■flUDB BSlMiMt smvtY H HOLDINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ON UTAH AND THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS L. H. KIRKPATRICK ? This publication has been made possible by a grant from the University Research Fund. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 1954 R Holdings of the University of Utah on Utah and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints L. H* Kirkpatrick This publication has been made possible by a grant from the University Research Fund. Salt Lake City, Utah 1954 Digitized by the Internet Archive i^i^OS* v^ftH>fut^prgiframutah University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/holdingsofuniverOOuniv THE WIDTSOE AND UTAH COLLECTION U{± X \\ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH© Most of the valuable and rare materials about the Mormons came to the University of Utah Library from Dr. John Ao Widtsoe© The late Dr. Widtsoe - was a Norwegian emigrant to America and a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly called the Mormons. As a young man, he was one of a trio of Cache Valley boys who later assumed positions of educational lead- ership in the west© His companions were Dr. Franklin West, a dean for many years at the Utah State Agricultural College, and then Commissioner of Education for the Lo Do So Church j and Dro George Thomas, a professor at the Agricultural College and then for 20 years President of the University of Utah* These three boys helped finance each other's education* Dr. Widtsoe was the first to go away and receive a doctorate© His rise upon his return was meteorico H© quickly became president of the Agricultural College, and then after some serious difficulties at the State University, he was called to the presidency at that institution© He reorganized the faculty and administrative structure so well that the framework of government he established carried the University through the next 20 years. At the zenith of a remarkable career in education, from the presidency of the State University Dro Widtsoe vas called into the Quorum of the Tw.elve Apostles of the L© Do So Church o He served in this capacity, traveling over the world on behalf of his religion, for the next 20 years o Dre Widtsoe has been accredited publicly with the importation of foreign students to the Agricultural College and Universityo A good deal of our Point U program with Iran is based upon his pioneering efforts. His knowledge of dry farming and the utilization of water were sufficiently renowned for him to be called as a consultant to the Canadian government as late as 1950 o Dro Widtsoe began the collection of Utah and Mormon items personally as soon as he had completed his own educations He urged both the Agricultural College and the State University to do likewise o It was through his efforts that the Agricultural College acquired many of the second copies in the famous Pierce collection*) He deeply regretted seeing the bulk of this collection shipped out of the state to an eastern institution o His own collection came to the University of Utah in 1946 o Noteworthy is the fact that while he was an officer of the Mormon Church, he did not limit his collecting to the materials wholly favorable to his own religiono Some of the bitterest and most slanderous volumes were collected along with those which were almost blindly devotional o He was especially careful to collect pamphlet and periodical literature neglected by most col- lectors o For many years the few items the University owned remained uncatalogedo When an attempt was made to begin the cataloging, it was soon discovered that the Dewey classification system was inadequate for a very large collec- tion on the Saints© As a matter of fact, it might be noted in passing that Mr. Dewey originally was one of those who was somewhat biased against the Mormons © He originally classified them as a non-Christian religion© In fact, his designation of the Latter Day Saints as belonging somewhere between the Jews and the Mohammedans has been accepted by some of our sister insti- tutions and has never been changed in those libraries o The State University from the beginning assigned the Mormons a place among the Christian denomina- tions© The suggested expansion of the Decimal classification precedes the biblio- graphy, which is arranged alphabetically with subject headings used for each indicatedo It was likewise discovered that subject headings were inadequate o The Mor- mon Church has theories of its own on scores of items ° There are likewise facets of Utah and Mormon history which deserve special listing o Such things as United Order, the Mormon Battalion, and temple work, spring to mind immediatelyo In devising the classification and establishing subject headings, too much credit cannot be given to Mrso Ruth Thomson, Mr° Ralph Thomson, Mr° Will Lund, and Miss Chizuko Ishimatsuo Preceding their efforts and partially built upon by them was a classification and subject heading system worked out by Naomi Rich and Edith Richo It is hoped that the resultant list of classification numbers and subject headings represent all of the finest and as few as possible of the inconsisten- cies of earlier efforts o It would, however, be wrong to imply that this list is in any way perfect ° Had it been the result of one person's cataloging, it would have been more con- sistent . Had no effort been made to put some books into the anti-Mormon cate- gory, there would be less ground for criticismo As it is, some will claim that a volume is really objective and misplaced .in an anti-Mormon category, while others will point out that some very bitter attacks escape this designation Generally speaking, books which .not only reject the Mormon theory, but malign the motives of the leaders, are those which are placed in this category o They are the name-calling books, quite largely <> Similarly, an occasional work of fiction will be found in the non-fiction group o In fact, enough inconsistencies were revealed to tempt the compiler of this list to stop and reclassify and recatalog the whole collection o Yet he had to conclude that the result would probably be worse rather than bettero The annotations are designed to give the key thought or the essence of each volume o They do not reflect the opinion of the compiler, but rather the opinion of each author o Comments on the comments will be gratefully received c If this list can serve as a guide to the classification and cataloging of Mormon materials and to the acquisition of these fascinating items, it will have served some small part of its purpose o If it can also be accepted as a partial memorial to the scholar who assembled most of the materials, it will have achieved an even greater purpose o Utah items have been included under the headings used to bring out mater- ials of local interest o These are, of course, entered under regular headings, such ass Mining— Utah, as well as Utah — Mining . It is hoped this list will be of some service to those who collect books as well as to those who use them* Those building fine personal libraries are urged to give some thought to their eventual housing, as did Dro Widtsoe* Sev- eral other great personal libraries in Utah have been broken up and sold piece- meal because of the failure of the collector even to mention them in his will° 3 HEADINGS ACTUALLY USED TO DATE Mormon Battalion, 1846-1847° Mormon Church ° Mormon Church and Science o Mormon Church— Apologetic works o Mormon Church— Apostasy fromo Mormon Church— Auxiliary organizations- — Periodicals o Mormon Church— Catechisms and creeds o Mormon Church— Catechisms and creeds— German «. Mormon Church— Catechisms and creeds—Swedish o Mormon Church— Chronologyo Mormon Church— Colonization o Mormon Church— Colonization—Arizona » Mormon Church— Colonization— Idaho o Mormon Church— Colonization— San Bernardino, California e .Mormon Church— Conferences (General )° Mormon Church— Directories o Mormofi Church— Divergent sects o Mormon Church— Doctrinal and controversial works o Mormon Church— Doctrine.©. Mormon Church— Doctrine— Atonement o Mormoni Church— Doctrine— Baptismo Mormon Church— Doctrine— Catechisms and creeds — Dutch.. Mormon Church— Doctrine— Catechisms and creeds — -German ° Mormon Church— Doctrine— Dispersion of Israel o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Divine authority o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Faith o Mormon Church— Doctrine— French o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Gathering of Israel o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Germano Mormon Church— •Doctrine— Godhead o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Indians— Origin o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Marriage o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Outlines o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Outlines, syllabi, etc« Mormon Church— Doctrine— Pre-existence o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Restoration of the Gospel o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Resurrection ° Mormon Church— Doctrine— Salvation o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Swedish o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Tithing o Mormon Church— Doctrine— United order o Mormon Church— Doctrine— Word of wisdomo Mormon Church— Economic policy© Mormon Church— Education o Mormon Church— Epistle So Mormon Church-^Government o Mormon Church— History— 18 30-1 947 » Mormon Church— History— 1847-1857 o Mormon Church-* History Antiquitieso Mormon Church— History— Illinois Mormon Church— History— Poetry o Mormon Church— History— Sources o Mcr Mc rmon Mon Mormon Mermen Mormon Mormon rmon Mormon Mormon Mom Mormon Mc rmon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mor Mormon Mormon Mor Mc rmon Mermen Mo rmon mc n Mc rmon Mormon Tien Mor Mormon Mormon Mor' 1 Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormc n Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mermen Mor Mormon Morn mon Chu: Church- Church- Church- Church-- Church- Church- Church- Church- Church- Church" Chureh- Church- Church- Church- Church- Church- Chureh- Church- Church- Church- Church- Church- rch= Church- Church- rch- Chur : h Chui ^ h Church- ireh- rch- . e'en- Church" Church- Church- Church- rch- Church- Church- irch- Church- rch- Church- rch- Chur Chui Chur c h rch- . rch- Chui •Hymns o ■Hymns-— Danish <> ■ Hymn s«— French <> -•Hymns -Germane. • -Hymns--— Norwegian*. - Hymns—Spanish o ■ -Hymns—Swedish o -Hymns— -Welsh o -Indian policy*, -M - M -M ~M ~M ■ M -M -Handbooks, manuals, etc*. -Home evening o -Lessons o -Periodicals o -Song-books*. -Songs and music o -Martyrs *> -Missionaries o -Missions o -Missions— Austria o -Missions— Danish *. -Missions — Germany « Missions— Great Britain o -Missions— Handbooks, Manuals, etc*. -Missions— Hawaiian Islands*. -Mi s s ion s— Idaho— -Salmon Ri ve r ° -Mis sions— Indians o -Missions— Italy*. -Missions— Japan o ^Missions— Literature o -Missions — Mexico *> -Mi s sions— Norway o -Missions— Periodicals *> -Missions-- Scandinavia o Missions— Switzerland o ■Missions— Tracts*. ■ Missions— Wales o -Organization*. -Periodicals o ■ Periodicals— Danish *> Periodicals—French*. Periodicals — Hawaiian*. •Periodicals- Norweigian*. • -Periodicals — Welsh o Persecutions*. Polygamy o Priesthood o Priesthood Handbooks, Manuals, etc*. Priesthood- -Lessons*. -Priesthood — Song-books <> Primary Association — Handbooks, Manuals, etc ••Primary Association— -History*. Primary Association—Hymns*. imary Association — Songs and music o Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mermen Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormon Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Mormons Church— -Relief Society o Church— Relief Society— Handbooks, manuals, etco Church—Religion classes—Lessons Church—Religion classes— Outlines, syllabi, etc Church—Religion classes— Stories o Church— Religious education o Church— Religious education— Teaching methods o Church— -Schools— -Catalogues o Church— Seminaries and Institutes— Handbooks, manuals, etc*. Church— Seminaries and Institutes— Lessons o Church— Seminaries and Institutes— Outlines, syllabi, etc« Church— Stakes o Church— Statistic So Church—Sunday sfehoolso Church— Sunday-schools- Church— Sunday-schools- Church— Sunday-sehools- Church— Sunday-schools- Church— Sunday-schools- Church— Sunday-schools- Church— Sunday-schools- =Teacher training classes -Temple worko -Temples o -Temple s— Mant i o -Temples— Nauvoo o -Temples— Salt Lake Cityo •Theology© - 'Welfare piano Handbooks, manuals, etc. -Danish. -German. 1847- •Historyo •Hymn-books o Hymn-books— ■Hymn-book s— = ■Lessons o ■Periodicals o Church— Teacher training classes— Handbooks, manuals, etco Church- Church- Church- Church- Church- Church- Church= pioneers o pioneers— Monumentso pioneers, Original, company, Tabernacle o Tabernacle o Trail o and Mormonismo and Mormonism— Addresses, essays, and Mormoni sm— ( Ant i-Mo rmon ) o and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon' and Mo rmoni sm— ( An t i -Mo rmon ' and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon! and Mormoni. sm— Biography o and Mormonism— California gold rusho and Mormonism— Church and state o and Mormonism— Collected works o and Mormonism— Congressional enactment So and Mormonism— Dictionaries o and Mormonism— Divergent Sects o and Mormonism— Divergent Sects— Davis it eso and Mormonism— Divergent sects— Morrisiteso and Mormonism— Doctrinal and controversial works <> and Mormonism— Drama o and Mormonism— Economic dondltionso t&nd Mormoni sm=*=Edu cat ion o and Mormonism— Emigration and immigration o lectures o -Fiction o -Periodicals. -Poetryo Mormons and Mormonism — Faith promoting stories. Mormon? and Mormonism — Family life© Mormons and Mormonism — Fictiono Mormons and Mormonism — Genealogy. Mormons and Mormonism- — Hi story o Mormons and Mormonism in Arizona o Mormons and Mormonism in California <> Mormons and Mormonism in Idaho o Mormons and Mormonism in Illinois o Mormons and Mormonism in Iowa. Mormons and Mormonism in Mexico o Mormons and Mormonism in Missouri . Mormons and Mormonism in Scandinavia « Mormons and Mormonism in Wyoming <> Mormons and Mormonism— Legal status, laws, eta. Mormons and Mormonism— -Letters© Mormons and Mormonism— Miracles . Mormons and Mormonism— Missions o Mormons and Mormonism— Music <> Mormons and Mormonism — Periodicals. Mormons and Mormonism — Poetry. Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy. Mormons and Mormonism— Prophecies. Mormons and Mormonism— Recreation. Mormons and Mormonism- — Reminiscences. Mormons and Mormonism— Sermons. Mormons and Mormonism — Social conditions. Mormons and Mormonism— Social life and customs. Mormons and Mormonism — Songs. Mormons and Mormonism— Southern Calif ornia-?-Directories. Mormons and Mormonism— -Speeches in Congress. Mormons and Mormonism— Three Nephites. Mormons and Mormonism— Utah— History. Mormons and Mormonism— Women. Mormons in literature. Mormons in literature — Bibliography. MORMONS AND MORMONISM - DEWEY DECIMAL EXPANSION Form divisions as in Dewey© 289 °2 Reorganized Church o LoDoSo Church 289°21 Fundamentalist So 289°22 Other divergent sects o22 assigned to Aaronic order. 289 o24 Church of Jesus Christ on Earth 289 o 28 Strangiteso 289 ° 29 Other apostate groups - Church of Christ o 289° 3 Mormons and Mormonism 289° 302 Outlines , compends, etco 289° 305 Periodicals o 289° 31 Standard Church works. 289.311 Book of Mormono (by date, then by edition if dates dup. if two editions conflict ioeo 1891-1891 3rd electro. 1852 3d edo of Docto 289 o 312 Doctrine and Covenants o 289° 313 Pearl of Great Price o 289 o 32 289.33 Doctrinal Dogmatics Theology. 289 o 331 God Unity Trinity. 289.332 Life of Christ Christology. 289° 333 Man Creation 289° 334 Salvation Future state Immortality 289° 335 Angels Devils Satan 289.336 Word of Wisdom 289.337 289.338 Creeds Covenants Catechisms 289.339 289° 34 Deseret alphabet 289° 35 Social aspects Economic aspects 289° 36 Church organizations Books about, Government including Stakes (Wards, Etc.) 289°36l Priesthood. 289° 362 Sunday School 289°36207 Study and Teaching of. 289.3707 289°363 Relief Society 289° 364 Mutual Improvement Association 289° 365 Primary 289° 366 Missionary work, Missions 289° 367 289° 368 289° 369 Genealogical societies and Temples, Temple work 289° 37 Education 289° 3707 Study and Teaching 289° 371 Church schools 289.372 Seminaries, Institutes, Latter-day Saints 1 Business College 289° 378 Church music 289° 38 Collections. Either collections of one author or more than one author 289°381 Poetry. 289.382 Drama 8 289.383 Fiction. Stories - faith promoting, pioneer (Use literature No. instead unless intent of book, subject matter, warrants Mormon No. ) 289»383(7) Criticism. 289.384 Essays 289°385 Homiletics, preachings, sermons. 289.386 289.387 289 • 388 289 »389 Philosophy 289° 39 History (This number used for Church history only — see 979.2 for History of Utah). 289 . 391 289.392 Collective biography 289°3921 Individual biography (Reserved for Pioneers in early church (to 1869) and Utah colonization and for all church authorities. Put others in .921). 289° 393 Antiquities, Archaeology 289=399 Anti-Mormon Literature. 289*22 Aaronic Order* The book of Sliasj or, The record of John* Salt Lake All 3b City, Aaronic Order, 1944 ° lOlpe "The revelations within the following pages were spoken by an unseen personage to the writer with a voice in a slight accent««»" 1* Mormon Church—Divergent sects o 289° 399 Adams, John Quincy° The birth of Mormonism* Boston, Gorham Press, t 19l6i* ll6p* "Was there ever such a colossal building erected upon such an absolutely valueless foundation?" lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) * 289°35 Allen, Edward Joneso The second United Order among the MormonSo A425s New York, Columbia University Press, 1936o 148p« Desire to keep the Saints isolated, a tight knot economic group led first to cooperative and then logically to the United Order* lo Mormons and Mormonisme 2o Mormon Church- — Doctrine— United Order* 917 Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoineo Promenade en Ameriquej Etats-Unis, Cuba, A526p Mexiqueo Paris, Mo Levy f re res, 1855° 2 volo Attacks polygamy, Smith, the hateful, unsociable nature of the Mormons, and considers Book of Mormon a parody of the Old Testa- ment o lo U* So Description and travelo 2o Cuba—Description and tra- vels 3° Mexico— Description and travelo 4° Mormons and Mormonismo 225 °92 Anderson, Edward Henry* The apostles of Jesus Christ $ a brief A546a account of their lives and acts and of the rise and expansion of the Christian Church up to Ao Do 68 o Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union, 1917° 284p° Designed to be read along with acts of the apostles* Includes map of journeys of Paulo 1* Apostleso 2» Mormon Church— -Sunday Schools— Lessons© 289*39 Anderson, Edward Henry* A brief history of the Church of Jesus Christ A546b4 of Latter-day Saints* t4th edi Independence, Mo*, published by the Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in America° Press of Zion* s Print* & Pub* Co*, c e 1926i 245p° lo Mormon Church— History* 10 289°39 Anderson, Edward Henryo A brief history of the Church of Jesus Christ A546br of Latter-day Saint So Translated into Japanese by John W. Stoke» Tokyo [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Japanese 1907 Mission Office, 1907 J, 217p* Concludes: "In short, so-called Mormonism, broad in scope, tolerant, truth-seeking, is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and as such is destined to be the religion of the future." SAME 2do edo Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1902. 192p. lo Mormon Church — Historyo 2. Mormon Church — Missions — Japan. Utah PamoAnderson, Edward Henryo Locan chronology and church directory; brief Vo 7 memoranda of the leading events of 1899 and a church directory of the Weber Stake of Zion, 1900o 78p. lo Mormon Church — Stake s. Utah Pam.. [Anderson, James A.: The story of Alice. Morgan, Utah, [The author] vo 79 1945 o 36po noo 9 Testimony of a good Mormon and how he was rewarded. lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289°385 Anderson, James Henryo God t s covenant race from patriarchal times to A547g the presento [i+th ed] Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, 1946. 383po "God has a Plan of the Ages"o. .which is to have "as his chief human agents a selected line of descendants of Abraham. ..".. .Evi- dence carefully assembled calls for the setting aside of precon- ceived notions o lo Jewso 2o Mormons and Mormonism — Sermons. 289o385 Anderson, James Henryo The present time and prophecy, being a selec- A547p tion of addresses© oounited this subject with the divine testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith o Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1933* 648 po An attempt to interpret various prophecies concerning these days "that we may be able to meet the conditions which are facing us today o" lo Mormons and Mormonism — Sermons o 289°3'9 Anderson, Nelso Deseret saints; the Mormon frontier in Utah. Chi- A548d cago, The University of Chicago Press, [°1942]. 459p« The story of Utah* s Dixie colony in the main. Based on a large part on Lo Do So Church records o lo Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Mormon Church — History. 11 813°4 Anderson, Nephio Added upon, 12th edo Salt Lake City, c c 19L2]o A5483a 238p c Starts in spirit world when volunteers are called &> r earthly missions to help restore the gospelo lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction o 813°4 Anderson, Nephio The castle buildero Salt Lake City, Deseret A54S3c News, 1909° 239p° Young Norwegian, shaken in his old faity by ministerial in- sistence "There is no salvation for. the dead" investigates and joins the Lo Do So Church o lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction o 813 °4 Anderson, Nephio A daughter of the North o [nop©] 1915° 250p< A4333d lo Mormons and Mormonism— -Fiction o 813»4 Anderson, Nephio Doriano Salt Lake City cBikuben Pubo Coo ] 1921o A4383do 223po Begins with a lad spending shoe money for books, which are lost in fishing out of a canal o Ends with his marrying the girl, who in the meantime has sinned o lo Mormons and Mormonism-— Fiction© 813o4 Anderson, Nephio Marcus King, Mormon© Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1908 o 133p° King was a preacher, converted to Mormonism who toll his old congregation of his new faith from the pulpit o He then pushed a handcart west, where he taught school, became a bishop, finally married and settled downo lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction o 813 °4 Anderson, Nephio Piney Ridge cottage; the love story of a "Mormon" A5483p girlo Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1912 . 237p° Chester sums it up "If Mormonism has made this girl , it must begin its moulding force on me— and that just as soon as possible, I was baptizedo" lo Mormons and Mormonism-- Fiction© 813 °4 Anderson, Nephip Romance of a missionary; story of English life and A5483r missionary experiences o Independence, Moo, Zion f s Print o & Pubo Coo, 1919° 190po Willard Dean "Simply an average Mormon boy" learns to keep 12 his temper, preach the gospel, reform drunkards, and eventually to secure a wife as an added blessingo lo Mormons and Mormonism — Fictiono 813°4 Anderson, Nephio Story of Chester Lawrence; being the completed account A5483s of one who played an important part in "Piney Ridge Cottage." Salt Lake City, 1913, Deseret News. 237p» lo Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 289°39 Anderson, Nephio A young folks history of the Church of Jesus Christ A548y of Latter-day Saints o New and revised ed. Salt Lake City, Des- eret News, 1906. 182p» Short chapters followed with questions designed to bring out deductions and principles o lo Mormon Church — History o Utah PamoAn appeal to the American Congress; the Bible law of marriage against Vo59 Mormonism [by One of the people, author of Opinions concerning noo9 the Bible law of marriageo] [Nop., n.d.i l6p. "No sane man can deny that monogamy is the true basis of all Democratic institutions ." lo Mormons and Mormonism — Polygamy. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) o 289 «399 Arbaugh, George Bartholomewo Revelation in Mormonism, its character A664r and changing forms o Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, c°1932] 252p» Attributes authorship of Book of Mormon to Spaulding and Rigdono lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 2. Book of Mormon. 3« Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844 • Utah PamoArrington, Joseph Earl. Destruction of the Mormon temple at Nauvoo. Vo62 [Salt Lake City, the author?] 12p. no.21 History of growth, to near disasters and final destruction by fire, in I848; picture before and after -fire. I. Mormon Church— -Temples — Nauvoo. 2. Historical markers, Mormon. 289° 384 Ashton, Marvin Owen. To whom it may concer. [Salt Lake City] A829t Bookcraft, 1948. ?^Sp. Stories and parables, directed towards bishops and group leaders o Sample title: "Bishop: do you rule or preside?" I. Conduct and life. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 13 Utah Pam© Atlantic Monthly « [Saved from the Mormons $ an article from the Gal- v«59 axy, Novo-Deco, 1872» New York, Wo C. & F. Po Church, 1872] nool6 English girl swapped by her polygamous father to Elder Piatt for one of his daughters— escapes and tells all* lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) 289*399 Austin, Emily Mo Mormonism; or Life among the Mormonso Madison, A935m Wisconsin, Mo J» Cantwell, 1882 . 253p» Claims as if by some unknown power, was baptized a Mormon, lived unwillingly a member, saw organization of "Danites" and introduction of polygamy© lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Ant i -Mormon ) o 977° 7 Babbitt, Charles Henry e Early days at Council Bluffs. Washington, Do Co, Press of Bo So Adams, 1916 o 96p. lo Council Bluffs, Iowa— History o 2o Mormons and Mormonism in Iowao Utah PamoBacheler, Origeno Mormonism exposed, internally and extern ally a Vo59 New York, The author, 1838o 48po noo6 Comments on grammatical errors, modernisms, contradictions and errors in fact found by him in the Book of Mormono lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mo rmon)o 289»385 Back, Frederick Jameso The breadth of Mormonism; a series of Sunday P119b evening sermons given over Radio Station KSL at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 3rd to October 9, 1932 « Salt Lake City, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [1932?] 1 volo i , Points out the church* s recognition of education as an ally in the pursuit of truth o lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o 2o Mormons and Mormonism— Sermons o 917°92 Bailey, Florence Augusta (Merriam)o My summer in a Mormon village o B155m Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1894° 171p° Mormonism is medievalism, surrounded by a Chinese waL 1 of ignorance, church organization and priestly control o lo Utah— Social life and customs o 2o Mormons and Mormonismso 289*3921 Bailey, Paul Daytono Jacob Hamblin, buckskin apostleo [Limited edo] H199b Los Angeles, Westernlore Press, 19i+8o 408po S Sympathetic account of "apostle to the Lamanites," called by the Indians "He who speaks without forked tongue o" Hamblin lived in 1850* So Note on Mto Meadows massacreo lo Jacob Hamblin, 1819-1886 o 2o Mormons and Mormonism o 14 277°3 Baird, Roberto Religion in the United States of America. Glasgow, B16 Blackie and Son, 1844 . 736p. Accuses Saints of wanting to found a kind of empire in West. Recommends Parley Pratt 1 s Voice of Warning for a comprehensive view of the system, and Bennett* s expose for a view of their wickednesso lo Uo So Church Historyo 2o Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 814.0/4. Baker, James Loring, Men and things; or, Short essays on various sub- Bl67m jects, including free trade. Boston, Crosby, Nichols and Co., 1858 o 287p° A name calling chapter of Mormons predicted they would be eventually driven to other climes or Islands of the sea. lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 2o Tariff — U. S. 399° 388 Ballard, Franko Why not Mormonism? London, Epworth Press, tn.d.] B189w 57po Attempts to show the faith of the Mormons. "However, it now be purified of some of its former monstrosities, cannot be re- garded as Christian, or welcomed in any avowedly Christian Country o" Cites Linn as most reliable authority. lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 979°2 Bancroft, Hubert Howeo History of Utah. San Francisco, History Co., B213h 1890 o 808p. "In a spirit of equity to present both sides, leaving the reader to draw his own conclusions." lo Utah — Historyo 2o Mormons and Mormonism. 917°94 Bancroft, Hubert Howeo Retrospection, political and personal. New B213r York, The Bancroft Coo, 1912 562p. Says of the early persecutions of the Mormons: "Like the Chinese, they were temperate, kept to themselves, worked hard, and were thrifty and honest, and so were hated by the lazy and licen- tiouso This was the real cause of their offending, as it was with the Chinese o" lo Pacific coast n 2o U. S. Policies and government — 1865- 3. Mop mons and Mormonism. 378.241 Banks, Johns o A document, history of the Morrisites in Utah. [Salt B218d Lake City] 1909° 94p« (A. B. Thesis, Utah U.) Contains a revelation in which the Savior authorized others to correct spelling of Revelator Morris but not the sense of his revelations. Morris regarded himself as a re-incarnated Moses. 1 "or r; sites. Mormon Church — Apostasy from. 15 Utah PamoBarclay, James Wo Moraonism exposed, the other side; an English vo6l view of the caseo London, Nineteenth Century, 18&U° 30p<> nool3 Success of Mormonism comes from unpaid ministry and con- cern of Church with temporal as well as spiritual well being of its members o lo Mormon Church— History ° 289 9 399 Bartlett, Daniel Ho Co The Mormons or, Latter-day Saints » B280m Whence came they? With appendixes on Mormon doctrines, claims, contentions and finance o London, J° Nisbet, 1911 o 90po Considers Smith a probable epileptic, and the Book of Mor- mon a re-write of Spaulding T s novelo Accuses Saints of dupli- city in 1900*3, atrocities in 1800* So lo Mormons and Momonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 289 o 399 Bays, Davis Ho The doctrine and dogmas of Mormonism examined and B36ld refutedo Sto Louis, Moo, Christian Pubo Coo, 1897» 459p Demonstrates "the fallacy and erroneousness of the entire system, from a purely Biblical and philosophical point of viewj" by one who was 27 years a Mo mono lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Ant i -Mormon ) e 289 ° 399 Beadle, John Hanson o Life in Utah; or, The mysteries and crimes of B365 Mormonismo Being an expose of the secret rites and ceremonies of the Latter-day Saints, with a full and authentic history of poly- gamy and the Mormon sect from its origin to the present time© Philadelphia, National Pubo Coo, tl870: 540p» "After living among the Mormons, began to understand why people at first welcomed and then hated themo" oosuch mad fanati- cism could not but destroy good neighborhood o lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 289 o 399 Beadle, John Hansono Polygamy; or, The mysteries and crimes of B365p Mormonism; being a full and authentic history of this strange sect from its origin to the present timeo t Philadelphia, National Ptobo Co , °190/4.3 60i+po "Mormons, with very scant ceremony indeed, marry their own mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, and no matter how many beloved sisterso" lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 978 Beadle, John Hansono The undeveloped West; or, Five years in the B365u territories; being a complete history of that vast regiono Philadelphia, National Pubo Coo tl873i 823p° 16 Spent more time than he had planned among Mormons whose "absurd- edly literal rendering of Scripture amazed and amused". Told of a conference in which people voted en masse they would not trade with Gentile merchants o lo The West — Description and travel. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) . 917.8 ' Beadle, John Hanson. Western wilds and the men who redeem them... an B365w account of seven years travel in the far west. tl877i 624p« Orson Pratt described as only man of learning in the church, and Brigham Young "not at all a talented man in the common sense of the word, his power is largely the result of his immense phys- ical potency. Had the mines failed there would not be 100 Gentiles in Utah. lo The west— Description and travel. 2. Southwest, new — Description and travel. 3<> Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 979.6 Beal, Merril D. A history of southeastern Idaho; an intimate narrative B366h of peaceful conquest by empire builders. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, ltd., 1942° 443p» I. Idaho — History. 2. Mormons and Mormonism in Idaho. 289 o 3921 Bean, George Washington o Autobiography of George Washington Bean, a B367a Utah pioneer of 1847, and his family records. [Salt Lake City, Utah Print. Co., 1945 3 377p. I. Bean Family (William Bean, ft. 1753)° 289 o 39 Bean, Willard A. Bo Co history of Palmyra and the beginning of Wormon- B 3675a ism". Palmyra, No Yo, Palmyra Courier Co., 1933. 94p« Tries to present the Smith family in a more favorable manner than was done by most pioneer writers about Palmyra days, quotes evidence from non-Mormon sources. lo Mormon Church — History. 2o Smith, Joseph, 1805-44* 289o3921 Beardsley, Harry Markleo Joseph Smith and his Mormon empire. Bos- B653be ton, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1931* 421p. "Joseph Smith was a product of his time and environment — a puppet made to dance and posture by forces he seldom recognized and never understood." lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 2. Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti- Mormon) . 17 289<>399 Beers, Revo R» Wo The Mormon puzzleo Chicago, Funk and Wagnall T s, B415m 1887 ° 195p«> "We have not been in actual contact either with Mormons or non-Mormons o We have not been on the field in Utah at all, and believe the value of this volume as an impartial study is thereby greatly enhancedo" Thinks education and colonization only cure for Mormonismo lo Mormons and Mormoni sm™( An ti -Mormon) » 277 • 3 Belcher, Joseph o The religious denominations in the United States; B427r their history, doctrine, government, and statistics c New and revo edo Philadelphia, Jo Eo Potter, 1864<> 1024p° Discusses Mormons as a people rather than as members of a religious systemo lo Sects— Uo So 2o Religions o 3° Mormons and Mormonismo 289«399 tBelisle, Orvilla So] supposed authoro The prophets; or Mormoni sm B431p unveiledo Philadelphia, Wo Wo Smith, 1855 ° 412p» Filled with abductions, seductions, secret police, fallen debased women who "learned to drown thought by new crimes*" lo Mormons and Mormonism — -(Anti-Mormon) o Utah PamoBell, Alfreda Eva, edo Boadicea, the Mormon wife; life-scenes in Utaho v«59 Baltimore, A. Ro Orton, t c 1855i 102p o nOol2 Polygamy with men marrying other men* s wives; women going in- sane, dying, or murdered, or else becoming shameless o "All dead bodies are mysteriously spirited away among the Mormons o" lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 289°399 Bennett, Fred Eo A detective* s experience among the Mormons; or B471d Polygamist Mormons, how they live and the land they live in; Mormonism unmasked o Chicago, Laird & Lee, t°1887^ 294p« "Broken hearted mothers, neglected children, and the most cruel social desolation are the necessary results of the Mormon creed, not only as taught but commanded » 00" lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 289 o 399 Bennett, John Co The history of the Saints; or, An expose of Joseph B471h Smith and Mormonismo Boston, Leland and Whiting, 1942o 344p« The Female Relief Society described as a kangaroo court or inquisition used to enforce polygamy upon the unwilling o lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon )o 18 289*362 Bennion, Adam Samuel. What it means to be a Mormon. Written for the B472w Deseret Sunday School Union. Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union 9 1917. 176p. I. Mormon Church Sunday School-Lessons. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.399 [Bennion, Heberi Supplement to Gospel problems. tSalt Lake City, n.p^ B/t72a n.do] 112p. , Suggests church elections should be discussed openly, voted on secretly. 1» Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 289.33 Bennion, Lowell Lindsay. The religion of the Latter-day Saints. Rev. B472r and enl. ed. Salt Lake City., L. D. S. Department of education [ c 19Z+0] 309p. Chapters on such topics as L. D. S. concept of God, structure and character of the church, Joseph Smith's mine, and the like. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Mormon Church— Religious education. 289o37 Bennion, Milton Lynn. Mormonism and education. tSalt Lake City: Department of Education of the L. D. S. Church, t c 1939i 297p. "The history of the heroic, intelligent, and successful efforts of the founders and leaders of the Mormon Church to carry out a program as effective as it is astonishing. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Education. 378.27.2 Benson, Frank Thomas. An analysis of Orson Pratt's invention in the VUllX Pratt, Newman debate. cSalt Lake City] 1950. (M. S. thesis, Utah Univ.) ^.^ n , . . Concludes Pratt succeeded in proving that the Bible sanctioned polygamy but not in making antogonistic audiences feel it should be practiced. lo Pratt, Orson, 1811-1881. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3» Poly- gamy. 325.248 Bergmann, Loela Marjorie (Nelson.) Americans from Norway. cist ed. ] B499a Philadelphia, Lippincott [1950] ^p. (The peoples of America A few pages devoted to conversion of Sugar Creek settlement of Norwegians. Author feels dominant cultural of Utah has been Anglo- Scandanavian. lo Norwegians in the U. S. 2. Norwegians in Utah. 3- Mormons and Mormonism o 19 289 "372 Berrett, William Edwirio The restored church; a brief history of the B533r origin, growth and doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o tSalt Lake City] Department of Education of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1936o 5 60p o A text designed for use in the senior seminaries of the Lo Do So Churcho lo Mormon Church-— History o 2o Mormon Church— Doctrine o 289° 3 Bertrand, Louis Alphonso© Memories d*un Mormono Paris, Eo Dentu, B549m cl8— 3 323p» Author believes the Mormons are the most unified people in the world and that eventually the pre-eminence of our nation will depend upon the Saints o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289°3 Bibel-citatero Kobenhavn, Udigivet og forlage af Andreas Petersen, B581 1900o 120p o lo Mormon Church—Doctrine o Utah PamoBigelow, Mo Eo Zion f s bondage and redemptiono Salt Lake City, the vo6 author, 1927° 48po Works out figures which indicate w the times of the Gentiles are almost completed? lo Mormons and Mormonism— Prophesies o 979°205 Bigler, Henry Williamo Extracts from the journal of Henry Wo Biglero U89 (In Utah Histo Q„, vo5) Vo5 Original on file at Bancroft Library in Berkeley, Californiao Lengthy comments on such matters as refusal of Mormons to take Army medicine o Passed by site of Donner disaster \ was present at discovery of gold at Sutter's in Californiao lo Mormon battalion, 1846-1847 ° 2o Uo So History— War with Mexico, 1845-1847-c-Personal narratives o 289° 3 Billet er,. Julius Caesar* The temple of promise, Jackson County, Moo B598t Independence, Moo, Press of Zion* s Printing & Publishing Coo, [19463 155po lo Mormons and Mormonism in Missouri o 2o Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso 3<> Mormon Church— Temple s o 979 °2 Bird, George Roberto Tenderfoot days in territorial Utaho Boston, B6l8t The Gorham press, 1918 o 221p« Feels Mormonism has a superstitious bulk it must sluff off, that much of its preachings "speech gone to seedo" Describes 20 the Tabernacle as the "Soup Tureen o" lo Frontier life — Utaho 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 289o39 Birney, Hoffman » Zealots of Zion-, Philadelphia, the Pernio Pubo Coo, B6l7z C e 193H 317p» Feels that before such glorious fidelity and bigotry arguments fall silent o Absolves church leadership with regard to Mt» Meadows massacre o io Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Frontier life— Utaho 3« Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857° Blake, Mary Elizabeth (McGrath)o On the wing; rambling notes of a trip to the Pacific o Boston, Lee and Shephard, 1883° 235p° Many signs of material prosperity noted, but "not an atom of reverence or devotion" even in communism among the Saints ." "The few sensitive ones looked unhappyo" lo The West—Description and travel . 2c Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 979 Blankenship, Russello p» 79-92 ofs And there were meno New York, B64^ Knopf, 1942 o 300p o Davis was "too sensible not to penetrate the then veil of deceit "thrown over the Mt« Meadow Massacre » He founded a kingdom of Hea- ven and produced a "Walla Walla Jesus", and another son who was the reincarnation of the Holy Ghost o lo Northwest, Pacific— History- 2o Northwest, Pacific— Biography. 3o Mormons and Mormonism— Divergent Sects— Morrisites. 4° Mormons and Mormoni sm~ Divergent Sects — Davisiteso 979o205 Bliss, Robert So The journal of Robert So Bliss, with the Mormon U89 battalion o (In Utah Hist* Qo , v«4) Vo ^ First printing of an original journal on file at the Historical Society of San Diego, Calif orniao Covers period August 18, 1847- Jano 13, 1848 o Entries range from one sentence to long paragraphs per dayo io Mormon battalion, 1846-1847 • 2o U» So History— War with Mexico, 1845-184 ' sonal Narratives a h PamoBlossom, Rose Bo What we believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints • Los Angeles, Triple S, n.d. "Comments and expands the Articles of Faith. "Our belief does not contradict truths taught by other church organizations, but is an enlargement upon them." lo Mormon Church — Doctrine » 21 289 • 399 Bonwick, James o The Mormons and the silver mines o London, Hodder B723 and Stoughton, 1872. 425p° Almost separate discourse on Saints precedes discussion of minerals o Feels Gentiles will gain power as "Mormons are com- pelled to use school books of U. So" lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Silver mines and mining— U«> S. 910o4 rBorlace, William Copelandi Sunways, a record ©f rambles in many B735s landso Plymouth, Wo Brendon, 1878o Z4.8Z4.po 1878 A few pages dismiss Mormons as amiable fanatics and the Book of Mormon as a travesty on the Bible o lo Voyages and travels o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 917<>8 Bowles, Samuelo Our new West 5 records of travel between the Mississ- B787o ippi River and the Pacific Ocean, over the plains, over the mountains, through the great interior basin, over the Sierra Nevadas, to and up and down the Pacific coast o Hartford, Conno, Hart fort Pub» Co«, 1869° 528p e Called the Mormon colony "anti-democratic, Romish, barbaric, and monarchial" and Young the inspiration for murder o Writes off Mormons as having "small, narrow heads o" lo The West —Description and travelo 2o Utah— Description and travels 3° Mormons and Mormonismo Utah PanuBozarth, Co Eo Reply to Bishop Clark of Des Moines, Iowa, of the Vo71 Re-organized Church of Latter-day Saints in the attack on Elder no»7, 8 MacGregor and the Church of Christo snopo, 1927? J 15p« If Mr© Clark - who joined other sections first - admits he was mis-led then, how are people to know he is not wrong again? lo Mormons and Mo monism-- Divergent sects o 2o Mormons aid Mor- monism— Doctrinal and controversial works o 289° 33 Bramwell, Enoch Ernesto The exalted lifeo tSalt Lake City, The B815e Deseret News Press, «1941l 208p o Each chapter has a key thought— such as "Do things just happen?" - which is further sub-divided into queries such as "Did the flag just happen?" lo Mormons and Mormonism— -Doctrinal and controversial works o 289° 302 Bramwell, Enoch Ernesto Why do I believe? Salt Lake City, The B815w Deseret News Press, 1929° r e 1926i. 245p». Outlines topics, such as Truth, with Biblical, Doctrines and Covenants, Book of Mormon references in an appeal for a return to old-fashioned scriptural discourse o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormon Chu re h--Doc trine — Outlines o 22 917-3 Breitner, Burghard. p. 72-88 -of: Mormon and medizinmannero Zurich, B835m Amalthea-Verlag c c 1930] l69p° lo U. So — Description and travel. Utah PamoBrigham Young University. Enduring foundations for youth to build on. V.78 Provo, Utah, 1933° 28p. n0oZ , "Facts alone are not sufficient to make a man truly educated. States an introduction to a speech by Stephan Richards, an apostle, who points out the L« D. So Church has ability to "make new inter- pretations as new knowledge appears" and hence conflicts little with learning . 289.399 Brighouse, James, The voice of the seventh angel proclaiming the end B855v ' of time, the resurrection of the dead, the day of final judgment and the rule of righteousness and peace. South Cottonwood, Utah. The author, 1892. Considers the ascension of Brigham Young as the end oi the Lo D. So Church as a true church. Predicts overthrow of imposters by 1893° lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) . 289.3921 Brodie, Fawn (McKay). No man knows my history; the life of Joseph Smith, 865 3br the Mormon prophet <, New York, A. A. Knopf, 1945 ° 476p° Considers Smith a myth maker whose genius was due "not to has reason but to his imagination". "What was a dream one day could become a vision the next, and a reality the day after that." Demol- ishes Spaulding theory of origin of 3ook of Mormon. I. Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 2. Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) . Utah Pam.Brown, Benjamin. Testimonies of the truth; a record of manifestations Vo 2 cf the power of Godo Liverpool, S. W. Richards, 1853° 32p° Cancer, crushed bones, fever, poison, healings, are all cited as "testimonies for the truth." I. Mormons and Mormonism — Miracles. 203 Brown, John Newton, ed. Encyclopedia of religious knowledge. Bratte- B878e boro* , Fessenden, 1836. 1275p° Mormons are misguided by a "puerile Eastern romance" although the author deplores outrages perpetrated on Mormon citizens in Missou I. Religion Dictionaries. 2» Missions. 3. Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam« Brown, Joseph Bo Polygamy in Utah and New England contrasted. A -speech Vo 2 delivered in the Senate of the U. S. Washington, 1884° 32p. 23 The peaceful & lawful succession of wives following divorce for non-Biblical causes results in as much polygamy in New England as in Utaho lo Mormons and Mormonism--Polygamyo 2© Mormons and Mormonism-- Speeches in Congress© 817»37 [Browne, Charles Farrar] Artemus Ward© « ©among the Mormons ©©©Ed© by B8823ar Hingstono London, Jo C» Hotten, 1885 © 192p© Stated he had been warned about Mormons reaction to his earlier lecture © 1r» Stenhouse relieves me of any anxiety I had felt in regards to having my swan-like throat cut by the Danites; but thinks my wholesale denunciation of a people I had never seen was rather hasty©" le Mormons and Mormonism* 817^3 Browne, Charles Farrar© Artemus Ward T s lecture © London, J© C© B8823a Hotten, 1869° 213p© Make-believe interview with Brigham Young, followed by propo- sals to the lecturer by ugly Mormon women© 1© Mormons and Mormonism© Utah PamoSBryce R© M.] My reasons for leaving the Church of England and v©2 joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints© Liverpool, Millenial Star Office, 1897° 34p° States no one who reads history of Mormons without prejudice can deny their Church is under the direct guidance of God© 1© Mormon Church© Utah Pam©Budge, William© The gospel message^ being a discourse, giving an v©2 explanation, of some of the prominent doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints delivered at Chesterfield, August 10, 1879° Liverpool, The author, n©d© 12p© The author was president of Bear Lake stake of Zion s an Idaho legislator© Born in Scotland, president of British mission for 3 years, for ten years a missionary in Great Britain© 1© Mormons and Mormonism — Sermons© 2© Mormon Church—Doctrine© Utah Pam© cBudvarson, Arthur] Mormonism - can it stand investigation? v©59 Phoenix, Arizona, Utah Christian Mission, cn©d©] 24p.« no ©8 Decries Mormon doubts of correct translation of Bible, eter- nal progression, errors in Book of Mormon, plurality of Gods© 1© Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon)© 24 Utah PamoBulkley, Newmano New Bulkley T s vision; related by himself, as seen by Vo57 him in Springville, Utah on the night of Jan<> 8, 1886 o Saw all tte Saints gathered in Zion with water bursting forth where there had been none before and crop production up from 15 to 20 bushels to as high as 200 per acre» lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289°39S 3urdette y Mary Go, Compo Twenty-two years* work among Mormons <> Women's B95 : Baptist Home Mission Society, rl905] ll6p» Letters from teaching missionaries among the Saint So In Ogden need for background of Bible study stressed, in Provo, the reading room listed as the most successful new department; in Salt Lake City "small chance for the truth to reach them"o lo Mormons and Mcrmonism — (Anti-Mormon) o 979 Burnett,, Peter Hardemano Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer« B96i+r New York, Do Appleton & Coo, 1880 o UU8p» Describes arrests and trials of Mormons in Missouri o Comments about Smiths "In the short space of 5 days he had managed so to mollify his enemies he could go unprotected among them without the slightest danger o" lo California™ History o 2o Pacific states — History » 3° Mormons and Mormonism in Missouri o Utah PamoBurns, Dawson o Mormonism, explained & exposed o trevo edo] London, Vo$9 Houlstcn and Stoneman, 1853° 56p° nool "Smith* s character it is difficult to estimate, as it is impossi- bie to say whether like other successful imposters, he did not suc- ceed,, in at last imposing on himself o No great minds among Mormons, their only excellence in architecture e lo Mormon Church — Historyo 2o Mormons and Mormonism— •(Anti-Mormon)o 289<>3 Burton, Sir Richard Franciso City of the Saints and Across the Rocky B974c Mountains to Californiao London, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861 » 707p° Most objective of early Gentile visitors to Utaho If unable to determine the truth he gave both Mormon and anti-Mormon version o One of the few outsiders to comment on the excellent territorial Library - lo Mormons and Moanonisnto 2o Utah — Description and travelo 3o Salt Lake Cityo 4° Overland Journeys to the Pacific o -39 rich, Moritzo Geschichte der Mormonen« Leipzig, Ambrosius Abel B977g cVorwart, 1869 3 W+P» Brief history of early days of Church, which accepts theory 111 's manuscript was plagiarized by Smith, fairly lengthy account of exodus from Nauvoo and life in Utah, based heavily on 25 Ferris, Stansbury, and Gunnisono lo Mormon Church— -History o 209 Burder, William*. A history of all religions o Philadelphia, W« W° B%9h Harding, t°18773 Claims Smith was a Methodist on probation, but fell, awayo Considers Book of Mormon a pirating of Spaulding* s Manuscript Found a Admission to membership "includes a stripping"*. "There is no such crime as incest" <> lo Religions o 2° Mormons and Mo monism— (Anti-Mormon) ° Utah PamoCaine, John Thomas <> Polygamy in Utah, a dead issue*. Speech oooin vo6l House of Representatives o Washington, 1888o l6po no<>7 "It has been suppressed by Congress, and the great bulk of the Mormon people have accepted the situation*." lo Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy© 2o Mormons and Mormonism— Speeches in Congress* Utah PanuCall, Lamoni, 2000 changes in the Book of Mormon; containing the Vo37 way the book is claimed to have been translatedoooand the reasons given by the church for making the many grammatical changes, showing that the claims are inconsistent and untrue *> Bountiful, Utah, The author, £ c 1898d 128p. Most are "correcting the commonest kind of grammatical errors" o Whereas, "The Book of Mormon, then should have been a model of perfection*" lo Book* of Mormono 2o Mormons and Mormonism*>-( Anti-Mormon )o 289*385 Callis, Charles Ao Fundamentals of religion, a series of radio addres- Cl62f seso Independence, Moo, Zion* s Print o and Pubo Coo tl945 3 ° 236po Include such talks as "The U*. So in the Light of Prophecy" which points out the destiny "of this providential Republic to stand while the world stands—a beacon of hope and heritage of man- kind, the beckoning light and example of nations o" lo Mormons and Mormonism— -addresses, essays p lectures o 979 "2 Cameron, Marguerite « This is the place; words ascribed to Brigham C18 Young when as leader of the pioneer band into Utah in 1847 he first beheld the valley of the Great Salt Lake* Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers; ltdo, 1939° 350p o Grand-daughter of a first pioneer writes the story of Salt Lake for "the yough in our schools o" lo Utah- — Historyo 2o Salt Lake City— History o 3° Mormons and Mormonism o 26 Utah Pamo Campbell, Alexanders Delusions ; an analysis of the Book of Mormon with Vo37 an examination of its internal and external evidences, and a refuta- tion of its pretences to divine authority^ 3oston, B« Ho Greene, 1832o l6po Line for line reprint of original 1830 pamphlet <> "This prophet Smith, through his stone spectacles, wrote on the plates of Nephi, in his book of Mormon, every error and almost every truth discussed in New York for the last ten years o He decides all the great con- troversies o lo Book of Mormono 2o Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) » 378o242 Campbell 9 Eugene Edward o The government of Utah, 1847-1851° tSalt C187g Lake City] 1940o 98p (M. Ao Thesis, Utah Univ.) "During the first two years of the colony 1 s existence, the church government and civil functions were completely merged into one organization, and that was the church o n lo Mormon Church— Government o 2o Utah— -Politics and government o 289° 338 Cannon, Abraham Ho Questions and answers on the Book of Mormono De- C226q signed and prepared especially for the use of the Sunday schools in Ziono Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor office, 1886 o 62po Apostle, graduate of Deseret University, business manager of JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR noted for managerial rather than writing abil- ities o lo Book of Mormono 2o Mormon Church — Catechism and creed o 289 o 3921 Cannon, Frank Jenneo Brigham Young and his Mormon empire o New York, Y685c Fo Ho Revell, ]°1913i 398p» Heresy was considered the greatest crime, for it and rebellion were "interchangeable terms" in a theocracyo lo Brigham Young, 1801- -18 77 <> 2° Mormons and Mormonism — ( Anti-Mor- mon '/» 3o Utah Historyo 289»399 Cannon, Frank Jenneo Under the prophet in Utahj the national menace C22.6u of a political priestcraft o Boston, Co Mo Clark Pubo Coo, 1911o 402p o Claims the Mormons live under a system of "teaching, discipline, and espionage "which make impossible any independence of thought and action o lo Mormons and Mormonism- -(Anti-Mormon) o 2o Utah — Politics and government o 289 «3921 Cannon, George Quayleo The latter-day prophet \ history of Joseph Smith, S653ca written for young peopleo Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Office, 1900 o 2l6p« 27 Intended as first of a series of biographies cf church lead- ers designed to give Suncay School students the history of the church through the lives of its leaders o SAMEo Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1902-1912 „ 1932, 7 volo Based on journals, letters and other documents of early church historyo Called "Documentary history of Church" ofteno lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 2o Mormcn Church- — Historyo The life of Joseph Smith the prophet ° Juvenile Instructor Office, 1888 « 5I2p<> 289 o 3921 Cannon, George Quayleo S653c Salt Lake City, SAME, 1883° 147p° (Faith promoting series, Ninth book) Includes such details as whether Nephites used camels, covered wagons, and sail boats ;; traces group through to setting of Ecua- dor and Penio lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 289o384 Cannon, George Quayleo Writing from the "Western Standard," published C226w in San Francisco, Calif o Liverpool, The author, 1864o 512po "It is to correct this feeling, to make our principles and belief more publicly known, to give greater facilities for inves- tigation and to defend an innocent, much abused and injured people against the aspersions of their enemies that this paper has been started o" lo Mormons and Mormonism— -addresses, essays, lectures o 289°38 Cardon, Joseph Emanuel o Testimonies of the divinity of the Church of C268t Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by its leaders o i Independence, Moo, Zion's Printing and Pubo Coo, 19303 311p° lo Mormons and Mormonismo 979o2 Carlton, Ambrose Bo The wonderlands of the wild West, with sketches C285w of the Mormonso n«po, 1891o 346p° Claims Mormon history without polygamy is like Hamlet with Prince of Denmark left out° Quotes hymns, folk songs, and tomb- stones to aid in his ridicule of the Saints o Interesting version of "the merry Mormon" o Ends on note of hope for the Mormons o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Utah— Historyo 917o47 Carmer, Carl Lamsono Listen for a lonesome drum? a York state C287^ chronicle o New York, Farrar & Rinehart, 1836 o 381p° Chapter called "The Magic Hill" tries to sum up Smith briefly and talk a little about Mormons of todayo "The story of Joseph and Moroni, true or false, is a folk story, as are all the narra- tives which religious creeds are built o" lo New York (State) —-Description and travelo 2o Sectso 3° Spiritualismo 4<> Folk-lore o 5o Mormons and Mormonismo 28 921 Cartwright, Petero Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, the Backwoods C329 preachero New York, Carlton & Porter, t c 1856] 525p« Says a Mormon couple, speaking in tongues, tried unsuccessfully to break up one of his camp meetings, that "Joe Smith" when told about it cursed him, said he would raise up a new government and a religion that would overthrow every other religion in America. lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) . 289 « 399 Caswall, Henry <> The city of the Mormons; or, Three days at Nauvoo in C356c 1842. London, Print., for Jo Go F. & J. Rivington, 1842. 82p. lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 289.3921 Chadourne, Marco Quand Dieu se fit Americain; roman. Paris, Artheme S653ch Fayard c e 1950] 415p° lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 2o Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 080 Chambers's repository of instructive and amusing tracts. London, W. C444c & Ro Chambers, [1852-43 12v. (Contents v. 7: History of the Mor- mons o ) Accepts idea Book of Mormon was a plagiary of Spaulding T s Manuscript Found. Smith added novelty and perserverance, a "rude, uncouth genius" to become a non-commissioned leader of the un- guidedo lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) o 979.2 Chandless, Williamo A visit to Salt Lake; being a journey across the C456v plains and a residence in the Mormon settlements at Utah. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1857« 346p. "It must not be supposed that the Mormons consider their pecu- liar views contrary to the Bible .. .but assert that they alone, by literality of interpretation, do receive and believe the truth con- tained in Scripture." lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) » 2. Frontier life — Utah. 270 Chase, Daryl. Christianity through the centuries. Salt Lake City, C487c the Dept. of Education of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Deseret Book Company, 1947 » 287p» lo Church history. 2o Mormons and Mormonism. 289«38 Christensen, Carl Christian Anton. Poetiske Arbejder Artikler ob C554p Afhandlinger tilligemed nans levnedslob. Salt Lake City "Bibu- bens" Bibliotek, 1921. 381p. Religious, personal poems, original talks on such items as 29 origin of Book of Mormon, and an autobiographical sketch o lo Mormons and Mormonism— Collected works© 814°5 Christiensen, Parley Ao All in a teacher's day; essays of a Mormon C5543a professor tSalt Lake City, Stevens & Wallis, c 1948] 251p» Smith "knew how readily religion ceases to be a courageous and inspiring quest for truth and beauty, and deteriorates into a benumbing ecclesiasticism, a sterile formalism, and a stifling literalismo o »" lo Literature — Addresses, essays, lectureso 2« Mormons and Mormonism— Addresses, essays, lectures <> 3« American Literature — Utah, po 73-78 of; (sub jo an)» 289 o 399 Christian Convention, Salt Lake City, 1888. Christian progress in C555c Utah; the discussions of the Christian Convention* tSalt Lake City, Parsons, Kendall, 1888] 130p. "The serving of a kindly but emphatic notice upon those who are seeking to continue a priestly despotism in Utah." lo Mormons and Mormonism--(Anti-Mormono ) 289 o 3 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint s. An address; the C562ad Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the worldo Salt Lake City, 1907° Answers charges Mormons were non-Christians, dupes of a ruling priesthood, opposed to education, and the like n To the Latter-day Saints, salvation itself, under the atonement of Christ, is a process of education" lo Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinal and controversial works o 2o Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures o 917*92 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Bureau of Information* ] C562u Utah; its people, resources, attractions and institutions. Com- pliments of the Bureau of Information, Temple Block, Salt Lake City, node 96p* 289 o 366 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o California Mission. C562mic Missionary sheaves; testimonies of the Missionaries of the Cal- ifornia missiono cLos Angeles] 1943 o 2 volso Ninety pamphlets on various Lo Do So activities and beliefs including songs and reprints of earlier traits such as "Voice of Warning o" lo Mormon Church— Missionaries o 30 289° 378 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Casaglaid o hymn au. C562 Me rthyr- Tydfil, Jo Davis, 1852, 355p° lo Mormon Church — Hymns — Welsh * 2« Hymns, Welsh o 289° 39 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints <> Church radio, publicity C 5626s and mission literature committeeo A short history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints <> [Salt Lake City] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, t°1938] 239p° lo Mormon Church— History o 289° 39 [Church cf Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Czechoslovakian Mission] C562s Sto let Mormonismo Prase, Czeskoslovenskou Misii Cirkve Jezise Krista Svatych Poslednich Dnu, r c 1930?] 103p° lo Mormon Church— -History ° 289° 361 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Council of the Twelve C562p Apostles o Priesthood and church welfare; a course of study for the quorums of the Melchizedek priesthood <> [Salt Lake City] Deseret Bock Coo, 1938° 304p° Discusses principles of wealth and work, the value of tithe paying, and utility of cooperation as a means of "banishing povertyo" ] Mormon Church— Priesthood-~Les sons . 2° Mormon Church — Welfare Plan° 3° Sociology, Christian- --Mormon authors o U° Natural resources. Utah Pam° Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint s. Deseret Sunday School v°6 Union o A catalogue cf books for Sunday School libraries ° Salt Lake City, Deseret News, [1873] 22p Q Selected from principal book sellers of east, avoided tale and story books as top sectarian, and emphasized history, art, and sciences o lo Mormon Church- — Sunday Schools o Utah Pamo [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Deseret Sunday School Vo57 Union, catechisms nco 1; questions and answers on the life and mis- also sion ofoooJoseph Smith, 1882° 52p. 289° 338 Includes questions on first officers and first activities of C$62q the churchc Reviews persecutions, massacre, and murder of Saints. lo Mormon Church- -Catechisms and creedso 2. Smith, Joseph, 1805- 1844° 289° 378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deseret Sunday School C562d3 Union] Deseret Sonntagschulliederbuch fur die schweizerlische und G3 deutsche Missiono.o3o Aufl- mit Noten. 3 a sel, F. Tadje, 1929« 187p« 31 Some general favorites, such as "Nearer My God to Thee." plus Lo Do So titles such as "Never be Late to Your Sunday School Class." lo Mormon Church- — Hymns — Germane 2« Mormon Church — Sunday Schools — Hymns-books — German o 289 o 378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deseret Sunday School C562d Union] Deseret Sunday School song book* Salt Lake City, Deseret 1892 Sunday School Union, 1892° 200p o A few outside hymns o Many Lo Do So favorites with some old ones, such as The Mormon Boy " lo Mormon Church — Sunday School Hymn-books© 2o Hymns. 289<>378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Deseret Sunday School C562d5 Uniono] Deseret Sunday School song bookso 5th ed. Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union, 1901 « 2l6po Many addressed to the children, admonishing them in some way "Never be Late to Your Sunday School class o" lo Mormon Church— Sunday Schools— Hymn books o 2. Mormon Church — Hymns o 289° 362 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Deseret Sunday School C562i Union] The intermediate Sunday School reader© Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Offo, 1888 o 144p° Poems and stories mainly of biblical events© Five make refer- ences to Mormonismo lo Readers and speakers o 2o Mormon Church — Sunday-schools — Hand- books, manuals, etc© 289 ©362 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© Deseret Sunday School C562j Union] Jubilee history of Latter-day Saints Sunday School Union, 1900 © 546p© Statistical reports on various units such as wards, stakes, and missions© 1© Mormon Church — -Sunday-schools© 289° 378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© Deseret Sunday School C562d4 Union] Latter-day Saints* Sunday School hymn book; the word com- panion of the Deseret Sunday School song book© 4th ed. Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union, 1901o 226p© Words — no music© A few non-religious songs such as "Home Sweet Home", sprinkled among sacramental songs, children's songs, and Lo D© S© hymns© I© Mormon Church—Sunday School — Hymn books© 32 289 °36207 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints <> Deseret Sunday School C562ia2 Uniono Latter-day Saints* Sunday School Union. Latter-day Sairts T Sunday School treatise <> 2d edo Salt Lake City, printed by Go Qo Cannon, 1898- . 127 p. General comments, plus model lesson for primary, first inter- mediate, etco lo Mormon Church — Sunday Schools — Lessons. 289° 362 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deseret Sunday School C562de Union. Old Testament lessons, nos. 32-39, 67-76, 85-136. Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union, 1895-1898. 1 vol. Biblical text, plus lesson which integrates material with L.D.S. doctrine on such items as location of Garden of Eden. I. Mormon Church — Sunday-schools — Lessons. 2. Bible study — 0. T. 3» Bible— Oo To Study o 289° 362 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deseret Sunday School C562p Union Board] Parent and child j a series of essays and lessons for use in the parents* department of the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schoolso Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union c°1908- 1916] 3 vol. "Do everything you can to fortify your child against every influence that tends to destroy his faith in his religion." Couples religious ideals with analysis of influences. lo Parent and child. 2. Mormon Church — Sunday Schools — Lessons. 289° 363 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Deseret Sunday School C562h Union. Sunday School officers and teachers handbook. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Coo, n°d. 84p° lo Mormon Church — -Sunday Schools — Handbooks, manuals, etc Utah Pam. [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Eastern States Mission] V06I A statement from Josiah Quincy. ° .concerning an interview had in no°15 1844 with Joseph Smith. Some of the sayings and predictions made by the prophet Joseph Smith. [New York, 1890] ^2p. Annotated quotations from "Figures of the Past" followed by thoughts of Smith on various subjects. lo Mormon Church- -Doctrine. 289° 33 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1st Presidency] A C562b brief statement of principles of the gospel; based largely upon the Compendium (Richards-Little) with excerpts from other writings, including also church chronology, priesthood ordinance [and] sel- ected hymns o [Salt Lake City] 1943° 364p« Designed for Mormons in armed services. Urges obedience to mili- tary discipline but loyalty to Mormon ideals. Principles are arrang- 33 edo under subject headings » lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints » 1st Presidency^ Circu- v<>6 lar of the First Presidency o Salt Lake City, the author, 1877° 10p o No longer shall people be permitted to be members of the church if guilty of "lying, drunkenness, sabbath breaking, profanity, defrauding, or backbiting their neighbors o" Outlines procedures for education, settlement, induetry, etc© lo Mormon Church— Government o Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso 1st Presidencyo An Vo6 epistle of the First Presidencyo « oread April 6, 1886 at the 56th noo6l general annual conference held at Provo, Utaho Salt Lake City, Deseret News Coo, 1886 « 190p o Points out that persecution "though very painful, has not been without profit to the Latter-day Saints o It has strengthen- ed in them a new zeal, courage, and determination into the faith- ful o" lo Mormon Church— Epistles o Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o 1st Presidencyo The Vo6 F a ther and the Sons a doctrinal exposition by the First Presidency and the Twelve o Salt Lake City, 1916 o 8po God, the Eternal Father, whom we designate by the exalted name-title "Elohim", is the literal parent of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of the human race«" lo Mormon Church— Doctrine— Godhead o Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o General Board of Educa- vo6 tiono Circulars no» U 3 6-8, 1889-1892 « Outlines purpose of church schools, qualifications of teachers, suggested basic library, and warns $ "We think it would be opposed to the spirit of true education, for any school to make professions of work, which is incapable of properly fulfilling ." lo Mormon Church— Education© 289 o 3797 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o General Board of Educa- C562/e tiono Lesson book for the religion classes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint So Salt Lake City, 19° Stories, prayers, songs and morals arranged by grades o A great deal on basic Christian as well as Mormon ideals o lo Mormon Church— Religion classes— Lessons o 34 289°3707 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. General Board of Education . C562ou Outlines in religious education for use in the schools and seminar- ies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co. Five sections, each with outlines on such topics as Mormonism, Nephite Dispensation, Old Testament, etc. lo Mormon Church — Religion classes — Outlines, syllabi, etc. 2. Bible- — Study — Outlines, syllabi, etco Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. General 3oards of M.I .A. Vo62 The pioneer summer way for MoIoA. 19 — . ncol6 Suggested make-believe treks in pioneer clothes, organized in 10 f s, 50* s, and 100' s, to give a real meaning to printed accounts of pioneer dayso lo Mormon Church — Md.Ao — Handbooks, manuals, etc. 289o363 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. General Board of Relief C562c Society. A centenary of Relief Society, 1842-1942. Salt Lake City > General Board of Relief Society, 1942. 96p. History of society from Nauvoo days, with illustrations, in hope that L. Do So women will recognize "the inspiration that guides its destiny." lo Mormon Church— Relief Society. 289 "363 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. General Board of the C5o2h Relief Society. Handbook of the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints » [Salt Lake City, National Woman's Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints] 1931 ° 212p. lo Mormon Church — Relief Society — Handbooks, manuals, etc. 289 "378 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. General Boards of M.I. A. C562mu and M-Men and Gleaner songs. Salt Lake City, General 3oards of M.IoAo rl939^ l6p» With the exception of two national recreation association songs, these might be called pep songs of the L. D. S. Church. I. Mormon Church--MoI.Ao — Song books. 289.378 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. General Boards of M.I. A. C562m MoIoA. songs° songs for everybody. [New rev. ed.] Salt Lake City, General 3oards of M.I.A. [1940] 112p. Includes many familiar songs of patriotism, and camp songs, Christmas carols plus L. D. S. hymns and new words for old tunes, such as "The explorers are on their way (sung to Polly Wolly Doodle), "Fighting for the right" (Anchors Aweigh), Scout Prayer Song 35 (Marcheta) and The Bee-hive girls are glad girls (lt T s a long, long way to Tipperaryo) lo Mormon Church— -Mo 1 0A0— Song books o 289° 378 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Gesangbuch der Heil- C562g6 igen der letzten Tageo 60 Auflo Berlin, Die Deutsche Mission G3 der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der letzten Tage, 1901o 324p° Songs of faith, hope, prayer, and trust o Music and German texto lo Mormon Church— Hymns— German o 2o Hymns o 289° 378 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© Gesangbuch fur die C562g5 Schweizerische und deutsche mission© 5th improved and enlo edo G3 Bern, Suter and Lierow, 1890c 299p° • Especially designed to teach Mormon doctrine and historic Mormon events o Words set a well known and beloved memory©" lo Mormon Church— Hymns— German ° Utah PamoCChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ©y The great proclama- Vo7 tion; or, the trumpet message* ■ Liverpool, Millenial Star, node 4p© Includes a reprint of April 6, 1845 proclamation to rulers and people of all nation calling up on them to help build the cities of Zion and Jerusalemo lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289 « 36 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint S© Handbook of instructions C562h for stake presidents and counselors, bishops, stake and ward clerks , and other church officers o noo 1 - Salt Lake Cityo Outlines duties and how to perform them such as Stake Histori- cal record, stake quarterly historical report, Patriarchal bless- ings with instructions on how they should be recorded with warn- ings against payments orgratuities© lo Mormon Church— -Organization o 289 o36605 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Hawaiian Missiono Dir- C562d ectory tof the general church and mission authorities o Salt Lake City] Advertising Pubo Coo, 1934° lo Mormon Church— Directories o 2o Mormon Church — Missions — Hawaiian Islands o 36 Utah Pamo [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] House of the Lord; his- v<»60 torical and descriptive sketch of the Salt Lake Temple . Salt Lake no<>5 City, Newo Pubo Coo, 1893 o 36po Historical and descriptive sketch of Salt Lake Temple o Followed by complete guide to interior with explanatory notes » Entire dedi- catory prayer included o lo Mormon Church — Temples — Salt Lake City» 289«378 [Church cf Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Hymnes a 1 T usage des C56i ! h branches francaises de l T Eglise de Jesus Christ des Saints des der- F8 niers jourso Berneo Bureau de la mission Suisse, 1899° l60p<» Long-hand, or hand print o HOLY CITY is in English with no trans- lation o lo Mormon Church— Hymns- — French <> 289°33 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Invitation « o «with paral- C562in lei Scripture references to prove the Latter-day Saints faith and doctrines o 4p° Outlines articles of faith with citations of Bible which support these o Space at end of pamphlet for listing local meeting places of the Saints o lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o 289° 378 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Latter-day Saint hymns » C562^a Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Coo, [ c 1927] 419p° Based earlier collections o Some hymns have been discarded and others given new settings o Metronome markings included as guides to choristers o Indexed 5 wayso lo Mormon Church — Hymns o 2» Hymns o Utah PamoChurch cf Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Latter-day Saint Temples o vo62 5th printingo tSalt Lake City, 194-3 tl8p] noo20 Includes a history of temples in general as well as Lo D. So temples, plus a statement of the purposes for templeso Illustrated, some interior photos o lo Mormon Church — Temples o 289o" 3 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] The latter-day Saints* C562/^ psaLmodyo 3d edo, revo and enlo Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 190^0 456po A number of hymns are improved in diction and rhythmn, all are set to music, in the main by local composers o lo Mormon Church— Hymnso 2« Hymnso 37 289 o 392 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Lives of our leaders; C562ii character sketches of living presidents and apostles of the church o Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1901 <> 264p° lo Mormons and Mormonism— Biography.. Utah Panio [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] The Manti tanpleo vo62 [Salt Lake City, c 19473 tllp] noolS History and pictures of Manti Temple while it was in process of construction o lo Mormon Church— Temples — Manti o 289 o 366 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Manuals for European C562ma missions, 1925-1933° [Salt Lake City] n»d. 2 volo Study guides on the priesthood, womanhood, spiritual growth, revelations, instructions for district supervisors, including some twenty tracts by John Ao Widtsoeo lo Mormon Church— Missions- — Literature o 289o366 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] [Missionary tracts C562mis used in 1942° Salt Lake City, nodo] 2 volo lo Mormon Church— Missions — Tract So 289 o 364 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o M0I0A0 A century of C562c progress; manual for the Adult Department of the MoIoA° Salt Lake City, General Boards Y0M0 and YoLoMoIoAo, 1929 <> 213p° lo Mormon Church— M0I0A0— -Handbook So 289°3?8 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints* M0I0A0, The Improvement C562i association song booko Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off <>, 1887 o 78po Includes as ,f a relic of curiosity" the hymn which evokes the murder of Joseph Smith — w a poor, wayfaring man of grief o" Many on Ziono lo Mormon Church — -MoIoAo — Songs and music « 2o Mormon Church — Hymns o 289 °36/4. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o MoIoAo Young Men T s C562yo Mutual Improvement Associations manual, 1897-1909° Salt Lake City, General Board of YoMoMoIoAo, 1902-1909. U° volo Study material on Jesus, the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doc- trine and Covenants in lesson form with review questions at end of each lessono lo Mormon Church — MoIoAo — Handbooks, manuals, etc« 2o Mormon Church — Doctrine o 38 289*378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Norwegian Mission] C562si Siste Dagers Helliges sangboko rOslo] Norske Misjon ved A. Richard Peterson, c 1938o 176p» Mostly non-sectarian Christian hymns with good sample of Zion. Four parts, with music o lo Mormon Church — Hymns— Norwegian <> 289° 378 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints » Presiding 3ishopriCo C562a Aaronic priesthood choruses o Salt Lake City, [ c 1945 3 127p* Based upon the need for songs suitable for boys T voices <> Parts arranged for soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone» One of the most interesting is a story in song introduction to "Come, come ye Saints o" lo Mormon Church— -Priesthood- -Song books ° 289*3605 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Presiding Bishoprico Dip C562d ectory of the general authorities and officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Salt Lake City, 18v<> These directories give the names and addresses of all the offi- cers of the church from the smallest unit, the ward, through the presidency and council of apostles ° SAMEo Salt Lake City, 1943* 56p» lo Mormon Church—Directories o 289*36 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Presiding Bishopric • C562w Ward teachers 1 handbook o Salt Lake City© In sections,, with reading time indicated, with the object of ward teaching summarized? M To visit the homes of the Saints and to teach them how to live in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ o n Condensed ward teachers report form on pages 328 to 333* lo Mormon Church— Teacher training classes — Hand-books, manuals, et. 2o Mormon Church—Organization ° 289*363 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Primary Association A C562h handbook for the officers and teachers in the Primary Association (Religion class) „ tSalt Lake City] 1930c 195p» Outlines growth from 1878 with one group to 1928 with 108, 576 enrolled in 1243 primaries o Describes organization and activities of eleven groups, such as Larks, Bluebirds, etco lo Mormon Church — Primary Association — Handbooks, manuals, etc© J 78 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints o Primary Association] C562p2 The primary song booko 2d ed. Salt Lake City, 1907° 93p« Preface contains a ncte,i w Be patient, do not tire of repeti- tion o Be thorough o Be sure the children understand the meaning of 39 the words they singo Teach exact pronunciation and do not mistake shouting for singingo™ Contains many non-LoDoSo songs, patriotic and seasonal o 1° Mormon Church- — Primary Association— Songs and music ° 239 o 36 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Program cof ] auxiliary C562p group conventions, 1921-1937 ° tSalt Lake City, 1921-1937] 2 volo lo Mormon Church— Auxiliary organizations ° 289° 378 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints . PsaLmer til Brug for C562p6 Jesu Christi Kirke af Sidste-Dages Helligeo 60 udg° Kjobenhavn, Dl Jo Co Van Cott, 186lo 392p» Predeminantly Scandanavian, and European hymns, mainly in Luthern Traditiono Words only to Mormon, Luthern, and other seclarian hymns o lo Mormon Church— Hymns— Danish ° 289 o 33 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Ready references, a C562re2 compilation of Scripture texts arranged in subjective order with numerous annotations from eminent writers o c2d ed°] Salt Lake City, Deseret News Coo, 1887 ° l68p° To prove what they taught from the Bible, to aid their mem- ory and to help other missionaries, a couple of Elders compiled this booko lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o 289° 378 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Sacred hymns and spir- C562s9 itual songs, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Europeo 9th edo, rev© and enlo Liverpool, Fo Do Richards, 1851 o 379po No music, although meter is indicated o Mostly Lo Do So verse about prophet, visions, Zion, and the tribes o lo Mormon Church — -Hymns o 2o Hymns o 289°378 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Salmer til Brugo C562s Salt Lake City, Ac Wo Winberg, I8880 496p« Dl Danish collection, mainly general hymns, with a few Lo Do So; indexed of titles and first lines o lo Mormon Church— Hymns — Danish o 2o Hymns, Danish o 289 o 378 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Sange til Brug for C562sa3 de Sidste-Dages Helliges Sondags-skolero 3° udgo Kobenhavn, Dl Ho J Christiansen, 1916° ll6p° ^0 Has hymns of other churches, plus some about Zioru One in par- ticular, beginning "Do not think when you come to Zion" warns about the need for work even in Zion° lo Mormon Church — Sunday School — Hymn books — Danisho 289 o 366 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Scandinavian jubilee al- C562s bum 11850-1900] Issued in commemoration of the fiftieth anniver- sary of the introduction of the Gospel to the three Scandinavian countries by Elder Srastus Snow, an apostle of Jesus Christ, and fellow laborerso tSalt Lake City, Press of the Deseret Mews, 1900] 239p» Numerous pictures with dates of Scandinavian publications, with a list of missionaries, year by yearo Contains pictures and bio- graphical sketches of over 300 converts o lo Mormons and Mormonism in Scandinaviao 2o Mormon Church — Missions in Scandinavian o 3° Mormons and Mormonism- — Biography ° Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o A selection of seventeen Vo62 songs made from over 240 uplifting and soul-inspiring songs con- no ol3 tained in our new song book The songs of Ziono Chicago, Northern States Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [19083 c20pi 17 most popular Lo Do So songs of the dayo lo Mormon Church — Hymns© 289°378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] De Skandinavishka Sista C562sk Dagarnes Heligas koalboko Salt Lake City, Tryckt a Deseret News Tryckeri, 1895° Has Swedish & Danish words 9 arranged in 4 parts o lo ilormon Church — Hymns — Swedish o 2» Mormon Church- --Hymns — Danish. 289o^"'8 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] The songs of Zion. Chica- C562sc go, Pubo by the Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, "1908 o 243p° Includes some old favorites of other groups, such as "Count your Blessings" and "God be with Youo" lo Mormon Church — Hymns ° 2o Hymns o Utah PamoChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Souvenir program for the '062 dedication of the Lo Do So Idaho pioneer monument at Fort Limhi noo (on Aaronic Priesthood Day)o [Pccatello, Form Limhi Pioneer Mon- ument committee] 1950 o 12p Q History of Salmon River mission from the first call for it to the attack on it which led to its abandonement o 41 lo Mormon pioneers—Monuments o 2o Historical markers, Mormono 3° Limhi, Fort Idaho o Utah PamotChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: The Thatcher episode; v<>3 a concise statement of the facts of the case; interesting letters and documents; a review of Thatcher's claims, pleas and admissions o Salt Lake City, Deseret News Pub« Coo, 1896 o 47p° Moses Thatcher had been disfellowshipped for going against councilo So much gossip ensuedj this pamphlet was printed to present the reasons for punishing apostle Thatcher.. lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Thatcher, Moses « 289 o 366 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Uo So mission tracts o C562u [Salt Lake City] nod., 2 volo Includes some outlining Mormon doctrine, others giving church history, and discourses on the spirit world, hell, the Lord's day, baptism, etco lo Mormon Church— Missions and tracts o 289 o 364 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Wells Stake, Mc- C562fu Kinley Wardo The fullness of living; an activity guide for Aaronic priesthood age girls o Rev« edo Salt Lake City, Mc- Kinley ward, Wells Stake, 1943, c 1944 3 144p<> Contains explanatory materials and then an outline of re- commended activities ranging from mature study and fine arts to bowling and ping pongo Interesting pedigree chart folded in back of volume o lo Mormon Church— Mo I cAo 289 o 3 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso Women's oommitteeo C562m Mormon women's protest, an appeal for freedom, justice, and equal rights; the ladies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints protest against the tyranny and indecency of federal officials in Utah, and against their own disfranchise- ment without cause o Full account of proceedings at the great mass meeting held in the Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah, Saturday March 6, I8860 (Salt Lake City, n p , 1886] 91p° lo Mormons and Mormonism—Womeno 2* Mormons and Mormord sm— Church and state o Utah Pamo Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o The Word of Wisdom in Vo62 practical terms; extracts from addresses delivered in the Taber- noo2 nacleo Salt Lake City, tl93l3 l6p« Cites experiences in athletics to prove benefits of abstain- ing from tobacco and alcohol o lo Mormon Church— Doctrine- — Word of wisdomo 2° Mormons and Mor- monism— Addresses, essays, lectures » ih PamoiChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints] Y0M0M0I0A0 Manual for v©54 senior ciasses 9 1914 15° This volume is devoted to the vocations of man, the teacher and nome-maker are credited with being the two greatest influences in the background of children o lo Mormon Church — Mo 1 0A0— -Handbooks, manuals, etco 2oMormons and Monmonisnio h Pamo i' Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Y0M0M0I0A0 Manualso v©54 1907-1910 o Topics from year to year included church history through bio- graphies, the making of man (physically, mentally, and socially), Joseph Smith as a scientist, and spiritual growths lo Mormon Church—- Mo ioA©-™ Handbooks, manuals, etco 2° Mormons and Mormcnismo <- : 89o378 cChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; ] Zions Sange en Samling C5o2so af Udvalgte Sange for de Sidste-Dages Helliges Modero Salt Lake Dl City, Udgivit og Forlagt af Jesus Kristi Kirche af de Siste-Dages Hellige, 1910 o 211 songs o Danish text- of above in current use in mission fieldo lo Mormon Church- -Hymns— Danish o *-39©378 [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints j Zions Sanger en samling C56 ^ af utvalda Sanger for de Sista Dagers Heliges Moten© Salt Lake S9 City, Utgifven och forlagd af Jesus Christi Kyrka af Sista Dagers, Helige, 1910© 209 songs © VJide selection of most popular Lo Do So hymns, with a smaller sample of old Swedish hymns© lo Mormon Church— Hymns- -Swedish o Utah PamoThe city of the Saints^ containing views and descriptions of principal vo5 points of interest in Salt Lake City and vicimtyo Also brief sket- ches cf the history and religion of the Latter-day Saintso Salt Lake City, George Qo Cannon & Sens, n©d© 67p© Written during presidency cf Lorenzo Snow© Describes old Salt Lake theater as well as some hotels no longer in existence© lo Salt Lake City- Description© 2© Mormon Church- -Doc trine © 3° Mormon Church- -History© o3 Clark, John Alonzo© Gleanings by the way© Philadelphia, W© J© and C593g Jo K© Simon, 1842© 352p© lo U© So- -Description and travel© 2© Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti- Mormon 43 Utah Pam.Clark, Joshua Reuben. American free enterprised; address de- v.80 live red ooobef ore the Allied Trades dinner of the Mountain nool2 States Travelers.. cSalt Lake City, The Author, 1946 1 15p. "In a practical world unequal wages are inevitable, because not all work is of equal value." 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. Utah Pam. Clark, Joshua Reuben <> Slipping from our old moorings; address V08O delivered o « oat the annual meeting of the Utah Poultry n3ol3 Producers Cooperative Assn. [Salt Lake City, The author, 1947: 15p* Points out dangers to all America from a loss of faith. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures <> 817 °4 Clemens, Samuel Langhorneo Roughing it, by Mark Twain, pseud. C623r New York, Harper, t°19133 Mixes mockery with serious criticism. Considers Book of Mormon chloroform in print, marriage to homely Mormon women an act of kindness. lo The West — Description and travel. Description and travel. Hawaiian Islands — 813°5 Cluff, Lavon H. Their gala days. [1st ed.] Los Angeles, Sut- C649t tonhouse, t c 1939] 213p. "It is my desire to impart, beside entertainment, some of the fundamentals of, and, something of the so-called mysteries pertaining to, Mormonism." lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction. 917 o 92 C671m Codman, John The Mormon countryo A summer with the "Latter- day Saints". New York, United States Pub. Co., 1874. 225p» Arrives at conclusion that though Mormons have many false beliefs, they should be protected and allowed to evolve into the "true path to heaven o" 1. Utah— Description and travel. (Anti-Mormon) . 2. Mormons and Mormonism — 910.4 Coffin, Charles Carletonp Our new way round the world. Boston, C675o J. R. Osgood & Co., [18593 524p« Young combines "police systems of Fouche,of the first empire of Ignatius Loyola and the Order of the Jesuits to keep law and order in Utah, a theocratic state." lo Voyages around the world. 2. Mormons and Mormons ism — (Anti-Mormon) 44 910 o 4 Coffin, Charles Carle ton ° Our new way round the world. Boston, C675o Estes & Lauriot, 1381. 524p. 1881 lo Voyages around the world. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-" Mormon) . Utah Pam. Colfax, Schuyler. The Mormon question; being a speech of vice-presi- vo6l dent, Schuyler Colfax, at Salt Lake City. A reply thereto by no. 9 Elder John Taylor. Salt Lake City, Deseret Mews Office, 1870. 25p. Colfax says he has no quarrel on really religious questions; but that the Mormons must obey laws they feel are unconstitution- al until the courts rule otherwise. Added that the 3ook of Mormon condemned polygamy. lo Mormon Church — Apologetic works o 2. Mormons and Mo monism — Polygamyo 3° Mormonism— Congressional enactments. Utah Pam. Constitutional and governmental rights of the Mormons, as defined by Vo4 Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States; containing the full text of. o .the Organic act of Utah Territory, the Anti- polygamy law of 1862, the Poland law of 1874, the Edmunds law of 1882 f the Edmunds-Tucker law of 1887, the United States Statute of Limitations, Poor convict Release Act, and the Idaho Test Oath law, to which is appended a digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the U. S. applicable to "Mormon 11 cases... Salt Lake City, J. Ho Parry, 1890. Il6p. I. Mormons and Mormonism — Congressional enactments. 283 Conybeare, William John. Essays ecclesiastical and social. Longmans, C768e 1855° 440p. The article on the Mormons appeared in the Edinburgh Review in 1854° Contains some interesting reflections on pains and penalties which are the portion of a minority in the Great Republic. lo Church of England. 2o Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 289 o 399 cConybeare, William John] Mormonismo London, Longmans, 1854* 112p. A retrogressive cult whose man centered system is only approach- ed by Egyptian monks o Success due to living prophet, obedience to followers, general participation in office holding and materialism. lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) . 289»3 Cook, Alonzo Laker. A study of the gospel of Our Savior. dndepen- C771s dence, Mo., Zion T s Print. & Pub. Co.] 1946. Strong on Word of Wisdom, need for blood atonement and chastity. I. Mormons and Mormonismo 45 378.242 Cooley, Everett Lo The Utah war [1847-1857] [Salt Lake City] 1947° C774u (Mo Ao Thesis, University of Utah). lo Mormon Church— History— 1847-1857 • 2o Utah— History . 3« Utah—Policies and government o 280 Coombs, James Vincent o Religious delusions; studies of the false C775r faiths of today. Cincinnati, Standard Pub. Co., [19043 208p. "The treason of Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold was innocent when compared to the lawlessness, the usurpations and mock justice of Utah." lo Sects— U< (Anti-Mormon) . So 2o Religions o 3° Mormons and Mormonism — 289°399 [Cory, Winifred (Graham). The Mormons; a popular history . London, C833m Hurst and Blackett, 1913 o 309p° Charged the church justified immorality^ and theft, that the young are taught disloyalty, and that missionaries "who hustle like Chicago stock brokers and dress like Picadilly dandies o" lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o Utah PamoCowles, LeRoy Eugene . Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint So Vo7 New York, Philosophical Library, nod. The editor states "This article carried the imprimatur of the First Presidency of the Church". Brief outline of history, organization, and activities o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289 «392 Cowley, Matthias Fosso The blood of the prophets; biographical C875b sketches selected from his work "Prophets and patriarchs o" Chattanooga, Tenno, B. E. Rich, [1902] 87p° 16 Mormons and Mormonism' — Biography. 289 °392 Cowley, Matthias Fosso Prophets and patriarchs of the Church of C875p Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Cowley T s talks of doc- trine o Chattanooga, Tenn., B. E. Rich, 1902. 505p° Apostle, printer, helped with publications of Frontier Guardian o Increased circulation of the "Contributor" over 4000. lo Mormons and Mormonism- — -Biography. 2. Mormon Church— Doctrine. 289 o 33 Cowley, Matthias Foss. Cowley's talks on doctrine. Chattanooga, C875t Term., B. E. Rich, 1902. 187p° "The style is pre-eminently plain and peculiarly adopted to the reading public." 46 lo Mormon Church- -Doctrine. 917°3 Cox, James o My native land, the United Stateso Sto Louis, Moo, C877m Blair Pubo Coo, 1895- 400p o Admired the industry of the Mormons while deploring polygamy, Danites, and "so-called 11 revelations- lo Uo So- -Description and travelo 2o Uo Sc- -Social life and cus- tomso 3° Indians of North America o 4o Mormons and Mormonism-- (Anti- Mormon) o Utah PamoCoyner, Jo Mo Letters on Mormonismo Salt Lake City, Tribune Print o v°58 and Pubo Coo, 1879 o 24p° n I am also well assured that if the Mormon church ever again obtains absolute control in this Territory, all non-Mormons, how- ever notable their work, however pure their lives, or however self- sacrificing their labors, will be compelled either to bow the knee to the God of the Mormons or flee the count ryo w lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Ant i- Mormon > - 979°2 Creer, Leland Hargraveo Utah and the nationo Seattle, Washington, C9.1 University of Washington press, 1929° 275p° Excellent political history of the Mormons o lo Utah— History o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 392 Crocheran, Augusta (Joyce) Representative women of Deseret, a book of C937r biographical sketches to accompany the picture bearing the same title o Salt Lake City, Jo Co Graham, 1884? 131p° lo Mormons and Mormonism— Biography o Utah PamoCurran, Garret William o From the Roman Catholic to the Mormon Church j vo62 A former member of the Roman Catholic Church for many years tells noo!7 why he accepted the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) o .Sail Lake City, The author, *19393 32po Since 2 churches within Christianity claimed to be true, one must have been a liar, and scriptures are used to prove Catholicism is guilty o lo Mormons and Mormonismo Utah PamoCurran, Garrett Wo Father O'Brien and the Momon missionary, their V06 discussions. [Salt Lake City] The author, [1939 ] 40p> An imaginary dialogue based on writings of Mormon James Eo Talmadge versus Catholics Conway, Knox, and Gibbons lo Mormon Church- Doctrine 47 Utah PamoCurran, Garret Williamo The heavenly, number three o [Salt Lake Vo6 City] The author, nodU 64p» Says the L» Do S« Church has agreed to remain neutral on his writings which he admits severly test its. .acceptance of the truth from any source o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction* Utah PamoCurran, Garret Williamo Which is the only true Church of Christ - V06O Roman Catholic or Mormono tFresno, California, The author] nod 1950 c 40p "The Roman Catholic God, that described by the Vatican Council, is a false, non-existant God and one which Christ com- manded mankind to discard ." lo Catholic Church o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 389 Curtis, Mrso Bardella Shippo Sacred scriptures and religious C978s philosophy; a comparative study o Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton printers, ltd*., 1942 o 320p o Tries to reconcile various historical attitudes towards "purpose of mostal estate o" Interprets various 19th century writings which might be construed as favorable to Mormonismo" lo Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinaland controversial works o 2o Mormon Church— Theology o Utah PamoGurtis, George Ticknoro A plea for religious liberty and the rights Vo6l of conscience; an argument delivered in the Supreme Court of the nool4 Uo Sooooin three cases of Lorenzo Snow, plaintiff in error Vo The United States or writs of error to the Supreme Court of Utah Territoryo Washington, Printed for the author by Gibson Broso, 1886 o 64p° Argued that introducing women as One* s wives did not con- stitute cohabitation o Interesting summary of Lo Do So views on marriage, made by a Gentile lawyer » Points out these marriages were legal when contracted o lo Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy « 2« Mormons and Mormonism — ■ Congressional enactments •> Utah PamoDaniels, William Mo Correct account of the murder of Generals Vo60 Joseph and Hyrum Smith at Carthage on the 27th day of June, noo6 1844° Nauvoo, Illo, Pub« by John Taylor for' the Proprietor, 1845° 26p Q Non-Mormon who went to Carthage out of curiosity relates remarks and speeches of those who incited the murders and participated in themo lo Mormon Church — Historyo 2o Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844o 3° Smith, Hyrum, 1800-1844° 48 289*33 Darter, Francis M. The kingdom of God; the U. S. A., 3ritish Empire. D226k Salt Lake City, Utah Print. Co. 1941 • 64p* Author lists himself as "High Priest — Kingdom of Cod Surveyor- Civil Engineer." Discusses Washington* s Vision; the missing tribes of Israel, predicts nearness of last days with the next president of the L. D. S. church to be a divine leader. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. Utah Pam. Darter, Francis M. The Lord T s strange work; the return of John, the v»37 Revelator, a voice of warning, the approaching end. Long Beach, California, 1917* 185p* Feels some of the elders have stumbled in judgment, become spiritually drunk, and worldly in financial matters. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 289*3 Darter, Francis M. Our Bible in stone, its divine purpose and present D226o day message, the mystery of the ages unveiled. Salt Lake City, Deseret News Pub. Co., r e 193l3 179p* Analysis of prophecies and their fulfillment as indicated on the Great Pyramid of Gizek, "the equivalent of the handwriting of the Almighty." 289*3 Darter, Francis M. The time of the end. Los Angeles, [Wetzel Pub. D226t Co., 1928. 295p* An interpretation of the 70 week-year vision given Daniel; offered the average man so that he can prepare for Judgment Day* 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 2. 3ible — Prophecies. 289*33 Darter, Francis M. Zion T s redemption. Salt Lake City, Deseret News D226z Pub. Co., 1933* 224p» This book is to instruct the saints as to the true character- istics, qualifications and power of these prophets so they might "refrain from following deceivers." 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Prophecies. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 979*2 Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Heart throbs of the West. Salt Lake D238h City, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1939- A potpourri of reminiscences and extracts from family diaries. 1. Utah — History. 2. Frontier and pioneer life — Utah. 3* Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam. Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Historical miracles in pioneer days. Comp v.70 by Kate B. Carter. rSalt Lake City] 1938. I6p. no. 10 Irrigation, sugar from cottonwood trees and seagulls destroying crickets are the three developed most extensively. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Miracles. 49 Utah PamoD aught ers of Utah Pioneers « Military life in the West. Compiled by vo70 Kate Bo Cartero cSalt Lake City,: 1940» 36p* nOo3 A hodge-podge of quotations from Creer, California* His- tories, journals, and the like<> Location of journals not given* lo Mormon Battalion, 1846-1847 « 2* Utah — History. Utah PamoDaughters of Utah Pioneers <> Public works and social security of Vo70 the pioneers o Comp<> by Kate Bo Carter* cSalt Lake City] 1936 o noo2 15p° Discusses such enterprizes as meeting house, canals, irri- gation ditches, temple, and tabernacle with notes on the use of tithing scrip as currencyo lo Mormon Church — Welfare piano Utah PamoDaughters of Utah Pioneers© They came in T 47; compo by Kate Bo vo70 Cartero cSalt Lake City] 1947* noo7 Alphabetical listing of 1849 pioneers with dates and places of birth and death, with some lists of later companies alsoo lo Mormon Pioneers, Original Company, 1847* 2. Utah — Pioneers o 979?205 Davies, John Johnsono Uncle Sam and the Mormons (in Utah Histo U89 Qo 1941, vo9)o lo Mormons and Mormonism — Poetry* 289«2 Davis, Inez (Smith) o The story of the church; a history of the D262s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and of its legal successor, the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints o 3d edo Independence, Mo*, Herald Pub* House, 1943c 575po lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2* Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Utah PamoDavis, McLain Wo Mormonismo New York, Outlook Co., 1906 o Vo59 Conflict between Mormons and Gentiles is irrepressible noo 15 because of the arrogant claims of Mormonism* The efforts of the church to dominate political and economic life around it* "The effect of the material and political domination of the Mor- mon Church is, as it could not fail to be, pernicious*" lo Mormons and Mormonism — Social life and customs. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) o 50 289*399 Davis, So J. S. The origin of the Book of Mormon, together with an D264o account of the rise and progress of the Mormon Church. Louisville, Kyo, Pentecostal Pub. Co., 1899 • 144p« Book of Mormon inspired by Priestley* s theories on origin of Indians, Spaulding T s Romance, and held together by Orson Pratt, the brain behind Smith and Young. 1. Book of Mormon. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 289°33 De Jong, Gerrit. Greater dividends from religion; a discussion of the D327g practicality of some religious teachings of a peculiar people. Fore- ward by Milton Bennion. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., tl950] 137p° ' "It is hoped that some reasonable and realistic thinking will be presented that will be of help to those who want to strengthen their determination to live fully the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it has been restored in the dispensation." 1» Mormons and Mormonism. Doctrinal and controversial works. Utah Pam.The delegate from Utah; the position of George Q. Cannon to whom the V.77 seat in Congress was awarded. Salt Lake City, Deseret News Co., 1881-1882. 3 parts. Cannon received 18,000 votes to 1300 for Campbell, but the lat- ter made numerous objections, most of which are listed and answered in this pamphlet. 1. Cannon, George Quayle, 1827-1901. 2. Campbell, Allen G. 3» Mormons and Mormonism — Speeches in Congress. 4« U. S. Congress — House — Contested elections. 979 »4 De Rupert, A. E. D. Calif ornians and Mormons. New York, J. W. Lovell, D438c 1881. I66p. The Mormons recognize only church government; some of their sermons would make a courtesan blush. Says he believes Mormonism is based on a lie. Will apologize if a saint can show him the plates of the Book of Mormon. 1. California — Description and travel. 2. San Francisco — Des- cription. 3» Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 289-399 Dickinson, Mrs. Ellen E. New light on Mormonism. New York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1885. 272p. Descendant of Spaulding gives all possible ways Smith might have been influenced by Spaulding. Thinks Mormons got hold of and destroyed original "Manuscript Found". 1» Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon). 2. 3ook of Mormon. 3« Spaulding, Solomon, 1761-1816. 51 910 o 4 Dilke, Charles Wentwortho Greater Britain; a record of travel in D577 English speaking countries during 1866 and 1867° London, Macmillan, 1868 o 2 volo Considers Mormons successful pioneers, but the women sad of countenance and the men extremely credulous <> lo Voyages around the world o 2o Great Britain — Colonies* Uo So — Description and travelo 4» Mormons and Mormonismo 3o 917 '3 Dixon, William Hepwortho New America <> Philadelphia, Jo Bo D621n Lippincott, 1867 » 495p° lo Uo So— Social life and customs and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) o 2o Sects, U*. S, 3« Mormons 917° 3 Dixon, William Hepwortho New America o 8th edo London, Hurst & D621n8 Blackett, [1869 3 448p° "They live and thrive, and men who live by their own labour, thrive by their own enterprise, can be altogether mad*" Discussed theater among Mormons at some length o lo Uo So — Social life and customs and Mormonism — -(Anti-Mormon) » 2o Sects, Uo So 3» Mormons 289° 312 Doctrine and Covenants© The doctrine and covenants, of the Church 1891 of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, containing the revelations given to Joseph Smith, Jr°, the Prophet, for the building up of the kingdom of God in the last dayso Divided into verses with references, by Orson Pratt, Seno Salt Lake City, George Q« Cannon & Sons Coo, 1891° 503p° The latter editions differ from the first mainly in indexing and arrangement o Later editions include Word of Wisdom, officially adopted as Church doctrine many years after its original promul- gation o 289°312 Doctrine and Covenantso The doctrine and covenants o oowith some addi- 1946 tions by his successors in the presidency of the church © Salt Lake City, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1946 o 312p° The 1835 first edition contained a customary phrasing of title pages of the period "Carefully selected from the revelations of Godo" Not all revelations given members or leaders became offi- cial doctrines The first publication of compiled revelations was the extremely rare Book of Commandments, published in Missouri in 1833° Most copies were destroyed by a mobo Utah ParrioDoctrine and Covenantso The Lord* s law of health; Word of Wisdom » Vo62 Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenantso [Salt Lake City] nool Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 193-° 8p No annotation, simply a copy of seco 89° university op 52 Draper, John Smitho p„ 297-312 of. Shams; or, Uncle 3en T s experience with hypocrites- Chicago, Co Co Thompson Co., t c 1899] 412p. Was impressed with Tabernacle but then told people in the middle seats couldn't hear a word* Convinced money is mainspring of Church; that the leaders never intended to finish the Temple, keep building and getting money from faithful forever.. lo Mormons and Mormomsm — (Anti-Mormon) « Driggs, Benjamin Woodbury « History of Teton Valley, Idaho . Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton printers, 1926 ■> 227p» Based on information gathered "while some of the old pioneers were still living o" le Teton Valley, Idaho— History <» 2. Mormon Church — Colonization — Idaho o Driggs, Howard Roscoeo The art of teaching; a teachers training course designed for quorum instructors and auxiliary class teachers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints e Salt Lake City, Gen- eral Boards of the Auxiliary Organizations of the church, 1919* 121 p. "Teaching is one of the fundamental activities of members..." "Practically all active members of the Church are called upon at soire time in their lives to teach in some capacity or other." lo Mormon Church — Teacher Training Classes — Handbooks, manuals . Driggs, Howard Roscoeo Mormon trail; pathway of pioneers who made the deserts blossomo New York, American Pioneer Trails Assn« c°19473 95po Even the ink in this book seems to blossom in this account with its maps, pictures, and mileages o lo Mormon trail « 2o Utah Emigration and Immigration. Dunn, Jacob Piatt « Massacres of the mountains, a history of the Indian Wars of the far Westo New York, Harper, 1886o 784p» Bitter attack on "Mormon decit under their dogma of higher law." Claims George Ao Smith arrranged the Mt. Meadow massacre. lo Indians of North America — Wars- and Mormonismo 2« The West — History. 3» Mormons Dwyer, Robert Joseph o The gentile comes to Utah; a study in religious and social conflict (1862-1890)- Washington, D» C, The Catholic univerisyt of America press, 1941" 270p- Well documented o Criticizes earlier writers for not using more materials from federal archives. lo Utah — History- 2* Utah — Social conduct- 3- Mormons and Mormonism. 53 052 The Edinburgh Review; or, Critical Journal, for Jan», April, 1854" E23 p° [3193-383 of: London, Longmans, 1854° Same principle of organization might do great service in cause of truth o Main cause of growth and power of Mormon Church is the authority based on a living prophet and continuous revela- tion, second is its organization and third is discontent of pov- erty stricken masses o 289°3921 Egan, Howard o Pioneering the West, 1946 to 1878; Major Howard Egan' s E28p diary, also thrilling experiences of pre-frontier life among Indians, their traits, civil and savage, and part of autobio- graphy, inter- related to his father 1 s, by Howard Ro Egan, edo, compoj, and connected in nearly chronological order, by Wmio Mo Egan© Richmond, Utah, Howard Ro Egan estate, 1917° 302p o Personal incidents in life of Egan and his neighbors o lo Utah— History o 2o Utah — Social conditions o 3° Mormons and Mormonismo Utah PamoEllis, Charleso Utah, 1847-1870o Salt Lake City, the author, 1891° vo4 32p» Non-Mormon, concludes Smith anticipated Herbert Spencer T s philosophy of evolution and that Mormons are loyal citizens o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Utah—History* 784°06l The Emma Lucy Gates Bowen song collectiono Utah composerso [n p ] Ivo E54 1 o Songs — Collections • 289° 35 Ericksen, Ephraim Edward ° The psychological and ethical aspects of E68p Mormon group life© Chicago, the University of Chicago press, [1922] lOlpo Faith in church dogmas is w the great virtue of today just as loyalty was the great virtue in the first period, or effi- ciency and industry in the second period of Mormon history°" lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormon Church — History o 920 Esshom, Frank Ellwoodo Pioneers and prominent men of Utah, compris- E78p ing photographs, genealogies, biographiero « othe early history history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint s. [Edo de luxe i Salt Lake City, Utah Pioneers Book Pub Co», 1913° 1319p° lo Utah— Biography o 2o Utah — Genealogyo 3° Mormons and Mormon™ i sm— Biography o Utah PamoEvans, Charles David.o Co Do Evans 1 vision; related by himself, as Vo57 seen by him in Salem, Utah, on the night of Dec» 25, 1882.0 54 Eventual peace and union in the world under Mormon brotherhood, lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289°39 Evans, John Henry. Birth of Mormonism in picture; scenes and incidents E92b in early church history from photographs by George 2. Anderson. Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union. t c 19093 62p. Pictures of various homes of Smith, places he worshipped and received visions, Hill Cumorah, and the like. 1. Mormon Church — History. 289°383 Evans, John Henry. Black Gypsy and other stories, written for the re- E92b quest of the General Board of Religion Classes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the primary department. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1907° 152p. True stories of Mormon experiences written by L. D. S. authors # Moral driven home by questions such as one about the story of little Johnny who received a good job after taking a bath. lo Mormon Church— Religion classes — Stories. 289°3 Evans, John Henryo The heart of Mormonism. ..Written for the seminaries E92h of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City. Pub. for the Department of Education by the Deseret Book Co., 1930. 529p° Based on the author* s suggestions that there be a change of emphasis from history to a clear understanding of the messages of the church, including showing how the church has all the strength of one-man power, yet all the qualities of democracy. lo Mormon Church — -Doctrine. 2. Mormon Church — History. 289° 39 Evans, John Henry. One hundred years of Mormonism; a history of the E92o2 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1805-1905° 2d ed° Salt Lake City, Deseret Sunday School Union. 1909° 536p. Tries to stress principles, to explain on sociological grounds the friction between Mormons and other groups, to show the church is a model of efficiency, having all the strength of one — man power arri yet all the developing qualities of great democracy. I. Mormon Church — History. 289°3 Evans, John Henry. Our church and people, written for the Deseret E92o Sunday School Union. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1924° 298p. The loss of the priesthood and what that did to the church during the Middle Ages, and then the coming of Smith and the L. D. So Church are described. 1° Mormons and Mormonism. 55 289 »3 Evans, John Henry <> Step a little higher.. Salt Lake City, Deseret E92s Book Coo, r e 19373 136p» Inspirational messages to Mormon youth, on home life, fin- ancial independence, Words of Wisdom, and the like© 1° Mormons and Mormonism« 979 *2 Evans, John Henry o The story of Utah, the beehive state.. New York, E92st Macmillan Coo, 1933 ° 445p° Simply written text and often in story form<> lo Utah— History o Utah Panio Evans, Richard Co Forty years in the Mormon church; why I left it* vo71 Toronto, The author, £19203 173p° nodO When people told him Smith had practiced polygamy he could "no longer believe that God and Christ visited and conversed with Smith" o lo Mormons and Mormonism — (Anti-Mormon) • 2. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o 289*385 Evans, Richard Louiso At this same hour* tlist ed«: New York, E92at Harper, [19493 207p* lo Mormons and Mormonism— Addresses, essays, lectures • 2o Homiletical illustrations * 289° 3^5 Evans, Richard Louis o This day***and always* New York, Harper, E92t [1942] 200p o "Contains, topically arranged, most of the broadcast sermonettes that have been presented" on weekly CBS broadcasts from Temple Square* lo Mormons and Mormonism. — -Addresses, essays, lectures* 2* Mormons and Mormonism— Sermons* 289 «385 Evans, Richard Louis* Unto the hills* New York, Harper, [ c 1940] 151p* Sermonettes "talked off on a dictaphone, under the pressure of a relentless weekly broadcast schedule* lo Mormons and Mormonism— Addresses, essays* 2* Homiletical illustrations* 3* Mormons and Mormonism — Sermons* 289*338 Eyring, Heinrich* Ein Wort der Vertheidigung ober Antworten auf E98w Fragen in Betreff der Lehren der Kirche Jesu Chrsti der Heil- igen der letzten tage* Bern Herausgegeben, von J* U* Stucki, 1875* l6p* 1* Mormon Church— Catechisms and creeds— German* 56 289*3921 Eyring, Henry » The journal of Henry Eyring, 1902-1935 • [Salt Lake E98a City, Henry Eyring and Harold W» Bentley, 1951 i "The very poverty I had to pass through was a blessing in dis- guise and an agent to prepare me for the reception of the plan of salvation, as revealed through the prophet Joseph Smith o" Converted after 2 months of study in 1855° Tells of mission among Indians and one in Mexico o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289 o29 Fagerstjerna, P» Wo Po The light of Messiah on the gospel of freedom, and the order of Messiaho Volo lo San Francisco, C. Wo Gordon, 1888 o 380p o Contains revelations urging Utah Mormons to come back into the fold of the Reorganized Church » lo Mormons and Mormonism — Divergent Sects. 2o Jesus Christ — Misc. 917°3 Faithful, Emilyo Three visits to Americao Edinburgh, Do Douglas, F174t 1884° 377po Comparison discipline of Mormon church with that of Jesuits, and states early sermons were couched in language so coarse Rabelais could not have surpassed ito Simple converts led to believe church got government land for themo Does note American divorce laws lend some support to Mormon claim that much practice differed from polygamy only in nameo lo Uo So Social life and customs o 2° Woman--Social and moral questions o 3° Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormons) » 917 o 3 F191t Falk, Alfred Trans-Pacific ; sketches ; a tour through the United States arid^Canadao Melbourne, Go Robertson, 1887* 313p° Felt that Mormonism was originally a "farrago of ancient Jewish ceremonies, grafted upon a spurious kind of Christianity" but that would have been all right had not polygamy turned it into a social cancero lo Uo So— Description and travelo 2o Canada — Description and tra- velo 3o Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o Utah PamoFarnsworth, So Mo So Mo Farnsworth T s vision; related by himself, as Vo57 seen by him in Nauvoo, Illo, early in the spring of 18Uh° Angel said "A severe trial was necessary to sift out those that were not worthyo" lo Mormons and Mormonismo 813 o 5 Farr, Julia ° The great experience « Salt Lake City, Deseret News, F2393g 1920 o 224p» Cruelty to converts in some instances by relatives who later repented and were converted and brought to happiness in zion. 57 813 o 5 Farr, Julia© Venna Hastings; story of an Eastern Mormon convert* F2383v Independence, Mo*, Zion* s Print. & Pub. Co., 1919- 200p. Venna is an heiress, married to a rounder, whom she pro- perly leaves to live in the country. There she witnessed a baby healed by faith through missionaries and was herself converts ed. First husband shot by a woman he wronged. Learns that "women in the East don T t know how to really enjoy life". She gives away most of her money in order to marry a poor Mormon. Dies happily on a battlefield. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 289° 399 Ferris, Benjamin G. Utah and the Mormons. From personal observation F394u during a six months 1 residence at Great Salt Lake City. New York, Harper, 1854 » 347p° Ferris was certain Mormonism was on the decline. He felt Brigham Young would have been out shown and never heard of had he remained in the East. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289"399 Ferris, Mrs. Benjamin G. The Mormons at home. New York, Dix & F3941m Edwards, 1856. 299p° Little deference paid to women, "I suspect it to be one of the effects of polygamy." Was quite ready to conclude a large portion of female Mormonism is made up of "good-natured, stupid fools o Felt Utah might operate as a "Botany Bay" to society generally. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. The West — Description and travel. 917° 3 First century of national existence; the United States as they were F527 and are.oby an eminent corps of scientific and literary men. 1872 Hartford, Conn., Published by L. Stebbins, 1872. 585p° 2 pages on Mormons scorn going into "history of this impos- ture"} instead summarize such beliefs as "They believe that there are many Gods..." 1. United States. 2. Mines and mineral resources — U. S. 3° Mormons and Mormonism. 8.13°4 Fisher, Vardis. Children of God; an American epic. New York, Harper, F5363c c°1939: 769p° Attempts to give story of Mormons in fictional form with ima- ginary scenes involving Smith as well as Young. Motivation of both is physiological rather than metaphysical. lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction. 58 289 o 378 Foley, Samantha T. Brimhall. Canciones de Sion o del culto Mormon. F667c Salt Lake City, Skelton Pub. Co., c 1911. 197p- S7 Spanish words, no music. Divided into sacramental, funeral, children T s, songs of life and death, and songs from Book of Mor- mon. Hymnal source indicated. 1. Mormon Church — Hymns, Spanish. 289 o 399 Folk, Edgar Estes. The Mormon monster. New York, F. H. Revell, F666m 1890. 372p. The killing of Smith was more than a crime "It was a blunder", because Mormonism at that time "was practically dead." "Blind, unreasoning obedience to the priesthood is the mark of highest virtue among the Mormons." 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 823°8 [Ford, David] The Mormon lion; chapters from the secret memoirs of F6993m David Ford. London, John Long, [1915 3 320p. Forced marriages, murders, and massacres make this a study in read and black. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) — Fiction. 977 °3 Ford, Thomas. A history of Illinois, from its commencement as a state F771h in 1818-1948. Chicago, S. C. Griggs and Co., 1854 • 447p« The governor who could not or would not protect Smith from assas- sination gives his impressions of Nauvoo and the Mormons. 1. Illinois — History. 2. Mormons and Mormonism in Illinois. 378.242 Fox, Karl August. A critique of mortality statistics with special F792c reference to Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1938. (M. A. Thesis, Utah Univ . ) 1. Mormon Church — Statistics. 2. Utah — Statistics, Vital. 221.07 Frandsen, Ernest. A work book to be used in the study of Old Testament F827w history, n.p., n.d., 109p. Diagrams of creation and pre-mortal life bring out L. D. S. doc- trine, 100 projects for student includes maps, charts, quizzes, and synopses. 1. Bible 0. T. Study — Outlines, syllabi, etc. 2. 3ible study — Outlines, syllabi, etc. — O.T. 3° Mormon Church — Seminaries and Insti- tutes — Outlines, syllabi, etc 917 o 3 Frankau, Gilbert. My unsentimental journal. 1st ed. London, Hutchin- F828m son cn.d.] 285p. 59 Impressed with charm, industry, and hospitality of Mormons « Concludes persecution was source of their strength o lo Uo So— Description and travelo 2e Mormons and Mormonismo 289=399 Freece, Hans P. [New York, Wolfer Press, °1908] 73p° F853/ The author tried to give talks to prove the Mormon Church "has been led astray by priestcraft"* Claimed poor members had become victims of designing leaders o lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti -Mormon) ° 289°399 Frere, Revo Johno A short history of the Mormonites, or Latter-day F881s Saint So With an account of the real origin of the Book of Mormon o London, Jo Masters, I85O0 2/+p° "It is impossible to charity herself to expect any good of a society which springs from such an origin as theirs, especially, when the mischief of their fanatical superstition remains .00" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anit-Mormon) » 289 o 399 Froiseth, Mrs» Jennie Anderson ° The women of Mormonism; or, the story of polygamy as told by the victims themselveso Detroit, C Go Go Paine, 1882 o 4l6po "First wives seem to carry the signs of care and sorrow— a mark of Cain, as it were"» Slander was the weapon often used or threatened to force women into polygamy » lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anit-Mormon) » 2o Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy o 813° 3 Fuller, Metta Victoriao Lives of female Mormons, a narrative of F9673/ facts stranger than fiction • Philadelphia, G« Go Evans, 1860 tl859 c i 326po A foolish, lovesick girl becomes a second wife, causing number one to die of heartbreak » Number two in turn is made un- happy by number three, and goes out to lecture against the Mormons o lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) — Fiction « 289 "392 Gardner, Celestia Snowo History of the William Snow and Robert Gard- G226h ner families; pioneers of 1948 and 1850 » Salt Lake City, Acorn Print o Coo, 1942 <» 183p° lo Snow Family (William Snow, 1806-1879 )• 2o Gardner Family (Robert Gardner, 1819-1906). 3o Mormons and Mormonism — Biographyo 289°399 Gash, Abram Dale. The false star; a tale of the Occidento Chicago, G247f Wo Bo Conkey Co», 1899 « 578p» 60 Wives die of broken hearts, or go insane; young men are mut- ilated or murdered. Revelations are faked by bishops, stake presi- dents and prophets. lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289 . 364 G2593h 813o5 G2593J Gates, Mrs. Susa (Young). History of the Young Ladie' s Mutual Improve- ment Assoc, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Revised and published by the General Board of the Y. L.M.I. A. Salt Lake City, Deseret Mews, 1911 • 488p. This organization originated among the daughters of Brigham Young to aid in retrenchment. It has since become a strong branch of L. D. So youth organizations. I. Mormon Church — M.I.A. Gates, Mrs. Susa (Young). John Stevens' courtship, a story of the Echo Canyon war. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1909- 377p» "An avowed purpose of this book is to show that there is plenty of romance and color in everyday life—if the eye be not color- blind." One Lo Do S. girl dies both "dead and disgraced" from havrin; trusted a Gentile soldier." I. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 364 G295c Geddes, Joseph Arch. Crime as a Mormon culture problem. Utah State Agricultural College, 1941° lo Crime and criminals . 2. Mormons and Mormonism. Logan, Utah, 289 - 35 G295u Geddes, Joseph Arch. The United Order among the Mormons (Missouri phase) an unfinished experiment in economic organization. Salt Lake City, The Deseret News Press, 1924* 172p» Based on private property, held under stewardship from the Lord or the church, with less incentive to the unusual man than capitalism offers, but more to the average, or poor. lo Mormons and Mormonism in Missouri. United Order. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine — 289 o 369 Genealogical Society of Utah. Handbook of Genealogy and Temple work. G326h Salt Lake City, [Pub. by the society] 1924 » 336p. "These ordinances must be performed in this life, of if for the dead vicariously by some one who is in mortality, the living acting as proxy for the dead." Hence the need for genealogies to furnish lists of family members. lo Genealogy. 2. Mormon Church — Temple work. 61 289°369 Genealogical Society of Utah. Lessons in genealogy; courses of G326/e study in genealogical classes . Salt Lake City, 19- Includes lists of sources, how to use them with notes on her- aldry, and on the need for keeping family journals or histories* Some lessons for junior genealogy classes* 1» Genealogy.. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Genealogy. 3» Mormon Church— Temple worko 977° 3 Gerhard, Frederick* Illinois as it is; its history, geography, G3681 statistics, constitution, laws, government* Chicago, Keen and Lee, 1857" 451p° Accused Mormons of designs on lands in Illinois and Missouri having spiritual wives for any Mormon* Danites, writes of Smith as totally ignorant, and with no genius for planning* 1* Illinois— History* 2. Mormon Church — History* 813»5 Gibbs, Josiah Francis* Kawich T s gold mine; an historical narrative G/+433k of mining in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado and of love and adventure among the polygamous Mormons of southern Utah* Author 1 s ed* Salt Lake City, Century Print Co*, 1913- 228p. How even a woman trained in the faith must rebel at plural marriage* 1* Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon)— Fiction* 289 o 399 Gibbs, Josiah Francis* Lights and shadows of Mormonism* [Salt Lake G443i Tribune Pub* Co., °1909] 535p« The writer describes his own youth, acquaintance with Young, reasons for leaving the church and reasons for calling Mormon leaders a slick, smooth aggregation of counterfeit prophets bent on total domination of their people. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anit-Mormon) . 2. Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857° Utah Pam. Gibbs, Josiah Francis. The Mountain Meadows Massacrea* [Salt Lake v*59 City] Salt Lake Tribune Pub. Co., 1910* 59p. no .13 This massacre "should not be forgotten as long as Mormon writers. . . use the "Missouri persecutions" * . . "a little thing like the massacre at the Meadows doesn f t even jar the faith of the average Mormon." 1. Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857° 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . Utah Pam.Giles, Barnet Moses. The pure testimony to the Church of Jesus Christ v °37 of Latter-day Saints and unto all the nations of the world. Salt Lake City, The author, 1875° 44p» 62 Brigham Young and young Joseph Smith both lost the keys of the priesthood. . ."They have not had any revelations as it has been pro- mised." Gives a list of bad practices of the church. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289 • 378 Giles, Henry Evans, ccmp. Latter-day Saints congregational hymns. 1st G472/ edo Independence, Mo., Zion T s Print. & Pub. Co., 1919. "Standard hymns of Zion in such form as will enable the people to sing with the spirit and understanding." 1. Mormon Church — Hymns. 2. Hymns. Utah Pam. Goodrich, E. S. Mormonism unveiled., 1884 • 12p. v.6 Uses statistics of crime in territory to prove Mormons look fav- orable compared with those who denounce them. I. Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam. Goodwin 9 S. H. Additional studies in Mormnnism and Masonry. Salt v<>37 Lake City, The author, 1932. 62p. Says Book of Mormon echoes charges of anti-Masonic movement against ancient secret societies. 1. Free Masonry. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam.Goodwin, S. H. Mormonism and Masonry; a Utah point of view. Salt Lake v»37 City, 1921. 45p° Explains why Mormons are not admitted to Utah masonic lodges. 1. Free Masonry. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 979.2 Gove, Jesse Augustus. The Utah expedition, 1857-1858. Concord, N. H., G721ut New Hampshire historical society, 1928. 442p. Letters of Captain Gove to Marie and children, plus some he sent New York Herald under the name of "Argus." 1. Utah — History. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 917.8 Graham, Stephen. Tramping with a poet in the Rockies. New York, D. G742t Applet on, 1922. 279p° Vachel Lindsay and Graham in Canada — reflections on Mahomet — like nature of Mormons, Rigdon 1 s influence ending on note "Mormon- ism is the story of a passionate sensual man with a fake religion." lo Rocky Mountains. 2. Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 1879-1931* 3« Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289 » 38 Grant, Heber Jeddyo Gospel Standards; selections from the sermons G?62g and writings. tSalt Lake City, The Improvement Era: 1941° 384p° Begins with the note many agree the L. D. S. church is a fine organization if only people did not have to believe in Joseph Smith o lo Mormons and Mormonism — Collected works. Utah Pam.Grass, Eric To Thoughts of reality; a challange to the churches and v«37 to the Mormons in particular. Salt Lake City, The author, n«d» 32po Claims the Mormons are pantheists with no real basis for claim to authority as a true church . Demands M a decent answer to how they got divine power o" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anit-Mormon) 289°399 Gray, Ac F<. The menace of Mormonismo Anderson, Ind., Gospel Trumpet G778 Coo, c e 1926] 128p. Smith lacked moral fitness o "In fact, moral fitness does not seem to hold a very large place in the Mormon scheme" . Political power and wealth of Mormons are a menace to the liberties of the Nation* lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anit-Mormon) o 917 <>8 The great West, Its attractions and resources . Philadelphia, Frank- H83 lin Pube Coo, 1880o 528p. Tends to exaggerate physical manifestations of Mormons, ig- norance of the people, with a note that the best of them had apostatized o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 979°2 Greaves, Halbert Spencero Public speaking in Utah, 1847 to 1869° G787p [Madison, Wiso] 1941° (Thesis, Wisconsin Univ») Based largely on the Journal of Discourse, q»vo lo Utah—History* 2o Mormon Church— History. 3° Preaching — History— Utah © 213 Green, Gilbert Mo Science uprooted o Salt Lake City, [n.p°, c 1938] G796s 132po Compares word of science with word of God, with science being misty but God's word eternal. I. Religion and science o 2o Cosmology. 3° Mormons and Mormonism. 289*399 Green, Nelson Wincho Mormonism? its rise, progress, and present con- G797m ditiono Embracing the narrative of Mrso Mary Ettie V. Smith, of 64 her residence and experience of fifteen years with the Mormons. Hartford, Conn.., Belknap & Bliss, 1870c 472p. lo Mormons and Kormonism (Anti-Mormon) <> 289«399 Gregg, Thomas, The prophet of Palmyra; Mormonism reviewed and examined G819p in the life, character and career of its founder • New York, J. B. Alden, 1890 . 551p° "Not only as to what Mormonism now is, but made acquainted with the origin, history and development of this the most wicked and daa- gerous folly of the nineteenth century. " lo Mormons and Mormonism ( Ant i -Mormon) . 2. Mormons and Mormonism ia Illinois o 3o Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 4° Spaulding, Solomon, 1761- 1816 o 979.2 Gregory, Herbert Ernest. Population of southern Utah, tn.p., 1945 1 G822p Reprint from Economic Geography — a statistical history of settlements at base of Hurricane Cliffs, with few comments on churoh leaders and their influences. lo Utah — Population. 2. Utah— Colonization. 3. Mormons and Mor- monism. 280 Guers, Emile. Irvingism and Mormonism, tested by scripture... tTr. ] G935i with prefatory notice, by James Bridges. London, J. Nisbet, 1854° 94p° Mormonism appeals to credulous imaginative people of low classes; Irvingismis the "share of the high". Smith called "an incomprehensible medley of ignorance, craft, and impudence." I. Catholic apostolic church. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mor- mon) . 289.399 Gunnison, John Williams. The Mormons, or, Latter-day Saints in the G976m ' Valley of the Great Salt Lake. New York, John W. Lovell Co., t°185 3 l68p. "In fact there seems to be as fair a sample of intelligence, moral probity, and good citizenship as can be found in any nom- inal Christian community." 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 378.242 Halford, Reta Latimer. Nauvoo— the city beautiful. [Salt Lake City] Hl69n 1945° (M. S. Thesis, Utah Univ.) Based on a sizeable number of contemporary works and early church periodicals. Book outlines Smith* s plan of city building for the entire continent, and notes it application to Nauvoo. 1. Mormon Church — History — Illinois. 2. Nauvoo, Illinois. 65 Utah Pam.Hall, Henry » Interview with President Smith, cn.pj., n.d.] 15p» v. 37 lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289 »3 Halls, William.. Selections from the writings of William Halla, with H193s an autobiographical sketch of the author* Ed. by Edward H. Anderson. 2d ed» Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1912. 149p» Mainly discourses on basic Mormon creeds, with one chapter proving inhabitants of Mars are not fur skinned since they too must be children of God. lo Mormons and Mormonismo Utah Pam. Hancock, G. Harris. Beware the Mormons, nodo Vo37 Leaflet warns Mormon Elders are in Ipswich and that thousands of English women have been tempted and deceived into going to Utah and "forced into marrying brutal Mormons who have already many wives." lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . 289 o 3 Handbook of reference to the history, chronology, religion and country H236 of the Latter-day Saints, including revelation on celestial mar- riage. Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off., 1884 » 157p» Written to answer those from the East who "allowed their eagerness to run away from their veracity." 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine . 2. Mormon Church — History — Utah. 289° 399 Hand-book on Mormonismo Salt Lake City, Hand-book Pub. Co., 1882. H236 95po Some 25 articles, ranging from expose of endowment ceremonies polygamy to a defense of Gentiles in Utah and an account of mis- sion work in the territory. "The Mormon hierarchy is pre-emin- antly a secret association "with plans of empire." lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 813. 5 Hannett, Arthur Thomas. In the days of Brigham Young, by Arthur H24i+i Thomas,- cpseud.: New York, Broadway Pubo Co., t c 1914^ 109p» The hero, who tells the story, grows up in ignorance and polygamy until a Gentile sweetheart challenges him to investi- gate his own religion. He does and leaves it, aided by his f ather* s attempted forced marriage of his sweetheart, then is sentenced to death by a church court. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction* 66 378.242 Hardy, Kenneth R. Construction and validation of a scale measuring H269c attitudes toward the L. Do S. church o [Salt Lake City] 1949° (Mo So Thesis, Utah Univ.) Measures variations of attitudes among 162 adult Salt Lake Lo Do So Discovers religious attitude of spouse has more influence than parental opinion o lo Attitude (Psychology) o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 917 °3 Hardy, Mary (McDowell) Duff us, Lady. Through cities and prairie lands; H271t sketches of an American tour» Chicago, 3elford, Clarke, 1882 o 338p» Describes social life among the Mormons. The men "genial and goodnatured, but as a rule coarse and sensual looking" o Notes "they seem to have gathered together the scum of all nations to be clean- sed and purified by the process of their patent piety"o lo Uo So — Description and travel© 2o Canada — Description and travel. 289° 366 cHarmer, Earl Wo comp. Some suggestions for Latter-day Saint Mission- H287s aried from the field of successful commercial salesmanship. t3d ed. Salt Lake City] The Deseret News Press, 1948 • 130p. Basic principles of human behavior, sincerity, knowledge of the product, persistence, and the like with 20 questions which missionaries should ask themselves. lo Mormon Church — Missionaries. 289=39 Harmer, Mabel. The story of the Mormon pioneerso Salt Lake City, The H287s Deseret News press, ["1943] 284p° Includes quotations from many personal journals, diaries, and conversations o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Frontier — Utah. 289 o 35 Harris, Franklin Stewart. The fruits of Mormonismo New York, MacMil- lan, 1925o 146po Cites educational system, production of leaders, war record, welfare program as evidences that the conditions where Mormonism prevails are favorable to mankind. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Social conditions o 2o Utah — Social conditions© 289.385 Harris, Franklin Stewart. [Tests of a church;addresses over Radio H314t Station KSL. Salt Lake City, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [1932] "We should apply scientific tests of analyses, of measuring and weighing, to see wherein the organization responds to the de- mands that are made of it." 67 lo Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures » 280 Haywood, John° The book of religions, comprising the views, H427b creeds, sentiments, or opinions of all the principal religious sects in the worldo 5th ed° Concord, NoHo, I. S Boyd, 1845 • c c 1842] 443p° Contains Smith* s account of the golden plates, the beliefs of the church, a digest of the Book of Mormon with notes on new, revealed documents, and a sample revelation.. States: "Nauvoo is said to signify the city of Crod." lo Religiono 2° Sects. 813 °4 Henry, Alfred Hylaso By order of the prophet; a tale of Utahc H521b New York, Fc Ho Revell, 1902 o 402p. The breakdown of even happy marriage under polygamyo lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon)- — Fiction . 917° 3 Hensel, Rudolf o Amerika aus Tagebuchblattern einer Riese. Dresden H526a c c 1929] 287po Notes the progress of what had been a "comic sect", attri- butes much of it to mineral wealth of state* Much impressed by Tabernacle organ*. Notes the saying "Babies are Utah 1 s best crop." I* U. So — Description and travelo 2o National characteristics, Americano 3° Mormons and Mormonismo 4° Salt Lake City— Description. 289 o 392 Heroines of Mormondomo Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off., H559 1884° 96p° (Noble women 1 s lives serieso Second book)» lo Mormons and Mormonism— Biography . 979»205 Hess, John Wo John W» Hess, with the Mormon battaliono (in Utah U89 Hiso Qo, vo4)o v«4 A rewrite by Miss Wanda Wood of Davis County high school. Not day by day entry. lo Mormon Battalion, 1846-1847 » 2» U. So History — War with Mexico, 1845-1848— Personal narratives » 289°311 Hickman, Josiah Edwin* The romance of the Book of Mormon. Salt H628r Lake City, The Deseret News press, 1937 » 283p» Aim of the book is to show that the findings of science re- veal the Indian* s early history has close agreement to the Book of Mormon o o oproves Indians are of Hebrew origin. lo Book of Mormon o 2o Mormons and Mormonism. 3» Indians — ori- gin° 4° Israel., ten lost tribes o 68 289°399 Hickman, William A. Brigham* s destroying angel; being the life, con- H628b fession and startling disclosures of the notorious Bill Hickman, the Danite chief of Utah. New York, G. A. Crofutt, 1872. 219p. Hickman* s first doubts "by his statement, were caused by the numerous prophecies uttered by 3righam before the Mormon War, every one of which proved untrue." lo Utah — History. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 979.205 Higbee, Emma (Carroll) Seegmiller. Personal memories of the United U89 Order of Orderville, Utah, (in Utah Hist. Q., v. 7) v.7 Author lived as a child and young woman in the United Order. 1. Orderville, Utah. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine — United Order < 289°311 Hill, Theresa (Snow). Stories from the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake H648s City, Deseret Book Co., [°1948] 254p° Simply written stones from Book of Mormon re-written for the author* s children. I. Book of Mormon. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289o3921 Hinckley, Bryant Stringham. Daniel Hanmer Wells and events of his time. W453h Salt Lake City, The Deseret News press, 1942. 444p» Includes public career as member of First Presidency, Mayor of Salt Lake, Chancellor of U. of Deseret, plus an insight into a happy polygamous family. lo Wells, Daniel Hanmer, 1814-1891' 3o Utah — History. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289° 35 Hinckley, Bryant Stringham. [Radio talks, addresses over Radio Station H659r KSL. Salt Lake City, [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1931.] Two fundamental aspects of Mormonism which appeal to him: "It is cheerful religion" and "it is a practical religion". lo Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. 289 o 39 Hinkley, Gordon Bitner. What of the Mormons? A brief study of the H659w2 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [Salt Lake City] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [°1949] 2?lp. Brings out such facts as "twenty-six generals, officers and the presidents of the missions are given living allowance. Add to this a few specialists and a staff of officers who gave their full work- ing time to the church." Beautiful illustrations. SAME [Salt Lake City] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1947 o 222p. lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormon Church — History. 69 813° 5 Hinckley, Helen . The mountains are mine. New York, The Vanguard H659m Press, Inc., 1946 o 394p» From Nauvoo to life in Zion in polygamy until a church divorce, granted by an understanding Brigham Young, freed Milly from her backsliding husband. lo Mormons and Mo monism — Fiction. 289 « 383 Hock, Cassie Hyde. Fiction about the Mormons; bibliography. [Denver, The author, 1941? 3 Typewritten. (Supplement to the thesis : Mormons in fiction. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Bibliography. 3° Mormons in literature—Bibliography. 289»3837 Hock, Cassie Hyde. The Mormons in fiction. [Denver: 1941* (Ph.D. H685m Thesis, Colorado Univ.) 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Bibliography. 3» Mormons in literature. 378.242 Hoffman, Dean K. The effects of religious attitude on social per- H699e ception. [Salt Lake City 1950. (M.A. Thesis, Utah Univ.) Tried to contrast apperceptiveness of 30 returned mission- aries with 30 students with rationalistic rather than theistic orientation. Didn T t work very well. I. Perception. 2.- Mormons and Mormonism. 3« Attitude (Psychology) Utah Pam. Hooper, William Henry. The Utah bill; a plea for religious liberty. v.33 together with the Remonstrance of the citizens of Salt Lake City. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1870. 40p. Argues marriage is a religious sacrament, not a civil cere- mony. Quotes religious history to prove good men *were poly- gamous; history of Saints to prove they were a good people. » 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Speeches in Congress. Utah Pam. Hooper, William Henry. Vindication of the people of Utah. Washing- v.33 ton, F. & J. Rives & G. A. Bailey, 1873 o Cites unbridled liberty of 3 papers, apostates* being allowed to keep their extra wives as evidences of freedom in Utah. Sug- gests Mormons should be treated as industrious, honest people anywhere are treated. Says the crime of Utah was unwillingness to be looted by outsiders. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Speeches in Congress. 917° 3 Howard of Glossop, Winefred Mary, baroness. Journal of a tour in the H851j United States, Canada and Mexico. London, S. Low, Marston, 1897 » 70 355p. A few pages describing Utah, mentions polygamy, secret temple rites and unprepared speakers <> lo U. S. — Description and travel. 2. Mexico — Description and travel. 3« Salt Lake City — Description. 4» Mormons and Mormonism. 289*399 Howe, Eber D. Mormonism unvailed: or, a faithful account of that H855m singular imposition and delusion, from its rise to the present time. Paine sville, Ohio, The author, 1834* 290p. Based on contradictory affidavits of former neighbors of Smith, this book was the result of work of Hurlbutt, an excommun- icated and embittered former Mormon. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 378.241 Howells, Benjamin F. The development of the Teutonic township system H859d in Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1911. 29p« tB. A. Thesis Utah U.) "As a religious body, then, under the religious organization they should settle ." 1. Utah — Politics and government. 2. Utah — History. 3» Mormon Church — Government . 910.4 Htibner, Joseph Alexander, graf von. A ramble round the world| 1871* H879r Tr. by Lady Herbert. London, MacMillan, 1874* 2v. 1874 Tirade against Young as a sensual, cruel, and cunning practi- tioner of the role of prophet, sovereign, and general. Remarks of ordinary Mormon: "Parents hardly know the numbers or names of their children." 1. Voyages and travels. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3« Salt Lake City — Description. 280 Hume, Hugo. The superior American religions. Los Angeles, The Liber- H921s tarian Pub. Co., 1928. 170p. Serves up several religions with vinegar dressing. "Since Smith was born December 23, and saviors were supposed to arrive December 25, this shows he was 2 jumps ahead of the others." 1. Sects. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289 « 399 Hunt, James H. Mormonism; embracing the origin, rise and progress of H941m the sect, with an examination of the Book of Mormon, also their troubles in Missouri and final expulsion from the state. 1st ed. St. Louis, Ustick & Davies, 1844 • ^04p. "We are indebted to Mr« E. D. Howe 1 s labor for a portion of the fore-part of this work." Contains a copy of Rigdon T s famous "salt sermon" delivered at Far West, Missouri. Includes numerous deposi- tions against the Saints in Missouri • 71 lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . 979 »2 Hunter, Milton Reed. A brief history of the Latter-day Saints. S967u (in Sutton, Waino Utah, a centenniel history, 1949) • lo Mormon Church — History o 979°2 Hunter, Milton Reed. Brigham Young the colonizer. Salt Lake City, H946b The Deseret News, 1940» 383p» The planned settlement of Utah, with leaders and specialists sent to various regions, is carefully described. lo Mormon Church—History. 2. Mormon Church — Colonization. 3» Young, Brigham, 1801-1877- 4° Utah— History. Utah Pam.Hunter, Milton Reed. The Mormon corridor. [Logan, Utah, Utah Vo63 State Agricultural College: 1939° no.14 Describes the strip of villages which were to be accessory to a trade route from Utah to the Pacific. lo Mormons and Mormonism- — History. 289.39 Hunter, Milton Reed. The Mormons and the American frontier. Salt H946m Lake City, L. D. S. Dept. of Education, 1940. 280p. Tries to relate Mormon settlement to the other developments of the American frontiero 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 289? 313 Hunter, Milton Reedo Pearl of great price commentary; a selection H946p from the revelations, translations and narrations of Joseph Smith. 1st ed. Salt Lake City, Stevens & Wallis, 1948. 264p- Explains origin of Egyptian manuscripts upon which this is basedo Points out Smith T s source of information and inspiration was more potent than all the human scholarship on Egyptian at the time . 1. Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinal and controversial works. 289.399 Hyde, John. Mormonism: its leaders and designs. New York, W. P. H994m Fetridge & Co., 1857- 335p° Much quoted volume by an apostate who claimed all L. D. S. marriages for eternity must be consummated on earth. Claimed Mormons opposed education since it led inevitably to apostacy. I. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) » 289.3921 Hyde, Joseph Smith, comp. Orson Hyde; one of the first Council of the H994h Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . 72 Jerusalem, Mauvoo, Salt Lake City. Items of historical interest. cSalt Lake City, The author, 19333 67p. A sketch of travels and work of Orson Hyde, including letters written during his mission in Jerusalem. 1. Hyde, Ordon, 1805-1878. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam. Idaho (Territory) Supreme Court. The Idaho test oath. Salt Lake v.30 City, Deseret News, 1888. 45p» Question whether in addition to swearing non-polygamy or non- cohabitation a man might be asked to swear non-membership in any organization endorsing either. I. Mormons and Mormonism — Congressional enactments. 280 The illustrated book of all religions from the earliest ages to the 129 present time. Chicago, Star Pub. Co., [1897] 592p. Mormons are classed as infidels, with the Book of Mormon a plagiarism. 1. Religions. 2. Christianity and other religions. 3* Mormons and Mormonism. 978 Inman, Henry. The Great Salt Lake trail. New York, The Macmillan 157 Company, 1898. 529p. Travel account of experiences and sights on the way to Salt Lake with only 1 chapter on Mormons. 1. Pacific wagon roads. 2. Frontier life — The West. 3» Indians of North America — The West. U« The West — Description and travel. 920 Israelsen, Andrew Martin. Utah pioneering; an autobiography. 1851 Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, rC 1938] 328p. Many details of the life of the author, a devoted member of the L. D. S. church. 1. Frontier life — Utah. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.3 Ivins, Anthony Woodward. The relationship of "Mormonism" and free- I95r masonry. Salt Lake City, The Deseret News Press, [°19^] 254p- Tries to show faulty origin of masonry among pagans and hea- thens. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Free masons. 289.392 Jakeman, James T. Album [of the] "Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and J25a their mothers." [Salt Lake City] Western Album Pub. Co., [1915] [Z^Opo ] 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Biography. 73 289=392 Jakeman, James To Album rof the] "daughters of the Utah pioneers J25ad and their mothers o" tSalt Lake City] Western Album Pub« Co<> cnodo] tl08p°] lo Mormons and Mormonism— Biography » 979°2 James, George Wharton<> Utah, the land of blossoming valleys. Boston, J27u Page Coo, 1922 o 371p Sympathetic account Mormon group lifeo Acknowledges Smith "was one of the wonders of his time<>" lo Utaho 2o Mormons and Mormonism» 289=338 Jaques, Johno Catechism for children, exhibiting the prominent doc- J36c trines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Salt 1872 Lake City, Go Qo Cannon, 1872 o 80p o Used as a textbook in early Lo Do So schools in Utaho Ques- tions and answers on God, heaven, sacrament, word of Wisdom, etc» lo Mormon Church—Catechism and creeds o 289°338 Jaques, Johno Catechismus voor kindereno Amsterdam, Gedrukt bij J36c Eoeloffzen & Hubner, 1877 <> 91p° d9 A mixture of Lo Do So history and doctrine in question and 1877 answer form with authority given for most answers • lo Mormon Church— Doctrine — Catechism and creeds— Dutch. Utah PamoJaques, Johno The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; its Vo6l priesthood, organization, doctrines, ordinances and historyo nOo3 Salt Lake City, Deseret News Co», l882o 32p» Assistant historian of the church from 1889 to 1900; former editorial assistant of Millenial Star, and Deseret News. lo Mormon Church o 2» Mormon Church — Historyo 289° 338 Jaques, Johno Der Katechismus fur Kinder* Bern, F« F» Scharrer, J 36c 1892 o 72p G3 lo Mormon Church— Doctrine — Catechisms and creeds — German Utah PamoJarman, Wo Hell upon earth; the doctrines and practices of the Vo37 Latter-day Saints in Utaho 15p° Charged Mormons were not Christians, were murderers and polygamistso lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) « Ik Utah PamoJarman, W. The Mountain Meadow massacre and the confession and execu- ve>37 tion of the Mormon bishop, John Do Lee. mop., n.d.] 3p. Claims Higbee said President Young ordered that "all the Emi- grants must be put out of the way". Curse of God "seems to have fallen" on Mountain Meadows o lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) «> 289.399 Jarman, W. U. S. A., Uncle Sam T s abscess; or, Hell upon earth for J37u Uo So, Uncle Sam» Exeter, England, Printed at H. Leduc T s Steam Printing Works, 188/4.. 194p° Cartoons show a church whiskey store, sacred throat cutting massacres of gentiles o Text includes items like "the Polygamic trollops of that "Hell on Earth" have to find their own "grub and duds" or go without, and that Brigham Young Junior proclaimed him- self the Prince of Utaho lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . Utah PamoJenson, Andrewo A chronology of important events of the year 1885* vo2 [1885-18873 Supplement to the Historical Records. Salt Lake City, 1887 ° Jenson was church historian under whose direction was laid the foundation for histories of every unit of the church; he also began the Journal History of the Church, and compiled the L. D. S. biographical encyclopedia. I. Mormon Church — -Chronology o 289<>39 Jenson, Andrewo Church chronology; or, A record of important events J54c connected with the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints^ and the Territory of Utah tl805-1884i Salt Lake City, 1886 o 112po lo Mormon Church— Chronology o 2. Utah (Territory). 289o39 Jenson, Andrew. Encyclopedia history of the Church of Jesus Christ J54e of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, I9/4.L 976p. Alphabetical brief history of various stakes and wards of the church, and under name of state, the history of the Mormons in that commonwealth o 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Dictionaries. 2. Mormon Church — History. 289.366 Jenson, Andrew. History of the Scandinavian Mission. Salt Lake City, J54h Deseret News Press, 1927° 570p. Based on manuscript materials. Tells of difficulties with other churches, especially with regards to public meetings, with hundreds of converts and missionaries briefly mentioned. 75 lo Mormon Church— Missions— Scandinavia ° 2. Mormons and Mormon- ism in Scandinavian 3° Mormons and Mormonism — Biography <> Utah Pam.Jenson, Andrewo Infancy of the church; an elaborate and detailed vo6l description of persons, places and incidents connected with the no<>20 early rise and progress of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. Salt Lake City, 1889 • 62p. lo Historical markers— Mormon . 2. Mormon Church — History* 289°3921 Jenson, Andrewo Joseph Smith t s Lavnetslob. Salt Lake City, Trykt S653jea hcs 9 Cannon & Young, 1879» 252p. lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844" 2o Mormon Church— History. 289°3921 Jenson, Andrew, comp° Kirkens historie, fra profeten Josephs dod S653jea tilligemed en kirkenhistorisk kronologi. Salt Lake City, Trykt hos. Deseret Ndws Co., 1883° 252p. lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 2. Mormon Church— History. 3° Mormon Church— Chronology ° 289° 392 Jenson, Andrew . Latter-day Saints biographical encyclopedia. A J54-£ compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church. Salt Lake City, A. Jenson History Co., 1901- 1° Mormons and Mormonsim — Biography. 2. Utah — Biography. Utah Pam°Jenson, Frank Valdema.ro Baptism as taught and practiced by the v.60 Latter-day Saints. tLos Angeles, the author, c 1947 3 17p» no«9 The L. D. S. Church claims all authority to baptize dis- appeared after the death of apostles contemporary to Jesus until establishment of their church in 1830. 1° Mormon Church— -Doctrine— Baptism. 289° 33 Jenson, Frank Valdeman° Marriage among the Latter-day Saints. J54m London, Mitre Press, tl9-? 3 46p° Discusses the belief that those "who are faithful to certain conditions may have their marriages also endure for time and for all eternity." 1° Mormon Church— Doctrine — Marriage. 289°33 Johannsson, Jon. Kollun til guadsrikis. Reykjavik, Iceland, 1902. J65k 223p° lo Mormon Church — Doctrine. 76 289°38 Johanson, Maria© Stjarnon i natten; Sandy Utah, Pa eget foriag 1927 « J65st 71p° lo Mormon Church — Doctrine o 289 o 378 Johnson, Joel Hills© Hymns of praise for the young; selected from J67h songs of Joel© Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1882c 344p° Words of this book (no music given) "dictated by the Holy Spririt of Promise ©" lo Mormon Church— -Hymns <> 2o Hymns ©. 289*399 Jones, Charles Sheridano The truth about the Mormons; secrets of Salt J76t Lake City© London, Wo Rider & son, ltd-, 1920c 129p© "To check recruiting by the Mormon missionaries, something more than denunciation is necessaryo We must© o ©show exactly in what it is that the real menace and horrow of Mormonism consists" Subserviences of individual and polygamy the dangers© lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) © 289 o 3921 Jones, Daniel Webster© Forty years among the Indians; a true yet thril- J76f ling narrative of the author* s experiences among the natives © Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off o, 1890© 400p© Meetings and dealings with Indians as a guide and government agent in the 19th century© 1© Mormons and Mormonism© 2© Frontier life- — The West© 3* In- dians of North America© 289 o 33 Jones, Milton Jenkins© The Gospel plan, an encyclopedia of the steps J7Sg in the Gospel plane tSa.lt Lake City] Deseret News Press, 1947 • 88p© Organizes mainly scriptures into such headings as Spirit World, Mortality, Millenium, War, Celestial Kingdom© 1© Mormons and Mormonism- -Doctrinal and controversial works© 979«205 Jones, Nathaniel Vary© The journal of Nathaniel V© Jones, with the U89 Mormon battalion© (in Utah Hist© Q©, v©4) v©4 Journal cover from July 16, 1846 - Aug© 24, 1847° Paragraph descriptions of missions at San Diego, remains of Donner party, and San Luis Rev© Los Angeles made no impression© 1© U© S© History — War with Mexico, 1845-1848-— Personal narratives© 289°3 Josephson, Marba (Cannon)© A thumbnail sketch of Mormonism© Salt J83t Lake City, Bookcraft, c c 1946] 95p« 1© Mormons and Mormonism© 77 398.05 The Journal of American folklore, January - March, 1940. p.l-49<> J86 New York, American Folk-lore Society. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Three Nephites. 2. Subject annals. Legends, Mormon (p. 1-49 ofs}. 3° Subject annals. Navajo Indians — Legends (p. 50-77)° 289°3 Kane, Thomas Leiper. The Mormons; a discourse delivered before the Kl6m2 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, March 26, 185 (° t2d ed.] Philadelphia, King & Baird, 1850 „ 92p. A friend and ambassador to the Mormons, Kane wisely urged they try for statehood in Utah rather than risk conflict with Gentile territorial officers <> lo Mormon Church— Apologetic works o 289°399 Kauffman, Mrso Ruth (Hammitt)o The Latter-day Saints; a study of the K21^ Mormons in the light of economic conditions o London, Williams & Norgage, 1912 o 363p° Dissatisfied Gentiles in Utah used the issue of polygamy to help them in economic warfare against the entrenched Mormons . lo Mormons and Mormonism— (Anti-Mormon) <> 289° 36 Keeler, Joseph Brighamo First steps in church government; what K26fi church government is and what it doeso A book for young members of the lesser Priesthood o Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1906° 152po Designed to instruct young men in the various responsibili^- ties of the Priesthood, and to prepare them for the many res- ponsibilities that will eventually devolve upon themo lo Mormon Church— Government . 289°36l Keeler, Joseph Brighamo The lesser priesthood and notes on church K26/ government o Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Coo c c 19293» 232p. I929 The author suggests knowledge of duties is not enough". o "it is not always the most intellectual Latter-day Saint ' who goes around doing the most good." They must be given work to doo SAMEo Salt Lake City, Deseret News c c 1904:i 199p° lo Mormon Church— Priesthood o 2. Mormon Church — Government. 289.3921 Kelly, Charles. Holy Murder; the story of Porter Rockwell. New R684k York, Minton, Balch & Co., t c 1934i 313p° lo Rockwell, Orrin Porter. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti- Mormon) . 78 917 • 3 Kelly, William. Across the Rocky Mountains from New York to California, K2°a2 with a visit to the celebrated Mormon colony at the Great Salt Lake. 2d ed. London, Simms and Mclntyreo 1852 o 240p. Impressed with Mormon ladies and L. Do So hospitality, but the religious services offered little profundity or difficulty. 1. The West — Description and travel. 2. Overland journeys to the Pacific* 3° Mormons and Mormonismo 289*33 Kelsch, Louis A. A practical reference to scriptural passages on the K29p doctrines of the gospel. Salt Lake City, The author, 1899 « 24p. Biblical verses arranged under topics which are vital parts of Mormon doctrine, such as officers in the church, baptism and the like* 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289*399 Kennedy, James Harrison. Early days of Mormonism; Palmyra, Kirtland, K35e and Najvoo. London, Reeves and Turner, 1888. 275p» A crude & cumbersome religion improvised when Smith "saw by experience the amount of nonsense that fanatical ignorance would enable mankind to accept and digest." 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 813*4 Kerr, Alvah Milton. Trean; or, The Mormon* s daughter; a romantic K41t story of life among the Latter-day Saints. Chicago, Belford, [1899: 184p* A girl who defied the elders, scorned polygamy, and ended with a Gentile husband and an anti-Mormon lecture tour. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) — Fiction. 289*399 Kidder, Daniel Parrish. Mormonism and the Mormons. New York, pub. K46m by G. Lane & C. 3. Tippett, for the Methodist Episcopal church, at the Conference Off., 1845* 342p* "Attempts to counterfeit the voice and word of God, for the low and sole purpose of deceiving the ignorant." 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . 289*38 Kimball, Heber Chase. President Heber C. Kimball 1 s journal. Salt F174 Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882. 104p. (Faith pro- moting series. Seventh book). "No man, perhaps Joseph Smith excepted, who has belonged to the Church in this generation ever possessed the gift of prophecy to a greater degree than Brother Kimball." 1* Mormon Church — Missions — Great Britain* 2. Mormon Church — History. 79 Utah Pamo Kimball, John Calvino Mormonism exposed© ooa clergyman* s view of the case, copied from the Index« Boston, 1884 » 17p° Quotes from Gentile writers to prove the Mormons were actually- sober, honest, worthy American citizens© lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289°3 Kimball, Solomon Fo Thrilling experiences. Salt Lake City, K49t Magazine Print . Coo, 1909 « 157p« A series of incidents which assured the writer of the truth of the Lo Do So Church o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 381 King, Hannah (Tapfield) An epic poem; a synopsis of the rise of K52e the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint So Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off©, nod« 62p© Faith comes through in better shape than such verse as: "His simple words I here will poetize — they bear the ring of truth and no disguise©" lo Mormon Church— History — Poetry © 289 o 311 Kinney, Bruce© Mormonism; the Islam of America* New York, Fleming K55m Ho Revell Company, t°1912i 189po "Presents clearly, the dangers inherent in the designs, ambi- tions and methods of the all powerful hierarch, which absolutely controls the affairs of the church and the lives of everyone of its members o" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) • 289°311 Kirkham, Francis Washingtono A new witness for Christ in America, K59n the Book of Mormon; contemporary historical data concerning its "coming forth" and publicationo tlndependence, Mo», Zion f s Printing and Publishing Co©^ 19423 420p. A study designed to show the Book of Mormon was inspired from above and not from belowo lo Book of Mormon o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 289o311 Lamb, Martin Thomas o The golden bible; or, The Book of Mormon; is L218g it from Ck>d? New York, Ward & Drummond, 1886, 1887° 344p° Claims Book of Mormon undermines the Bible and that most Saints are infidels© lo Book of Mormon© 2o Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon)© 80 818 o 4 Lambourne, Alfredo The eld journey! reminiscences of pioneer dayso [Salt Lake City] Go Q« Cannon, r 1892-97: 53p° A revision of the "old sketch book", carefully revised, with lengthened descriptive portions "of that memorable pilgrimage from the borders of civilization to the Great American Desert o" lo Mormons and Mormonis'm — Reminiscenceso 289° 399 LaRueg William Earlo The foundations of Mormonism; a study of the L336f fundamental facts in the history and doctrines of the Mormons from original sources o New York, Fo Ho Revello 243p° "This work should also appeal to the intelligent class among the Mormons o "Mormonism is a religious and political autocracy o It is clannish, selfish and uncomprisingo" Gives examples to illustrate "the credulity of the Mormon people o" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 813° 5 Lauritzen, Jonreedo Arrows into the suno New York, Ao Ao Knopf, L3863ar 1943° 3Hp° Partly told in form of a diary in the 1860 T So Mormons versus Navajoso Indian thoughts on polygamy and other Mormon ideas giveno lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction o 398o2 Lee, Hectcr Ro The three Nephites; the substance and significance of L478t the legend in folklore o Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press^ 1949 o l62p« lo Legends—America o 2o Legends— Mormon o 3° Mormons and Mormon- ism— Three Nephiteso 4° Nephiteso 289 °3921 Lee s John Doyle o Journals of John Do Lee, 1846-47 and 18599 edited by Charles Kelly » Salt Lake City, Privo print » for Ro 3o Watt by Western Printing Company p 1938 o 244p» Records partially speeches of Lo Do So leaders as well as daily doings of John Do Leeo lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Young, Brigham, 1807-1877° £89<>392I Lee 2 John Doyleo The Mormon menace| being the confession of John Doyle Lee, De.nite v , an official assassin of the Mormon church un- der the late Brigham Young o New York, Home protection publish- ing Coo, [1905 1 368po Church teaches treason as well as immoralityo Editor makes a martyr of Leeo lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1875 ° 81 289 »3921 Lee, John Doyle. Mormonism unveiled; or, The life and confessions L478mo of the late Mormon bishop, John D» Lee, (written by himself) embracing a history of Mormonism from its inception down to the present time, with an exposition of the secret history, signs, symbols and crimes of the Mormon Church. Also the true history of the horrible butchery known as the Mountain Meadows massacre. Told from "memory alone, without the aid of my memorandum books" and possibly sensationalized by the publisher. lo Mormons and Mormonism iAnti-Mormon ) . 2*i Mountain Meadows Massacre*. 3° Brigham Young. Utah Pam.Legler, Henry Edwardo A moses of the Mormons; Strang* s city of refuge and island kingdom. Milwaukee, Wis., 1897° 179p» Of all pretenders to the fallen mantle of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young "feared none of them as he did Strang." Compares Strang with Smith in having revelations to silence opposition. I. Strang, James Jessee, 1813-1856. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3° Beaver Island, Michigan—History. 917«8 Leslie, Miriam Florence (Folline). California; a pleasure trip L636c from Gotham to the Golden Gate (April, May, June, 1877)° New York, Go W. Carleton, 1877° 286p° Describes sympathetically meeting personally a polygamous family o lo California—Description and travel. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3° Salt Lake City— Description. 917 °8 Lester, John Erastuso The Atlantic to the Pacific; what to see and L642a how to see it° Boston, Shepard and Gill, 1873° 365p° "In vain did we look for the woe-stricken faces which had been described to us, and for the signs of degeneracy in the children." 1. The West— Description and travel. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3o Utah— Description and t ravel o Utah Pam.Liberal party of Utaho Proceedings of the territorial convention. v.77 Salt Lake City, Press of Tribune Job Print. Co., 1892. 65p° noo22 Voted and argued against home rule or statehood for Utah for fear the Church would dominate everything. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Congressional enactments. 289 o 305 Light on Mormonismo The little encyclopedia of Mormonism; being L 724-2 theovolumes of Light on Mormonismo Cleveland, Utah Gospel Mission, 1907° vol - 1922-1927° lo Mormons and Mormonismo 8^ 289°399 Linn y William Alexander o The story of the Mormons, from the date of L758s their origin to the year L901 New York, The Macmillan Company, 1902 o 673p» The author goes to considerable pains to quote the Mormons against themselveso Writing before psycho-somatic medicine, he is particularly skeptical r: faith healingo lo Mormons and Mormonism ( Ant i -Mormon )o 2o Utah — Historyo 917 °8 Lippincott, Sara Jane ( Clarke )o po cl3i-17l3 of New life in new L765n lands,, notes of travel by Grace Greenwood rpseudo] London, So Low, Mar st on. Low and Searle, 1873 o 413p Notes "The wonderful working colony unparalleled for vigor, constancy, and cohesion" out is very hard on polygamy which en- tails "the certainty of unf aithfulnesso" lo The West. Description and travelo 289° 39 Little j James Amasyo From Kirtland to Salt Lake Cityo Salt Lake L778f City, J. A» Little, 1890 o 260p Lit tie wa.s a convert o His early history is based on such sources a^ • ' autobiography, history of Joseph Smith, letters of various Saints, probably from material now in Ho Oo lo Mormons and Mormon ismo 2o Utah— Historyo 289° 38 Little, James Amasyo Jacob H&mblin^ a narrative of his personal ex- F174 perience as a frontiersman, missionary to the Indians, and ex- plorero Lt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Offo, 1881 o lV+po (Faith-promoting series. Fifth Bcok)o Covers personal experiences from Nauvoo days including "the fall ci the mantle oi the prophet Joseph" whom Brigham Young sent to hunt Indianso Hamblin was onvinced he was not to harm themo Never failed b< bhem "without bioodshedo Hambl 1 1.8^ 9-1886 o 2.o Mermen Church -Indian Policyo Utah PamuThe Living Ageo nThe Mormons. *n extract from the Living Age] April V063 nool5 3, I85* Boston, Littell, x85< Mormonism •'originated in self sonvicting impostures of a pro- fligate vagabond l% lo Mormons *nd Mor' London, Go Potter, nodo 64p< Utah PamoLizz-ie Lester or The Mormon's Pioto v»59 Kidnapped by the Indians for sale to the Mormons, Lizzie is noo7 1 ued by a supposed Indian who turns out to be white and eligible 1 or her hando mons and Mormonism (Antl Mcrmon)o 83 289° 385 Logan temple lectures ; a series of lectures delivered before the L831 Temple School of Science during the years 1885-86 o Logan, Utah, The Utah Journal Co», node 143p° Literature, political science, history, interpreted in light of Mormon experiences© For example "For to the vicious system of Territorial Government is due most of Utah T s afflictions ©" lo Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. 917° 3 Longworth, Maria Theresa© Teresina in America© London, Bentley, L859t 1875° 2v© in 1© Welsh girl, inspired with holy horror by polygamy ard not by "poor Joe Smith, who was a mere maniac©" 1© U© So— Description and travel© 2© Mormons and Mormonism© 973 Lossing, Benson John© Complete history of the U n ited States, from L881c the discovery of the American continent to the present time© [New York, Pub© for the Home Educational League of America by Gay Brothers© c 1902] 2v» in 1© Favorable, brief account of Mormon exodus from Illinois© 1© U© S© History© 2© U© S© Biography© 3° Mormons and Mormonism < 917 °8 L911u Lovett, Richard© p© 164-174 of s United States pictures drawn with pen and pencil© tLondom The Religious Tract Society, 1891° 223p° 1© U© So-- Description and travel© 2o Mormons and Mormonism ( Ant i -Mormon) o 910 ©4 Lucy, Sir Henry William© East by west; a journey in the recess© L943e London, R© Bentley, 1885© 2v© Found the people "remarkably dull looking and unattractive", and the tabernacle "like a prodigious tortoise that has lost its way©" 1© Voyages and travels© 2© Mormons and Mormonism© 289 ©38 Ludlow, Daniel H©, Comp© Latter-day prophets speak; selections from L945-2 the sermons and writings of the presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© tSalt Lake City] Bookcraft, 1948© 4l8p© "The most important doctrinal writings and teachings out of the ctheni six out of eight presidents" of the church; arranged topically© 1© Mormon Church- — Doctrine© 2o Mormons and Mormonism — -Addresses, essays, lectures© *U 917-3 Ludlow, Fit" Hugric The heart, of the cent; record of travel L945h the ; 1 ^ns and in Oregon, witn an examination of the Mormon prmcipleo New York, .-. Houghton, 1870 563po Repcr I Lka with Kimball, Porter Rockwell, attendance at Tabernacle- and Salt LaKe Theater Claims Mormon bad reputation probably wa br« . • ed as helping them be left alone- Feels the church state was something un Americano lo The West -Description and travels Z Mc • riens and Mormonism (Anti Mermen; o Utah Paffio [Lunij, Dyer Danie] Social problems cf today _, or The Mormon question Vo8, in its economic aspectsoo <,by a Gentile cpseudo] Port Jervis > New noo 60 York, Do Do Lum, .1886 o 90p o Argues that oppression cf the Mormons was based on economics royalist opposition bo Mermen cooperatives, democracy, and concern the working mano lo Mormon Churcl Apologetic works o Utah Pamc cLum, Dyer Daniel] Utah and its people; facts and statistics bearing V<>61 en the "Mormon problem" by A Gentile (An ex Uo So official) nu«5 cpseudo j New York, Ro 0o Ferrier, l882o 47p° Centrists Mormonism wi I "sc lools of cr m profession to be a religion o" lo Mormon Church Apologel -rk£= 2o Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy o 289 °38 Lunwallj Nels Benjamin o Assorted gems cf priceless value. No 3o L962a Lundwc . . . . r and publisher Salt Lake City cl944'J 376p* Excerpts from church pub] on - , plus signed and witnessed batemen from people who had experienced faith promoting inc i den' ich as a. visit from one of the three Nephites Mormons and Mcrmomsmc 2. Mormon Church- -Doctrine - 289° 38 Lundwall, Nels Benjamin^ compo This booklet comprises parts I and II L962th of the compilation entitled Assorted gems of priceless value.- Salt Lake City, [194- 3 115] lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormon Church- -Doctrine o 289o33 Lundwall, Nels Benjamino A compilation containing the lectures on L9c. delivered at th^ School of the proph I Kirtland, Ohio, -.ddea referen Ihead and the Holy Gho: I Salt •.The au1 97p« Compiled from MESSENGER AND ADVOCATE, and early editions of DOCTRINE AND COVENENTSo These 1< fere excluded from later ea ' ..nee they were net rev< the church- 85 lo Mormon Church— Doctrines — Faith o 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works o 289 °38 Lundwall, Nels Benjamin o Inspired prophetic warnings to all inhabi- L962i tants of the eartho Salt Lake City, The compiler, [nod.] 84p» Consists of messages by various L. Do S. leaders gathered from many sources o lo Mormons and Mormonism — Prophecies. 289 o 369 Lundwall, Nels Benjamin o Temples of the most higho Salt Lake City, L962t The author, 1941° 358p« Compilation of dedication prayers, discourses and sermons, accounts of manifestations of divine acceptance, concordance to temple work and kindred subjects <> Profusely illustrated o lo Mormon Church — -Temple s. 289° 33 Lundwall, Nels Benjamin o The vision; or, The degrees of glory (Doc. L962v4 and Cov. section 76) being a compilation of rare and invaluable writings by authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, as well as quotations from eminent historians, philosophers, Catholic fathers and Protestant leaders on the doctrine of salvation for the living and the dead. 4th ed. Salt Lake City, The compiler tl944^ l67po Contains visions which came to various church leaders, and some of their predictions and prophecies o On salvation, quotes Smith that not even all of the Saints will be saved » lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1944" Doctrine and covenants « 2» Mormon Church- — Doctrine— Salvation o 289 o 38209 Lindsay, John Shanks o The Mormons and the theatre; or, the History L?48m of theatricals in Utah; with reminiscences and comments, humor- our and critical, 1905 ° 178p° By participant and manager of Walker Grand Opera House o Gives history of plays, actors and playhouses from first amuse- ment hall to season of 1878 o lo Utah- — Drama—History and criticismo 2. Mormons and Mormon- ismo 3o Salt Lake Theatre 289 o 399 Lyford, Co Po The Mormon problem; and appeal to the American people. With an appendix containing four original stories of Mormon life, founded upon fact, and a graphic and thrilling account of the Mountain Meadows massacre o New York, Phillips & Hunto 1886 o Claims polygamy is not the main problem, but church control over the members through a perfect system of espionage and government o 86 lo ormons and Mormcnism (Anti--Mormcn) o 2. Mountain Meadows massa- cre Utah Pam.Lyman, Richard Roswelio Fundamentals cf Freedcmo Salt Lake City, v.6 1941° c6jpo Stresses advantages of arbitration ever force, and advantage cf accepting group decision within the church ° lo Mormons and Mo monism— -Sermons ° 239.381 Lyon, Johno The harp of Zion, a collection of poems, etc Liverpool, L991h So VJo Richards, 1853° 223p° lo Mormons and Mormon! sm— Poetry o 289.312 Lyon, To Edgar. Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants and the L991i Pearl of Great Price o Salt LaKe City, Lo Do So Department of Education, 1948 ° Explains purpose cf Doctrine & Covenants which were n the treasury in which the revelations cf the formative years of the church are preservedo" Points out prophecies may be conditional lo The Doctrine and Covenants o 2» The Pearl cf Great Priceo 3o Mormons and Mormon! sm— -Doctrine and controversial works o 973 Mii2t Mabie, Hamilton Wright . A topical history of the United States » Foot- prints of four centuries; the story of the American people o Philadelphia, International Pubo Co., 1894= 851p° A few pages on the "Protestant cancer" which should be elimin- ates from the American body politico lo Uo So History o 2o Uo So Economic conditions <> 3« life and customs o 4° Mormons and Mormcnismo Uo So Social 921 McCarthy, Justino Reminiscences o New York, Harper, 1899° 2v« ICL228 Notes upon visiting Brighajn Young that he then knew how Tartuffe should be played <> lo Great Britain, Biography. 2o Young, Brigham, 1801-1877° 3° Mormons and Mormonism. 289o°,9 McClintock, James Ho Mermen settlement in Arizona; a record of peace- ful conquest of the deserto Phoenix, Arizona, 1921o ; 07p° Now quite rare since a flash flood destroyed most unsold copies. I. Mormon Church and colonization in Arizona, monism in Arizona » 3° Arize- story. :. Mormons and Mor- 87 289°331 McConkie, Oscar Walter. The Holy Ghost. Salt Lake City, Deseret M129h Book Co., 1944- 239p. How the personage of the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost may give man a fullness of knowledge and cleanse his soul. 1. Holy Spirit. 2. Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinal and contro- versial works. 3° Mormon Doctrine — Godhead. Utah Pam.McDonald Angus. Prophetic numbers; or, The rise, progress and future v°5 destiny of the Mormons. Salt Lake City, W. M. Egan, 1885. l60p. Worked out a key to Scriptures which gave him prophetic powers through 1945 » Listed 1896, sanctuary cleansed, 1905 Gospel to Gentiles, 1945 restitution of peace. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 289»312 McGavin, Elmer Cecil. The historical background of the Doctrine and M145h Covenants. [Salt Lake City, Paragon Printing Co., c 1949- 223p° "Must be read in the full light of the historical movement of the time, else many of these divine messages become rather meaningless and ambiguous." la Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinal and controversial works. 2. Doctrine and covenants. 289 » 39 McGavin, Elmer Cecil. The Mormon pioneers. Salt Lake City. M145m Stevens & Wallis, 1947° 234p° Weaves songs, diaries, and poems into a story of the trek to Zion. 1. Mormons and Mormonism— History. 2. Mormon battalion, 1846- 1847° 289°3 McGavin, Elmer Cecil. Mormonism and masonry. Salt Lake City, M145m Deseret News Press. £ c 1935 3 87p° 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Free Masons. 378.242 McKay, Alice Smith. A psychological examination of a few prophecies M153p of the early founders of Mormonism. tSalt Lake City] 1930. (Mo So Thesis, University of Utah)o Written before extra sensory perception, on the work o£ Rhine this thesis is a little hard on some 1 of the early pioneerso lo Mormons and Mormonism- -Prophecies. 917° 3 Mackay, Charles. Life and liberty in America; or, Sketches of a. M153/2 tour in the United States and Canada in 18 57-18 58.. .2d ed. London, Smith, Elder, 1859° 2v. 88 Concern with Mormons deals with their relation to the federal government o Concludes there ia no room for such fanatics in Amer- ica. « lo Uo So— -Description and travel © o Canada- -Description and travelo Subo Analysis --Mormons and Mormonismo 289-399 cMackay, Charles]© Th^ Mormons? or Latter-day Saints © With memoirs MI53m of the life and death of Joseph Smith, the "American Mahomet ©" London, Office of the National II- ted Library tPref© 1851] 326po Predicts Mormonism will develcpo Tries to give Mormon ideas as well as gentile criticisms o lo Mormons and Mcrmor.ism (Anti-Mormon) o <.25©92 McKay, David Omano Ancient apostles o Salt Lake City, Deseret Sun- ML53a day School Union, 1918c 277p° An account of the lives of Christ's apostles with a view of developing faith of children in principles of the Gospel and the divine organizations of the church o lo Apostles o 2o Mormon Church— -Sunday Schools— Lessons o %13°L Macknight, James Arthur o Hagarj a. tale of" Mormon lifeo New York, ML693h Ao Lo Burt, [ s 1889i 321p© Courted by polygamous elders, including one eld enough to be her father, who turned out to be her father© Hagar foiled them, converted some to monogamy e and one to a lecture tour-o She, al did not survive o lo Mormons and Mormonism (An Li- Mermen)- — Fiction© 289© 3 Knight, William John© Heaven on earth, a planned Mormon society© sQV- Oxfcrd, Ohio, The Mississippi Valley press, 1940© 262p© "The economic theory of Joseph Smith may be likened to a pyramid with individualism at the base supporting an apex of communism©" I© Mormons and Mormonism© 289" McQuame, John G© Talks tc the Saints© New York, n.p., 1906, Native of Utah and one time president of Eastern states mission of the Church© 1© Mormon Chu ne© 89 Utah Pam.McRae, Joseph A., comp. Story of old Carthage jail; where an v. 62 angry mob martyred Joseph and Hyrum Smith c Carthage, 111. no. 8 [The author] node 31p» Based on early newspaper accounts, Scofield f s history of Hancock County, with favorable quotations from non- Mormons about Smith e io Carthage jail—Smith, 1805-1844. Historyo 2. Mormon Church — 370 Maeser, Karl Gottfried . School and fireside . tSalt Lake City] M184s Skelton t°1898] 348p. Talks and essays on various aspects of education <> Maeser believed in higher education for the common people as well as for the elite . He felt religious education was just as vital as the common branches of learning lo Education- University. 2° Mormon Church — Education o 3« Utah 289 °399 Major, Gertrude Keeneo The revelation in the mountain. New M234r York, Cochrane Pub. Coo, 1909. l60p. (With an introduction by Judge Co C» Goodwin ) » "Now in those days a Mormon took another wife as easily and with as little expenditure of energy as an ordinary man would use in changing from his winter to his summer underwear." lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289 «33 Malan, Stephen. The ten tribes discovered and identified; the M237t four historic phases of the house of Jacob considered. [Ogden, Utah] Ao L. Scoville Press, 1912. 170p. Believes were scattered among "nations of the north, and that they are even now being gathered as Latter-day Saints." lo Mormon Church— Doctrines-Gathering of Israel. 917 o 3 M344t 1853 Marjoribanks, Alexander. Travels in South and North America < London, Simpkin, Marshall, 1853° 480p. "The superstition of the Mormons does not present their being industrious, and skillful work-people, and a very thriving community." 1. U. So — -Description and travel. 2. Brazil — Description and travel o 3° Slavery. 4° Mormons and Mormonism (Anti- Mormon) . 289.384 Marler, Ezra L. Highway helps. Short discussions on the mean- M347h ing and purpose of life, with emphasis on the fact of its 90 continuity after deatho z Independence, Mo., Zion* s Print, and Pubo Co., c 1945] 384p° Most cf the articles "have appeared before as editorials in Liahona the Elders T Journal ." 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. 823«7 Marryat, Fredericko Monsieur Violet, his travels and adventures M363mc among the Snake Indians and wild tribes of the great western 1849 prairies o London ? To Hodgson, cl849i 303p» Joseph Smith is portrayed as a genius, but an evil one who built his church upon the craving of the common man for titles and recognition o lo Indians cf North America. 2. The West — Description and travel. 3. Mormons a.nd Mormonism (Anti-Mcrmon) . 917«3 Marshall., Walter Gore. Through America! or > Nine months in the United M369t States. London, Sampson, Low, 1881. 424p» "Blasphemy, rubbish and bad grammar are the leading character- istics of the Book of Mormon." Quotes from sermons, poems, and hymns including several stanzas of "The Merry Mormons." Mormon ) Uo So— Description and travel. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti- 917°8 Marston r Edward. Frank's ranch; or, My holiday in the Rockies being a M374f3 contribution to the inquiry into what we are to do with our boys, by the Authcr of "An amateur angler* s days in Dovedale." 3d ed. London, S. Low ? Marston, Searle & Rivington, I8860 2I4p° Tries to quote faborable and unfavorable letters on polygamy. 1. The West—Description and travel. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3. Salt Lake City, Description. 289 o 399 Martin, Stuart o The mystery of Mormonism. London, Odhams Press, ltd. M383m [19203 3L8p. Thinks Mormons made a mistake in establishing schools. "By so doing they have committed theological suicide." Believes going into business will weaken their faith also. 1. Mormcns and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 977 o 3 Mather, Irwin F. The making of Illinois; historical sketches. M427m Chicago, A. Flanagan Co., [°191l3 276p. 1911 Attributes unpopularity of Mormons in a large part to their refusal to permit outsiders to make arrests in Nauvoo. lo - 1 story o ?o Mormon Church — History. 91 289 o 39 [Mayhew, Henry] The Mormons; or Latter-day Saints. With memoirs of M469m the life and death of Joseph Smith, the "American Mahomet." L ndon, Office of the National Illustrated Library, tl851] 326p. lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. Mormon Church — History. 289° 3 Meakin, John Phillips. Leaves of truth; Utah and the Mormons. M482Z Papers j, poems and letters; an appeal for nobler manhood. Salt Lake City, tThe author] 1909 ° 274p° Devout Mormon explains the fate of the damned is the "less of power to advance", compares Brigham Young with Columbus. I. Mormons and Mormonism. 921 Melish, John Howard. Franklin Spencer Spalding, man and bishop. S734m New York, The Macmillan company, 1917° 297p° Bishop Spalding, an Episcopalian, tried to understand the Mormons and put a favorable construction on their words and acts. 1. Spalding, Franklin Spencer. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3° Protestant— Episcopal ° 289° 39 Meyer, Eduard. Ursprung und geschichteder Mormonen. Hallea< M6l2u S., M. Niemeyer, 1912. 300p. I. Mormons and Mormonism. 813°4 Migonette [pseud.] Little Gentile; a Deseret romance of captive and M6363i exile in the "New Jerusalem." Chicago, Religion Philosophical Pub. House, 1879° 94p° lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) — Fiction. Utah Pam.Millroy and Hayes, pubo Guide to the route map of the Mormon vo6l pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake, 1846-1847° Salt Lake nc.6 City cI847] 31p° Based on journal entries made by church leaders, a day by day account of trek across the plains. lo Mormon Church — Chronology. 2. Mormon pioneers, Original company, 1847° 209 Milner, Vincent Lo Religious denominations of the world, comprising M659r a general view of the origin, history, and condition of the var- 1871 ious sects. A new and improved ed. Philadelphia, W. Garretson, 1871° 609p° Brief, tries to be objective, includes Spaulding theory of origin of Book of Mormon. 92 lo Religiono 2o Sectso 3° Mcrmons and Mormonismo 378o242 Mitchell, Margaret Barker o The speech arts as fostered by the Mutual M682s Improvement Assoc . of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintso cSalt Lake City] 1935<> (Mo Ac Thesis, Utah University). Regular classes in speech, contest plays, pageants, and the like help make the Mo lo A. a. mixture of recreation and self -improve- ment o lo Mormon Church— -Mo 1 0A0 2o Speech— Study and teaching « 289 . 399 Montgomery., Revo Mo Wo The Mormon delusion; its history and the out- M788m look in Utaho Boston, Congregational Sunday-School & Pubo Society, r 1890 j 354p° "Thus the career of the prophet was planned in outline by his mother even before he was borno" Recommended disenfranchisement of Mormons and influx of Gentiles o lo Mormons ana Mcrmonism (Anti-Mormon) « Utah Pam-Mcrgan, Dale Lowell o A bibliograpny of the Church of Jesus Christ, V o63 organized at Green Oak, Pao, July 1862 o tSalt Lake City, Um- ncolS versity of Utah, 1940 ] 28p» This was a small divergent sect which grew out of the Mormon Church o _io Church of Jesus Christ— Bibliography o 2o Mormons and Mormonism— Divergent Sectso Utah PamoMormon Battalion Monument Commissiono The Mormon battalion and its v „62 monument o Lt Lane City, 1920?] 8 P o n0nlu Describe monument, includes history, resolutions, and poetry. lo Mormon Battalion, 1846- -1847° 289»3921 A Mormon fc hop and his son; fragments of a diary kept by G. Miller, M648m Sr« by Ho Wo Mills « [London? 192-1 91p<> ed on fragment? of a log kept by Patriarch George Miller, much having been destroyed by a female relative. Miller felt young was a zealou 1 irper of authority- Book also contains reminj ng letters on history of the Church* lo Millei , George, 1852- 289 o 381 Mormoniado Be- as, I8580 100p o lo Mormons and Mcrmonism ( An ti- -Mormon) --roe tryo 93 289.3921 Morris, Nephi Lowell* Prophecies of Joseph Smith and their fulfill- S653m ment. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1926. 329p. Primarily proves those prophecies relative to the building of Zion. 1. Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844* 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289*365 Morton, William Albert. cA child T s life of our Savior] suitable M891c for intermediate grades in Primary associations and Sunday schools. New and rev. ed. Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon, 1900 o 122p. Joints some incidents in life of Savior to L. D. S. doctrine, such as the story of the widow* s mite to support paying tithing. 1. Mormon Church — Sunday Schools — Lessons. 917.92 Morton, William Albert. Utah and her people. Salt Lake City, G. M891u Q. Cannon, 1899* c56]p. Contains a history of the Mormons and of Utah, by Orson F. Whitney; an article on what the Mormons believe by Franklin D. Richards. Full of optimism and good will. 1. Utah — Description and travel. 2. Mormon Church — History. 3« Mormon Church— Doctrine. 289*39 Muir, Leo Joseph. A century of Mormon activities in California. M953c Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, rl951:» 1. Mormons and Mormonism in California. 2. California — History. Utah Pam.Murder by a deputy U» S. Marshall; E. M. Dalton waylaid and assas- sinated in cold-blood. Sworn testimony of eye-witnesses. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1886. l6p. "This murder is but the culmination of a series of the most revolting * outrages* in the course of a cruel crusade con- ducted against a long suffering people." 1. Dalton, Edward M. 1852- 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289«3 Murdock, Orrize Abrum. Succession of Joseph III. Is Joseph III M974s the true successor of Joseph the Prophet in the office of President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1913 . 72p. Tries to show the claim to hereditary succession is not based on Lo D. S. doctrine. lo Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 3« Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914 • 94 977°8 Musick, John Roy» The Mormons o (in his Stories of Missouri, 1897« M987s p. 196-207)o Tells of Mormon troubles in Missouri which would not have occurred B If they had not plundered i,he Gentiles." lo Missouri — History 2o Mormons and Mormonismo Utah PaiiuMusser, Amos Miltono The fruits of Mormonismo o 3eing for the most vo2 part brief extracts from letters, addresses, lectures, etco, by.. non-Mormons o Salt Lake City, Deseret News Steam Printing Establishment, 1878 ° 35p<> "By their polygamy, sccial immorality is totally repressed." lo Mormons and Mormonismo Utah PamoMusser, Amos Miltono Malicious slanders refutedoooin regard to Vo2 the pretended "crisis^ in Utaho London, Millenial Star, n.d. 8p. Claims there were "no poor in Utah, no prostitutes, drunkards, or insane o" lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289 o 399 [Muus, Rudolf] Mcrmonemes Pigefangsto Kristiania, P. Omtvedts M993m Forlag [1906] 60p» Bey meets girl — only he is a Mormon with all the bad results. lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mcrrr.cn) » 289 °399 The mysteries of Mormonismj a full exposure of its secret practices M998 and hidden crimes, by an apo?:le ? c wif e New York, R. K. Fox. 69p« Gory, sexy pictures, with a texL which accuses even "Urchins of eight cr nine know more of what they should not know than youths of sixteen or eighteen in a refined community lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) <> Utah PamoNeal, R« Bo The stick of Ephraim vso the Bible of the western contin- Vo37 ent; or f the manuscript found vs» the Book of Mormon, pt. II. Grayson, Ky-o, r 1899 3 17p« Attacks Smith* s claims as a linguist, says Hebrew would be like shorthand when compared with Egyptian, and that any one who used Egyptian as space saving should be considered a "first class candidate" "for the week minded institute". lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 378.241 Neff, Jo Eiwoodo Stress analysis of a roof truss in the L. D. S. N383s tabernac [Salt Lake City] 1942o (3. So thesis, Utah Univer- y°) 95 Includes graphs and charts of weight distribution and huge blue prints of the buildings. lo Roofs o 2c Tresses. 3« Mormon Tabernacle. 289° 3 Nelson, Henry. Utah and per peculiar people. Chico, California, Ni+26u Published in the Chico Enterprise tl930-1932] Newspaper clippings. Memories of his own life among the Mormons generally favor- able except about revelations. I. Mormons and Mormonism. 289 » 3 Nelson, Nels Lars. Preaching and public speaking; a manual for the N428p use of preachers of the gospel and public speakers in general. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1898. UkUp» Includes subjects for sermons, how to think well, etc. 1. Preaching. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289=3 Nelson, Nels Lars. Scientific aspects of Mormonism. New York, N428s Go P. Putnams»s, 1904° 347p« "Written from the point of view that Mormonism is good, and true, and beautiful; and that consequently, its detractors should improve their judgment, or mind their manners. n I© Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289° 389 Nelson, Nels Lars. What truth is. Salt Lake City, Stevens & N428w Walls, c c 1947^ 208p. Essays designed to prove Truth the loftiest of human con- ceptions, one sectiono One section on pre-existence, another on the Adam-Eden epoch, etc. lo Creation o 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controver- sial works o 3» Truth. 813°U Nelson, Mrs. Rhoda Louise (Smith). This is freedom. New York, Dodd, N4293 Mead & Co., 1940. 302p. Story of Mormon trek told by a reluctantly admiring Gentile boy. I. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 289« 3 New York. Public Library. List of works in the New York Public N532/ Library relating to the Mormons. (Detached from its Bulletin. New York, 1909» v.13, p- 183-239)" 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Bibliography. 96 289 °3921 Nibley, Prestono Brigham Young, the man and his work. Salt Lake Citj Y685ni Deseret News Press, 1936. 551p° Relates those incidents which illustrate "his grasp of gospel principles, his perfect faith, and his great self-reliance ." lo Young, Brigham, 1801-1877° 2. Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 39 Nibley, Prestono Excdus to greatness; the story of the Mormon migration. N579e Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press t c 1947:i 438p. Based on journals, diaries, letters, and the other materials found in church archives o Events of the day told in words of those who lived them as much as possible* lo Mormon Church— History— 1830-1 947 • 289°38 Nibley, Preston, Inspirational talks for youth. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1941° 320p o From various L° Do S. topically arranged in such rubrics as the Constitution, courage, faith, happiness, home and the like. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures o 289 o 366 Nibley, Preston, compo Three Mormon classics: Leaves from my N579t journal [by] Wilford Woodruff; My first mission tby] George Q. Cannon; Jacob Hamblin tby} James A. Little. Salt Lake City, Stevens U Wallis, 1944 • 340p. Hamblin states "My whole life has been a testimony to the trath that the Lord does not slack on his promises to his children." Two ethers are equally devout. lo Mormon" and Mormonismo 289°31i Nibley, Preston, cemp. The witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Salt N579w Lake City, Stevens & Wallis, 1946 « 192p. Book rests on conviction that "it would be impossible for four men to be together and all of them be deceived in seeing an angel descend from heaven o" lo Book of Mormono 2» Mormons and Mormonismo 3° Cowdery, Oliver, 1806-1850o 4o Whitmer, David, 1805-1888 . 5» Harris, Martin, 1783-1875« Utah Pam.Nicholson, Johno Comprehensive salvation; or, the Gospel to the living v°4 and the dead. cLiverpool] Pubo by Wm. Budge at the Latter-day Saints* print o pubo, and Emigration office, 1880 3 l6p. Genealogical worker and one time staff member of Millenial Star, Deseret News and Juvenile Instructor. lo Mormon Church — Doctrine o 97 Utah Pamo Nicholson, John. The means of escape; or existing evils and their v<>4 cure. [Liverpool, Pub. by Win. Budge at the Latter-day Saint Print o, Pubo, and Emigration office, 1878] 4p° Warns people to escape apostacy from the true Gospel by joining the Lo Do So Church lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289<>33 Nicholson, Johno The preceptor; being a simple system for enabling N626p young men to acquire a knowledge of the doctrines of the gospel and the ability to preach them. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 188 3 o 60p o Takes such points of immersion being the proper form of baptism and quotes supporting scriptures* lo Mormon Church— Doctrine Utah Pamo Nicholson, Johno The Tennessee massacre and its causes. Salt Vo4 Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Offo, 1884" 48p» Massacre was based in part on the conspiracy against the Mormons stirred up by religious and political opponents in Utah. lo Mormon Church— Martyrs o 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. 3« Berry, Wm. Shank, 1838-1884° 4° Gibbs, John Henry 9 1853-1884° Utah Pam.Nimmo, Joseph o The Mormon usurpation; an open letter addressed to v.8 the committee on the judiciary of the House of Representatives. Huntington, Lo lo, New York, The Long-Islander, E1886: 55p° "Mormonism is essentially a conglomerate of religion, trade and politics o w I. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). Utah PamoNutting, John Do Mormonism today and its remedy. Cleveland, V08 Utah Gospel Mission, 1913« 20p. Mormon church is a political, financial, and social machine, cleverly devised to accomplish will of central authority and operative because of the simplicity and obedience of the follow- ers o lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o Utah PamoNutting, John Do Reorganized or Josephite Mormonism carefully con- Vo71 sidered in the light of the Bible and of good reason. 2d ed. no.l & 2 Cleveland, Utah Gospel Mission, 1922. 44p° Can f t consider Reorganites any better than Mormons because they worship fleshly, ex-human, and therefore sinful Gods... the work of Satan, really. 98 lo Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . 289° 336 Oaks, Lewis Westono Medical aspects of the Latter-day Saint Word of 0.1 Ime Wisdom o Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University, r c 19293 126p. Quotes from notable doctors, one of whom says, "The effect of cigarette smoking is to unsex young women by producing premature degeneration of the sex glands o" lo Word of Wisdomo 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 3» Hygiene. 4» Al- cohol — Physiological effect. 5° Tobacco — Physiological effect. 6. Tea— -Physiological effect o 7° Coffee. 289 o 3 0»Dea, Thomas F» A study of Mormon values. tBostoni 1949, 136p. Q23s Based on 3 months of research, but author feels much careful reworking would be necessary for any final report and asks per- mission be sought before he is quoted. lo Mormon Church— Doctrine . 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289° 39 Olshausen, Theodor-o Geschichte der Mormonen. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck 0152g und Ruprecht f s verlag, I856. 244p° Based largely on Gunnison, Ford, Bennet, but does include some reprints from Times and Seasons, letters by Smith, Smith T s plat- form as a presidential candidate, excerpt from "Salt Lake City News' 1 etc. lo Mormon Church — History o 811 o 5 Olson, Deon (Nethercott) I bend to the wind, epic cf Mormon pioneering 052431 [Salt Lake City, The author, c 19473 40p. "Games and songs and dances, stories of their God and all his glories led them on." I. Mormons and Mormonism — Poetry. 2. Pioneers — Utah — Poetry. 921 0*Reiliy, Harrington. Fifty years on the trail; a true story of N42?'o western lifeo 2d ed. London, Chatto & Windus, 1890. 381p. A few episodes among Mormons, such as meeting Young, living with a polygamist family, and a brief summary of a "peculiar" people o lo Nelson, John Young, 1826- 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti- Mormon ) 289 o 33 Orme, Gilbert Charles. Lo D. S. Scriptures. 1st ed. Salt Lake City, 0173/ Bookcraft, 1947° 541p° 1900 quotations covering ^00 subjects in alphabetical arrange- ment o 99 lo Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 289»399 Oswalt, Mo Lo Pen pictures of Mormonismo Philadelphia, American 086p Baptist Publication Society, 1899© 95p» Mormons are anti-Christ, enemies of civilization They are totalitarian and polytheistic © "Polygamy and the modern dance go together©" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o Utah PamoOutlines of the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Vo57 Saints© n«do 27p<> References to Bible and L. Do So sacred books listed under various topics, such as? Creator, angels, pre-existence, atone- ment and the like© lo Mormon Church- — Doctrine— Outlines© 289 o 399 The overthrow of infidel Mormonism© London, W« Horsell, A. Chamber, T994J [1850: 175p» Book of Mormon merely a romance, baptism with water and for the dead false dogma, whereas faith in Protestant God and Bible the real way to Heaven© lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon)© 378 ©242 Oviatt, Alton Byron© The Mormon question in Congress, 1830-1857° 096m [Salt Lake City] 1943© (M© A© Thesis, Utah U©) Based primarily on printed materials available in most libraries© No citation of previously unpublished material© 1© Mormon Church— History© 2© Mormon Battalion, 1849-1857© 3o Mormons and Mormonism— Speeches in Congress© 378 ©242 Packer, James Demar© A study of fertiligy changes in Mormon society P1197st based on the use of genealogical records© tSalt Lake City] 1951© (Mo S© Thesis, Utah U.) It was found that socio-economic factors operated in de- creasing average family size among the Mormons, but those more active in their religion were less effected by such factors© Found Geoealogical Library helpful in his study© 1© Utah — Population© 2© Mormon Church — Doctrine — Marriage© 3© Mormons and Mormonism© 289 ©399 Paddock, Cornelia© The fate of Madame La Tour; a tale of great P123f Salt Lake© New York, Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1881© 352p© Mysterious disappearances, lustful church leaders, forced marriages, with death, insanity, and excommunication used to 100 force themo lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 289 °399 Paddock, Cornelia « In the toils; or, Martyrs of the Latter-days. P123f Chicago, Dixon & Shepard, 1879 » 301p. Forced marriages, promiscuous husbands, fake miracles, and the use of women for cheap manual labor spell out the evils of Ziai. lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) <> 289° 366 Parry, Edwin Francis o Sketches of missionary life. Salt Lake City, P264s Go Qo Cannon, 1899 • 144p° Attempts to stimulate faith among youth by telling of instances where the families of missionaries of the missionaries themselves were taken care of when nothing but faith was in sight for them. lo Mormon Church— Missionaries o 813° 5 Pearson, Lorene (Hcbbs) The harvest waits. Indianapolis, Bobbs- P36l3h Merrill, c c 194l3 44Ip° lo Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction o 289° 39 Peck, Reed° The original Reed Peck manuscript, purchased Nov. 1943 P36?o from Peck T s granddaughters Mabel Peck Myer and Hazel Peck Cass in Bainbridge, N0Y0 by Fawn Mo Brodie. I52p e (Photostat copy of original) lo Mormons and Mormonism in Missouri. 979»205 Pendleton, Mark Ac The Orderville United Order of Zion» (in Utah U89 Histo Qo, v»7) v»7 Based on memory, thesis prepared in Orderville by Orderville students and the manuscript "History of Orderville" by Francis Lo Portero lo Orderville, Utaho 2o Mormon Church — Doctrine — United Order. Utah PamoPenrcse, Charles Williamo Blood atonement as taught by leading elders v.2 of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake no»57 City, Juvenile Instructor Office, 1884 • 54p° The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses sin, but there are some sins "that can be committed from which they cannot be cleansed by the blood of Christ o" Murderers and adulterers can atone only by death ^ but the "church has no power to execute the death penalty ." lo Mormon Church- -De ctrine-— Atonement. . 101 289° 33 Penrose, Charles William ° "Mormon" doctrine, plain and simple; or P417m Leaves from the tree of lifeo Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instruc- tor Off o, 1882 o 72p. Points out that it is as wrong to call people "Mormons" for believing the Book of Mormon as it would be to call men Isaiahs, Peters, or Pauls for believing those writings, yet arranges main points of "Mormon" beliefs comments on theme Scriptural bases is a separate appendix*. lo Mormon Church— Doctrine ° Utah Pam°Penrose, Charles Williamo The Mountain Meadows massacre « Salt Lake Vo57 City, Go Qo Cannon, 1899° 108p o Blames John Do Lee primarily and shows the sanction of murder would be against Lo Do So doctrine o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mountain Meadow Massacre, 1857° 289° 366 Penrose, Charles Williamo Rays of living light; from the teachings P417r G7 of Jesus Christ ° Translation from the English o Athens, 1912° 72p lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o 2° Mormon Church — Missions — Tracts. Utah Pamo Peterson, Charles Jacobs o Mormonism and the Mormons o [Philadelphia, V059 Go Ro Graham, 1855? 1 no oil Smith is considered a plagiarist who "had yet to learn that the hieroglyphics can be deciphered without the aid of an inspira- tion—without even the farce of a Urim and Thummin"o However, devout in other ways, the Mormons are "as regards women, brutish, if not lewdo" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 378 <> 242 Peterson, Ferdinand Eo Utah 1 s struggle for statehoodo cSalt Lake P485u City] 1929° (Mo So Thesis, Utah Univo) lo Mormons and Mormonism — -Speeches in Congress o 2» Utah — History « 378o2/+2 Peterson, William Arthur* A survey of the dramatic activity in the PZ+857 churches of the United States » tSalt Lake City] 1949° (Mo So Thesis, Utah Univo) The change from a Salt Lake theater, professional in qual- ity, to the huge amateur program of the Mo I. A» is briefly sketched o 1° Religious drama — U» So 2» National Society of Wesley Players o 3° Catholic Theatre Conference ° 4° Mormon Church — Mo lo A. 102 Utah PamoPeterson, William Henry. The miracle of the mountains. tManti, Utah, v. 62 The Author, c 1942i 24p. no. 9 "Tells of founding a settlement to teach the native inhabitants higher and better ways of life. Living in dugouts, fighting snakes, building stone forts all included. I. Mormon Church — History. 917 • 3 Piercy, Frederick. Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley... P6l8r together with a geographical and historical description of Utah... also, an authentic history of the Latter-day Saints T emigration from Europe. Ed. by James Linforth. Liverpool. F. D. Richards, 1855 • 120p. Excellent lithographs of Kanesville (Council Bluffs), Salt Lake and the like. lo Mormon Church — History. 2. Utah — Description and travel. 3» U. S. — Description and travel. 917«8 Pierrepont, Edward Willoughby. Fifth Avenue to Alaska. New York, P622f Go P. Putnam's Sons, 1884« 329p» Found the Mormons "the most severely orthodox of any sect we have meto" Makes a few judgments except an adverse one on poly- gamy. 1. The West — Description and travel. 2. Alaska — Description and travel. 289*369 Piranian, David W. Praktischer Fuhrer fur Genealogie und Tempelarbeit P667p in der Kirche Jesus Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage. Berlin, 1934- 53po 1. Mormon Church — Temple work. Utah PamoPlatform of principles of the pretended reformers of Utah; an editori- al in the Salt Lake Daily Tribune of March 6, 1881. . .Reflections on the foregoing editorial. Salt Lake City, March 1881. 7p» The essence of this essay is that "what the young Mormons want is to be freed from the enslavement of Mormon authority." I. Mormons and Mormonism. 289 - 3 Pomeroy, Franklin Thomas. An allegorical symposium on life and being. P785a/ Clippings from the geneological and historical magazine. Assem- bled into allegorical from many L. D. S. teachings, with biblio- graphical footnotes. I. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 103 977*3 Pooiey, William Vipondo The settlement of Illinois from 1830 to 1850. P822s Madison, University of Wisconsin, 1908. 309p° Sifts conflicting statements for a core of a greed on facts. 1. Illinois—History, 1778-1865 » 378022*2 Poulsen, Alton B« The Mormon outpost of San Bernardino, Calif. P875m cSalt Lake City] 1947 « (M. S. Thesis, Utah U.) Based in part on materials in Church historian T s office. 1. Mormon Church — -Colonization — San Bernardino, California. 2. San Bernardino, California — History. 289.33 Pratt, Orson. Det celestiale Aegteshab. Kjobenhaven, Adgivet og P9l6c forlagt af John Van Cott, 1855 » 60p. A Danish translation of Pratt's ideas on celestial marriage. These are given in English in the SEER, a periodical published in Washington, D. C. 289 »33 Pratt, Orson. Divine authority; or, the question, was Joseph Smith P9l6d sent of God? [Liverpool, 1848] l6p. Cites conversions, miracles, logic, and scientific discovery to prove Smith's mission. Bears printing, no. 1 lo Mormon Church — Doctrine— Divine authority. 289°39 Pratt, Orson. Exodus of modern Israel. . .Being the daily diary of P9l6e Orson Pratt on the exodus of the Latter-day Saints from Nauvoo to the Rocky Mountains. N. B. Lundwall, comp. and pub., Salt Lake City, 1947? 96p. Pratt described animals along the trail, vegetation, his Invention of a mileage measuring device, the return of Sam Brannan with news from California including mention of the Don- ner party tragedy. 1. Mormon Church-— History* 289*3 Pratt, Orson. An interesting account of several remarkable visions P9l6i and of the late discovery of ancient American records. 1st Amer- ican ed* New York, J. W. Harrison, 1841* 36p. Gives the faith and doctrine of the church in his words and with his own interpretation w We believe that God will continue to give revelations. * .until the Saints are guided into all truths. lo Mormons and Mcrmonism. Utah Pam.Pratt, Orson. The majesty of God, a discourse delivered in the 1.6th v*4 Ward assembly rooms* Salt Lake City, Sunday afternoon, March 14, 1875* 18p. ■ 104 Argues that the Lord would not send revelations on various sub- jects if He did not want them to try to analyze and understand them. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289«38 Pratt, Orsono Masterful discourses and writings.- Salt Lake City, N. P9l6m Bo Lundwall [1946] 620p. Pratt was one of the most brilliant and speculative of early saints. These writings include reminiscences, thought about the coming of Christ o The divinity of the 3ook of Mormon and the like< lo Mormons and Mormonism — Collected works o 289°384 Pratt, Orsono A series of pamphletso Liverpool) Fo D. Richards, P9l6s 1851c Various pagings. Uses prophecies of the Bible, witnesses to the golden plates, delineation of the necessity for modern revelations, and accounts of latter-day miracles. To defend Smith and the Book of Mormon. SAME Salt Lake City, Cannon & Sons, 1891 <> 314p» 1. Mormons and Mormonism--Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine o 3° Mormon Church — Missions — Great Britain. 4» Mormon Church —Missions — Italy. 289°33 Pratt, Parley Parker» En advarsels rost til underviisning for alle P9l63v3 folk. Kjobenhavn, J. Van Cott, 1861. 211. Dl 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289.3921 Pratt, Parley Parker. The autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt ...em- bracing his life, ministry and travels, with extracts in prose and verse from his miscellaneous writings, edited by his son, Parley P. Pratt o New York, published for the editor and propri- etor by Russell Bros., 1874 » 502p. Full of visitations and strange manifestations cementing his faith in the Gospelo 1. Pratt, Parley Parker, 1807-1857 ° 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.33 Pratt, Parley Parker. Sine Stimme der Warmung and Belehrung fur P9l63v3 alle Voker. Berne, Suter & Lierow, 1892. 144p» G3 I. Mormon Church — Doctrine. Utah Pam. Pratt, Parley Parker. Good tidings; or, the new and everlasting gospel. v.6 Liverpool, Millenial Star, n.d. 4p» Questions and answers including "Is it not uncharitable to con- sider the Christian world all wrong?" and the answer "no" and the 105 reasons for the no. 1. Mormon Church— Doctrine. Utah Pam. [Pratt, Parley Parker] The great contrast; or, the doctrines of v. 7 Christy and false doctrines of the nineteenth century. Liver- pool, Millenial Star, n.d. Up« Points out that Christ taught miracles, speaking the tongues, casting out devils, healing, having apostles and all the things for which Mormons were condemned . !• Mormons and Mormonism. 289°33 Pratt, Parley Parker. Key to the science of theology. . .3d ed . Salt P9l63k3 Lake City, Deseret News, 1874 • 178p. Outlines a Grand Council of Gods, 3 states of Heavenly glory, the philosophy of miracles with condemnation of forms of Christi- anity which set aside revelations, prophecy, angels, healings, and visions. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 2. Theology. 289«39 Pratt, Parley Parker. Late persecution of the Church of Latter-day P9l63^ Saints., .with a sketch of their rise, progress and doctrine. New York, J. Wo Harrison, 1840. t215ip« Contains the note that in s$ite of Missourian charges that the Mormons intended to make trouble with the slaves by import- ing free Negro members of the church, there were less than a dozen Negro members at that time, which was prior to the revel- ation denying Negroes full priesthood rights. 1. Mormon Church- — Persecutions. Utah Pam. Pratt, Parley Parker. Marriage and morals in Utah. Liverpool, 0. v.5 Pratt, 1856. 8p. Argues "God would reveal laws, statutes, and institutions which would be productive of the greatest possible increase of a wise, healthy, and virtuous posterity. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine — Marriage. 289.378 Pratt, Parley Parker. The milliennial hymns of Parley Parker Pratt, P9l63m ed. and comp. by Samuel Russell. Cambridge, The University Press, 1913* 50p. Poems of the Apostle Pratt set to music by various composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Wesley, and the like. Date of composition given for each. 1. Mormon Church — Hymns. 106 289°3 Pratt, Parley Parker. Mormonism unveiled; Zion T s Watchman unmasked and P9l63m its editor, Mr. L. R. Sunderland, exposed. Truth vindicated, the devil and priestcraft in danger. 3d ed. New York, 0. Pratt, and E. Fordham, 1838. 48p. Explains "it would require a standing army of writers and print- ers in constant employ" to answer all the lying slanders about the church. lo Sunderland, La Ray, 1802-1885-- Mormonism exposed and refuted. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 289.3 Pratt, Parley Parker. A reply to Mr. Thomas Taylor T s "Complete fail- P9l63r ure," etc., and Mr. Richard Livesey T s "Mormonism exposed." Man- chester, Wo R. Thomas, 1840. 12p« "The Latter-day Saints ask no man to believe any book or prin- ciple which is not established by two or three witnesses, and even then we do not ask them to believe in anything contrary to the scriptures." Suggests if that does not suffice, they pray for a message on the matter. I. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 2. Taylor, Thomas; "Complete Failure". 3« Livesey, Richard; "Mormonism exposed." 289 o 33 P9l63k G3 Pratt, Parley Parker. Schussel zur Gottes-Celehrtheit* 3erne, Schweiz, Go Co Naegle, 1895 • 99p» I. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289 o 33 Pratt, Parley Parker- A voice of warning and instruction to all peo- P9i63v3 pleooo3rd ed» rev. New York, J. W. Harrison, 1842. 180p. SAME Scheckleton & Son, 1841. 227p. Based on spirit of truth and revelations of Smith and Rigdon, with the intention of giving the public correct information about an abused people. Summary of Book of Mormon and its discover. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289 o 33 Pratt, Parley Parker. Voice of warning, and instruction to all people; P9l63v8 or, An introduction to the faith and doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 8th ed. Liverpool, F. D. Richards, 1854- 199p» 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 289.33 P9l63v F8b Pratt Parley Parker » Une voix divertissement et instruction a tous les peupleo Tr. de la 6. ed. anglais par L. A. Bert rand. Jer- sey, A. L. Lamoreau, 1853* 180p. I. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 107 910 e U Prime s Edward Do Griffin o The Mormons o (in his Around the World: P953a sketches of travel through many lands and over many seasj 1872 o po25-35)o Outside of Mormonism is fair enough^ but the atmosphere* lo Voyages around the world o 2© Mormons and Mormonism <> 813°4 Pryor, Elinoro And never yi&ld© New York, Macmillan, 1942. P973a 520p» lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction© 289° 378 Pyper, George Dollingero Stories of Latter-day Saint hymns, their P997s authors and composers© tSalt Lake City, the author] 1S89, 212p© Discusses such side lights as the decision of President Grant to make less militant the lines "On the necks of thy foesj thou shalt tread" and "Gentiles shall bow neath thy rodo" Traces tune origin as well as verse © lo Mormon Church— Hymns • 2o Hymns o 289 °28 Quaife, Milo Milton o The kingdom of S a int James; a narrative of Qlk the Mormonso New Haven, Conno, Yale university press, 1930© 284p° The career of an aspirant to the headship of the Mormon church o Strang founded his own church, brought forth his own revelations on Beaver Islands © lo Strang, James Jessee, 1813-1856. History o 3° Mormons and Mormonism© 2o Beaver Island, Michigan— 917° 3 Rae, William Frasero Westward by railj the new route to the Easto R134w New York, Do Appleton, 1871° 391p» Saw in Utah suppression of free thought and perverted justice, compares Gentiles with abolitionists o Young the slave of avarice and lusto lo Uo So— Description and travel© 2© Mormons and Mormonism (Anti- Mormon)© 3° Overland journeys to the Pacific© 290 Rays of light from all lands, the bibles and beliefs of mankind© ©© R277 a complete story of all churches and communions© tEd© by] E© C© Towne, A© J© Canfield, George J© Hagar© New York, Gay Bros©, c«1895 3 866p© Contains a chapter by Franklin D© Richards commenting on repressive legislation aimed at the church and defending cel- estial marriage on scriptural grounds and on basis of its practice 1© Religions© 2© Mormon Church© marriage © 3© Mormon Church — Doctrine and 108 Utah PanwReascner, Calvino Church and state; the issue of civil and religious Vo/+ liberty in Utah. Salt Lake City, The author, 1896. 139p» I. Mormons and Mormonism — Church and state. 2. Thatcher, Moses, ^842-1909° Utah PamoReasons for a legislative commission for Utah, by a citizen of Salt Lake, n.d. 21p. Claims church exercized power ever political and economic lives of its members despite L. D. S. denials. lo Utah (territory)--— Politics and government. 2. Mormons and Mor- monism u Utah Pam.Reed College, Portland, Oregon. Frances Greenburg Armitage prize V063 winning essays; Armitage competition in Oregon pioneer history, nCo7 Reed College, 1946-47" Portland, Oregon, 1948. 87p» Paper by Wm. Smart discusses how the Mormons at one time con- sidered settling in Oregon, but settled on Salt Lake for the sake of isolation. Notes the few saints in Oregon were called to Utah in 1858. lo Oregon. 2. Whibeaker, John, 1820-1902. 3» Mormons and Mormon- ism o 289=39 Rees, Alfred Co Blatter aus der Geschichte der Kirche Jesus Christi R328b der Heiligen der Letzten Tage. tZurich, Schweizerisch-Deutschen mission der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, 1902] 204p<> Story cf Smith and the Book of Mormon, using Smith 1 s words in many instances, translated faithfully into German. Includes the articles of Faith of the L. D. S. Church. I. Mormon Church — History. 2. Utah — History. 378.242 Rees, Thomas M. Mormon missionary work among the westeilp Indians. R3286m [Salt Lake City] 1922. (M. A. Thesis, Utah U.) Discusses 10 missions or tribes, 8 individual missionaries plus a miscellaneous chapter on faith, healing, prophecy, and the like. Based on letters, diaries, and othP 1 " manuscript mat- erials, most of which are on file in church Historian* s office. 1. Mormon Church- -Indian Policy. 2. Mormon Church — Missions — Indians o 3° Indians of North America — Utah. 289 o 399 Remy, Jules. A journey to Great. Salt Lake City... with a sketch of R39- the history, religion, and customs of the Mormons. London, W. Jeff?, 1861. 2v. I. Mcrmons and Mormonism. 2. Utah — Description and travel. 109 3° California—Description and travel. 4° Nevada — Description and travel o 5° Overland journeys to the Pacific. 6. The West — Description and travel. Utah Pam. Reynolds, George. Are we of Israel? Salt Lake City, J. H. Parry. v. 4 -55p° "To prove the Latter-day Saints have good reasons, drawn from history and analogy, for believing the words of this their patriarchs who, in blessing them, pronounced them of the house of Abraham and of the promised seed of Jacob." lo Mormon Church— Doctrine— Dispersion of Israel. 289 o 399 Rice, Claton S. The Mormon Way. The author, c 1929. 85p» R495m The puzzle of Mormon faith and Mormon experiences lead author to outline operation of the church. Points out with sur- prise that Temple activities have not decreased as cultural lev- el of people rose. Discusses mission work, testimonies, etc lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289 o 33 Rich, Benjamin Erastuso Mr. Durant of Salt Lake City. Salt Lake R498m City, G. Q. Cannon, 1893° 320p. An attempt to present in form of story and letters some important features of L. D. S. Church. 1. Mormon Church— Doctrine. Utah PamoRich, Benjamin E r astus. True versus false religion^ a dialogue Vo5 between a Mormon elder, a parson and a travelero 19p° Confounds a parson, almost converts a traveler, says Brigham Young had enough wives "to keep him from other men* s wiveso" lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 366 Rich, Benjamin Erastuso Wo ist das mahre Evangelium. Berlin, hrsg< R498w von der Redaktion des "Stern", 1902. 1. Mormon Church— Missions— Literature. 289o364 Richards, Claude. Home Evening handbook for use of parents and R5142h older children© Salt Lake City, Distributed by Deseret Book Co., 1936. 84po Because so many social and business interests tend to "lead away from home associations, the adoption of a Home Evening is highly advisable." To be devoted to religion and ethics as well as social and civic obligations. lo Mormon Church — M. I. A.— -Home evening. 110 289° 364 Richards, Claude <> The man of tomorrow; a discussion of vocational R5142m success with the boy of today. [Salt Lake City] General 3oard cf Young Men T s Mutual Improvement Assoc of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, °1917, 296p. Discusses 18 vocations, with a chapter on factors leading to success and another one on worthy use of spare time. lo Vocational guidance . 2o Mormon Church — MoI.A. — Lessons. 289° 302 Richards, Franklin Dewey. A compendium of the doctrines of the gos- R5I5c pel by Franklin D. Richards.. .and Elder James A. Little. Rev. 1925 ed. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1925 . 290p. "This book containing not only the scriptural proofs of our principles , but also corresponding passages from the leading publications of the church, places in the hands of the Elders convenient means of comparing these publications with the scrip- tures, and of proving they teach the same doctrines." SAME Liverpool, Orson Pratt, 1857. 243p» 1. Mormon Church— Doctrine. 289° 3 Richards, Le Grand. A marvelous work and a wonder. Salt Lake City, R5l6m Deseret Book Co., 1950. 376p. 1950 An outline of Mormon doctrine and the Mormon story with scriptural quotations on such topics as restoration of the priest- hood, baptism, etc. lo Mormons and Mormonism—Doctrinal and controversial works. 813<>5 [Richards, Lela (Horn) Poplars across the moon; the story of Tula R5142p Kruso, by Lee Nevill [pseud.] Boston, L. C. Page, t c 1936] 346p. Two adopted daughters, raised in "Lemhi", one to become a great singer '$ the other a.n icy blooded apostate. I. Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction. 811.4 Richards, Louisa L. (Greene) Branches that run over the wall; a R5l6b book of Mcrmon poems and other writings. Salt Lake City, The Magazine Printing Co., 1904° The Book of Mormon transposed into blank verse with some romancing added o Historic portions are marked "H" and supposi- tions marked "S". lo Mormons and Mormonism — Poetry. 289°399 [Richards, Robert] The Californian Crusoe; or, The lost treasure R517c found; a tale of Mormonism. London, H. J. Parker, 1854 « l62p. Describes meeting Smith as a convert, hearing a sermon by him at Nauvoo, a scene in which Smith was "decidedly far gone in Ill a state of intoxication" <> lo Mormons and Mormonism ( An ti -Mormon) <> 289 "3 Richards s Stephen Lo The church in war and peace o [Salt Lake City] Zion*s print o and pubo coo e 19A.3i 221p» A variety of sermons, ranging from the gospel of work, orthodoxy in religion , to the counsels of George Washington » lo Mormons and Mormonism- -Addresses, essays, lectures • 917 °8 Richardson, Albert Do p« 338-365 of? Beyond the Mississippi; from R521b the great river to the great ocean© ool857-1867° Hartford, Conno, American publishing Co», t c 1867] 572p° Accompanied Colfax to sermon by Young, reported Young* s call on Coif ax j and the return visit to the Lion House and the Bee- Hive House o "It was the freest and frankest discussion ever held in the office of Brigham Young o" Stated many recanting wives left territory under military escort o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o The West— Description and travelo Utah Pamo Richard sen , So Co, compo The national press looks at the Mormonso v»7 Chicago, n»do 15p° Photographic reproduction of favorable articles from Sato Eve» Post, Reader* s Digest, National Geographic, and various newspapers o Mainly 1937° lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormon Church— Welfare Plan» 111 Richardson, Sullivan Calvin o Was it planned 5 common things that 525w can be only through the power of a being "Higher up°" [Indepen- dence, Moo, Zion f s Print o and Pubo Coo, ®1936] 66p» Discusses oxygen, water and other phenomena to prove a divine intelligence planned it alio lo Ontology o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 215 Richardson, Sullivan Calvin o Wonders of our universe and what they R525w mean to us. [Independence, Moo, Zion T s Printo and Pubo Co., c 1936] 60p o Links some teachings of Smith (spirit is matter) to modern science, particularly physics o lo Religion and science o 2. Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 3 Ricks, Eldino Combination references; a simple and orderly arrange- R539c ment of selected references to the standard works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints » [Salt Lake City] Deseret Book Coo s t* 1943 3 64p° 112 References to the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Cove- nants to prove such L. Do So beliefs as the pre-mortal existence of spirits. lo Mormons and Mormcnismo 289 • 399 Riddle, Albert Gallatin o The portrait, a romance of the Cuyahoga R543p valley. Boston, Nichols & Hall, 1874 • t c 1873] 378p. Sketch of Smith as impudent, courageous gambler, whose suc- cess was "in the common blindness and weakness of the race brought from the caves and woods of its far-off pilgrimage ." lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 289°33 Riggs, Timber-line Wales. A skeptic discovers Mormonismo c3d ed.3 R569s3 Overton, Nev., c c 1944i 200p. Joined the church because Mormonism satisfied his mind, then as he lived the religion became really converted. lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o 289 o 33 Riggs , Timberline Wales » The Ten commandments and other subjects. [Overton, Nev., c 1946.3 130p. Explains how voluntary obedience is only common sense, and only compulsion to do the will of another robs one of free agency. Tells of a friend pulled back from complete ruin through tithing. I. Commandments, Ten. 2. Mormons and Mormnnism. 289«399 Riley, Isaac Wocdbridge. The founder of Mormonism; a psychological R543 study of Joseph Smith, Jr. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1902. 446p. Attributes Book of Mormon to a remarkable series of self- induced hypnotic trances on the part of Joseph Smith. lo Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anit- Mormon) o 289°399 Ritchie, John» The Mormons and their doctrines. Kilmarnock, Scot- R599m land, The author, n.d. 15p° "The Mormon creed is a complete denial of the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, a corruption of the grace of God, a caricature of the Church. lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) . 289 o 39 Roberts Brigham Henry o A comprehensive history of the Church of R643h Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Century I. Salt Lake City, 1930 Deseret News press, 19^0. 6 vol. Carefully considers nearly every aspect of Church history 113 such as the flag en Ensign Peak, the visits of outsiders, and the likeo io Mormon Church— -History o 289 °38 Roberts, Brigham Henry ° Defense of the faith and the saints. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1907-1912* 2v. Io Book of Mormon o 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289 °33 Roberts, Brigham Henry . The "falling away"; or, The world* s loss of R643f the Christian religion and church; discourse delivered over Radio Station KSL, Salt Lake Cityo Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1931 o 253p° The necessity for a church with authority, and why other churches lack that authority replies to criticism of his own scholarship and sources o lo Church history o 2o Roman Catholic church o 3° Reformat ion ° 4° Mermen Church—Doctrine Restoration of the gospelo 289 ->33 Roberts, Brigham Henry ° The Gospel; an exposition of its first prin- R643g ciples and man's relationship tc deity© 8th edo Salt Lake City, 1924 Deseret Book Cc, 1946° t a 1924i 294p° Written because acceptance and knowledge of the Gospel among the youth of Zion had been taken too much for granted. SAME Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1913° 294p° SAME Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1901. 294p° SAME Salt Lake City, The Contributor company, 1888. 25? p. I. Mcrmons and Mo monism. 2. Mormon Church— Doctrine . 289 »39 Roberts, Brigham Henryo History of the Mormon Churcho New York, R643h National Americana Society, 1909-1915° 6 volo lo Mormon Church— History ° 289° 3921 Roberts, Brigham Henry. Joseph Smith the prophet-teacher; a dis- S653ro course. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1908. 77p° Praises Smith as a teacher who corrected prevailing opinion on many aspects of the Gospel, including the Idea of American continents are where Eden was. 1. Mormon Church— Doctrine. 289° 39 Roberts, Brigham Henry° The Missouri persecutions. Salt Lake City, R643m George Q. Cannon & Sons, 1900. 333p° Notes that missionary work with Indians, and anti-slavery of Mormons were factors but argues greed and jealousy of earlier 114 settlers were also factors o lo Mormons and Mormonism in Missouri. 289° 39 Roberts, Brigham Henry o The Mormon battalion; its history and achieve- R643mo mentso Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1919 • 96p. Excellent, concise history based on manuscript materials in the archives of the churcho Roberts makes it clear that credit for the introduction of irrigation into Utah may have been due to some member of the battalion who saw irrigation used in 'Jew Mexico. lo Mormon Battalion, 1896-1847 ° 289° 331 Roberts, Brigham Henry o The Mormon doctrine of Deity; the Roberts - R643m Van der Donckt discussion to which is added a discourse, Jesus Christ s The revelation of God; also a collection of authorita- tive Mormon utterances on the Being and nature of God. Salt Lake City, The Deseret News, 1903 ° 296p. Revelations have "not only made known the being of God, but the kind of a being he iso" This book grew out of articles by Robertson and a Catholic priest arguing the Mormon ideas of deity. lo Mormon Church— Doctrine — Marriage . 289 o 33 Roberts, Brigham Henry° New witnesses for Godo Salt Lake City, R643ne Deseret News, 1909-11° 3 volo Volume one is devoted to life and teachings of Smith; volume two to the Book of Mormon, its external and internal evidences; volume three discusses objections to it and hostile theories as to its engine SAME Cannon and Sons Coo, 1895° 486p° lo Mormon and Mormonism— Doctrinal and controversial works. 2. Mormon Church— -Doctrine—Restoration of the gospel. 3° Book of Mormon o 4° Mormon Church history, antiquities. 289 o 39 Roberts, Brigham Henry. Outlines on ecclesiastical history. 3d ed. R64^o3 Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1902. 426p. An outline of the history of the religion and its error from the time of Christ until Joseph Smith, plus a history of the Mormon Church and its beliefs. SAME Go Qo Cannon, 1893° 467p° I. Apostasy. 2° Church history. 3° Reformation. 4» Mormon Church Doctrine — Restoration of the gospel. 289.384 Roberts, 3righam Henry* Rasha - the Jew; a message to all Jews. R643r Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, 1932o 156p. Answer to a Jewish scholar who brought Scriptures "to prove that there was no need of Jesus". Reconciles old and new Testa- ment, quotes Jews as olders of Lo Do So sacred works© Lo Jesus Chr 1 Messiahshipo 2° Mcrmcns and Mormonism— Ad- dresses, essays, lectures o 3° Jewso 289° 39 Roberts, Brlgham Henry o The rise and fall of Nauvcco Salt Lake R6/+3r City, The Deseret News, 1900o 457p° lo Mormon Church — History o 2e Mormons and Mormonism in IllinoiSo 289°36l Roberts,, Brlgham Henryo The Seventy's coarse in theology© oocompo R643se and edo by Eider Bo Ho Roberts o Salt Lake City, De = eret News, 1907- Deals with the four books of Scriptures recognized by the Church; The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price o lo Mormon Church— -Priesthood— -Manuals, etc© 2o Mormon Church — ■ Doctrine o 813°5 Robertson, Frank Chester o The Mormon t ratio London, Wo Collins, R649m E e 193l3 251po Novel about a cowboy who helps the Mormons recover cattle stolen by Gentile rustlers o lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction o 813°5 Robertson, Frank Chester© The rocky road to Jericho, by Chester R649r Field' [pseud© 3 New York, HilLman-Curl , t*1935^ 288p© The disappointments of losing one's love in polygamy and the faith shaking which ensues© lo Mormons and Mormonism— -Fie Lien © 289©3 Robinson, Phil© Sinners and saintsj a tour across the states, and R663s around them! with three months among the Mormons© Boston, Roberts Bros©, 1883 <> 370p© Found the Mormons a sober, hard working mis- represent ed people© Describes happy polygamists, but proposes theory that polygamy will soon be impossible except to the rich, "twenty- dollar bonnets" will kill it© 1© Mormons and Mormonism© 2© U© So Description and travel© /89°392 Rogers, Aurelia Read (Spencer)© Life sketches of Orson Spencer and R724/ ethers, and history of primary work© Salt Lake City, G© Q© Cannon, 1898© 333p° Includes letters, such as one from Orson Spencer In I847 describing starvation and unemployment in Ireland© Tells of her 116 desire to have "an organization for little boys and have them trained to make better men n , and how the primary grew from that. lo Utah — Biography.. 2? Spencer, Orson, 1802-1855 « 3« Mormon Church Primary Association History. 4» Mormons and Mormonism — Bio- graphyo 290 Romney, Thomas Cottamo World religions in the light of Mormonism. R766w [Independence, Mo., Press of Zion T s Printing and Publishing Co., 1946] 427p« Uses Bible and Mormon Scriptures to disprove claims of other religions o lo Religions o 2<> Mormon Church— Doctrine* 9I7°3 Sala, George Augustus Henryo America revisited. New York, I. K. S159a Funk, c i880. 1880 lo Uo So Description and travel. 2. U. S. Social life and cus- toms o 3o Mormons and Mormonismo 917o3 Sala, George Augustus Henry. America revisited; from the bay of New S159a York to the Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Michigan to the Pacific. 1882 London, Vizetelly, 1882o 2v. "It is the poor and ignorant Cosmopolitans (converts) who have converted the valjey of the Great Salt Lake into a land of milk and honey. It is the Mormon bishops and elders who T boss T the Mormon rank and file and who live on the milk and honey." One chapter only on Mormons o lo Uo So Description and travel. 2. U. So Social life and cus- toms o 3. Mormons and Mormonismo 289 o 399 Salt Lake fruit; a Latter-day romance, by An American. Boston, Rand, S176 Avery, 1884 o 328p. 1884 lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy o 289o399 Salt Lake fruit; a thrilling Latter-day romance, by an American. S176 New York. H. W. Jones, 1891. 328p. 1891 The blighting effects of polygamy on women — insanity, child- ren lost in childbirth. lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy 117 289 «3 Sanders, Peter James. A key to succession in the presidency of the S215k church and a complete ready reference for the missionary. [Murray?, Utah ] The compiler, t c 1909: 231p» "The subject matter here contained is replete with interesting historical events which prove beyond a doubt that succession in the Presidency of the church belongs where the revelations of God designate." 1. Mormon Church—Government . 813-5 Sanford, Mabel Adelina (Fairclough. ) Joseph T s city beautiful, a S2A./+J story of "Old Nauvoo" on the Mississippi. Independence, Mo., Herald Pub. House, r c 1939i 207p. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 917° 3 To San Francisco and back. By a London parson. London, Society for T627t promoting Christian knowledge, tl878] 220p. Says Mormons are fanatics but sincere. Best way to correct Mormon influence is not to assail it but to introduce and support Gentile Churches in the area. i. Uo S. Description and travel. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti- Mormon) . 978 Schleiden, Rudolf. Reise-erinnerungen aus den Vereinigten Staten S341r von Amerlkao New York, E. Steigner, 1873* 104p» Forty pages on Mormons. Notes polygamy was not introduced with founding of Church, that the Book of Mormon had been trans- lated into Welch, German, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, and even Hindostan. Outlines Mormon beliefs and church organization. 1. Mormon Church— History. 289»399 Schmucher, Samuel Mosheim. The religious, social, and political S356r history of the Mormons. New York, Hurst, [ C 1881] i+66p. Tries to trace the "history with all its fanaticism, all its zeal, and its genuine and sincere faith." Quotes from Smith, Oron & Parley Pratt, and others to give Mormon point of view. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289»3 Schulthess, Arnold H. Liebe Bruder was soil ich thun, dass ich S386^ selig werde. Berling, Herausgegeben von Hugh J. Cannon cn.d.] I6p- Missionary tract. Quotes from Luther, Calvin, Wesley, and Bossuet to show need for a new church. Includes L. Do S. Articles of Faith. lo Mora 813°5 Scowcrofl rdo Children cf the c Be I \on S4323ch Mifflin Co „ 1945° ^9*p° e L o D o S o bupid, but 1 he Word cf .. I .mo . Mormc .no 289°38 Scrap beck el Mermen bure religj Chicago s 3o E« S433 Rich, £n»do3 2 ve An anthology ef material from sei ef the Saint lo Mermen Church— Doctrine o 2 iso 289° 38 Scraps of biography o Sail 1 Lake City, Juvenile I; cr Ofi F174 1883° 104p° (Faith promoting serieso 10th book)o lo Mormons and Mormonism—Biographyo 2o Knight, Ne 1800 1847° Journal o ^89° 399 Seibelj, George ° The Mormon saints; the story cf Joseph Sm tl S457m golden bibie^ and the church he founded o Pittsburg, Lessing Cc 1919° 103- • "Beginning as a mystj I Joe Smith developed into a profe . high prie t of humbug o" Today "The apologj insists his faith imposes no gr- . upon human ere-. the.; " i nd Mormon i - m ( Ant i- Me rmon) ° 289o369 Seifert, Oswald o Der praktiscl .■•■ Logeo 20c JDpo S459p lo Mormon Church—Tern] . rk« 910o4 Seward, William Henryo Travel round th< wo] -do New i^rK> Do S514t Appleton, 1873° , 0] Heard a service in the I .med th • rence cf the Mermen; m indiff i ent tovrara the: « Thought the Mormon? rr: g .: without | ayo 1 o Voyag Mormon? and Mc . mo 289° 399 Sheldon, Henry Clajo A fourfold test of Mormoni.-mo New York, Abing- S54-. don Pr .po Dis youth! .. of repul bion of Smith, tesl t L19 translating skill by outsiders, the probability that he stole the plot for the Book of Mormon from Spaulding, and the content of book giving evidence to its "modern fraudulent concoction •" lo Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o Utah PamoShook, Charles Augustus © American anthropology disproving the v©80 Bock cf Mermen o 2d ed. Cleveland, Utah Gospel Mission, 1930. no ©2 20p o Claims errors in Bock of Mormon, ioeo, early inhabitants of America, could not write, were net civilized or cultured, that American Indians were not descendnats of children of Israel, that early Americans were net exterminated, their civilization was not imported, and they did not have Egyptian language© Book of Mormon claims the affirmative to all of these o lo Book of Mormon o 2o Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 289 °399 Shock, Charles Augustus o The true origin of Mormon polygamy ° S559t Cincinnati, Standard Pubo Coo, 1914° 213po Claims Joseph Smith 1 s early environment of superstitution, dishonesty and lusto Father of low intelligence, mother a witch o Planned to introduce polygamy while translating Book of Mormon o Practiced it secretly and each person who exposed him was cut eff from church o Polygamy practiced at Nauvooo Members of High Council learned Joseph had revelation authorizing it, began it alsoo lo Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy o 2o Polygamy o 3© Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) <> 289° 35 Sill, Charles o Economics dictated by reason and revealed religion © S584e Bayton, Utah, n»po| 1925 o 190p o Tries to show how under religious principles men must in "material things be alike and share alike © w lo Mormon Church— Economic policy o 2© Churcn and state -Mormon Church o 3 » Mormons and Mormonism— -Church and state « 910 o 4 Simpson, WilXiamo Meeting the sun^ a journey all round the wo rid o S613m London, Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 18?4© 4'13p© Claims Brigham Young was still looking for a place the Mor- mons might live undisturbed by Gentiles o Describes Young as a man of administrative abilities— notes the Mormon fondness for recreation© Felt seclusion of women to the harem would follow in time if polygamy endured© lo Voyages around the world© 2© China Description and travel© 3© Mormons and Mormomsmo 120 289 • 3 Sjodahl, Janne Matt son o The reign of Antichrist; or The great "falling S625r awayj" a study in ecclesiastical history . Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1913 • 138p. John the Revelator stated the exile of the church should last 1260 days, or years, but if these are lunar years, then 1830 would be the year of re-establishment <> 1. Church history. 2<> Catholic Church • 3° Mormon Church — Doctrire Restoration of the gospel. Utah Pam. Sjodahl, Janne Matt son. Temples ancient and modern; including an ac- v.2 count of the laying of the capstone of the Salt Lake City Temple. [Salt Lake City] Deseret News Co., n.d. 23p. Goes back to Solomon and Herod, and comes down to Salt Lake Temple; pictures, prayers, description of processional and the like. 1. Mormon Church — Temples. 289.351 Skidmore, Rex Austin. Mormon recreation in theory and practice; a S628m study of social change. Philadelphia, 1941° 137p« "To the Mormon people, play is an integral part in man* s existence. It helps to bring him joy in this life and to pre- pare him for the life to come." 1. Recreation. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Recreation. 289.3 Skousen, Wo Cleon. Prophecy and modern times. 3d ed. Glendale, S628p3 Calif., The Press of Griffin Patterson Co., r c 1948] 171p« 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Prophecies. 2. Prophecies. Utah Pam. Skousen, Williard Cleon. The story of the Mormon pioneers. San v.62 Fernando, Calif., r 1947 3 42p. no. 10 One manuscript source used in 151 references. Primarily a good re-write job in story form of the trek from Nauvoo to the founding of Salt Lake City. 1. Mormon Church — History* 2. Utah pioneers. Utah Pam. Sloan, R. W. The great contest; the chief advocates of anti-Mormon v.8 measures reviewed by their speeches in the House of Representatives. Salt Lake City, The author, 1887 • 98p. Excerpts from anti-Mormon speeches followed by paragraphs explaining errors and inconsistencies. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Speeches in Congress. 280 Small, Charles Herbert. Corner-stones of faith; or The origin and S635c characteristics of the Christian denominations of the United 121 States o New York, E. B. Treat, 1898. Fives pages on the Mormons credits Rigdon with the Mormon ecclesiastical and theological system* A little skeptical about Mormons pledge to give up polygamy o lo Sects--Uo So 2« Mormons and Mormonismo 811 o 3 Smith, Elbert Ho Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiakj or, Black Hawk and S6463m scenes in the Westo A national poem in six cantos- New York, The author, 1849 « 299p» "At hour of eve, found here, and nowhere else, A certain insect, called the Mormon fly°" lo Black Hawk, Sauk Chief o 2«» The Westo 289 o 378 Smith, Eliza Roxey (Snow), cornp* Hymns and songs; selected f rom var- S6i+6h ious authors, for the primary associations, of the children of Ziono 1st edo Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1880 o 128p» No scores, words only to such favorites ass We thank thee, God, for a Prophet, and In our Lovely Deseret, and less well known ones such as "I'll never use tobacco" and "Table rules for little folks o" lo Mormon Church— Primary Association— Hymns o 2o Hymns* Utah PamoSmith, Mrso Eliza Rozey (Snow)o my father* New York, B. E. Vo63 Rich, nodo nool6 One song with colored plates illustrating each verse. lo Mormon Church—Hymns o 289°365 Smith, Eliza Roxey (Snow), compo Recitations for the Primary Assoc- S646r iationsoooBooko Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1882 o Short pieces for children four to ten, including Days of the Month, '"Little Orator, Now I lay Me, as well as some group recitations , such as "going to Meeting" for ten little children* lo Mormon Church— Primary Association— Handbooks, Manuals, etco 289<>378 Smith, Eliza Roxey (Snow)o Tune book for the primary associations S6A.6t of the Children of Zion* Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor 0ff o> 1880 o 40po Mainly L» Do So songs with music, including some special ones for children, such as Child's desire, Trust the Children, and Put me in my Little bedo lo Mormon Church— Primary Association- -Hymns ° 122 289-3 Smith, George Alberto Correspondence of Palestine tounstso S=. Lake City, 1875 . 386p» 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Letters » Utah PamoSmith, George Alberto The rise, progress and travels of the Church of V o2 Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint So 2nd edo Salt Lake City, Deseret News Office, 1872 ° Member of the church since early 1830 T s, historian vho began compilation of documentary history, legislator, and explorer for whom St» George was named, spoke from first hand knowledge on many matters o 1» Mormon Church — Hi story » 2o Mormon 3attalion, 1846-18470 3° Mormons and Mormonism — Polygamy e 4° Utah — History ° Utah PamoSmith, George Alberto The rise, progress and travels of the Church of v.6l Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; being a series of answers tc noo24 questions, including the revelation on celestial marriage and a brief account of the settlement of Salt Lake Valleyo Salt Lake City, Printed at the Deseret News Office, 1869° 49p» Two pages devoted to Mormon 3attalion» Mentions providential encounter with wild bulls when food was exhausted and difficul- ties the Saints had with the military surgeono lo Mormon Church history » 2» Mormon Battalion, 1846-18470 3° Mormons and Mormonism » 4° Utah hi story ° Utah PamoSmith, George Alberto The rise, progress and travels of the Church of Vo 6l Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Salt Lake City, Deseret News Office, 1872 o 71p° lo Mormons and Mormonism— Polygamy » 2» Mormon Church — History » 3 o Utah — Hi story o 4» Mormon Battalion, 1846-1847° 289»38 Smith, George Albert (8th Preso, L» Do So Church) Sharing the gospel S6483s with others «. [Salt Lake City] Deseret Book Coo, 1948 o "If the gospel of Jesus Christ does not make me a better man, then I have not developed as I should, and if our neighbors, not in this church, can live among us from year to year and see no evidence of the benefits that come from keeping the commandments of God in our lives, then there is need for reform in Israelo" lo Mormons and Mormonism — Sermons « 2o Sermons y Americano Utah PamoSmith, Heman Conomano True succession in church presidency of the Vo 71 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, being a reply to n0o 6 Elder Bo Ho Roberts on "Succession in the presidency of the church o" Lamoni, Iowa, Pubo by the Board of Publication, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints > 1898, l67p« 123 1« Roberts, 3righam Henry, 1857-1933* Succession In the presi- dency of the church. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and contro- versial works. 289 • 38 Smith, Joseph. Joseph Smith* s teachings; a classified arrangement S653p of the doctrinal sermons and writings of the great Latte>-day prophet, comp. by Edwin F. Parry. Salt Lake City, The Deseret News, 1912. 192p. "Being largely devoted to amplifying and expounding the Holy scriptures, they are supplementary to what is contained in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price." .1. Mormons and Mormonism — -Doctrinal and controversial works. Utah Pam. Smith, Joseph. The King Follet discourse; the Being and kind of v. 2 being God is; the immortality of the intelligence of man. Salt Lake City, Magazine Print. Co., 1926. 32p. Longhand notes on a funeral address given by the prophet in April, 1844 • The doctrine taught in this sermon has been "thrown into the following aphorism by Lorenzo Snows "As man now is, God once was; As God now is, man may become"... or in other words eternal progression. Dr. Widtsoe once remarked a church which teached eternal pro- gression could hardly be accused of denying the possibilities of evolution. 1. Mormon Church—Doctrine. Utah Pam. Smith, Joseph. Origin of American polygamy. Lamoni, Iowa. Herald v.80 Pub. Co., [1903] 39p» no.l The sons of Joseph Smith and his wife, Emma, denied Smith taught or practiced polygamy. The Nauvoo Expositor is brushed aside as a pack of lies, although some who signed affidavits therein have earlier statements quoted as authoritative. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — -Polygamy. 2. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Utah Pam. [Smith, Joseph] The testimony of the great prophet of this nine- teenth century. Liverpool, Millenial Star, n.d. 4p» Reprint from Times & Seasons in 1842; Smith 1 s story of Book of Mormon and organization of church. lo Mormons and Mormonism. 289 « 33 Smith, Joseph Fielding. Blood atonement and the origin of plural S6531b marriage. Correspondence between Elder Joseph F. Smith, Jr., of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Mr. 12U Richard C» Evans, second counselor in the presidency of the "Re- organized" Church. rSalt Lake City] The Deseret News, 1905* 112p. Denies church ever practiced "blood atonement" on apostates or any one else. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Polygamy. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine- atonement. 289»39 Smith, Joseph Fielding. Esssentials in church history; a history of S6531e the church from the birth of Joseph Smith to the present time (1922). Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, 1922. 694p» 1. Mormon Church — History. 289»39 Smith, Joseph Fielding. Essentials in church history; a history of S6531ell the church from the birth of Joseph Smith to the present time (1922)... 11th ed. Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, 1946. c c 1922] 710p. Excellent brief summary of origin of various doctrines and publications of the church. Appendix on church publications gives first date of publication and place for important items in church bibliography. I. Mormon Church — History. 289«38 Smith, Joseph Fielding. Evangeliusmlehre. . .Tr. from the English by S6532g Jean Wunderlich] tBaseli Schweizerische-Deutsch und Deutsch- G3w Osterreichische Mission der Kirche Jseu Christi der Heilgener Letzten Tage, 1926. 803p» 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. 289*38 Smith, Joseph Fielding. Gospel doctrine; selections from the ser- S6532g mons and writings of Joseph F. Smith, sixth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 4th edo Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1928. 700p. Excerpts from conference reports and church periodicals arranged in order that President Smith might have a written work by which to be remembered. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Addres- ses, essays, lectures. 289 «2 Smith, Joseph Fielding. Origin of the Reorganized Church and the question of succession. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1909» 139p» Points out that common consent established Brigham Young and the Council of the Twelve as head of the church, and that common 125 consent was the basis of church government from the start. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 289*3 Smith, Joseph Fielding. The progress of man. tSalt Lake City] S6531p The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1936. 530p. "An outline history of man interpreted in the light of revelation." 1. Man. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam. Smith, Joseph Fielding. The Reorganized Church vs. salvation for v.57 the dead. 32p. Claims reorganized church has turned about face on this doctrine. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine — Salvation. 2. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 289*399 cSmith, Mary Ettie V. (Coray)] Fifteen years among the Mormons S655f late of Great Salt Lake City, a sister of one of the Mormon 1858 high priests; she having been personally acquainted with most of the Mormon leaders and long in the confidence of the "Prophet", Brigham Young. New York, C. Scribner, I858. [°1867] 388p. Mormons rejoiced at death of her brother because now she would have to marry a Mormon or be without a protector. If a woman proposes marriage, the man cannot refuse. Higher-ups in church win many wives because of high church position. Gener- ally no coercion used. Missions to and intermarriage with Indians to bring them under Mormon control. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289*3 Smith, Robert. A series of lectures on the signs of the times; S658s the fulfillment of prophecy. ..events in history, its sieges and battles with scenes in Zion and the last judgment. Payson, Utah, 1887. [Printed at the Juvenile Instructor Off.] 115p« Links miracles of past to warnings about the nearness of Judgment Day, which he estimated might come in 1890. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.383 Smith, Robert William. Other sheep; a saga of ancient America. S6583o Salt Lake City, Pyramid Press, t c 1939, 1947] 570p. 1. Book of Mormon. 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 126 289»3 Smith, Robert William.. Scriptural and secular prophecies pertaining S6583s to the last dayso.4th ed., rev. and condensedo tSalt Lake City, Pyramid Press, ° 19405 223p° A compilation of prophetic utterances of L. Do So leaders plus such Gentiles as George Washington, George Sylvester Vier- eck, Emil Ludwig, Ho Go Wells, Thomas Edison, 3ernarr Macfadden,etc. lo Mormons and Mormonism — Prophecies o 2o Prophecies o Utah Pam.Smith, Samuel H. B. An appeal for justice . Letters oooto president Vo 2 John Taylor. Salt Lake City, The author, 1887° 30p° Brother Smith tells how he started selling milk through the Tithing office, and then was refused the privilege after he had built up a thriving business. I. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.2 Smith, Willard Jo Joseph Smith, who was he; and did he practice and S663j teach polygamy? Grand Rapids, Mich., Glad Tidings Pub. House, 1899 • 186p. 1. Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinal and controversial works o 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Polygamy. 289.331 Smith, Willard J. What the restoration movement teaches concerning S663w God. Port Huron, Mich., t°1935i lllpe lo Wood, Samuel, 1874; "The Infinite God." 2. Mormons and Mor- monism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 289 o 39 Snider, Cecil A. A syllabus on Mormonism in Illinois from the press. S672s Newspaper source materials 1838-1848 o tlowa City, Iowa, 19333 117p. lo Mormons and Mormonism in Illinois. 2. Nauvoo, Illinois. 3. Illinois — Politics and government. 289.399 Snowden, James Henry. The truth about Mormonism. New York, George S673t H. Doran Co., [1926] 369p« Says Joseph Smith's story of receiving golden plates is "invention". Claims Smith himself wrote testimony of the 3 wit- nesses in the Book of Mormon. Claims Jaridites* beats could not have made the trip. Cites mistakes in Book of Mormon. Says much material stems from religious controversies of the day and some were autobiographical. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289.3921 Sonn, Conway Ballantyne. Knight of the kingdom; the story of Rich- B188s ard 3allantyne. cist ed.] Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Coo, 127 1%9« 230p. Eulogistic novel as written by a grandson. Deals primarily with family, mission and founding of the Millenial Star in India* Illustrated. 1. Ballantyne, Richard, 1817-1898. 2. Mormon Church—Sunday Schools — History. 813*5 Sorensen, Virginia (Eggertsten) The evening and the morning. 1st ed* S7133e New York, Harcourt, Brace, tl9493 341p* 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 813 o $ Sorensen, Mrs. Virginia (Eggersten) A little lower than the angels. S7133/ New York, A. A. Knopf, 1942. 427p. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 813«5 Sorensen, Virginia (Eggersten) On this star. S7133o Hitchcock e1946:j 275p. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. New York, Reynal & 204 South Place Institute, London. Religious systems of the world; a S727rI0 contribution to the study of comparative religion. A collection of addresses delivered at South Place Institute... cDuring 1868- 89 and 18913 clOth ed.D rev. Longon, G. Allen, 1911. 324p» Chapter on the Mormons prepared by Elder James H. Anderson. I. Religions, Sects. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine. Utah Pam.Spahr, Charles Barziliai. America* s working people; part x, the v.59 Mormons. New York, Outlook Co., 1900. no. 14 Predicts that education and exposure of their youth to the outside world as missionaries will eventually end Mormonism as a religion. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 289*33 Spencer, Orson. Letters exhibiting the most prominent doctrines of S745^6 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in reply to the Rev. William Corwel. 6th ed. Liverpool, William Budge, 1879* 232p. "If there has, in part- of the volume, been the appearance of severity towards the religions of modern Christianity, it has been prompted solely by the impulse of truth, in order to demolish error** • I* Mormon Church — Doctrine. 128 289*399 Standerson, Grantly. The hundredth wave; a novel written to accomplish S785h two strongly interlinked purposes. Chicago, C. H. Kerr, 1916. 538p. "Revelations of science deny the Mormon concept of God". Gives disbelief to story of Adam and Eve. "No human — will ever know how, whe, where Cosmos — had its origin". Genesis and next U books of Jewish Bible are legends. Spiritual life had to wait till a high enough type of animal life evolved to afford physical habitation* 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) • 979.205 Steele, John. Extracts from the diary of John Steele, (in Utah Hist. U89 Q», v.6). v.5 Excerpts from May 18^6 on, includes a petition to the High Council of the Church to "do something for us, the soldier boys." 1. Mormon battalion, 1846-18A7* 2. Utah Pioneers. 3« Parowan, Utah. k> Las Vegas, Nevada. 5« Pioneers — Utah. 289.399 Stenhouse, [Fanny]... A lady* s life among the Mormons; a record of per- S825i2 sonal experience. . .2d ed. New York, American News Co., 1872. 221p. Cites results in individual cases of polygamy. One wife leaves and goes back to England. Another loses her mind. Case of a man married to a widow and also to one of her children. Author wonders which of several wives can claim the husband in next world if he loves each equally. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289.399 Stenhouse, Fanny, "Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse". An Englishwoman in Utah; S825e the story of a lif e T s experience in MormDnism. With introductory preface by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Including a full account of the Mountain Meadows massacre, and of the life, confession and exe- cution of Bishop John D. Lee. New and cheaper ed. London, S. Low Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1882. 404p. Convert to Mormonism, married missionary in England. Moved to Utah. Rebellion at introduction of polygamy. Affection for orphan girl who lived with Mrs. Stenhouse. Girl confesses love for Mr. Stenhouse on death bed. Is sealed to Mr. S. after her death with Mrs. S. acting as proxy. Mr. S. also takes 3rd wife. Mr. & Mrs. .Stenhoiasa . leave church and write and lecture. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857 • 3« Lee, John Doyle, 1812-1877- 289.399 Stenhouse, [Fanny] Tell it all: The story of a lif e T s experience in S825t Mormonism. Hartford, Conn., A. D. Worthington, 1890. 655p» 1890 Author sees Methodist Minister converted to Mormonism after argument over scriptures with missionary. Difficulties in crossing 129 plains. Five people die one night* Buried in one grave. Claims murder of an apostate is "deed of love". Shedding of his blood is only chance for forgiveness. Cites again the dis- tastefulnesses of polygamy. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857* 3- Lee, John Doyle, 1812-1877. 289.399 Stenhouse, Fanny. The tyranny of Mormonism; or, an Englishwoman in S825ty Utah. London, S. Low, 1888. kOkp* Early life in England. Marries Mormon missionary. Ups and downs of faith. Comes to Utah. Distaste for polygamy. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289.399 Stenhouse, Thomas B. H. The Rocky mountain saints; a full and com- S825r plete history of the Mormons from the first vision of Joseph Smith to the last courtship of Brigham Young. New York, D. Apple ton, 1873. 76lp. "Mormonism demands perfect submission — total dethronement of individuality — blind obedience." Claims Mormons were ignorant of world progress and of the might of the U. S. Govt. A judge said "The whole community presents a united and organized opposi- tion to the proper administrations of justice." 1. Mormon Church — History. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mor- mon). 3. Utah— Mines and mineral resources. 289«378 Stephens, Evan. The school and primary songster. Salt Lake City, S832s Coalter & Snelgrove, 1889« 100 ?p. Completely secular with rounds and songs for kindergarten and public school. 1. Mormon Church — Primary Association — Songs and music. 973.8 Stevenson, Adlai Ewing. Something of men I have known, with some S847 papers of a general nature, political, historical, and retro- spective. Chicago, A. C. McClugg, 1909* 442p« Leans heavily on Governor F ord* s HISTORY OF ILLINOIS, but does quote Mormon opinion also. Deals mainly with Saints in Illinois. 1. U. S. Biography. 2. U. S. Politics and government. 3. Mormon Church — History. 221.95 Stewart, Ora (Pate) God planted a tree. 2d ed. cSalt Lake City] S851g Bookcraft, 1949 c c 19473 ll6p. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 130 921 B974s Stisted, Georgiana Mo The true life of Capt . Sir Richard F. 3urton.oo written by his niece with the authority and approval of the 3urton familyo London, H. S. Nichols, 1896c 419p. About the Mormon visit, "It is generally agreed that he repre- sented these strange people in too favorable a light" o Notes Young's private school was "large enough to accommodate a huge village «" "The experience of 35 years, too, has proved our traveller unsound in predicting a great future for the Mormons » n lo Burton, Sir Richard Francis, 1821-1890 <. 2 Mormons and Mormonian. 917.94 Stoddard, Charles Augustus o p. 185-191 ofs Beyond the Rockies; a S867b spring journey in California. London, So Low, Marston, 1894° 214pc "How great a state Utah might become if it were free from the domination of the sect whose cruelties and abominations have dis- graced the nineteenth century in this land", they are a sect gath- ered out of many nations, mostly from the ignorant and superstitious. lo California— Description and travelo and travel. 2o The West—Description 289.3 Stokes, Jeremiah . Modern miracles . Salt Lake City, Bookcraft [1945 3 S874m 196p» Healing by faith of injuries or diseases, ranging from crushed skulls, stomach ulcers, pneumonia , to cancer, with dates, names, and witnesses listedo lo Mormons and Mormonism— Miracles. 2. Faith cure. 3. Miracles. 813»5 Stokes, Jeremiah. The souHs fireo 1st ed. Los Angeles, Suttonhouse, S874s 1936. 291p. Sympathetic account of Mormon suffering under persecution based on experiences of author's parents, lo Mormons and Mormonism— Fiction. 978 Stookey, Walter M. Fatal decision, the tragic story of the Dormer S882f partyo Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1950. 209p. Excellent phctos, and careful re- tracing the trek of the Donner party over the mountains, into the valley, and across the Salt Flats. I. Donner Partyo 2. Mcrmons and Mormonismo 289.28 Strang, James Jessie . The book of the law of the Lord, consisting of S897b an'inspired translation of some of the most important parts of the law given to Moses, and a very few additional commandments, with brief notes and references. Printed by command of the King at the Royal press, Sairt James, Ao Ro I. [Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, 1856?] 336p» 131 Has very interesting series of answers to contemporary cri- ticisms of Smith. The main part of the volume is a restoration of God* s words to Moses. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Divergent sects. 917*3 Street, Julian. Abroad at home; American ramblings, observations, S915a and adventures. New York, Century Co., t c 19143 517p» President Joseph F. Smith "and the men around him looked like a group of strong, prosperous, dogmatically religious New Englanders, such as one might find at a directors 1 meeting in the back room of some very solid old bank in Maine or Massachu- setts." 1. Michigan — Description and travel. 2. Missouri — Description and travel. 3« Chicago — Description. U» Salt Lake City — Description. 5» The West — Description and travel. 6. Mormons and Mormonism. 917»3 Sunlight and shadow of America 1 s great cities, by the Author of S958 "Heroes of the plains," etc. Philadelphia, West Pub. Co., c c 1891:) 606p. Claims Solomon Spaulding wrote "Mormon bible" and Joseph Smith stole it. Said Mormons engaged in acts punishable by law outside of Mormonism. 1. U. S. Social conditions. 2. U. S. Social life. 3« Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 225*07 Swenson, Russell Brown. New Testament literature; a study for col- S974ne lege students. Salt Lake City, L. D. S. Dept. of Education, c°19403 117p. An elementary guide or help in reading and studying the New Testament. ..it is to be used as a supplement to the New Testa- ment itself. The latter should be the real text. 1. Bible — New Testament introduction. 2. Bible — Introduction, New Testament. 3« Bible — New Testament, study. 4» Bible — Study, New Testament. 5» Mormon Church — Seminaries and Institutes lessons. 813* U Switzer Jennie (Bartlett). Elder Northf ield T s home; or Sacrificed S979e on the Mormon altar. New York, J. H. Brown, t c 1882D 319p» Forced marriages, mistaken courtships of sisters by brothers, murders, and suicides qualify this for inclusion as a standard novel on polygamy. • .standard for the times. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) — Fiction. Utah Pam.The sword of Laban. . .official organ of the American Anti-Mormon v.8 Association. Grayson, Ky., 1912 - Monthly. Attempts to disprove Book of Mormon history of early America 132 with archaeological claims and contradictions o Disputes authority of Mormon Elders to baptize <> 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 378.242 Sylvester, Robert H. Dr. John Milton Bernhisel; Utah* s first delegate S985d to Congress. [Salt Lake City] 1947. (M. S. Thesis, Utah Univ.) Contains many unpublished letters, excerpts from a biography written by a member of the family and the like. 1. Bernhisel, John Milton. 2. Utah — History. 3» Mormon Church — History. 917*92 Talbot, E. L., comp. Souvenir of Utah and Utah interests. . .with a T138s historical sketch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by 0. F. Whitney. Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon, n.d. Excellent lithographs of church leaders and buildings. Sketch of Mormons takes them up to presidency of Lorenzo Snow. 1. Salt Lake City — Description — Views. 2. Mormon Church — History. U921 Talbot, Ethelbert. My people of the plains. New York, Harper, 1906. T138 264p» "Whatever may be said of the immoralities and corruption of the Mormon system, as a business enterprize it is conceded to be a marvel. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 2. The West. 289 «399 Talbot, Grace. Much-married saints and some sinners; sketches from T139m life among the Mormons and Gentiles in Utah. New York, Grafton Press, c c 1902] 130p° The distress of a man with "five wives and only eight child- ren". A child brought over from Europe by a missionary, and kept against her wishes." A girl 1 s romance ended when suitor finds she is child of a polygamous marriage. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289*33 Talmage, James Edward. The articles of faith; a series of lectures T151a on the principal doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; written by appointment and published by the Church. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1899. 490p. Makes clear through comments, the Christian, law-abiding, non- Communistic nature of the Mormon church. Author an apostle of the Church and one time president of the University of Utah. 1. Mormon Church— Doctrine. 133 289 • 33 Talmage, James Edward » En betraktelse over trosartiklarnao T151a Stockholm, Ansvarig Utgivare I. Sverige: Gideon No Hulter- S9 strom, 1930. 551p» Merely a translation of his book "Articles of Faith n with some explanatory material » lo Mormon Church — Doctrine — Godhead <> Utah PamoTalmage, James Edwardo The earth and man; address delivered in the v.80 Tabernacle o Salt Lake City, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- no o 5 day Saints, 1931<> l6po "Evolution is true so far as it means development, and pro- gress, and advancement in all the works of God..." lo Man. 2° Mormons and Mormonism—Addresses, essays, lectures o 289»33 Talmage, James Edwardo Etude des articles de foio Paris, Mission T151a Francaise de l T Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers F8 Jours, 1931 o 603p« "Articles of Faith" done into French. lo Mormon Church- — Doctrine— -French o 289»33 Talmage, James Edwardo The great apostasy, considered in the light G151g of scriptural and secular history o Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1909 o 176p« "The evidence of the decline and final extinction of the prim- itive church among men is found in scriptural record and in secu- lar historyo In the following pages the author has undertaken to present a summary of the most important of these evidence So" lo Mormons and Mormonism— -Doctrinal and controversial works. 289 • 332 Talmage , James Edwardo Jesus the Christ; a study of the Messiah and T151j his mission according to Holy Scriptures, both ancient and modern. Ath edo Salt Lake City, The deseret News, 1916 o 804p. "In addition to the narrative of the Lord* s life in the flesh comprizes the ante mortal existence and activities of the world's Redeemer, the revelations and personal manifestations of the glorified and exalted son of God during the apostolic period of old and in modern times..." lo Jesus Chr ;-:.t--- -Biography o 2o Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works o Utah Pamo Talmage, James Edwardo The philosophical basis of Mormonismo Vo62 [Independence, Moo, Press of Zion f s Printo and pubo Co., 1915 3 no .4 48po God and man are both eternal » Man goes through 3 states; one a matriculation in the university of morality. 1. Mormon Church- -Theology. 134 289 • 39 Talmage, James Edward. The story of "Mormonism," and the philosophy T151s of "Mormonism." Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1914* 136p. Outlines acceptance of Bible by Mormons except where it has been mistranslated, the reasons for accepting the Book of Mormon, with nine ideas which form the philosophical foundation of Mormon- ism. lo Mormon Church — History.. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine . Utah Pam.Talmage, James Edward. The vitality of Mormonism, an addresso Pub. v. 4 by the Church. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1917 • 25p« I. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.33 Talmage, James Edward. The vitality of Mormonism; brief essays on T151v distinctive doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. tSalt Lake City, Deseret News Press, c 1919, 1948] 36lp. An attempt to support in detail some of the generalizations accepted by the Saints and prove they are no "fungi of fallacy." 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine. Utah Pam.Talmage, Thomas De Witt. The Utah abomination. . .a few facts with v„37 regard to the Utah Latter-day Saints.. .1880. 8p. "Unless we destroy Mormonism, Mormonism will destroy us." 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). Utah Pam. Tanner, Alva A. Facts about the 3ook of Mormon. Oakley, Idaho, v.8 1918. [243p° Says no Christian religion on this continent before Columbus. Claims parts of Book of Mormon taken from New Testament. Says Book of Mormon conflicts with Bible. 1. Book of Mormon. 2. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 221 Tanner, Joseph Marion. Old Testament Studies. Salt Lake City, Tl66o Deseret Sunday School Union, 1917 • 2 vol. Each chapter contains extensive quotations from Bible. Few references to L. D. S. beliefs. 1. Bible—Old Testament study. 2. Bible— Study— Old Testament. 3. Mormon Church — Sunday 'Schools — Lessons. 225.07 Tanner, Obert Clark- New Testament studies. rSalt Lake City] Dept. Tl67ne of Education of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1932. 667p. Eighty chapters are given to a study of the life of Christ; 24 to various books of the New Testament. Typical chapter begins with 135 a general discussion of parables and then considers four specific parables. 1. Bible — New Testament Introduction. 2. Bible — Introduction New Testament. 3* Bible — New Testament study. 4* Bible — Study New Testament. 5* Mormon Church — Seminaries and Institutes — Lessons. 225*07 Tanner, Obert Clark. Students 1 journal for use with the New Testa- Tl67st ment speaks, en. p., n.d.] 122p. Student writes a book chapter by chapter answering questions. 1. Bible — New Testament — Study-Out line Sj syllabi, etc 2. Bible — Study — Outlines, syllabi, etc. 3* Mormon Church — Outlines — -Seminaries and Institutes, syllabi, etc. 289*399 Taylder, T. W. P. The Mormon 1 s own book; or, Mormonism tried by its T236m own standards. London, Partridge and Co., 1857* 228p* Cities "Barbarisms" of language in early editions cf Book of Mormon. Says Book of Mormon contradicts itself. Says chrono- logy is inconsistent with Bible. Calls "whole system a cheat and a lie". Says Mormons arrogant, presumptuous. "Mormonism.. ..is reprobate". 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 2. Smith, Joseph, 1805- 1844* Utah Pam. Taylor, John. Discourse delivered in the Tabernacle. [Salt Lake v.80 City, Deseret News Co.,] 1885 • 15p* no. 10 Points out the injustices of the Edmunds Act and vhy he could not in conscience submit to it . 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. Utah Pam. Taylor, John. An epistle to the presidents of our stakes, high v.80 councils; bishops and other authorities of the church. Salt no. 9 Lake City. [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] 1882. lip. "Better for our own people to do our own trading than for that class of outsiders who are our avowed enemies to do it." 1. Mormon Church — Epistles. 289*33 Taylor, John. An examination into and an elucidation of the great T243e principle of the mediation and atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Salt Lake City, Deseret News Co., 1882. 205p« Based on the Bible, the inspired translation of the Bible, and revealed documents given the Saints. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 136 289»33 Taylor, John* An examination into and an elucida of the great T243e principle of the mediation and atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ o Salt Lake City, Deseret News Coo, 1332, 205p. Based on the Bible, the inspired translation of the Bible, and revealed documents given the Saints. lo Mormon Church — Doctrine <> 289 • 38 Taylor, John. The gospel Kingdom; selections from the writings and T243d discourses of John Tayloro rSalt Lake City] The Bookcraft Coo, c°1943] 401p o Reprints of sermons and other writings of Taylor from such sources as Journal of Discourses and Millenial Star, includes such items as "Selection and payment of teachers" ° lo Mormons and Mormonism— Addresses, essays, lectures, sermons <> Utah Pamo Taylor, John» The government of God* Liverpool, So W° Richards, v.3 1852 o lLSpo Points out wickedness of civil governments of Europe, errors in other churches, the inability of socialism or communism to help, and that only establishing the kingdom of God on earth is the final answer o lo Mormon Church— Doctrine ° Utah Pam.Taylor, Johno Items on priesthood, presented to the Latter-day Saintso v»3 Salt Lake City, Deseret News Co., 1882 . /+3p° Explains difference between Aaronic and Melchisedec Priesthoodj basing his remarks upon the BIBLE and DOCTRINE & COVENANTS . Uses instances in Lo Do So history to illustrate his pointso lo Mormon Church — Priesthood » Utah PamoTaylor, John. Items on priesthood presented to the Latter-day Saintso v.6l Salt Lake City, Go Q» Cannon, 1899° 36p. no. 21 A re-print of a carefully outlined, council of 12 approved statement on the differences between Aaronic and Melchisedec priesthoods o lo Mormon Church — Priesthood. Utah Pam. Taylor, John. On marriage. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1882 o v.7 8p« Only those deemed worthy may be permitted celestial marriage > by those who can not have the higher law may be married by a Bishop rather than by a justice of the peace. lo Mormon Church — Doctrine — Marriage. 2o Mormon Church — Priest- hood. 137 Utah Pam. Taylor, John. On marriage; Succession in the priesthood- Salt v. 80 Lake City, Deseret News Coo, 1882, 1881. 32p. no oil lo Mormon Church- — Doctrine — Marriage. Utah PamoTaylor, John- Three nights* public discussion between the Revds. Vo3 Co Wo Cleeve, James Robertson, and Philip Carter, and Elder John Taylor of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Liverpool, The author, 1850p. 49p° lo Mormons and Mormonism. 921 Taylor, Marie (Hansen). On two continents; memories of half a cen- T2438 tury. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1905 . 309p o Boyard Taylor, poet, U. S. temporary envoy to Russia, knew Thackeray, Tennyson, Goethe, Schiller, European royalty. Did translation of "Faust" o Visited Salt Lake briefly. Compared Mormon cultivation to Europe. "Farms and villages — pictures of neatness and industry*** "Mormonism is nothing but Orthodoxy carried a little further" o 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 917»9 [Thayer, James Bradley: A western journey with Mr. Emerson. Boston, G371w Little, Brown, and Co., 1884 • 141p. Incredulous note of some good, as in commenting on a sermon by Young, "patriarchal, giving much homely advice, marked by quaint sense, yet flavored also with a revolting mixture of reli- gicu s fanaticism and volgar dishonesty." Emerson called Mormon- ism an afterclap of puritanism. 1. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3o The West- — -Description and travel. 978 Thayer, William M. Marvels of the new West; a vivid portrayal of the T373m stupendous marvels in the vast wonderland west of the Mis souri River. Norwich, Conn., Henry Bill Pub. Co., 1887. 715p° "Whatever may be aid of the immoralities and corruption of the Mormon system, as a business enterprize it is conceded to be a marvelo" Considers it a hindrance to progress akin to "Romanism, Socialism, Skepticism, and Atheism" o 1. The West—Description and travel. 2. Mines and mineral re- sources. 3° Agriculture— The West. 4° National Parks and reserves. 978 Thomas, David K. p. 98-128 of s Wild life in the Rocky Mountains; T455w or, The lost million dollar gold mine. C. E. Thomas Pub. Coo, [•1916] 221p. Describes travel on plains — so many graves seen. Describes streets, irrigation system and buildings of Salt Lake. A Mrs. 138 G. E. Richards describes ceremony in Endowment Hous e. Calls it "blasphemy and mummery" o 1. The West — Description and travel o Utah Pam. Thomas, R. M. Bryce. My reasons for joining the Church of Jesus v. 63 Christ of Latter-day Saints. 2d American ed. Independence, Mo., no. 5 Press of Zion*s Print, and Pub. Co., 1902. 31p. Read the Book of Mormon, studied the 3ible, and became con- vinced only the L. D. S. Church had the structure and ideals of the primitive Church of Christ. 1. Mormons and Mormonism. 378o242 Thomson, Woodruff Christian. Orson F. Whitney, Mormon writer. tSalt T4365o Lake City] 1%9» (M. A. Thesis, Utah Univ.) Enough of the background of the Mormon poet and essayist to enable one to understand "the definite persecution complex which shows in much of his writing" and how all his experiences - actor, missionary, teacher, historian - united in his writings. 1. Whitney, Orson Ferguson, 1855-1931 • 2. Whitney, Orson Ferguson, 1855-1931 — Criticism and interpretation. 3» Mormons and Mormonism. 813«4 Tourgee, Albion Winegar. 3utton T s Inn. Boston, Roberts 3ros., 1887* 418p. "The idea of personal guidance by signs and tokens of the divine will which was so notable a characteristic of the Puritan faith, yielded some strange fruits when freed from the restraints of established instructions..." 1. Mormons and Mormonism. Utah Pam.Townshend, George. Why I am not a Mormon. Denver, Alexander & Meyer, v.80 1907 « 30p. no. 7 Joseph Smith - self - delusion- Finding of gold plates is "melodrama and superstition". Vision was pure fabrication. Some statements of Book of Mormon not in accord with Bible. Others con- tradict science. Mormon church is narrow. People are complacent. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 289*399 Traum, Samuel Wegner. Mormonism against itself. Cincinnati, Standard T777m Pub. Co., 1910. 321p«» Mormonism* s whole scheme is "wicked". Says there is no unmis- takable evidence of any civilization such as Book of Mormon claims. Says Mormons do not have proofs, only assumptions. 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon). 139 978 Triplett, Frank o Conquering the wilderness; or, New pictorial T835c history of the life and times cf the pioneer heroes and her- oines of America o Minneapolis, Northwestern Pubo Co., 1888. 742pc w Mormonism founded on bare-faced frauds" o Says Mountain Meadows Massacre "dwarfs the massacres of our border Indians into insignificance o w 1. Th e West — Hi story-© 2. The West— Biology. Truth, devoted to questions political, social, economic and reli- gious. Salt Lake City, Truth Pub. Co., 1935* Monthly. I. Mormons and Mormonism ( Anti-Mo rmon) periodicals. 289 • 399 Tucker, Pomeroyo Origin, rise and progress of Mormonism. Bio- T893o graphy of its founders and history of its church; personal re- membrances and historical collections hitherto unwritten . New York, D. Applet on, 186?. 302p. Ugliest portrait of Smith as a young man— even charged -with "never known to laugh" . 1. Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) « 2. Book of Mormon. 3« Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844° 979*2 Tullidge, Edward W. The history of Salt Lake City and its founders. T918h Salt' Lake City, the author, 1883« Contains copies of many documents, such as entries from journals, treat ires with Indians, epistles from the L. D. S. Church presidency, letters from governments officsls and the like, but no sources given. lo Mormons and Mormonism. 2. Salt Lake City — History • 3 • Utah— Biography . 289.3921 Tullidge, Edward W. The life of Brigham Young; or, Utah and her T685tu founders. New York, Tullidge & Crandall, I876. lo Young, Brigham, 1801-1877. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3 . Utah— Biography . 289.3921 Tullidge, Edward W. Life of Joseph the prophet. New York, cTul- S653t lidge & Crandall 1 1378. 545p° I. Smith, Joseph, 180 5-1844 « 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289»399 Turner,, J. B. Mormonism in all ages; or the rise, progress, and T948m causes of Mormonismf with the biography of its author and founder, Joseph Smith, Jr. New York, Piatt & Peters, t c 18423 304po 140 "Mormon! sm always fights with desperation". Says Mormons defend Book of Mormon by "Ridiculing the Bible" <» "Object — is to show— -if Book of Mormon is ridiculous Bible is so too." Calls Mormon! 5m a "strange and extravagant enthusiasm.." L« Mormons and Mormonism (Anti-Mormon) o 978 Tuttle, Daniel Sylvester o Reminiscences of a missionary bishop o T96 New York, T. Whittaker r«19063 498p. Noted lack of rowdyism among the young Mormons > the good English and manners of Brigham Young in private conversations tells of Utah Magazine and the Godbeite defections, the large numbers of officers versus "privates" in the Mormon church, the appeal to sacrifice on part of woman and notes polygamy was not a cornerstone of the church. Felt the "opportune death" of Smith and energy of Young made the church© lo Missionaries.. 2. Utah — History. 3° The West — History. 4° Mormons and Mormonism. 289.39 Tyler, Daniel. A concise history of the Mormon battalion in the T981c Mexican war, 1846-1847° m.p.i 1881° 376p. Written in chronological order, but not in diary form. Con- sidered by Bancroft the leading authority on the subject, even though written from Mormon point of view. .lo Mormon Battalion, 1846-1847 •> 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289.399 Tyson, Thomas. Joseph Smith, the great American imposterj or, Mor- T994J monism proved to be false, by a fair examination of its history and pretensions. London, Hail, 1852. 59p. The "invention of the plates is only a clumsy act for a pre- tended prophet". "Mysteries of the Temple of Nauvoo" were foolish ridiculous and '•disgusting rites and practices". Cites two strik- ing features of Mormonism "high pretensions and horrid vileness". lo Mormons and Mormonism (An ti- Mormon) . Utah Pam.U. S. Congress. The admission of Utah; arguments on the admission of v. 76 Utah as a. state made before the Committee on Territories of the House and cf the Senate. Washington, D. C, Govt. Print. Off., 1888-1890 o lo Utah— Pol . • and government. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 328.362 U. So Congress. Senate. Committee on privileges and elections. U58 Proceedings before the Committee on privileges and elections of the United States Senate in the matter of the protests ago n ' the right of Hon. Reed Smoot, a senator from the State of Utah, to hold hi? seat. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 141 1904-1906o 4v. Contains frank, sworn answers to searching questions about freedom of thought in Mormon church, percentage ever practicing polygamy, financial holdings of group and the like* i° Mormons and Mormonismo Utah Pam.U. So Congress o Senate o Defense of the constitutional and religious V06O rights of the people of Utaho Speeches of Senators Vest, Morgan, no<>7 Call, Brown s Pendleton and LaMar. tn.po} 1882.. 40p. lo Mormons ana Morncnism— Speeches in Congress « 2o Mormons and Mormonism — Polygamy. Utah Pam.U. S. District Court o Utah* The inside of Mormonism; a judicial vo6l,nc.I9 examination of the endowment oaths administered in all the Mor- v.60,no.lQ men temples to determine whether membership in the Mormon Church is consistent with citizenship in the Uo So Salt Lake City, Utah Americans, I9OJ0 93p° Oaths to avenge Smith, murder apostates, and obey "the priest- hood who would eventually reform the constitution of the Uo S. lo Mormon and Mormonism— Legal status, etc.o Film Uo So National Archives State department territorial papers o 176-177 Utah series, April 30, 1953 to Dec 24, 185o; Jan. 5, 1B60 to Jano 3, 1873° Washington, Do Co, 1942o 2 reels Utah Pam. United States of America, you are doomed to destruction. . .n.po, n.d. v. 37 Por shedding the blood of Saints and prophets, government officials shall gc down to Hell. i« Mormons and Mormon! sin. 342o792 U. S. Utah Com Lon« The Edmunds act, reports of the Commission, U587m rules, regulat: and population, registration and elect >n - Salt Lake City, Tribune Print o and Pub» Go«j _l883 ° Re] the Cc n ■ ; : up to disenfranchise and p :! j) gai 11 ou s Mo rrnon s o lo Mormons and Morm m — Polygamy. 342o792 Uo So Utah C .; ion© Report cf the Utah Commission to the Sec-- U587m retary of the In r n 1382, 1896. Washington, Govto Print. Office. The main function cf this commission was to prevent poly- gamists from voting and holding office » The reports include attitude of the Saints towards .jail sentences and free public 142 schools o Notes abandonment of polygamy and a "church" party in politics o lo Utah — Politics and Government. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 289 • 33 Ursenbach, Octave Frederick . Deity and law. Los Angeles, Aetna U82a Press/ c- 19333 122p« "To exclude progressive God from a progressive universe is to admit His incomprehensibility, unknowability, if not His non- existenceo" io Mormon Church-— Doctrine o. 813 °5 Ursenbach, Octave Fredericko The quest. Salt Lake City, 3ookcraft, 19^5 C 8 19473 289p° "2d ed." lo Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction- 289*3 Ursenbach, Octave Fredericko Why I am a Mormon o Salt Lake City, U82w The author, 1910 . 212p« "Coming down to the nineteenth century we find the world replete with professed Christian sects, none of which had receiv- ed a special delegation of Gcd T s authority." lo Mormons and Mormonism. 289 o 39 Utah, a peculiar people. (In Time, v.L, no. 3;° July 21, 1947) A U89 mixture of admiration and leg pulling. io Mormon Church— History o Utah Pam.Utah and statehood; objections considered, simple facts told with a v.77 brief synopsis of the state constitution, by a resident of Utah, no. 19 New York, Hart & Von Arx, 1888. lip. lo Mormons and Mormon! am—Church and state. 353*9792 Utah. Centennial Commissions Art? Division. Source book; basic C397s materials or. music, drama, art, pageantry, parades for the Utah Centennlal s 1847-1947- Salt Lake City rl946i I. Utah— Centennial celebrations, etc. Utah Pam.The Utah pioi .'ration of the entrance of the pioneers into v.60 Great Salt Lake valley, thirty-third anniversary, July 24, 1880. no.2 Salt Lake City, Deseret News Print, and Pub. Establishment, 1880. 52p. Sund ,. met at school houses, then marched to main pro- 143 ceedingso The procession is described, the prayers and speeches recorded and a list of the pioneer? of 1847, living and deado lo Utah— History o 2o Mormons and Mormonismo 8ilo08 Utah sings, an anthology of contemporary verse° Provo, Utah, Utah U89 Academy of Sciences, arts and letters, 1934° Biographical sketches and poems of over 100 Utah writers » lo American Literature- — Utah » collections e 2o American poetry-- 20th century o 3° Poets, Americano 4° Mormons and Mormonism— Poetryo 979 »2 Utah statehood| reasons why it should not be granted o Salt Lake U89 City, Tribune Print » s 1887° 71p° The non-Mormons "do not believe there is any real intention on the part of the Mormons to abandon or punish the crime of polygamy, or to renounce political control by ecclesiastical organization o" lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Utah (Territory) o 378o242 Valentine, Dee Jo Inventaire et discussion de la litterature fran- V1571 caise sur les Mormons leur histoire, leur religion et leurs moeurso [Salt Lake City 3 1947° (Mo Ao Thesis, Utah Uni/o ) Considers Remy most honest and objective of French writers, although Valentine felt it was not fair to compare schools in territorial Utah with those in France o The reliance of several French author: on one or two sources noted o lo Mormons and Mormonismo 2o Mormons and Mormonism— -Bibliography < 843 °8 Verne, Jules o Around the world in eighty dayso New York, Co V5314t Scribner's sens, 1906o 310p o U in Passepartcmt listened to a lecture on the Mormons, but thoughts of polygamy cancelled out the message o lo Vcyages around the world o 917 o 3 Vivian, Sir Henry Hussey° Notes of a tour in America, from V858n August 7th to November 17th, 1877° London, Eo Stanford, 1878 . 260p o Worried about rise of water to old shore lines of Lake Bonneville, noted that cost of women's clothes had givai a "serious blow to polygamy o" lo U. cu s tern 2 So — Des L] Lon and travel© 2o Uo So-- Social life and 1 3o Mcrmons and Mormonismo 144 Utah PamoWandell, Charles Wesley a History of the persecutions endured by v<>6_ the Church cf Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in America* ncJJ Sydney > Printed by A. Mason tl852?3 l6p. Mainly reprints from Pratt's History of Late Persecutions, and newspaper articles cf the day, such as Quincy Argus, Boston Atlas, and reports of Testimony given in trials . 1 o Mormon Church History. Z» Mormons and Mormonism— Doctrinal and : ont rovers ial work i . 289*33 Ward Jo Ho Gospel philosophy, showing the absurdities of infidelity W*59g the harmony of the gospel with science and religion© Salt r City, Juvenij-e Instructor, 1884° 2l6p» w To gather into a small compass the leading arguments of infidei writers, and be refute them by well-known facts; to show the ;ause of the conflict between science and religion; and to armonize true science with the teaching of God's word, has been the d<^-igr. in waiting this little work." Lo Religion and scienceo 2. Mormon Church— -Doctrine o 289<>3 Ward, Jo Ho The hand of providence, as shown in the history of na- W25S Lons • r.d individual s© Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off., 1883« 215p« Builds ap progress of man in science, but notes "they had oained -t- y in religion" o . [ o Mo rmc n e and Mo rmon ismo ;.i.-C Washburn, Jessee Alvin« Story of the Old Testamento Salt Lake W314 3 EChur he is Christ of Latter-day Saint sd Depto of Education , 1 9 36 o 464p » "In Lmagii Lor we have traveled over the ancient Bible world ltte bso If teachers, in a similar manner, can hrough the Old Testament narrative, avoiding :ontrcvei and te.hr. ies, it will be a pleasant and prc- fitable sours< o w o Bible O.j ent Study Textbooks. 2« Bible Study— Text- O^a Textai o 3o Mormon Church- -Seminaries and Institutes — Lessons. ■ ks on Smith and then concludes that the ient difficulties of civilization are repre- nted by the system popularly called "Mormonism". . a Mormcns and Mormonismo 145 289°3 Webb, Robert Co The real Mormonism; a candid analysis of an inter- W367r esting but much misunderstood subject in history, life, and thought o New York, Sturgis and Walton Coo, 1916© 463p° The Book of Mormon and the Mormon faith meet the needs of the world, "morally and sociologically"© lo Mormons and Mormonismo 289° 35 Welker, Roy Anson o Preparing for marriage o Salt Lake City, Lo Do W/+46p So Department of Education, 1942 o 202p o Intelligent preparation for marriage has been working among the Saints with resulting fewer divorces, especially among those married in the Temple© lo Marriage© 2o Mormon Church— Doctrine—Marriage ° Utah PamoWellSj Emmeline Blanch (Woodward) o Memorial of Emeline B. Wells Vo6l and Zina Young Williams of Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, to nool6 the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembles, asking for a repeal of the anti-polygamy law of 1862© Washington, tn©p©:F 1879° 4p« A prayer to "legitimatize our children and protect our names from dishonor"© I© Mormons and Mormonism—Congressional enactment© 979°4 Wells, Evelyn, p© 87-91 ofs The 49ers©« © [1st ed©i Garden City, W953f NoYo, Doubleday, 1949© 273p° I© California— Gold discoveries© 2© California— History, 1846-1850© 289© 384 West, Lorenzo Richards© Fruits of religion© Salt Lake City, W517f Deseret Book Co©, 1946© 198p° "Educators, under the guise of being fearful of criticism because something might be taught which could be considered sectarian, nave devoted their attention to the secular fields almost exclusively©" 1© Mormons and Mormonism— Addresses, essays, lectures© 289 ©3 Weston, Joseph Harry© These amazing Mormons o Salt Lake City, W535t Deseret News Press, 1948© 87p© Points out the impressive fruits of Mormonism© I© Mormons and Mormonism© 813°4 Whipple, Maurine© The giant Joshua© Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co©, W574 1941o 637po 146 Polygamy in Utah 1 s Dixie centered around a young third wife, later left behind for a younger bride. Excellent scenes of hard- ships of pioneering in Dixie o 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Fiction. 917*9 White, Douglas, comp. The story of a trail, being an authentic record W583s of the breaking of the Mormon trail between the Inter-mountain em- pire and California 1 s "Land of Sunshine," with the story of the founding and building along this historic pioneer highway of the Salt Lake route; a description of the marvelous resources contained within the area tributary to this new and direct line of railway now in operation between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific. Los Angeles; San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railroad, 1905* 173p« 1. Utah History. 2. Description and travel. 3» Mormons and Mormon- ism. 4* California — Description and travel. 5» Salt Lake City — Des- cription and travel. 6. Mormon trail. 289*3 Whitehead, Earnest L. The house of Israel; a treatise on the destiny W592h history and identification of Israel in all the five branches. Independence, Mo., Zion T s Printing and Pub. Co., t e 19473 589p« An attempt to follow the four branches and the main root of Israel, showing the survival of the ancient tribes and their per- petuation in the modern world. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine — Dispersion of Israel. Utah Pam.Whitmer, David. An address to all believers in Christ, by a witness v»60 to the divine authenticitiy of the Book of Mormon. Richmond, Mo., no. 8 David Whitmer, 1887° 75p° Insists Book of Mormon is genuine, but that Smith fell into error. 1. Book of Mormon. 2. Church of Christ (Whitmerites) . 3« Mormons and Mormonism — Divergent sects. 811.4 Whitney, Orson Ferguson. Elias; an epic of the ages... rev. and anno- W6213e tated ed. [Salt Lake City, The author, e 1914] 144p* "It is an attempt to present in verse form, historically, doctrinally, and prophetically, the vast theme comprehended in what the world terms "Mormonism". 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Poetry. Utah Pam. Whitney, Orson Ferguson. Gospel themes; a treatise on salient fea- v.62 tures of "Mormonism." Written for a dedicated to the high priests, no. 6 seventies and elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, 1914* l67p* Based on scriptures accepted byL. D. S., articles in chuich 147 periodicals with occasional quotes from Emerson, Carlyle, and Shakespeare etco lo Mormon Church— -Doctrine «> 2o Mormon Church— Priesthood — Handbooks, manuals, etco 979°2 Whitney, Orson Fergusono History of Utaho Salt Lake City, Go Q. W62 Cannon & Sons Coo, 1892-1904« 4v» lo Utah— History o 2» Utah— -Biography o 3° Mormons and Mormon ism o 811. 9 4 Whitney s Orson Fergusono The poetical writings of Orson Fo Whitney; W621p poems and poetic prose, compiled and published by the author o Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Offo, 1899° 208p° Written to "shew that the author of these lines, if he can- not create poetry, can at least admire it," and that the "name Mormon is not necessarily a synonym for coarseness" o lo Mcr-mons and Mormonism— -Poetry o 979 »2 Whitney, Orson Ferguson, Popular history of Utaho Salt Lake City, W62p 'The Deseret News, 191.6 o 588po lo Utah— History o 2 c Mormons and Mormonismo 289 o 385 Whitney, Orson Fergusono Radio talks; Sunday evening lectures de- W6-2ir livered over station KSL, Salt Lake City, Utaho, October 13 to December 29, 1929° A Compendium of Mormon history, aims, and idealso Revo Edo tSalt Lake City, Deseret News Press, 1930: ii5p« A mixture of Mormon history and doctrine emphasizing the patriotism of the Mormons and the hope the Elders will save this Nation in the hour of its extreme st peril ° lo Mormons and Mormonism— Addresses, essays, lectureso 2c Mormon Church— Doctrine o 289° 384 Whitney, Orson Fergusono Saturday night thoughts; a series of W621s dissertations on spiritual, historical and philosophical themes o Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1921 » 323p» Based on a series of articles printed in the Deseret News for those unable to attend church on account of the influenza epidemic o lo Mormon Church— Doctrine o 2o Mormons and Mormonism- — Addresses, essays, lectures o Utah PamoWhitney, Orson Fergusono The strength of the Mormon position o Inde- Vo80,noo3 pendence, Moo, Zion's Print » & Pubo Coo, t c '19173 48p« 148 Owe their strength to a gift of perceptive power from the Holy Ghost, a spiritual illumination which cannot be had from books. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 289*33 Widtsoe, John Andreas. Evidences and reconciliations; aids to faith in W641e a modern day. [Salt Lake City] The Bookcraft Company [1943] Answers various questions, such as "Does the Kon-tiki voyage confirm the Book of Mormon?" 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial works. 289*33 Widtsoe, John Andreas. Fornuftmaessig theologi. Overs, fra Sngelsk W6/+lr af Dr. Charles L. Olsen. [Salt Lake City] 3ikuben T s Bibliotek, Dlo 1917, 256p. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 979*2 Widtsoe, John Andreas. How the desert was tamed; a lesson for today W641h and tomorrow. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., [1947] 83p* Told how the Mormons developed irrigation and water law prac- tices to meet their needs. 1. Frontier life — Utah. 2. Mormons and Mormonism. 3« Utah — Fron- tier life. 289*33 Widtsoe, John Andreas. In search of truth; comments on the Gospel and W641i Mormon thought. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., [ c 1930] 120p. "There is no limitation placed upon the truth that may be accepted by the members of the church. Every fact of science or history or of any other department of learning is accepted by the church." 1. Truth. 2. Religion and science. 3* Mormon Church and science. 289*3921 Widtsoe, John Andreas. Joseph Smith as a scientist; a contribution to S653wi Mormon philosophy. Salt Lake City, The General Board, Young Men f s Mutual Improvement Association, 1908 B 173p« Points out how many of Smith T s concepts on time, matter, geo- logy, and the like have been supported by modern science, which hence supports true religion. 1. Mormon Church and science. 2. Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844* 289*384 Widtsoe, John Andreas. Man and the dragon, and other essays. W641m [Salt Lake City] The 3ookcraft Co., 1945. 26 "p. Mainly editorials from the Millenial star directed against "the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan." 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Addresses, essays, lectures. 149 289 « 361 Widtsoe, John Andreas <> Priesthood and church government • [Salt Wo41p Lake City] Deseret book co«, 1939° 410po "To know one f s duty is the first step towards performing it." Furthermore most Mormons will have experience in church leadership responsibility, all should be familiar with church government o Outlines powers or duties of various church offices. io Mormon Church — Government.. 2. Mormon Church — -Priesthood . 289*33 Widtsoe, John Andreas* Program of the Church of Jesus Christ of W64ip Latter-day Saints; supplementary readings, questions and pro- blems by Jo Wyley Sessions [and] Merrill D. Ciayson. 4th edo Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., 1941° 28lp. ,! Tc provide college classes, missionaries and the general reader with a connected survey of the faith and practice of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" based on a course given at the University of Southern California o" SAME Salt Lake City, 1936 , 283p° io Mormon Church- — Doctrine » 289 o 33 Widtsoe, John Andreas « Rational theology; as taught by the Church W641r of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints » [Salt Lake City, Deseret News] 1915- 190po "The principles of the C-ospel, as held by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are stated briefly, simply and without comment to show the coherence, reasonableness and universality of the gospel o io Mormons and Mormonism — Doctrinal and controversial workso 289 o 33 Widtsoe, John Andreaso A rational theology as taught by the Church W64ir of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o 5th edo Salt Lake City, 1937 Deseret Book Co. s 1946. c e 193?] 202p o 289«33 Widtsoe, John Andreaso Een radelijke theologie. Rotterdam, Neder- W641p landsche Zending [forward-1933] 124p» 1936 lo Mormon Church — Doctrine » 289»33 Widtsoe, John Andreas o Theologie rationnelle. » .Tr. de I* Anglais W641p par Co A. Horbacho [3d edo] [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- D9 day Saints. French Mission] 127p» "In short, a rational theology is derived from the invariable laws of the universe, and exists for the good of men." I . Mormon Church — Doctrine o 150 289*336 Widtsoe, John Andreas. The word of wisdom) a modern interpretation.. W641w 4th ed. [Salt Lake City] Deseret 3ook Co., 1938. r c 1937i 263p. Scientific backing for Mormon doctrine of moderation in all diet and avoidance of tobacco, tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. 1. Mormon Church, Doctrine — Word of Wisdom. 2. Alcohol-Physiologi- cal effect. 3» Tobacco — Physiological effect. 289*33 W6415g Dl Widtsoe, Osborne John Peter. Evangeliets Gengivelse. Oversat fra Engelsk af John S. Hansen, tek, 1921. 278p. [Salt Lake City] "Bikubens" Biblio- 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 2. Mormon Church — History. 3, Smith, Joseph. 289« 39 Widtsoe, Osborne John Peter. The restoration of the gospel; with an W6413r introduction by Joseph F. Smith, jr. Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1912. 24 3p* "What was restored? How was it restores?" 1. Mormon Church — History. 2. Mormon Church — Doctrine — Restora- tion of the Gospel. 289*28 Williams, Elizabeth Whitney. A child of the sea, and life among the W722c Mormons. Brooklyn, J. E. Jewett, 1905- 229p. Tells about life on Beaver Island under "King James Strang* s branch of the Mormons. Describes short hair and dresses of Mormon women prescribed by revelation. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Divergent sects. Jessee, 1813-1856. 2. Strang, James 378.242 Wilson, David Parry. The Mormon battalion. [Salt Lake City] 1941 • W7474m (M.A. Thesis, Utah Univ.) Tries to reconcile pro-Mormon and anti-Mormon accounts of the battalion. Writer had access to some manuscript material. 1. Mormon Battalion, 1849-1857- 289*33 Wilson, Lycrugue Arnold. Outlines of Mormon philosophy; of The W749o answers given by the gospel as revealed through the prophet Joseph Smith to the questions of life. Salt Lake City, Deseret "ews, 1905. 12 3p. "The object of this work as intimated by the text, is to suggest a firm central point about which may be grouped in order- ly arrangement, all our knowledge, and our guide shall be revela- tion. 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine. 151 289*361 Winchester, Benjamin* A history of the priesthood, from the begin- W759h ning of the world t6 the present time; written in defense of the doctrine and position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints* Philadelphia, Brown, Bicking & Guilbert, 1843 • l68p. Begins with Adam, uses Old and New Testaments to show what ori- ginal priesthood was like, then cites dreams and prophecies to show priesthood was to be restored and in America. 1. Mormon Church— Priesthood. 2. Mormons and Mormonism- -Doctrinal and controversial works* 813*3 Winthrop, Theodore. John Brent. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1862. W793J 359p. This might be sub-titled, or the Luring of Ellen by false- hood into a polygamous fate worse than death and her escape from the efficient but beast-like Mormons. 1. Mormons and Mormonism ( Anti-Mormon) — Fiction. 378.242 Wood, Evelyn Nielson* A centenniel radio project for elementary W874c schools. [Salt Lake City] 1946. tM.A. Thesis, Utah Univ.] Contains instructions which led to creation of 28 programs by elementary students* Sample programs are included such as "Utah* s heritage", and "The old Spinning Wheel." 1. Utah — Frontier life* 2» Radio in education. 3» Mormon Pio- neers. 266.92 World * s fair ecclesiastical history of Utah. Comp. by representatives W927 of the religious denominations. Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., 1893* 318p» 1. Utah— Church history o 2. Mormon Church— History. 3» Mormons and Mormonism — Bibliography. 289*385 Young, Brigham. Discourses of Brigham Young. .selected and arranged Y685d by John A. Widtsoe. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co., c c 1925] 760p. Excerpts from sermons of Brigham Young. 1. Mormons and Mormonism — Sermons. Utah Pam. Young, Brigham.! The resurrection; a discourse delivered in the new v. 5 Tabernacle, Salt Lake City at the general conference • Oct. 8, 1875 . Salt Lake City, Deseret Mews. ilp. "At the sound of the trumpet of God every particle of our physical structures necessary to make our tabernacles perfect will be assembled •<>.»" 1. Mormon Church — Doctrine — Resurrection. 152 Utah PamoYoung, Joseph* History of the organization of the Seventies. Salt v«5 Lake City, Deseret Mews, 1878. l6p. no.6l "Taken from manuscript and a portion from memory." lo Mormon — PriesthoocU 301ol5 Young, Kimballo Sex roles in polygamous Mormon families o (in Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issue « Readings in Social Psycologyo New York, 1947° p» 373-383) <> lo Polygamy o 2. Mormons and Mormonism — Family life. 137 «04 Young, Kimballo Variations in personality manifestations in Mormon S933 polygamous families, (in Studies in personality.) New York, 1942. Po 285-314)o I. Mormons and Mormonism — Family life. 2o Polygamy. Utah PamoYoung, Richard Wo Mormonism exposed; the constitution and the terri- v.8 tories, a lawyer 1 s viewo New York, 1885 • 113p° Argues people of a territory should have same regrets of self-government and be no more subject to national legislation than people of a state o lo U. So Constitution o 2. Jurisdiction territorial. 3» Mormons and Mormonism. 289 • 38 Zion T s Printing and Publishing Co. Independence, Mo. Handbook of Z79h restoration; a selection of gospel themes discussed by various authors; also other items of interest to gospel students... cist edoi [Independence c 1944 3 704p« "In this volume the compiler has tried to bring together as many as possible of the most valuable and most used discussions on the various gospel topics o" Modern tracks and authors. lo Mormon Church — Doctrine o Utah Pam.Zobell, Albert Levi, compo Aaronic priesthood restoration. [Salt v.63 Lake City, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , 194-3 no. 3 c8]p» Three inspirational anecdotes lo Mormons and Mormonism — Collected works© Utah Pam»2obell, Albert Levi, compo "An angel from on high." [Salt Lake v.63, no. 1, City, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1949* 3 2 pts.1-2 parts o Short anecdotes told by church leaders to inspire or rein- force faith o lo Mormons and Mormonism — Collected works » 153 289 o 38 Zobell, Albert Levio Minute sermons . Salt Lake City, Bookcraft, Z83m c°l%6] 10 3p. Paragraphs, arranged alphabetically under such topics as atonement, charity, education, faith, and the likeo lo Mormons and Mormonismo Utah PamoZobell, Albert Levi, comp<> Story minute <> tSalt Lake City, Church v<»63 of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 19393 t8]p<> noo2 Mixture of Mormon and non-Mormon inspirational quotations* lo Mormons and Mo rmonism— -Collected works » 289«366 Zobell, Albert Levio Under the midnight sun; centenniel history of Z83u Scandinavian missionso Salt Lake City, Deseret Bock Coo, 1950° 197po Based largely on Jenson T s worko Contains excellent statisti- cal tables on converts and emigrants, year by year, plus a chapter by James Mo Black on micro-filming in the Scandinavian countries o lo Mormons and Mo rmonism in Scandinavia » 2» Mormons and Mormon- I sm— -Mi s s io n s o 155 ENTRIES UNDER UTAH The entries in the card catalog under Utah are far more inclusive than would be the case of other states* In fact, there has been almost a double entry under place as well as under the ordinary subject heading* Here, again, we have not been wholly consistent* Yet the list which follows is sufficiently inclusive to be of real value to students of Utah history* We have left it arranged under subject headings since the prime interest here will be subject headings rather than author. Should demand for this list be great enough, it probably can be re- printed and modified* Therefore, criticisms and suggestions will not only be welcome but are likely to influence the format of a future list* 156 UTAH 979*2 Blair, George E., ed. The mountain empire Utah; a brief and rea- B635m sonably authentic presentation of the material conditions of a state that lies in the heart of the mountains of the west. [Ed. and published by George E. Blair & R. W. Sloan, Salt Lake City t c 1904]. 26p. Utah Pam.Colborn, Edward F. A glimpse of Utah, its resources, attractions, v. 48 and natural wonders. Issued by the Passenger Dept. of the Den- ver and Rio Grande Railroad t c 1910]. 26p. 051 Daughters of the American Revolution magazine, September, 1937« D238 Washington, D. C., National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Vol. 71, no. 9* Utah Pam. Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company. A few facts about v. 40 the climate and resources of the new state of Utah. [Ed. and issued by the Passenger Dept. of the Rio Grande Western Rail- way, Salt Lake City, 1896. 64p* 917*92 Donan, Patrick. Utah; a peep into a mountain-walled treasury of D6767u the gods. Rhymes by Cy Warman. 3uffalo, N.Y., Matthews Northrup Co., c 1891, 96p. 289 • 3 Hand-book of reference to the history, chronology, religion, coun- H236 try of the Latter-day Saints, including the revelation on celestial marriage. Salt Lake City, Juvenile Instructor Off., 1884* 157 clip. Utah Pam. Hansen, George H. A regional redistricting plan for the state of v.38 Utah, by George H. Hansen. Provo, Utah, Brigham Young Uni- versity Press [1937} • 59p* Utah Pam.Hollister, Ovando James. The resources and attractions of Utah, v. 34, 58 Salt Lake City, A. Zeehandelaar, 1882. 93p. 979*2 James, George Wharton. Utah, the land of blossoming valleys; J27 and fantastic rock formations, and of its fertile gardens in the sheltered valleys; a survey of its rapidly developing in- dustries; an account of the origin, development, .and beliefs of the Mormon Church; and chapters on the flora and fauna; and on the scenic wonders that are a heritage of all Americans. Boston, Page Co., 1922. 56 plates. 979*2 Kenner, Scipio Africanus. Utah as it is, with a comprehensive K36u statement of Utah as it was; showing the founding, growth and present status of the commonwealth. Salt Lake City, The Deseret News, 1904* 639p* Utah Pam. Sloan, Robert W. Utah; her attractions and resources as inviting v. 34 the attention of tourists and those seeking permanent homes. Companion essays by 0. J. Hollister and S. A. Kenner* Salt Lake City, G. A. Meears [1881]. 20p. 157 Utah Pam.U. So Library of Congress. Centennial of the settlement of Utah ex- v.48 hibition June 7, 1947-August 31, 1947; an address by the Hon. Arthur V. Watkins on the occasion of the ceremonies opening the exhibition commemorating the settlement of Utah at the Library of Congress together with an abridged catalog of the exhibition. Wash. Govt. Print. Off., 1947 • 7,c6ip. 917*92 Utah. Dept. of public instruction . Utah — resources and activities. U89ut Supplement to the Utah state courses of study for elementary and secondary schools. Department of public instruction, C H. Skidmore, superintendent. Salt Lake City, Utah [The Paragon] 1933. xvi, 458p. Utah Pam.Utah. Dept. of Publicity and Industrial development. What you want v°80 to know about Utah* redo printing, rev.] Salt Lake City, no. 14 1946" 58p. Utah Pam.Utah Education Association" Utah N. E. A. guide handbook; fifty-first v.27 annual convention, Salt Lake City, July 5th-12th, 1913* 76,c2]p. 917*92 Writers* Program. Utah. Utah, a guide to the state, compiled by W95 workers of the Writers' s program of the Work projects administra- tion for the state of Utah. Sponsored by the Utah state insti- tute of fine arts; co-sponsored by the Salt Lake county, commis- sion ■> New York, Hastings house, 1941° xxvi, 595p* 289*39 Utah, a peculiar people, (in Time. v.L, no. 3; July 21, 1947 • PP» U89 18-21). Utah Pam.Ta'lmage, Thomas De Witt. The Utah abomination... a few facts with v»37 regard to the Utah Latter-day Saints... 1880, 8p. 811.08 Utah sings, an anthology of contemporary verse. Provo, Utah, U89 Utah academy of sciences, arts and letters, [Eds. 1934, H. R. Merrill and S lsie T. Brandley; -1942- C F. Culmsee. Pub- lished by Brigham Young University Press. Vol. 2. 06l Utah academy of sciences » Transactions, v. 2; 1918-1921. 276p. U89 A168 UTAH— ACTORS 289°38209Lindsay s John Shanks. Scrap book contains, playbills, programs, L748s playbills extracted from newspapers of plays in which Mr* Lind- say participated and bearing dates from 1874-1883* UTAH— ADMINISTRATIVE AND POLITICAL DIVISIONS. 06l Weaver, Ellsworth E. Legislative reapportionment in Utah. [Salt U89gm Lake City] Institute of Government, University of Utah, 1950. nodO I2p. 158 Utah Pam. Veritas [pseud.] Utah affairs; Congress and polygamy [by Veritas, v.61 pseud.] Salt Lake City, Printed at the Deseret News Steam no. 7 Print. Establishment, 1874* 30p. UTAH— AGRICULTURAL ADMINISTRATION. 378*242 Clark, Owen Morrell- Economic aspects of agriculture in Davis C594e County, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1936. (M. S. Thesis, Utah Univ. ) . 378-792 A2771 A47b 378,792 A8a Utah. Agricultural College, Cedar City. Alumni Association. B. N. S.-B. A. C alumni historical booklet, 1940. [Cedar City, Utah, 1950 ]. The Agricola; annual student publication of the Branch Agricultur- al College • Cedar City, Utah. 19 -• 378-792 Utah. Agricultural College, Cedar City. [Miscellaneous publica- A277mi tions of the southern branch of the State Normal School] Cedar City, 1898-1911. 378*242 Kupfer, Vern K. Prediction of academic success in mathematics and K96p English by the students of the Branch Agricultural College. [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M. S. Thesis, Utah Univ.). 6l4»07 Demonstration Workshop in Teacher Education for Health, Logan, Utah, D384he, 1947 1947* Report of the participants from the six- state area of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, in the Demon- stration Workshop on Teacher Training for Health Education. Sponsored by U. S. Office of Education in co-operation with the National Tuberculosis Association and Utah Agricultural College, in. p.] [1947] 1 v. (unpaged). UTAH. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 353*9792 Ericksen, Sphraim Edward. A commentary upon the majority report. G7213ire [Salt Lake City, 1943?]- 353*9792 Fonnesbeck, Leon. Reply to Dr. Ericksen 1 s Commentary on the major- G7213irf ity report. [Salt Lake City, 1943?]. Utah Pam.Utah. Agricultural College, Logan. Proceedings of ceremonies com- v.75 memorating the semi-centennial anniversary of the founding of the no. 20 Utah State Agricultural College. [Logan, Utah, 1938] 32p. Utah Pam»Utah. Agricultural College, Logan. Utah state farmers* institutes v.10 for the year ending June 30, 1907, tEd. by Lewis Merrill. Salt Lake City, Skelton, 1907. 85p- Utah Pam.Utah- University- To maintain efficient institutions of higher v. 68 learning in Utah, salary increases are necessary [by] a joint no. 7 committee representing the boards and faculties of the Univer- 159 sity of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College, tn<>po, 1944? 3° tZop° UTAHo AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE » LOGAN o Utah Pamo Huntsman, Sarao Book of the words cof ] a historical pageant of the Vo9 Utah Agricultural College; presented on the college campus June 5, 1915° Logan, Utaho 38p° Utah PamoUtaho College Commissiono I.9O60 Summary of the majority reporto Vo54 1906 9 l6po 353°9792 Utaho Governoro Committee to Investigate the Work of the University G7213ir of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College,. 1942 o Report of the Committee appointed by Governor Herbert Bo Maw° Roy Do Thatcher, Chairman ° tSalt Lake City, 1943 1° Utah PamoKingsbury, Joseph Thomas o R e asons why the Agricultural College and V0Z4.4 the University of Utah should be combined o Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1905° 36p» Utah PamocUtaho Legislatureo Senate Committee on education] o Special re- v°44 port of the audit of the books of the Agricultural College of Utah and the University of Utaho 1907° tl6]p<> Utah Pamo Robinson, Do Eo Serving a commonwealtho 1919° 32,tl]p° Vo44 "Utaho Agricultural College, Logano Bulletin, volo 18, noo 4, Jano 1919 ° M 378o 792 Utaho Agricultural College, Logano Faculty Association o Annual A2781 faculty research lecture o 1st- 1942- Logano F143r Utah PamoUtaho Agricultural College, Logano Extension service o County Vo36 agricultural planning activities in Utah, 1941° 437p° 378°792 The Buzzer; annual publication of the Association Students of the A2781 Utah State Agricultural College ° Logan, Utaho 1910= A84b Utah PamoUtaho Agricultural Experiment Station, Logano Annual reporto 1st, Vo58 1890 o 631°7 Utaho Agricultural Experiment Station, Logano Colorado River and U89 Utah's agricultureooo, by Wo Po Thomas and others] Logan, A278c Utah, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1949° 33p° UTAH—AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK Utah PamoUtaho Agricultural College, Logano Extension service o County vo36 agricultural planning activities in Utah, 1941° 437p° 160 UTAH— AGRICULTURE 630o8 Harris, Franklin Stewart. rScientific papers of F° So Harris, v.p., H314S vodoio 378°242 Johnston, David Leon. Some factors affecting Utah's agricultural J72s economy. [Salt Lake City] 1941° (Mo S. Thesis, Utah Univ.). 378°792 Thomas, Wo Prestono The future of Utah's agricultureo Logan, A2781 Faculty Assn., Utah State Agricultural College, 1947° 28p« F143r 630 Uo So Agricultural adjustment agency o The A« A» Ao program for U58a Utahs 1943 handbook Rev. 1943° 36po 338ol Uo So Production and marketing admini strati on o Utah annual report, U5*u I933o Salt Lake City, 1933<> UTAH— AGRICULTURE, COOPERATIVE ^78o242 Stucki, Merrillo An economic study of farmers 1 cooperative busi- S9325e ness associations in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1933° (Mo S. Thesis, Utah Univo)o UTAH— AGRICULTURE— HISTORY 979°2 Peterson, Williamo History of agriculture in Utaho (in Sutton, S967u Waino Utah a centennial history. 1949° Vol, p c 33-250). UTAH— ALCOHOLISM 378o242 Snyder, Georgia Willey° A personality study of alcoholics and non- S675p alcoholics o A comparative study of the social-adjustment and self -adjustment of alcoholics and of non-alcoholic s° Salt Lake City, Utah, 1949° [Salt Lake City] 1950° (Mo So Wo Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). UTAH— ALGAE— WASATCH MOUNTAINS 378° 242 Samuelson, John Ao A quantitative comparison of the algal popu- S193q lation in two Wasatch Mountain streams o [Salt Lake City] 1950o (Mo So Thesi3, 1950, Utah Univ ) 289° 3921 Tullidge, Edward Wo Life of Brigham Young; or, Utah and her found- Y685tu erso New York, Tullidge & Crandall, 1876° UTAH AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY 385°097 Wrigley, Robert L°, Jr. Utah and northern railway coo? a brief W954u historyo (in Oregon historical quarterly° Portland, 1947, p< 245-253)° 161 289°3 Nelsorij, Henry o Utah and her peculiar peopleo Chico, Calif °, N426u Published in the Chico Enterprise [1930=1932 3, r64:]p° 917°92 Morton, William Albert, Utah and her peopleo Salt Lake City, M891u Go Qo Cannon, 1899° c56ipo Utah Pam° cLum, Dyer Daniel3 Utah and its people^ facts and statistics Vo6l bearing on the "Mormon problem," by a gentile (An ex Uo So nOo5 official) tpseudo3 New York, Ro 0° Ferrier, 1882o 47p° Utah PamoUtah & Nevada Railway o Passenger Depto Descriptive and historical vo77 sketch of the Great Salt Lake (Utah Territory), Salt Lake City, nool Jo Co Parker, 1886 « 38p° Utah PamoUtah and statehood; objections considered, simple facts told with Vo77 a brief synopsis of the state constitution, by a resident of nool9 Utaho New York, Printed by Hart & Von Arx, 1888 ° ilpo 979°2 Fisher s Mrso Margaret May (Merrill) o Utah and the Civil War, being F535ut the story of the part played by the people of Utah in that great conflict, with special reference to the Lot Smith expedition and the Robert To Burton expedition! compiled and edited by Margaret Mo Fisher, assisted by Co No Lund and Judge Nephi Jensen, under direction of the Jo Qo Knowlton post of the Go A» Ro [Salt Lake City, the Deseret book company, c 1929i 173p° Utah PamoUtah o Chamber of Commerce o Utah and the intermountain empire o vo77 Salt Lake City £1946] 32po noo35 289 o 399 Ferris, Benjamin Go The history, government, doctrines, customs, F394u and prospects of the Latter-day-saints o From personal observa- tion during a six months 1 residence at Great Salt Lake Cityo By Benjamin Go Ferris o New York, Harper & Brothers, 1854° 347p° 979°2 Creer, Leland Hargraveo oooUtah and the nation, by Leland Ho C91 Creero Seattle, Washo, Uo of Washo Press, 1929° 275p° 571°7373 Smith, Elmer Richard, Utah Anthropology, an outline of its history o S646u Reprinted from Southwestern lore, volo XVI, noo 2, September, 1950p° UTAH— ANTIQUITIES o 378o242 Beeley ? Stephen Johnson o The archeology of a Utah Lake siteo B4144a tSalt Lake City 3 1946° (Mo So Thesis, 1946, Utah Univo)o 571°7373 Brew, John Otiso o o oArchaeology of Alkali ridge, southeastern B847a Utah, with a review of the prehistory of the Mesa Verde divi- sion of the San Juan and some observations on archaeological systematica j, by John Otis Brew° Appendices by Alice Brues [and] Volhey Ho Jones ° Cambridge, Masso, The Museum, 1946° 345p° 162 571°7373 Cummings, Byrono The ancient inhabitants of the San Juan Valleys C9?la Salt Lake City, Utaho University of Utah, 1910. 17po Enger, Walter Do Archaeology of Rock 3 cave, Utaho ( in U89a Utah a Universityo Museum of Anthropology. Archaeology and nco7 ethnology paper Salt Lake City, 19^2 and in Utaho Univer- yo Depto of Anthropologyo Anthropoligical papers o Salt Like City, Univ° of Utah Press, 1950o p Q 74-940 K 571°7373 Gillin, John Philipo Archaeological investigations in central Utaho G481a Joint expedition cf the University of Utah and the Peabody mus- eum, Harvard university^ by John Gillino With an analysis of the animal bones, by Glover Mo Allen° Cambridge, Masso, The Museum, 1%1 o 50po 378 o 242 Jameson^ Sydney John Smith o Archaeological notes on Stansbury Is- J_ land, Utaho rSalt Lake City] 1948 o (Mo So Thesis, 1948 , Utah UnivoU 571<>7373 Judd, Neil Mertono Archaeological investigations at Paragonah, J92a Utaho Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1919° 22p° 378o 241 Judd, Neil Mertono The cliff-dwellers of the San Juan Valleyo J92c [Salt Lake City] 1911o (Bo Ac Thesis, 1911° Utah Univ.). 571°7373 Judd, Neil Mertono Notes on certain prehistoric habitations in west- J92n ern Utah. Washington, Do C° cU. So National Museumi 1917° H9-124p° Extract from proceedings of the Nineteenth Interna- tional Congress of Americanists, Washington, December 1915° 571°7373 Kidder, Alfred Vincent o Explorations in southwestern Utah in 1908. K46e ENorwood? Mass o 3 1910. 337~359p° (Archaeological Institute of America ° Papers of the 5 heel of American Archaeology, no 95)° Reprinted from American Journal of Archaeology, 2d series. Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America volo XIV (1910) noo 3° 061 Maiouf, Carling Io The archaeology of the Deep Creek region, Utah, U89a by Carling Malouf, Charles Eo Dibble [and] Elmer R. Smitho (in noo5 Utah, Unive; Museum of Anthropologyo Archaeology and eth- nology papers o Lt Lake City, I9/+0o , and in Utaho University. Depto of Anthropologyo Anthr . *pers. Salt Lake City, Univo of Utah Pre^s, .9^0. p« 43-68) o 061 Malouf, Carding I. Prehistoric exchange in Utaho (In Utaho Univer- U89a ty c Museum of Anthropologyo Archaeology and ethnology papers, no.l [Salt Lake City] 1939°; and in Utaho Universityo Depto of Anthro- pologyo Anthropo. e I papers© Salt Lake City, Univo of Utah Press, 1950o 6p.)o Utah PamcMorss, Noelo The ancient culture of the Fremont river in Utah, report Vo/4.2 on the explorations undt Ciaflin Emerson fund., 1928-29, by Noel Mi ige v MaaSo, The Museum, 1931° (Papers of the Peabody museum of Am- archaeology and ethnology, Harvard university o volo XII, no. 163 572 o73 Reagan, Albert Bo Anciently inhabited caves of the Vernal (Utah) R287p district s with some additional notes on Nine Mile Canyon, northeast Utaho 70po (in his [Papers on American archaeology and ethnology:)) o Reprinted from Transactions Kansas Academy of Science, vo36, 1933° 572 o73 Reagan, Albert Bo The basket makers and the people of the ancient R287p culture of the Fremont River in Utaho [4]p° (in his [Papers on American archaeology and ethnology ]) o Reprinted from North- west science, vo7, noo 3 S Septo, 1933° 572 o73 Reagan, Albert Bo [Papers on American archaeology and ethnology] R287p Papers on American archaeology and ethnolody])o Reprinted from Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, v« XI, 1934° 06l Rudy, Jack Ro An archaeological reconnaissance in Washington U89an County, Utah $l 1949? by Jack Ro Rudy and Robert Do Stirlando noo9 [Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1950] 66p Q (Utah Universityo Depto of Anthropology o Anthropological papers, no o 9 ) o 06l Smith, Elmer Richard o A brief description of an Indian ruin near U89a Shone sburg, Utaho (in Utaho Universityo Museum of Anthropol- noo4 ^gy° Archaeology and ethnology papers o [Salt Lake City] 1940 j and in Utaho Universityo Depto of Anthropologyo Anthro- pological papers o Salt Lake City, Univo of Utah Press, 1950° p 38=42 )o 571°7373 Smith, Elmer Richardo Utah anthropology, an outline of its history° S646u po 22-33° Reprinted from Southwestern lore, volo XVI 9 noo 2 9 September, 1950p° 571°7373 Smith, Elmer Richardo Utah type metateso Ephraim, Utah, Snow S646ut Junior College, 1936« (Museum of central Utaho Bulletin, volo l s noo l)o "Publications in archaeology o a 571°738 Steward, Julian Hayneso Ancient caves of the Great Salt Lake region, S849an by Julian Ho Steward o Washington, Uo So Government Print o Offo, 1937o 131p° 913o792 Steward, Julian Hayneso Archaeological reconnaissance of southern S849a Utaho (Detached from Uo So Bureau of American Ethnologyo Bulletin 128 » Washington, 1941° P° [275^356) » 913°792 Steward, Julian Hayneso Pueblo material culture in western Utaho S849p Albuquerque, 1936 o 64, tl6i p° (University of New Mexico Bulletino Anthropoligical series, vol, no» 3, whole no» 287)° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Depto of Public Instruction© Utah* s land and early peopleo P976ul Salt Lake City, 1947° 143p° Utah PamoUtaho Semi-centennial Commissiono Catalogue of the relics, souvenirs vo6l and curios associated with the pioneers of Utah, now on exhibition noolO in the Hall of Relics o [Spencer Clawson, chariman of Semi-cen- 164 tennial Commission] Salt Lake City, Go Qo Cannon, 1897, 32p. 06l Utaho University o Department of Anthropology <> Anthropological U89an papers © 1- Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1950. 06l Utaho University o Museum of Anthropology o Archaeology and ethnol- U89a ogy papers © Ncso 1-8 o 1939-1947° Salt Lake City, Utah, 1939- 1947° "Editor of series—Elmer R» Smith ©" UTAH—ANTS 378 ©242 James, Frank Ko The ants of Red Butte Canyon o tSalt Lake City] J27a 1950o (Mo So Thesis, 1950, Utah Univo)o UTAH— ARCHITECTURE 917o92 Art work of Utaho Chicago, Wo Ho Parish Pubo Coo, 1896° Published A792 in twelve parts o 720 o 979 Weston, Joseph Harry o Mormon architecture, edited by Joseph Ho W535m Weston© Salt Lake City, Weston t c 1949] 108p. UTAH— ARCHIVES OI5°792 Survey of Federal Archives o Inventory of federal archives in the S963i Sero 3° states o Series III© Department of the Treasury© Salt Lake City, 1939° (Noo 43° Utah)© 015 ©792 Survey of Federal Archives o Inventory of federal archives in the S9631 Ser© 7© states© Series VII© Department of the Navy© Salt Lake City, 1939o (No© 43° Utah)© 015 ©792 Survey of Federal Archives© Inventory of federal archives in the S9631 Ser©lloStates© Series XI© Department of Labor© Salt Lake City, 1940. (No© 43° Utah)© UTAH— ART 709©792 Home, Alice (Merrill)© Devotees and their shrines; a hand book of H8l5d Utah art© Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1914° 158p© UTAH— ARTILLERY 973©89 Mabey, Charles R© The Utah batteries, a history; a complete account M112u of the muster-in, sea voyage, battles, skirmishes and barrack life of the Utah batteries, together with biographies of offi- cers and muster-out rolls© Salt Lake City tDaily Reporter Co.] 1900 © 130p© 165 UTAH—ARTISTS 709°792 Home, Alice (Merrill) o Devotees and their shrinesj a hand book H815d of Utah arto Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1914° 158p» 353°9792 Utaho Centennial Commissiono Arts Divisiono Final report, C397f September 15, 1947° Salt Lake City, 1947° "Centennial touring art shows, bibliographies of exhibiting artistso" Utah PamoUtah Associated Industries o Salt Lake Cityo Industrial Digest o Vol7 1925- Utah PamoUtah Associated Industries o Salt Lake Cityo Report of pro- Vo72,noo2 ceedings [of i Utah Industrial Councilo Annual dinner meeting of the Utah Associated Industries, November 7* 1927° Salt Lake City, 1927° 106po 917°92 Utah World's Fair Commissiono Utah at the Worlds Columbian U89u Expositiono cSalt Lake Lithographing Coo, c 1894] 172, L p° Utah Pamo Utaho Attorney Generalo Communications of Attorney-general Vo77 s noo9 Mro Zo Snow to the legislative assemblyo Salt Lake City, 1872° t3i p UTAH— AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS <, 378o242 Wardrop, Calvin L» The development and present status of driver W266d education and training in Utah public senior high schools » tSalt Lake City] 1951 o (Mo So Thesis, 1951, Utah Univo)o 35 3° 9792 Utaho Bank commissionero Laws governing building and loan asso- B218/ ciationsooo [Salt Lake City: 1935° 23p Q 35 3° 9792 Utaho Bank eommissinnero Report of the Bank Commissioner of the B218bi State of Utaho 19 - and Salt Lake City, 19 — UTAH—BANKS AND BANKING 378°242 Brown, Mary Dimondo Some aspects of the cause and effects of B879s state bank failure in Utaho rSalt Lake City: 1937° (MoS. Thesis, 1937, Utah Univo)o Utah PamoFirst Security Corporation o Ogden, Utaho Annual report to Vol4 stockholdersi fiscal year ending September 30, 1938o 19p° 378° 242 Speirs, John Do The history of money and banking in Utaho S7425h [Salt Lake City] 1935° (Mo So Thesis, 1935, Utah Univo)o 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Bank commissionero Report of the Bank Commissioner of B218bi the State of Utaho 19- and Salt Lake City, 19- o 166 UTAH—BANKS AND BANKING— HISTORY 979 °2 Sutton, Wain, ed. Utah, a centennial history <> New York, Lewis S967u Historical Pub. Coo, 1949° 973°89 Mabey, Charles R» The Utah batteries, a history; a complete account M112u of the muster-in, sea voyage, battles, skirmishes and barrack life of the Utah batteries, together with biographies of officers and muster-out rolls o Salt Lake City [Daily Reporter Co.] 1900. 130p. UTAH— BEETLES o 378°242 Selander, Richard Brent o The Blister beetles (Meloidae) of Utah. S464b cSalt Lake City] 1951° (Mo S. Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ.). UTAH— BEETS AND BEET SUGAR— HISTORY 979 <>2 Taylor, Fred Green ° Notes on the development of the beet sugar indus- S967u try in Utah, (in Sutton, Wain. Utah, a centennial history. 1949* vo2, p. 917-945). UTAH— BIBLIOGRAPHY 979 °2 U. So Library of Congress. Centennial of the settlement of Utah ex- U583c hibition June 7, 1847 - August 31, 1947; an address by the Hon. Arthur Vo Watkins on the occasion of the ceremonies opening the exhibition commemorating the settlement of Utah at the Library of Congress, together with a catalog of the exhibition. Washington Gov. Print. Off., 1947° 72p. UTAH— BIOGRAPHY 979»2 Alter, J» Cecil. Utah, the storied domain, a documentary history of A466u Utah's eventful career, comprising the thrilling story of her people from the Indians of yesterday to the industrialists of today, by Jo Cecil Alter. Utah biography (gratuitously published) by special staff of writers. Chicago and New York, The American historical society, inc., 1932. 979°2 [Carpenter, George Eo] Souvenir history of the Salt Lake fire depart- C295s ment, 1852 to August 1901. cSalt Lake City, Deseret News Press] 1901c 105p. 979°2 The Deseret News. Utah, the inland empire, the story of the pioneers, D451u resources and industries of the state, attractions of Salt Lake City, leading men of the community. Salt Lake City, 1902. llOp. 920 Esshom, Frank Ell wood ° Pioneers and prominent men of Utah, comprising E78p photographs, genealogies, biographies. .o the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [Ed. de Luxe] Salt Lake City, Utah Pioneers Book Pub. Co., 191^. 1319p« 167 979*2 Gardner, Hamilton.. History of Lehi, including a biographical G227h section^ published by the Lehi pioneer committee, written by Hamilton Gardner » Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret News, 1913° 463p° 979 °2 Gardner, Hamilton ° Pioneer military leaders of Utah.. cSalt Lake G227p City? 3 nopoj nod< 979*2 History of the bench and bar of Utaho Salt Lake City, Interstate H6737 Press o Assoc » Pub*, 1913° 221po 289 o 392 Jenson, Andrew© Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia <» A J54^ compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; by Andrew Jenson oo Salt Lake City, Ao Jenson History company, 1901- 979 °2 Kenner, Scipio Africanuso Utah as it is, with a comprehensive K36u statement of Utah as it. was; showing the founding, growth, and present status of the commonwealth c Salt Lake City, The Deseret News, 1904° 639p« 973*89 Mabey, Charles Ro The Utah batteries, a history; a complete account M112u of the muster-in, sea voyage, battles, skirmishes and barrack life of the Utah batteries, together with biographies of officers and muster-out rolls o 130p o Salt Lake City [Daily Reporter Coo] 1900 » 289° 392 Rogers, Aurelia Read (Spencer) o Life sketches of Orson Spencer and R724/ others, and history of primary worko Salt Lake City, Go Q» Cannon, .1898 o 333p* 979 »2 S177sk 929 oJ S889 The Salt Lake Tribune o Sketches of the Inter-mountain states; Utah, Idaho [and] Nevada, 1847-1909; together with biographies of many prominent and progressive citizens who have helped in the development and history-making of this marvelous region o Salt Lake City, 1909 c 376p<> Stout s Wayne Dunhamo Our pioneer ancestors; genealogical and bio- graphical histories of the Cox-Stout families Stout o [Salt Lake City , Utah, The author] 1944* by Wayne Do t5J-405p° 979*2 S967u 979*2 T918h Sutton*, Wain, ed Utah Historical Pubo Co<> , a centennial history^ , 1949* New York, Lewis Tullidge, Edward Wo The history of Salt Lake City and its founders; incorporating a brief history of the pioneers of Utah, with steel portraits of representative men, together with a carefully arranged index and an elaborate appendix o Salt Lake City, The author, 188 3 289*3921 Tullidge, Edward Wo Life of Brigham Young; or, Utah and her founders ° Y685tu New York, Tullidge & Crandall, I8760 979*2 Tullidge, Edward Wheelocko Northern Utah and southern Idaho « Salt T9l8n Lake City, Juvenile Instructor, 1889* 440p° 168 979 »2 Warrum, Noble, edo Utah since statehood, historical and biographical «. W29 Edo by Nobel Warrum, assisted by Hono Charles Wo Morse for Bench and bar, and Wo Brown Ewing for the medical chaptero Chicago, Salt Lake City, So Jo Clarke Pubo Coo, 1919° 979 <>2 Whitney, Orson Ferguson o History of Utah 9 comprising preliminary chap- W62 ters on the previous history of her founders, accounts of early Spanish and American explorations into the Rocky Mountain region, the advent of the Mormon pioneers, the establishment and dissolu- tion of the provisional government of the State of Deseret, and the subsequent creation and development of the territory ° By Orson Fo Whitney o Salt Lake City, Utah, Go Qo Cannon & sons Co., 1892-1904° 921 Who f s who in the New Deal (Utah edition) o A biographical dictionary. o Wc28t with brief summaries of the agencies created through the enactments of the Congress of the Uo So in furtherance of this programo Salt Lake City, Democratic Press c°1936i 247* t4]p° UTAH—BIOLOGY Utah Pam.Woodbury, Angus Munno Biotic relationships of Zion Canyon, Utah with Vo67,no«17 special reference to successiono A survey of the geological, bot- anical, and zoological interrelationships within a part of Zion National Park, Utah, by Angus Mo Wcodburyo Berkeley, Museum of vertebrates zoology. University of California o 94p° UTAH-— BIRDS 378.242 Barton, Sherman Stewart o Protective coloration in the Brewer sparrow. B293p [Salt Lake City, ] 1951<> (Mo So Thesis, 1951? Utah Univ°)° 73p c 378.242 Behle, William Harrouno The bird rookeries of the islands of Great B419 Salt Lakeo cSalt Lake City? 1932 ° (Mo Ao Thesis, 1932, Utah Univo)o 108po 378.242 Hardy, Rosso Birds of pinon and shadscale near Price, Utaho tSalt H271b Lake City] 1937° (Mo So Thesis, 1937° Utah Univo)o 378.242 Higgins, Harold Go The nighthawks of Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1948 . H636n (Mo So Thesis, 1948, Utah Univo)o 74£° 378*242 Linford, Jean Hulmeo The life history of the thick-billed redwinged L754/ blackbird, Agelaius phoneiceou-e fort is Ridgeway, in Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1935° (Mo S° Thesis, 1935; Utah Univ°)o l62po 378»242 Selander, Robert Keith° A systematic study of some geographically S464s variable birds of northern Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1951° (M.S. Thesis, 1951., Utah Univ°)° 194p° 061 Woodbury, Angus Munn° Annotated check- -list of the birds of Utah, by U89 Angus Mo Woodbury, Clarence Cc ' ,nd John Wo Sugden- Salt v. ?9, no. 16 Lake City, University of Utah, 1949* 40po 169 Utah PamoUtaho Board of Corrections o Report » 1896 9 1903-I906o vo47 Utah PamoUtaho Board of Corrections o Rules and regulations for the Vo53 discipline and government of the Utah State Prisons ooApproved and adopted by the Board of Commissioners, 1896 o 15p° 353°9792 Utah school health appraisal, sponsored by Utah Congress of Parents H434us and Teachers and Division of Maternal and Child Health, Utah State Board of Health » tSalt Lake City] 1940° Utah PamoUtaho Board of Pardons o Biennial report ° 1907-08° vo53 Utah PamoUtah Board of Trade o The resources and attractions of the territory vo58 of Utaho 1879 » 74p« UTAH— BOTANY Utah PamoChamberlin a Ralph Vary, 1879- ° Man and nature in early Utaho Vo9 n p , nodo 20p<> 378o2/f2 Ford, Thomas Stanleyo An ecological study of moss distribution in F7iie Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1949° (Mo So Thesis, 1949, Utah Univo)» 60p» 378o242 McMillan, Calvin o A. taxonomic and ecological study of the flora of M167ta the Deep Creek Mountains of central western Utaho tSalt Lake ■ City] 1948o (Mo So Thesis, 1948, Utah Univo) c 99p 378o242 Preece 9 Sherman Jo Floristic and ecological features of the Raft P923f River Mountains of northwestern Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1950o (Mo So Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ»)o 103p» 581°97 Tidestrom, Ivar-o oooFlora of Utah and Nevada ° By Ivar Tidestromo T55 Washington, Govto Print Off*, 1925 ° 665p° 979°205 Young, John Ro Reminiscences o (in Utah historical quarterly o U89 vo3 Salt Lake City, 1930o vo3, p« 83-86) o UTAH— BUDGET 378o242 Bourne, Go Ernesto Federal grants in aid for highways and their B775f influence on state budgeting in Utaho rSalt Lake City] 1949" (Mo Ao Thesis, 1949, Utah Univo)o ll9p° 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of Finance and Purchaseo Budget Division« B927bi Biennial budget-000 Salt Lake Cityo 353*9792 Utaho Legislative budget committee o First report submitted to L51 3r twenty-sixty Legislature convening January 8, 1945° tSalt Lake Cityi 1944° 95p° 170 Utah Pam.Utah. v*47 .Building Board. ...Report. 1931-32. 353*9792 Utah. Bureau of Services for Children. Report of the director con** S491r cerning the administration of Juvenile Courts, child welfare services tand] Youth Training Program. 1946, 48-. tSalt Lake City] v. Biennial. UTAH— BUSINESS EDUCATION 378.242 Wilson, Morris Merriam. A study of distributive education in southern W751s Utah as affected by the tourist trade. tSalt Lake City] 1952. (M. S. Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ.). UTAH— CAMPING 378*242 Flandro, Royce P. The development of a public school camp in Provo, F585d Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M. S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). 98p. UTAH— CAPITOL 378*242 Pack, Mosher Franklin. Report on some building stones submitted for PU9re the Utah capitol. cSalt Lake City] 1912. (M. A. Thesis, 1912, Utah Univ.). UTAH— CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS, ETC. 979*2 U. S. Library of Congress. Centennial of the settlement of Utah U583c exhibition June 7, 1847 - August 31, 1947; an address by the Hon. Arthur V. Watkins on the ceremonies opening the exhibition commemorating the settlement of Utah at the Library of Congress, together with a catalog of the exhibition. Wash. Govt. Print. Off., 1947* 72p* 353*9792 Utah. Centennial Commission. Art Division. Final report, September C397f 15, 1947* Salt Lake City, 1947* 353*9792 Utah. Centennial Commission. General report, 1947* C397r City, 1947] 110p. tSalt Lake 353*9792 Utah. Centennial Commission. Arts Division. Source book; basic C397s materials on music, drama, art, pageantry, parades for the Utah Centennial 1847-1947* Salt Lake City rl946i* Utah Pam.Utah. Centennial Commission. This is the place; Utah centennial, v.80,no.8 1847-1947* cSalt Lake City, e 1947] 25p. 353*9792 Utah. Centennial Commission. General report, 1947* C397r City, 1947] 110p. [Salt Lake 171 Utah PamoUtaho Centennial Commissiono This is the place; Utah centennial v»80,noo8 1847-1947° cSalt Lake City, c 1947i 25p° 353°9792 Utaho Centennial Commissiono Arts Division*. Final report, C397f September 15, 1947° Salt Lake City, 1947° 353°9792 Utaho Centennial Commissiono Arts Divisiono Source book; C397s basic materials on music, drama, art, pageantry, parades for the Utah Centennial 1847-1947° Salt Lake City [1946]° Utah PamoUtaho Chamber of Commerce o Utah and the intermountain empire o Vo77,noo35 Salt Lake City [1946] 32p° UTAH— CHILDREN— CHARITIES, PROTECTION, ETCo 378o242 Johnson, William Otiso Psycho-social factors and child placement o J71p A descriptive analysis of six psycho-social factors present in the intake records of the Children* s Service Society of Utah when natural parents sought placement of their children in 1939 and 1949° cSalt Lake City] 1950o (Mo So w - 1950, Thesis, Utah Univo ) o 378o242 Sagers, Paul Smith o Factors in boarding home selection » A situa- S129f tion analysis of factors present in fifty-eight boarding homes of the Children's Service Society of Utah, 1950o tSalt Lake City] 1950o (Mo So Wo Thesis, 1950, Utah Univojo 35 3° 9792 Utaho Defense Council o Child Welfare Committee » Standards for day D213cs care of children in defense areas in Utaho tSalt Lake City] State Depto of Public Welfare, tl942] 41p° UTAH—CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— HISTORY 979 o2 Waters, Clarence Io History of the Christian Science movement in S96?a Utaho (in Sutton, Wain° Utah a centennial historyo 1949° Vo2, po 809-812)o UTAH— CHURCH HISTORY Utah PamoThe Church review o Salt Lake City, 1895° 68p» vo36 378o241 Shermer, Florence ° Chronological development of missions in Utaho S553c [Salt Lake City] 1910 » (B= Ao Thesis, 1910, Utah Univo)o 277°92 World's fair eccleseastical history of Utaho Compo by representa- W927 tives of the religious denominations o Salt Lake City, Go Qo Cannon & Sons Coo, 1893° 318p° 172 UTAH— CIVIL PROCEDURE. 347«9 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc. Official Utah rules of civil procedure U89 1950 including explanatory notes and references as promulgated by the Supreme Court of the state of Utah, November 30, 1949 to be effec- tive on and after January 1, 1950 . 1950 edition. Salt Lake City, Paragon Printing Co., 1950. 217pV UTAH—CIVILIAN DEFENSE. Utah Pam.Utah. Defense Council. Report of the Council of Defense of the state v. 77, no. 34 of Utah. Salt Lake City, F. W. Gardiner Co., 1919- 72p. 353*9792 Utah. Defense Council. Child Welfare Committee. Standards for day D213cs care of children in defense areas in Utah. tSalt Lake City] State Dept. of Public Welfare, [1942] 41p» Utah Pam.Utah. Defense Council. Food Supply and Conservation Committee. Work v«77,no«33 accomplished by the Woman T s committee on preservation and conserva- tion. Reports of the executive committee. Salt Lake City, 1917* 15p. 353*9792 Utah. Defense Council. Utah state civil defense plan. tSalt Lake D213u City, 1951]. UTAH— CIVILIZATION— BIBLIOGRAPHY . 061 Utah. University. Utah Humanities Research Foundation. A bibliography U89 v. 38 of the archives of the Utah Humanities Research Foundation, 1944- 1947. Comp. by Hector Lee. Salt Lake City r 1947 3 41p» UTAH— CLIMATE. 378.242 Burnham, Robert C. The climates of Utah. tSalt Lake City] 1950. B966c (M. S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). UTAH— CLUBS 378.242 Parsons, Mary Frances. A social audit of private agencies receiving P269s state subsidies, 1925-1935- [Salt Lake City, 1936. (M. A. Thesis, 1936, Utah Univ.). UTAH— COAL MINES AND MINING 378.242 Mumcu, Hasan H. Study of various coal mines in Utah, Colorado and M962s Wyoming. [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M. S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam. Standard Coal Company. Salt Lake City. Standard coal; the story of v.17 the mining of Standard coal. Salt Lake City, °1947» [l6i p. 173 UTAH— COAL MINES AND MINING— -SCOFIELD— DESCRIPTION 979 o2 Dilley, James Wo History of the Scofield mine disaster; a concise D578h account of the incidents and scenes that took place at Scofield, Utah s May 1, 1900, when mine number four exploded, killing 200 men« Profusely illustrated by 70 choice engravings o Provo, Utah, The Sketon Pubo Coo, n»do 298po Utah PamoUtaho College Commission o 1906 o Summary of the majority report <> vo54 1906o l6p» UTAH— COLONIZATION 979°2 Gregory, Herbert. Ernesto Population of southern Utaho cnopo, 19453 G822p p [29 3-57 o ^Reprint from Economic Geography,, January 1945, •9 volo 21 a noo lr M 557°4 Stokes , William Leeo Geology of the Utah-Colorado Salt Dome region, U89gb noo3 with emphasis on Gypsum Valley, Colorado o Salt Lake City, Utah geological society « 1948 o 50po UTAH—COMMERCE—COLORADO 979 o 205 Hafen, LeRoy Ro Utah food supplies sold to the pioneer settlers of U89 vo4 Colorado o (in Utah historical quart erly« Salt Lake City, 1931 < 23cmo vo4, po 62,-64)° UTAH— COMMISSION 353°9792 Utaho Commission of Finance o Workmen's compensation act; Utah F491 occupational disease disability act; the State insurance fund. Utah code annotated 1943 (as amended 1945) tSalt Lake City] 1945o l64po 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Commission on revenue and taxation o Final, report of the Board C734r of commissioners on revenue and taxation for the state of Utah. January 20, 1913° Salt Lake City, The Arrow press, 1913 • 232p. 353»9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operations of State Governmento Domestic G?22d and- foreign corporation study, state salary comparisons and life insurance survey* cSalt Lake City, 19363 104po 353°9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operations of State Governmento Report of G?22g sub-committee on Utah state governmental organization « September 1936o [Salt Lake City? 1936 J 96po 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operations of State Governmento oooReport G722r or the Investigation committee of Utah governmental unitso Appointedoeo Pursuant to chapter 86, Laws of Utah, 1933, as amended by chapter 24, Laws of Utah, 1933? second special sessiono Salt Lake, Legal printing coo, il9i 34 o c286]po 174 353*9792 Utah. Committee to study operations of state government. Report of G722rh the sub-committees on the Homestead exemption proposal and taxa- tion. October, 1936. [Salt Lake City ? 1936] l63p* 353*9792 Utah. Committee to Study Operation of State Government. ...A study G722pu of Utah's public utilities... Walter C. Neville, author of Utility report... [Salt Lake City, 1936 ] 92p. UTAH— COMMUNICATION AND TRAFFIC 378.242 Stucki, Roland. A traffic survey of Utah. tSalt Lake City] 1932. S9325t (M. S. Thesis, 1932, Utah Univ.). UTAH. CONSTITUTION COMMISSION 353*9792 Utah. Constitution. Constitution of the state of Utah as amended. C758 1947 Pub. by E. E. Monson, secretary of state. tSalt Lake City] 1947* 27p* 353*9792 Utah. Constitution. Constitution of the state of Utah as amended C758 1937 with annotations. Published by S. E. Monson, secretary of state. cSalt Lake City, 1937] 45p« 353*9792 Utah. Constitution. Constitution of the state of Utah as amended C758 1933 with annotations. Published by Milton H. Welling, Secretary of state. [Salt Lake City] 1933* 45p» 353*9792 Utah. Constitution. Constitution of the state of Utah as amended C758 1931 with annotations. Pub. by Milton H. Welling, secretary of state. [Salt Lake City] 1931* 44p* 353*9792 Utah. Constitution. Constitution of the state of Utah as amended. C758 1923 Pub. by the secretary of state. [Salt Lake City] Rose Print. Co., 1923. 35p 353*9792 Utah. Constitution. Constitution of the state of Utah as amended. C758 1913 Pub. by the secretary of state. [Salt Lake City] Rose Print. Co., 1913- 35p» UTAH— CONSTITUTION 979.205 Morgan, Dale Lowell. The state of Deseret. (in Utah historical U89 v.8 quarterly. Salt Lake City, 1940. v. 8, r65 3-251* )• "Consti- tution of the state of Deseret": p.[156]-l63* UTAH— CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY 342.792 U. S. Utah Commission. [Miscellaneous reports of the Utah Commission]. U587m Salt Lake City, Tribune Print, and Pub. Co.; Washington, Govt. Print. Off., etc., 188^-1896. 175 UTAH—CONVICT LABOR 378°242 Davis, Margareto Prison Labor in Utah o tSalt Lake City] 1932. D263p (Mo Ao Thesis, 1932, Utah Univ»)o 149p Utah PamoUo So The Prison Industries Reorganization Administration o The v°53 prison labor problem in Utaho 1937° UTAH—COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES 334 °6 Hall, Fay Eo Producers* cooperation Salt Lake City, Utah Work H175p Projects Administration, Division of Professional and Service Projects, 1939° 31p° UTAH COPPER COMPANY Utah PamoRichard, Thomas Arthur o The Utah copper enterprise o San Francisco Vol7 1919° 107p° "From Mining and Scientific Press of Deco 28, 1818." UTAH—COPPER INDUSTRY AND TRADE 378o242 Madsen, Gibb Ro The economic factors affecting the development of ML83e the copper industry in Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1951° (MoSo Thesis, 1951., Utah Univo)o 102p o UTAH COPPER MINES Utah PamoCherdron, Otto Philippe o Thoughts and meditations upon beholding Vo72,nooll the Utah copper mine, by Otto Po Cherdrono Salt Lake City, Utaho cPrivately printed, 1943 i« Utah PamoRichard, Thomas Arthur o The Utah copper enterprise o San Francisco, Vol7 1919° 107p° "From Mining and Scientific Press of Dec° 28, 1918." i UTAH— CORPORATIONS 353°9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operations of State Government « Domestic G722d and Foreign corporation study, state salary comparisons and life insurance survey. [Salt Lake City, 1936] 104p° UTAH—COST AND STANDARD OF LIVING 378o242 Tanielian, Beatrice Spencero A study of family living expenditures Tl64st of Farmers* Home Administration borrowers in Utah and Idaho, 1949° tSalt Lake City] 1951° (Mo So Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ.) 176 UTAH— COSTUME 378*242 Kesler, 3ette Smith o The styles of outer wraps and headgear worn by K42s women of the pioneer period of Utah 1847-1875 « tSalt Lake City] 1947- (M.A. Thesis, 1947, Utah Univ.). 353*9792 Utah. Centennial Commission. Arts Division. Source book; basic C397s materials on music, drama, art, pageantry, parades for the Utah Centennial 1847-1947° Salt Lake City [1946]. 378.242 Walkup, Fairfax Proudfit. Utah pioneer dress, 1847-1875. [Salt W186u Lake City] 1947 » (M. S. Thesis, 1947, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam.Farm Journal, Inc. Market Research Department. Utah, county basic v. 72, no. 14 data [comp. and pub. by the Market Research Department, Farm Journal, Inc. Philadelphia, 1945?] t31]p« UTAH—COUNTY GOVERNMENT 378.242 Taylor, Verl L. A uniform system of accounting for the counties of T246u Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1941 • (M. S. Thesis, 1941, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam.Utah County public schools. Payson, Utah, 1897- Bi-weekly. Edi- v.75 tor: 1897- D. H. Christensen. UTAH COUNTY, UTAH 353*9792 Utah. Department of Employment Security. Utah County industrial E55uip U89 pattern, first unit Occupational employment data, wage rates and ages September 1947° Employment and wages by industry, December 3, 1947* Occupational data. .. [and] Industrial data. tProvo, Utah] 1948. Utah Pam.Utah County, Utah. Board of Education. Circular and outlined course v»74 of instruction of the district schools of Utah County, Utah. Provo, Enquirer Co. [etc.], 1880- UTAH COUNTY, UTAH— HISTORY 352.0792 Historical records survey. Utah. Inventory of the county archives H673i no. 25 of Utah. No. 25 . Utah county (Provo) Ogden, Utah, 1940. 329p* 345*52 Dickson, William Howard. [Briefs; a collection of arguments by D554b W. H. Dickson concerning various court cases presented before the Third Judicial District Court of Utah. Salt Lake City, Star Print. Co., etc., 1887-1902]. UTAH— CRIME AND CRIMINALS 378.242 Gustafson, Herbert Wayne. A statistical summary of the social char- G982s acteristics of sex offencers convicted in Utah during the decade 177 1940-1950 o [Salt Lake City] 1951° (Mo So Thesis , 1951, Utah Univo)o Utah PamoUtaho .Board of Corrections o Report « 1896, 1903-06 o vo47 UTAH— CRIMINAL STATISTICS 378o242 Lillywhite, John Dukeo Statistics of crime in Salt Lake City with L729s special reference to burglary » tSalt Lake City] 1938 o (MoSo Thesis, 1938, Utah Univo) UTAH—CRUSTACEA 378o 242 Richards, Charles Selwyno Crustacean studies in the vicinity of Salt R514c Lake City with special reference to the ostracodao tSalt Lake City] 1942° (Mo So Thesis, 1942, Utah Univo)„ UTAH— CURRICULUM— BIOLOGY 378o242 Peterson, Ira Lo High school biology in Utaho cSalt Lake City] P485h 1937° (Mo So Thesis, 1937, Utah Univojo UTAH— CURRICULUM— LANGUAGES , MODERN 378o24 Annual report ° lst-43, E55a 48, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57, 1937- Salt Lake Cityo 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment security° Beaver — Millard — Juab E55uip counties, industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt B386 Lake City, 1947°] 38p« 35 3 °9792 Utaho Department of employment security o Business births and deaths E55b in Utah, 1942-1945° Employer* s accounts removed from or added to coverage under the Utah Employment Security Act tabulated by reason, size-of-firm and industry according to effective dates of liability o tSalt Lake City, 1946 ]» 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Carbon — Emery — Grand — San E55uip Juan counties, industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° C264 [Salt Lake City, 1947 3° 49p° UTAHo DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY 331°254 Crandall, Lowell Wo Proposed revision of Utah's unemployment insur- C891p ance law; a supplementary report submitted to the Utah Legislative council on its project noo 8o tSalt Lake City ? 1948 ]o 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Duchesne— Uintah- — Daggett E55uip counties, industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt D829 Lake City, 1947^ 37p° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Employment in Utah Indus- E55es tries (On national "3-Digit" Basis) tSalt Lake City 3 o Repro- 1944 duced from type-written copyo S upplement , July 1944 December 1944° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Garfield— Kane- — Washing — E55uip ton- — Iron counties industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° G231 CSalt Lake City, 19473° 49p° 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Guide for employerso E55 gui cSalt Lake City] 1947° 12p» 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo A guide to Utah employ- E55g ment, industrial and occupational information o [Salt Lake City] 1947° 44p° 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Industry services o A E55in survey of some recruitment and training problems in Utah garment manufacturing establishments o Salt Lake City [1947]° 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Jobs in Utah's non-fer- E55j rous metals industryo [Salt Lake City, 1950]° 41p c 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Morgan county, industrial E55uip pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt Lake City, 1947] 12p M847 180 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment security. Occupational analysis for E55oc Utah industry. [Salt Lake City: 1948© 6lp<> 331*113 Utaho Department of employment securityo Ogden, Utaho Chamber of Oerco Commerce o [Occupational survey, Ogden area, September, 1946] [By] Ogden Chamber of Commerce and Weber College in Cooperation with the Utah Department of Employment Securityo Ogden, Utah, 1946? ] o 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Piute — Wayne counties E55uip industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt Lake City, P693 19473 22p© 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment security* Policy and procedures for E55po presentation of factual datao rSalt Lake City] n.do unp» 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Postwar solvency study of E55pos the Utah unemployment reserve fund* tSalt Lake City] December 1943 o 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Putting employment security E55p on the plus side of our economyo tSalt Lake City, 1945]* 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment security© Reconversion employment pic- E55're ture in the Ogden areao February 1947* Weber College and Ogden Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Utah Department of Employ- ment Securityo [nop©, 19473° 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Rich — Cache — Box Elder E55uip counties industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt Lake R498 City, 1947'] 40p* 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment security © Rules and regulations gov- E55r erning contributions, records, reports, payments of benefits, appeals | Salt Lake City, tl945?3 25p° 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment security© Salt Lake county occupa- E55sa tional employment in industries subject to unemployment insurance, September 1946© Includes supplementary state data to March 1947* [Salt Lake City] 1947° 353*9792 Utaho Department of employment security© Sanpete county industrial E55uip pattern as of June 30, 1947* tSalt Lake City, 19473 l6p© S228 353*9792 Utah© Department of employment securityo Sevier countyo Industrial E55uip pattern as of June 30, 1947* 14p* S498 353*9792 Utah© Department of employment security© Speaking about the postwar E55sp period© Salt Lake City [1945? 3* 35 3 o 9792 Utah© Department of employment security© cSpecial report to the Gov- E55rgo ernor of Utah. [Salt Lake City, 19433. 25p« 181 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of employment security o cSpecial report to the E55rg Governor o Salt Lake City, 19463 Estimate of Utah's unem- ployment reserve fund for the years 1946-1956 o 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Ten years of insured E55tc employment in Utaho Chart series, 1937 to 1946, 2 and 3 digit basis o [Salt Lake City, 1948: o lvo (unpaged) « 353° 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Ten years of insured E55tp employment in Utaho Payroll and employment series, 1937 to 1946, 2 digit basis o tSalt Lake City, 1947? 3o lv» (unpaged) o 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Tooele County industrial E55uip pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt Lake City, 19473 12p° T668 331ol37 Utaho Department of employment securityo Utah Foundation Unem- U89u ployment compensation in the Mountain states o Salt Lake City, 1948o (Survey of Utah Government, noo 12 )o 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Unemployment contributions E55un assessed and benefits paid by industryo Six-year total, annu- ally for six years tSalt Lake City: 1946° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Utah county industrial E55uip pattern, first unit Occupationao employment data, wage rates U89 and ages September 1947° Employment and wages by industry, December 3, 1947° Occupational dataooo cand: Industrial datao [Provo, Utah: 1948 o Various paging o 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Utah employment subject to E55ut unemployment insurance, 1942-1945° tSalt Lake City] 1946° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Utah industrial pattern as E55uip of September 30, 1947, with data by counties ° tSalt Lake City 1947:° 353°9792 Utah° Department of employment securityo Utah manufacturing guide ° E55umg [Salt Lake City: 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Utah non-manufacturing E55ung guide ° Utah non-manufacturing firms classified according to major industrial activity, 4 digit detailed bases, Social Secur- ity industrial classification codeo tSalt Lake City: 1947° 20p o 35 3 »9792 Utaho Department of employment securityo Utah statistical tables— E55stp payroll and employment, 1937-1943° tSalt Lake City: 1945 (unpaged) 353°9792 Utah° Department of employment securityo Utah statistical tables— E55stu unemployment benefits, 1938-1944° cSalt Lake City: 1945 (unpaged) 331ol37 Utah° Department of employment securityo Utaho University ° Bureau U89eb of Economic and Business Research o Utah economy; employment trends seasonality, economic patterns, future outlookoooprepared by Bur- 182 eau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah, [and] Department of Employment Security, Industrial Commission of Utaho [Salt Lake City] September 1950 » 127p» 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment security o Wasatch — Summit counties E55uip industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947 o [Salt Lake City, W3I2 1947 J 24po 353°9792. Utaho Department of employment security » Employment Service o Annual E553a report, Utah Farm Placement Program o 19 - Salt Lake City, 19- vo UTAH, DEPTo OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY— OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES o 353°9792 Utaho Merit system council « Merit system regulations of the Depart- M563m ment of Employment Security; State and County Deptso of Public Welfare; Utah State Depto of Health o As amended to August 1, 1942 o [Salt Lake City] n.d. 17p° 353o9792 Utaho Department of Finance and Purchase ° Budget Division o Bien- B927bi nial budget ooo Salt Lake City» v. 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of Health o A bibliography of health filmsooo H434b 353°9792 Utaho Department of Health o Classification and compensation plans H434c for the State Department of Health » [Salt Lake City? 1943] 353°9792 Utaho Department of Health o The control of communicable diseases <» H434bc [Salt Lake City] American public health association, 1942 « 85p° (Reprint Noo 1697 from Public health reports, UoSo Public Health Service, revo 1940) o "Report of the Sub-committee on Communicable Disease Control of the Committee on Research and Standards o" 353°9792 Utaho Department of Health o Objectives and services o [Salt Lake H434o City, 1944- 3ip° 353° 9792 Utaho Department of Health o Division of Industrial hygiene » Useful H424ih criteria in the identification of certain occupational health hazards© 1945° 115p° (Utah Occupational Disease Study) o 353°9792 Utaho Department of Healtho Division of Maternal and Child Healtho H434mc Cooperative activities in school and community health programs in Utaho 1937 o 22p 353°9792 Utaho Department of Healtho Division of Maternal and Child Healtho H434mh Handbook for expectant mothers c Salt Lake City, nodo, unpo 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of Healtho Division of Maternal and Child Health* H434mm Manual of information on nutrition; infancy, child 1 to 2 — 2 to 6o [Salt Lake City, 1939 ] 25p» "Prepared especially for public health nursing staff, for use in field, not for distribution to mothers o" 183 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of Health o Division of Material and Child Health ° H434mp Procedures and policies for conducting maternal health confer- ences in Utah under the maternal and child health programo [Salt Lake City, 1939 3 10p o "These procedures and policies supersede all previous editions o M 353°9792 Utaho Department of Health o Division of Public Health Engineering H434php and Sanitationo The pit privy« Salt Lake City, Utaho State Depto of Health, 1941° 14p° 353°9792 Utaho Department of Health o Division of Public Health Engineering H434phs and Sanitationo State of Utah plumbing codeo Salt Lake City, Utaho State Depto of Health, 1941° 24p UTAHo DEPTo OF HEALTH— OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES 353°9792 Utaho Merit system council o Merit system regulations of the Depto M563m of Employment Security; State and County Deptso of Public Wel- fare j Utah State Depto of Health© As amended to August 1, 1942 » [Salt Lake City] nodo 17po 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of Placement and Unemployment Insurance o Annual P697a report o 1st- Salt Lake City, 1938=39° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of Placement and Unemployment Insurance ° Personnel P697p standards of the Depto of Placement and Unemployment Insurance, including minimum standards promulgated by Social Security Board and excerpts from Social Security Act and Hatch Law° Salt Lake City, 1940 o 31p° 35 3 "9792 Utaho Depto of Public Instruction o An instrument for evaluation of P976ins elementary school practices in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1948 o 23p° 353°9792 Bastow, Maryo The correlation of fine art and domestic art, with P976cor suggestions for application Salt Lake City, State of Utah Depto of Public Instruction, 1921 o 35p« 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Character education bulletin P976ch for the elementary and secondary schools of Utaho Salt Lake City, State of Utah Depto of Public Instruction, 1939° 133p° 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Community beginnings in P976com Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1946° "This is the second of a series of three bulletins giving stories and information about Utaho GO written by children for children to read-" 35 3° 9792 Cox, Jean° Economics of the homeo Salt Lake City, Division of P976ec Vocational Education, State of Utah Depto of Public Instructiono c'nodo] 35p° 353^9 7 92 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Guidance services hand- P976g book, prepared by Fred Mo Fowler, director of guidance services o rSalt Lake City] 1948 » 132p« 184 353<>9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Helps in dictionary study, P976h supplementary to the Teaching Guide for the elementary schools of Utaho Salt Lake City, Division of Elementary Education, State of Utah, Depto of Public Instruction, 1947 ° 22p« 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Information bulletin on second- P976is ary education© Salt Lake City, Utah State Depto of Public Instruc- 1948 tion, 1948 » 25po "This pamphlet describes [the] external phases of the secondary program. 00" 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Laidlaw Publishing Company. P976ar Art outlires, prepared by the Laidlaw Publishing Company, pub- lishers of the Art appreciation textbooks * Parts II-VTII. Salt Lake City, Distributed by State Depto of Education [nod.] 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction* Language arts course of study P976ia for secondary schools o Rev« edo Salt Lake City, 1947* 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Law observance and enforce- ?3%£ mento Salt Lake City, 1929° 41p° 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Meeting community needs in P976m Utaho Salt Lake City, 1949° 203p° "This is the third of a series of three books giving stories and information about Utaho.. written by children for children to reado" 353° 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Public schools of Utah; stat- P976 istical tables, 1947° Salt Lake City [1948° ] 1947 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Report of 1939-40 Utah school P976sl library surveyo Authorized by the Utah State Board of Education 1939-40 (Uniform school fund)o Salt Lake City, Depto of Public Instruc- tiono Charles Ho Skidmore, Superintendent cl940]o 56po 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Report of the Superintendent P976sur of Public Instruction of the State of Utaho 1- 1896- [Salt Lake City] 1897- v« 353"9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Research circular, 1- P976rc Salt Lake City, Division of Research, State of Utah, Dept. of Pub- lic Instruction, 1947- v. Each number has special title. 353»9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Social studies supplement to U89tes a teaching guide for the elementary schools of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1948o 242p e 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono State superintendent* s items P976sup for district school superintendents o Salt Lake City, 1933- 353o9792 Utaho Department of Public Instructiono Statistical tables© 1- P976st Salt Lake City, 1945- 378o242 Stevens, Lenoreo A study of the adequacy of three juvenile encyclo- S8447s pedias in meeting the requirements for social studies material specified in the Utah State Course of Study for Junior High 185 Schools o [Salt Lake City] 1952. (Me So Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ.) . 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction o Suggestions for teaching P9?6su the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other narcotic drugs o Salt Lake City, 1939 • 64p° Utah PamoUtaho Department of Public Instruction o Supplement to Utah course v«15 of study % medical inspection, health supervision and physical education in the schools, by Eo Go Gowans, State Superintendent of public instruction c Salt Lake City, 1918 o 56po 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction o A survey of Duchesne County P976s School District, State* -of Utah, authorized by the Board of Educa- D82 tion of Duchesne County District, conducted by the State Depart- ment of Education o Salt Lake City 1930 o 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction o Survey, Jordan School Dis- P976s tract s requested by the Board of Education of Jordan School Dis- J82 trict,*c6nducted by a committee of the Department of Public Instruction o Salt Lake City, 1942 o 35 3 o 9792 Utah© Department of Public Instruction o A survey of Granite P976s School. Districts State of Utaho Authorized by the Board of Edu- G75 cation of Granite School District o Salt Lake City, 1933« 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction. A survey of Juab School P976s District, State of Utah, requested by the Board of Education of J91 Juab School District, conducted by a committee cDavid Gourley, Chairman] of the State Department of Public Instruction. Salt Lake City [19413- 353<>9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction. A survey of Rich County P976s schools, Randolph, Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1940o R49 1940 35 3 o 9792 Utah© Department of Public Instruction o Survey of Rich school P976s district, Rich County, Utah. Salt Lake City, 1931. R49 353° 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruct ion o A survey of the Uintah P976s County school district, requested by the Board of Education, U.33 Uintah County School District, conducted by a committee rDavid Gourley, Chairman] of the State Department of Public Instruction o Salt Lake City 2 1944. 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction. A teaching guide for the P976te elementary schools of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1941. 357p» 353.9792 Utaho Department of Public Instruction . A teaching guide for the U89tes elementary schools of Utah. Social studies supplement to A teaching guide for the elementary schools of Utaho [Salt Lake City; 19480 242p» 186 353*9792 Utah. Department of Public Instruction.. Teaching the effects of alco- P976su hoi, tabacco, and other narcotic drugs o Revo and approved by the 1951 State Textbook Commission and the State Course of Study Committee, April, 1951o Salt Lake City, 1951* 78p* 353*9792 Utah. Department of Public Instruction o Tentative statement of aims, P976ait purposes and procedures of education in the public schools of Utah. Prepared by committee of Utah citizens, May, 1946-June, 1947* Salt Lake City [1947 3 « Utah Pam.Utah. Department of Public Instruction.. U. 5. Work projects adminis- v.19 tration* Utaho Consumer problem manual* Salt Lake City, Salt Lake committee on consumer problems and workers 1 education section, n.d. 345.2 Utah. Department of Public Instruction* Utah. Laws, statutes, etc. U95s/ School laws of the state of Utah, 18- Salt Lake City, Kaysville Utah cetc*] 18 - v* 353*9792 Utah* Department of Public Instruction* Utah rehabilitation service; P976rsr biennial report, 1946-48* Salt Lake City, Division of Vocational 1946-48 Rehabilitation, State of Utah Department of Public Instruction [1949 1 rlOipo 917.92 Utah. Department of public instruction* Utah — resources and activi- U89ut ties* Supplement to the Utah .state courses of study for elementary and secondary schools o Department of public instruction, Charles H. Skidmore, superintendent* Salt Lake City, Utah [The Paragon] 1933* 458p* 353*9792 Utah. Department of Public Instruction. Utah state plan for vocational P976vo education, 1947-52, approved by the Utah State Board for Vocational 1947-52 Education on September 3, 1948 and November 5, 1948* Salt Lake City, 1949* 143p° 640.7 Utah. Department of Public Instruction. Utah* University* Dept. of U89 Home Economics Report of a preliminary study of college programs U58h for students in Home Economics. The United States Office of Educa- tion, The Utah State Depto of Education, the University of Utah cooperating* [Salt Lake City, 193?]* 353*9792 Utah. Department of Public Instruction* Utah's land and early people. P976ul Salt Lake City, 1947° 143p° "This is the first of a series of three books giving stories and information about Utah. .. written by children for children to read." 353*9792 Utah. Department of Public Instruction* Utah's community beginnings. P976uc Salt Lake City, 1949* 249p* This is the second of a series of three books giving stories and information about Utah*** written by children for children to read*" Utah Pam.Utah. Department of Public Instruction* Vocational education in Utah* v. 74, no. 2 what it is, what it does and how it operates, what it may do in the future. Salt Lake City, 1950* 25p» 187 353-9792 Utah. Department of Public Welfare. A fiscal and financial, trend P978f study and current analysis of the counties, school districts and cities of the state of Utah, a financial handbook. [Salt Lake City, 19353 539p° Prepared by the Division of Research and Statistics, State Dept. of Public Welfare* 353°9792 Utaho Department of Public Welfare. Hew public assistance is ad- P978h ministered in Utaho [Salt Lake City]" State Dept. of Public Welfare, Bureau of Research and Statistics [1939?] unp. 35 3 " 9792 Utaho Department of Public Welfare. Rules and regulations for the P978r guidance and management of the state , county and district depart- ments of public welfare. Adopted and in force February 11, 1936. [Salt Lake City] 1936 o 52p. 353*9792 Utaho Department of Public Welfare. Public assistance in Utaho P978p vo d3o- March 193c- Salt Lake City. UTAH. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE—APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, SALARIES, ETC. 378.2Z|.2 Kidneighj John C. An analysis of the ratings of training and exper- K46a ience for candidates for professional positions in public welfare in Utah. [Sa?^t Lake City] 1941" (Mo A. Thesis, 1941, Utah Univ) UTAH. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE— OFFICIALS OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES 353<>9792 Utaho Merit system council o Merit system regulations of the Dept. M563m of Employment Security; State and County Depts. of Public Welfare; Utah State Dept. of Health o As amended to August 1, 1942 o [Salt Lake City] n.do 17p. 35 3 o 9792 Utah. Department of publicity and industrial, development. Some im- P977so portant facts about Utah. Salt Lake City, 1948. 82p. 353.9792 Utaho Department of publicity and industrial development. Utah, P977u land of color cSalt Lake City, 1948?] 34p° 353.9792 Utah. Department of publicity and industrial development o Utah, P977ut land of endless scenic discovery. Salt Lake City c°1948] [28 ]p. Utah Pam.Utaho Department of publicity and industrial development. Utah, v.72 the friendly state. Salt Lake City [1948? 1, r8i p. no. 12 Utah PamoUtah. Department of publicity and industrial development. Utah, v .80, no. 25 the rainbow land in the center of scenic America. [Salt Lake City -j °1942o [32 ]p. Utah Pam.Utah. Department of publicity and industrial development. Wealth v. 80, no. 29 and resources of Utah. [Salt Lake City, 1943] lv. 188 Utah PamoUtaho Department of Publicity and Industrial Development . What you v.80,no.L4 want to know about Utaho 3d. printings rev. Salt Lake City, 1946c 58po 353»9792 Utaho Department of Health o Division of Maternal and Child Health. H434mc Cooperative activities in school and community health programs in Utaho 1937c 22p UTAH --DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL 979o205 Ackley, Richard Thomaso Across the plains in I8580 (In Utah histor- U89 v»9 ical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1941° 23cmo vo9, p. [1903-228) . 917 o 9 Alter, Jo Cecil Through the heart of the scenic Westooowith 65 A466th illustrations o Salt Lake City, Shepard Book Coo, 1927 » 220p. "Limited,, special edition of one thousand copies o Autographed copiesi noso 81, 279 ? 288, 523o" 979*205 Alter, Jo Cecil o Wo Ac Ferris in Utah, 1830-1835° (in Utah histor- U89 v»9 ical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1941» 23cm» v»9, p„c81 3-108. illus o ) o 622.06 American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers <> [Souvenir A512s booklet presenting the mining and allied industries of Utah. Prepared for the 108th meeting (August 10-14, 1914) of the Ameri- can Institute of Mining Engineers by Alfred Frank, chairman 3. Salt Lake City, 1914° 192p c Utah Pam. Arizona Highways Magazine o [Utah Issue 3 Phoenix, Arizona Highway v.60,no.l2 Depto, 1947° 32po 050 Bailey, Alfred Marshall o Desert river through Navajo lando With N277 illus o from photographs by the author and Fred Go Brandenburg. v«92,noo2 (in the National Geographic Magazine o Washington, 1947° illus. (part colo) 25 1/2 cmo vo92, p« £149-1723) o 917 o 92 Beckwith, Frank.. Trips to points of interest in Millard and nearby, B397t written and compiled for the Boy Scouts of Millard county, Utah. Springville, Utah, Print o by Art City Pubo Coo, 1947. 144p° 917.92 Bjarnason, Loftero The geography cf Utah. (Revo) [New York3 Mac- B626g millan Co., c 1932o 48po 917»8 Bowles, Samuelo Our new West; records of travel between the Mississ- B787o ippi river and the Pacific ocean,, over the plains, o/er the moun- tains, through the great interior basin, over the Sierra Nevadas, to and up and down the Pacific coast. Hartford, Conn., Hartford Pubo Coo, 1869- 528p 050 Breed, Jacko Utah* s arches cf :-tone<> (in the National Geographic N277 Magazineo Washington, 1947- 25 1/2 cm., vo92, pol73-tl92l v.92,no.2 col. illus. )o .i.ay 917°8 Bryant, Edwin o Rocky Mountain adArentures, bristling with animated B915r details of fearful fights of American hunters with savage Indians, Mexican rancheros and beasts of preyo To which is added a full account of the Bear Conquest of Calif omia° N»Yo, Hurts & Co., node, 452po 289<>3 Burton, Sir Richard Franciso City of the saints and across the B974c Rocky Mountains to Caiiforrd.ao London, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861 ° 707p» Utah Pamo [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Bureau of Information] vo41 Utahooo Salt Lake City, 1913? 1915 » 917«92 [Church cf Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o Bureau of Information] C562U Utah, its people, resources, attractions, and institutions o Compo from authentic information and the latest reports o Compli- ments of the Bureau of Information, Temple Block, Salt Lake City tnodoi, 96p» 917° 92 Codman, Johno The Mormon country o A. summer with the "Latter-day C671m saints™ o By John Codmano New York, United States Publishing Company, 1874 • 2po/. s 225p« 917° 92 Donan, Patrick <> Utah 5 a peep into a mountain-walled treasury of the D6767u gods. Rhymes by Cy Warmario cBuffalo, No Y.„ Matthews Northrup Coo, *1891ic 96p» 917°8 Fountain,, Paulo The eleven eag3.ets of the Westo London, J° Murray, F771e 1906c 362po 917«8 The great West, its attractions and resources 3 containing a popular G786 description of the marvelous scenery, physical geography, fos- 1s, and glaciers of this wonderful region, and the recent explorations in the Yellowstone Park, 'The wonderland of America,* by Fo Vo Haydeno Also valuable information to travelers and settlers* 00 by A corps of able contributors o Philadelphia} Franklin Pubo Co», 1880 o 528p<. Utah Pam^Hallj Mosiaho Geography of Utaho New York, Macmillan, 1.819 . 31p° v»9 917«92 Hall, Mosiaho Geography of Utah, by Mosiah Hall and Mi.ss Lo Mo H178g Qualt rough o No I., Ginn [1912] 18p 917o8 Jackson, William Henry o Picture maker of the old West, William J14p Ho Jackson 1 rtext] by Clarence So Jackson o New York, C Scribner*s Sons, 1947° 308p o 917°8 Lester, John Erastuso The At , to the Pacifies what to see, L642a and how to see ito Boston, Shepard and Gill, 1873 ° 365po 917°3 McElrath, Thomson P« A press club outings a trip across the con- M141p tinent to attend the first convention of the International League of Press Clubs, by Thomson Po McElrath, historian of the tripo New York, International League of Press Clubs, 1893 <• 149p° 190 917*92 Morton, William Alberto Utah and her people o Salt Lake City, G. Q. M891u Cannon, 1899° c56] p° 917*3 The Picturesque tourist, a handy guide round the world; for the use P611 of all travelers between Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand, 1877 India, China, and Japan, across the American continent. 2d ed. London, Ho Adams, 1877° 30p. 917*3 Piercy, Frederick. Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Valley. „.to- P6l8r gether with a geographical and historical description of Utah... also, an authentic history of the Latter-day Saints* emigration from Europe. oo Uluso with steel engravings and wood cuts from sketches made by Frederick Piercyo Ed. by James Linforth. Liver- pool, F. Do Richards 1855° 120p. 9'" 7 *8 Pierrepont, Edward Willoughbyo Fifth Avenue to Alaskao With maps, P622f by Leonard Forbes Beckwitho New York, Go P. Putnam's Sons, 1884* 329p° 917*8 [Rand, McNally and Company] ° The Rand-McNally guide to California via R187gc "the Overland Route," by A. Darlow and Harry Brook. Chicago c c 1903] 242p. 289*399 Remy, Jules, 1826- A journey to Great Salt Lake City; by Jules R392j Remy, and Julius Brenchley, M. A«; with a sketch of the history, religion, and customs of the Mormons, and an introduction on the religious movement in the United States o By Jules Remy.ooWith ten steel engravings and a map° London, W. Jeffs, 1861. 917*92 Richardson, Sullivan Coral ° [Hole-in-the-rock, photographs by S. C. R525h Richardson on the historic "Mormon dugway." 19393° Utah Pam.Salt Lake Cityo v. 40 Chamber of Commerce o Utah the unique o 1947° 32p. 917* $2 Savage, Charles Roscoeo Pictorial reflex of Salt Lake City and vic- S263p inity, including letter-press description and illustrations of public edifices, hotels, business blocks, churches, Indians, bathing resorts, etco, and a variety of information valuable for the tourist or resident, from reliable sources o Salt Lake City [The author, 1892?] 47p° 917*92 . Savage, Charles Roscoeo Views of Utah and tourists* guide; con- S263v taining a description of the views and general information for the traveler, resident, and public generally, from authentic sources. Salt Lake City [The author, °1887] 30p. Utah Pam. Sloan, Walter Jo America's Alpine scenic highway, v. 41 City, Western Print Coo, n.d°]o 38p. [Salt Lake 917*8 Strahorn, Robert E« To the Rockies and beyond; or, A summer on the S896t2 Union Pacific railroad and branches, sauntering in the popular health, pleasure, and hunting resorts of Nebraska, Dakota, Wyo- ming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Montana. 2d edo revo and enlarged o Omaha, New West- Pubo Coo, 1879- 2l6p. 917<>92 Talm?,ge James Edwardo Geography of Utaho n<>do 10p° T151ge Utah Pamo Union Pacific Railroad Company^ Utah^ sights and scenes for the vo9 tourism o Omaha, Nebo E®1888]o 48 po Utah Pamo Utaho Chamber of Commerce o Utah and the intermountain empire o vo77 ? noo35 Salt Lake City Il9k6i°° 32p» 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of Publicity and Industrial development » Utah, P977u land cf color o iSalt Lake City, 1948? 1 34po 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Department of publicity and industrial development » Utah, P977ut land of endless scenic discovery o Salt Lake City [ c 1948] :28ip<> Utah PamoUtaho Department of publicity and industrial development ° Utah, Vo80 s noo25 the rainbow land in the center of scenic America o tSalt Lake City s - ipo Utah PamoUtaho Department of publicity and industrial development o Utah, vo72 s noolC the friendly stateo Salt Lake City e 1948? 3, iSipo Utah PamoUtaho Road Commissiono Utah, land of endless scenic discovery o vo80,no»26 cSalt Lake City, - Cl63p 35 3 o 9792 Utaho State Planning Board o A survey of scenic and recreational P712su resources of Utaho ESalt Lake City 3 1936 o 289o399 Ward, Austin No Male life among the Mormons 3 or, the husband in W256m Utahs detailing sights and scenes among the Mormons 3 with remarks on their moral and social, economy o By Austin No Wardo Edo by Maria Wardo Philadelphia, Jo Eo Potter and company £1863 1 o r :15>-iI0po 917°9 White, Douglas o The story of a trail, being an authentic record of W583s the breaking of the Mormon trail between the Inter-mountain empire and C I i's "Land of Sunshine, 1 * with the story of the founding and t ng this hist eric pioneer highway of the Salt Lake routes a description of the marvelous resources con- tained Within the area tributary to this new and direct line of railway now in operation between the Reeky mountains and the Pacific o Los Angeiesj San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Rail- a 19050 173p» 917°8 Wood, Stanley o Over the range to the Golden Gateo A complete W879c toui le to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California, 1897 Oregon,, Puget Sound and the Great Northwest o Chicago; Ro R"» Donnelley & Sons Coo, 1897 • 283p» 917o92 Zinn-Bryce Natural Histc (M. A. Thesis, 1935, Utah Univ.) UTAH— DRAMA— HISTORY AND CRITICISM 289o38209Lindsay, John Shanks. The Mormons and the theatre; or, The history L748m of theatricals in Utah; with reminiscences and comments, humor- ous and critical o 1905. 178p. 378»242 Maughan, Ila Fisher. History of staging and business methods of M449h the Deseret Dramatic Association, 1852 — 1869 • [Salt Lake City] 1949. (M. A. Thesis, 1949, Utah Univ.). UTAH— DUCKS 378.242 Johnson, Clark Day. Life history and ecology of the Mallard Duck J66l/ (Anas Platyrhynchos Platyrhynchos Lo) in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1952. (M. So Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ.). 378.242 Taylor, Blaine C. A preliminary study of the Mallophagan parasites T238p of the ducks of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1940. (M. A. Thesis, 1940, Utah Univ.). UTAH— ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 330.97 Goddard, Frederick Bartlett. Where to emigrate and why; homes and G578u fortunes in the boundless West and the sunny South, their climate, L94 scenery, soil productions* Philadelphia, Peoples Pub. Co., 1869o 591p° 330<>9792 Mahoney, Jo Rcliao Some probable effects cf war and industrialization U891 projects on the economy of Utah*, (in Utah economic and busines Vol,no<>3 reviewo Salt Lake City, 1942. Vol, nco3, p.3-8> 330.9792 Mahoney, Jo Rollao Wartime economic changes and postwar industrial U891 readjustment in Utaho Salt Lake City, 1943 ° 108p. (in Utah v.2,no.2 economic and business review. v.2, no.r 378o2i+2 Nelson, Claron Eo Measuring Utah ? s businesso [Salt Lake City] N425m 1948c (Mo So Thesis, 1948, Utah Univ.). 378o242 North, Erwin King. The building and loan association as a factor in N864b the economic development of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1925° (M.A. Thesis, 1925 , Utah Univ.). 378o2Z^2 Robinson, Maurine. Some basic features of migration, occupational R663s distribution and income flew into Utah. tSa.lt Lake City] 1942. (Mo S. Thesis, 1942, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam.Utaho Department cf publicity and industrial development. Wealth v.80,noo29 and resources of Utah. tSalt Lake City, 1943 3» 330.9792 Utah economic and business review. Voi,no.l- Dec. 1941- Salt U891 Lake City, Bureau of Economic and Business R- .. . School of Business, Univ. of Utah. 353=9792 Utah, Investigating Committee of Utah Governmental Units. tReports.] I62r Salt Lake City tl936: P various paging. 353.9792 Utah. State planning board. A series of industrial studies for Utah- P712se 1935 . cSalt Lake City 3 1936. 353«9792 Utah. State planning board. A state plan for Utah- progress report. P712st April 15, 1935. tSalt Lake City, 1935]. 330.9792 Utah. University. School of Business. Bureau of Economic and Busi- U891 ness Research. Measures cf economic changes in Utah 1847--1947. v.7 s no.l Salt Lake City, 1947° 104p° (in Utah economic and business re- view, v. 7, no.lo). Utah Pam.Vandegrif t c Rolland A. The economic dependence of the population of v. 72, no. 6 Utah, by Rolland A. V'andegrift and As 5; -50 Salt Lake City, 1931° 38p. 330.9792 Walker, Dilworth. Trends of business in Utah, (in Utah economic and U891 v.l business review. Salt Lake City, 1941 « Vol, no.l. p.i; no- pol-2j no. 3, p- 195 UTAH—ECONOMIC POLICY 330 o 9792 Mahoney,, Jo Rolla. Wartime changes and postwar industrial read- U891 justment, in Utaho Salt Lake City, 1943 <> 108p. (in Utah v°2,no»2 economic and business review, v©2, noo2)o 35 3° 9792 Utaho Department of publicity and industrial development o After P977a victory; plans for Utah and the Wasatch front o Report of the cooperative planning program* Compiled under direction of Ora Bundy,;, directory of postwar planning o Salt Lake City, Utah* The Utah State Depto of Publicity and industrial development, 1943 o Utah Pam.Utah Manufacturers Association, Salt Lake City. Build Utah, a ten vo72,nool6 year piano [Salt Lake City, 1936 Jo 331<>137 Utaho University o Bureau of Economic and Business Research. U89eb Utah economy; employment trends, seasonality, economic patterns, future outlookooo prepared by Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah, c and 3 Department of Employment Secur- ity, Industrial Commission of Utaho [Salt Lake City] September 1950 o 127p. UTAH—EDUCATION 379 «792 Utah Education Association » Report of an investigation in the South S196u Sanpete School District, Sanpete County, Utah, an example of the importance of fair termination procedures and sound personnel policies o Salt Lake City, Utah Education Association, 1951° llp° 378o2i+2 Bateman, Richard Ao The history of the Utah State School Boards Asso- B328h ciatinn and its function in Utah education o [Salt Lake City] 1950o (Mo So Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.) 378o2t(.2 Bean, Benjamin Bo Pupil achievement in 1845 and 1948° [Salt Lake B367p Cityi 1949° (Mo So Thesis, 1949.° Utah Univo) 378o242 Branson, Rachel Mo The teaching of art in the elementary schools of B899t Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1949° (M. So Thesis, 1949, Utah Univ.). 378.242 Church, John Go The life and education contributions of Mosiah Hall. C561 [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M. A. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). 373°792 Cowles, LeRoy Eugene o A study of secondary education in Utaho Chi- C875s cago, 1913° (Mo Ao Thesis, 1913, Chicago Univ.). 35 3° 9792 Cox ? Jeano Economics of the home. Salt Lake City, Division of Vo- P976ec catinnal Education, State of Utah Depto of Public Instruction. f.nodo] 35p° 378.242 Crawford, Maurice L. The professional status of the Utah public C899p school administrator o [Salt Lake City] 1949° (M. So Thesis, 1949, Utah Univo). 196 378 °242 Davis s Frances Gilroyo A history of the V. swart School D26lh 1891-1940 o [Salt Lake City: 1940c (Mo So Thesis. 1940c Utah Univ o ) o 378o242 Dobson, Caroline » Needs and guidance of kindergarten children in D635n the state of Utaho [Salt LaKe City] 1940o (Mo So Thesis, 1940, Utah Univ o ) o 378o242 Freeman, Wilford Leeo Scholastic achievement cf high school seniors » F855s [Salt Lake Cioy: 1950o (Mo So Thesis, 1950, Utah Univo)© 378.243 Himes, Ellvert Hiram o An evaluative study of student personnel ser- H657e vices at Brigham Young University o [Salt Lake City: 1950c (PhcDo Thesis., 1950, Utah Univc)c 3780242 Hyland, Cairnn O'Brien© The preparation of teachers cf social studies H996p in Utah high schools in 1947-48 © [Salt Lake City: 1949 « (M©A© Thesis, 1949 9 Utah Univ©)© 3780243 Isaksen, Henry Lo Terminal students in the general education program I74t at the university of Utah, 1948 to 1950 o :Salt Lake City] 1951 • (Ph. Do Thesis, 1951, Utah Univc';c Utah Panic Joint Teachers Institute of Salt Lake, Utah & Weber Counties © Pro- Vo74 ceedingso Salt Lake City [etc©: 1889 378o242 Lally, Robert Co The life and educational contributions of Charlotte L211/ Stewart c cSalt Lake City: 1950© (Mo S© Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.) 378o242 Larsen, Bent Franklin© Art teaching in the junior and senior high L334a schools of Utah© cSalt Lake City: 1922* (M©A© Thesis, 1922, Utah Univ © } o 378o242 Lemmon„ Claud C© Audio visual ed . • — ■ its status and a program© L554a [Salt Lake City: 1938© (M© S© Thesis, 1938, Utah Univ©)o 378o242 Lewis, Hazel Westo A study of present day pract Ln the teaching L674s of poetry in the primary grades oi Utaho [Salt Lake City: 1940© (Mo So Thesis, 1940, Utah Univ©)© 378o242 Loutensock, Hyrum W© A study of the relationship between labor and L893s education in Utah© [Salt Lake City: 1949° (Mo A© Thesis, 1949, Utah Univ©)© 378.242 McKenzie, William Howard© A history of secondary e in Utah M157h since statehood 1896-1941° [Salt Lake City: 1941. (M© S© Thesis, 1941, Utah Univ©)© 379.74 Moffitt, John Clifton. The history of education in Utah© Provo, Utah, U89mh privately printed? 1946© 375p« 921 Moffitt, John Clifton o John Rocky ParK in Utah T s frontier culture© P235m [Salt Lake City: 1947© lOOp. 197 378 o 21+2 Murphy? Joseph Budo An appraisal of the audio-visual education M9?8a program of the Salt Lake City schools. [Salt Lake City 3 1946. (Mo So Thesis, 1946, Utah Univ<>). 378.243 Noall, Matthew Fredrick. An evaluation of the secondary school social N743e studies curriculum in the state of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1950. (Ph. Do Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.}. 378.242 Ord, John E. The platoon school in Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1949° 065p (Mo S. Thesis, 1949, Utah Univ.). 378.242 Parkin, Eo Lamar. A study of cost and quality of the instructional P24?s program in six Utah school districts o [Salt Lake City] 1948. (Mo So Thesis, 1938, Utah Univ.). 378.242 Roche 5 Gerald Anders o The professional and teaching status of the R673p public high school science teacher of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1949° (Mo A. Thesis, 1949, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam.Utah County public schoolso Payson, Utah, 1897- Bi-Weekly. v°75 Editor? 1897- Do H. Christensen. 353°9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. An instrument for evalua- P976ins tion of elementary school practices in Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1948. 23p° 353°9792 Utaho Department of public instructiono Character education bulle- P976ch tin for the elementary and secondary schools of Utah. Salt Lake City s State of Utah Dept. of Public Instruction, 1939° 133p° 353=9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Information bulletin on P976is secondary education. Salt Lake City, Utah State Dept. of public 1948 instruction, 1948. 25p. 353.9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Report of the Superinten- P976sur dent of Public Instruction of the State of Utah. 1- 1896- rSalt Lake City] 1897- 353.9792 Utah. Department of Public Instruction. Research circular, 1- P976rc Salt Lake City, Division of Research, State of Utah Dept. of Public Instruction, 1947- 35 3 °9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Social studies supplement U89tes to A teaching guide for the elementary schools of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1948. 242p. 353° 9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. State superintendent's P976sup items for district school superintendents. Salt Lake City, 1935- 1- 353.9792 Utah. Department of public instructiono A teaching guide & r P976te the elementary schools of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1941° 357p° 35 3 o 9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Tentative statement of P976ait aims, purposes and procedures of education in the public schools 198 of Utah. Prepared by committee of Utah citizen y, 1946 - June, 1947° Salt Lake City [1947']<> 353*9792 Utaho Department of public instructiono Utah rehabilitation service; P976rsr biennial report , 1946-48 o Salt Lake City, Division of Vocational 1946-48 Rehabilitation, State of Utah Depto of Public Instruction cl949i cl0]p o On cover? Vocational rehabilitation, a public service to rebuild the disabled civilian o 379° 792 Utah Education Association.. Dollars and sense o [Salt Lake City, Wheel- U892d wright Lithographing Co<>, 19503 1.6p«> "Much of the data presented in Dollars and Sense came from 'The Forty-Eight State School Sys- tems 3 * a publication of the Council of State Governments." 379*792 Utah Educational Survey Committee o Cost of higher education in Utah, U89c a continued report of two committees appointed by the Hone George Ho Dem, Governor of Utah, President E» E« Greenwocd of Utah Edu- cational Association, and Dr« George Thomas, President of the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1933 ° 379<-74 Utaho Educational survey committee o Public education in Utah, the U89uep report of the fact finding bedy appointed in 1939 by the governor of the state of Utaho Salt Lake City, Utah. 1940o 37p. 353°9792 Utaho Investigating Committee of Utah Governmental Units o [Reports] I62r Salt Lake City [1936] (various paging-/ 353°9792 Utah school health appraisal, sponsored by Utah Congress cf Parents H434us and Teachers and Division of Maternal and Child Health , Utah State Board of Health o :Salt Lake City] 1940c 016.3713 Utah. University o Department of secondary education Teaching- U89t leaiTiing aids in the social studiesj an annotated compilation of free and inexpensive materials, with spi reference to th< aids which are of particular interest to the teacher- of social studies in Utaho rEdo by Margaret Lake and Jo Lecn McCleary:, Salt Lake City, Univo of Utah [1949 378o242 Wardrcp,, Calvin Lo The development and present stal E driver ed W266d cation and training in Utah publ 1 high [Salt Lake City] 1951° (Mo So Thesis, 1951. Utah Univo)« 378.243 Watkins_, Warren Olivero An appra f the standardized testing W336a programs in Utah's school distrid [Salt Lake City] 1952 » (Edo Do Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ»)o 378.242 Wilcox, Genevieve Hartc The status of speech education in the senior W667st high schools cf the state of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1933° (M0S0 Thesis,, 1933, Utah Univ*) 378o242 Willey, William Wallace Eugene The I Lonal W714p policy in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1940- (Mo Ac Thesis, 1940, Utah Univ a ) 378.242 Williams, Dwight Jo The supply and demand of Utah public school ■ W722su teachers for 1947- -48 « [Salt Lake City] Univ. of Utah, 1949° 199 (Mo A. Thesis, 1949, Utah Univo). 378=242 Winget, Lerue Wo Local practices in the selection of textbooks WfGyi from the state approved list in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1950o (Mo So Thesis, 1950, Utah Univo)o Utah PamoUtah Education Association ...Annual convention. . o Salt Lake vo27 City. 1914 » Utah PamoUtah Education Association© .ooAnnual State Teachers* Association vo27 of Utaho Ogden, Utah, Deco 26th-29th, 1895-96. 379°792 Utah Education Association Dollars and sense. [Salt Lake City, U892d Wheelwright Lithographing Coo, 1950] "Much of the data presented in Dollars and Sense came from 'The Forty-Eight State School Systems, * a publication of the Council of State Governments." Utah PamoUtah Education Association. Utah No Eo Ao guide and handbook; Vo27 fifty-first annual convention, Salt Lake City, July 5th-12th, 1913 o 76,c2]p. UTAH— EDUCATION— CEDAR CITY 378o242 Clark, Gwyn Rouecheo The written language of eleven and twelve year C593w olds. [Salt Lake City] 1952o (Mo S. Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ.). UTAH— EDUCATION, COMPULSORY 378.242 Nielsen, Lloyd K. An investigation of Utah's compulsory school N669i attendance law. [Salt Lake City] 1945 ° (Mo A. Thesis, 1945, Utah Univ o ) o Utah Pam.Utah Education Council o Current educational issues in Utah; report Vo75,no.l7 of Utah Education Council submitted to sponsoring institutions, March 19, 1942. [Salt Lake City, 1942]. 40p. UTAH— EDUCATION— CURRICULA 378o242 Hammel, Lee So The status of geography instruction in the secondary H224s schools of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1948. (M.S. Thesis, 1948, Utah Univ . ) . Utah Pam.Utah. Department of public instruction. Supplement to Utah course V0I5 of study; medical inspection, health supervision and physical education in the schools, by Eo Go Gowans, State Superintendent of public instruction o Salt Lake City, 1918. 56p. Utah Pam.Utah County, Utah.o Board of Education o Circular and outlined course Vo74 of instruction of the district schools of Utah County, Utah. Provo, Enquirer Co. [etc.], 1880- 200 Utah Pam.Wcrltcn, James Timbre: Salt, Lake City experiments with curriculum v.75,nool6 development, by James To Worlton and Arthur 2o Arneseno New York, Columbia University, 1939. 135-156p "Reprinted from Teachers College Record o voi+1, no. 2 (1939)° UTAH— EDUCATION—DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT 378.242 Hill, Ralph Fo 'The status of audio-visual education in the Davis H6i+7s School District, with recommendations for improvement [Salt Lake City] 1950 « (M. So Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). 378.242 White, John Stephen A survey and evaluation of the elementary W585su music program in Davis County*. [Salt Lake City] 1952. (M.S. Thesis, 1952, Utah Univo)o UTAH— EDUCATION— DUCHESNE 353.9792 Utah. Department of public instruction » A survey cf Duchesne P976s County School District, State cf Utah, authorized by the D82 Board of Education of Duchesne County District, conducted by the State Department cf Education o Salt Lake City, 1930. UTAH— EDUCATION , ELEMENTARY 378.242 Sorensen, Lois N. An evaluation of physical education programs in S713e elementary schoolso 'Salt Lake City] I950o (M.S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Uni v . ) o UTAH— EDUCATION— FINANCE 378.242 Cook, Clifton Lo Progress in defining a minimum program for the C771p Utah public schoolso cSalt Lake City] 1949° (MoS. Thesis; 1949, Utah Univo)o 379.12 Dixon, Henry Aldouso The administ- of state permanent school D621a funds, as illustrated by a study cf the management of the Utah endowment, by Henry Aldous Dix( Lcr Angeles, Calif., The University of Southern California press c°1936]o 145p« 061 Frischknecht, Reed Lo The government and financing of higher educa- U89gb no. 9 tion in Utaho [Salt Lake City; Institute of Government, Uni- versity of Utah, 1950o l6po 378.242 Hartvigsen, Elmer Jo A study of state school funds in Utah with H336s special reference to equalization.. cSalt Lake City] 1945 • (Mo So Thesis, 1945, Utah Univ. 378.242 Hilton, Hyrum. A study cf the ccst of instruction in the high H656s schools cf Utah. [Salt, Lake City] 1934- (M.S. Thesis, 19%, Utah Univ o ) o 201 378.242 Peterson, Vadal Wandoo Vocational education in Utah under federal P485v subsidies o [Salt Lake City] 1938. (MoSo Thesis, 1938, Utah Univ o ) . 35 3 • 9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Research circular, 1- P976rc Salt Lake City, Division of Research, State of Utah, Department of public instruction, 1947- 379<>11 Vest, H. Grant. Capital outlay and the foundation program of V583c education in Utah school districts; a study of the relationships between financing capital outlay costs and the current costs of the Public School Program. Logan, Utah, 1950. Also issued as (Ph.D. Thesis, 1950, Stanford University). UTAH— EDUCATION— GARFIELD COUNTY 378.242 Christensen, J. Oral. The history of education in Garfield County, C554h Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1949° (M.S. Thesis, 1949, Utah Univ.). UTAH— EDUCATION— GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT 378.242 Dalby, Wealthy H. A study of what parents think about their schools. D1377s tSalt Lake City] 1951° (M. S. Thesis, 195-1, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam. Granite School District, Utah. Extracts from the report cof ] Granite v. 74, no. 7 School District, Salt Lake County, Utah, from 1905-1914, by order of the board of education. [Salt Lake City, 1914 ]• 26p. 353*9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. A survey of Granite School P976s District, state of Utah. Authorized by the Board of Education G75 of Granite School District. Salt Lake City, 1933 • UTAH— EDUCATION— HISTORY 979»2 Sutton, Wain, ed. Utah, a centennial history. New York, Lewis S967u Historical Pub. Co., 1949° UTAH— EDUCATION— JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT 353*9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Survey, Jordan School P976s District, requested by The Board of Education of Jordan School J82 District, conducted by a committee of the Department of Public Instruction. Salt Lake City, 1942. UTAH— -EDUCATION— JUAB COUNTY 353.9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. A survey of Juab School P976s District, State of Utah, requested by the Board of Education of J91 Juab School District, conducted by a committee [David Gourley, Chairman] of the State Department of public instruction. Salt Lake City [1941]° 202 UTAH— EDUCATION— MURRAY 379.792 Cowles, LeRoy Eugene. A survey of the Murray schools, Murray, Utah, M9847c conducted by LeRoy E. Cowles [authorized by the Board of Education of Murray] Salt Lake City, Extension Division, Univ. of Utah, 1929* UTAH— EDUCATION— PLEASANT GROVE 378.242 Thomas, Adrian A. A follow-up study of the male graduates of Plea- T454f sant Grove High School. [Salt Lake City] 1951* (M.S. Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ.). UTAH— EDUCATION— RICH COUNTY 378.242 Passey, Earl Fredrick. An historical study of public education in P287h Rich County, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1951- (M.S. Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ . ) . 353.9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. A survey of Rich County P976s schools, Randolph, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1940. R49 1940 353*9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Survey of Rich School Die- P976s R49 trict, Rich County, Utah. Salt Lake City, 1931* UTAH— EDUCATION— SALT LAKE COUNTY Utah Pam.Salt Lake County. Board of Education. Circular of the public v.74 schools of Salt Lake County containing course of study, sugges- tions to teachers, the school law. Salt Lake City, 189 • UTAH— EDUCATION— SAN JUAN SCHOOL DISTRICT 378.242 Anderson, Lars. A history of education in San Juan School District. A5478h [Salt Lake City] 1952. (M. S. Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ.). UTAH— EDUCATION, SECONDARY 378.242 Talbot, Walter D. A study of citizenship training in Utah secondary T142s schools. [Salt Lake City] 1952. (M.S. Thesis, 1952, Utah Univ.). UTAH— EDUCATION— SEVIER COUNTY ?78.242 Danielson, Melvin D. History of education in Sevier County. [Salt D186h ' Lake City] 1951- (M.S. Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ.). 203 UTAH— EDUCATION—STATISTICS 35 3 o 9792 Utah* Department of public instruction. Public schools of Utah; P976 1947 statistical tables, 1947 <> Salt Lake City [1948]. 353o9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. Statistical tables. 1- P976st Salt Lake City, 1945- UTAH— EDUCATION— UINTAH COUNTY 35 3 °9792 Utah. Department of public instruction. A survey of the Uintah P976s County School District, requested by the Board of Education, U33 Uintah County School District, conducted by a committee [David Gourley, Chairman] of the State Department of Public Instruction. Salt Lake City, 1944 • UTAH— EDUCATION— WEBER COUNTY Utah Pam. Weber County, Utah. Board of Education. Annual report of the super- v.74 intendent of district schools. Ogden, Utah, 1887- Utah Pam. Weber County, Utah. Board of Education. Manual of the public schools v.74 of Weber County, Utah, containing a list of officers and teachers. Ogden, Utah, Post Pub. Co. [etc.], 1892- 345 °2 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc. School laws of the state of Utah, 18- U95s/ Salt Lake City, Kaysville, Utah [etc.] 18- Utah Pam.Utah Educational Campaign Committee. Utah 1 s educational program. v.74, no. 6 [Salt Lake City, 192-]. 34p° UTAH— EDUCATIONAL LAW AND LEGISLATION 378.242 London, George H. The legal and administrative aspects of the com- L847^ munity uses of the public school buildings. [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M.S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam.Utah. Laws, statutes, etc. An act for the establishment and support v.77,no.l2 of district schools, and for other purposes. Salt Lake City, Ackerman, Pratt & Wach, 1887° 14p° 345 • 2 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc. School laws of the state of Utah, 18- U95s^ Salt Lake City, Kaysville, Utah [etc.] 18 - 379 • 792 Cowles, LeRoy Eugene. The Utah educational program of 1919 • [Berke- C875u ley] 1926. 270p. (Ph.D. Thesis, 1926, University of California.) 379° 792 Utah. Educational Survey Committee. Cost of higher education in Utah, U89c a continued report of two committees appointed by the Hon. George H. Dern, Governor of Utah, President E. E. Greenwood of Utah Edu- cation Association, and Dr. George Thomas, President of the Uni- versity of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1933° 204 379 o 74 Utaho Educational survey committee . Public education in Utah, the U89uep report of the fact finding body appointed in 1939 by the Governor of the state of Utaho Salt Lake City, Utah, 1940. 37p. "Con- tains the conclusions and recommendations of the committee." UTAH— EDUCATIONAL SURVEYS 378.242 Jacob, Carl Hebero A readership survey of students of the University J154r of Utah and the high schools of Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Provo, Utah; including a study of students* uses of the agencies of mass communications and a study of certain student concepts of freedom of the press, with a secondary comparative study of the students of the State Industrial School, Ogden, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1950o (MoAo Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ.). UTAH—EDUCATORS 378o242 Rogers, Catherine Jo The life and work of George Newport Child. R724/ [Salt Lake City] 1941° (M0A0 Thesis, 1941, Utah Univ.). UTAH— ELECTION LAW 345 <>2 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc© Direct Primary law, as amended by laws U95dp 1939 of 1939 and Corrupt Practices Acto [Compiled by] E. S. Monson, Secretary of State. [Salt Lake City] 1940. 53p° 345°2 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc. Direct primary law. Chapter 29, Laws U95dp 1937 of Utah, 1937° [Compiled by] E» E. Monson, Secretary of State [Salt Lake City] 1938 » 31p° UTAH—ELECTIONS 06l Ballard, Rene No The primary convention system in Utah (a review U89gb noo2 of Utah* s 1947 election law) . [Salt Lake City] Institute of Government, University of Utah, 1947° l6p. 378.242 Files, James Ao A .quant ic analysis of paid political propaganda in F481q Utah T s 1950 election for the United States Senate. [Salt Lake City] 1951° (M0S0 Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ.). 342.792 U.S. Utah Commissiono [Miscellaneous reports of the Utah Commission] U587m Salt Lake City, Tribune Printo and Pubo Co.; Washington, Govt. Print. Offo, etco, 1883-1896 o 1 v. (various pagings). UTAH— ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION 628.1 U.S. Federal Power commissiono Power requirements survey; state of U58p Utah tn»po] 1946° 150p. "Prepared jointly by the San Francisco regional office of the Federal power commission and the Colorado river committee of the state of Utah." 205 35 3 o 9792 Utah* Emergency relief admini strati on <> Report on proposed reservoirs E53p in Utah to Governor Henry Ho Blood ° 1935° 240p* Fold, map in pocket o 353°9792 Utaho Emergency relief administration* Statistical report* 1934- - E53st 1935 o Salt Lake City, Utah* Compiled by Division of research and ststisticso 2 v* 353*9792 Utah* Emergency Relief Administration o Statistical summary of E53sta expenditures and accomplishments * [Salt Lake City, 1936]* 353*9792 Utah* Emergency relief administration* Works division* A report of E53w the works division* Compiled by the Engineering Dept* [Salt Lake City, Utah, 1936]* 302p* UTAH— EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION 978 Driggs, Howard Roscoe* Mormon Trail, pathway of pioneers who made D779m' the deserts blossom* New York City, American Pioneer Trails Assn* c c 1947]° 95p° 378*242 Wangagard, Scott* Workman's compensation law' as applied to Utah L3345h school districts* [Salt Lake City] 1948* (M*S* Thesis, 1948, Utah Univ* ) * Utah* Employment Security Dept* Employment in Utah Industries (On National "3-Digit" Basis) [Salt Lake City]* Reproduced from type-written copy* 353*9792 -——Supplement, July 1944— December 1944° E55s s 1944 353*9792 Utah* Department of employment security* Utah employment subject E55ut to unemployment insurance, 1942-1945* [Salt Lake City] 1946* UTAH—ETHNOLOGY 571«7373 Smith, Elmer Richard* Utah anthropology, an outline of its history* S646u p. 22-33* UTAH— EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS 353*97 Durham* George Homer* A memorandum on state administrative organ- U89d ization* Submitted to Mr* Lewis H* Lloyd, Director of Research, Utah Legislative Council* [Salt Lake City] 1948* 353*9792 Utah* Committee to study operations of state government* ««o G722r Report of the Investigating committee of Utah governmental units* Appointed* oo pursuant to chapter 86, Laws of Utah, 1933, as amended by chapter 24, Laws of Utah, 1933, second special session* Salt Lake City, Legal printing Co*, [19] 34° [286 ]p* 206 378.241 Evans, John Henry* The Utah expedition.. [Salt Lake City] 1906. E92u (B.S. Thesis, 1906, Utah Univ.). 979.2 Gove, Jesse Augustus. The Utah expedition, 1857-1858; letters of G721ut Capt. Jesse A. Gove, 10th inf., U.S.A. . . . to Mrso Gove, and special correspondence of the New York Herald . .. edited by Otis G. Hammond ... Concord, No H., New Hampshire historical society, 1928. 442p. 061 Paulsen, F. Robert. Utah experience with constitutional home rule. U89gb no. 4 [Salt Lake City] Institute of Government, University of Utah, 1948 . I6p . 06l Stringham, B. H. Utah experience with the city manager idea, by U89gb no.3 B. G. Stringham and Dale Wm. James o [Salt Lake City] Insti- tute of Government, University of Utah, 1947° 12p. UTAH— EXPLORING EXPEDITIONS 979 »2 Gregory, Herbert Ernest. Scientific explorations in southern Utah. G822s [Washington, 1945 3 p. [527 3-549, cover-title » UTAH FARM PLACEMENT PROGRAM 353*9792 Utah. Department of employment security. Employment service. E553a Annual report, Utah Farm Placement Program. 19 - Salt Lake City, 19 - Utah Pam. Nelson, Lowry. Utah farm village of Ephraim. Provo, Utah, Brigham v-38 Young University, 1928. 41p° Utah Pam.Lions Club, Vernal, Utah. A Utah field house of natural history, v. 64, no. 14 Vernal, Utah. 1944» [12 ]p. UTAH—FINANCE 336.792 Utah Foundation. Facts and figures of government in Utah; an ency- U89f clopedia of taxes and public expenditures in Utah. Salt Lake City [1951], 11 3p. 353.9792 Utah. Department of employment security. Postwar solvency study of E55pos the Utah unemployment reserve fund. [Salt Lake City] December 1943. 353.9792 Utah. Department of public welfare. A fiscal and financial trend P978f study and current analysis of the counties, school districts and cities of the state of Utah, a financial handbook. [Salt Lake City, 1935] 539p° Prepared by the Division of Research and Statistics, State Dept. of Public Welfare. 207 353*9792 Utaho Legislative budget committee© First report submitted to L513r twenty-sixth Legislature convening January 8, 1945© [Salt Lake, 1944 ° 95p©:>° UTAH— FISHERY LAW AND LEGISLATION 345 ©2 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc© Fish and game laws© Revised for U95f years 1937-1938° Newell B© Cook, State Fish and Game Commis- sioner© Salt Lake City, 1937 • 84p« UTAH—FISHES 799©17 MacDowell, Syl© Western trout© Introduction by Paul R© Needham© M138w cist ed.3, New York, A© A. Knopf, 1948© Utah Pam.Utah Flood Commission© 1930© Torrential Floods in northern Utah, v©34 1930© Logan, Utah, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, 1930© 51po UTAH— FLOODS Utah Pam. Bailey, Reed W© Floods and accelerated erosion in northern Utah© v©34 Washington, Govt© Print© Off©, 1934° 21p« Utah Pam.Utah Flood Commission© 1930© Torrential floods in northern Utah, v©34 1930© Logan, Utah, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, 1930. 51p. UTAH— FLOWERS 378 ©242 Heinecke, Gertrude K© Trees and flowers of Utah for nature study. H468t [Salt Lake City] 1941 «• (M©S. Thesis, 1941, Utah Univ.)© UTAH— FOLK ART 378.242 Kesler, Bonnie Adams© Utah pioneer homes — interior decoration and K42u pioneer objects© [Salt Lake City] 1950© (M»A» Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ© )© UTAH— FOREST RESERVES 634 ©9097 U© S© Forest Service© The national forests of Utah© Photographed U58n by the Forest Service, U©S© Department of Agriculture© [Wash- ington, D© Co, 1935?'J [40] p© of mounted photographs. 35 3 ©9792 Utah© State planning board© A survey of scenic and recreational P712su resources of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1936© 208 336*792 Utah foundation.. Research report. no<> 1 - Salt Lake City, 1947 - U88r 336 • 2 Utah foundation. Special report on proposed tax measures; estimated U89s tax increases and decreases from Senate and House Bills intro- duced prior to February 3, 1949* Utah state legislature. [Salt Lake City, 19493, (various paging). 353*9792 Utah foundation. Surveys of Utah government, no. 1 - Salt Lake U88s City, 1947 - 331*137 Utah foundation. Unemployment compensation in the Mountain states. U89u Salt Lake City, 1948. (Surveys of Utah government, no. 12). UTAH— FRESH-WATER FAUNA 378.242 Moffett, James W. A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some M695q Utah streams variously affected by erosion. [Salt Lake City] 1935* (M.A. Thesis, 1935, Utah Univ.). UTAH—FRONTIER LIFE 979»2 Widtsoe, John Andreas. How the desert was tamed; a lesson for today W641h and tomorrow. Salt Lake City, Deseret Book Co. [1947 ]° 378.242 Wood, Evelyn Nielsen. A centennial radio project for elementary W874c schools. [Salt Lake City, 1947 ] • (M.A. Thesis, 1947, Utah Univ.) UTAH— FUNERAL RITES AND CEREMONIES 378.242 Ericksen, E. Gordon. A sociological study of funeral customs and E68s legal burial requirements in Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1939« (M.S. Thesis, 1939, Utah Univ.). UTAH— FURNITURE 378.242 Kesler, Bonnie Adams. Utah pioneer homes — interior decoration and K42u pioneer objects. [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M.A. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ . ) . UTAH— GAME LAWS 345*2 Utah. Laws, statutes, etc Fish and game laws. Revised for years U95f 1937-1938. Newell B. Cook, State Fish and Game Commissioner. Salt Lake City, 19^7. 84p. UTAH GAS & COKE COMPANY Utah Pam.Utah. Public service commission. 3rief of Ogden Gas Company and Utah v.47 Gas & Coke Company in the matter of the application of John 209 McFadyen and L° Bo Denning, for permission to construct, maintain and operate gas distributing plants <> 106p<> Utah PamoWyer, Samuel So Report on proposed natural gas supply for Salt Vol7 Lake City, Utaho Columbus 0o, The author, 1923, 20p«, UTAH— GAS, NATURAL 553*28 Utah Geological and Mineralogical Surveyo The oil and gas possibil- U896 ties of Utahj compo by George Ho Hansen and Mendell Mo Bello Salt Lake City, College of Mines and Mineral Industries, Univ* of Utah, 1949 o" 341p° UTAH—GENEALOGIES 920 Esshom, Frank Ellwoodo Pioneers and prominent men of Utah, compris- E78p ing photographs, genealogies, biographies o o the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. cEdo de Luxe] Salt Lake City, Utah Pioneers Book Pubo Co*, 1913* 1319p* 780.73 Utaho [General reception committee for President Harding: Special U89s organ recital rendered to President and Mrs« Warren Go Harding on the occasion of their visit to Salt Lake City, June 26-27, 1923° [Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1923: t8]p* UTAH— GEOGRAPHY 378*242 Budge, Seth Elliott© The geography of Bear Valley [Salt Lake B927g City] 1950o 139p° (M0S0 Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ o ) 917«92 Hall, Mosiaho Geography of Utah 9 by Mosiah Hall and Miss L» Mo H178g Qualtrougho [N0Y0] Ginn E c 1912i 18po 553*28 Utah Geological and Mineralogical Surveyo The oil and gas possi- U89o bilities of Utahj compo by George Ho Hansen and Mendell M* Bell* Salt Lake City, College of Mines and Mineral Industries, Univ. of Utah, 1949° 341p° 557%- Utah Geological and Mineralogical Surveyo Intermountain Association U89gb noo5 of Petroleum Geologists o Petroleum geology of the Uinta Basin o Author of articles and road logs? Orlo Eo Childs cand others] Ao Jo Eardley, editor o [Salt Lake City] Distributed by Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey, 1950 * 151p« 557*4 Utah geological societyo Guidebook to the geology of Utaho no*l- U89gb Salt Lake City, 1946- '"Prepared with the cooperation of the Uo So Geological Surveyo" 557*4 Utah geological societyo Guidebooks to the geology of Utah* Each U89gb guidebook is cataloged by author, title and subject* 210 UTAH— GEOLOGY Utah Pam. Davis, William Morris. The basin range problen. 1925. 387-392p. v. 34 "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the national Academy of Sciences, vol. 11, no. 7, July 1925 «" 378.241 Daw, R. H. Geology of the East Tintic contact, by R. H. Daw and J. D269g F. Woolley, jr. [Salt Lake City] 1911. (B.S. Thesis, 1911, Utah Univ . ) . Utah Pam.Deiss, Charles Frederick. Cambrian formations and sections in part v.42 of the Cordilleran Trough. N.Y. Geological Society of America 1938. 1067-ll68p. (Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, vol. 49 )« Utah Pam.Eardley, Armand John. Stratigraphy of the southern Wasatch Moun- v.43 tains, Utah, 1933° 307~344p« "Reprinted from Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, v. 18, 1932." Utah Pam. Huntington, Ellsworth. The Hurricane fault in south-western Utah, v.42 by E. Huntington, and J. W. Goldthwait. Chicago, University of Chicago press, n»d., 46-62p. "Reprinted from the Journal of Geology, vol. XI, no. 1, Jan-Feb., 1903." 557 «4 Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists. Geology of the U89gb no .6 Canyon, House and Confusion Ranges, Millard County, Utah. [Salt Lake City] Distributed by Utah Geological and Mineralog- ical Survey, 1951 » 113p« Utah Pam. International Geological Congress. 15th session, U.S., 1933« v.34 The Salt Lake region. Prepared under the direction of John M. Boutwell. Washington, Govt. Print Off., 1933° 149p. 378.242 Jacobson, A. Thurl. Geology of the North Fork and Upper Duchesne J17g River region. [Salt Lake City] 1941- (M.A. Thesis, 1941, Utah Univ . ) . Utah Pam. Johnson, Douglas Wilson. A geological Excursion in the Grand Can- v.42 yon district. Boston Society of Natural History, 1909 • 135-l6lp. "Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 34, no. 6." Utah Pam. Kay, J. LeRoy. The Tertiary formations of the Uinta Basin, Utah. v.42 1934. 357-371p« "Reprinted from the Annals of the Carnegie Museum. Vol. XXIII, p. 357-371, 1934." 378.242 Kemmerer, John L. "Gilsonite" [Salt Lake City] 1934. (M.S. K31g Thesis, 1934j Utah Univ.). 378.242 Kemmerer, Mahlon S. Rock alteration at the Tintic Prince mine, K31r North Tintic District, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1935. (M.S. Thesis, 1935, Utah Univ.). Utah Pam. Mathews, Asa A. Lee. Mesozoic stratigraphy of the central Wasatch v.42 mountains. Lorain, 0., 1931* 50-p. (Oberlin College laboratory bulletin, new series, no. 1). 211 378 o 242 Morris, Hal To The igneous rocks of the east Tintic mining district* M876i [Salt Lake City] 1947° (MoSo Thesis, 1947, Utah Univ.)© 378 ©241 Pack, Fred James o Some salient features in Utah geology o [Salt P119s Lake City] 1904o (BoSo Thesis, 1904, Utah Univ.). 378°242 Payne, Anthony© Hydrcthermai Doiomitization of Cambrian sediments, P346h Tintic district, Utaho (MoS© Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ©)© Utah Pam°Schneider, Hyrumo Geologic processes and their relation to human vo42, 68 activities in Utaho 159-l62p© (Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, vclo XII) o 557°4 Speiker, Edmund Mauteo The transition between the Colorado plateaus U89gb nOo4 and the Great Basin in Central Utaho Salt Lake City, Utah Geo- logical Society, 1949° 106po 378o 241 Taylor, Edward Ao Local geological phenomena o [Salt Lake City] T239i nodo (Thesis, Utah Univo)o Doco A19ol3 Thomas, Harold Edgar© oooGeology and ground-water resources of 993 Cedar City and Parowan valleys, Iron county, Utah, by Ho E© Thomas and Go Ho Taylor° Prepared in cooperation with the state of Utaho Eo Ho Watson, state engineer© Washington, U0S0 Govto print o offo, 19460 210p o 557 °4 Utah geological society© Guidebook to the geology of Utah* no. 1- U89gb Salt Lake City, 1946- 557 ©4 Utah geological society© Guidebooks to the geology of Utah© Each U89gb guidebook is cataloged by author, title and subject© Utah Pain© Utaho Universityo Wonders of Utah geology© [Salt Lake City, 1919] vo67.,no©13 24p° 378©242 Wilcken, Phyllis Do The brazer formation in the Beck Spur area, W6665b Central Wasatch Mountain© [Salt Lake City] 1936© (M©S© Thesis, 1936, Utah Uriiv©)© 378°792 Williams, James Stewart© Geological studies in Utah© Logan, A2781 Faculty Assn©, Utah State Agricultural College, 1948© 24p© F143r no ©7 378 ©241 Woodbury, Harrison Bray© The geology of the north end of the Oquirrh W884g mountains, by Harrison Bray Woodbury and Levi Muir© [Salt Lake City] 1909© (BoSo Thesis, 1909, Utah Univ©)© UTAH— GEOLOGY— COALVILLE 378 ©242 Peterson, Reed Ho Microfossils and correlation of part of the P485m Frontier formation, Coalville, Utah© (M.S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ © ) © 212 UTAH—GEOLOGY— HENRY MOUNTAINS 557°4 Hunt, Charles Butlero Guidebook to the geology and geography of U89gb nool the Henry Mountain region « Salt Lake City, Utah geological society r 1946 o 51p° UTAH— GEOLOGY— IRON SPRINGS 557 °4 Mackin, Joseph Hoover o Some structural features of the intrusions U89gb noo2 in the Iron Springs district o Salt Lake City, Utah geologi- cal society, 1947° 62p<> UTAH— GEOLOGY— LA SAL MOUNTAINS Utah PamoGould, Laurence McKinleyo Geology of La Sal Mountains of Utah* v. 43 1926o "Reprinted from Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Papers, volo VII, 1926 o" UTAH— GEOLOGY— NEWHOUSE 378c241 Jensen, Josephu Some salient features of the geology of Newhouse, J543s Utah, and vicinity, by Joseph Jensen, Ro Co Towler, Ralf R. Wooley, Ernest So Bowman, Ho Eo Havener and Vo 3o Herbst. [Salt Lake City] 1908o 35p (B0S0 Thesis, 1908, Utah Univ.). UTAH— GEOLOGY— PIUTE COUNTY 378.242 Amin, Surendra Ro Heavy mineral study of the intrusive rock's of A517h the Antelope range, Piute County, Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1950. (MoS. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univo). UTAH— GEOLOGY— SALT DOME REGION 557°4 Stokes, William Leeo Geology of the Utah-Colorado Salt Dome region, U89gb noo3 with emphasis on Gypsum Valley, Colorado. Salt Lake City, Utah geological society, 1948 o 50p o UTAH— GEOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHIC Utah Pam.Gunnell, Frank Ho The Brazer formation of northern Utah and its Vo43 Telotremate Brochiopodso 282-?01p o (in The American Midland Naturalist, volo XIII, no. 5, Septo 1932). UTAH— GEOLOGY— WASATCH MOUNTAINS 557*4 Hintze, Ferdinand Friis, Jr<> ..oA contribution to the geology of U89h the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, by Ferdinand Friis Hintze, jr. (in New York Academy of Sciences. Annals. New York, Dec, 1913* 23cm. p.85-143° v. pi., foldc map, diagrs.). 213 UTAH—GOLD MINES AND MINING 979*205 Those old Spanish gold mines, (in Utah historical quarterly. U89 v.9 Salt Lake City, 1941° 23cm<> v.9, p. c .29 3-131* Utah Pam .Warren, Henry Lo Jo Mercer gold fields, the Johannesburg of Vo72,no.l America; a new and reliable description of Utah 1 s great gold district o Salt Lake City, Rio Grande Western Railway, 1896. 24p< UTAH—GOLF Utah Pam. The forty-fourth annual Western Open Golf Championship; a centennial V.13 sports feature sponsored jointly by the Utah Centennial Commis- sion and the Utah Golf Association; played at the Salt Lake County Club, Aug* 29, 30, 21 and Septo 1, 1947 . 63p<> UTAH— GOSPEL MISSION 289*305 Light on Mormonism. The little encyclopedia of Mormonism; being L724/ the o.o volumes of Light on Mormonismo Vol- 1922; 1927- Cleveland, Utah Gospel Mission, 1907° Utah Pam.Utah Gospel Mission, Cleveland o The teachings of Mormonism and v.59,no«4 Christianity compared- with the Bible and sound reason about the Bible and revelation, sin and salvationooo 6th edo rev. Cleveland, 1922. 80p o Utah Pam. Utah Gospel Mission, Cleveland o The wonderful book; the Bible a v.59,no.3 miracle in its making, its keeping, its contents. o. 7th ed. rev. Cleveland, 1937 [1906] 103p» UTAH— GOVERNMENT 353*9792 Utah. Governoro Committee to Investigate the Work of the Uni- G7213ir versity of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College, 191+2. » Report of the Committee appointed by Governor Herbert B. Maw. Roy D. Thatcher, chairman. [Salt Lake City, 1943] » 353<>9792 Ericksen, Ephraim Edwardo A commentary upon the majority report. G7213ire [Salt Lake City, 1943?]° 353*9792 Fonnesbeck, Leon° Reply to Dr. Ericksen* s Commentary on the maj- G7213irf ority report ° [Salt Lake City, 1943? 3 » UTAH— GROUSE 378o242 Lords, James Lafayette o Distribution, ecology and population dyna- L867d mics of the sage grouse in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1951 » (M0S0 Thesis, 1951* Utah Univo)o 214 UTAH HEALTH BOARDS 378.242 Jones, Garth Nelson. A plan for the consolidation of Salt Lake J77p City and County Health Departments . [Salt Lake City] 1948 (M.S. Thesis, 1948, Utah Univ.). UTAH— HEMIPTERA 378.242 Woodbury, Betty Gunderson. The taxonomy of aquatic and semi-aquatic W884t Hemiptera of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1950. (M.S. Thesis, 1950, Utah Univ. ) ■> 378.242 Peterson, Vadal. An historical study of the Utah High School Ath- P485hi letic Association. [Salt Lake City] 1946. (M.S. Thesis, 1946, Utah Univ.). 979.205 Utah historical quarterly, v.l- 1928- Salt Lake City, U89 Utah State Historical Society. UTAH— HISTORY 979.2 Alter, J. Cecil. Utah, the storied domain, a documentary history A466u of Utah T s eventful career, comprising the thrilling story of her people from the Indians of yesterday to the industrialists of today, by J. Cecil Alter... Utah biography (gratuitously published) by special staff of writers. Chicago and New York, The American historical society, inc., 1932. Utah Pam. Arizona Highways magazine. [Utah issue] Phoenix, Arizona Highway v. 60, no. 12 Depto, 1947 • 32p. 071 Ashton, Wendell J. Voice in the West; biography of a pioneer news- A829v paper. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1950. 424p. 978 Auerbach company. 80 anniversary, 1864-1944. Salt ^ake City, A 91 Utah, Auerbach company [1944]. [22 ]p. 979.2 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Utah. San Francisco, History B213h Co., 1890. 808p. 979*2 Brooks, Juanita. The Mountain Meadows Massacre. Stanford, Stan- B873mo ford University Press [1950]. 243p« 378.242 Call, Louise. History of the children* s service society of Utah. C156h 1884-1941. rSalt Lake City] 1943. (M.S. Thesis, 1943, Utah Univ . ) . 289*3921 Cannon, Frank Jenne. Brigham Young and his Mormon empire, by Frank Y685c J. Cannon and George L. Knapp. New York, F. H. Revell [°19I 7 ], ^98p. 979.2 Carlton, Ambrose B. The wonderlands of the wild West, with sketches C285w of the Mormons, n.p., 1891* "46, c2]p. 215 289°39 Centennial jubilee number, April 6, 1830 - April 6, 1930 cof the] C397 Salt Lake City, Beobachter, Bikuben, Utah Posten, De Utah Nederlandero Salt Lake City, 1930 o Utah PamoC Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] Gold in T 48; side- Vo62,nool5 lights on the historic discovery ° [Salt Lake City, 1948], dOjpo 378o2Zj.2 Cole, Gordono Peter Maughan, Cache Valley Pioneero [Salt Lake C689p City] 1950 » (MoSo Thesis, 1950, Utah Univo)o 378o242 Cooley, Everett Lo The Utah war. [1847-1857 3 [Salt Lake City] C774u 1947° (MoAo Thesis, 1947, Utah Univ»)o 979 °2 Creer, Leland Hargraveo The founding of an empire ; the exploration C913f and colonization of Utah, 1776-1856 o Salt Lake City, Bookcraft [°1947], 454p° 979°2 Creer, Leland Hargraveo oooUtah and the nation, by Leland Hargrave C91 Creer o Seattle, Washo ? University of Washington Press, 1929 • 275p* 979°2 Daughters of Utah pioneers o Heart throbs of the Westo Salt Lake D238h City, Utah, Daughters of Utah pioneers, 1939- Compilers 1939- Mrso Kate Bo Carter o Utah PamoDaughters of Utah Pioneers o Military life in the Westo Compo by Vo70,noo3 Kate Bo Cartero [Salt Lake City] 1940o 36p° 979 <>2 Daughters of Utah Pioneers » Emery County Company o "Castle Valley;" D238c a history of Emery County, compo by Mrso Stella McElprango [nop ] Produced by the Emery County Company of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers c e 1939i 343p° 979° 2 Daughters of Utah Pioneers o Garfield County o Golden nuggets of D238g Pioneer days; history of Garfield Countyo cGarfield County Chapter of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers] c c 1949], 374p° , 979 °2 Daughters of Utah Pioneers o Salt Lake Countyo Tales of a trium- D238t phant people; a history of Salt Lake county, Utah, 1847-1900 « cist edo Salt Lake City, Stevens & Wallis Press, c 1947i, 356p° 979°2 Daughters of Utah Pioneerso Sanpete Countyo Theseooo our fathers; D238th a centennial history of Sanpete county 1849 to 1947 « Spring- ville, Utaho Art City Pubo Coo, 1947° 253p° 979 °2 Daughters of Utah Pioneers o Summit countyo Echoes of yesterday; D238ec Summit county centennial history, compo by Marie Ross Peterson assisted by Marie Mo Pearsono [Salt Lake City, Mountain States Bindery] 1947° 335p° 979 <>2 Daughters of Utah Pioneers o Uintah countyo Builders of Uintah, a D238bu centennial history of Uintah county, 1872 to 1947° Spring- ville, Utah, Art City Pubo Coo, 1947° 347p° 216 979«2 Dwyer, Robert Josepho ...The gentile comes to Utah; a study in reli- D993g gious and social conflict (1862-1890)... by Robert Joseph Dwyer. Washington, Do Co, The Catholic university of America press, 1941. 270p» (PhoDo Thesis, 1941, Catholic university of America) o Utah Pam. Ellis, Charles o v.4 32p e Utah, 1847-1870. Salt Lake City, The author, 1891 o 979«2 Evans, John Henryo The story of Utah, the beehive stateo New York, E92st Macmillan Coo, 1933 » 445p° 378-241 Evans, John Henryo The Utah expedition o E92u (BoSo Thesis, 1906, Utah Univ ) [Salt Lake City] 1906 979«2 Fisher, Mrs. Margaret May (Merrill), comp. Utah and the civil war, F535ut being the story of the part played by the people of Utah in that great conflict, with special reference to the Lot Smith expedition and the Robert T. Burton expedition; compiled and edited by Mar- garet M. Fisher, assisted by C. No Lund and Judge Nephi Jensen, under direction of the J. Qo Knowlton post of the G.A.R. tSalt Lake City, the Deseret Book Company, c 1929]. 173p. 979 <>2 Gardner, Hamilton. History of Lehi, including a biographical section; G22h published by the Lehi pioneer committee, written by Hamilton Gardner. Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret News, 1913° 463p<> 979 °2 Gove, Jesse Augustus . The Utah Expedition, 1857-1858; letters of G721ut Capto Jesse Ao Govt, 10th inf., U.S.A. ... to Mrs. Gove, and special correspondence of the New York Heraldooo edited by Otis Go Hammond. Concord, NoH., New Hampshire Historical Society, 1928o 442p. 979 <>2 Greaves, Halbert Spencer. Public speaking in Utah, 1847 to 1869° G787p [Madison] 1941° (Thesis, Univ. of Wisdonsin)o 282.792 Harris, William Richard. The Catholic Church in Utah, including H317c an exposition of Catholic faith by Bishop Scanlano A review of Spanish and missionary exploration. Tribal divisions, names and regional habitats of the pre-European tribes. The journal of the Franciscan explorers and discoverers of Utah Lake. The trailing of the priests from Santa Fe, N.M., with map of route, illustrations and delimitations of the Great basin . By Very Reverend W. Ro Harriso Salt Lake City, Utah, Intermountain Catholic Press c c 19093- 350p. 289.399 Hickman, William A. Brigham* s destroying angel; being the life, H628b confession and startling disclosures of the notorious Bill Hickman, the Danite chief of Utah. Written by himself, with explanatory notes by J. H. Beadle. New York, Go A. Crofutt, 1872. 219p. 289.3921 Hinckley, Bryant Stringham. Daniel Hammer Wells and events of W453h nis timej by Bryant S. Hinckley. Published by President Heber J. Grant. Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret News Press, 1942. 444p. 217 378° 241 Howells, Benjamin F» H859d system in Utaho Utah Univo ) o The development of the Teutonic township [Salt Lake City} 1911o (BoAo Thesis, 1911, 979o2 H946b 959°2 H94u 378 o 242 J31c 378 o 242 J544h 973 K53h Hunter, Milton Reed. Brigham Young the Colonize To City, The Deseret News, 1940o 383p<> Salt Lake Hunter, Milton Reedo Utah in her western setting, by Milton R. Hunter, Ph.D. 3rd edo Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret News Press, 1944° 604po Jameson, Jesse Harold ° Corinne; a study of a freight transpoint in the Montana trade, 1869 to 1878o [Salt Lake City] 1951* (MoA. Thesis, 1951, Utah Univ.)o Jenson, Willard Conrad <> History of Logan© (MoAo Thesis, 1927, Utah Univ.). cSalt Lake City] 1927 « King, Moses e Handbook of the United States, planned and edo by Moses Kingo Text by Mo Fo Sweetser, over 2600 illuso [and] 51 colored map? Buffalo, Moses King Corpo [=1891]° 939p< 289 o 39 L334P 289 o 399 L758s Larson, Gustive Olof o Prelude to the kingdom; Mormon desert con- quest; a chapter in American cooperative experience . Frances- town, N.H., Marshall Jones Coo, r e 194 7 'J 321p. Linn, William Alexander o The story of the Mormons, from the date of their origin to the year 1901, by William Alexander Linn. New York, The Macmillan company; London, Macmillan & Coo, ltd.^ 1902. 637p° 289 o 39 L778f 979o2 L857m Little, James Amasy. From Kirkland to Salt Lake City, by James A. Little. Salt Lake City, Utah, J. A. Little, 1890. [9]-260p. "This book may be considered an epitome of the motives and experiences of the saints who rejoiced and suffered in the pros- ecutions and exoduses attending the early growth of the Latter- day worko"~-Pref . Longsdorf, Hilda (Madsen) compo Mount Pleasant, 1859-1939; spon- sored by Mto Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association o Lake City, Stevens & Wallis, c 19393 338p. [Salt 979.205 Morgan, Dale Lowello The state of Deseret. tin Utah historical U89 v.8 quarterly. Salt Lake City, 1940. p. s65 3-251) ° A project of the Utah Historical Records Survey. "Constitution of the state of Deseret".; p. cl56 1-163 ° Ordinances of the state of Deseret % p. 163-239° 378o242 Peterson, Ferdinand E. Utah's struggle for statehood. P485u City] 1929° (M.So Thesis, 1929, Utah Univ.). [Salt Lake 572 o 73 Reagan, Albert Bo Some notes on the history of the Uintah basin in R287p northeastern Utah, to 1850. p. 55-64° (in his [Papers on Amer- ican archaeology and ethnology]). Reprinted from Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, VoXI, 1934« 289° 39 Rees v Al-fred Co Blatter- aus der Geschlchte der risti R328b der Heiligen der Letzten Tage| von der Geburt des Prcpheten Joseph Smith bis zur gegenwart igen Ze tZurich, S:-hweizerisch-Deut- schen mission der Kirohe Jesu Chnsti der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, £1902] 204p° 378*242 Rogan, Francis Edward o Patrick Edward Conner, an army officer in R?21p Utah, 1862-1866 o tSalt Lake City: .1952 o 157p° (MoSo Thesis, 1952 , Utah Univo)o 378o 242 Rose^ Blanche o The history of medicine in Utahe tSalt Lake City] R795h 1939 o (M0A0 Thesis, 1939, Utah Univo)o Utah Pamo Smith, George Alberto The rise, progress and travels of the Church vo2 of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsooo including the revelation on celestial marriage and a brief account ettlement of Salt Lake Valleyooo 2d edo Salt Laice City, Deseret News Office, 1872 o 71po Utah Pamo Smith, George Alberto The rise, progress and travels of the Church Vo6l s no<>24 of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; being 5, series of answers to questions, including the revelation on celestial marriage and a brief account of the settlement of Salt Lake Valleyo o Salt Lake City, Printed at the Deseret News Offo, 1869° 49p° 979 °2 Sutton, Wain, edo Utah, a centenru ry«> New York, Lewis His- S967u torical Pubo Coo, 1949° 378o242 Sylvester,, Robert Ho Dr° John Milton Bernhiseis Utah iele- S985d gate to Congress*. cSait Lake City] 1947° (MoSo Thesis, 1947, Utah Univo)o 979o2 Tullidge, Edward Wheelocko Northern Utah and T918n Salt "Lake City, Juvenile Instructor, i889° 440, 3 978 Tuttle^ Daniel Sylvester o Remin T96 by the Right Revo Do So Tuttleo Mew York, To Whitt&kei x90c j 498po Utah PamoUtaho Centennial Commission o Thi 'he pi dial, Vo80,noo8 1847-1947 o .'Salt Lake City, e 1947l '5p° Utah Pamo The Utah pioneers, celebration of the entrance of 1 | oneers Vo60,nOo2 into Great Salt Lake Valley, thirty iry, July 24, I880o Salt Lake City, Deseret News Print o and Pubo tabli shment , 1880 5 2p o 979o2 Warrum, Noble, edo Utah since need, liisl nd bicgraph- W29 icalo Edo by Noble Warrum,, a bed by Hon- Ch i Morse for Bench and bar, and Wo Brown Ewing for the medical chapt • Chicago, Salt Lake City, So Jo Clarke Pubo Co 1919 « 917o9 White, Douglas o The story of a trail, being an authentic record W583s of the breaking of the Mormon 1 between the Inter -mo-.. tain empire and California^ "Land c nine" with the story 21 1 of the founding and building along this historic pioneer highway of the Salt Lake route; a description of the marvelous resources contained within the area tributary to this new and direct line of railway now in operation between the Rocky Moun- tains and the Pacific © Los Angeles ; San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, 1905c 173p© 979«2 Whitney, Orson Fergusono History of Utah, comprising preliminary W62 chapters of the previous history of her founders, accounts of early Spanish and American explorations in the Rocky Mountain region, the advent of the Mormon pioneers, the establishment and dissolution of the provisional government of the State of Deseret, and the subsequent creation and development of the terri- tory © By Orson Fo Whitney o Salt Lake City, Utah, G« Qo Cannon & Sons Coo, 1892-1904- 979 ©2 Whitney, Orson Fergusono The making of a state; a school history W62Lm of Utaho Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1908 © 327p° 979°2 Whitney, Orson Fergusono Popular history of Utah, by Orson Fo Whit- W62p neyo Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret News, 1916. 2p©l.,588p. 979°2 Woodbury, Angus Mo A history of Southern Utah and its national W884 parks [Salt Lake City, Utah State Historical Society, 1950] Revo and reprinted from Utah Historical Quarterly, volo 12, nos. 3-4, July-October, 1944" 917°92 Writers* programo Utaho Utah* s story, compo by Workers of the W956u Writers 1 program of the Work Projects -Administration for the state of Utaho Sponsored by the Utah State Institute of Fine Arts, co-sponsored by the Utah State Road Commission, coopera- tion of Utah State Dept© of Publicity and Industrial Development o Salt Lake City r- b 1942io 90p© 979°2 Young, Levi Edgar© Chief episodes in the history of Utah, by Levi Y73c Edgar Young o Chicago, The Lakeside press, 1912 « 51p» 979°2 Young, Levi Edgar© The founding of Utah© New York, C© Scribner's Sons c Weekly Union Vedette, Jan. 14, 1864, filmed between Jano 1 and Jano 5, 1864 issues of Daily Union Vedette <> Film Murray Eagle, volso 1= 5 Murray, Utah, 1891- j reels . Micro- film copy, Negative o Made by the Universal Microfilming Corp<>, 1951- s Weekly. 059 The Salt Lake Daily Herald o Annual for the year 1882, with tables S176a calculated for this latitude <> Salt Lake City, 1882 o Ivo Film Salt Lake Daily Telegrapho vo l-v<> 6, July 4* 1864-Dec 22, 1869° 221-226 Salt Lake City, Ogden, 1864-1868 . 6 reels. Microfilm copy, Positive. Made by the Universal Microfilming Corp., 1951° Film The Southern Utonian, Vc 9-y<> 16, Mar. 21, 1889- Jan « 21, 1896. 235 Beaver City, Utah, 1889-1896. 1 reel. Microfilm copy, Negative. Made by the Universal Microfilming Corp., 1951° Periodical Tullidge* s quarterly magazine. Salt Lake City, E. W. Tullidge, Treasure rm° Oct. 1880-April, 1885° 3 v. plates, ports. 25 cm. v»3 contains a history of Salt Lake City. Film U. S. National Archives. Records of the office of the Adjutant- 178 General \ post returns, Fort Douglas, Utah, Oct. 1862 to Dec. 1865° Washington, Do C, National Archives General Service Administration, 1934° 14 ft.o Microfilm copy, made in 1950. Negative . Film . U. S. National Archives. State department territorial papers. 176-177 Utah series, April 30, 1853 to Dec. 24, 1859? Jan. 5, I860 to Jan. 3, 1873° Washington, D. C, 1942. 2 reels, (its File microcopy no. 12, rolls 1, 2) Microfilm copy, Positive. Film The Wasatch Wave, cols. 1= Heber, Utah, March 23, 1889- reels. Microfilm copy. Negative. Made by the Universal Microfilming Corp., Salt Lake City, 1951- Weekly. Periodical The Western Galaxy; Tullidge' s illustrated monthly. Salt Lake Treasure Rm. City, E. W. Tullidge, March-June, 1888. 1 v. illus., plates, ports. 25 cmo Monthly. UTAH—HISTORY— SOURCES— BIBLIOGRAPHY 061 Utaho University. Utah Humanities Research Foundation. A biblio- U89 v.38 graphy of the archives of the Utah Humanities Research Founda- tion, 1944-1947° Comp. by Hector Lee. Salt Lake City [19473 41 p° (Utah. University. Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 9) UTAH—HISTORY- -STUDY AND TEACHING 353°9792 Utaho Depto of public i; '.lorio Community beginnings in Utah© P976com [Salt Lake City] 1946 o 228/ Typewritten . 353°9792 Utaho Department of public instruction o Meeting community needs P976m in Utaho Salt Lake City, 1949 ° vii, 203 p° illuso Reproduced from typewritten ccpyo 353»9792 Utaho Department of public instruction <> Salt Lake City. 1949° P976uc Utah's community beginnings o viii, 249p° illuso Reproduced from typewritten copyo 353o9792 Utaho Department of public instruction Utah's land and early P976ul people o Salt Lake City, 1947° 143po illuso Reproduced from typewritten copyo UTAH— HOUSE DECORATION 378o242 Kesler, Bonnie Adams o Utah pioneer homes- -interior decoration and K42u pioneer objects o [Salt Lake City] 1950° vii, 125/° illuso Thesis (MoAo 1950) — -Art department, University of Utaho UTAH—HOUSING 378o242 Linford, Ao Merrill o A study of housing conditions of single non- 17543 resident male students at the University of Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1948o v, 86 numbo £<> form, tables * 29cmo Thesis (M0S0 1948) Department of social education, University of Utaho UTAH--HYGIENE, PUBLIC 378o242 Jones, Garth Nelson o A plan for the consolidation of Salt Lake J77p City and County Health Department rSalt Lake City: 1948. 5po/o, 96 numboio illuso, tables 29 cmo Thesis (M0S0 1948) Department of political science, University of Utaho 353°9792 Utaho Public health association Committee on public health educa- P976hc tiono "Community health organizations," a compilation of sug- gestions to community leaders interested in effective organi- zation for the accomplishment of more adequate public health measures o rl938]o 26p« UTAH- IDAHO SUGAR COMPANY 664°1 Taylor, Fred Green, 187 A saga of sugar, being a story of the T241s romance and development of beet sugar in the Rocky mountain West, by Fred Go Tayl cSalt Lake City, Utah Idaho Sugar Co< 1944] 8 po/o, 234p^ illuso, plates, ports o (l colo) 23 1/2 cm< Primarily a history of the growth of the Utah- Idaho Sugar Co. 223 UTAH~- INDIANS 979o205 Alter, Jo Cecil, 1897- edo Some useful early Utah Indian refer- U89 vol»2 enceso (In Utah historical quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1928-29 o 23cmo vol, p 26-32, 52»56, 75-86, 106-113; vo2, p.18-25, 46-54) • Excerpts from the writings of Lahontan, Garces, and Escalanteo 979o205 Alter, Jo Cecil, 1879-= Wo Ac Ferris in Utah, 1830-1835 - (in Utah U89 Vo9 historical quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1941° 23cmo v«9,po[81]~ 108 o illuso) 979»205 Bennion, Israel, i860- Indian reminiscences o (in Utah histori- U89 v»3 cal quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1929° 23cmo vo3, pc433-46)o 979<>205 Empey, Jessie Ko The last squaw fight o (in Utah historical quar- U89 vo9 terlyo Salt Lake City, 194i« 23cm» vo9, p» tl37 3-140 )• 979o205 Farrow, Eo Ao The Kaibab Indianso (in Utah historical quarterlyo U89 Vo3 Salt Lake City, 1930 o 23cmo V o3, p»57-59)o 979o205 Gibbs, Josiah Francis, 1845- Black Hawk's last raid - 1865« (in U89 Vo4 Utah historical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1931" 23cm« v°4, pot99 3-108 o map)o 979o205 HambUn, Jacob, 1819-1886 o Early days in "Utah's Dixie <>" (in Utah U89 v«5 historical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1932o 23cmo Vo5,p [131]- 134° illuso) Reprinted from the Deseret News, April 4? 1855 • 979o205 Lyman, Albert Ro Pahute biscuits o (in Utah historical quarterlyo U89 vo3 Salt Lake City, 1930c 23cmo Yo3, p<,118-120)o 979° 205 Palmer, William Ro 1877- Pahute Indian government and lawso U89 vo3 (In Utah historical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1929 « 23cmo v»3, p c353-42)o 979°205 Palmer, William Ro 1877- Pahute Indian homelands o (in Utah U89 vo6 historical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1933o 23cm« vo6, p« 88-102 o map)» 979o205 Palmer, William Ro 1.877- Utah Indians past and present; an U89 Vol etymological and historical study of tribes and tribal names from original sources o (In Utah historical quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1928o 23cmo vol, pot35]-5'2o ports») 378 o 242 Reese, John Major » The Indian problem in Utah, 1849-1868 o [Salt R3295i Lake City] 1943o vi,127, numb./. 29cmo Thesis (MoSo 1943)-- Department of history, University of Utaho 979»205 Reminiscences of the early days of Mantio (in Utah historical quar- U89 Vo6 terlyo Salt Lake City, 1933<> 23cmo Vo6, p o 117-123 )« Reprinted from the Home sentinel, Manti, Utaho 979»205 Snow, William James, 1869- Utah Indians and Spanish slave trade o U89 Vo2 (In Utah historical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1929 o 23cmo vo2, p D i:67]-73o illuso) 22u 979 °205 Some source document; on Utah Indian slavery o (in Utah historical U89 Vo2 quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1929 ° 23cm Vo2 s p c 73-9' 979°205 Taylor, Eli F» Indian reservations in Utahu (in Utah historical U89 Vo4 quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1931° 23cmo Vo4,p°29-31) ° 378o2i+3 Tyler, Samuel Lymano Before Escalante, an early history of the Yuta T984b Indians and the area north of New Mexico o [Salt Lake City] 1951" ix, 231 numbo^o mapso Thesis (Ph°Do 1951) — Dept o of History, Univo of Utaho 979°205 Wells, Daniel Hanmer, 1814-1891° Daniel Ho We narrative« (in U89 vo6 Utah historical quarterlyo Salt Lake City, 1933° 23cmo vo6 p 124-132) Reproduced from MS at the Bancroft Library, Berk- eley, California o 979° 2 Woodbury, Angus Mo 1886- A history of Southern Utah and its W884 national parks o cSalt Lake City, Utaho State Historical Soc- iety, 1950] pol09-223 photos o Revo and reprinted from Utah His- torical Quarterly, volo 12, noso 3-4, July-October, 1944° UTAH— IND IANS--EDUCATION 378°242 Call, Verne P° A speech and hearing survey of Navajo Indian children C1563s at the Inter-Mountain Indian School, Brigham City, Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1952 » 93/° tables o Thesis (M0S0, 1952)— Dept* of Speech, Univo of Utaho UTAH— INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION 353°9792 Utaho Industrial Commissiono Unemployment compensationo Chapter 1, I38un Laws of Utah, 1936° As amended by laws of Utah, 1937° [Salt Lake City? 1938?] l6p D 353°9792 Utaho Industrial commissiono Minimum wage divisiono Report on cost I42r of living survey and wage studies,. [Salt Lake City] 1939° 79p° tables o 331 °88 Utaho Industrial union council o Proceedings of the annual ccnven- U95i tion, Salt Lake Cityo 19- UTAH— INDUSTRIES 378°242 Crook, John Go The development of early industry and trade in Utaho C948d [Salt Lake City] 1926 o 8p»/o, 136 numb/o, tables » 29cmo Thesis (M0A0 1926)— Dept o of history, University of Utaho 338o09792Cutler v Ivan Bo "This is the place" for industrial development C989t cSalt Lake City, The author, 1947] 15/° Typewritten * Utah PamoDefense Plant Corporation o Defense plants of Utah, general datao v»72,no«17 Washington, 194- ° Various pagings, illuso, plans o (In Utah Pamphlets o Vo72,nool7)° Utah PamoDenver and Ric Grande Western Railroad Company o The agricultural, Vo58 manufacturing > mineral and range productions of Utah; with a list of wholesale dealers in the sameooo 1887° 40p o (in Utah Pamphlets vo5'8) "Traffic department o Circular no» 3°" 979 °2 The Deeeret Newso Utah, The inland empire? the story of the pioneers, DZ4.5IU resources and industries of the state , attractions of Salt Lake City, leading men of the community o Salt Lake City, 1902 o 110p< illuso, port So 378o242 Doxey, Willard Binghamo Industrial uses of water o D754i 1947 o 7po/o ? 123 numb/, tables o 29cm Thesis Depto)— University of Utaho [Salt Lake City] (M0S0 Business 378o241 Hemmert, Lyman Wo Factors concerning mineral wool as an insulation H489f and the mineral wool industry in Utaho tSalt Lake City: 1937° 6polo,68 s 7 numb 0/0 tables 29cm<> Thesis (B0S0 1937) Depto of civil engineering, University of Utaho 979 °2 Kenner, Scipio Africanuso Utah as it is, with a comprehensive state- K36u ment of Utah as it was| showing the founding, growth and present- status of the commonwealth o Salt Lake City, The Deseret News, 1904o 639p° front o s illus o s port So 378o241 Kerr, Andrew Affleck o K41e Utah, flax, silk, The early history of the textile industry in cotton and woolo tSalt Lake City] 1907° lp< /o, 115 numb 0/0 29cm o Thesis (B0A0 1907) Department of arts and sciences. University of Utaho Utah PamoLewis, Jack Do The development of manufacturing industry in the Vo72,nool3 state of Utaho rnopo] 1949° Typewritten o 9/° (in Utah Pam- phletso Vo72 s noo 13) o "Submitted in the third annual competi- tion for the Toulmin award o 378o 242 M486h 378o 242 048d 378o 242 R529s Mecham, Everett- Ho The history of the sheep industry in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1928o 3p°/° 9 89 numb./., tables » 29cmo Thesis (M0A0 1925)— Department of history, University of Utaho Oliver, Burton Mo The development of the beet sugar industry in Utah and its economic effect So tSalt Lake City] 1926° lpo/o, vii 140 numb 0/0 diagrso, tables o 29cmo Thesis (M0S0 1926) Department of economics, Univo of Utaho Riches, L. Victor o The steel using industries of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1951° vii, 187 numbo/o tableso Thesis (M.S. 1951) — University of Utaho 37$°242 Robeinson 9 Maurineo Some basic features of migration, occupational R663s distribution and income flows into Utaho cSalt Lake City] 1942 o 4p°^°» 84 numb 0/0, iii numb./., diagrso tables 29cmo Thesis (Mo So 194< )■ Department of economics, Univo of Utaho 378o242 Robinson, Reece So Some economic factors determining the establish- R663so ment of a glass industry in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1938 o 4p°/°, 218 numb^o diagrso, tables 29cm« Thesis (M0S0 1938) Depto of Bus- iness, Univo of Utaho 226 Utah PamoSalt Lake Cityo Chamber of Commerce o Salt Lake City and Utah? v°U& general survey and industrial analysis* 192/*.? 45 p° illuso, mapo (in Utah Pamphlets, Vo48) 917 = 92 Union Pacific railroad company <> Resources of the state of Utaho U577r 2J+th edo Omaha, Nebo, Union Pacific railroad company, 1911<> 116 po 20cm o 338.097 Uo So National Recovery Administrationo Utaho Code of fair com- U58c petition for the [various industries and trades in] the state of Utah, 1933-34° Salt Lake City retco] Chamber of Commerce Administration Office? Washington, Do Co, Govo Printo Offo [19341 2 vo Utah PamoUtah Associated Industries, Salt Lake Cityo Report of proceedings Vc72no»2 [of] Utah Industrial Council o Annual dinner meeting of the Utah Associated Industries, November 7, 1927° Salt Lake City, 1927* 106p (in Utah Pamphlets© Vo72, no»2)o 353°9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operations of State Government o Domestic G722d and foreign corporation study, state salary comparisons and life insurance survey o [Salt Lake City, 1936] 104p° table So 353°9792 Utaho Department of employment security° Analysis of wages in E55 aw excess of .$3,000 per yearo [Salt Lake City] 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment security o Beaver — Millard — Juab coun- E55uip ties, industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° tSalt Lake B386 City, 1947 3 38p» table s. 353«9792 Utaho Depto of employment securityo Business births and deaths E55b in Utah, 1942-1945° Employer's accounts removed from or added to coverage under the Utah Employment Security Act tabulated by reason, size-of -firm and industry according to effective dates of liability o [Salt Lake City, 1946] Mimeographed » unp» tables, charts o 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment securityo Carbon— Emery- -Grand- — San E55uip Juan counties, industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947 » C264 [Salt Lake City, 1947] 49p table s. 35 3° 9792 Utaho Depto of employment security o Duchesne- -Uintah- -Daggett E55uip counties, industrial pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt D829 Lake City, 1947] 37p° tableso 353*9792 Utaho Depto of employment security o Employment in Utah industries E55es 1944 (On national "3-digit" basis" [Salt Lake City] Reproduced from typewritten copyo 35 3 °9792 Utaho Depto of employment securityo Utah employment subject to E55ut unemployment insurance, 1942-1945° [Salt Lake City] 1946 o 14 numbo £0 diagrso 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment security o Utah industrial pattern as of E55uip September 30, 1947, with data by counties [Salt Lake City, 1947] 227 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment security.. Utah manufacturing guide o E55umg [Salt Lake City] 35 3« 9792 Utaho Depto of employment security o Utah non-manufacturing guide » E55ung Utah non-manufacturing firms classified according to major industrial activity, 4 digit detailed 'bases, Social security industrial, classification codec iSalt Lake City] 1947 • 20p© tables o 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment security© Utah statistical tables — pay- E55stp roll and employment, 1937-1943 ° tSalt Lake City] 1945 « unpaged o diagrso 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment securityo Wasatch— Summit counties indus- E55uip trial pattern as of September 30, 1947° [Salt Lake City, 19473 ¥312 24p« tables o 330o9792 Utah economic and business reviewo Vol, noo 1- Dec© 1941- Salt U891 Lake City, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, School of Business, Univo of Utaho v° illuso, maps, diagrso, table s. 28- 29 cmo 353°9792 Utaho State planning board o A series of industrial studies for P712se Utah - 1935° tSalt Lake City] 1936o 8 p©/©, 106 numb©/© maps, tables, diagrso 27 1/2 cmo Mimeographed o UTAH—INDUSTRIES— BIBLIOGRAPHY 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment security© A guide to Utah employment, E55g industrial and occupational information o tSalt Lake City] 1947° 44 P° forms o Guide to published material in this field© UTAH— INSANE HOSPITALS 378 ©242 McKell, Charles Roberto History of the Utah State Hospital, Provoo M154h A study of the evolution of public care for the mentally illo [Salt Lake City] 1948 ix, 172 numboi. tables, forms © 29cmo Thesis ^M©S© 1948) Department of sociology, Univ« of Utaho Utah PamoUtaho State Hospital, Provoo Report© oc vo Biennial (in Utah vo51 Pamphlets, v©51)° UTAH— INSECTS 378 © 242 Bell, Ian L© A study of the sucking lice (Anoplura) on rodents in B433s Utah© cSalt Lake City] 1950© 55 numb©/© xi plates© Thesis (M0S0 1950)— Depto of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology, Univo of Utah© 378*242 Edmunds, George Fo, Jr©, A preliminary study of the mayflies of E24p Utah© [Salt Lake City] 1946© 13p©/©, 281 numb©/©, 29/. diagrs. 29 cm© Thesis (M©S© 1946)— -Dept© of Biology, Univ© of Utah.. 228 378.242 Gaumer, Rowland Eastman . Taxonomy of some Utah aquatic mites G271t (Hydracarina) with notes on their biology . [Salt Lake City] 1952. Thesis (M.S. 1952)— Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology, University of Utah. 378.242 Graham, Jay E. A preliminary study of the gnats or midges of the G739p tribe Tendipedini in northern Utah. tSalt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950) — Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology. 378.242 Larsen, Wesley Pratt » The dragonflies (Anisoptera) of Utah. [Salt L3342d Lake City] 1952. 95p» Thesis (M.S. 1952)— Depto of Zoology, University of Utah. 378.242 Lewis, Warren. The taxonomy and notes on bionomics and control of L677t the Tabanidae of Salt Lake County, Utah. tSalt Lake City] 1949. Thesis (M.S. 1949)— Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology, Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Madsen, Marion J. Aquatic insects of City Creek. [Salt Lake City] M183a 1931. Thesis (M.A. 1931 )— Dept. of Zoology, Univo of Utah. 378.242 Sedman, Yale S. The Syrphidae of Utah. tSalt Lake City] 1952. S449 Thesis (M.S. 1952) — Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology. Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Stark, Harold I S7955P City] 1948. A preliminary study of Utah fleas. tSalt Lake Thesis (M.S. 1948) Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Smith, James Victor. A study of the control of the gnat, Lepto- S6517s conops kerteszi var. americanus Carter, in North Salt Lake City, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 195O) — Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology. Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Todd, George Kendall. The adult water beetles of the Provo River. T6342a [Salt Lake City] 1952. Thesis (MoS., 1952)— Dept. of Inverte brate Zoology and Entomology, University of Utah. 378.242 Tuft, Theodore 0. A study of the effectiveness of biological control T914s program on the European earwig in Salt Lake City, Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950)— Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology, Univ. of Utah. UTAH— INSURANCE LAW 353*9792 Utah. Dept. of employment security. Utah unemployment insurance, E55u program standards and history. [Salt Lake City] 1950. "331.254 Crandall, Lowell W. Proposed revision of Utah T s unemployment insur- C891p ance law; a supplementary report submitted to the Utah Legisla- tive Council on its project no. 8. [Salt Lake City? 1948] 331.2544 Crandall, Lowell W. A summary of the comparisons between the "Pay- C891s roll Variation Plan" and the "Benefit-ratio Plan" of paying un- employment insurance. [Salt Lake City?] 1948. Mimeographed. 229 353°9792 Utaho Depto of employment security «> Postwar solvency study of the E55pos Utah unemployment reserve fundo tSalt Lake City] December, 1943' 35 3 o 9792 Utaho Industrial Commission o Unemployment compensation <> Chapter I38un 1, Laws of Utah, 1936 » As amended by Laws of Utah, 1937° [Salt Lake City? 1938?] l6p» 35 3 °9792 Utaho Depto of employment security o Utah unemployment insurance, E55u program standards and history o tSalt Lake City] 1950 » UTAH— IRON INDUSTRY AND TRADE 37&o242 Gardner, Alexander Jo The regional competition of the iron industryo G226r A comparison of the economic conditions influencing the exploi- tation of the iron ore areas of the United ' States showing the relative position of the development in Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1932 o Thesis (M.A. 1932) —Department of economics, Univ. of Utaho 378o242 Hobson, George Co Coal and iron ore in their relation to the develop- H684h ment of an iron and steel industry in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1932o Thesis (MoAo 1932)— Department of economics, Univ o of Utaho 378o242 Justesen, Osmono Early day iron mining in Utaho cSalt Lake City] J96e 1918 o Thesis (MoAo 1918) —Department of history, Univo of Utaho 3 30c 9792 Mahoney, Jo Rolla, 1894- Basic factors affecting the economic US 91 soundness of the developing iron and steel industry of Utah and vol,no<>4 the Westo Salt Lake City, 1944-45° 2v° (Utah economic and business review, Vo 3-4)° Based on a study by the staff of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research o UTAH-— IRON ORES 061 Lewis, John Ro Rate of reduction of Geneva iron ore© Salt Lake U89 v»38 City, Univo of Utah, 1947° 15p° (Utaho Universityo Engineer- ing Experiment Station o Department of Metallurgical Engineering Bulletin, noo 35)° UTAH— IRRIGATION 631°7 Brough, Charles Hillman, 1876-1935° Irrigation in Utah, by Charles B875i Hillman Brough o Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1898° 212p» 630 08 Harris, Franklin Stewart , 1884- ^Scientific papers of Fo So Harris. H314s Vopo, vodo] 2vo 631<>7 Mead, Elwood, 1858- Report of irrigation investigations in Utah, M/+79r under the direction of Elwood Mead, chief of irrigation investi- gations, assisted by Ro Po Teele cand others] Washington, Govto Print o Offo, 1903° 330p° (Uo So Depto of Agriculture o Office of Experiment Stations o Bulletin Nco 124 )o 230 631»7 Thomas. George., 1866- Early irrigation in the Western States <> T45e [Salt Lake' City: Univo of Utah, 19480 63p» 627-1 U. So Bureau of Reclamation «. Dixie project, Utah. [Proposed] U58d project planning report noo 3-8b° 18 & 20-0 o : Washington, Govt. Print o Office?] Nov 0j 1949° Mimeographed (various paging ) 627 °1 U. So Bureau cf Reclamation-. Emery County project;, Utahe Salt U58e Lake City, September 1947° Mimeographed , vi, 79p° Utah Pam.Utah (Territory) Irrigation Commissiono Report of the Irrigation v.77,noo29 Commission cf the territory of Utah to the third National Irri- gation Congress assembled at Denver, Colorado, Septo 3-10, 1894° Comp« and prepared by Charles Lo Stevenson o Salt Lake City, Ackerman Print Coo„ 1894° 24p° (in Utah Pamphlets, v.77,no.29). UTAH— JAPANESE 378o242 Aoki, Hisa» Functional analysis of mono-racial ingroups? Nisei A638f congeniality primary groups on the University of Utah campus. [Salt Lake City, 1950 1 Thesis (MoSo-1950}— Depto of Sociology University of Utah. 378.242 Marayama, Takuya o Factors involved in the changing size of selec- M389f ted Japanese families in Salt Lake City through three genera- tions o [Salt Lake City] 1950o Thesis (MoS»-1950)— Dept. of Sociology, University cf Utaho UTAH—JORDAN RIVER 378.242 Knight ? Ralph A. Sanitary survey of the Jordan River-o [Salt K71s Lake City] 1949 ° Thesis (M0S0 1949) — tDepto of Bacteriology] Univo of Utaho UTAH— JOURNALISM 071 Alter, Jo Cecil, 1879- Early Utah journalism-, a half century of A/+66e forensic warfare, waged by the West*s most militant press. By© Jo Cecil Alter; 81 i.lluso Salt Lake City, Utah State histori- cal society, 1938. 378. 242 Mulder, William. Utah* s Nordic-language press; aspect and instru- M954 ment of immigrant culture o rSalt Lake City] 1947° Thesis (M.A. 1947) Department of English « University of Utaho 378.242 Robertson, A. Richardo A comparative history of periodicals of the R6488co Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints o [Salt Lake City] 1951* Thesis (M.So-1951) — Depto of Journalism, Univo of Utah. 378.242 Tatai , Koh- Sports coverage of the weekly, daily and international T2l65s newspapers and their reflections or the Utah press . [Salt Lake 231 City] 1951 o Thesis (MoSo 1951)— Depto of Journalism, Univo of Utah o ^ UTAH— JOURNALISM—STUDY AND TEACHING 378o2i+2 Reynolds, Gertrude o A study of curriculum methods of journalism R463s education in high schoolo tSalt Lake City] 1952 o Thesis (MoS« 1952)— Depto of Journal! sm 5 Univo of Utaho UTAH— JUNIOR COLLEGES 378o243 Cross, William Carlo Student personnel services in Utah public junior C951s colleges o [Salt Lake City] 1952 Thesis (EdoDo 1952)— Depto of Educational Psychology, Univo of Utaho UTAH—JUVENILE COURTS 364°36 National Probation and Parole Associationo Juvenile courts in Utah; N277J report of a statewise survey « tNew York City, 1929] 79p» UTAH— JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 378o242 Tatton, Donald Fred, 1920- A survey of the attitudes of four T221s groups of parents in the Salt Lake area toward the Utah State Industrial School established as a treatment and rehabilitation center for juvenile delinquents o iSalt Lake City] 1950 « Thesis (MSW 1950)— Graduate School of Social Work, Univo of Utah. 338«9792 Beal, Owen Franklin, 1882- The labor legislation of Utah, with B366i special reference to the period of statehood o Logan, Utah, 1922 » 130p o Thesis—Columbia Univo UTAH—LABOR SUPPLY 331<>137 Utaho Universityo Bureau of Economic and Business Researcho Utah U89eb economy; employment trends, seasonality, economic patterns, fu- ture outlook 000 prepared by Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah, eand] Department of Employment Security,. Industrial Commission of Utaho tSalt Lake City] Sep- tember 1950 o 127p« mimeographed o UTAH LAKE 378o242 Beeley, Stephen Johnson v 1924- The archeology of a Utah Lake siteo B4144a [Salt Lake City, 1946°] Thesis (M0S0 1946)— Department of socio- logy and anthropology, University of Utah. 5 32 UTAH— LAND— TAXATION 35 3 "9792 Utaho Committee to study cpe rat inns of state government * Report G722rh of the sub-committees on the Homestead exemption proposal and taxation* October, 1936o [Salt Lake City? 1935 :• UTAH— LAW— BIBLIOGRAPHY Utah PamoUtaho State law library* Catalogue of the Utah state library o v*65 Comp* by Ho Wo Griffith [etc*] Salt Lake City, Kelly, retco] 1896- (In Utah Pamphlets) Utah PamoUtah (Territory) Library* Catalogue of the Utah Territorial libraryo vc65 Salt Lake City, I85O-I8960 (in Utah Pamphlets )o UTAHo LAWS, STATUTES, ETCo- 979o205 Morgan, Dale Lowell, 1914- The state of Desereto (in Utah his- U89 V08 torical quarteriyo Salt Lake City s 1940° 23cmo v*8, p c65 1— 251* maps) A project of the Utah Historical Records Survey e 353°9792 Utaho Legislature o Directory and rules of the session of the L507d legislature of the state of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1896- UTAH— LIBRARIES 378o242 Hair, Mary Jane Stewart o A program for the training of school lib- H153p rarians in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1947« Thesis (M0A0 Library science depto) — Univo of Utaho 378o242 Marchant, George Ho A study of library facilities of elementary M315s schools selected at random in the state of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1936o Thesis (M0S0 1936)-- -Dept » of Education* Univc of Utah. 352o0792 Salt Lake County o Free Public Library, Midvale* Annual report, 1- S1765/r Midvale, cl939- 35 3° 9792 Utah* Depto of public instruction * Report of 1939-40 Utah school P976s/ library survey* Authorized by the Utah State Board of Educa- 1939-40 tion (Uniform school fund) Salt Lake City, Depto of Public Instruction Charles Ho Skidmcre, superintendent '19403 Utah PamoUtaho State law library* Report of state librarian for the year, V065 1896- Salt Lake City, Deseret News [etc*] 1896* (in Utah Pamphlets ) o UTAH* LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 061 Denny, Edgar Mo State liquor control'; monopoly and license systems* U89gb no 08 [Salt Lake City] Institute cf Gov*, Univ* of Utah, 1950* l6p* (Utah* Univr Institute of Government* Bulletin Series nor 8)* 2^ 37So242 Rodgers, Philip R&yo Liquor control in the state of Utaho [Salt R691i Lake City] 1940o Thesis (MoSo 1940)— Department of history and political science j University of Utaho UTAH— LOCAL GOVERNMENT 378o242 Rigby, Kathryn Jo Planning in Utah local governmento tSalt Lake R567p City] 1950o Thesis (M0A0-I95O)— -Depto of political science, University of Utaho UTAH— MAMMALS 378o242 Berryman, Jack Ho Mammals of the Raft River Mountains, Utaho A B5345m survey of the region, with reference to taxonomy and ecology o [Salt Lake City] 1948 » Thesis (MoSo 1948) Department of zoology, University of Utah.o 378o242 Connolly, Edward Jo The food habits and life history of the mountain C753f lion (Felis concolor hippolestes) o tSalt Lake City, 1949] Thesis (MoSo 1949) —Department of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Utaho 378o242 Crane, Harold So The mammals of Salt Lake Countyo [Salt Lake City] C8914m 1948o Thesis (MoSo 1948?) Department of Biology, Univo of Utah- 3780242 Hansen, Richard Mo A systematic comparison of the mammals of Mount H2495s Nebo and the Deep Creek Mountains, Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1951« Thesis (MoSo 1951)— -Depto of Vertebrate Zoology, Univo of Utaho 3780243 Kelson, Keith Ro Speciation in rodents of the Colorado River drain- K29s age of eastern Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1949° Thesis (PhoD« 1949)— Depto of Vertebrate Zoology, Univo of Utaho 06l Presnall, Do Co Mammals of Zion-Bryee and Cedar Breakso cnopo Z79b no .2 Zion-Bryce Natural History Association, 1938] 20p o (Zion-Bryce Museum Bulletin, noo 2)o UTAH— MAMMALS— WEBER COUNTY 378o242 Newey, John Paulo The mammals of Weber County, Utaho [Salt Lake N547m City] 1951° Thesis (MoSo 195D~- Depto of Vertebrate Zoology, Univo of Utaho UTAH— MARKET SURVEYS Utah PamoF&rm Journal, Inco Market Research Department o Utah, county Vo72,nooL4 basic data [compo and pubo by the Market Research Department, Farm Journal, Inco Philadelphia, 1945?] (in Utah Pamphlets o vo72, noo 14)o 234 Utah PamoSalt Lake Tribune-Telegram ° Market facts about the intermountain v<>17 empire and the Salt Lake market o 1935° 48p© (in Utah Pam- phlets, v<>17) UTAH— MEDICINE 610 o 921 Behle, William Harroun, 1909- Biography of Augustus Co 3ehle, B419b MeDoj with an account of the early history of St° Mark's Hos- pital, Salt Lake City, Utaho Salt Lake City, 1948 » Litho- printed o UTAH— MILITARY POSTS 979 °2 Allen, Mary Moore o Origin of names of army and air corps posts, A427o camps and stations in World War II in Utaho Goldsboro, N0C0 [The author ?nodo] Mimeographed 10p UTAH— MILITIA. 973°89 P927h Prentiss, A edo The history of the Utah volunteers in the Spanish-American war and in the Philippine Islands ; a complete history of all the military organizations in which Utah men served o Ao Prentiss, edo [Salt Lake City: Wo Fo Ford cPrefo 1900 ] 430po UTAH—MINERAL INDUSTRIES 378o242 Larson, Blaine Cowleyo The economic factors influencing the loca- L3345e tion of electrolytic refineries for copper, lead, and zinc in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1932° Thesis (M0S0 1932)— Department of economics, University of Utaho UTAH— MINERALOGY 353°9792 Utaho State dept* of healtho Division of industrial hygiene o H434ihu Utah minerals and their toxicological significance o [Salt Lake City?] 1947 ° 27p° UTAH— MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES 622 0O6 American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers « [Souvenir A512s booklet presenting the mining and allied industries of Utaho Prepared for the 108th meeting (August 10-14, 1914) of the Amer- ican Institute of Mining Engineers by Alfred Frank, chairman] Salt Lake City, 1914 « 192po 378o242 Justesen, Osmono Early day iron mining in Utah [Salt Lake City] J96e 1918c Thesis (M0A0 1918) — Depto of history, Univo of Utaho 235 622o097 Kantner, Harry Wo Bo A hand book on the mines, miners, and minerals Kl6h of Utaho Salt Lake Cityo Bo Wo Sloan i:1896] 346p° 378o242 Lewis, Anna Viola «> The development of mining in Utaho [Salt Lake L673d City] 1941° Thesis (M.Ao 1941)— Depto of history, Univ» of Utaho 979°205 Palmer, William FU Other Spanish mines o (in Utah historical quar- U89 vo9 terlyo Salt Lake City, 1941 .)• Utah PamoSalt Lake Cityo Chamber of Commerce « The mining industry of Utaho vo72 Salt Lake City 1930- Utah PamoSalt Lake City© Chamber of Commerce o Utah and its mineral wealth « Vol7 Salt Lake City, 1930° 36po 289° 399 Stenhouse, Thomas Bo Ho The Rocky mountain saints; a full and com- S825r plete history of the Mormons from the first vision of Joseph Smith to the last courtship of Brigham Youngoooand the develop- ment of the great mineral wealth of the territory of Utaho New York, Do Applet on, 1873° 76lp° 917°92 Union Pacific Railroad coo Resources of the state of Utaho 14th edo U577r Omaha, Nebo, Union Pacific railroad company, 1911 o ll6po 557°3 Uo So Geological Surveyo Precious and semiprecious metals in Utah in U585mi 1912; mine production, by Vo Co Heikeso Washington, Do Co, 1912 Govto Print o 0ff», 1913° 35p° Utah PamoVarley, Thomas Co Utah's mineral wealth; represented by statistics Vol7 and graphic charts compiled from official government and state reports, by Thoso Varleyj, Co Co Stevenson, Wo Spencer Reido Salt Lake City, Commercial Club-Chamber of Commerce, 1921 » 31p° UTAH— MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES— HISTORY 979 °2 Brewster, Burt Boyntono A brief history of mining in Utaho (in S967u Sutton, Waino Utah a centennial historyo 1949° Vo2,po875-9l6) o UTAH— MONEY 378o242 Speirs, John Do The history of money and banking in Utaho [Salt S7425h Lake City: 1935° Thesis (MoS» 1935) Department of business, University of Utaho 179p° UTAH— MOSQUITOES 378o242 McCloy, James So A preliminary study of the Chaoborinae of Utaho Ml65p A preliminary study of the Chaoborinae of Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1950 o Thesis (MoSo 1950 )— Department of invertebrate zoology and entomology v University of Utaho 43p° 236 378°242 Newson, Harold D. Mosquitoes of Salt Lake County infected with non- N558m human malaria* rSalt Lake City] 1950° Thesis (M.S. 1950) — Department of invertebrate zoology and entomology, University of Utaho 56po 352°0792 Salt LakeCityo Mosquito Abatement District. An informative bulletin S176mb en mosquito abatement in Salt Lake City, ed. by Don M. Rees. Salt Lake City, 1941° 34p° 352.0792 Salt Lake City. Mosquito Abatement District. Summary of the annual S176m report. 1- Salt Lake City, 1929- 595°771 Utah. University. Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology. U89m Survey of mosquitoes and mosquito abatement work of Salt Lake City 1929- Annual report presented by the Department of Zoology, University of Utah to the Board of trustees of the Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District. tSalt Lake City, Univer- sity of Utah] 1929- 352.0792 Weber County, Utah. Mosquito Abatement District. Annual report for W376m 19— Ogden, Utah, Published by the Board of Trustees, 19 UTAH— MOSSES 588.2 Flowers, Seville^ 1900- Common Utah mosses. tPrice, Utah, F644c Carbon County High School, 1935 3 48p° UTAH— MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 061 Paulsen, F. Robert. Utah experience with constitutional home rule. U89gb [Salt Lake City] Institute of Government, University of Utah, no .4 1948o l6p. (Utah. University. Institute of Government. Bulletin Series no. 4) 06l Stringham, B. H. Utah experience with the city manager idea, by U89gb B. Ho Stringham and Dale Wm° James. tSalt Lake City] Insti- no«3 tute of Government, University of Utah, 1947° 12p. (Utah. University. Ir be of Government. Bulletin Series no. 3)« 061 Thorsen, Thomas Wo The Utah Municipal League, by Thomas W. Thorsen U89gb and Evan A. Iverson. [Salt Lake City] Institute of Government, no.7 University of Utah, 1949° 12p° (Utah. University. Institute of Government o Bulletin Series no° 7°) UTAH—MUSEUMS 069 Strevell, Charles Nettleton. Story of the Strevell Museum; a life- S9I5s me hobby, S.000 specimens of prehistoric life. Salt Lake City, Board of Education, 1950. 96p° Utah PamoTalmage, James Edward. The Deseret Museum. Salt Lake City, 1911 • v.13 (in Deseret Museum Bullo, new series no. 1, Aug. 16, 1911)° ? 2p. UTAH--MUSHROOMS 378o2i+2 Knight, Betty Marie o A contribution to the knowledge of mushrooms K69c of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1932o Thesis (M»Ao 1932)— Department of Botany, University of Utaho 96p° UTAH— MUSIC 784°06l The Emma Lucy Gates Bowen song collection Utah composers <> E54 [n»po] Ivo 782o6 Gates, Crawford o [Promised valleyo Partso Piano-vocal score] G259p Promised valleyo Choral parts o Music by Crawford Gates, lyrics by Arnold SundgaardU Salt Lake, Univo of Utah [1947] Miniature score 47p° Lithographed o UTAH—MUSIC FESTIVALS 378°242 Campbell, Jay Jo A study of the values of public school music com- ClSSs petition-festivals in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado o [Salt Lake City] 1951° Thesis (MoSo 1951) Department of music, Univ- ersity of Utaho UTAH— NAMES, GEOGRAPHICAL 979 »2 Allen, Mary Moore ° Origin of names of army and air corps posts, A427o camps and stations in World War II in Utah.o Goldsboro, N0C0 [The author ? nodoj mimeographed o 10po Utah PamoFederal writers project o Utaho Origins of Utah place names » 3rd vd3 edo Compiled and written by Utah writers* project Works Project Administration o Salt Lake City, sponsored and pubo by Utah State Depto of Public Instruction, 1940° 47p Q (in Utah Pamphlets, vd3) (American guide series )o UTAH— NATIONAL PARKS AND RESERVES 917° 92 Larson, Gustive Olcf o Cedar City, gateway to Rainbow land, a com- L334c munity portrait © Cedar City, Utah [The author, 1950] 54p» Utah Pam»Union Pacific Railroad Companyo Zion National Park, Grand Canyon Vo80,noo22 National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, The Cedar Breaks [and] Kaibab National Forest [Omaha, 19293 5opo 353°9792 Utaho State Planning Board o A survey of scenic and recreational P712su resources of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1936° Mimeographed » 106p o 979 °2 Woodbury, Angus Mo A history of Southern Utah and its national parks W884 [Salt Lake City, Utah State Historical Society, 1950] Rev. and re- printed from Utah Historical Quarterly, volo 12, noso 3-4, July- October, 1944° 238 UTAH—NATURAL RESOURCES 378.242 Brown, Ada Mayo A study of the natural resources of Jordan School B877s District and their use in the elementary school program. [Salt Lake City: 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950)— Department of elementary education. University of Utah. 228p. 35 3 o 9792 Utaho State Conservation Commission. Preliminary report. Salt C755p Lake City, 1909. 128p. UTAH— NEWSPAPERS 071 Alter, J. Cecil. Early Utah journalism; a half century of forensic A466e warfare, waged by the West's most militant press. 3y J. Cecil Alter; eighty-one illustrations. Salt Lake City, Utah state historical society, 1938° 378.242 Mulder, William. Utah's Nordic-language press; aspect and instrument M954 of' immigrant culture. [Salt Lake City] 1947 • Thesis (M.A. 1947) Department of English. University of Utah. 237p« UTAH— NON-FERROUS METALS 353o9792 Utah. Department of Employment Security. Jobs in Utah's non-ferrous E55j metals industry. [Salt Lake City, 1950] 41p° UTAH— NURSES AND NURSING 378.242 Rordame, Mildred Derricott. The nursing education facilities needed R787n in Utah to meet the nursing service needs. [Salt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950)— Dept. of Educational Psychology, Uni- versity of Utah. 105p. UTAH— NUTRITION 378.792 Brown, Almeda Perry. Nutritional status of some Utah population A2781 groups. Logan, Utah, The Faculty Association, Utah State Agri- F143r no. 3 cultural College, 1944° 24p° UTAH— OCCUPATIONS 378.242 Romrell, Clarence Lorenzo. A study of vocational trends in Utah. R7665s [Salt Lake City] 1936. Thesis (M.S. 1936)— Dept. of social education, University of Utah. 6^p. 353.9792 Utah. Dept. of employment security. Jobs in Utah's non-ferrous E55J metals industry. [Salt Lake City, 1950] 41p. ; -9 UTAH— OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES Utah Pam« Durham, George Homer, 1911° Public service in Utaho [Logan, Vo68,no<>l Utah?]1940o Reprinted from Utah Educational Review, December 1940 o 4p» 35 3° 9792 Utaho Merit system council « Merit system regulations of the Depto M563m of employment security; State and County Deptso of Public Wel- fare; Utah State Depto of Health » As amended to August 1, 1942 « [Salt Lake City] n»d<. 17p° 35 3° 9792 Utaho Secretary of State Utah official roster. Salt Lake City, S446uo 1897- UTAH— OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES— SALARIES, ALLOWANCES, ETCo 378o242 Young, Elmer Ro A comparative analysis of salaries paid in various Y71c Utah state departments o [Salt Lake City] 1937° Thesis (M0S0 1937) Department of business, University of Utaho 50p« UTAH— OLD AGE PENSIONS 378»242 Hansen, Melba Kathleen ° Mothers* pensions in Utah; history and H249m administration o [Salt Lake City] 1936° Thesis (M0S0 1936) Department of sociology and anthropology, Univo of Utaho 104p° UTAH— PAINTERS 378°242 Eddington, Eo Keitho The creative processes in the painting "Father E21c Escalante discovers Utah Lake"o [Salt Lake City] 1950o Thesis (M0F0A0, 1950) Depto of Arts, University of Utaho 29p° 378o242 Erickson, Frank ° A landscape of Mount Olympus o [Salt Lake City] E68/ 1950 o Thesis (M0F0A0 1950) Depto of Painting, Univ» of Utah, 14p< 378»242 Le Cheminant, Victor Ho "Summer mountains" a landscape paintingo L459s [Salt Lake City] 1949° Thesis (M0F0A0 1950) Depto of painting, University of Utaho 28p« UTAH—PARDON Utah Pam-Utah. Board of Pardons o Biennial report o 1907-08 o vo53 UTAH— FA ROLE 378o242 Wright, Eugene Dewey o "Success and failure of recent Utah parolees"; W948s an analysis of the records of Utah State prison parolees placed on parole to the State Department of Adult Probation and Parole during the biennium July 1, 1944, to June 30, 1946 » [Salt Lake 2^0 City] 1950» Thesis (M.SoW. 1950)— Graduate school of social work, University of Utaho 70p. UTAH—PARTRIDGES 378*242 Porter, Richard Do The Hungarian partridge in Utah, with special P847h reference to ecology and life history. [Salt Lake City] 1951 < Thesis (M0S0 1951) — Depto of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Utaho 90p. UTAH— PERSONNEL SERVICE IN EDUCATION 378o 242 Malouf , Pheion Joseph* Counselors in the Salt Lake City schools; a M258c job analysiso [Salt Lake City] 1947° Thesis (M.S. 1947) Depto of Educational administration, University of Utah. 132p. UTAH— PETROLEUM 553°28 Utah Geological and M»neraIogical Survey. The oil and gas possibil- U89o ities of Utah; compo by George H. Hansen and Mendell M. 3ell. Salt Lake City, College of Mines and Mineral Industries, Univer- sity of Utah, 1949" 341p° UTAH— PETROLEUM— UINTA BASIN 557°4 Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists. Petroleum geo- U89gb l°gy of the Uinta Basin ° Authors of articles and road logs: noo5 Orlo E» Childs rand others] Ao J. Eardley, editor. [Salt Lake City] Distributed by Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey, 1950. 151p. UTAH— PHOSPHATES Utah Pam. Mansfield, George Rogers, 1875- Some problems of the Rocky moun- vo42 tain phosphate fieldo tl930] "Reprinted from Economic geology, volo xxvi, nco 4, June- July, 1931 ° n UTAH— PHYSICAL EDUCATION 378.242 Gregory, Marva Hodson. The life and educational contributions of G823/ Eugene Lusk Roberts . [Salt Lake City] 1952. Thesis (M.S. I952) — Depto of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Uni- versity of Utaho 185p» 378.243 Hall, Vaughn L. An evaluation of the physical education program for H179e ' boys in Utah senior high schools. [Salt Lake City] 1951* Thesis (Ed. D. — 1951) Depto of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, University of Utah. 65p° 241 378.242 Lally, Robert Co The life and educational contributions of Charlotte L211/ Stewart. o [Salt Lake City] 1950 . Thesis (M.S. 1950) Dept. of Healtho Physical Education, and Recreation, Univo of Utah. 52p. 378.242 Sorensen, Lois No An evaluation of physical education programs in S713e elementary schools. [Salt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950) Dept. of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Univ. of Utah. 150p. 378.242 Wynn, Willis Dean. A study of physical education in the elementary W988s schools of Iron County. [Salt Lake City] 1952. Thesis (M.S., I952) Dept. of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Univ. of Utah. 188p. 378c242 Yotz, Melba Gunnello The physical education contributions of William Y66p Edmund Day. [Salt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950) Dept. of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, University of Utah. UTAH— PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING 378.242 Bronson, Alice Oakes. A study of state physical education associa- B869s tions with a plan for the Utah association. [Salt Lake City] 1932. Thesis (M.A. 1932)— Dept. of Educational Administration, University of Utah. 76p° UTAH— PIONEERS Utah Pam.Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Pioneer memoirs. Comp. by Kate B. Vo70,no«9 Carter. [Salt Lake City} 1947° 48p. Also in "Heart throbs of the West." Utah Pam.Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Songs composed and sung by the Western v.70,no.6 pioneers. Comp. by Kate B. Carter <> [Salt Lake City] 1944° Also in "Heart throbs of the West." Utah Pam.Daughters of Utah Pioneers. They came in *47° Comp. by Kate B. v.70,no.7 Carter. [Salt Lake City] 1947° Also in "Heart throbs of the Westo" 979 °2 Kelly, Charles. Salt Desert trails; a history of the Hastings cut- K29s off and other early trails which crossed the Great Salt Desert seeking a shorter road to California [by] Charles Kally. Salt Lake City, Utah, Western printing company, 1930. Utah Pam.Merkley, Christopher. Biography, written by himself o Salt Lake v»79,no.5 City. J. H. Parry, 1887° 46p° 979 °2 Miller, Albert E. The immortal pioneers, founders of city of St. M647i George, Utah. [n.p°] The author, 1946. 235p° Utah Pam. Reals, William J. Mormon winter quarters: a medical note, by Vo60,no.ll William J. Reals [and] Sidney Merlis. 24^ Utah PamoSko-jLsen, Willard Cleon. The story of the Mormon pioneers- Designed v«62 p ncoiO and illuso by Eric and Bland Larson- San Fernando, Published by the 223rd Quorum of Seventies, San Fernando Stake [1947] 42p. Utan Pam. Steed, Thomas, 1826-1910 o The life of Thomas Steed, from his own Vo79,nod3 diary, 1826-1910o cFarmington, Utah, n.p. 194 3 43p« 979-205 Steele, John, 1821-1903° Extracts from the diary of John Steele. U89,v»5 (In Utah historical quarterly ° Salt Lake City, 1933- ) 35 3° 9792 Utaho Depto of Public Instruction o Community beginnings in Utah. P976cp{h [Salt Lake City 3 1946 c Typewritten o 288p» 353°9792 Utaho Depto of Public Instruction© Meeting community needs in Utah. P976m Salt Lake City, 1949° Reproduced from typewritten copy. 203p. 353°9792 Utaho Depto of Public Instructiono Utah's community beginnings. P976uc Salt Lake City, 1949° Reproduced from typewritten copy. 249p« UTAH—PIONEERS— DIAMOND JUBILEE, JULY 22-24, 1922 979° 2 Diamond jubilee of the coming of the Utah pioneers, July 22-23-24-1922. D53 Salt Lake City, Utah^, published by the committees, 1923° Unp. UTAH—POLYGAMY 378-243 Haws, David Virgilo Inherited developmental and structural anom- H398i alies of the bones of the extremities of members of a large kindred of polygamous origino tSalt Lake City] 1952. Thesis (PhoDo— 1952) Depto of Genetics, Univ. of Utaho UTAH— POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 378°242 Ballard, Rene No Public reporting in Utah state government. [Salt B189p Lake City] 1947° Thesis (MoA« 1947)° Department of Political Science — University of Utaho 378.2/+2 Campbell, Eugene Edward « The government of Utah— 1847-18 51 • [Salt C187g Lake City] 1940o Thesis (MoAn 1940)— -Department of history, Univo of Utaho 289 o 399 Cannon, Frank Jenne, 1859- Under the prophet in Utah: the C226u national menace of a political priestcraft, by Frank J. Cannon ooo and Harvey Jo O'Higginso Boston, Masso, the Co Mo Clark publishing Co., 1911o First published in Everybody's magazine. 378o242 Cooley, Everett L» The Utah war° [1847-1857] [Salt Lake City] C774u 1947° Thesis (M0A.0 1947- Depto of History)— Univo of Utah. Utah Pam .Democratic Partyo Utah (Territory) The facts of the Utahcase. vo77,nooll Salt Lake City, Tribune Job PrintingCoo, 1892c 2^po (In Utah Pamphlets, vo77,nooll)o 243 353°97 Durham, George Homero A memorandum on state administrative organiza- U89d tion» Submitted to Mr<> Lewis Ho Lloyd, Director of Research, Utah Legislative Council o cSait Lake City] 1948 o Mimeographedo 353«97 Durham, George Homer, 1911- Public administration and state govern- U89dp ment in Utaho Logan, Utah, Novo 15, 1940o (Utah State Agri- cultural College o Depto of political science <> Studies in public affairso Series 1940-41 s no*. l)o Mimeographedo 378o242 Erickscn, Velt Go The liberal party of Utaho [Salt Lake City] E685^ 1948o Thesis (M0A0 1948) Department of history and political science, University of Utaho 3780241 Howells, Benjamin Fo The development of the Teutonic township system H859d in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1911c Thesis (B0A0 1911)— Depart- ment of English 5 University of Utaho 329 Kenner, Scipio Africanuso The practical politician; a digest of K36p ready information as to the fundamental differences between the great political parties, their rise and progress, with past and present issues, also a list of the presidents and their cabinets, the vice presidents j the procedure in the matter of election of presidents, senators, congressmen, etco, with a review of the local political situation*) Salt Lake City, Utah, Star Printing Coo 9 1892 o 181po 360o9792 Lambert, Asael Carlyle, 1893- Aspects of the entanglement of pub- L222a lie relief and partisan politics in Utaho cnopo] 1948° Mimeoo 342 o74 Larsen, Miriam Fayo Your state and mines a plea for economy rather U89/ than waste in Utah's government o cSalt Lake City, The author, c 1950] 48po 979»205 Morgan, Dale Lowell, 1914- The stateof Desereto (in Utah histori- U89,vo8 cal quarterly o Lt Lake City, 1940° 23cmo v«8, poC65]-251° maps)o 3780242 Rigby Kathryn Jo Planning in Utah local government o [Salt Lake R567p City] 1950o Thesis (M0A0— 1950)-- -Depto of political science, University of Utaho 35 3 o 97 Thomas, George o Civil government of Utah, by George Thomas o U89thc Boston, New York cet-Co] Do Co Heath & Coo [°1912i 199p» 378o242 Thorsen, Thomas Wo City manager experience in Utaho [Salt Lake T522c City] 1948 » Thesis (M0S0 1948) Depto of political science, Univo of Utaho Utah PamoUoSo Congress o The admission of Utah 3 arguments on the admission of V076 Utah as a state made before the Committee on Territories of the House and of the Senate Washington, Govto Print o Offo, 1888- 1890 o Ivo (various pagings) (in Utah Pamphlets o vo76)« 342o792 U0S0 Utah Commission o Report, of the Utah Commission to the Secretary U587m of the Interior, 1882-1896 o Washington, Govto Print o Offo, 1882--1896o (in its miscellaneous reports )o :u4 35 3 • 9792 Utaho Commit \ee tc 7 Operations of State Government <> Report of G722g the Sub-committee en Utah state governmental organization. Sep- tember 1936o cSalt Lake City? 1936] 96p<> 35 3° 9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operations of State Government <> Report of G72- : r the Investigating committee of Utah governmental units » Appoin- ted 000 pursuant to chapter 86, Laws of Utah, 1933, as amended by chapter 24, Laws of Utah, 1933, second special sessiono Salt Lake, Legal printing Coo, tl9324° 286p. 35 3° 9792 Utah foundation o Research report o noo 1- U88r 35 3° 9792 Utah foundation o Surreys of Utah government o noo 1- Salt Lake U88s City, 1947° 353.9792, utaho Legislative councilo Report and recommendations of the Utah L514re Legislative Council* Salt Lake City, 1948° 43p° Compiled and edited by Ao Co Lambert o 353°9792 Utaho Legislatureo House cf Representatives o House Journals, Sept. L508j 1851- Salt Lake City, Tribune Print » & Pubo Coo tetc.] 1851- 378o24; ., L'li&ms, Joeo Political parties of Utaho tSalt Lake City] 1933° W724p Thesis (M0S0 1933}— Department of History and political science. University of Utaho UTAH—POPULATION 061 Frost, Henry Ho To have and to hold| the family and population U89 changes in Utaho Salt Lake City, University of Utaho 1949 » vo39,nOo"15 28p« (Frederick William Reynolds lecture, 13th, 1949)° Utah. Universityo Bulletino Volo 39, noo 15° 979°2 Gregory, Herbert Ernest, 1869- Population of southern Utaho [n.po, G822p ^5l "Reprint from Economic Geography, Jan. 1945, volo 21, no.l" 330o979? Mahoney, Jo Bolla, 189^ Migration as a factor in economic wel- U891 fare— Utah and western states o (in Utah economic and business vol s nOo2 reviewo Salt Lake City, 1941°) 378o 242 Neville, Walter Curtis o A statistical and qualitative analysis of N525s : erentials of Utaho iSalt Lake City] 19^2« Thesis (MoS .1932 )-— Department of sociology, Univo of Utaho 378o242 Packer, James Deraar g 1925- A study of fertility changes in Mor- P1197st mon society based on the use of genealogical records o [Salt Lake City] 1951° Thesis (MoSo-1951'1 Dept^of Sociology, Univ. Utaho 353°9792 Utaho State planning board* A state plan for Utah; progress report P712st April 15, 1935° -'Salt Lake City, 1935] mimeoe Submitted by So Ro DeBoer, consultant. 245 378o242 Willey, William Wallace Eugene <> The population basis of educational W?14p policy in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1940 o Thesis (MoA» 194O)— Department of education, University of Utaho UTAH POSTEN 289°39 Centennial jubilee number, April 6, 1830 - April 6, 1930 tof the] C397 Salt Lake City, Beobachter, Bikuben, UtahPosten, De Utah Neder- landero Salt Lake City, 1930 o The four newspapers contain the same material, each in its own language » UTAH—POULTRY 378o2i+l Riterj, William Co The economic importance of the egg production and R6ll5e consumption in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1911 • Thesis (B.A. 1911) Department of Arts and sciences, University of Utaho 378o242 Williams, Charles o History of the poultry industry in Utaho [Salt W722h Lake City] 1937° Thesis (M0S0 1937) —Department of history, Uni- versity of Utah o UTAH—PRISONS 378o242 Davis, Margaret o Prison labor in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1932» D263p Thesis (M0A0 1932)-- Department of sociology, University of Utaho 364°9792 Skidmore, Rex A« Penology in early Utaho (in Utah humanities re- S628p viewo Salt Lake City, 1948o vo2,pol45-l68) Detached copy« 378o242 Sorenson, Alma Garth .0 Social case work techniques in the classifi- S713s cation of inmates at the Utah state prison o [Salt Lake City] 1940o Thesis (M0A0 1940)— -Department of social work, Univer- sity of Utaho Utah PamoUo So The Prison Industries Reorganization Administrationo The Vo53 prison labor problem in Utaho 1937° (in Utah Pamphlets, v»53) Utah PamoUtaho Board of Corrections o Report (in Utah Pamphlets, Vo47)° vo47 UTAH— PROBATION 378o242 Winget, Sherral Eo Success and failure of recent Utah probation- W7691s ers, a statistical analysis and study of all adult Utah offenders placed on probation between the dates June 30, 1944, and July 1, 1946o [Salt Lake City] 1950 o Thesis (M0S0W0 1950)— Graduate school of Social Work, University of Utaho UTAH—PROPERTY TAX 353°9792 Utaho Tax Commission o Final report on the survey of delinquency T235fp on general property taxes in Utaho Published by the State Tax 246 Commission of Utah as a report on official project o » . conducted under the auspices of the Utah Works projects administration. [Salt Lake City? 1939? 3 353°9792 Utaho Tax Commission.) Property tax manual for the use of county T235pr officers o [Salt Lake City?] 1938 . (Various pagings)o UTAH— PROTESTANT CHURCHES—HISTORY 979 °2 Reherd, Herbert Ware, 1869- An outline history of the protestant S967u churches of Utaho (in Sutton, Waino Utah a centennial history. 1949 • vo2, p. 649-690)o UTAH— PUBLIC LANDS 345° 52 Braffet, Mark Po Applicant o [Mark Po Braffet, Applicant, vs. State B8I2in of Utah, protestant, vs» Pleasant Valley Coal Company, intervener. Matter involving application of a site as coal lands. Report filed in the United States Land Office. Salt Lake City, 1919 ] 3vo 379*123 Smith, Calvin Schwartz. 00 .Public school land policies of the state S64 of Utah o. by Calvin Schwartz Smitho Chicago, 111., 1928. Type- written (carbon copyu Thesis (PhoDo) — University of Chicago, 1928 c 345 » 52 United States, complainant o [United States, complainant, vs. C. M. U58u Freed, defendant, in the matter of "dummy entry process." De- fendant's brief filed in the United States Land Office at Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, 1910] 113p» UTAH— PUBLIC SCHOOLS 378o243 Ame3 s John L. A study of sixth grade newcomers in selected Salt Lake A513s area schools with special emphasis on social integration. [Salt Lake City] 1952- Thesis (Edo Do 1952)— Dept. of Elementary Educa- tion, Univ. of Utaho 378o242 Hartivigsen, Elmer Jo A study of state school funds in Utah with H336s special reference to equalization© [Salt Lake City] 1945* Thesis (M«S» 1945) — Department of education, Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Thorpe, Verne Bo A study of the Utah public school costs of the T522s Wo Po Ao recreation project for the school year of 1939-1940. [Salt Lake City] 1942 o Thesis (M.S. 1942) Department of physi- cal education, University of Utaho 378.242 Thurber, Marjorie Bensley© A study of the distribution of intelli- T536s gence of high school seniors in the state of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1930. Thesis (M.Ao 1930) Department of psychology, University of Utah. 247 378o242 Wahlquist, John Thomas o Junior high school in Utaho [Salt Lake W1375J City] 1925° Thesis (MoSo 1925) Department of Education, Uni- versity of Utaho 378°242 White, Vivian Nielo A survey and appraisal of public school trans- W5887s portation personnel positions and practices in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1952 o Thesis (MoSo 1952)--Depto of Educational Admin- istration, University of Utaho 378o242 Willey, William Wallace Eugene o The population basis of educational W714p policy in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1940» Thesis (M0A0 1940) Department of Education, University of Utaho 378o242 Williams, Douglas Freemano The guidance needs of South High W722g school studentso [Salt Lake City] 1946° Thesis (MoSo 1946) Department of Secondary Education, University of Utaho UTAH—PUBLIC SCHOOLS— FINANCE 378 °12 Dixon, Henry Aldous, 1890- The administration of state permanent D621s school funds, as illustrated by a study of the management of the Utah endowment Los Angeles, Calif o, The University of Southern California press [c°1936] (Southern California Education monographs o noo 9)° UTAH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 378o242 Sheehan, Pato Judicial review of orders and decisions of: the Public S541J Service Commission of the state of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1949 • Thesis (MoSo, 1949)-— Depto of Political Science, Univo of Utaho UTAH— PUBLIC UTILITIES 353°9792 Utaho Committee to Study Operation of State Government » A study G722pu of Utah*s public utilities o Walter Co Neville, author of utility report o [Salt Lake City, 1936] 92p« UTAH— PUBLIC WELFARE 378o242 Davies, Vernon o The rehabilitation of employable relief clients in D257r Garfield County, Utaho Thesis (MoSo 1938)-- Department of soc- iology, University of Utaho 360o9792 Lambert, Asael Carlyle, 1893- Aspects of the entaglement of L222a public relief and partisan politics in Utaho [n p ] 1948° Mimeographed o 360o9792 Lambert, Asael Carlyle, 1893- Proposal for a non-partisan state L222pr Welfare Board and a single administrator » Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University [1948] l4p° 248 Utah Pamo Lambert s Asael Carlyle, 1893- The proposal to finance "all welfare Vo78 s no<>10 activities" in Utah from the sales tax; a unit of a report to the Utah Tax Study committee o [Provo, Utah] 1946° Mimeographed <> (in Utah Pamphlets Vo78, nodO)o Utah Pamo Lambert, Asael Carlyle , 1893- Public relief and welfare in Utah; Vo78j.no <>9 a semi-final report of the summary and recommendations to the Utah Tax Study committee o [Provo, Utah? 3 1946 o Mimeographed o (in Utah Pamphletso Vo78,noo9)o 360o9792 Lambert j, Asael Carlyle, 1893- Utah's conflicts in granting pub- L222u lie assistance according to "needo" cProVo? 1948] Mimeographed o 378o242 Rasmussen s Alma Vernono The government work relief program in Utah. R225g 1932-1940 o [Salt Lake City] 1942° Thesis (MoSo 1942)— Dept. of economics, University of Utaho 352o0792 Salt Lake Countyo Department of Public Welfare, Salt Lake City, Utah. S1765 P978s Public Welfare statistics o [Salt Lake City?] UTAH—PUBLIC WORKS Utah Pamo Today 1 s worko [Salt Lake City] Works Progress Administration in v»77 Utah, 1935° (In Utah Pamphlets )» 362o7 U0S0 National Youth Administration o Utaho The National Youth Admin- U58u 1943 ist ration of Utah, a documented summary of the activities of the National Youth Administration in the state of Utah for the per- iod of 1935-1943° Denver, National Youth Administration, 1943 • Reproduced from typewritten copyo UTAH— PUBLIC WELFARE 353»9792 Utaho Dept of Public Welfare o How public assistance is adminis- P978h tered in Utaho [Salt Lake City) State Depto of Public Welfare, Bureau of Research and Statistics [1939?] unpo UTAH— -PUBLIC WORKS 353<>9792 Utaho Emergency relief administration o Statistical report. 1934- E53st 1935 o Salt Lake City, Utaho Mimeographed o 353 "9792 Utaho Emergency Relief Administration » Statistical summary of ex- E53sta penditures and accomplishments o [Salt Lake City, 1936] Covers period from Augo 1932-Febo 1936 o 353°9792 Utaho Emergency relief administration o Works divisiono A report E53w of the works divifiono Compiled by the Engineering Dept. [Salt LaJce City, 01 ih i936i 302p. 249 UTAH—RACE QUESTIONS 3780242 Hardy, Douglas Wo Caucasian attitudes toward the Japanese in metro- H268c politan Salt Lake Cityo tSalt Lake City: 1946 o Thesis (MoAo 1946) —Department of sociology and anthropology, Univo of Utaho 323el792 Smith, Elmer Richard, 1909- Principal non-white racial groups S646p in Utaho [Salt Lake City, 1952] Mimeographed » UTAH— RADIO 3780243 Crawford, Robert Po Pronunciation of 16 5 selected words by Utah C899p radio announcers cSalt Lake City] 1951 o Thesis (PhoDo-1951) — Depto of Speech, University of Utaho Various paging o 378*242 Felt, Hazel Lee Craig o A history of radio stations in Utah, to 1950 o F3251h [Salt Lake City] 1950 . Thesis (MoAo-1950)— Depto of Speech, University of Utaho 378o242 Hill, Merrill Bo The status of radio in the public schools of Utaho H647st [Salt Lake City] 1951° Thesis (M0S0 1951*)— Depto of Educational Administration, Univo of Utaho UTAH— RAILROADS 378o242 Johnson, Davis Fo The history and economics of Utah ' railroads o J66h [Salt Lake City] 1947° Thesis (M0S0 Business Depto)— Univer- sity of Utaho Utah PamoZobell, Albert Levi, 1916- Utah saddles the iron horse o [Salt Vo77,noo23 Lake City, University of Utah Press, 19493 (in Utah Pamphlets Vo77«noo23)o Article from the Western Humanities Review o Vo3, noo 1 (l949)o UTAH— REAL PROPERTY 353°9792 Utaho Committee to study operations of state government o Report G722rh of the sub-committees on the Homestead exemption proposal and taxation* October, 1936 o ESalt Lake City? 1936 J UTAH— RECLAMATION OF LAND Utah PamoSalt Lake Cityo Commercial Clubo Alkali and water-logged lands o Vo34 Salt Lake City [Coi9L4i<> 30 p» (in Utah Pamphlets, Vo34)° UTAH— RECREATION 378o242 Lally„ Robert Co The life and educational contributions of Char- L211/ lotto Stewart o [Salt Lake City] 1950o Thesis (M0S0 1950— Dept of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Univo of Utaho 250 UTAH—RETAIL TRADE Utah PamoFarm Journal, Inc« Market Research Department o Utah, county basic Ve72j,no 14 data ccomp u and pubo by the Market Research Department,, Farm Journal, Inco cPhiladelphia, I9~" 3l3p« 'In Utah Pamphlets o Vo72,nooi^ 378o242 Ralph s Leonard So Employment opportunities and . ng needs cf Rl635e retail stores in Utaho W Lake City^ I950o Various pagingso Thesis (MoAo 1940) Department of bu? . . Univo of Utaho UTAH—ROADS 378o242 Barber, James Vaun» The history of highways in Utah from 1847 to R234h 1869° [Salt Lake City] 1949 ° Tne MoSo, 1949)— Depto of History, Univo of Utaho Utah PamoGood roads automobilist, an illustrated magazine devoted tc the Vo52 interests of automcbiling and good roads; official, organ of the Interstate Good Roads Associations the State Highway Commission, the automobile Club of Utah land] Utah Good Res : ociationo Salt Lake City» (In Utah Pamphlets. Vo5< 353<>9792 Utaho Legislative Councilo A study of Utah Highway needso Prepared L514h for the Utah Legislative Council, by Harold So Cartero Salt Lake City,, 1950 o 353«9792 :Utaho Road Commissiono:, Post-war constructiono [Salt Lake City, R628po 1944?"' Mimeographed o 9p 353o9792 Utaho Road Commissiono Highway Planning Depto Utah comparative R628co truck and bus survey o 1946- '44° In cooperate bh Uo So Public Roads Administration o [Salt Lake Cityo 19- Mimeographed o Unpo 353°9792 Utaho Road Commissiono Highway Planning Depto Utah State road sys- R628/o tern log, January 1, 1947°°<>in cooperation with Uo So Public Roads Administration o [Salt Lake City, 19473 Unpaged o 353<>9792 Utaho Road Commissiono Highway planning depto Trafi on Utah R628t highways, 1937. x940, 1942, 1944, -946 » ,it Lake -946?] 62p c 353°9792 Utah* Road Commissiono State-wide Highway Planning Sjrveyo Tenta- R628sta tive report cf ■ Lpal road mileage by type and read system** In cooperation with UoSo Bu . tc Roe [Salt Lake City?] 1936o Mimeographed o Unpo 388ol Utaho Universityo B of Economic and Bt, Researcho Finan- U89f cing needs and allocating ci I hihgways among highway user Utaho Prepared for the Leg. ve Council cf Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1950 o 251 378°24I Woolley, Jed F« IIIo Urban limited access highway o [Salt Lake W913u City] 1947° Thesis (BoSo)— University of Utaho UTAH— SALT LAKE CITY—RECREATION 378o242 Walker, Violet o A history and analysis of recreation in Salt Lake ¥185h Cityo [Salt Lake City] 1934° Thesis (MoAo 1934)— Department of education, University of Utaho UTAH— SANITARY AFFAIRS 353°9792 Utaho State planning committee o Health conditions and facilities P7I2h in Utaho cSalt Lake City, 1936] Mimeographed o UTAH— SCHOOL CHILDREN— TRANSPORTION 378o242 Eyre, Sherman Go An examination of the adequacy and equity of E98e Utah's state contribution to pupil transportation o [Salt Lake City] 1952 o Thesis (MoSo 1952)-- Depto of Educational Adminis- t rat ion 5 Univo of Utaho 378o242 White 9 Vivian Nielo A survey and appraisal of public school trans- W5887s portation personnel positions and practices In Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1952 o Thesis (MoSo 1952)— Depto of Educational Administra- tions University of Utaho UTAH— SCHOOL LIBRARIES 378o242 Hansen s Cecil Rayo A comparative study of Utah's small rural school H249co library facilities. [Salt Lake City] 1952 o Thesis (MoSo 1952)— Depto of Educational Administration, Univo of Utaho UTAH—SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION 378o242 Bushness, William Glen. A proposed uniform financial accounting B979p system for Utah school, districts o [Salt Lake City] 1952 Thesis (MoSo 1952)— -Depto of Educational Administration, Univo of Utaho UTAH— SCHOOL-HOUSES 371.<>6 Cowles, LeRoy Eugene, 1880- A school building survey of the east C875s side of Granite School District, Salt Lake County, Utaho Author- ized by the Board of Education of Granite School District o Salt Lake City, 1928 o 37Io6 Pace, Henry Ao An investigation of the maintenance expense of school P115i buildings in certain districts in Utaho Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University, 1927° Thesis (MoAo)- — Brigham Young University ° 353°9792 Utaho Legislative Council o School Survey Committee o The school L5141scs plant needs of Garfield and Wayne county school districts , summary of a study made by Howard Barker , Roald Fo Campbell cand: David Gourleyo [Salt Lake City] 1950o Mimeographed, l4p c 353°9792 Utaho School buildings commission o Rules of the School ouildings S372r commission of the state of Utah adopted May 20, 1915° Salt Lake City, The Arrow press,, 1915° 28p« 371°6 Utaho Universityo College cf Education o School plant needs in U89sn the North Summit School District 5 study bys Graduate class in The School Plant (Educational Administration 250) University of Utah, directed by Dro Roald Fo Campbell ° Authorized by Board of Education, North Summit School District , Coalville, Utaho [Salt Lake City: 1951° 79p° 371 °6 Utaho Universityo Department cf Elementary Education o Developing U89d school plant programs, report of School Plant Conferences held at the University of Utah, Summer of 1948 o Edited by Roald Fo Campbell and John Eo Marshall o Salt Lake City 9 Department of Elementary Education, University of Utah. 1949° 76p» UTAH— SCHOOL-BOOSES— OGDEN 378o242 James s Robert Gamptono The utilization of secondary school buildings J28u in the Ogden City School District o tSalt Lake City] 1951° Thesis (M0S0 1951)— -Depto of Educational Administration, Univo of Utaho UTAH— SCHOOL LANDS 379°12 Dixon, Henry Aldous, 1890- The administration of state permanent D621a school funds, as illustrated by a study of the management of the Utah endowment, by Henry Aldous Dixon o Los Angeles, Calif o, The University of Southern California press [ 5 1936]° (Southern California education monographs o noo 9)° 379°123 Smith, Calvin Schwartz Public school lq.nd policies cf the state of S64 Utah 000 by Calvin Schwartz Smith Chicago c Illo, 1928 o Type- written (carbon copy) » Thesis (PhoDo )— Univo of Chicago, 1928o UTAH— SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION 379o792 Cowles, LeRoy Eugene, 1880- Organization and administration of C875o 1952 public education in Utah [by] LeRoy Eo Cowles in collaboration with Paul Co Fawley and Dasil Ao Smith o New and revo edo Salt Lake City, University cf Utah, 1952 215p° Reproduced from typewritten copy° 378o242 Miller, William Po Utah school board members, their status and op M652u ionso [Salt Lake City] 1942° Thesis (M0S0 1942) —Department of educational administration, University of Utaho 253 378.242 Millerberg, Joseph Do One half century of change in the organiza- M65250 tion and administration of the Salt Lake City school system.. [Salt Lake City] 1939° Thesis (M.S. 1939)— Department of edu- cational administration, University of Utaho 378.242 Nielson, Lester John* 'The 1929 status of the elementary-school N6695n principaiship in Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1940 . Thesis (M.So 1940) — Department of education, University of Utaho 378.242 Winn, Glen Riches o The delegation of executive control of school W776d administrative practices in county school districts of Utaho cSalt Lake City] 1932o Thesis (M.A. 1932)— Department of education , University of Utaho UTAH-- SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION— BOX ELDER COUNTY 379°792 Bex Elder School District, Utaho Board of Educationo Survey of the B788b organisation, administration and supervision of the Box Elder County School District ibji Roald Fo Campbell, Ao Co Lambert [and] Eo Ao Jacobsen, Chairman, Survey Commission o [Salt Lake City?] 1947° Mimeographed. UTAH— SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION— PROVO 371 °24 Hollingshead, Billieo Curriculum adjustment and the half -day H74ic session in the first and second grades of Provo city schools. Provo, Utaho Brigham Young University, Dept. of Educational Administration, 1929 ° Tnesis (M0A0)— Brigham Young University. UTAH—SCHOOL MUSIC 378.242 Campbell, Jay J. A study of the values of public school music com- C188s petition-festivals in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado. [Salt Lake City] 1951- Thesis (M.S.— 1951) Depto of Music, Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Hes3, Donald Carter. A study of selected problems in the organiza- H586ls tion and administration of the secondary music programs in Utah public schools. cSalt Lake City, 31952. Thesis (M.S.-1952) Depto of Educational Administration, University of Utaho UTAH— SCHOOL REPORTS 378.242 McAlister, Boh H. An appraisal of the reporting practices of the M114a junior high schools of Ogden, Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1952 » Thesis (M.So 1952)— Depto of Educational Administration, Univo of Utaho 254 UTAH— SCHOOLS 378.242 Jamison, Basil Eo A study of social activities in rural high schools J32s of Utah, Nevada, and California with suggestions for their con- trol [Salt Lake City] 1934° Thesis (MoAo 1934)— Department of education, University of Utah. 378.242 Pace, Iram Acord. A history of the Utah school for the deaf . [Salt P115h Lake City] 1946. Thesis (M0S0 1946) Department of education, University of Utaho 378.242 Wangsgard, Scott o Workmen's compensation law as applied to Utah W246w school districts. [Salt Lake City] 1948. Thesis (M.S. 1948) Department of educational administration, University of Utah. 378.242 Wynn, Willis Dean. A study of physical education in the elementary W988s schools of Iron County. [Salt Lake City] 1952. Thesis (M.S., 1952) — Dept. of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Univ. of Utah. UTAH— SCHOOLS— ACCOUNTING 378.242 Bushnell, William Gleno A proposed uniform financial accounting B979p system for Utah school districts. [Salt Lake City] 1952c Thesis (M.S. 1952)— Dept. of Educational Administration, Univ. of Utah. UTAH— SCHOOLS— CENTRALIZATION 378.242 Childs, Bert rand Alonzo. A study of the possibilities of the con- C537s solidation of Roosevelt high school in Duchesne County and Alterra high school in Uintah County. [Salt Lake City] 1940. Thesis (M.S. 1940) — Department of secondary education, Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Squires, Fred Boyd. A study of the schocl consolidations that have S774s actually taken place within the county units of Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1932. of Utah. Thesis (M.S. 1932) Depto of education, Univ. UTAH— SCULPTORS 378.242 Campbell, Kenneth Floyd. Utah's basketball champions, a study in C1881u relief. [Salt L ake City] 1951 • Thesis (M.F.A— 1951)— Dept. of Sculpture, University of Utah. 378.242 Edvalson, Raymon C. A problem in high relief sculpture depicting E246p John Paul Jones and his saying "I have not yet begun to fight." [Salt Lake City] 1949. Thesis (M.S.— 1949)— Dept . of Fine Arts, University of Utah. 255 378<>242 Knapp, Lamont Poultero Part Io The history of Solon Hannibal K6?2h Borglum; Part JI, Thesis sculpture "Kindergarten ° n [Salt Lake City] 1950 o Thesis (MoFoAo 1950)— Depto of sculpture, Univo of Utaho 378o242 Maxfield, David Ortono "Teamwork'*-— a study in sculpture of foot- M463t ball players » [Salt Lake Cityo Thesis (MoFoAo-1951)— Dept o of Sculpture, Univo of Utaho 378°242 Porter, Elbert Ho Work of sculpture in low relief depicting the P844w progress made in the field of electricity « [Salt Lake City] 1950o Thesis (M0F0A0 1950)— Dept o of sculpture, Univo of Utaho UTAH—SEX CRIMES 378o242 Gustafson, Herbert Wayne, 1927- A statistical summary of the G982s social characteristics of sex offenders convicted in Utah during the decade 1940-1950o cSalt Lake City] 1951 » Thesis (M0S0 1941) Depto of Sociology, University of Utaho UTAH— SHEEP 378o242 Parker, Lo Maylando Economic geography of Utah* s sheep industry o P241e [Salt Lake City] 1951° Thesis (M0S0 1951)— Depto of Geography, University of Utaho UTAH- -SLAVERY 979°205 Auerbach, Herbert So Old trails, old forts, old trappers and trad- U89 vo9 erso (in Utah historical quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1941)° 979-205 Beller, Jacko Negro slaves in Utaho (in Utah historical quarterly U89 vo2 Salt Lake City, 1929)° 979o205 Palmer, William R», 1877- Pahute Indian government and lawso U89 Vo3 (In Utah historical quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1929°) 979o205 Snow, William James, 1869- Utah Indians and Spanish slave U89 vo2 tradeo (in Utah historical quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1929°) 979°205 Seme source documents on Utah Indian slavery ° (in Utah historical U89 Vo2 quarterly o Salt Lake City, 1929)° UTAH— SOCIAL CONDITIONS 979° 2 Dwyer, Robert Joseph o The gentile comes to Utah$ a study in reli- D993g gious and social conflict (1862-1890) 000 by Robert Joseph Dwyero Washington, Do Co, The Catholic university of America press, 1941° Thesis (PhoDo)--- Catholic university of America, 1941° 256 378.792 Geddes, Joseph Arch, 1884- Institution building in Utah. A2781 Logan, Utah, Utah State Agricultural College, 1949. 24p. K143r no .8 (Annual faculty research lecture. 8th). 289*35 Harris, Franklin Stewart, 1884- The fruits of Mormonism, by H314f Franklin Stewart Harris ... and Newbern Isaac Butt ... New York, The Macraillan Company, 1925* 146p. 378.242 Ludwig, Inez Jeppson. The social adequacy of families residing in L948s Chesterfield. A study of a' sub— marginal community. [Salt Lake City] 1940. Thesis (M.A. 1940) — Department of social work, University of Utah. 378.242 Parsons, Virginia Elies. The institutional care of the indigent P271i aged in Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1935° Thesis (M.A.1935) — Department of sociology, University of Utah. UTAH—SCHOOL LIBRARIES 378.242 Wilcox, Larry. The availability of a recommended list of fiction W667a and biography in Utah public high school libraries. [Salt Lake City] 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950)— Dept. of Educational Adminis- tration, Univ. of Utah. UTAH— SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS 917.92 Bailey, Florence Augusta (Merriam) 1863- My summer in a Mormon B155m village. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1894 «> 171p« 780. 921 Foldes, Lili (Rendy). Two on a continent, by Lili Foldes. New F663 York, E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1947 « 254p« UTAH—SOIL CONSERVATION 378.242 Folkman, William S. An inquiry into the acceptance of a governmental F666i agency; the Soil Conservation Service. [Salt Lake City] 1949 « Thesis (M.S., 1949)--Dept. of sociology, University of Utah. UTAH— SPIDERS 378.242 Ivie, Wilton. A preliminary list of the spiders of Utah. [Salt I95p Lake City] 1932. Thesis (M.S. 1932) — Department of zoology, University of Utah . 378.242 Lafferty, Kathleen M. A preliminary study of the spiders of Red Ll63p Butte Canyon. [Salt Lake City] 1949. Thesis (M.A. 1949) — Department of Invertebrate Zoology, University of Utah. UTAHo STATE SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION 378.242 Bateman, Richard A. The history of the Utah State School Boards B328h Association and its fiinction In Utah education . [Salt Lake City? 1950 o Thesis (M0S0 1950)— Depto of Educational Adminis- tration, University of Utaho UTAHo STATE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION 378.242 Gray, Robert Mack. A study of the Utah State Bureau of Criminal G781u Identification and Investigation. [Salt Lake City] 1949 <> Thesis (MoSe, 1949) — Depto of Sociology $ . University of Utah. UTAH STATE HOSPITAL, PROVO 378.242 Gambol j Helen Ruth. Some factors in the adjustment of patients G192s released from a state hospital; an investigation of fifty schizophrenic patients released on trial visit from Utah State hospital, Provo, between May 1, 1949 and December 31, 1950. [Salt Lake City] 1952<> Thesis (M.S.Wo 1952) Graduate School of Social Work, University of Utah. 378.242 McKell, Charles Robert. History of the Utah State Hospital, Provo. M154h A study of the evolution of public care for the mentally ill. tSalt Lake City 3 1948° Thesis (M.S. 1948) Department of socio- logy, University of Utah. Utah Pam. Mental Hospital Survey Committee, New York. Survey of the Utah v.55 State Hospital. 1937 » 4n Utah Pamphlets, Vo 55) ° Utah Pam. Utah. State Hospital, Provo. General information con the] Utah vo55 State Hospital, Provo, Utsh . 1946. (in Utah Pamphlets, v.55)» UTAH STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, OGDEN 378o242 Stewart-, George Golden. A study of release policies and procedures S8495s of the Utah State Industrial School. A comparative study of parolees from the Utah State Industrial School under placement supervision of the Weber and Salt Lake County departments of Public Welfare and district Juvenille courts, 1949 • cSalt Lake City 3 1951° 378.242 Storey, Mary Louise. A study of the care and treatment of delinquent S8845s girls from Salt Lake at the Utah State Industrial School. [Salt Lake City] 1931. Thesis (M.S. 1931)— -Department of social educa- tion, University of Utah. 378.242 Tatton, Donald Fred, 1920- A survey of the attitudes of four T221s groups of parents in the Salt Lake area toward the Utah State Industrial School established as a treatment and rehabilitation center for juvenile delinquent [Salt Lake City] 1950. 258 Utah FamoUtah (Territory) Legislative Assembly. First Biennial report of the v»45 Trustees of the Territorial Reform School. Salt Lake City, Go Co Lambert, 1890. (in Utah Pamphlets, v.45)« UTAH STATE PRISON Utah PamoMandelij, James E. History of the Utah State Prison, 1850 to 1935* Vo53 rSait Lake City] The author [1935 J 21p. (In Utah Pamphlets, vo53°) 378°2i£ Morgan, Stanley R» The education program of the Utah State Prison. M849e [Salt Lake City] 1951" Thesis (M.S. 1951)— Dept. of Educational Administration, Univo of Utah. 289»3921 Nicholson, John, 1839-1909. The martyrdom of Joseph Standing; or, Sy85n The murder of a "Mormon" missionary ... also an appendix giving a succint ill description of the Utah penitentiary and some data regarding those who had, up to date of this publication, suffer- ed incarceration through the operations of the Anti-"Mormon" cru- sade begun in 1884° Written in prison. Salt Lake City, Deseret News Co., 1886 o 159p° 378o242 Sorenson, Alma Garth o Social case work techniques in the classifi- S713s cation of inmates at the Utah state prison. [Salt Lake City] 1940o Thesis (M.Ao 1940)— Dept. of social work, Univ. of Utah. Utah Pam.Utaho Board of Corrections o Rules and regulations for the disci- Vo53 pline and government of the Utah State Prison. Approved and adopted by the Board of Commissioners, 1896. 15p° (in Utah Pamphlets , v o 5 3 ) ° UTAH— STATEHOOD Utah Pam. Curtis, George Tickncr, 1812-1894° Admission of Utah; limitation Vol 3 of sovereignity by compact with the United States, an opinion. New York, The author, 1877° 22p. (in Utah Pamphlets, v. 13). 328 .73 Uo So Congress. [Utah documents 1884-1892] [Washington, Govt. U58u print o off«. p 1884-1892] Various paging. UTAH— STATISTICS 378.242 Robinson, Maurine. Some basic features of migration, occupational R66 distribution and income flows into Utah. [Salt Lake City] 1942. Thesis (M.S. 1942) — Department of economics, Univ. of Utah. 353°9792 Utah. Dept. of Public Welfare. A fiscal and financial trend study P978f and current analysis of the counties, school districts and cities of the state of Utah, a financial handbook. [Salt Lake City, 1935 "J 539p° 259 UTAH—STATISTICS, VITAL 378°242 Fox, Karl. Augusts A critique of mortaligy statistics with special F792c references to Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1938 o Thesis (MoAo 1938}-- -Department of sociology, University of Utaho 378o2i+2 Neville, Walter Curtis© A. statistical and qualitative analysis of N525s population differentials of Utaho [Salt Lake Cityl 1932 . Thesis (MoSo 1932) —Department of sociology, University of Utaho 3 78 o 242 Nicolaysonj, Macko A sociological study of the industrially-stranded N641s population in Tooele county o Thesis (MoAo I.934)~=Department of . iology. University of Utaho 353 o 9792 Utaho State planning committee o Health conditions and facilities P712h in Utaho [Salt Lake City,, 1936] Mimeographed o UTAH— STEEL INDUSTRY AND TRADE 3?8o242 Riches, Lo Victor o The steel-using industries of Utaho iSalt R529s Lake City] 1951 • Thesis (MoSo 1951 )— University of Utaho UTAH— STOCK RANGES Utah PamoPlummer p Arthur Perryo How to reseed Utah range lands, by Arthur Vo34 Perry 9 Richard Mo Hurd, and Co Kenneth Pearseo Ogden, Utah, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, June 1943 ° 22po (intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Re- search paper noo l)o (in Utah Pamphlets, vo34)o UTAH— SYRPHIDAE 378o242 Sedmarij, Yale So The Syrphidae of Utaho [Salt Lake City] 193 2 o S449 Thesis (MoSo 1952)— Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology, University of Utaho UTAH— TAX COLLECTION 353°9792 Utaho Tax Commission o Final, report on the survey of delinquency T235fp general, property taxes in Utaho Published by the State Tax Commission of Utah as a report on official, project 000 conduc- ' ted under the auspices of the Utah Works projects admini.stra- :no [Salt Lake City? 1 1 .1939? 3 353°9792 Utaho Tax Comm >n<< Property tax manual for the use of county T235pr office. [Salt Lake City? 3 I938o (Various paging? «) 260 UTAH— TAXATION 378o242 Brems, Robert Wo Partnerships versus corporations? their formation B836p and taxation in Utah ° [Salt Lake City] 1949° Thesis (M»S. 1949) —Department of accounting, University of Utah* 336 >2 Durham., George Homer, 1911- Utilization of tax resources by state government in Utaho A report to the Tax study committee Dilworth Walker, PhoDo, director of research* [Salt Lake City, Utah state tax commission, 19473 78p. Mimeographed. 378° 242 Rasmus sen, Jewell Jo Inequalities in the operation of the property tax R225i in Utaho [Salt Lake City] 1936. Thesis (M.S. 1936)— Department of business, University of Utaho 336o228 Rasmussen, Jewell Jenso Severance taxation in Utah. [Salt Lake R225s City? 1948] Thesis (Ph.D. )— Stanford Univ. 3780242 Shirley, David Eo Individual income taxation in the state of Utah. S558i [Salt Lake City] 1949° Thesis (M.S., 1949)— Department of econ- omics, University of Utah. 378o242 Snow, Glenn Edward o The history of the State Board of Equalization S67^h and Assessment. [Salt Lake City] 1929 • Thesis (M.S. 1929) — Department of economics, University of Utah. 378.242 Tanner, Sheldon Clarko Historical, critical, and comparative analy- Ti67hi sis of the Utah state system of taxation. [Salt Lake City, 1925 3 Thesis (M.A. 1925)— University of Utah. 353o9792 Utaho Committee to study operations of state government. Report of ,-rh the sub-committees on the Homestead exemption proposal and taxation o October, 1936. [Salt Lake City? 1936] l63p« 336o2 Utah Foundation o Special report on proposed tax measures; estimated U89s tax increases and decreases from Senate and House Bills intro- duced prior to February 3, 1949° Utah state legislature. [Salt Lake City, 19493 Mimeographed. (Various paging). 353.9792 Utaho Investigating Committee of Utah Governmental Units. [Reports.] 16^ r Salt Lake City [1936] 9 pts. (various pagings). 353.9792 Utah. Tax Commissiono Biennial report, 1st- Salt Lake City, 1932. T235bi 353°9792 Utaho Tax Commission. The minimum school program and the property T235m tax; a factual study by N. L. Wilson. [Salt Lake City] 1951. 32p. 353 «979* Utaho Tax Study Committee. Report. [Salt Lake City? 1946] 11 ?p. T2353r 353.9/92 Utah. Tax Commissiono Report to Works Progress Administration on T<3' ' re- appraisal and equalization of improvements in Utah [March i938 v and supplemental report July 1939] cSalt Lake City, 1939]. 261 UTAH— TAXATION— LAW 345°? Utaho Laws, statutes, etco Constitutional and statutory provisions U95r2 relative to revenue and taxation in the state of Utaho Revo edo Compiled by Utah Tax Revision Commission o [Salt Lake City] 1929o 326p. UTAH—TEACHERS 378o242 Gardner, Charles Co The status of the authorized teacher o Salt G226s Lake City, 1949° 111/ o Thesis (M0A0 1949) Univo of Utaho 378°242 Hilton, Lynn Mo A follow-up study of teachers educated at the Uni- H656f versity of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1950 88/0 Thesis (M0S0 I95O)— University of Utaho 378o242 Johnson, Vo Dicko Credits earned by people teaching on letters of J69c authorization in the state of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1950 73/° Thesis (MoSo 1950) University of Utaho 371 °11 Lindsay, Elizabeth Fo Characteristics of teachers which form the L748c basis for the selection of teachers in six Utah districts, Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University, 1924° 52/ «> Thesis (M0A0) — Brigham Young University ° 378o242 Long, Roland Eo A study of teacher tenure in Utaho Salt Lake City, L849s 1948° 119/° Thesis (MoSo 1948) University of Utaho 378o 242 McPhie, Walter Evan© Comparison of the teaching load of beginning M172c and experienced secondary school teachers o Salt Lake City, 1953° 103/° Thesis (M0A0 1953) University of Utaho 378o242 Moses, Darrell. Lee» An evaluation of the College of Education sel- M9113e ection procedures at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1953° 74/° Thesis (M»Ao 1953) University of Utaho 3780242 Prior, Carlo An analytical critique of the preparation and place- P958a ment of high school teachers in Utaho Salt Lake City, 1937° 132/o Thesis (MoSo 1937) University of Utaho 3780243 Tanner, William Goateso The personality characteristics of super- T?^67p ior and inferior teachers e Salt Lake City, 1952 ° 166/ o Thesis (PhoDo, 195 3) —University of Utaho 35 3 09792 Utaho Depto of public instruction Division of Teacher Personnel » P976sta Status of teacher personnel in Utah, 1951-53 <» Salt Lake City, 1953 o 67/° UTAH—TEACHERS CERTIFICATION 378o242 Bartonek, Cloyd 0o The history of teacher certification In Utaho B293h Salt Lake City,. 1948° 150/° Thesis (MoSo 1948) Univo of Utaho 262 UTAH— TEACHERS—LEAVES OF ABSENCE 378.242 Anderson, George Alberto Teachers* sick-leave policies in the public A546t school districts of the state of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1953. 77 £° Thesis (M.S. 1953) University of Utah. 378.242 Met calf, Roy Co Sick-leave benefits for teachers in Vfeber county M588s school district . Salt Lake City, 1945 • 50/. Thesis (M.S. 1945) Univo of Utaho UTAH— TEACHERS— RECREATION 378o242 Seifert, Elwood Paulo Recreational activities of teachers in selec- S4594r ted Utah districts . Salt Lake City, 1954. 225/. Thesis (M.S. 1954) University of Utah. UTAH— TEACHERS— SALARIES, PENSIONS, ETC. 378o242 Child, Clyde Comptono The economic status of public school teachers C536e of Logan, Utaho Salt Lake City, 1951. 58/. Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univo of Utah. Utah PamoHaving headaches, Mr« Legislator. Salt Lake City, Alumni of the Vo68,nool7 institution of higher learning in Utah, 1949* 379 "11 Lambert, Asael Carlyle, 1893- Salary and finance study of the L222s Carbon County consolidated school district. Provo, Brigham Young University Stenographic Bureau, 1933* l66p. 378o242 Met calf, Roy Co Sick-leave benefits for teachers in V/eber county M588s school district . Salt Lake City, 1945 • 50/o Thesis (M.S. 1945) University of Utah. 378o242 Nelson, James Byron o The conversion of the Utah State Teacher N4<71c retirement system to Federal Social Security. Salt Lake City, 1953 o 122/. Thesis (M.S. 1953) University' of Utah. 378.242 Noall, Matthew Fo Some of the factors which influence teachers T N743s salaries in the state of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1925 » 93/. Thesis (M.A. 1925) Univ. of Utah. 378*242 Nuttall, Drayton Bo The effect of state support on the salaries N979e of the teachers in the State of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1941. 106/o Thesis (M.A. 1941 )— Univ. of Utah. 378o242 Skidmore, Charles Jay. A study of the 1943-44 teachers* salary S628s schedules in Utah with special reference to House bill 28. Salt Lake City, Utaho 101/. Thesis M.S. 1944. Univ. of Utah. 371 °16 Utah Education Association. Research Department. Teachers salaries, U892t a manual for local committees. Salt Lake City, 1953* Mimeo. 263 353*9792 Utah. Governor <> Message of Governor J. Bracken Lee to the first G721mss special session cf the thirtieth legislature of the state of Utah on school retirement and finance* December 4, 1953* 20p. Utah Pam.Utah. University* To maintain efficient institutions of higher v. 68, no. 7 learning in Utah, salary increases are necessary by a joint com- mittee representing the boards and faculties of the University of Utah* and the Utah State Agricultural College, n.p., 1944? 378*242 Vietti, Edward Mo The status of retired teachers and non-teaching V66s employees of the schools of the state of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1952. 301/. Thesis (PhoD. 1952). Univo of Utah. UTAH— TEACHERS— SANPETE COUNTY 379*792 Utah Education Association. Report of an investigation in the South S196u Sanpete District, Sanpete County, Utah, an example of the import- ance of fair termination procedures and sound personnel policies. Salt Lake City, Utah Education Association, 1951 « 378*242 Combe, Charles Alberto Tenure of physical education instructors. C729t Salt Lake City, 1952o 8?/« Thesis (M.S., 1952)* Univ* of Utah. UTAH—TEACHERS— TRA INING 378.242 Allen, Merle E. Selection and guidance of prospective public A427se school teachers in Utah ? s institution of higher learning* Salt Lake City, 1950* 112/ . Thesis (M.S. 1950)— Univ. of Utah. 378*242 Koplin, Martin Richard. A study of teachers' reactions to in-service K83 Boddam-Whetham 9 John Whetham, 1843- Western wanderings; a record of travel in the evening lands » Son, 1874 o 364p° London, Ro Bentley and UTAH (TERRITORY) DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL— GUIDE BOOKS 917«3 Appleton's illustrated handbook of American travel; a full and A652h reliable guide o o oto 00 oUnited States and the British provinces, by To Addison Richards o With careful maps of all parts of the country, ' and pictures of .famous places and scenes -from original drawings by the author and other artists Part twos The southern and western states and the territories » New York, Do Appleton and Coo, 1857° Film 311 UTAH (TERRITORY)— EDUCATION Bane, Laverne Clarence The development of education in Utah (1870- 1896) Stanford, California, 1940 o Microfilm copy of type- written manuscript o Negative o Collation of the originals 262/< Thesis (EdoDo) Stanford University o 353*9792 Utah (Ter°) Commissioner of Schoolso Biennial report of the Com- P976sr missioner of Schools for Utah Territoryo Salt Lake City, etc©, Joseph Bull, etc© UTAH (TERRITORY) INDUSTRIES AND RESOURCES Utah Pam» Fabian, Benthamo The resources of Utah; with statistics of progress vol3 for the year 1872 . Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Tribune, 1873° 46po (in Utah Pamphlets, Vol3)o UTAH (TERRITORY) --LOCAL GOVERNMENT 328o73 Uo So Congresso Utah documents, 1884-1892, Washington, Govto U58u Printo Offo Various pagingo Contentso — 48th Congo 1st Sess» House of Representatives o Repto no» 1351° 266 UTAH—TOURIST TRADE 378o2/42 Wilson, Morris Merriamo A study cf distributive education in W?5ls southern Utah as affected by the tourist trade o Salt Lake City, 1952o H7/o Thesis (M0S0 1952) Univo of Utah. UTAH— TRAFFIC COURTS 353°9792 Utah regional traffic court conferences, 1947 ° Sponsored by U89tc clonal Safety Council and others Salt Lake City, 1947 . Mimeographed o (Various paging) o UTAH— TRANSPORTATION 9 MILITARY 388o 3 Settle, Raymond Wo 1888- Empire on wheels by Raymond Wo Settle, S495e and Mary Lund Settle o Stanford, Standard Univ» Press, 1949 « UTAH—TREES 378o 242 Christensen, Earl Mo The ecology and geographic distribution of C554e oak brush (Que reus gambeili) in Utaho Salt Lake City, 1949 » TO/o Thesis (MoS. 1949) Uhivo of Utaho 378o242 Dougali, Patriciao The shade trees of Salt Lake City, Utaho Salt D731s Lake City, Utah, 1942° 90/o Thesis (M0S0 1942) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Heinecke, Gertrude Ko Trees and flowers and Utah for nature study. H468t Salt Lake City, 1941° 182/ » Thesis (M0S0 1941) Univo of Utah. 378»242 Houston Walter Ro A preliminary study cf some factors affecting H843p herbage production in the aspen type cf central Utaho Salt Lake City, 1952 o 27/o Thesis W0S0 1952) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Lindsay, Delbert Wo A tree-- ring study in western Utaho Salt Lake L?48t City, 1949" 90/o Thesis (M0S0 1949^ Univo of Utaho 378o24<' Miner s Ernest Lavono A study of Utah trees in their winter condi- M664 I tiono Salt Lake City., 1929 » 158/ o Thesis (M0A0 1929) Univo of Utaho UTAH—UNEMPLOYED 378o242 Rasmussen, Alma Verncno The government work relief program in Utah, R225g 1932-1940o Salt Lake City, 1942 o 190/» Thesis (MoS. 1942) Univo of Utaho 331ol37 Utaho University, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. Utah U89eb economy^ employment trends, season-ality, economic patterns, future outlook o o ■•. prepared by Bureau of Economic and Business Research., University of Utah , and Department of Employment Secur- ity, Industrial Commission of Utaho Salt Lake City, Sept., 1950. 267 UTAH— UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 353°9792 Utaho Depto of Employment security o Utah statistical tables— E55stu unemployment benefits , 1938-1944 <> Salt Lake City, 1945. unpaged. UTAH— UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES 378.792 Utaho Agricultural College , Logan o Monographs o v.l- 1953- A2781 F143m Logan, Utah State Agricultural College, 1953. UTAHc UNIVERSITY 378 o 792 American Association of University Professors . Report of the U897am committee of inquiry on conditions at the University of Utaho 1915° 82p Utah PamoAnglemen, Sydney Winfieldo The University of Utah and the war. Vo68,nool3 Salt Lake City, The author, 1945° Typewritten o 5i. 378 o 241 Archibald, Lloyd Wo Design of 1000 kilowatt University transmis- A673d sionlineo Salt Lake City, 1928 . 46/0 Thesis (BoS. 1928) Univo of Utaho 3780241 Burmester, Laurence o Hydro-electric development for the University B962h of Utah, by Laurence Burmester and Claude Beebeo Salt Lake City, 1933° 12^o Thesis (B0S0 1933) Univo of Utaho 3780242 Darlstan, Herald LaMaro A study of placement at the University of C284s Utah from 1936=1941° 106/ « Thesis (M.S. 1941) Univo of Utaho Utah PamoCoray, George Quincyo The University of Utaho 1895° 140-156po v©44 illuso (in Utah Pamphlets, v.44)° "The American univer- sity magazine, vol oil, noo2, June, 1895, p° 140-156 o" 378o792 Cowles, LeRoy Eugene, 1880- University of Utah and World War II- U897co Salt Lake City, Deseret News Press, 1949 » 378o242 Downey, Nancy Dowden (Gunn)o Prediction of scholastic success in D748p training for law at the Univo of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1951 57/° Thesis (M.A. 1951) Univo of Utaho 353=9792 Ericksen, Ephraim Edward o A commentary upon the majority report o G7213ire Salt Lake City, 1943? 41/° 353°9792 Fonnesbeck, Leon, 1886- Reply to Dr. Ericksen* s Commentary on the G7213irf majority report o Salt Lake City, 1943? 36,8 [3 ] numb .leaves. 378o241 Huntsman, Oriondo Ao Electrical power survey of the University of H956e Utah campus, by Oriondo Ao Huntsman and Jo Vernon Sharp. Salt Lake City, 1930. 30/ . Thesis (B.S. 1930) Univ. of Utah. 268 Utah Pam.Kingsbury, Joseph Thomas, 1853-1937 <> Growth and development of the Vo66 5 nOo4 University of Utah, under the management of Joseph To Kingsbury. Salt Lake City, University of Utah, 1921. 15p. (in Utah Pams.) Utah Pamo Kingsbury, Joseph Thomas, 1853-1937$ comp. Reasons why the Agricul- Vo44 tural College and the University of Utah should be combined . Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1905 « (in Utah Pamphlets) <> 370 Maeser, Karl Gottfried, 1828-1901 . School and fireside. Salt Lake M184s City, Skelton [1898 3 348p. front «( port .) ports* Utah PamoNevada* University.. The student recordo v. (in Utah Pamphlet, v. 46) • vo/+6 378.241 Smith, Robert F« A proposed plan for the physical development of the S658p University of Utah 1950-2000 AoDc, by Robert F. Smith [and] David R. Veit. Salt Lake City, 1950. 25/. Thesis (B.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Strain, Andrew C. The development of job descriptions for the build- S896d ings and grounds department of the Univ. of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1951o 43/« Thesis (M.So 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.241 Street, Montfort G. The design of a 66,000 K.V. University of Utah S915d transmission line and consideration of the economic value and feasibility of building a transmission line from Logan to the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1928. 70/. Thesis (B0S0 1928) Univ. of Utah. 378.792 Taylor, Milton B. University land grants. Salt Lake City, The U897ta author, 1950? 34/° 06l Thomas $ George. Economic aspects of educational problems and the U89 v.30 growth and development of the University of Utah, (in Utah. University. Bulletin. 1940. v. 30, no. 17)° With this is bounds James, Fleming. The law and social change. Utah Pam.Utah College Commission, 1906. Summary of the majority report. v.54 1906. l6po (in Utah Pamphlets, v. 54)° 353 «9792 Utah. Governor, Committee to Investigate the Work of the Univer- G7213ir sity of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College, 1942. Report of the Committee appointed by Governor Herbert B. Maw. Roy Do Thatcher, chairman. Salt Lake City, 1943 » 66/. Utah Pam.Utah. Legislature. Senate Committee on education. Special report v.44 of the audit of the books of the Agricultural College of Utah and the University of Utah. 1907" 16 p. (In Utah Pam., v.44)« 378.74 Walker, Dilworth, 1893- Report on the economic status of the fed- US ^ eral land grants to the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1933* 378.242 Wilson, James R. Job analysis and the development of job descrip- W749J tion for certain clerical jobs on the Univiversity of Utah cam- pus. . Salt Lake City, 1951" 37/- Thesis (M.A. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 269 UTAHo UNIVERSITY— ADMINISTRATION 378 .242 Campbell, Lyle Ko An historical and critical analysis of exper- C188h iences of the University of Utah with War Assets Administration buildings. Salt Lake City, 1952. 94-2° Thesis (M.S. 1952) Univ. of Utah. UTAHo UNIVERSITY—ANNIVERSARIES 06l Larsen, Louis W. Anniversary album, by Louis W. Larsen and Ellis U89 V0I6 W. Barker, (in Utah. University. Bulletin, 1925. v.l6,no.l3) Cover title? Diamond anniversary album. 378o792 Utah. University. Centenary Committee. The state university in U891 American education j centennial commemoration proceedings, Uni- C39st versity of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1950. 133p. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— BUILDINGS 378.242 Campbell, Lyle K. An historical and critical analysis of exper- C188h iences of the University of Utah with War Assets Administration buildings. Salt Lake City, 1952. 94/° Thesis (M.S. 1952) Univ. of Utah. 378.241 Dahl, Harry Walter. Plans for the development of a University of D131p Utah camp at Brighton. Salt Lake City, 1935. 52/. Thesis (B.S. 1935) Univ. of Utah. 378.241 Parmelee, Richard A. Projected design of a civil engineering P253p building. Salt Lake City, 1950. 68/. Thesis (B.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 378.242 Brown, Charles Manley. An evaluation of the General aptitude test B877e battery as an instrument for predicting success in The College of Education. Salt Lake City, 1949° 58/. Thesis (M.A. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Moses, Darrell Lee. An evaluation of the College of Education sel- M9113e ection procedures at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1953° 74/° Thesis (M.A. 1953) Univ. of Utah. 378.243 Willey, Darrell S. A history of teacher-training at the University W714h of Utah, 1850-1950. Salt Lake City, 1952. 321/. Thesis (Ph.D. 1952) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 378.242 Drechsel, Lionel Gustavo The construction and validation of an D771c entrance mathematics test for freshman engineers. Salt Lake City, 1951° 87/° Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 270 378.242 Richards, Joel Nevin. The prediction of engineering success from R5i6p the pre-engineering inventory and from the co-operative achieve- ment tests o Salt Lake City, 1948. 56^. Thesis (M.S. 1948) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Westwood, Dale. Predicting academic achievement of senior engineers W538p with the General aptitude test battery. Salt Lake City, 1949* 51/. Thesis (M.S., 1949) Univ. of Utah. UTAHo UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CLASS OF 1951 378o792 Utah. University* College of Medicine. Class 1951* Medicine man: U897 a publication of the Class of 1951, College of Medicine, Univer- M48c 1951 sity of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1951 • 57p. Editor: Burton F. Brasher. 378o792 Utah. University ? College of Medicine. Class of 1952. Medicine U897 man: a publication of the Class of 1952, College of Medicine, M48c 1952 University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1952. 75p« Editor: Gerald P. Stevenson. UTAHo UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE—STUDENTS 378 o 792 Utah. University. College of Medicine. Class of 1951 • Medicine U897 man: a publication of the Class of 1951, College of Medicine, M48c 1951 University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1951 • 57p. Editor: Burton F. Brasher. 378.792 Utah. University. College of Medicine. Class of 1952. Medicine U897 man: published by the Senior class, College of medicine, Uni- M48c 1952 versity of Utah. ' Salt Lake City, 1954 • 76p. Editor: David A. Thiele. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— CURRICULA 378.792 Utah. University. Committee on General Education. Report. Salt U891 Lake City, 1947 • Mimeographed, 12, 4 L. G326r UTAH. UNIVERSITY*-- DEPT. OF BOTANY 378o792 Chamberlain, Ralph Vary, 1879- Life sciences at the University U897ch of Utah, background and history. Salt Lake City, Univ. of Utah, 1950. 417p» List of publications: p. 356-385* UTAH, UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 378.241 Burton, John T. Design of civil engineering building, by John T. B974d Burton and Arnold W. Coon. Salt Lake City, 1948. 39/. Thesis (B.S. 1948) Department of civil engineering, Univ. of Utah. 271 378°241 Cannon, Heber Stanley « University of Utah civil engineering grad- C226u uates in reviewo Salt Lake City, 1950 o 20/o Thesis (B.S. 1950) Univo of Utaho 378o241 Parmelee, Richard Ao Projected design of a civil engineering build- P253p ingo Salt Lake City, 1950o 68/o Thesis (BoS. 1950) Univo of Utaho UTAHo UNIVERSITY o DEPTc OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 371 06 Campbell, Roald Fo compo Miscellaneous papers on school plant C189m planning; papers given by Moffitt, Lambert, Shupe, Gourley, Walker and Barker were given [sic "J at the Educational Administra- tors Conference? University of Utaho June 21-26, 1948° Salt Lake City, 1949° Various pagingso Chart, Tables, typed copy UTAHo UNIVERSITY o DEPTo OF GENERAL BIOLOGY 378°792 Chamberlin, Ralph Vary, 1879= Life sciences at the University U897ch of Utah, background and historyo Salt Lake City, Univo of Utah, 1950o 417p° List of publications? p 356-385° UTAHo UNIVERSITY o DEPTo OF GENETICS 378°792 Chamberlin, Ralph Vary, 1879- Life sciences at the University U897ch of Utah, background and historyo Salt Lake City, Univ° of Utah, 1950o 417p° List of publications* p« 356-385° UTAHo UNIVERSITY o DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION 378o242 Olsen, Erna Person o An historical study of physical education for 0523h women at the University of Utah, by Erna Persch Olsen o Salt Lake City, 1949° 123p° Thesis' (M.S. 1949) Univ. of Utaho UTAHo UNIVERSITY o DEPTo OF INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY & ENTOMOLOGY 378°792 Chamberlin, Ralph Vary, 1879-= Life sciences at the University U897ch of Utah, background and historyo Salt Lake City, Univ» of Utah, 1950o List of publications? p Q 356-385° 417p° UTAH* UNIVERSITY o DEPTo OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY 378o792 Chamberlin^ Ralph Vary, 1879- Life sciences at the University U897ch of Utah, background and historyo Salt Lake City, Univo of Utah, 1950o List of publications? po356-385° 417p° 272 UTAHo UNIVERSITY— EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS 378.243 Anderson, Bert Do The national college sophmore tests and achieve- A545n ment in general education . Salt Lake City, 1952 » 229/. Thesis (EdoDo 1952) Unive of Utah. UTAH., UNIVERSITY. ENGINEERING HALL 378.241 Forbes, Homer R. Illumination in the Engineering Hall. Salt Lake F693i City, 1950. 35/<> Thesis (B.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS 378.242 Stewart, Ruth Persell. An appraisal of the selection procedures S851a for student nurses at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1953° 94/ o Thesis (M.S. 1953) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY. EXPERIMENTAL MINE 378.241 Bechtol, Gilbert E. A precise survey of the University of Utah B392p experimental mine, by Gilbert E. Bechtol, John R. Call, and William S. Gear. 24/° Thesis (B.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY. EXTENSION DIVISION 378.242 Hadlock, Alton Po An historical study of the services of the Uni- H131h versity of Utah Extension Division. Salt Lake City, 1950. 85/° Thesis (M.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITYo EXTENSION DIVISION. BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 061 Utah. University. Extension division. . . .A service for Utah U89 Vol6 business men. (in Utah. University. Bulletin. v.l6,no.7)« UTAH. UNIVERSITY. FACULTY 06l Utah. University. ...List of faculty members of the University U89 V.12 of Utah, 1921-1922. In Utah. University. (Bulletin. 1921, v.12, no.3)» 061 Widtsoe, John Andreas. . . .President* s address at the first faculty U89 v.ll meeting of the autumn quarter, Tuesday, September 23, 1919* (in Utah. University. Bulletin. 1920. v. 11, no. 6). 273 06l Widtsoe, John Andreaso <, ooPresident* s address at the first fac- U89 Voll uity meeting of the autumn quarter, Tuesday, September 21, 1920 o (in Utaho University o Bulletino 1920o v<.ll,noo7)o UTAHo UNIVERSITY— FRATERNITIES 378°242 Hansen, Paul Co A comparative study of the mental and scholastic H249c ratings of fraternity and non-fraternity men at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1933° 58/° Thesis (MoSo 1933) Univo of Utaho UTAHo UNIVERSITY o FUNDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 378 °74 Utaho University o Scholarships, fellowships, and other awards in U89 the University of Utaho (in Utaho University » Catalogue o 1917-18 1917-18 ). UTAHo UNIVERSITY—GENERAL EDUCATION 378o243 Anderson, Bert Do The na/tional college sophomore tests and achieve- A545n ment in general education o Salt Lake City, 1952° 229/° Thesis (EdoDo 1952) Univo of Utaho UTAHo UNIVERSITY—HEATING 378o241 Burt, Lester Co Insulation of steam and hot water pipes of Utah B973i University heating system, by Lester C° Burt and John Jo Oli- phanto Salt Lake City, 1932 o 43/ ° Thesis (BoSo 1932) Univo of Utaho 378o2i+l Ellis, Ralph Ro Combustion control and its application in the E46c University of Utah heating plant o Salt Lake City, 1935° 82/» Thesis (BoSo 1935) Univo of Utaho 378o241 Johnson, Roland F» The redesign of the heating plant of the Univer- J68r sity of Utah, by Roland F° Johnson and F« Arnold Bondo Salt Lake City, 1932° 27/° Thesis (BoSo 1932) Univo of Utaho 378o241 Ludlow, Ralph Avescno Temperature control, its application and L945t economy, by Ralph Avescn Ludlow, Harold Boehmer and Joseph LeRoy Petersono Salt Lake City, 1934° 118/ • Thesis (BoSo 1934) Univo of Utaho 378o241 Newton, Jo Po, Jro The design and construction of a steam separator N564d by Newton, Redd and Larsen° Salt Lake City, 1943° 14/° Thesis (BoSo 1943) Univ» of Utaho UTAHo UNIVERSITY— HEATING AND VENTILATION 378o241 Williams, Richard Co Analysis of heating and ventilating installa- W726w tion, Kingsbury Hall Auditorium o Salt Lake City, 1939° 36/« Thesis (BoSo 1939) Univo of Utaho 274 UTAH. UNIVERSITY. HEATING PLA - ^ 378.241 Abbott, Maurice. Boiler test of University of Utah heating plant, A128b by Maurice Abbott and Raymond Homes. Salt Lake City, 1937* 40/. Thesis (B.S. 1937) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— HISTORY Film A brief historical sketch of the Deseret University. Berkeley, 216 University of California, Photographic Service, 1946 > 1 reel. Microfilm copy of the original in the Bancroft Library, Uni- versity of California. 378.242 Davis, Frances Gilroy. A history of the William M. Stewart School D26lh 1891-1940. Salt Lake City, 1940. 129/. Thesis (M.S. 1940) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Engar, Keith Maurice. History of dramatics at the University of E57h Utah from beginnings until June, 1919 • Salt Lake City, 1948. 278/. Thesis (M.S. 1948) Univ. of Utah. 921 Moffitt, John Clifton. John Rocky Park in Utah 1 s frontier culture. P235m Salt Lake City, 1947 ° UTAH. UNIVERSITY— HOUSING 378.242 Lindford, A. Merrill. A study of housing conditions of single non- L754s resident male students at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1948. 86/. Thesis (M.S. 1948) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— INSTRUCTION 061 Paul, Joshua Hughes. ... Syllabus in English for freshman engin- U89 v.l6 eers, English EE, 1925-1926. (in Utah. University. Bulletin, 1925 v. 16, no. 3)o UTAH. UNIVERSITY. JOHN R. PARK MEMORIAL BUILDING 784.068 Stephens, Even. Memorial Ode written for the dedication of the John S832 R. Park Memorial Building, June 9, 1919 « UTAH. UNIVERSITY. KINGSBURY HALL 378.241 Lundberg, Fred. Accoustics tl] of Kingsbury Hall, by Fred Lundberg L962a and Frederick N. Neal. Salt Lake City, lv. (various pagings) Thesis (B.S.) Univ. of Utah. 378.241 Lyon, George Hiram. Accoustics of Kingsbury Hall, by G. H. Lyon, L991a and W. H. Heaton. Salt Lake City, 1949* 47/- Thesis (B.S. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 275 UTAHo UNIVERSITY— LEARNING AND SCHOLARSHIP 378.242 Merrill s Reed M. An evaluative study of scholarship probation in M571e the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1946 o 42/. Thesis (MoAo 1946) Univo of Utaho 378°2Z42 Richardson, Mary Lo Predicting university scholarship from intelli- R524p gence test scores and high school grades <> Salt Lake City, 1929 8I/0 Thesis (M.S. 1929) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Yeaman, Elaine o The Ohio State University psychological test as an Y38o index of scholastic success at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1943° 50,16 numbo/o Thesis (M.S« 1943) Univ. of Utaho UTAHo UNIVERSITY o LIBRARY 028 o7 Jones, Ruth Merrill o Guide to the University of Utah Library. J784g Salt Lake City, Univ° of Utah Stenographic Bureau, Seibert W» Mote, director, 1948 o 127/° Mimeographed o UTAH. UNIVERSITY— LOWER DIVISION 378o242 Faust, Augustus Fo A study of the organization of lower division F267s programs in state universities and other large public supported institutions of high learning o Salt Lake City, 1947° 78/ o Thesis (MoAo) Univo of Utah. 378o242 Lindsey, Rex Bo Predicting success in the lower division of the L753p University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1947° 60/. Thesis (M.S.) Univo of Utaho UTAKo UNIVERSITY—MACHINE SHOP 378o241 Vance, Robert 0. Redesign of the University of Utah machine shopo V22r Salt Lake City, 1942 « 19/ » Thesis (B.S. 1942) Univ. of Utaho UTAH o UNIVERS ITY— MUSIC F212 Wilhousky, Peter Jo University of Utah Summer Festival chorus Rl-3 recordings. 5 sides, 12in. 78 r.p.m. UTAHo UNIVERSITY— NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS* TRAINING CORPS 378o242 Maginnis, Davido The administration of the Contract Naval Reserve ML94a Officer Training Program at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1952c 126/o Thesis (M.S. 1952) Univ. of Utaho 276 UTAH. UNIVERSITY. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 378.242 Anderson, Clair L. A study of the relationship of physical fitness A545st to scholastic achievement in the army specialized training pro- gram at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1947- 83/. Thesis (M.A. 1947) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— POWER-PLANT 378.241 Fagergren, Alvin. The new hydro-electric plant at the University of F153n Utah. Salt Lake City, 1930. 31/. Thesis (B.S. 1930) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Jones, George Merrell. Modernization of the University power-plant. J77m Salt Lake City, 1933. 65/. Thesis (M.S. 1933) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY. PRESIDENT 061 Widtsoe, John Andreas. . . .President* s address at the first faculty U89 v.ll meeting of the autumn quarter Tuesday, September 23, 1919* (in Utah. University. Bulletin. 1920. v.ll, no. 6). 06l Widtsoe, John Andreas. ...President's address at the first faculty U89 v.ll meeting of the autumn quarter. Tuesday, September 21, 1920. (in Utah. University. Bulletin. 1920. v.ll, no. 7). UTAH. UNIVERSITY. REHABILITATION TRAINEE PROGRAM (PUBLIC LAW 16) 378.242 Grant, Claude W. A follow-up study of veterans training under public G76lf law 16 at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1947. 51/- Thesis (M.S.) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 378.242 Ralph, Ray B. The predictive efficiency of the General aptitude Rl636p test battery in the College of Medicine. Salt Lake City, 1949 59/. Thesis (M.S. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.792 Utah. University. School of Medicine. Class of '44. Salt Lake U897 City, 1944 • 107p. M48c 1944 UTAH. UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE— STUDENTS 378.792 Utah. University. School of Medicine. Class of '44. Salt Lake U897 City, 1944- 107p. M48c 1944 277 UTAH, UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF PHARMACY 378.242 Ralph, Sara Jeanne° The prediction of success in the college of Rl635p pharmacy at the University of Utah, by Sally Ralph (pseudonym.) Salt Lake City, 1948c 70/. Thesis (M.A. 1948) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY—SONGS 784.6 Whitelock, Kenly Wo Alma Mater. Salt Lake City, Whitelock-Kelly, W6l3a 1953. Score (3p°) UTAH. UNIVERSITY. STATE SCHOOLS OF MINES AND ENGINEERING 378.241 Ahlf, August Louis. Completion design of engineering hall, Univer- A285c sity of Utah, by August L. Ahlf and J. Lawrence Dean. Salt Lake City, 19^4° 45/° Thesis (B.S. 1934) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY. STATE SCHOOL OF MINES AND ENGINEERING. DEPTo OF METALLURGICAL RESEARCH 620 Lyon, Dorsey Alfred. Report of the department of metallurgical U89b research. State school of mines, University of Utah, by Dorsey no. 9 A. Lyon and Oliver Co Ralston. (in Utah. University. Engin- eering experiment station. Bulletin. 1916. no.9)« 620 Varley, Thomas M. Descriptive bulletin of the department of metall- U98b urgical research. State school of mines, University of Utah by no .11 Thomas Varley and others, (in Utah. University. Bulletin. 1919« v.10, no. 9)° Written by Thomas Varley, F. G. Moses, R. H. Bradford, and R. S. Lewis. UTAH . UNIVERS ITY— STUDENTS 378.243 Andrew, Dean C. The academic achievement of male non-high school A562a graduates admitted to the University of Utah, 1945-50. Salt Lake City, 1951° 142/ o Thesis (Ph.D. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Brown, Charles Manley. An evaluation of the General aptitude test B877e battery as an instrument for predicting success in the College of Education. Salt Lake City, 1949 o 58/. Thesis (M.A. 1949) Univo of Ut&ho 301.153 Brown, Ida (Stewart). Training university students in group devel- B878t opment, an experiment. Los Angeles, 1950. 63/° Duplimat reproduction. Thesis (Ph.D. 1950) Univ. of California° 378.242 Croft, Carma H. Comparative scholastic achievements of Japanese- C941c American students and Caucasian students of the University of Utah for the academic year 1942-43. Salt Lake City, 1944° 66, 18 numb. /. Thesis (M.S. 1944) Univ. of Utah. 278 378.242 DeGooyer, Melvin H. Validation of the cooperative general achieve- D319v ment test in mathematics at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1948. 40/ . Thesis (MoAo 1948) Univo of Utah. 378o242 Downey, Nancy Dowden (Gunn)o Prediction of scholastic success in D748p training for law at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1951- 57/« Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Drechsel, Lionel Gustav. The construction and validation of an en- D771c trance mathematics test for freshman engineers. Salt Lake City, 1951. 87/. Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Enkoji, Renso Y. The relationship between the degree of self -insight, E58r and intelligence, age, quarters completed and grade-point aver- age. Salt Lake City, 1952. 65/. Thesis (M.S. 1952) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Gordon, Oakley J. A factor analysis of aptitude, achievement, and G664f studiousness scores of 233 university college freshmen. Salt Lake City, 1950. 90/, Thesis (M.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. 378. 242 Hall, Beverly. A study of the attitude of freshman women at the H174a University of Utah towards physical education activity. Salt Lake~City, 1941 • 58/. Thesis (M.S. 1941) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Hansen, Paul C. A comparative study of the mental and scholastic H249c ratings of fraternity and non-fraternity men at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1933. 58/. Thesis (M.S. 1933) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Hatch, Sharon L. The influence of persistence and intelligence on H36li scholarship in college. Salt Lake City, 1934. 52/. Thesis (M.A. 1934) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Hunt, Ethel Aleen. A description of hearing losses and some related H94d factors found among students entering the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1951. 209/. Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.243 Isaksen, Henry L. Terminal students in the general education program I74t at the University of Utah, 1948 to 1950. Salt Lake City, 1951- 156/. Thesis (Ph.D. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.243 Jex, Frank Bird. Predicting scholastic achievement at the University J59p of Utah, 1945 to 1949. Salt Lake City, 1949° 163,123/° Thesis (Ph.D. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Kerr, Knight Belnap. A follow-up study of certain Public law 16 K41f veterans at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1952. 131/ « Thesis (M.A. 1952) Univ. of Utah. 378.243 Landward, John M. Factors related to the degree of academic success L264f of low-ability students. Salt Lake City, 1950. 10/. Thesis (Ph.D. 1950 ) Univ. of Utah. 279 378 o 242 L727m 378 »242 L754s 378 o 242 M126a Likes, Eula Waidram. The married student at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1941 «» 122/« Thesis (MoSo 1941) Univ. of Utah. Linford, Ao Merrill A study of housing conditions of single non- resident male students at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1948o 86/0 Thesis (MoS» 1948) Univ. of Utaho McCleary, Joseph Leono Attitude characteristics as found in three upper-class college reference groups <> Salt Lake City, 1950° 100 /„ Thesis (MoSe 195O) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Maginnis, Davido The administration of the Contract Naval Reserve M194a Officer Training Program at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1952 o 126/ » Thesis (MoSo 1952) Univ. of Utaho 378°243 Malouf, Phelon Joseph o Factors related to success and failure in M258f intermediate algebra at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1951o 148/. Thesis (PhoDo 1951) Univo of Utaho 378o243 P376o Pehlke, Donald Eo The orientation of freshmen in state Universities. Salt Lake City, 1952. 218, 6 numb. /. Thesis (Ph.D. 1952) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Pennock, John Albert. The study of the sexual attitudes and behavior P415s of two hundred single college men. Salt Lake City, 1949 » 91/. Thesis (M.S., 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Plummer, Harry. Determination of correlation between oral and si— P735d lent reading ability of one hundred University of Utah students selecting a course in oral reading. Salt Lake City, 1937 ° 41/o Thesis (M.A. 1937) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Ralph, Ray B. The predictive, efficiency of the General aptitude Rl636p test battery in the College of Medicine. Salt Lake City, 1949 » 59/» Thesis (M.S. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Ralph, Sara Jeanne. The prediction of success in the college of Rl635p pharmacy at the University of Utah, by Sally Ralph [pseudonym] Salt Lake City, 1948. 70 num. /„ Thesis (M.A. 1948) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Rasmussen, Alex L. English achievement measured by alternate forms R225e of English cooperative achievement tests of University of Utah students who have had different training programs in English. Salt Lake City P 1950. 54p° Thesis (M.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. 378°242 Rasmussen, Mary Jane W. Comparison of the performance of two R225c groups of sophomore students from different general education. programs at the University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1950. Thesis (M.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. 66p. 378.242 Richards, Joel Nevin. The prediction of engineering success from R5l6p the pre-engineering inventory and from the co-operative achieve- ment tests. Salt Lake City, 1948. 56/. Thesis (M.S. 1948) Univ. of Utah. 280 378.242 Senior, Noel* .of college S477a training on general aptitude I bt< ore Salt Lake City, 1952o II4/0 Thesis (M.S. 19521 Univ. of Utaho 378«> 2/+2 Sharp, Heber Cannon . A comparative analysis of the Ohio State psy- S531c chological scores of the yearly groups of University of Utah freshmen c Salt Lake City, 1945° 75/° Thesis (M0S0 1945) Univo of Utah. 378.242 Smith, James Arthur o A study of some of the facotrs thought to S651s be associated with academic failures in the school of education of the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1929° 50/. Thesis (M.S. 1929) Univ. of Utah. 378.243 Sorenson, Alma Garth. Non-intellectual factors related to success S713n in college. Salt Lake City, 1950. 91 67p° Thesis (Ph.D. 1950) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Thompson, Mary Lou. The relationship of biographical information T474r to scholastic achievement of college freshmen women. Salt Lake City, 1951 - 81/. Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Thurman, C. G. A statistical analysis of the predictive efficiency T539p of the General Aptitude Test Battery with biological and physical science students. Salt Lake City, 1949° 51/° Thesis (M.A. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.792 Utah. University. Coordinator of Veterans. Statistical information U891 concerning the veteran students enrolled at the University of C778s Utah for the winter quarter 1952-53 under the G. I. Bill (Public law 346 as amended). Salt Lake City, 1953° cover-title. 12/. 378.242 West wood, Daleo Predicting academic achievement of senior engin- W538p eers with the General aptitude test battery . Salt Lake City, 1949. 51/° Thesis (M.S. 1949) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Witherspoon, Younger T. Predicting grades at the University of W824p Utah. Salt Lake City, 1951° 67/° Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Woodhead, Marjorie J° The predictive efficiency of the General apti- W888p tude test battery in social sciences. Salt Lake City, 1949° 56/. Thesis (M.S. 1949) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY— STUDENTS, JAPANESE 378.242 Aoki, Hisa. Functional analysis of mono-racial in-groups: Nisei A638f congeniality primary groups on the University of Utah campus. Salt Lake City, 1950. 86/. Thesis (M.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. UTAH. UNIVERSITY. SUMMER SESSION, 1938 378.242 Merkley, Marion Gibb. The 1938 summer session of the University of M563n Utah as a factor in the professional training of teachers in 281 service o Salt Lake City, 1939 <> 156/° Thesis (MoS. 1939) Univo of Utaho UTAHc UNIVERSITY— WATER SUPPLY 378o241 Hoffman, John Jo A proposed water supply for the University of H713p Utah, by John Jo Hoffman and Ephraim Royal Morgan. Salt Lake City, 1901. I? unnumbo/o Thesis (B0S0 1901) Univ. of Utah. UTAHo UNIVERSITY-, WILLIAM Mo STEWART SCHOOL 378o2^2 Brundage, Erveno A proposed method for discovering students greatly B894p in need of extra help for improved personal- social adjustment <> Salt Lake City, 1952 . 92/o Thesis (M0S0 1952) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Christensen, Ioneo A mental survey of a training schoolo Salt C554me Lake City, 1919 «> ?9i° Thesis XM0S0 1919) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Mueller, Raymond J. The guidance needs of junior high school stu- M947g dent so Salt Lake City, 1948 o 95 /«> Thesis (M0S0 1948) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Palmer, Delores Coopero To determine the reaction of a fourth P173t grade to a program of self-selection of reading materials o Salt Lake City, 1953c 245^° (Thesis (MoS. 1953) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Snow, Rebecca Wright. Growth in written language power of eight S674g year olds. Salt Lake City, 1951° 204/° Thesis (M.S. 1951) Univo of Utaho 06l Utah. University o Exercises at the dedication of the Win. Mo U89 Stewart building, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Vol3,no»7 Monday, June 7 S 1920. (in Utah. University. Bulletin. 1923° v.l3,noo7) o 379.792 Utah. University. William M. Stewart School. A survey of the U89 Stewart School Community. Salt Lake City, Univ. of Utah, 1944° S85s 47-2° "A project of the Wm° M. Stewart School Faculty°" UTAH—URANIUM ORES 378o242 Whipple, Ross W. Radioactivity correlations in an ore deposit W575r near Park City, Utah. Salt Lake City, 1949° 40/. Thesis (M.S. 1949) Univo of Utah. UTAH—VETERANS 378o242 Everett, Alvin Goddardo Veterans' non-acceptance of clinic serviceso E93v Factors involved in veterans non-acceptance of mental hygiene clinic services following an intake interview and psychological testing. Salt Lake City, 1950 o Thesis (MoS.W. 1950) Univ. of Utaho 282 378 »242 HeapS, Marion Bernso Factors contributing to treatment termination H434f by veterans in a mental hygiene clinic o Some factors contri- buting to the treatment termination by fifty-one veterans follow- ing five or fewer treatment interviews in a Veterans Administra- tion mental hygiene clinic in Salt Lake Cityo Salt Lake City, 1950. 98/o Thesis (MoSoWo 1950) Univ. of Utah. 378.242 Kerr, Knight Belnap. A follow-up study of certain Public law 16 K41f veterans at the University of Utaho Salt Lake City, 1952 <> 131/o Thesis (MoA. 1952) Univo of Utaho 378o792 Utaho University o Coordinator of Veterans » Statistical informa- U891 tion concerning the veteran students enrolled at the University C778s of Utah for the winter quarter 1952-53 under the Go I. Bill (Public law 346 as amended) Salt Lake City, 195 3 ° cover-title 12/o UTAH— VILLAGES 323o354 Nelson, Lowry, 1893- The Mormon village | a pattern and technique N428m of land settlement o Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1952 o 296p D UTAH— VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 378«242 Ku, Yah-Shengo An appraisal of the George-Deen Act and the George- K95a Barden act as applied to distributive training in Utaho Salt Lake City, 1949 « 98/o Thesis (M0S0 1949) Univo of Utaho UTAH— WAGES 338o097 Uo So National Recovery Administration o Utaho Code of fair compe- U58c tition for the various industries and trades in the state of Utah, 1933-1934° Salt Lake City, etc* Chamber of Commerce Administration Office; Washington, Do Co, Government Print* Office, -1945 o 2vo UTAH— WASATCH COUNTY— GEOLOGY 378o242 Eskelsen, Quinn Morrison o Geology of the Soapstone basin and E759g vicinity, Wasatch, Summit, and Duchesne counties, Utaho Salt Lake City, 1953° 45/« thesis (M.S. 1953) Univ. of Utah. UTAH— WATER— POLLUTION 628 »16 U. S. Public Health Service. Division of Water Pollution Congrol. U58w Water pollution and sanitation aspects of the Weber Basin pro- ject, prepared jointly by; California and Great Basin Drainage Basins Office', Division of Water Pollution Control, Public Health Service, Federal Security Agency, and Division of Sanitary Engin- eering. Dept. of the Interior. Washington? 1951 • 183 UTAH—WATER-POWER 378o241 Knight, Kenneth Yo Power possibilities of the state of Utah, by K694p Kenneth Yo Knight and Clare Ko Olseno Salt Lake City, 1949 o 51/o Thesis (B0S0 1949) Univo of Utaho 628 ol Uo So Federal power commission o Power requirements survey; state U58p of Utah, 1946° 150p o "Prepared jointly by the San Francisco regional office of the Federal power commission and the Colorado river committee of the state of Utaho" UTAH— WATER-SUPPLY 628 ol Blaney, Harry French, 1.892- Consumptive use of water in the B642c irrigated areas of Upper Colorado River Basin (provisional) April 1949 s by Harry Fo Blaney and Wayne Do Criddleo Prepared under the direction of George Do Clyde, Chief, Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation o Uo So Depto of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Research 1949? 49^° 3780241 Connell, Lyle Do Adaptability of Salt Lake Valley water supplies C7515a for industrial purposes, by Lyle Do Connell and William Jo Lucas o Salt Lake City, 1943° 66io Thesis (B0S0 1943) Univo of Utaho Utah Pamo Daughters of Utah Pioneers o Pioneer water supplyo Compo by Kate Vo70,noo8 Bo Cartero Salt Lake City, 1948° 1947° 153-2l6po (in Utah Pamphlets Vo70 nco8) Also in "Heart throbs of the Westo" 3780242 Hunt, McCown Eo A study of existing and possible financing plans H952s for sewerage and water works projects in the state of Utaho Salt Lake City, I953» 215 /o Thesis (M0S0 1953) Univo of Utah. Doco Thomas, Harold Edgar, 1906- Geology and ground-water resources A19»13s of Cedar City and Parowan valleys, Iron County, Utah, by Ho Eo 993 Thomas and Go Ho Taylor o Prepared in cooperation with the state of Utaho Eo Ho Watson, State engineer o Washington, Uo So Govto print o offo, 19460 210p o 378o241 Thompson, William Ho Surface water resources not utilized in Utaho T478ffi^ Salt' Lake City, 1950o 29/0 Thesis (B0S0 1950) Univo of Utaho 628 ol Uo So Federal Power Commissiono Power requirements survey; state U58p of Utaho I9460 150p o "Prepared jointly by the San Francisco regional office of the Federal power commission and the Colo- rado river committee of the state of Utaho" 628 ol Upper Colorado River Basi.no Company Commissiono Engineering Ad- U68ce visory Committee Final report by Engineering Advisory Com- mittee to Upper Colorado River Basin Compact Commission, Nov- ember 29, 19480 Denver, Colorado, 1948 o Cover-title (Var- ious pagingso) Illuso (including maps)o 628 ol Upper Colorado river basin compact, entered into by the states of U68c Arizona, Coloo, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoo Santa Fe, NoMo,1948o28p< 284 353°9792 Utaho Emergency relief administration © Report on proposed reser- E53p voirs in Utah to Governor Henry. Ho Blood© 1935" 240po Foldo map in pocket© Hectographedo 353<>9792 Utaho Water and power board o Water for Utaho Report of the Utah W314w water and power board, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 1, 1948 o Salt Lake City, 1948 o 128p© UTAH—WATER, UNDERGROUND Doco Thomas, Harold Edgar, 1906- Geology and ground -water resources A19ol3s of Cedar City and Parowan valleys, Iron county, Utah, by HoEo 993 Thomas and Go Ho Taylor o Prepared in cooperation with the state of Utaho E» Ho Watson, state engineer© Washington, Uo So Govto print o offo, 1946© UTAH— WATERSHEDS 378o242 Petersen, Dan Lloyd o Reinventory of surface soil and plant char- P484r acteristics, Morris watershed o Salt Lake City, 1954° 48/© Thesis (M0S0, 1954) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Winters, Wayne Street o Reinventory of soil and plant character- W788r istics of Miller watershedo Salt Lake City, 1954 ° 95/° Thesis (M0S0 1954) Univo of Utaho UTAH— WOOL TRADE AND INDUSTRY 378o242 Lowe, Calvin Deanu An analysis of the channels of distribution of L913a Utah woolo Salt Lake City, 1952 o 105/© Thesis (M0S0 1952) Univo of Utaho 378o242 Parker, Lo Maylando Economic geography of Utah's sheep industry© P241e Salt Lake City, 1951© 194/° Thesis (M0S0 1951) Univo of Utaho UTAH WORLD'S FAIR COMMISSION Utah PamoThe Utah world's fair advocate© Salt Lake City, Utah world's fairo v©77 commission, 1892- Vo illuso (in Utah Pamsc) Monthly o Official organ of the Commission © UTAH— YOUTH 362 o7 U© So National Youth Administ ration « Utaho The National Youth U58u Administration of Utah, a documented summary of the activities 1943 of the National Youth Administration in the state of Utah for the period 1935-1943© Denver, National Youth Administration, 1943© 285 UTAH— YOUTH HOSTELS 378 "242 Harrison, Gordon E. Youth hostel program possibilities in Utah. H319y Salt Lake City, 1950. 109, 1 incl. maps. Thesis (M.S. 1950) Univ. of Utah. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 016 298UT1H C002 HOLDINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ON UT I 1 0112 025267250