IL 'i JL JL* V* i :JLJ Vw J her- lav RIOTS COMPANY. ' 5 AN FRANCISCO. Unlv.of III. Library 51 <2 Dainty fruit Recipes PUBLISHED BY THE COAST PRODUCTS COMPANY ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY SAN FRANCISCO T HIS book, dear madam t tells the secret of those dainty dishes that make the table a delight to both eye and palate* The recipes are gathered from all good sources* We trust that, like the memory of a well-enjoyed dinner, they will dwell in your mind and recall to you Califo Brand, the best California i Fruits, the best California Asparagus, the best Ha- waiian Pineapple* — 2 — Row to Serve Canned fruit C ALIFO Brand California Canned Fruit is cooked thoroughly under the most sanitary conditions in canning and is, therefore, ready to serve as it comes from the can, without further preparation* All Canned Fruits should be emptied from the can as soon as it is opened* They should be poured into a porcelain or enamel vessel* Califo Brand fruits are preserved with a heavy syrup* This syrup, if not served with the fruit, should be saved, as it makes delicious sauces for puddings and other desserts* Always place the can of fruit on ice for several hours before serving, so that it will be thoroughly chilled through* While Canned Fruit is generally served just as it comes from the can, in its own syrup, there are many excellent ways of varying this with little trouble. — 3 — fruit Dressings A N excellent way is to drain and place Califo Brand Peaches in the bottom of the glass serving dish and cover them with a heavy layer of whipped cream* This may be further decorated with maraschino cherries or raisins* Plain, rich cream, thoroughly chilled, makes an excellent accompaniment for Califo Peaches, Apricots, Prepared Prunes or Figs* Another dressing for canned fruit that is delicious and that is equally applic- able to all varieties of fruit is made by adding a half teaspoonful of gelatine, dis- solved in cold water, to the syrup, and allowing it to partially harden on ice* This will never become hard like jelly, and may be poured over the fruit in the serving dish* Whipped cream may be added if desired* A wineglass or two of sherry and a dash of lemon juice added to the syrup pre- sents another way of serving canned fruit that is different and unusually good* — 4 — Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates peaches or Hpricots en Surprise F ROM Califo Brand Peaches or Apri- cots select halved sections of fruit that, when placed together will form a perfect fruit* With Califo Brand fruit this will be easy* Fill the peach or apricot with either a maraschino cherry and whipped cream, a Califo Brand Pre- pared Prune and whipped cream, or chopped nuts with whipped cream* Unite the halves of the fruit with a toothpick* Serve one to a plate t surrounded with whipped cream* 31 — 5 — / c Califo peach Salad L INE the salad bowl with crisp let- tuce leaves* Drain a can of Califo Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches thor- oughly and add one cupful of chopped nuts, either almonds, pecans or walnuts* Place the peaches in the bowl and cover with mayonnaise dressing made accord- ing to any satisfactory recipe* Chill and serve* 3 — 6 — ( ( fruit Royals H OLLOW out the center of a large sponge cake, leaving a floor of cake about an inch in thickness and walls of about the same width* Pour into this the contents of a can of Califo Brand fruit* Add shredded cocoanut, maraschino cherries, as desired, and powdered sugar* Cover with a thick layer of whipped cream, chill and serve* — 7 — fruit Gelatines O NE of the most attractive ways of serving fruit is in one of the forms of a fruit gelatine* The basic re- ceipt for such gelatines calls for one box of gelatine to one can of Califo Brand fruit, and this will make about two quarts of gelatine* Soak the box of gelatine in less than a pint of cold water until dissolved* Add a pint of boiling water and about one cupful of sugar* Drain the syrup from the can of fruit, and add this to the gela- tine mixture* Allow the gelatine to set in the mold until partially firm before adding the fruit, either whole or cut into squares* This will prevent it from settling to the bottom of the mold* Any variety of Califo Brand fruit may be used to advantage in a fruit gelatine, Peaches, Apricots, Bartlett Pears, Ha- waiian Pineapple, Plums, Cherries, or any of the others, either alone or in combina- tion* Chill the gelatine, and serve with whipped cream or other dressing* — 8 — ( fruit Sponges A SPONGE is made by adding the whipped whites of eggs to a gela- tine mixture, as given in a pre- ceding recipe, before the fruit is added or the mixture placed in the mold* Such a sponge mixture should be beaten until it commences to harden, and the Califo Brand fruit added, before placing in the mold* Fruit Sponges are very dainty and de- licious, although they are not as well known nor served as often as Fruit Gelatines* Sponges, as well as Gelatines, should be served, thoroughly chilled, with whipped cream or custard dressing* — 9 — ( Bavarian Cream D ISSOLVE one-half box of gelatine in one-half cupful of water* Heat to the boiling point a cupful of milk with one-half cupful of sugar and a pinch of salt* Add the softened gela- tine, then strain and add one-half cupful of chopped Califo or The Coast Brand fruit* Beat until it becomes cool and thickened, when add lightly a pint of cream well whipped and place on ice to harden* — 10 — € ( fruit Capiocas T HERE are many ways of preparing tapioca for puddings, but one of the most delicious and simplest, as well as the best to combine with fruit, is made as follows: Allow about three-fourths of a cupful of tapioca or sago to one quart of milk* Let the tapioca soak in a little of the cold milk until softened* Place the rest of the milk in a double boiler to heat, with two teaspoonfuls of sugar and one- half teaspoonful of salt* When the tapioca is soft, add it to the milk and cook until thick* The tapioca mixture is now ready to bake with the fruit* This may be done in different ways: Two cupfuls of Califo Brand fruit with its syrup may be added to the tapioca, stirred in well, and the whole browned in a baking dish or individual baking cups, care being used to prevent burning* If preferred, the whole pieces of Califo Brand fruit may be arranged in the bot- tom of the baking dish or cups, and the tapioca poured in on top of them and baked* When cool the whole may be turned out onto a serving platter* — 11 — ( fruit ^unhets M AKE the junket from junket tablets in accordance with the directions given in each junket package* Fill a large dish or individual cups with any variety of Califo Brand fruit, either whole or chopped* The fruit should fill the cups or dish from one-half to three- quarters full* On this pour the junket, and allow it to set quite firm before placing it on ice to chill* These Fruit Junkets are particularly appetizing and nourishing for the most delicate child or invalid* — 12 — fruit Blanc JVlange C ORNSTARCH Blanc Mange, made in the ordinary manner and poured over Califo fruit placed in a dish or in individual cups t as given for Fruit Junket, makes equally an appetizing and delicious a dish as the junket, and a much more attractive and appealing dish than a plain or chocolate Blanc Mange* — 13 — € v fruit Custards A CUSTARD made with three eggs and a cup each of flour and sugar may be poured over Califo Brand fruits placed in the bottom of a baking dish or individual baking cups, in the same manner as for Fruit Junket or Fruit Blanc Mange* Bake and chill thoroughly before serving* Use any variety of Califo Brand fruit, as all will give excellent results* Peaches, Apricots or Bartlett Pears may be used as they come from the can, or cut into small squares, as desired, but Plums should be pitted and shredded* — 14 — c fruit Rice pudding P ARTIALLY cook one large teacup- ful of rice in just enough water to leave it fairly dry* Line the sides and bottom of an unbuttered earthenware pudding dish with this rice, then pour nearly full with Califo or The Coast Brand fruit* Cover with balance of the rice, tie a cloth tightly over the top and steam one hour* Serve with a sweet sauce or fruit syrup* — 15 — fruit Souffle D RAIN any variety of Califo or The Coast Brand fruit, chop, and rub through a sieve until pulpy, mak- ing the pulp as dry as possible* Stir about one cupful of this pulp with a cup- ful of powdered sugar and the beaten yolks of three eggs* Whisk together for about ten minutes* Beat separately the whites of the eggs until quite stiff, then fold carefully into the egg and fruit mixture* Turn the whole into a baking dish, sprinkle with sugar, and bake in a brisk oven until well browned* — 16 — r fruit Snow P REPARE the fruit pulp as for Fruit Souffle* Whip stiff the whites of three eggs with a pinch of salt and six or eight tablespoonfuls of pow- dered sugar, beating these well into the egg* Add a cupful of the pulp gradually at the same time with the sugar, first a little sugar, then a little pulp, and so on* Continue whipping until the snow has risen to over a quart in bulk, for it will swell enormously* Chopped nuts, raisins or grated cocoanut may be added if desired* Do not cook, but chill thoroughly before serving* Fruit Snow is particularly delicious when made with The Coast Brand grated Hawaiian Pineapple* c Cracker pudding O NE large teacupful cracker crumbs. One quart of milk. Yolks of three eggs. One whole egg. Pinch of salt* Bake in a moderate oven until done. Cover with Califo or The Coast fruit, already warmed, and serve. — 18 — ( fruit Crifles C UT the contents of a can of Califo or The Coast Peaches, Pears, Apri- cots or Pineapple into small pieces* If Plums or Prunes are used, shred and remove pits* Fill a baking dish with alternate layers of sponge cake, sprinkled with shredded cocoanut, and the fruit, making each layer about one-half inch in thickness* Pour over the top the yolks of three eggs whipped with one-half cup of sugar* Bake until brown, then add a meringue of the whites of the eggs, replace in oven until well browned and serve when cold, with whipped cream, if desired* This is a very simple but delicious fruit dessert, and should be tried with every variety of Califo or The Coast fruit. Greater variety may be obtained, and small left-over portions of the fruit util- ized if alternate fruit layers are made of different fruits, such as pears and pineapple* — 19 — ( fruit pudding, Uncooked P LACE in the bottom of a buttered baking dish a loose layer of lady fingers or broken pieces of sponge cake* Pour over this a layer of Califo Brand fruit of any variety, allowing the syrup to soak thoroughly into the lower layer, which should be at least an inch thick* If Califo Brand Peaches, Apricots or Pears are used, they may be arranged with the cut side of each halved fruit down, or may be sliced or chopped* Cover the fruit with a thick layer of whipped cream, or a layer of Fruit Snow, as given in a preceding recipe* Chill and serve without cooking* — 20 — /_ c fruit Bread puddings C HOP or shred the fruit of a can of Califo or The Coast Brand into small pieces, although the large pieces may be used if preferred* Place one-half of the fruit and syrup in a pud- ding dish* Have ready one and one-half pints of bread crumbs mixed with a table- spoonful of butter, one-half cup of sugar, a cup of warm water and, lastly, the beaten whites of two eggs* Place this on the fruit in the baking dish, and pour over it the remainder of the fruit* Grate a little nutmeg over the fruit, and sprinkle on a few spoonfuls of bread crumbs and a little sugar* Bake covered an hour and a quarter, removing cover the last few minutes to brown* Serve with a hard or sweet sauce, cream or the remainder of the fruit syrup* Delmomco pudding T AKE three tablespoonfuls of corn- starch t the yolks of three eggs, and one-half cupful of sugar* Beat the eggs until light, then add the sugar, beating all the time* Mix the cornstarch with a little milk* Combine the eggs and the cornstarch, and add to one quart of milk with a pinch of salt in it just as it is about to boil* Stir until well thickened* Pour this into a pudding dish and place in the oven until stiff enough to bear a layer of fruit* Place Califo Peaches, Apricots or other fruit in a layer on top of this, cut side down* It will improve the pudding if the fruit syrup is added to the pudding mixture* Beat the whites of the eggs into a stiff froth, adding gradually one cupful of powdered sugar* Pour this over the fruit layer and brown quickly in the oven* — 22 — / fruit Charlottes L INE a well-buttered baking dish, both sides and bottom, with slices of bread and butter dipped in milk* Pour in any variety of Califo Brand fruit from which two-thirds of the syrup has been drained* Cover with thick slices of bread and butter dipped in milk and bake* When done, turn out, sift sugar over the loaf and cover with whipped cream* — 23 — * / i fruit Omelette S HRED the contents of a can of Calif o or The Coast fruit and cook gently until the juice is somewhat reduced* Make a five-egg omelette and fold in the hot fruit while the omelette is still somewhat soft* Dust the top thickly with sugar and brown* A quick and delicious luncheon dessert* The Coast Brand Grated Pineapple used in this manner makes a delicious pine- apple omelette* — 24 — / € n ”€ fruit Omelette No. 2 B EAT three eggs thoroughly with a tablespoonful of sugar, adding just at the last a teaspoonful each of lemon juice and fruit pulp, together with a pinch of salt. The omelette pan should be heated, containing a teaspoonful of melted butter or oil. Place the eggs therein and as they cook break the omelette once in a while with a silver fork. When still quite moist, sprinkle on top of one-half of it a cupful of the fruit pulp, fold over, brown and serve at once, sprinkling sugar over the top. — 25 — / £ pineapple Muffins T O two well-beaten eggs add gradu- ally one teacupful of sweet milk and one-third of a cupful of butter, melted* Thicken with one sifted quart of flour in which has been mixed three teaspoonfuls of baking powder, a heap- ing teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of salt* When thoroughly beaten add one cup of Califo or The Coast Brand Grated Ha- waiian Pineapple and bake until quite done in hot greased muffin pans* This will require about one-half hour* Fill the muffin pans a trifle over half full* — 26 — pineapple Compote C OOK rice after the Southern style, boiling quickly in a large quantity of hot water, draining through a sieve and drying in the oven or on the back of the range* Make the hot rice into little mounds on the dish from which it is to be served, and place on top of each mound a slice of Califo Brand sliced Hawaiian Pineapple* Place a maraschino cherry in the center of each slice of pineapple if desired* Make a sauce by adding butter, sugar, a little boiling water and a dash of lemon to the juice of the pineapple from the can* Pour this over the rice and pineapple, and serve warm* Use either as a dessert or as an entree, as desired* — 27 — Charlotte Russe mXb pineapple C OOK a can of The Coast Grated Pine- apple with a cupful of sugar and a teaspoonful of dissolved gelatine* Dilute with a little water if necessary* Stew for a few minutes, then rub through a colander and place on ice* When it is on the point of setting, add a pint of whipped cream, mix it well, and place in the Charlotte Russe mold lined with sponge cake or lady fingers* — 28 — Stewed prunes I NSTEAD of the long soaking and stewing of ordinary dried prunes, empty a can of Califo Brand prepared prunes into a serving dish* If desired, flavor with a dash of sherry, lemon juice, or nutmeg or cinnamon* Not only is all trouble and expense so saved, but the results will be much su- perior to any obtained with dried fruit* — 29 — /_ c c prune Croquettes S TIFFEN the pulp from a can of Calif o Brand Prepared Prunes with fine cracker or bread crumbs t adding also, if desired, chopped nuts* Roll in egg, then in crumbs, and fry in a deep kettle of boiling fat* Serve hot* — 30 — f prune Soup S ET the contents of a can of Califo Brand Prepared Prunes on the back of the stove and add an equal quan- tity of water* Let them come slowly to the boiling point* Add a little cinnamon and lemon juice and two tablespoonfuls of tapioca or sago* Allow the whole to simmer until the tapioca is dissolved, then add a half cupful of claret and let it boil up quickly* Strain through a colander after re- moving, and serve hot or cold, as de- sired* An excellent and unusual soup for a summer luncheon* — 31 — Gden Vale prune 5ttbip T AKE one can of Califo Brand Pre- pared Prunes, one-third of a pint V ) of thick cream, the whites of six eggs and raspberry or currant jelly ♦ After thoroughly draining the primes from their syrup, pit them and rub them through a colander, avoiding rubbing the skin through as much as possible* Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, then by degrees beat this into the prune pulp* If not sweet enough to suit the taste, add a tablespoonful of sugar* The delicateness of this dish depends largely upon the thoroughness with which these two ingredients are beaten together* When they are well beaten pour them into a glass dish* Whip the cream and spread evenly over the top, then flick the whipped cream with bits of the jelly* — 32 — ( paetry for fruit pice potato paste, without Shortening T O three-fourths pint very mealy potatoes, add one-half teaspoonful salt and sufficient flour to make quite stiff* Soften this with cream suf- ficiently to roll out easily. Bake quickly. Oatmeal paste, without Shortening S CALD two cupfuls fine oatmeal with one cup of boiling water, mixing thoroughly. Roll thin and line pie tins, then bake lightly before filling with pie mixture. pastry JVIade with Cream O NE and three-fourths pints of flour in which has been sifted a half- teaspoonful of baking powder and same amount of salt. Mix into this quickly one cup of cream, rolling thin the resulting dough. Spread on this one dessertspoonful of butter, roll over and roll out again. — 33 — Bread Dough paste R OLL shavings of butter in bread dough, rolling out and spreading it three times. plain pastry, with Shortening W ITH three cupfuls of flour, sift one teaspoonful of salt and one- half teaspoonful of baking pow- der. Rub into this three-fourths of a cup of shortening. Moisten with just enough ice water to bind together and roll out. If finely chopped beef suet is used for shortening, use one-half cupful to each cupful of flour. fruit pic fillings A FRUIT PIE usually brings to one's mind a solid crust, no matter how light or well made — filled with one of the cheaper grades of canned or evapo- rated fruit — fruit that, in general, one would hesitate from serving in any other way* Such grades of fruit have come to be known as “Pie Fruit/' and the general impression exists that it is at least un- necessary or inadvisable to use better grades of fruit for this purpose* Such, however, is not the case* A deep pie crust, baked hard so as not to absorb the juice, and filled with Califo or The Coast Brand Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches, or other fruit, makes a pie that is, in the estimation of many, superior in flavor and richness to one made with fresh peaches, and inconceivably better than one made with "Pie Fruit" or evaporated peaches* A pie so made must be tasted once to be fully appreciated — but once tasted, other pies lose their flavor and become altogether insipid* Make Califo or The Coast pies deep, and fill liberally* Peach Pies, by the way, may be varied* There are Lemon Cling, White Heath and Yellow Free Peaches, each with its own distinctive flavor* — 36 — ( Unusual fruit pic fillings I T must also be recognized that the usual old-fashioned pies t even when made with Califo fruits, are not the only delicious combinations of pie crust and fruit that can be made* Others can only be suggested here* For summer a most pleasing pie can be made by arranging the large, luscious pieces of Califo fruit in the empty crust and pouring over it a gelatine mixture, using the syrups from the can, thinned with water* When this has set, cover with a layer of whipped cream* In colder weather, a custard filling may be substituted for the gelatine, and served hot, if desired* Or the crust may simply be filled with heavily whipped cream, in which the delicious pieces of Califo fruit are hidden* These are merely suggestions, which may be varied indefinitely at will* — 36 — ; t Califo peach pie L INE the bottom and sides of a deep pie tin with dough and bake to a hard pie crust. Remove from the pan when baked, and allow to cool, then place on a serving platter. Fill the crust thickly with halved Califo Peaches, arranging carefully so that all of the cut sides are down. Add to the syrup one teaspoonful of gelatine, dissolved in cold water. Bring to a boil, then pour over the peaches in the pie crust. It should not cover them completely. When ready to serve, cover with a thickly beaten layer of whipped cream, dotted with Maraschino Cherries. Serve cold. — 37 — ( Spider pies P LACE the contents of a can of Califo or The Coast Peaches, Apricots, Bartlett Pears or other fruit in the bottom of an earthenware baking dish, and cover with a thick crust, as for Fruit Cobbler* When baked, remove the cover whole* Place one-half of the fruit on a serving platter, and then place over it the crust, turned upside down, then the rest of the fruit* Serve with cream* — 38 — Carts A TART is most commonly regarded as a fruit pie in which the upper crust is lacking, or only partially replaced by lattice strips* A tart, there- fore, requires fruit that will appeal not only to the taste, but to the eye as well, and for this there is no fruit more suitable than Califo or The Coast Peaches, Pears, Apricots or Pineapple* The fruit should be carefully arranged in the open crust, cut side down, and as tightly packed as possible* Over it should be poured the syrup, and the whole baked until the syrup thickens* Individual tarts can be made by lining muffin pans with crust, and placing in each a half of a Califo Peach or Apricot* — 39 — fruit Cobblers P ACK the halved portions of Califo or The Coast Peaches, Apricots or Bartlett Pears in the bottom of a deep earthenware baking-dish, standing the pieces on edge and pressing closely. Over the fruit, on which the syrup should be poured, place a crust of light but thick pastry. Pinch this down around the edges t slash the center, and prick well. Bake until brown. Serve hot or cold with cream. fruit Sbortcahes R UB half a pound of fresh butter into a pound of flour, add a pinch of salt, four tablespoonfuls of pow- dered sugar, a beaten egg and as much milk as will make a smooth dough* Roll out about a quarter of an inch thick and bake on tin until lightly colored* The foregoing is a good recipe for short- cake* For the filling, one of the most delicious shortcakes imaginable may be made by using two layers of either Califo or The Coast Peaches or Apricots, cut side down, and carefully arranged* Pour the syrup over the whole shortcake and the result will be as appetizing as though fresh strawberries had been used* Califo Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, each slice cut into blocks, also makes a tempt- ing shortcake* — 41 — 4 Rice Sbortcahe (An Unusual Recipe) R UB six ounces of butter into a pound of finely ground rice; add a pinch of salt and as much cold water as is necessary to make a smooth dough* Roll this out, stamp it into cakes and bake in a brick oven; then use the same as other pastry for shortcakes* — 42 — Batter for fruit fritters T O one cupful of flour add a good pinch of salt and a half teaspoon- ful of baking powder* Sift well* Into the middle of this stir two well beaten eggs and half a cupful each of sugar and milk, beating the whole thor- oughly* If one egg only is used, use a full tea- spoonful of baking powder* — 48 — / e pineapple fritters D RAIN the slices of a can of Califo or The Coast Hawaiian Pineapple, and cut each slice into halves* Dip each half into fritter batter and fry in a kettle of hot fat* Dust with powdered sugar and serve with the Pineapple juice* Or, if Grated Pineapple is used, mix one cupful of fruit, drained, to three cup- fuls of batter* — 44 — Bahed fruit Dumplings R OLL out biscuit dough rather thin and cut in about four-inch squares. Place Califo, or The Coast Fruit of any variety, in the center of the square of dough, draw up the four corners of the same, and pinch together at the top. Place in a baking pan rather close to- gether, and pour over them the fruit syrup. Sprinkle cinnamon over the top of each. Bake in a brisk oven about forty minutes. This is the best form of fruit dumplings. Boiled Dumplings P REPARE the Dumplings as for Baked Dumplings, tie each one into a cloth, plunge into boiling water and boil hard for an hour and a half. — 46 — /. ! c Simple Biscuit Dough S IFT one teaspoonful of salt and two rounding teaspoonfuls of baking powder into one quart of flour and rub into the whole one heaping table- spoonful of shortening* In the center pour gradually one pint of sweet milk, or part milk and part water, making a soft dough with as little mixing as pos- sible* Cup Dumplings P LACE a half of a Califo or The Coast Brand Peach or Apricot in the bot- tom of a well greased cup, and drop on top of it a tablespoonful of simple biscuit dough* Bake or steam for forty minutes* Serve with a custard or liquid sauce* If desired, the cup may also be lined with the dough before putting in the fruit* Any Califo or The Coast Brand Fruits are suitable for — and make— delicious J Cup Dumplings* — 46 — fruit Curnovers T AKE one pound of puff paste and roll out quite thin* Cut Into circles, lay a large half section of Califo Peaches on one-half of the circle and fold the other half over it, pinching the edges together* Bake twenty min- utes* Serve hot or cold with the syrup from the peaches, or other sauce* 2 — 47 — fruit Suet pudding H EAT a quart of milk and mix with a pint of New Orleans molasses, then let cook Add to this one- fourth pound chopped suet and four eggs beaten light, a teaspoon each of ginger and cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg* Add sufficient Indian meal to make a thick batter* Into this batter stir a pint of canned peaches, or other fruit, chopped small if preferred, and carefully drained of all syrup* Place in pudding cloth dipped in hot water then dredged with flour, leaving room to swell* Boil hard for five hours. Serve with hard sauce, or, preferably, with the syrup previously drained from the fruit, boiled down slightly if desired. i Steamed fruit pudding M IX well a cup of flour and two of bread crumbs with half a cupful of chopped nuts t preferably almonds* Stir in the yolks of three eggs t three-fourths of a cupful of sugar, a little lemon juice and two heaping cupfuls of chopped fruit, Calif o or The Coast Peaches, Apricots, Pears or Pineapple* Last, add the stiffly whipped whites of the three eggs* Place in a buttered mould and steam two hours* Serve with the fruit syrup* 49 — < ( •> Commcal fruit pudding I NTO one quart of scalded milk stir three rounded tablespoonfuls of corn- meal t one tablespoonful of flour, one tablespoonftil of butter and two-thirds of a cup of molasses* Let it thicken on the stove, stirring all the time to prevent burning* Stir in a large cupful of chopped Califo Fruit, any variety, and a teaspoonful of ginger* Set in a moderate oven and bake until done — probably about an hour* — 50 — 1 I peach Batter pudding D RAIN a can of Califo or The Coast Peaches* Beat well three eggs, and take one tablespoonful butter, one-half teaspoonful salt, two cups flour. Sift the flour and salt together, rub in the butter until perfectly fine; beat the eggs and add to the milk, stirring them slowly into the flour* Beat to a smooth batter and pour half of it into a buttered pudding dish hold- ing two quarts* Pour in the drained fruit and add the rest of the batter* Bake in a quick oven half an hour and serve at once* — 51 ( ( Baked peach thudding P LACE a can of Califo Peaches (halves) in a stewing pan with their syrup and heat thoroughly ♦ While still hot, place in a warmed pudding dish and pour this batter over them* To one quart of milk take six eggs and six tablespoonfuls of flour* Beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately, stir the flour to a paste with half a cup of cold milk, placing the remainder of the milk on to boil* Add the yolks to the flour when the milk boils, stir into it the mixture, and keep stirring until it thickens* Then add the whites, quickly beating the whole and pouring it over the peaches* Bake half an hour and serve with custard sauce* Also excellent with Califo Pears, Apri- cots, Cherries or other fruit* — 52 — fruit pudding R UB butter the size of an egg into a pint of flour, and add half a tea- spoonful of salt and a large tea- spoonful of baking powder* Beat one egg until light, add it to a pint of milk, and pour this over the flour; give it a thorough beating and pour the whole into a greased pudding dish* The batter should be about an inch thick* Place the halves of a can of Califo Peaches or Apricots on top of this batter and bake in a quick oven thirty minutes* Serve hot with cream and sugar. i — 53 — i t fruit pudding 1 S TIR two tablespoonfuls thick cream in a pint of buttermilk, add a scant teaspoonful of soda, a teacupful of sugar, and enough sifted flour to make a light batter. Butter a pudding dish and place in it any Califo or The Coast Fruit to the depth of an inch or more, and pour the batter over it* When it is baked, turn it bottom side up on a large platter and serve with cream* — 54 — c fruit pudding, Boiled M AKE a thick batter of one cup of flour into which has been sifted a teaspoonful of baking powder, three-quarters of a cup of milk and two well beaten eggs* Stir in as many Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches, Sliced Apricots or other Califo or The Coast Fruit as it will hold, turn into a buttered dish and plunge into boiling water, which must not cease boiling for an hour, or it will be heavy* Serve hot with hard sauce* — 56 — c %> €> Old-fashioned Batter pudding T HIS is an old-fashioned foundation batter pudding, which may be used plain with a fresh or stewed fruit sauce or the fruit cooked with the pudding* The pudding may be baked in a buttered dish for thirty-five minutes, or boiled in a close covered mould in rapidly boiling water for two hours* To a pint of cold milk allow two eggs, a little salt and four tablespoonfuls of flour* Sufficient for four people* Pineapple and potato pudding P RESS through a coarse sieve enough parboiled sweet potatoes to make a pint of pulp, which must be added to a little less than a half pint of sugar, creamed with an even tablespoonful of butter and the well-beaten yolks of three eggs* Mix in the potato pulp slowly, beating all the while to keep the mixture light* Then stir in a large cupful of new milk, another of grated Hawaiian Pineapple, The Coast Brand, half a teaspoonful of vanilla, and lastly, the well-beaten whites of the three eggs* Bake in a pudding dish in a moderate oven* Serve with cream sauce or pine- apple syrup* — 57 — ( ( Pear Klosse (A German Dish) 1% M INCE finely the pears from a can of It 1 Califo or The Coast Brand Bartlett Pears, after draining from them the syrup* Mix with them half a grated nutmeg, two ounces of clarified sugar, a dash of lemon juice, four well-beaten eggs, and enough bread crumbs to make the mixture stiff and smooth* Mould into egg shape with the bowl of a large spoon, drop into boiling water and simmer half an hour. Serve on a hot dish with powdered sugar and a trifle of cinnamon* — 58 — 6 Calif o prune Roll M AKE a sweet biscuit dough* Roll this dough out thin, and cover with a thick layer of shredded Califo Prepared Prunes* Cover the prunes with a layer of chopped nuts, and sprinkle the whole with nutmeg* Roll over as for jelly roll, and bake in a moderate oven for an hour* Serve with whipped cream or hard sauce* — 69 — plum Duff R EMOVE the flesh from Califo or The Coast Brand Damson t Egg or Green Gage Plums* Mix a sweet, soft biscuit dough with the plum pulp, allowing one quart of fruit pulp to each pint of flour In the dough* Tie up In a pudding cloth and boll hard for three hours* Serve with a hard or brandy sauce* . — 60 — a Steamed peach pudding M IX well a cup of flour and two of bread crumbs with half a cup of chopped nuts (almonds prefer- ably)* Stir in the yolks of three eggs, three-fourths cup of sugar, a little lemon juice, two heaping cups of Califo Peaches, chopped or sliced, and, last, the stiff- whipped whites of the eggs* Place in buttered mould and steam two hours* Serve with the syrup from the peaches* — 61 — /• prune pudding T AKE three tablespoonfuls of sugar, two of butter, one egg, one large cup of buttermilk, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in milk, one and one- half cups of Califo Prepared Prunes, seeded and chopped fine, one and one-half cups of flour, a little salt and nutmeg* Steam three hours* This is to be served with a sauce made of one cup of butter, one spoonful of flour, a cup of sugar and two cups of hot water* Boil thoroughly and flavor* * — 62 — Sbermed peach pudding L INE a dish with stale sponge cake dipped in sherry f and heap on this the Califo Peaches* Spread a meringue over the top and brown quickly by placing the dish in another larger one filled with ice water* In this way the top will brown without heating the contents* Serve with cream* — 08 — ( Pineapple Sponge pudding C OVER the bottom of a buttered baking dish with a layer of crushed or grated The Coast Grated Hawaiian Pineapple, and pour over it a sponge cake batter made by any reliable recipe* Bake until the batter leaves a broom straw clean* Serve with the fruit syrup* # — 64 — peaches (Sdytbe D RAIN and wipe the halved peaches of a can of Califo Lemon Cling or White Heath Peaches, and lay, cut side up, on a flat serving dish* Mix equal parts of brandy and apricot or currant jelly, though apricot is by far the best, and fill the center of each peach* Pour brandy over the whole mass and light* Serve blazing* > — 65 — / c Sauces for puddings T HE best sauce for most fruit pud- dings is the heavy syrup in which Califo fruits are preserved, and which should be saved for this purpose. plain F)ard Sauce S TIR together one cupful of sugar and half a cupful of butter until it is creamy and light. Add flavoring to taste. Caramel Sauce P LACE a saucepan on the fire. When it becomes hot, put into it four tablespoonfuls of sugar and one tablespoonful of water. Stir it contin- ually for three or four minutes, until the water evaporates. Then watch it care- fully until it becomes a delicate brown. Have ready a pint of cold water and a cupful of sugar, mixed with some flavor- ing, such as vanilla. Turn this into the saucepan at the right instant, and let it simmer for ten minutes. Add a half glass of brandy or wine. — 66 — Brandy Sauce S TIR a heaping teaspoonful of corn- starch into a little cold water* Add to it a cupful of boiling water with a cupful of sugar t and a piece of butter the size of an egg* Boil together for ten minutes* Remove from the fire and allow it to cool* Stir into it half a cupful of wine or brandy* It should be about as thick as a thin syrup* plain Sauce A GOOD SAUCE to go with plain fruit puddings is made by mixing one cupful of brown sugar t one cupful of molasses, half a cupful of butter, one large teaspoonful of flour* Add the juice and grated rind of one lemon, half a nutmeg grated, half a teaspoonful of cloves and cinnamon* When these are all stirred together, add a teacupful of boiling water, stir constantly, put into a saucepan and boil until clear, then strain* I — 67 — f)ot Cream Sauce P UT half a pint of new milk on the fire, and when it boils stir into it one teaspoonful of flour, four ounces of sugar and the well-beaten yolks of three eggs* Remove from the fire and add the grated rind and juice from one lemon* Stir it well and serve hot* Common Sweet Sauce I NTO a pint of water stir a paste made of a tablespoonful of cornstarch or flour (rubbed smooth with a little cold water)* Add a cupful of sugar and a tablespoonful of vinegar* Cook well for three minutes* Take from the fire and add a piece of butter the size of a small egg* When cool, flavor with vanilla or other extract* — 68 — / t t Ice Cream F OR a plain foundation ice cream, use an equal quantity of new milk and cream* Heat to boiling point (not beyond), adding one cup of sugar with a pinch of salt* Let cool before adding fruit juice or pulp, or both, with perhaps a little lemon juice to bring out the flavor* It is often advisable, where the fruit juice is uncooked or very tart, to partially freeze the cooled cream and milk before adding the juice* About one heaping teaspoonful of gela- tine (dissolved before adding) for each pint of the milk and cream gives the smoothness of a mousse, which is also at- tained by the addition of whipped cream* Evaporated cream or condensed milk may be used with excellent results* Whipped cream and the whipped whites of eggs in equal portion may be frozen and merely flavored with fruit juice or have added an equal part of sweetened fruit pulp* fruit Icee and Sherbets M AKE a syrup in the general propor- tion of one quart of water to a pound of sugar, with a pinch of salt, and boil five minutes* The sweetness or tartness of the fruit used necessitates varying the amount of sugar* When cold add to the syrup a pint of fruit pulp* Sherbets or “sorbets” are made by the adding to the ice made as above, when partially frozen, the whipped white of an egg (or two if liked) for the above quan- tity, or with a little sugar added* Granites are coarse-grained ices packed in the can and set away without stirring for an hour, when the sides are scraped fresh and the mixture re-packed* This is twice repeated* It is not until the ice is scraped and stirred that the fruit is added, lightly mixed in* froze n Custard T O one quart of heated milk, add three well-beaten eggs, one cup of sugar, and a pinch of salt* Cool, add the fruit or juice desired, and freeze* With custard, also, it is sometimes best to partially freeze before adding to it the fruit juice* l — 71 — Pineapple Ice Cream ]Vo* 1 P ARTIALLY freeze one quart of cream, one cup of sugar and one quart of milk before adding one quart of The Coast Grated Hawaiian Pineapple, which has been allowed to stand with a little sugar and lemon or orange juice* Complete freezing* — 72 — Califo peach Sherbet M ASH a few pieces of Califo Lemon Cling or White Heath Peaches and make a sherbet or ice, using all of the syrup from the cam Place the half of a Califo Peach in each sherbet glass, round side down, and set these glasses on ice to chill* When ready to serve, heap up the sher- bet or ice in the glasses, and sprinkle with chopped nuts or Maraschino cherries* I — 73 — Califo pineapple Ice D RAIN the syrup from a can of Califo Pineapple, and thoroughly chill the slices* Make a sherbet or water ice, using this syrup and as much The Coast Grated Pineapple as desired* When ready to serve, place one slice of the chilled Pineapple on each plate, and cover with a heaping cone of the ice, plac- ing a Maraschino cherry at the top of each mound* — 74 — frozen peaches or Hpricots F OR one can of Califo or The Coast Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches or Apricots, use two coffee cupfuls of sugar and a pint of water* Break the peaches slightly, mix with the water and sugar, and let stand half an hour, stirring once in a while to dissolve the sugar* Then add the stiff-whipped whites of three eggs , place in mould, and pack in salt and ice for six hours* frozen prunes P IT the contents of one can of Califo Prepared Prunes, breaking the fruit as little as possible* Dissolve one and one-half cups of sugar in one pint of water* Mix the prunes, sugar and water, and the stiff-whipped whites of three eggs so as to break the fruit very little* Place in mould and pack in ice and salt for six hours* — 76 — •r frozen pineapple Cuetard A DD to a quart of milk a teacup of sugar and bring to a boil* Add four well-beaten eggs and let the mixture thicken, watching carefully, how- ever, that the mixture does not again become thin* Let this cool, then add one pint of grated The Coast Hawaiian Pine- apple and freeze* A little lemon juice will bring out the fruit flavor* — 77 — ( plum Ices R UB Califo or The Coast Green Gage, Damson or Egg Plums to a pulp through a colander* Sweeten to taste and use as for other Ices* A good plan is to boil the pulp and syrup, adding the sugar necessary and about half as much water as pulp* Then allow to cool and freeze* — 78 — Grape Ice Cream T HE pulp of Califo White Muscat Grapes mixed with the syrup from the can t makes an excellent base for Ice Cream, using one quart of this pulp to one quart of rich cream and one quart of milk, with about one cupful of sugar* A dash of lemon will bring out the grape flavor more strongly* — 79 — pear Ice or Sherbet T HE contents of a can of Califo Pears may be used to good advantage in preparing pear ices* Mash the fruit in its own syrup until it can be put through a coarse sieve* Add the juice of one lemon or a little wine* The addition of the whipped whites of eggs, when the fruit is partly frozen, will make the ordinary sherbet* Or, the mashed fruit may be added to an ordinary ice cream or custard foundation, and frozen* I — 80 — frozen Cherries T HE dark Califo Cherries give the finest results for frozen cherries* Stone, without cutting, one quart of Cherries and place them in their syrup* Add a wineglass of Maraschino* Sweeten to taste* Let stand an hour or more* Place in freezer, pack and let stand in ice and salt six hours* » — 81 ~ Iced pudding B OIL one scant half-teaspoonful of arrowroot in one pint of new milk, and into it stir one and one-half quarts of hot milk* Then add three cups of sugar, three well-beaten eggs, and a pound of Califo or The Coast Brand fruit of any variety, chopped fine* Freeze hard* — 82 — f rc2en Rice pudding with fruit M AKE a thin rice pudding, using plenty of milk, and a large amount of Califo or The Coast Brand fruit of any variety* Cook until the rice is very tender* Allow the pudding to cool thoroughly, then skim the top clean and pour into the freezer, adding more milk if necessary* Frozen Rice Pudding is best when not frozen quite as hard as plain ice cream* — 83 — f rc2cn 'Capioca Custard P UT one cup of pearl tapioca, with two cups of milk, into the double boiler* Cook for one hour* Add two cups of milk and one-half cupful of granulated sugar* Cook for ten minutes, stirring frequently, then add the beaten yolks of two eggs and cook for one minute more* Take from the fire and cool* Add one cupful of grated Hawaiian Pineapple or other fruit and put into the freezer* When partly frozen, add one cupful of cream beaten to a stiff, dry froth* Finish freezing, pack and let stand at least an hour before serving* — 84 — / fruit Snow f ro2en P ACK the Snow as made in the recipe for Fruit Snow in a mould, and set in a mixture of ice and salt for six hours before serving* — 85 — » peach JYLousse and Russe T O each cup of peach pulp allow a heaping teaspoonful of gelatine* Dissolve gelatine in one-third cup- ful of cold water t then place over steam to dissolve, and strain into the Califo Peach Pulp* Sweeten well, and add a little lemon juice* Coat the lining of a fancy mold with a tablespoonful of melted gela- tine, then pour in the above mixture, pack well, cover with ice, and freeze six hours* Make the Russe in a similar manner, but fold in at the last a pint of whipped cream and the grated rind of a lemon, instead of the lemon juice* Use also a little almond flavoring* These may be used as filling for a mold lined with vanilla ice cream* — 86 — i * pineapple JHousse P LACE in a saucepan with one cup of The Coast Grated Hawaiian Pine- apple, one-half cup of sugar, one- fourth cup of water, and simmer for five minutes* Add juice of one lemon, take from fire, cool, stir in one cup of whipped cream or one-fourth cup of gelatine dis- solved in one-fourth cup of water, pack the mould around with ice and let stand two hours* — 87 peach JYLelba S AUCE* A good substitute for the usual sauce made by boiling a pound of fresh raspberries with one-third of a cupful of sugar, and straining, is to soften a glass of good raspberry jelly with boiling water, straining through a fine sieve* Both the Califo Peaches and the sauce should be put in the ice box some hours before serving* Put a round piece of sponge cake about half an inch thick in the bottom of a deep plate* Cover this with a layer of about an inch of vanilla ice cream* On top of the cream, arrange the peaches, and over all pour the chilled raspberry sauce* A good sauce for Peach Melba comes already prepared* — 88 — / ( peach Cetra22iru P LACE a Califo halved Lemon Cling Peach in a tall grape-fruit glass* Surround with sliced oranges, pieces of Califo Sliced Pineapple, or strawberries if in season* Pour over the fruit Port wine and Maraschino, and cover with vanilla ice cream* If desired, pour the same sauce over the ice cream as for Peach Melba* pineapple kayer Cahe^JNfo, 1 B EAT together one and one-half cup- fuls of sugar, one-half cup of butter, 9 When creamy , add one cup sweet milk and two and one-half cupfuls of flour sifted with one teaspoonful baking powder and a saltspoonful of salt. Flavor with a few drops of almond and vanilla. Lastly, beat in lightly the whites of four well- whipped eggs and bake in two layers. Do not ice cake until cold. For icing, soak one-third box of gelatine in a little water, then beat until dissolved. In a separate bowl whip well the whites of two eggs, adding to them when stiff one- half cupful of sugar, the dissolved gelatine, two cupfuls of The Coast grated Hawaiian Pineapple, Stand in cold place one-half day before using. — 90 — paradise puricb Sarah Tyson Rorer* O NE-HALF dozen lemons* One pound sugar* One can grated pineapple* Three oranges Grate the yellow rind from three lemons and two oranges* Put the sugar into a saucepan with one quart of water* Add the grated rind and stir over the fire until it boils* Boil five minutes and strain* When cool, add the juice of all the lemons and oranges, and the pineapple* At serving time put it with a block of ice in the punch bowl and dilute with two quarts Apollinaris or plain water* This will serve twenty persons* — 91 — / Hawaiian pineapple Salad C ALIFO Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple makes a delicious salad course for a luncheon* Serve it, minced, with Mayonnaise or French dressing, on lettuce leaves* Can be mixed to good advantage with grape-fruit, shredded, tart apples or halved Malaga grapes* The syrup should be drained off and saved for sherbets or pudding sauces* — 92 — fiawaiian pineapple Salad M IX one cup chopped Calif oHawaua 11 Pineapple with a shredded grape- fruit and a half cup of chopped nuts or celery* Add some Maraschino cherries, and serve on lettuce, with Mayon- naise dressing* — 93 — / Inde* Page Apricots, en Surprise 5 No special recipes are given for apricots, as they can be used wherever peaches are used. See peaches, also the general recipes, such as puddings, pies, fritters, etc. Bavarian Cream 10 Biscuit Dough, Simple 46 Blanc Mange, Fruit 13 Charlotte Russe with Pineapple 28 Charlottes, Fruit 23 Cherries, Royal Anne or Black Frozen 81 For other recipes for cherries, see the general recipes, puddings, pies, ice creams, etc. Cobblers, Fruit 40 Dressings for Fruit 4 Dumplings Cup 46 Fruit 45 Fritters Batter for 43 Pineapple 44 Gelatines, Fruit 8 How to Serve Canned Fruit 3 Ice Cream, Ices and Sherbets Califo Peach Sherbet 73 Califo Pineapple Ice 74 Frozen Cherries 81 ** Custard 71 “ Peaches or Apricots 75 “ Pineapple Custard 77 “ Prunes 76 “ Rice Pudding 83 “ Tapioca Custard 84 Fruit Snow Frozen 85 Grape Ice Cream 79 Ice Cream, basis for fruit 69 Ices and Sherbets, Fruit 70 Iced Pudding 82 Pear Ice or Sherbet 80 Pineapple Ice Cream 72 Plum Ice 78 Snow, Fruit, frozen 85 Jellies, Fruit (see Gelatines), Junket, Fruit 12 Omelette, Fruit No, 1 24 No, 2 25 Paradise Punch 91 c Inde* Page Peaches, Lemon Cling, White Heath orYellowFree Califo Peach Pie 37 Califo Peach Salad 6 Califo Peach Sherbet 73 Frozen Peaches 75 Peaches, Edy the 65 Peaches, en Surprise 5 Peach Melba 88 Peach Mousse and Russe 86 Peach Tetrazzini 89 Sherried Peach Pudding 63 Steamed Peach Pudding 61 See also all of the general recipes, puddings, pies, ice creams, snow, etc* Pears, Bartlett Pear Ice or Sherbet 80 Pear Klosse 58 See also the general recipes, puddings, 'pies, etc. Pies, Fruit Califo Peach Pie 37 Fruit Pie Fillings 35 Pastry for Fruit Pies 33, 34 Spider Pies 38 Unusual Fruit Pie Fillings 36 Pineapple, Hawaiian Califo Pineapple Ice 74 Compote of 27 Charlotte Russe with Pineapple 28 Fritters 44 Frozen Pineapple Custard 77 Hawaiian Pineapple Salad 92 Hawaiian Pineapple Salad No, 2 93 Ice Cream 72 Layer Cake 90 Muffins 26 Pineapple and Potato Pudding 57 Pineapple Mousse 87 Pineapple Sponge Pudding 64 Pineapple may also be used in all of the general recipes, such as puddings, pies, etc. Plums, Green Gage, Egg or Damson Plum Duff 60 Plum Ices 78 See also the general recipes, puddings, pies, etc. Prunes, Prepared Califo Prune Roll 59 Croquettes 30 Eden Vale Prune Whip 32 c Inde* Prunes, Prepared — (Continued) Pa 2 e Frozen Prunes 76 Prune Pudding 62 Prune Soup 31 Stewed Prunes 29 Califo Prepared Prunes may also be used in many of the general recipes* See pies, puddings, etc* Puddings Baked Peach 52 Boiled Fruit 55 Bread Pudding, Fruit 21 Cracker Pudding, Fruit 18 Custards, Fruit 14 Cornmeal Fruit 50 Delmonico 22 Iced Pudding 82 Old Fashioned Batter 56 Peach Batter 51 Pineapple and Potato 57 Pineapple Sponge 64 Plain Fruit No* 1 53 Plain Fruit No* 2 54 Plum Duff 60 Prune Pudding 62 Rice, Fruit 15 Rice, Fruit, Frozen 83 Sherried Peach 63 Sponges, Fruit 9 Steamed Fruit 49 Steamed Peach 61 Suet 48 Tapioca, Fruit 11 Uncooked Fruit 20 Royals, Fruit 7 Salads Califo Peach Salad 6 Hawaiian Pineapple No* 1 92 Hawaiian Pineapple No. 2 93 Sauces for Puddings 66, 67, 68 Shortcakes Fruit , 41 Rice and Fruit 42 Souffle, Fruit 16 Snow, Fruit 17 Fruit, Frozen 85 Tarts, Fruit 39 Trifles 19 Turnovers, Fruit 47