Illustrations Figure Page Massive dolomite in northwestern Illinois Frontispiece 1. Rugged topography in northwestern Illinois 12 2. Glacial till overlying bedrock 14 3. Till accumulating at the margin of a glacier 16 4. Glacial moraine in Illinois 17 5. Typical kame near Elgin 17 6. Bluff of loess in southwestern Illinois 18 7. Loess kindchen 20 8. Example of an unconformity 25 9. Copper nuggets found in Illinois 27 10. Group of calcite crystals 29 11. Group of feldspar crystals 30 12. Group of fluorite crystals 31 13. Group of galena crystals 33 14. Fibrous gypsum 31 15. Limonite 35 16. A sheet of mica 36 17. Pyrite and marcasite 38 18. Group of quartz crystals 39 19. Sphalerite crystals 40 20. A granite boulder near Kankakee, Illinois 42 21. A hand specimen of dolerite 43 22. Peridotite dike 44 23. A view of basalt in place 45 24. A hand specimen of i)()ri)hyry 46 25. A boulder of gneiss 47 26. Ouartzite in place 48 27. Thin-bedded limestone near Essex, Illinois 50 28 Cherty Shakopce dolomite 52 29. Thinly bedded shale in southern Illinois 55 30. Sandstone near Oregon, Illinois 56 31. Conglomerate from southern Illinois 57 32. Bands of white chert in limestone 58 33. Concretions of various types 61 34. Geode broken open to show quartz crystals 62 k^^H L 1 -=■ 1=^ U.S.A. -^^^H \ ^ 1 r ^ ^1 L i ^H E «; -H iiTn 11 ;co. 1 u.s A. 2 •l i|i|i i|i|i|i i| A Gvdl tiu*».ot«u^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign CQ O ?: ■-5 ^ a be ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. Leighton, Chief EDUCATIONAL SERIES NO. 3 TYPICAL ROCKS AND MINERALS IN ILLINOIS By George E. Ekblaw and Don L. Carroll Printed by authority of the State of Illinois URBAN A. ILLINOIS 1931 Departmtent of Registration and Education State Board of Natural Resources and Conservation Committee on Geological Survey M. F. Walsh, Chairman Director of Registration and Education Charles M. Thompson Representing the President of the Uni- versity of IlHnois Edson S. Bastin Geologist JEFFERSONS PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. SPRINGFIELD. ILLINOIS 1931 Preface In response to an increasing number of inquiries from schools and individuals for information regarding the rocks, minerals, and fossils of IlHnois, this manual has been prepared to accompany sets of selected materials which the Illinois State Geological Survey is preparing for distribution to the public schools of the State. The manual is purposely brief, which necessitates the omission of much that might be said regarding these materials, but it is believed that this briefer form meets die needs of the public schools better than a more extended treatment. The manual is so written that it is a source of much information without reference to the prepared sets of min- erals, rocks, and fossils and will therefore answer many inquiries regarding the character of the minerals and rocks of Illinois. This is the third of a series of educational pamphlets now being prepared by the State Geological Survey, the first two being "The Story of the Geologic Making of Southern Illinois'' and "The Rock River Country of Northern Illinois." Others will folhnv. M. M. Leighton, Chief Contents Page Introduction 13 Classes of rocks 14 Surficial materials 15 Glacial drift 15 Loess 19 Bedrock 21 Igneous rocks 21 Sedimentary rocks 21 Metamorphic rocks 22 Geological history 23 Minerals and rocks described 21 Minerals 28 Calcite 28 Feldspar 30 Fluorite 31 Galena 33 Gypsum 34 Limonite 35 Mica 36 Pyrite 38 Quartz 39 Sphalerite 40 Rocks 41 Igneous rocks 41 Granite 42 Dolerite 43 Peridotite 44 Basalt 45 Porphyry 46 Metamorphic rocks 47 Gneiss and schist 47 Quartzite 49 Sedimentary rocks 51 Limestone and dolomite 51 Shale 54 Sandstone 56 Conglomerate 59 Page Minerals and rocks described — Continued Subsidiary rock forms 59 Chert 59 Concretions 60 Geodes 62 Fossils 63 Corals 63 Blastoids 65 Crinoids 65 Brachiopods 65 Bryozoa 65 Pelecypods 65 Gastropods 66 Cephalopods 66 Trilobites 66 Vertebrates 67 Plants 67 Natural mineral products 68 Peat 68 Coal 69 Petroleum 70 Silica sand 70 Common molding" sand 72 Tripoli 7?i Fullers' earth 75 Ocher 75 Glossary 77 Illustrations Figure Page Massive dolomite in northwestern Illinois Frontispiece 1. Rugged topography in northwestern Illinois 12 2. Glacial till overlying bedrock 14 3. Till accumulating at the margin of a glacier 16 4. Glacial moraine in Illinois 17 5. Typical kame near Elgin 17 6. Bluff of loess in southwestern Illinois 18 7. Loess kindchen 20 8. Example of an unconformity 25 9. Copper nuggets found in Illinois 27 10. Group of calcite crystals 29 11. Group of feldspar crystals 30 12. Group of fluorite crystals 31 13. Group of galena crystals 33 14. Fibrous gypsum 3\ 15. Limonite 35 16. A sheet of mica 36 17. Pyrite and marcasite 38 18. Group of quartz crystals 39 19. Sphalerite crystals 40 20. A granite boulder near Kankakee, Illinois 42 21. A hand specimen of dolerite 43 22. Peridotite dike 44 23. A view of basalt in place 45 24. A hand specimen of porphyry 46 25. A boulder of gneiss 47 26. Ouartzite in place 48 27. Thin-bedded limestone near Essex, Illinois 50 28. Cherty Shakopce dolomite 52 29. Thinly bedded shale in southern Illinois 55 30. Sandstone near Oregon, Illinois 56 31. Conglomerate from southern Illinois 57 32. Bands of white chert in limestone 58 33. Concretions of various types 61 34. Geode broken open to show quartz crystals 62 Page 35. Group of typical fossils found in Illinois 64 36. Reconstruction of a "Coal Measures" swamp forest 66 37. Fossilized impressions of plant leaves 67 38. An outcrop of coal 69 39. Face of a silica sand quarry 71 40. Face of a tripoli mine 73 41. Fullers' earth as exposed in pit 74 o U > Q 5-! o ?*. s -E ^-^ o TYPICAL ROCKS AND MINERALS IN ILLINOIS By George E. Ekblaw and Don L. Carroll INTRODUCTION It is surprising how very little most of us know about the earth on which and from which we live. We accept as commonplace some of Nature's most remarkable mani- festations, simply because they are so familiar, whereas there is actually underneath our feet and before our eyes a mystic earth world, if we will l)ut pause and see it. Illinois is often descril)ed as an area of monotonous, uninteresting flat prairies. It is regrettable that this opinion is so generally accepted, 1)ecause in fact the greater part of the State is more or less rugged and displays in- triguing as well as scenic prospects, and even the more flattish areas possess a wealth of interesting phenomena. Doubtless at one time or another the curiosity of every person — man, woman, and child — has been aroused by some rock or mineral fragment or other item originat- ing in the earth. In most cases their curiosity has re- mained unsatisfied because they could find no explanation for the object. For this reason this brief manual of rocks and minerals most commonly found in Illinois has been prepared with the hope that it may satisfy in part the curiosity aroused by their discovery and encourage further acquaintance with them. 13 14 CLASSES OF ROCKS For an adequate understanding of their occurrence, a brief resume of the types of rocks and their origin is first presented, and the geological history represented by them is briefly summarized. The individual rocks and minerals are then discussed with reference to their char- acter, their origin, their occurrence in the State, and their uses. Fig. 2. Glacial till overlying limestone- — an example of loose material over bedrock. Illinois State GcoL Survey Bulletin 19, plate 11. CLASSES OF ROCKS The rock materials of the earth may be conveniently classified as ( 1 ) loose, surficial material overlying bedrock (fig. 2), and (2) solid bedrock in place. GLACIAL DRIFT 15 SURFICIAL MATERIALS The surficial material may be further classified as (1) residual deposits derived from other rock materials by weathering, (2) slope wash, landslide, and slump de- posits, (3) alluvium or stream deposits in valleys, (4) lake deposits, (5) marsh deposits, (6) wind deposits, chiefly sand dunes and loess, and (7) glacial deposits. All of these deposits consist of sorted or unsorted material orig- inally derived from bedrock and therefore contain frag- ments of many kinds of rocks and minerals. All of the State except the southernmost counties and probably Calhoun and Jo Daviess counties is covered with glacial deposits, designated collectively as glacial drift, which in turn is mantled with loess over most of the State. GLACIAL DRIFT During the Pleistocene period, the geologic period next preceding the Recent period, there were stages of long duration wlien the snow and rain that fell and froze as ice accumulated faster than it melted until in northern North America it became so thick that it s]:)read outward, es])e- cially southward, from centers in Canada. The moving ice, or glacier, picked up and incorporated within itself some or all of the soil and surficial material over which it passed, and from the exposed bedrock it scraped and plucked fragments and masses of all sizes and description. These it carried with it, so that they were borne far from their original locality. Eventually, probably due to climatic changes, melting balanced the advancing movement of the glacier, so that its margin remained relatively stationary for several sea- 16 CLASSES OF ROCKS sons. The material that it carried was released by the melting. Some of it was carried away by the water, from which the coarse gravel was dropped not far from the glacial margin, finer and finer material farther and farther away, and the finest clay was carried possibly all the way to the ocean. Much of the material in the glacier re- FiG. 3. Glacial till accumulating at the margin of a glacier (Greenland). Photograph by T. C. Chamberlin. mained where it was dropped as the ice melted (fig. 3) ; it formed a heterogeneous mixture of all sizes, from finest clay to the largest boulders, which is called till. Throughout the gravel and till are scattered a host of rocks, many of which have been carried from points far from Illinois and which are therefore of added interest. GLACIAL DRIFT 17 As long as melting approximately l^alanced advance of the glacier, so that the margin of the glacier remained relatively stationary, the advance of the ice hronght up Fig. 4. Glacial moraine in Illinois, showing- ridgelike development and typical irregular topography. Photograph by JJ\ C. Knnnbcin. Fig. 5. Typical kame near Elgin, Illinois. Photograph hy .1. G. Kistlcr. more and more material as far as the margin and thus an irregular ridged ])elt of till, called a moraine (fig. 4), was there ])uilt up. Hills (kauics) (fig. 5) and ridges (cskcrs) of gravelly material were huilt uj) where streams flowed in, under, or on top of the glacier or where they flowed out at the margin of the glacier. Further climatic change then halted all movement of the glacier or at least favored melting, so that the margin retreated and left a more or less undulatory till plain. 18 CLASSES OF ROCKS Fig. 6. Bluff of loess along Mississippi River, in Calhoun County, Illinois. Bank swallows find loess bluffs to be ideal nesting sites ; note numerous nest-holes above. Photograph by T. E, Savaac. LOESS 19 By means of old soils and peat deposits developed on one drift and then buried by another, as well as by other criteria, it has been determined that there were at least four distinct stages during which glaciers advanced over United States from Canada and retreated as warmer in- terglacial stages occurred. The alluvium and surficial de- posits other than glacial drift, especially loess, which occur in Illinois were developed during the interglacial stages and since the last glacial stage. LOESS Loess is a powdery mixture of fine sand and silt which has been deposited by the wind during the Pleisto- cene and Recent periods. Most of it is l)elieved to have been derived from silty material deposited by flooded streams flowing from the melting glacier. Whenever the flooded streams receded, the material they had deposited over their flood plains dried and the finer particles were picked up by the wind which carried them as dust and de- posited them over the uplands. Consequently the coarsest material, in deposits of loess tens of feet thick, capable of standing in vertical bluffs (fig. 6), occur nearest large rivers like Mississippi and Illinois rivers, and finer ma- terial in deposits only a few feet or even a few inches thick occurs farther from them. Originally the loess was calcareous, but since its de- position the upper part of it has been leached by ground water. The lime which the ground water leached from the upper part was carried downward and in many places was redeposited in the lower part, where it forms small more or less symmetrical irregular nodules. Many of 20 CLASSES OF ROCKS these nodules resemble grotesque figurines, hence they are called ''loess kiiidchen" (German for ''little children of the loess"). Fig. 7. Typical loess kindchen. The high fertility of the soil of the Corn Belt in Illi- nois and other central states is due largely to the texture and chemical content of the loess and glacial drift which cover them. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 21 Bedrock The bedrock of the earth may be divided into three main classes — (1) igneous, (2) sedimentary, and (3) metamorphic rocks. IGNEOUS ROCKS The igneous rocks are classified as intrusive and ex- trusive. Intrusive rocks are those that were formed by the cooling and crystallization of molten rock (magma) forced into other rocks below the surface of the earth. Extrusive rocks are those that are formed by (a) the cool- ing and congealing of molten rock (lava) forced out on the surface of the earth or (b) the accumulation of rock ash and coarser fragments erui)ted by volcanoes. Granite^ syenite, dolerite, and peridbtite are Cv)mm()n instrusive rocks; basalt and feJsite are the m(;st common lava rocks; and tuff and puiuiee are the most common volcanic rocks. Fragments of all of these kinds of rock, as well as many other ignecuis rocks foreign to the State, ma\' be found scattered through the glacial drift or along the streams in Illinois. The only igneous rv)cks that are exposed in place in the State occur in Hardin Count}' and in some coal mines in southern Illinois. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS As their name imj^lies, the sedimentary rocks were formed by the consolidation of sediments deposited ])rin- cipally in the ocean, although some of them were deposited in lakes, along stream valleys, or on ancient land surfaces. Idle sediments consist (1) of rock waste derived b\' w^eathering of rock materials on the old land surfaces and (2) of chemical ])recipitates or organic secretions, or 22 CLASSES OF ROCKS both, from the water bodies. The principal sedimentary rocks are limestone, dolomite, shale, siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. In addition to these, there are several less important varieties and also all grades of transitional varieties, so that there are shaly limestones and limy shales, shaly sandstones and sandy shales, and so on. Fossils are frequently found in the rocks ; they are the petrified re- mains of animals and plants and other evidences, including tracks, imprints, etc., of their existence at the time the sediments were deposited. As these sediments were de- posited generally in water, the resulting rocks were orig- inally almost or quite flat-lying, but as a result of the earth movements which later affected them they are tilted more or less steeply at some places. Sedimentary rocks are exposed in nearly every county of the State. METAMORPHIC ROCKS Metamorphic rocks, as their name signifies, are igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been considerably changed in various ways. No metamorphic rocks of con- sequence are exposed in Illinois, but fragments of various kinds may be found in the glacial drift and along streams. The most common varieties are quartzite (altered sand- stone), gneiss and schist (altered igneous rocks), slate (altered shale), and marble (altered limestone). GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 23 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY By records of wells that have been drilled deep into the earth's surface and by outcrops of rock in Illinois and adjacent states, it is known that at a depth of not more than a few thousand feet the State is underlain by an un- known thickness of igneous and metamorphic rock. By the same means it is known that this foundation of igneous and metamorphic rock is overlain by a series of sedi- mentary rocks that occur in regular sequence but may vary in thickness and in character. The sedimentary rocks are so generally mantled with glacial drift and other surficial deposits that they are exposed only in limited areas in the State. The long history of the earth is divided into five great eras — Archeozoic (ancient life), Proterozoic (dawn of life), Paleozoic (early life), Mesozoic (middle life), and Cenozoic (recent life) — which extend backward millions and millions of years. The igneous and meta- morphic rocks composing the rock foundation of the State belong to the Archeozoic and Proterozoic eras, the sedi- mentary rocks belong to the Paleozoic era, and the glacial drift and other unconsolidated deposits belong to the Cenozoic era. No rocks belonging to the Mesozoic era occur in Illinois. Each era is further subdivided into per- iods. For instance, the Paleozoic era is subdivided into Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian periods, the names for each being derived from some region in Great Britain or in United States where the rocks are thick and well exposed. The rocks belonging to each period are divided into formations that persist over extensive areas. Each formation is designated by a name derived from some 24 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY locality where it is well exposed and each formation possesses typical characteristics — for instance, there is the St. Peter sandstone (St. Peters River, Minnesota), the Galena dolomite (Galena, Illinois), the Niagaran dolo- mite (Niagara Falls, New York), the Maquoketa shale (Maquoketa River, Iowa), etc. TABLE OF GEOLOGIC TIME DIVISIONS Era Period Dominant forms of Life" ^= Recent *Pleistocene ^Pliocene Miocene Oiigocene '''Eocene Man Cenozoic Warm blooded animals and flowering plants. Mesozoic * Cretaceous Comanchean Jurassic Triassic Reptiles, first flowering plants. Reptiles, medieval plants, and first birds. Permian ^Pennsylvanian (Coal Measures) "^Mississippian "^Devonian * Silurian *Orclovician "^ Cambrian Earliest land animals, first in- sects, and widespread forests. Paleozoic Fishes and fi.rst forests. Shelled invertebrates, first fishes and first land plants. Proterozoic Keweenawan Huronian Primitive invertebrates (without shells). Archeozoic Most primitive, minute, and soft-tissued forms. "^ Represented by rock formations in Illinois. « After Pirsson and Schuchert. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 25 A study of the rocks provides an interpretation of the general situation in which they were formed, and a re- construction of at least the major events that comprise the geologic history of the State. Each formation repre- sents a stage of time when this region was submerged beneath the sea and each break between formations rep- resents an interval when the region was exposed as land. During the stages of submergence, mud or clay, sand, Fig. 8. Typical unconformity between limestone dipping slightly to the right and shale dipping slightly to the left. Courtesy New York Museum, Albany. gravel, marl, etc., were deposited and were later consoli- dated into shale, sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, etc. During the stages of emergence, the exposed land surface suffered erosion and weathering much as it does at present. When the region was resubmerged after each interval of emergence, the sediments deposited in the sea buried the irregular surface created by erosion and weathering, and so preserved the surface as an unconformity (fig. 8). 26 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY At various times the region was also affected by earth movements, by which some portions of the area were raised higher than others and as a result of which the original flat-lying rock strata were faulted, (broken) folded, or tilled so that in places they now dip more or less steeply. After long periods of time, during which the region was alternately below and above the level of the sea, it was affected by the repeated glaciations, each of which left drift and related deposits. Following each glaciation, the surface was modified by erosion and the drift was affected by weathering, so that the surface relief — streams, rivers, lakes, valleys, ridges, plains, dunes, etc. — and the soil that now exist in the State were developed. MINERALS AND ROCKS n MINERALS AND ROCKS DESCRIBED A rock may be defined as any considerable amount of mineral matter brought together by natural means. It may be loose or solid and may be composed of one or more minerals. A inineral is a body or mass of material. Fig. 9. Typical examples of copper nuggets foiiiKl in the glacial drift in Illinois (p. 28). usually solid, produced by inorganic processes and having definite chemical composition, typical crystal form and habits under favorable conditions, and definite ])hysical properties, such as color, luster, transparency, hardness, toughness, fracture, cleavage, specific gravity, and many others. 28 MINERALS Minerals More than 1000 distinct minerals and innumerable varieties of them have been identified from all parts of the world, but only about fifty of them are very common. Only those minerals which possess outstanding characteris- tics and which occur in individual crystals so large, so commonly, or so typically in Illinois that they attract gen- eral attention are treated in this manual. Others w^orthy of mention are the hornblende and pyroxene groups of greenish-black minerals which are common in igneous rocks ; barite and siderite which are occasionally found in sedimentary rocks; hematite, a reddish-brown iron-bear- ing mineral which occurs in Illinois mainly in a thin bed of unique material in the northeast part of the State ; melan- terite, a yellowish-white incrustation on pyrite or in rocks containing pyrite, especially those associated with coal beds ; and copper which occurs as nuggets (fig. 9) in glacial drift. Calcite, one of the most common rock minerals, con- sists of calcium carbonate (CaCOs), which may be repre- sented as a combination of lime (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The pure mineral is white or colorless and trans- parent, but many specimens are yellowish or grayish-white and opaque as a result of impurities. Calcite can be easily scratched with a knife and usually can be easily split into perfect rhombohedrons. It effervesces readily when treated with hydrochloric (muriatic) acid (HCl). It possesses in a marked degree the peculiar property known as double refraction, as a result of which, for instance, a dot on a piece of paper viewed through a piece of transparent calcite appears as two dots, and if the calcite is rotated, one dot appears to move around the other. CALCITE 29 Calcite is the principal constituent of all limestones and marbles, the major component of dolomite, and a lesser component of other sedimentary and igneous rocks. It commonly forms the stalagmites and stalactites found in caves, fills cavities and crevices in the rocks, and in the Fig. 10. Group of calcite crystals. Courtesy Illinois State Museum, Springfield. variety known as travertine occurs as a surface deposit associated with ground water seeps, springs, and geysers. Although it is found in one form or another in most parts of Illinois, the mineral itself is but little used, small amounts of it being ground for agricultural lime in south- ern Illinois. 30 MINERALS Feldspar is a general name for a large group of minerals all of which are aluminum silicates of sodium, potassium, and calcium and consist of silica (SiOg) and Fig. 11. Group of feldspar crystals. Courtesy Illinois State Museum, Springfield. alumina (ALOs) with varying amounts of soda (NaO), potash (K2O), lime (CaO), and other elements. Feldspar is brittle and hard enough to scratch soft glass. It has FLUORITE 31 a pearly or vitreous luster and is white, gray, pink, red, yellow, and blue in color. It is a common mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks and hardly occurs other- wise in Illinois. Fig. 12. Group of fluorite crystals. Courtesy Illinois State Museum, Sprinijfield. Fluorite (fluorspar), ])ro1)al)ly the mcjst important commercial mineral in Illinois, consists of calcium fluoride (CaFs). It is colorless, white, amber, yellow, green, blue, or purple and has a glassy luster. It can be scratched with a knife and can be easily split into octahedrons. Crystals of it are cubical in shape. Z2 MINERALS V'ery extensive and valuable deposits of fluorspar occur in Hardin and Pope counties, in southeastern Illi- nois. The mineral is there found in vertical or nearly vertical veins 5 to 15 feet wide or in horizontal beds in some of the limestone formations and is mined to a depth of 600 feet. Most of the fluorspar is used in the manufacture of basic open-hearth steel, small amounts are used by the ceramic and chemical industries, and clear transparent fluorite is used for making certain kinds of lenses for microscopes and small telescopes. More than 50,000 tons of fluorspar, worth more than a million dollars, are pro- duced each year in southeastern Illinois. GALENA 33 Galena, lead sulfide (PbS), is the principal ore of lead. It is heavy, opaque, bright lead-gray in color and of metallic luster when fresh, and can be scratched with a knife. It occurs in cubical crystals and readily breaks into cubical fragments. Fig. 13. A group of galena crystals. Small crystals or masses of galena are found in lime- stone formations in many places in Illinois. In north- western Illinois the mineral was once sufficiently abundant to warrant mining on a scale that made the region the world's greatest source of lead at the time. In south- eastern Illinois it is associated with fluorite where it is recovered as a by-product of fluorspar mining. 34 MINERALS Gypsum, hydrous calcium sulfate (CaS04+2H20), is a white, transparent to opaque mineral when pure but often possesses various colors — yellow, red, brown, blue, gray, and black — as a result of impurities. It is so soft that it can be easily scratched with the fingernail and it splits readily into thin sheets which are only slightly Fig. 14. Fibrous gypsum. flexible. In this respect it differs from mica which is flexible. It is softer than calcite and quartz which min- erals it otherwise resembles. In Illinois gypsum is found as thin layers, as small platy or fibrous crystals, or as small aggregates along joints, in cavities, or scattered through shales and clays. Because it occurs only in small quantities it is of no com- mercial importance in this State but elsewhere huge de- posits of gypsum are the source of material for making plaster, building materials, plaster of Paris, and many other products. LIMONITI 35 Limonite is a hydrous iron oxide (2F2O3+3H2O), 3^ellow, rusty, reddish-brown, or black in color with a char- acteristic yellow streak. It occurs commonly and in a variety of ways, mainly as stains or cementing material in soil, clay, sand, gravel, and rocks, as thin sheets and coatings in crevices, as ''buckshot" in some soils, as irregu- FiG. 15. Limonilc. lar aggregates or accumulations in loose material or in cavities in rocks, as tul)e-like accumulations around plant roots in soil and loose rock material, as oily scum or greas}' stain on stagnant water or on rocks over which iron-bear- ing water flows, as ''bog-ore" in swamps and marshes, etc. It is the mineral that gives the color to ocher but otherwise is of no commercial importance in Illinois at present. 36 MINERALS Fig. 16. A piece of mica showing the edges of thin sheets into which it is readily spHt. Courtesy U. S, Geological Survey. MICA Zl Mica is a mineral of complex chemical composition which is characterized by its ability to be split into thin flexible sheets. The large plates derived from well devel- oped crystals are commonly known as isinglass. Mica is more or less transparent and relatively soft, as it can be scratched with the fingernail. Its color depends on the constituent elements. The common varieties of mica found in Illinois are white, brown, or yellow. The shining flakes of these last two varieties are often mistaken for gold but may readily be distinguished from it by the fact that they are much lighter in weight and can not be Ijeaten into thin sheets as can gold. Mica is a very common constituent of nearly all igneous and metamorphic rocks and occurs commonly in sandstones. The surfaces of the plates reflect light so perfectly that they are conspicuous and so attract more than usual attention. Where it occurs in large amounts it is commercially valual)le for insulating materials, but in Illinois it is found only as small flakes scattered through sands and sandstone or as small crystals in boulders of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Pyrite, iron sulfide (FeSo), is a brassy-yellow min- eral well known as ''fool's gold'' because its color resem- bles that of gold, from which it may be distinguished by the fact that it crushes to a powder whereas gold is malle- able and forms a thin leaf when beaten. Pyrite occurs in either crystalline or massive form, as grains, as small or large masses, and as veinlets in all kinds of rocks. In Illinois it is found in appreciable amounts only in association with coal beds. During the 38 MINERALS World War the pyrite encountered in coal mining was separated and used for the manufacture of sulfuric acid, but since then this production has been practically aban- FiG. 17. Pyrite and marcasite in various forms found in Illinois. doned because pyrite is of possible commercial importance only when present in large quantities. Marcasite is very similar to pyrite and is frequently confused with it. QUARTZ 39 Quartz, silicon dioxide (SiOo), is probably the most common mineral in Illinois. When pure it is colorless and transparent, and looks like glass. It frequently occurs in well developed crystals, when it is commonly known as m % :|\^^% ^ : fc^ ■4dMM ^ ;M Fig. 18. A group oi quart/ crystals. Courtesy W. S. Bayley. rock crystal. Impure varieties are tinted various colors — pink, red, orange, yelk)w, green, blue, purple, violet, gray and black — and may be given special names. Most com- mon in Illinois are the rock crystal, the white ''milky" quartz, and the gray ''smoky" quartz. Quartz also occurs in dense, opaque forms, known as chalcedony, agate, onyx, chert or flint, jasper, etc. Some of the special colored and the clear crystalline varieties of quartz are used for gems, as amythyst, false topaz, bloodstone, carnelian, sardonyx. Quartz is brittle and very hard, scratching glass readily. It is the hardest mineral described in this manual and will scratch any of the other minerals mentioned. It is often mistaken for but is softer than diamond. 40 MIXFRALS Quartz comprises the mass of common sands, sand- stones, and quartzites and is an essential component of many igneous rocks, especially granites and diorites, and many metamorphic rocks. It also occurs commonly as veins, geodes, and chert n(^(lules in all rocks. Sphalerite, zinc sulfide (/nS), well known among miners as "black jack." is the principal ore of zinc. It is semi-trans])arent and usually yellowish-brown, reddish- brown, or black, but it may be colorless, white, or yellow. It is heavy, platy, and brittle, has a resinous luster, and Fig. 19. Sphalerite crystals found in Illinois. can be scratched with a knife. It is found scattered in most of the limestone formations in the State as is galena with wdiich it is associated in the mining districts in north- western and southern Illinois. The only sphalerite now produced in Illinois is obtained as a by-product of fluorspar mining. IGNEOUS ROCKS 41 Rocks The three great classes and the principal types of rock in each class have been pointed out (p. 21). There are many additional less common or unique types, an almost complete series of transitional types, and a large number of varieties of many of the types. Examples of the types and of many of the varieties may be found more or less commonly in the glacial drift in Illinois. Only the prin- cipal types most commonly found are discussed in this manual. IGNEOUS ROCKS The two great divisions of igneous rocks have been mentioned (p. 21). The principal types of igneous rocks can be simply and conveniently classified as shown in the following table : Generally lig-ht colored, feldspar dominant Generally dark colored, ferromag-nesian minerals dominant With quartz ^^ With Without feldspar feldspar Granular Granite Syenite Dolerite Peridotite Dense Felsite Basalt As syenite and felsite are not very commonly found in Illinois, they are not described in detail below as are the others. 42 ROCKS Granite is probably the most common igneous rock found in the glacial drift or along streams in Illinois. It is an intrusive rock composed principally of feldspar and quartz with minor amounts of hornblende, pyroxene, and Fig. 20. A granite boulder near Kankakee, Illinois. mica, each of which can usually be distinguished as granite is always finely to coarsely granular. It is usually gray or pink, but some granites are red, black, or mottled, de- pending on the color of the dominant minerals. Syenite is similar to granite and differs only in that it contains little or no quartz. Granite is used for building and monumental stone, and in Illinois granite and syenite boulders from the drift are used locally in masonary and rock gardens. IGNEOUS ROCKS 43 Dolerite, which also occurs commonly in Illinois as boulders in glacial drift, is an intrusive rock composed principally of ferromagnesian minerals with minor amounts of quartz and feldspar. Consequently it is generally dark gray or almost black. Dolerite is divided into tw^o subtypes, diorite and gabbro, depending on . . . c#^^ P. ,^»«r*-^. ,%^ ■'•■'■^"■'3 ^ JT ja^^Jg # j^BM^^ ** jiKLii)ili^'''^iHHHHfl^^v ' Fig. 21. A hand specimen of light j^ray diorite. whether the ferromagnesian minerals are hornblende or pyroxene, respectively. In coarsely granular dolerite the minerals can be sometimes distinguished so that the sub- type can be identified, but in finer grained dolerite the minerals can be distinguished and the subtype thereby identified only with the aid of a microscope. Commonly dolerite is locally termed gray, dark, or black granite. The dolerite boulders in the glacial drift in Illinois are used locally in masonry and rock gardens. 44 ROCKS Peridotite, the only type of igneous rock exposed in Illinois (Hardin County), is a dark intrusive rock that occurs as vertical walls (dikes) or horizontal sheets (sills) in other rocks. It is composed of pyroxene, horn- blende, mica, and other dark minerals, with little or no quartz and feldspar. At some places it is sufficiently Dike i "^-v- ""' ^"^^^B SLi^fc^S^ r^'-^^^M^^^rtBB|^B^B| ^b ^^^B ^^^«*- ;i,%^>^^^^^# ^sj^^H 1 Fig. 22. Peridotite dike in a coal mine in southern Illi- nois (Pope County). Illinois State Geol. Survey Educai'wnal Series No. 1, fig. 8. coarse to show the individual minerals ; at others it is dense and so finely crystalline that it appears to be a mass of a single material. Like dolerite, peridotite is divided into two subtypes, hornblendite and pyroxenite, depending on which ferromagnesian mineral is dominant, although this distinction can be made usually only with the aid of a microscope. IGNEOUS ROCKS 45 Basalt is a very dark, dense extrusive igneous rock composed principally of ferromagnesian minerals with minor amounts of feldspar and other minerals in grains so small that they can be seen only with a microscope. It is generally black in color, sometimes with a grayish, greenish, bluish, or purplish tinge and is uniformly dull Fig. 23. A view of basalt as it occurs in place (New York) showing typical columnar structure. Courtesy of U. S. Geo- logical Survey. in appearance. In contrast to basalt, felsite, the other principal extrusive igneous rock, is light colored, flinty in appearance, and consists dominantly of feldspar and quartz with minor amounts of ferromagnesian minerals. Boulders of basalt are not uncommon in the glacial drift in Illinois and are used locally in masonry and rock gardens. 46 ROCKS Porphyry is a type of igneous rock distinguished by its texture rather than by its mineral content as are the other types. It consists of larger crystals or phenocrysts of mineral embedded in a dense or granular groundmass of finer crystals. There are as many varieties of porphy- ries as there are possible combinations of rock minerals and igneous rock types. A type probably most commonly Fig. 24. A hand specimen of porphyry. found in Illinois and occurring as boulders in the glacial drift consists of quartz crystals embedded in a red ground- mass composed dominantly of feldspar. Garnet and feld- spar porphyries are also common and other types oc- casionally occur also as boulders in the glacial drift. They are used locally in masonry and rock gardens ; the red quartz-feldspar variety is especially attractive and is much desired. METAMORPHIC ROCKS 47 METAMORPHIC ROCKS As metamorphic rocks are derived from igneous and sedimentary rocks and as there are all degrees and modes of metamorphism it is apparent that there are innumer- able types and varieties of metamorphic rocks. However, there are several main types, of which only three are suf- ficiently common in the glacial drift in Illinois to deserve especial attention in this manual. Gneiss (pronounced ''nice") and schist are two closely related types of metamorphic rocks which in some cases are intergradational. Gneiss has the mineral com- position and the general appearance of granite except that Fig. 25. A boulder of gneiss. it is distinctly banded. The bands may be regular or irregular, uniform or interrupted, even or bent, twisted, and crumpled. Gneiss may be derived from granite, syenite, or other rocks having a granitic composition and 48 ROCKS Fjg. 26. Quartzite in place. METAMORPHIC ROCKS 49 texture. Schist is generally more closely and more regu- larly banded than is gneiss, and it tends to split into un- even plates which are often spangled with flakes of mica. Under certain conditions of metamorphism granitic rocks may give rise to schists instead of gneisses, but the fer- romagnesian rocks always give rise to schists. There are numerous varieties of schist depending on the outstanding- minerals. Boulders of gneiss and schist are used in local masonry and rock gardens. Quartzite is a dense metamrjrphic rock derived from sandstone. It consists of grains of quartz so firmly cemented by quartz that the rock breaks across instead of around them. It is one of the hardest rocks known. It may be white, gray, reddish, purplish, or yellowish in color. Quartzite is used for paving blocks, for bricks to line high-temperature furnaces, for ganister in making fire-resistant brick and in glass work, but in Illinois the boulders in the glacial drift are onl\' used locally in mason- ry and rock gardens, for which purj)oses they are highly desirable. 50 ROCKS n o U c\j J4 f^^ C^ y ^ ^ a W X S CL» ^ CD ^^ w "^ ^H CQ ni n> r-i ^ C- cu O ^ H SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 51 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS The principal types of sedimentary rocks have been listed (p. 22). All of these are represented in Illinois, both as bedrock in place and as boulders in the glacial drift. Limestone and dolomite, which are not easily distin- guished, together constitute one of the most common and most important sedimentary rocks. Pure limestone con- sists of calcium carbonate (CaCO^), usually in the form of crystalline calcite ; dolomite consists of an intimate mixture of calcium and magnesian carbonates in the pro- portion of about 54 to 46 and might more properly be called magnesian limestone. Limestone effervesces readily when treated with cold dilute hydrochloric acid ; dolomite reacts with the acid only when it is heated or very finely powdered — this difference is commonly employed to dis- tinguish them. Most limestones and dolomites are not pure but con- tain different amounts of clay, sand, chert, numerous minerals, and other materials. They are most commonly various tints and shades of gray, buff, or white, some- times with bluish, yellowish, or pinkish cast, but they may be almost any color. The yellow, red, and l)rown colors are due to iron oxide and the dark Ci)lors arc due to or- ganic material in the rock. In some limestones and dolomites the carbonates are in crystals sufficiently large to be seen and to reflect light so that the surface of the rock glistens. In others the mineral grains are so small or so mixed with clay that the rock is uniformly dense and dull or powdery in ap- pearance. ILLINOIS STATE ^lEptOilCAL SURVEY LIBR^SY 52 ROCKS Jt^Jfy^ fcM*-J<**'* .'\iiit .^ajjnjjff^^ mliitiriBriiMiifariTiiM^ Fig. 28. Cherty Shakopee dolomite as exposed in a quarry near Franklin Grove, Lee County. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 53 Most limestones have been formed by the consolida- tion of calcareous material that was deposited in the sea either as a lime mud or as a precipitate from the water under favorable physical and chemical conditions with or without the assistance of animal and bacterial agencies. It is believed that most dolomite has been derived from limestone in which part of the calcium carbonate has been replaced by magnesium carbonate either at the same time or after the calcareous material was deposited. Remains of the animals that existed at the time were commonly included in the sediments and were subsequently petrified, that is, partly or wholly replaced by mineral substances, so that they were preserved as fossils. Most limestones generally contain fossils in more or less alnmdance and some consist largely of them. Most of the material settled on the bottom of the sea where it formed relatively flat-lying beds, l)ut at some places coral reefs similar to the present-day coral reefs in tropical regions were built up by the animal life, and at other places deposits of shells accumulated along Ijcaches as they do at the present time. A few limestones have been formed by the consolidation of calcareous material deposited on land or in fresh water. The origin of the various kinds of limestone can be determined by their character, their mineral content, and by the fossils in them. Limestone and dolomite are used for many purposes. Stone of uniform texture, free from stains and undesir- able constituents, especially pyrite, easily workable, and resistant to weathering is used as building stone. Rela- tively pure limestone is used as a flux in smelting iron, copper, and other metals, is ground for whiting, and is burned to make lime. Clayey limestone or pure limestone 54 ROCKS mixed with clay is used in the manufacture of Portland cement. Various grades of Hmestone and dolomite are used as aggregate in concrete, as road metal, as railroad ballast, as riprap along river banks and levees, as agricultural limestone to improve the quality of soil, as filter stone in sewage treatment plants, and for numerous other purposes. Limestone and dolomite suitable for some or all of these purposes are found at various localities in Illinois. More than seventy commercial quarries, mines, and plants utilizing them are located in the State and the value of the quarried rock amounts to about ten million dollars each year. Fragments of limestone and dolomite constitute the major portion of the gravel deposits in the State and in that form the rock has a wide variety of uses and great commercial value. Shale is also a very common and very important sedi- mentary rock. It is composed principally of very finely divided rock particles and of soft clay minerals with which may be included variable amounts of coarser rock particles, calcareous or magnesian material, numerous minerals, and organic matter. It may be any color, due to various impurities or minerals, but it is usually gray with bluish or greenish cast. It is generally soft when freshly exposed but is hard and brittle when dry. Most shale weathers readily into soft, plastic clay. Shale has been formed by the consolidation or in- duration of clay, to which it is similar. Most clays have been deposited in quiet water, in which the fine particles that compose them had opportunity to settle and accumu- late. They may have been deposited either in the sea or in lakes and ponds on land. Due to the conditions of SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 55 deposition, clays and shales are laminated or finely layered. Clay also forms the matrix of glacial drift in which coarser materials are distributed. Fig. 29. An outcrop of thinly bedded shale in southern Illinois (Union County). PJwfograph by J. E. Lamar. Shale and clay are used for making many kinds of brick, tile, pottery, stoneware, chinaware, and many other products. Nearly every variety of clay or shale used in these products occurs in Illinois. There are more than eighty plants in the State utilizing each year shale and clay for products worth nearly thirty-five million dollars. 56 ROCKS Sandstone is a common sedimentary rock composed of rock particles of sand size, with which may be asso- ciated various amounts of clay, calcium or magnesium carbonate, and other extraneous material. Siltstone is similar to sandstone except that it is composed of rock particles of silt size. Sandstone and siltstone are com- monly white or light gray in color, but they are frequently Fig. 30. Sandstone (St. Peter formation) standing as an iso- lated block near Oregon, Illinois. Photograph by A. Bevan. colored yellow, red, brown, or green as a result of some of the impurities, usually iron compounds, included in them. They have been formed from sand and silt by consolidation or cementation of the grains with silica, iron oxide, clay, calcium or magnesium carbonate, or other ma- terial. If poorly cemented they crumble easily. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 57 Sandstone is used for building stone and abrasive stones, and sand produced by crushing it is used for abrasives, steel molding sand, glass, and other products. Sandstone occurs in many places in Illinois, but very little of it except the St. Peter formation is suitable for any use- ful purpose. More than 2,000,000 tons of high grade sand for abrasives, molding sand, and glass, valued at two and a half million dollars, was obtained in 1928 from the St. Peter sandstone near Ottawa, Illinois. Some of the harder types of sandstone are found in glacial drift. Fi(,. 31. Con^^loiiKTatc ( ]). 59) from the Pottsville fornicition in southern Ilhnois. Four-fifths natural size. Illinois Slalc GcnI. Siirrcv BuUcl'ni IS, fit/. 13. 58 ROCKS o o en a; pq CO 6 :3: ^ CHERT 59 Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock composed of coarse rock fragments held together commonly by a cement of silica, calcium or magnesium carbonate, iron oxide, or other material. The gravel from which the conglomerate was formed was deposited on land, in streams, along beaches, or on the bottom of seas and lakes. Conglomerate if often associated with gravel deposits or sandstone and is frequently found at the base of sandstone formations. It occurs in minor amounts in many places in Illinois, and if not too firmly cemented is crushed locally and used as gravel. (Fig. 31, p. 57.) Subsidiary rock forms Mineral or rock material localized in regular or irregular forms is commonly encountered in sedimentary rocks. These masses may be technically considered as rocks, but inasmuch as they ( 1 ) appear more or less seg- regated from the rock in which they occur, (2) frequently occur entirely apart from the rock in which they were originally embedded, and (3) attract attention because of their unique characteristics, they are more conveniently considered as forms subsidiary to the typical rocks. The most common forms that may be thus classified are chert, nodules, concretions of various kinds, geodes, and fossils, and these are described below. Chert is a rock form composed of extremely finely crystalline silica (SiOo). The more nearly pure, opaque, gray, or dark colored varieties are commonly known as flint, from which savages prepared most of their stone weapons, such as arrow points, knives, etc. Chert is 60 SUBSIDIARY ROCK FORMS usually gray or white in color, but not infrequently it is brown, red, l)lack, or blue. It is very hard and breaks with a smooth curved fracture. Chert is nearly always associated with limestone and dolomite, in which it generally occurs as nodules, lenses, and irregular layers, although some formations are com- posed almost exclusively of chert. Some of it may have been deposited at the same time as the limestone and dolomite, but much of it has been formed later and either fills cavities dissolved in the rock or replaces some of the rock. Because chert is hard and more resistant to weather- ing than is limestone, it remains after the limestone or dolomite in which it was originally embedded has been weathered away. For this reason the weathered surface of cherty limestone or dolomite is commonly marked by a concentration of chert, and the beds of streams that flow through areas in which cherty limestone and dolomite occurs contain an abundance of chert gravels. Chert is known to have only a few uses, among which its use for road metal and similar purposes is the most important. Usually it is considered an undesirable con- stituent in limestone or dolomite. It occurs more or less abundantly in nearly all of the limestone and dolomite formations in Illinois, and is especially common in some of the limestones and in the stream gravels in western and southern Illinois. It is also common in glacial drift and gravel deposits. Concretions are more or less symmetrical or irregu- lar rock forms which occur most commonly in shales, clays, sands, and sandstones. They are composed either of distinct minerals or of portions of the parent rock very CONCRETIONS 61 firmly cemented by mineral matter. The commonest minerals forming concretions are calcium carbonate (CaCOa), iron carbonate (FeC03), iron oxides, and silica (Si02). The minerals were precipitated around some nucleous and the concretion increased in size as more mineral was deposited. Fig. 33. Concretions of various types found in Illinois. Parts of plants and animals frequently served as nuclei around which concretions were formed. Large concretions of "iron-stone," known as "niggerheads/' are cotnmonly found in the shales associated witli the coal ])eds in Illinois, and small irregular concretions of calcium car- bonate, called "kindchen," are common in glacial drift and in loess (fig. 7, p. 20). 62 SUBSIDIARY ROCK FORMS Geodes are bodies of mineral matter rudely spherical in shape and generally hollow. The outer shell is usually composed of chalcedony, a form of finely crystalline silica, which is lined with crystals of calcite, quartz, sphalerite, and other minerals which may fill the geode entirely. Fig. 34. A geode broken open to show the quartz crystals that line it, and the large calcite crystals that occur in it. Courtesy Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Geodes are commonly associated with limestone and dolo- mite and sometimes with shale or sandstone. They differ from concretions in that they are typically hollow whereas concretions are solid, this difference being the result of the fact that concretions grew from the center outward whereas the geodes grew from the outer shell inward. FOSSILS 63 Fossils are the petrified remains of animals and plants and other evidences, including tracks, imprints, etc., of their existence. They are usually composed of calcite or silica and less frequently of pyrite, phosphatic min- erals or other substances. They are found in all classes of sedimentary rocks, and are especially common in lime- stone, dolomites, and shales, although some formations may be barren of them. As the animals whose remains are fossilized must have lived and died while the sedi- ments in which they are preserved were being deposited, they indicate the types of life and the climatic conditions that existed at those times. Examination of the fossils contained in the various rock formations has revealed that each formation is characterized by certain fossils or groups of fossils which occur in no other formation, and which are therefore ''index" fossils and serve to identify the formation wherever it occurs. A study of the fossils found in successively younger formations also provides the data by which the development of life forms may be traced throughout geologic time. Consequently fossils are objects not only interesting but also highly valuable to science. Fossils representing thousands of species and varieties of animals and plants occur in the sedimentary rocks in Illinois, but they can all be grouped in a few large orders, as follows : (1) Corals are small invertebrate (without a back- bone) sea animals, low in the life scale, which live in warm seas from which they extract calcium carbonate to build their stony exterior skeletons. They may be individual ''cup'' or "horn" corals or they may be colonial, in which 64 SUBSIDIARY ROCK FORMS xn 'T^ O a _o tr> ^TI? Tj O rt C/3 ^ W O o O o' O CJ GJ a; CJ hj S-i o CJ o' J^ M-l FOSSILS 65 case they build up masses or reefs of ''coral trees," "brain coral," "honeycomb coral." "bee-hive coral," "pipe-organ coral," etc. (Fig. 35, g.) (2) Blastoids, commonly known as "Indian flowers" or petrified "hickory nuts," are invertebrate sea animals that lived in bud-shaped receptacles attached to the ocean bottom by stalks. Five grooves separated the "bud" into "petals," which appearance is responsible for their local name. (3) Crinoids, commonly called "sea-lilies," are in- vertebrate sea animals that lived in flower-like receptacles attached to the ocean bottom by long stems. The stems are composed of short, button-like segments of which the fossils are commonly known as "Indian beads" or "St. Jacob's beads." (Fig. 35, e, f.) (4) Brachiopods, of which the "lamp-shell" is a modern representative, are invertebrate sea animals. They have two shells wdiich are dififerent one from the other but which are bilaterally symmetrical. They are prol)al)ly the most common fossil form. (Fig. 35, k-p.) (5) Bryo3oa are tiny invertel^rate animals related to brachiopods in body structure but living in colonies like colonial corals. The calcitic structures in which they live appear like branching plants, stems, leaves, ferns, mosses, lichens, sea-weed, etc. Each member of the colony occu- pies a tiny cell in the structure. (6) Pelccypods, of which mussels, clams, scallops, and oysters are modern representatives, are invertebrate animals that have two shells congruently symmetrical (mirror reflections of each other) but otherwise not symmetrical. Fossil pelecypods are common, especially in shales. (Fig. 35, q, r, s.) 66 SUBSIDIARY ROCK FORMS (7) Gastropods, of which snails and slugs are modern representatives, are invertebrate animals that have a single shell, usually coiled and conical, and completely occupied by the animal. Fossil gastropods are relatively common and are especially abundant in the loess and sand asso- ciated with glacial drift. (Fig. 35, a-d.) Fig. 36. Reconstruction of swamp forest in Pennsylvanian time. After H. Potonie. (8) Cephalopods, represented in modern times by the chambered nautilus, are inverterbrate sea animals that have a single shell, which may be either straight or more or less coiled in a single plane, thus differing from gastro- pods. The shell is composed of several chambers of which only the outermost one is occupied by the animal, in which respect cephalopods also differ from gastropods. (Fig. 35, i, j.) (9) Trilohites were sea animals that resembled the modern crabs, crayfish, and lobsters. (Fig. 35, h.) FOSSILS 67 (10) Vertebrates, or animals with backbones, are represented in fossil form in Illinois rocks by sharks' teeth and spines (fig. 35, t, u, v) and by an occasional fish. Fig. 37. Fossilized impressions of plant leaves as preserved in concretions. Bones and other skeletal parts of animals are found in the glacial drift or in alluvial deposits. (11) Plants, usually gigantic types of the fern and moss families (fig. 36), grew luxuriantly at certain stages 68 NATURAL MINERAL PRODUCTS in geologic time. Large accumulations of them formed the mass from which the coal beds are derived. Frag- ments of plants are scattered through the rocks associated with the coal beds (fig. 37). Natural Mineral Products In addition to the mineral products which have been described under the classifications of minerals, rocks, and rock forms, there are other materials derived from the earth which can not be classified either as minerals or rocks or which are only commercial varieties of regular minerals and rocks. These may be conveniently consid- ered as mineral products and as such are described below. Peat is a compressed mass of matted vegetation that has accumulated in marshes and swamps where the waters have preserved it from decay. It may be mixed with clay, and silt. When fresh it is light brown or straw-yellow in color, but as it grows older it becomes darker. After it is cut and dried it may be used as a low grade of fuel. It is also used as an absorbent, as stock feed, as litter, as an insulating or packing material, and as fertilizer. Peat in greater or smaller amounts occurs in many places in Illinois. It fills old swamps, ponds, and lakes in the glacial drift in northeastern Illinois ; it fills depres- sions and abandoned channels in the valley bottoms along many rivers and streams everywhere in the State ; deposits formed on the surface of one glacial drift are found buried beneath a younger drift. It is but little exploited. Coal is a carbonized form of plant material. It has been derived from peat by physico-chemical processes operating through a long period of time. Various im- COAL 69 purities, such as clay or shale, limestone, pyrite, etc., are common in it. There are various grades of coal depend- ing on the degree of coalification which it may have under- gone. All coal in Illinois is bituminous or ''soft" coal. It breaks fairly easily into irregular blocks and fragments and has a relatively bright luster. Anthracite or ''hard" coal breaks with a curved fracture and has a very bright lustre. Fig. 38. An outcrop of coal along a stream in western Illinois. Photograph by H. R. IV an less. Coal is very important as fuel. Gas, coke, and coal tar are produced by partial combustion of coal. Dyes,, perfumes, artificial extracts, tar-like compounds, drugs, disinfectants, preservatives, and other products are de- rived from coal tar. Gasoline may be distilled from coak 70 NATURAL MINERAL PRODUCTS Workable beds of coal underlie about two-thirds of the State. There are about 175 commercial mines in the State, some of which are the world's largest, most mod- ernly equipped coal mines. There are also about 700 private or local mines. The mines produce each year from 50 to 60 million tons of coal, valued at about 120 million dollars. Petroleum or "rock oil" is a liquid mixture of hydro- carbons, in which various impurities, such as sulfur, may occur and with which natural gas is frequently asso- ciated. It varies greatly in composition and ranges from yellow through green and brown to black in color. It is generally agreed that petroleum and natural gas has been derived from organic material in the rocks and that they accumulate in porous rock underlain and overlain by im- pervious rock strata. They are obtained by penetrating the oil-bearing strata with wells. Gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, vaseline, lubricating and medicinal oils, greases, salves, heavy fuel and road oils, tars, asphalt, and many other products are derived from petroleum. Most of the petroleum in Illinois is produced in the southeastern part of the state, but small oil fields have been found in the southern and western parts. Silica sand is the commercial designation for sand that consists almost or entirely of quartz or silica. It is used for the manufacture of high grade glass, for which purpose very pure silica sand is required, as the slightest impurities affect the quality of the glass ; also as steel mold- ing sand, refractory sand, engine sand, abrasive sand, and in the manufacture of ''water glass" (sodium silicate). It is finely pulverized and used in the manufacture of scouring soaps and pastes, grinding and polishing powders. SILICA SAND 71 mold facings, glazes, alloys, and as a mineral filler, etc. A very carefully screened coarse sand from Ottawa, Illinois, Fig. 39. Face of a silica sand quarry at Wcdron, Illinois. Illinois State Gcol. Survey Bulletin 53, fifj. 6. known as Standard Ottawa Testing Sand, is em]:)loyc(l in testing cement and mortar and for many experimental purposes. 12 NATURAL MINERAL PRODUCTS Silica sand is produced from the St. Peter sandstone in the vicinity of Ottawa, Ilhnois, where more than ZVo million tons, valued at almost as many dollars, were produced in 1928. Common molding sand consists of medium or fine sand mixed naturally or artificially with sufficient clay or iron oxide to give hond to the entire material. It is generally yellowish-brown to dark brown, due to the iron oxide present, and is used to form molds in which metal castings are made. Good molding sand occurs at various places in Illinois. Most of it has been developed by the weathering of sand deposited by glacial waters, so that only the upper por- tions of most sand deposits are suitable for use as molding sand. The loess is also a source of molding sand. Common molding sand valued at more than two hundred thousand dollars is produced in Illinois each year. TRIPOLI n Tripoli or ''silica" as it is often called, is a white powdery form of silica that is developed by the decom- position of chert. It is mined and ground into a flour-like 1 ^ Uf'- .*./ "■f' 1 I- f ■ - ' - * .... " m^ |. *^ * • < , n ^ Fig. 40. Exposed face of a Iripoli mine near Elco, Union County, Illinois. Pliofograph by J. E. Lamar. powder, in which form it is used in polishing and buflfing preparations, scouring soaps, as a mold wash, and as a mineral filler. It occurs in Alexander and Union counties, Illinois, where it is being mined and milled. 74 NATURAL MINERAL PRODUCTS (r> vt) ;^ C) n fe; C ^ Vh ~ ^ & ^^ o OJ -ti G ^ o