REVISED CATALOGUE OF THE Sycahore Public Library (Organized: October, TOGETHER WITH The By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS==JANUARY, 1903. EDWARD I. BOIES, PRINTER, SYCAflORE, ILL. CITY ORDINANCE. An ordinance concerning a Free Public Library and Reading Room in the City of Sycamore. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Sycamore : Sec. 1. That in accordance with the powers and privileges granted under and by virtue of an act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois entitled, “An act to authorize cities, incorporated towns and townships, to establish and maintain free public libraries and reading rooms,” approved and in force, March 7, 1872, a public library and reading room be, and the same is hereby established in and for the said City of Sycamore, the same to be designated and known as the Sycamore Public Library. Sec. 2. Whoever shall intentionally destroy, tear, mark, write upon or otherwise deface or injure any book, magazine, periodical, newspaper, picture plate, engraving, statue, fixture, article of furniture or other property or thing belonging to or in any way pertaining to said Public Library and Reading Room, shall on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than three dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 3. Whoever shall fail to return any book belonging to the said Library and Reading Room in accordance with the requirements of the by¬ laws, rules and regulations thereof, or who shall, contrary to the said by-laws, rules and regulations, carry away from said Library or Reading Room, any book, paper, magazine, periodical or other similar article or thing, shall on conviction forfeit and pay a fine of not less than three dollars nor more than ten dollars for each and every such offense. Sec. 4. All fines imposed under and by virtue of this ordinance, shall, when collected, be paid into the treasury of said City of Sycamore, and be placed to the credit of the Library Fund for the use and benefit of said Library and Reading Room. Passed and approved August 8, 1892. A. F. Mason, Mayor. Attest, J. D. Waterman, City Clerk. LIBRARIES AN ACT to authorize cities, incorporated towns and townships to establish and maintain free public libraries and reading rooms. [Approved and in force March 7, 1872. L. 1871-2, p. 609.] 1. Establishment by city—tax—fund.] Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois , represented in the General Assembly, That the city council of each incorporated city shall have power to establish and main¬ tain a public library and reading room for the use and benefit of the inhab¬ itants of such city, and may levy a tax of not to exceed one mill on the dollar, annually, and in cities of over one hundred thousand inhabitants, not to ex¬ ceed one-fifth of one mill annually on all the taxable property in the city, such tax to be levied and collected in like manner with other general taxes of said city, and to be known as the “Library Fund.” V *\ 2. Directors.] Sec. 2. When any city council shall have decided to es¬ tablish and maintain a public library and reading room, under this act, the mayor of such city shall, with the approval of the city council, proceed to ap¬ point a board of nine directors, for the same, chosen from the citizens at large with reference to their fitness for such office; and not more than one member of the city council shall be at any one time a member of said board. 3. Term of office—removal.] Sec. 3. Said directors shall hold office one-third for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years, from the first of July following their appointment, and at their first regular meeting shall cast lots for the respective terms; and annually thereafter the mayor shall, before the first of July of each year, appoint as before thee direc¬ tors, to take the place of the retiring directors, who shall hold office for three years, and until their successors are appointed. The mayor may, by and with the consent of the city council, remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty. 4. Vacancies—compensation.] Sec. 4. Vacancies in the board of direct- op occasioned by removals, resignation or otherwise, shall be reported to the city council, and be filled in like manner as original appointments, and no director shall receive compensation as such. 5. Organization—powers of directors—funds.] Sec. 5. Said directors shall, immediately after appointment, meet and organize by the election of one of their number president, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary. They shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the government of the library and reading-room as may be expedient, not inconsistent with this act. They shall have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys collected to the credit of the library fund, and of the construction of any library building, and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings con¬ structed, leased or set apart for that purpose: Provided , that all moneys re¬ ceived for such library shall be deposited in the treasury of said city to the credit of the library fund, and shall be kept separate and apart from other moneys of such city, and drawn upon by the proper officers of said city, upon the properly authenticated vouchers of the library board. Said board shall have power to purchase or lease grounds to occupy, lease or erect an appro¬ priate building or buildings for the use of said library; shall have power to appoint a suitable librarian and necessary assistants, and fix their compensa¬ tion, and shall also have power to remove such appointees; and shall, in gen¬ eral, carry out the spirit and intent of this act, in establishing and maintaining a public library and reading-room. 6. Who may use library.] Sec. 6. Every library and reading-room, es¬ tablished under this act, shall be forever free for the use of the inhabitants of the city where located, always subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the library board may adopt, in order to render the use of said library and reading-room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of said library and reading-room any and all per¬ sons who shall willfully violate such rules. And said board may extend the privileges and use of such library and reading-room to persons residing out¬ side of such city in this state, upon such terms and conditions as said board may from time to time by its regulations prescribe. [As amended by act ap¬ proved March 27, 1874; in force July 1, 1874. 7. Report of directors.] Sec. 7. The said board of directors shall make, on or before the second Monday of June, an annual report to the city council, stating the condition of their trust on the first day of June of that year, the various sums of money received from the library fund and from other sources, and how such moneys have been expended, and for what purposes; the num¬ ber of books and periodicals on hand, the number added by purchase, gift or otherwise, during the year; the number lost or missing; the number of visit¬ ors attending; the number of books loaned out, and the general character and kind of such books; with such other statistics, information and suggestions as they may deem of general interest. All such portions of said report as re¬ late to the receipt and expenditure of money, as well as the number of books on hand, lost or missing, and books purchased, shall be verified by affidavit. 8. Penalties.] Sec. 8. The city council of said city shall have power to pass ordinances imposing suitable penalties for the punishment of persons committing injury upon such library or the grounds or other prop¬ erty thereof, and for injury to or failure to return any book belonging to such library. 9. Donations.] Sec. 9. Any person desiring to make donations of money, personal property or real estate for the benefit of said library, shall have the right to vest the title to the money or real estate so donated in the board of directors created under this act to be held and controlled by such board, when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest of such property; and as to such property the said board shall be held and considered to be special trustees. BY-LAWS. Article 1. The officers of this Board shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Librarian and Assistant Librarian, who shall hold their offices for one year subject to removal by this board for cause. Article 2 Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Monday of each month at four o’clock p. m. Article 3. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the President and shall be called by the Secretary at the request of any three members of the Board. The notice of any special meetings shall state the business of the meeting and no business shall be transacted at such meeting which is not stated in the notice. Article 4. Five directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board, but no appropriation shall be made or indebtedness incurred without the concurring vote of the majority of the members on the Board. Article 5. The annual election of officers of the Board shall take place as soon after the first day of July as the new Directors are appointed and have qualified. Article 6. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board; to countersign all vouchers drawn by the Secretary, approved by the Board, upon which drafts are to be drawn upon the City Treasurer on account of the Library Fund; to appoint a standing committee for the year; to prepare, for the consideration of the Board, the annual report of the Board of Directors required by the seventh section of the “Free Public Library” Act. The Vice President in the absence or inability of the President to act, shall discharge all the duties appertaining to the office of President. Article 7. There shall be three Standing Committees of the Board, namely: a Committee on Building, on Library and Reading Room, and on Finances; each committee consisting of three Directors. Article 8. The order of business at regular meetings of the Board shall be as follows: 1— Reading the records of the previous meeting. 2— Communications. 3— Unfinished business. 4— Reports from Standing Committees. 5— Reports from Special Committees. 6— Reports of officers. 7— New business. Article 9. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a neat, exact and permanent record of the meetings of the Board of Directors; and he shall per¬ form such other duties as the Board may direct. Article 10. The committee on Building shall have supervision in the following matters: In matters relating to the furnishing, heating and lighting the rooms or building used for the purpose of the Library, and in relation to insurance. \ Article 11. It shall be the duty of the Library Committee to examine the books, periodicals and other property of the Library and to make from time to time to the Board any recommendation they may deem proper con¬ cerning the books, periodicals and other property of the Library. Article 12. The Committee on Finances shall have supervision in the following matters: In matters relating to accounts; to the revenues arising from the Library Fund and from other sources. Article 13. The Librarian, under control of the Board of Directors, shall have charge of the rooms and shall be responsible for the care and safety of the books and other public property contained therein and for the preserva- tion of order in the rooms. He shall prepare, for the use of the Committee on Library, lists of books recommended for purchase by patrons of the Library. Article 14. No amendment to the By-Laws shall be acted upon until the next regular meeting after the same shall have been proposed in writing. SUGGESTIONS. Borrowers finding their books mutilated or defaced are requested to return the book to the Librarian immediately, in order to ascertain who is responsible for such mutilation or defacement. The practice of laying open books on their face should be entirely avoided, as most injuries to books are caused in this way. Turning down the leaves of books is to be specially avoided. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Article 1.—The Reading Room snail be Open on all evenings (except Sunday), from 6:30 P. M. till 9 P. M. . It shall also be open on Saturday and Wednesday afternoons from 2 P. M. until 5 P. M. The Library shall also be open the same hours. Article 2.—Any person of good deportment and habits may use the Read¬ ing Room. Loud conversation and other conduct not consistent with the quiet, or¬ derly and cleanly use of the Reading Room, are prohibited.. Article 3. —Every inhabitant resident of the City of Sycamore, over twelve years of age, shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library on sign¬ ing a written application and agreement on a form furnished by the Librarian. This will entitle such person to a numbered and registered card, on presenta¬ tion of which, books may be drawn. Provided, however, that persons not known to the Librarian may be required to furnish a satisfactory guaranty for complying with the regulations of the Directors. Article 4. —Persons living outside the city, of proper age, can have the privilege of the Library by paying a membership fee of one dollar per annum. Article 5. —No book shall be retained for a longer time than two weeks without being renewed, and may be once renewed for the same period. A fine of wo cents a day shall be exacted for every day’s detention in violation of this rule. Article 6. —When a book has been overdue one week, the Librarian shall send a written notice to the person against whom it is charged, through the mail, and at the end of two weeks, if the book is not returned, a messenger shall be sent to secure the book, together with the card by which it was drawn; and the expense of such notice and messenger shall be charged to the delin¬ quent; nor shall he be admitted to the privileges of the Library until all ac¬ counts and penalties have been paid. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to collect all fines and other charges. article 7.—When a book comes in overdue, and the fines are unpaid, the card shall be retained by the Librarian, and no otner book issued on such card till fines are paid. Article 8.—When a card comes in that is wrongfully held by the party presenting it, the Librarian shall take it up. Article 9.—No person who has drawn a book from the Library shall lend it to any one not a member of the same household. Article 10. —All injuries to booKS beyond reasonable wear, and all losses shall be made good to the satisfaction of the President by the parties liable. Writing in books is prohibited. Every book detained two months shall be deemed lost, and the guarantor notified. Article 11. —Should a volume forming a part of a set be lost or injured, the whole set shall be replaced by the person liable, but he shall be entitled to receive the damaged set, after the loss is made good by a new set. Article 12. —No person in whose domicile any infectious disease is, or has been located, shall be allowed to draw books until such time as all danger of infection is passed, such time to be determined by the Committee on Li¬ brary. Article 13.—Encyclopsedies, dictionaries and other works of reference, elaborately illustrated books, and such others as may be unsuited for general circulation, can be used only m the Library rooms. Article 14.—The Librarian shall keep a list of all books not belonging to the Library which may be called for; also, an accurate list of books which have been withdrawn from circulation, on account of needing repairs. Article 15.—Any person abusing the privileges of the Library, or violat¬ ing these regulations, shall be temporarily suspended from the use of the Library, and the case snail be reported to the Board of Directors for proper action thereon. CATALOGUES MAY BE OBTAINED BY APPLYING TO THE LIBRARIAN. Special directions of importance which must be observed by all library patrons Prepare lists of books wanted, using class letter and book number—thus: A 14, B 6, D 20, F 36, G 19, etc. Do not ask to exchange a book twice the same day unless a mistake is made by the librarian. The book you are reading will go to others. Pass it on to them neat and clean, hoping that they will do the same by you. \ Revised Catalogue. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. A. Abbott, Emma. Life by Marten.. 306 Adams, Samuel. Life by Hos- mer. (Am. Statesmen.).. 19 Adams, John. Life by Morse, (Am. Statesmen.). 24 Adams, John Q. Life of Morse. (Am. Statesmen.). 25 Addison. Life of Courthope. (Eng. men of letters ).... 69 Agassiz. Life of Mrs. E. Agas¬ siz . 3 Alcott. Life ed. by Mrs. E. D. Cheney . 309 Alfred the Great. Life by Hughes . 230 Antoinette, Marie. Life by Ty- tler . 321 Arnold, Benedict. Life by Sparks . 193 Arnold. Dr. Life by Selfe. (World’s Workers.). 211 Austen Jane. Life by Malden. (Famous women.) . 121 Baby, Biography of a, by Shinn.. 55 Bach, Sebastian. Life by Poole. (Great musicians.). 256 Bacon. Life by Church. (Am. statesmen.) . 65 Balzac. Memoir by Wormeley.. 163 Beecher, H. W. Life by Ellin wood . 313 Beethoven. Life by Nohl. 172 Bentley. Life by Jebb. (Eng. men of letters.). 77 Benton. Life by Roosevelt. (Am. statesmen.). 32 Birney, J. G. Life by Wm. Bir- ney . 3U8 Bismarck, The Real. Life by Hoche . 319 Blake, Admiral. Life by Han- nay. (Eng. worthies.)... 104 Bonaparte. Napoleon. Memoirs by Bourrienne, vol. 1. 238 Memoirs by Bourrienne, vol. II. 239 Memoirs by Bourrienne, vol. ill. 240 Memoirs by Bourrienne, vol. IV. 241 Boone, Daniel. Life by Abuott. 325 Bronte, Emily. Life by Robin¬ son. (Famous women.)., 125 Brooks, Phillips. Life by Howe 331 Browning, E. B. Life by In¬ gram. (Famous women.) 116 Bryant. Life by Bigelow. (Am. men of letters.). 4 Bryant. Life by Godwin, vol I. 134 Life by Godwin, vol II. 135 Bunyan. Life by Froude. (Eng. men of letters.). 72 Burdette-Coutts. Life by Ade¬ laide . 232 Burke.\ Life by Morley. (Eng. men of letters.). 78 Burns. Life by Carlyle. 44 Life by Shairpe. (Eng. men of letters.) . 93 Byron. Life by Nichol. (Eng. men of letters.) . 84 Caesar, Julius. Life by Liddell. 49 Caesar. Sketch by Froude. 330 Calhoun. Life by Von Holst. (Am. statesmen.) . 39 Canning. Life by Hill. (Eng. worthies.) . 105 Cass. Life by McLaughlin. (Am. statesmen.) . 29 Chalmers. Autobiography, and Letters by Lovett . 205 Charlemagne. Life by Davis. . . 209 Chaucer. Life by Ward. (Eng. men of letters.). 99 Cherubini. Life by Crowest. (Great musicians.) . 250 Cicero. Life by Davidson. 329 Claverhouse. Life by Morris. (Eng. worthier) . 106 Clay. Life by Schurz. (Am. 8 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY statesmen.), vol. I. Life by Schurz. (Am. states¬ men.), vol. II. Clemmer. Life by Hudson. Cobden. Life by Go wing. (World’s workers.). Coleridge. Life by Trail. (Eng. men of letters.). Coles. Sketch by Washburne... Colonna. Life by Trollope .:... Columbus. Life by Adams. Life by Lamartine. Life by Irving, vol I. Life by Irving, vol. II. Life by Irving, vol. Ill. Life by Hale. Cooper. Life by Lounsbury. (Am. men of letters.).... Countess of Albany. Life by Lee. (Famous women.).. Cousin, Victor. Life by Simon. (Great French writers.).. Uowper. Life by Smith. (Eng. men of letters.). Cromwell. Life by Lamartine.. Curtis. Life by Cary. Cushman, Charlotte. Life by Clement. (American Act¬ or ser.) . Cuyler. Autobiography. Recol¬ lections of a Long Life. ... Darwin. Life and Letters,, ed. by F. Darwin, vol. I. .Life and Letters, ed. by F. ? , Darwin, vol. II.* v ' Life by Allen. (Eng. wor¬ thies.) . Decatur. Life by Mackenzie.... Defoe. Life by Minto. (Eng. men of letters.). De Quincey. Life by Masson. (Eng. men of letters.) .... De Stael. Life by Duffy. (Fa¬ mous women.) . Life by Sorel. (Great French writers.) . Dick. Life by Smiles. Dickens, Life by Ward. (Eng. men of letters.). Life by M. Dickens. (World’s workers.) . Dow, Neal. Autobiography, Reminiscences . Dreyfus. Tragedy of, by Stee- vens ... Drummond. Life by Smith. Dryden. Life by Saintsbury. (Eng. men of letters.) .... Edgeworth. Life by Zimmern. (Famous women.) . Edward. Scotch Naturalist. Life by Smiles . Eliot, George. Life by Cross, vol. I. .. . Life by Cross, vol. II. Life by Cross, vol. Ill. 35 36 231 212 95 281 53 1 46 157 158 159 210 8 119 142 47 282 235 242 60 61 101 273 82 81 112 141 201 98 213 307 335 320 94 129 202 Life by Blind. Life by Stephen. Eliot, John. Life by Francis... Emerson. Life by Holmes. (Am. men of letters.). Farragut. Life by Mahan. Fechter. Life by K. Field. (Am. actor ser.) . Felix, Rachel. Life by Ken- nard. (Famous women.). Field, J. T. Biographical Notes and Personal Sketches.... Field, Eugene. A Study in Her¬ edity, by Thompson, vol. I A Study in Heredity, by Thompson, vol. II. Fielding. Life by Dobson. (Eng. men of letters.).... Franklin. Life by McMaster. (Am. men of letters.).... Life by Morse. (Am. states¬ men.) . Life byTompkinson. (World’s workers.) . udfe by Fisher . Autobiography . Frederick the Great. Life by Macaulay . Fry, Elizabeth. Life by Pitman. (Famous women.) . Fuller, Margaret. Life by Hig ginson. (Am. Men of let¬ ters.) . Life by Howe. (Famous women.) . Gallatin. Life by Stevens. (Am. statesmen.) . Gibbon. Life by Morison. (Eng. men of letters.) . biddings. Life by Julian. Gladstone. Life by Bryce. Goethe. Autobiography. Goldsmith. Life by Black. (Eng. men of letters.) .... Life by Irving.. Gordon. Life by Swain e. (World’s workers.). Gough. Life by Martyn. Grant. Personal Memoirs, vol. I. Personal Memoirs, vol. II... Life by Garland . Gray. Life by Gosse. Greene, Gen. Life by F. V. Greene . Greene, Gen. Life by G. W. Greene . Haydn. Life by Nohl. Hamilton. Life by Lodge. (Am. statesmen.) . Handel. Life by Clarke. (World’s workers.). Life by Marshall. (Great Mu- 56 sicians.) . 57 Hannibal. Life by Arnold 58 1 Life by Morris. 109 337 195 7 257 236 117 130 338 339 70 9 27 215 340 341 51 122 15 115 37 79 164 312 243 64 162 216 310 143 144 316 74 288 272 170 23 218 255 43 342 INDIVIDUAL, BIOGRAPHY. 9 Havelock. Life by Marshman.. Hawthorne. Life by James.... Henry, Patrick. Life by Tyler. (Am. statesmen.) . Henry the Fifth. Life by Church . Henry the Seventh. Life by Gairdner . Hooker. Life by Walker. (Mak¬ ers of America.). Houston. Life . Hughes, John. Life by Brann. (Makers of America.).... Hume. Life by Huxley. (Eng. men of letters.). Ibsen. Life by Jaeger. Irving. Life by Warner. Jackson, A. Life by Sumner. (Am. statesmen.) . Jackson, T. J. Life by Randolph Jay, John. Life by Pellew. (Am. statesmen.) .. Jefferson. Life by Morse. (Am. statesmen.) . Joan of Arc. Life by Michelet. Life by Mark Twain. Johnson, S. Life by Stephen. (Eng. men of letters.).... Johnson, Ben. Life by Symonds Johnson, S. Life by Boswell.... Jones, Paul. Life by Abbott.... Keats. Life by Colvin. (Eng. men of letters.). Kingsley. Letters and Memoirs Kossuth. Memoir by E. O. S... LaFayette. Life by Farmer.... Lamb. Life by Ainger. Lamb, Mary. Life by Gilchrist. (Famous women.) . Landor. Life by Colvin. (Eng. men of letters.). Landseer. Life by Stephens. (Great artists.) . Ledyard. Life by Sparks. Le Sevigne. Boissier (Great French writers.) . Lincoln. Life by Arnold. Life by Schurz . Life by Foster. (World’s workers.) . Life by Tarbell, vol I. Life by Tarbell, vol. II. Liszt. Life by Nohl . Livingstone. Life by Smiles. (World’s workers.) . Locke. Life by Fowler. (Eng. men of letters. . Longfellow. Life by Under¬ wood . Lowell. Life by Underwood- Life by Scudder, vol. I. Life bv Scudder, vol. II. Luther. Life bv Carlyle. Macaulay. Life by Morison. (Eng. men of letters.) Madison. Life by Gay. (Am. 168 100 38 327 328 261 167 258 | 75 165 13 34 292 30 i 26 52 343 88 279 311 324 67 344 62 314 63 113 68 247 276 136 2 206 220 345 346 169 221 73 322 323 347 348 40 80 statesmen.) . Mahomet. Life by Gibbon. Life by Irving, voh I. Life by Irving, vol. II. Margaret of Angouleme. Robin¬ son. (Famous women.) . . Marlborough. Life by Saints- bury. (Eng. worthies.)... Marshall. Life by Magruder. (Am. statesmen). Martineau. Life by Miller. (Fa¬ mous women.) . Mendelssohn. Life by Rockstro. (Great musicians.) . Michelangelo. Life by Clement. (Great artists.) . Milton. Life by Pattison. (Eng. men of letters.). Moltke. Life and Character. Trans, by Herms. Monroe. Life by Gilman. (Am. statesmen.) . Montesquieu. Life by Sorel. (Great French writers.) .. Moody, D. L. Life by W. R. Moody . Moore, Hannah. Life by Yonge. (Famous women.) . Morris, Gouverneur. Life by Roosevelt. (Am. states¬ men.) . Morris, Robert. Life by Sum¬ ner . Morris, William. Life by Mack- ail, vol. I.... Life by Mackail, vol. II. Mozart. Life by Nohl. Nansen. Life by Bull.. Nasmyth. Life by Smiles. Nelson. Life by Southey. Paton, John G. Autobiography. Peter the Great, vol. I. Peter the Great, vol. II.. ... Phelps, Austin. A Memoir bby E. S. Phelps ... Phillips, Wendell. Life by Austin . Life by Martyn . Pitt. Life by Macaulay- ..... Poe. Life by Woodberry. (Am. men of letters.) . Pope. Life by Stephen. (Eng. men of letters.). Porter, Noah. Memorial by Friends . Prentiss. Life by Shields. Prescott. Life by Ticknor. Prince Consort. Comp, by Grey Purcell. Life by Cummings... Raleigh. Life by Gosse. (Eng. worthies.) . Life by Thomson . Randolph. Life by Adams. (Am. statesmen.) . Raphael. Life by D’anvers. 17 45 160 161 124 107 28 120 287 244 86 263 18 140 332 128 31 294 349 350 171 326 203 204 41 42 352 237 353 50 14 91 291 293 207 145 251 103 208 16 10 INDIVIDUAL/ BIOGRAPHY. (Great artists.) . Rembrandt. Life by Mollett. (Great artists.) . Reynolds. Life by Pulling. (Great artists.) . Rus. The Making of an Ameri¬ can . Ripley. Life by Frothingham. (Am. men of letters.). Ristori. Autobiography. (Fa¬ mous women.) . Roland. Life by Blind. (Fa¬ mous women.) . Rossini. Life by Edwards. Rubens. Life by Kett. Rubenstein. Autobiography .... Sand, George. Life by Thomas. (Famous women.). Life by Caro. (Great French writers.) . Savonarola. Life by Clark. Schubert. Life by Frost. (Great musicians.) . Schuman. Life by Maitland. (Great musicians.) . Scott. Life by Hutton. (Eng. men of letters.) . Se-Quo-Yah. Life by Foster.... Shaftsbury. Life by Traill. (Eng. worthies.) . Life by Frith. (World’s workers.) . Shakespeare. Life by Hugo.... Poet, Dramatist and Man, by Mabie . The Man, by Smith . Shelley. Life by Symonds. (Eng. men of letters.) .... Sheridan. Life by Oliphant. (Eng. men of letters.) .... Siddons. Mrs. Life by Kennard. (Famous women.) . Sidney. Life by Symonds. (Eng. men of letters.) . Sieur DfBienville. Life by King. (Makers of Amer¬ ica.) . Simms. Life by Trent. Am. men of letters.) . Southey. Life by Dowden. (Eng. men of letters.).... Spenser. Life by Churcn. (Eng. men of letters.) . Steele. Life by Dobson. (Eng. worthies). Stephens, A. H. Life by John¬ ston & Browne . Sterling. Life by Carlyle. Sterne. Life bv Traill. (Eng. men of letters.) . Stevenson, R. L. Life by Bal¬ four, vol. 1. 357 Life by Balfour, vol. il. 358 Stowe, H. B. Life by Fields.... 315 Stuart, Mary. Life by Lamar¬ tine . 48 Sumner. Life by Dawes. (Mak¬ ers of America.) . 259 Swift. Life by Stephen. (Eng. men of letters.). 87 Tadema. Life by Ebers. 359 Taylor, Gen. Life by Howard.. 289 Thackeray. Life by Trollope. (Eng. men of letters.).... 97 Theresa, Saint. Life by Gilman. (Famous women.) . 114 Thiers Life by De Remusat. (Great French writers)... 138 Thoreau. Life by Sanborn. (Am. men of letters.).... 10 Titian. Life by Heath. (Great artists.) . 285 Turgot. Life by Say. (Great French writers). 139 Turner. Life by Swaine. (World’s workers.). 229 Van Buren. Life by Shepard. (Am. statesmen.). 33 Wagner. Life by Nohl. 173 Washington. Life by Lodge Life by Lodge (Am. states- (Am. statesmen), vol. I.. 21 men), vol. II. 22 Life by Irving, vol. i. 152 Life by Irving, vol. II. 153 uiife by Irving, vol. Ill. 154 Life by Irving, vol. IV.... 155 Life by Irving, vol V. 156 Life by Fora -.. 360 Washington, Booker T. Up from Slavery. Autobiog¬ raphy . 336 Weber. Life by Benedict. (Great musicians.) . 249 j Webster, Noah. Life by Scud- der. (Am. men of letters) 11 ! Webster, Daniel. Life by Lodge. (Am. statesmen.) 20 Wesley, S. Life by Clarke. (Famous women.) . Ill White, Bishop. Life by Ward.. 262 whittier. Life by Underwood.. 280 Wilhelmina. Memoirs. Trans¬ lated by urincess Chris¬ tian . 175 Willard. Life by Gordon. 317 Willis. Life by Beers. (Am. men of letters.) . 5 V ollstonfcr vft. Life by Pen¬ nell. (Famous women.).. 123 Wordsworth. Life by Myers. (Eng. men Ox letters.).... 83 284 286 246 354 6 126 110 252 245 264 127 137 233 253 254 76 283 108 228 151 355 356 89 85 118 90 260 12 71 66 102 290 59 96 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY 11 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. A. Barrett. English Church Com¬ posers . Bartlett. American Agitators and Reformers. Baskerville. Southern Writers Bolton. Famous Leaders Among Men . Famour Leaders Among Women . Famous European Artists... Famous Men of Science.... Clark. A Study of English Prose Writers . Clarke. The Elder and the Younger Booths. (Am. actor ser.) . Creegan. Great Missionaries of the Church . Forney. Anecdotes of Public Men, yoI. I. Anecdotes of Public Men, vol. II. Griswold. Home Life of Great Authors . Personal Sketches of Recent Authors . Hale. Lights of Two Centu¬ ries . Headley. Washington and His Generals, vol. I. Washington and His Gener¬ als, vol. II. Napoleon and His Marshals, vol. I. Napoleon and His Marshals, vol. II. Healy. Painters of the Italian Renaissance . Lighton. Lev-is and Clark. Lord. Beacon Lights of History. Old Pagan Civilizations. Jewish Heroes and Prophets Antiquity . Middle Ages .. Renaissance and Reforma¬ tion . Warriors and Statesmen .... Great Women . Modern European States¬ men . American Statesmen . Lossing. Lives of the Signers.. Oliphant. Makers of Venice.... Parton. Captains of Industry, vol. I. Captains of Industry, vol. II. Plutarch. Lives of Illustrious Men, vol. I. Lives of Illustrious Men, vol. II. Lives of Illustrious Men, vol. Ill. Rowlands. Among the Great 248 54 361 362 363 364 365 366 234 367 131 132 133 318 368 146 147 148 149 150 369 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 166 174 179 180 177 178 Masters of Literature. Among the Great Masters of Music . Seawell. Twelve Naval Cap¬ tains . Sellar. Roman Poets of Au¬ gustan Age. Virgil. Smith, Roll Call of Westmin¬ ster Abbey . Sparks. American Biography... Stark Brown, Montgomery, Allen . Wilson, Smith . Benedict Arnold (see Ind’l. Biog.), Wayne, Vane. John Eliot (see Ind’l. Biog.) Pinkney, Ellery, Mather.. Phips, Putnam, Davidson, Rittenhouse . Edwards, Bramera . Steuben, Cabot, Eaton. Fulton, Warren, Hudson, Marquette . Sparks. American Biography, 2nd Series. Otis and Ogle¬ thorpe. Sullivan, Leisler, Bacon, Ma¬ son . Williams, Dwight, Pulaski . . Stiles, Fitch, Hutchinson.... Ribault, Rale, Palfrey. Lee and Reed . Calvert Ward .. Nathaniel Greene (see Ind’l. Biography). Preble, Penn . Stephen Decatur (see Ind’l. Biog.). Boone, Lincoln . John Ledvard (see ind’l. Biog.). Davie, Kirkland . La Salle, Patrick Henry... . Sparks, E. E. The Men Who Made the Nation. Stedman. Poets of America.... Victorian Poets . Stoddard. (Ed. by) Barnham, Harness, Hodder . Constable, Gillies . Chorlev, Planche, Young. .. . Knight and Raikes. Lamb, Hazlitt and Others... Moore, Jerdan . Merimee, Lamartine, Sand. . O’Keeffe, Kelly, Taylor . The Greyville Memoirs. Thackeray, Dickens . Vedder. American Writers of To-day . World’s Workers. Edison, Morse . 370 371 333 372 373 191 192 194 196 197 198 199 200 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 274 275 277 278 334 295 296 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 374 214 12 HISTORY. Guthrie, Mathew, Burritt, Livesey . 217 Havelock, Clyde . 219 Muller, Reed . 222 Nightingale, Havergal, Marsh, Ranyard . 223 Robinson, Weston, Meredith 224 George and Robert Stephen¬ son . 225 Somerville, Carpenter . 226 Salt, Moore . 227 (For others see Individual Biography.) HISTORY. B. Abbott, J. S. C. The Romance of Spanish History. Abbott, Evelyn. A History of Greece, vol. I. A History of Greece, vol. II. A History of Greece, vol. III. Andrews. Last Quarter Century in the U. S., vol. I. Last Quarter Century in the U. S., vol. II. Ashley. English Economic His¬ tory, vol. I. English Economic History, vol. II. Ball. A Short History of Math¬ ematics . Bancroft. History of the United States, vol. I. History of the United States, vol. II. History of the United States, vol. Ill. History of the United States, vol. IV. History of the United States, vol. V. Historv of the United States, vol. VI. Barrows. Oiegon. (American Commonwealths.) . Barton Clara. The Red Cross. Bazan. Russia, Its People and Its Literature. Beacon. Historic Pilgrimages in New England. Beesly. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. Benjamin. Troy, Its Legend, History and Literature... Benton. Thirty Years’ View, vol. I. Thirty Years’ View, vol. II.. Biart. The Aztecs. Bishop. Old Mexico and Her Lost Provinces. Blaine. Twenty Years of Con¬ gress, vol. I. Twenty Years of Congress, vol. II. Bliss. A Concise History of Mis¬ sions . Boase. Oxford. (Historic Towns.) 224 225 226 163 164 227 228 229 6 Botsford. A History of Rome... A History of Greece. Brooks. Historic Girls. Browne. Maryland. (American Commonwealths.) . Bryce. The Holy Roman Empire. Buckle. History of Civilization in England, vol. I. History of Civilization in England, vol. II. History of Civilization in England, vol. Ill. Burney. History of the Bucca¬ neers of America. Carlyle. French Revolution, vol. I. French Revolution, vol. II... CxArr. Missouri. (American Commonwealths.) . Castelar. Old Rome and New Italy . Catherwood. Heroes of the Mid¬ dle West. Channing. Student’s History of the United States. Church, A. J. Story of the Per¬ sian War . Church, R. W. Beginning of the Middle Ages ..“. Ian Hamilton’s 11 Churchill. 223 March . Cist. The Army of the Cumber¬ land. (Campaigns of the 1 Civil War.) . 176 Clare. Ancient Oriental Na¬ tions . Ancient Oriental Nations and Greece . Alexander’s Empire and Ro¬ man Empire . Mediaeval History . Middle Ages and Reforma¬ tion . English Reformation to Fall of Poland . American Revolution to the Present . .... Recent Foreign History. Cooke. Virginia. (American Commonwealths.) . Cooley. Michigan. (American 230 118 114 115 121 13 119 120 231 127 232 233 12 18 122 8 9 10 234 177 178 21 17 216 235 236 237 217 32 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 20 HISTORY. 13 Commonwealths.) . 22 Cox, G. W. Tales of Ancient Greece. 14 The Athenian Empire. 238 The Greeks and the Persians. 239 Cox, J. D. Atlanta. (Campaigns of the Civil War.). 30 The March to the Sea. (Cam¬ paigns of the Civil War.) .. 31 Creasy. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World . 15 Creighton. The Age of Eliza¬ beth . 16 D’Aubiqne. History of the Ref¬ ormation . 43 Davis, R. H. With Both Armies in South Africa. 240 Dodge. A Birds-Eye View of Our Civil War. 241 Doubleday. Chanceliorsville and Gettysburg. (Campaigns of the Civil War.). 33 Drake. The Making of the Great West . 113 The Making of New England. 123 Draper. Intellectual Develop¬ ment of Europe, vol. 1. 44 Intellectual Development of Europe, vol. II. 45 Dresbach. Young People’s His¬ tory of Illinois. 46 Du Chaillu. Ivar the Viking... 134 Dunn. Indiana. (American Com¬ monwealths.) . 242 Eggleston. Household History of the U. S. and Its Peo¬ ple . 243 The Beginners of a Nation. . 244 Ellis. History of the United states, vol. 1. 199 History of the United States, vol. II. 200 History of the United States, vol. Ill . 201 History of the United States, vol. IV. 202 Historv of the United States, vol. V. 203 History of the United States, vol. VI. 204 History of the United States, , vol. VII. 205; History of the United States, vol. VIII. 206 Elson. Side Lights on American History, vol. 1. 218 Side Lights on American History, vol. II. 219 Emerton. Introduction to the Middle Ages ... 245 English. Conquest of me North¬ west, vol. 1. 246 Conquest of the Northwest vol. II. 247 Field. The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph . 124 Fisher. Outlines of Universal History . 116 Fiske. Discovery of America, vol. 1. 47 Discovery of America, vol. II. 48 The Beginnings of New Eng¬ land . 125 History of the United States. 179 The War of Independence... 180 Old Virginia and Her Neigh¬ bors, vol. 1. 181 Old Virginia and Her Neigh¬ bors, vol. II. 182 Critical Period of American History . 207 The American Revolution, vol. 1. 208 The American Revolution, vol. II. 209 The Dutch and Quaker Col¬ onies in America, vol. I... 210 The Dutch and Quaker Col¬ onies in America, vol. II.. 211 The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War . 212 Force. From Fort Henry to Co¬ rinth. (Campaigns of the Civil War.). 34 Fowler. The City-State of the Greeks and Romans. 295 Freeman. General Sketch of History. 49 Gairdner. The Houses of Lan¬ caster and York. 248 Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. (Campaigns of the Civil (War.) . 35 Greene, J. R. History of the English People, vol. 1. 51 History of the English Peo¬ ple, vol. II. 52 History of the English Peo¬ ple, vol. Ill. 53 History of the English Peo¬ ple, vol. IV. 54 The Making of England. 55 The Conquest of England... 56 Grote. Two Great Retreats. 249 Guizot. English Revolution. 50 Henderson. A Short History of Germany, vol. 1. 250 A Short History of Germany, vol. II. 251 Hosmer. A Short History of the Mississippi Valley. 252 Hull. Geological History. 126 Humphrey. The Virginia Cam¬ paign of ’64 and ’65. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) . Hurlbut. Defoe’s Plague in Lon¬ don . 299 Hyland. The Columbian Jubilee, vol. 1. 174 Johnston. Connecticut. (Amer¬ ican Commonwealths.). ... 14 HIvSTORY. Josephus. History of the Jewish People, vol. I. History of the Jewish People, vol. II. History of the Jewish People, vol. Ill. Judson. Europe in the Nine¬ teenth Century . Julian. Political Recollections.. Keary. The Dawn of History... King. Ohio. (American Com¬ monwealths.) . Kirkland. Short History of France . Kitcilin. History of France, vol. I . History of France, vol. II.... History of France, vol. III.. Knox. Decisive Battles Since Waterloo . Laing. The Heroes of the Seven Hills . The Conquest of the Seven Hills . Lanciani. The Destruction of Ancient Rome . Lansdale. (Comp.) Paris. Larned. History of England. .. . Latimer. England in the XIX Century . Lewis and Others. Lewis and Clark Journals, vol. I. Lewis and Clark Journals, vol. II. Lewis and Clark Journals, vol. Ill. Lodge. A Short History of the English Colonies in Amer¬ ica . Boston. (Historic Towns.). Loftie. London. (Historic Towns.) . Lummis. The Spanish Pioneers. The Awakening of a Nation.. Macaul vy. History of England, vol. I. History of England, vol. II.. History of England, vol. III. History of England, vol. IV. Hi c tory of England, vol. V. . Maiiaffy. A Survey of Greek Civilization . Social Life in Greece. Alexander’s Empire .. Mason. Chapters from Illinois History. Mather. The Making of Illinois. Matthews. . A Popular History of Music. McCarthy. A Plistorv of Our Own Times, vol. I. A History of Our Own Times, vol. II. McClure. Our Presidents and How We Make Them. McCrackan. Rise of the Swiss Republic . 161 McLaughlin. History of the American Nation . 271 McMaster. School History of the United States. 272 Merivale. The Roman Triumvi¬ rates . 273 Michaud. History of the Cru¬ sades, vol. 1. 67 History of the Crusades, vol. II . 66 History of the Crusades, vol. III . 68 Milman’s Gibbon’s Rome, vol. I. . 78 Gibbin’s Rome, vol. II. 79 Gibbon’s Rome, vol. Ill. 80 Gibbon’s Rome, vol. IV. 81 Gibbon’s Rome, vol. V. 82 Gibbon’s Rome, vol. VI. 83 Moncrief. A Short History of the Christian Church . 274 Montgomery. Student’s Ameri¬ can History. 275 Morris. The Aryan Race. 65 i Moses and Shelby. The White City. Illinois. 162 Motley. The Dutch Republic, vol. 1. 69 The Dutch Republic, vol. II.. 70 The Dutch Republic, vol. III. 71 John of Barneveld, vol. I.... 72 John of Barneveld, vol. II... 73 The United Netherlands, vol. I . 74 The United Netherlands, vol. II . 75 The United Netherlands, vol. III . 76 The United Netherlands, vol. IV . 77 Muller. Political History of Re¬ cent Times. 276 Nicolay. The Outbreak of the Rebellion. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) . 37 Nixon. How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon. 173 Noble, E. Russia and the Rus¬ sians . 277 Noble, H. T.. and Others. His¬ tory of the Thirteenth Illi¬ nois Infantry . ...» . 278 Palfrey, F. W. The Antietam and Fredericksburg. (Cam¬ paigns of the Civil War.) .. 38 Palfrey, J. G. A Compendious History of New England, vol. 1. 279 A Compendious History of New England, vol. II. 280 A Compendious History of New England, vol. Ill. 281 A Compendious History of New England, vol. IV. 282 Parkman. Pioneers of France in the New World. 135 57 58 59 220 253 60 24 61 254 255 256 117 62 63 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 64 128 129 131 264 156 157 158 159 160 265 266 267 268 269 270 132 133 213 15 history. The Jesuits ica in North Amer- 136 Common- 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West.. The Old Regime in Canada.. count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV. . A Half Century of Conflict, vol. I.. V A Half Century of Conflict, vol. II.* •' * Montcalm and Wolfe, vol. 1.. Montcalm and Wolfe vol. II. The Conspiracy of Pontiac, vol. ... The Conspiracy of Pontiac, vol. .. 1dR The Oregon Trail.. Pabmele. A Short History of Spain . Patton. Modern History. .... • • • i0U Pellison. Roman Life in Pliny s Time ... Statistical Record. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) .* ’ The Shenandoah Valley. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) . Powell. Historic Towns of New England . Historic Towns of the South¬ ern States .• * ‘''.V,;' Historic Towns of the Middle Historic Towns of the West¬ ern States .• • • • • • • Prescott. Ferdinand and Isa¬ bella, vol. I.. • ..* and Isabella, vol. 26 27 102 103 130 187 188 Phisterer. Pond. 184 214 284 285 84 Ferdinand and lsaoena, vui. .. Ferdinand and Isabella, vol. ^ 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 (American wealths.) .;•*••*.* New York, vol. II. (Ameri¬ can Commonwealths.). Rollins. Ancient History, vol I. Ancient History, vol. II.--- Roosevelt. New York. (His¬ toric Towns.) . The Rough Riders. •;••• Z The Winning of the West, ^ vol. I. •••••;•** The Winning of the West, vol. .. 186 The Winning of the West, vol. Ill. The Winning of the West, vol. IV. The Army Under Pope. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) .. * * * California. (American Commonwealths.) . • • • • • • • Schillek. History of the Thirty Years’ War in Germany... Schouler. History of the United States, vol. 1 •••* History of the United States, vol. .... * ’ * History of tne United States, History of the United States. vol. IV.. * History of the United States vol. V. Sfrgeant. The Franks. : • • • Ihaler Kentucky. (American Commonwealths.) .; ■ Smiles. The Huguenots m France ...* China in Convul- Ropes. Royce. 25 104 105 106 107 108 109 29 154 Conquest of Mexico, vol. I... Conquest of Mexico, vol. II. • Conquest of Mexico, vol. Hi. Philip the Second, vol. I.... Philip the Second, vol. II. •• Philip the Second, vol. 111.. Conquest of Peru, vol. I.- Conquest of Peru, vol. II... . • Robertson’s Charles the Fifth, Robertson’s Charles the Fifth, Robertson’s Charles the Fifth, vol. HI...:. Rawlinson. Ancient History... Reynolds. Old Saint Augustin- Ridpath. History of the World, History of the World, vol. II. History of the World, vol. Ill- History of the World, vol. IV. Rus. A Ten Years’ War. Roberts. New York, 288 289 290 Smith. A. H. sion, vol. I. • • ..: ’ Vt China in Convulsion, vol. II. Smith, R- B. Rome and Carthage. E. E. The Expansion of American People..... • Library of His- 95 96 97 148 153 98 99 100 101 286 vol. I- Sparks, the Spofford. The , ™ toric Characters and Fa mous Events, vol. I. - • • • The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. ...' ‘ ‘ The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. Ill. The Library of Historic Chai- i acters and Famous Events, vol. IV.■ * * ■" The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. .. The Library of Historic Cha acters and Famous Events, The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. VII. 190 191 192 193 194 195 16 TRAVELS. The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. VIII. 196 The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. IX. 197 The Library of Historic Char¬ acters and Famous Events, vol. X. 198 Spring. Kansas (American Com¬ monwealths.) . 28 Stokes. Mediaeval History. 149 Stubbs. The Early Plantagenets. 291 Swineford. Alaska. 175 Thomas. Roman Life Under the Caesars . 292 Thompson, R. W. History of the Tariff . 155 Thompson, W. M., and Lawson, T. W. The Lawson History of the America’s Cup. 293 Titherington. A History of the Spanish-American War.... 294 Tolstoi. Napoleon and the Rus¬ sian Campaign ... 147 Truman. History of the World’s Fair . 152 Von Moltke. The Franco-Ger¬ man War. 151 Washburne. Recollections of a Minister to France, vol. I. Ill Recollections of a Minister to France, vol. II. 112 Webb. The Peninsula. (Cam¬ paigns of the Civil War.). 42 Wildman. China’s Open Door... 222 Wilson. Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, vol. 1. 296 Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, vol. II. 297 Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, vol. III. 298 Winsor, Reader’s Handbook of the American Revolution. 110 TRAVELS. C. Agassiz. A Journey in Brazil... 1 Badlam. Wonders of Alaska.... 2 Ballou. Equatorial America ... 3 Baillie-Grohman. Camps in the Rockies . 68 Barton. The Old World in the New Century . 69 Bell. Abroad with the Jimmies. 87 Bourke. On the Border with Crook . 4 Brooks. Letters of Travel. 52 Caton. A Summer in Norway. . 7 Carnegie. An American Four-in- Hand in Britain....:. 5 Round the World . 6 Clutterbuck. The Skipper in Arc¬ tic Seas . 8 Crockett. The Scott Country... 70 Custer. Tenting on the Plains. . 53 Daillgren. South-Sea Sketches.. 35 South Mountain Magic . 36 Davis. The West from a Car Window . 54 Du Chaillu. Wild Life Under the Equator . 9 Stories of the Gorilla Coun¬ try . 10 My Apingi Kingdom . 11 The Country of the Dwarfs... 12 Equatorial Africa . 13 Land of the Midnight Sun, vol. 1. 61 Land of the Midnight Sun, vol. II. 62 Earle. Stage Coach and Tavern Days . 71 Edwards. A Tnousand Miles Up the Nile . 37 Evans. A Sailor s Log . 72 Hale. Stories of Invention. 14 Stories of Adventure. 15 Stories of the Sea. 16 Stories of Discovery. 17 Stories of War . 18 Seven Spanish Cities. 38 Gone to Texas . 39 Hall. Voyages and Travels.... 73 Hare. Walks in London. 63 Hayes. New Colorado and Santa Fe Trail . 19 Hood. Up the Rhine. 21 Howard. One Year Abroad. 40 Howitts. Visits to Remarkable Places . 22 Hyde, Bliss & Tyler. Livingstone and His Life Work in Africa. 20 Inman. The Old Santa Fe Trail.. 74 Jackson. A Winter Holiday. 34 Jackson. (H. H.) Bits of Travel. 64 Jones. European Travel for Wom¬ en . 75 Kennan. Tent Life in Siberia. . . 23 Kersting. (Col. & Ar.) The White World . 76 King. Campaigning with Crook. 50 Lummis. A Tramp Trip Across poetry. 17 the Continent . 24 Mac Kie. With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea . 26 Merriweather. A Tramp Trip... 25 Nansen. Farthest North, vol. I.. 55 Farthest North, vol. II. 56 Norman. The Real Japan. 27 Norton. In and Around Berlin.. 41 Palmer. In the Klondyke. 60 Peary. Northward Over the Great Ice, vol. I. 57 Northward Over the Great Ice, vol. II. 58 Petrie. Ten Years’ Digging in Egypt . 77 Richardson. A Girdle Round the Earth . 28 Seeley. The Lost Canyon. 42 SetontThompson, Grace G. A Woman Tenderfoot . 86 Slocum. Sailing Alone Around the World . 65 Smith. Gondola Days . 78 A White Umbrella in Mex¬ ico . 79 Stanley. Livingstone’s Explor¬ ations . 29 In Darkest Africa, vol. I... 30 In Darkest Africa, vol. II.. 31 Stevens. Yesterdays in the Phil¬ ippines .59 Stevenson. Travels with a Don¬ key . 51 Stoddard. Red-Letter Days Abroad 43 Taylor, B. Northern Travel.... 32 Japan in Our Day. 44 South Africa . 45 Central Asia . 46 Central Africa . 47 Siam . 48 India, China and Japan.... 49 Views Afoot . 66 Eldorado . 80 Taylor, C. M., Touring in Alaska and the Yellowstone. 81 Thwaites. Down Historic Water¬ ways . 82 Twain. Innocents Abroad. 33 Warner. On Horseback in Vir¬ ginia . 83 Whitney. On Snow-Shoes to the Barren Grounds . 67 Wiggin. A Cathedral Courtship and Penelope’s English Ex¬ periences . 84 Penelope’s Irish Experiences. 85 POETRY. D Aldrich. Poems . 1 Arnold, E. Light of Asia . 40 Arnold, Matthew. Political Works . 21 Bailey. Festus . 84 Browning, R., Principal Shorter Poems . 41 Complete Poetical Works... 22 Browning, E. B., Complete Po¬ etical Works . 86 Burns. Complete Works.. 78 Bryant. Poems . 42 Bryant, (tr.) Iliad of Homer.... 76 Odyssey of Homer . 77 Byron. Poetical Works . 61 Campbell and Falconer. Poetical Works . 87 Carleton. City Ballads. 2 Farm Ballads . 3 City Legends . 43 Farm Legends . 44 Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Poems. 4 Memorial and Later Poems.. 5 Chaucer. Canterbury Tales .... 106 Coleridge. Poetical Works . 88 Collins. Poems . 24 Cornavall. Dramatic Poems. 6 Cowper. Poetical Works. 89 Curry. A Book of Thoughts.... 70 Dante. La Divina Commedia.... 71 Donne. Poems . 25 Dryden. Poetical Works. 90 Eliot. Poems . 66 Poetical Works . 107 Emerson. Poems . 7 Falconer. Poems. (SeeCampbell) 26 Field. A Little Book of Western Verse . 45 With Trumpet and Drum. ... 46 Second Book of Verse. 79 Gay. Poems. 27 Garrison, (comp.) Good Night Poetry . 108 Gilder. Great Remembrancer... 47 Goethe. Poems and Dramatic Works . 48 Faust . 91 Goldsmith and Gray. Poetical Works . 92 Gray. (See Goldsmith). Hall. Allegretto. 49 Harte. Poetical Works. 8 Havergal. Complete Poems. 80 Hayne. Complete Poems. 109 Hemans. Poetical Works. 110 Holland. Bitter Sweet. Id Kathrina . 11 Mistress of the Manse. 5d 18 ESSAYS, LITERATURE AND MISCELLANEOUS. Puritan’s Guest. 51 Holmes. Poems. 9 Hood. Poetical Works, vol. I- 93 Poetical Works, vol. II. 94 Ingelow. Poems. 73 Joyce. Deirdre. 52 King. Ben King’s Verse. 85 Kingsley. Poems. 95 Kipling. Seven Seas. 81 Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads . 82 Collectanea . 83 Laniee. Poems. Ill Larcom. Poems. 13 Long, (tr.) Aeneid of Virgil. 72 Longfellow. Poems. 14 Lowell. Poems . 15 Markham. Man with the Hoe, and Other Poems. 96 Meredith. Lucile . 74 Miller. Ship in the Desert. 17 Milton. Paradise Lost. 16 Poetical Works . 97 Montgomery. Heroic Ballads .... 98 Moore. Poems. 112 Parnell. Poems . 28 Pope. Poetical Works. 99 Repplier. (sel.) A Book of Fa¬ mous Verse. 113 Riley. Old-Fashioned Roses. 53 Rhymes of Childhood . 54 The Flying Islands of the Night . 55 Pipes o’ Pan at Zekesbury... 56 Poems Here at Home . 57 Afterwhiles . 58 Green Fields and Running Brooks . 59 Neighborly Poems . 60 Saxe. Poems . 62 Schiller. Poems . 63 Scott. Poetical Works . 75 Shakespeare. Hudson’s School Shakespeare, vol. 1. 18 Hudson’s School Shakespeare, vol. II. 19 Hudson’s School Shakespeare, vol. Ill. 20 Shakespeare. Eversley Edition, vol. 1. 114 Eversley Edition, vol. II_ 115 Eversley Edition, vol. III... 116 Eversley Edition, vol. IV... 117 Eversley Edition, vol. V. 118 Eversley Edition, vol. VI... 119 Eversley Edition, vol. VII.. 120 Eversley Edition, vol. VIII.. 121 Eversley Edition, vol. IX... 122 Eversley Edition, vol. X. 123 Shelley. Poetical Works . 100 Skelton. Poems vol. 1. 29 Poems, vol. II. 30 Poems, vol. Ill. 31 Southey. Poetical Works . 124 Spenser. Works . 101 Stedman. An American Anthol¬ ogy . 125 Stevenson. Underwoods . 64 Swinburne. Poetical Works .... 126 Sylvestre. (ed.) Christmas Car¬ ols, Ancient and Modern.. 127 Taylor, Bayard. Dramatic Works. 102 Complete Poems . 103 Taylor, B. F. Poems. 104 Tennyson. Poems . 65 Thompson. Poems . 105 Ticknor and Fields. (pub.) Hymns of the Ages. 12 Timrod. Poems . 128 White. Poems . 32 Whitney. Mother Goose for Grown Folks. 129 Whittier. Complete Poems . 23 Wilcox. Maurine and Other Po¬ ems . 67 Poems of Pleasure. 68 Poems of Passion. 69 Wordsworth. Poems, vol. 1. 33 Poems, vol. II. 34 Poems, vol. Ill. 35 Poems, vol. IV. 36 Poems, vol. V. 37 Poems, vol. VI. 38 Poems, vol. VII. 39 Wordsworth. Poetical Works... 130 ESSAYS, LITERATURE AND MISCELLA¬ NEOUS. E. Abbott, Jacob. Force . 1 Heat . 2 Light . 3 Water and Land . 4 Abbott, Lyman. The Rights of Man . 279 Abernethy. American Litera¬ ture . 382 Adler. The Moral Education of Children . 180 Aesop’s Fables. 172 Alden. The Art of Debate. 387 Allen. Practical Cheirosophy . 388 Altgeld. Live Questions . 252 Amber. A String of Amber Beads . 265 Anderson, E. P. (Ed.) The Best Letters of Madame ESSAYS, LITERATURE AND MISCELLANEOUS. 19 De Sevigne . Anderson, R. Daniel in the Critics’ Den . Anonymous. Friends and Ac¬ quaintances .. How to Be Happy Though Married . The Five Talents of Woman Elizabeth and Her German Garden . Collections and Recollections Apgar. Birds of the United States . Arms. The World as I Have Found It . Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism . Sohrab and Rustum. Atkinson, Philip. Electricity for Everybody . Atkinson, G. F. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, Etc.... Avebury. Origin and Metamor- poses of Insects . Ants, Bees and Wasps. Baldwin, J. The Book Lover .. Baldwin, J. M. The Story of the Mind . Balfour. The Foundations of Belief . Baker. The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon . Wild Beasts and Their Ways Barlow. Irish Idylls . Barrie. Margaret Ogilvy . Barrows. The World’s Parlia¬ ment of Religions, vol. I. The World’s Parliament of Religions, vol. II. Bartlett, John. Familiar Quo¬ tations . Bartlett, W. H. Facts I Ought to Know About the Govern¬ ment of My Country .... B \skett. The Story of the Fishes . Bates. Talks on Writing Eng¬ lish . Baxter. The Saints’ Everlast¬ ing Re c t . Bell. Mythology in Marble .... Bennett. The Monitor and the Navy Under Steam. Black stone. New Pieces That Will Take Prizes . Blanchan. Birds That Hunt and Are Hunted . Boise. Harmony Made Practical Bonney. Volcanoes . Booth. Everybody’s Guide to Music . Bowker. The Arts of Life. Boyd. Lord Bacon’s Essays. Briggs. School, College and Character . Bristol. The Ministry of Art... Brown. Bulls and Blunders.... 187 Bryce. The American Common¬ wealth, vol. 1. 8 The American Common¬ wealth, vol. II. 9 Bulkley. Plato’s Best Thoughts 326 Bullock. The Monetary History of the United States. 411 Bunce. My House: An Ideal... 327 Burroughs. Birds and Poets... 10 Pepaction . 11 Winter Sunshine . 12 Fresh Fields. 328 Signs and Seasons. 329 Locusts and Wild Honey ... 370 Riverby . 412 Burt. Browning’s Women . 330 Byrn, M. L. The Book of 1000 Anecdotes . 18 Byrn, E. W. Progress of Inven¬ tion in the Nineteenth Century . 413 Cable. The Silent South . 188 Calkins. Substitutes for the Sa¬ loon . 414 Call. Power Through Repose.. 313 Campbell. The Indwelling Christ . 314 Carhart. University Physics, part 1. 415 University Physics, part II.. 416 Carlyle. Critical and Miscella¬ neous Essays, vol. 1. 14 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. II. 15 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. Ill. 16 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol IV. 17 Heroes and Hero Worship. .. 417 Carnegie. Triumphant Democ¬ racy . 18 The Gospel of Wealth. 371 Cazin. Wonders of Heat . 217 Chambers. The Story of Eclipses . 418 Chapman. Bird-Life . 419 Childs. Recollections. 254 j Clarke. Nineteenth Century Questions . 420 Clear. Letters on Life . 421 Clement. Painting for Begin¬ ners and Students . 422 Sculpture for Beginners and Students . 423 Architecture for Beginners and Students . 424 Clemmer. Men, Women, and Things . 19 Clodd. The Story of Creation.. 20 The Story of the Alphabet. . 425 Colvin. (Ed.) Letters of Rob¬ ert Louis Stevenson, vol, I. 426 Letters of Robert Louis Ste¬ venson, vol. II. 427 Comstock. Manual for the 24 389 5 181 182 390 323 368 183 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 6 7 349 266 184 185 369 400 401 402 325 403 404 405 406 407 408 186 409 253 410 312 20 ESSAYS, LITERATURE AND MISCELLANEOUS. Study of Insects . 428 Conn. The Story of Germ Life. 429 Crawford. The Novel, What It Is . 189 Cushing. Manual of Parliament¬ ary Practice . 267 Dana, E. S. Minerals and How to Study Them . 430 Dana, J. C. A Library Primer.. 431 Dana, W. S. How to Know the Wild Flowers . 268 Darwin. 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Only the Governess. 647 Robert Ord’s Atonement.... 648 Uncle Max . 649 Nellie’s Memories . 650 Wooed and Married. 651 For Lilias. 652 Heriot’s Choice . 653 Search for Basil Lyndhurst.. 654 Queenie’s Whim . 655 Mary St. John. 656 Not Like Other Girls. 657 Wee Wifie . 658 Catherwood. Story of Tonty. . .. 213 Old Kaskaskia . 749 Lady of Fort St. John. 750 Romance of Dollard. 751 Spirit of an Illinois Town... 1033 Lazarre . 1143 Cervantes. Don Quixote of La Mancha, vol. 1. 950 Don Quixote of La Mancha, vol. 2. 951 Don Quixote of La Mancha vol. 3. 952 Don Quixote of La Mancha vol. 4. 953 Champney. Anneke .1144 A Daughter of the Hugue¬ nots . 1145 Patience . 1146 Margarita .1147 Chaplin. Five Hundred Dollars. 659 Charles. .Victory .of .the Van¬ quished . 121 Conquering and to Conquer. 122 On Both Sides of the Sea... 123 Lapsed But Not Lost. 124 Against the Stream. 125 Winifred Bertram . 126 Schonberg Cotta Family.... 1109 Chatrian. Citizen Bonaparte... 127 Alsacian Schoolmaster . 128 Year One of the Republic... 129 Waterloo . 660 The Conscript . 954 Chesnutt. The Wife of His Youth 1148 The Marrow of Tradition... 1149 Child. A Colonial Witch. 1071 Chopin. Bayou Folk. 248 Church. Burning of Rome. 661 Churchill. Richard Carvel. 1110 The Crisis . 1080 llemmer. His Two Wives. 86 Clifford. Aunt Anne. 662 Love Letters of a Worldly Woman . 663 Collins. Poor Miss Finch. 66 The Dead Secret . 67 The Woman in White. 68 The Moonstone . 69 Antonina . 664 No Name. 665 28 FICTION. Armadale . 666 i Queen of Hearts. 667 ; The New Magdalen. 668 ! The Law and the Lady. 955 Connor. The Sky Pilot. 1111 s Black Rock . 1112 ; The Man from Glengarry... 1070! Cooke. Huckleberries. 70 Happy Dodd . 669 The Sphinx’s Children. 670 Somebody’s Neighbors . 671 •Steadfast . 672 Cooper. Afloat and Ashore. 89 ; Crater . 90 Deerslayer . 91 ; Headsman . 92 Jack Tier. 93 Lionel Lincoln . 94 Monikins . 95 Mercedes of Castile. 96 Last of the Mohicans. 97 Miles Wallingford . 98 Oak Openings. 99 Pathfinder . 100 Red Rover. 101 Red Skins . 102 Sea Lions . 103 Satanstoe . 104 The Prairie . 105 The Pilot . 106 The Heidenmauer . 107 The Bravo . 108 Two Admirals . 109 The Spy . 110 Ways of the Hour. Ill Wish-Ton-Wish . 112 Water Witch . 113 Wing and Wing. 114 Wyandotte . 115 Home as Found. 116 Chainbearer . 117 Homeward Bound . 118 Pioneers . 119 Precaution . 120 Corelli. Thelma . 674 Romance of Two Worlds... 675 Ardath . 1014 Vendetta . 1015 Barabbas . 1072 Craddock. Despot of Broomsedge Cove . 73 In the Tennessee Mountains. 74 Down the Ravine. 75 In the Clouds. 76 Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain . 77 Where the Battle Was Fought . 78 Story of Keedon Bluffs. 79 In the Stranger People’s Coun¬ try . 676 His Vanished Star. 956 The Young Mountaineers... 180 The Juggler . 181 Crawford. Paul Patoff. 80 A Roman Singer . 81 An American Politician.... To Leeward . Zoroaster . Doctor Claudius . Pietro Ghisleri . Don Orsino . Saracinesca . Tale of a Lonely Parish.... Sants’ Ilario. Mr. Isaacs . Katharine Lauderdale . The Ralstons, (sequel). Via Crucis . In the Palace of the King... Marietta, A Maid of Venice. Crim. In Beaver Cove. Crockett. The Stickit Minister. The Lilac Sunbonnet. The Raiders . The Men of the Moss-Hags. The Dark of the Moon. Cummins. Mabel Vaughn. The Lamplighter . ' Curtin. Russian Myths and Folk Tales . Myths and Folk-Lore of Ire¬ land . Curtis. Prue and I. Custer. Boots and Saddles.... Following the Guidon. Dahlgren. Lights and Shadows of a Life . A Washington Winter. Daudet. Recollections of a Lit¬ erary Man . Jack . Davis, Richard H. Van Bibber and Others ... Captain Macklin. Ranson’s Folly . Davis, Rebecca H. Silhouettes of American Life. Davis, W. S. A Friend of Cae¬ sar . Dawe. Mount Desolation . Deland. John Ward, Preacher.. Story of a Child . Mr. Tommy Dove and Other Stories . Sidney . Old Chester Tales . Wisdom of Fools . DeMaupassant. Pierre and Jean . Dickens. Bleak House, vol. I.. Bleak House, vol. II. Sketches by Boz. David Copperfield, vol. I.... David Copperfield, vol. II.. Old Curiosity Shop, vol. I... Old Curiosity Shop, vol. II.. Martin Chuzzlewit, vol. I ... Martin Chuzzlewit, vol. II.. Christmas Stories . Christmas Books . 82 83 84 85 677 678 679 680 1034 1035 1113 1114 1150 1151 1152 130 1036 1037 1073 1074 160 87 88 682 683 1115 71 72 684 685 686 688 139 1153 1154 958 1155 137 134 689 690 691 1075 199 687 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 FICTION. 29 Tale of Two Cities. 152 Little Dorrit, vol. 1. 153 Little Dorrit, vol. II. 154 Edwin Drood . 155 Dombey and Son, vol. 1. 156 Dombey and Son, vol. II.... 157 Great Expectations . 158 Our Mutual Friend, vol. I... 161 Our Mutual Friend, vol. II.. 162 Nicholas Nickleby, vol. I... 163 Nicholas Nickleby, vol. II.. 164 Pickwick Papers, vol. I. 165 Pickwick Papers, vol. II... 166 Barnaby Rudge, vol. 1. 167 Barnaby Rudge, vol. II. 168 Oliver Twist . 169 Dixon. The Leopard’s Spots .. 170 Dodd. Three Normandy Inns... 692 Dole. Not Angels Quite . 959 Douglas. Larry . 693 Foes of Her Household.... 694 Heirs of Bradley House. 695 A Woman’s Inheritance.... 696 From Hand to Mouth. 697 Seven Daughters . 698 Bethia Wray’s New Name.. 699 A Modern Adam and Eve in a Garden . 700 Whom Kathie Married . 701 In the King’s Country . 960 Doyle. Micah Clarke . 140 The Great Shadow . 702 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes . 703 The Refugees . 704 The White Company . 705 Firm of Girdlestone . 706 A Study in Scarlet . 1016 Sign of the Four . 1017 Captain of the Pelestar. 1018 Hound of the Baskervilles .. 1156 DuBoies. Martha Corey. 135 Columbus and Beatriz. 136 Dumas. The Three Musketeers, vol. 1. 707 The Three Musketeers, vol. II. 708 Twenty Years After, vol. I.. 709 Twenty Years After, vol. II. 710 Vicomte De Bragelonne, vol. I . 711 Vicomte De Bragelonne, vol. II . 712 Vicomte De Bragelonne, vol. III . 713 Vicomte De Bragelonne, vol. IV . 714 Vicomte De Bragelonne, vol. V . 715 Vicomte De Bragelonne, vol. VI . 716 Le Chevalier De Maison- Rouge _'.. 717 La Comtesse De Charny, vol. 1. 718 La Comtesse De Charny, vol. II. 719 La Comtesse De Charny, vol. HI. 720 La Comtesse De Charny, vol. IV. 721 The Queen’s Necklace, vol. I. 722 The Queen’s Necklace, vol. II. 723 Ange Pitou, vol. 1. 724 Ange Pitou, vol. II. 725 Memoirs of a Physician, vol. I . 726 Memoirs of a Physician, vol. II . 727 Memoirs of a Physician, vol. III . 728 Count of Monte Cristo. 1038 Duncan. An American Girl in London . 138 Ebers. Uarda, vol. 1. 186 Uarda, vol. II. 187 A Thorny Path, vol. 1. 577 A Thorny Path, vol. II. 578 Egyptian Princess, vol. I_ 579 Egyptian Princess, vol. II.. 580 Joshua . 729 The Sisters. 730 Edgeworth. Rackrent . 961 Popular Tales, vol. 1. 962 Popular Tales, vol. II. 963 Edwards. My Brother’s Wife.. 731 Hand and Glove . 732 Miss Carew . 964 Barbara’s History . 965 Eggleston, E. The Faith Doctor. 183 The Circuit Rider . 184 Roxy . 185 The Hoosier Schoolmaster.. 571 The End of the World. 733 The Mystery of Metropolis- ville . 734 Duffels . 735 The Graysons . 736 Eggleston, G. C. Dorothy South 975 Eliot. Daniel Deronda, vol. I.. 171 Daniel Deronda, vol. II. 172 Middlemarch vol. 1. 173 Middlemarch, vol. II. 174 Romola . 175 Felix Holt. 176 Adam Bede . 177 Silas Marner . 178 Theophastus Such . 179 The Mill on the Floss . 182 Elliot. Jerry . 1157 Eyster. A Chinese Quaker. 1158 Falconer. Hotel D’Angleterre.. 197 Madamoiselle Ixe . 198 Farjeon. Ties Human and Di¬ vide . 581 For the Defence . 582 Fawcett. A Hopeless Case. 188 A Gentleman of Leisure.... 189 Olivia Delaplaine ,. 190 Confessions of Claud. 191 30 FICTION. An Ambitious Woman. 192 House at High Bridge . 193 Loaded Dice . 738 Field, Eugene. The Holy Cross. 739 Field, Roswell. Romance of an Old Fooi . 1159 Passing of Mother’s Portrait 1160 Finley. The Tragedy of Wild River Valley . 740 Foote. The Last Assembly Ball. 194 The Led-Horse Claim. 195 John Bodewin’s Testimony. 196 The Chosen Valley . 741 In Exile and Other Stories. 966 The Desert and the Sown.. 1161 Ford. The Hon. Peter Stirling. 1076 Forrester. Dearest. 742 Fothergill. Orioles’ Daughter.. 743 Francis. The Duenna of a Ge¬ nius . 1077 Frederic. Gloria Mundi . 1078 The Market Place . 1162 Frye. From Headquarters .... 967 Fuller, A. A Literary Court¬ ship . 744 Fuller, H. B. The Cliff if Dwell¬ ers . 745 The Chevalier of Pensieri Vani . 746 Gardener. Pushed by Unseen Hands . 202 Garland. Main-Travelled Roads. 200 Jason Edwards, an Average Man . 201 The Eagle’s Heart . 1163 Her Mountain imver . 1164 Captain of the Gray Horse Troop . 1165 Garrett. By Still Waters. 1079 Gaskell. Cranford. 747 Cousin Phillis . 748 Gibbons. Those Black Diamond Men . 1166 Glasgow. The Voice of the Peo¬ ple . 1167 Goethe. Wilhelm Meister, vol. I. 211 Wilhelm Meister, vol. II.... 212 Sorrows of Werther, Etc.... 752 Wilhelm Meister’s Appren¬ ticeship and Travels . 753 Goldsmith. Vicar of Wakefield. 210 Goodwin. White Aprons . 1116 Gordon. A Successful Man ... 968 Goss. The Redemption of David Corson . 1168 Gosse. The Secret of Narcisse.. 754 Gould, J. T. Marjorie’s Quest... 208 Gould, S. B. Mehalah . 755 Arminell . 969 John Herring . 970 Mrs. Curgenven of Curgen- ven . 971 The Pennycomequicks . 972 Urith . 973 Grant, R. Confessions of a Friv¬ olous Girl . 207 Reflections of a Married Man . 209 Unleavened Bread . 1169 Grant, M. M. So Dear a Dream. 1021 Green. The Mill Mystery. 756 Marked Personal . 757 Greenwood. Stories and Sketches . 974 Greville. Cleopatra . 583 Grey. The Reproach of Annes- ley . 205 The Silence of Dean Mait¬ land . 206 Gunsaulus. Monk and Knight, vol. 1. 203 Monk and Knight, vol. II... 204 Gunter. Mr. Barnes of New York . 758 Habberton. The Barton Experi¬ ment . 1020 Helen’s Babies . 1129 Haggard. The World’s Desire.. 759 Dawn . 760 Cleopatra . 761 Allan Quatermain. 762 Beatrice . 763 Hale. Ten Times One Is Ten.. 214 In His Name . 215 Sybil Knox . 280 Philip Nolan’s Friend . 584 Man Without a Country. 764 His Level Best . 976 Hall. Far Irom Today . 216 Hamilton. Rachel’s Share of the Road . 765 Hammond. The Georgians. 766 Harben. Northern Georgia Sketches . 377 Hardy, A. S. But Yet a Woman. 241 Hardy, T. Tess of the D’urber- villes . 585 Harland, M. Handicapped. 767 With the Best Intentions ... 768 Judith, a Chronicle of Old Virginia . 769 The Empty Heart . 1022 Harland, H. The Cardinal’s Snuff-Box . 1170 Harris, M. C. A Perfect Adonis. 231 St. Philip’s . 232 The Sutherlands . 233 Rutledge . 234 Missy . 235 Phoebe . 236 Harris. An Utter Failure. 770 Frank Warrington . 237 Richard Vandermarck. 238 Happy Go Lucky . 239 Louie’s Last Term . 240 Harris, J. C. On me Plantation. 242 Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann . 1171 The Making of a Statesman. 1172 Harrison. The Anglomaniacs 771 Sweet Bells Out of Tune.... 773 Bar Harbor Days. 977 FICTION. 31 Haute. Gabriel Conroy . 256 Frontier Stories . 257 Luck of Roaring Camp. 258 Tales of the Argonauts. 259 Condensed Novels . 260 The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh . 261 Cressy . 262 Colonel Starbottle’s Client... 263 A First Family of Tassajara. 264 A Sappho of Green Springs. 265 Drift from Two Shores. 266 Openings in the Old Trail... 255 By Shore and Ledge . 267 Maruja . 268 A Phyllis of the Sierras.... 269 Argonauts of North Liberty. 270 A Millionaire of Rough and Ready . 271 A Waif of the Plains. 272 Snow Bound at Eagles. 273 Crusade of the Excelsior.... 274 A Ward of Lie Golden State. 275 Hawthorne. Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales . 243 The Marble Faun . 244 Dolliver Romance. Septimius Felton . 245 Scarlet Letter . 249 Twice Told Tales . 250 House of Seven Gables and The Snow Image . 251 Mosses from an old Manse.. 252 Dr. Grimshawe’s secret .... 253 Tales, Sketches and Other Papers . 254 Hawthorne, J. Fortune’s Fool. . 276 Hegan. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab¬ bage Patch . 1173 Heimburg. The Chaplain’s Daughter . 1019 Henry. By Order of the Prophet. 1174 Hentz. Marcus Warland. 1023 Hibbard. The Governor and Oth¬ er Stories . 278 Holland. Miss Gilbert’s Career. 774 The Bay Path . 775 Nicholas Minturn . 776 Sevenoaks . 777 Arthur Bonnicastle . 778 Holley. Samantha at Saratoga. 779 Samantha at the World’s Fair . 978 Sweet Cicely . 1039 Holmes. The Guardian Angel, . 217 Elsie Venner . 218 A Mortal Antipathy . 219 Hope. Prisoner of Zenda . 1040 Rupert of Heutzau. (Se¬ quel.) . 1081 Hough. The Mississippi Bubble. 1175 Howard. One Summer . 227 Aulnay Tower. 228 Aunt Serena . 229 Guenn . 230 A Fellowe and His Wife. 780 The Open Door . Howe. The Story of a Country Town . A Moonlight Boy . Mystery of the clocks . Howells. The Rise of Silas Lap- ham . Dr. Breen’s Practice . April Hopes . A Fearful Responsibility... . Their Wedding Journey .... The Lady of the Aroostook.. An Italian Journey . The World of Chance . Venetian Life. A Hazard of New Fortunes, vol. I . A Hazard of New Fortunes, vol. II. The Coast of Bohemia. A Modern Instance . A Chance Acquaintance. A Woman’s Reason . Three Villages . The Kentons . Hungerford. The O’Connors of Ballinahinch . Hugo. By Order of the King... History of a Crime . Notre Dame De Paris. Ninety-Three . Les Miserables. Toilers of the Sea. Ingraham. Prince of the House of David . 781 277 782 783 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 784 785 786 788 789 790 791 981 1176 279 792 793 794 795 796 797 1177 Jackson. Mercy Philbrick’s Choice . 288 Hetty’s Strange History. 289 Ramona . 290 James. The American . 285 Portrait of a Lady . 286 A Passionate Pilgrim . 287 The Wheel of Time . 798 The Real Thing . 982 Janvier. The Aztec Treasure House . 1178 Jerome. Stage-Land . 799 Three Men in a Boat....... 800 Jewett. A Country Doctor. 281 Deephaven . 282 The Mate of the Daylight... 283 The White Heron . 284 A Native of Winbv . 801 Strangers and Wayfarers... 802 Old Friends and New. 803 The Country of the Pointed Firs . 1179 The Life of Nancy. 1180 Johnston. Prisoners of Hope.. 1082 To Have and to Hold. 1117 Audrey . 1181 Keary. A York and a Lancaster Rose . 1182 Keith. A Spinster’s Leaflets ... 979 King, G. Tales of a Time and 32 FICTION. Place . 294 King, C. Captain Blake. 295 The Colonel’s Daughter .... 296 Laramie, or the Queen of Bedlam . 804 Marion’s Faitn. 805 Foes in Ambush .. 806 Starlight Ranch . 807 Between the Lines. 808 A War-Time Wooing. 983 King, M. E. Bread and Wine.. 1183 Kingsley, C. Hypatia . 299 Westward Ho. 300 Two Years Ago . 809 Hereward . 810 Alton Locke . 811 Yeast . 812 Kingsley, F. M. Titus . 1041 The Needle’s Eye . 1184 Kipling. The Light That Failed. 297 Plain Tales from the Hills. 813 The Phantom Rickshaw.... 814 Indian Tales . 815 Life’s Handicap.984 Captains Courageous . 1083 The Day’s Work . 1084 Kirk. Story of Margaret Kent. 291 Ciphers . 292 A Midsummer Madness. 293 Better Times . 816 A Daughter of Eve . 817 Walford . 818 Sons and Daughters . 819 Queen Money . 820 A Lesson in Love . 821 A Remedy for Love . 1185 Kirkland. Zury . 298 Lamartine. Graziella . 303 The Stone-Mason of Saint Point . 985 Lee, M. C. A Quaker Girl of Nantucket . 302 Lee, M. H. Margaret Salisbury. 986 Leffingwell. Manulito . 301 Lever. Harry Lorrequer . 304 London. Children of the Frost.. 1186 Long. Madame Butterfly. 1187 Longfellow. Hyperion . 305 Loti. An Iceland Fisherman... 1042 Lover. Handy Andy . 1188 Ludlow. The Captain of the Janizaries . 822 Deborah . 1189 Lyall. A Hardy Norseman. 823 Won by Waiting . 824 Donovan . 825 Lytton. Harold . 306 Godolphin . 307 Ernest Maltravers . 308 Kenelm Chillingly . 309 A Strange Story . 310 Night and Morning . 311 Last of the Barons. 312 What Will He Do With It, vol. I . 313 What Will He Do With It, vol. II. 314 The Parisians, vol. 1. 315 The Parisians, vol. II. 316 , The Caxtons . 317 Eugene Aram. 318 Last Days of Pompeii. 319 Alice. (Sequel to Ernest Maltravers.) . 1043 Maartens. The Greater Glory. 1044 Macdonald. The Elect Lady.... 323 Annals of a Quiet Neighbor¬ hood 324 Donal Grant . 325 The Marquis of Lossie. 326 Stephen Archer . . 327 Robert Falconer . 328 Wilfrid Cumbermede . 329 The Vicar’s Daughter . 330 David Elginbrod . 331 Heather and Snow. 826 St. George and St. Michael. 827 Mary Marston . 828 Thomas Wingfold, Curate... 829 Warlock O’Glenwarlock .... 830 Weighed and Wanting. 586 Paul Faber . . 1024 Seaboard Parish . 1045 Sir Gibbie . 1046 Maclaren. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush .1025 Major. Dorothy Vernon of Had- don Hall .. 1190 Marchmont. Sarita the Carlist. 1191 Marsh. Opening the Oyster.... 351 Marryat. The Phantom Ship.. 342 Newton Forster. 343 Pacha of Many Tales. 344 The Naval Officer . 345 Marshall. It Happened Yester¬ day . 334 Mason. The Little Green God.. 1192 Mathews. My Lady Peggy Goes to Town . 1193 May. Her Friend’s Lover. 987 McCall. Truth Dexter . 1194 McCarthy. The Ladies’ Gallery. 322 The Right Honorable . 587 The Dictator . 831 McCutcheon. Graustark . 1195 Castle Craneycrow . 1196 McLean. Cape Cod Folks. 1130 Meade. Miss Toosey’s Mission.. 1047 Meade, L. T. Out of the Fashion. 320 Melville. Typee. Romance of the South Seas . 1197 Meredith. Rhoda Fleming. 832 The Shaving of Shagpat.... 833 Harry Richmond . 834 Beauchamp’s Career . 835 Diana of the Crossways.1198 Merriman. The Sowers . 1199 With Edged Tools . 1200 Millet. A Capillary Crime. 321 Mitchell, D. G. Wet Days at Edgewood . 346 My Farm of Edgewood. 347 FICTION. 33 Dream Life . 348 Reveries of a Bachelor. 349 Mitchell, S. Wier. Hugh Wynne, vol. 1. 1085 Hugh Wynne, vol. II. 1086 Characteristics . 1201 Dr. North and His Friends.. 1202 In War Time . 332 Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd..., 1203 Molesworth. Leona . 836 Moore. The Jessamy Bride. 1131 Moran. From School-Room to Bar . 333 Morse. Rachel Stanwood. 988 Muhlbach. Louisa of Prussia.. 335 Andreas Hofer .. 336 The Daughter of an Em¬ press . 337 Goethe and Schiller . 837 Napoleon and Blucher. 838 Muller, Max. A Story of German Love ... 350 Mulock. John Halifax, Gentle¬ man . 338 The Woman’s Kingdom .... 339 Olive . 340 A Noble Life . 341 A Brave Lady . 839 A Life for a Life . 840 Hannah . 841 The Laurel Bush. 842 My Mother and 1. 843 The Head of the Family ... 844 Christian’s Mistake . 845 Mistress and Maid . 846 A Hero, Etc. 847 Nemec. The Grandmother. 848 Nesbit, E. The Red House. 1204 Newberry. The Wrestler of Phil¬ ippi .1048 Ninde. We Two Alone in Eu¬ rope . 352 Norris. The Octopus . 1205 Ohnet. A Debt of Hatred . 1049 Oliphant. Whiteladies . 849 He That Will Not When He May . 359 Madam . 588 Ollivant. Bob, Son of Battle ... 1118 Ouida. Bimb . 353 Wanda . 354 Tricotrin . 355 Moths . 356 Granville De Vigne . 357 Under Two Flags . 358 Paddock. In the Toils. 850 Page. In Ole Virginia. 375 Red Rock . .. 1087 The Old Gentleman of the Black Stock . 1206 Pansy. Household Puzzles. 380 A New Graft on the Family Tree .. 381 Julia Ried . 382 Chautauqua Girls at Home. 383 The King’s Daughter. 384 Chrissy’s Endeavor . 385 Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking On ... 386 An Endless Chain. 387 Echoing and Re-echoing .... 388 Ester Ried Yet Speaking.... 389 Eighty-seven .. 390 Aunt Hannah, Martha and John . 391 The Pocket Measure . 392 Profiles . 394 One Commonplace Day .... 395 Links in Rebecca’s Life. 396 Modern Prophets . 398 Divers Women . 400 The Hall in the Grove. 401 Her Associate Members .... 402 Wise and Otherwise. 403 Judge Burnham’s Daughter.. 404 Interrupted . 405 From Different Standpoints.. 406 Four Girls at Chautauqua.. 407 Ruth Erskine’s Crosses. 408 The Randolphs. 852 Ester Ried. 853 Parker. Seats of the Mighty... 1050 The Battle of the Strong. .. 1088 The Lane That Had No Turn¬ ing . 1119 Donovan Pasha . 1207 The Right of Way. 1208 When Valmond Came to Pon¬ tiac . 1209 Peacock. Maid Marian . 854 Perry. For a Woman . 376 Phelps, E. S. The Silent Part¬ ner . 364 Madonna of the Tubs. 365 The Gates Ajar . 366 The Gates Between . 367 Beyond the Gates . 368 Doctor Zay . 369 The Story of Avis. 370 Men, Women and Ghosts... 371 Old Maid’s Paradise . 372 Hedged In . 373 Come Forth . 856 Donald Marcy . 857 Friends: A Duet . 858 A Lost Hero. 990 A Singular Life . 1061 The Successors of Mary the First . 1210 Phelps. C. E. D. The Bailiff of Tewksbury . 855 Phillpotts. Folly and Fresh Air 859 Pidgin. Blennerhassett . 1211 Quincy Adams Sawyer. 1212 Pool. Roweny in Boston. 360 Dally . 860 Katharine North. 861 Mrs. Keats Bradford . 862 The Two Salomes. 863 Mrs. Gerald . 1051 The Red-Bridge Neighbor- 34 FICTION. hood .. 1213 Porter. The Scottish Chiefs, vol. 1. 362 The Scottish Chiefs, vol. II. 363 Thaddeus of Warsaw . 864 Potter. The Haunted Pool. 865 Prentiss. Pemaquid . 866 The Home at Greylock. 867 Stepping Heavenward . 868 The Flower of the Family... 869 Aunt Jane’s Hero . 870 Avis Benson . 991 Pushkin. Marie . 374 Reade, C. A Woman Hater..., 409 Foul Play . 410 A Simpleton . 411 Never Too Late to Mend, vol. I . 412 Never Too Late to Mend, vol. II . 413 Love Me Little, Love Me Long . 414 A Terrible Temptation. 415 The Cloister and the Hearth, vol. 1. 416 The Cloister and the Hearth, vol. II. 417 The Course of True Love... 418 Peg Woffington . 419 Hard Cash, vol. 1. 420 Hard Cash, vol. II. 421 Griffith Gaunt. 422 Put Yourself in His Place, vol. 1. 423 Put Yourself in His Place, vil. II. 424 Reade, Amye. Slaves of the Saw¬ dust . 428 Read, Opie. A Tennessee Judge. 992 Reid, Mayne. Osceola the Semi¬ nole . 871 The Tiger-Hunter . 993 Richards. Marie . 1052 Geoffrey Strong. 1214 Mrs. Tree .._. 1215 Riley. Sketches in Prose. 361 Rives. Hearts Courageous. 1216 Roberts. Down the Ohio . 425 Robinson. The Wrong That Was Done . 427 Roche. Children of the Abbey, vol. 1. 429 Children of the Abbey, vol. II. 430 Roe, E. P. Driven Back to Eden. 431 Opening of a Chestnut Burr. 432 A Knight of the Nineteenth Century . 433 Barriers Burned Away. 434 He Fell in Love With His Wife . 874 What Can She Do . 875 An Original Belle. 876 A Face Illumined . 877 Near to Nature’s Heart. 878 From Jest to Earnest. 879 Miss Lou . 880 Roe, A. S. Time and Tide. 872 Woman, Our Angel . 873 True to the Last. 994 Ruffini. Doctor Antonio . 426 Runkle. The Helmet of Na¬ varre .. 1217 Ryan. Told in the Hills. 1218 Saint Pierre. Paul and Virginia. 1053 Sand. Consuelo . 463 Nanon . 464 Monsieur Sylvestre . 465 The Bagpipers . 466 Antonia . 467 The Snow Man . 589 Sandeau. Madeleine. 159 Sangster. Janet Ward . 1219 Schreiner. Dream Life and Real Life . 881 bcHUBiN. Felix Lanzberg’s Ex¬ piation . 460 Scott. Waverley . 435 Guy Mannering. 436 Antiquary . 437 Rob Roy . 438 Bride of Lammermoor. 439 Ivanhoe . 440 The Monastery . 441 The Abbot . 442 Kenilworth . 443 The Pirate . 444 Fortunes of Nigel. 445 Peveril of the Peak. 446 Quentin Durward . 447 St. Ronan’s Well . 448 Redgauntlet . 449 Tales of the Crusaders. 450 Woodstock . 451 Chronicles of the Canongate. 452 Fair Maid of Perth . 453 Anne of Geirstein . 454 Count Robert of Paris. 455 Castle Dangerous, and Tales of a Grandfather. (First series.) . 456 Tales of a Grandfather. (Sec¬ ond series.) . 457 Tales of a Grandfather. (Third series.) . 458 Tales of a Grandfather. (Fourth series.) . 459 Heart of Midlothian . 1089 The Talisman . 1090 Seawall. The Sprightly Ro¬ mance of Marsac . 1091 The History of the Lady Bet¬ ty Stair . 772 Sheppard. Charles Auchester, vol. 1. 461 Charles Auchester vol. II... 462 Sheldon. In His Steps . 1054 Born to Serve . 1132 Shorthouse. John Inglesant... 882 Sir Percival . 995 Sienkiewicz. Pan Michael. 883 FICTION. 35 With Fire and Sword. 996 The Deluge, vol. 1. 997 The Deluge, vol. II. 998 Quo Vadis . 1055 Simpson. Love Never Faileth... 1221 Slosson. Fishin’ Jimmy. 1056 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter m Cartersville . 473 Tom Grogan . 1057 Caleb West, Master Diver... 1092 The Fortunes of Oliver Horn. 1222 Smith, J. B. High Joe. 999 Sousa. The Fifth String. 1223 Spearman. Held for Orders .... 1224 Dr. Bryson . 1225 Steel. On the Face of the Wa¬ ters . 1093 The Hosts of the Lord. 1226 Stevenson. David Balfour. 884 The Black Arrow . 885 The Wrong Box .. 886 The Master of Ballantrae... 887 Kidnapped . 888 Strange Case of Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . 889 The Silverado Squatters. 890 Weir of Hermiston . 1227 Stillman. Fool’s Gold . 1228 Stockton. The House of Martha. 474 Rudder Grange . 475 The Lady, or the Tiger?.... 476 The Rudder Grangers Abroad 891 The Hundredth Man . 892 Ardis Claverden . 893 The Late Mrs. Null. 894 What Might Have Been Ex¬ pected . 1000 Stories of Three Burglars. . 1001 Kate Bonnet . 1229 The Girl at Cobhurst. 1230 The Adventures of Captain Horn . 1231 Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht. (Sequel.) 1232 Stoddard, E. The Morgesons.. 1233 Stowe. Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories . 468 The Minister’s Wooing. 469 Agnes of Sorrento . 470 My Wife and 1. 472 We and Our Neighbors. 471 Dred . 895 Oldtown Folks . 896 The Pearl of Orr’s Island... 897 Poganuc People . 898 Sue. The Wandering Jew. 1002 Tarkington. The Gentleman from Indiana . 1133 Monsieur Beaucaire . 1234 The Two Vanrevels . 1235 Tasma. The Penance of Portia James . 499 Taylor, W. L. His Broken Sword . 498 Taylor, H. C. With Edge Tools. 899 An American Peeress. 900 Taylor, M. I. An Imperial Lover 1094 Thackeray. Burlesques, and Yellow Plush Papers. 48$ Christmas Books. 487 Henry Esmond . 488 Vanity Fair . 489 The Newcomes . 490 The Adventures of Philip ... 491 History of Pendennis. 492 Roundabout Papers . 493 Paris, Irish and Eastern Sketches . 494 The Virginians . 495 Thanet. Knitters in the Sun.. 496 A Book of True Lovers. 1120 Thomas. Old Dacre’s Darling.. 484 Thompson, D. P. The Green Mountain Boys . 1003 Thompson, M. Alice of Old Vin¬ cennes . 1134 Thruston. A Girl of Virginia.. 1236 Tibbles. Hidden Power. 1106 Tincker. San Salvador. 595 Tolstoi. The Invaders and Other Stories . 901 Anna Karenina . 902 Sevastopol. The Cossacks.. 1237 War and Peace, vols. I. and II. 1238 War and Peace, vols. III. and IV. 1239 Topelius. Times of Gustaf Adolf 481 Times of Battle and Rest.... 483 Times of Charles XII. 479 Times of Frederick 1. 480 Times of Linnaeus . 482 Times of Alchemy . 478 Tourgee. Black Ice. 903 A Fool’s Errand . 905 Bricks Without Straw. (Se¬ quel.) . 904 Figs and Thistles . 906 A Royal Gentleman . 907 Murvale Eastman . 908 John Eax . 909 Hof Plowshares . 1004 Out of the Sunset Sea. 1005 An Outing with the Queen of Hearts . 1006 Townsend. Lenox Dare. 910 But a Philistine . 911 That Queen Girl . 912 Mostly Marjorie Day. 913 Trollope. The Prime Minister, vol. 1. 914 The Prime Minister, vol. II.. 915 The Prime Minister, vol. III. 916 Dr. Thorne . 1007 Framley Parsonage . 1008 Phineas Finn, vol. 1. 1240 Phineas Finn, vol. II. 1241 Phineas Finn, vol. Ill. 1242 Turgenieff. Spring Floods. 917 Liza . 918 Annals of a Sportsman. 919 Turgenev. Fathers and Children 1243 36 FICTION. Twain. Merry Tales . 485 Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc . 1257 The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg . 1258 Tynan. The Dear Irish Girl.... 1121 Underwood. Quabbin . 920 Van Dyke. Story of the Other Wise Man . 1135 The Ruling Passion . 1244 The Blue Flower . 1245 Verne. Michael Strogoff. 500 From the Earth to the Moon. 501 A Floating City . 502 A Journey to the Center of the Earth . 503 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea . 1122 Tour of the World in Eighty Days . 1123 Von Suttner. Ground Arms.... 504 Wallace. The Fair God. 528 Ben Hur . 529 The Prince of India, vol. I.. 921 The Prince of India, vol. II.. 922 The Boyhood of Christ. 1124 The First Christmas . 1246 Walsh. Mary: The Queen of the House of David. 923 Ward, Mrs H. History of David Grieve . 524 Robert Elsmere .. 1026 Marcella . 1058 Sir George Tressady, vol. I.. 1059 Sir George Tressady, vol II. 1060 Eleanor . 1136 Helbeck of Bannisdale, vol. I 1095 Helbeck of Bannisdale, vol. II. 1096 Ward, H. D. The Burglar Who Moved Paradise . 1062 Warden. Sea Mew Abbey. 532 Ware. Zenobia. 1063 Warner. My Summer in a Gar¬ den . 526 Their Pilgrimage . 527 The Golden House . 1097 A Little Journey in the World . 397 Warren. Miss Wilton . 525 Watanna. A Japanese Nightin¬ gale . 1247 Westcott. David Harum . 1098 Wetherell. Queechy . 924 Say and Seal . 925 Weyman. House of the Wolf.... 1064 Wharton. The Valley of Deci¬ sion .1247 Wheaton. The Russells in Chi¬ cago . . JAHi. J-248 Whitney. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life . 505 The Gayworthys . 506 Faith Gartney’s Girlhood... 507 Hitherto .* 508 Homespun Yarns . 509 Patience Strong’s Outings.. 510 We Girls; A Home Story... The Other Girls . Real Folks . Odd or Even? . Boys at Chequasset . Ascutney Street . Bonny-Borough . Sights and Insights, vol. I.. Sights and Insights, vol. II. A Golden Gossip . Square Pegs . Wiggin. Marm Lisa . Penelope’s Progress . The Diary of a Goose Girl.. Wilkins. Jane Field . A New England Nun ...... Jerome, a Poor Man . The Portion of Labor . Wilkinson. The Strength of the Hills . Willard. A Colony of Girls.... Wilson. The Spenders . Wiltse. (Ed.) Jean Valjean. (From Victor Hugo.).... Wister, Mrs. A. L. (Trans.) Old Mam’selle’s Secret . Countess Gisela . The Little Moorland Prin¬ cess . Gold Elsie . The Alpine Fay . The Owl’s Nest . Countess Erika’s Appren¬ ticeship . Quicksands . The Second Wife . Picked Up in the Streets.... Hulda . Only a Girl. Wister, Owen. The Virginian.. Woolley. Roger Hunt . Woolson. Castle Nowhere ..... For the Major . Anne . Jupiter Lights . Rodman, the Keeper . Horace Chase . East Angels . Wray. Jean Mitchell’s School.. Yonge. The Daisy Chain . The Heir of Redclyffe. Love and Life . The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest ... Heartsease . The Trial . Hopes and Fears . The Clever Woman of the Family . The Caged Lion . The Pillars of the House, vol. I . The Pillars of the House, vol. II . The Prince and the Page... Zagoskin. Tales of Three Cen¬ turies . 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 1250 1065 1099 1251 926 927 1066 1252 1253 530 1254 1137 521 522 523 590 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 1255 531 533 534 535 936 937 938 1009 1256 536 537 538 939 940 941 942 943 944 1100 1101 1125 539 JUVENILE LITERATURE 37 JUVENILE LITERATURE. G. Abbott, Jacob. Rollo in Geneva. 416 Rollo in Holland. 417 Rollo in London. 418 Rollo in Naples. 419 Rollo in Paris. 420 Rollo in Rome. 421 Rollo in Scotland. 422 Rollo in Switzerland. 423 Rollo on the Atlantic. 424 Rollo on the Rhine. 425 Alcott. Shawl Straps.. 1 Cupid and Chow-Chow. 2 My Girls. 3 My Boys. 4 Jimmy’s Cruise in the Pina¬ fore . 5 An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiv¬ ing . 6 Proverb Stories . 7 Spinning Wheel Stories. 8 Lula’s Library, vol. I.. 9 Lula’s Library, vol. II. 10 Lula’s Library, vol III. 11 Silver Pitchers. 12 Little Men. 13 Garland for Girls. 14 An Old-Fashioned Girl. 15 Jo’s Boys. 16 Jack and Jill,. 17 Eight Cousins. 18 Rose in Bloom. 19 Under the Lilacs. 20 Little Women. 227 Comic Tragedies. 90 Alden. The Cruise of the Canoe Club . 247 Aldrich. Story of a Bad Boy... 315 Alger. From Canal Bov to Pres¬ ident . 295 Allen. Navy Blue. 248 Cleared for Action. 249 Anderson. Stories and Tales. vol. 1. 21 Stories and Tales, vol. II.... 22 Only a Fiddler. .... 23 Andrews. Seven Little Sisters.. 316 Each and All. 317 Ten Boys. 318 Stories Mother Nature Told. 319 Anonymous. Notes for Boys and Their Fathers. 24 What Darwin Saw. 214 Following the Flag. 215 Tim: A Storv of School Life . 228 April Baby’s Book of Tunes. 250 Ashmore. The Business Girl.... 364 B.4DLAM. Views in Africa. 426 Bailey. Lessons with Plants.. .. 518 Baker, S. W. True Tales for My Grandsons . 42 Baker, R. S. Boy’s Book of In¬ ventions . 427 Ball. Star Land. 519 Baldwin. Story of Siegfried.... 37 Story of Roland. 38 Story of the Golden Age. 39 Fifty Famous Stories Retold. 428 Old Greek Stories. 429 Four Great Americans. 430 Ballantyne. . Coral Island. 320 Ungava . 431 Erling the Bold. 520 Ballard. Among the Moths and Butterflies . 251 Banks. Bright Days. 321 Barton. When Boston Braved the King. 252 Bates. Rose and Thorn. 521 Baylor. Juan and Juanita. 44 Beal. Seed Dispersal. 522 Beard. American Boy’s Handy Book . 322 Jack of All Trades. 254 Beecher, T. K. In Time with the Stars. 25& Bennett. Master Skylark. 432 Bert. First Steps in Scientific Knowledge . 323 Biart. An Involuntary Voyage. 41 Bignell. Mr. Chupes and Miss Jenny . 256 Black. The Four Macnicols. 36 Blanchan. Bird Neighbors. 365 Blanchard. A Dear Little Girl.. 366 Bolton. Girls Who Became Fa¬ mous . 49 Poor Boys Who Became Fa¬ mous . 50 How Success Is Won. 324 Our Devoted Friend the Dog. 258 Bouvet. Sweet William. 45 Little Marjorie’s Love Story. 229 My Lady. 432 Boyeson. Norway. (Story of the Nations.). 152 Bradley. The Goths. (Story of the Nations.). 153 Brassey. Around the Worlcj in the Yacht Sunbeam. 40 Brine. Little Lad Jamie. 434 Grandma’s Attic Treasures.. 259 Brooks. The Boy Emigrant. 47 The Fairport Nine. 48 The Boy Settlers. 230 True Story of George Wash¬ ington . 367 True Story of U. S. Grant. .. 435 Boy Life of Napoleon. 436 Story of the American In¬ dian . 431 38 JUVENILE LITERATURE. Century Book of Famous Americans . Historic Boys. A Son of the Revolution. A Boy of the First Empire.. Century Book of the Ameri¬ can Colonies. Stories of the Old Bay State. Brown. (Ed.) Adventures of Thomas Pellow. Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay . Two College Girls. Girls . Brown, K. L. Alice and Tom... Browne, Phyllis. What Girls Can Do. Buckley. Fairy Land of Sci¬ ence . Bunyan. Pilgrim’s Progress.... Burnett. Sarah Crewe. Little Saint Elizabeth. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Two Little Pilgrims’ Prog¬ ress . Editha’s Burglar. Giovanni and the Other. The One I Knew the Best of All .. Burroughs. Wake Robin. Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers . Busch. Max and Maurice. Butterworth. The Log School- house of the Columbia.... Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands . Zigzag Journeys in Europe.. Little Arthur’s History of Rome . The Wampum Belt. The Knight of Liberty. In the Days of Audubon.... Calkins. Two Wilderness Voy¬ agers . Cameron. The Log of a Jack Tar . Canfield. The Boys of the Rin¬ con Ranch . Carpenter. North America. South America. Asia . Europe . Travels Through North America . Carroll. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland . Through the Looking Glass. Carruth. Those Dale Girls. Carter. North Carolina Sketches . Catherwood. Rocky Fork. Old Caravan Days. Champlin. Young Folks’ History of War for the Union. Champney. Three Vassar Girls 438 439 440 441 260 261 25 262 325 325 523 217 326 231 51 52 53 327 328 232 233 46 524 442 43 525 526 368 369 443 263 264 26 265 444 445 446 o4 370 296 329 447 55 371 448 549 Abroad . Three Vassar Girls in South America . Three Vassar Girls in Italy.. Witch Winnie. Howling Wolf and His Trick Pony . Witch Winnie in Holland... Witch Winnie in Venice. Witch Winnie in Paris. Chase. Stories of Birdland, vol. I. Stories of Birdland, vol. II.. Chichester. (Ed.) Military Ca¬ reer of John Shipp... Church. Stories from English History . Pictures from Greek Life and Story . Clark. Boy Life in the U. S. Navy . Clarke. Story of Caesar. Story of Aeneas. Story of Troy. Coe. Modern Europe.. .•. Coffin. Daughters of the Revo¬ lution . My Days and Nights on the Battlefield . Winning His Way. Story of Liberty. Old Times in the Colonies... Building the Nation. Boys of ’76. Drum Beat of the Nation... Marching to Victory. Redeeming the Republic.... Freedom Triumphant. Boys of ’61. Our New Wav ’Round the World . Abraham Lincoln. Colbeck. Fall of the Staincliffs. Compton. (Ed.) A Master Mar¬ iner . Connor. Glengarry School Days. Cooke. Stories of the Old Do¬ minion . Coolidge. What Katy Did. What Katy Did at School.... What Katy Did Next. Clover . In the High Valley. Coulter. Plant Relations. Dana. Two Years Before the Mast . Davis, Rebecca H. Kent Hamp¬ den . Davis, Wm. M. Physical Ge¬ ography . ; Davis, Richard H. Stories for Boys . Davis, M. E. M. Under Six Flags . . De Foe. Robinson Crusoe. | Diaz. William Henry Letters... 234 235 236 372 373 449 450 451 374 375 27 554 555 330 452 453 454 455 331 56 57 60 61 64 65 63 59 62 58 67 66 556 332 28 557 558 237 238 239 240 241 528 456 242 529 559 560 70 561 JUVENILE LITERATURE. 39 William Henry and His Friends . Dickens. A Child’s History of England . Dodge. Donald and Dorothy. ... Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates . A New Baby World. The Land of Pluck. Dole. The Young Citizen. Douglas. A Little Girl in Old Philadelphia . Drysdale. The Beach Patrol.... The Treasury Club. Du Chaillu. The Land of the Long Night. The World of the Great For¬ est . Edmonds. Kolocotrones Klepht and Warrior . Edgeworth. Early Lessons. Eggleston. Queer Stories for Boys and Girls. The Hoosier School-Boy. Stories of American Life and Adventure . Stories of Great Americans.. Eggleston, G. C. The Big Brother . Signal Boys. Ellis. The Red Box Clew. Endicott. Stories of the Bible, vol. I. Stories of the Bible, vol. II. . Stories of the Bible, vol. III. English. Boy’s Book of Battle Lyrics . Everett. Ethics for Young Peo¬ ple . Ewing. Mrs. Overtheway’s Re¬ membrances . We and the World. Jackanapes . Melchior’s Dream. Jan of the Windmill. A Great Emergency. Lob Lie-by-the-Fire. A Flatiron for a Farthing. . . Six to Sixteen. Farmer. Girls’ Book of Famous Queens . Boys’ Book of Famous Rul¬ ers . Farrvr. Eric or Little by Little. Saint Winifred’s. Julian Home. Fassett. Colonial Life in New Hampshire . Fenn. In the King’s Name. The Dingo Boys. Field. A Little Book of Profit¬ able Tales. Lullaby Land. Field, C. L. Nannie’s Happy Childhood . Finley. Elsie Dinsmore. Elsie’s Holidays. 562 Elsie’s Girlhood. Fletcher. Marjorie and Her 89 i Papa . 68 ! Foote. Little Fig Tree Stories.. I Forbes. Czar and Sultan. 69 | Francillon. Gods and Heroes... 333 Freeman. Sicily. (Story of the 563 | Nations.) . 457 Froebel. Mother Play and Nursery Songs. 564 Fuller. Across the Campus.... 565 Garland. Boy Life on the 566 Prairie .. Gates. Biography of a Prairie 527 Girl . Geike. Geology. 88 Physical Geography. George. Little Journeys to Mex- 29 | ico and Central America.. 567 I Little Journeys to Alaska and Canada. 80 Little Journeys to Cuba and 82 , Puerto Rico. Little Journeys to Hawaii 458 and the Philippines. 459 Giberne. Sun, Moon and Stars.. Gibson. Eye Spy. 531 Gilman. The Saracens. (Story 532 of the Nations.). 568 Gilson. In the Morning Glow... Goose. Mother Goose’s Melodies. 569 Goss. Jack Alden. 570 Gould. Germany. (Story of the 571 Nations.) .. Gray. How Plants Behave. 81 Greene. Pickett’s Gap. Greenwood. Home Stories, 572 vol. I. Home Stories, vol. II. 71 Home Stories, vol. Ill. 72 Griffis. Brave Little Holland... 73 Grimm. Fairy Tales. 74 Household Stories. 75 German Popular Tales. 76 Guerber. Story of the Thirteen 77 Colonies . 78 Story of the English. 79 Story of the Romans. Story of the Greeks. 460 Hvle. A New England Boyhood. Historic Boston. 573 ; How to Do It. 83 Hale, L, P. The Peterkin Pa- 243 pers . 244 Last of the Peterkins. Hall. The Boys of Scrooby. 574 Hancock. Life at West Point... 84 Harraden. Little Rosebud. 245 Harris, J. C. Stories of Georgia. Little Mr. Thimblefinger.... 246 Mr. Rabbit at Home. 575 Uncle Remus, His Songs and Sayings . 576 Harrison, Mrs. B Bric-a-Brac 85 ; Stories . 86 87 577 461 578 579 266 580 462 463 581 334 335 582 583 584 585 336 376 154 742 267 586 155 587 588 311 312 313 589 91 92 415 464 465 466 467 268 377 590 591 592 593 594 533 596 597 598 599 206 40 JUVENILE LITERAURE. Harrison, J. A. Greece. (Story of the Nations.). Harrison, Mrs. B. Old-Fashioned Fairy Book. Hart. Colonial Children. Harte. Queen of the Pirate Isle . Hartner. Pythia’s Pupils. Hawthorne. A Wonder Book... Tanglewood Tales. Hays. Adventures of Prince Lazybones . Princess Idleways. Heath. Eighty Good Times Out of Doors. Henty. For the Temple. The Lion of the North. Orange and Green. Under Drake’s Flag. A Final Reckoning. In Freedom’s Cause. Through the Fray. With Wolfe in Canada. In the Reign of Terror. Bonnie Prince Charlie. The Young Carthagenian. .. . With Lee in Virginia. Captain Bailey’s Heir. Facing Death. True to the Old Flag. With Clive in India. Wulf the Saxon. The Lion of St. Mark. With Frederick the Great... The Dragon and the Raven. . Holbrook. Hiawatha Primer... . Holden. Our Country’s Flag... . Holder, The Ivory King. Hook. Little People. Hoppin. Two Compton Boys.... Howard, B. W. A Battle and a Boy . Howard, 0. O. Donald’s School Days . Howells. The Flight of Pony Baker . Stories of Ohio. Christmas Every Day. Hug and Stead. Switzerland. (Story of the Nations.) ... Hughes, T. Tom Brown’s School Days . Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes, R. The Lakerim Ath¬ letic Club. Hughes, R. The Dozen from Lakerim . Humphrey. Little Pilgrims at Plymouth . Hunter. Stories of Famous Children . Husted. Stories of Indian Chieftains . Hutton. A Boy I Knew and Four Dogs . Ingelow. A Sister’s Bye-Hours.. Studies for Stories. 115 Mopsa the Fairy. 116 Stories Told to a Child, vol. 1. 117 Stories Told to a Child, vol. II. 118 ; Ingersoll, E. Friends Worth Knowing . 112 Country Cousins. 113 Jackson, H. H. Cat Stories. 337 Nelly’s Silver Mine. 338 Bits of Talk for Young Folks. 611 Jackson, G. E. Denise and Ned Toodles . 612 Jamison. Lady Jane. 271 Toinette’s Philip. 535 i Jenkyns. Hard Life in the Col¬ onies . 30 Jewett, S. O. The Normans. (Story of the Nations.)... 158 Betty Leicester. 613 Play Days. 614 Jewett, J. H. The Bunny Sto¬ ries . 615 Johnson, C. Country School in New England. 298 Johnson, W. F. Life of General Sherman . 299 Johnson, Mrs. C. Earning Her Way . 616 Her College Days. 617 ! Johnson, Rossiter. The End of a Rainbow . 618 Johnnot. Stories of Our Coun¬ try . 472 Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs . 619 Ten Great Events in History. 620 Judson. The Young American.. 473 Kellogg. The Ark. 119 Lion Ben . 120 Young Shipbuilders . 121 Whispering Pine . 122 A Stout Heart. 123 A Spark of Genius. 124 Sophomores of Radcliffe. .. . 125 Child of Island Glen. 126 John Godsoe’s Legacy. 127 Boy Farmers . 128 The Fisher Boys. 129 Winning His Spurs. 130 The Hardscrabble . 131 Turning of the Tide. 132 Cruise of the Casco. 133 Arthur Brown . 134 Charlie Bell. 135 The Young Deliverers. 220 Kellogg, E. M. C. Australia and the Islands of the Sea. 474 Kelly. Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors . 621 Ker. Into Unknown Seas. 139 The Lost City. 140 Kieffer. The Recollections of a Drummer Boy . 622 King. Cadet Days. 339 156 269 600 219 601 602 603 93 94 604 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 218 468 469 470 605 606 378 379 297 607 270 253 608 609 739 157 95 96 471 610 380 517 534 381 114 JUVENILE LITERATURE. 41 Kingsley. Greek Heroes. Water Babies . Madam How and Lady Why. Kipling. Jungle Book. Second Jungle Book. Just So Stories. Kirby. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard . Kirk. Dorothy Deane. Dorothy and Her Friends... Kirkland. Dora’s Housekeeping. Six Little Cooks. Speech and Manners. Knox. Boy, Travellers. South America . Boy Travellers. Central Africa . Lamb. Adventures of Ulysses... Lang. The Red True Story Book . The True Story Book. Red Book of Animal Stories. The Blue Fairy Book. The Grey Fairy Book. Lanier. The Boy’s King Arthur. The Boy’s Froissart. Larcom. A New England Girl¬ hood . Laughlin. Johnnie. Lawless. Ireland. (Story of the Nations.) . Lee, Albert. Tommy Toddles... Lee, Yan Phou. When I Was a Boy in China. Le Feuvre. Probable Sons. Liljencrantz. The Thrall of Leif the Lucky. Lillie. Rolf House. The Colonel’s Money. The Household of Glen Holly. Phil and the Baby. Nan . Mildred’s Bargain. Jo’s Opportunity . Lippman. Miss Wildfire. Dorothy Day . Lossing. Story of the United States Navy . Loughead. The Abandoned Claim . Lukin. The Boy Engineers. The Young Mechanic. Lyall. How the Children Raised the Wind . M. E. Storv of Little Jane and Me . Mabie. Norse Stories. Macdonald. At the Back of the North Wind . Mackintosh. Scotland. (Story of the Nations.). Matthews. Tom Paulding. Marryat. Masterman Ready.... Martin. Emmy Lou. Martineau. The Peasant and the Prince . Maskell. Four Feet, Wings, and Fins . 151 May. Asbury Twins. 343 Quinnebassett Girls . 388 In Old Quinnebassett. 389 The Doctor’s Daughter.... .. 482 May. Our Helen. 483 Janet, a poor Heiress. 484 McClelland. A Daughter of Two Nations . 640 McMurry. Pioneer History Sto¬ ries . 485 Meade. A World of Girls. 273 A Sweet Girl Graduate. 274 The Palace Beautiful. 275 Polly, a New-Fashioned Girl. 301 Bashful Fifteen . 302 Seven Maids . 641 Meadowcroft. A. B. C. of Elec¬ tricity . 344 Merriam. Birds Through an Opera Glass . 642 Miller. Little Brothers of the Air . 221 First Book of Birds. 643 Second Book of Birds. 644 Mitchell, D. G. About Old Story Tellers ... 276 Mitchell, S. Weir. The Adven¬ tures of Francois. 390 Molesworth. The Tapestry Room . 645 Carrots . 646 Two Little Waifs. 647 Grandmother Dear . 648 The Cuckoo Clock. 649 Peterkin . 650 Monvel. Joan of Arc. 391 Morley. Flowers and Their Friends . 392 Song of Life. 345 The Bee People. 651 Seed Babies . 652 Mowry. First Steps in the His¬ tory of Our Country. 486 Mitlock. Little Lame Prince... 393 Adventures of a Brownie. .. . 487 Little Sunshine’s Holiday... 653 Munroe. Prince Dusty. 148 Wakulla . 149 Flamingo Feather . 150 Fur-Seal’s Tooth. 346 Campmates . 347 Dorymates . 654 Canoemates . 655 Snow Shoes and Sledges.... 656 Musick. Stories of Missouri.... 657 Needham. Outdoor Studies. 539 Nesbit. The Wouldbegoods. 658 Noel. Buz. 659 Ober. Under the Cuban Flag.... 488 Oliver. Madagascar, or Robert Drurv’s Journal . 31 Oman. Byzantine Empire. (Story of the Nations.)... 277 Otis. Toby Tyler. 278 300 314 475 340 341 623 136 624 625 137 138 626 536 537 476 382 477 538 627 628 141 142 478 629 159 630 631 383 632 143 144 272 342 145 146 147 479 480 481 633 384 634 385 386 635 636 160 637 j 638 639 i 387 42 JUVENILE LITERAURE. Mr. Stubb’s Brother. Under the Liberty Tree. The Charming Sally. The Boys of ’98. Ouida. A Dog of Flanders. Page. Among the Camps. Two Little Confederates.... Paine. Girls and Women. Palmer. Drifting and Steering.. One Day’s Weaving. Archie’s Shadow . John-Jack . Jeannette’s Cisterns . Two Blizzards . Twinkle and Wrinkle. Pansy. Five Friends. Jessie Wells . That Boy Bob. Mary Burton Abroad. Two Boys . Next Things . Couldn’t Be Bought. Sidney Martin’s Christmas.. Mrs. Harper’s Awakening... Six Little Girls. Six O’Clock in the Evening.. Story of Puff. A World of Little People.... Her Mother’s Bible. Helen the Historian. Bernie’s White Chicken. Great Men . Docia’s Journal . The Man of the House. New Year’s Tangles. Christie’s Christmas . Three People . Little Fishers. Pendleton. King Tom and the Runaways . Perry. A Flock of Girls. Another Flock of Girls. Three Little Daughters of the Revolution . Phelps. Loveliness. 279 Pyle. The Buccaneers and 394 Marooners of America.... 32 660 Men of Iron. 161 257 Merry Adventures of Robin 661 Hood . 349 280 Wonder Clock . 350 281 The Rose of Paradise. 494 662 Otto of the Silver Hand. 672 303 The Garden Behind the 304 Moon . 673 305 Richards. Captain January.... 351 306 When I Was Your Age. 352 307 Five Minute Stories. 353 308 Melody . 398 309 Rosin the Beau. 399 162 Nautilus . 400 163 Queen Hildegarde. 495 164 Hildegarde’s Holiday . 496 165 Hildegarde’s Home . 497 166 Hildegarde’s Neighbors .... 498 ,167 Hildegarde’s Harvest . 499 168 Four Feet, Two Feet, and No 663 Feet . 500 169 Joyous Story of Toto. 674 170 Quicksilver Sue. 675 171 Three Margarets . 676 172 Margaret Montfort . 677 173 Peggy . 678 174 Rita . 679 175 Fernley House . 680 176 Rideing. Boyhood of Famous 177 Authors . 401 178 Roche. (Ed.) Story of the Fili- 550 busters . 33 551 Roosevelt. Hero Tales from 552 American History. 354 553 Ross. Heroes of Our War with 740 Spain . 402 Ruskin. King of the Golden 664 River .. 222 665 Saunders. Beautiful Joe. 355 282 Beautiful Joe’s Paradise.... 681 For the Other Bov’s Sake... 540 348 Tilda Jane. 682 489 | Scott. Tales of a Grandfather, The Trottv Book. 666 vol. I. .. 501 Gypsv Breynton . 667 Tales of a Grandfather, Gypsy’s Year at the Golden vol. II. . 502 Crescent . 668 Tales of a Grandfather, Poulsson. Child Stories and vol. III. 503 Rhymes . 395 Tales of a Grandfather, In the Child’s World. 669 Pratt, C. S. Buz Buz . 396 Pratt, M. L. American History Stories, vol. 1. 490 IV. 504 184 vol. Scudder. Stories from My Attic. Seven Little People. 185 Dream Children .. 186 American History Stories, vol. II. 491 American History Stories, vol. Ill. 492 American History Stories vol. IV. 493 De Soto, Marquette and La Salle . 670 Proudfoot. Child’s Christ Tales. 671 Putnam. Children’s Life of Lin¬ coln . 283 Doings of the Bodley Fam¬ ily . 683 The Bodleys Telling Stories. 684 The Bodleys on Wheels. 685 The Bodleys Afoot. 686 Mr. Bodley Abroad. 687 The Bodley Grandchildren.. 688 The English Bodley Family. 689 Scudder. The Viking Bodleys... 690 Sea well. Little Jarvis. 691 Seton-Thompson. Wild Animals JUVENILE LITERATURE. 43 I Have Known..... 735 Trail of the Sandhill Stag... 736 Biography of a Grizzly. 737 Lobo, Rag and Vixen. 738 Lives of the Hunted. 595 Sewell. Black Beauty. 356 Shaler. Story of Our Continent. 692 Shaw. A Sea Change. 187 Phyllis Brown . 188 Castle Blair . 189 Hector . 190 Sidney. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. 203 Five Little Peppers Midway. 204 Five Little Peppers Grown Up . 205 Phronsie Pepper . 357 Stories Polly Pepper Told... 541 Five Little Peppers Abroad. 693 A Little Maid of Concord Town . 403 The Little Red Shop. 505 Slosson. Story-Tell Lib. 694 Smiles. (Ed.) A Boy’s Travels Round the World. 182 Smith, H. A. Great Cities of the Modern World . 179 Smith, M. P. W. Jolly Good Times . 404 Jolly Good Times at School. 405 Jolly Good Times at Hack¬ matack . 406 Four on a Farm . 695 Smith, N. A. Under the Cactus Flag . 506 Smith, M. C. Life in Asia. 507 Smith, G. Arabella and Ara- minta Stories . 696 The Queen of Little Barry¬ more Street. 697 Snedden. Docas, the Indian Boy . 542 Soley. The Boys of 1812. 183 Spyri. Heidi . 530 Starr. American Indians . 508 Starrett. Letters to a Daugh¬ ter . 180 Letters to Elder Daughters. 181 Stephens. On the Amazons.... 191 Lynx Hunting . 192 Fox Hunting . 193 Camping Out . 223 Left on Labrador . 224 Off to the Geysers. 225 Stevenson. Treasure Island.... 358 A Child’s Garden of Verses.. 698 Stevenson, B. E. Tommy Rem¬ ington’s Battle. 699 Stickney. Bird World . 543 Stockton. The Clocks of Ron- daine . 284 Stories of New Jersey. 700 Jolly Fellowship . 701 Stoddard. Among the Lakes.... 194 Dab Kinzer . 195 The Quartette . 196 Winter Fun .. 197 Saltillo Boys. 198 Crowded Out O’ Crowfleld... 199 Red Beauty. 200 The Talking Leaves. 201 Two Arrows . 216 On the Old Frontier. 285 The White Cave . 702 The Red Mustang . 703 Stowe. Uncle Tom’s Cabin .... 202 Little Pussy Willow. 704 Stratemeyer. The Minute Boys of Bunker Hill . 544 The Minute Boys of Lexing¬ ton . 545 On to Pekin . 705 American Boys’ Life of William McKinley . 706 Strong. All the Year Round— Autumn . 546 All the Year Round—Win¬ ter . 547 All the Year Round—Spring 548 Stuart. Story of Babette. 741 Swett. Captain Polly . 286 Bilberry Boys and Girls.... 509 Mate of the Mary Ann. 510 Tom Pickering of Scutney. 511 Stories of Maine . 707 Swift. Gulliver’s Travels. 359 Taggart. The Wyndham Girls.. 708 Taylor. Boys of Other Coun¬ tries . 512 Thackeray. The Rose and the Ring . 709 Thanet. We All . 287 Thomas. Captain Phil . 360 Thompson. Boys’ Book of Sports 513 Stories of Indiana. 710 Thurston. The Bishop’s Shadow 514 Tiffany. Pilgrims and Puritans 711 From Colony to Common¬ wealth . 712 Tomlinson. In the Hands of the Red Coats . 713 Townsend. Arabian Nights. 212 Tozer. Classical Geography- 397 Trowbridge. Jack Hazard and His Fortunes . 207 Lawrence’s Adventures. 208 The Young Surveyor. 209 A Chance for Himself. 210 Fast Friends . 211 Three Boys on an Electric Boat . 407 The Electrical Boy. ,..714 Doing His Best. 715 Turner, Stories for Young Chil¬ dren . 716 Twombly. Hawaii and Its Peo¬ ple . 515 Vamberg. Adventures of Men¬ dez Pinto . 34 Van Bergen. Story of Japan.. 516 Vandegrift. Little Helpers .... 717 Vtllars. Escapes of Casanova 44 SUPPLEMENT MISCELLANEOUS. and Latude from Prison.. 35 Wade. Onr Little Philippine Cousin . 718 Waller. The Little Citizen .... 719 Walton and Brumbaugh. Sto¬ ries of Pennsylvania. 720 Warner. Being a Boy. 408 Wells, A. R. Rollicking Rhymes for Youngsters. 721 Wells, C. Eight Girls and a Dog . 722 Wetherell. The Wide, Wide World . 288 White, E. 0. When Molly was Six . 723 Ednah and Her Brothers. .. . 724 White, J. S. (Ed.) Plutarch for Boys and Girls . 725 Wiggin. Polly Oliver’s Problem 289 The Story Hour. 310 Birds’ Christmas Carol. 361 Timothy’s Quest . 362 Story of Patsy. 409 A Summer in a Canon. 410 Wilkins, Young Lucretia and Other Stories . 726 Willard. How to Win. 727 Williams, The Fitch Club. 728 Wingate. What Shall Our Boys Do for a Living. 411 Woods. Out and About. 213 Wright. Children’s Stories in American History . 290 Children’s Stories of Amer¬ ican Progress.291 Children’s Stories of the Great Scientists . 292 Children’s Stories in English Literature, vol. 1. 293 Children’s Stories in English Literature, voi II . 294 Wright, M. O. Four Footed Americans . 729 Wright and Coues. Citizen * Bird . 413 Wright, J. E. An Odd Little Lass . 412 Wyman. Poverty Grass. 226 Wyss. Swiss Family Robinson. 363 Yechton. We Ten, or the Story of the Roses . 730 Yonge. Young Folks’ History of France . 731 Young. My Dogs in the North¬ land . 732 Zitkala Sa. Old Indian Le¬ gends ... 733 Zollinger. Dan Drummond .... 414 Zwemer. Topsy Turvy Land... 734 SUPPLEMENT MISCELLANEOUS. H. Adams. Tales Upon Texts. 13 Aguilar. Home Scenes and Heart Studies . 12 Anonymous. Amy Lee . 2 The Laird of Norlaw. 3 What Ben Beverly Saw at the Great Exposition. 5 Blonde and Brunette. 6 Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army . 8 Letters of Junius. 9 Arthur. Lights and Shadows of Real Life. 10 A String of Pearls. 11 Barrett, W. Old Merchants of N. Y. City. 17 Barrett, J. O. Looking Beyond. . 18 Bayne. Testimony of Christ to Christianity . 14 Beecher. Life Thoughts . 19 Star Papers . 20 B[dwell, (ed.) Eclectic Magazine, vol. V_*.. 21 Eclectic Magazine, vol. VI... 22 Biglow. Life of Col. Fremont... 23 Brownlow. Sketches of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Secession . 15 | Bushnell. Christian Nurture ... 16 Butler, Philosophy of the Weath¬ er . 24 Carpenter. Six Months at the White House . 28 Charles. Wanderings Over Bible Lands and Seas . 1 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevyl- yan . 4 On Both Sides of the Sea... 7 Clark, (ed.) Ladies’ Repository, vol, 1. 31 Ladies’ Repository, vol. II.. 32 Colquiioun. Dark Deeds, vol. I.. 30 Dark Deeds, vol. II. 29 Combe. Moral and Intellectual Sci¬ ence . 25 Constitution of Man. 26 Cumming. A Hunter’s Life. 27 Edwards, J. Thoughts on Re¬ vival of Religion. 34 History of Redemption. 35 Edwards, R. Sixth Reader. 36 Elder. The Enchanted Beauty... 33 Emerson. English Traits. 37 Fuller. Grand Transformation Scenes . 38 Gow. Morals and Manners. 40 FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 45 Graham. Life of General Morgan 39 Hallock. Memoir of H. Page.... 44 Hill. Pen Paintings of Village Life . 43 Hillard. Fifth Reader. 46 Sixth Reader . 47 Hunt. Glances and Glimpses.... 42 Hyla. The Convent and the Manse . 41 Ingersoll. Life and Times of Horace Greeley ... 51 Irving. Life of Washington, vol. I. 48 Life of Washington, vol. II... 49 Life of Washington, vol. IV.. 50 Johnson. Story of Rasselas and Elizabeth . 52 Lamb. Essays of Elia. 54 Lardner. Lectures on Science and Art . 53 Macdonald. Malcolm, vol. 1. 56 Malcolm, vol. II. 57 Malcolm, vol. IIT. 58 Mahoney. Six Years in the Mon¬ asteries of Italy... 61 Manford. Twenty-five years in the West . 59 Marshall. Life of Washington, vol. 1. 62 Life of Washington, vol. II.. 63 Life of Washington, vol. III. 64 Life of Washington, vol. IV.. 65 Life of Washington, vol. V.. 66 Mathews. Allan Haywood. 45 Matlack. Life of Orange Scott.. 55 Milner. Wonders of the Earth and the Heavens . 87 Munday. The Acacia. 60 Nevins. Practical Thoughts. 67 Paschall. Old Times. 68 Read. God in History, vol. 1. 70 God in History, vol. II. 71 Ridgaway. Life of Alfred Cook- man . 69 Sargent. Temperance Tales. 74 Sawyer. Memoir of Rev. S. R. Smith . 75 Scott. Chronicles of the Great Rebellion . 76 Sewell. Readings for Every Day in Lent . 72 Simms. Beauchampe . 73 Spurgeon. Sermons. 77 Taylor, B., Travels in Greece and Russia . 78 Taylor. Wm. Seven Years’Street Preaching in San Francisco 79 Taylor, L. A. Lute Taylor’s Chip Basket . 80 Tefft. Hungary and Kossuth.... 83 Thompson. Prison Life and Re¬ flections . 82 Tupper. Proverbial Philosophy.. 81 Walker. Life of Andrew Jackson. 85 Weaver. Ways of Life. 84 Wellmont. Substance and Shad¬ ows . 86 FOREIGN LANGUAGES. I. SWEDISH LITERATURE. Lifvets Skola . 1 Det Kristna Hoppet. 2 Fanrik Stals Sagner. 3 Janne Akermans Forelasningar.. 4 Janne Akermans Taflor. 5 Frithiofs Saga . 6 Frideborg Folkkalender for 1894. 7 Jattarnas Besegrare. 8 Segern ofver Midianiterna. 9 Smarre Berettelser . 10 Landsflyktingar I Babylon. 11 Familjen Roman . 12 Flora Vernon . 13 Hogmodets Fangar. 14 Herdekenungen . 15 Paul och Virginie . 16 August Herman Franke. 17 Rosa af Tannenburg. 18 Ord, Verk och Hvila . 19 Frideborg Folkkalender for 1877. 20 Presthuset I Harz. 21 Tre Julaftnar . 22 Jerusalem’s Fall . 23 Flickan pa Inderskar. 24 Lasning for Hemmet. 25 Min Lilia Vra. 26 Genovera . 27 Lifsbilder- ur Kyrkans Historia, vol. 1. 28 Lifsbilder ur Kyrkans Historia, vol. II. 29 Herren af Davids Stam. 30 46 REFERENCE WORKS. Kristens och Kristinnas Resa.... 31 Jan Olson’s Afventyr. 32 Robinson Crusoe. 33 Ett Hundra Ar. 34 Kristofer Columbus. 35 Pa Li fvets Vadjobana. 36 Samlade Dikter . 37 Tio Svenska Kunga—Afventyr.. 38 Linnaea. Poetiskt Album. 39 Till Rom och Hem Izen. 40 Det Heliga Landet. 41 President Garfield . 42 Det Heliga Kriget . 43 Dagen I Augsburg. 44 Amerikanska Yaltalare . 45 Silfverskrinet ... 46 Den Christliga erfarenhetens up- FRENCH Bolmar. Perrin’s .t rench Fables. 6' De Fivas. Elementary French Reader . 65 De Genlis. Le Siege De La Ro¬ chelle . 66 Fasquell. French Course. 67 der . 47 Martyrhistorien . 48 Axel, Svea och Nattvardsbarnen.. 49 Sibylla . 50 En Julkrans . 51 En Synals Historia . 52 Tro, Hopp och Karlek. 53 Vafvaren I Naumburg. 54 Strid och Frid . 55 Gustaf II Adolph.: 56 Svenska Historien, vol. 1. 57 Svenska Historien, vol. II. 58 Korsbanneret . 59 Kurre-Kalender for 1897. 60 Stockholm . 61 Sverige I Ord Och Bild. 62 Svenska Folket . 63 WORKS. rELs. Oral Method with French, part 1. 68 Oral Method with French, part II. 69 Oral Method with French, part III. 70 REFERENCE WORKS. Adams. Dictionary of American Au¬ thors. Adeline. Art Dictionary. Brown and Strauss. Dictionary of American Politics. Champlin. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Common Things. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Per¬ sons and Places. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Liter* ture and Art. Chapman Brothers. Portrait and Bio¬ graphical Album of De Kalb Co., Illinois. Clement. Painters, Sculptors, Archi¬ tects, Engravers. Clement and Hutton. Artists of the Nineteenth Century. Colby, (ed.) International Year Book, 1898. International Year Book, 1899. International Year Book, 1900. International Year Book, 1901. Crabb. English Synonymes. Ensign & Co. Plat Book of De Kalb Co., Illinois. Fallows, (ed.) Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia. 2 volumes. Funk, (ed.) Standard Dictionary, 2 volumes. Goss and Baker, (comp.) Index to St. Nicholas. First twenty-seven vol¬ umes. Jameson. Dictionary of United States History. Larned. Literature of American His¬ tory. Leonard. Who’s Who in America. Mackey. Pronunciation of 10,000 Prop¬ er Names. Peck, (ed.) International Cyclopedia. 15 volumes. Phin. Shakespeare Cyclopedia and New Glossary. Pierce. Dickens Dictionary. Polk & Co. (pub.) Illinois State Ga¬ zetteer, 1893. Rand & McNally.. Indexed Atlas of the World. Ridgway. Manual of North American Birds. Roget. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Smith. Classical Dictionary. REFERENCE WORKS. 4T Spiers. French Pronouncing Diction¬ ary. Stoddard. Napoleon from Corsica to St. Helena. Thomas. Lippincott’s Pronouncing Bi¬ ographical Dictionary. 2 volumes. Ltppincotts. Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World. Towne. (prepared by) Index—Guide* to Library of the World’s Best Literature, Edited by Charles. Dudley Warner. Webster. International. Dictionary. # 3 01 12 11 5627553 ORDER OF CLASSES. Biography. Class. ..... A Page No. 7 History. . B 12 Travels. . C 16 Poetry. . D 17 Essays, Literature, Art, Science Miscellaneous. and . F 18 Fiction. . . . ; . ;. . F 25 Juvenile Literature. . G 37 Supplement—Miscellaneous. . H 44 Foreign Languages. . I 45 Reference Works. 46