City of Milwaukee Ordinances Comprising that part oj the Building Code of the City of Milwaukee, passed by the Common Council up to the date of fanuary 1st, 1914. See Index on Following Page for Location of Particular Ordinances \ W. D, HARPER, Inspector of Buildings PART OF BUILDING CODE of CITY OF MILWAUKEE AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Issuing of Permits. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows: . Section 1. Before commencing with the execution or installation of any work pertaining to the erection, con- struction, alteration or maintenance of any building or structure, a permit shall he secured from the Inspector of Buildings by the owner or his agent and it shall be unlawful to commence any such work unless such per- mit shall first have been obtained. Sec. 2. No permit shall be required for the repair of buildings or structures or for minor alterations which do not involve any change of their use, or of their areas,.. or their structural parts, or their means of communica- tion, stairways, elevators, fire escapes, egress, light or ventilation. No building shall be repaired or altered that has deteriorated or has been damaged by any cause 50 per cent, or more of its original value, and no permit shall be granted to repair or alter such building. Sec. 3. Application for a permit shall be made in writing by the owner or his agent to the Inspector of Buildings upon blank forms furnished by the Inspector of Buildings, and he shall upon request furnish a copy to the applicant. Sec. 4. The application shall state the name of the owner of the building or structure, the name of the own- 6 BUILDING ORDINANCES. er of the land upon which it is to be erected, the de- scription of the land by lot, block and ward and the street, the size and kind of construction and the in- tended use of the building or structure, the safe floor loads for which the building is designed, except in the t case of a dwelling, and such other pertinent informa- tion as the Inspector of Buildings may require, and the * estimated cost. Sec. 5. In case the applicant shall fail to give a just estimated cost of the work for which the permit is asked it shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings to estimate the cost of the buildings to the best of his knowledge and this amount shall be placed in the appli- cation. Sec. 6. In all cases except for the erection of a sign, awning or the alteration of an elevator or dumbwaiter, a situation plan shall be submitted with the application. The application and the situation plan shall be kept on file as a permanent record in the office of the Inspector of Buildings. This situation plan shall be drawn in ink or other in- delible medium to a scale of mch to a foot if the size of the lot permits, otherwise, not smaller than s's inch to one foot and shall show the location, number and size of the lot, the width of adjoining streets or alleys, the ground plan of a proposed structure with all projec- tions and the main dimensions of the structure and its distance from its lot lines in figures. Sec. 7. Plans and specifications shall also accom- pany the applications. Plans or drawings shall consist of the foundation and looting plan, and if of a building, a plan of each floor showing the computed superimposed load of each floor, ;a roof plan, a transverse or longitudinal section, at least two elevations and the necessary structural plans. One typical floor plan serving for several stories, if alike, will be permitted. These drawings shall be rendered in- delibly on paper or cloth and shall be marked with the name and address of the owner and author and shall be drawn to a scale not smaller than % inch to one foot. The dimensions of the structure and the dimensions of the structural parts thereof shall be accurately shown BUILDING ORDINANCES. 7 in figures; all plumbing fixtures, drain pipes and heat- ing apparatus shall be shown. In addition thereto plans shall be submitted as required by any other ordinance. Sec. 8. The Inspector of Buildings shall have a rea- sonable time to examine the plans and specifications and he shall approve of them if he finds them in all respects in conformity with the provisions of the city ordinances, shall affix his official stamp to them and shall return them to the applicant, and a true copy of the stamped drawings and specifications shall be filed with the In- spector of Buildings and shall be kept on record for 30 days after the completion and final inspection of the building. At the expiration of this period the Inspector of Buildings may destroy such copies of stamped draw- ings and specifications or may surrender them to their authors upon request or may keep them in the munici- pal vaults on perament record. Sec, 9. It shall be unlawful to erase,' alter or modify any lines, letters, figures or coloring contained upon such drawings or specifications stamped by the Inspec- tor of Buildings or filed with him for reference. If, dur- ing the progress of the execution of the work, it is de- sired to deviate in any essential manner from the terms, of the application or drawings or specification notice of' such intention shall be given in writing to the Inspector of Buildings, and his written approval shall first be ob- tained before such alteration or deviation may be made. Sec. 10. The Inspector of Buildings is authorized to> Issue a permit for the erection of part of a building or structure provided that the drawings and data submitted! with the application 'furnish sufficient information of the parts to be added in the future and that complete plans and specifications are submitted to and approved by the Inspector of Buildings and permit obtained before any parts of the structure are erected above the grade line. Sec. 11. No factory, warehouse or other ''commercial building shall be occupied unless a final inspection after completion is made by the Inspector- of Buildings and a framed placard is posted in a conspicuous place in each room or on each floor by the owner or agent showing the safe allowable floor loads. Such placards shall be kept 8 BUILDING ORDINANCES. permanently posted and it shall be unlawful to place any loads on the floor in excess of the stated loads, Sec. 12. If building operations are not commenced within six months of the date of the issuance of the permit or if there is a cessation of the building opera- tions of more than six months continuously or intermit- tently said permit shall have lapsed and be void and the operations shall not be begun or resumed before a new permit is obtained and the fees paid therefor. Sc. 13. The fees for permits required by this and any other ordinance shall be paid into the city treasury and credited to the general city fund and the amount shall be as follows: For new buildings, additions and spaces excavated below a sidewalk, one cent for every lO'O cubic feet of the contents of such structure; said cubic con- tents shall be measured for the entire structure from the lowest floor. For alterations or repairs or for structures that cannot be figured by the cubic foot, one (1) dollar for every one thousand (1,000) dollars of their cost. But the minimum fee for any of the* above mentioned permits shall be one (1) dollar. For moving or wrecking a structure, one (1) dollar. For the installation of tanks containing liquids as reg- ulated by the ordinance, two (2) dollars. For the erection, alteration or repair of an elevator or dumbv^aiter as regulated by the elevator ordiqance, two (2) dollars. For the erection of an awning as regulated by the ordinance, one (1) dollar. For the installation of an internal combustion engine, three (3) dollars. For the installation of a moving picture machine, one (1) dollar. For the erection of a sign, fifty cents. Sec. 14. Any person, firm or corporation owning, con- trolling or managing any building or premises wherein or whereon anything in violation of this ordinance shall exist or shall be placed, or any person, firm or corpora- tion employed who shall assist in the commission of any violation or any of the requirements hereof, or who shall build contrary to the plans or specifications submitted to the Inspector of Buildings, provided such plans and BUILDING ORDINANCES. 9 specifications are in accordance with this ordinance, or any person, firm or corporation who shall neglect to do each and every act required herein whether such act has been approved by the Inspector of Buildings or not, and the fact that the plans and specifications are ac- cepted by the Inspector of Buildings shall be no defense to a violation of the provisions of any ordinance; shall for each and every day’s violation or non-compliance be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars or in default of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction not less than one day nor more than six months. Sec. 15. All parts of ordinances contravening the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed Oct. 13, 1913. Resolution. • File Number 5537. Whereas, School buildings have heretofore been erect- ed on and over streets and alleys in the City of Milwau- kee before such streets and alleys have been vacated; therefore, be it Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee, that the Building Inspector of said city be and he is hereby directed to refuse to grant building per- mits for the erection of school buildings on and over streets or alleys until the same have been properly and legally vacated. Passed October 13, 1913. For fees required by Electric ordinance, see Electric ordinance, page 184. File Number 4858. 50— AN ORDINANCE Defining Terms of the Building Code. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as folloics: ^Section 1. The purpose of the defiinnous, as here laid down, shall be to give the basis for tb^j interpreta- tion of the different terms used in thi^ , ailding’ code. 10 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Sec. 2. Fireproof Construction. Duilding is of fireproof construction when all the walls, partitions, piers and columns, also floor, ceiling, roof and stair construction, are built of incombustible material, and when all metallic structural members are protected from fire by an Incombustible fire resisting covering of low heat conduction. (Sec. 3. Mill Construction. A building is of mill con- struction when all walls are built of incombustible ma- terial, and when posts, girders and beams are of wood which measures in width at least one-half (^) its depth. No beam shall measure less than 72 square inches, and no post shall measure less than 100 square inches in section area. Whpn any steel or iron is used for* structural purposes it shall be fireproofed with not less than one (1) inch incombustible material or metal lath and plaster. ;ihe floors shall not be less than three (3) inch lumber having grooves and splines at their joints. The lower thickness of the roof planking shall not be less than two (2) inch lumber tongued and grooved. Sec. 4. Ordinary Construction. A building is of ordi- nary construction when the enclosing walls consist of incombustible material. When the wood joists, raft- ers or studs are of smaller section area than required for mill construction. Sec. 5. Frame Buildings. A frame building is a building whose structural parts and enclosing walls consist of wood. If such enclosing walls are veneered or encased, the building is also termed a frame building. Business Buildings. A business building is a build- ing used for a purpose other than private residences, apartments, tenement or boarding houses. Area. An open subspace adjoining a building. Alley. A public thoroughfare thirty (30) feet or less in width. Assembly Hall. A room (not in a residence) which is used for assemblage of more than 100 persons. Building. A structure affording shelter. Addition. Any change which increases the cubical contents of a building. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 11 Alterations. Any change, addition or modification in construction. Apartment Building. An apartment building is a building used entirely or in part as a residence by more than two (2) households, independently of each other, and having a common right to the stairways, yards and other conveniences. ' Basement and Cellar. A story not more than one- half (Y 2 ) its height below the grade is considered a basement," if it is more than one-half (V 2 ) its height below the grade it is considered a cellar. In a business building the term “basement” will cover both defini- tions. The ceiling of a story more than nine (9) feet above the grade shall be considered the first story. Grade to be defined as in Height of Building definition. Bay Windows. Windows projecting from outer wall and supported by a foundation. Windows supported by corbels or brackets are termed oriel windows. Building Line. A dividing line between two or more pieces of property. Length of a Building. The longest horizontal meas- urement of a building. Column. Isolated upright supports, piers, pillars or posts. Corridor. A passageway within a building. Elevator. An elevator consists of a shaftway and machinery in a permanent location and a platform or cage for raising or lowering objects. A passenger elevator is for conveying persons within an enclosing cage. A freight elevator is for carrying all other objects. A dumb waiter is a small elevator for light loads, and shall not be used to convey persons. Dwelling. A building which is used as a residence by not more than two families and more than five boarders in each. Footing. The bottom course or courses of a wall, column, pier, pillar or post. Foundations. The lowest part of a structure, and any parts supporting the same, including the footing. Foundations shall be constructed to include all walls and piers built below the curb line, or nearest tier of 12 BUILDING ORDINANCES. beams to the curb, or to the average level of the ground adjoining the walls, to serve as supports to wall, piers, columns, girders, posts or beams. Factor of Safety. The quotient obtained by dividing the breaking load by the safe load. First Story. A story whose floor is at or next to the level of the sidewalk or adjoining ground, also called ground floor, and whose ceiling is more than nine (9) feet above the grade. Hall. This term includes places of assemblage, stair- ways, passageways and corridors. Height of building. The height *of a building is meas- ured at the center line of its principal front at the street grade or if setting back from the street at the grade of the ground adjoining the building to the highest part of the roof, if a flat roof, or to height two-thirds of the roof if a gabled or hipped roof. If the grade of the lot or adjoining street in the rear or alongside of the building falls below the grade of the front, the height shall be measured in the center of the side showing the greatest fall. Height of a Story. The height of a story is the per- pendicular distance from one floor to the next or from a floor to the roof. Length of Wall. The length of a w’all is its hori- zontal dimensions between adjoining cross walls or adjoining walls running at an angle to it, or between offsets of not less than four (4) feet. Thickness of Wall. The minimum distance between its two faces. Foundation and Basement Walls. The part of a wall below the first floor. Bearing Wall. A wall supporting a load. Cross Wall. Any internal wall running at an angle with reference to another wall. Curtain Wall. A non-bearing outside wall, supported in each story in a building of skeleton construction. Division Wall. A wall subdividing a building. Party Wall. A wall built upon the dividing line of adjoining premises and intended for joint use. Grade. The surface of the premises or public high- way adjoining the building. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 13 Incombustible Covering. A covering which will not be destroyed by fire without the assistance of combus- tible material. Lot Line. The line of demarcation of a piece of land. Repairs. The renewal of any part of any existing building for the purposes of its maintenance in its present form of construction and occupancy. Skeleton Construction. This term shall apply to build- ings wherein all loads are transmitted by a framework of metal or reinforced concrete from ^the top of the building to the foundation. Shed. Is a building not over one story in height and having at least one side open; excepting lumber, bark, coal, freight and storage sheds, which may be enclosed on all sides. ,, Stair Hall. Includes the stairs, landings, and any por- tion of a building which connects it with the outside. Tenement. (See apartment houses.) Veneer, The outep facing of brick, stone, concrete, tile, not less than four (4) inches thick, or of lath and cement plaster not less than two (2) inches thick, an enclosing wall used for the protection of the backing but not counted as adding anything to its strength. Public Buildings. Are all buildings owned or con- ♦ trolled by a municipality. Quasi-public buildings are buildings used by the public in general such as railroad stations, assembly halls, theaters, churches, etc. Business buildings are buildings used wholly or in part for business purposes. Tenements. To this class belong boarding houses, lodging houses for more than six guests, dormitories, hospitals, asylums not controlled by the public, apart- ment or flat buildings for more than two families. Corner Lot. A corner lot is the lot situated at the intersection of two public streets; an alley shall not be considered a street unless it is over thirty (30) feet wide. Attic Story. A story situated wholly or partly in the roof. Such space shall not be considered a separate story unless it is arranged to contain more than four 14 BUILDING ORDINANCES. (4) rooms in connection with lower stories or is ar- ranged to contain "a separate family. Structure. Anything built of more than a single post or pier joined or fastened together, shall be considered a structure. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- , vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed June 23, 1913. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Excavations, Foundations and Piling. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follotos: Section 1. Before commencing with the excavation or ^driving piles for any foundations of any building or structure a building permit shall be first obtained from the Inspector of Buildings. An application for a build- ing permit shall be filed with the Inspector of Buildings, together with plans and specifications of the building showing the location of the building or structure, also the size and material of the foundations and if re- quired the loads to be placed thereon, and, where piles are to be driven the spacing, size and materials of the piles and the load to be placed on each, and if said application, drawings and specifications are in accord- ance with this and other ordinances the Inspector of Buildings shall issue a permit after the applicant has paid into the city treasury the amount of permit fees established for each permit. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation making ex- cavations or causing the same to be made shall properly guard them and shall so protect them that the adjoining soil shall not cave in, and no one shall excavate so as to injure any adjoining ground or building. Sec. 3. The Inspector of Buildings may require any applicant for a permit to ascertain by boring or test, the nature of the soil upon which he proposes to build. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 15 The permissible loads on soils per square fpot shall, be as follows: On quicksand and alluvial soils ton Soft clay 1 ton Ordinary clay and sand together in layers wet and springy 2 tons On clay or fine sand, firm and dry 3 tons On sand compact and well cemented 4 tons On gravel and course sand well packed 5 tons On hard pan or shale 6 tons On bed rock 20 tons Sec. 4. The trenches for foundations shall be kept free from water until after the completion. of this work and until the cement is properly set. Sec. 5. Foundations shall be proportioned to the com-^ puted loads and every building except those resting on solid rock shall have foundations of iron, steel con- crete, stone or hard burnt sewer brick, or shall have foundations resting upon piles, ranging timbers or re- inforced concrete where solid earth or rock is not found. Sec. 6. The bottom of all foundations shall be at least five feet below the adjacent grade. Sec. 7. No pile of less than six inches in diameter at small ends shall be used. The heads of wood* piles shall be protected against splitting while being driven, and after being driven, the heads shall be cut off in the solid wood. The top of all wood foundations shall be below the permanent ground water level. All iron or steel in foundations shall be protected with a covering of not less than six inches of concrete. The maximum load on a’ timber piles shall not exceed five hundred pounds per square inch on top of such pile. The safe loads on a pile shall be determined by and shall not exceed the following formula: 16 BUILDING ORDINANCES. L — 2WH - ■foT tttpji'm ViaTTvmPT L — S + iV 2WH i.dx oi/^dxu xictiuuitrx • - for drop hammer. S + 1 in which formula L = safe load in pounds. W = weight of hammer in pounds. H = fall of hammer in feet. S = penetration under last blow in inches, assumed to be sensible at an approximately uniform rate. Whenever there is no reliable record obtainable of the driving of the piles and their sinking under the last ten. blows of the hammer, the Inspector of Buildings may require loading tests made by the owner, such tests shall determine the permissible loads on wooden piles by the same methods as hereafter required for concrete piles. The width of a pile foundation shall not be less than the width of the wall resting upon it. Sec. 8, Piles may be of either plain or reinforced con- crete. Plain concrete piles shall be molded in rigid forms left in place. Reinforced concrete piles if properly designed to re- sist the shock of driving, and if driven with a cushion to lessen the shock or if put down by water jet, may be employed for foundations. In all cases where concrete piles are used their bear- ing value shall be determined by sinking one or more piles and loading them after they have hardened. Such test loading shall be made by the owner in the presence of the Inspector of Buildings or his assistants. Not over one-half of the test load under which such pile begins to settle shall be allowed as a safe load and under no circumstances shall the safe load exceed 500 pounds per square inch of the sectional area of such pile. No part of a building or structure shall be constructed on such piles until the safe load on such pile is deter- BUILDING ORDINANCES. IT /v mined by the Inspector of Buildings, but the fact that the tests where made shall be no defense to a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Concrete piles shall not be of a leaner mixture than one part Portland cement, two parts of sand and four parts of gravel or crushed stone, that will pass through a one inch ring and the concrete shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch mixer. Sec. 9. Any person, firm or corporation owning, con- trolling or managing any building or premises wherein or whereon anything in violation of this ordinance shall exist or shall be placed, or any person, firm or corpora- tion employed who shall assist in the commission of any violation or any of the requirements hereof, or who shall build contrary to the plans and specifications submitted to the Inspector of Buildings provided such plans and specifications are in accordance with this ordinance, or any person, firm or corporation who shall neglect to do each and every act required herein, whether such act has been approved by the Inspector of Buildings or not, and shall for each and every day’s violation or non-com- pliance be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dol- lars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or in de- fault of fine, by imprisonment in the House of Correc- tion not less than one day nor more than six months. Sec. 10. All parts of ordinances contravening with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed September 11, 1911. File Number 5245. 116— AN ORDINANCE Regulating Walls, (p. 483-486.) The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows : Section 1. All buildings shall have foundation walls built of hard brick, stone, concrete or other hard and incombustible material. (Wood post foundation not permissible.) Footings under walls shall be of suffi- cient thickness, strength and breadth to safely bear 18 BUILDING ORDINANCES. the weight to be imposed thereon. Footings shall be at least twelve (12) inches wider than the wall to be supported. Stone footings shall not b^ less than five (5) inches thick. Plain concrete not less than eight (8) inches in thickness. Foundation wall for frame _ buildings shall not be less than twelve (12) inches thick if of brick, not less than eighteen (18) inches - if of stone, not less than ten (10) inches if of plain ^ concrete or concrete block, when such walls are not more than six (6) feet below the adjacent grade. Foundation walls more than six (6) feet below the grade shall be four (4) inches more in thickness. Sec. 2. The thickness of walls for buildings, except buildings used exclusively for dwellings or residences, or tenement houses, shall be as follows: Stories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Basement — Stone . . . . : 20 20 20 24 28 28 32 32 32 36 36 36 Brick 16 16 16 20 24 24 28 28 28 32 32 32 1st Story 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 28 28 28 2nd 12 12 16 20 20 20 24 24 24 28 28 3rd 12 12 16 20 20 20 24 24 24 28 4th 12 16 16 20 20 20 24 24 24 5th 12 16 16 20 20 20 24 24 6th 12 16 16 20 20 20 24 7th 12 16 16 20' 20 20 8th 12 16 16 20 20 9th 12 16 16 20 10th 12 16 16 11th 1& 16 12th . . . 12 Sec. 3. The thickness of walls of dwellings, resi- dences or tenement houses shall be as follows: BUILDING ORDINANCES. 19 Stories 1 Basement 12 1st Story 12 2nd . . 3rd .. 4th .. 5th .. 6th . . 7th .. 8th .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 12 12 12 16 16 16 20 12 12 12 16 16 16 12 12 12 16 16 12 12 12 16 12 12 12 12 12 12 Sec. 4. If stone is used for basements in place of brick same shall be four (4) inches more in thickness. If the walls are more than 100 feet long without supporting cross walls or offsets of at least four (4) feet the same thickness as the wall, the walls shall be four (4) inches more in thickness than given in the tables. Sec. 5. If any horizontal section through any part of any bearing walls in any building shows more than 25% area of flues and openings the wall shall be in- creased four (4) inches in thickness for every ten per cent or major fraction thereof of flue or opening area in* excess of 25%. S-ec. 6. The heights of all stories for all given thick- ness of walls must not exceed eleven (11) feet in clear for the basement, eighteen (18) feet in clear for the first story, fifteen (15) feet in clear for the second story, and fourteen (14) feet in clear for all stories above the second. If any story exceeds these heights respectively,, the walls of such story and all stories below same shall be increased four (4) inches in thick- ness of the thickness given in tables. Sec. 7. The following provisions shall apply to all buildings to be used for the purpose of theaters, public halls, or places of assembly hereafter built: The .outside walls of any building to be built for the purpose of theaters, public halls or place of assembly, the roofs or ceiling of which are carried on trusses or girders of a span of fifty (50) feet or more shall be as follows: ‘ 20 BUILDING ORDINANCES. If the walls are less than twenty-five (25) feet high, they shall be not less than twenty inches thick. If the walls are more than twenty-five (25) feet high, four (4) inches shall be added to the thickness of twenty-five (25) feet for each fifteen (15) feet or frac- tion thereof added to the height. Each section of fifteen (15) feet or fraction thereof above the twenty-five (25) feet may be made four (4) inches less in thickness than the section below, but in no case shall the top section be less than twenty (20) inches thick. An increase of four (4) inches in thickness of such wall shall be made in all cases where they are over 100 feet long without cross walls of equal thickness. The thickness of the enclosing walls of a building or room used for theater, public halls or place of as- sembly where such rooms ar^ less than fifty (50) feet wide may be reduced by four (4) inches from the above table. If one or more stories are built above any room de- voted for the purpose of a theater, public hall or place of assembly and such stories are carried on trusses or girders the thickness of the walls shall be increased by four (4) inches for each two (2) stories or part thereof above such rooms. Buttresses and Enclosed Columns. Sec. 8. If solid masonry buttresses are employed and placed sixteen (16) feet or less apart, and extended to ^the foot of the trusses or girders carrying the ceiling, or if iron or steel pillars are inserted in such walls for the support of the superstructure, and at distances not more than eighteen (18) feet between centers, such pillars extending to and carrying the super-imposed trusses or girders, the thickness of such walls may be reduced in proportion to the increase of strength afforded by such buttresses or girders, but in no case shall any such wall be less than twelve (12) inches thick in the top story, four inches being added going downward for each story, or for each gallery, or for each twenty-five feet in height of blank wall. If iron or steel pillars are introduced in said walls, the brick work around same shall be bonded into that of the con- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 21 necting walls, and each of such pillars, shall have no less than eight inches of brick wall, or four inches of fireproof material around it, the brick or fireproofing being measured from the extreme outer dimensions of such iron or steel pillars. iS'ec. 9. Curtain walls supported on intermediate beams at every floor level to be not less than eight (8) inches in thickness. Sec. 10. All stones used for the facing of any build- ing shall not be less than four (4) inches thick. Stone shall be anchored to the backing, and the backing shall be of such fcickness as to make the walls, independent of such stone, conform to the thickness required in the tables for thickness of brick walls. Sec. 11. The front, rear, side and party walls shall be properly bonded together, or anchored to each other every six (6) feet in height by suitable wrought iron anchors. * iSec. 12. The walls and skeleton frame work of €very building during the erection or alteration thereof, shall be strongly braced from the beams of every story, and when required shall also be braced from the out- side until the building is enclosed, and otherwise be protected against the effects of the weather during ah building operations. In no case shall any wall or walls of any building be carried up more than two (2) stories in advance of any other wall, except by permission of the Inspector. Hollow Walls. Sec. 13. In all walls that are built hollow, the same quantity of stone or brick shall be used in their con- struction as if they were built solid, as in this ordi- nance provided, and no hollow wall shall be built unless the parts of same are connected with proper ties placed not over twenty-four (24) inches apart. The inside four (4) inches of all walls may be built of hard burned, hollow clay or porous terra cotta blocks, prop- erly tied and bonded into the wall, and of the dimensions of ordinary brick. Sec. 14. All exterior, division and party walls shall have parapet walls carried to thirty (30) inches above the roof and shall be coped with incombustible material. 22 BUILDING ORDINANCES. except buildings having a fireproof roof in which case the parapet walls shall be eighteen (18) inches high. Sec. 15. No recesses for water, sewer or other pipes shall be made in any exterior nor in any other wall more than one-third (%) of its thickness, and the recesses around such pipes shall be filled up with solid masonry for the space of one foot at the top and bottom of each story. Sec. 16. All exterior party or division walls shall be corbeled three courses in depth, with brick work not less than two inches from face of wall on each side to- receive the bearing joists, and the space between the* joists must be filled up solid with brick work. Wherever joist hangers are used for supporting joists the ledging may be omitted. Wherever it appears that extra or additional stress shall come upon any wall or pier provision shall be made for carrying the same by addh tional thickness of walls or size of pier. iSec. 17. All brick laid in non-freezing weather shall be wet immediately before being laid. The brick used in all buildings shall be good, merchantable, well burned brick. Bats smaller than half bricks are not to be used in building brick walls or piers. The bond of brick work shall be formed by laying one course of headers to every six course's of stretches. The sand used for mortar in all buildings shall be clean, sharp sand. Sec. 18. All bearing piers are to be built of dimen* sion stone, or of merchantable,' well shaped brick, and shall not be higher than eight times the least width of the base, nor shall they have a smaller cross section. than 12x12 inches. Piers and walls shall have bond stone or bond plates of case or rolled iron sufficient to properly distribute the load. At least one such bond stone or bond plate shall be inserted into each pier for each distance in height equal to four times that of the smallest dimension. Sec. 19. All stone walls twenty-four (24) inch or less in thickness shall have at least one header extend- ing through the wall in every three feet in height from the bottom of the wall, and in every four feet in length, and if over twenty-four (24) inches in thickness, shall have one header for every six (6) superficial feet on BUILDING ORDINANCES. 2a l)otli sides of the wall, laid on top of each other to bond together, and running into the wall at least two feet. All headers shall be at least eighteen (18) inches in width and eight inches in thickness and shall consist of good, flat stones. No stone shall be laid in such walls in any other position than on its natural bed. Sec. 20. Walls heretofore built, the thickness of which at the time of their erection was in accordance with the requirements of the then existing laws, but which are not in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, may be used, if in good condition, for the ordinary uses of party walls, provided, the height of the same be not increased. In case it is desired to in- o o c O § CQ 0) O)

cl (=1 o o o be bfi be •pH *pH *pH n 3 13 d d O) 02 CP m CQ m o «2 ^ ft

3 Sec. 5. Blocks shall be made of cement, sand or stone screenings, gravel or broken stone or broken slag thoroughly mixed with clean water and shall not con- tain less cement than in the following proportions of solids: Not more than 3 parts of sand or stone screenings to one ‘part of cement to which may be added not more than 4 parts of gravel, broken stone or broken slag. The cement shall be Portland of a specific gravity of not less than 3.1 and of a fineness so as to leave not more than 8 per cent, residue on a No. 100 sieve and not more than 25 per cent, on a No. 200 sieve; it shall not develop initial set in less than 30 minutes and shall not set hard in less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours; it shall have a tensile strength per square inch at the age of 24 hours in moist air of not less than 75 pounds, at the age of 7 days, one (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) of not less than 500 pounds, and at the age of 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) of not less than 600 pounds, it shall have constancy in volume, prov- en by subjecting three inch diameter thin pads to dry air, water and steaming tests; it shall not contain more than 1.75 per cent, of anhydrous sulphuric acid (S'03) nor more than 4 per cent, of magnesia (MGO). The sand shall be clean and sharp, the largest par- ticle to pass a one-fourth inch mesh sieve; the sand shall not contain more than 5 per cent, of clay and no other impurities. In place of sand a proportionate amount of stone screenings may be used. The gravel or broken stone or broken slag shall be clean, the largest pieces to pass a three-quarter inch mesh sieve and be retained on a one-quarter inch mesh sieve. Sec. 6. The air spa^ce of hollow concrete blocks shall not be more than 35 per cent. Sec. 7. Blocks testing 350 pounds to the square inch shall be stored at least ten (10) days before being used in basements of frame buildings^or in buildings of other construction not more than one (1) story in height, but in all other buildings such blocks shall be stored at least '28 days, and shall be capable of standing a test of 64 BUILDING ORDINANCES. at least 700 pounds per square inch at 28 days before crushing,, and all blocks shall have a mark or impres- sion showing the identity of the manufacturer and the date of manufacture. Special blocks for enclosures may be used after seven (7) days' storage if made of a concrete containing at least two (2) parts cement, three (3) parts of stone screenings or sand and four (4) parts of gravel, broken stone or broken slag. In computing the area of the blocks no deduction shall i)e made for hollow spaces. 'Sec. 8. In order to ascertain the strength of the blocks the Inspector of Buildings may require tests to be made and any blocks selected by him shall be de- livered by the owner or builder to the testing laboratory in the city free of charge; the testing to be done without cost to the owner or builder. Any and all blocks failing to withstand such test shall be condemned by the Inspector of Buildings and shall not be used in the construction of any building. Sec. 9. Any person, firm or corporation using con- crete blocks in the construction of buildings in viola- tion of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, or shall build in violation of any detailed statement of ap- plication, plans and specifications submitted or approved thereof, provided such detailed plan as accepted is ac- cording to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $10.00 and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or in default of payment thereof by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County for not more than six months, and each and every such violation or non-compliance for each and every day thereof shall be considered a sepg,- rate offense. It shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by any officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with the approval thereof or any building permit issued thereunder. A BUILDING ORDINANCES. 65 Sec. 10. All parts of ordinances contravening with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed March 31, 1913. File Number 4865. 99— AN ORDINANCE Regulating Arches, Lintels, Light Shafts, Roofs, Cor- nices, Etc. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- icaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. Openings for doors and windows in all buildings shall have abutments or lintels of stone, iron, steel or concrete, which will have a bearing at each end of not less than six (6) inches on the wall. On the inside of all openings in which the outer lin- tels are less than the thickness of the wall to be sup- ported, there shall be timber lintels, and shall have an arch turned over the timber lintel, or the inside lintel may be cast or wrought iron or steel, in which case stone blocks or cast-iron plates shall not be required at the ends where the lintel rests on the walls, provided the openings are not more than six (6) feet in width. Wood lintels must be solid for the full thickness of the head. No wood lintels will be permitted in fireproof l)uildings. . Sec. 2. Light Shafts. No space or light shaft of less than forty (40) square feet for each three (3) story building, or less than fifty (50) square feet for a four (4) story building, and so on increasing ten (10) square feet sectional area for each additional story in height, shall be considered as affording means of communication with the outer air, and such open space or light shafts, if covered with a skylight or roof of any kind, shall not be considered as fulfilling the terms of the ordinance. All skylights made at the foot of light walls or light •courts shall be made either of prismatic lights set in 66 BUILDING ORDINANCES. cast-iron frames, or of glass at least % of an inch thick set in metallic frames; and if the latter are used they shall be protected by wire netting placed at least six (6) -inches above the glass of such skylights, or of wired glass set in metallic frames and metallic sash. Sec. 3. Roofs. The use of combustible shingle roofs or other forms of combustible roof covering is strictly prohibited with- in the fire limits of the City of Milwaukee upon build- ings to be erected or altered, or where roofs of present buildings are to be recovered. Sec. 4. Mansard Roofs. If a mansard or other roof of a like character hav- ing a pitch of over sixty (60) degrees be placed on any building exceeding forty (40) feet in height, the roof shall be constructed of fire resisting materials. Sec. 5. Roof on Contiguous Buildings. In all cases where two or more buildings over two (2) stories in height are built adjoining one to another and separated by means of a division wall, the roof sheath- ing, cornices or ridge moldings shall not extend over or cover any portion of such division wall unless such roofs are constructed wholly of fireproof materials. Sec. 6. Cornices. In all cases where a wall is finished with a stone or terra cotta cornice, sixty-five (65) per centum of the weight of the material for such cornice shall be on the inside of the outer face of the waH, or shall be securely anchored so that the cornice shall be firmly balanced upon the wall. In skeleton construction all horizontal and vertical joints shall be made water-tight. Cornices, gutters, eaves, or parapets of all buildings over forty (40) feet high, excepting residences, shall be con- structed of non-combustible material, and shall be well secured to the wall with iron anchors or metal brackets. The backs of tin and iron coverings shall have at least one (1) coat of paint, and all cornice lookouts and anchors two (2) coats of paint. Where cornices project over the public highway the lookouts to which the cornice on all buildings is secured shall in all cases be of metal, placed not more than four BUILDING ORDINANCES. 67 <4) feet apart and firmly secured to the wall. In all cases the walls shall be carried up to the sheathing of the roof, and where the cornice projects above the roof, the walls shall be carried up to the top of the cornices. Sec. 7. Repair of Cornices. All exterior wooden cornices, except for residences and buildings under forty (40) fet in height that shall hereafter require to be repaired or replaced, shall be constructed of some nop-combustible material, as re- quired for new buildings; and all exterior wooden cor- nices or gutters, except for residences and buildings un- der forty (40) feet in height, that may hereafter be damaged by fire or otherwise, if replaced, shall be con- structed of non-combustible material. Sec. 8. Snow‘ Brakes. Snow brakes or guards made of incombustible ma- terials shall be attached to all roofs of buildings over two (2) stories, or twenty-five (25) feet high hereafter con- structed or altered along any courtway or street lines or within ten (10) feet of the same, having a pitch of more than twenty-five (25) degrees, unless projecting cornices or gutters are so arranged as to form adequate snow guards. Sec. 9. Temporary Supports. Any temporary support placed under any structure, wall, girder or beam during the erection, finishing, al- teration or repairing of any building or structure, or part thereof, .shall be of sufficient strength to safely carry the load to be placed thereon. Sec. 10. Scaffold, Staging and Hoist. Scaffolding, staging, hoists, and such other appurten- ances of building operations must be amply strong and secure for the purposes intended. . ^ Sec. 11. Outside Scaffolds. Outside scaffold, either supported* by continuous sup- ports from the ground up or upon thrustouts from win- dows and walls above the third floor, shall be provided with tight plank floors and ten (10) inch curbs and 2x4 inch hand rail thirty-four (34) inches high on the out- side; and when such scaffolds are used on buildings over (58 BUILDING ORDINANCES. seventy-five (75) feet high there shall be a guard rail filled in with wire netting not exceeding two (2) inch mesh, or seven-eighths (%) inch boards not over one- half (%) inch apart secured to uprights not less than two (2) inch by four (4) inch 'scantlings thoroughly braced and secured. Said enclosure shall be kept at least five (5) feet in advance of the level on which the workmen employed on said front are working. Sec. 12. Closing of Openings. During the construction or alteration of any building within ten (10) feet of any street line or unprotected sidewalk, the windows on each floor above the second shall be temporarily or properly enclosed to prevent ma- terial or building material waste from falling onto the public highway, as soon as the story is built. Sec. 13. Temporary Stairs. All buildings over three (3) stories high shall be pro* vided by the owners thereof with temporary plank stairs of no greater pitch than seventy-flve (75) degrees to the horizon, for the facilitation of inspection, and said stairs shall be kept in good repair until the permanent stairs are made accessible. Sec. 14. Raising to Grades. If any building shall have been built before the street upon which it is located is graded, or if the grade is altered, such building may be raised or lowered to meet the requirements of such grade. Sec. 15. Privy Vaults. No privy vault shall be built or maintained by any person on any lot or land fronting on a street or alley in which water pipe and sewer has been laid, to which service pipe and house drain can be attached, except a temporary privy used during the construction of a build- ing. All privy vaults hereafter erected or maintained by any person, persons, company or corporation, on any lot, or part of lot, or land fronting on any street, alley or public ground, which are not provided with public sewer and water pipe, shall be constructed and maintained wa- tertight, shall not be located within two (2) feet of the line of any abutting lot, part of lot, or land, nor within BUILDING ORDINANCES. 69 eight (8) feet of any door, window or other opening of any building used for residence purposes. No person shall be granted for the erection or altera- tion of any building upon any lot, part of lot, or land fronting on any street or alley which are supplied with water pipe and sewer, the building plan of which does, not show, nor specifications state, the location of a wa- ter closet or closets and fixtures, and their connection with water main pipe and sewer in the street or alley, as the case may be. Every water closet in any building shall have a win- dow opening directly to a street, yard, court or light shaft. Before proceeding with the erection of any building within the corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee, one or more substantial Dry Earth Closets must be pro- vided by the owner or his agent for the use of persons engaged in any work on any building or other structure on said premises. Such Dry Earth Closets shall be constructed in a sub- stanial manner, properly enlcosed from public view, and sufficient in number to accommodate all persons engaged in doing any work upon any building or struc- ture on the premises. As often as may be necessary, and at the completion of the work on the building or other structure, the Dry Earth Closets shall be removed from the premises and. no part of the contents shall be left or disposed on the. premises. Sec. 16. Any person, firm or corporation, servant or agent constructing or altering any building in violation of the provisions of this ordinance or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, or shall con- struct or alter any building in' violation of any detailed statement of application, plans and specifications sub- mitted or approved thereof provided such detailed state- ment or plans as accepted are according to the provi- sions of this ordinance and in case it is not it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by any officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with approval 70 BUILDING ORDINANCES. thereof or any building permit issued thereunder sub- ject to the above provisions shall for each and every such violation or non-compliance for each and every day thereof be liable to a fine of not less than ten (10) dol- lars nor more than five hundred (500) .dollars or in de- fault of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correc- tion of Milwaukee County not more than six months. Sec. 17. All ordinances or parts of ordinances con- travening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. File Number 4971. 104 — AN ORDINANCE Regulating Stairways. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- tcaukce do ordain as folloics: Section 1. Every building shall have at least one stairway extending from the lowest to the highest floor; such stairway shall not be less than three (3) feet wide and have a direct exit to the outside at the grade or ground floor. Sec. 2. Every building more than one (1) story c bove the basement shall have access to the roof either by an inside stairway or a fixed step ladder. The stairway or fixed ladder extending to the roof shall be located so as to be accessible from all points of the upper floor of the building. The opening to the roof shall be not less than 20x30 inches, closed with a tight fitting door or cover, clad on the outside with metal, fastened from the inside only with bolts or hooks and shall never be locked; any building requiring more than one (1) stairway according to this ordinance shall have at least one such stairway extend to the roof, and exit to roof from such stairway shall be through a door of not less than 3x61^ feet in size. ^ Sec. 3. Any basement used for living or business pur- poses or places of assemblage or where boileri^ or en- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 71 gines are located shall have at least one stairway lead- ing direct to the outside of the building or into a fire- proof passage which leads direct to the outside. The number of stairways leading from a basement used for business purposes shall not be less than required for the upper fioors of such building. Sec. 4. All buildings of less floor area than 3,500 square feet on each fioor shall have at least one interior stairway, if more than two (2) stories in height there shall be at least two (2) stairways, and shall have at least one additional stairway for each additional 6,000 square feet fioor area or major fraction thereof; these, stairways are in addition to any fire escape or outside stairway, which may be required by other ordinances. Sec. 5. Buildings three (3) stories or more in height shall have at least one of the stairways enclosed in a fireproof shaft of not less than 2-inch solid thickness and accessible from each floor of the building, and all windows and sash in such shaft shall be of metal and glazed with wire glass. All doors to this stairway shall be standard fire doors which close automatically and have metal frames. Where more than one (1) stairway is required for a building, such stairways shall be lo- cated as far apart as practical. Sec. 6. No stairway in a dwelling shall be less than- three (3) feet wide and in a place of business less than four (4) feet wide, measured in the clear between the hand rails. Sec. 7. Hand rails shall be provided at least at one- side of the stairway in buildings three (3) stories or- less in height; and in all buildings over three (3) stories in height or all places used as places of assemblage there shall be hand rails at both sides of the stairway. Sec. 8. Any person, firm or corporation, servant or employe, constructing or altering any building in viola- tion of the provisions of this ordinance or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any ^of the provisions of this ordinance or shall construct or alter any building in violation of any de- tailed statement of application, plans and specifications submitted or approved thereof, provided such detailed 72 BUILDING ORDINANCES. statement or plans as accepted are according to the pro- visions of this ordinance and in case it is not it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by any officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with approval thereof or any building permit issued there- under subject to the above provisions, shall for each and every such violation or non-compliance for each and every day thereof be liable to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars, nor more than five hundred (500) dollars or in default of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County not more than six months. Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances con- travening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. File, Number <662. 96— AN ORDINANCE Regulating Superimposed Loads upon Structures. The Mayor and Common Council • of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows : 'Section 1. The following minimum super-imnosed or live loads uniformly distributed in pounds per square foot, shall be used in calculating the stresses to be sustained by any structure: Lbs. per Square foot Foor fioors of dwellings ^ 30 For fioors of hotels, tenements, boarding and lodging houses, hospitals and club houses . . 30 For first fioor of office buildings ...'.. 80 For all other floors of office buildings 40 For floors of class and recitation rooms of school buildings 40 For floors of all other parts of school build- ings 60 BUILDING ORDINANCES. 73 For floors of theaters, churches, auditoriums and places of assemblage having flxed seats . . 50 Other parts of these buildings have no flxed seats 80 For flors of dance halls, gymnasiums, armories. 100 For floors of store buildings for the sale or stor- age of light merchandise and buildings for light manufacturing 100 For floors of stables 80 For floors of garages 80 For grand stands, reviewing stands or tempo- rary structures for seating 80 All stairs 60 Balconies and canopies 80 Floors intended for the storage of heavy merchandise or manufacturing purposes where heavy loads may be placed, or where moving machinery is placed, shall be designed with the factor of safety required in these ordinances for the respective materials used in con- struction. Lbs. per Square foot Roofs 30 Hollow sidewalks 150 Lbs. per Square foot Sec. 2. Wind pressure acting horizontally .... 30 Sec. 3. The floor spans between two joists or beams shall be designed for a load 10% in excess of the loads assumed on the entire floor. Sec. 4. The joists, beams, girders, columns and walls of any roof shall be designed for the full load. Sec. 5. Floor girders shall bo designed to carry not less than 85% of the live load. Sec. 6. In a factory, store, warehouse, or other com- mercial building the live loads to be supported by walls, columns or foundations, shall be assumed at not less than 85% of the full load of the top floor, 80% of the next lower floor and 75% for each floor below this. In all other buildings the live loads to be supported by walls, columns and foundations, shall be assumed at 74 BUILDING ORDINANCES. not less than 85% of the full load of the top floor and 5% less for each next lower floor until a ratio of 50% is reached, which shall be assumed for any further lower floor. Sec. 7. The overturning moment due to wind pres- sure shall not exceed 75% of the momient of stability of a structure due to the dead load only, otherwise the structure shall be anchored to their foundations which shall be of sufficient weight to insure the stability of the structure; also diagonal bracing or rigid connec- tions between upright and horizontal structural mem- bers shall be provided to resist distortion. The wind stress may be disregarded in a structure of less than 100 feet in height whose height does not exceed twice its width. Sec. 8. Factor of Safety. If no . maximum safe loads are prescribed for any materials or when no minimum sizes of any structural parts of a building are prescribed in the ordinances the factor'^of safety as prescribed in ordinance on steel and timber construction shall be used. Sec. 9. For materials exposed to the elements or to vibration of moving loads the factor of safety shall be increased 50%. Sec. 10. In addition to the super-imposed loads es- tablished by this ordinance, , provisions must be made in calculating the stresses of any structure to take care of special loading, distributed or concentrated. Sec. 11. Any person, firm or corporation building in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comp ly‘ with any of the provisions of this ordinance^ or shall build in violation of any detailed statement of application, plans and specifications submitted or approved thereof, provided such detailed plan as ac- cepted is according to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of not less than Ten (10) Dol- lars and not more than Five Hundred (500) Dollars, or in default of payment thereof by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County for not more than six (6) months, and each and every such vio- BUILDING ORDINANCES. . 75 lation or non-compliance for each and every day thereof shall be considered a separate ofiense. It shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by any officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with the ap- proval thereof or any building permit issued thereunder. Sec. 12. All parts of ordinances contravening with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Height of Buildings. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. This ordinance or any other ordinance regulating *the construction of buildings the following definitions shall apply unless specifically mentioned otherwise: 'Sec. 2. A building is of fireproof construction if all the walls, partitions, piers, columns, floors, ceilings, roof and stairs are built of incombustible material and if all metallic structural members are protected from fire by an incombustible fire resisting covering of low heat conduction of not less than 2 inches thickness for columns and girders and not less than lyz inches thick- ness for other structural parts. This thickness shall^ be outside of the extreme edges of structural members. Such covering shall consist of Portland cement con- crete, brick, terra cotta or tile laid in cement mortar, the plastering shall not be applied to wood lath or wood furring strips. In a fireproof building the trimmings and finished floor may be of wood. Any space between the flooring and the fireproof material below same shall not be greater than 2 inches. Outside doors and windows and their frames facing a court, street or alley less than 30 feet wide or being less than 30 feet away from any boundary line between 76 BUILDING ORDINANCES. adjoining premises shall be made of metal and the glass in same shall be wire glass. All other doors and windows and their frames may be of wood. Inclosing walls shall not be less than 12 inches thick if of brick, tile, terra cotta or plain concrete or shall not be less than six inches thick if of reinforced con- crete. Sec. 3. Mill Construction. A building is of mill con- struction if all walls are built of incombustible material, but no enclosing wall shall be less than 12 inches thick if of brick, tile, terra cotta or plain concrete, which is not reinforced, and if post girders and joist are of tim- ber which shall measure in width at least one half its depth. No joist shall measure less than 72 square inches and no post shall measure less than 100 square inches in sectional area. If any steel or iron is used for structural purposes, it shall be fireproofed with not less than one inch incombustible material or metal lath and plaster. The floors shall be not less than 3 inch lumber having grooves and splines at their joints and shall be covered with incombustible felt and shall have a separate finished floor of not less than % inch thick- ness. The lower thickness of the roof planking shall be not less than 2 inch lumber tongued and grooved and cov- ered with incombustible felt and the upper thickness shall be not less than % inch, and there shall be an incombustible roof covering. There shall be no openings in the floor unless pro- tected by fireproof doors and no concealed air spaces except such as are enclosed by incombustible material. All stairways and elevators shall be enclosed with walls of incombustible material. Outside doors and windows and their frames facing a court, street or alley less than 30 feet wide or being less than 30 feet away from any boundary line between adjoining premises shall be made * of metal and the glass in same shall be wire glass. All other doors and windows and their frames may be of wood. Sec. 4. Ordinary Construction. A building is of ordi- nary construction if all enclosing walls consist of stone. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 77 brick, tile or concrete, and the roof has an incombustible covering; also in which any of the following conditions exist: Structural iron parts are not protected; the plastering is on wood lath with concealed hollow spaces behind any wood joist; rafters or studs of smaller sec- tion than required for mill construction but no joist, rafters and studs shall be of less than 2 inches lumber, with uncovered openings in the floor; where stairways and elevators are not enclosed with fire resisting mate- rial. Outside doors and windows and their frames facing a court, street or alley less than 80 feet wide or being less than 30 feet away from any boundary. line between adjoining premises shall be made of metal and the glass in same shall be wire glass. All other doors and win- dows and their frames may be of wood. Sec. 5. Frame Buildings. A frame building or a wooden veneered building is a building whose struct- ural parts and enclosing walls consist of wood. If such enclosing walls are veneered, encased or faced with stone, brick, tile, concrete, plaster or metal whose sta- bility or rigidity depends upon the frame wall the build- ing is also termed a frame building. Sec. 6. Business Buildings. All buildings not used solely as private residence, apartment, tenement or boarding house shall be considered as business build- ings regarding their requirements of construction. Sec. 7. Heights of Building. The height of*a build- ing is measured at the center line of its principal front from the street grade or if setting back from the street from the grade of the ground adojining the building to the highest part of the roof, if a flat roof, or to a height two-thirds of the roof if a gabled or hipped roof. If the grade of the lot or adjoining street in the rear or alongside of the building falls below the grade of , the front the height shall be measured in the center of the side showing the greatest fall. ©ec. 8. Buildings of fireproof construction shall be limited to a height of 225 feet. Sec. 9. In a fireproof building exceeding 160 feet in height, all stairways and corridor windows and doors shall be of fireproof construction with metal frames 78 BUILDING ORDINANCES. and all sash connected therewith shall be of metal and all glass shall be wire glass. The stairway and corridor finish and floors shall be entirely of incombustible mate- rial. Such buildings shall be permitted only on a public street of not less width than 80 feet, unless such build-- ings are set back from the street line to a line not less than 40 feet distant from the center of the street. Sec. 10. .Buildings of mill construction shall not be higher than 85 feet above the grade. Sec. 11. Buildings of ordinary construction shall not be higher than 60 feet above the grade. Sec. 12. Frame or veneered buildings shall not be higher than 40 feet above the grade. !S>ec. 13. Roof appendages such as dormer windows,, domes, towers, turrets, spires, skylights, monitors, pent- houses or other projections above the main roof of a building shall not exceed in total area 20 per cent of the main roof, otherwise the building height limit shall apply to the roof of such appendage. Such roof appendages of any frame or veneered building shall not exceed a height of 50 feet above the grade; if such appendage is on the roof of a business building the walls and roof of such appendage shall be covered with incombustible material. Such appendage on the roof of a building of ordinary construction shall not exceed a height of 80 feet above the grade. Such appendage on the roof of a mill constructed building shall not exceed a height of 110 feet above the grade. Pent houses containing elevator machinery shall be constructed as defined in the elevator ordinance. structures shall be designed to resist the horizontal wind pressure of thirty pounds per square inch. Sec. 15. All buildings more than one hundred (100) feet in height, shall be equipped with a sprinkler sys- ! tern, or there shall be a stand pipe inside of the build- ing at least four (4) inches in diameter, extending from the basement grade to the roof. There shall be at least one such stand pipe where the building area of any BUILDING ORDINANCES. 79 story is not more than 10,000 square feet, and one addi- tional stand pipe for each additional 10,000 square feet or fraction thereof. There shall be a hose connection of fire department standard to such stand pipes on each fioor with hose attached sufficient to reach every part of such floor. Such stand pipe shall be connected with a pressure tank not lower than the top floor and a pump system of a capacity of not less than 5,000' gallons. Sec. 16. Any person, firm or corporation building in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any provisions of this ordinance or who shall build in any violation of any detailed state- ment of application, plans or specifications submitted or approved thereof providing such detailed plans as accepted are in accordance to the provisions of this ordinance and in case they are not it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance, that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by an officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with approval thereof, or any building permit issued thereunder subject to the above provisions shall for each and every such violation or non-complianc,e for each and every day thereof be liable to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or in default of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County not more than six months. Sec. 17. All parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passecf Dec. 23, 1912. AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Floor Areas in Buildings. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. The area of any floor of a building shall be measured in the clear between incombustible and fire resisting walls. Walls of any other kind of material shall not be considered as dividing walls. 80 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Seo 2. Dividing walls will be required: In fireproof buildings having a floor area greater than 18,000 square feet. In buildings of mill construction having a floor area greater than .10,000 square feet. In buildings of ordinary construction having a floor area greater than 7,r.00 scfuare feet. In a wood frame building having a floor area greater tlian 5,01)0 square feet. Buildings not exceeding two stories in height above the basement may be increased in floor area 50 per cent, in excess of the above table and the percentage of in- crease shall be computed on the original area. If such buildings are equipped with an automatic sprinkler system the floor area may be increased 30 per cent, and if located so as to front on not less than three streets or two streets and an alley the floor area may be further Increased 20 per cent. Sec. 3. Where dividing walls are required in any of the above mentioned buildings such walls shall be of solid incombustible fire resisting materials, and of the same thickness as required by the table for enclosing walls, and shall be continuous from the foundation to three feet above the roof in non-flreprcof buildings. All openings in these division walls shall have standard fire doors on each side of the walls. Sec. 4. Each subdivided part of such building shall be provided with stairs and exits the same as a separate building. iSec. 5. One story buildings of fireproof construction shall not be limited in floor area. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation owning, con- trolling or managing any building or premises, wherein or whereon anything in violation of this ordinance shall exist or shall be placed, or any person, firm or corpora- tion employed who shall assist in the commission of any. violation or any of the requirements hereof, or who shall build contrary to the plans and specifications submitted to the Inspector of Buildings, provided such plans and specifications are in accordance v/ith this ordinance, or any person, firm or corporation who shall neglect to doy each and every act required herein, whether such act/ BUILDING ORDINANCES. 81 has been approved by the Inspector of Buildings or not, shall for each and every day’s violation or non-compli- ance be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dollars and not more than five hundred (500) dollars or in de- fault of fine by imprisonment in the house of correction not less than one day nor more than six months. Sec. 7. All parts of ordinances contravening the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 93— AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Safety of Buildings During the Construc- tion of Buildings. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- roauhee do ordain as follows : Section 1. All persons constructing buildings where the plans and specifications require the floors to be arched between the beams thereof, or where the floors or filling in between the floors are of fire proof material or brick work, shall complete the flooring or. filling in on each floor as the building progresses before any work shall be permitted on the next succeeding floor above. If the plans and specifications of such buildings do not require filling in between the beams of floors with brick or fireproof material, all contractors for carpenter work in the course of construction shall lay the under flooring thereof on each story as the building progresses before any work shall be permitted on the next succeeding story above. Where double floors are not to be used all per- sons constructing the building shall keep planked over the floor one story below the story where the work is being performed. If the floor beams are of iron or steel, the contractors for iron or steel work of such buildings in the course of construction, or the owners of such buildings, shall thor- oughly plank over the entire tier of iron or steel beams on which the structural iron or steel work is being erected, except such spaces as may be reasonably re- quired for the proper construction of such iron or steel work, and for the raising or lowering of materials to be 82 BUILDING ORDINANCES. used in the construction of such building, or such spaces as may be designated by the plans and specifications for stairways and elevator shafts. But all such openings shall be enclosed or fenced in on all sides by barriers of at least four feet in height. In case of any opening across which are placed runways or tramways, then the entire opening shall be planked over. If elevating machines or hoisting apparatus are used within a building in the course of construction for the purpose of lifting material to be used in such construc- tion the contractors or owners shall cause the shafts or openings in each fioor to be enclosed or fenced iii^on all sides by a barrier at least eight (8) feet in height. If a building in course of construction is five (5) stories or more in height, no lumber or timber needed for such construction shall be hoisted or lifted on the outside of such building. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred (100) dollars, or in default of payment of such fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County for not to exceed ninety (90) days. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- { pealed. ' | Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed September 16, 1912. File Number 5819. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Fire Escapes. . The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- tcaukce do ordain as folloius: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, maintain or occupy any building more than two (2) stories high unless provided with one or more stairway and balcony fire escapes or spiral chutes, constructed of incombustible material on BUILDING ORDINANCES. 83- the outside of such building, placed in such location and installed in such a manner, and as many in number as may he directed by the Inspector of Buildings and the Chief of Fire Department. Such fire escapes, stairways or chutes shall be con- nected at each fioor line by wrought iron platform, bal- cony, piazza or other resting place and of a length to permit access to the same; they shall be convenient of access from the interior of the building through opening not less than twenty-four (24) inches in width. Free and unobstructed access to these fire escapes shall be had through a door at each floor level. Sec. 2. The uppermost balcony of every fire escape shall be provided with a substantial wrought iron cat ladder securely fastened to the wall of the building which shall extend three (3) feet over and above the roof of the building. Such balconies, stairways and plat- forms shall be supported by wrought iron brackets, all securely bolted together, the brackets to extend through the wall of the building and to be provided with nuts and washers, or iron anchors, and properly secured on the inside of the wall. Sec. 3. The pitch of all fire escape stairways shall be at an angle of not more than 46 degrees. Sec. 4. All balconies, stairways and platforms shall he constructed in such a manner as to maintain a load of 100 pounds per square foot; all steps shall be capable of sustaining a load of 150 pounds on each step on a fac- tor of safety of four (4). The floors of all balconies and platforms and treads of fire escape stairways to be made of wrought iron, square edged bars or of any other incombustible mate- rial. If square edged bars are used, the edge surfaces of bars to face upwards. (Round, or any other shaped bars are prohibited.,) The bars shall not be more than % of an inch apart. Stairways to be at least 24 inches wide, and balconies and platforms shall be at least 28 inches wide, and stairways sh'all be at least two (2) feet away from the building. All such balconies, stairs and platforms to be pro- vided with wrought iron bars or pipe hand rails, secure- 84 BUILDING ORDINAiNCES. ly fastened to the iron work and building proper. The top rail to extend through the wall and fastened on the inside of the building with washers and bolts. There shall be attached to the first or lower balcony a counter-balanced stairway extending to the ground. Said stairway shall be of the same construction, pitch and width and to be provided with two hand rails, as the portion of the fire escape above. Sec. 5. Wherever spiral fire escape chutes are used, with balconies leading to entrances of chutes from the various fioors of buildings, said balcony fioors to be con- nected with a substantial, continuous, perpendicular wrought iron ladder, thoroughly secured to sides of bal- cony, which shall extend from five (5) feet above grade to a point three (3) feet above the roof. This ladder is for the use of the firemen for the connection of hose at the various fioors and roof, and for the prompt assist- ance by them to those imperiled. Sec. 6. There shall be attached to such fire escape, stair, balcony or platform, or spiral chutes, from a point five (5) feet above the ground extending to a point three (3) feet above the roof or cornice in close prox- imity to and accessible from fire escape, including cat ladder and a three inch wrought iron stand pipe. At each story above the first and on the roof there shall be attached a 244 inch angle hose valve with male^ hose connection and a double or a Siamese female hose connection at the base of pipe, with threads to conform to the size and pattern used by the Fire Department of the City of Milwaukee. Sec. 7. Every building required to be equipped with fire escape stairways and balconies or spiral chutes shall have displayed in conspicuous places, on each fioor of such building, notices sufficient in number and in plainly legibile type at least six inches in height, indicating and showing the location of such fire escape stairways, bal- cony or spiral chutes and the direct way to reach them. If such notice be not displayed within thirty (30) days after such equipment is installed and kept continuously displayed the Inspector of Buildings or Chief of Fire Department shall cause the building to be closed and BUILDING ORDINANCES. 85 Itept closed until the provisions of this section shall "have been complied with. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful under any circumstances to close up or obstruct any passageways leading to any hre escape stairways, balconies or platforms, or any spiral chute of any building. No change in the position or constrruction of any such fire escape stairway, bal- cony or platform, or spiral chute shall be made unless the permission of the Inspector of Buildings and Chief of Fire Department shall first have been obtained. iSec. 9. If any window or other opening, other than the exit to the fire escape stairway, balcony or platform, or spiral chute, abuts on, or faces any such fire escape stairway, balcony or platform, or spiral chute, it shall be provided with metal frame and wire glass, and sash of such* windows or openings shall be stationary, or such window or other opening shall be closed up with incombustible material. Sec. 1(>. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Build- ings to carefully examine and pass upon all applications made hereunder as well as on all drawings, plans and specifications and he shall see to it that the same in all things conform to the requirements hereof, and he may require the same to be amended, altered or changed by the applicant as he shall direct, before issuing a permit thereon, and after approving of any such application he shall issue a permit to such applicant for the erection and maintenance of such fire escape stairway, balcony or platform, or spiral chute, according to the drawings, plans and specifications therefor and shall keep a record thereof in his office. It shall furtl\er be the duty of the Inspector of Build- ings to inspect and examine all such .fire escape stair- ways, balconies or platforms, or spiral chutes and all fastenings, braces, hand rails, and supports in connec- tion therewith, from time to time and whenever he shall find any part thereof defective or unsafe, or in need of any repairs, he shall forthwith notify the owner or agent of the building to which such fire escape stairway, bal- cony or platform, or spiral chute is connected, in writ- ing, that he or they, is or are required to make needed 86 BUILDING ORDINANCES. repairs (specifying what such repairs consist of), within a time stated in such notice, which time shall be fixed; by the Inspector of Buildings. If any owner or owners of any building to which such fire escape stairway, balcony or platform or spiral chutei is attached, shall fail, neglect or refuse as herein pre- scribed for, within the time limited therefor by such no- tice, to make such repairs or alterations, he shall bei subject to the penalty of this ordinance. Sec. 11. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, erect or remodel, or cause to be constructed, erected or remodeled, any fire escape stairway, balcony or platform, or spiral chute, without first making application to .the Inspector of Buildings, and seouring a permit therefor; which permit shall be issued to the applicant upon compliance ’^yith all pro- visions of this ordinance. Sec. 12. Every applicant for a permit for such firei escape stairway, balcony or platform, or spiral chute, shall pay into the City Treasury the sum of one (1) dol- lar therefor to be credited to the General City Fund and said permit shall be duly signed by the City Treasurer! and the Inspector of Buildings, and the same shall be; in full for the aforesaid 'examination of drawings, plans, specifications and permit. Sec. 13. Any person, firm or corporation or any offi- cer of a corporation who shall violate or cause to be vio- lated, any provision of this ordinance or who shall re- fuse or neglect to erect, construct, put up or remodel i any fire escape stairway, balcony or platform, or spirall chute, according to the provisions of this ordinance,, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall oni conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than i ten (10) dollars, nor more than two hundred (200) dol- lars, together with the cost of prosecution, or by im- prisonment in the House of Correctibn for Milwaukee County for a term not exceeding six months, or by both i such fine and imprisonment, and each and every day of i such violation shall be a separate offense. Sec. 14. All ordinances and parts of ordinances con- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 87 travelling the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty (20) days following its pas- sage and publication. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Canopies and Hoods Extending upon Public Highways. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows : Section. 1. No permanent hood or canopy shall be constructed unless constructed in the manner herein provided. . Sec. 2. There shall be a height of not less than eight (8) feet in clear between the grade of the side- j walk and the lowest point of any appendage or pro- I jection extending from any building into the public high- way, in regard to the erection of any canopy or perma- nent hood. Permanent hoods or canopies 'over doors shall not extend more than five (5) feet on either side of the door, and the projection shall not exceed four (4) feet. Sec. 3. All hoods and canopies shall have gutters and conductors connected with the sewer at the build- ing. Sec. 4. The projection of movable awnings shall’ not exceed the width of the sidewalk, and shall have a resistance of wind pressure of twenty (20) pounds, with a factor of safety of four (4). Sec. 5. Uanopies built of incombustible material throughout, and capable of resisting a superimposed load of eighty (80) pounds per square foot, with a fac- tor of safety not less than four (4), and extending from the line to the curb at a height in the clear of not less than ten (10) feet nor more than fifteen (15) feet above the sidewalk, and to slope and drain towards the build- ing, provided with conductors connected with the sewer of the building may be built. There shall be installea under this canopy, lights to reflect on to the highway below the canopy, equal to two (2) candle power for 88 BUILDING ORDINANCES. each area foot of the surface of the canopy, and such lights shall be kept lighted continually from one hour after sunset until one hour before sunrise. 0ec. 6. Application for permit shall be presented to the Inspector of Buildings, together with blueprint, and! a fee shall be charged for such permit and inspection by the Building Inspector of three ($3.00) dollars for small hoods or canopies over doors or movable awnings of any kind or nature. For other canopies, a fee of six ($6.00) dollars shall be charged. The Inspector of Buildings shall refuse any permit which does not show fulfillment of the provisions of this ordinance in any respect, and any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any other ordi- nace, shall operate as an immediate revocation of sHch permit. The fee for permit herein mentioned shall not include street permit, when it is necessary to use the streets as mentioned or covered by any other ordinance, and such street permit shall be in addition to such per- mits herein mentioned. Sec. 7. The City of Milwaukee hereby shall have and does reserve the right to at any time in the future cause the person, firm or corporation to whom a permit was granted at his, her, or its or their own cost and expense to remove such canopy, hood or removable- awning whenever the Common Council by resolution or otherwise made, decide that the same is necessary ; and should such person, firm or corporation fail, refuse or neglect to so remove such canopy, hood or movable awning, the Commissioner of Public Works shall remove or cause same to be removed and the cost of such removal shall be charged to such property the same as other special assessments. Sec. 8. Any person, firm or corporation, building or erecting, in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall assist in the viola- tion, or shall fail to comply with any provisions of this Ordinance, or who shall build in any violation of detailed statement of application, plans or spe^cifica- tions submitted to the Inspector of Buildings, and ap- proved thereby, or in violation of any of the provisions herein named, whether consented to, or plans accepted building ordinances. 89 by any official, agent or employe of the city, shaU, for pach and every violation or non-compliance, be liable t^a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor more tLn two hundred and.flfty (^50.00) dollars, or in de- fault of fine, by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee county for not more than six (6) months. Sec 9 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty (20) days following its passage and publication. Passed Nov. 24, 1913. File Number 665. iOO— AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Installation and Maintenance of Toilets and Toilet Rooms in Certain Buddings in the City ot Milwaukee. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. All toilets or water-closets hereafter in- stalled in any office building, factory stor^e ing or quasi-public building within the City of Milwau- kee, except such buildings as are owned or occupied by the United States, shall be equipped with a proper flash- ing system. All such toilets and water-closets shall have sewer connections, and shall be placed upon a base of some material impervious to water, which base shall have an area of at least four (4) square feet Each water-closet shall be enclosed by partition at least six (6) feet in height. Sec. 2. The use of the latrine system of water-closets and toilets in such buildings shall be allowed only at the discretion of the Commissioner of Health, bucn systems shall be automatically flushed at least once in flve (5) minutes, and shall be enameled or lined with a non-deteriorating surface impervious to water, ana equipped with seats fitting the bodies of the persons using them. /Sec. 3. All urinals in such buildings shall be con- structed of a material impervious to water, with a non- deteriorating inner surface, and shall be built upon a raised platform of material impervious to water, which 90 BUILDING ORDINANCES. platform shall be at least four (4) inches higher than the surrounding floors, and shall extend forward to a distance of at least two (2) feet from the water distrib- uting portions of said urinals. Such urinals shall be flushed continuously, or at intervals of not more than five (5) minutes. Sec. 4. All toilet-rooms in such buildings shall be completely enclosed so as to be distinct and separate rooms, and shall be provided with proper ventilation to the outside air. In no case shall ventilation into a workroom or other part of the building be permitted. All such toilet-rooms shall have a window area equal to at least three (3) square feet for each fixture in such room, and closet-bowls and urinals are to be considered fixtures under this provision. There shall be separate toilet-rooms and water-closets for the different sexes in all such buildings, and each such room or closet shall be clearly marked to indicate by which sex it shall be used, and no person shall be allowed to use any toilet- room assigned to the other sex. In all buildings within the city where eight (8) or more persons are employed, at least one toilet shall be supplied for each twenty (204 persons employed in the building. All toilet-rooms, toi- lets and water-closets shall be kept in a clean and ’san- itary condition at all times. Sec. 5. The Commissioner of Health is authorized and empowered to order such changes In the location or construction of toilets, toilet-rooms and water-closets in any such buildings as in his opinion may best serve the interests of sanitation, and any person failing to comply with an order of the Health Commissioner given under this section shall be subject to the penalty pre- scribed in Section 6 of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Any owner, lessee, or any person or corpora- having charge of any of the aforesaid buildings, who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall forfeit to the City of Milwaukee a penalty 'of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every offense, and in de- fault of payment thereof shall be imprisoned either in the County Jail or the House of Correction for Milwau- kee County not less than five (5) days nor more than thirty (30) days. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 91 Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. > Passed Nov. 6, -1911. File Number 3046 89— AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Moving of Buildings. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person, firm dr corporation, its servants or agents, shall move or cause to be moved, any build- ing or structure, or any part thereof, without applying for and obtaining a permit from the Inspector of Build- ings, and without also obtaining a permit from the Com- missioner of Public Works if any sidewalk, alley, street, highway or other public ground is to be occupied in such moving. Sec. 2. An application for a permit shall show the construction at the present time, its use and location, also the new location, with diagram of the lot showing the new location, and any existing building thereon, the sub-structure that it is to be placed upon, the use intend- ed in the future, and the route to be traversed in the moving. Sec. 3. In case a permit is required from both the Inspector of Buildings and the Commissioner of Public Works, such permit shall not be valid and in force until obtained from both departments and until all other preliminary requirements of the city ordinances per- taining to the moving of buildings upon the public streets are complied with. Sec. 4. No permit shall be granted for the moving of any structure that has deteriorated or been dam- aged from any cause 50 % or more of its original value. No permit shall be granted for the moving of any struc- ture within the fire limits or from the outside to the inside of the fire limits, unless the building is of a con- 92 BUILDING ORDINANCES. struction and kind permissible for new buildings for the purpose for which it is intended to be used within the fire limits. A permit may be granted for the moving of a wood or veneered building on the same premises within the fire limits provided that its height is not increased, and fur- ther, that no building originally used for dwelling pur- poses before such moving shall be altered except for office purposes. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation, servant or agent moving any building in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any of the provi- sions of this ordinance, or shall move any building in violation of any detailed statement of application, plans and specifications submitted or approved thereof, pro- vided such detailed statement or plans as accepted are according to the provisions of this ordinance, and in case it is not, it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by any officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with approval thereof, or any building per- mit issued thereunder subject to the above provisions, shall for each and every such violation or non-compli- ance for each and every day thereof be liable to a fine of not less than Ten (10) Dollars nor more than Five Hundred (500) Dollars or in default of fine by imprison- ment in the house of correction of Milwaukee County not more than six (6) months. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 93 AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Construction and Equipment of Garages. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- icaukee do ordain as folloics: Section 1. A “garage” is — A building or that portion of a building in which a vehicle or vehicles, using or carrying volatile inflam- mable liquids for fuel or power, is or are kept for use, repair, rental or live storage, or for demonstrating pur- poses, and any part of said building that is not separated therefrom by unpierced fire walls, floors and ceilings. Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean places where automobiles are kept when drained, solely for exhibition or sale purposes, or dead storage. Sec. 2. An “automobile” i,s d self-propelled vehicle. Sec. 3. An automobile carrying a volatile inflamma- ble liquid shall not be placed — (a) In a building of wood which shall be more than fifteen feet high, used for more than four automobiles, or located less than ten feet away from any other build- ing. (b) In a building, any portion of which, outside of the garage, is used as a place of assemblage or employ- ment for persons at any time, other than employes of the garage, which portion is not sejparated from the ga- rage by unpierced fire walls, floors and ceilings. (c) Nothing herein contained in this section shall prevent the owner of any existing garage from keeping not more than two automobiles for his own use in a portion of a building; nor for anyone occupying a part of such building as a dwelling. Garages hereafter erected, any portion of which is used for dwelling purposes, shall be subject to all the provisions of this ordinance. Fire Resisting Construction. Sec. 4. A garage must be of fireproof construction if intended for the use of more than four automobiles; if built within five (5) feet of a boundary line between premises or within ten (10) feet of any other building; where any persons are assembled or employed other 94 BUILDING ORDINANCES. than employes of the garage, and in all such cases the floors, ceilings and walls must be unpierced. Enclosing walls within flve (5) feet of any other building, or with- in flve (5) feet of a boundary line between premises shall have no openings; all openings in walls shall have Are doors or windows, but these requirements shall not apply to openings in front walls on the street line where such street in thirty (30) feet or more in width. All ex- terior walls, abutting on a street, alley or lot line, of any building used as a garage 'shall have parapet walls carried to at least two feet above the roof, and shall be coped with incombustible material. In lieu of fireproof construction a one story garage may be built of incombustible material provided that the floor area does not exceed 360 square feet and the height does not exceed fifteen feet measured from the floor to a point two-thirds of the height of the roof, and that such garage does not form a part of any building and is not contained in any other building; such garage shall not be built less than one foot from a boundary line between adoining premises or any frame building and not more than one such garage shall be built on any twenty-five foot frontage of a lot. The walls and roof of such in- combustible garage may consist of corrugated iron not lighter than twenty gauge U. S. standard, covered with a rust resisting coating, fastened to a steel frame work, or may consist of cement plaster of not les« than two inches solid thickness on metal lath with metal frame. The floor in all cases shall be of incombustible material and the doors shall be of metal or metal covered wood and the windows and sash shall be of metal with wire glass. Tanks. Sec. 5. Storage tanks shall — (a) Not be installed until application, with plans and specifications showing full details of location and con- struction of tank and all connections have been filed with and approved by the Inspector ot Buildings. If in conformity with all the provisions of this ordinance a permit shall be issued. (b) Any person, firm or corporation installing any BUILDING ORDINANCES. 95 gasoline tank shall notify the Inspector of Buildings be- fore covering or enclosing same, and said Inspector of Buildings shall have an inspection made of such tank and connections and same must not be covered up or enclosed before inspected. (c) Not be placed upon or under any street, or any part of highway or alley or sidewalk. Under any building any part of which is used for a residence, hotel or lodging purposes or place of assem- blage. Not have a capacity in excess of 300 gallons. Be made of iron or steel galvanized of at least number twelve (12) United States standard gauge. Be coated on the outside with rust-resisting material. Have joints tightly riveted, calked, soldered, brazed or welded. Be tested by hydrostatic pressure to twenty-five (25) pounds to the square inch. Have all pipe connections at the top, and no vent or filling pipes lo drop lower than the top of the tank. Be buried entirely so that no part of the tank is less than two feet under the surface of the ground. Tanks that are to be filled by a pipe from the street shall be buried at least two feet lower than the surface of the street or gutter. Tanks in the ground that are within five (5) feet of any building shall, if required, be buried two (2) feet lower than the level of the lowest floor of any such build- ing. Tanks may be placed below lowest floor of building and shall be covered entirely with two (2) feet of earth, and covered with a concrete slab at least six (6) inches thick on top, and such tank shall be equipped with sep- arate fill and vent pipe extending to the outside of the garage or building. (d) No tank shall be installed until application with plans and specifications showing full detail of location and construction of tank and of connections has been submitted to the Inspector of Buildings, who shall have a reasonable time thereafter to examine said plans, and who shall give a permit after the applicant has paid into 96 building ordinances. the city treasury the sum of two dollars ($2.00) as a permit fee for the installation of each tank, which sum or sums shall he credited to the general city fund, if said plans are according to this ordinance and other ordinances which may be applicable thereto, and. the giving of a permit by the Inspector of Buildings m vio- lation of this or any other ordinance shall not be a de- fense to a violation of any of the provisions herein named. Any person, firm or corporation installing gaso- line or volatile liquid tanks pursuant to this ordinance, shall again notify the Inspector of Buildings before cov- ering or enclosing the same, and he shall cause an in- spection to be made of the same and connections, and the same shall not be covered up or used before they are approved by the Inspector of Buildings as fulfilling the requirements of this ordinance, but such approval by the Inspector of Buildings shall not be considered a defense to a violation of. any of the provisions of this ordinance. No garage shall contain more than — Five gallons of volatile infiammable liquid in sajety cans (automobile equipment excepted) and six hundred (600) gallons (ten (10) barrels) of volatile infiammable liquid in underground storage tanks. ^ ^ Safety cans for storing volatile infiammable liquids in a garage shall be made of metal, shall have a screw top, and shall have a capacity not to exceed five (5) gallons, and when not in use shall be placed in drip pans. When a portable filling tank is used for the storing or handling of volatile inflammable liquids, this tank must be of a capacity not to exceed sixty (60) gallons and must be made of at least three-sixteenth (^^) inch steel construction. The said portable tank shall be supported on wheels, the same being equipped with rubber tires and be pro- vided with a suction pump. This pump must be pro- vided with hose attachment; the hose must not exceed eight (8) feet in length. The pump must be equipped with ground key shut-off cock where hose is attached to pump, also with approved ground key shut-off cock at the end of the hose. Pump must be equipped with con- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 97 venient lock and the same must be locked when not in use. No portable filling tank shall be allowed standing on public walks or public driveways when not in immediate use for filling automobiles. The Vent Pipe. Sec. 6. The vent pipe for storage tanks shall be — (1) Made of one inch or larger wrought iron pipe, with Heavy cast fittings, and screw joints made with lith- arge and glycerine. - Connected with the top of storage tank, and to be pro- vided with a screw of thirty (30) mesh brass wire at or near the tank connection. (2) Carried up to the outer air, well braced in po- sition and — Capped with a double goose-neck or return bend with openings at least two feet higher than the roof of ga- rage or building, and be covered with a brass wire of one-sixteenth (^V) inch mesh or so arranged that the filling pipe cannot be opened without opening the vent. The opening of vent pipe for storage tanks (not ex- ceeding a capacity of three hundred (300) gallons) out- side of the garage or building shall be Directly over the storage tank. Covered by a screen of thirty (30) mesh brass wire. Closed by a screw cap when not in use, and Enclosed in a metal box, with a cover that is flush with the surface of the ground if on public highway, and is kept locked when not in use. The Filling Pipe. Sec. 7. The filling pipe for storage tanks shall be — Made not less than one and one-fourth (1^) inch or larger wrought iron or steel pipe with heavy cast fit- tings, and Screw joints with litharge and glycerine and be pro- vided with screen of thirty (30) mesh brass wire. One at the tank connection or near the tank connec- tion, and One below the filling cock or valve. Filling pipe to extend to the outside of the garage and 98 BUILDING ORDINANCES. when onto public highway to be buried at least two (2) feet under ground; intake enclosed in a metal box, with a cover that is flush with the surface of the ground and securely locked when not in use; intake shall be closed with a screw cap. Connection with top of tank or with valve connected therewith, and extend down to the bottom of the storage tank. Laid at a uniform grade so that it will drain empty into the tank. Pumps. Sec. 8. All volatile inflammable liquids must be drawn from the tank by means of a suction system or pump, which shall have a shut-off with ground keyway on the nozzle and automatic check thereon between the pump and the nozzle: Heating. Sec. 9. No stove, furnace. Are or Are heat shall be used or allowed — In a garage or In any portion of the building or below the topmost floor of the garage that is provided with any opening from the garage, and not separated from the same by un- pierced fire-walls, floors and ceilings. Carbide. Sec. 10. There shall not be more than six hundred (600) pounds of calcium carbide in air-tight containers in any garage; said carbide in no case shall be placed in a cellar, but only on the floor above the basement and shall be placed six (6) inches or more above the floor. Lighting. Sec. 11. Movable incandescent electric lights in a garage shall be protected by metal cages, and shall be fitted with keyless sockets. All electric switches and plug receptacles shall be permanently located at least four (4) feet above the floor, and all switches and safe- ty fuses shall be grouped and placed within a fireproof cabinet. Electric charging apparatus shall not be installed in a garage, but may be kept in separate room where there BUILDING ORDINANCES. 99 is no inflammable substance; said room to be protected by unpierced fire-walls. No open frame shall be placed less than seven (7) feet above the floor. Smoking. Sec. 12. Smoking is absolutely prohibited in any room or place in which a volatile inflammable liquid is kept, or in any room, or hall opening into such room or place. A notice in large letters, “No Smoking,'' shall be displayed and in all places in which a volatile inflamma- ble liquid is kept. Inflammable Liquids. Sec. 13. No volatile inflammable liquid shall be — (a) Used in a garage for cleaning or for any other purpose whatsoever, other than filling tanks of automo- biles. (b) Allowed to run upon the floor or to fall or pass into the drainage system of the garage. (c) Put into cr removed from the tank of an auto- mobile while any light or fire on the same is burning. (d) Carried or kept in an open vessel. Sand. Sec. 14. Sand shall be kept to the amount of five hundred (500) pounds, in boxes provided with hand scoops or fire-buckets, in appropriate places for imme- diate use for fire extinguishing purposes only, and shall also be kept in convenient receptacles for use in ab- sorbing any waste oil. Waste Cans. Sec. 15. Self-closing metal cans set firmly on four- inch legs shall be kept on all floors, for the purpose of holding all inflammable waste material. Limit of Time to Conform. Sec. 16. On and after its passage and publication, this ordinance shall rescind and replace any and all existing ordinances having to do with the construction, location and operation of garages, but this ordinance ehall not apply as to construction of any garage here- tofore built and in use except as to changes desired. The maintaining after building contrary to this ordi- 100 BUILDING ORDINANCES. nance shall be unlawful and each and every day of such maintenance shall be considered a separate offense. This ordinance shall apply to additions on old build- ings. Consent of Property Owners. Sec. 16a. It shall not be lawful for any person to lo- cate, build, construct, or keep in any block a garage if in such block two-thirds of the buildings are devoted to exclusive residence purposes on both sides thereof, un- less the written consent of the property owners on .both sides of the street or alley in such block shall first be obtained and filed with the Inspector of Buildings before application for a permit be made. Violation and Penalty. Sec. 17. Any person, firm or corporation owning, con- trolling or managing any building or premises wherein vjr whereon anything -in violation of this ordinance shall be placed, or shall exist, and any person employed who shall assist in the commission of any such violation, and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or any re- quirements thereof, who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted or approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit is- sued thereunder, shall for each and every such violation or non-compliance be fined not less than fifty ($50') dol- lars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or in case of failure to pay by imprisonment in the House of Correction for Milwaukee County not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than six (6) months. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and pub- lication. The foregoining ordinance passed January 11, 1911. Includes amendments passed — May 22, 1911. August 28, 1911. January 2, 1912. January 8, 1912. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 101 File Number 5771. 183—AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Construction of Apartment Houses» Tenement Houses, Boarding and Lodging Houses. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- tcaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. An apartment or tenement house in the meaning of this ordinance, is any house or building or portion thereof, which is rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied as a home or residence of three or more families living independently and doing their cooking or having facilities for doing their cooking upon the premises, and having a common right in the stair- ways, yards and water closets or some of them. A lodging or boarding house is any house or building or portion thereof, in which six or more persons are harbored, received or lodged for hire, or any building or part thereof v^hich is used for six or more persons, not members of the family, to sleep in or occupy as a. lodging. An apartment is a room or suite of rooms occupied or designed to be occupied as a family domicile. A yard is an open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a tenement, lodging or boarding house, between the rear line of the house and the rear line of the lot. A court is an open, unoccupied space other than a yard, on the same lot with a tenement, lodging or board- ing house. A court entirely surrounded by a house or building is an inner court. A court bounded on one side and both ends by a house or building and on the remaining side by a lot line is an inner lot-line court. A court extending to a street, alley or yard, is an outer court. A court with one side on a lot line and opening to street or yard or both is an outer lot-line court. A shaft includes exterior and interior shafts, whether for light, air, elevator, dumbwaiter or any other pur- pose. A vent shaft is one used solely to ventilate or light a water closet compartment, bath room or passage- way. A public hall is a hall, corridor, or passage way not within an apartment. 102 BUILDING ORDINANCES. A stair hall includes the stairs, stair landings, those portions of the public halls through which it is neces- sary to pass in getting from the entrance floor to the roof, and the enclosing partitions. A basement is a story partly, but not more than one- half its height, below the level of the lot. A cellar is a story more than one-half its height below the level of the lot. An attic is an enclosed portion of a building above the top story and is not to be construed or counted as a story. The expressions “fireproof’ and “fireproof construc- tion” wherever herein used, ^ean a construction of walls, piers, partitions, floors, roof and stairs in which no wood or other inflammable material is used, in which the several structural parts are made of hard, incombustible, fire-resisting materials and in which all structural parts of steel and iron are thoroughly pro- tected from fire by an ample covering of such fire-re- sisting material. A fireproof tenement, lodging or boarding house is one of fireproof construction. But this definition shall not be construed as prohibiting elsewhere than in stair halls or entrance halls, the use of w^ooden flooring on top of the fireproof floors or the use of hardwmod rails to stairs. Where a grade in the street or lot adjacent to a ten- ement, lodging or boarding house varies, the mean or average grade of such street or lot shall be considered the grade of such street or lot. A lot line is the boundary line on either side of the proposed building premises to be indicated as such on the lot diagram, and a lot is such building premises open and unoccupied by any other building. Sec. 2. Every apartment house, tenement, lodging or boarding house hereafter erected, five stories or more above cellar or basement, shall be of fireproof construc- tion. Sec. 3. In every non-fireproof, as well as fireproof tenement, lodging or boarding house, three stories or more in height, exclusive of cellar, the floor of first story above the cellar including all supports, also par- titions in cellar shall be of fireproof construction. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 103 Sec. 4. The stair halls in all non-fireproof as well as fireproof tenement houses shall be constructed as in this section specified. In every apartment house, tene- ment house, boarding or lodging house, which either is occupied or is arranged to be occupied by more than two families on any floor, or which is four stories and cellar in height, the stair hall shall be constructed of fireproof material throughout. In apartment, tenement houses and boarding and lodging houses three stories and cellar in height, and which also are not occupied or so arranged to be occupied by more than two families on any floor, the stair halls shall be made of fireproof or open mill construction. Enclosing partitions shall be either fireproof or filled with incombustible material. &ec. 5. All shafts constructed in apartment houses, tenement, lodging and boarding houses, shall be con- structed fireproof throughout. No elevator shall be built in the well-hole of the stairs but shall be enclosed in separate fireproof shaft. Sec. 6. No apartment house, tenement, lodging or boarding house shall hereafter be erected or enlarged- upon or moved onto any lot so as to occupy more than; ninety per cent of a corner lot, or more than seventy- five per cent of any other lot, provided that the space occupied by fire escapes shall not be deemed a part of the lot occupied. Sec. 7. Behind every apartment house, tenement, lodging or boarding house hereafter erected or enlarged upon or moved onto any lot which does not extend from the street to an alley^ there shall be a yard extending across the entire width of the lot at every point from the ground to the sky unobstructed, except that fire- escapes or unenclosed outside stairs may project not over four and one-lhalf feet from the rear line of the house; and the depth of said yard measured from the extreme rear wall of the house to the rear line of the lot shall be as follows: The depth of the yard behind such house hereafter erected upon a corner lot shall not be less than ten feet in every part, provided that where such lot is less than one hundred feet in depth,, the depth of the yard shall not be less than ten per centum of the depth of such lot, but shall never be less 104 BUILDING ORDINANCES. than five feet in every part. The depth of yard behind apartment, tenement, boarding or lodging houses built on othe^ than corner lots measured from the rear line of any part of such house to the center line of the alley, if there is an alley, or the rear line of the lot, where there is no alley, shall be equal to at least one- fourth of the height of such building above the ground level, but in no case shall it be less than ten feet. Sec. 8. No apartment, tenement, lodging or boarding house shall be erected upon or moved onto the front of any platted lot or other parcel of land abutting upon but one street, where there is another building upon the rear of the same lot or parcel, or upon the rear of any such lot or parcel where there is another building upon the front of the same Unless there be between such building a clear, unobstructed space at least fifteen feet in width, if either building be two stories in height, and at least twenty feet in width, if either building be three stories high, and at least twenty-five feet in width if either building be over three stories high. Sec. 9. No apartment, tenement, lodging or boarding house shall have vent shafts, except for the purpose of lighting or ventilating water closet or bath room com- partments or passage ways. Sec. 10. No outer lot line court measured from the lot line to the wall of the building, shall be less than three feet for buildings two stories or less in height. For buildings more than two stories in height, the width of such court shall increase one foot for each additional story. Where an outer court is situated between wings or parts of the same building or between different build- ings on the same lot the width of said court measured from wall to wall shall not be less than eight feet in any part, provided the court does not exceed thirty-six feet in length, in all buildings four stories or less in height; for each additional story in height such court shall increase one foot in width ; and for each additional ten feet or increase or fraction thereof in length of such court, the entire width shall be increased one foot, and the increase in width shall be cumulative. No inner lot line court shall be less than six feet in BUILDING ORDINANCES. 105 width, nor less than sixty square feet in area of unob- structed space for courts two stories or less in height; no inner court shall be less than ten feet in width nor less than one hundred and fifty square feet in area for courts two stories or less in height; and for every addi- tional story every such inner court or inner lot line court shall be increased in size by at least one linear foot in its length and one linear foot in its width. No court or vent shaft shall be covered by a roof or sky-light but shall be open^ and unobstructed from the bottom thereof to the sky. " No fire escape or stairway shall be constructed therein unless the court be en- larged proportionately, and have direct exit outside of the building. At the bottom of every shaft or inner court there shall be a sufficient access to such shaft or court as to enable it to be properly cleaned out. All such inner courts shall have an intake for fresh air, leading from a street or yard, the area of which intake^ in square feet shall equal two one-thousandths of the number of cubic feet contained in said court. No building shall hereafter be altered or enlarged to encroach upon the space reserved by law for light and air, on lots or parcels of ground on which such apart- ment house, tenement house, lodging house^ or boarding house is erected. A corner lot is a lot which abuts on. two streets. Sec. 11. In every apartment house, tenement, lodg- ing or boarding house, every room except water closet compartments and bath room shall have at least one window opening directly upon the street or upon a yard or court. The total window area in such room shall be at least one-tenth of the superficial floor area of the room and the top of at least one window shall be not less than seven feet above the floor and the up- per half of it shall be made so as to open the full width. No building shall be converted into, used or leased for a tenement, lodging or boarding house, unless every such room thereof used for such purpose shall have a window opening directly upon a street, yard or court; nor shall any building or part thereof construct- ed and used for a different purpose, be remodeled so 106 BUILDING ORDINANCES. as to convert it into a tenement house, unless so re- modeled as to comply with the requirements of this section. Sec. 12. In every apartment house, tenement, lodg- ing or boarding house one at least of the windows pro- vided to light each public hall or part thereof, shall contain not less than ten square feet of glass area. In every such house three or more stories in height where the stairs of public halls are not provided with win- ! dows on each floor opening directly to the outer air, there shall be directly over each stairwell a ventilating [ skylight with ridge or gable ventilators having a min- imum opening of forty square inches, or such skylight shall be provided with fixed or movable louvers. The glazed roof of such skylight shall be not less than • twenty feet in area. Sec. 13. In every apartment house, tenement, lodg- ing or boarding house there shall be adequate chim- neys running through every floor with an open fire place or grate, or place for a stove properly connected with one of said chimneys for every apartment, unless the apartment is heated by a furnace, hot water or steam and provisions are made in cooking by gas or electricity. Sec. 14. No room in cellar or basement of any apart- ment, tenement, lodging or boarding house shall be con- structed, altered, or occupied for living purposes unless all the following conditions are complied with; such rooms shall be at least eight feet high in every part from the floor to the ceiling; the ceiling of such room shall be at least four feet above the level of the lot; such room shall have a window or windows opening . upon a street, yard or outer court and the total window area shall be at least one-tenth the superficial floor area of the room; one-half of sash of such window shall be made to open the full width; the walls and floor of such room shall be damp-proof and water-proof, and fit for human habitation as determined by the Inspector of Buildings. fSec. 15. In every apartment house, or tenement there shall be a separate water closet in a bath room or sep- arate compartment within each apartment, provided BUILDING ORDINANCES. 107 that there are apartments consisting of but one or two rooms there shall be at least one water closet for every two apartments. For every tenement house heretofore erected there shall be provided at least one water closet for very two apartments, provided that the total number of per- sons in such two apartments does not exceed eight; where the total number of persons exceeds eight there shall be a separate water closet for each apartment. In every lodging or boarding house there shall be provided at least one water closet for every eight per- sons, and for each additional eight persons or fraction thereof there shall be at least one additional water closet. Every water closet and bath room compartment in every apartment house, tenement house, lodging or boarding house hereafter constructed shall have a window at least three square feet in area, opening upon a street, yard, court or upon a vent shaft not less than twenty-one square feet in area; and every water closet and bath room compartment in ^every apartment house, tenement, lodging or boarding .house heretofore erected shall receive compartment ventilation by such windows or by a proper metal or masonry ventilating pipe run- ning up to and above the roof, with a sectional area of at least one square ' inch for every six cubic feet of space contained in such apartment, but no such vent pipe shall be less than thirty-six square inches in area. Every water closet compartment in every tenement, lodging or boarding house shall be provided with proper means of lighting the same. All water closets shall be kept in repair and drip trays shall not be permitted. ' All apartment houses, tenement houses, lodging or boarding houses, not so situated as to be accessible to the sewerage system of the city, shall be provided with privy vaults constructed as follows: The vaults shall be outside of said building and sunk in the ground not less than six feet and shall be walled up with con- crete or brick or stone laid in cement mortar with bottom of the same material, shall be rende’-ed water- tight, and shall be so constructed that the outsiJe shall be at least two feet from the line of all adjoining lots. 108 BUILDING ORDINANCES. and also the same distance from every street and alley. The vaults shall be carried one foot above the surface of the ground and shall be built to exclude all water from surface or from roofs of buildings. Such privies shall be repaired or cleaned on the order of the Inspec- tor of Buildings. Sec. 16. Every apartment house, tenement house, lodging or boarding house shall have water furnished in sufficient quantity at one or more places on each floor occupied by one or more families, provided the said apartment, tenement, lodging or boarding house is located on a street or alley supplied with city water pipes. When said building is not so situated a suffi- cient supply of wholesome water shall be provided on a part of the lot where it will not be contaminated from closets, barns, garbage or other sources of impurity. Sec. 17. Before the erection, construction or altera- tion, except minor repairs, of any apartment house, tenement house, boarding or lodging house, or any part of such building, or the excavation of any cellar therefor is commenced, the owner or lessee, or agent or either, or the architect or builder employed by such owner or lessee in connection with the proposed erec- tion or operation, shall apply to the Inspector of Build- ings for a permit to do such work. The application for such permit shall state the exact site to be occu- pied and indicate by diagram the dimensions thereof and location of the building thereon, and state the materials to be used, the dimensions and estimated cost of the proposed building and the probable time to be occupied in the completion. The application shall be accompanied by a detailed statement of the specifi- cations, a full and complete copy of the plans of such proposed work and the structural detail drawings of such proposed building as the said officer may require, and a written statement giving the full name and resi- dence, street and number, of the owner or each of the owners of such proposed building, also the name and residence of the architect and contractor. Said state- ment and specifications and copy of plans, shall, if ap- proved, be kept on file in the office of the Inspector cf Buildings, and the erection, construction or altera- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 109 tion of such building shall not be commenced or pro- ceeded with until such statement and plans shall have been so filed and a permit issued by such Inspector of Buildings, and when proceeded with, the erection, con- struction or alteration of such building shall be car- ried on in accordance with such approved detailed statement of specifications and copy of plans and not otherwise. If the detailed statement of specifications and copy of plans indicate that the building contem- plated will not in all respects be in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, the Inspector of Buildings shall refuse to issue a permit until said speci- fications and plans shall have been made to conform in every respect' with the requirements of this ordi- nance. Sec. 18. Any person, firm or corporation owning, controlling or managing any building or premises, wherein or whereon anything in violation of this ordi- nance shall exist or shall be placed, or any person, firm or corporation employed who shall assist in the commission of any violation of any of the requirements hereof, or who shall build contrary to the plans ^ or specifications submitted to the Inspector of Buildings, provided such plans and specifications are in accord- ance with this ordinance, or any person, firm or corpo- ration who shall neglect to do each and every act required herein, whether such act has been approved by the Inspector of Buildings or not, and the fact that the plans and specifications are accepted by the Inspec- tor of Buildings shall be no defense to a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall for each and every day’s violation or non-compliance be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars or in default of fine by im- prisonment in the house of correction not less than one day nor more than six months. Sec. 19. All parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 20. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed Nov. 10, 1913. 110 BUILDING ORDINANCES. File Number 4867, 100— AN ORDINANCE - Regulating the Construction of Stables and Structures. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- icaukce do ordain as foUoics: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall con- struct or establish any stable or structure, to be used for the keeping or housing of domestic animals, at a less distance than fifteen (15) feet from any residence, dwell- ing or place of assemblage. The floor of all stables or rooms used for such pur- poses shall be made of material impervious to water and shall be drained by connecting with the City .scw^'r. Sec. 2. Any stable or structures to be used for +he keeping or housing of horses, mules or cows, shall be provided with ventilators leading through the roof v.Tth an area not less than sixteen (16) square inches for each animal. Sec. 3. Any stable or structure in which manure or stable refuse accumulates, shall be provided with a wa- tertight box, bin or pit, located within the premises on which such stable or structure is situated. Said box^ bin or pit shall be ventilated by means of a flue or duct having a cross sectional area of not less than twelve (12) square inches, and extending above the roof of such stable or structure. Said box, bin or pit shall at all times be securely covered, except when opened during the time of depositing or removing the manure or refuse. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation, servant or agent constructing or altering any building in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, or shall con- struct or alter any building in violation of any detailed statement of application, plans and specifications sub- mitted or approved thereof, provided such detailed state- ment or plans as accepted are according to the provi- sions of this ordinance, and in case it is not it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by any officer BUILDING ORDINANCES. Ill of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with approval thereof or any building permit issued thereunder sub- ject to the above provisions shall for each and every such violation or noncompliance for each and every day thereof be liable to a fine of not less than ten (10 dol- lars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or in de- fault of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee county not more than six months. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August '4, 1913. File Number 4969 115— AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Construction of Sheds. Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows : Section 1. Enclosed shed for the storage of fuel, vehicles, except automobiles and others using volatile liquids for a means of power, and garden utensils, and arbors may be built of wood construction within the fire limits; they shall not be more than one (1) story or twelve (12) feet in height and not more than two hundred (200) feet in area; such sheds shall be located at least fifteen (15) feet from the street line of the lot and on the rear half of such lot, and there shall not be more than one (1) such shed built to any twenty-five (25) feet frontage of such lot. Sec. 2. Open shelter sheds one (1) story and not ex- ceeding fifteen (15) feet in height, nor more than 1,000 feet in area may be built of wood construction within the fire limits, and shall not have any floors of combus- tible material. No such shed shall be built within ten (10) feet of adjoining premises. Sec. 3. Any shed for the storage of minerals or coal in bulk, if more than twenty-five (25 feet from any other building or the adjoining premises and not more than 112 BUILDING ORDINANCES. thirty (30) feet in height, nor more than 15,000 feet in area, may be built of wooden construction within the city limits, the roof of such shall be covered with fire- resisting material. When such shed exceeds the above regulations it shall be built entirely of fire-resisting construction, or may be of wood construction, but shall have a dividing wall of fireproof construction, so that no compartment of such shed exceeds the first mentioned area. Sec. 4. Shed for the storage of combustible material may be built of frame construction within the city limits if more than twenty-five (25) feet from the ad- joining premises or any other building, if not more than twenty (20) feet in height and if the area of same does not exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet. The roof shall be covered with fire-resisting material. If such shed is enclosed with fire-resisting material, the area may be increased to ten thousand (10,000) square feet; whenever such shed exceeds ten thousand (10,000') square feet, there shall be dividing walls of fireproof construction for each compartment over ten thousand (10,000) square feet area. Sec. 5. Buildings for the storage of ice within the city limits may be of frame coiistruction, but shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet in height, nor ten thousand (10,000) feet in area, when not less than twenty-five (25) feet from adjoining premises or any other building, but when exceeding such regulation they shall be built of fire-resisting material; and when of a greater area than ten thousand (10,000) square feet they shall have dividing walls of fireproof materials. iSec. 6. Elevators for the storage of grain in bulk located within the city limits shall be of fireproof con- struction if more than thirty (30) feet in height or have a floor area exceeding five thousand (5,000) square feet. Sec. 7. Temporary buildings or strustures for fairs,, conventional exhibitions, festivals and similar purposes may be erected of frame construction, but shall be capable of withstanding a wind pressure of 30 pounds to the square foot and sustaining a live load of 125 pounds to the square foot on a factor of safety of four BUILDING ORDINANCES. 113 (4), Such permit for temporary structure shall be for a period net to exceed six (6) months, and shall be torn’ down or removed within twenty-four (24) hours after such permit expires, or the use of the building for that particular purpose for which is was built has ceased. Sec S. Where division or enclosing walls are re- quired they shall not be less than twelve (12) inches thich for the upper sixteen (16) feet and for each suc- cf ecling lower sixteen feet shall increase four (4) inches in thickness when these walls are not more than one hundred (100) feet in length and for each additional one hundred (100) feet or fraction thereof in length shall be increased four (4) inches in thickness, but in lieu of such additional thickness, such walls may have pro- jecting piers or pilasters not over twenty (20) feet on centers of not less than twenty (20) inches thickness in 12 inch section, 28 inches thickness in 16 inch sec- tion, 36 inches in succeeding lower sections; the face of such projecting pilaster shall not be less than thirty- two (32) inches. Reinforced concrete division or enclosing wall may be of four (4) inches less in thickness than as specified for bvi.^k, but shall not be less than eight (8) inches thick in any part, and shall have pilasters as for brick walls, and of such face and reinforcement to equal the strength of brick pilasters of the sizes given in preced- ing sections; Sec. 9. One (1) story fireproof constructed sheds shall not be limited as to area or height. ■ Sec. 10. Corrugated or sheet iron shall not be con- sidered as fireproof or fire-resisting material. Sec. 11. All ordinances or parts of ordinances con- travening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after 20 days following its passage and publication. Passed Sept. 2, 1913. 114 BUILDING ORDINANCES. File Number 5778. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Privileges upon the Public Highway. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- uaukee do ordain as foUoics: Section 1. Permits. No person, firm, corporation or agent shall place, erect or attach any permanent or fixed construction or projection into a public highway except within the limitations stated hereafter and upon application to and obtaining a permit from the Inspector of Buildings. Any such permitted construc- tion or projection is a privilege and cannot be claimed as a right. No construction shall be placed so as to prevent free passage over a public highway. Sec. 2. Alterations. If any alterations are being made of parts of an existing structure that projects into the highway more than the limitations established by this ordinance, such projecting parts of the structure shall be made to conform in every respect with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Face of Wall. The face of any wall, first story show window, quoins, columns or pilasters shall not project into any street or alley. Window sill shall not be allowed to project more than two (2) inches beyond the boundary line of the prem- iess, and then only when not less than ten (10) feet above the grade. The face of any riser or platform above the grade shall be kept within the limits of the boundary lines of the premises, and then only when at not less than ten (10) feet in clear between the grade of the sidewalk and the lowest point of any appendage or projection extending from any building into the street or alley. Sec. 4. Oriel or Bay Windows or Cornices. Oriel or bay windows, balconies and front cornices or any parts of them shall not be less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk where projecting into the street; but where such projections are into alley without sidewalk, they shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet above the estab- lished grade. Main cornices shall not project into a street more than BUILDING ORDINANCES. 115 five (5) feet nor more than two (2) feet into an alley except that the returns of such cornices at the corner of an alley will be permitted of a projection the same as in front for a length extending in the alley equal to three (3) times the projection. Subordinate cornices, belts or sill courses shall not project into a street more than two (2) feet nor more than one (1) foot into an alley. Cornices shall be drained toward the building. Sec. 5. Bay Windows. The face oi any bay or oriei window shall not project more than two (2) feet, and their cornices not more than three (3) feet into any street or alley. There shall be no bay or oriel window in street or alley where such highway is less than twenty (20) feet in width. Bay or oriel windows projecting into a street or alley shall not have a greater frontage than fifteen (15) feet and only one such bay or oriel window shall be per- mitted for every thirty (30) feet of front. There shall be a distance of at least five (5) feet be- tween tvro (2) such bay or oriel windows, and at least two and one-half ( 2 Y 2 ) feet from the dividing property line. The face of any bay or oriel window shall be kept within a line drawn from the intersection of a dividing property line and the street line, at an angle of twenty (20) degrees with the street line. At the intersection of streets a corner oriel window may be built of not less than two (2) feet projection of its face into the street and not more than three (3) feet projection of cornices into the street, provided that the face of the oriel windows directly over the corner line of the lot shall not project beyond it. Sec. 6. Balcony. A balcony shall not project into the street or alley more than four (4) feet over the extreme edge nor more than three (3) feet six (6) inches measured at the face of the railing, the railing shall have balustrade or open work not less than three (3) feet high and not more than four (4) feet high above the platform. Such balconies shall be built entirely of incombustible materials and shall be drained towards the building. Sec. 7. Doors. First story doors facing the street or 116 BUILDING ORDINANCES, alley shall be so placed that they will not project into such street or alley when open. Sec. 8. Fire Escapes. Fire escapes shall not project into the street or alley more than four (4) feet six (6) inches and no fixed part thereof shall be less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk or less than fourteen (14) feet above an alley; balanced stairs suspended at the above levels shall connect the 'fire escapes with the street grade. Stand pipes and connections at the re- quired height are permitted. iSec. 9. Hitching Posts and Rings. Hitching rings shall not be placed on the top of the curb or sidewalks. Hitching posts not less than three (3) feet nor more than three (3) feet six (6) inches high and not less than three (3) inches nor more than six (6) inches thick may be placed on the sidewalk not nearer than six (6) inches to and not more than ten (10) inches from the outer edge of the curb. Sec. 10. Clocks. Illuminated clock signs if indicating the correct standard time, will be permitted, provided that no part of same shall project beyond the curb line. No part of the support of a clock shall be less than eight (8) feet or more than twelve (12) feet high, and shall not be placed more than two (2) feet inside of the curb line. Such clock shall not measure more than four (4) feet in any horizontal direction and shall not have any name or advertising matter, except the words “cor- rect standard time.” Sec. 11. Projections. Below the grade line the parts of a building projecting into an alley shall be limited to the sewer pipes and the footings. Sec. 12. Stairways. In open stairways leading down below grade, risers shall not project into the street or alley. Covered steps, stairways or other openings leading down below the grade, shall not project more than three (3) feet six (6) inches into the street when the sidewalk is more than twelve (12) feet wide and shall not project more than three (3) feet into the street when the sidewalk is twelve (12) feet wide or less. The covering of such steps or other openings shall BUILDING ORDINANCES. 117 consist of metal doors with metal frames, the doors and frames shall have a non-slippery surface and shall be placed even with the grade of the sidewalk. The doors shall be kept closed except when in actual use, and ^ shall be securely fastened when closed. Sec. 13. Metal Gratings. Metal gratings with opem surface placed even with grade will be permitted in a ings not more than % of an inch wide with non-slippery sidewalk instead of doors. Sec. 14. Vaults and Hollow Sidewalks. Vaults occu- pying the space under a sidewalk from the line of the premises to the curb line may be built by the owner of the property abutting such sidewalk. The application for a permit for a sidewalk vault shall be made upon an official blank signed by the owner of the abutting property, for which he shall pay a fee of ten (10) dol- lars for the first thirty (30) feet frontage or fraction thereof and five (5) dollars for each additional thirty (30) feet frontage or fraction thereof. Such sidewalk vaults shall not interfere with any public work or improvement, and the City of Milwaukee, in granting to build such vaults, reserves the right at any time to construct under or within such vaults muni- cipally owned utilities needed for the public service, and the owner shall vacate such vault space or its structural parts without cost to the city when so ordered by the Common Council by resolution or otherwise. iSec. 15. Boilers, Engines, etc. Boilers, engines or machinery using steam, gas or explosive mixtures or tanks containing volatile inflammable liquid shall not be located in or under the public highway. Sec. 16. Retaining Walls. Retaining walls built of brick, stone or plain concrete shall not be less than seventeen (17) inches at top and not less than thirty (30) inches at the bottom for a depth not exceeding ten (10) feet and for any additional depth the thickness at bottom shall not be less than one-third (%) the total height of such wall, but in all cases shall be of a strength to resist of the ground with a factor of safety of not less than four (4). Reinforced concrete retaining walls shall be built to 118 BUILDING ORDINANCES. withstand the pressure of the ground with a factor of safety of not less than four. All such retaining walls shall be built on a foundation of not less than two (2) rows of piling, each pile shall be at least twelve (12) inches in diameter at its thin- nest part and shall be driven to at least fourteen (14) feet below the footing of such retaining wall. Before beginning the excavation for a hollow side- walk, the earth of the street shall be protected from caving in by driving at least three (3) rows of sheet piling at the curb line, the entire distance of the exca- . vation. Such sheet piling shall extend at least six (6) feet below the footing of the retaining walls. Where reinforced concrete walls are used, the vertical rein- forcement shall extend at right angles into the concrete floor of such vault or hollowr sidew^alk at least five (5) feet. The roof or top of the vault or hollow^ sidew^alk shall be built of incombustible material and shall be capable of carrying a live load of 150 pounds per square foot with a factor of safety of not less than four. The side- wmlk surface shall be at the grade established by the city. The top surface shall consist of cement concrete or other hard incombustible material, and shall be non- slippery. Glass for lighting subspaces may be used in the top surface if the single units are not over three (3) inches in diameter or containing not over nine (9) square inches and the frame containing the glass has non-slippery surface. Sec. 17. Openings for Elevators. Openings in side- w^alks for elevators or chutes wTll be permitted if such openings are not over eight (8) feet frontage and do not exceed in the direction of the width of the sidewmlk more than one-third such width and not over six (6) feet, and are placed close to the curb line. These open- ings shall be covered with doors of the same kind as required for stairs or other openings in sidewalks. Sec. 18. Other ^ Openings. Other openings in side- walks for coal holes or similar purposes of not more than six (6) square feet surface, located close to the curb line and not less than twenty (20) feet distance betw^een centers wull be permitted; a load of 150 BUILDING ORDINANCES. 119 pounds per square foot with a factor of safety of not less than 4; such frames and covers shall have a non- slippery surface; the covers may have openings for ven- tilation not over % of an inch wide; they shall .be se- curely fastened when not in use. Sec. 19. The City of Milwaukee hereby shall have and does reserve the right to at any time in the future cause the person, firm or corporation to whom a permit was granted at his, her, its or their own cost and ex- pense to remove such vault, ho-llow sidewalk or any such projection over or into any street or alley when- ever the Common Council, by resolution or otherwise made, decide that the same is necessary; and should such person, firm or corporation fail, refuse or neglect to so remove such vault, hollow^ sidewalk or any such projection, the Commissioner of Public Works shall remove or cause same to be removed and the cost of such removal shall be charged to such property the same as other special assessments. Sec. 20. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation building in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance or any person who shall assist in the viola- tion or shall fail to comply with any provisions of this ordinance or who shall build in any detailed statement of application, plans or specifications submitted or ap- proved thereof, providing such detailed plans as accept- ed are in accordance to the provisions of this ordinance and in case they are not, it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by an officer of the City of Mil- waukee or passed upon with approval thereof, or any building permit issued thereunder, subject to the above provisions, shall for each and every such violation or non-compliance for each and every day thereof be liable to fine of not less than ten (10) dollars, nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or in default of fine, by im- prisonment in the house of correction of Milwaukee County not more than six months. Sec. 21. Repeal. All parts of ordinances contraven- ing the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. . Sec. 22. Take Effect. This ordinance shall take effect 120 BUILDING ORDINANCES. and be in force from and after twenty (20) days follow- ing its passage and publication. AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Equipment and Operation of Picture Machines; and the Construction, Alterations and Re- modeling of any Building, and the Nature of the Prem- ises Wherein the Same are Operated. The Common Council of th^ City of MilicauJcee do ordain \ as follows: Section 1. By the term “picture machines,” as used in this ordinance, is meant any device used to project upon a surface moving picture of any character which the public are admitted to view. Sec. 2. No picture machine shall hereinafter be main- tained or installed, nor shall any place where same is being exhibited, or operated, be maintained except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Every picture machine installed shall be en- closed vrithin a booth, the walls, floors and ceiling of which shall be constructed of incombustible material of not less than two (2) inches solid thickness, on rigid non-combustible supports. Sec. 4. No substance of a combustible nature shall be permitted within such booth, except the Aims used in the operation of the machine. Sec. 5. Each booth shall be provided wflth a metal pipe not less than 6 inches in diameter for ventilation purposes, and said pipe shall be extended outside of the building and be provided with a rotary fan driven by power; but, if such pipe is of not less than twelve inches diameter, no fan shall be required. There shall also be provided a fresh air opening near the rear end of the booth in the floor, or near the floor of said booth and connecting with a metal duct of not less than 120 square inches area leading from the outside. These fresh air openings shall have a damper operated automatically by fusible link in case of fire, and a dam- per operated at the will of the operator; or a fireproof Vindow of not less than 4 square feet connecting with BUILDING ORDINANCES. 121 the outside air shall be provided, opening not less than one-half. The entrance door in the booth shall be not more than two (2) feet in width and five (5) feet in height and not less than % inch thick, and shall be metal clad, swing outward and close automatically. Two metal latches shall be provided, one twelve inches below the top and the other twelve inches above the bottom of the door, and shall be so connected that one operation opens both latches. The opening for the operator’s I view or through which the picture is projected shall I be not larger than twelve inches by twelve inches, and I shall be provided with metal clad door which closes by gravity and is held open by fusible links placed in series so arranged that one of the links is suspended directly over the film when it is in the slide of the apparatus, or so arranged as to be closed, except when held open by I pressure of the operator or other device. Sec. 6. All electric wiring in the booth shall be non- inflammably insulated. Each lamp connected with a picture machine shall be provided with a separate switch located within the booth, where there shall also be a switch controlling the lights in the exhibition room; there shall also be a separate system of lighting controlled by a switch located outside the operating booth, controlling red lights. One such lamp shall be placed at each exit with a sign, six inghes wide and twelve inches long, marked “Exit,” and shall be directly above said exits. The lights shall be kept lit during all the time such picture performances are in progress or on exhibition. Sec. 7. Magazines shall be used for receiving and delivering the films during the operation of the ma- chine. A shutter shall be provided and placed in front of the condenser of each machine, so arranged as to remain closed until held open by the pressure of the operator’s foot or other device that will insure the immediate dropping of the shutter when operation of the machine is stopped. Films not in the machine shall I)e kept in -metal boxes with tightfitting covers when within the booth enclosing the machine. Every booth shall be supplied with two galvanized 122 BUILDING ORDINANCES. iron buckets of not less than four gallons capacity each and kept filled with water for fire protection during the performance. Sec. 8. No person under the age of twenty-one years shall operate or be permitted to operate any picture machine. (Sec. 9. No picture machine shall be maintained or installed in any building except such building has the walls containing the front entrance abut directly upon a public street, and also has exits upon two other pub- lic thoroughfares, or one other public thoroughfare and one open space not less than five (5) feet wide leading to a public thoroughfare. Sec. 10. a. Stairways, passageways and doors shall have a width not less than ten inches for every fifty seats which they serve, but no stairway or passageway shall be less than four (4) feet wide and no door shall be less than three feet wide. b. Stairways serving balconies or galleries shall con- nect the same directly with the outside entrance or lobby, and there shall be no opening connecting such stairways with the main fioor of the auditorium, c. Stairs shall have handrails on each side and shall not ascend more than eleven (11) feet without a land- ing, which shall not be less than the width of the stairs. Stairs shall have at least six risers between platforms, and no risers shall be pl^aced on platforms. Risers shall not exceed seven and three-eights inches in height, treads shall not be narrower than eleven inches from riser to riser, and no winders shall be allowed. d. Aisles shall not be less than two feet ten inches in width at the narrowest point, at the raised platform or picture screen extending from same they shall be increased in width inch to each foot of the length of the aisle, or in lieu thereof a straight aisle the width of which shall not be less than the average width of the foregoing calculation, but no aisle shall be less than 3 feet 6 inches wide. Aisles along walls shall not be less than 3 feet wide. e. Doors shall be so constructed that when open they shall not obstruct any portion of any other doorway BUILDING ORDINANCES. 123 opening or passageway. Doors for ingress or egress shall open outward. f. Each floor, balcony or gallery shall be separately provided with emergency exits and outside stairways which shall not be less than three feet in width, made of incombustible material, kept free from obstruction and incumbrances of any kind, the width of such emer- gency exits shall not be less than ten inches for every fifty persons. g. Exit doors shall not be obstructed by draperies nor be fastened in any manner that will prevent them from being easily opened outward during the time such place is open to the public, and shall be so constructed and maintained that any person can at once open them I from the interior. I h. Outside and inside stairs and passageways shall be supplied with an independent lighting system, with one light on outside of each exit and at least one light every 15 feet for stairway, incline or platform, which shall be in operation during the entire period such place is open to the public and until the audience has left the building. Sec. 11. a. Not more than twelve seats between aisles in any row will be permitted, and they shall not l)e less than 20 inches in average in width and no seat shall be less than 18 inches wide. Rows of seats shall not be less than two feet six inches from back to back. Seats shall be securely fastened to the floor, ex- cept in boxes. b. Plan of seating arrangement shall be submitted to * the Inspector of Buildings at the time securing the building permit. c. Every aisle on main floor shall lead directly to 9 ,n exit and no steps shall be permitted in same. d. Mirrors will not be permitted. There shall nor “be any false doors or windows, giving the appearance of an opening. Sec. 12. A raised platform may be built, not exceed- ing six feet in extreme depth and no scenery or any- thing of a combustible nature shall be permitted there- 124 BUILDING ORDINANCES. ■ on. If a wider platform or stage is, to be built or if any scenery or similar appurtenances of a stage are to be used, or if dressing rooms are to be constructed, the stage and dressing rooms shall be constructed as re- quired in the ordinance for theater buildings. Sec. 13. Heating apparatus and fuel rooms, if in- stalled under the auditorium or passageways, shall be in a fireproof compartment. Sec. 14. Galleries or balconies shall be provided with rail guards. Sec. 15. The auditorium shall be provided with a ventilating system capable of delivering into the room not less than 2,000 cubic feet of fresh air per hour for every seat, which shall be kept in operation during per- formances. Sec. 16. a. Picture showhouses which are one story in height and not occupied by any other business or used for any other purposes may be built with wooden floors and roofs, in case there is no basement, but where there is a basement, floors shall be constructed of non-combustible material. Roof shall be flat, sur- rounded by parapet walls at least two feet high. If connected with any other part of a building which is occupied for other purposes, the picture showhouse shall be separated from same by unpierced walls, floors and ceiling constructed of brick, tile or concrete. b. The walls shall be constructed not less than twelve inches thick if of brick, tile or concrete blocks, and if of reinforced concrete not less than eight inches thick; but they shall in all cases conform to the require- ments laid down by the ordinance for walls of theater buildings. c. If any picture showhouse has a seating capacity exceeding 1,000, or if any picture showhouse is pro- vided with a balcony or a gallery, the building shall be of fireproof construction throughout. Sec. 17. The highest point of the main floors of the auditorium of any picture showhouse shall not be more than two feet above the grade of the sidewalk at the main entrance. Sec. IS. The Inspector of Buildings and his assist- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 125 ants shall have the right to enter any building u^ed for the purpose of picture shows and all parts thereof at any time, and especially when occupied by the public, in order to examine such buildings, and to judge of the conditions of the same, and it shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with any of them in the perform- ance of their duties. Sec. 19. No booth for a picture machine shall be constructed or altered and no picture machine shall be installed until application, with plans and specifications I showing full detail of location and construction of the booth and of fioor construction supporting the booth has been submitted to the Inspector of Buildings, who shall have a reasonable time thereafter to examine said plans and who shall give a permit after the applicant has paid into the city treasury the sum of one ($1.00) dollar as a permit fee, which sum shall be credited to the general city fund, if said plans are according to this ordinance and other ordinances which may be applicable, and the giving of a permit by the Inspector of Buildings in violation of this or any other ordinance shall not be a defense to a violation of any of the pro- visions herein named. Sec. 20. The Inspector of Buildings shall revoke the permit given for the construction and operation of pic- ture machines in cases where there is any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, and a new application shall be made in order to again operate picture ma- chines, and the fact that the endorsements of any viola- tion may be made by the Inspector of Buildings in the acceptance of plans, or, in any other manner, shall be no ^efense to a violation of any of the previsions of this ordinance, Sec. 20a. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions herein shall be 'liable to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than two hun- dred (200) dollars, or in default thereof by imprison- ment not more than six months in the house of correc- tion. Each and every day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. Sec. 20A. It shall not be lawful for any person to locate, build, construct or keep in any block a picture 126 building ordinances. showtiouse if two-thirds of the total number of build- ings on both sides of the street are devoted exclusively to residential purposes, unless two-thirds of the total number of property owners on both sides of the street shall give their written consent and the same be filed with the inspector of buildings before application for permit be made. The word “street” is hereby intended to also include alley. Sec. 21. All ordinances contravening any of the pro- visions of this ordinance are h-ereby modified so as to give full force to each and every provision of this ordi- nance. Sec. 22. This ordinance shall take effect and he in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed Oct. 23, 1911. Amended June 10, 1912. Amended Aug. 4, 1913. File Number 3587. AN ORDINANCE To License Theaters and Moving Picture Show Houses. . The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil - 1 icaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation, either asi owner, lessee, manager, officer or agent, shall keep, < maintain, conduct or operate any theater or moving pic- ture show house in the City of Milwaukee without first obtaining a license therefor in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The word “theater” as used in this ordinance is defined as any edifice regularly used or wholly de- voted to the purposes of dramatic or operatic or other exhibitions, plays or performances for admission to j which an entrance fee is paid, charged or received, and i shall exclude edifices rented or used only occasionally for dramatic or operatic or other exhibitions, plays or performances. . The term “moving picture show house” as used ini this ordinance is defined as any edifice regularly used or wholly devoted to the purposes of exhibiting moving^ BUILDING ORDINANCES. 127 pictures of any kind for admission to which an entrance fee is paid, charged or received, and shall exclude edi- fices used only occasionally for moving picture exhibi- tions or illustrated lectures. Sec. 3. Applications for licenses under this ordinance shall be made to the mayor upon application bl^-nks to be furnished by him, and the mayor may grant or refuse for cause to grant any such license as in his judgment will promote the good order and welfare of the city, but no such license shall be granted for any edifice which does not conform in all respects to the laws of this state and the ordinances of the City of Milwaukee applying to such edifices, and unless the same shall be safe and proper for the purposes for which it is to be used. When- ever the mayor shall grant any such license he shall give to the person, firm or corporation applying therefor a certificate evidencing such grant, signed or stamped with his signature, to be delivered to the city treasurer, and such license shall be issued and signed by the city clerk, and shall be sealed with the copporate seal of the city, and the city clerk shall keep a record thereof, and no such licenses shall be issued until the person apply- ing for the same shall present to the city clerk the city treasurer’s receipt for the payment to the city of the license fee hereinafter provided for. Sec. 4. The mayor shall have power and authority to revoke or annul for cause any license granted accord- ing to the provisions of this ordinance whenever in his judgment the good order and welfare of the city will be promoted thereby, and whenever the licensed building does not conform in all respects to the laws of this state and the ordinances of the City of Milwaukee applying to such edifices, and whenever the same shall be unsafe and improper for the purposes for which it is used. Sec. 5. Applications for such licenses shall be re- ferred by the mayor to the chief of police, who shall cause an investigation to be made and report thereon to the mayor as soon as may be, and it shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department, commissioner of health and the building inspector to assist the chief of police, upon his request, in mq,king such investigations. 128 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Sec. 6. The sum of thirty (30) dollars is hereby fixed as the annual fee for such licenses, and every such li- cense shall expire oh the first day of July following the date of its issuance, and in case such license shall be issued after the 31st day of July, the fee therefor shall be two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each month from the date of the issuance of such license until its expiration, including the month in which the license is issued. Sec. 7. Every license issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall while the same is in force be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the principal entrance to the premises for which it is issued, so that the same may be easily seen and read by any person passing in or out of such entrance. Sec. 8. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall upon conviction therefor forfeit to the City of Milwaukee a penalty of not more than one hundred (100) dollars for each offense, to- gether with the costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof shall be imprisoned in the County Jail or House of Correction of Milwaukee County for not more than sixty (60) days, and each performance and each day’s exhibition shall be deemed a separate offense. Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days following its passage and publication. Passed June 23, 1913. BUILDING ORDINANCES. , 129 File Number 5306. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Theaters, Public Halls and Buildings used for Public Assembly. The Mayo7' and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows: Frontage. Section *1. All buildings used wholly or in part for the purpose of theaters, public halls or public assembly shall be so located that the wall containing the. front entrance abuts directly upon a street and also has exits from main floor and also the balcony and gallery forward of the proscenium wall upon two other public thoroughfares or one other public thoroughfare, and an open space of fireproof passageway not less than five (5) feet wide for a length of one hundred (100) feet, or when seating capacity is less than one thousand (1,000) persons, with an increase of at least six (6) inches to each additional twenty-five (25) feet of length or frac- tion thereof, or one (1) inch additional width for each additional one hundred (100) persons seating capacity or fraction thereof, leading directly to a public thorough- fare. Each passageway from the main floor, balcony or gallery shall be independent of each other. The highest point of the main floor of any theater shall not be more above the grade of the sidewalk than two (2) inches to each foot of the distance of the main entrance, from the lot line to such main floor. The surface of any incline shall be of non-slipping material. Entrance. Sec. 2. If the principal entrance, corridor, lobby or vestibule of a theater or public hall is at one side of the audience room, then the center line extended of such principal entrance shall intersect the center axis of the stage and the audience room between the back of the seats the most remote from the stage on said cen- ter axis of the stage and the audience room and a point midway between such seat and the wall opposite the proscenium wall. 130 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Floors. Sec. 3. Floors shall be designed and constructed so as to be capable of bearing in all their parts in addition to the weights of the floor construction, permanent fixtures and mechanism that may be set upon them a live load of 80 pounds for every square foot of surface in such floor on a factor of safety of four (4). Special provisions shall be made for apparatus or heavy loads subject to the approval of the Inspector of Buildings. Passageway. Sec. 4. There shall be no steps or recess in a pas- sage, but Vvhere necessary, inclined floors full width of such passageway shall be built. The incline shall not exceed two (2) inches in height per foot. No passagev/ay shall be less than seven (7) feet in height in any part thereof, exj^ept at doors and these shall not be less than six (6) feet and eight (8) inches high. All parts of any passageway shall be fireproof. No doors or openings except entrance doors to audi- torium and stage shall be installed in any passageway. Balconies and Galleries. Sec. 5. All balconies and galleries shall be construe* ed of non-combustible material throughout. Audience Room. Sec. 6. The auditorium and stage of a theater, pub- lic hall or place of assembly shall be separated from any other part of the building used for other purposes by unpierced walls, floors and ceilings. Walls. Sec. 7. The following provisions shall apply to all buildings to be used for the purpose of theaters, public halls or place of assembly hereafter built: (a) The outside walls of any building to be built for the purpose of theaters, public halls, or place of assembly the roofs or ceiling of which are carried on trusses or girders of a span of fifty (50) feet or more shall be as follows: If the walls are less than twenty-five (25) feet high, they shall not be less than twenty inches thick; If the walls are more than twenty-five (25) feet high. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 131 lour (4) inches shall be added to the thickness of the twenty-five (25) feet for each fifteen (15) feet or frac- tion thereof added to the height. Each section of fif* teen (15) feet or ’fraction thereof above the twenty-five (25) feet may be made four inches less in thickness than the section below, but in no Case shall the top section be less than twenty (20) inches thick. An increase of four (4) inches in thickness of such wall shall be made in all cases where they are over one hundred (100) feet long without cross walls of equal thickness. (b) The thickness of the enclosing walls of building or room used for theater, public halls or place of assem bly where such rooms are less than fifty (50) feet wide may be reduced by four (4) inches from the above table. (c) If one or more stories are built above any room devoted for the purpose of a theater, public hall or place of assembly and such stories are carried on trusses or girders the thickness of such walls shall be increased by four (4) inches for each two stories or part thereof above such room. (d) If solid masonry wall with buttresses, concrete or skeleton construction is employed, and the supports placed not more than eighteen (18) feet apart and ^extended to the foot of the trusses or girders carrying the ceiling, or if iron or steel columns are inserted in such walls for the support of the superstructure and at a distance not more than twenty-four (24) feet between centers, then the thickness of such wall may be reduced in proportion to the ihcrease of strength afforded by such buttresses or columns, but in no case shall any such wall be less than twelve (12) inches in the top story, and four inches shall be added going downward for each story, ot each gallery, or for each twenty-five (25) feet in height of the wall. Curtain walls may be twelve inches in thickness. Columns in Walls. j Sec. 8. If iron or steel columns are introduced in :such wall, the brick work around such column shall be 132 BUILDING ORDINANCES. bonded into the brick work of the connecting walls and each of such columns shall be fireproofed. Construction. Sec. 9. If the seating capacity of any building or room used for the purpose of a theater, public hall or place of assembly is more than six hundred (600) the same must be of fireproof construction throughout. Stairways. Sec. 10. Stairways affording ingress or egress to a public hall or a theater shall be in width equal to eighteen (18) inches for every one hundred persons of seating capacity of such room or fraction thereof, but in no event shall any such stairway be less than forty- eight (48) inches wide in the clear. All such stairways shall have hand rails on each side thereof and shall not ascend a greater height than eleven (11) feet without a landing and the length and width of such landing shall not be less than the width of the stairs; no run of stairs shall consist of less than six (6) risers between platforms and no riser shall be placed on any platform. Stairways which are over seven (7) feet wide shall have double intermediate hand rails with end newel posts at least 5 V 2 feet high. Risers shall not exceed 7% inches in height, treads shall not be narrower than eleven (11) inches from riser to riser and no winders shall be allowed. Galleries shall have separate and distinct entrances from the sidev/alk level. If the run of stairs at the bottom is not toward the street there shall be a hand rail three (3) feet above the floor, constructed from the foot of such '"stairway for a distance of not less than five (5) feet leading toward the street. There shall be an iron stairway from the stage to the fly galleries and gridiron continuing to the roof of the building or a fireproof passageway or exit, such stairway may be circular but shall in that event not be used for access to dressing rooms. Stairs and passages leading to a box or boxes seating - in all not to exceed thirty (30) people shall be inde- pendent of all other stairs and seating, and shall not 4 BUILDING ORDINANCES. 133 be less than two (2) feet ten (10) inches wide in the clear. For each additional twenty (20) of seating capac- ity or major portion thereof, there shall be an addi- tional width of five (5) inches added to such stairways and passages. Emergency Exits. Sec. 11. Emergency exits, stairways and passages shall be provided separately for each fioor, balcony or gallery. They shall be of a width ‘of at least ten (10)^ inches for each 100 persons, and no emergency exit, doorway or stairway shall be less than three (3) feet wide; such emergency stairways shall be made of in- combustible materials and shall be kept free of all obstructions or incumbrances of any kind or in lieu of emergency stairways, fire escape chutes may be used • which may be 25 per cent less capacity than stairways. Emergency exits, stairways and passages may be built inside the walls of a building provided they are sur- rounded by a fireproof partition not less than two (2> inches solid thickness, separating them from the audi- ence rooms. Such exits and all openings leading there- to shall have metal frames filled with fire-resisting doors opening outward, hung from the inside corner of joints and so constructed as not to project nor open beyond the outside of the face of the wall and outer shutters on such doorway shall not be permitted. Whenever such emergency stairway or passage passes, over an exit door or window or other opening, such stairway or passage shall be protected by a hood for a space of five (5) feet greater in width than, such opening, with non-combustible material over the open- ing. All such emergency exits and stairways shall land at the ground level on a public thoroughfare or in some space that connects directly with the street or alley, and such space to public thoroughfare shall not be ob- structed by any doors, gate, bars or obstruction of any kind. Every court or space in which there is an emer- gency stairway shall have direct and unobstructed ac- cess along the surface of the ground to the street or public thoroughfare. Any doors in openings from any and all exits and 134 BUILDING ORDINANCES. stairways shall be so constructed that when open they shall not obstruct any portion of any other doorway, opening or passageway. Any door affording ingress to or egress from any theater or public hall shall open outward and so ar- ranged that a pressure of 25 pounds from the inside will cause it to open, and shall not be obstructed by draperies nor be fastened in any manner that will pre- vent it from being opened during the time such place is opened to the public. Mirrors shall not be permitted in the auditorium room, passageway or corridor. There shall not be any false doors or windows giving the appearance of an opening. Curtain. Sec. 12, In every theater there shall be a solid brick wall of the same thickness as required for outside walls, between the auditorium and the stage as in fireproof buildings; this wall shall extend to a height at least six (6) feet above the auditorium roof. The main pro- scenium opening shall have a steel curtain vertically operated and fireproof on the stage side, or an as- bestos curtain vertically operated and arranged to run to the depth of at least four (4) inches on both sides of the curtain for steel* curtains and* twenty (20) inches for asbestos curtains in iron grooves fitted to the stage side of the proscenium wall. 'Such curtain shall be raised both by mechanical and hand power and shall he raised and lowered immediately before the enter- tainment begins. No combustible material other than painted decora- tions shall be applied to the curtain. Plans for such curtains shall be submitted to the Inspector of Build- ings, and when in conformity with the requirements of this ordinance he shall issue a permit for the installa- tion thereof. All other openings in such proscenium wall shall be provided with iron frames and thresholds and standard fire doors. Theaters, public halls and places of assembly with a seating capacity of one thousand or less may have a BUILDING ORDINANCES. 135 rolling asbestos curtain provided that they run in iron grooves up to the rolls as already described. Stage. Sec. 13. The framing of the floor of every stage shall be of non-combustible material. The stage floor may be of wood, but shall not be less than 1 % inches thick, but the space in front of the cur- tain shall be of fireproof material. The entire floor construction and floor of fly galleries, rigging lofts and painting galleries, all railings and •supports and stanchions thereon, and all sheaves, pul- leys and cables and their supports shall be of non-com- bustible materials. All woodwork, including the under side of stage floor boards and all framing for scenery used on or about the stage shall be coated with a fireproofing paint. No scemery or stage paraphernalia of any kind shall be used upon the stage of any theater, public hall or place of assembly unless treated with a paint or chem- ical solution which shall make it non-inflammable. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings to have all such scenery and stage paraphernalia tested. All doors or openings in the rear or side of a stage shall be so arranged as to protect the curtain, scenery and auditorium against drafts. Ventilation. Sec. 14. There shall be constructed over the stage of every theater, public hall or place of assembly a flue or duct of an area of at least one-twentieth of the area of the stage and constructed of non-combustible material. All such ducts or flues shall be provided with outlet openings with counterweight shutter or covers hung at the bottom with brass butts. Such outlet opening shall be controlled by ropes with fusible links for each ten .(10) square feet of the area of the stage and shall be distributed and stationed as near the level of the grid- iron as practicable, and also controlled by manual pow- er, the ropes for which shall be on opposite sides of the stage near the exits, and having a sign giving direc- tions as to the operation of same, and such ventilator shall be tested before each performance to see that it is in proper working order. 136 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Every theater, auditorium, public hall or place of assembly, including dressing rooms, shall have a venti- lating system which shall introduce sufficient fresh air to change the entire volume of the room every thirty (30) minutes. . All electric fuses, switches or cutoffs shall be grouped near the exit and enclosed in a metallic cabinet, also a cut-off for the interior lighting system, installed on the outside of the building and of easy access so that the firemen can shut off same in case of fire. Sprinkling. Sec. 15. The system of automatic sprinkling shall be supplied with water from a tank located hot less than twenty (20) feet above the level of the highest sprinkling head of the system; and also to be con- nected directly with the city water system. Lighting. Sec. 16. Outside and inside stairs and passageways shall be supplied with an independent lighting system, with one light on outside of each exit and at least one light every fifteen (15) feet for stairways, inclines or platforms, which shall be in operation during the entire period such place is open to the public and until the audience has left the building. The word ‘OUT” in black letters at least six (6) inches high on white background shall be placed above the opening to each means of egress from a theater, public hall or place of assembly, and a red light shall be burning above the word “OUT” during the period such theater, public hall or place of assemblage is open to the public and until the audience has left the build- ing. Every portion of a theater, public hall or place of assemblage devoted to the use or accommodation of the public, and all outlets therefrom leading to the street, including all open courts, passageways, corridors, stair- ways and exits shall be well and properly lighted dur- ing every performance and remain lighted until the audience has left the premises. Wiring. Sec. l7. All electric wires shall be run in rigid non- combustible conduits. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 137 Sec. 18. Heating apparatus and fuel room if installed within the building used for the purpose of theater, public hall or place of assembly shall be built entirely of fireproof material and shall be separated from the auditorium of the theater, public hall or place of assem- bly by unpierced ceiling and walls. The walls shall be at least twelve (12) inches thick, and the ceiling at least six (6) inches thick. All openings shall be pro- vided with standard fire doors. Radiators for heating passageways or auditoriums shall be recesses or elevated at least seven (7) feet above the floor. Seating. Sec. 19. Not more than fourteen (14) seats between aisles in any row shall be permitted, and they shall not be less than twenty (20) inches in width. Rows of seats shall not be less than two (2) feet eiglft (8) inch- es from back to back. All seats shall be securely fas- ened to the floor except'in the boxes. No bank of seats shall be of greater rise than twenty-two (22) inches. All groups of seats shall be so arranged that there shall be an aisle on each side of each group except that groups of five (5) seats or less ,piay abut upon a wall at one side and an aisle on the other side. The number of banks of. seats on the main floor shall not exceed fifteen (15) and balconies or galleries nine (9) rows, unless an intervening cross aisle is provided between each fifteen rows of seats on main floor, or each nine (9) rows of seats in a balcony or gallery, or a direct exit is provided for each aisle. There shall not be more than twelve (12) feet rise measuring vertically in any aisle in any gallery with- out a direct exit by tunnel or otherwise to a corridor with a free opening onto the gallery stairs or other direct discharge to the street, or at such elevation of twelve (12) feet an intervening or cross aisle leading direct to an exit. No tunnel shall be less than three (3) feet wide in the clear. , . xx. t ^ Plans of seating shall be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings at the time of securing the building permit. Aisles. Sec. 20! Aisles shall not be less than thirty-six (36) 138 BUILDING ORDINANCES. inches in width at their narrowest point at the farthest end from the exits extending from same, they shall in- crease in width one-fourth inch to each foot of the length of the aisle, or in lieu thereof a straight aisle, the width of which shall not be less than an average width of the foregoing calculation, but no straight aisle shall be less than three (3) feet eight (8) inches wide. Aisles along walls shall not be less than three (3) feet wide at any point. Any person other than employee in uniform or with a badge of identification of the theater, public hall or place of assembly who shall at any time of the per- formance or entertainment stand in any aisle, passage- way, exit, lobby or corridor, and any person who shall place any loose chairs, ticket booth or obstruction of any kind in any such aisle, passageway, exit, lobby, or vestibule during such time shall be subject to all the penalties for violations of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Fire Apparatus. Sec. 21. A standpipe of not less than three (3) inches in diameter shall be installed on each side of the stage of a theater, public hall or place of assembly with a hose valve at the stage fioor and at each level above and below, and a hose connected to each valve ready for use at all times. The standpipes shall be connected with the city water supply and with a tank on the roof containng not less than three thousand (3,000) gallons of water, shall be connected with water supply and alw^ays kept filled. Portable liquid extinguishers or fire pumps shall always be kept ready for use on and "under the stage, in fly galleries and in rigging lofts, and in addition thereto at least four (4) fire department axes and four (4) pike poles shall be kept ready for use on each level or floor of the stage. All dressing rooms and the stage and all levels above or below the stage shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system. Every theater shall be provided with an approved system of automatic or manual fire alarm telegraph ap- paratus connected with the necessary wire with the BUILDING ORDINANCES. 139 headquarters of the city fire alarm telegraph. The num- ber and location of the boxes and character of the sys- tem shall be determined by the Chief of the Fire De- partment. Dressing rooms and property rooms shall be built of fireproof material throughout and be connected with proper ventilation to the exterior. Dressing rooms placed above the stage level shall be separated with a fireproof partition having but one opening to the stage with a standard fire door. Diagram of Floor, Etc., to Be Printed in Program. Sec. 22. It shall be the duty of all managers of any theater, .public hall or place of assembly for any per- formance, where programs are issued, to cause to be printed in the programs on the page opposite that on which the cast is printed a diagram of the main floor, the balcony and the gallery, each at least 3 inches by 5 inches, and showing conspicuously all exits and the aisles leading to each. If programs are not used for a gathering of people in a theater, public hall or place of assembly, said diagrams are to be printed on cards or papers and distributed in the same manner as if programs were used. A diagram of the seats on each floor and the exits leading from each floor drawn to a scale of one-eighth (%) of an inch to a foot shall be framed and hung in the lobby or vestibule so as to be easily seen by the public upon entering such building. Sec. 23. Any person, firm or corporation building in violation of any of the provisions or any person who shall assist in the violation or shall fail to comply with any provisions of this ordinance, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of application, plans or specifications submitted or approved thereof, provid- ing such detailed plans as accepted are in accordance to the provisions of this ‘ordinance, and in case they are not it shall be no defense to any violation of this ordinance that such plans or any part thereof were accepted by an officer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with approval thereof, or any building per- mit issued thereunder subject to the above provisions shall for each and every such violation or non-compli- ance for each and every day thereof be liable to a fine l-;0 BUILDING ORDINANCES. • of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or in default of fine by imprison- ment in the house of correction of Milwaukee County not more than six months. Sec. 24. All parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 25. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty (20) days following its passage and publication. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Manufacture, Storage or Handling of Inflammable Motion Picture Films. The Mayor and Common Coidncil of the City of Mil- tcauJcee do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or its agents or servants, to manufacture, keep, store or handle any inflammable motion picture films in greater quantities than ten (10) reels, or aggre- gating more than ten (10) thousand feet in length, with- out first obtaining a permit therefor from the Inspector of Buildings; provided, however, that all films stored in places covered by this section shall be contained in fire- resisting receptacles. Sec. 2. The Inspector of Buildings shall issue a i>er- mit for the manufacture, keeping, storage or handling of inflammable motion picture films, for which a fee of $1.00 shall be paid to the city treasurer and credited to the general city fund, upon written application being made on blanks furnished by the Inspector of Buildings, and giving the following information, and when in com- pliance with all the requirements of this ordinance. (a) Name and address of the applicant. (b) Location of the premises on which the inflamma- ble motion picture films are to be manufactured, stored, kept or handled. (c) Other purposes for which the building or prem- ises is being used. (d) Nature of the business in which the applicant is engaged in such building or premises. BUILDING ORDINANCES. » 141 (e) Kind of construction of the building. • (f) Any other pertinent information regarding the manufacture, storage, keeping or handling of inflamma- ble motion picture Aims for which the application is made. Sec. 3. The Inspector of Buildings shall not issue a permit for'the manufacture, storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion picture films for any rooms or premises — (a) Which is situated within hfty (50) feet of the nearest wall of any building occupied as a school, thea- ter, church or other place of assemblage of more than fifty (50) persons. (b) which is occupied as a tenement house, lodging or boarding house or hotel; (c) where the rooms to be occupied are artificially lighted by any other means than electricity, and unless when so lighted, all electric wires shall be run in metal conduits, all lights shall be in air-tight bulbs, all globes or tubes in suitable wire cages and fitted with keyless sockets ; (d) which is of wooden construction; (e> where the rooms so to be occupied for storage, manufacture and repair are not equipped with an ap- proved system of automatic sprinkling; (f) unless the room to be used for the manufacture, storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion pic- ture films are separated from all other parts of the building with unpierced walls, floors and ceilings ex- cept the exit doors and exterior windows (such exit doors to be standard automatic fire-doors) and all shelves, furniture and fixtures of such rooms shall be constructed of fireproof material. Sec. 4. All examining, repairing or piecing together of inflammable motion picture films shall be done in a room used for no other purpose and separated from the rest of the building by fireproof wall, ceiling and floor, and all doors shall be standard automatic fire-doors. Sec. 5. All furniture, fittings or fixtures in a room where inflammable motion picture films are repaired or pieced together shall be of disproof material. 142 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Sec. 6. Not more than fifteen (15) reels or fifteen (15,000) thousand feet in the aggregate of infiammable motion picture films shall be imder examination or re- pair at one time; and each reel of films shall be kept in a tightly closed fire-resisting box when not being examined or repaired. Sec. 7. Each room used for the repairing or piecing together of infiammable motion picture films shall con- tain a metal can at all times containng at least two (2) gallons of water, wherein all waste parts and scraps of such films shall be placed and kept covered with water. Sec. 8. No collodium, amyl, acetate, or other similar inflammable cement, liquid or substance in quantities greater than one (1) quart shall be kept in a room wherein inflammable motion picture films are manufac- tured, stored, kept, handled or repaired. Sec. 9. No heat other than steam or hot water heat, and no stove, forge, torch, boiler, furnace, flame or fire, and no electric or other appliance likely to produce an exposed spark shall be allowed in any room used for the manufacture, storage, keeping, handling, or repair- ing of inflammable motion picture films. Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or their agents or servants, to use for ex- hibition purposes any inflammable motion picture films, unless in a building and a machine or apparatus for which a permit has been issued by the Inspector of Buildings, for which a fee of one dollar ($1.00) shall be paid to the city treasurer and credited to the general city fund. Sec. 11. Each room used for the manufacture, stor- age, keeping, handling or repairing of inflammable mov- ing picture films, shall be equipped with at least two (2) approved hand chemical fire extinguishers, one (1) re- ceptacle containing at least two gallons of water and one (1) receptacle containing at least one-half (^) bushel of sand. Each film to be stored or kept in metallic boxes with tight fitting covers on any premises. Sec. 12. No smoking or the use of matches shall be permitted within a room ^sed for the manufacture, stor- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 143 age, keeping, handling or repairing of inflammable mo- tion picture films, and signs calling attention to the same shall be posted in at least three (3) conspicuous places within the room and one at the entrance of the same. Inspection shall be made by the Inspector c:f Buildings from time to time to see that all regulations of this ordinance are complied with. Sec. 13. Any person, firm or corporation, their agents or servants, manufacturing, keeping, storing, handling or repairing any inflammable motion picture films in vio- lation of any of the provisions of this ordinance or who fails to comply with, or assists in the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall deviate from any of the detailed statements in the application, plans or specifications submitted to and approved by the Inspector of Buildings, provided such detailed statement of the application, plans or specifications as accepted are according to the provisions of this ordinance (and in case they are not it shall be no defense for a viola- tion of this ordinance that such statements in the appli- cation, plans or specifications were accepted by an offi- cer of the City of Milwaukee or passed upon with ap- proval) or from any permit issued thereunder subject to the above provisions, shall for each and every viola- tion or non-compliance for each and every day thereof, be liable to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars and costs, and in default of payment of such fine and costs, shall be im- prisoned in the House of Correction of Milwaukee Coun- ty not more than six months. Sec. 14. All parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after ninety days from its passage and publica- tion. Passed November 25, 1912. 144 BUILDING ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Dry Cleaning Establishments. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- icaukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. Dry cleaning by the use of naphthas or other volatile products in quantities exceeding two gal- lons shall be carried on in buildings of fireproof con- struction throughout without basement and not more than three stories in height and subject to the condi- tions stated in this ordinance. Floors shall be of impervious fireprojf construcUon. All doors and frames of said building shall be of standard fireproof construction and the doors shall swing outward. All window frames and the sashes shall be of metal, glazed with wure glass. The stairway shall be enclosed with walls of fireproof construction, doors to such stairway shall be equipped with fusible links which will fuse at less than 140 de- grees Fahrenheit. All buildings two or three stories high shall be pro- vided with an outside stairway not less than three (3) feet wide and built of fireproof material. Elevator shafts shall be enclosed with walls con- structed of fireproof materials, and shall be provided with fire doors equipped with fusible links which will fuse at less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Corrugated iron shall not be considered as fireproof under the provisions of this ordinance. Elevator pits shall be provided with ventilators at least six (6) inches square, extending up and terminat- ing in an opening; fiush with the outside of the building at least four (4) feet above the adjacent grade. There shall be provided a ventilating duct extending around the entire walls of each room. Openings leading into such ducts shall be within six (6) inches of the fioor, and not more than six (6) feet apart; this duct shall lead to the outside of the building, and be pro- vided with an exhaust fan installed at the outlet, and the duct shall be of sufficient capacity to change the air within the room every fifteen (15) minutes. This fan BUILDING ORDINANCES. 145 shall be kept in operation at all times during the use of such rooms for dry cleaning. There shall also be in- stalled in the outside wall of such dry cleaning rooms a ventilator of sufficient size to supply fresh air. ' Sec. 2. There shall he no connections from any dry * cleaning room to any public or private sewer, drain, catch basin or pit. iSec. 3. For heating purposes hot water or steam shall be used. It shall be unlawful to have any heat generating boil- er, dynamo or motor within the rooms used for dry cleaning. Sec. 4. Where artificial light is used the same shall be by vapor proof incandescent lamps enclosed in metal cages, with keyless sockets, and with switches and cut- outs located outside the rooms used for dry cleaning. Wires must be run in rigid iron conduits. Sec. 5. Dry cleaning by machinery shall be done on the first fioor only. Sec. 6. All volatile liquids shall be stored in tanks placed underground as herein provided for. 2. All storage tanks shall be constructed of at least .No. 12 U. S. standard gauge galvanized steel or iron, or at least one-quarter (%) inch black open hearth tank steel. Tank shall be coated on the outside with rust- resisting material. 3. The capacity of tanks shall not exced three hun- dred (300) gallons each. 4. Not more than six (6) tanks of three hundred (300) gallons capacity each shall be allowed under the building or outside within twenty-five (25) feet of an adjacent building. 5. All tanks shall be installed not less than two (2) feet below the surface of the ground, and the top must be below the level of the lowest pipe line in the build- ing used in connection with the equipment. If there should be more than one tank, the tanks shall be sep- arated by at least one foot of earth, well tamped in place. 146 BUILDING ORDINANCES. 6. There shall be no opening or pipe connections ex- cept on the top of the tanks. 7. Any person, firm or corporation installing in any building or on the premises of any building any tank when the provisions of this ordinance are in effect and applicable, shall notify the Inspector of Buildings be- fore covering or enclosing the same, and the Inspector of Buildings shall have an inspection made of such tank and connections. No person, firm or corporation shall cover or enclose any tank aforesaid until inspected by the Inspector of Buildings or one of his assistants. 8. All joints of such storage tanks shall be made so that the tanks will stand a test by hydraulic pressure of twenty-five (25) pounds to the square inch. 9. Tanks within five feet of any building shall be buried two feet lower than the level of the lowest fioor of any such building. 10. No naphtha or other volatile product exceeding in quantity five (5) gallons in any one open receptacle shall be used for cleaning purposes, in any other manner ex- cept in enclosed machines. Naphtha or other volatile products, shall be conveyed from the tanks to the ma- chine in pipes by means of a suction pump or suction system, properly controlled by valves. It shall be unlawful to store or settle any volatile liquid in open vessels. Sec. 7. All storage tanks shall be provided with gal- vanized wrought iron vent pipes at least one inch in diameter, the said pipes to be connected with the top of the tank and there fitted with a brass wire screen of at least thirty (30) mesh. This vent pipe shall be car- ried up at least four (4) feet above the roof of said building and terminate in a return bend, openings of which shall be covered with a brass wire screen of at least 30 mesh. All connections shall be of heavy cast fittings, and the screw joints shall be made with litharge and gly- cerine. Sec. 8. Filler pipe shall be made of galvanized wrought iron pipes two (2) inches or more in diameter. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 147 entering at the top of the tanks and extending to the bottom of the same. Filler pipes shall extend to the outside of the build- ing and shall at the end be closed by screw cap securely locked and shall be protected by cast iron filler boxes, which cast iron filler boxes shall be locked and shall be flush with the surface of the ground. Filler pipes shall be provided with a filling cock or valve, and with a wire screen of thirty (30) mesh brass wire at or near the tank connection and below the filling cock or valve. Screw joints shall be made with litharge and gly- cerine. Sec. 9. The dry cleaning room shall be equipped with a steam supply directly from the boiler for the pur- pose of extinguishing fires, which steam supply shall have at least two one inch openings or jets at opposite ends of the rooms, which openings or jets shall be at least one foot below the ceiling. This steam supply shall be controlled by a quick opening valve located at least ten feet away from the room. Sec. 10. The place where the material cleaned is dry- ing shall have floor and ceiling ventilation each equal to a sectional area of ten (10) square inches for each two hundred (200) cubic feet of space or fraction thereof. The ventilating openings shall be provided with venti- lator hoods on the outside of the building. Sec. 11. Before proceeding with the construction, erection, alteration, remodeling or repairs of any build- ing which may be used for the purpose of dry cleaning or the installation of any tank, a permit shall be se- cured’ from the Inspector of Buildings. Before the In- spector of Buildings shall issue such permit or permits, an application shall be filed with him by the owner or agent of such building, together with plans and speci- fications, showing full details of location, construction, remodeling, alteration or repairs, or installation of tank. Every applicant for a permit for the installation of any tank shall pay into the city treasury the sum of two ($2.00) dollars, which sum shall be credited to the gen- eral city fund, and such permit shall be duly signed by 148 BUILDING ORDINANCES. the city treasurer, city comptroller and Inspector of Buildings, and the same shall be in full for the inspec- tion of the tank and its connections and the permit. If such application, plans and specifications shall show that such building is to be constructed, remodeled, al- tered or repaired in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the Inspector of Buildings shall issue a building permit to such applicant. After submission of plans the Inspector of Buildings shall have a reasonable time to ascertain whether such plans and specifications are in compliance with this ordinance. Sec. 12. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 13. No person, firm or corporation owning, con- trolling or managing any building or premises wherein or whereon anything in violation of this ordinance shall exist or shall be placed, or any person employed who shall assist in the commission of such violation, and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any requirements thereof or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of applica- tion plans and specifications submitted and approved thereunder, or any building permit issued thereunder, or violate any of the terms of this ordinance, even if the plans and specifications submitted and approved by the Inspector shall be contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance, shall for each and every such violation or non- compliance and for ea'ch and every day’s violation be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five (25) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars and in default of payment imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County for not more than six (6) months. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its passage and publication. Countersigned July 1, 1911. Passed July 31, 1911. Published August 8, 1911. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 1^9 File Number 4555 93— an ordinance To Regulate the Occupancy of Public Property • During Building Operations. The Mayor and Common Council of, the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows: Section. 1. Any person, firm or corporation, their agent or employe, having first obtained a building per- mit or a permit to build a sidewalk, may make appli- cation, and there shall be granted to holder of such per- mit by the Commissioner of Public Works a street per- mit for a temporary occupancy of a part of the public highway in front of the premises of the structure in process of construction but not extending beyond the continuation of the lot lines. Such occupancy and tem- porary sidewalk shall not cover more than one-third of the public highway and in no case more than forty (40) feet in width in total, or not more than one-third the width of any alley, and in case there are any railway tracks on such street no building material, fence or edge of a temporary walk shall be nearer than eight (8) feet to the nearest rail. Sec. 2. The permission to ^ occupy the sidewalks, streets or alleys for the purpose of building is intended only for use in connection with the actual erection, alter- ation, repair or removal of structures. No advertising sign of any kind shall be permitted on this part of the public highway. Sec. 3. Earth and rubbish shall not be stored on any public property. Dry rubbish shall be kept wetted down to prevent its being scattered by the wind. Sec. 4. Sufficient lights shall be displayed and main- tained during the whole of every night at each excava- tion, pile of material, fence or other obstruction on any public highway, to so cast their rays that each excava- tion, pile of material, fence or other obstruction, shall be in full view of the public. Sec. 5. On the part of such public highways for which a permit has been granted building materials may be stored or used and temporary sheds or fences 150 BUILDING ORDINANCES. may be erected for use in connection with the building operations in such manner as to protect the public. Na guy lines shall be less than fifteen (15) feet above the road-bed outside of the confines of the street permit. Materials, fences or sheds shall not be placed withim two (2) feet of any tree, fire hydrant, alarm box or catch- basin, and all gutters shall be kept free and clear at all times. iSec. 6. Persons obtaining a street permit shall not interrupt the sidewalk traffic but shall at all times keep open and unobstructed a -sidewalk of not less than sir (6) feet in width. This sidewalk may be crossed by a driveway to give access to the building site, but any damage that may be done to the sidewalk shall be re- paired by the person to whom the permit is issued and the sidewalk shall be left in as good condition as before .the permit was issued. Such sidewalk may be the permanent sidewalk or a temporary sidewalk of planks located within the confines of the street permit. Such temporary sidewalk may be placed at the established grade or at any elevation not exceeding four (4) feet above such grade and in case a sidewalk is so elevated it shall be provided with inclines with not more than 1 Y 2 inch rise in two feet, or with steps of not more than seven (7) inch rise and less than 8 inch tread on both ends thereof, and these inclines or steps shall be capable of sustaining a safe load of 80 pounds per square foot on a factor of safety of 4. Sec. 7. A close fence at least four (4) feet high shall be maintained on both sides of any elevated sidewalks or on any sidewalk while excavations are being made or continue to exist. Any excavations for structures to be built within ten (10) feet of a public highw^ay, shall at all times be guarded by a close board fence not less than four (4)' feet high. Sec. 8. If the structure to be erected is to be more than twenty-five (25) feet in height above the grade at the front and is in any part less than fifteen (15) feet away from the inner edge of the public sidewalk there shall be a roof built over the sidewalk consisting of two BUILDING ORDINANCES. . 151 (2) layers of 2 inch plank on a frame work not less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk, and there shall be an enclosure on top at the outside edges of said roof not less than four (4) feet high of boards. This roof shall be built as soon as the structure reaches the height of ten (10) feet and shall be maintained until the entire work on the sides of the structure abutting or near the lot line is completed. Sec. 9. When additional stories are added to an exist- ing building and such building is located within five (5) feet of the lot line there shall be built over the sidewalk at the level where the new stories commence a scaffold not less than eight (8) feet wide, composed of a frame work capable of carrying ajoad of 200 pounds per square foot on a factor of safety of 4, and the floor of two (2) layers of 2 inch plank to serve as a protection of the sidewalk, and the outside shall be enclosed not less than three (3) feet high with boards. Sec. 10. Temporary enclosures of shop fronts during their construction or repair may extend over the lot line five (5) feet for their entire height subject to all the regulations of this ordinance. Sec. 11. Outside scaffold on a building near the lot line shall have a floor of two-inch planks and at the outer edge thereof a closed fence not less than four (4) feet high when there is no covering over the sidewalk. Sec. 12. Upon the termination of the building opera- tions, the street permit shall cease to exist, and all parts - of the public highway occupied under the permit shall be vacated, cleaned of rubbish or any obstruction, and placed in a safe condition for public travel, all costs, charges, arid expenses through lawsuits, or cost of fixing the place, shall be chargeable to the one receiving the permit. Sec. 13. The fees for street permits shall be paid into the city treasury and credited to the General City Fund and shall be as follows: One (1) dollar per month for every 25 feet of street front or fractional part thereof, for the first three months, two (2) dollars per month for the succeeding period of three months and shall thereafter be increased 152 BUILDING ORDINANCES. in periods of three months, each one (1) dollar per month over each preceding period. Sec. 14. Any person, firm or corporation, agent or em- ploye violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or any firm or corporation, or agent or employe assist- ing in the commission of any violation of any of the re- quirements thereof or any person, firm or corporation,, agent or employe, who shall neglect to do each and every act required herein whether such act shall have been approved by the Inspector of Buildings or Commissioner of Public Works or not, shall for each and every day’s- violation or non-compliance be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dollars, nor more than five hundred (500) dollars or in default of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County not less^ than one day nor more than six months. Sec. 15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances con- travening with the provisions of this ordinance are here- by repealed. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty (20) days following its pas- sage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. File Number 4161. 90-~AN ORDINANCE. To Regulate the Construction of Fences and Railings. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- vsaukce do ordain as follows: Section 1. Enclosure fence for business or manufac- turing premises where material or utensils are stored, or places of amusement, shall not exceed nine (9) feet in height, and all other fences when erected for actual spite or malice, shall not exceed five (5) feet in height above the grade. All fences shall be so constructed to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty (30) pounds to the foot. All barb wire used for fence purposes shall be at least six (6) feet above the grade. Sec. 2. Guard rails, in all buildings except private BUILDING ORDINANCES. 153 residences, shall be not less than 3 feet 6 inches in height with not less than two intermediate rails equally spaced along all areas which are not protected by grat- ing or covers and shall be of sufficient strength to with- stand a pressure of 150 pounds to the lineal foot. Sec. 3. Balcony railings shall not be less than thirty (30) inches high. Sec. 4. Stair railings shall not be less than thirty- two (32) inches high and well hole railings in any build- ings shall not be less than thirty-six (36) inches above the floor or the riser of the stair. Sec. 5. Any person, Arm or corporation, agent or em- ploye violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any Arm or corporation, agent or employe assisting in the commission of any violation of any of the require- ments thereof, or any person, firm or corporation agent or employe, who shall neglect to do each and every act required herein, whether such act shall have been ap- proved by the Inspector of Buildings or not, shall for each and every day’s violation’ or non-compliance, be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dollars, nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or in default of fine by imprisonment in the House of Correction of Milwaukee County not less than one (1) day nor more than six (6) months. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contra- vening with the provisions of this ordinance are here- by repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. 154 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Fife Number 4418. 92— AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Construction of Docks Along the Naviga- ble Waters of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- icaukce'do ordain as follows: Section 1. The superstructure of all docks hereafter built or reconstructed along any of the navigable rivers, canals, slips or basins connected with or a part of the Milwaukee harbor, shall be of re-inforced concrete and in accordance with plans and specifications established by the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation who shall vio- late the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), and in de- fault of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the House of Correction for Milwaukee County, not to ex- ceed ninety (90) days. The constructing, in whole or in part, or the maintaining of any dock, which does not conform to this ordinance, shall be considered a viola- tion hereof, and each and every day that such violation shall continue shall be a separate violation. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publication. Passed August 4, 1913. File Number 5064. 107— AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Construction, Erection, Remodeling and Operation of Elevators in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. Subject Matter. The subject matter under this ordinance shall include all passenger and freight elevators, hoists, lifts and dumbwaiters having ropes, sheaves and platforms, or any mechanical device and their enclosures permanently fixed in position for the purpose of conveying people or BUILDING ORDINANCES. 155 -any load to any point on or in a structure, above or be- low the grade line, provided, however, that temporary elevators, lifting tackles, derricks or hoists to be used in the construction, alteration, repairing or wrecking of buildings, or that swinging scaffolds or traveling cranes and devices using endless operating bucket or hooks shall not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Enclosures of Elevator Shafts and Dumb- waiters. All passenger and freight elevators hereafter erected shall have their hatchways or shafts enclosed with walls of fireproof material, or steel frame with wired glass, the thickness and strength of such enclosures shall be according to the requirements of the building ordinance pertaining to such enclosure, provided, how- ever, that elevators and dumbwaiters in buildings not exceeding two (2) stories in height above the grade or above the basement and not exceeding a total travel of thirty-five (35) feet, may be enclosed with non-fire- proof enclosure above the basement, or shall be enclosed and protected on each and all floors above the basement with suitable framework not less than six (6) feet in height, except over counterweight runways where it shall extend from floors to ceilings. All elevators not exceeding a travel of thirty-five (35) feet, not enclosed continuously with a fireproof enclosure, shall have the shaftway opening in the top floor provided with a fire door, which is operated by the movement of the car. Elevator shaftways located on the outside of any build- ing shall be enclosed with walls of fireproof material, in place of which, for freight elevator shaftways, an open wire mesh enclosure not less than No. 9 gauge wire, and not more than one and one-half (l^/^) inch mesh will be permitted. No elevator shall be constructed in the well hole of any stairway, unless such elevator shall be enclosed with walls of brick or other fireproof material, provided, however, that no elevator shall be constructed in the well hole of any stairway in any apartment, tenement, hospital, hotel, boarding or lodging house. Where counterweight runways are located in the ele- vator shaftway, the outside must be entirely enclosed 156 BUILDING ORDINANCES. with a solid guard, the runways must be entirely en* closed on the inside with a solid guard to a height of eight (8) feet from the bottom of the pit, and ten (10) feet down from the top limit of travel of the car. Where counterweight runways are located outside of the ele- vator shaftway, they must be entirely enclosed on all sides with a solid guard. Sec. 3. Enclosure of Shafts and Pits in Basement. In all buildings sin which any elevator or dumbwaiter shaft extends down into a basement or sub-basement, that portion thereof shall be enclosed in walls of fire- proof materials, the thickness and strength of such en- closures shall be; according to the requirements of the building ordinances pertainng to such enclosures, and all openings to such enclosures shall be protected by fireproof frames and doors; where such elevator shafts do not extend down into basement, they shall be pro- vided with fireproof pits at the lowermost floor level at 'which they serve, and such pits shall have no open- ings except for cables or other elevator equipment. Sec. 4. Elevator Pits and Clearance. All elevators hereafter installed with a speed up to and including 50 feet per minute, must have a pit not less than two feet in depth below the lowest landing, and an overhead clearance of not less than two (2) feet when car is at its highest landing. All elevators with a speed over 50 feet and up to and including 150 feet per minute, must have a pit not less than three feet deep and an overhead clearance of not less than four (4) feet. All elevators having a speed over 150 feet and up to and including 350 feet per minute must have a pit of not less than four (4) feet in depth and an overhead clearance of not less than five (5) feet. All elevators having a speed greater than 350 feet per min- ute must have a pit not less than four (4) feet deep and an overhead clearance not less than six (6) feet. The overhead clearance for counterweights shall be not less than the above mentioned clearance for cars at the various speeds. The pit and overhead clearance must be equal in area to that of the shaftway. All passenger and power driven freight elevators shall BUILDING ORDINANCES. 157 be provided with spring cushions of approved type rest- ing on steel framework secured to the rails, or in the pit forming the bottom of the shaft, and car frame shall be arranged with steel or iron plate or cups acting as bumper under car to rest on springs should car run be- low the bottom floor limit; other approved bumpers equal to the spring type will be permitted. Oil buffers may be attached to the bottom of the car if securely fas- tened, butHt is preferable to install them in the pit. No explosive nor inflammable materials nor any ma- terial liable to develop suffocating gases, nor any pipe for conveying the same shall be stored or kept under any elevator or shaftway, and no elevator shaftway shall be used foi^the storage of any material or the running of any rope, wire or pipe except for the use of the ele- vator itself, and no machinery shall be located in such shaftway under car. All elevators, and other mechanical devices used for similar purposes, shall be kept clean and free from ex- cessive grease and dirt. Sec. 5. Pent Houses. Pent houses on roofs of buildings exceeding two (2) stories in height above the' basement shall be construct- ed of fireproof material and shall be provided with flre- proof window and door opening through which proper light and access can be had to overhead machinery; in non-flreproof buildings of two stories or less in height above the basement, the walls and roofs of pent house may be of wood covered with incoriibustible material. Sec. 6. Doors and Gates to Elevator Enclosures. All doors to passenger elevator shafts shall be con- structed of metal with solid metal panel in lower part and wired glass in the upper part; such doors shall have safety locks or other appliances which cannot be opened from the outside except by means of key, so that doors will be securely closed when the elevator car is not at the floor where doors are located, and the operator on all elevators must see that doors are securely closed before starting car, and no doors shall be either open or closed except where car is at its landing; should any interlocking device be installed, the same shall under 158 BUILDING ORDINANCES. all conditions be sufficient for the purpose required. No passenger elevator shall be operated which has more than one entrance or doorway to the car, unless entrance or doorway farthest from the point where the car is operated is provided with a door on the inside of the car, and such door shall be closed by the operator be- fore the car is put in motion. All shafts for freight elevators and dumbwaiters en- closed with fireproof enclosures shall be provided with fireproof frames and doors on the outside thereof; such doors shall be provided with a device or system which will automatically close the opening in the event of fire (fire doors hung to swing on vertical axis will not be permitted). All doors or openings to freight elevator and dumbwaiter shafts shall be provided with semi-auto- matic self-closing hatch gates to protect the approach to the elevator, such gates to freight elevators shall not be less than 5 feet 6 inches in height, with no greater space than eight (8) inches from the lower rail to the floor, and shall be of sufficient strength to resist a lat- eral pressure of at least 200 pounds at its center. In case local conditions do not permit of a gate of the speci- fied height, a lower gate may be used, provided that such gate be placed not less than six (6)- inches nor more than twelve (12) inches away from the car or plat- form of the elevator, and that ropes, chains or other efficient warning devices are suspended from the plat- form. In lieu of doors or gates for dumbwaiter shafts, semi-automatic fireproof doors may be placed inside the shaft but no semi-automatic gates shall be required for hand power dumbwaiters having the sill of doors or shaft openings raised more than two (2) feet above the floor. Sills of doors to elevator shaft shall have a non-slip- pery surface. All doors covering sidewalk elevator holes shall open only sufficiently for proper service, and when open shall form a suitable guard to the aperture, and all sidewalk elevators shall be equipped with a device to prevent the operation of such elevator until the covering or doors are open. All sidewalk doors and frames shall have a rough face or surface, and be constructed and arranged BUILDING ORDINANCES. 159 so that no part of the frame or hinges shall project above the level of the sidewalk, and capable of cai;ry- ing a superimposed load of 200 pounds per square foot. Doors shall be kept closed when elevator is not in ac- tual use. Sec. 7. Toe Guards. The under side of the floor or other parts of the build- ing which projects into the elevator shafts, shall be equipped with a smooth steel guard of not less than No. 16 gauge, curved and sloped from the projection to the edge of such enclosure for the width of the opening to such elevator car, the slope of such guard place shall be at an angle of not less than sixty (60) degrees. Sec. 8. Protection Under Sheaves in Hatchway. The entire top of every shaft or hatchway under the sheaves and machinery, shall be covered with a floor or grating of incombustible material capable of sustaining a load of not less than seventy-five (75) pounds per square foot with a factor of safety of four; this floor or grating in freight elevator shafts in non-fireproof build- ings may be of wood, and in fireproof buildings the ma- chinery may be bolted to three and one-half (SV 2 ) inches thick creosote impregnated plank. On traction types of elevators, the screens under the secondary sheaves, which are located below the floor of the pent house, must extend under the entire sheaves and must not cover more than one-half of the area of the shaftway, unless there is sufficient room for a man to stand between the screen and the pent house floor. All freight elevator cars must be equipped with a covering over the top, either solid or made of wire screen not less than No. 10 wire, and with mesh not over one inch. The part of such covering which faces the opening to the shaft, must be constructed with a section not less than 18 inches in width and extending the width of the opening to the shaft. Such section must be so attached with hinges to the screen that it will rise when it meets with an obstruction as the car descends. Sec. 9. Supports for Overhead Work. All beams for the support of overhead work for all ele- vators hereafter constructed, shall be of iron or steel. 160 BUILDING ORDINANCES. and such beams over all passenger elevator shafts and over all elevator shafts in fireproof buildings, shall be supported on walls or continuous columns of fireproof material which shall rest on concrete or masonry foun- dation above the level of the fioor on which they are placed, such beams over freight elevator shafts in non- firepro'of buildings may »be supported by wooden posts not less than eight by eight (8x8) inches, which shall rest on concrete or masonry foundation. Sec. 10. Guide Posts and Rails. Car guide posts and r'ails and counterweight rails for all passenger elevators, shall be of wrought steel of a weight of not less than fourteen (14) pounds per linear foot for car post guide rails, and not less than six and three-quarter (6%) pounds per linear foot for counter- weight rails, and the same size shall be required for wrought steel rails of freight elevators of over twenty (20) square feet and less than fifty (50') square feet of platform, or over twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) pounds capacity; freight elevators of smaller area of platform, or less capacity with wrought steel rail shall have car post guide rails and counterweight rails of a weight not less than six and three-quarter (6%) pounds per linear foot; freight elevators of more than fifty (50) square feet area of platform shall have the fourteen (14) pound car guide post rails reinforced by continuous wrought steel member of not less than nine and three- quarter (9%) pounds per linear foot. Elevator and counterweight guides shall be securely fastened and reinforced with proper backing or addi- tional bracing between floors if necessary to prevent spreading, when the car safety device is applied with full load on the platform. In place of wrought steel car post guide rails for freight elevators in non-fireproof buildings with a car travel not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet, combination of wrought steel and wood rails will be permitted of the following minimum dimensions: ^ For elevators of fifty (50) square feet of area of plat- form or less, or four thousand (4,000) pounds capacity or less, two three by three by three-eighth (3x3x%) BUILDING ORDINANCES. 161 inches steel angles with two and three-eighths by two and three-eighths (2%x2%) inch maple guide strips. For elevators of more than fifty (50) square feet and less than one hundred and twenty (120) square feet area of platform or over four thousand (4,000) pounds capacity, two three by four by three-eighths (3x4x%) inches steel angles with two and three-quarter inches by two and three-quarter (2%x2%) inches maple guide strips. For elevators of more than one hundred and twenty (120) square feet area of platform, two three and one- half by five inches by three-eighths (3i/^x5x%) ste'el angles with three and one-half by three and one-half (3%x3i/^) inches maple guide strips. All steel angles shall have a wood filler between them of not less than three and one-half by three and one-half 3Y2x3y2) inches. The combination wood and steel counterweight rails shall have single angles of not less than three by four by three-eighths (3x4x%) inches with maple guide strips of not less than one and one-half by one and one-half (lV 2 Xiy 2 ) inches. Hand power elevators shall not be required to have steel or combination wood and steel guide posts and rails, but in place thereof shall have wooden guide posts of not less than six by six (6x6) inches with maple guide strips not less than one and three-quarters by one and three-quarters (l%xl%) inches and wooden counter- weight rails of not less than three and one-half by three and one-half (3i/^x3i/^) inches with not less than one and one-quarter by one and one-quarter (li/ixl^/i) maple guide strips. Sec. 11. Capacity of Machinery. All passenger elevators shall have hoisting machinery capable of lifting a live load of not less than seventy-five (75) pounfis per square foot of car floor area. Hand power elevators with a greater capacity than two thousand (2,000) pounds will not be permitted. Han^J power elevators with more than thirty-five (35) leet travel will not be permitted except where elevators are placed on the outside of the building, and no per- 162 BUILDING ORDINANCES. sen but the operator shall be allowed on the platform while it is in motion, and a notice shall be posted at each floor landing by the owner or manager of them for- bidding persons to ride on such platform. Provision shall be made on all elevators so that same can be controlled ^om platform. Sec. 12. Ropes and Cables. All hoisiing and counter weight cables used on eleva- tors shall be standard, or better quality, of iron or steel wire, composed of six strands and a hemp center, nineteen (19) wires to the strand. The factor of safety for all new hoisting ropes for passenger elevators shall be not less than eight (S) and for all hoisting ropes for freight elevators and counterweights the factor of safety for new ropes shall not be less than six (6). If ropes or cables are exposed to the action of the elements, the factor of safety shall be increased twen- ty-five (25) per cent of the above; and where any rope or cable shall have deteriorated twenty-five (25) per cent, it shall be considered imsafe. The following are adopted as the standard for sheaves for all hoisting cables or ropes of given diam- eter. TABLE FOR PASSENGER ELEVATORS. Minimum diameter of Maximum load on Size of rope. drum or sheave. one cable. inch 20 inches 1,100 pounds fe inch 22 inches 1,330 pounds inch 24 inches 1,700 pounds *4 inch 30 inches 2,500 pounds inch 36 inches 3,200 pounds 1 inch 40 inches 4.000 poimds TABLE FOR FREIGHT ELETVFATORS. Minimum diameter of Maximum load on Size of rope. drum or sheave. one cable. ^2 inch 20 inches 1.500 pounds inch 22 inches 1,800 pounds inch 24 inches 2.250 pounds \ inch 30 inches 3,000 pounds "s inch 36 inches 4,000 pounds 1 inch 40 inches 5,000 pounds BUILDING ORDINANCES. 163 All cars and counterweights hereafter installed shall Tie suspended on not less than two cables each, but passenger elevators, cables of which do* not wind around a drum, shall not have less than four hoisting cables. All ropes and cables shall be independently fast- ened at their terminals to the overhead beam of the •car, and the counterweight cables independently fast- ened to the weights wherever possible, and the lifting and counterweight cables shall have at least one and one-half turn of the cable on the drum when car has run its limit. All passenger cars shall have car counterweights, and electric elevators, shall have car counterweights and drum counterweights. All counterweights shall have four bolts through each set with lock nuts and cotter- pins at each end, at least two bolts shall pass through all fillers or sub weights, unless counterweights are built in steel frames, and such equipment have two cables to each counterweight as well as two cables to the hoist frame of the car. Where drum counterweight cables run through or pass by the car counterweights, they shall be provided with a suitable covering to pre- vent their chafing and wearing on the counterweights. Cable drive or traction electric machines may be exempt from the double counterweight system, but a plan of the weights and cables connecting same shall be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings for approval, and there shall not be less than four cables from the car when the rated capacity is not oyer twenty-five hundred (2500) pounds and six cables from the car when the rated capacity is greater than twenty-five hun- dred (2500) pounds. /Sec. 13. Shut-off and Brake. All electric elevators and electric dumbwaiters shall be provided with an overload and no-voltage circuit breaker mounted or attached to the controlling switch- board; these circuit breakers for electric passenger elevators shall be provided with two (2) connections of special construction in addition to the above fea- ture, and same shall be connected in series with the brake solenoid so that when the circuit breaker is 164 BUILDING ORDINANCES. open the coil of the brake magnet will have an open circuit, the object being that the circuit breaker when open will instantly affect the brake magnet and cause the brake to be applied to the machine. Other apparatus equally efficient will be accepted in lieu of that described in this section, and mechanical controlled brakes will be permitted for electric freight elevators of a speed not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet per minute, and for electric dumbwaiters of a speed not exceeding sixty (60) feet per minute. Every power driven elevator shall be provided with an automatic shut-off which shall stop it at its lowest and its highest landings independent of the operating cable. All electric passenger elevators shall be pro- vided with electric switch control and shall t^e operated by the car switch that automatically Centers itself and stops the car gradually when released by the operator. In addition to the stop motion limiting device on the machine when same is connected to the drum by an intermediate or secondary motion, all electric ele- vators shall be equipped with electric hatchway limit switches so connected to the controller that should the car travel beyond the normal limits at the top or bot- tom of the shaft, the current will be cut off from the motor and the brake applied and the car brought to a gradual stop. Hydraulic elevators shall have an automatic shut-off working independent of operating cable or valve. All hand power elevators shall have a limit stop at the top. Sec. 14. Cable Stops. All elevators, except hand power elevators, the ca- bles of which v/ind around a drum, shall be provided with an automatic trip or slack cable stop and auto- matic brake of sufficient strength to hold the car at any point. Sec. 15. Safety Floor Stops. All freight elevators and power-driven dumbwaiters shall be provided with a safety device by which persons using the elevator at one floor can lock the operating cable to prevent the moving of the elevator by persons on aonther floor during the process of loading or un- BUILDING ORDINANCES. 165 loading, and such operating cable shall be provided with a suitable guard or covering where sheaves lead the cable from the hatchway to the machine. All belt power, electric and hand cable controlled elevators shall be provided with a centering rope. Sec. 16. Safety Devices. All elevators and mechanical devices except dumb- waiters shall be provided with an efficient device to> secure their safe operation and to prevent the cah^ car or platform of such elevator or mechanical device from falling, and to secure the safety of the cab, car or platform and its load in case it does fall. All power driven elevators and mechanical devices whose travel exceeds one story or fifteen (15) feet, shall also be provided with a speed governor, such speed governor and other devices shall be subjected to a practical test so as to determine the efficiency of such safety devices.. All safety devices shall bring the car to a gradual stop' within ten (10) feet after the safety governor throws in, and all governors shall have a brass tag attached stating the speed at which it grips or sets the safetjr cable. Sec. 17. Car and Platform. The cage of every passenger car shall be constructed of metal or other incombustible material, except that floor covering may be of wood. There shall be no glass or porcelain used in the structural or ornamental parts of the cage. The use of glass and porcelain in elevator cars for general public use shall be confined to the covering of certificates of inspection, certificate of operators, annunciators and the illuminating lamps. Mirrors in elevators are strictly prohibited. The cage of the car shall be constructed with solid panels up to a height not less than three (3) feet six (6) inches above the floor of the car, and that part of the cage at the counterweight side shall be a solid, panel to the ceiling of the car. In every passenger elevator there shall be placed' a metal hand rail one (1) inch in diameter not less: than three (3) feet above the floor, on all sides not having door openings or seats. The canopy or roof of every passenger elevator car shall be so constructed 166 BUILDING ORDINANCES. that the whole or a portion thereof measuring not less than twenty by thirty (20x30) inches can be readily removed. The grill work of the cage of the car shall not have greater open spaces than one (1) inch in width. Passenger elevators shall not have any freight com- partment either below or above the car. Freight elevator car platforms shall be wainscoted not less than six feet high on all sides except where operating cable is located and on the loading and un- loading sides; All passenger ' and freight elevators except sidewalk and hand power elevators shall have a, gas or electric light attached to the car, traveling with it and kept lighted when daylight is insufficient. All passenger and freight elevators and power driven dumbwaiters shalP be equipped with a flashlight or other annunciators or push buttons to operate, an elec- tric bell or other signal system of equal efficiency. ' All elevator platforms shall have a factory of safety of not less than four (4). JS'ec. 18. Wiring. All apparatus under these regulations using electric current shall have all wiring construction throughout placed in steel or iron rigid conduits with condulet fit- tings. All switches and fuses in connection with elec- tric elevators shall be placed in metal cabinets near the machine. Where wires branch off on the back of switchboards and at the brake solenoid and simila^ places where the metal piping cannot possibly be used, the wires shall be durably taped or enclosed in circular loom insulating material, and where wires are run together they shall be durably taped in the form of a cable and well painted with insulating compound. Sec. 19. Accessibility. Every elevator shall be located, constructed and installed in such a manner as to give to the Elevator Inspector easy and safe access to all its principal parts. Sec. 20. Time to Conform. All elevators, dumbwaiters and mechanical devices in existence at the time of the passage of the ordinance BUILDING ORDINANCES. 167 'Elevators of fireproof buildings containing hotels, shall, upon written notice given by the Inspector of Buildings to the owner, lessee or manager of a build- ing or premises containing such elevator, dumbwaiter or mechanical device, be made to comply within the time limit given in the notice. hospitals, lodging houses or tenements higher than two stories above the basement, or containing retail stores higher than two stories above the basement of a floor area exceeding ten thousand (10,000) square feet, shall have their enclosures made to comply to the provisions of Section 2. Where the machinery of the elevator is moved to a different location or materially altered, or where the shaftway or pent house is materially altered or extended, or where the capacity of the elevator is materially increased, such alterations shall be consid- ered the same as a new installation and shall bring the moved or altered parts under the orders for new in- stallation. Sec. 21. Permits. .Before proceeding with the construction, erection or alteration of any elevator, dumbwaiter or mechanical devices included in this ordinance, or for any repairs of the same exceeding a cost of ten (10) dollars, a permit shall first be obtained from the Inspector of Buildings by the owner or his agent of the premises whereon the elevator is located, or is to be installed; before the Inspector of Buildings shall issue such per- mit, an application sl^all be filed with him by such owner or agent, together with plans and specifications showing all details of location, shaftways and their enclosure, kind of machine or mechanical device, size of all ropes, sheaves, drums and supports, also speed and capacity of car and platform, type of safety device, motive power, pressure tank and pressure carried there- on, cylinder and plunger, number of volts and amperes of electric current of motor used. If such plans and specifications shall show that such elevator, dumbwaiter or mechanical device is to be constructed or erected, or altered in conformity with the provisions of this ordi- nance, the Inspector of Buildings shall approve of the same and shall issue a permit to such applicant, and 168 BUILDING ORDINANCES. for which permit for alterations exceeding a cost of fifty (50) dollars and for new installations, a fee of two dollars shall be paid into the city treasury, and said permit shall be duly signed by the City Treasurer and the Inspector of Buildings; this fee shall be known as a permit fee and will cover all fees for inspection; but no fee shall be required to be paid for a permit for the repairs of any elevator, dumbwaiter or mechanical device, and no fee shall be required to be paid for a permit for alterations costing less than fifty (50) dollars. No permit shall be required for a hand power dumb- waiter the car or the platform of which does not ex- ceed four square feet on any one shelf, and which is to be located in a building not higher than two stories above the basement or grade, nor for any hand power dumbwaiter which is to be located in a residence. No permit will be issued for the installation of any passenger elevator having belt or chain drive, nor shall the use of such drive on such elevator be permitted, except for freight elevators used occasionally for pas- senger service and not exceeding a speed of seventy- five (75) feet per minute. Sec. 22. Inspection and Certificate. Whenever the construction, erection or alteration of an elevator, dumbwaiter or mechanical device for which a permit has been issued has been completed, the owner or his agent shall notify the Inspector of Buildings in writing, who shall then cause an inspection and test of same to be made, and under no circumstances shall such elevator, dumbwaiter or mechanical device be used for any purpose whatsoever, until such inspection has been made and a certificate of inspection issued therefor. Sec. 23. Inspection and Notice of Repairs. All persons owning or having control of elevators, power driven dumbwaiters or mechanical devices as defined in this ordinance, shall carefully examine the same and their appliances at least twice every week, and shall carefully examine freight elevators exceed- ing the speed of seventy-five (75) feet per minute and all passenger elevators at least once every day, and BUILDING ORDINANCES. 169 upon the discovery of any defects or impairments tend- ing to endanger life, such persons shall immediately stop the operation of such defective elevators, power driven dumbwaiters or mechanical devices, and at once notify the Inspector, of Buildings of any and all defects. The Inspector of Buildings shall, upon receiving such notice, cause an inspection to be made without delay, and shall give a notice in writing to such person own- ing or controlling such elevator, power driven dumb- waiter or mechanical device, stating in detail the neces- sary repairs or alterations to be made, and giving a reasonable time limit to finish the same. No fee shall be required to be paid for this inspection. A permit shall be obtained as required by Section 21, and the elevator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical de- vice shall not be used until an inspection is made by the elevator inspector at the expiration of the time limit, and if such inspection shows the repairs or alter- ations completed and such elevator, power driven dumb- waiter or mechanical device is in a safe condition, a certificate shall be issued. The cessation of operation, the notification to the Inspector of Buildings, the inspection by him and the issue of the certificate shall not be required for the ordinary repairs necessary for the maintenance of elevators,, dumbwaiters or nscchanical devices. Sec. 24. Periodical Inspections of Elevators. Every power driven elevator in the city of Milwaukee shall be examined by the Elevator Inspector at least once in every six months, and all hand power elevators, power driven dumbwaiters or mechanical devices and all sidewalk elevators shall be inspected at least once each year; should any defects be found in any part of any elevator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical device which would tend to impair its safety, or en- danger life or limb by the continued use of the same, the Elevator Inspector shall inform the person in charge of such defective elevator, and such elevator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical device shall forthwith be closed for use and service by said Elevator Inspect- or; the Inspector of Buildings shall then immediately cause notice in writing to be served upon the owner or 170 BUILDING ORDINANCES. his agent and upon the lessee or any other person or persons having control or management of such elevator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical device, which notice shall contain a statement in detail of the neces- sary repairs or alterations to be made, and such ele- vator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical device shall not be put in use or service until it shall have been inspected and certificate issued by the Inspector of Buildings stating that such elevator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical device has been Inspected and found safe. In case of minor defects found upon inspection by the Elevator Inspectors, the Inspector of Buildings may allow the use of such elevator, power driven dumb- waiter or mechanical device until the expiration of the time limit stated in the notice to make repairs. The wmrd “safe” 'wherever used in this ordinance, shall be taken to mean, safe to carry any load up to the capacity named in the certificate. The notice to make repairs or alterations shall state in detail the repairs to be made. It shall also state a reasonable limit of time within which such repairs or alterations shall be completed; upon the expiration of the time limit an inspection shall again be made, and if the repairs are not completed at that time the ele- vator, power driven dumbwaiter or mechanical device shall be closed for further use and be kept closed until repairs are completed, and until a further inspection oi inspections are made. Sec. 25. Certificate to Be Posted. The last certificate issued by the Inspector of Build- ings shall be placed in a frame and hung in a conspic- uous place in the car of the elevator for which such certificate was issued. The manufacturers of all elevators hereafter in- stalled shall cause to be fastened in each car a metal plate having suitable raised letters not less than one inch long, which shall prescribe the number of pounds weight such elevator, power driven dumbwaiter or me- chanical device has the capacity to carry, after proper test is made in the presence of the Elevator Inspector. BUILDING ORDINANCES. 171 Sec. 26. Elevator Operator, Certification and Quali* fication. No person shall operate any power driven elevator in the City of Milwaukee without first being duly cer- tified thereto, and no owner, lessee or agent of any building shall permit, or cause any such elevator to be operated or put in motion, unless by such certified person as herein provided. Application for such certi- ficate shall be made to the Inspector of Buildings on blank forms furnished by him to such applicant; upon the return of the same, properly signed by the Elevator Inspector, the Inspector of Buildings shall thereupon issue said certificate. The requirements of this section shall not apply to licensed engineers, elevator builders nor to persons operating push button, automatically controlled type of elevators. Every such certificate shall be posted in a conspicu- ous place in or near the elevator operated by the cer- tified operator. Whenever the Inspector of Buildings shall become satisfied that the person engaged in oper- ating any elevator is disqualified from any cause to continue to operate the same, he shall revoke the cer- tificate issued to such operator. The qualifications necessary for persons who' now are, or shall hereafter be placed in charge of operating any passenger or power driven freight elevator in the City of Milwaukee, are hereby prescribed, and no person shall be employed for such purpose or engage therein unless he be duly certified thereto as provided in this ordinance. 1. He shall demonstrate his efficiency in the running of such elevator to the satisfaction of the Elevator In- spector. 2. He shall not be less than eighteen (18) years of age. Sec. 27. Accidents to Be Reported. In case of any accident whereby any person is in- jured or machinery of elevator is damaged, it shall be the duty of the owner, agent, operator or the engineer’ of such elevator or any one of them to immediately report such accident in writing to the Inspector of 172 BUILDING ORDINANCES. Buildings; such report shall contain a detailed state- ment as to the cause and nature of such accident, and shall contain the names of injured persons and the nature of injuries sustained, and it shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings, his assistants or elevator inspectors to immediately make an examination into the cause of such accident and to record a full and detailed account thereof. Sec. 28. Inspectors, Hovy Appointed. The Inspector of Buildings of the City of Milwaukee is hereby authorized to appoint one or more persons from eligible lists furnished him by the City Service Commission, who shall thereafter be designated, and known as Inspector, or Inspectors of Elevators, who shall examine all passenger and freight elevators, dumb- waiters, hoists, mechanical devices and their enclosures as defined in Section one (1) of this ordinance, and shall make a report in writing of such examinations as hereinbefore provided. The number of such inspectors shall be subject to the approval of the Common Coun- cil of the City of Milwaukee, and such person or per- sons eligible to such positions as Elevator Inspector shall have a practical knowledge of elevators and all machinery appertaining thereto. Sec. 29. Power of Inspectors. The Elevator Inspector or Inspectors, and others duly authorized by the Inspector of Buildings, shall have the power and they are hereby authorized to enter any building or premises* in the City of Milwaukee without hindrance from anyone, for the purpose of ex- amining elevators and for the enforcement of the pro- visions of this ordinance, and the engineer or operator having charge of any elevator, shall assist such inspect- or or other duly authorized person or persons to such extent that he or they may be able to make careful and thorough examination of every portion of the operating machinery, supports and enclosures connected with such elevator. Sec. 30. Penalty for Violation. Any person, firm or corporation owning, controlling rr managing any building, or premises wherein or BUILDING ORDINANCES. 173 whereon anything in violation of this ordinance shall be placed, or shall exist, and any person employed who shall assist in the commission of any such violation, and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or any requirement thereof, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans sub- mitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, shall for each and every such violation or non-compliance be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five (5) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars or by imprisonment in the House of Correction not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than sixty (60) days, or by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 31. Repeal. All parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 32. Ordinance to Take Effect. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after twenty days following its passage and publi- cation. Passed August 4, 1913. File Number 5447. 151— AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Business Section and Fire District of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mil- waukee do ordain as follows: Section 1. All that part of the City of Milwaukee embraced* within the following limits, shall hereafter be known as the Business Section and Fire District. Sec. 2. Slaughter houses, rendering plants and rag shops shall not be permitted to be erected or main- tained within the limits of the City of Milwaukee. Sec. 3. The term Business Section as used herein shall mean: (a) That all buildings within this section or portion of the city, being within the described boundaries may 174 BUILDING ORDINANCES. be occupied or maintained for any purpose whatsoever, (if in conformity with all ordinances governing the con- struction of such buildings.) (c) Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the erec- tion of residences within this business section, provid- ing the erection of such residences conform to the re- quirements for building within the fire district. (d) Livery, boarding or sales stables, gas houses,, gas reservoir or holders, paint, oil or varnish works, salesroom or storage room for automobiles or garages for the keeping of automobiles for hire may be built within that portion of the city not set aside for busi- ness purposes, providing that person, firm or corpora- tion desiring to build, remodel or maintain such build- ing for the purpose of a livery, boarding or sales stable, gas house, gas reservoir or holder, paint, oil or varnish works, salesroom or storage room for automobiles or garage for the keeping of automobiles for hire shall first obtain the written consent of two-thirds of all real estate owners within three hundred (300) feet of the space occupied by the business proposed to be maintained. (e) This written consent shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting forth that each name signed thereto is the signature in own handv/riting of the person so named. This petition with afiSdavit attached, must be filed with the Inspector of Buildings, at the time that an application for a building permit, for the erection, construction or remodeling of any building for such purposes of occupancy as a livery, boarding or sales stable, gas house, gas reservoir or holder, paint, oil or varnish works, salesroom or storage room for auto- mobiles or garage for the keeping of automobiles for hire is made. (f) Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the erec- tion or occupancy of a building used for business pur- poses outside of the within described section excepting as heretofore mentioned. (g) Any building erected, constructed, remodeled or maintained within the city limits as livery, boarding or sales stables, gas house, gas reservoir or holders, paint, oil or varnish works, salesroom or storage room for BUILDING ORDINANCES. 175 automobiles, or garage for the keeping pf automobiles for hire must be constructed, erected or remodeled the same as a building within the fire district. (h) The term “Fire District” as used herein shall mean: That buildings hereafter erected or remodeled within , the fire district herein described shall be erected or constructed as follows, when in conformity with the provisions of the city ordinances. (i) Of fire-resisting materials throughout, when more than fifty (50) feet in height. (j) The outside part and supporting division walls of all buildings must be built of brick, stone, tile, terra cotta or concrete. (k) Buildings of steel or concrete skeleton construc- tion, shall have curtain wall of brick, stone, tile, terra cotta or concrete. (l) Residences not more than two (2) stories high may be built of wood frame, encased with brick, stone, tile, terra cotta, concrete, veneer or cement plaster. (m) Roofs to be built of fire-resisting material. Sec. 4. All that part of the City of Milwaukee, em- braced within the following limits shall hereafter be known as the business section. East District. Sec. 5. All that section lying between and bounded by a line, beginning at the intersection of the Milwau- kee river and Lake Michigan, northwesterly along the north line of the Milwaukee river to the intersection of the Milwaukee and Menominee rivers, thence northerly along the east line of the Milwaukee river, to a point 137.26 feet east of Racine street, thence southerly to *a point 150 feet south of North Water street, thence west- erly and southerly 150 feet east of North Water street, to the intersection of Broadway, thence southerly 150 feet east of Broadway to Biddle street, thence easterly on 'the south line of Biddle street to Jackson street, thence southerly 150 feet east of Jackson street to Wis- consin street, thence easterlj^^ 150 feet north of Wis- consin street to the Lake, thence southerly along the shore of Lake Michigan to the place of beginning. 176 BUILDING ORDINANCES. All that section lying between and bounded by a line 150 feet east of the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. tracks on the east, Riverside Park on the north, 150 feet south of North avenue on the south and the Milwaukee river on the west. North Avenue. — East from the Milwaukee river 150 feet north and south of North avenue to the intersec- tion of Lake Drive and North avenue. Murray Avenue. — Northerly from North avenue 150 feet east and west of Murray avenue to the intersection of Bradford and Murray avenue. Farwell Avenue. — Southwesterly from the intersection of North avenue 150 feet east and west of Farwell ave- nue to the intersection of Windsor Place and Farwell avenue. Jackson Street. — Northerly from the intersection of Jackson and Biddle street 120 feet east and west of Jackson street to the intersection of Odgen avenue and Jackson street.. Odgen Avenue. — From the intersection of Jackson street 150 feet north and south of Odgen avenue to the intersection of Farwell avenue. Farwell Avenue. — From the intersection of Ogden avenue, northeasterly 150 feet east and west of Farwell avenue to the intersection of Brady street. Brady Street. — From the intersection of Farwell ave- nue westerly 150 feet north and south of Brady street to the Milwaukee river. West Side. Sec. 6.* All C'at portion of the city lying between and bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the Milwaukee and Menominee rivers westerly along the north line of the Menominee river to the intersection of Menominee river and the South Menominee canal, to the north line of Canal street, thence westerly along Canal street to Thirtieth street, thence northerly along Thirtieth street to 120 feet north of Clybourn street, thence easterly 120 feet north of Clybourn street to Thirteenth street, thence norherly to 150 feet north of Grand avenue, thence northerly along center of alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth street extended, and the center of Sheridan Lane to a point 150 feet north BUILDING ORDINANCES. 177 of Vliet street, thence easterly 150 feet west of Seventh street, thence northerly to a point 150 feet north of Cherry street, thence easterly 150 feet north of Cherry street, to a point 150 feet west of Third street, thence northerly to 150 feet north of Sherman street, thence easterly to the C. M. & St. P. Ry. right of way, thence northerly 150 feet west of the C. M. & St. P. Ry. right of way to Hadley, thence easterly to the Milwaukee river, thence southerly along the west bank of the Mil- waukee river to the place of beginning. Center Street. — From the intersection of Humboldt avenue and Center street, 150 feet north and south of Center street, westerly to the city limits. Northerly from Hadley street on a line 150 feet east and west of the