # Albuoy, William A — STB, ’88 AB. Brown, Jacob T — STB ; DD, ’88 AB. Hagler, Milford H — STB, ’88 AB. Stuart, William M — STB, ’88 AB. 1892 Boddy, James M — ’90 AB. Bythewood, D W — STB, ’89 AB. Davis, Benjamin F — STB, ’89 AB. Fairley, Leonard E — STB, ’89 AB. Fuller, Joseph S — ’91 AB. Long, Thomas A — STB, ’89 AB. Peabody, George B — ’91 AB. Rankin, William F — STB, ’89 AB. *Tildon, William S — STB, ’89 AB. Trusty, Charles H — STB ; DD, ’89 AB. Williams, Joseph — STB, ’89 AB. Williams, Oscar A — STB, ’89 AB. Wright, John T — STB, ’88 AB. 1893 Anthony, Luke B — ’91 AB. Cotton, Wesley F — STB; DD, ’88 AB. Duckery, James H — STB, ’90 AB. Gregory, Jeremiah P — STB. B, '63, King and Queens Co, son of Jerry M Gregory (d, Ap ’12, Bayonne, NJ) and Maria Lumpkins (d, ’95, Gloucester, Ya). '84, Hampton Institute, grad; '93, Sem LU; Hon STB; min Bap. Mar Nellie L Evans, Oe 17 '94, Gloucester, Ya; 2 children. Add, 226 N S Carolina Ave, Atlantic City, NJ. Houston, Ebenezer A — STB. Mayers, Richard — STB. B, Mr 6 '52, Clayburn Parish, St. John's, BWI, son of and Rose F Pilgrim (d, '54, BWI). Prep, priv instr; '93 AB; AM STB, LU; '93- '98, ss miss, tea Ferguson Acad; '05- '06, prin Tuggle Inst, Birmingham, Ala; '11, mod Syn of E Tenn; several times mod Pbty 122 Lincoln University of Leslie; chaplain city lodge of K of P; ’98- ’01, p Reidville and Welford; i02-’04, p East Vine Ave Presb ch, Knoxville, Tenn; ’95, direc- tor Sumter Investment Assn; '03, mod Knoxville Interdenominational Minister’s Union; ’98 1 , com Gen Ass; ’98, tea Gaffney, SC; ’06, tea Bible Sch, Knoxville, Tenn; memb IOOF and K of P. Mar Marcia M Murray, My 18' ’75. Add, 101 Council St, Sumter, SC. Tildon, Frederick D — STB, ’90 AB. Williams, Charles H — B, Je 3 ’49, New York, NY, son of Samuel G Williams (b, Ag ’29, Newburgh, NY; d, Ag ’83, New York, NY) and Sarah Smith (b, Be ’29, Mobile, Ala; d, Nv 1 ’03, Edenton, NC). Sem LU, ’93; min Presb, Mocksville, NC. Mar (1) Mary Martin, ’90, New York, NY; (2) Sophia E Crawford, Ag 15 ’96; 5 children. Add, Mocksville, NC. Wilson, James J — ’91 AB. 1894 Anderson, Daniel B — STB, ’91 AB. Bagnall, Powhattan — Min Presb, Boston, Mass. Barrett, James R — STB, ’87 AB. Coberth, Edward W — STB, ’91 AB. Downing, L L — STB ; DD, ’85 AB. # Howerton, John M— ’94 AB. Peden, William H — ’91 AB. Shields, William H — White, Joseph S — Williams, William B — 1895 Blodgett, Julian F — ’94 AB. Coleman, Thomas — ’93 AB. Collier, David S — STB. Min Presb, Gaffney, SC. COVERDALE, GEORGE R B, My 10 ’67, Sussex Co, Del, son of Tobias Coverdale (b, Oc 2Q ’18) and Eliza A Pettijohn (b, J1 20 ’25). Sem LU, ’95. Mar Florence A Russell, Je 20 ’95. Add, 336 E Miner St, West Chester, Pa. Jason, Howard T — STB, ’92 AB. Johnson, Amos P W — Johnson, Ephraim A — Murray, Robert — ’96-. Potts, Stephen A — ’94 AB. Roscoe, Mills R — Min Meth, Ansonia, Conn. Biographical Catalogue 123 Tucker, Charles E — STB, ’92 AB. Woodridge, J P — STB. 1896 Barnes, Albert — B, My 15 '64, Charlotte, NC, son of Fate Barnes (b, Charlotte, NC; soldier in the Civil War and farmer; d, Charlotte, NC) and Rosa Barnes (b and d Charlotte, NC). Prep, Biddle Univ; US government employee and evangelist. Add, 742; Irving St, NW, Washington, DC. Clark, William H — STB, ’93 AB. Doby, Stephen C — STB, ’95- Edwards, William — Freeland, William H — STB, ’93 AB. Goodridge, William L — ’95 AB. Gray, Alonzo S — STB, ’93 AB. Hayswood, John H — STB, ’93 AB. ^Howard, Jacob B — ’95 AB. Long, Albert S — ’91 AB. Nelson, Lewis — Tea, Washington, DC. Russell, John T — Philadelphia, Pa. 1897 Brabham, George R — STB, ’94 AB. Caesar, George E — STB. B, Oc 15 ’69, son of Columbus Caesar (b, '21, Mayesville, SC; farmer, d, Dc 23 *02) and Katie Cooper (b, ’36, Mayesville, SC; d, My 17 'll). ’93, Biddle Univ, AB; '97, AM, STB, LU; '99- '03, p Presb ch and tea Conyers, Ga; '03, com General Assembly. Add, Dalton, Ga. Clark, Augustus S — STB, ’94 AB. Jason, Alonzo — ’97- Pres Delaware State Coll (Colored), Dover, Del. Jefferson, Thomas — STB, ’94 AB. Johnson, S W— STB, ’94 AB. Lackland, Thomas H — STB, ’96 AB. Leak, Stephen D — STB, ’94 AB. Locklier, John H — STB, ’89 AB. Massey, Oscar HD — STB, ’94 AB. Morton, Charles H — STB, ’94 AB. Oliver, Charles S — STB, ’94 AB. Penn, Samuel A— STB, ’94 AB. Sewell, Perry W — STB, ’94 AB. 124 Lincoln University Smith, Peter — Thomas, William H, Jr — STB, ’94 AB. Warrick, Wilson M — White, William 0— STB, ’94 AB. 1898 Butler, Henry P — STB, ’95 AB. Clarkson, Edward B — STB, ’95 AB. Cole, Cain P— STB, ’95 AB. Crawford, Thomas J — STB, ’95 AB. *Curtis, . James H — STB. Griffin, William E — STB, ’95 AB. Johnson, Peter P — STB, ’96-. ^Lassiter, Henry C — STB, ’95 AB. Lee, John W — ’98- Mason, Walter W— STB, ’95 AB. Potts, William H— STB, ’95 AB. Stitt, William B — STB, ’95 AB. Thomas, Thomas M — STB, ’95 AB. Tolbert, Albert L — STB, ’95 AB. Wallace, Paris A — STB. B, Ap 17 ’69, Maryville, Tenn, son of Lewis Wallace (b, Eufla, Ala; farmer; d, ) and Amanda Porter (b, Rockford, Tenn) Maryville Coll, ’95 AB; Sem LU, ’95- ’98 AM STB; ’ 05 , Livingston Coll DD; ’98- ’00, p AMEZ church, Chattanooga, Tenn; ’00- ’03, Jacob St Tabernacle, Louisville, Ky; ’03- ’08, Metropolitan ch, Washington, DC; *08-, Wesley 'AMEZ ch, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar Ida L Bannister, Ap 30 ’ 00 , Chattanooga, Tenn; 3 children. Add, 2028 Ellsworth St, Philadelphia, Pa. 1899 Alston, Junius C — STB, ’85 AB. Auten, Theodore A — STB, ’96 AB. Butler, Concie L — STB. B, Oc 20 ’69, son of John W Butler (b, *38, Wilsonville, Ala; farmer) and Elizabeth Numley (fy ’40, Wilsonville, Ala). *86- ’92, Talladega Coll; ’92- ’96, Maryville Coll; ’99 AM, STB, LU; ’10 DD, LU; ’97- ’02, p 2d Presb ch. West Chester, Pa ; ’02- ’12, St James Presb ch, New York; ’ll, elected evangelist Northern District by colored council Presb ch. Mar Je 24 ’08, New York, NY. Add, 1240 46th St, Brook- lyn, NY. Fuller, Samuel H — Min Presb, Chadbourne, NC. Biographical Catalogue 125 *Hawkins, Walter F — STB, ’96 AB. Hilliard, James A — STB, ’96 AB. Johnson, Charles H — Lee, Frank J — Min AMEZ, Lewistown, Pa. McClellan, Lewis. J — STB, ’94 AB. McGowan, 0 H — STB. McLamb, S P— STB. Quann, Simeon T — Scarborough, John C — B, Dc 2 ’71, Palatka, Fla, son of Calvin F and Clara C Scarborough. Prep, Boycus Memor Sei Col; '00, p Presb ch, Jacksonville, Fla; prin St Nicholas Acad, Fla; ’02, p asst St James church, NY City; 6 months p St Augustine’s ch, Paterson, NJ; ’05, Comm Gen Assem. Mar Fb 1 ’06, Paterson, NJ ; 2 children. Add, 1913 Ann Street, Wilmington, NC. Schaeffer, C T — STB. Tice, John E — STB, ’94-. Whiteley, John F — ’80- 1900 Comfort, Samuel J — STB, ’97 AB. Drewry, William — STB, ’97 AB. Ewing, James W — STB. B, Nv 30 ’66, Ewing, Ya, son of Henry C Ewing (b, Ewing, Ya; farmer; d, Ap 25 ’90) and Crockett (b, Rose Hill, Ya; d, Ap 1 ’03, Rose Hill, Ya). ’97, Maryville Coll, T'enn, AB; ’00 AM, STB, LU; ’00- ’05, mission work Abingdon Pbty; ’14-, evangelist Synod of East Tenn. Mar Charity J Hall, Dc 31 ’05, Maryville, Tenn. Add, Rose Hill, Ya. Gardiner, John B — ’00 STB. Min Bapt, Philadelphia, Pa, ’97 AB. Gully, Emmet D — STB, ’98-. Kennedy, William F — STB. Male, Charles S— ’00 STB, ’97 AB. Onque, Harvey A — STB. B, Ja 2 ’66, Cranbury, NJ, son of Richard Onque and Gertrude Strieker (b, Rocky Hill, NJ; d, My ’99, Philadelphia, Pa). Prep, pub sch Cranbury, NJ and Wilberforce Univ; Seminary ’00; STB; ’01 AM ; p, Allison Presb ch, Little Rock, Ark ; clerk of White River Pbty ; pres Young People’s Presb Assoc; Comm Gen Assemb; ’03- ’06, sab- bath school miss, White River Pbty; ’09- ’13, general sec New Orleans YMCA; ’13, Smith Memorial Presb ch, Crockett, Tex; ’01, memb Searchlight Club, Little Rock, Ark; National Teacher’s and State 126 Lincoln University Assn. Mar Mary O Patterson, My 19 ’01, Philadelphia, Pa (d, Ap '04) ; 1 child. Add, Box 474 Crockett, Texas. Redd, Samuel T — STB, ’97 AB. Richie, Lewis W — STB, ’97 AB. Sanders, William W — STB, ’97 AB. *Swann, Jeremiah C — STB, ’97 AB. Walker, William W— STB, ’97 AB. White, John A — STB, ’97 AB. Williamson, Turner G — STB, ’95 AB. 1901 Bonfield, Oravia M — STB, ’98 AB. Collins, Abraham A — STB. Min Meth, Greenwich, NJ. ^Donnell, Darius L — STB, ’97 AB. Dwelle, John H F — STB, ’98 AB. James, Walter A — STB, ’97- Johnson, Leonard Z — STB, ’98 AB. Saunders, John T — STB. Ward, Beverley M — STB, ’98 AB. *Whittico, John Y — STB, ’98 AB. 1902 Amiger, William T — STB, ’99 AB. Blount, Richard H — STB, ’99 AB. Carlile, James G — STB, ’99 AB. Christmas, R G — Min Presb, Brinkley, Ark. Davis, George L — STB, ’99 AB. Farley, John — STB. Feaster, William D — STB, ’99 AB. Holly, Isham N — STB. Min Presb, Salem, NJ. Holly, Joseph W — DD, ’00 AB. Jenkins, William H — STB, ’99 AB. Johnson, L R W — STB, ’99 AB. Johnson, R P — STB, ’99 AB. Wright, Alfred A — STB, ’98 AB. Biographical Catalogue 127 1903 Brown, James W — STB. B, J1 19 '72, Elizabeth City, NC, son of Jess'e B Brown (b, '40, New bern, NC; farmer and real-estate dealer; d, Ja ’03, Elizabeth City, NC) and Arminta Griffin (d, Sp 26 ’14, Elizabeth City, NC). *93 AB, Shaw Univ; '03 AM, STB, LU; ’12 DD, Livingstone Coll; ’03- ’05, p AMEZ ch, Bethlehem, Pa; ’05-U3, Bochester, NY; U3-, New York, NY; memb bd of control of CE Soc of AMEZ; YMCA; NAACP; Nat Bus League. Mar Martha Hill, Oc 8 ’03. Add, 110 West 139 St, New York, NY. Burbage, James V — STB, ’00 AB. Dwelle, Thomas H E — STB, ’99 AB. Fonyeille, Polk K — STB, ’00 AB. Gary, Perry W — STB. B, Mr 23 *68, Newberry Co, SC, son of Boyce Gary (farmer; d, *82) and Mary Lowe (d, Oc ’79). ’93- '96, ClafLin Univ; '96- '00, SC State Coll LI ; *03, STB LU s ; min AME and tea ; trustee Allen Univ. Mar Mary M Nance, De 26 , 06, Helena SC; 3 children. Add, 149 Hackett St, Greenwood, SC. Harper, Jay B — ’00 AB. Katiya, Thomas C — STB, ’00 AB. Magaya, Edward T — STB, ’00 AB. Phillips, Theophilus — STB, ’00 AB. Rice, Ulysses S — STB. B, Mr 19 ’76, Clinton, SC, son of Walker A Bice (min; d, Ap TO, New Brunswick, NJ) and Clara C Dougherty (d, Sp 9 U0, Clinton, SC). Prep, State Coll, SC; '00- '03, Sem LU; '05- '10, prin graded sch, Clinton, SC; HI-, prin Abbeville high sch, Abbeville, SC; '05- '10, p Mt Olive AME Church, Newberry, SC; '10- '12, p Wayman Chapel; '12- '14, St Paul's ch, Cokesburg, SC; '14-, Weston Chapel, Greenwood, SC; supt City Council Abbeville, one term; AME Conf 3 terms. Mar Suepearl S Suber, Sp 25 '06, Laurens, SC; 3 children. Add, Clinton, SC. Riley, William L C — STB, ’04 AB. Ringold, Isaac H — STB. Min Meth, Wayne, Pa. Smith, John S — STB. Spann, McLean C — STB, ’00 AB. 1904 Bailey, Wilfred T — STB. Bertrand, Uriah — Bethel, Martin L — STB, ’01 AB. 128 Lincoln University Bradley, Frank — STB. B, Oc 15 ’64, Bladingsburg, Md, son of Charles T Bradley (b, ’37, Arundel Co, Md; farmer) and Sarah A Bradley. Prep, H U; ’99-’00, Ref Epis Sem, West Philadelphia; ’04 STB; ’10 STB; Miller Bible Coll; p Phoenixville, Coatesville and Philadelphia. Mar Amanda Fields, J1 23 '83, Steelton, Pa ; 2 children. Add, 7021 Yocum St, Philadelphia, Pa. Branch, Theodoric T — STB, ’01 AB. Byers, John H — STB, ’01 AB. Colbert, John T — STB, ’01 AB. Coxe, Phillip J A — STB, ’01 AB. Creagh, Joseph J — STB, ’01 AB. Cunningham, E L — STB. Min Bapt, Springfield, Mass. Davis, Taylor M — STB, ’01 AB. Haynes, Grant H — STB. Johnson, William J — Kyles, Linwood — ’01 AB. McCoy, Albert B — STB, ’01 AB. McCrary, S C— STB, ’01 AB. Morton, James M — ’STB, ’01 AB. Neilson, Christopher C — Jamaica, BWI. Powell, Monroe E — STB, ’94 AB. Slaughter, M F — Spellman, William T — Starks, William J — STB, ’01 AB. Washington, Joseph P — STB, ’01 AB. Washington, William H — 1905 Allen, James C — STB. B, Ap 20 ’75, King and Queen’s, Ya, son of Robert Allen (b, ’28, Caroline Co, Ya; d, Sp 29, ’08' K and Q’s, Ya) and Creacy Hill (b, ’41, K and Q’s, Ya). Prep, Va Union Univ; ’05 STB; ’06-’10, p 1st Bapt ch, Tappahannoek, Ya; ’08- ’13, Beulah Bapt ch; ’13- ’15, Ebenezer Bapt ch, Williamsport, Pa. Mar Louise Y Bland, Sp 11 ’07, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, 603 Elmira St, Williamsport, Pa. Boulden, Philip A — STB, ’01 AB. Branch, Samuel J — STB, ’02 AB. Burgess, Mortimer B — STB. Burton, George S — STB, ’02 AB. Biographical Catalogue 129 Cruickshank, Archibald — B, British Guiana, SA, son of Alexander Cruickshank and Adelaide Thomas. ’02- '05, Sem LU; '06, HU; Meharry Med Coll, MD; min Presb and tea. Mar Mary Leacock, '09, New York, NY. Add, Fayetteville, Tenn. Golding, Russell D — STB, ’02 AB. Green, John H— STB, ’01 AB. Hames, Elmore C — STB, ’02 AB. Harris, William N P— STB, ’02 AB. Holdman, Samuel H — Holland, John H — Knight, Harvey G — Min AME; miss, Liberia. Mallard, Julius W — STB. B, J1 14 '70, McIntosh, Ga, son of John R Mallard (b, '41, Fleming- ton, Ga; tea and justice of the peace; d, Nv 22 '05) and Nancy Elliott (b, '52, McIntosh, Ga). '02 AB, Biddle Univ; '05 STB, LU ; min Presb. Mar Olivia Cathell (d, De 18 '11, Philadelphia, Pa), J1 7 '04, Atlantic City, NJ. Add, Eastport, Okla. Martin, John W— STB, ’02 AB. Miller, John I — STB. Ross, Samuel J — STB, ’07 AB. Taylor, Irvin W — STB, ’02 AB. Taylor, Walter O — STB, ’02 AB. Wilson, William T — STB. B, Ag 25 '75, son of John Wilson (b, Shelby, NC) and Martha Wells (b, Shelby, NC). Prep, Biddle Univ; '05 STB, LU; '05- '10, tea and p, Wilson Chap Presb ch, Muskogee, Okla; '10- '13, telegraph operator and express agent; '14-, prin Deep Ford Sch, Newby, Okla. Mar Lillie McGee; 3 children. Add, Newby, Okla. 1906 Baker, Joseph W — STB. Min Presb, miss; Nigeria, Africa. Bullock, Oscar S — STB, ’03 AB. Campbell, Henry W B — STB, ’03 AB. Frasier, William T — STB, ’03 AB. Freeman, Charles S — STB, ’02 AB. Griggs, Augustus C — STB, ’03 AB. ^Johnson, Josiah E — STB. Kerr, John T— STB, ’03 AB. McLurkin, Charles P — STB, ’03 AB. Montague, Allen H — 130 Lincoln University Pur year, Moses B — STB. Min Bapt, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Thompson, Milton — STB, ’03 AB. 1907 Battle, William D — STB. B, Oc 19 ’75, Newbern, NC, son of Thomas C Battle (b, Newbern, NC; min AME; d, Fb ’02, Newbern, NC) and Annie V Belamar (b, New- bern, NC). ’04 AB, Livingstone College; ’07 STB; '07- ’08, p Mt Tabor AME Zion eh, Avondale, Pa; ’08- ’10, Varick Temple, AME Zion ch, Philadelphia; ’10- ’14, E King St AME Zion ch, York, Pa; ’14-, Galbraith AME Zion ch, Washington, DC. Mar Ada A Harris, Je 11 ’07, Concord, NC. Add, 1914 13th St, NW, Washington, DC. David, Samuel H J — STB. B, Sp 6 ’78, Br Guiana, son of Josiah David (b, ’51, Br Guiana; farmer and local preacher) and Pamelia E Gray (b, ’56, Br Guiana; d, Mr 22 ’13, Br Guiana). Prep, Congregational Sem, Br Guiana; ’07 STB; ’13, Meharry Med Coll, MD; ’12- ’13, asst prof anatomy and materia medica, Meharry; ’12- ’13, chief interne; ’07- ’10, p Ebenezer Presb ch, founder and prin Limerick Paroc Seh, Limerick, Ga; ’11- ’13, supt Meharry Bible School; ’08, asst-postmaster, Limerick, Ga; organizer and executive sec YMCA and YWCA, Union City, Tenn ; ’13-, phys. Mar Mary KDevonish, Ag 10 ’04, Br Guiana; 3 children. Add, 307 N Doblins St, Union City, Tenn Ferrell, Thomas H — STB. Hedgman, French M — STB, ’04 AB. Johnston, William J — Means, Firman W — (Eng). Onque, LeGrande M — STB, ’04 AB. Quo, Eugene H — STB. 63 Central Place, Orange, NJ. Taylor, Henry Y— STB, ’04 AB. ^Thompson, John W — STB, ’04 AB. Upperman, Lewis M — STB, ’04 AB. Weller, Sailsman W — STB. Whaley, Charles H — (Eng) . Winfield, William J — STB. B, Ap 4 ’73, Bedford Co, Pa, son of Charles W Winfield (b, Ag 3 ’38, Hartford, Conn; coak and coal-miner) and Harriet J Smith (b, ’47, Alexandria, Ya). ’07 STB; ’10, p St Louis, Mo; Indianapolis, Ind; ’10 — , Newville, Pa. Mar Ermine R Fritz, Ag 12 ’ll, Philadelphia, Pa; 1 child. Add, Newville, Pa. Biographical Catalogue 131 1908 Alexander, John A — STB, ’05 AB. Cousins, Henry C — STB, ’05 AB. Dick, Felton T — (Eng). Gregg, Franklin — STB, ’05 AB. Louistall, C M — STB. Mantanga, Harry H — STB, ’05 AB. Murray, Van Horne — STB, ’05 AB Norfleet, Asa C — STB, ’05 AB. Nxiweni, Joel W — STB, ’05 AB. Pennington, James W — STB, ’05 AB. Pollard, Theodore T — STB. Scott, J B — (Spec). Smith, Lewis H — STB, ’05 AB. Whitehead, Henry P — STB. 1909 Beverly, Page Munford — STB. Min Meth, Trenton, NJ. Custis, John Richard — STB, ’06 AB. Evans, John Quitmon — STB, ’06 AB. Helm, William John — STB. James, Charles Arnold — (E ng). Kendrick, Abraham — STB, ’06 AB. Kiah, James Albert — Mantanga, Simon Tamba — STB, ’06-. Mzimba, Livingstone Nitham — STB, ’06 AB. Njikelana, Simon William — STB, ’06 AB. Primo, Whitman Ebenezer — B, Dc 23 ’77, Br Guiana, son of Messiah Primo (b, Br Guiana; farmer) and Matilda Jennings (b, Br Guiana). Prep, Br Guiana; ’06- ’09 (Eng); min and tea; ’09-U5, p Ebenezer Presb ch; U3-, Emanuel Darien Presb ch, Fleming, Ga. Mar Alvira W Wellington, Mr 9 HO; 2‘ children. Add, Fleming, Ga. Todd, William Wilson — STB, ’06 AB. Wilkinson, Mannasseh Harr — STB. 1910 Botts, James William — STB. ’02, HU AB. Branch, Matthew Stewart — STB, ’07 AB. 132 Lincoln University Brandon, James B — B, Ja 1 ’76, Pacis Depot, Ya, son of Allen B Brandon (b, Halifax Co, Va; landscape gardener) and Amanda Farmer (d, *88, Danville, Ya). Prep, Downingtown Indust Sch; *07- ’10, sem LIJ; HO- M2, tea, Sey- bert Institution, Meadowbrook, Pa; H2-, p Antioch Bap eh, Edge Hill, Pa; M2- M3, pres Eastern Baptist ss Convention. Mar Sarah Johnson, Je 29 ’99, Tioga, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, Box 94, Edge Hill, Pa. Burgess, William David — STB, ’07 AB. Cannady, Roger George — B, Oc 6 ’80, Oxford, NC, son of Riverson Cannady (b, Mr 30 *36; farmer) and Martha J Cannady (b, My 15 *45; d, J1 9 *95, Oxford, NC). Prep, Shaw Univ; HO, Sem LU (Eng); ’ll- M3, prin Oxford (NC) graded sch; M3- ’15, prin Stovall graded sch; ’11-M4, p Pa Ave Bapt ch. Add, RFD No 3, Box 12, Oxford, NC. Ellison, George Fernie — STB, ’07 AB. Francis, Floyd DeLos — STB, ’07 AB. Kelso, Joseph Alwyn — (E ng). Middleton, John Hasen — (E ng). Nelson, Middleton Joel — STB, ’07 AB. Newman, Allen — STB, ’07 AB. Robinson, John Ernest — (E ng). Robinson, Jonathan Fitzherbert — STB. Min. Presb, Trinidad, BWI. Thomas, Josiah J — (Eng). Walker, Charles Nickles — B, Ag 10 ’75, Chester, Pa, son of Charles H Walker (b, Hampton, Ya; mar in Chester, Pa; minister; d, ) and Jocanna Dealaney (b, in Delaware; d, ’89, Marshville, NJ). Prep, Vermont high school, Cam- den, NJ; graduated- from LU, MO; M0- M2, p St John’s ch, Chatham, Ont; M3-M4, p Wickham ch, Port Jarvis, NY; M4-M5, p St Peter’s Church, Wilmington, Del. Mar Rose Cooper, Ag ’03; died in Wilming- ton, Del; second wife, Maggie Fletsher; 3 children. Add, 303 DuPont Street, Wilmington, Del. Wolfe, William — STB, ’89 AB. 1911 Alexander, Henry Thomas — STB, ’08 AB. Barnwell, Frederick Rivers — STB, ’08 AB. Benjamin, Richard F W— (Eng). Boyd, Thomas Cosby — (D ip). Butt, John Robert — B, ’76, Warrick Co, Ya, son of Mark Butt (b, ’44, Norfolk Co; mar ’71; farmer; d, Ap 7 M3, Norfolk Co) and Mariah F Williams (b, Biographical Catalogue 133 ’47, Warrick Co, Va; d, *00, Warrick Co, Va). Prep, Kittrell College, BD ’08; graduated from LIJ Sem, ’10; ’ll- ’12, p St Paul’s AME ch, Winchester, Va; ’12- ’13, Beulah ch, Farmville, Va; ’13- ’14, Mt Olive and 'St Luke churches, Norfolk Co, Va; ’14- ’15, Mt Zion and St Matthew churches, Norfolk and Princess Anne Co, Va; taught school at Winchester, Va; baker and confectioner. Mar Treesye E Leakyns, J1 2 ’12, Washington, DC; 1 child. Add, 723 Washington Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Davie, Hardee Q — STB, ’08 AB. Downes, John C — STB, ’08 AB. Dyett, Alfred E — STB. Glascoe, Benjamin F — ’ll. Dyett, Alfred E — STB. Haywood, John W — STB, ’03 AB. Hurdle, Lilburn — STB, ’08 AB. Kirby, John B — ’ll. Rice, Allen W — STB, ’08 AB. Robertson, Fritz O — STB. Smith, Herbert W — STB, ’08 AB. 1912 Butler, Pinkney E — STB, ’09 AB. Cash, George W— STB, ’09 AB. Cuff, John T— STB, ’09 AB. Edwards, Frederick H — ’12. Herriot, Herman H H — ’12. B, , son of Granderson Herriot (b, Herriot Crossroad; farmer; d, Oc 8 ’12, Bradford Springs) and Celie Allen (b, at Cook’s Place; d, Sp 11 ’ll). AB, LI State College, SC; ’12, graduated from LIJ sem; has been engaged in teaching and preaching; worker in the Presb ch; member of the K of Pythias. Add, 117 N Main Street, Sumter, SC. Holley, Robert L — STB, ’13 AB. Jackson, Walter K — STB, ’09 AB. Lankford, Henry P — ’12. Link, John L— STB, ’09 AB. Love, James P E — ’12. Montoutii, Thomas E — ’12. Rives, William T— STB. Turner, Isaiah B — ’12. Wallace, Jesse T — ’12. 134 Lincoln University 1913 Berkeley, William E — ’13. B, My 15 ’ 75 , Staunton, Ya, son of William E Berkeley (b, ; laborer; d, ) and Elizabeth Berkeley (b, Mar 15 ’50, Staunton, Ya; d, Nv 13, ’05). Prep, Ya Union Univ; ’13, graduated from LU Sem; ’13- ’14, pastor of Zion Bapt church, Hagerstown, Md; at present, p Baptist Church, Berryville, Ya; vice-mod Harper’s Perry Quarterly Meeting; chmn program committee Sunday School Conven- tion. Mar Amaza Y Jones, Sept 30 ’12, Alexandria, Ya; no children. Add, Herndon, Fairfax Co, Ya; temporary add, Berryville, Ya. Bridgman, James N — STB, ’14 AB. Brown, Thomas H — STB. Collins, Henry C— STB, ’10 AB . Dana, Gordon S— STB, ’10 AB. Gardner, James R — STB. Hall, William A — ’13. Hawes, Hampton — STB, ’10 AB. Isaacs, John B — STB, ’10 AB. Lawrence, Cephas W — ’13. Powell, William H — STB, ’14 AB. Quinn, Fletcher H — ’13. B, J1 2 ’85, Pocomoke City, Md, son of Frank O Quinn (b, Je ’46, Pocomoke City, Md ; laborer and seaman ; d, ) and Cassie J Melvin (b, ’50, in Va; d, ). Prep, St Paul’s 1ST & I School, Lawreneeville, Ya; ’13, graduated from LU Sem; Je to Sp ’13, field-agent of St Paul’s School; ’13- ’14, tea and commandant of cadets St Paul’s School; at present, p of St John’s ME ch, Orange, NJ. Add, Box 54 Pocomoke City, Md; temporary add,. 63 Central Place, Orange, NJ. Sparks, Edward — STB. Stewart, Albert H — ’13. B, Ap 8 ’8'8, Halicon, Pa, son of Benjamin Nelson (b, in Beading, Pa; d, ’97, Beading, Pa) and Anna J Stewart (b, Ag 12 ’69, Halicon, Pa; d, Je 10 ’01, in Philadelphia, Pa). Prep, Friend’s high school; grad- uated from LU Sem, ’13 Methodist minister; p. ’13- ’14, Mt. Hope AME church; p of Pottsville AME church, one year; member of the Schuyl- kill Co Ministerial Assoc, Pottsville, Pa; member of the GUO of OF. Mar Clementine M Black, My 7 ’13, Philadelphia, Pa; no children. Add, 251 N 10th St, Pottsville, Pa. 1914 Briscoe, Reed L — ’14. Fraser, Josiah N — «STB. Garnett, John E — STB, ’ll AB. Jones, George T — ’14.. Biographical Catalogue 135 King, Philip F — B, *86, Markham, Ya, son of Toliver King (b, ’29, Markham, Va; farmer; d, ’99, Markham, Ya) and Elizabeth Peterson (b, ’4 9, War- renton, Ya; d, Millwood, Ya, ’04). Prep, Hampton Institute; ’14, graduated from LU Sem; since ’14 has been pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Williamsport, Pa; member of Williamsport Ministerial Assn; Williamsport Federation of Churches; not married. Add, 944 First Street, Williamsport, Pa. Munroe, Duke Gray — STB. B, Oc 19 ’87, Mismes, Demerara, Br Guiana, son of Duke G. Munroe (b, Je ’54, Demerara, Br Guiana; pharmacist; d, ) and Medina E Cruiekshank (b, Demerara, Br Guiana; d, Ja 17 ’95). Graduated from LU Sem, ’14 STB-; ’15, student at Yale School of Religion. Add, Demerara, Br Guiana. Nixon, Arthur — STB, ’ll AB. Smith, Wilbert H — STB. Thompson, Ralph B — STB. Valentine, James A — ’14. 1915 Alexander, Walker T — ’15. Cain, Claiborn M — STB, ’12 AB. Campbell, Daniel — STB. Christian, Ellis A — STB, ’12 AB. Christy, William A — STB, ’17 AB. Edington, Charles A — STB. B, , son of Joseph A Edington and Sarah Edington. ’12 AB, Swift Memorial College, Tenn; ’15 STB, LU Sem. Add, 32 Junilla Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jamerson, Rufus F — STB, ’12 AB. Kwatsha, Vice Roy — STB, ’12 AB. Lucas, John H — ’15. Maxwell, Wayne — B, Dc 19 ’86; son of Bandal Maxwell (b, Fayetteville, NC; d, Je 29 ’ll, SC) and Elsie Bass (b, Gourdin, SC; d, Gourdin, SC). Prep, Bordentown and Downingtown Institutes; ’15, graduated from LU Sem. Add, Gourdin, S. C. McLeod, Osmond Jonathan — STB. Patterson, Thurman W — B, Ap 5 ’88, New Upton, Ya, son of Roane Patterson (b, New Upton, Va; farmer; d, ) and Georgia P Washington (b, New Upton, Ya; )• Prep, Hampton Institute; holds agricultural and floral cer- tificates; ’15, graduated from LU Sem. Add, New Upton, Va. Reid, Alexander — STB. 136 Lincoln University Showell, Ernest F — B, Mr 29 ' 87 , Millville, Del, son of Charles H Showell (b, Dc 13 ’65, Bayard, Md; mar ’84, Millville, Del; d, Nv 19 M2, Millville, Del) and Martha Tunnell (b, '67, Millville, Del; d, Ap 24 '96, Millville, Del). Prep, State College, Dover, Del; graduated with degree of BS; '15, graduated from LU Sem. Mar Hattie Walters, Mr 24 '09; 2 children. Add, Church Creek, Md. Taylor, Joseph H — STB. B, , son of Joseph Taylor (b, '53, Woodford Co, Ky; farmer; d, ) and Alice Woolridge (b, '52, Woodford Co, Ky; d, ). Prep, State College, Ky; '15 STB, LU Sem. Add, 224 West 13th Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Thompkins, James Henry — STB, ’12 AB. Watson, Frederick Erland — STB. 1916 Anderson, Walter G — STB, ’13 AB. Andrews, Cyril N — STB. Billups, James H — ’16. Brooks, Luther B — B, Sp 1 '84, Scranton, SC, son of John R Brooks (b, '62, Scranton, SC; minister; d, Nv '15, Scranton, SC) and Margarette Eaddy (b, '67, Savage, SC; d, ). Prep, Benedict College, Columbia, SC; '16, graduated from the Sem LU ; at present is a representative of the National Bapt Publishing Board and its work. Add, Scranton, SC. Cooper, John C— STB, ’13 AB. Davis, Ernest Leonard — STB. Graham, Robert A F — ’16. Laws, Francis 0 T — B, Je 14 '79, Chester, Pa, son of Thomas K Laws (b, ; d, '90) and Matilda A M Roberts (b, '54, Kent Co, Del; d, Ap 10 ’10). Prep, Del State College, Dover, Del; '16, graduated from LU Sem; pastor in Chester, Pa. Add, 852 N Watts Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Muir, James W— STB, ’13 AB. Ngcagyiya, Patrick M — ’16. Nichols, David S — ’16. Pieters, Aaron T — STB. Rackstrow, Richard A — STB. Reid, John T — STB, ’14 AB. Russum, John H — STB, ’14 AB. Shirley, Frank C — STB, ’13 AB. Biographical Catalogue 137 1917 Aiken, Clarence Layton — STB, ’14 AB. Dover, Del. Brown, William Yandela — STB, ’14 AB. Perryman, Md. Clark, William Winthrop Lincoln — STB. Virginia Union Univ, ’14 AB; LU sem; ’ 17 STB. Barnwell, SC. Collins, Moses Leslie — STB ,’13 AB. Davis, Ross N — Princess Anne Academy, *08, ’ 17 . Wachapreague, Va. Hall, Napoleon — Hampton Institute, Williamston, SC. Sem LU, ’17. Henry, Adolphus Ebenezer — STB, ’16 AB. Holder, Joseph Augustine Theodore — Plaisance, EC, British Guiana Zoar Congregational Church School, Plaisance, British Guiana. Sem LU, ’17. Jones, John D — STB. Columbia Univ, ’10 AB; ’17 STB. Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, John Luke — Downingtown School, ’13. Philadelphia, Pa. ’17. Percival, Harold Foster — STB. Moravian Coll and Sem, Buxton Grove, Antigua, ’14. St John’s, An- tigua, BWI. ’17 STB. Pritchett, Robert Allen — STB, ’15 AB. Proctor, George E — Howard Univ Theological School, Baltimore, Md. Sem LU, ’17. Rutledge, William Ramsey — STB. Swift Memorial Coll, ’14 AB; ’17 STB. Greenville, Tenn. Scott, Herman Marshall — Gloucester High School, Cappahosie, Va, ’13; ’17 Sem LU. Eheart, Va. Waller, John Henry — STB, ’14 AB. INDEX OF STUDENTS Numerals without additional letters indicate the year of graduation from the College; s means Theological Seminary; b means that the student did not graduate. Abbott, James E ’84b Acworth Charles S ’76b, ’75sb Adams, Benjamin ’72b Adams, Charles S ’14b Adams, Garrett S ’69b Adams, James B ’85 Adams, James O ’73b Adams, John H ’73 Adams, John ’01b Adams, William C ’15 Adger, Granville W ’ll Adkin, David W Aiken, Clarence B ’14, ’17s Albouy, Alfred A ’94b Albouy, William A ’88, ’91s Aldridge, Joshua A ’72 Aldridge, Thomas E ’78b Alexander, John A ’05, ’08s Alexander, Henry Thomas. . ’08, ’11s Alexander, Massilon M ’09b Alexander, Rufus L ’98 Alexander, Walker T ’15sb Alexander, Walter G ’99 Alexander, Wellington G ’04b Allen, J Claggett ’05s Allen, Millard F ’90b Allen, William P ’02 Alston, John PI ’17 Alston, Junius C ’85, ’99s Amiger, William T ’99, ’02s Amos, James R 1 Amos, Thomas H Amos, Thomas H ’86, ’89s Anderson, Daniel B ’91, ’94s Anderson, Edward F ’76 Anderson, George ’78 Anderson, Herbert F ’16 Anderson, Jefferson ’94 Anderson, John T ’13 Anderson, Julius ’89b Anderson, Lewis J ’14 Anderson, Walter G ’13, ’16s Anderson, William D ’76, ’85sb Anderson, William G ’92 Andrews, Cyril N ’16s Anthony, Luke B ’91, ’93s Appo, Garnet Armstrong, David, I ’08 Armstrong, Reuben H ’77 Asbury, Darlington L ’16 Ash, William H ’73 Ashby, William M ’ll Atwood, Henry O ’01 Atwood, Louis K ’74, ’75sb Auguste, Charles Y ’81, ’82sb Austin, Henry T ’08 Auten, Theodore A ’96, ’99s Avant, Frank W ’03b Averil, Arthur T . . . ’17b Bacon, Peter J ’76, ’82s Bagnall, Powhattan ’94sb Bailey, Wilfred T ’04s Baker, Benjamin H ’91 Baker, David S ’72b, ’72sb Baker, Joseph W ’06s Baker, Richard G ’97b Ball, David W Bamfield, Samuel J ’70b Bamfield, Samuel J, Jr ’93 Bampfield, Thomas R ’96 Banks, Lemuel ’00b Banks, William H ’84 Banner, Murphy W ’05b Banning, Elijah F ’76b Banton, Cromwell ’96b 138 Biographical Catalogue 139 Barber, Jesse B ’15 Bibb, A Dennee ’10b Barnes, Albert , . . . ’96sb Biddle, Calvin H ’87b Barnes, George A ’77b Bird, Benjamin I ’12 Barnett, Charles W ..... ’ll Bird, George A ’14 Barnum, John L ’14 Bird, John W ’95 Barnwell, Frederick Fivers. . >08, His Billups, James H Barrett, James R . ’87, ’94s Bishop, Joseph ’71b Barrett, Samuel Bishop, William N ’12 Barrett, William T .... ’89b Bivens, Eugene S ’04 Barrow, James W ’17 Bivens, Leon W ’12 Barrowes, Herbert G ’97 Blackburn, Morris G ’79b, ’82sb Barrows, Judson C ’06 Blaekstone, Thomas S . . . ’06b Barry, Edward E ’97 Blackwell, James H, Jr. ’06 Bascomb, Augustus S ’8-0 Blackwell, Samuel W . . . Bascomb, Calvin L .... ’95b Blair, Johnson F ’98 Bascomb, Lawton B ’92 Blake, Charles S ’93 Bass, Harry W ’86 Blake, Jacob Bates, Arnold S ’17 Blake, Jacob B ’82 Batey, Thomas J ’ll Blakey, Thomas J Battle, James L ’84 Bleach, Lawrence B ’03 Battle, William D ’07s Blodgett, Julian F . . ’94, ’95sb Beadle, Robert S ’97 Blount, Frank O . . ’84, ’85sb Beasley, Albert S ’15 Blount, Richard H . . . ’99, ’02s Beck, Veo ’10 Blue, Richard A ’06b Beckham, Albert S ’15 Blueford, Albert L ’86 Becks, Abraham .... ’78-b Boddy, James A ’95b Becks, Andrew Boddy, James M . . ’90, ’92sb Becks, James A ’85 Bomar, Joseph H ’04b Belcher, Fannin S ’93 Bond, Charles R ’72b Bell, George W ’83 Bonfield, Oravia M . . . ’98, ’01s Bell, John B ’ll Bonner, James A , . . ’85, ’88s Bell, William H ’73 Booker, Charles A ’00 Benjamin, Richard F W. . . . . . ’llsb Boone, Harmon H ’84 Bennett, Augustus E ’10 Boston, Frank E 1 ’12b Benton, Julian J Bo'tts, James William. . . . ’10s Berkeley, William E . . . ’13sb Bouden, Harry E ’13 Berry, Archibald J . .... ’ll Bougs, John H ’ll Berry, Ernest 0 ’12 Boulden, Philip A , . . ’01, ’05s Berry, Israel R .... ’97b Boulware, George ’17 Berry, William H . . . . ’87b Bourne, James F ’05 Berry, William M ’94 Bowens, Leonidas E . . . . ’87b Bertrand, Uriah . . . ’04sb Bowser, Elmer E ’09 Bethel, Allen P ’05 Bowser, Warren ’16b Bethel, Isaac N R. ’02 Boyd, James W, Jr. . . . ’09 Bethel, Martin L . ’01, ’04s Boyd, Thomas Cosby. . . . ’08b, ’llsb Bethel, William H . . . . ’00b Boy den, John A . . ’84, ’87s Bethel, William L ’79b, ’82s Brabham, George R , . . ’94, ’97s Beverly, Page Munford. . . . .... ’09s Bradley, Allen C ’93 Lin coln U niversit y 140 Bradley, Frank ’04s Bradley, James J ’02b Bragg, Arthur M ’12b Bragg, Harry G HO Bragg, William A, Jr ’17 Branch, George E ’17 Branch, Joel P ’lib Branch, Matthew S ’07, ’10s Branch, Samuel, Jr ’02, ’05s Branch, Theodoric T ’01, ’04s Brandon, James B ’10s Branham, John F ’95b Bridgeman, James N ’14, ’13s Bright, Alexander A ’84b Briscoe, Beed L ’14s Briscoe, Samuel E ’01b Brock, John C •. ’95 Bronough, William F ’94 Brooks, Charles H ’04b Brooks, Edward B ’03b Brooks John J ’92 Bronough, William F ’94 Brooks, Luther B ’16s Brooks, Prince A Brooks, Bobert P ’71 Brooks, Walter H ’72, 73sb Brooks, William F. ’70, ’85s Brooks, William F, Jr ’04 Broughton, William J ’88 Brown, Alexander H ’71b Brown, Arthur M ’88 Brown, Champion C ’15 Brown, Clarence A ’10 Brown, Edward A ’89 Brown, Edward P ’94 Brown, George A ’69b Brown, Harold ’17 Brown, Hezekiah M ’69b, ’67sb Brown, Jacob T ’88, ’91s Brown, James L ’06 Brown, James W ’03s Brown, John W ’74b Brown, John W ’93 Brown, Joseph A ’89s Brown, Lucius A ’01b Brown, Samuel H ’90b Brown, Thomas A ’08b Brown, Thomas H ’13s Brown, Tilghman ’83, ’86s Brown, William C ’76, ’79s Brown, William Y ’14, ’17s Browne, James A ’94 Browning, Eugene S ’90 Brumfield, James W ’91 Brumfield, Jerry M ’95 Bruner, George W ’84 Bryant, Joseph G ’76 Bryant, Julius C. . ’14 Bryant, William H ’74 Bryant, Willis ’86 Buchanan, Hays ’14 Bullock, Frank F ’03 Bullock, George H W ’13 Bullock, James S ’13b Bullock, Oscar S ’03, ’06s Bullock, Thomas J ’ll Bunn, Turner ’74b Burbage, James Y ’00, ’03s Burgen, Warren H ’06 Burgess, Mortimer B ’05s Burgess, William D ’07, ’10s Burkett, Hugh M ’96 Burnett, Boscoe E ’12 Burnett, William H ’93 Burrell, Isaac D ’88 Burton, George S ’02, ’05s Burton, Henry B ’16 Burwell, James A ’99b Burwell, Thomas S ’00 Bush, William E ’16 Bushrod, William H ’89b Butler, Concie L ’99s Butler, EeYee L ’13b Butler, Henry P ’95, ’98s Butler, Henry B ’87 Butler, Leonard C ’07 Butler, Pinckney E ’09, ’12s Butler, William H ’74 Butt, John B ’llsb Byard, Leon A ’17 Byers, John H ’01, ’04s Bynum, Charles H ’89b Bynum, James H ’06 Byrd, Charles M ’14 Bythewood, Daniel W ’89, ’92s Biographical Catalogue 141 Cadett, James R '86b Caesar, George E ’97s Cain, Claiborn M '12, '15s Cain, Harrison H '15 Cain, Thomas W '71 Caldwell, Heyward E '13 Caldwell, John A '86, '89s Calloway, Cabell, Jr '98 Calloway, Henry W '95 Campbell, Daniel '15s Campbell, Henry W B '03, '06s Campbell, Thomas D N '87 Cannady, Roger G '10sb Cannon, David W '07b Cannon E F '79b Cannon, George E '93 Cardozo, Frank N '03 Cardwell, John W '81 Carey, Walter A '06b Carlile, James G '99, '02s Carney, Virginius N ’99 Carper, James S ’17 Carr, George J '02 Carr, Montcrief A '08b Carr, William E '77, '81s Carr, William T, Jr '86 Carroll, John W J T '85 Carson, William D '15 Carter, Alexander C '75b Carter, Bassett '94b Carter, Beecher '87, ’88sb Carter, Charles F '99 Carter, James A '98 Carter, John F '69 Carter, John Francis '09b Carter, William H '72b Cash, George W '09, '12s Cassey, Joseph '72b Catus William B '99b Chafin, James F '99b Chalmers, William T '87b Chamberlin, Lawrence M '17 Chambers, William H '73 Chance, Julius C '06b Chandler, Alexander G '12b Chandler, Clarence H '02 Chandler, Monroe G '12b Chandler, William A '12b Chaney, Eugene C '13b Cherry, George F '15 Cherry, Robert K '02 Cherry, Stark O '05 Chew, William '87, '90s Childres, Robert L '94b Chiles, James A ...'87 Christian, Ellis A '12, '15s Christian, George B '07b Christmas, Richard J '02s Christy, William A '17, '15s Church, Alonzo '05 Clark, Augustus '94, '97s Clark, Granville V '16b Clark, John H '75b Clark, Noah E '01 Clark, Thomas C '01b Clark, William H '93, '96s Clark, William W L '17s Clarkson, Edward B '95, '98s Clarkson, Filmore '95 Clay, William R '75b Cleggett, Benjamin F '83b Clemons, Ewell E '09 Clinton, George W '17 Clinton, Joseph N '73 Coberth, Edward W '91, '94s Coberth, Louis A. '95b Colbert, John T '01, '04s Colder, Charles P '72 Colder, Walter H '74b Cole, Cain P '95, 98s Cole, Jacob H .'70, '70sb Cole, James L '74b Coleman, Alfred F '04 Coleman, Lawrence L '04b Coleman, Thomas '93, '95sb Coles, Solomon M '72 Coles, Thaddeus J '96b Coles, William '71b, '71sb Coley, Mack D '95 Coley, Robert R 'H Collier, David S '95s Collins, Abraham A '01s Collins, Arthur A '07 Collins, Eli I '10b Collins, Ernest S '14b Collins, Harry M '97 142 Lincoln University Collins, Henry C ’10, ’13s Collins, Moses L ’13, ’17s Collins, Paul A ’08 Comfort, Samuel J ’97, ’00s Commissiong, Leo R ’15 Conwell, Richard ’86 Conwell, Samuel L ’86 Conyard, John N ’81 Cook, James H ’73b Cools, Gabriel Y ’16b Cooper, Felix B ’09 Cooper, Henry D ’14 Cooper, John C ’13, ’16s Cooper, Joseph B ’15 Cooper, William M ’16b Cooper, William W ’83 ■Cooper, Willis W ’75 Corea, Arthur G ’13b Cottman, Frederick M ’08b Cotton, Norman J ’04 Cotton, Wesley F ’88, ’93s Coulson, William H ’09 Cousins, Henry C ’05, ’08s Coverdale, George R ’95sb Covington, Charles E ’03 Cowan, Samuel P C ’94 Cowan, Walter F ’98 Cowan, William P ’99 Cox, Andrew M ’05 Coxe, Phillip J A ’01,04s Craig, Charles T ’97b Crawford, Thomas J ’95, ’98s Crawford, Thomas J ’17b Crawford, William H ’92b Creagh, Joseph J \ ...... . ’01 Creditt, James A ’17 Creditt, James O ’89 Creditt, William A ’85, ’86s Cromartie, Handy A ’84 Cruikshank, Archibald ’05 s Crumwell, David C ’86b Cuff, John T ’09, ’12s Cuff, Thomas A ’'71b Cummings, Charles G ’95 Cummings, Harry S ’86 Cunningham, E L ’04s Curry, William J ’83 Curtis, Austin M ’88 Curtis, James H ’98sb Curtis, James L ’89 Curtis, Merrill H ’17b Custis, John R ’06, ’09s Cuthbert, Louis J ’ll Dalton, Robert M ’93b Dana, Gordon S ’10, ’13s Daniels, Frank L ’02b Daniels, William F ’87b Darden, John B ’01b Darnes, Alexander H ’76 Davenport, Isaac W ’72, ’75s Davenport, St Elmo ’03 Daves, Nathaniel v ’00b David, Samuel H J ’07s Davie, Harden Q ’08, ’11s Davie, Rufus W ’12b Davis, Alfred G ’78, ’81s Davis, Arthur B ’86, ’89s Davis, Benjamin F ’89, ’92s Davis, Clayton J ’85b Davis, Edward D ’81b Davis, Ernest L .' ’16s Davis, Francis ’79b Davis, George L ’99, ’02s Davis, Hendrick A '12 Davis, Henry D ’17b Davis, James C ’70b, ’10sb Davis, John. . . .• ’74b Davis, John A ’97 Davis, John D ’83b Davis, Robert ’01 Davis, Ross N ’17s Davis, Taylor M ’01, ’04s Davis, William ’94 Dawkins, Alphonso P ’05 Dawkins, James W ’96 Dawley, Lewis H ’09b Dawson, Cornelius R ’17 De Bardeleben, William F ’03 Dennis, Isaac J ’99 Dennison, Franklin A ’88 Denny, Abraham P ’73 Denny, Harold P ’16b Dent, Peter S ’96b Deputie, Robert F ’83 Derrey, John W ’89b Biographical Catalogue Devaux, James A ’97 Diamond, Frank L ’00b Dick, Felter T ’08s Dickerson, Edward J. H ’94 Dickerson, George E ’97 Dickerson, William F '70, ’70s Dickerson, William H ’76, ’82s Dickerson, William E ’95 Dickey, John M ’06b Dickson, George W ’80s Dickson, Julius C ’04b Diggs, Charles S ’98 Dillard, Clarence A Dillon, John K ’82b Dobson, A M ’80b Doby, Stephen C ’95b, ’96s Docher, John H ’72 Donnell, Darius L ’75, ’78s Donnell, Darius L ’97 Dorsey Isaac H ’97b Douglass James E ’03 Douglass, Eobert J ’06 Douglass, William H ’07 Douglass, Winston ’17 Dover, Edward C ’86b Dover, William H ’80 Downes, John C ’08, ’11s Downing, Lilburn L ’89b, ’94s Dozier, John L ’88 Draper, Edward A ’83 Draper, George A ’78b Drewey, William ’97, ’00s Driver, Sebastian E ’83 Duckett, Thomas G ’06b Duckrey, George ’94b Duckrey, Harry M ’14b Duckrey, James H ’90 Dula, Arthur G ’07 Dunbar, Charles B ’90 Dunn, Ealph N ’14 Dunn, Ulysses S ’13 Dunston, William H ’87b Durham, Charles H ’86 Dusenbury, Charles B ’85, ’90s Dusenbury, Collins ’78b Duty, Maximo F ’90 Dwollo, John H F ’98, ’01s Dwelle, Thomas H E ’99, ’03s 143 Dwiggins, Horace G ’93 Dyett, Alfred E ’11s Earle, Henry C ’80 Eaton, John W ’82b Edgefield, Owen J ’93b Edgell, Edward E ’97 Edington, Charles A ’15s Edmondson, Eobert W ’85b Edwards, Frederick H ’12sb Edwards Nathaniel L ’94 Edwards, William ’96sb Edwill, John H ’75b Edwoods, Prince L ’16 Eggleston, Edward F ’83, ’86s Eggleston, Frank E ’08b Eggleston, Miner G ’13 Eggleston, Samuel H ’97 Elliott, Eeuben ’77 Ellis, James D ’08 Ellis, Joseph H ’17 Ellis, Linton E ’16b Ellis, William ’95 Ellison, George F ’07, ’10s Ellison, George S ’00 Emanuel, Charles L ’12 Evans, Duvall B ’ll Evans, George F ’98 Evans, John Q ’06, ’09s Ewing, James W ’00s Ewing, Eobert S ’15b Exum, John B ’97 Fairley, Leonard E ’89, ’92s Fant, Samuel C ’06b Farley, John m . ’02s Farrison, John S ’07 Feaster, William D ’99, ’02s Felton, William H ’12 Ferrell, Thomas H ’07s Fields, William O ’95 Finlayson, Lawrence ’89b Fisher, Augustus M ’06 Fisher, George A ’85b, ’88s Fisher, Howard M ’76b Fisher, Leon T ’14b Fisher, Eobert F ’04b Fisher, Samuel ’98 Lincoln University 144 Fitzgerald, Charles T ’95b Fitzgerald, Edward Y ’01 Fitzgerald, Robert G Flagler, Santa Anna ’04b Flanders, Charles S ’85 Flanders, Leon W ’15b Fleet, James H ’70b Flegler, William E ’06 Flipping, John H ’03 Folks, Thomas J ’97b Fonveille, Polk K ’00, ’03s Ford, Orlando A ’17b Fordham, George H ’04b Fort, John H ’01 Fort, William H ’00b Fortune, Arthur B ’77 Foster, Lucius C ’06b Foster, Richard ’67sb Foster, Richard A ’04 Foster, Sylvester R ’77 Fountain, Edward D: ’88b Fowler, Charles H ’84 Fowler, Richard A ’08 Fowlkes, Junius E ’17 Francis, F De Los ’07, ’10s Franklin, Daniel D ’00b Franklin, James A ’09 Franklin, WE ’06b Fraser, Josiah M ’14s Frazier, Arthur L ’14b Frazier, William T ’03, ’06s Freeland, Newman. ’93 Freeland, William H ’93, ’96s Freeman, Charles S ’02, ’06s Freeman, Clinton V ’13 Freeman, John W ’82 Freeman, William H ’97b Frisby, David A ’71b Frisby, Edward W ’88b Fry, Henry B ’71 Fry, Stephen G ’81b Fry, William P ’82b Fuller, W Harry ’99 Fuller, F M ’02 Fuller, Gilford ’06b Fuller, Joel T ’97 Fuller, Joseph S ’91, ’92s Fuller, Lemuel H ’98, ’99s Gainney, Robert ’73b Galbreath, John A ’05 Galbreath, Thomas M ’13 Gamble, Henry F ’88 Gantt, Allen G ’92 Gardiner, John B ’97, ’00s Gardiner, Robert N ’13 Gardner, James ’13s Garland, James A ’87b Garland, James O ’14 Garner, Joseph ’99 Garnett, Henry S ’70b Garnett, John E ’ll, ’14s Garvin, Clinton A ’09 Gary, Perry W ’03s Gaskin, George H ’95b Gates, George H ’04 Gearing, Louis ’99b Gibson, Alfred J ..’00 Gibson, Coleman E ’96 Gibson, Frisby ’88b, ’89sb Gilbert, James AM ’ll Giles, Francis F, Jr ’12 Giles, Joseph D ’77 Gill, John D ’04b Gill, Joseph W ’90b Gill, Robert M ’00 Gillespie, Franklin S ’12 Gillingham, Oscar ’91 Ginn, Leslie I ’15 Gipson, Reid S ’10 Gipson, Stephen B ’69 Given, Joshua ’88b, ’89sb Glascoe, Benjamin F ’ll Glover, William H ’10 Golding, Russell D ’02, ’05s Goldman, Otha ’15b Goldthwaite, Prince E ’01 Goler, William H ’78', ’81s Golightly, George A ’17b Goodridge, W L ’95, 96sb Goode, George E ’lib Gordon, Alfred ’75b Goss, Frank ’13b Goss, Henry ’16 Gould, Jesse ’70 Gould, Joseph ’72 Graham, Robert, A F ’16s Biographical Catalogue Gray, Alonzo S '93 Gray, Armistead J ’86 Gray, D H ’86b Gray, John E ’09 Gray, Perry O ’87b Gray, Samuel ’98b Gregg, Elijah J ’99 Gregg, Franklin ’05, ’08s Green, Bruce H ’97b Green, Cyrus T ’09 Green, David N ’97b Green, Eustace E ’72 Gren, Eustace E ’13 Green, George W ’71b Green, John H ’01, ’05s Green, Seibles E ’07 Green, William N ’15b Greene, Erie ’08b Greene, Harry W ’17 Greene, William C ’86 Greenlee, Benjamin ’82b Greenlee, Perry H ’81b Gregg, Howard D ’16 Gregory, Jeremiah P ’93s Griffin, William A ’03 Griffin, William E ’95, ’98s Griggs, Augustus C ’03, ’06s Griggs, Nathaniel M ’03b Grimke, Archibald H ’70 Grimke, Francis J ’70 Grimke, John W ’72b Grossett, Charles E ’12b Guiles, James G ’07 Gully, Emmett D ’98b, ’00s Guy, James A ’83sb Hackley, Theodore S ’17b Hagler, Milford H ’88, ’91s Haines, Austin P ’75b Hall, Edgar P ’72 Hall, Edward H ’92 Hall, George C ’86 Hall, James S ’87 Hall, Joseph L ’85b Hall, Napoleon ’17s Hall, Octavius D ’95b Hall, William A ’13sb Halsey, James E ’73 145 Hamlette, John E ’12b Hames, Elmore C ’02, ’05s Hammie, Eobert P ’03 Hammond, E W S Hare, Willis G ’87, ’89sb Hargrave, Thomas B ’76sb Hargrave, William M ’73, ’76s Harleston, John H ’01 Harley, Chalmers D ’14b Harley, James ’72 Harmon, Eli S ’70b Harper, Charles S ’00 Harper, James E ’95 Harper, Jay B ’00, ’03sb Harper, Joseph W ’01 Harper, Lexius H ’96 Harper, Eaymond B ’99 Harris, Charles E ’72 Harris, Charles E ’88 Harris, John E ’79 Harris, Joshua T ’78 Harris, Eobert E ’00 Harris, William A ’00 Harris William E ’87 Harris, William N P ’02, ’05s Harris, William O ’87b Harrison, A G ’99 Harrison, C A ’87 Harrison, George L ’84 Hart, Terry M ’10 Hatcher, James H ’83b Hawes, Carl W ’14 Hawes, Hampton B ’10, ’13s Hawkins, John C ’03 Hawkins, William A ’04b Hawkins, W F ’96, ’99s Hayes, Albert H ’12 Hayes, Austin P ’72b Hayes, Charles M ’13 Hayes, Lawrence E ’05 Haynes, Grant H ’04s Haywood, John W ’03, ’11s Haywood, John H ’93,96s Hazard, Isaac ’83b Hazleton, Jacob F ’75sb Hedges, Charles ’69 Hedges Charles S ’87 Hedges, Peter P ’68 146 Lincoln University Hedgman, French M ’04, ’07s Helm, William J ’09s Henderson, Amos A ’86b, ’88sb Henderson, George R ’70b Henderson, William C ’86b Hendricks, Frank M ’97b Hendricks, Jerry M ’07b Hendricks, William E ’05 Henry, Adolphus E ’16, ’17 s Henry, James A ’96b Henry, John B ’88b Henry, Lewis B P ’73 Henry, Richard J ’02 Henson, Lemuel C ’96b Hepburn, William G ’86 Heritage, William J ’78 Herndon, James P ’91b Herriott, Herman H ’12sb Highgate, William B ’73 Hilburn, James H ’09 Hill, Caesar R ’97b Hill, Daniel G ’86, 89s Hill, Daniel GJ.. ’17 Hill, Darwin W ’lib Hill, Joshua ’71 Hilliard, James A ’96, ’99s Hilton, John T ’75b Hilton, Joseph ’90b Hilton, Philip A ’14 Hines, Francis M ’86 Hinkins, LeRoy A ’ll Hogans, Hugh A ’14 Holder, Joseph A T ’17sb Holdman, Samuel H. . . . ’03b, ’05sb Holland, John H ’05sb Holland, John L ’09b Holleman, Robert D ’87b Hollensworth, E W ’72 Holley, Isham N. ’02s Holley, Joseph W ’00, ’02s Holley, Lucius J ’86, ’S7sb Holley, Robert L ’13 Holliday, R S ’98 Holmes, Luke M ’92 Holmes, Norman A ’15 Hood, Solomon P ’73, ’80s Hook, Frederick D ’lib Hoopes, Robert O ’06b Hopkins, Moses A ’74, ’75s Houston, Ebenezer A ’90,93s Howard, Isaac W ’92 Howard, Jacob R ’95, ’96sb Howard, James ’69sb Howard, James W ’71, ’73sb Howard, John A ’74b Howard, John H ’88b Howell, Arnold G ’80 Howell, Roger C ’17b Howerton, John M ’94, ’94sb Hubbard, Luther ’76, ’77sb Hubert, Elwood G ’14 Hubert, Elwood G ’86, ’88sb Hubert, Enoch W ’89 Hudgins, Henry J ’99b Huff, John ’98 Hughes, David E ’84b Hughes, N F ’77 Hughes, N H ’79b Hughes, Walter J ’16b Hull, David G ’86, ’89s Hume, Charles ’72b, ’73sb Hunt, Grantville ’85b, ’86sb Hunter, Edward H ’85 Hunter, Wylie B . ’86 Hurdle, Lilburn C ’08, ’11s Hutchinson, Othello J ’02 Hyder, Bascom H ’95b Hyder, Frank M ’94 Hyder, George W ’09b Hyder, Raymond T ’08b Hynson, Charles H ’95 Imes, George L ’04 Isaacs, John B S ’10, ’13s Isbell, Charles H ’85 Ivey, Hardy A ’07b Jackson, Abram T ’94 Jackson, George H ’72 Jackson, Henry H ’02 Jackson, James C ’01b Jackson, Job ’75b Jackson, Moses H ’85, ’88s Jackson, Thomas H ’97 Jackson, Walter K ’09, ’12s Jackson, Walter W ’09 Biographical Catalogue 147 Jackson, William H *01 Jackson, Winfield. . ’71b Jacobs, James W. . . ’01 Jacobs, Perry L ’ 12 Jamerson, Rufus F ’12 James, Benjamin ’72 James, Charles A ’09«b James, Emory A ’16 James, Harry E ’15 James, Joseph. ’01 James, Otwie ’88b James, Thornley O ’89 James, Walter A ’97b Jamison, Frank ’13 Jamison, James L ’79 Jamison, James L, Jr ’06 Jamison, William B ’13 Jarvis, Isaac ’88b, ’88sb Jarvis, John S ’88 Jason, Alonzo ’97sb Jason, Howard T ’92, 95s Jeffers, B B ’93 Jeffers, George H ’90b Jefferson, Charles L ’87, ’90s Jefferson, Charles L ’14 Jefferson, Thomas ’94, ’97s Jefferson, William E ’93 Jenkins, Alfred M ’03b Jenkins, Isaac W ’91b Jenkins, Thaddeus G. . ’00b Jenkins, William H ’99, ’02s Jennings, George T ’77 Jennings, Isaac A ’93 Jerome, O’Hagan ’98b Jerrick, Walter F ’13 Johns, George H ’88b Johns, Reading B ’68 Johns, William H ’75sb Johnson, Amos P W ’95sb Johnson, Byron S ’93 Johnson, Charles A ’ll Johnson, Charles H ’87, ’99sb Johnson, Edward B ’83 Johnson, Ephraim A ’95sb Johnson, Eugene A ’83 Johnson, Henry T ’83 Johnson, James C ’84b Johnson, John A ’01 Johnson, Josiah E ’06s Johnson, Leonard Z ’98, ’01s Johnson, Louis R W ’99, ’02s Johnson, Moses W ’03b Johnson, Percival C ’09b Johnson, Peter P ’96b, ’98s Johnson, Richard P. ..... . ’99, ’02s Johnson, Samuel W ’94, ’97s Johnson, Scipio S ’03 Johnson, Sydney P ’95 b Johnson, Thomas A ’88b Johnson, William ’83b Johnson, William C ’85b Johnson, William D ’68, ’68sb Johnson, William H ’92 Johnson, William J ’04sb Johnson, William L ’69, ’60s Johnson, William L ’96b Johnson, William M ’95b Johnston, Stanley F ’17b Johnston, William J ’07sb Jones, Alfred T ’75b Jones, B C ’86 Jones, Charles H ’96b Jones, Edward ’07b Jones, Edwin T ’04 Jones, Frank H ’97b Jones, G A ’99 Jones, George E ’77b, ’80s Jones, George T ’14sb Jones, Jacob ’06b Jones, James ’77b Jones, John D ’17s Jones, John L ’17sb Jones, Joseph C C. r ’03b Jones, Oliver C ’71b Jones, Peter S ’09 Jones, Robert H ’74b Jones, Robert W ’16b Jones, Washington L ’03 Jones, William M ’88b Jones, William R ’10 Jones, William T ’14 Jones, Yorke ’82, ’85s Katiya, Thomas C ’00, ’03s Keech, Harry B ’93 Keen, Alfred O ’98b Lincoln University 148 Keene, Walter ’05 Keeth, Daniel ’74b Keith, George M ’88b Kelly, Charles A ’92 Kelley, Jesse ’75b Kellogg, A A ’92 Kelso, Joseph A ’10sb Kelly, Barnard B ’14b Kemp, Kelly M ’77, ’80s Kendrick, Abraham ’06, ’09s Kennedy, J W ’76 Kennedy, Samuel A ’04b Kennedy, William F ’00s Kerr, John T ’03, ’06s Kerr, William A B ’87 Key, Morris H ’96 Kiah, James A ’09sb Killingsworth, John W ’16 Killingsworth, W C ’04 King, George I ’14 King, Isaac W ’06 King, Philip F ’14s King, Robert D ’83 Kirby, John B ’llsb Kiser, Moses L ’15 Knight, Harvey G ’05sb Knorr, Jacob F ’12b Kunene, Samuel B ’12b Kwatsha, Vice Roy ’12, ’15s Kyles, Linwood ’01, ’04s Lackland, Thomas H ’96,97s Lamborn, Carey L ’92 Lander, Thomas A ’16b Landrick, George E ’83b Lane, Chanles H ’87b Lane, George L ’88 Lane, John H B ’01b Lane, Willard M ’08 Laneer, Andrew J ’03b Laneer, Marshall B ’92 Langer, Arthur B ’16b Langhorne, S T ’87, ’88sb Lanier, Marshall B ’92 Lankford, Henry P ’12sb Lashley, Joseph B ’07b Lassiter, Henry C ’95, ’98s Lassiter, Norman ’05b Lavatt, James W ’81,. ’84s Lawrence, Cephas W ’13s Lawrence, I Alfred ’92 Lawrence, Paul II ’03b Lawrie, Clayton ’83b Laws, Francis O T ’16sb Laws, William F ’71, ’71sb Lawton, Charles J ’86s Lawton, William R ’83, ’86s Leak, Stephen D ’94, ’97s Lee, Allen P ’10b Lee, Benjamin F, Jr ’04 Lee, Charles P ’85 Lee, Frank J ’99sb Lee, James E ’14 Lee, John H ’16 Lee, John W ’99b, ’98sb Lee, Thomas H ’84,87s Lee, William H ’82, ’84sb Lemus, Lewis B ’10 Leneer, James S ’93 Lennon, James S ’94 Lermont, Henry M ’05 Lester, Benjamin F ’91 Levister, Bollie ’96 Lewey, Matthew M ’72 Lewis, Charles A ’05 Lewis, Thomas M ’02 Lewis, William W ’03 Lightner, Allen P B ’16b Lillard, Jaspar W ’06 Link, John C ’09, ’12s Lisby, Jacob T ’95b Little, William H ’71b, ’72sb Locklier, John H ’89, ’97s Logan, Franklin T ’81, ’84s Logan, Oliver T ’84sb Lones, Harry G ’96b Long, Albert S ’91, ’96sb Long, Stephen H ’93 Long, William H ’88sb Louistall, C M ’08s Love, James P E ’12sb Lubisi, Samuel ’05b Lucas, John H ’15sb Lucas, Richard L ’94 Lukens, John N ’12 Lynch, William A ’71 Biographical Catalogue Mabein, Elijah W ’87b Mabry, Henry C ! ’73, ’88s Mabson, William P Mack, Thomas H ’91b Madella, William H ’76 Magaya, Edward T' ’00, ’03s Mahan, William' P ’70b Mahoney, Robert A ’82 Male, Charles H ’97, ’00s Mallard, Julius W ’05s Malloy, Fairley C ’05 Mancebo, John B ’88b Mann, Alfred H E ’97b Mann, Scott ’10b Manning, Robert W ’13 Mantanga, Harry H ’05, ’08s Mantanga, Simon T ’06, ’09s Marable, Burke R ’85b Marlowe, Henry M ’15 Marshall, George M ’94 Marshall, Walter H ’90 Martien, William O A ’14b Martin, Edward R ’06 Martin, John E ’98b Martin, John W ’02, ’05s Martin, Joseph R ’16b Martin, Lemuel ’71b Mason, Alvin H ’06 Mason, John J ’02 Maston, Walter W ’95, ’98s Mason, William H ’02 Massey, Oscar H ’94, ’97s Matthews, G P ’94b Matthews, William ’74b Matthewson, John H ’98 Mauch, Harry A ’98 Maxwell, Andrew I) ’13 Maxwell, John B ’71b Maxwell, Wayne ’15sb Mayers, Richard ’93s Mays, James M ’95 Mbengo Nyangi, Joel L ’13 McAdoo, George W ’85 McAll, Feddo D ’93b McAvoy, James L ’04 McClane, Walter D ’05 McClendon, Caesar P ’99 McClendon, Henry P ’02 149 McClellan, Lewis J ’94, ’99 McCloud, Osmond J ’15s McCloud, William, ’10 McCollam, Hugh ’04b McCoy, Albert B ’01, ’04s McCrary, S C ’01, ’04s McDalton, Robert ’93b McDonald, S C ’00 McDougald, C W ’04 McDougald, J F ’92 McDowell, Edward P ’09b McDowell, John M ’12b McGee, Fletcher R ’97b McGowan, O H ’99s McGuinn, W T ’84 McGuinness, J B ’80 McHenry, W W ’94 McKellup, A E V ’88b McKenzie, W D ’95 McKinney, S S ’98 McLamb, S T ’99s McLean, Fletcher R ’86 McLean, Willard J ’ll McLeod, William F ’02 McLurkin, C P ’03, ’06s McLurkin, R G J ’03 McMahan, L A ’84 McMaster, Hugh A ’06b McNeal, James A T ’02 McNeely, P A ’84b McNeil, Alexander ’88sb McNeil, Fairley C ’16b McNeil, James H ’95 McNichols, Marion A ’01b McRary, Robert B ’85, ’86sb McRay, Henry A ’Bib McWhirler, Roland L ’13 Means, Cornelius R ’01b Means, Thomas W ’07sb Mebane, Charles S ’85, 88s Menough, Norman ’94b Merchant, W T ’85 Meredith, John E ’76b Middleton, John H ’10sb Middleton, 7 W ’93b Midgettej Louis H ’13b Millen, Foster W ’14 Millen, Herbert E ’10 150 Lincoln University Miller, Alonzo 00 to Morris, William L '93 Miller, Anderson D . . . . '17 Morsell, Joseph A '09b Miller, Edward I HO Morton, Charles H . . . '94, '97s Miller, Edwin D '14 Morton, James M . . . '01, '04s Miller, G B '99b Mosely, R W 00 o> Miller, George S '97 Moss, William T Miller, Horace G . . ’84, '84sb Mossell, Aaron A Miller, Horace B '06 Mossell, Charles W . . '71, '72sb Miller, Jacob E . . '74, '80sb Mossell, Nathan E '79 Miller, James P '06b Moultrie, Jacob C '87b Miller, John H '99 Moyer, Henry C . . . '81, '84s Miller, John I '05 s Moyer, Samuel '78b Miller, Joseph W '97b Msikinya, John I '07b Miller, Lawrence . . . '77, '80s Mtshemla, Shadrack '06b Miller, Lawrence E . . . . '77 Muir, James W Miller, Thomas E '72 Mullinax, J D '97b Miller, Murdock M . . . . '73 Mullins, Priestly L '04b Miller, Thomas E, Jr. . o to Munchus, James E '08 Miller, William H . . '69, '69sb Munroe, Duke Gray '14s Miller, William H '04 Murphy, George C '07b Mills, James W P '70b Murphy, J P '94 Mintess, Charles S '01 Murphy, W H '04 Mintess, Lewis M '17b Murray, A A '70b Mitchell, Eugene A . . . . '92 Murray, Daniel -5 00 u> Mitchell, W H '76 Murray, Edward M '16 Mitchell, William H... '86b Murray, Henry W '00b Monroe, Samuel E '91 Murray, O W '85 Montague, Allen H . . . . '06sb Murray, Robert , '96b, '95sb Montague, L T '86 Murray, Van Horne. . . . . . . '05, '08s Montgomery, J M '07 Meyers, Franklin A '13 Montouth, Thomas E... ’12sb Myoli, Eliam H '06 Moore, Alexander Mzirnba, Livingstone N. , . . . '06, '09s Moore, Edward '79 Moore, Elwood M '75 Neal, Peter C '00 Moore, James H '15b Near on, Leonard E CO o Moore, John W '01 Neely, Albert T oo co Moore, Richard E '88b Neeley, John M '76 b Moore, Samuel S '78 b Neilson, Christopher C. . . '04sb Moore, William H '91b Nelson, John F '05b Morehead, John B '88b Nelson, Joseph A ’71sb Morgan, Peter A '73 Nelson, Julian '88b Morrow, S W '86b Nelson, Lewis . '71b, '96b Morris, James W '71 Nelson, Middleton J.. . . . . . '07, '10s Morris, John E '97b Newman, Allen . . . '07, '10s Morris, Le Roy '92 Newton, Amos K '97b Morris, Richard, Jr. . . . '11 Newton, Garfield A '01b Morris, Robert T '94 Newton, John '73sb Morris, William H . . . '69, 69sb Ngcagyiya, Patrick M. .. '16s Biographical Catalogue 151 Nicholas, M Luther '93b Nichols, David S '16sb Nichols, Theophilus '11 Nichols, Thomas S '94b Nicholson, George W '76b Nixon, Arthur '11, '14s Njikelana, Simon W '08, '09s Noble, Dennis W '01 Noble, Edward D '88b Noble, Floyd G '06 Nocho, Edgar C '09b Nocho, Frank P '00b Nocho, Jacob E '69 Norfleet, Asa C '05b, '08s Norris, James A '12 Norris, John W '78sb Norris, Morgan E '12 .Nugent, Eichard '03 Nxiweni, Joel W '05, '08s Obee, George W '99b Ogden, David N '80 Ogburn, Thomas C ’86 Ogburn, William G '86 Ogburn, William T '14 O'Kelly, Cadd G '85, ’88 Oliver, Charles S '94, '97s Oliver, Freeman '93 Oliver, Louis W '95 Onque, Harvey A '00s Onque, Le Grande M '04, '07s Onque, Samuel J '88 Ouley, Douglas W Outlaw, John S '88 Owens, Merriweather '71b Owens, William A '01b Palmer, Boswell B '75b, '76s Palmer, William '83sb Pannill, Major N '00 Parker, Everett Q '14 Parker, George W '15b Parker, James E '01b Parker, William H '03 Parks, Stewart C '16 Parr, Selton W '92 Patterson, Thurman W '15sb Paul, John D '92 Paynter, James L '71b Paynter, John H '83 Peabody, Albert K '96b Peabody, George B '91, ’92sb Peak, James A '96b Peck, Joseph I '94b Peden, William H '91, '94sb Pelham, Harry L '15 Penn, Samuel A '94,97s Penn, Walter '97b Pennington, James W '05, '08s Peppers, William L ’14 Percival, Harold F ’17s Perry, George E *17 Perry, Henderson T ’12 Perry, Marion E ’83 Perry, Marion E, Jr '12 Persley, Alonzo B '10 Persley, Lewis H '10b Peterkin, Josiah E '10 Peters, James L '95b Peterson, Butler H '86, ’89s Peterson, W W ’80b Pettiford, Walter E '10 Philips, Alonzo P '06b Philips, Berkeley E '17b Phillips, James M '00 Phillips, Theophilius '00, '03s Pickett, George W '84b Picquett, John H '04 Pieters, Aaron T '16s Pieters, Charles E '15 Pinckney, Henry E '77b Pipes, William H '94 Polk, Alexander F A '74 Polk, Willis E '71b, '71s Pollard, Theodore T '08s Pollard, William A '16b Ponton, Mungo '88 Pope, Aiken A '11 Porter, Ellis S '75 Porter, Isaac N '90 Porter, James W '96b Porter, Lewis W '93b Porter, Eichard U '95b Posey, Lawrence O '75b Postles, David W '88 Potter, Francis C '77, '80s 152 Lincoln Potter, James T ’80 Potts, Stephen A ’94, ’95sb Potts, William H ’95, ’98-s Powell, Munroe E '04, ’04s Powell, Robert J ’09 Powell, William F . . . . . Powell, William H R ’14, ’13s Prather, John W ’88 Praither, Frederick B ’13b Presbury, A L ’87 Press, James H ’96b Price, Joseph C ’79, ’81s Price, Joseph St C ’12 Price, Willis G ’17 Price, William K ’70b Prime, Whitman E ’09sb Primm, Peter C ’73b Primm, Robert N ’74b Pringle, John A ’10b Pritchard, James Y ’08 Pritchett, Robert A ’15, ’17s Proctor, George E ’17sb Pryor, Alfred S ’77 Puller, Aaron A Pumphrey, J E 1 ’84 Purcell, Herbert E ’91 Puryear, Moses B ’06s Quann, Simeon T ’99sb Quinn, Fletcher W ’13sb Quo, Eugene H ’07s Racks, William H ’71 Rackstraw, Richard A ’16s Raiford, Frank P ’13 Ramsey, Frank G ’83b Ramsey, Howard ’81b Ramsey, Jacob F ’09 Randolph, Lewis R ’83 Randolph, William H ’96 Raney, Isham B ’84, ’87sb Rankin, Albert R ’95 Rankin, Arthur E ’07 Rankin, William F ’89, 92s Rann, Emory L ’95 Raven, Emile E ’10 Ravennali, Emile J ’97 Rawlins, Raymond T ’08b University Rayford, Percy J ’12 Raymond, James B ’86 Read, Andrew J ’77b Read, George J ’ll Rector, John K ’87 Redd, Samuel T ’97, ’00s Redd, Wesley C ’13 Reed, Albert S ....’91 Reed, Isaiah R ’87 Reid, Alexander ’15s Reid, John T ’14, ’16s Reese, Samuel S ’06b Rendall, Hugh ’00 Rendall, Humphrey J ’01 Rendall, J Hawley ’07 Rendall, John B, Jr ’92 Rendall, William H ’78 Rhetta, Joseph W ’12, Rice, Allen W ’08, ’11s Rice, Charles S, Jr ’06 Rice, Ira W ’74b Rice, Richard A ’09 Rice, Ulysses S ’03sb Richardson, C S ’71b Richardson, C H ’01 Richardson, Edward R ’99 Richardson, Walter A ’17 Richie, Lewis W ’97, ’00 Richie, William T ’93 Richmond, Clarence B ’09 Rideout, Albert R ’92 Riley, Morris ’8'8b, ’89sb Riley, William L C ’04, ’03s Ringgold, Isaac H ’00, ’03s Ritchie, William F ’12b Rives, William T ’12s Robbins, Cicero R ’85b Roberts, Charles H ’96 Roberts, Edward S ’95b Roberts, Eugene P ’91 Roberts, John H ’76b Roberts, Thomas H ’82, 85s Robertson, Fritz O ’11s Robertson, Samuel E ’16 Robeson, John B ’07b Robeson, William D ’73, ’76s Robeson, William D. Jr ’02 Robinson, Andrew M ’91 Biographical Catalogue Robinson, Clarence A ’97 Robinson, Clement C ’68 Robinson, Daniel A ’85 Robinson, George C ’12 Robinson, George W ’71b Robinson, John E ’10sb Robinson, John R ’90 Robinson, Jonathan F ’10s Robinson, Raymond G ’16b Robinson, William ’98 Rock, John S ’78b Romans, William B ’97b Roseboro, Fred D ’13 Roscoe, Mills R ’95sb Ross, Archibald J ’10b Ross, Clarence B ’12 Ross, Julian W ’07 Ross, Samuel J *07, ’05s Rossell, John S ’99 Roundtree, I W L ’86 Royce, Ernest L ’01b Rusk, William H ’05b Russell, Frederick L ’17 Russell, Horatio W ’98 Russell, Howard A ’80b Russell, John T ’96sb Russell, Samuel W '04b Russell, William H ’09 Russum, John H ’14, ’16s Rutherford, Bernard E ’17b Rutledge, William R '17s Sadgwar, Daniel A ’71b Samuels, Marshall ’84b Sanders, Brooke E ’12 Sanders, Edward O ’73 Sanders, George E ’10 Sanders, John D ’03b Sanders, William W ’97, ’00s Sandidge, Ernest P B ’12 Sasser, Arthur H ’03 Saulter, Charles R ’16 Saunders, John T ’01s Savage, John A ’79, ’82s Sawyer, James A ’16b Scales, Augustus H ’89, ’90sb Scarborough, John C ’99sb Schaeffer, C T ’99s 153 Schenck, John W ’90b Schenck, Thomas L ’69 Scott, Allen A ’87sb Scott, David M ’10 Scott, Edward S ’72 Scott, Henry W ’85, ’88s Scott, Herman N ’17s Scott, Howard D ’03 Scott, J B ’08sb Scott, James H ’84 Scott, John T ’96b Scott, Joseph H ’17 Scott, Robert H ’96 Scott, Walter J ’95 Scott, William A ’74 Scurloek, Robert M ’86b Sellers, Andrew M ’74b Sellers, Joseph W ’86b Sevier, Samuel S ’82, ’84sb Sewell, Perry W ’94, ’97s Shanks, Walter ’94 Shaw, George C . ’86 Shaw, William H ’86, ’89 s Shea, George H ’ll Shedrick, James F ’13 Shelten, James A ’17 Shepherd, Simon P ’82 Shields, William H ’94sb Shirley, Frank C ’13, ’16s Shoeber, James S ’75 Showell, Charles C ’16b Showell, Ernest ’15sb Showell, Isaac E ’10 Simon, Herbert ’16b Simons, William H ’04b Sims, George T ’14 Skinner, J Wesley ’82b, ’81sb Slade, Frederick G ’10 Slater, Thomas H ’87 Slaughter, M F ’04sb Slowe, William M ’97 Smith, Calvin L ’76, ’79s Smith, Charles D ’71b Smith, Edward T ’98 Smith, Eli N ’74 Smith, Fred J ’03 Smith, Frederick L ’04b Smith, Herbert W ’08, ’11s 154 Lincoln University Smith, Howard M '00 Smith, Hymen C '95 Smith, James '84b Smith, James H '87 Smith, James L '87, ’90s Smith, John S '03sb Smith, Lewis H '05, , 08s Smith, Nathaniel L '89b Smith, Peter '97sb Smith, Prince A '71b Smith, Robert F ’70b Smith, Samuel G ’16 Smith, Theodore B '88, '9’0sb Smith, Thomas ’74b Smith, Thomas N '76b Smith, Wilbert H '14s Smith, William E '16 Smith, William E L '17 Smith, William L '83 Smith, William L ’95b Smythe, John H ’98 Snead, Charles G ’06 Somerville, George E ’15 Spann, McLain C '00, '03s Spann, William H ’97 Sparks, Edward ’13s Spearman, B F ’01 Spearman, Henry K ’00 Spellman, William T '04sb Spriggs, Charles S '89b Stallings, Theodore '17b Stanford, A P '94 Stanford, John T '91 Stanley, Howard F. '96b Stanley, Walter P '16 Stannard, Edward L ’77b Stannard, Jeremiah ’75sb Stanton, William H '88b Stark, George S '99 Starks, William J '01, '04s Stephens, George E '84, '87s Stephenson, S E '75b Stevens, Alexander F .*77 Stevens, Charles W '91 Stevens, Sandy W '87 Stevenson, John W '69b Stewart, Albert H '13sb Stewart, Robert R '32 Stewart, Reginald W '07b Stewart, William G '03 Still, Robert G '84 Still, William '71b Still, William H '71b Still, William W '74 Stitt, William B '95, '98s Strawbridge, I R '97 Stuart, William M '88, '91s Suber, James W '16 Suggs, Cato D '84 Suggs, Herman 'lib Suggs, James T '97 Sumner, Albert L '86 Sumner, Daniel A '88 Sumner, Francis C '15 Swann, Jeremiah B '71b, '83sb Swann, Jeremiah C '97, '00 Swann, Jeremiah M '97b Sydney, Alexander W '05b Sykes, Squire '86 Tabb, Augustus B '00 Taylor, Arthur H '15 Taylor, Henry D '11 Taylor, Henry O '01b Taylor, Henry Y '04, '07s Taylor, Irvin W '02, '05s Taylor, Joseph H '15s Taylor, Robert H 'lib Taylor, Silas F '09 Taylor, Walter O '02, '05 Tembrook, Isaac B '70 Templeton, William R. . . . '70, '71sb Terry, Clifford E '08 Terry, Edward B '98 Terry, Ernest B '00b Thomas, Alexander W '00 Thomas, Edward M '77b Thomas, Henry M '17b Thomas, Joseph G '85 Thomas, Joseph W '04b Thomas, Josiah J '10sb Thomas, Sheck D '04b Thomas, Thomas H '94 Thomas, Thomas M '95, '98s Thomas, William H '69, '69sb Thomas, William H, Jr >v> . . . '94, 97s Biographical Catalogue 155 Thomasson, A H ’96 Thompkins, James H ’12, ’15s Thompson, Gabriel iS ’70b Thompson, James P ’10b Thompson, John C ’12 Thompson, John W ’04, ’0'7s Thompson, Joseph S ’69, ’69sb Thompson, Milton ’03, ’06s Thompson, Ralph B ’14s Thompson, Richard G ’71 Thompson, Ulysses Y ’97b Thompson, William B F ’85 Thompson, William 0 ’98 Tibbs, Charles H ’95b Tibbs, Oscar B ’01 Tice, John E ’94b, ’99s Tildon, Frederick D ’90, ’93s Tildon, John W ’87 Tildon, John W, Jr ’12b Tildon, Toussaint T ’12 Tildon, William S ’89, ’92s Till, Ishmael ’84sb Tillery, Louis ’16 Todd, Roderick ’02b Todd, William C ’96 Todd, William P ’95 Todd, William W ’06, ’09s Tolbert, Albert L ’95, ’98s Tompkins, Pierce B ’91 Toomey, Richard E ’87, ’88sb Toomey, Robert A : ’91 Torrence, Augustus T . . . . ’85, ’86sb Townsend, Lawrence E ’86 Townsend, W H ’01b Townsend, William J ’13 Treadwell, John ’74sb Tripp, John H ’09 Truitt, John C ’17b Trusty, Charles H ’89, ’92s Tucker, Charles E ’92, ’95s Tucker, Samuel T ’05b Tull, Irvin C ’06 Tulsie, A R ’05 Tunnell, Henry D ’10 Turner, Alexander W ’01b Turner, Henry H ’00b Turner, Isaiah B ’12sb Turner, James D ’96 Turner, Luther R ’05b Turner, Robert W ’92 Turner, Simon ’08b Turner, William S ’00 Tutt, John McC ’05 Twine, Lewis D ’77b, ’80sb Twine, Peyton R ’87, ’90s Tyler, Wiliam J ’17b Uggams, Coyden H ’87, ’90sb Ukkerd, Charles J ’02b Umstead, Lewis J ’04 Upperman, Lewis M ’04, ’07 Valentine, James A ’14s Valentine, William K ’04 Vance, Ezekiel H ’85 Van Horne, Mahlon ’68 Van Horne, Mahlon ’75b Vaughan, Tobias ’97b Vick, Samuel H ’84 Vick, William H ’94 Vodery, Harry A ’97b Vodery, John R ’74b Vodery, William H V. . . . ’83, ’84sb Walden, Jesse A *08 Walden, Ulysses L ’03 Waldron, J Milton ’86 Walker, Charles J H ’10 Walker, Charles Nickles ’10sb Walker, Henry R ’94b Walker, Jeremiah F ’76, ’79s Walker, William A... ’14 Walker, William E ’15b Walker, William W ’97, ’00s Wallace, Andrew L ’15 Wallace, Clarence Wallace, David E ’13 Wallace, Frederick D ’01b Wallace, Jesse T ’12sb Wallace, Paris A ’98s Wallace, Richard H ’99b Wallace, William A ’87 Waller, Garnett R ’84 Waller, John H ’14, ’17s Walls, William G Walton, S E ’79b 156 Lincoln University Ward, Beverly M ’98, ’01s Ward, Charles B ’77, ’80s Ward, Charles O ’161) Ward, Frederick D ’76b Ward, Henry A ’12 Warner, George W ’93b Warren, Alvin C ’05b Warrick, Wilson M ’97sb Wash, Morris T ’92 Washington, Ishmael W ’12b Washington, Joseph P ’01, ’04s Washington, William H ’04sb Waters, Burnett U ’13b Waters, James C ’70, ’69'sb Waters, Paul C ’10b Watson, Charles B ’04b Watson, Frederick E ’15s Watson, Paul P ’85b Watson, Pink W ’96 Watts, George F ’01 Waugh, James D ’86b Waugh, John H ’74 Waugh, Samuel A ’75 Wayman, Henry H ’97b Wayman, Walter A ’70b Weaver, William H ’76, ’79s Webb, Arthur R ’00b Webb, Clayborne M ’80 Webb, Samuel G ’78b Webster, William P Q ’76 Weeden, H P ’79b, ’79sb Weeks, Richard D ’94 Weller, S W ’07s Werts, James M ’16b Wertz, John R ’17 Wess, Frank W ’17 West, David ’90b West, Henry K West, Marshal D ’07b Westheimer, James R ’17b Wetherington, F S ’01b Wethington, A A ’84 Wethington, J W ’86b Whaley, Charles H ’05b, ’07sb Wheatley, Edward F ’94 Wheaton, Layton J ’15 Wheeler, B F ’85, ’88s White, Alfred F ’15 White, Bloomer E ’97b White, Cyrus ’76sb White, E Abraham ’87 White, James A ’82b White, John A ’97, ’00s White, John H ’ll White, Joseph S ’94sb White, Thomas A ’74b White, Thomas C ’78 White, William J ’00b White, William O ’94, ’97s White, Yates W ’16b Whitehead, Henry P ’08s Whitfield, George R HO Whitis, John H ’85b Whitley, John F. ’00b, ’99sb Whitted, Calvin S ’87 Whitted, John A ’85 Whittico, John Y ’98, ’01s Whittico, M T ’96 Whyte, Abram E ’85 Wickes, Ralph H ’15b Wigans, John A ’86b Wilhite, Louis H ’05b Wilkinson, M H ’09s Williams, Albert ’07 Williams, Albert P ’07 Williams, Benjamin N ’13b Williams, Charles N ’93, ’93s Williams, Charles P ’72b Williams, Charles W Me Williams, Daniel ’88b Williams, George B ’12b Williams, George W ’93b Williams, George W ’14b Williams, Idyll C ’96b Williams, Isaac N ’78b Williams, James F ’04 Williams, Jesse T ’09 Williams, J Morris ’73 Williams, John H ’97 Williams, John P ’78 Williams, Joseph ’89, ’92s Williams, Joseph B ’02 Williams, Oriton E ’13b Williams, Oscar A ’89, ’92s Williams, William B ’94sb Williams, William R ’93 Biographical Catalogue 157 Williamson, John A ’98 Williamson, Turner G ’95, ’00s Willie, John K '91b Willis, Alonzo M '15 Willis, Emory B ’89b Willis, George H ’86 Wilson, Alexander R ’79, ’82s Wilson, Alphonso R ’16 Wilson, Charles W M ’95 Wilson, Dayton H C ’15 Wilson, Edward H ’98 Wilson, Eli H ’02b Wilson, F Bayard ’00b Wilson, John U ’97b Wilson, George W Wilson, Henry B ’82 Wilson, Isaac E ’96 Wilson, James A ’14 Wilson, James J ’91, ’93sb Wilson, James W ’82, ’88s Wilson, John H ’95 Wilson, Lindsay A ’01b Wilson, Newton M ’03b Wilson, Samuel C ’07b Wilson, William G ’96 Wilson, William J ’00 Wilson, William T ’05s Wimbish, James A ’01 Winfield, William J ’07s W’ingate, Samuel D ’94 Winstead, B R ’85 Wintzer, Norman L ’05b Witcher, Charles W ’15 Wolfe, William ’89, ’10s Womack, Thomas T ’87, ’90s W T ood, Clarence W ’16 Wood, Frank J ’77 Wood, Henry D ’77b, ’78s Woodbridge, J P ’95s Wooding, Cornelius E ’16 Woodson, Henry F ’76 Worthington, C E ’70b W r orthy, William ’04 Wright, Alfred A ’98, ’02s Wright, Calvin R ’82b Wright, George A ’02b Wright, John T ’88, ’92s Wright, Joseph C ’93 Wright, William F ’83 Xaba, Mdani ’15 Yancey, Luffboro L ’09 Yarboro, Lewis N ’85b Yates, Joseph G ’8'6b Young, James R ’71, ’69sb Young, Ulysses S ’17 Young, William ’73b Young, William P ’17 Youngue, E L ’04 Zokufa, Jeremiah B ’06b