the university OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY (o5^- M (o^a. hKi h;M 4 , . ti-Wfe ii ■Mxi ■ y AH"- U'vy Wm iS«' : t E&-I HWk vY' P fl ..v:*,. .-. h. ! : iM fmW- HH 1 * V’? V Mril'V^V. } t iuniyiy&V ■;=;* .'" \ HwH & $»$ 3 K ImI mamm sup I tf\, $s.' The person charging this material is re¬ sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library__ V) A" i ■ |w )K^Uh-t'.2 j' iKC 4-1, r - ' ({Wffi} •£$.■: $T ffSNs&s^aPik-v- •■ MS§S* sal® tm y*iyij ip. */; ®§«r v,; n wessm L161—0-1096 » I--.' - v..:•■ ■A'i- -v:' : W#W b " : 4 -( -'•K -j )y&* vmp’m '> '• h i n’Hfi «'^* v •5.1?. -vK-Tfrt* ,r>l',, o Ah . :± 4-1^ (): »P|P *v»,J ife'if'.-'- a,t r* 1 m H>i H "4 i»i.*' \ 9 &:n «• Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates r { c = 6 ‘j . 5 3 &lexanbra Japan DECKLE EDGE No. Weight Color Finish Code 72 50 lbs. Cream Antique Saito 73 50 lbs. Cream Plate Nishi 74 50 lbs. White Antique Goto 76 50 lbs. White Plate Hirata 34 70 lbs. Cream Antique Kuroki 35 70 lbs. Cream Plate Nogi 36 70 lbs. White Antique Togo 37 70 lbs. White Plate Komura 38 90 lbs. Cream Antique Oyama 39 90 lbs. Cream Plate Nodzu 40 90 lbs. White Antique Kodama 41 90 lbs. White Plate Oku 25x38 size; Deckle Edges long way of the sheet; 500 sheets to the ream and wrapped in half ream packages. Special sizes and weights made in ton lots or more of a kind. Dummies for determining bulking qualities and sheets for proving purposes furnished upon application. jfUttmeague flaper Company The “STRATHMORE QUALITY” Mills • ■? M y^c. I \ ml \ rv. \ A Ts f V I ! ** - I *** l ~ l ■' N ' 5fr?t_ < (X a ;«, > ' x / ^lexattbra Japan CA Publishing House of long standing and enviable reputation wrote us when we showed them camples of ilHfcXanbra Japan: “It is quite the nicest thing for an imitation Japan we have ever seen, and you may be very sure we will consult you further in regard to this at the very first opportunity.” CIThese people know. If you know anything at all about this class of Clock you will appreciate what they say is what should be said. We could never have made this paper anywhere near as good did we not manu¬ facture ^tratljmore Japan, than which there is none other equal or similar in a machine made paper. These two give practically a complete range—the beCt and medium grades—with an excellent assortment of items, and supplying nearly every requirement. If you want something different in any way we can make it. Jflittineague Paper Company The “STRATHMORE QUALITY” Mills Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Antique Finish, 50 lbs., 25x38 / Grand Op era Selections Grand Opera Singers Edison Phonograph Pvecords Ci [Design by Calkins & Holden, N. Y Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Plate Finish, 50 lbs., 25 x 38 - ■ ' Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Plate Finish, 50 lbs., 25 x 38 From “My Enemy—tHe Motor, Copyright, 1908, by John Lane Co., N. Y. Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 50 lbs., 25x38 Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 50 lbs., 25x38 FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER THIRTY FIRST 1908 Design and Plates by W. C. Popper & Co., N. Y. • • I . ■ I- •;! . ■ I I I ■III I H III PB ‘ Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 50 lbs., 25x38 Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 50 lbs., 25x38 SHALL sail for Europe within a few days on a special mission in the interests of the patrons of the American Machinist. My orders are to visit every Machine Tool importing country, find opportunities for the introduction of American tools and to investigate and report on every agency, x ' and to in every way help in the promotion of our foreign trade. The American Machinist people give me carte blanche and mighty little other instruction. You will hear from me in a general way through the paper, but if there is any specific thing you want done, or to know about, do not hesitate to ask me. I will be in the saddle, so to speak, so send letters through the home office, 505 Pearl Street, New York—they will reach me promptly. Yours very truly, J. W. Carrel. New York, Nov. i, 1909. (Courtesy Hill’s Print Shop, New York) (Set in The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry’s Caslon Old Style No. 2) ' ' ■ Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Antique Finish, 70 lbs.,25x38 HE muff. The name itself has some¬ thing about it that savors of the deli¬ cate, downy, and voluptuous. From this little nest, warm and satiny, where the pretty, but chilly little hands bury themselves in the silk lining, carrying with them a handkerchief of lace, a bottle of per¬ fumed candies, a bouquet of double violets, or a tender love letter; a thousand things rise up and unfold themselves before us, the recollec¬ tions of our youth at home and the caressing sensations of our first truant loves. (Booklet by R. E. Gammel for R. W. Gammel Co., Cleveland) (Set In The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry’s Crawford Series) . . 1 Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Plate Finish, 70 lbs., 25 x 38 Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 70 lb*., 25x38 ITWO POINTS ABOUT ALEXANDRA JAPAN Notice for one thing the similar¬ ity of the two sides of the sheet in the Antique finish, any weight, White or Cream, ALEXANDRA JAPAN. There is no That’s the case with all the Strathmore Quality” Book and Cover Papers, but not so with all other makes. C|Another thing; the Antique finish is a handsome finish, not merely a good printing surface. It has a distinguish¬ able character and adds beauty to the printing. tJThese are points that mean value and advantage, but they do not coft more in Alexandra. There are other points, too. Just look °t the paper; that's the best Tsa’p. 11 wrong 11 side. M1TTINEAGUE PAPER COMPANY THE “STRATHMORE QUALITY” MILLS ■ ■ Sample of Alexandra Japan Wlcitcv Antique finish, 70 lbs., *5x38 f From “The Lonesome Trail ” Published by The John Lane Co., N. Y. Copyright 1907, by John G. Neihardt Overlay by Mechanical Chalk Relief Overlay Co., N. Y. ' Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 70 lbs., 25x38 ' ■ Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 70 u lbs., 25x38 r * Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Antique Finish, 90 lbs., 25x38 ipiate -printing on gllexanbra ?apan W E show on the sheet preceding a photogravure which well illustrates the practicability and advan¬ tages of yllexandra Japan for hand plate work as a whole. Of course in addition to photogravure this includes steel engraving, process engraving, etchings and mezzotints all of which have been tried out. Whether the subject is one of contrast in light and shade where the deep, velvety black and the clear, distinct, sharp impression bringing out detail is required, or a subject of a soft character giving delicate, luminous and transparent tones, the paper will be found in every way to meet all requirements. The general run of papers do not produce these results; the fine tones are frequently lost; the blacks appear muddy and the subject flat. We will gladly, and so will our Agents, send sample sheets of any or all items of ALEXANDRA JAPAN for testing. Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Antique Finish, 90 lbs., 25 x 38 V* Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Antique Finish, 90 lbs., 25 x 38 ' Ill RAGUSA AND CATTARO TER leaving the Trebisnjica with the moon shining on its waters or hiding behind the rac- * ^ing clouds, our train crossed the mountains, then corkscrewed in wide loops down the peaks. Far below in fathomless hollows lay villages, slum¬ bering on hill-tops, with here and there a light gleaming from a tardy window. Villas along the Ombla filed by in ghostly procession and we stopped at Gravosa. It is almost midnight. It has rained, but the night air is soft and fresh. Other carriages starting with ours run a mad race along the road. The horses,their heads toward home, take the hills at a trot and de¬ scend at a gallop. Vague forms, half seen in the misty moonlight, speed by: pointed cypress tops and many-fingered pines; the tall shafts of aloes; over¬ hanging fir boughs; a belfry framing in a big, black bell, narrow stairs climbing into the night; on the one hand conscious of the mountains, on the other, of precipices and the sea, the sound of whose tossing surf comes faintly to our ears. Suddenly a dark [ 106 ] From ‘By Italian Seas” Copyright, 1906, by Charles Scribners’ Sons K ■ i m Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Plate Finish, 90 lbs., 25 x 38 MINCETTA TOWER, RAGUSA From “By Italian Seas” Copyright, 1906, by Charles Scribners’ Sons, N. Y * ■ <. Sample of Alexandra Japan Plat. Finish. 90 lb,„ 25 x 38 ILLUSTRATION BY RUBBER OFF-SET PROCESS Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 90 lbs. 25 x 38 THE RUBBER OFF-SET PROCESS ONSIDERABLE interest is attached to the illustration on the first page of this signa¬ ture in that it is executed by the comparatively new rubber off-set process on ALEXANDRA JAPAN. It shows half-tones and coated papers are no longer a necessity for a wide range of illustrative matter. The mere fact that an Antique stock, with so much in its favor, can be used in preference to a coated stock, is an advantage sufficient to commend the process. When considered in connection with the results, both artistic and prac¬ tical, the effect is certainly everything to be desired. Further specimens of this work on ALEXANDRA JAPAN will be gladly sub¬ mitted to anyone contemplating its use. Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 90 lbs. 25x38 This and the next page show Metzograph Engravings. Drawings and Plates by Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Company, Cleveland Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 90 lbs., 25 x 38 % ... . . w .. .v.wi'.v.w.vwv x-AwvXvXvXv:-:-; 1 ; : SI y.v.w ;• .. . v Hi! m i§ ■ mmm HE nature of {lie paper, its two surfaces, fke fkree wei gkts and two colors unite to make a fkeet tkat kas a multitude of uses. As one glances fkrougk fke kook, fke paper and fke different illustrations will suggeSt kow it can ke used to advantage and profit. Also fke processes of reproduction are not limited. Tke ckief use will, of course, ke ky tke letterpress. Tke paper gives a good, clean, skarp impression wifk minimum wear. Wken kaIf-tones are used fke 122 line screen is fke keSt, altkougk we ikow on fke 50 Iks., Cream, Plate Fimsk, a 133 line and tke results are splendid. The metzograpk screen is used witk pleasing efiedt on tkis sample. Sukjedts of a sketfky fkaracter are to ke preferred lor fke ka If-tone and fke metzograpk, altkougk not a necessity. Illustrations ky fke rukker off-set and fke pkotogravure processes are fkown and fke notes accompanying fkese specimens tell tkeir Stories. ; sm mtum 1 | i pS 'mm Set in Puritan Series and Halftone Brass Rule The H. C. Hansen Type Foundry ■ I r ■ . ' \> j r 38 . Sample of Alexandra White, Plate Finish, 90 lbs., 25 x 38 ^lexanbra Japan 150 POUNDS €JThis section shows the 150 pounds thickness—an addition to the line. For many classes of work it certainly has its advantages. The kinds of work and the advantages are suggested by the following speci¬ mens. CJThis weight in connection with any of the other weights in the line enable one to produce both a har¬ monious piece of printing and one that has every ele¬ ment of attractiveness. Manufactured as follows : No. Weight Color Finish Code 92 150 lbs. Cream Antique Hoshi 93 1 50 lbs. Cream Plate Katsura 94 150 lbs. White Antique Okabe 95 150 lbs. White Plate Oura CJ25 x 38 size ; Deckle Edges long way of the sheet; 500 sheets to the ream and wrapped in 100 sheet packages. Special sizes and weights made in ton lots of a kind. tJSheets for proving and dummy purposes furnished by Agents or by us. jWtttmeague |3aper Company The “STRATHMORE QUALITY” Mills ' - , ml B- Wm Sample of Alexandra Japan . - r "“ ~--*'~* J Cream, Plate Finish, 150 lbs., 25x38 * it. . ' • i Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Plate Finish, 150 lbs., 25x38 SOUP. Clear Green Turtle Puree Windsor, Crontons RELISHES. Olives Mixed Pickles Pickled Onions Chow Chow Kalamazoo Celery FISH, baked Lobster en Shell, Diable Filet of Sole, au Viu Blanc, pommes Duchess ENTREES, Sweetbread Patties, a ’la Sharon House Chicken Livers, Saute, aux Champignons French Toast, Orange Fruit Sauce ROAST. Prime Ribs, New York Beef, au jus Sharon Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce, demi glace VEGETABLES. Boiled Potatoes Green Peas Succotash Mashed Potatoes Boiled Rice Oyster Bay Asparagus DESSERT. Cold Lemon Soufflee Pudding, Maraschino Sauce Apple Peach Coccanut Custard Pie Tutti Frutti Ice Cream Jelly au Kirsch Tea Coffee Meals Served in Room Charged Extra . Printed and Embossed by CRESCENT EMBOSSING CO. Plainfield, New Jersey. Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Antique Finish, 150 lbs. 25x38 Why I Believe in the Kind of American Journalism for Which The Outlook Stands By Theodore Roosevelt Courtesy of Mason-Henry Press, Syracuse, N. Y. r Sample of Alexandra Japan Cream, Plate Finish, 150 lbs., 25 x 38 V. Annual banquet of the printers !Board of Ora6e and Glje ^Ypothetae ©f 'Philadelphia 3attuar£ 12 1909 Courtesy of Keystone Type Foundry, Philadelphia Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 150 lbs.,25x38 ' Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Antique Finish, 150 lbs.,25x38 Courtesy of Joseph Mack Pointing House, Oetrsrt i 'i - « Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 150 lbs., 25 x 38 Sample of Alexandra Japan White, Plate Finish, 150 lbs., 25 x 38 ■•fij. .1 $%: t**V i J ate M • .'«■■’■•. ■* .sr.w'iw g& a# t »A ~4 ’ ■ ' i> • i K^v:'*iVj?i. *N«4'\ - r ' -v-. n-.-** -v-. .-..> j w »a«B raiHB?. .;■■■)... „ ' V «:3'• ' 'ii.'JZ tW&tjCs&k1&&0? >ri8 Bgfe§g 3B '' ! • '» '".. 1 i;~ at. a ■■' •'': i- r > 1 ■J&fzt -'J.-. -‘X : . « ‘.r : .7 • •. • •• ! •.; 7 :■ • : '.... , r. ■•;,■; ; ■ ■»■■ ;•■. I ■ .•! ;!<*•'■ jJttPWi ■ . * r !r j / »■* rr # *■ ■ •! >V’t*-‘j .jiti 4■•pJ-.a.', ■' ■ ■Bv ■ &&:' jdf/ RkI . t v¥r*l V. --- . •*. ;. •>' ■ v ‘ ,1 ■;$ ■' -'::v IHm ^ ajJB^hfc^jir ’ 'Aijly ®jiwKfe '.t.pPw r ’"-” --y5r^. ,r ' •’" • • * :•- • / rt . . ’•«•. ; ; ... ■•'. '.j ••'4' r w. : r rv'^ 1 f> y ;v -v. f . I i J 5 t g W ' / ■’tT i • (i -i * f,{ '. *’ jM W W ^ v :i; - •'• •- ?■ :''^: , SH8ni : : - :'-.'VM.:j;,.. '•;.>:•> .:../••**••* '‘ 7 '-.*:;' a Is«l« -w T’Vft*,... •' ■•• .J?'"' ' ; ^^'vi :: t: i‘v • V f / y..rf*v • •- I'uii : tS /J -Vta-IK rlr*v HjEi«Baiea Ba B r-;.:..:-^ I f. ■-■& v. ■ .'''-Cj Iw m tesfeiis ,mw mmsm mmm Selici&zt Brown, weight. Cover EDITION 9,